EGU25-8323 | ECS | Orals | MAL13-OS
Atlantic overturning inferred from air-sea heat fluxes indicates no decline since the 1960sEGU25-2306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observationsEGU25-3582 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy)EGU25-4832 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous RegionEGU25-7292 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian PacificEGU25-8649 | Posters virtual | VPS18
Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-8764 | Posters virtual | VPS18
Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIXEGU25-12429 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate DynamicsEGU25-14703 | Posters virtual | VPS18
Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detectionEGU25-17499 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIELEGU25-19031 | Posters virtual | VPS18
Antarctic ice shelf crevasse detection using multi-source remote sensing data and machine learningEGU25-20632 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18
SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain RegionsEGU25-20989 | Posters virtual | VPS18
Unveiling the Impact of Upwelling on Phytoplankton Productivity in the Arabian/Persian Gulf and Sea of OmanOS1 – Ocean Circulation and Climate
EGU25-487 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Oceanic heat transport along the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the role of eddiesEGU25-1303 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
A Dataset of Arctic Ocean Water Masses from 40 Years of Hydrographic ObservationsEGU25-2008 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Future projection of the Ocean Dynamic Sea Level over the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Seas under different global warming thresholdsEGU25-2262 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Integrated Retrieval of Surface and Atmospheric Variables in the Arctic From FY-3D MWRI With a Time-Constraint Optimal Estimation MethodEGU25-3482 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Sub-Pixel Precision Image Matching for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Using Maximum Cross-CorrelationEGU25-3536 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1
Large-scale destratification in the Eurasian Basin thermocline driving Atlantic Water shoalingEGU25-4579 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1
Using Noble Gases to Constrain Parameterizations of Arctic Air-Sea-Ice Gas Exchange ProcessesEGU25-5304 | Posters on site | OS1.1
Reassessing primary production in polar ocean: A novel approach using mooring systemsEGU25-5349 | Posters on site | OS1.1
Turbulent heat fluxes in the North Water Polynya and ice estimated based on ASRv2 data and their impact on cloudEGU25-6241 | Posters on site | OS1.1
An assessment of the CMIP6 performance in simulating Arctic sea ice volume flux via Fram StraitEGU25-6867 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Central Arctic: Results from the MOSAiC Expedition (2019-2020)EGU25-7121 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
First look at Arctic eddies in a kilometric NEMO5 simulationEGU25-7127 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Mapping of sea and glacier ice distribution in 2018-2023 in the Hornsund fjord, Svalbard with PlanetScope imageryEGU25-9085 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1
Constraining Arctic Climate Projections: A Process-Based Approach to Model WeightingEGU25-10970 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Impacts of Seasonal and Interannual Sea Ice Changes on Arctic Ocean StratificationEGU25-11030 | Posters on site | OS1.1
Arctic to the North Atlantic connectivity using Montgomery Potential on neutral density surfacesEGU25-13327 | Posters on site | OS1.1
Estimated Transport of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean Using Observed and Simulated RadionuclidesEGU25-13701 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Simulated wave evolution and coastal erosion in the Arctic and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (2002-2022)EGU25-17101 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1
How reversible are carbonate chemistry changes triggered by future Arctic sea ice loss?EGU25-17889 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1
Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the future Arctic Ocean from a Regional Ecological ModelEGU25-18826 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1
Projected Increase of Phytoplankton Carbon Exudation and Particle Formation in the Arctic Ocean until the End of the CenturyEGU25-20584 | Orals | OS1.1 | Highlight
Atlantification advances into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic OceanEGU25-21413 | Orals | OS1.1
The Effects of Salinity and Stratification on Rapid Sea Ice Advance in the Arctic OceanEGU25-2069 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Dominance of North Atlantic Ocean processes on the AMOC multicentennial variabilityEGU25-2281 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Enhanced decadal variability in Norwegian sea with AMOC weakening in CESMEGU25-2401 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
MITgcm study of AMOC multicentennial variability’s origin, mechanism, and oceanic climate impactEGU25-2743 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Tracing the heat signature of Atlantic water through the GIN seas and its impact on Arctic ice and climateEGU25-3155 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Abrupt shifts in Subpolar Gyre deep convection under stable climate conditionsEGU25-3340 | Orals | OS1.2
A simple model for the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum ZoneEGU25-3701 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Boundary Pressure: A Unique Window into Atlantic Transport VariabilityEGU25-3725 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Modelling the impact of AMOC variability on carbon uptake and transport in the North Atlantic Ocean using an inverse water mass modelEGU25-4240 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Long-term variability of ocean fronts in the Northwest AtlanticEGU25-5602 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Variable northward throughput between the North Atlantic gyres and implications for overturningEGU25-6398 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Centennial AMOC variability in a perturbed parameter ensemble of the EMIC iLOVECLIMEGU25-7046 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Significant and Widespread Decline of the Observed Atlantic Meridional Overturning CirculationEGU25-8925 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
A Comparison of OSNAP Observations and Ocean Reanalyses in the Subpolar North AtlanticEGU25-9235 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
The Role of Freshwater Variability in North Atlantic Subpolar Climate DynamicsEGU25-10417 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Assessing AMOC sensitivity to buoyancy and momentum forcingEGU25-10740 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
AMOC multi-decadal variability under global warming in high-resolution modelEGU25-11102 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
20th-Century Weakening of North Atlantic Meridional Heat Transport: Evidence from Global δ18O ProxiesEGU25-11854 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow Water: insight from 20 years of Argo dataEGU25-13010 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Long-term variability of NAC and DWBC volume transports and their relation to the AMOC at 47°NEGU25-13158 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Exploring the mixing of freshwater around Greenland in a high-resolution climate model using the freshwater transformation frameworkEGU25-13209 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Unraveling the 2023 record high temperatures in the eastern subtropical North AtlanticEGU25-13754 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Investigating the role of extratropical cyclones in North Atlantic deep water formationEGU25-13814 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Changes of ventilation in the North Atlantic over the past three decades - a climate change signalEGU25-14381 | Posters on site | OS1.2
On the Dynamics of the Subtropical Mode Water from an Ensemble Simulation ViewpointEGU25-15579 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
North Atlantic Circulation Shifts under Historical Anthropogenic Forcing in CESM2-LEEGU25-16680 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Multi-drivers for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability in an ensemble of historical ocean reanalysesEGU25-17351 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
North Atlantic Deep Mixing Patterns Affect AMOC Responses to Abrupt-4xCO2 forcingEGU25-19159 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Pathways and impacts of increased Greenland and Arctic freshwater fluxes to the Subpolar North AtlanticEGU25-19637 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2
Mediterranean Outflow Water analysis through multiple reanalysis and observational data productsEGU25-20507 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2
Sensitivity on the AMOC estimate to the choice of data used at the RAPID 26N arrayEGU25-2963 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3
Two flavors of north tropical Atlantic climate variability with distinct impact on Atlantic hurricanesEGU25-3073 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Distinct Impacts of the Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the European ClimateEGU25-4950 | Posters on site | OS1.3
Influences of Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the West African and South American Summer MonsoonsEGU25-5072 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the PacificEGU25-8915 | Posters on site | OS1.3
Driving mechanisms of Atlantic Niño under different vertical ocean resolutionsEGU25-9323 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
How alike are diabatic processes in the tropical Atlantic to the Pacific?EGU25-11504 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature and air-sea interactions in the Northwest African upwelling regionEGU25-11559 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Impact of the equatorial Atlantic on ENSO prediction in SEAS5-20C re-forecastEGU25-13437 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Structure of intermediate and deep waters in the tropical AtlanticEGU25-13553 | Posters on site | OS1.3
Tropical low oxygen extreme events caused by persistent submesoscale coherent vorticesEGU25-16700 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3
Teleconnection of the winter Atlantic Niño to the North Atlantic-European atmospheric circulationEGU25-18521 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3
Interannual variability of net primary productivity in the Northwest African coastal upwelling system and their relation to Dakar Niños and Niñas.EGU25-19465 | Posters on site | OS1.3
Analysing the climate influence on sardinella abundance in northwest Africa from a novel end-to-end model strategyEGU25-20043 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3
Influence of winter Saharan dust on equatorial Atlantic variabilityEGU25-358 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4
Agulhas Meanders vs. Subtropical Front: Influence on Retroflection path over 28 yearsEGU25-429 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4
Drivers of ventilation in the CapeBasin using Apparent OxygenUtilization (AOU) as a tracer.EGU25-933 | Posters on site | OS1.4
Living Foraminifera Assemblage of the West African Upwelling SystemEGU25-2324 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4
Collapses, maxima, multi-year modulation and trends of the Zapiola Anticyclonic Circulation: insights from Mercator Reanalysis.EGU25-3852 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4 | Highlight
South Atlantic upper-ocean flow redistributions and their connection to overturning in the North AtlanticEGU25-10536 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4
The Role of Fine-Scale Winds in Upwelling and Coastal Circulation in the Southern Benguela Upwelling SystemEGU25-10739 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4
Role of mesoscale eddies in ventilation pathways of South Atlantic AAIW using Lagrangian backtrackingEGU25-11518 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4
Constraining the overturning in the Pacific and Indian oceans by using boundary pressuresEGU25-13885 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4
Uncertainty evaluation of the AMOC transport calculation at 11°SEGU25-16235 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4
A Mechanical Model for the Inter-Hemispheric Overturning CirculationEGU25-270 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5
Extensive Intrusion of Antarctic Intermediate Water into the Arabian Sea during Younger DryasEGU25-3030 | Posters on site | OS1.5
Southern Hemisphere water mass transport to the Arabian Sea linked to Greenland climate variability during Heinrich Event 4EGU25-3617 | Posters on site | OS1.5
Intermediate circulation variability in the equatorial Indian OceanEGU25-8266 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5
Nitrogen Cycling in the East Equatorial Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal: Insights from Nitrate Isotopes and Water MassesEGU25-8405 | Orals | OS1.5 | Highlight
Tropical Indian Ocean Warming: A Key Driver of Future Hadley Circulation ChangesEGU25-8783 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5
Calibrating Individual Foraminifera Analysis for Climate reconstruction in the Western Indian Ocean: Assessing Seasonal and Interannual VariabilityEGU25-9261 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5
Impact of a newly observed recurring eddy on the western Bay of Bengal productivityEGU25-10702 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5
Emerging influence of the Australian Monsoon on Indian Ocean interannual variability in a warming climateEGU25-15053 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5
Regime Shifts in Marine Heat Extremes in the Northern Indian OceanEGU25-15560 | Posters on site | OS1.5
The Indian Ocean Tropical Gyre and associated heat-salt Transport and its ecological impact: A reviewEGU25-20979 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5
Delayed Response of Eddy Kinetic Energy Build-up off Somali Coast During Summer MonsoonEGU25-21348 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5
Low-frequency coupling of the Indian and Pacific Walker circulation modulated by volcanic forcingEGU25-21671 | Posters on site | OS1.5
Interannual Variability of Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Arabian SeaEGU25-427 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Southern Ocean mechanisms of glacial CO2 drawdown and their links to global climateEGU25-1745 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Persistent Abyssal Warming but Emerging Salinity Shifts in the Southern OceanEGU25-1761 | Posters on site | OS1.6
Distinct optical properties of dissolved organic matter near Getz and Dotson ice shelves in the Amundsen SeaEGU25-1764 | Posters on site | OS1.6
Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Communities in the Ross Sea: Insights from High-Resolution ObservationsEGU25-3356 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Sensitivity of Antarctic dense water formation to surface vertical resolutionEGU25-5183 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on CO₂ Fluxes in the Southern OceanEGU25-8065 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Carbon Exchange and Ocean Ventilation along the East Antarctic MarginEGU25-8079 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Impact of Microplastics on Antarctic Krill Faeces Carbon Sequestration in the Southern OceanEGU25-8145 | Posters on site | OS1.6
Analyzing Factors that Influence the Irreversibility of Ocean Export ProductionEGU25-9075 | Orals | OS1.6 | Highlight
Record Low Winter 2023 Antarctic Sea-Ice Increased Ocean Heat Loss, Dense Water Formation and StormsEGU25-9664 | Posters on site | OS1.6
On the fate of North Atlantic deep waters in the Southern OceanEGU25-10829 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Drivers of surface distribution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen along the northern Antarctic Peninsula and the Atlantic Southern OceanEGU25-11096 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Understanding multi-millennial variability in the Southern OceanEGU25-11251 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
The response of the Southern Ocean to freshwater hosing in an equilibrated 1º NEMO configuration with realistic ventilationEGU25-12345 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
The Impacts of an AMOC Collapse on Southern Ocean Multidecadal VariabilityEGU25-13255 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Changes in ideal age distribution in response to coupled wind/sea ice perturbations in a Southern Ocean channel modelEGU25-15046 | Posters on site | OS1.6
SWOT reveals fine-scale balanced motions and dispersion properties in an energetic meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentEGU25-15079 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Origin of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Southern Ocean identified by a distance metricEGU25-15611 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Oceanographic and behavioral monitoring inferred from seal CTD tagging in the Ross Sea, AntarcticaEGU25-16813 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Exploring Southern Ocean’s hidden drivers with direct numerical simulationsEGU25-17472 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Wind perturbation experiments to simulate the 1970s drop in the sea ice extent in the Southern OceanEGU25-18124 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6
Filling the gaps in Southern Ocean carbon and heat: Machine learning-based products from sparse observationsEGU25-19210 | Posters on site | OS1.6
Trade-offs Between Migration and Foraging Success: Winter Behavior of Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea, AntarcticaEGU25-20050 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6
Natural Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Pre-Industrial CESM-HR simulationEGU25-426 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Thinning of Antarctic Winter Water preconditions recent storm-triggered Antarctic sea ice declineEGU25-1904 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Identifying Changes in Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes in Antarctic Bottom WaterEGU25-2487 | Posters on site | OS1.7
Contribution of ocean processes to the drops in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s and after 2016EGU25-2551 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Decadal variability of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea driven by windsEGU25-4674 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Mechanisms of wind-field regulation of eastward undercurrents in the Amundsen Sea, West AntarcticaEGU25-4882 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Mechanisms of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Ross SeaEGU25-5829 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Upstream governors of the Warm Deep Water inflows towards the Filchner-Ronne Ice ShelfEGU25-6361 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Ice melting in saltwater: laboratory experiments in the diffusive-convective regimeEGU25-6705 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Investigating Iceberg–Sea Ice Interactions in the Southern Ocean Using NEMO-ICBEGU25-7499 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Remote pathways of ocean heat transport toward the Antarctic Ice SheetEGU25-7568 | Posters on site | OS1.7
Changes in the Sea Ice-Ocean Drag Coefficient Due to the Decrease in Antarctic Sea IceEGU25-8172 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Impact of a representation of Antarctic landfast ice on the shelf water properties simulated by NEMO4-SI³EGU25-11288 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Uncertainty in Future Southern Ocean Warming and Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Due to Meltwater-Driven Climate FeedbacksEGU25-11729 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Southern Ocean Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Simple Box ModelEGU25-14740 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in AntarcticaEGU25-14845 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7
Positive low cloud feedback accelerates abrupt Southern Ocean sea-ice decline in high-resolution global climate modelEGU25-17058 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7
Regime shift of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavity remains reversibleEGU25-18340 | Posters on site | OS1.7
How upstream ice shelves affect Dense Water formation: Insights from FESOM2 ExperimentsEGU25-1748 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8
Underestimated future Arctic Ocean warming due to unresolved marine heatwaves at low resolutionEGU25-3623 | Orals | OS1.8
Atlantification in a multi-model ensemble of historical climate simulationsEGU25-6192 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Arctic gateways, sea level and climate changes in the subpolar North AtlanticEGU25-6518 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8
Does increased spatial resolution improve the simulation of Arctic sea ice lows in NEMO4.2-SI3?EGU25-8417 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Dual clumped isotopes of speleothems: unveiling Late Miocene paleotemperatures for the High ArcticEGU25-10178 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8
Flow asymmetry over varying topography: Implications for large-scale circulationEGU25-13019 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Sea Ice Decline and Glacier Retreat Drive Greening of Svalbard in the 20th CenturyEGU25-13443 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Modelling of the Arctic Ocean and Labrador Sea at 1/60th DegreeEGU25-15556 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Introducing “Into the Blue”: a new ERC Synergy Grant resolving past Arctic warm climatesEGU25-15904 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8
Spatial variability and controls on the authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio in Arctic shelves and deep ocean sedimentsEGU25-15910 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8
Multi-millennial future warming scenarios with the comprehensive Earth system model AWIESMEGU25-16307 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8
Sedimentary ancient DNA to unlock Arctic marine biodiversity during the Holocene Thermal MaximumEGU25-17242 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8
Characteristics of ocean mesoscale vortices in the Amerasian Basin from a high resolution pan-Arctic modelEGU25-17627 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8
Exploring the use of sedaDNA to provide a palaeogenomic-based biostratigraphy in central Arctic Ocean sedimentsEGU25-18918 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8
Long term influence of changing soil hydrology in an Earth System Model on Arctic AmplificationEGU25-19394 | Orals | OS1.8 | Highlight
Warm climates in the Arctic: Lessons from the past and long-term futureEGU25-20470 | Posters on site | OS1.8
Revisiting Late Quaternary chronostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean using the 230Th excess methodEGU25-283 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Drivers of sensible heat flux in the Southern Ocean and their relationship to submesoscale frontsEGU25-3897 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Different Trajectory Patterns of Ocean Surface Drifters Modulated by Near-inertial OscillationsEGU25-5067 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes during Typhoons in the East China SeaEGU25-5418 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Impacts of Dust on Surface-Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperatures in the Red SeaEGU25-5512 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Development and evaluation of the probability density distribution for mixed layer depth over the global oceansEGU25-5569 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
The Impact of the Eastern Pacific Fresh and Warm Pools on the Bimodal Seasonality of Barrier LayersEGU25-5858 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Intensification of Pacific tropical instability waves over the recent three decadesEGU25-6934 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Shallow open-ocean convection in the Weddell Sea: A case study using observations and modelling techniquesEGU25-7745 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
interaction between boundary layer turbulence and submesoscale mixed layer eddies and its influence on upper ocean stratificationEGU25-10164 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Interannual Variability of Near-Inertial Energy in the SouthChina Sea and Western North PacificEGU25-11742 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Two-particle dispersion in the Gulf of Gabès using a high resolution nested ocean modelEGU25-12896 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Near surface bubble, gas and flow measurements during the Bubble Exchange in the Labrador Sea (BELS) cruise – early resultsEGU25-14006 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Relating surface signatures to modeled turbulence dynamics in open channel flowEGU25-14246 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
Spatial Extent and Variability of Equatorial Deep-Cycle Turbulence in the Pacific Cold TongueEGU25-16290 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9
The role of small-scale ocean mixing processes in regional sea surface temperatureEGU25-16435 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Three-dimensional Ocean Surface Layer Response to Rain, Wind Bursts and Diurnal HeatingEGU25-17338 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Leveraging automatic differentiation for calibrating vertical mixing parameterizationsEGU25-17915 | Orals | OS1.9
Why do warm anticyclonic eddies in the Agulhas Leakage undergo dynamic adjustments?EGU25-17994 | Posters on site | OS1.9
On the way towards understanding the effect of sea-water surfactants on gas transfer velocityEGU25-18385 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Characterizing Wind-Generated Waves Using a Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG)EGU25-18410 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
Impact of Submesoscale Dynamics and Turbulent Mixing on the Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling SystemEGU25-20498 | Posters on site | OS1.9
Otis intensification and its relationship to El Niño and Climate Change in the eastern Pacific OceanEGU25-21343 | Orals | OS1.9
Accelerated Estimation of Sea Spray-Mediated Heat Flux Using Gaussian QuadratureEGU25-21345 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9
The Interannual Variability of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water Subduction Time Modulated by Aleutian LowEGU25-3878 | Posters on site | OS1.10
A numerical study of submesoscale dynamic processes in the Northern South China SeaEGU25-6011 | Posters on site | OS1.10
Reconstruction of directional wind wave spectra from visual ship-based observationsEGU25-6161 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10
Resonant Triad Interactions of Acoustic and Gravity Waves in Water of Finite DepthEGU25-9710 | Orals | OS1.10 | Highlight
ICON-waves: a new ocean surface waves component of the ICON modeling framework.EGU25-11948 | Posters on site | OS1.10
Wave climate projections off coastal French Guiana based on high-resolution modelling over the Atlantic OceanEGU25-13092 | Posters on site | OS1.10
Directional wave spectrum retrieved from in-situ and remote sensorsEGU25-13185 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10
Assessing the Inter-annual variability of energy contained by wind waves in the tropical Indian OceanEGU25-14371 | Posters on site | OS1.10
Surface Gravity Wave Response to Air-Sea Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region: A Numerical StudyEGU25-15317 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10
Seasonal Wave Characteristics in the Presence of ENSO and IOD over the Bay of BengalEGU25-18481 | Posters on site | OS1.10
Improving Global Wave Spectrum Representation Through SWH Assimilation and Spectral Reconstruction in WaveWatch IIIEGU25-21482 | Orals | OS1.10 | Highlight
On long term assessement of improved ocean/wave coupling in the Southern Ocean and Marginal Ice ZoneEGU25-2124 | Posters on site | OS1.11
Reinforcement learning-based multi-model ensemble for ocean waves forecastingEGU25-3021 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Wavenumber spectra of a submesoscale front from ADCP ship-track dataEGU25-3555 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
The structure of stratified mixing by shear instability in baroclinically forced shear flowsEGU25-4451 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Spectral resolution of oceanic baroclinic production: Exploring a novel eddy energy sinkEGU25-6480 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11 | Highlight
Eddy-internal tide interactions around New Caledonia: Insight from regional numerical modeling, in-situ observations, and SWOTEGU25-6590 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Dynamics of Kuroshio separation and associated eddy formation and instability off southern JapanEGU25-8326 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
The effect of tides and high-frequency winds on the oceanic cross-scale kinetic energy fluxEGU25-9636 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
GM+PV: Testing a new mesoscale eddy parameterization in an Arctic configurationEGU25-9758 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Evolution of Kuroshio-shed anticyclonic eddies in the South China SeaEGU25-10163 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Role of nonlocal eddy-mean flow interactions in the redistribution of energy in the oceanEGU25-10173 | Orals | OS1.11
Global Estimate of the Mesoscale Driven Quasi-Stokes Velocity and Buoyancy DiffusivityEGU25-11506 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Tidal conversion into vertical normal modes by continental marginsEGU25-11923 | Posters on site | OS1.11
Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed Coherent Mesoscale Eddies in the Southern OceanEGU25-13129 | Posters on site | OS1.11
Stochastic Ocean Energy Backscatter via Pressure and Momentum PerturbationEGU25-13808 | Posters on site | OS1.11
On the instantaneous salt mixing due to freshwater boundary fluxesEGU25-14950 | Orals | OS1.11
Observed Transformation of an Anticyclone into a Mode-Water Eddy in the Sargasso SeaEGU25-15215 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Spontaneous emission of internal waves by a radiative instabilityEGU25-15601 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11
Generation of the deep zonal jets in the eastern equatorial Pacific OceanEGU25-15929 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
Eddy Dynamics and Energy Pathways from 4-Dimensional Glider Observations and Numerical Simulations.EGU25-15966 | Orals | OS1.11
Full life-cycle observations of a deep-reaching summer submesoscale vortexEGU25-16323 | Posters on site | OS1.11
Annual Variability of Middle-Layer Water Temperature in the East Sea, Korea: Insights from Long-Term Observations (1995–2022)EGU25-16633 | Orals | OS1.11
Impact of the mesoscale dynamics on the internal tide lifecycle in the North AtlanticEGU25-17017 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11
The Multifractal Theory of Turbulence on the Oceanic Energy Flux Between ScalesEGU25-17229 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11
Energy Transfer into the Interior Ocean Through Near-Inertial Waves After an Extreme Wind EventEGU25-19195 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11
Representation of ocean meso-scale eddies in ocean reanalysesEGU25-20538 | Posters on site | OS1.11
Internal Waves, Vortical Mode and their Effects on Submesoscale DispersionEGU25-4907 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.12
The variability caused by external forcing and internal forcing in the marginal sea, Bohai and Yellow SeaEGU25-6284 | Posters on site | OS1.12
Estimation of the time-varying probability density function from ensemble simulations and observations using AnalogsEGU25-6633 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.12
Three-dimensional characteristic and variability of the current system in the western PacificEGU25-9954 | Posters on site | OS1.12
Modelling the phytoplankton community in a front: a Mediterranean Sea case study.EGU25-10891 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12
Past, Present, and Future Variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in CMIP6 EnsemblesEGU25-15591 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12
A stochastic framework for modeling surface ocean variability in the Southwest Indian OceanEGU25-16511 | Posters on site | OS1.12
A multi-centennial ocean simulation reveals aspects of the Mediterranean Sea intrinsic dynamicsEGU25-19468 | Orals | OS1.12
Where, why, and over which timescales is coastal sea-level potentially predictable?EGU25-2675 | Posters on site | OS1.13
Simple Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to solve equations for sinking particulate organic matter in the oceanEGU25-4128 | Posters on site | OS1.13
Impact of submesoscale flows on primary production and export fluxes of carbon in the South Atlantic OceanEGU25-5016 | Posters on site | OS1.13
Parameterization of sinking velocity rates in the Atlantic OceanEGU25-8581 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13
Ocean heat uptake and storage during climate stabilization at different global warming levels in GFDL-ESM2MEGU25-9243 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13
Exploring the Impact of Changing Ocean Circulation on Carbon Storage due to the Biological Carbon Pump: An Idealised Modelling ApproachEGU25-10777 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13
Impact of intermittent volcanic forcing on ocean carbon uptake under climate overshootEGU25-11039 | ECS | Orals | OS1.13
The long lives of subducted spice and vorticity anomalies in the subtropical oceansEGU25-12898 | Orals | OS1.13 | Highlight
Physical inconsistencies in the representation of the ocean heat-carbon nexus in simple climate modelsEGU25-13345 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13
Analysis of Export and Transfer Efficiency around the PAP-Site Observatory: an update from the APERO projectEGU25-14150 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13
The spatiotemporal evolution of the global interior ocean’s anthropogenic carbon sink: reconstructed through machine learningEGU25-16067 | Posters on site | OS1.13
Enhanced storage of carbon in marine dissolved organic matter in scenarios of global warmingEGU25-16169 | ECS | Orals | OS1.13
The role of AMOC in controlling ocean heat uptake in idealized abrupt forcing scenariosEGU25-21738 | Posters on site | OS1.13
The cooling potential of biological pump carbon after temperature overshootEGU25-3604 | Orals | OS1.14 | Highlight
The Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) ceases in many CMIP6 projections after 2100EGU25-4309 | Orals | OS1.14
Obtaining optimal fingerprints of the AMOC from sea surface observationsEGU25-4450 | ECS | Orals | OS1.14
Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremesEGU25-6379 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14
Uncertainties in the projection of sterodynamic sea level in CMIP6 modelsEGU25-7841 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14
Contrasting deeper ocean responses around the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension in high and low-resolution coupled climate modelsEGU25-9412 | ECS | Orals | OS1.14
A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Global Ocean salinity in CMIP6 Historical simulationsEGU25-9669 | ECS | Orals | OS1.14
Past and future of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under radiative and meltwater forcingsEGU25-12966 | Orals | OS1.14
Comparing projected regional sea-level change from CMIP5 against observationsEGU25-13527 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14
Exploring ocean stratification in CMIP6 models: biases and evolution in a warming worldEGU25-13960 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14
The influence of freshwater input in the SOFIA simulations on the upper cell of the global MOCEGU25-20518 | Posters on site | OS1.14
Dynamics of large changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning CirculationEGU25-1159 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Seasonal prediction of extreme high-temperature days over the Yangtze River basinEGU25-1496 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Identification of Shortcomings in Simulating the Subseasonal Reversal of the Warm Arctic–Cold Eurasia PatternEGU25-1497 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Different responses of surface air temperature over Eurasia in early and late winter to the autumn Kara–Laptev Sea iceEGU25-1611 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Interdecadal Shift of the NAO South Center in Late Winter and Its Climatic ImpactEGU25-1727 | Posters on site | CL2.6
Quantifying the influence of Barents-Kara Sea ice loss on Ural blockingEGU25-2087 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Causal Pathways connecting Indian summer monsoon to the Arctic sea ice declineEGU25-2627 | Posters on site | CL2.6
High-Quality Observation Data from the Ieodo Ocean Research Station: Management and Global AccessibilityEGU25-4665 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Characteristics and mechanism analysis of dipole precipitation in Northeast ChinaEGU25-6053 | Posters on site | CL2.6
Coupling Atmospheric Dynamics and Ocean with Winds from SatellitesEGU25-6884 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Incomplete Arctic sea-ice Recovery under CO2 Removal and its Effects on the Winter Atmospheric CirculationEGU25-7623 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Spatial Distribution of 40-Day Period Deep Currents in the Ulleung Interplain GapEGU25-7786 | Posters on site | CL2.6
Unexpected abrupt cooling in bottom water driven by Typhoon Kong-Rey (2018) in the East China SeaEGU25-7831 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
A multi-layer perceptron approach for missing data imputation in ocean research stationsEGU25-7901 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Depth-dependent ocean warming and marine heatwaves through two decades at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China SeaEGU25-8746 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Subseasonal Reversal of Extreme Cold Temperature Frequencies in Northeast China: Possible Mechanism and PredictionEGU25-9037 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6 | Highlight
Decades of Change: Warming Trends and Variability of Atlantic Water as observed in the West Spitsbergen Current (1997–2024)EGU25-9985 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
A merged Machine Learning model for seasonal climate prediction in ChinaEGU25-11829 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Long High-Resolution Records of Mixed-Layer Carbon Budget Variability in the Southern California Current SystemEGU25-15880 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Unraveling ocean-atmosphere coupled variability with Transfer Entropy and Information FlowEGU25-17502 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Water mass spiciness and thickness anomalies, and their propagation in the North Pacific Subtropical Mode WaterEGU25-17617 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6
Impact of Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Sea Surface Temperature on precipitation extremes over the European and African continentsEGU25-18136 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6
Impact of Spring Sea Ice Variability in the Barents-Kara Region on the Indian Summer Monsoon RainfallEGU25-18194 | Orals | CL2.6
Comparison of net community and primary production estimates in the Bay of Biscay.EGU25-2059 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7
Coupling techniques in the new high resolution SHiELD + MOM6 model for extreme weather predictionEGU25-2254 | Orals | CL4.7
Spectral Causal Analysis of Air-Sea Coupling Feedbacks through the MesoscaleEGU25-4489 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Quantifying Ensemble Divergence in Large-Domain Convective-Scale Simulations over AfricaEGU25-4874 | Orals | CL4.7
High-Resolution Simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM): An UpdateEGU25-5848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Improvement of large-scale circulation simulation in an ocean-sea ice model with high-resolutionEGU25-6699 | Posters on site | CL4.7
Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4EGU25-7755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Convergent Response in Aquaplanet Climate Change Experiments with Increasing Horizontal ResolutionEGU25-8534 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Storm-Resolving Model ICON at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights into Momentum Dynamics and Parameterization ChallengesEGU25-9160 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Mediterranean extreme precipitation events in storm-resolving NextGEMS Earth System ModelsEGU25-9386 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Scientific developments of IFS-NEMO for Destination Earth’s Climate Adaptation Digital TwinEGU25-10848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Assessing the impact of anthropogenic aerosols in a kilometer-scale Earth system modelEGU25-10993 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Representation of West African mesoscale convective systems in NextGEMS km-scale simulationsEGU25-11001 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7
Unveiling global haboob behavior with a kilometer-scale aerosol-climate modelEGU25-11145 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Assessing the impacts of climate change in Iberian mountains using the NextGEMS km-scale global climate simulationsEGU25-11236 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
The ICON-ParFlow coupling: Integrating a continental-scale hydrological model into an Earth system modelEGU25-11601 | Orals | CL4.7
Are global km-scale climate models becoming indistinguishable from observations?EGU25-11818 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Understanding tropical precipitation biases in kilometer-scale global climate models using the atmospheric energy balance frameworkEGU25-12756 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Comparing biases in the earth system model ICON-ESM-ER with its predecessor MPI-ESM-EREGU25-13120 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Discovering convection biases in global km-scale climate models using computer visionEGU25-15682 | Orals | CL4.7
Tales of Storms: Climate Storylines of Extreme Precipitation Events in Autumn 2024EGU25-17833 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7
Dry spell representation on regional and global scale using convection-permitting models within the nextGEMS projectEGU25-18760 | Orals | CL4.7
Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate changeEGU25-20426 | Posters on site | CL4.7
Regionally focused aerosol-climate modelling at kilometer scaleEGU25-2624 | Posters on site | CL4.17
What Antarctic sea-level rise estimates to 2050 should be used for decision-making?EGU25-4356 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Sea-level rise along the North Atlantic coasts since 1900EGU25-5300 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
2500 years of late Holocene relative sea-level change at Gress, Isle of Lewis, northwest ScotlandEGU25-5302 | Posters on site | CL4.17
Sea Level Variability in the East Sea and East China Sea: Insights from Observations and Reanalysis (1993-2023)EGU25-5431 | Posters on site | CL4.17
Low-Frequency Variability and Projected Changes of Steric Sea Level in the Maritime ContinentEGU25-6336 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17
Impacts of model resolution on the simulation of sea-level variability by a global ocean-sea ice modelEGU25-7344 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Detecting Sea Level Fingerprints from Synthetic Satellite Altimetry Data Using Deep LearningEGU25-7935 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17
Sea level budget in light of recent observational advances since 1960EGU25-7949 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Applying copula to joint probability methods: a comparison of extreme sea-level estimation methodsEGU25-9785 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Increasing the resolution of sea-level simulations for Western Europe with a regional ocean model until 2100EGU25-10181 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17
Sea-level variability as a proxy for ocean dynamics in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-10449 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17
The Eastern Mediterranean Sea mean sea level decadal slowdown: the effects of the water budgetEGU25-10629 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Control of non-linear vertical land motion on future sea-level projections across the eastern Indian OceanEGU25-13153 | Orals | CL4.17
Recent decoupling of global mean sea level rise from decadal scale climate variabilityEGU25-13409 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
Linking regional extreme sea level variability in North-Western Europe to large scale climate modesEGU25-16137 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
A new framework to explore high-end sea-level rise for the UK: updating H++EGU25-17187 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17
A new Bayesian approach to the inverse modelling of modern sea level changeEGU25-18262 | Posters on site | CL4.17
Evaluating late Holocene relative sea-level changes from the tropics: Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia.EGU25-3839 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Causal Links Between North Atlantic SSTs and Summer East Atlantic Pattern Predictability: Implications for Seasonal ForecastingEGU25-6006 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Investigating the sensitivity of 20th century seasonal hindcasts to tropospheric aerosol forcingEGU25-6176 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Influence of winter Arctic sea ice anomalies on the following autumn Indian Ocean Dipole developmentEGU25-8980 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Predicting North Atlantic Temperature Trends with the Analogue Method using the MPI CMIP6 Grand EnsembleEGU25-10305 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Towards improved forecast initialisations with an observation-informed ocean gridEGU25-10815 | Posters on site | CL4.6
Planktonic foraminifera as a tool of past seasonality reconstructionEGU25-11024 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6
Skill assessment of a multi-system ensemble of initialized 20-year predictionsEGU25-13847 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Decadal Predictions with Diffusion Models: Combining Machine Learning and Earth System ModellingEGU25-21570 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6
Predicting climate indicators at the decadal scale using a hybrid prediction system: application to SUEZ water management plans over FranceEGU25-872 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8
A new orographic drag parameterization package for the GLOBO model: implementation and evaluationEGU25-1040 | ECS | Orals | CL4.8
Understanding Soil Modulation of Drought Persistence in CMIP6 ModelsEGU25-1545 | Posters on site | CL4.8
Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Arctic Summer Sea Ice Forecasts Using Dynamical Downscaling with the Regional Arctic System ModelEGU25-2210 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8
The role of Pacific Tropical Instability Wave in Sub-Seasonal SST predictabilityEGU25-5233 | Orals | CL4.8
Standardisation of equitable climate services by supporting a community of practiceEGU25-7271 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8
Impact-Based Forecasting Model for Flood Hazard Mitigation in Java, IndonesiaEGU25-11600 | ECS | Orals | CL4.8
Windows of Opportunity for Seasonal Prediction of droughts: the case of the Middle EastEGU25-14900 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8
Psychological Drivers of Climate Silence: A Challenge to Indonesia's Climate ActionEGU25-15251 | Posters on site | CL4.8
Assessment of the skill of seasonal probabilistic hydrological forecasts with ParFlow/CLM over central EuropeEGU25-15484 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8
From Policy to Action: Empowering Women to Lead Climate Resilience in IndonesiaEGU25-15694 | Orals | CL4.8 | Highlight
The Use of Social Media on Weather and Climate Information Dissemination To Support Effective Climate ActionEGU25-332 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Links between GRACE/GRACE-FO derived temporal mass variations in Greenland and climatic indicesEGU25-1396 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Modeled Greenland Ice Sheet evolution constrained by ice-core-derived Holocene elevation historiesEGU25-5578 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Snow accumulation rates at Concordia Station from stake farm observationsEGU25-6338 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Coupled CESM1.2 to Penn State University Ice Sheet Model and future sea level projectionEGU25-7500 | Posters on site | CR2.2
Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern OceanEGU25-7794 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Short-term variations of spaceborne microwave brightness temperature on the Greenland ice sheet during the 2012 melting season.EGU25-8670 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Unravelling abrupt transitions of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transitionEGU25-9305 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Stability of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets coupled by the Atlantic ocean circulationEGU25-9630 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in Response to Solar Radiation ManagementEGU25-9731 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Simulated ice-ocean-bedrock interactions in Antarctica until year 3000EGU25-10037 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the last deglaciation and MIS-11 with an ice sheet-ice shelf coupled modelEGU25-10066 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Assessing Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics under temporary overshoot and long-term temperature stabilization scenariosEGU25-11215 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Extending our knowledge of Antarctic SMB further back in timeEGU25-11339 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
A Greenland-wide Holocene deglaciation model and building an accompanying 14C databaseEGU25-11651 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Towards understanding the effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice-sheet dynamicsEGU25-12628 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet with a coupled climate-ice-sheet modelEGU25-14498 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Revisiting Antarctic surface melting under climate change by the end of the 21st century using a simple surface energy balance approachEGU25-15319 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Modelling future Antarctic climate and surface mass balance with RACMO2.4p1 (2015-2100)EGU25-15980 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Preliminary insights into Miocene palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature using speleothem fluid inclusion isotopes from eastern North GreenlandEGU25-16564 | Posters on site | CR2.2
Exploring Antarctic Circulation-Ice Sheet Interactions in UKESM Climate Projections Through 2500 and BeyondEGU25-16952 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
From short-term uncertainties to long-term certainties in the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice SheetEGU25-17048 | Posters on site | CR2.2
Stability of interior North Greenland – an assessment from GPS and satellite dataEGU25-17469 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet over glacial-interglacial cyclesEGU25-17480 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Does the AMOC strength matter for the Antarctic ice sheet retreat during the penultimate deglaciation?EGU25-19795 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Investigating Osmium Isotopes and Sedimentological Records for the end of the Saalian Glacial from Northwest Baffin BayEGU25-20400 | Posters on site | CR2.2
Coupling the polar ice sheets to the Norwegian Earth System Model: advances and challengesEGU25-20846 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
The role of Greenland ice sheet – climate interactions from 1000-year coupled simulations with MAR-GISMEGU25-21018 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2
Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by an IntenseAtmospheric RiverEGU25-21116 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2
Development of a new coupled ice sheet-climate model for simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under a warm climateEGU25-1810 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Persistent landfast sea ice supports early stages of ice shelf formationEGU25-2835 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Analyzing two decades of basal melting rates below Pine Island Ice Shelf using multi-sensors remote sensing dataEGU25-4369 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves: Insights from a Low-Dimensional ModelEGU25-4568 | Posters on site | CR2.4
Ice-Sheet Model Calibration and Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for 2000-2020EGU25-5261 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Eddies observed in the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity, and the implications for circulations and meltingEGU25-6003 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Tracking the grounding line migration at Getz Ice Shelf using Sentinel-1 A/B observationsEGU25-7146 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Ephemeral grounding of ice-keels on Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: observations, modelling, and dynamic impacts.EGU25-9697 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Calving front dynamics in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East AntarcticaEGU25-11769 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Impacts of Temperature- and Stress-Dependent Rheology on Ice-Shelf Front BendingEGU25-12249 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Using data inversion to infer basal melt rates underneath ice shelvesEGU25-12550 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Horizontal Force Balance Calving Laws: Ice Shelves, Marine- and Land-Terminating GlaciersEGU25-13728 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Enhanced West Antarctic ice loss triggered by polynya response to meridional windsEGU25-14510 | Posters on site | CR2.4
Extreme value theory reveals massive Antarctic iceberg calving events may not be primarily climate-drivenEGU25-14750 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Upward thinning propagation as a surge precursor of marine-terminating glaciers in SvalbardEGU25-15490 | Posters on site | CR2.4
A phase-field description of crevasse growth: comparison of elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt models for iceEGU25-15533 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
The impact of ice mélange dynamics on the calving of two major Greenland tidewater glaciers, Helheim and Nunatakassaap SermiaEGU25-15857 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4
Disentangling temporal and spatial calving dynamics using a multisensor approachEGU25-18654 | Posters on site | CR2.4
Yearly evolution of Basal Terraces at Ekström Ice Shelf (East Antarctica)EGU25-18682 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4
Projecting the retreat of Narsap Sermia using a minimum observational inputs approachEGU25-306 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Basal Channels on Pine Island Glacier with CryoSat-2: their formation, melt evolution and impact on buttressing.EGU25-2179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Seasonal and interannual variability of freshwater sources for Greenland's fjordsEGU25-3758 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5
Drivers of glacial fjord-shelf temperature differences in the reduced-physics model FjordRPMEGU25-6042 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Sub-Antarctic fjord circulation and associated larval retention in a changing climateEGU25-6688 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5
On the forces at play during kilometer-scale iceberg calving: insight from numerical simulationsEGU25-9797 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Mapping Subglacial Discharge Plumes and Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentrations in South Greenland FjordsEGU25-11117 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5
Unveiling the 3-dimensional fjord water circulation from iceberg tracking at a calving glacier in GreenlandEGU25-13400 | Posters on site | CR2.5
Dynamic ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System ModelEGU25-15530 | Orals | CR2.5
Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Modeling of the Filchner-Ronne sector using ISSM and FESOM-2EGU25-16538 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Developments within an Antarctic ocean model configuration: balancing regional characteristics with circumpolar modelling challengesEGU25-16776 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Calving induced tsunamis in the Wolstenholme Fjord (Greenland)EGU25-17223 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
A new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sectorEGU25-17684 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5
Modelling calving over the last 1000 years of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier during advance and retreatEGU25-18807 | Posters on site | CR2.5
ARCTIC-FLOW: A new project for better understanding water mass formation processes in the Nordic SeasEGU25-18881 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5
The role of tidal modulation on potential future warming behaviour in the Ross SeaEGU25-3643 | Posters on site | CR3.2
Physics-Embedded Deep Convolutional Network: A Novel Approach for Prediction of Sea Ice Concentration and MotionEGU25-8384 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2
Who causes whom? A spatially distributed causal analysis of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and teleconnection indicesEGU25-11839 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2
Modeling Fast Ice in the Southern Ocean Using a Particle-Continuum ApproachEGU25-12073 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2
Arctic landfast ice simulation with brittle rheology and probabilistic groundingEGU25-12835 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2
Fast, flexible, focused: the case for a single-column sea ice data assimilation frameworkEGU25-14272 | Posters on site | CR3.2
Observational Requirements in the Context of AI prediction Systems - a PCAPS ORCAS Task TeamEGU25-20343 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2
An analog experiment of sea-ice fracture by waves at the laboratory scale.EGU25-813 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
A Giant Grounding Zone Wedge in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica: Geomorphological Characteristics and Internal StructureEGU25-951 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2
Observations of turbulent mixing and ocean currents in Dotson Ice Shelf cavityEGU25-1428 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2
Mass losses of the Antarctic Peninsula. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry.EGU25-2904 * | Orals | CR7.2 | Highlight
Research results and new frontiers for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, 2018-2024EGU25-3557 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Did past warm periods see glacial collapse into the East Antarctic Aurora Subglacial Basin? An experiment of geologically constrained modelling.EGU25-4166 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Geomorphological record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in front of Vanderford GlacierEGU25-5738 | Posters on site | CR7.2
East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability: insights from a > 50 ka sediment record from the Vestfold HillsEGU25-6269 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Reconstructing the Dynamics of Marine-Based East Antarctic Ice Sheet Sectors During Past Warm Periods: Insights from Glaciomarine SedimentsEGU25-7698 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Beryllium isotope record from the Sabrina Coast details ice sheet dynamics related to upwelling deep water from 350,000 years ago to the presentEGU25-8151 | Posters on site | CR7.2
Holocene environmental history of Thomas Island, Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica, inferred from a lake sediment recordEGU25-8552 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
The Antarctic response to 1% annual atmospheric CO2 concentration increaseEGU25-9982 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Tracing palaeoceanographic archives of ice sheet-ocean interaction of the western Ross Sea since Last Glacial Maximum, AntarcticaEGU25-10222 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Climate Signals from Neumayer, Coastal Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: A 33 Year Statistical Analysis of Snow Accumulation in a Stake FarmEGU25-10652 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Paleoenvironmental insights into ice-ocean interactions in East AntarcticaEGU25-11111 | Posters on site | CR7.2
Ancient Tunnel Valleys: a snapshot into the past glacial dynamicsEGU25-11290 | Posters on site | CR7.2
Deglacial and Holocene sea ice variability along the East Antarctic continental marginEGU25-11885 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Subglacial topography of Coats Land records the geological evolution and past ice behaviour of the eastern Weddell Sea, East AntarcticaEGU25-12810 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2
Drivers of recent ice speed variability on Cook West Glacier, East AntarcticaEGU25-13894 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Holocene Ice-Ocean Interactions in the South-East Weddell SeaEGU25-14733 | Posters on site | CR7.2
Ocean Soundscapes in Antarctica's Amundsen Sea: Insights from Long-Term Hydroacoustic MonitoringEGU25-14849 | Orals | CR7.2
Controlled-source seismic imaging of the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites GlacierEGU25-17788 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
Recent Changes in Ice Dynamics of Frost and Holmes Glaciers, Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land, East AntarcticaEGU25-17970 | Posters on site | CR7.2
Are Denman Glacier mass losses unprecedented in recent millennia?EGU25-20491 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2
High-frequency Antarctica climate oscillations during the mid-Pliocene Warm PeriodEGU25-267 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Uncertainties in carbon emissions from land use and land cover change in IndonesiaEGU25-1596 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Hurricanes trigger ocean CO2 uptake and phytoplankton bloom in a high-resolution Earth system model simulationEGU25-2043 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Increasing Methane Summer Diurnal Amplitude in Siberia: A 2010–2021 Analysis from the ZOtino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO)EGU25-2215 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Global trends in ocean fronts: impacts on air-sea CO2 flux and chlorophyll concentrationsEGU25-2466 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Underestimation of Methane Emissions From the Sudd Wetland: Unraveling the Impact of Wetland Extent DynamicsEGU25-6054 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Four decades of full-scale nitrous oxide emission inventory in ChinaEGU25-6416 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Analysis of ground-based column and in situ surface concentrations of CO2 at Xianghe, China, using WRF-Chem simulationsEGU25-6427 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Improved air-sea CO2 flux estimates by adding sailboat measurementsEGU25-7650 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Characteristics of carbon sink and the influence factors in Ngoring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet PlateauEGU25-9368 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessing the optimal drivers for flux data gap-filling using random forest networksEGU25-10099 | Posters on site | BG1.2
High-Resolution Wetland Methane Flux Modeling for the Tibetan Plateau Using Machine LearningEGU25-10326 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight
Declining coral calcification to enhance twenty-first century ocean carbon uptake by gigatonsEGU25-10374 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Methane budget, seasonality and interannual variability of the three major river basins in Tropical South AmericaEGU25-12730 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Refining methane emission estimates in the Amazon basin: Addressing spatiotemporal variability and habitat diversityEGU25-14074 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Net carbon exchange in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Caatinga: Challenges and Insights from the 2023/2024 DroughtEGU25-14803 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Regional method to quantify coastal anthropogenic carbon changesEGU25-15075 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates in Northern High Latitude Regions (2018–2021)EGU25-15454 | Posters on site | BG1.2
Inverse modelling of global CH4 emissions using surface based measurements and GOSAT satellites retrievals.EGU25-15780 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Mitigation and implications of methane emissions from dairy cow barnsEGU25-16464 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
High-Resolution simulation of CO2 Concentrations Over Jiangsu Province in China Based on WRF-Chem-VPRM and Six Emission InventoriesEGU25-16559 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Using atmospheric O2 to disentangle the natural and anthropogenic CO2 signalsEGU25-17087 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Assessment of Forest Carbon Management Using Net Primary Productivity on the Korean PeninsulaEGU25-18709 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Emissions of climate-altering species from open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region - A review on methods and dataEGU25-18920 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2
Net community production in the Greenland Sea: a comparative case study using Argo data of nitrate, oxygen, and DICEGU25-19322 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2
Assessing the recent ocean carbon sink with data assimilation into a global ocean biogeochemistry modelEGU25-21437 | Orals | BG1.2
The ocean carbon sink under record-high sea surfacetemperatures in 2023/24EGU25-334 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
A new process-based carbon cycle for the FaIR simple climate modelEGU25-1288 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
The influence of freshwater biases on AMOC stability and consequences for CMIP6 modelsEGU25-2501 | Posters on site | NP2.2
A Residual Ordering of SST Koopman Spectra for the Identification of Fundamental ModesEGU25-2814 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Ensemble simulation of the AMOC collapse in a conceptual climate modelEGU25-3266 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Climate Predictability: Investigating Entropy Production and FrenesyEGU25-3480 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Causal analysis of time series data for modeling nonlinear phenomenaEGU25-9070 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Physics-aware kernel Koopman operator estimation for consistent nonlinear mode decompositionEGU25-9917 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2 | Highlight
An unsupervised method for extracting coherent spatiotemporal patterns in multi-scale dataEGU25-12960 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Data-driven Discovery of Predictive Spatiotemporal Patterns leading to Tropical CyclogenesisEGU25-14642 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO ForecastsEGU25-16465 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2
Simplifying Earth System Projections: Mimicking ESM Results with a Diffusion ModelEGU25-17881 | Orals | NP2.2
Towards a unified understanding of AMOC changes under warming and fresh water forcingEGU25-19443 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Linking response to forcing to natural variability using a Koopman operator formalismEGU25-20624 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2
Improving climate bias and variability via CNN-based state-dependent model-error correctionsOS2 – Coastal Oceans, Semi-enclosed and Marginal Seas
EGU25-377 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Observations of solitary internal waves near a dock and their impact on navigationEGU25-1476 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Decomposing estuarine salt transport mechanisms following the salt frontEGU25-2168 | Orals | OS2.1 | Highlight
Impact of open ocean variability on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic coasts and baysEGU25-3704 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Climate and scenarios of sea level and waves in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-5001 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Analysis of Interannual Variability of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water Using Reanalysis DataEGU25-5561 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Effects and mechanisms of tidal forcing on the frontal divergence/convergence of the Changjiang River plumeEGU25-7882 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Development of marine ecosystem model around the Korean PeninsulaEGU25-7888 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Generation of high-energy flow events in a deep depositional area – The Norwegian TrenchEGU25-8847 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1
Impact of offshore wind farms on regional-scale sediment transport pathways in the North SeaEGU25-9906 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Storm-driven submesoscale motions over sloping topography: Insights from the Baltic SeaEGU25-10038 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1
Coastal shelf circulation around a deep-sea island in the Canary BasinEGU25-10712 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Intra-annual variability of marine floc morphology in southern North Sea coastal waters using in-situ high-resolution underwater imagingEGU25-10773 | Orals | OS2.1
Response of a semi-enclosed sea to perturbed freshwater and open ocean salinity forcingEGU25-10926 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Implementation of daily river discharge into Southeast Asia regional ocean model NEMOEGU25-13719 | Orals | OS2.1
Identification of Marine Heatwaves and Their Characteristics in the Tidal Elbe RiverEGU25-14137 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Effects of Wind Forcing Interval on Near-Inertial Waves and Vertical Mixing in the shelf seas around KoreaEGU25-14148 | Orals | OS2.1
Interaction of high-frequency internal waves with the wind-driven river plumeEGU25-14152 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Performance Evaluation of Coastal-KOOS Surface Current Forecasts Using an Extensive Drifter Dataset in the Northwest PacificEGU25-14399 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Temporal variability of physical and biogeochemical properties in the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay mouthEGU25-15338 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1
Application of MOM6 for Regional and Coastal scale Coupled with the Biogeochemistry Model (COBALTv3)EGU25-15550 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Internal Tides on the Al-Batinah Shelf: Predictability and GenerationEGU25-17062 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1
Bottom dynamics and turbulence estimates from a fleet of landers in north/northwest Spanish shelf and slopeEGU25-17343 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1
Ichthyoplankton dispersion modelling in the Eastern Adriatic During Two Consecutive Summers (2019–2020)EGU25-17886 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Understanding salt intrusion in a salt wedge estuary under extreme drought conditions using data from a unique field campaignEGU25-20272 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Tidal trapping and its effect on salinity dispersion in well-mixed estuariesEGU25-20311 | Posters on site | OS2.1
Rapid Sea Ice Expansion Triggered by Cold Air Outbreaks: a case study in Liaodong Bay, Bohai SeaEGU25-632 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
On the Sub-mesoscale and Mesoscale variability of the Coastal Currents along the western Bay of Bengal (BoB)EGU25-703 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
A multi-decadal assessment of Adriatic dense water dynamics at kilometer-scaleEGU25-887 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Effects of glacial meltwater on the coastal microbial food web: an experimentEGU25-2628 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Seasonal and interannual variations in material transport in the Korea Strait originating from the Taiwan StraitEGU25-3959 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Power difference of the relationship formula between significant wave height and wind speed in Taiwan watersEGU25-3963 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Chlorophyll-a along the northern coastal of Luzon Island affected by the Kuroshio in 2015–2016 winterEGU25-4816 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Do It Yourself Instrumentation for Extracting Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: The Case of the Ebro DeltaEGU25-4942 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Numerical modeling of harbor oscillations induced by typhoon-generated swell waves: a pre-post study of harbor modificationEGU25-5600 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Analysis of primary biomass dynamics in a micro-tidal estuary: The case of Fangar Bay.EGU25-5825 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Multi-scale modelling of the water and sediment fluxes from the Nile Delta to the Suez CanalEGU25-5952 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Preliminary assessment of the environmental impact of NEOM coastal developments on the Northern Red Sea coral reefsEGU25-9071 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Nonlinear coastal wave prediction with a hybrid approach using phase-resolving models and machine learningEGU25-9156 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Future Wave Climate and Coastal Impacts: Projections for the Northeast Atlantic and the Galway Bay.EGU25-12163 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Parameterizing sea surface wave impacts on ocean mixing in fetch-limited regionsEGU25-12486 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Modelling Rhodamine dispersion experiments in Fangar bay case (NW Mediterranean sea)EGU25-12708 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Seasonal variability in the along-fjord flow in a Northeast Greenland fjordEGU25-14523 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
A Study on the Impacts of the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) on Surface Warming in the East China Sea using the MOHID in Summer, 2024EGU25-14776 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Development of Pollution Contribution Estimation Algorithms and a Web-Based Automated ProgramEGU25-14825 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Study on Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) for Ocean Forecasting Based on Observation Networks of KoreaEGU25-15336 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Glacial flour: Investigating the nutrient potential of Greenland's subglacial sedimentsEGU25-16135 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Long-Term Changes of Tidal Flat Areas in the Korean West Coast Using Time Series Satellite ImageryEGU25-16857 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Numerical study of internal waves generated by a seiche in a bayEGU25-17752 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Long-Term Shoreline Change Analysis using Optical Satellite Images of the east coast of the Korean PeninsulaEGU25-17866 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Wave-Induced Sediment Transport Analysis Using Hydro- and Morphodynamic Modelling in Coastal EnvironmentsEGU25-18071 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Drivers of upwelling events and biological responses in the far Northern Great Barrier Reef region.EGU25-18609 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Enhanced Nearshore Forecasting in Barcelona, Spain: A Next-Generation, High-Resolution Wave-Current Modelling Tool.EGU25-18830 | Posters on site | OS2.2
Simulation and Validation of Submesoscale Dynamics in the East/Japan Sea Using MOM6EGU25-19199 | Posters on site | OS2.2
A regional coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model (SHYFEM-WRF-WW3) for intense meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-19254 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
Glacier type drive Greenland fjord productivity: a Lipid seascape perspectiveEGU25-19558 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2
DISCO-2: A student driven CubeSat mission for arctic researchEGU25-19656 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2
Influence of wind stress and the Isonzo/Soča River outflow on surface currents in the Gulf of TriesteEGU25-2080 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Internal Tides in the Cape Verde and Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling RegionsEGU25-2982 | Posters on site | OS2.3
Submesoscale variability of volume transport in Malacca and Singapore StraitsEGU25-4092 | Orals | OS2.3 | Highlight
Changes in magnitude and frequency of extreme sea levels along the global coastline by 2100EGU25-5748 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Assessing a probabilistic model for guiding storm surge barrier maintenanceEGU25-7995 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3
Development of a wind-based storm surge model for the German Bight and its applicationEGU25-8535 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Seismic monitoring of the October 2023 storm surge along the coast of the Baltic SeaEGU25-10414 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Dissipation processes in global scale tide simulations using a high order discontinuous Galerkin modelEGU25-11260 | Posters on site | OS2.3
Impact of Ocean Compressibility, Earth Elasticity, and Background Density on Surface Gravity and Compressional Wave DynamicsEGU25-11494 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level’s (PSMSL) global mean sea level datasetEGU25-13240 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3
Probabilistic predictions of storm surge from coarse scale climate data based on normalizing flowsEGU25-13406 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3
Rapid Field Survey Damage Assessment of the 2024 Typhoon Man-yi in Aurora, PhilippinesEGU25-16303 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Sensitivity of pump design to the method to assess the influence of persistent periods of extreme sea water levelsEGU25-18912 | Posters on site | OS2.3
A storm surge hindcast for the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 1979 to 2023EGU25-19526 | Posters on site | OS2.3
Global Prediction of non-tidal ocean mass variability induced by atmospheric forcing with a barotropic ocean tide modelEGU25-19712 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3
Evaluating ocean tide models using absolute gravity measurements at Aboa, Dronning Maud Land, AntarcticaEGU25-1070 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Monitoring the natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the Kızılırmak Delta using remote sensing methods over the last 10 yearsEGU25-1110 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Sedimentary nitrogen removal processes across coastal, lagoon and open waters of the Baltic SeaEGU25-1123 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Claiming Prestige: Shaping the Future of Artificial Coastal Development"EGU25-1614 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Impact of tropical cyclones on the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the radial sand ridge system in the southern Yellow SeaEGU25-2287 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Thermal Stratification Dynamics in Sandpits: Impacts of Marine Sand Extraction in the Southern North SeaEGU25-2593 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Sediment deposition in riparian zones exacerbates saltwater intrusionEGU25-4284 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Assessing the impact of past environmental change on fjord biodiversity using sedimentary ancient DNAEGU25-4575 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Coastal Foredune Notches – Adoption, Constructed Morphology and ClassificationEGU25-5126 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Morphodynamics and Evolution of a Coastal Sand Dune in Northwestern TaiwanEGU25-5803 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Using ocean color satellite data to examine spatial and temporal coastal CO2 dynamics in the North SeaEGU25-6107 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
New coasts emerging from the retreat of Northern Hemisphere marine-terminating glaciers in the 21st centuryEGU25-6108 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Post-Little Ice Age evolution of Svalbard's lagoon systems – types, changes, and responses to stormsEGU25-6649 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Extreme events shapping Svalbard coast: emergence of new coastal landscapesEGU25-7442 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Living Dunes: a trait-based modelling approach to optimize dune-based Nature-based SolutionsEGU25-7788 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Spatiotemporal Distribution and Climate Change Sensitivity of Thermoclines in a Semi-Enclosed SeaEGU25-7828 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Reconstruction of the Cenozoic Paleocoastline and Evolution of the Qiongzhou StraitEGU25-7842 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Projected Decline in Arctic and Subarctic Commercial Fish Catches: Insights from Reconstructed Ocean Biogeochemical ModelingEGU25-10042 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Inundation levels and vegetation: keys to control peak flows in wetlandsEGU25-11715 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Chlorophyll variability in a Coastal Ecosystem: Insights from Recent Decades and Future ProjectionsEGU25-12790 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
The impact of consecutive typhoons on the hydrodynamic conditions in a small bay in the Taiwan StraitEGU25-15209 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Wind-induced residual current as a driver of sediment flux intensification in a shallow, micro-tidal bayEGU25-15389 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Typhoon-induced sediment dynamics: Effects of extreme winds on resuspension and transport in Yeosu Bay, KoreaEGU25-15703 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Advanced Tools for Investigating the Marine Environment of the Southern Baltic Sea Using Model DataEGU25-15907 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
CSI-POM 1 & 2: An Integrated System for Monitoring and Predicting Coastal Dynamics in the Southern Baltic SeaEGU25-16694 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
AI-based animal monitoring for marine biodiversity conservation along the North Sea and Baltic Sea coastsEGU25-16766 | Orals | OS2.4
Resilience in Coastal Weltand Systems – Why it matters and how it can be determinedEGU25-17297 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Multi-technique approach for the reconstruction of rocky coast evolutionEGU25-17669 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Monitoring beach nourishment evolution using satellite data: the case of Vale do Lobo (Portugal)EGU25-17681 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Shoreline evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz through manually digitized and automated extraction methodsEGU25-19510 | Posters on site | OS2.4
Circulation patterns in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario: projections from the AdriE ensemble.EGU25-20220 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4
Biogeography of N2 Fixation Influenced by the Kuroshio Intrusion in the South China SeaEGU25-20663 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4
Effects of oyster reefs on back-barrier tidal flats on the local hydro- and morphodynamicsEGU25-1379 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
Metabolism, elemental and isotopic composition of the coastal diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis under Cu and Zn exposureEGU25-1982 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Microplastics Stress Alters Microorganism Community Structure and Reduces the Production of Biogenic Dimethylated Sulfur CompoundsEGU25-4055 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Behaviors of trace elements associated with dissolved organic matter in waters of Lake Shihwa, KoreaEGU25-4064 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Fe(II) regeneration by Tryptophan in seawater at nanomolar levelsEGU25-5558 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
Is submarine groundwater discharge a major pathway of carbon and nutrients into the coastal ocean?EGU25-6045 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Two years of monitoring the Fe(II) oxidation rate constants in coastal seawater affected by the La Palma eruptionEGU25-7272 | Posters on site | OS2.5
Multiparametric study to understand the coastal blue carbon in the Canary IslandsEGU25-8122 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5
Tracing the Products of Combustion Processes in the Baltic Sea Water ColumnEGU25-9696 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
Effects of alkalinity and carbon in submarine groundwater discharge on coastal acidification in the Baltic SeaEGU25-10595 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
The response of phytoplankton to pH-Equilibrated Ocean Alkalinization: a mesocosm experiment in the Gulf of La SpeziaEGU25-14618 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Biogeochemical controls on dissolved zinc cycling in the Equatorial Pacific OceanEGU25-15043 | Posters on site | OS2.5 | Highlight
Bioactive Particulate Trace Metal Distributions and their Biogeochemical Controls in the Central Arabian GulfEGU25-16894 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5
Sources and Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Organic Matter in the Central Arabian Gulf assessed using C and N stable isotope ratiosEGU25-17265 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
The Role of Humic Substances in Iron Complexation and Solubilization in the Arctic Ocean and Northwest Atlantic OceanEGU25-19618 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight
CO2 Dissolution as Bicarbonate in Seawater: Potential Co-benefits for Net Primary ProductionEGU25-19721 | Posters on site | OS2.5
Understanding the role of (bio)minerals and metals on marine plastic biogeochemistry and degradation processesEGU25-20354 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5 | Highlight
The role of non-commercial fish in incorporating toxic elements into the trophic web in the lagoons of the southern Baltic SeaEGU25-2103 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6 | Highlight
Global patterns of organic carbon transferand accumulation across the land–oceancontinuum constrained by radiocarbon dataEGU25-3413 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6
The fate of terrestrial particulate organic carbon in the northwestern Pacific marginal seasEGU25-5501 | Posters on site | OS2.6
Distribution, source and burial of sedimentary organic carbon in the east China seasEGU25-10153 | Posters on site | OS2.6
The photosynthetic uptake of inorganic carbon from Pyropia seaweed aquaculture beds: Scaling up population-level estimationsEGU25-10721 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6
Full aquatic carbonate system measurements at the land-ocean interface in the German BightEGU25-11191 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6
Glacial meltwater impacts the marine carbonate system and acidification on the continental shelf off IcelandEGU25-11813 | Posters on site | OS2.6
Underestimated organic carbon preservation of marine clay sedimentsEGU25-12392 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6
Mineral Influence of a Northern Estuary on the Retention of Aquatic and Land-derived Stabilized Organic Carbon (MINERALS-OC)EGU25-17410 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6
Modelling the burial of organic carbon in lakes within the ISIMIP frameworkEGU25-20035 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6
Around 40% of riverine DIC export originates from weathering carbon sink in China over the past two decadesEGU25-425 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8
Compound Flood Modeling: Coupling ADCIRC and HEC-RAS for Enhanced Risk Assessment along East Coast of IndiaEGU25-6224 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8
Compound river and coastal flooding/drought events in the Po delta areaEGU25-7765 | Posters on site | OS2.8
Development of an Ensemble Regional Tide and Storm Surge Model (ETSM) for the Coasts of KoreaEGU25-8124 | Posters on site | OS2.8 | Highlight
The GlobalCoast Initiative of CoastPredict: from operational oceanography to management solutionsEGU25-15636 | Posters on site | OS2.8
FOCCUS project: New Insight into High-resolution Coastal Observations for Enhancing Models and ApplicationsEGU25-16679 | Posters on site | OS2.8
Development of an Early Warning System to Mitigate Dredging Impacts on Coastal EcosystemsEGU25-17594 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8
Operational oil spill monitoring and forecasting in the Kerch Strait accident in December 2024EGU25-18863 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8
Storm surge forecasting in Venice: what-if scenario with regulated barriersEGU25-18990 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8
Modelling coastal-ocean morphodynamics and wave-vegetation interactionsEGU25-35 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
How successive meteotsunami and storm activity disrupts saltmarsh vegetation.EGU25-385 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
Coastal Subsidence and Inundation Risk in the Gulf of Khambhat, India: A Geospatial PerspectiveEGU25-2977 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Observation of Sediment Plume Dispersion around Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea Using Satellites and UAVsEGU25-3667 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
A time-variable topo-bathymetry from coastal remote sensing observationsEGU25-5013 | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
An optimal approach for morphological changes of tidal flat using multi-satellite sensorsEGU25-6098 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Satellite-derived shoreline evolution in Inhambane province (Mozambique) using high-resolution imageryEGU25-8104 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Assessing Sand Deposit Dynamics at the Island of Langeoog, Germany by Means of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing DataEGU25-8120 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Comparison of Aquaculture Facilities with Sentinel-1 Data for Change DetectionEGU25-10185 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Enhancing Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Machine Learning with ICESat-2, Airborne LiDAR, and Sentinel-2 ImageryEGU25-10452 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
Machine Learning Approaches for Tidal Data Interpolation in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry ApplicationsEGU25-13902 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
Enhanced monitoring of coastal change: a comprehensive validation framework for satellite imageryEGU25-16180 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10
Explainable Unsupervised Model for Coastline Change Monitoring with Sentinel-2 Time SeriesEGU25-17895 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
An automated shoreline detection method using PlanetScope satellite imageryEGU25-18173 | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
Coastal benthic habitat monitoring using Copernicus and contributing missionsEGU25-18784 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10
UAV monitoring for assessing beach litter pollution and coastal morphodynamics: case studies from the Molise region (central Adriatic coast, Italy)OS3 – Ocean Biogeochemistry and Biology
EGU25-346 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
BASS Mesocosm Study: trace gas processes during a phytoplankton bloom with extreme slick formationEGU25-7269 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Surfactants’ global regulation of CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interfaceEGU25-8521 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Surfactant distribution can impact air-sea exchange in a Tropical Estuarine System in the Caribbean.EGU25-8823 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Biogeochemical Links in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: A Multidisciplinary Mesocosm StudyEGU25-8931 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Photochemical dynamics of carbonyl compounds in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) based on a mesocosm studyEGU25-11560 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
Organic Alkalinity in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: Implications for Ocean Acid-Base ChemistryEGU25-11844 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1
Effects of a Phytoplankton Bloom and Photobleaching on Colored and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea-Surface MicrolayerEGU25-13644 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1
Influence of a Surfactant on Physical Processes Above and Below Wind-Generated Waves in a Wind-Wave TankEGU25-16057 | Posters on site | OS3.1
Detection and Characterization of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in the Sea Surface Microlayer of the Baltic Sea during SummerEGU25-1520 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.2
Modeling of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon export into the deep oceanEGU25-1522 | Posters on site | OS3.2
Microbial degradation of jellyfish detritus promotes phytoplankton growth in coastal marine ecosystemEGU25-3421 | Posters on site | OS3.2
Ocean particle measurement technology using the Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS)EGU25-4991 | Posters on site | OS3.2
Macrojellyfish blooms and mesozooplankton biomass: long-term study in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea)EGU25-8035 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.2
Trait-based modeling of marine mesozooplankton feeding strategies at the global-scaleEGU25-14191 | Posters on site | OS3.2
Species-specific primer development for identifying the major jellyfish contributors to DNA in the sedimentsEGU25-14359 | Posters on site | OS3.2 | Highlight
Quantitative, multi-scalar in-situ imaging of jellyfishes and jelly-derived particlesEGU25-19109 | Posters on site | OS3.2
Finding Jello: Evaluating Primer Suitability for Amplifying Gelatinous Zooplankton DNAEGU25-757 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
The Onset of Anthropogenic Carbon Invasion in the Surface Waters of the Southern California CurrentEGU25-2218 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Pelagic fungi as key players in marine ecosystems: Implications for a warming OceanEGU25-9718 | Posters on site | OS3.4
Vertical transport of marine microplastics mediated by filter-feeding organismsEGU25-9844 | Posters on site | OS3.4
Characteristics of microplastics in different matrices in Jiaozhou Bay, ChinaEGU25-10231 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Processes driving trace metal, nutrient, and dissolved inorganic carbon distributions in the Norwegian TrenchEGU25-10978 | Posters on site | OS3.4
Future Scenarios of Blue Carbon Sequestration inItalian Posidonia oceanica MeadowsEGU25-11738 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Glider and Oceanographic Processes: A high-resolution analysis of the Tiber river plumeEGU25-12531 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Marine carbonate system responses to storms in the Dutch North SeaEGU25-14228 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Forecasting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) in the North-East AtlanticEGU25-14280 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric Pollutant Deposition in Nutrient Flux of the Yellow SeaEGU25-15157 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Concentrations and composition of suspended particulate organic matter suggest distinct biological carbon pump regimes in Norwegian Trench waters.EGU25-15734 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Characterization of Belgian Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts on Plankton DynamicsEGU25-16328 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Modelling the impacts of floating solar structures in a Belgian offshore wind farmEGU25-16678 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Carbon burial at the North Sea-North Atlantic gateway over the past 14,000 yearsEGU25-16984 | Orals | OS3.4
Modelling bottom-up effects of climate change on primary production in the North SeaEGU25-17616 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4
Explaining biogeography through ocean circulation and abiotic variabilityEGU25-18121 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4
Anthropogenic Shadows in the Earth's Deepest Environments: Insights into Hadal Zone PollutionEGU25-18762 | Posters on site | OS3.4
Long-term dynamics of fish communities: A 16-years study in the Yeosu Coast, KoreaEGU25-626 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7
Optimized CTAB-Modified Nanofibrillated Cellulose for Phosphate Recovery: Adsorption Mechanisms and Performance InsightsEGU25-2226 | Posters on site | BG1.7
Multifunctionality of Alkaline Phosphatase in Ecology and BiotechnologyEGU25-2511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7
A synthesis of phosphorus stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural environmentsEGU25-6465 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7
Understanding the Long-term Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phosphorus Surplus Across EuropeEGU25-6642 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7
Export of groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus from a drained wetland into surface waterEGU25-8402 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7
Modeling pH-dependent Adsorption of Glyphosate on Iron Hydroxides: Competition with Phosphate and Influence of Fe2+EGU25-14701 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7
Influence of Soil Mineralogy on Phosphorus Sorption, Partitioning, and Bioavailability in Contrasting Tropical Soils of IndiaEGU25-15675 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7 | Highlight
Why have we fertilized the world? Global drivers of NPK fertilization in major crops since 1961EGU25-16738 | Posters on site | BG1.7
Enhancing sustainability by utilizing engineered sewage sludge biochar for aqueous phosphate sorptionEGU25-21599 | Posters on site | BG1.7
Reaction-transport modeling of centennial-scale phosphorus accumulation and internal loading in a human-impacted boreal lakeEGU25-21769 | Orals | BG1.7
Assessing the global phosphorus cycle and opportunities for closing the loopEGU25-5872 | Posters on site | BG2.6
Soil Washing with Humic Acid: A toxicity constraintment technique for a successful soil remediationEGU25-6737 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
Development of a High-Sensitivity LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse Methodology for the Detection of PAH DerivativesEGU25-7651 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6 | Highlight
Underestimated input of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon to the oceanEGU25-9137 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
Efficient microbial sequestration of organic nitrogen in the eastern Indian OceanEGU25-9191 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6
Bulk characteristics and dynamics of atmospheric PM from urban and rural coastal sites in the Northwestern Mediterranean areaEGU25-9688 | Posters on site | BG2.6
Reactive oxygen species produce and diversify low-molecular weight dissolved organic matter from laminarin and chitinEGU25-10494 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6
The impact of the western boundary Kuroshio current on dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in the South China SeaEGU25-10553 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Gas MixturesEGU25-11282 | Orals | BG2.6
Global patterns of organic matter chemistry and biogeochemical cycling in wetland soilsEGU25-11326 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Origins of Berlin’s Groundwater DOMEGU25-13342 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
Dissolved organic matter composition and temperature determine organic carbon utilization in the deep oceanEGU25-14943 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6
The metabolic mechanisms underlying zooplankton-derived dissolved organic matter’s chemical propertiesEGU25-16056 | Posters on site | BG2.6
Impact of Air Quality on the Composition and Degradability of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Coastal RegionsEGU25-19511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6
Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Solution from Lysimetric SamplingEGU25-19831 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6
First measurements with a novel aerosol filter analysis workflowEGU25-3166 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1
Study on gas generation process of high-over mature coal-measure source rocks in southern Ordos BasinEGU25-4139 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Adaptation of methane-oxidizing bacteria to environmental changes: implications for coastal methane dynamicsEGU25-4230 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Microbial turnover of hydrocarbons at a leaking abandoned oil well in GermanyEGU25-4511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Exploring biomarker signatures of methane hydrates in the Amazon ConeEGU25-4957 | Orals | BG7.1
Methane oxidation and emissions in cold seeps: from South China Sea to global scaleEGU25-5268 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Microbial methane dynamics in groundwater flow systems and their potential contribution to atmospheric emissionsEGU25-5340 | Posters on site | BG7.1
The investiagtion of methane seeps and hydrothermal vents in the Middle Okinawa TroughEGU25-6790 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Crayfish and Climate: how invasive species amplify aquatic GHG emissionsEGU25-6858 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1
Floating algal beds and aquatic methane emissions:a potential positive ecosystem-climate feedback loopEGU25-7624 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Exploring Carbon Dynamics in Taiwan's Qigu Lagoon: The Balance Between Carbon Burial and Methane EmissionsEGU25-10399 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1 | Highlight
Attribution of increasing global lake methane emissions to climate and eutrophication using the FLaMe modelEGU25-11163 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Methane oxidation along oxygen gradients in the Baltic SeaEGU25-12579 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1
In situ monitoring reveals episodic water column methane anomalies at abandoned wells in the Dutch North SeaEGU25-15926 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Biogeochemical signatures for archaeal communities involved in active gas seeping on Tatarsky TroughEGU25-16134 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1
Potential drivers and seasonal comparison of the methane paradox in three Austrian peri-Alpine lakesEGU25-17015 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Quantification of secondary methanogenesis from multiple isotopologue proxies: a case study in Tokamachi mud volcano, JapanEGU25-17215 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Gas hydrate potential of heavier order hydrocarbons in the South China SeaEGU25-19544 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1
Modeling the Controls on Microbial Iron and Manganese Reduction in Methanic SedimentsEGU25-19885 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
One of Europe’s largest methane ebullition field lies at 400 m below sea level in the Baltic Sea.EGU25-21093 | Orals | BG7.1
Clumped isotope constraints on the origin of methane hydrate from the Amazon ConeEGU25-21766 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1
Physical and geochemical dynamics of shallow hydrates-bearing sediments at two active seepages sites in the western Black SeaEGU25-21777 | Posters on site | BG7.1
Thermodynamic constraints on the biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Black SeaEGU25-256 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6
Authigenic pyrite in marine sediments: Geochemical insights from present and pastEGU25-2302 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6
Genesis and geological significance of pyrite in the Cretaceous shale of Songliao Basin, NE ChinaEGU25-8834 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6
New Insights into SMS Deposits: How Microbial Activity and Oxygen Levels Shape Metal PreservationEGU25-13002 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.6
Geochemical Characteristics of Pyrite: Implications for Genesis of gold deposits in Tatun volcanic area, TaipeiEGU25-15175 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6
Elemental Sulfur as a Key Intermediate for Microbial Pyrite FormationEGU25-19039 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.6
From the weakest to strongest sulphide: how the strength of pyrite evolves during deformationEGU25-1665 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5 | Highlight
Surface microlayer ecosystems as platforms for viral adaptation and dispersal in the Central ArcticEGU25-1770 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Methane distribution, production, and emission in the Western North PacificEGU25-5221 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Evaluation of Arctic Ocean surface carbon fluxes from Atmospheric Inverse AnalysisEGU25-5360 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Accelerating CO2 outgassing in the equatorial Pacific from sat-ellite remote sensingEGU25-7519 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Estimation of Arctic Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes by Inverse Methods: Use of OSSEs to Assess Atmospheric Sampling StrategiesEGU25-8419 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Investigating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Ozonolysis of Phytoplankton CulturesEGU25-10303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Chemical Drivers of Oceanic Ozone Uptake – Iodide vs SurfactantsEGU25-10513 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Evaluating Methane Emissions and Sea-Air Fluxes in the Southern OceanEGU25-11404 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
North Atlantic fjords are minor sources of nitrous oxide to the atmosphereEGU25-12341 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Insights from the Baltic Sea and Auckland, New ZealandEGU25-12512 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Nitrous oxide from three temperate estuaries discharging in the North Sea: No estuary is like anotherEGU25-12999 | Posters on site | AS2.5
A 25-year record of atmospheric deposition of iron speciation in the East Mediterranean: The impact of pHEGU25-13680 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5
Understanding the drivers of the air-sea CO2 flux seasonal variability in the upwelling systems off Peru and Baja CaliforniaEGU25-15135 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Global Oceanic Nitrogen Deposition under Future Emission Pathways and Responses to Nitrogen Emission ReductionsEGU25-15375 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Characterizing marine atmospheric VOC diversity and fluxes using PTR-TOF-MS measurements in the Baltic SeaEGU25-15858 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5
Compensatory Mechanisms Reduce ENSO-driven Nitrous Oxide Emission Variability in the Eastern Tropical PacificEGU25-17040 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Advancing predictions of Dimethylsulfide emissions and biogenic sulfur aerosol in the Mediterranean region via machine learningEGU25-17784 | Orals | AS2.5
Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern OceanEGU25-17950 | Posters on site | AS2.5
Some Recent Contributions from the Heidelberg Aeolotron to Understanding Air-Sea Gas ExchangeOS4 – Global ocean processes and oceanographic techniques
EGU25-4532 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Impacts of a Warm Core Ring on the Biogeochemistry and Food web in the Ross SeaEGU25-6194 | PICO | OS4.1
Blank variability in coulometric measurements of dissolved inorganic carbonEGU25-6198 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Arabian Sea Mode Water: A Key Player in Surface-to-Interior ExchangeEGU25-6921 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
A Significant In-Situ Diurnal Warming Event in the Labrador Sea Unobserved by Satellite ObservationsEGU25-8487 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
”Living on the edge”: Fine-scale observations of frontal phytoplankton communitiesEGU25-9127 | PICO | OS4.1 | Highlight
Projections of hypoxia: Abiotic tracer-based insights into model parameter uncertaintyEGU25-9945 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Oceanic Fine-Scale Circulation and Nutricline: Unveiling Uncertainty and Variability.EGU25-11469 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Integrating Machine Learning Models for Regional Sea Level Monitoring: The Australian Coastal ExperienceEGU25-13532 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Physical and planktonic properties in the ocean exhibit different patterns of patchinessEGU25-15730 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Introducing the VirtualShip tool for virtual fieldwork and e.g. observing system simulation experimentsEGU25-17147 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Adjustment Processes in an Unstructured Ocean Circulation Model at Different ResolutionsEGU25-18298 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Optimizing a low-resolution global ocean circulation model using MOM6EGU25-19691 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Assessing statistical features of time series through Trend Detection Time methodEGU25-19746 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1
Drivers of Marine Snow Morphology along an Atlantic Meridional TransectEGU25-1531 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2
The role of mesoscale eddies as drivers of marine biogeochemical extremesEGU25-1574 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2
Exploring storm tides projections and their return levels around the Baltic SeaEGU25-2100 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2
Improving Marine Heatwave Simulation Through Realistic Representation of the Kuroshio in High-Resolution Regional Ocean Model EnsembleEGU25-2191 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2
Drivers and Variability of Intensified Subsurface Ocean Acidification Trends at Station ALOHAEGU25-2438 | Posters on site | OS4.2
The Combined Prediction of Wavelength and Wave Period Based on Wave Dispersion Relation and LSTM AlgorithmEGU25-2483 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2
Marine heat wave and global warming inhibition of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon fluxes into the deep oceanEGU25-3173 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2 | Highlight
SWOT capabilities for measuring extreme coastal water levelsEGU25-4952 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2
Deep-learning models for predicting high-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Adriatic SeaEGU25-8166 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2
Global increase in high salinity extremes and their compounding with marine heatwavesEGU25-8445 | Orals | OS4.2
Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic warming on observed marine heatwavesEGU25-13350 | Orals | OS4.2
Forecasting of Sea Level Extremes using Deep Learning and Extreme Value AnalysisEGU25-17598 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2
Marine Heatwave Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Learning: A Case Study Around IrelandEGU25-18850 | Posters on site | OS4.2
Coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical simulation for the Adriatic Sea: ocean outcomesEGU25-19504 | Posters on site | OS4.2
Extreme meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean: numerical modeling approaches for early-warningEGU25-21561 | Posters on site | OS4.2
Assessment of the 2024 Mediterranean Sea response to climate forcingsEGU25-1083 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3
Identifying Spatially Coherent Marine Heatwave Patterns in the North Indian OceanEGU25-1618 | Posters on site | OS4.3
A Case Study of Typhoon Intensified by the Marine Heatwave in the Kuroshio Extension RegionEGU25-1692 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Role of atmospheric and oceanic factors on the August 2024 marine heatwave in northern NorwayEGU25-1719 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Ocean Compound Extreme Events Under Emission Reduction and Negative CO2 PathwaysEGU25-2165 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Characterising Marine Heatwaves in the Svalbard Archipelago and Surrounding SeasEGU25-2961 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Intrinsic short Marine Heatwaves from the perspective of sea surface temperature and heightEGU25-3343 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3
Tracking Marine Heatwaves in the Balearic Sea: Temperature Trends and the Role of Detection MethodsEGU25-4233 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3
Caribbean Sea Marine Heatwaves tide to Indian Ocean Marine HeatwavesEGU25-7612 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Exploring Global Upper Ocean Marine Heatwaves in Coupled GFDL and NCAR modelsEGU25-7943 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Sea surface temperature variability and drivers of marine heatwave trends in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-8057 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
An Atlantic wide assessment of marine heatwaves beyond the surface in an eddy-rich ocean modelEGU25-8278 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3 | Highlight
Record-shattering jump in sea surface temperatures in 2023/24 was unlikely but not unexpectedEGU25-9168 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3
Marine Heat Wave sensibility to tidal and atmospheric forcing, case study in French PolynesiaEGU25-9732 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3
Marine heatwaves in the Gulf of Bothnia from historical measurements to future projectionsEGU25-14376 | Posters on site | OS4.3
Impact of marine heatwaves on the extratropical transition of North Atlantic tropical cyclonesEGU25-15182 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
Impact of Ocean Warming on Marine Heatwaves Characteristics in the Bay of BengalEGU25-19797 | Posters on site | OS4.3
Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: a comparative analysis of CMIP6 and MedCORDEX model outputsEGU25-20097 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3
From Marine Heat Waves Drivers to Impact Use Cases: Challenges and OpportunitiesEGU25-1965 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Size-fractionated Phytoplankton Primary Production in the South China Sea: Combining Vertical Modeling and Two-decade Satellite ObservationsEGU25-2458 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Trends in Marine Cold-Spells across the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s Coral Habitats Observed Using Multi-Satellite DataEGU25-2664 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Sensitivity of GOCI-II Rrs products by NO2 absorption correctionEGU25-2998 | Posters on site | OS4.4
Spatiotemporal Changes of the Coastal Environment in Northwestern TaiwanEGU25-6654 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Fuse the SAR and SWIM Observations to Produce Better Wave Spectra MeasurementsEGU25-9940 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Heterogeneity of Phytoplankton Response to Submesoscale Processes in the Global OceanEGU25-10938 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Towards remote sensing of sub-surface turbulence from surface-only measurements with the SHRED machine learning frameworkEGU25-11690 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4
Marine soundscape characterization to mitigate ocean noise pollution in Venice lagoon, NE ItalyEGU25-13611 | Orals | OS4.4
Validation of High-Resolution Ocean Models Through Remote Sensing ObservationsEGU25-15069 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4
Noise Reduction in Synthetic Radar Returns via Denoising Autoencoder for Estimating Ocean Wave ParametersEGU25-17626 | Posters on site | OS4.4
Sea level maps over Polar Regions derived from Satellite AltimetryEGU25-18038 | Orals | OS4.4 | Highlight
SMOS Sea Surface Salinity retrieval after 15 years of missionEGU25-370 | ECS | Orals | OS4.5
Impact of ocean dynamics on microplastics distribution in two oceanic eddiesEGU25-4174 | Posters on site | OS4.5
Can we predict the next oil spill catastrophe in the Mediterranean?EGU25-6129 | Posters on site | OS4.5
The modeling of oil pollution in the Kerch Strait in December 2024EGU25-6967 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5
Impact of Water Column Stratification on Oil spill dispersion – Experimental simulations coupling glider data in the Thracian SeaEGU25-8802 | ECS | Orals | OS4.5
Perfluorooctanoate and nano-titanium dioxide modulate male gonadal function in the mussel Mytilus coruscusEGU25-11639 | Posters on site | OS4.5
Marine litter pollution in the Western Mediterranean: new insights from the OBAMARAN projectEGU25-13523 | Posters on site | OS4.5
Historical Pollution and the Risk of Heavy Metal Remobilization in Coastal Sediments of BarcelonaEGU25-15739 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5
Maxey-Riley advection leads to enhanced spatial variability of buoyant macroplastic on the north-west European shelf seasEGU25-15976 | Posters on site | OS4.5
Investigation of marine plastic pollution and socioeconomic impacts in the area of Pachia Ammos, CreteEGU25-17826 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5
Lagrangian tracking of river microplastics in the Mediterranean BasinEGU25-17860 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5
WITOIL service in the context of Digital Twins - Bridging Oil spill simulations from Medslik-II into digital cloud domainsEGU25-21049 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5
Seasonal Variability and Land-Sea Interactions of PFAS in the Beibu Gulf: Insights from Machine LearningEGU25-3779 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6
GLOBIO: Bridging Global and Local Scales for Biogeochemical Profiles PredictionEGU25-8177 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6
OneArgo Enables New Gap-filled Data Products of Ocean BiogeochemistryEGU25-9605 | Orals | OS4.6 | Highlight
OneArgo – Evolving and extending Argo’s missions and data delivery. Achievements, status and outlookEGU25-11373 | Orals | OS4.6
Unraveling planktonic ecosystems dynamics using imaging sensors on BGC-Argo floatsEGU25-11606 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.6
Thermohaline Properties and Trends in the Antarctic and Subantarctic Regions of the Pacific Ocean using 20 years of Argo float dataEGU25-11637 | Orals | OS4.6
Control of simulated ocean ecosystem indicators by biogeochemical observations.EGU25-11966 | Posters on site | OS4.6
Effects of Argo floats data on the ECMWF Ocean DA system and coupled forecastsEGU25-14292 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.6
Exploring the effect of assimilating BGC-Argo observations on the Met Office's marine biogeochemical forecasting systemEGU25-16427 | Posters on site | OS4.6
OneArgo’s bridging role in ocean CO2 observations – The Baltic Sea pilot caseEGU25-17322 | Orals | OS4.6
Exploring Upper Layer Bio-Physical Processes in the Bay of Bengal using BGC-ArgosEGU25-18090 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6
Recent Changes in Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Arabian Sea using BGC-Argo DataEGU25-19623 | Posters on site | OS4.6
Tailor a comprehensive design of OneArgo for its European implementationEGU25-19854 | Orals | OS4.6
Building an operational and consistent oxygen dataset at the Coriolis DACEGU25-2001 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7
Satellite Altimetry Reveals Intensification of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-4517 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7
Operational oceanographic services in support of aquaculture and biodiversity in Galway Bay, IrelandEGU25-5158 | Orals | OS4.7 | Highlight
Copernicus Marine 2 (2021-2028): achievements and future plansEGU25-6062 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7
Convolutional neural networks for chlorophyll prediction in the Mediterranean SeaEGU25-6665 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.7
Using Copernicus global ocean reanalysis data to estimate the evolution of the gas hydrate stability zoneEGU25-8643 | Orals | OS4.7
HywasPort: Bridging Latvia’s Ports and Open Seas with Seamless ForecastingEGU25-8961 | Posters on site | OS4.7
Multi-decadal variability in ocean surface wind differences between scatterometer observations and reanalysis model fieldsEGU25-12230 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7
Poseidon: A Source-to-Source Compiler for Optimizing Ocean Simulation Models on Modern HPC ArchitecturesEGU25-19280 | Posters on site | OS4.7
A Machine Learning based approach towards products of Phytoplankton functional Types in the Arctic Ocean (ML-PhyTAO)EGU25-19807 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7
Investigating and Modeling the Making of the EU Digital Twin of the OceanEGU25-20106 | Posters on site | OS4.7
Using metocean repositories to support the creation of large datasets for AI applicationsEGU25-637 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
A Machine Learning Parametrisation for the Internal Gravity Wave SpectrumEGU25-1385 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Mapping ocean salinity data using Gaussian Mixture Modeling.EGU25-2635 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Regional Ensemble ENSO Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks with Self-AttentionEGU25-2984 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Research on sea level inversion method from airborne radar altimeterEGU25-3630 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Phytoplankton carbon assimilation in a global ensemble marine ecosystem data assimilation systemEGU25-4189 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Can diffusion model generate ocean states compatible with OGCM ?EGU25-4190 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Estimating the distance to the AMOC tipping point using convolutional neural networksEGU25-4191 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
A Deep Learn Emulator for Ocean Biogeochemical ModellingEGU25-4300 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Performance Gains and Advantages of 4DVarNet in End-to-End Learning for Data AssimilationEGU25-4354 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Fourier Neural Operators for Emulating Ocean Models: Towards a Knowledge-Driven Machine LearningEGU25-4485 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Developing a data and physics driven machine learning mesoscale eddy parameterisation for NEMOEGU25-4606 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Performance evaluation and optimization of a deep learning parameterization method trained from submesoscale-permitting ocean simulationsEGU25-5478 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Identification of gas hydrate based on machine learning in the northern South China SeaEGU25-5626 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Nighttime Ship Detection Using VIIRS DNB Data: An AutoML ApproachEGU25-6069 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Mapping the global distribution of lead and its isotopes in seawater with explainable machine learningEGU25-7671 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Global Climatology of Submesoscale Activity Using Machine LearningEGU25-8030 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Data-driven Ocean Forecasting Models with Multi-Scale Graph Neural Networks for 10-day Global ForecastingEGU25-8349 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Modeling pCO2,sw in the Canary Islands region based on satellite measurementsEGU25-9298 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Hidden Wrecks and Black Reefs: Harnessing AI to Unveil Maritime Mysteries and Environmental RisksEGU25-10550 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Statistical inversion of surface tracers to infer fine-scale near-surface ocean currentsEGU25-10637 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Reconstructing historical salinity fields over the 20th century using a data-driven method and Argo dataEGU25-10653 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Deriving benthic traits through deep learning methodsEGU25-11223 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Autoregressive denoising diffusion for predicting trajectories of floating objects in oceansEGU25-11727 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Assessing the impact of the new mixed layer eddy parameterization based on machine learning in NEMOEGU25-12581 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Probabilistic Global Ocean Forecasting Through Diffusion-Based EnsemblesEGU25-12879 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Global Seafloor Grain-Size Prediction: A Data-Driven ApproachEGU25-13051 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Leveraging machine learning to parameterise ocean mesoscale eddiesEGU25-13540 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8 | Highlight
Ocean models for climate applications : progress expected from Machine LearningEGU25-16391 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
AI-Driven Regional Downscaling for High-Resolution Oceanic and Atmospheric ForecastingEGU25-16890 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
A Surrogate Model for Daily Sea Surface Current Fields Prediction Using CNN-UNETEGU25-17009 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Deep Conditional Emulators for calibrating ocean vertical physics schemesEGU25-18226 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Machine Learning-Based Reconstruction of T/S Profiles from Satellite-Derived SSH Using Transformer ModelsEGU25-18713 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Toward a New Parameterization of Fine-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Based on a Machine Learning ApproachEGU25-18745 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8 | Highlight
Morays-community: a framework to share reproducible hybrid Machine Learning and Ocean modeling experiments.EGU25-18806 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Probabilistic Diffusion Models for Ocean Chlorophyll-a PredictionEGU25-19488 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
HYPE-CAFE: Towards a Hybrid Model for Improved Marine Primary Production EstimatesEGU25-19563 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Understanding Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea Using Convolutional Neural NetworksEGU25-19668 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Deep Learning Models to Identify Seasonal Drivers of Chlorophyll Changes in the Atlantic OceanEGU25-19733 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
Systematic error correction in numerical ocean models with artificial neural networksEGU25-20725 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8
A Dynamical System Approach for Finding Nonlinear Flow Structures in Double-gyre CirculationEGU25-2509 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
Accurate Recognition of Deep-Sea Small-Size Polymetallic Nodules Based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning ModelEGU25-3161 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
Characterization of a Giant Pockmark Field in the Gulf of Oman: A New Contributor to the Arabian Sea Carbon FluxEGU25-4509 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Long-term observation of fluid venting features in the Amazon FanEGU25-8547 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Machine Learning techniques for the detection of geomorphological features in nearshore environmentsEGU25-9756 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Buried Late Pleistocene and Holocene channel systems in the southern North SeaEGU25-10243 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
The geomorphology of the Axial Channel, southern North Sea: a complex glacio-fluvial and marine storyEGU25-10644 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Distribution and Controlling Factors of Submarine Channels on Antarctic Continental MarginEGU25-12205 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Can offshore groundwater flow within shelf sediments generate fluid deformation structures?EGU25-14916 | Posters on site | GM8.1
Enigmatic deep-water seafloor depressions east of Tortue Island, Northern Haiti marginEGU25-16879 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
A spatiotemporal analysis of seabed morphodynamics in a constrained flow environment: A case study of an open tunnel valley in the Western Irish SeaEGU25-18527 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1
The seal bypass system of the northern Kattegat may contribute to the development of the bubbling reefsEGU25-18832 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1
Anomalous Seafloor Morphologies: Insights from the CORSUB Project (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)EGU25-19454 | Orals | GM8.1 | Highlight
Seafloor evidence of structurally-controlled fluid expulsion from the upper Amazon deep-seaEGU25-1361 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1
Brief Account of the Post-event survey 2010 Pagai-Mentawai islands tsunami earthquake in IndonesiaEGU25-2445 | Posters on site | NH4.1
Case Study of Geological Risk Factors for Earthquake Hazard Mapping in the South Eastern KoreaEGU25-6093 | Posters on site | NH4.1
Damage Analysis of RC Frames in the Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, ChinaEGU25-10899 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1
Seismic Monitoring in Sicily: Insights from ETAS and Magnitude of Completeness ApproachesEGU25-11532 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1
Macroseismic re-appraisal of the 1783 Calabria seismic sequenceEGU25-19552 | Posters on site | NH4.1
Geochemical Signatures of Historical Eastern Mediterranean Tsunamis Preserved in Lagoon Sedimentary SequencesEGU25-20013 | Posters on site | NH4.1
Moment Tensor Inversion from Historical Seismograms: Case Studies in Southern ItalyEGU25-21239 | Posters on site | NH4.1 | Highlight
Review of historical data on earthquake damage to sacral buildings in northwestern CroatiaEGU25-2573 | Orals | NP6.5
On the Spreading of Meltwater Plumes in the Ocean during the Last DeglaciationEGU25-8865 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5
Hydro-sedimentary processes of a lofting turbidity current revealed by gridded ADCP measurements in the fieldEGU25-9181 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5
Characteristics of turbidity current events in Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandEGU25-9685 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5
Seafloor dynamics: sediment-ocean interactions in the Diamantina Fracture Zone (SE Indian Ocean)EGU25-10010 | Posters on site | NP6.5
Supercritical turbidity-current bedforms in the South China Sea: An overviewEGU25-17770 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5
Near-field plunging dynamics of laterally unconfined hyperpycnal plumes over inclined bedsEGU25-18513 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5
New insights into experimental stratified flows obtained through a physics-informed neural networkEGU25-18582 * | ECS | Orals | NP6.5 | Highlight
Towards a numerical configuration of the Strait of Gibraltar at the laboratory scale: The HERCULES projectEGU25-19603 | Orals | NP6.5
Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow from the Bosphorus to the Continental Shelf EdgeEGU25-21856 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5
Temperature imaging of buoyancy-driven flows using lifetime-based laser-induced phosphorescence of particlesEGU25-473 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
Turbulent Lagrangian fCO2 time series statistics in the Southern OceanEGU25-1290 | Posters on site | NP6.1
Dispersal of invasive species larvae within the Orust-Tjörn fjord systemEGU25-1454 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Adaptive Masking Time Series Transformer based Representation Learning Model for Well Log CurvesEGU25-5726 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
Manifold Embeddings for Multispectral Time-Series Land Disturbance DetectionEGU25-6863 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
Spatiotemporal Causal Effect Estimation in Complex Dynamical SystemsEGU25-6918 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
New ABL measurements of Lagrangian relative dispersion by means of radiosonde clustersEGU25-11509 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1
Sparse pre-whitening operators for regression of climatic time seriesEGU25-11558 | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Innovative Technique for Reaction wheel Interference Separation in Satellite Magnetic Field SignalsEGU25-11897 | Posters on site | NP6.1
Numerical studies of connectivity and Lagrangian transport in the world’s oceansEGU25-17867 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1
An Intensive Biomass Burning Aerosol Observation phase in 2022, over Skukuza, South Africa: CO transport and balance over Southern AfricaEGU25-2092 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
Stratification governs the Existence of Surface-Intensified Eastward Jets in Turbulent Ocean GyresEGU25-2737 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
Existence of Bolgiano–Obukhov scaling in the bottom ocean?EGU25-3703 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
A model for small-scale ocean turbulence based on wave turbulence theoryEGU25-5953 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2
The influence of oceanic bottom slopes on eddy mixing in a two-layer modelEGU25-6814 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2
Analysis of Mesoscale Dynamics in the Mesosphere using Radar Observations and Machine LearningEGU25-11273 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
Understanding Stratified Turbulence and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in the Stable Boundary Layer of the Arctic AtmosphereEGU25-14086 | Orals | NP6.2
Modelling dispersion in stratified turbulent flows as a resetting processEGU25-15961 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
Energetic consistency and heat transport in rotating Rayleigh Benard convectionEGU25-19040 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2
Wave-wave interactions within a typical internal gravity wave spectrum in the oceanEGU25-20130 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
The impact of internal wave breaking on benthic-pelagic exchange fluxes in a shallow water configurationEGU25-21139 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2
On the development and stabilisation of symmetrically unstable fronts in the surface mixed layerOS5 – Short courses and Sessions of general interest for Ocean Science
EGU25-1592 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic MaterialityEGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materialsEGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE NetworkEGU25-2820 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the CityEGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1
Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomyEGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classroomsEGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary IslandsEGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfallEGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture
An impact-driven approach to geoscience communicationEGU25-13862 | Orals | EOS1.1
Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific researchEGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptationEGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach projectEGU25-14662 * | Orals | EOS1.1 | Highlight
An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and IceEGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac ExplorerEGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1
Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper UnderstandingEGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorologyEGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1
Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientistEGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1
Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean ScienceEGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the mediaEGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6
Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changesEGU25-9081 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projectionsEGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6
Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a PlanetariumEGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General AssembliesEGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors: Experiences Gathered at a Scientific ConferenceEGU25-10224 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual DisabilitiesEGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensionsEGU25-14621 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1
Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI LandscapeEGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1
An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight
Failure to Act: Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the VineEGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine RegionEGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics MethodEGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomenaEGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and gamesEGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3
SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in ReunificationEGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3
Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitionsEGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth educationEGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate ChangeEGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainabilityEGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gapEGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference ParticipationEGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en RébellionEGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3
Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientistEGU25-20323 | Posters on site | EOS4.3
How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of casesEGU25-20407 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3
Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planetEGU25-557 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in IndiaEGU25-831 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian HimalayasEGU25-4484 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision DebatesEGU25-5608 | Orals | EOS4.1
The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from AfricaEGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challengesEGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean InternationalEGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programmeEGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1
The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coastsEGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane EmissionsEGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1
Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science PolicyEGU25-8127 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Seamless Upscaling Research from Cloud to HPC using eWaterCycleEGU25-8591 | Orals | ESSI2.15
The EERIE cloud: Apps and Catalogs for Cloudified Earth System Model OutputEGU25-9432 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Co-Creating Cloud-Based Tools for Urban Climate-Resilience: The CLIMRES ProjectEGU25-10977 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Cloud-Powered Earth Observation Tools for Urban Resilience: The BUILDSPACE ProjectEGU25-12070 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Performance Benchmarking and Energy monitoring for Climate ModellingEGU25-12918 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Enhancing Pangeo-Fish with HEALPix Convolution: Impact Evaluation and BenefitsEGU25-13725 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Cloud-based platform for the management of hydrogeological risks in the Po BasinEGU25-14306 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
Navigating New Grids: Evaluating DGGS Configurations for Marine Spatial AnalysisEGU25-14400 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15
A community oriented approach to enabling open science with Earth science data at scaleEGU25-14610 | Orals | ESSI2.15
Weather Data Streaming with Kerchunk: Strengthening Early Warning SystemsEGU25-16230 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Advancing Regional Climate Data Accessibility through a Cloud-native Climate Service DatabaseEGU25-18285 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Regridding Satellite and Model Data to DGGS (HEALPix) Using the Pangeo EcosystemEGU25-18336 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Advancing Earth System Science through collaboration: An overview of ECMWF Special ProjectsEGU25-20590 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15
Dhemeter: Data Hub for Environmental and METEorological ResourcesEGU25-21279 | Orals | ESSI2.15
Advancing Cloud-Native Data Analysis and Publishing with Pangeo Tools in EarthCODEEGU25-21603 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15 | Highlight
The Pangeo Ecosystem Supporting Climate Change Adaptation: The FAIR2Adapt RiOMar Case Study