Presentation type:
OS – Ocean Sciences

The strength of the ocean carbon sink is maintained by the physical, biological, and chemical processes. Any change in these processes may alter the carbon-climate feedbacks and affect the rate of global change. Our predictive understanding of the susceptibility of these feedbacks to global change is heterogeneous: some responses are well quantified, whilst for some, even the direction of change is unclear. This makes representing ocean biogeochemical cycles as an interactive component of Earth system models (ESMs) a key scientific challenge. This challenge unfolds in resolving the critical marine biological and physical processes, as well as their feedbacks in high spatial resolutions on climate-relevant time scales. Thereby, advancements in ocean biogeochemical ESM components need to embrace emerging observational and laboratory evidence, together with novel computational technologies. This lecture will discuss the current progress, challenges and opportunities in addressing knowledge gaps in our predictive understanding of the changing ocean carbon sink, its variability and feedbacks in the Earth system.

How to cite: Ilyina, T.: Predictability and feedbacks of the changing ocean carbon sink – insights from Earth system models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6396,, 2025.

EGU25-8323 | ECS | Orals | MAL13-OS

Atlantic overturning inferred from air-sea heat fluxes indicates no decline since the 1960s 

Jens Terhaar, Linus Vogt, and Nicholas P. Foukal

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is crucial for global ocean carbon and heat uptake, and controls the climate around the North Atlantic. Despite its importance, quantifying the AMOC’s past changes and assessing its vulnerability to climate change remains highly uncertain. Understanding past AMOC changes has relied on proxies, most notably sea surface temperature anomalies over the subpolar North Atlantic. Here, we use 24 Earth System Models from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) to demonstrate that these sea surface temperature anomalies cannot robustly reconstruct the AMOC on annual, decadal or centennial timescales. Instead, we find that the net air-sea heat flux anomaly between the Arctic and any given latitude between 26.5°N and 50°N in the North Atlantic is tightly linked to the AMOC anomaly at that latitude on decadal and centennial timescales. On these timescales, the air-sea heat flux proxy works through the conservation of energy, in which energy transferred laterally into the region is typically released to the atmosphere through surface heat fluxes. On annual timescales, however, air-sea heat flux anomalies are modulated more so by atmospheric variability and less by AMOC anomalies. Based on the here identified relationship and observation-based estimates of the past air-sea heat flux in the North Atlantic from reanalysis products, we show the decadal averaged AMOC at 26.5°N has not weakened from 1963 to 2017 although substantial variability exists. Furthermore, we find no decline in the AMOC at any other latitude, though the decadal variability appears distinct between subtropical and subpolar latitudes. This result aligns with previous work that has shown the lack of meridional coherence in the AMOC, and the presence of distinct overturning cells.

How to cite: Terhaar, J., Vogt, L., and Foukal, N. P.: Atlantic overturning inferred from air-sea heat fluxes indicates no decline since the 1960s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8323,, 2025.

Climate Change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events in the coastal areas of Patagonia (Southwest Atlantic Ocean, SWAO). These events carry heavy loads of terrestrial materials and nutrients, and minor components such as kaolin and ash, into coastal areas through riverine inputs. The Chubut River estuary was used a reference coastal ecosystem in the SWAO. In its lower course, the river is diverted into irrigation channels that supply water for agricultural activities. These channels are open from spring to early autumn, increasing the runoff of terrestrial material, and are closed during the rest of the year. Furthermore, kaolin mines are located in the upper course of the river and ash deposition coming from volcanos have been registered. A monitoring of terrestrial material of the Chubut River estuary was conducted and the attenuation coefficients of the different components were evaluated, including terrigenous material, kaolin, and ash. The findings show that the terrestrial material, estimated as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), doubles during rainfall conditions and when irrigation channels are open. During extreme rainfall events, DOC concentrations increased by up to fivefold compared to normal conditions, being the main attenuator in the river. This resulted in a PAR attenuation coefficient variable between 1.3 m-1 under baseline conditions (closed channels, no rainfall) to over 8 m-1 following extreme rainfall events in the outer regime (seawater side) of the estuary. Further monitoring of the different under-studied estuarine components in the SWAO and their effects on the attenuation coefficient is crucial for primary productivity studies.

How to cite: Vizzo, J. I., Helbling, E. W., and Villafañe, V. E.: Inputs of Terrestrial Material, Kaolin and Ash into Coastal Patagonian Waters and their Effects on the Attenuation Coefficient of the Chubut River Estuary (Argentina), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-434,, 2025.

EGU25-2306 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations 

Xiaosong Ding, Min Zhao, and Hao Li

A wide range of problems in oceanic mass and energy transport involve learning submesoscale surface flow fields from diurnal geostationary satellite observations. Yet, traditional methods, such as the Maximum Cross-Correlation (MCC) algorithm, suffer from limited spatiotemporal resolution and extensive post-processing. Here, we present the RAFT-Ocean architecture, a deep neural network-based approach for learning submesoscale flow fields in pixel-to-pixel manner, to retrieve submesoscale surface flow fields from geostationary satellite data. Compared to the MCC algorithm, the RAFT-Ocean architecture significantly improves these methods, reducing the end-point error (EPE) uncertainty by more than 65% and the absolute angular error (AAE) by more than 55%. The RAFT-Ocean architecture, when transferred to the geostationary ocean color satellite (GOCI/CMOS and GOCI-II/GK2B) sea surface chlorophyll-a products for diurnal hourly flow field retrieval, produced more realistic, continuous, and refined sea surface flow field data compared to geostrophic flow data from altimeter data. The refined diurnal hourly flow field matched well with the filamentous structure of surface phytoplankton, demonstrating an advantage in spatiotemporal resolution for kinetic energy transfer across scales. This approach enhances flow field retrieval quality and opens new avenues for real-time marine environment monitoring and modeling.

How to cite: Ding, X., Zhao, M., and Li, H.: Deep learning for submesoscale surface flow retrieval from geostationary satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2306,, 2025.

EGU25-3582 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy) 

Joana Buoninsegni, Elena Marrocchino, Renzo Tassinari, Umberto Tessari, and Carmela Vaccaro

This study is part of a doctoral research project aimed at characterizing coastal sediments in relation to the presence of microplastics and marine litter. Within this framework, the present research seeks to establish an up-to-date knowledge base regarding the geochemical characterization of sediments across different seasons along the Ferrara coastal area, specifically at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy). The objective is to identify potential vulnerabilities and/or critical aspects related to environmental pollution that require further investigation. Building upon the methodology of Aquilano et al. (2023) and adapting it to the experimental requirements of the current study, a research area was selected at Lido degli Estensi, outside zones allocated for tourism-related public concessions. This site is located on the southern side of the Porto Garibaldi navigation channel (Comacchio municipality, Ferrara), in a coastal section experiencing accretion due to the construction of artificial jetties at the port-channel entrance. These jetties trap sediment transported from the south as a result of longshore drift. Given the beach's width (approximately 150 m), a cross-shore profile was divided into five zones based on specific geomorphological characteristics: swash zone, lower backshore, upper backshore, dune scarp, and dune. Along this beach profile, variations in carbonate content, major oxide composition, and heavy metal concentrations were investigated across different seasons using eight sampling points per season. To evaluate sediment quality in terms of heavy metal contamination, the following indices were employed: Enrichment Factor (EF; Reinmann and De Caritat, 2005), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo; Buccolieri et al., 2006), Contamination Factor (CF; Loska et al., 2004), and Pollution Load Index (PLI; Ferreira et al., 2022). Furthermore, heavy metal concentrations detected in the samples were compared with the limits established by current Italian legislation (Legislative Decree 152/06). This study was conducted as part of the ECS_00000033_ECOSISTER project, funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 04 Component 2 Investment 1.5 – NextGenerationEU (Call for Tender No. 3277, dated 30/12/2021).

How to cite: Buoninsegni, J., Marrocchino, E., Tassinari, R., Tessari, U., and Vaccaro, C.: Geochemical characterization of coastal sediments: a preliminary study of seasonal variations at Lido degli Estensi (Ferrara, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3582,, 2025.

EGU25-4832 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region 

Madhusudan Thapliyal, Surjeet Singh, and Lavkush Patel

Climate change significantly impacts the hydrology and water resources of any region especially high mountain areas including cryosphere that consist of glaciers. Numerous studies report that glaciers are retreating and losing volume with time causing serious concerns over freshwater availability in the basins they feed water to. Assessment of these changes and their relationship with various climatic aspects are crucial to understand and tackle such challenges. Long-term trends in temperature and precipitation and their spatio-temporal distribution, for the mountainous state of Uttarakhand in India were assessed, utilizing the India Meteorological Department’s gridded precipitation and temperature datasets for the period 1951-2023. Mann-Kendall trend test was performed at 90% significance level, for each grid, to check monthly trends, which gave critical insights upon shifts in seasonal meteorology. Results reveal notable changes in the monthly distribution of precipitation with many grids reporting a decreasing winter precipitation (Oct-Jan) and many showing an increasing precipitation for May and August. Global warming impact is much visible through changes in minimum temperatures for almost all the grids, reporting a strong positive trend for February, March, August, September and November. Importantly, these changes are more prominent for the high-altitude areas, which highlights elevation dependent climate change pattern. Evidently, the precipitation is shifting from winters to summers and the minimum temperatures are increasing towards the end of ablation season (Aug-Sep), decreasing the chances of receiving solid precipitation or snowfall. Consequently, a decrease in snow cover is expected in the future, which from a hydrological perspective, would lead to a reduction in snowmelt discharge and its contribution to streamflow of the Himalayan perennial rivers. Moreover, the increasing temperature and precipitation during summers can generate huge discharges from glacierized catchments due to increased simultaneous contribution of glacier-melt and rainfall, causing destructive flash floods and debris flow events, as being witnessed in the recent past. Combination of decreased precipitation in winter months and increased temperatures overall, can prove detrimental to glaciers’ health as they will melt more, whereas their replenishment will be lesser, leading to negative mass balances. Climate change is certainly having an adverse effect on the mountain hydrology, especially that of the Himalayan cryosphere. The glaciated catchments are expected to have more glacier-melt and rainfall-runoff contribution and less snow-melt contribution in the near-future. The glaciers, present in the region, are expected to retreat and lose mass more rapidly, considering the meteorological changes in the high elevation areas. Small glaciers might deplete faster, which would lead to problems of freshwater availability in the nearer downstream areas dependent on the melt-runoff water. While there seems no immediate solution to the prevailing scenario of climate change, community-based measures can be adopted to tackle problems of water availability. Water conservation and springshed management in the mountainous regions are some focus areas to work upon, in order to ensure water security under the changing climate.

How to cite: Thapliyal, M., Singh, S., and Patel, L.: Climate Change and its Impact on the Hydrology of a Glaciated Mountainous Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4832,, 2025.

EGU25-7292 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific 

Ray Steven Arce-Sánchez, Diana Medina-Contreras, and Alberto Sánchez-Gonzalez

The coastal ecosystems, including estuaries and mangroves, are highly vulnerable to anthropogenic intervention, particularly due to activities such as urbanization, wastewater discharge, and industrial development, which can alter their ecosystem services and affect habitat quality. In order to evaluate the impact of these interventions through the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of two macroalgae Boodleopsis verticillata and Bostrychia spp in four coastal ecosystems of the Colombian Pacific (Valencia - VAL, San Pedro - SPE, Chucheros – CHU with low intervention, and Piangüita - PIA with high intervention) were used to understand the sources of these elements. δ15N values is a commonly used to providing information about nitrogen sources in primary producers. δ13C values is used to investigate carbon sources i.e. terrestrial or marine. Samples were collected during 2014, 2015, and 2016, and analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometer. The results show that the δ13C values ranged from -33.97 to -31.93 ‰ in VAL, -33.78 to -30.09 ‰ in SPE, -31.12 to -28.45 ‰ in CHU, and -33.32 to -21.71 ‰ in PIA. δ15N values ranged from 0.32 to 3.18 ‰ in VAL, 0.57 to 5.47 ‰ in SPE, 1.82 to 3.39 ‰ in CHU, and 2.32 to 10.16 ‰ in PIA. Significant differences were found among the four areas with mean δ13C values by locality (VAL -30.21 ‰, SPE -31.71 ‰, CHU -30.09 ‰, and PIA -30.52 ‰) and δ15N values (VAL 1.74 ‰, SPE 2.30 ‰, CHU 2.40 ‰, and PIA 4.47 ‰) reflecting the impacts of human activities on the coastal ecosystems. This work contributes to understanding the effects of anthropogenic intervention on pollution and wastewater discharge in coastal ecosystems, providing key tools for the development of environmental management policies that support conservation in the Colombian Pacific.

How to cite: Arce-Sánchez, R. S., Medina-Contreras, D., and Sánchez-Gonzalez, A.: Primary producers as indicators of anthropogenic intervention in the Colombian Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7292,, 2025.

EGU25-8649 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea 

Lucia Gualtieri, Federica Borile, Hans Burchard, Paolo Oddo, Pietro Miraglio, Emanuela Clementi, Anna Chiara Goglio, and Nadia Pinardi

The Mediterranean Sea, with its unique characteristics as a semi-enclosed and highly stratified basin, serves as a natural laboratory for studying oceanic processes of global relevance. Vertical mixing is a fundamental process regulating the transfer of mass, heat, and nutrients between water column layers, influencing dynamical and biogeochemical processes, and controlling the exchange with the overlying atmosphere. Due to its turbulent nature acting on small spatial and temporal scales, vertical mixing remains challenging to simulate in modern ocean circulation models. Moreover, the interaction between vertical mixing and horizontal diffusion/advection is essential in shaping the transport and distribution of heat, nutrients, and pollutants in marine environments. Finding the optimal vertical mixing parameterizations alongside horizontal advection and diffusion schemes in an ocean circulation model, able to simulate the available observations, presents significant challenges due to the need for consistent scaling, numerical stability, and accurate representation of multi-scale processes.

Here, we use the same system setup as the Mediterranean Forecasting System of the Copernicus Marine Service, that is NEMO (v4.2) general circulation model, including tides, coupled with the WaveWatch III wave model. The model features a horizontal resolution of 1/24° (approximately 4 km) and 141 unevenly spaced vertical levels. We investigate the performance of different numerical vertical closure schemes – a Richardson-number-dependent, a one-equation and a two-equation models – as well as the effect of different lateral advection and diffusion schemes. The role played by the enhanced vertical diffusion due to Camarinal Sill at the Strait of Gibraltar in controlling the exchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea is also investigated. We validate our model by assessing our ability to reproduce physical processes and by comparing it with in-situ data throughout the Mediterranean basin, across varying seasons and years.


How to cite: Gualtieri, L., Borile, F., Burchard, H., Oddo, P., Miraglio, P., Clementi, E., Goglio, A. C., and Pinardi, N.: Investigating vertical mixing and lateral diffusion parameterizations in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8649,, 2025.

EGU25-8764 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX 

Friederike Pollmann, Carsten Eden, Dirk Olbers, Jonas Nycander, and Zhongxiang Zhao

Breaking internal gravity waves cause small-scale turbulent mixing, which changes water mass properties, affects biogeochemical cycles, and contributes to driving the large-scale overturning circulation. Ocean general circulation models do not resolve this process and thus rely on a parameterization. The state-of-the-art IDEMIX (Internal wave Dissipation, Energy and MIXing) model predicts the propagation and dissipation of internal wave energy based on external forcing functions that represent the main generation mechanisms, notably the internal tide generation at the sea floor and the near-inertial wave generation at the sea surface. By linking small-scale mixing to internal wave energetics, IDEMIX allows the consistent parameterization of wave-induced mixing in ocean models. Its basic incarnation treats all internal waves as part of a horizontally homogeneous continuum and was shown to successfully reproduce observed turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates and internal wave energy levels. In a newer configuration (IDEMIX2), the internal wave field is compartmentalized, distinguishing between a high-mode continuum on the one hand and low-mode near-inertial wave and internal tide compartments, whose horizontal propagation is explicitly resolved in wavenumber angle space, on the other hand. We present the evaluation of the IDEMIX2 model with a particular focus on the impact of applying an anisotropic internal tide forcing. So far, parameterizations of internal tide-driven mixing have not taken the strong anisotropy of the internal tide generation process into account. We demonstrate the need for doing so, showing a notable impact on the modeled internal wave energetics and predicted mixing when changing from the previous isotropic to the new anisotropic tidal forcing in IDEMIX2. 

How to cite: Pollmann, F., Eden, C., Olbers, D., Nycander, J., and Zhao, Z.: Anisotropic internal tide forcing in the consistent internal wave mixing scheme IDEMIX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8764,, 2025.

EGU25-12429 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics 

Swarnendu Saha and Arnab Mukherjee

This study investigates the spatio-temporal variability and long-term warming trends in sea surface temperature (SST) across the Arabian Sea from 2000 to 2019, using daily AVHRR satellite observations with a 1°x1° spatial resolution. Seasonal and interannual SST dynamics reveal patterns shaped by monsoonal processes and global climate phenomena, such as El Niño and La Niña. Wavelet spectrum analysis highlights periodic fluctuations and dominant frequencies associated with interannual climate variability, further emphasizing the influence of seasonal processes. Spring (MAM) exhibits the most pronounced interannual warming, particularly in the central and northern regions, while autumn (SON) demonstrates significant warming trends, especially in the southern basin. Monsoonal processes influence seasonal variability, with winter (DJF) cooling in the northern Arabian Sea and summer (JJA) upwelling along Oman and Somalia, resulting in localized cooling amidst broader warming trends in central and southern regions. Wavelet power spectra from critical regions, including the Gulf of Oman, Balochistan Coast, and Mumbai, indicate dominant periodicities of interannual warming, with variations corresponding to regional oceanographic processes. For instance, the Balochistan Coast displays the highest warming rate (0.0519°C/year), underscored by strong wavelet power at periodicities tied to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycles. Similarly, the Gulf of Oman and Mumbai exhibit distinct spectral peaks, reflecting localized climate dynamics and variability. Regionally, the warming trend varies significantly. The Gulf of Aden (0.0181°C/year), Gulf of Oman (0.0164°C/year), and Gulf of Kutch (0.0269°C/year) exhibit moderate warming rates, while areas like the Balochistan Coast and South of Salalah (0.023°C/year) highlight significant localized warming. Southwestern Arabian Sea regions west of Kochi (0.0209°C/year) and Mangalore (0.0323°C/year) also demonstrate notable trends. In contrast, regions like Minicoy (0.0162°C/year) and the Male-Maldives area (0.0073°C/year) show relatively weaker warming. These findings underscore the critical role of spatial and seasonal variability in shaping SST changes and their implications for regional climate patterns, monsoonal behavior, marine ecosystems, and fisheries. The pronounced warming in key regions, coupled with insights from wavelet spectrum analysis, highlights the influence of localized oceanographic processes, such as upwelling, heat transport, and climate-induced variability. These results necessitate further study to assess future impacts and develop mitigation strategies for sensitive marine biodiversity and economic resources in the Arabian Sea . 

How to cite: Saha, S. and Mukherjee, A.: Unraveling the Arabian Sea’s Thermal Pulse: Seasonal and Interannual SST Variability Amidst Climate Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12429,, 2025.

EGU25-14703 | Posters virtual | VPS18

Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection 

Tatsuhiro Fukuba and Dhugal Lindsay

We have previously developed a 12-sample environmental DNA (eDNA) sampler designed for use in the marine surface. The sampler can collect and store eDNA samples on filter cartridges according to scheduled sequences. Communicating via mobile phone networks also makes it possible to collect samples on demand. For the underwater eDNA sample-return missions, we have designed and developed a compact eDNA sampler with an oil-filled (pressure-balanced) configuration, enabling its deployment at various depths. Field trials for the underwater eDNA sampler were performed using underwater platforms such as deep-sea landers. Here, we introduce the newly developed compact eDNA sampler and discuss its potential applications in mid- to deep-ocean layers, focusing on eDNA sample-return missions targeting jellyfish and other marine species.

How to cite: Fukuba, T. and Lindsay, D.: Development of an underwater eDNA sampler and its potential application in jellyfish eDNA detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14703,, 2025.

EGU25-17499 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL 

Antonio Ricchi, Rossella Ferretti, Florian Pantillon, Stavros Dafis, Milena Menna, Riccardo Martellucci, Piero Serafini, and Diego Saúl Carrió Carrió


Between Sept. 4, 2023, and Sept. 12, 2023, a cyclogenesis develops close to the Greek coast in the Ionian Sea. The evolution of this cyclone is divided into two phases: a strongly baroclinic one with intense orographic precipitation in Greece, and a final barotropic phase with the formation of an intense tropical-like cyclone (TLC) impacting Libya. In this work, we investigate this TLC (named “Daniel”) initially using the standalone WRF model with different sea surface temperature sources,  untile the use of the coupled atmosphere-ocean models. Preliminary results show that SST plays a crucial role in the intensification and tropicalization of the cyclone, with a strong impact not only along the cyclone track but especially in the neighboring areas, where high values of heat transport a precipitable water are found. We also observe how the use of a coupled model as a digital twin, shows strengths in the quality of the simulation and the physics of the process, but highlights some critical issues in the configuration of the marine model, which at small technical variations produces intense changes in the structure of the ocean and atmosphere.

How to cite: Ricchi, A., Ferretti, R., Pantillon, F., Dafis, S., Menna, M., Martellucci, R., Serafini, P., and Carrió, D. S. C.: On the role of air-sea-wave interaction in developing destructive Tropical-Like Cyclones DANIEL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17499,, 2025.

Ice crevasses are pervasive features across the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets. These deep, open fractures in the ice surface serve as critical conduits for transporting surface meltwater into the englacial system, significantly impacting ice sheet hydrology and stability. Accurate mapping of the spatial and temporal distribution of ice crevasses is vital for advancing our understanding of ice sheet dynamics and their evolution. Remote sensing technology provides a robust platform to achieve this purpose, while the rapid advancement of machine learning algorithms offers substantial benefits for automated crevasse detection, facilitating efficient and large-scale mapping. This study conducts a comprehensive comparison of the performance of various machine learning models, including CNN, U-Net, ResNet, and DeepLab, for ice crevasse extraction. Through quantitative evaluation metrics and visual inspection, the optimal machine learning model was selected to map ice crevasses on Antarctic ice shelves using multi-source remote sensing data, such as SAR and optical satellite imagery. Furthermore, this work explores the strengths and limitations of various machine learning in detecting ice crevasse and proposes potential solutions for further refinement. This study aims to contributes to enhancing ice crevasse detection and offering robust ice crevasse datasets, which is crucial for reliable analyzing the dynamic of the Antarctic ice sheet in the future.

How to cite: Liang, S. and Xiao, X.: Antarctic ice shelf crevasse detection using multi-source remote sensing data and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19031,, 2025.

EGU25-20632 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS18

SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions  

Haytam Elyoussfi, Abdelghani Boudhar, Salwa Belaqziz, Mostafa Bousbaa, Hatim Bechri, Eric A Sproles, and Fatima Benzhair

SnowMapPy is a Python-based package developed to streamline the collection, preparation, and analysis of MODIS NDSI data, specifically from the Terra and Aqua satellite products. By automating essential steps (data clipping, reprojection, filtering, and time series generation), SnowMapPy improves the efficiency and precision of snow hydrology research. The protocol allows users to work with both local and Google Earth Engine cloud-based datasets, enabling flexible data acquisition and processing tailored to the needs of snow hydrology, water resource management, and climate change studies. Designed for accessibility and flexibility, SnowMapPy supports large-scale, high-resolution snow cover analysis with minimal configuration. The package facilitates customized workflows through its modular structure, making it a valuable tool for researchers aiming to understand snow dynamics and their impact on seasonal water resources. 

How to cite: Elyoussfi, H., Boudhar, A., Belaqziz, S., Bousbaa, M., Bechri, H., Sproles, E. A., and Benzhair, F.: SnowMapPy v1.0: A Python Package for Automated Snow Cover Mapping and Monitoring in Mountain Regions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20632,, 2025.

This study explores the seasonal and lagged correlations between Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations and vertical velocity (wT) to elucidate upwelling's role in driving phytoplankton productivity. In Oman (Region III), an immediate response to upwelling was observed, with the strongest correlation (r = 0.7) at lag 0 during peak upwelling months (June–July). In contrast, Iranian regions (I & II) exhibited delayed responses, with maximum correlations (r = 0.7) at lag 1 (occurring about a month later). This delay may result from processes like nutrient mixing and remineralization. Seasonal trends revealed sustained Chl-a concentrations in Oman, peaking at 2.39 mg m-3 in September, while Iran showed a steady decline after a July peak of 1.37 mg m-3. Stratification and horizontal currents modulated Chl-a distributions, with weaker stratification in Oman enabling efficient nutrient delivery. These findings reveal the intricate dynamics of upwelling-driven productivity across both semi -enclosed and open marine ecosystems. By examining regional variations in the context of broader oceanographic processes, this study offers valuable insights for the sustainable management of upwelling systems and for anticipating their responses to climate change.

How to cite: A. Ismail, K. and Salim, M.: Unveiling the Impact of Upwelling on Phytoplankton Productivity in the Arabian/Persian Gulf and Sea of Oman, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20989,, 2025.

OS1 – Ocean Circulation and Climate

EGU25-487 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Oceanic heat transport along the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the role of eddies 

Dong Jian, Xiaoming Zhai, Ian Renfrew, and David Stevens

The warm and saline Atlantic Water in the Nordic Seas serves as a conduit for poleward oceanic heat transport and plays  a crucial role in regulating the Northern Hemisphere climate. However, the impact of mesoscale eddies on this heat transport remains unclear, owing to a lack of in situ observations and numerous ocean modeling challenges. Our study aims to improve  the model representation of eddies and investigate their role in  oceanic heat transport in the Nordic Seas. Using a novel configuration of the MITgcm ocean-ice model,  with a resolution ranging from 1 to 4 km, we analyze 21 years of simulation. We show that oceanic heat transport anomalies are predominantly driven by velocity variations along Norwegian Atlantic Current, while lateral eddies play a significant role in leaking heat westward along a few key pathways, most notably near the Lofoten Escarpment. Further investigation on the linkage between ocean's temporal variability with the atmosphere is underway. Our study emphasizes the significant role of eddies in modulating poleward heat transport toward the Arctic by diverting heat laterally. 

How to cite: Jian, D., Zhai, X., Renfrew, I., and Stevens, D.: Oceanic heat transport along the Norwegian Atlantic Current and the role of eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-487,, 2025.

EGU25-1303 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

A Dataset of Arctic Ocean Water Masses from 40 Years of Hydrographic Observations 

Kate Oglethorpe, Joshua Lanham, Rafael Reiss, Emma Boland, and Ali Mashayek

The Arctic Ocean is changing significantly and rapidly in a warming climate. To monitor these changes, it is useful to classify the Arctic Ocean into water masses containing waters of same origin and similar physical and biogeochemical properties. However, there are significant barriers to Arctic Ocean water mass classification: observations of seawater properties are sparsely and heterogeneously sampled in space and time, and traditional water mass classification relies on extensive knowledge of water mass characteristics and circulation and mixing. We propose a tool for estimating relative fractions of Arctic Ocean water masses (0-1) from observations of seawater temperature and salinity, and share the classification tool and water mass dataset. Our estimates of relative fractions of water masses broadly reproduce the spatial and temporal distribution of Arctic Ocean water masses reported in the literature, most notably the key Atlantic Water (AW) and Pacific Water (PW) pathways within the Arctic Ocean and the increasing influence of AW and PW in the Arctic Ocean over the last few decades. Our classification tool and water mass dataset will help improve understanding of Arctic Ocean dynamics and changes, and provides an accessible framework for assessing the accuracy of models in representing Arctic Ocean properties.

How to cite: Oglethorpe, K., Lanham, J., Reiss, R., Boland, E., and Mashayek, A.: A Dataset of Arctic Ocean Water Masses from 40 Years of Hydrographic Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1303,, 2025.

EGU25-1425 | Orals | OS1.1

The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE): A Gateway to Understanding Ice-Ocean Dynamics 

Kirstin Schulz, An Nguyen, Helen Pillar, and Patrick Heimbach

State estimates like the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE, Nguyen et al., 2021) are powerful tools that combine observational data and numerical models to reconstruct the ice and ocean’s physical state over time. Unlike sequential data-assimilated reanalysis products, state estimates minimize misfit to a large set of various observations by adjusting model input and parameters rather than altering the model’s physical state, thereby consistently obeying physical laws and ensuring all source and sink terms can be identified. 

In this talk, I will explain the methodology behind a state estimate and present the first release of ASTE, which provides complete estimates of the Arctic sea ice and ocean states spanning 2002-2017 at a spatial resolution of about 15 km. I will highlight how ASTE has informed studies ranging from the analysis of Atlantic Water properties in the Arctic to the characterization of beneficial environmental conditions for high-latitude benthic habitats, and how ASTE’s adjoint model, i.e., the capability of running the model backwards in time to track which processes have influenced a chosen variable, provides a powerful method to unambiguously identify causal connections in the coupled Arctic system.

Towards the next release of ASTE, I will present a study of the impact of tides on Arctic sea ice, based on a higher, 3.5 km resolution version of ASTE that has been run for one full seasonal cycle, in a configuration including and excluding tides. While the study shows an overall decrease in sea ice volume in the presence of tides associated with increased vertical mixing and the upward flux of heat from deeper layers of the Arctic Ocean in line with previous findings, it also reveals an unexpected result, pointing to a new mechanism resulting in delayed sea ice melt in summer.

How to cite: Schulz, K., Nguyen, A., Pillar, H., and Heimbach, P.: The Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate (ASTE): A Gateway to Understanding Ice-Ocean Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1425,, 2025.

EGU25-2008 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

 Future projection of the Ocean Dynamic Sea Level over the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Seas under different global warming thresholds 

Emmanuel Eresanya, Gerard D. McCarthy, Veeranjaneyulu Chinta, and Hyacinth C. Nnamchi

The Arctic is a complex system in which ocean, sea ice, land, and atmosphere all interact. Poleward energy transport is crucial for climate variability in the Arctic and is controlled by atmospheric transport at the middle-high latitudes. The ocean has been rising non-uniformly under global warming. The future state of the ocean on a regional scale is uncertain. Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) provides different scenarios (SSPs 1.26, 2.45, 5.85) that give insights into this uncertainty across the chosen regions under different global warming thresholds. Here, we show that with every degree change in the global warming threshold, there is a corresponding change in the ocean dynamic sea level (DSL). The Arctic, Irish and Norwegian coasts respond at different scales under the global warming thresholds. This study provides insight into the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Sea's future state, which is necessary for policy formulation and planning.

How to cite: Eresanya, E., McCarthy, G. D., Chinta, V., and Nnamchi, H. C.:  Future projection of the Ocean Dynamic Sea Level over the Irish-Nordic-Arctic Seas under different global warming thresholds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2008,, 2025.

The Arctic Ocean has increasingly drawn widespread attention in global climate change system. However, due to the high-latitude air-sea characteristics and the seasonal distribution of sea ice, the on-site marine environment surveys are more challenging than other oceans.

To understand the ice‒sea thermal dynamic processes, we built the in-situ observation dataset based on a series of international in-situ observation plans carried out in the Arctic Ocean and Chinese Arctic Research Expedition. With the support of polar icebreakers Xuelong and Xuelong-2, China has carried out a series of scientific investigations in Arctic Ocean for special phenomena, and accumulated many first-hand in-situ observations.

We used quality control and data processing methods to analyze and re-arrange the data mentioned above and obtained nearly a million thermohaline profiles from1983 to 2023. Meanwhile, a monthly climatology dataset is established with a horizontal resolution of 0.25×0.25° and 57 vertical layers. The datasets can serve as a standard reference for future observation data quality control, and can also be used to correct the thermohaline results of existing ice-ocean coupled models.

In order to evaluate the quality of the in-situ observations dataset, we selected typical water exchange areas for water mass analysis and partial thermohaline profile analysis,the result shows a significant seasonal variation and has a high quality and effectively reflects the overall hydrological characteristics of the Arctic Ocean. Meanwhile we compared the climatology datasets with WOA18, and find out there is clearly positive feedback by using Chinese Arctic Research Expedition data in the climatology datasets we built. And the thermohaline has stronger continuity and more stable structure. In the key of Chinese Arctic Research Expedition area, the analysis can reflect the high temperature Pacific water flowing into the Arctic Ocean, with a clear meridional temperature stratification, and temperature gradually decreasing from south to north.

Evaluating Ocean Heat Content (OHC) with in-situ observations climatology datasets show that the climatology dataset reflects the accurate state of the OHC, and can be used to verify and evaluate the OHC calculated from different model.

Next step, for studying the thermohaline structure of the Arctic ocean, we will use AI models for training with reanalysis data to get the prediction field by using the observation datasets we built.

How to cite: Wu, X. and Li, J.:  Construction and Evaluation of In-situ Observation Dataset and Its Climatology in Arctic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2085,, 2025.

EGU25-2262 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Integrated Retrieval of Surface and Atmospheric Variables in the Arctic From FY-3D MWRI With a Time-Constraint Optimal Estimation Method 

Ziyu Yan, Yufang Ye, Georg Heygster, Xin Zhang, Zhuoqi Chen, and Cheng Xiao

Integrated retrieval using the optimal estimation (OE) method iteratively finds a set of geographical parameters that best match the observations. However, this method becomes more challenging over the ice surface due to the highly sensitive parameters such as sea ice concentration (SIC) and multiyear ice concentration (MYIC). In this study, a new time constraint that captures the distinct temporal characteristics of SIC and MYIC is incorporated into the OE method. The integrated retrievals, using both the original and time-constraint OE method (referred to as OE and OE-Z, respectively), were conducted based on FengYun-3D (FY-3D) microwave radiation imager (MWRI) data. Compared to other radiometer-based SIC and MYIC products, OE-Z outperforms OE, with the correlations increasing from 0.91 to 0.96 for SIC and from 0.41 to 0.49 for MYIC. The time constraint in OE-Z effectively mitigates the anomalous retrievals in SIC and MYIC, resulting in smoother and more reasonable time series than OE. Improvements in SIC and MYIC lead to enhanced simulation of surface microwave emission, thus improving the retrieval of atmospheric parameters. In comparison with the MOSAiC total water vapor (TWV) measurements, the RMSE in OE-Z reduces from 1.72 to 1.66 kg/m2, and the correlation increases from 0.46 to 0.50. The simulated brightness temperature (TB) biases in OE-Z reduce from 0.71 to 0.31 K at 36 GHz and from −8.95 to −7.72 K at 89 GHz. This emphasizes the importance of imposing suitable constraints on highly sensitive parameters in integrated retrieval.

How to cite: Yan, Z., Ye, Y., Heygster, G., Zhang, X., Chen, Z., and Xiao, C.: Integrated Retrieval of Surface and Atmospheric Variables in the Arctic From FY-3D MWRI With a Time-Constraint Optimal Estimation Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2262,, 2025.

EGU25-3482 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Sub-Pixel Precision Image Matching for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Using Maximum Cross-Correlation 

Xue Wang and Zhizhuo Xu

Sea ice drift has significant impacts on climate change and navigation safety. Currently, various approaches have been employed to address quantization error and achieve subpixel precision in sea ice drift extraction using maximum cross-correlation (MCC). However, limited research has been conducted to compare these approaches. This study compares the performance of three approaches: image oversampling, subpixel similarity estimation, and the combination of both, for MCC-based Arctic sea ice drift extraction with subpixel precision at different time intervals. The research findings indicate that the combined approach of image oversampling and subpixel similarity estimation outperforms any single approach in terms of the accuracy of extracted sea ice drift. Additionally, this study provides recommended combinations of spatial resolutions (achieved through image oversampling) and subpixel similarity estimation methods for retrieving sea ice drift based on Fengyun-3D (FY-3D) Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) data at different time intervals.

How to cite: Wang, X. and Xu, Z.: Sub-Pixel Precision Image Matching for Sea Ice Drift Retrieval Using Maximum Cross-Correlation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3482,, 2025.

EGU25-3536 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

Large-scale destratification in the Eurasian Basin thermocline driving Atlantic Water shoaling 

François Challet, Christophe Herbaut, Marie-Noëlle Houssais, and Gianluca Meneghello

The stratification of the Arctic Ocean plays a central role in regulating the impact of climate change on the Arctic. Though the stratification in the eastern Eurasian Basin halocline is known to have weakened since the 2000s, the variability over the full AW depth range in the whole Eurasian Basin has been little explored.

Our analysis aims to combine available in-situ observations to characterize the regional changes in stratification in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean over the past four decades. We find that, in both the Nansen and Amundsen basins, the variability of the temperature and salinity is most pronounced in the thermocline that separates the Atlantic Water (AW) core from the stratified halocline. This variability is affected by both warm and salty pulses entering through the Fram Strait, and by long-term trends. Positive temperature and salinity anomalies in the thermocline are associated with a destratification of the thermocline down to the AW core. In these layers, the stratification is estimated to have decreased by up to 50% across the Eurasian Arctic over the past 40 years, implying the possibility of enhanced vertical salt and heat fluxes up to the base of the halocline. In contrast, the stratification of the halocline has remained approximately constant or increased. Using a conceptual advective-diffusive model which takes into account the impact of stratification changes on vertical diffusion, we further show that the observed structure of changes is well reproduced by vertical diffusion of anomalies travelling from the Fram Strait around the Eurasian Basin. Our approach, using clustering techniques to divide the Eurasian Basin into several regions with coherent temperature, salinity and stratification profiles, provides new insights on the regional evolution of the Eurasian Arctic stratification, in particular in regions where few long-term studies are available like the Amundsen Basin.

How to cite: Challet, F., Herbaut, C., Houssais, M.-N., and Meneghello, G.: Large-scale destratification in the Eurasian Basin thermocline driving Atlantic Water shoaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3536,, 2025.

EGU25-4070 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Unpacking fjord ice in Hornsund, Svalbard 

Zuzanna Swirad, Malin Johansson, and Eirik Malnes

Fjord ice, that includes both sea and glacier ice, is an important part of the fjord microclimate that impacts e.g. water-atmosphere energy transfer, habitat conditions, ocean wave transformation and coastal processes. It also plays a role in ship and snowmobile operations. Understanding the trends in fjord ice extent, duration and timing aids understanding the impact of changing climate on the magnitude of natural hazards (such as coastal flooding and erosion) and improving future predictions.

Satellite images provide high-frequency large-area information on the state of the fjord ice, with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery being unaffected by polar night and weather conditions. Few studies have attempted automating fjord ice detection from satellite imagery, likely due to problems related to the topography influence on the sea state, mixed land/water pixels, presence of rocks and islands and wave breaking in the nearshore.

This study builds on the recent progress of Johansson et al. (2020) who adapted the semi-automated binary ice/open water classification method of Cristea et al. (2020) to Svalbard fjord environment, and Swirad et al. (2024a) who created a near-daily dataset of binary ice/open water maps at 50 m resolution for Hornsund fjord from the entire Sentinel-1 A/B dataset spanning Oct 2014 – Jun 2023. Swirad et al. (2024a) did not find direct relationships between fjord-scale ice coverage and air and water temperatures. Nonetheless, temporal peaks in ice coverage existed in March for the main basin, April for the inner bays and locally in October. The authors associated these with the arrival of pack ice from the Greenland Sea, formation of in situ fast ice and intensification of tidewater glacier calving, respectively.

Speculating that stronger relationships can be found between climate and ice coverage if fjord ice is unpacked into ‘drift ice’, ‘fast ice’ and ‘glacier ice’ we developed an algorithm that splits the ‘ice’ from the binary classification into the three classes using pixel and polygon properties such as continuity in time, location, size, shape and timing. We then explored relationships between ice, meteorological and hydrographic conditions. The dataset was also extended back to Jan 2012 using RADARSAT-2 imagery (Swirad et al., 2024b).


Cristea, A., van Houtte, J., and Doulgeris, A. P.: Integrating Incidence Angle Dependencies Into the Clustering-Based Segmentation of SAR Images, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl., 13, 2925–2939,, 2020.

Johansson, A. M., Malnes, E., Gerland, S., Cristea, A., Doulgeris, A. P., Divine, D. V., Pavlova, O., and Lauknes, T. R.: Consistent ice and open water classification combining historical synthetic aperture radar satellite images from ERS-1/2, Envisat ASAR, RADARSAT-2 and Sentinel-1A/B, Ann. Glaciol., 61, 40–50,, 2020.

Swirad, Z. M., Johansson, A. M., and Malnes, E.: Extent, duration and timing of the sea ice cover in Hornsund, Svalbard, from 2014–2023, The Cryosphere, 18, 895–910,, 2024a.

Swirad, Z. M., Johansson, A. M., and Malnes, E.: Ice distribution in Hornsund fjord, Svalbard from RADARSAT-2 (2012-2016) [dataset], PANGAEA,, 2024b.

How to cite: Swirad, Z., Johansson, M., and Malnes, E.: Unpacking fjord ice in Hornsund, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4070,, 2025.

EGU25-4579 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

Using Noble Gases to Constrain Parameterizations of Arctic Air-Sea-Ice Gas Exchange Processes 

Chiara-Marlen Hubner, Stanley Scott, Yannis Arck, and Werner Aeschbach

The Arctic Ocean plays an important role in the global climate system as it acts, for example, as major reservoir of anthropogenic carbon. Despite its global significance, data on physical parameters and tracers in the Arctic Ocean are still sparse and thus carbon inventory estimates only weakly constrained, for which insights into Arctic air-sea-ice gas exchange and ventilation need to be enhanced. Noble gases, with their biological and chemical inertness and constant atmospheric abundance history, fill this gap, as their concentrations in water are set by the conditions of last atmospheric contact. In light of this, water samples taken during the Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS) expedition to the Central Arctic Ocean with the Swedish icebreaker Oden in summer 2021 (SAS-Oden 2021) at six stations from the surface to the seafloor were analyzed for their noble gas content. This first application of the full set of the five stable noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon) to the Arctic Ocean marks a new step towards a comprehensive understanding of Arctic Ocean dynamics.

The measured profiles show a strong influence of rapid cooling, excess air injection and brine rejection from sea ice formation, which affect the light and heavy noble gases differently, depending on their size, solubility and diffusivity. Building upon work from groundwater hydrology and extensions to cave calcites, as well as previous ocean applications of noble gases, the concepts of recharge temperatures, excess air terms and ice fractions or freezing rates are transferred to the Arctic Ocean, enabling the development of new parameterizations of the air-sea-ice exchange processes. We present two “static” model approaches, differing in the sea ice parameterization, and a “dynamic” mixed reactor-type model for two limits (steady state and quasi-steady state), resulting in different parameterizations of rapid cooling. The fit results from a least-squares regression for all four models are able to reproduce the measured concentrations both accurately and precisely and thus allow for predictions for other gases. In our study, these are the anthropogenic transient tracers sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and dichlorodifluoromethane (CFC-12), which were also measured during the SAS-Oden 2021 expedition and are used to determine water ages, a task for which the intitial surface saturations need to be known. We suggest a relative oversaturation of around 6% of SF6 to CFC-12 due to the deviating impact of excess air, compatible with previous estimates from noble gas measurements.

How to cite: Hubner, C.-M., Scott, S., Arck, Y., and Aeschbach, W.: Using Noble Gases to Constrain Parameterizations of Arctic Air-Sea-Ice Gas Exchange Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4579,, 2025.

Starting from May 2023, a global anomaly event led to the highest recorded sea surface temperature (SST) in history, underscoring the urgency of understanding how warming oceans impact polar and subpolar regions. Against this backdrop, our study focuses on the Sea of Okhotsk, where data from the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center and sea surface height measurements revealed an unprecedented, ice-free zone—measuring 50 to 80 kilometers in radius—near the Gulf of Patience (たらいかわん), east of Sakhalin Island, during Feb. – Mar. 2023. This phenomenon stands in stark contrast to observations in previous years and appears closely linked to sea surface height anomalies (SSHA). The role of such localized oceanic features, including eddies, in shaping late-spring sea ice melting patterns is of interest.

During the SOYA cruise in February 2023, National Central University (Taiwan) and Hokkaido University deployed eleven Taiwan-made drifting wave buoys. These buoys captured high-resolution data on waves, ocean currents, and sea temperatures, revealing robust mesoscale ocean eddy activity within the region. This study integrates buoy-based observations, satellite remote sensing, and numerical model outputs to explore the dynamic relationship between mesoscale eddies and the rapid formation of the ice-free zone. It is the aim to investigate how eddies influence springtime sea ice melting and distribution in the Okhotsk Sea. The preliminary findings may have implications for climate modeling, marine ecosystems, and regional socioeconomic activities, and will be shown in detail in the poster.

How to cite: Chien, H., Wang, A.-S., and Lin, L.-C.: Observations of an Emerging Ice-Free Zone in the Sea of Okhotsk during the Spring Sea-Ice Melting Period amid the 2023 Global SST Warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4756,, 2025.

EGU25-4891 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

Anthropogenic amplification of the Arctic near-surface wind speed 

Kaiqiang Deng, Wanlei Liu, Song Yang, and Deliang Chen

The near-surface wind speed in the Arctic plays an increasingly critical role in shaping local air-sea interactions and ensuring the safety of trans-Arctic shipping. However, its potential changes under a warming climate and the underlying mechanisms driving these changes remain unclear. By analyzing reanalysis data and model simulations, we demonstrate that Arctic surface wind speed has significantly increased since the 1960s, with the most pronounced acceleration occurring over the Arctic Ocean basins adjacent to the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. Historical simulations from CMIP6 models indicate that this acceleration is primarily driven by greenhouse gas induced warming, which is particularly prominent during the cold seasons. On one hand, the rapid surface warming in the Arctic disrupts the temperature inversion over sea ice, reducing atmospheric stability in the lower troposphere and enhancing thermal turbulence in the Arctic boundary layer. On the other hand, Arctic warming raises the height of the boundary layer, allowing stronger turbulence to mix high-altitude wind speed down to the surface, thereby intensifying near-surface wind speeds. Furthermore, CMIP6 models project a robust increase in Arctic NWS under various warming scenarios throughout the 21st century. This increase is especially prominent near the Kara Sea and the Beaufort Sea, with stronger wind speeds projected under higher SSP scenarios.

How to cite: Deng, K., Liu, W., Yang, S., and Chen, D.: Anthropogenic amplification of the Arctic near-surface wind speed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4891,, 2025.

EGU25-5304 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Reassessing primary production in polar ocean: A novel approach using mooring systems 

Jisoo Park, Eunho Ko, Younjoo Lee, and Eun Jin Yang

Rapid changes in the polar marine environment, driven by climate change, are altering the variability of nutrient and light distribution, with significant impacts on primary producer growth. However, access to polar regions is limited, and satellite data from high-latitude areas are typically available only during the summer, complicating the acquisition of continuous in-situ data. To address this, we collected year-round chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration data in polar regions using a mooring system and compared the results with reanalysis data. Unlike previous satellite-based studies that rely on surface measurements, we applied the annual vertical distribution of Chl-a to the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) to estimate annual primary production more accurately. Our findings reveal that phytoplankton exhibited a subsurface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) as sea ice retreated, with the SCM layer persisting for approximately four months—contrary to the gradually deepening SCM distribution predicted by model-based reanalysis data. This suggests that light and nutrient conditions within the SCM remained stable, supporting continuous phytoplankton growth. The estimated annual primary production, based on this vertical distribution of Chl-a, was 6.85 gC m−2 yr−1, which is more than ten times higher than estimates based on satellite data alone, highlighting significant underestimation by satellite-based approaches. Furthermore, this value was comparable to the average satellite-derived primary production of surrounding coastal and shelf areas (15.80 ± 10.65 6.85 gC m−2 yr−1). These results emphasize the importance of incorporating vertical distribution of phytoplankton and light in polar marine ecological models to enhance our understanding of carbon cycling and food web dynamics in these regions.

How to cite: Park, J., Ko, E., Lee, Y., and Yang, E. J.: Reassessing primary production in polar ocean: A novel approach using mooring systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5304,, 2025.

EGU25-5349 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Turbulent heat fluxes in the North Water Polynya and ice estimated based on ASRv2 data and their impact on cloud 

Fengming Hui, Haiyi Ren, Mohammed Shokr, Tianyu Zhang, Zhilun Zhang, and Xiao Cheng

The presence or absence of sea ice introduces a substantial perturbation to surface‒atmosphere energy exchanges. Comprehending the effect of varying sea ice cover on surface‒atmosphere interactions is an important consideration for understanding the Arctic climate system. The recurring North Water Polynya (NOW) serves as a natural laboratory for isolating cloud responses to a rapid, near-step perturbation in sea ice. In this study, we employed high-resolution Arctic System Reanalysis version 2 (ASRv2) data to estimate turbulent heat fluxes over the NOW and nearby sea ice (NSI) area between 2005/2006 and 2015/2016. The results indicate that the average turbulent heat fluxes in the polynya are about 87% and 86% higher than in the NSI area over the 10 years during the entire duration of the polynya and during polar night, respectively. Enhanced turbulent heat fluxes from the polynya tend to produce more low-level clouds. The relationship between the polynya and low cloud in winter was examined based on Cloud‒Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO). The low-cloud fraction (0–2 km) was about 7–34% larger over the polynya than the NSI area, and the ice water content below 200 m was about 250%–413% higher over the former than the latter. The correlation between cloud fraction and turbulent heat fluxes in the polynya peaks around the altitude of 200–300 m. These results suggest that the NOW affects the Arctic boundary layer cloudiness and structure in wintertime. Furthermore, higher horizontal resolution reanalysis data can advance our understanding of the cloud-polynya response.

How to cite: Hui, F., Ren, H., Shokr, M., Zhang, T., Zhang, Z., and Cheng, X.: Turbulent heat fluxes in the North Water Polynya and ice estimated based on ASRv2 data and their impact on cloud, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5349,, 2025.

EGU25-5642 | Posters on site | OS1.1

The Arctic Beaufort Gyre in CMIP6 Models: Present and Future 

Marylou Athanase, Raphael Köhler, Céline Heuzé, Xavier Lévine, and Ryan Williams

The Beaufort Gyre is an important feature of the Arctic Ocean. By accumulating or releasing freshwater, it influences ocean properties both within the Arctic and as far as the North Atlantic. Yet, its future remains uncertain: the gyre could strengthen as sea ice declines and allows increased wind stress on the ocean, or weaken along with the Beaufort High pressure system. Here, we provide a first evaluation of the Beaufort Gyre in historical and climate-change simulations from 27 available global climate models. We find that the vast majority of models overestimate the gyre area, strength, and northward extent. After discarding the models with too inaccurate a gyre and its drivers – namely, the sea ice cover and Beaufort High – we quantify changes in the Beaufort Gyre under two emission scenarios: the intermediate SSP2–4.5 and the high-warming SSP5–8.5. By the end of the 21st century, most models simulate a significant decline or even disappearance of the Beaufort Gyre, especially under SSP5–8.5. We show that this decline is mainly driven by a simulated future weakening of the Beaufort High, whose influence on the Beaufort Gyre variations is enhanced by the transition to a thin-ice Arctic. The simulated gyre decline is associated with an expected decrease in freshwater storage, with reduced salinity contrasts between the gyre and both Arctic subsurface waters and freshwater outflow regions. While model biases and unresolved processes remain, such possible stratification changes could shift the Atlantic-Arctic Meridional Overturning Circulation northward.

How to cite: Athanase, M., Köhler, R., Heuzé, C., Lévine, X., and Williams, R.: The Arctic Beaufort Gyre in CMIP6 Models: Present and Future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5642,, 2025.

EGU25-6241 | Posters on site | OS1.1

An assessment of the CMIP6 performance in simulating Arctic sea ice volume flux via Fram Strait 

Yufang Ye, Huiyan Kuang, Shaozhe Sun, Shaoyin Wang, Haibo Bi, Zhuoqi Chen, and Xiao Cheng

Numerical models serve as an essential tool to investigate the causes and effects of Arctic sea ice changes. Evaluating the simulation capabilities of the most recent CMIP6 models in sea ice volume flux provides references for model applications and improvements. Meanwhile, reliable long-term simulation results of the ice volume flux contribute to a deeper understanding of the sea ice response to global climate change.

In this study, the sea ice volume flux through six Arctic gateways over the past four decades (1979–2014) were estimated in combination of satellite observations of sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea ice motion (SIM) as well as the Pan-Arctic Ice-Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) reanalysis sea ice thickness (SIT) data. The simulation capability of 17 CMIP6 historical models for the volume flux through Fram Strait were quantitatively assessed. Sea ice volume flux simulated from the ensemble mean of 17 CMIP6 models demonstrates better performance than that from the individual model, yet IPSL-CM6A-LR and EC-Earth3-Veg-LR outperform the ensemble mean in the annual volume flux, with Taylor scores of 0.86 and 0.50, respectively. CMIP6 models display relatively robust capability in simulating the seasonal variations of volume flux. Among them, CESM2-WACCM performs the best, with a correlation coefficient of 0.96 and a Taylor score of 0.88. Conversely, NESM3 demonstrates the largest deviation from the observation/reanalysis data, with the lowest Taylor score of 0.16. The variability of sea ice volume flux is primarily influenced by SIM and SIT, followed by SIC. The extreme large sea ice export through Fram Strait is linked to the occurrence of anomalously low air temperatures, which in turn promote increased SIC and SIT in the corresponding region. Moreover, the intensified activity of Arctic cyclones and Arctic dipole anomaly could boost the southward sea ice velocity through Fram Strait, which further enhance the sea ice outflow.

How to cite: Ye, Y., Kuang, H., Sun, S., Wang, S., Bi, H., Chen, Z., and Cheng, X.: An assessment of the CMIP6 performance in simulating Arctic sea ice volume flux via Fram Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6241,, 2025.

The Arctic Ocean is undergoing rapid transformations due to the loss of sea ice, shifts in its heat budget and physical structure, and the “greening” of the polar surface ocean. These changes have profound implications for ocean biogeochemistry, the carbon cycle, and ocean acidification (OA). As part of the U.S. Synoptic Arctic Survey (SAS), we conducted a transect from the Chukchi Sea shelf to the North Pole during late summer 2022, enabling comprehensive sampling of the ocean carbon cycle in the seldom-sampled high Arctic. Discrete samples of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) and Total Alkalinity (TA) were collected from CTD-hydrocasts spanning surface to deep waters, complemented by higher-frequency underway measurements of DIC, TA, and pH. These observations establish a critical baseline for tracking future changes in Arctic carbon dynamics, biogeochemistry, and acidification. Additionally, the 2022 US SAS dataset allows for comparison with earlier observations, including the 1994 Arctic Ocean Section (AOS), the 2005 Beringia expedition, and the 2015 GEOTRACES Arctic cruise. Our synthesis reveals significant and ongoing changes in the Arctic Ocean carbon cycle, including: (1) substantial uptake of anthropogenic CO₂; (2) alterations in the driving force for air-sea CO₂ exchange; (3) a decreasing capacity of the Arctic Ocean to absorb atmospheric CO₂; and (4) intensified impacts on surface pH and ocean acidification. These findings underscore the accelerating pace of carbon cycle changes in the high Arctic and highlight the importance of sustained monitoring.

How to cite: Garley, R. and Bates, N.: Arctic Ocean inorganic carbon and acidification changes from 1994 to 2022 across the Chukchi Sea to the North Pole: A US contribution to the International Synoptic Arctic Survey Program, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6782,, 2025.

EGU25-6867 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Central Arctic: Results from the MOSAiC Expedition (2019-2020) 

Yeon Choi, Torsten Kanzow, Benjamin Rabe, and Simon Reifenberg

 The Arctic is a hot spot of climate change. Sea ice and snow, in particular, act as an insulator that prevent heat exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere and have been an important factor in mitigating temperature increases in the Arctic. However, the reduction of sea ice over the past 40 years has led to an increase in ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, contributing to Arctic Amplification. Despite its importance, obtaining observational data beneath sea ice in the Arctic during winter has been challenging due to the unique conditions of ice coverage, especially in winter. Several studies have been able to make use of recent advances in autonomous instrumentation to calculate wintertime ocean to ice heat flux (OHF). However, there remain considerable discrepancies in OHF estimates, even when examining the same time periods and research areas, primarily due to variations in calculation methods.

 In this study, we used observational data from the Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) to calculate OHF from October 2019 to May 2020. The observations were made by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Ice-tethered Profilers and Microstructure profilers drifting with sea ice along the Transpolar Drift. Here, we assess the applicability of an OHF parameterization from observational data, relying on the temperature difference between the mixed layer and the freezing temperature.

 The results in winter predominantly show negative (downward) OHF. We consider those results physically implausible, and they seem to be related to the ubiquitous presence of supercooled water in the mixed layer. When applying near surface temperature rather than freezing temperature to assess the heat content in the boundary layer, the wintertime OHF values are closed to zero until mid-March 2020. This result is in line with direct (dissipation based) measurements of OHF from the stratified ocean into the mixed layer during the same period. This study, therefore, suggests limitations in the applicability of the OHF parameterization in supercooled conditions. By opting for ocean surface temperature observations from the Arctic winter of 2019-2020, which were consistently lower than the freezing temperature, we anticipate that these refined calculation methods will yield more accurate results for assessing heat flux in future Arctic winters.

 From mid-March to early May, the OHF increased significantly, and so did the upward heat flux into the mixed layer. Our results suggest this shift occurred once the sea ice had drifted southward across the Gakkel Ridge toward Fram Strait. Analyzing the hydrographic properties of the upper ocean, we conclude that not only seasonal but also regional changes contributed to this shift.  

How to cite: Choi, Y., Kanzow, T., Rabe, B., and Reifenberg, S.: Ocean-to-Ice Heat Flux in the Central Arctic: Results from the MOSAiC Expedition (2019-2020), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6867,, 2025.

EGU25-7121 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

First look at Arctic eddies in a kilometric NEMO5 simulation 

Stefanie Rynders, Yevgeny Aksenov, Andrew Coward, and James Harle

Arctic eddies are important for mixing and heat exchange between sea ice and ocean. The effect carries over to the ecosystem to cause spatial patterns of primary production up to fish distribution. Strong stratification makes the Rossby radius of eddies on Arctic shelve very small resulting in spatial gradients in eddy sizes over the Arctic. Limited resolution of models in the past has been preventing correct representation. We present eddy statistics in a kilometric Arctic Ocean NEMO-SI3 model, using NEMO version 5.0 with the RK3 advection scheme and the TKE mixing scheme. The sea ice rheology is aEVP. We aim to validate the number of eddies as well as eddy sizes with available data from satellite and moorings. This simulation was done as part of the CANARI project, which includes examination of future sea ice loss impact on mixing and the possibility of accelerated sea ice decline. This work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) project CANARI NE/W004984/1. This work used the ARCHER2 UK National Supercomputing Service (

How to cite: Rynders, S., Aksenov, Y., Coward, A., and Harle, J.: First look at Arctic eddies in a kilometric NEMO5 simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7121,, 2025.

EGU25-7127 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Mapping of sea and glacier ice distribution in 2018-2023 in the Hornsund fjord, Svalbard with PlanetScope imagery 

Elizabeth Makhotina, Gareth Rees, Zuzanna Swirad, and Olga Tutubalina

Understanding the distribution and variations of sea and glacier ice coverage is critically important for assessing both the impacts and drivers of climate change, particularly in the Arctic. Sea ice responds dynamically to both ocean and atmospheric motion, implying variability on very short timescales which is challenging to monitor. In this study we assess the ability of PlanetScope satellite imagery, offering both high spatial and temporal resolutions, to analyse temporal variability. The study area is Isbjørnhamna-Hansbukta area in north-western Hornsund, Svalbard -  a fjord characterised by both in situ formed sea ice (fast ice and drift ice broken from the fast ice e.g. by waves), pack ice drifting into the fjord from south-west with Sørkapp Current that brings cold water masses from Barents Sea, and glacier ice from calving Hansbeen. 

We selected cloud-free images over a 4.5 ✕ 4.9 km AOI, large enough to depict the spread of sea ice to ensure accuracy in the analysis. From ten images captured in 2023, we collected sample reflectance data for three categories: thin ice, thick ice, and water. Thin ice in the AOI is typically grey and grey-white sea ice (10-30 cm) as well as brash ice and growlers, while thick ice is often snow-covered young and first-year sea ice (>30cm) as well as bergy bits and icebergs. Using these data, we calculated normalised difference spectral indices for both 8-band and 4-band imagery. Coastal Blue-Green 1 and Blue-Red indices were determined to be the most effective for discriminating between the different categories, and optimum thresholds were identified. Applying these indices and thresholds in QGIS, we generated 233 maps covering the months of March to August for the years 2018 to 2023.

From  the initial visual interpretation, the results showed credible classification of the images and revealed continuous seasonal patterns for all years of the study, with minimal ice coverage observed in March, May, and July through August, a peak in sea ice coverage in April, and a resurgence of thin ice in June. However, no observable multi-year trends could be identified from a preliminary analysis of the maps, other than a sharp decline in ice coverage in 2023. Quantitative analysis of the maps allows estimates of the sea and glacier ice extent within the AOI to be made. 

This research enhances our understanding of seasonal and interannual sea and glacier ice distribution in the nearshore and coastal zone of Svalbard. These findings have the potential to inform future studies about sea ice distribution, with the PlanetScope Imagery maps to be made publicly available through the Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System data portal at the end of the study. Future research will compare the relative advantages of PlanetScope and SAR imagery.

How to cite: Makhotina, E., Rees, G., Swirad, Z., and Tutubalina, O.: Mapping of sea and glacier ice distribution in 2018-2023 in the Hornsund fjord, Svalbard with PlanetScope imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7127,, 2025.

EGU25-7556 | Orals | OS1.1

Research Progress and Applications of Polar Sea Ice Products Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Payloads of Fengyun Satellites 

Xiaochun Zhai, Shengrong Tian, Cong Yin, Kunlin Huang, Guangzhen Cao, Zhaojun Zheng, Jian Shang, Shengli Wu, Lin Chen, and Xiuqing Hu

Fengyun satellites have now developed the capability to retrieve multiple polar sea ice parameters based on active and passive microwave payloads. This includes the operational production and release of four types of polar sea ice products, including the FY-3 MWRI radiometer sea ice concentration, the FY-3E WindRAD scatterometer sea ice edge and type, and the FY-3 GNOS-R sea ice thickness. The monitoring capabilities of Fengyun satellites in the polar regions are continuously improving. This study will systematically introduce the inversion and validation of polar sea ice parameters mentioned above, focusing on the research of sea ice edge and type inversion from the WindRAD scatterometer, which is the world's first dual-frequency, dual-polarization, fan-beam rotating scanning system. The release and application of operational sea ice parameter products from Fengyun satellites can further enhance the polar sea ice monitoring capabilities and provide a scientific and reliable new data source for research related to polar and global climate change, such as climate numerical models and the monitoring of extreme climate events.

How to cite: Zhai, X., Tian, S., Yin, C., Huang, K., Cao, G., Zheng, Z., Shang, J., Wu, S., Chen, L., and Hu, X.: Research Progress and Applications of Polar Sea Ice Products Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Payloads of Fengyun Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7556,, 2025.

EGU25-7857 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Ocean heat flux and a buoy data map with noise eliminated 

Ikjun Hwang and Woosok Moon

The rise in air temperature due to global warming has significantly reduced the extent and thickness of sea ice, a phenomenon with profound implications. Sea ice loss results from complex factors, including changes in heat and momentum fluxes and internal feedbacks within the Arctic air-ocean system. This loss influences atmospheric circulation and mid-latitude weather patterns. Declining sea ice volume increases seasonal variability in ocean-atmosphere heat exchange, emphasizing the need to accurately estimate ocean heat flux at the sea ice base. Ocean heat flux, crucial for sea ice formation and melting, is challenging to measure directly. This study addresses this by using observational data to estimate ocean heat flux through the interplay of conduction (analyzed using Fourier series to reduce noise) and latent heat. The resulting Arctic buoy data map enhances predictions of sea ice dynamics.

How to cite: Hwang, I. and Moon, W.: Ocean heat flux and a buoy data map with noise eliminated, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7857,, 2025.

EGU25-9085 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

Constraining Arctic Climate Projections: A Process-Based Approach to Model Weighting 

Susanna Winkelbauer, Michael Mayer, and Leopold Haimberger

Significant uncertainties in projections of various ocean and sea ice variables stem from a variety of sources, including different modeling approaches, imperfect representations of physical processes, and natural variability. Multi-model ensembles like CMIP6 are essential for assessing the range of uncertainty, however they rely on "model democracy," which assumes all models are equally plausible and independent of one-another.

Various constraining and weighting approaches are in use to minimize model uncertainties. Most of these approaches focus on state quantities, often relying solely on historical simulations of the target variable itself as the primary diagnostic. Here, we want to use more process-based diagnostics to incorporate physical mechanisms and interactions that govern the system dynamics. Previous assessments of the historical Arctic's energy budget in CMIP6 have shown tight connections between oceanic heat transports and key Arctic state quantities like sea ice and the ocean's warming rate, with substantial biases prevailing from the ocean to the Arctic surface. Using our new StraitFlux tools, which enable fast and precise calculations of oceanic transports for diverse climate models, we can quite efficiently incorporate oceanic transports into existing model weighting algorithms. By evaluating model performance against observational data and assessing their independence of one-another, we aim to identify and mitigate biases in Arctic projections. We use this approach to weight and constrain key Arctic variables, such as sea ice, for a large ensemble of CMIP6 models. For example, weighting the Arctic September sea ice extent ensemble reduces the spread in the first year of an ice-free Arctic and indicates a general tendency to an earlier ice-free Arctic than when using model democracy. Those results agree very well with past studies using different weighting diagnostics, demonstrating the robustness of the weighting approach. 

How to cite: Winkelbauer, S., Mayer, M., and Haimberger, L.: Constraining Arctic Climate Projections: A Process-Based Approach to Model Weighting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9085,, 2025.

EGU25-9800 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Strong winter-time deep-water formation during the Little Ice Age in subarctic semi-enclosed formerly glaciated marginal seas (Baltic Sea and Eastern Canadian coastal waters)  

Matthias Moros, Aarno Kotilainen, Thomas Neumann, Henriette Kolling, Svenja Papenmeier, Kerstin Brembach, Kai-Frederik Lenz, Anne De Vernal, Patrick Lajeunesse, Guillaume St-Onge, Stephanie S. Kienast, Jaap S. Damste, H.E. Markus Meier, and Ralph Schneider

New hydroacoustic measurements combined with old data reveal the widespread occurrence of contourite drift deposits - indicative of persistent strong bottom currents -  at rather great water depths in the northern Baltic Sea and  Eastern Canadian coastal waters (Foxe Basin, Hudson Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence). In addition, lag deposits suggest that strong bottom currents temporary eroded sediments most likely during the cold Little Ice Age. For example, the Little Ice Age lag deposits are found to a water depth of  ~ 300 m in Foxe Basin and to ~ 150 m in the Baltic Sea. In all ecosystems the depositional environment changed drastically with the onset of climate warming after the Little Ice Age: calm conditions prevailed leading to the accumulation of fine-grained sediments. A possible mechanism to explain the strong bottom currents during the Little Ice Age is an enhanced deep-water formation caused by accelerated convection and/or brine formation (Eastern Canadian waters) during colder winter conditions. Attempts to model the enhanced winter-time deep-water formation / convection remain inconclusive and do not match the hydroacoustic and sedimentological evidence. However, solving this issue is critical as it could allow to, e.g., reconstruct past winter temperatures based on sedimentological grain-size studies. Yet, most proxies used in paleo-oceanographic temperature reconstructions only relate to spring and summer (growing season) conditions. Our results indicate that winter temperature changes (strength and length of sea-ice season) are of critical importance for the depositional environment and bottom water ventilation in the Eastern Canadian and Baltic Sea ecosystems.

How to cite: Moros, M., Kotilainen, A., Neumann, T., Kolling, H., Papenmeier, S., Brembach, K., Lenz, K.-F., De Vernal, A., Lajeunesse, P., St-Onge, G., Kienast, S. S., Damste, J. S., Meier, H. E. M., and Schneider, R.: Strong winter-time deep-water formation during the Little Ice Age in subarctic semi-enclosed formerly glaciated marginal seas (Baltic Sea and Eastern Canadian coastal waters) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9800,, 2025.

EGU25-10639 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

The seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean in a summer ice-free climate : changes, driving processes and consequences. 

Camille Le Gloannec, Rym Msadek, and Camille Lique

The Arctic Ocean is a hot spot of climate change, with enhanced warming and freshening of near-surface waters and a rapid decline of sea ice in recent decades. Climate model projections suggest that the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free in summer as early as 2030-2050, accompanied by an intensified seasonal cycle of sea ice characterized by earlier melting and later growth seasons. This transition will enhance interactions between the ocean, atmosphere and sea ice, likely altering the stratification of the Arctic Ocean during summer. The projected retreat of summer sea ice in the coming decades raises the question of how the seasonal cycle of the ocean may change, which is critical in regulating chemical, biological and physical processes in the region. Given the non-uniformity of sea ice loss across the Arctic, pan-Arctic averages fail to capture the spatial variability of these changes. In this study, we analyze 36 climate models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) under the SSP5-8.5 scenario to characterize regional changes in the Arctic Ocean seasonal cycle in the near future. Our results reveal an intensified seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature and a weakened seasonal cycle of sea surface salinity with significant regional variability and model dependence. Changes at depth are primarily confined to the mixed layer. By analyzing the mixed layer temperature and salinity budget for each region, we identify the key processes driving these changes. These insights enhance our understanding of the evolving seasonal dynamics of the Arctic Ocean and their broader implications in a rapidly changing climate.

How to cite: Le Gloannec, C., Msadek, R., and Lique, C.: The seasonal cycle of the Arctic Ocean in a summer ice-free climate : changes, driving processes and consequences., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10639,, 2025.

EGU25-10970 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Impacts of Seasonal and Interannual Sea Ice Changes on Arctic Ocean Stratification 

Haohao Zhang, Andrea Storto, Xuezhi Bai, and Chunxue Yang

Seasonal and interannual variations in Arctic Ocean stratification significantly influence the vertical exchange of heat, salt, nutrient fluxes and the surface ice cover. On the seasonal scale, Arctic stratification is mainly influenced by ice melting/freezing processes. We used a one-dimensional (1D) coupled sea ice-ocean model to understand the effects of ice melting/freezing processes on stratification and their feedback on the ice itself. This 1D model can accurately simulate observed seasonal changes in the vertical structure of the upper Arctic Ocean. Then, we prevent the model from releasing meltwater into the ocean or maintaining a constant ice cover during the melting season, in a series of decoupling experiments, which reveal the following points: In summer, meltwater has negative feedback on ice melting by insulating a portion of the solar radiation into the Near Surface Temperature Maximum (NSTM); sea ice changes primarily manifest as the well-known albedo feedback. In winter, meltwater has minimal impact in strongly stratified regions, however, in weakly stratified regions, meltwater promotes freezing by hindering the heat upward mixing from Atlantic warm water (AWW); In regions with less ice cover, if there is no meltwater to counteract the stronger mixing due to the winter atmosphere-ocean energy exchange, the AWW can mix dramatically upwards, and even melt the ice in winter. In contrast, if there is enough ice cover to insulate the atmosphere from the ocean, strong mixing will not occur, even without meltwater. The 1D-model study demonstrates that, as Arctic sea ice diminishes and Atlantification intensifies in the future, the impact of meltwater on the ice-ocean system will become increasingly significant. For multiyear scales, we utilized CIGAR historical ocean reanalysis (1961-2022) data and extensive in situ observations from the Arctic Ocean to investigate the long-term variations in Arctic Ocean stratification. The results show a strong correlation between stratification strength and freshwater content in the Arctic Ocean. However, over the past decade, while the freshwater content in the Beaufort Sea has remained regionally stable, stratification strength has shown a decline. This suggests that, with the retreat of sea ice, atmospheric energy input is becoming increasingly significant in influencing stratification.

How to cite: Zhang, H., Storto, A., Bai, X., and Yang, C.: Impacts of Seasonal and Interannual Sea Ice Changes on Arctic Ocean Stratification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10970,, 2025.

EGU25-11030 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Arctic to the North Atlantic connectivity using Montgomery Potential on neutral density surfaces 

Yevgeny Aksenov, Stefanie Rynders, George, A.J. Nurser, Alex Megan, Stephen Kelly, and Andrew Coward

How Arctic waters end up in the North Atlantic? We have examined ocean connectivity for neutral density surfaces by developing Montgomery Potential for the NEMO ocean model. The method is coded in Python, enabling calculating geostrophic flow on pseudo-neutral density surfaces. We have analysed global NEMOv4.2 at 1/12 degree runs for the 2008-2021 period for ocean connectivity from the Arctic to the North Atlantic. We have also mapped water-mass pathways by releasing on neutral density surfaces 25.8-28.2 in the Laptev Sea, in the Denmark and Davis Straits, near the Flemish Cap and on the West European Shelf, then by tracking particles forward and backward. The transient times from the Laptev Sea to the Great Banks are of about 6 years; across the Atlantic – another 6 yrs; and the Laptev Sea to the West European Shelf is of about 16 years in total. The model transient times were compared to those from the observed Technetium spread to the Western Barents Sea and to the regions around Greenland. This presented work has been funded from the European Union's project EPOC, EU grant 101059547 and UKRI grant 10038003, EC Horizon Europe project OptimESM “Optimal High Resolution Earth System Models for Exploring Future Climate Changes”, grant 101081193 and UKRI grant 10039429, and from the UK NERC projects LTS-M BIOPOLE (NE/W004933/1), CANARI (NE/W004984/1) and UK LTS-S Atlantic Climate & Environment Strategic Science –ATLANTIS. For the EU projects the work reflects only the authors' view; the European Commission and their executive agency are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information the work contains. We acknowledge the use of ARCHER UK National Supercomputing and JASMIN.

How to cite: Aksenov, Y., Rynders, S., Nurser, G. A. J., Megan, A., Kelly, S., and Coward, A.: Arctic to the North Atlantic connectivity using Montgomery Potential on neutral density surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11030,, 2025.

EGU25-12218 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Arctic spin-up under melting sea ice  

Xiaoyan Wei, Chris Wilson, and Sheldon Bacon

The Arctic sea ice has been rapidly declining due to climate change, with significant impacts on subpolar ocean dynamics and mid-latitude regional weather patterns. However, climate models (e.g., CMIP5 and CMIP6) show a large inter-model spread in projected sea ice changes, often underestimating the observed decline. This discrepancy may result from the poor representation of key ocean heat transport processes in the Arctic Ocean. Using a high-resolution global ocean-sea ice model (NEMO-SI3) with a 1/12° grid, forced at the surface by the Earth System Model UKESM1.1, we explored how atmospheric forcings, boundary currents, energetics, and horizontal/vertical mixing change with the declining Arctic sea ice from 1990 to 2100 under the SSP3-7.0 scenario. We investigated how these changes in the Arctic Ocean drive upward heat fluxes from Atlantic Water (AW) beneath the halocline to the ocean surface, and quantified their contribution to the ocean surface heat budget in an increasingly energetic Arctic. Finally, we demonstrated the critical role of enhanced upward AW heat flux in accelerating sea ice decline under a warming climate. Our study underscores the potential importance of processes linked to Arctic spin-up in the facilitation of heat transfer from the warm, sub-surface Atlantic Water to the cold, fresh Arctic Ocean surface, accelerating sea ice melt and influencing the global climate system. 

How to cite: Wei, X., Wilson, C., and Bacon, S.: Arctic spin-up under melting sea ice , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12218,, 2025.

EGU25-12510 | Orals | OS1.1

Future Changes in Arctic River Runoff and its Impact on the Ocean 

Tahya Weiss-Gibbons, Clark Pennelly, Tricia Stadnyk, and Paul Myers

Freshwater plays an important role in the Arctic Ocean, where stratification and circulation are dominated by salinity. River runoff is an important piece of the Arctic freshwater budget, and it is changing rapidly with climate change. River runoff into the Arctic Ocean has been increasing in both amount and temperature, a trend which is expected to continue into the future. We look at forcing a state of the art ocean model with future runoff projections for the Arctic Ocean, to understand how this increase in runoff temperature and flow impacts the changing Arctic. Runoff projections are produced using the A-HYPE hydrological model, over the Arctic drainage basin, giving both runoff and river temperature data. These are used to force a regional configuration of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) framework 4.2, with a nested 1/12 degree Arctic Ocean. As opposed to traditional methods of linearly scaling runoff for future projections, combining hydrological model output with ocean models gives a more complete spatially and temporally varying picture of runoff. Changes in river runoff has implications for sea ice futures, circulation patterns, freshwater storage and release of freshwater to lower latitudes.

How to cite: Weiss-Gibbons, T., Pennelly, C., Stadnyk, T., and Myers, P.: Future Changes in Arctic River Runoff and its Impact on the Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12510,, 2025.

EGU25-13327 | Posters on site | OS1.1

Estimated Transport of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean Using Observed and Simulated Radionuclides 

Yanchun He, Mu Lin, and Emil Jeansson

The pathways and time scales of Atlantic Water (AW) transport to the Arctic Ocean (AO), and its subsequent return to the North Atlantic, are critical for understanding the ocean’s role in modulating heat, salinity, and the sequestration of anthropogenic trace gases.

To quantify the time scales of AW transport by advective and diffusive processes, we applied the Inverse-Gaussian Transit-Time Distribution (IG-TTD) method, utilizing a suite of radionuclide datasets. The IG-TTD parameters—mean transit time (Γ), representing advection, and width (Δ), characterizing diffusion—were derived from radionuclides such as Iodine-129 (I-129), Technetium-99 (Tc-99), and Uranium-236 (U-236). These radionuclides originate primarily from two European nuclear reprocessing facilities. To complement observational data, idealized tracers from an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) were incorporated, including Boundary Impulse Response (BIR) tracers and dilution tracers. BIR tracers constrained the mixing ratio (Δ/Γ) in the IG-TTD, while the dilution tracer refined source functions for improved accuracy.

Preliminary results indicate a transit time of approximately 25 years from the Iceland-Scotland Ridge to the central Arctic Ocean, with mixing ratios (Δ/Γ) ranging between 0.2 and 0.4—significantly lower than the typical value of ~1 observed for CFCs/SF6 tracers transitioning from surface ventilation to the ocean interior. A dilution factor on the order of 1000 was necessary to scale source functions and avoid unrealistically high mean ages. Transit times showed substantial variability within the same region, depending on radionuclide type and sampling period, highlighting the impact of strong synoptic variability in ocean currents on measurement uncertainties. Additionally, dual-tracer constraints on mixing ratios, comparisons of transit times derived from radionuclides versus ventilation tracers, and assessments against model-simulated BIR tracers are discussed.

How to cite: He, Y., Lin, M., and Jeansson, E.: Estimated Transport of Atlantic Water to the Arctic Ocean Using Observed and Simulated Radionuclides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13327,, 2025.

In the Arctic, ocean surface waves are becoming more energetic. This is due to the larger wind fetch caused by decreased sea ice cover in summer and delayed sea ice formation in fall. These changes, driven by global climate change and regional warming, are projected to be more extreme in the future. Surface gravity waves are a key factor in coastal erosion and flooding, which are already negatively affecting coastlines in the Arctic (Casas-Prat & Wang 2020). Understanding and quantifying surface waves evolution is therefore particularly important for the communities that live along the coasts of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA), yet it has not been investigated with modeling.

We used the spectral wave model Wavewatch III® (Tolman 1997, 1999a, 2009) to simulate gravity waves formation and propagation for the entire Arctic and the North Atlantic over 2002-2022, using output from a regional 1/4° NEMO simulation. Simulations reveal a positive wave height trend in Baffin Bay and locations near the sea ice margin in the Barents, Kara and East Greenland Seas. A positive trend is found in Baffin Bay from June to October (max 0.25 m/y), where peak wave heights of 4-6 m are also observed during fall, in the second decade of the run. This highlights the importance of combined delay in seasonal sea ice formation and storm activity in the CAA, with storms more likely to produce high waves conditions during fall.

Further ongoing work will: 1) analyze the impact of waves on coastal erosion; 2) project ocean and wave conditions under CMIP6 forcing: the numerical ocean model NEMO, at 1/4° resolution, and a nested grid over the CAA will allow WW3 wave simulations to be projected over 2100.

How to cite: Pochini, E. and Myers, P.: Simulated wave evolution and coastal erosion in the Arctic and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (2002-2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13701,, 2025.

EGU25-16814 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Changing trends in Arctic sea ice volume 

Rebekka Jastamin Steene and Martin Rypdal

Arctic sea ice has undergone massive changes in the latest decades. Not only has the ice extent seen a great reduction over the satellite era, sea ice thickness is also strongly altered as a result of changing climate conditions. In this study, we look at sea ice volume in the Arctic and show how its response to increasing temperatures has changed in recent years. Using a Bayesian statistical framework, we look at reanalysis data of sea ice volume and detect changepoints in trends. We have identified an abrupt change in Arctic sea ice volume relative to global mean temperature. Spatial analysis shows that this signal of abrupt change primarily stems from loss of sea ice thickness in the Canadian Basin and Beaufort Gyre region. We compare these findings with CMIP6 Earth system models and find similar behaviour in several models. Further, we have conducted experiments with the NorESM model to better describe the mechanisms of this abrupt change, and to see how the sea ice volume behaves if global warming is later reversed.

How to cite: Steene, R. J. and Rypdal, M.: Changing trends in Arctic sea ice volume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16814,, 2025.

EGU25-17101 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

How reversible are carbonate chemistry changes triggered by future Arctic sea ice loss? 

Eike E. Köhn, Lester Kwiatkowski, James C. Orr, Guillaume Gastineau, and Juliette Mignot

The ongoing rapid decline in Arctic sea ice is considered as a tipping element of our climate system. It is exposing a warmer and more acidified ocean directly to the atmosphere, permitting greater light penetration and enhanced exchange of heat, momentum, and gases across the air-sea interface. Earth system models project that these thermal and biogeochemical changes will dramatically perturb Arctic Ocean carbonate chemistry. As one of the consequences, the projections indicate that the seasonal maximum in surface ocean pCO2 generally shifts from winter to summer during this century. Yet, it is unknown whether such biogeochemical changes in the Arctic would be reversible, if we managed to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. Here we analyse the reversibility of Arctic biogeochemistry changes using idealised 1pctCO2-cdr simulations from six earth system models. These model experiments simulate a 140-year period of 1% annual atmospheric CO2 increase (rampup to 4x preindustrial levels), followed by a 140-year period of 1% annual CO2 decrease (rampdown). Our results indicate that the present day pCO2 cycle is largely recovered when atmospheric CO2 returns to preindustrial levels. However, most models exhibit substantial hysteresis, particularly during summer, where surface ocean pCO2 remains more elevated during the rampdown phase relative to the rampup phase (difference in Arctic average up to 60 𝜇atm pCO2 for the same atmospheric CO2 levels). Despite model differences, their projections consistently show pronounced regional variability in the pCO2 hysteresis, with high hysteresis occurring for example in the Nordic Seas and the Barents Sea. Our results indicate that the pCO2 hysteresis is particularly sensitive to sea surface temperature and net primary productivity, both of which show regionally varying hysteresis as well. These findings underscore the complex impacts of Arctic sea ice loss on biogeochemical cycles, emphasising the importance of accounting for hysteresis in CO2 overshoot scenarios and climate mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Köhn, E. E., Kwiatkowski, L., Orr, J. C., Gastineau, G., and Mignot, J.: How reversible are carbonate chemistry changes triggered by future Arctic sea ice loss?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17101,, 2025.

EGU25-17889 | ECS | Orals | OS1.1

Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the future Arctic Ocean from a Regional Ecological Model 

Lucia Gutierrez-Loza and Siv K. Lauvset

In the Arctic, where the effects of the changing climate are occurring faster than anywhere else on Earth, warming, sea-ice decline and changes in ocean circulation have already resulted in an overall increase of the marine primary productivity. According to global climate projections, the increased productivity is expected to continue in this region due to greater open-water habitats and larger growing seasons. Significant shifts in phytoplankton composition and an increasingly unstable community structure are also expected through the 21st century in response to climate change. Nevertheless, high uncertainties still exist in future net primary productivity (NPP) and the overall response of phytoplankton to climate change in the Arctic and subarctic regions.

This study assesses the effect of changing physical characteristics in the Nordic and Barents Seas on nutrient distribution and phytoplankton dynamics over the 21st century using the high-resolution NORWegian ECOlogical Model system (NORWECOM.E2E). The results show two distinct pathways of the phytoplankton response, differentiating Arctic conditions (i.e., Barents Sea) and Atlantic conditions (i.e., Nordic Seas). The Barents Sea, a shallow and well-mixed basin with persistent nutrient supply from the deep ocean to the surface, experiences a gradual intensification of the phytoplankton blooms towards the end of the century. This response is consistent with increasing temperatures, sunlight availability due to reduced sea-ice extent and the intensification of the vertical mixing.

In contrast, the Nordic Seas experience an abrupt change in the phytoplankton dynamics, with a sudden shift in the phytoplankton communities from a diatom-dominated to a flagellate-dominated bloom, according to the simulations. The rapid change in phytoplankton bloom dynamics is caused by an interplay between a shallowing mixed layer depth and changing nutrient consumption patterns by phytoplankton. These changes are consistent across climate scenarios SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5. However, the timing and magnitude of the changes vary significantly, with SSP3-7.0 showing the most abrupt changes.

As Arctic conditions continue at an accelerated pace, major implications for local and regional ecosystems are expected. These impacts will, most probably, not be limited to the Arctic region given its crucial role in the Earth’s system. Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics have the potential to impact the global carbon cycle by altering primary productivity and carbon export into the deep ocean, ultimately affecting the global climate.

How to cite: Gutierrez-Loza, L. and Lauvset, S. K.: Changes in phytoplankton bloom dynamics in the future Arctic Ocean from a Regional Ecological Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17889,, 2025.

EGU25-18826 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.1

Projected Increase of Phytoplankton Carbon Exudation and Particle Formation in the Arctic Ocean until the End of the Century 

Moritz Zeising, Laurent Oziel, and Astrid Bracher

The Arctic Ocean is projected to become ice-free by the middle of the century, accompanied by changes in freshwater input, stratification, and warming of the upper ocean. The marine ecosystem is predominantly influenced by the availability of light and nutrients for phytoplankton, which form the base of the food web. With the projected changes of the physical environment throughout the course of the century, CMIP6 models suggest a general increase in Arctic net primary production. It is anticipated that phytoplankton shift from a light-limited state to nutrient limitation across large areas of the Arctic Ocean, potentially leading to increased exudation of organic carbon into the water column.

We briefly discuss the mechanisms driving the dynamics of organic carbon in the upper Arctic Ocean before focusing on long-term trends in Arctic biogeochemistry projected until 2100. Using an ocean general circulation sea-ice biogeochemistry model based on the IPCC Shared Socio-economic Pathway high-emission scenario SSP3-7.0, we observe regionally varying increases in exuded organic carbon, alongside enhanced formation of particulate organic carbon in the upper water column. These particles can either be transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere, acting as precursors to primary marine organic aerosols, or sink in the water column, contributing to carbon export. Our findings align with other recent studies, showing a shift from light to nutrient limitation in phytoplankton growth, particularly in regions experiencing retreat of the marginal ice zone. Our simulation indicates that diatoms are the primary contributors to organic carbon exudation and subsequent particle aggregation. However, some regions do not exhibit an overall increase in particulate organic carbon due to elevated remineralization rates. Overall, our projection provides an assessment of the impact of changes in the physical environment on phytoplankton dynamics and, consequently, on organic carbon pools in the upper Arctic Ocean. This work is part of the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 172 on Arctic Amplification.

How to cite: Zeising, M., Oziel, L., and Bracher, A.: Projected Increase of Phytoplankton Carbon Exudation and Particle Formation in the Arctic Ocean until the End of the Century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18826,, 2025.

EGU25-20584 | Orals | OS1.1 | Highlight

 Atlantification advances into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean  

Igor Polyakov

Atlantification—the northward inflow of anomalous waters and biota from the Atlantic into the polar basins—has wide-ranging climatological ramifications.  Sustained observations demonstrated that, contrary to the global climate model projections, atlantification has already advanced into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, having a significant impact on the physical and ecological components of the climate system. The primary example is the rapidly diminishing sea ice in the Siberian Arctic Ocean (SAO), which is caused by the weakened ocean stratification and amplified heat fluxes. These sea ice thickness anomalies caused by atlantification persist across the Arctic region and are prevalent along the entirety of the Transpolar Drift. Furthermore, we observe the transition of the central SAO to conditions resembling those in the eastern SAO 5-7 years ago and the emergence of a powerful ocean-heat/ice-albedo feedback, which accelerates sea-ice losses. The eastern SAO is still strongly stratified but collaborative international observations demonstrate that the atlantification-driven shoaling of warm, salty, and nutrient-rich intermediate waters already has important ecological consequences there. Disentangling the role of atlantification in multiple and complex high-latitude changes should be a priority in future modeling and observational efforts.


How to cite: Polyakov, I.:  Atlantification advances into the Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20584,, 2025.

EGU25-20633 | Orals | OS1.1

On the importance of air-sea ice-ocean coupling in the Barents Sea 

Wieslaw Maslowski, Younjoo Lee, Robert Osinski, Jaclyn Clement Kinney, and Mark Seefeldt

Recent studies of Arctic Amplification (AA) suggest that the Arctic has been warming between three to four times faster compared to the global average. The loss of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the most evident manifestations of the warming climate over the past several decades. This decline has been most pronounced in the Barents/Kara seas during winter and in the western Arctic during summer

Changes in the Arctic sea ice cover can be both a cause and a consequence of anomalous atmospheric and oceanic warming. In the case of the winter trend, some earlier studies have suggested that factors other than atmospheric forcing, e.g., ocean heat transport and storage, are responsible for the observed sea ice retreat. Moreover, results from models participating in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) suggest an emergent constraint linking oceanic heat convergence to declining sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean. At the same time, significant biases in individual simulated sea ice states persist, resulting in the continued large CMIP model spread. The limited skill in the historical simulations of the Arctic climate system hinders the interpretation of their results and affects the reliability of their future projections.


In this presentation, we will address some of these limitations, focusing on the importance of oceanic heat transport from the Nordic Seas, its convergence and impact on the sea ice over the Barents Sea, and the remaining outflow into the central Arctic. Results from the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM), at varying spatial resolutions and forced with an atmospheric reanalysis or fully coupled, will be evaluated to demonstrate a relatively wide range of the simulated volume fluxes into the Barents Sea. Apparent coupled linkages between oceanic volume and heat fluxes, sea ice cover, and the oceanic heat convergence over the Barents Sea will be demonstrated. The importance of spatial resolution in representing some critical processes related to ocean mesoscale, sea ice characteristics, and air-sea coupling in the region will be discussed. Finally, the need for expanded long-term measurements to reduce uncertainties in the observational estimates of oceanic fluxes in and out of the Barents Sea will be rationalized.

How to cite: Maslowski, W., Lee, Y., Osinski, R., Clement Kinney, J., and Seefeldt, M.: On the importance of air-sea ice-ocean coupling in the Barents Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20633,, 2025.

EGU25-21413 | Orals | OS1.1

The Effects of Salinity and Stratification on Rapid Sea Ice Advance in the Arctic Ocean  

Julian Schanze, Scott Springer, Jessica Anderson, Michael Town, Ee Qi Lim, David Treadwell, Zhiwei Zhou, Sicheng Zhou, and Oleg Melnichenko

The annual sea ice minimum extent in the Arctic Ocean has decreased almost two-fold since the advent of satellite observations in the 1970s, leaving more open water before the fall freeze-up.  Here, we leverage a combined dataset from the 2022 NASA Salinity and Stratification at the Sea Ice Edge (SASSIE) field program to elucidate the central hypothesis that drove SASSIE: Does surface salinity stratification due to sea ice melt, precipitation, and riverine inputs lead to changes in the rates or extent of autumnal sea ice advance? The SASSIE study region in the Beaufort Sea is stratified both by melting sea ice in the summer and riverine discharge. We leverage measurements of oxygen isotopes as well as colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) to trace the origins of fresher water at the surface.

In addition to an in-depth analysis of in situ data, we use the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM) for individual profiles as well as the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) initialized and forced with observations from the SASSIE field campaign. These observations include temperature and salinity from the salinity snake instrument at 1-2cm depth, shipborne thermosalinograph (4m) and underway conductivity-temperature-depth (uCTD) measurements (5-100m), acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) data, as well as meteorological and net heat flux observations. In realistically forced runs, we re-create the observations during the month-long cruise. We then modify the stratification to both increase and decrease salinity stratification to assess the importance of salinity stratification on the autumnal sea ice advance. We compare these model outputs to satellite-derived freeze-up data as well as in situ observations from autonomous platforms in the area. Preliminary results show a strong control of salinity on rapid sea ice advance, in which areas that are highly stratified freeze significantly faster than areas of deeper or weaker stratification.

Based on this hypothesis, we present a novel way of modelling the autumnal Arctic Sea Ice advance using a Convolutional Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network model. In this machine learning approach, we demonstrate that the inclusion of the experimental merged salinity OISSS v3 dataset derived from the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) and Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellites significantly improves forecast accuracy of sea ice concentration in our study area, which encompasses the East Siberian, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas. The model is based on 8 years of training data and tested using 3 years of evaluation data. Using this 60-day forecast, we show that the spatial forecasting pattern of sea ice concentration is significantly improved. This is further illustrated in an ablation study, in which we find sea surface salinity to be the 4th most important predictive term after sea surface temperature, net heat flux, and sea ice concentration.

Through these studies, we show the connection between the terrestrial water cycle, oceanic freshwater fluxes, and sea ice formation in the Arctic, and present a novel technique of sea ice prediction that will become increasingly useful as the Arctic becomes more ice free.

How to cite: Schanze, J., Springer, S., Anderson, J., Town, M., Lim, E. Q., Treadwell, D., Zhou, Z., Zhou, S., and Melnichenko, O.: The Effects of Salinity and Stratification on Rapid Sea Ice Advance in the Arctic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21413,, 2025.

The biological carbon pump includes all the biological processes involving the production of organic carbon in the euphotic layer and its export towards the deep ocean, where it will be stored and isolated from the atmosphere for centuries. The main export pathway is via the sinking of particles by gravity, known as the gravitational pump. Another important one is the migrant pump, sustained by a specific behaviour called zooplankton Diel Vertical Migration (DVM). Migrant organisms feed in the euphotic layer at night and hide from predators at depth during daytime, thus actively transferring carbon from the surface to the migration depth. The export flux of carbon is attenuated along its way to the dark ocean, mainly by heterotrophic processes linked to prokaryotes and zooplankton. The strongest decline occurs in what is called the mesopelagic zone (approximately 100-1000 m). The study of Kwon et al. (2009) demonstrated the crucial control of this attenuation on atmospheric CO2 concentrations and thus on Earth’s climate. Yet, the processes at work in the mesopelagic realm remain poorly understood, as it was underlined by Wilson et al. (2022).

In the present study, we address this issue through a modelling approach. We perform realistic 3D coupled physical-biogeochemical simulations at an unusually high horizontal resolution (2 km). We use CROCO (Coastal and Regional Ocean Community, Mason et al., 2010) and PISCES (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies, Aumont et al., 2015) models, respectively for the physical and biogeochemical compartments. The simulations take place in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during the years 2020-2024. This work is part of the APERO ANR (Assessing marine biogenic matter Production, Export and Remineralization: from the surface to the dark Ocean), which is based on a cruise that took place during the summer of 2023 near the PAP station (Porcupine Abyssal Plain, located southwest of Ireland).

We aim to shed light on the main mechanisms driving carbon flux attenuation in the mesopelagic realm, and to understand the role of small scales on carbon export and storage in the deep ocean. More specifically, using results from the APERO cruise, we will focus on how to improve the parametrisation of zooplankton DVM and particle sinking velocities in the PISCES model.

How to cite: Barge, F. and Mémery, L.: High-resolution physical-biogeochemical modelling in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean: mechanisms driving carbon flux attenuation in the mesopelagic realm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1054,, 2025.

EGU25-1458 | Orals | OS1.2

Poleward shift of AMOC source regions maintains stable supply of dense overflow waters to the North Atlantic Ocean 

Marius Årthun, Ailin Brakstad, Jakob Dörr, Helen L. Johnson, Carlo Mans, Stefanie Semper, and Kjetil Våge

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), carrying warm, salty water to high latitudes, is a key component of the global ocean circulation with profound impacts on climate. To sustain the AMOC, dense-water formation at high northern latitudes, such as in the Nordic Seas and Arctic Ocean, is a requirement. Here, we use the high-resolution (1/12°) ocean reanalysis GLORYS12, corroborated by observations and other reanalyses, to show that a poleward expansion of warm Atlantic waters and corresponding sea-ice loss has caused a poleward shift of the dense water source regions in recent decades (1993-2020). This is manifested in enhanced surface water mass transformation in the Arctic Ocean, compensating for a reduction in the Nordic Seas. The associated strengthening of the Arctic Ocean overturning circulation has ensured that the transport of dense overflow waters across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge to the AMOC’s lower limb has remained stable. Our results thus provide evidence for a resilient northern overturning circulation in a warming climate.

How to cite: Årthun, M., Brakstad, A., Dörr, J., Johnson, H. L., Mans, C., Semper, S., and Våge, K.: Poleward shift of AMOC source regions maintains stable supply of dense overflow waters to the North Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1458,, 2025.

EGU25-1563 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Diagnosing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under density surfaces is critical in the context of abrupt climate change 

Fernanda DI Alzira Oliveira Matos, Dmitry Sidorenko, Xiaoxu Shi, Lars Ackermann, Jan Streffing, Janini Pereira, Christian Stepanek, Gerrit Lohmann, and Paul Gierz

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a crucial component of our climate system, influencing water mass formation and transformation. It is driven by buoyancy fluctuations and mixing within the water column. The AMOC is often studied using climate models by calculating strength indexes based on constant depth intervals (z-AMOC). However, at high latitudes, where deep water forms in the Atlantic, isopycnals are much steeper than in subtropical regions. This means that the z-AMOC framework may not fully capture the processes involved in interior ocean ventilation due to its failure to consider density gradients. To address the potential biases of the z-AMOC approach, we calculate the AMOC using density surfaces (ρ-AMOC). We compare the z-AMOC and ρ-AMOC frameworks under three scenarios: Pre-Industrial (PI), historical, and quadrupled PI CO2 concentrations (4xCO2). The PI and historical simulations serve as a testbed for evaluating the frameworks, while the 4xCO2 scenario is crucial for assessing climate sensitivity and natural variability in response to extreme CO2 levels. We also analyze water mass transformations driven by surface-induced and interior-mixing processes.

Our findings reveal that both the location and strength of AMOC maxima are significantly influenced by the choice of framework. Under constant depth coordinates, the AMOC reaches a maximum transport of 21 Sv at approximately 35oN, while it achieves around 25 Sv at 55oN when calculated from density surfaces for both PI and historical climates. In the 4xCO2 scenario, both frameworks show an abrupt weakening of the AMOC, linked to sea-ice melting and reduced deep convection, followed by a gradual recovery to maximum values of 10-15 Sv due to increased evaporation and salt export to the North Atlantic. Furthermore, we find that the z-AMOC maxima time series correlates more closely with those at 26oN (r ~ 0.7) than with ρ-AMOC maxima (r ~-0.3). This discrepancy arises from the flatter isopycnals in the z framework, even in the subpolar North Atlantic where isopycnals are actually steeper. Based on these results, we argue that the density framework better represents the physics of AMOC by directly incorporating water mass transformations and their density structure.

We indicate that including the density framework in climate model output configurations enhances our understanding of uncertainties regarding future climate change impacts. The AMOC is a critical climate tipping point, and there is currently no consensus on its future behavior. Calculating ρ-AMOC also becomes especially relevant when considering the 4xCO2 scenario as the AMOC shutdown and recovery in both frameworks driven by different processes indicates that the z-AMOC depicts the right patterns based on incorrect underlying mechanisms. This inconsistency introduces additional uncertainties to conclusions draw in studies addressing future AMOC strength and variability derived from the z-AMOC framework. Finally, we suggest that analysis across timescales and under different conditions must be performed with density surface outputs as much as possible, to enable a more comprehensive evaluation of these two frameworks and their applications.

How to cite: Oliveira Matos, F. D. A., Sidorenko, D., Shi, X., Ackermann, L., Streffing, J., Pereira, J., Stepanek, C., Lohmann, G., and Gierz, P.: Diagnosing the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under density surfaces is critical in the context of abrupt climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1563,, 2025.

EGU25-1716 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Can the Irminger Current impact restratification in the Irminger Sea?A Lagrangian model study on the fate of the Irminger Current water 

Nora Fried, Renske Gelderloos, Oliver J. Tooth, Caroline A. Katsman, and M. Femke de Jong

The Irminger Sea is one of the few places in the North Atlantic where dense water masses are formed through deep convection. Next to atmospheric forcing, wintertime convection in the Irminger Sea interior can be impacted by the extent of restratification in the preceding year(s). In the Irminger Sea, the central basin is cold contrasted to the Irminger Current (IC), its cyclonic boundary current that carries warm and saline waters of subtropical origin. In this study, we investigated the potential impact of the IC on restratification of the Irminger Sea’s convection area, using a high-resolution regional model combined with Lagrangian particle tracking. We released particles over the upper 1500 meters of the IC in the eastern Irminger Sea and tracked them forward in time.

Of those the majority stayed within the Irminger Sea: 38% followed the boundary current circulation and 61% entered the interior Irminger Sea. Only one percent of the particles left the Irminger Sea through Denmark Strait and to the Iceland Basin. Of those entering the interior, about one half reaches the deep convection area (DCA). The seeded particles reach the DCA from the eastern side, seemingly steered by mesoscale variability. On their way to the DCA, the IC waters loose part of their buoyancy but on average remain lighter than waters in the DCA. This westward spread of warm and saline IC waters likely limits the region of deep convection to the western Irminger Sea by adding to the stratification in the eastern part of the basin. Understanding the processes driving the lateral buoyancy fluxes to the basin’s interior is important to understand variability in deep convection in the Irminger Sea.

Considering the Irminger Sea’s importance in overturning future changes in water mass properties could influence the variability in convection and with impact subpolar overturning.

How to cite: Fried, N., Gelderloos, R., Tooth, O. J., Katsman, C. A., and de Jong, M. F.: Can the Irminger Current impact restratification in the Irminger Sea?A Lagrangian model study on the fate of the Irminger Current water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1716,, 2025.

EGU25-1954 | Orals | OS1.2

Multi-Centennial internal variability in the North Atlantic will lead to additional warming over Europe in the next decades 

Amen Al-Yaari, Didier Swingedouw, Pascale Braconnot, Laura Boyall, Paul Lincoln, Olivier Marti, Thibaut Caley, Thomas Extier, and Celia Martin-Puertas

Internal variations of climate can significantly influence global warming trends, especially at the continental scale, and could contribute to the recent abnormal observed warming over Europe. Model-based studies highlight that centennial variability of the North Atlantic can strongly affect this sector. However, a lack of high-resolution paleoclimate data does not allow a proper evaluation of the real existence of such a variability mode nor its amplitude. Here, we compile a series of annual proxy-based reconstructions over Europe from diverse sources to demonstrate and confirm the presence of such multi-centennial climate variability mode and quantify its amplitude. We show that this mode is closely tied to the internal variability of the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) both in proxy-based reconstructions and climate models. When combined with instrumental observations, we show that the phase of this mode is crucial to be known. Indeed, results indicate that an internally-generated strengthening of the AMOC can explain a large part of the warming in the early 20th century and the relative cooling in the second half of this last century. A change in phase of this mode since the early 2000s is able to explain the observed amplified warming over Europe, which is projected to persist until the 2050s. According to an observational-constraint approach, this mode of variability could amplify the forced projected warming in Northern Europe by more than 58% in the next three decades. These results underscore the importance of considering internal climate variability when assessing regional warming trends, in order to develop consistent adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Al-Yaari, A., Swingedouw, D., Braconnot, P., Boyall, L., Lincoln, P., Marti, O., Caley, T., Extier, T., and Martin-Puertas, C.: Multi-Centennial internal variability in the North Atlantic will lead to additional warming over Europe in the next decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1954,, 2025.

EGU25-2069 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Dominance of North Atlantic Ocean processes on the AMOC multicentennial variability 

Kunpeng Yang and Haijun Yang

In our previous study, we found that the multicentennial variability (MCV) of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in a CESM1 pre-industrial control simulation is primarily influenced by processes in the North Atlantic, especially the anomalous advection of mean salinity and the mean advection of salinity anomaly. In this study, we extend this finding to the IPSL-CM6A-LR and EC-Earth3-LR model simulations, revealing that the role of North Atlantic-originated processes in AMOC MCV is consistent across these models. Specifically, the anomalous advection of mean salinity and the mean advection of salinity anomaly remain key drivers of AMOC MCV in both models. Previous research has focused on the mean advection of salinity anomalies driven by Arctic sea-ice in the IPSL-CM6A-LR and EC-Earth3-LR models, leading to the partial conclusion that the Arctic Ocean dominates AMOC MCV. However, processes originating from the Arctic Ocean also include changes in the surface freshwater flux in the subpolar deep-water formation region. As Arctic sea ice melts, it reduces the amount of sea ice available to melt in the subpolar region. These two Arctic Ocean processes—one weakening and the other enhancing the AMOC anomaly—largely balance each other out, so the net effect of the Arctic Ocean on AMOC MCV is nearly neutral. Therefore, we conclude that the primary driver of AMOC MCV is processes originating from the North Atlantic, not the Arctic Ocean.

How to cite: Yang, K. and Yang, H.: Dominance of North Atlantic Ocean processes on the AMOC multicentennial variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2069,, 2025.

EGU25-2281 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Enhanced decadal variability in Norwegian sea with AMOC weakening in CESM 

Casey Patrizio, Henk Dijkstra, Anna von der Heydt, and Robbin Bastiaansen

The subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) exhibits rapid cooling events on the decadal timescale in some climate model projections, but the processes driving these events, particularly their link to projected AMOC decline, are not fully understood. This study examines changes in decadal variability in the SPNA associated with AMOC weakening using 2200 years of output from a freshwater hosing experiment performed with the Community Earth System Model (CESM) under pre-industrial radiative forcing (Van Westen et al. 2024). We analyze North Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST) variability during a long period of gradual AMOC weakening preceding its full collapse. Results show that, during a 500-year period before the AMOC collapse when the AMOC has weakened by about 15%, decadal SST variability in the Norwegian Sea increases by an order of magnitude. Evidence is shown that the enhanced variability is linked to a strengthened convection–salinity feedback driven by gradual changes in the ocean mean state associated with AMOC weakening and increased freshwater forcing. These findings align with a recent study showing similar mechanisms contribute to increased internal variability of SPNA SST under global warming (Gu et al. 2024), although the specific location of the enhanced variability differs. Our results suggest that relatively minor changes in long-term AMOC strength can be associated with major changes in SPNA variability and hence add to our understanding of AMOC–SPNA interactions, with implications for future climate impacts and potential early warning signals of AMOC collapse.

How to cite: Patrizio, C., Dijkstra, H., von der Heydt, A., and Bastiaansen, R.: Enhanced decadal variability in Norwegian sea with AMOC weakening in CESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2281,, 2025.

The Holocene climate has experienced multicentennial variability (MCV), which is suggested to be significantly influenced by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)’s MCV, as evidenced in proxy records. However, the AMOC MCV’s origin, mechanism, and climatic impact particularly on the ocean, remain not well studied. Utilizing the ocean-only MIT general circulation model (MITgcm), we conducted 40 experiments with varying setups of small-amplitude stochastic surface freshwater forcing, each exceeding 5000 years in duration. The simulated AMOCs generally exhibit MCV, primarily driven by salinity variability in the upper-ocean of the North Atlantic. This salinity variability is dominated by meridional salinity advection between the subtropical and subpolar North Atlantic, rather than processes related to the Arctic Ocean or South Atlantic. Consequently, this MITgcm study identifies a North Atlantic Ocean-originated AMOC MCV, largely attributed to meridional salinity advection.

In terms of climatic impact, the modeled AMOC MCV induces MCV in the magnitude of Antarctic Bottom Water formation and the northward Atlantic meridional oceanic heat transport. This suggests that in the context of global warming and potential change in AMOC variability, low-frequency oceanic climate variability may shift in magnitude, period, or both. Such changes could potentially influence the centennial-scale anthropogenic climate change, which can overlap with a certain phase of multicentennial natural variability.

How to cite: Yan, C. and Yang, H.: MITgcm study of AMOC multicentennial variability’s origin, mechanism, and oceanic climate impact, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2401,, 2025.

EGU25-2743 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Tracing the heat signature of Atlantic water through the GIN seas and its impact on Arctic ice and climate 

Kassandra Stewart and Yueng Lenn

The northwards transport of heat through the North Atlantic Ocean is a crucial part of the present climate system. Ocean heat loss at high latitudes warms the atmosphere and cryosphere, influencing weather and melting ice, while simultaneously contributing to deep water formation integral to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Farther north, rising temperatures influenced by this oceanic heat transport has also driven Arctic atlantification.  Thus accurate knowledge of ocean heat transport pathways will enable us to identify the hotspots of air-sea heat loss, and investigate the drivers of variability in heat transported along these pathways.   When defining the heat transport pathways through the North Atlantic, many studies primarily take into account surface level variables, such as sea surface temperature, surface currents, or sea surface height. We investigate the utility of ocean heat content integrated from level of deep convection, 1000m depth, in identifying the heat transport pathways within the subpolar North Atlantic. This study uses data from the GLORYS12V1 Global Reanalysis dataset, spanning a 28 year period, to demonstrate that a dimensionless product of heat content and current speed provides a heat transport proxy that is more effective in determining the key pathways than using either heat content or speed alone. As expected, this method reveals that the poleward oceanic heat transport primarily follows topography northwards, but also indicates the presence of returning flows and recirculations that comprise the larger heat transport pathway system. Using data from the ERA5 Climate Reanalysis dataset over the same time period, we also show that the regions of the Arctic that exhibit the greatest rate of near-surface atmospheric warming do not perfectly correspond with the pathways themselves, but can be seen to correlate with the trends in heat content in the water column. This implies that atmospheric models that rely only on SST without taking water column stratification and heat content into account may be underestimating ocean heat fluxes.

How to cite: Stewart, K. and Lenn, Y.: Tracing the heat signature of Atlantic water through the GIN seas and its impact on Arctic ice and climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2743,, 2025.

EGU25-3155 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Abrupt shifts in Subpolar Gyre deep convection under stable climate conditions 

Marco Buccellato, Alessio Bellucci, Paolo Ruggieri, Susanna Corti, and Giuseppe Zappa

The potential collapse of North Atlantic subpolar gyre (SPG) deep convection under global warming has emerged as an increasingly important research topic and a significant source of public concern within the context of climate risk. While both conceptual and coupled climate models have indicated the possibility of abrupt changes in SPG circulation, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind convection shutdown remains incomplete, despite existing dynamical interpretations. Pre-industrial control simulations from coupled climate models, designed to simulate a stable pre-industrial climate state over time periods of the order of 10^3 years, have been shown to provide meaningful insights about the behavior of SPG in absence of anthropogenic global warming. In this study, we investigate the potential collapse of SPG deep convection in the pre-industrial control simulation of the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) developed by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). By analyzing the time series of mixed layer depth, we identify 15 events of winter SPG shallow convection. The temporal evolution of the SPG states leading to convection shutdown exhibits common features across different events. Notably, a positive sea ice cover anomaly east of Greenland emerges four years before the event, coupled with a negative anomaly west of Greenland and strong negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation the year of the event, with an abrupt sea surface cooling in the Labrador sea. Defining a causal chain, as presented in this work, could be valuable for spoiling the major feedback mechanisms involved in the process as well as for detecting dynamical early warning signals, with a possible improvement in the predictability of such convection collapse events. This working hypothesis will be tested in other models for cross-validation and compared with similar events in forced simulations to explore parallels between the autonomous (pre-industrial) and non-autonomous case.

How to cite: Buccellato, M., Bellucci, A., Ruggieri, P., Corti, S., and Zappa, G.: Abrupt shifts in Subpolar Gyre deep convection under stable climate conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3155,, 2025.

EGU25-3340 | Orals | OS1.2

A simple model for the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone 

Richard Greatbatch, Eike Köhn, Peter Brandt, and Martin Claus

The Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone (ETNA OMZ) is located in a region of northward Sverdrup transport, opposite to that of the subtropical gyre. This means that its dynamics are unlikely to be associated with the shadow zone associated with the Ventilated Thermocline Theory, as has traditionally been assumed. Rather, we argue an important role for the latitudinally alternating zonal jets associated with the mesoscale eddy field. To illustrate this, we use an advection-diffusion model coupled to a simple dynamical ocean model. The advection-diffusion model carries a passive tracer with a source at the western boundary and a Newtonian damping term to mimic oxygen consumption. The dynamical model is a non-linear 1 1/2 layer reduced-gravity model. The latter is forced by an annually oscillating mass flux confined to the near-equatorial band that, in turn, leads to the generation of mesoscale eddies and latitudinally alternating zonal jets at higher latitudes. The model uses North Atlantic geometry and develops a tracer minimum zone remarkably similar in location to the ETNA OMZ. Although the model is forced only at the annual period, the model nevertheless exhibits decadal and multidecadal variability in its spun-up state. The associated trends are comparable to observed trends in oxygen within the ETNA oxygen minimum zone. Notable exceptions are the multi-decadal decrease in oxygen in the lower oxygen minimum zone, and the sharp decrease in oxygen in the upper oxygen minimum zone between 2006 and 2013. 

How to cite: Greatbatch, R., Köhn, E., Brandt, P., and Claus, M.: A simple model for the Eastern Tropical North Atlantic Oxygen Minimum Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3340,, 2025.

EGU25-3701 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Boundary Pressure: A Unique Window into Atlantic Transport Variability 

Andrew Styles, Emma Boland, Chris Hughes, Saranraj Gururaj, and Dani Jones

Away from continental boundaries, the variability of the global ocean is often dominated by eddies. Despite this interior turbulence, ocean boundary pressures on opposing sides of a basin can vary coherently over interannual to decadal timescales, while exhibiting large-scale (∼10⁴ km) spatial structure. As part of the OceanBound project, we investigate how boundary pressure differences reflect meridional transport anomalies in the Atlantic and use an adjoint model to track potential sources of variability.

In the ECCO state estimate, we find that boundary pressure differences across the Atlantic account for 60–90% of the meridional transport variability, both on interannual and subannual timescales. This result is consistent at most latitudes, excluding the equatorial region.

Adjoint model simulations allow us to quantify the linear sensitivity of across-basin pressure differences to surface forcing. We focus on two latitude ranges where boundary pressure estimates of meridional transport variability are particularly robust. The first is centred at 26.5°N, aligning with the RAPID array, and the second at 26.5°S, overlapping with the SAMBA array. In both cases, we identify surface winds above the continental shelf as the dominant driver of boundary pressure variability, whereas surface buoyancy forcing plays a negligible role.

Sensitivity fields derived from the adjoint model are used to reconstruct the Atlantic boundary pressure differences and, consequently, the significant geostrophic component of meridional transport variability. Forward perturbation experiments further reveal potential mechanisms underlying these sensitivities, as well as any non-linear behaviours.

How to cite: Styles, A., Boland, E., Hughes, C., Gururaj, S., and Jones, D.: Boundary Pressure: A Unique Window into Atlantic Transport Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3701,, 2025.

EGU25-3724 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Process-based decomposition of North Atlantic local water mass transformation using volume transport budgets  

Dennis H.A. Vermeulen, Renske Gelderloos, and Caroline A. Katsman

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is vitally important for regulating global climate through the redistribution of heat, salt, carbon and other tracers across latitudes, yet the precise role of its governing physical processes in the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) remains poorly understood. This knowledge gap is significant to address, given the AMOC’s sensitivity to anthropogenic climate change and its potential for dramatic weakening or collapse, with profound global implications. Here, we adopt a three-dimensional dynamical perspective, focusing on lateral exchange between the boundary current (BC) and basin interiors, ridge exchange over sills bordering the north of the SPNA, and shallow convection within the BC itself. We do so by analysing water mass transformation in density space, using segmented volume transport budgets in the eddy-resolving global ocean reanalysis GLORYS12 (1/12°). Our findings reveal that: (1) during the BC’s circumvention around the subpolar gyre alongstream intensification and densification takes place, and overflow waters from the Iceland–Scotland Ridge and Denmark Strait are added to the system; (2) vertical recirculation cells due to lateral exchange are not immediately evident; (3) residual water mass transformation can be partly explained by shallow convection driven by surface buoyancy fluxes; and (4) substantial spatial variability in local overturning contributions exists. These insights highlight the importance of further quantification of the relative contribution of each governing process to water mass transformation and subsequent overturning in the SPNA.

How to cite: Vermeulen, D. H. A., Gelderloos, R., and Katsman, C. A.: Process-based decomposition of North Atlantic local water mass transformation using volume transport budgets , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3724,, 2025.

The North Atlantic is an important region when considering the global ocean’s absorption of anthropogenic carbon emissions. The North Atlantic carbon sink has variability which is linked to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Currently, continuous observational data of the AMOC is limited to the RAPID and OSNAP mooring arrays at specific latitudes which have been in situ since 2004 and 2014, respectively. Ocean models can be used to produce data with greater spatial and temporal coverage, but these are often not constrained by observations. This leads to a great uncertainty in how AMOC variability in a changing climate may impact carbon uptake in the North Atlantic. The EXPLANATIONS project aims to tackle this problem by increasing our understanding of the North Atlantic carbon sink and the ocean interior carbon transports. We utilize an inverse water mass model, the Optimal Transformation Method (OTM) to estimate the transports and mixing of tracers between and within ocean basins. OTM simultaneously solves budgets of heat, freshwater, and carbon in a manner consistent with ocean reanalysis and carbon product data. We compare the observed data at RAPID and OSNAP with the OTM solution by defining a North Atlantic domain between the two mooring arrays. We use the data collected from these arrays to further constrain the inverse model, thus giving a better representation of the AMOC and its impact on carbon. Output from OTM informs upon the transports and mixing of volume, heat, freshwater, and carbon between and within the ocean basins. It allows for the construction of carbon budgets within the North Atlantic, improving our understanding of how these may change with variability in the AMOC.

How to cite: Hutton, T. and Mackay, N.: Modelling the impact of AMOC variability on carbon uptake and transport in the North Atlantic Ocean using an inverse water mass model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3725,, 2025.

EGU25-3860 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Interannual variability and depth-dependence in pathways of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Waters exiting the Iceland Basin 

Ali Johnson Exley, Amy Bower, Xiaobiao Xu, Sijia Zou, Anna Pinckney, and Heather Furey

In the subpolar North Atlantic, the strength of the Meridional Overturning Circulation is linked to rates of North Atlantic Deep Water formation, a water mass partially composed of Nordic Seas Overflow Waters. While Denmark Strait Overflow Water takes a relatively direct route out of the Irminger basin via the cyclonic boundary current, exit pathways of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water (ISOW) from the Iceland Basin are less understood and more complex. Here, ISOW pathways and their interannual variability are explored in a Lagrangian framework using particles seeded within the 45-year 1/12° eddy-resolving North Atlantic HYCOM simulation. Our analysis reveals significant depth-dependent variability in ISOW pathways. Upper layers preferentially cross into the Irminger Basin through gaps in the Reykjanes Ridge while deeper layers take the more traditional route to the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone (CGFZ). At the CGFZ, we observe a strong anticorrelation in the percentage of particles that end up in the western vs. eastern basin which varies on a timescale of ~2.5 years and is likely associated with the position of the North Atlantic Current (NAC). This anticorrelation however is much stronger in the upper layers as the influence of the NAC appears to decrease with depth. Of the approximately 55% of particles that translate through the CGFZ, those in the upper layers are more likely to follow the cyclonic boundary current while lower layer particles diffuse northwestward towards the Labrador Sea. These depth-dependent patterns, identified from simulated particle trajectories, are corroborated by observations from RAFOS floats deployed during the OSNAP campaign. These findings illustrate the importance of depth-dependent dynamics and interannual variability of the NAC in shaping ISOW pathways, with implications for deep circulation patterns in the subpolar North Atlantic and the rate of large-scale overturning.

How to cite: Johnson Exley, A., Bower, A., Xu, X., Zou, S., Pinckney, A., and Furey, H.: Interannual variability and depth-dependence in pathways of Iceland-Scotland Overflow Waters exiting the Iceland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3860,, 2025.

EGU25-4240 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Long-term variability of ocean fronts in the Northwest Atlantic 

Houlin Xiong and Jianping Li

The ocean fronts, such as the Gulf Stream North Wall (GSNW) and the Shelf-Slope Front (SSF), along the eastern coast of North American continent in the Northwest Atlantic, at both surface and subsurface levels, significantly influence regional climate, oceanic energy and mass exchanges, marine ecosystems and fisheries. Many previous studies have examined the variability in the positions of the GSNW or SSF separately, usually based on oceanographic variables at a single depth. In this study, we investigate the leading mode (Northwest Atlantic Temperature Gradient Mode, NATG) of the sea temperature gradient at multiple depths from observations and models, which reflects the combined long-term variability of the SSF and GSNW. The NATG index shows a significant spectral peak at ~100 years in the power spectrum and underwent a significant multi-decadal trend turning around early 1960s. We find that the velocity difference between the Gulf Stream and Labrador Current has a strong positive correlation with the NATG. Additionally, the NATG may be associated with an anomalous surface atmospheric cyclone-anticyclone configuration along the east coast of the North American continent.


How to cite: Xiong, H. and Li, J.: Long-term variability of ocean fronts in the Northwest Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4240,, 2025.

The Gulf Stream serves both as the return flow for the North Atlantic’s wind-driven subtropical gyre and carries the warm limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation poleward.  Here we consider the causes and consequences of low frequency variability in the western North Atlantic detected using a stream coordinates approach to identify the meandering Gulf Stream front which separates cold fresh waters and the shallow thermocline in the Slope Sea from the warm salty waters and the deep thermocline in the Sargasso Sea. This analysis capitalizes on observations collected from the CMV Oleander – a ship of opportunity that regularly crosses the Gulf Stream along a transect between New Jersey and Bermuda – with expendable bathythermographs (XBTs) deployed since the late 1970s and velocity profiles collected since the early 1990s using a hull-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Additional information from Argo floats, shipboard hydrographic casts and satellite altimetry provides spatial and temporal context for the Oleander measurements.  Observations show that the Slope Sea area is shrinking as the Gulf Stream axis (identified by the location of the velocity maximum at 55 m depth along the Oleander Line) shifts northward and that the ambient Slope Sea waters are experiencing surface-intensified warming that reaches to about 750 m depth.  This upper-ocean warming may reflect increased mixing of waters carried into the Slope Sea by warm core rings shed from the Gulf Stream and is consistent with a reported regime shift in 2000 when the average number of warm core rings shed annually from the Gulf Stream nearly doubled.  The shrinking area inferred from the Oleander Line velocity measurements is consistent with maps of the kinetic energy based on altimetry, which suggest that this region of northward shifted Gulf Stream stretches from Cape Hatteras (~75°W) to about 69°W. In the Sargasso Sea, warming is concentrated within the “Eighteen Degree Water” (the subtropical North Atlantic mode water, STMW) which has warmed to 19°C.  This warming of STWM is accompanied by a decrease in thickness of the STMW layer and deepening of the top of this layer.  Global mean sea level is reportedly increasing by about 2.9 mm/yr, however, the increase in sea surface height (SSH) in the North Atlantic is not uniform in the region spanning the Gulf Stream between 68° and 58° W. In the Slope Sea, SSH is increasing by 1.6 mm/year while in the Sargasso Sea SSH is increasing by 4.0 mm/yr.  The CMV Oleander observations, together with occasional velocity transects to 1000-m depth from an ADCP mounted on the Explorer of the Seas cruise ship, provide valuable benchmarks for comparison to ocean reanalysis products and state estimates.  CMV Oleander continues to make regular measurements with an expanded sensor suite that includes meteorological and biological sampling.

How to cite: Andres, M., Harris, W., Perez, E., and Rossby, T.: Capitalizing on Observations from the CMV Oleander and Explorer of the Seas to Examine Causes and Consequences of Long-Term Variability in the Northwestern North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4875,, 2025.

EGU25-5256 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Deep Cyclones in the western North Atlantic: Insight from a Regional Numerical Model with High Vertical Resolution 

Si-Yuan (Sean) Chen, Olivier Marchal, Magdalena Andres, and Wilford Gardner

Deep cyclones (DCs) were observed in the western North Atlantic under meander troughs of the Gulf Stream (GS) west of the New England seamounts during the Synoptic Ocean Prediction (SYNOP) field campaign. Although subsequent dedicated observations have been sparse, DCs appear common underneath major surface-intensified western boundary current extensions. Recent model studies with idealised domains suggest that DCs are important sources of eddy kinetic energy in the deep ocean, key sites of energy dissipation, and potential contributors to episodes of strong near-bottom currents and sediment resuspension known as “benthic storms”. In the western North Atlantic, DCs that form within GS meander troughs could play a role in the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by providing a path for recirculation of water between the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) and the adjacent oceanic basins. However, most numerical ocean models lack the vertical resolution that is needed to simulate in detail both the vertical structure of DCs and the near-bottom flows.

In this study, we configure the MIT general circulation model to produce eddy-rich simulations of western North Atlantic circulation at a horizontal resolution of 1/20o and with high vertical resolution (550 levels with uniform Dz = 10 m). Emphasis is placed on the role of DCs in the time-mean abyssal circulation and on their contribution to Lagrangian transport, particularly to the exchange of water between the DWBC and the adjacent basins and between the bottom mixed layer and the stratified interior. In the simulations, deep cyclones are found to form west of the New England seamounts, consistent with field observations from SYNOP. They also form in the Sohm abyssal plain – east of the seamounts – although observations are lacking to confirm or refute this result. In our simulations, the DCs typically persist for 30-90 days and move eastward at a speed of ~1.5 cm s-1 in tandem with the GS meander troughs near the surface. The time-averaged horizontal velocity field in the Sohm abyssal plain depicts a large-scale cyclonic circulation cell that is reminiscent of the Northern Recirculation Gyre proposed from sparse observations of deep current meters. Preliminary results of Lagrangian transport suggest that water parcels in the DWBC may enter the interior through entrainment of DCs near 68ºW (west of the New England seamounts). Further Lagrangian analyses of the simulated deep circulation are ongoing to elucidate the temporal and spatial scales of particle transport associated with the DCs and benthic storms.

How to cite: Chen, S.-Y. (., Marchal, O., Andres, M., and Gardner, W.: Deep Cyclones in the western North Atlantic: Insight from a Regional Numerical Model with High Vertical Resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5256,, 2025.

The northward transport of warm, salty waters within the extended Gulf Stream system along the borders of the subtropical and subpolar gyres is climatically important. However, the role of variable gyre circulation in modulating the northward ‘throughput’ of water between subtropical and subpolar latitudes remains unknown. Here, we use the Lagrangian analysis tool TRACMASS with the 1/12° ocean reanalysis GLORYS12 to quantify variability in the northward throughput between the gyres. Lagrangian particles are seeded in the Gulf Stream at 30°N between 1993 and 2017, and tracked forward in time to quantify the volume of water recirculating within the subtropical gyre versus the throughput to the subpolar gyre. On average, 64% of the Gulf Stream water recirculates within the subtropical gyre while 36% is transported north of 45°N into the subpolar gyre within the four years of tracking. The subtropical recirculation is strongly correlated to the net volume transport at the Gulf Stream seeding section on interannual time scales, indicative of an overall stronger/weaker subtropical gyre with a strong/weak western boundary current. The subtropical-subpolar throughput is not significantly correlated to the net volume transport at the seeding section. This indicates that regional wind patterns and/or stratification exist that favours enhanced subtropical-subpolar throughput. Variable subtropical-subpolar throughput is potentially a mechanism contributing to reducing meridional coherence in the AMOC strength between subtropical and subpolar latitudes.

How to cite: Asbjørnsen, H.: Variable northward throughput between the North Atlantic gyres and implications for overturning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5602,, 2025.

EGU25-5722 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Dynamics and Temporal Variability of the North Atlantic Current in the Iceland Basin, North Atlantic (2014 to 2022) 

Tiago Dotto, N. Penny Holliday, Neil Fraser, Ben Moat, Yvonne Firing, Kristin Burmeister, Darren Rayner, Stuart Cunningham, Emma Worthington, and William E. Johns

The North Atlantic Current (NAC) is a major source of heat towards the subpolar gyre and northern seas. However, its variability and drivers are not well understood. Here, we evaluated 8 years of continuous daily measurements as part of the international programme Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) to investigate the NAC in the Iceland Basin. We found that the NAC volume and freshwater anomaly transport and heat content were highly variable, with significant variability at time scales of 16-120 days to annual. The shorter time scales were associated with mesoscale features abundant in the region. Composites analysis revealed that strong NAC periods were associated with a westward migration of the eastern boundary of the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) gyre and less eddy kinetic energy in the Iceland Basin, which was consistent with the presence of frontal-like structures instead of eddy-like structures. Stronger zonal wind stress triggers a fast response that piles water up between the SPNA and subtropical gyres which increases the sea surface height gradient and drives the acceleration of the NAC. The strengthening of the NAC increases the heat and salt transport northward. During our study period, both heat and salt increased across the moorings. These observations are important for understanding the heat and freshwater variability in the SPNA, which ultimately impact the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation.

How to cite: Dotto, T., Holliday, N. P., Fraser, N., Moat, B., Firing, Y., Burmeister, K., Rayner, D., Cunningham, S., Worthington, E., and Johns, W. E.: Dynamics and Temporal Variability of the North Atlantic Current in the Iceland Basin, North Atlantic (2014 to 2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5722,, 2025.

EGU25-6030 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Mechanisms of Centennial AMOC Variability in CESM1 

Iris H.M. Schuring, Toon Bense, Pepijn Bakker, and Henk A. Dijkstra

By acting as a global heat buffer and water supply, the ocean plays a critical role in influencing climate variability. For instance, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) has often been connected to climate variability on timescales ranging from decades to millennia. However, AMOC variability on centennial timescales has often been overlooked due to the limited availability of long climate model simulations as well as the scarcity of suitable paleoclimate proxies. Models that do simulate centennial variability all show a salinity anomaly being transported to the deepwater formation regions in the North Atlantic Ocean; the underlying mechanism differs between models however, further complicating the understanding of centennial variability. These mechanisms can be broadly categorized into two groups: either the salinity anomaly originates in the subtropics following changes in local precipitation, or it derives from the Arctic Ocean as a result of anomalies in sea ice concentration. In the case of CESM1, which is one of the few CMIP5 models that show clear centennial variability, regression analysis suggests that the former process dominates. To provide more detail on the origin of centennial AMOC variability in CESM1, we will present its complex spatial-temporal patterns using Multi-channel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA), which is a technique enabling the identification of propagating patterns of variability in time series of spatial fields. MSSA will be applied to multi-millennial simulations and focus of the analysis will be on the identification of the propagation mechanisms, e.g. associated phase differences between tracer fields, responsible for centennial variability.

How to cite: Schuring, I. H. M., Bense, T., Bakker, P., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Mechanisms of Centennial AMOC Variability in CESM1, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6030,, 2025.

EGU25-6208 | Orals | OS1.2

Variability of  the eastern subpolar North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation 

Herlé Mercier, Damien Desbruyères, Pascale Lherminier, Antón Velo, Lidia Carracedo, Marcos Fontela, and Fiz Pérez

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a key component of the Earth's climate. However, there are few long series of observations of the AMOC and the study of the mechanisms driving its variability depends mainly on numerical simulations. Here, we use four ocean circulation estimates produced by different data-driven approaches of increasing complexity to analyze the seasonal to decadal variability of the subpolar AMOC across the Greenland–Portugal OVIDE line since 1993. We decompose the MOC strength variability into a velocity-driven component due to circulation changes and a volume-driven component due to changes in the depth of the overturning maximum isopycnal. We show that the variance of the time series is dominated by seasonal variability, which is due to both seasonal variability in the volume of the AMOC limbs (linked to the seasonal cycle of density in the East Greenland Current) and to seasonal variability in the transport of the Eastern Boundary Current. The decadal variability of the subpolar AMOC is mainly caused by changes in velocity, which after the mid-2000s are partly offset by changes in the volume of the AMOC limbs. This compensation means that the decadal variability of the AMOC is weaker and therefore more difficult to detect than the decadal variability of its velocity-driven and volume-driven components, which is highlighted by the formalism that we propose.

How to cite: Mercier, H., Desbruyères, D., Lherminier, P., Velo, A., Carracedo, L., Fontela, M., and Pérez, F.: Variability of  the eastern subpolar North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6208,, 2025.

EGU25-6398 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Centennial AMOC variability in a perturbed parameter ensemble of the EMIC iLOVECLIM 

Toon Bense, Iris Schuring, Pepijn Bakker, and Henk Dijkstra

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is an important set of large-scale ocean currents that impacts regional climates on a wide variety of timescales due to its transport of heat to high northern latitudes. Understanding internal AMOC variability on (multi)centennial timescales is important for accurate attribution of recent changes in AMOC strength to internal variability or to anthropogenic forcing, and to improve future climate projections.  However, much remains unknown about the spatiotemporal structure and underlying physical mechanisms of (multi)centennial AMOC variability (CAV). Recent research with various Earth System Models (ESMs) and Earth System Models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) have shown several different potential mechanisms of CAV across models, with the dominant mechanisms taking place in different regions, such as the Arctic, subtropical North Atlantic, or Southern Ocean. Here, we take a different approach and analyse how mechanisms of CAV vary within a perturbed parameter ensemble of the EMIC iLOVECLIM. Specifically, we investigate whether parameter choice alters spatio-temporal aspects of a model specific mechanism of CAV, or whether parameter choice alters the dominance of different mechanisms of CAV within the model. The ensemble is analysed using the spatiotemporal pattern recognition technique Multi-channel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA).

How to cite: Bense, T., Schuring, I., Bakker, P., and Dijkstra, H.: Centennial AMOC variability in a perturbed parameter ensemble of the EMIC iLOVECLIM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6398,, 2025.

EGU25-7046 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Significant and Widespread Decline of the Observed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 

Qianjiang Xing, Shane Elipot, William Johns, David Smeed, Ben Moat, Matthias Lankhorst, and John Loder

Despite numerous model-based analyses indicating a significant decline in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in recent decades, robust, long-term evidence from multi-latitudinal in-situ observations remains limited. This study analyzes observational data from four mooring arrays, positioned along the western boundary of the North Atlantic (from 42.5°N to 16.5°N), to produce time series of the deep western boundary contribution to AMOC below and relative to 1000 m. Comparisons of such a transport time series at 26.5°N at the Rapid-MOCHA array confirms the viability of using the deep western boundary contribution transport to represent long-term trends and interannual variability of the AMOC. Overall, we detect linear trends of the deep overturning transports at all four latitudes, corresponding to a meridionally widespread decline of the AMOC over the past 20 years.

How to cite: Xing, Q., Elipot, S., Johns, W., Smeed, D., Moat, B., Lankhorst, M., and Loder, J.: Significant and Widespread Decline of the Observed Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7046,, 2025.

The Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection was often thought to play an important role in AMOC changes. For example, in some previous water hosing experiments, the prescribed external freshwater flux is released broadly and covers the entire subpolar North Atlantic, which causes the weakening and shutdown of the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection and associated subsurface warming. The simulated subsurface warming over the subpolar North Atlantic due to the shutdown of the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection further drives the AMOC weakening. However, the importance of the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection in the AMOC has been challenged by theoretical, modeling, and observational analyses. In this study, an ensemble of water hosing experiments is conducted to examine mechanisms of AMOC weakening and its subsequent impact on the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection. The results show that the subpolar AMOC decline in response to the external freshwater flux released over the southern Nordic Sea is dominated by that across the eastern subpolar North Atlantic, and the largest subpolar AMOC decline is at the relatively dense level. The AMOC decline is associated with subsurface cooling in the subpolar North Atlantic and the decline in the deep ocean west–east density contrast across the subpolar basin. Contrary to previous studies showing that the AMOC decline is caused by subsurface warming through the shutdown of the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection, our results reveal a novel response, i.e., a strengthening of the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection, which is not a cause of the AMOC decline. We illustrate the key mechanisms causing the strengthening in the Labrador Sea open-ocean deep convection and the relationship with the AMOC weakening. This convection strengthening is mainly due to the relatively stronger freshening in the deep Labrador Sea associated with the freshening/weakening of the Iceland-Scotland Overflow, and thus reduced vertical stratification in the central Labrador Sea.

Wei, X., & Zhang, R. (2024). Weakening of the AMOC and strengthening of Labrador Sea deep convection in response to external freshwater forcing. Nature Communications, 15(1), 10357.

How to cite: Wei, X. and Zhang, R.: Weakening of the AMOC and Strengthening of Labrador Sea Deep Convection in Response to External Freshwater Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7365,, 2025.

EGU25-8668 | Orals | OS1.2

Meridional heat transport in the North Atlantic region: Effects of ocean and atmosphere grid resolutions 

Sayantani Ojha, Joakim Kjellsson, and Torge Martin

The consequences of grid resolution refinement of both ocean and atmosphere components in and over the North Atlantic Ocean are examined in this study. The Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure (FOCI) model is used to run three simulations carried out under constant 1950 forcing. Ocean and sea ice models run on the ORCA05.L46 grid; in two simulations, regional AGRIF grid refinement from 1/2˚ to 1/10˚ (VIKING10) is applied to the North Atlantic between 30˚ and ~80˚N. We also use two different atmospheric resolutions, Tco95.L91 (100km) and Tco319L137 (31 km) applied globally. The three combinations studied are: (1) coarse ocean and atmosphere, (2) refined ocean but coarse atmosphere, and (3) both components in the high-resolution configuration. Ocean grid refinement in regions of complex dynamics, such as the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current, is essential to capture mesoscale variabilities. Air-sea interaction and in particular surface heat fluxes only benefit from the explicit representation of mesoscale eddies, when also using the high-resolution atmosphere capturing a wider range of, for instance, the temperature distributions. 

We examine the ocean and atmospheric mean state changes over the North Atlantic and find significant changes: The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation strengthens as we move to higher ocean and atmospheric resolution. Most parts of the North Atlantic Ocean surface become warmer and saltier in the high-resolution ocean configuration, but with the finer atmospheric grid, this warming reduces and transforms into a colder and fresher mean state. The surface cooling with increasing atmospheric resolution is a result of a reduced TOA imbalance. The mid-depth (500-1200m) ocean experiences strong cooling of more than 2˚C especially in the subtropics with the grid refinement in the ocean, a difference that is considerably weaker when also refining the atmosphere. The cooling in the subtropics has two reasons, a stronger gyre-gyre interaction mixing more subpolar water into the subtropical gyre and intensified deep mixing in the Labrador Sea (associated with a stronger overturning) in the high-resolution ocean compared to the coarser one.  Meridional volume and heat transports in the subtropical North Atlantic exhibit significant differences of up to 2-2.5 Sv with the change in resolution, which also suggests an influence by model resolution in the ocean and the air-sea interaction processes. With a higher ocean resolution, the oceanic heat transport into the Arctic increases by 0.15 PW at 62°N, causing a reduction of Arctic sea ice. Increasing the atmospheric resolution causes an expansion of Arctic sea ice, consistent with the overall surface cooling, but also changes the distribution of sea-ice thickness with thicker ice north of Greenland and thinner ice toward Russia, consistent with observations. Overall, the changes in the mean state of the ocean and atmosphere, as well as the feedback processes involved, will be discussed in this presentation, which we hope also benefits other modelling groups.

How to cite: Ojha, S., Kjellsson, J., and Martin, T.: Meridional heat transport in the North Atlantic region: Effects of ocean and atmosphere grid resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8668,, 2025.

EGU25-8813 | Orals | OS1.2

Mechanisms of subpolar gyre variability in CMIP6 

Swinda K.J. Falkena and Anna S. von der Heydt

The subpolar gyre (SPG) is one of the regions in the North Atlantic ocean where convection takes place. It has been indicated as one of the earth system’s tipping elements that is closest to crossing its threshold due to global warming, which also could impact the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Therefore, understanding the mechanisms of its variability is of key importance to learn about possible changes under global warming. We use causal inference to study the mechanisms of convection in the SPG region in CMIP6 models. Causal inference goes beyond correlation, by taking into account common drivers and other possible confounding factors, to establish causal links between variables. We find that the interaction between convection and density is well represented in most models, whereas a link of both to the circulation strength of the gyre is captured by fewer models. These results provide valuable information on the capability of CMIP6 in representing SPG variability, and form a starting point for investigating possible links with the AMOC.

How to cite: Falkena, S. K. J. and von der Heydt, A. S.: Mechanisms of subpolar gyre variability in CMIP6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8813,, 2025.

EGU25-8925 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

A Comparison of OSNAP Observations and Ocean Reanalyses in the Subpolar North Atlantic 

Isabella Winterer, Susanna Winkelbauer, Michael Mayer, and Leopold Haimberger

The Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) provides key insights into the dynamics of the North Atlantic by delivering observational estimates of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) and Oceanic Heat Transport (OHT) along a section extending from southern Greenland to Scotland (OSNAP East). Despite its valuable contributions, OSNAP observations are subject to limitations, particularly in spatial resolution, potential measurement and post-processing errors, and a still relatively short but growing observational record of just over six years. This study compares OSNAP-derived transport estimates with those from state-of-the-art ocean reanalyses (ORAs), identifying key discrepancies and investigating their underlying causes.
While mean transport values for 2015–2020 agree well across datasets, notable differences emerge in spatially and temporally resolved analyses. Discrepancies in temporal variabilities are found to be linked to the limited spatial coverage of observations. When mimicking OSNAP’s observational coverage in ORAs by prescribing the mean annual temperature cycle in unobserved regions, the agreement in both mean values and variability of OHT improves, highlighting the role of observational sampling limitations in these differences.
This intercomparison highlights the mutual benefits of integrating observational and modeling approaches. It not only validates ORA performance but also exposes potential limitations in observational products. Ultimately, this work emphasizes the importance of synergistic efforts to capture the variability and dynamics of the North Atlantic, advancing our understanding of its role in climate regulation and improving predictions on regional to global scales.

How to cite: Winterer, I., Winkelbauer, S., Mayer, M., and Haimberger, L.: A Comparison of OSNAP Observations and Ocean Reanalyses in the Subpolar North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8925,, 2025.

EGU25-9235 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

The Role of Freshwater Variability in North Atlantic Subpolar Climate Dynamics 

Holly Ayres and Marilena Oltmanns

The North Atlantic Subpolar region is a critical region for global climate dynamics, serving as a gateway between the subtropical and Arctic zones. This region is characterized by intense atmosphere-ocean interactions, where water masses meet and undergo transformation, influencing ocean circulation. Recent studies have highlighted a phenomenon of freshening in the Subpolar North Atlantic, with potential implications for regional climate and ocean circulation. Given the complex interactions between the ocean, atmosphere, and cryosphere, uncertainties remain regarding the underlying causes and future climate impacts. In this study, we utilize new historical simulations from a state-of-the-art global climate model, to investigate how variations in salinity are linked to changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation. Our composite analysis of extreme years reveals that freshwater anomalies in the subpolar gyre are closely associated with cooler sea surface temperatures and atmospheric pressure anomalies over Western Europe. These findings suggest that freshwater fluxes could have significant, far-reaching effects on both regional climate and the broader North Atlantic climate system.

How to cite: Ayres, H. and Oltmanns, M.: The Role of Freshwater Variability in North Atlantic Subpolar Climate Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9235,, 2025.

EGU25-9752 | Orals | OS1.2

Water mass changes in Florida Straits since 2001 

Elaine McDonagh, Molly Baringer, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Fatma Jebri, Denis Volkov, Ryan Smith, David Smeed, and Ben Moat

Using 102 repeat hydrographic sections and a machine-learning approach, we define the water masses within Florida Straits and their variability since 2001. We find significant changes in the temperature and salinity properties of the Straits´ constituent water masses, which further drives significant variability in the transport of heat and freshwater into the North Atlantic across 26N. We further combine transport in the Florida Straits from hydrography with the transport across  the RAPID array ordered in salinity space (a new framework for transport calculations). This approach highlights the relative contributions of the subtropical and subpolar/polar systems to the heat and freshwater divergence and water mass transformation north of 26N.

How to cite: McDonagh, E., Baringer, M., Frajka-Williams, E., Jebri, F., Volkov, D., Smith, R., Smeed, D., and Moat, B.: Water mass changes in Florida Straits since 2001, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9752,, 2025.

We have developed a freshwater flux (FWF) time series aimed at providing a benchmark data set for testing the sensitivity of ocean and coupled GCMs to realistic, plausible future FWF forcing alongside a 70 year reconstruction of past fluxes. Here we build on previous work that reconstructed the FWF from Arctic glaciers and the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) from reanalysis (Bamber et al., 2018). First, we use ERA5 reanalyses, a regional climate model and satellite observations to reconstruct the FWF for all Arctic land ice from 1950-2021, partitioned into solid and liquid phases around the coastline of glaciated sectors of the Arctic. We then project the FWF forward until 2300 using estimates of GrIS melt derived from a structured expert judgement assessment for two temperature scenarios that approximate business as usual and a Paris Agreement limit to warming (Bamber et al., 2022). Fluxes from glaciers and ice caps are derived from projections for equivalent temperature scenarios. We develop projections for both the median and 95th percentile melt estimates to provide FWF forcings that encompass the plausible future range from Arctic land ice. We assumed a linear increase in mass loss from 2021 such that the integral up to 2100 matches the projection for the GrIS by that date. The geographic distribution of melt anomalies are scaled according to the present-day spatial “fingerprint” of mass loss. For the high end case (business as usual, 95th percentile) this equates to a FWF anomaly from the GrIS of about 0.16 Sv by mid century and 0.3 Sv by 2100, representing an unlikely but plausible FWF entering, primarily, the sub-polar North Atlantic.

We use the historical time series and ensemble of projections to examine their influence on the hydrography of the North Atlantic in a suite of sensitivity studies using the moderate resolution coupled model HadCM3, tuned to present-day transport at 34 degs south. We present preliminary findings of these forcing experiments compared to a control run with a climatological mean FWF.  Even for the most extreme FWF scenario (~ 0.3 Sv) we do not see an AMOC collapse but a monotonic decline that is approximately a linear response to forcing. Interestingly, we do observe a modest cooling compared to the control, of about 0.3 degs for the historical period (1950-2021) in the sub-polar North Atlantic, which appears to be driven by recent ice sheet melt.

Bamber, J. L., M. Oppenheimer, R. E. Kopp, W. P. Aspinall, and R. M. Cooke (2022), Ice Sheet and Climate Processes Driving the Uncertainty in Projections of Future Sea Level Rise: Findings From a Structured Expert Judgement Approach, Earth's Future, 10(10), e2022EF002772, doi:

Bamber, J. L., A. J. Tedstone, M. D. King, I. M. Howat, E. M. Enderlin, M. R. van den Broeke, and B. Noel (2018), Land Ice Freshwater Budget of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans: 1. Data, Methods, and Results, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(3), 1827-1837, doi:10.1002/2017jc013605.

How to cite: Bamber, J., Zhang, Z., and Lunt, D.: The past and projected freshwater flux from Arctic land ice and its impact on ocean circulation and climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10196,, 2025.

EGU25-10417 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Assessing AMOC sensitivity to buoyancy and momentum forcing 

Amber Walsh, Jenny Mecking, Joel Hirschi, and Adam Blaker

We perform modelling experiments designed to decompose the historical buoyancy and momentum flux contributions to observed AMOC variability. Using NEMO, we have forced the model with interannually varying momentum fluxes, while keeping the buoyancy fluxes fixed with a repeat year forcing (momentum experiment), and then with interannual buoyancy forcing and repeat year momentum forcing (buoyancy experiment). These are compared to a full interannually forced control.

Our analysis focuses on comparisons with the RAPID and OSNAP arrays to assess how well each of the momentum and buoyancy experiments matches AMOC variability at RAPID/OSNAP across different timescales. One key result is that decadal variability of AMOC is most dependent on buoyancy forcing, and that both momentum and buoyancy forcing are important for reproducing interannual variability.

How to cite: Walsh, A., Mecking, J., Hirschi, J., and Blaker, A.: Assessing AMOC sensitivity to buoyancy and momentum forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10417,, 2025.

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a critical component of the Earth’s climate system, playing a key role in global heat and carbon transport and influencing both regional and global climate patterns. While the AMOC’s importance for climate regulation is well-recognized, its future evolution under anthropogenic forcing remains highly uncertain due to incomplete understanding of how background mean states and internal variability influence its response. This study investigates the AMOC’s response to abrupt 4xCO₂ forcing compared to a control climate, isolating the roles of background mean state and internal variability. Using CMIP6 models, we classify models based on subsurface (2000 m depth) temperature and salinity characteristics. Models with warmer subsurface conditions exhibit a stronger initial response to abrupt CO₂ forcing within the first decade. Over the subsequent century (years 101–150), models with a warm-salty background mean state show a 50% AMOC decline, while those with a warm-fresh state experience a dramatic 90% decline. This highlights the influence of the background salinity mean state and how its influence shapes Arctic sea ice loss and deep convection in the North Atlantic, with most models indicating a northward shift toward the Barents Sea and Arctic regions—except in warm-fresh states. Single-model large ensembles further underscore the role of internal variability and model resolution in these dynamics. However, observational uncertainties in present-day subsurface salinity and temperature fields present challenges in precisely constraining the current mean state, complicating efforts to determine which classifications best align with reality. Our findings emphasize the influence of background mean states on AMOC’s response to extreme forcing, offering insights to refine projections of climate change using coupled models and inform future climate mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Ferster, B., Msadek, R., and Terray, L.: The role of model background mean state and internal variability in modulating the AMOC response to abrupt CO2 forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10529,, 2025.

EGU25-10740 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

AMOC multi-decadal variability under global warming in high-resolution model 

Weimin Jiang and Feili Li

We investigate the low-frequency variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) using the CESM coupled model with an eddy-resolving resolution of 0.1°. In the piControl simulation, two dominant modes of AMOC variability are identified: a basin-wide mode spanning the entire Atlantic, with a periodicity of ~45 years; the other is a subpolar-gyre mode confined to the region between 20°N and 60°N, exhibiting a periodicity of ~40 years. The scenario simulation reveals that significant changes occur in AMOC variability under global warming, with an overall shift of AMOC variability towards higher frequencies and a reduction in its low-frequency amplitude. We will describe the impact from the relative contribution by the basin- and subpolar-gyre modes on the future AMOC response and discuss possible underlying processes involving density anomalies and changes in the large-scale atmospheric forcing.

How to cite: Jiang, W. and Li, F.: AMOC multi-decadal variability under global warming in high-resolution model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10740,, 2025.

EGU25-11102 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

20th-Century Weakening of North Atlantic Meridional Heat Transport: Evidence from Global δ18O Proxies 

Sizhe Chen, Matthew Osman, and Francesco Muschitiello

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a key role in regulating the global climate system by regulating meridional heat transport and facilitating deep-sea carbon uptake. Theoretical and modeling studies indicate that the AMOC may weaken—or even collapse—under anthropogenic warming, yet robust observational records remain limited. Continuous measurements at ~26.5° N (RAPID array) have been available only since 2004, restricting our knowledge of long-term AMOC variability and the associated regional and global feedback mechanisms. Here, we integrate outputs from the isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model Last Millennium Ensemble (iCESM-LME) to identify and isolate a primary mode of AMOC variability that strongly aligns with the RAPID array observations. To investigate potential teleconnections between the AMOC and globally distributed isotopic (δ18O) proxy records, we employ a suite of Proxy System Models to simulate four primary pseudoproxy archives—corals, speleothems, wood cellulose, and ice cores—forced by iCESM output. These pseudoproxies mimic the spatial distribution, seasonality, and time span of our compiled δ18O proxy database. Through a series of pseudoproxy experiments, we illustrate that the 'RAPID' mode manifests across several leading modes of variability in all four types of pseudoproxies. This coupling is further validated using the actual δ18O proxy records. Building on these findings, we apply a nested-PCA approach to extract the first globally distributed AMOC ‘RAPID’ mode signal from real isotopic proxy records spanning the past four centuries. The reconstructed signal reveals a gradual weakening of North Atlantic meridional heat transport strength beginning in the early 20th century—slightly lagging the onset of regional warming observed in temperature reconstructions. Notably, our results also share key temporal features (r = 0.6+) with previous AMOC reconstructions derived from individual proxies and ‘fingerprints’. Overall, this study introduces a novel method of reconstructing historical AMOC variability from globally distributed isotopic proxies by focusing on a single sub-component of the circulation that is directly linked to observational data.

How to cite: Chen, S., Osman, M., and Muschitiello, F.: 20th-Century Weakening of North Atlantic Meridional Heat Transport: Evidence from Global δ18O Proxies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11102,, 2025.

EGU25-11854 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow Water: insight from 20 years of Argo data 

Elena Calvo, Paola Malanotte-Stone, Milena Menna, Riccardo Martellucci, and Enrico Zambianchi

The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is a warm and saline water mass originating in the Gulf of Cadiz from the mixing of the Mediterranean Water flowing out of the Gibraltar Strait and the overlying North Atlantic Central Water. As it flows downstream from Gibraltar, this water mass gradually loses part of its high salinity content and becomes neutrally buoyant at a depth of approximately 1200 meters near Cape St. Vincent. From this point, two distinct cores of MOW have been identified: one spreads westward into the open North Atlantic Ocean, while the other flows northward along the Iberian continental slope as an eastern boundary current, with its signal detected as far north as 50°N (around Porcupine Bank).

This water mass is considered an important source of heat and salt for the North Atlantic basin and its northward branch in particular has drawn much interest due to the hypothesis that MOW could play an active role in the deep convective processes that occur in the Subpolar North Atlantic, supplying salt to high-latitude waters.  

Recent studies identified the Irminger Sea and the Iceland Basin as the key regions for the formation of dense waters in the Subpolar North Atlantic. However, the extent to which MOW influences the dynamics of these regions remains largely unexplored and the fate of this water mass beyond the region of Porcupine Bank is still characterized by high uncertainty.  

In this contribution, a comprehensive dataset of 22 years of Argo float profiles, acquired from 2001 to 2022 all over the North Atlantic basin, is utilized to bring new insights into the northward spread of MOW towards the Subpolar regions of the North Atlantic. 
The Argo floats were chosen due to their extensive spatial and temporal coverage of the North Atlantic basin. Moreover, by sampling the depth range influenced by the presence of MOW (600-1300 m), these devices provide valuable in-situ data to identify and track the Mediterranean Outflow Water along its northward path.

The main expected outcomes of this work include the identification of the thermohaline properties of MOW, their evolution over time and space and the subsequent tracking of its northward flow.  Specifically, Argo float data are employed to derive the θ-S relationship that defines MOW, enabling a precise identification of water masses along its path. This approach facilitates the analysis of the mixing processes affecting MOW, thereby allowing insight into the spatial and temporal evolution of its thermohaline properties.  

How to cite: Calvo, E., Malanotte-Stone, P., Menna, M., Martellucci, R., and Zambianchi, E.: Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow Water: insight from 20 years of Argo data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11854,, 2025.

EGU25-13010 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Long-term variability of NAC and DWBC volume transports and their relation to the AMOC at 47°N 

Lara Jane Aschenbeck, Christian Mertens, Joel Bracamontes-Ramírez, Reiner Steinfeld, and Simon Wett

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is important for the climate in Western Europe and models predict a decrease in the overturning circulation due to climate change. It is the fundamental mechanism for the transports of heat, freshwater, and dissolved gases. In the region east of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Flemish Cap, the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) is part of the lower limb of the AMOC and brings cold and fresh water to the south, which is balanced by the North Atlantic Current (NAC), which brings warm and salty water to the north. In a long-term study we investigated the transport variability along a transect at 47°N that includes DWBC and NAC and lies in the transition zone between the subpolar and subtropical gyres, where decadal changes in the AMOC are transferred southward. The interactions between the DWBC and the NAC and its influence to the AMOC variability are subject to current research. We use 6 years of moored current meter observations between 2014 and 2020 within the DWBC as well as shipboard hydrographic and current meter measurements from 15 cruises between 2003 and 2020. The shipboard and mooring data were used to calculate volume transports. The shipboard data show that the DWBC consists of two cores, one in close proximity to the continental slope with maximum velocities at mid-depth and a bottom-intensified core further offshore. The correlation of both the hydrographic properties and absolute current measurements with sea surface height was used to reconstruct time series of geostrophic transport variability from satellite altimetry alone. The sea surface height and moored current meter volume transport time series are compared to estimate the reliability of the sea surface height time series. For the offshore core a higher correlation between the time series is found than for the slope core. To estimate the relation between the DWBC cores and the NAC, the correlation between their volume transport time series is examined. The two DWBC cores are not correlated, while a comparison with a NAC time series shows that the offshore core is significantly correlated with the NAC. A combination of these two DWBC time series was constructed to cover the entire DWBC. The entire DWBC is significantly anti-correlated with the NAC, which leads to larger volume transport of the NAC when the transport of the DWBC is smaller and vice versa. Overall, the sea surface height time series show no long-term trend in DWBC volume transport. When comparing the reconstructed monthly mean DWBC transports with a time series of AMOC variability at 47°N, a significant anti-correlation is found. This indicates that AMOC variability could be characterized to a large extent by the variability of the DWBC-NAC system.

How to cite: Aschenbeck, L. J., Mertens, C., Bracamontes-Ramírez, J., Steinfeld, R., and Wett, S.: Long-term variability of NAC and DWBC volume transports and their relation to the AMOC at 47°N, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13010,, 2025.

EGU25-13025 | Orals | OS1.2

Observations of a direct boundary current ventilation pathway 

Isabela Le Bras, Una Miller, Jaime Palter, Fiamma Straneo, Dariia Atamanchuk, Kristen Fogaren, Hiroki Nagao, David (Roo) Nicholson, Ellen Park, Hilary Palevsky, and Meg Yoder

The subpolar North Atlantic is a known hotspot for anthropogenic carbon and oxygen uptake, however the detailed pathways for dissolved gasses into the deep North Atlantic remain poorly understood. While it is clear that high-oxygen waters formed by deep convection in basin interiors are exported southward by boundary currents, it has also been hypothesized that significant water mass transformation and associated gas exchange occurs near or within boundary currents themselves. Here we present novel year-round oxygen observations mounted on the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) moorings within the Irminger Sea’s western boundary current. These observations are the first to show direct boundary current ventilation to over 1000m depths following down-front wind events, revealing a previously underappreciated pathway for oxygen into the deep North Atlantic.

How to cite: Le Bras, I., Miller, U., Palter, J., Straneo, F., Atamanchuk, D., Fogaren, K., Nagao, H., Nicholson, D. (., Park, E., Palevsky, H., and Yoder, M.: Observations of a direct boundary current ventilation pathway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13025,, 2025.

EGU25-13071 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Influence of entrainment on the mean and seasonal variability in the Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) properties in the West Irminger Sea 

Hiroki Nagao, Isabela Le Bras, Una Miller, Jaime Palter, Amy Bower, Heather Furey, Greg Koman, Dariia Atamanchuk, Kristen Fogaren, David Nicholson, Ellen Park, Hilary Palevsky, and Meg Yoder

Formed by deep convection in the Nordic Seas, cold, oxygen-rich Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) is the densest water mass in the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). As DSOW spreads southward from the Denmark Strait into the Irminger Sea, the overflow water entrains ambient water masses. This entrainment is critical for the transfer of climate signals and biogeochemical tracers from the surface to the deep ocean. Although the impact of entrainment on DSOW properties in the immediate vicinity of the Denmark Strait (< 100 km downstream of the sill) has been studied extensively, the entrainment dynamics contributing to DSOW transformation further downstream in the Irminger Sea and its influence on variability in DSOW properties remain unclear. Here, we use observations from BGC-Argo floats and moorings along with an idealized numerical model of entrainment mixing to investigate the dynamics contributing to the observed DSOW transformation in the western Irminger Sea. We find that DSOW experiences continual warming and deoxygenation as it spreads along the Deep Western Boundary Current in the Irminger Sea. Furthermore, novel dissolved oxygen measurements from moored instruments offshore of Cape Farewell, Greenland reveal seasonality in the oxygen content of DSOW for the first time. Numerical model simulations of supercritical entrainment dynamics predict DSOW properties offshore Cape Farewell that are cooler and more oxygenated than in the observations. This disagreement suggests that sub-critical entrainment influences DSOW transformation in the western Irminger Sea, which we test by accounting for this process in the model. Model sensitivity experiments further suggest that the observed seasonal variation in the oxygen content of DSOW likely originates from the source overflow water upstream of the Denmark Strait. Overall, this work is the first to explore the entrainment dynamics of DSOW in the western Irminger Sea and its influence on the oxygen content of the overflow water, with implications for the response of the AMOC structure and dissolved gas uptake to changes in the climate system.

How to cite: Nagao, H., Le Bras, I., Miller, U., Palter, J., Bower, A., Furey, H., Koman, G., Atamanchuk, D., Fogaren, K., Nicholson, D., Park, E., Palevsky, H., and Yoder, M.: Influence of entrainment on the mean and seasonal variability in the Denmark Strait Overflow Water (DSOW) properties in the West Irminger Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13071,, 2025.

In the sub-polar North Atlantic, perturbations to climatological mean freshwater fluxes can impact the strength of the climatically important Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, providing an impetus for us to try and understand the pathways of freshwater in the region. In recent years, our understanding of the climatological mean horizontal pathways of freshwater through Greenland’s boundary current systems and out of the sub-polar North Atlantic have increased; however, we lack a thorough understanding of where freshwaters are destroyed by processes such as diahaline mixing.

In this study, I describe and use the freshwater transformation framework (based on the water mass transformation framework pioneered by Walin (1982)) to quantify how rates of diahaline mixing vary around Greenland with both season and region. I demonstrate the framework using an eddy resolving coupled configuration of the ICON earth system model (5 km ocean, 10 km atmosphere). Two patterns emerge:

  • the destruction of fresh waters by mixing is stronger during wintertime than summertime;
  • the destruction of fresh waters by mixing is stronger off the coast of southern Greenland than Northern Greenland.

Using the freshwater transformation framework, I also explore the interplay of diahaline mixing with the salinification of boundary currents, surface sources of freshwater, and the storage of low salinity water in different regions. I find that different processes dominate the climatological mean freshwater balance depending upon the season and region under consideration.

How to cite: Goldsworth, F.: Exploring the mixing of freshwater around Greenland in a high-resolution climate model using the freshwater transformation framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13158,, 2025.

EGU25-13209 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Unraveling the 2023 record high temperatures in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic 

Svenja Ryan and Haakon Pihlaja

During 2023, record high, widespread sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies of up to 1.5 °C developed in the North Atlantic, with a core located in the eastern subtropics. In a warming climate, extreme temperature events like this are increasing in frequency and intensity, having profound implications for marine life. The 2023 SST anomalies may have been driven by a combination of elements, such as weak winds, increased heat fluxes into the ocean, and basin-scale changes in circulation and heat transport. Yet, the relative importance of these factors has not been investigated. We use observational datasets, both in-situ and remotely sensed, as well as atmospheric reanalysis to provide long-term context and examine how different potential drivers contributed to the recent SST anomalies. Preliminary results show that throughout spring 2023, the eastern subtropical North Atlantic experienced anomalously high heat fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean. Interestingly, large SST anomalies appeared almost instantly in regions of weaker wind speeds across the subtropics. We further explore connections between a general increase in upper ocean heat content, potential oceanic preconditioning over the prior two decades, and the North Atlantic Oscillation, contributing to favorable forcing conditions. We highlight the relative roles played by regional forcing and large-scale variability in the study region. Understanding the mutual importance of these roles is necessary when studying temperature extremes in the North Atlantic, especially as these events become more common and intense.

How to cite: Ryan, S. and Pihlaja, H.: Unraveling the 2023 record high temperatures in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13209,, 2025.

EGU25-13754 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Investigating the role of extratropical cyclones in North Atlantic deep water formation 

Robin Whincup, Clark Pennelly, and Paul Myers

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a vital mechanism of heat transport in the climate system, but it has been suggested that its strength will change in the coming decades. This strength depends in part on water mass transformations in the North Atlantic, and understanding the factors that contribute to this variability is crucial to predicting the future behaviour of the AMOC. This research aims to deepen our understanding of one such factor: the role that cyclonic storms play in priming and initiating deep water formation in the Labrador Sea and Nordic Seas. We study cyclone statistics for both regions, but primarily study the ocean’s response in the Labrador Sea. To do this, we used pressure and wind fields from two atmospheric datasets (ERA5 and the Canadian Meteorological Centre’s Global Deterministic Prediction System Reforecasts, or CGRF) to identify and track cyclones. We then look at output from a very-high resolution NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) model configuration, run over 2002-2019 and forced with the above atmospheric datasets to evaluate what effects passing cyclones exert on upper ocean properties. 

Preliminary results indicate that the passage of individual cyclones noticeably cools and deepens the mixed layer, likely via an associated increase in surface heat loss. The other key points we still aim to investigate are the linkage between deep convection and cyclones, and how the presence of this cyclone forcing affects the properties of the resulting deep water masses. We also aim to quantify the contribution of cyclones to deep convection over the study period relative to the amount contributed by the background environmental conditions. We explore whether the cyclones have a positive contribution to deep water formation, particularly after multiple cyclones transit in relatively short succession.

How to cite: Whincup, R., Pennelly, C., and Myers, P.: Investigating the role of extratropical cyclones in North Atlantic deep water formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13754,, 2025.

EGU25-13814 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Changes of ventilation in the North Atlantic over the past three decades - a climate change signal 

Haichao Guo, Wolfgang Koeve, Iris Kriest, Ivy Frenger, Toste Tanhua, Peter Brandt, Yanchun He, Tianfei Xue, and Andreas Oschlies

The meridional overturning circulation in the North Atlantic supplies oxygen to a large part of the world ocean's interior via the formation of mode waters and North Atlantic Deep. Whether human activities have altered this ventilation system remains uncertain. To assess the temporal changes of ocean ventilation in the North Atlantic, we calculated the "age" of seawaters, that is the duration since its last contact with the ocean surface, from both observed and climate models simulated chlorofluorocarbon-12 and sulfur hexafluoride concentrations. Results suggest enhanced ventilation in the intermediate waters and slowed-down ventilation in the deep waters over the past three decades. We propose such ventilation change is a climate change signal because (i) observed ventilation evolution pattern, although likely influenced by the major driver of natural variability in the region, the North Atlantic Oscillation, consistently emerges in historical simulations across different Earth System models, each representing different states of natural climate variability,  (ii) the pattern intensifies with ongoing climate change in model projections under a high-emission scenario, indicating it is an anthropogenically forced signal, and (iii) observed and simulated ventilation changes in the North Atlantic seem to be part of a broader global trend, with enhanced upper-ocean ventilation, and slowed deep-ocean ventilation also in other ocean basins.


How to cite: Guo, H., Koeve, W., Kriest, I., Frenger, I., Tanhua, T., Brandt, P., He, Y., Xue, T., and Oschlies, A.: Changes of ventilation in the North Atlantic over the past three decades - a climate change signal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13814,, 2025.

EGU25-13896 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Multiple pathways of deep waters in the Nordic Seas elucidate the warming and salinification of eastern overflow waters 

Ilana Schiller-Weiss, Hjálmar Hátún, Steffen M. Olsen, Karin Margretha Larsen, and Hauke Schulz

The Faroe Bank Channel (FBC) transports dense, cold overflow water that contributes to the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). By comparing the Copernicus GLORYS12 reanalysis data (1/12°) with 27 years of CTD and ADCP data in the FBC (Larsen et al., 2024), we find that GLORYS12 well-represents an observed warming and a lagged salinification trend since the mid-1990s. To investigate the sources and pathways of warming dense bottom waters upstream of the FBC, we re-release Lagrangian particles every 5 days, randomly distributed between 650 and 1100 m, and backtrack them in time for 27 years using the ocean reanalysis data. Our analysis reveals a basin-wide warming trend of approximately 0.1°C per decade in the Greenland and Iceland Seas. However, the primary flow pathways of FBC overflows appear to originate from the Arctic via an extension of the East Greenland Current and from a previously ignored source in the Lofoten Basin, with strong mixing and recirculation between these deep current pathways. Fewer particles traced back to the Greenland Sea gyre deep water. We explore the upstream effects and locations of the warming sources and their impact on variability in the overflows within the FBC, which may improve our understanding of AMOC dynamics.

How to cite: Schiller-Weiss, I., Hátún, H., Olsen, S. M., Larsen, K. M., and Schulz, H.: Multiple pathways of deep waters in the Nordic Seas elucidate the warming and salinification of eastern overflow waters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13896,, 2025.

EGU25-14226 | Orals | OS1.2

Eight years of continuous observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current from Cape Farewell 

Greg Koman, Amy Bower, Heather Furey, and Penny Holliday

An important component of the deep limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation – the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) – forms in the North Atlantic subpolar gyre from the combination of cold, dense water from the Nordic Seas and the ambient water within the gyre. Much of this water merges south of the Denmark Strait along the eastern flank of Greenland and flows southwestward toward the tip of Cape Farewell where the Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) has continually monitored the DWBC since 2014 using moorings consisting of current meters, acoustic doppler current profilers, and temperature-salinity recorders. Previous estimates of the DWBC (σθ > 27.8 kg m-3) at this location found 9-13 Sv of transport, including 10.8 Sv from the first two years of OSNAP data. This presentation extends the OSNAP estimates of the DWBC through 2022 and finds a 22% decrease in transport over the eight-year record from a thinning of the traditionally defined DWBC layer (σθ > 27.8 kg m-3) and weakening velocities. This also results in a 27% decrease in transport of the densest water mass of the DWBC, Denmark Strait Overflow Water (σθ > 27.88 kg m-3). Overall, the eight-year transport mean of the DWBC is 8.4 Sv. This presentation will also consider alternative methods for evaluating the DWBC that find a transport reduction of only 12-17% over the eight-year observation period.

How to cite: Koman, G., Bower, A., Furey, H., and Holliday, P.: Eight years of continuous observations of the Deep Western Boundary Current from Cape Farewell, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14226,, 2025.

EGU25-14381 | Posters on site | OS1.2

On the Dynamics of the Subtropical Mode Water from an Ensemble Simulation Viewpoint 

Andrew Poje, Takaya Uchida, Thierry Penduff, William Dewar, Bruno Deremble, Nicolas Wienders, and Luolin Sun

The ocean, as the largest carbon reservoir, plays a crucial role in regulating the global climate by absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide and heat generated by carbon emissions. It achieves this by transferring water masses from the surface to the ocean interior. Among the various features influencing ocean circulation, subtropical mode water (STMW) in the North Atlantic has received significant attention due to its formation through direct ocean-atmosphere interactions and its substantial impact on the ventilation of the upper ocean. In this study, we explore the mechanisms underlying the seasonal cycle of STMW from a dynamical perspective.

We use an ensemble of 48 partially coupled North Atlantic Ocean simulations, with mesoscale-permitting resolution, and apply an ensemble-averaging approach to separate the mean flow (residual-mean) and eddy fluctuations, both of which are temporally and spatially dependent. We quantify STMW by analyzing the evolution of a pool of low Ertel potential vorticity (PV). Our results indicate that the annual cycle of STMW can be explained by the interactions of three primary transports: (1) the ensemble-mean flux, representing the large-scale Eulerian-mean flow shared by all ensemble members, (2) bolus eddy transport driven by strong baroclinic instabilities within the PV pool, and (3) residual eddy transport due to the non-linear fluctuations among the ensemble members. During the winter when STMW begins to form, the ensemble-mean flow plays a dominant role, deflating the PV pool by transporting low-PV water from the north into the pool. Meanwhile, bolus transport actively mixes the PVs within the pool along isopycnal surfaces, leading to a PV homogenization. As the season progresses, residual eddy transport begins to counteract the ensemble-mean flow, creating a balance that results in the inflation of the PV pool and, consequently, the erosion of STMW.

How to cite: Poje, A., Uchida, T., Penduff, T., Dewar, W., Deremble, B., Wienders, N., and Sun, L.: On the Dynamics of the Subtropical Mode Water from an Ensemble Simulation Viewpoint, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14381,, 2025.

EGU25-15579 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

North Atlantic Circulation Shifts under Historical Anthropogenic Forcing in CESM2-LE  

Ina Nagler, Helene Asbjørnsen, Ulysses Ninnemann, and Andreas Born

Understanding human-induced transformation in the multi-decadal variability of ocean circulation is important for predicting and interpreting current system change. This study illustrates the role the Subpolar Gyre (SPG) plays in modulating the variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), emphasising the interplay between surface and deep circulation and their sensitivity to atmospheric fluxes. Despite its significance, the dynamics of the SPG and its interaction with the AMOC during the historical period remain poorly understood due to limited observational data and palaeo reconstructions. 

We investigate the mechanisms behind the historical variations in overturning using the CESM2 100-member ensemble (CESM2-LE). We focus on the density overturning strength at 55°N, which captures the combined effects of both overturning and gyre circulation. Employing change point analysis and composite analyses to various hydrographic and circulation metrics, we describe the mechanics of abrupt shifts in subpolar overturning. 

Our analysis complements earlier studies on the CMIP6 historical AMOC strengthening and provides additional details on the associated internal variability based on the single-model ensemble used. We describe the precursing hydrography and atmospheric forcing to abrupt changes in subpolar overturning and the propagation of density anomalies associated with circulation shifts. Furthermore, our results show how variability before 1985 differs from the simulated variability during the period of AMOC decline driven by greenhouse gas forcing in recent decades. These results improve our understanding of the climate system's interactions and its sensitivity to external forcing over time.

How to cite: Nagler, I., Asbjørnsen, H., Ninnemann, U., and Born, A.: North Atlantic Circulation Shifts under Historical Anthropogenic Forcing in CESM2-LE , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15579,, 2025.

EGU25-16176 | Orals | OS1.2

Decadal variability of Labrador Sea Water formation  

Reiner Steinfeldt, Monika Rhein, and Dagmar Kieke

Transient tracer observations from GLODAPv2 and more recent data are used to
compute transit time distributions (TTDs) for Labrador Sea Water. These TTDs are then integrated
basin wide over the subpolar, subtropical and tropical Atlantic. This allows to infer ventilation,
export and formation rates of LSW. We further devide the LSW density range into an upper (ULSW) and a
deeper part (DLSW). The results reflect the known variability of LSW formation, with high formation rates
of DLSW in the 1990s and after 2015, and periods with increased ULSW formation in between.
Astonishingly, the DLSW formation rate is always significantly larger than zero,
even in years without direct DLSW ventilation.
We also compare the formation rates derived from the TTDs with those calculated
from CFC/SF6 inventories. This shows, that the formation rates inferred from tracer inventories
depend more strongly on the integration regions (subpolar North Atlantic only
or including subtropics (and tropics)) than the TTD derived formation rates. 

How to cite: Steinfeldt, R., Rhein, M., and Kieke, D.: Decadal variability of Labrador Sea Water formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16176,, 2025.

EGU25-16680 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Multi-drivers for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability in an ensemble of historical ocean reanalyses 

Julia Araujo, Chunxue Yang, Vincenzo Artale, Vincenzo De Toma, Simona Simoncelli, Marjahn Finlayson, and Andrea Storto

The North Atlantic Ocean has a crucial role in the regional and global climate, with significant socio-economic impacts related to droughts, hurricanes and changes in the weather pattern. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is the main component of ocean heat transport to the North Atlantic as part of the Earth’s major circulation system. The AMOC is considered a tipping element of the planet’s climate, and abrupt and strong changes in this global-scale circulation could lead to shifts in European and North American climates and warming in the Southern Ocean and Antarctica. Hence, it is critical to better comprehend the drivers influencing the AMOC state and its variability.  

The direct connection between the AMOC and the deep-water formation is being challenged by recent studies, suggesting this relationship cannot explain alone the broad spectrum of AMOC variations. Moreover, the Gulf Stream is responsible for a substantial part of meridional heat transport and is considered part of the AMOC system in the North Atlantic. Recent studies show the latitudinal displacement of the current could affect the AMOC variability. Furthermore, the advection at intermediate level (800-1200m) of the Mediterranean outflow is suggested to be a possible key contributor to the strength and variability of the AMOC, although large uncertainty remains concerning the pathway of these waters into the North Atlantic and its contribution in the precondition phase of the deep-water formation in the Labrador and Greenland Island Norwegian sea. Understanding the influence of each of these drivers is vital.  

The scarcity of direct observational records in space and time poses an important challenge to disentangle the AMOC drivers and their variability in the North Atlantic, especially since the North Atlantic Ocean presents unusual variability at decadal and multi-decadal scales. Previous studies have used either short observation records, low-resolution numerical models or indirect (proxy) observations to investigate the AMOC. Long-term and three-dimensional datasets are needed to understand the ocean’s changes at large space and time scales. Therefore, the aim of our work is to investigate the multi-drivers of the AMOC variability using a large ensemble (32 members) of global historical ocean reanalyses covering the period from 1961 to 2022. We focus on the deep-water formation, Gulf Stream shift and Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) as multi-drivers of the AMOC in the North Atlantic. It is the first time that a large ensemble of 60-year observation-based ocean dataset is used to investigate multiple drivers responsible for changes in the AMOC and the North Atlantic’s decadal climate. We calculated indexes for each driver and used multivariate regression methods (e.g. LASSO) to explore the role of multi-drivers. Preliminary results show that at the interannual time scale, the variability of the Gulf Stream is well correlated with the AMOC variability and at a longer time scale, the deep-water formation and Mediterranean outflow have a close correlation with the AMOC transport. Further investigation is ongoing to quantify the relative contribution from these drivers to the AMOC variability at different time scales.

How to cite: Araujo, J., Yang, C., Artale, V., De Toma, V., Simoncelli, S., Finlayson, M., and Storto, A.: Multi-drivers for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability in an ensemble of historical ocean reanalyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16680,, 2025.

EGU25-17351 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

North Atlantic Deep Mixing Patterns Affect AMOC Responses to Abrupt-4xCO2 forcing 

Muxin Hu, Joas Müller Müller, and Robert Jnglin Wills

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a crucial component in the Earth's climate system. Despite extensive research on the AMOC response to climate forcings, substantial discrepancies persist across models. These discrepancies may partly stem from differences in the representation of North Atlantic deep convection, particularly in the location of primary convection regions. This study investigates how difference in North Atlantic deep mixing patterns influence the AMOC response to CO2 forcing, using pre-industrial control and abrupt-4×CO2 experiments from 14 CMIP6 models. Based on winter mixed-layer depth (MLD) climatologies, we identified three main regions of North Atlantic deep mixing: the Labrador Sea, Irminger & Iceland Basins, and the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas. Utilizing principal component analysis and k-means clustering, we identify two groups of models: (1) the LII cluster, with stronger mixing in the Labrador Sea and Irminger & Iceland Basins and (2) the GIN cluster, exhibiting stronger mixing concentrated in the GIN Seas. We find that the two clusters have similar mean-state AMOC in the pre-industrial scenario despite significant differences in regions of deep mixing. However, their projected responses to abrupt forcing diverge significantly. The LII cluster exhibits much stronger weakening and shoaling of the AMOC compared to the GIN cluster. Preliminary analyses of sea ice fraction indicate notable differences in the Labrador Sea. In the LII cluster, large parts of the Labrador Sea are ice-free, typical of models that are relatively warm and salty in the North Atlantic, whereas the GIN cluster demonstrates relatively high sea ice concentration, with its southern edge extending further. Our results suggest a possible link between deep convection representations and AMOC responses to greenhouse gas emissions, offering a potential reference for assessing model accuracy in projecting AMOC changes based on their climatological representation of deep mixing.

How to cite: Hu, M., Müller, J. M., and Jnglin Wills, R.: North Atlantic Deep Mixing Patterns Affect AMOC Responses to Abrupt-4xCO2 forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17351,, 2025.

EGU25-17741 | Orals | OS1.2

Exceptional atmospheric conditions in June 2023 generated a northwest European marine heatwave which contributed to breaking land temperature records 

Segolene Berthou and the Met Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, National Oceanography Centre, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Marine Institute, Marine Scotland

The Eastern North Atlantic, including the Northwest European shelf, experienced unprecedented surface temperature anomalies in June 2023 (anomalies up to 5 °C locally, north of Ireland). We show the shelf average underwent its longest recorded category II marine heatwave (16 days). With state-of-the-art observation and modelling capabilities, we show the marine heatwave developed quickly due to strong atmospheric forcing (high level of sunshine, weak winds, tropical air) and weak wave activity under anticyclonic weather regimes. Once formed, this shallow marine heatwave fed back on the weather: over the sea it reduced cloud cover and over land it contributed to breaking June mean temperature records and to enhanced convective rainfall through stronger, warmer and moister sea breezes. This marine heatwave was intensified by the last 20-year warming trend in sea surface temperatures. Such sea surface temperatures are projected to become commonplace by the middle of the century under a high greenhouse gas emission scenario.

How to cite: Berthou, S. and the Met Office, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, National Oceanography Centre, Scottish Association for Marine Science, Marine Institute, Marine Scotland: Exceptional atmospheric conditions in June 2023 generated a northwest European marine heatwave which contributed to breaking land temperature records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17741,, 2025.

EGU25-18209 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Impact of Eddy-Induced Mixing on AMOC: A Model Study 

Andrea Mosso, Fraser Goldsworth, and Jin-Song von Storch

Representing mesoscale eddies and understanding their impact on large-scale ocean circulation are critical challenges in climate research. High-resolution models are necessary to resolve eddies explicitly, while parameterisations, most commonly those of Gent and McWilliams (1990) and Redi (1982), are used in lower-resolution models to simulate their effects. Mesoscale eddies can affect the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) by flattening isopycnals. Additionally, mesoscale eddies can also affect AMOC by modifying turbulent diapycnal mixing,  which is parameterised by e.g. the mixing scheme of Gaspar et al. (1990). The modification of turbulent mixing can occur when horizontal density gradients and with them, vertical velocity shear and the turbulent shear production are reduced as a result of flattened isopycnals.

In this study, we analyse the sensitivity of AMOC to parameterised eddy diffusivity using a coupled model. To isolate the role of eddies in diapycnal mixing, we separate the buoyancy tendency forcing produced by the eddy parameterisations (GM-Redi) from that produced by diapycnal mixing. Previous studies with uncoupled models have shown how eddy-induced isopycnal flattening affects the upwelling of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) in the Southern Ocean (Marshall et al., 2017). Our results from a coupled model show that the impact on diapycnal mixing is most pronounced in the downwelling regions in the Subpolar North Atlantic, with increasing eddy diffusivity causing a shift in the dominant location of deep water formation from the Labrador Sea northeastward to the Irminger and Iceland Basins.

By investigating the interplay between eddy-induced mixing and the AMOC, this work provides new insights into how spatially variable mixing processes shape large-scale ocean circulation patterns.

How to cite: Mosso, A., Goldsworth, F., and von Storch, J.-S.: Impact of Eddy-Induced Mixing on AMOC: A Model Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18209,, 2025.

EGU25-19159 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Pathways and impacts of increased Greenland and Arctic freshwater fluxes to the Subpolar North Atlantic 

Elodie Duyck and Fraser Goldsworth

In the coming decades, climate change is expected to lead to increasing freshwater input to the subpolar North Atlantic from Greenland and the Arctic. This could affect the ocean circulation in the region, and potentially the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).

Greenland and Arctic origin waters initially enter the coastal and shelf regions of Greenland and Canada, where they are transported by narrow boundary currents. Observational studies and regional simulations have shown that exchanges between the shelf region and the open ocean are restricted to a few areas. This constrains where, how much, and at which timescales, additional freshwater may affect the interior subpolar North Atlantic.

The potential effects of Greenland melt on the AMOC is often tested in climate models via hosing experiments, in which large volumes of freshwater are released across broad areas of the North Atlantic. While most hosing experiments release freshwater uniformly in that region to understand the mechanisms and impacts of an AMOC slowdown, a few targeted freshwater release experiments have also been carried out around Greenland to more realistically assess how Greenland melt might affect the ocean circulation.

It is however unclear whether the resolution of these models allows to adequately represent the pathways of the added freshwater. Moreover, the traditional understanding of a direct link between convection in the Subpolar Gyre and the AMOC has been challenged, highlighting the need to also assess the effect of the added freshwater on the circulation and hydrography of the subpolar North Atlantic.

Here we use results from hosing experiments carried out in the MPI-ESM coupled climate model as part of the NAHosMIP project (Jackson et al 2023) to examine how the added freshwater circulates in the subpolar North Atlantic and affects the region's circulation and hydrography. We compare the Greenland focused and uniform hosing experiments to investigate how the hosing location affects these results. We then evaluate these findings against observations and results from high-resolution regional simulations to determine whether targeted hosing experiments can indeed help understanding the impact of future increases in freshwater input to the subpolar North Atlantic, identify potential limitations, and how they could be addressed.


Jackson, L. C., Alastrué de Asenjo, E., Bellomo, K., Danabasoglu, G., Haak, H., Hu, A., Jungclaus, J., Lee, W., Meccia, V. L., Saenko, O., Shao, A., and Swingedouw, D.: Understanding AMOC stability: the North Atlantic Hosing Model Intercomparison Project, Geoscientific Model Development, 16, 1975–1995,, 2023.


How to cite: Duyck, E. and Goldsworth, F.: Pathways and impacts of increased Greenland and Arctic freshwater fluxes to the Subpolar North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19159,, 2025.

EGU25-19557 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Changing properties of NADW cause AMOC weakening at 26.5°N 

Ivenis Pita, Shane Elipot, William Johns, David Smeed, and Ben Moat

The RAPID-MOCHA array monitors the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) at 26.5°N by combining contributions from wind-driven Ekman transport, the Florida Current, and the mid-ocean geostrophic flow derived from tall moorings. While the Florida Current transport has been remarkably steady over the past decades and the Ekman transport has been strengthening since 2004, the AMOC has been weakening since 2004 when the RAPID-MOCHA observations started. This study investigates the role of buoyancy anomalies along the deep western boundary (DWB) on the observed AMOC decline. The DWB presents density features typical of both upper and lower North Atlantic Deep Water (uNADW and lNADW, respectively), which are water masses formed in the subpolar North Atlantic and tend to flow southward along the North Atlantic western boundary until reaching 26.5°N. The uNADW can be divided into upper Labrador Sea Water (uLSW) and classical LSW (cLSW). Since 2004, the DWB has been getting lighter, largely due to warming, but with varying effects of salinity on the uNADW and lNADW layers. To isolate the influence of these water mass changes on the AMOC, we recalculated the AMOC by substituting the western boundary density profiles in a given layer (e.g., uNADW, lNADW, uLSW, cLSW) with monthly climatological values and compared the resulting estimates to those derived from the full RAPID-MOCHA data set. Between 2004 and 2023, the observed AMOC weakened at a rate of −0.8±0.7 Sv/decade, with DWB density anomalies accounting for 77% of this trend (−0.6±0.1 Sv/decade). Further breakdown reveals that the lNADW contributes 47% (−0.39±0.07 Sv/decade) and the uNADW contributes 33% (−0.27±0.07 Sv/decade) to the overall AMOC decline. When the uNADW is subdivided, the cLSW influences the AMOC weakening by −0.38±0.09 Sv/decade, similar to the influence of the lNADW, while uLSW acts to strengthen the AMOC by 0.11±0.03 Sv/decade. Experiments isolating temperature and salinity anomalies indicate that temperature anomalies drive approximately two-thirds of the DWB-induced AMOC weakening, with salinity playing a secondary but important role in the lNADW. These findings suggest that southward advection of buoyancy anomalies formed in the Labrador and Nordic Seas account for about 75% of the AMOC weakening observed at 26.5°N between 2004 and 2023, particularly highlighting the influence of cLSW and lNADW water mass changes. The trend of the residual signal (joint influence of Florida Current, upper ocean, eastern boundary and Ekman transports) is not statistically significant, whereas the DWB and individual water mass influence trends are significant at the 99% confidence level.

How to cite: Pita, I., Elipot, S., Johns, W., Smeed, D., and Moat, B.: Changing properties of NADW cause AMOC weakening at 26.5°N, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19557,, 2025.

EGU25-19637 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.2

Mediterranean Outflow Water analysis through multiple reanalysis and observational data products 

Marjahn Finlayson, Simona Simoncelli, Chunxue Yang, Julia Araujo, and Simone Sammartino

As climate change impacts ocean properties, such as temperatures, salinity and stratification, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) may be at risk of collapse. A weakened AMOC can be connected to shifts in global weather patterns, such as more heatwaves in Europe. The outflow water from the Mediterranean Sea has properties that influence the North Atlantic Ocean hydrodynamics and the AMOC. The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) properties vary due to climate change,  affecting the Atlantic Ocean thermohaline characteristics. 

Using a multi-data approach, this study compares four reanalyses of different horizontal grid resolutions in a seventy years time span (RR 1955-2015 DOI: 10.25423/MEDSEA_REANALYSIS_PHY_006_009, MEDREA16 1987-2018 DOI:10.25423/medsea_reanalysis_phys_006_004, MEDREA24 1987-2024 DOI: 10.25423/CMCC/MEDSEA_MULTIYEAR_PHY_006_004_E3R1, CIGAR-CS 1961-2022 to the World Ocean Atlas 2023 climatology (DOI: 10.25921/va26-hv25) and mooring observations at the Espartel Sill. The study evaluates volume, heat and salt transports, temperature and salinity time series at Gibraltar and analyzes the MOW decadal variability in the North Atlantic from 1955 to 2024.

The goal of this research is to assess the consistency and accuracy of multiple reanalysis products in simulating the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean interaction and to establish how the model resolution and geometry affect the MOW characteristics. Ultimately, this assists in understanding how MOW variability may impact the AMOC.

How to cite: Finlayson, M., Simoncelli, S., Yang, C., Araujo, J., and Sammartino, S.: Mediterranean Outflow Water analysis through multiple reanalysis and observational data products, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19637,, 2025.

EGU25-20507 | ECS | Orals | OS1.2

Sensitivity on the AMOC estimate to the choice of data used at the RAPID 26N array 

Tillys Petit, David Smeed, Jules B. Kajtar, Bablu Sinha, Adam Blaker, Darren Rayner, Shane Elipot, William Johns, Denis L. Volkov, Ryan H. Smith, Nick Higgs, and Ben Moat

Direct measurements of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and meridional heat transport (MHT) are necessary to better understand the impact of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions on the global climate system. The RAPID-MOCHA-WBTS array at 26°N is the only trans-Atlantic observing system to provide 20 years of continuous measurements of the AMOC and MHT. While the design of the array has continuously evolved as our understanding of the AMOC has advanced, and as new technologies have become available, a goal now is to design a lower-cost and more sustainable observing system to continue AMOC estimations at high accuracy. Using the RAPID array data and ocean reanalyses, we evaluate the sensitivity of the AMOC to the choice of data included in its estimation. We find that the variability of the volume transport in the upper 3000-m of the water column exceeds what can be captured by synoptic hydrographic data or ocean reanalysis. However, the deep interior moorings along the eastern boundary and Mid-Atlantic ridge can be replaced by hydrographic data from repeat trans-Atlantic sections to reliably estimate the AMOC. A high-resolution ocean model is used to quantify the long-term uncertainty of using hydrographic data at the RAPID array on the AMOC estimation. It shows that the uncertainty is small  as compared to the RAPID AMOC accuracy and that using hydrographic data does not change the significance of the observed AMOC trend.

How to cite: Petit, T., Smeed, D., Kajtar, J. B., Sinha, B., Blaker, A., Rayner, D., Elipot, S., Johns, W., Volkov, D. L., Smith, R. H., Higgs, N., and Moat, B.: Sensitivity on the AMOC estimate to the choice of data used at the RAPID 26N array, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20507,, 2025.

EGU25-337 | Orals | OS1.3

Seasonal productivity of the equatorialAtlantic shaped by distinct wind-drivenprocesses 

Peter Brandt, Mareike Körner, James N. Moum, Marisa Roch, Ajit Subramaniam, Rena Czeschel, Gerd Krahmann, Marcus Dengler, and Rainer Kiko

The eastern equatorial Atlantic hosts a productive marine ecosystem that depends on upward supply of nitrate, the primary limiting nutrient in this region. The annual productivity peak, indicated by elevated surface chlorophyll levels, occurs in the Northern Hemisphere summer, roughly coinciding with strengthened easterly winds. For enhanced productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, nitrate-rich water must rise into the turbulent layer above the Equatorial Undercurrent. Using data from two trans-Atlantic equatorial surveys, along with extended time series from equatorial moorings, we demonstrate how three independent wind-driven processes shape the seasonality of equatorial Atlantic productivity: (1) the nitracline shoals in response to intensifying easterly winds; (2) the depth of the Equatorial Undercurrent core, defined by maximum eastward velocity, is controlled by an annual oscillation of basin-scale standing equatorial waves and (3) mixing intensity in the shear zone above the Equatorial Undercurrent core is governed by local and instantaneous winds. The interplay of these three mechanisms shapes a unique seasonal cycle of nutrient supply and productivity in the equatorial Atlantic, with a productivity minimum in April due to a shallow Equatorial Undercurrent and a productivity maximum in July resulting from a shallow nitracline coupled with enhanced mixing.

How to cite: Brandt, P., Körner, M., Moum, J. N., Roch, M., Subramaniam, A., Czeschel, R., Krahmann, G., Dengler, M., and Kiko, R.: Seasonal productivity of the equatorialAtlantic shaped by distinct wind-drivenprocesses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-337,, 2025.

EGU25-2963 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3

Two flavors of north tropical Atlantic climate variability with distinct  impact on Atlantic hurricanes 

Yi Liu, Michael McPhaden, Wenju Cai, Yu Zhang, Jiuwei Zhao, Hyacinth Nnamchi, Xiaopei Lin, Ziguang Li, and Jun-Chao Yang

Variability of sea surface temperature (SST) in the north tropical Atlantic (NTA) exerts a substantial impact on Atlantic hurricane activity. Referred to as the NTA mode, its positive phase features warm SST anomalies, conducive to increased intensity and frequency of North Atlantic hurricanes. The period 2023-2024 saw two consecutive positive NTA events, featuring a broad warm anomaly pattern in 2024 following the 2023/24 strong El Niño, but a localized SST warm anomaly in the coastal region off northwest Africa in 2023 following a La Niña. Whether there exists inherent diversity in NTA dynamics and impact is unclear. Here we find that the NTA possesses two distinctive flavors: the basin-wide (BNTA) mode and coastal (CNTA) mode. Such diversity is underpinned by an asymmetric response of air-sea heat flux at the SST anomaly centers of the two NTA modes. The BNTA has an overall stronger impact on Atlantic hurricane activity due to its more westward and persistent warm anomaly pattern. Furthermore, since 1990s, the well-known impact from El Niño-Southern Oscillation on the north tropical Atlantic is felt through its influence on the BNTA mode. Our finding highlights the importance of distinguishing and understanding NTA flavors in assessing and predicting their climatic impacts.

How to cite: Liu, Y., McPhaden, M., Cai, W., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., Nnamchi, H., Lin, X., Li, Z., and Yang, J.-C.: Two flavors of north tropical Atlantic climate variability with distinct  impact on Atlantic hurricanes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2963,, 2025.

EGU25-3073 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

Distinct Impacts of the Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the European Climate 

Baiyang Chen, Lei Zhang, and Chunzai Wang

The Atlantic Niño is the primary interannual variability mode in the tropical Atlantic, with far-reaching impacts on global climate. A recent study identified two types of the Atlantic Niño, each with its maximum warming centered in the central and eastern equatorial Atlantic, respectively. Through analysis of observational data and numerical model experiments, we find that the two Atlantic Niño types have distinct climatic impacts on Europe. This is because the central Atlantic Niño is associated with a pronounced increase in precipitation in the western tropical Atlantic, while the positive precipitation anomalies during the eastern type are mainly located in the eastern basin with weaker amplitudes. Consequently, compared to the eastern Atlantic Niño, the extra-tropical atmospheric waves and the associated precipitation and temperature anomalies in Europe during the central type are stronger and shifted westward. Therefore, distinguishing between the two Atlantic Niño types may help improve seasonal climate predictions in Europe.

How to cite: Chen, B., Zhang, L., and Wang, C.: Distinct Impacts of the Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the European Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3073,, 2025.

EGU25-4268 | Orals | OS1.3

On the mechanisms of Atlantic Niño/Niña decadal variability 

Yun Yang, Lixin Wu, Hong Wang, Yuhu Chen, and Chunxue Yang

The Atlantic Niño/Niña is a dominant climate variability, exerting substantial climate impacts. Besides interannual variability, the observed Atlantic Niño/Niña also demonstrates robust variations at decadal timescale (decadal ATL). The underlying mechanisms, however, remain unclear. Here, we conduct a 300yr picontrol experiment using CESM that reasonably captures mean climate of the Atlantic cold tongue and decadal ATL. A warming of the Atlantic cold tongue weakens St. Helena anticyclone via triggering atmospheric Rossby wave, which decreases the subtropical cell and suppresses the equatorial upwelling, amplifying the initial warming. Meanwhile, the weakened anticyclone enhances wind speed over the southwestern Atlantic and cools local SST. Such cooling propagates with mean current toward east, driving an eastward propagation of negative wind stress curl anomalies and thus a cooling along thermocline over 5S-12S, with a cross basin time of 6yr. This cooling is further advected with mean current at thermocline to reach the equator, after which it develops following the Bjerknes feedback and shifts the phase of decadal ATL.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Wu, L., Wang, H., Chen, Y., and Yang, C.: On the mechanisms of Atlantic Niño/Niña decadal variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4268,, 2025.

EGU25-4950 | Posters on site | OS1.3

Influences of Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the West African and South American Summer Monsoons 

Wen Xing, Chunzai Wang, and Lei Zhang

The rainfall variabilities of the West African and South American summer monsoons, pivotal for local and global climate systems, are strongly influenced by tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies. This study investigates the impacts of two recently identified Atlantic Niño types, central and eastern Atlantic Niño (CAN and EAN), on these monsoon systems using observational data and numerical experiments. During boreal summer, EAN events exhibit increased rainfall over West Africa compared to CAN events, indicating a strengthened West African summer monsoon. Enhanced moisture flux convergence from eastern Atlantic warming drives these wetting conditions during EAN events. Conversely, CAN events have a more pronounced influence on South American monsoon rainfall during austral summer, causing a rainfall anomaly dipole between the Amazon and eastern Brazil, suggesting an eastward shift in the South American summer monsoon rainfall belt. These rainfall changes are linked to cyclonic circulation anomalies over the southwest Atlantic Ocean, attributed to central Atlantic warming during CAN events. Furthermore, a statistical model assesses hindcast skills of rainfall variability in the two summer monsoon regions, affirming the benefits of separating Atlantic Niño into CAN and EAN events for improved seasonal climate predictions.

How to cite: Xing, W., Wang, C., and Zhang, L.: Influences of Central and Eastern Atlantic Niño on the West African and South American Summer Monsoons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4950,, 2025.

EGU25-5072 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the Pacific 

Siying Liu, Ping Chang, Xiuquan Wan, Stephen G Yeager, Ingo Richter, and Rong-hua Zhang

Atlantic Niño, the dominant climate mode in the equatorial Atlantic, is known to remotely force a La Niña-like response in the Pacific, potentially affecting seasonal climate predictions. Here, we use both observations and large-ensemble simulations to explore the physical mechanisms linking the Atlantic to the Pacific. Results indicate that an eastward propagating atmospheric Kelvin wave from the Atlantic, through the Indian Ocean, to the Pacific is the primary pathway. Interaction of this Kelvin wave with the orography of the Maritime Continent induces orographic moisture convergence, contributing to the generation of a local Walker Cell over the Maritime Continent-Western Pacific area. Moreover, land friction over the Maritime Continent dissipates Kelvin wave energy, affecting the strength of the Bjerknes feedback and thus the development of the La Niña-like response. Therefore, improving the representation of land–atmosphere–ocean interactions over the Maritime Continent may be fundamental to realistically simulate Atlantic Niño's impact on El Niño-Southern Oscillation.

How to cite: Liu, S., Chang, P., Wan, X., Yeager, S. G., Richter, I., and Zhang, R.: Role of the Maritime Continent in the remote influence of Atlantic Niño on the Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5072,, 2025.

EGU25-8915 | Posters on site | OS1.3

Driving mechanisms of Atlantic Niño under different vertical ocean resolutions 

Marta Martín-Rey, Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca, Teresa Losada, Arthur Prigent, Irene Polo, Adnan Abi, Elsa Mohino, Lucía Montoya-Carramolino, Elena Calvo-Miguélez, Jia Wu, and Diane Putrasahan

The Atlantic Niño controls the boreal summer tropical Atlantic variability at interannual time scales, with pronounced climate impacts in adjacent and remote areas. Changes in the spatial configuration of the Atlantic Niño has been reported during the observational record, coinciding with a modification of the background state and associated teleconnections. The driving mechanisms of the Atlantic Niño have been also changed in recent decades.

The aim of the present study is to explore the role of the ocean background state in the Atlantic Niño diversity and associated air-sea mechanisms. For such purpose, we will use two twin 30-year high-resolution simulations performed in the H2020-EU NEXTGEMS project. Both simulations have the same horizontal resolution (10km) and only differ in the vertical stratification of the upper 20m: 2m layers for the THIN simulation and 10m layers for the THICK one.

To this aim, the Bjerknes feedback and ocean wave propagation are analyzed, and a complete heat budget analysis will be computed and compared in both simulations. Finally, the role of the background state in the modification of air-sea interactions and thus, in Atlantic Niño diversity will be also investigated.

How to cite: Martín-Rey, M., Rodríguez-Fonseca, B., Losada, T., Prigent, A., Polo, I., Abi, A., Mohino, E., Montoya-Carramolino, L., Calvo-Miguélez, E., Wu, J., and Putrasahan, D.: Driving mechanisms of Atlantic Niño under different vertical ocean resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8915,, 2025.

EGU25-9323 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

How alike are diabatic processes in the tropical Atlantic to the Pacific?  

Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, Frank Bryan, William Kessler, and LuAnne Thompson
The Atlantic Niño is the main mode of interannual sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the tropical Atlantic. It bears resemblance to the SST variability associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific. Like its counterpart in the Pacific, this oscillating mode of variability is a source of weather and climate predictability for bordering countries and beyond. The Atlantic Niño is widely thought of as an air-sea coupled mode, though the ratio of atmospheric versus oceanic forcing leading to the SST anomalies is still under discussion. A recently developed novel water mass transformation analysis can shed light on this question. This method investigates the physical processes behind sea surface cooling and heat uptake into the ocean and relates them to diabatic equatorial upwelling in time and space. This analysis has successfully been applied to the tropical Pacific, where it highlighted the role of ocean processes in creating and enhancing SST variability. During El Niño, for example, subsurface ocean mixing, which drives the bulk of diabatic upwelling in the thermocline shuts down almost entirely, enhancing the warm SST anomaly. During La Niña, on the other hand, SST are strongly cooled by diabatic upwelling driven by anomalously strong vertical mixing. 
This method can be readily applied to the Atlantic, to investigate the role of ocean subsurface processes in driving SST variability. The water mass transformation calculations are applied on output of a 0.1° horizontal resolution forced ocean and sea ice simulation. This simulation exhibits realistic SST variability related to the Atlantic Niño. The resulting diabatic velocities and physical processes show that there are distinct differences between the diabatic upwelling in the Atlantic compared to the Pacific, promising additional insights into the mechanism of SST variability behind the Atlantic Niño as compared to the Pacific ENSO. 

How to cite: Deppenmeier, A.-L., Bryan, F., Kessler, W., and Thompson, L.: How alike are diabatic processes in the tropical Atlantic to the Pacific? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9323,, 2025.

The upwelling region off northwest Africa exhibits pronounced seasonal variability and high productivity, playing a critical role in supporting fisheries. The sea surface temperature (SST) difference between the coast and offshore areas serves as a key proxy for upwelling intensity. Using observational data, we found distinct regional dependencies in the response of SST differences to atmospheric forcing. In the permanent upwelling region (21°N-30°N), both upwelling-favorable winds and heat flux enhance the coastal-offshore SST difference, leading the variations by about 70-100 days. In contrast, in the seasonal upwelling region (12°N-19°N),  changes in SST differences precede wind variations by less than one month, particularly during the transition to the downwelling season. Heat flux in this region acts to dampen SST gradients, contrasting with its role in the permanent upwelling zone. Additionally, our results indicate that the response of the SST difference to atmospheric forcing is faster and stronger when the mixed layer is shallower. These results highlight the spatial variability and complexity of air-sea interactions in the northwest African upwelling system, with implications for understanding coastal upwelling dynamics and informing fisheries management.

How to cite: Chen, L. and Juricke, S.: Seasonal cycle of sea surface temperature and air-sea interactions in the Northwest African upwelling region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11504,, 2025.

EGU25-11559 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

Impact of the equatorial Atlantic on ENSO prediction in SEAS5-20C re-forecast 

Antonio Jesús Robles Fernández, Belén Rodriguez-Fonseca, Teresa Losada Doval, Antje Weisheimer, and Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is one of the most globally relevant modes of climate variability, playing a crucial role for tropical and extratropical seasonal predictions. During certain decades, specifically in the early and late 20th century, ENSO is coupled with the Atlantic Niño. Since the Atlantic Niño exhibits its maximum variability during the boreal summer (JJA), while ENSO peaks in winter (DJF), it has been shown that the Atlantic Niño can act as a predictor for ENSO in certain decades. This linkage operates on an interannual scale by alterations in the Atlantic Walker cell and, at decadal scales it has been related with changes in certain patterns, such as the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV), and an increase in pantropical oceanic variability. Nevertheless, further research on the mechanisms of this connection is needed.

This work analyzes this Atlantic-Pacific connection in SEAS5-20C, as well as the decadal and interannual mechanisms that underpin this connection. Furthermore, it discusses the influence of this connection on the decadal variability of ENSO and Atlantic Niño predictive skill. It is found that decadal changes in tropical basin interactions coincide with changes in the predictability of the tropical Atlantic and Pacific. These findings reveal how the connection between tropical basins is associated with improvements in ENSO and Atlantic Niño predictions.

How to cite: Robles Fernández, A. J., Rodriguez-Fonseca, B., Losada Doval, T., Weisheimer, A., and Alonso Balmaseda, M.: Impact of the equatorial Atlantic on ENSO prediction in SEAS5-20C re-forecast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11559,, 2025.

EGU25-13437 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

Structure of intermediate and deep waters in the tropical Atlantic 

Iana Samborskaia and Alexander Demidov

The purpose of this work is to reveal structural features of waters in the tropical Atlantic in the deep and intermediate layers. Based on the data set expanded in recent years, the content of deep and intermediate waters was calculated from conservative chemical variables.

The work includes data obtained from 1873 to 2023 (GLODAPv2.2022, eWOCE, WODB18 databases). Data from expeditions of the MSU Faculty of Geography from 2019 to 2023 were also used.

The following parameters were used to calculate the water mass content:


1) Broecker calculated the fraction of deep water in the Atlantic using the PO4*. It was found that the best agreement with the content calculated by PO4* was shown by the PO parameter with a deviation of 5-10%.

a)  b)   

Fig.1. North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) distributions calculated by PO4*(a), PO (b).

2) Deep water contents calculated using PO4* on the sections were compared with water mass boundaries determined mainly using hydrophysical parameters.

NADW in the western tropical Atlantic is divided into three components: Upper NADW, Middle NADW and Lower NADW. It was found that in most of the analyzed sections, the lower boundaries of MNADW and LNADW practically coincide with the isolines of 85% and 60% of the NADW content.

In addition to large gradients of hydrophysical characteristics, the upper boundary of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is determined by the Si/P=33 ratio (Arzhanova, Artamonova, 2014). In the western Atlantic it most often passes along the isoline of 25% AABW content, in the eastern Atlantic - along the isoline of 15% AABW content.

3) The distribution of AABW is of particular interest because it is transformed as it flows from the western basin to the eastern basin through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge faults. It was decided to refer to the transformed AABW as Northeast Atlantic Bottom Water (NEABW). It has been shown that NEABW is 50% composed of waters entering the eastern Atlantic through the Vema Fracture Zone, and 30% of these waters are “pure” AABW.

4) The PO parameter was used to determine the fraction of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and Mediterranean Water (MW):


Fig. 2. Examples of obtained distributions of intermediate waters.

This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant № 23-17-00032.


1) Broecker et al. Radiocarbon decay and oxygen utilization in the Deep Atlantic Ocean // Global geochemical cycles. 1991. V 5, №1. Pp 87-117.

2) Broecker W. "NO" a conservative water-mass tracer // Earth and Planetary Science Letters. V 23. Pp 100-107.

3) Broecker et al. Sources and Flow Patterns of Deep-Ocean Waters as Deduced From Potential Temperature, Salinity, and Initial Phosphate Concentration // J. Geophys. : Oceans.1985. V 90, № C4. Pp 6925-6939.

4) V. Arzhanova, K. V. Artamonova. Hydrochemical structure of water masses in areas of the Antarctic Krill (Euphausia Superba Dana) fisheries // Proceedings of VNIRO. 2014. V 152. Pp. 118-132.


How to cite: Samborskaia, I. and Demidov, A.: Structure of intermediate and deep waters in the tropical Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13437,, 2025.

EGU25-13553 | Posters on site | OS1.3

Tropical low oxygen extreme events caused by persistent submesoscale coherent vortices 

Florian Schuette, Johannes Hahn, Ivy Frenger, Arne Bendinger, Fehmi Dilmahamod, Marco Schulz, and Peter Brandt

Submesoscale coherent vortices (SCVs) have been frequently observed in the eastern tropical Atlantic (between 12°S and 12°N) based on moored and shipboard observations. They are located well below the mixed layer with no surface signature and, thus, undetectable by remote sensing making in-situ observations and modeling indispensable. The SCVs persist and are relatively long-lived and coherent, despite the increasing suppression of geostrophic balance and the rapid change in the Coriolis parameter (ß-effect) near the equator. These factors typically suggest predominant wave-like structures in this region. Additionally, the energetic zonal current system, which stretch and shear the vorticity fields, further complicate the formation of closed vortex structures. Ship-based oxygen measurements conducted in the area between 6°-12°N, 24°-18°W reveal that approximately two-third of these SCVs are associated with low oxygen cores with dissolved oxygen concentrations less than 60 µmol kg-1 (minimum 40 µmol kg-1). These values are significantly lower than the climatological averages for this depth range (> 80 µmol kg-1). Both, observed water mass characteristics and the analysis of an eddy-resolving ocean-biogeochemistry model indicate that the majority of SCVs originate from the eastern boundary and may last for longer than half a year. While propagating westward into a higher potential vorticity environment, anticyclonic SCVs with a low PV core are more effectively isolated and feature longer life times than cyclonic SCVs with a high PV core. The vertical structure of the dominating anticyclonic SCVs is characterized by higher baroclinic modes 4-10, associated with a Rossby radius of 34 -13 km respectively, which is in agreement with the observed eddy radius and well below the 1st baroclinic Rossby radius of deformation in the region (> 100 km). This study does not only increase our understanding of submesoscale dynamics in equatorial regions, but also how SCVs contribute to the formation of hypoxic zones in the open ocean due to their association with low-oxygen extremes. These hypoxic regimes have the potential to directly impact pelagic fish, biodiversity, and biogeochemical cycles.

How to cite: Schuette, F., Hahn, J., Frenger, I., Bendinger, A., Dilmahamod, F., Schulz, M., and Brandt, P.: Tropical low oxygen extreme events caused by persistent submesoscale coherent vortices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13553,, 2025.

EGU25-16700 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3

Teleconnection of the winter Atlantic Niño to the North Atlantic-European atmospheric circulation 

Laura Gil Reyes, Javier García-Serrano, and Fred Kucharski

Tropical Atlantic Variability (TAV) exerts a significant influence on the climate of different regions. Understanding these teleconnections and their impacts can improve predictability, particularly in the North Atlantic-European (NAE) region. The Atlantic Niño (ATLN) or Equatorial Mode is known for being the dominant pattern of TAV. This study aims at exploring the atmospheric response to winter ATLN, as it has been much less documented than the summer ATLN. Coupled simulations and atmosphere-only experiments with the CMIP6 version of the climate model EC-EARTH (T255L91) have been performed and analysed to revisit the ATLN-NAE teleconnection and further improve process understanding. The coupled simulation consists in a 250-year long integration, after spin-up, with fixed radiative forcing at present conditions; the atmospheric response is estimated by linear regression onto the winter ATLN index defined by Okumura&Xie. The atmosphere-only experiments comprise two 150-year long integrations keeping again the radiative forcing fixed, a control run with climatological SSTs and a sensitivity run prescribing the observed ATLN with climatology elsewhere; the atmospheric response is evaluated by comparing both experiments. Results show a local Gill-type structure, symmetrically straddling the equator, whose amplitude increases from November-December to January-February. In the extratropics, the upper-tropospheric circulation displays a dipolar structure with cyclonic anomalies at mid-latitudes and anticyclonic anomalies at subpolar latitudes, which is different from the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The associated precipitation anomalies show a robust and approximately-linear signal on the European continent.

How to cite: Gil Reyes, L., García-Serrano, J., and Kucharski, F.: Teleconnection of the winter Atlantic Niño to the North Atlantic-European atmospheric circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16700,, 2025.

Westerly wind anomalies over the equatorial Atlantic and Pacific play an important role in initiating the Atlantic Zonal Mode (AZM; also known as Atlantic Niño) and El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Both the AZM and ENSO tend to develop in boreal spring and may interact by influencing the Walker circulation. For example, it has been suggested that a negative AZM event can contribute to the development of El Niño in the Pacific. Conversely, it has also been suggested that an early developing El Niño event can trigger a negative AZM event. Disentangling these causalities has proven difficult because both variability patterns tend to develop around the same time.

Here we use multi-centennial atmosphere-only simulations with prescribed climatological SSTs to evaluate the role of atmospheric internal variability as a precursor to both the AZM and ENSO. Despite the absence of SST anomalies, the simulations produce substantial wind variability over the equatorial basins, highlighting the role of internal atmospheric variability. Composite analysis indicates that westerly wind events over the equatorial Atlantic are accompanied by easterly anomalies over the maritime continent and western equatorial Pacific. These anomalies are preceded by a North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)-like pattern during later winter. Our results suggest that atmospheric internal variability tends to produce opposite-signed wind anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific and Atlantic. This could mean that an external factor, such as the NAO, seeds the development of the AZM and ENSO. Their further evolution will be determined by interbasin interaction but also by the pre-conditioning of the two basins. To what extent such processes act in nature awaits further investigation.

How to cite: Richter, I.: Extratropical precursors to the Atlantic Zonal Mode and ENSO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16986,, 2025.

EGU25-18521 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.3

 Interannual variability of net primary productivity in the Northwest African coastal upwelling system and their relation to Dakar Niños and Niñas. 

Rodrigue Anicet Imbol Koungue, Arthur Prigent, Joke Lübbecke, and Peter Brandt

The Canary upwelling system, located along the Northwest African coast between approximately 10ºN and 35ºN, is among the most productive marine ecosystems globally. It supports rich marine biodiversity and sustains economically significant fisheries. Notably, the coastal regions off Mauritania and Senegal (9ºN–22ºN), comprising the southern part of this system, exhibit pronounced interannual variability in net primary production (NPP). This variability is influenced by extreme warm and cold events, known as Dakar Niños and Niñas, respectively. In this study, we analyze the physical mechanisms driving the interannual variability of NPP from 2003 to 2022, using a combination of satellite observations, reanalysis data, and ocean model outputs. Our results indicate that the interannual variability of NPP is closely linked to changes in sea surface temperature (SST), with the most pronounced effects occurring during February-March-April, i.e. the main upwelling season. A total of six previously undocumented episodes of strong anomalous coastal high and low NPP were identified, nearly all of which are associated with Dakar Niños and Niñas. Our findings suggest that these events are linked to both local and remote forcing mechanisms. The local forcing is associated with variations of the coastal alongshore winds. The remote forcing involves the propagations of coastal trapped waves, triggered by wind fluctuations in the Gulf of Guinea, or by wind-forced equatorial Kelvin waves originating in the western-to-central equatorial Atlantic. Additional remote influences may stem from large-scale climate modes, including the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), and the Atlantic Meridional Mode (AMM).

How to cite: Imbol Koungue, R. A., Prigent, A., Lübbecke, J., and Brandt, P.:  Interannual variability of net primary productivity in the Northwest African coastal upwelling system and their relation to Dakar Niños and Niñas., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18521,, 2025.

EGU25-19250 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3

Influence of ocean background state in Atlantic Niño diversity 

Lucía Montoya-Carramolino, Teresa Losada, and Marta Martín-Rey

Previous studies have identified diverse spatial patterns of the Atlantic Niño (AN) linked to different teleconnections. The emergence of these structures coincides with different mean conditions and driving mechanisms. Here, we explore the role of the tropical Atlantic background state in changing the effectiveness of the dynamic mechanisms that generate the AN, and in shaping the distinct AN patterns.

To this aim, we use simulations from five models of the Extratropical-Tropical Interaction Model Intercomparison Project (ETIN-MIP), where changes in the background state are induced by perturbations in incoming solar radiation across three different latitudinal bands.

Our results reveal that modifying the ocean background state could induce the reported changes in the AN pattern through the alteration of ocean wave dynamics and air-sea coupling.

Mean thermocline slope and stratification in the equatorial Atlantic have a pronounced impact on the Bjerknes Feedback (BF), shaping the AN pattern. In particular, a less tilted equatorial mean thermocline (shallower in the west) in spring could strengthen wind-thermocline coupling under strong anomalous interannual westerlies. Additionally, a tilted mean thermocline, shallower in the east and less stratified in June-August, favors the thermocline-SST coupling. 

Consequently, the stronger BF produces an eastward AN, with SST anomalies confined to the east of the basin and the coast of Africa. Conversely, when the mean state is less favorable, a weaker BF, combined with less effective wave dynamics, results in a westward AN structure.

How to cite: Montoya-Carramolino, L., Losada, T., and Martín-Rey, M.: Influence of ocean background state in Atlantic Niño diversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19250,, 2025.

EGU25-19465 | Posters on site | OS1.3

Analysing the climate influence on sardinella abundance in northwest Africa from a novel end-to-end model strategy 

Jorge López-Parages and Jose Carlos Sánchez-Garrido

Canary Upwelling System (CUS) is, together with California, Humboldt, and Benguela, one of the four main Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS) across the globe. In particular, small pelagic fishes (hereinafter SPF) dominate the marine biomass in EBUS where they represent a vital intermediate connection between plankton and large predatory species. Regarding the CUS, SPF constitute in weight close to 70% of the total landings of northwest African countries, being the the Sardinella aurita (hereinafter sardinella) one of the dominant SPF species in terms of abundance. This species, for instance, represents the primary source of animal protein in Senegal. However, the absence of systematic observations of sardinella across northwest Africa largely constraint our understanding of how the environmental variability impacts the abundance and distribution of this species. In this work a novel end-to-end (here climate-to-fish) model-based strategy, including explicit representation of sardinella dynamics, has been designed. The results we are obtaining are enabling us to better understand interesting links (and related underlying processes) with well-known climate modes such as NAO and ENSO.

How to cite: López-Parages, J. and Sánchez-Garrido, J. C.: Analysing the climate influence on sardinella abundance in northwest Africa from a novel end-to-end model strategy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19465,, 2025.

EGU25-19497 | Orals | OS1.3

Influence of the remote equatorial dynamics on the interannual variability along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea 

Serena Illig, Sandrine Djakouré, and Toussaint Mitchodigni

This study explores the oceanic connection between the equatorial dynamics and the coastal variability along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea on interannual timescales, based on experiments with a high-resolution tropical Atlantic Ocean model over 1958-2015. Equatorial Kelvin waves, forced by wind-stress anomalies in the west-central equatorial basin, significantly control the interannual fluctuations of the coastal sea-level and subsurface temperature near the thermocline (>70%), leaving only a marginal role for the local forcing contribution. The dynamical coastal response exhibits a clear propagative nature, with poleward propagations (0.75-1.2 m.s-1) from Cameroon to Liberia. Because the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea is close to the equatorial waveguide, the coastal variability is influenced by both equatorially-forced coastal trapped waves and reflected equatorial Rossby waves. Furthermore, remote equatorial forcing explains more of the surface temperature variance for the coastal systems associated with clear upwelling characteristics such as Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, where subsurface/surface coupling is more efficient. The surface thermal amplitude and timing is shaped by the coastal stratification and circulation and exhibits a marked seasonal modulation, so that the timing of the SST anomalies relative to the dynamical signature lacks consistency, making SST a less reliable variable for tracking coastal propagations in the Gulf of Guinea. Our findings open the possibility of predicting interannual changes in coastal conditions off Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana a few months in advance, to anticipate impacts on fish habitats and resources, and to facilitate proactive measures for sustainable management and conservation efforts.

How to cite: Illig, S., Djakouré, S., and Mitchodigni, T.: Influence of the remote equatorial dynamics on the interannual variability along the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19497,, 2025.

EGU25-20043 | ECS | Orals | OS1.3

Influence of winter Saharan dust on equatorial Atlantic variability 

Ignasi Vallès Casanova, Ori Adam, and Marta Martín Rey

The equatorial Atlantic plays a critical role in regional and global climates, yet the influence of Saharan dust in this region remains underexplored. While Saharan dust’s effects on sea surface temperature variability in the North Tropical Atlantic are well-documented, its impact near the equator, particularly during boreal winter, when dust transport reaches its southernmost extent, has received limited attention. Using observational and reanalysis data, we investigate the effects of Saharan dust on equatorial Atlantic variability. We observe a distinct and complex response contrary to the expected cooling from reduced solar radiation. Dust-induced warming in the lower troposphere drives significant sea surface temperature warming off northwestern Africa through changes in latent heat fluxes and Ekman convergence, leading to an off-equatorial warm front. This warm front generates cross-equatorial winds that shift the Atlantic rain belt northward, cool the equatorial region, and trigger wave activity, ultimately causing delayed warming. This study highlights the need to understand complex dust-climate interactions, identifying Saharan dust as a potential driver of equatorial Atlantic variability with broader climatic implications.

How to cite: Vallès Casanova, I., Adam, O., and Martín Rey, M.: Influence of winter Saharan dust on equatorial Atlantic variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20043,, 2025.

EGU25-358 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4

Agulhas Meanders vs. Subtropical Front: Influence on Retroflection path over 28 years 

Sijing Shen, Yueng-Djern Lenn, Kathleen Donohue, and Lisa Beal

Agulhas Current meanders, also known as Natal Pulses, are the dominant modes of variability within the Agulhas Current. These meanders significantly impact local hydrological dynamics and ecosystems. Previous observations and model outputs suggest that the influence of these meanders on Agulhas ring shedding is limited, while their effect on the Agulhas retroflection remains unclear. Models also imply that the Southern Ocean supergyre has more influence on Agulhas leakage variability than upstream drivers. Here, we developed an algorithm based on 28 years of daily-averaged Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis data with a spatial resolution of 0.083° × 0.083°. Using current velocities and sea surface height anomalies (SSHA), we tracked Agulhas Current meanders from the Agulhas Current Time-series Experiment (ACT) region to the Agulhas Return Current. Specifically, we examine the influence of the meanders on the westmost extent, i.e. minimum longitude, of the Agulhas retroflection on the basis that westwards excursions of the Agulhas current increase the probability of leakage over a longer path through this region. This is compared with the potential influence of the Subtropical Front (STF) which is the southmost front of the Southern Ocean supergyre. Our algorithm detects between 1-6 meanders per year in the ACT region, with an increasing trend over the 28-year period. These are more than reported by recent studies. More work is required to understand why we identify more meanders in the reanalysis than was found from in situ and satellite observations, however the increasing trend in the number of meanders is similar. The meanders correspond to negative SSHA propagating along the mean Agulhas Current path that is well defined down to Agulhas Bank at 22O E. The maximum lagged correlation coefficient between the minimum longitude of the Agulhas retroflection and 22O E SSHA is –0.23, which is three times higher than that between the minimum longitude of the retroflection and the subtropical front. This suggests that meanders exert a stronger influence on the zonal movement of the Agulhas retroflection compared to the STF. Additionally, the 10-day lagged correlation coefficient of SSHA between the Agulhas retroflection and the return current is 0.18, indicating that Agulhas meanders also have significant impact on the return current. These findings support the hypothesis that Agulhas meanders play an important role in shifting the position of the Agulhas retroflection. Finally, we quantify heat loss along the lagrangain trajectories in the Agulhas retroflection region to evaluate the likelihood of greater leakage for longer trajectories.

How to cite: Shen, S., Lenn, Y.-D., Donohue, K., and Beal, L.: Agulhas Meanders vs. Subtropical Front: Influence on Retroflection path over 28 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-358,, 2025.

EGU25-364 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4

Drivers of CO2 flux variability in the Cape Basin, South Africa. 

Gonzalo Ruiz Gomez, Sebasatian Swart, Marcel Du plessis, and Sarah-Anne Nicholson

Despite recognition of the South Atlantic Ocean as a significant CO₂ sink, the variability of carbon fluxes (FCO₂) at small temporal and spatial scales remains poorly understood. This gap is especially evident in transitional regions like the Cape Basin, where mesoscale oceanic features and localized atmospheric processes strongly influence ocean-atmosphere CO₂ exchange. Current observational and modeling approaches lack the resolution to capture these fine-scale fluctuations, potentially biasing global CO₂ flux estimates. To address this, our study examines short-term (1–10 days) and small-scale (0.1–10 km) drivers of CO₂ flux variability in the Cape Basin using 2-month high-resolution time-series data from a Wave Glider during late summer. By decomposing the carbon flux equation and applying Reynolds decomposition, we show that wind-driven gas transfer velocity (Kw) dominates the periods of enhanced FCO2, accounting for approximately 78% of flux variability on average in the Cape Basin. A secondary contribution of 11% comes from changes in the air-sea pCO₂ gradient (ΔpCO₂). . However, during localized periods - over the course of hours to days - mesoscale eddies and fronts enhance the ΔpCO₂ to the order of 60 µatm. During moderate winds (5 m s-1 < U10 < 15 m s-1), this sets ΔpCO2 as the dominant driver in FCO2 variability (>50%). However, when U10 < 15 m s-1, Kw dominates variability of FCO2 irrespective of ΔpCO₂. These findings underscore the importance of small-scale ocean processes in CO₂ exchange, their nuanced relationship with wind speed - dominated by large scale extratropical cyclones in the Cape Basin - and the need for high-resolution observations to improve global flux estimates.

How to cite: Ruiz Gomez, G., Swart, S., Du plessis, M., and Nicholson, S.-A.: Drivers of CO2 flux variability in the Cape Basin, South Africa., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-364,, 2025.

EGU25-429 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4

Drivers of ventilation in the CapeBasin using Apparent OxygenUtilization (AOU) as a tracer. 

Renske Koets, Sebastiaan Swart, Marcel du Plessis, and Kathleen Donohue

The Cape Basin is a highly dynamic region subjected to ocean ventilation and deepwater mass formation. Flowtopography interactions along the Agulhas Retroflection produce standing meanders with elevated Eddy Kinetic Energy and modified frontal structures. While numerical studies have shown that these features enhance deep water mass formation and tracer stirring, observational data on these processes have been limited due to their fine spatial and temporal scales. This study combines high-resolution Seaglider measurements of Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU) with backscatter data to map ventilation pathways. Results demonstrate the transport of low AOU values to depth via advection and stirring along isopycnals, as well as across-isopycnal transport near ocean fronts with strong buoyancy gradients and elevated diapycnal spiciness curvature. These findings provide critical observational evidence for the role of submesoscale processes in deep water mass formation and their broader implications for global climate dynamics and ocean circulation.

How to cite: Koets, R., Swart, S., du Plessis, M., and Donohue, K.: Drivers of ventilation in the CapeBasin using Apparent OxygenUtilization (AOU) as a tracer., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-429,, 2025.

EGU25-933 | Posters on site | OS1.4

Living Foraminifera Assemblage of the West African Upwelling System 

Dhimaz Galih Prasetyo, Katalin Báldi, Frans J. Jorissen, Laura Pacho, Leenart Jan De Nooijer, and Gert-Jan Reichart

Living benthic foraminifera were studied in the highly productive West African upwelling system off Walvis Bay, Namibia. The Benguela Current System, influenced by the prevailing southeastern trade winds, governs the region's oceanography and is significantly impacted by climate variability. This results in seasonal upwelling, leading to high primary productivion and the formation of a Diatomaceous Mud Belt (DMB).  Inside this DMB anoxic and/or hypoxic conditions prevail between 150 and 450 m depths, impacting benthic foraminiferal communities (Inthorn et al., 2006). Our aims were to establish the vertical distribution patterns of foraminiferal species in the sediment (microhabitats) at each sampling station and to examine the ecological responses of foraminifera to varying oxygen conditions.

Sediment samples from NIOZ cruises 64PE449 and 64PE450 obtained by multicorer were analysed for living foraminifera identified by Rose Bengal staining. Subsamples were collected at 0.5 cm intervals from the top 2 cm of each sediment core and at 1 cm intervals from 2 to 10 cm depth. Isotopic analysis (δ¹³C) was conducted using IR-MS on cleaned specimens (20–45 µg) after ultrasonic washing to remove clays, using NFHS1 and NBS19 standards for calibration.

At the two deeper stations, at 750 and 324 m depth, bottom water oxygen concentrations were 105 and 44 µMol/L, respectively. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages were diverse and were largely limited to the top 1.5 cm of the sediment. Interspecific differences in microhabitat were limited.

At the six stations positioned around the 100 m isobath, oxygen concentrations varied between 3 and 20 µMol/L. The faunal diversity was much lower, with only five species being recorded: Bulimina elongata, Bolivina pacifica, Fursenkoina complanata, Nonionella stella, and Virgulinella fragilis. The assemblages were always strongly dominated by one or two species. At these stations, faunal penetration into the sediment was much larger, at some stations until 10 cm, again with rather limited interspecific differences in microhabitat. Remarkably, at three stations one or more conspicuous density maxima were found at depth in the sediment. This suggests at present, repetitive deposition of cm thiick sediment deposits takes place, burying living foraminiferal assemblages, which remain preserved, and stained by Rose Bengal, for some time in the deeper sediment layers.

A key finding is the significantly lower δ¹³C values observed in Virgulinella fragilis compared to co-occurring species at similar depths, in accordance to Bernhard, 2003., attributed to bicarbonate release during sulphate reduction, indicating environments with high sulphate reduction rates. Further investigation will explore these metabolic and biomineralization variations and their relationship to foraminiferal assemblages, environmental parameters, and overall ecosystem functioning within the West African upwelling system. As δ¹³C is measurable in fossil tests, it gives hope in future to interpret outlying overly negative δ¹³C values as probable anoxic metabolic pathway in case of fossil foraminifera.

How to cite: Prasetyo, D. G., Báldi, K., Jorissen, F. J., Pacho, L., Jan De Nooijer, L., and Reichart, G.-J.: Living Foraminifera Assemblage of the West African Upwelling System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-933,, 2025.

EGU25-1135 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

Water Mass Transformation in the Cape Cauldron 

Rachel Sampson, Lisa Beal, and Guillaume Novelli

The Cape Basin is a turbulent region off the west coast of South Africa where warm and salty Indian Ocean waters mix with cooler, fresher South Atlantic waters. This injection of heat and salt is known as Agulhas leakage and has been tied to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation’s (AMOC) strength, stability, and variability. Paleoclimate data and model hindcasts point to an increase in Agulhas leakage as the climate warms, but quantifying real-world leakage is very difficult owing to its turbulent nature. This is further complicated by the basin’s four dynamical regions: eddies, eddy-eddy interactions, topography, and filamentation which can influence and transform the water masses through the water column. Their properties and circulation are critical to understand because they can influence where and how this leakage is transported into the South Atlantic. Using data from the ARGO float array, we identified six water masses in the region using neutral density and calculated their heat and salt transports along the leakage corridor.  Tropical Surface Waters (TSW, <25.5), Subtropical Surface Waters (STSW, 25.5-26), South Atlantic Subtropical Mode Waters (SASTMW, 26-26.5), and the Upper North Atlantic Deep Waters (UNADW, 27.92-28.08) have a combined heat and salt transport of 6.85x10-11 PW and 11.8 kg/s respectively into the leakage corridor. South Indian Mode Waters (SICW, 26.5-27) and the Intermediate Waters (IW, 27-27.92) have a combined heat and salt transport of 3.36x10-11 PW and 47.6 kg/s respectively through the leakage corridor. As a result, approximately 30% of heat and 80% of salt are transported into the South Atlantic primarily from the SICW and the IW masses. Previous studies have primarily focused on the intermediate water masses as the contributor, yet our results show that Mode Waters can have a significant impact on Agulhas leakage’s transport and variability. To improve our understanding of Agulhas leakage and its impact on the AMOC, we must turn to improving our understanding on the basin’s seasonal variability and its potential mode water formation. 

How to cite: Sampson, R., Beal, L., and Novelli, G.: Water Mass Transformation in the Cape Cauldron, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1135,, 2025.

EGU25-1289 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4

Southeastern Tropical Atlantic Coastal Dynamics and Sea Surface Temperature affected by River Discharge: insights from modelling. 

Leo Costa Aroucha, Joke Lübbecke, Peter Brandt, Franziska Schwarzkopf, and Arne Biastoch

The Eastern Boundary Upwelling system of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (SETA) is of great socioeconomic importance for local communities since it supports highly productive fisheries and diverse marine ecosystems. Comprehending the local processes that shape the physical characteristics of this system is thus crucial. The SETA is characterized by a strong meridional sea surface temperature (SST) gradient and is influenced by a large freshwater input from land mainly due to Congo River discharge. Here, we use high-resolution ocean model sensitivity experiments to show the impacts of the freshwater discharge from rivers on the mean state SST and the dynamics of this coastal region. By comparing experiments with and without river discharge we find that the freshwater presence increases the mean state coastal SST by up to 0.9ºC from 6ºS to 25ºS, while reducing the SST by more than 1ºC from 6ºS to 3ºS. These changes are associated with a halosteric effect of an elevated sea surface due to the lower sea surface salinity, leading to strong pressure gradients that drive upwelling and downwelling processes north and south of the Congo River mouth at 6ºS, respectively. Alongshore horizontal temperature advection also related to the sea surface height gradients plays likewise an important role in warming (cooling) the SST mean state south (north) of 6ºS. Ultimately, the change in coastal currents pushes the meridional temperature gradient further south. These results highlight the influence of freshwater input on SST and ocean surface dynamics, particularly relevant in the context of projected climate change, suggesting a future increase in Congo River discharge.

How to cite: Costa Aroucha, L., Lübbecke, J., Brandt, P., Schwarzkopf, F., and Biastoch, A.: Southeastern Tropical Atlantic Coastal Dynamics and Sea Surface Temperature affected by River Discharge: insights from modelling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1289,, 2025.

EGU25-1410 | Orals | OS1.4

Energy dissipation and mixing within surface- and sub-surface intensified Agulhas Rings 

Ria Oelerich, Maren Walter, and Ralf Bachmayer

Agulhas Rings are anticyclonic, warm-core eddies that play a crucial role in the exchange of water masses between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Formed at the Agulhas Retroflection near the southern tip of Africa, these rings constitute an essential component of the global thermohaline circulation, transporting ocean properties such as heat, salt, and energy. Their movement and property transfer significantly influence regional climate systems and large-scale ocean dynamics. It is well established that Agulhas Rings differ significantly in their characteristics. However, certain types, such as subsurface-intensified Agulhas Rings, remain remarkably understudied and are poorly represented in most ocean models. Investigations of these features often require high-resolution observational and modelling approaches. In this study, we present high-resolution glider observations from March/April 2021 and 2022 of two types of Agulhas Rings (surface- and subsurface-intensified), highlighting their distinct characteristics. Both glider campaigns utilized a microstructure probe to enable detailed observations of energy dissipation and diapycnal mixing. Our analysis reveals that major differences between the two eddy types occur near the eddy centre, where the subsurface-intensified Agulhas Ring exhibits elevated energy dissipation (log10(ε)= -7 W kg-1) and diapycnal mixing (log10ρ)= -4 m2s -1) beneath the surface mixed layer. Further analysis shows that mixing length scales (up to 18 km), are also elevated within the sub-surface intensified eddy, suggesting enhanced vertical and lateral distribution of ocean properties. These findings indicate a faster decay of the sub-surface intensified eddy and thus suggest a more local impact compared with the potentially longer-lived surface intensified eddy. By highlighting the distinct oceanic and energetic characteristics of surface- and subsurface-intensified Agulhas Rings, this study contributes to a better understanding of their role in influencing thermohaline structure and redistributing energy. These findings provide valuable insights that can support the development of more accurate parameterizations in future ocean models.

How to cite: Oelerich, R., Walter, M., and Bachmayer, R.: Energy dissipation and mixing within surface- and sub-surface intensified Agulhas Rings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1410,, 2025.

EGU25-1530 | Orals | OS1.4

Detecting Salinity Fronts From Satellite Observations in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence 

Vincent Combes, Cristina Martí-Solana, and Bàrbara Barceló-Llull

Small-scale variability is essential to understanding ocean circulation, air-sea interactions, and biogeochemical processes. Yet, current satellite-derived sea surface salinity (SSS) data can only resolve features larger than 40 km. This study aims to capture smaller scale variability (≤25 km) by reconstructing SSS data from satellite observations. The focus is on the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC), a biologically productive region characterized by intense mesoscale structures and associated with strong SSS gradients primarily due to the discharge of the La Plata River. A Lagrangian reconstruction method is employed to advect satellite SSS fields by altimetric geostrophic currents to capture smaller-scale details. These reconstructed fields are validated against in-situ salinity measurements from thermosalinographs. Results show that the reconstructed fields successfully capture smaller scale features observed in the region. This approach seeks to enhance the effective resolution of SSS data, overcoming the limitations of current satellite observations.

How to cite: Combes, V., Martí-Solana, C., and Barceló-Llull, B.: Detecting Salinity Fronts From Satellite Observations in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1530,, 2025.

EGU25-2324 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

Collapses, maxima, multi-year modulation and trends of the Zapiola Anticyclonic Circulation: insights from Mercator Reanalysis. 

Lea Poli, Camila Artana, Christine Provost, Jérôme Sirven, and Ruben Le Blanc-Pressenda

The Argentine Basin hosts a unique oceanic feature: the Zapiola Anticyclonic Circulation (ZAC) located above a sedimentary deposit. Taking advantage of a high-resolution (1/12º) global ocean reanalysis (GLORYS12) we examine the ZAC over 27 years (1993-2019). The mean ZAC is bottom-intensified with bottom currents reaching 0.10 m s-1. The ZAC volume transport ranges from -18.5 Sv to 268 Sv with a mean of 122 Sv. The strong negative peaks correspond to occasional ZAC collapses. During large transport events (>195.4 Sv) the ZAC shows a well defined  coherent gyre. Strong transport events are associated with high eddy kinetic energy (EKE) at the periphery of the ZAC (especially to the west and south). In contrast, during weak transport events (<49.8 Sv), EKE increases at the center of the ZAC and decreases at the ZAC periphery. 
A weak ZAC is more permeable to external mesoscale structures. Each weak event features a cyclonic eddy at the center of the ZAC carrying subantarctic cold and fresh waters. 
The ZAC exhibits a multi-year modulation, with periods of 4-5 years (1993-1997, 1998-2003 and 2004-2009) of low salinity corresponding to low transport, and high salinity to high transport.
Over the last 27 years, transport time series exhibit a significant negative trend of -15 Sv.decade-1 associated with a  negative trend in EKE (-0.015 (m/s)2.decade-1) to the north west of the ZAC. Waters in the Zapiola region become warmer and saltier in the first 2000 m of the water column because of the southward migration of the subtropical front.  

How to cite: Poli, L., Artana, C., Provost, C., Sirven, J., and Le Blanc-Pressenda, R.: Collapses, maxima, multi-year modulation and trends of the Zapiola Anticyclonic Circulation: insights from Mercator Reanalysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2324,, 2025.

EGU25-3338 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

Patterns of thermohaline interleaving in the Cape Basin 

Lindsay Grose, Kathleen Donohue, and Christopher Roman

The Cape Basin off the western coast of South Africa is characterized by rich mesoscale and submesoscale variability generated by the shedding of eddies and filaments from the Agulhas Retroflection. These features carry warm, salty water into the cooler, fresher South Atlantic Ocean. Thermohaline interleaving is common in this region due to strong lateral water-mass gradients and the presence of stirring processes. These intrusions are an important pathway to water-mass transformation because they result in an increased surface area over which diapycnal mixing can work to homogenize water property contrasts. We present the first observational study that can track interleaving features at high vertical and horizontal resolution over distances of O(100 km) in the Cape Basin by using diapycnal spiciness curvature to detect intrusions within data collected by the Wire Flyer towed profiling vehicle and EM-APEX profiling floats. These datasets show interleaving features present throughout thermocline waters (σ = 26.0 – 27.5), but their scales and slopes vary significantly. Wire Flyer sections highlight strong differences in interleaving characteristics and generation mechanisms over distances of 10s of km. Several of the transects exhibit signatures of internal waves, which appear to modulate the interleaving structure. EM-APEX floats provide an alternative, semi-Lagrangian sampling perspective and show the persistence of interleaving features over time scales of 1-15 days. We conclude that the thermohaline variability in this region is primarily driven by mesoscale stirring, although double diffusion may be acting to grow the features after their formation. This study showcases the variety of physical processes existing at different length and time scales that contribute to the formation and structure of interleaving in the Cape Basin.

How to cite: Grose, L., Donohue, K., and Roman, C.: Patterns of thermohaline interleaving in the Cape Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3338,, 2025.

EGU25-3852 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4 | Highlight

South Atlantic upper-ocean flow redistributions and their connection to overturning in the North Atlantic 

Fernanda Marcello, Ilana Wainer, Michel M. de Mahiques, and Marcia C. Bicego

The upper cell of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) comprises a deep lower limb exporting North Atlantic deepwater (NADW) southward, fed by a shallow upper limb carrying interocean waters northward from the southern South Atlantic and thereby enabling continued NADW production. On decadal and longer timescales, high-latitude density anomalies affecting the production of NADW are expected to generate coherent overturning transport changes across latitudes in the Atlantic basin. This process calls for compensating effects in upstream components of the northward AMOC upper limb, wherein upper-ocean meridional transports are adjusted according to flow continuity principles, tending to even out mass imbalances.

Besides the South Atlantic functioning as a mediator of interocean exchanges that are crucial for driving and maintaining the AMOC, the subtropical South Atlantic is the only region where the total northward component of the AMOC upper limb is subjected to ocean interior dynamics along its interhemispheric trajectory — before being settled over the Atlantic western boundary, a narrow crossroad along which it proceeds up to the subpolar North Atlantic by delineating the American coastline. This results from the AMOC upper limb being incorporated into the anticyclonic South Atlantic subtropical gyre (SASG) at its origins. By crossing the subtropical South Atlantic and meeting the South American coast, the AMOC upper limb is ultimately decoupled from the SASG and placed over the South Atlantic western boundary — as the westward flow along the SASG northern boundary bifurcates meridionally, redistributing waters between these two major large-scale circulation systems.

This work aims to demonstrate that the singular dynamic setting of the South Atlantic general circulation, compared to its North Atlantic counterpart, makes it more vulnerable to large AMOC changes. The findings from two recent studies based on transient deglacial simulation results will be discussed, which suggest that the upper-ocean flow redistributions taking place over the South Atlantic western boundary are highly responsive to AMOC changes under pre-industrial paleocean dynamics, and thus have the potential to provide future insights into the degree and timescales over which overturning in the North Atlantic impacts adjacent ocean basins and vice versa.

This model-based perspective elucidates the link between the South Atlantic western boundary current system and the AMOC through the establishment of meridional connectivity of AMOC variability. By definition, the steady-state AMOC system is meridionally coherent. Questions that naturally arise are: How is AMOC meridional coherence transiently modulated? And how will this modulation process evolve under modern climate change conditions? These questions are particularly relevant for upcoming research efforts dedicated to understanding how the South Atlantic circulation is to be shaped by climate change.

How to cite: Marcello, F., Wainer, I., M. de Mahiques, M., and C. Bicego, M.: South Atlantic upper-ocean flow redistributions and their connection to overturning in the North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3852,, 2025.

EGU25-10536 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

The Role of Fine-Scale Winds in Upwelling and Coastal Circulation in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System 

Raquel Flügel, Giles Fearon, Steven Herbette, Anne Marie Treguier, and Jennifer Veitch

Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, driven by wind-induced Ekman transport, bring cold, nutrient-rich deep waters to the surface, making them hotspots of biological activity with significant economic, ecological, and social value. Also contributing to the upwelling of deep waters, is the Ekman pumping, which is created by cyclonic surface wind stress curl (WSC). WSC further influences local circulation and the formation of upwelling hotspots, such as those found downwind of prominent capes. Accurately representing these processes is critical for predicting future changes in upwelling and their impacts on marine productivity, in particular for the Southern Benguela Upwelling (SBU), a region characterised by a complex coastal geometry and orography. Using a fine resolution (1 km), curvilinear grid regional numerical model of the SBU, based on CROCO, this work highlights the sensitivity of upwelling processes to the fine scale spatial wind variability, by using two different wind products which differ by their resolution: ERA5 (~30 km) and WASA3 (~3 km). The lack of coastal wind drop-off in the CROCO-ERA5 simulation results in more intense nearshore and less intense offshore upwelling than observed in the CROCO-WASA3 simulation. These differences in the spatial structure of the coastal upwelling impact the coastal circulation. The inshore branch of the equatorward flowing Benguela Jet is shifted offshore in the CROCO-WASA3 run, while a poleward coastal jet emerges with intermittency. A better understanding of these upwelling and current structures could provide new insights into the generation of harmful algal blooms in the SBU.

How to cite: Flügel, R., Fearon, G., Herbette, S., Treguier, A. M., and Veitch, J.: The Role of Fine-Scale Winds in Upwelling and Coastal Circulation in the Southern Benguela Upwelling System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10536,, 2025.

EGU25-10739 | ECS | Orals | OS1.4

Role of mesoscale eddies in ventilation pathways of South Atlantic AAIW using Lagrangian backtracking 

Simon Schäfers, Alexa Griesel, and Manita Chouksey

We investigate mesoscale eddy effects on the ventilation timescales and pathways of South Atlantic Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) using a high-resolution 1/10° eddy-resolving ocean model (Parallel Ocean Program) combined with a Lagrangian particle tracking algorithm (OceanParcels). AAIW sequesters a significant amount of anthropogenic carbon along its ventilation pathways through the eddy-rich Southern Ocean. The distribution of subduction zones along dynamic sections of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, as well as the Malvinas Confluence Zone, indicates an influence of mesoscale eddies on ventilation, in addition to the zonally uniform Ekman transport. To identify eddy effects, we perform particle backtracking from the South Atlantic AAIW interior to the mixed layer, both with eddy-resolving model output velocity and its mean state, where mesoscale eddy velocities are absent. We characterise mean ages and ventilation pathways for South Atlantic AAIW originating from subduction zones located around the Drake Passage, the South Atlantic, and the South Indian Ocean. Eddy effects increase the contribution of Drake Passage waters to the South Atlantic AAIW and reduce mean age estimates, attributable to accelerated advection together with deeper and more southward subduction below the mixed layer, near the Malvinas Confluence Zone. We highlight the role of eddies in the ventilation of the South Atlantic pycnocline, which, if accurately represented, increase estimates of ventilation rates and strengthen cold water inflow, enhancing Southern Ocean carbon and heat uptake in ocean models.

How to cite: Schäfers, S., Griesel, A., and Chouksey, M.: Role of mesoscale eddies in ventilation pathways of South Atlantic AAIW using Lagrangian backtracking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10739,, 2025.

EGU25-11518 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

Constraining the overturning in the Pacific and Indian oceans by using boundary pressures 

Saranraj Gururaj, Chris Hughes, and Rory Bingham

The ocean is a chaotic system where the presence of mesoscale eddies makes the understanding of basin or global scale flows difficult. However, the pressures on the continental shelves (boundary pressures) are only weakly influenced by eddies and, in most places, directly reflect the global scale processes. In this study, we use depth-integrated boundary pressure as a constraint to estimate the total upwelling in the Indian and Pacific oceans. The two main factors that determine the difference in the depth-integrated pressure between the east Pacific and the east Atlantic are the winds and the upwelling. Calculations from reduced-order theoretical models and diagnostics from 1/12th degree NEMO simulation show that, given the winds and boundary pressures, we can infer upwelling/downwelling in each ocean basin with errors of order 1 Sv. We apply this method using observations near eastern boundaries to put constraints on the total upwelling in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

How to cite: Gururaj, S., Hughes, C., and Bingham, R.: Constraining the overturning in the Pacific and Indian oceans by using boundary pressures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11518,, 2025.

EGU25-13885 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

Uncertainty evaluation of the AMOC transport calculation at 11°S 

Anna Christina Hans, Rebecca Hummels, Peter Brandt, Stephan Juricke, and Franziska Schwarzkopf

The Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) is a key feature of the global ocean circulation and has a big impact on regional weather and global climate. To project future AMOC variability, it is vital to understand and properly assess the past variability. The AMOC transport and in particular its geostrophic component is measured at several latitudes by specific observing systems. However, the transport can be calculated using multiple combinations of instruments which complicates both the comparison of the observed AMOC at different latitudes and to model transports.

Here, we present results from a systematic comparison of methods to compute the upper branch of the AMOC at 11°S, utilizing data from the Tropical Atlantic Circulation and Overturning at 11°S (TRACOS) array. The TRACOS array comprises 10 years of observations, including data from Pressure Inverted Echo Sounders, tall moorings, and ship sections at the eastern and western boundaries as well as supplementary data from Argo floats and satellites. By subsampling the observational setup in two ocean models (INALT20 and VIKING20X, both based on NEMO), we quantify uncertainties in AMOC transport estimates on different time scales.

We find that bottom pressure measurements, despite being prone to sensor drifts, effectively capture the seasonal variability. The largest potential source of error lies in the choice of vertical structure between the measurement points. Longer-term variability assessments based on moored density measurements require particularly high vertical resolution in the upper 500m. For both methods, the error associated with replacing the eastern boundary data with a climatological seasonal cycle is small, indicating low uncertainty resulting from loss of instruments in that region. We also consider uncertainties in the Ekman transport, which has a magnitude of about one-third of the geostrophic transport at 11°S. Ekman transport estimates vary by a few Sverdrups depending on the choice of wind stress product or drag coefficient used. All in all, we find that the TRACOS array can assess AMOC signals but we also show potential improvements in the array design to reduce uncertainties regarding longer-term variability.

How to cite: Hans, A. C., Hummels, R., Brandt, P., Juricke, S., and Schwarzkopf, F.: Uncertainty evaluation of the AMOC transport calculation at 11°S, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13885,, 2025.

EGU25-13966 | Posters on site | OS1.4

Variability of the Western Boundary Current System at 11°S 

Rebecca Hummels, Peter Brandt, Marcus Dengler, and Anna Christina Hans

The circulation of the tropical Atlantic is a complex superposition of thermohaline and wind-driven flows. The zonally integrated meridional flow is associated with the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) — a major component of the global climate system. In the tropics, the northward, upper branch of the AMOC flow is superimposed by the shallower overturning associated with the wind-driven Subtropical cells (STC).

The western boundary observing system of the TRACOS (Tropical Atlantic Circulation & Overturning at 11°S) array consists of four tall moorings monitoring the strong western boundary current system – more specifically, the North Brazil Undercurrent (NBUC) and the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC) as part of the AMOC, the STC, and the wind-driven gyre system. More than 15 years of moored current meter observations, collected between 2000 and 2004 and continuously since 2013 within the NBUC and DWBC, are analyzed for their variability across different time scales. NBUC and DWBC transports are calculated from alongshore velocity data by regressing current meter observations onto variability patterns. These patterns are obtained from 15 ship sections, derived by combining underway vessel mounted ADCP measurements with on-station lowered ADCP measurements to provide full-depth alongshore velocity fields. The NBUC transport is dominated by a seasonal signal with only minor interannual variations and no obvious trend, while the DWBC is dominated by strong intra-seasonal variability induced by the passage of deep eddies. Despite these deep eddies being evident throughout the DWBC transport time series, longer term variability is also becoming evident as the time series is prolonging.


How to cite: Hummels, R., Brandt, P., Dengler, M., and Hans, A. C.: Variability of the Western Boundary Current System at 11°S, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13966,, 2025.

EGU25-16235 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.4

A Mechanical Model for the Inter-Hemispheric Overturning Circulation 

Elian Vanderborght and Henk Dijkstra

Simple box models of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) often rely on ad-hoc scaling laws that link AMOC strength to the meridional density gradient. In contrast, Global Climate Models (GCMs) provide more comprehensive simulations but demand substantial computational resources. To evaluate the validity of these scaling laws, we develop a simplified AMOC model that represents the circulation as a geostrophically balanced flow confined to the western boundary of the Atlantic basin. Basin-wide pressure gradients are driven by mixing along continental boundaries and wind-driven upwelling in the Southern Ocean. We explore the limiting cases of quasi-adiabatic and diffusive overturning circulations, deriving corresponding scaling laws for AMOC strength. Given the critical influence of these scaling laws on AMOC stability, we examine how stability depends on the dominant driving mechanism—either diffusive mixing or adiabatic upwelling. This analysis aims to identify GCM biases that could significantly affect AMOC stability and must be addressed to accurately assess the risk of an AMOC collapse in the coming century.


How to cite: Vanderborght, E. and Dijkstra, H.: A Mechanical Model for the Inter-Hemispheric Overturning Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16235,, 2025.

EGU25-16401 | Orals | OS1.4

Dynamics of Near-Bottom Currents in Cold-Water Coral and Sponge Areas along the Walvis Ridge. 

Christian Mohn, Franziska U. Schwarzkopf, Patricia Jiménez García, Covadonga Orejas, Veerle A.I. Huvenne, Mia Schumacher, Irene Pérez-Rodríguez, Roberto Sarralde Vizuete, Luis J. López-Abellán, Andrew C. Dale, Colin Devey, Jørgen L.S. Hansen, Eva Friis Møller, and Arne Biastoch

Cold-water corals and sponges form iconic and globally occurring benthic communities, provide important habitats for a diverse associated fauna and thrive in environmental conditions with often large temporal and spatial variations in near-bottom currents, food availability and other environmental parameters. We investigate the variability of near‐bottom currents and physical processes from simulations with a nested hydrodynamic modelling framework at two seamounts rich in benthic fauna along the Northeast Walvis Ridge, Valdivia Bank and Ewing Seamount. Our aim is to obtain new insights on physical drivers of observed occurrences and distribution of benthic suspension feeders (cnidarians and sponges) in this data‐poor area. We use dynamic downscaling of high-resolution implementations of the ROMS-AGRIF model in combination with high-resolution bathymetry and open boundary forcing from the basin-scale model INALT20 and the OSU inverse tidal model to explore the fine-scale physical processes and mechanisms that potentially drive a continuous or episodic food supply to the benthic communities.  Over a three-year period, we analysed how near-bottom currents vary in space and time and assess potential connections between the distribution of filter-feeding fauna and the surrounding physical marine environment. We identified a close link between flow dynamics, internal tide dynamics and faunal species distributions. We propose that physical processes such as kinetic energy dissipation and internal wave dynamics could serve as functional indicators of food supply and particle encounter rates in future species distribution and habitat suitability models for important deep-sea taxa, such as those that represent vulnerable marine ecosystems. Our results also show little impact of mesoscale eddies from the Agulhas Leakage as they propagate north-westward into the southeast Atlantic along a well-defined corridor, which only occasionally extends as far north as the Valdivia Bank and Ewing Seamount.

How to cite: Mohn, C., Schwarzkopf, F. U., Jiménez García, P., Orejas, C., Huvenne, V. A. I., Schumacher, M., Pérez-Rodríguez, I., Sarralde Vizuete, R., López-Abellán, L. J., Dale, A. C., Devey, C., Hansen, J. L. S., Møller, E. F., and Biastoch, A.: Dynamics of Near-Bottom Currents in Cold-Water Coral and Sponge Areas along the Walvis Ridge., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16401,, 2025.

EGU25-270 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5

Extensive Intrusion of Antarctic Intermediate Water into the Arabian Sea during Younger Dryas  

Arvind Shukla, Tapas Kumar Mishra, Sunil Kumar Singh, and Arun Deo Singh

Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) plays a crucial role in the global thermohaline circulation and is a vital component of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). It significantly contributes to the redistribution of heat, oxygen, and nutrients across the global ocean. Understanding the dynamics of intermediate water circulation over millennial timescales is essential for evaluating how changes in the AMOC affect ocean heat transport during abrupt climatic events. Despite its importance, the relationship between global intermediate water circulation and abrupt high-latitude climatic events such as the Younger Dryas (YD) and Heinrich Stadials (HS) remains partly understood, particularly in the Indian Ocean. To address this gap, we present a high-resolution ~29 kyr record of Neodymium isotopes (ƐNd) from the authigenic phases of a sediment core (SK-17) collected at 840 m depth in the eastern Arabian Sea, off Goa. Our ƐNd data shows significant temporal variations from -9.5 to -6.1 throughout the core. Climatic periods (such as YD and HS) with enhanced radiogenic Nd signatures indicate increased northward penetration of AAIW into the northern Indian Ocean during these intervals. These episodes correspond to colder periods in the Northern Hemisphere, suggesting a direct linkage between Northern Hemisphere climate dynamics and the formation of AAIW in the Southern Ocean. Specifically, the enhanced formation of AAIW during these times may have been driven by warming-induced deceleration of the AMOC, which likely triggered increased AAIW production in the Southern Ocean. This connection highlights the interplay between the North Atlantic Deep-Water formation and Southern Ocean climate processes governed by the "bipolar seesaw" mechanism. By linking AAIW variability in the Arabian Sea to global climatic events, our study underscores the importance of intermediate water masses in understanding the mechanisms driving past and potential future changes in the AMOC.

How to cite: Shukla, A., Mishra, T. K., Singh, S. K., and Singh, A. D.: Extensive Intrusion of Antarctic Intermediate Water into the Arabian Sea during Younger Dryas , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-270,, 2025.

The Arabian Sea (AS) hosts the world’s thickest and most intense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), and previous studies have documented a dramatic decline of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the northeastern AS in recent decades. In this study, using the recently released data from Biogeochemical-Argo floats, we found a surprising trend of recovery in deoxygenation within the core region of the OMZ in the AS (ASOMZ) since 2013. The average DO concentration increased by approximately threefold, from ~0.63 μM in 2013 to ~1.68 μM in 2022, and the thickness of the ASOMZ decreased by 13%. We find that the weakening of Oman upwelling resulting from the weakening of the summer monsoon is the main driver of oxygenation in the ASOMZ. In addition, the reduction of primary production linked to warming-driven stratification reinforces deoxygenation recovery at depth.

How to cite: Liu, T., Qiu, Y., and Lin, X.: Dissolved oxygen recovery in the oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea in recent decade as observed by BGC-Argo floats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2038,, 2025.

EGU25-3030 | Posters on site | OS1.5

Southern Hemisphere water mass transport to the Arabian Sea linked to Greenland climate variability during Heinrich Event 4  

Andreas Lückge, Martina Hollstein, Markus Kienast, Jeroen Groeneveld, Enno Schefuß, Mahyar Mohtadi, and Stephan Steinke

Several paleoceanographic and climate modeling studies have shown both oceanic and atmospheric teleconnections between climate in the tropics and the high latitudes on timescales ranging from decadal to multi-centennial. The last glacial period is characterized by millennial-scale abrupt warmings (interstadials) followed by rather gradual coolings to colder (stadials) Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events. The more pronounced of these stadial phases coincide with occurrences of ice-rafted debris in sediments from the mid-latitude Atlantic Ocean, referred to as Heinrich events (HE). Climate oscillations associated with DOs and HEs are also recorded in tropical climate archives around the Indian Ocean and on the Asian continent. However, forcing and response mechanisms of the Indo-Asian monsoon system and ocean-atmosphere exchange processes in conjunction with these millennial-scale oscillations are still poorly understood. Here, we present high-resolution geochemical and micropaleontological data from a sediment core located at 571 m water depth offshore Pakistan, representing the past 80,000 years at millennial-scale resolution.

Alkenone unsaturation-derived sea surface temperature (SST) estimates show overall variations between 23 and 28°C. Millennial scale SST changes of 2°C are modulated by longer-term SST fluctuations. Interstadial intervals are characterized by higher organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, whereas sediments with low TOC contents mark stadials. Productivity-related and anoxia-indicating proxies show abrupt shifts with a 50-60 year duration at climate transitions, such as interstadial inceptions. Inorganic data consistently indicate that enhanced fluxes of terrestrial-derived sediments are paralleled by productivity maxima, and are characterized by an increased fluvial contribution from the Indus River during interstadials. The hydrogen isotopic composition of terrigenous plant waxes indicates that stadials are dry phases whereas humid conditions seem to have prevailed during interstadials. Stadials are characterized by an increased contribution of aeolian dust. HEs are especially dry, indicating a dramatically weakened Indian summer monsoon and increased continental aridity.  

The stable oxygen isotope (δ18O) records of the surface-dwelling foraminifera G. ruber and of the thermocline-dwelling P. obliquiloculata both show a strong correspondence to Greenland ice core δ18O, whereas the δ18O signal of benthic foraminifera (U. peregrina and G. affinis) reflects patterns similar to those observed in Antarctic ice core records. Distinct shifts in benthic δ18O during stadials indicate frequent injections of oxygen-rich intermediate water masses of Southern Ocean origin into the Arabian Sea. The most pronounced oceanographic changes occur during the transition and the termination of HE 4, respectively. Mg/Ca ratios of G. affinis show a rapid increase (decrease) of bottom water temperatures during the onset (termination) of HE 4, which is in good agreement to modelling studies. The hydrogen isotopic composition of terrigenous plant waxes indicates that HE 4 is much drier than the surrounding DOs.

Overall, our results strengthen the notion that North Atlantic temperature changes and shifts in the hydrological cycle of the Indian monsoon system are closely coupled, with significant impacts on regional environmental conditions such as river discharge and ocean margin anoxia. These shifts were modulated by changes in the supply of water masses from the Southern Hemisphere.

How to cite: Lückge, A., Hollstein, M., Kienast, M., Groeneveld, J., Schefuß, E., Mohtadi, M., and Steinke, S.: Southern Hemisphere water mass transport to the Arabian Sea linked to Greenland climate variability during Heinrich Event 4 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3030,, 2025.

EGU25-3617 | Posters on site | OS1.5

Intermediate circulation variability in the equatorial Indian Ocean 

Qingwen Zhong, Peter Brandt, Rena Czeschel, and Franziska U. Schwarzkopf

The Equatorial Intermediate Current (EIC) impacts the distribution and the transport of biogeochemical tracers such as oxygen. The EIC in Indian Ocean, covering the range from 200 to 1000 m between 2°S and 2°N , has higher velocity and a lower-frequency variability in the central basin than in the east. The EIC variability is forced by the wind stress forming equatorial beams and is also strengthened by basin resonance. We use zonal current velocity timeseries of 2015-2023 obtained from different equatorial moorings and a continuous timeseries of 2000-2022 years derived from a global NEMO ocean model configuration at 0.25° horizontal resolution with 46 z-levels (ORCA025.L46) and apply the method of vertical mode decomposition aiming to characterize equatorial zonal velocity variability of the Indian Ocean by equatorial beams, baroclinic modes, and equatorial basin resonance.

From west to east, the Indian Ocean is divided by the topography into three subbasins. The west basin is from the western boundary to the Maldives Islands at 73°E; the central basin is from 73°E to the 90°E ridge; the east basin is from 90°E to the eastern boundary. The frequency – baroclinic mode decomposition of the velocity field shows that semiannual and annual signals are the most significant components. For semiannual signals, the second to fourth baroclinic modes contribute at the mooring locations at 80°E and 85°E, while the fifth to eighth modes dominate at 93°E, indicating the essential role of higher baroclinic modes in the eastern basin. For annual signals, lower baroclinic modes are more significant in the east than in the central subbasin. The model output agrees with the observed distribution of contributing baroclinic modes. Observations further reveal several strong EIC events occurring in 2015-2016 and 2020-2021. Atmospheric data showed corresponding strong anomalies in zonal wind stress and outgoing long-wave radiation. Sea surface temperature anomalies happened along with them. With the distribution of the contributing baroclinic mode, the equatorial beams could explain the strong current events at intermediate depths. The energy input from atmospheric forcing propagates along beams, which are predominantly formed by the second baroclinic mode in the central basin and by the superposition of several higher baroclinic modes in the eastern basin. Future research would focus on the role of equatorial beams in the deeper current variability with the knowledge of contributed baroclinic modes in the Indian Ocean.

How to cite: Zhong, Q., Brandt, P., Czeschel, R., and Schwarzkopf, F. U.: Intermediate circulation variability in the equatorial Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3617,, 2025.

This study investigated the influence of interannual variations in tropical Indian Ocean tripole (IOT) on the surface air temperature (SAT) over the western Tibetan Plateau (TP) during boreal summer. During the positive phase of the IOT, two northward cross-equatorial airflows are induced over the tropical eastern and western Indian Ocean. These airflows reinforce the ascending motion over southern tropical Asia (80°–125°E, 15°–25°N), increasing local precipitation, as confirmed by observations and simulations by the Community Atmosphere Model. The upper-level Asian Continental Meridional Teleconnection (ACMT) pattern is excited by the latent heat released from precipitation and transmits signals from southern tropical Asia to the western TP, leading to the positive geopotential height anomalies and anomalous anticyclones over there. Upper-level circulation anomalies over the western TP enhance atmospheric thickness through adiabatic processes, consequently elevating local SAT. The ACMT associated with precipitation anomalies thus serves as an atmospheric bridge connecting the IOT and the SAT variations over the western TP.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Zhu, M., and Li, J.: Physical connection between the tropical Indian Ocean tripole and western Tibetan Plateau surface air temperature during boreal summer , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6573,, 2025.

EGU25-8266 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5

Nitrogen Cycling in the East Equatorial Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal: Insights from Nitrate Isotopes and Water Masses 

Gesa Schulz, Kirstin Dähnke, Tina Sanders, Jan Penopp, Hermann W. Bange, Rena Czeschel, and Birgit Gaye

Oxygen minimum zones (OMZ) contribute to 20 to 40 % of global fixed nitrogen loss despite occupying only about 1 % of the ocean. The Bay of Bengal (BoB) contains one of the most pronounced OMZ in intermediate waters worldwide, with oxygen levels near anoxic conditions. Understanding nitrogen cycling in OMZs is critical for comprehending and accurately modeling the global oceanic nitrogen cycle.

In this study, we examined nitrogen cycling in the East Equatorial Indian Ocean (EEIO) and the BoB using water column properties—including temperature, salinity, oxygen, nutrients, and dual stable isotopes of nitrate—collected during a cruise in April/May 2024. Potential temperature and salinity profiles revealed a clear separation between the BoB and the EEIO at 5°N, with distinct water mass distributions and limited mixing between the two regions.

Depth profiles of nitrate stable isotopes displayed notable variations. In waters below 300 m, isotopic signatures were influenced solely by water mass distribution. In contrast, isotope variations in the upper 200 m reflected active on-site fractionation. Surface waters (<100 m) exhibited significant nitrate isotope enrichment and a nitrate deficit, driven by phytoplankton uptake. Below this layer, nitrification was observed, primarily through regenerative production using previously assimilated biomass rather than newly fixed nitrogen from N2 fixation. A regional decoupling of nitrate dual isotopes, with more enriched δ18O-NO3- in more northern samples of the central BoB, suggested increased nitrite reduction followed by re-oxidation without full assimilation into organic matter in the BoB.

Within the OMZ of the BoB, we identified a persistent nitrate deficit and slightly enriched nitrate isotopes, indicative of nitrogen loss. Given that oxygen concentrations remained slightly above the threshold for significant denitrification in most samples, anammox likely represents the dominant nitrogen loss pathway in the BoB's OMZ.

How to cite: Schulz, G., Dähnke, K., Sanders, T., Penopp, J., Bange, H. W., Czeschel, R., and Gaye, B.: Nitrogen Cycling in the East Equatorial Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal: Insights from Nitrate Isotopes and Water Masses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8266,, 2025.

EGU25-8405 | Orals | OS1.5 | Highlight

Tropical Indian Ocean Warming: A Key Driver of Future Hadley Circulation Changes 

Yong Sun, Gilles Ramstein, Alexey Fedorov, and Lin Ding

The rapid warming of the oceans is increasingly recognized for its significant impacts on the climate system and is a central issue in the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) research program. However, the effect of future ocean warming—particularly regional ocean warming—on the Hadley Circulation (HC) remains poorly understood. This study addresses the regional contributions of tropical ocean warming to future HC changes, focusing on the 1.5°C, 2°C, and 3°C warming scenarios outlined in the Paris Agreement. Through large ensemble numerical simulations, we demonstrate for the first time that the tropical Indian Ocean dominates future HC changes, while the tropical Pacific Ocean is the main source of uncertainty in HC projections. These results provide critical insights for improving Earth system models and enhancing the projection of tropical atmospheric circulation. Furthermore, they offer a scientific foundation for monitoring and forecasting climate risks associated with future HC shifts, supporting the development of key policy decisions.

Sun, Y., Ramstein, G., Fedorov, A.V., Ding, L., & Liu, B. (2025). Tropical Indian Ocean drives Hadley circulation change in a warming climate. National Science Review, 12(1), nwae375,




How to cite: Sun, Y., Ramstein, G., Fedorov, A., and Ding, L.: Tropical Indian Ocean Warming: A Key Driver of Future Hadley Circulation Changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8405,, 2025.

EGU25-8568 | Posters on site | OS1.5

Picocyanobacteria show warm water preference in the south-central Arabian Sea (North Indian Ocean) during the summer monsoon 

Haimanti Biswas, Mintu Chowdhury, and Natasha Majumder

The Arabian Sea, a part of the north Indian Ocean shows a trend of increasing sea surface temperature (SST) over a decadal scale. This area is particularly important due to high phytoplankton growth which is mostly governed by atmospheric forcing and also a place for carbon burial. Hence it is imperative to understand the responses of phytoplankton to this warming trend. The summer monsoon (June-August) winds develop a low-level atmospheric jet (Findlater Jet) blowing across the central Arabian Sea. The positive wind stress curl in the north of this jet leads to open ocean upwelling with consequent nutrient enrichment and phytoplankton bloom. The negative curl in the south results in down-welling and deepening of the mixed layer depth. During the winter monsoon, the wind direction reverses and speed weakens, but in the northern part the cold convective mixing occurs due to the cooling and densification of surface waters and also fuels high phytoplankton growth. However, the south remains oligotrophic, low productive, and warmer compared to the north. We present here two data sets of phytoplankton taxonomy done by both marker pigment analyses by HPLC and light microscopy collected in two field campaigns during summer monsoons 2017 (August) and 2018 (August) along the central Arabian Sea (64°E, 11 -21° N in 1 ° interval). The northern part of the Findlater Jet was mostly occupied by the cooler waters and highest nutrient levels that promoted large diatom-dominated phytoplankton biomass. The southern part was oligotrophic with deep mixed layers, warm, and dominated by (~50%) picocynaobacteria and Prochlorococcus (containing zeaxanthin and DV-Chla) followed by smaller chain-forming diatoms, and heterotrophic dinoflagellates. We have observed that the upwelling strength was stronger in 2018 with cooler waters and higher nutrient levels compared to 2017. The occurrences of warmer waters in 2017 supported higher growth of picocynaobacteria. This is also consistent with other global analyses of long-term trends observed from the Indian Ocean. We have considered a box of 64-66°E and divided it into two sectors, south (18-21°N) and north (11-15°N). The satellite-derived SST data from 2000-2024 indicates a warming trend during summer monsoon both in the north and south. However, no such trend was noticed during winter. This observation suggests that warming during summer monsoon may directly influence the phytoplankton community and may affect carbon transfer and cycling in this dynamic basin.

How to cite: Biswas, H., Chowdhury, M., and Majumder, N.: Picocyanobacteria show warm water preference in the south-central Arabian Sea (North Indian Ocean) during the summer monsoon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8568,, 2025.

EGU25-8783 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5

Calibrating Individual Foraminifera Analysis for Climate reconstruction in the Western Indian Ocean: Assessing Seasonal and Interannual Variability 

Yohan Lichterfeld, Guillaume Leduc, Kaustubh Thirumalai, Laurence Vidal, Thibault De Garidel-Thoron, Corinne Sonzogni, and Clara Bolton

The Indian Ocean is affected by seasonal and interannual climate variability, with large consequences on the water cycle over adjacent landmasses. The northern Indian Ocean influences the African and Asian monsoon systems, and its seasonal and interannual variability interacts with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean, potentially triggering Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) development. Future projections suggest that Indian Ocean modes of climate variability could be enhanced under warming scenarios, but a lack of past records precludes a deeper understanding of how the Indian Ocean modes of variability could change over evolving boundary conditions.

Due to low sediment accumulation rates and bioturbation in marine cores, bulk analyses cannot usually record past climate variability at seasonal or interannual timescales. In contrast, individual foraminifera analyses (IFA) can theoretically estimate the total variance in a population of foraminifera that experienced upper ocean variability at sub-centennial timescales. Geochemical records (δ18O, Mg/Ca) based on IFA have been used to reconstruct past climate variance including seasonality, ENSO in the Pacific Ocean, and IOD in the eastern Indian Ocean. However, using variance in a foraminifera population to pinpoint which mode of variability is the ultimate driver remains a challenge.

Here we model the range of variability of different key sites in the Indian Ocean to seasonal vs interannual climate variability using ORAS-5 re-analysis temperature and salinity data spanning the period from 1958 to 2018, and to assess the impact of changing the amplitude of these modes of variability on total δ18O variance of model foraminifera populations. In light of these results, we then analyzed IFA (δ18O and morphology) in three core-top samples, targeting two planktonic foraminifera species with different seasonalities and depth habitats: Ocean Drilling Program Site 722 in the Arabian Sea upwelling region, monsoon-influenced Site MD77-191 near the southern tip of India, and Site MD96-2060 core offshore Tanzania in the western Indian Ocean. Results will allow us to better evaluate how to interpret IFA in different oceanographic biomes of the Indian Ocean, ultimately leading to a better understanding of past climate extremes embedded in paleoclimate record.

How to cite: Lichterfeld, Y., Leduc, G., Thirumalai, K., Vidal, L., De Garidel-Thoron, T., Sonzogni, C., and Bolton, C.: Calibrating Individual Foraminifera Analysis for Climate reconstruction in the Western Indian Ocean: Assessing Seasonal and Interannual Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8783,, 2025.

EGU25-8934 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5

A Baseline for Recognizing Change: Diversity and Biogeography of the Maldives Atolls' Shallow Water Foraminifera 

Hitisha Baroliya, Thomai Anagnostoudi, Shai Oron, Enric Sala, Alan Freidlander, and Beverly Goodman- Tchernov

The Maldives archipelago has become one of the most famous touristic locations in the world and is under noticeable pressure from various human activities such as extensive fisheries and tourism.  Because of this, the Pristine Seas Project (National Geographic) included the area in its efforts to fill existing knowledge gaps such as its species diversity and distribution as part of a larger aim to establish science-based protected marine reserve zones. Foraminifera, unicellular marine marvels, are renowned for their use as an environmental bioindicator of broader conditions. The present study investigates the diversity and biogeographic patterns of recent shallow water foraminifera that inhabit three distinctive atolls in the Maldives archipelago. Sediment samples were collected from reef and lagoon environments of the 26 distinct localities across three southern Maldives atolls - Addu, Fuvahmulah, and Huvadhoo. The most abundant taxa are Amphistegina followed by Calcarina, Heterostegina and Sorites. A species richness and diversity varied among sampling sites, with higher richness observed in MV18 station (Addu Atoll). Cluster analysis revealed distinct foraminiferal assemblages associated with different reef zones and sediment types. Here we discuss environmental parameters such as depth, substrate characteristics, ocean current influence, foraminiferal distribution patterns within and between different atolls of Maldives and also in comparison to the greater Indian Ocean datasets. The empirical data generated in this study offers a better understanding of ecosystem biodiversity in this remote location which may act as a baseline for future experimental and ecological studies, assessing possible anthropogenic influences and provides valuable insights into the regional vulnerability to climate change. Present study highlights the importance of habitat, microhabitat conservation and contributes to our knowledge of Indian Ocean marine biodiversity and biogeography.

Keywords: Indian Ocean, assemblage, habitat, distribution, large benthic foraminifera

How to cite: Baroliya, H., Anagnostoudi, T., Oron, S., Sala, E., Freidlander, A., and Goodman- Tchernov, B.: A Baseline for Recognizing Change: Diversity and Biogeography of the Maldives Atolls' Shallow Water Foraminifera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8934,, 2025.

EGU25-9261 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5

Impact of a newly observed recurring eddy on the western Bay of Bengal productivity  

William Luty, Fatma Jebri, Meric Srokosz, Andrew Ross, Stephen Griffiths, and Zoe Jacobs

Mesoscale eddies have a significant impact on the biological productivity in the Bay of Bengal (Eastern Indian Ocean). However, we do not currently have a complete understanding of them. The Bay of Bengal is a region that is highly dependent on fishing for its population’s survival, with surrounding countries such as Bangladesh depending on fish from the bay for approximately 60% of their consumed animal protein, and hence understanding any changes in this biological productivity is important. In this work, using 25-42 years of satellite data and the py-eddy-tracker eddy detection algorithm (Mason et al., 2014), we observe a yearly recurring mesoscale eddy (called hereafter the Odisha Eddy) on the western coast of the Bay of Bengal, which was noted before but investigated here, for the first time, in terms of physics and biological response. We also examine the impact of a confluence zone that forms between the EICC as it reverses poleward and an equatorward flowing boundary during May to September on the Odisha Eddy variability, using a new algorithm that automatically identifies this confluence zone based on satellite altimetry currents data. We further investigated the impact that the EICC confluence zone has on the biological productivity of the Odisha Eddy. We found that the eddy has an increase in the concentration of chlorophyll-a by 42% as compared to the surrounding waters, and that when the eddy occurs alongside the confluence zone, the chlorophyll-a content within the Odisha Eddy is 36% higher than when the eddy occurs alone. The Odisha Eddy also presents a larger radius (31% increase), amplitude (47% increase) and faster rotational velocity (15% increase) when it occurs alongside the confluence zone. We conclude that the EICC confluence zone amplifies the positive effect that the Odisha Eddy has on the biological productivity of this region of the Bay of Bengal. We hypothesise that this is due to the confluence zone enhancing advection of nutrients within and around the eddy. More research is needed to fully examine this mechanism and other controls (e.g., impact of ocean planetary waves, wind field) influencing the Odisha Eddy productivity in the Bay.

How to cite: Luty, W., Jebri, F., Srokosz, M., Ross, A., Griffiths, S., and Jacobs, Z.: Impact of a newly observed recurring eddy on the western Bay of Bengal productivity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9261,, 2025.

The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and Tripole (IOT) represent primary modes of interannual variability in the Indian Ocean, impacting both regional and global climate. Unlike the IOD, which is closely related to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), our findings unveil a substantial influence of the Australian Monsoon on the IOT. An anomalously strong Monsoon induces local sea surface temperature (SST) variations via the wind-evaporation-SST mechanism, triggering atmospheric circulation anomalies in the eastern Indian Ocean. These circulation changes lead to changes in oceanic heat transport, facilitating the formation of the IOT. Our analysis reveals a strengthening connection between the Australian Monsoon and the IOT in recent decades, with a projected further strengthening under global warming. This contrasts with the diminished coupling between ENSO and IOD in recent decades from observations and model projections, illustrating evolving Indian Ocean dynamics under the warming climate.

How to cite: Chen, M.: Emerging influence of the Australian Monsoon on Indian Ocean interannual variability in a warming climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10702,, 2025.

EGU25-12271 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5

A horseshoe salinity pattern in the Indian Ocean 

Limonlisa Sahu, Balaji Senapati, and Mihir K. Dash

Salinity plays a major role in the global hydrological cycle and climate by modulating upper ocean stratification and sea surface temperature. Past studies have revealed the salinity variation in different major ocean basins from interannual to decadal time scales. However, understanding of upper ocean salinity variation in the Indian Ocean is limited, especially on decadal time scale and thus its global impacts. Our study reveals the presence of a horseshoe pattern in the upper ocean salinity, which varies on a decadal time scale. This pattern is generated from air-sea interaction mechanisms and is linked with Ningaloo Niño. The sea surface temperature anomalies in the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean in relation to Ningaloo Niño triggers the circulation anomaly causing the variation in the precipitation pattern. As a result, the upper ocean freshens or gets more saline and forms as a horseshoe pattern in upper ocean salinity on a decadal time scale. This variation could be useful for better presentation of salinity variation in the Indian Ocean and its associated impacts.

How to cite: Sahu, L., Senapati, B., and Dash, M. K.: A horseshoe salinity pattern in the Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12271,, 2025.

EGU25-15053 | ECS | Orals | OS1.5

Regime Shifts in Marine Heat Extremes in the Northern Indian Ocean 

Hitesh Gupta, Rahul Deogharia, and Sourav Sil

Sea Surface Temperature (SST) extreme, known as the Marine Heat Extremes (MHEs), has become more frequent and intense over the years in the Northern Indian Ocean (NIO), leading to increased uncertainty in monsoon and cyclones. In this study, we characterised the evolution of MHEs utilising the monthly Hadley Centre Sea Ice and SST (HadISST) for 1900–2020 over the NIO. For a comparative analysis of evolution of MHEs, the region was further divided into Eastern Equatorial IO (EEIO), Western Equatorial IO (WEIO), Arabian Sea (AS), and Bay of Bengal (BoB). A MHE event is defined when the SST crosses the monthly varying 98th percentile threshold corresponding to the fixed climatological baseline of 1901–1950. Two normalized indices, i.e., Normalized Extreme Frequency Index and Heat Index, have been utilized to understand the spatio-temporal characteristics of intensity and frequency, respectively. Both the indices show a non-linear exponential increment. Moreover, the area fraction experiencing MHEs was also found to increase swiftly, following a sigmoidal curve. Frequent mean regime-shifts in these quantities have been observed, increasing the unpredictability of the climate system. Moreover, statistical tests revealed that the MHE attributes are increasing because of the increasing mean SST rather than its variance.  A mixed layer heat budget analysis shows that the MHE attributes have been increasing more rapidly over the WEIO, followed by EEIO, AS, and lastly the BoB, majorly due to the net heat flux followed by the horizontal advection. These findings underscore the non-linear escalation of thermal stress on marine ecosystems and the broader climate, emphasizing the need to develop mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Gupta, H., Deogharia, R., and Sil, S.: Regime Shifts in Marine Heat Extremes in the Northern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15053,, 2025.

EGU25-15560 | Posters on site | OS1.5

The Indian Ocean Tropical Gyre and associated heat-salt Transport and its ecological impact: A review 

Yan Du, Zhangzhe ZHao, and Yuhong Zhang

With the developing observation system, our understanding of Indian Ocean circulation has advanced in recent years. We have noticed the rapid increase of the ocean content in the Indian Ocean, and its role in global climate changes. In the mean state, a relatively closed current loop is established by an eastward current along the equator and a westward current south of the equator, regarded as the Indian Ocean Tropical Gyre (IOTG). As an important component of Indian Ocean air-sea interaction, the essential impacts of IOTG have been discovered. Due to the monsoon, IOTG displays significant seasonal variations, characterized by the reversal of currents and associated heat-salt redistribution. Also, IOTG interacts with the climate modes. This paper summarizes the advances, including the multi-scale variations of IOTG, associated heat-salt transport, and its ecological impact.

How to cite: Du, Y., ZHao, Z., and Zhang, Y.: The Indian Ocean Tropical Gyre and associated heat-salt Transport and its ecological impact: A review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15560,, 2025.

EGU25-19800 | Orals | OS1.5

Systematic biases over the equatorial Indian Ocean and their influence on seasonal forecasts of the IOD 

Andrew Turner, Marimel Gler, Linda Hirons, Charline Marzin, and Caroline Wainwright

Accurate representation and predictability of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in seasonal forecasts are crucial given its pronounced socioeconomic impacts on countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.  Using hindcasts from the coupled Met Office Global Seasonal Forecasting System (GloSea6), coupled mean state biases in the western and eastern equatorial Indian Ocean (WEIO and EEIO) and their impacts on IOD prediction are examined. 

Results show that GloSea6 exhibits a pronounced cold bias in the EEIO that rapidly develops after the onset of the monsoon in boreal summer (JJA, July-August) and persists through the autumn season (SON, September-November).  This cold bias, along with a dry bias, is linked to erroneous easterlies and a shallow thermocline, likely associated with the summer monsoon circulation.  The seasonal evolution and relative timing of the precipitation biases between the western and eastern IOD poles, such that the biases develop through JJA in the EEIO but follow in the WEIO in SON, suggests that the EEIO plays the leading role in the development of coupled feedbacks that result in an overall large dipole pattern of atmospheric and subsurface oceanic biases in SON.

Analysis of skill metrics for the IOD shows that GloSea6 achieves a high anomaly correlation coefficient at short lead times, though it tends to overestimate IOD ampltiude, indicating higher IOD variability compared to observations.  This overestimation is larger in the eastern IOD pole than in the western pole and is likely linked to the poor representation of the evolution of the SST anomalies in the EEIO during positive and negative IOD events in SON.  This aligns with the skill metrics of the individual poles, which show a lower anomaly correlation coefficient and higher prediction errors observed in the eastern pole compared to the west.

Results in this study highlight the crucial role of regional biases, particularly in the EEIO, in shaping IOD variability and suggest that addressing these regional biases in GloSea6 could improve IOD prediction skill, enhancing forecasts of climate impacts for countries surrounding the Indian Ocean.

How to cite: Turner, A., Gler, M., Hirons, L., Marzin, C., and Wainwright, C.: Systematic biases over the equatorial Indian Ocean and their influence on seasonal forecasts of the IOD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19800,, 2025.

EGU25-20979 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5

Delayed Response of Eddy Kinetic Energy Build-up off Somali Coast During Summer Monsoon 

Junshu Lin, Minyang Wang, Lingxing Dai, Hideharu Sasaki, and Yan Du

The Great Whirl (GW), a prominent anticyclonic gyre in the northwest Indian Ocean, is crucial in regional circulation and energy dynamics during the summer monsoon. Using satellite observations and high-resolution ocean simulations, this study examines the mechanisms behind the growth and maintenance of Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE) in the GW region. EKE peaks about 56 days after the summer monsoon’s peak, a delay caused by energy transfer processes. Southwest wind forcing during the monsoon initiates the EKE growth, with the barotropic energy conversions from mean flows eventually dominating the energy input. Enhanced stretching and shear effects of the Somali Currents (SC) intensify barotropic instabilities, maintaining EKE even as monsoon winds weaken. The baroclinic energy conversions act as a secondary energy input, exhibiting a positive eddy buoyancy work (potential energy to kinetic energy) at the upwelling wedge regions northwest of the GW. Our study highlights the importance of internal energy transfer processes in modulating ocean circulation and energy dynamics off the Somali Coast, emphasizing eddy-mean flow interactions and potential-to-kinetic energy transfer in the Somali upwelling system.

How to cite: Lin, J., Wang, M., Dai, L., Sasaki, H., and Du, Y.: Delayed Response of Eddy Kinetic Energy Build-up off Somali Coast During Summer Monsoon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20979,, 2025.

EGU25-21348 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.5

Low-frequency coupling of the Indian and Pacific Walker circulation modulated by volcanic forcing 

Shouyi Wang, Caroline Ummenhofer, and Delia Oppo

Climate variability in the Indian and Pacific Oceans exhibits strong coupling on interannual to decadal timescales. Since the early 2000s, however, synchronization of decadal climate modes between the two basins has decreased due to enhanced greenhouse gas forcing and anthropogenically driven warming of the Indian Ocean. Understanding mechanisms of decoupling is crucial for properly characterizing and predicting low-frequency (decadal-multidecadal) climate variations which have a large impact on regional water resources around the Indian Ocean rim and marine ecosystems.

Here we contextualize the recent inter-basin decoupling by reconstructing Indo-Pacific basin interactions over the past four centuries (1630-2000 CE) through leveraging a compilation of tropical paleoclimate archives and two reconstruction methods. Specifically, we employ a network of coral proxy records from the Indian Ocean, Maritime Continent, and Pacific Ocean, alongside select hydroclimatically-sensitive stalagmite and tree-ring records from the Indian Ocean rim to reconstruct the Indian and Pacific Walker circulations, as well as the Indian Ocean Basin Mode over the past four centuries.

Our results confirm that Indo-Pacific coupling was present throughout the preindustrial era, and was disrupted only by a series of strong tropical volcanic eruptions during the early 19th century. We find, based on last millennium climate model simulations and hemispheric temperature reconstructions, that the interhemispheric asymmetry of cooling in response to volcanic forcing as well as the Indian Ocean’s strong sensitivity to external forcings caused this anomalous decoupling of Indo-Pacific climate. Additionally, the mechanisms of past decoupling associated with volcanism provide insights into the source of inter-model spread on the magnitude of future Indo-Pacific trends.

How to cite: Wang, S., Ummenhofer, C., and Oppo, D.: Low-frequency coupling of the Indian and Pacific Walker circulation modulated by volcanic forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21348,, 2025.

EGU25-21671 | Posters on site | OS1.5

Interannual Variability of Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Arabian Sea 

Skandh Joshi and Subra Prakash Dey

Chlorophyll concentrations in the ocean exhibit significant spatial and temporal variability, driven by a complex interplay of physical, chemical, and biological factors. Seasonal changes are primarily influenced by variations in light availability, temperature, and nutrient supply, while interannual fluctuations are often linked to large-scale climate phenomena such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). These variations have profound implications for oceanic primary productivity, marine ecosystems, and global biogeochemical cycles. The Arabian Sea, one of the most productive regions of the global ocean, experiences high biological productivity due to seasonal upwelling driven by the Southwest Monsoon and winter convective mixing. Upwelling brings nutrient-rich deep waters to the surface, stimulating phytoplankton growth and increasing chlorophyll concentrations, which in turn support a diverse marine ecosystem and economically significant fisheries. In our study, we analysed monthly and seasonal climatologies of chlorophyll(mg/m3) in the Arabian Sea, examining anomalies over a 24-year period (1998–2021). Our results revealed significant interannual variability, with notable peaks and dips in chlorophyll anomalies. For instance, anomalies exceeded a deviation from the climatological mean by 0.2 in 2005 but dropped as low as -0.2 in 2016. By analysing the standard deviation of log-transformed chlorophyll-a anomalies, we identified five regions exhibiting the highest variability. Further investigation into these regions revealed distinct patterns in upwelling dynamics across different years and seasons, emphasizing the diverse factors influencing upwelling processes in the Arabian Sea. Focusing on the western coast of India, we observed contrasting climatic behaviours between the northern and southern regions. In the northern part, wind anomalies did not directly correspond to chlorophyll anomalies, indicating a more complex interplay of factors. Conversely, in the southern region, a strong correlation between chlorophyll and wind anomalies suggests a dominant wind-driven upwelling mechanism. These findings enhance our understanding of the regional variability in upwelling processes and highlight the intricate interactions between oceanic and atmospheric drivers in this dynamic marine system. Our study provides valuable insights into the variability of chlorophyll concentrations in the Arabian Sea, offering a better understanding of its ecological and climatic significance. These findings contribute to improved modelling and prediction of primary productivity, which is crucial for both ecosystem management and climate studies.

How to cite: Joshi, S. and Prakash Dey, S.: Interannual Variability of Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Arabian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21671,, 2025.

EGU25-213 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Frontal Subduction in an Increasingly Stratified Southern Ocean 

Lilian Dove, Mara Freilich, Lia Siegelman, Baylor Fox-Kemper, and Paul Hall

Pycnocline stratification is increasing across multiple ocean basins due to a warming surface ocean and changes in wind forcing. Pycnocline stratification plays a leading order role in tracer transport, shaping capacity for heat and carbon uptake, making it a key parameter of interest on timescales ranging from paleoclimate to plankton blooms. Part of the challenge in assessing the role of pycnocline stratification in global models is the two-way connection between physical processes at the mesoscale and submesoscale and stratification, with important implications for the resulting tracer transport. Using idealized runs of MITgcm, we find that the strength of pycnocline stratification influences the formation and evolution of submesoscale structure. When a constant isopycnal slope is initialized, tracers get efficiently transferred across the base of the mixed layer and get trapped in anticyclonic submesoscale vortices below the mixed layer. This leads to tracer concentrations below the mixed layer and fluxes through it to be stronger under decreased stratification conditions. In contrast, when the frontal lateral buoyancy gradient is held fixed while stratification changes, the vertical flux of tracers and the concentrations at depth stay constant across all examined stratification conditions. Understanding the relationship between pycnocline stratification and fine-scale physical motions is necessary to diagnose and predict trends in carbon uptake and storage, particularly in the Southern Ocean. 

How to cite: Dove, L., Freilich, M., Siegelman, L., Fox-Kemper, B., and Hall, P.: Frontal Subduction in an Increasingly Stratified Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-213,, 2025.

EGU25-339 | Orals | OS1.6

Advancing understanding of Southern Ocean phytoplankton phenology with 4D data product 

Nicolas Mayot, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Lloyd Izard, David Nerini, and Julia Uitz

The Southern Ocean plays a major role in the global carbon cycle, with air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) exchanges influenced by phytoplankton phenology. However, during summer, global ocean biogeochemistry models struggle to capture the interplay between biological and physical processes and their combined effects on air-sea CO2 fluxes. Improved constraints on phytoplankton seasonal dynamics and the mechanistic drivers of their spatial and temporal variability are crucial for refining these models. In this study, we used a 24-year (1998–2022) database of weekly vertical profiles of chlorophyll-a and particulate organic carbon concentrations. This observation-based 4D dataset was generated by matching up and merging satellite and hydrological data using a machine learning methodology trained on BioGeoChemical-Argo observations. A Functional Principal Component Analysis, coupled with a Gaussian Mixture Model, was applied to this dataset, enabling a revised regionalisation of the Southern Ocean based on the 3D seasonal variability of phytoplankton biomass and particulate organic carbon concentrations. Distinct latitudinal differences mostly align with physical oceanic fronts, while zonal differences emerge within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current region. These spatial patterns reflect regional disparities in key phytoplankton growth drivers, including light and nutrient availability, vertical mixing, and stratification. We further explore the interannual variability of this bioregionalisation, shedding light on the environmental drivers of phytoplankton seasonal dynamics and their potential biogeochemical impacts in the context of a changing climate.

How to cite: Mayot, N., Sauzède, R., Izard, L., Nerini, D., and Uitz, J.: Advancing understanding of Southern Ocean phytoplankton phenology with 4D data product, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-339,, 2025.

EGU25-427 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Southern Ocean mechanisms of glacial CO2 drawdown and their links to global climate 

Madison Shankle, Graeme MacGilchrist, James Rae, and Andrea Burke

The Southern Ocean is a critical player in regulating Earth’s carbon cycle and climate, yet its role under future climate change remains uncertain. Studying the Southern Ocean under past climate states can help address this knowledge gap. For example, changes in the Southern Ocean, through modulating deep ocean carbon content, are widely thought to have played a driving role in the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) fluctuations of Earth’s past ice ages. Here we present three novel findings that advance our understanding of processes linking Southern Ocean changes to glacial CO2 drawdown. First, a new proxy record reveals a tight coupling between atmospheric CO2 levels and deep Southern Ocean carbon storage over the Last Glacial Cycle, providing clear evidence of the systematic transfer of carbon into the deep ocean during glaciation and its release during deglaciation. These results are used to quantify the deep Indo-Pacific’s remineralized carbon content at the Last Glacial Maximum and are found to explain a significant proportion of observed glacial CO2 drawdown. Second, we demonstrate how improved ventilation of North Pacific mid-depths (evidenced by glacial proxy data) directly impacts Southern Ocean biogeochemistry by reducing the carbon and nutrient load of waters upwelling in the Southern Ocean. This process enhances biological pump efficiency, curtailing Southern Ocean CO2 outgassing and highlighting a critical interhemispheric connection in glacial nutrient cycling. Finally, idealized numerical modelling experiments demonstrate cooling of the high northern latitudes associated with a large Northern Hemisphere ice sheet can, in isolation of any other forcing, remotely induce glacial-like changes in Southern Ocean sea ice, circulation, and biogeochemistry that work to enhance ocean carbon content. These changes include expanded southern sea ice and cooler, saltier, better-stratified bottom water, which together increase oceanic carbon storage via solubility- and disequilibrium-driven effects. Collectively, these findings underscore the Southern Ocean’s central role in mediating interhemispheric and glacial climate feedbacks, offering new insights into the processes that drove the Earth’s into low-CO2 glacial periods.

How to cite: Shankle, M., MacGilchrist, G., Rae, J., and Burke, A.: Southern Ocean mechanisms of glacial CO2 drawdown and their links to global climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-427,, 2025.

EGU25-1745 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Persistent Abyssal Warming but Emerging Salinity Shifts in the Southern Ocean 

Kathryn Gunn, Matthew England, and Stephen Rintoul

Recent observations reveal that Antarctic Bottom Water is thinning, warming, and spreading northward more slowly into the abyssal ocean. The causes and consequences of these changes remain uncertain due to limited observations. Using historical data (1985-2024) and model projections (2041-2050), we assess abyssal ocean changes in the past, present, and future. Between 1985-2024, isopycnals below 3000~m descended at -149±5 m decade-1, and are replaced by warmer water, causing warming of 0.03±0.02 °C decade-1. Freshening of -0.004±0.003 g kg-1 decade-1 occurred due to meltwater-driven changes in continental shelf waters forming bottom water. Projections suggest bottom water thinning will continue, doubling the abyssal ocean’s contribution to Southern Ocean sea level rise by 2050. However, freshening has slowed or reversed, indicating a salinity turning point. This transition occurs as shelf waters become too fresh and light to reach the abyssal ocean, with important implications for overturning circulation, nutrient cycling, and regional sea level rise.

How to cite: Gunn, K., England, M., and Rintoul, S.: Persistent Abyssal Warming but Emerging Salinity Shifts in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1745,, 2025.

EGU25-1761 | Posters on site | OS1.6

Distinct optical properties of dissolved organic matter near Getz and Dotson ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea 

Jinyoung Jung, Juyoung Son, Youngju Lee, Tae-Wan Kim, Jisoo Park, and Mi Hae Jeon

The Amundsen Sea, located in West Antarctica, is undergoing rapid melting due to the intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water. This intrusion results in ice sheet thinning and basal melting, which can have cascading effects on the biogeochemical cycle of dissolved organic matter (DOM) by introducing iron from sea ice and glaciers and by affecting ocean circulation. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the dynamics of the DOM in this region. Our study focused on assessing the optical properties of DOM in the oceanic areas adjacent to the West Getz Ice Shelf (WGIS) and the Dotson Ice Shelf (DIS). Notably, the WGIS regions exhibited relatively high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and chromophoric DOM (CDOM) absorption coefficient at 350 nm (a350). Molecular weight indices, including spectral slope coefficient (S275-295) and specific UV absorbance at 254 nm (SUVA254), suggested that high molecular weight DOM with a substantial aromatic component predominated in the WGIS regions. Conversely, the DIS regions showed low CDOM values, low SUVA254 values, and elevated S275-295 values, indicative of low molecular weight CDOM with lower aromaticity. Furthermore, we observed significant negative correlations between the biomass of Phaeocystis antarctica (P. antarctica) and phosphate (PO4) in the WGIS regions. However, no such relationship was found in the DIS region. These findings imply that the high concentration and molecular weight of a350 in the WGIS regions, spanning from the surface layer to deeper depths, are predominantly driven by autochthonous sources, notably the colony-forming blooms of P. antarctica. The results of this study highlight the crucial role of bloom conditions in shaping both the quantity and quality of DOM in the Amundsen Sea.

How to cite: Jung, J., Son, J., Lee, Y., Kim, T.-W., Park, J., and Jeon, M. H.: Distinct optical properties of dissolved organic matter near Getz and Dotson ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1761,, 2025.

EGU25-1764 | Posters on site | OS1.6

Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Communities in the Ross Sea: Insights from High-Resolution Observations 

Youngju Lee, Jinyoung Jung, Jisoo Park, and Jong Kuk Moon

The Ross Sea is a critical region for understanding phytoplankton dynamics and their role in polar marine ecosystems in the west Antarctica, particularly in the context of rapid environmental change. Investigating the spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass and community structure is essential for assessing ecosystem productivity and biogeochemical cycling in this vulnerable area. From January to February 2023, a field survey of the Ross Sea was conducted onboard the icebreaker research vessel Araon, utilizing high-resolution, continuous observations of surface seawater with the Algae Online Analyzer and Imaging FlowCytoBot. These observations provided precise spatial distribution data on phytoplankton biomass and species abundance. The results revealed intricate spatial variability in phytoplankton community structure and biomass across the eastern and western Ross Sea, spanning coastal to offshore gradients, and in the dynamic waters near polynyas and ice shelves. The phytoplankton community was predominantly composed of diatoms, especially Fragilariopsis spp., and/or Phaeocystis spp., with their dominance varying across spatial gradients. The observed patterns suggest that multiple interacting environmental factors, including sea ice concentrations, water masses, and ocean currents, influence on phytoplankton distribution in the region. These findings highlight the critical role of physical and biological interactions in phytoplankton distributions and offer valuable insights into their potential responses to environmental changes in the Ross Sea ecosystem.

How to cite: Lee, Y., Jung, J., Park, J., and Moon, J. K.: Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Communities in the Ross Sea: Insights from High-Resolution Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1764,, 2025.

Walter Munk’s seminal work, Abyssal Recipes, has established a foundational framework for comprehending abyssal water upwelling for almost 60 years. While it has profoundly influenced theoretical, laboratory, and observational studies of deep-ocean processes, discrepancies arise when compared with long-term observational data. One prominent paradox is known as the interior downwelling conundrum: When Munk's framework is applied to conditions of bottom-intensified mixing, it predicts downwelling rather than upwelling, which contradicts the mass balance in the abyssal ocean. This study revisits this challenge by investigating the unsteady dynamics of abyssal isopycnals. We demonstrate that under a cooling regime in the abyssal ocean, which is linked with the formation of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the last little Ice Age more than 1000 years ago, rising water parcels can co-exist with downward diapycnal velocities. This reconciliation aligns Munk’s theory with the observed mass balance and resolves the longstanding paradox. These findings provide fresh insights into the conundrum and contribute to advancing our understanding of the closure of the global thermohaline and overturning circulations.

How to cite: Han, L.: Revisiting the Conundrum of Interior Downwelling in Munk’s Abyssal Recipes: An Unsteady Perspective Linked to a Cooling AABW, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2364,, 2025.

EGU25-2563 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Impact of additional freshwater around Antarctica on the Southern Ocean carbon cycle : an inter-model comparison 

Ombeline Jouet, Judith Hauck, Christopher Danek, Alexander Haumann, Tore Hattermann, Morven Muilwijk, Andrew G. Pauling, Neil C. Swart, and Christoph Völker

The ongoing increase of global mean temperature, caused by anthropogenic CO2 emissions, will most likely lead to enhanced melting and calving of Antarctic ice shelves in the coming decades. As a consequence, the freshwater input into the Southern Ocean is expected to increase as well. The resulting change in ocean salinity could have significant consequences for ocean circulation, water column stratification, and water mass formation in the Southern Ocean, which are all expected to affect the capacity of the surface ocean to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and the sequestration of carbon in the deep ocean. However, the magnitude and spatio-temporal patterns of these changes and their links to freshwater forcing are not yet well understood. To reduce these uncertainties, increase our understanding, and better quantify the feedbacks on the climate system, the international SOFIA initiative (Swart et al., 2023) defines freshwater input protocols for consistent use in various Earth System Models. Here we study the impact of additional freshwater around Antarctica on circulation and carbon fluxes in a steady preindustrial climate state using four Earth System Models. Most of the models show a decrease in the uptake of CO2 by the surface of the Southern Ocean, caused by a strengthened outgassing of natural CO2 between 50°S and 60°S. The stronger outgassing can be attributed to an increase in sub-surface dissolved inorganic carbon concentration south of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current that is associated with a redistribution of water masses in the Southern Ocean. Furthermore the reduction of the production and downward flow of Antarctic Bottom Water is leading to a decrease of its volume, and the expansion of carbon-rich Circumpolar Deep Water, which increases the carbon content at depth and thus weakens the overall CO2 uptake. However, the models disagree in terms of the intensity of the weakened Southern Ocean CO2 uptake. This difference seems to be mainly linked to the model resolution and the representation of the ocean mean state, e.g. the strength of the stratification, which is a determining factor for the redistribution of the additional freshwater to depth. To pursue this work, experiments with additional freshwater forcing in various climate states are conducted to analyse the ocean carbon cycle’s response and quantify potential climate feedbacks.

How to cite: Jouet, O., Hauck, J., Danek, C., Haumann, A., Hattermann, T., Muilwijk, M., Pauling, A. G., Swart, N. C., and Völker, C.: Impact of additional freshwater around Antarctica on the Southern Ocean carbon cycle : an inter-model comparison, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2563,, 2025.

EGU25-2577 | Orals | OS1.6

Anomalous Summertime CO2 sink in the subpolar SouthernOcean promoted by early 2021 sea ice retreat 

Jacqueline Boutin, Kirtana Naëck, Sebastian Swart, Marcel Du Plessis, Liliane Merlivat, Laurence Beaumont, Antonio Lourenço, Francesco D'Ovidio, Louise Rousselet, Brian Ward, and Jean-Baptiste Sallée

The physical and biogeochemical processes governing the air-sea CO2 flux in the Southern Ocean are still widely debated. This presentation focus on an anomalously large sink of CO2 observed north of the Weddell Sea in Summer 2022. The processes behind this anomalous situation are analyzed based on the combination of in situ observations, various satellite parameters (altimetric currents, Chl-a, ice concentration and sea surface salinity) and ocean model reanalysis.

The “Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate” cruise in Summer 2022 aimed at studying physical and biogeochemical processes in the Weddell Sea and in its vicinity. A “CARbon Interface OCean Atmosphere” (CARIOCA) drifting buoy was deployed in January 2022 in the subpolar Southern Ocean, providing hourly surface ocean observations of fCO2 (fugacity of CO2), dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and chlorophyll-a fluorescence for 17 months. An underwater glider was piloted with the buoy for the first 6 weeks of the deployment to provide vertical ocean profiles of hydrography and biogeochemistry. These datasets reveal an anomalously strong ocean carbon sink for over 2 months occuring in the region of Bouvet Island and associated with large plumes of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a). Based on Lagrangian backward trajectories reconstructed using various surface currents fields, we identified that the water mass reaching the Bouvet Island region originated from the south-west, from the vicinity of sea ice edge in Spring 2021. We suggest that a strong phytoplankton bloom developed there in November 2021 favoured by early sea ice melt in 2021 in the Weddell Sea. These waters, depleted in carbon, then travelled to the position of the CARIOCA buoy. The very low values of ocean fCO2, measured by the buoy (down to 310 μatm), are consistent with net community production previously observed during blooms occurring near the sea ice edge, partly compensated by air-sea CO2 flux along the water mass trajectory. Early sea ice retreat might therefore have caused a large CO2 sink farther north than usual in Summer 2022, in the Atlantic sector of the subpolar Southern Ocean. Such events might become more frequent in the future as a result of climate change.

How to cite: Boutin, J., Naëck, K., Swart, S., Du Plessis, M., Merlivat, L., Beaumont, L., Lourenço, A., D'Ovidio, F., Rousselet, L., Ward, B., and Sallée, J.-B.: Anomalous Summertime CO2 sink in the subpolar SouthernOcean promoted by early 2021 sea ice retreat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2577,, 2025.

EGU25-3356 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Sensitivity of Antarctic dense water formation to surface vertical resolution 

Wilton Aguiar, Adele K. Morrison, Andy McC. Hogg, Wilma Huneke, David Hutchinson, Paul Spence, Pedro Colombo, and Kial D Stewart

Dense water formation on the Antarctic continental shelf drives the abyssal overturning circulation, being the main process by which Antarctic Bottom Waters form. Despite its importance, most ocean models cannot simulate dense water formation at the Antarctic coast and flow down the continental slope (i.e., overflow) due to the fine resolution required by these processes. While many studies have looked at the impact of horizontal and vertical resolution in the deep ocean on the overflows, no studies have investigated whether surface vertical resolution impacts dense water formation. In this work, we varied the surface ocean cell of two dense water-forming models from 1m to 5m thickness as a simple vertical resolution sensitivity test. We used the ACCESS-OM2 and the Pan-Antarctic ocean and sea ice models, each employing a different boundary layer parameterization. Thickening the surface cell to 5m in ACCESS-OM2 decreased the dense water formation at the Antarctic continental shelf by 45% (1.5 Sv) and ceased its overflow through the continental slope after 10 years of simulation. In the Pan-Antarctic, thickening the surface cell reduced the Antarctic dense water formation by 34% (1.5 Sv) and its overflow by 67% (2.5 Sv) after 10 simulation years. The dense water formation reduction in 5m experiments is explained by a southward shift in the surface Ekman transports, bringing light offshore waters to the coast and prohibiting dense water formation at the Antarctic continental shelf. This response is independent of the boundary layer scheme employed.

How to cite: Aguiar, W., K. Morrison, A., McC. Hogg, A., Huneke, W., Hutchinson, D., Spence, P., Colombo, P., and D Stewart, K.: Sensitivity of Antarctic dense water formation to surface vertical resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3356,, 2025.

EGU25-4254 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Freshwater Sources and their Variability through Salinity-δ18O Relationships: A Machine Learning Solution to a Water Mass Problem 

Xabier Davila, Elaine L. McDonagh, Fatma Jebri, Geoffrey Gebbie, and Michael P. Meredith

While the Southern Ocean is freshening, the sources of this freshening and their variability remain uncertain. Freshwater enters the ocean as Meteoric Water (MW; precipitation, river runoff, glacial discharge) and Sea Ice Meltwater (SIM). These inputs can be quantified using seawater salinity and stable oxygen isotopes in seawater, δ18O; however it involves the challenging task of determining the isotopic signature of MW (δ18OMW). Here, we apply Self-Organising Map (SOM), a machine learning technique, to water mass properties to estimate the global distribution of the isotopic signature of MW (δ18OMW) by characterizing distinct salinity-δ18O relationships from two comprehensive datasets. The inferred δ18OMW is then used in a 3-endmember mixing model to estimate MW and SIM contributions to global ocean freshwater content. Our results show the large scale distribution of MW and SIM, as well as giving insights into their role in mass transformation and interannual variability. We highlight the MW content in Ice Shelf Water and Antarctic Bottom Water linked to glacial melt, which is concurrent with brine content derived from sea ice formation. Our results also show that AABW has freshened since the 1990’s due to a reduction of sea ice formation (less brine production) rather than an increase in glacial melt, and suggest the emergence of anthropogenic forced signals in seawater δ18O.

How to cite: Davila, X., L. McDonagh, E., Jebri, F., Gebbie, G., and P. Meredith, M.: Freshwater Sources and their Variability through Salinity-δ18O Relationships: A Machine Learning Solution to a Water Mass Problem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4254,, 2025.

EGU25-5183 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on CO₂ Fluxes in the Southern Ocean 

Mariana Salinas Matus, Nuno Serra, Fatemeh Chegini, and Tatiana Ilyina

The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle, uptaking about 43% of the ocean’s CO₂ uptake. However, significant uncertainties remain regarding the processes governing CO₂ fluxes in this region. Mesoscale eddies have been identified as a potential source of these uncertainties. In this study, we analyze 30 years of daily, high-resolution (10 km) global simulations using the ICON-O ocean model coupled with the HAMOCC biogeochemistry model. The Okubo-Weiss parameter and vorticity is used to classify four flow regimes—anticyclonic eddy cores, cyclonic eddy cores, eddy core peripheries, and quiescent background—allowing us to generate composites for each. Our results show that CO₂ flux is directed into the ocean across all four regimes, with the magnitude of CO₂ uptake varying by regime. Anticyclones have a greater capacity for CO₂ uptake compared to cyclones. In certain regions (i.e. Agulhas retroflection and the Brazil-Malvinas confluence) anticyclones exhibit the highest CO₂ uptake capacity among the four regimes, a pattern linked to the greater eddy intensity of these areas. An analysis of the CO₂ flux terms shows that wind speed and ∆pCO₂ are the primary contributors to flux magnitud and variability. As atmospheric pCO₂ is prescribed, the main changes in ∆pCO₂ are related to changes in oceanic pCO₂. These variations are primarily driven by dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and sea surface temperature, which tend to compensate for each other, with DIC having a stronger influence. To explore DIC changes, we analyzed DIC budgets in the first 300 m. In the surface layer, the total DIC tendency is predominantly driven by vertical diffusion, which causes a net loss of DIC to deeper layers and induces atmospheric CO₂ flux into the ocean. Vertical diffusion is particularly stronger in anticyclonic eddies, explaining their enhanced ability to absorb CO₂. In deeper layers, the total DIC tendency is primarily controlled by the divergence of advective fluxes, while changes in DIC from sources and sinks (i.e. biogeochemical processes) are almost entirely balanced by vertical diffusion. These findings highlight the dominant role of mesoscale eddies in oceanic carbon uptake and underscore the need for more refined models to accurately represent their impact on the global carbon cycle.

How to cite: Salinas Matus, M., Serra, N., Chegini, F., and Ilyina, T.: Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on CO₂ Fluxes in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5183,, 2025.

The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in global climate regulation, acting as a key pathway for heat, momentum, and biochemical transport. Using expanded hydrographic observations from the WOCE/CLIVAR SR03 section (1991–2018), a choke point between Tasmania and Antarctica, along with high-resolution GLORYS12 reanalysis data (1993–2018), we investigate long-term changes in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and Tasman Outflow (TO) and their relationship with the southward migration of the Subtropical Front (STF). Our results reveal a significant southward migration of the STF, while the Subantarctic Front remains meridionally stable. This STF migration is associated with an intensified TO and strengthened Ekman convergence, leading to enhanced subduction of cold, low-salinity intermediate water in the Subantarctic Zone and increased subsurface warming (0.4–0.8°C per decade) north of the ACC. The TO has strengthened significantly (+3.1 Sv per decade), while the ACC’s geostrophic transport shows an increasing trend (+3.2 Sv per decade), indicating the poleward expansion of subtropical circulation towards Antarctica. Additionally, the correlation between TO transport and the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index (r = 0.48, p < 0.05) suggests that westerly wind variability plays a key role in modulating ocean transport in this region. Our findings emphasize the importance of STF migration and TO expansion in shaping Southern Ocean circulation under climate change. The poleward shift of westerlies and subtropical systems underscores the ongoing sensitivity of transport processes to global warming. Further research with extended observations and high-resolution climate models is needed to refine projections of circulation changes and their impact on oceanic heat transport in the Southern Ocean.

How to cite: Park, T., Kim, Y. S., and Park, J.: Poleward Migration of the Subtropical Front and Its Implications for the Tasman Outflow and Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7897,, 2025.

EGU25-8065 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Carbon Exchange and Ocean Ventilation along the East Antarctic Margin 

Mara Lena Rosmann, Hendrik Grotheer, Lester Lembke-Jene, Alexander Haumann, and Gesine Mollenhauer

The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate by absorbing atmospheric carbon and storing it in the deep ocean. (Brovkin et al., 2012). Past studies reported a reduction in this uptake capacity over the last few decades. However, the temporal and spatial variability of the Southern Ocean’s carbon pump appears to be more complex  (Landschützer et al., 2015), with the Indian sector arguably being the least explored and understood region. A key objective of this PhD is to use radiocarbon signatures of dissolved inorganic carbon (DI14C), combined with stable carbon isotopes to quantify exchange processes between the ocean, atmosphere and sediments along the East Antarctic margin. A comprehensive sample set of sea water, sediment pore water and sediment surface samples was collected during three expeditions (2022 - 2024) on R/V Polarstern from more than 50 stations. Several sites from key locations will be selected to study ocean ventilation, water mass alterations and exchanges, and bottom water formation in the region. In addition, we will perform analyses in high spatial resolution to target more specific research questions, in particular ocean – ice shelf interactions. The East Antarctic coast from Prydz Bay to Vincennes Bay lends itself as case study area for tracing the inflow of Circumpolar Deep Water onto the continental shelf and its interaction with the marine-based portions of the Amery and Shackleton Ice Shelves, as well as Totten Glacier. Sections sampled along meridional transects further offshore and to the west allow to differentiate between regional varieties of Antarctic Bottom Water formation. Comparing water column data with 14C signals recorded in surface sediment benthic foraminifera will contribute to an improved understanding of the use of radiocarbon as a ventilation age proxy. Initial analyses are being conducted at the radiocarbon laboratory at Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, equipped with an accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) Mini Carbon Dating System (MICADAS). Next steps involve method development, focusing on optimizing the graphitization process of DIC samples prior to radiocarbon analysis.

Brovkin, V., Ganopolski, A., Archer, D., & Munhoven, G. (2012). Glacial CO 2 cycle as a succession of key physical and biogeochemical processes. Climate of the Past8(1), 251-264.

Landschützer, P., Gruber, N., Haumann, F. A., Rödenbeck, C., Bakker, D. C., Van Heuven, S., ... & Wanninkhof, R. (2015). The reinvigoration of the Southern Ocean carbon sink. Science349(6253), 1221-1224.

How to cite: Rosmann, M. L., Grotheer, H., Lembke-Jene, L., Haumann, A., and Mollenhauer, G.: Carbon Exchange and Ocean Ventilation along the East Antarctic Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8065,, 2025.

EGU25-8079 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Impact of Microplastics on Antarctic Krill Faeces Carbon Sequestration in the Southern Ocean 

Nan Wu, Aidan Hunter, and Clara Manno

The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, accounting for 20% of the ocean's carbon sink despite covering only 10% of the global ocean area. Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) are central to this process, as their faeces help remove carbon from the upper ocean by sinking to deeper layers. However, microplastics are increasingly polluting the Southern Ocean, and have been found in zooplankton, especially krill. These buoyant microplastics may slow the sinking of krill faeces, potentially reducing the amount of carbon that is trapped in the deep ocean. Whether, and to what extent, microplastics impact faeces sinking is still an open question. To address this gap, we developed a theoretical model to study how microplastics affect the density and fragmentation of krill FP which in turn will impact their vertical sinking to the oceanic depths. Our findings suggest that in environmentally relevant concentrations, microplastics could slow down the sinking of these pellets. Larger microplastics have the most impact, causing greater fragmentation of the faeces as they settle in the water column. While the buoyancy effect of microplastics is currently marginal due to the density change, under a business-as-usual scenario. Our results highlight that future increases in microplastics will likely have a significant negative impact on the ability of krill to promote the storage of carbon in the deep ocean.

How to cite: Wu, N., Hunter, A., and Manno, C.: Impact of Microplastics on Antarctic Krill Faeces Carbon Sequestration in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8079,, 2025.

EGU25-8145 | Posters on site | OS1.6

Analyzing Factors that Influence the Irreversibility of Ocean Export Production 

Jieun Wie and Byung-Kwon Moon

Ocean export production is the backbone of marine ecosystems, and it is crucial to carefully track their changes under the global warming. This study analyzes the irreversibility of ocean export production and the major factors affecting it by performing CO2 reduction experiments with the LOVECLIM, a medium complexity model. After a 1,500-year spin-up to the present-day CO2 level of 367 ppm, it was increased by 1% per year for 140 years and then decreased again for the same period. The present-day CO2 level was then held for 5,000 years. Ocean export production decreased at low latitudes and increased at mid- and high-latitudes, with the largest changes occurring in the equatorial and Antarctic Circumpolar Current regions. Nutrient concentrations in the euphotic zone decreased as the global ocean circulation weakened and ocean stratification intensified. Nevertheless, ocean export production has increased at high latitudes because of deepen mixed layer depth due to strong westerlies of both hemisphere and the creation of sea ice melting, which has led to the widen euphotic zones, high nutrient concentrations despite decreased nutrient concentrations, and increased ocean temperatures. The irreversibility of ocean export production with CO2 concentration is seen in 84.3% of the world's oceans. It will take more than 1,300 years for global ocean export production to return to its initial concentration after a CO2 reduction experiment, so it will need to be carefully monitored over a long period of time.


Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Government of Korea (MSIT) (No. 2022R1A2C1008858) and Global - Learning & Academic research institution for Master’s·PhD students, and Postdocs (LAMP) Program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Education (No. RS-2024-00443714).

How to cite: Wie, J. and Moon, B.-K.: Analyzing Factors that Influence the Irreversibility of Ocean Export Production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8145,, 2025.

EGU25-8253 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

New insights into the primary production and the structure of the phytoplankton community in the Southern Indian Ocean from the subtropical to the Antarctic zones 

Valentin Deteix, Céline Ridame, Melilotus Thyssen, Céline Dimier, Claire Lo Monaco, Nicolas Metzl, Aline Tribollet, and Frédéric Planchon

Assessing and understanding the factors that control the biological carbon pump (BCP), i.e. the transfer of organic carbon biologically fixed by primary production (PP) from the euphotic zone to the deep ocean, remains a major challenge in marine biogeochemistry. Among these factors, the intensity of PP and the structure of phytoplankton community play key roles in the biogeochemical fluxes of the BCP and depend on the physico-chemical conditions of the ocean. Although the BCP has received significant attention in the last decades, the magnitude of this process remains poorly quantified, notably for under-sampled areas such as the Indian sector of the Southern Ocean (ISSO). The latter hosts contrasting biogeochemical provinces, from low productive systems with High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll areas, to high productive regimes in the vicinity of the Subantarctic Islands as a consequence of natural iron fertilization.

This study aims to assess the links between the PP and phytoplankton community structure in the ISSO. We present results from the SOCARB (South Indian Ocean CARBon fluxes from the surface to the mesopelagic twilight zone) cruise conducted during the late austral summer of 2023. This includes: (i) PP from 13C method and on-deck incubations, (ii) relative phytoplankton chemotaxonomic groups from pigments data and total chlorophyll a (TChla) and (iii) phytoplankton size classes abundances from on board cytometry flow analyses. PP and pigments were size-fractioned (< 3 µm; 3-20 µm; > 20 µm) following the three considered phytoplankton classes (pico-; nano-; microphytoplankton) to quantify their impact on organic carbon production and to address the size structure of the phytoplankton community.

At the Antarctic zone (AZ) and the Polar Frontal zone (PFZ), integrated TChla – over the 0.01 % euphotic layer depth – was structured by TChlaNANO (46 ± 12 %) and TChlaMICRO (40 ± 14 %) and featured a community dominated by diatoms and haptophytes (68 ± 8 %). The Subantarctic zone (SAZ) differs from the rest of the Southern Ocean (i.e. south of the subtropical front) with a distinct community and a TChla structured in pico- (42 %) and nano- (36 %). In the South Indian Ocean, the Subtropical zone (STZ) exhibited a TChla structured by TChlaPICO (43 ± 8 %) and TChlaNANO (39 ± 9 %) with a diversified community. From linear correlations and relative contribution of phytoplankton groups to TChla, we show that PP in the AZ and PFZ is conditioned by diatoms and haptophytes algal biomass in both nano- and micro- size classes. In the STZ, PP is mainly conditioned by the algal biomass of cyanobacteria in the pico- and by haptophytes, chlorophytes and dinoflagellates in the nano- size classes. Our results also underline the intra-zonal variability of PP and TChla through bottom-up processes, such as cyclonic eddy in the STZ or water mass intrusion in the PFZ. This study paves the way for a better comprehension of phytoplankton productivity and community size structure, which could contribute to a more detailed knowledge on their role in the BCP.

How to cite: Deteix, V., Ridame, C., Thyssen, M., Dimier, C., Lo Monaco, C., Metzl, N., Tribollet, A., and Planchon, F.: New insights into the primary production and the structure of the phytoplankton community in the Southern Indian Ocean from the subtropical to the Antarctic zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8253,, 2025.

EGU25-8611 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Lagrangian reconstruction of a glaciogenic iron delivery to the Kerguelen blooms, Southern Ocean: comparison of SWOT-merged products with conventional altimetry 

Alex Nalivaev, Francesco D'Ovidio, Laurent Bopp, Maristella Berta, Clara Azarian, Louise Rousselet, and Stéphane Blain

There is general agreement that iron is the main nutrient limiting primary productivity in the Southern Ocean. In contrast to the average low biological productivity elsewhere in the Southern Ocean, the Kerguelen region is home to massive blooms that extend hundreds of kilometers offshore, and serve as a backbone to rich ecosystems. The blooms have been shown to be sustained by continental iron inputs, in particular by the resuspension of iron-enriched sediments over the plateau, transported eastward by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. However, iron inputs from glacial erosion and ice melt may be another iron source. In particular, two of the outlet glaciers of Kerguelen's Cook Ice Cap transport iron-enriched lithogenic material downstream to the coastal waters of the Golfe des Baleiniers. Whether the circulation is able to connect the glacier outlets to the pelagic area, and how much of the pelagic bloom can be influenced by glaciogenic iron, are two open questions that we address here. Using in situ and satellite data, we show the persistence, on an interannual basis, of a chlorophyll-enriched plume connected to the Golfe des Baleiniers and driven by a horizontal advection of iron. Using a Lagrangian methodology,  we reconstruct the horizontal advection of iron and show that glaciogenic iron supply influences up to a third of the spatial extent of the open ocean bloom onset. We find that the new high resolution SWOT observations allow a significant reduction in altimetry biases attributable compared to previous products, allowing a better representation of fine scale biogeochemical structures. Our results are particularly relevant in the context of the negative mass balance of ice caps and glacial retreat evidenced both on Kerguelen and other Southern Ocean islands in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Nalivaev, A., D'Ovidio, F., Bopp, L., Berta, M., Azarian, C., Rousselet, L., and Blain, S.: Lagrangian reconstruction of a glaciogenic iron delivery to the Kerguelen blooms, Southern Ocean: comparison of SWOT-merged products with conventional altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8611,, 2025.

EGU25-9075 | Orals | OS1.6 | Highlight

Record Low Winter 2023 Antarctic Sea-Ice Increased Ocean Heat Loss, Dense Water Formation and Storms 

Simon Josey, Andrew Meijers, Adam Blaker, Jeremy Grist, Jenny Mecking, and Holly Ayres

The recent decline in Antarctic sea-ice, notably the extreme low winter cover in 2023 and 2024 is a major source of concern. Some progress has been made towards determining the drivers of ice loss but uncertainty remains regarding its impacts, particularly for ocean-atmosphere interaction. Resolution of this uncertainty is important as ice decline can significantly modify surface heat loss, and thus the ocean and atmosphere. We show that the substantial failure of ice regrowth in winter 2023 provided a major new source of turbulent ocean heat loss to the atmosphere. Ice concentration in the Weddell, Bellingshausen and Ross Seas is reduced by up to 80% and is accompanied by an unprecedented doubling of mid-winter ocean heat loss. Furthermore, peak heat loss shifts from late April to mid-June with weaker than normal heat loss in austral autumn. The strengthening of winter surface heat loss is accompanied by changes on both sides of the ocean-atmosphere interface. These include a rise in frequency of atmospheric storms and greater surface heat loss driven dense water formation. The findings reveal that the record low winter 2023 Antarctic sea-ice cover substantially modified Southern Ocean-atmosphere interaction and motivate in-depth analysis of the wider climate system impacts. The subsequent evolution of low ice conditions together with their ocean-atmosphere impacts through to 2025 will also be considered.

How to cite: Josey, S., Meijers, A., Blaker, A., Grist, J., Mecking, J., and Ayres, H.: Record Low Winter 2023 Antarctic Sea-Ice Increased Ocean Heat Loss, Dense Water Formation and Storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9075,, 2025.

EGU25-9664 | Posters on site | OS1.6

On the fate of North Atlantic deep waters in the Southern Ocean 

Bruno Millet, William Gray, Casimir de Lavergne, Claire Waelbroeck, Gilles Reverdin, Frerk Pöppelmeier, and Didier Roche

Dense waters formed in the North Atlantic (NADW) propagate southward into the Southern Ocean. There, a portion upwells to the surface in a south-eastward spiral (Tamsitt et al. 2017), a portion is entrained into the northward flowing Antarctic Bottom water (AABW), and a portion propagates northward at mid-depths of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Combined, these processes result in a gradual eastward dilution of NADW at its core density around the Southern Ocean. However, no consensus has been reached on the dilution rate of these waters and how it impacts global ocean ventilation. Here, we use historical  observations to track the dilution of NADW around the Southern Ocean. We find a persistent  maximum at mid-densities, corresponding to the NADW core, which erodes eastward from the Atlantic sector. Furthermore, we evaluate the dilution of an artificial North Atlantic dye in three models of ocean transports: a 1° global configuration of the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO), version 2 of the Ocean Circulation Inverse Model (OCIM), and the Total Matrix Intercomparison (TMI). The erosion of the North Atlantic dye maximum around the Southern Ocean varies markedly across models, and is largest in TMI. The available  data point to an overly rapid erosion in TMI, but remain too scarce in the Pacific sector to place strong constraints on the dilution rate of the NADW core. A zonal circumpolar transect of salinity and  measurements, together with characterisation of inter-laboratory offsets, would greatly help to constrain the fate of NADW.

How to cite: Millet, B., Gray, W., de Lavergne, C., Waelbroeck, C., Reverdin, G., Pöppelmeier, F., and Roche, D.: On the fate of North Atlantic deep waters in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9664,, 2025.

Under future climate forcing, in both strong emission (SSP585) and strong mitigation (SSP126) scenarios, the deep overturning circulation of the Southern Ocean collapses by 2050 in almost all CMIP6 simulations.  The SSP scenario applied ultimately has a relatively small impact on this shutdown, which appears to have commenced in the last few decades of the historical scenario runs – the present day.  The ensemble mean drops to 50% (10±4 Sv) strength, from a pre Industrial strength of 20±9 Sv, with individual models decreasing by over 65%.    This ‘collapse’ occurs over 30-50 years, with most of the temporal variation explained by internal variability within models. 

Associated with the change in overturning strength is a reduction in Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) volume south of 30S by >2x1016 m3, driven by a reduction in formation rates around Antarctica.  Here surface warming reduces formation by approximately 4 Sv, whilst freshwater effects (due to sea ice reduction for example) are relatively weak.  Walin analysis shows that subsequent entrainment of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) by convecting AABW also significantly decreases, further reducing AABW volume and export.

The reduction in AABW formation results in an expansion of CDW volumes.  CDW upwelling reduced due to the lower cell shutdown is largely compensated by a wind driven increase in upper cell overturning of approximately 25%.  The increased upper cell overturning enhances SAMW export by up to 5 Sv, with a significant boost to net heat export due to both enhanced volumes and temperatures of this water mass.

We explore the wider impact of these Southern Ocean shifts in overturning on the net warming and carbon storage of the global ocean, and the wider global climate.  We contextualize climate model representations of bottom water processes against observations and other model studies to suggest that a deep overturning tipping point may have already been reached.


How to cite: Meijers, A. and Rosser, J.: Collapse of deep overturning under future climate forcing and impacts on ocean heat and carbon uptake in CMIP6 models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9932,, 2025.

EGU25-10829 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Drivers of surface distribution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen along the northern Antarctic Peninsula and the Atlantic Southern Ocean 

Raquel Avelina, Christine Klaas, Claudia Hamacher, Cássia O. Farias, Kai-Uwe Ludwichowski, Claudia Burau, Rodrigo Kerr, Boris P. Koch, Mauricio M. Mata, and Leticia C. da Cunha

Dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen (DOC and DON, respectively) are important components of the carbon and nutrient cycle in marine systems. However, there are still significant gaps in understanding the role of these compounds in the biogeochemical cycles of polar environments, due to the limitations of spatiotemporal sampling. Here, we present an overview of surface distributions of DOC and DON along the Northern Antarctic Peninsula (NAP) and Atlantic Southern Ocean (ASO), using the dataset available between 1992 and 2022, collected during different seasons. We used DOC data collected from RV Almirante Maximiano cruises by the Brazilian High Latitude Oceanography Group (GOAL), along the NAP, DOC and DON data collected from RV Polarstern cruises (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany), along the ASO, as well as DOC and DON datasets from international repositories. DOC and total dissolved nitrogen were analyzed primarily with a Shimadzu TOC-L® Series. DON was calculated by subtracting dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations from total dissolved nitrogen. Excess DOC and DON were calculated by subtracting the respective deep concentrations. Surface DOC concentrations ranged from 42.0 to 127.0 μmol kg–1, while surface DON concentrations ranged from 1.0 μmol kg–1 to 11.3 μmol kg–1. At the surface, the highest concentrations of DOC and DON were observed mainly in the western sector of the Southern Atlantic (longitudes > 20° W), due to the proximity of coastal areas such as in the Gerlache Strait in the NAP and South Georgia and the Falklands Islands in the ASO. Increase in the surface concentrations of both DOC and DON were also associated to frontal systems. The accumulation of DOC and DON along the NAP and western sector of the southern Atlantic seem to confirm the link between the production of organic matter and the proximity of iron-supplying land-masses leading to enhanced primary production and plankton biomass (chlorophyll-a concentrations and particulate organic carbon). The production of nitrogen-rich organic matter by zooplankton seemed to be the main factor determining DON distributions. The wide spatial coverage of DOC and DON made it possible to identify significant differences in DOC and DON distributions between different regions, as well as interannual and seasonal differences from data collected in the same regions. DOC and DON can be considered important indicators for evaluating the coupling between physical, biogeochemical, and climate processes over time.

How to cite: Avelina, R., Klaas, C., Hamacher, C., O. Farias, C., Ludwichowski, K.-U., Burau, C., Kerr, R., P. Koch, B., M. Mata, M., and C. da Cunha, L.: Drivers of surface distribution of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen along the northern Antarctic Peninsula and the Atlantic Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10829,, 2025.

EGU25-10954 | Posters on site | OS1.6

Reconstructing wintertime surface layer fCO2 in the western Weddell Sea using summertime observations of Weddell Sea Bottom Water 

Mario Hoppema, Elise S. Droste, Dorothee C.E. Bakker, and Oliver Huhn

The dense waters formed on the broad continental shelves of the western Weddell Sea are the source of Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW) found along the slope and at the bottom of the basin. WSBW is considered to be an effective conduit for carbon sequestration, eventually contributing to the redistribution of carbon around the global oceans. To quantify the efficiency of this carbon sequestration, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the processes that transform carbon within the ocean surface layer, as well as those occurring along the slope. Lack of biogeochemical data in the southern and western Weddell Sea is hindering progress. In situ observations are particularly necessary in the wintertime, when dense shelf waters and WSBW are formed and thus CO2 uptake is constrained. We present a method that reconstructs the wintertime fugacity (i.e., the adjusted partial pressure) of CO2 (fCO2) on the southwestern continental shelves from the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) measurements made in the WSBW, but collected in the summertime, when most expeditions take place. The method relies on relationships between the contributions of different water masses to WSBW, and potential temperatures, as found in previous work. Results for reconstructed surface wintertime fCO2 are comparable to the very few other wintertime observations elsewhere in the Weddell Sea. Without in situ wintertime observations, validation of the results is challenging. The results suggest a negligible role for biogeochemical processes transforming DIC between wintertime shelf water and WSBW. Assumptions in the methodology need to be tested against in situ biogeochemical measurements on the shelves and along the slope. We applied our method to recent data and relate findings to other biogeochemical variables to narrow down the uncertainty in our assumptions. 

How to cite: Hoppema, M., Droste, E. S., Bakker, D. C. E., and Huhn, O.: Reconstructing wintertime surface layer fCO2 in the western Weddell Sea using summertime observations of Weddell Sea Bottom Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10954,, 2025.

EGU25-11096 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Understanding multi-millennial variability in the Southern Ocean  

Anna Höse, Matteo Willeit, Georg Feulner, and Alexander Robinson

Temperature reconstructions from Greenland and Antarctica during glacial times show anti-phased oscillations which are assumed to be connected to changes in ocean circulation patterns. However, the research focus of most studies is set to the Northern Hemisphere, connecting Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events to changes of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Meanwhile, in the Southern Ocean (SO), millennial-scale oscillations, driven by changes in the formation of deep water, have been found in different climate model simulations, yet the exact mechanism leading to these changes is still not fully understood. These oscillations, diagnosed by the strength of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation, have been simulated under warmer climate conditions and also in experiments with additional freshwater input to the North Atlantic. Here we present results of multi-millennial experiments with the fast Earth system model CLIMBER-X and the coarse resolution General Circulation Model (GCM) CM2Mc in which the AMOC is collapsed by freshwater forcing in the north Atlantic and convection is eventually triggered in the SO. We aim to find the drivers of convection onset in the SO and the subsequent strengthening of AABW by analysing the changes of temperature and salinities in both models. Between the two models, we compare how the dynamics of features such as sea-ice, wind stress and thermodynamic ocean variables contribute to changes of SO convection and AABW formation. We also analyze additional sensitivity experiments with CLIMBER-X to explore which conditions lead to oscillations.

How to cite: Höse, A., Willeit, M., Feulner, G., and Robinson, A.: Understanding multi-millennial variability in the Southern Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11096,, 2025.

EGU25-11251 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

The response of the Southern Ocean to freshwater hosing in an equilibrated 1º NEMO configuration with realistic ventilation 

Birte Gülk, Casimir de Lavergne, Jean-Baptiste Sallée, Gurvan Madec, and Clément Rousset

Under a warming climate ice sheets are releasing freshwater to the ocean and affecting the global ocean circulation. One important region where freshwater is released and impacts the global ocean is the Antarctic continental shelf, where Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is formed. The response of AABW formation and circulation to increased glacial melt is uncertain, because global ocean models struggle to capture AABW formation, sinking and spreading across the abyss. Here, we present an equilibrated 1º degree global ocean-ice configuration with AABW formation on the shelves and realistic abyssal ventilation. This configuration also includes dye and age tracers that track ventilation pathways and timescales. Using this model, we perform an idealized ‘antwater’ hosing experiment, releasing exactly 0.1 Sv of freshwater uniformly around the Antarctic coast for a century (without offset from surface salinity restoring). The response of Southern Ocean circulation and ventilation is analysed and discussed in the context of previous model studies.

How to cite: Gülk, B., de Lavergne, C., Sallée, J.-B., Madec, G., and Rousset, C.: The response of the Southern Ocean to freshwater hosing in an equilibrated 1º NEMO configuration with realistic ventilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11251,, 2025.

EGU25-12345 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

The Impacts of an AMOC Collapse on Southern Ocean Multidecadal Variability 

Emma Smolders, René van Westen, and Henk Dijkstra

The interaction between ocean eddies and the large-scale ocean circulation results in a pronounced multidecadal variability in the Southern Ocean, with a dominant periodicity of 40-50 years, referred to as the Southern Ocean Mode (SOM) (Le Bars et al., GRL, 2016). The SOM plays a critical role in modifying the ocean heat content, thereby influencing both sea-ice extent and basal melt around Antarctica. Additionally, this multidecadal variability propagates northward into the Atlantic Ocean, modulating the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) strength. The AMOC is one of the most prominent climate tipping elements on Earth and can potentially collapse as a consequence of surface freshwater input in the North Atlantic. Here, we investigate the impacts of an AMOC collapse on multidecadal variability in the Southern Ocean using the results of the first modeled AMOC collapse in a high-resolution and strongly eddying (0.1° horizontal resolution) ocean-only model, the Parallel Ocean Program (POP). Our findings indicate that the magnitude of the SOM reduces significantly following an AMOC collapse. An analysis of the SOM variability before and after an AMOC collapse allows us to study the role of background stratification, baroclinic instability, and convection in shaping the SOM.

How to cite: Smolders, E., van Westen, R., and Dijkstra, H.: The Impacts of an AMOC Collapse on Southern Ocean Multidecadal Variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12345,, 2025.

EGU25-13255 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Changes in ideal age distribution in response to coupled wind/sea ice perturbations in a Southern Ocean channel model  

Nelson Poumaëre, Graeme MacGilchrist, and Hemant Khatri

The Southern Ocean is known as the most prominent oceanic sink of anthropogenic carbon and heat (Khatiwala et al. 2009, Frölicher et al. 2015). Among the processes involved in the region's carbon and heat cycle, ventilation–defined as the transfer of water and tracers from the mixed layer to the stratified pycnocline–is recognised as being of prime significance (Morrison et al. 2022). Recent and future trends in Southern Ocean surface conditions (wind stress and sea ice cover) are likely to impact ventilation patterns and timescales, with concurrent effects on the ocean’s role as a climate mitigator.

Sea ice has been shown to be an important conveyor of heat and salinity throughout the Southern Ocean (Abernathey et al. 2016, Haumann et al. 2016).  Recent modelling (Waugh 2014, Waugh et al. 2019) and data analysis (Cerovečki et al. 2019) studies have revealed the impact of changing surface conditions on ventilation characteristics; however, the contribution of sea ice dynamics and thermodynamics, and their coupled interaction with wind stress changes, have not been specifically addressed.

In this study, we focus on this mechanism by making use of a coupled ocean/sea ice (MOM6/SIS2, Adcroft et al. 2019) reentrant channel model, with generic continental shelf and meridional ridge topography. Quasi-realistic seasonally varying, zonally invariant surface forcing fields of wind stress, heat flux and fresh water are imposed. A meridional overturning circulation is sustained by a sponge region at the domain’s northern boundary. Several diagnostics, including the ideal age, are used to quantify changes in ventilation intensity.

To investigate the impact on ocean ventilation of changing surface conditions and their interactions with sea ice dynamics, we run two configurations of the model: with and without an interactive sea ice component. In both configurations, the model is brought to statistical equilibrium and then perturbed by mimicking a Southern Annular Mode anomaly. By comparing the ventilation characteristics in the two configurations, we isolate and quantify the contribution of the freezing/melting dynamics and their interaction with changes in wind stress forcing. 

How to cite: Poumaëre, N., MacGilchrist, G., and Khatri, H.: Changes in ideal age distribution in response to coupled wind/sea ice perturbations in a Southern Ocean channel model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13255,, 2025.

EGU25-15046 | Posters on site | OS1.6

SWOT reveals fine-scale balanced motions and dispersion properties in an energetic meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current 

Yann-Treden Tranchant, Benoit Legresy, Annie Foppert, Beatriz Pena-Molino, and Helen Phillips

The Southern Ocean (SO), dominated by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), plays a key role in the global uptake and transport of heat and carbon. Interactions between the ACC and topographic features form standing meanders, hotspots of small-scale motions that enhance cross-frontal exchanges. In-situ observations are challenging and remain sparse in the SO, and hence progress in understanding the dynamics of eddies and their role in tracer exchanges readily relies on satellite altimetry data. An accurate representation of velocity and kinetic energy toward the smaller scales is thus needed to better understand the Southern Ocean's role in the global climate system. 

Launched in December 2022, the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) satellite mission offers an unprecedented view of ocean dynamics at scales down to 15 km.  Ocean currents and kinetic energy budget are typically inferred by applying geostrophic balance to sea surface height (SSH) observations. However, at the small spatial scales resolved by SWOT, this balance may not hold anymore or shift to higher-order equilibrium, and validation steps are crucial before exploiting these observations in climatic studies. Using surface drifters deployed during the SWOT validation campaign FOCUS, we present the first analysis of velocities and dispersion derived from SWOT SSH, in an energetic meander of the ACC.

Introducing a fitting kernel method tailored to derive velocities from SWOT observations, we show that SWOT SSH remain primarily balanced and valid for inferring surface velocities at scales as small as 10 km in this region. At these scales, geostrophic balance alone becomes insufficient and leads to a 10-20% bias compared to drifter velocities in cyclonic eddies, which is effectively corrected by applying cyclogeostrophy to SWOT SSH. Then, we compute distance-averaged pair statistics from real drifter pairs and virtual particles and show that SWOT accurately captures dispersion properties over the 5-200 km range, unveiling distinct dispersion patterns between large and small separation scales. This suggests that balanced dynamics resolved by SWOT are still the main driver for ocean dispersion in this range. By capturing balanced dynamics with unprecedented accuracy, SWOT offers new opportunities to understand the impact of small scales on tracer exchange and better quantify the transport of heat and carbon in the Southern Ocean. 

How to cite: Tranchant, Y.-T., Legresy, B., Foppert, A., Pena-Molino, B., and Phillips, H.: SWOT reveals fine-scale balanced motions and dispersion properties in an energetic meander of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15046,, 2025.

Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), occupying a vast area in the intermediate depths of the southern hemisphere oceans, is important for heat and freshwater redistribution in the global oceans. However, questions remain regarding its sources at the surface and pathways to the intermediate depths. To answer these questions, a recently-defined distance metric, which can distinguish similar water parcels, is applied to Argo data. Results show that the Pacific and Atlantic AAIW originates from only limited regions at the surface, specifically near the Subantarctic Front in the southeast Pacific and the Falkland Plateau in the southwest Atlantic. Further investigation indicates that through subduction in the deep mixed layer in these regions, low-salinity water penetrates into the intermediate depths of the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, such a fast pathway for low-salinity to reach the intermediate depths is absent. Instead, the AAIW here, characterized by lower oxygen concentrations, consists of a mixture of locally slow downward spreading low-salinity water and AAIW inflow carried by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current from the Atlantic Ocean. The AAIW in the three southern hemisphere oceans exhibits slightly different physical properties, reflecting their different origins. Additionally, results indicate that mixing with surrounding saline waters is crucial in the transformation of surface waters into the AAIW cores. Our findings confirm the reliability of the distance metric and emphasize the importance of localized physical processes in the penetration of AAIW into the ocean interior.

How to cite: Hong, Y.: Origin of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the Southern Ocean identified by a distance metric, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15079,, 2025.

EGU25-15611 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Oceanographic and behavioral monitoring inferred from seal CTD tagging in the Ross Sea, Antarctica 

Hyunjae Chung, Jikang Park, Mijin Park, Yejin Kim, Unyoung Chun, Sukyoung Yun, Won Sang Lee, Hyun A Choi, Seung-Tae Yoon, Ji Sung Na, and Won Young Lee

Monitoring changes in the marine environment is important for both oceanography and ecology study as it helps us understand the process by which oceanic conditions influence the entire ecosystem. In Antarctica, marine mammals encounter substantial changes due to seasonal variation of water mass composition and the complicated submarine topography. However, unbroken observations on ocean conditions are highly restricted to the summer season only when research vessels are available. In this study, we explored how seasonal variations in oceanic conditions affect the foraging behaviors of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii) in the Ross Sea, Antarctica using miniaturized CTD tags. Over the course of three consecutive years, from 2021 to 2023, 64 adult individuals were instrumented to collect data on water temperature and salinity as well as head acceleration. From the head movement, we found that seals foraged more often in modified shelf water and ice shelf water compared to Antarctic surface water. Additionally, as the lower boundary of Antarctic surface water descends from March to July, the seal dived to greater depths. Additionally, CTD profiles from CTD tags were classified using machine learning methods. Temperature and salinity from each profile were linearly interpolated across depths from 1 to 600 meters. Principal Component Analysis was then applied to extract three principal components for each profile. These components were subsequently used as input for a Gaussian Mixture Model, which classified the profiles into four distinct clusters. Each cluster had distinct temperature and salinity profiles and showed spatial and temporal separation (Warm surface Cluster: Distributed near Terra Nova Bay, predominant in summer (February); Intermediate surface Cluster: Distributed near Terra Nova Bay, predominant in fall (March); Cold Cluster: Distributed near Terra Nova Bay, predominant in winter (May, June, and July); Warm subsurface Cluster: Distributed near the shelf break, predominant in April and May). Prey capture attempts of dives were highest in Warm surface Cluster (3.16) and lowest in Intermediate surface Cluster (2.91). This study reveals the spatial and temporal shifts of foraging behavior with the surrounding oceanographic conditions, and it further emphasize that these oceanic factors should be considered for estimating their foraging activities.

How to cite: Chung, H., Park, J., Park, M., Kim, Y., Chun, U., Yun, S., Lee, W. S., Choi, H. A., Yoon, S.-T., Na, J. S., and Lee, W. Y.: Oceanographic and behavioral monitoring inferred from seal CTD tagging in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15611,, 2025.

EGU25-16813 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Exploring Southern Ocean’s hidden drivers with direct numerical simulations 

Bajrang Chidhambaranathan, Bishakhdatta Gayen, and Catherine Vreugdenhil

The Southern Ocean is critical in regulating the global climate by playing a key role in absorbing, transporting, and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide and heat. This is largely due to the region's unique geography, which connects multiple ocean basins and forms a complex network of global ocean circulation. This network spans a wide range of scales, from planetary motions to small-scale processes. Major large-scale features within its circulation network include the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, Slope Current, Subpolar Gyres, and Bottom Water formation, layered over finer processes like convection and turbulence. Conventional research into the Southern Ocean relies on Global and Regional Ocean and Climate Models which can incorporate realistic forcing like wind, topography and bathymetry. While these models are effective for large-scale motions, they struggle to resolve smaller-scale dynamics, leaving an incomplete picture of the region’s physical processes. To address this, Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) are used to solve the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics within a small, idealized domain resembling the Antarctic region. This domain is driven solely by surface density variations and planetary rotation. By leveraging dynamic similarity, the small-scale results are scaled to represent the full ocean. This approach successfully captures all scales of motion and reveals the emergence of all major oceanographic features. Remarkably, the simulations show that convection alone can drive a cascade of interconnected physical processes, recreating the Southern Ocean's complex circulation without additional complexities like wind or bathymetry. 

How to cite: Chidhambaranathan, B., Gayen, B., and Vreugdenhil, C.: Exploring Southern Ocean’s hidden drivers with direct numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16813,, 2025.

EGU25-17472 | ECS | Orals | OS1.6

Wind perturbation experiments to simulate the 1970s drop in the sea ice extent in the Southern Ocean 

Feba Francis, Hugues Goosse, and Pierre-Yves Barriat

The sea ice extent (SIE) in the Southern Ocean experienced a drop in the late 1970s, though less pronounced compared to the one post-2016. Though several studies explain the drop since 2016, the 1970s decline is critical in understanding the long-term variability of SIE. To investigate the underlying mechanisms for this decline, we conducted wind perturbation experiments using the general circulation model EC-Earth3. We perturb the model by adding wind stress anomalies derived from ERA5 to the model winds. Using this technique, we simulate the evolution of SIE over the period 1958-2023. Our analyses show that the perturbation induces a drop in the 1970s despite the control (no-perturbation) run showing no such trend. This strongly indicates the important role of winds in driving the drop, though ocean processes and other feedback mechanisms may also contribute to the decline. The SIE shows spatial heterogeneity in the variations driven by the wind. Presently, we are conducting multiple ensemble simulations to evaluate the influence of initial conditions on the results.

How to cite: Francis, F., Goosse, H., and Barriat, P.-Y.: Wind perturbation experiments to simulate the 1970s drop in the sea ice extent in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17472,, 2025.

The global ocean has taken up an estimated 89% of excess heat and 26% of annual CO2 emissions resulting from anthropogenic activity in recent decades. Despite the crucial role of the ocean in the climate system, there remains significant uncertainty around ocean heat and carbon uptake. Processes of ocean carbon and heat uptake and redistribution are among the leading processes limiting scientists’ ability to predict the rate and magnitude of global climate change. Furthermore, despite being responsible for as much as 40–50% of global annual oceanic CO2 uptake, the Southern Ocean remains the most controversial ocean basin, with large differences in both the magnitude and variability of CO2 fluxes across various estimation methods. The disagreement regarding the magnitude and variability of Southern Ocean CO2 fluxes largely arises due to the sparsity and uneven distribution of in-situ observations of carbon in the ocean, a problem which also constrains estimates of ocean heat uptake. However, machine learning has been extensively demonstrated in recent years to be an effective tool for overcoming such data limitations through gap-filling methods.

We leverage existing expertise in machine learning methods from generating the SOM-FFN and MOBO-DIC ocean carbon data products and apply this expertise to the development of a novel machine learning generated ocean heat uptake data product for the Southern Ocean. We integrate new Earth Observation data from Copernicus satellites with in-situ observation data from the Southern Ocean as input for our new data products. Here, we present a beta-version of our new machine-learning based products of carbon and heat uptake in the Southern Ocean and a first analysis of the variability and trends of the carbon and heat uptake of these data products. This work presents our first steps towards data products which will allow us to identify transport pathways of carbon and heat within the ocean interior. The novel machine learning-based products will also be used to support the advancement of Earth System Models and climate change predictions.

How to cite: Burt, D. and Landschützer, P.: Filling the gaps in Southern Ocean carbon and heat: Machine learning-based products from sparse observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18124,, 2025.

EGU25-19210 | Posters on site | OS1.6

Trade-offs Between Migration and Foraging Success: Winter Behavior of Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea, Antarctica 

Won Young Lee, Jikang Park, Mijin Park, Yejin Kim, Unyoung Chun, Hyunjae Chung, Hyun A Choi, Seung-Tae Yoon, Ji Sung Na, Sukyoung Yoon, and Won Sang Lee

Wintering periods are vital for the survival and reproductive success of Antarctic animals, yet their winter behaviors remain poorly understood. This study investigates the winter movements and foraging behavior of Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddellii), an indicator species for the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, at Terra Nova Bay in the Ross Sea. Using CTD-Satellite Relay Data Loggers, which record head movement and oceanographic data (temperature and salinity), we tracked 48 individuals for three consecutive years (2021–2023) over the migratory period. Of these, 23 seals migrated an average of 339 km (up to 911 km) northeast or southeast between March and early April, while 25 seals remained within 200 km from the summering site restricted at near Terra Nova Bay. Migratory seals exhibited higher prey capture attempts (4.88 ± 1.23 attempts per hour) compared to resident seals (3.86 ± 0.96 attempts per hour), suggesting that long-distance travel provides foraging benefits despite associated energetic costs and risks. Regions frequented by migrants, particularly near continental shelf edges, exhibited warmer water (-1.44 ± 0.37°C) intake at 200–350 m depth, indicative of nutrient-rich conditions. These findings reveal divergent wintering strategies in Weddell seals, highlighting a trade-off between migratory risks and feeding advantages. Long-term integrated monitoring of seal behavior and environmental changes is essential to advancing our understanding of their ecological adaptations and the Antarctic marine ecosystem.

How to cite: Lee, W. Y., Park, J., Park, M., Kim, Y., Chun, U., Chung, H., Choi, H. A., Yoon, S.-T., Na, J. S., Yoon, S., and Lee, W. S.: Trade-offs Between Migration and Foraging Success: Winter Behavior of Weddell Seals in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19210,, 2025.

EGU25-19855 | Orals | OS1.6

The Diatom Disconnect: Retention near surface waters limits carbon transfer to the deep ocean 

Sarah Lou Carolin Giering, Jack Rees Williams, Chelsey Baker, Katsiaryna Pabortsava, Sabena Blackbird, Adrian Martin, Alex Poulton, Nathan Briggs, Filipa Carvalho, Frederic Le Moigne, Maria Villa-Alfageme, Stephanie Henson, Benoit Espinola, Morten Iversen, Zonghua Liu, Mark Moore, Uta Passow, Elisa Romanelli, Thangavel Thevar, and Richard Sanders and the The following authors are missing

The Southern Ocean, a region highly vulnerable to climate change, plays a critical role in regulating global nutrient cycles and atmospheric CO₂ via the biological carbon pump. Diatoms, a group of photosynthetically active plankton with dense opal skeletons, are central to this process, as their exoskeletons are thought to enhance the transfer of particulate organic carbon to depth, making them main vectors of carbon storage. However, conflicting observations obscure the mechanistic link between diatoms, opal, and particulate organic carbon fluxes, especially in the twilight zone where the greatest flux losses occur.

Here we present direct springtime flux measurements from different sectors of the subpolar Southern Ocean, demonstrating that across large areas of the subpolar twilight zone, carbon is efficiently transferred to depth: however, not by diatoms. Instead, opal is retained near the surface ocean, indicating that processes such as diatom buoyancy regulation and grazer repackaging can negate the ballast effects of diatoms’ skeletons. Using image data, we further reveal species-specific differences in diatom flux dynamics, highlighting the complexity of their role in the carbon cycle.

Our findings challenge the assumption that diatom-rich surface waters are necessarily associated with effective carbon export and transport in the Southern Ocean. They suggest that shifts in phytoplankton community composition driven by climate change may have a smaller impact on biological carbon storage than current models predict.

How to cite: Giering, S. L. C., Williams, J. R., Baker, C., Pabortsava, K., Blackbird, S., Martin, A., Poulton, A., Briggs, N., Carvalho, F., Le Moigne, F., Villa-Alfageme, M., Henson, S., Espinola, B., Iversen, M., Liu, Z., Moore, M., Passow, U., Romanelli, E., Thevar, T., and Sanders, R. and the The following authors are missing: The Diatom Disconnect: Retention near surface waters limits carbon transfer to the deep ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19855,, 2025.

EGU25-20050 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.6

Natural Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Pre-Industrial CESM-HR simulation 

Marina Noro, Ilana Wainer, Tiago Dotto, and Fernanda Marcello

Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) plays a crucial role in the intensity and variability of the Global Overturning Circulation (GOC). AABW formation sustains the lower cell of the GOC, fundamentally regulating the storage and transport of heat and carbon, key properties influencing Earth’s climate. Changes in AABW have far-reaching implications for the stability of the GOC. However, the mechanisms governing the variability and potential changes in the strengthening of the AABW cell remains uncertain. Understanding the variability of AABW is crucial for projecting changes in ocean circulation and assessing associated climate impacts. This study aims to use the outputs of the high-resolution Community Earth System Model (CESM-HR) pre-industrial run to explore AABW natural variability and water mass transformation processes governing its formation. By analyzing the pre-industrial run, we aim to characterize baseline dynamics in the absence of anthropogenic forcing, focusing on how atmospheric variability drives changes in AABW properties and transport. Additionally, we investigate the role of surface cooling and salinization in shaping AABW characteristics through a water mass transformation framework. While small-scale processes are not fully resolved, CESM-HR offers an improved perspective on large-scale patterns and variability compared to coarser-resolution models. This study aims to provide insights into the baseline state of AABW dynamics under pre-industrial conditions. The results are expected to provide an enhanced understanding of AABW variability, offering insights into anthropogenic impacts and underscoring the need for complementary observational and modeling efforts to refine our understanding of AABW formation.

How to cite: Noro, M., Wainer, I., Dotto, T., and Marcello, F.: Natural Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Pre-Industrial CESM-HR simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20050,, 2025.

EGU25-426 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Thinning of Antarctic Winter Water preconditions recent storm-triggered Antarctic sea ice decline 

Theo Spira, Marcel du Plessis, Alexander Haumann, Isabelle Giddy, Alessandro Silvano, Aditya Narayanan, and Sebastiaan Swart

In winter 2015, Antarctic sea ice underwent a drastic change, transitioning from a period of record high sea ice coverage to a period of record low sea ice coverage. While both an intensified atmospheric circulation and warmer ocean temperatures have been invoked as possible causes for this sea ice regime shift, a detailed process understanding is still missing. Using ~110,000 hydrographic profiles from the seasonal ice zone of the Southern Ocean and atmospheric reanalysis, we reconcile how storm-driven mixing interacted with subsurface warming to change the sea ice state. We observe a gradual thinning of Antarctic Winter Water that acts as a barrier between the warmer deep water and the surface over the period 2005 to 2015 (~2 m per year). This thinning is likely induced by an increased near-surface density stratification in this period, hampering Winter Water formation. As a result, the reservoir of warmer deep water moved closer to the surface and the sea ice. In winter 2015, anomalously strong winds enhanced mixing across the thin Winter Water layer, which broke down stratification over the upper ocean and enhanced connectivity between the ocean mixed layer and deeper interior. Consequently, this reduced stratification allows warmer deep waters to melt sea ice. Our findings thus show that an oceanic preconditioning was a prerequisite for the potential sea ice regime shift that was ultimately triggered by strong storm-driven mixing in 2015.

How to cite: Spira, T., du Plessis, M., Haumann, A., Giddy, I., Silvano, A., Narayanan, A., and Swart, S.: Thinning of Antarctic Winter Water preconditions recent storm-triggered Antarctic sea ice decline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-426,, 2025.

EGU25-462 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Linking the recent decrease in Weddell Sea dense shelf water formation to shifts in the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation 

Maurice Huguenin, Svenja Ryan, Caroline Ummenhofer, and Matthew England

Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) is formed in select locations around the Antarctic margin, filling the bottom 40% of the world’s ocean and circulating heat, carbon and nutrients throughout all basins. Recent observations suggest that almost half of AABW is formed in the western Weddell Sea and that since 1992, its formation has decreased by around 40%. A combination of anthropogenic warming, through the addition of freshwater from melting glaciers and ice shelves, and natural climate variability, is thought to have led to this drastic decrease. The Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation (IPO), known to exhibit teleconnections to the Weddell Sea, has been proposed as responsible for some of this decrease. However, it remains unclear to what extent recent shifts in the IPO have influenced AABW formation because limited observations include the impact of all natural and anthropogenic climate drivers and not just the IPO. Here we use the 1/10° global ocean-sea ice model ACCESS-OM2 to simulate the isolated impact of the IPO on Weddell Sea dense shelf and bottom water formation. We find indications that southward wind anomalies associated with a negative IPO phase push sea ice towards the coastline, prevent polynyas from opening and have reduce dense shelf and bottom water formation. In the Ross Sea we see the opposite, with more dense shelf water formation during negative IPO phases compared to positive phases, especially for the highest density ranges. This indicates that during IPO phase shifts, Weddell Sea AABW changes might be compensated by changes in the Ross Sea. These findings have implications for interpreting decadal-scale variability in dense shelf and AABW production and its impacts on the global ocean circulation under a rapidly warming climate.

How to cite: Huguenin, M., Ryan, S., Ummenhofer, C., and England, M.: Linking the recent decrease in Weddell Sea dense shelf water formation to shifts in the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-462,, 2025.

EGU25-1904 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Identifying Changes in Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes in Antarctic Bottom Water 

Emma Robertson, Alexander Haumann, and Michael Meredith

The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in global climate regulation through its influence on the oceanic and atmospheric circulation. Due to the very cold temperatures in the polar Southern Ocean, salinity exerts a fundamental control on vertical mixing, water mass renewal, and the global overturning circulation. Thus, understanding the causes and consequences of salinity changes in the Southern Ocean is not only essential for understanding changes in regional climate dynamics but also implications the changes have on the global climate system. We here investigate spatial and temporal changes in the salinity of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) from historic hydrographic data to understand the coupled system of freshwater inputs and salinity changes in the Southern Ocean. Using a novel database of seawater isotopes and noble gases as tracers, combined with in-situ salinity measurements, we identify freshwater sources in AABW within the Weddell Sea, and their changes over time. We find that AABW has freshened and become enriched in δ18O from 1995 to 2016, suggesting a coupled relationship between reduced sea ice export from the Weddell Sea continental shelf, increased sea ice melting, and reduced basal melting of the adjacent Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The observed decline in meteoric water contributions, including basal melt, further supports this inference, suggesting that declines in sea ice export from the continental shelf significantly impact AABW formation and export.

How to cite: Robertson, E., Haumann, A., and Meredith, M.: Identifying Changes in Ice-Ocean-Atmosphere Fluxes in Antarctic Bottom Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1904,, 2025.

EGU25-2291 | Orals | OS1.7

Winter thermohaline evolution along andbelow the Ross Ice Shelf 

Pierpaolo Falco, Naomi Krauzig, Pasquale Castagno, Angela Garzia, Riccardo Martellucci, Yuri Cotroneo, Daniela Flocco, Milena Menna, Annunziata Pirro, Elena Mauri, Francesco Memmola, Cosimo Solidoro, Massimo Pacciaroni, Giulio Notarstefano, Giorgio Budillon, and Enrico Zambianchi

Observations beneath ice-covered oceans and within ice-shelf cavities are central to understanding the ocean-ice interactions that influence ice-shelf stability, contribute to global sea-level change, and shape large-scale ocean circulation patterns. However, direct observations in these regions, particularly those capturing wintertime conditions, remain scarce due to the logistical challenges posed by persistent ice cover. Emerging autonomous technologies and new applications now offer opportunities to address these observational gaps.
Since 2020, we have deployed 20 unconventionally programmed Argo floats in key regions of the Ross Sea, including the Terra Nova Bay and Ross Ice Shelf polynyas, the critically under-sampled Eastern Gate, and along the Ross Ice Shelf front. These floats provide year-round thermohaline and biochemical measurements, which, among other capabilities, allow for the quantification of water mass transformations, sub-ice dynamics, and key processes such as the production of High Salinity Shelf Water, a precursor to Antarctic Bottom Water. This represents a significant advancement, as previous studies have largely relied on summer ship-based or satellite-derived observations, which fail to capture the full seasonal cycle.
Futhermore, with measurements from three Argo floats operating for several months beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, we directly observed and quantified processes that had previously only been hypothesized. These include the intrusion of seasonally warmed Antarctic Surface Water, identified as a primary driver of frontal and basal melting, along with its associated effects on ocean heat content and basal melt rates, as well as the outflow of Ice Shelf Water, the coldest ocean water in the world.

Building on the insights gained over the past 4 years, we argue that broadening the deployment of grounded-mode Argo floats across Antarctica can provide a unique understanding of ocean-ice interactions. By enabling continuous, autonomous measurements — even in winter and under ice — this approach can improve our capacity to quantify key processes, such as the lateral and vertical extent of shelf water production and the mechanisms driving basal melt. Our results demonstrate that Argo floats offer direct evidence of how heat absorbed at the surface is transported into ice-shelf cavities, contributing to basal melting and reshaping our understanding of water mass formation processes in coastal polynyas. Expanding the float network would enhance our ability to detect interannual variability, characterize longer-term trends, and reduce uncertainties in ice-shelf and sea-level projections, ultimately supporting more accurate climate model predictions for these critical polar environments.

How to cite: Falco, P., Krauzig, N., Castagno, P., Garzia, A., Martellucci, R., Cotroneo, Y., Flocco, D., Menna, M., Pirro, A., Mauri, E., Memmola, F., Solidoro, C., Pacciaroni, M., Notarstefano, G., Budillon, G., and Zambianchi, E.: Winter thermohaline evolution along andbelow the Ross Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2291,, 2025.

EGU25-2487 | Posters on site | OS1.7

Contribution of ocean processes to the drops in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s and after 2016 

Hugues Goosse, Feba Francis, Bianca Mezzina, Benjamin Richaud, and Quentin Dalaiden

The Antarctic sea ice extent has displayed two large drops over the past 65 years, a small one at the end of the 1970s and a more substantial one after 2016. The atmospheric forcing provided a dominant contribution to those drops. Wind changes strongly control the spatial pattern of sea ice reduction, especially in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and in the western Weddell Sea. The relationship between the winds and sea ice seems less direct in the east Antarctic sector (i.e., mainly in the eastern Weddell Sea and in the Indian sectors), where oceanic processes are expected to play a larger role. This contribution of oceanic processes in the sea ice reduction in the east Antarctic sector is estimated here using simulations performed with the ocean-sea-ice  model NEMO, substantiated by observations. The simulations cover the period 1958-2023, driven by both the ERA5 reanalysis and a forcing derived from a recent reconstruction that displays more homogenous time series than ERA5 over the whole period. Observations are used at first to evaluate the model behaviour over the past decades when the data network is denser. The simulations, then, allow the analysis to be extended over the past 65 years, to estimate the changes in oceanic heat transport, heat content and oceanic heat flux towards the sea ice. Several simulations with NEMO are compared, using different initial conditions and parameters influencing mixing to estimate how they influence the sea ice extent variations and thus to disentangle the role of different oceanic processes in the observed changes.

How to cite: Goosse, H., Francis, F., Mezzina, B., Richaud, B., and Dalaiden, Q.: Contribution of ocean processes to the drops in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s and after 2016, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2487,, 2025.

EGU25-2551 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Decadal variability of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea driven by winds 

Michael Haigh and Paul Holland

Ice shelves in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, are being melted rapidly from below by warm ocean waters, causing sea-level rise. Amundsen Sea oceanography and ice-shelf melting are both subject to long-term (centennial) trends and natural decadal variability. We study the atmospheric drivers of the decadal variability using perturbation experiments in which the mechanical (winds) and thermodynamic atmospheric forcings are applied individually in an ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea. We find that the decadal variability is predominantly driven by mechanical forcing of the winds, through impacts on the melting and formation of sea ice. This variability in the sea ice drives variability in the Amundsen Sea undercurrent and the heat fluxes towards the ice shelves, which in turn leads to decadal variability in the melting of the ice shelves. While winds are the primary driver of this variability, it is also found that a significant part of the variability is due to nonlinear effects, and cannot be explained by the individual impacts of either winds or thermodynamics. Our results also highlight how the processes that drive variability differ depending on the timescale (e.g., annual, decadal, centennial) of interest.

How to cite: Haigh, M. and Holland, P.: Decadal variability of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea driven by winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2551,, 2025.

EGU25-4674 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Mechanisms of wind-field regulation of eastward undercurrents in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica 

Ziang Li, Chuning Wang, and Meng Zhou

The ice shelves in Amundsen Sea are experiencing a rapid melting phase, largely due to the intrusion of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) from off the continental shelf. At intrusion sites on the continental slope, the CDW, along with an eastward undercurrent, breaks the Taylor–Proudman theory, causing southward cross-isopycnal intrusion. To explore the mechanisms of the intrusion, we developed a coupled ocean-sea ice-ice shelf numerical model for the Ross Sea-Amundsen Sea system, reconstructing the circulations and simulating the CDW intrusion. The vorticity budget along the continental shelf break of Amundsen Sea is examined using the depth-averaged vorticity budget equation based on the model’s outputs. Results show that the advection of planetary vorticity (APV) and the joint effect of baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR) dominate the vorticity balance at the CDW intrusion sites on the shelf break. The intensity and vertical structure of the eastward undercurrent upstream significantly affect the density structure in the downstream intrusion area, promoting the JEBAR effect. The velocity of the eastward undercurrent is linked to the local wind field. We find that stronger eastward undercurrent speeds are associated with stronger westerly winds and weaker wind stress curl. Westerly winds can drive undercurrents via modifying the meridional sea surface altitude gradient, while wind stress curl reduces the undercurrent by weakening the strength of the continental slope front, which represents the wind field's own internal constraints on the undercurrent. Stronger negative wind stress curl in the Amundsen Sea could drive a stronger geostrophic component of Sverdrup transport under the Ekman layer, which may compress local isopycnals to alter the undercurrent on a seasonal timescale.

How to cite: Li, Z., Wang, C., and Zhou, M.: Mechanisms of wind-field regulation of eastward undercurrents in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4674,, 2025.

EGU25-4705 | Orals | OS1.7

The role of Antarctic basal meltwater  

Martina Zapponini, Dmitry Sidorenko, Patrick Scholz, Tido Semmler, Jan Streffing, and Thomas Jung

Freshwater hosing experiments are a widely used tool for understanding the impacts of Antarctic ice shelf basal melting on the Southern Ocean and global climate. Most existing coupled climate models lack the necessary physics to explicitly simulate basal melting. Therefore, freshwater anomalies have to be imposed as a proxy. Previous studies have employed diverse freshwater scenarios and application methods. In this study, we explore variations in the application and representation of meltwater anomalies around Antarctica. We compare simulations where freshwater anomalies are introduced at the ocean surface over different spatial extents and at specified depths along the continental slope for a more realistic representation of plume dynamics resulting from basal melting. Additionally, we investigate ocean heat fluxes variability when accounting for the latent heat of fusion required to melt the ice. It is possible to observe similarities and differences in ocean responses depending on the methodology used to impose the freshwater anomaly. Surface application scenarios tend to exhibit more diffuse impacts on ocean stratification and circulation, while depth-specific applications lead to localized but more intense changes in water mass transformation. Accounting for latent heat can introduce further complexity, altering the thermal structure and influencing buoyancy-driven dynamics. By comparing these approaches, we want to highlight the sensitivity of simulated ocean dynamics to the spatial and physical representation of meltwater inputs. Accurately parameterizing ice-ocean interactions in models is necessary to improve the reliability of projections regarding Antarctic contributions to sea level rise and global climate variability.

How to cite: Zapponini, M., Sidorenko, D., Scholz, P., Semmler, T., Streffing, J., and Jung, T.: The role of Antarctic basal meltwater , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4705,, 2025.

EGU25-4882 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Mechanisms of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Ross Sea 

Yang Liu, Chengyan Liu, Zhaomin Wang, Liangjun Yan, Xianxian Han, Kechen Liu, Michael Haigh, Yue Xia, Jiabao Zeng, XIang Li, and Xi Liang

Coupled with the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF), the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC) encircles Antarctica and has variable structures. Two types of the ASC/ASF have been identified in the Ross Sea. Yet, the spatial characteristics of the ASC/ASF have not been depicted in detail, and the transition zone between the two different types is still unclear. Using an eddy-permitting coupled regional ocean-sea ice-ice shelf model, we aim to investigate the spatial characteristics and energy sources of the ASC/ASF in the Ross Sea. Based on the simulated results, three distinct structures of the ASC/ASF have been identified in three regimes from east to west: (i) in Regime I, the ASC is characterized by a westward flow in the upper layer and an eastward countercurrent in the lower layer; (ii) in Regime II, the undercurrent of the ASC reverses to the west and features a bottom intensification; (iii) in Regime III, the ASC in the upper layer is eastward, and the westward undercurrent still occupies the lower layer. By analyzing the momentum budget of the ASC, we quantified the respective contributions of barotropic and baroclinic pressure terms in determining the structure of the ASC/ASF. Furthermore, by analyzing the Mean Kinetic Energy budget of the ASC, we found that the Mean Available Potential Energy plays an important role in converting energy to the Mean Kinetic Energy, indicating that the maintenance of the ASC is closely associated with the available potential energy released from the ASF.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Z., Yan, L., Han, X., Liu, K., Haigh, M., Xia, Y., Zeng, J., Li, X., and Liang, X.: Spatial Characteristics and Dynamic Mechanisms of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Ross Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4882,, 2025.

EGU25-5829 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Upstream governors of the Warm Deep Water inflows towards the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf 

Valentina Volkova, Markus Janout, and Torsten Kanzow

Importance of the Weddell Sea for the global ocean circulation is irrefutable as it is a hotspot of dense water formation, a precursor of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), which dominates the abyssal ocean ventilation. Furthermore, the region hosts the largest by volume floating ice shelf, Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS), which is vulnerable to episodic Warm Deep Water (WDW) inflows that induce basal melting at the ice shelf front and within its cavities. The resulting meltwater enters the system as freshwater forcing and alters local density gradients and water mass distribution, ultimately contributing to global sea level rise and potentially disrupting the global overturning circulation. Hence, knowledge about the seasonality and magnitude of the WDW inflows carries significance both locally and globally.

In 2017 and 2018, the anomalously warm inflows were observed yet there is still no agreement on the mechanism for their trigger. The on-shore propagation of WDW inherently depends on several factors, such as e.g circulation at the continental margins, the seasonal cycle of sea ice, the thermocline depth, position and magnitude of the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF). The intricate interplay between these factors yields a fairly complex system, which is difficult to unravel with the scarce available observations. Albeit the Weddell sea remains fairly undersampled up to this day, significant efforts are being undertaken to supplement data gaps with numerical modeling.  

The aim of my research is to shed light on seasonal and interannual variability of the coastal circulation upstream of the FRIS and its sensitivity to external forcings, using existing in-situ observations, reanalyses and the high-resolution eddy-permitting Finite-Element/Volume Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), in order to investigate the impact of wind and buoyancy forcing. Preliminary results indicate that the maximum thermocline depth exhibits a distinct seasonal cycle which is not consistent with sea ice formation, as previously speculated. Apparently, it reaches its deepest position in the Dronning Maud Land region in austral summer, then downstream at Kapp Norvegia in austral autumn and further downstream next to the FRIS – in austral winter, which rather implies generation and along-coast propagation of a large-scale baroclinic signal and further accentuates the importance of along-coast connectivity. Furthermore, the character of thermocline also needs to be considered. For instance, in 2017-2018, when the anomalous warm inflows were observed at the FRIS, thermocline thickness was increased rather than its depth, which raises the question of necessary and sufficient conditions for said inflows to occur.

How to cite: Volkova, V., Janout, M., and Kanzow, T.: Upstream governors of the Warm Deep Water inflows towards the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5829,, 2025.

EGU25-6361 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Ice melting in saltwater: laboratory experiments in the diffusive-convective regime 

Brivaël Collin, Louis-Alexandre Couston, Sylvain Joubaud, and Romain Volk

The melting of Antarctic ice shelves is driven by heat fluxes from the underlying ocean to the ice. The relationship between basal heat fluxes and ocean conditions is an active topic of research, as current state-of-the-art parameterizations perform relatively poorly in all but the fully-turbulent well-mixed regimea. Indeed, discrepancies between observed and predicted melt rates under certain ice-shelves have been detectedb. Here, we  perform laboratory experiments of tabular ice cuboids melting in salty water. We aim to improve our understanding of the basal melting of ice shelves in the diffusive-convective regime, for which there is currently no parameterizationc. To this end, we investigate the melting rate and underlying fluid dynamics over a broad range of water salinity and temperature, without any external forcing. Our work uniquely complements field observations, which are difficult and sparse, and simulations, which most often approximate the dynamics for computational expediency.

We use a meter-scale tank, which we fill with saltwater and place a freshwater tabular ice cuboid to melt on top. A bottom heating plate is used to maintain the bottom saltwater temperature at a prescribed value and the setup is placed in a cold room. The depth-dependent seawater temperature, salinity, currents, and the melt rate are explored for different bottom water temperatures and initial salinity values. We use a moving temperature and salinity sensor, PIV data and shadowgraphy images of the retreating ice-water front to provide a relatively comprehensive data set from which we derive a mapping between the average melting rate and the flow statistics (kinetic energy density, dissipation rate, temperature gradient) of interest to polar oceanography.

We find that temperature and salinity vertical gradients in the system can create a layered system, depending on the conditions. In particular, we observe the formation of a freshwater layer insulating the ice plate, and slowing the melting, at relatively low temperature. When the bottom temperature is relatively large, the two-layer organisation disappears as convection becomes vigorous enough to penetrate and mix the freshwater layer with the ambient. 

References :

        a - Malyarenko, A., Wells, A. J., Langhorne, P. J., Robinson, N. J., Williams, M. J., \& Nicholls, K. W. (2020). A synthesis of thermodynamic ablation at ice–ocean interfaces from theory, observations and models. Ocean Modelling, 154, 101692.

        b - Kimura, S., Nicholls, K. W., \& Venables, E. (2015). Estimation of ice shelf melt rate in the presence of a thermohaline staircase. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45(1), 133-148.

        c - Rosevear, M. G., Gayen, B., \& Galton-Fenzi, B. K. (2022). Regimes and transitions in the basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 52(10), 2589-2608.

How to cite: Collin, B., Couston, L.-A., Joubaud, S., and Volk, R.: Ice melting in saltwater: laboratory experiments in the diffusive-convective regime, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6361,, 2025.

EGU25-6705 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Investigating Iceberg–Sea Ice Interactions in the Southern Ocean Using NEMO-ICB 

Eva Lemaire, François Massonnet, Thierry Fichefet, Noé Pirlet, Pierre Mathiot, Juliana Marini Marson, and Anna Olivé Abelló

Icebergs, formed by the calving of the Antarctic ice sheet, are among the most emblematic natural features of the polar regions. Their presence in the Southern Ocean, an essential carbon and heat sink, raises important questions about their role in the future evolution of the ocean and climate. As the mass balance of the Antarctic ice sheet continues to decline, it is crucial to better understand how iceberg-sea ice interactions influence ocean dynamics and sea ice variability in the Southern Ocean.   

 In this study, we use the NEMO version 4.2.2 ocean model coupled to the ICB module (Iceberg) to investigate these interactions. Our approach has two main objectives:  (1) We assess the impact of icebergs on the ocean and sea ice by running two 30-year regional hindcast simulations of the Southern Ocean, one with the ICB module enabled and the other with the module disabled. This allows us to isolate the influence of iceberg dynamics on sea ice concentration and thickness, along with ocean physical properties such as surface temperature and salinity.  And (2) by implementing a sea ice locking process in the ICB module we aim to better represent the mechanical interactions between icebergs and sea ice, particularly when icebergs become 'trapped' by thick, highly concentrated sea ice. Sea ice locking has a major impact on the distribution of freshwater fluxes in the ocean, by influencing the trajectory of icebergs.  

This study is a first step towards improving our understanding of the coupled iceberg-sea ice-ocean system and its implications for the future evolution of the Southern Ocean in a changing climate.   

How to cite: Lemaire, E., Massonnet, F., Fichefet, T., Pirlet, N., Mathiot, P., Marini Marson, J., and Olivé Abelló, A.: Investigating Iceberg–Sea Ice Interactions in the Southern Ocean Using NEMO-ICB, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6705,, 2025.

EGU25-7499 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Remote pathways of ocean heat transport toward the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

Channing Prend, James Girton, Graeme MacGilchrist, and Andrew Thompson

Transport of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) into ice shelf cavities is known to be a primary source of heat driving Antarctic Ice Sheet mass loss. This CDW originates in the open ocean, and thus, basal melt rate variability is often linked to wind-driven fluctuations in cross-shelf CDW transport. While cross-shelf heat fluxes are certainly an important part of the story, less focus has been placed on the offshore processes that bring CDW from the open ocean to the shelf break. Here, we use in situ data from profiling floats in combination with Lagrangian particle release experiments in an ocean model to investigate the pathways by which CDW moves toward the continental slope, which is a necessary precursor to the cross-shelf exchange that has been studied in more depth. Observations and models suggest that CDW transport exhibits considerable spatial heterogeneity in the form of concentrated pathways linked to bathymetric features, both on- and off- shore of the continental slope. This suggests that pathways to the shelf break are characterized by distinct timescales and varying degrees of water mass transformation across different sectors. In addition, temporal variability on mesoscale, seasonal, and interannual timescales is present. This is potentially important context through which to understand regional and long-term variations in continental shelf heat content and ice shelf basal melt, which in turn, has implications for future sea level rise.

How to cite: Prend, C., Girton, J., MacGilchrist, G., and Thompson, A.: Remote pathways of ocean heat transport toward the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7499,, 2025.

EGU25-7568 | Posters on site | OS1.7

Changes in the Sea Ice-Ocean Drag Coefficient Due to the Decrease in Antarctic Sea Ice 

Tae-Wan Kim, Heewon Yang, Yeonggi Kim, and Jisoo Park

Despite the ongoing decline in Arctic sea ice extent over the past 30 years, an increase had been observed in Antarctic sea ice until 2016. That year, however, the sea ice melt season started unusually early, leading to a decrease in sea ice extent. Since then, this decline has continued, culminating in a record low sea ice extent in 2023. This reduction in sea ice is primarily linked to changes in atmospheric patterns, along with the impact of rising ocean surface temperatures. Additionally, it has been identified that the decrease in Antarctic sea ice extent significantly affects the atmosphere by increasing the surface heat loss from the Southern Ocean. Simultaneously, a continuous thinning of the sea ice has been observed. This decline in ice thickness is expected to lower the drag coefficient between the sea ice and the ocean, which would, in turn, enhance the influence of wind on the flow of sea ice. Notably, increased sea ice flow during the melting season could accelerate the melting process and increase seasonal sea ice variability. We analyzed the changes in the sea ice-ocean drag coefficient using satellite-observed sea ice concentration and thickness, along with reanalysis wind data over the past 20 years. Although regional differences exist, the overall trend indicates a clear decline in the sea ice-ocean drag coefficient.

How to cite: Kim, T.-W., Yang, H., Kim, Y., and Park, J.: Changes in the Sea Ice-Ocean Drag Coefficient Due to the Decrease in Antarctic Sea Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7568,, 2025.

EGU25-8172 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Impact of a representation of Antarctic landfast ice on the shelf water properties simulated by NEMO4-SI³ 

Noé Pirlet, Thierry Fichefet, Martin Vancoppenolle, and Casimir de Lavergne

The formation of dense water in the Southern Ocean plays a key role in the global overturning circulation of the ocean, and thus affects the distributions of heat, carbon, oxygen and nutrients across the World Ocean. However, the simulation of dense water properties by climate models remains problematic. These models often generate dense water in incorrect locations and for wrong reasons, primarily through deep convection in the center of the Weddell and Ross Seas. We hypothesize that this inability to simulate the formation and fate of dense water stems partly from the erroneous or absent representation of coastal polynyas and their key drivers, particularly landfast ice. A recent study presented a restoring method that accurately represents Antarctic landfast ice and demonstrated its essential role in shaping coastal polynyas and enhancing sea ice production in the NEMO4-SI3 model. Here, building on this study, we investigate the impact of this landfast ice representation on water mass properties simulated by the model over the Antarctic continental shelf. We perform two simulations: one with the landfast ice scheme activated and one with this scheme turned off. A comparison of the simulation results confirms the expected densification of water masses within polynyas when landfast ice is represented. However, the results also reveal unexpected regions of fresher water beneath landfast ice, which influence the polynya dynamics downstream. On a circumpolar scale, incorporating landfast ice enhances the model's agreement with observations, particularly in terms of bottom salinity, temperature and mixed layer depth. Notably, the mixed layer depth undergoes significant changes, which in turn affect the Southern Ocean's coastal dynamics and lead to enhanced ice shelf melting. Overall, representing landfast ice improves the simulation of dense water formation and shelf ocean dynamics, thereby advancing our understanding of key physical processes in these critical regions.

How to cite: Pirlet, N., Fichefet, T., Vancoppenolle, M., and de Lavergne, C.: Impact of a representation of Antarctic landfast ice on the shelf water properties simulated by NEMO4-SI³, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8172,, 2025.

EGU25-11288 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Uncertainty in Future Southern Ocean Warming and Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Due to Meltwater-Driven Climate Feedbacks 

Morven Muilwijk, Tore Hattermann, and Rebecca Beadling and the SOFIA team

The increasing release of meltwater from Antarctica represents one of the most profound yet uncertain consequences of global climate change. The lack of interactive ice sheets in state-of-the-art climate models, including those participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), combined with the inadequate representation of key processes driving ice shelf basal melting, prevents the direct calculation of ice-ocean feedbacks and leaves a high uncertainty on the magnitude and impacts of meltwater discharge. Previous studies that explored meltwater impacts produced partially contradictory findings, largely relied on experiments with single models, had inconsistent experimental designs, and imposed varying freshwater forcing rates. To address these shortcomings, this study employs results from the new  "Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica” (SOFIA) initiative to assess the effect of meltwater-induced ocean warming on basal melting and potential future Antarctic mass loss. We evaluate the ocean response to meltwater across a suite of 10 CMIP6 models and compare it to future scenarios simulations without additional meltwater (SSP5-8.5), assessing model bias and both meltwater- and global warming-induced anomalies in the Southern Ocean. Applying these anomalies to a regional basal melting parameterization, constrained by a new observational hydrographic climatology, our findings reveal that meltwater feedbacks amplify warming on the continental shelf and enhance ice loss in many sectors around Antarctica. However, in the West Antarctic regions where the greatest ice mass loss was observed in recent years, most models show either cooling or reduced warming on the shelf, hence indicating a negative feedback due to the meltwater input. Consistent with previous studies, we confirm that regional disparities are driven by advection and acceleration of the Antarctic Slope Current. Our results suggest that mass loss from East Antarctica will become increasingly important under future global warming. The meltwater-induced feedback causes an additional 750 Gt/year of ice loss in the multi-model median response to our perturbation experiments. For comparison, observations estimate current anomalous ice shelf loss at approximately 1,000 Gt/year, while SSP5-8.5 simulations, which account for global warming without additional Antarctic meltwater, project an anomalous 3,400 Gt/year of ice loss by the end of the century.

How to cite: Muilwijk, M., Hattermann, T., and Beadling, R. and the SOFIA team: Uncertainty in Future Southern Ocean Warming and Antarctic Ice Shelf Melting Due to Meltwater-Driven Climate Feedbacks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11288,, 2025.

EGU25-11729 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Southern Ocean Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Simple Box Model 

Marlene Schramm and F. Alexander Haumann

Subsurface warming has been identified as a likely causal factor for the sustained low Southern Ocean sea ice extent in recent years. Subsurface-to-surface heat transport is impacted by the water mass structure of the water column and the depth of vertical mixing, which can in turn be altered by sea ice processes. These interactions create potential feedback effects that remain insufficiently explored in the context of the recent low Southern Ocean sea ice extent. In this study, we investigate interaction mechanisms and feedbacks between Southern Ocean sea ice and the underlying water column through a simple one-column box model, focusing on water mass structure and properties. The model represents the surface mixed layer, subsurface Winter Water, and the Upper Circumpolar Deep Water as distinct ocean boxes. A fourth box represents sea ice when present, interacting with the mixed layer through heat and salt exchange. The evolving mixed layer depth is calculated using a mixed layer model, with subsurface Winter Water formed when the mixed layer shoals and re-entrained when the mixed layer deepens. In this contribution, we present the box model framework and discuss preliminary insights, as well as challenges encountered during the model development process.

How to cite: Schramm, M. and Haumann, F. A.: Southern Ocean Sea Ice-Ocean Interactions in a Simple Box Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11729,, 2025.

EGU25-12192 | Posters on site | OS1.7

Cold deep lenses in the Dotson Trough, Antarctica 

Karen J. Heywood, Daisy Pickup, Dorothee Bakker, Francis Glassup, and Benjamin Webber

Hydrographic surveys in the Dotson Trough in the Amundsen Sea in January-February 2022 using a fleet of ocean gliders reveal deep (~400 m) isolated lenses of cold, dense water. The water contained within these lenses is colder, saltier, deeper and denser than the typical regional Winter Water (temperature-minimum) layer that appears above the lenses at about 200 m in summer.  The lenses occur in the stratified layer influenced by the warm, salty and dense modified Circumpolar Deep Water below, that provides heat to the underside of the vulnerable ice shelves in this region. We do not have evidence of the lenses travelling beneath the ice shelves, but they are at about the right depth to do so. If they did, they would insulate the base of the ice shelf from the warmer water below, helping to prevent basal melting that is prominent in this region.

The lenses are colder (close to the local freezing point of seawater) than the surrounding waters at the same depths and densities, and fresher than the surrounding water at the same densities. Their dissolved oxygen concentration is similar to that of Winter Water and their pH is lower than Winter Water, but both properties are increased compared with surrounding water at the same depth. Thus, they provide a mechanism to sequester carbon and oxygen deeper than typical Winter Water formation can achieve.

We explore possible formation mechanisms for the lenses and the water mass they contain, using wintertime profiles of temperature and salinity obtained from tags on seals. One possibility is that local chimneys of deep convection succeed in penetrating sporadically to 400 m, and are subsequently capped by other water masses.  We do not find convincing evidence to support this.  Our favoured hypothesis is that the shallower regions (less than 500 m water depth) surrounding the Dotson Trough (e.g. Bear and Martin Peninsulas) host enhanced surface heat loss and subsequently intense brine rejection during sea ice formation, leading to very cold, dense water in winter. The seal tag profiles do indeed show wintertime water masses in these shallower regions of the same temperature, salinity and density as the lenses. We speculate that this water spills off into the deeper water sporadically (perhaps akin to the formation mechanism for Meddies). They would then populate the layer at which they are neutrally buoyant, beneath the typical Winter Water and invading the uppermost layers of modified Circumpolar Deep Water.

How to cite: Heywood, K. J., Pickup, D., Bakker, D., Glassup, F., and Webber, B.: Cold deep lenses in the Dotson Trough, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12192,, 2025.

EGU25-14740 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in Antarctica 

Irena Vaňková, Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Branecky Begeman, Darin Comeau, Alex Hager, Matthew Hoffman, Stephen Price, and Jonathan Wolfe

Subglacial discharge beneath ice shelves is a source of freshwater, and therefore buoyancy, at the grounding line. Being released at depth, it accelerates an ascending plume along the ice-shelf base, enhancing entrainment of ambient waters, and increasing melt rates. By now it is understood that subglacial discharge is a key control on melt rate variability at the majority of Greenland's glaciers. However, its importance in present-day and future Antarctic melt rates is less clear. To address this point, we use the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) and investigate the effects of subglacial discharge addition in both idealized setups and realistic, global, sea-ice ocean coupled configurations. For realistic Antarctic configurations, we use the subglacial hydrology model from the MALI ice-sheet model run at 4-20 km resolution to calculate steady state subglacial discharge across the grounding line under historical ice-sheet conditions.  This subglacial meltwater discharge is implemented as a grounding line freshwater flux in MPAS-Ocean, the ocean component of E3SM.

Results from idealized, rotating ice-shelf configurations show a stronger melt rate dependence on discharge than in previously studied non-rotating Greenland-like fjord scenarios. We also find that the melt-rate response is strongly sensitive to the location of the discharge along the grounding line; the efficiency of subglacial discharge, in terms of total melt-rate increase, grows with distance from the area where meltwater accumulates due to rotational effects. The analysis of subglacial discharge effects in realistic, global configurations focuses on ice-shelf melt rates, cavity circulation, continental shelf properties, and sea-ice conditions around Antarctica. Results from realistic, global configurations indicate that, although some regions are more affected than others, overall the present-day levels of subglacial discharge result only in relatively minor changes in ice-shelf melt rates and continental shelf properties. Significant oceanic changes would require at least an order of magnitude stronger subglacial discharge than present-day estimates.

How to cite: Vaňková, I., Asay-Davis, X., Branecky Begeman, C., Comeau, D., Hager, A., Hoffman, M., Price, S., and Wolfe, J.: Subglacial discharge effects on ice-shelf basal melting in Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14740,, 2025.

EGU25-14844 | Posters on site | OS1.7

Reversal of freshening trend of Ross Sea shelf water links to an abrupt transition from high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s 

Taekyun Kim, Sung-Ho Choo, Jae-Hong Moon, Emilia Kyung Jin, Daehyuk Kim, and Hyeonsoo Cha

Despite the increase in global mean temperature and massive sea ice loss in the Arctic, the Antarctic sea ice extent has not changed significantly throughout reliable satellite records starting in 1979. Long-term trends rather show an increase in the Antarctic sea ice area, resulting in record high anomalies in 2014 and 2015. However, after the moderate expansion in the sea ice extent, a sharp decline occurred in 2016 and has remained low since then. The record Antarctic sea ice loss in recent years may be a sign the region has entered a new regime of low sea ice coverage in a warming world. Meanwhile, Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), driving the lower limb of the global meridional overturning circulation and ventilating the abyssal ocean interior has warmed and freshened in recent decades, leading to a decrease in AABW formation. Ross Sea shelf water which is responsible for 20–40% of the total AABW production, has experienced the largest freshening. However, repeat hydrographic data have shown that since the mid-2010s the salinity of Ross Sea shelf water has sharply rebounded from the multidecadal freshening trend. Here, it is interesting that the abrupt transition from a high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s coincides with the onset of the salinity rebound of dense shelf water on the Antarctic continental shelf.

As the planet warms global sea ice has continued to get a lot of attention due to the substantial implications for planetary albedo, ice sheet and ice shelf stability, atmosphere-ocean interactions, cryosphere ecosystems, biogeochemical cycle, and the Southern Ocean freshwater cycle. Particularly, sea ice’s growth and melting play an important role in water mass transformations. Here, we investigate how the rapid decline in the Antarctic sea ice in recent years has contributed to the rebound of shelf water salinity in the Ross Sea, using satellite observations of sea ice, as well as oceanic and atmospheric reanalysis data. Our result shows that despite the rapid decrease in the Antarctic sea ice in recent years, the sea ice formation rate in the Ross Sea continental shelf has increased. During the salinification period since the mid-2010s, local anomalous winds and surface heat flux associated with the remote and large-scale forcing that drive the recent change in the Antarctic sea ice, induced the reduced sea ice cover and larger polynya area on the Ross Sea continental shelf, increasing sea ice formation rate. Furthermore, data-based sea ice budget analysis indicates that due to the anomalous wind forcing, the sea ice has moved to the outer shelf through dynamic processes such as advection and divergence, creating a sustained favorable environment for sea ice formation and brine rejection.

How to cite: Kim, T., Choo, S.-H., Moon, J.-H., Jin, E. K., Kim, D., and Cha, H.: Reversal of freshening trend of Ross Sea shelf water links to an abrupt transition from high to low state of Antarctic sea ice since the mid-2010s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14844,, 2025.

EGU25-14845 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.7

Positive low cloud feedback accelerates abrupt Southern Ocean sea-ice decline in high-resolution global climate model 

Dae-Won Kim, Martina Zapponini, Sahil Sharma, Thomas Jung, Myeong-Hyeon Kim, Nikolay Koldunov, Navajyoth Puthiyaveettil, Dimitry Sidorenko, Jan Streffing, Axel Timmermann, Tido Semmler, and Wonsun Park

Sea ice extent around the Antarctic exhibits a high level of variability on interannual and longer timescales, characterized by a positive trend since the satellite era and interruptions due to e.g., the emergence of the Maud Rise Polynya in 2016. Given the relatively short period of observational data and the high level of natural variability it has remained challenging to unequivocally identify the anthropogenic fingerprint in Antarctic sea ice. Moreover, to properly study the Antarctic sea-ice and its response to future warming, it is necessary to capture important dynamics, such as polynyas, the Antarctic slope current and coastal leads. Many models within the CMIP6 model portfolio do not even have the spatial resolution to adequately resolve these features. This implies that their Antarctic projections may not be as trustworthy and robust as those for the Arctic Ocean.

In this study, we employ the high-resolution OpenIFS-FESOM (AWI-CM3) coupled general circulation (nominally 31 km atmosphere and 4-25 km ocean resolutions) to investigate the Antarctic sea ice response to greenhouse warming, following a SSP5-8.5 greenhouse gas emission scenario. Our simulation exhibits a sudden decline of Antarctic sea ice in the Weddell Sea (WS) which can be explained by a combination of physical processes that involve continued strengthening of westerlies, increasing of horizontal density and pressure gradients, intensifying of atmosphere-ocean momentum transfer due to sea ice decline, a spin-up of the cyclonic gyre and westward current and corresponding vertical and horizontal supply of heat into the Weddell Sea. The resulting decrease of sea ice further leads to heat accumulation in austral summer due to the absorption of short-wave radiation, which can further weaken winter sea ice extent and intensify the momentum transfer and associated heat transport into the Weddell Sea. 

Our study highlights the relevance of positive atmosphere-sea ice-ocean feedback in triggering the abrupt decline in Antarctic sea ice.  

How to cite: Kim, D.-W., Zapponini, M., Sharma, S., Jung, T., Kim, M.-H., Koldunov, N., Puthiyaveettil, N., Sidorenko, D., Streffing, J., Timmermann, A., Semmler, T., and Park, W.: Positive low cloud feedback accelerates abrupt Southern Ocean sea-ice decline in high-resolution global climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14845,, 2025.

EGU25-17058 | ECS | Orals | OS1.7

Regime shift of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavity remains reversible  

Ronja Reese, Jan De Rydt, and Kaitlin Naughten

The cavity underneath the second largest ice shelf in Antarctica, the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, could flip under strong climate warming from its current 'cold' state into a 'warm' state (Hellmer et al., 2012). Numerical models show that this regime shift occurs relatively abrupt, within a decade, with sub-shelf melt rates increasing 21-fold (Naughten et al., 2021). The increase in melting will reduce the ice shelfs buttressing capacity, thereby driving grounded ice loss, and a contribution to sea-level rise. Moreover, changes in sub-shelf melting, and the cavity geometry, in turn, can influence the ocean circulation, creating feedbacks that only emerge when considering the ice and ocean systems together. It is unclear, how these feedbacks influence the regime shift and subsequent evolution of the system, as well as a potential reversibility of the cavity. Here we run regional, numerical simulations of the coupled ice sheet and ocean system to investigate the role of ice-ocean feedbacks on the ocean regime shift, its reversibility, and the impact on ice sheet dynamics. We find that while sub-shelf melt rates increase only half as much as in the coupled system due to the geometric changes, the feedbacks do not influence a reversibility of the regime shift that we find in our simulations. Importantly, the reversal occurs more gradual than the 'cold' to 'warm' flip, and meanwhile the ice sheet continues losing ice and retreating. Our results imply that melt rate projections are ideally conducted in a coupled system, however, the regime shift and reversal of Filchner-Ronne cavity appears to be controlled by local atmospheric conditions, and is not qualitatively influenced by ice-ocean feedbacks. 

How to cite: Reese, R., De Rydt, J., and Naughten, K.: Regime shift of Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf cavity remains reversible , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17058,, 2025.

EGU25-18340 | Posters on site | OS1.7

How upstream ice shelves affect Dense Water formation: Insights from FESOM2 Experiments 

Mathias van Caspel, Ralph Timmermann, and Markus Janout

The Southern Ocean is the source of the Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), a dense water mass that occupies 60 % of the global ocean. AABW is formed in different places around Antarctica as a mixture of dense shelf waters (DSW) and Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW).

CDW occupies the deep Southern Ocean at depths between 200-1500 m, and is considerably warmer (temperature higher than 0°C) than the water masses found at similar depths over the continental shelf. CDW is carried eastward around the continent by the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) but close to the shelf break it flows westward within the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC).

The ASC is a quasi-circumpolar feature that starts in the Bellingshausen Sea and vanishes next to the Antarctic Peninsula in the Weddell Sea. The ASC is connected to the flooding of the continental shelf with CDW modified by the interaction with local surface waters (modified CDW – mCDW) and the presence of mCDW over the continental shelf can affect the sea ice formation and represents a risk for the ice shelves fringing the Antarctic continent. 

The presence of warmer mCDW and freshwater resulting from the ice shelf melt reduce the sea ice production rates, a crucial part of DSW formation. When the ocean freezes salt (brine) is rejected into the water increasing local density which creates an instability and can trigger convection and produce DSW, when less sea ice is formed the deep convection potential is reduced; the DSW formed this way is termed HSSW.

HSSW can flow offshore and slide down the continental slope mixing with ambient waters along its path until it reaches the equilibrium depth as AABW. HSSW can also flow underneath the ice shelf cavity and reach the grounding line where the freezing temperature is lower than at the surface due to the pressure effect. There, it causes melting and the mixture with glacial melt water generates the supercooled (colder than surface freezing temperature) and slightly fresher Ice Shelf Water (ISW). ISW can mix with ambient waters forming a dense water type that sinks when it reaches the continental slope producing another type of AABW.

When the DSW leaves the continental shelf they are carried westward by the ASC together with CDW and lighter waters influenced by the ice shelf melt water. Part of the waters on the continental shelf are advected in the same direction by the Antarctic Coastal Current (ACoC), a westward flow observed in various sites around Antarctica. The waters transported by the ACoC and ASC can have an impact on the neighbouring basins. 

Starting from a Finite volumE Sea Ice-Ocean Model (FESOM2) that is able to reproduce the above-mentioned key characteristics around the Antarctic continent  we prepared 3 experiments to investigate the effects of the ice shelves upstream from 3 key DSW formation sites: the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, Amery Ice Shelf and Ross Ice Shelf. We will present the experiment design and preliminary results.

How to cite: van Caspel, M., Timmermann, R., and Janout, M.: How upstream ice shelves affect Dense Water formation: Insights from FESOM2 Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18340,, 2025.

EGU25-20716 | Posters on site | OS1.7

Indications of the Ronne-Filchner-Ice-Shelf becoming host to a warm cavity within the second half of the 21st century under high emission scenario 

Stefan Jendersie, Alanna Alevropoulos-Borrill, Dan Lowry, and Nicholas Golledge

To quantify the ocean-driven Antarctic ice mass loss and the subsequent sea level rise, the geophysical modeling community is pushing towards frameworks that fully couple increasingly complex models of atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and ice sheets & shelves. We will present results from an 8km ocean – ice shelf – ice sheet - bathymetry coupled model of Antarctica, based on the frameworks of the Regional Ocean Modelling System and the Parallel Ice Sheet Model.

Our projections for two different global warming trajectories (rcp2.6 & 8.5) suggest that warming of the Antarctic shelf seas diverge between scenarios from the 2050s onward. Our preliminary analysis focuses on the two largest ice shelves, the Ross and the Ronne-Filchner, both currently hosting cold ocean cavities.

Under the rcp8.5 trajectory, episodic warm water hosing over the eastern shelf in the Weddell Sea becomes a permanent feature at mid century, leading to a 1.5 degree increase of water temperature within a decade over the central and the eastern shelf. Basal melt rates of the entire Filchner-Ice-Shelf and the southern Ronne-Ice-Shelf exceed 2 m/yr, which in some areas is a magnitude larger than current rates.
In contrast the Ross-Ice-Shelf appears to remain stable under both climate trajectories. In the rcp8.5 scenario the shelf sea over the north-south stretching banks warms moderately by 0.25-0.5 degrees but this increased heat has no access to the cavity according to our model results.
We will present insight to the mechanisms that drive the sudden warming in the Weddell Sea and construct a hypothesis of why the Ross Ice Shelf appears more protected from Southern Ocean heat.

How to cite: Jendersie, S., Alevropoulos-Borrill, A., Lowry, D., and Golledge, N.: Indications of the Ronne-Filchner-Ice-Shelf becoming host to a warm cavity within the second half of the 21st century under high emission scenario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20716,, 2025.

EGU25-1748 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8

Underestimated future Arctic Ocean warming due to unresolved marine heatwaves at low resolution 

Ruijian Gou, Yaocheng Deng, Yingzhe Cui, Shu Qi, Shengpeng Wang, Lixin Wu, and Gerrit Lohmann

The Arctic Ocean is projected to warm twice more than the global mean in a warming 21st century, contributed by an increased solar heat input due to sea ice decrease. Here we find more solar heat input into the Arctic Ocean in a higher-resolution climate model. This is due to the impacts of Arctic marine heatwaves (MHWs), known as episodes of extreme ocean warming. The explicit consideration of MHWs, which are stronger and more realistic in higher-resolution models, increases melting of sea ice and thus solar heat input, thereby reinforcing the long-term Arctic Ocean warming. A positive feedback is identified between stronger MHWs and larger Arctic Ocean warming. We emphasize that Arctic Ocean warming is underestimated by the current generation of climate models, which generally have a too low spatial resolution to resolve Arctic MHWs. We conclude that future eddy- and storm-resolving models will provide a new perspective on the Earth system's response to past and future climate and environmental extremes.

How to cite: Gou, R., Deng, Y., Cui, Y., Qi, S., Wang, S., Wu, L., and Lohmann, G.: Underestimated future Arctic Ocean warming due to unresolved marine heatwaves at low resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1748,, 2025.

EGU25-2347 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Ecological response to anthropogenic climate change in the Beaufort Sea: Biennial-scale evidence from proxy and instrumental records during the last ~70 years 

Laura Gemery, Renata Szarek, Kenta Suzuki, Jason Addison, Beth Caissie, Young Jin Joe, Koji Seike, Katsurai Yamada, Jonaotaro Onodera, Motoyo Itoh, and Masanobu Yamamoto

We analyzed ostracode and foraminifera assemblages, silicoflagellates, biogenic silica, and sediment grain size from two high-resolution box cores collected in the Alaska and Canadian Beaufort Sea during the 2022 Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCSII) expedition. These cores provide biennial-scale, multi-proxy records of ecological change over the past ~70 years. At BC2, located east of Barrow Canyon, faunal assemblages over the last 41 years showed three distinct ecological periods: (1) the 1980s-1990s, dominated by species indicative of stable, ice-covered conditions; (2) a shift post-2000 with warmer temperatures, longer ice-free seasons, and increased sandy sediments; and (3) a recent period (2018–2022) characterized by subarctic and Pacific-affiliated species, reflecting productive, summer ice-free waters. Similarly, at MT1 near the Mackenzie Trough, three periods were identified: (1) cold, stable conditions with high sea-ice cover (1950-1980); (2) a transition in the 1990s marked by increased productivity and longer ice-free periods; and (3) a shift (2002–2022) toward more dynamic, productive conditions, with reduced sea-ice extent and increasing Mackenzie River discharge. The faunal transitions among ostracodes, foraminifera, and silicoflagellates correspond closely with changes in ocean conditions, providing key insights into the timing of ecological responses to anthropogenic climate change. By integrating instrumental data—such as temperature, sea-ice extent, and river discharge—with the biological proxy records, we constrained the timing of when these environmental shifts began affecting biological organisms. This analysis revealed that changes in faunal composition are tightly linked to warming, sea-ice loss, and altered freshwater inputs, and underscores the complex, cascading impacts of climate change on Arctic ecosystems. These ecological shifts are also influenced by large-scale ocean-atmosphere dynamics, such as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, which further modulate the timing and magnitude of ecological responses in the Beaufort Sea ecosystem.

How to cite: Gemery, L., Szarek, R., Suzuki, K., Addison, J., Caissie, B., Joe, Y. J., Seike, K., Yamada, K., Onodera, J., Itoh, M., and Yamamoto, M.: Ecological response to anthropogenic climate change in the Beaufort Sea: Biennial-scale evidence from proxy and instrumental records during the last ~70 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2347,, 2025.

EGU25-3623 | Orals | OS1.8

Atlantification in a multi-model ensemble of historical climate simulations 

Davide Zanchettin, Francesco De Rovere, and Angelo Rubino

Atlantification is a major phenomenon associated with rapid changes in the Arctic Ocean, including anomalous sea-ice loss, warming and salinification of the near-surface, enhanced mixing and changes in the ecosystem structure. Despite anomalous transport of Atlantic water in the Barents Sea/Fram Strait region is among the recognized causes of Atlantification, this phenomenon remains poorly characterized in the context of the historical (1850-present) period, hence far from being fully understood.

In this contribution, we illustrate recent progress of the Italian funded project “ATTRACTION: Atlantification dRiven by polAr-subpolar ConnecTIONs in a changing climate” that aims at providing a historical perspective on Atlantification by integrating observational evidence over the last decades, paleo-reconstructions and numerical climate simulations. We show results from a multi-model ensemble of historical climate simulations contributing to CMIP6 and depict robust traits of the simulated Atlantification across models and realizations toward fingerprinting the phenomenon at the gateway of the Arctic Ocean and toward a robust definition of an index for its quantitative characterization.

How to cite: Zanchettin, D., De Rovere, F., and Rubino, A.: Atlantification in a multi-model ensemble of historical climate simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3623,, 2025.

EGU25-3788 | Orals | OS1.8

Impacts of synchronously coupled dynamic ice sheets in the GFDL Global Ocean Cryosphere Model iOM 

Olga Sergienko, Alexander Huth, Matthew Harrison, and Nicole Schlegel

The polar oceans, the high-latitude Earth systems, and the Earth climate system as a whole are strongly affected by the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets. The recent developments of global climate models have allowed to accounting for the effects of the ice sheets either indirectly via parameterizations of freshwater fluxes, or via infrequent coupling between stand-alone ice sheet models and other climate models' components. The latter approach typically does not conserve mass across the model comonents.  In order to address these issues, we have developed a global ocean-cryosphere model iOM that includes synchronously coupled Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets in addition to sea ice and icebergs. The results of global simulations forced by the EAR-Interim reanalysis show strong seasonal and subseasonal variability in the ice-sheet/ocean interactons, demonstrating the importance of a tight synchronous coupling between the ice sheet and the ocean model components. iOM will allow us to explore interactions and feedbacks between the polar oceans and cryosphere on the subseasonal to decadal timescales.

How to cite: Sergienko, O., Huth, A., Harrison, M., and Schlegel, N.: Impacts of synchronously coupled dynamic ice sheets in the GFDL Global Ocean Cryosphere Model iOM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3788,, 2025.

Differences in salt content of North Atlantic surface waters drive variations in Nordic Seas' overturning circulation. These form a switchboard for changes in the oceanic heat transport to North European high latitudes, the 'Nordic Heat Pump', and for Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). We deduced changes in the Nordic Seas' overturning circulation during peak last glacial and early deglacial times (22-15 cal. ka) from two marine sediment cores with centennial-scale age resolution synchronized via radiocarbon (14C) plateau tuning. Sediment data suggest that the salinity of surface waters, advected through the Denmark Strait from the northwesternmost Atlantic, started to drop significantly near 18.4 cal. ka. This accompanied precisely an abrupt rise in bottom water temperature by up to 3.5°C and a drop in both ventilation and 14C ventilation ages of Denmark Strait overflow waters feeding the AMOC. Moreover, it paralleled a change in (detrital) Pb and Nd radiogenic isotopes suggesting that overflow waters then started to have their dominant source in the North Iceland Jet of upper North Atlantic Intermediate Water that overflows the shallow basaltic Iceland-Scotland Ridge east of Iceland. Off Norway, the salinity reduction north of Iceland went along with a fast rise in the 14C reservoir age of surface waters from ~600–1200 years up to ~2000 years and an abrupt breakdown of Nordic Seas' convection of young deep waters. Accordingly, warm Atlantic waters were replaced by slightly cooler Arctic polar waters aged like those of the East Greenland Current, inducing a breakdown of the 'Nordic Heat Pump' and start of 'Heinrich Stadial 1' as reflected by a precisely coeval cooling documented on top of the Greenland ice sheet, lasting until ~15 cal. ka. The outlined circulation changes starting near 18.4 cal. ka remind us of potential implications of the meltwater flow from West Greenland strongly enhanced today. 

How to cite: Sarnthein, M. and Blaser, P.:  Meltwater-induced salinity drop in Greenland Sea induced changes in AMOC and the onset of Heinrich-1 stadial 18 400 years ago – Potential analog to modern trends, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3821,, 2025.

EGU25-6159 | Orals | OS1.8

Atlantic Water distribution in the central and eastern Arctic Ocean during past interglacials 

Robert F. Spielhagen, Henning A. Bauch, and Andreas Mackensen

We present planktic foraminiferal and planktic stable isotope records from central and eastern Arctic Ocean sediment cores with a particular attention on the development of the structure of upper water masses during two past interglacials (here termed IG3 and IG2), in comparison to the present Holocene (IG1). The age of interglacials IG2 and IG3 is currently under discussion. While the "classic" age model based on Jakobsson et al. (2000, Geology) would relate them to marine isotope (sub)stages (MIS) 5e and 5a, latest work (e.g., Song et al., 2023, Earth Sci. Rev.; Razmjooei et al., 2023, Quat. Sci. Rev.) would assign ages of MIS 11, 9, 7 or 5.

Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes from polar planktic foraminifers Neogloboquadrina pachyderma give clues on their habitat within the upper water column which today is characterized by an ice-covered low-saline cold surface layer, underlain by high-saline warm Atlantic Water. Sediments from IG2 and IG3 containing also subpolar planktic foraminifers Turborotalita quinqueloba show oxygen isotope values of close to modern ones, indicating a similar water mass structure as today, with a transition level between freshwater-rich and Atlantic Water. Carbon isotope values are lower and may point at a higher bioproductivity due to less sea ice and a decomposition of carbon in the upper waters. Interestingly, in the sediments underneath, which are barren in T. quinqueloba but contain abundant N. pachyderma, both oxygen and carbon isotopes are significantly higher. These data can be interpreted as evidence of a strongly stratified water column, a deeper habitat of the foraminifers, a strong subsurface advection of Atlantic Water and more sea ice during the early phases of IG2 and IG3. In cases, due to a lack of carbonate microfossils this interval is not represented in all analyzed cores. We assume that near-surface salinities were below the tolerance limit of planktic foraminifers in the very early parts of IG2 and IG3, probably due to a strong influence of meltwater from disintegrating ice sheets on northern Eurasia in the preceding glacial stages. Our results reveal a two-step development of conditions in the central Arctic during previous warm intervals. In the first part, the uppermost water column (including the habitat depth of T. quinqueloba) always had very low salinties due to freshwater discharge from ice sheets on the continents. Only in the second part Atlantic Water was shoaling and allowed the occupation by shallow-dwelling T. quinqueloba. Data from the Kara Sea continental margin suggest that upper water conditions in the eastern Arctic remained under strong freshwater influence, at least throughout IG2.

How to cite: Spielhagen, R. F., Bauch, H. A., and Mackensen, A.: Atlantic Water distribution in the central and eastern Arctic Ocean during past interglacials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6159,, 2025.

EGU25-6192 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Arctic gateways, sea level and climate changes in the subpolar North Atlantic 

Anne de Vernal and Claude Hillaire-Marcel

Paleoceanographic records demonstrate linkages between the increasing Pacific water flux accompanying the postglacial submergence of the shallow (~ 50 m deep) Bering Strait and the progressive warming of the Western Arctic until ca. 4000 years BP (cf. de Vernal et al. Sci. Adv. 2024). The Pacific water flux also impacts the freshwater budget of the Arctic Ocean, which ultimately plays a role in the Arctic sea ice and freshwater export rate to the northern North Atlantic. Sea-level changes thus deserve special attention from an Arctic perspective as they can considerably modify the exchanges between the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Furthermore, sea level determines the status of the Arctic shelves, submerged or not, which in turn plays a role in sea-ice production, as well as in the latent heat from the Atlantic water mass flowing northward through Fram Strait and the Barents Sea. We hypothesize that the increased freshwater inflow from the Pacific into the Arctic and the enhanced sea ice formation rates resulting from the sea level rise have played a role in the large scale cooling trend of the eastern Arctic and subarctic North Atlantic that has marked the late Holocene.


How to cite: de Vernal, A. and Hillaire-Marcel, C.: Arctic gateways, sea level and climate changes in the subpolar North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6192,, 2025.

Modeling results and proxy data both suggest that sea-ice conditions in the Arctic Ocean were less severe during the last interglacial (MIS 5e) compared to the present interglacial (MIS 1), but spatial variability of the sea-ice cover is still poorly constrained. In this study, variations in the intensity and composition of biogenic sedimentary structures (bioturbation and trace fossils) are used to address spatial differences in sea-ice distribution between the two interglacials. The presence or absence of trace fossils and bioturbated sediment have long been used to separate interglacial and glacial and intervals in central Arctic Ocean sediment cores based on the premise that interglacial conditions with less sea ice and more open waters led to higher food flux to the benthic communities, and vice versa. However, spatial differences in sea-ice cover during the individual interglacials also led to differences in primary productivity and consequently to spatial variations in the intensity of bioturbation and the composition of trace fossils. Areas characterized by perennial sea ice and few open leads or polynyas have a lower food flux than areas close to the sea-ice margin or with abundant polynyas. Consequently, the areas with more severe sea-ice conditions display fewer trace fossils and less intensely bioturbated sediments than areas characterized by open leads, polynyas, or areas situated close to the ice margin where primary productivity is higher. The spatial pattern shows a clear decrease in bioturbation intensity and trace fossil diversity from areas today characterized by relatively open waters, towards areas characterized by thick perennial sea ice. There is also a general pattern of more diverse trace fossil communities and more intense bioturbation observed from MIS 5e sediments compared to MIS 1, suggesting that sea-ice conditions during MIS 5e were generally less severe than during the present interglacial. The application of trace fossils and bioturbation for the reconstruction of sea ice conditions is particularly viable because of the large number of cores with X-ray radiographs available from data repositories such as The main limitation of the method comes from the generally poor age control of Arctic sediments beyond the range of radiocarbon dating.

How to cite: Löwemark, L.: A comparison of Arctic Ocean sea-ice conditions during interglacials MIS 5e and MIS 1 based on biogenic sedimentary structures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6455,, 2025.

EGU25-6518 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Does increased spatial resolution improve the simulation of Arctic sea ice lows in NEMO4.2-SI3? 

Benjamin Richaud, François Massonnet, Thierry Fichefet, Dániel Topal, Antoine Barthélemy, and David Docquier

The Arctic total sea ice extent has rapidly declined since the beginning of satellite observations. This decline materialized into record sea ice lows in the summers of 2007 and 2012. Those sea ice lows exhibit an important spatial heterogeneity and are likely caused by different dynamic and thermodynamic drivers of atmospheric and oceanic origins. Using the global ocean–sea ice model NEMO4.2-SI3 in the same setup but at three different horizontal resolutions (namely, 1/12°, 1/4° and 1°), we thoroughly examine the most extreme sea ice states simulated in summer by the model from a mass balance perspective. This method allows to disentangle the dominating mechanisms leading to the sea ice lows, such as dynamic redistribution and compression of sea ice in 2007, or preconditioning and excess basal melt in 2012. It also highlights the importance of processes at the ice-ocean interface to drive the evolution of sea ice at all considered temporal scales. We then compare how increased spatial resolution, allowing for the simulation of finer-scale physical processes such as ocean eddies, impacts the modelled sea ice thickness and concentration distribution, as well as the different ice mass fluxes. A particular attention is being paid to the influence of ocean heat content anomalies, as increased horizontal resolution provides a more realistic simulation of heat inflow in the Beaufort Gyre through subsurface eddies of Pacific origin. This study highlights the benefits of increased spatial resolution for realistically simulating the Arctic sea ice cover and weighs them with the associated computational cost. The decomposition of the ice mass budget into its different thermodynamic and dynamic terms puts forward the often downplayed role of the ocean in determining the interannual variability of Arctic sea ice and provides a stepping stone for further studies.

How to cite: Richaud, B., Massonnet, F., Fichefet, T., Topal, D., Barthélemy, A., and Docquier, D.: Does increased spatial resolution improve the simulation of Arctic sea ice lows in NEMO4.2-SI3?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6518,, 2025.

EGU25-7420 | Orals | OS1.8

Inserting the Arctic Ocean into the global late Pleistocene climate/ocean system: The Graal Quest? 

Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Anne de Vernal, and Tengfei Song

The setting of a consensual climate history of the Arctic Ocean spanning the last major climatic cycles is still unachieved despite recent converging views about the chronostratigraphy of marine archives from this ocean. Under both permanent and seasonally-opened sea-ice covers, sedimentary recordings present anomalies, ranging from hiatuses under thick ice-shelf covers, during glacials, to winnowed or mixed sequences generated by deep-density currents, under seasonally freezing sea-ice conditions during interglacials or interstadials. In opposition, short, early, or late-glacial events (e.g., continental ice surging and glacial lake drainage events) may have led to the deposition of relatively thick layers occasionally with reworked material. Accordingly, time interpolation between dated layers and within these layers is misleading, and lateral sediment advection leads mixed microfossils and biomarkers records, thus to biased paleoceanography/paleoclimate inferences. Interglacial as well as glacial sequences are subsequently poorly recorded. Along ridges, erosion of fine particles by sinking brines and deep density-driven current, with redeposition in sheltered/deeper sites, further results in the mixing of fossil populations. This process and its impact on paleoecological reconstructions are well-documented by 14C records spanning the Holocene-Marine Isotope Stage 3 interval. In several cores raised from central Arctic ridges, for example, a few centimeters of mixed Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage 3 assemblages illustrate this interval. Nonetheless, the positions of the last two interglacials in deep sedimentary cores may be set with some confidence based on the relative decay of sedimentary excesses in U-series isotopes (231Pa vs 230Th) and detrital feldspar grain OSL-ages. With the complementary support of paleomagnetic records, a tentative outline of the major late Quaternary glacial/interglacial events may be proposed, as illustrated here by records from the Chukchi Sea margin. In this area, high interglacial/interstadial sea-level intervals allowed Pacific Water influx through the shallow Bering Strait, as recorded by radiogenic Nd-isotope excursions and enhanced Si-fluxes (thus high primary productivity). High sea levels also resulted in the flooding of shelves, leading to high manganese fluxes in the deep basins. These provided a cyclostratigraphic tool for the correlation of records throughout the Arctic Ocean, as documented in several studies of the last decades. 

How to cite: Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A., and Song, T.: Inserting the Arctic Ocean into the global late Pleistocene climate/ocean system: The Graal Quest?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7420,, 2025.

EGU25-8417 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Dual clumped isotopes of speleothems: unveiling Late Miocene paleotemperatures for the High Arctic 

Gabriella Koltai, Jens Fiebig, Jian Wang, Hai Cheng, Christoph Spötl, Lawrence R. Edwards, Lena Friedrich, Anika Donner, Anna Nele Meckler, Jonathan Lloyd Baker, and Gina Elaine Moseley

The Late Miocene (11.63 to 5.33 million years (Ma)) has drawn attention as a potential analogue for future anthropogenic warming. During this time the global climate was warmer than present, with atmospheric CO2 concentrations at or above current levels, covering the same range as the IPCC emission scenarios. Despite its relevance for future climate scenarios, terrestrial Arctic climate variability during the Late Miocene remains poorly understood, mainly due to the scarcity of continuous, absolutely-dated proxy records.

Here we present a multi-proxy climate record derived from radiometrically dated speleothems from two caves located in eastern North Greenland (80°N). Today these caves are situated at altitudes of 604 and 660 m above sea level, in an area characterised by continuous permafrost and an annual precipitation of ca. 200 mm. Speleothem deposition provides evidence for several episodes of warmer and more humid climate conditions during the Late Miocene compared to today. We utilized dual clumped isotope thermometry to quantify these temperature changes, providing the first continental temperature record for the eastern North Greenland during the Late Miocene.

How to cite: Koltai, G., Fiebig, J., Wang, J., Cheng, H., Spötl, C., Edwards, L. R., Friedrich, L., Donner, A., Meckler, A. N., Baker, J. L., and Moseley, G. E.: Dual clumped isotopes of speleothems: unveiling Late Miocene paleotemperatures for the High Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8417,, 2025.

EGU25-8884 | Orals | OS1.8

Seawater temperature and water mass provenance changes over the last century in the North Atlantic Ocean reconstructed from cold-water coral geochemistry  

Paolo Montagna, Kathrin Brocker, Evan Border, Manuel Rigo, Stefán Áki Ragnarsson, Héðinn Valdimarsson, Steinunn Hilma Ólafsdóttir, Steffen Therre, Jens Fohlmeister, Julie Trotter, Malcolm McCulloch, Marleen Lausecker, Patrick Blaser, Gilles Reverdin, Christophe Colin, and Norbert Frank

The aragonite skeletons of cold-water corals (CWCs) offer critical insights into the physico-chemical changes and dynamics of intermediate-depth water masses at high temporal resolution (e.g. sub-decadal). Previous studies have shown that variations in seawater temperature, water ventilation age, and water mass provenance can be reconstructed from measurements of skeletal Li/Mg ratios, paired U/Th and 14C, and neodymium isotopes, respectively. Notably, the solitary azooxanthellate scleractinian coral species Desmophyllum dianthus is particularly valuable due to its broad distribution, century-long lifespan, and layered skeletal growth, which facilitates the use of geochemical tracers at sub-decadal intervals.

In this study, we analysed several Desmophyllum dianthus samples collected in 2012 from the Northern Iceland Basin at depths of 570-700 m during the ICE-CTD R/V Thalassa expedition, using the Remotely Operated Vehicle Victor 6000 operated by IFREMER. Sub-samples of the coral skeletons collected along the growth axis were analysed for Li/Mg, stable isotopes (δ11B, δ18O, δ13C), U/Th, 14C and Nd isotopes, with the aim to reconstruct the physico-chemical changes of the North Atlantic intermediate water masses, specifically the Iceland-Scotland Overflow Water, Sub-Arctic Intermediate Water and Western North Atlantic Central Water, and assess how their contributions have shifted over recent decades. The Li/Mg ratios provided sub-decadal temperature records, showing variations between ~2 to ~6 °C, closely linked to changes in Nd isotopic compositions. These findings can be explained by decadal fluctuations in the North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic atmospheric patterns, which influence the strength of the Atlantic Subpolar Gyre, leading to changes in the amount of warmer Subtropical Gyre-sourced water or colder Subpolar Gyre-sourced water. Additionally, our results suggest a significant reduction, by about half over the past ~70 years, of the ISOW, pointing to an increased northward transport of warm subtropical waters in recent decades. This shift may have contributed to the recent warming in the Arctic region and a notable multi-decadal weaking of the Nordic Sea overflow currents.

How to cite: Montagna, P., Brocker, K., Border, E., Rigo, M., Ragnarsson, S. Á., Valdimarsson, H., Ólafsdóttir, S. H., Therre, S., Fohlmeister, J., Trotter, J., McCulloch, M., Lausecker, M., Blaser, P., Reverdin, G., Colin, C., and Frank, N.: Seawater temperature and water mass provenance changes over the last century in the North Atlantic Ocean reconstructed from cold-water coral geochemistry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8884,, 2025.

EGU25-8902 | Orals | OS1.8

More modest peak temperatures during the Last Interglacial for both Greenland (and Antarctica) suggested by multi-model isotope simulations 

Louise Sime, Rahul Sivankutty, Irene Malmierca-Vallet, Sentia Goursaud Oger, Allegra LeGrande, Erin McClymont, Agatha de Boer, Alexandre Cauquoin, and Martin Werner

The Last Interglacial (LIG) period approximately 130,000 to 115,000 years ago, represents one of the warmest intervals in the past 800,000 years. Here we simulate water isotopes in precipitation in Antarctica and the Arctic during the LIG, using three isotope-enabled atmosphere-ocean coupled climate models: HadCM3, MPI-ESM-wiso, and GISS-E2.1. These models were run following the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project, phase 4 (PMIP4) protocol for the LIG at 127ka (kilo-years ago), supplemented by a 3000-year Heinrich Stadial 11 (H11) experiment run with HadCM3. The long H11 simulation has meltwater from the Northern Hemisphere applied to the North Atlantic which causes large-scale changes in ocean circulation including cooling in the North Atlantic and Arctic and warming in the Southern and Global Ocean. We find that the standard 127ka simulations do not capture the observed Antarctic warming and sea ice reduction in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic regions, but they capture around half of the warming in the Arctic.  The H11 simulations align better with observations: they capture 80% of the warming, sea ice loss, and δ18O changes for both Greenland and Antarctica. Decomposition of seasonal δ18O drivers highlights the dominant role of sea-ice retreat and associated changes in precipitation seasonality in influencing isotopic values in all simulations, alongside a small common response to orbital forcing. We use the H11 and multi-model 127k simulations together to infer LIG surface air temperature (SAT) changes based on ice core measurements. Coastal sites in Greenland and Antarctica appear to have experienced less warming compared with higher central regions. The peak inferred LIG Greenland SAT increase is +2.89 ± 1.32 K at the NEEM ice core site. This is less than half the previously inferred warming. Peak inferred LIG Antarctic SAT increases are +4.39 ± 1.45 K at EDC, dropping to  +1.67 ± 3.67 K at TALDICE.  

How to cite: Sime, L., Sivankutty, R., Malmierca-Vallet, I., Goursaud Oger, S., LeGrande, A., McClymont, E., de Boer, A., Cauquoin, A., and Werner, M.: More modest peak temperatures during the Last Interglacial for both Greenland (and Antarctica) suggested by multi-model isotope simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8902,, 2025.

EGU25-9378 | Orals | OS1.8

Atlantification at the Arctic Gateway: Past and Present Dynamics 

Gabriella M. Boretto, Tommaso Tesi, Giuliana Panieri, Margit H. Simon, Mathia Sabino, Alessio Nogarotto, Stijn De Schepper, Agnes Weiner, Jens Hefter, Silvia Giuliani, Leonardo Langone, Gesine Mollenhauer, Simon Belt, and Lucilla Capotondi

Reconstructing climate patterns from the Common Era is necessary for placing modern human-driven climate changes within the context of natural climatic variations. This is particularly relevant for the Arctic, which is warming faster than any other. This global trend is tied to rapid sea ice loss and the increasing influx of Atlantic waters into the Arctic basin, a phenomenon called "Atlantification". In this context, we reconstruct the last centuries paleoenvironmental changes in the Arctic region from sediment cores strategically located along the Barents Sea (HH1141, 74.015°N 21.071°E, -285 m; HH1181, 74.081°N 21.362°E, -298 m water depth; HH969, 76.765°N 35.831°E, -174 m water depth), and on the northern margin of the Svalbard Archipelago (KH21-234-04 (80.3531ºN 16.308ºE, -394 m water depth), based on geochronological and geochemical analyses, benthic foraminiferal data and organic biomarkers. The Age-depth are based on excess 210Pb, and are extrapolated down-core, assuming stable sediment accumulation rates (SAR) before the 20th century. The results allow us to identify two main oceanographic intervals. Pre-1900 ys CE, the dominance of Elphidium clavatum, Cassidulina reniforme, Islandiella helenae, Islandiella norcrossi, Stainforthia feylingi, Stainforthia loeblechi, together with a high concentration of biomarker (spring sea ice biomarker IP25, and alkenones), indicate cold conditions. The second interval, corresponding to the 20th century, is characterized by the presence of Adercotryma glomeratum, Trifarina angulosa, Nonionellina labradorica, Globobulimina auriculata, Melonis barleanus, Buccella frigida, documenting warm water mass inflow related to the expand incursion of Atlantic waters. Moreover, biomarker analyses provide further details of the paleoceanographic conditions showing less seasonal sea ice influence in the region and the intrusion of Atlantic waters within the Arctic domain. This work sets another milestone in our understanding of the “Atlantification” process that is crucial to forecasting the environmental changes in this region that are susceptible to heat transport through the Atlantic gateways, which affects climate and ecosystems.

How to cite: Boretto, G. M., Tesi, T., Panieri, G., Simon, M. H., Sabino, M., Nogarotto, A., De Schepper, S., Weiner, A., Hefter, J., Giuliani, S., Langone, L., Mollenhauer, G., Belt, S., and Capotondi, L.: Atlantification at the Arctic Gateway: Past and Present Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9378,, 2025.

EGU25-10178 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Flow asymmetry over varying topography: Implications for large-scale circulation 

Anna Lina Petruseviciute Sjur and Pål-Erik Isachsen

Ocean flows interacting with topography are critical for shaping large-scale circulation in polar regions such as the Arctic Ocean, where strong topographic steering shapes flow along continental slopes. Flow over sloping topography with corrugations exhibits an asymmetric response to prograde versus retrograde forcing, with stronger and more laminar flows in the prograde case (here, prograde forcing aligns with topographic wave propagation, while retrograde forcing opposes it). Previous studies attribute this asymmetry to increased topographic form stress for retrograde forcing. To further investigate these dynamics, we analyze flow responses to time-variable forcing over corrugated slopes using momentum budgets along depth-following contours. In this framework, the topographic form stress term vanishes, and vorticity fluxes across depth-contours emerge as the dominant mechanism driving asymmetries.

Preliminary results from idealized shallow water simulations reveal distinct nonlinear flow behaviors. For shorter forcing periods, the flow exhibits a cyclonic shift consistent with the "Neptune effect." For longer forcing periods, retrograde flow strength saturates, plateauing even as forcing increases. These findings build on our previous analysis of a realistic Arctic Ocean simulation, which indicated that these nonlinear effects leave an imprint on large-scale circulation. Together, they suggest that mesoscale topography-flow interactions modulate large-scale circulation and contribute to temporal variability in polar oceans under changing forcing conditions.

How to cite: Sjur, A. L. P. and Isachsen, P.-E.: Flow asymmetry over varying topography: Implications for large-scale circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10178,, 2025.

EGU25-13019 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Sea Ice Decline and Glacier Retreat Drive Greening of Svalbard in the 20th Century 

Gianmarco Ingrosso, Chiara Ceccarelli, Federico Giglio, Patrizia Giordano, Jens Hefter, Leonardo Langone, Stefano Miserocchi, Gesine Mollenhauer, Alessio Nogarotto, Mathia Sabino, and Tommaso Tesi

The greening of previously barren landscapes in the Arctic is one of the most relevant responses of terrestrial ecosystems to climate change. Analyses of satellite data (available since ~1980) have revealed a widespread tundra advance consistent with recent global warming, but the length of the time-series is insufficient to resolve the long-term variability and the precise timing of the greening onset. Here, we measured plant-derived biomarkers from an Arctic fjord sediment core as proxies for reconstructing past changes in tundra vegetation during the transition from the Little Ice Age to modern warming. Our findings revealed a rapid expansion of the tundra since the beginning of the twentieth century, largely coinciding with the decline of summer sea ice extent, glacier retreat, and Atlantification of the eastern Fram Strait. The greening trend inferred from biomarker analysis peaked significantly in the late 1990s, along with a shift in the tundra community towards a more mature successional stage. Most of these signals were consistent with the biomolecular fingerprints of vascular plant species that are more adapted to warmer conditions and have widely expanded in proglacial areas during recent decades. Our results suggest that the greening of Arctic fjords may have occurred earlier than previously thought, improving our mechanistic understanding of vegetation-climate-cryosphere interactions that will shape tundra vegetation under future warming projections.

How to cite: Ingrosso, G., Ceccarelli, C., Giglio, F., Giordano, P., Hefter, J., Langone, L., Miserocchi, S., Mollenhauer, G., Nogarotto, A., Sabino, M., and Tesi, T.: Sea Ice Decline and Glacier Retreat Drive Greening of Svalbard in the 20th Century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13019,, 2025.

EGU25-13346 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Seasonal climate signals from ground ice and pollen since the Middle Pleistocene as recorded in the ancient permafrost exposed in the Batagay megaslump (East Siberia) 

Thomas Opel, Margret Fuchs, Andrej Andreev, Alexander Kizyakov, Sebastian Wetterich, Hanno Meyer, and Ulrike Herzschuh

The Batagay megaslump (67.58°N, 134.77°E) in East Siberia is the largest known retrogressive thaw slump on Earth. Its approximately 55 m high headwall exposes discontinuously ancient permafrost that dates back to at least 650 ka. The permafrost preserves several paleoclimate and paleoecological proxies with distinct seasonality, e.g., ground ice and pollen.

In this study, we constrain the cryostratigraphy and chronology of the exposed permafrost based on field observations, newly obtained post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence ages and systematic radiocarbon dating of the upper part of the sequence. To obtain seasonal climate signals, we reconstructed temperatures and precipitation from pollen and analyzed the stable isotope composition of ice wedges and composite wedges as well as pore ice from all exposed stratigraphic units.

A strongly continental climate with strong seasonal contrasts is characteristic for this region throughout glacial and interglacial periods of the Quaternary. The Lower Ice Complex with large syngenetic ice wedges (3-7 m thick, dated MIS 17/16 to MIS 13/12) indicates rather moist, cold winters and variable summers. Above an erosional unconformity, the Lower Sand unit (≤20 m) is characterized by narrow composite (i.e. ice-sand) wedges and formed under cold and dry conditions during late MIS 7 and MIS 6. Substantial warming during the Last Interglacial, i.e., MIS 5e was accompanied by permafrost degradation and the development of taiga forest, as evidenced by a woody debris layer (≤3m). The formation of the overlying Upper Ice Complex (20-25 m thick, local Yedoma Ice Complex equivalent) with huge syngenetic ice wedges started already during MIS 5, probably in MIS 5d, and ended towards the end of MIS 3. A rather cold and dry MIS 4 was followed by the coldest but moist winters of the record and variable but warmer and dry summers in MIS 3. The Upper Sand unit (≤20 m, MIS 3-2) with narrow composite wedges represents a dry climate with less cold winters than in MIS 3 and relatively warm summers. Above an erosional unconformity, the Holocene cover (≤3m) reflects the warmest and rather dry climate of the entire record. The comprehensive permafrost record of the Batagay megaslump delineates Late Quaternary seasonality variability and provides thus far-reaching paleoclimate baseline data for the East Siberian terrestrial Arctic that deserves further proxy-based and model-based validation.

How to cite: Opel, T., Fuchs, M., Andreev, A., Kizyakov, A., Wetterich, S., Meyer, H., and Herzschuh, U.: Seasonal climate signals from ground ice and pollen since the Middle Pleistocene as recorded in the ancient permafrost exposed in the Batagay megaslump (East Siberia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13346,, 2025.

EGU25-13443 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Modelling of the Arctic Ocean and Labrador Sea at 1/60th Degree 

Paul G. Myers, Clark Pennelly, and Hoshyar Pouneh

Our group has carried out simulations of the Labrador Sea at 1/60th and shown that very-high resolution significantly improves the model solution. That resolution, by representing the mesoscale and part of the sub-mesoscale significantly improves the simulation of boundary current system, eddies and shelf-basin exchange, with the small-scale processes combining to also improve the large-scale circulation and overturning. Given such improvements for the Labrador Sea, we now examine modelling the entire Arctic Ocean and the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean north of 53N latitude. The configuration is named ARC60. The experiment also includes an iceberg module and tidal forcing. 

Here we present some of our ongoing analysis using the two very high resolution configurations and how it changes the solution compared to lower resolution simulations. We explore questions related to water formation in the Labrador Sea and Greenland melt, behavior of the Labrador Current and the Deep Western Boundary Current. We also explore the impact of Greenland runoff on driving coastal seasonal features in Melville Bay. Finally we look at eddies and small scale processes in the Arctic Ocean and Beaufort Gyre.

How to cite: Myers, P. G., Pennelly, C., and Pouneh, H.: Modelling of the Arctic Ocean and Labrador Sea at 1/60th Degree, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13443,, 2025.

EGU25-15556 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Introducing “Into the Blue”: a new ERC Synergy Grant resolving past Arctic warm climates 

Petra M Langebroek, Mariana Esteves, Jochen Knies, Gerrit Lohmann, Stijn De Schepper, Juliane Mueller, Monica Winsborrow, Mohamed Ezat, and Into the Blue team

The Arctic is changing: sea ice is retreating and the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting. The impact of a “bluer” and “greener” Arctic has yet to fully unfold, and extensive impacts are expected on ocean currents, stratification, marine heat waves and ecosystems.

Our poster introduces the newly funded ERC Synergy Grant “Into the Blue - Resolving Past Arctic Greenhouse Climates (i2B)”. In the coming 6 years, we will study past warm periods during the Quaternary, Pliocene and Miocene with a focus on the Arctic. We will (1) document ice sheet, sea ice, ocean, and ecosystem change by analysing existing and new data as well as model results, (2) understand ocean-cryosphere feedbacks, and (3) determine the impact of a warmer Arctic on climate, ecosystems and society.

How to cite: Langebroek, P. M., Esteves, M., Knies, J., Lohmann, G., De Schepper, S., Mueller, J., Winsborrow, M., Ezat, M., and team, I. T. B.: Introducing “Into the Blue”: a new ERC Synergy Grant resolving past Arctic warm climates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15556,, 2025.

EGU25-15665 | Orals | OS1.8

The CMIP7-PMIP FastTrack abrupt-127k simulation 

Christian Stepanek, Louise C. Sime, Rachel Diamond, Chris Brierley, David Schroeder, Masa Kageyama, and Irene Malmierca-Vallet

A rapidly warming climate with substantial polar amplification will lead the Arctic becoming ice free during summer. An Arctic that „turns blue“, i.e. that changes from a current Arctic Ocean covered by high-albedo sea ice to a future low-albedo ice free water surface, may occur as early as the 2050s even under low emissions scenarios (Kim et al., 2023). Absence of summer sea ice will further exacerbate Arctic warming and will have ramnifications from regional to global scale (Bruhwiler et al., 2021).

The study of past warm climate states with significantly reduced prevalence of Arctic sea ice enables an integrated proxy-data and climate modelling approach. This provides a valuable out-of-sample test for climate models from which future projections are derived and may help us to better understand processes and climate patterns related to a blue Arctic.

Based on the Last Interglacial (~127,000 years ago), a time when orbital parameters caused much increased boreal high-latitude insolation forcing in particular from boreal spring to boreal autumn, the fourth iteration of the Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP4) identified in their simulation lig127k substantial model-spread of simulated minimum annual Arctic sea ice conditions (Kageyama et al., 2020; Sime et al., 2023). To enable a better understanding of the origin of model-model discord the paleoclimate science community has proposed simulation abrupt-127k (Sime et al., in prep.) as part of the FastTrack portfolio of the seventh interation of the Climate Modelling Intercomparison Project (CMIP7). While simulation abrupt-127k inherits orbital and greenhouse gas parameters of PMIP4 simulation lig127k, its layout follows the approach of CMIP simulation abrupt-4xCO2, where the initial scientific focus is on a comparably short period (~100 model years) after model initialisation rather than on the quasi-equilibrated climate as in PMIP4 simulation lig127.

With this presentation we will outline rationale and utility of CMIP7 FastTrack simulation abrupt-127k to a) increase the model ensemble from the classical PMIP to the wider CMIP framework; b) focus on processes and feedbacks that translate modified climate forcing into Arctic climate towards refining our understanding of the apparent model-model discord found in lig127k; c) enhance analysis of simulated sea ice conditions and dynamics based on the standardized protocol for sea-ice related climate model outputs by the Sea-Ice Model Intercomparison Project (SIMIP; Notz et al., 2016).

How to cite: Stepanek, C., Sime, L. C., Diamond, R., Brierley, C., Schroeder, D., Kageyama, M., and Malmierca-Vallet, I.: The CMIP7-PMIP FastTrack abrupt-127k simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15665,, 2025.

EGU25-15904 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8

Spatial variability and controls on the authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio in Arctic shelves and deep ocean sediments 

Agathe Ollive, Florian Adolphi, Jens Matthiessen, Walter Geibert, Michael Alscher, Konstanze Stübner, and Johannes Lachner

The authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio retrieved from marine sediments is a promising proxy for reconstructing Arctic paleoceanography, particularly the interplay of riverine and marine influences on the extensive continental shelves and in deep basins. This study investigates the spatial variability of authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios in surface sediments from the Kara and Laptev Seas, tracing its variations from river mouths to the open ocean. Calculated 10Be/9Be ratios of the water column are compared with measured ratios in surface sediments to identify controlling factors such as reversible scavenging, co-precipitation, and water mass mixing. Results confirm that authigenic 10Be/9Be records the different water masses, with low 10Be/9Be on the shelves and increasing 10Be/9Be towards the deep sea. However, while sediments on the continental shelves faithfully capture the riverine 10Be/9Be signature, offsets emerge in deeper basins due to incomplete reversible scavenging and/or coprecipitation leading to lower authigenic 10Be/9Be in deep sea sediments compared to the local water column. This study highlights the potential of 10Be/9Be as a geochemical proxy for Arctic watermass mixing while emphasizing the complexity of interacting sedimentary and oceanographic processes influencing authigenic 10Be/9Be in Arctic Ocean sediments.

How to cite: Ollive, A., Adolphi, F., Matthiessen, J., Geibert, W., Alscher, M., Stübner, K., and Lachner, J.: Spatial variability and controls on the authigenic 10Be/9Be ratio in Arctic shelves and deep ocean sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15904,, 2025.

EGU25-15910 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Multi-millennial future warming scenarios with the comprehensive Earth system model AWIESM 

Lars Ackermann, Gregor Knorr, Matteo Willeit, and Gerrit Lohmann

Numerical model simulations are an essential tool for assessing effects of global warming on the climate system in future greenhouse gas concentration scenarios. Commonly, these simulations cover only the next few centuries or use low-complexity models for longer periods. However, to assess the dynamics of Earth system components with long response times like the ocean or ice sheets, multi-millennial simulations with comprehensive Earth system models are essential.
Here, we present multi-millennial simulations with the complex Earth System Model AWIESM, covering an integration time beyond the typical CMIP time scale. The model runs on a multi-resolution grid with a horizontal resolution of up to 20 km in high latitudes. The model includes an interactive ice sheet for the Greenland domain. The simulations are forced with transient greenhouse gas concentrations obtained from model simulations with the Earth System Model of intermediate complexity CLIMBER-X with an interactive carbon cycle, covering overshoot scenarios that enable assessment of long-term ice sheet and ocean dynamics.
Our results reveal a scenario-dependent weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), followed by partial recovery over the next millennium. All scenarios show sea ice-free or nearly sea ice-free summer conditions in the northern and southern hemispheres. Winter sea ice shows an asymmetric response under future warming. While Arctic winter sea ice changes are small in low- to medium-emission scenarios, Southern Ocean winter sea ice shows a large reduction even in low-emission scenarios. The Greenland ice sheet shows a continuing ice mass loss during the next millennium, even with decreasing greenhouse gas concentrations in medium-emission scenarios. The main area of ice loss is West Greenland.
These findings underscore the importance of long-term simulations with comprehensive Earth system models to understand the complex, delayed responses of key climate system components and their broader implications for the Earth system.

How to cite: Ackermann, L., Knorr, G., Willeit, M., and Lohmann, G.: Multi-millennial future warming scenarios with the comprehensive Earth system model AWIESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15910,, 2025.

EGU25-16307 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8

Sedimentary ancient DNA to unlock Arctic marine biodiversity during the Holocene Thermal Maximum 

Jérémy Courtin, Sofia Ribeiro, and Heike Zimmermann

Greenland’s west coast is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with profound implications for marine ecosystems and their services. Projections suggest significant restructuring of Arctic marine ecosystems due to ongoing sea ice decline, yet uncertainties remain regarding the biosphere-specific responses of these ecosystems. The Arctic cryosphere has undergone significant changes throughout the Holocene, with the Holocene Thermal Maximum (HTM) representing a key period of reduced sea ice and warmer conditions. These past environmental shifts provide a valuable analogue for understanding the ongoing impacts of climate warming on Arctic marine ecosystems. Understanding past climate impacts on marine species is essential for predicting future changes and informing policy decisions.

While traditional microfossil records have advanced our knowledge of past ecosystems, they are biased toward species with hard body parts and are insufficiently covered in time and space. To address these limitations, we use sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) to track HTM marine biodiversity dynamics. This method allows for the detection of a broad range of organisms, including soft-bodied species such as ciliates and jellyfish, which are not preserved in the fossil record. To enhance the taxonomic resolution of marine eukaryotes across all trophic levels, from primary producers to marine mammals, we developed custom hybridization capture probes targeting barcoding regions. This approach enables the retrieval of short DNA fragments and the assessment of postmortem damage to validate the sedaDNA signal. We employed a two-step methodology: (1) compiling databases such as GBIF and WoRMS to identify knowledge gaps in Arctic marine biodiversity, and (2) evaluating various barcoding genes (e.g., 18S, rbcL, ITS2, COI) for taxonomic resolution and reference availability. Using the SILVA-NR99 database, we focused on the V7 region of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene as a universal marker, while applying alternative markers for groups lacking sufficient resolution. We generated 46,804 80bp-long probes targeting 11,389 species, which we tested both in silico and on marine surface sediment samples collected from 25 sites around Greenland before their application to Holocene sediment cores from western Greenland.

This approach holds great potential for identifying key marine Arctic species across trophic levels and optimizing their taxonomic resolution during the HTM, revealing ecosystem responses to warming. By providing new insights into Arctic marine ecosystem dynamics and their long-term responses to climate change, we aim to offer valuable information for developing adaptive management strategies aimed at ensuring the ecological sustainability of the region.

How to cite: Courtin, J., Ribeiro, S., and Zimmermann, H.: Sedimentary ancient DNA to unlock Arctic marine biodiversity during the Holocene Thermal Maximum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16307,, 2025.

EGU25-17242 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8

Characteristics of ocean mesoscale vortices in the Amerasian Basin from a high resolution pan-Arctic model 

Noémie Planat, Carolina Dufour, Camille Lique, Jan Rieck, Claude Talandier, and Bruno Tremblay

Observations and numerical models reveal that mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the Arctic Ocean. These eddies are thought to play an important role in particular in the transport of heat, salt and nutrients from the shelves to the deep basins, in the modulation of the sea ice cover, and in the dynamical equilibrium of the Beaufort gyre. However, the characteristics of these eddies are poorly documented. 
Here, an eddy detection and tracking method is applied to the output of a high resolution (1/12°) regional model of the Arctic - North Atlantic over the period 1995-2020 to investigate mesoscale eddies in the Amerasian Basin. Over that period, about 6000 eddies per year and per depth level are found distributed about equally between cyclones and anticyclones. On average, these eddies last 7 days, travel 5 km and have a radius of 12.4 km, with strong regional and temporal disparities that exist within the eddy population studied.  Down to 250 m (i.e. the second pycnocline), eddy characteristics show a strong asymmetry between the shelf and the central basin with more numerous and larger eddies that travels longer distances with the mean flow along the shelf break. In the top 70 m, the mean characteristics of detected eddies display a strong seasonality following that of the sea ice cover. Below the first pycnocline at 70 m, the number of eddies shows little seasonality but a transient increase in response to the recent acceleration of the gyre. Deeper, within the Atlantic Waters, eddies are generated everywhere across the basin and present little interannual variability.
Finally, this eddy census helps interpret some discrepancies found between previous studies that use different datasets and approaches to examine the eddy field in the Arctic. In particular, our analysis show that the anticyclone dominance within the Beaufort Gyre that arises from the analysis of eddies from the Ice Tethered Profilers is partly due a regional sampling bias. 

How to cite: Planat, N., Dufour, C., Lique, C., Rieck, J., Talandier, C., and Tremblay, B.: Characteristics of ocean mesoscale vortices in the Amerasian Basin from a high resolution pan-Arctic model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17242,, 2025.

EGU25-17627 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Exploring the use of sedaDNA to provide a palaeogenomic-based biostratigraphy in central Arctic Ocean sediments 

Emelie Ståhl, Anna Linderholm, and Matt O'Regan

The Arctic is currently undergoing rapid warming, which in the near future is expected to result in summers with an ice-free Arctic Ocean interior, and winters having thinner, and more mobile ice. Changes in sea-ice cover will have profound impacts on Arctic oceanography, its marine ecosystem, and ultimately on our climate from regional to global scales. To better understand what will happen in a changing future, we must look into the past. Arctic marine sediments provide a range of proxies that provide valuable palaeoceanographic, and palaeoclimatic information, documenting changes to the cryosphere. Yet, a confident interpretation of palaeoceanographic, and palaeoclimatic changes across glacial cycles of the Pleistocene is still hampered by our inability to accurately date Arctic marine sediments.

Studies conducted by Jakobsson et al. in the early 2000s transformed age-model interpretations in the Arctic following the identification of the coccolithophore Gephyrocapsa huxleyi (formerly known as Emiliania huxleyi) in a sediment core from the Lomonosov Ridge. Although G. huxleyi evolved globally ca 290 ka during MIS 8 (300-243 ka), it is generally believed that this species first appeared in the Arctic Ocean during the last interglacial period (MIS 5, 71-130 ka). The biostratigraphic datum provided by the first appearance of this species has therefore been central to much palaeoceanographic research conducted in the Arctic. However, identifying nannofossils in Arctic Ocean sediments is non-trivial, as their mineral remains are often poorly preserved or entirely absent due to unfavorable taphonomic conditions. This has led to ambiguous age estimates, as revealed by a recent study by Razmjooei et al. (2023) revising the calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Arctic, indicating that previously inferred sub-stages of MIS 5 may actually represent full interglacial periods rather than interstadials.

Recent advances using sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) now permit genome-based approaches to identify calcareous photosynthetic algae in marine sediments. We hypothesize that the sedaDNA approach may provide a “palaeogenomic biostratigraphic” age control when the conventional fossil-based approach is not usable due to poorly preserved or absent fossil remains. Given its importance in Arctic biostratigraphy, and since this is the only coccolithophore with an existing reference genome, we focus on G. huxleyi. An initial pilot study analyzing 5 samples from one sediment core from the central Arctic Ocean has previously showed positive reads for G. huxleyi in sediment layers argued to be from the last interglacial (MIS 5). Expanding on this pilot-study, we conducted a high-resolution sampling, totaling 93 sedaDNA samples, of two additional cores from the central Arctic Ocean. By integrating metagenomics with fossil, and climate proxy data, we aim to more confidently place the first appearance of G. huxleyi in the biostratigraphic framework of Quaternary Arctic marine sediments.

How to cite: Ståhl, E., Linderholm, A., and O'Regan, M.: Exploring the use of sedaDNA to provide a palaeogenomic-based biostratigraphy in central Arctic Ocean sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17627,, 2025.

EGU25-17764 | ECS | Orals | OS1.8

Marine ecosystem changes linked to climate and terrestrial freshwater inputs in a Northeast Greenland fjord over the Holocene 

Meri Mäkelä, Sofia Ribeiro, Christof Pearce, Henrieka Detlef, J. Sakari Salonen, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, and Maija Heikkilä

Decreasing sea-ice extent and retreating and thinning of Greenland’s glaciers are rapidly changing Arctic coastal environments by warming and freshening the sea surface and impacting light availability. In Arctic fjords, productivity is significantly influenced by the position of glacier termini, and the present retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet will increase the number of fjords surrounded only by land-terminating glaciers in the future. This will most likely affect the productivity and ecosystem structure of coastal marine areas. To predict future cryosphere change and its impacts, it is essential to understand climate and ecosystem variability beyond the instrumental era.  

Here we present a high-resolution reconstruction of coastal marine ecosystem change and its linkages to terrestrial freshwater and organic matter inputs in Young Sound fjord, Northeast Greenland, over the Holocene. The reconstructions are based on marine sediment-core proxies: organic-walled palynomorphs (including e.g. dinoflagellate cysts and pollen), sympagic and pelagic biomarkers (highly branched isoprenoids and sterols) and a set of geochemical indicators (sediment organic carbon, nitrogen, their stable isotopes, and biogenic silica). The results suggest a relatively cold early Holocene with extensive sea-ice cover and low productivity. Warmer and more variable conditions take hold after approximately 9 kyr with increasing productivity, species richness and terrestrial freshwater inputs, with colder conditions seen after approximately 3.5 kyr with high productivity coupled with higher ice-algae contribution. The results also indicate that this near-shore marine ecosystem is clearly influenced by local forcings, such as terrestrial freshwater and organic matter inputs, suggesting that the continuous melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet will affect marine productivity and ecosystem structure in Greenland’s fjord systems, with potential impacts on biodiversity and sustainability of fisheries. 

How to cite: Mäkelä, M., Ribeiro, S., Pearce, C., Detlef, H., Salonen, J. S., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., and Heikkilä, M.: Marine ecosystem changes linked to climate and terrestrial freshwater inputs in a Northeast Greenland fjord over the Holocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17764,, 2025.

EGU25-18918 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.8

Long term influence of changing soil hydrology in an Earth System Model on Arctic Amplification 

Nagore Meabe-Yanguas, Jesus Fidel González-Rouco, Félix García-Pereira, Phillipp de Vrese, Alex Martínez-Vila, Norman Julius Steinert, Johann Jungclaus, and Stephan Lorenz

The Arctic’s enhanced response to global warming, driven by sea-ice and lapse-rate feedbacks, among other processes, has significant implications for the climate system, ecosystems, and society. Known as Arctic Amplification (AA), this phenomenon accelerates permafrost thawing, influencing carbon soil emissions and hydrology. However, the physics of permafrost-related processes remain poorly understood. Additionally, Earth System Models (ESMs) exhibit significant uncertainties in projecting future Arctic hydrology, making it difficult to determine whether this region will become wetter or drier. A better representation of soil thermodynamics and hydrology within ESMs allows for assessing uncertainties related to permafrost processes. This study uses a modified version of the MPI-ESM, where soil hydro-thermodynamics is improved in permafrost regions. With the tuning of parameters in these modifications we create the WET and DRY versions of the model. This allows for evaluating how these changes affect Earth's climate and, in particular, AA until 2300. Simulations, reveal that the AA factor converges to a value of 2–3 when external forcing outperforms the influence of internal variability. Furthermore, differences in climate backgrounds and the availability of sea ice and snow result in feedback processes of different magnitudes. Thus, accurately representing Arctic hydrology is crucial to better understand and predict the region's future changes. The feedback mechanisms explored here not only shape Arctic climate, but also have the potential to affect the global climate via a series of teleconnections.

How to cite: Meabe-Yanguas, N., González-Rouco, J. F., García-Pereira, F., de Vrese, P., Martínez-Vila, A., Steinert, N. J., Jungclaus, J., and Lorenz, S.: Long term influence of changing soil hydrology in an Earth System Model on Arctic Amplification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18918,, 2025.

EGU25-19167 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Reassessment and applications of the Mg/Ca - δ18Oc proxy system recorded in shells of the Arctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma 

Audrey Morley, Elwyn de la Vega, Markus Raitzsch, Jelle Bijma, Ulysses Ninnemann, Gavin Foster, Thomas Chalk, Julie Meilland, Rachel Cave, Janina Büscher, and Michal Kucera

Observation-based reconstructions of Arctic sea surface temperatures in response to changing climate boundary conditions are critical to constrain climate sensitivity and evaluate the uncertainties of model simulations. On long and pre-instrumental timescales, this is only possible by employing climate proxies. Yet, most proxies of essential climate variables, such as sea surface temperatures (SST), suffer from limitations when applied to cold temperatures that characterize Arctic environments. These limitations prevent us from constraining uncertainties for some of the most sensitive climate tipping points that can trigger rapid and dramatic global climate change such as Polar Amplification, the disruption of AMOC, sea ice loss, and permafrost melting that are intrinsic to the polar regions. Here, we present a new approach to reconstructing sea surface temperatures (SST) using paired Mg/Ca - δ18Oc recorded in shells of the Arctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma. We show that in this proxy system, the Mg/Ca – palaeothermometry is affected by variations in seawater carbonate chemistry, which can be successfully quantified and removed from paleotemperature reconstructions allowing a reassessment of the absolute temperature and the magnitude of marine polar amplification to climate forcing on glacial-interglacial timescales. By applying this novel approach to existing records, we show that the magnitude of high latitude SST cooling during glacial periods has been underestimated and that the new estimate of SST change between the Late Holocene and the LGM exceeds model-based estimates of marine polar amplification by up to 3.0 ±1.0˚ C. Our findings open up opportunities to better constrain the oceanic carbonate system enabling a quantification of high-latitude ocean-atmosphere carbon exchange as well as to benchmark the performance of CMIP6 and future generations of climate models.

How to cite: Morley, A., de la Vega, E., Raitzsch, M., Bijma, J., Ninnemann, U., Foster, G., Chalk, T., Meilland, J., Cave, R., Büscher, J., and Kucera, M.: Reassessment and applications of the Mg/Ca - δ18Oc proxy system recorded in shells of the Arctic planktonic foraminifera Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19167,, 2025.

EGU25-19282 | Orals | OS1.8

Seasonal particle dynamics in Kongsfjorden during two years of contrasting environmental conditions 

Francesco Paladini de Mendoza, Stefano Miserocchi, Patrizia Giordano, Federico Giglio, Mauro Mazzola, and Leonardo Langone

Global climate change is particularly pronounced in the Arctic regions, widely recognized as a "climatic hotspot" by the scientific community. This phenomenon, known as Arctic amplification refers to the accelerated increase in Arctic surface temperature compared to the global average. This process drives the ongoing loss of Arctic sea-ice volume and intensifies the ice-albedo feedback mechanism. Key physical drivers include the increased intrusion of warm Atlantic Water into the Arctic Ocean, which profoundly impacts biogeochemical cycles. Over the past decades, the CNR-ISP has developed marine and atmospheric observatories in the Svalbard region. These include three moorings (MDI, KIM, MAP) measuring biogeochemical parameters along the water column in the Kongsfjorden-Krossfjorden fjord system, and the land-based platform, the Amundsen-Nobile Climate Change Tower (CCT), measuring atmospheric parameters. As part of the ITINERIS PNRR project, the moorings were equipped with advanced biogeochemical sensors capable of monitoring Essential Ocean Variables, enablingthe study of seasonal and annual dynamics of suspended marine particles and nutrients. Between 2022 and 2024, contrasting environmental conditions shaped the dynamics of particulate matter and nutrients. One striking difference between the two years was the intrusion of Atlantic water observed at the end of summer in 2023 which extended to the inner Kongfjorden. Additionally, the timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom between 2023 and 2024 shifted, and also the terrestrial input from summer glacier melting exhibited significant variability. The spring phytoplankton bloom begins when PAR increases after the polar night nutrient concentrations are high due to autumn replenishment and winter water convection, and the influence of Atlantic Water on nitrate replenishment rates is evident. The timing of the spring bloom results from a complex interplay of atmospheric and marine factors. In the inner part of the Kongsfjorden, suspended matter concentrations are primary driven by glacial meltwater inputs, which contributes to low-salinity surface waters within the fjord. These findings underscore the intricate relationships between environmental changes, particle dynamics, and nutrient cycling in Svalbard.

How to cite: Paladini de Mendoza, F., Miserocchi, S., Giordano, P., Giglio, F., Mazzola, M., and Langone, L.: Seasonal particle dynamics in Kongsfjorden during two years of contrasting environmental conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19282,, 2025.

EGU25-19394 | Orals | OS1.8 | Highlight

Warm climates in the Arctic: Lessons from the past and long-term future 

Gerrit Lohmann

The Arctic is changing: sea ice is retreating and the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting. The impact of a different Arctic realm has yet to fully unfold, and extensive impacts are expected on ocean currents, stratification, marine heat waves and ecosystems. I will study past warm periods during the Quaternary, Pliocene and Miocene with focus on the Arctic. Marine heatwaves (MHWs), defined as extreme ocean warming episodes, have strengthened over the past decades. High-resolution climate models improve understanding of MHWs under global warming, but such events in the future Arctic are currently overlooked. In a high-resolution climate model, we find Arctic MHWs intensify on orders of magnitude during the warming twenty-first century, following sea ice retreat. However, with little sea ice coverage, strong interannual variability emerges, which could surpass the amplitude of former intensification. Additionally, the intensification of MHWs is linked to a substantial increase in the rate of temperature anomaly change. Cenozoic climate changes have been associated with tectonic activity and fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 levels. To explore these dynamics, we present the Holocene, Last Interglacial, Miocene and Pliocene sensitivity experiments. These experiments incorporate variations in paleogeography, ocean gateway configurations, atmospheric CO2 concentrations, and a range of ocean vertical mixing. 


Ackermann, L., C. Danek, P. Gierz, and G. Lohmann, 2020: AMOC recovery in a multi-centennial scenario using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-ice sheet model. Geophysical Research Letters, 47 (16), e2019GL086810, DOI:10.1029/2019GL086810

Contzen, J., Dickhaus, T., and Lohmann, G.: Variability and extremes: statistical validation of the Alfred Wegener Institute Earth System Model (AWI-ESM), Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1803–1820, doi:10.5194/gmd-15-1803-2022, 2022.

Gou, R., K. Wolf, C. Hoppe, L. Wu, G. Lohmann, 2025: The changing nature of future Arctic marine heatwaves and its potential impacts on the ecosystem. Nature Climate Change,

Lohmann, G., M. Butzin, N. Eissner, X. Shi, C. Stepanek, 2020: Abrupt climate and weather changes across timescales. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 35 (9), e2019PA003782, DOI:10.1029/2019PA003782

Lohmann, G., G. Knorr, A. Hossain, C. Stepanek, 2022: Effects of CO2 and Ocean Mixing on Miocene and Pliocene Temperature Gradients. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 37, (2), e2020PA003953, doi:10.1029/2020PA003953

Lohmann, G., 2020: Temperatures from energy balance models: the effective heat capacity matters, Earth Syst. Dynam., 11, 1195–1208, doi:10.5194/esd-11-1195-2020.

Hossain, A., G. Knorr, W. Jokat, G. Lohmann, K. Hochmuth, P. Gierz, C. Stepanek, and K. Gohl, 2023: The Impact of Different Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on Large Scale Miocene Temperature Signatures. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 38 (2), e2022PA004438. DOI:10.1029/2022PA004438 

How to cite: Lohmann, G.: Warm climates in the Arctic: Lessons from the past and long-term future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19394,, 2025.

EGU25-20470 | Posters on site | OS1.8

Revisiting Late Quaternary chronostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean using the 230Th excess method 

Tengfei Song, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Yanguang Liu, Jean-Carlos Montero-Serrano, Guillaume St-Onge, Anne de Vernal, and Jianxing Liu

The Late Quaternary chronostratigraphic framework of the Arctic Ocean remains contentious, hindering our understanding of Arctic paleoceanographic conditions and their influence on global climate change. Recent advances in microbiostratigraphy and amino acid racemization (AAR) dating challenge the high-sedimentation rate central Arctic scenario proposed nearly two decades ago. To address this issue, U-Th analyses were performed on a Lomonosov Ridge sediment core, ICE04, whose chronostratigraphy had previously been established using AMS14C dating, lithological and mineralogical correlations, and the identification of a paleomagnetic excursion.

The Th-230 excess (230Thxs) distribution and decay downcore suggest a revised age framework. Specifically, the previously identified marine isotope stage (MIS) 3 layer can be re-assigned to MIS 3 to 6, while the MIS 4/4-5d layer extends back to MIS 7. Additionally, the 234U/238U ratio record indicates active late diagenetic processes likely driven by organic carbon decomposition. These findings highlight several key points: 1) younger organic carbon may dissolve and reprecipitate downcore due to late diagenetic processes, limiting the reliability of 14C ages derived from bulk organic carbon; 2) lithological correlations used to construct Late Quaternary chronostratigraphy can introduce significant uncertainties and may be biased by the misinterpretation of other methods, such as 14C dating; 3) dolomite peaks are recommended as reliable markers for the site-to-site correlations as they are linked to the meltwater discharge from the NW margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet; and 4) the 1-meter-thick interval exhibiting a negative geomagnetic polarity, previously attributed to the Matuyama Chron (~780 ka) or the Laschamp (~41 ka) and Mono Lake (~35 ka) excursions, is dated to MIS 4-5d using the 230Thxs method. The revised age addresses the complexity of paleomagnetic behavior in the Arctic and underscores the need for further investigation to resolve these discrepancies.

Using the 230Thxs method, we estimate a late Quaternary mean sedimentation rate of <2 cm/ka for core ICE04, significantly lower than the previously reported rate of >4 cm/ka. These findings align with the sediment-starved deep Arctic scenario proposed prior to the 2000s, further indicating that an effort must be conducted to account for all the available data.

How to cite: Song, T., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Liu, Y., Montero-Serrano, J.-C., St-Onge, G., de Vernal, A., and Liu, J.: Revisiting Late Quaternary chronostratigraphy of the Arctic Ocean using the 230Th excess method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20470,, 2025.

EGU25-21110 | Orals | OS1.8

Arctic Ocean: mixing and exchange in a changing ocean 

Tom P. Rippeth

The Arctic Ocean differs from other oceans globally in several ways. Stratification is largely determined by changes in salinity, with cooler fresher water overlying warmer (intruding) saltier water. Until very recently the ocean was largely isolated from the atmosphere by sea ice restricting exchange of heat and momentum across the sea surface. As much of the Arctic Ocean lies poleward of the critical latitude for the dominant tidal forcing, preventing the formation of freely propagating internal tides, the major pathway of tidal energy to ocean mixing. As such mixing between layers in the Arctic Ocean is weak.

An analogy is often drawn between the circulation in the Arctic Ocean and that in an estuary. Lateral gradients in density drive exchange through Arctic gateways with the exchange flow mediated by vertical mixing within the Arctic Ocean. Here we examine the potential impact of the recent decline sea ice extent on both the vertical mixing and the import of heat and export of freshwater through the Arctic gateways.

How to cite: Rippeth, T. P.: Arctic Ocean: mixing and exchange in a changing ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21110,, 2025.

EGU25-283 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Drivers of sensible heat flux in the Southern Ocean and their relationship to submesoscale fronts 

Johan Edholm, Hanna Rosenthal, Louise Biddle, Sarah Gille, Matthew Mazloff, Marcel du Plessis, and Sebastiaan Swart

Advances in uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) enable expanded observations in the Southern Ocean, a region vital for global heat uptake yet critically undersampled. Using data from three USVs that sampled the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean in both summer and winter, we evaluate processes and decorrelation scales driving sensible heat flux variability. High flux variability is linked to synoptic-scale southwesterly winds, with sensible heat flux decorrelation scales of 40–60 km and 6–10 hours, consistent across seasons and variables. Fine-scale (<1–10 km) oceanic processes, including fronts, filaments, and boundaries, further influence flux variability: Our datasets reveal over 8,000 temperature fronts ranging from <1 km to >20 km in width. While wind-related variability dominates sensible heat flux changes across the smallest fronts, the ocean’s role becomes increasingly significant with front width, reaching parity at ~4 km. However, due to their abundance, the total change of sensible heat flux over smaller (~1 km) fronts is an order of magnitude greater than that of larger (>4 km) fronts. These results highlight the role of fine-scale atmosphere-ocean interactions in driving heat flux variability in the Southern Ocean, offering valuable insights for enhancing flux estimates in this critical region.

How to cite: Edholm, J., Rosenthal, H., Biddle, L., Gille, S., Mazloff, M., du Plessis, M., and Swart, S.: Drivers of sensible heat flux in the Southern Ocean and their relationship to submesoscale fronts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-283,, 2025.

EGU25-1399 | Orals | OS1.9

 Dependence of dense filament frontogenesis in a hydrostatic model  

Yalin Fan and Zhitao Yu


 In this study, a hydrostatic model - the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) is used to analyze the temporal evolution of a cold filament under moderate wind (along / cross filament) and surface cooling forcing conditions. The experimental framework adhered to the setup used in large eddy simulations by Sulllivan and McWilliams (2018). For each forcing scenario, the impact of horizontal resolutions is systematically explored through varies model resolutions of 100 m, 50 m, and 20 m; and the influence of horizontal mixing is investigated by adjusting the Smagorinsky constant within the Smagorinsky horizontal mixing scheme. The role of surface gravity waves is also assessed by conducting experiments both with and without surface wave forcing. 

The outcomes of our study revealed that while the hydrostatic model is able to predict the correct characteristics/physical appearance of filament frontogenesis, it fails to capture the precise dynamics of the phenomenon. Horizontal mixing parameterization in the model was found to have marginal effect on frontogenesis, and the frontal arrest is controlled by the model’s subgrid-scale artificial regularization procedure instead of horizontal shear instability. Consequently, higher resolution is corresponding to stronger frontogenesis in the model. Thus, whether the hydrostatic model can produce realistic magnitude of frontogenesis is purely dependent on the characteristic of the front/filament simulated and model resolution. Moreover, examination of the parameterized effect of surface gravity wave forcing through vertical mixing unveiled a limited impact on frontogenesis, suggesting that the parameterization falls short in representing the real physics of wave-front interaction. 

How to cite: Fan, Y. and Yu, Z.:  Dependence of dense filament frontogenesis in a hydrostatic model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1399,, 2025.

EGU25-2211 | Orals | OS1.9

ODYSEA: a satellite mission to advance knowledge of ocean dynamics and air-sea interaction 

Tong Lee, Sarah Gille, Fabrice Ardhuin, Mark Bourassa, Paul Chang, Sophie Cravatte, Gerald Dibarboure, Tom Farrar, Melanie Fewings, Fanny Girard-Ardhuin, Gregg Jacobs, Zorana Jelenak, Florent Lyard, Jackie May, Elisabeth Rémy, Lionel Renault, Ernesto Rodriguez, Clément Ubelmann, Bia Villas Bôas, and Alex Wineteer

Ocean-surface vector winds, currents, and their interaction play critical roles in shaping many aspects of the Earth’s environment (e.g., weather, climate, marine ecosystems, and ocean health), affecting human safety and wellbeing both on land and at sea. However, there are significant capability gaps in observing winds, currents, and their interaction. At present, global gridded products of surface currents have coarse (~150 km) feature resolutions and rely on theoretical assumptions that break down near the equator. Moreover, there is no satellite that provides simultaneous wind-current measurements that are important for studying wind-current coupling and its impact on weather and climate. The “Ocean DYnamics and Surface Exchange with the Atmosphere” (ODYSEA) satellite mission concept is designed to alleviate these capability gaps. ODYSEA, proposed to NASA’s Earth System Explorers program in mid-2023, aims to provide the first-ever global measurements of total surface currents and simultaneous winds with 5-km data postings and near-daily coverage of the global ocean. ODYSEA builds on NASA’s heritage of scatterometry and the success of the airborne Doppler scatterometer flown as part of the Sub-Mesoscale Ocean Dynamics Experiment (S-MODE), NASA’s Earth Venture Suborbital-3 (EVS-3) mission. ODYSEA also leverages strong domestic and international partnerships. Here we present ODYSEA’s objectives, anticipated capabilities, and expected contributions to advance the understanding of surface current dynamics and air-sea interaction.


How to cite: Lee, T., Gille, S., Ardhuin, F., Bourassa, M., Chang, P., Cravatte, S., Dibarboure, G., Farrar, T., Fewings, M., Girard-Ardhuin, F., Jacobs, G., Jelenak, Z., Lyard, F., May, J., Rémy, E., Renault, L., Rodriguez, E., Ubelmann, C., Villas Bôas, B., and Wineteer, A.: ODYSEA: a satellite mission to advance knowledge of ocean dynamics and air-sea interaction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2211,, 2025.

EGU25-3214 | Orals | OS1.9

Contribution of the air entrainment to the gas transfer processes in wave-breaking events 

Alessandro Iafrati, Sergio Pirozzoli, and Simone Di Giorgio

Gas exchange processes at the air-sea interface play a crucial role in regulating the climate and sustaining human and marine life. It is known that a large portion of anthropogenic carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean, which, in turn, releases nearly half of the oxygen we breathe through the photosynthesis of marine flora in the sunlit upper ocean layer. 

Despite its relevance, the processes governing the gas transfer across the ocean surface are not fully understood. Although there is evidence that the bubbles generated by the wave breaking enhances significantly the gas transfer rate, in particular for low-solubility species, the parameterization of their contribution is inaccurate.

To investigate the phenomenon, the gas transfer occurring at the free surface of progressive waves is simulated by using high-fidelity simulations. A multiphase flow solver is employed to model the gas flux across the air-water interface and the diffusion processes in the air and water domains, making available data with a level of detail unattainable in experiments. Waves of different initial steepness leading to regular wave patterns, mild spilling, and intense plunging breakers are examined and comparisons in terms of the gas flux across the interface and the gas concentration in the two fluids are established. 

It is shown that the amount of gas transferred from the air to the water domain increases remarkably when wave breaking occurs, particularly in the presence of bubble entrainment. The availability of such detailed information allows us to compute the gas transfer velocity. Critical in this respect is the availability of the air-water interface actual area, a quantity generally unavailable in experiments. The increase in the gas transfer velocity is higher than the increase in the interface area across which the exchange takes place, meaning that there is an additional effect related to the enhanced turbulence associated with the bubble entrainment and the subsequent fragmentation process. It is also observed that provided the actual air-water interface area is accounted for, the gas transfer velocity scales approximately as the one-fourth power of the dissipation rate of the energy content in water, consistently with previous theoretical predictions.

How to cite: Iafrati, A., Pirozzoli, S., and Di Giorgio, S.: Contribution of the air entrainment to the gas transfer processes in wave-breaking events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3214,, 2025.

EGU25-3897 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Different Trajectory Patterns of Ocean Surface Drifters Modulated by Near-inertial Oscillations 

Yuhang Zheng, Wei Wu, Minyang Wang, Yuhong Zhang, and Yan Du

Near-inertial oscillations (NIOs) are widely observed dynamic motions in the global ocean, with a frequency related to earth’s rotation. Using a particle trajectory model, we found the combined influence of mesoscale eddies and NIOs could produce distinctive flower-like trajectories, which are a special case of near-inertial trajectories and were observed by surface drifters released within an anticyclone eddy in the South China Sea in 2021. The energy budget indicates that wind and geostrophic eddy currents are crucial in generating near-inertial energy during the flower-like trajectories. Furthermore, the particle trajectory model revealed variations in periods and widths of the near-inertial trajectory with latitudes. The width of near-inertial trajectories can exceed 8km in the near-equatorial region and reach 3-6km in the mid-latitude region (20°-50°). The ratios of near-inertial velocity to background velocity, defined as NITSIs, lead to arc-shaped (0.5<NITSI<1.0), overlapping semi-circular (NITSI>1.0), and near-circular trajectories (NITSI>>1.0). Globally, approximately 1/3 of the drifters’ lifespan featured clear near-inertial trajectories, with a significant presence in most middle latitudes and the largest NITSI in the north Pacific westerly. These findings highlight the importance of NIOs and suggest their substantial impact on local surface matter distribution, trajectory prediction, and marine rescue operations.

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Wu, W., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., and Du, Y.: Different Trajectory Patterns of Ocean Surface Drifters Modulated by Near-inertial Oscillations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3897,, 2025.

EGU25-5067 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes during Typhoons in the East China Sea 

Bowen Du and Hui Wu

Typhoons, as intense ocean-atmosphere interaction events, exert profound impacts on coastal regions. The path and intensity of typhoons are predominantly governed by oceanic and atmospheric processes. While extensive research has been conducted in deep ocean regions, the mechanisms of ocean-atmosphere heat exchange during typhoon events remain inadequately understood in shallow shelf regions. It’s particular in the East China Sea, which is distinguished by its expansive continental shelf, shallow depths, overlapping surface and bottom mixed layers, and the influences of shelf circulation and the Yangtze River plume. In this region, tides are one of the key driving forces influencing ocean dynamics, however, they are rarely considered in ocean-atmosphere coupling studies. Basing on these, we have developed a high-resolution ocean-atmosphere coupled model for the coastal waters of China using the COAWST (Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport) modeling system. This effort builds upon our research group's established high-resolution ocean model. Through simulations and validations of typhoon events, preliminary results demonstrate that ocean-atmosphere coupling significantly improves the prediction of typhoon tracks and intensities. This study will further analyze the dynamics of ocean-atmosphere heat flux exchanges during typhoons under the influence of shelf processes and examines their impacts on typhoon paths and intensities, with particular attention to the role of tides. These findings provide new insights into the dynamic processes induced by typhoons in coastal shelf regions and advance our understanding of their interactions with shallow ocean systems.

How to cite: Du, B. and Wu, H.: Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling Processes during Typhoons in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5067,, 2025.

With the growth in computing power and the advancement in numerical algorithms, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is playing an increasingly important role in the study of many fluid mechanics problems in geophysical sciences.  Built on highly accurate numerical schemes and utilizing high-performance computing, high-fidelity CFD is especially valuable for faithfully capturing the flow physics of turbulence in complex environments, such as water waves.  This talk will introduce some of our recent developments in numerical methods for nonlinear wave fields and turbulence in the wave environment.  The flow physics of wave-turbulence interaction will be illustrated, focusing on the turbulent boundary layers and multiphase flows at the wave surface.  Innovative theoretical analyses and modeling will be presented to reveal the underlying flow dynamics. 

How to cite: Shen, L.: Simulation-Based Study of Turbulent Flows in Wave Environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5153,, 2025.

EGU25-5418 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Impacts of Dust on Surface-Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperatures in the Red Sea 

Sravanthi Nukapothula, Hari Prasad Dasari, Ravi Kumar Kunchala, Vassilis P. Papadopoulos, Ibrahim Hoteit, and Yasser Abualnaja

This study examines the impact of dust on surface and radiative fluxes, as well as sea surface temperature (SST), over the Red Sea during the dust season (March to August) from 1980 to 2024 using reanalysis and satellite datasets. We first identfied the extreme dust days (EDDs) across the Arabian Peninsula using MERRA-2 reanalysis data, employing the mean and two-sigma standardized deviation method. A total of 1,083 EDDs were detected during the study period, with 394, 103, and 39 days exclusively affecting the southern Red Sea, northern Red Sea, and the entire Red Sea, respectively.

We analysed the key variables, including dust aerosol optical depth, wind patterns, surface fluxes (latent and sensible heat), radiative fluxes (longwave and shortwave), and SST anomalies for the Red Sea and its sub-regions during EDDs. Positive anomalies in dust aerosol optical depth were observed over all three regions during EDDs, and further identified the dust transport pathways based on wind analyses. The results show significant radiative impacts, including increased longwave radiation (+16 W/m²) and reduced shortwave radiation (-30 W/m²) with suppressed latent heat flux (-50 W/m²) and sensible heat flux (-10 W/m²), indicating substantial ocean heat loss through surface evaporation during EDDs.

The SST anomalies also revealed a notable cooling across the Red Sea, with the northern region cooling up to -1.4°C, and the southern region exhibited milder cooling ranging between -0.3°C and +0.2°C. The average cooling across the entire Red Sea is approximately -0.8°C reflects the combined effects of stronger cooling in the northern and moderate cooling in the southern Red Sea region during EDDs. These findings highlight the critical role of dust in modulating surface energy budgets and SST variability in the Red Sea under three different EDD scenarios.

Key words: Arabian Peninsula, Extreme Dust Days, The Red Sea, Suraface-Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperature.

How to cite: Nukapothula, S., Dasari, H. P., Kunchala, R. K., Papadopoulos, V. P., Hoteit, I., and Abualnaja, Y.: Impacts of Dust on Surface-Radiative Fluxes, and Sea Surface Temperatures in the Red Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5418,, 2025.

EGU25-5512 | Posters on site | OS1.9

Development and evaluation of the probability density distribution for mixed layer depth over the global oceans 

Sergey Gulev, Vladimir Kukushkin, and Anne Marie Treguier

Development of theoretical probability density function (PDF) for MLD over the oceans is important, as such a function provides a novel avenue for diagnostics of the numerical experiments with ocean GCMs and for comparison of the model results with observational data such as Argo floats. We built a new PDF based upon the Censored Modified Fisher-Tippet distribution (CMFT PDF herein). CMFT PDF represents a 2.5 – parameter distribution with the shape and location parameters steering the PDF and a pre-defined minimum of sample. CMFT distribution provides explicit equations for the mean and variance and also allows for estimating extreme values of MLD corresponding to high percentiles. A newly developed CMFT PDF was applied to GLORYS12 reanalysis to diagnose the characteristics of MLD in terms of MLD statistics. For application we used 3-degree spatial averaging of GLORIS12 profiles to provide the results which can further analyzed and intercompared to different alternative MLD estimates. This provided quite a rich sample which was further used for computation of the PDF parameters and higher order percentiles over the global oceans. This analysis shows that characteristics of probability density distributions are quite different for different regions with e.g. Labrador Sea demonstrating much heavier tails compared to the Irminger Sea and the NAC. Extreme values of MLD for March can amount to more than 3000 meters in the Labrador Sea. This provides an effective diagnostic approach for intercomparison of different model experiments and also for validation of the model results against observational data, such as e.g. Argo buoys. We also provide the analysis of climate variability of MLD statistics derived from CMFT PDF demonstrating in particular different tendencies in the mean and extreme MLD values. Further we also discuss the links between the statistics of the ocean MLD with those of surface fluxes as well as atmospheric variability.

How to cite: Gulev, S., Kukushkin, V., and Treguier, A. M.: Development and evaluation of the probability density distribution for mixed layer depth over the global oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5512,, 2025.

Observations of Argo profiles and TAO/TRITON array confirm the significant seasonality of the barrier layer (BL) and temperature inversion (TI) in the northeastern tropical Pacific (NETP). Statistical result of the occurrence based on the Argo profiles reveals a bimodal variability of the BL, with two peaks in July and October. This bimodal seasonality of BL is attributed to the out-of-phase variations of the eastern Pacific fresh and warm pools. The fresh and warm pools both expand westward from May to July, when the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) becomes intense and broad. Heavy rainfall is the dominant contributor to the extension of the fresh and warm pools, leading to a high frequency of thick BL (40%). This frequent thick BL provides a precondition for its another development after August. The fresh pool is stable from August to November, while the warm pool contracts sharply. The cold tongue becomes active due to a prevailing trade wind and horizontal advection transports surface cold water to the northeastern warm pool. This cold advection deepens the isothermal layer and contributes to a frequent TI (30%) and thick BL (46%). The results suggest that the ITCZ rainfall and northward cold advection from equator dominate the upper layer stratification of NETP in summer and autumn, respectively 

How to cite: Chi, J.: The Impact of the Eastern Pacific Fresh and Warm Pools on the Bimodal Seasonality of Barrier Layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5569,, 2025.

EGU25-5682 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Toward a better understanding of the effects of mesoscale air-sea interactions on the Antartic Circumpolar Current dynamics using coupled ocean-atmosphere models 

Anjdy Borg, Lionel Renault, Guillaume Lapeyre, Guillaume Morvan, Julien Jouanno, and Sallée Jean-Baptiste
Strong westerly winds blowing in the Southern Ocean enhance a unique oceanic dynamic composed of the world's strongest ocean current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), and a vertical circulation, the Overturning Circulation. Although these currents play a central role in shaping our climate, and despite numerous international observational and modeling programs, the processes controlling their strength and variability remain poorly understood, especially those related to fine-scale oceanic processes and their interactions with the atmosphere. To fill this gap, this study aims to understand both the direct and indirect effects of air-sea interactions on the dynamics of the ACC, including the large-scale, mesoscale (10-100 km), and eddy mean flow interactions (the inverse and direct energy cascade). We focus on two main air-sea interactions: the current feedback (CFB), which corresponds to the influence of surface ocean currents on the overlying atmosphere, and the thermal feedback (TFB), which is essentially the influence of ocean surface temperature and its gradients on heat and momentum fluxes. To achieve our goals, we developed a first set of coupled ocean (CROCO) - atmosphere (WRF) simulations of an idealized atmospheric storm track coupled to an idealized ACC with a spatial resolution up to 4 km for the ocean and 10 km for the atmosphere for a period of 75 years. We will present our first results, focusing in particular on the mean oceanic and atmospheric dynamics and the exchange of kinetic and potential energy between the ocean and the atmosphere.

How to cite: Borg, A., Renault, L., Lapeyre, G., Morvan, G., Jouanno, J., and Jean-Baptiste, S.: Toward a better understanding of the effects of mesoscale air-sea interactions on the Antartic Circumpolar Current dynamics using coupled ocean-atmosphere models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5682,, 2025.

Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous features of the global ocean circulation. Tradiontally, anticyclonic eddies are thought to be associated with positive temperature anomalies while cyclonic eddies are associated with negative temperature anomalies. However, our recent study found that about one-fifth of the eddies identified from altimeter data are surface cold-core anticyclonic eddies (CAEs) and warm-core cyclonic eddies (WCEs). Idealized numerical model experiments highlight the role of relative wind-stress-induced Ekman pumping, surface mixed layer depth, and vertical entrainment in the formation and seasonal cycle of these unconventional eddies. The abundance of CAEs and WCEs in the global ocean calls for further research on this topic.

How to cite: Zhai, X.: Cold anticyclonic eddies and warm cyclonic eddies in the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5720,, 2025.

EGU25-5858 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Intensification of Pacific tropical instability waves over the recent three decades 

Minyang Wang, Shang-Ping Xie, Hideharu Sasaki, Masami Nonaka, and Yan Du

Tropical instability waves (TIWs), one of the most prominent mesoscale oceanic phenomena in the tropical Pacific, play important roles in climate and ecosystem. Due to limited observations and the difficulty in estimating equatorial current velocity, long-term changes in TIWs remain unknown.


Rather than the geostrophic equilibrium (Bonjean and Lagerloef, 2002), the TIW currents exhibit a momentum balance between inertial forces (local accelerations and advections), the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient force. Using a shallow water diagnostic model that retains the inertial forces, we have produced the TIW surface currents since 1993 based on the satellite altimetry sea surface height observations. The results have been well validated with moored observations of ocean velocities in TAO array (Wang et al., 2020,


The satellite altimetry-derived TIW currents (1993-2021) have shown that TIWs have strengthened during this period, with their eddy kinetic energy (EKE) increasing by 12% per decade (~10 J m-3 per decade). The trend has been corroborated by other three independent datasets: satellite-observed sea surface temperature (1982-2021), moored currents from TAO (1980s-2020), and a global eddy-resolving ocean circulation model data (OFES2, 1958-2021). They consistently imply that the intensification is concentrated on the equatorial Yanai-mode TIWs. EKE budget based on OFES2 model data suggests that the increased EKE is attributed to the increased barotropic (primary) and baroclinic (secondary) instabilities. The former is due to the strengthened south equatorial currents (SEC), and the latter is due to the decreased mixed layer stratification and increased equatorial buoyancy fronts. The underlying mechanism is an enhanced cross-equatorial asymmetric warming in the eastern tropical Pacific since the 1990s that forces the changes in the equatorial multiscale ocean dynamics. As a feedback effect on the heat budget of cold tongue SST, the intensified TIWs lead to increased eddy dynamic heating effects of ∼70% since the 1990s near the equator, with implications for predicting and projecting tropical Pacific climate changes. (

How to cite: Wang, M., Xie, S.-P., Sasaki, H., Nonaka, M., and Du, Y.: Intensification of Pacific tropical instability waves over the recent three decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5858,, 2025.

EGU25-6892 | Orals | OS1.9

Mechanical Air-Sea Interactions at submesoscale and Wind Rolls Scales 

Lionel Renault, Enesto Rodriguez, Carlos Conejero, Igor Uchoa, Patrick Marchesiello, Marcela Contreras, and Jacob Wenegrat

In this study, we use in situ observations and high-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere simulations to investigate the mechanical coupling between the ocean and the atmosphere (referred to as Current Feedback, CFB) at the oceanic submesoscale (O(10 km)) and wind roll scales. First, we show that while the CFB remains active at the submesoscale with a stronger effect on the surface stress during the winter, its effect on submesoscale energetics is weaker than at the mesoscale. This effect is further weakened by energy contributions from thermal feedback and the highly transient nature of submesoscale flow. In addition, using in situ observations from DopplerScat and very high resolution (dx = 80 m) coupled simulations, we show that wind rolls can obscure the imprint of surface currents on surface stress and low-level winds. This interaction induces an energy transfer from the atmosphere to the ocean that overwhelms the energy transfer from submesoscale currents to the atmosphere, and generates currents coherent with the wind rolls down to 20 m depth.

How to cite: Renault, L., Rodriguez, E., Conejero, C., Uchoa, I., Marchesiello, P., Contreras, M., and Wenegrat, J.: Mechanical Air-Sea Interactions at submesoscale and Wind Rolls Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6892,, 2025.

EGU25-6934 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Shallow open-ocean convection in the Weddell Sea: A case study using observations and modelling techniques 

Rowan Brown, Alexander Haumann, Martin Losch, Carsten Rauch, and Markus Janout

Water mass transformations in the Southern Ocean serve as a lynchpin in the global overturning circulation. Among them, the transformation of Circumpolar Deep Water into Antarctic Winter and Surface Water is uniquely critical for the export of Intermediate Waters north of the Polar Front, the exchange of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and the subsurface ocean, and the upwards flux of oceanic heat, which inhibits sea ice growth. However, our understanding of the processes responsible for the upwelling of Circumpolar Deep Water and its destruction remains incomplete. We hypothesize that shallow open-ocean convective plumes, only extending into or just below the pycnocline, are underrepresented in both the observational record and in global Earth System Models (ESMs), due to their elusive spatial and temporal scales and the hydrostatic approximation made by all ESMs. Therefore, they play a hitherto undervalued role in setting the water mass structure of the Southern Ocean. We present evidence from a unique year-round upper ocean mooring in the Weddell Sea of a shallow open-ocean convective plume extending into the pycnocline during winter 2021. Using the MITgcm ocean model, we simulate an analogous plume in both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic configurations. Preliminary results suggest that the conditions necessary to form such plumes can be expected with some regularity in the Weddell Sea. We also note differences between the non-hydrostatic and hydrostatic simulations, highlighting the expected biases associated with the hydrostatic approximation in ESMs.

How to cite: Brown, R., Haumann, A., Losch, M., Rauch, C., and Janout, M.: Shallow open-ocean convection in the Weddell Sea: A case study using observations and modelling techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6934,, 2025.

Metre-scale boundary layer turbulence and kilometer-scale submesoscale mixed layer eddies play crucial roles in upper ocean stratification. It is well established that the former generates significant vertical fluxes that mix the upper ocean, while the latter acts to restratify it. However, the interaction between these two multi-scale processes is not well understood, particularly when atmospheric forces are non-negligible. MPAS-Ocean was firstly used to investigate the influence of boundary layer turbulence on submesoscale eddy-induced restratification under various initial conditions. Two parametrizations K-Profile Parametrization (KPP) and k-ε were used to represent different forms of turbulence-induced destratification under the same forcing conditions. Comparison analysis was carried out by comparing the resulting submesoscale eddy-induced restratification. Among all cases, KPP exhibited a larger magnitude of vertical buoyancy flux than k-, indicating stronger turbulence-induced destratification. This enhanced destratification can lead to more intense submesoscale eddy-induced restratification, which largely compensates the turbulence-induced destratification. Furthermore, the value of the mixed layer eddy-induced streamfunction strongly depends on the strength of boundary layer turbulence, suggesting that parameterizations of these two processes may need to consider their interactions. To further explore the bidirectional interactions between these two processes, we are currently employing large-eddy simulation to resolve both. A spatial filter is used to separate the flow into submesoscales and small-scale turbulence. Preliminary results of the large eddy simulations, aiming to elucidate the interactions between these two processes, will be discussed.

How to cite: Jiang, X. and Li, Q.: interaction between boundary layer turbulence and submesoscale mixed layer eddies and its influence on upper ocean stratification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7745,, 2025.

EGU25-8009 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

AMOC sensitivity to air-sea fluxes parametrization 

Clément Dehondt, Pascale Braconnot, Sebastien Fromang, and Olivier Marti
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a large scale circulation of about 18 Sv and 1.2 PW at 26°N characterized by upper waters flowing northward, losing heat and becoming cold deep waters before flowing back southward. The Deep Water Formation (DWF) and the Subpolar gyre circulation are key aspects of AMOC intensity [1] but strongly depend on air-sea fluxes, thus the need to quantify their influence.

To do so, we compare 5 air-sea fluxes parametrizations within the IPSL General Circulation Model (GCM) [2] based on the new DYNAMICO atmospheric dynamical core [3] and the ocean engine NEMO [4]. We show that the spread in AMOC is more than 2 Sv, confirming the high sensitivity to air-sea fluxes. Furthermore, we manage to explain these discrepancies by assessing (i) winter time buoyancy fluxes in DWF area and (ii) subtropical and subpolar gyres intensity which drives the circulation. We also analyse the ocean-atmosphere feedbacks (mainly wind and sea surface temperature) that may be responsible for changes in AMOC, hence paving the way to a better representation in GCMs.
[1] Buckley, M. W. and J. Marshall (2016), Observations, inferences, and mechanisms of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation variability: A review, Rev. Geophys., 54, 5–63, doi:10.1002/2015RG000493.
[2] Boucher O., Servonnat, J., Albright, A. L., Aumont, O., Balkanski, Y., Bastrikov, V., et al. (2020). Presentation and evaluation of the IPSL‐CM6A‐LR climate model. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS002010.
[3] Dubos, T., Dubey, S., Tort, M., Mittal, R., Meurdesoif, Y., and Hourdin, F.: DYNAMICO-1.0, an icosahedral hydrostatic dynamical core designed for consistency and versatility, Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 3131–3150,, 2015.
[4] “NEMO ocean engine”, Scientific Notes of Climate Modelling Center, 27 — ISSN 1288-1619, Institut PierreSimon Laplace (IPSL), doi:10.5281/zenodo.1464816

How to cite: Dehondt, C., Braconnot, P., Fromang, S., and Marti, O.: AMOC sensitivity to air-sea fluxes parametrization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8009,, 2025.

EGU25-9247 | Orals | OS1.9

Dynamics of sea breezes: Analysis of recent events in Southwest Spain 

Esther Luján-Amoraga, Carlos Román-Cascón, Marina Bolado-Penagos, Pablo Ortiz-Corral, Juan Alberto Jimenez-Rincón, Alfredo Izquierdo, Miguel Bruno, and Carlos Yagüe

Coastal breezes are mesoscale meteorological phenomena primarily driven by the thermal contrast between land and sea surfaces, creating a dynamic system that influences local circulation. These phenomena, common in coastal regions, have a significant impact on various environmental aspects, such as regulating extreme temperatures, transporting atmospheric pollutants, and modifying coastal surface ocean currents. This study aims to characterize the sea breeze system along the southwest coast of Spain, using a combination of observational data to provide a more detailed understanding of these phenomena in the region.

The analysis of sea breeze events focused on the summers of 2023 and 2024, using data obtained from coastal meteorological stations and radiosondes launched specifically in the study area to gather vertical information on the breezes. To detect breeze events, an objective algorithm based on the work of Borne et al. (1988), Arrillaga et al. (2018), and Román-Cascón et al. (2019) was used. This algorithm facilitated the identification of breeze events based on atmospheric conditions, providing a basis for further analysis.

A key contribution of this study is the proposal of a new classification of breeze types, enabling a more accurate characterization of different breeze events, by considering variables such as intensity, duration, and associated synoptic conditions. Furthermore, statistics of the recorded events are presented, offering a deeper insight into the frequency, intensity, and temporal characterization of breezes in the study area. The study also explored the relationship between turbulent variables during breeze events and different tidal moments, which is particularly relevant due to the large intertidal zone affecting one of the stations used. This observational approach enhances the understanding of the coastal breeze system in the study area and contributes to the broader knowledge of these phenomena.

How to cite: Luján-Amoraga, E., Román-Cascón, C., Bolado-Penagos, M., Ortiz-Corral, P., Jimenez-Rincón, J. A., Izquierdo, A., Bruno, M., and Yagüe, C.: Dynamics of sea breezes: Analysis of recent events in Southwest Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9247,, 2025.

Interannual variability of surface mixed-layer near-inertial energy (NIE, representing the intensity of near-inertial waves) in the South China Sea and western North Pacific (WNP) is investigated using satellite-tracked surface drifter data set. It is found that NIE in the study region correlates negatively with El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) with a correlation coefficient of R = −0.44 and a time lag of 5 months, mainly because the variation of local wind stress lags behind El Niño by 4 months. By separating summer and winter seasons, the correlation is significantly improved. The summer NIE correlates positively with El Niño (R = 0.62), since tropical cyclones over the WNP tend to be stronger and longer-lived during the El Niño developing phase. The winter NIE correlates negatively with El Niño (R = −0.65), since the winter monsoon is weakened by the ENSO-related WNP anomalous anticyclone. This is the first time that interannual variability of NIE is studied by direct current velocity observations. 

How to cite: lu, H.: Interannual Variability of Near-Inertial Energy in the SouthChina Sea and Western North Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10164,, 2025.

Near-inertial internal waves (NIWs) are among the primary drivers of turbulence that sustains the ocean stratification. To propagate downward into the ocean interior, NIWs typically need horizontal scales L∼100 km. Therefore, it is commonly held that NIWs generated by basin-scale midlatitude storms depend on refraction by background vorticity gradients to become horizontally compact and then propagate into the thermocline. This contrasts with NIWs generated by tropical cyclones (TCs), which can rapidly propagate downward regardless of background ocean conditions. Here, we study the upper ocean response to midlatitude storms and TCs using a dynamical framework whose equations of motion are written in terms of vorticity and divergence rather than velocity vectors. We show that patterns of wind stress curl and convergence that are inherently linked to atmospheric convection necessarily generate NIWs that are horizontally compact and can induce substantial downward energy fluxes within the first inertial cycle after storm passage. The vorticity-divergence dynamical framework elucidates this because it allows us to account for spatial wind patterns even when solving motion linearly and for a single point in space. With this, we argue that the morphology of mesoscale convective systems allows them to drive downward propagation of NIWs in their wakes, whether ocean storms take the shape of a TC or a midlatitude storm.

How to cite: Brizuela, N. and D'Asaro, E.: Morphology of atmospheric convective systems facilitates rapid transmission of near-inertial energy into the ocean thermocline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11271,, 2025.

EGU25-11742 | Posters on site | OS1.9

Two-particle dispersion in the Gulf of Gabès using a high resolution nested ocean model  

Maher Bouzaiene, Milena Menna, A. Fehmi Dilmahamod, Damiano Delrosso, Simona Simoncelli, and Claudia Fratianni

Measuring relative dispersion in coastal ecosystems is important for both ocean health and society. Submesoscale dynamics interacting with mesoscale eddies influence mixing processes and phytoplankton blooms dispersion. Two-particle dispersion statistics over an initial spatial scale (0.7 - 1 km) are analysed in the Gulf of Gabès (central-southern Mediterranean Sea) using a high-resolution ocean model through a multiple nesting approach. The model is forced by ERA5 atmospheric fields, while the lateral boundary conditions and initial conditions are provided by daily fields from a Mediterranean Sea reanalysis. The analysis focuses on the turbulent fluid aspects of phytoplankton dispersion in coastal areas under bloom and non-bloom conditions. The results are presented in terms of kurtosis (normalized fourth moment of the pair separation distances), relative diffusivity (particles’ spreading velocity) and time scale-dependent pair separation rate (pair velocity scales normalized by separation distance). At the submesoscale (0.7 – 2km), the non-local exponential regime is absent in both bloom and non-bloom conditions, where the dispersion is locally driven by energetic submesoscale structures. For scales ranging 2-15 km, the two-particle statistics follow the theoretical Richardson regime, which is well detected in the case of a bloom. This regime implies the presence of an inverse energy cascade range where energy is transferred from small to large scales. The diffusive regime is absent for all scales and in both bloom and non-bloom conditions.

How to cite: Bouzaiene, M., Menna, M., Dilmahamod, A. F., Delrosso, D., Simoncelli, S., and Fratianni, C.: Two-particle dispersion in the Gulf of Gabès using a high resolution nested ocean model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11742,, 2025.

EGU25-12896 | Posters on site | OS1.9

Near surface bubble, gas and flow measurements during the Bubble Exchange in the Labrador Sea (BELS) cruise – early results 

Helen Czerski, Intesaaf Ashraf, Ian Brooks, and Steve Gunn

The bubbles formed by breaking waves are thought to play an important role in increasing gas transfer across the atmosphere-ocean surface during high wind conditions (>15 m/s).  However, real world data on near-surface bubbles with sufficient resolution in space, time and bubble size to understand exactly how the transfer mechanisms work is rare. In addition, there are almost no data showing the relationship between bubble size distributions and the local flow and gas saturation conditions, although data from the HiWinGS cruise suggests that these structures could be very important for gas transfer. The BELS project data was collected during five weeks in November/December 2023, and includes tracer-based gas flux measurements, physical oceanography, and ocean chemistry.  Hourly averaged wind speeds were 5-30 m/s, with maximum significant wave height of 11 m.  Here, we will present early results from the part of the project monitoring near-surface bubbles and their relationship to flow patterns and dissolved gas concentrations in the top five metres of the ocean. Data will be presented from a free-floating buoy carrying specialised bubble cameras at 1m and 3m, ADCPs and oxygen optodes. We will show measured bubble size distributions, and the spatial relationship of these bubbles to Langmuir circulation patterns and dissolved oxygen concentrations. We will also present an early analysis of the relationships between gas carried by both the water itself and the bubbles, and how this relates to the advection of these two gas reservoirs in the top few metres of the ocean.  

How to cite: Czerski, H., Ashraf, I., Brooks, I., and Gunn, S.: Near surface bubble, gas and flow measurements during the Bubble Exchange in the Labrador Sea (BELS) cruise – early results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12896,, 2025.

EGU25-13975 | Orals | OS1.9

Assessment of satellite-derived sea surface salinity using in-situ measurements in the Southeast Asia 

Kaushik Sasmal, Sumit Dandapat, Xingkun Xu, Pavel Tkalich, Bijoy Thompson, Rajesh Kumar, Kalli Furtado, and Hugh Zhang

Advances in satellite microwave remote sensing have demonstrated an unprecedented capability to observe global ocean sea surface salinity (SSS) from space since 2009. Satellite-based SSS observations provide a unique monitoring capability for the interfacial water exchanges between the atmosphere and the upper ocean, as well as salinity redistribution due to climate and global water cycle variability, and land-ocean interactions.

Satellite measurements of sea surface salinity (SSS) started in November 2009 with the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission launched by the European Space Agency (ESA). The Aquarius/SAC-D, launched in June 2011 by NASA and the Argentinean Space Agency (CONAE), was the first satellite mission designed to measure SSS. Meanwhile, the Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) was launched by NASA in January 2015, and it provides SSS as a derived product. SMAP is configured with a larger swath coverage, providing a higher spatial resolution (~40 km) than that (~100 km) in Aquarius.  

Satellite remote sensing of SSS encounters many challenges, such as contamination of microwave signals near coastal areas or dependance of SSS accuracy on the quality of temperature and wind speed measurements. As such, the satellite-derived SSS data needs to be validated against in-situ measurements.

Here we used in-situ measurements of salinity and temperature from ARGO data for three oceanic basins i.e., Bay of Bengal (BOB), South China Sea (SCS), and Western North Pacific Ocean (WNPAC). The ARGO data from Sep 2011 to Dec 2022 were utilized for analysis due to the consistency of the period with the available satellite-derived salinity data. The number of ARGO profiles varies significantly among these three oceanic basins with the largest profiles available in the WNPAC and the least number of profiles in the SCS.

ARGO SSS climatology, although available at a coarser resolution than the satellite-derived SSS, captured the spreading of the low salinity water in the BOB during Oct-Dec. This feature is consistent with the satellite-derived SSS spatial distribution. For the BOB, the agreement between ARGO and satellite SSS data is reasonably good with an RMSE of 0.58 psu. In comparison, the SCS and WNPAC achieve RMSE of 0.22 psu and 0.14 psu, respectively. It should be noted that the number of near-surface ARGO observations is much higher in the WNPAC (37,207) compared to that in the BOB (15,305) and in the SCS (9,722) from Sep 2011 to Dec 2022. The BOB reveals strong seasonality and the largest variation in SSS from ~25-35 psu. Whereas, the SCS and WNPAC recorded variations in the range ~32-35 psu. The SCS and WNPAC exhibit freshening and salinification in specific years. The monthly mean SSS from ARGO and satellite data are highly correlated and show consistent variation in salinity in all three oceanic basins. Therefore, the satellite-derived SSS data could provide great insight for understanding ocean dynamics, circulation, water cycle, and could be useful for validating ocean models.  

How to cite: Sasmal, K., Dandapat, S., Xu, X., Tkalich, P., Thompson, B., Kumar, R., Furtado, K., and Zhang, H.: Assessment of satellite-derived sea surface salinity using in-situ measurements in the Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13975,, 2025.

EGU25-14006 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Relating surface signatures to modeled turbulence dynamics in open channel flow 

Boqi Tian, C. Chris Chickadel, and Ramsey R. Harcourt

In open channel flow (OCF), expressions and patterns at the water surface may represent underwater turbulent phenomena. In this study, we seek to connect the surface signatures with the turbulence beneath it through the prediction of the time and length scales of turbulent structures in second moment closure (SMC) models. In the simplest scenario, the unforced free surface OCF is driven by a uniform horizontal pressure gradient and the only source of turbulence is the bottom shear. Working with Neumann surface boundary conditions for turbulence quantities, the traditional ‘return-to-isotropy’ for turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) components is modified to decay – in the absence of local TKE production – to a specified anisotropy profile as a function of depth below the surface, rather than to isotropy. This gives rise to distinct vertical and horizontal length scales, formed from the TKE components and the turbulence decay timescale. It also results, through changes in the algebraic closure solution, in a modification of vertical diffusivity consistent with more ad-hoc proposals in other studies to address excessive flux predictions using depth-dependent damping functions. An examination of results from these model changes is presented for weak equilibrium k - ε SMC models. The weak equilibrium k - ε SMC model solves for turbulent second moments by combining prognostic equations for TKE (k) and dissipation (ε) with an algebraic model to obtain eddy viscosity and diffusivity. SMC predictions for TKE components, dissipation, and horizontal turbulent length scales at the free surface are compared with observations obtained in a tidally modulated river, as well as with published results from OCF lab experiments and direct numerical simulations.

How to cite: Tian, B., Chickadel, C. C., and Harcourt, R. R.: Relating surface signatures to modeled turbulence dynamics in open channel flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14006,, 2025.

EGU25-14246 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Spatial Extent and Variability of Equatorial Deep-Cycle Turbulence in the Pacific Cold Tongue 

Jofia Joseph, Anna-Lena Deppenmeier, Daniel B Whitt, Frank O. Bryan, William S. Kessler, LuAnne Thompson, and Elizabeth Thompson

Deep-cycle turbulence (DCT) is a critical mechanism driving vertical mixing in the equatorial Pacific, playing a pivotal role in modulating heat and nutrient transport within the Pacific Cold Tongue. DCT arises from diurnal variations in stratification and shear, leading to turbulence that extends below the mixed layer. DCT generates significant heat fluxes into the ocean, averaging O(100 W m⁻²) and peaking at ~1000 W m⁻² during nighttime bursts, which contribute to surface cooling and thermocline warming. This process helps maintain cool sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and net heat uptake in the eastern Pacific Cold Tongue, influencing SST dynamics on interannual, seasonal, and subseasonal timescales. These dynamics significantly impact air-sea interactions, as DCT regulates the exchange of heat, momentum, and gases, which play a critical role in shaping tropical weather patterns and global climate variability.

 Despite previous studies elucidating the temporal variability and mechanisms of DCT on the equator, its spatial extent and variability across the equatorial Pacific remain poorly understood due to limited observations.

This study examines the spatial and temporal variability of DCT in the Cold Tongue region using Large Eddy Simulations (LES), which explicitly resolve sub-grid-scale mixing processes. The LES cover a meridional array of seven latitudinal points (1.5°S to 4.5°N) along 140°W and a zonal array spanning the central to eastern Pacific (165°W to 100°W) along the equator during contrasting periods influenced by Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs) and the seasonal cycle. Complementary hourly turbulence outputs from a 20-year MITgcm simulation are utilized to examine parameterized turbulence at these locations, enabling a comparison between sub-grid-resolved turbulence in LES and parameterized turbulence in the MITgcm.

Diurnal composite analyses reveal that parameterized turbulence in the MITgcm overestimates diapycnal heat flux compared to LES-resolved turbulence. The relationship between Richardson number, shear, stratification, and mixing is explored to understand the transition from the marginally stable regime near the equator (0°N, 140°W) to more stable conditions farther from the equator. Preliminary findings illustrate spatial asymmetries in mixing-related variables, with notable differences between the northern and southern hemispheres. These results highlight the need for further exploration of hemispheric asymmetries and their implications for mixing processes.

This study sets the stage for a comprehensive evaluation of mixing representation in the Pacific Cold Tongue region across diurnal to longer timescales, leveraging a hierarchy of model outputs, from LES to regional and global high-resolution simulations.

How to cite: Joseph, J., Deppenmeier, A.-L., B Whitt, D., O. Bryan, F., S. Kessler, W., Thompson, L., and Thompson, E.: Spatial Extent and Variability of Equatorial Deep-Cycle Turbulence in the Pacific Cold Tongue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14246,, 2025.

EGU25-14275 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Ocean-atmosphere coupling regimes in the tropical area 

Ruyan Chen

Tropical ocean-atmosphere coupling plays a pivotal role in regulating the global climate system. Variability and mechanisms of the coupling exhibit significant regional differences due to variations in the background states and thermodynamic processes across the tropical basins. While previous studies mostly focused on the specific time scales and localized regions, a broader view of the tropical air-sea coupling “picture” remains incomplete. This project first utilizes an energy balance model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system to diagnose the coupling characteristics for each tropical grid point across timescales through the “heat flux—sea surface temperature” relationship. Subsequently, a clustering algorithm is used to classify spatial differences into distinct coupling regimes. Finally, decomposition of the flux calculation is applied to identify critical variables and processes underlying each regime. This approach progressively reveals the mechanisms behind the regional differences in tropical ocean-atmosphere coupling features. Our findings also highlight that current high-resolution climate models still face challenges in accurately reproducing the coupling characteristics of some regimes, which would further limit the accuracy of climate simulation and prediction.

How to cite: Chen, R.: Ocean-atmosphere coupling regimes in the tropical area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14275,, 2025.

EGU25-14613 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Resolving Langmuir Turbulence in a Coupled Wind-Wave System 

Yankun Liu and Qing Li

Langmuir turbulence, arising from the nonlinear interaction between surface gravity waves and wind-driven shear currents, significantly contributes to ocean mixing and the air-sea transfer of mass, momentum, and energy. Previous studies have either prescribed surface wind stress in single-phase flow simulations or left surface waves indeterminate in two-phase flow simulations. To better understand the generation and evolution of Langmuir turbulence, and to quantify the momentum and energy transfer across the air-sea interface, a series of two-phase wave-resolved direct numerical simulations are conducted across various Langmuir numbers. In these simulations, fully developed pressure gradient-driven turbulence on the air side is acted upon prescribed surface gravity waves. The results reveal characteristic structures of Langmuir cells at varying scales, including pairs of counter-rotating vortices and elongated streamwise streaks on the water surface. By decomposing flow velocity into mean current, wave orbital motion, and turbulence fluctuation, the impact of wave-induced phase-dependent strain on underlying turbulence and the enhancement of streamwise vorticity are analyzed in detail. Additionally, the momentum flux across the air-sea interface is calculated and its transfer mechanism is discussed, providing insights for parameterization in climate models.

How to cite: Liu, Y. and Li, Q.: Resolving Langmuir Turbulence in a Coupled Wind-Wave System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14613,, 2025.

EGU25-16290 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

The role of small-scale ocean mixing processes in regional sea surface temperature 

Audrey Delpech and Anne-Marie Tréguier
The advances of numerical performances over the last decades have opened the way for km-scale climate modelling, which not only improve the representation of the state of the climate globally, but also allows to downscale climate information at a local scale where climate adaptation strategies are decided. In this context, it is interesting to evaluate the performance of such models at a regional scale.
In this study, we evaluate the capabilities of km-scale coupled climate simulations delivered by the EERIE (European Eddy-RIch Earth system models) project on the North Atlantic coastal shelfs in the representation of sea surface temperature and air surface temperature. Our findings suggest that eddy-rich coupled simulations can alleviate some of the large-scale biases found at coarser resolution but at the same time points out towards persistent model biases at local-scale due to unresolved or poorly parameterized mixing processes. We subsequently evaluate the nature and impact of unresolved oceanic mixing processes in climate models on the sea surface temperature mean state, variability and extremes.

How to cite: Delpech, A. and Tréguier, A.-M.: The role of small-scale ocean mixing processes in regional sea surface temperature, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16290,, 2025.

EGU25-16435 | Posters on site | OS1.9

Three-dimensional Ocean Surface Layer Response to Rain, Wind Bursts and Diurnal Heating 

Lars Umlauf, Mira Schmitt, Knut Klingbeil, and Radomyra Shevchenko

In the tropical ocean, diurnal heating and the formation of atmospheric convection cells associated with local precipitation events, cold pools and wind bursts, have been shown to impact air-sea exchange and the structure of the ocean surface layer. Here, we use a high-resolution regional ocean model, forced by an atmospheric Large Eddy Simulation (LES) that explicitly resolves these processes in a realistic scenario in the tropical north-east Atlantic Ocean, to study their impact on the ocean surface layer and parameterized air-sea fluxes.  We find that in our study area, located in the trade wind zone, the oceanic heat loss is, unexpectedly, reduced in the presence of cold pools by on average 30 W m-2 due to the higher air humidity, weaker mean winds, and increased cloud cover. Our results also show that the total non-solar heat flux is dominated by the diurnal cycle of the trade winds, rather than by diurnal heating. In the ocean surface layer, local wind bursts, rain layers, and cloud shading induce a strong lateral variability of Diurnal Warm Layers (DWLs), questioning the local applicability of available DWL bulk parameterizations. From a series of numerical tracer experiments, we identify a new shear-dispersion mechanism, induced by the diurnal jet, that is reflected in an extreme anisotropy of horizontal dispersion with diffusivities of order 10-100 m2 s-1. These findings are likely relevant also in other regions in the trade wind zone.

How to cite: Umlauf, L., Schmitt, M., Klingbeil, K., and Shevchenko, R.: Three-dimensional Ocean Surface Layer Response to Rain, Wind Bursts and Diurnal Heating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16435,, 2025.

EGU25-17338 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Leveraging automatic differentiation for calibrating vertical mixing parameterizations  

Gabriel Mouttapa, Julien Le Sommer, Emmanuel Cosme, Anne Durif, Bruno Deremble, Alexandre Legay, and Gregory LeClaire Wagner

Fine-scale turbulence in the upper ocean boundary layer (OSBL) governs ocean surface stratification, and vertical exchanges of heat, momentum and matter in the ocean, which are key in the response of the oceans to changing environmental conditions. However, these turbulent processes are not explicitly represented in ocean models and their parameterization remains a significant source of uncertainty in climate models and operational prediction systems. Increasingly, systematically leveraging diverse data sources is becoming standard practice for developing and assessing OSBL parameterizations. Over the past years, data-driven automated procedures have for instance been used for calibrating the parameters of physics-based models, for developing parameterizations embedding ML components, and for proposing pure ML-based parameterizations of OSBL processes. 

This study explores the advantages of the emerging paradigm of differentiable programming for the calibration of OSBL parameterizations . We developed a benchmark tool, Tunax, implemented in JAX, a differentiable framework for Python. This benchmark includes a fully differentiable single-column model with various possible OSBL parameterizations, alongside a calibration module which tunes the coefficients of these parameterizations against a reference database. The differentiability of the model enables the application of variational techniques for parameter calibration. The reference database is a collection of  Large Eddy Simulations (LES) covering a range of typical physical conditions.

Here, we focus on the k-ε closure (Umlauf and Burchard, 2005), widely used in global ocean circulation models, and calibrate its parameters using a dataset of LES. These simulations have been designed to model the evolution of the oceanic mixed layer under various surface conditions (wind, heat fluxes and rotation). This work highlights the potential of differentiable calibration techniques to address uncertainties inherent to turbulence closures by enabling more flexible and data-informed parameterizations. Although this approach does not yet consistently outperform traditional calibration methods, it provides a promising avenue for reducing model biases associated with sub-grid scale parameterizations.


How to cite: Mouttapa, G., Le Sommer, J., Cosme, E., Durif, A., Deremble, B., Legay, A., and LeClaire Wagner, G.: Leveraging automatic differentiation for calibrating vertical mixing parameterizations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17338,, 2025.

There is a large number of mesoscale eddies in the ocean, which play a significant role in ocean circulation and climate change. Recent studies have indicated that mesoscale eddy activity in most regions will become more active under the influence of global warming, but changes in the characteristics of these eddies remain unclear. This study utilizes satellite observational data and reanalysis datasets, focusing on the Agulhas Leakage region, which is rich in mesoscale eddies and has become a research hotspot due to its unique geographical position. The study finds that the changes in the characteristics of anticyclonic eddies in this region are related to variations in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Some of the eddy characteristics exhibit dynamic adjustments, with a turning point around 2005, which may be associated with sea temperature differences between the South Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic, as well as changes in the local wind field. The findings of this study will provide insights for future predictions of AMOC variability.

How to cite: Wei, L. and Wang, C.: Why do warm anticyclonic eddies in the Agulhas Leakage undergo dynamic adjustments?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17915,, 2025.

EGU25-17994 | Posters on site | OS1.9

On the way towards understanding the effect of sea-water surfactants on gas transfer velocity  

Jacek Piskozub, Violetta Drozdowska, Iwona Wróbel-Niedźwiecka, Karol Kuliński, Przemysław Makuch, Fernando Aguado Gonzalo, Piotr Markuszewski, and Małgorzata Kitowska

Gas flux across the sea surface is proportional to the difference of partial pressure between the sea-water and the overlying atmosphere and also to a parameter called gas transfer velocity k, a measure of the, the measure of efficiency of the gas exchange. Although it depends mostly in in-water and atmospheric turbulence, the usual way to parametrize it is by the wind speed, the source of the turbulence which has the advantage of being easily available from ship base measurements and reanalyses. Unfortunately, measured values of gas transfer velocity at a given wind speed have a large spread in values. It has been long suspected that the coverage of the sea surface with variable amounts of surface-active substances (or surfactants). It has been shown that surfactants may decrease the CO2 air-sea exchange by up to 50%. However the labour intensive methods used for surfactant study make it impossible to collect enough data to map the surfactant coverage or even create a gas transfer velocity parametrization involving a measure of surfactant activity. This is why we decided check the possibility of using optical fluorescence as a proxy of surfactant activity.


We are in the third year of a 4-year research grant funded by the Polish National Science Centre, NCN (grant number 2021/41/B/ST10/00946). Our group has previously showed that fluorescence parameters allow estimation the surfactant enrichment of the surface microlayer, as well as types and origin of fluorescent organic matter involved. In order to study their possible usefulness in improving the parametrization of the gas transfer velocity k, we measure from the research ship of the Institute, R/V Oceania, all the variables needed for its calculation, namely CO2 partial pressure both in water (PiCCARO G2101-i) and in air (Licor 7200, semiclose path with heated tube and Licor 7500, open path) as well as vertical flux of this trace gas (with the GiLL WindMaster and WindMaster Pro for 3D air movement needed for eddy correlation) as well as meteorological conditions. The data are used to calculate gas transfer velocity values which are compared to ones calculated literature from parametrization functions. The differences between the two, together with the surfactant fluorescence parameters are be used to test the hypothesis that surfactants are main reason for the “noisiness” of k measurement results and hopefully to improve the k parametrization by adding a surfactant related variable to the wind speed which at present is the sole independent variable of most parametrizations.


After 3 years of the project we have data from six Baltic cruises and to three Atlantic ones, of which 2/3 have been already analysed. The poster will present the early results of the project and show progress towards the main goal of the research: finding a reliable optical proxy for surfactant to be used in gas transfer velocity parametrization.


How to cite: Piskozub, J., Drozdowska, V., Wróbel-Niedźwiecka, I., Kuliński, K., Makuch, P., Aguado Gonzalo, F., Markuszewski, P., and Kitowska, M.: On the way towards understanding the effect of sea-water surfactants on gas transfer velocity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17994,, 2025.

EGU25-18385 | Posters on site | OS1.9

Characterizing Wind-Generated Waves Using a Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG) 

Julián Marcelo Morales Meabe and Martin Gade

Wind-driven waves play a pivotal role in air-sea interactions, influencing processes such as energy dissipation and turbulent mixing. In this study, we employ a Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG) to measure surface wave slopes with high spatiotemporal resolution in the linear wind-wave tank at the University of Hamburg. Complementary techniques include a Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) system for point-wise, two-dimensional velocity measurements; a wire gauge and a laser slope gauge for point measurements of wave height and slope, respectively; and an infrared radiometer capable of capturing surface temperature variations. These tools enable the investigation of thermal gradients and their correlation with wave dynamics. 

This research aims to examine the statistical properties of wind-generated waves and reconstruct their three-dimensional profiles to better understand their physical and kinematic behavior. A particular focus is placed on the mechanisms of microbreaking, which contribute to energy dissipation and capillary wave generation. To explore surface tension effects, surfactants are introduced to dampen gravity-capillary waves, allowing for detailed investigations of energy fluxes between wave regimes and the suppression of high-frequency wave components. 

The combined use of slope imaging, velocity measurements, and thermal detection enhances our ability to study the interplay of different physical processes at the air-sea interface. This work lays the groundwork for further investigations of wave behavior under varying environmental conditions. In particular, the findings of this study will provide critical insights into the small-scale processes driving wave dynamics and contribute to improved parameterizations for wave and climate models. 


How to cite: Morales Meabe, J. M. and Gade, M.: Characterizing Wind-Generated Waves Using a Color Imaging Slope Gauge (CISG), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18385,, 2025.

EGU25-18410 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.9

Impact of Submesoscale Dynamics and Turbulent Mixing on the Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling System 

Marco Schulz, Florian Schütte, Marcus Dengler, and Peter Brandt

Based on a combination of over 20 years of satellite data with extensive in situ measurements from previous research expeditions, an initial step is taken to differentiate the impact of submesoscale processes and turbulent mixing on the Eastern Boundary Upwelling System (EBUS) off Senegal and Mauritania. EBUS are an essential part of the global carbon cycle and are of central importance for the sustainability of economic and food resources. In the tropical Senegalo-Mauritanian EBUS, sea surface temperatures and net primary production exhibits a pronounced seasonal cycle. It is characterized by coastal upwelling in late boreal winter and an abrupt end in late boreal spring with the onset and strengthening of the poleward Mauritania Current. At first glance, the temporal and spatial development follows the annual cycle of the wind stress curl. However, a closer look reveals a more complex picture with a pronounced spatiotemporal heterogeneity, characterized by the influence of (sub)mesoscale eddies and (non-linear) internal tides.

Integrated cross-shelf tidal energy fluxes towards the coast are locally estimated from observations of multiple short-term moorings. Such fluxes should result in increased mixing near the coast, which is in fact supported by assessment of over 800 microstructure turbulence observations. (Internal) tides are known to drive much of the mixing and vertical exchange on a rather narrow coastal strip. Besides, lateral density gradients which were induced by upwelling are regularly subject to conditions favorable for frontogenesis. The associated secondary circulations can induce strong vertical motions and instabilities and export chlorophyll offshore through frontal jets. A snapshot of ship-based measurements of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates indicates an order of magnitude larger dissipation on the cold, dense side of the front, whereby surface heat flux is known to play a crucial role. Spatially high-resolution measurements of sea level deflections from the SWOT satellite show considerable variability on scales smaller than 20 km, but the applicability for balanced motions is hampered by the regular occurrence of solitary waves and topographic effects. Given the significance of these observed small-scale processes for the redistribution and alteration in net primary production and expected general changes of submesoscale processes (e.g. due to changing mixed layer depths in the context of global warming), a more precise quantification of their net impact is essential.

Outlook: An interdisciplinary expedition in spring 2025 will supplement the existing data and will use an adaptive sampling strategy, e.g. to tackle the mutual interaction of tides and internal waves with density fronts. Observed tidal fluxes will be interpreted in the context of a high-resolution 3D baroclinic tidal model. These, as well as the work presented, serve as preparatory work for the unprecedented year-round “FUTURO” campaign, which aims to provide a detailed picture of the annual cycle for this important EBUS.

How to cite: Schulz, M., Schütte, F., Dengler, M., and Brandt, P.: Impact of Submesoscale Dynamics and Turbulent Mixing on the Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18410,, 2025.

EGU25-18874 | ECS | Orals | OS1.9

Parameterizing Entrainment Induced by Submesoscale Eddies 

Anna Lo Piccolo, Baylor Fox-Kemper, Genevieve Jay Brett, Tomás L. Chor, Jacob O. Wenegrat, and Zhihua Zheng

Submesoscale eddies in the ocean surface layer are known to cause the restratification of the mixed-layer by converting the potential energy stored in the outcropping isopycnals into kinetic energy. Evidence of entrainment and subduction is found associated to submesoscale eddies, suggesting their importance for the biogeochemistry of the global ocean. Submesoscale eddies cannot be resolved in today’s global ocean models and existing parameterizations for baroclinic mixed-layer instabilities (MLIs), which are proven to reproduce the restratification quite well, are not capable to fully capture the vertical exchange of passive tracers across the mixed-layer. In this study, high resolution numerical simulations show the inadequacy of the MLI parameterization of Fox-Kemper, Ferrari, and Hallberg (2008, ‘FFH’) for the entrainment problem. A method for tracer inversion is then used to gain insights on the tracer transport in order to inform the parameterization. Parameter dependence is explored by considering different ocean initial conditions. Finally, the results show that a diffusive (symmetric) component needs to be included to the streamfunction (anti-symmetric) to entirely represent the transport induced by MLIs: the parameterization for entrainment is an update to the FFH parameterization.

How to cite: Lo Piccolo, A., Fox-Kemper, B., Brett, G. J., Chor, T. L., Wenegrat, J. O., and Zheng, Z.: Parameterizing Entrainment Induced by Submesoscale Eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18874,, 2025.

In this study, we identify regions across the Mexican Pacific waters where the high-frequency variability of daily sea surface temperature (SST) is diminishing and those in which the warm upper-layer thickness increases, analyzing changes in the upper layers' thermal structure along the tropical Pacific Ocean and their relationship with the variability of the upper-layer thickness in the so-called Warm Pool of the Mexican Pacific. Our results reveal a clear, direct relationship between the thickness increase of the warm, upper-ocean layer and the reduction of the high-frequency SST variability, which are related to the long-term trend of SST and ENSO variability. The implications are enormous since extreme positive SST anomalies and increasing warm, upper-layer thickness are optimal oceanic conditions for forthcoming hurricane development and intensification.

How to cite: Martinez-Lopez, B.: Otis intensification and its relationship to El Niño and Climate Change in the eastern Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20498,, 2025.

Sea spray-mediated heat flux plays an important role in air-sea heat transfer. Heat flux integrated over droplet size spectrum can well simulate total heat flux induced by sea spray droplets. Previously, a fast algorithm of spray-flux assuming single-radius droplets (A15) was widely used since the full-size spectrum integral is computationally expensive. Based on the Gaussian Quadrature (GQ) method, a new fast algorithm (SPRAY-GQ) of sea spray-mediated heat flux is derived. The performance of SPRAY-GQ is evaluated by comparing heat fluxes with those estimated from the widely-used A15. The new algorithm shows a better agreement with the original spectrum integral. To further evaluate the numerical errors of A15 and SPRAY-GQ, the two algorithms are implemented into a coupled CFSv2.0-WW3 system, and a series of 56-day simulations in summer and winter are conducted and compared. The comparisons with satellite measurements and reanalysis data show that the SPRAY-GQ algorithm could lead to more reasonable simulation than the A15 algorithm by modifying air-sea heat flux. For experiments based on SPRAY-GQ, the sea surface temperature at mid-high latitudes of both hemispheres, particularly in summer, is significantly improved compared with the experiments based on A15. The simulation of 10-m wind speed and significant wave height at mid-low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere after the first two weeks is improved as well. These improvements are due to the reduced numerical errors. The computational time of SPRAY-GQ is about the same as that of A15. Therefore, the newly-developed SPRAY-GQ algorithm has a potential to be used for calculation of spray-mediated heat flux in coupled models.

How to cite: Shi, R. and Xu, F.: Accelerated Estimation of Sea Spray-Mediated Heat Flux Using Gaussian Quadrature, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21343,, 2025.

Subduction in the Northwestern Pacific produces North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (NPSTMW) and constitutes an important branch of the Subtropical Cell. Subduction in the Northwestern Pacific occurs typically during March and April. Based on ocean and atmosphere reanalysis products, the subduction of the NPSTMW is calculated using an Eulerian method. It is found that the averaged subduction time of NPSTMW, weighted by the daily detrainment rate, can vary more than two weeks every year. A composite analysis of the early and the late subduction shows that the subduction time is mostly affected by the strength of the surface zonal wind in the subduction region, which is found to be closely related to the strength and meridional shift of the Aleutian Low in March and April. When the Aleutian Low is stronger (weaker) or shifts southward (northward) in March and April, the surface westerly wind in the subduction region is stronger (weaker), which delays (expedites) the shoaling of the mixed layer and leads to a later (earlier) subduction of the NPSTMW. 

How to cite: Zhang, X. and Xu, F.: The Interannual Variability of North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water Subduction Time Modulated by Aleutian Low, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21345,, 2025.

Compared to 2-way coupled simulations over the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), additional wave (3-way) coupling shifts the energy of the surface flow toward the model grid resolution (8-9 km) and showed  higher energy in the velocity potential component than the divergence component. The heat budget of the Loop Current showed differences  between 2- and 3-way coupling. e.g. the magnitude of the heat tendency and the pattern of the advection term. and also a strong TC quadrant-dependent heat budget when a TC interacts with the LC. For instance, the heat budget at the LC warm core and at a TC center was ~1.5 times smaller for 3-way coupling than the 2-way counterpart. On the other hand, the heat at the LC front and TC right-quadrant were about the same magnitude regardless of coupling, but the large negative trend for 3-way coupling at the time a TC passed was not completely accounted for by the individual budget terms. It is interesting to observe a shift from the rotational field dominant for a pre-storm period to the divergence component during the TC passage, which might be related to the storm-induced upwelling. 


How to cite: Kim, H.-S. and Shao, M.: Numerical investigation of 3-way coupled tropical cyclone (TC)-Loop Current (LC)-wave non-linear interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1260,, 2025.

EGU25-2505 | Orals | OS1.10

Numerical-analytical solutions to mud mechanical responses to the waves in shallow water regions: From cohesive sediment to fluid mud 

Sarmad Ghader, S. Hadi Shamsnia, Henrik Kalisch, Jan Nordström, and S. Abbas Haghshenas


A comprehensive overview to the mud liquefaction and fluid mud mass transport induced by waves and currents are proposed in the shallow water regions. In this regard, the Shallow Water Equations (SWEs) must be solved for the upper water layer and the mud mechanical response to the free surface must be investigated. The aim of the present study, thus, is two folded: 1) To numerically investigate the newly developed energy-stable skew-symmetric form of the linear and nonlinear shallow water equations (SWE) using high-order numerical schemes with the so-called summation by parts (SBP) property; 2) analytical solutions to the interactions between waves, currents, and the muddy bed layer and compare the results for different constant, linear, and second-order current profiles.

The nonlinear stable boundary treatments with penalty-like simultaneous approximation terms (SAT), have been applied to mimic the lifting approach of continuous characteristic boundary conditions. In order to test the skew-symmetric form of SWE with the new variables, a manufactured solution (MS) is deployed, and the scheme is shown to be robust in the domain and at the boundary sides. The free parameters in the new form of the equations slightly change the convergence.

The effects of mean shear stress and its variations on wave dispersion relations as well as mud (particle and mass transport) velocities are investigated. It is found that the second-order profile presents the maximum effects on the wave field (wave dissipation and mud mass transport velocities) compared to the constant and linear current profiles. However, assuming the constant current profile, frequently applied in the literature models, results in the minimum effects. A local peak exists in the mud mean discharge over the current profile curvature. The mud velocity induced by the linear current profile presents the closest value to the particle velocity for the no-current case. Additionally, the second-order current profile provides slightly better results for the mud mass transport velocity rather than the constant current profile when comparing the results with the laboratory data.

There is a rather huge gap between the existing agreed mechanisms in the literature for non-cohesive and cohesive sediment which is addressed. Also, the lack of experimental and theoretical results for the mud liquefaction mechanism is pointed out. Open questions in the field and potential topics for further research are presented.


Shallow water equations, Mud mass transport, Wave-current-mud interaction, Summation by parts, Stable boundary conditions, Mud liquefaction and transport

How to cite: Ghader, S., Shamsnia, S. H., Kalisch, H., Nordström, J., and Haghshenas, S. A.: Numerical-analytical solutions to mud mechanical responses to the waves in shallow water regions: From cohesive sediment to fluid mud, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2505,, 2025.

EGU25-3850 | Orals | OS1.10

Sea ice break-up potential by locally generated wind waves in a polynya 

Joey Voermans, Qingxiang Liu, Lang Cao, Petra Heil, Clarence O. Collins, Josh Kousal, Jean Rabault, and Alexander Babanin

Polynyas, regions of open water enclosed by sea ice, are persistent features near the Antarctic coast as well as in the pack ice. Waves are known to occur within polynyas. If a polynya is sufficiently separated from the “blue” Southern Ocean by pack ice, then it can be considered isolated from Southern Ocean waves. Wave energy in isolated polynyas must be generated locally. During offshore wind conditions, a polynya could provide a long fetch for waves to develop, and the wind-waves may be steep enough to break the ice pack from the inside outward. This is in contrast to the typical focus of wave-induced sea ice break-up from the outside-inward with waves originating from the Southern Ocean. Here, we present our investigation of this inside-out sea-ice erosion mechanism based on buoy measurements of waves in the Vincennes Bay Polynya, East Antarctica. The measurements confirm the presence of energetic locally generated waves, which appear to be sufficiently steep to break the ice at the polynya edge. Further, we evaluate the wave-induced sea-ice break-up potential in this recurring polynya over the past two decades. Our results confirm the importance of locally generated waves in Antarctic polynyas. This highlights the previously overlooked potential of waves to accelerate sea-ice loss from within the pack ice, contributing to the recent Antarctic sea-ice decline.

How to cite: Voermans, J., Liu, Q., Cao, L., Heil, P., Collins, C. O., Kousal, J., Rabault, J., and Babanin, A.: Sea ice break-up potential by locally generated wind waves in a polynya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3850,, 2025.

Submesoscale processes usually have characteristic horizontal scales of O(0.1 to 10) km and timescales of O(0.1 to 10) days, and play significant roles in energy cascade and vertical tracer transport which affect ocean circulation, air-sea interactions, and biogeochemical cycles. As an effective way, high-resolution simulations have been conducted to study submesoscales. The hydrostatic approximation becomes unsuitable for high-resolution ocean modeling because the horizontal scales of the motions are comparable to the local vertical scales. Combining hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic pressure in the ocean general circulation models (OGCMs) contributes to accurate modeling. Based on the pressure correction method, the non-hydrostatic dynamics are implemented into the hydrostatic OGCM. Based on the numerical simulation, the dynamic characteristics and spatiotemporal Variations of submesoscales in the South China Sea (SCS) are analyzed, and two leading generation mechanisms, including strain-induced frontogenesis and mixed layer baroclinic instabilities, are discussed through the vertical buoyancy transport and potential vorticity budget analysis. The comparison also shows that the simulated internal tide signature by non-hydrostatic OGCM is more obvious, and the simulated temperature are significantly closer to the Argo data. The construction of non-hydrostatic OGCM greatly promotes high-resolution ocean modeling and is of great significance for the research on the multi-scale interaction.

How to cite: Zhuang, Z.: A numerical study of submesoscale dynamic processes in the Northern South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3878,, 2025.

EGU25-6011 | Posters on site | OS1.10

Reconstruction of directional wind wave spectra from visual ship-based observations 

Vika Grigorieva, Vitali Sharmar, Sergey Gulev, and Yaron Toledo

For the first time, directional wave spectra are reconstructed from visually observed wind wave data over the North Atlantic Ocean. For this purpose, a novel analytical approach for calculating the directional spreading function from visual ship-based observations is proposed. Natively and inherently separated estimates of wind sea and swell heights, periods, and directions of propagation provide independent directional spreading functions for wave systems in a given area and time. Shape parameter and the mean angle are evaluated from spatially and temporally averaged sine and cosine projections of wave directions. The calculated directional spreading functions combined with frequency spectra of wind sea and swell allow for two-dimensional spectra reconstruction from visible wave elements on different temporal and spatial scales. The new approach was applied to visual wave observations in the North Atlantic for the period of 1970-2023. Visual wave observations were taken from the ICOADS (International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set), consolidating all available observations by Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS). Directional wave spectra were reconstructed in two spatial grids: 10°x10° and 1°x1° with a temporal resolution varied from one day to climatological month. The results were intercompared to the directional spectra derived from the long-term model hindcasts of wind waves performed with WWIII spectral wave model for both individual daily spectra and regional spectral climatology of wind waves. We also analyzed interdecadal changes of directional spectra in both VOS-based and model products and their ability to explain observed and modeled changes in wind wave heights and directions. Thus, the ability to derive directional wave spectra from visual observations adds a new value to the conventional analysis of wind sea and swell systems in terms of heights and periods.

How to cite: Grigorieva, V., Sharmar, V., Gulev, S., and Toledo, Y.: Reconstruction of directional wind wave spectra from visual ship-based observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6011,, 2025.

EGU25-6161 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10

Resonant Triad Interactions of Acoustic and Gravity Waves in Water of Finite Depth 

Emanuele Zuccoli and Usama Kadri

The interaction between acoustic and surface-gravity waves is typically disregarded in classical wave theory due to their distinct propagation speeds. However, nonlinear dynamics enable energy exchange through resonant triad interactions, facilitating significant coupling between these wave types. This study investigates the resonant interaction involving two acoustic modes and one gravity wave in water of finite and deep depths. Using the method of multiple scales, nonlinear amplitude equations are derived to characterise the system’s spatio-temporal behaviour.

The analysis reveals that energy transfer efficiency depends strongly on water depth. While deeper water hinders energy transfer, shallower regimes enhance interaction, particularly when higher acoustic modes are involved. Numerical simulations identify parameter ranges where gravity wave amplitudes can be amplified or reduced, contingent on factors such as initial acoustic amplitudes and wave packet widths.

These findings have implications for tsunami mitigation, offering a potential mechanism to reduce wave amplitudes before reaching shorelines. Furthermore, the insights contribute to renewable energy harnessing from surface gravity waves by leveraging resonant acoustic-gravity interactions. This work advances the theoretical framework for understanding acoustic-gravity wave dynamics, highlighting opportunities for practical applications in environmental and energy contexts.

How to cite: Zuccoli, E. and Kadri, U.: Resonant Triad Interactions of Acoustic and Gravity Waves in Water of Finite Depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6161,, 2025.

EGU25-8089 | Posters on site | OS1.10 | Highlight

Wave Growth at Low Atmospheric Pressure 

Alexander Babanin, Eduardo Palenque, Joey Voermans, Christian Lopez, and Andrei Babanin

The Titicaca project is intended to experimentally test theoretical and empirical models used in fluid mechanics to describe wind-wave interactions. At Lake Titicaca, which is located at altitude of 3800 m, atmospheric pressure is reduced to some 60% by comparison with the sea level. Titicaca, with deep waters in excess of 250 m, has an elongated shape with the long axis of120 km and its short axis of 50 km, and provides wave fetches which are long enough for wave development across a full range of sea state conditions

All modern wave models are validated considering data at the sea level. In the theory, air density and pressure are variable, but in experiments at the sea level they are not. Therefore, the study, apart from academic merits, also has practical value in practical terms of wave forecast. For example, significant change of air pressure is not uncommon (e.g. up to 20%) in tropical cyclones, which fact can lead to respective, or larger errors for predicted wave heights, but so far is not accounted for.

The objective of the project is to measure wave generation, development and breaking in conditions of low air density and air pressure. Standard non-dimensional dependences for wave evolution (normalized by the local wind) are investigated and compared to the known (sea level) results. Evolution of the wave spectrum under the low-pressure winds is studied and benchmarked against classic JONSWAP development of wind-generated waves.

As expected, evolution of waves forced by the wind under low pressure is different to the sea level, but details of the differences are not necessarily expected. For the same wind forcing, Titicaca waves start with lower energy by comparison with their sea-level counterparts, but grow faster and catch up in magnitude towards the Pierson-Moscowitz conditions. Their spectrum exhibits higher levels of both enhancement and the tail towards full development, and we argue that it is stronger nonlinear fluxes across the spectrum that are responsible for faster growth of peak waves under weaker wind input at the tail. Comparison of low-pressure tropical-cyclone waves with the Titicaca evolution is conducted and demonstrate consistent behaviours.

How to cite: Babanin, A., Palenque, E., Voermans, J., Lopez, C., and Babanin, A.: Wave Growth at Low Atmospheric Pressure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8089,, 2025.

EGU25-9710 | Orals | OS1.10 | Highlight

ICON-waves: a new ocean surface waves component of the ICON modeling framework. 

Mikhail Dobrynin, Daniel Reinert, Heinz Günther, Florian Prill, Oliver Sievers, Vanessa Fundel, Panagiotis Adamidis, Arno Behrens, Thomas Bruns, and Günther Zängl
We present ICON-waves, a new component of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) modeling system, designed to explicitly model ocean surface gravity waves and their feedbacks on the atmosphere and ocean within the Earth system. Until now, the ICON-NWP model, developed and routinely operated by the German Weather Service (DWD), has not fully captured the impact of wave-induced interactions. Waves influence the sea surface state, generate turbulence, modify ocean currents, and affect air-sea exchanges of heat, matter, and momentum. ICON-waves addresses these processes by providing a wave-spectrum-dependent interface within the ICON framework, enabling more realistic simulations of atmosphere-ocean interactions. The integration of ICON-waves represents a significant advancement in modeling the complexity of atmosphere-ocean feedbacks, offering potential benefits for weather and climate prediction. This presentation outlines the ICON-waves model, including its concept, wave physics, and its role in improving overall model physics. We demonstrate results from both stand-alone ICON-waves and coupled ICON-NWP-waves simulations, focusing on the effects of wave-dependent sea surface roughness in the coupled atmosphere-waves system.

How to cite: Dobrynin, M., Reinert, D., Günther, H., Prill, F., Sievers, O., Fundel, V., Adamidis, P., Behrens, A., Bruns, T., and Zängl, G.: ICON-waves: a new ocean surface waves component of the ICON modeling framework., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9710,, 2025.

EGU25-11946 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10

Representing waves in ECMWF’s data-based forecasting system AIFS 

Sara Hahner, Jean Bidlot, Josh Kousal, Lorenzo Zampieri, and Matthew Chantry

Recent advancements in data-driven weather forecasting have demonstrated superior accuracy compared to traditional physics-based approaches for several components of the Earth system. While prior work on wave forecasting has focused on wave-atmosphere interactions through fine-tuning pre-trained models or training specific forced wave models, we present the results of training a joint model of waves and atmosphere, forecasting the two components simultaneously.

Surface winds, which can be well represented by data-driven atmospheric models, and waves are highly coupled. Therefore, we train a joint model of the atmosphere and waves, incorporating several wave fields into the deterministic Artificial Intelligence/Integrated Forecasting System (AIFS) at ECMWF [Lang et al., 2024]. For the training, a new dataset was constructed using ECMWF’s latest wave model [ECMWF, 2024; Yu et al., 2022]. The updated wave model offers an enhanced representation of wave fields especially under sea ice, resolving challenges with moving missing values.

The data-based wave forecasts are competitive with the ECMWF's operational physics-based wave model. Additionally, we present findings on how integrating wave fields enhances surface wind predictions. Through case studies, we illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, highlighting its potential to advance the accuracy and reliability of global weather forecasting systems.


[Lang et al., 2024] Simon Lang, Mihai Alexe, Matthew Chantry, Jesper Dramsch, Florian Pinault, Baudouin Raoult, Mariana C. A. Clare, Christian Lessig, Michael Maier-Gerber, Linus Magnusson, Zied Ben Bouallègue, Ana Prieto Nemesio, Peter D. Dueben, Andrew Brown, Florian Pappenberger, and Florence Rabier. AIFS – ECMWF’s data-driven forecasting system. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.01465, 2024.

[ECMWF, 2024] IFS documentation CY49R1–Part VII: ECMWF wave model. ECMWF Tech. Rep. CY49R1, 120 pp.

[Yu et al., 2022] Jie Yu, W. Erick Rogers, and David W. Wang. A new method for parameterization of wave dissipation by sea ice. Cold Reg. Sci. Technol. 2022, 199, 103583.

How to cite: Hahner, S., Bidlot, J., Kousal, J., Zampieri, L., and Chantry, M.: Representing waves in ECMWF’s data-based forecasting system AIFS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11946,, 2025.

EGU25-11948 | Posters on site | OS1.10

Wave climate projections off coastal French Guiana based on high-resolution modelling over the Atlantic Ocean 

Ali Belmadani, Maurizio D’Anna, Léopold Védie, Déborah Idier, Rémi Thiéblemont, Philippe Palany, and François Longueville

Global warming is altering the atmosphere and ocean dynamics worldwide, including patterns in the generation and propagation of ocean waves, which are important drivers of coastal evolution, flood risk, and renewable energy, among others. In French Guiana (northern South America), where most of the population is concentrated in coastal areas, understanding future wave climate change is critical for regional development, planning and adaptation purposes. The most energetic waves typically occur in boreal winter, in the form of long-distance swell originating from the mid-latitude North Atlantic Ocean. However, existing high-resolution wave climate projections that cover the French Guiana region focus on the hurricane season only (summer-fall).

In this study, a state-of-the-art basin-scale spectral wave model and wind fields from a high-resolution atmospheric global climate model were used to simulate present and future winter (November to April) wave climate offshore of French Guiana. The model performance was evaluated against wave data from ERA5 reanalysis, satellite altimetry and coastal buoys between 1984 and 2013. A statistically significant overall projected decrease (~5 %) in wintertime average significant wave height and mean wave period was found for the 2051-2079 period under the RCP-8.5 greenhouse gas emission scenario, together with a ~1° clockwise rotation of mean wave direction and consistent reductions in extreme wave heights and frequency. The results suggest that these decreasing trends are primarily driven by changes in large-scale patterns across the Atlantic that counteract an expected increase in local wind speed. Such results are further discussed using the limited available data from a multi-model ensemble of global wave projections.

How to cite: Belmadani, A., D’Anna, M., Védie, L., Idier, D., Thiéblemont, R., Palany, P., and Longueville, F.: Wave climate projections off coastal French Guiana based on high-resolution modelling over the Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11948,, 2025.

EGU25-13092 | Posters on site | OS1.10

Directional wave spectrum retrieved from in-situ and remote sensors 

Francisco J. Ocampo-Torres, Pedro Osuna, Nicolas G. Rascle, Carlos F. Herrera Vázquez, Héctor García-Nava, Guillermo Díaz Méndez, Bernardo Esquivel Trava, Carlos E. Villarreal-Olavarrieta, and Rodney E. Mora-Escalante

Measurements of ocean surface waves are obtained and studied from various perspectives. A coastal high frequency radar and an acoustic Doppler current profiler have been deployed and operated to detect and determine the source of differences of wave information retrieved. Now more space-borne remote sensors are being used, such as optic devices, as well as real and synthetic aperture radars. We focus in determining advantages and limitations of each method to observe and retrieve directional properties of ocean surface waves. It seems that the various methods complement each other, while we critically exploit the data to determine the accuracy and resolution of wave directional information. Short wave directionality plays an important role in the final directional wave spectrum retrieved, specially under the influence of the observation geometry associated with the wind and wave relative directions.

How to cite: Ocampo-Torres, F. J., Osuna, P., Rascle, N. G., Herrera Vázquez, C. F., García-Nava, H., Díaz Méndez, G., Esquivel Trava, B., Villarreal-Olavarrieta, C. E., and Mora-Escalante, R. E.: Directional wave spectrum retrieved from in-situ and remote sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13092,, 2025.

EGU25-13185 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10

Assessing the Inter-annual variability of energy contained by wind waves in the tropical Indian Ocean 

Thanvi Rahman, Raveendran Sajeev, and Sheela Nair

The study investigates the inter-annual variability of energy contained by wind waves over the tropical Indian Ocean using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis. Emphasizing the first two leading modes of variability, the regions with significant changes in wind wave power over the last four decades are identified utilizing reanalysis data sets spanning between 1979 to 2023. In the first two EOF modes, accounting for 36.29% and 14.56% of the total variance respectively, the variability exhibited is highest in the Tropical Southern Indian Ocean region.

The leading mode of variability (EOF 1) exhibits multiple distinct lobes of high variability, including the southern tropical Indian Ocean region (10°S–30°S, 70°E–100°E), the southwest Arabian Sea, the southeastern tip of the Indian Ocean, and the southeastern equatorial Indian Ocean, which shows contrasting trends. Notably, these regions of high variability align precisely with the zones of extreme values in the annual climatology of energy flux input into surface waves over the tropical Indian Ocean computed for the same study period. Although wind speed is often used as a general proxy to explain and reason wave power variability, the parameter ‘energy flux input into surface waves’ demonstrates the closest and precise resemblance to zones of spatial variability of wave power in the study region, as it directly measures the energy transfer from wind to waves, accounting for critical factors such as air-sea coupling, wave age, and sea state. Considering this, the study also examines the met-ocean parameters that influence the energy flux input into surface waves. The climatology and long-term variability of parameters such as wind stress, wave steepness, and wave age in the study region were analysed. Additionally, the relative contribution of each parameter to wave power variability in the region was assessed.

In EOF Mode 2, the entire study region, excluding the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, exhibits a clear contrasting pattern between the eastern and western sides, with a prominent dipole pattern observed in the tropical southern Indian Ocean, spanning 10°S to 25°S and 55°E to 110°E.

This study offers insights into the long term variabilities in the energy contained by wind waves and to identify and analyze the met-ocean drivers influencing these variations and to assess their contribution.

Figure: Spatial Distribution of Inter-Annual variability in power of wind waves based on

(a) EOF1 and (b) EOF 2



How to cite: Rahman, T., Sajeev, R., and Nair, S.: Assessing the Inter-annual variability of energy contained by wind waves in the tropical Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13185,, 2025.

EGU25-14371 | Posters on site | OS1.10

Surface Gravity Wave Response to Air-Sea Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region: A Numerical Study 

Gwendal Marechal, Lionel Renault, Alexandre Barboni, Marco Larrañaga, and Bia Villas Bôas

In this study, a series of high-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave simulations are performed over the Gulf Stream to investigate the interactions between oceanic eddies and ocean surface waves. In particular, we investigate how ocean surface waves influence the dynamics of oceanic eddies and vice versa. To isolate the various feedback mechanisms, we perform dedicated simulations in which the contributions of each coupling - such as direct current-wave interactions, atmospheric feedbacks, and mesoscale oceanic features - are systematically removed from the air-sea wave coupling fields. Our results show, in agreement with observations, that oceanic eddies exert a significant influence on the surface waves, not only through direct current-wave interactions, but also by modulating the overlying atmospheric conditions. This modulation is manifested by the imprint of mesoscale oceanic features on the surface wind, which in turn affects the wave dynamics. Conversely, we also study the impact of ocean surface waves on the characteristics and statistics of oceanic eddies, providing insight into how wave-induced processes can modify eddy properties.

How to cite: Marechal, G., Renault, L., Barboni, A., Larrañaga, M., and Villas Bôas, B.: Surface Gravity Wave Response to Air-Sea Coupling in the Gulf Stream Region: A Numerical Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14371,, 2025.

EGU25-15317 | ECS | Orals | OS1.10

Seasonal Wave Characteristics in the Presence of ENSO and IOD over the Bay of Bengal 

Subhashree Sahu, Hitesh Gupta, Rahul Deogharia, and Sourav Sil

Climatic modes like ENSO and IOD influence wind systems, which in turn can significantly impact the wave dynamics of a region. This study focuses on the changes in seasonal characteristics of waves induced by ENSO and IOD over the Bay of Bengal (BoB). We used monthly ERA-5 dataset of wind and wave parameters for 1980–2020. Based on Niño3.4 and dipole mode index, different phase of ENSO and IOD were selected. During the monsoon season, it was found that El Niño and La Niña increase significant wind wave height (Hsw) in the coastal regions, while they reduce the significant swell height (Hss) over the entire basin. However, the nIOD and pIOD enhance both the Hss and Hsw, albeit in different regions of the BoB. In post-monsoon season, when El Niño and La Niña are comparatively more active, they show similar features as pIOD and nIOD respectively. Reduced significant wave height (Hs), Hsw, and Hss in the entire BoB were noticed in the presence of El Niño and pIOD. However, these parameters were found to increase during La Niña and nIOD, especially in the eastern BoB. During winter, the signatures of the waves were much similar to those of post-monsoon but the magnitudes were comparatively low. During pre-monsoon of the next year, El Niño and pIOD showed signatures with increased Hss in the western BoB, whereas Hsw activity increased over the whole BoB. In presence of La-Niña and nIOD, a basin-wide increment in Hs, Hss, and Hsw is noticed. The aforementioned changes during different seasons were even more pronounced when El Niño & pIOD and La Niña & nIOD co-occurred. All these features noted in Hs, Hss, and Hsw during different seasons were found to co-vary with the spatial wind patterns, indicating winds to be a primary driver of these wave activities.

How to cite: Sahu, S., Gupta, H., Deogharia, R., and Sil, S.: Seasonal Wave Characteristics in the Presence of ENSO and IOD over the Bay of Bengal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15317,, 2025.

Few studies have focused on the projected future changes in wave climate in the Chinese marginal seas. In this study, we investigate the projected changes of the extreme wave climate over the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea (BYE) under the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios from WAM wave model ensemble simulations with a resolution of 0.1 degree This is currently the highest-resolution wave projection dataset available for the study domain. The wind forcings for WAM are from high-resolution (0.22 degree) regional climate model (RCM) CCLM-MPIESM simulations. The multivariate bias-adjustment method based on the N-dimensional probability density function transform is used to correct the raw simulated significant wave height (SWH) and mean wave period (MWP). We investigated the projected changes in frequency, intensity and duration of extreme wave events under different warming levels. Uncertainty in projected changes of extreme wave has been analyzed and results show that model uncertainty is the dominant contribution to the total uncertainties of wave projections.

How to cite: Li, D., Liu, H., and Yin, B.: High-resolution Dynamical Projections and Uncertainty assessment of the Extreme Wave Climate for China's offshore under different global warming levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15849,, 2025.

EGU25-16980 | Orals | OS1.10

Advancing High-Resolution Downscaling of Wind-Generated Ocean Waves Using WW3 on Unstructured Grids 

Aron Roland, Ali Abdolali, Tyler Hesser, Heloise Michaud, David Honegger, Mary Bryant, Thomas Huxhorn, and Jane M. Smith

Accurate modeling of wind-generated ocean waves is critical for understanding coastal processes, maritime operations, and coastal management. Recent advances in global wave forecasting have substantially improved large-scale predictions; however, bridging the gap between coarse-scale solutions and the finer-resolution requirements of nearshore environments remains an ongoing challenge. In this study, we present our latest developments in numerically downscaling wind-wave fields using the WAVEWATCH III (WW3) framework on unstructured grids, enabling more flexible resolution in complex coastal and shallow-water settings.

We detail a series of enhancements in WW3 aimed at improving both precision and computational efficiency. These include a new limiter implementation within the implicit scheme, GSE correction, and refined numerical integration of shallow water source terms and wave setup computations. In addition, we have optimized memory management and parallelization across the WW3 code base. By applying these techniques to a range of configurations, from simplified wind-wave growth scenarios to high-resolution global unstructured-grid models, we illustrate the upgraded performance and broad applicability of WW3, including its potential for more accurate wave climate assessments.

Lastly, we showcase a novel wave modeling framework based on a recent C++ language implementation of the unstructured solver. This approach leverages SIMD-based vectorization at the CPU level (0-level parallelism) in conjunction with domain decomposition and hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelism, resulting in significant computational speed-ups. Such gains are especially valuable for long term runs of high resolution simulations, highlighting the framework’s suitability for future climate modeling efforts that demand high-resolution wave climatology over extended temporal scales.

How to cite: Roland, A., Abdolali, A., Hesser, T., Michaud, H., Honegger, D., Bryant, M., Huxhorn, T., and M. Smith, J.: Advancing High-Resolution Downscaling of Wind-Generated Ocean Waves Using WW3 on Unstructured Grids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16980,, 2025.

EGU25-18481 | Posters on site | OS1.10

Improving Global Wave Spectrum Representation Through SWH Assimilation and Spectral Reconstruction in WaveWatch III 

Hyeonmin Lee, Kyeong Ok Kim, Hanna Kim, Sang Myeong Oh, and Young Ho Kim

This study applies the Ensemble Optimal Interpolation (EnOI) method to assimilate significant wave height (SWH) data into the WaveWatch III global ocean wave model and evaluates the impact of wave spectrum reconstruction techniques on model performance. The results demonstrate significant reductions in root mean square errors (RMSE) for significant wave height predictions, particularly in most oceanic regions except for the equatorial zones. The assimilated fields enhanced the spectral representation of the WaveWatch III model, substantially improving the accuracy of global wave simulations. This study emphasizes the potential of EnOI-based SWH data assimilation and spectral reconstruction techniques in advancing ocean wave modeling and provides valuable insights for future ocean prediction and operational applications

How to cite: Lee, H., Kim, K. O., Kim, H., Oh, S. M., and Kim, Y. H.: Improving Global Wave Spectrum Representation Through SWH Assimilation and Spectral Reconstruction in WaveWatch III, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18481,, 2025.

EGU25-21482 | Orals | OS1.10 | Highlight

On long term assessement of improved ocean/wave coupling in the Southern Ocean and Marginal Ice Zone 

Lotfi Aouf, Emma Bedossa, and Herve Giordani

The Southern Ocean is strongly affected by uncertainties on the surface wind, and consequently the fluxes exchanged between the atmosphere and the ocean include fairly strong biases. The assimilation of directional wave spectra from wave scatterometer SWIM of CFOSAT has demonstrated the improvement of the prediction of the different scales of waves from the wind-waves to the swell. As a result, the estimation of momentum and heat fluxes are positively affected, particularly in the western boundary current regions. This work presents long term validation of key ocean parameters (temperature, current and salinity) in the Southern Ocean from coupled experiments of the MFWAM and NEMO models over a long period of 4 years. Simulations with and without the assimilation of SWIM spectra are compared to estimate the impact on ocean circulation.

The ocean model outputs have been validated with the available level 3 & 4 in situ and satellite observations over the Southern Ocean. A comparison was made with climatologies for some parameters such as the ocean mixed layer. The results indicate a significant impact on the heat content at 300 m depth in the Southern Ocean, particularly in the marginal ice zone. The analysis of temperature and salinity profiles over specific locations in the MIZ shows good consistency of variability with the coupled simulation using CFOSAT assimilation. In this work we investigated the impact of using wave/ice interaction in the coupling. We also examined the use of Eddy diffusivity Mass fluxes (EDMF) convection scheme in NEMO model and evaluate the impact on ocean circulation in the southern ocean. Further comments and conclusions will be reported in the final presentation.

How to cite: Aouf, L., Bedossa, E., and Giordani, H.: On long term assessement of improved ocean/wave coupling in the Southern Ocean and Marginal Ice Zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21482,, 2025.

EGU25-892 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Coherent Vortices in the Ocean interior of the Atlantic 

Ashwita Chouksey, Xavier Carton, and Jonathan Gula

Previous studies have extensively described the coherent vortices at the ocean surface and shallow sub-surface at global and regional scales (from satellites, in-situ measurements, and numerical models). Few studies have investigated the dynamics of the deep coherent vortices (DCVs) below the mixed layer depth. This study focuses on DCVs in the Atlantic Ocean using a high-resolution numerical model. Since the properties of the water asses move along isopycnals, the detection and tracking of DCVs are performed along three isopycnal surfaces: 27.60 kg/m3, 27.80 kg/m3, and 27.86 kg/m3 with depths of 250-1700 m, 1200-2800 m, and 1900-3800 m, respectively. The quantification of the physical characteristics of the DCVs (population, radius, Rossby number, polarity between cyclones and anticyclones, and propagation in space and time) in different parts of the Atlantic Ocean (Mediterranean Water vortices, meddies and Mid-Atlantic Ridge, MAR). The dynamics involved in the generation and destruction of the DCVs throughout their life cycle are analyzed.There is an asymmetry between cyclonic DCVs and anticyclonic DCVs, as they propagate poleward and equatorward, respectively, due to the beta-effect. Cyclonic DCVs tend to be smaller and shorter lived than anticyclonic DCVs, so anticyclones dominate in terms of energetic, large, long-lived, and long-distance DCVs. The results also show that anticyclonic meddies, as well as other DCVs, can cross MAR. The region of the ocean west of the MAR is also characterised by a large number of shielded vortices and the formation of a group of transient shielded multiplets. The DCVs contribute to the transport of characteristic properties of different water masses from their source origin to the distance offshore.This sheds new light on the understanding of the formation, life cycle, physical and dynamical properties of the ocean interior in the Atlantic Ocean for the long-lived DCVs.

How to cite: Chouksey, A., Carton, X., and Gula, J.: Coherent Vortices in the Ocean interior of the Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-892,, 2025.

EGU25-1265 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Turbulence Observations and Energetics of Diurnal Warm Layers 

Mariana Miracca Lage, Claire Ménesguen, Mira Schmitt, Lars Umlauf, Lucas Merckelbach, and Jeffrey R. Carpenter

Diurnal warm layers (DWLs) develop under relatively weak winds and strong solar radiation and their associated stratified layer has important consequences for turbulent mixing and air‐sea interactions.  In this paper we investigate DWLs during three consecutive days in the South Atlantic using observations from an underwater glider equipped with a turbulence microstructure package, a series of drifters at two different depths, and a 1-D turbulence model.  The observations and modeling show that the DWLs create a near-surface stratification that partially decouples the surface current from the mixed layer below.  However, we find that turbulent entrainment of momentum from below the DWL is important in the evolution of the surface current.  We further derive buoyancy, potential and kinetic energy budgets, and identify the dominant terms.  The upper ocean potential energy budget is dominated by the incoming solar radiation, with only a small contribution from turbulent mixing.  Turbulent shear production, however, is found to be an important influence on the upper ocean mean kinetic energy, receiving a similar fraction of the wind work as the acceleration of the diurnal jet.  The DWL evolution and energy budgets are corroborated with simulations from a freely-evolving one-D turbulence model, which additionally shows that the exchange of kinetic energy with the surface wave field is of minor importance to the development of the DWLs we observe.

How to cite: Miracca Lage, M., Ménesguen, C., Schmitt, M., Umlauf, L., Merckelbach, L., and R. Carpenter, J.: Turbulence Observations and Energetics of Diurnal Warm Layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1265,, 2025.

EGU25-2124 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Reinforcement learning-based multi-model ensemble for ocean waves forecasting 

Xiangrong Wu and Weinan Huang

This study addresses the challenges of uncertainty in wave simulations within complex and dynamic ocean environments by proposing a reinforcement learning-based model ensemble algorithm. The algorithm combines the predictions of multiple base models to achieve more accurate simulations of ocean variables. Utilizing the soft actor-critic reinforcement learning framework, the method dynamically adjusts the weights of each base model, enabling the model ensemble algorithm to effectively adapt to varying ocean conditions. The algorithm was validated using two SWAN models results for China’s coastal regions, with ERA5 reanalysis data serving as a reference. Results show that the ensemble model significantly outperforms the base models in terms of root mean square error, mean absolute error, and bias. Notable improvements were observed across different significant wave height ranges and in scenarios with large discrepancies between base model errors. The model ensemble algorithm effectively reduces systematic biases, improving both the stability and accuracy of wave predictions. These findings confirm the robustness and applicability of the proposed method for integrating multi-source data and handling complex ocean conditions, highlighting its potential for broader applications in ocean forecasting.

How to cite: Wu, X. and Huang, W.: Reinforcement learning-based multi-model ensemble for ocean waves forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2124,, 2025.

EGU25-3021 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Wavenumber spectra of a submesoscale front from ADCP ship-track data 

Cristina Martí-Solana, Ananda Pascual, T. M. Shaun Johnston, Amala Mahadevan, and Simón Ruiz

Oceanic fronts are regions of intense activity which play a crucial role in connecting surface flows to the deeper ocean. However, the complex dynamics of these systems remain challenging to observe and quantify. The CALYPSO program aims to uncover the pathways by which surface water is transported into the ocean interior, addressing fundamental questions about the evolution of oceanic fronts. Previous studies have identified frontal regions as hotspots of variability, where sharp gradients and small-scale structures can enhance mixing and drive significant transport of physical and biogeochemical properties.

Here, we focus on the characterization of a frontal system in the northern Balearic Sea through a multi-instrumental approach involving CTD (UCTD) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). The survey was conducted from 18 February to 12 March 2022 aboard the R/V Pelagia and consisted of 19 repetitions of a high-resolution, small-scale rectangular sampling box. UCTD profiles were collected at a mean horizontal resolution of 1km enabling detailed resolution of temperature, salinity, and density gradients across the front.

As part of the analysis, vorticity was calculated from the ADCP velocity field to estimate the role of submesoscale processes within the frontal system. To further investigate the structure of the velocity field, we applied a spectral Helmholtz decomposition technique to the ADCP data, which separates the one-dimensional observed velocities into their rotational and divergent components, providing detailed insights into the flow kinematics. A crucial step in this process is assessing the anisotropy of the flow to ensure the correct implementation of the method. The analysis used models tailored for both isotropic and anisotropic flows, enabling us to examine how flow anisotropy influences submesoscale dynamics. Additionally, the analysis revealed signatures of inertial-gravity waves, highlighting their role in the observed velocity field and their interaction with submesoscale processes. This approach offers a spectral view of the energy distribution, flow instabilities, and wave dynamics, improving our understanding of the interplay between different scales within frontal systems and the evaluation of the balanced and unbalanced flows. Preliminary results reveal a dominant contribution of rotational motions to the kinetic energy spectra, while the influence of internal waves becomes increasingly significant at deeper levels.

How to cite: Martí-Solana, C., Pascual, A., Johnston, T. M. S., Mahadevan, A., and Ruiz, S.: Wavenumber spectra of a submesoscale front from ADCP ship-track data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3021,, 2025.

EGU25-3555 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

The structure of stratified mixing by shear instability in baroclinically forced shear flows 

Adrien Lefauve, Chris Bassett, Dan Plotnick, and Rocky Geyer

We present observational data from the mouth of the Connecticut River, a shallow salt-wedge estuary characterised by intense interfacial mixing. The motivation is to better understand, and ultimately predict, density-stratified turbulent mixing driven by shear instabilities at high Reynolds numbers (Re > 10^5). Such processes span an immense turbulent energy cascade across eight orders of magnitude, from coherent instabilities at kilometre scales to the smallest mixing eddies at micrometre scales. Using multi-beam echo-sounding imagery, we reveal the spatial structure and temporal evolution of turbulent mixing with unprecedented detail. During the flood tide, large-scale topography and hydraulics cause the pycnocline to slope, which triggers, through baroclinic forcing, primary shear instabilities in the form of long trains of Kelvin-Helmholtz billows. Our data demonstrate that at Re ~ 5x10^5, mixing occurs primarily by turbulence in the braids connecting the cores of the billows rather than within the cores themselves. This secondary 'braid turbulence' is continuously forced by the secondary baroclinic generation of shear within the sloping braids. This finding challenges the prevailing paradigm built upon direct numerical simulations (DNS) at lower Reynolds numbers (Re ~ 10^3-10^4), where mixing is thought to occur primarily by overturning in the billow cores. This distinction is a significant shift in understanding the high-Re turbulent cascade in mixing hotspots, with potential implications for mixing parameterisations in the coastal ocean.

How to cite: Lefauve, A., Bassett, C., Plotnick, D., and Geyer, R.: The structure of stratified mixing by shear instability in baroclinically forced shear flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3555,, 2025.

The oceanic Lorenz energy cycle and its baroclinic eddy production B is analysed in realistic global and idealized models. B shows a dipolar structure in spectral space, acting as source of eddy kinetic energy at smaller, and as sink (B<0) at larger scales, partly balancing the inverse kinetic energy cascade. Together with a forward potential energy cascade, this opens a potential pathway for small scale eddy dissipation. To understand this structure of B, its geographical relation to different dynamical regimes is examined.
In the realistic model, B<0 is found predominantly poleward of 30° latitude, where the zonal mean current U tends to be eastward. Simulations using idealized models also show a connection between B<0 and the sign of U<0 consistently appears for U>0 but diminishes for U<0. When the meridional gradient of planetary vorticity β is set to zero, B<0 disappears, suggesting that planetary Rossby waves are also essential for its existence.
Linear stability analysis can explain the findings: it shows no B<0 for β=0, but B<0 at large-scales when β ≠ 0. It also shows that the vertical structure of B<0 changes with the sign of U: for eastward currents, B<0 is located in the upper half of the water column, whereas for U<0, it shifts to the bottom. Since eddy energy and B is surface intensified, the near-bottom energy sink at large-scales by B for U<0 is damped and becomes unimportant, while the near-surface B<0 for U>0 is amplified, which we see in turn in the models.

How to cite: Dettmer, J. N.: Spectral resolution of oceanic baroclinic production: Exploring a novel eddy energy sink, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4451,, 2025.

EGU25-6480 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11 | Highlight

Eddy-internal tide interactions around New Caledonia: Insight from regional numerical modeling, in-situ observations, and SWOT 

Arne Bendinger, Clément Vic, Sophie Cravatte, and Lionel Gourdeau

Internal tides, internal waves at tidal frequency, represent a considerable reservoir of kinetic energy within the broad spectrum of motions at frequencies higher than the inertial frequency f. Further, they are argued to play an important role in the modulation of energy pathways, such as the redistribution of energy toward smaller scales, promoting an energy transfer via the forward energy cascade.

New Caledonia, an archipelago in the southwestern tropical Pacific, has recently been identified as a hot spot for semidiurnal internal tides based on regional numerical modeling, with comparable energetics to those at Luzon Strait and the Hawaiian Ridge. Alongside strong internal tides, New Caledonia features elevated mesoscale-eddy activity, and is subject to eddy-internal tide interactions. A twin simulation without tides suggests that tidal forcing has a considerable impact on cross-scale energy exchanges by amplifying the forward energy cascade while modulating the transition scale between forward and inverse cascade toward larger wavelengths. Though, these modulations underlie strong seasonal variations. In turn, the eddy-internal tide interactions impact the internal-tide life cycle, from the barotropic-to-baroclinic tidal energy conversion to the energy propagation pathways. Specifically, mesoscale-eddy-induced stratification changes at the generation sites can considerably enhance/reduce the barotropic-to-barotropic conversion rate by more than 20% on monthly to intraseasonal time scales. In propagation direction, the tidal beams are primarily refracted by mesoscale currents and are characterized by overall increased phase variability and dispersion.

Important insights are gained by moorings deployed in the internal-tide generation hot spot and in the propagation direction south of New Caledonia, enhancing our understanding of eddy–internal tide interactions from an in-situ perspective. Mooring observations at fixed locations are further complemented by daily sea surface height (SSH) measurements provided by the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite altimetry mission during its fast-sampling phase (1-day repeat orbit). Together, these datasets will help understand the governing dynamics of internal tides and their broader impact on oceanic energy pathways.

How to cite: Bendinger, A., Vic, C., Cravatte, S., and Gourdeau, L.: Eddy-internal tide interactions around New Caledonia: Insight from regional numerical modeling, in-situ observations, and SWOT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6480,, 2025.

The Kuroshio is well-known for its variability south of Japan, where it often meanders and forms stable eddies near the coast. In this study, we investigate the relevant process and physical mechanism using a well-validated high-resolution China Sea Multiscale Ocean Modeling System (CMOMS, and a process-oriented modeling. We found that the variability is chiefly governed by the dynamics of Kuroshio separation. The analysis shows that Kuroshio separates from the coast and forms eddy by inverse pressure gradient force due to both high nonlinearity of Kuroshio and the inverse wind-driven Ekman transport. Typically, the separation occurs near protruding capes where bottom pressure torque (BPT) injects inverse vorticity to the separated Kuroshio. Accompanying the separation, an accumulation of shear vorticity from shoreside/seaside of the separated Kuroshio forms a cyclonic/anticyclonic eddy dipole. During the course of active dynamics adjustment, increased barotropic and baroclinic instability strengthen the eddy which, in turn, stabilize and persist the separation. The study provides a new insight into the variability dynamics of western boundary current.

How to cite: Yongkang, Y. and Gan, J.: Dynamics of Kuroshio separation and associated eddy formation and instability off southern Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6590,, 2025.

EGU25-8164 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Dissipation of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the ICON-O Model 

Dominic Hillenkötter and Nils Brüggemann

This study provides an analysis of the ocean Lorentz Energy Cycle (LEC) simulated with an ICON- O configuration of 5km horizontal resolution. Since most processes relevant for eddy dissipation cannot be resolved even with 5km horizontal resolution, parameterizations are required to dissipate the energy. Typical parameterizations used in ocean models are bottom friction, vertical viscous dissipation and horizontal biharmonic dissipation. 
Here, we focus on all sources, sinks and fluxes of geostrophic eddy kinetic energy. To this end, we filter geostrophic turbulent eddies from internal waves by (a) approximating geostrophic pressure by a five day time average and (b) by using quasi-geostrophic equations to diagnose the geostrophic energetics. We find that the production of QG EKE is dominated by the baroclinic pathway. Horizontal and spatial energy pressure fluxes transport the produced energy to bottom and western margins. There it is dissipated mainly by horizontal friction, followed by bottom and vertical friction. Sensitivity simulations with altered friction parameters show, that dissipation changes marginally with respect to these alterations.

How to cite: Hillenkötter, D. and Brüggemann, N.: Dissipation of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the ICON-O Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8164,, 2025.

EGU25-8326 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

The effect of tides and high-frequency winds on the oceanic cross-scale kinetic energy flux 

René Schubert, Jonathan Gula, Roy Barkan, and Oscar Vergara

The flux of kinetic energy between oceanic currents of different horizontal scales is of key importance for the oceans energy balance between wind-forcing on mainly large scales and dissipation on small scales. Oceanic eddies in quasi-geostrophic balance, including submesoscale mixed-layer eddies, are associated with an inverse cascade towards larger scales. In contrast, in regional simulations, internal gravity waves have been shown to reduce the inverse cascade by quasi-geostrophic eddies and to drive a strong forward cascade towards the small dissipative scales. The major forcing mechanisms of internal gravity waves are tides and high-frequency winds. In this study, we investigate the effect of both forcings on the cross-scale kinetic energy flux by comparing the latter in parallel submesoscale-permitting simulations of the full Atlantic i) with both forcings, ii) with only high-frequency wind forcing, and iii) without both forcings. We show that both internal gravity wave forcings contribute to an increase in the forward cascade, which is most pronounced in summer-time when balanced flows are weak. Both forcing effects are present at all investigated scales, but the tidal effect dominates at smaller scale (about 30 km), while at larger scales (about 100 km) the wind-effect dominates. By comparing fluxes from three-day- and hourly-mean velocities, we show that the forward cascade associated with both forcings is a result of high-frequency motions at time-scales less than three days. In spring, the high-frequency forward cascade is overcome by the inverse-cascade of mixed-layer eddies. The comparison of the (mainly inverse) fluxes from the three-day-mean flow between the parallel experiments show that the effect of tides on the low-frequency cascade is very small while the high-frequency winds are responsible for the reduction of the low-frequency inverse cascade. Finally, we show that geostrophic coarse-graining cross-scale kinetic energy fluxes can be computed from SWOT satellite observations despite the gap between the measurement swaths, by applying a SWOT simulator to the ocean model solutions. With this, it is possible to validate the submesoscale geostrophic cross-scale kinetic energy flux in ocean simulations. 

How to cite: Schubert, R., Gula, J., Barkan, R., and Vergara, O.: The effect of tides and high-frequency winds on the oceanic cross-scale kinetic energy flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8326,, 2025.

EGU25-8715 | Orals | OS1.11

ROSSMIX 2.0: a simplified meso-scale eddy closure applied to a realistic ocean model 

Carsten Eden and Jan Niklas Dettmer

A new closure, ROSSMIX 2.0, for the effect of meso-scale eddies in non-eddy-resolving ocean models is presented and evaluated. It combines aspects of several previous closures in a simplified approach: local linear stability analysis is used to predict the vertical and lateral shape of eddy correlations, while a wave energy equation co-integrated in the ocean model predicts their amplitudes. The new closure is implemented  and  evaluated with good success in an idealised channel model of vertical and lateral shear instability, and in a realistic quasi-global ocean model. The new closure enhances the meridional overturning circulation both globally and in the individual basins, with clearer connection of the large-scale overturning cells in the Southern Ocean. This comes along with enhanced northward heat transport and horizontal transports in better agreement with observations, and a reduced bias in watermasses.

How to cite: Eden, C. and Dettmer, J. N.: ROSSMIX 2.0: a simplified meso-scale eddy closure applied to a realistic ocean model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8715,, 2025.

EGU25-9636 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

GM+PV: Testing a new mesoscale eddy parameterization in an Arctic configuration 

Rosie Eaves, David Marshall, James Maddison, and Stephanie Waterman

Mesoscale eddy parameterizations deployed in climate models are typically unable to produce eddy-driven topography-following flows which are known to dominate the flow structure in the Arctic. One theory for the development of topography-following flows is that they arise as a result of the cascades of energy and enstrophy in quasigeostrophic turbulence and the dissipation of enstrophy at small scales. Recent work in the field of eddy parameterizations has seen an emerging focus on developing energetically consistent parameterizations, but the same focus has not been applied as thoroughly to the enstrophy.

In this work, a parameterization of barotropic eddy potential vorticity fluxes is introduced which incorporates an energetic constraint and an additional enstrophetic constraint. The parameterization mixes potential vorticity in a manner that produces a net eddy-to-mean kinetic energy transfer and a net mean-to-eddy potential enstrophy transfer, consistent with the inverse kinetic energy cascade and direct potential enstrophy cascade typical of the barotropic mode of quasigeostrophic turbulence. The barotropic parameterization is integrated with the Gent and McWilliams (1990) parameterization of baroclinic eddies by providing a mechanism through which available potential energy, extracted by the baroclinic parameterization, can be converted to barotropic eddy kinetic energy.

The parameterization is tested in an Arctic configuration. We find that the parameterization is successful in driving a large-scale topography-following flow, broadly resembling the Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current. We explain the evolution of this large-scale flow through a balance in the energy and potential enstrophy transfers.

How to cite: Eaves, R., Marshall, D., Maddison, J., and Waterman, S.: GM+PV: Testing a new mesoscale eddy parameterization in an Arctic configuration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9636,, 2025.

The South China Sea (SCS) is a large semi-enclosed marginal sea between East Asian continent and the West Pacific Ocean. Originating from the North Equatorial Current, the Kuroshio is the strongest western boundary current in the North Pacific. When it flows northward along the east Philippine coast, a branch of the Kuroshio intrudes northwestward into the SCS through Luzon Strait, significantly affecting the temperature, salinity, circulation, and eddy generation in the SCS. Previous studies have shown that Kuroshio intrusions are frequently accompanied by anticyclonic eddy shedding in the northern SCS. Based on satellite altimeter data and cruise observations, we explored the statistical characteristics and evolution of Kuroshio-shed eddies in the SCS. The Kuroshio eddy shedding events occur nearly annually, especially in boreal fall and winter. The shedding eddies propagated southwestward along the continental slope and generally dissipated around the Xisha Islands in spring, while some of them re-intensified east of Xisha Islands and survived until autumn. Further analysis found that eddy merging provides energy for re-intensification of long-lived Kuroshio-shed eddies in the SCS. Combined reanalysis data, we further investigated the evolution of eddy vertical structure. The Kuroshio anticyclonic eddies transited from surface-intensified eddies to subsurface-intensified eddies in the SCS with seasonal changes, exhibiting a unique surface cold-core and vertical lens-shaped structure. Changes of sea surface heat flux and eddy-induced Ekman pumping are conducive to the formation of lens-shaped structure.

How to cite: Wang, X.: Evolution of Kuroshio-shed anticyclonic eddies in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9758,, 2025.

Agulhas Rings play a key role in the dynamics of the South Atlantic, especially through their interactions with the Walvis Ridge. However, the influence of mesoscale eddies, their interactions with bathymetry, and their interplay with internal waves on high frequency ocean dynamics remains unclear, especially in realistic setups. To address this issue, we combine high-resolution numerical simulations with telescopic grid refinement (achieving horizontal resolutions below 600 m over large regions of the South Atlantic) and observations from a dedicated field campaign, complemented by data from the recently launched SWOT mission. Our simulations, validated with mooring and Pressure Inverted Echo Sounder data from the Walvis Ridge region, show that tidal forcing and resolved submesoscale dynamics are critical to accurately capture high-frequency energy levels. Simulations without tides and submesoscale dynamics show significantly reduced energy at the high-frequency end of the spectrum. Using an eddy-tracking algorithm, we study the evolution of five anticyclones and three cyclones near the ridge. Hovmöller plots and bandpass-filtered fields show fluctuations at diurnal and semidiurnal frequencies, especially at the ridges and underneath large anticyclones. We provide new insights into mesoscale-bathymetry interactions and their role in shaping high-frequency ocean dynamics in the South Atlantic.

How to cite: Epke, M. and Brüggemann, N.: Impact of mesoscale eddies and bathymetry on high-frequent ocean dynamics in a submesoscale resolving simulation of the South Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9967,, 2025.

EGU25-10163 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Role of nonlocal eddy-mean flow interactions in the redistribution of energy in the ocean 

John Ssebandeke, Jin-Song von Storch, and Nils Brüggemann

Nonlocality originates when the energy extracted from the mean flow in one region does not sustain the energy growth of eddies in that region (or vice versa) but is redistributed and consequently used to support the energy growth of eddies outside that region. Quantifying the nonlocality of the eddy-mean flow interactions is crucial for improving our understanding of how energy is redistributed from the surface, where it is inputted, to the interior where it is dissipated. Furthermore, the characterisation of nonlocality is crucial in understanding how eddy-mean flow interactions, which are the primary mechanism for generating kinetic energy of the mesoscale variability, take place. We use eddy-resolving simulations generated using the ICON-O Model, with a 0.1° global horizontal resolution, to explain the modality of eddy-mean flow interactions. We also highlight the relevancy of eddy-mean flow interactions in vertical energy redistribution, an aspect that was previously neglected; previous studies focused on horizontal energy redistribution.  

How to cite: Ssebandeke, J., von Storch, J.-S., and Brüggemann, N.: Role of nonlocal eddy-mean flow interactions in the redistribution of energy in the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10163,, 2025.

EGU25-10173 | Orals | OS1.11

Global Estimate of the Mesoscale Driven Quasi-Stokes Velocity and Buoyancy Diffusivity 

Niek Kusters, Dhruv Balwada, and Sjoerd Groeskamp

Tracers in the sea, such as heat, oxygen or carbon, are transported by advection and diffusion. In the ocean, mesoscale eddies are the dominant reservoir of kinetic energy and consequently play a central role in tracer transport in two ways. First they contribute an additional advection at the large scales, known as the quasi-Stokes transport. This quasi-Stokes transport, together with the Eulerian circulation forms the residual circulation. Second they also stir tracers along isopycnals and contribute a diffusive component to tracer transport. 

In coarse resolution ocean models, both these effects by mesoscale eddies cannot be resolved by the grid resolution and therefore need to be parameterized. Often this is done by some form of the Gent-McWilliams parameterization. It has been recognized for over three decades that a skilful parameterization of the contributions of mesoscale eddies is absolutely essential for producing a realistic ocean state and tracer transport. A number of studies have quantified the effects of mesoscale eddies with the help of observations, but most have focussed on the estimating the passive tracer diffusivity that arises due to stirring. However, these passive tracer diffusivity estimates are not directly informative about the quasi-Stokes transport, since quasi-Stokes transport requires estimates of the buoyancy diffusivity (also known as the Gent-McWilliams diffusivity). While many ocean model parameter settings assume an equal passive tracer diffusivity and buoyancy diffusivity, direct diagnosis in eddy resolving simulations have shown that they can have very distinct vertical structures. 

In this study we aim to obtain observational estimates of the quasi-Stokes velocities and circulation and of the buoyancy diffusivity. By using the Taylor-Bretherton relationship and the definition of the interior QGPV gradient, a relationship between the diffusivities of PV and buoyancy is found. This relationship is combined with a hydrographic atlas to find observational estimates of the quasi-Stokes velocities and streamfunction and of the buoyancy diffusivity. The resulting dataset can form a basis for observationally based constraints for parameterizations of the quasi-Stokes transport caused by mesoscale eddies.

How to cite: Kusters, N., Balwada, D., and Groeskamp, S.: Global Estimate of the Mesoscale Driven Quasi-Stokes Velocity and Buoyancy Diffusivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10173,, 2025.

EGU25-10461 | Orals | OS1.11

Shear instability of the ocean's diurnal warm layer 

Jeff Carpenter and Mariana Miracca-Lage

Under low wind conditions solar radiation is able to heat a thin layer near the ocean surface to create what is known as a diurnal warm layer (DWL).  This layer exhibits relatively strong stratification that decouples it from the rest of the ocean mixed layer below, and leads to increased near-surface velocities within the DWL, called the diurnal jet.  A number of recent studies have observed that the diurnal jet is highly turbulent, and that the entrainment and shear production that results is an important factor in the evolution of the jet momentum and kinetic energy budgets.  Here we investigate shear instability of the stratified diurnal jet as a potential source of turbulence, highlighting a number of important considerations when considering the stability of such a flow.  Based on measurements using turbulence microstructure equipped underwater gliders in the South Atlantic during the SONETT2 expedition, we perform a set of stability analyses of expected flow configurations.  In particular, we find that despite the presence of an upper boundary there is no alteration of the stability criteria from the classic Miles-Howard result, namely the gradient Richardson number must be less than 1/4.  This is in contrast to profiles with a sharp stratified region that is thin compared to the shear thickness, where the flow can be stabilized by the presence of a sufficiently close upper boundary (the sea surface).  We examine the reasons for this difference in the stability criteria for different configurations of the shear and stratification and relate these potential changes in the stability to the observed behaviour of the diurnal jet.  In addition, we discuss some important considerations that the analysis reveals on the propagation of internal waves in the presence of both an upper boundary and strong shears.

How to cite: Carpenter, J. and Miracca-Lage, M.: Shear instability of the ocean's diurnal warm layer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10461,, 2025.

EGU25-10694 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Are we underestimating eddy-wave interactions in the Mediterranean Sea? Insights from the BioSWOT-Med 2023 cruise 

Robin Rolland, Pascale Bouruet-Aubertot, Yannis Cuypers, Anthony Bosse, Anne Petrenko, Maristella Berta, Francesco d'Ovidio, Gérald Grégori, and Andrea Doglioli

The breaking of near-inertial wave (NIW) trapped in anticyclones after strong wind events is a well-known pathway for kinetic energy dissipation below the mixed layer in the ocean and one of the mechanisms by which the ocean responds to modified wind patterns under climate change. In the Mediterranean Sea, where turbulence is generally low far from topographic boundaries, NIW trapping has been documented only in few large (>100 km) and energetic mesoscale features. Whether NIW trapping is restricted to these few isolated and semi-permanent features or is a more widespread phenomenon remains a key open question, whose answer is hindered by the difficulty of tracking in space and time typical Mediterranean eddies of low energy and small radii. 

Here we present an in-situ experiment conducted during the BioSWOT-Med cruise ( that addressed this problem by surveying a moderately energetic small meander (<50 km, Ro ≈ 0.5 ~ Fr) of the North Balearic front assisted by the first high-resolution SSH images of the SWOT mission. We explore how the front modulates the evolution of the turbulence below the mixed layer after experiencing two consecutive strong wind events. We show that the turbulence remains low in the front and its cyclonic side while turbulence is greatly enhanced in the anticyclonic side. The latter side is dominated by a small anticyclone (~30 km of diameter) that trapped NIWs down to 300 m, generating intense shear and turbulence reaching up to several 10-8 W/kg. Estimations of vertical kinetic energy fluxes induced by NIWs are about one order of magnitude stronger than previous estimations outside anticyclones (8–10 mW/m2 vs 0.5–2.5 mW/m2) and about 3 times the estimation of Kunze et al. (1995) in a mesoscale anticyclone of the Gulf Stream (~3 mW/m2). More generally, these results suggest that moderately energetic fine-scale fronts and eddies are as important to structure the flows and the turbulence as strong fronts and eddies found in western boundary current and upwelling systems, addressing new challenges for their parameterization in Earth system models.

How to cite: Rolland, R., Bouruet-Aubertot, P., Cuypers, Y., Bosse, A., Petrenko, A., Berta, M., d'Ovidio, F., Grégori, G., and Doglioli, A.: Are we underestimating eddy-wave interactions in the Mediterranean Sea? Insights from the BioSWOT-Med 2023 cruise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10694,, 2025.

EGU25-11506 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Tidal conversion into vertical normal modes by continental margins 

Gaspard Geoffroy, Samuel M. Kelly, and Jonas Nycander

The largest source of internal waves in the ocean is tidal currents flowing across rough bottom topography, resulting in internal tides. When these waves break, they release some of their energy to the background ocean in the form of diapycnal mixing. The distribution of this internal tide-driven mixing has a significant impact on the ocean state. The parameterization of internal tide-driven mixing in climate models is based on estimates of the generation of internal tides, or tidal conversion. Semi-analytical methods based on linear wave theory have been used to compute the tidal conversion from the observed bottom topography, ocean stratification, and tidal currents. However, such linear calculations fail completely at steep continental slopes. Here, we construct a computationally inexpensive method to estimate the tidal conversion into vertical normal modes by continental slopes and shelves, and apply it at the global scale. It uses the usual observational data as inputs but relies on a reduced-physics numerical model rather than on linear theory to compute the tidal conversion. The method also resolves the onshore and offshore energy fluxes. The output is validated with the conversion diagnosed from a realistic simulation. The results are useful for parameterizing the subsequent propagation and breaking of the internal tides and their resulting diapycnal mixing.

How to cite: Geoffroy, G., Kelly, S. M., and Nycander, J.: Tidal conversion into vertical normal modes by continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11506,, 2025.

EGU25-11923 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed Coherent Mesoscale Eddies in the Southern Ocean  

Dorathy Yuan-Jane Lo and Miguel Ángel Morales Maqueda

We investigate changes in the properties of Transient Coherent Mesoscale Eddies (TCMEs) in the Southern Ocean over the past three decades. Specifically, the study investigates whether eddy characteristics have changed in response to the strengthening and southward migration of circumpolar winds around Antarctica. Eddy data have been extracted from the Mesoscale Eddy Trajectory Atlas and AVISO altimetry from 1993 to 2019. The research area is the spherical segment between 30°S and 80°S, which includes the ACC. The eddy properties analysed are eddy number, amplitude, radius, lifetime, and eddy kinetic energy. We distinguish between the Total Eddy Kinetic Energy (TEKE), that is, the energy of all mesoscales turbulent motions and the Total Transient Coherent Mesoscale Eddy Kinetic Energy (TMKE), which is the energy contained in TCMEs. Both TEKE and TMKE increase by about 15% in the study period. TCME radius and amplitude also increase moderately by 2% and 3%, respectively, while eddy number goes down by 3%. We also study the connection between the first baroclinic Rossby Radius of Deformation (RRD), calculated from GLORYS ocean reanalysis data, and the altimetry-derived eddy radius. As expected, average TCME (RRD) radius increases from 44 km (7 km) south of the ACC, through 47 km (15 km) within the ACC, to 50 km (23 km) north of the ACC. We detect no significant trend in RRD in the Southern Ocean and so, the observed increase in TCME radius cannot be easily ascribed to changes in stratification. The eddy response to an increase in circumpolar winds in the Southern Ocean by about 3% during the last three decades has been used to explain the near insensitivity of the ACC to the changing winds via eddy saturation and eddy compensation mechanism. Our analysis, indeed, demonstrates that changes in eddy properties are commensurate, at least in relative magnitude, to coetaneous shifts in wind strength.

How to cite: Lo, D. Y.-J. and Morales Maqueda, M. Á.: Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Remotely Sensed Coherent Mesoscale Eddies in the Southern Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11923,, 2025.

EGU25-12530 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Observation of symmetric instability at a bottom attached front 

Mareike Körner, Jesse Cusack, Jonathan Nash, Kipp Shearman, Fucent Hsu, Jennifer MacKinnon, Leif Thomas, Jinliang Liu, and John Taylor

Submesoscale dynamics play a key role in the oceanic energy cycle and drive material transport that shapes marine ecosystems. In this study, we present observational evidence of symmetric instabilities (SI) at the Mississippi River Plume front. The data was collected during the Submesoscales Under Near-Resonant Inertial Shear Experiment (SUNRISE), a project focused on exploring the interactions between wind-driven near-inertial oscillations, internal waves, and submesoscale dynamics in the energetically rich environment of the northern Gulf of Mexico. The observed SI occur during a transition from downwelling to upwelling winds. Downwelling winds initially push the front onshore. These winds introduce negative potential vorticity (PV), destabilizing the front with respect to submesoscale instabilities. Weak stratification and high mixing rates accompany the downwelling winds. Alternating bands of velocity and tracers suggest active SI during this period. As the winds weaken and shift to upwelling conditions, the system restratifies, yet the banded structures persist for about 36 hours. The instabilities are supported by negative PV input from the bottom boundary layer on the shoreward side of the front. The velocity bands associated with SI transport heat and oxygen along the sloping isopycnals, providing a pathway for exchange between surface and bottom waters. After approximately 36 hours, increasing upwelling winds cause the surface front to move offshore, leading to strong upper ocean stratification. These findings highlight SI as a mechanism for ventilating the bottom boundary layer, with potential impact for heat flux and oxygen transport even in the absence of direct wind forcing.

How to cite: Körner, M., Cusack, J., Nash, J., Shearman, K., Hsu, F., MacKinnon, J., Thomas, L., Liu, J., and Taylor, J.: Observation of symmetric instability at a bottom attached front, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12530,, 2025.

EGU25-13129 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Stochastic Ocean Energy Backscatter via Pressure and Momentum Perturbation 

Ekaterina Bagaeva, Stephan Juricke, Sergey Danilov, and Christian L. E. Franzke

Oceanic dynamics, with their wide range of interacting scales, present challenges for accurate numerical modeling. This work focuses on improving the representation of mesoscale eddies at eddy-permitting resolutions by incorporating novel stochastic perturbations. Eddy viscosity, which leads to numerical over-dissipation near the grid scale, requires methods like dynamic backscatter to mitigate this effect. Stochastic perturbations help capture small-scale processes and uncertainties in ocean flows.

Using a double-gyre configuration, we apply linear inverse modeling with high-resolution reference simulations to generate stochastic perturbation patterns. We explore two stochastic forcing implementations based on different balanced flow constraints. Results show that stochastic forcing improves simulated dynamics, particularly heat distribution at intermediate and small scales, while previously implemented dynamic backscatter injects energy at larger scales. A scale analysis of production, advection, dissipation, and total energy supports these findings.

How to cite: Bagaeva, E., Juricke, S., Danilov, S., and Franzke, C. L. E.: Stochastic Ocean Energy Backscatter via Pressure and Momentum Perturbation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13129,, 2025.

EGU25-13499 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Influence of Wind Stress Curl and Bottom Topography on the Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in a Barotropic Perspective 

Sima Dogan, Caroline Muller, Louis-Philippe Nadeau, and Antoine Venaille

This study investigates the influence of wind curl on the zonal transport and vorticity of a barotropic flow over topography using an idealized quasigeostrophic model. While previous research focuses on how wind stress sets the zonal mean transport over a ridge using idealized models of the Southern Ocean, the interplay between wind curl and constant wind stress in determining zonal transport remains an open question. It is shown that the injection of vorticity through wind curl creates nonzero westward zonal transport, even when there is zero mean wind stress over the domain, which increases with wind curl. The existence of zonal transport is explained qualitatively through differences in zonal dynamics and further studied quantitatively through analytical solutions of governing equations and results obtained from constant wind stress simulations. Our findings additionally suggest that there are two distinct regimes where the zonal transport is determined by wind curl or the mean wind stress when both are present. The first regime is characterized by formation of gyres and Rossby waves whose strengths and amplitudes grow with increasing wind curl, whereas the second regime is described by zonal flow with formation of standing and transient eddies consistent with earlier studies. We determine that the zonal transport and vorticity of the flow are governed by both nonlocal and local mechanisms in the presence of wind stress curl and further explore the interaction between wind curl and topography across a range of ridge heights. The goal of this work is to shed new light on how wind curl influences the dynamics of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the eddy saturation regime.

How to cite: Dogan, S., Muller, C., Nadeau, L.-P., and Venaille, A.: Influence of Wind Stress Curl and Bottom Topography on the Transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in a Barotropic Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13499,, 2025.

EGU25-13526 | Orals | OS1.11

Using ML-based methods to improve the representation of atmospheric gravity waves in climate models 

Aditi Sheshadri, Aman Gupta, Robert King, and Laura Mansfield

Atmospheric gravity waves (GWs) present a challenge to climate prediction since most of their spectrum is not resolved in global climate models and good observational constraints on GW activity do not exist. One of the long-standing approximations made in gravity wave parameterizations (GWPs) is the assumption of purely vertical propagation of these waves (no horizontal nonlocality). I will present recent developments in my group on using machine learning (ML) methods to aid the parameterization of the effects of breaking atmospheric gravity waves in global climate models. These efforts have advanced through two distinct approaches: a) replacing existing physics-based GW parameterizations with ML algorithms, and b) using ML methods to aid in the calibration of existing physics-based parameterizations. On a) I will describe ML-based GW parameterizations that incude various degrees of nonlocality, including a globally nonlocal scheme that is trained on high-resolution data. On b), I will present results on using methods including Ensemble Kalman methods and Bayesian methods to calibrate parameters in physics-based GWPs, as well as to estimate parametric uncertainty in climate projections. 

How to cite: Sheshadri, A., Gupta, A., King, R., and Mansfield, L.: Using ML-based methods to improve the representation of atmospheric gravity waves in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13526,, 2025.

EGU25-13808 | Posters on site | OS1.11

On the instantaneous salt mixing due to freshwater boundary fluxes 

Knut Klingbeil and Marvin Lorenz

Starting from the well-known surface boundary conditions for the seawater continuum we derive the associated flux of squared salinity across the ocean surface. Based on concepts from Klingbeil and Henell (2023), we clarify the meaning of this flux by linking it to an instantaneous transformation between freshwater and seawater across virtual isohalines at the ocean surface. Finally, we demonstrate how mixing relations for estuaries need to be amended to account for this instantaneous mixing.


Klingbeil, K. and E. Henell (2023) A Rigorous Derivation of the Water Mass Transformation Framework, the Relation between Mixing and Diasurface Exchange Flow, and Links to Recent Theories in Estuarine Research. JPO.

How to cite: Klingbeil, K. and Lorenz, M.: On the instantaneous salt mixing due to freshwater boundary fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13808,, 2025.

EGU25-14950 | Orals | OS1.11

Observed Transformation of an Anticyclone into a Mode-Water Eddy in the Sargasso Sea 

Lilian Zhu, Roderick Bakker, Rodney Johnson, and Dennis McGillicuddy

Mesoscale eddies play a key role in the transport of physical and biogeochemical properties in the ocean. Prior numerical modelling studies have demonstrated that wind-eddy interactions can transform eddies into different types: anticyclones to Mode-Water Eddies (MWE) and cyclones to cyclonic “Thinnies”. However, there is a limited understanding of eddy transformations as direct observations are challenged by the lack of long-term time series within individual eddies. Here we report evidence of an eddy observed in 2005 transforming from a regular anticyclone to a MWE sampled by Argo floats and shipboard measurements while tracked via satellite altimetry data. Argo profiles of the inner core of the eddy (⪝30 km from eddy center) early in its lifetime are compared to climatologies from the World Ocean Atlas. Temperature profiles show a downward displacement of the main thermocline, between 250 and 500 meters, consistent with a regular anticyclone in January. Five months later in July, shipboard sampling revealed the Mode Water layer had thickened, with a notable upward displacement of the seasonal thermocline consistent with a MWE structure. Model reanalysis data (MERCATOR GLORYS12V1), which includes a wind-eddy interaction term, suggests a qualitatively similar result. After transforming into a MWE, the eddy was observed to have triggered a long-lasting diatom bloom as nutrients abundant in density layers over 26.0 kg/m3 were uplifted into the euphotic zone. Significant biological implications such as this are critical results of eddy transformations. This novel observation not only shows the potential transformation of eddies, but motivates a greater understanding of their features and frequency, and to what extent they impact the world’s oceans.

How to cite: Zhu, L., Bakker, R., Johnson, R., and McGillicuddy, D.: Observed Transformation of an Anticyclone into a Mode-Water Eddy in the Sargasso Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14950,, 2025.

EGU25-15215 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Spontaneous emission of internal waves by a radiative instability 

Subhajit Kar, Roy Barkan, James C. McWilliams, and M. Jeroen Molemaker

The spontaneous emission of internal waves (IWs) from balanced mesoscale eddies has been proposed as a source of oceanic IW kinetic energy (KE). This study investigates the mechanisms leading to the spontaneous radiation of spiral-shaped IWs from an anticyclonic eddy with an order-one Rossby number, using a high-resolution numerical simulation of a flat-bottomed, wind-forced, reentrant channel flow configured to resemble the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. It is shown that the IWs are spontaneously generated due to a loss of balance process that occurs at the edge of the edge and radiates radially outward. A 2D linear stability analysis of the eddy reveals that the spontaneous emission arises from a radiative instability, which involves an interaction between a vortex Rossby wave supported by the radial gradient of potential vorticity and an outgoing IW. This particular instability occurs when the perturbation frequency is superinertial. This finding is supported by a KE analysis of the unstable modes and the numerical solution, demonstrating that the horizontal shear production provides the source of perturbation KE. Additionally, the horizontal length scale and frequency of the most unstable mode from the stability analysis closely correspond to those of the spontaneously emitted IWs in the numerical solution.

How to cite: Kar, S., Barkan, R., McWilliams, J. C., and Molemaker, M. J.: Spontaneous emission of internal waves by a radiative instability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15215,, 2025.

EGU25-15601 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11

Generation of the deep zonal jets in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean 

Yusuke Terada and Yukio Masumoto

It has been shown that the Equatorial Intermediate Current (EIC) in the Pacific Ocean, which is a time-mean westward current along the equator at intermediated depth (from 500m to at least 2000 m), has a nearly basin-wide structure, which is a unique feature of the Pacific EIC. In addition to the EIC, slowly varying vertically alternating eastward and westward currents called Equatorial Deep Jets (EDJs) are observed along the equator. Moreover, intra-seasonal waves have also been observed near the equator at 1000 m depth with significant amplitude in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Although these deep intra-seasonal waves in the eastern basin are considered an energy source for the EIC and EDJs, the relationship between them in the Pacific Ocean remains an open question. In this study, we conduct an idealized numerical simulation, which reproduces basic features of the nearly basin-wide Pacific EIC, EDJs, and deep intra-seasonal Yanai waves in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The momentum budget indicates that the Yanai waves provide westward momentum to the background field (sum of the EIC and EDJs) in the eastern part of the basin. Specifically, the vertical profile of the momentum convergence associated with the Yanai waves indicates that Yanai waves strengthen the westward background flow while the Yanai waves have little impact on the eastward background flow. This is attributed to the fact that the shear of the background zonal flows, the sum of the EICs and EDJs, is stronger (weaker) in the case of the westward (eastward) EDJs. Consequently, the acceleration by the Yanai waves does not cancel out in the time-mean field, indicating the westward momentum supply to the time-mean EIC. This westward acceleration is stronger than the previously reported eastward acceleration of the EIC by the EDJs in the eastern part of the basin, leading to the unique nearly basin-wide EIC in the Pacific Ocean.

How to cite: Terada, Y. and Masumoto, Y.: Generation of the deep zonal jets in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15601,, 2025.

EGU25-15877 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Sources and sinks of upper-ocean submesoscale turbulence 

Nils Brüggemann, Leonidas Linardakis, and Peter Korn

Submesoscale eddies play a pivotal role in upper-ocean dynamics by influencing turbulent mixing and the advection of heat, energy, and tracers. In this study, we examine critical aspects of the submesoscale energy cycle using a novel configuration of the ICON-O ocean model. This setup employs grid refinement technology to achieve sub-kilometer resolution across a broad region of the North Atlantic. We analyze and quantify the key processes driving the generation and dissipation of submesoscale energy. Our findings reveal that baroclinic instability is the primary mechanism for submesoscale energy generation in the upper ocean. Substantial dissipation of this energy occurs via horizontal friction, indicating a downscale energy transfer. Finally, we explore strategies for parameterizing essential energy transformations and dissipation processes, highlighting their potential applications in coarser-resolution models that cannot explicitly resolve submesoscale dynamics.

How to cite: Brüggemann, N., Linardakis, L., and Korn, P.: Sources and sinks of upper-ocean submesoscale turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15877,, 2025.

EGU25-15929 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

Eddy Dynamics and Energy Pathways from 4-Dimensional Glider Observations and Numerical Simulations. 

Nikolaos D. Zarokanellos, Daniel L. Rudnick, Baptiste Mourre, Maximo Garcia-Jove, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux, and Joaquín Tintoré

Mesoscale features and the corresponding submesoscale structures can vertically transport heat, freshwater, and biogeochemical tracers (i.e., phytoplankton, oxygen, and carbon) from the surface to the interior. These structures may grow, decay, and transfer energy through various processes. This study examines the small (~20 km) mesoscale eddy evolution and the associated energy transfers from a four-dimensional, three-month-long glider fleet survey in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The combined glider fleet covered nearly 15978 km over the ground, performing 704 glider days while doing over 4837 dives to as deep as 700 m, measuring physical and biochemical parameters. The sources of eddy kinetic energy are examined and compared with numerical eddy-resolving simulations (2-km grid-scale). The comparison allows us to identify whether the energy exchange is local or has a broader interaction between the mean and eddy flow. We study the redistribution of energy during the eddy merging and splitting processes, and how these processes relate to changes in the flow divergence and vertical velocities. During the eddy merging, the vertical velocity reaches up to 20 m/day. However, we observed a reduction in the areas where significant vertical motion occurs, which was associated with a decrease in frontogenesis in the periphery of the eddy and a redistribution of kinetic energy across the merging eddy. During the eddy splitting, the vertical velocity was significantly reduced (less than 10 m/day) by a frontolytic event in the northern eddy. Eddy splitting caused a significant reduction of the positive and negative divergence, and the energy of the two newly formed cyclonic eddies (CEs) decayed (vertical velocities decreased from ~20 m/day to ~10 m/day). The eddy merging event can be considered as a large-scale energy pump in the regions where an inverse energy cascade occurs. The observed imbalance in the transfer of EKE during eddy splitting suggests that the northern CE decays quicker and maintains less kinetic energy than the southern one. We examine the energy transfer terms of the baroclinic and barotropic components, taking into account both the horizontal and vertical energy transfer (baroclinic horizontal term, the baroclinic vertical term, and the barotropic term), which provides a better understanding of the instability processes responsible for the eddy formation.

How to cite: Zarokanellos, N. D., Rudnick, D. L., Mourre, B., Garcia-Jove, M., Lermusiaux, P. F. J., and Tintoré, J.: Eddy Dynamics and Energy Pathways from 4-Dimensional Glider Observations and Numerical Simulations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15929,, 2025.

EGU25-15966 | Orals | OS1.11

Full life-cycle observations of a deep-reaching summer submesoscale vortex 

Aviv Solodoch, Hezi Gildor, Yaron Toledo, Roy Barkan, Vicky Verma, Yotam Fadida, and Yoav Lehahn

We report on novel observations of deep-reaching submesoscale eddy (SME). Open-ocean SMEs typically appear as mixed layer eddies (MLEs), with signatures rapidly decaying beneath the mixed layer depth. The observed eddy is, like MLEs, top-intensified, but its signature reaches to 300 m, over 10 times the mixed layer depth. Moreover, the eddy was detected in summer in shallow (20 m) mixed layer conditions, i.e., where relatively weak mixed layer instability is expected. Despite this, the eddy Rossby number and Richardson number are measured as O(1), and the eddy radius is 7 km, all in accordance with submesoscale flows. The vortex was detected in the East Mediterranean Sea at the foot of the continental slope offshore of Israel and was monitored via multiple in-situ platforms and via remote sensing for its full lifetime of three weeks. Based on satellite imagery, we attribute the anomalous deep-signature of the eddy to a different formation mechanism than mixed layer instability, namely formation from a meander in the regional boundary current, which has a similar depth signature. Finally, we note multiple similar events in the satellite record and discuss the border implications, including on cross-shelf material transport.

How to cite: Solodoch, A., Gildor, H., Toledo, Y., Barkan, R., Verma, V., Fadida, Y., and Lehahn, Y.: Full life-cycle observations of a deep-reaching summer submesoscale vortex, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15966,, 2025.

EGU25-16323 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Annual Variability of Middle-Layer Water Temperature in the East Sea, Korea: Insights from Long-Term Observations (1995–2022) 

Seonghyeon Kim, Baek-Jin Kim, Eung Kim, Soonyeol Kwon, and Byoung-Nam Kim

The variability of middle-layer water temperatures in the East Sea of Korea is a critical indicator of oceanic and ecological changes, complementing the more widely studied surface temperature trends. While surface water temperatures have shown an annual increase of approximately 0.05℃/yr, this study focused on analyzing temperature variability at depths of 300 m, 400 m, and 500 m, where seasonal fluctuations are minimal. Using CTD data from 64 stations collected by the Korea Oceanographic Data Center between 1995 and 2022, the study revealed annual temperature increases of 0.0126℃/yr at 300 m, 0.0085℃/yr at 400 m, and 0.0093℃/yr at 500 m. Spatial analysis indicated that the south of Ulleungdo exhibited relatively high temperature variability, correlating with the formation zone of the Ulleung Warm Eddy, which plays a pivotal role in regional heat and material transport.

Significantly, the observed warming below 300 m depth—beneath the permanent thermocline—suggests that deep-sea regions, previously thought to exhibit minimal thermal variation, are increasingly affected. This warming trend has potential implications for deep-sea ecological dynamics, oxygen concentration, and biogeochemical processes. Furthermore, these changes align with global patterns of ocean warming driven by anthropogenic climate change.

To better understand the long-term impacts on the East Sea’s thermal structure and its ecosystem, it is essential to extend monitoring efforts to deeper layers below 500 m. Such observations will provide insights into the interplay between regional oceanographic phenomena, such as the Ulleung Warm Eddy, and broader climate change influences.

How to cite: Kim, S., Kim, B.-J., Kim, E., Kwon, S., and Kim, B.-N.: Annual Variability of Middle-Layer Water Temperature in the East Sea, Korea: Insights from Long-Term Observations (1995–2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16323,, 2025.

EGU25-16633 | Orals | OS1.11

Impact of the mesoscale dynamics on the internal tide lifecycle in the North Atlantic 

Noé Lahaye, Adrien Bella, and Gilles Tissot

In the ocean, internal tides (internal waves generated by the interaction of the barotropic tide and the irregular bathymetry) interact in various ways with the other types of motion, in particular the mesoscale currents.
These interactions disrupt the life cycle of the internal tide, from its generation to its dissipation.
These effects include the loss of coherence of the internal tide -- corresponding to a phase unlocking with the parent barotropic tide, which is essentially regular in the deep ocean -- and cross-scale energy transfers. 
In this study, we investigate the effect of mesoscale flow on the semidiurnal internal tide propagation using outputs from a high-resolution realistic numerical simulation of the North Atlantic. 
Using a vertical mode decomposition framework, we identify and quantify the mechanisms that affect the internal tide: in particular, we show that advection by the mean flow leads to an average transfer of energy from low modes to high modes -- hence large to small scales --, potentially contributing to the dissipation of the internal tide by "feeding" wave breaking. 
We also quantify the loss of internal tide coherence due to these terms and discuss them in different regions with typical flow/internal tide configurations. 

How to cite: Lahaye, N., Bella, A., and Tissot, G.: Impact of the mesoscale dynamics on the internal tide lifecycle in the North Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16633,, 2025.

EGU25-17017 | ECS | Orals | OS1.11

The Multifractal Theory of Turbulence on the Oceanic Energy Flux Between Scales 

Viktor G. Gea, Jordi Isern-Fontanet, Lionel Renault, and Antonio Turiel

How the energy propagates between different oceanic scales is a fundamental problem that is still far from being completely understood. Not only is it important for theoretical considerations but it is also critical for improving the parameterization of oceanic models. Using the coarse-grain method, one can perform an energetic study on a turbulent flow such as the ocean that is local in both space and scale (Contreras et al. (2023)). Thus, through the application of a mathematical filter operation, the spatial and scaling properties of the local flux of energy between scales (Πr(x,t)) were investigated in oceanic simulations. To this end, this work exploits the behaviour of coarse-grained fields at small scales. When the filter scale is small, the coarse-grained velocity verifies the multifractal hypothesis:

The singularity exponents (h(x,t)) constitute a local measure of the degree of continuity of the underlying turbulent flow and define a multifractal decomposition into universality classes. From the multifractal hypothesis, a scaling law can be derived theoretically for Πr (see Isern-Fontanet and Turiel (2021) and references therein):

One month of data was analysed from a numerical simulation of the circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean generated using the Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity (CROCO) model, with a 6-7 km spatial resolution. Πr was computed through the application of a low-pass filter using a top-hat kernel. h(x,t) were extracted from the velocity field using the approach developed by Pont et al. (2013). The spatial analysis supports the existence of a connection between singularity and intensity of Πr. The scaling analysis found that Πr obeyed a scaling law governed by the exponent 2h+1 rather than the theoretical prediction of 3h+2. This finding is supported by the computation of the critical exponent in the singularity spectrum, h≈-0.5, under a numerical error of O(0.1). Such discrepancy in the representation of the scaling of Πr suggests that the Reynolds tensor scales as h+1 rather than 2h+2. Furthermore, it implies that the parameterization utilized by this model affects the representation of the turbulent energy cascade in the simulation and requires a compensation.

M. Contreras, L. Renault and P. Marchesiello, Understanding Energy Pathways in the Gulf Stream, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53, pp 719-736, 2022.
J. Isern-Fontanet and A. Turiel, On the connection between intermittency and dissipation in ocean turbulence: A multifractal approach, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51, pp. 2639–2653, 2021.
O. Pont , A. Turiel and H. Yahia, Singularity analysis of digital signals through the evaluation of their unpredictable point manifold, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 90:8, 1693-1707, 2013.

How to cite: G. Gea, V., Isern-Fontanet, J., Renault, L., and Turiel, A.: The Multifractal Theory of Turbulence on the Oceanic Energy Flux Between Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17017,, 2025.

EGU25-17229 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11

Energy Transfer into the Interior Ocean Through Near-Inertial Waves After an Extreme Wind Event 

Sariaka Ramaherison, Maren Walter, and Christian Mertens

Winds play a substantial role in the energetic balance of the ocean-atmosphere coupled system. They are known to largely influence ocean dynamics, namely by cooling the water surface, or inducing upper ocean turbulence. Another consequence of the passing of a wind event is the excitation of internal waves that oscillate at a frequency close to the inertial frequency (near inertial waves, NIWs). These waves carry energy into the different ocean layers and participate in their vertical mixing by generating shear instability.

Both observations and models show that wind energy input in the mixed layer is well dominated by strong wind events, such as midlatitude storms, tropical cyclones or hurricanes. While most of the energy is dissipated in the mixed layer, a portion is assumed to reach the interior ocean. For strong events, this energy input is locally comparable to -or even in some cases greater than – the contribution of internal tides, and therefore assumed to play a key role in maintaining abyssal stratification. However, observations and in-depth studies regarding the understanding and weight of this energy transfer are currently lacking. Such considerations lead to the following question: What are the necessary conditions for near inertial energy to become significant in the interior ocean?

Therefore, in this study, we focus on quantifying the propagation of near inertial wave energy below the mixed layer, and the associated mixing, using a time series derived from a mooring southwest of a seamount chain south of the Azores Islands at 30.49°N, 30.20°W. The dataset consists of vertically high-resolution measurements from May 18, 2018 to March 29, 2019. Hurricane Leslie, a category one hurricane, passed north of the mooring during the second half of October, 2018.

A comprehensive analysis of the observed kinetic energy below the mixed layer is conducted using two complementary methods. First, through rotary spectral analysis, kinetic energy is separated into downward and upward going components. Then, a normal mode analysis is employed to examine the contribution of different modes to the energy flux. We thus aim to determine the potential parameters influencing this complex energy distribution to later infer a parametric source model that will provide a more refined representation of the influence of extreme wind events in near inertial energy transfer into the interior ocean.

How to cite: Ramaherison, S., Walter, M., and Mertens, C.: Energy Transfer into the Interior Ocean Through Near-Inertial Waves After an Extreme Wind Event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17229,, 2025.

EGU25-18402 | Orals | OS1.11

Influence of the Madagascar Ridge on Eddy Variability in the Agulhas Current System: A Modelling Study 

Issufo Halo, Roshin Raj, Pierrick Penven, Tarron Lamont, Isabelle Ansorge, and Johnny Johannessen

A regional ocean model was used to study the influence of the Madagascar Ridge on the  circulation and eddy variability in the Agulhas Current system. In the control experiment, the model was run with a realistic bathymetry, whereas in the idealized run the bathymetry was modified by flattening Madagascar Ridge. When the Ridge was suppressed, no obvious changes were observed in the large-scale circulation. However, integrated transports revealed an excess of about 10 Sv (1 Sv = 106m3 s−1) in the recirculation of the greater Agulhas Current system. Dynamic and statistically (p < 0.05) significant changes were observed at the mesoscale variability. Composite analysis of the radial distribution of the eddy azimuthal velocity, surface height, and relative vorticity within the Ridge domain in the experiments revealed that the presence of the Madagascar Ridge determines the emergence of a secondary class of large anticyclonic eddy types in the region, the ”Madagascar rings”.

How to cite: Halo, I., Raj, R., Penven, P., Lamont, T., Ansorge, I., and Johannessen, J.: Influence of the Madagascar Ridge on Eddy Variability in the Agulhas Current System: A Modelling Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18402,, 2025.

EGU25-18677 | Orals | OS1.11

Vertical Pathways Associated with the Evolution of a Mesoscale Front into Submesoscale Cyclonic Eddies 

Maximo Garcia-Jove, Baptiste Mourre, Nikolaos Zarokanellos, Patrick J. Haley Jr., Chris Mirabito, Pierre F. J. Lermusiaux, Daniel L. Rudnick, and Joaquín Tintoré

Mesoscale and submesoscale features play a critical role in transporting heat and biogeochemical tracers from the surface ocean to depths below the mixed layer, by driving vertical motions across density gradients. In the winter of 2022, strong mesoscale and submesoscale features were observed in the Western Mediterranean Sea during the ONR CALYPSO oceanographic campaign. This multidisciplinary experiment combined multiplatform in-situ observations with high-resolution numerical simulations to observe and predict small-scale ocean variability. In particular,  a mesoscale density front associated with a vortex dipole was observed using CALYPSO observations and satellite imagery. A 650m resolution model simulation is used here to understand the evolution of the front and the energy transfer to submesoscale cyclonic eddies. The simulation properly reproduces the intense, narrow, and elongated frontal convergence structure and a dense cyclonic ridge linked to the vortex dipole. The evolution of the front is characterized by: i) an intensification through frontogenesis, and ii) a decay due to favorable conditions for overturning instabilities during a down-front wind event. The frontogenesis and instabilities processes enhance vertical motion via an across-front ageostrophic secondary circulation and contribute to the restratifying effect. The front decayed within days, interacting with the mesoscale ridge to break down into smaller structures and generate submesoscale cyclonic eddies (SCEs) at its edges. The formation of SCEs is associated with the frontal decay, as well as centrifugal and gravitational instabilities, which transfer energy from the mesoscale front to the SCEs. The SCE structure reveals a 3D helical-spiral recirculation pattern that transports parcels vertically. Observations of oxygen and chlorophyll confirm the enhancement of the vertical transport of tracers from the surface to the ocean interior. Submesoscale eddy-induced frontogenesis mechanism and instability processes drove subduction along outcropping isopycnals at the periphery of the SCE.

How to cite: Garcia-Jove, M., Mourre, B., Zarokanellos, N., Haley Jr., P. J., Mirabito, C., Lermusiaux, P. F. J., Rudnick, D. L., and Tintoré, J.: Vertical Pathways Associated with the Evolution of a Mesoscale Front into Submesoscale Cyclonic Eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18677,, 2025.

EGU25-19195 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.11

Representation of ocean meso-scale eddies in ocean reanalyses 

Paolo Mauriello, Chunxue Yang, and Andrea Storto

Ocean eddies, which range in spatial scale from 10 to 250 km and can last from a few days to several months,  play a critical role in regulating ocean heat balance, transporting energy and nutrients, and influencing global ocean circulation. Recent studies also show an increase in the number of eddies in the ocean. Therefore, it is important to understand the statistics, movement, and variability of ocean eddies. Altimetry satellite missions launched in 1993 provided the community with a great opportunity to understand ocean eddies. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission launched in 2022, measures the ocean surface at spatial scales of 15–25 km allowing us to understand even finer ocean structures. Meanwhile, the spatial resolution of ocean numerical models has been increasing to capture multi-scales of ocean features and has finer resolution than AVISO. The representation of ocean meso-scales eddies in numerical models is important for the ocean models to provide accurate ocean state estimates and the SWOT mission data allows the model community to understand the capability of representation of ocean eddies in ocean models.  
The aim of this study  is to analyse mesoscale eddies characteristics in satellite altimetry data (AVISO and SWOT) and ocean reanalyses at two different spatial resolutions to understand the impact of spatial resolution on ocean meso-scales in ocean models.   These datasets were analyzed to identify eddies based on physical criteria, such as radius, amplitude, and contour area. Eddies are identified based on closed contours in absolute dynamic topography (ADT) fields. This helps distinguish eddies from oceanic features such as meanders. Preliminary results include a detailed statistical validation of eddy distributions by radius and spatial location, with datasets revealing consistent patterns for mesoscale eddies with radii between 25 and 250 km. The results show that the number of eddies between 25-250km is higher in the finer resolution of both ocean reanalyse data and altimetry data (1/4 vs 1/12°) as expected. However, the number of eddies in 1/12 ocean reanalyses is higher than AVISO satellite observations but lower than SWOT altimetry data. It indicates the importance of spatial resolution in numerical models to represent the finer scale of ocean features. The ongoing activities will explore in detail eddy characterise in different datasets and the outcome of this study will provide useful information for the community to use ocean models to investigate ocean eddies. 

How to cite: Mauriello, P., Yang, C., and Storto, A.: Representation of ocean meso-scale eddies in ocean reanalyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19195,, 2025.

EGU25-20538 | Posters on site | OS1.11

Internal Waves, Vortical Mode and their Effects on Submesoscale Dispersion 

Miles Sundermeyer, M.-Pascale Lelong, Jeffrey Early, and Cimarron Wortham

Submesoscale lateral dispersion in the ocean’s stratified interior is examined numerically in the context of linear internal-wave-driven processes vs. those associated with nonlinear waves and vortical mode.  Simulations using a fully nonlinear three-dimensional Boussinesq model are initialized with a Garrett and Munk (GM) internal-wave spectrum, which, through nonlinear interactions, small-scale dissipation and wave breaking, leads to the formation of vortical mode.  Lagrangian tracer and particles tracked in the model are used to diagnose isopycnal diffusivity at scales ranging from 1.0-10 km for GM background wave energy levels ranging from 0.01 to 1 times the canonical GM energy level observed in the mid-ocean pycnocline.  Dispersion examined as a function of wave and vortical-mode energy level suggest that vortical mode, despite having much lower energy levels than internal waves in the ocean, is nearly as effective at lateral dispersion as internal waves.  Furthermore, internal wave and vortical-mode driven dispersion appear to scale differently with energy level.

How to cite: Sundermeyer, M., Lelong, M.-P., Early, J., and Wortham, C.: Internal Waves, Vortical Mode and their Effects on Submesoscale Dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20538,, 2025.

Horizontal sampling of the ocean has been sparse for decades because of technical limitations. This can contribute to an incomplete depiction and misleading understanding of the hydrography. This is a particular concern for complex submesoscale and smaller scale flow structures that influence stratification and vertical transport of properties.

We use high resolution observations from a Triaxus towed undulating vehicle and develop a statistical subsampling pipeline in order to present the first multi-scale investigation of subsurface and interior horizontal density variability in a global context. Hydrographic transects were performed between 2018 and 2022 with vertical ranges extending from near-surface values down to depths varying between 50 and 350m in the oceanographically distinct regimes of the Arctic marginal ice zone, of a coastal upwelling area, of the equatorial Atlantic, and of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The investigation of lateral density gradient fields follows a baseline spanning four orders of magnitude, from 2m to 25km. Our main objectives are to determine the scaling properties of density fronts and to identify oceanic regimes that are susceptible to an underestimation of their thermohaline variability.

We find that the amplitude of horizontal density gradients increases non-linearly as the horizontal resolution is increased, closely following a proposed power law over all observed scales. This relation is applicable throughout all study regions allowing for a potential prediction of the gradient distribution for scales not resolved by measurements. Submesoscale density gradients are of higher amplitude along the base of shallow mixed layers, and in the presence of subsurface currents, frontal systems, and eddies. The latter two create strong lateral anisotropies in the density field, masking other contributions to the multi-scale spread of gradients. Furthermore, the gradient fields are primarily driven by salinity variability at high northern latitudes and by temperature variability in regions closer to the equator; in the Southern Ocean temperature and salinity largely compensate. The decay rate of the estimated gradients with increasing horizontal distance is related to fractal properties and a scale-dependent compensation of the density field.

This highlights that there is a certain arbitrariness regarding the strengths of density gradients in the present literature. We recommend that the employed horizontal resolution always be quoted alongside values of the horizontal density gradient.

How to cite: Duong, B. L. and von Appen, W.-J.: Scale Dependence of Subsurface Horizontal Density Gradients as Observed In-Situ Across Four Orders of Magnitude, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1518,, 2025.

We analyze the tidal forcing effects on the internal variability in two marginal seas, the Bohai and Yellow Seas, and interpretate such effects from stochastic climate model and physical process (for instance, baroclinic instability) aspects. Ensemble simulations of the numerical module (Finite-volume Coastal Ocean Model) with and without tidal forcings are used to analyze the tidal forcing effects on the internal variability. EOF analysis is used to separate the variability into different spatial scales. The results show that the internal variability is significantly decreased especially in large (100 Km) and medium (60 km) scales, less so in small scales (23 km), when the tidal forcing is turned off. This result is well explained by Hasselmann's theory. Ocean memory, represented by the temporal autocorrelation function, is a critical element in this theory. Ocean memory is enhanced when the tidal forcing is excluded in all spatial scales, more obvious in large and medium scales; correspondingly, the internal variability increased significantly in the large and medium scales, compared with small scales in no-tide simulation. Physically, it can be explained as when the tidal forcing is turned off, once an anomaly appears in the system, it can survive for a longer time and easier to grow into large-scale variability. From the physical process aspect, we demonstrated that internal variability level and baroclinic instability variation co-vary consistently when comparing summer and winter seasons, and with and without tides. Our interpretation is that a stronger baroclinic instability causes more potential energy to be transformed into kinetic energy, allowing the unforced disturbances to grow.

How to cite: Lin, L. and von Storch, H.: The variability caused by external forcing and internal forcing in the marginal sea, Bohai and Yellow Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4907,, 2025.

EGU25-6284 | Posters on site | OS1.12

Estimation of the time-varying probability density function from ensemble simulations and observations using Analogs 

Benoît Presse, Sally Close, Pierre Tandeo, and Guillaume Maze

Understanding the role of ocean-atmosphere interactions is crucial in determining the drivers of ocean variability. Indeed, a part of this variability is not driven by the atmosphere but spontaneously and randomly generated by the ocean through non-linear processes. This internal variability is associated with multiple spatial and temporal scales, and may complicate the detection and attribution of climate change signals. Hence, quantifying the relative importance of atmospherically-forced and chaotic intrinsic variability is necessary to understand the mechanisms of climate change in the ocean-atmosphere system. However, both atmospherically-forced and intrinsic variability cannot be estimated with a single model experiment alone : an ensemble simulation approach is required. The ensemble mean approximates the component of the oceanic variability that is due to the influence of the atmosphere, while the spread represents the range of the estimated intrinsic variability. This work investigates the possibility of describing and predicting the random part of the ocean's variability from observations using an ensemble of ocean simulations in the North Atlantic ocean. An analog-based method is developed, and applied to Sea Surface Height data, with the aim of obtaining a less-computationally expensive method of estimating the time-varying probability function (PDF) that is normally obtained through ensemble simulation. The ensemble is supplied by the multi-decadal (1960-2015) global ocean/sea-ice eddy-permitting (1/4° resolution) large (50-member) ensemble simulation (OCCIPUT Experiment). The ensemble of SSH data as a whole provides the target PDF that we seek to estimate in a regions representative of the diversity of flows in the North Atlantic (e.g. at the centre of the North Atlantic gyre and in the Gulfstream current). The individual members are used to form the catalog of simulations in order to find analogs situations on which the estimate of the target PDF is based at time t. First results are promising and show that we are able to estimate the ensemble mean, but the variance is still a subject of active work due to the complexity of the shape of the PDF. The method greatly reduces the time and resources of computation by producing mean and variance of time-varying PDF for the entire time series in generally a few tens of minutes.

keywords : Internal variability, detection and attribution, model uncertainty, ocean-atmosphere interaction, predictability

How to cite: Presse, B., Close, S., Tandeo, P., and Maze, G.: Estimation of the time-varying probability density function from ensemble simulations and observations using Analogs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6284,, 2025.

EGU25-6633 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.12

Three-dimensional characteristic and variability of the current system in the western Pacific 

Jie-Hong Han and Jianping Gan

The ocean circulation system in the Western Pacific consists of western boundary currents (WBCs, Kuroshio Current, Mindanao Current, Ryuku Current) and connected with North Equatorial Current (NEC). The system is one of the most complicated current systems, vitally regulating the exchange of mass, energy, and heat transport between the open ocean and the adjacent marginal seas. Previous studies in Western Pacific circulations most focused on the variability of the circulations in specific sections without addressing the intrinsic connectivity and dynamics of currents in the system. Using the high-resolution, validated three-dimensional and time-dependent China Sea Multi-scale Ocean Modeling System (CMOMS,, we quantitatively characterize the variability of the western boundary currents and related circulations in Western Pacific, and investigate their underlying physical processes. Based on physically sensible definitions of the jet stream and currents in the system, we identified characteristic width, depth, and along-/cross-stream transports and their unique spatiotemporal variability in the 3D current system. The momentum and vorticity analyses show the couplings between extrinsic inflow and intrinsic dynamic response of the Kuroshio Current in connections among currents in the system and between the marginal seas and open oceans. Synchronized structures in downstream variations of core velocity, cross-stream transport, eddy kinetic energy and path variability is pronounced along the Kuroshio Current. We found that the spatial patterns of Kuroshio are fundamentally modulated by mean flow-topography interactions, where shelf slope and shelf-current separation distance regulate the horizontal scales of the western boundary current, and thereby modify strain and shear characteristics and subsequent along-stream variability. The effect of topography on the synchronized spatial patterns is studied by energy budgets along the Kuroshio Current. Upstream influx and local flow-topography interaction acts as an external and internal forcing process to modulate the barotropic and baroclinic instability in Kuroshio variability, respectively. Associated time-averaged eddy fluxes are fundamentally reshape the mean current. By resolving three-dimensional, spatiotemporal variability of western current system, the study provides a new understanding to the dynamic connections in the Western Pacific Current system.

How to cite: Han, J.-H. and Gan, J.: Three-dimensional characteristic and variability of the current system in the western Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6633,, 2025.

EGU25-7149 | Orals | OS1.12

Principle of equilibrium fluctuations 

Jin-Song von Storch

The ocean is forced by the fluxes of momentum, heat, and fresh water at the sea surface. When driving an ocean model using stationary fluxes for a sufficiently long time, we expect the model  to produce an equilibrated ocean characterized by stationary fluctuations. These fluctuations are not all synchronized with the surface fluxes.  For an ensemble obtained by forcing the ocean model with the same fluxes (starting from slightly different initial states),   fluctuations (at a time) that are  synchronized with the surface fluxes can be identified as the mean across the ensemble (at that time), and those not synchronized with the surface fluxes as the deviations from the mean across the ensemble. In case that the model has a sufficiently fine resolution, we expect that the latter — also known as intrinsic ocean variability — is substantial. The intrinsic ocean variability has to get its energy from somewhere. The only possible energy source is the surface fluxes, which originate from atmospheric motions supported (essentially) by the Sun. In this sense, intrinsic ocean variability can be considered as a feature of an ocean that is in equilibrium with a huge reservoir. 


The principle that governs equilibrium fluctuations — no matter how the equilibrium is reached — is a form of fluctuation-dissipation relation. The relation ensures that in an equilibrium with a reservoir, anything  that generates fluctuations must also dissipate fluctuations, and anything that dissipates fluctuations must also generate fluctuations. This principle makes a dynamical system in equilibrium with a reservoir be inherently random, even when the forcing resulting from the reservoir, such as the surface fluxes, is purely deterministic.  We evaluate this principle using solutions from the Lorenz's 1963 model and solutions obtained from the ICON ocean model with a horizontal resolution of  5 km. 

How to cite: von Storch, J.-S.: Principle of equilibrium fluctuations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7149,, 2025.

EGU25-9954 | Posters on site | OS1.12

Modelling the phytoplankton community in a front: a Mediterranean Sea case study. 

Théo Garcia, Laurina Oms, Xavier Milhaud, Andrea Doglioli, Monique Messié, Claire Lacour, Pierre Vandekerkhove, Gérald Gregori, and Denys Pommeret

In the ocean, fine scales (1-100 km) are short-lived structures (days to weeks) that drive ocean physics, chemistry, ecology, and can influence climate. Among them, fronts are ubiquitous fine-scale physical features that separate different water masses and create gradients of biogeochemical contents. Fronts are often associated with vertical mixing of the water column, allowing the availability of nutrients that support phytoplankton dynamics. However, how such structures affect phytoplankton distribution is not well understood, especially in oligotrophic regions. We hypothesize that the phytoplankton community observed in the frontal zone is a mixture of communities observed in the adjacent water masses, plus another community.

Here, we are interested in the community composition based on nine phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) observed by flow cytometry in a front, in the western oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea. During the PROTEVSSWOT MED cruise (doi:10.17183/protevsmed_swot_2018_leg2), south of the Balearic Islands, high-resolution measurements allowed us to collect samples in the front and the two adjacent water masses along a strong salinity gradient.

Our objective is to model the frontal phytoplankton community as a finite mixture of the adjacent water mass communities A and B, and a new community C. In this model, we specified that the communities in the adjacent water masses and the new community can arise from a discrete mixture of multivariate normal distributions. First, we estimated the parameters and number of components in the finite mixture for the adjacent water mass communities A and B using an Expectation Maximization algorithm. From a larger dataset, we estimated the parameters of a set of likely communities for C. Then, we developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate the weight of each component of the discrete mixture. Finally, the hierarchical Bayesian model was run a second time using only the most significant components for community C.

One component was sufficient to model community A (North to the front), while communities B (South to the front) and C were modeled with two components. The new community C explained a significant part of the frontal community. With very few observations in the frontal zone (n=11), our Bayesian approach highlighted the spatial distribution of the phytoplankton community around the front. Our result suggests that local environmental conditions in the front allow the emergence of a new community. This work is a first step in understanding frontal zones in an oligotrophic region, representative of the global ocean. Our modeling approach will be further applied in a larger dataset (BIOSWOT-MED cruise, doi:10.17600/18002392). In these further analyses, environmental data will be included to disentangle the physical-biological processes that shape phytoplankton distribution.

This work was funded by the Institut des Mathématiques pour la Planète Terre which supports collaborations between mathematicians and life and earth sciences.

How to cite: Garcia, T., Oms, L., Milhaud, X., Doglioli, A., Messié, M., Lacour, C., Vandekerkhove, P., Gregori, G., and Pommeret, D.: Modelling the phytoplankton community in a front: a Mediterranean Sea case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9954,, 2025.

EGU25-10891 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12

Past, Present, and Future Variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in CMIP6 Ensembles 

Arthur Coquereau, Florian Sévellec, Thierry Huck, Joël Hirschi, and Quentin Jamet

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a key component of the climate system, exhibiting strong variability across daily to millennial timescales and significantly influencing global climate. Sensitive to external conditions such as freshwater input, greenhouse gas concentrations, and aerosol forcing, important variations of the AMOC can be triggered by anthropogenic emissions. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of sources of AMOC variance in state-of-the-art climate ensemble models. By decomposing the effects of scenario, model, ensemble, and time variability, along with their interactions, through an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), we identify three distinct regimes of AMOC variability from 1850 to 2100. The first regime, spanning most of the historical period, is characterized by a relatively stable AMOC dominated by internal variability. The second regime, initiated by AMOC decline at the end of the 20th century and lasting until mid-21st century, is governed by a transient increase of time variability. Notably, the direct effect of forcing differences remains muted all along this regime, despite the start of emission-scenarios in 2015. The third regime, beginning around 2050, is marked by the emergence and rapid dominance of inter-scenario variability. Throughout the simulations, model variability remains the primary source of uncertainty, influenced by aerosol forcing response, AMOC decline magnitude, and the physical variability. A key finding of this work is the evidence that internal variability decreases simultaneously with AMOC intensity and seems proportional to emission-scenario intensity. 

How to cite: Coquereau, A., Sévellec, F., Huck, T., Hirschi, J., and Jamet, Q.: Past, Present, and Future Variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in CMIP6 Ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10891,, 2025.

EGU25-12552 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12

Ensemble Ocean Simulations in the North Atlantic: Exploring the Intrinsic Variability in Subtropical Mode Water Dynamics 

Luolin Sun, William Dewar, Bruno Deremble, Nicolas Wienders, and Andrew Poje

The non-linear nature of the ocean dynamics motivates the use of ensemble ocean simulations to discriminate the intrinsic and extrinsic sources of oceanic variability. Separating the mean and eddy flows from ensemble statistics also gives access to their local and instantaneous interactions in the non-stationary and inhomogeneous ocean. We here take advantage of this idea to quantify the local/instantaneous roles of laminar and eddy fluxes in the seasonal cycle of the North Atlantic subtropical mode water (STMW) that is formed through ocean-atmosphere interaction and controls large-scale oceanic ventilation.

We employ an ensemble of 48 North Atlantic 1/12-degree ocean simulations, where all members are driven by the same atmospheric forcing after slight initial perturbations. We achieve a space/time-dependent mean-eddy flow separation by obtaining a residual-mean flow that represents the common oceanic response of all ensemble members to the atmosphere, and a set of residual eddies that reflect the ensemble dispersion. We characterise the STMW as a low Ertel potential vorticity (PV) pool and find that its PV budget is mostly controlled by the ensemble mean PV flux: the formation and erosion of the STMW is predominantly driven by the residual-mean flow. The contribution of eddy PV transport is secondary; this can be attributed to the low intrinsic variability within the PV pool, as captured by the residual eddies. 

Overall, our results show that ensemble ocean simulations are powerful to investigate inhomogeneous, non-stationary, nonlinear multiscale ocean dynamics, providing deeper insights into the life cycle of large-scale climate-relevant features like STMW.

How to cite: Sun, L., Dewar, W., Deremble, B., Wienders, N., and Poje, A.: Ensemble Ocean Simulations in the North Atlantic: Exploring the Intrinsic Variability in Subtropical Mode Water Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12552,, 2025.

EGU25-14639 | Orals | OS1.12

Intrinsic interannual variability of the Indonesian Throughflow 

Ryo Furue, Masami Nonaka, and Hideharu Sasaki

The Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) carries an annual average of about 15 Sv of water from the Pacific through the Indonesian Seas Into the Indian Ocean, and its year-to-year variation ranges from 1 to 4 Sv. A 10-member ensemble of 41-year integrations of a semi-global eddy-resolving oceanic general circulation model is examined to explore the intrinsic (chaotic) variability of the ITF transport and associated flow. It is found that the annual-mean ITF transport is different by about 1 Sv between the ensemble members at several years. The characteristic vertical and horizontal structures of the ensemble anomaly (deviation from the ensemble average) are described. These structures and the basin-scale spread of the anomaly suggest that the intrinsic variability of the ITF is a genuine increase or decrease of the classical ITF rather than variability due to local eddies or nonlinear currents within the Indonesian Seas. The lagged correlation of the intrinsic component of the ITF transport with sea-surface height and barotropic streamfunction suggests that the intrinsic variability may come from zonal jets in the western subtropical North Pacific.

How to cite: Furue, R., Nonaka, M., and Sasaki, H.: Intrinsic interannual variability of the Indonesian Throughflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14639,, 2025.

Ensemble ocean model experiments can be useful to understand the extent to which internal variability has exerted an influence on a given observation, or indeed modelled event. This is important in contexts such as that of ongoing climate change, for example, where this probabilistic information can be useful for the purposes of detection and attribution. However, ensemble simulation has certain disadvantages, including its very high computational and energetic cost, the technical skill required to implement such modelling strategies, and the inherent dependence of the results on model physics. The aim of this study is to address these drawbacks by directly estimating the ensemble mean using statistical methods applied to individual model simulations, or observations. The effects of internal variability should be strongly reduced in these artificial ensemble mean estimates, enabling better insight into the direct effects of atmospheric forcing on the chosen ocean variables.

In previous work, we showed that the ensemble mean sea surface height can be estimated with good accuracy by filtering an individual member of the ensemble. Here, we extend this result to sea surface temperature (SST), which requires a more complicated spatiotemporal filter to estimate the ensemble mean, but again shows good agreement with the true ensemble mean SST at very low computational cost. However, examination of the full 3D temperature fields show a more complicated spectral coherence signature, suggesting that application of the filtering method to these 3D fields would be more challenging. In a second step, a neural network is thus trained to reproduce 3D ocean temperature fields using SST and sea surface height as inputs. By combining the filtered fields with the neural network, first estimates are made of the ensemble mean 3D temperature field, based on observations. Comparisons with the true ensemble mean 3D fields are encouraging, and suggest that the method may be useful as a cheap alternative to numerical simulation to better identify the atmospheric influence on ocean variability.

How to cite: Close, S. and Penduff, T.: Estimates of artificial ensemble mean ocean properties from individual simulations and observations to better isolate the atmospheric influence on ocean variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15192,, 2025.

EGU25-15591 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12

A stochastic framework for modeling surface ocean variability in the Southwest Indian Ocean 

Lisa Weiss, Jean-Michel Brankart, Quentin Jamet, and Pierre Brasseur

The Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) is characterized by diverse dynamic regimes, with intense energy fluxes and intricate atmospheric interactions (Phillips et al., 2021, OS). The Mascarene area, to the east of Madagascar, is influenced by the South Equatorial Current and the Indian subtropical gyre, the Mozambique Channel presents numerous mesoscale eddies, which play an important role in the biogeochemical dynamics, and the Equatorial zone is affected by the inversion of seasonal Monsoon circulation. Modeling such complex systems requires the consideration of multiple sources of uncertainty. In the context of global warming and climate projections, it is essential to simulate these uncertainties in order to obtain a more accurate representation and understanding of the SWIO ocean dynamics. The objective of this project is to identify and analyze the dominant sources of uncertainty affecting surface circulation in the SWIO. To address this issue, a probabilistic approach is integrated into the CROCO model (Coastal and Regional Ocean Community), following three key steps. Firstly, a realistic regional configuration of the CROCO model is developed for the SWIO region, which is forced and validated by CMEMS and ECMWF operational and satellite products. Then, a stochastic perturbation generator (referred to as STOGEN and originally developed in the NEMO model, Brankart et al., 2015, GMD) is implemented into CROCO, associated with an ensemble generator. Finally, several ensemble simulations are performed using stochastic processes with varying correlation structures in space and time within the defined regional setting. This allows to test the cumulative effect of different sources of uncertainty associated with surface ocean circulation by analyzing the ensemble statistics and variability based on surface variables such as sea surface height, temperature, salinity or velocity fields. We starts with the simulation of an ensemble by perturbing the wind stress. Then, three additional ensemble simulations will be generated by perturbing the vertical mixing, the initial conditions to analyze the intrinsic ocean variability and the open boundary conditions. The integration of stochastic parameterization within CROCO allow to simulate and partially quantify some of the non-deterministic effects of unresolved processes and scales. It enables an objective statistical comparison between model and observations associated with uncertainty description for data assimilation systems (Popov et al., 2024, OS).

How to cite: Weiss, L., Brankart, J.-M., Jamet, Q., and Brasseur, P.: A stochastic framework for modeling surface ocean variability in the Southwest Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15591,, 2025.

EGU25-16511 | Posters on site | OS1.12

A multi-centennial ocean simulation reveals aspects of the Mediterranean Sea intrinsic dynamics 

Angelo Rubino, Michele Gnesotto, Davide Zanchettin, and Stefano Pierini

A multi-centennial ocean simulation focusing on the Mediterranean Sea intrinsic dynamics is performed using an eddy-permitting nonlinear, shallow-water multilayer numerical model forced by steady transports of Atlantic Water and Levantine Intermediate Water. These transports are prescribed along two western and eastern open boundaries located along meridional sections crossing the strait of Gibraltar and the Levantine basin, respectively. Low-frequency oscillations in the inflowing Atlantic Water density are imposed, which mimic the effect of long-term North Atlantic variability on the water masses entering the Mediterranean basin. In this contribution we compare the simulated annual mean surface displacements with corresponding absolute dynamic topography altimetric observations. This research is supported by the Italian INVMED-P.R.I.N. project.

How to cite: Rubino, A., Gnesotto, M., Zanchettin, D., and Pierini, S.: A multi-centennial ocean simulation reveals aspects of the Mediterranean Sea intrinsic dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16511,, 2025.

EGU25-17449 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12

A Stochastic description of eddy-mean flow interactions 

Mattéo Nex, Quentin Jamet, Etienne Mémin, and Florian Sévellec

When studying large tuburlent regions of the ocean, interactions between the mean flow and eddies plays a
central role in shaping large-scale circulation patterns by redistributing heat, momentum, and energy across the
ocean. Accurately representing these interactions in General Circulation Models (GCMs) remains a challenge,
particularly due to the subgrid-scale modelling issues and the limitations of traditional parameterization methods.
In this study we highlights the limitations of the diagnostics that can be performed with a too small in size en-
semble of simulations for capturing the Reynolds stress tensor as well as accurately diagnosing the work of such
tensor. In the context of studying energy exchange between the mean flow and eddies, the work of the Reynolds
stress is associated with the mean-to-eddy energy conversion rate MEC (Jamet et al. 2022).

To address the above issues, we explore the capabilities of the Location Uncertainty (LU) framework (Mémin
2014) to provide a better representation of eddy-mean flow energy transfer. By introducing stochastic variability
directly into the governing equations of fluid motion, LU provides an approach to model the unresolved turbulent
effects. A rederivation of the equation for the energy transfers is then possible through a stochastic version of
the Reynolds Transport Theorem (Bauer et al. 2020) and leads to an alternative representation of the interactions
between mean flow and eddies.

Based on 48-member ensemble simulation of the North Atlantic under realistic forcing, we provide a robust
comparison between deterministic and stochastic estimates of the work of Reynolds stress (MEC). By comparing
deterministic and stochastic estimates of MEC, we show that LU can effectively address the issues of stastistical
convergence by inflating intrinsic variability leading to a more robust representation of these non-linear terms. In
addition, statistical moments are shown to be more stable than from the deterministic formulation of the eddy-mean
flow interactions. Key results of this study include a detailed formulation of kinetic energy evolution equations
under the LU framework, which reveals significant improvements compared to the deterministic formulation of
the work of the Reynolds stress in terms of statistical moments. The noise definition relies, in this study, on the
snapshot proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) in the ensemble dimension, offering a time varying orthogonal
eigenfunctions basis. These diagnostics provide usefull tools to observe moving patterns and stability regions,
leading to physical interpretation of the eddy-mean flow interactions in the Gulf Stream.

How to cite: Nex, M., Jamet, Q., Mémin, E., and Sévellec, F.: A Stochastic description of eddy-mean flow interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17449,, 2025.

EGU25-19468 | Orals | OS1.12

Where, why, and over which timescales is coastal sea-level potentially predictable? 

Chris Wilson and Simon D. P. Williams

In some places and over some time horizons, coastal sea-level is highly predictable. For example, there are locations where the seasonal cycle dominates and the monthly-mean sea- level is predictable for many years ahead. However, in other places, we know that there are frequent storm surges, that AMOC changes are linked to coastal sea-level, that mass anomalies propagate around the continental shelf slope boundary and can affect remote changes in coastal sea level, but also that there is a manifestation of internal or intrinsic, nonlinear processes which have a chaotic signature. From place to place, globally, there is a need to optimally predict coastal sea-level for societal planning and adaptation, to mitigate the effects of climate change and sea-level rise. However, on the regional and local scales, there are still many gaps, both in terms of observation and modelling of coastal sea-level on timescales relevant to people’s lives and wellbeing.


Using an ensemble modelling approach, one can use the ensemble mean and ensemble variance to estimate a potentially predictable,”forced” component of the system and a potentially unpredictable, ”unforced” component. In terms of sea-level, the unforced, chaotic intrinsic variability (CIV) component can, in some locations, dominate the forced component, even out to decadal timescales. This is known to be a major source of uncertainty in sea-level trends, relevant to IPCC projections, but analogously so for other temporal components on seasonal to decadal timescales too.


This study:

  • a) verifies where and over which timescales of variability the OCCIPUT, eORCA025, 50- member initial condition ensemble simulation captures coastal sea-level from the GESLA3 tide gauge dataset.
  • b) generates maps of the potential predictability of coastal sea-level.
  • c) explores predictive suitability of statistical models versus GCMs.
  • d) suggests relevant processes behind potential predictability characteristics.

How to cite: Wilson, C. and Williams, S. D. P.: Where, why, and over which timescales is coastal sea-level potentially predictable?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19468,, 2025.

EGU25-20796 | ECS | Orals | OS1.12

Forced and Intrinsic Low-Frequency Variability in the Mediterranean Sea from a Multi-Decadal Ensemble Simulation 

Damien Héron, Jean-Michel Brankart, and Pierre Brasseur

This study investigates the low-frequency variability of the Mediterranean Sea using an ensemble of 30 eddy-permitting (1/12°) NEMO-based regional ocean simulations. The ensemble members were slightly perturbed in their initial conditions and forced by the same atmospheric variability during 34 years, allowing us to separate the intrinsic and atmospherically-forced components of the ocean variability.

At interannual timescales, our analysis of sea surface height (SSH) reveals distinct patterns of intrinsic variability across the basin. While the variability of certain circulation features, such as the North Ionian Gyre (NIG), is mostly paced by the atmosphere, low-frequency fluctuations of other features —like in the Algerian Basin— are largely intrinsic and random. The variance decomposition reveals that intrinsic processes control most of the total SSH variability over one-fifth of the basin, highlighting their pivotal role in shaping the interannual fluctuations in the basin.

Inspired by previous studies of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Gregorio et al., 2015; Leroux et al., 2018), we investigate the forced and intrinsic components of the Mediterranean Zonal Overturning Circulation (ZOC) interannual variability, focusing on the eastward flow of Atlantic waters and westward flow of intermediate waters in density coordinates. While the transport in the western basin shows moderate variability, our results reveal an increase in total variability in the Levantine Basin, driven by both forced and intrinsic components. EOF analyses of ZOC fluctuations suggest distinct variability modes east and west of Sicily, which remain to be further investigated.

This work highlights the substantial contribution of intrinsic variability in various features of the Mediterranean's fluctuations, up to decadal timescales. A better understanding of the relative contributions of externally-driven and internally-generated oceanic fluctuations is crucial for accurately interpreting simulated and observed signals, making reliable predictions, and exploring possible impacts on marine ecosystems.

How to cite: Héron, D., Brankart, J.-M., and Brasseur, P.: Forced and Intrinsic Low-Frequency Variability in the Mediterranean Sea from a Multi-Decadal Ensemble Simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20796,, 2025.

EGU25-1593 | ECS | Orals | OS1.13

Evaluation of the interior ocean ventilation of biogeochemical tracers in a global ocean model using observation-based metrics  

Simone Le Chevere, Christopher Danek, Seth Bushinsky, and Judith Hauck

The ocean has absorbed approximately 25% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions since the industrial era, playing a critical role in the global carbon cycle. However, the current ocean carbon sink as simulated by the ocean biogeochemistry models of the Global Carbon Budget shows a spread larger than the European Union’s fossil carbon emissions and mismatches with current observation-based estimates. The prime suspect for this deviation is the poorly constrained transfer of carbon between the surface and the interior ocean. This process is called ventilation and is based on the interior ocean carbon gradients that depend on mixing, advective and biological processes.

To address this, we developed a set of metrics based on the new dataset from biogeochemical Argo floats (BGC-Argo) that offer unprecedented observations from the surface to 2000 m, and the GLODAP bottle data. These metrics are a tool to evaluate and optimize ocean ventilation processes and carbon transport between the surface and the interior in ocean models. They target the stratification and mixing (physical variables) as well as the gradients of tracers such as apparent oxygen utilization, dissolved inorganic carbon or dissolved inorganic nitrate. We compute metrics quantifying these depth gradients averaged across large-scale biomes.

With this methodology, we evaluate the ventilation in the model FESOM-REcoM. Our results identify model-observation differences in terms of absolute values and magnitude of gradient in salinity and in the biogeochemical variables in many biomes. Biases in the gradients of biogeochemical properties can partially be explained by biases in the physical stratification of the water column, especially in biomes with high mixing at higher latitudes.  In other biomes, biases are attributed to an imperfect representation of biogeochemical processes in the model.  We characterize the distribution of biases in FESOM-REcoM, and discuss how to reduce them.

How to cite: Le Chevere, S., Danek, C., Bushinsky, S., and Hauck, J.: Evaluation of the interior ocean ventilation of biogeochemical tracers in a global ocean model using observation-based metrics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1593,, 2025.

EGU25-1977 | Orals | OS1.13

Complex response of marine carbon pumps to global warming impacts atmospheric CO2 on multi-centennial time scales 

Samar Khatiwala, Olivia Strachan, and Andreas Schmittner

The ocean’s capacity to absorb anthropogenic CO2 is predicted to decrease with global warming, contributing to a positive climate-carbon cycle feedback. However, the precise nature of how climate change will impact the ocean’s various carbon pumps and hence atmospheric CO2 remains poorly constrained, especially on multi-centennial time scales. Here, we show that under a high emission scenario, reduced carbon uptake and redistribution of alkalinity leads to ~505 ppm (30%) higher atmospheric CO2 by 2500. Despite compensating changes in biological storage and air-sea disequilibrium, CO2 is still 16% higher due to climate change. These changes are a net response to slowing circulation and increased stratification, which not only reduces carbon uptake but lengthens by hundreds of years the time anthropogenic and biologically-respired CO2 are sequestered in the ocean, with long term implications for climate.

How to cite: Khatiwala, S., Strachan, O., and Schmittner, A.: Complex response of marine carbon pumps to global warming impacts atmospheric CO2 on multi-centennial time scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1977,, 2025.

EGU25-2675 | Posters on site | OS1.13

Simple Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to solve equations for sinking particulate organic matter in the ocean 

Seongbong Seo, Vladimir Maderich, Igor Brovchenko, Kateryna Kovalets, and Kyonghwan Kwon

A gravitational sinking of the particulate organic matter (POM) is a key mechanism of the vertical transport of carbon in the deep ocean and its subsequent sequestration. The size spectrum of these particles is formed in the euphotic layer by the primary production and various mechanisms including food web consumption. The mass of particles, as they descend, decreases under bacterial decomposition and the influence of grazing by filter feeders which depends on the water temperature and oxygen concentration, particle sinking velocity, age of the organic particles, ballasting and other factors. In this study, we consider the influence of the size and age of particles, temperature and oxygen concentration on their dynamics and degradation processes. The model takes into account feedback between the degradation rate and sinking velocity of particles.  We rely on the known parameterisations, but our Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to analytically and numerically solving the problem differs, allowing the model to be incorporated into biogeochemical global ocean models with relative ease. Two novel analytical solutions of the system of the one-dimensional Eulerian equation for POM concentration and Lagrangian equations for particle mass and position were obtained for constant and age-dependent degradation rates. At a constant rate of particle sinking, they correspond to exponential and power-law profiles of the POM concentration. It was found that feedback between degradation rate and sinking velocity significantly changes POM concentration and POM flux vertical profiles.  The calculations are compared with the available POM concentration and flux measurement data for the latitude band of 20-30oN in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and 50-60o in the Southern Ocean. The dependence of the degradation rate on temperature significantly affected the profiles of POM concentration enhancing the degradation of sinking particles in the upper layers of the oceans and suppressing it in the deep layers of the oceans. The influence of oxygen concentration in all cases considered was insignificant compared to the temperature distribution with depth.

How to cite: Seo, S., Maderich, V., Brovchenko, I., Kovalets, K., and Kwon, K.: Simple Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to solve equations for sinking particulate organic matter in the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2675,, 2025.

Upper ocean stirring and mixing strongly affect the nutrient flux into the euphotic zone and therefore ocean primary production. Additionally, besides particle sinking, the export of organic and inorganic matter is hugely determined by advective fluxes imposed by physical flows. Since both production and export play a role in oceanic carbon storage, it is important to re-assess its main drivers in models of increased ocean realism. With spatial dimensions below 25 km, sharp fronts, filaments, strong jets and small eddies, submesoscale motions induce large vertical velocities, adding extra transport to the already large lateral stirring induced by the mesoscale (25 km-200 km) field. The impact of resolved submesoscale flows on some aspects of the south Atlantic Ocean carbon cycle is here studied based on a novel global ocean-biogeochemical simulation integrated with the models ICON-O and HAMOCC using a telescoping grid with a resolution refined to approximately 600 m in the south Atlantic. Tracer budgets are used to quantify the relative importance of physical versus biogeochemical processes in the evolution of ocean carbon, including the uptake at the surface and the export to the deep ocean. A comparison between our submesoscale-resolved ocean and biogeochemical simulations with coarser resolutions (10 km and 40 km) sheds some light on the submesoscale role on tracer evolution and highlights expected differences between current climate and mesoscale models and models including the submesoscale. Despite being limited by the short duration of our simulation, this study suggests that submesoscales shape vertical profiles of carbon and nutrients and thereby affect export fluxes and seasonal dynamics.

How to cite: Serra, N. and Ilyina, T.: Impact of submesoscale flows on primary production and export fluxes of carbon in the South Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4128,, 2025.

EGU25-5016 | Posters on site | OS1.13

Parameterization of sinking velocity rates in the Atlantic Ocean 

María Villa-Alfageme, Lucía Melgar, Álvaro López-Rodríguez, Unai Abascal-Ruíz, and Beatriz González-González

Particles sinking on the ocean constitute the vehicles of the Biological Carbon Pump (BCP). As these particles descend, they give form to a complex mixture of biogeochemical materials, each characterised by distinct size, density, porosity, and morphology. Consequently, the velocity of particle sinking (SV) and the flux of particulate organic carbon (POC) exhibit significant variability, influenced by factors such as depth, season, and the characteristics of the ecosystem. The flux of POC and the SV are interconnected parameters; besides, the profile of POC flux attenuation, i.e. the rate at which sinking particles are remineralised and degraded by bacteria and zooplankton, is also strongly dependent on the rate at which the particles sink. Intuitively, faster sinking particles would reach the Twilight Zone in a greater proportion than slow sinking particles; however, this simple correlation is not globally observed in the ocean. Overall, SV is a key variable directly impacting on the strength of the BCP, in spite of that, the methods to estimate particle SV are not standardized and this variable remains poorly measured in the ocean. Therefore, its influence is not properly quantified, nor is how to incorporate this parameter to ocean biogeochemical models.

The utilisation of the disequilibrium between radioactive pairs, 234Th-238U and 210Po-210Pb, allows obtaining both average SV and downward POC flux. In this study, disequilibrium profiles from 15 cruises in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans were examined (including data from COMICS, CUSTARD, APERO and EXPORTS programs), encompassing biogeochemically contrasting sites and various stages of the bloom. This analysis led to a novel compilation of POC flux and SV, coupled with satellite-driven net primary production (NPP) and including export efficiency and transfer efficiency, when available. The objective of this synthesis is to understand the mechanisms associated with the spatial and temporal variation of the SV and to look for patterns in the Biological Carbon Pump efficiency and, ultimately, ocean carbon storage.

How to cite: Villa-Alfageme, M., Melgar, L., López-Rodríguez, Á., Abascal-Ruíz, U., and González-González, B.: Parameterization of sinking velocity rates in the Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5016,, 2025.

EGU25-8581 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13

Ocean heat uptake and storage during climate stabilization at different global warming levels in GFDL-ESM2M 

Yona Silvy, Friedrich A. Burger, and Thomas L. Frölicher

The ocean is storing the majority of excess heat in the Earth system resulting from the release of anthropogenic greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This heat uptake will persist even after cessation of greenhouse gas emissions, and it will continue for centuries in scenarios where global warming is limited to levels set by the Paris Agreement. This continued heat uptake has important implications for regional climate, ecosystems and sea level rise. However, the dynamics of ocean heat uptake and the redistribution of this heat under stabilized global warming remain poorly understood, particularly the time scales involved. Here, we apply the Adaptive Emission Reduction Approach to a fully coupled Earth System Model to simulate different levels of stabilized global warming until the year 3000. We reveal significant differences between the transient phase when surface temperatures first reach the targeted warming level, and the near-stabilized state after close to 1000 years at the warming level. We explore non-linearities in the evolution of the ocean circulation and ventilation over these time scales, as well as the sensitivity of heat uptake and storage to different global warming levels. For example, the stabilization simulations reveal long-term differences across global warming levels in the vertical redistribution of heat, with a relatively warmer upper ocean and colder deep ocean with warmer surface temperatures. We also find a threshold effect between 1.5ºC and 2ºC of global warming, where surpassing this threshold triggers irreversible changes that profoundly impact the redistribution of heat in the ocean. Specifically, during the stabilization phase at 2ºC of global warming and above, the subpolar Southern Ocean shows a recovery of deep convection that leads to an export of colder bottom waters than under pre-industrial conditions, that is not present at 1.5ºC.

How to cite: Silvy, Y., Burger, F. A., and Frölicher, T. L.: Ocean heat uptake and storage during climate stabilization at different global warming levels in GFDL-ESM2M, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8581,, 2025.

Compelling evidence indicates that ocean circulation is undergoing significant changes due to global warming. These changes include reduced ocean ventilation caused by increased stratification and the weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Consequently, this will alter carbon, oxygen, heat and nutrient distribution, and will therefore affect primary production and, by extension, the biological carbon pump. Due to the ocean’s huge capacity for carbon storage, it is imperative that we understand the consequences of these changes.

To examine how ocean ventilation influences the biological carbon pump and overall oceanic carbon storage, two idealised box models of ocean carbon and heat uptake are extended to include biological processes and nutrient cycling. The first model is a one-dimensional box model, with ocean ventilation parameterised by a relaxation timescale that responds to emission-driven warming. The second model is more complex, including a thermocline with a dynamically controlled thickness and meridional overturning circulation, both of which vary with increasing temperatures, determining the extent of ocean ventilation.

These models, previously employed to analyse the ocean’s carbon and thermal response to anthropogenic emissions, are now adapted to explore the effects of changing circulation on the biological carbon pump. A simple nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton-detritus (NPZD) biological model is introduced to simulate the role of macronutrient concentrations on phytoplankton and zooplankton growth. Simulations are conducted under scenarios of both constant and changing circulation to investigate the impacts of slower circulation and increased stratification on the biological carbon pump and its contribution to oceanic carbon storage.

How to cite: Baltas, E., Katavouta, A., and Hunt, H.: Exploring the Impact of Changing Ocean Circulation on Carbon Storage due to the Biological Carbon Pump: An Idealised Modelling Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9243,, 2025.

EGU25-10777 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13

Impact of intermittent volcanic forcing on ocean carbon uptake under climate overshoot 

Katja Labermeyer, Moritz Adam, and Kira Rehfeld

The ocean has absorbed between 20-35% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, acting as a major carbon sink despite its slower response times compared to the atmosphere and biosphere [1]. However, carbon uptake in the ocean is predicted to decrease in the future, particularly under scenarios that exceed global warming targets, resulting in the uptake rate being close to zero. Volcanic aerosol forcing introduces uncertainty into these projections by altering the Earth's radiation balance, which, in turn, affects ocean carbon fluxes by changing temperature and circulation patterns. Despite that, intermittent forcing is not considered in widely used CMIP or ScenarioMIP simulations.

Here, we leverage Earth system model simulations to explore the impacts of intermittent versus baseline volcanic forcing on the ocean carbon fluxes under a temperature overshoot scenario. We hypothesize that irregular forcing will amplify variability in ocean carbon uptake and we expect stronger responses in ocean basins such as the Atlantic due to AMOC sensitivity and downstream effects of eruptions. Two ensembles, generated with the Max Planck Institute Earth system model (MPI-ESM), are compared [2]. One ensemble is forced with semi-stochastic irregular volcanic events and another with a recurring, median intensity event. We analyze key variables, such as ocean carbon uptake, vertical temperature profiles, Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and thermocline depth, to assess the variability and response timescales under intermittent forcing. To find responses on temporal and spatial scales, we quantify the response and recovery times of the ocean and determine where the strongest responses occur spatially to determine which regions are most or least affected. Our study aims to improve the understanding of the sensitivity of ocean carbon uptake to intermittent forcing and its implications for future projections of the carbon cycle.

[1] S. Khatiwala, F. Primeau, and T. Hall. “Reconstruction of the history of anthropogenic CO2 concentrations in the ocean”. In: Nature 462, pp. 346–349. 2009.
[2] T. Mauritsen et al. “Developments in the MPI-M Earth System Model version 1.2 (MPI-ESM1.2) and Its Response to Increasing CO2”. In: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11.4, pp. 998–1038. 2019.

How to cite: Labermeyer, K., Adam, M., and Rehfeld, K.: Impact of intermittent volcanic forcing on ocean carbon uptake under climate overshoot, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10777,, 2025.

The ocean absorbs a quarter of the anthropogenic carbon and 90% of the anthropogenic heat in the Earth system, significantly impacting the climate. On decadal timescales most relevant for climate prediction, the ocean circulation plays a central role in modulating the ocean heat and carbon sinks. It is therefore crucial to understand how these sinks interact with changes in the circulation. We have applied a novel water mass based inverse model, the optimal transformation method (OTM), to study the uptake of heat and carbon by the ocean and its redistribution in the interior by the ocean circulation. The OTM simultaneously calculates budgets of heat, freshwater, and carbon from a combination of observational data products, solving for the air-sea flux and transport and mixing of these tracers in a manner consistent with the available observational data. We apply OTM to a combination of data products: the EN4 objective analysis of temperature and salinity; the ECCO ocean state estimate; our own machine learning reconstruction of ocean interior carbon based on the GLODAP dataset; ERA5 and JRA55 reanalyses of air-sea heat and freshwater fluxes; and air-sea CO2 fluxes from the SeaFlux product. We analyse two decades, estimating global carbon uptake of 2.02 ± 0.22 PgC yr-1 for 1993-2002 and 2.86 ± 0.25 PgC yr-1 for 2003-2012. We find that changes in the carbon uptake between the two decades are dominated by the Southern Ocean (>35°S) and North Pacific (>10°N) basins, and our results also suggest a southwards redistribution of carbon in the Atlantic linked to changes in ocean circulation. Meanwhile, a redistribution of carbon northwards in the Pacific is accompanied by a southwards redistribution of heat.

How to cite: Mackay, N., Ehmen, T., and Watson, A.: Ocean carbon and heat uptake and redistribution diagnosed from observations using a water mass inverse model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10806,, 2025.

EGU25-11039 | ECS | Orals | OS1.13

The long lives of subducted spice and vorticity anomalies in the subtropical oceans 

Cora Hersh, Susan Wijffels, Geoffrey Gebbie, and Gaël Forget

Subtropical cells, which exist in nearly all ocean basins, connect subducting subtropical waters to upwelling sites along the equator. This tight link between the subtropics and the tropics, on a scale of 5-15 years, is well-established in a time-averaged sense by modeling and observations. Recently, evidence has emerged of spice (density-compensated temperature and salinity variations) and potential vorticity anomaly persistence along mean flow pathways on isopycnals. We provide the first global view of subtropical water mass anomaly propagation, using both an observational dataset and the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) state estimate Version 4 Release 4. In this global synthesis that complements the existing body of largely regional studies, we find long-lived interannual water mass anomalies that translate along mean advective pathways in all ventilated subtropical gyres. They are detectable over multiple years and several thousand kilometers. Some anomalies are persistent enough to reach both the western boundary and equatorial current systems before being entirely eroded, and thus could form ocean “tunnels” along which heat anomalies could travel to impact remote climate variability. Analysis of ocean tunnel propagation of a passive tracer (spice) and an active tracer (potential vorticity) confirms earlier model results that the active tracer decays more quickly than the passive tracer. Similarities and differences between timing and frequency of the two tracers could provide clues to anomaly formation mechanisms in various subduction regions. The success of ECCO in capturing these phenomena is encouragement to further explore their upstream sources and downstream impacts within this framework.

How to cite: Hersh, C., Wijffels, S., Gebbie, G., and Forget, G.: The long lives of subducted spice and vorticity anomalies in the subtropical oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11039,, 2025.

EGU25-12898 | Orals | OS1.13 | Highlight

Physical inconsistencies in the representation of the ocean heat-carbon nexus in simple climate models 

Roland Séférian, Thomas Bossy, Thomas Gasser, Zebedee Nichols, Kalyn Dorheim, Xuanming Su, Junichi Tsutsui, and Yeray Yeray Santana-Falcón

The oceans slow the rate of global warming by absorbing each year about 25% of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions and 90% of the additional heat resulting from the Earth energy imbalance induced by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The interplay between the ocean heat and carbon uptake, the “Ocean Heat-Carbon Nexus”, links together the responses of the Earth climate and the global carbon cycle to cumulative CO2 emissions and to net zero CO2 emissions. It results from a suite of processes involving the exchange of heat and carbon across the sea-air interface as well as their storage below the mixed-layer and redistribution by the ocean large-scale circulation. The Ocean Heat and Carbon Nexus is assumed to be consistently represented across two modelling platforms used in the latest IPCC assessments: the Earth System Models (ESMs) and the Simple Climate Models (SCMs). However, our research shows significant deficiencies in state-of-the-art SCMs in replicating the ocean heat-carbon nexus of ESMs due to a crude treatment of the ocean thermal and carbon cycle coupling. With one SCM, we show that a more realistic heat-to-carbon uptake ratio exacerbates the projected warming by 0.1°C in low overshoot scenarios and up to 0.2°C in high overshoot scenarios. It is therefore critical to explore how SCMs' physical inconsistencies, such as the representation of the ocean heat-carbon nexus, can affect future warming projections used in climate assessments, not just by SCMs in Working Group 3 but also by ESMs in Working Group 1 via SCM-driven emission-to-concentration translation.

How to cite: Séférian, R., Bossy, T., Gasser, T., Nichols, Z., Dorheim, K., Su, X., Tsutsui, J., and Yeray Santana-Falcón, Y.: Physical inconsistencies in the representation of the ocean heat-carbon nexus in simple climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12898,, 2025.

EGU25-13345 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13

Analysis of Export and Transfer Efficiency around the PAP-Site Observatory: an update from the APERO project 

Álvaro López Rodríguez, Bea González González, Santiago Hurtado Bermúdez, Frédéric Le Moigne, Maeva Gesson, and María Villa Alfageme

The biological carbon pump (BCP) plays a key role in the regulation of atmospheric CO2 levels. Export efficiency (Expeff), defined as the proportion of primary production (PP) that is exported as particulate organic carbon (POC) flux below the base of the euphotic zone (EZ), and transfer efficiency (Teff), defined as the ratio of POC flux below the EZ and POC flux attenuated at a given depth in the twilight zone (TZ), are two of the main parameters used as metrics of BCP strength. The objective of this work is to investigate the factors that influence the variability of both parameters at different bloom stages. The APERO cruises aim to investigate the BCP, with emphasis on the TZ (200-1000 m), and were conducted at the PAP site oceanographic observatory during the decline of a spring bloom in June and July 2023. Water and particle profiles (0-1000 m) were collected at five stations and POC fluxes at the base of the EZ were obtained derived from 210Po-210Pb disequilibrium and high depth resolution sediment traps. In addition, data measured from 1989 to 2023 for POC fluxes, at the base of the EZ, derived from 238U-234Th and 210Pb-210Po disequilibrium and at 3000 m depth, derived from moored sediment traps were compiled. Expeff (FluxEz/satellite NPP time-integrated) and Teff (Flux3000m/FluxEz) were quantified, and both values were compared across different years and bloom stages. POC fluxes measured in APERO ranged from 3.1-17 mmol C m⁻² d⁻¹, which agrees well with the value measured in 2021 during the same bloom stage, 13 ± 3 mmol C m⁻² d⁻¹. Expeff  presents significant fluctuations and shows a strong intra-annual variability. It changed during the bloom development, from 5-20% in 1989 to 41% in 2012, from 16-42% in 1989 to 14% in 2021 during the bloom peak, and during the decline of the bloom, it decreased from 26 ± 4 % in 2021 to 2.2-11% during the APERO cruise. Finally, Teff exhibits a strong intra-annual variability as the bloom progresses, changing from 6–23% at the beginning of the bloom in 1989, 16% in 2004, and 12% in 2012, to 5–14% at the peak in 1989, and 16% during the postbloom in 2009.

How to cite: López Rodríguez, Á., González González, B., Hurtado Bermúdez, S., Le Moigne, F., Gesson, M., and Villa Alfageme, M.: Analysis of Export and Transfer Efficiency around the PAP-Site Observatory: an update from the APERO project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13345,, 2025.

EGU25-14150 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.13

The spatiotemporal evolution of the global interior ocean’s anthropogenic carbon sink: reconstructed through machine learning 

Tobias Ehmen, Neill Mackay, and Andrew Watson

The oceans mitigate climate change by absorbing roughly 25% of the anthropogenic carbon that is released. Past reconstructions of air-sea CO2 flux based on surface pCO2 observations have indicated that this carbon sink exhibits decadal variability, appearing to weaken during the 1990s and strengthen in the 2000s. However, the causes of this variability are unclear, and it is poorly represented in climate models and the future climate projections they generate. It also remains uncertain whether the estimated variability is a product of bias due to the limited availability of biogeochemical observations. To address the challenge posed by sparse data, machine learning techniques have been applied to surface pCO2 as well as interior dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). However, reconstructions of DIC and anthropogenic carbon for the full depth of the global ocean have not yet been achieved.

Our objective is to determine whether the variability in the ocean carbon sink is real and to understand changes in the interior carbon inventory as part of the carbon budget. To this end, we use neural networks to predict the spatiotemporal distributions of full-depth DIC and C* from the 1990s to the 2010s. C* is a quasi-conservative tracer that corrects DIC for biological activity by applying Redfield stoichiometric ratios. ΔC*, the difference in C* between two time points, has been used as a proxy for added anthropogenic carbon.

The neural network is trained on observations from the GLODAPv2.2023 database. We make predictions of DIC and additional C* components - total alkalinity, oxygen, and nitrate - based on the location, depth, temperature, and salinity from the EN4 reanalysis product and atmospheric CO2. Here, we present findings on the spatiotemporal evolution of full-depth interior carbon in the global ocean, providing a quantification of the anthropogenic carbon sink and its variability over time. The interior carbon inventory changes are then compared with current air-sea CO2 flux products. In further work, the results are being combined with a water mass based inverse method to investigate the drivers of variability.

How to cite: Ehmen, T., Mackay, N., and Watson, A.: The spatiotemporal evolution of the global interior ocean’s anthropogenic carbon sink: reconstructed through machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14150,, 2025.

EGU25-16067 | Posters on site | OS1.13

Enhanced storage of carbon in marine dissolved organic matter in scenarios of global warming 

Takasumi Kurahashi-Nakamura, Thorsten Dittmar, Adam C. Martiny, and Sinikka T. Lennartz

The efficiency of the ocean to store atmospheric CO2 in the coming century strongly depends on the stability of marine carbon reservoirs. Marine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contains more carbon than all living biomass on Earth combined (660 gigatons C) and is recalcitrant against remineralisation at a decadal to millennial timescale, which offers an additional carbon pump to sequester carbon from active air-sea gas exchange with a millennial-scale stability (microbial carbon pump). However, the fate of this key carbon reservoir in a changing future climate is unknown, because the impact of environmental controls on bacterial remineralisation of DOC to CO2 are not explicitly considered in global Earth System Models.

We developed a dynamical model for dissolved organic matter (DOM) that explicitly depicts the production of DOM through primary production and its degradation by heterotrophic microorganisms, and coupled it interactively to the marine biogeochemistry module of UVic ESCM, an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (EMIC). Being based on present-day simulations with the model, it is revealed that the factor that limits bacterial growth in the model and meta-genomic data indicating bacterial nutrient limitation show a similar pattern in the global ocean. Together with other experimental data, we suggest a strong link between the future developments of DOC and macronutrient cycles.

Our model indicates that an increase in the global DOC pool under global warming ranges from 17 to 42 gigatons C at the end of the 22nd century in a future simulation based on a high-emission scenario (SSP5–8.5). The estimated accumulation rate (2 GtC dec−1) is comparable to the amount of the terrestrial input of DOC to the ocean by rivers, underlining its quantitative relevance for the global DOC budget. Our results suggest that DOM-microbe interactions governed by bacterial nutrient limitation provide negative feedback on the climate state via DOC buildup, reinforcing the growth of DIC sequestration by the conventional biological pump (6 GtC dec−1 for > 1000 m depth) in the same simulation.

How to cite: Kurahashi-Nakamura, T., Dittmar, T., Martiny, A. C., and Lennartz, S. T.: Enhanced storage of carbon in marine dissolved organic matter in scenarios of global warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16067,, 2025.

EGU25-16169 | ECS | Orals | OS1.13

The role of AMOC in controlling ocean heat uptake in idealized abrupt forcing scenarios 

Chiara Ventrucci, Federico Fabiano, Paolo Davini, Oliver Mehling, and Katinka Bellomo

Over the past 150 years, the ocean has absorbed almost 90% of the excess heat induced by anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, acting as our planet's main heat reservoir. Multiple mechanisms contribute to ocean heat uptake (OHU) and global heat storage, which redistribute heat from the surface to the deep ocean and across all basins. Nevertheless, a comprehensive picture remains unclear. Within this context, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a key role in transferring heat to the ocean's deepest layers, with a stronger AMOC related to an increase in global OHU. However, it is difficult to quantify the importance of the AMOC from the analysis of existing simulations from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP), as many processes are simultaneously active. 

In this study, we use the climate model EC-Earth3 to investigate how an AMOC weakening induced by a CO2 increase would influence the heat storage inside the ocean. We compare the CMIP abrupt4xCO2 simulation with an idealized experiment with the same forcing but designed to artificially maintain the AMOC strength at preindustrial levels through a positive salinity anomaly in the North Atlantic.  

We find that a change in the AMOC strength is associated with a change in heat storage, influencing both the vertical and interbasin redistribution. Due to AMOC weakening, less heat accumulates below 750 m, especially in the Atlantic Ocean, while we observe increased heat storage in intermediate layers and further heat transfer toward the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Overall, we notice a small but significant difference between the two simulations in global heat uptake, increasing in a weaker AMOC state. We hypothesize that a reduced role for AMOC-driven OHU is compensated for by an increase in heat diffusion towards the interior at low latitudes, according to recently developed conceptual models of OHU. 

These differences could influence the surface warming pattern and regional sea level rise, with implications for long-term climate changes. 

How to cite: Ventrucci, C., Fabiano, F., Davini, P., Mehling, O., and Bellomo, K.: The role of AMOC in controlling ocean heat uptake in idealized abrupt forcing scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16169,, 2025.

EGU25-17516 | Orals | OS1.13

North Atlantic Carbon Uptake and Variability: The Gulf Stream's Role in Air-Sea CO2 Flux and Storage 

Yohei Takano, Dani Jones, Ric Williams, Gael Forget, Jon Lauderdale, David Munday, and Vassil Roussenov

The North Atlantic Ocean contributes approximately 30% of the global ocean carbon uptake. This region plays a vital role in anthropogenic carbon uptake and hosts a significant natural carbon cycle driven by physical and biogeochemical processes. This study focuses on understanding the inter-annual variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes, anthropogenic carbon storage, and the role of the Gulf Stream in transporting water masses with low anthropogenic carbon concentrations into the subpolar North Atlantic. We present the development and application of our forward and adjoint ocean carbon cycle and biogeochemistry models within the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCOv4) framework (ECCOv4r2-Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC)). The ECCOv4r2-DIC simulation overall captures the inter-annual variability and decadal trends of ocean carbon uptake in the subpolar North Atlantic. The adjoint model for ocean biogeochemistry is a powerful tool that enables us to investigate the sensitivity of ocean carbon uptake to physical and biogeochemical factors under dynamic ocean conditions. Preliminary results from the adjoint biogeochemistry sensitivity simulations indicate that subpolar North Atlantic carbon storage is highly sensitive to dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the Gulf Stream region on inter-annual timescales (e.g., lag of -4 years). This finding suggests that remote advective carbon transport significantly influences inter-annual carbon variability in the subpolar North Atlantic Ocean.

How to cite: Takano, Y., Jones, D., Williams, R., Forget, G., Lauderdale, J., Munday, D., and Roussenov, V.: North Atlantic Carbon Uptake and Variability: The Gulf Stream's Role in Air-Sea CO2 Flux and Storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17516,, 2025.

EGU25-20100 | Orals | OS1.13

The import & export of carbon & nutrients from the Weddell Gyre. 

David Munday, Graeme MacGilchrist, Kate Hendry, Andrew Styles, Chris Auckland, and Yohei Takano

The physical circulation and biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean has proved crucial to understanding the sensitivity of global climate. The ventilation of deep water, rich in carbon and nutrients throughout the subpolar Southern Ocean is usually framed in terms of the residual overturning. This places the emphasis on the up- and down-welling of different water masses. However, for the Weddell Gyre it has been proposed that casting the carbon cycle in terms of the horizontal gyre circulation may be more informative (MacGilchrist et al., 2019). This emphasises the role of remineralisation at mid-depth of organic carbon and the differential transport in/out of the Weddell Sea in the longitudinal direction.


Using MITgcm as an idealised two-basin model with a Weddell Sea at the southern boundary of the Atlantic basin, we examine the physical controls of the import/export of carbon & nutrients from the Weddell Sea. The idealised nature of the model allows us to easily change the surface forcing and bathymetry. By perturbing the idealised model's Scotia Ridge and Weddell Sea wind stress curl, we are able to influence the connection between the Weddell Gyre and the rest of the Southern Ocean. Other perturbation experiments, including the diapycnal diffusivity at depth, are used to perturb the overturning circulation. Using simple biogeochemistry and a carbon pump decomposition we are able to see how individual reservoirs are altered and the role of their transport in the overall carbon budget of the Weddell Sea. In particular, we are able to use Reynolds averaging to split the import/export of carbon & nutrients into the Weddell Gyre into components due to overturning and gyre circulations. Our experiments allow us to consider the physical aspects that control the relative strength of these components.

How to cite: Munday, D., MacGilchrist, G., Hendry, K., Styles, A., Auckland, C., and Takano, Y.: The import & export of carbon & nutrients from the Weddell Gyre., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20100,, 2025.

EGU25-21738 | Posters on site | OS1.13

The cooling potential of biological pump carbon after temperature overshoot 

Wolfgang Koeve and Ivy Frenger

In the event of insufficient mitigation efforts, net-negative CO2 emissions may be required to return to acceptable limits of climate warming as defined by the Paris Agreement. The ocean is an important carbon sink under increasing atmospheric CO2 levels,when physico-chemical carbon-uptake dominates. However, the processes that govern the marine carbon sink under net-negative CO2-emission regimes are unclear. Recent work with an Earth System model of intermediate complexity has shown that under idealized temperature overshoot scenarios CO2 from physical-chemical uptake was partly lost from the ocean at times of net-negative CO2-emissions, while storage associated with the biological carbon pump (DICremin) continued to increase and may even dominate marine excess CO2 storage on multi-centennial time scales (Koeve et al. 2014, Nature Geosciences,

Here we extend this work and estimate, for the first time, the cooling potential associated with CO2-storage attributable to the biological carbon pump on centennial time scales, with a focus of conditions of net-negative CO2-emissions. In our approach we use the UVic Earth System model, complemented with explicit model tracers of DICremin and preformed DIC. Changes of these tracers since preindustrial conditions can be traced to either the biological carbon pump or the physical-chemical uptake of anthropogenic CO2, respectively. We quantify the cooling potential of biological pump carbon based on emission pathways perturbed by the change in DICremin since the preindustrial model state. The warming potential of anthropogenic carbon lost from the ocean during times of negative emissions is quantified from emission pathways perturbed by changes of preformed DIC since preindustrial.

How to cite: Koeve, W. and Frenger, I.: The cooling potential of biological pump carbon after temperature overshoot, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21738,, 2025.

Taiwan’s coastal areas are highly vulnerable to typhoon-induced waves and storm surges, posing severe threats to coastal defenses, port operations, and maritime safety. Over the past decade, Taiwan has experienced an average of 4.5 typhoons annually, resulting in wave heights typically exceeding 10 meters, with maximums reaching 23 meters, and storm surges ranging from 20 to 40 cm. Understanding these extreme events under climate change scenarios is essential for effective disaster prevention and coastal planning. This study utilizes EC-Earth3 wind field data from the SSP5-8.5 high-emission scenario to simulate historical (1961–2020) and projected future (2021–2100) typhoon wave and storm surge data, followed by an analysis of their characteristics. Although the EC-Earth3 outputs have a spatial resolution of 100 km and a temporal resolution of 3 hours, this study refined them using an artificial intelligence-based downscaling model. A convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) enhanced the resolution to 3 km and 1 hour, enabling more detailed and accurate data for analyzing typhoon waves and storm surges.

Historical analysis reveals distinct regional variations in wave changes around Taiwan. The eastern coast exhibits the largest wave change due to its exposure to the Pacific Ocean, while the Taiwan Strait remains the most stable, predominantly influenced by monsoonal conditions. The southern and northern waters show intermediate wave change levels, with the latter affected by shifting typhoon tracks. Future projections suggest moderate increases in wave heights around Taiwan, particularly in the northern and northeastern waters, driven by the northeast monsoon and typhoon activity. These findings underscore the increasing risks to Taiwan’s coastal regions under changing climate conditions. This study further examines the regional characteristics of design wave heights, revealing the differential impacts of climate change on extreme wave conditions. Wave conditions in the Taiwan Strait are predominantly influenced by monsoons, with minimal climate change effects and relatively stable future design wave heights, ranging from approximately 3.63 to 3.68 meters for projected scenarios. In contrast, the eastern coastal waters, affected by typhoons and the Kuroshio Current, display moderate variability, with historical wave heights ranging from 4.42 to 4.92 meters and projected heights from 4.08 to 4.22 meters. The northern coastal waters show the most significant increases, with future wave heights reaching up to 5.65 meters for a 200-year return period. Meanwhile, the southern coastal waters exhibit limited changes, with future wave heights remaining stable between 5.21 and 5.26 meters, reflecting distinct regional response patterns to extreme wave conditions.

Storm surge simulations reveal additional risks. Historical records indicate that storm surges typically range from 10 to 30 cm, with peaks exceeding 40 cm during extreme typhoon events. Future scenarios indicate an increased frequency of extreme surges surpassing 40 cm, with localized peaks exceeding 50 cm, compounding risks when combined with large waves. These findings provide a scientific foundation for developing a joint probability distribution model for wave heights and storm surges, leading to the establishment of a Coastal Impact Index (CII) that quantifies the combined effects of waves and storm surges during typhoons.

How to cite: Fan, Y.-M.:  Typhoon-Induced Waves and Storm Surges along Taiwan’s Coast: Historical Trends and Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2104,, 2025.

EGU25-3604 | Orals | OS1.14 | Highlight

The Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) ceases in many CMIP6 projections after 2100 

Stefan Rahmstorf, Sybren Drijfhout, Joran Angevaare, and Jennifer Mecking

New global warming projections in CMIP6 contain extensions beyond year 2100 up to 2300/2500. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in these runs essentially ceases in all models forced by a high emissions (SSP585) scenario and sometimes also in models forced by intermediate (SSP245) or low (SSP126) scenarios. These extremely weak overturning states merely maintain a wind-driven shallow overturning at depths less than 200 m. Northward mass transport below this maximum is either completely absent or less than 2 Sverdrup. In all cases, this AMOC cessation is preceded by a mid-21st century collapse of deep convection in Labrador, Irminger and Nordic Seas, which likely represents the tipping point triggering the terminal AMOC decline.

How to cite: Rahmstorf, S., Drijfhout, S., Angevaare, J., and Mecking, J.: The Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC) ceases in many CMIP6 projections after 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3604,, 2025.

EGU25-4309 | Orals | OS1.14

Obtaining optimal fingerprints of the AMOC from sea surface observations 

Peter Ditlevsen and Susanne Ditlevsen

Records of Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) and sea surface salinity (SSS) integrated over different areas have been proposed as fingerprints of the AMOC over the period of observations. Boers (2021) analyses eight different time series of fingerprints as AMOC indices and finds for all of them early warming signals of an approach to a tipping point. However, if two different AMOC indices are not strongly correlated, they can obviously not both be trustworthy representations of the AMOC. Thus, if significant EWSs are found in both of such records, at least one is spurious. In that case, it is questionable if EWSs for a forthcoming collapse can be trusted at all, since it is observed for unrelated reasons in (at least) one record. Here we propose a consistent fingerprint based on a combination of all the fingerprints. 

How to cite: Ditlevsen, P. and Ditlevsen, S.: Obtaining optimal fingerprints of the AMOC from sea surface observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4309,, 2025.

EGU25-4450 | ECS | Orals | OS1.14

Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes 

Jonathan Baker, Mike Bell, Laura Jackson, Geoffrey Vallis, Andrew Watson, and Richard Wood

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), crucial for transporting heat northward across the Atlantic Ocean, is expected to weaken due to global warming, with implications for global climate. It is uncertain, however, how much it will weaken or if it may even completely collapse this century. Hence, we assess the AMOC's ability to withstand extreme increases in greenhouse gases and freshwater forcing in the North Atlantic by examining the upwelling pathways that return deep waters of the AMOC to the surface in 34 CMIP6 climate models. Our findings show that upwelling in the Southern Ocean, maintained by persistent overlying westerly winds, prevents a total AMOC collapse and impacts its future strength. This Southern Ocean upwelling must be balanced by downwelling in the Atlantic or Pacific oceans, so only the development of a strong Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation (PMOC) could enable an AMOC collapse. While a PMOC does appear in nearly all models, it is insufficient to offset the upwelling in the Southern Ocean, suggesting an AMOC collapse this century is unlikely. We uncover novel stabilising mechanisms that enhance the resilience of the AMOC, with implications for its past and future change. Our findings highlight the critical need for improved observation-based estimates of the Indo-Pacific and Southern Ocean circulations to reduce uncertainty in AMOC projections.

How to cite: Baker, J., Bell, M., Jackson, L., Vallis, G., Watson, A., and Wood, R.: Continued Atlantic overturning circulation even under climate extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4450,, 2025.

EGU25-6379 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14

Uncertainties in the projection of sterodynamic sea level in CMIP6 models  

Chenyang Jin, Hailong Liu, Pengfei Lin, Kewei Lyu, and Yiwen Li

Sterodynamic sea level (SdynSL) is an essential component of sea level changes that climate models can simulate directly. Here we untangle the impact of intermodel uncertainty, internal variability, and scenario uncertainty on SdynSL projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models. At global scale, intermodel (scenario) uncertainty reigns before (after) ~2070, but internal variability is negligible. At regional scale, intermodel uncertainty is the largest contributor (50~100%), internal variability is secondary (20~50%) in the Indian Ocean and tropical Pacific in the near term and midterm. Scenario uncertainty is negligible until emerging in the long term. The anthropogenic signal of global  mean SdynSL emerges from the beginning of this century relative to the 1971-2000 climatology. However, only 70% of the ocean can detect anthropogenic SdynSL signals until the long term. Assuming that model differences are eliminated, anthropogenic SdynSL signals will emerge 38 almost globally after the midterm.

How to cite: Jin, C., Liu, H., Lin, P., Lyu, K., and Li, Y.: Uncertainties in the projection of sterodynamic sea level in CMIP6 models , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6379,, 2025.

EGU25-7835 | Orals | OS1.14

A New Vision of the Adriatic Dense Water Future under Extreme Warming 

Clea Denamiel, Iva Vrdoljak, and Petra Pranić

We employ the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) fine-resolution atmosphere-ocean model, operating at the kilometer scale, to assess the effects of a far-future extreme warming scenario on the formation, transport, and accumulation of the Adriatic dense and deep water. It is well-established that North Adriatic Dense Water (NAddW) is spreading across the entire basin and accumulates within the Jabuka Pit, while Adriatic Deep Water (AdDW) is only located within the Southern Adriatic Pit (SAP). However, unlike earlier studies that relied on coarser-resolution Mediterranean climate models, our approach incorporates updated thresholds for defining dense and deep water, reflecting far-future background density shifts due to increased sea surface temperatures.

Our analysis reveals a 15% increase in surface buoyancy losses at NAddW generation sites under extreme warming, driven primarily by evaporation, despite a 25% decline in both the intensity and spatial extent of the winter windstorms responsible for the surface cooling. Consequently, far-future NAddW formation is projected to remain comparable to present-day conditions. However, heightened stratification in the far-future scenario is expected to reduce the volume of dense water retained in the Jabuka Pit. Furthermore, the transport of dense water between the Jabuka Pit and the SAP's deepest regions is likely to cease, as future NAddW will be less dense than the AdDW.

Regarding the exchanges between the Adriatic and Ionian Seas, we find that the Bimodal Oscillation System's influence on Adriatic salinity variability will persist under extreme warming. Nonetheless, future AdDW dynamics will primarily be driven by density changes in the northern Ionian Sea.

These findings underscore the intricate nature of climate change impacts on Adriatic atmosphere-ocean interactions and highlight the necessity of higher resolution models for producing more reliable far-future projections at the coastal scale.

How to cite: Denamiel, C., Vrdoljak, I., and Pranić, P.: A New Vision of the Adriatic Dense Water Future under Extreme Warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7835,, 2025.

EGU25-7841 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14

Contrasting deeper ocean responses around the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension in high and low-resolution coupled climate models 

Bo An, Yongqiang Yu, Helene Hewitt, Peili Wu, and Kalli Furtado

How much heat is pumped into the interior of the oceans directly affects projected future warmings of the atmosphere and surface climate, with both global and regional implications. Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension region (KOE) influences the local marine ecosystems and is part of the North Pacific decadal variation systems, it also tele-connects with the North American weather and is a key projection indicator for the marine heatwaves. For a more reliable understanding and future projection of the future climate and extreme events in the North Pacific, it is important to predict potential future spatial and temporal warming patterns in KOE more accurately. The future KOE warming pattern and warming mechanisms are analysed, with future scenario simulation by skillful high-resolution coupled model FGOALS-f3-H, compared with low-resolution model FGOALS-f3-L. Results show that high-resolution models simulate a future deep, strong warming reaching 600 m in the Kuroshio-Oyashio region, while the warming in low-resolution models is only above 300 m. Deep warming includes two spatial parts, one in the south of Kuroshio, which is contributed by heaving, and one in the north around Oyashio which is contributed by the northward movement of the subtropical gyre. The skill of high-resolution models to simulate future deep warming is co-contribute by the improvements in the ability to realistically capture the Kuroshio Extension current, with its meridional position, sharp front as well as large horizontal current speed, and mixed layer depth with mesoscale eddies effects.

How to cite: An, B., Yu, Y., Hewitt, H., Wu, P., and Furtado, K.: Contrasting deeper ocean responses around the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension in high and low-resolution coupled climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7841,, 2025.

EGU25-9412 | ECS | Orals | OS1.14

A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Global Ocean salinity in CMIP6 Historical simulations 

Yuxuan Lyu, Nathan Bindoff, Sandeep Mohanpatra, Saurabh Rathore, and Helen Phillips

A realistic representation of ocean salinity is essential for understanding large-scale ocean circulation, water mass transformation, and the global hydrological cycle. This study thoroughly assesses CMIP6 historical simulations by comparing ocean salinity outputs from climate models with EN4 datasets, investigating horizontal and vertical spatial patterns as well as temporal variability. Our analysis shows that while CMIP6 models display a strong spatial correlation with observations across multiple ocean basins, significant discrepancies arise in the temporal trends of salinity variations. Specifically, the models often hard to capture the magnitude and persistence of long-term salinity trends observed in the EN4 dataset. The evaluation also emphasizes vertical salinity profiles, where maximum and minimum salinity values serve as simplified indicators for structural assessment. To ensure consistent comparisons, model-simulated salinity extrema are standardized by aligning their values with the corresponding depths in the observational data. These results highlight both the strengths and limitations of CMIP6 models in representing key oceanographic features, such as the depth and magnitude of salinity extrema, mixed layer depth, and regional salinity gradients. By identifying areas of agreement and divergence between models and observations, this study provides valuable insights for improving the physical realism and predictive accuracy of historical climate simulations, ultimately guiding future model development.

How to cite: Lyu, Y., Bindoff, N., Mohanpatra, S., Rathore, S., and Phillips, H.: A Multi-Dimensional Evaluation of Global Ocean salinity in CMIP6 Historical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9412,, 2025.

Past trends in the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) are still debated, and its fate under global warming is uncertain. Observational studies suggest that there has been persistent weakening since the mid-twentieth century, whereas CMIP models systematically simulate a stable circulation. Here, using Earth System and eddy-permitting coupled ocean–sea-ice models, we show that a freshening of the subarctic Atlantic Ocean and weakening of the overturning circulation increase the temperature and salinity of the South Atlantic on a decadal timescale through the propagation of Kelvin and Rossby waves. Applying this finding to observations provides novel evidence on the recent AMOC slow-down. We also show that accounting for upper-end meltwater input in CMIP6 historical simulations significantly improves the data–model agreement on past changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, indicating the AMOC has weakened by 13% (9 to15%) under a 1ºC global warming, reached in 2017. Including estimates of subarctic meltwater input for the coming century suggests that this circulation could weaken by 33% under a 2ºC global warming, which can be attained over the coming decade, being twice the AMOC weakening projected by radiative forcing only (16%).

How to cite: Pontes, G. M. and Menviel, L.: Past and future of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation under radiative and meltwater forcings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9669,, 2025.

EGU25-12966 | Orals | OS1.14

Comparing projected regional sea-level change from CMIP5 against observations 

Víctor Malagón-Santos, Carolina Camargo, Jeemijn Scheen, Brendan Oerlemans, and Aimée Slangen

Projections of regional sea-level change based on CMIP simulations are essential for coastal management, adaptation, and mitigation of impacts, as they serve as the foundation for producing policy-relevant reports like those from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Although evaluating future estimates of sea-level change against observations is important for asserting confidence in projected values, this has only been done for global-mean sea-level change and multiple tide gauge locations. In this study, we evaluate projections of regional sea-level change for the entire range of satellite altimetry measurements. Projections can only be evaluated against observations when a significant length of data has been collected. For instance, the latest IPCC assessment report (AR6) provides projections from 2020, which leaves only five years of data for comparison with recent observations up to 2025. Therefore, we turn to the previous IPCC report (AR5), based on CMIP5, as this allows for a longer overlapping period (2007–2022). We evaluate the IPCC AR5 projections of total sea-level change and its two main components—mass changes due to melting land ice and sterodynamic changes—against satellite altimetry, gravity measurements, and ocean reanalysis products, respectively. Over short periods and on regional scales, the large internal climate variability in observed sea levels obscures the underlying trend, hindering model comparisons. To address this, we use three methods to reduce internal climate variability in the observations before comparing them to the projections: low-frequency component analysis, multivariate regression analysis, and self-organizing maps. Error metrics indicate that low-frequency component analysis performs best at reducing internal climate variability, and we proceed with this method. The projected and observed total sea-level trends agree well for the overlapping period: in 98% of the ocean area, satellite observations fall within one standard deviation of AR5 projections for the middle-of-the-road emissions scenario (RCP4.5). We find that, in general, the AR5 projections underestimate total and mass-driven sea-level change, while they overestimate the sterodynamic component. The largest discrepancies occur in regions with strong ocean currents, such as the Kuroshio Current and the Southern Ocean, where models appear to inadequately capture sea-level trends. Overall, our results provide confidence in future sea-level trends as estimated in AR5, particularly over longer time periods and broad regions.

How to cite: Malagón-Santos, V., Camargo, C., Scheen, J., Oerlemans, B., and Slangen, A.: Comparing projected regional sea-level change from CMIP5 against observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12966,, 2025.

EGU25-13527 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14

Exploring ocean stratification in CMIP6 models: biases and evolution in a warming world 

Ignasi Vallès Casanova, Raquel Somavilla, Alberto Naveira Garabato, Cesar González Pola, and Julio Fernández Diaz

In the context of global warming, understanding the effects of rising ocean surface temperatures on ocean stratification and mixing is essential. Recent research challenges the traditional notion of a linear relationship between surface warming and increased stratification, raising critical questions about the ocean's interior response to climate forcing and future climate change. 

This study addresses these questions by analyzing upper-ocean stratification using historical simulations and two different warming scenarios from a representative set of CMIP6 models. We characterize the ocean's vertical structure by applying the sharp homogenization/diffusive retreat (SHDR) algorithm to fit vertical density profiles with an analytical one-dimensional model. This approach integrates various stratification metrics, including mixed layer depth, pycnocline amplitude, and slope, providing a comprehensive representation of the upper ocean. 

Our analysis reveals critical gaps in the representation of ocean stratification in historical simulations, including an asymmetric bias in the main pycnocline slope between hemispheres. Building on these findings, we examine how stratification responds and evolves under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, addressing these discrepancies within the context of a warming climate. These insights contribute to our understanding of ocean stratification dynamics and their implications for future climate projections.

How to cite: Vallès Casanova, I., Somavilla, R., Naveira Garabato, A., González Pola, C., and Fernández Diaz, J.: Exploring ocean stratification in CMIP6 models: biases and evolution in a warming world, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13527,, 2025.

EGU25-13538 | Orals | OS1.14

Investigating climate-induced changes in shelf – open ocean exchange in the Atlantic using global ocean downscaling 

Anna Katavouta, Jason Holt, Yuri Artioli, and Lee de Mora

To address shortcomings of global climate models (CMIP6) and project the impacts of climate change in the Atlantic Ocean with focus on regional scales, we downscale globally a 4-member ensemble of future climate projections (2 emission scenarios and 2 global climate models) with a NEMO-ERSEM coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem ocean model. In our global ocean downscaling of climate projections, the resolution for the ocean is increased to ¼ of a degree and the river runoffs are represented more realistically in an attempt to better resolve the shelf break and the exchange of water between the shelf break and the deep ocean, as well as the influence of this exchange on both large and regional scales. Here, using the projections from our global ocean downscaling we investigate the cross shelf-open ocean volume, heat and salt transports along the Atlantic Ocean margins and how they may change in the near future (up to year 2070). We also present preliminary analysis for the role of changes in the large-scale circulation patterns versus changes in the regional water content/properties (e.g., heat and salt) on driving changes in the shelf-open ocean exchange, with a particular interest in the North Atlantic western boundary region and the Gulf Stream.

How to cite: Katavouta, A., Holt, J., Artioli, Y., and de Mora, L.: Investigating climate-induced changes in shelf – open ocean exchange in the Atlantic using global ocean downscaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13538,, 2025.

EGU25-13960 | ECS | Posters on site | OS1.14

The influence of freshwater input in the SOFIA simulations on the upper cell of the global MOC 

Johanna Wagner, Rowan Brown, and Alexander Haumann

Due to rising global air and sea temperatures, the Antarctic ice shelves and sheet is expected to melt more rapidly in the future, resulting in an increasing freshwater input into the Southern Ocean. The additional freshwater input could affect the MOC (Meridional Overturing Circulation), which extends over the oceans and distributes heat, carbon, and biogeochemical components globally. The majority of the global coupled climate models have fixed ice sheets, so the missing ice dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheet represent a key uncertainty in their future projections. In this study we investigate how additional freshwater input from the Antarctic ice sheet affects the upper cell of the global MOC.

For this purpose, we analyze output from the Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) initiative to investigate the change in the upper cell of the MOC. This analysis is carried out with regard to different freshwater inputs and different models based on the calculation of the stream function, intending to gain a better understanding of the changing of the upper cell MOC in response to Antarctic meltwater.


How to cite: Wagner, J., Brown, R., and Haumann, A.: The influence of freshwater input in the SOFIA simulations on the upper cell of the global MOC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13960,, 2025.

EGU25-14882 | Posters on site | OS1.14

Intensifying Heat Stresses in Marine Protected Areas 

Eun Byeol Cho, Eun Young Kwon, Axel Timmermann, Thomas Jung, Tido Semmler, Jan Hegewald, and Sun-Seon Lee

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are vital for preserving marine biodiversity and supporting sustainable resource management. However, the intensifying impacts of future temperature extremes, such as marine heatwaves (MHWs), pose significant risks to marine ecosystems. This study utilizes high-resolution climate projections under the SSP585 scenario (AWI-CM3) to examine 21st century changes in MHWs, defined as extreme deviations from the seasonally varying long-term temperature trend, within global MPAs, focusing on the surface to a depth of 300 meters. Our findings reveal that, while the frequency of MHWs is expected to decline, their intensity and duration are projected to increase, exacerbating accumulative impacts. On average, accumulative intensity is anticipated to rise by approximately 30 %, surpassing the global average increase of 25%. Notably, substantial increases are identified in mid- and high-latitude MPAs below the surface, while in the surface layer, such increases are observed in tropical MPAs. These results highlight the urgent need to understand how marine organisms and habitats will adapt to escalating heat stresses. Such insights are critical for ensuring the resilience and sustainability of marine ecosystems in the face of future climate challenges.

How to cite: Cho, E. B., Kwon, E. Y., Timmermann, A., Jung, T., Semmler, T., Hegewald, J., and Lee, S.-S.: Intensifying Heat Stresses in Marine Protected Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14882,, 2025.

EGU25-16442 | Orals | OS1.14

Historical Climate and Future Projection in the Arctic and North Atlantic: Insights from High-Resolution EC-Earth3 Simulations 

Mehdi Pasha Karami, Torben Koenigk, Shiyu Wang, Tim Kruschke, Aude Carreric, Pablo Ortega, Klaus Wyser, Ramon Fuentes Franco, René Navarro Labastida, Agatha de Boer, Marie Sicard, and Aitor Aldama Campino

Future climate projections in CMIP indicate that sea ice will continue to decline under all emission scenarios, although there is uncertainty regarding the timing of a summer ice-free Arctic. Additionally, while models agree that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) will weaken, they diverge on the rate of weakening and the underlying processes. Results from the HighResMIP initiative have highlighted the benefits of increased model resolution in improving the representation of key climate processes in the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

Building on this, we use the high-resolution global climate model EC-Earth3-HR, a higher-resolution version of the EC-Earth3 configuration developed for CMIP6, to investigate future changes in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. EC-Earth3-HR consists of the IFS atmospheric model (T511, ~40 km), the NEMO ocean model (0.25°), and the LIM3 sea ice model. The model has undergone a tuning process, a long spin-up, and 350 years of pre-industrial control simulations, followed by full historical (1850–2014) and future (2015–2100, SSP2-4.5) simulations.

We will highlight the impact of increased horizontal resolution, compared to the lower-resolution version, on simulating the historical climate, with a focus on ocean and sea ice conditions in the North Atlantic and Arctic and their projected changes under SSP2-4.5. Our results show that EC-Earth-HR effectively captures sea ice trend and rapid sea ice loss events, and projecting a summer ice-free Arctic by 2050. It also shows a 40% weakening of the AMOC by the end of the century. Furthermore, we present a novel method for estimating deep water formation rates and examining the processes contributing to the weakening of the AMOC.

How to cite: Karami, M. P., Koenigk, T., Wang, S., Kruschke, T., Carreric, A., Ortega, P., Wyser, K., Fuentes Franco, R., Navarro Labastida, R., de Boer, A., Sicard, M., and Aldama Campino, A.: Historical Climate and Future Projection in the Arctic and North Atlantic: Insights from High-Resolution EC-Earth3 Simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16442,, 2025.

EGU25-20518 | Posters on site | OS1.14

Dynamics of large changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation 

Bablu Sinha and Jeremy Grist

The possibility of large and potentially irreversible changes in the AMOC, with potentially significant impacts on global and regional climate, are currently being debated. Whilst many studies have been conducted investigating temperature and salinity changes associated with AMOC variability, feedbacks related to the in-situ density/pressure gradient have not thus far been studied in detail. We identify and examine large changes in the AMOC on timescales up to centennial in the CMIP6 multimodel climate model ensemble (preindustrial, historical, and future climate) and historical observations. Our specific focus is on constructing budgets of in-situ density at the continental boundaries in order to understand the mechanisms leading to permanent reduction of the transbasin zonal density/pressure gradient required to maintain the AMOC. We further investigate whether and how reduction in the AMOC impacts boundary densities, and whether positive feedback loops resulting in rapid change can occur.

How to cite: Sinha, B. and Grist, J.: Dynamics of large changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20518,, 2025.

EGU25-1048 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Winter dense water formation and marine cold spells in the Northwestern Mediterranean: Multi-scale dynamics and implications for dense shelf water cascading 

Helena Fos, Suso Peña-Izquierdo, Sergi Corral, Xavier Durrieu de Madron, Víctor Estella-Pérez, Cristian Florindo-Lopez, Maxime Lagarde, Josep Pascual, Laia Romero, Anna Sanchez-Vidal, and David Amblas

Dense Shelf Water (DSW) cascading in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea is an important winter phenomenon for the ventilation of deep-water ecosystems and modulation of the physical and chemical properties of deep waters. This study combines reanalysis data and recent observations to explore the drivers of DSW formation and cascading, across multiple spatial and temporal scales.

At the subsynoptic scale, in the Gulf of Lion area, the action of cold and dry northern winds, named Tramuntana, and freshwater inputs from rainfall, rivers, and continental runoff regulate the shelf water density. At the synoptic scale, persistent winds and the intrusion of cold air masses from continental Europe can induce Marine Cold Spells (MCS), which are extreme events marked by sustained periods of below-average sea surface temperatures. Notably, MCS occurring around mid-February, when shelf water reaches peak density, are closely linked to DSW formation.

On a larger scale, variability in the East Atlantic (EA) climate mode influences the frequency, persistence, and intensity of cold Tramuntana winds, connecting regional ocean-atmosphere interactions to broader climatic oscillations. Additionally, the combined negative phases of EA and North Atlantic Oscillation climate modes contribute to the formation of denser shelf water.

Amid recent trends of reduced Tramuntana wind intensity, rising shelf water temperatures, and a decline in MCS frequency, an analysis of all the factors contributing to DSW formation and cascading is key to understanding its future. These insights, in turn, will help to anticipate its impact on deep-water circulation and ventilation, biodiversity and functioning of the deep ecosystems.

How to cite: Fos, H., Peña-Izquierdo, S., Corral, S., Durrieu de Madron, X., Estella-Pérez, V., Florindo-Lopez, C., Lagarde, M., Pascual, J., Romero, L., Sanchez-Vidal, A., and Amblas, D.: Winter dense water formation and marine cold spells in the Northwestern Mediterranean: Multi-scale dynamics and implications for dense shelf water cascading, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1048,, 2025.

Extreme high temperatures occur frequently over the densely populated Yangtze River basin (YRB) in China during summer, significantly impacting the local economic development and ecological system. However, accurate prediction of extreme high-temperature days in this region remains a challenge. Unfortunately, the Climate Forecast System Version 2 (CFSv2) exhibits poor performance in this regard. Thus, based on the interannual increment approach, we develop a hybrid seasonal prediction model over the YRB (HMYRB) to improve the prediction of extreme high-temperature days in summer.The HMYRB relies on the following four predictors: the observed preceding April–May snowmelt in north western Europe; the snow depth in March over the central Siberian Plateau; the CFSv2-forecasted concurrent summer sea surface temperatures around the Maritime Continent; and the 200-hPa geopotential height over the Tibetan Plateau. The HMYRB indicates good capabilities in predicting the interannual variability and trend of extreme high-temperature days, with a markable correlation coefficient of 0.58 and a percentage of the same sign (PSS) of 76% during 1983–2015 in the one-year-out cross-validation. Additionally, the HMYRB maintains high PSS skill (86%) and robustness in the independent prediction period (2016–2022). Furthermore, the HMYRB shows a good performance for years with high occurrence of extreme high-temperature days, with a hit ratio of 40%. These predictors used in HMYRB are beneficial in terms of the prediction skill for the average daily maximum temperature in summer over the YRB, albeit with biases existing in the magnitude. Our study provides promising insights into the prediction of 2022-like hot extremes over the YRB in China.

How to cite: Pan, S.: Seasonal prediction of extreme high-temperature days over the Yangtze River basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1159,, 2025.

Numerous studies have highlighted the simultaneous relationship between the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and weather/climate in Asia. However, the stability of the precursor signals in AO for Asian surface air temperature (SAT), which is important for short-term climate prediction, has received little attention. In this study, a strengthened relationship is identified between the late-winter AO and the early-spring SAT over North and Northeast Asia (NNA) around the 1990s. During 1990–2022, a positive (negative) phase of AO during late winter is generally followed by significant warming (cooling) anomalies in the NNA during early spring, whereas this relationship is insignificant during 1961–1987. Further result shows a good persistence of the late-winter AO to early spring after the 1990s. Accordingly, the AO exerts a strengthened impact on Mongolian anticyclone and Asian westerly anomalies through modulation of a Rossby wave train that propagates from the Arctic to the NNA in early spring, leading to significant SAT anomalies at NNA. Additionally, the AO-related temperature anomalies intensified in the stratosphere after the 1990s, linking AO and stratosphere polar vortex (SPV). The intensified (weakened) SPV following positive (negative) AO facilitates warming (cooling) anomalies at NNA via downward-propagating Eliassen-Palm fluxes at wave number 1 and circumpolar westerlies in middle and lower troposphere. The seasonal persistence of AO and the strengthened relationship between AO and SPV synergistically enhance the influence of late-winter AO on early-spring SAT in the NNA, which might be attributed to the interdecadal changes in background circulation over the Arctic.

How to cite: Han, T. and Zhou, X.: Enhanced Influence of Late-winter Arctic Oscillation on Early-spring Temperature in North and Northeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1243,, 2025.

Subseasonal reversal of warm Arctic–cold Eurasia (SR‐WACE) pattern has significant impacts on transitions of weather and climate extremes in Eurasia. This study explored the performances of climate models to simulate the main features of SR‐WACE. For real‐time predictions, most of the state‐of‐the‐art climate models showed limited ability to accurately forecast SR‐WACE in advance. Furthermore, most of the historical simulations from Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) hadalso difficulties in well simulating the SR‐WACE. Further exploration showed that the simultaneous reversal of the Ural blocking high (UB) and Siberian high (SH) is the key atmospheric driver of the SR‐WACE occurrences, which were verified by both of the real‐time predictions and historical simulations. Our results implied that the simulation of SR‐WACE was a huge challenge and the critical solutions included improving simulation of subseasonal reversals of UB and SH in the atmosphere.

How to cite: Xu, T.:  Identification of Shortcomings in Simulating the Subseasonal Reversal of the Warm Arctic–Cold Eurasia Pattern, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1496,, 2025.

The Arctic climate is changing rapidly, along with intensified melting of sea ice, which has significant impacts on surface air temperature (SAT) in Eurasia. This study reveals that the subseasonal response of SAT to the autumn Kara–Laptev Sea ice (KLSIC) differs significantly between early and late winter. The response of SAT to KLSIC forms a warm Arctic–cold Eurasia pattern in early winter. Conversely, the negative anomaly response of SAT to KLSIC in late winter is only distributed in the band range of Eurasia, without significant positive SAT anomaly over the Arctic Ocean. After further examination of the separate physical mechanisms involved in early and late winter, it is found that a decrease in KLSIC in autumn can lead to a strengthened Ural high and Siberian high in the Arctic–Eurasia region, which is conducive to cold events in the mid-latitudes of Eurasia in early winter. For late winter, a westward shift in the response of atmospheric circulation to KLSIC leads to a negative anomaly feedback of North Sea surface temperature, which triggers the propagation of Rossby waves to the Sea of Japan through the wave activity flux. Meanwhile, the deep trough of East Asia is strengthened and extends to the southeast, guiding northern cold air to the western Pacific. Our results highlight that different subseasonal effects of sea ice should be considered in Eurasian climate prediction, rather than only consider the effects in winter mean.

How to cite: Guo, H.: Different responses of surface air temperature over Eurasia in early and late winter to the autumn Kara–Laptev Sea ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1497,, 2025.

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and North Atlantic tripole sea surface temperature (SST_tri) are important modes in the atmosphere and ocean over the North Atlantic, respectively. The link between the two is well-known. However, this link decreased significantly in 1980–2001 (P2), compared to 1959-1979 (P1) and 2002-2022 (P3). This is related to the significant interdecadal shift of the NAO south center. In late winter, the NAO south center experienced a significant "west-east-west" interdecadal shift, shifting eastward by up to 20° longitude during P2. The eastward shift of the NAO forced the region of strong air-sea interactions to shift, resulting in the collapse of NAO-related SST_tri during P2. In addition, the winter SAT reversal frequency in the mid-latitudes of Eurasia also experienced interdecadal changes. SAT reversal events in P1 and P3 are twice as frequent as those in P2, which is related to the interdecadal westward shift of the NAO south center in P1 and P3. When the NAO south center was westward in late winter, the North Atlantic jet stream retreated significantly from the early winter. The development of the Ural blocking caused the accumulation of cold air in Siberia, causing the reverse change of the Siberian High compared to the early winter, resulting in a SAT reversal in the mid-latitude of Eurasia.

How to cite: Song, X.: Interdecadal Shift of the NAO South Center in Late Winter and Its Climatic Impact, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1611,, 2025.

EGU25-1727 | Posters on site | CL2.6

Quantifying the influence of Barents-Kara Sea ice loss on Ural blocking 

Ernest Agyemang-Oko and Marlene Kretschmer

Arctic amplification has been linked to significant changes in mid-latitude weather patterns, including the increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Understanding the mechanisms behind these connections remains a critical challenge in climate science, particularly as the Arctic climate experiences rapid changes. This project investigates the causal pathways linking Arctic amplification to mid-latitude dynamics, with a specific focus on the two-way interactions between Barents-Kara Sea ice loss and winter blocking in the Ural Mountains region, and their link to cold extremes in Eurasia. For this we compute two types of blocking diagnostics (one anomaly based index, and one reversal index) and quantify their changes over time in association with sea ice loss in the Barents and Kara region. Given the limited sample size of the observational record and the large internal climate variability, we not only use reanalysis data but also large-ensemble climate model simulations. Moreover, to address these complex interactions in the presence of potential confounding factors such as ENSO, the project employs causal inference theory within a causal network framework. By disentangling and quantifying sea ice-blocking interactions, the study aims to elucidate critical knowledge gaps in understanding Arctic-midlatitude linkages and to enhance the predictability of future extreme weather events under a warming climate.

How to cite: Agyemang-Oko, E. and Kretschmer, M.: Quantifying the influence of Barents-Kara Sea ice loss on Ural blocking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1727,, 2025.

EGU25-2087 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Causal Pathways connecting Indian summer monsoon to the Arctic sea ice decline 

Sujata kulkarni, Ankit Agarwal, and Marlene Kretschmer

The Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) is one of the most energetic components of the Earth system observed during the boreal summer. As a crucial freshwater source and a lifeline for billions, the ISM has been extensively studied to understand its variability and improve its predictability. However, accurately predicting the ISM remains challenging due to the shifting dynamics of established drivers and the increased influence of emerging teleconnection patterns. In recent years, the Arctic region, a hotspot of climate change, has emerged as a driver of global climate, with its influence hypothesized to extend from the mid-latitudes to the tropics. The strength of the large-scale ISM circulation has been found to influence summer Arctic sea ice through the monsoon-desert mechanism. Understanding and quantifying the two-way interactions between Arctic and ISM systems is crucial, as these teleconnections may help improve the predictions of extreme weather events and seasonal forecasts. Although a few studies have focused on quantifying the association between Arctic sea ice and the Indian Summer Monsoon, the causal mechanisms are yet to be fully explored. Traditional statistical methods for analyzing climate variability have primarily relied on correlations and composite analysis, which have several limitations. This study quantifies the Arctic-ISM teleconnections using a causal inference approach. This technique allows us to evaluate the importance and magnitude of tropical and extratropical drivers of ISM circulation and seasonal variability while controlling for confounding mechanisms. Furthermore, we examine the role of state dependencies, such as the phase of ENSO in modulating the strength of these causal pathways.

How to cite: kulkarni, S., Agarwal, A., and Kretschmer, M.: Causal Pathways connecting Indian summer monsoon to the Arctic sea ice decline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2087,, 2025.

EGU25-2627 | Posters on site | CL2.6

High-Quality Observation Data from the Ieodo Ocean Research Station: Management and Global Accessibility 

Kwang-Young Jeong, Gwang-Ho Seo, Hyun-Sik Ham, YoungKyung Kim, Jinyong Jeong, and Yongchim Min

The Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS), located southwest of Jeju Island, South Korea, is a remote offshore structure that has been monitoring  15 ocean and atmospheric parameters since 2003. Key parameters, including water temperature, salinity, air temperature, wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure, are measured at 10-minute intervals. These data are subjected to stringent quality control processes to ensure scientific validity and precision. The quality control process follows OOI (Ocean Observatories Initiative) protocols, employing automated checks such as physical limit verification, variability (standard deviation) analysis, spike detection, and constant value checks. These checks assign initial flags to identify potential anomalies. To further enhance data reliability, manual inspections are conducted, reviewing oceanographic conditions and maintenance reports of facilities and equipment. Flags are adjusted accordingly to refine the data's accuracy. The quality-controlled datasets, accompanied by metadata, are registered on international platforms such as OceanSITES and SEANOE. These platforms provide free access to the global scientific community, supporting diverse research areas such as oceanography, climate change studies, and atmospheric sciences. The Ieodo station's high-quality data contribute significantly to advancing scientific understanding of oceanic and atmospheric phenomena and fostering collaboration within international observation networks.

How to cite: Jeong, K.-Y., Seo, G.-H., Ham, H.-S., Kim, Y., Jeong, J., and Min, Y.: High-Quality Observation Data from the Ieodo Ocean Research Station: Management and Global Accessibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2627,, 2025.

More than twenty years of air-sea flux observations have been collected at both the WHOTS and Stratus Ocean Reference Stations (ORS).  Both are in trade wind regions, but WHOTS, just north of Oahu, Hawaii is rich in synoptic weather variability including storms, fronts, and cyclones, while Stratus, 1,500 km west of northern Chile and 1,900 km west of the Andes, has little synoptic weather variability.  Time series of surface meteorology at each site are used to prepare time series of the air-sea fluxes of heat, freshwater, and momentum.  Mean daily and annual cycles and the 365-day running mean low-passed times at each site are described and contrasted.  The low-passed time series quantify the interannual variability at the two sites.  After subtracting the long-term mean annual cycle from daily time series to create time series of anomalous interannual variability, the goal is to understand surface forcing contributes to periods of ocean warming and to periods of ocean cooling and to contrast the WHOTS regime's surface forcing by synoptic weather events with the Stratus regime's surface forcing absent synoptic weather variability.  Because one approach to extending this to look over the regions around the ORS might be to use atmospheric reanalyses to provide gridded surface forcing, model time series are extracted at the ORS sites and analyzed in a similar way.  Of interest is whether or not the ERA5, MERRA2, and NCEP2 reanalyses have realistic long-term means, daily and annual cycles, and interannual variability when compared to the ORS observations.

How to cite: Weller, R.: Contrasting how the ocean is forced by the atmosphere at the WHOTS and the Stratus Ocean Reference Stations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2939,, 2025.

EGU25-3126 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Ocean gyres and surface buoyancy forcing 

Dhruv Bhagtani, Andy Hogg, Ryan Holmes, and Navid Constantinou

Large-scale ocean circulation modulates weather and climate patterns by distributing heat, nutrients, and carbon dioxide within and across ocean basins. The large-scale circulation is driven by processes at the ocean's surface (such as wind stress and heat/freshwater fluxes) and steered by processes in the ocean's interior (such as mesoscale eddies and flow-topography interactions).

Ocean gyres are generally thought to be driven by wind stress at the ocean's surface, however recent results have suggested that surface buoyancy fluxes may also contribute to, or at least modulate, the strength of the gyres. In this work, we present results from a series of ocean model simulations in which we independently estimate the effects of wind stress and surface buoyancy fluxes on gyre transport. We find that surface buoyancy fluxes control the near-surface density gradients, which in turn affect the gyre circulation. The relationship between surface heat flux gradients and the gyre circulation is linear for timescales shorter than a decade, after which the relationship becomes non-linear due to density advection by the circulation. The relative importance of wind and buoyancy forcing is different for subtropical and subpolar gyres, with the subpolar region exhibiting a more complex range of flow-topography interactions and stratification feedbacks.

Our work emphasizes the under-appreciated role of surface buoyancy fluxes in steering the circulation of large-scale oceanic gyres, with implications for how these gyres, and thus regional climate, may change in the future.

How to cite: Bhagtani, D., Hogg, A., Holmes, R., and Constantinou, N.: Ocean gyres and surface buoyancy forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3126,, 2025.

The connection between the tropical and Arctic climates exerts an important impact on the climate in Northern Hemisphere. This study finds that the connection between sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) of the central tropical Pacific and semi-circumpolar jet have enhanced during summer after mid-1980s. Our results indicate that the internal variability of Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) has a major influence on the enhanced connection, while the anthropogenic greenhouse gases forcing and aerosol forcing play minor roles. During the period of positive AMO phase, the warm SSTA of central tropical Pacific elicit an enhanced anomalous cyclone in northwestern Pacific, which is favorable for reinforced poleward Rossby waves and enhanced polar vortex. The intensification of the polar vortex enhances the meridional pressure gradient, which amplifies the intensity of semi-circumpolar jet. Furthermore, the anthropogenic forcing amplifies the response of tropical lower tropospheric moisture anomalies induced by the SSTA in the tropical Pacific. These moisture anomalies generate a positive feedback loop of downward latent heat, which further intensifies the SSTA over tropical Pacific and consequently reinforces the response of the semi-circumpolar jet. The findings in this study demonstrate significant changes in Arctic-tropical connection of climates due to combined effect of internal variability and external forcings.

How to cite: Li, W. and Sun, B.: Enhanced impact of tropical Pacific on semi-circumpolar jet attributed to internal variability and anthropogenic forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4659,, 2025.

EGU25-4665 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Characteristics and mechanism analysis of dipole precipitation in Northeast China 

Xin Ya Shu and Shan Shan Wang

This study examines the interannual variability of the summer precipitation dipole pattern over northern eastern China, utilizing precipitation data and atmospheric reanalysis data from 1961 to 2020, along with an analysis of its underlying influencing mechanisms. Results indicate that the second mode of empirical orthogonal function (EOF2) mode of summer (June–August) precipitation in Northeast China presents a dipole pattern with opposite trends in the north and south, and its time series (PC2) demonstrates signifcant interannual variations. The South-North dipole pattern in summer precipitation over Northeast China are signifcantly correlated with the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature, Arctic sea ice, and Eurasian snow cover in the preceding spring (March–May) on an interannual scale. In the preceding spring, the increase in sea surface temperatures in the eastern equatorial Pacific, coupled with a decrease in temperatures in the western equatorial Pacific, stimulated the East Asia-Pacific and Eurasian teleconnections by weakening the Walker circulation near the equator. This alteration positioned a cyclonic center over Northeast China, subsequently influencing the dipole pattern of precipitation in the region. Furthermore, the anomalies in European snow cover and Arctic sea ice can lead to an increase in albedo and a decrease in upward heat flux, causing the lower atmospheric temperature to drop and persist into the summer. This causes the atmospheric Rossby wave to propagate eastward in the middle and high latitudes, promoting precipitation in the northeast through the occurrence of negative potential height anomalies over the Far East.  These conditions influence the anomalies in the atmospheric circulation over the Eurasian continent, regulate moisture transport and vertical motion, and collectively contribute to the dipole pattern of summer precipitation in Northeast China over the past 60 years, with opposite trends in the north and south.

How to cite: Shu, X. Y. and Wang, S. S.: Characteristics and mechanism analysis of dipole precipitation in Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4665,, 2025.

EGU25-6053 | Posters on site | CL2.6

Coupling Atmospheric Dynamics and Ocean with Winds from Satellites 

Stavroula Biri and Ad Stoffelen

An accurate description of air-sea interaction in atmospheric, ocean and coupled models remains problematic due to unresolved processes in atmospheric models. Systematic differences in winds occur (amongst others) due to undetermined geophysical dependencies. Systematic model errors in ocean winds found on large scale and atmospheric mesoscale propagate to the ocean circulation when used to force ocean models and affect coupled earth system dynamics. 
Geolocated scatterometer-based corrections of wind forcing products already successfully correct for local wind vector biases, but this correction method is highly dependent on sampling. The growing virtual scatterometer constellation is very promising to better capture the detailed forcing errors over the day.  Biases of the order of 0.5m/s in wind speed can introduce a large bias in wind stress, causing significant errors in ocean–atmosphere coupling and climate prediction.
Our focus is on unresolved processes in atmospheric Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models, namely systematic errors in boundary layer parameterizations such as lack of ocean currents and/or other biases that persist over time. An improved representation of surface turbulent fluxes relies on better estimates of: the roughness length, the stability function, the sea skin temperature, ocean currents and convective gustiness. 
The goal is to apply model bias reduction schemes with respect to scatterometer winds. Consistent scatterometer corrections will lead to an improved understanding of the coupled atmospheric and oceanic model dynamical processes in the evolving earth system. In addition, corrected model winds reduce errors in ocean forcing and will be helpful in scatterometer data assimilation.

How to cite: Biri, S. and Stoffelen, A.: Coupling Atmospheric Dynamics and Ocean with Winds from Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6053,, 2025.

EGU25-6884 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

Incomplete Arctic sea-ice Recovery under CO2 Removal and its Effects on the Winter Atmospheric Circulation 

Hao Yu, James Screen, Mian Xu, Stephanie Hay, Weiteng Qiu, and Jennifer Catto
This study explores the response of Arctic sea ice to CO2 removal and its subsequent effects on the winter Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation. Using multimodel ensembles from the Carbon Dioxide Removal Model Intercomparison Project, we find that most models display incomplete Arctic sea-ice recovery when CO2 is stabilized back at preindustrial levels, with a deficit of sea-ice area of around 1 million km². This sea-ice deficit is associated with residual equatorward-shifted wintertime midlatitude jets. Sea-ice perturbation experiments from the Polar Amplification MIP provide evidence of a causal influence of residual sea-ice loss on the atmospheric circulation. Model uncertainty in the magnitude of the residual North Atlantic jet shift can be largely explained by the relative magnitudes of residual Arctic and tropical warming across the models. These findings suggest that Arctic sea-ice loss is not fully reversible after CDR, which leads to residual changes in the mid-latitude atmospheric circulation.

How to cite: Yu, H., Screen, J., Xu, M., Hay, S., Qiu, W., and Catto, J.: Incomplete Arctic sea-ice Recovery under CO2 Removal and its Effects on the Winter Atmospheric Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6884,, 2025.

EGU25-7623 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

Spatial Distribution of 40-Day Period Deep Currents in the Ulleung Interplain Gap 

Gyeong-woo Go and Jae-Hyoung Park

The variability of deep currents flowing into the Ulleung Basin through the Ulleung Interplain Gap, located between Ulleungdo and Dokdo, is critical for understanding the meridional circulation of the East Sea and the changes in the deep waters of the Ulleung Basin. The deep currents in this region exhibit asymmetry due to the influence of the Dokdo Abyssal Current and are known to show variations with periods of 5–40 days, attributed to topographic Rossby waves. However, studies on the spatial distribution and causes of the 40-day period variability within the Ulleung Interplain Gap remain unknown. This study aims to address this gap. Deep currents were observed using five mooring lines (U1, U2, U3 or EC1, U4, U5) deployed across the Ulleung Interplain Gap from 2002 to 2004. In the upper layer (200 m), an increase in the 40-day period current variability was observed at U3 between October 2003 and March 2004. In the deep layer (from 1000 m to 2240 m), enhanced 40-day period variability of current occurred during the winter seasons (January–April 2003 and December 2003–March 2004) at four stations (U2, U3, U4, and U5), excluding U1. The first major fluctuation was observed at U3 and U5, while the second was observed at U2 and U4, showing increased amplitudes. This suggests that the cyclonic/anti-cyclonic deep currents within the Ulleung Interplain Gap are associated with changes in their radius or location. Furthermore, these cyclonic/anti-cyclonic deep currents exhibit characteristics distinct from the patterns reported in previous studies, which described deep currents flowing along the continental slope around the Ulleung Basin. This study aims to define the 40-day period deep current patterns and identify their causes by analyzing their relationship with variability in the upper layers.

How to cite: Go, G. and Park, J.-H.: Spatial Distribution of 40-Day Period Deep Currents in the Ulleung Interplain Gap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7623,, 2025.

EGU25-7786 | Posters on site | CL2.6

Unexpected abrupt cooling in bottom water driven by Typhoon Kong-Rey (2018) in the East China Sea 

Jaeik Lee, Seung-Woo Lee, Jongmin Jeong, Jin-Yong Jeong, and Chanhyung Jeon

Typhoon interacts with the ocean by inducing vertical mixing, which alters the ocean’s internal temperature structure. Typically, after a typhoon passes, the surface water temperature decreases while the bottom water temperature increases due to this mixing. However, observations at 5, 20, 40 meter depths at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS) during Typhoon Kong-Rey (2018) revealed an unexpected abrupt cooling of the bottom water, different from the usual pattern. On October 6, 2018, at 00:00, Typhoon Kong-Rey (2018) passed ~86 km from I-ORS, causing the sharp decrease in bottom water temperature from 24.8℃ to 12.2℃, contrary to the typical warming observed in bottom waters. To explain this anomalous cooling, we analyzed temperature and current data from HYCOM. The HYCOM simulations indicated that the abrupt cooling of bottom water was driven by the southward movement of a subsurface cold water mass located north of I-ORS. The southward movement of the subsurface cold water mass can be partially attributed to Ekman currents and the southeastward tidal residual current. Our study provides a valuable example of short-term, anomalous bottom water temperature changes induced by a typhoon. It emphasizes the diverse oceanic responses to typhoons on the continental shelf of the East China Sea, underlining the complexity of typhoon-ocean interactions.

How to cite: Lee, J., Lee, S.-W., Jeong, J., Jeong, J.-Y., and Jeon, C.: Unexpected abrupt cooling in bottom water driven by Typhoon Kong-Rey (2018) in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7786,, 2025.

EGU25-7831 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

A multi-layer perceptron approach for missing data imputation in ocean research stations 

Nam-Hoon Kim, Sung-Hwan Park, Jin-Yong Jeong, Jin-Yong Choi, Yongchim Min, and Ki-Young Heo

Missing data in Korea Ocean Research Stations (KORS) poses significant challenges for accurate oceanographic modeling and analysis. Such data gaps frequently occur during summer typhoon seasons, often spanning extended periods due to severe weather conditions. This study introduces a multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP-NN) for missing data imputation, using reanalysis data as inputs. Reanalysis data are utilized as reference data to provide context on potential ocean events during missing periods. The model is trained and validated on periods with available observations, learning to utilize reanalysis data as supplementary inputs while aligning with observational patterns. The trained network is then applied to missing periods, utilizing reanalysis data to impute gaps. The test results show that the proposed model performs exceptionally well in filling long-term data gaps, demonstrating its robustness and reliability. Notably, the predicted water temperature exhibits high accuracy in reproducing abrupt drops and subsequent recoveries, which are often observed during typhoon periods. By utilizing reanalysis data for gap imputation, the method achieves high accuracy in reconstructing missing values, significantly enhancing the completeness and utility of datasets from ocean research stations for scientific and operational purposes.

How to cite: Kim, N.-H., Park, S.-H., Jeong, J.-Y., Choi, J.-Y., Min, Y., and Heo, K.-Y.: A multi-layer perceptron approach for missing data imputation in ocean research stations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7831,, 2025.

EGU25-7901 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

Depth-dependent ocean warming and marine heatwaves through two decades at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea 

Seung-Woo Lee, Go-Un Kim, Yongchim Min, Hyoeun Oh, Jongmin Jeong, Jaeik Lee, Su-Chan Lee, Juhee Ok, In-Ki Min, and Jin-Yong Jeong

Recently, substantial effort has been made to understand the fundamental characteristics of warm ocean temperature trend (ocean warming) and extremes (marine heatwaves, MHWs). However, most research focused on surface signatures of these events, relying on satellite and reanalysis data. While surface ocean warming and MHWs can have dramatic impacts on climate change and marine ecosystems, these events along the seafloor can also significantly affect climate and ecosystems. Monitoring these changes requires long-term, fixed-point observations across multiple depth layers. In this study, we investigate long-term temperature trends and MHW characteristics by analyzing 20 years (2004–2023) of temperature data at three depths—surface (3 m), middle (20 m), and bottom (38 m)—collected at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the northern East China Sea near the Korean coast. We find that the air temperature increased by 0.70°C per decade. Correspondingly, ocean warming trends were 0.64°C/decade at the surface, 0.66°C/decade in the middle layer, and 0.88°C/decade at the bottom, with the greatest warming observed in the bottom layer. As MHW frequency and intensity increased across all three layers, bottom MHWs (BMHWs) were found to be more intense and persistent than surface MHWs (SMHWs). While BMHWs, middle MHWs, and SMHWs often co-occur, BMHWs can also exist independently of SMHWs. This study provides direct evidence of distinct warming trends and MHW characteristics across ocean layers based on long-term in situ observations, contributing a valuable dataset for understanding climate-driven changes in the marine environment and supporting efforts to predict and mitigate their ecological and environmental consequences.

How to cite: Lee, S.-W., Kim, G.-U., Min, Y., Oh, H., Jeong, J., Lee, J., Lee, S.-C., Ok, J., Min, I.-K., and Jeong, J.-Y.: Depth-dependent ocean warming and marine heatwaves through two decades at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7901,, 2025.

EGU25-8543 | Orals | CL2.6

Ocean Boundary Pressures as an efficient means to measure the global ocean circulation. 

Chris Hughes, Saranraj Gururaj, and Rory Bingham

Most ocean observables are dominated by local variability, leading to the requirement of a dense observing array to calculate the integrated effects which are of broader scale relevance. Ocean bottom pressure (OBP), recently adopted as an Essential Ocean Variable, is an exception which shows coherent variations over extremely large length scales. In particular, we show that a model with realistic mesoscale variability demonstrates coherent OBP variability along the global continental slope with characteristic length scales of tens of thousands of kilometres. We show how these signals permit monitoring of the Meridional Overturning Circulation, and provide insights into the sources of that variability. We also show how boundary pressure measurements allow the global circulation of a realistic model to be understood in terms of classical idealised models, how they measure the integrated flow in boundary currents, and how they relate to global-scale dynamical sea level differences. Furthermore, we demonstrate an observational method that permits the clear separation of dynamical OBP changes from seismic changes and vertical land movement. We make the case that a small number of Eulerian observations could provide a disproportionately large amount of information about the global ocean circulation.

How to cite: Hughes, C., Gururaj, S., and Bingham, R.: Ocean Boundary Pressures as an efficient means to measure the global ocean circulation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8543,, 2025.

Subseasonal reversals of extreme cold days (ECDs) over Northeast China during the winters of 1980-2022 are investigated in this study. Almost half of the years (18 of the 43) experienced subseasonal reversals between early winter (December 1 to January 15) and late winter (January 16 to February 28), characterized by either "more-to-fewer ECDs (ECD+−)" or "fewer-to-more ECDs (ECD−+)." Subseasonal shifts of the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Scandinavian-like pattern, and the stratospheric polar vortex are associated with ECD+−/−+ years. Previous autumn sea surface temperature anomalies and Siberian snow cover anomalies can excite significant atmospheric circulation anomalies or Rossby wave trains that contribute to the subseasonal reversal of ECDs. Statistical forecast models based on physical mechanisms skillfully predict the early/late winter ECD index, with temporal correlation coefficient skill of 0.74/0.46 during the cross-validation period of 1980-2002 and 0.54/0.54 during the independent hindcast period of 2003-2022; moreover, extreme values of the ECD index are also reasonably predicted. The findings of this study offer new insights regarding the mechanism and prediction of subseasonal ECDs over Northeast China.

How to cite: huang, Z.: Subseasonal Reversal of Extreme Cold Temperature Frequencies in Northeast China: Possible Mechanism and Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8746,, 2025.

EGU25-8797 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

Reconstructing the long-term time series of ocean acidification data in the Gulf of Trieste: the importance of metadata for data harmonisation and standardisation 

Nydia Catalina Reyes Suarez, Marina Lipizer, Alessandro Altenburger, Elena Partescano, Sebastian Plehan, Alexia Cociancich, Andrea Corbo, Fabio Brunetti, and Alessandra Giorgetti

The ocean helps in mitigating climate change by absorbing a large part of the excess heat and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) produced by human activities. A decrease in surface ocean pH, known as ocean acidification, is a consequence of an increase in ocean uptake of CO2 concentrations which presents a significant challenge to various marine organisms, particularly those that rely on calcium for their structures (Metzl et al., 2024; Petton et al., 2024).  More than ever, consistent long-term observations of acidification and carbon cycling variables such as pH, temperature, salinity and CO2 are crucial to provide a quantitative assessment of the vulnerability of an area under climate and anthropogenic stressors. However, up to now, there are only a limited number of coastal observation sites where these parameters are measured simultaneously and at high frequency.

In the framework of the ITINERIS project, financed by NextGenerationEU Programme (2022-2025), data on ocean acidification and carbon cycling parameters acquired by the meteo-oceanographic buoy MAMBO-1 (Monitoraggio AMBientale Operativo) were harmonized and standardized in order to obtain a consistent, up-to-date and FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) continuous time series (1999-2024). The MAMBO-1 buoy was the first meteorological-maritime coastal station to be installed in the northern Adriatic sea capable of recording meteorological and oceanographic parameters in near-real time (Partescano et al., 2014). The buoy is anchored at about 17 m in the seabed within the border of the Miramare Marine Protected Area in the Gulf of Trieste (45.6976667 °N and 13.7083333 °E) and has been operative since January 1999 (M. Lipizer et al., 2017). Over the years, the configuration and instrumentation of the site have changed several times, so it is difficult to obtain a continuous long-term time series from a data management perspective.

The importance of the availability of the long-term time series justifies the reconstruction effort for future studies aimed at obtaining a clearer picture of ocean acidification and carbon cycle processes in the northern Adriatic Sea.


Lipizer, M., Iungwirth, R., Arena, F., Brunetti, F., Bubbi, A., Comici, C., Deponte, D., Kuchler, S., Laterza, R., Mansutti, P., Medeot, N., Nair, R. (2017). Sistema di Monitoraggio AMBientale Operativo Boa MAMBO-1: revisione protocolli di acquisizione dati e registro tarature.

Metzl, N., Lo Monaco, C., Leseurre, C., Ridame, C., Reverdin, G., Chau, T. T. T., Chevallier, F., & Gehlen, M. (2024). Anthropogenic CO 2 , air–sea CO 2 fluxes, and acidification in the Southern Ocean: Results from a time-series analysis at station OISO-KERFIX (51° S–68° E). Ocean Science, 20(3), 725–758.

Partescano, E., Giorgetti, A., Fanara, C., Crise, A., Oggioni, A., Brosich, A., & Carrara, P. (2014). A (Near) Real-time Validation and Standardization System Tested for MAMBO1 Meteo-marine Fixed Station.

Petton, S., Pernet, F., Le Roy, V., Huber, M., Martin, S., Macé, É., Bozec, Y., Loisel, S., Rimmelin-Maury, P., Grossteffan, É., Repecaud, M., Quemener, L., Retho, M., Manach, S., Papin, M., Pineau, P., Lacoue-Labarthe, T., Deborde, J., Costes, L., … Gazeau, F. (2024). French coastal network for carbonate system monitoring: The CocoriCO2 dataset. Earth System Science Data, 16(4), 1667–1688.

How to cite: Reyes Suarez, N. C., Lipizer, M., Altenburger, A., Partescano, E., Plehan, S., Cociancich, A., Corbo, A., Brunetti, F., and Giorgetti, A.: Reconstructing the long-term time series of ocean acidification data in the Gulf of Trieste: the importance of metadata for data harmonisation and standardisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8797,, 2025.

EGU25-9037 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6 | Highlight

Decades of Change: Warming Trends and Variability of Atlantic Water as observed in the West Spitsbergen Current (1997–2024) 

Rebecca McPherson, Wilken von Appen, Laura de Steur, Torsten Kanzow, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, and Angelika Renner

Fram Strait, located between Svalbard and Greenland, serves as a crucial gateway connecting the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic, facilitating the exchange of heat and freshwater between these regions. Warm and saline Atlantic Water (AW) is carried northwards by the West Spitsbergen Current (WSC), and constitutes the main source of oceanic heat and salt entering the Arctic Ocean. Variations in the AW inflow strongly influence both Arctic ocean and sea ice conditions. An array of moorings has been monitoring the year-round inflow of AW in the WSC, providing hydrographic and current data from 1997 – 2024. A robust, long-term AW warming trend of 0.20°C/decade is identified, leading to a total increase of 0.54°C over the 27-year record. Distinct multi-annual warm and cold anomalies are identified, lasting ~2 years, with two warm periods (2005–2007 and 2015–2017) and two cold periods (1997–1999 and 2019–2024), linked to distinct shifts in the AW temperature regime. Notably, the most recent cold anomaly persisted for over five years—more than twice the duration of previous events. The interannual variability in AW temperatures results from a combination of advection from upstream in the Nordic Seas and local atmospheric forcing. Temperature anomalies propagate northward into the Arctic Ocean along the AW inflow pathway to the north of Svalbard, with a 2-month lag relative to Fram Strait, thus the expected continued rise in AW temperatures and associated heat transport will have profound and lasting impacts on the future state of the Arctic Ocean.

How to cite: McPherson, R., von Appen, W., de Steur, L., Kanzow, T., Beszczynska-Möller, A., and Renner, A.: Decades of Change: Warming Trends and Variability of Atlantic Water as observed in the West Spitsbergen Current (1997–2024), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9037,, 2025.

EGU25-9985 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

A merged Machine Learning model for seasonal climate prediction in China 

Danwei Qian

Improving the current level of skill in seasonal climate prediction is urgent for achieving sustainable socioeconomic development, and this is especially true in China where meteorological disasters are experienced frequently. In this study, based upon big climate data and traditional statistical prediction experiences, a merged machine learning model (Y-model) was developed to address this, as well as to further explore unknown potential predictors. In Y-model, empirical orthogonal function analysis was firstly applied to reduce the data dimensionality of the target predictand (temperature and precipitation in the four seasons over China). Image recognition techniques were used to automatically identify possible predictors from the big climate data. These predictors, associated with significant circulation anomalies, were recombined into a large ensemble according to different threshold settings for five factors determining the statistical forecast skill. Facebook Prophet was chosen to conduct the independent hindcasts for each season’s climate at a lead time of two months. During 2011~2022, the seasonal climate in China was skillfully predicted by Y-model, with an averaged pattern correlation coefficient skill of 0.60 for temperature and 0.24 for precipitation, outperforming CFSv2. Potential predictor analysis for recent extreme events suggested that prior signals from the Indian Ocean and the stratosphere were important for determining the super Mei-yu in 2020, while the prior sea surface temperature over the western Pacific and the soil temperature over West Asia may have contributed to the extreme high temperatures in 2022. Our study provides new insights for seasonal climate prediction in China.

How to cite: Qian, D.: A merged Machine Learning model for seasonal climate prediction in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9985,, 2025.

EGU25-10933 | Orals | CL2.6

 Have we been underestimating midlatitude air-sea interaction? 

Cristina González-Haro, Javier García-Serrano, Aina García-Espriu, and Antonio Turiel

Some traditional, climate-oriented sea surface temperature (SST) observational datasets do not generally include satellite data and are typically based on in-situ observations with a coarser spatial resolution (1 to 2 degrees), prominent examples being the Extended Reconstructed SST from NOAA (ERSST) and the Hadley Centre SST, version 3 (HadSST3). Other datasets combine both, in-situ and satellite observations, such as the Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature dataset (HadISST).

The main objective of this work is twofold. First, we globally characterize and compare SST climatology and variability at grid-point level, considering seasonal averages (DJF, MAM, JJA, SON), between two standard, climate-oriented datasets, HadISST (1° resolution) and ERSST v5 (2° resolution), with the GHRSST product developed by the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (0.05° resolution). Secondly, we assess the impact of temporal and spatial resolution in such SST characterization as well as on air-sea interaction, estimated by correlating SST with turbulent heat flux (THF; latent plus sensible). The study spans over 1982-2016 (35 years) that corresponds to the record of the satellite product (CCI).

Our results show that the coarser datasets (ERSST-HadISST) overall have a warmer mean-state, except in the more dynamically-active oceanic regions such as the western boundary currents where they yield a colder SST climatology. More interestingly, the high-resolution dataset (CCI) markedly displays larger SST variability in these dynamically-active oceanic regions, which is consistent along the seasonal cycle. Likewise, we also find higher correlations between SST and THF over the western boundary currents in CCI as compared to ERSST-HadISST, indicating a stronger ocean-atmosphere coupling. Our results suggest that the high temporal and spatial resolution provided by remote sensing is key to better resolve air-sea interaction.


How to cite: González-Haro, C., García-Serrano, J., García-Espriu, A., and Turiel, A.:  Have we been underestimating midlatitude air-sea interaction?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10933,, 2025.

EGU25-11829 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Long High-Resolution Records of Mixed-Layer Carbon Budget Variability in the Southern California Current System 

Helena C. Frazão, Uwe Send, Adrienne J. Sutton, Mark D. Ohman, Todd R. Martz, Matthias Lankhorst, Jeffrey Sevadjian, and Terence O'Brien

Two moorings in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) obtained long records of biogeochemical (O2, pCO2, pH, nutrients, Chl-a) and physical parameters (currents, temperature, salinity). Here, the data are used to investigate the seasonal variability of the mixed-layer carbon budget from 2008 to 2022. The moorings are located in the California Current offshore region (CCE1) and the upwelling region on the continental shelf (CCE2), recording high-resolution data at both the surface and the base of the mixed layer. On average, air-sea CO2 fluxes at the surface showed that the open ocean site acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2, with a net annual mean flux of -0.52 molC m-2 year-1, while the upwelling site is a carbon source, with a net outgassing of 0.56 molC m-2 year-1. At CCE1, sea surface temperature is the primary driver of seawater pCO2 and CO2 fluxes, whereas, at the upwelling site, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) associated with non-thermal processes acting on seawater pCO2 is the main driver of seasonal variability. To study which non-thermal processes, such as lateral advection, entrainment/detrainment, biological effects, and CO2 flux, affect the mixed layer DIC, we first quantify a climatological annual carbon budget via a mass balance at each site. Using this budget, we compute the anomalies that events such as La Niña, El Niño, and Marine Heatwaves create in relation to the observed mean conditions. Specifically, events such as Marine Heatwaves can reverse the mean surface CO2 flux at both sites, with the CCE1 site switching from a net CO2 sink to a net CO2 source and CCE2 from a CO2 source to a sink. The relevance of each driver during these events is explored with respect to the climatological annual carbon budget at each site. This study highlights the importance of long-term monitoring for accurately capturing the variability of marine carbon fluxes.

How to cite: Frazão, H. C., Send, U., Sutton, A. J., Ohman, M. D., Martz, T. R., Lankhorst, M., Sevadjian, J., and O'Brien, T.: Long High-Resolution Records of Mixed-Layer Carbon Budget Variability in the Southern California Current System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11829,, 2025.

EGU25-12157 | Orals | CL2.6

Evolution of high latitude climate hazards with global warming in large climate model ensembles 

Marianne T. Lund, Nina Schuhen, and Bjørn H. Samset

The Arctic has warmed at more than twice the global mean rate in recent decades, resulting in rapid changes to the northern high latitude Earth system. This includes changes to essential climate variables and associated physical hazards, such as temperature, precipitation, storminess, and cryosphere conditions - in turn posing emerging impacts/risks for society and ecosystems. Here we use data from four large ensembles and perform a detailed and systematic characterization of the distribution and variability of key physical climate hazards across the high latitude and polar regions.

Climate change is known to manifest as shifts in the means and extremes of the variables but can also affect the shapes of their distributions. As highlighted in existing literature, comprehensive understanding of climate risk therefore involves quantification of the full, regional Probability Density Functions (PDFs), as these contain information on expected weather not apparent from the distribution mean or tails. Large initial condition ensembles of coupled climate model simulations have opened new opportunities for studying climate variability and how it evolves with warming, as well as diversity across models, in more detail. Building on methodology from Samset et al. (2019), we consistently quantify regionally (focusing on the northern hemisphere) and seasonally resolved PDFs of daily data for different scenarios and levels of global warming. The analysis also includes a reality check of model performance against reanalysis data for the recent past. Chosen hazards include core ETCCDI climate change indices, as well as specific indices identified of relevance to high latitude impacts through work in the EU Horizon 2020 project CRiceS.

Rapid warming and associated environmental changes are having increasingly significant socioeconomic consequences for high latitude settlements and populations. Our results provide a comprehensive picture of the projected evolution of high latitude climate impact drivers, providing knowledge of high relevance for further assessment of climate risk.  

How to cite: Lund, M. T., Schuhen, N., and Samset, B. H.: Evolution of high latitude climate hazards with global warming in large climate model ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12157,, 2025.

EGU25-13904 | Orals | CL2.6

Observed Seasonality of the South Pacific Meridional Mode: The Role of Oceanic Meridional Advective Feedback 

Juying Xu, Song Yang, Hanjie Fan, Yuhao Cai, Matthew Collins, and Weidong Yu

The South Pacific Meridional Mode (SPMM) is a dominant air-sea coupling mode in the subtropical southeastern Pacific and a key precursor of equatorial Pacific variability. However, the mechanisms responsible for its distinct seasonality remain inadequately understood. Using reanalysis datasets, we conducted an ocean mixed-layer heat budget analysis to quantify the contributions of dynamic and thermodynamic processes to SPMM seasonality. Results show that while net surface heat flux dominates the sea surface temperature warming associated with SPMM in both boreal summer and winter, this warming is significantly dampened by meridional advective feedback in summer (approximately 47%) but weakly in winter (approximately 14%). Further analysis reveals that the meridional advective feedback is primarily attributed to Ekman heat transport driven by anomalous zonal wind stress. These findings underscore the critical role of meridional advective feedback in modulating SPMM seasonality and provide valuable insights for improving climate predictions related to the SPMM.

How to cite: Xu, J., Yang, S., Fan, H., Cai, Y., Collins, M., and Yu, W.: Observed Seasonality of the South Pacific Meridional Mode: The Role of Oceanic Meridional Advective Feedback, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13904,, 2025.

The Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS) is an Eulerian ocean observing platform providing long-term time series data of essential oceanic and atmospheric variables. The northern East China Sea, where the I-ORS is located, is characterized by strong tidal dominance but is also affected by surface inertial motions of non-tidal origin. These surface motions can resonate with local diurnal winds, such as the sea-land breeze (SLB), at inertial frequency because of its proximity to the diurnal critical latitude (~30˚N). This study investigates the amplification and damping of diurnal-inertial oscillations in the northern East China Sea by analyzing time series observations at the I-ORS from 15 May to 26 July 2023 and satellite-tracked surface drifters stayed nearby from 6 to 26 July 2023. In addition to the permanent I-ORS CT sensors installed at depths of 3.0, 20.5, and 38.0 m, 32 temperature sensors (thermistor string) were installed on the mooring line; Initial 16 sensors attached within ±1.5 m of the sea surface at an interval of 0.2 m while the other 16 sensors were attached between 3 and 21 m depths at an interval of 1.2m. All the I-ORS sensors including the thermistor string recorded data every minute or 10-minute interval. The location data of surface drifters, initially recorded hourly, were interpolated to 10-minute interval data to calculate zonal and meridional currents, kinetic energy per unit volume, and wind work rate along with wind stress estimated using the I-ORS sea surface wind data (speed and direction). The I-ORS thermistor string observations occasionally show significant diurnal-inertial oscillations in the mixed layer depth and thermocline depth with typical amplitudes of 1.5 m and 2.0 m, respectively, from 10 to 15 July, when strong eastward wind stress reached up to 0.04 N/m2 with an enhanced wind work rate of 0.069 W/m2. The amplitudes of the diurnal-inertial oscillations in the mixed layer depth and thermocline depth decreased to 0.5m or less from 18 to 22 July, when the wind stress became weaker (< 0.01 N/m2). The surface drifter observations show clockwise-rotating, circular inertial currents with a speed of 35-43 cm/s, separated from the diurnal tidal currents with a comparable speed. The kinetic energy of intermittently amplified, diurnal-inertial surface motions peaked at up to 100 J/m3 on 15 July, which is explained by the peak in wind work rate of 0.069 W/m2 considering mixed layer depth of 10 m and duration of 4 h, i.e., 0.069 J/s/m2 x 4 h / 3600 s/h / 10 m = 100 J/m3. This study presents the intermittent amplification of wind-induced, resonant diurnal-inertial oscillations at the upper ocean near the diurnal critical latitude based on the Eulerian time-series observations along with surface drifters. Further work is needed to address the generation and decaying dynamics and long-term variability of diurnal-inertial oscillations in this and other regions near the diurnal critical latitude.

How to cite: Kim, J. and Nam, S.: Amplifications and Damping of Diurnal-Inertial Oscillations Observed in the Northern East China Sea from Ieodo Ocean Research Station and Surface Drifters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14541,, 2025.

EGU25-15138 | Orals | CL2.6

Multidecadal Sea Level Time Series at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station: A New Approach for the Assessment of Sea Level Rise in the East China Sea 

Yong Sun Kim, Taek-Bum Jeong, Hyeonsoo Cha, Kwang-Young Jeong, Mi-Jin Jang, Jin-Yong Jeong, and Jae-Ho Lee

This study presents a ten-minute interval sea level height (SLH) time series observed from wave radar MIROS SM-140 equipped at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS), a steel framed tower-type multidisciplinary research platform, a unique in situ measurement in the open sea for over two decades. To assess the practicability of the observed SSH, we developed a tidal model-based QC procedure, which has two notable differences in characteristics from the typical ones: 1) a spatiotemporally optimized local range check based on the high-resolution tidal prediction model TPXO9 and 2) consideration of the occurrence rate of a stuck value over a specific period. Comprehensive comparisons with typical QC processes, satellite altimetry, and reanalysis products demonstrate that our approach could provide reliable SLH time series with few misclassifications. A budget analysis demonstrated that the barystatic effect primarily caused sea level rise around the I-ORS. As a representative of sea level fluctuations in the central East China Sea, this qualified SLH time series enables dynamic research, spanning from a few hours of nonlinear waves to a decadal trend with simultaneously observed environmental variables from the I-ORS’ air–sea monitoring system.

How to cite: Kim, Y. S., Jeong, T.-B., Cha, H., Jeong, K.-Y., Jang, M.-J., Jeong, J.-Y., and Lee, J.-H.: Multidecadal Sea Level Time Series at the Ieodo Ocean Research Station: A New Approach for the Assessment of Sea Level Rise in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15138,, 2025.

EGU25-15880 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Unraveling ocean-atmosphere coupled variability with Transfer Entropy and Information Flow   

Chiara Zelco, Alberto Carrassi, Michael Ghil, Daniele Marinazzo, and Stéphane Vannitsem

Causal questions are fundamental to scientific exploration. The study of causality and its applications has followed a nonlinear trajectory, shaped by diverse methodological developments and debates about their interpretations. Here, we unravel the evolution of these approaches, from Judea Pearl’s formal framework of causal inference (Pearl, Causality, 2009) to methods based on reductions in informational surprise, multivariate probability, and dynamical systems (Kondrashov et al., Physica D, 2015). While principled causal inference ideally relies on Pearl’s framework, its application is often unfeasible. Instead, methods grounded in information theory, combined with prior knowledge of the system, are widely used to assist in the causal inference process. Recent advances include nonlinear, higher-order information-theoretic approaches (Stramaglia et al., Phys. Rev. Res., 2024).

These methods are increasingly applied in Earth and climate sciences to address questions such as the causes of extreme events and global warming, or to explore the mutual influences between the ocean and atmosphere in driving the climate system. A key unresolved question concerns the nature of this interaction: does atmospheric weather drive the ocean, does the ocean steer the atmosphere, or does a coupled mode of variability govern the system? 

In this context, we investigate the reciprocal influences of ocean and atmosphere using a low-order coupled ocean-atmosphere model that includes realistic thermal and mechanical coupling (Vannitsem et al. Physica D, 2015). By applying Transfer Entropy (Schreiber, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2000) and the Liang and Kleeman (Liang, Entropy, 2021) Information Flow, we analyze the dynamical directions within the coupled system. We uncover the directed dynamics of information exchange, adding insight on the emergence of low-frequency variability in the atmosphere. These results offer a new perspective on interannual and decadal-scale climate prediction. 

How to cite: Zelco, C., Carrassi, A., Ghil, M., Marinazzo, D., and Vannitsem, S.: Unraveling ocean-atmosphere coupled variability with Transfer Entropy and Information Flow  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15880,, 2025.

EGU25-16316 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Long-Term Observations from Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS) for Monitoring Climate Change in the East China Sea 

Go-Un Kim, Yongchim Min, Seung-Woo Lee, Jongmin Jeong, Jaeik Lee, Su-Chan Lee, Eui Young Jeong, In-Ki Min, Juhee Ok, and Jin-Yong Jeong

The East China Sea is a climate-sensitive hotspot where rapid changes in oceanic and ecological conditions have been observed in recent years. Long-term and systematic observational data are essential for accurately assessing these changes. The Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS), established in June 2003, has been monitoring various oceanic and atmospheric variables in real time. As the first OceanSITES-registered continental shelf observation platform, I-ORS has accumulated valuable data over the past two decades. This long-term dataset is critical for understanding the impacts of large-scale climate change on coastal and shelf regions, revealing significant signals of climate variability in the East China Sea. Notably, I-ORS observations show a significant rise in sea surface temperature, increasing by 0.6°C per decade since 2004—approximately two times faster than the global average rate of 0.3°C. This rapid warming trend underscores the East China Sea's increased vulnerability to climate change, with I-ORS data providing key insights for predicting future changes and mitigating marine disasters.

How to cite: Kim, G.-U., Min, Y., Lee, S.-W., Jeong, J., Lee, J., Lee, S.-C., Jeong, E. Y., Min, I.-K., Ok, J., and Jeong, J.-Y.: Long-Term Observations from Ieodo Ocean Research Station (I-ORS) for Monitoring Climate Change in the East China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16316,, 2025.

EGU25-17502 | ECS | Orals | CL2.6

Water mass spiciness and thickness anomalies, and their propagation in the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water 

Tong Wang, Toshio Suga, Shinya Kouketsu, Niklas Schneider, Bo Qiu, Kelvin Richards, and Satoshi Osafune

Water masses in the upper ocean play a critical role in modulating ocean stratification and circulation, serving as pathways for atmospheric signals to penetrate the ocean interior and influencing climate variability and marine ecosystems. The North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (STMW) is a distinct water mass in the northwestern subtropical gyre of the North Pacific Ocean. Although previous studies have extensively highlighted the importance of investigating variations in STMW properties, they predominantly treated STMW as a homogeneous entity, overlooking differences across its different density ranges.

Building on this foundation, we examined spiciness anomalies (density-compensated salinity and temperature anomalies) and isopycnal thickness anomalies within STMW based on Argo observations from 2004 to 2018, with a focus on the comparisons between its lighter (L-STMW) and denser (D-STMW) portions.

Firstly, we investigated interannual to decadal variations in STMW properties across different density ranges. The isopycnal thickness anomalies exhibited a seesaw pattern between L-STMW and D-STMW, separated by a threshold at γ = 25.3 (Figure 1). The volume of D-STMW was primarily governed by decadal variability linked to the Kuroshio Extension, while L-STMW displayed weaker decadal variability with a different phase, as well as stronger interannual and seasonal variations. In contrast, STMW salinity and temperature showed consistent variations across different density ranges.

Secondly, the propagation patterns of thickness and potential vorticity (PV) anomalies differed markedly between L-STMW and D-STMW. For D-STMW, thickness and PV anomalies propagated steadily downstream from the southern edge of the outcrop area to the northern region of the southwestern corner of the gyre. In contrast, L-STMW experienced signal intrusions during certain years, likely caused by off-stream southward transport driven by mesoscale eddies, potentially influenced by topographic effects. However, spiciness anomalies in STMW displayed consistent downstream propagation on all the isopycnals, without significant difference between L-STMW and D-STMW.

These results provide insights into the seesaw structure of mode water variability and may offer broader implications for discovering similar processes in other ocean basins.

Fig. 1 Annual mean thickness anomalies of each 0.05 γ range, averaged in 20–30°N.

How to cite: Wang, T., Suga, T., Kouketsu, S., Schneider, N., Qiu, B., Richards, K., and Osafune, S.: Water mass spiciness and thickness anomalies, and their propagation in the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17502,, 2025.

EGU25-17617 | ECS | Posters on site | CL2.6

Impact of Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Sea Surface Temperature on precipitation extremes over the European and African continents 

Yingxue Liu, Joakim Kjellsson, Abhishek Savita, and Wonsun Park

We quantify the impact of interdecadal sea surface temperature (SST) variability on precipitation extremes over continental Europe and central Africa using the OpenIFS atmospheric general circulation model. We performed 45-member ensemble experiments in which we removed SST anomalies obtained from linear regression with either the Interdecadal Pacific Variability (IPV) or the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV) from the daily SST in the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean over the period 1950–2013. We also used coupled model simulations, particularly the Component C of the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP-C) as part of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Phase 6 (CMIP6). We find that precipitation extremes amplify over western and central Africa during the positive phase of AMV and reduce there during the negative phase of AMV. The positive phase of IPV reduces the precipitation extremes over western and central Africa and amplifies them during the negative phase. However, AMV and IPV do not show a significant impact over Europe except in some parts of Eastern Europe, where AMV causes more extreme precipitation during the positive phases and the IPV causes more over the Turkish region. Results from the atmosphere model are mostly consistent with the coupled model simulations from DCPP-C.

We also compute time of emergence for climate change signals over the period 1950-2013 and estimate that it takes approximately 700 years for a significant change in European precipitation extremes changes to emerge from the natural climate noise. The time of emergence reduces somewhat when AMV and IPV are removed, but is still on the order of centuries. The preliminary results of this study suggest that the potential importance of the internal variability of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans is more crucial for the African continents than for the European regions.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Kjellsson, J., Savita, A., and Park, W.: Impact of Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Sea Surface Temperature on precipitation extremes over the European and African continents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17617,, 2025.

EGU25-17657 | Posters on site | CL2.6

Impact of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model on Sea Fog Formation Mechanism Simulation: A Case Study of Sea Fog in the East/Japan Sea of Korea 

Jieun Choi, Baek-Min Kim, Hyun-Joon Sung, Hyo-Jun Bae, and Kwang-Hee Han

Sea fog is a type of fog occurring near marine surfaces, developing within the lower atmospheric boundary layer and influenced by atmospheric and oceanic conditions. The thermodynamic processes driven by the air-sea temperature difference (ASTD) are crucial factors determining sea fog formation mechanisms. Recent studies report a continuous increase in sea surface temperatures in the East/Japan Sea. These changes in the marine environment are likely to affect the frequency, intensity, and duration of sea fog, research on sea fog occurrences in the East Sea remains necessary. This study employs the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) model to conduct numerical simulations of a sea fog event that occurred over the East Sea of Korea from August 18 to 19, 2020. Standalone atmospheric models cannot simulate the SST and, tend to underestimate the duration of sea fog events. The coupled model incorporates ocean-atmosphere interactions, enabling the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) to simulate spatiotemporal variations in sea surface temperature (SST). It allows for an analysis of how SST changes influence heat and moisture fluxes within the atmospheric boundary layer and the effects on sea fog formation and persistence. This research emphasizes the importance of ocean-atmosphere interactions and the role of SST modeling in sea fog prediction. The findings are expected to contribute to the improvement of sea fog forecasting systems in the East Sea.

How to cite: Choi, J., Kim, B.-M., Sung, H.-J., Bae, H.-J., and Han, K.-H.: Impact of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Model on Sea Fog Formation Mechanism Simulation: A Case Study of Sea Fog in the East/Japan Sea of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17657,, 2025.

The rapidly changing Arctic climate has far-reaching implications for global weather systems, particularly through teleconnections that link high-latitude processes to tropical regions. This study unravels the impact of Barents-Kara (B-K) region sea ice anomalies during the spring season (March-May) on the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) patterns from 1959 to 2021. By analyzing low- and high-sea-ice years, the study reveals contrasting atmospheric circulation patterns that drive monsoonal variability over India. During low-sea-ice years, weakened ice cover over the Arctic induces negative sea level pressure anomalies in summer over the Arctic region. This triggers cyclonic activity, which initiates southward-propagating Rossby wave trains. The wave train exhibits a distinct ridge-trough-ridge-trough pattern as it propagates from Europe to the Far East and towards the North Pacific. This atmospheric configuration shifts the subtropical westerly jet southward, enhancing subsidence and suppressing monsoonal convection over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, ultimately reducing the ISMR. Conversely, high-sea-ice years exhibit a reversed pattern, with negative geopotential height anomalies over the Arctic and a ridge over central Asia. This promotes upper-level divergence, enhancing convection and strengthening monsoonal rainfall over the Indo-Gangetic Plain. These findings reveal the critical role of springtime B-K sea ice in shaping summer atmospheric circulation and monsoonal rainfall patterns over India, highlighting the far-reaching impact of Arctic Sea ice variability on tropical weather systems. 

How to cite: Sardana, D. and Agarwal, A.: Impact of Spring Sea Ice Variability in the Barents-Kara Region on the  Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18136,, 2025.

EGU25-18194 | Orals | CL2.6

Comparison of net community and primary production estimates in the Bay of Biscay. 

Izaskun Merino-Sainz, Raquel Somavilla, Marina Navarro-Engesser, Amaia Viloria, and Laura Ibañez

Oceanic-dissolved gas concentrations in the upper ocean are governed by biological and physical processes. Biological activity comprises the oxygen (O2) production by phytoplankton during photosynthesis and consumption through respiration by the marine community. The balance between the two processes is the net community production (NCP). It can be estimated from a time series of oxygen measurements if the physical processes can be evaluated.

Among the physical, the air-sea gas exchange is the main one controlling oxygen concentrations in the ocean mixed layer, and the contribution of bubbles created by breaking waves is a first order event at moderate to high wind speeds (u10 > 7m/s), in young (wind) seas mainly.

In this work, we use different model of the role of bubbles in air‐sea gas exchange (different parameterizations calculated the contribution of bubbles in the air-sea exchange flux) to estimate the NCP in the North Atlantic. Biological contributions are calculated by subtracting the calculated physical changes from the measured dissolved oxygen and compared with primary production estimates based on chlorophyll algorithms.

For this aim, long-term oceanographic time series data from the ocean observatory SATS (Santander-Atlantic-Time-Series) have been employed. These data include measurements from the ocean-meteorological buoy (AGL) at its associated oceanographic station running since 2007 in the southern Bay of Biscay.

We find that the contribution of bubles is minor (5-10 %), thus we can assume that the estimates of NCP are reliable, in good agreement with primary production estimates at the surface. In addition, the wave age has been measured and found to be mostly a mature sea, with very few days of young waves.

How to cite: Merino-Sainz, I., Somavilla, R., Navarro-Engesser, M., Viloria, A., and Ibañez, L.: Comparison of net community and primary production estimates in the Bay of Biscay., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18194,, 2025.

Based on data diagnosis and numerical experiments, this study investigated the changes in the interannual properties of the May North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and their impact on summer (June–July) sea ice in the North Atlantic during 1979–2021. Results showed statistically significant increase in the interannual variability of the May NAO after the mid-2000s, which had remarkably enhanced impact on summer sea ice in the eastern Hudson Bay (EHB) and the western Labrador Sea (WLS). During 2005–2021, corresponding to a positive phase of the May NAO, anomalous surface westerly or northwesterly winds prevailed over the Hudson Bay and Labrador Sea in May. This led to statistically significant increase in sea ice in both the EHB and the WLS in May via dynamic processes (favoring southeastward movement of the sea ice) and thermal processes (changing surface turbulent heating and shortwave radiation). In comparison with the situation in May, the increase in sea ice in the EHB developed further during summer mainly via thermal processes (positive feedback between the increased sea ice and shortwave radiation). In contrast, amplitude of the increased sea ice in the WLS was comparable between May and summer. Dynamic processes (southeastward movement of sea ice), which was induced by a barotropic anomalous high in the troposphere centered over the Labrador Peninsula, favored the increase in sea ice in summer in the WLS. The tripole sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Atlantic and increased snowpack on the Labrador Peninsula in May, triggered by the positive phase of the May NAO, played an important role in the formation of the anomalous high. During 1979–2004, the surface wind, snowpack, and tripole sea surface temperature anomalies in May, triggered by the May NAO, were relatively weak, leading to statistically insignificant changes in summer sea ice in the EHB and WLS.

How to cite: Xu, Z. and Fan, K.: Enhanced interannual variability of the May North Atlantic Oscillation and its impact on summer sea ice in the North Atlantic after the mid-2000s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20281,, 2025.

EGU25-2059 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7

Coupling techniques in the new high resolution SHiELD + MOM6 model for extreme weather prediction 

Joseph Mouallem, Kun Gao, Lauren Chilutti, Brandon Reichl, Lucas Harris, Rusty Benson, Niki Zadeh, and Cheng Zhang

We present a new model that couples GFDL’s FV3-based weather model SHiELD, GFDL’s ocean model MOM6, and NCEP’s wave model WAVEWATCH III. This model is specifically designed for high-resolution simulations of air-sea interactions during extreme coastal weather events. It aims to address the critical need for accurate representation of fine-scale processes in air-sea interactions, which are not resolved in current-generation global  models. By combining SHiELD, MOM6, and WAVEWATCH III, we seek to capture the complex dynamics of atmosphere, ocean, and wave interactions at kilometer-scale resolutions.

We will discuss the methodology and present the infrastructure used to seamlessly couple these models, ensuring efficient data exchange and synchronization among the atmospheric, oceanic, and wave components. The coupling technique leverages GFDL’s in-house Flexible Modeling System (FMS) infrastructure which is employed for GFDL's suite of world-leading coupled climate models and those developed for kilometer-scale modeling of extreme weather events, enhancing the model's ability to accurately simulate the feedback mechanisms between the ocean surface and the atmosphere. We believe this new model will be a valuable tool for researchers and meteorologists, improving disaster preparedness and response strategies for coastal communities.

How to cite: Mouallem, J., Gao, K., Chilutti, L., Reichl, B., Harris, L., Benson, R., Zadeh, N., and Zhang, C.: Coupling techniques in the new high resolution SHiELD + MOM6 model for extreme weather prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2059,, 2025.

EGU25-2254 | Orals | CL4.7

Spectral Causal Analysis of Air-Sea Coupling Feedbacks through the Mesoscale 

Aaron Wienkers, Dian Putrasahan, and Nicolas Gruber

Ocean–atmosphere interactions play a crucial role in global climate & weather dynamics, yet our understanding of the interplay between mesoscale thermal and current air–sea feedbacks remains incomplete. The strength of this coupling influences heat and kinetic energy fluxes at different length-scales and locations across the global oceans. Eddy-parameterising climate models can resolve the large-scale energy input into the ocean, which is then transferred into eddy kinetic energy through parameterised hydrodynamic instabilities. These models, however, struggle to accurately capture the spatial patterns of energy transfer, both kinetic and thermal, back into the atmosphere from the ocean mesoscales. Here, we present insight from a mesoscale-resolving global coupled climate model that elucidates the physical mechanisms driving air–sea current and thermal feedbacks at the mesoscale, in comparison to the large-scale air–sea coupling. Spectral analysis further reveals how these feedbacks are suppressed when either the ocean or atmosphere fails to resolve a local critical coupling length-scale. Extending beyond these traditional regression-based methods, we employ a novel causal analysis framework to uncover a hybrid thermal–current mesoscale feedback which enhances kinetic energy injection directly into ocean mesoscales. This mechanism involves localised heat fluxes enhancing vertical convection and downward momentum transport within the atmospheric boundary layer, leading to increased local wind stress and consequently wind work into eddy kinetic energy. These results highlight the critical role of mesoscale air–sea coupling in accurately representing the energetic ocean mesoscales, which in turn influence the global oceanic circulation and climate. 

How to cite: Wienkers, A., Putrasahan, D., and Gruber, N.: Spectral Causal Analysis of Air-Sea Coupling Feedbacks through the Mesoscale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2254,, 2025.

EGU25-4489 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Quantifying Ensemble Divergence in Large-Domain Convective-Scale Simulations over Africa 

Fran Morris, Marcia Zilli, Neil Hart, and Jerry Samuel

Evidence indicates that since convective-scale simulations can explicitly resolve motion around deep convection, they may improve representation of coupling between small-scale moist convection and upscale modes of atmospheric variability.  Prior studies indicate that there can be a shift in the mean state of large-scale tropical circulations in convective-scale simulations relative to models with parameterised deep convection. However, it is uncertain whether this shift is systematic in convective-scale simulations or simply the response in a single model realisation.

To resolve this uncertainty, we run a 9-member ensemble of simulations over tropical southern and eastern Africa, using the Met Office Unified Model on a 2.2km grid with no deep convection parameterisation. ERA5 forces the lateral boundaries and simulations use FLake, a lake scheme to reduce over-lake biases in precipitation. The ensemble will be compared to a similar configuration which uses a deep convection parameterisation and a 12km grid.

Our ensemble experiments quantify the internal variability associated with varying initial conditions in the tropics and subtropics, relative to the variability induced by lateral boundary forcings. The ensemble divergence will be compared for the simulations with and without convection parameterisations to explore implications of ensemble design for high-resolution simulations of large domains. Furthermore, the hypothesis that there is a systematic mean-state shift in large-scale tropical circulations in kilometre-scale simulations relative to coarser GCMs will be evaluated using the two ensembles.

Effects of incorporating FLake and the role of soil moisture in initialisations will also be discussed, as well as their implications for predictability in kilometre-scale simulations. Model outputs will be compared to in-situ observations over northwest Zambia obtained during the 2022 DRYCAB field campaign, and we will outline how these results inform the design of planned further simulations to investigate monsoon onset predictability on subseasonal-to-seasonal timescales.

How to cite: Morris, F., Zilli, M., Hart, N., and Samuel, J.: Quantifying Ensemble Divergence in Large-Domain Convective-Scale Simulations over Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4489,, 2025.

EGU25-4874 | Orals | CL4.7

High-Resolution Simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM): An Update 

Gokhan Danabasoglu, Ping Chang, Fred Castruccio, Dan Fu, Teagan King, Xue Liu, Nan Rosenbloom, Justin Small, Xiaoqi Wang, Gaopeng Xu, Steve Yeager, Qiuying Zhang, Andreas Prein, and Julio Bachmeister

As impacts of climate change are being felt by the society through sea level rise, increased intensity and occurrences of heat waves, droughts, extreme rainfall events and / or tropical cyclones (TCs), just to list a few, decision makers and stakeholders need reliable weather and climate information at increasingly finer spatial and temporal scales. Beyond such actionable aspects, there are numerous science questions regarding representation of and changes in importance of various processes with increased model resolution as well as their interactions with each other such as how TCs and oceanic mesoscale eddies interact with each other and with large-scale circulations. It is generally anticipated that with less reliance on uncertain parameterizations and their parameter choices, high-resolution models will represent various processes and coupled interactions of the Earth system with increased fidelity. To address these needs and challenges, we have made significant advances in high-resolution global climate modeling and predictions. Specifically, we have performed an unprecedented set of simulations at a TC-permitting and ocean-eddy-rich horizontal resolution using the Community Earth System Model (CESM 1.3), with additional modifications and improvements (hereafter referred to as CESM-HR). CESM-HR uses a 0.25° grid in the atmosphere and land and a 0.1° grid in the ocean and sea-ice components. These simulations include: a 500-year pre-industrial control simulation; 150-year 1%CO2 per year increase and 4xCO2 simulations; a 10-member ensemble of historical simulations; 10-member ensembles each of RCP8.5 and RCP6.0 future scenario simulations; 1 member each of RCP4.5 and RCP2.6 future scenario simulations; all HighResMIP coupled and AMIP simulations; and 10-member ensembles of 5-year decadal prediction simulations for the 1980-2023 period with May and November start dates for each year. The presentation will introduce these simulations and provide a few highlights from our extensive analysis. In general, high‐resolution simulations show significant improvements in representing global-mean surface temperature, oceanic heat uptake, sea level changes, extreme events such as TCs and winter-time extreme precipitation, and recent cooling and expanding sea-ice trends in the Southern Ocean. There are also improvements in prediction skill for several fields of interest. Our analysis shows that the projected increase in daily extreme precipitation over global land by the end of this century under the business-as-usual scenario is nearly double in the high-resolution simulations compared to its low-resolution counterpart, suggesting that current low-resolution models may significantly underestimate the future threat. Moreover, high-resolution simulations suggest that future precipitation intensifications arise from both moisture and circulation changes. This finding is in contrast with low-resolution simulations which primarily attribute such changes to increased moisture with warming. While not a panacea to address all the biases, these high-resolution simulations certainly offer promising potential to reduce model biases and uncertainties in comparison with their low-resolution counterparts and to improve our understanding of processes. Datasets from many of these simulations are now available to the broader community.

How to cite: Danabasoglu, G., Chang, P., Castruccio, F., Fu, D., King, T., Liu, X., Rosenbloom, N., Small, J., Wang, X., Xu, G., Yeager, S., Zhang, Q., Prein, A., and Bachmeister, J.: High-Resolution Simulations with the Community Earth System Model (CESM): An Update, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4874,, 2025.

EGU25-5848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Improvement of large-scale circulation simulation in an ocean-sea ice model with high-resolution 

Yiwen Li, Hailong Liu, Pengfei Lin, Mengrong Ding, and Zipeng Yu

The impact of the resolution on the large-scale features in an ocean-sea ice coupled model is represented in this paper through three aspects. Firstly, refined resolution accelerates temperature and salinity drifts at a basin-averaged scale by facilitating exchanges among basins, subsequently reducing global-averaged drifts. This amplification of basin-scale exchanges is associated with an accelerated large-scale circulation, leading to a more rapid equilibration of temperature and salinity above 300 meters. Secondly, the refined resolution yields improved simulations of large-scale temperature, salinity, and currents, particularly evident in regions such as the Gulf Stream and its extension. Enhanced current simulations and corresponding temperature distributions contribute to more accurate representations of wind stress through ocean currents and sea surface temperature feedback. This feedback, in turn, influences wind-driven currents, establishing positive feedback loops. Despite little impact on the temporal variability of phenomena such as ENSO, IOD, PDO, and AMO, the refined resolution enhances the strengths of their variabilities. However, spatial patterns of PDO and AMO do not exhibit improvement with refined resolution, potentially attributed to the coarse resolution of the reference dataset.

How to cite: Li, Y., Liu, H., Lin, P., Ding, M., and Yu, Z.: Improvement of large-scale circulation simulation in an ocean-sea ice model with high-resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5848,, 2025.

EGU25-6699 | Posters on site | CL4.7

Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4 

Thomas Rackow, Tobias Becker, Rohit Ghosh, Aleksei Koldunov, Xabier Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, and Daisuke Takasuka

We report on the first multi-year kilometre-scale global coupled simulations using ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) coupled to both the NEMO and FESOM ocean–sea ice models, as part of the H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project. We focus mainly on an unprecedented IFS-FESOM coupled setup, with an atmospheric resolution of 4.4 km and a spatially varying ocean resolution that reaches locally below 5 km grid spacing. A shorter coupled IFS-FESOM simulation with an atmospheric resolution of 2.8 km has also been performed. A number of shortcomings in the original numerical weather prediction (NWP)-focused model configurations were identified and mitigated over several cycles collaboratively by the modelling centres, academia, and the wider nextGEMS community. The main improvements are (i) better conservation properties of the coupled model system in terms of water and energy budgets, which also benefit ECMWF's operational 9 km IFS-NEMO model; (ii) a realistic top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) radiation balance throughout the year; (iii) improved intense precipitation characteristics; and (iv) eddy-resolving features in large parts of the mid- and high-latitude oceans (finer than 5 km grid spacing) to resolve mesoscale eddies and sea ice leads. New developments at ECMWF for a better representation of snow and land use, including a dedicated scheme for urban areas, were also tested on multi-year timescales. We provide first examples of significant advances in the realism and thus opportunities of these kilometre-scale simulations, such as a clear imprint of resolved Arctic sea ice leads on atmospheric temperature, impacts of kilometre-scale urban areas on the diurnal temperature cycle in cities, and better propagation and symmetry characteristics of the Madden–Julian Oscillation.

How to cite: Rackow, T., Becker, T., Ghosh, R., Koldunov, A., Pedruzo-Bagazgoitia, X., and Takasuka, D.: Multi-year simulations at kilometre scale with the Integrated Forecasting System coupled to FESOM2.5 and NEMOv3.4, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6699,, 2025.

Tropical waves are key drivers of weather and climate variability, yet their accurate simulation remains challenging due to the complexities of moist convection. This study investigates the impact of model resolution and convection treatment on tropical wave representation in a global non-hydrostatic model. Six simulations, with resolutions of 3.75 km, 15 km, and 120 km and convection treatments ranging from fully explicit to fully parameterized, are analyzed for their ability to capture wave-induced rainfall and three-dimensional wave structures. Results indicate that explicit convection outperforms parameterized convection in replicating rainfall anomalies, dynamic and thermodynamic wave structures, and rainfall-wind coupling. The 3.75-km explicit convection simulation performed best overall, indicating that explicit convection requires high resolution for optimal performance. A 15-km simulation using an alternative cumulus scheme produced wave signals nearly as accurate as the 3.75-km run, but with a significant rainfall bias, suggesting that the right results can sometimes be obtained for the wrong reasons. The study concludes that high resolution and explicit convection are essential for accurate tropical wave representation, with profound implications for weather forecasting and climate projections.

How to cite: Judt, F. and Rios-Berrios, R.: Sensitivity of Tropical Wave Structure to Resolution and Convection Treatment in a Global Non-Hydrostatic Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7071,, 2025.

EGU25-7755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Convergent Response in Aquaplanet Climate Change Experiments with Increasing Horizontal Resolution  

Angel Peinado Bravo, Daniel Klocke, and Bjorn Stevens

General Circulation Models (GCMs) are widely used to understand our climate and to simulate and predict the effects of global warming. They have shown persistent biases in the large-scale features of the general circulation and basic climate statistics, which are attributed mainly to parameterizations, especially the convection parameterization. To address this, Global storm-resolving models (GSRMs) provide an alternative approach to parameterization by explicitly resolving convection and its interaction with other processes through the refinement of the horizontal gridIn a prior study, we showed the physical convergence of the tropical and general circulation structure at a horizontal grid spacing of 2.5 km using aquaplanets. However, questions linger: Does the response to climate warming converge in a simplified framework as aquaplanets? 


We will present the effect of increasing horizontal grid spacing on the convergence of the climate change response in aquaplanet experiments. We will focus on the convergence of the storm tracks and jet stream in terms of their location and intensity using the global storm-resolving model ICON. Control runs, and idealized climate change experiments (increasing sea-surface temperature by 4 Kelvin) were conducted at horizontal grid spacing from 160 km to 2.5 km using an aqua-planet configuration. We adopt an aquaplanet configuration to focus on atmospheric phenomena, specifically convection and cloud feedback while reducing the effect of complex interaction with land, topography, sea ice, and seasons. We will discuss the convergence rate of the large-scale circulation, the eddy-driven jet, the subtropical jet, and the storm track and their response to climate warming, characterized by the location, width, and intensity.

How to cite: Peinado Bravo, A., Klocke, D., and Stevens, B.: Convergent Response in Aquaplanet Climate Change Experiments with Increasing Horizontal Resolution , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7755,, 2025.

EGU25-8534 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Storm-Resolving Model ICON at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights into Momentum Dynamics and Parameterization Challenges 

Marius Winkler, Juan Pedro Mellado, and Bjorn Stevens

Storm-resolving models, such as the ICON model at 5 km resolution, are transforming our understanding of the Earth’s climate system by explicitly resolving key small-scale processes. This study highlights the dual nature of this modeling revolution: the advantages of improved representation of subgrid-scale dynamics and the challenges posed by existing parameterizations in capturing air-sea interactions.
On the one hand, a detailed momentum analysis of equatorial boundary layer winds using the coupled storm-resolving model ICON reveals dynamics that deviate from traditional assumptions. We identify two persistent wind patterns—zonal and meridional—governed by SST-driven pressure gradients, vertical turbulent flux, and horizontal momentum transport. These transport terms, largely overlooked in conventional models, and resolving the fine-scale interaction between SST gradients and boundary layer dynamics play a decisive role in shaping surface winds. A revised wind model, incorporating these findings, demonstrates strong agreement with storm-resolving model outputs.
On the other hand, storm-resolving models expose limitations in parameterizations of small-scale processes at the air-sea interface. For instance, the surface exchange coefficients—such as drag (cD) and heat exchange (cH)—are shown to be inadequate under low-wind regimes, leading to biases in surface pressure distribution and convection patterns. Using the ICON atmosphere-land-only "OptiFlux" configuration, we demonstrate that even small adjustments to these coefficients can substantially improve the representation of surface fluxes, strengthen pressure gradients, and enhance atmospheric dynamics.
These two aspects of this study illustrate the transformative potential and pressing challenges of storm-resolving models in further research.

How to cite: Winkler, M., Mellado, J. P., and Stevens, B.: Storm-Resolving Model ICON at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights into Momentum Dynamics and Parameterization Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8534,, 2025.

EGU25-9092 | Orals | CL4.7

An overview of findings from km-scale simulations of the Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Digital Twin: successes, limitations and future challenges  

Paolo Davini, Jost von Hardenberg, Matteo Nurisso, Silvia Caprioli, Natalia Nazarova, Supriyo Ghosh, Ingo Wagner, Nuno Rocha, Marc Battle, Pablo Ortega, Leo Arriola, Rene Redler, Daniel Klocke, Jenni Kontkanen, and Sebastian Milinski

The Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Digital Twin represents a groundbreaking initiative aimed at achieving operational kilometer-scale global climate simulations for climate adaptation. During Phase 1 (Oct 2022 - Apr 2024), significant technological and scientific advancements have been made, resulting in the production of high-resolution historical (1990-2019, at 10 km) and SP370 scenario (2020-2039, at 5 km) datasets using two state-of-the-art models: IFS-NEMO and ICON.

These high-resolution simulations have demonstrated positive results in capturing extreme precipitation events and provide a realistic representation of the mean climate. The historical simulations outperform the CMIP6 model ensemble across various metrics, as assessed by the Reichler and Kim (2008) Performance Indices. In particular, IFS-NEMO exhibits well-defined precipitation patterns and vertical zonal wind structures, despite a persistent cold temperature bias. Meanwhile, ICON’s simulations - while showing more realistic temperature patterns - are characterized by an overly marked warming rate.

Both ICON and IFS-NEMO biases have been traced to suboptimal initialization strategies and oceanic tuning, both of which are being addressed in preparation for Phase 2. The ongoing efforts aim to refine these models further, enhancing their accuracy and reliability for climate adaptation policies.

How to cite: Davini, P., von Hardenberg, J., Nurisso, M., Caprioli, S., Nazarova, N., Ghosh, S., Wagner, I., Rocha, N., Battle, M., Ortega, P., Arriola, L., Redler, R., Klocke, D., Kontkanen, J., and Milinski, S.: An overview of findings from km-scale simulations of the Destination Earth Climate Adaptation Digital Twin: successes, limitations and future challenges , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9092,, 2025.

EGU25-9160 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Mediterranean extreme precipitation events in storm-resolving NextGEMS Earth System Models 

Paolo Lanteri and Simona Bordoni

This study evaluates the ability of global storm-resolving simulations in reproducing extreme precipitation events (EPEs) over the Mediterranean basin, with a specific focus on the Italian peninsula. We use multi-decadal simulations provided by two coupled models, ICON and IFS-FESOM, both developed under the EU’s Horizon 2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (NextGEMS) project. Thanks to the synergy between large-scale circulation patterns and km-scale atmospheric dynamics, it is expected that such models better represent precipitation distribution and intensity.

In this work we apply a classification of EPEs based on a set of thermodynamic parameters representative of the regional-scale environmental conditions, following  Grazzini et al. (2020), to classify EPEs over central-northern Italy in three main categories, based on the main uplift mechanism. 

We validate model simulations against the results of Grazzini et al. (2020) based on ArCIS/ERA5 data over central-northern Italy. The analysis is then extended to other Mediterranean regions, providing insights into the models’ capabilities and limitations in capturing extreme events under different large-scale conditions. 

How to cite: Lanteri, P. and Bordoni, S.: Mediterranean extreme precipitation events in storm-resolving NextGEMS Earth System Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9160,, 2025.

EGU25-9386 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Scientific developments of IFS-NEMO for Destination Earth’s Climate Adaptation Digital Twin 

Nuno Rocha, Pablo Ortega, Marc Batlle, Ingo Wagner, Kai Keller, Charles Pelletier, Xabier Pedruzo, Thomas Rackow, Tobias Becker, Dmitry Sidorenko, Matteo Nurisso, Silvia Caprioli, Natalia Nazarova, Supriyo Ghosh, and Sebastian Milinski

The Climate Adaptation Digital Twin within the Destination Earth project represents an innovative initiative aimed at achieving operational kilometer-scale global climate simulations to support climate adaptation efforts. Three state-of-the-art Earth System Models (ESMs) are used separately and we are focusing on the scientific advancements and simulation results of the IFS-NEMO model throughout the project's duration.

During the first phase of the project, two main simulations were produced: a historical experiment (1990–2019) at 10 km resolution, and a SSP3-7.0 scenario (2020–2039) at 5 km resolution. Phase 2 aims to enable the operationalization of these simulations. Analysis of phase 1 IFS-NEMO results revealed a notable cold bias in the model’s mean state. To address this issue, a newly tuned version of the model was developed, significantly reducing the cooling trends. Key adjustments to achieve this improvement, first tested at a 25 km resolution version of the model, included refinements to sea-ice parameterization within the NEMO model,  and the introduction of MACv2-SP forcings in IFS, which enabled the representation of time-varying aerosols in the future scenarios. Additional enhancements were made to couple the river runoff to the ocean.

The outcomes of these efforts highlight the potential for substantial advancements in global climate modeling. Looking ahead, the integration of kilometer-scale simulations into operational workflows promises to deliver unprecedented detail and accuracy in climate projections. This will enable more precise assessments of climate impacts and provide critical insights for policymakers and stakeholders striving to implement effective climate adaptation strategies. The continued refinement of the IFS-NEMO model and its components will play a pivotal role in achieving these ambitious goals.

How to cite: Rocha, N., Ortega, P., Batlle, M., Wagner, I., Keller, K., Pelletier, C., Pedruzo, X., Rackow, T., Becker, T., Sidorenko, D., Nurisso, M., Caprioli, S., Nazarova, N., Ghosh, S., and Milinski, S.: Scientific developments of IFS-NEMO for Destination Earth’s Climate Adaptation Digital Twin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9386,, 2025.

EGU25-10848 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Assessing the impact of anthropogenic aerosols in a kilometer-scale Earth system model 

Philipp Weiss and Philip Stier

Aerosols influence Earth's climate directly by scattering or absorbing radiation and indirectly by serving as nuclei for cloud droplets or ice crystals. Earth system models have significantly improved our understanding of aerosols, clouds, and radiation. The resolution of these models has increased from above 100 kilometers to below 10 kilometers in recent years. With that, important atmospheric processes like deep convective motions are explicitly resolved.

To perform kilometer-scale (km-scale) simulations with the Earth system model ICON-MPIM, we developed the one-moment aerosol module HAM-lite. In HAM-lite, aerosols are represented as an ensemble of log-normal modes with prescribed properties. There are two pure modes, one composed of dust and one composed of sea salt, and two internally mixed modes, both composed of organic carbon, black carbon, and sulfate. The first mixed mode includes aerosols from biomass burning emissions and the second mixed mode includes aerosols from anthropogenic and volcanic emissions. The four modes are transported through the atmosphere and are coupled with various processes such as radiation, convection, and precipitation.

To assess the impact of anthropogenic aerosols, we performed two km-scale simulations over one year with different emission scenarios. The present-day scenario is based on emissions from the Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) and the Global Fire Assimilation System (GFAS). The pre-industrial scenario is based on the historic biomass burning emissions for CMIP6 (BB4CMIP). In both simulations, the sea surface temperature and sea ice are prescribed with the boundary conditions of AMIP, and the initial conditions of the atmosphere and land are derived from the operational analysis of ECMWF. Based on these two scenarios, we analyze how anthropogenic aerosols interact with radiation and clouds over one year. 

How to cite: Weiss, P. and Stier, P.: Assessing the impact of anthropogenic aerosols in a kilometer-scale Earth system model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10848,, 2025.

Mesoscale convective systems are a crucial feature in Sahel, a water vulnerable semi-arid region in West Africa. Observational studies have shown that they are responsible for bringing approximately 90% of the rainfall during the summer monsoon season, and play an especially important role in extreme rainfall events. Despite of their important impacts on society and climate, traditional general circulation models, with their coarse horizontal resolution and parameterized convection schemes, struggle to properly simulate these organized convective systems. However, the newer generation of km-scale convection-permitting climate models have been shown to much more accurately capture the characteristics of mesoscale convective systems, showing great potential for studies of future climate change in vulnerable regions such as the Sahel.

In this study we analyze the latest simulations run with IFS and ICON within the NextGEMS project, with a horizontal resolution up to 9 km. Using a lagrangian tracking algorithm to identify the mesoscale convective systems, we investigate how they and their related weather are represented in the models, how well they scale in strength with known amplifying factors and if any trends can be identified in the simulation.

How to cite: Berntell, E.: Representation of West African mesoscale convective systems in NextGEMS km-scale simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10993,, 2025.

EGU25-11001 | ECS | Orals | CL4.7

Unveiling global haboob behavior with a kilometer-scale aerosol-climate model 

Rumeng Li, Philipp Weiss, Andreas Baer, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Philip Stier, and Martina Klose

Haboob dust storms, formed by the cold pool outflow from moist convection, play a significant role in global dust emissions. However, they are largely absent in current global climate models, as most do not explicitly resolve convection processes, leading to considerable inaccuracies in modeling global dust and its impacts. Therefore, the global influence of haboobs on the dust cycle and the Earth system remains poorly understood. With the advent of kilometer-scale Earth system models, there is a unique opportunity to unveil the global haboob behavior and advance our understanding of their impacts.

In this study, we implemented physics-based dust emission schemes in the ICON-HAM-lite model, a new kilometer-scale Earth system model developed in the nextGEMS project. A one-year model simulation was conducted globally at a 5 km resolution including online dust simulation. A haboob detection algorithm was developed and applied to track haboobs, allowing us to analyze their global characteristics and variability. This includes their spatial distribution, seasonal and diurnal cycles, duration, and size. Additionally, the contribution of haboobs to global dust emissions was evaluated.

This study provides what is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive analysis of haboobs on a global scale based on the current literature, shedding light on their critical role in the global dust cycle. These findings highlight the benefits of using global kilometer-scale models, specifically emphasizing their potential to improve dust simulation accuracy in climate models by explicitly including convection.

How to cite: Li, R., Weiss, P., Baer, A., Pérez García-Pando, C., Stier, P., and Klose, M.: Unveiling global haboob behavior with a kilometer-scale aerosol-climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11001,, 2025.

EGU25-11145 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Assessing the impacts of climate change in Iberian mountains using the NextGEMS km-scale global climate simulations 

Diego García-Maroto, Luis Durán, Elsa Mohino, and Álvaro González-Cervera

Mountain areas play a pivotal role in the hydrological cycle of vast regions of the world, largely due to local processes such as orographic precipitation and the presence of seasonal or permanent snow cover. In the context of climate change, some of these processes are expected to be disrupted causing significant impacts to local ecosystems and nearby populations. This is particularly relevant for regions like the Iberian Peninsula, where the development of a persistent winter-spring snowpack confined to the various medium sized mountain ranges is key to offsetting water deficits during the dry summer season. Knowing the future climate of these mountains is therefore vital both for water resource management and for economic interests.

However, these mountain ranges are often characterized by medium heights and a small horizontal extent, making them very difficult to represent in most conventional coarse resolution global climate models and demanding thus the use of regional to local dynamical and statistical downscaling methods. Considering this, the new km-scale global climate simulations developed in the context of the European H2020 NextGEMS project and other similar initiatives may open up unprecedented opportunities to readily study future impacts of climate changes on these regions. These models allow the representation of local and regional processes while retaining the benefits of homogeneous global simulations. 

The present study firstly evaluates the capacity of historical km-scale simulations (1990-2019) to represent the climate of the main mountainous areas of the Iberian Peninsula, with a particular emphasis on variables impacting seasonal snow cover which are compared with different historical data sources, including local observations, reanalyses and satellite observations. We show a fairly acceptable agreement between the model climatology and regional reanalysis products specially for the annual number of days with snow cover. Regarding snow depth, however, the model shows a small positive bias in all regions except Sierra Nevada, where it has a negative bias. Following the assessment of potential model biases, the differences between the historical climatology and a 2020-2049 projection under scenario SSP3-7.0 are analysed. Among others, we show that in the projection significant decreasing trends are present in most snow cover metrics for all the considered mountain regions, even though they are more extreme at Sierra Nevada, where a significant reduction of total winter precipitation is also present. 

How to cite: García-Maroto, D., Durán, L., Mohino, E., and González-Cervera, Á.: Assessing the impacts of climate change in Iberian mountains using the NextGEMS km-scale global climate simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11145,, 2025.

EGU25-11236 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

The ICON-ParFlow coupling: Integrating a continental-scale hydrological model into an Earth system model 

Jan Weinkaemmerer, Reiner Schnur, Klaus Goergen, and Stefan Kollet

3D prognostic groundwater flow on a global scale is currently lacking in Earth system models. In order to prepare Earth system models for kilometer-scale simulations with integrated continental hydrology, the ParFlow hydrological model has been coupled to the land model of the ICON modelling framework. Global simulations of atmosphere and land were conducted with a two-way coupling between ParFlow and the soil hydrological scheme of ICON-Land over the Pan-European region. In this first configuration, ParFlow and ICON-Land exchange surface moisture fluxes and liquid soil water. Analyzing simulations covering the extended summer months, it is found that the coupling with ParFlow significantly reduces the soil-water variability in the deeper soil layers by resolving actual shallow aquifers. In ParFlow, surface runoff and infiltration are more physical resulting in a more realistic response of soil moisture to weather patterns on longer time scales. Correlations of soil moisture with surface latent heat flux and atmospheric moisture transport show that this results regionally in an increased land-atmosphere coupling strength. Also, the lateral flow of near-surface groundwater, which is intrinsically linked to the formation of river networks, influences atmospheric variables related to cloud formation by increasing their horizontal heterogeneity. Apart from these results, which demonstrated the importance of an integrated hydrological model for shallow groundwater in Earth system modelling, first results of high-resolution coupled simulations with an extended ParFlow coverage on a latitude belt over the tropical zone at 1 km resolution are presented. 

How to cite: Weinkaemmerer, J., Schnur, R., Goergen, K., and Kollet, S.: The ICON-ParFlow coupling: Integrating a continental-scale hydrological model into an Earth system model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11236,, 2025.

EGU25-11601 | Orals | CL4.7

Are global km-scale climate models becoming indistinguishable from observations? 

Lukas Brunner, Rohit Ghosh, Leopold Haimberger, Cathy Hohenegger, Dian Putrasahan, Thomas Rackow, Reto Knutti, Aiko Voigt, and Jana Sillmann

Simulating global climate has been a challenge and aspiration ever since the advent of numerical modeling. Today, global climate models have become essential tools to understand the climate system, project future changes, and inform mitigation and adaptation decisions. In that, they build on a long history of development, from the first attempts to couple atmospheric and ocean models in the late 1960s, to the emergence of Earth system models in the 2000s, and the development of the first km-scale models today.

In this talk, we show that the latest models provide global climate information with previously unprecedented accuracy. The two next-generation km-scale models included in our analysis (ICON Sapphire and IFS) even simulate temperature fields indistinguishable from observation-based references for the first time. We place this step-change in model fidelity in the context of nine observation-based datasets (20CR, ERA40, ERA-Interim, ERA5, JRA55, MERRA, MERRA2, NCAR-NCEP) and over 150 global climate models developed over the past three decades (from CMIP2 to CMIP6) in an extensive model evaluation. Based on this comparison, we discuss emerging challenges for model evaluation as the choice of the reference dataset starts to dominate model error for the latest models. 


How to cite: Brunner, L., Ghosh, R., Haimberger, L., Hohenegger, C., Putrasahan, D., Rackow, T., Knutti, R., Voigt, A., and Sillmann, J.: Are global km-scale climate models becoming indistinguishable from observations?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11601,, 2025.

Here we investigate tropical precipitation biases in the novel kilometer-scale Earth system models (ICON and IFS) developed by the EU-funded H2020 nextGEMS project. Despite the much higher resolution, these km-scale models still feature biases that are common to CMIP models: first, tropical precipitation is systematically overestimated. Second, the double ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone) bias is not ameliorated, with too little rain falling close to the Equator and too much rain in the southern branch relative to the northern branch. The double ITCZ bias is consistent with Hadley circulations that feature secondary cells close to the equator. Third, both the northern and the southern ITCZ branches are displaced poleward relative to observations. 

Focusing on the tropical precipitation distribution, we more explicitly quantify existing biases through a symmetric and an antisymmetric precipitation index. Leveraging the well-established atmospheric energy balance framework, we show how hemispherically symmetric biases are positively corellated with biases in the equatorial net energy input (NEI), once any residual in its global average is removed. In both models, equatorial NEI biases primarily arise from surface latent heat fluxes. Hemispherically antisymmetric biases are instead negatively correlated with the cross-equatorial atmospheric energy transport, which is in turn linked to biases in the NEI hemispheric asymmetry. The leading sources of asymmetric biases are top-of-atmosphere radiative fluxes in IFS and surface radiative fluxes in ICON.

Finally, although we find that notorious GCM precipitation biases are not mitigated when employing km-scale grids, we also see that the atmospheric energy balance holds great potential for improving tropical precipitation patterns. In this regard key candidates for improving the energy balance are surface flux schemes, particularly for latent heat over the oceans, and cloud-radiative effects. 

How to cite: Müller, S. K. and Bordoni, S.: Understanding tropical precipitation biases in kilometer-scale global climate models using the atmospheric energy balance framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11818,, 2025.

EGU25-12756 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Comparing biases in the earth system model ICON-ESM-ER with its predecessor MPI-ESM-ER 

Chathurika Wickramage, Jürgen Kröger, and Fabian Wachsmann

The resolution of climate models significantly influences their ability to simulate physical processes and reduce biases, especially in oceanic and atmospheric systems. The Eddy-Rich Earth System Models (EERIE) project focuses on developing next-generation Earth System models at kilometer-scale resolution. In this study, we compare the control simulations of one of the EERIE models, the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic Earth System Model (ICON-ESM-ER), with those of its eddy-rich predecessor, the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM-ER). The ICON-ESM-ER features a 5 km ocean resolution coupled with a 10 km atmospheric resolution, while the MPI-ESM-ER employs a 10 km ocean resolution and a 100 km atmospheric resolution. Additionally, the ICON-ESM-ER uses an unstructured icosahedral grid, whereas the MPI-ESM-ER is based on a tripolar curvilinear grid. As models gradually move to finer spatial resolution, we naturally expect to improve simulations of atmospheric and oceanic flows. However, things become particularly interesting when new thresholds are crossed, as it enables the explicit simulation of previously unresolved phenomena. This can also introduce new complexities and challenges. The analysis reveals distinct differences in biases between the two models. For instance, focusing on the Southern Ocean, ICON-ESM-ER exhibits overall warmer biases than its predecessor MPI-ESM-ER and shows very large positive dynamic sea level biases. Additionally, ICON-ESM-ER produces large positive zonal surface wind biases in this region. On a more positive note, the sea surface salinity biases in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean are negligible in ICON-ESM-ER. The ICON-ESM-ER does not outperform MPI-ESM-ER and, in some cases, introduces larger biases in key climate variables. Understanding these biases, particularly in comparison to its predecessor, is essential to guide future model development and improve the representation of critical processes in the Earth system.

How to cite: Wickramage, C., Kröger, J., and Wachsmann, F.: Comparing biases in the earth system model ICON-ESM-ER with its predecessor MPI-ESM-ER, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12756,, 2025.

EGU25-13120 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

Discovering convection biases in global km-scale climate models using computer vision 

Lilli Freischem, Philipp Weiss, Hannah Christensen, and Philip Stier

Convective clouds are a key component of the climate system, impacting the hydrological cycle, and leading to the redistribution of heat, moisture, and momentum. Traditional low-resolution climate models rely on parameterisations to represent convection and thus struggle to realistically capture convective processes. In contrast, km-scale models can directly simulate deep convection, improving the accuracy of cloud and precipitation fields. However, significant uncertainties remain, due to parameterisations of remaining unresolved subgrid-scale processes, which must be addressed.

Traditional model evaluation methods rely on aggregated spatial and temporal statistics, which overlook the fine-grained details critical to understanding the physical processes underlying convection. In addition, conventional dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., principal component analysis) cannot capture the non-linear relationships of small-scale physical processes.

To address these limitations, we use computer vision models to learn meaningful low-dimensional embeddings of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) fields and evaluate km-scale models in this new embedding space. More specifically, we use contrastive learning, a self-supervised technique that trains machine learning models to distinguish between similar and dissimilar data points, to train a deep neural network to generate compact representations of OLR fields.

We present results from a case study evaluation of two km-scale models, the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) and the Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Model (ICON), developed as part of the nextGEMS project. The simulations are compared to observations from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES-16). We quantitatively assess the realism of km-scale models by comparing the embedding distributions of models and observations using vector quantisation. Finally, we use explainability methods to identify key factors influencing the accuracy of simulated convection. Our results highlight the value of our approach in understanding and improving the performance of high-resolution climate models, contributing to more reliable climate projections at finer spatial scales.

How to cite: Freischem, L., Weiss, P., Christensen, H., and Stier, P.: Discovering convection biases in global km-scale climate models using computer vision, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13120,, 2025.

EGU25-15682 | Orals | CL4.7

Tales of Storms: Climate Storylines of Extreme Precipitation Events in Autumn 2024 

Thomas Jung, Amal John, Sebastian Beyer, Marylou Athanase, Antonio Sanchez Benitez, Helge Gößling, and Jan Wehner

The autumn of 2024 witnessed a series of extreme precipitation events that caused widespread impacts, highlighting the importance of investigating the role of climate change in impacting these phenomena. This study employs novel kilometre-scale (km-scale) storyline simulations using the IFS-FESOM coupled climate model to examine three major events—Hurricane Helene in the United States, severe flooding in Valencia, Spain, and Storm Boris that brought extreme precipitation to Central and Eastern Europe—under preindustrial, present-day, and future climate forcings. By nudging the evolution of large-scale atmospheric dynamics to ERA5, the storyline approach isolates thermodynamic changes due to anthropogenic warming while maintaining consistency with the observed event structures. The km-scale resolution enables a detailed representation of topographical influences, local-scale processes such as moisture convergence, and convective dynamics, providing critical insights into how the intensity, spatial distribution, and other characteristics of heavy precipitation may unfold in different climates. This study lays the foundation for a comprehensive set of storylines of high-impact extreme precipitation events, offering actionable information for decision-makers and increasing public understanding of the impact of climate change on extreme weather risks.

How to cite: Jung, T., John, A., Beyer, S., Athanase, M., Sanchez Benitez, A., Gößling, H., and Wehner, J.: Tales of Storms: Climate Storylines of Extreme Precipitation Events in Autumn 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15682,, 2025.

EGU25-17342 | Orals | CL4.7

A global-regional hierarchy approach to exploring upscale processes in km-scale Earth System models 

Huw Lewis, Richard Jones, Sally Lavender, Claudio Sanchez, Dasha Shchepanovska, and Calum Scullion

Exploitation of more powerful supercomputers has unlocked the potential to run kilometre-grid scale global simulations. Reaching convection-permitting resolution has been highlighted as a means to both transform local-scale weather prediction and reduce long-standing biases in global climate models. The dynamical downscaling benefits of delivering convection-permitting predictions, have been long established for weather and climate applications. Explicitly representing many of the key dynamical convective processes leads to better representation of several aspects of the mesoscale phenomena that lead to high impact weather than is achievable in coarser grid-scale models which require convection to be fully parametrized. GSRM potentially unlock representation of this upscale interaction within models, not currently simulated in global models in which the influence of convection is parametrized, or in nested limited-area models in which smaller scales do not feedback onto the general circulation. By doing so, it is hypothesized that long-standing model biases, such as in large-scale circulations and their effect on global precipitation patterns, might be resolved or reduced.

In the UK, Met Office and university partner K-Scale research has been focussed on assessment of this upscale hypothesis. A traceable global-regional model hierarchy has therefore been established, exploiting the Unified Model seamless modelling framework and model development foundations. The hierarchy spans global and limited area atmosphere-only simulations across a range of grid resolutions and model physics. We exploit the hierarchy to demonstrate the influence of upscale processes on the predicted strength and variability of upper-level winds. Enabling upscale growth in our simulations results in a relative strengthening of the tropical easterly jet. Over S. America, there is evidence of a weakening of the westerly jet over the eastern Pacific and stronger easterlies over the tropical Atlantic in vicinity of the Atlantic ITCZ. Over SE Asia, there is a general strengthening of upper-level easterly winds.

We describe the further evaluation of the hierarchy, including its sensitivity to model physics choices, in the context of new year-long simulations adopting the DYAMOND3 protocol, and discuss plans and challenges of how the Met Office is looking to apply Earth system models at km-scale in the context of evolving operational NWP, climate research and machine learning capability and service development.

How to cite: Lewis, H., Jones, R., Lavender, S., Sanchez, C., Shchepanovska, D., and Scullion, C.: A global-regional hierarchy approach to exploring upscale processes in km-scale Earth System models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17342,, 2025.

As the climate continues to warm, hydrometeorological extremes are extracting a greater toll from society both economically and socially. The need for accurate extreme event projections during acute dry spells was recently highlighted by the January 2025 devastating wildfires in the Los Angeles region. Current CMIP-style global climate models broadly project an increasing frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation and drought. However, the relatively coarse resolution, lack of ocean-atmosphere coupling, and parameterization of convection means they do not capture the spatial heterogeneity and mesoscale processes of complex coasts and topography relevant for simulating extreme events which often introduces model biases.

The ongoing H2020 Next Generation Earth Modelling Systems (nextGEMS) project aims to address these issues with the development of convection-permitting, fully-coupled, Earth-system models. Using the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) and Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model (ICON), we examine detailed dry spell characteristics in the Mediterranean region of Europe and then expand our analysis globally. These results are compared against a suite of observations (station and satellite based), reanalysis datasets, and CESM2 simulations.

Using ICON and IFS with about 6 km and 4 km spatial resolution, respectively over a five-year period in the Mediterranean, we find the increased resolution and hybrid/explicit representation of convection improves the representation of dry hour frequency and alleviated the long-standing drizzle bias observed in many GCMs, here illustrated for CESM2. For simulating the maximum length of dry spells over land, switching off the convective parameterization scheme in ICON improves accuracy with similar dry spell lengths as observations and reanalysis. However, the annual maximum length of dry spells over the sea for both ICON and IFS is excessive by 30-50 days. The depiction of dry spells in the Mediterranean region is representative of the nextGEMS’ models performance across the whole mid-latitudes. Ongoing research using recently developed 30-year transient ICON and IFS simulations (2020-2050) looks to investigate how dry extremes evolve globally in a warming world.

How to cite: Wille, J. and Fischer, E.: Dry spell representation on regional and global scale using convection-permitting models within the nextGEMS project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17833,, 2025.

EGU25-18012 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.7

4.4-km global climate projections with IFS-FESOM 

Sebastian Beyer, Thomas Rackow, Dmitry Sidorenko, Nikolay Koldunov, Amal John, Rohit Ghosh, Jan Streffing, Suvarchal Kumar Cheedela, Maqsood Mubarak Rajput, Miguel Andrés-Martínez, Mohammed Hussam Al Turjman, Razvan Aguridan, Matteo Nurisso, Jan Wehner, and Thomas Jung

We present the current IFS-FESOM model configuration of the Destination Earth (DestinE) project, which we used to compute a coupled climate projection (SSP-3.70) from 2020 to 2040 with unprecedented storm-resolving resolution. The atmospheric resolution of 4.4 km allows us to replace previously necessary parametrizations with explicitly resolved atmospheric dynamics. The unstructured NG5 ocean mesh, which locally reaches below 5 km resolution, resolves mesoscale ocean eddies and sea ice leads.

IFS-FESOM consists of the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS, developed by ECMWF) coupled to the Finite Volume Sea Ice-Ocean Model FESOM2. It utilizes the IO-server and post-processing toolkit multIO, providing hourly outputs and statistical processing of numerous variables. It also takes advantage of recent improvements to the IFS, including enhanced representations of snow and land use, as well as a dedicated scheme for urban areas and cities worldwide.

We present initial results from analyzing the simulation, addressing technical challenges and scientific questions related to running km-scale simulations over multiple decades.

How to cite: Beyer, S., Rackow, T., Sidorenko, D., Koldunov, N., John, A., Ghosh, R., Streffing, J., Cheedela, S. K., Rajput, M. M., Andrés-Martínez, M., Al Turjman, M. H., Aguridan, R., Nurisso, M., Wehner, J., and Jung, T.: 4.4-km global climate projections with IFS-FESOM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18012,, 2025.

EGU25-18760 | Orals | CL4.7

Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate change 

Nathan Beech, Thomas Rackow, Tido Semmler, and Thomas Jung

Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean is linked to critical drivers of the global climate such as Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) formation, seasonal sea ice cover, and shoreward heat transport. Yet, no comprehensive description of eddy activity poleward of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) exists and the mesoscale processes in the region are missing from virtually all major projections of climate change. Using a high-resolution ocean model and cost-reducing simulation design, eddy activity in the high southern latitudes is characterized with unprecedented detail, including 3-dimensional spatial distribution and characteristics, unobstructed information beneath sea ice, and projections of future conditions after prolonged anthropogenic warming. A rich mesoscale field is detected, with eddy activity closely linked to large-scale circulation features like gyres and the Antarctic Slope Current. Eddy activity exhibits a strong seasonal cycle in which the presence of sea ice decreases the eddy population and increases the proportion of anticyclones. Anthropogenic warming is projected to increase the eddy population, particularly in winter. Projected impacts of climate change are regionally diverse; ACC eddy activity shifts poleward, Antarctic Slope Current eddy activity intensifies, and the seasonal cycle affecting the eddy population and rotational direction is reduced.

How to cite: Beech, N., Rackow, T., Semmler, T., and Jung, T.: Eddy activity in the high-latitude Southern Ocean and its response to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18760,, 2025.

EGU25-20426 | Posters on site | CL4.7

Regionally focused aerosol-climate modelling at kilometer scale 

Anne Kubin, Bernd Heinold, Philipp Weiss, Philip Stier, and Ina Tegen

Aerosol particles from natural and anthropogenic sources play an important role in the Earth's climate through their interactions with radiation and clouds. However, the underlying mechanisms and their climate impacts remain poorly understood. Kilometer-scale high-resolution climate simulations provide a powerful tool to tackle these uncertainties and reveal new details about the effects of aerosols, e.g., on moist convective clouds and fine-scale atmospheric dynamics. Recently, the reduced-complexity aerosol module HAM-lite was developed for global simulations within the ICON-MPIM Earth system model. While based on the proven but complex aerosol module HAM, HAM-lite represents aerosols as a group of logarithmic-normal modes with predefined sizes and compositions. It uses one mode each for pure dust and sea salt particles, and two internally mixed modes with organic carbon, black carbon, and sulfate. Now, this coupled model system has been further advanced to support limited-area mode (LAM) applications, enabling faster, targeted simulations of specific source and target regions and their associated aerosol processes.

We showcase the enhanced capability of ICON-MPIM and HAM-lite through LAM case studies. Regional simulations are performed at a resolution of approximately 2.5 kilometers over several months, using AMIP boundary conditions for sea surface temperature and sea ice. Initial and lateral boundary conditions for the atmosphere are sourced from ECMWF operational analysis, while aerosol boundary data are derived from either the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service reanalysis (EAC4 CAMS) or global ICON-MPIM-HAM-lite simulations. In this study, we present LAM applications for case studies of air pollution in Central Europe and Eastern Australia, densely populated regions with extensive aerosol measurement networks for model evaluation in the northern and southern hemispheres, respectively. Further analyses include aerosol processes at high-latitudes in the Fram Strait-Svalbard Arctic region, investigating the effects of sea ice on sea-spray emissions and polar air mass exchange; and low-latitude events in West Africa, focusing on the transport and impacts of dust and biomass burning smoke on regional climate and air quality.

How to cite: Kubin, A., Heinold, B., Weiss, P., Stier, P., and Tegen, I.: Regionally focused aerosol-climate modelling at kilometer scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20426,, 2025.

EGU25-113 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17

Sea level  variations at the world coastlines over the past two decades from reprocessed satellite altimetry 

Lancelot Leclercq, Anny Cazenave, Fabien Léger, Florence Birol, Fernando Nino, and Jean-François Legeais

In the context of the ESA Climate Change Initiative Sea Level project, we performed a complete reprocessing of high resolution (20 Hz, i.e., 350m) along-track altimetry data of the Jason-1, Jason-2 and Jason-3 missions over January 2002 to June 2021 in the world coastal zones. This reprocessing provides along-track sea level time series and associated trends from the coast to 50 km offshore over the study period. We call ‘virtual coastal stations’ the closest along-track point to the coast. This creates a new network of 1160 virtual sites well distributed along the world coastlines. We performed Empirical Orthogonal Decomposition analyses of the sea level time series at the virtual stations, globally and regionally, in order to: (1) identify the main drivers of the coastal sea level variability at interannual time scale, and (2) assess the along-coast coherence of the sea level response to the dominant drivers. The results highlight those coastlines where the EOF first mode reveals a dominant long-term coastal sea level rise They also help in identifying other regions where the coastal sea level is dominated interannual variations, highly correlated to natural climate modes. This analysis allows us to clearly separate portions of the world coastlines displaying different sea level behaviors. In regions where no tide gauge data are available (a large portion of the southern hemisphere), our results provide new information on present day sea level changes at the coast, hopefully useful for coastal adaptation.

How to cite: Leclercq, L., Cazenave, A., Léger, F., Birol, F., Nino, F., and Legeais, J.-F.: Sea level  variations at the world coastlines over the past two decades from reprocessed satellite altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-113,, 2025.

EGU25-1418 * | Orals | CL4.17 | Highlight

Estimating the cost of sea level rise 

Magnus Hieronymus, Jim Hedfors, Lisa Van Well, Gunnel Göransson, Sebastian Bokhari Irminger, and Åke Magnusson

Sea level rise increases the flood risk in coastal communities throughout the world. Many studies have shown that enormous property values are at risk already this century. In particular under high emission scenarios. Protecting infrastructure from flooding is thus an important objective for coastal spatial planning, and planning activities are ongoing in states, counties and municipalities around the world. Current coastal spatial planning methods are, however, not well tailored for this task. Problems persist in how such plans can incorporate: uncertainties, time dependence and the interplay between sea level rise and sea level extremes. Here we demonstrate how these different components can be incorporated into a joint probabilistic framework, using Monte Carlo methods. A model called the sea level simulator is used together with a cost function that estimates the value of infrastructure as a function of its height above the current mean sea level, giving a comprehensive coupling between physical and economic risk. That is, between high sea levels and economic loss. The end result is a probabilistic estimate of flooding loss conditioned on user-defined emission scenario probabilities. The framework is well fit both as a decision support tool and as a tool for making uncertainty quantifications. The capabilities of the framework are demonstrated using examples from one of Sweden's oldest cities, the city of Kalmar. Examples are given showing how losses and their uncertainty depend on emission scenario, the length of the planning period and thresholds in the cost curve


How to cite: Hieronymus, M., Hedfors, J., Van Well, L., Göransson, G., Bokhari Irminger, S., and Magnusson, Å.: Estimating the cost of sea level rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1418,, 2025.

EGU25-2624 | Posters on site | CL4.17

What Antarctic sea-level rise estimates to 2050 should be used for decision-making? 

Matt King, Felicity McCormack, and Yucheng Lin

We focus on the Antarctic contribution to sea level by 2050, intending to improve sea-level rise estimates for decadal decision-making purposes. We compare ISMIP6 2100 ice sheet model-derived projections and data-driven estimates from 2015-2050. We find that models divide into two categories of response based on their initialisation approach, with spin-up-style models generally showing little response to forcing (relative to their control) over this period even under a high emissions scenario, while data assimilation models suggest increased change in the Amundsen Sea Embayment and parts of East Antarctica, and accelerating ice loss along the Siple Coast. We suggest a lower surface mass balance in the forced simulations than the control simulations drives an unrealistic mass loss signal in the Amundsen Sea sector in the ISMIP6 projections over 2015-2050. We then focus on the data assimilation models and explore their projection of the dynamic contribution to sea levels by 2050. We complement these with data-driven estimates based on linear or linear-plus-quadratic models fit to gridded satellite altimeter data while also considering natural climate variability that dominates decadal-scale surface mass balance variations. Historical trends (i.e., pre-2015) are not necessarily captured in the ISMIP6 2100 models, partly due to a lack of observational constraints before the satellite record. Hence, we use gridded empirically-derived surface lowering trends combined with the ISMIP6 projected trends, and compare them to the linear and quadratic linear and quadratic empirical extrapolations to 2050. Finally, we explore the differences and sensitivities in sea level fingerprints deriving from these estimates and their potential implications for decision-making processes.

How to cite: King, M., McCormack, F., and Lin, Y.: What Antarctic sea-level rise estimates to 2050 should be used for decision-making?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2624,, 2025.

EGU25-4356 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Sea-level rise along the North Atlantic coasts since 1900 

Blandine Jacob, Lucia Pineau-Guillou, William Llovel, and Virginie Thierry

The global mean sea-level rise is today well quantified: 1.4 ± 0.1 mm yr-1 over 1901-1993 (based on tide gauge records) and 3.0 ± 0.2 mm y-1 over 1993-2010 (based on satellite altimetry data). However, this rise is not uniform and large departures from the global mean sea-level trend are observed. Given that over 750 million people are living in the low-elevation coastal zone and because sea-level will continue to rise due to climate change, it is crucial to obtain reliable trends at local and regional scale, to design appropriate adaptation policies for the future. In this study, we investigated the North Atlantic sea-level rise over the 20th century along the coasts using tide gauges and climate model outputs from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) framework. As climate models do not account for land ice melt, the contribution of ice sheets (Greenland and Antarctica), mountain glaciers and land water storage were added a posteriori. Climate models provide gridded data with a relatively coarse resolution (~1°); whether they correctly simulate sea-level rise at a given point in space is still an open question. We explored the ability of climate models to correctly reproduce the 20th century sea-level trends at the nearest points to tide gauge locations in the North Atlantic ocean over 1900-2014. Based on a multi-member ensemble approach from CMIP6 model outputs, we determine both the externally forced (ensemble mean) and internal variability contribution (ensemble spread) to historical sea-level changes. We showed that the internal variability is higher on the west side of the North Atlantic basin than on the east side. 

How to cite: Jacob, B., Pineau-Guillou, L., Llovel, W., and Thierry, V.: Sea-level rise along the North Atlantic coasts since 1900, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4356,, 2025.

EGU25-5094 | Orals | CL4.17

Future Sea-Level Rise in Southeast Asia: New Insights on Uncertainty, Ocean Dynamics, and Extreme Events 

Dhrubajyoti Samanta, Benjamin S. Grandey, Zhi Yang Koh, Lock Yue Chew, and Benjamin P. Horton

Future sea-level rise will generate hazards for coastal populations, economies, and infrastructure in Singapore and Southeast Asia. However, regional projections remain highly uncertain due to complex regional to local factors, including ocean dynamics, and extreme sea-level events. Here, we review our 4-year project funded by Singapore’s National Sea Level Programme, which focused on enhancing the accuracy of regional sea-level rise projections by 2100. Our approach includes: 1) attributing historical sea-level changes to anthropogenic and natural forcings[1]; 2) quantifying drift uncertainty in global climate model simulations[2]; 3) investigating tide-surge interaction in Singapore and surrounding regions[3]; and 4) addressing ambiguity in sea-level rise projection by fusing multiple projections used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 6th Assessment Report (IPCC AR6)[4]. First, using large ensemble climate model simulations we detected and attributed historical (1950–2014) sea-level changes over the Indo-Pacific warm pool region providing insights for future projections. We discovered that the historical rise in sea level is predominantly driven by the influence of greenhouse gases, although aerosols tend to moderate the rate of rise. Notably, the rate of sea-level rise and the time of emergence of anthropogenic signals vary spatially in the region. We also highlight the important role of manometric sea-level changes in shallow and coastal regions in Southeast Asia. Second, we develop a Monte Carlo drift correction technique to quantify uncertainty in drift correction for global climate models, using climate model data. Our findings highlight that drift uncertainty can significantly impact energy balance estimates and sea-level rise, underscoring the need to account for drift uncertainty when analyzing climate model outputs. Third, using a statistical framework, we study tide-surge interaction at seven tide gauges along the coast of Singapore and the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, focusing on the timing of extreme non-tidal residual relative to tidal high water. We found that tide-surge interaction influences coastal water levels in this region, and our semi-empirical model provides insight into the mechanisms of tidal phase alteration. Finally, we propose a new approach to quantify the best estimate of the scientific uncertainty associated with sea-level rise by fusing the complementary strengths of the ice sheet models and expert elicitations used in IPCC AR6. Under a high-emissions scenario, the very likely range is 0.5–1.9 m. The 95th percentile projection of 1.9 m can inform a high-end storyline, supporting decision-making for activities with low uncertainty tolerance. We plan to use our findings to offer policymakers and coastal planners a robust, high-confidence toolset for long-term adaptation strategies in Singapore and Southeast Asia.

[1] Samanta et al., (2024),

[2] Grandey et al., (2023),

[3] Koh et al., (2024),

[4] Grandey et al., (2024),

How to cite: Samanta, D., Grandey, B. S., Koh, Z. Y., Chew, L. Y., and Horton, B. P.: Future Sea-Level Rise in Southeast Asia: New Insights on Uncertainty, Ocean Dynamics, and Extreme Events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5094,, 2025.

EGU25-5300 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

2500 years of late Holocene relative sea-level change at Gress, Isle of Lewis, northwest Scotland 

Khai Ken Leoh, Natasha Barlow, Sue Dawson, Uisdean Nicholson, and Adam Switzer

The late Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) history of Scotland is spatially and temporally variable, as it lies close to the boundaries of the former British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and within the maximum sea-level fingerprint of Antarctic melt. It is therefore an interesting location to understand the interplay of drivers of RSL and the consequences on rates of change, over centennial to millennial timescales. However, there are few late Holocene RSL records from the region, especially islands offshore of mainland Scotland. Along mid-latitude coastlines, salt-marsh deposits provide ideal archives of late Holocene sea level. In this study, we combine stratigraphy, sedimentology (grain size analysis and loss-on-ignition) and diatom biostratigraphy to reconstruct late Holocene sea level, at a newly studied salt marsh at Gress, on the eastern coastline of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides. Rather than the typical quantitative transfer function approach, we instead utilise a qualitative visual assessment method to reconstruct RSL due to poor performance by the UK modern diatom transfer function at this location. By combining 14C dates and Bayesian modelling, we derive a chronological model for the core to assess the timing of any RSL change. We consequently present a new, near-continuous RSL record at Gress which shows a stable to slowly falling RSL trend over the last ~2500 years. At ~AD 580, the disappearance of Sphagnum moss, a typical freshwater species, accompanies the appearance of brackish diatoms species, highlighting a potential increase in the proximity of marine conditions which may indicate regionally rising RSL from this time.

How to cite: Leoh, K. K., Barlow, N., Dawson, S., Nicholson, U., and Switzer, A.: 2500 years of late Holocene relative sea-level change at Gress, Isle of Lewis, northwest Scotland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5300,, 2025.

This study investigates sea level variability in the East Sea (ES) and East China Sea (ECS) using a combination of in-situ observation, satellite altimeter data from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), and reanalysis datasets from the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), Ocean Reanalysis System 5 (ORAS5), and Global Ocean Reanalysis and Simulation (GLORYS) for the period 1993-2023. The analysis focuses on the influences of steric effects and mass components on sea level, excluding atmospheric pressure impacts for simplification. The Ieodo Ocean Research Station (IORS), located in the ECS at 125.18°E and 32.12°N, served as a key observation point. The trends in monthly mean sea level were 5.82 mm yr-1 (in-situ, 2003–2023) and 3.53 mm yr-1 (CMEMS, 1993–2023), 3.09 mm yr-1 (GLORYS, 1993–2023), 2.27 mm yr-1 (ORAS5, 1993–2023) and -0.09 mm yr-1 (HYCOM, 1994–2023). Notably, HYCOM trends exhibited variability over sub-periods, with rates of 0.85 mm yr-1 (1994-2015), 2.75 mm yr-1 (2016-2023), 0.56 mm yr-1 (1994-2017), 8.82 mm yr-1 (2018-2023), and 0.56 mm yr-1 (2003-2023). Cross-correlation analysis demonstrated significant agreement between detrended sea levels, with coefficients of 0.92 (CMEMS & GLORYS), 0.90 (CMEMS & HYCOM), 0.89 (CMEMS & ORAS5), 0.80 (CMEMS & in-situ). Additionally, this methodology was applied to sea level data from Ulleung Island at 130.90°E and 37.50°N and Dok Island at 131.87°E and 37.24°N, providing further insights into sea level variability in the ES and ECS. Understanding sea level changes in these regions using limited but representative datasets contributes to improving knowledge of regional sea level variability and supports analysis and prediction in a warming climate.

How to cite: Han, M. and Lim, H.-S.: Sea Level Variability in the East Sea and East China Sea: Insights from Observations and Reanalysis (1993-2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5302,, 2025.

Coastal zones in the Maritime Continent are one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to sea level rise and other climate-associated hazards. Ocean circulations transport mass, salt, and heat through the South China Sea (SCS) and the Southeast Asian Seas (SEAS), linking the western tropical Pacific and Indian Oceans. This process significantly influences regional sea-level changes, causing higher rates of sea-level rise than global. Current global general circulation models (GCMs) are mostly limited in resolving regional ocean circulation and boundary currents due to their coarse resolution. Therefore, dynamic downscaling of the global GCMs to regional scales using high-resolution ocean models is widely considered as an efficient solution to derive regional sea-level projections. In this study, we employ an eddy-resolving regional ocean model (NEMO) to dynamically downscale sea-level projections from the global climate model (EC-Earth3) for the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios in the Maritime Continent, encompassing the South China Sea and other Southeast Asian Seas. A novel aspect of our approach is the use of WRF-based downscaled atmospheric fields from the same parent global climate model (EC-Earth3), to provide high resolution surface boundary conditions for the ocean model projections. This study further explores the low-frequency steric sea-level trend and variability, as well as associated heat flux and transport by prevailing climate modes in the region.

How to cite: Ma, P. and Pavel, T.: Low-Frequency Variability and Projected Changes of Steric Sea Level in the Maritime Continent, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5431,, 2025.

The effects of model resolution on the simulation of sea-level variability were analyzed based on the second-generation climate system ocean model from the State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Science and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Institute of Atmosphere Physics (LICOM2) with resolutions of 1° (LICOM2-L) and 0.1° (LICOM2-H).The interannual variability, decadal variability, and long-term trends of the dynamic sea level (DSL)  are estimated using a multivariate linear regression model based on the LICOM2-L and LICOM2-H datasets during 1958–2007. The analysis reveals that the distributions of interannual and decadal variability, as well as long-term trends, are consistent between the LICOM2-L and LICOM2-H simulations in the tropics and mid-latitudes. However, differences in these variabilities are most pronounced in the regions of the western boundary currents and Antarctic Circumpolar Current, primarily due to variations in thermosteric sea level (TSSL) and halosteric sea level. In contrast, the DSL variability differences in the Southern Ocean are mainly due to the TSSL. 
Analyses of ocean heat content (OHC) budgets suggest that the differences between the LICOM2-L and LICOM2-H simulations are mainly in decadal variability and long-term trends. The interannual and decadal variabilities of OHC are significantly influenced by both large-scale mean advection and eddy-induced transport. The latter plays a more pronounced role in high-latitude regions and contributes notably to decadal variability and trend differences. At the equator, eddy-induced transport is the primary driver of long-term trends, accounting for 80% of the total contribution, while the large-scale mean advection contributes the remaining 20%. These findings underscore the complex interplay between mean advection and eddy processes in shaping the thermohaline structure and sea level variability in the ocean models.

How to cite: Wang, Y.: Impacts of model resolution on the simulation of sea-level variability by a global ocean-sea ice model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6336,, 2025.

EGU25-7344 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Detecting Sea Level Fingerprints from Synthetic Satellite Altimetry Data Using Deep Learning 

Kangmin Mao, Jing Sun, and Riccardo Riva

Continental freshwater input from glaciers and ice sheets is responsible for more than half of the ongoing global sea level rise. This freshwater redistributes across the oceans following specific patterns, determined by gravitational, rotational and deformation effects, known as sea level fingerprints. These fingerprints can be uniquely associated with their continental mass sources and could in theory enable the reconstruction of continental water and ice mass changes, helping to better attribute the causes of ongoing sea level change. However, they are very difficult to detect because their magnitude is much smaller than the signals related to ocean sterodynamic changes and atmospheric effects. To address this challenge, our research has employed deep learning techniques to separate sea level fingerprints from synthetic satellite altimetry data. Our findings reveal that deep learning is highly effective at this task, highlighting significant potential of deep learning in detecting large-scale geospatial signals. This deep learning approach could serve as a basis for accurately quantifying mass changes in the cryosphere and land hydrology from satellite altimetry observations over the last three decades, ultimately providing valuable insights into the impacts of climate change on sea level and the global water cycle.

How to cite: Mao, K., Sun, J., and Riva, R.: Detecting Sea Level Fingerprints from Synthetic Satellite Altimetry Data Using Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7344,, 2025.

EGU25-7702 | Orals | CL4.17

Sea-Level Science in Singapore and Southeast Asia 

Benjamin P. Horton, Lauriane Chardot, Stephen Chua, Benjamin S. Grandey, Muhammad Hadi Iksan, Tanghua Li, Trina Ng, Dhrubajyoti Samanta, Timothy Shaw, Fang Yi Tan, Sherene Tan, Iuna Tsyrulneva, and Wenshu Yap

Sea-level rise in Singapore and Southeast Asia differs from the global average due to various regional and local processes, such as land uplift and subsidence, ocean and atmospheric circulation, and the gravitational effects from melting ice sheets. The current scarcity of sea-level data in Southeast Asia, however, limits our ability to understand the regional and local processes needed to generate more accurate sea-level rise projections. We therefore realize there is a crucial need to produce more sea-level data within Southeast Asia and develop sea-level models that can effectively inform adaptation strategies for rising sea levels.

Using case studies from the Southeast Asia Sea Level (SEA2) program from Singapore and Southeast Asia, we illustrate how historical and geological data can constrain future projections, and how sea-level projections can motivate the development of new sea-level research questions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

  • We showed that rapid sea-level rise driven by ice melting ~14,500 and ~11,500 years ago signi­ficantly reduced land area and forced early human migration across Southeast Asia[1]. During these periods, thresholds of coastal habitat survival were also surpassed resulting in large-scale coastal wetland retreat.
  • Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) model predictions suggest Southeast Asia experienced sea levels higher than present between 7,000 and 4,000 years ago, producing a mid-Holocene highstand[2]. Variability in the highstand magnitude is controlled by solid Earth parameters while the highstand timing is controlled by ice sheet melting history.
  • We introduced a new fusion method for quantifying a best-estimate of sea-level rise uncertainty to support decision-making[3]. We estimate that by 2100, global sea levels will likely rise between 0.3-1.0 m under low emission and 0.5-1.9 m under high emission scenarios.
  • We demonstrate the implications of rising sea levels to coastal ecosystems. With 3°C of warming, nearly all mangrove forests and coral reef islands would be beyond their sea-level rise tipping point for survival[4].

[1] Kim, H.L., Li, T., et al. 2023. Commun Biol 6, 150.

[2] Li, T., et al. 2023. Quat Sci Rev 319, 108332.

[3] Grandey, B.S., Dauwels, J., Koh, Z.Y., Horton, B., et al. 2024. Earth’s Future.

[4] Saintilan, N., Horton, B., et al. 2023. Nature 621, 112–119.

How to cite: Horton, B. P., Chardot, L., Chua, S., Grandey, B. S., Iksan, M. H., Li, T., Ng, T., Samanta, D., Shaw, T., Tan, F. Y., Tan, S., Tsyrulneva, I., and Yap, W.: Sea-Level Science in Singapore and Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7702,, 2025.

EGU25-7935 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17

Sea level budget in light of recent observational advances since 1960 

Huayi Zheng, Lijing Cheng, Sönke Dangendorf, Anne Barnoud, Kevin Trenberth, John Fasullo, and John Abraham

Closure of the global mean sea level (GMSL) budget is essential to understand the causes of GMSL rise. Accounting for the recent progress in observing and estimating of GMSL, steric sea level and ocean mass changes, this study assesses the budget for the GMSL trend and acceleration for the three key observational eras of 1960-2021, 1993-2023 and 2005-2023. For 1960-2021, the trend of GMSL is 1.86 ± 0.34 mm yr-1, closely matching the sum of contributions of 1.88 ± 0.13 mm yr-1, with most dominant contributions coming from steric height change and glacier melting. The observed GMSL acceleration of 0.072 ± 0.005 mm yr-2 for 1960-2021 matches contributions of 0.066 ± 0.005 mm yr-2 and is dominated by steric height change. From 1993 to 2023, the GMSL rise of 3.27 ± 0.06 mm yr-1 also aligns with contributions of 3.22 ± 0.15 mm yr-1. The acceleration of observed GMSL is 0.078 ± 0.013 mm yr-2 for this period, which is supported by the acceleration inferred from sum of contributions of 0.072 ± 0.004 mm yr-2. For 2005-2023, the observed GMSL acceleration is 0.084 ± 0.006 mm yr-2, mainly driven by steric sea level change at 0.083 ± 0.016 mm yr-2. Although the acceleration within three periods is consistent, the driver changes depend on the periods. This study reconciles the observed GMSL trend and acceleration with the sum of contributors since 1960, highlighting the importance of adequate data processing and bias corrections.

How to cite: Zheng, H., Cheng, L., Dangendorf, S., Barnoud, A., Trenberth, K., Fasullo, J., and Abraham, J.: Sea level budget in light of recent observational advances since 1960, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7935,, 2025.

EGU25-7949 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Applying copula to joint probability methods: a comparison of extreme sea-level estimation methods 

Zhi Yang Koh, Benjamin Grandey, Justin Dauwels, and Lock Yue Chew

Accurate evaluation of sea-level return levels is crucial for coastal planning. Two ubiquitous methods are the generalised Pareto distribution (GPD), favoured for its ease of access and cheap computational cost, and the skew surge joint probability method (SSJPM), which models deterministic tides and stochastic surges separately but does not consider tide–surge interaction. We propose a modification to the SSJPM, called the copula joint probability method (CJPM), where a copula is used to model the joint distribution of skew surges and peak tides, to account for correlation between tidal high water and skew surge. We compare the performance of the GPD, SSJPM and CJPM in estimating the 30-year return level using only ten years of training data. To validate the models, we require long observational records which can be provided by tide gauges with approximately 100 calendar years of records. For each tide gauge record, ten calendar years are randomly chosen to train the three models while the remaining years are used to validate model predictions. This procedure is repeated multiple times and the mean absolute error (MAE) of each model is estimated at each tide gauge site. The SSJPM and CJPM have lower MAE than the GPD at most tide gauges. The CJPM complements the SSJPM by accounting for correlation between tidal high water and skew surge, providing improved performance at many tide gauges.

How to cite: Koh, Z. Y., Grandey, B., Dauwels, J., and Chew, L. Y.: Applying copula to joint probability methods: a comparison of extreme sea-level estimation methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7949,, 2025.

EGU25-9224 | Orals | CL4.17

Constraining extreme sea levels along the European coasts from a large ensemble of climate models 

Marta Marcos, Miguel Agulles, Angel Amores, Xiangbo Feng, and Jon Robson

The storm surge contribution to coastal extreme sea levels along the European coastlines has been explored using a set of hydrodynamic numerical simulations. When forced by high-resolution atmospheric fields, simulated storm surge time series display good correspondence with observations. Because of their length, accuracy and consistency, these numerical data have been widely used to characterise coastal extreme sea levels, in terms of their magnitude and probability of occurrence. These outputs are then often used to infer coastal hazards and risks. However, higher risks associated to the most extreme events, represented by return periods substantially longer than the simulated time span, are generally accompanied by large uncertainties, thus limiting the robustness of long-term coastal risks assessments based solely on these otherwise valuable datasets. One way to reduce these uncertainties is increasing their sample size. Here, we do so by running a number of hydrodynamic simulations forced by mean sea level pressure and surface wind fields from a set of initialised climate models from the Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) over a domain covering the European coasts (excluding the Baltic Sea) and amounting for a total of 9000 years. Hydrodynamic simulations forced with atmospheric pressure and wind fields from these models, once are biased-corrected, result in a much larger dataset of coastal storm surges. Large datasets also provide information on the probability of extreme sea levels that are plausible in the current climate but for which there is no observational evidence.

How to cite: Marcos, M., Agulles, M., Amores, A., Feng, X., and Robson, J.: Constraining extreme sea levels along the European coasts from a large ensemble of climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9224,, 2025.

EGU25-9785 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Increasing the resolution of sea-level simulations for Western Europe with a regional ocean model until 2100 

Jeemijn Scheen, Dewi le Bars, Tim H.J. Hermans, Iris J. Keizer, Bert Wouters, Stef Lhermitte, and Aimée B.A. Slangen

Global mean sea level is rising due to anthropogenic climate change, via the thermal expansion of seawater and the mass loss of land ice. Regional sea-level change is also affected by changes in ocean currents due to the changing climate and internal climate variability. Global climate models from CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6) simulate future sterodynamic sea-level change – the combined contribution of thermal expansion and ocean dynamics – with a resolution on the order of 100 by 100 km. However, at this resolution, the simulation of coastal processes on the continental shelves and the exchange between the European continental shelves and the deep Atlantic Ocean is limited. We address this by dynamically downscaling four CMIP6 models using the ROMS regional ocean model for Western Europe, which has a 12 by 12 km resolution with 30 terrain-following depth layers. Based on the results, we present sea-level projections until 2100 for 2 emission scenarios. We investigate the effect of dynamical downscaling on future sea-level trends in Western Europe. For example, we find that regional sea level rises more in the German Bight than in other regions during the satellite era because of changes in wind. With our ensemble of 4 downscaled CMIP6 models, we are able to quantify the inter-model uncertainty and we can assess the advantages and disadvantages of dynamical downscaling for annual mean sea-level projections.

How to cite: Scheen, J., Bars, D. L., Hermans, T. H. J., Keizer, I. J., Wouters, B., Lhermitte, S., and Slangen, A. B. A.: Increasing the resolution of sea-level simulations for Western Europe with a regional ocean model until 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9785,, 2025.

The Mediterranean Sea accounts for less than 0.5% of the global ocean's total volume and is characterized by unique significance in terms of oceanographic complexity. Indeed, an internal conveyor belt, together with complex circulation patterns and gyres, defines the entire domain. The understanding of Mediterranean oceanography has evolved significantly in recent times, transitioning from a static perspective to a dynamic one, as circulation patterns and thermohaline properties in the basin are now acknowledged to vary over time. Within this dynamic framework, the North Ionian Gyre (NIG) emerges as one of the most intriguing oceanographic features. Situated in the Ionian Sea, the NIG is known to reverse its circulation between cyclonic and anticyclonic modes on a quasi-decadal scale. This fluctuation results in significant variations in the redistribution of water masses and thermohaline properties throughout the Mediterranean Sea. Although various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the causes of these reversal episodes, a widely accepted consensus has yet to be reached. Moreover, reversal episodes have been documented only since the late 1980s through direct observations, modeling, and experimental studies, while the historical variability of this phenomenon remains poorly understood.

In this study, to enhance the understanding of the NIG evolution over time, information about sea-level changes has been accounted for. Indeed, variations in thermohaline properties and water mass redistribution, induced by NIG state shifts, might have been recorded in sea-level changes as a response to these modifications. A total of 46 tide gauges, distributed across the entire domain, have been considered, providing signals that often date back decades or even cover the entire 20th century. Furthermore, information from satellite altimetry has been included to provide a detailed spatial view of sea-level changes in recent decades across the Mediterranean Sea. After the removal of effects such as atmospheric pressure, glacial isostatic adjustment, and the sea-level response induced by the water mass exchange from continents, all signals were decomposed into a finite number of mode functions, each theoretically related to a specific phenomenon. At this stage, the influence of vertical land movements recorded in tide gauges has been isolated and attributed to residual signals, while the oscillatory modes primarily represent sea-level changes associated with thermohaline variations and the dynamic redistribution of seawater. 

An interesting oscillatory, quasi-decadal signal emerged as the second mode of variability within all datasets considered. Inflections within this signal provide a notable match, both in time and space, with all known NIG reversal episodes, particularly in the eastern Mediterranean sub-basins. These inflections manifest as an acceleration (or deceleration) in sea-level rise during anticyclonic (cyclonic) NIG phases. Despite their low magnitude in terms of amplitude (approximately 4 cm), they appear to be associated with the main driver of short-term variability in sea-level trends across the domain. Since signals from tide gauges provide long-term time series, this correlation enables the reconstruction of the NIG reversal history over the past 120 years based on direct observations.

How to cite: Meli, M.: Sea-level variability as a proxy for ocean dynamics in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10181,, 2025.

EGU25-10449 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17

The Eastern Mediterranean Sea mean sea level decadal slowdown: the effects of the water budget 

Federica Borile, Nadia Pinardi, Vladyslav Lyubartsev, Mahmud Hasan Ghani, Antonio Navarra, Jacopo Alessandri, Emanuela Clementi, Giovanni Coppini, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Giorgia Verri, Vladimir Santos da Costa, Enrico Scoccimarro, Antonio Novellino, and Paolo Oddo

The Mediterranean Sea, as a semi-enclosed basin, is particularly sensitive to climatic changes, making it a critical region for studying sea level variability. This study investigates the decadal variability of the Mean Sea Level (MSL) trend in the Mediterranean and its subregions over the past 30 years (1993-2022), using a combination of satellite altimetry, tide gauges, and reanalysis datasets.

Our findings reveal a slowdown in the overall Mediterranean MSL trend during the 2013-2022 decade compared to previous periods, highlighting significant regional differences. The Western Mediterranean exhibits an accelerating trend consistent with global sea level rise, while the Eastern Mediterranean has experienced a decadal slowdown, including the Adriatic and Aegean Seas, where negative trends are observed. This slowdown is attributed to the combined effects of changes in the water cycle and the balancing of thermal and haline steric components. Increased evaporation emerges as a key driver of the observed trend changes, surpassing contributions from precipitation, runoff, and strait transport.

These results underscore the significance of the Mediterranean's water budget in influencing sea level trends and highlight the complexity of interpreting decadal sea level changes. The findings suggest that continued monitoring and a better understanding of regional water budgets are crucial for refining future projections and developing effective climate adaptation strategies for the Mediterranean coastal areas.

How to cite: Borile, F., Pinardi, N., Lyubartsev, V., Ghani, M. H., Navarra, A., Alessandri, J., Clementi, E., Coppini, G., Mentaschi, L., Verri, G., da Costa, V. S., Scoccimarro, E., Novellino, A., and Oddo, P.: The Eastern Mediterranean Sea mean sea level decadal slowdown: the effects of the water budget, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10449,, 2025.

EGU25-10506 | Orals | CL4.17

Relative sea level projections constrained by tide gauge trends 

Matthias Mengel and Mahé Perrette

Projections of relative sea level rise are central to assess the future impacts of sea level rise, but available projections do not emerge as a continuation of the historical data. This complicates local adaptation planning, coastal impact assessments and communication to policy makers. Here, we present a spatial Bayesian model to provide local projections  emerging from past records. The model integrates tide gauges, GPS and satellite altimetry with past and future constraints on mountain glaciers, polar ice sheets, thermal expansion, ocean circulation, land water storage and glacial history. We separate natural, unforced ocean variability from the long-term signal to provide posterior estimates of sea level change and vertical land motion. The model reduces the uncertainty for local projections within this century through the inclusion of local constraints while producing global median projections and uncertainty ranges similar to the IPCC AR6. The model allows to project local relative sea level rise for any given global-mean temperature pathway and we illustrate this with projections for three IPCC AR6 WG3 pathways.

How to cite: Mengel, M. and Perrette, M.: Relative sea level projections constrained by tide gauge trends, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10506,, 2025.

EGU25-10629 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Control of non-linear vertical land motion on future sea-level projections across the eastern Indian Ocean 

Emmaline Martin, Luke Jackson, and Sophie Williams

Sea-level change has garnered significant interest, particularly in recent decades, and is becoming of undeniable concern for numerous stakeholders and communities globally. Vertical land motion contributes to local sea-level change but its causes and rates vary widely. Whilst long term, large scale isostatic adjustment is predictable, short term, local non-linear changes (e.g., subsidence via groundwater extraction, or active tectonics) remain unaccounted for in current sea-level projections. In the eastern Indian Ocean, large uncertainties in VLM remain, which we consider an effect of non-linear behaviour and we assess to improve predictability. Owing to a lack of long term VLM data in the region, we test approaches combining tide gauges and satellite altimetry to derive 30-year VLM time series. We validate the approach using 20 TGs co-located with GNSS measurements of VLM. We separate the signal into linear and non-linear components and demonstrate, for example locations, the effect of propagating non-linear VLM into local sea-level projections.

How to cite: Martin, E., Jackson, L., and Williams, S.: Control of non-linear vertical land motion on future sea-level projections across the eastern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10629,, 2025.

The socio-economic impacts of sea-level rise are significant, especially in coastal regions with dense populations and costly infrastructure. Accurate projections of sea-level changes at regional scales are essential for risk assessment but are challenging due to the interplay of processes affecting the height of both the land and sea surface (and, therefore, relative sea level). Rising sea levels from ice melting and ocean expansion exacerbate flooding risks, with nuisance flooding serving as an early warning for vulnerable regions such as Atlantic Canada, which is experiencing GIA-induced land subsidence. The compounded effects of GIA and contemporary sea-level rise escalate regional vulnerability to flooding. This study improves projections of mean sea-level changes and nuisance flooding in Atlantic Canada by integrating the sea-level signal from optimal regional GIA models into the framework adopted in the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Projections under SSP1-1.9, SSP3-7.0, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for 2050, 2100, and 2150 CE are used to assess nuisance flooding frequency at 40 tide gauge stations. Our results demonstrate that the GIA signal contributes significantly to flooding frequency estimates and that these estimates can depart considerably from those estimated using the IPCC (AR6) mean sea level projections. For example, nuisance flooding at Halifax becomes chronic (>50 days annually) by 2050 CE under SSP3-7.0 using our GIA model results. This level of chronic flooding occurs in Halifax at 2050 CE only for the most extreme scenario (SSP5-8.5) when using the IPCC mean sea level projections.

How to cite: Parang, S., Karegar, M. A., and Milne, G. A.: Improved projections of sea-level change and nuisance flooding in Atlantic Canada: The importance of GIA-induced land motion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11472,, 2025.

In March of 2018, a winter storm hit Southern New England (US East Coast), with most of the coastal cities experiencing minor to moderate coastal floods. However, days after the storm passed and the winds and waves calmed down, the tide-gauge data continued to reach minor flooding levels. What was the cause of this prolonged recurrent flooding? Here we argue that the lingering effects of local ocean current dynamics contributed to this flooding.

Along the US East Coast, an important driver of coastal sea-level variability is ocean dynamics, related to both large-scale circulation, such as the Gulf Stream, but also smaller local ocean currents. A relevant circulation feature in Southern New England is the Shelfbreak jet (SBJ). The SBJ flows equatorward from the Labrador Sea towards the Gulf Stream at Cape Hatteras following the shelf break along the Northeast US coast. In a recent study, we showed that the SBJ and sea level along the southern New England coast are highly correlated, especially at timescales of 1-15 days (Camargo et al., 2024).  

​​Since this frequency band coincides with the timescales of storm surges, we explore the implication of our findings for coastal flooding. We find that the SBJ explains, on average, about 25% of the storm surge variance for flood days along Southern New England. Specifically, for the March 2018 winter storm, SBJ dynamics are responsible for more than 90% of the storm surge observed 4 days after the peak of the storm. That is, there would have been no flooding so many days after the storm passed if not for SBJ-related-dynamics.

Our results suggest local ocean dynamics are an important component  of storm surges in Southern New England, and contribute to lingering flooding after a storm has passed. Thus, we advocate that ocean dynamics should be considered in flood studies elsewhere. Furthermore, our results suggest that focusing only on large-scale circulation, such as the Gulf Stream or ocean overturning, may not be satisfactory for understanding the most basic dynamics essential for making meaningful projections of the future.

Reference: Camargo, C. M. L., Piecuch, C. G., & Raubenheimer, B. (2024). From Shelfbreak to Shoreline: Coastal sea level and local ocean dynamics in the northwest Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL109583.

How to cite: M.L. Camargo, C., Piecuch, C., and Raubenheimer, B.: Coastal Floods and the Lingering Effects of the Shelfbreak Jet - A case study of how local ocean currents contribute to coastal flooding in Southern New England (US), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11771,, 2025.

EGU25-12705 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17

Properly integrating vertical land motion with sea-level change – towards robust projections of relative sea-level rise  

Philip S.J. Minderhoud, Katharina Seeger, Manoochehr Shirzaei, and Pietro Teatini

Coastal lowlands in the world increasingly face accelerating rates of relative sea-level rise, as global sea level rises and coastal land subsidence increases. Originating from both natural and anthropogenic processes, land subsidence (i.e. downward vertical land motion) is particularly prominent in densely populated coastal-deltaic settings where human activities can accelerate subsidence rates to several centimetres or even decimetres per year, thereby dominating local, contemporary relative sea-level rise. Proper inclusion of vertical land motion dynamics into sea-level change projects, combined with high-accurate and correctly referenced coastal elevation data, is crucial to accurately project relative sea-level change in these critical, densely populated coastal areas.

Recent advancements in satellite-based InSAR data acquisition and processing capacity provide insights into contemporary vertical land motion dynamics at unprecedented spatial scale, complementary to traditional measurements of vertical land motion by e.g. tide gauges and GNSS stations. However, it requires a robust InSAR-data processing framework that ensures internal consistency of SAR data and rigorously assesses output accuracy. In addition, correct interpretation of InSAR results is important as observations provide reflector movements which may not align with land surface movements, particularly in urban areas. This poses the risks of oversimplification and misinterpretation when linking InSAR results to sea-level change.

In addition, coastal subsidence is the result of various subsurface processes at different depths and can be highly non-linear over time, unlike sea-level change, resulting in complex spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics. This makes projection of non-linear vertical land motions and relative coastal elevation change not straightforward and robust strategies have yet to be developed. We advocate the development of standardized InSAR (post-)processing workflows and interdisciplinary collaboration to improve the observation and proper interpretation of vertical land movement, particularly in coastal cities and river deltas. We also discuss how to move from contemporary observations of coastal vertical land motion towards disentangling drivers and processes, move to process-based projections of coastal subsidence and integrate them in robust projections of future relative sea-level changes and coastal exposure assessments.



How to cite: Minderhoud, P. S. J., Seeger, K., Shirzaei, M., and Teatini, P.: Properly integrating vertical land motion with sea-level change – towards robust projections of relative sea-level rise , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12705,, 2025.

Global mean sea level (GMSL) derived from satellite altimetry reflects in an integrated way the overall variability in the Earth's climate system. Linear trend analyses suggest that GMSL is currently rising at a rate of 3.3 mm/yr (Guérou et al., 2023). However, understanding GMSL variations beyond the overall trend is critical to correctly interpret long-term changes. At interannual timescales, variability in GMSL is driven by steric changes in ocean heat content and barystatic variations of water mass, with the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) contributing about equally to both.

Here, we are interested in quantifying the impact of internal (multi-) decadal climate variability, which is crucial for assessing the anthropogenic contributions and its role in current GMSL acceleration. Specifically, we focus on the statistical interrelationship between GMSL and the Pacific Decadal Variability as expressed by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index. By studying the co-variability between PDO index and GMSL over the full period of existing satellite altimetry records, we demonstrate that the low-frequency variability superposed to (linear) GMSL rise is almost perfectly consistent with PDO over most of the past decades but exhibits a complete decoupling after 2019. Thus, GMSL rise estimated by statistically accounting for low-frequency climate variability is unprecedented since 2019, supporting the recently reported significant acceleration in the rise of global mean sea level.

This work has been financially supported by INESC TEC via the International Visiting Researcher Programme 2024.

How to cite: Donner, R. and Barbosa, S.: Recent decoupling of global mean sea level rise from decadal scale climate variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13153,, 2025.

EGU25-13297 | ECS | Orals | CL4.17

Towards overshoot-proof multi-century sea level rise projections 

Tessa Möller, Zebedee Nicholls, Jared Lewis, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Alexander Nauels

Temporarily crossing and subsequently returning below 1.5°C, a so-called temperature ‘overshoot’, is a scenario of increasing relevance and interest. Potential impacts and risks of such an overshoot, including triggering irreversible ice loss and a large multi-century sea-level rise (SLR) commitment, need to be better understood to support well-informed policy and decision making.

Here, we use a set of eight overshoot scenarios from the PROVIDEv1.2 ensemble, covering a wide range of peak temperatures and emission reduction rates, to force an updated MAGICC-SLR emulator to explore the multi-century responses of the main sea level components. The emulator updates include a new calibration for the Greenland solid ice discharge component and different land water storage representations following population assumptions as represented in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) framework. These are the first steps of a comprehensive MAGICC-SLR update to provide overshoot-proof state-of-the-art probabilistic SLR projections.

Under a scenario that extrapolates mitigation efforts resulting from current climate policies out to 2100 and thereafter decreases global average temperatures back to 1.5°C, we project a global mean SLR of 1.4 m (median, 0.7-3.2 m very likely range) by 2300, relative to 1995-2014 levels. By extending the 2300 radiative forcing levels further into the future, we explore SLR projections until 2500, with greatly increasing uncertainties and decreasing robustness of the sea level response. In case of a temperature overshoot below 2.0°C, our results suggest that global mean SLR is reduced by following a SSP1 rather than SSP2 population pathway through dam impoundment and groundwater extraction management. For the updated MAGICC-SLR emulator, we find that the relative contribution of the Greenland solid ice discharge component steadily increases over time and becomes the dominant SLR driver across all scenarios beyond 2300. Our results suggest that by 2500, the committed global SLR from overshooting 1.5°C cannot be returned to levels of a 1.5°C stabilization scenario.

We highlight and discuss the limitations and caveats when projecting SLR under overshoot with simplified modeling approaches and outline next steps to continue overshoot-proofing MAGICC-SLR. We emphasize the need for a careful evaluation of the parameterizations for each SLR component to ensure a physically robust representation of the (ir)reversibile multi-century SLR response under overshoot.

How to cite: Möller, T., Nicholls, Z., Lewis, J., Schleussner, C.-F., and Nauels, A.: Towards overshoot-proof multi-century sea level rise projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13297,, 2025.

EGU25-13409 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Linking regional extreme sea level variability in North-Western Europe to large scale climate modes 

Lisanne Blok, Marilena Oltmanns, Andrea Marinoni, and Ali Mashayek

Extreme sea level (ESL) events pose the highest risk to coastal communities and infrastructure, with their frequency and intensity projected to increase in the future. These events result from a combination of tidal height, mean sea level, wave height, and storm contributions. However, the spatiotemporal variability of regional extreme sea-level events and its connection to climate teleconnections and large-scale weather processes remain poorly understood.
In this work, we demonstrate that regional ESL variability can be attributed to large-scale teleconnections and traced back to atmospheric and oceanographic patterns in the North-Atlantic. 

Applying Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis on the daily maximum of hourly detrended and detided sea level from the CODEC dataset, we found that the first three modes explain 90% of the variance (53%, 20%, and 9%, respectively).  Clustering using Gaussian Mixture models reveals five distinct regions of sea level variability. The top three EOF modes show significant correlations using linear regression with climate indices, most significantly the North Atlantic Oscillation, Arctic Oscillation, and the Eastern Atlantic. Composite analysis of these modes attributes each mode variability to large-scale atmospheric and oceanographic variables. This highlights significant weather patterns in the North Atlantic, connecting non-local weather sources to regional variability of sea level extremes.

Our findings illustrate how regional sea level variability is driven by large-scale weather and climate patterns. By linking distinct spatial modes to significant drivers and changes in weather variables, we provide new insights on the causes and climatology of high sea levels. This understanding offers valuable applications for early warning systems and coastal planning. Furthermore, understanding the drivers of ESL variability can improve long-term predictions of regional coastal flooding risk. Given the global nature of ESL events and the increasing need for adaptation, our research contributes to a critical foundation for future resilience planning.

How to cite: Blok, L., Oltmanns, M., Marinoni, A., and Mashayek, A.: Linking regional extreme sea level variability in North-Western Europe to large scale climate modes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13409,, 2025.

EGU25-14028 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

Common Era sea levels in tropical regions 

Fangyi Tan, Jennifer Walker, Yucheng Lin, Maeve Upton, Timothy Shaw, Nurul Syafiqah Tan, and Benjamin Horton

Common Era (last 2000 years) relative sea-level (RSL) records have revealed important insights on the drivers of RSL change; links between climate and sea-level changes; and the timing of the modern acceleration in the rates of sea-level rise. However, the distribution of Common Era RSL records is spatially biased to the North Atlantic. Here, we update the global database of Common Era RSL records with 36 new sea-level index points from coral microatolls and mangrove sediments in Southeast Asia, and 12 RSL data points from a continuous-core mangrove record in Belize. A spatio-temporal hierarchical model is applied to analyse the influence of these new records on the global mean sea-level rate and to attribute regional RSL trends to possible local and regional drivers of RSL change.

How to cite: Tan, F., Walker, J., Lin, Y., Upton, M., Shaw, T., Tan, N. S., and Horton, B.: Common Era sea levels in tropical regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14028,, 2025.

EGU25-14972 | Orals | CL4.17

Separating the Global Pattern of Externally Forced Sea Level Rise from Natural Variability in the Short Climate Record 

Sang-Ik Shin, Cécile Penland, Matthew Newman, and Michael Alexander

Global mean sea level rapidly increased during the 20th century, at a rate that doubled in the past few decades. Global satellite altimetry records, which have only been available since 1993, have additionally shown that the recent rise in sea level is neither spatially uniform nor linear in time. However, this change in sea level over such a short period likely convolves the externally forced climate signal with natural climate variability, and separating these is critical for coastal planners and policymakers to account for sea-level impacts on their communities. Previous studies have demonstrated that the “least damped (eigen)mode” (LDM) of a Linear Inverse Model (LIM) can effectively identify both sea surface temperature and sea level trend patterns in long records, even when they bear some similarity to patterns of natural climate variability, but that this approach becomes problematic for shorter records. In this study, we show that applying a Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization to the LIM’s eigenmodes adjusts the LDM so that it can identify the trend pattern even for record lengths of a few decades. We first test the technique by applying it to output from large ensembles of historical simulations made by two climate models, NCAR’s CESM2 and GFDL’s SPEAR: For record lengths as short as a few decades, our technique successfully identifies the forced response, as estimated by the ensemble mean, from any single ensemble member. Finally, we determine the forced sea level rise signal from observations, both on global and regional ocean scales as well as for coastal regions as measured by a gauge network, over the satellite observational era, and show how it differs from simple linear or quadratic trend estimates.

How to cite: Shin, S.-I., Penland, C., Newman, M., and Alexander, M.: Separating the Global Pattern of Externally Forced Sea Level Rise from Natural Variability in the Short Climate Record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14972,, 2025.

EGU25-15449 | Posters on site | CL4.17

Holocene sea-level evolution in Western Australia  

Nicole Khan, Mick O'Leary, Tanghua Li, Roger Creel, Chengcheng Gao, Abang Nugraha, Rahul Kumar, Juliet Sefton, and Adam Switzer

Records of Holocene relative sea-level (RSL) change from Western Australia, a far-field location distal to former polar ice sheets, offer important constraints on ice melt contributions to global mean sea-level (GMSL) change. Despite this, recent efforts to reconstruct RSL have been limited, and the nature of Holocene RSL evolution in Western Australia remains debated in part due to biased comparisons of data. Here we review, re-evaluate, and aggregate RSL data from Western Australia following international standard protocol and explore the potential of sedimentary archives from beach ridge systems and buried transgressive facies of southwestern Australia to produce accurate, high-resolution records of RSL change. We use these data to test several working hypotheses about ice sheet contributions to GMSL change during the Holocene and the influence of local (e.g., non-stationary tides) or higher-frequency (e.g., El Niño Southern Oscillation) drivers of sea-level variability. Improved constraints on the behaviour of relative sea level during the Holocene will provide necessary data for enhancing our understanding of earth rheology, ice sheet dynamics, and natural variability of sea-level changes under warm, interglacial climate states.

How to cite: Khan, N., O'Leary, M., Li, T., Creel, R., Gao, C., Nugraha, A., Kumar, R., Sefton, J., and Switzer, A.: Holocene sea-level evolution in Western Australia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15449,, 2025.

EGU25-15515 | Orals | CL4.17

Future projections of sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea 

Iván Manuel Parras Berrocal, Robin Waldman, Nicolas Gonzalez, and Samuel Somot

Future sea level change in the Mediterranean Sea is one of the major climate hazards for populations living in low-elevation coastal zones (≤10 m above mean sea level). In this study, we analyze projections of mean sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea by the end of the 21st century. To address this, we use a set of multi-decadal simulations from three pairs of regional climate system models (RCSMs) of the Med-CORDEX initiative together with the simulations of their driving global climate models (GCMs). For the first time, we analyze the mean relative sea level simulated by a set of high-resolution and fully coupled regional models to provide a detailed characterization of regional and local patterns of future Mediterranean sea level change. By 2100, under the high-emission SSP5-8.5 scenario, the basin-averaged total sea level is projected to rise by +71 cm from RCSMs and +76 cm from GCMs (central estimates). Among the sea level components, the sterodynamic term (dynamic sea level + global mean thermosteric sea level) is the largest contributor to total sea level rise, with 91% of its contribution driven by global thermal expansion. The sterodynamic term and the vertical land motion drive local sea level adjustments in regions such as the Balearic Sea and the Ionian islands, leading to the highest sea level rise in the Mediterranean. We find that sea level rise in the Mediterranean is expected to be slower than the nearby Atlantic due to a dynamic adjustment within the basin. Furthermore, compared to the GCMs, the RCSMs show a higher spread (extremes) of the sea level response without a mean regional effect.

How to cite: Parras Berrocal, I. M., Waldman, R., Gonzalez, N., and Somot, S.: Future projections of sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15515,, 2025.

EGU25-16137 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

A new framework to explore high-end sea-level rise for the UK: updating H++ 

Jennifer H. Weeks, Lesley C. Allison, Andy Beverton, Jason A. Lowe, Harriet G. Orr, Helen Roberts, and Matthew D. Palmer

The UK high-plus-plus (H++) scenario for high-end sea-level rise is used in sensitivity testing for significant infrastructure (e.g. nuclear facilities) and forms part of the Environment Agency planning guidance in England. However, the existing H++ scenario, developed as part of the UK Climate Projections in 2009 (UKCP09), does not reflect the latest science knowledge on ice sheet instability processes and has limitations, as revealed in consultations with users of this information. We outline a new H++ framework to inform coastal planning and decision-making. The first step involves users screening decisions using an updated H++ scenario that reflects major scientific advances since UKCP09. For decisions found to be sensitive to high-end sea-level rise in the screening step, the second step involves users evaluating adaptation options and damage costs against a wider library of alternative, plausible storylines. Our H++ screening scenario is based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report low-likelihood high-impact sea-level rise assessment. In response to stakeholder needs, all storylines within the H++ framework provide time-continuous, geographically-specific sea-level rise projections to 2300 and information on rates of sea-level rise.

How to cite: Weeks, J. H., Allison, L. C., Beverton, A., Lowe, J. A., Orr, H. G., Roberts, H., and Palmer, M. D.: A new framework to explore high-end sea-level rise for the UK: updating H++, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16137,, 2025.

EGU25-16149 | Orals | CL4.17

Decomposing steric and dynamic sea level trends in a future high-emission scenario of the Mediterranean Sea 

Nicolas M. Gonzalez, Robin Waldman, Ivan M. Parras-Berrocal, and Samuel Somot

Over the past few decades, the rise of sea level has emerged as a critical concern for coastal regions across the globe, driving intense scientific efforts to understand the underlying processes. However, disentangling and interpreting ocean physics’ contributions (sterodynamic) to these changes remains a complex challenge. To contribute to a better understanding of future sea level rise patterns, this study proposes a sterodynamic sea level decomposition for Boussinesq models with a specific focus on the mass change contribution. In particular, we explore the interplay between mass and density-driven changes and disentangle the respective influences of freshwater and salt mass changes. Based on a high-emission (SSP5-8.5) coupled regional projection of the Mediterranean climate system, we apply this methodology to the Mediterranean Sea.
Under the investigated scenario, the Mediterranean sterodynamic sea level is projected to rise by 32 cm by the end of the 21st century. We find that 24 cm are attributable to the global ocean temperature increase and 8 cm to regional hydrographic and mass changes, the so-called “dynamic sea level change”. Focusing on these regional patterns, our results reveal that the mediterranean dynamic sea level rise is predominantly caused by an increase in salt mass. Specifically, this increase results from an enhanced net volume transport through the Strait of Gibraltar in response to increased evaporation and steeper sea level gradient with the Atlantic Ocean. Finally, we attribute local sea level variations to changes in the mediterranean circulation and horizontal density variations. Overall, this study emphasizes the added value of a comprehensive decomposition of mass’ contribution for interpreting future sea level rise patterns.

How to cite: Gonzalez, N. M., Waldman, R., Parras-Berrocal, I. M., and Somot, S.: Decomposing steric and dynamic sea level trends in a future high-emission scenario of the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16149,, 2025.

EGU25-17187 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.17

A new Bayesian approach to the inverse modelling of modern sea level change 

Daniel Heathcote and David Al-Attar

Estimates of mean sea level change in the 20th and 21st centuries are important for monitoring the effects of climate change. In particular, there is increasing interest in attributing the relative contributions to observed sea level change both globally and in specific regions. Here we present a new method for obtaining such quantitative inferences from combinations of satellite gravity, satellite altimetry, and tide gauge data. Our approach is based upon a full Bayesian solution to the associated inference problem which incorporates realistic priors on all unknowns along with a comprehensive treatment of observational uncertainties. An essential step within this method is the solution of both the sea level equation and its adjoint, with the latter approach being a new development. As part of this work, open source python libraries are being developed for sea level modelling and the solution of Bayesian inference problems within a function space setting. 

How to cite: Heathcote, D. and Al-Attar, D.: A new Bayesian approach to the inverse modelling of modern sea level change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17187,, 2025.

EGU25-18262 | Posters on site | CL4.17

Evaluating late Holocene relative sea-level changes from the tropics: Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia. 

Timothy Shaw, Behara Satyanarayana, Wenshu Yap, Tanghua Li, Jędrzej Majewski, Fangyi Tan, Jennifer Walker, Mohd Fadzil, Adam Switzer, and Benjamin Horton

Reconstructions of past relative sea level (RSL) during the late Holocene have shown a response to natural climate warming and cooling phases such as the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age. Coupled with long-term instrumental measurements from tide gauges, they also showed a timing of emergence in RSL rate centered around the mid-19th century, with a 20th century rise that is extremely likely (P≥0.999) faster than the proceeding 3000 years. These conclusions, however, are derived from RSL reconstructions and tide-gauge records that are limited in tropical latitudes and currently excludes Southeast Asia hindering the interpretation of sea-level changes and validation of models that predict future spatial variability.

Here, we present a new RSL reconstruction using mangrove sediments from the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, western Peninsula Malaysia to constrain RSL change during the late Holocene. Following an extensive field reconnaissance, we collected a ~3 m core from the upper intertidal environment and modern surface samples across an intertidal-to-mangrove gradient to constrain modern and fossil indicative meanings. Selected samples were analyzed for organic content, foraminiferal assemblages and environmental DNA and sample sites were surveyed relative to local Malaysian national geodetic benchmarks using differential GPS. We constrained temporal uncertainties in the reconstruction using accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating of bulk sediment fine-fractions (n=11) coupled with short-lived radionuclide chronohorizons within a Bayesian age-depth framework.

Stratigraphic investigations revealed uniform sedimentary sequences comprising subtidal and intertidal silty clay muds overlain by organic (50% LOI) mangrove peats to depths of ~2.5 m within which foraminiferal tests are well preserved and dominated by typical agglutinated taxa including Arenoparrella mexicana and Trochammina inflata. Radiocarbon dating provides an excellent chronology of in sequence ages approximately ~2200 years old. We combined the proxy reconstruction with nearby tide gauge records and applied a spatiotemporal empirical hierarchical model to quantify magnitudes and rates of RSL change. We compare the RSL reconstruction with other new records from Singapore and use glacial isostatic adjustment model predictions to assess and discuss driving processes throughout the region.

How to cite: Shaw, T., Satyanarayana, B., Yap, W., Li, T., Majewski, J., Tan, F., Walker, J., Fadzil, M., Switzer, A., and Horton, B.: Evaluating late Holocene relative sea-level changes from the tropics: Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve, Malaysia., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18262,, 2025.

EGU25-21523 | Orals | CL4.17

Near-term future sea-level projections supported by extrapolation of tide-gauge observations 

Jinping Wang, Xuebin Zhang, John Church, Matt King, and Xianyao Chen

Global, regional and local sea-level projections rely on complex process-based models of the climate-ocean-cryosphere system. While extrapolation of observational data has been examined on global and regional scales, this approach has not yet been used for the additional complexities of local coastal sea-level projections. Here, we evaluate the sea level trend and acceleration for a global network of tide-gauge observations over 1970-2023, which are then extrapolated to provide local projections up to 2050 and compared with the process-based projections from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). For 2050 relative to 2020, the observation-based projections agree with AR6 process-based projections within the 90% uncertainty range at the majority (99%) of 237 tide gauges. Thus, the observation-based projections provide complementary perspectives of near-term local sea-level changes, and this agreement provides increased confidence in the current understanding and projections of sea-level changes over coming decades.

How to cite: Wang, J., Zhang, X., Church, J., King, M., and Chen, X.: Near-term future sea-level projections supported by extrapolation of tide-gauge observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21523,, 2025.

Sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) over the North Atlantic (NA) have a significant impact on the weather and climate in both local and remote regions. This study first evaluated the seasonal prediction skill of NA SSTA using the North American multi-model ensemble and found that its performance is limited across various regions and seasons. Therefore, this study constructs models based on the long short-term memory (LSTM) network machine learning method to improve the seasonal prediction of NA SSTA. Results show that the seasonal prediction skill can be significantly improved by LSTM models since they show higher capability to capture nonlinear processes such as the impact of El Nin ̃o-Southern Oscillation on NA SSTA. This study shows the great potential of the LSTM model on the seasonal prediction of NA SSTA and provides new clues to improve the seasonal predictions of SSTA in other regions.

How to cite: Yan, X. and Tang, Y.: Seasonal prediction of North Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies using the LSTM machine learning method , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-153,, 2025.

EGU25-3747 | Orals | CL4.6

Bridging paleoclimate and seasonal climate prediction: The case of European summer climate 

Martin Wegmann and Stefan Brönnimann

Understanding monthly-to-annual climate variability is essential for improving climate forecast products as well as adapting to future climate extremes. Previous studies show, that European summer climate, including temperature and precipitation extremes, is modulated by hemispheric large-scale circulation patterns, which themselves are connected to Earth system components such as sea surface temperature across temporal scales. Nevertheless, it remains unclear as to how stationary these teleconnections are and if their predictive power is potent across multiple centuries and background climates. By combining d18O isotopes from a European tree ring network with independent paleo-climate reanalyses, we highlight precursors and atmospheric dynamics behind European summer climate over the last 400 years.

We further present evidence that centennial ensemble seasonal climate forecasts capture the causality of the atmospheric
dynamics behind these teleconnections in the 20th century. Our results suggest that tropical sea surface temperature anomalies trigger specific precipitation and diabatic heating patterns which are dynamically connected to extratropical Rossby wave trains and the formation of a circumglobal teleconnection pattern weeks later.

How to cite: Wegmann, M. and Brönnimann, S.: Bridging paleoclimate and seasonal climate prediction: The case of European summer climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3747,, 2025.

EGU25-3839 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6

Causal Links Between North Atlantic SSTs and Summer East Atlantic Pattern Predictability: Implications for Seasonal Forecasting 

Julianna Carvalho Oliveira, Giorgia Di Capua, Leonard F. Borchert, Reik V. Donner, and Johanna Baehr

We use causal effect networks to assess the influence of spring North Atlantic sea surface temperatures (NA-SSTs) on summer East Atlantic (EA) pattern predictability during 1908–2008. In the ERA-20C reanalysis, a robust causal link is identified for 1958–2008, where the spring meridional SST gradient causes a 0.2 standard deviation change in the summer EA. Additionally, the spring meridional SST index has an estimated negative causal effect (~−0.2) on summer 2m air temperatures over northwestern Europe. However, both links are absent when analysing the full period and are sensitive to interannual variability.

Analysis of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model in mixed resolution (MPI-ESM-MR) shows that historical simulations fail to reproduce the observed causal links, while initialised ensembles occasionally capture them but underestimate their strength. Predictive skill assessments conditioned on these causal links indicate limited overall impact but suggest potential local improvements for European summer climate forecasts. These findings underscore the value of causal approaches for refining seasonal predictability.

How to cite: Carvalho Oliveira, J., Di Capua, G., Borchert, L. F., Donner, R. V., and Baehr, J.: Causal Links Between North Atlantic SSTs and Summer East Atlantic Pattern Predictability: Implications for Seasonal Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3839,, 2025.

EGU25-5880 | Orals | CL4.6

Intermittency of seasonal forecast skill for the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic Pattern  

Laura Baker, Len Shaffrey, Antje Weisheimer, and Stephanie Johnson

The wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and East Atlantic Pattern (EA) are the two leading modes of North Atlantic pressure variability and have a substantial impact on winter weather in Europe. The year-to-year contributions to multi-model seasonal forecast skill in the Copernicus C3S ensemble of seven prediction systems are assessed for the wintertime NAO and EA, and well-forecast and poorly-forecast years are identified. Years with high NAO predictability are associated with substantial tropical forcing, generally from the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), while poor forecasts of the NAO occur when ENSO forcing is weak. Well-forecast EA winters also generally occurred when there was substantial tropical forcing, although the relationship was less robust than for the NAO. These results support previous findings of the impacts of tropical forcing on the North Atlantic and show this is important from a multi-model seasonal forecasting perspective.

How to cite: Baker, L., Shaffrey, L., Weisheimer, A., and Johnson, S.: Intermittency of seasonal forecast skill for the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic Pattern , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5880,, 2025.

EGU25-6006 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

 Investigating the sensitivity of 20th century seasonal hindcasts to tropospheric aerosol forcing 

Matthew Wright, Antje Weisheimer, Tim Woollings, Retish Senan, and Timothy Stockdale

Previous studies have identified multi-decadal variations in the skill of winter seasonal forecasts of large-scale climate indices, including ENSO, the PNA, and NAO. Forecast skill is significantly lower in the middle of the 20th century (1940—1960) than at the start or end of the century. We hypothesise that tropospheric aerosol forcing, which is spatially and temporally heterogeneous and poorly constrained in the hindcasts used in previous studies, contributes to this low skill mid-century period.

This study assesses the sensitivity of ECMWF’s state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting model to tropospheric aerosol forcing, using a newly developed aerosol forcing dataset based on CEDS emissions data. We analyse DJF hindcasts initialised every November from 1925—2010, each with 21 ensemble members. For each year, we run hindcasts with ‘best guess’, doubled, and halved aerosol forcing (perturbing both anthropogenic and natural aerosols). All experiments exhibit similar multi-decadal variability in skill for large-scale climate indices. Aerosol forcing has no significant impact on forecast skill but some impacts on mean biases, suggesting other factors drive the mid-century skill minimum.

Aerosol forcing has large regional impacts. Increasing aerosol forcing leads to cooler 2m temperature and SSTs globally, with amplified cooling in regions with large aerosol forcings, such as northern India and North Africa. Dynamical responses include an ‘anti-monsoon’ circulation over Africa, with a weakening of the trade winds and Atlantic Walker circulation, and local southwards shift of the ITCZ. The magnitude of the response increases when ocean initial conditions are perturbed to represent the cumulative impact of aerosol forcing, suggesting that coupling enhances the atmospheric response.

These results highlight the model’s sensitivity to tropospheric aerosols, with large differences in bias and mean state after four months, despite limited impact on skill. The circulation changes over Africa warrant further investigation, with implications for future aerosol scenarios. Planned experiments will explore the impact in summer and quantify the timescale of the response to aerosols.

How to cite: Wright, M., Weisheimer, A., Woollings, T., Senan, R., and Stockdale, T.:  Investigating the sensitivity of 20th century seasonal hindcasts to tropospheric aerosol forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6006,, 2025.

This study shows a close relationship between winter Arctic sea ice concentration (WASIC) anomalies in the Barents-Greenland Seas and the subsequent autumn Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) based on the observational analysis and numerical simulations. Particularly, more (less) WASIC in the Barents-Greenland Seas tends to lead to a positive (negative) IOD in the following autumn. Above-normal WASIC in the Barents-Greenland Seas results in reduction of the upward turbulent heat flux and induces tropospheric cooling over the Arctic. This tropospheric cooling triggers an atmospheric teleconnection extending from the Eurasian Arctic to the subtropical North Pacific. Numerical experiments with both the linear barotropic model and atmospheric general circulation model can well capture the atmospheric teleconnection associated with the WASIC anomalies. The subtropical atmospheric anomalies generated by the WASIC anomalies then result in subtropical sea surface temperature (SST) warming, which sustains and expands southward to the equatorial central Pacific during the following summer via a wind-evaporation-SST feedback. The resulting equatorial central Pacific SST warming anomalies induce local atmospheric heating and trigger an anomalous Walker circulation with descending motion and low-level anomalous southeasterly winds over the southeastern tropical Indian Ocean. These anomalous southeasterly winds trigger positive air-sea interaction in the tropical Indian Ocean and contribute to the development of the IOD. The close connection of the WASIC anomalies with the subsequent IOD and the underlying physical processes can be reproduced by the coupled climate models participated in the CMIP6. These results indicate that the condition of WASIC is a potential effective precursor of IOD events.

How to cite: Xin, C.: Influence of winter Arctic sea ice anomalies on the following autumn Indian Ocean Dipole development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6176,, 2025.

EGU25-7163 | Orals | CL4.6

Robust decadal predictability of cold surge frequency in Taiwan and East Asia through teleconnection of North Atlantic Oscillation 

Wan-Ling Tseng, Yi-Chi Wang, Ying-Ting Chen, Yi-Hui Wang, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, and Chi-Cherng Hong

This study investigates the decadal predictability of cold surge frequency (CSF) in East Asia, including Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, through the lens of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. The findings suggest that extreme events such as cold surges can be predicted on decadal timescales when the teleconnection mechanism is robustly established. The study revisits and consolidates the dynamical mechanisms underlying wave propagation and the teleconnection between the NAO and the East Asian trough, highlighting their role in creating a winter environment conducive to cold surges in Taiwan and East Asia. The study demonstrates the skill of climate models in capturing the NAO's decadal variability, and develops a statistical-dynamical hybrid approach. This method integrates decadal prediction datasets with a statistical model to enhance the prediction of extreme cold surge occurrences on a multi-annual timescale. The results of the study underscore the scientific significance of merging climate dynamical mechanisms with decadal prediction systems for extreme events, and introduce a hybrid framework that combines numerical decadal climate predictions with statistical regression models. This addresses the challenges posed by biases in climate prediction models and advances the capability to predict regional extreme events such as cold surges.

How to cite: Tseng, W.-L., Wang, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-T., Wang, Y.-H., Hsu, H.-H., and Hong, C.-C.: Robust decadal predictability of cold surge frequency in Taiwan and East Asia through teleconnection of North Atlantic Oscillation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7163,, 2025.

EGU25-8693 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

Decadal prediction for the European Energy Sector 

Benjamin Hutchins, David Brayshaw, Len Shaffrey, Hazel Thornton, and Doug Smith

The timescale of decadal climate predictions, from a year-ahead up to a decade, is an important planning horizon for stakeholders in the energy sector. With power systems transitioning towards a greater share of renewables, these systems become more vulnerable to the impacts of both climate variability and climate change. As decadal predictions sample both the internal variability of the climate and the externally forced response, these forecasts can provide useful information for the upcoming decade. 

There are two main ways in which decadal predictions can benefit the energy sector. Firstly, they can be used to try to predict how a variable of interest, such as average temperature, may evolve over the coming year or decade. Secondly, a large ensemble of decadal predictions can be aggregated into a large synthetic event set to explore physically plausible extremes, such as winter wind droughts. 

We find predictive skill at decadal timescales for surface variables over Europe during both winter (ONDJFM) and summer (AMJJAS). Although this skill is patchy, there are regions of relevance to the energy sector, such as over the UK for temperature, where this skill emerges. We find significant skill when using pattern-based (e.g., NAO) approaches to make predictions of European energy indicators during the extended winter, including Northern Europe offshore wind generation, Spanish solar generation, and Scandinavian precipitation. For predicting UK electricity demand, we find significant skill when directly using the model predictions of surface temperature. Our results highlight the potential for operational decadal predictions for the energy system, with potential benefits for both the planning and operation of the future power system. 

How to cite: Hutchins, B., Brayshaw, D., Shaffrey, L., Thornton, H., and Smith, D.: Decadal prediction for the European Energy Sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8693,, 2025.

EGU25-8904 | Orals | CL4.6

On the predictive skill for warm spells in Germany across seasons  

Fabiana Castino, Tobias Geiger, Alexander Pasternack, Andreas Paxian, Clementine Dalelane, and Frank Kreienkamp

Intense warm spells, such as heatwaves, can significantly impact human health, the environment, and socio-economic systems. Although heatwaves are typically associated with summer, the occurrence of warm spells during cold seasons can also have profound effects on various sectors. While some effects, such as reduced cold-related mortality, can be considered beneficial, the long-term consequences, e.g. on ecosystems, forests, and agriculture, are concerning. Warm spells during the cold seasons can alter the natural dormancy cycles of plants, causing premature sprouting, flowering, or growth and negatively affecting crop yield and quality. In addition, cold season warm spells can reduce snow accumulation in mountainous regions, potentially affecting downstream water availability. As climate change drives increases in the frequency, intensity, and duration of warm spells, their impacts are becoming more severe and far-reaching. This makes predicting such events a key priority for climate science and risk management.

Climate forecast models offer the potential to predict extreme events like warm spells weeks to months in advance, becoming increasingly relevant for decision-making across various socio-economic sectors. This study examines the predictive skill of the downscaled German Climate Forecast System Version 2.1 (GCFS2.1) for warm spells in Germany on a seasonal scale, encompassing both warm seasons (spring and summer) and cold seasons (autumn and winter).  The analysis relies on hindcast data from the 1991-2020 base period, statistically downscaled to 5 km resolution. It evaluates multiple extreme temperature climate indices, as for example the Warm Spells Duration index, and applies various statistical metrics to assess the predictive skill. The findings reveal high heterogeneity in the ability of the (downscaled) GCFS2.1 to forecast warm spells across seasons, with higher predictive skill during the cold seasons but more limited for the warm seasons.

How to cite: Castino, F., Geiger, T., Pasternack, A., Paxian, A., Dalelane, C., and Kreienkamp, F.: On the predictive skill for warm spells in Germany across seasons , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8904,, 2025.

EGU25-8980 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

Predicting North Atlantic Temperature Trends with the Analogue Method using the MPI CMIP6 Grand Ensemble 

Lara Heyl, Sebastian Brune, and Johanna Baehr

The analogue method is a powerful and efficient tool for climate predictions, particularly in regions like the North Atlantic, where impacts of climate change have been relatively modest. While climate projections effectively estimate global mean surface temperature trends over a century, decadal trends in the North Atlantic diverge from the global trend. Here, we leverage on the similar evolution of analogous patterns on a decadal time scale by comparing SST patterns in observed data with patterns from an existing simulation ensemble. We apply this method to ten-year SST trend reconstructions in the North Atlantic using the MPI CMIP6 grand ensemble. In addition, we assess the impact of volcanic eruptions on the quality of the SST trend reconstruction for the time period 1960-2019. We also provide a prediction for 2020–2029. We find that the analogue method delivers high correlation of SST trend reconstructions with observed trends for the MPI CMIP6 grand ensemble. Volcanic influence can be accounted for by trimming the time series to those times unaffected by volcanic eruptions, which results in a higher correlation. Our results suggest that the decadal predictions of SST trends might also be achieved without the need for new, computationally expensive simulations.

How to cite: Heyl, L., Brune, S., and Baehr, J.: Predicting North Atlantic Temperature Trends with the Analogue Method using the MPI CMIP6 Grand Ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8980,, 2025.

EGU25-9006 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Is the winter mean NAO white noise? Models and observations. 

Bo Christiansen and Shuting Yang

The NAO is a dominant mode of variability in the Northern Hemisphere with strong impacts on temperature, precipitation, and storminess. The predictive skill of the NAO on annual to decadal scales is therefore an important topic, which is often studied using, e.g., (initialized) climate models. The temporal structure is closely related to the predictability, and on inter-annual time scales the observed NAO is frequently described to have power at 2-7 years and sometimes with a distinct peak around 7 or 8 years.  However, the observational record is brief, and such estimations have high uncertainty.

Here, we present a thorough study to answer the questions: is the winter mean NAO different from white noise and is the observed NAO different from the NAO in historical experiments with contemporary climate models (CMIP6)? To this end we use a range of statistical tools in both the temporal and spectral domain: Power-spectra, wavelet-spectra, autoregressive models, and various well-known time-series statistics.

Overall, we find little evidence to reject that the NAO is white noise. For observations, the peak in the power-spectrum at 8 years is, taken individually, significant in the period after 1950 but not before. However, considering the complete spectrum, significant peaks will often occur at some frequency, even for white noise.  The large CMIP6 multi-model ensemble is statistically very similar to an ensemble of similar size of white noise, e.g., the ensemble averages of the power spectrum and the wavelet spectra are completely flat.  Furthermore, for both observations and the model ensemble the tests based on autoregressive modelling and time-series statistics do not reject the null-hypothesis of white noise.

How to cite: Christiansen, B. and Yang, S.: Is the winter mean NAO white noise? Models and observations., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9006,, 2025.

EGU25-10305 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6

Towards improved forecast initialisations with an observation-informed ocean grid 

Marlene Klockmann, Kai Logemann, Sebastian Brune, and Johanna Baehr

For climate forecasts it is crucial to initialise the ocean state from observations because they rely on the memory of the ocean. If, however, the initialised ocean state is far away from the model’s own preferred mean state, predictive skill will suffer due to model drift. We are testing whether an ocean grid with variable resolution - designed to represent sparse and well-observed regions with appropriate resolution - has advantages over an ordinary grid with uniform resolution. The locally high resolution could lead to an improved mean ocean state through a better representation of mesoscale processes. The observation-informed grid will allow for high-resolution data assimilation in well-observed areas, which will potentially lead to improved initial conditions and predictive skill.  

We developed such a grid for the ocean component of the coupled ICON model designed for seamless predictions (ICON-XPP). The grid resolution varies from 40 to 10km, depending on the observation density in the EN4 database from 1960 to 2023. The local refinement in well-observed areas leads to a better representation of ocean features such as fronts and western boundary currents. We assess the effect of these improvements on the mean climate state by comparing to a reference simulation with a uniform 20km ocean resolution. 


How to cite: Klockmann, M., Logemann, K., Brune, S., and Baehr, J.: Towards improved forecast initialisations with an observation-informed ocean grid, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10305,, 2025.

EGU25-10747 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Ocean–atmosphere feedbacks key to NAO decadal predictability 

Panos J. Athanasiadis, Casey Patrizio, Doug M. Smith, and Dario Nicolì

Recent studies using initialised large-ensemble re-forecasts have shown that the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) exhibits significant decadal predictability, which is of great importance to society given the significant climate anomalies that accompany the NAO. However, the key physical processes underlying this predictability, including the role of ocean–atmosphere interactions, have not yet been pinned down. Also, a critical deficiency in the representation of the associated predictable signal by climate models has been identified in recent studies (the signal-to-noise problem), still lacking an explanation.

In this study, the decadal prediction skill for the NAO and the interactions of the associated atmospheric circulation anomalies with the underlying ocean are assessed using retrospective forecasts from eight decadal prediction systems and observation-based data. We find considerable spread in the NAO skill across these systems and critically, that this is linked to differences in the representation of ocean–NAO interactions across the systems. Evidence is presented that the NAO skill depends on a direct positive feedback between subpolar sea surface temperature anomalies and the NAO, which varies in strength across the prediction systems, yet may still be too weak even in the most skillful systems compared to the observational estimate. This positive feedback is opposed by a delayed negative feedback between the NAO and the ocean circulation that also contributes to disparities in the NAO skill across systems. Our findings therefore suggest that North Atlantic ocean–atmosphere interactions are central to NAO decadal predictability. Finally, it is suggested that errors in the representation of these interactions may be contributing significantly to the signal-to-noise problem.

How to cite: Athanasiadis, P. J., Patrizio, C., Smith, D. M., and Nicolì, D.: Ocean–atmosphere feedbacks key to NAO decadal predictability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10747,, 2025.

EGU25-10815 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Planktonic foraminifera as a tool of past seasonality reconstruction 

Zhoufei Yu, Baohua Li, and Shuai Zhang

Seasonal changes in seawater temperature leave large imprints on the stable oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of planktonic foraminiferal tests, based on which the past seasonal changes can be reconstructed. However, there are still problems needed to be figured out in regard to this new method, to improve the reliability of seasonality reconstruction. For example, the selected foraminiferal species, the used size fraction, and the sample area. As a result, by analyzing planktonic foraminiferal test δ18O from the sediment trap samples deployed in the South China Sea, we found that foraminiferal seasonal δ18O signal is strongly distorted (amplified or damped) by seasonal variations in their habitat depth, particularly for the species living in low latitude. Furthermore, Globigerinoides ruber of 300-355 um can record the most comprehensive seawater seasonality information. This study provides strong support to the reconstruction of past seawater seasonal temperature by using individual planktonic foraminifera.

How to cite: Yu, Z., Li, B., and Zhang, S.: Planktonic foraminifera as a tool of past seasonality reconstruction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10815,, 2025.

EGU25-11024 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

Skill assessment of a multi-system ensemble of initialized 20-year predictions 

Dario Nicolì, Sebastiano Roncoroni, Wolfgang A. Mueller, Holger Pohlmann, Sebastian Brune, Markus Donat, Rashed Mahmood, Steve Yeager, William J. Merryfield, Reinel Sospedra-Alfonso, and Panos J. Athanasiadis

Decadal predictions have advanced greatly in recent years: not only have they become operational worldwide and have been demonstrated to be skillful in various aspects of climate variability, including predicting changes in the atmospheric circulation and in the occurrence of extremes several years ahead, but —as such— they are also being used increasingly in climate services. Climate adaptation and policy making, however, also require climate predictions that go beyond the 10-year horizon. For climate information beyond 10 years into the future, uninitialized climate projections, which completely miss any predictability stemming from internal variability, have been the only available product. Trying to account for this lack of information in climate projections regarding any predictable components of internal variability, methods to constrain climate projections using information from large ensembles of initialized decadal predictions have been developed and have been shown to reduce the uncertainty and increase the skill of climate projections, even beyond the 10-year horizon. The demonstrated benefits of such indirect methods to account for predictable internal variability indicate that the latter remains significant beyond the 10-year limit of decadal predictions. Hence, directly harnessing this predictability through running initialized 20-year predictions emerges as a strategic endeavour.
In this study a novel, multi-system ensemble of initialized extended-decadal predictions is assessed. These predictions consist of a grand ensemble of 71 members derived from 6 forecast systems. They are initialized every 5 years from 1960 onward and run ahead for 20 years. Our analysis uses an elaborate drift- and bias-correction method that accounts for the correct representation of trends. Importantly, we show significant skill against observations for a number of variables (fields and indices), even in the second decade of the forecasts. The origin of such predictability is discussed together with the limitations of these 20-year predictions. The respective experimental protocol was defined in the framework of the ASPECT EU project and has been proposed as a tier-2 Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP) protocol for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 7 (CMIP7).

How to cite: Nicolì, D., Roncoroni, S., Mueller, W. A., Pohlmann, H., Brune, S., Donat, M., Mahmood, R., Yeager, S., Merryfield, W. J., Sospedra-Alfonso, R., and Athanasiadis, P. J.: Skill assessment of a multi-system ensemble of initialized 20-year predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11024,, 2025.

EGU25-11166 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

Multidecadal variability of the ENSO teleconnection to Europe in early-winter and implications for seasonal forecasting 

Pablo Fernández-Castillo, Teresa Losada, Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca, Diego García-Maroto, Elsa Mohino, and Luis Durán

El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the leading mode of global climate variability. Through its associated teleconnections, ENSO can impact the climate of numerous regions worldwide at seasonal timescales, highlighting its role as the main source of seasonal predictability. Numerous studies have demonstrated a significant influence of ENSO on the climate of the Euro-Atlantic sector, but the impacts and mechanisms of the teleconnection in early-winter (November-December) remain unclear. Besides, in early-winter, ENSO teleconnections involve tropospheric pathways, which may change in response to different background states of the ocean. Thus, a crucial research question to address is whether the early-winter teleconnection to the Euro-Atlantic sector has changed under the different background states of sea surface temperature (SST) over the Pacific Ocean. 


This work aims to analyse the ENSO early-winter teleconnection to the Euro-Atlantic sector from a nonstationary perspective. Specifically, the teleconnection is analysed under different background states of SST over the Pacific Ocean, related to changes in the phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Using observational and reanalysis datasets for the period 1950-2022, results reveal that the tropospheric pathways of the teleconnection change under the different Pacific SST background states, leading to distinct responses of the North Atlantic atmospheric circulation to ENSO. We also confirm that these distinct responses in the North Atlantic entail significantly different impacts of ENSO on the surface climate across Europe, particularly on surface air temperature. Furthermore, the teleconnection is analysed in the SEAS5 state-of-the-art dynamical seasonal prediction model. The analysis within the model is also conducted from a nonstationary perspective, and aims to determine whether the model successfully reproduces a shift in the teleconnection in the late 1990s identified in reanalysis and observations. Results show that the model accurately captures the spatial pattern of the teleconnection impacts across Europe after the late 1990s, but not before. In turn, significant changes in the skill of seasonal forecasts are observed between before and after the late 1990s. However, skill after the late 1990s is just moderate due to a significant underestimation of the teleconnection impacts. 


The results of this study shed light on the nonstationary behaviour of the early-winter teleconnection to the Euro-Atlantic sector and have important implications on seasonal predictability in Europe. Particularly, the nonstationarity of the teleconnection gives rise to the emergence of windows of opportunity for seasonal forecasting, in which forecast skill may be greater than initially expected from a stationary analysis.

How to cite: Fernández-Castillo, P., Losada, T., Rodríguez-Fonseca, B., García-Maroto, D., Mohino, E., and Durán, L.: Multidecadal variability of the ENSO teleconnection to Europe in early-winter and implications for seasonal forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11166,, 2025.

EGU25-11511 | Orals | CL4.6

Constraining near-term climate projections by combining observations with decadal predictions 

Rémy Bonnet, Julien Boé, and Emilia Sanchez

Reducing the uncertainty associated with internal climate variability over the coming decades is crucial, as this time frame aligns with the strategic planning needs of stakeholders in climate-vulnerable sectors. Three sources of information are available: non-initialized ensembles of climate projections, initialized decadal predictions, and observations. Non-initialized ensembles of climate projections span seamlessly from the historical period to the end of the 21st century, encompassing the full range of uncertainty linked to internal climate variability. Initialized decadal predictions aim to reduce uncertainty from internal climate variability by initializing model simulations with observed oceanic states, phasing the simulated and observed climate variability modes. However, they are usually limited to 5 to 10 years, with small added value after a few years, and they are also subject to drift due to the shock from the initialization. Finally, we can also use observations that can provide information to constrain the climate evolution over the next decades. Providing the best climate information at regional scale over the next decades is therefore challenging. Previous methods addressed this challenge by using information from either the observations or the decadal predictions to constrain uninitialized projections. In this study, we propose a new method to make use of the different sources of information available to provide relevant information about near-term climate change with reduced uncertainty related to internal climate variability. First, we select a sub-ensemble of non-initialized climate simulations based on their similarity to observed predictors with multi-decadal signal potential over Europe, such as Atlantic multi-decadal variability (AMV). Then, we further refine this sub-ensemble of trajectories by selecting a subset based on its consistency with decadal predictions. We present a case study focused on predicting near-term future surface temperatures over Europe. To evaluate the effectiveness of this method in providing reliable climate information, we conduct a retrospective analysis over the historical period.

How to cite: Bonnet, R., Boé, J., and Sanchez, E.: Constraining near-term climate projections by combining observations with decadal predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11511,, 2025.

EGU25-12107 | Orals | CL4.6

Overcoming the spring predictability barrier with a supermodel 

Noel Keenlyside, Tarkeshwar Singh, Ping-Gin Chiu, Francois Counillon, and Francine Schevenhoven

Climate models suffer from long-standing biases that degrade climate prediction skills. While radically increasing resolution offers promise, we are still many years away from being able to perform operational climate predictions with models that can explicitly resolve the most important physical processes. Here we demonstrate that supermodelling can enhance climate predictions through better using the current generation of models. A supermodel connects different models interactively so that their systematic errors compensate. It differs from the standard non-interactive multi-model ensembles, which combines model outputs a-posteriori. We have developed an ocean-connected Earth System model using NorESM, CESM, and MPIESM in their CMIP5 versions. The model radically improves the simulation of tropical climate, strongly reducing SST and double ITCZ biases. We perform seasonal predictions for the period 1990-2020, initialized through (EnOI) data assimilation of SST. We have performed one forecast per season but are currently extending the ensemble size to ten members. The supermodel shows marked improvement in prediction skill for forecasts started before boreal spring, significantly overcoming the spring predictability barrier. Initial investigation indicates the skill enhancement is connected to better simulation of ocean-atmosphere interaction during the first part of the year, which also leads to improved initial conditions. Our results indicate the importance of better representing the signal-to-noise in the western and central Pacific during boreal spring.

How to cite: Keenlyside, N., Singh, T., Chiu, P.-G., Counillon, F., and Schevenhoven, F.: Overcoming the spring predictability barrier with a supermodel, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12107,, 2025.

EGU25-12143 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Probabilistic climate outcomes from prediction aggregation 

Robin Lamboll, Sofia Palazzo Corner, and Moritz Schwarz

Currently, much of the literature around the Paris Agreement, Paris Compliance and manging the transition to net zero requires heavy use of integrated assessment models (IAMs). IAMs provide economic projections of future emissions, conditional on idealised scenarios. However, for most adaptation and cost-benefit analysis, policymakers require predictions, which IAMs do not even attempt to provide. How can we use aggregated estimates of emissions and resulting climate change to give probability distributions of climate impacts? We outline why human computation likely out-performs other prediction methods and present a flexible method to collect intended predictions from a variety of people to effectively estimate future emissions, temperatures and climate impacts via prediction aggregation platforms. These can subsequently be used to inform estimates of climate impacts. It can also highlight deficiencies in the IAM scenarios literature and indicate relative probabilities of scenarios. We estimate all-uncertainty temperatures in 2050 and outline extensions of the work.

How to cite: Lamboll, R., Palazzo Corner, S., and Schwarz, M.: Probabilistic climate outcomes from prediction aggregation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12143,, 2025.

EGU25-12247 | ECS | Orals | CL4.6

Forecasting monthly-to-seasonal sea surface temperatures and marine heatwaves with graph neural networks and diffusion methods 

Varvara Vetrova, Ding Ning, Karin Bryan, and Yun Sing Koh

Knowing future sea surface temperature (SST) patterns play a crucial role not only in industries such as fisheries, shipping and tourism but also in conservation of marine species . For example, DNA of endangered species can be sampled prior to anticipated marine heatwaves to preserve marine biodiversity. Overall, availability of SST forecasts allows to mitigate potential adverse impacts of extreme events such as marine heatwaves. 

There is a strong interest in accurate forecasts of SST and their anomalies on various time scales. The commonly used approaches include physics-based models and machine learning (ML) methods. The first approach is computationally intensive and limited to shorter time scales. While several attempts have been made by the community to adapt ML models to SST forecasts several challenges still remain. These challenges include improving accuracy for longer lead SST anomaly forecasts. 

Here we present an integrated deep-learning based approach to the problem of SST anomalies and MHW forecasting. On one hand, we capitalise both on inherent climate data structure and recent advances in the field of geometric deep learning. We base our approach on a flexible architecture of graph neural networks, well suited for representing teleconnections. From another hand, we adapt the diffusion method to increase lead time of the forecasts.  Our integrated approach allows marine heatwave forecasts up to six months in advance.

How to cite: Vetrova, V., Ning, D., Bryan, K., and Koh, Y. S.: Forecasting monthly-to-seasonal sea surface temperatures and marine heatwaves with graph neural networks and diffusion methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12247,, 2025.

The expansion of and increasing dependency on renewable energy that exploit climate variables, such as wind and precipitation, are highly sensitive to climate variability and weather extremes. Climate Futures is a Center of Research-based Innovation that aims to “co-produce new and innovative solutions for predicting and managing climate risks from sub-seasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) and seasonal-to-decadal (S2D) time scales with a cluster of partners in climate- and weather-sensitive sectors, including the renewable energy sector, through long-term cooperation between businesses, public organizations and research groups.

The aim of the cross-sectoral collaboration is for renewable energy companies to integrate improved climate predictions into their decision making. The long-term implications are a more resilient energy sector and stable power production. Examples of ongoing projects within the center include (1) using large ensemble climate model simulations to estimate near-future changes in precipitation variability, and (2) estimating future wind power production and variability using state-of-the-art decadal climate predictions. These results are important for future wind- and hydropower operations and infrastructure planning.

How to cite: Svendsen, L.: Climate services for and with the renewable energy sector in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12574,, 2025.

EGU25-13076 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Usage of seasonal forecasts in Tropical Cyclone risk models 

Rudy Mustafa, Ulysse Naepels, Hugo Rakotoarimanga, Rémi Meynadier, and Clément Houdard

Tropical cyclones (TCs) pose significant risks to lives, infrastructure and economies, especially in coastal areas.

AXA has been developing stochastic natural hazard models (also called natural catastrophe or NatCat models) to quantify the impact of events such as TCs on its portfolios. However, NatCat models tend to model the average annual risk for a given peril. NatCat models do not consider the present state of the atmosphere and therefore are not conditioned with respect to the current tropical cyclone season.

Information about the TC risk in the upcoming weeks or months of a season could be crucial for an insurer, especially regarding its reinsurance coverage, but also for better risk mitigation through reinforced and more efficient prevention systems.

Previous studies have demonstrated that ensemble seasonal forecasts have skill in predicting TC occurrence several weeks in advance. We explore the ability of ensemble seasonal forecasts to provided skilled information on the general activity of the season to come for various lead-times (number of occurrences, number of landfalls, ACE…) and how can NatCat models be adapted to provide a more dynamic vision of the TC risk.

How to cite: Mustafa, R., Naepels, U., Rakotoarimanga, H., Meynadier, R., and Houdard, C.: Usage of seasonal forecasts in Tropical Cyclone risk models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13076,, 2025.

EGU25-13668 | Orals | CL4.6

Forecasting the annual CO2 rise at Mauna Loa 

Richard Betts, Chris Jones, Jeff Knight, John Kennedy, Ralph Keeling, Yuming Jin, James Pope, and Caroline Sandford

For the last 9 years, the Met Office has issued forecasts of the annual increment in atmospheric carbon dioxide measured at Mauna Loa, accounting for both anthropogenic emissions and the effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on natural carbon sinks and sources. The first forecast was produced when the 2015-2016 El Niño was emerging, and correctly predicted the largest annual CO2 increment on record at the time. In most years, the inclusion of ENSO provides a more skilful forecast than just considering emissions alone, except for 2022-2023 when La Niña conditions in late 2022 were followed by an early emergence of El Niño conditions in the second quarter of 2023. The impacts of interannual differences in emissions on the CO2 rise are usually smaller than those of ENSO variability, except in 2020 when the emergence of an unexpected large drop in global emissions due to societal responses to the COVID-19 pandemic required the forecast to be re-issued with a new estimate of the annual profile of emissions. Our forecast methodology also provides a simple means of tracking the changes in anthropogenic contributions to the annual atmospheric CO2 rise against policy-relevant scenarios. The Met Office forecast for 2023-2024 predicted a relatively large annual CO2 rise, but the observed rise was even larger, with exceptional wildfires in the Americas a likely contributor to the additional increase. Even without the effects of El Niño and other climatic influences on carbon sinks, the human-driven rise in CO2 in 2023-2024 would have been too fast to remain compatible with IPCC AR6 scenarios that limit global warming to 1.5°C with little or no overshoot. While the 2024-2025 rise is predicted to be smaller than 2023-2024, it will still be above these 1.5°C scenarios.

How to cite: Betts, R., Jones, C., Knight, J., Kennedy, J., Keeling, R., Jin, Y., Pope, J., and Sandford, C.: Forecasting the annual CO2 rise at Mauna Loa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13668,, 2025.

EGU25-13771 | Posters on site | CL4.6

Seasonal forecasting of East African short rains 

Giovanni Liguori, Agumase Kindie Tefera, William Cabos, and Antonio Navarra

The variability of East African Short Rains (October-December) has profound socioeconomic and environmental impacts on the region, making accurate seasonal rainfall predictions essential. We evaluated the predictability of East African short rains using model ensembles from the multi-system seasonal retrospective forecasts from the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). We assess the prediction skill for 1- to 5-month lead times using forecasts initialized in September for each year from 1993 to 2016. Although most models exhibit significant mean rainfall biases, they generally show skill in predicting OND (October-December) precipitation anomalies across much of East Africa. However, skill is low or absent in some northern and western parts of the focus area. Along the East African coasts near Somalia and over parts of the western Indian Ocean, models demonstrate skill throughout the late winter (up to December-February), likely due to the persistence of sea surface temperature anomalies in the western Indian Ocean. Years when models consistently outperform persistence forecasts typically align with the mature phases of El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and/or Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). This latter mode, when tracked using the Dipole Mode Index, is generally able to predict the sign of the rainfall anomaly in all models. Despite East Africa's proximity to the west pole of the IOD, the correlation between short rains and IOD maximizes when both east and west are considered. This finding confirms previous studies based on observational datasets, which indicate that broader-scale IOD variability associated with changes in the Walker Circulation, rather than local SST fluctuations, is the primary driver behind East African rainfall.     

How to cite: Liguori, G., Tefera, A. K., Cabos, W., and Navarra, A.: Seasonal forecasting of East African short rains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13771,, 2025.

EGU25-13847 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6

Decadal Predictions with Diffusion Models: Combining Machine Learning and Earth System Modelling 

Simon Lentz, Johanna Baehr, Christopher Kadow, Johannes Meuer, Felix Oertel, and Bijan Fallah

In the past years, decadal prediction systems have started to fill the gap between seasonal forecasts and long-term climate projections. Despite huge progress in predictive skill and decadal predictions outperforming climate projections in almost all forecast tasks, decadal predictions still possess large rooms for improvement. Machine learning based forecast systems have already outperformed traditional weather forecast systems in recent years. Similarly, machine learning has successfully transformed or assisted in data assimilation or climate data reconstruction tasks. Despite its success in the climate sciences, machine learning methods have not yet been successfully integrated in decadal prediction systems.

Combining machine learning and numerical modeling, we attempt to produce decadal climate predictions utilizing Diffusion Models, essentially probabilistic neural networks. We use such a neural network to predict global 2m-air temperatures by training it on the historical MPI-ESM-LR Grand Ensemble and finetuning it on the MPI-ESM-LR decadal predictions and on ERA5 reanalyses. The resulting predictions are qualitatively comparable to the standard MPI-ESM-LR decadal prediction system, surpassing their predictive skill for leadyears 1 and 2. With diffusion models still new to climate predictions, we expect this result to stand only at the beginning of further machine learning integration into climate predictions in general and decadal predictions in particular.

How to cite: Lentz, S., Baehr, J., Kadow, C., Meuer, J., Oertel, F., and Fallah, B.: Decadal Predictions with Diffusion Models: Combining Machine Learning and Earth System Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13847,, 2025.

EGU25-15772 | Orals | CL4.6

A perfect-model perspective on the signal-to-noise paradox in initialized decadal climate predictions 

Markus G. Donat, Rashed Mahmood, Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes, and Etienne Tourigny

Initialized climate predictions are skillful in predicting regional climate conditions in several parts of the globe, but also suffer from different issues arising from imperfect initializations and inconsistencies between the model and the real world climate and processes. In particular, a so-called signal-to-noise paradox has been identified in recent years. This ‘paradox’ implies that the models can predict observations with higher skill than they predict themselves, despite some physical inconsistencies between modeled and real world climate. This is often interpreted as an indicator of model deficiencies.

Here we present a perfect-model decadal prediction experiment, where the predictions have been initialized using climate states from the model's own transient simulation. This experiment therefore avoids issues related to model inconsistencies, initialization shock and the climate drift that affect real-world initialized climate predictions. We find that the perfect-model decadal predictions are highly skillful in predicting the near-surface air temperature and sea level pressure of the reference run on decadal timescales. Interestingly, we also find signal-to-noise issues, meaning that the perfect-model reference run is predicted with higher skill than any of the initialized prediction members with the same model. This suggests that the signal-to-noise paradox may not be due just to model deficiencies in representing the observed climate in initialized predictions, but other issues that affect the statistical properties of the predictions. We illustrate that this signal-to-noise problem is related to analysis practices that concatenate time series from different discontinuous initialized simulations, which introduces inconsistencies compared to the continuous transient climate realizations and the observations. In particular, the concatenation of predictions initialized independently into a single time series breaks the auto-correlation of the time series.

How to cite: Donat, M. G., Mahmood, R., Doblas-Reyes, F. J., and Tourigny, E.: A perfect-model perspective on the signal-to-noise paradox in initialized decadal climate predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15772,, 2025.

EGU25-18643 | Orals | CL4.6

Extending the Lead Time for European Winterstorm Activity Predictions 

Gregor C. Leckebusch, Kelvin S. Ng, Ryan Sriver, Lisa Degenhardt, Eleanor Barrie, and Elisa Spreitzer

The most dangerous and costly meteorological hazards in Europe are extreme extra-tropical cyclones and associated windstorms (EUWS) in winter. Recent studies have shown that seasonal prediction systems can skilfully predict the seasonal frequency of EUWS with a one-month lead time using November initialisations. Given that many seasonal prediction systems produce seasonal forecasts at the start of each month, this raises the question whether pre-November initialised seasonal forecasts could provide usable information in predicting seasonal activity of EUWS.

In this study, we will present preliminary results of an approach aimed at extending the predictive horizon of seasonal EUWS activity. While the direct outputs of the pre-November initialised seasonal predictions of EUWS do not have the sufficient skill, skilful predictions of seasonal EUWS activity can be obtained by an approach that utilises the information of the upper ocean mean potential temperature from seasonal prediction systems. Based on our approach, skilful predictions of seasonal EUWS activity becomes possible as early as October.

How to cite: Leckebusch, G. C., Ng, K. S., Sriver, R., Degenhardt, L., Barrie, E., and Spreitzer, E.: Extending the Lead Time for European Winterstorm Activity Predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18643,, 2025.

Long-range winter predictions over the Euro-Atlantic sector have demonstrated significant skill but suffer from systematic signal-to-noise errors. Here, we examine sources of early winter seasonal predictability in across state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting systems. As in previous studies, these systems demonstrate skill in the hindcasts of the large-scale atmospheric circulation in early winter, associated with the East Atlantic pattern. The predictability is strongly tied to the ENSO teleconnection to the North Atlantic, though the systems' response to ENSO is systematically too weak. The hindcasts of the East Atlantic index exhibit a substantial signal-to-noise errors, with the systems' predicted signal generally being smaller than would be expected for the observed level of skill, though there is substantial spread across systems. The signal-to-noise errors are found to be strongly linked to the strength of the ENSO teleconnection in the systems, those with a weaker teleconnection exhibit a larger signal-to-noise problem. The dependency on modelled ENSO teleconnection strength closely follows a simple scaling relationship derived from a toy model. Further analysis reveals that the strength of the ENSO teleconnection in the systems is linked to climatological biases in the behaviour of the North Atlantic jet. 

How to cite: O'Reilly, C.: Signal-to-noise errors in early winter Euro-Atlantic predictions linked to weak ENSO teleconnections and pervasive North Atlantic jet biases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18821,, 2025.

EGU25-21570 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.6

Predicting climate indicators at the decadal scale using a hybrid prediction system: application to SUEZ water management plans over France 

Joanne Couallier, Ramdane Alkama, Charlotte Sakarovitch, and Didier Swingedouw

As climate change reshapes hydrological cycles, workers in water management face unprecedented challenges in ensuring resource availability, mitigating flood risks, and maintaining resilient infrastructure. Nowadays, water utilities and authorities rely on long-term climate projections to plan for challenges extending through the end of the century. However, critical gaps persist in actionable information for shorter timescales, such as the decadal scale, which better aligns with political and operational decision-making. In this context, decadal climate predictions can be pivotal to address the needs of the water management sector and develop efficient climate services. However, their added values as compared to projections remained limited up to now.
To better understand user requirements, we collaborate with various teams from SUEZ, a company specializing in water management. Through interviews, we have identified the demand for specific indicators based on climate variables (e.g., precipitation, temperature) and corresponding spatio-temporal scales. Building on this understanding, we also develop in IPSL-EPOC decadal prediction team a new hybrid approach to improve our forecasts. This approach includes identifying a climate index (e.g., NAO, WEPA) derived from Sea Level Pressure (SLP) that correlates with the climate variable of interest. Using all the available decadal climate predictions from the DCPP project, we evaluate the predictability of this index, which is usually high for NAO and WEPA. This index is then employed to subsample a few of member CMIP6 climate projections that are in phase with the prediction of the DCPP ensemble. This latter step allows to inflate the amplitude of the predictable signal, resolving the limitation coming from the signal-to-noise paradox. It is also allowing to perform a proper statistical downscaling, used to refine these forecasts, ensuring their usability for identified needs. The resulting forecasts are designed to integrate seamlessly into SUEZ’s water sector models.
Preliminary work has identified diverse parameters of interest for water management, such as daily precipitation (resource availability forecasting), extreme precipitation events at fine temporal resolution (Combined Sewer Overflows modeling), and the number of very cold or very hot days (linked to risks of water mains and service lines failures, respectively). Early findings also suggest that, for the average precipitation over France, the WEPA index exhibits the largest correlations, unlike the NAO, which has greater influence for other European regions. The production of forecasts is currently underway, and their performance regarding the initially identified parameters will be presented.

How to cite: Couallier, J., Alkama, R., Sakarovitch, C., and Swingedouw, D.: Predicting climate indicators at the decadal scale using a hybrid prediction system: application to SUEZ water management plans over France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21570,, 2025.

EGU25-872 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8

A new orographic drag parameterization package for the GLOBO model: implementation and evaluation  

Guido Davoli, Daniele Mastrangelo, Annalisa Cherchi, and Andrea Alessandri

Orography plays a fundamental role in shaping the atmospheric circulation and affects key atmospheric processes. Therefore, weather and climate models must adequately represent its effects to obtain accurate predictions. Since all orographic scales are found to influence the atmospheric flow, the parameterization of unresolved orographic drag has been recognized as crucial to simulate a realistic mid-latitude circulation. Moreover, in the last few years, it has become clear that orographic gravity wave drag (OGWD) and turbulent orographic form drag (TOFD) parameterization schemes play a crucial role in reducing some of the long-standing circulation biases affecting climate models. However, they are still considered a potential source of errors, due to the uncertainties which affect some poorly constrained physical parameters. Furthermore, these schemes need boundary conditions suitable to characterize the physical features of sub-grid orography. The strategies for the generation of such boundary conditions can vary a lot between different modelling centres, and it has been shown to be an important source of uncertainty. 

GLOBO is a global atmospheric general circulation model developed at the Institute for Atmospheric Science and Climate of the Italian National Research Council (ISAC-CNR). It is currently in use within many operational frameworks, including a global monthly probabilistic forecast system that contributes to the Subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) project database. In an effort to improve and modernize the model, we implemented a novel orographic drag parameterization package, based on state-of-the-art OGWD and TOFD schemes. Simultaneously with the development of the orographic drag parameterizations, we developed a novel software package, OROGLOBO (OROGraphic ancillary files generator for GLOBal atmospheric mOdels) designed for the generation of the orographic boundary conditions. This unique open-source tool is designed to exploit a state-of-the-art, high resolution global Digital Elevation Model to generate boundary conditions for OGWD and TOFD schemes, gathering the main algorithms and techniques available in the literature in a single software. 

Here, we present the results of this model update. A new set of retrospective forecasts was performed, consisting of an 8-members ensemble, initialized every 5 days and integrated for 35 days, during the period 2001-2020, including the developments in orographic physical parameterization and boundary conditions. This set of simulations is compared to the corresponding hindcasts set performed with the standard model configuration and used to calibrate the operational ensemble of global sub-seasonal probabilistic forecasts. We evaluate the impact of the improved representation of unresolved orographic drag on the simulation and prediction of the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes circulation. We assess the change in prediction skill for atmospheric blocking events and associated extreme temperature and wind conditions. 

How to cite: Davoli, G., Mastrangelo, D., Cherchi, A., and Alessandri, A.: A new orographic drag parameterization package for the GLOBO model: implementation and evaluation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-872,, 2025.

EGU25-1040 | ECS | Orals | CL4.8

Understanding Soil Modulation of Drought Persistence in CMIP6 Models 

Marco Possega, Emanuele Di Carlo, Vincenzo Senigalliesi, and Andrea Alessandri

 Drought persistence is a critical factor in assessing water availability and its impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, and society. In this respect, poorly constrained soil properties in climate models such as field capacity – i.e. the maximum water a soil can retain after drainage of excess moisture – may strongly affect severity and persistence of simulated soil drought conditions. This study examines for the first time the regulating role of soil properties, particularly of field capacity, in shaping drought memory and its broader impacts. Using the CMIP6 multi-model ensemble and observations, we analyze drought dynamics across various phases of the hydrological cycle applying non-parametric standardized indices: Standardized Precipitation Index (precipitation deficits), Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (precipitation-evapotranspiration balance), Standardized Soil Moisture Index (soil moisture deficits), and Standardized Runoff Index (reduced runoff). Our analysis investigates the persistence between hydrological drought indicators, showing that soils with greater field capacity sustain drought conditions longer, emphasizing the importance of accurately modeling soil properties to capture drought persistence effectively. The historical CMIP6 simulations are compared with observational datasets, including GLEAM and CRU, to assess the deviation between model outputs and observed climate conditions. The future scenarios (SSP126, SSP245, SSP370, SSP585) are also examined, revealing significant regional differences in projected drought behavior depending on the degree of radiative-forcing increase during 21st century. High-emission scenarios project prolonged drought conditions due to increased temperatures and evapotranspiration feedback, while low-emission pathways are effective in preserving more stable hydrological dynamics. Our results show that, in water limited and transition areas such as the Euro-Mediterranean region, the persistence of droughts and its projected change considerably depend on the modeled field capacity. This study highlights the essential role of field capacity and other soil characteristics in regulating the variability and the persistence of drought events. By bridging historical validation with future projections, it provides a comprehensive understanding of drought dynamics and trends, also identifying observational constraints for the Earth System Models. These findings are crucial for refining predictions of agricultural and hydrological drought impacts and for guiding adaptation strategies in water-limited regions that are vulnerable to drought exacerbation under climate change.

How to cite: Possega, M., Di Carlo, E., Senigalliesi, V., and Alessandri, A.: Understanding Soil Modulation of Drought Persistence in CMIP6 Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1040,, 2025.

EGU25-1545 | Posters on site | CL4.8

Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Arctic Summer Sea Ice Forecasts Using Dynamical Downscaling with the Regional Arctic System Model 

Younjoo Lee, Wieslaw Maslowski, Anthony Craig, Jaclyn Clement Kinney, and Robert Osinski

The Arctic region has been warming at a rate significantly faster than the global average, leading to an accelerated decline in sea ice. This trend is expected to continue, potentially resulting in a "low-ice regime," which could make sea ice conditions more unpredictable. Anticipating changes in Arctic sea ice and climate states is therefore crucial for guiding various human activities, from natural resource management to risk assessment decisions. While global climate and Earth system models project continuous sea ice decline over decadal time scales, achieving reliable seasonal forecasts remains challenging. To address this, we apply dynamical downscaling with the state-of-the-art Regional Arctic System Model (RASM), which enables us to forecast Arctic sea ice on time scales ranging from weeks to six months. RASM is a fully coupled regional climate model that integrates components for the atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, and land, interconnected through the flux coupler of the Community Earth System Model. In our study, we simulate RASM at a horizontal resolution of 1/12 degree (approximately 9 km) for both the ocean and sea ice, with 45 vertical levels in the ocean and five thickness categories for sea ice. The atmosphere is configured on a 50-km grid with 40 vertical levels, dynamically downscaled from the NOAA/NCEP Climate Forecasting System version 2 (CFSv2) at 72-hour intervals for the upper half of the atmosphere. Monthly ensemble forecasts extending up to six months are generated using initial conditions derived from a fully-coupled RASM hindcast simulation without bias correction and assimilation. This presentation highlights results for September sea ice predictions initialized on April 1, May 1, June 1, July 1, August 1, and September 1, covering pan-Arctic and regional sea ice spatio-temporal conditions from 2012 to 2021. Specifically, we examine how lead time and initial conditions affect the quantitative skill of seasonal predictability for Arctic sea ice and demonstrate skillful predictions of September sea ice up to six months in advance. Overall, our study underscores that enhancing model physics and obtaining more realistic initial conditions are crucial for achieving skillful sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions.

How to cite: Lee, Y., Maslowski, W., Craig, A., Clement Kinney, J., and Osinski, R.: Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Arctic Summer Sea Ice Forecasts Using Dynamical Downscaling with the Regional Arctic System Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1545,, 2025.

EGU25-1847 | Orals | CL4.8

AI deep learning for climate forecasts 

Jing-Jia Luo

AI deep learning for climate science has attracted increasing attentions in recent years with rapidly expanded applications to many areas. In this talk, I will briefly present our recent progresses on using various deep learning methods for seasonal-to-multi-seasonal predictions of ENSO, the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), summer precipitation in China and East Africa, Arctic sea ice cover, ocean waves, as well as the bias correction and downscaling of dynamical model’s forecasts. The results suggest that many popular deep learning methods, such as convolutional neural networks, residual neural network, long-short term memory, ConvLSTM, multi-task learning, cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks and vision transformer, can be well applied to improve our understanding and predictions of climate. In addition, a brief introduction of AI large models for ensemble weather-subseasonal-seasonal-decadal forecasts, together with the perspective on the future development of AI methods, will also be presented.

How to cite: Luo, J.-J.: AI deep learning for climate forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1847,, 2025.

EGU25-2210 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8

The role of Pacific Tropical Instability Wave in Sub-Seasonal SST predictability  

Li Tianyan, Yu Yongqiang, and Zhen Weipeng

Tropical Instability Waves (TIWs) play a crucial role in modulating Sea Surface Temperature (SST) variability in tropical oceans, yet their representation in current forecast systems remains challenging. This study investigates the relationship between TIWs and sub-seasonal SST predictability while evaluating the performance limitations of the Licoms Forecast System. Through comprehensive analysis of observational data and model outputs, we demonstrate that TIWs provide significant potential for enhancing sub-seasonal SST forecast skill through their regular wave patterns and predictable evolution characteristics. However, our findings reveal that the current Licoms forecast systems systematically underestimate both TIW intensity and wavelength. Critical examination of error sources indicates that these deficiencies primarily originate from initialization fields rather than model physics or dynamics. 

How to cite: Tianyan, L., Yongqiang, Y., and Weipeng, Z.: The role of Pacific Tropical Instability Wave in Sub-Seasonal SST predictability , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2210,, 2025.

EGU25-3974 | Orals | CL4.8

Increased multi-year ENSO predictability under greenhouse gas warming accounted by large ensemble simulations and deep learning 

Young-Min Yang, Jae-Heung Park, June-Yi Lee, Soon-Il An, Sang-Wook Yeh, Jong-Seoung Kug, and Yoo-Geun Ham

The El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the primary internal climatic driver shaping extreme events worldwide1,2,3. Its intensity and frequency in response to greenhouse gas (GHG) warming has puzzled scientists for years, despite consensus among models about changes in average conditions4-16. Recent research has shed light on changes not only in ENSO variability5,7,8,10,13, but also in the occurrence of extreme5,6,11,12,13,14 and multi-year El Niño4,15, and La Niña9,11,16 events under GHG warming. Here, we investigate potential changes in ENSO predictability associated with changes in ENSO dynamics in the future by using long-range deep-learning forecasts trained on extensive large ensemble simulations of Earth System Models under historical forcings and the future high GHG emissions scenario. Our results show a remarkable increase in the predictability of ENSO events, ranging from 35% to 65% under the high GHG emissions scenario due to reduced ENSO irregularity, supported by a broad consensus among multi-models. Under GHG warming, an El Nino-like warming flattens the thermocline depth with upper ocean stratification. This flattening of the thermocline depth leads to an increased transition frequency between El Niño and La Niña events, driven by strengthened recharge-discharge oscillation with enhanced thermocline feedback and SST responses to zonal wind stress. As a result, ENSO complexity would reduce with increased regularity and reduced skewness, increasing ENSO predictability. These results imply that the future social and economic impacts of ENSO events may be more manageable, despite an expected increase in the frequency of extreme ENSO events.

How to cite: Yang, Y.-M., Park, J.-H., Lee, J.-Y., An, S.-I., Yeh, S.-W., Kug, J.-S., and Ham, Y.-G.: Increased multi-year ENSO predictability under greenhouse gas warming accounted by large ensemble simulations and deep learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3974,, 2025.

EGU25-5233 | Orals | CL4.8

Standardisation of equitable climate services by supporting a community of practice 

Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Asun Lera St Clair, Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, Paula Checchia, Joerg Cortekar, Judith E.M. Klostermann, Werner Krauß, Angel Muñoz, Jaroslav Mysiak, Jorge Paz, Marta Terrado, Andreas Villwock, Mirjana Volarev, and Saioa Zorita

Climate services are essential to support climate-sensitive decision making, enabling adaptation to climate change and variability, and mitigate the sources of anthropogenic climate change, while considering the values and contexts of those involved. The unregulated nature of climate services can lead to low market performance and lack of quality assurance. Best practices, guidance, and standards serve as a form of governance, ensuring quality, legitimacy, and relevance of climate services. The Climateurope2 project ( addresses this gap by engaging and supporting an equitable and diverse community of climate services to provide recommendations for their standardisation. Four components of climate services are identified (the decision context, the ecosystem of actors and co-production processes, the multiple knowledge systems involved, and the delivery and evaluation of these services) to facilitate analysis. This has resulted in the identification of nine key messages summarising the susceptibility for the climate services standardisation. The recommendations are shared with relevant standardisation bodies and actors as well as with climate services stakeholders and providers.

How to cite: Doblas-Reyes, F., Lera St Clair, A., Baldissera Pacchetti, M., Checchia, P., Cortekar, J., Klostermann, J. E. M., Krauß, W., Muñoz, A., Mysiak, J., Paz, J., Terrado, M., Villwock, A., Volarev, M., and Zorita, S.: Standardisation of equitable climate services by supporting a community of practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5233,, 2025.

EGU25-7271 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8

Impact-Based Forecasting Model for Flood Hazard Mitigation in Java, Indonesia 

Dendi Rona Purnama, Simon F. B. Tett, Ruth Doherty, and Ida Pramuwardani

Flooding is the most frequent and damaging hydrometeorological disaster in Indonesia, with Java being especially vulnerable due to its dense population and rapid urbanization. This study aims to refine the Impact-Based Forecasting (IBF) model to improve flood hazard predictions and mitigation efforts. Using Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM-IMERG) rainfall data as the hazard component combined with vulnerability and capacity datasets from InaRISK, this research focuses on enhancing the precision and reliability of impact assessments.

Initial analyses highlight the potential of impact-based rainfall thresholds and assessment probabilistic impacts to refine the IBF model and reduce subjectivity in impact assessments. By linking calculated impact values and disaster magnitudes for the 2014 – 2023 period, this study shows a promising skill for significant and severe flood events, although improvements are needed for minor and minimal disaster classifications.

This research lays the groundwork for a more robust and scalable IBF model tailored to Java’s unique challenges. The findings aim to support BMKG’s operational needs, enabling the delivery of more actionable early warnings and targeted disaster preparedness measures. By addressing critical gaps in existing IBF systems, this study contributes to bridging the divide between hazard-impact forecasts and societal resilience, ultimately mitigating the impacts of floods in Indonesia.

How to cite: Purnama, D. R., Tett, S. F. B., Doherty, R., and Pramuwardani, I.: Impact-Based Forecasting Model for Flood Hazard Mitigation in Java, Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7271,, 2025.

EGU25-9933 | Orals | CL4.8

Hydroclimate services are more than just providing data 

Jean-Philippe Vidal, Eric Sauquet, Louis Héraut, Sonia Siauve, Guillaume Evin, Jean-Michel Soubeyroux, Flore Tocquer, Audrey Bornançin-Plantier, Claire Magand, and Maud Berel

The concept of hydroclimate services is predominantly recognised as web portals dedicated to the dissemination of data to potential users. However, the scope of climate services extends beyond the sole provision of data. This communication presents a comprehensive ecosystem of tools and resources associated with the development of an updated national hydrological projection dataset in France. The ecosystem was brought to life through a close collaboration between scientists and water managers in two joint projects: Explore2 and LIFE Eau&Climat. Tools and resources were thus developped with and for water resource managers, and designed to enhance the comprehension of both the conceptual framework and the data itself, facilitating utilisation in accordance with best practices for climate change adaptation.

The project websites serve as gateways to the ecosystem and the tools: the Explore2 website contains interviews with the scientific contributors, and the LIFE Eau&Climat website is hosted by the national website dedicated to water managers. A summary of the joint final public event accompanies the replay of the one-day conference and debates on a dedicated website. A compendium of antecedent research projects on climate change impacts on hydrology has been collated to summarise the state of the art prior to the two projects. A MOOC has been developed in conjunction with scientists to facilitate the comprehension of the Explore2 project, its design, and its application in adaptation studies.

Moreover, the Explore2 dataverse ( brings together a variety of products in an organised and searchable way, including thematic scientific reports, GIS layers, and other key metadata. It also contains three types of station datasheets aimed at locally contextualising outputs: hydrological model performance datasheets, projection results datasheets, and uncertainty quantification datasheets. The MEANDRE interactive data visualisation tool ( offers a guided tour of the salient take-home messages and a comprehensive exploration of the Explore2 hydrological projection dataset. This multi-model dataset (GCMs/RCMs/bias correction methods/hydrological models) is made available through the DRIAS-Eau portal (, which functions as a water mirror of the established DRIAS-Climat portal. The utilisation of this dataset for local climate change impact studies is facilitated by a methodological guide written as an adventure gamebook ( and based on real-life studies carried out by water managers during the LIFE Eau&Climat project. Furthermore, experiments of sonification of hydrological projections offer a novel approach to apprehending future changes (

This ecosystem has been met with great anticipation and acclaim by local to national-scale water managers, paving the way for ongoing local prospective studies. These will be able to confront future resources with the ecological needs of aquatic environments and human water usage.

This work is funded by the EU LIFE Eau&Climat project (LIFE19 GIC/FR/001259).

How to cite: Vidal, J.-P., Sauquet, E., Héraut, L., Siauve, S., Evin, G., Soubeyroux, J.-M., Tocquer, F., Bornançin-Plantier, A., Magand, C., and Berel, M.: Hydroclimate services are more than just providing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9933,, 2025.

EGU25-11600 | ECS | Orals | CL4.8

Windows of Opportunity for Seasonal Prediction of droughts: the case of the Middle East 

Thomas Dal Monte, Andrea Alessandri, Annalisa Cherchi, Markus Donat, and Marco Gaetani

Drought warnings are vital to sectors like agriculture and water management, especially at the seasonal time scale. Identifying the sources of drought predictability in regions where a prediction system demonstrated potential for useful applications of the forecasts, represents an important step toward building confidence in the predictions and refining the seasonal predictions. To better identify higher forecast skill in this context, one possible approach is to focus on specific “windows of opportunity”. The approach aims to identify periods when persistent anomalies occurring in the ocean, the atmosphere or the land surface may positively precondition the predictive ability of the seasonal forecast. In the case of SPI3, a high potential for preconditioned predictive skill is identified in the Middle East region, as suggested by a robust relationship with large-scale climate modes. Building on these results, this study explores the contributions of individual years to the skill for the region during the autumn season and in the hindcast period 1993-2016. We used a Multi Model Ensemble (MME) of eight seasonal prediction systems (SPSs) provided by the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) and observations from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) to calculate the SPI3 time series and the values of the Pacific and Indian teleconnection indices, the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI) and the Dipole Mode Index (DMI), respectively. A novel methodology is implemented to cluster the year-by-year MME contributions to the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) that are preconditioned by the large-scale teleconnections. 

Results indicate that years with extreme high or low values of ONI and DMI are the main contributors to the forecasting skill of the MME drought predictions over the Middle East. In particular, a window of opportunity is identified in four (out of 24) years that show significantly high contribution to overall skill. These years are robustly preconditioned by El Niño or La Niña events. Among the years with higher contributions, 1994 stands out as being more influenced by the DMI, thus driven primarily by SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean rather than the Pacific Ocean.  The methodological approach developed in this study successfully highlighted the potential windows of opportunity for seasonal prediction in the Middle East region, and could be applied extensively to develop early warnings for the coming seasons to serve agriculture and water management operations.

How to cite: Dal Monte, T., Alessandri, A., Cherchi, A., Donat, M., and Gaetani, M.: Windows of Opportunity for Seasonal Prediction of droughts: the case of the Middle East, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11600,, 2025.

EGU25-11821 | Orals | CL4.8

Seamless seasonal to multi-annual climate predictions by constraining transient (CMIP6) climate model simulations 

Juan C. Acosta Navarro, Alvise Aranyossy, Paolo De Luca, Markus G. Donat, Arthur Hrast Essenfelder, Rashed Mahmood, Andrea Toreti, and Danila Volpi

Seamless climate predictions combine information across different timescales to deliver information potentially useful for sectors like agriculture, energy, and public health. Seamless operational forecasts for periods spanning from sub-annual to multi-annual timescales are currently not available throughout the year. We show that this gap can be closed by using a well-established climate model analog method. The method consists in sampling model states from the CMIP6 transient simulation catalog based on their similarity with the observed sea surface temperature as a means of model initialization. 

Here we present the methodology and basic skill evaluation of the analog-based temperature and standardized precipitation index retrospective predictions with forecast times ranging from 3 months up to 4 years. We additionally compare these predictions with the non-initialized CMIP6 ensemble and with two operational benchmarks produced with state-of-the-art dynamical forecasts systems: one on seasonal timescales and the other on annual to multi-annual timescales.

The analog method provides skillful climate predictions across the different timescales, from seasons to several years, offering temperature and precipitation forecasts comparable to those from state-of-the-art initialized climate prediction systems, particularly at the annual to multi-annual timescales. However, unlike operational decadal prediction systems that provide only one or two initializations per year, the analog-based system can generate seamless predictions with monthly initializations, offering year-round climate information. Additionally, analog predictions are computationally inexpensive once the multi-model transient climate simulations have been completed. We argue that these predictions are a valuable complement to existing operational prediction systems and may improve regional climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. 


How to cite: Acosta Navarro, J. C., Aranyossy, A., De Luca, P., Donat, M. G., Hrast Essenfelder, A., Mahmood, R., Toreti, A., and Volpi, D.: Seamless seasonal to multi-annual climate predictions by constraining transient (CMIP6) climate model simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11821,, 2025.

EGU25-13385 | Posters on site | CL4.8

Representation of Temporal Variations of Vegetation in Reanalysis and Climate Predictions: Diverging Soil-Moisture Response in Land Surface Models 

Andrea Alessandri, Marco Possega, Emanuele Di Carlo, Annalisa Cherchi, Souhail Boussetta, Gianpaolo Balsamo, Constantin Ardilouze, Gildas Dayon, and Fransje van Oorschot

Vegetation plays a crucial role in the land surface water and energy balance modulating the interactions and feedback with climate at the regional to global scale. The availability of unprecedented Earth observation products covering recent decades (and extended up to real-time) are therefore of paramount importance to better represent the vegetation and its time evolution in the land surface models (LSMs) used for offline analysis/initialization and for the seasonal-to-decadal predictions. 

Here, we integrate realistic vegetation Leaf Area Index (LAI) variability from latest generation satellite campaigns, available through Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS), in three different LSMs that conducted the same coordinated set of offline land-only simulations forced by hourly atmospheric fields derived from the ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis. The experiment implementing realistic interannually-varying LAI (SENS) is compared with simulations utilizing a climatological LAI (CTRL) to quantify the vegetation feedback and the effects on the simulation of near-surface soil moisture.

The results show that the inter-annually varying LAI considerably affects the simulation of near-surface soil moisture anomalies in all three models and over the same water-limited regions, but surprisingly the effects diverge among models: compared with ESA-CCI observations, the near-surface soil moisture anomalies significantly improve in  one of the three LSMs (HTESSEL-LPJGuess) while the other two (ECLand and ISBA-CTRIP) display opposite effects with significant worsening of the anomaly correlation coefficients. It is found that the enhanced simulation of near-surface soil moisture is enabled by the positive feedback that is activated by the effective vegetation cover (EVC) parameterization, implemented only in HTESSEL-LPJGuess. The EVC parameterization works such that the effective fraction of the bare soil being covered by vegetation does vary with LAI following an exponential function constrained by available satellite observations. The increased (reduced) soil-moisture limitation during dry (wet) periods produces negative (positive) LAI and therefore EVC anomalies, which in turn generate a dominating positive feedback on the near-surface soil moisture of HTESSEL-LPJGuess by exposing more (less) bare soil to direct evaporation from the sub-surface layer. On the other hand, in the EC-Land and ISBA-CTRIP models, EVC is fixed in time as it cannot vary with LAI and so the positive feedback described cannot be activated. The only feedback on near-surface soil moisture anomalies that operates  in these two models is negative and comes from the reduced (increased) transpiration related to the negative (positive) LAI anomalies.

Simply prescribing observed vegetation data into LSMs does not guarantee the introduction of the correct coupling and feedback on climate. In this respect, this multi-model comparison experiment demonstrates the fundamental role of the inclusion of the underlying vegetation processes in LSMs. Ignoring the proper representation of the vegetation processes could lead to unrealistic (and even the opposite effects compared with observations) behaviour in reanalysis and climate predictions.

How to cite: Alessandri, A., Possega, M., Di Carlo, E., Cherchi, A., Boussetta, S., Balsamo, G., Ardilouze, C., Dayon, G., and van Oorschot, F.: Representation of Temporal Variations of Vegetation in Reanalysis and Climate Predictions: Diverging Soil-Moisture Response in Land Surface Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13385,, 2025.

EGU25-14900 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8

Psychological Drivers of Climate Silence: A Challenge to Indonesia's Climate Action 

Anggi Dewita and Balgis Inayah

Despite growing awareness of climate change, many Indonesians remain climate-silent, posing a significant challenge to the country's efforts to mitigate its impacts. This study aims to analyze the factors contributing to climate silence in Indonesia, using psychological theories related to climate science denial. A rapid systematic review was conducted to gather evidence, revealing five key drivers of climate denial: limited cognitive abilities, ideological beliefs, sunk costs, perceived risks, and discredence. These barriers are further shaped by factors such as government policies, economic conditions, religious influences, and insufficient environmental education.
This skepticism towards climate change undermines adaptation and mitigation efforts by disrupting community engagement and participation. The findings highlight the importance of government support in addressing the root causes of climate skepticism. Employing the concept of inoculation through a misconception-based learning approach—integrated into religion and education—can help reshape mindsets. Enhancing public understanding of climate change is essential to fostering community involvement and support for effective climate mitigation initiatives.

Keywords: climate silence, climate denial, psychological drivers, Indonesia.

How to cite: Dewita, A. and Inayah, B.: Psychological Drivers of Climate Silence: A Challenge to Indonesia's Climate Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14900,, 2025.

EGU25-15251 | Posters on site | CL4.8

Assessment of the skill of seasonal probabilistic hydrological forecasts with ParFlow/CLM over central Europe 

Alexandre Belleflamme, Suad Hammoudeh, Klaus Goergen, and Stefan Kollet

In recent years, alternating drought and extreme precipitation events have highlighted the need for subseasonal to seasonal forecasts of the terrestrial water cycle. In particular, predictions of the impacts of dry and wet extremes on subsurface water resources are crucial to provide stakeholders in agriculture, forestry, the water sector, and other fields with information supporting the sustainable use of these resources.

In this context, we release an experimental Water Resources Bulletin ( four times per year, offering probabilistic forecasts of the total subsurface water storage (TSS) anomaly at a 0.6 km resolution, from the surface down to 60 m depth, for the upcoming seven months across Germany. These seasonal forecasts are generated using the integrated, physics-based hydrological model ParFlow/CLM, forced by 50 ensemble members of the SEAS5 seasonal forecast from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).

To evaluate our forecasts, we evaluated six 7-months probabilistic forecasts covering the vegetation period (March to September) for the years 2018 to 2023 with a reference long-term historical time series based on the same ParFlow/CLM setup. The forecast skill was assessed by comparing these seasonal forecasts to a climatology-based 10-member pseudo-forecast over the 2013–2023 period (using the leave-one-out method), extracted from the reference time series.

The monthly Continuous Ranked Probability Skill Score (CRPSS), which evaluates the ensemble distribution based on daily TSS data, indicates that the probabilistic forecast outperforms the climatology-based pseudo-forecast in most regions, except in 2018 and, to a lesser extent, in 2020 and 2022. This can be attributed to an under-representation of extremely dry members in the ensemble, combined with the memory effect of the initial conditions at increasing soil depths. For example, while March 2018 started with a slightly above-average TSS and experienced a strong meteorological drought leading to an agricultural drought, the initial TSS anomaly in March 2019 was already negative, with a less pronounced precipitation deficit during the vegetation period. This resulted in a much higher forecast skill, because of the memory effect accurately simulated with the physics-based model. Notably, the forecast skill only slightly decreases with increasing lead time, both for precipitation and TSS.

The analysis of the Relative Operating Characteristic Skill Score (ROCSS) for the lower quintile of the TSS distribution assesses whether negative TSS anomalies (i.e., droughts) are adequately represented within the probabilistic forecast ensemble. The results are consistent with those of the CRPSS, showing lower skill in 2018. Nevertheless, the ROCSS analysis overall indicates moderate to high skill for the probabilistic forecast, while the climatology-based pseudo-forecast demonstrates no skill. This confirms that the dry conditions experienced in central Europe in recent years were captured within the probabilistic forecast, underlining the added value of these forecasts and their usefulness in the experimental Water Resources Bulletin.

How to cite: Belleflamme, A., Hammoudeh, S., Goergen, K., and Kollet, S.: Assessment of the skill of seasonal probabilistic hydrological forecasts with ParFlow/CLM over central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15251,, 2025.

EGU25-15484 | ECS | Posters on site | CL4.8

From Policy to Action: Empowering Women to Lead Climate Resilience in Indonesia 

Asri Rachmawati and Anggi Dewita

Women face disproportionate impacts from climate change due to significant barriers to accessing education and protection. In Indonesia, women often lack access to essential resources and opportunities, particularly in urban informal settlements. However, women also hold a pivotal position in the community in advancing climate literacy. Despite progressive regulations supporting women’s rights, gaps in implementation persist, highlighting the need for targeted initiatives to enhance women’s understanding of climate issues and their capacity to lead resilience efforts. Indonesia has established strong policies for gender equality and climate action, such as Presidential Regulation No. 59/2017 and the National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API), which emphasize gender-responsive strategies. However, translating these policies into real-world actions remains a challenge, highlighting the need to better connect scientific research and community insights to effective governance and implementation. This study identifies a critical gap in urban climate literacy and proposes empowering women as a solution. By leveraging women’s social network in Indonesia, the project disseminates climate knowledge and fosters collective action. Key initiatives include training women in climate literacy, introducing sustainable practices such as urban gardening, and developing accessible educational tools like songs, games, and visual materials. These programs are designed to position women as trusted leaders within their communities. Structured monitoring and evaluation methods, including annual surveys and peer-led literacy programs, ensure continuous improvement and scalability. Preliminary findings demonstrate that women-led climate literacy initiatives significantly enhance community resilience and resource allocation. Empowered women influence their families and peers, creating a ripple effect that strengthens societal adaptability. This scalable model integrates women-centered initiatives into governance frameworks, building pathways for sustainable, inclusive development. By empowering women, we transform vulnerability into strength, paving the way for a resilient future.

How to cite: Rachmawati, A. and Dewita, A.: From Policy to Action: Empowering Women to Lead Climate Resilience in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15484,, 2025.

EGU25-15694 | Orals | CL4.8 | Highlight

The Use of Social Media on Weather and Climate Information Dissemination To Support Effective Climate Action 

Radjab Achmad Fachri and Achmad Ezra Reynara

Timely and fast dissemination are some of the key factors for the effective climate information services in order to support effective climate action. Various mean of communication channel has been used by an authoritative agency to disseminate their climate information, including social media. Currently, social media become one of the most effective chanel to disseminate of weather and climate information. Social media is not only a powerfull tools to ensure the timely, fast, massive dissemination of weather and climate information, but it is also easy to use and access by the general public. Social media also can be optimized public outreach and public education in order to raising awareness and mobilizing an effective climate action. Through it’s real time response tools, social media also can be used to strengthen the engagement between meteorological and hydrological services with their users. Our research will describe the effectiveness of social media to disseminate weather and climate information in order to support climate action in Indonesia.

How to cite: Achmad Fachri, R. and Ezra Reynara, A.: The Use of Social Media on Weather and Climate Information Dissemination To Support Effective Climate Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15694,, 2025.

EGU25-19049 | Posters on site | CL4.8

The Role of Afforestation in Modulating Arid Climate 

Thang M. Luong, Matteo Zampieri, and Ibrahim Hoteit

Afforestation and greening initiatives are increasingly considered viable strategies for mitigating climate change, particularly in arid regions. In this study, we assess the climate impacts of large-scale afforestation in the Arabian Peninsula (AP). The afforestation is represented by replacing sandy bare soil with woody savanna vegetation, assumed to be naturally sustained by rainfall, in the absence of overgrazing. Using a 30-year regional climate model simulation, we prescribe afforestation within a circular area of 4.5° radius (approximately 71.9 million hectares) centered at 24.2°N, 44.3°E. The afforestation modifies surface characteristics, including darker albedo (0.25 vs. 0.38 for bare soil), a green fraction of 0.3, and a leaf area index (LAI) of 0.1.

Our results show that the afforestation slows down near-surface winds and due to darker surface, increases sensible heat flux, leading to enhanced warming of the atmosphere over vegetated areas. Despite these warming effects, the additional vegetation promotes higher rainfall due to increased moisture availability and reduction of subsidence. This study underscores the dual role of afforestation in modulating regional climate, serving as both a climate mitigation measure and a potential warming source, depending on regional conditions. These findings highlight the importance of considering water availability and local climate factors when designing greening policies for arid regions.

How to cite: Luong, T. M., Zampieri, M., and Hoteit, I.: The Role of Afforestation in Modulating Arid Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19049,, 2025.

EGU25-19889 | Orals | CL4.8

Progresses and Challenges for Subseasonal to Interdecadal Prediction 

Ángel G. Muñoz, William J. Merryfield, and Debra Hudson

Subseasonal to decadal predictions provide essential information that bridges the gap in timescales between weather forecasts and long-term climate projections. The science and practice of making such predictions using global climate models initialized with observational data has advanced considerably in recent years, and as a result operational subseasonal, seasonal and decadal prediction services are now a reality. Nonetheless, important remaining challenges must be overcome if these predictions are to more fully realize their potential value for society. This talk highlights five key challenges recommended as targets for focused international research; these are set against a backdrop of wider challenges encompassing climate modelling and services across time scales.

How to cite: Muñoz, Á. G., Merryfield, W. J., and Hudson, D.: Progresses and Challenges for Subseasonal to Interdecadal Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19889,, 2025.

EGU25-21425 | Orals | CL4.8

A large ensemble of decadal predictions using MIROC6 

Takahito Kataoka, Hiroaki Tatebe, Hiroshi Koyama, and Masato: Mori

The climate fluctuates on various timescales and in various patterns, giving rise to extreme events over the globe. Skillful predictions of such climate variations would therefore benefit society, and there have been substantial efforts. For the CMIP6 Decadal Climate Prediction Project (DCPP), we performed decadal predictions with ten ensemble members using the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate version 6 (MIROC6). However, since models tend to underestimate signal-to-noise ratio in some sectors, such as the Atlantic, a large ensemble size appears to be required for skillful predictions of those variations. To better understand the predictability on timescales out to a season to a decade, we have prepared a set of initialized predictions using MIROC6 that consists of 10-year-long hindcasts starting every November between 1960-2021, with 50 ensemble members. Compared to the original 10-member ensemble hindcast, both seasonal and decadal prediction skills are broadly improved (e.g., SAT and SLP over southeast China and Scandinavia for the first winter, North and South Pacific SSTs for decadal prediction). Regarding the decadal prediction skill, the impact of initialization is seen up to lead year 7-10 for the North and eastern tropical Pacific Oceans.
Also, building on our experience with decadal climate predictions, we have been working on decadal carbon predictions in recent years. Our efforts on earth system predictions will be introduced as well.

How to cite: Kataoka, T., Tatebe, H., Koyama, H., and Mori, M.: A large ensemble of decadal predictions using MIROC6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21425,, 2025.

EGU25-118 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

To what extent is climate change responsible for retreat of the Pine Island Glacier over the 20th century? 

Alex Bradley, David Bett, Paul Holland, Rob Arthern, and Rosie Williams

The relative contributions of anthropogenic climate change and internal variability in sea level rise from the Antarctic Ice Sheet are yet to be determined. This is primarily because of uncertainty arising from poorly constrained model parameters and chaotic forcing as well as a relatively short observation period. Using an established uncertainty quantification framework (known as calibrate-emulate-sample), we have quantified, for the first time, the role of anthropogenic climate change on retreat of a major Antarctic glacier. We find that anthropogenic trends in forcing, beginning in the 1960s, are only responsible for approximately 15% of the retreat of this glacier since its retreat began in the 1940s. Most of the retreat is attributable to the inertia associated with a slow retreat over the Holocene. We also find, however, that trends in forcing dominate retreat beyond the 21st century, with ice sheet retreat stabilized if anthropogenic trends plateau.

How to cite: Bradley, A., Bett, D., Holland, P., Arthern, R., and Williams, R.: To what extent is climate change responsible for retreat of the Pine Island Glacier over the 20th century?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-118,, 2025.

EGU25-332 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Links between GRACE/GRACE-FO derived temporal mass variations in Greenland and climatic indices 

Florent Cambier, José Darrozes, Muriel Llubes, Lucia Seoane, and Guillaume Ramillien

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) has been experiencing significant mass loss since the 1990s, driven by the intensifying effects of global warming. However, this global trend is modulated by distinct annual and interannual variations, highlighting the complex interplay between the ice sheet, atmospheric systems, and the ocean. In this study, we analyzed GIS mass changes from early 2002 to late 2023 using data from the GRACE and GRACE-FO missions, focusing on the dominant temporal cycles and their relationships with climatic indices and parameters.

Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) applied to mass variation data from the COST-G solution, we identified five leading modes of variability, accounting for 67.5% of the total variance. The primary mode capture both the annual cycle and longer-term periodicities, while subsequent modes highlight interannual oscillations, with cycles ranging from 4 to 11 years.

We examined the interactions between GIS mass changes and six key climatic drivers: the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Greenland Blocking Index (GBI), Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), temperature duration and intensity, precipitation, and surface albedo. Cumulative indices and parameters enabled direct comparisons with the accumulated mass changes since 2002. Through Wavelet Analysis and cross-correlations, we uncovered significant links with varying time lags. They lead to a complete annual cycle and some interannual relationship between them. For instance, a positive NAO phase enhances precipitation, while the AMO displays a surprising 3.5-year delayed response to mass variations.

Additionally, our findings reveal a connection between 11-year cycles in NAO, GBI, and temperature to solar activity, while 4 to 7-year cycles align with potential atmospheric oscillations and Earth’s internal geodynamics.

This study highlights the GIS as a dynamic system modulated by interrelated processes operating on annual to decadal timescales. We have only investigated Greenland in its globality, but we know that the response to external forcing at a scale of a basin or a glacier differs. It will be important to examine this point as the integrations of multi-scale climatic drivers is important to understand past variations and project future changes under a warming climate. Such understanding is vital for assessing global sea-level rise and formulating mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Cambier, F., Darrozes, J., Llubes, M., Seoane, L., and Ramillien, G.: Links between GRACE/GRACE-FO derived temporal mass variations in Greenland and climatic indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-332,, 2025.

The Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12-MIS 11 glacial cycle (490-396 Ka) has been recognized as anomalous by researchers due to the longevity of the interglacial interval.  MIS 12 sea level low stand is inferred to be similar to Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), however, due to limited geomorphological data, major uncertainties remain with respect to where the ice was distributed and the relative size of the ice sheets. With the lowest increase in insolation from glacial to interglacial of the past 800 kyrs, MIS 11 was almost twice as long as the other interglacials of the past 500 kyrs. A prevailing hypothesis for the duration of MIS 11 proposes that the large MIS 12 ice sheets, when exposed to a weak insolation increase, gradually released meltwater and deglaciated throughout the interglacial period, contributing to its extended duration. This freshwater influx triggered a positive feedback, promoting the release of oceanic CO2 into the atmosphere, which amplified insolation-driven warming and further prolonged the interglacial period.

Given the lack of terrestrial paleoclimate data, ice and climate modelling may offer a way to improve the understanding of this curious interval. Previous modeling work of this interval has been with either highly parameterized, low-resolution coupled ice-climate models, climate models with forced ice sheets, snapshot climate models with pre-industrial ice sheets, or ice sheet models with forced climate. Few models span the entire duration of the glacial cycle. For the first time, we transiently simulate the entire interval with the fully coupled ice sheet-climate LCIce model that resolves both atmospheric and ocean circulation. Parametric uncertainties are addressed by ensemble simulation. This presentation focuses on ensemble analysis of the ice sheets and climate of the glacial cycle as well as sensitivity testing of the two hypothesized drivers for length of MIS 11: meltwater flux during deglaciation and atmospheric CO2 concentration.

How to cite: Parnell, A. and Tarasov, L.: Ensemble simulation of the MIS 12-MIS 11 glacial cycle using a fully coupled climate-ice sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-577,, 2025.

EGU25-1396 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Modeled Greenland Ice Sheet evolution constrained by ice-core-derived Holocene elevation histories 

Mikkel Langgaard Lauritzen, Anne Munck Solgaard, Nicholas Mossor Rathmann, Bo Møllesøe Vinther, Aslak Grindsted, Brice Noël, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, and Christine Schøtt Hvidberg

During the Holocene, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) experienced substantial thinning, with some regions losing up to 600 meters of ice.
Ice sheet reconstructions, paleoclimatic records, and geological evidence indicate that during the Last Glacial Maximum, the GrIS extended far beyond its current boundaries and was connected with the Innuitian Ice Sheet (IIS) in the northwest. We investigate these long-term geometry changes and explore several possible factors driving those changes by using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to simulate the GrIS thinning throughout the Holocene period, from 11.7 ka ago to the present. We perform an ensemble study of 841 model simulations in which key model parameters are systematically varied to determine the parameter values that, with quantified uncertainties, best reproduce the 11.7 ka of surface elevation records derived from ice cores, providing confidence in the modeled GrIS historical evolution. We find that since the Holocene onset, 11.7 ka ago, the GrIS mass loss has contributed 5.3±0.3 m to the mean global sea level rise, which is consistent with the ice-core-derived thinning curves spanning the time when the GrIS and the Innuitian Ice Sheet were bridged. Our results suggest that the ice bridge collapsed 4.9±0.5 ka ago and that the GrIS is still responding to these past changes today. Our results have implications for future mass-loss projections, which should account for the long-term, transient trend.

How to cite: Lauritzen, M. L., Solgaard, A. M., Rathmann, N. M., Vinther, B. M., Grindsted, A., Noël, B., Aðalgeirsdóttir, G., and Hvidberg, C. S.: Modeled Greenland Ice Sheet evolution constrained by ice-core-derived Holocene elevation histories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1396,, 2025.

EGU25-3494 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Constraining the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during warmer climates of the Pliocene and Pleistocene: insights from subglacial geomorphology 

Guy Paxman, Stewart Jamieson, Kirsty Tinto, Jacqueline Austermann, Aisling Dolan, and Mike Bentley

The Greenland Ice Sheet is a key contributor to contemporary global sea-level rise, but its long-term history remains highly uncertain. The landscape covered by the ice sheet comprises ∼79% of Greenland and is one of the most sparsely mapped regions on Earth. However, sub-ice geomorphology offers a unique record of environmental conditions prior to and during glaciation, and of the ice sheet’s response to changing climate.

Here we use ice-surface morphology and radio-echo sounding data to identify, and quantify the morphology of, valley networks beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Our mapping reveals intricate subglacial valley networks beneath the ice-sheet interior that appear to have a fluvial origin. By contrast, in the southern and eastern coastal highlands, valleys have been substantially modified by glacial erosion. We use geomorphometric analysis and simple ice-sheet model experiments to infer that these valleys were incised beneath erosive mountain valley glaciers during one or more phases of Greenland’s glacial history when ice was restricted to the southern and eastern highlands.

These inferred early mountain ice masses contained ~0.5 metres of sea-level equivalent (compared to 7.4 metres in the modern Greenland Ice Sheet). We believe the most plausible time for the formation of this landscape was prior to the growth of a continental-scale ice sheet in the late Pliocene, with the possibility of further incision having occurred during particularly warm and/or long-lived Pleistocene interglacials. Our findings therefore provide new data-based constraints on early Greenland Ice Sheet extent and dynamics that can serve as valuable boundary conditions in models of regional and global palaeoclimate during past warm periods that are important analogues for climate change in the 21st century and beyond.

How to cite: Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Tinto, K., Austermann, J., Dolan, A., and Bentley, M.: Constraining the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during warmer climates of the Pliocene and Pleistocene: insights from subglacial geomorphology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3494,, 2025.

EGU25-4341 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Ice sheet-ocean interactions at 40 kyr BP : Insights from a coupled ice sheet-climate model of intermediate complexity. 

Louise Abot, Aurélien Quiquet, and Claire Waelbroeck

This study examines the interactions between the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and the ocean during the last glacial period. Using the iLOVECLIM climate model of intermediate complexity coupled with the GRISLI ice sheet model, we explore the consequences of an amplification of the melt rates beneath ice shelves on ice sheet dynamics and the associated feedbacks. First, the amplification of oceanic basal melt rates leads to significant freshwater release from both increased calving and basal melt fluxes. Grounding line retreat and dynamic thinning occur over the Eurasian and Iceland ice sheets, while the oceanic perturbation fails to trigger a grounding line migration over the coasts of Greenland and the eastern part of the Laurentide ice sheet. Second, similarly to hosing experiments with no coupling between the climate and the ice sheets, the influx of fresh water temporarily increases sea-ice extent, reduces convection in the Labrador Sea, weakens the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, lowers surface temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere, and increases the subsurface temperatures in the Nordic Seas. Third, the freshwater release and latent heat effect on ocean temperatures lead to a decrease in ice sheet discharge (negative feedback) for the Greenland and Eurasian ice sheets. In the experiments, the Laurentide ice sheet does not feature significant volume variations. Nonetheless, we show that we are able to trigger a grounding line retreat and a North American ice sheet volume decrease, by imposing ad-hoc constant oceanic melt rates in a second set of perturbation experiments. However, the Hudson Strait ice stream also does not exhibit the past dynamical instability indicated by the presence of Laurentide origin ice rafted debris in the North Atlantic sediment records.  This suggests that the fully coupled model is too stable, specifically in the Hudson Bay region. To help address this issue, different modelling choices regarding the basal ice sheet dynamics are considered. This emphasizes the need for further research using fully coupled models to explore the triggering mechanisms of massive iceberg discharges and to clarify the role of the ocean in these events.

How to cite: Abot, L., Quiquet, A., and Waelbroeck, C.: Ice sheet-ocean interactions at 40 kyr BP : Insights from a coupled ice sheet-climate model of intermediate complexity., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4341,, 2025.

EGU25-4663 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Greenland Ice Sheet under climate change: Perspective from a high-resolution modelling simulation from 1421-2024   

Aaquib Javed, Edward Hanna, Leanne Wake, Richard Wilkinson, Mathieu Morlighem, and Joe Mcconnell

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS), a major driver of global sea-level rise, holds approximately 7 meters of sea-level equivalent. Despite its critical role, significant uncertainties remain about its mass balance and response to climate forcing over the past few centuries, particularly before the satellite era. This study aims to address these gaps by reconstructing a high-resolution (1x1 km) monthly surface mass balance (SMB) dataset spanning AD 1421–2024 and quantifying its contributions to historical and contemporary sea-level changes using the Positive Degree Day (PDD) modelling approach. 

The novel SMB dataset integrates long-term climate reanalysis inputs (ERA5 and ModE-RA). They are then validated and corrected against available ice-core records and weather station observations using a Bayesian approach to formally constrain the uncertainties. Preliminary analysis indicates signidficant SMB-driven mass loss due to climatic forcing during recent past, potentially offering new insights into the relative contributions of SMB and ice dynamics to GrIS total mass changes during latter half of the last millennium. 

These results represent a significant advancement in understanding the GrIS’s historical behaviour and links with climate change and can form a valuable baseline for improving the accuracy of future SMB and sea-level rise projections. By addressing critical knowledge gaps, this work enhances our ability to predict the long-term impacts of climate change on the GrIS and global sea levels.

How to cite: Javed, A., Hanna, E., Wake, L., Wilkinson, R., Morlighem, M., and Mcconnell, J.: Greenland Ice Sheet under climate change: Perspective from a high-resolution modelling simulation from 1421-2024  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4663,, 2025.

EGU25-5578 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Snow accumulation rates at Concordia Station from stake farm observations 

Claudio Stefanini, Barbara Stenni, Mauro Masiol, Giuliano Dreossi, Massimo Frezzotti, Vincent Favier, Francesca Becherini, Claudio Scarchilli, Virginia Ciardini, and Gabriele Carugati

In this study, surface mass balance (SMB) is estimated from snow accumulation data collected in the nearby area of Concordia Station. Results from the Italian and French stake farms are jointly analyzed. The Italian stake farm is located ~800 m southwest of the Concordia Station and consists of 13 stakes; observations started at the end of 2010 with almost monthly sampling. Some measurements are also available for the 2006-2010 period from a previous stake farm which was located ~300 m east of the current site. The French stake farm is located ~2 km south of the base and consists of 50 stakes; observations started in 2004 with yearly sampling conducted during austral summer. Snow build-up measurements at individual stakes show a strong variability caused by the interaction of wind-driven snow with surface micro-relief. Over the period of common observations, the present Italian stake farm generally underestimates the snow accumulation with respect to the French one, except for three years in which an overestimation is observed. Over the 2011-2023 period, the mean yearly accumulation recorded by the Italian and French stake farms is 7.3±0.2 cm and 8.4±0.1 cm, respectively. Bootstrap simulation has been performed to: (i) assess the significance of the differences between the two datasets; (ii) evaluate the effect of the different size of the stake farms and their distance to the Station on the measurements. Comparison of the observations with reanalysis datasets (ERA5 and MERRA2) and regional models (RACMO, MAR) has been also performed, with the first ones providing the best agreement with the observations. The potential shadowing effect of the station has also been investigated by analyzing the wind direction during the snowfall events, suggesting that buildings may influence accumulation when they are upwind with respect to the stake farms. Additionally, two more stake farms, located 25 km north and south of Concordia Station, are also analyzed to study the accumulation gradient across Dome C, confirming previous results of a continentality effect. On average, yearly accumulation increases by 0.7±0.2 cm over the 50 km span between the southern and northern stake farms. Results should be valuable for validating SMB estimates obtained from reanalysis, regional climate models and remote-sensing data.

How to cite: Stefanini, C., Stenni, B., Masiol, M., Dreossi, G., Frezzotti, M., Favier, V., Becherini, F., Scarchilli, C., Ciardini, V., and Carugati, G.: Snow accumulation rates at Concordia Station from stake farm observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5578,, 2025.

The importance of employing a two-way coupled climate-ice sheet model for future sea level projection has been revealed by LOVECLIP simulation. However, it still has several limitations. LOVECLIM, the climate model used in LOVECLIP, is unsuitable for short-term simulation. Additionally, LOVECLIM with a low-resolution T21 cannot solve regional-scale changes over the Antarctic region. Therefore, we newly coupled CESM1.2 to the Penn State Ice Sheet Model (PSUIM). CESM1.2 consists of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) with a f09 resolution for the atmosphere and Parallel Ocean Program version 2 (POP2) with a gx1v6 resolution for the ocean. Using coupled CESM1.2-PSUIM, we projected the responses of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, as well as future climate and sea level rise under the Representative Concentration Pathway scenarios.

How to cite: Park, J.: Coupled CESM1.2 to Penn State University Ice Sheet Model and future sea level projection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6338,, 2025.

EGU25-6677 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

A combined radiostratigraphy- and ice-core- derived age scale for ice at the divide between the Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas, West Antarctica 

Harry Davis, Robert Bingham, Andrew Hein, Anna Hogg, Carlos Martín, and Elizabeth Thomas

Despite ice cores providing high-resolution climate records, few ice cores extracted from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) cover the Holocene, nor extend into the last glacial period. Marine ice-sheet basins, such as those underlying the WAIS, have been shown to be particularly vulnerable to retreat and possible collapse during past warm periods, and thus have significant potential to contribute to global sea-level rise. Dynamic thinning and retreat of ice are underway in the Amundsen Sea and Bellingshausen Sea sectors of the WAIS, yet this Pacific-facing region remains relatively data-poor for informing estimates of past and future retreat rates and sea-level contributions.

In 2010/11, a 136 m ice core was drilled at the three-way ice divide between Ferrigno Ice Stream, Pine Island Glacier, and Evans Ice Stream catchments. To further investigate this region, we analyse the internal structure across this region imaged through three intersecting radar surveys: (1) a 2004/05 UK/BAS survey, conducted with the Polarimetric Airborne Survey INstrument (PASIN), (2) a 2009/10 ground-based survey of Ferrigno Ice Stream, carried out with 3 MHz radar; and (3) NASA Operation Ice Bridge airborne surveys acquired in 2016 and 2018, which utilised the Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder 2 (MCoRDS2). We provide dating control to the traced englacial stratigraphy from tying it to the age-depth profile provided by the WAIS Divide Ice Core in central West Antarctica.

We then utilise a 1-D numerical ice-flow model, optimised by shallow ice-core data and these dated internal reflection horizons at the three-way ice divide, to infer palaeo-accumulation rates throughout the Holocene, and place age constraints on the age of the oldest ice at a proposed deep ice-core drill site at Ferrigno Ice Stream. We show that the method is robust and effectively synthesises the shallow ice-core data and the dated internal reflection horizons to reconstruct past climate records. The modelled maximum age at the three-way ice divide is around 24.77 ka +/- 6.88 ka, with a resolution of around 0.6 ka m-1at the depth of the oldest ice, making this an ideal site for a new deep ice core in West Antarctica. In addition, the ice core would be located in a coastal area and may provide key insights glacial extent during deglaciation.

How to cite: Davis, H., Bingham, R., Hein, A., Hogg, A., Martín, C., and Thomas, E.: A combined radiostratigraphy- and ice-core- derived age scale for ice at the divide between the Amundsen, Bellingshausen and Weddell seas, West Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6677,, 2025.

EGU25-7500 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern Ocean 

Mira Berdahl, Gunter Leguy, Eric J. Steig, William H. Lipscomb, and Bette L. Otto-Bliesner

Modern West Antarctic ice loss is generally driven by warm circumpolar deep water (CDW) reaching ice shelf grounding zones. Understanding what controls CDW delivery remains a challenge, in part because of the multiple scales involved. Most global models are too coarse to capture critical regional processes, while simulations with high-resolution regional models depend on imposed boundary conditions, precluding the possibility of capturing coupled processes across scales.  Here, we analyze a novel multi-member ensemble of global high-resolution (0.1° ocean, 0.25° atmosphere) Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations over the historical period (1850-2005).   We compare the high-resolution runs to equivalent simulations at ~1 to 2° resolution, as well as to observational products (e.g. ECCO, WOA).  We show that biases in key ocean properties in the Southern Ocean are significantly improved in the high-resolution simulations.  This includes better representation of CDW in the high-resolution runs. We use these comparisons to explore new insights on the atmosphere and ice conditions that promote CDW delivery toward the ice shelves.

How to cite: Berdahl, M., Leguy, G., Steig, E. J., Lipscomb, W. H., and Otto-Bliesner, B. L.: Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7500,, 2025.

EGU25-7794 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Short-term variations of spaceborne microwave brightness temperature on the Greenland ice sheet during the 2012 melting season. 

Takumi Suzuki, Rigen Shimada, Misako Kachi, and Tomonori Tanikawa

The accelerated melting of the Greenland ice sheet, driven by recent global warming, has attracted significant attention regarding the long-term variations in its mass balance. While several analyses have utilized snow melting indicators derived from microwave brightness temperatures observed through satellites, there is a lack of studies examining the diurnal behavior of these temperatures during the melting season. The Advanced Microwave Satellite Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) aboard the Global Change Observation Mission – Water (GCOM-W) satellite provides multiple daily observations on the Greenland ice sheet, enabling the investigation of diurnal changes in brightness temperature. This study aims to clarify the short-term relationship between snow melting and spaceborne microwave brightness temperatures during the summer of 2012, a period marked by extensive melting of the Greenland ice sheet. To examine the timing of snowmelt, snow surface temperature data collected by the Automated Weather Station (AWS) at a site on the ice sheet in north-west Greenland were utilized. The time series of snow surface temperatures from July to August 2012 were analyzed, revealing distinct patterns across three periods: Period A (early-July: snow temperature of 0°C only during the day), Period B (mid-July: snow temperature of 0°C throughout the day), and Period C (mid-August: snow temperature below 0°C all day). In the north-west regions, Snow Index (Tb18H − Tb36H: Difference in brightness temperature between 18 GHz-H and 36 GHz-H) values, indicative of snow cover, showed significantly different short-term variations between the periods. During Period A, Snow Index values were positive throughout the day and decreased towards the afternoon. In contrast, during Period B, Snow Index values were negative throughout the day, with no significant diurnal changes observed. During Period C, Snow Index values returned to positive again and, as in the previous period, no significant changes were observed during the day. These results suggest the possibility of monitoring diurnal melting with high temporal resolution through short-term variations in spaceborne microwave brightness temperature. These variations across the Greenland ice sheet, including other frequency channels, will be further discussed during the conference day.

How to cite: Suzuki, T., Shimada, R., Kachi, M., and Tanikawa, T.: Short-term variations of spaceborne microwave brightness temperature on the Greenland ice sheet during the 2012 melting season., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7794,, 2025.

EGU25-8670 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Unravelling abrupt transitions of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transition 

Christian Wirths, Antoine Hermant, Christian Stepanek, Thomas Stocker, and Johannes Sutter

A mechanistic understanding of the main drivers of Quaternary climate variability, especially during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT; around 1.2–0.8 million years ago) remains a significant challenge in paleoclimate research. Climate changes during that time include a pronounced shift from 41-kyr to 100-kyr periodicity of glacial cycles as imprinted on sea level reconstructions, and the emergence of much larger ice sheets. While several modeling studies have focused on the interplay between the climate system and northern hemispheric ice sheets during the MPT, the role of Antarctica in driving and responding to climate change at that time remains largely unknown.  

Here, we use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) to simulate the transient evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet throughout the last 3 million years. PISM is forced by a climate index approach that is based on snapshots of climatic conditions in the past. Climate snapshots are derived from the Community Earth System Models (COSMOS), a general circulation model that simulates atmosphere, ocean, sea ice and land vegetation in dependence of reconstructions of paleogeography, orbital configuration, and greenhouse gas concentrations. Interpolation in times between snapshots is linear and based on a convolution of the EPICA Dome C record and the Lisiecki-Raymo benthic isotope stack.  

Our simulations indicate that between 1.9 Ma and 800 ka BP, several Antarctic drainage basins crossed critical thresholds at different times, for example leading to the formation of a stable marine-based West Antarctic Ice Sheet. We further examine the characteristics of these thresholds and their associated state transitions. Additionally, our findings suggest that these thresholds, and their interplay, amplified eccentricity-driven climate variability both before and during the MPT, providing new insights into the complex interactions between Antarctic ice sheet dynamics and climate during this period. 

How to cite: Wirths, C., Hermant, A., Stepanek, C., Stocker, T., and Sutter, J.: Unravelling abrupt transitions of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the mid-Pleistocene transition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8670,, 2025.

EGU25-9305 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Stability of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets coupled by the Atlantic ocean circulation 

Sergio Pérez Montero, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

Anthropogenic climate change poses a challenge to the stability of current ice sheets. Rising atmospheric temperatures accelerate surface melting in Greenland. Increased ocean temperatures can lead to ice loss at the margins of Antarctica, with positive feedbacks facilitating further ice loss. Both processes impact the Earth System by leading to rising sea level, increasing temperatures through albedo feedbacks, and altering global oceanic circulation. Past records indicate that there is a bipolar interaction between the ice sheets of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres modulated by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) that could ultimately affect their individual stability. Could the future response of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets perturb the AMOC in a manner that changes their own stability landscape? Here we will present the first results of the future evolution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets as simulated with the ice-sheet model Yelmo coupled to a box model representing the oceanic circulation. We will show the coupled effects of the shrinking mass of the ice sheets on the AMOC stability and its feedback on the evolution of the ice sheets themselves.

How to cite: Pérez Montero, S., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya, M.: Stability of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets coupled by the Atlantic ocean circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9305,, 2025.

EGU25-9630 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in Response to Solar Radiation Management 

Marta Corrà, Antoine Hermant, Daniele Visioni, Paul Brent Goddard, Anthony Jones, Emma Spezia, and Johannes Sutter

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) could become the largest single contributor to future sea level rise (SLR). However, its response to rising global mean temperature remains highly uncertain, and potential Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) interventions during the 21st century further complicate the projections. Among these interventions, Stratospheric Aerosol Injections (SAI) have been proposed to limit atmospheric warming and potentially moderate or prevent AIS’ impact on SLR. This study examines the dynamic response of Antarctica to such SAI interventions, in the short-term (until the year 2100) and on centennial time scales. We use the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) forced by the Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) to compare the evolution of AIS under SAI scenarios with that under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway 2-4.5 (SSP2-4.5). Our findings indicate that, on centennial timescales, SAI may be counterproductive in mitigating sea level rise due to the reduced Antarctic surface mass balance compared to the SSP2-4.5 scenario. Ice shelf thinning and grounding line dynamics emerge as dominant factors driving mid- and long-term AIS behavior, where ice dynamics dominate over the effects of constant climate forcing. Variations in the sliding law parameterization further influence simulated outcomes. Unsurprisingly, the results are highly dependent on the individual earth system model employed. To address this, we compare our findings with a suite of the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) scenarios, as well as additional SRM simulations performed using the Hadley Centre Global Environment Model version 2 (HadGEM2-ES).

How to cite: Corrà, M., Hermant, A., Visioni, D., Goddard, P. B., Jones, A., Spezia, E., and Sutter, J.: Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in Response to Solar Radiation Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9630,, 2025.

EGU25-9731 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Simulated ice-ocean-bedrock interactions in Antarctica until year 3000 

Antonio Juarez-Martinez, Jan Swierczek-Jereczek, Javier Blasco, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, Alexander Robinson, and Marisa Montoya

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) is expected to be one of the dominant contributors to sea level rise in the near future. However, its future sea-level contribution is subject to substantial uncertainties related to modeling of physical processes. One key process is sub-shelf melting, which is particularly important in ice-shelf cavities, where warmer water intrusions could destabilize the corresponding ice shelves. This is of particular interest in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, where many regions are marine based. Another fundamental process is Glacial Isostatic Adjustment, which is associated with the lithospheric rebound in response to changes in the ice load. Here, we use a 3D ice-sheet-shelf model coupled with a novel isostasy model to analyze the role of interactions between the ice, the ocean and the lithosphere in AIS projections during the next millennium. We combine experiments testing the sensitivity of several parameters concerning basal melting laws and different isostatic adjustment methods, under mean climatic conditions with high and low emissions scenarios. 


How to cite: Juarez-Martinez, A., Swierczek-Jereczek, J., Blasco, J., Alvarez-Solas, J., Robinson, A., and Montoya, M.: Simulated ice-ocean-bedrock interactions in Antarctica until year 3000, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9731,, 2025.

EGU25-10037 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the last deglaciation and MIS-11 with an ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model 

Wei Liu, Qiuzhen Yin, Philippe Huybrechts, and Heiko Goelzer

Ice sheet models are essential tools for studying ice sheet dynamics in response to the climate evolution during the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles. Here, we develop a new version of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet model (NHISM, Zweck and Huybrechts, 2005) by adding a user-friendly ice shelf module and other new characteristics, such as the configurable horizontal resolution and coupled sea level change. This new ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model is named NHISM1.1. The ice shelf module is based on the shallow shelf approximation, allowing simulation of ice stream advance into the ocean and the transformation between floating and grounded ice. NHISM1.1 is first used to conduct offline equilibrium ice-sheet simulations driven by observed present-day climate. It simulates a reasonable spatial distribution of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets with a bias of less than 10% in the Greenland Ice Sheet volume compared to observation. We then use NHISM1.1 to perform offline transient ice sheet simulations for two distinct periods in the past, the Last Deglaciation and the entire MIS-11 period. In both cases, NHISM1.1 is driven by climate outputs of transient simulations performed with the LOVECLIM1.3 model. The performance of NHISM1.1 and the influence of various model configurations are evaluated by comparison with proxy reconstructions and other model simulations as well as sensitivity experiments. Our ice sheet simulations show that the NH ice sheets are largely consistent with geological evidence and that the incorporation of an ice shelf module is critical in properly reproducing glacial inception. By combining the analysis of climate simulations from LOVECLIM1.3 and offline ice sheet simulations from NHISM1.1, we propose that insolation plays a dominant role in driving the initial cooling of the Northern Hemisphere and the regrowth of its ice sheets during the MIS-11 glacial inception.

How to cite: Liu, W., Yin, Q., Huybrechts, P., and Goelzer, H.: Modelling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet evolution during the last deglaciation and MIS-11 with an ice sheet-ice shelf coupled model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10037,, 2025.

EGU25-10066 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Assessing Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics under temporary overshoot and long-term temperature stabilization scenarios   

Emma Spezia, Marta Corrà, Julien Bodart, Vjeran Višnjević, Fabrice Kenneth Michel Lacroix, Thomas Frölicher, and Johannes Sutter

Current projections of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the next centuries are subject to large uncertainties both reflecting the ice sheet model setup as well as the climate pathways taken into consideration. Assessing both, we present ice sheet model projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet’s evolution during the next centuries using PISM. We employ PISM at continental scale forced by Earth system model data tailored to specific global temperature scenarios via an adaptive greenhouse gas emissions approach. The scenarios reflect a range of transient temperature overshoot (during the 21st and 22nd century) and stabilization trajectories until the year 2500 resulting either in 1.5 °C or 3°C warming. We account for various ice sheet sensitivities and initialize PISM with a present-day state obtained by a paleo thermal spin-up and further tuned on present-day conditions. For each climate scenario, a wide range of physical parameterizations is explored, to consider different ice sheet responses. Comparing the results with a historical baseline control simulation, a relative loss of ice volume proportional to temperature rise is observed across all parameters in the various scenarios. Additionally, tipping points can be identified for certain parameterisations, beyond which no significant differences are observed between stabilization and overshoot scenarios indicating an already destabilised West Antarctic Ice Sheet at present. We compare these results with model projections based on a selection of the CMIP6 scenarios to illustrate the range of Antarctic Ice Sheet responses under uncertain future climate trajectories.

How to cite: Spezia, E., Corrà, M., Bodart, J., Višnjević, V., Lacroix, F. K. M., Frölicher, T., and Sutter, J.: Assessing Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics under temporary overshoot and long-term temperature stabilization scenarios  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10066,, 2025.

EGU25-10219 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Safety Bands of Thwaites Glacier 

Daniel Moreno-Parada, Violaine Coulon, and Frank Pattyn

Mass loss from the Antarctic Ice Sheet is the main source of uncertainty in projections of future sea-level rise. These uncertainties essentially stem from the fact that some regions, such as Thwaites Glacier, may reach a tipping point, defined as irreversible mass loss on human time scales, with a warming climate. The exact timing of when these tipping points may occur remains difficult to determine, allowing for a large divergence in timing of onset and mass loss in model projections. Previous studies have emphasized the difficulties assessing the most suitable observable and the record length necessary to predict such an abrupt collapse within the Early Warning Indicators (EWI) framework. In particular, Rosier et al. (2021) showed that EWI robustly detect the onset of the marine ice sheet instability in realistic geometries such as Pine Island Glacier. The goal of this work is to determine the physical processes that influence the rate of grounding-line retreat of Thwaites Glacier and to test the capability of EWI to predict the onset of such a collapse. Ultimately, this study aims at mapping potential safety bands of grounding-line positions where the glacier may still recover or alternatively reach a ‘stable’ state. 

How to cite: Moreno-Parada, D., Coulon, V., and Pattyn, F.: Safety Bands of Thwaites Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10219,, 2025.

EGU25-11215 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Extending our knowledge of Antarctic SMB further back in time 

Damien Maure, Christoph Kittel, Clara Lambin, Quentin Dalaiden, Hugues Goosse, and Xavier Fettweis

The reconstruction of Antarctic surface mass balance (SMB) is essential for understanding ice sheet dynamics and sea level rise, yet existing datasets are limited to the satellite era (1979-present) because little is known about the sea surface conditions (SSCs) before 1979. Using a new SSCs product derived from a particle filtering reconstruction of the southern climate before 1979 to constrain the regional atmospheric model MAR, we expand the known SMB time series up to 1958. The dataset has been evaluated against AWS and SMB measurement campaigns to ensure a good agreement throughout the simulation period, substantially better than when MAR is forced by ERA5 SSCs (HadISST2). We also investigate the influence of the sea ice extent drop on SMB observed between the 70s and the 80s, analogous to the one observed in 2016. This extended dataset offers improved insight into past ice sheet mass changes and highlights the importance of long-term SMB reconstructions for further understanding the role of the Antarctic ice sheet in Earth's climate system.

How to cite: Maure, D., Kittel, C., Lambin, C., Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., and Fettweis, X.: Extending our knowledge of Antarctic SMB further back in time, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11215,, 2025.

EGU25-11339 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

A Greenland-wide Holocene deglaciation model and building an accompanying 14C database 

Astrid Rosenberg, Gregor Luetzenburg, Ole Bennike, Kristian Kjellerup Kjeldsen, and Nicolaj Krog Larsen

The timing of the Greenland Ice Sheet's retreat from its extent during the Last Glacial Maximum is a key element in constraining the sensitivity of the ice sheet to climate forcing. Although different deglaciation models have been published in previous years (Bennike, 2002; Funder et al., 2011; Sinclair et al., 2016; Leger et al., 2024), these models are limited by the number of samples used or their geographical extent. Therefore, the models have not been able to adequately resolve the deglaciation chronology of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

In this project, we aim to develop a Greenland-wide deglaciation model based on a new compilation of 14C dates, cosmogenic nuclide dates, OSL dates, and geomorphological evidence. The new compilation of 14C samples will be provided as an open-access database: GreenDated.

Within GreenDated, we aim to include all published 14C data from Greenland and the surrounding ocean shelf. All sample entries will as a minimum include information on location, and a categorization of the depositional environment and the sampled material. These steps will ensure accessibility for future users and enable easy extraction of data from the database. We will also recalibrate all the 14C data using the newest calibration curves (Heaton et al., 2020; Reimer et al., 2020) and adjust for differences in old normalization techniques, enabling easy recalibration of data for future users. Lastly, we will conduct a quality assessment based on the protocol used in the Dated (Hughes et al., 2016) and SvalHola (Farnsworth et al., 2020) databases, with the addition of an automated scoring system, seeking to limit bias from the authors.

Ultimately, the deglaciation model and the accompanying GreenDated database will provide a complete and thorough constraint on the Greenland Ice Sheet’s retreat from the Last Glacial Maximum position.

Bennike, O. (2002) ‘Late Quaternary history of Washington Land, North Greenland’, Boreas, 31(3), pp. 260–272.
Farnsworth, W.R. et al. (2020) ‘Holocene glacial history of Svalbard: Status, perspectives and challenges’, Earth-Science Reviews, 208, p. 103249.
Funder, S. et al. (2011) ‘The Greenland Ice Sheet During the Past 300,000 Years: A Review’, Developments in Quaternary Science, 15, pp. 699–713.
Heaton, T.J. et al. (2020) ‘Marine20—The Marine Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55,000 cal BP)’, Radiocarbon, 62(4), pp. 779–820.
Hughes, A.L.C. et al. (2016) ‘The last Eurasian ice sheets – a chronological database and time-slice reconstruction, DATED-1’, Boreas, 45(1), pp. 1–45.
Leger, T.P.M. et al. (2024) ‘A Greenland-wide empirical reconstruction of paleo ice sheet retreat informed by ice extent markers: PaleoGrIS version 1.0’, Climate of the Past, 20(3), pp. 701–755.
Reimer, P.J. et al. (2020) ‘The IntCal20 Northern Hemisphere Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curve (0–55 cal kBP)’, Radiocarbon, 62(4), pp. 725–757.
 inclair, G. et al. (2016) ‘Diachronous retreat of the Greenland ice sheet during the last deglaciation’, Quaternary Science Reviews, 145, pp. 243–258.

How to cite: Rosenberg, A., Luetzenburg, G., Bennike, O., Kjellerup Kjeldsen, K., and Krog Larsen, N.: A Greenland-wide Holocene deglaciation model and building an accompanying 14C database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11339,, 2025.

EGU25-11420 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

New monthly maps of accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Josephine Lindsey-Clark, Aslak Grinsted, and Christine Hvidberg

The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has become the single largest contributor to present day sea-level rise, with mass loss driven by changes in Surface Mass Balance (SMB). As the largest component of SMB, snow accumulation is critical to monitor as Arctic warming continues at an accelerated rate. Snowfall patterns across GrIS are influenced by a complex interaction of many interdependent climate variables, leading to high inter-annual spatial variability. As a result, regional climate models (RCMs) often fail to adequately capture this variability and carry substantial uncertainties, leading to biased estimations of ice mass loss. Here, we present a novel method to bias-adjust RCM precipitation output with in-situ SMB records from the SUMup dataset (2024 release), including over two million data points from radar, ice-core, snow pit and stake measurements. RCM output data is first decomposed into Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs), reflecting different modes of spatial variability, and Principal Components (PCs), capturing temporal fluctuations correlating to various climate indices. The SUMup in-situ measurements are used to derive a set of coefficients to scale the model mean climatology and each EOF and PC through least-squares optimisation. We provide monthly bias-adjusted accumulation maps for HIRHAM5-ERA5 output between 1960-2023 and CARRA between 1991-2023, highlighting regional biases in the models through time. 

Preliminary mean bias maps for HIRHAM5 show that the model underestimates accumulation in the south and interiors of the ice sheet by 20-80% or 30-90 mm/year, while the west and east margins of the accumulation zone are overestimated by 20-60% or 30-150 mm/year. In the winter and spring, the model tends to underestimate accumulation overall by 50-100 mm/year, while the reverse is true for the summer and autumn, when accumulation is mostly overestimated, reaching up to 200 mm/year in the north west. 

How to cite: Lindsey-Clark, J., Grinsted, A., and Hvidberg, C.: New monthly maps of accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11420,, 2025.

EGU25-11651 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Towards understanding the effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics  

Lena Nicola, Johanna Beckmann, Felicity McCormack, and Ricarda Winkelmann

Projections of Antarctica's future sea-level contribution are still subject to great uncertainties, especially with respect to changes in surface mass balance and sub-shelf melting. While the climatic forcing used as boundary condition for ice sheet models cover the average trend in mass balance with global warming, extreme events, such as heatwaves, are typically not yet considered. However, a number of record-breaking extreme events have been observed in recent years in Antarctica already and may become more frequent or extreme with ongoing climate change. Here we investigate the effects of heatwaves on ice-sheet dynamics: using a storyline approach for conducting a suite of numerical ice-sheet simulations, we explore the additional Antarctic contribution to future sea-level rise when atmospheric extreme events are considered in projections. We set this into perspective with anomalous freshwater fluxes from ocean-driven melting (and calving) and investigate the potential for abrupt shifts and tipping dynamics, which extreme events may cause or pre-condition.

How to cite: Nicola, L., Beckmann, J., McCormack, F., and Winkelmann, R.: Towards understanding the effects of extreme events on Antarctic ice-sheet dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11651,, 2025.

EGU25-11803 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Bridging the gap between the modern and historical: Extending the mass balance reconstruction of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1421 to 2024 AD 

Leanne Wake, Aaquib Javed, Emily Hill, Edward Hanna, and Hilmar Gudmundsson

Bridging the knowledge gap between the recent decades and the preceding centuries of Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) history is essential for improving projections of its contribution to future sea-level rise. Evidence from relative sea-level reconstructions from salt marshes in southern Greenland suggests that GrIS mass loss began around 1850, well before significant anthropogenic warming—a pattern not yet captured in existing simulations of late Holocene GrIS evolution. Extending reconstructions of GrIS surface mass balance (SMB) as far back as possible, by leveraging newly available climate datasets from ~AD 1400 is critical to understanding its sensitivity to climate forcings during key periods such as the Little Ice Age. 

By addressing the underrepresentation of dynamic components and calculation of pre-20th century mass changes, this project aims to provide critical insights into GrIS-climate interactions and refine predictions of GrIS contributions to global sea-level rise. To achieve this aim, we will first  develop a 1x1-km resolution monthly SMB dataset using ModE-RA, a new palaeoclimate reanalysis product spanning 1421-2024.  This new SMB dataset will be used as input to ice sheet model simulations to assess the  spatial and temporal interplay between climate, SMB and ice dynamics.

Here we will present initial results of (1) GrIS temperature, precipitation and SMB fields for 1421 to 2024 AD and (2) historical simulations using the ice sheet model Úa to reconstruct ice thickness and margin changes outside of the observational period.

How to cite: Wake, L., Javed, A., Hill, E., Hanna, E., and Gudmundsson, H.: Bridging the gap between the modern and historical: Extending the mass balance reconstruction of the Greenland Ice Sheet from 1421 to 2024 AD, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11803,, 2025.

EGU25-12628 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet with a coupled climate-ice-sheet model 

Gaëlle Leloup, Aurélien Quiquet, Didier Roche, Christophe Dumas, and Didier Paillard

Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and resulting global warming raise uncertainties in the future of currently existing ice sheets. The Antarctic ice sheet, which contains the equivalent of 58 meters of potential sea level rise, is expected to have a relatively small role on sea level rise in this century, but is expected to continue to lose mass afterwards and could become a major driver of sea level rise on longer timescales (Van Breedam et al., 2020; Winkelmann et al., 2015).

The Antarctic ice sheet interacts with the solid Earth, the ocean and the atmosphere, resulting in various positive and negative feedbacks, enhancing or limiting ice sheet growth (Fyke et al., 2018). Positive feedback mechanisms, such as the albedo-melt and elevation-temperature feedbacks, enhance the ice sheet's response to an initial change in forcing, potentially resulting in nonlinear changes, and it is thus crucial to model these feedbacks on long timescales, when significant changes of the ice sheet’s topography can occur. Nonlinear changes can lead to a hysteresis behaviour, with widely different equilibrium states for a given CO2 level or temperature anomaly, depending on the initial condition (Pollard and de Conto, 2005; Garbe et al., 2020; Van Breedam et al., 2023).

In this study, we explore the hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet from the present-day configuration, using an intermediate complexity climate model, iLOVECLIM, representing the atmosphere, ocean and vegetation, coupled to an ice sheet model, GRISLI. Simulations start from either a pre-industrial ice sheet or an ice-free, isostatically rebounded geometry, and different CO2 levels are applied.

Crucially, the albedo-melt feedback is accounted for in our coupled setting, which strengthens nonlinear behaviour and leads to critical CO2 thresholds for the ice sheet melt or growth. This enhances the ice sheet hysteresis, with widely different equilibrium ice volumes at a given CO2 level, depending on the initial ice sheet geometry. The CO2 thresholds either trigger the complete Antarctic ice sheet loss or near-complete regrowth. The orbital configuration influences these CO2 thresholds : a higher (lower) summer insolation in the Southern Hemisphere decreases (increases) the CO2 threshold for Antarctic deglaciation (glaciation).

These findings highlight the importance of ice sheet-atmosphere interactions, notably the albedo-melt feedback, in projecting future long-term ice sheet behavior. Neglecting these feedbacks could lead to an overestimation of CO2 thresholds for the Antarctic ice sheet destabilization, with implications for future long-term sea level rise under high emission scenarios.

This study has recently been accepted in Geophysical Research Letters.

How to cite: Leloup, G., Quiquet, A., Roche, D., Dumas, C., and Paillard, D.: Hysteresis of the Antarctic ice sheet with a coupled climate-ice-sheet model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12628,, 2025.

EGU25-13026 | Orals | CR2.2

Climate state dependence of ice sheet variability 

Georgia Grant

Cenozoic climate has evolved through stepwise quasi-equilibrium states in response to declining CO2 concentration. As a result, terrestrial polar ice sheets developed in Antarctica ~35 million years ago describing relatively large glacial-interglacial changes, prior to an increasing marine-based ice sheet component by ~15 Ma with lower glacial-interglacial variability, before returning to large glacial-interglacial amplitudes in response to the intensification of Northern Hemisphere Ice Sheets (~2.7 Ma). While mean surface temperature scales linearly with the total concentration of carbon in the atmosphere, this is not the case for past variations in global mean sea-level whose amplitudes are climate-state (CO2)-dependent. By examining past climate drivers (atmospheric CO2) and the response of ice volume (sea level), polar ice sheets are seen to demonstrate vastly different sensitivities under changing climate states highlighted by the ‘100-kyr’ problem of non-linear ice sheet change.

In this study, a new independent global ice volume (sea-level) record (X-PlioSeaNZ: 3.3 – 1.7 Ma) is used to evaluate the deep-sea oxygen isotope proxy record (δ18Obenthic).  An empirical, power-law relationship emerges between δ18Obenthic and sea-level in contrast to long-standing linear δ18Obenthic calibrations. This relationship suggests relatively higher deep-ocean temperature contribution to δ18Obenthic signal and correspondingly lower global ice volume estimates under warmer past climates. It also demonstrates the need for variable ice volume-δ18Obenthic calibrations in response to the evolving bipolar ice sheet geographies over the last ~3 million years (Myr). Consequently, as the Earth system adjusts to 2-3°C of global warming over the coming decades and centuries, a lower paleo-ice sheet sensitivity (compared to the Last Glacial Maximum) is expected for ice sheet configurations where marine based ice sheets act as a buffer to terrestrial based ice sheets and brings geologic reconstructions into agreement with current projections for future sea-level rise.

How to cite: Grant, G.: Climate state dependence of ice sheet variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13026,, 2025.

EGU25-13742 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence of past Greenland Ice Sheet advance and retreat on the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland as revealed by ‘Kang-Glac’ cruise SD041  

Colm O Cofaigh, Kelly Hogan, Jeremy Lloyd, Matthew Hunt, Camilla Snowman Andresen, Robert Larter, and David Roberts

Cruise SD041 of the UK research vessel the RRS Sir David Attenborough to the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland took place in July-August 2024. The cruise was part of the UK NERC-funded ‘Kang-Glac’ project, a large multi-disciplinary, international, research project jointly led by British Antarctic Survey and Durham University, UK. The cruise collected a range of geological, geophysical, oceanographic and biological data from the continental shelf offshore of Kangerlussuaq Fjord, SE Greenland, and in several adjoining fjords. The aim of the Kang-Glac project is to investigate the response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to ocean warming during the last 11,700 years of the Holocene. During the cruise marine geophysical data in the form of multibeam swath bathymetric imagery of seafloor landforms and sub-bottom profiler data of shallow acoustic stratigraphy were collected, in addition to a suite of sediment cores. Data collection targeted a large cross-shelf bathymetric trough (‘Kang-Trough’) which extended from the mouth of Kangerlussuaq Fiord to the edge of the continental shelf, as well as a series of smaller fjords to the northeast. These marine geophysical data and sediment cores provide a clear record of an extensive Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) which expanded and retreated across the shelf via Kang-Trough. Landforms comprise well developed streamlined subglacial bedforms which show convergent GrIS flow into the trough, as well as occasional transverse moraines recording episodic retreat. Sediment cores recovered subglacial tills recording a grounded ice sheet in the cross-shelf trough overlain by a range of deglacial glacimarine facies recording retreat by melting and iceberg calving. Cores from the adjacent trough mouth fan on the continental slope targeted glacigenic debris flows which likely were deposited when the GrIS was grounded at the shelf edge and delivered glacigenic debris onto the slope. Collectively the data provide new insights into past GrIS extent, dynamics, and the nature of associated glacigenic sediment delivery from the LGM through the Holocene in the SE sector of the Greenland continental margin.

How to cite: O Cofaigh, C., Hogan, K., Lloyd, J., Hunt, M., Snowman Andresen, C., Larter, R., and Roberts, D.: Geomorphological and sedimentological evidence of past Greenland Ice Sheet advance and retreat on the continental shelf offshore of SE Greenland as revealed by ‘Kang-Glac’ cruise SD041 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13742,, 2025.

EGU25-14498 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Revisiting Antarctic surface melting under climate change by the end of the 21st century using a simple surface energy balance approach 

In-Woo Park, Emilia Kyung Jin, Won Sang Lee, and Kang-Kun Lee

Extensive surface melting has been observed during the austral summer, particularly in the Antarctic Peninsula and peripheral regions. A warming climate change is expected to further increase both precipitation and surface melting due to rising air temperatures. The precipitation, including both liquid and solid phases, contributes to maintaining ice mass, whereas surface melting reduces ice thickness and promotes hydrofracturing of ice shelves, resulting in acceleration of ice mass loss. The Surface Energy and Mass balance model of Intermediate Complexity (SEMIC) is a cost-effective and simplified model which emulates surface energy and mass balance processes. However, its application to Antarctica has not yet been fully explored. In this study, we assess the performance of SEMIC, forced with daily and monthly ERA5 reanalysis data, in reproducing current surface mass balance (SMB) and surface melting. Furthermore, we evaluate future projections of SMB and surface melting under the sustainable (SSP1-2.6) and high-warming (SSP5-8.5) climate scenarios from CMIP6, extending to the end of the 21st century. Our results reveal that SEMIC effectively represents current SMB and surface melting when driven by both daily and monthly forcing, although it underestimates the extent of surface melting in internal ice sheet. Projections indicate that total surface melting volume under SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios is projected to gradually increase to 170.1 ± 65.1 Gt yr-1 and 892.4 ± 505.2 Gt yr-1, respectively, during 2090-2100. Under the warming scenario, the area experiencing surface melting exceeding collapse threshold (> 725 mm yr-1) increases significantly by the mid-21st century. While total precipitation is projected to increase, this is offset by an increase in surface melting, resulting in minimal net changes in SMB by the end of the 21st century.

How to cite: Park, I.-W., Jin, E. K., Lee, W. S., and Lee, K.-K.: Revisiting Antarctic surface melting under climate change by the end of the 21st century using a simple surface energy balance approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14498,, 2025.

EGU25-15073 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model 

Gunter Leguy, William Lipscomb, Kate Thayer-Calder, Samar Minallah, Michele Petrini, Heiko Goeltzer, Tim van den Akker, Bill Sacks, Mariana Vertenstein, and Mira Berdahl

Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) is scheduled for release later this year along with version 3 of the Community Earth System Model (CESM). CISM is a parallel, open-source ice flow code, written in Fortran and Python, which can be run as a standalone ice sheet or glacier model or as a coupled component of CESM and NorESM. The model supports several Stokes-flow approximations and has participated in many community intercomparison projects, including ISMIP6, CalvingMIP, and GlacierMIP3.

CISM3 will include new physics options for basal sliding, basal hydrology, iceberg calving, and extrapolating sub-ice-shelf temperature and salinity. A new initialization procedure allows the rate of ice mass change to match observations at the beginning of a projection simulation.  Coupled CISM–CESM simulations can include two-way climate coupling with multiple ice sheets, including Antarctica. CISM3 also has an exciting new capability to initialize and simulate mountain glaciers.

To improve user experience, CISM3 will include new Python tools for setting up glacier and ice sheet simulations and analyzing ice-sheet-relevant fields from other CESM components. CISM is now more integrated with CESM than ever before, by leveraging the Common Infrastructure for Modeling the Earth (CIME) case control and testing system for verification and validation. 

This presentation showcases examples and results using CISM3’s new tools and capabilities. 

How to cite: Leguy, G., Lipscomb, W., Thayer-Calder, K., Minallah, S., Petrini, M., Goeltzer, H., van den Akker, T., Sacks, B., Vertenstein, M., and Berdahl, M.: Version 3 of the Community Ice Sheet Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15073,, 2025.

EGU25-15269 | Orals | CR2.2

Study on the Instability of Two Large Glaciers in Northeast Greenland in Recent 60 Years 

Lu An, Litao Dai, Xingchen Liu, and Rongxing Li

The Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden glacier (NG) and Zachariae Isstrøm (ZI) are major contributors to the mass balance of northeast Greenland, which drain 12% of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Accurate measurements of these two glaciers are crucial to the estimation of the mass balance in northeast Greenland. They also serve as an important parameter for reflecting climate change and predicting future sea level rise. In the past, early ice velocity data were scarce, primarily due to challenges in difficulties in image orthorectification caused by large distortions and low quality in historical remote sensing imagery. We proposed a systematic process for orthorectification of CORONA KH-4A imagery, which has proven to be both efficient and accurate in velocity mapping at a precision of 25m. By employing a hierarchical network densification approach based on ARGON KH-5 and CORONA KH-4A imagery, we have successfully reconstructed the ice flow velocity fields for NG and ZI from 1963 to 1967. Combining with other ice velocity products, we have obtained the ice velocity of NG and ZI spanning a period nearly 60 years. The results indicate that the average ice flow velocity near the grounding line has increased by 12.4% for NG and a substantial 81.4% for ZI from 1963 to 2020. While ZI is experiencing accelerated mass loss, the NG is still in a relatively stable state under the similar climate condition. The slight fluctuations in ice velocity for NG may be due to the unique topography and the hindering effect of ice rises, suggesting the climate change may have a comparatively less impact on it.

How to cite: An, L., Dai, L., Liu, X., and Li, R.: Study on the Instability of Two Large Glaciers in Northeast Greenland in Recent 60 Years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15269,, 2025.

EGU25-15319 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling future Antarctic climate and surface mass balance with RACMO2.4p1 (2015-2100) 

Marte G. Hofsteenge, Willem Jan van de Berg, Christiaan T. van Dalum, Kristiina Verro, Maurice van Tiggelen, and Michiel van den Broeke

We present the first results of future Antarctic climate simulations with the polar-adapted Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RACMO2.4p1). As part of the PolarRES project, two climate storylines are explored, examining the response of the Antarctic surface mass balance (SMB) to two plausible future climates with varying degree of Antarctic sea ice loss and changes to upper atmospheric circulation. For this RACMO2.4p1 is run on a 11 km horizontal grid forced with high emission scenario SSP3-7.0 simulations from CESM2 and MPI-ESM for the period 2015-2100. To evaluate the model performance using climate model data, we compare historical simulations (1985-2015) forced by CESM2 and MPI-ESM to those forced by ERA5. We examine shifts in Antarctic precipitation and SMB between the current and future climate, and relate those changes to changes in atmopsheric circulation, atmospheric moisture budget and presence of sea ice.

How to cite: Hofsteenge, M. G., van de Berg, W. J., van Dalum, C. T., Verro, K., van Tiggelen, M., and van den Broeke, M.: Modelling future Antarctic climate and surface mass balance with RACMO2.4p1 (2015-2100), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15319,, 2025.

EGU25-15980 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Preliminary insights into Miocene palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature using speleothem fluid inclusion isotopes from eastern North Greenland 

Lena Friedrich, Gabriella Koltai, Gina E. Moseley, György Czuppon, Attila Demény, Jian Wang, Hai Cheng, Anika Donner, Yuri Dublyansky, and Christoph Spötl

The Miocene epoch was a warm period characterised by elevated atmospheric CO₂ levels compared to the present day. These CO₂ concentrations are similar to those predicted for future climate scenarios, making the Miocene an important period to deepen our understanding of warmer climates. While Greenland ice cores have provided highly valuable data for the late Quaternary, terrestrial palaeoclimate archives extending deeper in time in the Arctic remain sparse, leaving a significant gap in our knowledge of Greenland's climate history.

Speleothems are an excellent archive for obtaining high-resolution terrestrial climate data. During speleothem formation, dripwater can be trapped as fluid inclusions, preserving the isotopic signature of ancient meteoric water. This study focuses on four speleothems from a cave in eastern North Greenland. U-Pb dating indicates that the speleothems were deposited during the middle and late Miocene. We analysed the stable H isotopic composition of primary fluid inclusions to reconstruct the isotopic composition of palaeo-dripwater. Carbon and oxygen isotopes of the speleothem calcite were also measured in order to estimate quantitative temperatures for eastern North Greenland during middle and late Miocene. Our initial results show that during such an elevated CO2 world, mean annual air temperatures were substantially elevated above modern values.

Macroscopically, all speleothems are comprised of translucent and light brown calcite. Microscopically, the dominant fabric is coarsely crystalline columnar calcite. Fluid inclusion petrography shows the presence of both fluid inclusion-rich and inclusion-poor areas in the late Miocene speleothems, while primary fluid inclusions are abundant in the two middle Miocene speleothems. The mean water content obtained from crushing varies from 0.2 µL to 1.0 µL between the speleothems.

How to cite: Friedrich, L., Koltai, G., Moseley, G. E., Czuppon, G., Demény, A., Wang, J., Cheng, H., Donner, A., Dublyansky, Y., and Spötl, C.: Preliminary insights into Miocene palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature using speleothem fluid inclusion isotopes from eastern North Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15980,, 2025.

EGU25-16025 | Orals | CR2.2

Greenland and Antarctica as Interacting Constitutes in AWI-ESM 

Christian Rodehacke, Lars Ackermann, Paul Gierz, Ahmadreza Masoum, and Gerrit Lohmann

It is highly challenging to include both the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets in a state-of-the-art earth system model. Our presentation demonstrates our system's design, the essential steps before coupling the entire system, the challenges faced in the coupling process, and the initial findings from our series of simulations for warming scenarios spanning the next few centuries until 2500.

We will highlight the existing limitations in the computed climate conditions that affect the behavior of ice sheets. These motivate our system's design. For instance, ocean temperature biases in the marginal seas around Antarctica inhibit its direct use to determine basal melting of floating ice shelves fringing Antarctica despite extensive tuning efforts. As a result, we have developed a flexible framework deemed necessary to adequately represent the currently observed ice sheet state. The still delicate integration of ice sheets into climate models directs the spin-up procedure of ice sheet models. The procedure's results and its consequences are presented and discussed. In particular, the available iceberg calving mechanism has been demanding in our simulations because we allow for freely waxing or waning ice shelf edges around Antarctica, unprecedented in coupled climate-ice sheet model systems.

Finally, the first results of our fully coupled simulations complete the presentation. These focus on the interaction between the climate system and Antarctica or Greenland and its influence on primary climatic conditions. In our model system, interacting ice sheets shape the climate state, creating feedback loops that affect the ice sheet state itself. This interaction may ultimately counteract the disintegration of ice sheets. Supposed it is a robust result, it implies that standalone ice sheet simulations may overestimate future sea level contributions.

How to cite: Rodehacke, C., Ackermann, L., Gierz, P., Masoum, A., and Lohmann, G.: Greenland and Antarctica as Interacting Constitutes in AWI-ESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16025,, 2025.

EGU25-16564 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Exploring Antarctic Circulation-Ice Sheet Interactions in UKESM Climate Projections Through 2500 and Beyond 

Sarah Taylor, Andrew Orr, Stephen Cornford, Thomas Bracegirdle, and Robin Smith

Understanding how key regional circulation features respond to future global warming is essential for projections of Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics, and future global sea level rise. The Southern Annular Mode (SAM) influences the strength and location of the mid-latitude tropospheric westerly jet, which controls the transport of warm air and moisture towards the AIS. The Amundsen Sea Low (ASL), a permanent low-pressure system off the coast Antarctica affects regional wind patterns, precipitation and ocean circulation. These features can also impact the exchange of heat and carbon dioxide between the ocean and atmosphere, impacting sea ice extent and the stability of ice shelves. Under global warming scenarios, changes in these atmospheric features may significantly alter surface mass balance, surface melt, temperature and precipitation patterns over the AIS.

This study uses UK Earth System Model (UKESM) overshoot experiments that explore future emission increase, stabilization, and reduction simulations to investigate the interactions between atmospheric circulation features and the Antarctic cryosphere. These idealised simulations are forced only by CO2 concentrations and currently extend up to 650 years duration, allowing exploration of the response of the AIS to a range of global warming scenarios, and asses potential reversibility under future CO2 reduction.

This research utilises these simulations to identify trends in the SAM, ASL and westerly jets. Initial results show a deepening of the absolute pressure of the ASL, a poleward shift and strengthening of the westerly jet, with trends increasing and reversibility diminishing with higher global warming scenarios. These simulations are then used to identify any relationship between these features and trends in temperature, precipitation and surface melt over regions of the AIS and ice shelves, providing insights into the long-term stability of the AIS under varying climate scenarios.

How to cite: Taylor, S., Orr, A., Cornford, S., Bracegirdle, T., and Smith, R.: Exploring Antarctic Circulation-Ice Sheet Interactions in UKESM Climate Projections Through 2500 and Beyond, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16564,, 2025.

EGU25-16952 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

From short-term uncertainties to long-term certainties in the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

Ann Kristin Klose, Violaine Coulon, Tamsin Edwards, Fiona Turner, Frank Pattyn, and Ricarda Winkelmann

The future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with progressing warming constitutes one of the, if not the main uncertainty in projections of future sea-level change. As the largest potential source of sea-level rise and one of the key tipping elements in the climate system, robust projections are needed to inform coastal adaptation planning worldwide.

Using historically-calibrated perturbed-parameter ensembles of projections with two ice-sheet models, we assess the response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and associated uncertainties to a wide range of climate futures extending to the year 2300 and beyond.

We show that the near-term projections of the Antarctic Ice Sheet are strongly influenced by ice-sheet model sensitivities, especially under limited warming, until strong changes in Antarctic climate beyond the end of the century, as projected under unmitigated emissions, clearly dominate the ice-sheet evolution. Irrespective of the wide range of uncertainties explored in our ensembles, large-scale ice loss is triggered in both West and East Antarctica under higher warming scenarios, but can be avoided by reaching net-zero emissions well before 2100. This leads to a multi-meter difference in the committed Antarctic sea-level contribution projected under low and very high emission pathways by the end of the millennium. Our results suggest that the next years and decades are decisive for the multi-centennial fate of the Antarctic Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Klose, A. K., Coulon, V., Edwards, T., Turner, F., Pattyn, F., and Winkelmann, R.: From short-term uncertainties to long-term certainties in the future evolution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16952,, 2025.

EGU25-17048 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Stability of interior North Greenland – an assessment from GPS and satellite data 

Christine S. Hvidberg, Aslak Grinsted, Kristian Keller, Helle A. Kjær, Nicholas Rathmann, Mikkel L. Lauritzen, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Ruth Mottram, Nicolaj Hansen, Martin Olesen, Sebastian Simonsen, Louise S. Sørensen, Anne M. Solgaard, and Nanna B. Karlsson

The mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet has increased over the last two decades, and is now a major contributor to the global mean sea level rise. While the interior of the Greenland ice sheet has remained relatively stable, the mass loss from the ice sheet margins have spread to the north and since 2007 propagated into interior Greenland. We present here an assessment of the interior stability in North Greenland over the last three decades using GPS data, remote sensing data, and climate model output. We compile GPS survey data from interior ice core sites in North Greenland at GRIP (1992-1996), NorthGRIP (1996-2001), NEEM (2007-2015), and EastGRIP (2015-2022), and compare with surface mass balance estimates, and remote sensing observations to assess changes over the last decades. While the surface elevation has remained relatively stable at the northern ice divide sites, an inferred northward migration of the ice divide in Northwest Greenland observed in 2007-2015 coincided with the onset of thinning along the ice margin in the Baffin Bay area. The surface elevation near the summit of the Greenland ice sheet lowered slightly over the last 30 years, during a period of widespread thinning along the western margin. The observations are discussed in relation to regional changes in surface mass balance and the dynamical response to mass loss at the ice margin.

How to cite: Hvidberg, C. S., Grinsted, A., Keller, K., Kjær, H. A., Rathmann, N., Lauritzen, M. L., Dahl-Jensen, D., Mottram, R., Hansen, N., Olesen, M., Simonsen, S., Sørensen, L. S., Solgaard, A. M., and Karlsson, N. B.: Stability of interior North Greenland – an assessment from GPS and satellite data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17048,, 2025.

EGU25-17469 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet over glacial-interglacial cycles 

Isabel Schwermer, Anne Munck Solgaard, Mikkel Langgaard Lauritzen, Brice Noël, Roman Nuterman, and Christine Schøtt Hvidberg

The Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) formed more than 1 Ma ago and has evolved over many glacial-interglacial cycles. As it still adjusts to past changes, correctly capturing its present-day state is essential to accurately predict its future evolution and contribution to sea level rise. Furthermore, the past offers numerous examples of the GrIS‘ response to warmer climates, possibly analogous to its future fate.

Here, the Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM) is utilized to investigate the evolution of the GrIS over past glacial-interglacial cycles. For simulations over such long timescales, the computationally inexpensive PDD scheme is commonly used to calculate surface melt. However, PDD schemes do not capture spatial and temporal differences in surface mass balance sensitivity to temperature and cannot drive glacial-interglacial ice volume changes as they neglect the positive feedback between melt and albedo. To address this, we instead use the Diurnal Energy Balance Model (dEBM-simple) module. It takes into account seasonally and latitudinally varying melt contributions from solar shortwave radiation and changes in albedo in addition to temperature-driven melt to achieve a better representation of orbital timescales.

We calibrate PISM-dEBM-simple with present-day melt rates from the regional climate model RACMO. The calibrated model is then used to investigate the different patterns of growth and retreat of the GrIS over the past glacial-interglacial cycles emerging from using the PDD or the dEBM module in PISM. The enhanced sensitivity of the dEBM to insolation results in an earlier and greater mass loss at the onset of the Holocene, primarily from low-elevation regions and ice shelves.

How to cite: Schwermer, I., Munck Solgaard, A., Langgaard Lauritzen, M., Noël, B., Nuterman, R., and Schøtt Hvidberg, C.: Modelling the evolution of the Greenland ice sheet over glacial-interglacial cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17469,, 2025.

EGU25-17480 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Does the AMOC strength matter for the Antarctic ice sheet retreat during the penultimate deglaciation?  

Maxence Menthon, Pepijn Bakker, Aurélien Quiquet, and Didier Roche

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has contributed 0 to 7.7m to the global mean sea level during the Last Interglacial, according to recent publications (Barnett et al., 2023; Dyer et al., 2021; Dumitru et al., 2023; Shackleton et al., 2020). This large uncertainty suggests that the Antarctic ice sheet could have been similar to present-day geometry, but it could also have had a major retreat such as the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and more. For example, Clark et al. 2020 simulate the West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse in their modeling work. They suggest that a longer period of reduced Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) during the penultimate deglaciation compared to the last deglaciation could have led to greater subsurface warming and subsequent larger Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat. 

Here we study the response of the Antarctic ice sheet during the penultimate deglaciation ( 138–128 ka) to different evolutions of the AMOC. We use the ice sheet model GRISLI (Quiquet et al. 2018), including the recently implemented sub-shelf melt module PICO (Reese et al. 2018). The climate forcings, including Northern Hemisphere ice sheets evolution, are obtained from fully coupled Earth System Model simulations using the intermediate complexity model iLOVECLIM (Roche et al. 2014). We run 2 sets of ice sheet simulations. In the first set the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets are fully coupled and therefore provide freshwater fluxes directly to the oceans according to ice sheets melt (Quiquet and Roche 2024). In the second set the freshwater fluxes given in the North Atlantic Ocean are idealized. With the second set, we also test the impact of the timing and duration of the freshwater flux on the ice sheet retreat. We hypothesize that both the duration and timing of reduced AMOC can significantly affect the sensitivity of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. A larger subsurface warming in the Southern Ocean can be triggered by longer AMOC reduction, and the resilience of the ice sheet to this warming depends on its geometry during the deglaciation.   

How to cite: Menthon, M., Bakker, P., Quiquet, A., and Roche, D.: Does the AMOC strength matter for the Antarctic ice sheet retreat during the penultimate deglaciation? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17480,, 2025.

EGU25-19292 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Mapping the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet 

Lucía Gutiérrez-González, Jorge Álvarez-Solas, Marisa Montoya, and Alexander Robinson

In the coming century, the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is expected to be one of the main contributors to global sea-level rise. In addition, it is thought to be a tipping element due to the existence of positive feedbacks governing its mass balance. Previous studies have explored its stability across a range of temperatures, from present-day conditions to a global warming of 4°C, showing a threshold behavior in its response. However, it is known this threshold has already been exceeded in the past. During the Holocene Thermal Maximum, when Greenland temperatures were 2–4°C warmer than today, the ice sheet retreated beyond its present-day margin but did not fully disappear. Ice losses depend on the level of warming, but also on the rate of forcing and how long the forcing remains above the threshold.  Therefore, we propose studying the stability of the ice sheet over a broader temperature range: from the Last Glacial Maximum to a warming of +4°C,  and examining its current state within the bifurcation diagram. For this purpose, we use the ice-sheet model Yelmo coupled with the regional moisture-energy balance model REMBO and a linear parameterization of the oceanic basal melting.

How to cite: Gutiérrez-González, L., Álvarez-Solas, J., Montoya, M., and Robinson, A.: Mapping the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19292,, 2025.

EGU25-19646 | Orals | CR2.2

Early Results from KANG-GLAC: A Project to Understand Holocene Ice Sheet-Ocean Interaction and Marine Productivity in SE Greenland 

Kelly Hogan, O Cofaigh Colm, Povl Abrahamsen, John Howe, Mark Inall, Jeremy Lloyd, Clara Manno, Christian März, David Roberts, Geraint Tarling, Louise Sime, Jochen Voss, Lev Tarasov, and Camilla Andresen and the SD041 Shipboard Scientific Party

So far, melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) has been the biggest contributor from the Earth’s cryosphere to global sea-level rise. Major uncertainties remain about how oceanic heat is transported across the shelf and through the fjords to the faces of marine-terminating glaciers, and how this affects rates of ice melt and calving. In turn, the increasing supply of meltwater and nutrients to the ocean around Greenland is impacting marine ecosystems as primary productivity rises,  subsequently increasing the potential for  carbon to be buried as “blue carbon” in Greenland’s fjords as warming continues. In July-August 2024, the UK-funded KANG-GLAC project completed a 40-day multidisciplinary research cruise to SE Greenland where the 40-strong scientific party made a suite of integrated geological, ocean and biological observations. The main aims of the project are two-fold. First, it aims to better understand how marine-terminating glaciers respond to oceanic heat on longer timescales (decades to centuries) by reconstructing glacier and ice-sheet behaviour during the Holocene and in particular during the climatic warm period of the Holocene Thermal Maximum. Second, the project will quantify nutrient cycling in the water column and uppermost seafloor sediments in order to improve our knowledge of  marine ecosystem response to meltwater supply from the GrIS.  The cruise on the UK’s premier polar research vessel, the RRS Sir David Attenborough, is the start of a 3.5 year project. Here, we will present an overview of our field observations in this past-to-future project and outline the plans for future data-driven modelling of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Hogan, K., Colm, O. C., Abrahamsen, P., Howe, J., Inall, M., Lloyd, J., Manno, C., März, C., Roberts, D., Tarling, G., Sime, L., Voss, J., Tarasov, L., and Andresen, C. and the SD041 Shipboard Scientific Party: Early Results from KANG-GLAC: A Project to Understand Holocene Ice Sheet-Ocean Interaction and Marine Productivity in SE Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19646,, 2025.

EGU25-19795 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.2

Investigating Osmium Isotopes and Sedimentological Records for the end of the Saalian Glacial from Northwest Baffin Bay 

Sirui Huang, David Selby, Jeremy Lloyd, and Paul Knutz

Understanding the dynamic response of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) during past climate warmings is essential for predicting its behaviour as global warming accelerates. However, detailed reconstructions of GrIS growth and retreat are limited due to lack of long high-resolution sedimentary records in proximity to its major glacial outlets. Here, new osmium isotope data are presented, from IODP Expedition 400 Hole U1604B, obtained from the lower slope of the Melville Bugt Trough Mouth Fan on the northwest Greenland margin. The osmium isotope analyses are integrated with shipboard sedimentary proxies to trace sediment sources and reconstruct glacial meltwater flux. Preliminary results from the studied interval show sediment proxy variations suggesting significant changes in sediment sources and depositional conditions. Between ~29 and 24 m CSF-A 187Os/188Os are radiogenic (~2.3 – 2.5). In contrast, immediately above this section between ~24 and 22 m CSF-A depth 187Os/188Os are distinctly less radiogenic (~1.3). The latter depth interval is also characterized by a peak in Ca/K ratios, decreased magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma radiation. The current preliminary age-model for Hole 1604B suggests that the studied core interval could represent the end of the Saalian Glacial. As such, we hypothesize the change in the sediment proxies is interpreted to record enhanced glacial meltwater and sediment delivery, potentially following ice sheet break-up at the end of the Saalian glacial and transition into the Eemian interglacial. Our multi-proxy findings provide new insight into the relationship between GrIS, Innuitian/Laurentide Ice Sheets, and regional sedimentation patterns during a significant glacial to interglacial transition, with important implications for understanding of GrIS response to abrupt climate warming.

How to cite: Huang, S., Selby, D., Lloyd, J., and Knutz, P.: Investigating Osmium Isotopes and Sedimentological Records for the end of the Saalian Glacial from Northwest Baffin Bay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19795,, 2025.

EGU25-20400 | Posters on site | CR2.2

Coupling the polar ice sheets to the Norwegian Earth System Model: advances and challenges 

Michele Petrini, Mariana Vertenstein, Heiko Goelzer, William H. Lipscomb, Gunter R. Leguy, William J. Sacks, Katherine Thayer-Calder, David M. Chandler, and Petra M. Langebroek

The polar ice sheets are melting faster due to climate change, with the contribution of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets being the largest uncertainty in projecting future sea level rise. Understanding this is crucial for assessing impacts on the environment and ecosystems. Most of the existing modelling studies focus on ice sheet response to atmospheric and oceanic forcing. However, the ice sheets closely interact with and influence the Earth’s climate. With the goal of better representing ice sheet and climate processes and feedbacks, we aim to integrate Greenland and Antarctic dynamic ice sheet components into the Norwegian Earth System Model (NorESM). NorESM is a global, CMIP-type coupled model for the physical climate system and biogeochemical processes over land, ocean, sea ice and atmosphere. In its latest release, NorESM features interactive coupling with a dynamic Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) component, although this coupling does not explicitly include ocean forcing at the marine-terminating margins of the ice sheet. In this presentation, we will show preliminary results of NorESM simulations featuring (1) a new interactive coupling with the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) over both the Antarctic and Greenland domains, and (2) a new ocean and ice sheet coupling allowing us to force the ice sheets with horizontally and vertically resolved  NorESM ocean properties. We will discuss work in progress, highlighting recent advances and most pressing challenges of our coupling approach.

How to cite: Petrini, M., Vertenstein, M., Goelzer, H., Lipscomb, W. H., Leguy, G. R., Sacks, W. J., Thayer-Calder, K., Chandler, D. M., and Langebroek, P. M.: Coupling the polar ice sheets to the Norwegian Earth System Model: advances and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20400,, 2025.

EGU25-20846 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

The role of Greenland ice sheet – climate interactions from 1000-year coupled simulations with MAR-GISM 

Chloë Paice, Xavier Fettweis, and Philippe Huybrechts

As the second largest ice body on Earth, comprising an ice volume of 7.4 m sea level equivalent, the Greenland ice sheet is one of the main contributors to global sea level rise. Though observational and modelling efforts have increased substantially in recent years, major uncertainties remain regarding the ice sheet – climate interactions and feedback mechanisms that drive the ice sheet’s long-term mass loss. To improve sea level projections and the representation of such interactions in model simulations, efforts are currently emerging to couple ice sheet and regional climate models. However, so far, only a few coupled ice sheet – regional climate model simulations have been performed, and these do not extend beyond the centennial timescale. They therefore provide limited insights into the evolution and critical thresholds of the ice sheet – climate system over longer timescales.

As such, to obtain a better understanding of the ice sheet – climate interactions and potential feedback mechanisms over Greenland, we coupled our Greenland Ice Sheet Model (GISM) with a high-resolution regional climate model, the Modèle Atmosphérique Régional (MAR), and performed millennial-length simulations. The global climate model forcing for MAR during these simulations consisted of the IPSL-CM6A-LR model output under the SSP5-8.5 scenario, which was available until 2300. After this date, the climate was held constant, and we prolonged our coupled simulations until the year 3000.

Specifically, we performed three coupled simulations for the period 1990-3000 with differing coupling complexity: full two-way coupling, one-way coupling and zero-way coupling. In the two-way coupled set-up, the ice sheet topography and surface mass balance were communicated yearly between both models, such that ice sheet – climate interactions were fully captured. In the one-way coupled set-up only the surface mass balance – elevation feedback was considered, through interpolation of the yearly SMB onto the changing ice sheet topography. And lastly, in the zero-way coupled set-up the ice sheet – climate interactions were entirely omitted.

The results show that the ice sheet evolution is determined by positive as well as negative feedback mechanisms, that act over different timescales. The main observed negative feedback in our simulations is related to changing wind speeds at the ice sheet margin, due to which the integrated ice mass loss remains fairly similar for all simulations up to 2300, regardless of the differently evolving ice sheet geometries. Beyond this time however, positive feedback mechanisms related to decreasing surface elevation and changing precipitation patterns dominate the ice sheet – climate system and strongly accelerate the integrated ice mass loss. Hence, over longer timescales and for a realistic representation of the evolving ice sheet geometry, it is indispensable to account for ice sheet – climate interactions as was done in our two-way coupled ice sheet – regional climate model set-up.

How to cite: Paice, C., Fettweis, X., and Huybrechts, P.: The role of Greenland ice sheet – climate interactions from 1000-year coupled simulations with MAR-GISM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20846,, 2025.

EGU25-21018 | ECS | Orals | CR2.2

Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by an IntenseAtmospheric River 

Hannah Bailey and Alun Hubbard

Atmospheric rivers are transient channels of intense water vapor that account for up to 90% of the poleward moisture transport from mid-latitudes. Though short-lived, these events can deliver extreme amounts of heat and rainfall that have been widely reported to accelerate ablation and ice mass loss across the Arctic. However, the impact of atmospheric river fueled snowfall has received less attention, partly due to the limited availability of empirical evidence and direct observations. Here, we explore the potential of atmospheric rivers to deliver intense snowfall to the Greenland ice sheet and thereby replenish its health through enhanced mass accumulation. Specifically, we use new firn-core isotopic analyses and glacio-meteorological datasets from Southeast Greenland to examine the origin and impact of atmospheric rivers on regional mass balance. To this end, we sampled firn core stratigraphy from the upper accumulation area of Southeast Greenland and related it to meteorological observations, to demonstrate that an intense atmospheric river in mid-March 2022 delivered up to 11.6 gigatons per day of extreme snowfall to this region of the ice sheet. 
We show that this immense snowfall not only recharged the snowpack and offset Greenland ice sheet net mass loss by 8% in 2022, but also raised local albedo thereby delaying the onset of summer bare-ice melt by 11 days, despite warmer than average spring temperatures. Since 2010, synoptic analysis of ERA5 data reveals that snow accumulation across Southeast Greenland increased by 20 mm water equivalent per year, driven by enhanced Atlantic cyclonicity. Depending on their seasonal timing, our study demonstrates that the impact of atmospheric rivers on the mass balance of the Greenland ice sheet is not exclusively negative. Moreover, their capacity to contribute consequential ice mass recharge may become increasingly significant under ongoing Arctic amplification and predicted poleward intrusion of mid-latitude moisture.

How to cite: Bailey, H. and Hubbard, A.: Mass Recharge of the Greenland Ice Sheet driven by an IntenseAtmospheric River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21018,, 2025.

A major obstacle in both paleo and future simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is that most studies do not include interactive ice sheets. Although this is a current area of development, most studies use stand alone climate models to force separate ice sheet models to study the potential impacts of climate changes on ice sheets; however this method ignores consequent impacts of the ice sheets on the ocean-atmosphere system, leading to simulations that may under or over estimate retreat in a warmer climate. The few model simulations that do include ice sheet-climate feedbacks disagree on the overall sign of the these feedbacks.
Here we are developing a new coupling between an established ice sheet (PSU-ISM) and climate model (HadCM3) that has been used extensively for paleoclimate applications. These models are suitable for performing multiple simulations over thousands of years. The ice sheet model output will be used to update the ice sheet in the climate model. The climate model orography and land sea mask will be modified to match that in the ice sheet model and ice sheet discharge will be added as a freshwater flux, modelled via change in salinity around the Southern Ocean. The models have been coupled offline and we are next automating this process so that simulations can be repeated over shorter timescales. This will allow the model to develop feedbacks more quickly rather than being limited to the length of the run. The model has been developed using pre-industrial idealised simulations. The main focus of the work is on reproducing the AIS response and sea level rise during the middle Miocene warm interval that matches proxy records more closely without having to add unrealistic CO2 forcing.

How to cite: Byrne, L.: Development of a new coupled ice sheet-climate model for simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet under a warm climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21116,, 2025.

EGU25-1810 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Persistent landfast sea ice supports early stages of ice shelf formation 

Naomi Ochwat, Theodore Scambos, and Alison Banwell

Melange and multi-year fast ice is known to be able to suppress calving and dampen long-period ocean swells at the termini of marine-terminating glaciers. Currently, the effectiveness of fast ice at suppressing calving and/or providing direct buttressing to grounded ice remains controversial. Here we show that the interaction between tidewater glaciers and persistent fast ice can support the early stages of ice-shelf formation, as evidenced by localized areas of the northern Antarctic Peninsula that have undergone decadal cooling. We find that during persistent fast ice occupation, calving almost completely ceased, and a floating glacier tongue formed. As the glacier tongue advances it interacts with the fjord walls, increasing the resistive lateral stress on the lower glacier. This is similar to the well-known formation process of Arctic-style ice shelves in Ellesmere Island and Northern Greenland, for example, the recently collapsed Hunt Fjord Ice Shelf. 

We have identified several ice shelf or glacier tongue areas in Antarctica that have both highly persistent fast ice and thicker glacier ice advancing into these fast ice protected areas. These regions include the Larsen B embayment (2011-2022), Land Glacier and Nickerson Ice shelf (~1960s-present), Shackleton and West ice shelves, and the Lützow-Holm Bay region (past few decades). For these case study regions, we present preliminary data of ice shelf and upstream glacier velocity change, grounded glacier thickness change, and a synthesis of climate data to confirm a locally cooling climate in these areas. Our analysis will offer essential quantifiable evidence on the extent to which fast ice enhances the stability of upstream glacier ice, and will seek to test several components of the overall ice tongue/ice shelf advance process.

How to cite: Ochwat, N., Scambos, T., and Banwell, A.: Persistent landfast sea ice supports early stages of ice shelf formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1810,, 2025.

EGU25-2835 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Analyzing two decades of basal melting rates below Pine Island Ice Shelf using multi-sensors remote sensing data 

Lucille Gimenes, Romain Millan, Jean Baptiste Barré, and Amaury Dehecq

Ice shelves play a crucial role in buttressing the ice flux from the ice sheet. It is therefore critical to monitor their evolution and weakening. Changes in basal melting rates, driven by enhanced advection of circumpolar deep water, are one of the primary drivers of ice shelf weakening in Antarctica. In the Amundsen Sea Embayment, basal melting rates are the highest in Antarctica, exceeding 100 m/yr at the grounding line of Pine Island Glacier (PIG), which has discharged more than 130 Gt/yr of ice into the ocean since 2008 (Mouginot et al., 2013; Rignot et al., 2019). Previous studies of basal melting below PIG (Adusumili et al., 2022) were limited by low spatial resolution, showing significant differences from local high-resolution estimates (Shean et al., 2019), and temporal discrepancies when compared to in-situ ocean observations, highlighting the limitations of existing products (Dutrieux et al., 2014; Jenkins et al., 2018). Biases may arise from the challenge of performing remote sensing in Antarctica (fast changing ice bodies), with sensor-specific complexities (e.g., radar altimetry, laser, stereo-photogrammetry) and reliance on model outputs (SMB, firn). In this study, we revisit the estimation of melting rates on PIG using high-resolution multi-sensor optical imagery from 2000s onward. Leveraging modern geospatial formats like GeoParquet, coupled with DuckDB and high-level tools such as Xarray/Dask, we develop a high-performance pipeline to process heterogeneous elevation datasets. Data from GeoEye/WorldView (Maxar) as well as from ASTER (NASA/METI) were used, regenerated and aligned to a combination of measurements with a centimetric precision from the LVIS and ATM instruments aboard NASA's Operation IceBridge, and the ICESat missions. Dozens of millions of data points are uniformly filtered, advected, and corrected for tides, atmospheric pressure, geoid, and mean dynamic topography throughout the entire observation period with dynamically evolving ice shelf geometry from updated grounding lines and ice front positions. We estimate basal melting on summer mosaics, within a consistent Lagrangian framework by calculating changes in thickness, SMB, firn, and rapid ice advection (Shean et al., 2019; Millan et al., 2023). We quantify the error in melting rates using error propagation and supplement this analysis using different firn and SMB products (RACMO, FDM, CFM). We compare the spatial and temporal variability of our melting rate estimates with previous satellite data on PIG as well as in-situ measurements (Dutrieux et al., 2014). The methodology we propose here is based on state-of-the-art tools in geospatial analysis and offers new perspectives for mapping the evolution of basal melting at high resolution on a regular basis over the past two decades. It provides a coherent framework, with the most precise spatio-temporal measurements, limiting sensor-specific biases, which will be extended to all Antarctic ice shelves. We also provide a more conservative uncertainty estimates based on measurement errors as well as an ensemble-based approach for firn and SMB, which are significant sources of uncertainty. This data will be of direct interest for reanalyzing the stability of ice shelves and for constraining ocean models to better resolve basal melting variability.

How to cite: Gimenes, L., Millan, R., Barré, J. B., and Dehecq, A.: Analyzing two decades of basal melting rates below Pine Island Ice Shelf using multi-sensors remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2835,, 2025.

EGU25-4369 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves: Insights from a Low-Dimensional Model 

Louis Saddier, Corentin Herbert, Christopher Y.S. Bull, and Louis-Alexandre Couston

While East Antarctica ice shelf cavities are currently filled with cold surface water and experience low basal melting, West Antarctica ice shelf cavities are filled with warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and experience high basal melting. Recent modeling studies have shown that cavities currently filled with cold water may suddenly transition to warm water conditions under climate change scenarios. However, the dynamical drivers of such regime changes are poorly understood, such that the likelihoods of ocean cavities tipping from cold to warm conditions on sea levels and global ocean circulation are still uncertain.

Recent studies have used conceptual box models to propose a mechanistic explanation for the transition from a low melt rate regime (due to cold, saline surface water filling the cavity) to a high melt rate regime (driven by CDW intrusions) in specific ice shelf cavities [1,2]. Here, we extend an existing conceptual model to study these regime shifts. This new model takes into account polynya convection thanks to a sea surface box at the front of the ice-shelf, but also ice shelf/ocean interactions as in the Potsdam Ice-shelf Cavity model (PICO) [3] to generically study various Antarctic ice shelves. We find that numerous ice shelf ocean cavities are in a bistable regime and check that the results are robust against changes in model parameterizations. The surface box enables a representation of the impact of polynyas on dense water formation, which we demonstrate plays a key role in the bistable dynamics of under-ice-shelf seas. Our results suggest that the melt rate of ice shelves might vary abruptly under weak atmospheric changes.

[1] J. E. Hazel, A. L. Stewart, Bistability of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf Cavity Circulation and Basal Melt. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. 125, 1-21 (2020).

[2] R. Moorman, A. F. Thompson, E. A. Wilson, Coastal polynyas enable transitions between high and low West Antarctic ice shelf melt rates. Geophysical Research Letters. 50, 16 (2023).

[3] R. Reese, T. Albrecht, M. Mengel, X. Asay-Davis, R. Winkelmann, Antarctic sub-shelf melt rates via PICO. The Cryosphere. 12(6), 1969-1985 (2018).

How to cite: Saddier, L., Herbert, C., Bull, C. Y. S., and Couston, L.-A.: Bistable Dynamics of Ocean Circulation under Antarctic Ice Shelves: Insights from a Low-Dimensional Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4369,, 2025.

EGU25-4568 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Ice-Sheet Model Calibration and Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for 2000-2020 

Qing Qin, Jan De Rydt, Vio Coulon, and Frank Pattyn

The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) exerts a critical influence on global sea level rise (SLR). Accelerating mass loss, particularly in West Antarctica, is projected to significantly enhance its contribution in the coming centuries. Approximately half of the surface mass gain is offset by ocean-induced basal melting, highlighting the critical role of ice-ocean interactions (Depoorter et al., 2013; Paolo et al., 2023). Despite advances in AIS modelling, significant uncertainties persist, largely arising from the representation of basal melt processes, which are influenced by varying parameterizations, parameter choices and sparsely sampled oceanic forcing datasets. These uncertainties, coupled with divergent future climate forcing scenarios, lead to a large spread in future ice-sheet trajectories and their contribution to SLR by 2300 (Seroussi et al 2024).

To enable robust estimates of future mass fluxes from the AIS, this study uses a circum-Antarctic high-resolution configuration of the Úa ice-sheet model (Gudmundsson, 2020, 2024) to conduct a series of transient simulations spanning 2000-2020. These simulations are used to quantify uncertainties and sensitivities in modelled ice-shelf melt. We apply multiple basal melting parameterizations and a plausible range of parameter choices, including the Local Quadratic Melting (Jourdain et al., 2020), PICO (Reese et al., 2018), and Plume Models (Jenkins, 1991; Lazeroms et al., 2019; Rosier et al., 2024), forced by two different observational oceanic datasets. By varying initial ice-sheet conditions, basal melting schemes, and external forcing, a large ensemble of hindcast simulations was generated and validated against observed changes in ice velocity, thickness, and grounding line position, providing robust insights into model behaviour and ice-ocean interactions.

This initial work, funded by the Horizion Europe project OCEAN ICE, forms a robust foundation for the next phase of forecast transient simulations, enabling long-term projections of AIS contributions to SLR for an ensemble of observationally-constrained model parameters. Our work aims to quantify the complex interplay between basal melting, ice dynamics, and oceanic forcing, while delivering key insights for enhancing the predictive capability of coupled ice-sheet-ocean models in a rapidly changing climate.

How to cite: Qin, Q., De Rydt, J., Coulon, V., and Pattyn, F.: Ice-Sheet Model Calibration and Parametric Uncertainty Analysis for 2000-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4568,, 2025.

EGU25-5261 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Eddies observed in the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity, and the implications for circulations and melting 

Yingpu Xiahou, Craig Stewart, Melissa Bowen, Mike Brewer, Christina Hulbe, and Craig Stevens

Ice shelf ocean cavities are among the least observed regions of the oceans. While we know that eddying motions are ubiquitous in the oceans, there are few observations of such processes in ice shelf cavities. Here, we describe multi-year hydrographic mooring from central Ross Ice Shelf to understand baroclinic eddy properties and their potential effect on cavity circulation and basal ice melting. As the data are limited, some assumptions need to be made to estimate the eddying motion and separate it from the background circulation. Here we resolve the kinematic structures of the selected eddy signals. The analysis suggests the eddies are around 22 km in diameter with a velocity scale of between 0.8 and 1.8 cm/s. The thermohaline structure of the selected baroclinic eddies suggests that baroclinic eddies can entrain High Salinity Shelf Water from the benthic water column to the mid-water column. However, in the instance of the central Ross Ice Shelf cavity region, there are cold-water intrusions in the mid-water column that serve to partially isolate the ice from many of the ocean cavity conditions.

How to cite: Xiahou, Y., Stewart, C., Bowen, M., Brewer, M., Hulbe, C., and Stevens, C.: Eddies observed in the Ross Ice Shelf ocean cavity, and the implications for circulations and melting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5261,, 2025.

EGU25-6003 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Tracking the grounding line migration at Getz Ice Shelf using Sentinel-1 A/B observations 

Sindhu Ramanath, Lukas Krieger, and Dana Floricioiu

The grounding line defines the boundary of grounded ice of marine ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica. The speed and extent of grounding line retreat indicate ice sheet stability, making tracking and quantifying grounding line migration imperative. Although satellite observations of several key glaciers and ice streams in these regions have enabled spatially dense grounding line mappings, the revisit frequency of current missions is inadequate to capture the tide-induced grounding line migration. Moreover, limited tide information due to insufficient observations and the coarse resolution of tide models near the grounding line makes it challenging to correlate tide levels to the grounding line position.

Here, we focus on observing and quantifying solely the grounding line movement at the different time scales without using tide models and taking advantage of the dense time series of Sentinel-1 SAR data acquisitions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet margins. We generated double difference interferograms with all available and coherent 6-day Sentinel-1 triplets in 2015-2024. The interferograms were generated with the custom processing chain developed at the Remote Sensing Technology Institute of the German Aerospace Center (Muir, 2020). The grounding lines were automatically delineated in the DInSAR phase using our deep neural network-based delineation pipeline, as detailed in Ramanath Tarekere et al., 2024. The Getz Ice Shelf is coherently captured in most Sentinel-1 acquisitions, making it an ideal region to test our algorithm. We will develop a statistical method to measure the spatial variation of the lines and identify stationary and non-stationary regions. Additionally, in the non-stationary regions, we will decompose the time series into seasonal and trend components, possibly discriminating long-term climate-induced grounding line retreat and variations in grounding line positions caused by different ocean tide levels.



Muir, A. (2020). System specification document for the antarctic ice sheet cci project of esa’s climate change initiative,
version 1.0.
Ramanath Tarekere, S., Krieger, L., Floricioiu, D., & Heidler, K. (2024). Deep learning based automatic grounding line
delineation in DInSAR interferograms [Preprint]. EGUsphere, 2024, 1–35.

How to cite: Ramanath, S., Krieger, L., and Floricioiu, D.: Tracking the grounding line migration at Getz Ice Shelf using Sentinel-1 A/B observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6003,, 2025.

EGU25-7146 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Ephemeral grounding of ice-keels on Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: observations, modelling, and dynamic impacts. 

Benjamin Wallis, Trystan Surawy-Stepney, and Anna Hogg

In Antarctica, changes in ice dynamics dominate the ice sheet’s contribution to global sea-level rise. Changes to the continent’s ice shelves play a key role in this dynamic evolution through the buttressing that they provide to the upstream grounded ice. One striking and well observed example of the importance of ice shelves is Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, which has undergone dramatic changes in the modern observational period. This includes major periods of grounding line retreat and ice-shelf thinning due to influxes of warm ocean water, combined with large calving events and the disintegration of its southern shear margin. Overall, these changes have reduced the buttressing support provided by the ice shelf, leading to increased ice discharge and dynamic thinning on the inland portion of the glacier.

Concurrent with the erosion of Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf, ice-shelf thickness anomalies originating at the glacier grounding line, known as ice keels, have regularly bumped along the bedrock underneath the ice shelf. This has caused small regions ephemeral grounding, which occur irregularly in the central shelf. While known, these events remain largely unstudied, and the effects of this ephemeral grounding on stresses within the ice shelf and the evolution of ice-shelf dynamics remain poorly understood.

Here we use a combination of satellite observations and ice sheet modelling to study the movement of a prominent ice keel over a bathymetric ridge during the period 2014-2021 and analyse the effects this had on the dynamics of the ice shelf.

To observe the grounding of the ice keel, we use the differential range offset tracking technique applied to synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) data from the European Space Agency and European Commission Copernicus' Sentinel-1 satellites to produce a dense timeseries of ice keel grounding without the need for interferometric coherence. With this dataset we track the motion of the ice keel in the last decade, showing that at times up to 10 km2 of the central ice shelf was grounded. Alongside these observations, we use the BISICLES ice sheet model to analyse the impacts of this ephemeral grounding on the dynamics and stress regime of the ice shelf. Finally, we discuss our results in terms of re-grounding as a mechanism which may stabilise the retreat of marine ice sheets.

How to cite: Wallis, B., Surawy-Stepney, T., and Hogg, A.: Ephemeral grounding of ice-keels on Pine Island Glacier Ice Shelf: observations, modelling, and dynamic impacts., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7146,, 2025.

EGU25-9697 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Calving front dynamics in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica 

Jennifer Arthur, Geir Moholdt, Lotte Wendt, and Anca Cristea

Antarctica’s ice shelves play a crucial role in the stability of the ice sheet and the rate at which it contributes to sea-level rise. While large, tabular iceberg calving accounts for most of the ice discharged from Antarctic ice shelves, less attention has been given to smaller-scale frontal ablation processes that also contribute to ice-shelf area and mass changes. This can be caused by: (1) the collision of large- to medium-sized (>100 km2) tabular icebergs with the coastline, (2) undercutting of ice-shelf fronts by ocean waves, causing edge wasting, and (3) the absence of protective landfast sea ice that can expose calving fronts to damaging ocean swell.

Here, we analyse calving front dynamics and frontal ablation through observed ice-shelf advance and retreat rates in the coastal Dronning Maud Land region of East Antarctica since 2015. Using time series derived from semi-automated classification of Sentinel-1 radar imagery, we quantify ice-shelf frontal ablation and mass change rates. Our results reveal complex seasonal and interannual patterns in calving front dynamics, demonstrating the importance of multiple ice-shelf frontal ablation processes. Iceberg collisions triggered a cascade of regional calving in 2021, as well as damage to several fronts that did not calve. These cascading calving events were initiated by collisions with iceberg D28 from the Amery Ice Shelf, which released further icebergs that drifted and collided with other parts of the coast. Observations of small-scale ice-shelf frontal retreat during periods of unusually absent landfast sea ice and dense pack ice suggests frontal ablation is partially linked to the persistence of protective sea ice. Altogether, these findings provide improved knowledge of calving front dynamics and its drivers in East Antarctica, needed for refining calving parameterizations to more accurately predict ice-shelf evolution and stability.

How to cite: Arthur, J., Moholdt, G., Wendt, L., and Cristea, A.: Calving front dynamics in coastal Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9697,, 2025.

EGU25-11447 | Orals | CR2.4

Evolution of the 79N ice shelf 

Brice Rea, Dave Roberts, Mike Bentley, Chris Darvill, Angelika Humbert, Stewart Jamieson, Tim Lane, and James Smith

The North-East Greenland Ice Stream is the largest ice stream of the Greenland Ice Sheet and drains an area of some 200,000 km2, which equates to ~12% of the ice sheet, and the entire catchment holds sufficient water to impact eustatic sea level (~1.1 m). It appeared relatively resilient to atmospheric warming until the mid-2000s, since when two of the outlets, 79N and Zachariæ Isstrøm, have started to thin and accelerate. Zachariæ Isstrøm experience rapid retreat followed by loss of the ice shelf by 2010. This work focuses on the ~80 km long ice shelf fronting 79N, which has previously been shown to have thinned significantly since 1994. The main structural components of the ice shelf are identified and mapped, at approximately 5 yearly intervals, from Landsat imagery, spanning 1985 to 2024. Retreat of the grounding line is approximated by the migration of supraglacial meltwater ponds which migrate upflow over the timeseries. The location of lateral grounding lines are tracked using their topographic expression (Midgardsormen), along the margins of the ice shelf. Taking the surface elevation of the ice shelf from the Arctic DEM and the bed topography/bathymetry from BedMachine and assuming the floating part of the ice shelf is in hydrostatic equilibrium, a time series of ice shelf reconstructions are generated by tracking the migration of the Midgardsormen towards the fjord margins. Evolution of the grounding lines and the structure of the 79N ice shelf are assessed in relation to air and ocean temperature records across the timeseries.

How to cite: Rea, B., Roberts, D., Bentley, M., Darvill, C., Humbert, A., Jamieson, S., Lane, T., and Smith, J.: Evolution of the 79N ice shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11447,, 2025.

EGU25-11769 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Impacts of Temperature- and Stress-Dependent Rheology on Ice-Shelf Front Bending 

Emily Glazer and W. Roger Buck

Classical treatments of ice-shelf bending suggest that shelf fronts should bend downwards, due to the distribution of hydrostatic water pressure at the front. However, there are several observed instances in lidar data of upward-bending ice-shelf fronts. While this phenomenon has often been attributed to a buoyant force created by a submerged ice bench, recent work suggests that vertical variations in viscosity within the ice shelf, caused by a temperature gradient, can induce an internal bending moment that causes the shelf front to bend upwards, even in the absence of a bench.

To investigate this novel bending mechanism, we present the first two-dimensional, viscoelastic models of ice-shelf-front bending assuming a standard dependence of ice rheology on temperature and depth. Our results confirm the thin-plate analytic prediction that an ice-shelf front can bend upwards with a sufficiently cold surface temperature and a sufficiently high ratio of activation energy to flow-law exponent. The results also demonstrate that the temporal evolution of the flexural wavelength and the relationship between the edge deflection amplitude and the flexural wavelength are consistent with thin-plate analytic predictions, though modeled uplift starts to gradually outpace analytic predictions over time. These deviations are attributed to two distinct forms of two-dimensional flow effects that we term “bulge” and “flare”.

Model results also demonstrate that the internal moment mechanism produces uplift with a shorter flexural wavelength than the submerged bench mechanism. This difference can be leveraged to discern between causal mechanisms of the upward bending seen in lidar data, which we illustrate with an example from the Ross Ice Shelf front. We also illustrate how comparing model results with data offers a way to constrain the parameters describing ice rheology.

How to cite: Glazer, E. and Buck, W. R.: Impacts of Temperature- and Stress-Dependent Rheology on Ice-Shelf Front Bending, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11769,, 2025.

EGU25-12249 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Using data inversion to infer basal melt rates underneath ice shelves 

Max Brils and Hilmar Gudmundsson

More than 80% of the grounded ice of the Antarctic ice sheet drains into the ocean through ice shelves. It is estimated that roughly half of the ice shelves’ mass is eventually lost through melting from the underside, where the ice gets in contact with warmer ocean waters. Loss of these ice shelves could cause an increase of the discharge of grounded ice which would lead to additional sea-level rise. It is thus important to accurately quantify the rate at which ice shelves are melting if we wish to estimate future sea-level rise. Here, we present a novel methodology for estimating basal melt rates, by assimilating remotely derived estimates of surface velocities, ice sheet thickness, surface elevation changes and modelled surface mass balance using an ice sheet model (Ua). This methodology allows for a less noisy, physically consistent estimate of the ice mass divergence, and considers the uncertainty associated with each data product. The resulting estimates of the melt rate pattern at almost every Antarctic ice shelf is compared with previous remotely derived estimates.

How to cite: Brils, M. and Gudmundsson, H.: Using data inversion to infer basal melt rates underneath ice shelves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12249,, 2025.

EGU25-12550 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Horizontal Force Balance Calving Laws: Ice Shelves, Marine- and Land-Terminating Glaciers 

Niall Coffey and Ching-Yao Lai

Predicting calving in glacier models is challenging, as observations of diverse calving styles appear to contradict a universal calving law. Here, we generalize and apply the analytical Horizontal Force Balance (HFB) fracture model from ice shelves to land- and marine-terminating glaciers. We consider different combinations of "crack configurations" including dry or meltwater surface crevasses above saltwater- or meltwater-filled basal crevasses. Our generalized model analytically reveals that, in the absence of meltwater, calving criteria depends on two dimensionless variables: buttressing B and dimensionless water level λ. Using a calving regime diagram, we quantitatively demonstrate that glaciers are generally more prone to calving with reduced buttressing B and lower water level λ. For a specified set of B, λ and crack configuration, an analytical calving law can be derived. For example, the calving law for an ice shelf, land-, or marine-terminating glacier with a dry surface crevasse above a saltwater basal crevasse reduces to a state with no buttressing (B = 0). With climate warming, glaciers are expected to become more vulnerable to calving due to meltwater-driven surface and basal crevassing. Our findings provide a framework to understand diverse calving styles.

How to cite: Coffey, N. and Lai, C.-Y.: Horizontal Force Balance Calving Laws: Ice Shelves, Marine- and Land-Terminating Glaciers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12550,, 2025.

The crevasse-depth approach to calving remains promising but in its classic form struggles to produce calving without including additional stresses, such as from meltwater in surface crevasses, which may not be realistic. Here, we present new analytical results that account for stress concentration under crevassing, following recent work by Buck (2023). Focusing on grounded tidewater glaciers, we further consider non-zero ice tensile strength and the potential influence of basal friction. This results in a revised version of the crevasse-depth law that produces plausible calving regimes without needing to invoke added external stresses. The revised law has an ice thickness threshold of approximately 400 m, below which the ice tensile strength is able to resist full-thickness calving, suggesting that glaciers with thicknesses above or below this threshold should have differing dominant calving style. We discuss strong observational support for this finding, and consider the role of the revised formulation in the search for an overall calving law.

How to cite: Wagner, T. and Slater, D.: Differences in calving styles at tidewater glaciers explained by horizontal stress balance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12957,, 2025.

EGU25-13517 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Turning the Tide on Antarctic Shear Zones 

Christian T Wild, Sebastian HR Rosier, Jinhoon Jung, Ji Sung Na, Won Sang Lee, Choon Ki Lee, Dana Floricioiu, and Reinhard Drews

Outlet glaciers play a crucial role in transporting ice from the interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the coast, where they transition into floating ice shelves at the grounding line. Shear margins, which separate these fast-moving glaciers from relatively stationary ice, are regions of intense lateral shearing that generate side drag—a resistive force that counteracts glacier driving stress and mitigates sea-level rise. The nature of this side drag depends largely on bulk ice stiffness, a property which is poorly understood due to the numerous challenges in accessing and measuring these most dynamic regions. Here, we use the vertical displacement of floating ice under tidal loading as a natural experiment to constrain bulk ice stiffness within shear margins. Using a GAMMA Portable Radar Interferometer (GPRI), we monitored the tidal flexure zone of Priestley Glacier, which flows into the Nansen Ice Shelf, over a full spring-neap tidal cycle in December 2024. Preliminary results suggest shear-zone weakening, supported by in-situ GPS measurements capturing the corresponding horizontal ice dynamics and ApRES observations of internal strain within the bending ice column. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanisms driving ice discharge and provide critical observational constraints for simulations of ice-sheet dynamics, ultimately refining estimates of Antarctica’s contribution to sea-level rise.

How to cite: Wild, C. T., Rosier, S. H., Jung, J., Na, J. S., Lee, W. S., Lee, C. K., Floricioiu, D., and Drews, R.: Turning the Tide on Antarctic Shear Zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13517,, 2025.

EGU25-13728 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Enhanced West Antarctic ice loss triggered by polynya response to meridional winds 

Gemma O'Connor, Yoshihiro Nakayama, Eric Steig, Kyle Armour, LuAnne Thompson, Shuntaro Hyogo, Mira Berdahl, and Taketo Shimada

West Antarctic outlet glaciers are in a stage of rapid retreat, modulated by wind-driven exposure to warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW). Retreat likely began in the mid-20th century, and is often attributed to increased CDW volume near the ice shelves forced by strengthening westerly winds over the continental shelf break. This westerly wind trend is a feature of some historical climate simulations but is not supported by proxy observations. Here, we present an ensemble of regional ocean simulations and proxy-constrained climate reconstructions, and show that shelf-break westerlies are a poor indicator of ocean conditions near the ice shelves. Instead, cumulative northerly wind anomalies close coastal polynyas, driving anomalous warming and freshening near the ice shelves, increasing ice-shelf melting. The increased meltwater leads to strengthening of the undercurrent that supplies CDW, further enhancing ice-shelf melting. Our results highlight the importance of local northerly winds and associated sea ice changes on ice-shelf melting in West Antarctica. Proxy reconstructions show a significant historical northerly wind trend in this region (an extension of Amundsen Sea Low deepening), providing the atmospheric forcing that can explain the initiation of West Antarctic glacier retreat during the mid-20th century.

How to cite: O'Connor, G., Nakayama, Y., Steig, E., Armour, K., Thompson, L., Hyogo, S., Berdahl, M., and Shimada, T.: Enhanced West Antarctic ice loss triggered by polynya response to meridional winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13728,, 2025.

EGU25-14510 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Extreme value theory reveals massive Antarctic iceberg calving events may not be primarily climate-driven 

Emma MacKie, Joanna Millstein, and Katherine Serafin

Massive calving events result in significant instantaneous ice loss from Antarctica. The rarity and stochastic nature of these extreme events makes it difficult to understand their physical drivers, temporal trends, and future likelihood. To address this challenge, we turn to extreme value theory to investigate past trends in annual maxima iceberg area and assess the likelihood of high-magnitude calving events. We use 47 years of iceberg size from satellite observations. Our analysis reveals no upward trend in the surface area of the largest annual iceberg over this time frame. This finding suggests that extreme calving events such as the recent 2017 Larsen C iceberg, A68, are statistically unexceptional and that extreme calving events are not necessarily a consequence of climate change. Nevertheless, it is statistically possible for Antarctica to experience a calving event up to several times greater than any in the observational record. The methods used in this study could be combined with other data sets or physical information to enhance calving models.

How to cite: MacKie, E., Millstein, J., and Serafin, K.: Extreme value theory reveals massive Antarctic iceberg calving events may not be primarily climate-driven, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14510,, 2025.

Land-terminating glacier surges begin at the upstream region, followed by the flow acceleration propagating downward. However, marine-terminating glacier surges in Svalbard may be triggered by frontal thinning and retreat, indicating different driving factors of surge initiation from land-terminating glaciers. Here, we present detailed observations of glacier surface elevations for two marine-terminating glaciers, Wahlenbergbreen and Negribreen, and characterize the evolution from frontal thinning to glacier-wide surges. Wahlenbergbreen and Negribreen entered an active surge phase in 2016 and 2017, respectively, with a surface elevation drop of ~60 m at their thinning centers. Interestingly, our analysis using the ArcticDEM strip data reveals that the intensive frontal thinning took place three years before the active surge phase. The centers of frontal thinning then gradually shifted upstream at a rate of 2-3 km/yr during the following three years until the glacier-wide surges occurred. Based on these observations, we propose a physical framework for surge initiation due to ocean-induced thinning. This thinning signal can kinematically propagate inland, increase the surface slope and driving stress until a certain threshold is achieved, and finally accelerate the entire glacier with an inefficient subglacial drainage system. This proposed mechanism can contribute to surge initiation with other driving factors, such as excessive meltwater supply to the bed. A region-wide survey for this surge precursor (inland thinning propagation at the glacier front) is now being planned to answer whether all marine-terminating glacier surges in Svalbard have a terminus origin and whether these surge events are fundamentally different from land-terminating glacier surges driven by thickened upstream bulges.

How to cite: Zheng, W.: Upward thinning propagation as a surge precursor of marine-terminating glaciers in Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14750,, 2025.

EGU25-15490 | Posters on site | CR2.4

A phase-field description of crevasse growth: comparison of elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt models for ice 

Kristin Houdyshell, Lars Hansen, and Meghana Ranganathan

Uncertainty in the rate and extent of ice lost from Antarctica and Greenland is the largest source of uncertainty in predicting global sea-level rise, largely due to a poor understanding of the mechanisms governing iceberg calving. Ice-shelf fracture models are typically estimated using a linear elastic model for ice. However, ice exhibits both elastic and viscous behavior in response to a load. This is evidenced by the observation that fractures within glaciers reduce their ability to support a load, resulting in accelerated ice flow downstream. 

To examine the coupling between the flow response of ice and crevasse growth, we use a phase-field description of ice fracture to compare crevasse propagation rates. We examine fracture rates amongst a linearly elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt model of ice during deformation. We impose Robin boundary conditions for a fixed ice-shelf with constant rates of strain downstream and further compare two domains, in which the ice-shelf is either being longitudinally stretched from upstream flow or vertically bent due to tidal forcing. From these numerical experiments, we find that both a Maxwell and Kelvin-Voigt model for ice reduce the rate of crevasse propagation as compared to a linearly elastic model. This implies that crystal plastic processes relax stress around crevasses and therefore controls the rate of crack growth in ice-shelves. The results of crevasse evolution, as governed by elastic and viscoelastic end-member cases, indicate that the viscous response of ice plays a significant role in crack propagation—highlighting the importance of incorporating descriptions of crystal plasticity in predictions of crevasse development.

How to cite: Houdyshell, K., Hansen, L., and Ranganathan, M.: A phase-field description of crevasse growth: comparison of elastic, Maxwell, and Kelvin-Voigt models for ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15490,, 2025.

EGU25-15533 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

 The impact of ice mélange dynamics on the calving of two major Greenland tidewater glaciers, Helheim and Nunatakassaap Sermia 

Tobias Socher, Anders Bjørk, Jonas Andersen, and Anne Solgaard

Ice mélange, a mixture of icebergs and sea ice located in front of tidewater glaciers usually terminating in relatively narrow fjords, is believed to impact the calving dynamics of said glaciers through buttressing force and to alter the fjord circulation through freshwater fluxes. Still, given its potential impact on sea level rise, research concerned with the influence of the mélange is scarce. This study seeks to clarify its’ effect on calving dynamics based on remote sensing data for the two fast flowing Greenland outlets Helheim Gletsjer (East Greenland) and Nunatakassaap Sermia (Alison Glacier, West Greenland).

To achieve this Sentinel-1 radar and Sentinel-2 optical images are combined to retrieve an intra-seasonal timeseries of ice mélange dynamics before the relationship between a shrinking/growing ice mélange and calving dynamics is analyzed. To further aid the interpretation of ice mélange composition, the radar images with mélange matrix are studied based on their statistical variations in pixel intensity. The detection of calving events’ and upper bounds for their respective size is based on the dataset of outlet glacier terminus position traces AutoTerm (Zhang et al., 2023) as well as near-terminus velocity mosaics from the ITS_LIVE dataset (Gardner et al., 2018). Finally, to investigate the impact of the mélange and of related driving mechanisms on calving dynamics for Helheim Gletsjer and Nunatakassaap Sermia, the resulting timeseries of mélange dynamics and calving event characterization are combined with datasets of sea surface temperature, surface temperature, glacier ice velocity, etc.

How to cite: Socher, T., Bjørk, A., Andersen, J., and Solgaard, A.:  The impact of ice mélange dynamics on the calving of two major Greenland tidewater glaciers, Helheim and Nunatakassaap Sermia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15533,, 2025.

EGU25-15857 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.4

Disentangling temporal and spatial calving dynamics using a multisensor approach 

Andrea Kneib-Walter, Armin Dachauer, Dominik Gräff, Antonin Salamin, Sebastian H.R. Rosier, Emanuele Marchetti, Ethan Welty, Brad Liposky, Fabian Walter, and Andreas Vieli

Mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet is a major contributor to sea level rise, driven primarily by increased surface melting and dynamic mass loss. Tidewater glaciers, which extend from the ice sheet to terminate in fjords, drive dynamic mass loss through frontal ablation at their termini by calving and oceanic melt. Calving rates and style vary substantially over time and between individual glaciers, making general parameterizations difficult. Capturing spatially and temporally high-resolution observations of calving is particularly challenging due to the harsh and remote environment. This limits our understanding of this critical process and reduces our ability to accurately predict the future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

Here, we present a unique in-situ dataset comprising terrestrial radar interferometry (TRI) acquisitions, time-lapse imagery, seismic measurements, infrasound recordings, wave height data, fiber-optic cable measurements and manual observations. While each technique has its own temporal or spatial limitations, their integration offers a comprehensive perspective on the calving process at the tidewater glacier Eqalorutsit Kangilliit Sermiat (EKaS) in South Greenland. The simultaneous recording, co-detection and subsequent synthesis of these diverse multi-week to annual datasets overcome current observational constraints, providing crucial insights into calving dynamics. These novel observations are critical for understanding and predicting the role of calving in the mass loss of the Greenland Ice Sheet.

How to cite: Kneib-Walter, A., Dachauer, A., Gräff, D., Salamin, A., Rosier, S. H. R., Marchetti, E., Welty, E., Liposky, B., Walter, F., and Vieli, A.: Disentangling temporal and spatial calving dynamics using a multisensor approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15857,, 2025.

During the GEOEO North of Greenland expedition with Swedish Icebreaker Oden in the summer of 2024, radio-echo sounding (RES) campaigns were undertaken at CH Ostenfeld, Ryder and Petermann glaciers. The CH Ostenfeld RES survey focused on the ice trunk upstream of the current calving front, which has been the glacier’s terminus since the collapse of CH Ostenfeld’s floating tongue in 2002/2003. At Ryder and Petermann glaciers, less extensive RES surveys were focused on the grounding zones areas, covering both the grounded ice and the floating ice tongues. Ryder Glacier’s grounding line has recently retreated across the fjord unevenly, with observed retreat of c. 8 km in the north-eastern part and less than 2 km in the south-western section (Millan et al., 2023). Millan et al. (2023) also report cumulative mass loss at Ryder Glacier during 2000-2021 as c. 55 Gt, dominated by basal melt (c. 46 Gt) likely driven by the presence of warm Atlantic water, followed by surface melt, runoff and calving (Box et al., 2022; Slater and Straneo, 2022).

Here, we present an overview of the data acquisition campaign at Ryder Glacier, as well as radargrams from the survey lines. The radargrams show evidence of a sub-ice shelf structure interpreted to represent a sub-ice shelf melt channel. Evidence for it is visible in the radargrams at four instances (across various survey lines) along a 22 km quasi-flowline of Ryder Glacier’s tongue. Between the farthest upstream and farthest downstream location, the channel width increases from c. 500 m to c. 2 km, while channel depth ranges between c. 100 and 400 m. At the farthest downstream location, the sub-ice shelf melt channel seems moreover to be co-located with a supraglacial melt channel clearly identifiable from satellite imagery.  The suspected sub-ice shelf melt channel is also coincident with the region of largest grounding line retreat. At present, the most recent mapped grounding line of Ryder Glacier is from 2020, but work is ongoing to retrieve the 2024 grounding line to enable evaluation of the significance of the new RES observations. Better understanding of the spatio-temporality of basal melt and its implications for grounding line retreat and ice dynamics is important for assessing the future behaviour of Ryder Glacier.


Box, J. E., Hubbard, A., Bahr, D. B., Colgan, W. T., Fettweis, X., Mankoff, K. D., Wehrlé, A., Noël, B., van den Broeke, M. R., Wouters, B., Bjørk, A. A., and Fausto, R. S. 2022.  Greenland ice sheet climate disequilibrium and committed sea-level rise, Nature Climate Change, 12,;

Millan, R., Jager, E., Mouginot, J. et al. 2023.  Rapid disintegration and weakening of ice shelves in North Greenland. Nat Commun 14, 6914.

Slater, D. A. and Straneo, F. 2022. Submarine melting of glaciers in Greenland amplified by atmospheric warming, Nature Geoscience, 15,

How to cite: Kirchner, N., Wang, Z., Jakobsson, M., and Ross, N.: Recent rapid grounding line retreat at Ryder Glacier focused around a sub-ice shelf melt channel: first indications from airborne radio-echo sounding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16192,, 2025.

A reduction in sea ice extent and increasing temperatures have been linked to enhancement and shallowing of warm Atlantic Water (AW) advection into Isfjorden, a fjord on the west coast of Svalbard (Skogseth et al., 2020). With warming AW (Walczowski et al., 2017), there is an increased interest in how this affects the stability of marine-terminating glaciers (MTGs) (Skogseth et al., 2020), as an increase in water temperatures could lead to enhancing melt rates and therefore a destabilisation of MTGs (Luckman et al., 2015). Usually, sills protect the MTGs by blocking the pathway of AW into the fjord, however, with a shallowing of AW it can enter the fjord more easily. A better understanding of the circulation in fjords with MTGs is crucial in quantifying the effect of enhancement and shallowing of AW on MTGs.

In June 2023, data were collected aboard the RV Hanna Resvoll to measure temperature, salinity, turbulent kinetic energy dissipation, and velocities across the glacier front. High-resolution data were obtained using a Microstructure Profiler and a vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP). Two moorings were deployed to capture flow across the fjord sill.

A general-purpose hydrodynamic model (MITgcm) is used to investigate sensitivity of glacial melt to varying combinations of the inflowing water temperature, the depth of maximum temperature, tidal flows and sub-glacial discharge rate. The model was configured using realistic bathymetry from multibeam surveys on a 50m x 50m horizontal grid with 2m resolution in the vertical. Realistic tides were forced at the seaward boundary, the "iceplume" package (Cowton et al., 2015) was used to simulate glacial melt and sub-glacial discharge at the glacial terminus. The model is initialised and validated with the independent observational data set as described above. Additionally, simulations explore the combined impact of a deepening and warming AW layer, along with increased subglacial discharge plume.

These results provide critical insights into the future stability of MTGs in a warming climate and offer a more comprehensive understanding of how shifts in fjord circulation could enhance melt rates and further destabilize glacier fronts.

How to cite: Riehn, L., Skogseth, R., Frank, N., and Inall, M.: Impact of Atlantic Water and Subglacial Discharge on Marine-Terminating Glaciers: Insights from Field Observations and Numerical Modeling in Tempelfjorden, Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18299,, 2025.

EGU25-18654 | Posters on site | CR2.4

Yearly evolution of Basal Terraces at Ekström Ice Shelf (East Antarctica) 

Reinhard Drews, Rebecca Schlegel, Olaf Eisen, Oraschewski Falk, Inka Koch, Reza Ershadi, Johannes Noll, and Sylvia Köppe

Basal terraces are characteristic stepped features with steep, near-vertical walls which are interspersed by smooth horizontal sections. They occur beneath many Antarctic ice shelves and their genesis has been linked to stable ocean stratification beneath the horizontal sections which ceases near the walls where ocean-induced melt rates intensify. However, how terraces initially form and how they evolve over time is poorly observed and understood. Here, we present temporal changes in basal topography from densely spaced GPR profiles imaging the 3D structure of a basal terrace field on Ekström ice shelf in East in 2021/22 and 2022/23. Many features can be traced coherently across time and the majority of the structures advected with ice flow, with the exception of some local modifications near some walls. A concurrent year-long time series of an ApRES situated above one of those terraces shows moderate melt rates comparable to the ice-shelf wide magnitudes, confirming previous assertions that melt rates at the terraces are low. Imaging of the 3D structure of the basal terraces now enables us to identify off-angle reflections in the ApRES time series and thus quantify if localized horizontal melting at the walls can be detected.

How to cite: Drews, R., Schlegel, R., Eisen, O., Falk, O., Koch, I., Ershadi, R., Noll, J., and Köppe, S.: Yearly evolution of Basal Terraces at Ekström Ice Shelf (East Antarctica), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18654,, 2025.

EGU25-18682 | ECS | Orals | CR2.4

Projecting the retreat of Narsap Sermia using a minimum observational inputs approach 

George White, James Lea, and Stephen Brough

Mass loss from marine terminating glaciers in Greenland is often simulated using physically-based models driven by multiple parameters such as atmospheric forcing, submarine melt, fjord topography and iceberg calving, each of which carry their own uncertainties. While these models may perform well, they are time intensive to set up, calibrate and validate, and the development of simpler though potentially informative observationally-based models has received less attention.

In this study, we develop a simple observationally derived approach to hindcast and project the future behaviour of Narsap Sermia, a marine-terminating glacier in Nuuk Fjord, south-west Greenland. This glacier has experienced significant retreat (~3.5km) between 2014 and 2024 and is approaching a significant overdeepening located ~7.5km from its current terminus position. Once it reaches this overdeepening, it has the potential to rapidly destabilise, with the next likely stable topographic configuration located ~21km further up-glacier. This will have implications for the safety of local and tourist activities and the operation of Greenland’s largest port at nearby Nuuk.

To achieve this, we have constrained terminus behaviour under different fjord conditions through analysis of terminus positions from satellite imagery. The link between terminus migration and fjord conditions has been compared with varying potential drivers (e.g. runoff, fjord surface temperature and air temperature), and is found to be most closely linked to the presence or absence of a proglacial ice mélange which in turn is linked to cumulative positive and negative degree days. Using calculated degree day thresholds, the model estimates dates of mélange formation and break-up, driving changes in the pattern of terminus migration by switching between observationally derived values of terminus change for rigid mélange and open water conditions. The model reproduces terminus migration at Narsap Sermia over the 2014-2024 period, achieving a mean absolute deviation of 243m for the entire period of observed retreat. Assuming current calving behaviour continues, we are able to project future mélange behaviour and terminus migration using bias corrected CMIP6 2m air temperature data for three climate scenarios. We use this approach to explore a range of scenarios projecting when Narsap Sermia will reach the overdeepening.

How to cite: White, G., Lea, J., and Brough, S.: Projecting the retreat of Narsap Sermia using a minimum observational inputs approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18682,, 2025.

EGU25-306 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

Basal Channels on Pine Island Glacier with CryoSat-2: their formation, melt evolution and impact on buttressing. 

Katie Lowery, Pierre Dutrieux, Paul Holland, Anna Hogg, Noel Gourmelen, and Benjamin Wallis

Ice shelves buttress the grounded ice sheet, slowing its flow into the ocean. Mass loss from these ice shelves occurs primarily through ocean-induced basal melting, with the highest melt rates concentrated within basal channels—elongated, kilometre-wide zones of relatively thinner ice. While some models suggest that basal channels could mitigate overall ice shelf melt rates, channels have also been linked to basal and surface crevassing, leaving their cumulative impact on ice shelf stability a topic of ongoing debate. However, due to their relatively small spatial scale and the limitations of previous satellite datasets, our understanding of how channelised melting evolves over time remains limited.

In this study, we present a novel approach to integrate CryoSat-2 radar altimetry data to calculate ice shelf basal melt rates, demonstrated here as a case study over Pine Island Glacier (PIG) ice shelf. Our method generates monthly Digital Elevation Models and melt maps with a 250m spatial resolution. Using these data, we show that near the grounding line basal melting preferentially melts the channels western flank 50% more than its eastern flank. We also find that the main channelised geometries on PIG are inherited from upstream of the grounding line and that channels play a role in forming ice shelf pinning points, potentially impacting the stability of the ice shelf. These observations further highlight the impact of channelised melting under ice shelves, emphasising the need to investigate them further and to consider their impacts on datasets and models that do not resolve them.

How to cite: Lowery, K., Dutrieux, P., Holland, P., Hogg, A., Gourmelen, N., and Wallis, B.: Basal Channels on Pine Island Glacier with CryoSat-2: their formation, melt evolution and impact on buttressing., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-306,, 2025.

EGU25-325 | Orals | CR2.5

The Development of the Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0) 

Chengyan Liu, Zhaomin wang, Xianxian Han, Hengling Leng, and Chen Cheng

Modeling of the interactions between the Southern Ocean, sea ice, and ice shelves can provide insights into understanding the future sea level rising and climate changes, yet the interactions in the Southern Ocean are complex due to the coupled ocean-sea ice-ice shelf system. Considering the complexity of the Southern Ocean, the development of a high-resolution coupled circumpolar ocean-sea ice-ice shelf model could provide insights into the complex processes in the Southern Ocean. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm), including a sea ice component and an ice shelf component, has been applied to the Southern Ocean to derive estimates of the oceanic state, sea ice evolution, and ice shelf basal fluxes. This Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0) uses version c66m of the MITgcm, and the ocean, sea ice, and ice shelf components share the same horizontal grid layout (the Arakawa C grid). The sea ice model in the MITgcm is a viscous-plastic dynamic and zero-layer thermodynamic model, with the so-called zero-layer thermodynamics assuming one layer of ice underneath one layer of snow. The ice-shelf model is used to represent the static and thermodynamically active ice shelves located in the south of the model domain. In this study, the configuration of SOSIM v1.0 is documented, and the simulated features from SOSIM v1.0 are evaluated.

How to cite: Liu, C., wang, Z., Han, X., Leng, H., and Cheng, C.: The Development of the Coupled Southern Ocean-Sea Ice-Ice Shelf Model (SOSIM v1.0), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-325,, 2025.

EGU25-2179 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

Seasonal and interannual variability of freshwater sources for Greenland's fjords 

Anneke Vries, Willem Jan van de Berg, Brice Noël, Lorenz Meire, and Michiel van den Broeke

Freshwater fluxes entering fjords are important for ice-ocean interactions,  circulation in Greenland's fjords, and the use of freshwater forcing in ocean modelling. We study the timing, source type, and magnitude of freshwater fluxes and their temporal and spatial variability using statistically downscaled output from regional climate models for the mass fluxes, process-based estimates of basal melt and observational data for solid ice discharge. For seven climatologically distinct regions, we estimate the absolute and relative contribution of runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet, ice caps, and tundra, solid ice discharge and precipitation directly falling into fjords between 1940 and 2023. The relative contribution of freshwater sources varies between months and regions, with distinct differences between the runoff-dominated southwest, and the solid-ice-discharge-dominated southeast. 

How to cite: Vries, A., van de Berg, W. J., Noël, B., Meire, L., and van den Broeke, M.: Seasonal and interannual variability of freshwater sources for Greenland's fjords, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2179,, 2025.

EGU25-3758 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

Drivers of glacial fjord-shelf temperature differences in the reduced-physics model FjordRPM 

Martim Mas e Braga, Tom Cowton, Donald Slater, Mark Inall, Eleanor Johnstone, and Neil Fraser

Greenland fjords connect and modulate exchanges between its outlet glaciers and the open ocean. Subglacial meltwater and icebergs discharged from the ice sheet cause convection and mixing inside the fjord, upwelling warmer waters from depth and cooling down the upper layers. As a result of these processes, the water temperatures that effectively melt outlet-glacier termini are different than what is observed close to the fjord mouths and on the continental shelf. Data coverage to study such processes, however, is limited in both space and time, and a Greenland-wide assessment of fjord behaviour using general circulation models is computationally prohibitive. To tackle these issues, we use the Fjord Reduced-Physics Model (FjordRPM) to simulate 37 fjords around Greenland forced by available observations between 2016 and 2020. Its low computational cost enables large-ensemble analyses (i.e., 27000 simulations in total for this study) to explore the effects of icebergs, exchanges between the fjord and the continental shelf, and meltwater plumes.


We show that, while fjords cool down at the surface under increased icebergs, the effect of fjord-shelf exchanges and the meltwater plume are less straightforward. The depth where the plume reaches neutral buoyancy will determine which water masses are mixed, which might either warm or cool the fjord. The intensity of exchanges between the fjord and the shelf will affect the fjord stratification, therefore affecting the plume’s role in mixing water masses and homogenising the water column. Finally, we match our simulations to available observations to find the best-fitting model parameters, and highlight that, although there is a high variability in the best-fit model parameters between fjords and between years for a given fjord, values for the model parameters tested follow known statistical distributions, which can be used to refine prescribed model-parameter ranges. Although fjord systems are highly complex and the effects of different processes are not linear, a reduced-physics model can elucidate how fjords modulate ice-sheet-ocean exchanges at a Greenland-wide scale, provided observations are available to force the model.

How to cite: Mas e Braga, M., Cowton, T., Slater, D., Inall, M., Johnstone, E., and Fraser, N.: Drivers of glacial fjord-shelf temperature differences in the reduced-physics model FjordRPM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3758,, 2025.

EGU25-4501 | Orals | CR2.5

What is happening in the Ross Sea?  

Alessandro Silvano, Pasquale Castagno, and Sohey Nihashi
The Ross Sea has been freshening for the last > 60 years, likely driven by increased melting of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. This freshening has caused a decrease in the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water and reduced abyssal ventilation. However, over the past years there has been a reversal of this trend. This unexpected change challenges our understanding of the Ross Sea, questioning 1) whether the freshening will resume in coming years and 2) what the drivers of salinity variability are. Here we combine modelling, in situ and satellite observations to show the role of different freshwater sources in explaining seasonal to multidecadal salinity variability. We conclude by suggesting possible future directions for better understanding the Ross Sea and how it might change in a warming world.

    How to cite: Silvano, A., Castagno, P., and Nihashi, S.: What is happening in the Ross Sea? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4501,, 2025.

    EGU25-5701 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Future Freshwater Fluxes From the Antarctic Ice Sheet 

    Violaine Coulon, Jan De Rydt, Thomas Gregov, Qing Qin, and Frank Pattyn

    Surface freshening of the Southern Ocean driven by meltwater discharge from the Antarctic ice sheet has been shown to influence global climate dynamics. However, most climate models fail to account for spatially and temporally varying freshwater inputs from ice sheets, introducing significant uncertainty into climate projections. We present the first historically calibrated projections of Antarctic freshwater fluxes (sub-shelf melting, calving, and surface meltwater runoff) to 2300 that can be used to force climate models lacking interactive ice sheets. Our findings indicate substantial changes in the magnitude and partitioning of Antarctic freshwater discharge over the coming decades and centuries, particularly under very-high warming scenarios, driven by the progressive collapse of the West Antarctic ice shelves. We project a shift in the form and location of Antarctic freshwater sources, as liquid sub-shelf melting increases under the two climate scenarios considered, and surface meltwater runoff could potentially become a dominant contributor under extreme atmospheric warming.

    How to cite: Coulon, V., De Rydt, J., Gregov, T., Qin, Q., and Pattyn, F.: Future Freshwater Fluxes From the Antarctic Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5701,, 2025.

    EGU25-6042 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Sub-Antarctic fjord circulation and associated larval retention in a changing climate 

    Joanna Zanker, Emma Young, Paul Brickle, and Ivan Haigh

    Climate change is impacting high-latitude fjord circulation with consequences for the transport of marine biota essential for supporting local ecosystems. Currently, little is understood about oceanographic variability in sub-Antarctic island fjords such as Cumberland Bay, the largest fjord on the island of South Georgia in the Southern Ocean. Cumberland Bay is split into two arms, West Bay and East Bay, and is a key spawning site for the ecologically and commercially important mackerel icefish. Through the use of a high-resolution three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, the seasonal cycle in Cumberland Bay is found to be driven by a combination of boundary forcing influencing shelf exchange and deep inflow, atmospheric forcing influencing near surface temperatures and flows and freshwater forcing via subglacial discharge driving upwelling and strong outflowThere is a complex three-dimensional flow structure with a high degree of variability on short timescales due to wind forcing. Using model flow fields to drive an individual-based model parameterised for larvae of the ecologically and commercially important mackerel icefish spawned in Cumberland Bay, we identify West Bay as a key retention zone. Successful retention of mackerel icefish larvae is found to be sensitive complex circulation patterns driven by winds, freshwater and fjord-shelf exchanges and to changes in physical processes linked to climate change such as meltwater runoff and föhn wind events. This study highlights the importance of oceanographic variability in influencing ecological processes in fjords in our changing climate.

    How to cite: Zanker, J., Young, E., Brickle, P., and Haigh, I.: Sub-Antarctic fjord circulation and associated larval retention in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6042,, 2025.

    EGU25-6688 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    On the forces at play during kilometer-scale iceberg calving: insight from numerical simulations 

    Nicolas De Pinho Dias, Justin C. Burton, Alban Leroyer, Anne Mangeney, and Olivier Castelnau

    Iceberg calving is a complex process often followed by the capsize of the newborn iceberg because of the torque created by the buoyancy and gravity forces. In the case of kilometer-scale icebergs, calving/capsize events can trigger seismic waves (glacial earthquakes) recorded hundreds of kilometers away by global seismic networks. These recordings contain information on the seismic source such as the calved-iceberg volume as well as the contact force applied by the iceberg on the glacier, the glacier dynamical response but also water waves and flow following the capsize.

    To obtain an accurate estimation of the iceberg volume, it is necessary to couple seismic inversion of glacial earthquakes with numerical modeling of the capsize [Sergeant 2019]. Therefore, based on our previous work, we use a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to simulate the fluid-structure interaction between the ocean and an iceberg capsizing against a glacier terminus. The model reproduces with great accuracy lab experiments (rotation kinematics, effect of calving type, hydrodynamic pressure, etc).

    In this talk, we will focus on field-scale simulations. We will show that the forces applied on the glacier terminus due to the hydrodynamic pressure and to the iceberg-glacier contact appear to have similar amplitudes, are of opposite signs, and depend on the iceberg geometry. We also give a first estimation of the glacier deformation under the action of these forces. Our CFD simulations make it possible to compute the water velocity field in which values exceed 10 m/s close to the 200-meters-high-iceberg capsize.

    Sergeant, A. et al. (2019) ‘Monitoring Greenland ice sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes’, Annals of Glaciology, 60(79), pp. 75–95. doi:10.1017/aog.2019.7.

    How to cite: De Pinho Dias, N., C. Burton, J., Leroyer, A., Mangeney, A., and Castelnau, O.: On the forces at play during kilometer-scale iceberg calving: insight from numerical simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6688,, 2025.

    EGU25-7100 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Modelled centennial ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea driven by thermodynamic atmospheric changes, not winds 

    Katherine Turner, Kaitlin Naughten, Paul Holland, and Alberto Naveira Garabato

    Increased ice loss from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a significant role in determining future sea level rise. Much of this loss originates from within the Amundsen Sea sector, where the floating components of ice sheets, the ice shelves, are expected to melt more rapidly over the coming century. This increased melting is caused by warm waters entering the continental shelf and melting these ice shelves from below. While models project an increase in ocean warming over the coming century, the causes behind this warming are little understood. In this study, we untangle how climate change will affect ocean warming in the future by comparing ocean warming under high emissions to pre-industrial simulations. An anthropogenic signal in ocean warming first emerges between 2013 and 2018 in the simulations and continues to strengthen under high emissions forcing. We then compare the effects of stronger winds shifted southwards (wind forcing) against the impacts of a warmer, wetter atmosphere (thermodynamic forcing). We find that the thermodynamic changes are primarily responsible for the predicted Amundsen Sea warming. Under a warmer and wetter climate, the ice shelves experience an increase in the poleward flow of warmer waters at depth, leading to more melting.

    How to cite: Turner, K., Naughten, K., Holland, P., and Naveira Garabato, A.: Modelled centennial ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea driven by thermodynamic atmospheric changes, not winds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7100,, 2025.

    EGU25-7173 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Effects of Ambient Currents  on  Melting at the Grounding Line  

    Mainak Mondal, David M. Holland, Keith W. Nicholls, and Paul R. Holland

    The stability of marine-terminating glaciers at the grounding line is critical for understanding the future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and its contribution to sea-level rise. While warm water intrusions are well-known drivers of ice-shelf melting, the role of shore-parallel ambient currents remains underexplored. Using a high-resolution, idealized MITgcm setup, we model a grounding zone cavity to investigate how along-shelf ambient currents influence circulation and melting patterns. Our results reveal that even modest ambient currents disrupt classical buoyancy-driven circulation by introducing Ekman layers and geostrophic flows that redistribute heat and salt. Positive along-shelf gradients amplify melting throughout the cavity, while negative gradients reduce melt rates, except near the grounding line. This dynamic interplay between ice-shelf and ambient currents significantly influences melt patterns and grounding-line stability. These findings emphasize the necessity of incorporating realistic three-dimensional ocean dynamics, including tides and residual circulation, into grounding-zone models. By linking shore-parallel flows, tides, and stratified ocean dynamics with melting processes, this study provides new insights into the retreat of Thwaites Glacier and underscores the critical role of small-scale ocean variability in ice-ocean interactions.

    How to cite: Mondal, M., Holland, D. M., Nicholls, K. W., and Holland, P. R.: Effects of Ambient Currents  on  Melting at the Grounding Line , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7173,, 2025.

    EGU25-7295 | Orals | CR2.5

    Insights from Sediment Export Variability in Three Glacier-Fed Fjords in Disko Bay Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) 

    Ian Delaney, Marjolein Gevers, Faye Perchanok, Michael Bollen, Ethan Pierce, Julia Wellner, Samuel Toucanne, Paul Liu, Irina Overeem, Brahimsamba Bomou, Brandee Carlson, and Samuel Jaccard

    The Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) is undergoing accelerated melt and dynamic shifts that influence sediment export, with critical implications for regional biogeochemical cycles and cryospheric processes. However, direct observations of sediment export variability remain limited. To address this gap, we analyzed sediment cores from three glacier-fed fjords in Disko Bay, encompassing diverse catchment areas and glacier dynamics. The spatial extent of sediment packages and ice-rafted debris (IRD) within the cores was assessed, alongside decadal-scale sedimentation rates. These rates were integrated with sedimentary facies analyses and subbottom profiling.

    By examining sedimentation rate variations with respect to glacier retreat histories, velocity data, and meltwater flux estimates, we identify contrasting behavior in sediment export amongst the fjords and catchments. The findings highlight the differential roles of glacier dynamics, catchment size, land or marine-terminating glacier fjord type, and meltwater contributions in modulating sedimentation patterns. Furthermore, several hyperpycnal deposits are present that could be the result of glacier outburst floods. We discuss their potential role in supplying sediment to the fjord and the challenges they introduce when trying to establish climate effects. This study underscores the importance of sediment production and mobilization processes from the GrIS and emphasizes the need for regional sediment export assessments to refine predictions of future discharge scenarios.

    These results link sedimentary processes to ice sheet dynamics, offering a framework to evaluate processes controlling sediment fluxes in response to ongoing ice sheet retreat and climate change.

    How to cite: Delaney, I., Gevers, M., Perchanok, F., Bollen, M., Pierce, E., Wellner, J., Toucanne, S., Liu, P., Overeem, I., Bomou, B., Carlson, B., and Jaccard, S.: Insights from Sediment Export Variability in Three Glacier-Fed Fjords in Disko Bay Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7295,, 2025.

    EGU25-9654 | Orals | CR2.5

    Efficient simulation of glacial fjord dynamics using a new reduced physics model (FjordRPM) 

    Donald Slater, Eleanor Johnstone, Martim Mas e Braga, Neil Fraser, Tom Cowton, and Mark Inall

    Interactions between ice masses and the ocean are key couplings in the global climate system. In many cases these interactions occur through glacial fjords, which are long, deep, and narrow troughs connecting the open ocean to marine-terminating glaciers. By controlling the fluxes of ocean heat towards the ice sheet and ice sheet freshwater towards the ocean, glacial fjords play an important role in modulating ice sheet mass loss and the impacts of freshwater on ocean circulation. Yet, these dynamics occur at small scales that are challenging to resolve in earth system models and so are they often ignored, represented in an ad-hoc manner, or studied using expensive high-resolution models that are limited in scope.

    Here, we propose a means of capturing glacial fjord dynamics at negligible computational expense in the form of a new "reduced physics" model (FjordRPM) that resembles a "1.5-dimensional" or box model. We describe the make-up of the model and show that it accurately captures glacial fjord circulation when compared with simulations in a full general circulation model (MITgcm). We conclude by considering applications for the model, including furthering the understanding of fjord circulation, the production of ocean temperature boundary conditions for ice sheet models and freshwater boundary conditions for ocean models, and the potential to act as a bridge between ice sheet and ocean in earth system models.

    How to cite: Slater, D., Johnstone, E., Mas e Braga, M., Fraser, N., Cowton, T., and Inall, M.: Efficient simulation of glacial fjord dynamics using a new reduced physics model (FjordRPM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9654,, 2025.

    EGU25-9797 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Mapping Subglacial Discharge Plumes and Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentrations in South Greenland Fjords 

    Anna Kirk Deichmann, Anders Anker Bjørk, and Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson

    The interface between marine-terminating glaciers and fjord waters is a key part of the Greenland cryosphere and marine systems. The discharge of glacial meltwater interacts with fjord conditions by affecting water circulation, heat budget and ecosystem dynamics. Sediment-laden plumes are clear visual evidence of this interaction. The plumes occur when meltwater from a marine-terminating glacier is discharged into a fjord at depth. The meltwater then forms buoyant, sediment-laden plumes that reach the fjord water surface, making them detectable by satellite. Although the presence of plumes is well-documented, direct observational evidence is sparse, and only a few in-situ observations exist. More observations are needed to improve our understanding of the driving mechanisms of the plumes, including their spatiotemporal extent.

    In this study, we apply Random Forest Classification to high-resolution optical imagery from Sentinel-2 to automatically map the extent of the plumes in front of glaciers in South Greenland. Based on surface reflectance, we estimate the suspended sediment concentration in the plumes, and we assess the performance of Random Forest compared to more commonly used regression methods.

    Our results provide the basis for future work of constructing a comprehensive dataset of subglacial discharge plumes and sediment concentration for all marine-terminating glaciers across Greenland, offering new insights into their extent and properties.

    How to cite: Deichmann, A. K., Bjørk, A. A., and Karlsson, N. B.: Mapping Subglacial Discharge Plumes and Estimating Suspended Sediment Concentrations in South Greenland Fjords, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9797,, 2025.

    EGU25-10170 | Orals | CR2.5

    Unique In-situ Measurements from Greenland Fjord Show Winter Freshening by Subglacial Melt 

    Nanna Bjørnholt Karlsson, Karina Hansen, Penelope How, Ebbe Poulsen, John Mortensen, and Søren Rysgaard

    The interaction between glacier fronts and ocean waters is one of the key uncertainties for projecting future ice mass loss. Direct observations at glacier fronts are sparse, but studies indicate that the magnitude and timing of freshwater fluxes are crucial in determining fjord circulation, ice frontal melt and ecosystem habitability. In particular, wintertime dynamics are severely understudied due to inaccessible conditions, leading to a bias towards summer observations.

    Using a novel uncrewed aerial vehicle, we conducted multiple measurements in late winter in South Greenland. Here, we present our in-situ observations of temperature and salinity acquired at the front of a marine-terminating glacier and in surrounding fjords. Our observations indicate the existence of an anomalously fresh pool of water by the glacier front, suggesting that meltwater generated at the bed of the glacier discharges during winter. The results suggest that during winter, warm Atlantic water and nutrients are entrained at the glacier front, leading to enhanced frontal melt and increased nutrient levels. Our findings have implications for understanding the heat exchange between glacier fronts and ocean waters, glacier frontal melt rates, ocean mixing and currents, and biological production.

    How to cite: Karlsson, N. B., Hansen, K., How, P., Poulsen, E., Mortensen, J., and Rysgaard, S.: Unique In-situ Measurements from Greenland Fjord Show Winter Freshening by Subglacial Melt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10170,, 2025.

    EGU25-11117 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Unveiling the 3-dimensional fjord water circulation from iceberg tracking at a calving glacier in Greenland 

    Andrea Kneib-Walter, Donald Slater, Armin Dachauer, and Andreas Vieli

    Processes at the ice-ocean boundary are key in driving the rapid mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet. However, quantifying and understanding these processes remains challenging, particularly those occurring at the ice terminus beneath the fjord's water surface. Critical mechanisms include the melting of the submerged ice front by ocean water (oceanic melt), which influences the geometry of the glacier terminus and thus the glacier mass loss, and the outflow of subglacial meltwater. Subglacial meltwater can enforce a circulation cell within the fjord, drawing warm ocean water at depth towards the glacier front and enhancing oceanic melt. This circulation generates highly variable and opposing currents across different depths and over time. The harsh and highly dynamic environment makes direct observation and quantification of these circulations extremely difficult. Consequently, our understanding of key mechanisms is limited, restricting our ability to predict the future behaviour of the Greenland ice sheet. To bridge this knowledge gap, more comprehensive observations of circulation patterns near the calving front are crucial to improve our knowledge about the processes in the fjords.

    This study exploits a unique time-series of terrestrial radar interferometry (TRI) acquisitions, complemented by fjord measurements, to investigate the tidewater outlet glacier Eqalorutsit Kangilliit Sermiat (EKaS) in South Greenland. A novel approach is applied to this dataset for inferring three-dimensional underwater fjord circulation with high temporal (minute-scale) and spatial (meter-scale) resolution over continuous periods lasting several weeks. An automated iceberg tracking method is employed to analyse the movement of icebergs of various sizes within the approximately 300 m deep fjord over time. TRI-derived elevation models are used to determine the above-water shapes of icebergs and estimate their submerged draft below the waterline. By linking the movements of icebergs with their draft, this study is able to extract the general water circulation patterns in the fjord at different depths, as icebergs of varying sizes are influenced by currents at distinct water layers. These findings are combined with fjord stratification data obtained from CTD profiles, providing a comprehensive understanding of the fjord's circulation dynamics.

    The results of the inverted fjord circulation can later be compared with modelled fjord water circulation and combined with observations of glacier dynamics and calving derived from TRI acquisitions to obtain a comprehensive image of the “hidden” interplay between glacier and fjord circulation acting below the waterline. The findings are essential for understanding and predicting the role of oceanic forcing for the Greenland ice sheet mass loss and for assessing the implications for biodiversity within fjords in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Kneib-Walter, A., Slater, D., Dachauer, A., and Vieli, A.: Unveiling the 3-dimensional fjord water circulation from iceberg tracking at a calving glacier in Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11117,, 2025.

    Models are reported to overestimate basal melting under warm water ice shelves. Hence, ice-ocean heat exchange and its parameterisation are investigated using an ice-ocean boundary current model (IOBCM).  Using the simplified case of a horizontal ice-ocean interface (IOI), we demonstrate how parameterizations in z-coordinate ocean models can significantly overestimate melt rates in boundary layers over dynamically stable pycnoclines when far-field ocean currents are weak.

    We propose a simple physics-based parameterisation framework for this specific case. Two case studies are presented: 1) a horizontal IOI with uniform far-field currents; and 2) a sloped IOI with density-driven, sheared currents. We use this parameterisation framework to formulate a hybrid model for the general case of density-driven currents under ice shelves. The hybrid model is a combination of the classic plume model for dynamically unstable regimes and the parameterized version of the IOBCM for dynamically stable regimes. In the hybrid model, for stable regimes, the melt rate as well as its response to warming are significantly reduced when compared with the regime-independent treatment in the classic plume model.

    Our findings highlight the importance of careful consideration of the ocean stratification and flow conditions when parameterizing ice-ocean interactions, especially in regions with weak currents and stable stratification.

    How to cite: T. Pillai, J. and Jenkins, A.: Ice shelf Basal Melt Parameterisations for Ice-Ocean Boundary Layers over Dynamically Stable Pycnoclines: Case studies using a Boundary Current Model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11731,, 2025.

    EGU25-13400 | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Dynamic ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model 

    Xylar Asay-Davis, Carolyn Begeman, Darren Engwirda, Alexander Hager, Trevor Hillebrand, Matthew Hoffman, Andrew Nolan, Stephen Price, Irena Vaňková, and Jonathan Wolfe

    Representing ice-shelf and ocean interactions in Earth system models (ESMs) has been challenging due to their coarse resolution and static ice shelf cavity geometries. Additionally, coupling techniques often struggle to conserve mass and energy across components. We have recently implemented new algorithms in the ocean component of the Energy Exascale Earth System Model to enable dynamic ice-ocean interactions within Antarctica’s ice-shelf cavities. These include a thin subglacial film below grounded ice, subglacial runoff into ice-shelf cavities, and ice shelf-ocean fluxes computed in the ESM’s coupler. Together, these three approaches will enable representation of dynamic ice-sheet and ice-shelf geometry as well as continuity between the subglacial hydrological system while conserving mass and energy. Here, we present ocean simulations that explore the capabilities separately and report progress toward integrating both. We explore the thin-film capability in an idealized ice-shelf cavity at 2 km resolution modeled on the ISOMIP+ domain and the coupling capability in a global domain containing all Antarctic ice shelves at 12 km resolution. All simulations feature active ice-shelf thermodynamics. In the idealized simulations, we compare ice-ocean boundary layer properties and ice-shelf melt distributions from simulations with continuous dynamics between grounded and floating ocean model regions to those with fixed grounding line representations. We explore the model’s ability to simulate grounding-line migration due to both large ice-sheet thickness changes and tidal motion. We show that with our thin-film approach, subglacial runoff can mix with ocean waters below grounded ice before crossing the grounding line. In the global simulations, we demonstrate the ability to prescribe both fixed and dynamic ice-shelf thickness and outline the next steps for integrating the thin-film approach in this configuration.

    How to cite: Asay-Davis, X., Begeman, C., Engwirda, D., Hager, A., Hillebrand, T., Hoffman, M., Nolan, A., Price, S., Vaňková, I., and Wolfe, J.: Dynamic ice sheet-ocean interactions in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13400,, 2025.

    EGU25-13605 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    Leveraging sustained monitoring of a southeast Greenland glacial fjord to understand ice-ocean and biogeochemical interactions 

    Margaret Lindeman, Fiamma Straneo, James Holte, and Aurora Roth

    Greenland’s glacial fjords are the sites of climatically important exchanges of heat, freshwater, and nutrients between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Greenland ice sheet, as well as hosting productive ecosystems integral to local communities. Though both glacial inputs and ocean exchanges are modulated by seasonal and interannual variability, observational studies of the complex interactions that take place in these fjords often necessarily rely on data from a single field campaign, amounting to a summer snapshot of fjord conditions.

    We have sustained a long-term monitoring program in Sermilik Fjord, a major glacial fjord in southeast Greenland, since 2008, collecting ocean temperature and salinity profiles almost annually, supplemented by ongoing mooring records that cover the full period from 2008-2023. This exceptional data set, at times augmented by the collection of complementary data such as velocity measurements and noble gas, nutrient, and dissolved oxygen concentrations, has given us a more robust understanding of the fjord circulation and water mass transformations. This in turn can be leveraged to help us address a range of questions within this complex system.

    We apply this foundational knowledge of Sermilik Fjord to interpret the cycling of mercury in the fjord from full water column measurements of mercury concentrations from summer 2021. We use a water mass analysis to show that the exported glacially-modified waters are depleted in inorganic mercury (HgII) relative to ambient ocean waters. We propose that sediments initially suspended in glacier meltwaters scavenge particle-reactive HgII and are subsequently buried, making the fjord a net sink of oceanic mercury.

    How to cite: Lindeman, M., Straneo, F., Holte, J., and Roth, A.: Leveraging sustained monitoring of a southeast Greenland glacial fjord to understand ice-ocean and biogeochemical interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13605,, 2025.

    EGU25-13619 | Orals | CR2.5

    Basal reflectance and melt rates across the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from grounding line to ice shelf front 

    Wolfgang Rack, Daniel Price, Joseph Snodgrass, Heather Purdie, Christina Hulbe, Christian. T Wild, Craig Stevens, Oliver. J Marsh, Michelle Ryan, Adrian McDonald, Kelly Gragg, and Martin Forbes

    We present a 1000 km transect of Autonomous phase-sensitive Radio Echo Sounding (ApRES) measurements of ice thickness, basal reflection strength, basal melting, and ice-column deformation across the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS). Measurements were gathered across 32 repeat measurement sites and over five austral summers (2015-2020) connecting the grounding line with the distant ice shelf front. ApRES identifies varying basal reflection strength revealing a variety of basal conditions influenced by ice flow and by ice-ocean interaction at the ice base. Reflection strength is lower across the central RIS, characterised by higher strengths from major glaciers and ice streams and lower strengths in shear margins and suture zones. Strong reflections in the near-front and near-grounding line regions correspond with higher basal melt rates, up to 0.47 ± 0.02 m a-1 in the north. Melting from atmospherically warmed surface water is shown to extend 150-170 km south of the RIS front. Melt rates up to 0.29 ± 0.03 m a-1 and 0.15 ± 0.03 m a-1 are observed near the grounding lines of the Whillans and Kamb Ice Stream, respectively. Our surface-based observations generally agree with the basal melt pattern provided by satellite-based methods but provide a distinctly smoother pattern. 

    How to cite: Rack, W., Price, D., Snodgrass, J., Purdie, H., Hulbe, C., Wild, C. T., Stevens, C., Marsh, O. J., Ryan, M., McDonald, A., Gragg, K., and Forbes, M.: Basal reflectance and melt rates across the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, from grounding line to ice shelf front, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13619,, 2025.

    EGU25-15530 | Orals | CR2.5

    Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Modeling of the Filchner-Ronne sector using ISSM and FESOM-2 

    Michael Wolovick, Claudia Wekerle, Angelika Humbert, Ralph Timmermann, Martin Rückamp, and Thomas Kleiner

    Coupled ice sheet and ocean models are vital for projecting the dynamics of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and for predicting future sea level rise. The Filchner-Ronne sector of Antarctica contains a number of deep-bedded ice streams and glaciers potentially vulnerable to the Marine Ice Sheet Instability. Previous work has shown that, in a warming climate, a mode switch in circulation could bring intrusions of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) that would increase basal melt rates near the deep grounding lines of these vulnerable glaciers. Furthermore, the adjacent Weddell Sea is an important site of global deep water formation that is heavily dependent on the export of Ice Shelf Water. Here, we develop a new ice-ocean coupling framework for linking the global Finite volumE Sea ice Ocean Model (FESOM-2) with the Ice-sheet and Sea-level System Model (ISSM), and we apply this framework to model the Filchner-Ronne sector of Antarctica and the adjacent Weddell Sea. We use adaptive mesh resolution for FESOM-2 ranging from 100 km elements in the far field down to 3 km in the Weddell Sea and the sub-ice cavity. Our ice sheet model resolution varies from 10 km down to ~300 m, with basal friction taken from an inversion fit to present-day surface velocities. We use offline coupling with a timestep of 1 year. We develop an adaptive filtering technique for the transmission of melt rates from the ocean model to the ice model that effectively removes numerical artifacts caused by the z-coordinate representation of the ice base in the ocean model while preserving true structure in the melt rate field. For the adaptation of the ocean model to the updated ice geometry, we develop an iterative horizontal-vertical extrapolation procedure for ocean tracers and a minimal smoothing procedure for ocean velocities to ensure that the ocean model can restart in a manner that is both realistic and numerically stable. Using this coupling architecture, we are able to directly restart the ocean model after the geometry change without requiring either a cold start or a spinup period with reduced timesteps and increased viscosity. We then simulate the evolution of the coupled ice-ocean system, including a moving calving front, over the next century under a range of climate forcing scenarios. We find that the projected mode switch to warm conditions in the Filchner-Ronne cavity happens earlier in our coupled model than in previous projections, with warm CDW first entering the Filchner cavity in ~2035 under SSP585 forcing, followed by ice shelf thinning, grounding line retreat, and grounded ice mass loss in the ensuing decades. By comparison, previous projections in strongly warming scenarios showed the CDW entering the cavity in 2050-2075. These results emphasize the rapid changes in the cryosphere and the Southern Ocean that could arise from continued anthropogenic warming, and the importance of coupled modeling for fully understanding the dynamics of the ice-ocean system.

    How to cite: Wolovick, M., Wekerle, C., Humbert, A., Timmermann, R., Rückamp, M., and Kleiner, T.: Coupled Ice Sheet-Ocean Modeling of the Filchner-Ronne sector using ISSM and FESOM-2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15530,, 2025.

    EGU25-16538 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Developments within an Antarctic ocean model configuration: balancing regional characteristics with circumpolar modelling challenges 

    Birgit Rogalla, Kaitlin Naughten, Paul Holland, Pierre Mathiot, Nicolas Jourdain, and Christoph Kittel

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is rapidly losing mass due to ocean-driven ice shelf melt, contributing to sea level rise. This ice shelf melt is typically studied using either global climate models without open ice shelf cavities or regional models with ice shelf cavities. We will present updates on development work with a  ¼° circumpolar Antarctic NEMO configuration that extends from the continent to 50 degrees south to allow for interaction between regions and which includes sea ice, icebergs, and open ice shelf cavities with BedMachinev3 bathymetry. While experiments forced by ERA5 atmospheric conditions are stable over the observational period (1979-now), there is a tendency for reduction of stratification in the water column in the Weddell Sea, making it prone to destabilization when forced with historical conditions and resulting in excess deep convection. We will present results from testing of the sensitivity to excess Weddell Sea deep convection in the model configuration, leading to a set of sea ice parameter combinations that appear to reduce convection, while maintaining desired ice shelf cavity properties. We will also discuss some explorations into mixing representations within ice shelf cavities. Moving forward, we plan to use this configuration to study attribution questions of ocean-driven melt of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    How to cite: Rogalla, B., Naughten, K., Holland, P., Mathiot, P., Jourdain, N., and Kittel, C.: Developments within an Antarctic ocean model configuration: balancing regional characteristics with circumpolar modelling challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16538,, 2025.

    EGU25-16776 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Calving induced tsunamis in the Wolstenholme Fjord (Greenland) 

    Anna Guglielmin, Alberto Armigliato, Stefania Danesi, Giovanni Muscari, Simone Salimbeni, and Filippo Zaniboni

    Tsunamis are rare but potentially highly destructive natural phenomena, posing a serious threat to coastal environments and communities in many parts of the world. Historical catalogues tell that about 70% of the tsunamis worldwide are generated by submarine or coastal earthquakes, while the remaining 30% includes landslides, volcanic eruptions, atmospheric disturbances, and calving. Especially in light of the rapidly changing global climate conditions, calving is gaining increasing attention in the tsunami research community. This study aims at describing calving generation mechanism, focusing on observations and modelling. Unlike earthquake-generated tsunamis, the mechanisms behind iceberg calving and the resulting water displacement are poorly understood and more difficult to model. The dynamics and unpredictable nature of calving events make it essential to improve our understanding of how these tsunamis form and propagate. Data from the Italian MACMAP Project (A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Climate Change Indicators in the Mediterranean and Polar Regions) coordinated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Italy) is used to achieve this goal. In fact, the project operates a meteo-hydrometric station at Wolstenholme Fjord, Greenland, which provides continuous measurements of crucial parameters such as instantaneous, minimum, and maximum sea level measures, which are useful for studying calving-induced tsunamis in the basin. To model the tsunami initial conditions, generated by the calving events, a paraboloid shape is employed, with crests surrounding the block of ice falling into water. This geometry has been chosen due to its ability to replicate the initial displacement patterns observed in calving dynamics as described in Hu (2022) and in Huang (2023). The simulations are carried out by means of the JAGURS software for different geometries of the ice body and in different locations based on potential sources observed in the study fjord. The available tide gauge time histories are used to validate the results of the numerical modeling, aiming at acquiring knowledge of the calving source and quantifying the detached ice mass.

    How to cite: Guglielmin, A., Armigliato, A., Danesi, S., Muscari, G., Salimbeni, S., and Zaniboni, F.: Calving induced tsunamis in the Wolstenholme Fjord (Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16776,, 2025.

    EGU25-17223 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    A new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector 

    Brad Reed, Kaitlin Naughten, Katherine Turner, and Jan De Rydt

    The Amundsen Sea sector in West Antarctica has undergone dramatic changes recently, with increased ice loss, widespread thinning and retreating grounding lines. This has led to concerns about the future stability of the region and of the wider ice sheet, which could raise global mean sea level by several meters. Mass loss is predominantly driven by basal melting at the coast, where vulnerable ice shelves are exposed to warm ocean waters. However, internal ice dynamics also plays a huge role in how the ice sheet responds to ocean-induced melting. To understand the ice sheet evolution, we must consider changes in both the ice and ocean systems and how they affect each other.

    Here we show preliminary results from a new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector. The model domain spans from the Abbot basin to the Getz basin, including the major Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, and includes the continental shelf, break and open ocean. We use the ice-flow model Úa to produce a present-day configuration of the ice sheet, through a two-stage optimisation procedure involving observations of ice velocities and thickness changes. This is coupled offline to the MIT general circulation model, which includes both sea ice and ice shelf thermodynamics, and is forced with historical atmospheric conditions. The coupled model has been validated using both ice and ocean observations and will now be run using projected conditions. This new model will help us to better understand the complex interplay between ice dynamics and ocean conditions in the Amundsen Sea sector and what impact this will have in future scenarios.

    How to cite: Reed, B., Naughten, K., Turner, K., and De Rydt, J.: A new coupled ice-ocean model of the Amundsen Sea sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17223,, 2025.

    EGU25-17684 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    Modelling calving over the last 1000 years of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier during advance and retreat 

    Domino Jones, Doug Mair, Isabel Nias, James Lea, and Mathieu Morlinghem

    50% of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet in recent decades is due to calving from tidewater glaciers (TWG). However, the relationship between climate and calving remains uncertain. While calving parameters in glacier models can replicate observed glacier retreat, they need validation against longer-term records of ice margin advance and retreat. By contextualizing both the advance and retreat of a Greenlandic TWG, Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, KNS, over centennial to millennial timescales, we can minimize the impact of short-term climate variations and assess if modelled climate-glacier interactions are biased toward retreat due to processes operating over decadal timescales. 

    Our model is validated against a well-constrained millennial-scale record of advance and retreat from a fast-flowing TWG in southwest Greenland. Our key research questions are: How do calving laws perform when modelling the advance of a grounded Greenlandic TWG? And how do calving law tuning parameters relate to physical processes, such as climate and fjord geometry? By comparing four calving laws and exploring a physical basis for glacier-specific tunning, we aim to better constrain calving fronts in glacier models and improve the capacity for predictive calving modelling.

    A previous Greenland wide study suggested that the von Mises law better replicates decadal retreat, but our results show it lacks sensitivity to advance and, to avoid numerical instability, requires transient tuning for retreat. We further investigate the sensitivity of other calving laws, including eigen calving, height-above-buoyancy, and crevasse-water-depth.

    How to cite: Jones, D., Mair, D., Nias, I., Lea, J., and Morlinghem, M.: Modelling calving over the last 1000 years of a Greenlandic tidewater glacier during advance and retreat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17684,, 2025.

    EGU25-18807 | Posters on site | CR2.5

    ARCTIC-FLOW: A new project for better understanding water mass formation processes in the Nordic Seas 

    Estrella Olmedo, Manuel Arias, Agnieszka Beszczynska-Möller, Carolina Gabarró, Verónica González-Gambau, Michael Karcher, Nanna B. Karlsson, Frank Kauker, Roger Oliva, Raul Onrubia, Aqeel Piracha, Roberto Sabia, Anne Munck Solgaard, Antonio Turiel, Marta Umbert, and Martin Wearing

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) plays a central role in climate by transporting and redistributing recently observed temperature increases to depth, thereby regulating the effective heat capacity of the ocean under global warming. The AMOC is projected to decline in response to climate change and there is broad agreement that the climate consequences of a potential shutdown of this vital ocean circulation are enormous. The Nordic Seas are a dominant contributor to the overturning circulation due to the production of dense waters north of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge which feed into the lower limb of the AMOC.


    The objectives of ARCTIC-FLOW, an ESA Polar Cluster project, are: 1) to identify the main locations of surface water mass transformation into denser waters; 2) to provide new estimates of water mass transformation and overturning in order to understand the mechanisms driving  surface density changes and their impact on the ocean circulation; 3) to investigate the temporal and spatial scales at which the main processes of water mass formations occur; and 4) to assess the impact of extreme freshening events, with the main focus on different regions of the Nordic Seas.


    To achieve these objectives, we will construct a new 16-year time series of satellite-derived freshwater and density fluxes for the Arctic and sub-Arctic regions,  obtained by combining SSS, SST and velocity fields from EO observation, along with information of the Mixed Layer Depth. We will then  perform an in-depth analysis of a comprehensive set of in situ measurements in combination with results of model experiments and the new EO-derived time series. 

    In this talk we will present the project and the progress made in generating  the new satellite product.


    How to cite: Olmedo, E., Arias, M., Beszczynska-Möller, A., Gabarró, C., González-Gambau, V., Karcher, M., B. Karlsson, N., Kauker, F., Oliva, R., Onrubia, R., Piracha, A., Sabia, R., Munck Solgaard, A., Turiel, A., Umbert, M., and Wearing, M.: ARCTIC-FLOW: A new project for better understanding water mass formation processes in the Nordic Seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18807,, 2025.

    EGU25-18881 | ECS | Orals | CR2.5

    The role of tidal modulation on potential future warming behaviour in the Ross Sea 

    Alethea S. Mountford, Adrian Jenkins, Christopher Y. S. Bull, Nicolas C. Jourdain, and Pierre Mathiot

    Ocean temperatures on the continental shelf in the Ross Sea and beneath the Ross Ice Shelf have remained cold in recent decades, despite climate-related warming trends in nearby regions, such as the Amundsen Sea. The Ross Sea is an important area for water mass transformation and the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water, an essential water mass in the global overturning circulation. Inflows of Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) and outflows of High Salinity Shelf Water and Antarctic Bottom Water across the continental shelf break and beneath the Ross Ice Shelf, particularly in the west, are strongly modulated by tides. We find that tidal forcing modifies the cross-shelf circulation and regulates the inflow of warm CDW and sub-ice shelf warming, with associated impacts on basal melt rates.

    Using a regional ocean model configuration (NEMO) at 1/4° resolution, which includes both the Amundsen and the Ross seas, we explore the influence of tides on potential future warming in the Ross Sea and continental shelf with four simulations as follows. The model is run with two different climate conditions: firstly, the control simulation is forced by repeat normal year atmospheric forcings, and secondly, a future 2300 climate scenario simulation is forced with air temperature +10°C and precipitation increased by a factor of two. We assess the sensitivity of both the control simulation and the 2300 climate scenario to tidal forcing by running each simulation firstly with only surface tidal forcing (no tides) and then with both surface tidal forcing and tidal harmonic forcing at the model domain lateral boundaries (tidal forcing). Under 2300 temperature and precipitation conditions, in the simulation with no tides, the Ross Ice Shelf cavity warms rapidly to temperatures of over 1°C during a 20 year period, with a rapid increase in basal melt rates. This is followed by a slower cooling period with a stabilisation of basal melt rates, leading to the cavity being filled with cold, fresh water by the end of the simulation period. In the simulation with tidal forcing, the cavity warms more gradually and remains warm, at temperatures at or above 0°C, with an associated increase in basal melt rates, for the duration of the simulation period. The tidal modulation leads to more gradual warming of the Ross Ice Shelf cavity and prevents a rapid transition of the cavity from cold to warm and from warm to fresh, as we see in the simulation without tides. This work suggests that tides are an important process to be included when modelling future climate projections.

    How to cite: Mountford, A. S., Jenkins, A., Bull, C. Y. S., Jourdain, N. C., and Mathiot, P.: The role of tidal modulation on potential future warming behaviour in the Ross Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18881,, 2025.

    EGU25-21454 | ECS | Posters on site | CR2.5

    The first successful deployment of an ice-mounted instrument platform to measure submarine melt rate and boundary layer flow at an active tidewater glacier  

    Kaelan Weiss, Jonathan Nash, Meagan Wengrove, Noah Osman, Erin Pettit, Nadia Cohen, Jasmine Nahorniak, Teaghan Knox, Kyle Jensen, Louis Ross, Ken Zhao, Rebecca Jackson, David Sutherland, Lucy Waghorn, Bridget Ovall, and Eric Skyllingstad

    We present the first direct observations of submarine melt rate and boundary layer characteristics made from an instrumentation platform mounted underwater into the terminus of Xeitl Sit’ (LeConte Glacier) in southeast Alaska. The instrumentation platform, called a Meltstake, is a remotely deployed robotic platform that drills into a near-vertical submarine ice face, allowing for prolonged stationary measurements in the ice’s reference frame. Three deployments of the Meltstakes were completed at 20 m, 45 m, and 50 m depths, with each deployment lasting approximately two hours. Observations were targeted in the ambient melt region away from the subglacial discharge plume, where the ocean velocity is generally assumed to be quiescent and driven by submarine melt plumes. However, flow along the glacier exhibits broadband variability in both speed and direction. Ocean temperature and salinity within 1 m of the boundary suggest the presence of ambient melt water mixing with fjord water, but no signatures of ambient melt plumes are clearly observed at the deployment locations. Submarine melt rate at the deployment locations is variable in time and exceeds 1-2 m/d. These observations provide an unprecedented look into the boundary layer dynamics driving submarine melt at a near-vertical ice face.

    How to cite: Weiss, K., Nash, J., Wengrove, M., Osman, N., Pettit, E., Cohen, N., Nahorniak, J., Knox, T., Jensen, K., Ross, L., Zhao, K., Jackson, R., Sutherland, D., Waghorn, L., Ovall, B., and Skyllingstad, E.: The first successful deployment of an ice-mounted instrument platform to measure submarine melt rate and boundary layer flow at an active tidewater glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21454,, 2025.

    Continuum sea-ice models are increasingly being applied to high-resolution settings, while there are still open questions about the physics governing sea-ice deformation on these resolutions. Simultaneously, discrete element method (DEM) models are now starting to be used to address questions regarding specific processes within sea-ice deformation. A direct comparison of both methods has not been done yet, as the spatial resolution differs on several orders of magnitude and the computational costs of high-resolution DEM simulations over large areas of sea ice are high. Here, we will present a comparison of idealized simulations of sea-ice convergence utilizing both methods. We used the neXtSIM sea-ice model as the continuum model and HiDEM as the DEM model. Sea-ice deformation in neXtSIM is determined by a brittle rheology with Lagrangian sea-ice advection. In HiDEM, the ice is described by spherical particles connected by beams, which can fail as the ice cover locally reaches a critical stress state. In both cases, we simulate the same sea-ice area and use the same forcing, yet the spatial resolution differs. This setup enables us to investigate the sea-ice deformation yielding from both methods. We compare the resulting ice thickness distributions and ice ridge formation patterns and highlight the similarities and differences between both methods.

    How to cite: Muchow, M., Ólason, E., and Polojärvi, A.: Exploratory sea-ice simulations: Comparing idealized sea-ice compression simulations using a continuum and discrete element method models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-130,, 2025.

    EGU25-1585 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    A New Parameterization of Dilation Using GODAR 

    Antoine Savard, Bruno Tremblay, and Arttu Polojärvi

    Capturing all sea ice dynamical aspects in a model is notoriously challenging due to the complex interplay of granular and fracture-dominated processes. In the central Arctic, linear kinematic features (LKFs) dominate deformation patterns, while the marginal ice zone (MIZ) is characterized by fragmented floes where the collisional mode is dominant. The rheological properties of sea ice in these region differ significantly, and a rheological model that could be used in all regimes is desirable. Continuum models, commonly used for large-scale sea ice simulations, rely on parameterizations to approximate subgrid-scale processes such as floe interactions, wave attenuation, and dilation. Although high-resolution (<2 km) continuum models improve the representation of LKFs and deformation statistics, they remain fundamentally limited by their reliance on simplified, or ill-posed rheologies and the continuum assumption, which cannot reconcile velocity discontinuities inherent in granular materials like sea ice. Discrete element models (DEMs), on the other hand, explicitly resolve particle-scale interactions and naturally capture fracture and granular behaviour, but their computational cost has historically restricted their application to small-scale scenarios.

    We addressed this gap by developing the granular floes for discrete Arctic rheology (GODAR) model, a DEM specifically designed to simulate the mesoscale evolution of sea ice mechanics. GODAR tracks the time evolution of contact normals between floes, enabling us to derive generalized equations that relate dilation to prognostic variables such as shear and normal stress, open water fraction, and floe size distribution. These results demonstrate that GODAR effectively captures both the granular physics and fracture-driven dynamics underpinning LKFs. By seamlessly integrating microscale processes into macroscale behaviour, GODAR offers a powerful framework for bridging the limitations of continuum models. Its insights provide a pathway to improved parameterizations, advancing both the scientific understanding of sea ice dynamics and the operational forecasting capabilities necessary for safe navigation and climate modeling.

    How to cite: Savard, A., Tremblay, B., and Polojärvi, A.: A New Parameterization of Dilation Using GODAR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1585,, 2025.

    Reliable prediction of short-term Arctic sea ice variation is crucial for ensuring the safety of navigation on Arctic shipping routes. While deep-learning models have demonstrated potential in improving the accuracy of sea ice predictions, many data-driven approaches focus solely on individual aspects of sea ice without considering the interrelationships and underlying physical laws governing various sea ice factors. To address this limitation, we introduce a dual-task prediction model that simultaneously targets sea ice concentration (SIC) and sea ice motion (SIM). Our approach incorporates a novel loss function that enforces dynamic constraints derived from the sea ice control equation, ensuring that predictions of both SIC and SIM are consistent with physical dynamics. We conduct comprehensive comparative experiments to identify the optimal model structure for predicting SIC and SIM. Our findings reveal that a dual-task branching architecture is particularly effective for this purpose, with a post-decoder branch network structure exhibiting the best performance in predicting both SIC and SIM. By integrating the sea ice dynamics equation into the loss function, our models demonstrate enhanced alignment with physical laws, leading to improved predictability and accuracy in SIC and SIM prediction.

    How to cite: Wang, Y. and Liu, Q.: Physics-Embedded Deep Convolutional Network: A Novel Approach for Prediction of Sea Ice Concentration and Motion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3643,, 2025.

    EGU25-4127 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Data-driven equation discovery of a sea ice albedo parametrisation 

    Diajeng Atmojo, Katja Weigel, Arthur Grundner, Marika Holland, and Veronika Eyring

    In the sea ice model Finite-Element Sea Ice Model (FESIM), a part of the Finite-Element Sea ice Ocean Model (FESOM), sea ice albedo is treated as a tuning parameter defined by four constant values depending on snow cover and surface temperature. This parametrisation is too simple to capture the spatiotemporal variability in sea ice albedo observed via satellites. Our work aims to improve this parametrisation by discovering an interpretable, physically-consistent equation for sea ice albedo using symbolic regression, an interpretable machine learning technique, combined with physical constraints. Leveraging pan-Arctic satellite and reanalyses data from 2013 to 2020, we apply sequential feature selection to identify the most informative input variables for sea ice albedo. With sequential feature selection, we develop parsimonious models that perform well with as few input variables as possible. To understand how additional model complexity reduces error, we evaluate our discovered equations against baseline models with different complexities, such as multilayer perceptron neural networks and polynomials on an error-complexity plane, identifying the models on the Pareto front. Our results indicate that parsimonious models demonstrate better generalisation to unseen data than models using the full set of input variables. Compared to the current FESIM parametrisation, our best equation reduces the mean squared error by about 51%, while excelling in balancing error and complexity. Unlike neural networks, our equation allows for further regional and seasonal analyses due to its inherent interpretability by fine-tuning the coefficients representing the weights of each term and input variable. Through the synergy of observations with machine learning, we aim to deepen the process-level understanding of the Arctic Ocean’s surface radiative budget and reduce uncertainty in climate projections.

    How to cite: Atmojo, D., Weigel, K., Grundner, A., Holland, M., and Eyring, V.: Data-driven equation discovery of a sea ice albedo parametrisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4127,, 2025.

    EGU25-4696 | Posters on site | CR3.2

    High-resolution large-scale model for sea ice dynamics 

    Arttu Polojärvi, Jan Åström, and Jari Haapala

    Forecasts of sea-ice motion and deformation are crucial for maritime operations including winter navigation and offshore wind energy harvesting. Further, sea-ice models have a key role in predictions on long-term effects of climate change. In this study we utilize the Helsinki Discrete Element Model (HiDEM) to simulate sea-ice breakup and dynamics. HiDEM code is optimized for high-performance supercomputers and achieves superior temporal and spatial resolutions when compared to conventionally used continuum models. We compare simulated fracture patterns and ice motion with satellite images from the Kvarken region of the Baltic Sea and show that HiDEM reproduces observed ice deformation patterns, which formed over a period of few days in nature. The results closely match the observed ice fracture and motion patterns, floe sizes, ridge structures, and fast-ice regions. The simulations cover an area of about 100 km × 100 km with 8 m resolution and they completed in about 10 hours of wall clock time.

    How to cite: Polojärvi, A., Åström, J., and Haapala, J.: High-resolution large-scale model for sea ice dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4696,, 2025.

    EGU25-7735 | Orals | CR3.2

    Ultra-high resolution pan-Arctic sea ice-ocean coupled simulation on a heterogeneous many-core supercomputer 

    Longjiang Mu, Yuhu Chen, Hong Wang, Ruizhe Song, Lin Zheng, and Xianyao Chen

    Arctic sea ice has undergone dramatic changes in recent decades. The decline in sea ice thickness has resulted in more brittle ice, which is increasingly susceptible to deformation by wind and ocean currents. Small-scale features such as sea ice leads and ridges are frequently observed in the field but remain poorly understood. Accurately forecasting these features requires high-resolution sea ice modeling with a horizontal resolution of several kilometers. To address this, a pan-Arctic ultra-high-resolution (~500 m) sea ice-ocean coupled model has been developed. This model is based on the Massachusetts Institute of Technology General Circulation Model (MITgcm) but has been substantially refactored and enhanced to adapt to the heterogeneous many-core architecture of the computing system. The model's Pacific open boundary is positioned north of the Okhotsk Sea, away from the Aleutian Islands, while the Atlantic open boundary is set north of the Strait of Gibraltar to avoid the influence of deep convection processes. The model operates on a three-dimensional grid comprising approximately 15.1 billion points, with around 9 billion wet points. The sea ice component shares the same grid as the ocean model, enabling direct coupling between the two at each grid point. For sea ice thermodynamics, a zero-heat-capacity, one-layer model is employed, while sea ice dynamics are governed by viscous-plastic rheology. The highly nonlinear sea ice momentum equations are solved using a tridiagonal solver combined with a line successive relaxation method, achieving an accuracy of 1.0×10⁻⁵. The nonlinear integration is iterated 10 times, with each iteration allowing a maximum of 500 steps to ensure convergence of the high-resolution solutions. The model demonstrates significant improvements in simulating sea ice ridges compared to lower-resolution models. Validation against IceSAT-2 along-track data reveals strong agreement in both spatial distribution and probability density function, underscoring the model's enhanced capability to capture small-scale sea ice features.

    How to cite: Mu, L., Chen, Y., Wang, H., Song, R., Zheng, L., and Chen, X.: Ultra-high resolution pan-Arctic sea ice-ocean coupled simulation on a heterogeneous many-core supercomputer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7735,, 2025.

    EGU25-8384 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Who causes whom? A spatially distributed causal analysis of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and teleconnection indices 

    Guido Ascenso, Matteo Sangiorgio, Ian Baxter, and Andrea Castelletti

    The relationship between Arctic sea ice and tropical climate variability is a crucial aspect of global climate dynamics. While numerous studies have explored potential links between sea ice concentration (SIC) or sea ice thickness (SIT) and teleconnection indices such as AMO, AO, NAO, ENSO, and PDO, these investigations often faced challenges in fully capturing the complexity of these interactions. For instance, most analyses relied on linear, non-causal methods such as trend matching (although the underlying processes are likely highly nonlinear), or focused on single indices (thus potentially missing more complex interactions when more than one index is considered at once), or analyzed the relationship in aggregate over the entire Arctic region, rather than considering subtle regional differences. Additionally, these teleconnections were often assessed in only one “direction” (e.g., how much ENSO influences SIC), but there is evidence to suggest that there may be two-way interactions at play.

    In this study, we address these challenges by proposing a bi-directional, causal, and spatially distributed approach to analyze the relationships between SIC/SIT and eight teleconnection indices. Using transfer entropy (TE), a non-parametric measure of information flow, we quantify the influence of these indices on SIC/SIT and vice versa across multiple lead times. This approach lets us understand how these causal relationships vary at different lead times and over different Arctic regions, to verify whether the various teleconnection indices provide information that is complementary or redundant, and to detect preferential directions in the causal relationship between indices and ice (thus answering the question “who influences whom?”). For instance, our results indicate that the North Atlantic Oscillation is influenced by the Arctic ice more than it itself affects the ice, whereas the relationship is inverted for the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.

    Although we focus our analysis on understanding the spatial and temporal variability of Arctic-teleconnection interactions, the proposed framework is highly flexible and can be adapted to consider other indices and lead times, and entirely different domains altogether.

    How to cite: Ascenso, G., Sangiorgio, M., Baxter, I., and Castelletti, A.: Who causes whom? A spatially distributed causal analysis of the relationship between Arctic sea ice and teleconnection indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8384,, 2025.

    EGU25-9952 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Linking the evolution of floe-scale ice characteristics to its deformation history using satellite observations 

    Nils Hutter, Cecilia Bitz, and Luisa von Albedyl

    Arctic sea ice is a mosaic of ice floes whose distribution and thicknesses greatly impact the interaction of sea ice with the atmosphere and the ocean. However, we are still lacking knowledge of the physics to describe the complex interplay of ice floes that are a key characteristic of sea ice. In our contribution, we outline a framework to characterize sea-ice deformation at the floe-scale from observational data by studying the mechanical interaction of multiple identifiable floes. We use Sentinel SAR imagery and ICESat-2 data acquired during the MOSAiC expedition to map ice floes and their thickness in the larger area around Polarstern. This combination of data products allows us to describe the floe-size distribution of floe diameters from tens of kilometers down to tens of meters. With the repeated coverage of SAR imagery, ice motion is tracked and deformation estimates are derived. By combining both floe-size estimates and deformation rates we provide insights into how the floe composition changes in regions that were exposed to deformation and highlight ice fracture as a major source of the power-law distribution of floe sizes. Finally, we present a parameterization of this relationship between floe sizes and ice fracture for large-scale continuum sea-ice models.

    How to cite: Hutter, N., Bitz, C., and von Albedyl, L.: Linking the evolution of floe-scale ice characteristics to its deformation history using satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9952,, 2025.

    EGU25-11839 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Modeling Fast Ice in the Southern Ocean Using a Particle-Continuum Approach 

    Carolin Mehlmann

    Approximately 4% to 13% of sea ice remains stationary, forming a narrow band around Antarctica. This contrasts with the majority of sea ice, which drifts with winds and ocean currents as "pack ice." This stationary landfast sea ice, known as "fast ice," is anchored to the coastline or grounded by icebergs and has significant implications for the global climate. However, current global climate models poorly represent fast ice, casting doubt on their ability to make accurate future projections for this critical component.

    To address this limitation, we have developed a prognostic fast-ice representation suitable for coupled climate models. Our approach introduces a novel coupling mechanism between sea ice and grounded icebergs. This mechanism incorporates feedback from subgrid-scale grounded iceberg particles into the sea ice rheology. Idealized test cases demonstrate that this method successfully simulates fast ice as well as coastal polynyas due to subgrid-scale iceberg grounding.

    How to cite: Mehlmann, C.: Modeling Fast Ice in the Southern Ocean Using a Particle-Continuum Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11839,, 2025.

    EGU25-12073 | ECS | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Arctic landfast ice simulation with brittle rheology and probabilistic grounding 

    Augustin Lambotte, Thierry Fichefet, François Massonnet, Laurent Brodeau, Pierre Rampal, Jean-François Lemieux, and Frédéric Dupont

    Landfast ice, i.e., sea ice that is mechanically immobilized for several weeks along the coasts, significantly influences the underlying ocean by controlling the occurrence of coastal polynyas and the formation of dense water within. However, it is usually poorly represented in numerical models. In the Arctic, the accurate simulation of landfast ice relies on parameterizing sea ice grounding in shallow water areas and on the sea ice rheology capability to form ice arches in regions with restricted geometry. In this study, we compare a brittle rheology (i.e., the Brittle Bingham-Maxwell or BBM one), newly implemented in the ocean-sea ice model NEMO-SI3, with a standard viscous-plastic rheology (i.e., the aEVP), which is widely used in sea ice models. The performance of the two rheologies in forming ice arches and landfast ice is evaluated at the scale of the Arctic at a 0.25° horizontal resolution. For the grounding parameterization, we apply a probabilistic grounding scheme based on the ice thickness distribution and investigate how leveraging subgrid-scale bathymetry statistics can enhance its performance.

    How to cite: Lambotte, A., Fichefet, T., Massonnet, F., Brodeau, L., Rampal, P., Lemieux, J.-F., and Dupont, F.: Arctic landfast ice simulation with brittle rheology and probabilistic grounding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12073,, 2025.

    EGU25-12255 | Orals | CR3.2

    A unified sea ice fracture model for climate applications 

    Bruno Tremblay and Lettie Roach

    Interactions between ocean surface waves and sea ice dictate the width of the marginal ice zone, where new ice formation and increased sea ice melt are present in the winter and summer (respectively). Existing sea ice wave fracture models predict fracture when one of two limits is reached: (i) a maximum strain failure criterion assuming that the ice is a perfectly flexible plate that follows the ocean surface, and (ii) a maximum stress failure criterion assuming that the ice is a perfectly rigid plate that does not deform under the action of buoyancy and gravity forces. The perfectly rigid sea ice plate model is valid for small wavelengths that have a short lever arm but systematically predicts fracture for long wavelengths irrespective of the amplitude because of the long lever arm. Conversely, the flexible plate model is valid for long wavelengths but systematically predicts fracture for short wavelengths because of the unrealistically large strain. In this work, we present a unified sea ice fracture model based on elastic beam theory for the bending of a sea ice plate (or floe) that is valid for all wavelengths. Our approach reduces to the rigid plate and fully flexible model for short and long incoming ocean wavelength limits, respectively. Results using a fully-developed ocean wave field show much smaller strain within the ice plate and a resulting floe size distribution after fracture with a higher mean and no floes in the smallest size categories. This distribution also aligns with correct ice thickness and Young's Modulus dependencies, matching observational evidence, and contrasts with results from perfectly rigid or flexible sea ice plate models.

    How to cite: Tremblay, B. and Roach, L.: A unified sea ice fracture model for climate applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12255,, 2025.

    EGU25-12835 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Fast, flexible, focused: the case for a single-column sea ice data assimilation framework 

    Molly Wieringa, Joseph Rotondo, Christopher Riedel, Jeffrey Anderson, and Cecilia Bitz

    Assimilating sea ice observations into numerical sea ice and climate models has garnered increasing interest, driven by a demand for more comprehensive sea ice records and forecasts in response to a rapidly changing cryosphere. The development of data assimilation (DA) techniques targeted specifically for sea ice, however, has been comparatively limited.  The computational requirements and structure of many modern sea ice models, the physical characteristics of key sea ice variables, and the uncertainty and relatively limited scope of assimilated sea ice observations all pose significant challenges for the development and tuning of sea ice DA systems. This work presents a new, lightweight framework for sea ice DA development that couples a flexible ensemble DA software to a single-column, multi-category sea ice model, and reviews several recent applications. Key results include the variable impact of common sea ice observation kinds across different sea ice regime types; the benefits of tailoring DA algorithms to the physical and modeled characteristics of sea ice; and the efficacy of assimilating new kinds of observations, including the ice thickness distribution and sea ice albedo. Collectively, these results highlight the ease of experimentation proffered by this new framework, which enables both novel research and more accessible development in sea ice state estimation and forecasting contexts.

    How to cite: Wieringa, M., Rotondo, J., Riedel, C., Anderson, J., and Bitz, C.: Fast, flexible, focused: the case for a single-column sea ice data assimilation framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12835,, 2025.

    EGU25-13483 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    A multi-scale approach to model ice mélange 

    Saskia Kahl and Carolin Mehlmann

    The continuum viscous-plastic sea-ice model is widely used in climate models for simulating large-scale sea-ice dynamics, usually on grids of several kilometres (> 10km). Recently, there is an increasing interest in modelling small-scale processes that have the potential to impact large-scale dynamics, such as sea-ice iceberg interactions in the context of ice mélange. Ice mélange has not yet been studied in the context of climate models as efficient numerical realizations are missing. To close this gap, we present a hybrid ice-mélange model. In this approach, icebergs in form of particles are coupled to the viscous-plastic sea-ice model by modifying the tensile strength in the presence of icebergs. The icebergs, in the size of several hundreds of meters, are tracked on a subgrid scale, which makes the approach numerically efficient. Based on a series of idealised test cases, we demonstrate that this approach captures relevant small-scale physics such as polynya formation caused by grounded icebergs. 

    How to cite: Kahl, S. and Mehlmann, C.: A multi-scale approach to model ice mélange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13483,, 2025.

    EGU25-14272 | Posters on site | CR3.2

    Observational Requirements in the Context of AI prediction Systems - a PCAPS ORCAS Task Team 

    Clare Eayrs and Lorenzo Zampieri

    The PCAPS ORCAS task team is part of the WMO's World Weather Research Programme's PCAPS (Polar Coupled Analysis and Prediction for Services) project. PCAPS builds upon the foundational work of the Polar Prediction Project and its flagship activity, the Year of Polar Prediction, to improve the actionability, impact, and fidelity of environmental forecasting for human and environmental well-being in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. PCAPS ORCAS is a community effort that aims to enhance forecasting capabilities by exploring the potential of new AI techniques. Outcomes from this initiative will contribute to strengthening observing systems, including satellite and field campaign data, to provide better initialisation and validation for sea-ice forecasts. 

    Recent advances in artificial intelligence are transforming sea-ice forecasting, with AI models demonstrating comparable or superior performance to traditional physics-based approaches while requiring significantly fewer computing resources. These advantages could enable more frequent and timely predictions, benefiting stakeholders. However, the effective development and validation of these AI systems depend heavily on high-quality observational data. AI models are generally trained on reanalysis datasets, and data from observational campaigns--though vital for process understanding--has seen limited integration into these products. Such observations are essential to evaluate the physical realism of AI models and build trust in their predictive capabilities.

    The PCAPS ORCAS task team systematically evaluates the observational requirements necessary for next-generation AI-based sea-ice prediction systems. This effort combines historical campaign data analysis with collaborative AI model assessments, focusing particularly on extreme events captured during major observational campaigns such as MOSAiC. We examine how different types of observational data contribute to model initialisation and validation while assessing the physical consistency of AI predictions compared to traditional forecasting systems. 

    This approach identifies critical gaps in current observing systems and will inform the design of future field campaigns and observation networks, including those proposed for Antarctica InSync and the upcoming fifth International Polar Year. Our recommendations for strengthening polar observing systems specifically address the unique requirements of AI-based prediction systems while maintaining physical consistency in forecasts. These insights are essential for the polar science community as we work to improve the accuracy and reliability of sea-ice predictions in a rapidly changing Arctic and Antarctic environment.

    How to cite: Eayrs, C. and Zampieri, L.: Observational Requirements in the Context of AI prediction Systems - a PCAPS ORCAS Task Team, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14272,, 2025.

    EGU25-16681 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    Multivariate surrogate model of sea ice in the Arctic region  

    Flavia Porro, Charlotte Durand, Tobias Sebastian Finn, Marc Bocquet, Alberto Carrassi, and Pierre Rampal

    The rapid changes occurring in Arctic sea ice influence climate and marine ecosystems, mid-latitude weather on timescales from weeks to months, and human activities, further motivating the need for accurate forecasts. A novel generation of sea ice models based on Elasto-Brittle rheologies, such as neXtSIM (Rampal et al, 2016), successfully represents sea-ice processes, with a remarkable accuracy at the mesoscale, for resolutions of about 10 km. However, these models are computationally expensive, limiting their practical application for long-term forecasting. To address this challenge, we leverage deep learning techniques to build an accurate and computationally affordable surrogate of the physical model.  

    Following up from the initial work by Durand et al., 2024 on univariate surrogate of the sea-ice thickness (SIT) in neXtSIM, we present here a multivariate surrogate model designed to emulate simultaneously SIT, sea-ice concentration (SIC), and sea-ice velocities (SIU and SIV) in the Arctic region. As its core, our deterministic neural-network-based surrogate model uses a U-Net architecture, tailored to the sea-ice forecasting problem. The model is trained on reforecast-like data generated from neXtSIM and atmospheric forcings from ERA5, which help the model to better represent advective and thermodynamic processes. The neural network is trained to predict sea-ice fields with a 12-hour lead time, and it can iteratively be applied to extend predictions for up to a year. 

    We thoroughly investigate the learning process, providing a detailed analysis of our choice of customized loss function and its optimal parameter values. In particular, we investigate the importance of each predicted variable and perform a feature sensitivity analysis. The forecast skills of our model have been successfully evaluated for lead times of up to one year, using both statistical and physical-dynamical metrics. Our preliminary results indicate that the model demonstrates good prediction capabilities at much lower computational costs than the original physical model. The application of a supervised deep learning approach to sea-ice modeling offers a promising alternative to traditional, computationally intensive methods. The positive results from our model's predictions underscore its potential as a reliable tool for seasonal sea ice forecasting. 


    Rampal P. et al. “neXtSIM: a new Lagrangian sea ice model”. In: The Cryosphere 10.3 (2016), pp. 1055–1073 

    Durand C. et al. “Data-driven surrogate modeling of high-resolution sea-ice thickness in the Arctic”. In: The Cryosphere 18.4 (2024), pp 1791-1815 

    How to cite: Porro, F., Durand, C., Finn, T. S., Bocquet, M., Carrassi, A., and Rampal, P.: Multivariate surrogate model of sea ice in the Arctic region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16681,, 2025.

    EGU25-20343 | ECS | Orals | CR3.2

    An analog experiment of sea-ice fracture by waves at the laboratory scale. 

    Baptiste Auvity, Laurent Duchemin, Antonin Eddi, and Stéphane Perrard

    We study at the laboratory scale the rupture of thin floating sheets made of a brittle material under wave induced mechanical forcing. We show that the rupture occurs where the curvature is maximum, and the break up threshold strongly depends on the wave properties. We observe that the corresponding critical stress for fracture depends on the forcing wavelength: our observations are thus incompatible with a critical stress criteria for fracture. Our measurements can rather be rationalized using an energy criteria: a fracture propagates when the material surface energy is lower than the released elastic energy, which depends on the forcing geometry. I will eventually discuss the possible implication for sea ice fracture criterion by ocean waves.

    How to cite: Auvity, B., Duchemin, L., Eddi, A., and Perrard, S.: An analog experiment of sea-ice fracture by waves at the laboratory scale., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20343,, 2025.

    EGU25-21072 | Orals | CR3.2

    Influence of Snow Redistribution and Melt Pond Schemes on Sea Ice Thickness Simulation during MOSAiC Expedition 

    Yang Lu, Jiawei Zhao, Xiaochum Wang, and Ralf Giering

    The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) expedition was implemented with one year observation of atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, giving us an opportunity to understand the sea ice processes. Due to the missing observation during the expedition, ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis along the MOSAiC drift trajectory, after its validation, is used to force a column sea ice model Icepack, commonly used in coupled climate models. We compare sea ice thickness (SIT) simulations against MOSAiC observation to understand the reasons of SIT simulation misfits fordifferent combinations of two melt pond schemes and three snow redistribution configurations. The three snow redistribution configurations are bulk scheme, snwITDrag scheme and one simulation selection without snow redistribution. In both bulk and snwITDrdg snow redistribution schemes, snow can be lost to leads and open water. In the bulk scheme, snow from level ice can be lost to leads or open water. In snwITDrdg scheme, snow is distributed to different sea ice categories and the scheme also allows wind-driven snow compaction and erosion. The two melt pond schemes are TOPO scheme and LVL scheme, which differ in the distribution of melt water. The results show that Icepack can reproduce sea ice growth in the winter and spring periods of MOSAiC expedition. Icepack without snow redistribution scheme simulates excessive snow ice formation and its contribution to sea ice mass balance, resulting in thicker SIT simulation than the observation in spring. Applying snow redistribution schemes in Icepack reduces snow-ice formation while enhancing congelation rate. The bulk snow redistribution scheme improves the SIT simulation in winter and spring, while the bias is larger in simulations using the snwITDrdg scheme. During summer time, Icepack underestimates the sea ice surface albedo, resulting in an underestimation of SIT at the end of simulation. The simulations with TOPO scheme present a more reasonable melt pond evolution than the LVL scheme, resulting in a smaller bias in SIT simulation. Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation are required to improve sea ice thickness simulation. Some earlier results using adjoint model to improve sea ice simulation will also be presented.

    How to cite: Lu, Y., Zhao, J., Wang, X., and Giering, R.: Influence of Snow Redistribution and Melt Pond Schemes on Sea Ice Thickness Simulation during MOSAiC Expedition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21072,, 2025.

    EGU25-813 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    A Giant Grounding Zone Wedge in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica: Geomorphological Characteristics and Internal Structure 

    Chiara Alina Tobisch, Rachel Barrett, Johann P. Klages, Katharina Hochmuth, Timo Mühlberger-Krause, Karsten Gohl, Lenya M. Baumann, and Sebastian Krastel

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is losing mass from its marine-based portions in response to a warming climate. This warming causes the west wind drift to migrate southwards leading to upwelling of relatively warm deep waters. The assumed future behaviour of the EAIS mainly relies on numerical models, which, however, are rarely validated against precise past ice sheet constraints. This significantly affects their ability to reliably simulate potential future change. In particular, there is a dearth of data for the sectors of the East Antarctic continental shelf situated offshore major subglacial basins, such as Vincennes Bay on the Mawson Sea shelf offshore the Aurora Subglacial Basin. Past dynamic grounding zone changes are recorded here by glacial morphological structures. Those structures, including glacial troughs, glacial lineations, and grounding zone wedges (GZW), can be systematically mapped to provide important information about regional fast and slow flowing ice sheet portions, meltwater pathways, ice sheet extent, and grounding zone stabilisation processes. Here we particularly focus on GZWs, which record grounding zone stabilisation periods in a particular location during overall post-Last Glacial Maximum retreat.

    We collected 230 km of high-resolution 2D multi-channel seismic reflection as well as deep-penetrating seismic profiles, multibeam and sediment echo-sounding data, during RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 (EASI 3) in early 2024 to study the morphology and architecture of glacial structures seaward of the Vanderford glacier front in Vincennes Bay. These data reveal a giant GZW that is up to 260 m high and extends 60 km along the previous ice stream bed. To our knowledge, this is the largest GZW discovered on the Antarctic continental shelf to date. The GZW consists of prograding sequences of different inclinations, suggesting multi-phase development of the GZW and a stabilisation process that led the grounding zone to grow and re-advance by several kilometres. Our findings present a significant step forward in understanding past ice sheet behaviour in Vincennes Bay, and thus provide important constraints for the evolution of the EAIS. Our new data therefore provide an important benchmark for testing and improving numerical ice sheet simulations.

    How to cite: Tobisch, C. A., Barrett, R., Klages, J. P., Hochmuth, K., Mühlberger-Krause, T., Gohl, K., Baumann, L. M., and Krastel, S.: A Giant Grounding Zone Wedge in Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica: Geomorphological Characteristics and Internal Structure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-813,, 2025.

    EGU25-951 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Observations of turbulent mixing and ocean currents in Dotson Ice Shelf cavity 

    Maren Elisabeth Richter, Karen Heywood, Rob Hall, and Anna Wåhlin

    Adjacent to Thwaites Ice Shelf in the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica, Dotson Ice Shelf is experiencing rapid grounding line retreat and high melt rates. Here we present oceanographic observations from a propeller-driven autonomous underwater vehicle sent into the Dotson Ice Shelf cavity, to study the inflow of relatively warm water into the cavity.

    In February 2022, during the TARSAN research voyage on RV Nathaniel B Palmer, an Autosub Long Range (ALR) completed four missions under Dotson Ice Shelf. The mission tracks ventured ~20km into the eastern cavity (inflow region) and ~40km into the central cavity (central trough), with one mission travelling along the ice-shelf front. During its missions, the ALR recorded seawater temperature and salinity, chlorophyll concentration and turbidity, current velocity, and turbulent microstructure approximately 80 m above the seabed. 

    We present an analysis of this unique dataset. Turbulent energy dissipation rate (ε) in the cavity is on the order of 10-10 to 10-8 W/kg. Outside of the cavity ε is higher, with values ranging from 10-9 to 10-8 W/kg.  These values are similar to ε values measured under Pine Island Ice Shelf. We are able to show that turbulent mixing is higher in the inflow and bottom intensified, it is influenced by interactions with bathymetry and current speed. Our measurements are able to resolve the warm, dense inflow of water in the eastern cavity with average southward velocities of -7 cm/s at the ice shelf front and variable flow patterns deep into the central cavity. We show the near-bed currents in context with water-mass properties, turbulence, and conditions in the embayment immediately in front of Dotson. This dataset opens up exiting opportunities for collaboration, including with other datasets collected in the Dotson Ice Shelf cavity during the TARSAN campaign and with modelling efforts.


    How to cite: Richter, M. E., Heywood, K., Hall, R., and Wåhlin, A.: Observations of turbulent mixing and ocean currents in Dotson Ice Shelf cavity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-951,, 2025.

    EGU25-1272 | Orals | CR7.2

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet regime shifts during climate transitions 

    Nicholas Golledge, Richard Levy, Stephen Meyers, Michael Weber, Peter Clark, Julianne Burns, Hana Ishii, Hanna Knahl, Dan Lowry, Robert McKay, Timothy Naish, Georgia Grant, and Nicholas Sullivan

    Reconstructions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet based on geological records commonly assume that the relationship between a given proxy and changes in ice mass remains constant in time, and that this relationship is independent of climate state. This assumption, however, has yet to be comprehensively tested. To address this shortcoming, we use a coupled ice sheet--ice shelf model representing an East Antarctic-type ice sheet to determine how ice sheets respond to ocean--atmosphere states ranging from warm and wet with weak ocean forcing, to cold and arid with strong ocean forcing.
    We find that where warm climates are accompanied by a weak sensitivity to ocean forcing, net ice volume oscillates in phase with oceanic and atmospheric forcing, whereas under cold climates with strong ocean forcing the behaviour is anti-phased. Transitions between these two regimes are characterised by ice volume fluctuations that resonate at half the frequency of the forcing. Calving, reflecting ice discharge, exhibits a highly complex relationship to imposed forcings, transitioning from smooth oscillations to abrupt pulses as the dominance of ocean forcing increases.

    Focusing on the evolving balance between surface melt, basal melt, and calving, we are also able to demonstrate that the local Shannon entropy signature of our simulations maps out specific ice sheet regime types. Under both warm and cold extremes the ice sheet exists in a low entropy state of high predictability. Between these end-members, however, the ice sheet exhibits less predictable and more variable behaviour, characterised by overall higher entropy but also abrupt flickering between states. The transition from the cold to intermediate regime can occur under an atmospheric temperature change of as little as 0.5 - 1 K, whereas the transition to the warmest regime occurs over a 1 - 2 K range. 
    Our findings are based on an ensemble of coupled ice sheet--ice shelf model simulations totalling 100 million model years, spanning climates from five degrees colder than present to fifteen degrees warmer than present. As such they provide a comprehensive framework for interpreting future East Antarctic Ice Sheet changes over multi-centennial to multi-millennial timescales. Most importantly, our results suggest that ice sheet reconstructions based on geological proxy records must take into account the background climate state and behavioural regime of the ice sheet in order to be most accurate. 

    How to cite: Golledge, N., Levy, R., Meyers, S., Weber, M., Clark, P., Burns, J., Ishii, H., Knahl, H., Lowry, D., McKay, R., Naish, T., Grant, G., and Sullivan, N.: East Antarctic Ice Sheet regime shifts during climate transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1272,, 2025.

    EGU25-1428 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Mass losses of the Antarctic Peninsula. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry. 

    Maud Bernat, Etienne Berthier, Amaury Dehecq, Joaquin MC Belart, and David Youssefi

    Along with glaciers, polar ice sheets are a major contributor to sea level rise and their losses are accelerating. Since 2012, intercomparison exercises have combined estimates of ice sheet mass change from various methods (gravimetry, altimetry and input/output method). However, the consensus displayed in these intercomparisons hides sometimes strong divergences between these different methods because each one presents drawbacks. In particular, the altimetry method, whether based on radar or laser measurements, has a resolution of generally one kilometer. This resolution, although perfectly suited in the central and flat areas of the polar ice sheets, does not allow to solve the complexity of the elevation changes of the coastal glaciers, especially along the sloping coasts of the Antarctic Peninsula and Greenland. Yet, it is at their margins that ice sheets respond dynamically to rising atmospheric and oceanic temperatures.

    The objective of the study is to build high resolution estimates of ice sheet elevation changes. It exploits an archive of stereo pairs acquired by the SPOT5-HRS sensor mostly during the International Polar Year (IPY, 2007-2009) to build a topography of the polar ice sheet periphery. A vertical correction of each digital terrain model (DEMs) is performed using the elevation measurements, partly simultaneous, of the ICESat laser altimeter (2003-2008). This IPY topography is then used as a reference to estimate more than 15 years of volume changes of the ice sheet periphery by comparison with measurements from recent missions, in particular ICESat-2 and REMA (Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica) /ArcticDEM.

    The Antarctic Peninsula was selected to develop the methodology and to estimate 15 years of evolution. This is one of the regions where recent estimates of mass loss diverge the most and where glacier dynamics are complex. The elevation change maps reveal, at a high resolution, the spatial pattern of changes over the past 15 years.

    How to cite: Bernat, M., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., MC Belart, J., and Youssefi, D.: Mass losses of the Antarctic Peninsula. New constraints from stereoscopic imagery and laser altimetry., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1428,, 2025.

    EGU25-1662 | Orals | CR7.2

    Late Pleistocene to Holocene fluctuations of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Adélie Land using cosmogenic nuclides: combining in situ 10Be/26Al on glacial landforms with meteoric 10Be in marine sediments 

    Marcelline Péan, Yann Rolland, Pierre Valla, Régis Braucher, Irène Schimmelpfenning, Xavier Crosta, Johan Étourneau, Vincent Jomelli, Vincent Favier, and Margot Louis

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) dynamics are source of uncertainty in past and future sea level variations. The assessment of the EAIS stability lies on a lack of data, especially since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Although previous works focused on the LGM ice sheet front at the shelf break or its modern position reached ~8 ka ago, these offshore marine records did not document the post-LGM to Holocene ice sheet fluctuations driven by climatic or oceanic circulation variations. In Adélie Land (136°E-142°E), glacial landforms (i.e., morainic ridges, erratics and glacially polished bedrocks) as well as sedimentary deposits (i.e., along the Adélie bank) suggest multiple post-LGM oscillations of the EAIS front position which have not yet been fully assessed so far. With a new set of cosmogenic nuclides data on well preserved terrestrial and marine archives, we aim to shed new light on the EAIS response to both climatic and oceanic changes with improved spatial and temporal resolution.

    We propose new data using terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides - 10Be and 26Al - from morainic ridges (Lacroix moraine) and glacially-polished bedrocks scattered on the Pointe Géologie archipelago (Dumont d’Urville basecamp). We combine these results with more distal marine data proxies through meteoric 10Be/9Be ratios measured on the authigenic phase of the sediment core MD03-2601 (66°03.07’S; 138°33.43’E, 746m water depth), collected on the continental shelf of Adélie Land and already investigated with environmental proxies over the Holocene.

    10Be/26Al exposure dating of glacially polished bedrocks displays complex exposure histories and diachronous timing for ice sheet retreat along the coastline and within Pointe Géologie archipelago. Here, the onset of ice sheet retreat appears to range from > 60 ka to the LGM period, linked to the Astrolabe ice-stream dynamics. In contrast, the inland Lacroix moraine documents a more recent deglaciation period around 2.5 ka. These terrestrial deposits thus record non-synchronous late-Pleistocene ice sheet dynamics and final withdraw along the Terre Adélie.

    Comparatively, in the marine sediment core, we evidence a major meteoric 10Be input around 6 ka associated to changes in sedimentation rates. Based on the distal core location, we propose this event to be linked with either a modified Circumpolar Deep-Water or easterly currents incursions. 9Be data are in agreement with other environmental proxies and record ice-sheet oscillations: (1) a major ice-sheet re-advance and detrital input at 4.2ka; and (2) ice-sheet retreat since around 2.5 ka, synchronous to deglaciation ages on the coast. Our results record at least three main oscillations of the EAIS at different space and time during the late Pleistocene to Holocene period, illustrating its sensitivity to short-term climate forcing.

    How to cite: Péan, M., Rolland, Y., Valla, P., Braucher, R., Schimmelpfenning, I., Crosta, X., Étourneau, J., Jomelli, V., Favier, V., and Louis, M.: Late Pleistocene to Holocene fluctuations of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet in Adélie Land using cosmogenic nuclides: combining in situ 10Be/26Al on glacial landforms with meteoric 10Be in marine sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1662,, 2025.

    EGU25-2904 * | Orals | CR7.2 | Highlight

    Research results and new frontiers for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, 2018-2024 

    Ted Scambos, Robert Larter, Peter Davis, Marianne Karplus, Athena Dinar, and Margie Turrin and the The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration

    The evolution of Thwaites Glacier represents the largest uncertainty in sea level rise forecasts over the next few centuries. To address this concern, the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC) was co-sponsored by the US and UK polar research agencies with contributions from Sweden, Germany, and South Korea. The program investigated all aspects of the climate-ice-ocean-earth system in the Thwaites-Amundsen region, in eight coordinated projects. Several of the scenarios of highest concern for rapid increase in ice flux from the system are found to be less likely than initially thought. However, newly discovered processes that could accelerate ice loss, and additional considerations of the processes investigated, mandate that the region receive continued focus. Modelling and observational data show that the impending loss of the remaining ice shelf will result in only a small (order 10%) increase in grounded glacier flow speed, at least initially. Runaway ice cliff failure, while a valid process with several forms, is difficult to sustain in model scenarios so far; however, concerns remain about the effects of damaged ice on the ice-cliff calving thresholds and rates. Studies of the Holocene and recent pre-satellite evolution of the system show that the region has experienced very rapid retreat in the recent past, and that ice elevation near the Holocene Optimum was around 35 m lower than the present day, but then recovered as climate slowly cooled and bed elevation increased due to glacial isostatic adjustment to ice loss following the Last Glacial Maximum. Modern retreat at the Thwaites and Pine Island glaciers appears to have been initiated in the 1940s after a series of very strong El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) effects. In considering the future retreat and ice loss from the Thwaites catchment, studies of the shear margins and bed imply that further ice loss will likely widen the glacier, and that the pattern of mixed resistant and slick bed conditions will actually lead to slightly faster retreat of the Thwaites  Glacier basin in the coming centuries. Lastly, significant concerns remain about a tidal pumping process, inferred from satellite and field observations as part of the project, that may be driving warm near-bottom seawater several kilometers upstream of the nominal grounding line. This process, and in general the oceanography near the ice front and basal geology of the glacier bed, remain areas in need of continuing study by the community.


    How to cite: Scambos, T., Larter, R., Davis, P., Karplus, M., Dinar, A., and Turrin, M. and the The International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration: Research results and new frontiers for the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration, 2018-2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2904,, 2025.

    EGU25-3557 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Did past warm periods see glacial collapse into the East Antarctic Aurora Subglacial Basin? An experiment of geologically constrained modelling. 

    Rebecca Knight, Edward Gasson, Kate Littler, and Taryn Noble

    One of the biggest uncertainties in future global sea level rise is the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and its response to anthropogenic climate change. However, to understand future glacial retreat, we must consider paleoclimate proxies to inform our models.

    In a recent study, Jamieson et al. [2023, Nature Communications] discovered a relic landscape formed by rivers millions of years ago and preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The existence of this landscape beneath the modern ice sheet in the Aurora Subglacial Basin region can help us constrain past glacial collapse in this region. In this investigation, we use high-resolution model simulations to better understand if the preservation of this landscape precludes significant glacial retreat into the basin in past warm periods, with a focus on the mid-Pliocene. We apply new subglacial topography maps to resolve mesoscale features within the model, and a range of geothermal heat flux maps. We use simulations with different parameterisations of glacial processes such as ocean temperature sensitivity and hydrofracture (driving marine ice cliff instabilities) to assess which processes might have influenced glacial retreat while allowing for the preservation of the relic landscape.

    How to cite: Knight, R., Gasson, E., Littler, K., and Noble, T.: Did past warm periods see glacial collapse into the East Antarctic Aurora Subglacial Basin? An experiment of geologically constrained modelling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3557,, 2025.

    EGU25-3689 | Orals | CR7.2

    Exploring East Antarctica from past to future 

    Florence Colleoni and the Members of the SCAR INSTANT Scientific Programme

    While most of West Antarctic ice shelves are thinning due to ongoing oceanic warming, East Antarctic ice shelves, except a few ones, are apparently more stable. East Antarctica represents most of the ice volume stored on the Antarctic continent. Understanding its potential response to climate warming through its history can inform the implementation of adaptation plans and associated costs. Combining geological observations and knowledge with the glaciological and climatic observations of the past decades can help understand how East Antarctica responds to climate warming in general. Paleoclimate have now the potential to provide insights on processes and interactions, where present-day glaciological and oceanic observations networks fail, for example, within cavities. With the technological progresses and the advances in understanding of ice-ocean or ice-atmosphere interactions, our understanding of the role of Antarctica in the climate system has made some progresses. But numerous knowledge gaps remain and rely on our capacity to set-up successful expeditions to explore the mostly unknow East Antarctic margins.

    How to cite: Colleoni, F. and the Members of the SCAR INSTANT Scientific Programme: Exploring East Antarctica from past to future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3689,, 2025.

    EGU25-4166 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Geomorphological record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in front of Vanderford Glacier 

    Lenya Mara Baumann, Jacob Geersen, Johann Philipp Klages, Chiara Alina Tobisch, Mardi McNeil, Estella Weigelt, and Sebastian Krastel

    From instrumental observations, we know that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has experienced mass loss over recent decades, with a higher potential for climate change-induced ice loss than previously assumed. While instrumental data only allow for reconstructing high-latitude ice-sheet dynamics over some decades, little is known about the long-term EAIS development over geological timescales. One possibility to overcome this lack of data is to study the geomorphological record imprinted on the Antarctic continental shelf. Here, we visualize the paleo-ice sheet bed on the Mawson Sea shelf with a focus on the shelf offshore Vanderford Glacier – EAIS’s fastest-retreating glacier forced by increasing intrusions of modified Circumpolar Deep Water. The study uses multibeam bathymetry and sediment echosounder data collected on the continental shelf in front of the Vanderford Glacier terminus during RV Polarstern and RSV Nuyina expeditions in 2024 and 2022 respectively.  A large assemblage of subglacial bedforms was imaged revealing past hydrological and glacial conditions at the former ice sheet bed. An over-deepened glacial trough system right in front of the modern glacier terminus suggests intense past meltwater discharge beneath the Vanderford glacier, possibly reactivated during several glacial cycles. Further seawards, a giant grounding-zone wedge records past subglacial sediment accumulation at the convergence zone of fast-flowing ice streams from various glaciers. The presented glacial landform assemblage reveals a major paleo-ice stream system including corridors of fast-flowing ice, distinct regions of ice flow acceleration, and inter-ice stream regions characterized by slowly moving or even stagnant ice masses. Our new geomorphological data from Vincennes Bay provides crucial information on the EAIS’s past behaviour in a region that currently changes rapidly. As it is directly situated seawards of the vast Aurora Subglacial Basin, it will allow for constraining regional ice sheet and oceanographic models more reliably.

    How to cite: Baumann, L. M., Geersen, J., Klages, J. P., Tobisch, C. A., McNeil, M., Weigelt, E., and Krastel, S.: Geomorphological record of East Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in front of Vanderford Glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4166,, 2025.

    EGU25-4186 | Orals | CR7.2

    Were the Cook and Ninnis glaciers stable in the Pleistocene? 

    Laura De Santis and the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPS) project scientific team

    The thick and cold East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is apparently stable and melts only slightly due to atmospheric warming. However, it is predicted that the EAIS sectors, whose base is below sea level, will partially shrink or retreat over the next three centuries, mainly due to ocean warming. One of these sectors is located in George V Land (GVL), where ice flow and ice mass loss have increased in recent decades. The intrusion of warm Circumantarctic Deep Water (CDW) was observed between 1996 and 2019 in the mid-continental shelf of GVL off the Ninnis Glacier, but did not reach the subglacial sea cave. Whether and when this phenomenon will progress and lead to ice melt and dynamic changes in the GVL sector remains to be proven.

    We present a new geomorphologic map and sedimentary paleoceanographic archives obtained from the GVL continental margin in front of the Cook and Ninnis glaciers by the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPSE) project funded by the Italian Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), providing evidence for their fluctuations and instability during the Pleistocene. Our results show that the Cook and Ninnis glaciers responded to increased continental shelf warming with partial melting and calving.

    Our analysis reconstructs the erosion and deposition processes on the continental slope and sheds light on the dynamics of the EAIS and its interaction with the bottom current during warmer periods with increased CDW rise on the slope. The Pleistocene was the coldest period of the last 100 million years on Earth, during which the Antarctic ice sheet remained roughly stable even during the interglacials. The global sea level change was mainly caused by the volume fluctuations of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet. Our results show that the marine EAIS sector of the GVL responded to ocean warming and thus contributed to global sea level changes, although major ice mass loss occurred before MIS 9, possibly as a consequence of prolonged warm climate periods such as MIS11.

    How to cite: De Santis, L. and the Cook glacier-Ocean Antarctic Past Stability (COLLAPS) project scientific team: Were the Cook and Ninnis glaciers stable in the Pleistocene?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4186,, 2025.

    EGU25-4396 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Past ice sheet dynamics from seismic reflection data of Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica – was the Vanderford Glacier more stable than presumed? 

    Timo Mühlberger-Krause, Karsten Gohl, Katharina Hochmuth, Rachel Barrett, German Leitchenkov, Chiara Tobisch, Johann P. Klages, and Sebastian Krastel

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) has long been assumed to remain relatively stable under current climatic forcing. Recently, however, this assumption has been challenged by the observation of increased ice mass loss, improved subglacial topography data, and extensive geological and geophysical data of past glacial change from the Sabrina Coast. Glacial-marine sediments deposited on the continental shelf, slope, and rise record past ice sheet expansion and retreat periods that have occurred since the onset of Southern Hemisphere glaciations. The Vanderford Glacier is the main glacial outlet in Vincennes Bay (eastern Mawson Sea shelf), which together with the Totten Glacier drains the large Aurora Subglacial Basin.

    We use deep-penetrating seismic reflection data collected during the RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 (EASI-3) in early 2024 combined with existing data to construct a seismic stratigraphic model of the continental shelf, slope, and rise in Vincennes Bay. The newly acquired seismic data reveal pre-glacial sedimentary strata and glacially-transported sequences on the continental shelf and slope in a previously unmapped area near the Vanderford Glacier. We analyze pre-glacial and glacial sedimentation processes on the East Antarctic continental shelf in this region, which so far remained poorly constrained. This allows us to decipher dominant phases of early Oligocene to Pleistocene EAIS development in this sector.

    Long-distance seismic horizon correlation with deep-sea scientific drill records from DSDP, ODP, and IODP sites in the northern Mawson Sea, Prydz Bay, and offshore Wilkes Land provides age estimates for the seismostratigraphic sequences on the continental shelf. The earliest clear indications of grounded ice advancing onto the middle continental shelf are inferred in the Early Miocene (~24-14 Ma) from buried subglacial channel systems. The middle shelf consists of older preglacial sequences of Late Cretaceous to Late Miocene age and is overlain by a much younger (Quaternary?) gigantic grounding zone wedge. The outer continental shelf is dominated by prograding glacially-transported sequences of inferred Late Miocene to Pliocene age (14-5 Ma), indicating repeated advances of grounded ice with a high sediment influx from the hinterland. In contrast to the neighbouring Totten Glacier of the Sabrina Coast, the distribution of glacial sedimentary features across sequences suggests that the EAIS was more stable in the Vincennes Bay region, highlighting how differently these two systems might have reacted to changing conditions.

    How to cite: Mühlberger-Krause, T., Gohl, K., Hochmuth, K., Barrett, R., Leitchenkov, G., Tobisch, C., Klages, J. P., and Krastel, S.: Past ice sheet dynamics from seismic reflection data of Vincennes Bay, East Antarctica – was the Vanderford Glacier more stable than presumed?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4396,, 2025.

    EGU25-5515 | Orals | CR7.2

    Holocene Ice Shelf Collapse and Subsequent Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, Driven by Warm Deep Water Inflow and Sea Level Rise 

    Yusuke Suganuma, Takuya Itaki, Yuki Haneda, Kazuya Kusahara, Takashi Obase, Takeshige Ishiwa, Takayuki Omori, Minoru Ikehara, Rob McKay, Osamu Seki, Daisuke Hirano, and Masakazu Fujii

    Recent observations and model simulations show that the inflow of warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) causes rapid and significant melting and thinning of the ice shelves of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, contributing to the ongoing increase in the discharge of grounded ice. This process is also thought to contribute to the deglaciation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). However, the role of the CDW in a potential large-scale ice-mass loss in East Antarctica is largely unknown. In this study, we present new, well-dated sedimentary core records of the ice sheet and ice shelf retreat since the LGM, including a signature of the ice shelf collapse in Lützow-Holm Bay (LHB), eastern Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Foraminiferal C-14 ages indicate the ice shelf collapses occurred at ca. 9 ka, which is consistent with the initiation of the thinning of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet revealed by Be-10 surface exposure dating along the southern coast of the bay. In addition, foraminiferal carbon isotope data from the cores suggest that the CDW inflow had intensified and reached the southern coast during this period. Using a hierarchical modelling approach that combines climate and high-resolution ocean simulations, we find that freshwater discharge from adjacent sectors of the AIS into the Southern Ocean likely enhanced regional CDW inflow into submarine troughs in the LHB between 10 and 9 ka. Our results suggest that a series of cascading tipping points propagated around the Antarctic margin during the last glacial termination, highlighting the importance of feedbacks between meltwater input, CDW intrusion onto the continental shelf, ice shelf stability and ice sheet dynamics, and relative sea level rise for both historical and future changes in the AIS.

    How to cite: Suganuma, Y., Itaki, T., Haneda, Y., Kusahara, K., Obase, T., Ishiwa, T., Omori, T., Ikehara, M., McKay, R., Seki, O., Hirano, D., and Fujii, M.: Holocene Ice Shelf Collapse and Subsequent Antarctic Ice Sheet Retreat in Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica, Driven by Warm Deep Water Inflow and Sea Level Rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5515,, 2025.

    EGU25-5596 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of surface mass balance in East Antarctica: Insights from Dronning Maud Land using airborne radar observations 

    Alexandra M. Zuhr, Steven Franke, Olaf Eisen, Leah S. Muhle, Rebecca Schlegel, Daniel Steinhage, Maria Hörhold, and Reinhard Drews

    The near-surface stratigraphy of ice sheets provides a unique archive of past specific surface mass balance (SMB), usually on the order of years to millennia. In the context of ongoing climate change, a warming atmosphere is expected to increase SMB over the East Antarctic plateau due to enhanced snowfall. However, the scarcity of observational data across this vast region complicates the quantification of recent SMB changes, contributing to uncertainties in future sea level projections.

    In this study, we reconstruct SMB over the last millennium along 3,000 km of airborne radar profiles on the plateau in Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Multiple internal reflection horizons in the firn column are traced in the ultra-wideband radar data. The flight lines overlap with firn core positions, which allow dating of the horizons and thus an interpretation of the data as a proxy for time-averaged SMB. More specifically, we cover decadal to centennial time intervals going back to the 12th century. The spatial variability (coefficient of variation) reaches more than 120% of the mean value inferred at the firn cores.

    For time periods prior to 1975, we find temporally and spatially stable SMB patterns that do not change significantly within our error estimates. After 1975, the data suggest an increase of specific SMB up to 30%. We use environmental information such as wind direction and surface slope to generate spatial SMB fields that highlight spatio-temporal SMB changes. We also present robust uncertainty estimates that will help refine sea level projections and improve our understanding of East Antarctica’s role in the global climate system.

    How to cite: Zuhr, A. M., Franke, S., Eisen, O., Muhle, L. S., Schlegel, R., Steinhage, D., Hörhold, M., and Drews, R.: Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of surface mass balance in East Antarctica: Insights from Dronning Maud Land using airborne radar observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5596,, 2025.

    EGU25-5704 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Miocene to Pliocene/Pleistocene shift in West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sectors 

    Karsten Gohl, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, Johann Klages, Lingyan Luo, Robert Larter, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, and Ulrich Salzmann

    The attention on the current enormous ice mass loss of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) leads to questions about its behavior in the geological past, in particular during past extended warm periods such as those in the Miocene and Pliocene. The compilation of the network of seismic lines linked to relevant ocean drilling sites of ODP Leg 178 at the western Antarctic Peninsula and IODP Expedition 379 on the Amundsen Sea continental rise enables analyses of the temporal and spatial evolution of the WAIS in the southeastern Pacific sector from early expansions to the continental shelves in the Oligocene-Miocene to variations in its dynamic behavior up to the Pliocene/Pleistocene. This includes significant warm periods with major grounded ice retreat events in the middle to late Pliocene. Our analyses indicate that long-period expansion and retreat phases of the main ice-stream outflow systems in the Bellingshausen Sea sector and the Amundsen Sea sector occurred less synchronously than previously assumed. In the Bellingshausen Sea sector, the earliest high-intensity advances of grounded ice occurred in the Miocene with mid- to low-intensity advances in the Pliocene. Extended ice sheet retreat periods during the Pliocene warm times are not as clearly observed as in the Amundsen Sea sector. On the other hand, the Amundsen Sea sector experienced its earliest low-intensity ice advances in the Miocene and high-intensity advances in the Pliocene with extended ice-sheet retreat periods embedded during the so-called Pliocene Amundsen Sea Warm Period from 4.2 to 3.2 Ma. Different paleotopographic conditions of the respective hinterlands likely caused different ice-stream/ice-sheet dynamics. In addition, regional ocean circulation patterns, that were prevalent at particular times, seem to have had a major control on expansion and retreat phases. We show newest seismic data analyses and try to synthesize our observations into a consistent model for past WAIS dynamics from the Miocene to the Pleistocene.

    How to cite: Gohl, K., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Klages, J., Luo, L., Larter, R., Hillenbrand, C.-D., and Salzmann, U.: Miocene to Pliocene/Pleistocene shift in West Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics in the Bellingshausen Sea and Amundsen Sea sectors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5704,, 2025.

    EGU25-5738 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability: insights from a > 50 ka sediment record from the Vestfold Hills 

    Jacob Feller, Martin Melles, Sonja Berg, and Bernd Wagner

    Geological fieldwork in the Vestfold Hills, a 413 km2 ice-free area on the eastern margin of Prydz Bay, Antarctica, was carried out during the R/V Polarstern cruise PS140 to support the research objectives of the Eastern Antarctic Ice Sheet Instabilities (EASI) initiative. A 12 m sediment core composite obtained from Watts Lake provides a high-resolution record of the climatic, glacial, and relative sea-level history of the region, as well as the first evidence of ice-free conditions in the Vestfold Hills prior to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A series of 24 radiocarbon ages from bulk organic carbon, mollusk shells, and lacustrine moss remains collected throughout the core will provide the basis for a detailed age-depth model going back over 50 ka, and provide insight into the rate and timing of deglaciation ~10 ka. Ongoing biogeochemical analyses, including XRF, biomarker, TOC and CNS profiling, will provide proxies for biological productivity and changes in meltwater supply, allowing us to reconstruct Holocene climate trends. A combination of radiocarbon ages from surrounding marine terraces, field geodetic data, and lacustrine-marine transitions identified and dated in the core will allow us to develop updated relative sea level curves that are prerequisites to track isostatic uplift during deglaciation and model past ice thickness. These data will be integrated with other sediment records from the same field campaign, collected along a 10 km E-W transect of the adjacent Ellis Fjord, which will provide further spatial and temporal detail on deglaciation processes and evaluate possible ice readvances in the Vestfold Hills. Overall, the results will improve our understanding of the dynamics of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet and its role in a warming world.

    How to cite: Feller, J., Melles, M., Berg, S., and Wagner, B.: East Antarctic Ice Sheet instability: insights from a > 50 ka sediment record from the Vestfold Hills, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5738,, 2025.

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is the largest reservoir of frozen freshwater on Earth, with the potential to raise global sea levels by approximately 52.2 meters if fully melted. Despite its critical role in the global climate system, significant uncertainties remain regarding its sensitivity to past and future warming scenarios. Marine-based sectors of the EAIS, such as the Wilkes Subglacial Basin (WSB) and Aurora Subglacial Basin (ASB), are particularly vulnerable to climate-induced instability due to their grounding below sea level. Recent studies have documented mass loss from these sectors during past warm periods (Blackburn et al., 2020), and numerical models predict their substantial contributions to future sea-level rise under warming scenarios (DeConto and Pollard, 2016).

    This study aims to reconstruct the behavior of the WSB and ASB during past climatic warm periods using glaciomarine sediments deposited along the continental margins of the Sabrina Coast (draining ASB via Totten Glacier) and the George V Coast (draining WSB via the Mertz, Cook, and Ninnis glaciers). Recovered during IODP Leg 318 and DSDP Leg 28 expeditions, these sediments archive multiple glacial cycles and capture evidence of ice sheet advances and retreats.

    Preliminary results focus on characterizing iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) and integrating Nd-Sr isotopic data to infer sediment provenance and ice sheet dynamics. Data reveals that during the Pliocene, shifts in sediment origins were highlighted by significant increases in the accumulation rates of ice-rafted debris. These findings suggest that deglacial warming led to accelerated iceberg calving, followed by the retreat of the ice margin further inland (Bertram et al, 2018).

    These findings, combined with available ice core records and numerical ice sheet models, aim to provide a multi-dimensional understanding of EAIS stability under projected warming scenarios. The results will refine predictions of sea-level rise, enhance understanding of glacial-climate interactions, and inform evidence-based strategies for mitigating climate change impacts.

    How to cite: Gupta, R. and Kiro, Y.: Reconstructing the Dynamics of Marine-Based East Antarctic Ice Sheet Sectors During Past Warm Periods: Insights from Glaciomarine Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6269,, 2025.

    EGU25-6827 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Warm water intrusion onto the East Antarctic Shelf 

    Jasper Ferber, Gastón Kreps, Lester Lembke-Jene, Laura Herraiz Borreguero, Ole Rieke, and Nina Keul

    Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) poses a major threat for the future stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. In the Southern Ocean, CDW encroaches onto the Antarctic continental shelf in East Antarctica. CDW is the warmest deep-water mass within the Southern Ocean, and thus, harbours large amounts of heat with the potential to drive large basal melting under the ice shelf cavities it reaches. The PS141 expedition focused on the Denman Glacier, one of the fastest retreating glaciers in the East Antarctic Aurora subglacial basin. It holds a sea level rise equivalent of up to 1.6 m. However, the processes behind the Denman retreat remain undocumented. During PS141, found warm modified CDW intrusions in the immediate vicinity of the Denman ice shelf. mCDW temperature reached up to -0.1 °C, more than 1.5 °C higher than ambient water masses. It was present as the deepest water mass below 330 m on the continental shelf along a cross-shelf-transect at 100° E. Its minimum thickness was 50 m at the ice shelf and reached up to 100 m thickness mid shelf, where the warmest temperatures were measured. Predictions into how future climate scenarios may affect how CDW interacts with the Antarctic Ice Sheet suggest an increasing presence of mCDW within the Antarctic continental shelf. This could be a major threat to the stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, especially if it reaches vulnerable regions such as the Aurora subglacial basin and Denman glacier. By documenting the ocean state near this critical region, we can deliver better climate-related advice to policy makers working on mitigating and adapting to future sea level rise.

    How to cite: Ferber, J., Kreps, G., Lembke-Jene, L., Herraiz Borreguero, L., Rieke, O., and Keul, N.: Warm water intrusion onto the East Antarctic Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6827,, 2025.

    EGU25-7698 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Beryllium isotope record from the Sabrina Coast details ice sheet dynamics related to upwelling deep water from 350,000 years ago to the present 

    Bethany Behrens, Yusuke Yokoyama, Yosuke Miyairi, Zihan Huang, Hisami Suga, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Stephen Obrochta, Alix Post, Philip O'Brien, and Leanne Armand

    Along the Sabrina Coast, extensive canyon systems, mapped in high resolution during the RV Investigator voyage IN2017_V01, cut through the continental slope and rise. These essential conduits for transporting water masses to and from the continental shelf provide a pathway for upwelling warm deep water (e.g., Donda et al., 2024). Beryllium isotope ratios (10Be/9Be) can be used as an indicator of upwelling deep water due to differing beryllium concentrations in surface water, deep water (von Blanckenburg et al., 1996; Jeromson et al., 2024), and meltwater from continental ice shelves (Yokoyama et al., 2016, Valletta et al., 2018) in that deep ocean water beryllium isotope ratios are higher than that sourced from continents (Wittmann et al., 2017, Jeromson et al., 2024). Records of beryllium isotope variability from the Southern Ocean are scarce, and primarily encompass the Last Glacial Period through the Holocene (Sjunneskog et al., 2007, Yokoyama et al., 2016, Behrens et al., 2022, Sproson et al., 2022) or focus on spatial variability (White et al., 2019, Jeromson et al., 2024). 

    Here, we present the longest known beryllium isotope record from the continental rise, extracted from between two canyons off the Sabrina Coast. The site is adjacent to the Sabrina Subglacial Basin, the Totten Glacier, and Moscow University Ice Shelf. This 16 m-long beryllium isotope record elucidates the relationship between the Antarctic Ice Sheet and upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water from 350,000 years ago to the present. Glacial periods exhibit low beryllium ratios, indicating a greater contribution of beryllium from the continent due to the more proximal location of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to the study site and absence of upwelling deep water. The balance shifts during interglacial periods, and higher beryllium ratios indicate a greater presence of upwelling deep water through canyons along the continental slope and rise. The data presented here demonstrates the usefulness of beryllium isotopes in determining periods with higher ‘continental’ or ‘oceanic’ beryllium contribution along the Antarctic continental rise, which may be used as a proxy for ice sheet advance or retreat as it relates to upwelling Circumpolar Deep Water.

    How to cite: Behrens, B., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y., Huang, Z., Suga, H., Ohkouchi, N., Obrochta, S., Post, A., O'Brien, P., and Armand, L.: Beryllium isotope record from the Sabrina Coast details ice sheet dynamics related to upwelling deep water from 350,000 years ago to the present, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7698,, 2025.

    EGU25-7999 | Orals | CR7.2

    Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons 

    Federica Donda, Michele Rebesco, Vedrana Kovacevic, Alessandro Silvano, Manuel Bensi, Laura De Santis, Yair Rosenthal, Fiorenza Torricella, Luca Baradello, Davide Gei, Amy Leventer, Alix Post, German Leitchenkov, Taryn Noble, Fabrizio Zgur, Andrea Cova, Philip O'Brien, and Roberto Romeo

    The intrusion of relatively warm Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) onto the Antarctic continental shelf is widely recognized as a threat to ice shelves and glaciers grounded below sea level, as enhanced ocean heat increases their basal melt. CDW incursion onto the continental shelf is currently causing ice mass loss, thinning and extensive grounding line retreat of the Totten Glacier (Sabrina Coast), which drains one of the vastest East Antarctic subglacial basin complexes, the Aurora-Sabrina subglacial basin, and holds more than 3.5 m of Sea Level Equivalent (SLE). Another ice stream, the Ninnis Glacier, buttressing a large sector of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), is currently losing mass, although its melting from CDW incursion near the grounding zone is prevented by the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water that currently maintains a cold subglacial cavity. However the geological record indicates that the Ninnis glacier retreated inland during past warmer and prolonged interglacials, e.g., the Marine Isotope Stage 11 about 425 Ky ago. While the intrusion of warm water has been documented on the East Antarctic continental shelf, the locations where such warm water transport is sustained through time are still uncertain. The recognition of preferential conduits for enhanced CDW incursions toward the ice grounding zone is key to predict rates and modes of future responses of major Antarctic marine-based ice streams, such as the Totten and the Ninnis glaciers. We provide new evidence of the role of East Antarctic submarine canyons in conveying southward flowing currents that transport CDW toward the shelf break, thus facilitating relatively warm water intrusion on the continental shelf. The discovery of dozen-meter-thick sediment drifts on the eastern flank of the canyons testifies to the occurrence of sustained southward-directed bottom flows potentially prone to enhanced ocean heat transport toward the continental shelf. The investigated canyons and sediment drifts indicate that long-lasting flow of CDW onto the continental slope and rise have occurred offshore of both the Aurora and Wilkes sub-glacial basins, thus likely helping trigger and/or accelerate the destabilization of these key marine based sectors of the EAIS, with implications to global sea level both in the past and future. New, deep sediment archives from the sediment drifts flanking these canyons are, however, required to document the response and sensitivity of the EAIS, particularly the marine-based Aurora Basin system, to climate changes throughout the Neogene especially during warmer than pre-industrial climate states. To partially fill this knowledge gap, the new, multidisciplinary DIONE project, funded by the Italian Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), will collect geological, geophysical and oceanographic data, which will provide a comprehensive reconstruction of the climatic and environmental evolution of the Sabrina Coast since the Pliocene. However, a complete history of the ice sheet-climate interactions will only be achieved with a new deep sea drilling campaign.

    Donda F., et al 2024. Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons. Nature Communications, 15, 6028 (2024)

    How to cite: Donda, F., Rebesco, M., Kovacevic, V., Silvano, A., Bensi, M., De Santis, L., Rosenthal, Y., Torricella, F., Baradello, L., Gei, D., Leventer, A., Post, A., Leitchenkov, G., Noble, T., Zgur, F., Cova, A., O'Brien, P., and Romeo, R.: Footprint of sustained poleward warm water flow within East Antarctic submarine canyons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7999,, 2025.

    EGU25-8151 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Holocene environmental history of Thomas Island, Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica, inferred from a lake sediment record 

    Bernd Wagner, Damain B. Gore, Daniela Dägele, Amber Howard, Timo Lange, Stephanie Scheidt, Marie Weber, Duanne White, and Sonja Berg

    Over the last decades, climate change led to only moderate changes of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). In recent years, however, modelling approaches and field experiments have shown that also the EAIS is increasingly affected by ice mass losses. In order to obtain information on temporal/spatial ice sheet changes at the margins of the major glaciers in East Antarctica, northern Bunger Hills were visited within the frame of the EASI3 "RV Polarstern" expedition in the period between 19. and 29. February 2024. From a ca 1-km-long lake, here informally named Western Ear Lake (S 66.10621°, E 100.95924°), on Thomas Island, several gravity cores and hammering cores of up to 112-cm-length were recovered in the central part of the ice-covered lake at 14.4 m water depth. Very stiff, greyish to olive sediments sticking to the outer core barrel at sediment depths >110 cm imply that the recovered sediment successions contain the entire environmental history of the lake since the deglaciation of the basin. Greyish and clastic, coarse to fine grained sediments at the base of the sediment succession represent the retreat of the ice sheet after deglaciation of the lake basin. Sediments with fine lamination ranging from submillimeter to centimeter scale characterize the uppermost ~80 cm of the recovered sediment succession. Individual layers show distinct changes in granulometric and geochemical characteristics, particularly with respect to organic matter and calcite contents. The detailed study of these layers will allow a better understanding of lake internal sedimentation processes and related environmental changes. Bulk organic matter from nine horizons throughout the core is used for radiocarbon dating and will set the chronological framework for the reconstructed environmental changes. The radiocarbon ages may support an ice retreat during the early Holocene, as it is reported from geomorphological evidence and glacial deposits from the closer surrounding of the lake. Despite distinct changes in lamination with respect to lamination thickness or internal structures and geochemical composition in the uppermost ~80 cm of the sediment succession, large scale environmental changes that might be related to a marine transgression after ice retreat cannot be observed. The lack of evidence for marine conditions in the basin supports a marine limit several meters below the lake level of 14.8 m asl during the time of visit and/or the sill height of the outflow of the outflow at 16.3 m asl. Moreover, despite a long-term trend of sediments more enriched in organic matter towards the sediment surface, there is no indication for distinct long-term changes in environmental conditions. This may indicate that sedimentation conditions in the lake remained relatively constant after the ice retreat until today and were mainly controlled by small scale changes, such as lake ice coverage, meltwater supply, light and/or nutrient conditions. It also indicates that a major glacial advance of the ice sheet or of outlet glaciers into the lake catchment after the presumed early Holocene ice retreat can be discarded.

    How to cite: Wagner, B., Gore, D. B., Dägele, D., Howard, A., Lange, T., Scheidt, S., Weber, M., White, D., and Berg, S.: Holocene environmental history of Thomas Island, Bunger Oasis, East Antarctica, inferred from a lake sediment record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8151,, 2025.

    EGU25-8552 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    The Antarctic response to 1% annual atmospheric CO2 concentration increase 

    Javier Blasco, Britta Grusdt, Marisa Montoya, Jorge Alvarez-Solas, and Alexander Robinson

    The Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) holds the largest potential for global sea-level rise (SLR), yet it remains the greatest source of uncertainty in future SLR projections. While the physical processes driving AIS mass loss are qualitatively well understood, significant uncertainties persist due to the challenging representation in models of these processes such as ice-ocean interactions and basal friction at the ice-bed interface. Satellite observations from the last decade reveal accelerated AIS mass loss in regions experiencing enhanced oceanic warming. Such warming thins ice shelves, reducing their buttressing effect and accelerating the flow of grounded ice. This can trigger a retreat of the grounding line into deeper bedrock, activating the Marine Ice Sheet Instability (MISI) feedback mechanism. Understanding the proximity to this tipping point is crucial for accurate sea-level rise projections and for developing effective adaptation strategies. From modeling and paleo-climatic studies it is well established that oceanic warming of 1–3°C in the Amundsen Sea Embayment could instigate MISI in West Antarctica. In addition, the spread and reliability of climate projections in future warming scenarios derived from Earth System Models (ESMs) remains a large source of uncertainty. However, a systematic study of this possible threshold with multiple models is needed. To address this, we conducted simulations of the AIS forced by CMIP6 ESMs under a scenario of 1% annual CO2 increase until 2300, including simulations that branch off with a constant imposed forcing at different global warming levels. The simulations are run until year 3000 with a constant climate to study committed impacts to ice loss. For this, we use an ensemble produced with the ice-sheet-shelf model Yelmo, initialized with varying configurations to account for key uncertainties, including ice-ocean interactions and basal friction, as well as climatic forcing obtained from various CMIP6 ESMs that were assessed for their performance in Antarctica. This approach provides insights into the differential warming of the Southern Ocean relative to global temperatures, the AIS’s committed response, and its proximity to triggering the MISI.

    How to cite: Blasco, J., Grusdt, B., Montoya, M., Alvarez-Solas, J., and Robinson, A.: The Antarctic response to 1% annual atmospheric CO2 concentration increase, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8552,, 2025.

    Abstract: The deepest area of the continental shelf is located at the Drygalski Trough, western Ross Sea, with a water depth over 1,100 m. Sedimentation in Drygalski Trough is mainly controlled by the past East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS). Previous studies discussed the sediment facies and sedimentary environments, but the analysis of sediment source provenance is poor, transport dynamics and post-transport processes are not clearly, the correspondence between sedimentary events and paleoclimate changes still needs to be explored. We analyzed the grain size, XRF, biogenic silica, and isotope dating to obtain the information of the composition and access the sedimentation mechanism from the two new gravity cores collected in the Drygalski Trough by Chinese Antarctic Expedition. The preliminary results indicate that the sediments are characterised by coarse diamictons with low biological productivity and stronger hydrodynamics during the glacial, and by clay and silt deposits with increased biological productivity and lower hydrodynamics during the interglacial, and what appears to be a renewed trend toward stronger hydrodynamics in the present. Several thin interbedded deposits on the gravity core contain high amounts of ice rafted debris (IRD), presumably controlled by formation of the polynya and density shelf water discharge. The adjacent cores support that Drygalski trough had received subglacial sediments since 20 ka. The aim of this study is to reveal the sediment events under the complicated palaeoceanographic conditions and ice sheet-ocean interaction based on the changes in biological productivity and the formation of polynya since the ending of Last Glacial Maximum. The reconstruction of the evolution of the depositional environment in the Drygalski trough, western Ross Sea, analyzing the past glacial activities and history of Paleocean ventilation provides key information for predicting the impacts of future glacier changes and improving the accuracy of glacier-ocean models. 
    Key Words: Drygalski Trough; Ross Sea; marine sedimentology; ice sheet dynamics; sediment cores; palaeoceanographic evolution; Antarctica. 

    How to cite: Xiao, Z., Huang, X., and Yang, X.: Tracing palaeoceanographic archives of ice sheet-ocean interaction of the western Ross Sea since Last Glacial Maximum, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9982,, 2025.

    Changes in snow accumulation on the Antarctic Ice Sheet are of significant relevance
    to global mean sea level. Measurements taken over a 33-year period near the Neumayer
    Stations, Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, were used to statistically
    analyse both interannual and intraannual trends and variability of snow accumulation.
    While a significant increases in snow accumulation have been observed at
    Kohnen Station on the DML plateau in the interior of the continent, the question
    arises as to whether the coastal measurements near Neumayer show similar trends.
    This study reveals that two unprecedented accumulation years, 2021 and 2023, were
    recorded near Neumayer; however, no statistically significant long-term trend could
    be identified in the time series, which shows several periods of increasing and decreasing
    mulit-annual means in snow accumulation. Despite this, shifts in certain
    accumulation characteristics during the study period suggest the possible onset of
    a positive trend. Specifically, positive annual accumulation anomalies have become
    more frequent and more intense, the rate of interannual accumulation increase has
    accelerated, and the current period reflects a prolonged state of above-average accumulation.
    High interannual variability, however, prevents the identification of a
    significant trend within the available data period.
    Periodicities observed in the time series suggest possible links to larger atmospheric
    patterns, such as the Antarctic Circumpolar Wave. Further research is required to
    also investigate the role of the major climate modes such as the Southern Annular
    Mode (SAM) and El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and how these might influence
    local accumulation trends. This climatological analysis offers valuable data
    that could be used for future ground-truthing of satellite observations and benchmarking
    of climate models, especially given the higher temporal resolution of these
    measurements compared to firn and ice core records.

    How to cite: Reppert, V., Eisen, O., and Prinz, R.: Climate Signals from Neumayer, Coastal Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica: A 33 Year Statistical Analysis of Snow Accumulation in a Stake Farm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10222,, 2025.

    EGU25-10652 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Paleoenvironmental insights into ice-ocean interactions in East Antarctica 

    Lina Raffelsiefen, Daniela Dägele, Damian Gore, Christine Heim, Martin Melles, and Sonja Berg

    As meso-order predators, snow petrels (Pagodroma nivea) play a significant role in the Antarctic food web. Changes in their abundance can be related to the availability of prey and thus provide an indication of ecosystem health. The foraging grounds of snow petrels lie within the pack ice and open waters of the Southern Ocean, while their nesting sites are restricted to ice-free areas on the Antarctic mainland and surrounding islands. Modern observations of the birds allow conclusions to be drawn about their breeding performance and foraging ecology in relation to environmental parameters, such as sea-ice extent. Biological studies on the distribution of nesting sites and the response of the birds to changing environmental conditions can be complemented by the analysis of fossil stomach oil deposits produced by snow petrels, the so-called 'Antarctic mumiyo'. Stomach oil is composed of lipid-rich dietary components and can therefore provide information on the composition of the diet, which consists mainly of different fish and krill species.

    Fossil stomach oil deposits provide information on the timing of snow petrel occupation of a particular nesting site and can be used as an indicator of ice sheet retreat. However, 'Antarctic mumiyo' also serves as a novel terrestrial archive for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Southern Ocean. Analyses of the organic and inorganic composition of the stomach oil deposits allow assumptions to be made about the paleodiet of the snow petrels, which in turn depends on the oceanic environmental conditions prevailing at the time of deposition. We investigate stomach oil deposits from several coastal sites in East Antarctica (including the Vestfjella, Framnes Mountains, Bunger Hills, and Windmill Islands) to develop new proxies for the composition of the paleodiet and to link these to marine environmental conditions (e.g., sea-ice variability and polynya occurrence) during the Holocene.

    The fossil stomach oil deposits are examined using inorganic, lipid, and isotopic geochemical methods, as well as radiocarbon dating for temporal constraints. Evidence for regional differences in the paleodiet comes from lipid data, such as n-C14 to n-C24 alcohol and fatty acid distributions, reflecting either a more fish or krill dominated paleodiet. We will present initial regional reconstructions based on 14C-dated stomach oil deposits from Bunger Hills and Framnes Mountains and discuss potential links between paleoenvironmental conditions and paleodiet.

    How to cite: Raffelsiefen, L., Dägele, D., Gore, D., Heim, C., Melles, M., and Berg, S.: Paleoenvironmental insights into ice-ocean interactions in East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10652,, 2025.

    EGU25-10979 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Maximum extent and subsequent retreat of the grounding line from the Mac. Robertson Shelf (East Antarctica) during and since the Last Glacial Maximum and its implications for Antarctic Bottom Water formation 

    Janina Güntzel, Juliane Müller, Lester Lembke-Jene, Ralf Tiedemann, Gesine Mollenhauer, Estella Weigelt, Lasse Schopen, Niklas Wesch, Andrew Mackintosh, and Johann P. Klages

    The future behaviour of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is considered as one of the largest unknowns in global climate predictions and dramatically accelerated ice loss has been observed over the past few decades for numerous of its drainage basins. However, those records only reflect a short moment of limited informative value when considering the length of a full cycle of ice sheet build-up and retreat. The deglaciation history of the East Antarctic sector is largely understudied compared to the West Antarctic margin. This emphasizes the urgent need for reliable long-term spatiotemporal data of mass balance change, particularly for sectors along the East Antarctic margin that play key roles in supplying the world’s oceans with dense bottom water. Marine ice sheet dynamics are strongly influenced by interactions between ocean, ice, and bedrock, which so far remain poorly understood along the East Antarctic margin. Here, we performed a multi-proxy analysis on numerous sediment cores recovered from two prominent glacial cross-shelf throughs on the Mac. Robertson Shelf. Combined sedimentological, sediment-physical, and geochemical analysis as well as radiocarbon dating of calcareous foraminifers reveal the onset of deglaciation on the Mac. Robertson Shelf and the subsequent retreat of the grounding line (GL). Additionally, we analyzed submarine glacial landforms on the shelf along both troughs from combined multibeam swath bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data, providing new evidence on initial GL retreat and the pattern of its subsequent retreat. Our study reveals a retreat at or shortly after the Antarctic Cold Reversal ~12,5 cal. kiloyears before the present (cal. ka BP), it did not contribute to meltwater pulse (MWP) 1A but may have contributed to MWP-1B. Glacial bedforms indicate an episodic retreat of the ice sheet’s GL starting with a slow retreat on the outer shelf, accelerating towards the retrograde mid shelf part. At the mid shelf, the retreat underwent a further stagnation leading to the formation of two small grounding zone wedges. A mid-shelf bedrock sill likely acted as a pinning point representing an additional ice sheet stabilization event. We conclude GL advance to the continental shelf break until ~12.5 cal. ka BP. This maximum position implies the prevention of dense shelf water formation on the Mac. Robertson shelf in its current form, and therefore suggests either an absent or a different formation mechanism of Antarctic Bottom Water under full glacial conditions.

    How to cite: Güntzel, J., Müller, J., Lembke-Jene, L., Tiedemann, R., Mollenhauer, G., Weigelt, E., Schopen, L., Wesch, N., Mackintosh, A., and Klages, J. P.: Maximum extent and subsequent retreat of the grounding line from the Mac. Robertson Shelf (East Antarctica) during and since the Last Glacial Maximum and its implications for Antarctic Bottom Water formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10979,, 2025.

    EGU25-11111 | Posters on site | CR7.2

      Ancient Tunnel Valleys: a snapshot into the past glacial dynamics  

    Xiaoxia Huang

    Subglacial and marine records from adjacent to continental ice sheets reflect climate changes, ice sheet dynamics, the intensity of erosion, and the effect of uplift and subsidence in onshore and offshore catchment areas. The glacial activity was responsible for major erosion and deepening of the shelf and the accumulation of eroded sediments along glaciated continental margins. In this study, We analyze and compare the spatial pattern and morphometry of a number of tunnel valleys and associated glacial landforms from over Antarctic margin. Detailed mapping of the tunnel valley morphology and the geometry of the infill based on high resolution of the bathymetric and seismic data indicates that subglacial meltwater was responsible for incising the valleys and depositing at least some of the infill. The characteristics of the valley morphology, orientations, and infill stratigraphy indicate the tunnel valleys were active over long periods of time and were formed by multiple drainage events and linked to the regional response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. We further use a numerical model of bedrock erosion to quantify the major controls on the formation of the tunnel valleys, and elucidate how they interact with the subglacial hydrological system and paleo-ice sheet dynamics regionally.

    How to cite: Huang, X.:   Ancient Tunnel Valleys: a snapshot into the past glacial dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11111,, 2025.

    EGU25-11220 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Sedimentary evidence of asynchronous glacial evolution along the Bellingshausen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice sheet 

    Lingyan Luo, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Karsten Gohl

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) presumably collapsed multiple times during past warm periods, significantly influencing past sea levels. Recent studies have shown that different parts of the WAIS advanced and retreated asynchronously during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, posing a key uncertainty in ice sheet reconstruction. Along the West Antarctic continental margin, deep-sea contourite drifts receive fine-grained sediments from mixed down-slope (turbidite) and along-slope (contourite) deposition, alongside ice-rafted debris (IRD) of various densities. These sediments reflect interactions between ice sheet dynamics and ocean circulation and are therefore important indicators of the glaciation history.

    This study focuses on the Bellingshausen Sea sector of WAIS, a region with high sensitivity to climate changes and a well-preserved sedimentary record. Using seismic stratigraphy and deep-sea proxies, we constrain the timing of major changes in ice volume and ocean conditions. Analysis of seismic data collected in the area of Drift 7 off the western Antarctic Peninsula identified six seismic subunits within Pliocene–Pleistocene sequences. Drill-core evidence from ODP Leg 178 suggests a warm Mid-Pliocene (4.2–3.4 Ma) with at least five ice sheet retreats, consistent with the so-called Pliocene Amundsen Sea Warm Period (4.2–3.2 Ma), but preceding the global Mid-Piacenzian Warm Period (3.3–3.0 Ma). A cooling trend began in the Late Pliocene (3.4–2.6 Ma), evidenced by reduced bio-productivity and low IRD content. Glacial conditions persisted in the Pleistocene with widespread ice rafting. Multiple intervals with abundant calcareous microfossils suggest intermittent warm periods with probably open ocean conditions.

    The seismic profiles also reveal sediment transport patterns and unconformities across contourite drifts. Correlations between Drift 7 and Drift 6 reveal disparities in sedimentation rates since the late Miocene, along with the abandonment of a Miocene-Pliocene channel on Drift 6’s northeast flank. During the late Pliocene, a more erosive and far-reaching deep-sea channel formed between Drifts 6 and 7, possibly due to large amounts of downslope sediments from massive ice advance and reorganization of drainage pathways.

    This work is the first step towards quantifying any asynchronicity in ice-sheet dynamics along the broader West Antarctic margin, aiding future refinements in ice-sheet modeling and climate reconstructions.

    How to cite: Luo, L., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., and Gohl, K.: Sedimentary evidence of asynchronous glacial evolution along the Bellingshausen Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice sheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11220,, 2025.

    EGU25-11233 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Stability of Wilkes Subglacial Basin since before the Last Glacial Maximum signalled by englacial stratigraphy connecting Dome C and Talos Dome Ice Cores 

    Clara Nyqvist, Robert G. Bingham, Andrew S. Hein, Neil Ross, Johannes C. R. Sutter, Julien A. Bodart, Fausto Ferraccioli, and Egidio Armadillo

    Wilkes Subglacial Basin covers an area of 400,000 km2, and stores a volume of ice equivalent to approximately 3 to 4 metres of sea-level rise. Both model simulations and observational evidence from offshore sediment cores indicate that the ice within the basin is susceptible to significant instability, and has seen extensive deglaciation and retreat in periods during the Pleistocene and Pliocene. Two ice cores are located proximal to the Wilkes Subglacial Basin: (i) EPICA Dome C ice core, situated at the ice divide in the upstream section of the catchment, with a record dating back to approximately 800 ka; and (ii) Talos Dome ice core, situated closer to the coast, and extending back to approximately 350 ka. Englacial stratigraphy imaged by radio-echo sounding can be dated at intersections with the ice cores, therefore extending the observational evidence of palaeo-behaviour of ice sheets beyond these isolated point-based measurements. To date, the englacial stratigraphy between these two ice cores has not been comprehensively investigated.

    Here, we analyse the englacial stratigraphy using an airborne radio-echo sounding dataset comprising 61,000 km of along-track data, jointly acquired in 2005-2006 by the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) and the Italian Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (the WISE-ISODYN survey). Data were acquired with the 150 MHz BAS Polarimetric Survey Instrument (PASIN). We have traced multiple englacial layers between Dome C and Talos Dome ice cores, with at least one layer of age 38 ka directly connecting the 1,100 km distance between the two ice cores. Our findings here provide robust geophysical confirmation that englacial layers across Antarctica correspond to chemically dated layers measured in deep ice cores more than 1,000 km apart. Overall, the architecture of englacial layers spanning between the two ice cores indicates a pervasive and stable ice geometry in the upper Wilkes Subglacial Basin during the last 60 ka. Future work will be directed towards extending the tracing of englacial stratigraphy towards the grounding line of Wilkes Subglacial Basin as calibration for ice-dynamic modelling to investigate the stability of the entire basin.

    How to cite: Nyqvist, C., Bingham, R. G., Hein, A. S., Ross, N., Sutter, J. C. R., Bodart, J. A., Ferraccioli, F., and Armadillo, E.: Stability of Wilkes Subglacial Basin since before the Last Glacial Maximum signalled by englacial stratigraphy connecting Dome C and Talos Dome Ice Cores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11233,, 2025.

    EGU25-11290 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Deglacial and Holocene sea ice variability along the East Antarctic continental margin 

    Lena Cardinahl, Patricia Sonnemann, Janina Güntzel, Johann Klages, and Juliane Müller

    The sensitivity of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) to the advection of relatively warm circumpolar deep water and changes in sea-ice cover, both affecting the stability of ice-shelf fronts, remains poorly constrained for the past deglacial period. Accordingly, projections of how (rapidly) the EAIS will respond to ongoing climate warming lack solid information to quantitatively evaluate the ice-ocean feedback mechanisms that drive ice-sheet disintegration. Here, we investigate the biomarker inventory (highly branched isoprenoids, phytosterols, GDGTs) of two sediment cores recently collected from the Nielsen Basin on the Mac. Robertson Shelf, East Antarctica, to evaluate if and how sea-ice variability was related to local ice-sheet dynamics and the occurrence of polynyas. Sediment core PS128_39-1, retrieved from a sedimentary basin on the mid shelf, reveals a reduced sea ice cover permitting higher phytoplankton productivity during the deglacial and an expanded sea-ice cover limiting the marine productivity during the Holocene. Sediment core PS128_41-1, obtained from a grounding zone wedge from the outer basin, also records a higher deglacial phytoplankton productivity, but a less expanded sea-ice cover and rather polynya-like conditions throughout the Holocene. Further analyses are pending and, together with refined age models and sedimentological analyses, will allow to robustly track the retreat behavior of the EAIS on the Mac. Robertson Shelf and associated oceanic drivers.

    How to cite: Cardinahl, L., Sonnemann, P., Güntzel, J., Klages, J., and Müller, J.: Deglacial and Holocene sea ice variability along the East Antarctic continental margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11290,, 2025.

    EGU25-11885 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Subglacial topography of Coats Land records the geological evolution and past ice behaviour of the eastern Weddell Sea, East Antarctica 

    Guy Paxman, Tom Jordan, Mike Bentley, and David Small

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) formed circa 34 million years ago and is now the largest reservoir of freshwater on Earth, containing an ice volume equivalent to ~52 metres of global sea-level rise. Although the EAIS is approximately in balance today, there is substantial uncertainty as to the sensitivity of certain sectors, particularly those underlain by widespread low-lying bed topography. The Wilkes and Aurora Subglacial Basin catchments have notably been the focus of recent observation- and modelling-based work, but comparatively little is known about the long-term history of Coats Land and the eastern margin of the Weddell Sea, which is the third major marine-based catchment of the EAIS. In total, the eastern Weddell Sea catchments contain ~9 metres of sea-level equivalent, which is more than the entire West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    However, offshore and onshore geological records of past ice-sheet change are particularly sparse in this region, and the subglacial landscape has been little studied. Here, we describe the use of radio-echo sounding and ice-surface morphology data to characterise distinct physiographic regions of the ice-sheet bed in Coats Land. Our mapping reveals a widespread low-relief, seaward-dipping topographic surface immediately inland of the grounding line, which resembles similar features documented around the East Antarctic margin that are inferred to be remnants of once-contiguous coastal plains formed by fluvial erosion after the separation of East Antarctica from Gondwana (ca. 180 Ma) and prior to glaciation. The preservation of these landforms indicates a lack of intense, selective erosion of the surfaces throughout Antarctica’s glacial history.

    We also identify deep subglacial troughs that crosscut (i.e., post-date) these pre-glacial erosion surfaces. The morphology of these troughs resembles that of typical half-graben basins associated with continental rifting; the overlying ice is largely stagnant, indicating that these features did not form beneath the modern EAIS. Based on these observations, geophysical measurements, and geomorphological and geochronological constraints from local nunataks, we infer that these troughs originally formed as ‘failed rift branches’ during Gondwana breakup and were subsequently overdeepened by ice in the Oligocene–Miocene (ca. 34–14 Ma), when ice first expanded to continental-scale but in a different configuration to the modern EAIS. Together, our observations provide new insights into the Mesozoic–Cenozoic tectonic and geological evolution of this sector of East Antarctica, as well as the long-term behaviour of the ice sheet that initially modified this landscape but now acts to preserve signatures of pre- and early-glacial processes.

    How to cite: Paxman, G., Jordan, T., Bentley, M., and Small, D.: Subglacial topography of Coats Land records the geological evolution and past ice behaviour of the eastern Weddell Sea, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11885,, 2025.

    EGU25-12219 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Where did the ice reach the sea? The utility of coupled K-feldspar Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope analysis applied to mid-Miocene ice-rafted debris in Antarctic marine sediment  

    Chris Mark, Roland Neofitu, Delia Rösel, Thomas Zack, Dan Barfod, Darren Mark, Michael Flowerdew, Suzanne O'Connell, Samuel Kelley, Jacqueline Halpin, and J. Stephen Daly

    The middle Miocene climate optimum (c. 14.2 to 13.8 Ma), a significant warm period, was followed by a series of step-wise global cooling and Antarctic ice-sheet expansion events visible in marine isotope records (e.g., Holbourn et al., 2013), the oldest of which is termed the mid-Miocene climate transition. Associated episodes of ice-sheet instability and iceberg calving are recorded by ice-rafted debris in mid- to high-latitude marine sediment, accessible via deep-sea sediment cores around the Antarctic margin. Paleo-ice sheet models indicate that step-wise ice-sheet growth in part reflects ice expansion across previously ice-free low-elevation regions (Gasson et al., 2016; Halberstadt et al., 2021). Such predictions are amenable to testing by detrital provenance analysis of ice-rafted debris. However, the small-volume and mineralogically impoverished samples which are typically recovered from distal marine sediment preclude use of conventional accessory heavy-mineral proxies: instead, use of a rock-forming mineral is necessitated. 

    Here, we present in-situ Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope data from ice-rafted K-feldspar collected from mid-Miocene marine sediment in the Weddell Sea (Neofitu et al., 2024) and offshore Prydz Bay. Source regions for these depocenters respectively include the Recovery and Aurora sub-glacial basins, where ice-sheet embayment formation during warm periods is predicted. Our data suggest that the Wilkes and Aurora subglacial basins were free of marine-terminating ice during the middle Miocene climate optimum. During the transition, ice advanced to the coast across the Aurora sub-glacial basin, and both the Recovery and Aurora basins at least intermittently hosted marine-terminating ice during the subsequent cooling step.

    Halberstadt et al., 2021, EPSL, 564, 116908, 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116908;

    Holbourn et al., 2013, Paleoceanography 28, 688–699, 10.1002/2013PA002538;

    Gasson et al., 2016, PNAS 113, 3459–3464, 10.1073/pnas.1516130113;

    Neofitu et al., 2024, EPSL, 641, 118824, 10.1016/j.epsl.2024.118824.

    How to cite: Mark, C., Neofitu, R., Rösel, D., Zack, T., Barfod, D., Mark, D., Flowerdew, M., O'Connell, S., Kelley, S., Halpin, J., and Daly, J. S.: Where did the ice reach the sea? The utility of coupled K-feldspar Rb-Sr, Ar-Ar, and Pb-isotope analysis applied to mid-Miocene ice-rafted debris in Antarctic marine sediment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12219,, 2025.

    EGU25-12810 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Drivers of recent ice speed variability on Cook West Glacier, East Antarctica 

    Ross A. W. Slater, Anna E. Hogg, Pierre Dutrieux, and Benjamin J. Wallis

    Changes in flow speed of large Antarctic outlet glaciers are a key indicator of the stability of the ice sheet. West Antarctica, primarily along the Amundsen Sea facing coast, is known to be in dynamic imbalance and losing significant mass, but a less clear picture exists in East Antarctica. Observing ice dynamic change in East Antarctica, and identifying its drivers, will allow us to better constrain estimates of future ice mass loss.

    The Cook Glacier system in George V Land drains a large volume of ice from the Wilkes Subglacial Basin. This is one of the largest regions in East Antarctica susceptible to the marine ice sheet instability and contains 3-4m of sea level rise equivalent. Cook Glacier has two distinct flow units: Cook West Glacier (CWG), which has a readily calving ice front near the grounding line; and the slower but larger Cook East Glacier (CEG), which flows into an extensive ice shelf.

    By offset tracking of high-resolution imagery from the Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar satellites, we generate a dense data cube of ice velocity observations in this region from 2015-2024. In this period, ice speeds on CWG have followed a sinusoidal pattern (with an approximately 2-year period), superimposed on a positive linear trend. Meanwhile, neither this variability nor trend have been observed on CEG, where the speed of grounded ice has been stable through the study period.

    To investigate drivers of this speed variability on CWG we compare our dense time series of ice speed observations with climate reanalysis data. We present the propagation and timings of speed change along CWG and using the Copernicus Marine Service Global Ocean Physics reanalysis and ECMWF ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis, investigate correlation of this variability with environmental variables including wind speed, air temperature, ocean temperature, sea surface height, and surface pressure.

    How to cite: Slater, R. A. W., Hogg, A. E., Dutrieux, P., and Wallis, B. J.: Drivers of recent ice speed variability on Cook West Glacier, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12810,, 2025.

    EGU25-13677 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Change in geomorphological expression of palaeo-ice stream grounding zone retreat associated with change in bed slope along Belgica Trough, Bellingshausen Sea 

    Robert Larter, Johann Klages, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Simon Dreutter, Estella Weigelt, Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben, and Karsten Gohl and the CoReBell Team

    Previous studies showed that during the Last Glacial Maximum one of the largest palaeo-ice streams around West Antarctica flowed along Belgica Trough in the Bellingshausen Sea. Based on radiocarbon dates on acid insoluble organic matter in shelf sediment core samples, grounding zone retreat has been interpreted as having started before the global glacial maximum and as having reached Eltanin Bay on the inner shelf before the start of the Holocene. A contributing factor to an early start to retreat could have been the fact that the continental shelf break in the trough is unusually deep (>650 m). Previous sparse bathymetry data showed that, unusually among palaeo-ice stream troughs on the continental shelves around West Antarctica, the shallowest part of the trough is on the middle shelf. The outer shelf part of the trough slopes down at a very gentle gradient towards the shelf edge, whereas inshore from the middle shelf “saddle” the trough is inclined more steeply towards a >1000 m deep basin in Eltanin Bay 

    New multibeam bathymetry, acoustic sub-bottom profiler and multichannel seismic data were collected along the axis of Belgica Trough during RV Polarstern expedition PS134 in January and February 2023. These new data reveal a set of six grounding zone wedges (GZWs) on the gentle seaward-inclined slope from the middle to the outer shelf, with along-trough extents between 15 and 45 km and frontal heights between 20 and 40 m. A multichannel seismic profile shows the thickness of GZW deposits is mostly between 20 and 60 ms two-way time (~15–55 m) above angularly truncated older strata. The maximum thickness observed is 90 ms two-way time (70–80 m), at a location where deposits of one GZW extend over the backslope of an earlier one.  In contrast to the slope seaward of the mid-shelf saddle, we identify only three possible GZWs on the retrograde slope inshore from it, which are thinner and more widely spaced. The contrasting geomorphological character and GZW sediment volume either side of the mid-shelf saddle are consistent with what would be expected to result from a faster retreat with fewer pauses once the grounding zone moved onto the retrograde slope. The regularity of GZW formation on the seaward-inclined slope outboard of the mid-shelf saddle suggests the possibility of autocyclic ice stream behaviour during this phase of grounding zone retreat.

    How to cite: Larter, R., Klages, J., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Dreutter, S., Weigelt, E., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., and Gohl, K. and the CoReBell Team: Change in geomorphological expression of palaeo-ice stream grounding zone retreat associated with change in bed slope along Belgica Trough, Bellingshausen Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13677,, 2025.

    EGU25-13894 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Holocene Ice-Ocean Interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea 

    Katie Meddins, Erin McClymont, David Small, and Claire Allen

    The timing and nature of changes to the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) and adjacent ocean since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) is still considered somewhat uncertain in the Weddell Sea region and at the Ronne-Filchner Ice Shelf. This is on account of high regional variability in ice-ocean dynamics, paired with a relative lack of sedimentary data from the Weddell Sea Embayment.  Here, we present a multi-proxy analysis of marine gravity core GC569 (77°15’.80S, 33°27’.93W), recovered from the Albert Trough offshore of Coats Land, East Antarctica.  GC569 is located close to several moraines and a post-glacial sediment drape. The sediments include both biogenic and terrigenous material and have been analysed using diatom assemblages, biomarker analysis, and XRF scanning. Here, we identify intervals of ice sheet retreat, changes to sea ice, and ocean-ice sheet interactions. We also assess the response of the marine biosphere to these Holocene environmental changes. This study will help to refine existing records and generate new data in an area of great uncertainty, enhancing the understanding of ice-ocean interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.

    How to cite: Meddins, K., McClymont, E., Small, D., and Allen, C.: A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Holocene Ice-Ocean Interactions in the South-East Weddell Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13894,, 2025.

    EGU25-14512 | Posters on site | CR7.2

     Major West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat events during the Pliocene: Evidence from the sediment provenance analyses of Amundsen Sea IODP U1532 records 

    Keiji Horikawa, Masao Iwai, Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand, Christine S. Siddoway, Anna Ruth Halberstadt, Ellen A. Cowan, Michelle L. Penkrot, Karsten Gohl, Julia S. Wellner, Yoshihiro Asahara, and Ki-Cheol Shin

    The stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS), crucial for preventing major future sea-level rise, is threatened by ocean-forced melting in the Pacific sector, especially in the Amundsen Sea. So far, direct evidence of the extent and rate of WAIS retreat during past warm periods has been lacking. Here, we analyzed detrital Nd, Sr, and Pb isotope data of sediments (<63 µm) recently drilled at International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1532 on the Amundsen Sea continental rise to assess WAIS behavior, particularly the extent of its retreats, during glacial–interglacial cycles of the Pliocene (5.33–2.58 million years ago, Ma), a time warmer than present.

    The Pliocene sediments of Site U1532 are marked by alternations of thick, gray, predominantly terrigenous laminated silty clays with relatively thin, greenish, biosilica-bearing/rich, bioturbated muds containing dispersed ice rafted debris (IRD), whose abundance usually increases towards the top of the muds. The IRD-bearing greenish mud intervals are typically less than 1.7 m thick and are characterized by a lower natural gamma ray (NGR) signal and negative a*-values. Fourteen prominent greenish mud intervals are identified between 4.65 Ma and 3.33 Ma. The diatom assemblages in the IRD-bearing muds are dominated by open water taxa, heavily silicified Fragilariopsis (F. barronii, F. interfrigidariata, and F. praeinterfrigidariata) and Dactyliozolen antarcticus, and significant biological productivity is indicated by relatively high diatom concentrations and elevated Ba/Ti ratios, which are a proxy for biogenic barium. The abundance of IRD and the presence of diatom taxa suggest that the IRD-bearing muds formed during interglacial periods, potentially reflecting past retreat events of the WAIS.

    At Site U1532, we observe significant variations in Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopes of detrital sediments throughout glacial–interglacial cycles, indicating substantial changes in WAIS extent. A notable provenance signal emerges at the onset of some glacial intervals (3.88 Ma 3.6 Ma, and 3.33 Ma), characterized by high Pb (> 18.93 for 206Pb/204Pb) and low eNd (< –5 eNd) values. This distinct isotopic signature suggests long-distance supply of detritus sourced from plutonic rocks located in the continental interior. The presence of this material at Site U1532 indicates major inland retreat of the WAIS during the immediately preceding interglacials, which allowed icebergs to transport and deposit the detritus on the Amundsen Sea shelf. Our Pliocene records reveal multiple major inland retreats of the WAIS, highlighting the extent of possible WAIS response to ongoing global warming.


    How to cite: Horikawa, K., Iwai, M., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Siddoway, C. S., Halberstadt, A. R., Cowan, E. A., Penkrot, M. L., Gohl, K., Wellner, J. S., Asahara, Y., and Shin, K.-C.:  Major West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat events during the Pliocene: Evidence from the sediment provenance analyses of Amundsen Sea IODP U1532 records, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14512,, 2025.

    EGU25-14733 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Ocean Soundscapes in Antarctica's Amundsen Sea: Insights from Long-Term Hydroacoustic Monitoring 

    Sukyoung Yun, Won Sang Lee, Robert P. Dziak, Lauren Roche, Choon-Ki Lee, and Byeong-Hoon Kim

    Deploying long-term, passive acoustic sensors in the polar ocean allows us to record a wide variety of sounds related to air-sea interactions, including icequakes from sea-ice, icebergs, and ice shelves, as well as vocalizations of marine mammals and ocean noise from human activities. The combination of these sounds in a specific location and time period is often referred to as the “soundscape,” and the characteristics of these sounds serve as a tool to monitor changes in the local ocean environment.

    The Korea Polar Research Institute and NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory have jointly operated two Autonomous Underwater Hydrophones in Pine Island Bay and the Dotson Ice Shelf region in the Amundsen Sea during the periods of February 2020 to August 2022 and February 2022 to January 2024, respectively. The broadband cryogenic signals recorded at these sites exhibit correlations with local wind speeds and tidal forces. In the Pine Island Bay data, we detected signals from a large iceberg (B-49) that calved from the Pine Island Glacier ice shelf in February 2020, and noise levels steadily declined after 2020, coinciding with changes in sea ice concentration and the movement of icebergs and the ice shelf.

    Seasonal variations in icequake activity were particularly prominent in the Dotson Ice Shelf region, with the highest noise levels occurring during the austral summer when nearby sea ice concentration approached zero. These signals were likely caused by iceberg movements in the nearby Bear Ridge region. Leopard seal vocalizations were successfully detected exclusively in the Dotson Ice Shelf region, whereas whale calls, commonly recorded in other Antarctic regions, were absent in both regions. Despite the logistical challenges and harsh environmental conditions associated with long-term hydroacoustic monitoring in polar regions, the data can help us understand environmental changes in the Southern Ocean and provide information about the status and trends of biodiversity.

    How to cite: Yun, S., Lee, W. S., Dziak, R. P., Roche, L., Lee, C.-K., and Kim, B.-H.: Ocean Soundscapes in Antarctica's Amundsen Sea: Insights from Long-Term Hydroacoustic Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14733,, 2025.

    EGU25-14849 | Orals | CR7.2

    Controlled-source seismic imaging of the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier  

    Marianne Karplus, Danny May, Zhendong Zhang, Nori Nakata, Galen Kaip, Solymar Ayala Cortez, Lucia Gonzalez, Yeshey Seldon, Andrew Pretorius, Jacob Walter, Adam Booth, Tun Jan Young, and Slawek Tulaczyk

    The Thwaites Interdisciplinary Margin Evolution (TIME) project, part of the International Thwaites Glacier Collaboration (ITGC), examines the physical processes and properties at the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica using geophysical imaging and monitoring. During 2023-24, the TIME field team collected controlled-source seismic reflection and refraction data across the Thwaites’ Eastern Shear Margin, with 1000 3-component seismic nodes deployed in a 27-km line and a 3-km by 5.5-km seismic grid. We detonated 671 seismic sources, mostly “Poulter” sources with 4-kg explosive boosters suspended on a 6-foot bamboo pole. We use these controlled-source seismic data to image the shear margin in two and three dimensions, including englacial, bed, and sub-ice geologic imaging and interpretation. Seismic sources were recorded with high signal to noise ratios across the full extent of the seismic line and grid and penetrated into the bed beneath the ice (~2000-km-thick). We present two- and three-dimensional seismic reflection images of the shear margin environment as well as seismic refraction velocity models. We compare the seismic images and seismic refraction velocity models to co-located airborne radar data. The seismic images, seismic velocity models, and radar data shed new light on physical properties of the ice and bed across the shear margin.

    How to cite: Karplus, M., May, D., Zhang, Z., Nakata, N., Kaip, G., Ayala Cortez, S., Gonzalez, L., Seldon, Y., Pretorius, A., Walter, J., Booth, A., Young, T. J., and Tulaczyk, S.: Controlled-source seismic imaging of the Eastern Shear Margin of Thwaites Glacier , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14849,, 2025.

    EGU25-15117 | Orals | CR7.2

    3D characterization of mélange dynamics inside large rifts in Filchner ice shelf in east Antarctica  

    Rongxing Li, Menglian Xia, Marco Scaioni, Lu An, Zhenshi Li, and Gang Qiao

    There is little known about dynamics of mélange inside large rifts in Antarctic ice shelves and its role in rift propagation and the weakening of shelf stability. This lack of knowledge hinders our capability for long-term forecasting of the Antarctic ice sheet contribution to global sea level rise. We propose an innovative multi-temporal DEM adjustment model (MDAM) that builds a multi-satellite DEM time series from meter-level resolution small DEMs across large Antarctic ice shelves by removing biases, as large as ~6 m in elevation, caused by tides, ice flow dynamics, and observation errors. Using 30 REMA and ZY-3 sub-DEMs, we establish a cross-shelf DEM time series from 2014 to 2021 for the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf, the second largest in Antarctica. This unified and integrated DEM series, with an unprecedented submeter elevation accuracy, reveals quantitative 3D structural and mélange features of a ~50 km long rift, including rift lips, flank surface, pre-mélange cavities, and mélange elevations. We report that while the mélange elevation decreased by 2.1 m from 2014 to 2021, the mélange within the rift experienced a rapid expansion of (7.93±0.03) × 109 km3, or 130%. This expansion is attributed to newly calved shelf ice from rift walls, associated rift widening, and other factors related to rift-mélange interactions. The developed MDAM system and the 3D mélange dynamics analysis methods can be applied for research on ice shelf instability and the future contribution of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to global sea level rise.

    How to cite: Li, R., Xia, M., Scaioni, M., An, L., Li, Z., and Qiao, G.: 3D characterization of mélange dynamics inside large rifts in Filchner ice shelf in east Antarctica , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15117,, 2025.

    EGU25-15311 | Orals | CR7.2

    Glacial geology of Thomas Island, Bunger Hills, East Antarctica 

    Damian Gore, Sonja Berg, Ross Whitmore, Marie Weber, Bernd Wagner, Stephanie Scheidt, Timo Lange, Amber Howard, Daniela Dägele, and Duanne White

    Thomas Island (Bunger Hills, East Antarctica) is a 34 square kilometre, deglaciated area potentially impacted by the East Antarctic ice sheet and Remenchus Glacier from the east, Shackleton Ice Shelf from the north and Edisto Glacier from the west. Its glacial geology reveals a complex interplay between these ice masses, which operate with different spatial and temporal dynamics. This poster maps glacial erosional and depositional features and allows inference of the history of ice advance and retreat, and sets a framework for quantitative dating of its deglaciation history. Overriding by the ice sheet created flutes and striations, showing regional iceflow to the northwest. Retreat of ice from this advance was succeeded by a shelf glacier impinging from Edisto Channel to the north and Cacapon Inlet to the south, creating moraine ridges along the northern and southern shores. The final stage of glaciation occurred via the tongue of Edisto Glacier impacting the island from the southwest, creating prominent moraine ridges along the island’s western edge. This is a more complex history than hitherto appreciated for the main oasis forming southern Bunger Hills.

    How to cite: Gore, D., Berg, S., Whitmore, R., Weber, M., Wagner, B., Scheidt, S., Lange, T., Howard, A., Dägele, D., and White, D.: Glacial geology of Thomas Island, Bunger Hills, East Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15311,, 2025.

    EGU25-15496 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Glacial-interglacial variations in marine productivity and ice-rafted debris supply in the Indian Southern Ocean: Implications for East Antarctic ice sheet variability 

    Peter Matzerath, Julia Gottschalk, Juliane Müller, Lester Lembke-Jene, Johann P. Klages, and Sebastian Krastel

    In the recent past, the Antarctic ice sheet has experienced significant ice mass loss, which is suggested to be driven primarily by the intrusion of relatively warm deep waters on continental shelves. Given its vast ice shelves and bedrock below sea level, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet has been considered to be strongly sensitive to oceanic forcing and associated heat supply to its margins. Recently, however, also marine-based portions of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) were identified of reacting sensitively to oceanic changes with a direct consequence for rising sea levels as large subglacial areas such as the Aurora or Wilkes Basin hold a sea level equivalent of around 20 meters. So far, past EAIS dynamics and their interaction with ocean dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we reconstruct past EAIS dynamics from ice-rafted detritus (IRD) counts and estimates of marine productivity in the Indian Southern Ocean. Our opal and carbonate percentages derive from sediment core PS141_49-3 (64° 55.795' S, 106° 51.606' E, 2454 m) retrieved during RV Polarstern Expedition PS141 on the upper East Antarctic continental slope offshore Vanderford Glacier, reaching back to marine isotope stage (MIS) 8, i.e., ~300 ka before present. During glacials, the dominant input of terrigenous sediments suggests a decrease of marine productivity, possibly due to enhanced sea-ice cover extending over the continental slope region. Deglacial phases coincide with high IRD input indicating enhanced iceberg discharge during periods of increased ice mass loss. In contrast, high interglacial opal contents suggest enhanced surface ocean productivity likely associated with a reduced seasonal sea-ice cover. Comparison of our findings with other marine records from offshore Sabrina Coast, Prydz Bay and Wilkes Land reveals consistency of this glacial-interglacial pattern to slope and abyssal sediments around the East Antarctic margin. Our data therefore contributes to an Indian Southern Ocean-wide perspective on terrigenous sediment mobilisation on the slope and EAIS-proximal marine productivity, likely controlled by the grounding line migration across the shelf, sea-ice extent, and oceanic heat supply towards the EAIS margin.

    How to cite: Matzerath, P., Gottschalk, J., Müller, J., Lembke-Jene, L., Klages, J. P., and Krastel, S.: Glacial-interglacial variations in marine productivity and ice-rafted debris supply in the Indian Southern Ocean: Implications for East Antarctic ice sheet variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15496,, 2025.

    EGU25-17788 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Recent Changes in Ice Dynamics of Frost and Holmes Glaciers, Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica  

    Matilda Weatherley, Chris Stokes, and Stewart Jamieson

    The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is often seen as less vulnerable to climate change than the West Antarctic or Greenland Ice Sheets, but studies show that some regions of the EAIS have been losing mass over recent decades. In particular, Wilkes Land, which overlies the Aurora Subglacial Basin, is thought to have been losing mass at accelerating rates over the past two decades. Several large outlet glaciers drain this region, but very few have been studied in detail. This paper presents new data on the recent ice dynamics of three outlet glaciers in Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land. This includes Frost and Holmes glaciers, which may have generated almost a quarter of the EAIS’s sea-level contribution over the past four decades. We use optical satellite imagery and a range of previously published datasets to measure changes in the glacier terminus, grounding line position, ice surface velocity and ice surface elevation over the last three decades. These data are used to assess the likelihood of any dynamic imbalance and explore the potential drivers of change to help inform future projections of this critically important region.

    How to cite: Weatherley, M., Stokes, C., and Jamieson, S.: Recent Changes in Ice Dynamics of Frost and Holmes Glaciers, Porpoise Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17788,, 2025.

    EGU25-17970 | Posters on site | CR7.2

    Are Denman Glacier mass losses unprecedented in recent millennia? 

    Richard Jones, Jacinda O'Connor, Corey Port, Levan Tielidze, Andrew Mackintosh, Jan-Hendrik May, Reka Fulop, Klaus Wilcken, Juliet Sefton, Krystyna Saunders, and Duanne White

    The Denman–Scott Glacier system in East Antarctica holds an ice-volume equivalent to 1.5 m of sea-level rise. Warm ocean waters under its ice shelf have the potential to drive ice mass loss, and the bedrock topography underlying the glacier makes it vulnerable to irreversible retreat. Worryingly, extensive grounding-line retreat and dynamic thinning have been observed over the last few decades. However, these observations are not long enough to determine whether this mass loss is unprecedented or reflects natural variability in the system.

    We aim to extend the period of observations for the Denman-Scott glacier system from decades to millennia. As part of the Denman Terrestrial Campaign 2023-24 field season, we collected a series of geological records based on three main approaches: (1) 10Be and 14C dating of glacial erratics and bedrock on elevation transects adjacent to the glacier to directly constrain past ice-thickness change; (2) radiocarbon dating of isolation basin sediment cores and OSL dating of raised beach deposits in Bunger Hills to determine past sea-level and corresponding regional ice-mass change; and (3) cosmogenic nuclide analysis of shallow bedrock cores to test if the ice margin has been stable or fluctuating over recent millennia.

    We present preliminary results that help reconstruct the magnitude and rate of past changes. This includes evidence of glacier thinning during the Holocene and relative sea-level fall of ~4 m over the last millennium. Further analysis will allow us to establish whether currently observed ice loss is unprecedented, and also determine the mechanisms that drove changes in the past, ultimately helping us to reduce uncertainty in future sea-level projections.

    How to cite: Jones, R., O'Connor, J., Port, C., Tielidze, L., Mackintosh, A., May, J.-H., Fulop, R., Wilcken, K., Sefton, J., Saunders, K., and White, D.: Are Denman Glacier mass losses unprecedented in recent millennia?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17970,, 2025.

    EGU25-18616 | ECS | Orals | CR7.2

    Assessing the consistency of modelled surface mass balance and observed ice flux and surface elevation change on the East Antarctic Plateau 

    Thomas Langen, Martin Horwath, Veit Helm, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Maria Kappelsberger, and Martin O. Willen

    Recent intercomparisons of ice sheet mass balance estimates derived from altimetry and from the input output method (IOM) have revealed significant discrepancies for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Modelled SMB, as a main input to the IOM, differs considerably between different models.

    We explore comparisons between the altimetric mass balance method and the IOM for selected subregions of the Antarctic Ice Sheet. Rather than evaluating entire drainage basins, we aim at regions for which uncertainties in the horizontal mass flux through the region boundaries as well as in the altimetric mass balance are small. For this purpose, we choose subregions of the East Antarctic Plateau. We explore the hypothesis that this allows us to benchmark SMB modeling results in these regions, assuming that SMB is the most uncertain part in a comparison of net mass flux and altimetric mass change.

    We apply the IOM using outputs from different SMB models (such as RACMO and MAR). We apply the altimetric method using different altimetric surface elevation change products (such as CryoSat2-AWI,  and Multi-mission-JPL, ICESat-2-ATL-15) as well as firn air content changes from firn densification models (such as IMAU-FDM). We perform the evaluation for different regions with sizes ranging from about 6x104 to 1.5x102 km2 and for different time intervals, such as 1992-2019, or 2010-2019, or 2019-2024.

    Discrepancies between the mass-flux-based IOM mass balance and the volume-based altimetric mass balance are significant for a number of regions, time intervals, and choices of input data product. The discrepancies are up to the order of some 10 percent of the SMB of the region. In particular, discrepancies (or their absence) are sensitive to input SMB modeling results. In the light of uncertainties assessed for all inputs, we discuss conclusions regarding the evaluation of SMB modeling results.

    How to cite: Langen, T., Horwath, M., Helm, V., van den Broeke, M. R., Kappelsberger, M., and Willen, M. O.: Assessing the consistency of modelled surface mass balance and observed ice flux and surface elevation change on the East Antarctic Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18616,, 2025.

    EGU25-20491 | ECS | Posters on site | CR7.2

     High-frequency Antarctica climate oscillations during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period 

    Isabela Sousa, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, and Anne de Vernal

    The West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) is thought to be highly vulnerable to global warming. With this in mind, we analyzed sediments from the Ross Sea during the mid-Pliocene warm period (mPWP), the last period when atmospheric CO2 levels were comparable to those of today. Using IODP site 1524 cores, we analyzed the organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen contents and δ¹³C-OC values. The ~ 300,000-year interval between the Kaena top magnetic reversal (3.032 Ma) and the Mammoth bottom reversal (3.330 Ma) reveals 21 glacial beds characterized by strongly negative δ¹³Corg values (~ -28‰) and low OC-contents (<0.3 dw-dry weight-%). In contrast, interglacial layers exhibit δ¹³C values around ~ -25‰ and a consistent OC-content of ~0.6 dw% .We propose   the organic carbon deposited during glacial intervals was predominantly refractory carbon, eroded from continental rocks, whereas the interglacial intervals displayed a stronger contribution from marine primary productivity and/or terrestrial fluxes. Assuming the robustness of the paleomagnetic stratigraphy, the number of glacial beds within the mPWP interval indicates a frequency of approximately 14,000 years per glacial pulses, which is notably more dynamic than the obliquity-paced oscillations reported in previous studies.

    How to cite: Sousa, I., Hillaire-Marcel, C., and de Vernal, A.:  High-frequency Antarctica climate oscillations during the mid-Pliocene Warm Period, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20491,, 2025.

    EGU25-20649 | Orals | CR7.2

    A Holocene Collapse of a Ross Ice Shelf Ice Rise 

    Philip Bart, Lindsay Prothro, Amy Leventer, Ryan Venturelli, Wociech Majewski, Matthew Danielson, Ben Lindsey, Magkena Szemak, Rachel Meyne, Martina Tenti, Joseph Ruggiero, and Songjie He

    Ice rises and rumples are common features of the Antarctica ice sheet margin that appear where thick ice shelves are grounded to an underlying shallow submarine bank.  The ice rises buttress ice flow, partly controlling the extent of both grounded and floating ice. Here we reconstruct the unpinning of the Ross Ice Shelf (RIS) from Ross Bank, a broad, shallow submarine bank located approximately 100 km north of the current RIS calving front in the central Ross Sea.  The Ross Bank Ice Rise formed after the retreat of grounded ice from the adjacent deep-water Glomar Challenger and Pennell troughs following the Last Glacial Maximum.  High resolution seafloor bathymetry reveals small-scale, concentric backstepping moraines marking the progressive contraction of the edges of the ice rise toward the shallow bank crest.  Kasten and piston cores from the crest recovered clay-poor, winnowed glacimarine sediment rich in carbonate macrofossils, with radiocarbon ages indicating that the unpinning proceeded over several thousand years.  The long-lived pinning point eventually failed, with the RIS fully unpinning from the shallowest crest by 4160 ± 20 14C year BP (uncorrected). This ultimately led to the shift of the RIS calving front to its current location.  Our reconstructions validate concerns that destabilizing ice rises could lead to significant reorganization of grounded and floating ice.

    How to cite: Bart, P., Prothro, L., Leventer, A., Venturelli, R., Majewski, W., Danielson, M., Lindsey, B., Szemak, M., Meyne, R., Tenti, M., Ruggiero, J., and He, S.: A Holocene Collapse of a Ross Ice Shelf Ice Rise, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20649,, 2025.

    EGU25-267 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Uncertainties in carbon emissions from land use and land cover change in Indonesia 

    Ida Bagus Mandhara Brasika, Pierre Friedlingstein, Stephen Sitch, Michael O'Sullivan, Maria Carolina Duran-Rojas, Thais Michele Rosan, Kees Klein Goldewijk, Julia Pongratz, Clemens Schwingshackl, Louise Chini, and George Hurtt

    Indonesia is currently one of the three largest contributors of carbon emissions from land use and land cover change (LULCC) globally, together with Brazil and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, until recently, there was only limited reliable data available on LULCC across Indonesia, leading to a lack of agreement on drivers, magnitude, and trends in carbon emissions between different estimates. Accurate LULCC should improve robustness and reduce the uncertainties of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from Land Use Change (ELUC) estimation. Here, we assess several cropland datasets that are used to estimate ELUC in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) and Bookkeeping models (BKMs). Available cropland datasets are generally categorized as either census-based such as the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) annual statistical dataset, or satellite-based such as the Mapbiomas dataset, which is derived from Landsat Satellite images. Our results show that census-based and satellite-based estimates have little agreement on temporal variability and cropland area changes. In some islands, they show spatial similarity, but differences appear in the main islands such as Kalimantan, Sumatra and Java. These differences lead to spatio-temporal uncertainty in carbon emissions. The different land cover forcings (census-based vs satellite-based) in a single model (JULES-ES) result in ELUC uncertainties of about 0.08 [0.06 to 0.11]  PgC/yr. Furthermore, we found that uncertainties in ELUC estimates are also due to differences in the carbon cycle models in DGVMs, as DGVMs driven by the same land cover dataset show differences in ELUC estimates of 0.12 ± 0.02 PgC/yr with 95% confidence level and range [-0.04 to 0.35] PgC/yr. This is consistent with other product such as BKMs that estimates 0.14 [0.12 to 0.15] PgC/yr with both steady trend. We also compare emissions with those from the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (NGHGI) product. The NGHGI estimates (based on BUR3; periodic official government report on Greenhouses Gas to UNFCCC) have much lower carbon emissions (0.06 ± 0.06 PgC/yr), though with an increasing trend. These numbers double when we include emissions from peat fire and peat drainage: the DGVM ensemble indicates emissions of 0.23 ± 0.05 PgC/yr and BKMs indicate emissions of 0.24 [0.22-0.25] PgC/yr. In contrast, emissions based on the Indonesian NGHGI remain much lower (BUR2: 0.18±0.07 PgC/yr BUR3: 0.13 ± 0.10 PgC/yr). Furthermore, emission peaks occur in year of moderate-to-strong El Nino events. Several improvements might reduce uncertainties in carbon emissions from LULCC in Indonesia, such as: combination of satellite-based dataset with census-based dataset, inclusion of peat-related emissions in DGVMs and potentially explicit inclusion of palm oil in the models as this is a major crop in Indonesia. Overall, the analysis shows that carbon emissions have no decreasing trend in Indonesia, Therefore, deforestation and forest fire prevention remain vital for Indonesia. 

    How to cite: Brasika, I. B. M., Friedlingstein, P., Sitch, S., O'Sullivan, M., Duran-Rojas, M. C., Rosan, T. M., Goldewijk, K. K., Pongratz, J., Schwingshackl, C., Chini, L., and Hurtt, G.: Uncertainties in carbon emissions from land use and land cover change in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-267,, 2025.

    EGU25-1596 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Hurricanes trigger ocean CO2 uptake and phytoplankton bloom in a high-resolution Earth system model simulation 

    David M. Nielsen, Fatemeh Chegini, Nuno Serra, Arjun U. Kumar, Nils Brueggemann, Cathy Hohenegger, and Tatiana Ilyina

    North Atlantic tropical cyclones (i.e. hurricanes) are observed to drive intense air-sea CO2 exchange and trigger primary production by phytoplankton. However, Earth system models (ESMs) with coarse spatial resolution are not able to capture such effects. Here, we address this limitation and resolve the impacts of hurricanes on the ocean carbon cycle in an ESM for the first time. We present the first 1-year global, coupled, high-resolution (5 km ocean, 5 km atmosphere) ESM simulation including ocean biogeochemistry with the ICON (ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic) model framework. Our simulation realistically reproduces the effects of hurricanes at: 1) instantaneously increasing air-sea CO2 fluxes by a factor of 10-30 due to strong surface winds (>58 m/s, hurricane category 4); 2) promoting longer-lasting surface ocean cooling by 2-4°C, and thus decreasing surface ocean partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2); and 3) triggering large-scale phytoplankton blooms, spatially modulated by mesoscale ocean eddies. We show that the hurricane-driven sea-surface cooling is mainly caused by extreme latent heat loss (>1200 W/m2), whose impact on decreasing pCO2 outweighs the mixing and upwelling of dissolved inorganic carbon. Our simulated hurricanes contribute to inverting the direction of the local air-sea pCO2 imbalance, thus promoting ocean CO2 uptake. Intense wind speeds also trigger vertical diffusion of nutrients, as well as near-inertial oscillations, which become the dominant mode of subsurface ocean variability in the wake of the cyclones. While the proportion of intense tropical cyclones is projected to increase with climate change, their future role in the ocean carbon cycle remains unclear. Resolving tropical cyclones in ESMs will allow us to better understand their response and impact to ongoing climate change at regional and global scales.

    How to cite: Nielsen, D. M., Chegini, F., Serra, N., U. Kumar, A., Brueggemann, N., Hohenegger, C., and Ilyina, T.: Hurricanes trigger ocean CO2 uptake and phytoplankton bloom in a high-resolution Earth system model simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1596,, 2025.

    EGU25-2043 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Increasing Methane Summer Diurnal Amplitude in Siberia: A 2010–2021 Analysis from the ZOtino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) 

    Dieu Anh Tran, Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Ingrid Luijkx, Santiago Botía, Kim Faassen, Christoph Gerbig, and Sönke Zaehle

    Siberia’s extensive wetlands, permafrost, and boreal forests are significant sources of methane, positioning this region as crucial for global methane (CH4) monitoring. However, Siberia remains sparsely monitored by atmospheric and ecosystem observatories, highlighting the need to leverage existing datasets to refine CH4 budgets with better spatial and temporal precision. Utilising the ZOtino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO; 60°48' N, 89°21' E) dataset, which provides continuous, high-resolution CH4 mole fraction and meteorological measurements from six heights up to 301 meters, combined with ERA5 meteorological data at 60°75' N, 89°25' E, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of long-term trends and variations in atmospheric CH4 at ZOTTO, examining its diurnal and seasonal patterns from 2010 to 2021. Our analysis reveals a significant increase in the summer diurnal amplitude of CH4, which could be driven by both forest and meteorological dynamics, through the effects of daytime mixing and nighttime stability on the CH4 mole fraction, and ecosystem CH4 flux. We found that while atmospheric dynamics showed no significant trends contributing to this diurnal amplitude increase, there was an increasing trend in nighttime CH4 ecosystem flux in summer (predominantly August) over the 11-year period, with high emissions predominantly originating from the west and southwest of the station. Additionally, episodic high methane CH4 was observed in 2012 and 2019, linked to wildfires, and in 2016, attributed to enhanced wetland activity. Lastly, there were significant positive correlations between the calculated CH4 surface flux and soil temperature and moisture at ZOTTO.

    How to cite: Tran, D. A., Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, J., Luijkx, I., Botía, S., Faassen, K., Gerbig, C., and Zaehle, S.: Increasing Methane Summer Diurnal Amplitude in Siberia: A 2010–2021 Analysis from the ZOtino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2043,, 2025.

    EGU25-2215 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Global trends in ocean fronts: impacts on air-sea CO2 flux and chlorophyll concentrations 

    Kai Yang, Amelie Meyer, Peter G. Strutton, and Andrew M. Fischer

    Ocean fronts are dynamic features that play a critical role in regulating marine ecosystems and influencing global carbon cycles. These regions, characterized by strong horizontal gradients in temperature, salinity, and other properties, enhance vertical mixing and advection, driving increased nutrient supply that supports elevated primary production. Despite their importance, the impacts of changing ocean fronts on the budget and trends of ocean CO2 uptake remain insufficiently understood. In this study, we perform a comprehensive global analysis of ocean fronts using 20 years of satellite observations (2003–2023), identifying key regions of intense frontal activity and areas undergoing rapid changes in frontal dynamics. Our results show that nearly 50% of global ocean CO2 uptake occurs in these key frontal areas, underscoring their disproportionate role in the ocean’s carbon sink. Furthermore, we observe that trends in sea surface chlorophyll concentration—a proxy for primary production—and ocean CO2 uptake are strongly correlated with local changes in frontal activity. Our findings provide critical insights into the role of ocean fronts as modulators of global biogeochemical processes and air-sea CO2 exchanges. By linking ocean fronts to changes in primary production and air-sea CO2 exchange, this study contributes to a more detailed understanding of how changing ocean dynamics may influence carbon cycles under future climate scenarios.

    How to cite: Yang, K., Meyer, A., Strutton, P. G., and Fischer, A. M.: Global trends in ocean fronts: impacts on air-sea CO2 flux and chlorophyll concentrations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2215,, 2025.

    EGU25-2466 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Underestimation of Methane Emissions From the Sudd Wetland: Unraveling the Impact of Wetland Extent Dynamics 

    Bogang Dong, Shushi Peng, Gang Liu, Tianjiao Pu, Cynthia Gerlein‐Safdi, Catherine Prigent, and Xin Lin

    Tropical wetlands account for ∼20% of the global total methane (CH4) emissions, but uncertainties remain in emission estimation due to the inaccurate representation of wetland spatiotemporal variations. Based on the latest satellite observational inundation data, we constructed a model to map the long-term time series of wetland extents over the Sudd floodplain, which has recently been identified as an important source of wetland CH4 emissions. Our analysis reveals an annual, total wetland extent of 5.73 ± 2.05 × 104 km2  for 2003–2022, with a notable accelerated expansion rate of 1.19 × 104 km2 yr−1 during 2019–2022 driven by anomalous upstream precipitation patterns. We found that current wetland products generally report smaller wetland areas, resulting in a systematic underestimation of wetland CH4 emissions from the Sudd wetland. Our study highlights the pivotal role of comprehensively characterizing the seasonal and interannual dynamics of wetland extent to accurately estimate CH4 emissions from tropical floodplains.

    How to cite: Dong, B., Peng, S., Liu, G., Pu, T., Gerlein‐Safdi, C., Prigent, C., and Lin, X.: Underestimation of Methane Emissions From the Sudd Wetland: Unraveling the Impact of Wetland Extent Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2466,, 2025.

    EGU25-6054 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Four decades of full-scale nitrous oxide emission inventory in China 

    Minqi Liang, Zheyan Zhou, Peiyang Ren, Han Xiao, Ri Xu, Zhongmin Hu, Shilong Piao, Hanqin Tian, Qing Tong, Feng Zhou, Jing Wei, and Wenping Yuan

    China is among the top nitrous oxide (N2O)-emitting countries, but existing national inventories do not provide full-scale emissions including both natural and anthropogenic sources. We conducted a four-decade (19802020) of comprehensive quantification of Chinese N2O inventory using empirical emission factor method for anthropogenic sources and two up-to-date process-based models for natural sources. Total N2O emissions peaked at 2287.4 (1774.82799.9) Gg N2O yr-1 in 2018, and agriculture-developed regions, like the East, Northeast, and Central, were the top N2O-emitting regions. Agricultural N2O emissions have started to decrease after 2016 due to the decline of nitrogen fertilization applications, while, industrial and energetic sources have been dramatically increasing after 2005. N2O emissions from agriculture, industry, energy, and waste represented 49.3%, 26.4%, 17.5%, and 6.7% of the anthropogenic emissions in 2020, respectively, which revealed that it is imperative to prioritize N2O emission mitigation in agriculture, industry, and energy. Natural N2O sources, dominated by forests, have been steadily growing from 317.3 (290.3344.1) Gg N2O yr-1 in 1980 to 376.2 (335.5407.2) Gg N2O yr-1 in 2020. Our study produces a Full-scale Annual N2O dataset in China (FAN2020), providing emergent counting to refine the current national N2O inventories.

    How to cite: Liang, M., Zhou, Z., Ren, P., Xiao, H., Xu, R., Hu, Z., Piao, S., Tian, H., Tong, Q., Zhou, F., Wei, J., and Yuan, W.: Four decades of full-scale nitrous oxide emission inventory in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6054,, 2025.

    EGU25-6416 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Analysis of ground-based column and in situ surface concentrations of CO2 at Xianghe, China, using WRF-Chem simulations 

    Sieglinde Callewaert, Martine De Mazière, Minqiang Zhou, Ting Wang, Bavo Langerock, Pucai Wang, and Emmanuel Mahieu

    Since June 2018, ground-based remote sensing measurements are performed at the suburban Xianghe site in China, situated in the heart of the densely populated Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei megalopolis. These observations are performed with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometers and provide  column-averaged dry-air concentrations of gases such as CO2, CH4 and CO. They are affiliated to the international Total Column Carbon Observing Network (TCCON). Co-located with these measurements is a PICARRO cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyser observing in situ concentrations of CO2 and CH4 at an altitude of 60 m.

    To gain a better understanding of the causes of the observed temporal variabilities at this site, we employed the Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with Chemistry in its greenhouse gas configuration (WRF-GHG). Our study analyses both column-averaged (XCO2) and surface in situ CO2 concentrations and simultaneously evaluates the model’s performance at Xianghe.  The CO2 exchange with the biosphere is simulated with the integrated Vegetation Photosynthesis and Respiration Model (VPRM), while the anthropogenic emissions are taken from the global CAMS-GLOB-ANT inventory and transported in separate tracers according to their source sector. 

    The model shows good performance, achieving correlation coefficients of 0.70 for XCO2 and 0.75 for afternoon in situ concentrations. For XCO2, a mean bias of -1.43 ppm relative to TCCON is found, primarily attributed to biases in the CAMS reanalysis used as initial and lateral boundary conditions. Anthropogenic emissions from the industry and energy sectors emerged as dominant contributors to CO2 concentrations, alongside the biosphere, which acts as a sink for XCO2 from April to September and becomes a source for the rest of the year. Synoptic weather patterns were shown to strongly determine the variation in CO2 levels, with enhanced impacts during summer due to the large spatial and temporal heterogeneity of biogenic fluxes in the region. Near the surface, the observed large diurnal variation associated to the evolution of the planetary boundary layer is  relatively well simulated by WRF-GHG.

    Our analysis demonstrates the utility of WRF-GHG in simulating both column and surface CO2 concentrations, offering insights into the sectoral and meteorological drivers of variability at Xianghe and its surrounding region.


    How to cite: Callewaert, S., De Mazière, M., Zhou, M., Wang, T., Langerock, B., Wang, P., and Mahieu, E.: Analysis of ground-based column and in situ surface concentrations of CO2 at Xianghe, China, using WRF-Chem simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6416,, 2025.

    EGU25-6427 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Improved air-sea CO2 flux estimates by adding sailboat measurements  

    Jacqueline Behncke, Peter Landschützer, Fatemeh Chegini, and Tatiana Ilyina

    Sailboats expand the observational network of sea surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), particularly in the undersampled Southern Ocean through regularly repeating circumnavigations, however, their added value to the fCO2-product based ocean sink estimate (Socean) has thus far not been quantified. Here, we show through an observing system simulation study with different sampling schemes how integrating sailboat data from different race tracks improves air-sea CO2 flux estimates.
    We find that neural network reconstruction of the air-sea CO2 flux used within the Global Carbon Budget, when reconstructing a model that mimics present-day real-world sampling, underestimates the ocean carbon sink. This is consistent with recent studies on the interior accumulation of carbon. Increased and continuous sampling by sailboats reveals a stronger carbon sink and improves present-day estimates from 0.06 to -0.02 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ (0.99 μatm to -0.32 μatm for the fCO2 estimate), particularly in the Southern Ocean between 40°S and 60°S. The improvement in reconstructions persists even when data from three circumnavigation tracks contain artificial measurement biases. However, the additional data remains insufficient to correct the overestimated air-sea CO2 flux trend. While sailboat data has the potential to improve air-sea CO2 flux reconstructions, expanding the observational network and maintaining long-term time series is crucial to minimize discrepancies between fCO2-products and Global Ocean Biogeochemical Models.

    How to cite: Behncke, J., Landschützer, P., Chegini, F., and Ilyina, T.: Improved air-sea CO2 flux estimates by adding sailboat measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6427,, 2025.

    EGU25-6908 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Upscaling near-real-time biospheric CO2 fluxes over Europe with a modified Vegetation Photosynthesis Respiration Model (VPRM) 

    Otto Briner, Hassan Bazzi, Philippe Ciais, and Diego Santaren

    Monitoring ecosystem carbon dioxide (CO2) exchange is crucial for assessing the impacts of climate extremes and constructing carbon budgets to inform land management and enforce international climate treaties. To this end, we present here gridded hourly ecosystem CO2 fluxes upscaled from eddy covariance observations at 0.1° × 0.1° resolution and updated at low latency. Sentinel-2 indices are used to drive a modified Vegetation Photosynthesis Respiration Model (VPRM) following Bazzi et al. (2024) with a restructured Ecosystem Respiration equation and explicit soil moisture stress functions. VPRM parameters are optimized to half-hourly eddy covariance Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) and Gross Primary Production (GPP) datasets for each of 36 FLUXNET sites. Additionally we modify the temperature dependence of GPP by optimizing minimum and maximum temperatures as parameters and estimating optimum temperatures from mean annual temperature. We find these temperature modifications reduce RMSE for NEE and GPP respectively by 11% and 12% overall, 16% and 18% at evergreen needleleaf forests, 14% and 12% at grasslands, and 12% and 16% at mixed forests. Using site data on meteorology and vegetation, we train a random forest to produce mapped VPRM parameters representing the spatial heterogeneity in ecosystem characteristics. Gridded VPRM NEE estimates are presented based on both modeled parameter maps and multi-site optimizations by plant functional type, and upscaled products can be produced within hours of satellite data availability.


    [1] Bazzi, H. et al. "Assimilating Sentinel-2 data in a modified vegetation photosynthesis and respiration model (VPRM) to improve the simulation of croplands CO2 fluxes in Europe." International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 127 (2024): 103666.

    How to cite: Briner, O., Bazzi, H., Ciais, P., and Santaren, D.: Upscaling near-real-time biospheric CO2 fluxes over Europe with a modified Vegetation Photosynthesis Respiration Model (VPRM), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6908,, 2025.

    EGU25-7573 | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Coupled Simultion of Atmospheric CO2 in CAS-ESM 

    Jiawen Zhu, Juanxiong He, Duoying Ji, Yangchun Li, He Zhang, Minghua Zhang, Xiaodong Zeng, Kece Fei, and Jiangbo Jin

    The atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration has been increasing rapidly since the Industrial Revolution, which has led to unequivocal global warming and crucial environmental change. It is extremely important to investigate the interactions among atmospheric CO2, the physical climate  system, and the carbon cycle of the underlying surface for a better understanding of the Earth system. Earth system models are widely used to investigate these interactions via coupled carbon–climate simulations. The Chinese Academy of Sciences Earth System Model version 2 (CAS-ESM2.0) has successfully fixed a two-way coupling of atmospheric CO2 with the climate and carbon cycle on land and in the ocean. Using CAS-ESM2.0, we  conducted a coupled carbon–climate simulation by following the CMIP6 proposal of a historical emissions-driven experiment. This paper examines the modeled CO2 by comparison with observed CO2 at the sites of Mauna Loa and Barrow, and the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT) CO2 product. The results showed that CAS-ESM2.0 agrees very well with observations in reproducing the increasing trend of annual CO2 during the period 1850–2014, and in capturing the seasonal cycle of CO2 at the two baseline sites, as well as over northern high latitudes. These agreements illustrate a good ability of CAS-ESM2.0 in simulating carbon–climate interactions, even though uncertainties remain in the processes involved. This paper reports an important stage of the development of CAS-ESM with the coupling of carbon and climate, which will provide significant scientific support for climate research and China’s goal of carbon neutrality.

    How to cite: Zhu, J., He, J., Ji, D., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Zhang, M., Zeng, X., Fei, K., and Jin, J.: Coupled Simultion of Atmospheric CO2 in CAS-ESM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7573,, 2025.

    EGU25-7650 | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Characteristics of carbon sink and the influence factors in Ngoring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 

    Mengxiao Wang, Lijuan Wen, Zhaoguo Li, Xianhong Meng, and Dongsheng Su

    Lakes, as a fundamental component of the Earth's surface system, play a crucial role in the carbon cycle, closely linked to climate change. However, understanding carbon flux in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) lakes is restricted by environmental factors and limited observations, hindering insights into regional and global climate change. Continuous annual carbon dioxide (CO2) flux, encompassing ice-covered periods, has been monitored in the largest freshwater lake on the QTP. Utilizing continuous eddy system data, the characteristics and mechanisms influencing carbon flux at various temporal scales in this lake were investigated. Findings revealed Ngoring Lake as predominantly a carbon sink year-round, with two CO2 absorption peaks in spring and autumn, respectively. These peaks were associated with mixing state triggered by cooling processes. In spring, as temperatures rose above the lake water's maximum density temperature (3.98 ℃ for freshwater lake), subsequent rapid cooling and mixing occurred upon ice melt. In autumn, cooling and mixing were induced by decreasing air and water temperatures alongside strong winds. These cooling processes facilitated significant CO2 absorption. As the lake transitioned from stratification to mixing, lake mixing played a dominant role. Biochemical reactions driven by water temperature play a dominant role during stable stratification and complete mixing phases.

    How to cite: Wang, M., Wen, L., Li, Z., Meng, X., and Su, D.: Characteristics of carbon sink and the influence factors in Ngoring Lake, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7650,, 2025.

    Freeze-thaw periods contribute disproportionately to annual N₂O emissionsrepresenting a critical yet understudied component of its global budget. Understanding drivers of these hot moments and their sensitivity to climate change is essential, but their episodic nature and great spatiotemporal variability pose substantial challenges. Combining cross-ecoregion soil core incubations with in-situ automated measurements, we explored snow regime shift effects on N2O emissions. Our findings revealed ~50-day pulse emissions during freeze-thaw periods, accounting for over 50% of annual fluxes, increasing nonlinearly with snow depth. Emissions were regulated by water-filled pore space (WFPS) thresholds: below 43%, soil moisture dominated; at 43%–66%, moisture and microbial attributes jointly triggered emissions; above 66%, microbial attributes, particularly N enzyme kinetics, prevailed. Hotspots of freeze-thaw-induced emissions were linked to high root production and microbial activity in cold, humid grasslands. This hierarchical control of WFPS and microbial processes provides a framework for predicting the location and magnitude of freeze-thaw-induced N₂O pulses, improving N₂O accounting and informing mitigation strategies.

    How to cite: Liu, L. and Luo, J.: Moisture-microbial interaction amplifies N2O emission hot moments under deepened snow in grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7905,, 2025.

    EGU25-7918 | Orals | BG1.2

    New advances and new questions for atmospheric methane 

    Martin Manning, Xin (Lindsay) Lan, Sylvia Michel, and Euan Nisbet

    Scenarios to keep global warming below 2°C include significant decreases in short lived atmospheric methane to allow time for the much longer-lived atmospheric CO2 to decrease more slowly. A methane decrease during the 2020s decade has been built into SSP scenarios and the need for this is reinforced by recent studies [Reisinger, 2024; Shindell et al., 2024]. In reality, the atmospheric methane burden has been growing very rapidly since 2006.

    Atmospheric methane destruction is predominantly through oxidation by hydroxyl (OH). There is now evidence that since 1997, OH has been increasing in the Southern Hemisphere [Morgenstern et al., 2025]. This is based on 30 years of data for cosmic-ray produced 14C in atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO). Although most atmospheric chemistry models expect an increase in OH, the observed Southern Hemisphere increase of about +5% per decade is significantly greater than expected. Unfortunately, 14CO data in the Northern Hemisphere are insufficient to compare with models there.

    The increase in methane removal rate inferred from the 14CO data means that methane sources are larger than prior estimates based on an almost-constant removal rate. If so, this new finding reduces a long standing discrepancy between “top-down” estimates of methane emissions from wetlands and consistently larger “bottom-up” estimates [Saunois et al., 2024].

    While the increasing availability of satellite data is leading to better determination of methane’s source distribution, it is also necessary to differentiate between fossil fuel and biogenic sources. The positive trend of atmospheric δ13CCH4 for two centuries prior to 2006 reflected methane emissions from fossil fuel sources, but the strongly negative trend in δ13CCH4 since 2006 is primarily driven by biogenic sources such as wetlands and agriculture [Michel et al., 2024]. The magnitude of the source increase, particularly when the OH increase is taken into account, implies strong growth in wetland emissions, especially from northern tropical Africa.

    More recent δ13CCH4 data for 2023 have shown flattening of its post-2006 trend at many Northern Hemisphere sites. While something similar was seen in 2012 this apparent shift in methane sources now appears more pronounced.

    Given the urgency of reducing atmospheric methane to keep to the 2°C target, the recent changes in δ13CCH4 show atmospheric methane is in a very dynamic period of change. Future changes in the global methane budget may be less predictable than is currently assumed.



    Michel, S.E., Lan, X., Miller, J., et al, 2024: Rapid shift in methane carbon isotopes suggests microbial emissions drove record high atmospheric methane growth in 2020–2022. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS, 121(44), e2411212121.

    Morgenstern, O., Moss, R., Manning, M., et al, 2025: Radiocarbon monoxide indicates increasing atmospheric oxidizing capacity. Nature Communications, 16, 249.

    Reisinger, A., 2024: Why addressing methane emissions is a non-negotiable part of effective climate policy. Frontiers in Science, 2, 5.

    Saunois, M., et al., 2024: Global Methane Budget 2000-2020. Earth System Science Data, Discussion started: 6 June 2024, 147.

    Shindell, D., Sadavarte, P., Aben, I., et al , 2024: The methane imperative. Frontiers in Science, 2, 1349770.

    How to cite: Manning, M., Lan, X. (., Michel, S., and Nisbet, E.: New advances and new questions for atmospheric methane, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7918,, 2025.

    EGU25-8281 | Orals | BG1.2

    Evolution of atmospheric methane under the global methane pledge: insights from an Earth system model 

    Ulas Im, Kostas Tsigaridis, Susanne Bauer, Drew Shindell, Dirk Olivié, Simon Wilson, Lise Lotte Sørensen, Peter Langen, Sabine Eckhardt, Lena Hoglund Isaksson, Zig Klimont, and Lori Bruhwiler

    The global methane pledge (GMP) aims to cut methane (CH4) emissions across all sectors by at least 30 percent below 2020 levels by 2030, which can thereby provide benefits in air quality and health, as well as in climate, relative to not cutting the emissions. We have used a fully coupled Earth system model (ESM) with interactive CH4 sources and sinks to study the future levels and trends of global atmospheric CH4 concentrations under different emission scenarios. Fully coupled simulations have been performed from 1995 to 2050, using multispecies emissions from the ECLIPSE V6b emissions database supplemented by new anthropogenic methane emissions estimates for Current Legislation (CLE), Maximum Feasible Reduction (MFR) and Global Methane Pledge (GMP) from IIASA/GAINS to simulate the future evolution of CH4 levels. In the baseline CLE scenario, global anthropogenic CH4 emissions increase from 298 Tg in year 2000 to 335 Tg in 2015, then continues to increase to 430 Tg in 2050 under CLE. Under MFR, anthropogenic CH4emissions first drop to 240 Tg in 2030, then slightly decrease to 220 Tg in 2050, while under the GMP scenario, they first drop to 300 Tg in 2030, then slightly increase to 320 Tg in 2050.

    Preliminary results show that the interactive simulation slightly underestimates the observations on average by 2% between 1995-2022. All scenarios show an increase in the global CH4 concentrations, from 1.8 ppm in the present-day CH4 to 1.9 ppm (6%) in 2050 in the MFR scenario, 2.2 ppm (22%) in the CLE scenario, and 2.1 ppm (17%) in the GMP scenario. In addition, while anthropogenic CH4 emissions decrease, all simulations predict increasing wetland CH4emissions, by up to 10% in 2050 compared to 2020. Corresponding atmospheric CH4 lifetimes also increase in all simulations from 8.4 years in 2020 to lowest 8.5 years in CLE, 9.2 years in MFR, and 9.4 years in GMP. The increasing CH4 lifetime and concentrations in all scenarios despite reductions in emissions highlights that the response of concentrations are not necessarily linear with the changes in emissions as the chemistry is non-linear, and dependent on the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere due to other species such as CO and VOCs. In addition, missing sinks in ESMs such as halogens chlorine can lead to less chemical removal and longer lifetime compared to the box model.

    We will further present the impact of these scenarios on the global surface temperatures and evaluate if the GMP will achieve its goal by 2050. However, preliminary results, compared with the recent 2021 AMAP SLCF assessment, suggest that despite the reduction in emissions, the atmospheric global CH4 levels simulated in the present study may not fulfil the larger goals of the GMP such as decreasing global CH4 concentrations and avoiding a 0.2°C warming by 2050 relative to 2020. However, reductions in emissions can still be achieved, which can lead to benefits in air quality and health. This work was accomplished through the Reduc(h4)e project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers-and contributes to ongoing AMAP assessment work.

    How to cite: Im, U., Tsigaridis, K., Bauer, S., Shindell, D., Olivié, D., Wilson, S., Sørensen, L. L., Langen, P., Eckhardt, S., Isaksson, L. H., Klimont, Z., and Bruhwiler, L.: Evolution of atmospheric methane under the global methane pledge: insights from an Earth system model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8281,, 2025.

    EGU25-9043 | Orals | BG1.2

    Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from landscape fires due to the Russo–Ukrainian War and the impact on the carbon sequestration capacity of forests 

    Roman Vasylyshyn, Rostyslav Bun, Viktor Myroniuk, Lennard de Klerk, Oleksandr Soshenskyi, Sergiy Zibtsev, Svitlana Krakovska, Linda See, Mykola Shlapak, Volodymyr Blyshchyk, Lidiia Kryshtop, Zoriana Romanchuk, Orysia Yashchun, Eugene Kalchuk, and Yuriy Rymarenko

    Vegetation acts as an essential land-based carbon sink, which can be affected by military conflicts and wars through landscape fires that can cover large territories and will lead to additional greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere. To investigate this impact, we spatially analyzed the effect of the ongoing Russo–Ukrainian War on the GHG emissions from landscape fires and determined the change to the carbon sequestration capacity of the forests. Using remotely sensed data from 2022–2023, we first identified the fire perimeters in the territory of Ukraine. We then classified the burned areas into coniferous and deciduous forests, croplands, and other landscapes, and evaluated the distribution of the fires according to their intensity based on the differenced normalized burn ratio. We used several fire weather condition indices and calculated the attribution factor to identify the share of fires that were war related and were thus not caused by natural factors or human activity that would be typical in times of peace. We estimated the war-related biomass losses during the first two years of the war, considering the landcover type, the species and the age structure of the forest stands, the fire intensity, and the biomass content. The corresponding GHG emissions in the immediate term were estimated to be 9.08 Mt carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), with a relative uncertainty of ±46% (95% confidence interval). The estimated future (long-term) biomass losses due to current forest fires and their corresponding GHG emissions were calculated to be 16.86 Mt CO2e (±21%). Finally, losses in the carbon sequestration capacity of the burned forests during the first five years following the landscape fires were estimated to be 2.9 Mt CO2e.


    How to cite: Vasylyshyn, R., Bun, R., Myroniuk, V., de Klerk, L., Soshenskyi, O., Zibtsev, S., Krakovska, S., See, L., Shlapak, M., Blyshchyk, V., Kryshtop, L., Romanchuk, Z., Yashchun, O., Kalchuk, E., and Rymarenko, Y.: Quantifying greenhouse gas emissions from landscape fires due to the Russo–Ukrainian War and the impact on the carbon sequestration capacity of forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9043,, 2025.

    EGU25-9368 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Assessing the optimal drivers for flux data gap-filling using random forest networks 

    Nicola Lieff, Daniel Metzen, Cacilia Ewenz, Peter Isaac, Ian McHugh, and Anne Griebel

    The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) OzFlux group operates a network of eddy covariance stations that collect long-term atmospheric and soil measurements for monitoring and understanding changes in climate and the environment. Ideally, all data collected would be gap-free, however, all real data has gaps where instruments have not recorded measurements or data has been discarded due to low turbulence. To allow this data to be used as a continuous time-series in further analysis, the missing data is gap-filled using PyFluxPro. The standard community approach uses a predefined set of variables (drivers) for gap-filling, which are the same variables for all stations irrespective of location. However, the stations are located in a large range of climate zones, hence the standard gap-filling drivers might not be ideal for all sites. This is because the drivers were chosen for a small set of initial sites and might not be representative for a heating and drying climate.

    To identify which drivers were best suited for each station, we developed a random forest model to objectively assess the relative importance of input variables used to gap-fill ustar, carbon, and energy fluxes. We trained this model on the published TERN OzFlux data for all available Australian sites using a large range of input variables. This model then determined the relative importance of variables, mean absolute errors, and R2 for the accuracy of the model prediction for a target variable at each site. Next, we grouped the variables into atmospheric, energy, turbulence and soil categories of drivers, which highlighted a distinct variation in the contribution of each category of driver across sites. To assess the ecological significance of these trends, the model importances were sorted by the aridity index and grouped by the Köppen-Geiger classification of each site. There is a notable shift in the importance of energy, turbulence, and soil groups with decreasing aridity, and driver contributions were generally consistent within Köppen-Geiger classifications. Reprocessing the gap-filling of a representative subsample of sites demonstrated a marked improvement in predicting the gap-filled target variables, highlighting that this approach can inform driver selection at new and established sites and will improve the understanding of the ecological significance of different drivers in various climate regions.


    How to cite: Lieff, N., Metzen, D., Ewenz, C., Isaac, P., McHugh, I., and Griebel, A.: Assessing the optimal drivers for flux data gap-filling using random forest networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9368,, 2025.

    Methane (CH₄) emissions from the Tibetan Plateau, often referred to as the "Third Pole," are critical to understanding global methane dynamics due to the region's extensive wetland ecosystems and unique environmental characteristics. However, quantifying CH₄ fluxes in this region is challenging due to sparse observational data, complex topography, and highly variable climatic and hydrological conditions. This study introduces a high-resolution machine learning framework tailored for the Tibetan Plateau by integrating satellite-based observations, ground measurements, and modeled data. The framework incorporates a diverse set of environmental drivers, including temperature, soil moisture, vegetation indices, and hydrological factors. This approach aims to address spatial and temporal gaps in methane flux estimates while capturing the complex interactions governing CH₄ emissions in high-altitude mountainous ecosystems.

    How to cite: Zhang, Z.: High-Resolution Wetland Methane Flux Modeling for the Tibetan Plateau Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10099,, 2025.

    EGU25-10326 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2 | Highlight

    Declining coral calcification to enhance twenty-first century ocean carbon uptake by gigatons 

    Alban Planchat, Lester Kwiatkowski, Marc Pyolle, Charlotte Laufkötter, and Laurent Bopp

    As the oceans warm and acidify, the calcification of coral reefs declines, with net calcium carbonate dissolution projected even under moderate emissions scenarios. The impact of this on the global carbon cycle is however yet to be accounted for. We use a synthesis of the sensitivity of coral reef calcification to climate change, alongside reef distribution products to estimate alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes resulting from reductions in reef calcification. Using the global ocean biogeochemical model NEMO-PISCES, we simulate the impact of these fluxes on ocean carbon uptake under different emissions scenarios, accounting for uncertainty in present-day calcification rates.

    Reductions in global coral reef carbonate production could enhance the ocean anthropogenic carbon sink by 0.34 PgC yr-1by mid-century (0.13 PgC yr-1 median estimate) with cumulative ocean carbon uptake up to 110 PgC greater by 2300 (46 PgC median estimate). Under medium to high emissions scenarios, two critical aspects emerge: (i) the full potential for coral reef degradation to affect carbon fluxes is reached within decades, and (ii) air-sea carbon fluxes remain substantial for centuries, due to the imbalance between carbon and alkalinity sinks/sources for the global ocean.

    Accounting for the coral reef feedback into Earth system models could revise upward remaining carbon budget estimates, increasing the likelihood of achieving net-zero emissions without relying on negative emissions. The coral reef feedback could have a 21st-century impact comparable in magnitude to boreal forest dieback, though opposite in sign. This underscores a critical paradox: conserving calcifying organisms, such as coral reefs, may counteract a natural mechanism for mitigating climate change, but at the cost of protecting vital biodiversity. This challenges the "all-carbon" framework often used to address environmental issues, highlighting the complex trade-offs between carbon cycle regulation and biodiversity conservation.

    How to cite: Planchat, A., Kwiatkowski, L., Pyolle, M., Laufkötter, C., and Bopp, L.: Declining coral calcification to enhance twenty-first century ocean carbon uptake by gigatons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10326,, 2025.

    EGU25-10374 | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Methane budget, seasonality and interannual variability of the three major river basins in Tropical South America 

    Shrutika Wagh, Luana Basso, Ayan Fleischmann, Joao Amaral, John Melack, Hella Asperen, Stijin Hantson, Thorsten Schäfer, and Santiago Botia

    Tropical wetlands are one of the largest natural methane sources but lack of in-situ observations and uncertainty in wetland extent leads to large uncertainly. In this study we analyze the methane budget from three major river basins in South America: the Orinoco, the Amazon, and the Pantanal basins using two atmospheric inversions:  the CAMS-CH4inversion, which assimilates satellite and in-situ data and the CarboScope methane inversion system constrained by in-situ data only. We make a comparative analysis focusing on the seasonal cycle, interannual variability, and the total methane budget from 2000 to 2019.

    The budget difference in posterior estimates between CAMS-CH4 and CarboScope for these basins are as follows: Amazon Basin: -18.03 TgCH4/yr, Pantanal Basin: -11.65 TgCH4/yr, Orinoco Basin: -0.96 TgCH4/yr.  All together the total flux difference is -30.56 TgCH4/yr, indicating that CarboScope estimates larger total methane fluxes than the CAMS-CH4 inversion. Note that a similar difference (30.98 TgCH4/year) is also seen in the prior fluxes, suggesting that the optimization does not reduce the prior difference in the regions of interest.  While the Amazon Basin emits largest amount of methane, the Orinoco Basin exhibits the highest emissions per unit area, with 21.2 mgCH4/m²/day. In comparison, Amazon and Pantanal basins have emission of 19.26 mgCH4/m²/day and 13.36 mgCH4/m²/day. This shows the significant contribution of the smallest basin, in terms of methane flux density. Not surprisingly, both models indicate that wetlands are the primary methane source in the Amazon and Orinoco basins (~80%). In the Pantanal, CAMS-CH4 shows equal contributions from wetlands and anthropogenic sources, whereas CarboScope attributes dominance to anthropogenic emissions. Interestingly, seasonal patterns differ between the two models. In CAMS-CH4 there is a strong seasonality, with maximum methane emissions occurring during the wet season across all basins, in CarboScope, there is a double-peak in the Amazon Basin during March (wet) and August (dry). Finally, we investigate the inundation patterns and their relationship to methane emissions trends in these basins, as well as the factors influencing interannual variability to enhance our understanding of the processes driving these emissions.

    How to cite: Wagh, S., Basso, L., Fleischmann, A., Amaral, J., Melack, J., Asperen, H., Hantson, S., Schäfer, T., and Botia, S.: Methane budget, seasonality and interannual variability of the three major river basins in Tropical South America, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10374,, 2025.

    EGU25-11802 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Tracking methane across South America: an inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations to quantify emissions and sectoral contributions 

    Aurélien Sicsik-Paré, Isabelle Pison, Audrey Fortems-Cheiney, Grégoire Broquet, Elise Potier, Adrien Martinez, Florencio Utreras-Diaz, and Antoine Berchet

    Methane (CH4) emissions from South America have been estimated to account for approximately 15% of global emissions over the past decade. While natural emissions are predominantly driven by wetlands, anthropogenic emissions include contributions from livestock and landfills. However, bottom-up estimates remain highly uncertain, particularly for wetland contributions. The top-down approach, based on atmospheric transport inverse modeling, offers a critical tool for enhancing the monitoring of regional CH4 emissions. Given the sparse network of in-situ measurements and limited aircraft campaigns in the region, satellite observations of total column methane mixing ratios (XCH4) provide a valuable source of observations for inverse modeling.

    The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) aboard the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite, launched in 2017, provides XCH4 with global daily coverage and a relatively high (5.5×7 km²) horizontal resolution. Three different products are derived from the raw spectra measurements and are used in this study: the official product by SRON, the WFMD product by the University of Bremen and the BLENDED product by the University of Harvard. While widely used for detecting localized methane plumes linked to super-emitters, TROPOMI CH4 data also support regional and global flux inversions, enabling improved mapping of CH4 emissions. In 2019, TROPOMI provided over 4 million observations across South America, though with uneven spatial coverage, particularly limited over the tropical region due to cloud cover.

    We assimilate the TROPOMI XCH4observations into regional atmospheric inversions of CH4 emissions over South America at a 0.2°×0.2° resolution, for 2019. The inversions are performed with the CHIMERE transport model coupled with the inverse modeling platform Community Inversion Framework (CIF). We first compare prior emission dataset, evaluating sector-specific uncertainties and spatial-temporal correlations within the background error covariance (B). The study then assesses system sensitivity to key input datasets and parametrization, including deep convection modeling, prior datasets and TROPOMI product selection, and optimization parameters. Additionally, the response of simulated XCH4 to sectoral contributions is analyzed. Particular focus is given over the tropical region and especially the Amazon basin, where extensive wetland emissions and low satellite observation coverage pose significant challenges. Finally, posterior CH4 emission budgets are presented at local, country, and regional scale, with detailed analysis of sectoral contributions from livestock, landfills, and wetlands, offering insights into the drivers of South America’s methane emissions.

    How to cite: Sicsik-Paré, A., Pison, I., Fortems-Cheiney, A., Broquet, G., Potier, E., Martinez, A., Utreras-Diaz, F., and Berchet, A.: Tracking methane across South America: an inversion of TROPOMI satellite observations to quantify emissions and sectoral contributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11802,, 2025.

    EGU25-12730 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Refining methane emission estimates in the Amazon basin: Addressing spatiotemporal variability and habitat diversity 

    Santiago Botía, Ayan Santos Fleischmann, Luana Santamaria Basso, Shrutika Wagh, Jost Lavric, Ahmad Al Bitar, and John Melack

    Recent studies highlight the critical role of methane emissions from tropical wetlands in driving the accelerated atmospheric CH4 growth rate observed in the last decade. The Amazon lowland region, where up to 30% of the area can be seasonally flooded, is one of the largest natural methane sources. The total methane flux estimates for the Amazon basin from top-down and bottom-up approaches converge at 31–46 TgCH₄/year. However, understanding methane emission trends and interannual variability—such as inundation extent and seasonality—requires improved attribution of emissions to specific wetland types and habitats. In this study, we present a refined bottom-up estimate of methane fluxes for the lowland Amazon that addresses key challenges to regionalizing fluxes in the basin: i) the large seasonal variation in inundated areas and habitats, ii) the diversity of aquatic ecosystems across the Amazon, and iii) the spatiotemporal variability of methane fluxes. 

    We link local methane flux measurements collected during more than 20 years of field campaigns to specific river and wetland types and incorporate seasonal variability in inundation extent using dynamic remote sensing products (i.e. open water data from the Global Surface Water for lakes, Global River Width from Landsat (GRWL) for rivers, and wetland inundation extent from the High-Resolution Surface WAterFraction (SWAF-HR, based on SMOS L-band imagery) for the Amazon basin, and (4) GIEMS-D15 (merge of multiple satellites) for the remaining portions of South America). Wetland types (herbaceous and woody vegetation) were obtained from the JERS-1 L-band based classification of Hess et al. (2015) for the Amazon Basin and ESA-CCI land cover for the rest of South America. The magnitude and seasonal variability of our bottom-up fluxes are evaluated against fluxes derived from atmospheric CH4 mole fraction measurements at two Amazonian sites, whose footprints go beyond the Amazon Basin. While our product successfully captures the seasonal variability at both sites, it underestimates the overall magnitude of emissions compared to other estimates, even when accounting for emissions from flooded forest tree stems. Our findings represent an important improvement of bottom-up estimates representing the diversity of wetland habitats and processes driving methane emissions, but further work is needed to understand the mismatch with other methane emissions products.

    How to cite: Botía, S., Santos Fleischmann, A., Santamaria Basso, L., Wagh, S., Lavric, J., Al Bitar, A., and Melack, J.: Refining methane emission estimates in the Amazon basin: Addressing spatiotemporal variability and habitat diversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12730,, 2025.

    EGU25-13556 | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Let’s Investigate Methane for Climate Action 

    Sander Houweling, Roxana Petrescu, Mekky Zaidi, Thomas Roeckmann, Jean-Daniel Paris, Torsten Sachs, Tuula Aalto, Manuel Gloor, Hartmut Boesch, Andreas Stohl, Hugo Denier van der Gon, Marielle Saunois, Rona Thompson, Sergey Gromov, Lena Höglund-Isakkson, and Ernest Koffi

    2025 started with the launch of the H-Europe project IM4CA to enhance the quantification and understanding of methane emissions and sinks. A consortium of 25 partners joins forces to investigate pressing questions about the evolution atmospheric methane levels in recent decades, to reduce the uncertainty in future projections and design efficient solutions for monitoring and mitigating emissions in and outside of Europe. It will build new measurement and modelling infrastructure for improved monitoring of the progress toward short- and long-term emission reduction targets, with a prominent role for existing and upcoming satellite missions for measuring atmospheric composition and land surface properties.

    The changing European methane emissions are an important focus of the project, which we keep track of with help of eastward extensions of the ICOS monitoring network in Poland and Romania. Intensive measurement campaigns in Rumania are conducted combining surface, aircraft, and total column measurements to improve the accuracy of emission quantification techniques using satellite data. The world-wide applicability of these techniques will extend the impact of our campaigns far beyond European borders.

    Besides changing anthropogenic emissions, climate impacts on natural sources and sinks of methane are an important focus of IM4CA also. The four-year research program will initiate new measurement infrastructure in Congo to help characterize emissions from tropical wetlands in Africa. Campaigns will be conducted in Northern Scandinavia along a transect of disappearing permafrost to investigate impacts on vegetation and methane emissions using techniques that can be applied to high-resolution satellite instruments for circumpolar emission mapping.

    This presentation will provide an overview of the planned activities and goals of IM4CA. The project offers a great opportunity to learn about methane in a cooperative spirit and to reach out and provide support to those who can turn knowledge about methane into climate action.    

    How to cite: Houweling, S., Petrescu, R., Zaidi, M., Roeckmann, T., Paris, J.-D., Sachs, T., Aalto, T., Gloor, M., Boesch, H., Stohl, A., Denier van der Gon, H., Saunois, M., Thompson, R., Gromov, S., Höglund-Isakkson, L., and Koffi, E.: Let’s Investigate Methane for Climate Action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13556,, 2025.

    EGU25-14051 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Temporal variability in dissolved inorganic carbon, δ13CDIC, and anthropogenic CO2 in the North Indian Ocean from 1995 to 2016: assessing the influence of anthropogenic CO2 

    Pasindi Kaluthotage, Amavi Silva, Maheshi Dheerasinghe, and Hashan Kokuhennadige

    The dynamics of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), stable carbon isotopes of DIC (δ13CDIC), and anthropogenic CO2 (CO2ant) in the upper 500 m of the water column were examined in two upwelling-favourable regions: the Sri Lankan Dome (SLD) and the central Bay of Bengal (BOB) in the Northern Indian Ocean over the period 1995 to 2016. This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal variability of these carbon parameters and assess the influence of CO2ant in these oceanic environments. Data from the GLODAPv2.2022 database, including cruise-based biogeochemical bottle measurements, were utilized to examine temporal trends in DIC and δ13CDIC. The TrOCA (Tracer combining Oxygen, Carbon, and Alkalinity) approach was employed to calculate CO2ant. Although DIC concentrations showed minimal variability across the water column in both the SLD and central BOB, significant fluctuations in CO2ant and δ13CDIC were observed in the upper 50 m in both regions between 1995 and 2016. Specifically, δ13CDIC values in the upper 50 m decreased by 0.45 ‰ (at a rate of 0.021 ‰ yr-1) in the SLD and by 0.41 ‰ (at a rate of 0.02 ‰ yr-1) in the central BOB over the study period. This decline is likely attributable to the combined effects of upwelling of remineralized DIC and increased CO2ant invasion in the upper 50 m of these oceanic regions, occurring at rates of 0.93 µmol kg-1 yr-1 in the SLD and 1.97 µmol kg-1 yr-1 in the central BOB. Additionally, a weaker correlation between δ13CDIC and CO2ant was observed in the central BOB, whereas a stronger correlation in the SLDsuggests that the invasion of isotopically lighter CO2ant contributed significantly to the observed depletion of δ¹³CDIC in both regions from 1995 to 2016. These findings underscore the significant role of anthropogenic CO2 in influencing carbon dynamics in the upper ocean of these upwelling-prone regions.

    How to cite: Kaluthotage, P., Silva, A., Dheerasinghe, M., and Kokuhennadige, H.: Temporal variability in dissolved inorganic carbon, δ13CDIC, and anthropogenic CO2 in the North Indian Ocean from 1995 to 2016: assessing the influence of anthropogenic CO2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14051,, 2025.

    EGU25-14074 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Net carbon exchange in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Caatinga: Challenges and Insights from the 2023/2024 Drought 

    Santiago Botía and the Amazon drought 2023 team

    Tropical South America plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle. On one hand, the Amazon stores large stocks of carbon (150-200 PgC), representing 50% of the tropical rainforest biomass.  On the other hand, the semiarid biomes of the neighbouring Cerrado and the Caatinga contribute largely to the inter-annual variability of the global land carbon sink. Both biomes are experiencing large threats due to deforestation, forest degradation, agricultural expansion and climate variability. While these threats in the Amazon have been largely studied, vegetation loss and associated carbon emissions from the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes have been somewhat overlooked. As a result, the mean and long-term trend in net carbon exchange in both biomes remains largely unknown. In this talk, I will give an overview of recent estimates in net carbon exchange and their uncertainty range for the Amazon and the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes. I will particularly focus on the development of the 2023/2024 drought and the carbon cycle response in the region. For this we leverage multiple data streams, from bottom-up models and top-down inversion systems, to remotely-sensed vegetation dynamics and in-situ flux and atmospheric measurements. I finalize highlighting the spatial heterogeneity of carbon fluxes across the region and emphasize on the remaining challenges to reduce the uncertainty in carbon cycle estimates and the need for enhanced atmospheric monitoring networks to improve our understanding of biome-specific drivers of net carbon exchange.

    How to cite: Botía, S. and the Amazon drought 2023 team: Net carbon exchange in the Amazon, Cerrado, and Caatinga: Challenges and Insights from the 2023/2024 Drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14074,, 2025.

    EGU25-14801 | Orals | BG1.2

    Challenges and opportunities in atmospheric methane mitigation from freshwater and marine environments 

    Lu Shen, Minghao Zhuang, Shushi Peng, Vincent Gauci, Wei Wei, Lidong Wu, and Michael MacLeod

    Methane emissions from the aquatic environment exhibit distinct characteristics: while oceans, covering 70% of Earth’s surface, emit 9 Tg of methane annually, freshwater wetlands, which occupy only 2% of Earth’s surface, emit 150-200 Tg per year. This significant contrast raises important questions about the underlying mechanisms and potential strategies to mitigate methane emissions in these water systems. In this work, we explore the challenges and opportunities of methane mitigation in both freshwater and marine environments. 

    For freshwater wetlands, existing projections of future methane emissions usually neglect feedbacks associated with global biogeochemical cycles. Here, we employ data-driven approaches to estimate both current and future wetland emissions, considering the effects of changing meteorology and biogeochemical feedbacks arising from atmospheric sulfate deposition and CO2 fertilization. We show that, under low-CO2 scenarios (1.5 and 2°C warming pathways), the suppressive effect of sulfate deposition on wetland methane emissions largely diminishes by 2100 due to clean air policies, resulting in an additional emission increase of 7 ± 2 Tg a-1. This increase account for 35% and 22% of total wetland emission changes under 1.5 and 2°C warming pathways, a factor not yet considered by current Integrated Assessment Models.

    For marine waters, we assess the methane emissions from mariculture’s aquatic environment at 10-km resolution globally, using measurements from research cruises and satellite-observed net primary productivity. Mariculture’s aquatic emission intensity is estimated to be 1–6 gCH4 per kg of carcass weight (CW), >95% lower than freshwater systems, due to suppressed microbial production in marine waters and inefficient ventilation to the atmosphere. The life-cycle assessment shows that mariculture’s carbon footprints are ~40% lower than those of freshwater aquaculture, suggesting considerable climate benefits of mariculture expansion to meet future protein needs.

    How to cite: Shen, L., Zhuang, M., Peng, S., Gauci, V., Wei, W., Wu, L., and MacLeod, M.: Challenges and opportunities in atmospheric methane mitigation from freshwater and marine environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14801,, 2025.

    EGU25-14803 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Regional method to quantify coastal anthropogenic carbon changes 

    Xinyu Li and Brendan Carter

    The global ocean plays a critical role in mitigating climate change by sequestering atmospheric CO2, removing approximately 26% of anthropogenic carbon emissions since the Industrial Revolution. While significant progress has been made in estimating open-ocean anthropogenic carbon (Canthro), the coastal ocean remains less understood due to its dynamic nature and complex processes and shortage of long-term high-quality datasets. Hence it is challenging to quantify the coastal anthropogenic carbon from the observation data. In this study, we propose a regional empirical regression-based anthropogenic carbon estimation approach (RECA) tailored for coastal regions. Using synthetic data from six different global ocean biogeochemical models, we evaluate the uncertainties in Canthro estimation and assess the contributions of non-steady-state natural and anthropogenic components to estimation biases in the four North American coast oceans. We also compare RECA with established regression-based methods (CAREER and eMLR(C*)) that are widely used in open-ocean regions to determine their applicability in coastal settings. Our results demonstrate that RECA effectively captures overall Canthro with minimal large-scale biases. However, subregional analyses reveal challenges in separating anthropogenic and natural CO2 signals, emphasizing the influence of natural variability. This study provides a unified framework for high-resolution Canthro estimation in coastal waters, evaluates its uncertainties, and paves the way for improved coastal carbon monitoring and climate action.

    How to cite: Li, X. and Carter, B.: Regional method to quantify coastal anthropogenic carbon changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14803,, 2025.

    EGU25-15075 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Assessing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates in Northern High Latitude Regions (2018–2021)  

    Rebecca Ward, Maria Tenkanen, Aki Tsuruta, Sara Hyvärinen, Anteneh Mengistu, Hannakaisa Lindqvist, Johanna Tamminen, Tiina Markkanen, Maarit Raivonen, Antti Leppänen, and Tuula Aalto

    The northern high latitudes (NHLs) are undergoing rapid environmental changes with global warming, which may trigger feedback mechanisms that amplify natural methane emissions from wetlands and increase contributions from wildfires. Studying year-to-year variations in these emissions can provide understanding of the key factors driving natural methane fluxes. In addition, the NHLs produce substantial methane emissions from fossil fuel production. However, the spatial heterogeneity and overlap of methane sources in the region complicates the attribution of emissions to specific sources. 

    This study presents an intercomparison of methane emissions estimates across four NHL regions—Russia, Canada, Alaska, and Norway-Sweden-Finland—between 2018 and 2021, focusing on the magnitude and seasonality of emissions. Emissions are compared using a combination of bottom-up and top-down estimates. Bottom-up estimates for key sectors, including anthropogenic activities, biomass burning, and wetlands, are produced by inventories and process models. Top-down estimates are derived from an ensemble of atmospheric inversions that separately optimise anthropogenic and biospheric emissions. The inversions, derived from the CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 model, incorporate a range of prior estimates, uncertainties, and atmospheric methane measurements from in-situ surface stations and satellite observations from TROPOMI and GOSAT.  

    Preliminary findings indicate that for all four regions, posterior natural emissions are strongly influenced by the choice of prior emissions in shaping both their seasonality and magnitude. The CarbonTracker Europe-CH4 ensemble produces posterior emissions estimates consistent with the Global Carbon Project ensemble, which utilised different inversion models.  

    By integrating a wide range of emissions estimates, this study aims to improve our understanding of the NHL methane budget. The findings contribute to ongoing methane emission assessments under the Eye-CLIMA, IM4CA (Investigating Methane for Climate Action), ESA SMART-CH4 (Satellite Monitoring of Atmospheric Methane) projects and ESA-AMPAC (Arctic Methane and Permafrost Challenge). 

    How to cite: Ward, R., Tenkanen, M., Tsuruta, A., Hyvärinen, S., Mengistu, A., Lindqvist, H., Tamminen, J., Markkanen, T., Raivonen, M., Leppänen, A., and Aalto, T.: Assessing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Methane Emission Estimates in Northern High Latitude Regions (2018–2021) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15075,, 2025.

    EGU25-15314 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    The contribution of storm-induced outgassing to the CO2 air-sea flux in the Southern Ocean in a high-resolution, atmosphere-ocean simulation with ICON 

    Arjun Kumar, David Nielsen, Nuno Serra, Fatemeh Chegini, Johann Jungclaus, and Tatiana Ilyina

    The global ocean uptake of anthropogenic CO2 is sensitive to the uptake in the Southern Ocean, which accounts for 40-50% of the total uptake. At the same time, the Southern Ocean is the windiest region on the planet and experiences storms all year round. These storms, in turn, play an important role for the CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean, because they can trigger outgassing of CO2 to the atmosphere. Storms induce outgassing by stirring the mixed layer via wind forcing, which leads to entrainment of waters rich in dissolved inorganic carbon into the mixed layer and elevates ocean pCO2 at the air-sea interface. However, since storms occur on synoptic time scales, such outgassing events are highly localised and short lived. Recent work based on in-situ measurements suggests that the magnitude of storm-induced outgassing and its contribution to the total Southern Ocean CO2 air-sea flux may have been severely underestimated by previous modelling studies, which do not sufficiently resolve storms and outgassing events. In this study, we take advantage of a cutting-edge simulation conducted with a fully-coupled, global, atmosphere-ocean model (ICON) with ocean biogeochemistry. Running on the assumption that the smaller grid spacing of 5 km better resolves storms and variability in wind forcing, we analyse the simulated contribution of storm-induced outgassing to the Southern Ocean uptake of CO2. 

    How to cite: Kumar, A., Nielsen, D., Serra, N., Chegini, F., Jungclaus, J., and Ilyina, T.: The contribution of storm-induced outgassing to the CO2 air-sea flux in the Southern Ocean in a high-resolution, atmosphere-ocean simulation with ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15314,, 2025.

    EGU25-15370 | Orals | BG1.2

    SOCOMv2: On the strengths and limits of pCO2 interpolations products to estimate the ocean carbon sink 

    Alizée Roobaert, Daniel J. Ford, Christian Rödenbeck, Nicolas Gruber, Judith Hauck, Amanda R. Fay, Thea Hatlen Heimdal, Jacqueline Behncke, Abby Shaum, Gregor Luke, Andrew Watson, Laique M. Djeutchouang, Sreeush Mohanan, Marion Gehlen, Annika Jersild, Jiye Zeng, Yosuke Iida, Frederic Chevallier, Galen A. McKinley, and Jamie D. Shutler and the SOCOMv2 team

    The ocean is an important sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), but recent data from the Global Carbon Budget (GCB) highlight discrepancies in ocean carbon uptake estimates. Since the early 2000s, reconstructions of in-water CO2 fugacity (fCO2) using advanced interpolation techniques (data-products) have shown a growing divergence from estimates derived from global hindcast model simulations. This offsets in the mean flux amounts to approximately 0.49 GtC per year in the decade 2014-2023. The reasons for this discrepancy are not fully understood but may stem from a combination of factors including insufficient data coverage, uncertainties in scaling measurement-based estimates, and errors in model simulations. Previous studies suggests that biases in the fCO2 data-products from the under-sampled Southern Hemisphere, may contribute significantly to this gap.

    To address these concerns, the Surface Ocean CO2 Mapping project has launched its second phase (SOCOMv2). This initiative aims to identify and quantify the accuracy and uncertainties related to data availability, changing observational networks, and input data. SOCOMv2 includes four key experiments: 1) a comprehensive geospatial uncertainty analysis, and three subsampling studies employing: 2) GCB hindcast simulations to capture true climate variability, 3) large ensemble simulations representing multiple climate states, and 4) idealized carbon uptake scenarios without climate variation. These efforts aim to provide a clearer understanding of the underlying factors contributing to the observed discrepancies in ocean carbon uptake estimates.

    Results from the GCB subsampling hindcast simulation experiments reveal that individual fCO2 data-product reconstructions can significantly overestimate or underestimate both the annual mean and the trend of the ocean carbon sink relative to the models ‘truth’. Nonetheless, the ensemble mean of the fCO2 data-products tends to exhibit only a small overestimation of the model ‘truth’ ocean carbon sink. These discrepancies highlight the impact of limited data coverage and the inherent challenges of extrapolating from sparse measurements but cannot fully explain the observed divergence between models and fCO2 reconstructions in the GCB.

    SOCOMv2 aims to improve the accuracy and precision of ocean carbon flux estimates, contributing to improved observational approaches and guiding policy development for climate mitigation. SOCOMv2 efforts have been driven by the community, with supporting funding within a larger European Space Agency ocean carbon study (Ocean Carbon for Climate).

    How to cite: Roobaert, A., Ford, D. J., Rödenbeck, C., Gruber, N., Hauck, J., Fay, A. R., Heimdal, T. H., Behncke, J., Shaum, A., Luke, G., Watson, A., Djeutchouang, L. M., Mohanan, S., Gehlen, M., Jersild, A., Zeng, J., Iida, Y., Chevallier, F., McKinley, G. A., and Shutler, J. D. and the SOCOMv2 team: SOCOMv2: On the strengths and limits of pCO2 interpolations products to estimate the ocean carbon sink, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15370,, 2025.

    EGU25-15454 | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Inverse modelling of global CH4 emissions using surface based measurements and GOSAT satellites retrievals. 

    Francesco Graziosi, Giovanni Manca, Delia Segato, Srdan Dobricic, and Nicola Arriga

    Atmospheric methane (CH₄) is a significant greenhouse gas with a warming potential 84 times greater than that of CO₂ over a 20-year time horizon. Given its relatively short atmospheric lifetime of approximately 10 years and its high warming potential, reducing anthropogenic methane emissions is crucial for limiting near-term increases in global temperatures. Methane is emitted from both natural and anthropogenic sources and is primarily consumed through reactions with hydroxyl (OH) radicals in the atmosphere. To a lesser extent, it is also removed through soil interactions. The limited understanding of the interplay between sources and sinks leads to an unclear explanation of the interannual variability in atmospheric methane concentrations over the past decades. Moreover, there are growing concerns about the possibility that climate change could amplify natural CH₄ fluxes. Here we present an inverse model-based reanalysis of global CH₄ emissions (2018-2021). To achieve this, we employ the TM5-4DVAR inverse model system, which is driven by ECMWF-ERA5 meteorological data at a resolution of 1° x 1° for both latitude and longitude, and encompasses 137 vertical levels. This four-dimensional inverse system generates monthly global fields of CH₄ fluxes across four source categories: wetlands, rice fields, biomass burning, and anthropogenic activities. The methane fluxes are optimized using high-resolution surface-based measurements from the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) global cooperative air sampling network, as well as column-averaged dry mixing ratio XCH₄ data from the GOSAT satellite. The primary aim of this work is to identify the major geographical areas and source categories driving the interannual variability and trends of global CH₄ fluxes during the study period. Moreover, the temporal variability of natural methane fluxes is analysed in relation to physical parameters to investigate how natural CH4 emissions respond to climate factors (e.g. temperature).

    How to cite: Graziosi, F., Manca, G., Segato, D., Dobricic, S., and Arriga, N.: Inverse modelling of global CH4 emissions using surface based measurements and GOSAT satellites retrievals., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15454,, 2025.

    EGU25-15780 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Mitigation and implications of methane emissions from dairy cow barns 

    Jonathan Buzan, Jens Terhaar, Fortunat Joos, Niels Iversen, and Peter Roslev

    Reaching the Paris Agreement temperature goals of no higher than +1.5°C or +2.0°C of global mean temperature change is quickly becoming difficult to reach by the end of the century. Not making the Paris Agreement temperature targets will impact all aspects of human society.


    Around 1/3rd of global mean surface temperature changes, is estimated to be caused by methane making it the second most powerful greenhouse gas released anthropogenically.  Anthropogenic sources emit 349 Tg of methane per year and are responsible for more than 50% of global methane emissions. The main emitters are the energy sector (>36% of emissions) and agriculture (40%). Fortunately, methane is a short-lived greenhouse gas, and removal of anthropogenic emissions sources may dramatically change the global concentrations on decadal timescales.


    In response to the unlikelihood that methane emissions will be attenuated sufficiently in the coming decade by production reductions, methane emission mitigation technologies are under development. However, these technologies are yet to be rolled out on an industrial scale. New methane mitigation technologies can reduce a 50 ppm emissions source at ~60% efficiency and require an air volume rate of 4.36e13 m3/yr to remove 1 Tg CH4 per year. The volume of air required to process low concentrations to make a substantive impact on total emissions is major roadblock to their implementation. For example, for CO2 capture—a related carbon mitigation method—many test technologies are constructing large independent ventilation facilities. However, novel methane emission mitigation technologies are currently being tested and evaluated in several countries. These new technologies may capture CH4 and/or convert CH4 to molecules with less radiative forcing potential.


    Here, we propose using dairy cow barns as a viable pathway for methane emission mitigation by utilizing existing infrastructure while targeting a major source of agricultural methane. Currently, there are ~264 M dairy cows worldwide. In Europe, there are 23 M dairy cows, and ~33% are housed in barns annually. For example, 70% of Denmark’s and 90% of Italy’s dairy cows are housed annually. For the health and welfare of the animals, barns are ventilated to maintain comfortable temperature and humidities, as well as ventilate abhorrent gases, such as methane. Standards for ventilation require 400 m3/hr/cow (high heat situations require 2500 m3/hr/cow), which is 3.5e6 m3/cow annually. A dairy cow emits between 55-100 kg CH4 per year. Which translates to 0.4-0.9 Tg CH4 per year for the ~7.59 M housed dairy cows in the European Union. The amount of air estimated to move through the EU dairy barns is 2.66e13 m3/yr and is within the estimated amount of air required to remove 1 Tg of CH4 from emerging technologies (4.36e13 m3/yr).  Implementation of this type of methane mitigation is feasible and with additional air recycling, potentially capture methane emissions from dairy cow barns.

    How to cite: Buzan, J., Terhaar, J., Joos, F., Iversen, N., and Roslev, P.: Mitigation and implications of methane emissions from dairy cow barns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15780,, 2025.

    Accurate simulation of regional carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations is essential for understanding carbon flux dynamics, refining emission inventories, and supporting climate mitigation policies. Using the WRF-Chem-VPRM model at 3 km resolution, this study simulated CO2 concentrations in Jiangsu Province, China, with hourly outputs. Model verification against nine ground-based CO2 monitoring stations confirmed its reliability.
    Before integrating emission inventories into the model, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of six widely used emission inventories (ODIAC, EDGAR, MEIC, CHRED, GID, GRACED), revealing significant discrepancies in total emissions and spatial patterns in China. Provincial-scale annual carbon emissions discrepancies reached 52%, whereas urban-scale discrepancies averaged 137%, attributed to differences in emission proxies and spatial resolution. 
    Sensitivity experiments for July and December 2022, representing summer and winter, assessed the impacts of spatial, temporal, and vertical allocation processes. Vertical allocation coefficients emerged as a critical factor, particularly under stable nighttime boundary layer conditions, where deviations exceeded 50 ppm. Their influence equaled or even surpassed that of emission inventory selection, underscoring the necessity of precise vertical parameterization.
    Spatial allocation discrepancies primarily affected urban concentrations, where dense and diverse sources contributed to higher variability. Winter simulations exhibited increased uncertainties due to heightened heating emissions and limited vertical mixing.
    These findings highlight the importance of refining vertical and spatial allocation in emission inventories to improve regional CO2 modeling. The study provides insights for advancing carbon inversion methodologies and supporting robust Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems in urbanizing regions.
    Emission inventories analyzed include:
    •    ODIAC: Open-source Data Inventory for Anthropogenic CO2,
    •    EDGAR: The Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research,
    •    MEIC: The Multi-resolution Emission Inventory for China,
    •    CHRED: China High-resolution Emission Database,
    •    GID: Global Infrastructure emissions Detector,
    •    GRACED: Global Gridded Daily CO2 Emissions Dataset.

    How to cite: Feng, W., Tang, X., Zhu, J., and Zhou, X.: High-Resolution simulation of  CO2 Concentrations Over Jiangsu Province in China Based on WRF-Chem-VPRM and Six Emission Inventories, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16464,, 2025.

    EGU25-16559 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Using atmospheric O2 to disentangle the natural and anthropogenic CO2 signals  

    Kim Faassen, Joram Hooghiem, Auke van der Woude, Anne-Wil van den Berg, Boaz Hilman, Lucas Hulsman, Aleya Kaushik, Remco de Kok, Marnix van de Sande, Wouter Peters, and Ingrid Luijkx

    Atmospheric oxygen (O2) allows to separate the natural and anthropogenic components in the atmospheric CO2 signal, thereby providing additional constraints on these processes in the global carbon cycle. This is enabled through the ratio of O2 and CO2 in carbon cycle processes: the Exchange Ratio (ER). This ER signal has distinct values for combustion of different fossil fuel types, as well as between photosynthesis and respiration processes. Using these ER signals, we aim to further explore the potential of using atmospheric O2 observations in CO2 emission verification. For that, we are developing a global scale data assimilation system that can, next to CO2, assimilate O2 observations. This is our new multi-tracer implementation, specifically aimed at decadal and annual timescales: the CarbonTracker Europe Long Window system. Additionally, we implemented O2 and the O2/CO2 exchange ratios into the Simple Biosphere model (SiB4) to further understand the influence of biosphere exchange on using Atmospheric Potential Oxygen (APO) as a tracer for fossil fuel emissions. We will present the results from this biosphere O2 and CO2 modelling to get a first theoretical assessment of the variability of the biosphere O2 and CO2 ER signals, both over space (related to the plant functional types) and time (related to seasonal patterns). These biosphere model results, are subsequently used in our first attempt of atmospheric inverse estimates of CO2 fluxes using O2 as a tracer. Finally, we will show our progress towards understanding the implications of the variability in the ERs for photosynthesis and respiration on APO calculations, as well as their influence on fossil fuel estimates using atmospheric O2.

    How to cite: Faassen, K., Hooghiem, J., van der Woude, A., van den Berg, A.-W., Hilman, B., Hulsman, L., Kaushik, A., de Kok, R., van de Sande, M., Peters, W., and Luijkx, I.: Using atmospheric O2 to disentangle the natural and anthropogenic CO2 signals , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16559,, 2025.

    EGU25-17087 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Assessment of Forest Carbon Management Using Net Primary Productivity on the Korean Peninsula 

    Whijin Kim, Cholho Song, and Woo-Kyun Lee

    The functions of terrestrial ecosystems are various, and recent study suggests the major three functions which are carbon, water, and energy cycling. They are all originated from land, the fundamental components of terrestrial ecosystems. Land consists of major five land cover: cropland, grassland, built-up area, wetland, and forest land. Forest land is described as high potential to remove Greenhouse gases under climate change era and thus the forest carbon management has been raised for effective land management in terms of carbon removal. Korean peninsula, South Korea and North Korea, has undergone the severe war between them and it damaged the whole territory, which consists of more than 60% of forest land. Therefore, two countries tried to revegetate and implemented forestation plans for recover the forest land over 50 years. Therefore, this study assessed the forest carbon management on the Korean Peninsula using Net Primary Productivity(NPP) from the 1980s to 2010s. To estimate NPP, Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach(CASA) model was applied. The study adopted the carbon demand and supply method for assessment. We defined carbon demand as amount of carbon loss from forest land in previous year due to forest land changes, and carbon supply as amount of newly updated carbon sink from forest land due to afforestation. According to research findings, even though South Korea achieved successful forest expansion, it only focused on the amount of forest area rather the quality of carbon management. However, the situation in North Korea described not only the failure of increasing forest area but also forest carbon management. Further research would be analyzed the outcomes with forest plans in South Korea and North Korea.

    How to cite: Kim, W., Song, C., and Lee, W.-K.: Assessment of Forest Carbon Management Using Net Primary Productivity on the Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17087,, 2025.

    EGU25-18709 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Emissions of climate-altering species from open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region - A review on methods and data 

    Rabia Ali Hundal, Saurabh Annadate, Rita Cesari, Alessio Collalti, Michela Maione, and Paolo Cristofanelli

    The climate change over the Mediterranean region poses serious concerns about the role of open vegetation fires in the emissions of climate-altering species. The aim of this work is to review the current methodologies for quantifying the emissions of greenhouse gases and black carbon from open vegetation fires, as well as the data provided by four state-of-the-art inventories of emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and black carbon (BC) in the Mediterranean region for the period 2003–2020.

    A limited number of studies specifically addressed the quantification of emissions from open fires in the Mediterranean region. Our data review of fire emissions in the Mediterranean region, where “top-down” methods have not yet implemented, reveals discrepancies across the four inventories examined (GFED v4.1s, GFAS v1.2, FINN v2.5, and EDGAR v8.0). Among these, FINN v2.5 consistently reported the highest emissions, while GFED v4.1s reported the lowest. We observed that the relative ranking of total emissions between the inventories varied for the species considered (e.g. CO2 vs. CH4) and that different proportions of emissions were attributed to the individual countries included in the Mediterranean domain. We argued that these differences were related to the different spatial resolutions of the input data used to detect the occurrence of fires, the different approaches to calculating the amount of fuel available, and the emission factors used.

    The three inventories reporting wildfire emissions were consistent in identifying the occurrence of peaks in the emissions for the years 2007, 2012 and 2017. We hypothesized that La Niña events could partially contribute to triggering the occurrence of these emission peaks.To increase the accuracy and consistency of climate-altering emission data related to open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region, we recommend to integrate bottom-up approaches with top-down inversion methods based on satellite and in-situ atmospheric observations.

    How to cite: Hundal, R. A., Annadate, S., Cesari, R., Collalti, A., Maione, M., and Cristofanelli, P.: Emissions of climate-altering species from open vegetation fires in the Mediterranean region - A review on methods and data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18709,, 2025.

    EGU25-18920 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.2

    Net community production in the Greenland Sea: a comparative case study using Argo data of nitrate, oxygen, and DIC 

    Ingrid Sælemyr, Are Olsen, Meike Becker, Siv K. Lauvset, Kjell Arne Mork, Ailin Brakstad, and Filippa Fransner

    In this case study, we derive and compare estimates of annual net community production (NCP) in the Greenland Sea from Argo float data of nitrate, oxygen, and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). We added tracers of the inorganic carbon system, nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and air-sea gas exchange to the 1-D Price-Weller-Pinkel mixing model (Price et al., 1986) tuned to the Greenland Sea (Moore et al., 2015; Brakstad et al., 2019). By reinitializing the model with every Argo profile, we were able to estimate NCP as the difference between the abiotic model output and the Argo profiles. This method has previously been employed in various other regions (Plant et al. 2016;  Briggs et al. 2017, Mork et al. 2024). While we here compare NCP estimates from both nitrate, oxygen, and DIC, previous work has considered maximum two of these concurrently. Through our comparison, we discovered quantitative discrepancies in the NCP and annual NCP (ANCP) estimates. These results were sensitive to trends in the raw data and artefacts deriving from processes that were unresolved in the model, such as internal waves. Effects from internal waves were challenging to remove without introducing new artefacts. Qualitatively, the NCP seasonal cycle was well resolved: the summer of 2019, NCP fluctuated between periods of weak net biological production and periods of weak net heterotrophy. NCP was close to zero through winter, before two strong blooms were observed in late April and May 2020. However, the amplitude of the NCP signal from DIC was somewhat larger than from nitrate and oxygen. DIC derived NCP also exhibited stronger signs of remineralization from November 2019 to January 2020 compared to the two other estimates. Thus, this work shows the importance of careful consideration when utilizing biogeochemical Argo data in the Greenland Sea.

    How to cite: Sælemyr, I., Olsen, A., Becker, M., Lauvset, S. K., Mork, K. A., Brakstad, A., and Fransner, F.: Net community production in the Greenland Sea: a comparative case study using Argo data of nitrate, oxygen, and DIC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18920,, 2025.

    EGU25-19322 | ECS | Orals | BG1.2

    Assessing the recent ocean carbon sink with data assimilation into a global ocean biogeochemistry model 

    Frauke Bunsen, Lars Nerger, and Judith Hauck

    Global ocean biogeochemistry models are a key tool for estimating the global ocean carbon uptake. These models are designed to represent the most important processes of the ocean carbon cycle, but the idealized process representation, uncertainties in the initialization of model variables and in the atmospheric forcing lead to errors in their estimates. To improve the agreement with observations, we use ensemble-based data assimilation into the ocean biogeochemistry model FESOM2.1-REcoM3. In addition to the recently implemented assimilation of temperature and salinity observations, which improves the physical model state and indirectly influences biogeochemical variables, we extend the set-up further. Here, we explicitly include the assimilation of biogeochemical observations. Specifically, in-situ sea surface pCO2 measurements, remotely sensed chlorophyll-a, and in-situ measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon, alkalinity, oxygen, and nitrate, are assimilated to reduce the uncertainty stemming from the ecosystem model. This directly affects the modelled air-sea CO2 flux. Here, we present an updated estimate of the ocean carbon uptake for the period 2010–2020 and compare it to prior estimates.

    How to cite: Bunsen, F., Nerger, L., and Hauck, J.: Assessing the recent ocean carbon sink with data assimilation into a global ocean biogeochemistry model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19322,, 2025.

    EGU25-21437 | Orals | BG1.2

    The ocean carbon sink under record-high sea surfacetemperatures in 2023/24 

    Jens Daniel Müller, Nicolas Gruber, Aline Schneuwly, Dorothee C.E. Bakker, Marion Gehlen, Luke Gregor, Judith Hauck, Peter Landschützer, and Galen A. McKinley

    In 2023, sea-surface temperatures (SST) reached record highs. Historically, the years with highest global mean SST anomalies were associated with a slight increase in oceanic CO₂ uptake, primarily due to reduced CO2 outgassing from the tropics during El Niño. In contrast, our observation-based estimates reveal that the global non-polar ocean absorbed about 10% less carbon in 2023 than expected (+0.16±0.28 PgC yr-1).

    This weakening of the ocean carbon sink occurred although the CO2 outgassing in the tropics was indeed as low as expected. Instead, the decline in CO2 uptake was concentrated entirely in the extratropics, driven largely by elevated SSTs in the Northern Hemisphere. While thermally induced reductions in CO2 uptake are well-documented in the extratropics, our analysis using two ocean biogeochemical models highlights a mitigating process in the subtropical North Atlantic: the depletion of dissolved inorganic carbon in the surface mixed layer. Such negative feedbacks caused an overall muted response of the ocean carbon sink to the record high SSTs, but this resilience may not persist under long-term warming or more severe SST extremes.

    By the time of this presentation, we anticipate confirming – or refining – our expectation that the ocean carbon sink in 2024 remained unusually weak, because the CO2 outgassing from the tropics revived, whereas remaining high SSTs in the extratropics continued to suppress the CO2 uptake.

    How to cite: Müller, J. D., Gruber, N., Schneuwly, A., Bakker, D. C. E., Gehlen, M., Gregor, L., Hauck, J., Landschützer, P., and McKinley, G. A.: The ocean carbon sink under record-high sea surfacetemperatures in 2023/24, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21437,, 2025.

    EGU25-334 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2

    A new process-based carbon cycle for the FaIR simple climate model 

    Alejandro Romero-Prieto, Camilla Mathison, Piers Forster, Glen Harris, Chris Jones, Ben Booth, and Chris Smith

    Simple Climate Models (SCMs) provide an efficient way to explore potential climate futures by quickly evaluating emissions and mitigation scenarios.  This efficiency enables applications beyond the capabilities of complex Earth System Models (ESMs), such as integration with integrated assessment models and reactive policy analysis. A prominent example of this type of models is the FaIR SCM, which has gained popularity in recent years and been applied in various contexts. However, the current implementation of FaIR’s carbon cycle lacks detail, as it does not resolve the carbon fluxes between different ecosystem components. This limitation reduces the model’s flexibility and prevents it from participating in carbon-focused research.

    Here, we present a new simple carbon cycle model that simulates the evolution of the global carbon stocks and fluxes across the atmosphere, ocean, soil and vegetation pools. The model calibration used data from 13 ESMs participating in the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), including all model simulations for the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios. We evaluate the model’s performance in emulating ESM carbon cycles and discuss the integration with the FaIR SCM. By using the calibrations to CMIP6 ESMs and sampling the uncertainty parameters in our carbon cycle model, we can obtain posterior sets that compare well with best available observations, such as the growth in land, ocean and atmospheric stocks from the annual Global Carbon Budget. This enhancement to FaIR to include a process-based carbon cycle significantly strengthens its carbon cycle capabilities, unlocking new research opportunities.

    How to cite: Romero-Prieto, A., Mathison, C., Forster, P., Harris, G., Jones, C., Booth, B., and Smith, C.: A new process-based carbon cycle for the FaIR simple climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-334,, 2025.

    EGU25-1288 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    The influence of freshwater biases on AMOC stability and consequences for CMIP6 models 

    Amber Boot and Henk Dijkstra

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) modulates global climate and has been identified as a potential tipping element that might collapse under future climate change. Such a collapse would have strong global consequences for the climate system, ecosystems and society. The IPCC AR6 report states that it is unlikely that the AMOC will collapse in the 21st century which is mostly based on CMIP6 type Earth System Model results. However, these models have strong biases that can affect AMOC stability. If these models are biased towards a too stable AMOC, they might underestimate the probability of an AMOC collapse this century. To better understand the effects of freshwater biases on AMOC stability we perform experiments with the intermediate complexity Earth System Model CLIMBER-X. By introducing both positive and negative freshwater biases in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean we can gain a better understanding on how these biases affect AMOC stability. We find that introducing fresh biases in the Indian Ocean leads to an increase in stability, whereas fresh biases in the Atlantic Ocean lead to a decrease in stability. The combined effect of the biases in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean is near linear. We project the results of CLIMBER-X onto CMIP6 model biases such that we can assess whether CMIP6 models are likely simulating a too stable or too unstable AMOC.    

    How to cite: Boot, A. and Dijkstra, H.: The influence of freshwater biases on AMOC stability and consequences for CMIP6 models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1288,, 2025.

    EGU25-2101 | Orals | NP2.2

    TSformer: A Non-autoregressive Spatial-temporal Transformers for 30-day Ocean Eddy-Resolving Forecasting 

    Guosong Wang, Xinrong Wu, Zhigang Gao, Min Hou, and Mingyue Qin

    Ocean forecasting is critical for various applications and is essential for understanding air-sea interactions, which contribute to mitigating the impacts of extreme events. State-of-the-art ocean numerical forecasting systems can offer lead times of up to 10 days with a spatial resolution of 10 kilometers, although they are computationally expensive. While data-driven forecasting models have demonstrated considerable potential and speed, they often primarily focus on spatial variations while neglecting temporal dynamics. This paper presents TSformer, a novel non-autoregressive spatiotemporal transformer designed for medium-range ocean eddy-resolving forecasting, enabling forecasts of up to 30 days in advance. We introduce an innovative hierarchical U-Net encoder-decoder architecture based on 3D Swin Transformer blocks, which extends the scope of local attention computation from spatial to spatiotemporal contexts to reduce accumulation errors. TSformer is trained on 28 years of homogeneous, high-dimensional 3D ocean reanalysis datasets, supplemented by three 2D remote sensing datasets for surface forcing. Based on the near-real-time operational forecast results from 2023, comparative performance assessments against in situ profiles and satellite observation data indicate that, TSformer exhibits forecast performance comparable to leading numerical ocean forecasting models while being orders of magnitude faster. Unlike autoregressive models, TSformer maintains 3D consistency in physical motion, ensuring long-term coherence and stability in extended forecasts. Furthermore, the TSformer model, which incorporates surface auxiliary observational data, effectively simulates the vertical cooling and mixing effects induced by Super Typhoon Saola.

    How to cite: Wang, G., Wu, X., Gao, Z., Hou, M., and Qin, M.: TSformer: A Non-autoregressive Spatial-temporal Transformers for 30-day Ocean Eddy-Resolving Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2101,, 2025.

    EGU25-2501 | Posters on site | NP2.2

    A Residual Ordering of SST Koopman Spectra for the Identification of Fundamental Modes 

    Paula Lorenzo Sánchez and Antonio Navarra

    El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a prominent driver of global climate variability, with significant impacts on ecosystems and societies. While existing empirical-dynamical forecasting methods, such as Linear Inverse Models (LIMs), are limited in capturing ENSO's inherent nonlinearity, Koopman operator theory offers a framework for analyzing such complex dynamics. Recent advancements in Koopman-based methods, such as DMD-based methods, have enabled exploration of nonlinear ENSO-related modes. However, they often suffer from challenges in robustness and interpretability. Specifically, k-EDMD algorithms tend to produce a large number of modes, complicating their physical relevance and reliability. In this study, we address these limitations by employing Colbrook’s Residual EDMD (Res-EDMD) framework as a tool to classify and prioritize modes based on their residuals. This approach enables us to systematically identify robust and physically meaningful modes, distinguishing them from less reliable counterparts. Furthermore, leveraging the property that eigenfunctions of Koopman operators can generate higher-order harmonics through powers and multiplications, we introduce a methodology to detect fundamental modes and their associated harmonics. Applying this framework to tropical Pacific SST data, we demonstrate that k-EDMD, together with Res-EDMD, are capable of isolating fundamental modes of tropical SST dynamics. These fundamental modes provide insights into the system's physical evolution and facilitate the retrieval of meaningful dynamical information. By systematically identifying and interpreting the modes, we establish a pathway to overcome the limitations of conventional Koopman-based methods, thereby enhancing their applicability for studying and forecasting complex climatic systems like ENSO. This study underscores the potential of Res-EDMD to refine mode selection in Koopman spectral analysis, paving the way for robust, physically interpretable insights into tropical SST variability.

    How to cite: Lorenzo Sánchez, P. and Navarra, A.: A Residual Ordering of SST Koopman Spectra for the Identification of Fundamental Modes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2501,, 2025.

    EGU25-2814 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Ensemble simulation of the AMOC collapse in a conceptual climate model 

    Dániel Jánosi, Ferenc Divinszki, Reyk Börner, and Mátyás Herein

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a mechanism of great importance, as its possible collapse would constitute a dramatic response to Earth’s changing climate. The AMOC is particularly important for Northern Europe, as it plays a central role in regulating the region’s climate, and a slowdown or collapse would lead to a significant cooling of the region. This critical transition has been the subject of many studies over the years, both from the aspects of climate modeling and dynamical systems theory. In the context of the latter, climate change is nothing but a complex, chaotic-like system, which possesses a time-dependent parameter, in the shape of e.g. the growing CO2 concentration. It has been known for some time now, that such systems not only have a chaotic attractor, but one which is also time-dependent, a so-called snapshot attractor. Such objects, and thus the systems they describe, can only be faithfully represented by statistics over an ensemble of trajectories, a single one does not suffice. We perform such ensemble simulations on a conceptual climate model of the AMOC, constructed by coupling the Lorenz84 and the Stommel box models. We find that the difference between the ensemble members in the point when the collapse occurs can be up to hundreds of years, and that some trajectories can even survive with the AMOC remaining in the “on” state.  This highlights the fact that that a single trajectory is unreliable, however, with the proper ensemble statistics (e.g. standard deviations, time-dependent Lyapunov exponents, etc), a probabilistic description of the collapse can be given.

    How to cite: Jánosi, D., Divinszki, F., Börner, R., and Herein, M.: Ensemble simulation of the AMOC collapse in a conceptual climate model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2814,, 2025.

    EGU25-3266 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Climate Predictability: Investigating Entropy Production and Frenesy 

    Roberta Benincasa, Jeffrey B. Weiss, Danni Du, Gregory S. Duane, and Nadia Pinardi

    Assessing climate predictability remains a central challenge in modeling and forecasting the climate system. Approaches from nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, particularly stochastic thermodynamics, have provided insights into non-equilibrium properties of stochastic models, which have proven useful in representing patterns of climate variability. In this work, we investigate the potential of entropy production and frenesy as tools for quantifying the predictability of non-equilibrium fluctuations in the climate system. Entropy production, a measure of the irreversibility of the system’s dynamics, is explored as an intrinsic indicator of predictability and its possible connections to the Anomaly Correlation Coefficient (ACC). Frenesy, a lesser-known quantity derived from active matter studies that captures kinetic fluctuations and dynamical activity, is assessed for its potential role in explaining non-equilibrium processes within the climate system. Thus, we aim to better understand the relationships between these thermodynamic quantities and climate oscillations, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and the Madden-Julian Oscillation, with the ultimate goal of defining a new measure of climate predictability and better comprehending non-equilibrium processes in the ocean and the atmosphere.

    How to cite: Benincasa, R., Weiss, J. B., Du, D., Duane, G. S., and Pinardi, N.: Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Climate Predictability: Investigating Entropy Production and Frenesy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3266,, 2025.

    EGU25-3480 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2

    Causal analysis of time series data for modeling nonlinear phenomena 

    Kazuki Kohyama, Rin Irie, and Masaki Hisada

    In typhoon forecasting, air-only and coupled air-sea models have similar accuracy in predicting typhoon trajectories. However, air-sea interactions must be considered to accurately forecast typhoon intensity [1]. Although coupling between multiple modules, including turbulence, waves, ecosystem, and chemistry, has been suggested to improve forecast accuracy, the modules and their individual model equations for typhoon forecasting are still determined empirically. Accurate modeling of the interactions between phenomena across multiple modules is an essential determinant of simulation accuracy. To determine critical factors within each module, parameterizations should be determined quantitatively, not empirically. However, it is challenging to impose preconditions on models that accurately capture the many complex interactions between air and sea.

    In this study, we propose a modeling method to identify these critical factors using a causal analysis based on information theory. The causality of typical causal network models depends on the precondition network shape, but by using information theory, it is possible to extract causality comprehensively without preconditions. This allows for a quantitative assessment of causality without making the assumptions necessary for causal networks, such as Bayesian networks. In the proposed method, the information flux T, also known as transfer entropy, is defined as the difference in the Shannon entropy for multi-elements Q over two timesteps tn and tn+1 [2], as follows

    TJI = H(Qjn+1Q≠in ) − H(Qjn+1Qn),

    = ∑i,j p(in+1,in,jn) log p(in+1in,jn) / p(in+1in),

    where H(Q) = Σ p(q) log p(q) is Shannon entropy, and we define Q as containing two elements Q = (I,J). Information flux quantifies the causality and amount of information flow between two time series. The magnitude of T corresponds to the parameter value indicating the interactions within and between the models. For example, recently, this method of quantifying causality was also applied to turbulence [3], which is one of the most chaotic phenomena, and used to clarify the causality of interactions between scales in the transport of scales in developed turbulence [4]. As a first step, we apply this method to a simplified non-linear model, and try to reconstruct its original model equation for test cases of the Lotka-Volterra model and the Lorenz model. For combinations of time series data for multiple variables generated by the models as multi-dimensional ordinary differential equations, we calculated the information flux according to the equation to extract the causal relationships of combinations with high T values. Then, by selectively rebuilding the model with only the variables of the elements that cause a high Tcause→effect value as the basis of the model function, the cost of parameter optimization is reduced, and the optimal parameter values are determined by fitting with the original time series data. In the presentation, we will discuss possibilities of the proposed method and its potential applications in climate simulations.


    [1] L. R. Schade and K. A. Emanuel, J. Atmos. Sci. 56, pp. 642–651 (1999).
    [2] T. Schreiber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, pp. 461–464 (2000).
    [3] A. Lozano-Durán and G. Arranz, Phys. Rev. Res. 4, 023195 (2022).
    [4] R. Araki, A. Vela-Martín, and A. Lozano-Durán, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2753, 012001 (2024).

    How to cite: Kohyama, K., Irie, R., and Hisada, M.: Causal analysis of time series data for modeling nonlinear phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3480,, 2025.

    EGU25-6571 | Orals | NP2.2

    Challenging the hierarchy: what could a pluralist ecosystem of climate modelling strategies look like? 

    Erica Thompson, Marina Baldissera Pacchetti, and Julie Jebeile
    The predominant strategy of climate modelling is to continually increase resolution and complexity of general circulation models (GCMs). At present, there are calls to double down on this strategy and invest a lot more financial and computational resource into GCM resolution and complexity, with the assumption that this will improve the usefulness of climate predictions to support climate adaptation decision making.
    We argue that this is not the best use of scientific effort.  Because there are many different kinds of questions encompassed within climate decision making - involving different individuals, communities and organisations with plural value systems - many different climate modelling strategies are needed which have different methodological aims and do not necessarily form a simple linear “hierarchy”, but can still learn from and complement each other.  We contrast the strengths and weaknesses of approaches such as GCMs, machine learning methods, EMICs, toy models, and narrative or storyline approaches as well as physics-informed models such as IAMs, ecosystem models and climate fiction.
    We outline some ideas for what a (more) pluralist ecosystem of climate modelling strategies would look like, and how it could more effectively answer adaptation decision questions.

    How to cite: Thompson, E., Baldissera Pacchetti, M., and Jebeile, J.: Challenging the hierarchy: what could a pluralist ecosystem of climate modelling strategies look like?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6571,, 2025.

    EGU25-6658 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Dealing with bugs is part of climate modeling 

    Ulrike Proske

    Numerical models are not just numerical representations of physical phenomena. They are also software files written by humans. As such they contain unintended coding errors, termed bugs. While the size of climate model code and human imperfection suggest that these are frequently present in climate models (Pipitone and Easterbrook, 2012), bugs are seldom acknowledged in the literature. However, missing understanding of model bugs hinders our understanding of model results as well as our ability to improve modeling workflows.

    With a case study of the ICON general circulation model (GCM), I elucidate the practices and considerations around model debugging. Specifically, I give examples for bugs detected in that GCM's development and report on qualitative in-depth interviews I conducted with 11 model developers (domain scientists and scientific programmers). The interviews show that dealing with bugs is not a standardised process. While the technical testing of ICON code developments is highly standardised, and for example the assignment of responsibility is standardised implicitly, the scientific testing resists standardisation. The missing standardisation makes dealing with bugs a laborious process that takes time and effort and where human influence is common.

    While this study focusses on the meaning of bugs for GCMs, similar considerations may be at play for models from different rugs of the model hierarchy. Where they differ, the model hierarchy may offer a way to more systematically detect and fix bugs in models of any rug.



    Pipitone, J. and Easterbrook, S.: Assessing climate model software quality: a defect density analysis of three models, Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1009–1022,, 2012.

    How to cite: Proske, U.: Dealing with bugs is part of climate modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6658,, 2025.

    EGU25-9070 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Physics-aware kernel Koopman operator estimation for consistent nonlinear mode decomposition 

    Nathan Mankovich and Gustau Camps-Valls

    Nonlinear dynamical systems are ubiquitous across scientific disciplines, yet their analysis and predictive modeling remain challenging due to their inherent complexity. Koopman operator estimation and Koopman mode decomposition are common tools for emulating and extracting modes of variability from such systems. In this work, we propose a novel method for Koopman operator estimation called the Physics-Aware Koopman Operator (PAKO). Our approach is tailored for physical consistency by introducing a regularization term based on the Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion (HSIC) to enforce independence between predictions and sensitive or protected physical variables. In addition to Koopman operator estimation, we extract Koopman modes and eigenvalues through a Koopman mode decomposition. We validate PAKO on the ClimateBench dataset, demonstrating superior accuracy, robustness, and interpretability for estimating the internal variability of climate systems. Our results showcase the potential of PAKO for advancing Koopman operator estimation of complex nonlinear dynamical systems.

    How to cite: Mankovich, N. and Camps-Valls, G.: Physics-aware kernel Koopman operator estimation for consistent nonlinear mode decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9070,, 2025.

    EGU25-9917 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2 | Highlight

    An unsupervised method for extracting coherent spatiotemporal patterns in multi-scale data 

    Karl Lapo, Peter Yatsyshin, Brigitta Goger, Sara Ichinaga, and J. Nathan Kutz

    The unsupervised and principled diagnosis of multi-scale data is a fundamental obstacle in earth sciences. Here we explicitly define multi-scale data as being characterized by spatiotemporal processes (i.e. processes acting along time and space simultaneously) with process scales acting across orders of magnitude, non-stationarity, and/or invariances such as translation and rotation. Existing methods, such as traditional analytic approaches, data-driven modeling like Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD), and even deep learning, are not well-suited to diagnosing multi-scale data, usually requiring supervised strategies such as human intervention, extensive tuning, or selection of ideal time periods.

    We present the multi-resolution Coherent Spatio-Temporal Scale Separation (mrCOSTS), a data-driven method capable of overcoming the challenges of multi-scale data. It is a hierarchical variant of Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) that enables the unsupervised extraction of spatiotemporal features in multi-scale data. It operates by decomposing the data into bands of temporal frequencies associated with coherent spatial modes. The method requires no training and functions with little to no hyperparameter tuning by instead taking advantage of the hierarchical nature of multi-scale systems.

    We demonstrate mrCOSTS on multi-scale data from a range of disciplines and scales: 1) sea surface temperature of the El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), 2) Antartic sea ice concentration, and 3) directly evaluating a numerical weather model against LIDAR observations of wind speed. In each example we demonstrate how mrCOSTS can be used to gain insights into the underlying dynamics of each system, revealing missing components in the description of each system's variability, diagnosing extreme events, and provide a pathway forward for building better physical representations in models.

    Using mrCOSTS, we show that ENSO is the result of 6 coherent spatio-temporal bands and use these results to explain the difference in intensity and spatial pattern of extreme 2015-2016 ENSO event relative to other extreme ENSO events. In the second example, we show that the dynamics of Antarctic sea ice concentration were found to have a negligible interannual component until 2012 when a long-term decline initiated and interannual dynamics at a decadal-scale started contributing. The large decline in sea ice concentration between 2014-2017 was almost entirely the result of the new interannual dynamics while the recent record low sea ice concentrations had a strong climate change signal. Finally, we demonstrate how mrCOSTS enables the evaluation of models directly against spatially-explicit observations. We evaluated an eddy-resolving numerical model against LIDAR observations of wind speed. The scale-aware model evaluation allowed us to easily reveal that errors at the largest scales dominated the system despite the agreement of lower order statistical moments. In each case using mrCOSTS we trivially retrieved complex dynamics that were previously difficult to resolve while additionally extracting previously unknown patterns or complexities of systems characterized by multi-scale processes.

    How to cite: Lapo, K., Yatsyshin, P., Goger, B., Ichinaga, S., and Kutz, J. N.: An unsupervised method for extracting coherent spatiotemporal patterns in multi-scale data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9917,, 2025.

    Connecting the different levels of the hierarchy of complexity in which climate models operate, and comparing the assumptions that apply at each level, has led to much progress in climate science. A particularly notable success was Klaus Hasselmann’s use of Brownian motion to inspire his linear Markovian stochastic energy balance model (EBM), the history of which was recently summarised by Watkins [2024]. Another informative, but lateral, connection and comparison is that between either studying climate through the lens of stochastic physical models or doing so via statistical methods. This presentation showcases how comparing these approaches can sometimes surprise us.

    It has been asserted that because the Hasselmann stochastic EBM has a mean-reverting term due to feedbacks, this property must also be detected in global mean temperature time series by statistical models such as the well-known Box-Jenkins ARIMA family. Conversely its absence has been taken as an indication of fundamental difficulties with anthropogenic driving. By fitting Hasselmann models, with and without anthropogenic driving, to an ARFIMA model with automatically selected parameters we show that in fact the absence of a prominent autoregressive term has precisely the opposite meaning, and is, rather, a clear indication of strong driving.

    We will also report preliminary findings about the extent to which the presence of long range memory due to the multiple time scales present in the coupled ocean-atmosphere can affect the above conclusions, updating  the work summarised by Watkins et al [2024]. We thank Nick Moloney for many insightful suggestions.

    Watkins, N. W., "Brownian motion as a mathematical superstructure to organise the science of climate and weather", In Foundational Papers in Complexity Science, Volume 3, pp. 1481–1510. Edited by David C. Krakauer. Santa Fe, NM: SFI Press. DOI: 10.37911/9781947864542.51 (2024).

    Watkins, N. W., R. Calel, S. C. Chapman, A. Chechkin, R. Klages and D. Stainforth,   The Challenge of Non-Markovian Energy Balance Models in Climate.  Chaos. 34, 072105 . DOI:10.1063/5.0187815 (2024).


    How to cite: Watkins, N. W. and Stainforth, D.:  Comparing the views of the driven climate system through the lenses of statistical time series analysis  and stochastic EBMs: Apparent absence of mean reversion can be evidence of anthropogenic driving., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12353,, 2025.

    EGU25-12960 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Data-driven Discovery of Predictive Spatiotemporal Patterns leading to Tropical Cyclogenesis 

    Frederick Iat-Hin Tam, Tom Beucler, and James Ruppert

    The early intensification (genesis) of tropical cyclones (TCs) is challenging to predict accurately in operational settings. The difficulty in predicting TC genesis stems from an insufficient understanding of the thermodynamic-kinematic characteristics involved in the multiscale interaction between clouds and TC circulations leading to genesis. Cloud-radiative feedback (CRF) has been shown to play a critical role in accelerating intensification during genesis by initiating secondary circulations that drive moisture and momentum convergence. However, it is still challenging to identify the exact pattern in radiation that could benefit genesis the most. Traditional diagnostic approaches to isolate CRF, such as the Sawyer-Eliassen Equation, require steady-state, axisymmetric thermal forcing. As such, these diagnostics methods are likely suboptimal in studying the response of weak TCs to intermittent, spatially asymmetric thermal forcing. 


    This presentation utilizes novel data-driven methodologies to identify complex three-dimensional radiative patterns and approximate the thermodynamic-kinematic feedback between such patterns and early TC intensification. Specifically, we tasked a stochastic Variational Encoder-Decoder (VED) framework to discover different predictive patterns in radiative heating and quantify how these patterns affect early TC intensification. Applying the proposed framework to ensemble WRF simulations of Typhoon Haiyan (2013), longwave radiation anomalies in the downshear quadrants of Haiyan are shown to be particularly relevant to the early intensification of that TC. The extracted patterns provide new insights into how deep convective and shallow clouds should distribute spatially to best accelerate genesis. Apart from analyzing the extracted pattern, the stochastic nature of the proposed ML architecture brings additional insights into the radiatively-driven TC genesis research problem. We can use uncertainty in the prediction of intensification rates to track the time evolution of the relevance of radiation in tropical cyclone intensification. Furthermore, the uncertainty in the extracted pattern allows us to pinpoint trustworthy regions in the discovered predictive patterns for scientific interpretation.


    Our study underscores the potential use of data-driven methodologies to quantify the impact of asymmetric radiative forcing on early TC formation without relying on axisymmetric or steady-state assumptions. The successful application of VED in this presentation reveals a promising way to use data-driven methods to uncover new knowledge in weather dynamics.


    Iat-Hin Tam, F., Beucler, T., & Ruppert, J. H., Jr. (2024). Identifying three-dimensional radiative patterns associated with early tropical cyclone intensification. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2024MS004401.


    How to cite: Tam, F. I.-H., Beucler, T., and Ruppert, J.: Data-driven Discovery of Predictive Spatiotemporal Patterns leading to Tropical Cyclogenesis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12960,, 2025.

    EGU25-14237 | Orals | NP2.2

    The Role of Internal Climate Variability in Noise-Shaped Hysteresis Cycles of the AMOC Under Rising CO2 Forcing 

    Susanna Corti, Matteo Cini, Giuseppe Zappa, and Francesco Ragone

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is a key tipping element of the climate system. A tipping point typically results from the interplay between external forcing (such as increased GHGs concentration or freshwater input) and the intrinsic internal variability of the system. While most studies mainly focus on identifying a critical forcing threshold (i.e. the minimal CO2 concentration or anomaly freshwater input needed for the collapse), the role of the internal climate variability remains less explored. Investigating the role of the internal variability requires performing large ensemble simulations which are  typically unfeasible with state-of-the-art models and traditional approaches. In our study, using an intermediate complexity model (PlaSIM-LSG, T21), once we assessed noise-induced collapse with a rare event algorithm, we investigated at which extent climate variability affects AMOC stability when CO2 forcing is applied. Traditionally, the AMOC stability landscape is investigated using single-realization hysteresis diagrams, driven by freshwater input in the North Atlantic. However, the effects of gradual CO2 forcing and, in particular, the impact of internal climate variability on the timing of AMOC tipping points have been less studied.  We conducted three independent hysteresis simulations, applying a slow CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down (0.2 ppm/year). Our findings reveal that internal variability strongly affects the timing of the AMOC tipping and the shape of the hysteresis cycle. In one simulation, we observed a reversed cycle, where the AMOC recovers at higher CO2 levels than at collapse. While statistical Early Warning Signals (EWS) provide some indication of approaching tipping points, the internal variability considerably reduces their predictability and introduces false positives. This suggests that AMOC behavior, when internal climate variability is considered, can differ significantly from characteristics of simpler models, and that caution is needed when interpreting results from a single-experiment realization. Moreover, the role of internal climate variability suggests that a probabilistic approach is necessary to define AMOC’s “safe operating space”, since it might not be possible to define a single critical CO2 threshold to prevent AMOC collapse.

    How to cite: Corti, S., Cini, M., Zappa, G., and Ragone, F.: The Role of Internal Climate Variability in Noise-Shaped Hysteresis Cycles of the AMOC Under Rising CO2 Forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14237,, 2025.

    EGU25-14642 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2

    Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO Forecasts 

    Kinya Toride, Matthew Newman, Andrew Hoell, Antonietta Capotondi, Jakob Schlör, and Dillon Amaya

    We introduce an interpretable-by-design method, optimized model-analog, that integrates deep learning with model-analog forecasting which generates forecasts from similar initial climate states in a repository of model simulations. This hybrid framework employs a convolutional neural network to estimate state-dependent weights to identify initial analog states that lead to shadowing target trajectories. The advantage of our method lies in its inherent interpretability, offering insights into initial-error-sensitive regions through estimated weights and the ability to trace the physically-based evolution of the system through analog forecasting. We evaluate our approach using the Community Earth System Model Version 2 Large Ensemble to forecast the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on a seasonal-to-annual time scale. Results show a 10% improvement in forecasting equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies at 9-12 months leads compared to the unweighted model-analog technique. Furthermore, our model demonstrates improvements in boreal winter and spring initialization when evaluated against a reanalysis dataset. Our approach reveals state-dependent regional sensitivity linked to various seasonally varying physical processes, including the Pacific Meridional Modes, equatorial recharge oscillator, and stochastic wind forcing. Additionally, forecasts of El Niño and La Niña are sensitive to different initial states: El Niño forecasts are more sensitive to initial error in tropical Pacific sea surface temperature in boreal winter, while La Niña forecasts are more sensitive to initial error in tropical Pacific zonal wind stress in boreal summer. This approach has broad implications for forecasting diverse climate phenomena, including regional temperature and precipitation, which are challenging for the model-analog approach alone.

    How to cite: Toride, K., Newman, M., Hoell, A., Capotondi, A., Schlör, J., and Amaya, D.: Using Deep Learning to Identify Initial Error Sensitivity for Interpretable ENSO Forecasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14642,, 2025.

    EGU25-15878 | Posters on site | NP2.2

    Spatiotemporal Similarity-Based Approach for Analyzing the Relationship Between Sea Fog Occurrence and Sea Level Pressure Distributions 

    Sung-Hwan Park, Hojin Kim, Ki-Young Heo, and Nam-Hoon Kim

    This study presents a novel methodology for analyzing the relationship between sea level pressure (SLP) distributions and sea fog occurrences, focusing on a spatiotemporal similarity-based approach. Using SLP data from 2001 to 2019 and visibility observations from Baengnyeong Island (BYI), Yellow Sea, the proposed framework quantifies the connection between atmospheric pressure patterns and sea fog formation. The methodology integrates three key components: defining temporal and spatial domains, calculating weighted similarities, and validating the results using sea fog occurrence data. The temporal domain was set to a 7-hour period, determined by analyzing visibility trends prior to sea fog events. This period captures the critical atmospheric changes leading to fog formation. Spatially, a 2D weighted map was constructed using Pearson correlation coefficients between SLP variations at BYI and other locations in the study area. This weighting emphasizes regions with strong correlations, ensuring the analysis focuses on areas most relevant to sea fog dynamics. The Spatiotemporal Similarity Measure (STSM) method was then applied to compare reference SLP maps from 2017–2019 with historical SLP data from 2001–2015. By identifying historical cases with high similarity to reference conditions, the study examined the likelihood of sea fog occurrences under similar atmospheric setups. These similarities were categorized into thresholds, and their connection to sea fog events was evaluated using Probability of Detection (POD) and False Alarm Ratio (FAR) metrics. The results demonstrate that higher SLP similarity corresponds to increased POD and decreased FAR, validating the effectiveness of the STSM method. This approach highlights the role of recurring SLP patterns in sea fog formation and underscores the utility of historical data in improving sea fog forecasting.

    How to cite: Park, S.-H., Kim, H., Heo, K.-Y., and Kim, N.-H.: Spatiotemporal Similarity-Based Approach for Analyzing the Relationship Between Sea Fog Occurrence and Sea Level Pressure Distributions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15878,, 2025.

    EGU25-16465 | ECS | Posters on site | NP2.2

    Simplifying Earth System Projections: Mimicking ESM Results with a Diffusion Model 

    Edward Gow-Smith, Roberta Benincasa, Marco M. De Carlo, Evgeny Ivanov, Simone Norberti, and Will Chapman

    Ensemble simulations using Earth System Models (ESMs) have historically been used to gain insights into future climate scenarios. However, they present notable disadvantages, particularly their long computing times and the high technical threshold required for accessibility. The recent rise of data-driven approaches offers a promising alternative, making long-term climate projections more efficient, accessible to policymakers and regional planners, and scalable for specific regions.

    During the Winter School “Data-Driven Modeling and Predictions of the Earth System,” we compared the results of a simple diffusion model with the ensemble results from the CESMv.2.1.5 Large Ensemble from model year 2015 to 2090. The diffusion model, trained on CESM data, uses only CO₂ concentration and the month of the year as context channels to predict spatially-resolved, monthly averaged air temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric pressure on a global scale. The project aimed to demonstrate how effectively the diffusion model simulates global and regional variability and long-term trends in these atmospheric variables compared to the ESM. Particular attention was given to its representation of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) region. Additionally, a bias correction was applied to the diffusion model results against the ESM to evaluate distortions in trends and variability.

    The study concluded that even a simple diffusion model has significant potential for predicting meteorological parameters based solely on projected greenhouse gas emissions and the time of year. However, its performance weakened near the poles in reproducing ESM results, highlighting the importance of incorporating additional geographic variables (e.g., grid cell size) during training. Despite these limitations, combining the strengths of coupled ESMs with diffusion models can leverage the physical accuracy of ESM outputs and the computational efficiency and adaptability of diffusion models, offering a more comprehensive understanding of Earth system dynamics.

    How to cite: Gow-Smith, E., Benincasa, R., De Carlo, M. M., Ivanov, E., Norberti, S., and Chapman, W.: Simplifying Earth System Projections: Mimicking ESM Results with a Diffusion Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16465,, 2025.

    EGU25-17680 | Orals | NP2.2

    Climate-carbon cycle modelling hierarchy 

    Chris Jones

    Much climate science relies on numerical modelling to both understand the processes of the Earth system and to make predictions or projections of how it may change in the future. International climate policy relies on the outcomes of these models to make decisions which will affect the lives and livelihoods of billions of people – so it is vital that they are well understood and their use is based on robust understanding of what they can (and also what they cannot) tell us.

    Spatially resolved General Circulation Models (GCMs) have evolved over recent decades in both their spatial resolution (allowing finer detail to be studied) and their process complexity (including but not limited to biogeochemistry and feedbacks between climate and ecosystems). This expansion of their capability makes them more useful and relevant than ever, but they are extremely slow to run on even the worlds most powerful super computers. Conversely very simple models exist which can be run thousands (or millions) of times, but do not include the full detail of the GCMs. Finally there are models of intermediate complexity which sit between these extremes and also make valuable contributions through differing combinations of comprehensiveness and computational efficiency.

    All classes of models have something to offer – it is important to understand their strengths and weakness and to choose the most suitable tool for the job. Moreover, use of these models together can be very powerful. For example IPCC reports tend to draw firstly on complex GCMs but then through thorough calibration processes propagate their information to larger numbers of scenarios using simplified climate emulators.

    In this talk I will briefly outline how this mode of use of the full modelling hierarchy has developed in the field of carbon cycle feedbacks and in quantifying the remaining carbon budget – which allows detailed planning of climate mitigation policy aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement. I will show the development of our understanding of climate-carbon cycle feedbacks from complex models and how these have been used first to determine a simple relationship between cumulative CO2 emissions and global warming (so called TCRE: transient climate response to carbon emissions), and then how simple models have been used in conjunction with complex models to explore the processes behind this relationship and begin to allow propagation of observational constraints.

    I will end by outlining emerging knowledge on the strengths and weakness of each class of model (e.g. how simple is too simple?) and identifying research gaps for moving forward.

    How to cite: Jones, C.: Climate-carbon cycle modelling hierarchy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17680,, 2025.

    There is a long history of global climate model (GCM) studies of the response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to changing greenhouse gases (GHGs). Alongside this is an almost separate branch of the literature studying the AMOC’s response to fresh water input (‘hosing’) with fixed GHGs, focusing on the potential for ‘tipping’ behaviour. Some common model responses are observed among models (e.g. in GHG experiments an initial AMOC weakening associated with warming of the subsurface North Atlantic), but also considerable diversity, especially in the long-term response following stabilisation of GHG concentrations or hosing.

    In recent years a few studies have emerged that use in-depth analysis frameworks to give insight into individual model responses, or into the differences between model responses. However the two branches of the literature (GHG and hosing response) have remained largely independent, and there is an increasing recognition that in real-world climate change the ‘smooth’ response to GHGs and potential abrupt ‘tipping’ responses need to be considered together. Given the diversity of model responses it will be valuable to establish whether there is a simple model framework that captures the potential mechanisms of response to GHGs and hosing that have been identified in GCMs. Such a model can then be used to characterise the types of qualitative behaviour that are possible in the more relevant scenario of tipping in a warming climate.   

    We present a simple box model of thermally- and haline-driven AMOC change that aims to capture in as simple a form as possible many of the mechanisms of the AMOC responses to GHGs and hosing that have been identified in the literature. To develop this from an earlier model (that captured purely the hosing response), it was found necessary to add both a simple representation of basin-scale energy and water balances, and a simple representation of varying stratification in the sub-polar North Atlantic, increasing the dynamical degrees of freedom of the model.

    We show that the model captures a wide range of behaviours seen in GCM experiments, and use it to identify circumstances in which AMOC tipping may be possible without requiring unrealistic additional water input from the Greenland Ice Sheet.

    How to cite: Wood, R.: Towards a unified understanding of AMOC changes under warming and fresh water forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17881,, 2025.

    EGU25-19443 | ECS | Orals | NP2.2

    Linking response to forcing to natural variability using a Koopman operator formalism 

    John Moroney, Valerio Lucarini, and Niccolò Zagli

    Response theory has been shown to be a powerful tool in determining the impact of external forcing on the earth’s climate. High sensitivity to perturbations and the slow decay of response functions is associated with critical behaviour and tipping points. Despite the nonlinear nature of the climate dynamics, a generalisation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem provides a direct connection between these response functions and the natural variability of the system. We show how response functions for a complex dynamical system may be written as a sum of terms that depend on the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Koopman operator of the system, each term corresponding to a mode of variability. We demonstrate in a number of low-dimensional examples how extended dynamic mode decomposition may be used to accurately compute response and correlation functions of various observables, given only a set of snapshot data.

    How to cite: Moroney, J., Lucarini, V., and Zagli, N.: Linking response to forcing to natural variability using a Koopman operator formalism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19443,, 2025.

    EGU25-19722 | Orals | NP2.2

    A stable hothouse triggered by a tipping mechanism 

    Erik Chavez, Michael Ghil, and Jan Rombouts

    The climate system is nonlinear and affected by both natural variability and several types of forcing. The impact of anthropogenic forcing and environmental change on several of the system's nonlinear processes has led to considerable concern about the tipping of regional subsystems (e.g. Lenton, 2016), due to their potentially irreversible consequences. On the global level, these nonlinear effects have been shown to give rise to bistability (Stommel, 1961} and chaotic behavior (Lorenz, 1963) in the system's past (e.g., Boers et al, 2022), as well as having been proposed conceptually as due to occur in its future, too (e.g., Steffen et al, 2018). However, specific mechanisms for a sudden tipping to an alternate stable “hothouse”, several degrees warmer than the present climate, have not been explored so far to a satisfactory extent with ESM-based studies using aqua planets (e.g., Ferreira et al 2011, Popp et al, 2016).

       Here we show that a highly simplified energy balance model (EBM) of globally averaged temperature T representing the radiative budget, coupled with a three box-type model of global carbon dynamics, does exhibit such an alternate stable hothouse climate with T higher by roughly 10 °C than the present. This TCV model also captures quite accurately the fluxes of carbon between the separate reservoirs of the coupled atmosphere-land-ocean system, when compared with observations and with simulations by high-end models. The model includes two regional mechanisms, that trigger a global tipping to such a hothouse. The two regional mechanisms are (i) the decrease of terrestrial albedo due to the darkening of ice sheets by pervasive glacial micro algal growth (e.g., Williamson et al, 2020) not included in ESMs to date; and (ii) the limits of vegetation adapting to increased environmental stress and, hence, the reduction of its carbon absorbtion (e.g., Hammond, 2022).

        These findings and the mechanistic understanding of the processes leading to a global tipping can contribute to a fruitful dialogue between the conceptual-model and ESM communities. Such a dialogue can greatly enhance our understanding of the climate system’s potential for global tipping in response to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.  

    How to cite: Chavez, E., Ghil, M., and Rombouts, J.: A stable hothouse triggered by a tipping mechanism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19722,, 2025.

    EGU25-20182 | Orals | NP2.2

    Morphological cellular analysis of Pockets of Open Cells on Marine 

    Jan Haerter and Diana Monroy

    More of Earth’s surface is covered by Stratocumulus clouds (Sc) than by any other cloud
    type making them extremely important for Earth’s energy balance, mostly due to reflection of
    solar radiation. However, representing Sc and their radiative impact is one of the largest chal-
    lenges for global climate models because these cannot resolve the length scales of the processes
    involve in its formation and evolution. For this reason, Sc clouds represent a large uncertainty
    for climate projections [1].
    The challenge becomes more intricate due to the organizational complexity that Sc clouds
    present in a broad range of spatial scales. In particular, Sc fields over the oceans display
    characteristic mesoscale patterns that can present both organized and unorganized structures.
    Between these morphological types, cellular convection receives particular attention given than
    cloud decks self-organize into honeycomb-like hexagonal patterns composed by closed and
    open convective cells fields.
    The purpose of this project is to analyze satellite images of a particular tendency of Sc to orga-
    nize into spatially compact, cellular-patterned, low-reflectivity regions of open cells embedded
    in closed cellular cloud fields called as pockets of open cells (POCs) [2].
    We aim to propose a segmentation, cell tracking and quantitative analysis of cell shape and
    behavior changes in closed and open cell fields, in particular the interaction of both cells when
    POCs are formed. A statistical analysis of different POCs will be carried to describe the time
    and spatial contributions of cell shape changes, transitions and rearrangements in the evolution
    of cellular patterns on Sc clouds considering the local dynamics between individual cells.
    We hypothesize that the interaction between cold pools that are formed when open cells pre-
    cipitate triggers a rapid dynamics on open cells fields. For its part, closed cells fields present
    steady morphology until perturbations are formed triggering the formation of POCs.

    How to cite: Haerter, J. and Monroy, D.: Morphological cellular analysis of Pockets of Open Cells on Marine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20182,, 2025.

    EGU25-20523 | Posters on site | NP2.2

    Seasonal Forecasts with Transformers methods 

    Antonio Navarra

    Transformer-based approaches to seasonal forecasting have emerged as powerful tools in predicting climate patterns by leveraging deep learning techniques. These models, initially designed for natural language processing, excel in capturing long-range dependencies and complex temporal patterns, making them suitable for climate data characterized by intricate temporal relationships. In seasonal forecasting, transformers can process sequential data such as surface temperature and SST, learning from historical patterns to predict future seasonal variations.

    A crucial enhancement to this approach is the exploitation of spatial coherence, which is often captured by variance modes. Variance modes, such as those derived from empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs), identify dominant spatial patterns in climate data, encapsulating the spatial correlations across different regions. By integrating these modes into transformer models, it becomes possible to enhance the model’s understanding of spatial dependencies, leading to more accurate and coherent seasonal forecasts.
    Furthermore, the model allows to focus on the predictability of time means, from monthly to seasonal, and also on specific sectors of the variabilith as they are identified by EOFs. This approach aligns with practical forecasting needs, where average conditions over extended periods are often more relevant than short-term fluctuations. By combining transformers, spatial coherence, and time-averaged data, this method holds significant promise for advancing seasonal climate forecasting.

    How to cite: Navarra, A.: Seasonal Forecasts with Transformers methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20523,, 2025.

    The influence of structural errors in general circulation models (GCMs) — stemming from missing physics, imperfect parameterizations of subgrid-scale processes, limited resolution, and numerical inaccuracies — results in systematic biases across various components of the Earth system.


    In this talk, we develop an approach to correct biases in the atmospheric component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to create a corrective model parameterization for online bias reduction. By learning to predict systematic nudging increments derived from a linear relaxation towards the ERA5 reanalysis, our method dynamically adjusts the model state, significantly outperforming traditional corrections based on climatological increments alone. Our results demonstrate substantial improvements in the root mean square error (RMSE) across all state variables, with precipitation biases over land reduced by 25-35%, depending on the season. Beyond reducing climate biases, our approach enhances the representation of major modes of variability, including the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and other key aspects of boreal winter variability. A particularly notable improvement is observed in the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), where the CNN-corrected model successfully propagates the MJO across the maritime continent, a challenge for many current climate models. Using trio-interaction theory, we explore the dynamic improvements to the MJO and assess whether these enhancements arise from accurate physical processes.


    This advancement underscores the potential of using CNNs for real-time model correction, providing a robust framework for improving climate simulations. Our findings highlight the efficacy of integrating machine learning techniques with traditional dynamical models to enhance climate prediction accuracy and reliability. This hybrid approach offers a promising direction for future research and operational climate forecasting, bridging the gap between observed and simulated climate dynamics.

    How to cite: Chapman, W. and Berner, J.: Improving climate bias and variability via CNN-based state-dependent model-error corrections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20624,, 2025.

    OS2 – Coastal Oceans, Semi-enclosed and Marginal Seas

    EGU25-377 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Observations of solitary internal waves near a dock and their impact on navigation 

    Louis Hupé, Sandy Grégorio, Daniel Bourgault, Cédric Chavanne, and Peter S. Galbraith

    This research is motivated by an incident in the Saguenay Fjord (QC, Canada) that occured in 2019, where a cargo ship collided with a wharf while docking, resulting in minor material damage to both the vessel and the wharf under circumstances that remain unknown. Our hypothesis is that internal solitary waves may have contributed to the ship's unexpected drift. To test this hypothesis, CTDs, ADCPs and an echosounder were deployed during the summer of 2024. The measurements collected revealed the presence of internal waves over a two-week period. These observations show that trains of internal waves impacted the wharf daily and that they appear to be phase-locked with the tidal cycle. Internal waves of a wavelength of 60 m and a period of 40 s were recorded with amplitudes reaching 10 m and wave-induced horizontal currents of 1m.s-1. These currents are potentially strong enough to affect the maneuverability of a cargo ship during docking. The results of this research could contribute to the improvement of navigation simulators, adding the ability to account for the effects of internal waves on docking maneuvers.

    How to cite: Hupé, L., Grégorio, S., Bourgault, D., Chavanne, C., and Galbraith, P. S.: Observations of solitary internal waves near a dock and their impact on navigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-377,, 2025.

    EGU25-1476 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Decomposing estuarine salt transport mechanisms following the salt front 

    Karoline Rummel, Knut Klingbeil, and Hans Burchard

    As areas between open seas and landward located ports and cities, estuaries have a high ecological and social importance. In such areas, changes in salinity can have severe consequences. Hence, salt intrusion is an important parameter to understand and monitor. The unique ecosystem as well as the freshwater abstraction for e.g. agricultural irrigation or drinking water can suffer under increasing salt intrusion. 

    A decomposition of the along-channel salt transport is a useful tool to understand the driving salt transport mechanisms as 
    well as the impact of environmental changes. Cross-sectionally integrated as well as spatially resolved analyses have been performed and revealed insightful results.

    However, to date these mechanisms are mainly analyzed at fixed geographic locations in the estuaries. Especially in tidal estuaries, however, the salt intrusion has a very high natural variability with tides and discharge shifting the salinity front on a kilometer scale. Therefore, fixed locations can experience a high salinity range, resulting in different salinity regimes. 
    This makes it impossible to extract processes going on in the low salinity regimes that are critical for freshwater abstraction.

    In this study, we address this issue by analyzing salt transport mechanisms following the salt intrusion front. 
    We use a numerical model setup of the Weser River Estuary as an application for the decomposition method. This mesotidal estuary, located in
    North-West Germany, connects the North Sea with major ports via a navigational channel. The channel is strongly influenced by anthropogenic measures like dredging.  Dredging can lead to a further landward salt intrusion. 
    Here, we analyze the mechanisms driving the salt transport dynamics in critical low salinity areas and how a possible dredging scenario impacts those dynamics.

    How to cite: Rummel, K., Klingbeil, K., and Burchard, H.: Decomposing estuarine salt transport mechanisms following the salt front, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1476,, 2025.

    Recent studies (see references below) examined the impact of the Atlantic Ocean variability and climate change on the U.S. East Coast and the major bays of the Mid-Atlantic Bight: the Chesapeake Bay, the Delaware Bay and the New York Bay. Variations in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and the Gulf Stream (GS) can affect the weather and the climate over coastal regions – a remote impact that is difficult to predict. Analysis of various observations, including coastal sea level, water temperature in bays and estuaries, river discharges and ocean currents show that significant portion of the coastal variability is linked to remote forcing influenced by NAO, AMOC and the GS. For example, surface currents from high-frequency radar measurements near the mouth of the three Mid-Atlantic bays mention above show variations that are driven by a combination of local estuarine dynamics, coastal wind-driven dynamics and remote forcing from the Atlantic Ocean. AMOC and the GS can affect water exchange between bays and the open ocean, and variations in NAO shift the wind pattern and storm track over the coast. Climate change over the northeastern U.S. caused increased precipitation and river discharges into bays and resulted in increased outflows from bays toward the Atlantic Ocean. The impact of extreme events such as hurricanes and winter storms can also be seen in the outflows from bays. A better understanding of remote forcing on the coast will help in predicting impacts of climate change and coastal sea level rise on the highly populated U.S. coasts.


    How to cite: Ezer, T.: Impact of open ocean variability on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic coasts and bays, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2168,, 2025.

    EGU25-2887 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Diahaline mixing at the estuary - river plume continuum 

    Hans Burchard, Knut Klingbeil, Xiangyu Li, Yannik Muche, Lloyd Reese, and Karoline Rummel

    In classical estuaries, salty ocean water is mixed with riverine freshwater such that brackish water is produced. To provide salt water for mixing in a long-term averaged estuarine state, ocean water needs to enter the estuary across a fixed estuarine transect at higher salinity classes (at a rate of Qin) while brackish water is ejected seawards at lower salinity classes (at a rate of Qout), establishing the estuarine exchange flow. This transect may be located anywhere in the estuary - river plume continuum. If no mixing takes place inside the estuary, riverine freshwater will leave the estuary across the transect (at zero salinity) and no salt water can enter, such that Qin=0. Thus, when formulated in salinity coordinates, estuarine mixing and exchange flow are directly related to each other. With this, Qin is a suitable measure for the exchange flow. This relation is approximately represented by the Knudsen mixing relation M=sinsoutQr=(sin-sout)sinQin, where M is the mixing (salinity variance decay), sin and sout are the characteristic salinities of the inflow and the outflow, respectively, and Qr is the river runoff. A recently published relation between exchange flow and mixing relies on the distribution of diahaline mixing: Qin=-1/2 dmest(sdiv)/dS, where mest(s) is the diahaline mixing per salinity class across the part of the isohaline with salinity s which is situated inside the estuarine transect and sdiv is the dividing salinity between inflow and outflow across the transect with sin>sdiv>sout. In this presentation, a method is presented how to directly calculate  mest(sdiv) from sin, sdiv, sout and Qr. A respective relation for the part of the isohaline outside the transect is derived as well. The relation between the three estuarine mixing quantifications is presented and their usefulness for the estuary - river plume continuum is discussed.

    How to cite: Burchard, H., Klingbeil, K., Li, X., Muche, Y., Reese, L., and Rummel, K.: Diahaline mixing at the estuary - river plume continuum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2887,, 2025.

    EGU25-3704 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Climate and scenarios of sea level and waves in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Marco Bajo, Francesco Barbariol, Alvise Benetazzo, Christian Ferrarin, Leandro Fernandez, and Silvio Davison

    In this work, we aim to provide climatology and future scenarios of the sea level and wave parameters over the Mediterranean Sea, focusing on the Adriatic Sea. The period for climatology covers all the years from 1994 to 2020, while two scenarios (IPCC RCP4.5, RCP8.5) are projected in the future (2021-2050) for the waves in the Adriatic Sea and compared to a historical control period (1981-2010). Past runs are forced by CERRA reanalysis wind and pressure fields, which have been validated against observed data, while future scenarios and control run for the Adriatic Sea wave climate are forced by the COSMO-CLM climatological model winds. The sea level is obtained through simulations with a hydrodynamic finite element model, named SHYFEM, and with an Ensemble Kalman Filter data assimilation system. We used all the available observations of sea level from local stations along the Mediterranean coasts, after processing them. Assimilation works well in reanalysis, providing an excellent reproduction of the sea level, obtained by the ensemble mean. The wave data is provided as a hindcast product, obtained by coupled runs of SHYFEM with the WAVEWATCH III (WW3) over the Mediterranean Sea. Moreover, in the Adriatic Sea, we provide WW3 results with high resolution, both for the historical period and for future scenarios. This work has been performed as part of the CoastClim project, a PNRR-Return project led by the University of Bologna.

    How to cite: Bajo, M., Barbariol, F., Benetazzo, A., Ferrarin, C., Fernandez, L., and Davison, S.: Climate and scenarios of sea level and waves in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3704,, 2025.

    Based on long-term coastal hydrometeorological observations and oceanographic surveys, as well as satellite images, the average conditions, seasonal and interannual variability of integral water exchange and buoyant plume generation were studied for the Dnipro-Buh estuary (DBE).

    Analysis of publications and available information showed that a simple Knudsen's box model can be adapted for the conditions of shallow non-tidal estuaries. Hydrodynamic dimensional and non-dimensional criteria that determine the nature and further behavior of plumes after their exit from the estuary into the open sea were considered. The application of the criteria for determining the nature of the plume for outflows from the DBE showed that on the exit of estuary plume of transitional waters is produced. It has a surface-advective nature, without the effect of friction in the bottom boundary layer, being driven by buoyancy and Coriolis forces, and is influenced by wind-wave mixing.

    The main factor in the plume dynamics on the shallow waters are the wind currents, which contribute or hinder the spread of transitional waters along the coast to the right of the estuary mouth, or pushing them into the open sea and even turning them to the opposite. During the low-wind weather, the initial impulse of the river runoff plays the main role. This was especially evident in the situation of an abnormally large runoff volume after the explosion of the Kakhovka HPP on 06.06.2023. The consequences of its impact on the marine environment are shown according to a number of satellite images.

    Using the mixture analysis method, the statistical structure was investigated and one-dimensional clustering of empirical salinity histograms at 3 shore stations in the vicinity of the DBE was performed.  It has been found that salinity probability distributions can be approximated by a set of 2-3 Gaussian functions. These functions, as a rule, correspond to waters of river origin, marine origin, and intermediate waters as a result of the interaction of the first two. Seasonal changes of these water masses' mean values and standard deviations were obtained for each shore station.

    How to cite: Ilyin, Y. and Yankovsky, A.: Seasonal and inter-annual changes of structure and dynamics in the buoyant plume generated by the Dnipro-Buh estuary, Black Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4089,, 2025.

    EGU25-5001 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Analysis of Interannual Variability of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water Using Reanalysis Data 

    Kyungman Kwon, Heeseok Jung, and Chan Joo Jang

    The Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water (YSBCW), a cold water mass in the bottom layer of the Yellow Sea, contributes significantly to maintaining high nutrient concentrations, supporting phytoplankton growth, and enhancing primary productivity, which are essential for the productivity and structure of regional marine ecosystems. This study produced a 13-year reanalysis dataset (2010–2022) to analyze the seasonal and interannual variability of the YSBCW. Numerical modeling was conducted using the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with a horizontal resolution of 1/20° and 41 vertical layers. The model domain covered 117–150°E and 21–54°N. Atmospheric forcing was provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5, initial and boundary conditions by the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM), and tidal forcing by TPXO9. Data assimilation was performed daily using the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF), assimilating sea surface temperature from the Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Analysis (OSTIA) and temperature-salinity profiles collected by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science & Technology (KIOST), the National Institute of Fisheries Science (NIFS), the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA), and Argo floats. The reanalysis dataset reproduced the seasonal and interannual variability of the YSBCW and demonstrated its reliability through validation against observational data. Surface temperature analysis showed seasonal biases from -0.45°C in winter to 0.13°C in summer. The root mean square error (RMSE) values were 0.79°C in winter, the highest among all seasons, and 0.49°C in autumn, the lowest. The model captured the vertical distribution of the YSBCW well, although tidal effects and mixing were overestimated, resulting in stronger vertical mixing than that observed in the coastal regions. The annual YSBCW volume was calculated by determining the volume of water deeper than 30 m with a temperature below 10°C to analyze interannual variability. In August, the volume was largest in 2013 at 4 km³ and smallest in 2020 at nearly 0 km³. The average volume is around 3.5 km³, decreasing from 2019 to 2020 and then increasing from 2021 onwards. Spatially, the northern and eastern Yellow Sea showed relatively small changes in cold water distribution while the southern and western regions exhibited greater variability, with cold water below 10°C widely distributed in 2013 but almost absent in 2020. This reanalysis dataset reproduces the formation, dissipation, and interannual variability of the YSBCW. Future research will analyze how climate variability and atmospheric forcing influence the formation mechanisms and variability of the YSBCW.

    How to cite: Kwon, K., Jung, H., and Jang, C. J.: Analysis of Interannual Variability of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water Using Reanalysis Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5001,, 2025.

    EGU25-5561 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Effects and mechanisms of tidal forcing on the frontal divergence/convergence of the Changjiang River plume 

    Shuangzhao Li, Yisen Zhong, Meng Zhou, Lixin Qu, and Zhaoru Zhang

    Ocean frontal regions are pivotal for physical and biogeochemical processes, particularly in estuarine and coastal regions, where their dynamic processes are often associated with high-frequency phytoplankton blooms. In strongly tidal estuarine regions, the horizontal divergence in frontal regions is significantly regulated by tidal forcing. In this study, a high-resolution hydrodynamic model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System was utilized to investigate the seasonal, spring-neap tides, and high-low water slack characteristics of horizontal divergence in the Changjiang River plume water frontal region. A divergence tendency equation was employed to diagnose the dynamic mechanisms and driving factors.

    Results indicated that the horizontal divergence in the frontal regions exhibited a periodic characteristic, with positive divergence at high water slack and negative divergence at low water slack. This indicated that horizontal divergence consistently occurred during high water slack, while horizontal convergence was prevalent during low water slack. This characteristic was robust, persisting regardless of seasonal changes or spring-neap tidal cycles. The divergence tendency term (DVT) also followed a periodic pattern: positive during flood tides and negative during ebb tides, indicating increased horizontal divergence during flood tides and reduced divergence during ebb tides. The horizontal deformation term (HDF) and horizontal viscosity term (HVISC) were negligible, while the pressure gradient term (PRG) was consistently important. During spring tides, the driving factors for horizontal divergence showed no seasonal differences. In the northern frontal region, the PRG and vertical viscosity term (VVISC) dominated the DVT, while in the southern region, the divergence change term (DVC), VDF (vertical deformation), PRG, and VVISC jointly dominated the DVT. In contrast, during neap tides, the driving factors were seasonally regulated by changes in frontal position and shape, primarily influencing the VVISC. In the northern region, PRG remained consistently significant. If the VVISC was also significant, other terms became negligible; if the VVISC was insignificant, the VDF, DVC, and occasionally the Coriolis term (COR) collectively played a regulatory role. In the southern region, the VDF, DVC, and PRG were consistently dominant, while the importance of VVISC exhibited seasonal variations. The driving factors differed significantly between spring and neap tides in the northern region but were similar in the southern region, with the only distinction being the seasonal variation in the VVISC.

    How to cite: Li, S., Zhong, Y., Zhou, M., Qu, L., and Zhang, Z.: Effects and mechanisms of tidal forcing on the frontal divergence/convergence of the Changjiang River plume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5561,, 2025.

    EGU25-6206 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Evolution Study of the Qingdao Cold Water Mass 

    Shi Qiu, Karsten A. Lettmann, Hao Huang, and Xueen Chen

    The Qingdao Cold Water Mass (QCWM), located in the offshore waters near the Shandong Peninsula, exhibits notable seasonal variability and plays a crucial role in shaping hydrological conditions due to its distinct temperature and salinity structures. This study investigates the evolution of the QCWM in 2014 using cruise observations and the hydrodynamic model FVCOM. The potential evolution mechanisms of QCWM are analyzed, and Lagrangian particle experiments are conducted to explore the source and destination of the QCWM.

    The QCWM in 2014 prevails below 20 m near the coast of the Shandong Peninsula. It emerges in April, stabilizes in May, and dissipates by June. Momentum analysis reveals that the anticyclonic circulation near the QCWM area, along with the weakness of the pressure gradient force, including both barotropic and baroclinic components, facilitates the formation and maintenance of the QCWM in spring. The emergence of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and the frontal circulation at the edges of the YSCWM on the eastern side of the QCWM in late spring, combined with the enhanced westward baroclinic force, destabilizes the QCWM and promotes its dissipation.

    A series of Lagrangian particle tracking experiments suggest that the bottom water of the QCWM primarily originates from the local cold waters off the southeastern coast of the Shandong Peninsula. The bottom cold water in the QCWM dissipates locally rather than merging into the YSCWM. Tidal effects may further accelerate this dissipation by enhancing vertical mixing and intensifying the frontal circulation at the edges of the YSCWM.

    How to cite: Qiu, S., Lettmann, K. A., Huang, H., and Chen, X.: Evolution Study of the Qingdao Cold Water Mass, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6206,, 2025.

    EGU25-7882 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Development of marine ecosystem model around the Korean Peninsula 

    Changsin Kim, HuiTae Joo, SeokHyun Youn, Sukyung Kang, Yong-Sik Song, and Changwoo Cho

    Coastal and Offshore fishery was catches at 1.5 million tons per year in the 1990s, but since 2010, catches have dropped sharply to 1.05 million tons. It is time to secure technology for assessing changes in fisheries environment due to changes in marine environment such as climate change, and forecasting technologies for distribution of major fish species and resources in order to establish long-term and short-term response and adaptation strategies for offshore fishery fluctuations. Therefore, we will implement a comprehensive offshore ecosystem change prediction system based on food chain for sustainable fishery ecosystem maintenance and scientific management of fishery resources.

    Various models have been developed and are being used worldwide to reproduce and predict marine environments and ecosystems. As a way to build a Korean marine ecosystem model, there are a plan to introduce an excellent overseas model to improve its function and performance in consideration of domestic conditions and to develop its own. As a result of the comprehensive review, the model adopted a method to improve the model so as to introduce the excellent overseas model first, and secure the function appropriate to the domestic reality and characteristics rather than the self-development.

    ATLANTIS and EwE were selected as a marine food-web based ecosystem model by comparing and analyzing functions of prediction model of changes in ecosystem currently in use globally. NEMURO, BSS, and primary productivity estimation models were added to link input and output data by model for effective operation and higher degree of production.

    The prediction system has already been deployed with biochemical and oceanic circulation modules, and initial input conditions of the prediction model are currently being established, including calculation of biomass by age, identification of the structure of the food-web, and selection of physiological and ecological parameters by functional group. In this study, we are going to introduce and discuss the process of expanding from biochemical circulation to ecosystem and using it to predict fishery resources.

    How to cite: Kim, C., Joo, H., Youn, S., Kang, S., Song, Y.-S., and Cho, C.: Development of marine ecosystem model around the Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7882,, 2025.

    EGU25-7888 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Generation of high-energy flow events in a deep depositional area – The Norwegian Trench 

    Anna Enge, Bram C. van Prooijen, and Julie D. Pietrzak

    In the Norwegian Trench, a deep region in the North Sea in front of the Norwegian coast, there are indications that resuspension events take place, but knowledge about the forcing of the deep currents is limited. Deep flows in this area are driven by diverse processes, showing influences of surface forcing, interactions with the North Atlantic across the continental shelf slope, and canyon dynamics. Here we present unique insights from a one-year time series of high-resolution, near-bed current velocities collected with two moored ADCPs in the Norwegian Trench. At a depth of 300 metres, the tidal contribution is highly variable because of the Spring-Neap tidal cycle and primarily visible in alongshore-directed velocities and pressure data. However, the largest velocities are not induced by periodic forcing, but are presumably generated by inflow of warmer Atlantic water (AW) into the trench and the canyons response to storm events. Both, AW inflow and storm events are detected during winter time. During storm events, current speeds can exceed 0.5 m/s. These velocities are high enough to lift the sediment up to at least 20 metres above the bed. Once resuspended, the sediment can stay over several days or even weeks in the water column and be transported by deep currents. These preliminary results indicate that the influence of storms on the near-bed flows in the Norwegian Trench is much larger than previously expected.

    How to cite: Enge, A., van Prooijen, B. C., and Pietrzak, J. D.: Generation of high-energy flow events in a deep depositional area – The Norwegian Trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7888,, 2025.

    EGU25-8847 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1

    Impact of offshore wind farms on regional-scale sediment transport pathways in the North Sea 

    Jiayue Chen, Lucas Porz, Nils Christiansen, Wenyan Zhang, and Corinna Schrum

    The rapid expansion of offshore wind farms (OWFs) in the North Sea necessitates a better understanding of its impacts on ocean dynamics, regional-scale sediment transport, and erosion and deposition patterns which may consequently influence future states of coastal morphology. Using 3-dimensional hydro-morphodynamic coupled numerical modelling which integrates parameterizations of OWF-effects in both atmosphere and ocean, we analysed how regional-scale sediment transport pathways as well as sediment exchange between the open North Sea and the Wadden Sea are affected by OWFs. We compared the simulation results from different OWF configurations representing present-day (operating), potential future (operating, in-construction and planned) scenarios. In particular, we investigated the OWF impact on the frontal systems, residual transport, accumulation of fine-grained sediment in the mud depocenters and sediment flux between the open North Sea and tidal basins in the Wadden Sea. Our results highlight the potential of OWFs in reshaping regional-scale sediment transport patterns, with implications for ecosystem functioning, marine spatial planning and coastal protection strategy. The outcomes may be used to align sustainable offshore wind energy development and coastal protection in the North Sea and at its coasts.

    How to cite: Chen, J., Porz, L., Christiansen, N., Zhang, W., and Schrum, C.: Impact of offshore wind farms on regional-scale sediment transport pathways in the North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8847,, 2025.

    EGU25-9906 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Storm-driven submesoscale motions over sloping topography: Insights from the Baltic Sea 

    Evridiki Chrysagi, Lars Umlauf, Ulf Grawe, Hans Burchard, and Alberto C. Naveira Garabato

    While surface submesoscale processes have been extensively studied, their counterparts in the bottom boundary layer remain largely unexplored. However, a few recent studies have indicated that these subsurface structures, emerging mainly through flow-topography interactions, are instrumental not only for the turbulent boundary mixing but also for the forward cascade of mesoscale energy towards dissipation and the lateral exchange of boundary waters with the oceanic interior. These studies have investigated the genesis of submesoscales primarily in the open ocean, focusing in particular on the vicinity of strong permanent current systems, coastal jets, or dense water outflows. Here, we use the Baltic Sea as a natural laboratory to demonstrate that interior submesoscales can arise even in semi-enclosed, strongly stratified basins away from the major current systems, in regions where tides and coastal jets are virtually absent, and ephemeral wind-driven currents typically dominate over short timescales. Using realistic high-resolution numerical simulations, we demonstrate that submesoscale vortices and filamentary structures are ubiquitous in the interior, below the mixed layer, especially during storm events. High cyclonic/anticyclonic vorticities are generated at the lateral boundaries close to the bottom, as the interior flow interacts with the sloping topography, with the strong vorticity anomalies being subsequently transported from the boundary into the stratified interior in the form of eddies, fronts, and filaments. Negative potential vorticity patches, indicative of submesoscale overturning instabilities, also develop from these flow-topography interactions. Our results show that surface and subsurface submesoscales coexist but remain largely isolated in this strongly stratified environment. By analyzing a series of sequential storm events, we show that winds indirectly energize the interior submesoscale motions by accelerating the boundary currents, with the strongest structures forming during severe storm episodes. Reversal of surface winds reverses the currents, significantly affecting the submesoscale generation sites and the mixing hotspots that exhibit, consequently, transient behavior. The intense winds also induce coastal upwelling and downwelling with the up-and downwelling sites evolving into pronounced mixing hotspots, presenting enhanced dissipation rates, resulting predominantly from the susceptibility of the flow to submesoscale overturning instabilities. These findings highlight the broader significance of storm-forced submesoscale dynamics in wind-driven marine and limnic systems, extending their relevance beyond the Baltic Sea context.

    How to cite: Chrysagi, E., Umlauf, L., Grawe, U., Burchard, H., and Naveira Garabato, A. C.: Storm-driven submesoscale motions over sloping topography: Insights from the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9906,, 2025.

    EGU25-10038 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1

    Coastal shelf circulation around a deep-sea island in the Canary Basin 

    Jesus Reis, Rui Vieira, Gustavo Silva, Miguel Bruno, and Rui Caldeira

    In-situ observations around Madeira Island (32.6°N, 16.8°W) reveal that coastal processes are forced by the interaction between the insular shelf, local winds, and tides, often acting independently of far-field circulation. The Coupled-Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) system was employed to investigate island shelf circulation; four different scenarios were modeled: three single-forcing cases (Case A: tidal forcing; Case B: local wind forcing; Case C: global model (far-field) forcing) and one combined-forcing case (Case D: all forcings). These simulations provide insight into the key coastal patterns and dominant frequencies associated with each scenario.

    Case D was validated against in-situ data. Ocean currents were analyzed using Morlet wavelet techniques and rotary spectra. The findings indicate that wind forcing predominantly controls coastal circulation patterns on the western side of the island and on the northeastern coasts. On the eastern side, tides play a critical role in establishing and sustaining coastal currents. Along the northwest coast, basin-scale Atlantic circulation, including the Azores Current and mesoscale eddies, significantly influences coastal dynamics.

    The main finding of this study is that coastal dynamics around oceanic islands are highly variable over a few kilometers, driven by both local and far-field factors, contrasting with traditional wake studies, which often overlook these essential dynamics of the insular shelf.

    How to cite: Reis, J., Vieira, R., Silva, G., Bruno, M., and Caldeira, R.: Coastal shelf circulation around a deep-sea island in the Canary Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10038,, 2025.

    EGU25-10292 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1

    From surrogate modeling to flow characterization: Investigating the mean flow and turbulence structure inside and above canopies of Eunicella singularis   

    Linta Vonta, Frédéric Moulin, Laurent Malaquin, Jean-Dominique Barron, and Lorenzo Bramanti


    Gorgonians are coastal megabenthic organisms facing the threats of destructive fishing activities and mass mortality due to thermal anomalies in Mediterranean Sea. They are engineering species playing a significant role in the maintenance of biodiversity by providing habitat to several marine species (Rossi et al., 2017). Gorgonians often have an arborescent geometry, and when their populations are dense enough, they form three-dimensional forest canopies similar to terrestrial ones.  Water flow is modified by the presence of the gorgonian canopy, with formation of a turbulent shear flow at the top of it. At this level, Reynolds stress is expected to present a maximum value suggesting an active momentum exchange and a significant mass transport (food and nutrients). Here, the gorgonian canopy flow is experimentally investigated in a flume using surrogates as in studies of aquatic flexible vegetated canopies (e.g., Sukhodolov et al., 2022). Laboratory experiments are conducted with artificial gorgonian canopies of different planar densities in a unidirectional open-channel flow. White gorgonians (Eunicella singularis) are mimicked by using 3D-printed surrogates with bending stiffness similar to the one of the real gorgonians allowing us to represent the drag force and the reconfiguration of the living organisms in water. Dynamic similarity between laboratory and in-situ conditions is ensured by using the same range of Reynolds number and the same Cauchy number. Simplified scaled symmetrical geometries are built respecting the geometrical aspect ratio and the main branching orders of the tree-shaped white gorgonians. 2D-2C PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) flow measurements in vertical planes are performed to characterize the local flow conditions in and over gorgonian canopies. The high-spatial resolution of PIV measurements allows us to characterize most of the relevant flow scales; from the stem-scale wakes behind the tip branches of one colony to the canopy-scale turbulence forced by the vertical mixing layer near the top of the canopy, and finally to the much larger turbulent boundary-layer structures. Canopy-scale turbulence appears in high density canopies (H. M. Nepf, 2012), and thus characterizing the transitional regime between sparse and dense canopies is essential to define the minimum canopy density required for significant flow modification. This threshold is necessary to define the minimal conservation unit related to the canopy’s ecological functions. 


    Nepf, H. M.: Flow and Transport in Regions with Aquatic Vegetation, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 44, 123–142,, 2012. 


    Rossi, S., Bramanti, L., Gori, A., and Orejas, C. (Eds.): Marine Animal Forests: The Ecology of Benthic Biodiversity Hotspots, Springer International Publishing, Cham,, 2017. 


    Sukhodolov, A., Sukhodolova, T., and Aberle, J.: Modelling of flexible aquatic plants from silicone syntactic foams, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 60, 173–181,, 2022. 

    How to cite: Vonta, L., Moulin, F., Malaquin, L., Barron, J.-D., and Bramanti, L.: From surrogate modeling to flow characterization: Investigating the mean flow and turbulence structure inside and above canopies of Eunicella singularis  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10292,, 2025.

    EGU25-10712 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Intra-annual variability of marine floc morphology in southern North Sea coastal waters using in-situ high-resolution underwater imaging  

    Louise Delhaye, Céline Taymans, and Michael Fettweis

    SPM concentration and composition is an indicator for the balance between physical (turbulence) and biogeochemical processes (production, remineralization). High SPM concentration coincides with a dominance of mineral particles and the occurrence of biomineral flocs. These high turbidity zones, generally located nearshore or in estuaries, are characterized by strong tidal currents, intensive resuspension and settling, flocculation in phase with the tides and high primary productions. With decreasing SPM concentration, organic matter becomes more dominant and biological flocs, for example phytoplankton cells or aggregates, are getting more prominent. Physical processes are less important, and flocculation occurs on seasonal time scales. Measuring SPM concentration and particle size distribution (PSD) using laser diffraction techniques (e.g. LISST-100x) has been a standard component of Belgium’s monitoring for the past 20 years, resulting in a good knowledge of its spatial and temporal variability. However, despite its relevance to better understand and monitor the coastal pelagic environment, the PSD derived from laser diffraction do not provide insights into the origin (flocs, biological particles) and composition (mineral, organic matter) of the SPM. Yet, this information is crucial to better understand the SPM dynamics and to better predict the floc density and the fate and flux of minerals, carbon and pollutants. 

    High-resolution underwater particle cameras are gaining popularity as they capture larger particles and provide data on their morphology and origin. By doing so and enabling researchers to visually see SPM, they offer a promising complement to laser diffraction-based instruments. This however doesn’t come without challenges, the main ones being related to image pre-processing (e.g. noise removal, histogram stretching, image reconstruction) and threshold definition as algorithms for particle detection and shape extraction may significantly impact PSD and derived parameters, requiring rigorous calibration and validation. 

    In this study, we address these gaps by developing a processing system using underwater high-resolution particle imagery and applying it on a test case: the intra-annual morphological variability of marine flocs. Images were taken in-situ four kilometers off the Belgian coast during six oceanographic campaigns on board the RV Belgica between April 2023 and March 2024. An open-source user-friendly Python algorithm was developed to extract particles from images after validation in the lab against known-size particles. Floc morphologies were characterized using six shape indicators and were compared to in-situ SPM concentration, turbidity, LISST-100x and LISST-200x measurements as well as different parameters from water sample analyses taken at the same time. 

    How to cite: Delhaye, L., Taymans, C., and Fettweis, M.: Intra-annual variability of marine floc morphology in southern North Sea coastal waters using in-situ high-resolution underwater imaging , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10712,, 2025.

    EGU25-10773 | Orals | OS2.1

    Response of a semi-enclosed sea to perturbed freshwater and open ocean salinity forcing 

    Lars Arneborg, Magnus Hieronymus, Per Pemberton, Ye Liu, and Sam Fredriksson

    The sensitivity of Baltic Sea salinities to changed fresh water forcing and other forcing factors have been debated during the last decades, since changed salinities would have large impacts on the marine ecosystems, and since this parameter still shows a high degree of uncertainty in regional climate projections. In this study we perform a sensitivity study where fresh water forcing and salinities at the outer boundaries of the North Sea are perturbed in a systematic way in order to obtain a second-order Taylor polynomial of the statistical steady state mean salinity. The polynomial is constructed based on perturbations of 57-year long hindcast runs for the period 1961-2017 with a regional ocean model covering the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. The results show that the Baltic sea is highly sensitive to fresh water forcing and that only about one third of the boundary salinity change propagates into the Baltic Sea. The results are also analyzed in terms of a total exchange flow analysis in the entrance region, and it is found that the results to a large degree can be explained by (1) recirculation in the entrance region where the inflow water consists of two parts outflowing Baltic water and one part North Sea water, and (2) partitioning of increased (decreased) net outflow on increased (decreased) outflow and decreased (increased) inflow according to the fraction of time these occur.

    How to cite: Arneborg, L., Hieronymus, M., Pemberton, P., Liu, Y., and Fredriksson, S.: Response of a semi-enclosed sea to perturbed freshwater and open ocean salinity forcing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10773,, 2025.

    EGU25-10926 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Implementation of daily river discharge into Southeast Asia regional ocean model NEMO 

    Xingkun Xu, Kaushik Sasmal, Bijoy Thompson, Pavel Tkalich, Sumit Dandapat, Rajesh Kumar, Kalli Furtado, Hugh Zhang, Xiaogang He, Zhanwei Liu, Ziwei Liu, and Yaomin Wang

    The ocean basins of Southeast Asia (SEA) are significantly influenced by a dynamic water cycle characterized by intense precipitation, evaporation, and substantial river runoff. The freshening of shelf seas in this region - where precipitation and river discharge exceed evaporation - plays a critical role in shaping regional ocean circulation and the marine environment. However, a lack of sufficient observational data has limited our understanding of these processes, particularly their seasonal and spatial variability.

    In regional ocean modeling, climatological river runoff is usually employed to account for freshwater input. This approach may underrepresent seasonal extremes and might not fully capture the daily variation of river discharge, leading to substantial biases in the simulated sea surface salinity (SSS). To address this limitation, we implemented daily river runoff from the JRA55-do global reanalysis into a high-resolution (~4.5 km) regional ocean model based on Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO).

    The JRA55-do runoff dataset, produced by Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Meteorological Research Institute (MRI), derived from the CaMa-Flood global river routing model and provided on a 0.25°×0.25° grid. The JRA55-do runoff data was remapped onto the NEMO model grid. The model simulations were forced with 10 m winds and surface heat flux data from the ERA5 reanalysis, available from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Lateral boundary conditions and initial states were obtained from the GLORYS12, which is an ocean reanalysis dataset based on a 1/12o eddy-resolving global NEMO and was carried out in the framework the European Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). Simulations were conducted for the year 2022, and the model outputs were validated against satellite observations of SSS and sea surface temperature (SST).

    The results indicate that the high-resolution regional NEMO model successfully captured the seasonal variability of SSS observed in satellite data. Notably, the incorporation of river runoff improved the spatial representation of SSS in some areas. In a comparison, simulations using daily runoff demonstrated higher modelling skill in some regions than those with climatological runoff. By enhancing the accuracy of SSS in our regional ocean model, this study provides critical insights into the role of freshwater input in shaping the oceanographic processes of the Southeast Asia.

    How to cite: Xu, X., Sasmal, K., Thompson, B., Tkalich, P., Dandapat, S., Kumar, R., Furtado, K., Zhang, H., He, X., Liu, Z., Liu, Z., and Wang, Y.: Implementation of daily river discharge into Southeast Asia regional ocean model NEMO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10926,, 2025.

    Salt intrusion is known to be influenced by harbours and side channels. While the contribution of these features to tidal dispersion is well established in well-mixed estuaries, the governing processes in partially stratified system have remained understudied. We investigate the channel-harbour exchange in the New Meuse, a partially stratified branch of the Rhine-Meuse estuary.

    The harbour basins subject to study are located just upstream of the junction with the Old Meuse and the New Waterway, in a region characterized by large gradients in the salinity range over short distances. During a field campaign, four shipboard surveys were conducted to study the channel-harbour exchange at two harbour basins under spring and neap tide conditions.

    Decomposition of the instantaneous salt flux, aimed to unravel the exchange between the channel and the harbours, revealed large differences in the contribution of a continuous density-driven exchange. These differences were confirmed by numerical modelling of the systems. The reduced vertical exchange is attributed to a weaker salinity gradient in the main channel in front of the harbour entrance, which limits the pressure gradient between the harbour and the channel. Stark differences in the salinity range were found to be predominantly the result of interactions between the branches.

    The numerical model was subsequently used to set up a balance to quantify the up-estuary salt flux resulting from the channel-harbour exchange (tidal trapping) for the different harbours in the New Meuse. This analysis showed that harbours, where the salinity range in front of the harbour was weak, contribute significantly less to the up-estuary salt flux, primarily due to the reduced vertical exchange. Additionally, the contribution of tidal filling and emptying of the harbour basins, which typically drive the dispersive effect of traps in well-mixed systems, was found to contribute negatively to the up-estuary salt flux. The negative contribution of tidal filling and emptying is enhanced by atypical tidal salinity variations in the main channel, due to interaction between the branches.

    This leads to the surprising conclusion that some of the largest harbours, where the density-driven exchange between the channel and harbour was observed to be weak, contribute the least to the up-estuary salt flux.

    How to cite: van Keulen, D., Kranenburg, W., and Hoitink, T.: Channel-harbour exchange and its influence on salinity dispersion in a partially stratified branch of the Rhine-Meuse estuary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11295,, 2025.

    EGU25-13719 | Orals | OS2.1

    Identification of Marine Heatwaves and Their Characteristics in the Tidal Elbe River 

    Kaveh Purkiani, Dagmar Kieke, and Christian Senet

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs), prolonged periods of unusually high ocean temperatures, have been observed worldwide and are expected to increase in both intensity and frequency due to anthropogenic climate change. This rise in MHW frequency and intensity has led to significant biological and ecological shifts, including changes in species distributions, large-scale mortality, and the decline or extinction of local species. The tidal Elbe discharges into the German Bight. It plays a crucial role in the region's ecology, serving as a dynamic estuarine ecosystem where freshwater from the river meets saline water from the North Sea. Within the framework of the ElbeXtreme project, we aim to better understand extreme events like MHWs to enhance the resilience of coastal ecosystems and human communities.

    To this end, we MHW events in the tidal Elbe region from the upper estuary at Bunthaus to the lower estuary at Cuxhaven to better understand their characteristics, trends, and impacts over the period from 1988 to 2023. The characteristics of MHWs, such as intensity, duration, and frequency, are compared across different measuring stations sustained by local authorities and institutions. Surface water temperature data show high confidence (p-value < 0.01) in the observed increasing trend (0.2°C/decade) in temperature anomalies across all stations. Moderate MHWs are frequently observed, with an annual mean of 2.3 events, at various stations from Bunthaus to Cuxhaven. Only a few strong MHW events (2-3× the local difference between the climatological mean and the climatological 90th percentile) were identified in 2000, 2007, and 2018. The characteristics of MHWs show spatial variability along the estuary. The annual mean duration of events is approximately 33 days, decreasing from Cuxhaven to Bunthaus. In contrast, the annual mean intensity of events increases moving upstream. Meanwhile, the annual mean number of events along the estuary shows no significant change. Although the number and duration of MHWs do not show seasonal variation, summer and autumn exhibit stronger MHW intensity compared to spring and winter.

    How to cite: Purkiani, K., Kieke, D., and Senet, C.: Identification of Marine Heatwaves and Their Characteristics in the Tidal Elbe River, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13719,, 2025.

    EGU25-14137 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Effects of Wind Forcing Interval on Near-Inertial Waves and Vertical Mixing in the shelf seas around Korea 

    Jung-Woon Choi, Byoung-Ju Choi, and Jai-Il Kwon

    The dynamical and thermal properties of the upper ocean are significantly influenced by wind forcing at the sea surface. In this study, numerical simulations with wind forcing applied at different time intervals (1, 3, 6, 12, and 24 hours) were conducted to analyze the heat budget of the surface mixed layer (ML) in the stratified Yellow Sea. The goal was to identify the physical processes modifying ML characteristics and determine the optimal temporal resolution of wind forcing to accurately simulate these processes. During summer, strong energy densities in the near-inertial and internal tide frequency bands drive vertical heat diffusion and entrainment at the ML base. Higher temporal resolution in wind forcing amplifies the activity of near-inertial waves (NIWs) in the upper thermocline, enhancing vertical mixing. This increased mixing thickens the ML, raises its salinity, and lowers its temperature, resulting in greater net heat flux into the surface layer. Consequently, high-frequency wind forcing leads to a reduction in ML temperature in the central Yellow Sea. Wind forcing intervals of 6 hours or less are essential to simulate saturated energy densities of inertial oscillations and vertical mixing in the thermocline at depths of 10–30 m. The enhanced NIWs induced by high-frequency wind variability are expected to transport more nutrients and CO2 from the subsurface to the thermocline and upper ocean layers, underscoring the ecological and biogeochemical impacts of wind forcing resolution in shelf seas.

    How to cite: Choi, J.-W., Choi, B.-J., and Kwon, J.-I.: Effects of Wind Forcing Interval on Near-Inertial Waves and Vertical Mixing in the shelf seas around Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14137,, 2025.

    EGU25-14148 | Orals | OS2.1

    Interaction of high-frequency internal waves with the wind-driven river plume 

    Alexander Yankovsky, George Voulgaris, Christopher Papageorgiou, and Diane Fribance

    We present shipboard observations of high-frequency internal waves (IW) propagating through the Winyah Bay plume on the South Atlantic Bight shelf (the US East Coast). Two surveys are analyzed: 6-7 June, 2023, and 23-24 May, 2024. On both occasions, the plume was affected by a moderate upwelling-favorable wind resulting in a significant offshore spreading of the Winyah Bay plume, well beyond its natural (unforced) offshore limit. While stratification conditions were roughly comparable in both years, IWs exhibited very different behavior, which is attributed to the properties of mean (averaged over multiple IW periods) currents. Specifically, IWs in May 2024 propagated as a dispersive train with a near-zero depth-averaged velocity component and highly polarized velocity fluctuations. The TKE dissipation values in the pycnocline were unaffected by the IW train passage. The mean current did not reverse with depth and its maximum magnitude in the direction of wave propagation (inferred from the wave velocity vector orientation) was less than 0.3 m/s. In contrast, in the 2023 observations there was a significant depth-averaged velocity component corresponding to the IW frequency band at a close to normal angle with depth-dependent velocity fluctuations. There were elevated values of TKE dissipation in the pycnocline exceeding corresponding values in the surface boundary layer. In addition to high TKE dissipation, salinity profiles exhibited clearly visible overturning events. The mean current velocity profile in the direction of the IW propagation had a distinctive two-layer structure reaching 0.4 m/s at the surface (seaward) and -0.2 m/s below the plume layer (shoreward). In both years, IW velocity structure closely resembled theoretical velocity profiles obtained from a numerical solution of the Taylor–Goldstein equation for the observed buoyancy and mean current profiles. We conclude that IW breaking with enhanced TKE dissipation occurs when IWs approach critical layers, where the wave phase speed matches the mean current. Critical layers can be readily encountered when the mean current reverses with depth such that its Doppler effect on the wave dispersion curve is minimal. We hypothesize that strong IW dissipation at critical layers along with nonlinear effects can generate the observed depth-averaged velocity component.

    How to cite: Yankovsky, A., Voulgaris, G., Papageorgiou, C., and Fribance, D.: Interaction of high-frequency internal waves with the wind-driven river plume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14148,, 2025.

    EGU25-14152 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Performance Evaluation of Coastal-KOOS Surface Current Forecasts Using an Extensive Drifter Dataset in the Northwest Pacific 

    Sang-Hun Jeong, Jin-Yong Choi, Jung-Woon Choi, Deok-Su Kim, and Jaeil Kwon

    This study aims to comprehensively evaluate the Coastal-KOOS Level 2 model’s ability to predict near-surface currents throughout the Northwest Pacific, using an extensive dataset of 153 surface drifters deployed since 2020. These drifters were released in diverse oceanographic settings, including the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and East/Japan Sea, which feature strong tidal forcing, boundary currents (e.g., the Kuroshio).

    We utilized drifter trajectories to derive Eulerian velocities, which were then compared with model outputs. To further validate the drifter-derived velocities, we contrasted them with in situ measurements from multiple fixed observation sites in offshore Korean waters. We also examined the influence of Stokes drift and direct wind forcing by attempting to remove these components from the drifter velocities; however, the corrections had negligible impact on most trajectories, likely because the majority of each drifter’s body remained submerged, thereby limiting its wind exposure.

    Forecast accuracy was quantified using several statistical metrics, including root-mean-square error (RMSE), correlation coefficient, and complex correlation (separating magnitude and directional agreement). The results indicate that Coastal-KOOS exhibits robust performance in regions dominated by tidal currents, such as parts of the Yellow Sea, where the model’s operational focus aligns well with actual conditions. In contrast, performance degrades in areas strongly influenced by the Kuroshio and in the East/Japan Sea, likely due to strong eddies and persistent warm currents that are not fully resolved by the current model configuration. In the Korea Strait and along the Chinese coast, the model generally captures flow directions more reliably than current magnitudes, underscoring the importance of regional calibration and higher-resolution modeling.

    Future improvements will focus on integrating additional observational data, including temperature and sea surface height, to better capture the complex dynamics of offshore regions. These findings underscore the importance of regional calibration and high-resolution modeling in refining operational ocean predictions. Ultimately, a strengthened Coastal-KOOS framework will enhance the accuracy of search-and-rescue operations, environmental monitoring, and disaster response in waters around the Korean peninsula. 

    How to cite: Jeong, S.-H., Choi, J.-Y., Choi, J.-W., Kim, D.-S., and Kwon, J.: Performance Evaluation of Coastal-KOOS Surface Current Forecasts Using an Extensive Drifter Dataset in the Northwest Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14152,, 2025.

    EGU25-14399 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Temporal variability of physical and biogeochemical properties in the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay mouth 

    Piero Mazzini, Donglai Gong, Emily Rivest, Ricardo Utzig Nardi, Jack Slater, and Brandylyn Thomas

    The Chesapeake Bay is the largest and most productive estuary in the United States, located in the Mid-Atlantic region, it encompasses six states (New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia) and the District of Columbia, with nearly 18 million people living within its watershed. The Bay plays a vital ecological and economic role in the region, supporting tourism, fishing and aquaculture, and serving as nursery habitat for many commercial fisheries species. Climate change is a serious concern threatening the health of Bay, and a number of long-term observational programs and modeling efforts have been developed to better understand physical and biogeochemical properties and processes in this complex system. Nevertheless, observations in the coastal ocean adjacent to the Bay are still scarce, and therefore less is known about changes in the oceanic source waters for the Bay. To fill in this gap, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) has developed a pilot coastal ocean observatory at the inner-shelf region adjacent to the Bay mouth. Preliminary results from a two month-long time series of physical (currents, sea level, salinity, temperature) and biogeochemical (dissolved oxygen, pH, chlorophyll) properties, collected using a moored bottom tripod during Spring-2024 will be presented and discussed.

    How to cite: Mazzini, P., Gong, D., Rivest, E., Utzig Nardi, R., Slater, J., and Thomas, B.: Temporal variability of physical and biogeochemical properties in the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay mouth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14399,, 2025.

    The mixed layer depth (MLD) plays a vital role in regulating climate by controlling the exchange of momentum, heat, and moisture between the ocean and atmosphere. Improving the simulation of MLD is therefore crucial for reliable climate predictions and projections. However, studies on the interannual variability of MLD using global reanalysis data are insufficient. In this study, we examined the interannual variability of winter (February) MLD in Korean waters over a 25-year period (1994–2018) using two reanalysis data sets, the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and CMEMS Global Ocean Reanalysis and Simulation (GLORYS), which have been widely used in climate change studies in Korean waters. The reanalysis MLD data were compared with observational estimates from the Korea Oceanographic Data Center (KODC) and NIFS Serial Oceanographic observations (NSO) for February, the month with the deepest MLD. The spatial distribution is relatively well simulated, but the long-term trend is poorly reproduced. Notably, the models underestimate the long-term mean MLD by approximately 25% in regions influenced by the Ulleung Eddy and the Yellow Sea Warm Current. The underestimated bias in the Ulleung Eddy can be attributed to the insufficient resolution of the reanalysis data sets in capturing the fine-scale structure of the Ulleung Eddy, while the bias in the Yellow Sea Warm Current region is possibly due to lack of tidal mixing in the reanalysis. Furthermore, while the observed MLD shows a deepening trend over most Korean waters during the study period, the models show negligible changes or even a shallowing trend, except in the East/Japan Sea showing a underestimated deepening trend. The models also tend to underestimate the magnitude of interannual variability of the MLD. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis reveals that MLD interannual variability is influenced primarily by variabilities of 10 m wind and 2 m air temperature (~18%), and secondarily by Tsushima Warm Current transport (TWC; ~11%). The TWC transport is closely related to the path of the East Korea Warm Current, suggesting that changes in the current's interannual variability could influence the MLD. Additionally, in other regions, TWC transport is influenced by the Kuroshio current transport, which determines the volume of transport entering Korean waters, thus explaining its association with MLD variability. This finding highlights the importance of oceanic processes in interannual variability in the winter MLD in Korean waters.

    How to cite: Jung, H. and Jang, C. J.: Evaluation of mixed layer depth in Korean waters obtained by reanalysis data sets: spatial distribution and interannual variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15254,, 2025.

    EGU25-15338 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1

    Application of MOM6 for Regional and Coastal scale Coupled with the Biogeochemistry Model (COBALTv3) 

    Inseong Chang, Young Ho Kim, Young-Gyu Park, Suzy Tae, Nayoung Park, Andrew C. Ross, Robert Hallberg, and Charles A. Stock

    We have advanced the high-resolution (1/24˚) regional ocean model for Northwest Pacific (KOOS-OPEM), developed by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) by updating its base model from MOM5 to MOM6. Using this updated model, we conducted sensitivity experiments to compare the performance of simulations under two different vertical coordinate systems: the hybrid z*-isopycnal and the z* coordinate. The results indicated that both coordinate systems successfully reproduced the Kuroshio separation point in close agreement with observation data. In addition, the hybrid coordinate configuration demonstrated a more realistic representation of the Northwest Pacific intermediate water compared to the z* coordinate configuration. However, the hybrid coordinate configuration exhibited a warm bias approximately 1°C greater than that of the z* system in the Kuroshio Current and the East/Japan Sea. To address this issue, we adjusted the maximum thickness of the isopycnal layers, which effectively mitigated the warm biases in these regions. Additionally, this study introduces the regional implementation of MOM6 for the Northwest Pacific coupled with the biogeochemistry model (OPEM-MOM6-COBALT). To address the limitations of the coarse initial conditions for the biogeochemical tracers, a 10-year spinup simulation was conducted to generate improved initial conditions for the biogeochemical tracers. This study evaluated the initial conditions, intended for use in hindcast simulations, against satellite and observational data. Furthermore, we constructed the coastal implementation of MOM6 for the Yeosu-Gwangyang Bay, which will be coupled with the biogeochemistry model using the initial and boundary condition generated from OPEM-MOM6-COBALT simulation. We plan to perform hindcast simulations with these physical-biogeochemical models and compare their performance against observation data.

    How to cite: Chang, I., Kim, Y. H., Park, Y.-G., Tae, S., Park, N., Ross, A. C., Hallberg, R., and Stock, C. A.: Application of MOM6 for Regional and Coastal scale Coupled with the Biogeochemistry Model (COBALTv3), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15338,, 2025.

    River plumes transport large quantities of freshwater along our coastlines, affecting coastal dynamics and the movement of sediment and fish larvae. This study focuses on describing the local intra-tidal evolution of currents, stratification, and turbulence in the Rhine River plume in The Netherlands. While the mid to far-field Rhine River plume has been subject to a number of field campaigns and detailed modelling studies, e.g. on tidal straining, very little data exist in the near-mid field region. However, this region is particularly interesting due to the occurrence of plume fronts and internal waves and their influence on coastal dynamics. Moreover, river plume regions are often highly engineered. In the Dutch coastal region, several topographic depressions, sand pits, are present. Their number is expected to further grow as beach nourishments are increasingly used as a coastal protection measure against sea level rise. Yet we lack information about the impacts of such topography changes on the hydrodynamics within this system.

    In this study, we present unique observations of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) dissipation rate in the near-mid field Rhine River plume and a sand pit, along with salinity, temperature, and current measurements. The novel field data was acquired in April 2024 during a cruise of the RV Pelagia and covers a tidal cycle over two days during neap tide. The campaign happened to take place after a storm event. Two moorings with CTDs and an upward-looking ADCP were deployed outside and inside the sand pit and were complemented by ship-based CTD, microstructure profiler, and ADCP measurements at the mooring sites and close to the sand pit edges.

    An analysis of the currents and TKE dissipation rate outside the pit reveals enhanced surface-layer shear and turbulence during higher wind speeds on the first day. At the same time, the density measurements show strong stratification that almost constantly withstands wind-induced mixing. However, a few disruption events in stratification are observed. These events indicate the advection of fresher and saltier surface water due to wind-generated currents. Furthermore, our observations show strong cross-shore shear emerging in the mid-to-bottom layers as a result of the stratification-induced modification of the tidal ellipse. We present how this shear reduces the stability and increases vertical mixing in the aforementioned layers. Additionally, we show events of increased turbulence, which we attribute to the passage of a tidal plume front. This front is indicated by higher surface stratification with simultaneously increased surface and bed shear stress.

    Presently, we are comparing the measurements in- and outside the pit. While we expect an increase in mean stability due to the deeper water column and unchanged mixing input, local mixing may be significantly enhanced. Particularly around the steep edges of the sand pit as well as within the mid-to-surface layers, we hypothesize finding increased turbulence due to eddy formation and topographic internal wave generation. Furthermore, we are looking into internal waves generated ahead of the tidal plume fronts, which may increase mixing levels throughout the river plume.

    How to cite: Warmuth, L., Kranenburg, W., and Pietrzak, J.: The intra-tidal evolution of currents, stratification, and turbulence in a near- to mid-field river plume and the local effects of topography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15549,, 2025.

    EGU25-15550 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Internal Tides on the Al-Batinah Shelf: Predictability and Generation 

    Gerd Bruss, Estel Font, Bastien Queste, and Rob Hall

    Internal tides, generated by the interaction of barotropic tides with topography, are key drivers of shelf dynamics, influencing cross-shelf transport, stratification, and mixing processes critical to coastal ecosystems and regional circulation. Using data from moorings and underwater gliders, we observed frequent large-amplitude internal tides over the Al-Batinah shelf and slope. These tides predominantly occur within the diurnal band, although semidiurnal patterns can become prominent, particularly when spring tides coincide with a low-energy phase of the diurnal amplitude modulation. In contrast, local barotropic tides are dominated by M2, with a less energetic diurnal component evident in both currents and sea level. This raises questions about the origin and predictability of the observed internal tides.
    To assess predictability, we applied a skill score that compares harmonic predictions to observed signals over varying window lengths. For on-shelf baroclinic currents in summer, the skill score begins at 96% for short windows of a few days, declining to about 75% for a three-week period, after which further decreases are more gradual. This places internal tides on the Al-Batinah shelf at the high end of predictability compared to other regions.
    Potential energy conversion was estimated using barotropic body forcing based on TPXO and WOA datasets, while reflection and transmission coefficients (α) were derived as the ratio of topographic to internal wave slopes. The body force map reveals enhanced energy conversion in the K1 band approximately 170 km across the Sea of Oman, where α > 1 indicates internal tide reflection toward the southeast. This aligns with the incoming direction of the internal tide energy flux observed on the Al-Batinah shelf, potentially explaining their dominance in the diurnal band. A comparison of a two-year temperature record from the local shelf edge with barotropic transport at the remote generation site shows high wavelet coherence in the K1 band. Fortnightly patterns are delayed by approximately two days, consistent with phase speeds associated with second- and third-order vertical modes.
    In summary, internal tides on the Al-Batinah shelf are remarkably predictable. The dominance of the diurnal band could be explained by remote generation, while semidiurnal components likely reflect contributions from local generation processes. Understanding and predicting internal tides on the Al-Batinah shelf has implications for understanding how tidal energetic processes act to enhance diapycnal fluxes, which ventilate the regional oxygen minimum zone and drive coastal productivity.

    How to cite: Bruss, G., Font, E., Queste, B., and Hall, R.: Internal Tides on the Al-Batinah Shelf: Predictability and Generation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15550,, 2025.

    EGU25-17052 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Seasonal flow patterns on the NW Portuguese shelf 

    Teresa Leal Rosa, Álvaro Peliz, and A. Miguel Piecho-Santos

    This study aims to improve the understanding of seasonal circulation on the NW Portuguese continental shelf, located at the northern boundary of the Canary Current Upwelling System. The analysis is based on numerical simulations from the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), applied to the Western Iberia region, using a 15-year realistic dataset spanning 2004–2018. The investigation identifies key oceanic circulation features of the NW Portuguese shelf and the upper slope/outer shelf transition zone, providing new insights into the temporal evolution of flow patterns throughout the year. Circulation in the region is influenced by shoreline orientation, shelf geometry, and bathymetric features, such as the Porto and Aveiro canyons. Emphasis is placed on alongshore and cross-shelf transport patterns, including recurrent outer-shelf bottom eddies near the canyon’s southern sides and the persistence of a coastal poleward current on the inner shelf, even during the typical summer upwelling season. Special focus is given to the transitional months between the well-documented summer upwelling and winter downwelling regimes. Wind stress strength and direction, and the drop-off characteristics are highlighted as critical drivers of the monthly evolution of shelf flow patterns. This is particularly evident on the inner shelf, where circulation appears to be largely determined by the competition between these two effects, the first related with coastal upwelling/downwelling occurrence and the later with Sverdrup integrated poleward/equatorward transport.

    How to cite: Leal Rosa, T., Peliz, Á., and Piecho-Santos, A. M.: Seasonal flow patterns on the NW Portuguese shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17052,, 2025.

    EGU25-17062 | ECS | Orals | OS2.1

    Bottom dynamics and turbulence estimates from a fleet of landers in north/northwest Spanish shelf and slope 

    Antonio Márquez García, César Manuel González-Pola Muñiz, and Rocío Fernández Graña

    Landers are structures designed to be deployed directly at the bottom of the sea, hosting scientific equipment to operate autonomously for long periods of time. The recent development of a remote-operated towed vehicle designed to cost-effectively deploy and recover oceanographic landers (the LanderPick vehicle) allows the design of experiments based on the massive deployment of low-cost landers.

    In July 2023, 21 landers equipped with tilt current meters (Lowell TCM) and high-frequency thermistors (RBR SoloT) were deployed across the north and northwest Spanish shelves and upper slopes. The array was designed as five cross-shelf sections with four units each, at nominal depths of 50, 100, 200 and 500 meters, spanning across more than 350 nautical miles. Landers were recovered (most units) in September 2024, thus providing nearly 14 months of near-bed high-frequency environmental data. Records evidence seasonal circulation patterns and strong oscillations at tidal and inertial frequencies that vary according to location.

    With a recording frequency of 5 seconds, the thermistors provide insights on turbulence intensity. In this study, we follow the methodology proposed by Cimatoribus et al. (2014) to estimate the turbulent dissipation rate from Eulerian high-frequency time-series. The procedure requires estimates of local background Brunt-Väisälä frequency, which are derived from climatologies of density profiles provided by a regional long-term observational program of essential ocean variables in the region (Radiales project). Near-bed turbulence shows a substantial increase after the arrival at seabed of the mixed layer development in autumn.

    Additionally, the spatial and temporal variability of near-bed turbulence across the continental shelf observed by the fleet of landers is analysed in combination with results from additional landers located at intricate topography sites, such as canyons and seamounts. Low-cost lander structures are being further developed, pursuing to consolidate lander swarms or arrays as a tool for surveying near-bottom conditions and allowing the monitorization of a wider set of essential ocean variables.

    How to cite: Márquez García, A., González-Pola Muñiz, C. M., and Fernández Graña, R.: Bottom dynamics and turbulence estimates from a fleet of landers in north/northwest Spanish shelf and slope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17062,, 2025.

    EGU25-17343 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Ichthyoplankton dispersion modelling in the Eastern Adriatic During Two Consecutive Summers (2019–2020) 

    Tomislav Džoić, Gordana Beg Paklar, Barbara Zorica, and Antonio Stanešić

    The ichthyoplankton assemblage and its spatial distribution were studied in the eastern Adriatic Sea during two consecutive summers (2019–2020) using morphological identification, DNA barcoding and analysis of larval spatial dispersal. Ichthyoplankton samples were collected in five different areas: the western coast of Istria, Kvarner, the area along the outer coast of the island of Dugi otok, the Pomo Pit and southern Dalmatia. These locations were selected as starting points for the dispersion modelling.

    The spatial distribution of ichthyoplankton was analyzed using a coupled modelling system that combined the hydrodynamic ROMS model with the individual-based Ichthyop model. The ROMS model was driven by surface momentum, heat and water fluxes calculated using output fields from the operational weather prediction ALADIN model as well as by Adriatic river inflows and tides. The open boundary conditions were obtained from the operational Mediterranean hydrodynamic model. The ROMS temperature, salinity and current fields were input for the Ichthyop model.  

    Connectivity matrices were calculated between the individual areas, focusing on local retention, i.e. the proportion of released ichthyoplankton that remained in its place of origin. Dispersal distances were determined by measuring the distance between the initial location where the ichthyoplankton was released and its final location after drift, taking into account environmental factors such as currents. In addition to the influence of ocean currents, environmental factors such as temperature, salinity and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration played an important role in shaping the composition of ichthyoplankton, as shown by the RDA analysis, which revealed that early life stages of the fish families Sparidae and Serranidae were associated with higher sea temperatures, while those of Scombridae, Engraulidae, and Bothidae were linked to elevated Chl-a levels.

    The obtained results provide important basic data for the sustainable management and conservation of the Adriatic ichthyoplankton and its habitats.

    How to cite: Džoić, T., Beg Paklar, G., Zorica, B., and Stanešić, A.: Ichthyoplankton dispersion modelling in the Eastern Adriatic During Two Consecutive Summers (2019–2020), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17343,, 2025.

    EGU25-17886 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Understanding salt intrusion in a salt wedge estuary under extreme drought conditions using data from a unique field campaign 

    Julie D. Pietrzak, Tess Wegman, Alex Horner Devine, and Dave Ralston

    Salt intrusion is a growing problem in deltas worldwide, and under climate change it is predicted to become an even greater problem. During extreme events like droughts salt intrusion can intrude far inland. To understand salt intrusion in urbanising deltas and come with solutions the research program SALTISolutions was carried out. One of the key elements of SALTISolutions was to understand what happens during a drought. To achieve this a dedicated field campaign was designed and conducted around the mouth of the Port of Rotterdam. Here we present some results from these unique measurements recorded during the major drought of 2022. We investigate the changes in ROFI dynamics during the drought using velocity, salinity and temperature data from various field campaigns near the mouth of the Rotterdam Waterway and within the delta. We describe the changes in the near field plume dynamics during the drought using the data from the moorings deployed around the mouth of the estuary. We show the importance of wind conditions for the connection between the near-field plume dynamics and salt intrusion, and how this changes for an extremely low discharge and shrinking river plume.

    How to cite: Pietrzak, J. D., Wegman, T., Horner Devine, A., and Ralston, D.: Understanding salt intrusion in a salt wedge estuary under extreme drought conditions using data from a unique field campaign, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17886,, 2025.

    This study investigates sea level interconnection across the Mediterranean and Black Seas using tide gauge measurements from 2010 to 2023. Intraseasonal sea level variations are analyzed alongside satellite altimetry, wind stress, and atmospheric pressure data to identify the primary drivers of sea level differences between these basins, linked through the Marmara Sea and the Straits. Spectral analysis offers valuable insights into how these drivers influence the time lag in sea level responses across the regions.

    A combination of satellite altimetry and a linear analytical model is employed to examine the nonseasonal sea level lag between the interconnected basins. Field observations conducted during December 2021 and March 2022 provide additional context, shedding light to the exchange dynamics through the Istanbul Strait.

    These findings offer a deeper understanding of the mechanisms governing sea level variability and exchange in this critical region, with implications for regional hydrodynamics and climate resilience.

    How to cite: Yaman, F. and Çokacar, T.: Interconnection of Sea Levels Through the Strait System Between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Interconnected Sea Level Dynamics Across the Mediterranean, Marmara, and Black Seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20145,, 2025.

    EGU25-20272 | Posters on site | OS2.1

    Tidal trapping and its effect on salinity dispersion in well-mixed estuaries 

    Wouter Kranenburg, Daan van Keulen, and Ton Hoitink

    A good understanding of dispersion mechanisms in estuaries is essential to understand the transport of physical and biogeochemical constituents in these systems. In well-mixed estuaries, up-estuary transport of salt is often dominated by tidal dispersion mechanisms. One such a mechanism is tidal trapping, where volumes of water are temporarily stored in dead zones, side channels or harbor basins adjacent to the main channel and released later on in the tidal cycle.

    In this study, we analyze the dynamics and quantify the dispersive contribution of tidal trapping using an idealized numerical model. We take into account that this trapping can be the result of a diffusive exchange between the channel and trap, but also from the filling and emptying of the trap by a tidal flow, which is leading in phase compared to the tidal flow in the main channel. We systematically compare the dispersion effect for both types of channel-trap exchange, for combinations thereof and for the case where the water in the trap is mixed before returning to the main channel.

    The results show that the largest trapping induced salt flux is obtained with advective out-of-phase exchange for the largest realistic tidal flow velocity phase difference of 90 degrees. This result is different from literature and we explain why. For small velocity phase differences, mixing of the trapped salinity field before release enhances the dispersive effect. A continuous diffusive channel-trap exchange on top of the advective exchange enhances the dispersive effect of the trap when the velocity phase difference is small, but can dampen it when the phase difference is large. We demonstrate that the effect of a trap is twofold: firstly, channel-trap exchange alters the salinity field and introduces an additional salt flux in the main channel over a distance equal to the excursion length; secondly, the altered salinity gradients are advected in both up- and down-estuary direction, influencing the tidal salt flux over a distance twice that of the tidal excursion length.

    These insights in salt dispersion contribute to the understanding of transport in estuaries. 

    How to cite: Kranenburg, W., van Keulen, D., and Hoitink, T.: Tidal trapping and its effect on salinity dispersion in well-mixed estuaries, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20272,, 2025.

    Liaodong Bay, occupying over one-third of the Bohai Sea, hosts many international harbors, oil platforms, and millions of people. Each winter, the bay faces significant threats from sea ice, with rapid expansions often triggered by cold air outbreaks featuring strong southward winds and sharp drops in air temperature, posing risks to maritime activities and infrastructure. The influence of cold air outbreaks on sea ice dynamics in Liaodong Bay was investigated based on a high-resolution sea ice hindcast (1979–2023) produced by coupling the general ocean circulation model NEMO with the sea ice model LIM2. The results show that cold air outbreaks lead to an average increase of 12 nautical miles in floating sea ice distance from the coast, and account for more than half of the most rapid daily sea ice expansion. Sensitive experiments suggest that excluding cold air outbreaks from atmospheric forcing delays the onset of the sea ice season by an average of 7 days, reduces maximum sea ice extent by up to 42%, and shortens the sea ice season by approximately 12 days. While previous studies have emphasized the dominant role of air temperature in the development of sea ice in Liaodong Bay, this study highlights the role of wind during cold air outbreaks: the most pronounced sea ice expansion during the outbreaks always coincides with the strongest southward winds. Sensitive experiments confirm that strong winds drive the rapid expansion of sea ice extent within the first 24 hours during the onset of a cold air outbreak and remain the primary driver until the winds subside, while air temperature drops play a secondary role.

    How to cite: Chi, L. and Guo, D.: Rapid Sea Ice Expansion Triggered by Cold Air Outbreaks: a case study in Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20311,, 2025.

    EGU25-582 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Modulation of Amazon River Plume: numerical studies 

    Rafaela Nascimento, Marcelo Dottori, and Arian Dialectaquiz

    The Amazon River Plume (ARP) is a dynamic feature of the Amazon Shelf (AS), shaped by a combination of natural forces: density-driven currents, tides, and wind variability. To better understand its movement and modulation, we combined the robust Eulerian modelling (ROMS) and the effective Lagrangean framework (Opendrift) in a series of numerical experiments to examine how main forces determine the plume's structure and transport.
    The ARP originates from the Amazon River’s immense discharge, forming a buoyant plume that spreads towards the open ocean. Without other influences, the ARP drifts northeast, following the river mouth's orientation. When tidal forces are introduced, the oscillatory motions enhance cross-shelf variability, pushing the plume further into the ocean. Tidal mixing, linked to the resonance of the M2 tidal harmonic, spreads the plume northwards, reaching nearly 2ºN. However, the freshest waters remain confined to the shallow AS, held in place by tidal effects.
    Wind shear, though expected to drive more effective advection, mainly shifts parts of the plume northwest along the mid-shelf, adding coastal variability. Yet, in shallower areas, tidal forces dominate, maintaining their role as the primary control. While wind shear influences the plume’s shape, it is not the key driver of its northward movement.
    The primary force modulating the ARP appears to be density-driven currents, generated by salinity and temperature gradients. When acting alone, these currents push the plume decisively into the Northern Hemisphere, reaching beyond 3ºN on the mid-shelf. At the shelf break, where the ocean deepens and the coastline's influence diminishes, the plume’s freshwater can spread further offshore.
    When all forces act together—winds, tides, and currents—a complex balance emerges. Tides anchor the ARP to the shelf, preventing the freshest waters (salinity < 30) from escaping the AS. At the same time, currents and wind shear drive the plume northwest, extending its reach to around 4ºN.
    This balance of forces highlights the dynamic nature of the Amazon River Plume. In an equatorial region where geostrophic balance is minimal, the vast discharge of the Amazon is shaped by regional forces, defining the behavior of one of the world’s largest river-ocean systems.

    How to cite: Nascimento, R., Dottori, M., and Dialectaquiz, A.: Modulation of Amazon River Plume: numerical studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-582,, 2025.

    The coastal ocean circulation is primarily driven by the surface currents observed due to winds and buoyancy forcing at different temporal and spatial scales. Studying these coastal ocean processes in precise requires a system that can depict the ocean currents with higher temporal and spatial resolutions. In this regard, observations from a pair of long-range HFRs, operational at the Tamil Nadu coast have been considered from (2010-2021) to understand the structure and temporal variations of East India Coastal currents (EICC) during the Post-monsoon (Oct-Nov-Dec) season. Robust comparison has been performed in two stages: first, the HFR datasets are compared with the Drifting Buoys datasets, and second, the same are compared with the satellite-derived surface currents. In both cases, the comparison of the HFR surface currents fields with other datasets depicts a higher correlation (> 0.84) and lower errors (< 0.15 ms-1) for both the zonal and meridional components. The lateral displacement of EICC-jet with time (meandering) is defined using a new coordinate frame (known as Jet-coordinate frame) firmly aligned with EICC without impacting the key variables (core-width, core intensity, core-speed, and surface transport). In the Jet coordinate frame (JCF), core-speed (CS) has a median value of (~0.6 m.s-1) over 1500 m isobath depicting a narrower and more intense core as compared to cartesian coordinate system (CCF). Meandering accounts for ~52% of eddy kinetic energy (EKE) computed in the fixed cartesian frame. As the EICC menders onshore during (Oct), shelf temperature and along-stream velocity varies linearly with jet movement and make the thermal gradient stronger whereas during (Nov-Dec) the shelf gets cooler by (~1.45 °C) with a significant increase of along-flow wind stress (~0.015 N/m2). Temperature and velocity fluctuations at 70 (100 m) isobath are predominantly influenced by wind (EICC onshore meander), with the strongest response when downwelling favorable winds and EICC meandering acts constructively.


    Keywords: Tamil-Nadu, High-Frequency Radar, Jet-Coordinate, Meandering, East India Coastal Currents (EICC)

    How to cite: Kumar, A. and Mandal, S.: On the Sub-mesoscale and Mesoscale variability of the Coastal Currents along the western Bay of Bengal (BoB), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-632,, 2025.

    EGU25-703 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    A multi-decadal assessment of Adriatic dense water dynamics at kilometer-scale 

    Petra Pranić, Cléa Denamiel, and Ivica Vilibić

    The focus of this study is the North Adriatic dense Water (NAddW), which forms in the Adriatic Sea during extreme winter cooling under hurricane-strength bora winds. NAddW plays a critical role in driving the thermohaline circulation, ventilating the deep layers, and influencing the biogeochemical properties of the Adriatic. Modeling the properties of this water mass at the climate scale presents significant challenges due to the complex coastal geomorphology of the Adriatic basin, which is inadequately represented by existing climate models. To address these challenges, the Adriatic Sea and Coast (AdriSC) kilometre-scale atmosphere-ocean climate model was used. This model consists of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, with resolution of up to 3 km, and the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), with resolution of up to 1 km.

    The 1-km results of a 31-year AdriSC simulation (1987–2017) were used to analyze the main phases of NAddW dynamics: generation, spreading, and accumulation. Regarding generation, NAddW densities are higher on the shallow northern Adriatic shelf compared to the deeper Kvarner Bay, driven by a median bottom temperature difference of 2°C. Notably, about one-third of the dense water is generated within the Kvarner Bay. In terms of spreading, NAddW mass transport peaks between February and May across most of the Adriatic, except along the western side of the Otranto Strait. Analyses of accumulation sites revealed that the bottom layer of the Kvarner Bay renews annually, whereas renewal occurs every 1–3 years in the Jabuka Pit and every 5–10 years in the deep Southern Adriatic Pit. Lastly, NAddW cascading and accumulation is more pronounced during basin-wide high-salinity conditions driven by circulation changes in the northern Ionian Sea. This three-decade kilometre-scale assessment provides a long-term overview of the Adriatic bottom thermohaline properties, aligning well with existing literature, which predominantly relies on observational studies.

    How to cite: Pranić, P., Denamiel, C., and Vilibić, I.: A multi-decadal assessment of Adriatic dense water dynamics at kilometer-scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-703,, 2025.

    EGU25-887 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Effects of glacial meltwater on the coastal microbial food web: an experiment 

    Isolde Callisto Puts, Alina Mostovaya, Henry Henson, Laetitia allais, Jakob Thyrring, and Johnna Holding

    The Arctic Ocean is predicted to freshen by 30-50% by 2100, with coastal areas receiving significant freshwater from melting glaciers and permafrost. This influx of freshwater, along with increased sediment and carbon inputs, is altering the water chemistry along Greenland’s coasts, potentially impacting food webs. In this study, we examine how sediment-rich, glacial meltwater affects the microbial food web in a high Arctic fjord. We differentiate the effects of freshening alone (using Milli-Q water) from those combined with land-derived compounds (glacial meltwater). Seawater was enriched with 13C-HCO3- and diluted with 16% freshwater using either glacial meltwater or Milli-Q water. We monitored the response of natural microbial producers to both treatments over 14 days by measuring bacterial and algal biomass and production, as well as phospholipid-derived fatty acids (PLFAs) and their δ13C signature. Our results indicate that glacial runoff enriches the marine environment with silicon, and likely nitrogen and carbon, that significantly influence microbial production. Specifically, glacial runoff and a modest 16% freshening boost bacterial production and biomass, but not algal (primary) production. Overall, our study demonstrates that glacial runoff increases bacterial coastal production, potentially impacting the entire ecosystem and highlighting the significant influence of terrigenous freshwater inputs on coastal environments.

    How to cite: Puts, I. C., Mostovaya, A., Henson, H., allais, L., Thyrring, J., and Holding, J.: Effects of glacial meltwater on the coastal microbial food web: an experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-887,, 2025.

    EGU25-2628 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Seasonal and interannual variations in material transport in the Korea Strait originating from the Taiwan Strait 

    Seung-Tae Lee, Yong-Yub Kim, Yong-Jin Tak, Seunghwa Chae, and Yang-Ki Cho

    The Tsushima Warm Current (TSWC), which flows through the Korea Strait (KS), is crucial in transporting nutrient-rich, warm, and saline water to the East/Japan Sea. Understanding the origins and variability of the TSWC is essential because of its significance in Northwestern marginal seas. Although previous studies have suggested that the Taiwan Strait (TS) partially originates from the TSWC, the seasonal and interannual variability in the material connectivity between the TS and KS remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated this variability using a Lagrangian particle-tracking system and a three-dimensional numerical model. The model results showed that particles originating from TS passed through KS most frequently in August. Furthermore, particles traveling from the TS to KS exhibited distinct interannual variability. Composite analysis indicated that southerly winds increased sea surface height (SSH) in the southwestern East China Sea (ECS) shelf region via surface Ekman transport, weakening cross-shelf offshore currents and preventing particles from being transported offshore. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis indicated that the interannual variability of southerly winds over the ECS was associated with variations in SSH in the southwestern shelf region, thereby influencing material transport from the TS to the KS.

    How to cite: Lee, S.-T., Kim, Y.-Y., Tak, Y.-J., Chae, S., and Cho, Y.-K.: Seasonal and interannual variations in material transport in the Korea Strait originating from the Taiwan Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2628,, 2025.

    EGU25-2869 | Orals | OS2.2

    Forecasting hurricane impacts on US coasts 

    Ap Van Dongeren, Roel De Goede, Maarten Van Ormondt, Panos Athanasiou, and Ellen Quataert

    The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season was active with 5 landfalling hurricanes in the USA: Beryl, Debby, Francine, and major hurricanes Helene and Milton. In the framework of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program  “Hurricane Coastal Impacts” project, we forecasted the wave conditions, water levels, flooding, beach and dune erosion, and infra-structural impacts on building and bridges due to the combination of rainfall-induced flooding, surge, waves and tides for all these hurricanes. To this end, we developed and implemented an operational system of coupled numerical models such as SFINCS - which is used innovatively as a surge model and as an overland flood model -, a new fast wave model Hurrywave, the morphodynamical model Xbeach and the damage model FIAT, all developed at Deltares. The models are driven by operational US Navy COAMPS-TC and NOAA GFS forecasts. 

    The presentation will show the model forecast results, validated against in-situ and remote-sensed observations obtained by project partners. The presentation will demonstrate the relative importance of typo-bathy (vertical) accuracy and the presence of vegetation.

    The system also predicts the uncertainty bands in the forecasts and their evolution over time as the hurricane nears landfall. The system is transferrable to other data-rich and data-poor coasts, such as Mozambique of which an example will be shown.

    The information that the system provides gives insight to coastal authorities to make decision on anticipatory actions and emergency response. The results of this work are of interest to geomorphological scientists, DRR experts and coastal authorities.

    How to cite: Van Dongeren, A., De Goede, R., Van Ormondt, M., Athanasiou, P., and Quataert, E.: Forecasting hurricane impacts on US coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2869,, 2025.

    EGU25-3959 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Power difference of the relationship formula between significant wave height and wind speed in Taiwan waters 

    Chung-Ru Ho, Kai-Ho Cheng, and Yi-Chung Yang

    The relationship between significant wave height and wind speed has been extensively studied for a long time. Previous studies have indicated a relationship between these two variables. The relationship can be expressed as the significant wave height proportional to the square of the wind speed or through a scaling exponent. Taiwan is an island located in the Western Pacific. The northeast monsoon prevails in winter, while the southwest monsoon dominates in summer. The wind speed in the former is stronger than that in the latter. To gain insights into the marine conditions surrounding Taiwan, the Central Weather Administration of Taiwan has deployed several mooring buoys in some waters to collect wind and wave data. This study utilized data from these buoys to derive the most applicable wind-wave relationship for the waters surrounding Taiwan. The results show that under northeasterly winds, the significant wave height is related to the 0.81 power of wind speed in the northeastern waters of Taiwan, 0.95 power in the western waters, 1.29 power in the southwestern waters, and 0.94 power in the eastern waters. These exponents are notably lower than those of the quadratic law applicable to fully developed waves. Under north-northeast winds, the same relationship exists in the northeastern and southwestern waters, but not in the western and eastern waters. This may be attributed to the influence of coastal topography on wave generation and propagation dynamics. The analysis also found that only the northeast wind and north-northeast wind follow the power relationship, while other wind directions do not.

    How to cite: Ho, C.-R., Cheng, K.-H., and Yang, Y.-C.: Power difference of the relationship formula between significant wave height and wind speed in Taiwan waters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3959,, 2025.

    The Luzon Strait serves as an entrance of the seawater from the Pacific Ocean to the South China Sea (SCS). When the oligotrophic Kuroshio intrusion into the Luzon Strait encounters with the sea surface chlorophyll-a (SChl-a) discharged from the river estuary in the northern Luzon Island, this patch of SChl-a may be transported by the Kuroshio water from the coastal region westward to the northern SCS. During the strong 2015–2016 El Niño event, the Kuroshio intruded into the SCS through the Luzon Strait on 25 and 26 December 2015. Simultaneously, a patch of SChl-a was directed from the northern coast of Luzon Island to the northern SCS along the rotational trajectory of a series of oceanic mesoscale eddies, ultimately resulting in its diffusion. However, measurements from geostrophic currents from satellite altimeter data cannot accurately depict the current fields near the coasts, where the targeted SChl-a patch generated, due to the shallow topography of the Babuyan Channel and complicated Babuyan Islands acting as barriers. The Maximum Cross-Correlation (MCC) method is thereby applied to address this issue by capturing the moving pattern of the target SChl-a patch from the concurrent sea surface temperature (SST) from satellite observations (MODIS-Aqua Level 3) and analysis data (GHRSST Level 4), as well as SChl-a images from satellite observations (MODIS-Aqua Level 3) and merged datasets (OC-CCI and GlobColour). This study investigated the average magnitude of MCC-derived westward current vectors in the Babuyan Channel (18.25°N–18.75°N, 121°E–122°E) after the Kuroshio intrusion occurred in a looping path, Vwest, based on daily GHRSST data (0.01°×0.01°). The results reveal that Vwest reached 18.84 cm s−1 during December 2015, which is 57.1% and 14.3% faster than other winters in November 2012 (a neutral year, Vwest=11.99 cm s−1) and during November 2022, La Niña event (Vwest=16.48 cm s−1), respectively. Consequently, the stronger Kuroshio intrusion increases the westward currents in the Babuyan Channel and may further influence the ecosystem in the SCS, which are modulated by various phases of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

    How to cite: Tseng, Y.-H. and Ho, C.-R.: Chlorophyll-a along the northern coastal of Luzon Island affected by the Kuroshio in 2015–2016 winter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3963,, 2025.

    EGU25-4816 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Do It Yourself Instrumentation for Extracting Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: The Case of the Ebro Delta 

    Benjamí Calvillo, Joan Puigdefàbregas, Manel Grifoll, Vicente Gracia, and Agustin Sanchez-Arcilla

    Coastal regions are areas of great socioeconomic and ecological value. Within them, deltas are particularly vulnerable, as they experience intense anthropogenic pressures and the effects of climate change, which are even more pronounced in the Mediterranean Sea. These environments face an increasing risk of coastal flooding, wetland loss, shoreline retreat, and infrastructure deterioration.

    Therefore, it is essential to have high spatial and temporal resolution data for monitoring these areas. In this context, bathymetric information is crucial for marine environmental planning, navigation, fisheries management, and many other applications. However, both large- and small-scale bathymetric data are limited and expensive. In response to this limitation,cost-effective alternatives for bathymetric monitoring have been explored, with Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) emerging as a viable option to complement conventional techniques.

    This research used a Do It Yourself (DIY) bathymetric sensor, specifically designed to obtain in situ data and extract Satellite-Derived Bathymetry (SDB) at the river mouth of the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean Sea), in order to analyze changes in the bathymetry between 2023 and 2025. For this purpose, four sampling campaigns were carried out at the mouth of the delta, combining the obtained data with images from the Sentinel-2A/B mission of the Copernicus Program. The Sentinel-2 images were processed using the ACOLITE processor to perform atmospheric and sunglint corrections. The objective of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of using DIY technologies to obtain in situ bathymetric data in coastal areas, which can support the extraction of SDB. These technologies are especially useful for countries in the process of development and initiatives with open and collaborative science platforms (i.e. citizen science). Validating this methodology will contribute to providing access to bathymetric data essential for coastal zone management and mitigation of the future impacts of climate changes.


    How to cite: Calvillo, B., Puigdefàbregas, J., Grifoll, M., Gracia, V., and Sanchez-Arcilla, A.: Do It Yourself Instrumentation for Extracting Satellite-Derived Bathymetry: The Case of the Ebro Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4816,, 2025.

    Typhoons pose significant threats to harbors and coastal infrastructures through intense waves that can cause direct damage. Even typhoons located at a distance can generate swells that propagate into harbors, leading to harbor oscillations. Such oscillations cause moored ship motions with consequences for the operational downtime of dock operation. This study focuses on an offshore liquefied natural gas port in the southwestern Taiwan, Yongan Harbor, completed in 1990. Since its completion, the harbor has faced typhoon-generated swells, induced long-period wave oscillations and overtopping, thereby compromising dock operation safety. To mitigate this problem, additional breakwaters were constructed in 2005 to narrow the harbor entrance for better protection. However, instead of improving harbor tranquility, this modification unexpectedly prolonged wave oscillations and amplified wave amplitudes, as reported by longshoremen, though no field data available to confirm this phenomenon. To investigate the wave characteristics, a wave-resolving model is applied to simulate the spatial distribution of swells and infragravity waves before and after the harbor modifications. The model results indicated that waves concentrated energy along the breakwater walls and corners, intensifying harbor oscillations and affecting the safety and efficiency of port operations. Further simulations of typhoon-induced swells revealed that the primary oscillation periods within the harbor remained unchanged before and after the new constructions. However, the post-construction harbor configuration amplified the energy of these wave periods within the harbor. This amplification shows that while the harbor modifications aimed to enhance protection, they inadvertently intensified specific natural resonance periods, leading to increased oscillation durations. The findings highlight the importance of comprehensive wave hydrodynamics in harbor design and modification. It is crucial to consider not only the immediate protective benefits to narrow the harbor entrance but also their potential to alter wave patterns within the harbor. Future harbor designs should integrate advanced simulation models to predict and mitigate adverse oscillation effects, ensuring dock safety and operational efficiency.

    How to cite: Su, S.-F. and Chen, I.-A.: Numerical modeling of harbor oscillations induced by typhoon-generated swell waves: a pre-post study of harbor modification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4942,, 2025.

    EGU25-5600 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Analysis of primary biomass dynamics in a micro-tidal estuary: The case of Fangar Bay. 

    Marta Balsells F-Pedrera, Manel Grifoll, Manuel Espino, Margarita Fernández-Tejedor, and Agustín Sánchez-Arcilla

    Primary production in coastal bays and estuaries is shaped by various physical factors, including wind, tides, freshwater inflows, and light availability. Over short timeframes, these factors can affect other key variables, such as phytoplankton biomass and nutrient levels in the water. Research conducted in Fangar Bay—a small, shallow, microtidal bay in the northwest Mediterranean Sea—has highlighted spatial and temporal variations in phytoplankton biomass linked to different wind patterns. This bay is characterized by regular sea breezes and occasional episodes of intense northwesterly winds, which can mix the water column for varying durations.

    To analyse both temporal and spatial variability, the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), integrated with a nitrogen-based NPZD (nutrient, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and detritus) model, was used to simulate eco-hydrodynamics in Fangar Bay. Four sampling points were selected to observe changes in phytoplankton concentration across the bay. During sea breeze events (wind speeds of 6 m·s⁻¹), vertical stratification dominates, leading to higher phytoplankton concentrations near the sea surface compared to the bottom. Conversely, during strong NW wind episodes (exceeding 10 m·s⁻¹), the water column becomes fully mixed, equalizing nutrient distribution and increasing phytoplankton biomass in deeper layers.

    Additionally, the dispersion of freshwater plumes from irrigation channels significantly influences the spatial distribution of phytoplankton biomass within the bay. Numerical simulations confirm the role of freshwater plume dynamics in shaping the distribution of both phytoplankton and other water properties, aligning with observations from remote sensing. These findings offer valuable quantitative insights for developing more sustainable management strategies for such environmentally sensitive coastal areas.

    The analysis of phytoplankton biomass dynamics in the Fangar Bay provides essential insights for implementing nature-based solutions (NBS) aimed at improving water quality. This knowledge enables the optimisation of freshwater discharge management and its interaction with prevailing winds, promoting natural processes such as water mixing and renewal. These strategies, inspired by the bay’s ecological cycles, can help reduce excessive phytoplankton growth and mitigate issues like eutrophication, contributing to the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem.

    Keywords: phytoplankton biomass, ROMS-NPZD model, wind, biological parameters, chlorophyll-a, Fangar Bay.


    Funding:  This work has been funded by the I+D+i project ECO-BAYS (PID2020-115924RB-I00) financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the REST-COAST project (H2020-101037097-REST-COAST) European Union’s Horizon 2020 program. As a group, we would like to thank the Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2021GR0060)

    How to cite: Balsells F-Pedrera, M., Grifoll, M., Espino, M., Fernández-Tejedor, M., and Sánchez-Arcilla, A.: Analysis of primary biomass dynamics in a micro-tidal estuary: The case of Fangar Bay., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5600,, 2025.

    EGU25-5825 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Multi-scale modelling of the water and sediment fluxes from the Nile Delta to the Suez Canal 

    Amaury Versaen, Emmanuel Hanert, Essam Heggy, and Jonathan Lambrechts

    The Suez Canal holds a pivotal role in global navigation and supply chains by facilitating the movement of goods between the East and West. Around 50 vessels navigate the canal daily. However, a pressing concern threatens its operational stability: the escalating sediment deposition that necessitates frequent canal dredging. While these sediments originate from diverse sources like land erosion in the northern Sinai and tributaries to the canal, a significant portion could originate from the Nile Delta. This sediment influx results from heightened erosion in the Nile delta, a consequence of reduced Nile River discharge. Multiple factors contribute to this discharge reduction, including upstream damming activities, intensified water usage for agriculture, and population growth in the Nile Basin. The grounding of the Ever Given container ship in 2021 illustrated the consequences of a congested Suez Canal, potentially causing substantial delays and economic losses in global trade. This research project aims to comprehensively grasp the dynamics of sediment transfer from the Nile Delta to the Suez Canal, considering the potential effects of current and future Nile River damming. To fulfill this goal, an integrated framework will be established, bridging the gap between alterations in Nile River discharge, sediment origins in the Nile Delta, and their accumulation in the Suez Canal. This framework will facilitate the quantification of sediment proportions reaching the canal and the assessment of navigation risks posed by these sediments under existing conditions and future discharge scenarios.

    How to cite: Versaen, A., Hanert, E., Heggy, E., and Lambrechts, J.: Multi-scale modelling of the water and sediment fluxes from the Nile Delta to the Suez Canal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5825,, 2025.

    EGU25-5854 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Nitrogen Fixation in Arctic Coastal Waters (Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland): Influence of Glacial Melt on Diazotrophs, Nutrient Availability, and Seasonal Blooms 

    Isabell Schlangen, Elizabeth Leon-Palmero, Annabell Moser, Peihang Xu, Erik Laursen, and Carolin Regina Löscher

    The Arctic Ocean is experiencing rapid changes driven by climate change, with decreasing sea ice and glacial meltwater altering biogeochemical conditions. These transformations are expected to enhance primary productivity, but the availability of nitrogen—a key nutrient often limiting growth—remains a critical factor. While dinitrogen (N₂) fixation, mediated by diazotrophs, is well-studied in tropical and subtropical oceans, its role in Arctic waters has only recently gained attention. This study addresses gaps in our understanding of N₂ fixation rates, diazotrophic communities, and their environmental drivers in Arctic coastal waters, focusing on fjords and seas influenced by glacial meltwater.

    Using isotope labeling, genetic analyses, and biogeochemical profiling, we observed N₂ fixation rates ranging from 0.16 to 2.71 nmol N L⁻¹ d⁻¹, substantially higher than those reported in many oceanic regions. UCYN-A dominated the diazotrophic community. Our findings revealed peak N₂ fixation rates co-occurring with maximum chlorophyll a concentrations and primary production rates near the Vaigat Strait, a region strongly influenced by glacier meltwater. We propose that glacial melting and nutrient influx in the Vaigat Strait enhanced primary productivity, creating a niche for diazotrophs to thrive, with the potential to sustain and extend such blooms.

    These results highlight the previously underappreciated significance of N₂ fixation in Arctic coastal waters and its potential response to ongoing climate-driven changes, including the melting of polar ice. By shedding light on the physical and biogeochemical processes shaping nitrogen availability and primary productivity in Greenland’s fjords and coastal seas, this study contributes to understanding the region’s evolving ecosystem dynamics.

    How to cite: Schlangen, I., Leon-Palmero, E., Moser, A., Xu, P., Laursen, E., and Löscher, C. R.: Nitrogen Fixation in Arctic Coastal Waters (Qeqertarsuaq, West Greenland): Influence of Glacial Melt on Diazotrophs, Nutrient Availability, and Seasonal Blooms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5854,, 2025.

    EGU25-5952 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Preliminary assessment of the environmental impact of NEOM coastal developments on the Northern Red Sea coral reefs 

    Mattias Van Eetvelt, Colin Scherpereel, Jonathan Lambrechts, and Emmanuel Hanert

    In the context of a warming world, annual bleaching events are becoming more likely and threaten coral reefs on a global scale, leading to a growing interest in identifying local-scale thermal refugia. However such shallow reef refugia are predicted to disappear in a +2.0 °C climate world. Yet, hope remains as Northern Red Sea (NRS) corals could act as a thermal refuge until the end of the century. While being virtually immune to climate change, these so-called ‘super-corals’ are not immune to anthropogenic stressors such as the NEOM mega-project. Here, we used the three-dimensional multi-scale ocean model SLIM3D coupled with a Lagrangian Particle Tracker model to simulate sediment dispersal originating from coastal development sites and assess the environmental impact of the NEOM project on NRS corals. We show that fine sediments (<32μm) have a high potential to impact the entire Gulf of Aqaba (GoA) and part of the NRS, as they can remain suspended in the water column for up to one month and can settle 200 km away from their release site. We identified the most exposed reefs located within 10 km of Sindalah and along 45 km of the Oxagon coastline. Furthermore, we highlight that all the most exposed reefs are located in the NRS; none are within the GoA. To our knowledge, this work is the first to quantitatively assess the environmental impact of the NEOM project on NRS and GoA shallow coral reefs. Based on our results, we expose the need for the implementation of mitigation measures to ensure sustainable coastal development. In a broader way, our model could provide further insights into marine pollution (e.g. desalination plants brines, hydrocarbon pollution) and mesophotic-shallow reef interaction.

    How to cite: Van Eetvelt, M., Scherpereel, C., Lambrechts, J., and Hanert, E.: Preliminary assessment of the environmental impact of NEOM coastal developments on the Northern Red Sea coral reefs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5952,, 2025.

    EGU25-6324 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Integrating High-Resolution Bathymetric Data for Enhanced Calibration of Tidal Models: A Case Study of the Saint-Marcouf Region 

    Anju Sebastian, Jerome Thiebot, Gwendoline Gregoire, and Emmanuel Poizot

    Tidal models are employed in various applications, including the prediction of coastal hazards and environmental impact assessments. This study presents an innovative approach to assimilating high-resolution bathymetric data and calibrating a two-dimensional tidal model. The bathymetric data with a resolution of few tens of centimeters allows for the identification of bottom features, particularly sand dunes. The orientation of sedimentary structures, such as sand dunes, reveals the direction of the residual current. The acquired data is integrated into a tidal model for the Saint-Marcouf region, a microtidal area in the English Channel, known for its sand dunes aligned in varying directions. Following this integration, the Telemac2D model is calibrated using parameters such as bottom friction in different spatial zones and turbulent viscosity. The 3DVar data assimilation algorithm is employed to incorporate the observed residual current direction and calibrate the model. This process is accomplished by coupling the ADAO (a data assimilation and optimization module) with Telemac2D. The data assimilation begins with a twin experiment in the initial phase, utilizing synthetic data of the spatial distribution of the residual current direction. This study will demonstrate the benefits of using high-resolution bathymetric data to obtain information from sedimentary structures, to enhance the performance of hydrodynamic models through data assimilation.

    How to cite: Sebastian, A., Thiebot, J., Gregoire, G., and Poizot, E.: Integrating High-Resolution Bathymetric Data for Enhanced Calibration of Tidal Models: A Case Study of the Saint-Marcouf Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6324,, 2025.

    EGU25-7527 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Snow and sea ice melt preset pCO2 undersaturation in Arctic waters 

    Josefa Verdugo, Eugenio Ruiz-Castillo, Søren Rysgaard, Wieter Boone, Tim Papakyriakou, Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus, and Lise Lotte Sørensen

    The decline of summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean is one of the most pronounced indicators of climate change. Reduced sea ice extent influences sea-air gas exchange. The Arctic Ocean is important in the global carbon cycle as it currently contributes 5% to 14% of global oceanic carbon uptake. Understanding how sea ice melt impacts the ocean's ability to act as a carbon sink is therefore crucial. In this study, we focus on Young Sound-Tyrolerfjord in Northeast Greenland to examine the interactions between the atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean during the transition from melt onset to melt pond drainage. High-frequency measurements of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) and seawater physical properties were taken 2.5 m below the sea ice. Our results reveal that pCO2 in the seawater were undersaturated (252-355 μatm) compared to the atmosphere (401 μatm), suggesting that the seawater has the potential to take up atmospheric CO2 as the sea ice breaks up. The undersaturation in pCO2 was attributed to the mixing of under-ice seawater with low pCO2 meltwater from snow and sea ice. Additionally, the drainage of meltwater from surface melt ponds, which had been in contact with the atmosphere, into the under-ice seawater caused small but clear fluctuations in pCO2. This represents a connection between the atmosphere and under-ice seawater through meter-thick sea ice during the summer thaw. Our study demonstrates that snow and sea ice melt reduce pCO2 in under-ice seawater, enhancing its potential for atmospheric CO2 uptake during sea ice breakup.

    How to cite: Verdugo, J., Ruiz-Castillo, E., Rysgaard, S., Boone, W., Papakyriakou, T., Geilfus, N.-X., and Sørensen, L. L.: Snow and sea ice melt preset pCO2 undersaturation in Arctic waters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7527,, 2025.

    EGU25-8132 | Orals | OS2.2

    Hydrodynamical and biogeochemical modelling of the highly vulnerable Mar Menor coastal lagoon 

    Gabriel Jordà, Eider Loyola, Lilia Flores, Thomas Duhaut, Benedicte Lemieux, Patrick Marsaleix, Claude Estournel, Caroline Ulses, Eva Álvarez, and Sergio Vallina

    The Mar Menor is the largest hypersaline coastal lagoon in Europe, located in the semi-desertic south-east of the Iberian peninsula. This lagoon provides a variety of ecosystem services and resources to the community but, although it has been traditionally considered oligotrophic, in recent decades it has suffered drastic changes and degradation caused by human activities, including agriculture, mining and tourism. In the early 1990s, the lagoon began to receive high inputs of nutrients and organic matter due to changes in agricultural practices in the watershed. Due to the complexity, heterogeneity, and particular homeostatic mechanism of the system, eutrophication symptoms were not evident until the summer of 2015 and early 2016. Although the system recovered quickly after the first eutrophication crisis, several hypoxic events have happened since (in 2019 and 2021) causing massive death of fishes and moluscs.

    In order to better understand and predict the functioning of the Mar Menor, and to provide the necessary tools for risk management, a comprehensive modelling effort has been launched in the framework of the BELICH project. This project, funded by the Framework of Priority Actions for the Recovery of the Mar Menor (MAPMM), aims to both enhance our understanding of the physical and biological processes occuring in the lagoon and to provide short term forecasts to support decission making under extreme events.

    The modelling system consists in three modules to represent hydrodynamical, biogeochmical and land hydrology processes. The hydrodynamical module is based on the Symphonie model and uses a very high resolution configuration with curvilinear coordinates to simulate the evolution of circulation, temperature, salinity and sea level. This module feeds ECO3M-S, a biogeochemical model of intermediate complexity which includes several types of phytoplankton with flexible stoichiometry, several groups of zooplankton and bacteria. Finally, the inland waters contribution in terms surface and underground water and nutrient supply is simulated with the WaterpyBal and HEC-HMS models.

    After a careful calibration and validation procedure, this system is being used to characterize the evolution of the lagoon under mean conditions and during extreme events potentially leading to ecological crises. Also, the system is being run in a pre-operational mode to produce 3-days forecasts and to produce key indicators that can support stakeholder actions. In the presentation, the main results of the system will be presented and its potential usefulness for decission support will be discused.

    How to cite: Jordà, G., Loyola, E., Flores, L., Duhaut, T., Lemieux, B., Marsaleix, P., Estournel, C., Ulses, C., Álvarez, E., and Vallina, S.: Hydrodynamical and biogeochemical modelling of the highly vulnerable Mar Menor coastal lagoon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8132,, 2025.

    EGU25-9071 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Nonlinear coastal wave prediction with a hybrid approach using phase-resolving models and machine learning 

    Widar Weizhi Wang, Konstantinos Christakos, and Hans Bihs

    The topo-bathymetry conditions in the coastal areas lead to nonlinear wave transformations and inhomogeneous wave fields that can not be readily described by offshore wave spectra. These nonlinear wave transformations also pose limitations on phase-averaged modelling approaches that are often used for offshore wave forecasting. For example, wave diffractions around islands and coastal structures can not be sufficiently represented with spectra wave models. Phase-resolving models are required for a more realistic representation of the nonlinear wave transformations in complex coastal topo-bathymetry conditions. However, this endeavour often requires increased computational cost compared to the phase-averaging modelling approach. If a certain area of interest is at the focus, for example, a harbour or an especially vulnerable beach, then a site-specific machine learning (ML) algorithm can be used to develop an offshore-to-coast wave correlation that enables fast coastal wave predictions after the nonlinear wave transformations. As the in-situ data are often scarce, the phase-resolving models can be used to represent the nonlinear coastal waves and produce a large set of synthetic data to train the machine learning algorithms. A trained machine learning model using the phase-resolving numerical data can then predict coastal waves given any offshore condition. The offshore conditions themselves can also be predicted with a machine-learning algorithm based on the hindcast data. In this study, a coastal site in Norway is set at the focus. The hindcast data from the open-access database NORA3 provided by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute are used as inputs for numerical simulations of various sea states. With these inputs, the nonlinear wave transformations are represented with the phase-resolving models within the open-source hydrodynamic framework REEF3D. The simulated post-transformation coastal waves are used to train a feedforward neural network (FNN). The trained algorithm can then give near-instant predictions on the coastal wave properties with any given offshore condition. The offshore hindcast time histories in NORA3 are also used to train a long-term short-term memory (LSTM) ML model to predict future events in 3 months. With the predicted offshore waves using NORA3-LSTM, the FNN algorithm trained with REEF3D simulation data can provide coastal wave forecasting for future events. The hybrid approach of phase-resolving models and machine learning utilizing the NORA3-LSTM-REEF3D-FNN combination demonstrates the possibility of fast nonlinear post-transformation coastal wave forecast at key coastal sites characterized by complex topo-bathymetry conditions. 

    How to cite: Wang, W. W., Christakos, K., and Bihs, H.: Nonlinear coastal wave prediction with a hybrid approach using phase-resolving models and machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9071,, 2025.

    EGU25-9156 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Future Wave Climate and Coastal Impacts: Projections for the Northeast Atlantic and the Galway Bay. 

    Ashly Kalayil Uthaman, Tomasz Dabrowski, Gerard McCarthy, and André Düsterhus

    This study examines the projected changes in wave heights under the RCP8.5 climate scenario in the Northeast Atlantic (NEA) and along the west coast of Ireland, with a specific focus on the wave climate in Galway Bay. An analogue method was employed to generate surrogate data to downscale wind data from MPI-ESM, using high-resolution ERA5 data as a reference. The surrogate wind data were used to drive the WAM-SWAN model setup for simulating waves in the NEA. This statistical approach provided computationally efficient and reliable wind inputs for wave modelling while effectively capturing the temporal and spatial variability of present and future wind patterns.

    Results from the SWAN model simulations reveal distinct spatial and seasonal variability in wave heights, with an intensification of wave activity in the northwest and reductions in the southern and eastern regions of the NEA. While mean significant wave heights are projected to decrease around Ireland, regional variability highlights the complex interactions between large-scale wind patterns and localized wave dynamics. Seasonal analyses indicate significant increases in wave heights during winter and summer, with the largest decreases observed in spring. Localized responses at buoy sites M3 and M4 underscore the spatial heterogeneity of future wave climate changes, with M3 experiencing more energetic conditions and M4 showing increased calm states.

    To assess the impacts of waves on coastal processes near Galway Bay, 1D surf zone model was developed. The model was driven by wave conditions derived from SWAN. The primary goal of the 1D model is to study future wave height changes under different sea level rise scenarios. By integrating insights from present conditions with predictions for the future, this study aims to provide valuable information to support decision-making for both short- and long-term coastal management.

    How to cite: Kalayil Uthaman, A., Dabrowski, T., McCarthy, G., and Düsterhus, A.: Future Wave Climate and Coastal Impacts: Projections for the Northeast Atlantic and the Galway Bay., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9156,, 2025.

    EGU25-9288 | Orals | OS2.2

    Diagnosing Effective Mixing in Ocean Models 

    Heiner Dietze and Ulrike Löptien

    Ocean mixing plays a critical role in distributing heat and biogeochemical tracers, yet its representation in ocean circulation models remains fraught with challenges. Especially in coastal domains - where topographic interactions, tidal currents, and nearshore processes put models under extreme tests - diapycnal mixing is poorly constrained and highly sensitive to parameter choices, with spurious effects from advection numerics further complicating results. In this study, we explore the benefits of introducing argon saturation as an additional tracer to circulation models, leveraging its oversaturation state as a diagnostic indicator for diabatic/diapycnal mixing. The approach sucessfully ranks the impact of horizontal resolution against numerical effects associated with the choice of advection schemes in a suite of regional model setups in the North Atlantic off Mauritania. By providing a quantitative method to compare diffusivities in model configurations, our framework may help to develop more robust coastal models.

    How to cite: Dietze, H. and Löptien, U.: Diagnosing Effective Mixing in Ocean Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9288,, 2025.

    EGU25-10679 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Chemical Distribution Patterns across the west Greenland Shelf: The Roles of Ocean Currents, Sea Ice Melt, and Freshwater Runoff 

    Claudia Elena Schmidt, Tristan Zimmermann, Katarzyna Koziorowska-Makuch, Daniel Pröfrock, and Helmuth Thomas

    The west Greenland shelf is a dynamic marine environment influenced by various physicochemical and biological processes. We captured a high-resolution, large-scale snapshot of various water column parameters across the west Greenland shelf and Davis Strait between 64°N and 71°N during July 2021. This study provides an overview of the main factors affecting the distribution of macronutrients (NOx = nitrate + nitrite, silicate, phosphate), carbonate system parameters (alkalinity (AT), dissolved inorganic carbon (CT)), and dissolved trace elements (dV, dFe, dMn, dCo, dNi, dCu, dCd, and dPb) during late summer. The key drivers include major ocean currents, melting sea ice, and terrestrial freshwater runoff, each uniquely contributing to the cycling and spatial distribution of chemical constituents.

    Major ocean currents, such as the southward-moving Baffin Island Current (BIC) and the northward-moving West Greenland Current (WGC), shape the chemical composition of shelf waters by introducing water masses with distinct chemical signatures. The northward-moving West Greenland Shelf Water (WGSW) was characterized as warm (2.68°C), fresh (33.57), and highly productive, with overall low nutrient concentrations. In contrast, the southward-moving Arctic water (AW) was cold (0.38°C) and fresh (33.48), with high nutrient contents due to lower biological activity. The inflow of Pacific-origin waters through the Canadian Archipelago (CAA) to Baffin Bay was responsible for elevated dFe, dMn, dCo, dNi, and dCu concentrations.

    The progressive melting and retreat of sea ice altered both the biological productivity and the chemical composition of surface waters in southern Baffin Bay. The east-to-west direction of sea ice retreat created a nutrient gradient, with low nutrient levels in the highly productive shelf waters to the east and high nutrient levels in areas with prolonged ice cover to the west. This process also affected the carbonate system, leading to changes in pH and aragonite saturation states, which are critical for the health of marine organisms. Furthermore, we observed sea ice meltwater as a source of dFe, dCo, dNi, dCu, and dCd to Baffin Bay surface waters. This additional source of bioactive trace elements could maintain and prolong ice-edge blooms.

    Terrestrial freshwater runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS), particularly in Disko Bay and at the mouth of the Nassuttooq Fjord, replenished macronutrients in the photic zone, stimulating primary production (PP) and creating significant CO2 sinks. However, in areas along the coastline where PP was limited by low nutrient concentrations, surface waters became more susceptible to acidification via input of poorly buffered glacial freshwater.

    This work provides a summarized overview of the complex interplay between the chemical composition of the west Greenland shelf and major ocean currents, melting sea ice, and terrestrial freshwater runoff from the GIS. Understanding these key drivers is essential for forecasting future changes of the marine chemistry and biology of the west Greenland shelf, especially in the context of ongoing climate change within this high-latitude region.

    How to cite: Schmidt, C. E., Zimmermann, T., Koziorowska-Makuch, K., Pröfrock, D., and Thomas, H.: Chemical Distribution Patterns across the west Greenland Shelf: The Roles of Ocean Currents, Sea Ice Melt, and Freshwater Runoff, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10679,, 2025.

    EGU25-11442 | Orals | OS2.2

    Fjord sediments in southern Greenland reveal Holocene glacial activity and organic carbon sequestration dynamics 

    Johan C. Faust, Yang Zhang, Anne de Vernal, Anjuly Janßen, Subhadip Mukherjee, Tilo von Dobeneck, Nils Jäger, Rebecca Jackson, Craig Smeaton, Henrieka Detlef, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Camilla Andresen, Juliane Müller, Ryan Pereira, Jürgen Titschack, and Michal Kucera

    Sediments accumulating in Greenlandic fjords, situated between the ice sheet and the ocean, offer an excellent opportunity for investigating the environmental response to past climate variability and associated organic carbon sequestration processes. 

    Our study focuses on a multiproxy approach of an almost undisturbed sedimentary record from Narsaq Sound in southern Greenland. A ~30-cm long multicore was collected on top of a ~11-m long gravity core during the MSM111 expedition in September 2022. Radiocarbon dating indicates a maximum age of approximately 12,000 years and a relatively constant sedimentation rate of ~1 m/kyr. 

    A suite of whole-core analytical techniques was applied, including magnetic susceptibility measurements, X-ray fluorescence, and computer tomography scanning. Sediment samples were taken at intervals of 5–10 cm from the gravity core and at 1 cm intervals from the multicore. These samples were analyzed for total organic carbon, total nitrogen, stable isotopes of organic carbon and nitrogen, biomarkers (e.g., IP25), and organic carbon lability. Additionally, the elemental composition and dissolved organic carbon content of sediment pore-waters were assessed.

    Preliminary results show that sedimentological features such as IRD and bioturbation, as well as the elemental composition of the Narsaq record, reveal major changes related to the position of nearby glaciers and main climatic changes during the Holocene. Moreover, we found that the rather unusual element Niobium, derived from the surrounding drainage area, appears as a promising indicator of terrigenous sediment supply and past environmental change. Besides a clear change from predominantly terrestrial to more marine organic carbon during the transition from deglaciation to the thermal maximum era, the organic carbon is predominantly marine in origin during the entire Holocene. 

    Our first results show that the investigated sediment cores from southern Greenland provide an excellent sedimentological and geochemical record reflecting past glacial activity and the impact of large scale climatic variability on local environmental changes since the last deglaciation.

    How to cite: Faust, J. C., Zhang, Y., de Vernal, A., Janßen, A., Mukherjee, S., von Dobeneck, T., Jäger, N., Jackson, R., Smeaton, C., Detlef, H., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Andresen, C., Müller, J., Pereira, R., Titschack, J., and Kucera, M.: Fjord sediments in southern Greenland reveal Holocene glacial activity and organic carbon sequestration dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11442,, 2025.

    EGU25-12163 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Parameterizing sea surface wave impacts on ocean mixing in fetch-limited regions  

    Laura Tuomi, Veera Haapaniemi, and Hedi Kanarik

    Interactions of sea surface waves and ocean circulation are traditionally modeled using simplified parameterizations, often based on global ocean data. More refined estimates of wave-ocean interactions on hydrodynamics can be achieved through coupled models with both wave and ocean components. When moving from implicit parameterizations to explicit formulations, reevaluation of the parameterizations governing momentum and energy transfer as well as vertical mixing and turbulence is inevitable. This is particularly important in coastal waters, where the scale of wave-ocean interactions differs from that of the open ocean.

    We consider the impacts of surface waves in ocean mixing in fetch-limited regions using an offline coupled WAVEWATCH III–NEMO setup for the Baltic Sea. We find that an optimized sea surface roughness parameterization, based on WAVEWATCH III data, reduces sea surface roughness under high wind conditions compared to the default parameterization in the ocean model’s GLS turbulent closure scheme. When combined with wave-modified ocean-side stress, the optimized parameterization leads to improved predictions of mixed layer depth and sea surface height compared to a stand-alone ocean model.

    How to cite: Tuomi, L., Haapaniemi, V., and Kanarik, H.: Parameterizing sea surface wave impacts on ocean mixing in fetch-limited regions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12163,, 2025.

    EGU25-12486 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Modelling Rhodamine dispersion experiments in Fangar bay case (NW Mediterranean sea) 

    Yang Chen, Raquel Peñas-Torramilans, Margarita Fernández, Marta Balsells F-Pedrera, Manel Grifoll, and Manuel Espino

    Fangar Bay, a semi-open bay with micro-tidal dynamics, is located in the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean Sea). Over the past few decades, the bay, a key area for aquaculture and rice cultivation, has been increasingly influenced by human activities and climate change. To better understand this sensitive area, we investigated the bay's hydrodynamics and the impact of freshwater discharge. Using the TELEMAC 3D model, we preliminarily included the internal and external forces affecting the bay's hydrodynamics (i.e, meteorological forcing, river fluxes, regional hydrodynamics provided by CMEMS products). For coastal semi-enclosed waters with a depth of less than 4 m, the model achieved a relatively high-resolution grid (24 m) and completed the preliminary verification of temperature and salinity in the profile, as well as the initial verification of water flow speed and direction at the bay mouth and within the bay. Collaborative efforts with UPC/LIM and IRTA included Rhodamine experiments, which support the validation of the model using a numerical conservative tracer, the comparison results between model and Drone data also show acceptable goodness of fit This study combines field campaigns and numerical modeling to propose effective strategies for the governance and optimization of the bay activities. Also, it has been verified that high-resolution numerical models are an effective technical means for studying the hydrodynamics of complex and sensitive coastal waters.

    How to cite: Chen, Y., Peñas-Torramilans, R., Fernández, M., Balsells F-Pedrera, M., Grifoll, M., and Espino, M.: Modelling Rhodamine dispersion experiments in Fangar bay case (NW Mediterranean sea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12486,, 2025.

    EGU25-12708 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Seasonal variability in the along-fjord flow in a Northeast Greenland fjord 

    Eugenio Ruiz-Castillo, Wieter Boone, Leandro Ponsoni, and Søren Rysgaard

    Understanding along-fjord flow and fjord-shelf exchange around Greenland is key to comprehend inland-freshwater export to Greenland Sea and shelf-water import into fjords. In Northeast Greenland processes driving fjord-shelf exchange remain poorly understood even though these processes are crucial for nutrient supply, and heat transport, among others. Here, we combined records of wind from meteorological towers and water currents from a moored ADCP to assess seasonal along-fjord flow and consequent fjord-shelf exchange in Young Sound Fjord. Results show seasonality in the direction of the wind. Northerly winds predominated in September-April and southeasterlies in June-July. May and August were transitional periods. In ice-free periods, variability in along-fjord transport mirrored wind direction and intensity. In-fjord winds drove in-fjord flow and winds in the opposite direction enhanced on-shelf transport. Most of the exports occurred in the top 10 m where velocities were an order of magnitude greater than below. Bottom in-fjord transport was partially attributed to a wind-driven compensatory flow. During ice-covered conditions, intense winds generated a coastal polynya coupling winds with currents in the water column. For the whole record on-shelf transport was on average an order of magnitude greater than in-fjord import of shelf water. δ18O shows Polar Water was imported in the lower part of the water column while inland freshwater was exported in the upper 10-15 m. This study highlights that, to comprehend freshening of Greenland Sea, winds in fjords and associated transport must be considered.

    How to cite: Ruiz-Castillo, E., Boone, W., Ponsoni, L., and Rysgaard, S.: Seasonal variability in the along-fjord flow in a Northeast Greenland fjord, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12708,, 2025.

    EGU25-13607 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Assessing the Characteristics of Nontidal Residual Water Level Distributions for High Tide Flooding Predictions and Projections 

    Paige Hovenga, Matthew Newman, John Albers, Gregory Dusek, William Sweet, Tongtong Xu, John Callahan, and Sang-Ik Shin

    Communities globally are experiencing an increase in high tide flood (HTF) frequency. The present-day impact of HTF for communities is expansive and recurrent, ranging from disrupted activities for infrastructure, inundated stormwater and wastewater systems, and increased public health hazards.  Accurate estimates of the probability density functions (PDFs), especially for extreme water levels, are essential for quantifying risks of coastal flooding. In this work, we decompose still water levels measured at 148 tide gauge stations along the United States’ coasts and evaluate the characteristics of the nontidal residual (NTR) distributions. We compare the distribution of high-pass filtered water levels (hourly anomalies) to PDFs of a first-order autoregressive (AR1) process resulting in a Gaussian (normal) distribution and a non-Gaussian (skewed and heavy tailed) ‘Stochastically Generated Skewed’ (SGS) distribution that includes correlated additive and multiplicative noise (CAM noise). We find that the overall error computed between the PDFs and the observed anomalies is reduced at most stations when using the non-Gaussian PDF compared to the AR1 for both the bulk of the distribution and extreme values. We also show that the non-Gaussian SGS distribution is more robust at capturing extreme values in the case of sparse observations, compared to other distributions (kernel density) and extreme value analysis methods (i.e., Generalized Extreme Value and Generalized Pareto Distribution). Our non-Gaussian PDF allows us to diagnose how the shape of the distribution may evolve with climate change. Findings from this work will be implemented in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s HTF monthly predictions and used to evaluate changes in forecast skill. This work has relevance for high tide flooding forecasts along the coast and inundation mitigation strategies, as well as estimating PDFs for other physical variables that exhibit heavy-tailed skewed distributions.

    How to cite: Hovenga, P., Newman, M., Albers, J., Dusek, G., Sweet, W., Xu, T., Callahan, J., and Shin, S.-I.: Assessing the Characteristics of Nontidal Residual Water Level Distributions for High Tide Flooding Predictions and Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13607,, 2025.

    Coastal KOOS (MOHID), developed and operated by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), is an advanced three-dimensional ocean prediction system designed to simulate and forecast oceanic conditions along the coast of the Korean Peninsula. The system incorporates meteorological factors to predict key ocean parameters, including Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Despite its capability to reproduce SST relatively well, differences occur in certain aspects of predictions. Specifically, while the system can closely match observed SST, errors in the timing, intensity, and duration of cold water events persist. These errors are primarily attributed to differences in how the model represents the vertical distribution of water temperatures. In particular, the model may not fully account for the interaction between cooler waters at deeper layers and surface conditions, affecting the onset, strength, and longevity of cold water events.

    To reduce numerical error and improve the accuracy of cold water zone predictions, the study concentrated on enhancing the simulation of the vertical distribution of water temperature. The main objective was to determine how modifications to the initial seawater temperature profile would impact predictions of cold water zones. The initial conditions were reconstructed using quality-checked observational data collected during a cold water event along the southeastern coast of the East Sea of Korea between August 18 and September 4, 2021. This concentrated observational data provided high-resolution information on the vertical distribution of water temperature, enabling the model better to represent the temperature distribution throughout the water column.

    By reconstructing the initial vertical distribution of water temperature, the result enhances the accuracy of predicting not only SST but also the timing, intensity, and duration of cold water events. This improvement would offer a more accurate and reliable forecast for the occurrence and behavior of cold water zones. The anticipated benefits of improved cold water zone predictions include better management of marine resources, such as fisheries, which are highly sensitive to temperature changes. Additionally, this improvement could support informed decision-making for coastal infrastructure, such as climate monitoring and environmental protection, particularly in changing weather patterns and evolving oceanic conditions.

    How to cite: Kwon, Y.-Y., Gu, B.-H., and Choi, J.-Y.: Effect of prediction accuracy using three-dimensional reconstructed initial seawater temperature based on observed profiling data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14095,, 2025.

    The Changjiang River discharges substantial freshwater into the East China Sea, forming the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW), a low-salinity plume that influences regional hydrography, nutrient distribution, and marine ecosystems. CDW intrusions into Korean coastal waters can cause abrupt salinity and temperature changes, impacting fisheries and promoting harmful algal blooms. Climate change-driven variations in precipitation have altered CDW discharge patterns, increasing uncertainties in its behavior and impacts on marine environment. In this study, numerical simulations were used to assess CDW propagation and its influence on hydrographic properties of neighboring seas during the summer of 2024 using the MOHID (Modelo Hidrodinâmico) model. To investigate the influences of the CDW, we conducted two distinct numerical simulations. The first experiment was simulated with the original Chanjiang discharge, allowing CDW plume to enter the seas adjacent to the Changjiang River. In the second experiment, Changjiang outflows was capped at 30,000 m3/s, thereby limiting the freshwater flux from the CDW into the study area. As a result, on July, a significant impact of the CDW on both surface temperature and salinity in the study area. The temperature anomalies reached up to 2 ℃, while salinity decreased by as much as 4 psu. It indicates the strong influence of CDW on surface hydrography. The cross-sectional analysis revealed the influences of the CDW. A distinct halocline was observed due to the low-salinity plume in the upper 20 meters, and it might lead to surface warming while subsurface cooling due to suppressed vertical mixing. These results highlighted the considerable influence of the CDW on both horizontal and vertical hydrographic properties of the neighboring seas. Therefore, continued monitoring and numerical modelling approach to those low-salinity water plumes are essential to anticipate and mitigate potential ecological and economic impacts.

    How to cite: Lee, D. and Choi, J.-Y.: A Study on the Impacts of the Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW) on Surface Warming in the East China Sea using the MOHID in Summer, 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14523,, 2025.

    EGU25-14776 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Development of Pollution Contribution Estimation Algorithms and a Web-Based Automated Program 

    Yong-Gil Park, Tae-Hoon Kim, Gi-Seop Lee, Bo-Ram Kim, and Ye-Been Do

    The contamination of sediments with hazardous substances in the coastal waters of South Korea adversely affects the health of marine ecosystems, causing water quality deterioration, hypoxia, red tides, foul odors, and ecological toxicity. This necessitates rapid identification of pollution sources and their resolution. However, the diversity of pollutant types and sources across regions poses challenges to pollution mitigation and management. To address this, there is a need for technology capable of quantitatively evaluating the contributions of complex pollution sources, as well as a system that supports user-friendly data querying, filtering, and visualization. Such a system should also facilitate information and data sharing among users, fostering collaboration within organizations and with external partners.

    In response, we developed an automated program for pollution source attribution, encompassing the entire process from data analysis algorithms to result visualization. The program integrates multiple source attribution methods, including the Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) model, and Bayesian Isotope Mixture (BIM) model, to enhance the identification of pollution origins. To ensure accessibility and ease of use, the program was implemented using R Shiny, a web-based platform built on the R programming language.

    The automated program accepts csv files as input to estimate pollution contributions and provides visualization of modeling results through graphs, matrices, and geospatial point contributions on maps. This approach enhances researchers' understanding and facilitates efficient utilization of the results.

    How to cite: Park, Y.-G., Kim, T.-H., Lee, G.-S., Kim, B.-R., and Do, Y.-B.: Development of Pollution Contribution Estimation Algorithms and a Web-Based Automated Program, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14776,, 2025.

    EGU25-14825 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Study on Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) for Ocean Forecasting Based on Observation Networks of Korea 

    Bon-Ho Gu, Nam-Hoon Kim, Jin-Yong Choi, and Jae-Il Kwon

    This study evaluates the effectiveness of simulation accuracy based on the Korean Ocean Research Stations (KORS), and it suggests the optimal design of ocean observation networks using Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) focused on the South Sea of Korea. The virtual observation points used in the OSSE were set based on the locations of operational mooring buoys managed by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA), the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), and KORS. The numerical model of the study area was established to consider the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) around the South Sea of Korea. Also, an unstructured grid ocean model was applied considering the irregular topographical characteristics of the South Sea. This simulation experiment used meteorological and external forcing from the Korea Operational Oceanographic System (KOOS), which is operated by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST). The 'true state' for OSSE was assumed to be the Coastal KOOS, and data assimilation was applied to preset observation points and groups. A total of 38 OSSE experiments were conducted for the summer of 2022. Results indicate that buoys located south of Jeju Island significantly improved surface current velocity, temperature, and salinity simulations along the South Sea coast. However, the accuracy of the sea surface temperature (SST) was improved only when the differences between existing observations and the background state exceeded a critical value. By applying this, considering the bias of observation buoys in forecasting systems using satellite data can improve prediction accuracy. Improvements were observed in current and salinity about seasonal variability, but the effects on short-term variability, which is less in scale, were less pronounced than SST. Future studies aim to extend the OSSE study to underscore the importance of observation network design based on Sea of Korea and improve the prediction accuracy of corresponding real-time ocean forecasting systems.

    How to cite: Gu, B.-H., Kim, N.-H., Choi, J.-Y., and Kwon, J.-I.: Study on Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) for Ocean Forecasting Based on Observation Networks of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14825,, 2025.

    EGU25-15336 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Glacial flour: Investigating the nutrient potential of Greenland's subglacial sediments 

    Klara Köhler, Beatriz Gill Olivas, Mark Skidmore, Alexandre Anesio, and Martyn Tranter

    This study investigates the potential of glacial flour (fine-grained debris) as a nutrient source. Weathered glacial debris is a key source of essential macro- and micronutrients (N, P, Si and Fe) to subglacial environments and downstream aquatic systems – including freshwater lakes, rivers, and fjords – via glacial runoff. To further understand nutrient cycling in these environments, we conducted a two-year incubation experiment using glacial sediments collected from a glacial outlet near Ilulissat, Greenland. The experiment examined the distribution of nutrients between dissolved phases in pore water, overlying water, and particulate forms bound to sediment surfaces. After incubation, 200 µM Si, 0.7 µM NH₄ and 0.1 µM P were measured in the pore water, showing that saturated subglacial sediments with long rock:water contact times are a source of available dissolved nutrients, despite the absence of freshwater influx. We also assessed the impact of sediment crushing on nutrient release. A 10-minute, high-energy crush and subsequent extraction with ultra-pure water led to a 9-fold increase in Fe, a 47-fold increase in Si and a more than 600 times increase in P in solution. These findings underscore the importance of glacial sediments as a source of Si, P, N and Fe to subglacial ecosystems.

    How to cite: Köhler, K., Gill Olivas, B., Skidmore, M., Anesio, A., and Tranter, M.: Glacial flour: Investigating the nutrient potential of Greenland's subglacial sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15336,, 2025.

    Coupled hydrodynamic models are widely used to predict storm surges and the extent of inundation along coastal regions for improved coastal management and vulnerability assessment. Land use and land cover (LULC) are important in storm surges and related coastal inundation as they impact the water flow velocity. The interaction between storm surges and land use and land cover (LULC) distribution along the coast is essential in assessing the extent of coastal inundation and substantially affects coastal resilience and vulnerability. In the present study, the LULC distribution along the coast has been incorporated in a coupled hydrodynamic model (ADCIRC+SWAN) to assess the impact of the super cyclonic storm Amphan, which devastated the Sundarbans area of the West Bengal coast. Significant changes in the extent of coastal inundation have been noticed by considering land cover changes. In addition to land cover changes, numerical experiments have been conducted by including climate change projections to enhance the cyclonic wind velocity by 7%, which is in line with IPCC reports. Analysis indicates that changing LULC and increased wind intensity significantly contribute to a 30% increase in coastal flooding. The research shows the necessity for efficient land management and conservation initiatives to improve coastal resilience in climate shifts.

    How to cite: Vyshnavi, Y. and Satyanarayana, A.: Impact of Land cover changes on a Tropical Cyclone-Induced Storm surge and Extent of Inundation over the east coast of India using a Coupled Hydrodynamic Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15964,, 2025.

    EGU25-16135 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Long-Term Changes of Tidal Flat Areas in the Korean West Coast Using Time Series Satellite Imagery 

    Jingyo Lee, keunyong Kim, Donguk Lee, Geun-Ho Kwak, and Joo-Hyung Ryu

    The tidal flats along the Korean west coast have experienced significant area changes due to both natural and anthropogenic factors, including ongoing development, erosion, land reclamation, and sea level rise. These tidal flats hold substantial ecological, economic, and environmental value, necessitating systematic management through monitoring area changes. Recently, tidal flat investigations have increasingly utilized satellite imagery, which allows for periodic and large-scale observations. This approach effectively addresses the accessibility limitations of traditional field surveys and the high costs associated with platforms like ships or aircraft. However, tidal flat regions pose challenges for satellite-based observations due to tidal variations, making it difficult to capture images at specific times such as lowest and highest tide. Furthermore, frequent cloud cover in coastal areas imposes significant constraints on acquiring input data for tidal flat mapping.

    This study applied a machine learning based classification method to minimize the effects of cloud cover and tidal variations during the tidal flat mapping process. It utilized synthetic datasets derived from time-series imagery, incorporating indices such as the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), along with brightness information from individual images. Using this approach, the study developed tidal flat area maps for the Korean west coast over a 40-year period from 1984 to 2024, using Landsat satellite series data in 5-year intervals. A case study was conducted to analyze area changes over time, and the accuracy of the generated tidal flat maps was validated against tidal flat area data provided by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency (KHOA).

    The results demonstrated that the machine learning-based method produced reliable tidal flat maps, effectively mitigating the impacts of clouds and tidal conditions. Moreover, the approach successfully monitored long-term changes in tidal flat areas. This study provides essential scientific evidence for the systematic management and conservation of Korea tidal flats and is expected to contribute to the formulation of sustainable tidal flat management policies in the future.

    How to cite: Lee, J., Kim, K., Lee, D., Kwak, G.-H., and Ryu, J.-H.: Long-Term Changes of Tidal Flat Areas in the Korean West Coast Using Time Series Satellite Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16135,, 2025.

    EGU25-16441 | Orals | OS2.2

    Molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter in the surface waters of a glacially influenced Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland) 

    Alina Mostovaya, Lotte Dyrholm Thomsen, Marianne Glasius, and Johnna Holding

    The rapidly melting Arctic glaciers deliver substantial amounts of allochthonous material to the coastal ocean, altering the environment in which biogeochemical processes are taking place. Perturbed aquatic carbon cycling is a particularly troubling outcome of the intensified glacial runoff, with increasing heterotrophy and outgassing of CO2 among the chief concerns. As the key factors influencing the activity of heterotrophic microbes, the quantity and quality of Arctic coastal organic carbon warrant closer examination. To address the relevant aspects, we investigated the molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the glacial rivers and surface coastal waters of the high Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland), where glacial runoff contributes to low primary productivity and increasing heterotrophy. Using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (UHPLC-ESI-qTOF-MS), we conducted a non-targeted analysis of solid-phase extracted DOM. We expected molecular signatures of DOM to differ substantially between the two investigated rivers (Tyroler and Zackenberg River), which contrast in length, glacial water source, and drainage basin characteristics. While unique compounds were indeed observed in each river, considerable overlap in molecular DOM signatures was also detected, and a large proportion of aliphatic formulas was found at each site. Comparisons between riverine, river plume, and the outer fjord samples indicated a rapid loss of the riverine signature, likely due to the combined effects of dilution and swift biological consumption of the glacially derived DOM in the inner fjord. Although further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms and ecosystem implications of carbon utilization in high Arctic fjords, our study offers useful insights into the molecular signatures and fates of glacially derived carbon in these systems.

    How to cite: Mostovaya, A., Dyrholm Thomsen, L., Glasius, M., and Holding, J.: Molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter in the surface waters of a glacially influenced Arctic fjord (Young Sound, NE Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16441,, 2025.

    EGU25-16857 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Numerical study of internal waves generated by a seiche in a bay 

    Esteban Cruz Isidro and Karina Ramos Musalem

    Internal waves (IWs) play a critical role in ocean mixing processes and in the redistribution of energy and momentum. These waves are typically generated by initial perturbations, such as wind forcing at the surface, tidal interactions, and seiches interacting with abrupt bathymetric changes. A numerical study has demonstrated that seiches in semi-enclosed water bodies, such as bays, can generate IWs through energy dissipation at the open boundary via baroclinic wave drag, suggesting that bays may serve as potential energy sources for the ocean.

    In this study, we use the MITgcm numerical model to simulate a seiche event in an idealized semicircular bay, based on the dimensions of Sebastián Vizcaíno Bay in Baja California, Mexico. We examine three stratification scenarios to evaluate the generation mechanism of IWs and their sensitivity to stratification. The scenarios include a barotropic case, a two-layer stratification, a realistic stratification, and a linear stratification. To analyze the structure and evolution of IWs, we use vertical velocity (www) profiles obtained at various oceanic locations. Additionally, we calculate the energy transfer from the seiche to the ocean by comparing the evolution of kinetic and potential energy in the ocean with that of the seiche, and assess the seiche’s decay rate under the different stratification scenarios.

    Preliminary results reveal that the generated IWs have a period matching the fundamental seiche period of 3.6 hours due to geometry of the bay. Coastal trapped waves originating from the bay were also identified. For scenarios with continuous stratification, the linear profile scenario exhibited a uniform distribution of internal waves throughout the depth, attributed to the dispersion relation and the constant Brunt-Väisälä frequency.

    How to cite: Cruz Isidro, E. and Ramos Musalem, K.: Numerical study of internal waves generated by a seiche in a bay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16857,, 2025.

    EGU25-17752 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Long-Term Shoreline Change Analysis using Optical Satellite Images of the east coast of the Korean Peninsula 

    Miyoung Yun, Byung Youn Mo, Jinah Kim, Kideok Do, Sunyoung Yi, Donghyun Park, Inho Kim, and Sungyeol Chang

    Coastal zones, as dynamic interfaces between land and sea, are critical for economic activities, ecological conservation, and human habitation. However, natural sediment systems are increasingly disrupted by artificial interventions and rising sea levels accelerated by climate change, leading to erosion and uncertainty in the stability of the coastal zone. Effective coastal management requires not only accurate monitoring but also large spatial scale and long-term temporal coverage of shoreline observations. While traditional in-situ and aerial survey methods provide high precision, they are labor-intensive and limited in scope. Optical satellite imagery emerges as a viable alternative, offering continuous, broad spatial coverage. Furthermore, advances in image processing with artificial intelligence enable shoreline extraction and long-term change analysis.

    This study marks the initial step in utilizing optical satellite imagery for analyzing long-term shoreline changes along the Korean Peninsula, where artificial approaches such as gray structural coastal disaster prevention methods are mainly applied. Specifically, this study focused on the East Sea region of the Korean Peninsula, a high-risk area for coastal erosion, and examined approximately 40 years of shoreline changes using publicly available satellite data, including Sentinel-2 and Landsat series satellite images. First, an automatic satellite image download system was designed using the Google Earth Engine API, incorporating appropriate parameter settings for the region of interest and ensuring uniform data quality based on the characteristics of satellite imagery. Second, effective preprocessing techniques were applied to improve shoreline recognition from each satellite image. Third, the lower resolution of Landsat images relative to Sentinel-2 was enhanced through super-resolution generative adversarial network, enabling more precise identification of shoreline features. Fourth, the open-source software, CoastSat(Vos, 2019) was utilized to extract shorelines, and this study analyzed shoreline changes based on comprehensive coastal engineering knowledge. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed method was validated by analyzing the cross-sectional time series of the shoreline at the littoral cell of Wonpyeong-Chogok beach, an area where various coastal structures have been installed over the past decades to mitigate coastal retreat. These findings illustrated the shoreline responses and geomorphological changes resulting from the sequential construction of coastal structures.

    This study underscores the potential of using elaborate image enhancement techniques, including contrast stretching, spatial registration and super-resolution, to analyze long-term shoreline dynamics with high accuracy. By applying these methods to satellite imagery spanning four decades, we provided insights into shoreline responses to sequential coastal structures. These findings contribute to supporting proactive coastal management in the face of growing uncertainties, emphasizing the importance of integrating advanced image processing and unsupervised learning for effective shoreline extraction and geomorphological analysis.



    Vos, K., Splinter, K. D., Harley, M. D., Simmons, J. A., & Turner, I. L. (2019). CoastSat: A Google Earth Engine-enabled Python toolkit to extract shorelines from publicly available satellite imagery. Environmental Modelling & Software122, 104528.

    How to cite: Yun, M., Mo, B. Y., Kim, J., Do, K., Yi, S., Park, D., Kim, I., and Chang, S.: Long-Term Shoreline Change Analysis using Optical Satellite Images of the east coast of the Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17752,, 2025.

    EGU25-17866 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Wave-Induced Sediment Transport Analysis Using Hydro- and Morphodynamic Modelling in Coastal Environments 

    Ronja Ehlers, Rain Männikus, Widar Weizhi Wang, and Hans Bihs

    A numerical model is presented to evaluate coastal sediment transport. The model is embedded in the open-source software REEF3D. A main component to determine potential coastal erosion is the bed shear stress exerted on the sediments. The numerical model is validated for a cross-shore scenario against measurements of wave profiles and bed shear stresses induced by a solitary wave. In addition, a large-scale case of a coast located at the Baltic Sea in Estonia is investigated with regard to wave modelling and sediment transport potential.

    The REEF3D framework offers a 3D hydrodynamic model with a water- and air-phase REEF3D::CFD as well as a surface and bottom following non-hydrostatic sigma-grid model REEF3D::NHFLOW. Both models are coupled with a morphological module. This investigation shows the applications of both approaches with regard to prediction of waves reaching the shoreline, where they deform, shoal or break depending on the bathymetry. The wave-induced flow at sloping beaches leads to morphological changes. Erosive and aggregative conditions are important to assess in order to identify problematic zones and ensure proper coastal management and engineering.

    The validation of the model against solitary wave experiments demonstrates its capability to accurately predict the wave dynamics and resulting bed shear stresses, which are crucial for understanding sediment mobility. For the Baltic Sea case study, the model successfully simulates wave transformation and sediment transport potential under various hydrodynamic conditions, showcasing its versatility for real-world applications.

    This work highlights the importance of numerical modelling in coastal engineering, offering insights into sediment dynamics and the impact of hydrodynamic forces on coastal morphology. By leveraging the open-source capabilities of REEF3D, the study provides a framework that can be adapted for diverse coastal environments. The integration of detailed hydrodynamic and morphological modules allows for the comprehensive analysis of sediment transport processes, enabling effective decision-making for coastal protection and sustainable management strategies.

    How to cite: Ehlers, R., Männikus, R., Wang, W. W., and Bihs, H.: Wave-Induced Sediment Transport Analysis Using Hydro- and Morphodynamic Modelling in Coastal Environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17866,, 2025.

    EGU25-18071 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Drivers of upwelling events and biological responses in the far Northern Great Barrier Reef region. 

    Anna Maggiorano, Clothilde Langlais, Mathieu Mongin, and Severine Choukroun

    Upwelling events along the northern shelf edge of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are key drivers of ecosystem health and resilience. Understanding the timing, frequency, and drivers of these upwelling events are critical for predicting ecosystem responses to climate change and improving marine management best practices. This study utilises a 12 year dataset from a coupled hydrodynamical-optical-biogeochemical ocean model (eReefs, 4 km resolution) to examine the spatial and temporal variability of upwelling events along the far northern GBR. We focus on the seasonal and interannual variability of upwelling, its relationship to surface chlorophyll concentrations, and the physical processes driving these events. We find that upwelling events are most likely to reach the surface during the Australian summer when the mixed layer is shallower and conditions are conducive to vertical mixing. Significant interannual variability appears to be linked to broader atmospheric-oceanic drivers, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation. At the shorter time scale, we show that monsoonal wind bursts strongly influence the strength and frequency of upwelling events, with an additional modulation by the spring-neap tidal cycle.

    How to cite: Maggiorano, A., Langlais, C., Mongin, M., and Choukroun, S.: Drivers of upwelling events and biological responses in the far Northern Great Barrier Reef region., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18071,, 2025.

    EGU25-18609 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Enhanced Nearshore Forecasting in Barcelona, Spain: A Next-Generation, High-Resolution Wave-Current Modelling Tool. 

    María Liste, Marc Mestres, and Manuel Espino

    Effective management of urban coastlines and port areas relies heavily on accurate prediction and understanding of local coastal processes, particularly in regions where nearshore morphology and bathymetry have a significant influence on ocean circulation and wave transformation. This work presents a state-of-the-art three-dimensional modelling tool designed to improve the prediction of ocean and wave conditions in the Barcelona coastal zone. The tool uses the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modelling System (COAWST) [1], which uses the Model Coupling Toolkit to synchronise the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) with the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model. By exchanging relevant predictor variables between the models, the system more accurately captures wave-current interactions, a key mechanism governing nearshore dynamics [2].

    A nested grid strategy supports the model framework, with horizontal resolutions ranging from 350 m in the outer domain to 70 m and then 14 m in progressively refined subdomains covering the Port of Barcelona and adjacent beaches. This nesting approach enables fine-scale predictions of hydrodynamic and wave processes, including spatial variations in wave height, period and direction. Bathymetric inputs are derived from EMODnet [3] and improved with site-specific high-resolution datasets, while boundary conditions are driven by Copernicus Marine Service data [4].

    Rigorous validation against in-situ observations - in particular during the severe storm Celia in March 2022 - demonstrates the system's ability to provide reliable predictions of coastal hydrodynamics. By integrating wave-current processes, the model provides valuable insights for day-to-day coastal operations, long-term resource management and assessment of climate-related hazards.

    Planned future work includes the assimilation of improved ocean observations and the refinement of atmospheric forcing to improve model accuracy and predictive capability. Ultimately, these efforts will inform sustainable management strategies, promote the resilience of coastal communities and support the harmonious coexistence of human activities with marine and coastal ecosystems along the Barcelona coast. This research will provide key insights for policy makers and stakeholders, promoting the sustainable integration of human activities with marine ecosystems and increasing the resilience of Barcelona's coastal communities through accurate, predictive data.


    Funding: This research is supported by funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action, under Grant Agreement No. 101037097 for the REST-COAST project.

    Acknowledgments: This research is supported by the ECCO_TS project, financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (contract no. PID2023-152363OB-I00). As a group, we would like to thank the  Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Convocatòria d'ajuts a  Grups de Recerca de  Catalunya (SGR-Cat 2021) 2021SGR00600.

    [1] Warner, J.C., Armstrong, B., He, R., and Zambon, J.B. (2010).  Development of a Coupled Ocean Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) modeling system: Ocean Modeling, v. 35, no. 3, p. 230-244.
    [2] Kumar, N., Warner, J.C., et al. (2011). Wave-current interaction in Willapa Bay. Journal of Geophysical Research. Retrieved from
    [3] EMODnet data base (
    [4] Copernicus data (

    How to cite: Liste, M., Mestres, M., and Espino, M.: Enhanced Nearshore Forecasting in Barcelona, Spain: A Next-Generation, High-Resolution Wave-Current Modelling Tool., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18609,, 2025.

    EGU25-18830 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Simulation and Validation of Submesoscale Dynamics in the East/Japan Sea Using MOM6 

    Haein Kim, Eun Young Lee, Dong Eun Lee, and Young Ho Kim

    The East/Japan Sea (EJS) is a semi-enclosed marginal sea in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, characterized by oceanographic features typically associated with large-scale systems, such as thermohaline circulation, submesoscale eddies, subpolar front, and intermediate water formation. Submesoscale eddies frequently form along the ESJ polar front, playing a crucial roles in large-scale processes, including turbulent ocean mixing, surface nutrient transport, and the support of chlorophyll blooms. Despite its significance, large portions of the EJS remain underobserved, leaving gaps in our understanding of its complex dynamics.

    We present the establishment and evaluation of the high-resolution (1/48 ˚) East Sea regional model using MOM6, the latest version of the Modular Ocean Model (MOM) developed by GFDL to capture the submesoscale dynamics. The model was designed with a spatial resolution of approximately 2km (1/48 ˚) and employs a hybrid vertical coordinate system. High-resolution (1/24˚) Northwest Pacific Ocean reanalysis (KOOS-OPEM), which reliably reproduces the characteristics of the EJS, were used for the initial and open boundary conditions.

    We investigated the variability in the separation latitude of the East Korea Warm Current (EKWC), a western boundary current in the EJS, under different wind forcing datasets. For this analysis, we used the ERA5 dataset from ECMWF, featuring a horizontal resolution of approximately 31 km and a temporal resolution of 1 hour, as well as the UM model data from the Korea Meteorological Administration, which offers a higher horizontal resolution of approximately 12 km and a temporal resolution of 6 hours. In addition, to validate submesoscale processes, the kinetic energy spectrum was then calculated via the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and systematically evaluated.

    This study provides significant insights into the submesoscale dynamics of the EJS and establishes a robust foundation for advancing regional ocean modeling efforts.

    How to cite: Kim, H., Lee, E. Y., Lee, D. E., and Kim, Y. H.: Simulation and Validation of Submesoscale Dynamics in the East/Japan Sea Using MOM6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18830,, 2025.

    EGU25-19199 | Posters on site | OS2.2

    A regional coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model (SHYFEM-WRF-WW3) for intense meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Luca Arpaia, Marco Bajo, Christian Ferrarin, and Georg Umgiesser

    We are developing a new regional coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model to study the air-sea interaction during intense meteo-marine events such as mesoscale cyclones and tropical-like cyclones. The coupled model is based on the following open-source community model components: (1) an ocean component with the SHYFEM finite element coastal ocean model, (2) a wave component with the unstructured WW3 spectral wave model, (3) an atmospheric component with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). The wave and the ocean components are hard-coupled and run on the same triangular grid. The resulting ocean-wave and atmosphere components are coupled through the Earth System Modelling Framework library (ESMF), an integrated coupling framework which leads to very clean, abstract and efficient coupled models. With this instrument we study the interaction of tropical cyclone-like vortices with the sea. We show with simplified experiments how this feedback affects the trajectories and the intensity of the vortex as well as the sea-surface temperature and the ocean circulations. We show our model scales well compared to the baseline (uncoupled) runs of the single components. It can be thus applied to large scale configurations with high resolution. We focus on the October 29, 2018 storm event called Vaja, a very severe storm that affected Northern Italy and the Adriatic Sea.

    How to cite: Arpaia, L., Bajo, M., Ferrarin, C., and Umgiesser, G.: A regional coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model (SHYFEM-WRF-WW3) for intense meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19199,, 2025.

    EGU25-19254 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    Glacier type drive Greenland fjord productivity: a Lipid seascape perspective 

    Laetitia Allais, Johnna Holding, Alina Mostovaya, Henry Henson, and Isolde Puts

    Arctic fjord ecosystems are undergoing rapid changes due to climate warming, glacier retreat, and shifts in oceanography, with significant implications for biogeochemical cycling and biological productivity. As glaciers retreat and discharge increases, fjords are becoming fresher, and fjord morphology is changing, altering circulation, vertical structure, and the light environment. Traditionally, fjords with marine-terminating glaciers have been considered more productive due to nutrient renewal from subglacial discharge plumes. However, this relationship is more complex, as productivity depends not only on mixing mechanisms but also on nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton presence, and light availability. This study examines lipid concentrations and isotopic compositions across different Greenlandic fjord systems. These systems encompass diverse conditions, from eutrophic waters in West Greenland, influenced by nutrient-rich Atlantic inflows, to oligotrophic waters in East Greenland, shaped by polar waters and glacial melt. Our data revealed distinct regional differences linked to external forcings. West Greenland exhibits higher lipid concentrations and isotopic values, driven by marine phytoplankton and influenced by Arctic and North Atlantic currents. In contrast, East Greenland’s lipid profiles are shaped by polar waters, and sea ice algae with lower isotopic values linked to terrestrial runoff. These findings highlight the interconnectedness between fjord ecosystems and broader climatic and oceanic drivers, underscoring the importance of external boundary conditions in predicting the future of fjord productivity. The impact of climate warming and sea ice melting will be therefore spatially different and strongly dependent on the distinct oceanographic processes within the different regions. By linking fjord morphology and regional oceanography to productivity, this work highlights the need to integrate internal fjord dynamics with external boundary conditions to predict future ecosystem productivity in Arctic fjords.

    How to cite: Allais, L., Holding, J., Mostovaya, A., Henson, H., and Puts, I.: Glacier type drive Greenland fjord productivity: a Lipid seascape perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19254,, 2025.

    EGU25-19359 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Coastal Digital Twin of the World’s Largest Tidal Flat System 

    Markus Reinert, Robert Lepper, and Frank Kösters

    Digital Twins of the Ocean aim to make information on the state of the ocean readily and interactively available to scientists as well as citizens, policy makers and other stakeholders. Many practical applications require – in particular – information on coastal regions. However, typical digital twins do not provide sufficient detail near the coast, because the model resolution is too coarse and these models lack processes that become relevant in shallow areas, e.g., sediment transport. We bridge this gap between the data provided by Digital Twins of the Ocean and the information needed for coastal applications by creating a Digital Twin of the Coast. The digital twin presented in this talk is a framework for regional downscaling of data from existing large-scale digital twins in combination with in-situ observations. Our Digital Twin of the Coast is based on a numerical coastal ocean model with refined mesh resolution along the coastline and in estuaries. This high resolution, which is further enhanced by subgrid technology, allows the fine tidal channels as well as coastal structures like dams and operational flood barriers to be represented in the model. The hydrodynamic model is coupled with a spectral wave model and includes transports of different sediment classes. We have implemented the digital twin for the Wadden Sea located in the south-eastern North Sea on the European continental shelf. The Wadden Sea is the world’s largest tidal flat system, stretching along the coasts of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark. To protect its unique ecosystem and great biodiversity, the Wadden Sea has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The dense network of tide gauges in the Wadden Sea allows a reliable calibration of our numerical model. Our Digital Twin of the Coast is the first public database of consistent high-resolution data for the trilateral Wadden Sea. Thanks to the fast and intuitive web interface of our digital twin, the model data provided enable a wide range of coastal applications and support sustainable management. Applications currently implemented with our digital twin include ecological habitat calculator, sediment management, cable route planning and marine renewable energy.

    How to cite: Reinert, M., Lepper, R., and Kösters, F.: Coastal Digital Twin of the World’s Largest Tidal Flat System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19359,, 2025.

    EGU25-19558 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.2

    DISCO-2: A student driven CubeSat mission for arctic research 

    Andreas Kjær Dideriksen and the DISCO-2 team
    The impact of global warming on arctic regions has been shown to have consequences on both physical and chemical and biological parameters with changes to sea-level, ocean freshening, and biodiversity. To continuously improve our understanding of global warming impact in arctic regions, it is therefore paramount to obtain observations and measurements covering large regions of the arctic on a regular basis. Considering the remote and inhospitable nature of arctic regions, field campaigns are often restricted in both time and space due to these factors. This imposes limitations to the amount of data gathered during field work seasons and can further cause significant time gaps in data acquisitions.
    Here we present the Danish DISCO-2 student CubeSat mission; a student CubeSat designed to assist ongoing arctic research and enable upscaling of in situ measurements with observations using both optical and thermal imaging. The DISCO-2 CubeSat utilizes the rapid advancements in CubeSat technology within the past decades to create a platform which omits some of the limitations of traditional fieldwork campaigns. The payload of DISCO-2 will consist of 2 optical cameras, a thermal camera and in-orbit modular image processing and analysis capabilities. The CubeSat will in addition be able to perform photogrammetric imaging of larger structures, which can be used to determine ice volumes from glacier calvings. The thermal camera will provide the possibility of measuring surface temperatures, which can assist studies of heat transfer between glaciers and arctic fjords. It will further enable thermal observations during periods with polar night. DISCO-2 will be placed in a polar orbit, which will enable a high frequency passe over the polar regions.
    As a student lead CubeSat mission, the DISCO-2 CubeSat will also be available for students to order observations for novel research ideas throughout the mission. DISCO-2 is aiming to both enable upscale and assist ongoing arctic research through optical, thermal and photogrammetric observations while simultaneously serve as a unique possibility for students to get experience with remote sensing, arctic research and CubeSat technology.

    How to cite: Dideriksen, A. K. and the DISCO-2 team: DISCO-2: A student driven CubeSat mission for arctic research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19558,, 2025.

    EGU25-19586 | Orals | OS2.2

    Observational and Modeling Study of Driving Mechanisms Behind SPM Variability in a Tidal System 

    Gaziza Konyssova, Vera Sidorenko, Sara Rubinetti, Alexey Androsov, Karen Helen Wiltshire, and Justus van Beusekom

    Suspended particulate matter (SPM) is a key component of coastal ecosystems, influencing light availability, primary production, and nutrient transport. This study investigates the driving mechanisms behind the seasonal and interannual variability of SPM concentrations measured at two long-term monitoring stations in the Sylt-Rømø Bight, a sandy tidally dominated basin in the Wadden Sea. Combining Sylt Roads long-term observations from 2000–2019 and numerical simulations with the coastal hydrodynamic model FESOM-C with its Lagrangian particle tracking module, we analyse the interplay of wind and tidal forcing, and biological processes in shaping SPM dynamics.

    Preliminary analysis of the observational dataset reveals a pronounced seasonal cycle, with a peak in winter ~30 mg/l and a sharp decline in summer ~6.5 mg/l across both stations. These variations are associated with stronger wind events in winter and higher biological activity (reflected by chlorophyll-a concentrations) during spring and summer, indicative of phytoplankton-driven flocculation processes. The data further highlight distinct patterns: the shallower station exhibits an almost immediate response to wind events within 24 h, while at the deeper station, SPM reaches peak concentrations with a delay of ~120 h, consistent with the influence of tidally induced transport in addition to sustained wind-driven mixing. Complementary results from Lagrangian modelling effectively capture these delayed responses at deeper stations and further illustrate the tide-driven transport pathways of resuspended material within the basin.

    The findings of this ongoing work provide new insights into coastal physical-biological coupling and the the relative roles of the considered processes in driving SPM variability in tidally dominated systems.

    How to cite: Konyssova, G., Sidorenko, V., Rubinetti, S., Androsov, A., Wiltshire, K. H., and van Beusekom, J.: Observational and Modeling Study of Driving Mechanisms Behind SPM Variability in a Tidal System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19586,, 2025.

    EGU25-19656 | ECS | Orals | OS2.2

    Influence of wind stress and the Isonzo/Soča River outflow on surface currents in the Gulf of Trieste 

    Davide Lombardo, Sofia Flora, Fabio Giordano, Emanuele Ingrassia, Milena Menna, Stefano Querin, and Laura Ursella

    Between October and November 2023, the Isonzo/Soča River catchment area experienced exceptionally intense rainfall. The strong precipitations acting on the hydrographic basin at the end of October and beginning of November led to exceptional increases in the Isonzo/Soča runoff into the Gulf of Trieste (GoT) (October 27 and November 3). It was observed that in the days before a precipitation event, a southerly wind with a strength of more than 3 m/s almost always affected the area. Concurrently, rising sea levels and coastal flooding were observed. The event is of particular significance as it was also accompanied by strong coastal storm and waves that caused severe damage to the coast.

    The aim of this study is to investigate how the exceptional Isonzo outflow, together with the wind patterns associated with the meteorological event, influenced the ocean currents in the surrounding coastal region. To this end, the mechanisms and processes regulating the interaction between river discharges and ocean currents in the Gulf of Trieste were analysed through an integrated analysis combining hydrometric, meteorological and current data.

    The prevailing winds in the GoT come from the north-eastern (Bora wind) and southern sectors (Sirocco and Libeccio winds). During Bora events, the usual cyclonic circulation is accentuated and the surface currents normally leave the GoT, while during strong southerly wind events the circulation becomes anticyclonic and the surface currents enter the GoT. In the case with a significant river outflow in combination with southerly winds the circulation is anticyclonic in the central part of the gulf and cyclonic in the northern part.

    HFR sea surface current data confirmed that wind-induced Ekman transport appears to dominate the surface current dynamics in the GoT. Nevertheless, exceptionally intense outflows from the Isonzo, triggered by heavy precipitation and accompanied by southerly winds, can overlay the effects of wind-driven transport, leading to the dominance of river-induced circulation patterns in the GoT.

    How to cite: Lombardo, D., Flora, S., Giordano, F., Ingrassia, E., Menna, M., Querin, S., and Ursella, L.: Influence of wind stress and the Isonzo/Soča River outflow on surface currents in the Gulf of Trieste, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19656,, 2025.

    We present a novel modelling approach aimed at optimising sampling strategies for environmental DNA (eDNA) based ecosystem monitoring. We demonstrate this in a case study for the monitoring of an invasive mussel species in Auckland Harbour Bay. The chosen objective is to identify a set of ship-based sampling locations that provide the highest spatial coverage for a given number of samples collected by towing a filter through the water.
    This objective is achieved by leveraging the high performance of the particle tracking model 'oceantracker', which simulates over a trillion (1e12) individual particles for this demonstration. We apply this particle tracking model - also known as a Lagrangian model - to an inverse problem by simulating a large number of potential mussel locations throughout the bay. The simulated mussels continuously shed cells containing their DNA into the surrounding waters, which drift with the currents and slowly decay, represented by a Poission process. By computing grid-based statistics on-the-fly, i.e. during runtime, we are able to reduce the unweildy amount of data generated by the trajectories of trillions of simulated particles to obtain a compact dataset containing eDNA counts and concentrations for each potential source location. This data set is then used in the optimisation problem to identify the sets of ideal sampling locations that exceed the detection threshold for the largest number of potential source locations, i.e. have the highest coverage.
    As ship-based monitoring is an expensive task, we suggest that the use of a modelling framework such as the one demonstrated here could help to reduce this cost and provide an empirical solution to the selection of sampling locations. 

    How to cite: Steidle, L. and Vennell, R.: Optimisation of eDNA sampling strategies: A novel Lagrangian approach for identifying optimal sampling locations in marine environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20240,, 2025.

    EGU25-93 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3

    Energy Cascade and Dynamics of Internal Waves on a Subtropical Continental Shelf: Part 1 - Internal Tides 

    Arian Dialectaquiz, Marcelo Dottori, and Piero Mazzini

    During the summer of 2002 (a typical summer stratification scenario), internal waves were observed on the South Brazil Bight (SBB), concomitant to Atlantic Central Water uplifting and internal tidal dynamics, with the M2 frequency contributing nearly 10 %  of the energy spectrum. Using 1 km horizontal resolution Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) simulations, we examine internal tide generation and interaction within the SBB, identifying significant spatial variability, with offshore energy hotspots influenced by the supercritical topography, topographic features, and the Brazil Current, culminating in 8.70 % of all converted energy generated 5.204 GW in the slope at only 1.64  % of the area. These features extend the residence time of Mode 1 M2 internal tide 5 days longer than the theory predicts, enhancing nonlinear interactions to the level where the wave-wave interactions matter equally as the wave-mean flow interactions, transferring energy to higher frequencies and sustaining baroclinic energy in shallower waters, where stratification breaks down rapidly. Approximately 16.18 %  of barotropic-to-baroclinic M2 energy cascades to higher harmonics, while 63.73 %  is reflected. Scattered energy supports weakly incoherent internal waves at depths shallower than 200 m, driving a nearly closed energy budget in the model. The Internal Tide enhances up to 21 %  of the vertical mixing diffusivity mostly at the bottom and enhances lower temperature advection and the thermal diffusivity coefficient while reducing the vertical potential temperature gradient mostly at the surface and subsurface. Future work will explore the role of wind-driven internal waves and their interactions with the Brazil Current in enhancing mixing, with a focus on topographic conversion hotspots and remote internal wave reflections.

    How to cite: Dialectaquiz, A., Dottori, M., and Mazzini, P.: Energy Cascade and Dynamics of Internal Waves on a Subtropical Continental Shelf: Part 1 - Internal Tides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-93,, 2025.

    EGU25-2080 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Internal Tides in the Cape Verde and Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling Regions 

    Hao Huang, Peter Brandt, Richard Greatbatch, and Xueen Chen

    Tide-topography interactions are key drivers of tidal dynamics in the Cape Verde and Senegalo-Mauritania Upwelling regions. Three-dimensional internal tide (IT) simulations identify the Cape Verde Area (CVA) as the primary IT source in the Eastern Boundary Upwelling region off Northwestern Africa, generating approximately 1.87 GW of M2 IT from barotropic tides, with nearly 48% dissipating locally. The West Barlavento Islands serve as a critical energy source, characterized by outward-propagating nonlinear internal waves from the São Nicolau Strait. The distribution and geometry of Islands largely shape a partially standing wave within the Cape Verde Sea. Along the continental margins, distinct topographic features produce contrasting IT dynamics north and south of Dakar. Approximately 9 % (85.8 MW) of the remaining CVA energy propagates eastward into the Cape Verde Plateau (CVP), with 22.3 MW radiating into the North Dakar Area (NDA). Canyon-Seamount systems along the NDA slope contribute 75.4 MW, significantly enhancing onshore energy flux and dissipation over the NDA shelf. In the South Dakar Area (SDA), energy generated over the steeper continental slope radiates offshore by approximately 25% (16.6 MW) into the CVP deep basin, where it interacts with westward propagating IT from the CVA. Onshore shoaling IT with high potential energy flourishes on the SDA shelf. Seasonal stratification significantly influences the IT dynamics with elevated wave energy over the continental slope during winter. Wave-induced turbulent mixing plays a vital role in supporting ecosystems across the Cape Verde and Senegalo-Mauritania Upwelling regions.

    How to cite: Huang, H., Brandt, P., Greatbatch, R., and Chen, X.: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Internal Tides in the Cape Verde and Senegalo-Mauritanian Upwelling Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2080,, 2025.

    EGU25-2982 | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Submesoscale variability of volume transport in Malacca and Singapore Straits 

    Pavel Tkalich, Zunya Wang, and Peifeng Ma

    Volume Transport (VT) throughout various sections of South China Sea (SCS) is an important ocean characteristic, defining net flux of water masses, that may also involve heat, salt, as well as admixture transport of dissolved nutrients, suspended sediments and anthropogenic substances. Due to large scale of predominant coupled ocean/atmosphere climate phenomena (e.g., monsoon, ENSO, POD, IOD), variability of VT in the SCS basin is considered commonly at seasonal and/or interannual scales, using monthly or annual resolutions. This approach is justified for large VT rates of Luzon and Karimata Straits, both defining SCS throughflow (SCSTF) having long residence time. In contrast, Malacca and Singapore Straits (MSS) VT contribute just a small fraction of SCSFT, and additionally subjected to similar order local phenomena at daily or even hourly scales. At these scales the VT contribution also is in par with predominant astronomic tide in MSS, thus opening avenue for combination of the two otherwise independent phenomena.  To develop the approach further, ocean model NEMO is run at mesoscale resolution for the past period 1990-2024, driven by global  NEMO (ECMWF) model at the lateral boundaries and ERA atmospheric forcing at the ocean surface. Even though the research focuses on Singapore Strait, Malacca Strait is included due to dominant regional and local phenomena affecting both water bodies. In order to elucidate variability of submesoscale VT at different cross-sections of MSS, computed daily currents and sea levels are analysed in par with atmospheric forces with the goal to obtain trend, variability and extremes of VT in MSS at daily-to-interannual resolutions. New phenomenon (coined Singapore Strait Reflux, or simply Reflux) is discovered computationally and using  data analysis  – which is a temporal reversal of VT in Singapore Strait against dominant east-to-west direction. The Reflux episodes lasting from days to weeks may occur any time of a year due to coincidence and interplay of different scale phenomena, affecting MSS  from north (Indian Ocean via Andaman Sea), from south (Riau Islands) and from the east (Anambas Archipelago in SCS). The research focuses on understanding of Reflux genesis and forecasting capabilities.

    This project is funded by the Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 Coastal Protection and Flood Management Research Programme of Singapore. The authors also thank Low K.S.,  Sasmal K. for their support in the idea discussions.

    How to cite: Tkalich, P., Wang, Z., and Ma, P.: Submesoscale variability of volume transport in Malacca and Singapore Straits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2982,, 2025.

    EGU25-3418 | Orals | OS2.3

    Analysis of a newly recovered historical sea level and air pressure dataset in Cap Horn (1882-1883)  

    Laurent Testut, Duncan Agnew, Philip Woodworth, Jamal Khan, and Nushrat Yeasmin

    As part of the first international polar year (1882-1883), two scientific bases were established in the southern hemisphere by France and Germany. The French settled at the southern tip of South America seventy km northwest of Cape Horn at Orange Bay and the German expedition two thousand km away in the south Atlantic in the South Georgia Islands (Royal Bay). This contrasts with the effort put in the northern hemisphere, where 12 stations were installed during this first international polar year. The Cape Horn mission was organized by the French Science Academy and 140 men were send to the south to set up the scientific base and to carry out meteorological and magnetic operations over the course of a year. During this period, sea level measurements were carried out using a tide pole at the arrival of the expedition and then a floating tide gauge. The 300 original tidal charts (marigrams) of the floating gauge have not yet been found, but about 15000 half-hourly sea level measurements from the tables of the scientific report have been digitized. We have also digitized the barometric pressure records. The recording was almost continuous from September 12, 1882 to August 31, 1883.  This newly recovered dataset is one of the few records of the southern hemisphere's sub-polar regions to cover almost a full year in the 19th century. In particular, this recording enables precise analysis of the tides in this part of the world. In the presentation we will assess the quality of the records and discuss the evolution of the tide in this region.

    How to cite: Testut, L., Agnew, D., Woodworth, P., Khan, J., and Yeasmin, N.: Analysis of a newly recovered historical sea level and air pressure dataset in Cap Horn (1882-1883) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3418,, 2025.

    We calculate the changes in magnitude and frequency of extreme sea levels along the global coastline by 2100. Our extreme sea level in each location is a combination of sea surface height associated with storm surge and wave (100-year return period, the 95th percentile), high tide (the 95th percentile) and a low probability sea level rise scenario (the 95th percentile).  We apply a probabilistic approach with focus on low- probability high- impact events, commonly used for assessments of the economic impact of coastal floods, coastal defence design, and population exposure, among others. We demonstrate that changes in magnitude of extreme sea levels are not uniformed along the global coastline, however, most of locations will experience an increase in magnitude of extreme sea levels in warming climate.   By 2030-2040 the present-day 100-year return period for extreme sea levels would be experienced at least once a year in tropical areas. This 100-fold increase in frequency will take place on all global coastlines by 2100.

    How to cite: Jevrejeva, S.: Changes in magnitude and frequency of extreme sea levels along the global coastline by 2100, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4092,, 2025.

    EGU25-5748 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Assessing a probabilistic model for guiding storm surge barrier maintenance  

    Sunke Trace-Kleeberg, Krijn Saman, Robert Vos, Elja Huibregtse, Ivan D. Haigh, Marc Walraven, Annette Zijderveld, and Susan Gourvenec

    Storm surge barriers provide flood protection to many major coastal cities in estuaries around the world. Maintenance of these assets is critical to ensure they remain reliable and continue to comply with protection standards. To ensure safe working conditions, there are often critical thresholds of environmental conditions, beyond which maintenance work cannot be carried out. However, as storm surge barriers age and with climate change effects such as sea-level rise and changes in storminess, periods when environmental conditions exceed set thresholds will occur more frequently, thus making it more challenging to carrying out the required work in available maintenance windows. Probabilistic models using ensemble forecasts of upcoming water levels determine the likelihood of conditions exceeding the threshold and so can inform on decision making regarding maintenance. Here we evaluate a probabilistic model currently in operational use by Rijkswaterstaat, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, to guide maintenance decisions at the Maeslant barrier in the Netherlands. Sixteen years of historic highwater level forecasts from a combination of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and Dutch Continental Shelf Model v5 are used with observations from the Hoek van Holland tide gauge to evaluate and sensitivity test the probabilistic model. Binary classification is used to assess the performance of the probabilistic model. Findings show that the model is conservative with 33.1% of outcomes resulting in a False Alarm. Changing the baseline parameters of critical probability and water level threshold impacts the balance between False Alarm and Miss outcomes. Increasing the critical probability reduces the number of False Alarms but increases the Miss situations, emphasising the trade-off between acceptable risk and time available to carry out maintenance work. This study highlights the delicate balance between model parameter selection and the associated risk with respect to the maintenance of storm surge barriers.

    How to cite: Trace-Kleeberg, S., Saman, K., Vos, R., Huibregtse, E., Haigh, I. D., Walraven, M., Zijderveld, A., and Gourvenec, S.: Assessing a probabilistic model for guiding storm surge barrier maintenance , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5748,, 2025.

    EGU25-7995 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3

    Development of a wind-based storm surge model for the German Bight and its application 

    Laura Schaffer, Andreas Boesch, Johanna Baehr, and Tim Kruschke

    Storm surges pose a significant risk to coastal areas, including the German Bight, where strong northwesterly winds lead to extreme water levels. We present a simple and efficient storm surge model for the German Bight using multiple linear regression with 10 m effective wind as the only predictor. We train and evaluate the model using historical skew surge data from 1959 to 2022, applying regularization techniques to improve prediction accuracy while maintaining the model’s simplicity. The final storm surge model consists of only five terms - the effective wind at various locations with different time lags within the North Sea region and an intercept. A performance assessment based on cross-validation yields a correlation of 0.88, matching the performance of much more complex models despite the simplicity of our approach. The model provides robust predictions for both moderate and extreme storm surges. Moreover, the model’s simplicity makes it particularly suitable for routinely estimating storm surges in climate simulations, even if the climate models provide a very limited number of output variables. Hence, the presented statistical storm surge model provides a valuable tool for evaluating storm surge risks under changing climate conditions. We apply the storm surge model to a multi-model ensemble of CMIP6 global climate simulations to explore the impact of anthropogenic climate change on storm surges in the German Bight. A particular focus is on potential changes in storm surge intensity.

    How to cite: Schaffer, L., Boesch, A., Baehr, J., and Kruschke, T.: Development of a wind-based storm surge model for the German Bight and its application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7995,, 2025.

    EGU25-8431 | Orals | OS2.3

    Interactions of Tides, Storm Surge, and River Flow in the Microtidal Neretva River Estuary 

    Nino Krvavica, Marta Marija Gržić, Silvia Innocenti, and Pascal Matte

    Estuaries and tidal rivers are highly dynamic transitional zones where marine and riverine processes interact, creating complex hydrodynamic environments. These regions are influenced by natural phenomena such as tidal oscillations, storm surges, and river flow, as well as human activities like water management, hydropower operations, flood protection, and navigation. Effective management of these environments relies on understanding and predicting their hydrodynamic behavior, particularly under extreme conditions such as flooding or abrupt water level changes.

    This study examines the microtidal Neretva River estuary in Croatia to investigate the interactions between tides, storm surges, and river discharge, and their impacts on water level variability. A modified non-stationary harmonic analysis, based on the NS_Tide model, was developed specifically for microtidal conditions. This model incorporates storm surge and river discharge, improving the predictive accuracy of water levels along the estuary, from tide-dominated downstream sections to discharge-influenced upstream areas. The new version of NS_Tide also allows for a more detailed decomposition of total water levels and tide-surge-river interactions.

    The results reveal that river discharge is the primary factor influencing water levels at most stations, while the impact of storm surge decreases upstream. Tide-river interactions were observed throughout the study area, whereas tide-surge interactions had minimal effects. The analysis showed that high-frequency discharge fluctuations caused by hydropower operations amplify the S1 tidal constituent in upstream river sections. These fluctuations also modulate the amplitudes of other tidal constituents in estuarine and tidal river regions, highlighting the complex influence of human activities on tidal dynamics.

    The proposed non-stationary harmonic model proved highly effective for the microtidal Neretva River, capturing the complex interactions between tidal and non-tidal forces under various conditions. Its adaptability to local conditions suggests it could also be applied to mesotidal and macrotidal systems, offering a practical tool for managing estuaries and tidal rivers across diverse environments.

    How to cite: Krvavica, N., Gržić, M. M., Innocenti, S., and Matte, P.: Interactions of Tides, Storm Surge, and River Flow in the Microtidal Neretva River Estuary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8431,, 2025.

    EGU25-8535 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Seismic monitoring of the October 2023 storm surge along the coast of the Baltic Sea 

    Lars Wiesenberg, Christian Weidle, Knut Krämer, Christoph Pilger, Christian Winter, and Thomas Meier

    The coupling between ocean and seismic waves – often referred to as (oceanic) microseism – is a well-established concept since the 1950’s. Ocean and seismic waves are correlating not only on seasonal to annual, but also on daily timescales, in particular during extreme weather events. The most prominent microseism signals have periods below ten seconds and originate from interfering water waves. They are called secondary microseism and can be related to marine storm activity. While some secondary microseism may arrive from far-away coastal regions, a strong contribution also results from nearby coastal wave activity. This paper shows that measurements of microseism from our recently expended seismic network in northern Germany are well suited to monitor wave propagation processes in coastal areas during extreme weather events like the October 2023 storm surge. We utilize three component seismic data from seven stations along the German Baltic Sea coastline and infrasound data from the local array Kühlungsborn (IKUDE) to investigate secondary microseism and atmospheric pressure variations during the storm surge. Spectral investigations over time show distinct local differences in secondary microseism of the Baltic Sea at three different near coastal sites which correlate with half the peak wave period in each respective area. Infrasound measurements reveal additional noise sources, such as nearby wind parks, anthropogenic sources or microbaroms in the North Atlantic and probably the North Sea which are transferred through the atmosphere and absent in seismic data and vice versa. Therefore, sources of our seismic measurements during the October 2023 storm surge are related rather to ocean generated microseism, transferred through the solid Earth than to atmospheric pressure sources. As amplitudes related to secondary microseism of the Baltic Sea decrease with increasing distance of the station to the coast, this allows for an estimation of a sensitivity range along the Baltic Sea coastline. For seismic monitoring of coastal areas, seismic stations are needed to be within 25−30 km distance to the coastline to precisely detect locally generated microseism.

    How to cite: Wiesenberg, L., Weidle, C., Krämer, K., Pilger, C., Winter, C., and Meier, T.: Seismic monitoring of the October 2023 storm surge along the coast of the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8535,, 2025.

    EGU25-10414 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Dissipation processes in global scale tide simulations using a high order discontinuous Galerkin model 

    Vincent Pilorget, Andrea G. Filippini, Luca Arpaia, and Mario Ricchiuto

    Coastal flooding is a major risk factor for human activities located at the coast. Between the different flooding types that can occur, coastal flooding by overflowing is the one that causes the more devastating effects, because it involves the largest volumes of water. This type of flooding occurs when the mean sea water level exceeds that of coastal defenses. The sea water level at the coast is the result of tide-surge interactions (if the wave setup is neglected), which will also experience the effects of climate change and sea level rise in the coming years.

    The numerical modelling is a fundamental tool to understand the phenomena involved, study the coastal hazard and prevent the risk. In this work, whose final aim is to study tide-surge interactions at the global scale, we first focus on the numerical simulation of the dissipative mechanisms, which play a central role in tide propagation. 
    Indeed, numerical dissipation is added to the physical one in numerical simulations impacting the quality of the results, especially at the coast. In this context, we present a tool for the understanding of physical and numerical dissipative processes and their impacts on the tide propagation. In a barotropic framework, which is suitable to simulate the tide (and later the surge) at the global scale, we solve the non linear shallow water equations using the Uhaina model [1, 2]. It uses an arbitrary high-order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) finite elements method, which provides great parallel scaling properties (HPC). The model works on spherical geometry and includes the bathymetry, the bottom friction, the Coriolis force and the meteorological forcing (wind and atmospherical pressure). Furthermore, the model uses an artificial viscosity mechanism based on the shock capuring theory to stabilize the simulations.

    In this work we improve the existing model to account for tidal effects. They include the tide generating potential, the self-attraction and loading term and the internal tide dissipation. As a first step, we show the validation of our global barotropic tidal simulations against the FES2014 model, propagating the M2 constituent of the tide by means of an unstructured mesh discretization of the globe. We then investigate global energetic and dissipative diagnosis, at different DG orders and mesh resolutions, to quantify and localize the spurious energy dissipation induced by the scheme in order to highlight the physical one (generated by bottom friction and internal tide dissipation). 

    This work is carried out within the framework of the LAGOON - LArge scale Global storm surge simulation Of OceaNs - project (partnership between the French reshearching institutes BRGM, INRIA and UPPA). The project will end up by investigate the impact of future climate on tide and storm surges interactions to produce a sea level database using the Uhaina model.

    [1] Filippini, A., et al. (2024). An operational discontinuous galerkin shallow water model for coastal flood assessment. Ocean Modelling, 192:102447.

    [2] Arpaia, L., et al. (2022). An efficient covariant frame for the spherical shallow water equations: Well balanced dg approximation and application to tsunami and storm surge. Ocean Modelling, 169:101915

    How to cite: Pilorget, V., Filippini, A. G., Arpaia, L., and Ricchiuto, M.: Dissipation processes in global scale tide simulations using a high order discontinuous Galerkin model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10414,, 2025.

    Traditionally, the ocean is treated as an incompressible fluid to simplify wave modeling. However, ocean compressibility—dictated by its density and bulk modulus—significantly impacts wave dynamics, particularly for long-period surface waves (>30 s) and compressional waves within the water column. Similarly, Earth's transition from rigid to elastic behavior under surface loads further influences wave propagation by altering phase speed and waveforms. These effects manifest as arrival time discrepancies and waveform modulation, as observed in tsunami and long-wave dynamics (Allgeyer & Cummins, 2014; Abdolali et al., 2017, 2019).
    This study explores the combined effects of ocean compressibility, Earth elasticity, and background density on wave characteristics across a wide frequency range, including infra-gravity (IG), storm surge, tidal waves, and compressional acoustic waves. Building on prior work, a dispersion relationship is derived, accounting for dynamic ocean compression under gravity interacting with a finite, multi-layered elastic Earth. By analyzing phase speed, group velocity, travel times, and pressure profiles, this research advances understanding of wave dynamics and offers a robust framework for improved modeling of tides and storm surges, coastal flooding, tsunamis, and acoustic wave propagation.

    Abdolali, A., & Kirby, J. T. (2017), Role of compressibility on tsunami propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 9780–9794.
    Abdolali, A., Kadri, U. & Kirby, J.T. (2019), Effect of Water Compressibility, Sea-floor Elasticity, and Field Gravitational Potential on Tsunami Phase Speed. Scientific Reports, 9, 16874
    Allgeyer, S., & Cummins, P. (2014). Numerical tsunami simulation including elastic loading and seawater density stratification. Geophysical Research Letters, 41(7), 2368-2375.

    How to cite: Abdolali, A. and Kadri, U.: Impact of Ocean Compressibility, Earth Elasticity, and Background Density on Surface Gravity and Compressional Wave Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11260,, 2025.

    EGU25-11494 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level’s (PSMSL) global mean sea level dataset  

    Chanmi Kim, Andrew Matthews, and Elizabeth Bradshaw

    The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) is the internationally recognised global sea level data bank for long term sea level change information from tide gauges, responsible for the collection, publication, analysis and interpretation of sea level data. The PSMSL was founded 90 years ago, and today operates from the Liverpool site of the UK’s National Oceanography Centre. 

    The PSMSL’s main product, a dataset of monthly and annual means from over 2000 locations worldwide aggregated from over 200 suppliers, is a cornerstone in our understanding of changes in sea level over the two centuries. For our highest quality Revised Local Reference (RLR) dataset, we ensure the data can all be referred to a fixed point on land, ensuring a consistent vertical reference frame is used throughout the record. Also, we provide vertical land movement information from permanent GNSS installations near each tide gauge, allowing users to compare our data to measurements from satellites and GNSS-IR data through our GNSS-IR data portal.

    Here we present the PSMSL mean sea level dataset, ellipsoidal ties, and GNSS-IR, along with an overview of the dataset's status over the past few years. We also discuss ongoing efforts to improve the dataset and the quality of metadata we supply, and attempts to ensure they meet FAIR data practices (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). 

    How to cite: Kim, C., Matthews, A., and Bradshaw, E.: The Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level’s (PSMSL) global mean sea level dataset , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11494,, 2025.

    EGU25-13240 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3

    Probabilistic predictions of storm surge from coarse scale climate data based on normalizing flows 

    Simon Treu, Timothy Tiggeloven, Tim H. J. Hermans, Anaïs Couasnon, Carolin Grumbach, Matthias Mengel, Inga Sauer, and Katja Frieler

    Storm surges are causing widespread devastation, directly impacting coastal communities through injuries and fatalities, infrastructure damage, and the displacement of residents. Projections of future storm surges are vital for assessing these risks, especially under climate change that causes both the intensity and frequency of these extreme events to increase. The temporal and spatial resolution of global climate model simulations do not resolve the critical characteristics of the events: storm surge peaks such as daily maximum storm surge occur on the scale of hours, while global climate model simulations are often only available at daily time scales. The coarse resolution data include some information about the daily maximum water levels but does not exactly determine the maximum storm surge peaks. Instead, a range of daily maximum storm surge peaks are realistic under the same coarse conditions.

    Hydrodynamic and data-driven models often derive storm surge time series deterministically capturing the average outcome, but do not represent the range of outcomes given coarse-scale predictors. Probabilistic models can address this by generating ensembles of outcomes, each consistent with coarse-scale predictors. For future projections, where no observed storm surge exists for comparison, it can be beneficial to use individual ensemble members to provide more realistic storm surge scenarios.

    We implement a multivariate probabilistic model using normalizing flows to simulate time series ensembles of daily maximum storm surges, driven by climate data aggregated to daily means. We train and evaluate the model using ERA5 climate reanalysis data and storm surge time series from the hydrodynamic Global Tide and Surge Model in the time period 1979-2018 across five representative regions worldwide. Our findings indicate that individual ensemble members replicate key statistical features of storm surges more effectively than the ensemble means, given the limited temporal and spatial resolution of the predictors. The multivariate model effectively preserves spatial correlations within each individual ensemble member, making it a spatially realistic realization of storm surge. 

    Probabilistic storm surge time series conditioned on coarse atmospheric predictors open up new possibilities beyond traditional hydrodynamic modeling. Its performance in settings with limited predictor resolution make it an effective tool for computing storm surge projections consistent with climate model outputs.

    How to cite: Treu, S., Tiggeloven, T., Hermans, T. H. J., Couasnon, A., Grumbach, C., Mengel, M., Sauer, I., and Frieler, K.: Probabilistic predictions of storm surge from coarse scale climate data based on normalizing flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13240,, 2025.

    EGU25-13406 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3

    Rapid Field Survey Damage Assessment of the 2024 Typhoon Man-yi in Aurora, Philippines 

    Justin Joseph Valdez, Maria Erica Gomez, Jerome Gabriel Abagat, Joshua Agar, Ella Clarissa Leal, and Adrian Jyronne Luz

    On 17 November 2024, Super Typhoon Man-yi (local name: Pepito) hit the northern part of the Philippines with maximum sustained winds of 195 km/h and lowest central pressure of 920 hPa. Man-yi was the third typhoon to make landfall in the Philippines for that month. Man-yi first passed through the island province of Catanduanes before proceeding north and making landfall at Dipaculao in Aurora province. High-risk storm surge warnings were issued in the country with an estimated height of 2.1 to 3.0 meters at the coast of Aurora for a 48-hour lead time forecast. Although extensive documentation on the damages and affected families was done by government agencies, there were no official storm surge measurements known to be reported. Thus, there is a need to investigate the empirical gap on storm surge levels that occurred in Dipaculao and correlate them with the observed damage to structures. A field survey was conducted at Dipaculao and was able to measure storm surge heights of up to 5.52 meters. A drone was deployed to assess the structural and non-structural damage due to severe wind and storm surge in the area. The field survey observations were supplemented with a numerical simulation of the wind field from Man-yi using  the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Detailed observations of the damages to a hotel around 20 meters from the coast were documented, and lessons learned from the event are discussed.

    How to cite: Valdez, J. J., Gomez, M. E., Abagat, J. G., Agar, J., Leal, E. C., and Luz, A. J.: Rapid Field Survey Damage Assessment of the 2024 Typhoon Man-yi in Aurora, Philippines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13406,, 2025.

    EGU25-16303 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Sensitivity of pump design to the method to assess the influence of persistent periods of extreme sea water levels 

    Laurie Van Gijzen and Alexander Bakker

    Discharging excess water from regulated water systems in low-lying coastal areas will likely become more difficult due to sea level rise. The functionality of existing discharge sluices will decrease as the discharge window shortens. Additionally, high sea water levels can cause a decrease in the pump capacity of pumping stations, as they would operate far from the optimal operating point.  This reduction in discharge capacity may lead to an increase in flood risk in  water systems, requiring new or expansions of existing pump-sluice stations.

    An accurate representation of high sea water levels due to tides and storm surges is essential to correctly determine the required pump-sluice capacity and operational head  for new pump-sluice stations. To asses the effect of storm tides on a water system we are mainly interested in persistent periods of high water levels, their temporal evolution and their distribution. Storm tide models can provide the time series of high sea water levels and the associated statistics required for the pump-sluice design process. Most available models can be sorted in to three types of approaches: long measurement time series,  generation of stochastic events, physics-based or stochastic-based long synthetic time series.  

    In this study different storm tide models were used to assess the functionality of our pump-sluice station design. A comparison shows that the application of different methods leads to very different results in our pump design. Given that all models are plausible, this introduces an important source of uncertainty, which has to be taken into account in the design phase to prevent over- and under-designing.

    How to cite: Van Gijzen, L. and Bakker, A.: Sensitivity of pump design to the method to assess the influence of persistent periods of extreme sea water levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16303,, 2025.

    EGU25-17513 | Orals | OS2.3

    Squishy in the sloshy: paleoecology as a proxy for tides? 

    Mattias Green, Hannah Byrne, and Miranda Hartley

    The ocean tides are a key driver of a range of Earth system processes. Tidal energy drives vertical mixing with consequences for ocean circulation, climate, and biological production, and the tidal stream transport sediments, pollutants, and other matter through the ocean. Tides have also been proposed to be one component influencing key evolution and extinction events, including initiating the radiation of terrestrial vertebrates. Over the past decade it has become clear that the key controller of tidal energetics on long time scales is tectonics because the size of the ocean basins controls the resonant properties of the tides. Consequently, having accurate reconstructions and paleoDEMs (Digital Elevation Models, i.e., topography) would lead to accurate deep-time tides.  Here, we propose that paleoecology can be used to constrain the paleoDEMs, and thereby improve deep-time tidal models results: if a fossil is from a coastal setting, we know where the coastline should be in the reconstructions. We use extensive literature reviews of fossil cnidarian medusae (“jellyfish”) and ichnites (footprints), with focus on those from dinosaurs, to constrain Cambrian and Jurassic paleoDEMs. The early results are encouraging, and in many cases estimates of tidal current speeds can be obtained as well from grainsize estimates of the sediments in the rocks.

    How to cite: Green, M., Byrne, H., and Hartley, M.: Squishy in the sloshy: paleoecology as a proxy for tides?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17513,, 2025.

    EGU25-17753 | ECS | Orals | OS2.3

    New global sea surface height internal tide atlas MIOST-IT 24 

    Tchilibou Michel Lionel, Carrere Loren, Ubelmann Clément, Barbot Simon, and Dibarboure Gerald

    This study presents MIOST 2024 (MIOST24), a new global atlas of the sea surface height (SSH) signature of coherent internal tides derived from a single time inversion of 28-year (1993-2020) along-tracks altimetry dataset. The single inversion using a conjugate gradient algorithm, simultaneously resolves the contributions of internal tides and mesoscale eddy variability, unlike other methods which rely on separate mesoscale estimates. Compared to the MIOST 2022 version (MIOST22) by Ubelmann et al., 2022, MIOST24 is based on mode 1 and mode 2 internal tides wavelengths calculated from the vertical stratification profiles of the GLORYS12v1 climatology (1993-2020). MIOST24 atlases are available for the four major tidal components M2, K1, S2, 01. For these waves, the amplitudes and phases of coherent internal tides from MIOST24 are compared with existing atlases MIOST22 and HRET (by Zaron 2019). Additionally, the ability of the different atlases (MIOST24, MIOST22 and HRET) to remove the internal tide signal from altimetry data is evaluated over an independent period from 2021 to 2023. 

    How to cite: Michel Lionel, T., Loren, C., Clément, U., Simon, B., and Gerald, D.: New global sea surface height internal tide atlas MIOST-IT 24, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17753,, 2025.

    EGU25-18912 | Posters on site | OS2.3

    A storm surge hindcast for the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 1979 to 2023 

    Jung-A Yang and Changkyum Kim

    A storm surge driven by meteorological phenomena such as low atmospheric pressure and strong winds is an abnormal rise in sea level that can result in disasters, including coastal flooding, damage to coastal structures, ecosystem destruction, and beach deformation. This phenomenon arises from complex interactions between the atmosphere, ocean, and topography, making it essential to reconstruct and analyze past storm surge events to assess their impacts and identify vulnerable areas. Therefore, this study produced storm surge hindcast for the Northwest Pacific region, covering 115-150°E, 20-52°N, from 1979 to 2023. The dataset was generated using pressure and wind fields from ERA5 as external forcing conditions for the Delft3D-FM model. It features a spatial resolution of approximately 40 km in the open sea and 800 m in coastal areas, with a temporal resolution of 1 hour. The topographic data for modeling comprised GEBCO2023 for the open sea and the latest nautical chart data for Korea’s coastal regions. The accuracy of the data was evaluated for short-term events (individual typhoons) and long-term trends (multi-year statistical values), using observational data from 45 tide gauge stations along the Korean coast as the evaluation standard. The root mean squared error (RMSE), correlation coefficient (R), and variance ratio (VR) were employed as evaluation metrics. The analysis of data accuracy for short-term events revealed that it varied depending on topographical features, such as water depth, and the specific characteristics of the typhoon. Long-term trends were evaluated for the annual average, as well as the 99-percentile and maximum values, both representing extreme events. The analysis confirmed that storm surges should be analyzed using the concept of extreme values rather than average values. It was also identified that both short-term events and long-term trends tended to be underestimated by the model compared to the observations. This is likely due to the inability of ERA5, used as the external forcing condition, to accurately simulate extreme weather conditions such as typhoons. So, in the future, it is considered necessary to conduct storm surge hindcast simulations by applying high-resolution meteorological reanalysis data (e.g., JRA-55) for pressure and wind fields as external forcing conditions in the same numerical modeling environment.

    How to cite: Yang, J.-A. and Kim, C.: A storm surge hindcast for the Northwest Pacific Ocean from 1979 to 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18912,, 2025.

    EGU25-19526 | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Global Prediction of non-tidal ocean mass variability induced by atmospheric forcing with a barotropic ocean tide model 

    Roman Sulzbach, Maya Nocet-Binois, Michael Hart-Davis, Jean-Michel Lemoine, and Pascal Gegout

    Global models of the ocean mass anomaly play an important role in processing space geodetic observations. Most importantly, high-frequency variability of the sea surface height (and the associated surface mass) can degrade altimetric and gravimetric observations, due to their observation characteristics. Therefore, background models are typically used to avoid aliasing of high-frequency signal content. Ocean dynamics is significantly driven by baroclinic dynamics, especially on long-time scales. However, barotropic ocean models have been successfully used to predict high-frequency (~sub-monthly) sea surface dynamics and mass variability (e.g., Carrère and Lyard, 2003; Schindelegger et al., 2018).

    Here, we present simulations of non-tidal sea surface height dynamics with the barotropic ocean model TiME (Tidal model forced by ephemerides), which was originally designed to study ocean tides and adapted to simultaneous tidal and non-tidal forcing (Sulzbach et al., 2021). The model possesses several characteristics that are beneficial for global storm surge simulations : (i) a truly global domain ; (ii) the computation of the non-local effect of self-attraction and loading at each time step ; (iii) dissipation by parameterized baroclinic processes, i.e., topographic wave drag ; (iv) simultaneous forcing by the Tide-Generating potential as well as atmospheric pressure and wind stress. The model's versatility allows us to study the influence of the above-mentioned features on the accuracy of the prediction of non-tidal ocean mass variability. Among all considered effects, the influence of (ii) is especially pronounced, as it is sensitive to the spatial extent of the ocean mass anomaly, which can change significantly in time and space for non-tidal processes.

    Multiple years of sea surface height data were computed and transformed to Stokes coefficients. Comparison of the results with geodetic observations (e.g., tide gauge data) shows consistent validation and significant improvements when considering tidal/non-tidal interactions, self-attraction and loading, and optimized mechanical energy dissipation by topographic wave drag.

    How to cite: Sulzbach, R., Nocet-Binois, M., Hart-Davis, M., Lemoine, J.-M., and Gegout, P.: Global Prediction of non-tidal ocean mass variability induced by atmospheric forcing with a barotropic ocean tide model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19526,, 2025.

    EGU25-19712 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.3

    Evaluating ocean tide models using absolute gravity measurements at Aboa, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica 

    Arttu Raja-Halli, Jaakko Mäkinen, Maaria Nordman, and Jyri Näränen

    We have conducted absolute gravity (AG) measurements over several austral summer seasons at the Finnish Antarctic base Aboa, located in western Dronning Maud Land. The most recent measurements were made in January–February 2024. Aboa is situated on the slope of Basen nunatak, approximately 470 m above sea level, 20 km from the grounding line of the ice shelf, and 100 km from the open sea. Individual AG measurement campaigns lasted from 24 hours to two weeks, with optimal conditions for measurements - stable, laboratory-level environment and low microseismic noise.

    The AG measurements revealed clear signals of ocean tidal loading, with effects reaching several microgals. To identify the most accurate representation of ocean tidal dynamics at the site, we calculated theoretical tidal loading using multiple ocean tide models, including both global and regional solutions. Due to the limited duration of the measurement campaigns, our analysis is restricted to diurnal and semidiurnal tidal components. By comparing the calculated tidal loading with the AG residuals, we aim to assess the performance of different models and refine our understanding of tidal dynamics at Aboa. Preliminary results highlight significant discrepancies between models and observations.

    Tidal modeling in Antarctic regions presents unique challenges, including limited observations, uncertain sub-ice topography, and complex grounding line dynamics. Transitional zones, where the ice shelf's stiffness dampens the effects of water column changes, as well as density differences at the ice shelf base and surface, further complicate accurate tidal loading modeling.

    Identifying the most accurate tidal model is important for improving the interpretation of gravity and other geodetic data, like GNSS time series, and isolating other geophysical signals, such as ice mass changes and related solid Earth deformations.

    How to cite: Raja-Halli, A., Mäkinen, J., Nordman, M., and Näränen, J.: Evaluating ocean tide models using absolute gravity measurements at Aboa, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19712,, 2025.

    Wetlands are dynamic ecosystems where land and water environments intersect, playing a vital role in maintaining ecological balance. These areas are critical for the conservation of biodiversity and regulation of water regime. The Kızılırmak Delta, is recognized as a wetland complex consisting of rivers, lakes, swamps, coastal, and marine regions is recognized as one of the "Strictly Protected Areas" and listed on the UNESCO “World Heritage Tentative List” due to the presence of wetlands and its significance as a crucial bird migration route. 

    The Holocene evolution of the Kızılırmak Delta (Northern Türkiye) is controlled by accumulation and alongshore transportation of sediment flux by the largest river of Anatolia draining to the Black Sea. The distinct successive beach ridges (~2 km length) formed along the eastern part of the delta (north and east) form the geomorphological boundaries of the wetland systems. The formation of these beach ridges reflects the variations of sediment influx, alongshore transport, and coastal dynamics. Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating revealed that the formation of the beach-ridge system initiated during the last millennium.

    Since the mid-20th century, a dense network of drainage canals (~1400 km) have been constructed to drain the delta for agricultural purposes. The successive construction of large-scale dams along the river have caused interconnected issues, such as decrease of sediment flux and negative balance underground water table of the delta. 

    In this regard, we have conducted an analysis of wetland changes over the past 10 years, during which climate change and anthropogenic impacts have been heavily observed. Sentinel-2 imagery (#92) and meteorological data (daily) were used to classify, map and understand the spatiotemporal hydrological dynamics of the wetlands and anthropogenic control. The present study aims to contribute to the analysis of the geomorphological development and evolution of the delta and its recent hydrological dynamics.


    How to cite: Salman, I. and Erturaç, M. K.: Monitoring the natural and anthropogenic environmental changes in the Kızılırmak Delta using remote sensing methods over the last 10 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1070,, 2025.

    EGU25-1110 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Sedimentary nitrogen removal processes across coastal, lagoon and open waters of the Baltic Sea 

    Pratha Sivasamy, Beata Szymczycha, and Magdalena Diak

    Denitrification and anammox (anaerobic ammonium oxidation) are the main nitrogen removal pathways. Denitrification is a microbial process in which NO3- is sequentially reduced to dinitrogen gas (N₂) while anammox is the anaerobic microbiological process in which NO2- and NH4+ are converted to N2 under anoxic conditions. Both processes are critical in regulating nitrogen (N) availability in marine ecosystems, particularly in the stratified and oxygen-depleted aquifers such as Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea, highly complex and semi-enclosed marine ecosystem that contains brackish water due to high freshwater discharge and limited water exchange with the North Sea. The sedimentary nitrogen cycling was studied extensively in the Baltic Sea but still, understanding the nitrogen loss process, especially in the coastal area is challenging. Additionally, studies usually use different methods to assess the N removal rates which disables the comparison of obtained rates and limits the overall understanding of the N cycle. The main aim of the study was to quantify denitrification and anammox rates in surface sediments from various locations in the Baltic Sea. Three coastal sites MP2 (Puck Bay), PB3 (Puck Bay under submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) impact),  lagoon MS2 (Szczecin lagoon) and two open-sea sites IDEAL, P1 (Baltic Proper) were selected for this study. Slurry incubation experiments were conducted at each site with the addition of labelled substrates ¹⁵NO₂⁻ and ¹⁵NH₄⁺ to measure denitrification and anammox rates. The addition of ¹⁵NO₂⁻ produced ¹⁴N¹⁴N, ¹⁴N¹⁵N, and ¹⁵N¹⁵N for denitrification, while ¹⁵NH₄⁺ produced ¹⁴N¹⁴N and ¹⁴N¹⁵N for anammox. The denitrification rate in the coastal sites ranged from 1440.82 to 7.21 nM N L-1 d-1, for the open sea sites (IDEAL) 533.42 nM N L-1 d-1  and at P1 consumption of N2 was observed. Apart from MP2, anammox activity was detected at PB3 (32.67 nM N L-1 d-1), MS2 (0.41 nM N L-1 d-1), IDEAL (0.46 nM N L-1 d-1), and P1 (0.67 nM N L-1 d-1). The anammox rates were lower than denitrification at all sites, indicating its minor role in nitrogen removal in the surface sediments of Baltic Sea. However, the presence of anammox highlights the contribution of a diverse microbial community that can increase with the future expansion of anoxic areas in the Baltic Sea. The observed spatial variability in N removal rates is likely influenced by site-specific factors such as organic matter availability, nutrient discharge, and oxygen conditions. However, hypoxic submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), enriched in nutrients and dissolved organic carbon appears to be a key driver of nitrogen removal. Further studies employing similar methodological approaches are essential to better understand nitrogen cycling in marine ecosystems, particularly in coastal areas.


    The results were obtained within the framework of the statutory activities of the Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Oceanology and the research project IDEAL (2019/34/E/ST10/00217) funded by the Polish National Science Centre.

    How to cite: Sivasamy, P., Szymczycha, B., and Diak, M.: Sedimentary nitrogen removal processes across coastal, lagoon and open waters of the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1110,, 2025.

    EGU25-1123 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Claiming Prestige: Shaping the Future of Artificial Coastal Development" 

    Dhritiraj Sengupta, Dominique Townsend, Sally Brown, Ivan D Haigh, and Ian Townend

    Prestige reclamation is defined as coastal reclamation carried out for the purpose of high-end real estate development and luxury recreation. The planiforms of these reclamations are often highly complex ideograms, showcasing the investor’s wealthand maximising the number of waterfront properties. Over time, increasingly elaborate designs are being built, leading to ever more complex coasts of which the wider impact to the coast is poorly understood. 

    As these constructions are becoming more common, we raise a series of critical questions on the ecological, societal and environmental status of these highly anthropomorphised coasts. In this presentation we highlight ten key global prestige reclamation sites; showcasing trends in design, diversity of symbolic representation and resource demands, to demonstrate common themes found widely across the existing prestige reclamations. Time series analysis of reclamation shows both the construction timeframes, but also the large gap in time between construction and further development, questioning the drivers for development. This presentation aims to spark conversations on these unique coastlines, and bring further attention and global collaboration to collectively study their impact on the wider coastal environment. 

    How to cite: Sengupta, D., Townsend, D., Brown, S., Haigh, I. D., and Townend, I.: Claiming Prestige: Shaping the Future of Artificial Coastal Development", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1123,, 2025.

    The large radial sand ridge (RSR) system located in the southern Yellow Sea near the Jiangsu coast, China, is highly impacted by tropical cyclones (TCs). However, the temporal and spatial variations of sediment dynamics and associated morphodynamics in this region under the influence of TCs have been little explored due to the difficulty of implementing direct observation during these extreme events. Taking typhoon Lekima in August 2019 (No. 1909) as an example, this study simulated and comprehensively investigated the dynamic processes in the RSR area under the impacts of TCs based on the Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM). During the passage of Lekima, the spatial patterns of residual flow (RF), sediment flux (SF) and morphology changes in the RSR area were totally different from that during the pre- and post-Lekima periods, especially in the offshore areas (the seaward edge of sand ridges). This is because TC Lekima can generate strong wind-driven currents and waves, increasing the bottom stress and influencing the sediment transport. Due to the shallow water depth of RSRs, wave height decreased significantly towards the coast, and tidal effects gradually dominated the nearshore sedimentary dynamic processes instead of wave effects. Furthermore, the effects of TCs with different tracks and intensities were discussed in this study, and we found that TCs passing the west/east side of the study domain can induce opposite directions of sediment transport and lead to the spatial asymmetry of geomorphological evolution. This research can contribute to an improved understanding of sedimentary dynamic processes during extreme events and indicates the importance of exploring sediment dynamics response to TCs with different characteristics for reducing TC-induced coastal risks in future climate change scenarios.

    How to cite: Yang, G.: Impact of tropical cyclones on the hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of the radial sand ridge system in the southern Yellow Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1614,, 2025.

    The increasing demand for marine sand, driven by urbanization, infrastructure development, and coastal defense against sea-level rise due to climate change intensifies environmental pressures on marine ecosystems. Large-scale sand extraction disrupts benthic habitats and alters hydrodynamics by modifying water depth and current velocities. These changes weaken natural tidal mixing processes, increasing susceptibility to thermal stratification. Such stratification limits oxygen and nutrient exchange between water layers, affecting local phytoplankton dynamics and benthic communities.

    To investigate the potential occurrence of thermal stratification in sand pits, we applied the Simpson-Hunter method, originally developed for predicting tidal mixing fronts, to establish a theoretical framework for determining the critical depth at which well-mixed waters may stratify within sandpits in mid-summer. Using this method, we developed a map for the southern North Sea that identifies the maximum allowable sandpit depths before stratification occurs.

    To further refine our findings, we conducted one-way nested, high-resolution numerical modeling of the hydrodynamics using the Delft3D model, incorporating boundary conditions derived from the existing GETM model of the Northwest European Shelf. Simulations were performed for various sandpit sizes and depths under realistic hydrodynamic conditions for mid-summer. The results agreed with the theoretical predictions but in addition revealed a strong dependence on sandpit size, showing that larger pits are more prone to stratification related to a relative reduction in mixing at the pit’s edges.

    This research highlights the critical role of sandpit depth and size in influencing stratification dynamics. Understanding and preventing these processes is essential for minimizing ecological risks and ensuring the sustainable extraction of marine sand in dynamic shelf seas like the North Sea.

    How to cite: Daliri, M. and van der Molen, J.: Thermal Stratification Dynamics in Sandpits: Impacts of Marine Sand Extraction in the Southern North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2287,, 2025.

    EGU25-2593 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Sediment deposition in riparian zones exacerbates saltwater intrusion 

    Hayden Tackley, Barret Kurylyk, Craig Lake, Danika van Proosdij, and Rob Jamieson

    Coastal farmland is becoming increasingly exposed to flooding due to climate change. Inundation can lead to groundwater and soil degradation through saltwater intrusion. Much of the research investigating saltwater intrusion is focused along the marine coast; however, as storm intensity and sea levels rise, transitional coastal areas not previously susceptible to salinization may be at risk. Flood-derived sediment deposits may provide an overlooked salinity source in estuarine and upriver areas, even where floodwater salinity is relatively low. This study was conducted to evaluate the impact of subaerial flood deposits on underlying soil and porewater. A parcel of agricultural land in an estuarine floodplain in Nova Scotia, Canada, was selected to assess the subsurface response to repeated, low-salinity flooding. The site experienced inundation by fortnightly tidal floodwater following a managed dike realignment, resulting in dynamic surficial alteration. A three-year field campaign, including soil and water monitoring, geophysical surveying, and drone-based LiDAR surveying, was conducted to monitor changes to the site geomorphology and water and sediment chemistry. A one-dimensional numerical solute transport and vertical water flow model informed by field data was applied to investigate the hypothesis that saline sediment deposits can drive downward saltwater intrusion in areas experiencing brackish or low-salinity flooding. Results revealed that the soil concentrations exceeded that of the brackish floodwater by up to 50 times, with the highest salinization occurring preferentially in areas experiencing persistent deposition. Model results showed that soil salinization may persist for decades longer than the duration of flooding; however, removing these deposits through erosion resulted in soil and groundwater recovery. This study highlights the potential importance of flood-derived sediments for exacerbating saltwater intrusion in riparian areas along estuaries, which were not previously thought to be at risk of saline flooding.

    How to cite: Tackley, H., Kurylyk, B., Lake, C., van Proosdij, D., and Jamieson, R.: Sediment deposition in riparian zones exacerbates saltwater intrusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2593,, 2025.

    EGU25-4284 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Assessing the impact of past environmental change on fjord biodiversity using sedimentary ancient DNA 

    Katrine Husum, Ingrid Saetersdal, Magdalena Lacka, Bjørg Risebrobakken, Haflidi Haflidason, Micah Dunthorn, Tristan Cordier, Aud Larsen, Øystein Varpe, Stijn de Schepper, and Agnes Weiner

    Fjords are strongly affected by climate change and direct anthropogenic impacts. Their location at the land-ocean interface makes them particularly vulnerable to a wide range of stressors. Rapid changes, such as increasing water temperatures, changes in oxygen conditions, increased run-off from land and decreasing sea ice in the Arctic will inevitably have profound effects on marine biodiversity and productivity. However, so far, our knowledge on the impact of these changes on marine communities remains limited, despite their important roles in food webs and nutrient cycling. To understand ongoing and future changes in fjord ecosystems and the resilience of marine communities, it is essential to assess their response to past changes in environmental conditions. To date, such studies are limited to lineages with a fossil record, leaving an incomplete picture of the remaining diversity. To address this issue, in the project PASTIME we are now applying sedimentary ancient DNA as a new tool for reconstructing past changes in entire marine communities in relation with past environmental changes. We focus on marine sediment cores from Arctic and western Norwegian fjords and assess environmental and biodiversity changes over the last centuries. Our work extends the timescales far beyond traditional observational data and allows assessing the impact of various environmental factors (e.g. temperature, freshwater inflow, sea ice, oxygen) under in-situ conditions to elucidate key drivers of change. In addition, the high sedimentation rates in fjords allow for high temporal resolution sampling and thus for tracing the rate of ecosystem change. Here, we will present preliminary data on one sediment core collected in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, and one core from Masfjorden, Western Norway. Both cores cover the last three centuries with a high vertical resolution and show marine community responses to past environmental changes.

    How to cite: Husum, K., Saetersdal, I., Lacka, M., Risebrobakken, B., Haflidason, H., Dunthorn, M., Cordier, T., Larsen, A., Varpe, Ø., de Schepper, S., and Weiner, A.: Assessing the impact of past environmental change on fjord biodiversity using sedimentary ancient DNA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4284,, 2025.

    EGU25-4575 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Coastal Foredune Notches – Adoption, Constructed Morphology and Classification 

    Thomas Pagon, Thomas Smyth, Ryan Wilson, and Bethany Fox

    Coastal sand dunes are critical components of coastal zones, delivering essential ecological, 
    geomorphic, and societal services. Over at least the last 100 years, climate change and shifting 
    land use patterns have driven widespread “dune greening,” characterised by increasing 
    vegetation cover and, subsequently, stabilisation of dune systems. While this stabilisation can 
    be beneficial for some management objectives, in some locations, it has reduced the 
    availability of valuable bare sand and early successional habitats, as well as diminished the 
    resilience of dune systems to environmental and climatic changes. To address these 
    challenges, constructed foredune notches have been increasingly implemented as coastal 
    management interventions. These notches aim to restore dune dynamism, promote sediment 
    movement, and (re)create habitats by providing a pathway for aeolian sediment transport from 
    beaches into the middle and back dune areas. 
    Despite their growing application, research on the design, functionality, and long-term impacts 
    of foredune notches remains limited, particularly at a global scale. In this study, we 
    systematically identified and analysed 133 foredune notches across four countries using aerial 
    imagery to assess variations in their constructed morphology. Our findings reveal significant 
    regional differences in notch dimensions: notches in France and New Zealand tend to be 
    smaller and more uniform in design, while those in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands 
    exhibit larger and more variable morphological characteristics. These regional variations, 
    especially notable in the Netherlands, are underexplored in current literature, leaving important 
    gaps in understanding how initial design influences the performance and persistence of these 
    To complement this analysis of the constructed morphology of foredune notches, this study 
    also investigates how the identified differences in constructed morphology affect notch 
    evolution over time, using a time series of aerial imagery from selected sites in Europe. Initial 
    results suggest that constructed morphology significantly impacts the spatial dynamics and 
    longevity of foredune notches, with important implications for achieving ecological and 
    geomorphic management objectives.
    To improve the consistency and transferability of research and management practices, this 
    study proposes a standardised classification framework for foredune notches based on key 
    morphological characteristics. The proposed framework provides a systematic approach to 
    describing and comparing notches across sites and regions, allowing existing and future 
    research to be better applied across notches and sites, therefore hopefully enabling 
    researchers and practitioners to design notches with a better understanding of their likely long-term impact.

    How to cite: Pagon, T., Smyth, T., Wilson, R., and Fox, B.: Coastal Foredune Notches – Adoption, Constructed Morphology and Classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4575,, 2025.

    EGU25-4809 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Unravelling groundwater salinization and flushing in the Canterbury Bight during glacial-interglacial cycles: Insights from paleo-hydrogeochemical modeling 

    Chong Sheng, Aaron Micallef, Mark Schmidt, Thomas Müller, and Christian Hensen

    Offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) is well-documented in the shelf sediments of Canterbury Bight (New Zealand), with an estimated maximum volume of 213 km³, extending up to 60 km offshore from the coast. However, the evolution and emplacement dynamics of the OFG system remains poorly constrained. To advance the current state of understanding OFG systems, this study seeks to utilize the previously underutilized IODP geochemical and geological data from the Canterbury Bight to constrain the timing and emplacement mechanisms of the OFG system. Specifically, the main objectives of this paleo-hydrogeochemical transport-reaction modelling study are: (1) to identify key factors/processes influencing groundwater salinization and flushing in the continental shelf; (2) to improve understanding of the influences of OFG on subseafloor biogeochemical processes by transport-reaction modelling; (3) to explore the interactions between paleo-groundwater system and seawater; and (4) to propose a conceptual mode for shelf groundwater system evolution in relation to glacial/interglacial processes.

    Preliminary results suggest that present-day recharge does not fully account for the OFG, particularly in the outer shelf, which is the fossil groundwater emplaced during the lowstands since the late Pleistocene. The intensified sulphate depletion observed in freshening sections is attributed to enhanced anaerobic oxidation of dissolved organic matter brought by the OFG. Modern salinity conditions are not in equilibrium with present-day sea level conditions, as the OFG is gradually being salinized through downward solute transport from overlying seawater. Submarine groundwater discharge and OFG volume are interconnected components of the offshore paleo-groundwater system, both closely tied to sea-level fluctuations. The findings from this study are expected to enhance our understanding of the Canterbury Bight’s offshore groundwater system and provide broader insights into OFG formation and evolution under changing climatic and sea-level conditions worldwide.

    How to cite: Sheng, C., Micallef, A., Schmidt, M., Müller, T., and Hensen, C.: Unravelling groundwater salinization and flushing in the Canterbury Bight during glacial-interglacial cycles: Insights from paleo-hydrogeochemical modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4809,, 2025.

    EGU25-5126 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Morphodynamics and Evolution of a Coastal Sand Dune in Northwestern Taiwan 

    Tsung-Yi Lin, Shao-Ping Lu, and Jyun-Min Liou

    Topographic change, its dynamic mechanism, and the long-term evolution of a coastal sand dune in northwestern Taiwan was discussed through the monitoring of the seasonal and interannual topographic changes and sedimentological studies. The strong northeast monsoon in winter often blows up the dry sand on the back beach, and transports the sand landward  along the coast. The sedimentary structure analysis of the foredunes also shows that different types of parallel and cross laminations are dominant at different dune locations.

    In summer, the foredune is susceptible to the influence of typhoon waves and storm surges, and often erodes the fore slope to form dune scarp. However, in the following winter, the scarp can gradually return to the dune slope through the accumulation of the dune ramp and the slope slumping. Overall, the foredune ridge has been moving inland toward southeast over the decades. Several sites of sand encroachment onto the windbreak forests are identified. The artificial sand fences on the fore slope make the surrounding sand surface piled up, and the fore slope becomes steeper that more likely to cause large-scale slumping.

    The results of the ground penetrating radar survey showed that the surface sediments of the foredunes were about 5-10 meters thick, showing low-angle parallel bedding. Below the existing dune sediments, the distribution of the strata under the dunes (i.e. algal reef layer, old dune sediments, and salt marsh mud) can be observed. Vibration sediment core samples also show that there is an algal reef platform below the beach and dune deposits in this area, which is exposed at the lower fore beach and could extend at least few hundred meters to the inland side. The sea level at the time of the formation of the algal reef platform (about 3,000-4,000 years ago) may have been higher, and the secondary sand dunes on the current inland side may be the foredunes at that time.

    How to cite: Lin, T.-Y., Lu, S.-P., and Liou, J.-M.: Morphodynamics and Evolution of a Coastal Sand Dune in Northwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5126,, 2025.

    The coastal zone of the sea is a dynamic and complex environment where geological and geomorphological processes interact, shaping both terrestrial and marine landscapes. Understanding these processes is essential for sustainable coastal zone management, particularly in the face of climate change and increasing human activity.

    The aim of this study is to develop a holistic framework for geological integrated coastal zone mapping that encompasses both the terrestrial and marine components of the coastal zone.

    The research employs advanced methods, including geological mapping, 3D modeling, and data integration techniques, combined with predictive modeling of erosion-accumulation processes and shoreline changes. These methodologies are supported by state-of-the-art visualization tools to enhance the interpretation and usability of the data.

    The main results of the study include detailed geological maps, 3D models, and specialized analyses that provide new insights into the structure and dynamics of the southern Baltic coastal zone. The research identifies key geohazards and offers predictive models for shoreline evolution, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the region.

    This innovative approach is unique in its integration of terrestrial and marine aspects of the coastal zone, addressing the entire system as a cohesive unit. By bridging this gap, the study offers practical tools for sustainable management and risk mitigation.

    The implications of this work extend beyond the Baltic region, providing a transferable methodology for integrated coastal zone management globally. The results contribute to bridging the gap between scientific research and practical application, equipping policymakers and stakeholders with actionable insights for addressing contemporary coastal challenges.

    How to cite: Uscinowicz, G.: Innovative Holistic Approach to Studying and Managing the Coastal Zone Environment: A Case Study from the Southern Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5494,, 2025.

    EGU25-5803 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Using ocean color satellite data to examine spatial and temporal coastal CO2 dynamics in the North Sea 

    Andrea van Langen Rosón, Clémence Goyens, Alizée Roobaert, Peter Landschützer, and Griet Neukermans

    The coastal ocean is a key component of the global carbon cycle, transferring carbon from land to the open ocean and supporting blue carbon accounting and climate change mitigation efforts. Coastal carbon dynamics remain however poorly constrained. This results from the complex biological and physio-chemical processes that occur in coastal seas which drive the spatial and temporal variability of the exchange of carbon dioxide (FCO2) between the coastal seas and the atmosphere. To address this knowledge gap, region-specific and highly resolved analyses in time and space are required.

    The dense network of in-situ measurements of seawater partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) obtained from e.g. buoys and research vessels in the North Sea offers a unique opportunity to study coastal FCO2 dynamics. Here, we combine high-resolution satellite observations of ocean colour (ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative, OC-CCI) and sea surface temperature with all available in situ pCO2 observations (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas, SOCAT) to study the spatial and temporal variability of pCO2  in the North Sea over the past decade. Using regionally optimized retrieval algorithms, we estimate key biogeochemical drivers of pCO2 dynamics, including chlorophyll-a, suspended particulate matter and particulate organic carbon. Our findings suggest the presence of distinct biogeochemical regions within the North Sea, detectable from remote sensing data, shaped by primary productivity, riverine plume inputs, and sediment dynamics. These processes have varying impacts on regional pCO2 dynamics, from locally enhancing the CO2 uptake to degassing CO2. Overall, this study advances our understanding of the complex processes driving coastal carbon dynamics and demonstrates a framework that can be applied beyond the North Sea in coastal regions globally.

    How to cite: van Langen Rosón, A., Goyens, C., Roobaert, A., Landschützer, P., and Neukermans, G.: Using ocean color satellite data to examine spatial and temporal coastal CO2 dynamics in the North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5803,, 2025.

    EGU25-6107 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    New coasts emerging from the retreat of Northern Hemisphere marine-terminating glaciers in the 21st century 

    Malgorzata Szczypinska, Jan Kavan, William Kochtitzky, Louise Farquharson, Matte Bendixen, and Mateusz Strzelecki

    Accelerated climate warming has caused the majority of marine-terminating glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere to retreat significantly during the 21st century. While glacier retreat and changes in mass balance are widely studied on a global scale, the impacts of deglaciation on adjacent coastal geomorphology is often overlooked. We examined changes in proglacial zones of marine-terminating glaciers across the Northern Hemisphere in period 2000-2020 to provide a complete GIS dataset of new coastline released from glacial ice on the hemisphere during that time as well as coastline lost due to glacier advance. We identified a total of 2466 ± 0.8 km of new coastline, giving an average length of 123 km every year. Two-thirds of this coastline was exposed in Greenland. At the same time, only 53.1 ± 0.1 km of coastline present in 2000 was covered by glaciers in 2020. We analyse the results by region and compare them with retreat areas of the corresponding glaciers. Additionally, we identified 35 new islands larger than 0.5 km2 that were completely uncovered or which lost their glacial connection with the mainland during the period 2000-2020. Finally, we characterize these juvenile coasts by rock type, recent climatic conditions and location in particular permafrost zone. These environmental factors affect recently initiated paraglacial coastal evolution and enable to show hotspots in terms of expected geomorphological coastal dynamics.

    Funding: The research is supported by the National Science Centre in Poland (project: ‘GLAVE- transformation of paraglacial coasts by tsunamis - past, present and warmer future’ No. UMO-2020/38/E/ST10/00042).

    How to cite: Szczypinska, M., Kavan, J., Kochtitzky, W., Farquharson, L., Bendixen, M., and Strzelecki, M.: New coasts emerging from the retreat of Northern Hemisphere marine-terminating glaciers in the 21st century, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6107,, 2025.

    EGU25-6108 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Post-Little Ice Age evolution of Svalbard's lagoon systems – types, changes, and responses to storms 

    Zofia Owczarek and Mateusz Strzelecki

    Lagoon coasts are regarded as among the most vulnerable ecosystems to the effects of climate change, serving as conduits for interconnectivity between terrestrial, marine, and atmospheric systems. The stability of lagoons is contingent upon several factors, including the influence of storm waves, ocean currents, sediment supply, and sea level changes. To date, however, little research has been conducted on the processes shaping the evolution of Arctic coastal lagoon systems (Smith et al., 2020). The present study utilises a comprehensive array of remote sensing data sources, encompassing aerial photographs from the 1930s, orthophotographs from 1936–1938, and satellite imagery from 2021, to identify lagoon formation and systematically classify their typology.

    The construction of a database comprising over 430 lagoons revealed that at least 98 of these were formed after 1936, with eight disappearing within a century. Since the end of the last ice age (LIA), at least 98 new lagoons have been formed, resulting in the current Svalbard coastal environment comprising 434 lagoons spanning 147 km2. A new lagoon type currently rapidly forming across the archipelago, is the moraine-controlled paraglacial lagoon. These lagoons form as a consequence of glacial retreat and subsequent inundation of the area between moraines and glacier ice-cliffs by the sea. The majority of observed lagoons are characterised by resistant barriers capable of withstanding strong storms. In general, the factors controlling the stability of Svalbard lagoons remain poorly understood. This is partly due to the fact that permafrost has not yet been thoroughly studied in the area and partly due to the fact that the distribution of sub-lagoon permafrost is not yet fully understood.

    Keywords: lagoon systems, moraine-controlled paraglacial lagoons, coastal change,
    glacier retreat, Svalbard, Arctic.

    Funding: This research was funded in whole by the National Science Centre in Poland (project: Arctic storm impacts recorded in beach-ridges and lake archives: scenarios for less icy future “ASPIRE” – UMO-2020/37/B/ST10/03074)

    How to cite: Owczarek, Z. and Strzelecki, M.: Post-Little Ice Age evolution of Svalbard's lagoon systems – types, changes, and responses to storms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6108,, 2025.

    EGU25-6649 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Extreme events shapping Svalbard coast: emergence of new coastal landscapes 

    Jan Kavan and Mateusz Strzelecki

    The High Arctic, and Svalbard in particular, is currently experiencing rapid warming, which has serious consequences for various geosystem components, especially the cryosphere. Coastal areas are especially sensitive to these changes due to their position at the interface of marine and terrestrial geosystems. Retreating glaciers, degrading permafrost, prolonged sea ice-free seasons, and increasing weather extremes are all key factors influencing the development of coastal areas. In this study, we focus on the accumulation of coastal features and their stability during the instrumental record period following the Little Ice Age. We demonstrate that, despite abrupt climatic changes, the major features of the coastal landscape are surprisingly stable, unlike their counterparts in Greenland. We argue that the most dramatic development of coastal areas occurred in the Early Holocene, during the melting of the massive Barents Sea Ice Sheet. The current deglaciation, however, is not producing sufficient meltwater or releasing enough sediments to form new accumulation coastal landforms. On the contrary, we observe episodic rapid events connected to glacier dynamics, such as glacier surges or glacial lake outburst floods, where new deltas can form within weeks or months. We provide a regional overview of Svalbard delta systems, highlighting the most striking examples of their current dynamics, and propose a conceptual model for the development of coastal areas in this region.

    How to cite: Kavan, J. and Strzelecki, M.: Extreme events shapping Svalbard coast: emergence of new coastal landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6649,, 2025.

    EGU25-7442 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Living Dunes: a trait-based modelling approach to optimize dune-based Nature-based Solutions 

    Frederik Van Daele and Dries Bonte

    To protect vulnerable coastal dunes from the growing pressures of climate change and human activities, effective and sustainable management through Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is essential. The Living Dunes Python package ( is a novel spatially explicit, process-based model that simulates coastal dune dynamics by coupling vegetation dynamics with aeolian transport and key environmental drivers. Developed in collaboration with the Dunefront and SUSANA projects, which aim to enhance coastal protection through NbS, Living Dunes is being parameterized with trait data from dune-building plant species, which are at the basis of bio-geomorphological feedbacks. Species-specific parameters for key life stages, including germination, growth, dispersal, and mortality, are incorporated to represent the diversity of coastal dune communities and their role in delivering NbS. These demographic processes are driven by environmental variables derived from global datasets and online APIs, enabling the simulation of fine-grained vegetation dynamics under various climate change and NbS implementation scenarios. By integrating trait data, process-based modeling, and global datasets, the Living Dunes package demonstrates how computational tools can be used to understand and predict coastal dune responses to environmental change, directly informing the design and optimization of NbS for dune restoration and coastal protection in the face of climate change and anthropogenic pressures.

    How to cite: Van Daele, F. and Bonte, D.: Living Dunes: a trait-based modelling approach to optimize dune-based Nature-based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7442,, 2025.

    The Bohai Sea, a semi-enclosed inland sea located in China, has experienced a notable decline in bottom water oxygen levels over the past decade. This phenomenon is linked to the inadequate replenishment of oxygen, which is constrained by the formation of summer thermoclines that impede water renewal. The impact of global climate change on oceanic thermoclines has been pronounced. This research employs a sophisticated three-dimensional hydrothermal model in conjunction with a vertical water age model to investigate the formation and spatiotemporal characteristics of thermoclines in the Bohai Sea, as well as their response to climate change, including shifts in wind patterns and air temperature. Water age is conceptualized as the duration since a water parcel last contacted the free surface. Findings indicate that the bottom water age in the Bohai Sea remains less than 2 days in spring, suggesting that the cold bottom waters are not remnants from the winter season. The intensified surface heat flux during summer points to a thermal lag as the underlying mechanism for thermocline formation, with bottom waters warming at a slower rate than surface waters. The study reveals marked spatial heterogeneity and seasonal fluctuations in the thermocline’s distribution within the Bohai Sea. Over time, the thermoclines have exhibited a vertical descent towards the seafloor and a horizontal shift from the continental slope towards the central basin. Regarding the impacts of climate change, a trigonometric function fitting method was utilized to discern a trend of increasing wind speeds and temperatures in the Bohai Sea over the past forty years. The temperature rise leads to a downward shift of the thermocline and an intensification of its strength. Moreover, enhanced wind speeds facilitate greater vertical mixing of water masses, culminating in a weakening of the strength of the thermocline.

    How to cite: Wu, M. and Sun, J.: Spatiotemporal Distribution and Climate Change Sensitivity of Thermoclines in a Semi-Enclosed Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7788,, 2025.

    EGU25-7828 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Reconstruction of the Cenozoic Paleocoastline and Evolution of the Qiongzhou Strait 

    Chaoqun Wang, Xiaoxiao Yang, and Daogong Hu

    To understand the evolution of the Qiongzhou Strait and ancient coastlines in the Beibu Gulf - Leiqiong area since the Cenozoic era, and to reveal its implications for regional land-sea pattern changes and global climate change. This article reconstructs the changes of ancient coastline and the evolution process of Qiongzhou Strait in the Beibu Gulf - Leiqiong area since the Cenozoic era based on borehole data. In the Paleogene, the Beibu Gulf formed a NEE trending disconnected fault basin and filled with river lake sedimentary facies. In the late Oligocene, seawater intermittently invaded the ancient Beibu Gulf lake and connected the isolated fault basin;In the Early-Middle Miocene(23.3~10.4 Ma), the coastline in the northwest of the South China Sea rapidly retreated, and the ancient lake in the Beibu Gulf evolved into the ancient Qiongzhou Strait. In the Late Miocene to Pliocene (10.4~2.58 Ma), the coastline continued to retreat, forming a wide ancient Qiongzhou Strait, Early Pleistocene regression and volcanic eruptions led to the shrinkage of the ancient Qiongzhou Strait;Frequent climate fluctuations during the late Early Pleistocene to late Pleistocebe controlled the continuous transformation of fjords and land. The significant regression during the last glacial maximum directly led to the transformation of the Beibu Gulf-Leiqiong area from sea to land; Since 15 ~ 12 ka BP, the coastline has rapidly retreated and briefly stopped between 12 and 11 ka BP, and the Beibu gulf has once again transitioned from land to sea, Afterwards, the sea level continued to rise, and the Qiongzhou Strait fully opened from west to east at 11 ka BP. By 6 ka BP, the sea level reached about 2 meters above the current sea level, forming the current sea land pattern. The results indicate that the Beibu Gulf - Leiqiong Area underwent four evolutionary stages in the Cenozoic, including the Paleogene Beibu Gulf ancient lake, the Neogene to Early Pleistocene ancient Qiongzhou Strait, the late early Pleistocene to late Pleistocene fjords, and the Holocene Qiongzhou Strait.

    How to cite: Wang, C., Yang, X., and Hu, D.: Reconstruction of the Cenozoic Paleocoastline and Evolution of the Qiongzhou Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7828,, 2025.

    EGU25-7842 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Projected Decline in Arctic and Subarctic Commercial Fish Catches: Insights from Reconstructed Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling 

    Eunyoung Kim, Jong-Yeon Park, and Hyung-Gyu Lim

    Climate change is driving significant temperature increases in the Arctic region—over four times the global average—impacting fish populations that are highly sensitive to thermal variations. Elevated water temperatures enhance the metabolic oxygen demands of fish while simultaneously decreasing oxygen solubility in seawater. This dual effect may force fish to migrate to more favorable habitats or face higher mortality rates. While previous studies have primarily focused on the relationship between water temperature and fish catches, the influence of dissolved oxygen has remained understudied due to limited data availability. In this study, we utilized reconstructed ocean biogeochemical data from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Earth System Model (GFDL-ESM2) covering the Arctic and Subarctic Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) from 1970 to 2017 to calculate a metabolic index that integrates both temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. Our findings demonstrate a strong correlation between the metabolic index and the catches of large demersal fish species. Permutation importance analysis revealed that dissolved oxygen often plays a more critical role than temperature in determining fish catches across numerous regions. Additionally, fish catches in subsurface areas with higher dissolved oxygen importance exhibited longer lead times in predictability, likely due to the prolonged persistence of biogeochemical conditions. Projecting into the future under various Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios up to 2100, our results consistently indicate a continued decline in fish catches across all scenarios. These outcomes highlight the urgent need to incorporate the physiological characteristics of fish into sustainable fisheries management practices to mitigate the adverse effects of changing ocean conditions in the Arctic and Subarctic regions.

    How to cite: Kim, E., Park, J.-Y., and Lim, H.-G.: Projected Decline in Arctic and Subarctic Commercial Fish Catches: Insights from Reconstructed Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7842,, 2025.

    Particle pollution is a well-recognized threat to air quality, but its impacts on aquatic, coastal and marine environments remain poorly understood. Among the sources of particle pollution, blasted rock particles—mineral fragments generated e.g. during tunnel or road construction—are an emerging and relatively unknown contributor. When deposited in coastal areas, these mineral particles may pose unique challenges due to their potential to alter a.o. sediment dynamics, introduce contaminants, and disrupt the ecological balance. Today, blasted rock is frequently utilized in coastal applications such as land reclamation, erosion control, flood prevention, or as foundation material. While the effects of nitrogen and plastic particles associated with the blasting explosives are comparatively well-studied, the role of rock mineralogy, particle morphology, and the leaching of mineral-associated metals on coastal waters and ecosystems remains largely unexplored. This review focuses on the impacts of blasted rock disposal on coastal environments, synthesizing findings from peer-reviewed scientific literature and publicly available reports to Norwegian authorities. Specifically, we (1) analyze the mechanisms by which blasted rock particles affect coastal ecosystems, (2) place Norwegian findings into a global context, (3) propose preliminary thresholds for ecological impacts on coastal environments, (4) suggest improvements in management practices for coastal particle disposal, and (5) identify key research gaps requiring further investigation. Our analysis emphasizes knowledge advancements over the past decade while incorporating foundational studies and reports to ensure a comprehensive evaluation.

    How to cite: Deininger, A., Eek, E., Sætre, C., Skretting, E., and Totland, C.: Impacts of Blasted Rock Disposal on Coastal Environments: A review and Norwegian perspective on Pollution Mechanisms, Ecological Impacts, and Management Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8283,, 2025.

    EGU25-9356 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Enhancing coastal flood mitigation through hybrid defences integrating hard engineering and nature-based solutions  

    Constantinos Matsoukis, Marta Payo Payo, Amani Becker, Claire Evans, Jennifer Brown, and Laurent Amoudry

    Coastal flooding affects the lives and prosperity of millions of people living by the sea, and rising sea levels will only increase this risk. Coastal defences are already subject to more extreme and frequent storm events and may not be able to withstand future conditions. Consequently, designing suitable flood protection policies and schemes is becoming ever more crucial. Coastal practitioners across sectors have started to champion ‘greener’ nature-based solutions as alternatives to traditional hard coastal defences. Coastal wetlands (e.g., salt marshes, mangroves) can act as buffers and help mitigate storm impacts because their vegetation dissipates wave energy. Multiple studies have confirmed that wetlands effectively attenuate short period waves (i.e., wind waves), but their efficiency against long period waves (e.g., tidal waves, storm surges) remains in doubt. It is generally assumed that tens of kilometres of wetland width are required to achieve sufficient storm attenuation in these cases. However, coastal squeeze and urbanization often limit the creation of such large wetlands, and the necessary conversion of agricultural land causes social resistance to nature-based solutions. In this study, the effectiveness of hybrid solutions was tested as an alternative. A 2D numerical model is built in Delft3D-FM to simulate flooding in the inner Forth Estuary (UK), in an area that suffers from frequent flooding. The hybrid defence scheme comprises an existing embankment enhanced by vegetation patches of various sizes and locations in front, on top and behind the embankment. In the model, the vegetation consists of grasslands including salt tolerant plants of substantial height and density. Model simulations were designed to replicate conditions during the December 2013 storm, which devastated the study area. The results indicate that vegetation can significantly increase the energy dissipation already provided by the embankment and, in turn, reduce water depths and flood extents.

    Our results also show that combining vegetation and embankment requires vegetated zones with less cross-shore width to achieve desired protection. In this specific example, this reduces the loss of agricultural land, and more generally points at limiting necessary land use conversion. It also lowers repair and maintenance costs of seawalls and dikes. The effectiveness of vegetation in storm attenuation is enhanced when it interferes with the main flow path and alters flow circulation.  As such, the location of vegetation is a key consideration when implementing these solutions. Finally, this study suggests that wet grasslands can be a viable option for flood mitigation as an alternative to salt marshes and mangroves when implemented aside of hard engineering solutions. These findings offer valuable insights for coastal managers and practitioners interested in implementing hybrid or composite defences and highlight the potential benefits of these approaches, including testing more socially acceptable solutions.

    How to cite: Matsoukis, C., Payo Payo, M., Becker, A., Evans, C., Brown, J., and Amoudry, L.: Enhancing coastal flood mitigation through hybrid defences integrating hard engineering and nature-based solutions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9356,, 2025.

    EGU25-9999 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    The future of the Portuguese most vulnerable coastal areas under climate change – shoreline evolution and future extreme coastal flooding from downscaled bias corrected ensembles 

    Gil Lemos, Ivana Bosnic, Carlos Antunes, Michalis Vousdoukas, Lorenzo Mentaschi, and Pedro MM Soares

    Some of the most disruptive effects of climate change are projected to be felt along the coastlines. The combined effects of future changes in water levels and wave climate along the coastal areas constitute one of the most serious threats to their sustainable evolution, compromising critical infrastructures, resources, ecosystems, and communities. Understanding long-term changes in coastal areas remains challenging, however, due to their multivariate and multi-time-and-space-scale nature. In this study, we propose an innovative methodology for a complete vulnerability assessment of sandy low-lying coastal areas, based on dynamic, ensemble-based projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5). The effects of sea level rise (SLR) and nearshore wave climate changes on future shoreline evolution are firstly assessed at five key-locations along the Portuguese coastline. Longshore sediment transport (LST) projections are computed, and sedimentary imbalances are quantified. Robust shoreline retreat of up to 300 m is projected, especially along the Portuguese northern and central coastal areas, with continued erosion driven mainly by sediment imbalance and SLR. The projected decrease in future nearshore wave energy is responsible for a slight alleviation in erosion trends, up to 6.33%, whereas the increase of northerly incoming waves is expected to lead to northward beach rotations along western Mainland Portugal. The resulting shoreline evolution is responsible for the loss of up to 0.786 km2 of dry land by 2100 along the 14 kilometers of analyzed coastline. Based on the shoreline projections, new digital terrain models are built for the five key-locations, and future extreme total water levels are obtained through a probabilistic approach, defining wave events considering high wave energy thresholds in a changing climate. The results reveal that extreme coastal flooding is projected across several urbanized sections along the Portuguese coastline, especially in areas without artificial protection infrastructures. As dune erosion is expected along the sandy stretches, the natural protection against extreme coastal events is projected to be reduced by up to 13.3%, promoting widespread overtopping, leaving populations more exposed. Future projections reveal the episodic flooding of up to 1.47 km2 of land across the five key-locations (and up to 604 km2 at a national scale), threatening households and commercial hubs, besides services and communication routes. Overall, as physical and human losses may increase substantially in the future, our results call for the implementation of adequate coastal management and adaptation plans, strategically defined to withstand changes until 2100 and beyond.

    This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025 and LA/P/0068/2020

    How to cite: Lemos, G., Bosnic, I., Antunes, C., Vousdoukas, M., Mentaschi, L., and MM Soares, P.: The future of the Portuguese most vulnerable coastal areas under climate change – shoreline evolution and future extreme coastal flooding from downscaled bias corrected ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9999,, 2025.

    EGU25-10042 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Inundation levels and vegetation:  keys to control peak flows in wetlands 

    Marianna Soler, Jordi Colomer, Andrew Folkard, and Teresa Serra

    Wetlands serve as coastal protection structures via hydrological and biogeochemical processes (Junk et al., 2013), preventing soil erosion (Barcelona et al., 2018) and promoting sedimentation and soil stabilization (Montakhab et al., 2012).  Wetlands contribute to mitigate the impacts of peak flows caused by pluvial or fluvial floods or storm surges. The increase in global warming will affect coastal areas with an increase in sea level and erosive processes (Reed et al., 2018), and an increase in the frequency of hydrometeorological phenomena such as coastal flooding and maritime storms (Hoggart et al., 2014). Inland wetlands are also to be increasingly affected by pluvial and fluvial floods (Kundzewicz and Pinskwar, 2020). It is then necessary to add knowledge on the impacts of both the wetland inundation level and the vegetation water resistance on hydrodynamics and sedimentary patterns in front of a peak flow to know the wetland benefits in front of flooding events. In this study, particle ladden floods were reproduced by flume experiments were a peak flow (of water height H) flowed into a wetland with a water height h (where H > h) populated with two natural species (Juncus maritimus and Arthrocnemum fruticosum). The peak flow was found to pass through different regimes with different sedimentation patterns: peak flow adjustment; peak flow; drag-dominated peak flow; ending to the gravity current regimes. During the peak flow regime, low-inundated wetlands induced higher sedimentation rates for the coarse sediment fraction than for the fine sediment fraction, while high-inundated wetlands resulted in similar settling rates for both sediment fractions, coarse and fine. Because the coarse portion has already settled, at greater distances sedimentation rates corresponded to the fine fraction and dropped monotonically along the flume.  It was also found that the presence of vegetation enhanced the sedimentation rates compared to bare soil conditions.

    This finding demonstrates how crucial vegetation is to protect the bed and prevent bed erosion in coastal regions when facing peak flows and how higher inundation levels reduces the harmful effect of the front pass by enhancing the sediment deposition.


    Barcelona, A., Serra, T., Colomer, J., 2018. Fragmented canopies control the regimes of gravity currents development. J. Geophys. Res-Oceans, 123,

    Hoggart, S.P.G., Hanley, M.E., Parker, D.J., Simmonds, D.J., Bilton, D.T.,  Filipova-Marinova, M., Franklin, E.L., Kotsev, I., Penning-Rowsel, E.C., Rundle, S.D., Trifonova, E., Vergiev, S., White, A.C., Thompson, R.C., 2014. The consequences of doing nothing: The effects of seawater flooding on coastal zones. Coast. Eng. 87, 169–182.

    Junk, W.J., An, S., Finlayson, C.M., Gopal, B., Kveˇt, J., Mitchell, S.A., Mitsch, W.J., Robarts, R.D., 2013. Current state of knowledge regarding the world’s wetlands and their future under global climate change: a synthesis. Aquat. Sci. 75, 151–167.

    Kundzewicz, Z.W., Pinskwar, I., 2022. Are Pluvial and Fluvial Floods on the Rise? Water 2022, 14, 2612. w14172612

    Montakhab, A., Yusuf, B., Ghazali, A. H., Mohamed, T. A., 2012. Flow and sediment transport in vegetated waterways: a review. Rev. Environ. Sci. Bio. 11(3), 275-287.

    How to cite: Soler, M., Colomer, J., Folkard, A., and Serra, T.: Inundation levels and vegetation:  keys to control peak flows in wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10042,, 2025.

    EGU25-11715 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Chlorophyll variability in a Coastal Ecosystem: Insights from Recent Decades and Future Projections 

    Florian Kokoszka, Camil Lefebvre, Sarah Asdar, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Paola Mercogliano, Maurizio Ribera d'Alcalá, Francesca Margiotta, and Daniele Iudicone

    Climate change is transforming coastal ecosystems by altering key processes such as freshwater inputs, salinity, and stratification, which drive nutrient dynamics, primary productivity, and carbon cycling. This study explores the dynamics of chlorophyll concentration (as a proxy for local planktonic biomass) in the Gulf of Naples (GoN) within the Mediterranean Sea. Leveraging long-term monitoring data and machine learning, we identify the local drivers of chlorophyll concentrations as a combination of physical and biogeochemical conditions. Notably, salinity emerges as a key predictor of chlorophyll, emphasizing the critical role of freshwater inflows and mixed layer dynamics. We develop an empirical model to estimate salinity based on freshwater discharge and stratification, which proves robust even with simplified inputs. By combining these predictors with future climate projections (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5), we assess the potential impacts of changing precipitation and wind patterns on salinity and chlorophyll. Results suggest increasing salinity and declining chlorophyll concentrations, particularly in spring, while uncertainties persist for autumn trends. Crucially, changes occurring on land may have a greater impact than those at sea (e.g., temperature) on coastal ecosystems, particularly their microbiomes, which form the foundation of the main trophic webs. These findings highlight the importance of long-term monitoring and infrastructure development to enhance ecosystem management under future climate scenarios.

    How to cite: Kokoszka, F., Lefebvre, C., Asdar, S., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Mercogliano, P., Ribera d'Alcalá, M., Margiotta, F., and Iudicone, D.: Chlorophyll variability in a Coastal Ecosystem: Insights from Recent Decades and Future Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11715,, 2025.

    Global warming is expected to increase the frequency and severity of compound weather, ocean and climate events. These can lead, due the interplay of multiple climate drivers and/or hazards, to far greater societal and environmental impacts than the sum of the isolated individual events. Multiple strong consecutive tropical cyclones occurring in quick succession can be classified as temporally compounding events. These events are associated with heavy rainfall, river flooding and storm surges. In the ocean, they have a combined and cumulative impact on the local hydrodynamic conditions, e.g. reduced salinity by the increased freshwater input, which in turn affects local ecosystems.

    This study aims to evaluate the combined effect of strong winds and increased freshwater input during those compound events on the local salinity and circulation, while focusing on the area around Dongshan Bay, Fujian (China). The bay serves as an ideal case study, as the northern South China Sea has been increasingly hit by two or more strong consecutive typhoons in recent years.

    For the investigation, the regional shelf ocean circulation model HAMSOM is used to downscale global climate scenarios to an appropriate regional scale through a nested, uncoupled modelling approach. The outer model setup covers the southern East China Sea, the Taiwan Strait and the northern South China Sea (SCS). It resolves the most important oceanic features for this study, including the circulation in the SCS, the influence of the Kuroshio and the throughflow in the Taiwan Strait. The outer model provides the lateral boundary conditions for the inner model, which has a high resolution of approximately 400m to adequately resolve the area around Dongshan Bay to the west coast of Taiwan. The atmospheric forcing and river discharges are provided by an hourly East-Asia Cordex dataset, which has proven to reproduce past typhoon tracks in the SCS quite realistically. The model setup allows to run control simulations with and without freshwater input to assess the effect of strong consecutive typhoon events on the local salinity. The results can then be used to assess the vulnerability of local ecosystems to these type of compound events.

    How to cite: Enneper, N. D. C.: The impact of consecutive typhoons on the hydrodynamic conditions in a small bay in the Taiwan Strait, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12790,, 2025.

    This study examines how antecedent geology influences soil mechanics and consolidation in estuarine subsurface deposits, highlighting its potential as a marine geohazard in the context of large infrastructure projects. The Bolivar Roads Gate System is a proposed surge barrier extending across Bolivar Road, which is the mouth of Galveston Bay, to mitigate risks associated with increased storm surges and rising sea levels under a changing climate. Inspired by the Dutch Maeslant Barrier, this study investigates subsurface responses to such large structures, focusing on settlement and consolidation dynamics using existing borehole data and simplified one-dimensional soil calculations. Findings reveal that the saturated clays and cohesive soils at the Bolivar Roads site are prone to settlement rates exceeding those at the Dutch site by over 100-fold, driven by differences in geotechnical properties. Such elevated subsidence could disrupt the stability and operational integrity of the proposed Bolivar Roads navigational structure, potentially affecting land-sea interactions and storm surge protection efficacy. These changes underscore the need for adaptive management strategies, to mitigate differential settlement and ensure long-term functionality. This study contributes to understanding how engineered coastal management solutions interact with dynamic coastal processes, providing insights into sustainable infrastructure in the Anthropocene.


    How to cite: Robbins, C.: The Role of Estuarine Antecedent Geology in Shaping Marine Geohazards and Storm Surge Infrastructure: A Comparison of the Dutch Maeslant Barrier and the Proposed Bolivar Gate System in Galveston Bay (USA), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14178,, 2025.

    EGU25-15209 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Wind-induced residual current as a driver of sediment flux intensification in a shallow, micro-tidal bay 

    Chae Yeon Eun, Sun Min Choi, Jun Young Seo, Jongseong Ryu, and Ho Kyung Ha

    Wind-induced currents are the major forces responsible for sediment resuspension and transport in micro-tidal bays. The hydrodynamics and sediment transport mechanisms were investigated in Onsan Bay, a heavily contaminated, micro-tidal area on the southeastern coast of Korea, designated as a “Special Management Coastal Zone” due to severe pollution. At two mooring stations (M1: central part of the bay; M2: entrance of the bay), in-situ measurements using acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) were conducted to examine the impact of wind-induced residual currents on the sediment flux over four weeks. During the mooring period, residual currents (ū) in both stations showed classical estuarine circulation characterized by seaward (landward) flows at the surface (bottom) layers. The suspended sediments at both stations were transported seaward (landward) at the surface (bottom) layer mainly through the residual currents (mean-flow flux Fmean: > 70% of the total flux). Under northerly winds, the bottom ū at M1 and M2 strengthened, with a higher increment at M1. This result implies that the intrusion of alongshore currents through the bottom layer strengthened under northerly winds. The landward Fmean at M1 (M2) was 1.4 (1.2) times higher under northerly winds than southerly winds, resulting in the quadruple “intensification” of net sediment flux. This observation was attributed to the enhanced landward water transport and the weak sediment resuspension by wind-induced residual currents. This suggests that the northerly winds might be a primary factor intensifying the landward sediment fluxes, potentially resulting in the increased sediment deposition into the bay. The findings provide insights into managing sedimentation in contaminated coastal bays and highlight the importance of wind effects on sediment transport in micro-tidal bays.

    How to cite: Eun, C. Y., Choi, S. M., Seo, J. Y., Ryu, J., and Ha, H. K.: Wind-induced residual current as a driver of sediment flux intensification in a shallow, micro-tidal bay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15209,, 2025.

    EGU25-15389 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Typhoon-induced sediment dynamics: Effects of extreme winds on resuspension and transport in Yeosu Bay, Korea 

    Su In Kim, Sun Min Choi, Seong Woon Jeong, Jae-Hun Park, Pyeong Joong Kim, and Ho Kyung Ha

    Typhoons significantly influence sediment resuspension through the mixing induced by strong winds, which alters the local current patterns and sediment dynamics. An acoustic Doppler current profiler was moored in Yeosu Bay from August 19 to September 20, 2022, to investigate the effects of typhoon on sediment transport mechanisms. Before the typhoon, the mooring station exhibited a strong stratification of water column caused by freshwater inflow from the Seomjin River. On September 6, 2022, Typhoon Hinnamor passed through the study area, disrupting the semi-diurnal current regime and associated sediment transport. Under the influence of the typhoon, the residual current profile transitioned from a two-layered structure to a fully mixed structure. Strong winds (~16 m s–1) affected the stability of bed sediments and stratification, resulting in significant differences in suspended sediment concentration (SSC) during spring tides before (SI) and after (SII) the typhoon. Despite similar current-induced bed shear stress, the SSC during the SII period reached up to 350 mg l–1, which was about four times higher than during the SI period (87 mg l–1). Near-bed sediment fluxes controlled by tidal pumping increased during the SII period (54%) compared to the SI period (29%) and transport landward. This suggests that suspended sediments advected from the Seomjin River due to the typhoon settled in Yeosu Bay, resulting in the bed stability decrease. Along with suspended sediments, the typhoon led to an input of terrestrial nutrients from the Seomjin River, which could affect the biological productivity of Yeosu Bay. The results from this study indicate that Typhoon-induced disturbances of coastal currents could significantly affect sediment resuspension and transport, highlighting the complex interactions between meteorological forcing and sedimentary processes in coastal environments.

    How to cite: Kim, S. I., Choi, S. M., Jeong, S. W., Park, J.-H., Kim, P. J., and Ha, H. K.: Typhoon-induced sediment dynamics: Effects of extreme winds on resuspension and transport in Yeosu Bay, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15389,, 2025.

    EGU25-15703 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Advanced Tools for Investigating the Marine Environment of the Southern Baltic Sea Using Model Data 

    Dawid Dybowski, Maciej Janecki, Artur Nowicki, and Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka

    This presentation focuses on the introduction of newly developed tools for studying the marine environment of the Southern Baltic Sea using model-based data. The foundation of this work is the development of novel tools for monitoring and forecasting biochemical conditions within the 3D CEMBS-PolSea ecohydrodynamic model, which integrates hydrodynamic and biochemical components.

    The biochemical component of the model represents key parameters, including phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass, living and detrital organic matter, chlorophyll-a concentration, dissolved oxygen (O₂), and chemical components such as nitrates (NO₃), phosphates (PO₄), and silicates (SiO₃). The implementation of environmental variables is achieved through the definition of source and sink functions for all biochemical variables, governed by a second-order partial differential equation describing turbulent diffusion with an advective term. This equation serves as the interface between the hydrodynamic and biochemical components of the model.

    The presentation highlights several novel tools that provide new functionalities for marine research. These include the identification of habitats or regions with user-defined hydrodynamic, physicochemical, and biological parameters, utilizing numerical simulation results to deliver precise spatial information. Additionally, tools for tracking the trajectories of passive particles in the surface layer under varying hydrodynamic conditions are introduced. By employing numerical forecasts, the tools estimate metrics such as maximum transport range, transit time, and the predicted final location of particles based on their initial positions. These tools are designed for operational use and will be accessible to end-users in an open-access format.

    We assume that analyses conducted using these tools will significantly enhance our understanding of the functioning of marine ecosystems, including those in coastal zones. The integration of biochemical and hydrodynamic modeling within the 3D CEMBS-PolSea framework improves the ability to predict and analyze the spatiotemporal dynamics of the marine environment in the Southern Baltic Sea. The model aims to provide a robust decision-support system for scientific research and environmental management.

    This study was financed from the state budget under the program of the Minister of Education and Science under the name "Science for Society II" No. NdS-II/SP/0003/2023/01, funding amount PLN 1,996,763.77, total project value PLN 1,996,763.77.

    How to cite: Dybowski, D., Janecki, M., Nowicki, A., and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L.: Advanced Tools for Investigating the Marine Environment of the Southern Baltic Sea Using Model Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15703,, 2025.

    EGU25-15907 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    CSI-POM 1 & 2: An Integrated System for Monitoring and Predicting Coastal Dynamics in the Southern Baltic Sea 

    Maciej Janecki, Dawid Dybowski, Artur Nowicki, and Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka

    The Digital Information System for Polish Maritime Areas (CSI-POM) project is an advanced initiative aimed at monitoring and forecasting the environmental conditions of the Southern Baltic Sea, focusing on hydrodynamic, physical, chemical, and biological processes. Physical and hydrodynamic processes were implemented during the first stage of the project (CSI-POM 1), while biochemical processes are analyzed within the currently ongoing stage two (CSI-POM 2). This presentation will showcase the functionalities of this extended system on the marine environment, emphasizing its relevance to the dynamic coastal processes and human-climate interactions.

    The project employs high-resolution 3D ecohydrodynamic model (CEMBS-PolSea) with a horizontal resolution of 575 m, incorporating satellite data assimilation for SST and chlorophyll-a concentration. This capability enables precise spatiotemporal analyses of key processes, such as nutrient distribution, primary production, and cyanobacterial blooms. The system features a dedicated tool for the automated detection of cyanobacterial blooms, combining satellite and model data to predict their spatial distribution and forecasted evolution. This tool is crucial for addressing the ecological and societal impacts of harmful algal blooms in coastal waters.

    The CSI-POM system's tools provide vital insights into the ecological and physical interactions across coastal interfaces, aiding in understanding the variability of biochemical parameters like nitrate, phosphate, and silicate concentrations, dissolved oxygen levels, and chlorophyll-a distributions. Such tools not only enhance the predictive capacity for ecosystem management but also support decision-making in maritime economy sectors, such as fisheries, environmental protection, and coastal hazard mitigation.

    The presentation will highlight the integration of advanced modeling techniques and observational data to create a holistic framework for monitoring coastal dynamics in the face of changing climate and human activities. By fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, the CSI-POM project aligns with the session's focus on sustainable coastal zone management and resilience-building.


    This study is financed from the state budget under the programme of the Minister of Education and Science (Poland) entitled "Science for Society" No. NdS/546027/2022/2022, amount of funding PLN 1 702 130.65, total value of the project PLN 1 702 130.65 and "Science for Society II" No. NdS-II/SP/0003/2023/01, amount of funding PLN 1 996 763.77, total value of the project PLN 1 996 763.77.

    How to cite: Janecki, M., Dybowski, D., Nowicki, A., and Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L.: CSI-POM 1 & 2: An Integrated System for Monitoring and Predicting Coastal Dynamics in the Southern Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15907,, 2025.

    EGU25-16694 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    AI-based animal monitoring for marine biodiversity conservation along the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts 

    Christian Sommer, Mathias Seuret, Nora Gourmelon, Mahsa Bahrami, Vincent Christlein, and Matthias Braun

    Coastal and offshore areas are highly relevant in the context of globalized economies and their demands for fisheries, transport and sustainable energy production. However, the ecological impacts of increasing human activity, such as noise disturbance and sediment dispersal from construction works and shipping traffic, could pose a threat to the biodiversity of marine ecosystems. By balancing marine food webs, controlling pests and dispersing seeds, marine birds are not only important for the conservation of biodiversity, but are also often seen as an early warning indicators of environmental change, as behavioural and physiological characteristics of bird populations are linked to changes in habitat quality. Spatial obervations of the distribution and size of bird populations are therefore needed to conserve biodiversity. Due to the vast extents and sometimes inaccessible nature of coastal and offshore areas, repeated airborne remote sensing surveys provide an efficient means of monitoring marine birds. However, the detection and classification of features on the ocean surface, such as animals, waves or man-made structures, remains challenging and is often achieved through time-consuming manual image inspection and annotation by trained experts.

    Here, we present first results of an AI-based approach to automatically detect and identify different features and facilitate the monitoring of marine bird species and populations: Our study is based on approximately 2.5 million optical images with a ground resolution of 2 cm from 60 airborne surveys which were conducted by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) along the German North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts between 2017 and 2021. Previously, images with bird sightings from some surveys have been annotated manually, enabling the training of a deep learning algorithm. Technical challenges for AI-based bird detection include a wide range of image exposure conditions, from low to high brightness contrast between objects and background, insufficient spatial resolution for relatively small species and tracking specific birds that appear in successive overlapping images to avoid double counting. Thus, our method uses a neural network approach (Faster R-CNN) to localise potential object candidates (e.g. bird) within an entire image, while a subsequent network classifier identifies the broad classification category of the detected object. In addition, spatio-temporal tracking of the detected features is included by estimating the most likely object displacement within successive images based on flight speed and camera motion along each survey transect. This workflow allows relatively efficient processing of large amounts of high-resolution imagery, as well as general classification of objects at an early processing stage.

    Ultimately, our automated analysis workflow will contribute to the preservation management of biodiversity in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea by facilitating the repeated monitoring of bird populations.

    How to cite: Sommer, C., Seuret, M., Gourmelon, N., Bahrami, M., Christlein, V., and Braun, M.: AI-based animal monitoring for marine biodiversity conservation along the North Sea and Baltic Sea coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16694,, 2025.

    EGU25-16766 | Orals | OS2.4

     Resilience in Coastal Weltand Systems – Why it matters and how it can be determined 

    Ronald Corstanje, Nikolaos Toumasis, and John White

    Freshwater, marine, and terrestrial ecosystems are experiencing significant changes as a result of human activity and anthropogenic climate change. The ability of ecosystems to tolerate changes in state variables and processes while continuing to maintain core ecological functions in the wake of disturbances is defined as resilience. Tipping points are observed in systems with strong positive feedback, providing early warning signals of potential instability. These points can be detected through metrics associated to a theoretical notion described as critical slowing down (CSD), such as increased recovery time, variance, and autocorrelation. Here we present CSD analysis of the Coastwide Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) dataset which covers the extent of the Mississippi Delta and coastal area in Louisiana, USA. CRMS consists of a defined sampling schedule and standardised data collecting methods across 390 sites. The CRMS stations span the whole coast of Louisiana, situated across nine coastal basins. Four transects were selected, of which fifteen stations across 3 Transects along the coastline and another six stations located closer to the Mississippi river, located further inland. Using a set of quantitative, analytical methods based on the assessment of changes in variance and autocorrelation we determine the current state and likelihood to be at CSD, so to demonstrate how to operationalise what to date has been developed as a theoretical framework. We use wavelets as a measure of identifying changes in the variance term, and autocorrelation was modelled using a Bayesian dynamic linear model. We are able to describe the long term ecological impact of climate high energy disturbance events such as intense tropical storms or low energy events such as extensive droughts through the analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns in the long term water quality monitoring stations.


    How to cite: Corstanje, R., Toumasis, N., and White, J.:  Resilience in Coastal Weltand Systems – Why it matters and how it can be determined, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16766,, 2025.

    EGU25-17297 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Multi-technique approach for the reconstruction of rocky coast evolution 

    Daniela Piacentini, Davide Torre, Giulia Iacobucci, and Francesco Troiani

    Coastal areas are high dynamic environments which, especially considering the present climate conditions, are undergoing huge morphological changes mostly in terms of erosion. The retreat of coastal slopes, either progressive or sudden, is the result of the interaction between marine and terrestrial processes acting on specific litho-structural contexts.

    The analyses of retreat style and relative rate can be lead combining field measurements and high-resolution remote sensing techniques. These approaches allow the quantification of erosion trend and the identification of the key factors driving the observed changes over time. The integration of multi-techniques measurement strengthens the evaluation of the interplay between terrestrial and marine processes and litho-structural factors, such as lithological variability, enabling a detailed understanding of how different coastal typologies respond to these processes.

    Within the framework of the extended partnership RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate - Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan), our study focuses on the evolution of a segment of the southern coast of the Lazio region (Italy). The study area is characterized by a soft-rocky cliff and shore platform system, partially emerged and partially submerged, where a high cliff retreat rate has been observed. To this end, multitemporal surveys were conducted using various remote sensing techniques, including optical photogrammetry via Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAVs), LiDAR surveys using UAV-mounted laser scanners, imagery captured with a MicaSense RedEdge-P multispectral camera equipped on a UAV, and portable laser scanner with Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technology (FJD TRION P1 model). Optical photogrammetry and LiDAR, both conducted via drones, enabled us to produce high-resolution 3D point clouds, orthophotos (<2 cm/pixel), and Digital Terrain Models (DTM, <5 cm/pixel). Through repeated surveys over two years, a multitemporal change detection analysis was conducted, revealing significant changes in response to storm events and providing rates of cliff retreat up to 1 m in localized sectors. SLAM technology allows to examine outcrop portion, less visible from UAV surveys, as the bottom of the rocky cliff. Here, the impact of storm waves was monitored, and the specific SLAM results were useful for unravelling the role of extreme event on the cliff retreating and associated rock-fall triggering along the cliff wall. The use of the multispectral sensor, particularly through the Green and Blue bands, provides useful data for better understanding the morphodynamics along the submerged portion of the shore platform. In particular, the submerged platform exhibits the same rock fracturing patterns observed in the emerged section and is composed of blocks that detach and partially slide into the sea, contributing to the retreating trend of the cliff and shore platform system.

    The integration of multi-techniques not only enabled the quantification of the retreat rates of the cliff under analysis, but also allowed their correlation with predisposing and triggering factors, providing the foundation for the comprehension of potential future evolution in a changing climate context.

    How to cite: Piacentini, D., Torre, D., Iacobucci, G., and Troiani, F.: Multi-technique approach for the reconstruction of rocky coast evolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17297,, 2025.

    EGU25-17481 | Orals | OS2.4

     The first high-resolution dataset of Arctic coastal landforms and processes for the entire Svalbard archipelago, Western Barents Sea.  

    Maria Ansine Jensen, Carlette N. Blok, Lena Rubensdotter, and Amandine Missana

    Arctic coastlines are changing rapidly with warming climate. This has implications for land use, infrastructure, archeological heritage and impacts carbon and nutrient budgets for Arctic seas and nearshore wetlands. Despite the Arctic currently warming four times faster than the rest of the world, Arctic coasts are generally poorly monitored and lack baseline studies.

    Our recently published dataset “Arctic landforms and processes around the coast of Svalbard” (Blok et al., 2024) is the first high resolution baseline dataset for coastal change in the Svalbard archipelago, at the junction between the western Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The dataset is based on morphological mapping of landform assemblages around the entire coastline of the archipelago. Landform assemblages  are linked to dominant physical processes, based on extensive fieldwork on different coastal types in Svalbard. The coastal landform assemblages are categorized in 13 classes reflecting combinations of wave, tide, fluvial, glacial and gravity processes influencing the morphology and dynamics of the coastline. Mapping has been done in 1:30.000 scale on aerial images combined with satellite imagery. This open-source dataset adds regional high-resolution data to the western Barents Sea sector of the pan-Arctic Coastal Dynamics database (Lantuit et al., 2012; 2020).

    Most of the Svalbard coastline is currently shaped by combined processes. The more dynamic parts of the coast by combinations of wave, tide and fluvial processes. With diminishing sea ice, shortened frozen ground season, deepening active layer, increased river runoff and open rivers duration, the balance between dominant processes at each site will determine future development of the coast. The coastal landform dataset allows to asess expected consequences with increase of individual processes or changing balance between processes at any site. We will present examples of use for cultural heritage mangement and for studies of carbonstocks in coastal wetlands and discuss use for remote assessment of coastal change.  



    Blok, Carlette N; Missana, Amandine F J M; Rubensdotter, Lena; Jensen, Maria A (2024): Arctic landforms and processes around the coast of Svalbard [dataset]. PANGAEA, (DOI registration in progress)

    Lantuit, H. , Overduin, P. P. , Couture, N. ,Wetterich, S. , Are, F. , Atkinson, D. , Brown, J. ,Cherkashov, G. , Drozdov, D. , Forbes, D. , Graves-Gaylord, A. , Grigoriev, M. , Hubberten, H. W. ,Jordan, J. , Jorgenson, T. , Ødegård, R. S. ,Ogorodov, S. , Pollard, W. , Rachold, V. , Sedenko, S. , Solomon, S. , Steenhuisen, F. , Streletskaya, I. and Vasiliev, A. (2012): The Arctic Coastal Dynamics database. A new classification scheme and statistics on arctic permafrost coastlines , Estuaries and Coasts., 35 (2), pp. 383-400 . doi: 10.1007/s12237-010-9362-6

    Lantuit, Hugues; Overduin, Pier Paul; Couture, Nicole; Wetterich, Sebastian; Are, Felix; Atkinson, David; Brown, Jerry; Cherkashov, Georgy A; Drozdov, Dimitry S; Forbes, Donald Lawrence; Graves-Gaylord, Allison; Grigoriev, Mikhail N; Hubberten, Hans-Wolfgang; Jordan, James; Jorgenson, M Torre; Ødegård, Rune Strand; Ogorodov, Stanislav; Pollard, Wayne H; Rachold, Volker; Sedenko, Sergey; Solomon, Steve; Steenhuisen, Frits; Streletskaya, Irina; Vasiliev, Alexander (2020): The ACD Classification of Arctic Coasts [dataset]. PANGAEA,

    How to cite: Jensen, M. A., Blok, C. N., Rubensdotter, L., and Missana, A.:  The first high-resolution dataset of Arctic coastal landforms and processes for the entire Svalbard archipelago, Western Barents Sea. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17481,, 2025.

    EGU25-17669 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Monitoring beach nourishment evolution using satellite data: the case of Vale do Lobo (Portugal)  

    Mariana Neves Silva, Afonso Vaz, Rui Taborda, Ana Nobre Silva, Celso Aleixo Pinto, Jacqueline Santos, Sebastião Teixeira, and Susana Costas

    Increasing pressure on the coastal zone, driven by urbanization and related adoption of hard engineering protection structures, has frequently contributed to a gradual amplification of beach erosion. This is the case of Vale do Lobo beach (Algarve, Portugal), where sand retention caused by the Quarteira groin field and Vilamoura jetties led to soft cliff recession and reduction of the beach width downdrift (Teixeira, 2019). To mitigate these effects, an artificial beach nourishment program along with a monitoring plan have been implemented by the predecessor institution of the Portuguese Environment Agency since 1997 (Pinto & Teixeira, 2022), which involves systematic surveys of six beach profiles and has limited spatial scope and temporal resolution. These limitations could be overcome by satellite remote sensing (RS), which has been recognized as an alternative.

    We aim to verify whether RS is suitable for measuring changes of beach width after beach nourishment operations, contributing to cost-effective monitoring with greater spatial and temporal coverage. The study was conducted along the Vale do Lobo coastline, focusing on the evolution of the average beach width from February 2000 to February 2024. During this period, the beach evolution was marked by a rapid increase in beach width following two beach nourishments and a gradual narrowing driven by a sediment deficit imposed by the updrift retention structures.

    Images from the Landsat 5, 7, 8 and 9 satellites and Sentinel-2 Level 1C were obtained and classified, using the python toolkit CoastSat (Vos et al., 2019), which also made it possible to obtain the shorelines of the beach during the study period. The USGS DSAS (Himmelstoss et al., 2024) software was used to acquire beach width values, at the six profiles surveyed in the monitoring program. Although the relatively low spatial resolution of the images (30m and 10m), and the existing differences between the measured shoreline indicators (beach width at MSL and instantaneous water line in RS, which includes the effects of tide and swash signals), the relatively high temporal resolution of RS images allowed for the filtering of uncertainties. As a result, the time-averaged RS values were found to closely match those obtained from field monitoring. In response to the 2006 nourishment, the beach advanced 29m (33m for RS) followed by a gradual beach width reduction of 5.8m/yr (5.7m/yr for RS), while in the 2010 nourishment the beach advanced 29m (28m for RS) followed by a gradual reduction of 1.8m/yr (1.9m/yr for RS). The comparison between the data obtained showed congruence of field and RS results, proving evidence that remote sensing techniques and semi-automatic methods can be an asset for monitoring beach nourishment evolution. This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020 ( The work is a contribution to the CREST project, funded by FCT through Grant 2022.05392.PTDC (doi:10.54499/2022.05392.PTDC). Authors also recognize the support of national funds through FCT, under the project LA/P/0069/2020 (doi:10.54499/LA/P/0069/2020), granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, and UID/00350/2020 (doi:10.54499/UIDB/00350/2020) granted to CIMA.

    How to cite: Neves Silva, M., Vaz, A., Taborda, R., Nobre Silva, A., Pinto, C. A., Santos, J., Teixeira, S., and Costas, S.: Monitoring beach nourishment evolution using satellite data: the case of Vale do Lobo (Portugal) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17669,, 2025.

    EGU25-17681 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Shoreline evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz through manually digitized and automated extraction methods 

    Afonso Vaz, Mariana Neves Silva, Fátima Valverde, Rui Taborda, Ana Nobre Silva, Jacqueline Santos, and Susana Costas

    Understanding the spatial and temporal variation of the shoreline position is key to both research and engineering projects contributing to an efficient management of the coast. Accelerated climate change and its related impacts can further destabilize coastal systems, highlighting the need for studies that quantify coastal evolution,  while discussing the application of satellite remote sensing datasets and GIS methods for coastline extraction, mapping, and analysis along regional coasts.

    The Gulf of Cadiz is brimming with human intervention and as such has been the target of many studies. The focus of this work covers part of this region, extending from Olhos de Água (Portugal) to the mouth of the Guadalquivir River (Spain) (~180 km). The study area is characterized by a variety of coastal morphological features, including cliffs, beaches, foredunes and inlets. Regardless of its great diversity of landforms, sandy beaches still constitute the dominant coastal environment of this region. We aim to grasp a better understanding of the Cadiz Gulf coastal dynamics through the comparing two shoreline mapping methods and indicators, covering the time span between 2014-2024 for Portugal and 2016-2022 for the Spain coast.  The applied methods include 1) the manual digitation of Wet/Dry Line (WDL) and the Instantaneous Water Line (IWL) indicators within a GIS environment, and 2) the automatized extraction of the IWL using the CoastSat toolkit (Vos et al., 2019). The WDL Marks the darkest edge of the wet area of the beach, while the IWL is the line where the water meets the sand. The manually digitized shoreline was carried out in ArcGIS Pro 3.4.0 over the orthophotomaps obtained from “Direção Geral do Território” (Portugal) and “Instituto Geografico Nacional” (Spain) websites. CoastSat python toolkit (Vos et al., 2019) was used to extract shorelines from open-source satellite imagery (Landsat and Sentinel-2).

    Overall, the Gulf of Cadiz has shown average end point rates (EPR) of 1.65 m/yr and 0.6 m/yr for the manually mapped WDL and IWL, respectively. The automated approach yielded a rate of 1.84 m/yr. All the methods show net shoreline accretion, with the results heavily influenced by the significant accretion observed in the downdrift  sector, Matalascañas to Guadalquívir. When all the sectors are analyzed individually it is possible better compare the methodologies, according to all indicators. Comparisons reveal that, in most cases, the automated shorelines align more closely with the manually identified WDL rather than the expected IWL. This discrepancy raises questions about the nature of the indicator detected by the automated tool. The findings suggest that the automated extraction may primarily capture the WDL, highlighting the need for further investigation into the physical significance of indicators identified by automated methods.

    This work is supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020 ( The work is a contribution to the CREST project, funded by FCT through Grant 2022.05392.PTDC (doi:10.54499/2022.05392.PTDC). Authors also recognize the support of national funds through FCT, under the project LA/P/0069/2020 (doi:10.54499/LA/P/0069/2020), granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, and UID/00350/2020 (doi:10.54499/UIDB/00350/2020) granted to CIMA.

    How to cite: Vaz, A., Neves Silva, M., Valverde, F., Taborda, R., Nobre Silva, A., Santos, J., and Costas, S.: Shoreline evolution of the Gulf of Cadiz through manually digitized and automated extraction methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17681,, 2025.

    EGU25-19440 | Orals | OS2.4

    Impacts of changing climate and changing human activities on coastal wetlands in the Pacific Islands 

    Jose Rodriguez, Patricia Saco, and Eliana Jorquera

    Coastal wetlands in the Pacific Islands are extremely vulnerable to climate change, due to the combined effect of sea level rise (SLR) and the increasing activity of tropical cyclones (TC). They are also affected by human activities in the catchments, including agriculture and flood management. These wetlands have the capacity to accrete following SLR if they can capture enough sediment, which is determined by catchment processes. Increase TC activity and intensification of agricultural practices will potentially result in increased sediment load from the catchment, while flood control to protect populated coastal areas can reduce sediment loads.

    In this contribution, we present a numerical framework to assess future morphodynamic changes in mangrove wetlands combining an ecogeomorphological model of the mangrove wetlands and a hydro-sedimentological catchment model to analyse effects of SLR and increased TC activity under different catchment management scenarios.  We first assess the contribution of TC to the annual sediment budget of the catchment using the hydro-sedimentological model and project increases by the end of the century based on expected increases in TC activity and changes in land use due to increased agricultural and flood control activities. We then run our ecogeomorphological wetland model over 100 years incorporating the changes in sediment supply from the catchments and due to the effects of SLR, TC and human activities.

    How to cite: Rodriguez, J., Saco, P., and Jorquera, E.: Impacts of changing climate and changing human activities on coastal wetlands in the Pacific Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19440,, 2025.

    EGU25-19510 | Posters on site | OS2.4

    Circulation patterns in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario: projections from the AdriE ensemble. 

    Davide Bonaldo, Lucia Bongiorni, Sandro Carniel, Renato Colucci, Cléa Denamiel, Michol Ghezzo, Angelica Pesce, Petra Pranić, Fabio Raicich, Antonio Ricchi, Lorenzo Sangelantoni, Ivica Vilibić, and Maria Letizia Vitelletti

    The Adriatic Sea, located in the northeastern Mediterranean basin, is well representative of processes and pressures that typically affect mid-latitude coastal seas.

    The Adriatic Ensemble (AdriE), a multi-decadal, kilometre-scale ocean model, has recently been developed to describe ocean processes in the Adriatic Sea under a severe (RCP8.5) climate scenario extending to the end of this century. Addressing 3-D circulation and thermohaline dynamics within the Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS), AdriE consists of 6 climatic runs encompassing the period from 1987 to 2100 in a RCP8.5 scenario forced by the SMHI-RCA4 Regional Climate Model, driven by as many different General Climate Models made available within the EURO-CORDEX Initiative. In the present contribution we complement eulerian and lagrangian analysis techniques to investigate how climate change will affect the main hydrodynamic processes in this basin, with particular reference to key features for this area such as dense water production, pollutant transport, and ecological connectivity.

    This work lays the foundation for a deeper interdisciplinary assessment of future scenarios in the region and the development of potential management strategies.

    How to cite: Bonaldo, D., Bongiorni, L., Carniel, S., Colucci, R., Denamiel, C., Ghezzo, M., Pesce, A., Pranić, P., Raicich, F., Ricchi, A., Sangelantoni, L., Vilibić, I., and Vitelletti, M. L.: Circulation patterns in the Adriatic Sea under a severe climate change scenario: projections from the AdriE ensemble., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19510,, 2025.

    The N2 fixation and primary production rates were measured simultaneously using 15N2 and 13C incubation assays in the northern South China Sea influenced by the Kuroshio intrusion (KI) seasonally. The degree of KI (KI index, range from 0 to 1) was assessed by applying an isopycnal mixing model. The water column integrated N2 fixation and primary production for stations with KI index larger than 0.5 were 463 ± 260 μmol N·m−2·day−1 and 62 ± 19 mmol C·m−2·day−1, respectively, significantly higher than those for stations with KI index lower than 0.5 (50 ± 10 μmol N·m−2·day−1 and 28 ± 10 mmol C·m−2·day−1, respectively). Trichodesmium was the dominant diazotroph at stations with KI index larger than 0.5, with 2 orders of magnitude higher nifH gene abundance than that at stations with KI index lower than 0.5. However, the highest N2 fixation rates were found in waters with moderate KI index around 0.6, suggesting that frontal zone mixing might stimulate N2 fixation. Our results demonstrated that diazotrophs (mainly Trichodesmium) were tightly associated with the KI, which modulated the biogeographic distribution of N2 fixers. In summary, we found the transportation of Trichodesmium by KI, then, we quantified the fraction of KI and N2 fixation rates in the northern South China Sea. The results suggested that KI generated a new biogeographic regime which could significantly influence the carbon and nitrogen cycles far away from the main stream.

    How to cite: Lu, Y.: Biogeography of N2 Fixation Influenced by the Kuroshio Intrusion in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20220,, 2025.

    EGU25-20663 | ECS | Orals | OS2.4

    Effects of oyster reefs on back-barrier tidal flats on the local hydro- and morphodynamics 

    Jan Hitzegrad, Carl Luis König, Aileen Brendel, Oliver Lojek, and Nils Goseberg

    In response to the global decline of native bivalve populations, non-native Pacific oysters (Magallana gigas) are increasingly colonizing former habitats of native bivalves. In the Wadden Sea, M. gigas reefs replaced blue mussel beds (Mytilus edulis) as the predominant biogenic structure on the intertidal mudflats. These reefs, covering 2 – 6% of the tidal basin area, attenuate flow energy through frictional dissipation, affecting local hydro- and morphodynamics. Despite their potential to influence intertidal mudflat elevation and function as nature-based coastal protection against sea level rise, the spatio-temporal effects of oyster reef-induced frictional dissipation remain underexplored. This study evaluates the impact of oyster reef expansion in back-barrier tidal flats on hydro- and morphodynamics.

    A generic tidal basin model was developed using the Delft3D framework, synthesizing average morphological and sedimentological characteristics of the seven tidal basins sheltered by the German East Frisian islands. The model features a convex-up hypsometry, five sediment fractions (mean grain size of d50,GTB  = 205 μm), and a fixed sediment roughness (Manning coefficient of n = 0.023 m- 1/3s), closely mirroring the input parameters. Oyster reef coverage scenarios were modeled for 2% (current average), 6% (current maximum), and 10% (projected future) of the tidal basin area. Reef roughness was parameterized by applying a drag coefficient CD = 0.025 and roughness length z0 = 7.8 mm. The distribution of oyster reefs within the tidal basin is determined by evaluating potential areas for reef distribution based on abiotic stressors (e.g., aerial exposure time and bed shear stress) and utilizing the Cahn-Hilliard equation to create realistic spatial patterns. A generic neap-spring tidal cycle, developed using the key tidal constituents for sediment transport, was applied at the seaward boundary.

    The generic tidal basin and hydrodynamic boundary conditions are utilized to project the impact of oyster reefs on hydro- and morphodynamics. The results reveal substantial impacts of these reefs on hydrodynamic patterns and magnitudes. Furthermore, the oyster reefs cause alterations in sediment transport patterns and the resulting sea-bed level changes. The effects vary across scenarios, highlighting the diverse impacts of these reefs under spatio-temporally varying conditions.

    The model presented provides a framework to estimate the biomorphodynamic feedback resulting from the bioinvasion of the Pacific oyster in the Wadden Sea, advancing the understanding of ecohydraulic processes, particularly in relation to sediment transport pathways. The results thus suggest that the presence of oyster reefs may contribute to the vertical growth of the intertidal mudflats of the Wadden Sea, providing a natural countermeasure to accelerating sea level rise.

    How to cite: Hitzegrad, J., König, C. L., Brendel, A., Lojek, O., and Goseberg, N.: Effects of oyster reefs on back-barrier tidal flats on the local hydro- and morphodynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20663,, 2025.

    EGU25-21514 | Orals | OS2.4

    Satellite-Derived Shoreline Analysis of the Emilia-Romagna Coast (Italy) from 1984 to 2023 

    Enrica Vecchi, Matteo Meli, and Claudia Romagnoli

    Understanding shoreline variability and trends over time is essential for effective coastal management. However, studying the dynamic nature of the shoreline, defined as the intersection of water and land surfaces, can be quite complex due to various non-linear processes that operate across different temporal and spatial scales. In this context, the advent of satellite imagery has created new opportunities for long-term shoreline analysis by providing global coverage with high temporal resolution and enabling the acquisition of historical datasets. Typical methodologies using these data sources commonly involve the creation of satellite-derived shorelines (SDS) time series, which offer multidecadal records of variability, trends, and changes with a cross-shore accuracy of approximately 10 m on microtidal beaches.

    In this study, SDS positions along the Emilia–Romagna (ER) coast in the northern Adriatic Sea were reconstructed using the CoastSat toolbox, incorporating both Landsat (5–9) and Sentinel–2 images for the entire period from 1984 to 2023. The ER coast is not only a significant tourist destination in Italy, but it is also increasingly exposed to erosion and coastal flooding due to the combined effects of low average heights, subsidence, sea–level rise, and urbanization. Consequently, a large portion of the coastline is artificially protected through various defense strategies, including both defense structures and nourishment measures, and stacked by long piers and jetties. This setting was considered in the analysis since it introduces a main bias in the coastal evolution and in shoreline variability.

    A dataset of 2200 cross-shore transects, spaced 50 meters apart, was automatically generated based on the local orientation of the beach, and shoreline positions were reconstructed from the cross-shore distances computed along each transect. In particular, the large number of available instantaneous shorelines was used to compute annually averaged positions. Corrections for tidal and wave setups were applied to reduce the main sources of error in SDS. To achieve this, the average beach face slopes were derived from available topo-bathymetric data by Arpae-ER. Local measurements from tide gauges (TG) in Marina di Ravenna and Porto Garibaldi and from the Nausicaa (I and II) buoys were used to derive the other processing parameters.

    The resulting annually averaged shorelines enabled the analysis of long-term shoreline trends from 1984 to 2023, as well as the assessment of interannual shoreline variability. Shoreline advancement during the study period, despite sea-level rise and subsidence, is primarily due to repeated nourishment interventions aimed at preventing coastal erosion, which helped the maintenance of an “artificial stability” along the coastline.

    To evaluate the reliability of the generated shoreline products, a technical validation process was conducted. Given the complex interpretation of an annually averaged shoreline position, accuracy was assessed through visual interpretation of the processed shorelines and comparisons with the datasets available for the same period from topo-bathymetric monitoring. The time-averaging strategy in this study provides reliable averaged shoreline positions, minimizing the effects of short-term fluctuations and temporary runup excursions. This highlights the potential of satellite-optical imagery for coastal applications.

    How to cite: Vecchi, E., Meli, M., and Romagnoli, C.: Satellite-Derived Shoreline Analysis of the Emilia-Romagna Coast (Italy) from 1984 to 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21514,, 2025.

    EGU25-818 | Orals | OS2.5

    Towards Sustainable maritime Management: a re-visit of ammonia criterion values in Southeast Asian tropical seas 

    Mengli Chen, Kai Sheng Bryan Low, Koi Jun Chee, Mengyao Yang, Bee Yan Lee, Hongwei Zhao, Erika Christy, Ming Liu, and Zunya Wang

    The maritime industry's transition to ammonia as a low-carbon fuel calls for a reassessment of environmental criteria, particularly in Southeast Asia's biodiverse yet data-deficient seas. This study addresses the knowledge gap by proposing updated ammonia criterion values tailored to Southeast Asian region. Using species sensitivity distributions (SSDs) and toxicity data from over 50 regionally relevant species. The study estimates  thresholds of 1.0 μM, 2.4 μM, and 4.3 μM of total ammonia nitrogen, which corresponds to protecting 99%, 95%, and 90% of species based on 96hr no observed effect concentration. These proposed concentrations are lower than those for non-tropical regions due to the inclusion of tropical reef-building corals, which are highly sensitive to ammonia. The study also compares these criteria with ammonia release scenarios from bunkering activities, underscoring the importance of situating such operations away from sensitive marine habitats. By providing a region-specific framework, this study offers new insights to guide policy development, ensuring a balance between environmental conservation and the maritime industry's sustainability objectives.

    How to cite: Chen, M., Low, K. S. B., Chee, K. J., Yang, M., Lee, B. Y., Zhao, H., Christy, E., Liu, M., and Wang, Z.: Towards Sustainable maritime Management: a re-visit of ammonia criterion values in Southeast Asian tropical seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-818,, 2025.

    EGU25-1379 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    Metabolism, elemental and isotopic composition of the coastal diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis under Cu and Zn exposure 

    Marie Bassez, Daniel Araújo, Jean-François Maguer, Hélène Hégaret, and Gabriel Dulaquais

    Coastal marine systems are critical environments that can be affected by harmful algal blooms caused by the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis. This species produces a neurotoxin, domoic acid (DA), which poses significant risks to human health and raises societal and environmental concerns. The factors determining the toxigenicity of P. australis strains remain unclear, particularly concerning the effects of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). Cu and Zn are essential trace metals that are ubiquitous in coastal environments but can become toxic at nanomolar ionic concentrations. While Cu is known to enhance DA production in some Pseudo-nitzschia species, the effect of Zn on the DA metabolic pathway has not been studied. This study aims to investigate the effects of Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺ on the metabolism of the toxic diatom P. australis. We examined the physiology, elemental composition, and isotopic composition of a coastal P. australis strain isolated from the North Biscay region (France). We present results from 10-day laboratory-controlled culture experiments, exposing the diatom to pico- to nanomolar concentrations of Cu²⁺ and Zn²⁺. The results reveal direct effects of these metals on DA production by P. australis. We report Cu, Zn, and carbon intracellular quotas, along with the first measurements of Cu isotopic composition (δ⁶⁵Cu) in cultured cells under varying metal exposure conditions. Our findings demonstrate metal-specific physiological responses in P. australis, with distinct δ¹³C and δ⁶⁵Cu isotope fractionation patterns depending on cell metabolism, including the DA production regime.

    How to cite: Bassez, M., Araújo, D., Maguer, J.-F., Hégaret, H., and Dulaquais, G.: Metabolism, elemental and isotopic composition of the coastal diatom Pseudo-nitzschia australis under Cu and Zn exposure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1379,, 2025.

    EGU25-1982 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Microplastics Stress Alters Microorganism Community Structure and Reduces the Production of Biogenic Dimethylated Sulfur Compounds 

    Qian Liu, Fei Guo, Long Liu, and Gui-penge Yang

    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is a plentiful organic sulfur metabolite and the primary precursor for dimethyl sulfide (DMS), which plays a crucial role in global sulfur cycling, the formation of clouds, and cooling the warming earth. The origin and fate of DMSP are intricately linked to marine microorganisms, making the variation of the microorganism community crucial for DMSP dynamics. Nonetheless, the impact of pervasive marine microplastics on microorganisms and processes related to DMSP synthesis and degradation remains insufficiently investigated. To bridge this gap, the present study aimed to investigate the influences of microplastic pollution on microorganic community structure and the synthesis and degradation of DMS and DMSP. A 14-day deck-based microcosm experiment was conducted, revealing that exposure to microplastics led to significant alterations in the diversity and structure of microorganism communities and had detrimental effects on the productions of DMS and DMSP. Furthermore, multivariate analysis indicated that variations both in environmental variables, such as Si, Chl-a, and microorganism communities caused by microplastics were forcing factors influencing the synthesis and degradation of DMS and DMSP. Additionally, the predicted function of the bacterial community showed a significant reduction in the presence of dddP and dmdA genes when exposed to microplastics, which directly disrupted both the demethylation and cleavage pathways of DMSP. These results indicate that the release of DMS and DMSP in marine ecosystems can be significantly affected by microplastics through influencing microorganisms. Under the influence of environmental pollution, the sea-air exchange flux of DMS in coastal areas may undergo substantial modifications, consequently impacting regional and even global climate patterns. Thus, it is imperative to conduct research on controlling the synthesis and degradation of DMSP in the ocean, particularly in response to these environmental pollution issues. Such research can help discern new patterns from specific phenomena and identify crucial processes.

    How to cite: Liu, Q., Guo, F., Liu, L., and Yang, G.: Microplastics Stress Alters Microorganism Community Structure and Reduces the Production of Biogenic Dimethylated Sulfur Compounds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1982,, 2025.

    EGU25-3440 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Sedimentation rates in the Yellow Sea based on 210Pb and 137Cs 

    Intae Kim, Jaeeun Lee, and Junhyeong Seo

    210Pb and 137Cs have been widely used as tracers to estimate sediment ages and sedimentation rates, enhancing the understanding of geoscientific processes. The Yellow Sea, located between the western coast of Korea and the northeast coast of China, has an average depth of 50 m and is influenced significant boundary inputs from various sources such as atmospheric deposition, river runoff, and submarine groundwater discharge. In the Yellow Sea sediments, the concentrations of 210Pb and 137Cs were found to be twice and six times higher, respectively, in dumping sites compared to other regions. Based on the 210Pb distributions, the overall sediment rates was found to be 0.30 to 0.49 (avg. 0.35±0.23) cm yr-1 on average, which is much higher than that of the East Sea. This calculated sedimentation rate also agreed well with that estimated by 137Cs in some stations. Overall, our results imply that the substantially high sedimentation rates in the Yellow Sea could be due to the massive inputs from the various sources from surrounding continents, especially the dumping site.

    How to cite: Kim, I., Lee, J., and Seo, J.: Sedimentation rates in the Yellow Sea based on 210Pb and 137Cs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3440,, 2025.

    EGU25-4055 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Behaviors of trace elements associated with dissolved organic matter in waters of Lake Shihwa, Korea 

    Jihyun Park and Guebuem Kim

    The behavior of dissolved trace elements in coastal seawater is influenced by various biogeochemical processes, including particle adsorption, decomposition of organic matter, and organic complexation. In this study, we measured the concentrations of dissolved trace elements (Al, V, Ni, Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Co, and Zn), together with dissolved organic matter (DOM), including organic carbon (DOC) and humic DOM (DOMH), and 234Th in the artificial and saline Lake Shihwa, Korea. The concentrations of DOC (117–311 μM) and trace elements were significantly higher than those in other coastal waters, with average Al, Fe, and Mn concentrations of 709 ± 613 nM, 491 ± 452 nM, and 957 ± 657 nM, respectively. The large deficiencies of 234Th relative to 238U suggest an effective removal of 234Th via scavenging, with residence times of 1.4 ± 1.3 days. However, the concentrations of all measured trace elements against salinities showed conservative mixing patterns with significant positive correlations with DOMH (r2 > 0.72). These results suggest that all these trace elements are tightly combined with DOMH, resulting in their conservative behaviors in the dissolved organic-rich coastal waters.

    How to cite: Park, J. and Kim, G.: Behaviors of trace elements associated with dissolved organic matter in waters of Lake Shihwa, Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4055,, 2025.

    EGU25-4064 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Fe(II) regeneration by Tryptophan in seawater at nanomolar levels 

    Laura Suárez-Betancor, Aridane G. González, Melchor González-Dávila, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano

    Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for marine productivity and dissolved Fe can be found as Fe(III) and Fe(II), being the first one the most abundant and the second one the most bioavailable form. Natural organic ligands play a fundamental role in the Fe speciation and redox chemistry. However, there is a lack of information about the impact of individual organic compounds on the Fe(III) reduction to Fe(II) in seawater. Among the amount of organic ligands, the amino acid Tryptophan (Trp) is linked with marine microorganisms, contributing to the ligand pool in aquatic environments. In this current investigation, the Fe(II) production from Fe(III) reduction by Trp has been studied under different conditions of Trp concentration (50 – 500 nM), pH (7.0 – 8.0) and temperature (10 – 25 ºC) in seawater and NaCl solutions (0.7 M NaCl + 2 mM NaHCO3). According to the results, the reaction was pH-dependent, not occurring above pH 7.8 in seawater. The Fe(III) reduction is also dependent of  Trp levels, with 6.49 % and 18.10 % reduction observed after 60 minutes at Trp concentration of 50 nM and 500 nM, respectively, at pH 7.8. A relationship between Trp levels and the reduction capacity at different pH values (7.0 and 7.8) was established, showing a more significant effect at lower pH, suggesting that Trp plays a more crucial role in Fe(III) reduction in lower pH environments. This effect can be understood by the competition with major ions in seawater. The impact of these ions (SO₄²⁻, K⁺, F⁻, Ca²⁺, Mg²⁺, and Sr²⁺) showed lower pseudo first-order Fe(III) reduction rate constant (k´Fe(III)-red in s⁻¹) values than the reference solution (0.7 M NaCl + 2 mM NaHCO3).

    On the other hand, the Fe(III) reduction by Trp was a temperature-dependent process, leading to higher k´Fe(III)-red values at higher temperatures (25ºC) with respect to lower temperatures (10ºC). The k´Fe(III)-red increased from 0.62∙10-5 to 1.99∙10-5 s-1 when temperatures changed from 10 ºC to 25 ºC, respectively, at pH 7.8. The Energies of Activation (Ea) were 77.80 kJ mol-1 and 53.02 kJ mol-1 at pH 7.0 and 7.8, respectively.

    According to the current results, in a situation of global warming and ocean acidification, changes in the physico-chemical conditions enhance the Fe(III) reduction by organic ligands, such as amino acids, and influence the Fe marine biogeochemical cycles promoting the formation of bioavailable Fe(II) in seawater.

    How to cite: Suárez-Betancor, L., González, A. G., González-Dávila, M., and Santana-Casiano, J. M.: Fe(II) regeneration by Tryptophan in seawater at nanomolar levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4064,, 2025.

    EGU25-4818 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Hydrochemical characteristics and origin of offshore freshened groundwater in the Pearl River Estuary and its adjacent shelf 

    Jiu Jimmy Jiao, Chong Sheng, Liuting Yuan, Xin Luo, Pinghe Cai, JInchao Zuo, and Christian Hensen

    The existence of offshore freshened groundwater (OFG) has been well recognised over the globe but studies on the chemistry of OFG are extremely limited due to the scarcity of dedicated drilling investigations. In this study, we integrate offshore hydrogeology, geochemical and isotopic tracers, and transport modelling to quantitatively evaluate the hydrochemical characteristics and persistence of an OFG system in the Pearl River Estuary and its adjacent shelf. Offshore drilling suggests the OFG system comprises a vast low-salinity groundwater body extending up to 180 km offshore, with a chloride concentration as low as only ~2.5% of that in seawater. The integrated analysis of porewater isotopic signals 18O and 2H with sediment radioisotope pair 226Ra/230Th indicates that the OFG in the Pearl River Estuary and its adjacent shelf is fossil groundwater, sequestered since the late Pleistocene during periods of low sea level. Geochemical modelling of conservative tracers further corroborates the system’s persistence, estimating its residence time at approximately 69–82 kyr. The significant reduction of major ions, along with the isolated status and long residence time of porewater in the estuarine-shelf sediment system, suggests distinctive redox conditions in the OFG systems compared to OFG-free sediments. The study underscores the profound role of OFG in influencing sub-seafloor biogeochemical cycles and ecosystems on local and global scales over extended timescales.

    How to cite: Jiao, J. J., Sheng, C., Yuan, L., Luo, X., Cai, P., Zuo, J., and Hensen, C.: Hydrochemical characteristics and origin of offshore freshened groundwater in the Pearl River Estuary and its adjacent shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4818,, 2025.

    EGU25-5558 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    Is submarine groundwater discharge a major pathway of carbon and nutrients into the coastal ocean? 

    Pinghe Cai, Liuting Yuan, Chong Sheng, Yilin Cheng, Yaojin Chen, Xin Luo, and Jiu Jimmy Jiao

    During the past decades, large enrichments of 226Ra in coastal waters have been reported worldwide. By means of elimination, these 226Ra enrichments were used to infer large submarine groundwater discharge from a hypothetical “subterranean estuary”. A critical assumption thereof is that regeneration of 226Ra on marine sediments contributes little to enrichments of this nuclide in the coastal ocean. In this study, we have measured 226Ra and 230Th activities in two ~ 30-meter-long sediment cores collected from the subaqueous delta of the Pearl River, China. Using this novel 226Ra/230Th tracer approach, we show that regeneration of 226Ra from surface sediments between 0 and 5 m dominated the total 226Ra flux out of the seabed. We have further demonstrated that the replenishing rate of the subterranean estuary must be < 0.01 yr-1. As a consequence, the total groundwater flux is at least 2 orders of magnitude lower than the river-water flux. More importantly, the fluxes of associated dissolved constituents are also orders of magnitude lower than the regenerated fluxes from the surface sediments. Thus, to acquire an unbiased understanding of coastal ocean chemistry, future studies should focus on solute exchange occurring at the sediment-water interface.  

    How to cite: Cai, P., Yuan, L., Sheng, C., Cheng, Y., Chen, Y., Luo, X., and Jiao, J. J.: Is submarine groundwater discharge a major pathway of carbon and nutrients into the coastal ocean?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5558,, 2025.

    EGU25-6045 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Two years of monitoring the Fe(II) oxidation rate constants in coastal seawater affected by the La Palma eruption 

    Adrián Bullón-Téllez, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Melchor González-Santana, Aridane G. González, and David González-Santana

    The eruptive process that took place in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, in September 2021 was the longest in the island records. The eruption lasted 85 days, had a major social and environmental impact and gave rise to the Tajogaite volcano. During this time, the lava formed two lava deltas on the west coast of the island (Tazacorte). Lava entered the sea during four different time periods. Previous research by González-Santana et al., (2024) presented the evolution of the iron size fractionation during the Tajogaite eruption, demonstrating a long term fertilization effect. In this work, we expand the research with Fe(II) oxidation kinetics studies after the post-eruptive phase to study the regeneration and the evolution of the zone. For this study, 7 coastal cruises were carried out between January 2023 and December 2024 in the proximities of the formed deltas. During each cruise, seawater samples were collected at 10 surface stations.

    Iron is an essential trace metal in the development of life. Its speciation plays a key role in its bioavailability. Monitoring the oxidation of iron(II) in this environment is an opportunity to improve our understanding of its behaviour in coastal and volcanic environments. These environments are characterized by high organic compounds concentrations and variability. Iron can be complexed by organic ligands that affect its speciation. Understanding how iron impacts biogeochemical cycles in marine ecosystems is crucial. These behaviours are still poorly constrained, particularly in relation to factors like organic matter composition, and seasonally influenced variables in surface waters.

    The experimental methodology is based on the Direct Flow Injection Analysis by Chemiluminescence (FIA-CL) method (Santana-González et al., 2018). Analysis at fixed temperature, pH and oxygen saturation conditions (T=15ºC, pH=8 and Sat[O2]=100%) were carried out to remove the effects of these factors on the iron speciation. Results show a great variability between sampling points, with sections affected by groundwater discharge. Analysed oxidation rate constants (k ') were between 0.021 and 0.300 min-1 (t1/2 between 2.3 and 33.4 min, inversely), while theoretical calculations were of 0.048 min-1 (t1/2=14.6 min). Colloidal sized particles are thought to slow down oxidation rates. The colloidal-sized effect was demonstrated by performing the analyses using samples collected with different pore-sized filters (unfiltered, 0.2μm and 0.02μm), at different temperatures (T= 5, 10, 15 and 20ºC) and at constant pH=8, which allowed for the calculation of the activation energy (Ea) of each sample, around 120 kJ·mol-1. Analysis at different pH conditions (pH=7.5, 7.8 and 8) and at a fixed temperature (T=15ºC) were performed to characterise pH dependent processes occurring in the colloidal-sized fraction.

    Acknowledgments: This work was funded by the FeRIA project (PID2021-123997NB-I00) from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain). A. Bullón-Téllez participation was funded by the PhD grant (ULPGC2023-2-01).


    González-Santana et al., (2024). Hot spot volcano emissions as a source of natural iron fertilization in the ocean. Science of The Total Environment, 957, 177638.

    Santana-González et al., (2018). Fe(II) oxidation kinetics in the North Atlantic along the 59.5° N during 2016. Marine Chemistry, 203, 64-77.

    How to cite: Bullón-Téllez, A., Santana-Casiano, J. M., González-Santana, M., González, A. G., and González-Santana, D.: Two years of monitoring the Fe(II) oxidation rate constants in coastal seawater affected by the La Palma eruption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6045,, 2025.

    EGU25-6785 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5

    Assessing the Ecological Impacts of Bicarbonate-Enriched Seawater on Benthic Communities: A Mesocosm Experiment in the Gulf of La Spezia 

    Davide Calvi, Sara Groppelli, Arianna Azzellino, Francesco Campo, Federico Comazzi, Daniela Basso, and Stefano Cappello

    Since the pace and scale of geological CO2 storage deployment have fallen short of expectations, there is a growing interest in ocean-based CO2 storage options, such as the storage in the form of bicarbonates ions in seawater. Limenet technology stores CO2 in the form of bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) by seawater alkalinization through the addition of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) at pH-equilibrated conditions, i.e., increasing seawater alkalinity without pH alteration.

    Calcium hydroxide, generated from the calcination of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), reacts with captured CO2 and seawater in reactors to form stable bicarbonate ions that is then released in the sea, ensuring carbon sequestration and neutralizing ocean acidification.

    This study investigated the ecological impact of bicarbonate-enriched seawater released from Limenet pilot plant on the recruitment of benthic communities in the Gulf of La Spezia (western Mediterranean Sea, northern Italy). A controlled mesocosm experiment, conducted from March to the end of May 2024, assessed the responses of benthic organisms to different concentrations of bicarbonate-enriched seawater.

    Land mesocosms were housed within a purpose-built shelter, designed to simulate natural marine conditions while allowing for precise experimental control. Seawater was sourced directly from the gulf, ensuring natural baseline conditions. Important parameters such as pH, alkalinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and salinity were continuously monitored.

    Five treatments were tested, representing different concentrations of bicarbonate-enriched seawater as a proportion of the total mesocosm volume (1,000 liters): control (no treated seawater), low (3.3% treated water), medium (6.7% treated water), high (13.3% treated water), very high (26.3% treated water). In this experiment, the “very high” treatment represented oversaturated seawater (Ωaragonite7.1), specifically designed to investigate the potential adverse effects of operating above the saturation limit.

    Six calcareous plates (10×10 cm) were placed in each mesocosm to serve as substrates for benthic organisms. Sampling was conducted at two intervals: after 50 days to assess early recruitment and after 85 days to evaluate survival indices and the long-term community structure.

    Benthic communities were analyzed using a combination of stereomicroscopy, advanced imaging, and software tools.

    Serpulid worms (Serpulidae) were the dominant group across all treatments, with no significant differences in their abundance between natural and treated water conditions, except, as expected, for the very high treatment. In this case, serpulids abundance was lower, likely due to high saturation levels and extensive precipitation of bicarbonates into calcium carbonate, which may have created less favorable conditions for recruitment and survival.

    These findings represent an important first step in safely deploying Limenet and other seawater alkalinization solutions without causing alteration to benthic communities, when they are applied within established thresholds.

    How to cite: Calvi, D., Groppelli, S., Azzellino, A., Campo, F., Comazzi, F., Basso, D., and Cappello, S.: Assessing the Ecological Impacts of Bicarbonate-Enriched Seawater on Benthic Communities: A Mesocosm Experiment in the Gulf of La Spezia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6785,, 2025.

    EGU25-7272 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Multiparametric study to understand the coastal blue carbon in the Canary Islands 

    Aridane G. González, David González-Santana, Adrián Castro-Álamo, David Curbelo-Hernández, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Adrián Bullón-Téllez, Victor Coussy, Laura Suárez-Betancor, and Melchor González-Dávila

    Coastal systems host a large amount of biodiversity, play a fundamental role in socio-economic development, and are highly affected by human activities.  Canary Islands are a natural laboratory that allow the study of CO2 system in coastal sites with different characteristics, natural and human-pressure. Then, it will help to identify the potential amount of blue carbon as well the relationship with other parameters such as Fe concentration, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nutrients, etc. However, there are lack of information about these multidisciplinary processes and the implications on blue carbon. In this present work, we present the  data related with the CO2 system and the fixed carbon in the biomass.

    During one year, two coastal sites in the Canary islands (El Pajar, Gran Canaria island; and Abades, Tenerife island) and three habitats were monitored: seagrass beds, algal covers, and sandy zones. This work provides an overview of project activities and preliminary findings, encompassing monthly measurements of key parameters including sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), pH, and dissolved oxygen (DO). Each parameter was measured for 1 h. Samples to measure total alkalinity (AT) and total inorganic carbon (CT) were collected and measured in the laboratory. Additionally, analyses extend to include the percentage of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen (CHN) content.

    According to the results, the temperature controls the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in these coastal sites. pCO2 was ranged from 363.1 to 660 ppm in El Pajar, and 343.4 to 541.2 ppm in Abades. The maximum pCO2 level coincided with the higher temperature 25.3 and 25.1ºC, respectively, and resulted in the lower pH value (7.9 in both sites), in September. The minimum values were measured in winter period (February). Measuring the carbon content of the biomass in the area, the sequestered carbon was computed as 2.1± 0.6 gCO2/gbiomass, and the DOC in the two locations and three habitats were practically constant during the whole year, ranked for both sites between 0.70 and 1.24 mg L-1.

    The results of this investigation are helping to quantify the amount of carbon transfer from the atmosphere to the seawater and the fixed by the biomass in these two sites. Since the seagrass has been decreasing in the Canary Islands by more than 90% in the last 10 years, the capacity to act as a sink of CO2 is also drastically decreasing and the role of the temperature has to be estimated. The results of this project will be a decision-making tool for regional and national agencies to conserve those ecosystems where there is greater CO2 capture.


    Keywords: CO2 observations, coastal waters, blue carbon, Canary Islands


    Acknowledgements: Multi-COast Project (TED2021-130892B-I00) has been funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the Europe Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR».

    How to cite: González, A. G., González-Santana, D., Castro-Álamo, A., Curbelo-Hernández, D., Santana-Casiano, J. M., Bullón-Téllez, A., Coussy, V., Suárez-Betancor, L., and González-Dávila, M.: Multiparametric study to understand the coastal blue carbon in the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7272,, 2025.

    We analyzed spatiotemporal variation in the artificial radionuclides 137Cs and 239,240Pu in seawater around Korea Seas (East Sea, Yellow Sea and South Sea of Korea) from 2018 to 2024. The 137Cs activity in surface water of the East Sea range of 0.88 - 1.97 mBq/kg (average: 1.33 ± 0.29 mBq/kg, n=21). Vertically, the highest activities of 137Cs were sub-to surface later (0-100m) and decreased with depths. The 239,240Pu activities range of 1.70 - 5.18 μ㏃/kg (average: 3.83 ± 1.43 μ㏃/kg, n=11) in the surface layer. 239,240Pu activities were lower in the surface layer and also decreased with depths. This trend appears to be result from the adsorption onto particle and  resultant sedimentation of Pu in the water column. The surface layer 137Cs activities in the Yellow sea and South Sea of Korea ranged from 0.56 - 1.96 mBq/kg (average: 1.42 ± 0.39 mBq/kg, n= 10), 0.92 to 2.43 mBq/kg (average: 1.65 ± 0.33 mBq/kg, n=29), respectively. In these regions, the spatial and vertical distributions of 137Cs and 239,240Pu were almost consistent. However, a substantial increase in 137Cs was observed at some stations in the southernmost part of South Sea, which seems to be due to the fluvial input of surround region. Overall, the distribution of 137Cs and 239,240Pu seems to be primarily influenced by local boundary inputs, such as freshwater from river, atmospheric deposition, sediment resuspension, and others from the surrounding Far East Asian continents. We quantified the interlinked budget balance of 137Cs between the East Sea, Yellow Sea and South Sea. This study suggests that advection from the open ocean is the dominant source of 137Cs in the Korean Seas and the major sinks for 137Cs in these regions are natural decay and removal via sinking flux.

    How to cite: Lee, J., Kim, I., and Lee, H.: The spatialtemporal variation and transport of artificial radionuclides (137Cs and 239,240Pu)around Korea Seas (East Sea, Yellow Sea, South Sea of Korea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7567,, 2025.

    EGU25-8122 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5

    Tracing the Products of Combustion Processes in the Baltic Sea Water Column 

    Tassiana S. G. Serafim, Detlef E. Schulz-Bull, Christopher P. Rüger, Thorsten Dittmar, Jutta Niggemann, Ralf Zimmermann, Joanna J. Waniek, and Helena Osterholz

    The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed, shallow, brackish sea under persistent anthropogenic pressure, receiving thermogenic organic compounds as products of incomplete combustion via riverine input and atmospheric deposition. We assessed the distribution, sources, and composition of thermogenic organic matter in the Baltic Sea water column via the quantification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and dissolved black carbon (DBC). The overall imprint of combustion processes on dissolved organic matter (DOM) molecular composition was evaluated via ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. By combining PAH and DBC with DOM characterization, we aimed to contribute to a better understanding of the distribution and behavior of combustion products in coastal environments. Water samples were taken in the southern Baltic Sea in a salinity gradient (~6 to ~21). PAH were homogeneously distributed (average: 16.05 ± 4.44 ng L-1) likely due to balanced sources and sinks and a long lifetime. In contrast, DBC concentrations showed significant spatial variability (average: 14.2 ± 2.8 µM), with a strong negative correlation to salinity, highlighting the input of thermogenic organic compounds from land via riverine transport to the Baltic Sea. In addition, the abundance of polycyclic aromatic compounds detected on a molecular formula level in DOM correlated with PAH diagnostic ratios. Although PAH were evenly distributed throughout the water PAH concentrations in the sea-surface microlayer increased with the contribution of biomass combustion, likely due to the use of coal during the heating season. Our study emphasizes the sources and distribution of thermogenic organic matter to the Baltic Sea, where PAH and DBC serve as proxies of different anthropogenic influences, revealing also their strengths and weaknesses. This research provides a comprehensive understanding of the sources of the long-lived portion of the carbon pool, emphasizing the role of the Baltic Sea as a catchment basin for anthropogenic pollutants and a dynamic system for the cycling of DOM.

    How to cite: S. G. Serafim, T., Schulz-Bull, D. E., Rüger, C. P., Dittmar, T., Niggemann, J., Zimmermann, R., Waniek, J. J., and Osterholz, H.: Tracing the Products of Combustion Processes in the Baltic Sea Water Column, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8122,, 2025.

    EGU25-8284 | Posters on site | OS2.5


    J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Melchor González-Dávila, Aridane G. González, Adrián Bullón-Téllez, Adrián Castro-Álamo, Victor Coussy, Laura Suárez-Betancor, and David González-Santana

    Acidification and warming in the ocean and their effect on the biogeochemical cycles of trace metals can be studied from both an anthropogenic climate change perspective or natural perspective. The former is a consequence of anthropogenic CO2 emissions into the atmosphere and their subsequent transfer to the ocean, while the latter is driven by volcanic and hydrothermal gas emissions. Both phenomena occur in the ocean, making it a natural laboratory where the effect of these processes can be investigated.

    In the FeRIA project, the behaviour of iron (Fe) under conditions of acidification and warming was studied at different sites affected by volcanic CO2 emissions (Fuencaliente and Tazacorte, La Palma) and anthropogenic CO2 emissions (El Hierro, Gran Canaria). Although both processes lead to ocean acidification, volcanic emissions contribute other chemical components that can modify Fe behaviour. Since each oceanic region has specific properties, Fe(II) oxidation processes are not uniform. These processes are affected by not only the physical-chemical properties (pH, T, S, O2) of the environment but also by the biogeochemical conditions (dissolved and particulate organic matter). Ocean acidification contributes to reducing the rate of Fe(II) oxidation in the ocean, therefore favouring the availability of Fe(II) for longer periods. In contrast, higher temperatures accelerate Fe(II) oxidation. Organic matter, depending on its characteristics and functional groups, can contribute to speed up or slow down the oxidation process.

    These studies will make it possible to address two key questions: (1) whether regions affected by volcanic emissions can serve as models for regions where acidification and warming are caused only by anthropogenic climatic effects, and (2) whether the persistence of Fe (II) in the marine environment is controlled by the same factors.


    Key words: Iron, kinetics, ocean acidification, warming, volcanic emissions

    Acknowledgments: This work has been funded by FeRIA (PID2021-123997NB-I00) project given by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovación from Spain. LSB participation was funded by the PhD grant (PRE 2022-101456) associated to FeRIA project. A. Bullón-Téllez participation was funded by the PhD grant (ULPGC2023-2-01).

    How to cite: Santana-Casiano, J. M., González-Dávila, M., González, A. G., Bullón-Téllez, A., Castro-Álamo, A., Coussy, V., Suárez-Betancor, L., and González-Santana, D.: Fe RESPONSE IN AN ACIDIFIED OCEAN. FeRIA PROJECT, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8284,, 2025.

    EGU25-9497 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Volcanic Eruptions as Drivers of Coastal Iron Fertilization 

    David González-Santana, Melchor González-Dávila, Aridane G. González, Alfonso Medina-Escuela, David Fariña, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano

    Volcanic eruptions represent a variable source of trace metals to the ocean. This study focuses on the 2021 Tajogaite volcano eruption in La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) and its significant impact on coastal iron (Fe) dynamics. Over 85 days of activity, the eruption contributed vast amounts of volcanic ash and lava to the ocean, resulting in elevated Fe concentrations. Measurements revealed that Fe levels in seawater reached over 1900 nmol L⁻¹, with 99% of the Fe in particulate form. Soluble Fe concentrations were approximately ten times higher than typical values in the open Atlantic Ocean, demonstrating the eruption’s role in enhancing bioavailable Fe.

    This poster explores Fe size fractionation during the eruption, observing a transition from large particulate dominance to increased colloidal and soluble Fe over time. Lava-seawater interactions produced hydrothermal plumes, characterized by increased temperatures, low pH, and elevated turbidity, significantly altering the local marine environment. Spatial and temporal variability in Fe concentrations highlight the dynamic nature of these coastal systems during volcanic events.

    Our findings underscore the potential of volcanic activity as a natural iron fertilization mechanism in nutrient-limited regions, with implications for primary productivity and carbon cycling. The episodic nature of these interactions necessitates refined models to incorporate volcanic contributions to ocean biogeochemistry models.

    How to cite: González-Santana, D., González-Dávila, M., G. González, A., Medina-Escuela, A., Fariña, D., and Santana-Casiano, J. M.: Volcanic Eruptions as Drivers of Coastal Iron Fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9497,, 2025.

    EGU25-9696 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    Effects of alkalinity and carbon in submarine groundwater discharge on coastal acidification in the Baltic Sea 

    Solveig Börjesson, Wilma Ljungberg, Gloria Reithmaier, Yvonne Yau, Claudia Majtényi Hill, Tristan McKenzie, Júlia Rodriguez-Puig, Linnea Henriksson, Ceylena Holloway, and Isaac.R Santos

    With increasing atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, more CO2 is dissolved in seawater, resulting in ocean acidification (OA). The consequences of OA can be altered by alkalinity (TA), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and freshwater inputs. Here, we study wheter submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) may impact coastal acidification. The DIC and TA relationship in rivers and SGD across six countries and 16 beaches along the Baltic Sea coastline were resolved. TA was greater in groundwater (average = 2521 µmol/kg) than river (1324 µmol/kg) and surface seawater (1307 µmol/kg) samples. The average concentration of DIC in SGD was more than twice the concentration of river and surface Baltic Sea water. SGD contributes with a TA deficiency relative to DIC. 84% of the groundwater samples were acidifying compared to 74% and 38% for river and surface water respectively. Mixing plots revealed that 7 out of 9 basins experienced non-conservative TA and DIC in the subterranean estuary. The surplus of both DIC and TA indicates diagenetic sources such as sulfate reduction and oxic respiration. Overall, SGD can acidify the Baltic Sea and therefore should be included in regional carbon budgets to assess regional ocean acidification.

    How to cite: Börjesson, S., Ljungberg, W., Reithmaier, G., Yau, Y., Majtényi Hill, C., McKenzie, T., Rodriguez-Puig, J., Henriksson, L., Holloway, C., and Santos, I. R.: Effects of alkalinity and carbon in submarine groundwater discharge on coastal acidification in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9696,, 2025.

    EGU25-10595 | ECS | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    The response of phytoplankton to pH-Equilibrated Ocean Alkalinization: a mesocosm experiment in the Gulf of La Spezia 

    Sara Groppelli, Davide Calvi, Arianna Azzellino, Francesco Campo, Federico Comazzi, Samira Jamali Alamooti, Piero Macchi, Guido Raos, Daniela Basso, and Stefano Cappello

    To combat global warming and achieve carbon neutrality, carbon storage solutions for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) from the atmosphere are being explored for their potential to sequester atmospheric CO2. This study evaluates the ecological impacts of pH-equilibrated alkalinization, using the Limenet® process, a method that combines CO2, calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2), and seawater to generate bicarbonate-enriched solutions. Similar to other marine CDR based on Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE), this approach addresses not only climate change but also ocean acidification. A mesocosm experiment conducted in La Spezia, Italy, assessed how natural plankton communities respond to varying levels of alkalinization treatments. Fifteen land-based mesocosms were filled with seawater treated with five different levels of alkalinization: untreated, Low, Medium, High and Oversaturated bicarbonate conditions. Over a 15-day period, the physicochemical properties, nutrient dynamics, and plankton community responses were systematically monitored. Results showed effective bicarbonate stabilization in the Low, Medium, and High treatments, while oversaturation and runaway carbonate precipitation were recorded, as expected, in the oversaturated condition. The monitored pH and alkalinity demonstrated that the treated seawater maintained near-natural conditions while enhancing bicarbonate availability. Nutrient analysis revealed a rapid depletion of silica across all treatments, limiting diatom growth and triggering shifts in plankton community composition. Diatoms initially dominated the community in all mesocosms but declined over time as silica became depleted, giving way to a relative increase in dinoflagellates. The diatom-to-dinoflagellate ratio served as a key indicator of community response. In control and oversaturated treatments, the ratio exhibited steep declines, reflecting significant ecological shifts and reduced stability in plankton dynamics. By contrast, Low, Medium, and High treatments showed more gradual changes in the ratio, suggesting that pH-equilibrated alkalinization mitigates sharp shifts in planktonic communities. When compared with diatoms and dinoflagellates, the calcareous plankton component is negligible in mass in the La Spezia harbour, however, a dedicated effort is ongoing to assess the effect of pH-equilibrated alkalinization on nannoplankton dynamics. These findings highlight the dual potential of pH equilibrated alkalinization as a CDR strategy: effectively enhancing marine carbon sequestration while buffering ecosystems against extreme shifts in plankton structure. The experimental results suggest that this approach promotes ecological resilience by supporting balanced carbon uptake processes and mitigating the risks of bicarbonates (HCO3-) precipitation in Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) and pH destabilization, which are critical challenges in OAE implementation. This study provides valuable insights into the feasibility of pH equilibrated alkalinization as a CDR technology, underscoring the importance of sustainable practices and renewable energy integration to maximize its environmental benefits. While the results are promising, further research is needed to evaluate long-term ecological impacts, trophic-level interactions, and the scalability of this approach in diverse marine environments.

    How to cite: Groppelli, S., Calvi, D., Azzellino, A., Campo, F., Comazzi, F., Jamali Alamooti, S., Macchi, P., Raos, G., Basso, D., and Cappello, S.: The response of phytoplankton to pH-Equilibrated Ocean Alkalinization: a mesocosm experiment in the Gulf of La Spezia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10595,, 2025.

    EGU25-14618 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Biogeochemical controls on dissolved zinc cycling in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean 

    Naman Deep Singh, Eric P. Achterberg, Xue-Gang Chen, Kathleen J. Gosnell, Zvi Steiner, Edel M. O'Sullivan, Yuping Guo, Dominik Jasinski, André Mutzberg, and Tim Steffens

    Zinc (Zn)-containing metalloenzymes facilitate the uptake and fixation of dissolved inorganic carbon and phosphorus (P) in marine phytoplankton, coupling the Zn biogeochemistry with biological cycling in the ocean. Furthermore, dissolved Zn (dZn) distribution in the global ocean is strongly linked with surface biogeochemistry, water mass formation and circulation in the Southern Ocean. However, additional controls of basin-scale biogeochemical processes on Zn cycling outside the Southern Ocean still remain uncertain. We present dZn distribution measured along the GEOTRACES cruise section, GP11, in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean (EPO) and discuss the relative roles of regional biological cycling and large-scale physical circulation in controlling the observed distribution. Dissolved Zn and P in the surface and thermocline waters (< 400m) exhibit an overall positive linear relation, albeit with an apparent kink at ~1μM of P: strong correlation above the kink and uniform, low dZn concentration below the kink. The estimated dZn to P ratio (0.74 ± 0.07) from the linear relation in the thermocline waters is comparable to the observed Zn/P uptake ratio (0.68) for the equatorial Pacific picoplankton, which dominate the phytoplankton biomass in the region, and larger than that reported over similar potential density range in the source region of the thermocline waters (~0.18–0.32). This indicates the important control of organic matter regeneration on observed dZn variations in the upper water column of EPO. Anomalously high dZn concentrations are observed close to the South American margin in the oxygen-deficient sub-surface waters, suggesting Zn sourced from remineralization of Zn-rich biogenic particles and/or authigenic Zn sulfide phases in resuspended reducing margin sediments. However, this signal decreases offshore due to advective mixing with low dZn ambient waters. In the deeper waters (> 500m), we used an extended optimum multiparameter water mass model and end-member composition of water masses to demonstrate that water mass mixing predominantly governs the dZn distribution in the EPO, while the impact of organic matter regeneration and reversible particle scavenging is limited. Overall, our study highlights the influence of local phytoplankton trace metal uptake stoichiometry in the upper waters (< 400m) and water circulation on the dZn distribution in deeper waters (> 500m) of the EPO, and offers new insights into the inter-basin variability in Zn biogeochemical cycling in the Pacific Ocean.

    How to cite: Singh, N. D., Achterberg, E. P., Chen, X.-G., Gosnell, K. J., Steiner, Z., O'Sullivan, E. M., Guo, Y., Jasinski, D., Mutzberg, A., and Steffens, T.: Biogeochemical controls on dissolved zinc cycling in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14618,, 2025.

    EGU25-15043 | Posters on site | OS2.5 | Highlight

    Bioactive Particulate Trace Metal Distributions and their Biogeochemical Controls in the Central Arabian Gulf 

    Oguz Yigiterhan, Jassem A. Al-Thani, Ersin Tutsak, Ibrahim A. Al-Maslamani, Ebrahim M.A.S. Al-Ansari, and Yousra Soliman

    We present data on bioactive trace metal concentrations of suspended particulate matter (SPM) samples from the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Qatar as part of a broader study examining the distributions of particulate bioactive metals, biogenic and lithogenic influences, and biogeochemical controls on particulate trace metal concentrations in the Arabian Gulf. The influence of dust deposition and hydrography was also investigated as factors controlling on bioactive metal concentrations. In this study, we analyzed the composition of water column SPM (> 1 µm) along a transect across the Gulf during two seasonal periods: late spring (May) and late summer (September) 2019. Eight  bioactive trace metals (Fe, V, Mn, Zn, Co, Cu, Ni and Ba) were measured in SPM using ICP-MS. Our results show that Fe and Zn are enriched in SPM, likely due to aerosol depositions, while Mn, Ni, Cu, Co and Ba exhibited trends corresponding to hydrographic parameters such as density. Fe, Mn, Co, Ba demonstrated negative correlations with oxygen, explaining their depletion at depth and near sediment layer.

    How to cite: Yigiterhan, O., Al-Thani, J. A., Tutsak, E., Al-Maslamani, I. A., Al-Ansari, E. M. A. S., and Soliman, Y.: Bioactive Particulate Trace Metal Distributions and their Biogeochemical Controls in the Central Arabian Gulf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15043,, 2025.

    EGU25-16894 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Sources and Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Organic Matter in the Central Arabian Gulf assessed using C and N stable isotope ratios 

    Jassem Al-Thani, Ebrahim Al-Ansari, Ibrahim Al-Maslamani, Oguz Yigiterhan, and Yousra Soliman

    Suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) is an essential component of marine environments and plays an integral role in biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Marginal seas, such as the Arabian Gulf (AG), experience pronounced extreme climatic and environmental conditions including extreme temperature, high salinity and oligotrophy/eutrophication which largely affect the  dynamics of SPOM. In this study, we quantified particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate nitrogen (PN) and the stable isotopic ratio composition (d13C & d15N) of SPOM in samples collected during summer 2019 and winter 2020 from the Central AG. SPOM exhibited significant variation with seasons, depth and distance from shore (p < 0.05). POC and PN averaged 14.8 mM and 1.6 mM in summer, and 8.4 mM and 0.9 mM in winter, while the C:NSPOM averaged 9.5 during summer and 10.3 in winter. The concentrations of POC, PN were higher in coastal regions and in surface waters at offshore regions in summer, while they were predominantly low overall in winter. The d13CPOC was not significantly different between summer (-18.6 ‰) and winter (-18.7‰) and implied mixed sources including marine allochthonous and some contribution from terrestrial organic matter. The ratios of d15N (average d15N= 1.7 ‰ in summer and 2.0 ‰ in winter).  implied that nitrogen fixation and regenerated nitrogen are the main sources in the waters of the Gulf. Principal component analysis showed that POC, PN were strongly correlated with Chl-a, while the d13C and d15N correlated strongly with salinity in the summer. PCA showed that the d15N, Chl-a, NH4, NO3 ,PO4, and PN were negatively correlated with nutrients (NO3, NH4) and Chl-a during winter. This research highlights the first investigation into particulate organic carbon and nitrogen in the Arabian Gulf and utilization of stable isotopes and elemental ratios to identify the sources and characteristics of organic carbon and nitrogen and their cycling under the extreme conditions of the Gulf.

    How to cite: Al-Thani, J., Al-Ansari, E., Al-Maslamani, I., Yigiterhan, O., and Soliman, Y.: Sources and Dynamics of Suspended Particulate Organic Matter in the Central Arabian Gulf assessed using C and N stable isotope ratios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16894,, 2025.

    EGU25-17265 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    The Role of Humic Substances in Iron Complexation and Solubilization in the Arctic Ocean and Northwest Atlantic Ocean 

    Luis Miguel Laglera, Camila Sukekava, Rob Middag, and Loes Gerringa

    Iron is a critical micronutrient in the ocean, playing a limiting role in primary productivity across vast regions of the global ocean and significantly impacting global CO₂ uptake. Despite its importance, inorganic iron is highly insoluble under the physicochemical conditions of seawater. However, complexation by natural organic ligands prevents precipitation and enables iron concentrations to remain in the nanomolar and subnanomolar range. Identifying and characterizing these ligands remains a challenge. Humic substances (HS), a complex and hydrophobic mix of organic compounds, are considered key candidates for constituting a significant portion of these iron-binding ligands. HS concentrations and Fe-HS complex concentrations can be measured directly in seawater using recent voltammetric protocols.

    In this presentation, we will report on Fe, HS, and Fe-HS concentrations measured across the Atlantic sector of the Arctic Ocean and the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Samples collected during three different cruises reveal the significant variability in the role of HS in iron solubility, ranging from negligible to critical, depending on the biogeochemical and physical characteristics of the water masses encountered. We will discuss the influence of the Transpolar Drift outflow, the East Greenland Current, fjord water outflows, and Icelandic sills on HS distribution and iron solubility in the region.

    How to cite: Laglera, L. M., Sukekava, C., Middag, R., and Gerringa, L.: The Role of Humic Substances in Iron Complexation and Solubilization in the Arctic Ocean and Northwest Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17265,, 2025.

    EGU25-19004 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Monthly riverine load of inorganic nutrients and carbon into the Gulf of Trieste (north-eastern Mediterranean Sea): insights from flood and drought periods 

    Federica Relitti, Matteo Bazzaro, Stefano Covelli, Nessim Douss, Michele Giani, Bor Krajnc, Martina Kralj, Vincenzo Alessandro Laudicella, Nives Ogrinc, Elena Pavoni, Simona Retelletti Brogi, Lorenzo Toffanin, and Cinzia De Vittor

    River discharge of freshwater and nutrients regulates coastal ecosystems, as it exerts a significant impact on their hydrology, biogeochemistry and productivity. Moreover, rivers act as important sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere and play an important role in the estuarine carbonate system.

    Hydrology, biogeochemistry and productivity of the Gulf of Trieste (GoT), a shallow semi-enclosed basin of the northernmost part of the Mediterranean Sea, are mainly influenced by rivers, which represent the major allochthonous source of freshwater, total alkalinity (TA) and nutrients in the area. The Isonzo River is the main freshwater input into the GoT. It generally shows significant seasonal variations in discharge, with two main flooding periods related to snowmelt and rainfall, developing a turbidity plume strongly influenced by wind. The second freshwater source to the GoT is the Timavo River, which flows underground for about 38 km before re-emerging in proximity of its mouth. The Timavo has particularly complex hydrological characteristics related to its karstic nature, as the flow at the mouth is also influenced by underground circulation within the karst aquifer, moreover several minor springs are scattered along the coastline. Despite the relevance of the input of these rivers to the GoT, data on discharges of TA, dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and nutrients are scarce and fragmented. The aim of this study is to fill these knowledge gaps by providing a monthly biogeochemical characterisation of Isonzo and Timavo in terms of nutrients and carbonate system parameters, to shed light on their dynamics at the end of the catchment and estimate the input of nutrients, alkalinity and DIC into the marine system. Here we present the data from monthly sampling carried out during a dry (2022) and a rainy (2023) year at the mouth of Isonzo and Timavo rivers. Considering the karstic nature of Timavo, samples were also collected at one of its underwater springs.

    The average annual discharge of AT, DIC and nutrients under different hydrological conditions (2022 vs. 2023) highlighted that riverine nutrients and inorganic carbon load is highly related to the runoff which strongly varies on interannual scale. Moreover, we observed that the Timavo waters generally had lower pH and higher DIC and TA values than Isonzo, likely as a consequence of the different catchment basins and the nature of the rivers’ course (hypogeous vs. surface). The implementation of this study, which is still ongoing, will continue over the next two years. The results will be also useful to assess the real influence of the numerous coastal and underwater springs of the Timavo River, which are often underestimated or neglected, on this coastal ecosystem. As river discharge dynamics are one of the main drivers influencing the biogeochemistry of marine ecosystem, our results will provide a basis for assessing the impact of rivers on the GoT, and support future studies on oligotrophication and acidification.

    How to cite: Relitti, F., Bazzaro, M., Covelli, S., Douss, N., Giani, M., Krajnc, B., Kralj, M., Laudicella, V. A., Ogrinc, N., Pavoni, E., Retelletti Brogi, S., Toffanin, L., and De Vittor, C.: Monthly riverine load of inorganic nutrients and carbon into the Gulf of Trieste (north-eastern Mediterranean Sea): insights from flood and drought periods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19004,, 2025.

    EGU25-19226 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Genus-specific and microanatomical controls on element incorporation in coralline calcification revealed by Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement experiments 

    Laura Borromeo, Daniela Basso, Selene Varliero, Francesca Panizzuti, Lucia Galimberti, Paolo Gentile, Jose González, Iordanis Magiopoulos, Filomena Romano, Paraskevi Pitta, Piero Macchi, and Arianna Azzellino

    Ocean liming is a promising marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) method with substantial potential for carbon sequestration. This technique involves dispersing CO₂-reactive alkaline minerals onto the ocean surface, increasing the flux of atmospheric CO₂ into the ocean and counteracting ocean acidification by elevating pH levels. Coralline algae of the subfamily Corallinophycidae are vital habitat engineers found in ecosystems ranging from tropical to polar regions. These globally distributed algae inhabit environments extending from intertidal zones to the lower limits of the photic zone. Despite their complex role in the global carbon cycle, the mechanisms governing their cell wall calcification remain poorly understood. Additionally, the potential impacts of ocean liming on these organisms require further investigation.

    Mesocosm experiments were conducted in Vigo, Spain, and Crete, Greece, using Ca(OH)₂ treatment at two different concentrations (Low and High) at each site, with three replicates per treatment. The study examined genus-specific factors influencing magnesium (Mg) incorporation into the calcified cell walls of coralline algae as a proxy for growth and active calcification. The tested specimens included three genetically identified species: Phymatolithon calcareum and P. lusitanicum from Vigo, and Lithothamnion corallioides from Crete. SEM-EDS, Raman spectroscopy and XRD techniques were integratedto investigate in detail our coralline thalli mineralogy. The results revealed significant variations in Mg and other ion distributions between primary (PCW) and secondary (SCW) cell walls, emphasizing the role of microanatomical features over the broader temperature-driven trends in Mg concentrations within coralline thalli. Specifically, Phymatolithon species exhibited higher Mg content in SCWs compared to PCWs, whereas L. corallioides showed equal or lower Mg concentrations in SCWs.

    High Ca(OH)₂ treatments caused a decrease in Mg content in shallow-water Phymatolithon specimens from Vigo, suggesting inhibited growth due to reduced water circulation and smothering by aragonite precipitation within the mesocosms. In contrast, deep-water L. corallioides in Crete displayed no significant changes in Mg levels under either Low or High treatments. These findings suggest a non-significant impact of ocean liming on the tested coralline species, and underscore the intricate nature and variate response of calcification in coralline algae. The results highlight the importance of microanatomical features, environmental conditions, and species-specific traits in determining the impact of such mCDR interventions on marine calcifiers.

    How to cite: Borromeo, L., Basso, D., Varliero, S., Panizzuti, F., Galimberti, L., Gentile, P., González, J., Magiopoulos, I., Romano, F., Pitta, P., Macchi, P., and Azzellino, A.: Genus-specific and microanatomical controls on element incorporation in coralline calcification revealed by Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19226,, 2025.

    EGU25-19618 | Orals | OS2.5 | Highlight

    CO2 Dissolution as Bicarbonate in Seawater: Potential Co-benefits for Net Primary Production 

    Arianna Azzellino, Daniela Basso, Eleonora Barbaccia, Mario Gabualdi, Francesco Pietro Campo, Giovanni Cappello, Stefano Cappello, Stefano Caserini, Federico Comazzi, Selene Varliero, Pietro Macchi, Samira Alamooti, and Guido Raos

    The dissolution of CO2 in seawater as bicarbonate ions (HCO₃⁻) offers a promising alternative to geological storage, provided the process ensures long-term stability and avoids harming marine ecosystems. Storing CO2 in the form of bicarbonate ions could remain effective for geologic timescales, potentially up to 10,000 years [1–3]. This approach involves treating natural seawater by mixing it with pre-equilibrated seawater solutions produced from the reaction of CO2 with Ca(OH)2, adjusted to maintain the same pH as seawater. Recent research [4] has shown that the resulting bicarbonate-rich solution is stable, but concerns persist regarding its potential environmental impacts. While alkalinity itself does not directly affect marine biology, its increase significantly alters pH and the concentrations of key ions and molecules, such as those in the carbonate system, which can directly influence biological processes. The extent of modifications to seawater carbonate chemistry depends on the amount of alkalinity added per unit volume and the rate at which this volume mixes with surrounding waters. The rate at which perturbed seawater equilibrates with the atmosphere is also a critical factor. Seagrasses, marine angiosperms that evolved from terrestrial plants and returned to the sea during the Cretaceous period (approximately 140 to 100 million years ago), play a vital role in marine ecosystems. Seagrass meadows are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth, with an average primary productivity ranging from 394 to 1200 g C m⁻² y⁻¹. These meadows provide numerous essential ecosystem services. Seagrasses are thought to benefit from ocean acidification, as they can utilize both CO₂ and HCO₃⁻ for photosynthesis, although they have a higher affinity for CO₂ and are often carbon-limited [6–7]. Additionally, evidence from natural volcanic CO₂ vents at Ischia, Panarea Islands, and Basiluzzo Islet—where conditions of natural acidification occur—indicates a correlation between increased dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and enhanced net primary production [8]. Building on existing literature, this analysis will explore the potential co-benefits of increased bicarbonate concentrations for seagrasses, aiming to assess how these benefits could enhance seagrass health and growth. It will also evaluate the opportunity to integrate this technology with Nature-Based Solutions, such as seagrass restoration, to maximize ecosystem resilience and climate mitigation efforts.


    [1] Renforth & Henderson. (2017). Assessing Ocean Alkalinity for Carbon Sequestration. Rev. Geophys. 

    [2] Middelburg et al. (2020). Ocean Alkalinity, Buffering and Biogeochemical Processes. Rev. Geophys. 

    [3] Eisaman et al. (2023). Assessing the Technical Aspects of Ocean-Alkalinity-Enhancement Approaches. State Planet, 2-oae2023, 1–29.

    [4] Varliero et al. (2024). Assessing the Limit of CO2 Storage in Seawater as Bicarbonate-Enriched Solutions. Molecules. 29, 4069.

    [5] Duarte et al. (2005). Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle. Biogeosciences 2, 1–8.

    [6] Invers et al. (2001). Inorganic carbon sources for seagrass photosynthesis: an experimental evaluation of bicarbonate use in species inhabiting temperate waters, J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 265, 203–217, 2001.

    [7] Koch et al. (2013). Climate change and ocean acidification effects on seagrasses and marine macroalgae, Glob. Change Biol., 19, 103–132.

    [8] Guilini et al. (2017). Response of Posidonia oceanica seagrass and its epibiont communities to ocean acidification. PLoS ONE 12 (8): e0181531

    How to cite: Azzellino, A., Basso, D., Barbaccia, E., Gabualdi, M., Campo, F. P., Cappello, G., Cappello, S., Caserini, S., Comazzi, F., Varliero, S., Macchi, P., Alamooti, S., and Raos, G.: CO2 Dissolution as Bicarbonate in Seawater: Potential Co-benefits for Net Primary Production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19618,, 2025.

    EGU25-19721 | Posters on site | OS2.5

    Understanding the role of (bio)minerals and metals on marine plastic biogeochemistry and degradation processes 

    Debby Schmidt, Asal Peydaei, Maya Dodhia, Thomas Neu, Karina Krarup Svenninggaard Sand, and Nicole Rita Elisabeth Posth

    Plastics are an omnipresent contaminant, with the marine environment serving as their largest sink. Their unique properties, including low density, surface charges, and remarkable resilience introduce novel conditions to aquatic ecosystems. The biofilm forming on plastic surfaces - the so-called Plastisphere, is an emerging ecological niche and has been found to harbor a variety of microorganisms, minerals, metals and organic matter. The biotic and abiotic properties of this complex eco-corona facilitate biogeochemical interactions and have wide implications for ecosystem and human health.

    Plastisphere composition can drive or hinder biological uptake and gene transfer, alter plastic transport, influence element cycling and promote polymere degradation or prolong plastic stability in the environment. Abiotic minerals such as salts, carbonates, and silicates, along with biominerals and metal deposits, form or attach to plastic surfaces, functioning as attachment and nucleation sites and catalysts for further reactions. Metals such as iron, manganese, and copper further enhance surface reactivity and microbial metabolic activity. The Plastisphere can therefore foster environments conducive to horizontal gene transfer, potentially amplifying the spread of antibiotic resistance genes and enhancing the ability of pathogens to thrive. These interactions modulate marine geochemistry, impacting processes such as silica and carbon cycling, metal fluxes, and microbial metabolism.

    Here, we characterize mineral-plastic interactions across scales, employing bioimaging, geochemical and polymer analysis, outlining their significance for biogeochemical cycling of plastics, plastic degradation and environmental and human health. Furthermore we discuss the potential impacts of micro- and nanoplastics on biomineralization processes and the implications within the marine silica and carbon cycles.

    How to cite: Schmidt, D., Peydaei, A., Dodhia, M., Neu, T., Krarup Svenninggaard Sand, K., and Posth, N. R. E.: Understanding the role of (bio)minerals and metals on marine plastic biogeochemistry and degradation processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19721,, 2025.

    EGU25-19888 | Orals | OS2.5

    Coastal eutrophication and nutrient management along the California Coast: Processes, Impacts and Pathways 

    Faycal Kessouri, Martha Sutula, Daniele Bianchi, and James McWilliams

    Nutrient pollution along the California coast poses a growing environmental and ecological challenge, driven by anthropogenic inputs and regional oceanographic dynamics. Using a combination of observational data, biogeochemical modeling, and satellite-derived measurements, this presentation of 10 years of research explores the sources, transport pathways, and ecological impacts of nutrient enrichment in California’s coastal waters. Coastal upwelling, a defining feature of the California Current System, plays a dual role—providing natural nutrient inputs that fuel primary productivity while also exacerbating anthropogenic nutrient overloading in nearshore ecosystems.

    Results reveal hotspots of eutrophication associated with urban runoff and wastewater discharges, particularly in areas of limited water circulation. Elevated levels of nitrogen in these regions could trigger harmful algal blooms and lead to hypoxic and acidic conditions, threatening marine biodiversity and fisheries. The research highlights the interplay between physical drivers, such as wind stress and stratification, and nutrient dynamics, offering insights into the temporal variability of nutrient-driven impacts and the mechanistic pathways to carbon and oxygen cycles.

    Uncertainties and scenarios of future nutrient management strategies are also underway, emphasizing the need for integrated land-sea management approaches to mitigate eutrophication and enhance ecosystem resilience in a changing climate. This work underscores the importance of continued monitoring and interdisciplinary approaches to safeguard California’s coastal ecosystems from the adverse effects of nutrient pollution.

    How to cite: Kessouri, F., Sutula, M., Bianchi, D., and McWilliams, J.: Coastal eutrophication and nutrient management along the California Coast: Processes, Impacts and Pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19888,, 2025.

    EGU25-20354 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.5 | Highlight

    The role of non-commercial fish in incorporating toxic elements into the trophic web in the lagoons of the southern Baltic Sea 

    Roksana Malec, Magdalena Bełdowska, Mariusz Sapota, Anna Dziubińska, Bartłomiej Wilman, Adam Woźniczka, and Ryszard Kornijów

    Due to intensive human activity, especially in the second half of the 20th century, a significant amount of chemical elements has been extracted from the Earth's natural deposits. Some of these elements have no beneficial role in living organisms and are toxic. Ideally, such toxic elements would not be present in our natural environment. However, this is not the case, nor will it ever be, as these elements naturally occur on our planet and have been further introduced into the ecosystem through industrial use. There are also chemical elements that are essential or even necessary for the proper development of animal and plant organisms. However, at elevated concentrations, these elements become highly toxic. Thanks to regulations introduced in many European countries at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, emissions of toxic elements from anthropogenic sources have significantly decreased. Nevertheless, their concentrations in the natural environment have not declined proportionally. It is therefore crucial to understand their pathways and circulation in the environment, particularly in marine ecosystems, as fish and seafood often serve as key sources of these elements for humans. While numerous scientific studies have examined the concentrations of toxic elements (e.g., Hg, Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, As, Se) in sediments and commercially significant fish species, there is a notable lack of data on their transfer through individual links in the trophic network, especially among small, non-commercial fish. Moreover, there is limited information in the scientific literature regarding the concentrations of technology-critical elements, some of which are or could potentially be highly toxic to living organisms. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of small, non-commercial fish in the transfer of toxic elements within the marine trophic network, using the southern Baltic Sea as a case study. The Puck Lagoon has been selected as the research area.

    How to cite: Malec, R., Bełdowska, M., Sapota, M., Dziubińska, A., Wilman, B., Woźniczka, A., and Kornijów, R.: The role of non-commercial fish in incorporating toxic elements into the trophic web in the lagoons of the southern Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20354,, 2025.

    EGU25-1861 | Orals | OS2.6

    What Does the Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13C-DIC) Tell Us About the Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycle Along the North American East Coast? 

    Wei-Jun Cai, Zhentao Sun, Xinyu Li, Zhangxian Ouyang, Bo Dong, Najid Hussain, and Eliot Atekwana

    The ratio of 13C/12C in oceanic dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC) is an effective tracer for exploring aquatic carbon cycles influenced by net biological production and respiration, lateral transport from land to ocean, and alongshore ocean currents. Additionally, δ13C-DIC is a valuable tool for estimating anthropogenic CO2 accumulation rates in the ocean. We developed and validated an automated, high-precision (±0.03 ‰) method for ship-based simultaneous analysis of DIC and δ13C-DIC using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS). This approach enabled the analysis of over 1,600 discrete seawater samples, along with numerous duplicates and standards, during a 40-day cruise along the North American eastern ocean margin in summer 2022.

    Our findings revealed distinct air-sea δ13C disequilibrium due to short water residence times. A clear latitudinal gradient in surface δ13C-DIC distribution was also observed, with highly positive δ13C-DIC values in the northern sub-regions attributed to hotspots of net biological production and very low values in estuaries due to terrestrial inputs. The biological mechanism driven these variations is supported by a strong linear correlation between δ13C-DIC, the biological component of DIC deviation, and O2 supersaturation data. Using a box model, we further examined the interplay of various timescales for biological production, gas exchange (months for CO2 and DIC, years for δ13C-DIC), and water residence time in shaping the distributions of DIC and δ13C-DIC along the ocean margin.

    Moreover, we observed a notable decrease in δ13C-DIC over the past 25 years, particularly within the upper ocean mixed layer, with the decline progressively diminishing with depth to approximately 1,500 m. These decadal changes in δ13C-DIC are substantially larger than those of DIC in the context of natural spatial and temporal variability. This pattern underscores the growing influence of anthropogenic carbon in surface and subsurface waters, suggesting δ13C-DIC may serve as a more sensitive indicator than DIC concentration for detecting anthropogenic CO2 accumulation given its more pronounced decadal variability. The characteristic δ13C-DIC signals also help identify carbon sources affecting ocean pH and acidification.

    How to cite: Cai, W.-J., Sun, Z., Li, X., Ouyang, Z., Dong, B., Hussain, N., and Atekwana, E.: What Does the Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio (δ13C-DIC) Tell Us About the Coastal Ocean Carbon Cycle Along the North American East Coast?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1861,, 2025.

    EGU25-2019 | Orals | OS2.6

    A decade of CO2 and ancillary data in the Nortwest Upwelling Iberian margin: open to coastal ocean differences 

    Marta Álvarez, Maribel García-Ibañez, Rubén Acerbi, Cesar Gonzalez-Pola, and Mar Nieto-Cid

    The Spanish Institute of Oceanography  (IEO-CSIC) is responsible for monitoring the Spanish coastal waters with ship-based oceanographic time series, the program called IEO Observing System (IEOOS). Although started in the 1990s, only mainly after 2014 CO2 measurements were included in some specific time series. Concretely, in this work we will present ten years of CO2 data in the Iberian upwelling region in the Nortwest of the Iberian penninsula. Here through the combined effort of two time series: (i) the yearly sampled open ocean RADPROF section at 42ºN from Cape Finisterre to the open ocean, and the (ii) coastal time series Radial A Coruña, located in the bay of A Coruña in the Artabro Gulf.  This IEO data set shows the relevance of different processes on the CO2 variables dynamics (upwelling/downwelling, benthic processes, river influence) over the acidification trend as a consequence of the global CO2 atmospheric increase. We will combine both open and coastal IEO time series  along with other open data available in the region to show case of the land to ocean gradient on the CO2 variables and driving processes in this highly dynamic area.

    How to cite: Álvarez, M., García-Ibañez, M., Acerbi, R., Gonzalez-Pola, C., and Nieto-Cid, M.: A decade of CO2 and ancillary data in the Nortwest Upwelling Iberian margin: open to coastal ocean differences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2019,, 2025.

    EGU25-2103 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6 | Highlight

    Global patterns of organic carbon transferand accumulation across the land–oceancontinuum constrained by radiocarbon data 

    Chenglong Wang, Yifei Qiu, Zhe Hao, Junjie Wang, Chuchu Zhang, Jack Middelburg, Yaping Wang, and Xinqing Zou

    As an effective tracer for identifying the origin and cycling of carbon in aquatic ecosystems, the distribution pattern of the radiocarbon (Δ14C) of organic carbon (OC) in riverine particles and coastal sediments are essential for understanding the contemporary carbon cycle, but are poorly constrained due to under-sampling. This hinders our understanding of OC transfer and accumulation across the land–ocean continuum worldwide. Machine learning approaches and >3,800 observations have been used to construct a high-spatial resolution global atlas of Δ14C values in river–ocean continuums and show that Δ14C values of river particles and corresponding coastal sediments can be similar or different. Four characteristic OC transfer and accumulation modes are recognized: the old–young mode for systems with low river and high coastal sediment Δ14C values; the young–old and old–old modes for coastal systems with old OC accumulation receiving riverine particles with high and low Δ14C values, respectively; and the young– young mode with young OC for both riverine and coastal deposited particles. Distinguishing these modes and their spatial patterns is critical to furthering our understanding of the global carbon system. Specifically, among coastal areas with high OC contents worldwide, old–old systems are largely neutral to slightly negative to contemporary atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) removal, whereas young–old and old–young systems represent CO2 sources and sinks, respectively. These spatial patterns of OC content and isotope composition constrain the local potential for blue carbon solutions.

    How to cite: Wang, C., Qiu, Y., Hao, Z., Wang, J., Zhang, C., Middelburg, J., Wang, Y., and Zou, X.: Global patterns of organic carbon transferand accumulation across the land–oceancontinuum constrained by radiocarbon data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2103,, 2025.

    Rivers annually transport ~200 Tg of particulate organic carbon (POC) to the global ocean, of which ~30% is known to be buried in continental-shelf sediments, including deltas. Given that ~35% of riverine POC is considered labile and may undergo remineralization in marine environments, the fate of the remaining “missing” terrestrial POC remains unknown. In this study, we investigated the distribution, fluxes, and fate of terrestrial POC in the northwestern Pacific marginal seas, including the East China Sea shelf and East/Japan Sea. These regions provide an ideal setting to address critical knowledge gaps regarding the fate of terrestrial POC, given substantial terrestrial inputs and extensive shelf areas connected to a semi-enclosed deep sea. Using stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) and 234Th tracers, we estimate that ~2.7 Tg C yr-1 of terrestrial POC is transported to the deep sea of the East/Japan Sea, accounting for ~80% of terrestrial POC in these regions. Our results suggest that sediment resuspension on the continental shelf and the refractory nature of terrestrial POC facilitate its effective transport to the deep sea, which serves as its major sink. These findings offer valuable insights into the global carbon cycle across the land-to-ocean continuum.

    How to cite: Park, H. and Kim, G.: The fate of terrestrial particulate organic carbon in the northwestern Pacific marginal seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3413,, 2025.

    The transport of particulate organic carbon (POC) from land to deep-sea sediments is a key component of the global carbon cycle. However, the magnitude and mechanisms of terrestrial POC transport on continental shelves remain poorly understood due to the complexity of these systems. In this study, we investigated the vertical fluxes and fates of terrestrial versus marine POC using stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) and 234Th tracers in the southern coastal region of Korea. The total suspended matter concentrations were highest in the bottom layer, while the POC concentrations were higher in both the surface and bottom layers. Based on δ13C values, terrestrial POC accounted for 29 ± 24% of the total POC, with higher contributions at the innermost stations and in the bottom layer, while the contributions of marine POC were only higher in the surface layer. Based on 234Th-238U disequilibria, residence times of particulate 234Th (10 ± 6 days) were calculated to be significantly longer than those of dissolved 234Th (3.8 ± 2.3 days). Much higher vertical fluxes of terrestrial POC in the deeper layers than in the upper layers suggest that terrestrial POC undergoes multiple cycles of turnover through resuspension before burial, while marine POC undergoes preferential degradation during sinking. Our findings highlight that resuspension processes in coastal margins and the refractory nature of terrestrial POC likely facilitate its long-range transport (> 200 km) to the deep Ulleung Basin of the East/Japan Sea.

    How to cite: Kim, G. and Park, H.: Long-range transport of terrestrial particulate organic carbon to the open ocean by sediment resuspension revealed by δ13C and 234Th tracers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3885,, 2025.

    EGU25-5501 | Posters on site | OS2.6

    Distribution, source and burial of sedimentary organic carbon in the east China seas 

    Shuqing Qiao, Xuefa Shi, Bin Wu, Zhengquan Yao, Limin Hu, Jie Sheng, Yanguang Liu, Shengfa Liu, Kunshan Wang, and Jianjun Zou

            The ocean is the largest active carbon reservoir on Earth. Transport and burial of the sedimentary carbon affect marine biogeochemical processes and marine carbon cycle on different time scales, and even have an important impact on the global climate change. Distribution, transport and burial of sedimentary carbon in marginal seas are an important part of the global carbon cycle. The east China seas includes the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea and are characterized by broad shelves. They receive enormous amount of fluvial sediment from the Huanghe and Changjiang rivers and bury abundant sedimentary organic carbon.

             Based on the investigated data of China over the past 30 years and collected information, including 5796 stations of organic carbon and other relevant geochemical and sedimentological parameters, we preliminarily compiled a 1:3000000 distribution map of sedimentary organic carbon of the east China seas, elaborated the distribution characteristics, sources and buried flux of sedimentary organic carbon, and discussed the influence of hydrodynamic forces, sediment composition and human activities on it. The results show: (1) TOC contents in the sediments ranges from 0.01 to 2.12% in the east China seas. And there are high values in the mud areas such as the central Bohai Sea, eastern coast of the Shandong Peninsula, central South Yellow Sea, southwest of Jeju Island, old Huanghe River estuary, southeast of the Yellow Sea, and Zhejiang-Fujian coast. (2) δ13C values are from -25.80~-20.00‰ and ~70% of sedimentary organic carbon is marine source. (3) range of Δ14C in the sedimentary organic carbon is -871 ~ -137‰. The age of sedimentary organic carbon is older in the areas of the old Huanghe River estuary, Jiangsu sand ridges, outer shelf of the East China Sea and northeast Taiwan. (4) The burial rates of organic carbon in the mud areas are higher in the east China seas, which reaches maximum value of 68.8 g/m2/yr in the Bohai Sea mud area and is generally low near the old Huanghe River estuary (15.2 g/m2/yr). The burial amount of sedimentary organic carbon is about 8.2 Mt/yr. The distribution and burial of terrigenous organic carbon in the BYES are mainly influenced by the large river inputs and complex marine hydrodynamic environment, while human activities such as dam construction have significantly altered the burial of organic carbon in coastal mud areas. 

    How to cite: Qiao, S., Shi, X., Wu, B., Yao, Z., Hu, L., Sheng, J., Liu, Y., Liu, S., Wang, K., and Zou, J.: Distribution, source and burial of sedimentary organic carbon in the east China seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5501,, 2025.

    EGU25-10153 | Posters on site | OS2.6

    The photosynthetic uptake of inorganic carbon from Pyropia seaweed aquaculture beds: Scaling up population-level estimations 

    Haryun Kim, Ju-Hyoung Kim, Myoung Hoon Lee, and Chae-Un Park

    Seaweed aquaculture beds (SABs) contribute positively to CO2 removal (CDR) worldwide. Among cultivated seaweed species, Pyropia represents approximately 8% of the global seaweed production and has the capacity to sequester a significant amount of carbon from the surface layer of the coastal ocean. In this study, we evaluated the carbon uptake efficiency of Pyropia SABs by measuring their photosynthetic rate. Pyropia individuals were collected from Pyropia SABs on the south and west coasts of South Korea from December to March (cultivation period) in 2016 to 2019, and the photosynthetic light response curves (P-E curves) were measured. Oxygen-based photosynthesis was converted into carbon-based photosynthetic rates using theoretical photosynthetic quotients. Pyropia thallus consumed an average 37 mg C g-1 d-1, with a high ratio of gross primary production to respiration (5–14). To quantify the carbon uptake potential in the coastal areas of the Korean Peninsula during the cultivation period, we extrapolated the carbon uptake rates using the estimated biomass, total area of Pyropia SABs, and meteorological irradiance data. The highest carbon uptake rate (2143 kilotons [kt] C month1) was observed in the Southwestern Sea of South Korea in December. Considering all productivity data from the entire cultivation period, approximately 6789 kt C was taken up by the Pyropia SABs. Therefore, our study indicates significant potential for using Pyropia SABs to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

    How to cite: Kim, H., Kim, J.-H., Lee, M. H., and Park, C.-U.: The photosynthetic uptake of inorganic carbon from Pyropia seaweed aquaculture beds: Scaling up population-level estimations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10153,, 2025.

    EGU25-10721 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6

    Full aquatic carbonate system measurements at the land-ocean interface in the German Bight 

    Vlad Macovei, Andreas Neumann, Tina Sanders, Louise Rewrie, and Yoana Voynova

    The land-sea interface is characterized by rapid changes in thermodynamics constants and is influenced by local metabolic processes, watershed characteristics, tidal forcing and anthropogenic pressures. As a result, the aquatic carbonate system parameters are also rapidly changing along salinity gradients. In order to understand this variability and correctly represent it in biogeochemical models, detailed observations must be regularly obtained, and in the SEA-ReCap Project we do this in marginal seas such as the Black Sea or the North Sea. A research cruise was organised in autumn 2024 on the RV Heincke to sample the German exclusive economic zone of the North Sea and three major estuaries draining into the German Bight. Surface seawater pCO2 and pH were measured continuously using a FerryBox system installed on board. Total alkalinity was measured every 15 minutes with an automated sensor, while dissolved inorganic carbon was measured on board from discrete water samples. With all four carbonate system parameters directly observed, the land-ocean continuum can be well characterized. For example, all the dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations converged towards the open North Sea end-member of 2877 ± 4 µmol kg-1, but while the Elbe River estuary measurements decreased with decreasing salinity, to below 1800 µmol kg-1, the Ems and Weser measurements increased with decreasing salinity, exceeding 3100 µmol kg-1 at the most upstream locations sampled. The Elbe freshwater end-member, upstream of our last sampled location, is characterised by high primary production and low dissolved inorganic carbon, while the sampled area of Hamburg and further downstream is a site of remineralisation and dissolved inorganic carbon accumulation. The Ems and Weser Estuaries, on the other hand, are sources of dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity through denitrification and fluid mud anaerobic processes, leading to the high concentration freshwater end-members. Additionally, the seawater pCO2 in the open North Sea was 461 ± 4 µatm, while at the lowest salinities sampled in each estuary, the values exceeded 2000 µatm, indicating the dominance of heterotrophy. These results emphasise the large heterogeneity that can arise over small spatial scales and the sometimes contrasting patterns of the carbonate system in nearby estuaries. This has implications for the strength of the buffering capacity of the German Bight and the role of the coastal ocean as a carbon source or sink.

    How to cite: Macovei, V., Neumann, A., Sanders, T., Rewrie, L., and Voynova, Y.: Full aquatic carbonate system measurements at the land-ocean interface in the German Bight, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10721,, 2025.

    EGU25-10753 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6

    Quantifying the impact of primary production and net ecosystem metabolism on carbon and nutrient cycling at the land-sea interface 

    Louise Rewrie, Burkard Baschek, Justus van Beusekom, Arne Körtzinger, Wilhelm Petersen, Rüdiger Röttgers, and Yoana Voynova

    Estuaries are typically net heterotrophic systems and a source of CO2 to the atmosphere, while continental shelves tend to take up CO2 from the atmosphere. Yet the primary production and net ecosystem metabolism (NEM) in these systems are variable, and this has implications for nutrient and carbon processing along the land-sea interface. To resolve this variability in a macrotidal system, high-frequency dissolved oxygen and ancillary biogeochemical data from a research station (equipped with a FerryBox) located at the outflow of a major temperate estuary into a shelf sea, were used to quantify the gross primary production (GPP) and NEM at the land-sea interface. Despite high nutrient concentrations in early and mid-spring in the outer Elbe River estuary in Germany, we find that low GPP rates (155 ± 46 mg C m-2 d-1 in April 2020 and 74 ± 24 mg C m-2 d-1 in March to April 2021) coincided with elevated turbidity (31 ± 9 NTU and 35 ± 7 NTU), suggesting light limitation, which was a function of turbidity and solar irradiance. Only when turbidity decreased (16 ± 5 NTU in 2020 and 19 ± 4 NTU in 2021), did we observe elevated GPP rates in late spring (May), and highest GPP rates in summer (July–August), with seasonal averages of 613 ± 89 mg C m-2 d-1 in 2020 and 558 ± 77 mg C m-2 d-1 in 2021. Primary production in the outer Elbe Estuary waters was most likely not nutrient-limited, since silicate, phosphate and nitrate concentrations exceeded the expected limiting levels of 5 µM Si, 0.5 µM PO43- and 2 µM NO3-. Despite the high nutrient concentrations and estimated GPP rates, the system was in near trophic balance, with seasonal average NEM ranging between -2 ± 49 mg C m-2 d-1 and -149 ± 41 mg C m-2 d-1. The large errors resulted from (weekly to bi-weekly) fluctuations between net heterotrophic and net autotrophic state during the two-year observation period. A significant seasonal decrease in dissolved inorganic carbon (125 – 160 µmol kg-1) from May to September, and in total alkalinity (TA) (116 – 128 µmol kg-1) from December to August, was most likely driven by seasonal high primary production in the upper estuary and upstream regions some 142 km upstream of the outer estuary. This seasonal decrease opposes the previously documented seasonal increase in TA of up to 150 μmol kg-1 in the coastal waters adjacent to the North Sea and to the intertidal flats of the Wadden Sea. This highlights the heterogeneity of carbonate system at the land-sea interface.


    How to cite: Rewrie, L., Baschek, B., van Beusekom, J., Körtzinger, A., Petersen, W., Röttgers, R., and Voynova, Y.: Quantifying the impact of primary production and net ecosystem metabolism on carbon and nutrient cycling at the land-sea interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10753,, 2025.

    EGU25-11191 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6

    Glacial meltwater impacts the marine carbonate system and acidification on the continental shelf off Iceland  

    Wilma Ljungberg, Claudia Majtényi-Hill, Yvonne Yu Yan Yau, Tristan McKenzie, Linnea Henriksson, Adam Ulfsbo, and Isaac Santos

    Increased meltwater from glaciers may drive localized ocean acidification and CO2 uptake, but the carbonate system dynamics in glacially impacted marine environments remains poorly understood. Here we investigate dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) at the land-ocean interface along Iceland’s glacially impacted shelf waters in June 2023. We examine the state and drivers of ocean acidification and air-sea CO2 fluxes. TA in surface shelf waters varied between 1290 and 2340 μmol kg-1 whereas DIC varied between 1460 and 2120 μmol kg-1. The lowest values of both TA and DIC occurred by the outlet of a marine-terminating glacial lagoon. The shelf waters were a net CO2 sink, taking up 2.4±1.4 μmol CO2 m-2 day-1 on average. Aragonite saturation states (ΩAr) ranged between 0.1 - 5.8 (median = 2.4) in surface shelf waters with the majority of stations above 1, the threshold for solid CaCO3 stability. ΩAr<1 were found by the outlets of the marine-terminating glacial lagoon and the largest glacial river. Freshwater inputs such as glacial rivers and groundwater discharging onto the shelf displayed [TA-DIC] values lower than those of the shelf, implying their potential to reduce the buffering capacity of the coastal ocean. The wide range of TA and DIC content of the freshwater endmembers (90-1230 μmol kg-1 TA, 130-1220 μmol kg-1 DIC) makes it challenging to disentangle the contributions of these endmembers to the shelf. Overall, the study improves our understanding of the marine carbonate system across a glacier-ocean continuum, indicating glacial meltwater as a major driver of acidification in these continental shelf waters.

    How to cite: Ljungberg, W., Majtényi-Hill, C., Yau, Y. Y. Y., McKenzie, T., Henriksson, L., Ulfsbo, A., and Santos, I.: Glacial meltwater impacts the marine carbonate system and acidification on the continental shelf off Iceland , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11191,, 2025.

    EGU25-11813 | Posters on site | OS2.6

    Underestimated organic carbon preservation of marine clay sediments 

    Siqi Zhao and Rui Bao

    The long-term preservation of organic matter (OM) in the marine environment is crucial for Earth's climate regulation. Clay minerals are commonly believed to shield OC from degradation for millennium scale during its transport from terrestrial to marine environments. However, the complex interactions between clay minerals and OM during this land-ocean transport process and how clay mineral contributes to OM preservation and burial remains unclear. In this study, we examined the radiocarbon signatures of OM in clay fractions (< 2 μm) and the clay mineral compositions in the Eastern China Marginal Sea (ECMS). Our biogeochemical analysis revealed a positive correlation between smectite content and △14C values in clay fractions from sediments transported along different pathways in the ECMS, indicating a strong association between smectite and fresh biomass-OM during sediment transport. Furthermore, our results suggest that intense hydrodynamic conditions may facilitate the continuous adsorption of new produced biomass-OM onto smectite surfaces. We performed molecular dynamics simulations to investigate adsorption mechanism of typical organic molecules on smectite structure surface under different environmental conditions, showing that OM may undergo a continuous desorption-adsorption cycle on smectite surfaces due to change in the binding forms of the mineral-OM assembly during land-ocean transport, which support our geochemical findings. We thus estimated that clay mineral adsorption of biomass onto smectite might generate on the order of approximately 6.6 Tg C yr−1 for OM preservation in marine sediments. We propose that variable smectite inputs to the ocean over geological time could exert a substantial but hitherto unexplored impact on the Earth’s long-term climate evolution.

    How to cite: Zhao, S. and Bao, R.: Underestimated organic carbon preservation of marine clay sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11813,, 2025.

    EGU25-11998 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6

    Dimensionless Controls on the Fate of Fluvial Inorganic Carbon 

    Matteo Bertagni, Pierre Regnier, Yanzi Yan, and Amilcare Porporato

    Rivers play a critical role in the global carbon cycle, transporting carbon from land to ocean while emitting significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere. Yet, the processes controlling the partitioning of fluvial inorganic carbon (IC) between atmospheric release and downstream transport remain poorly understood due to complex hydrodynamic and biogeochemical interactions.

    Building on Budyko’s hydrological framework, we propose a dimensionless approach to uncover the primary controls on IC partitioning. Two key parameters are introduced: (1) the fraction of IC in equilibrium with atmospheric CO2 and (2) the ratio of transport to evasion timescales. Our analysis reveals that water chemistry regulates stable IC transport downstream, while water hydrodynamics dictates the fate of out-of-equilibrium IC. River catchment analyses support the dimensionless framework and highlight different IC dynamics depending on the stream order. Overall, this framework provides a predictive tool for river carbon dynamics, with implications for land-to-ocean fluxes and fluvial emissions.

    How to cite: Bertagni, M., Regnier, P., Yan, Y., and Porporato, A.: Dimensionless Controls on the Fate of Fluvial Inorganic Carbon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11998,, 2025.

    EGU25-12392 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6

    Mineral Influence of a Northern Estuary on the Retention of Aquatic and Land-derived Stabilized Organic Carbon (MINERALS-OC) 

    Yeganeh Mirzaei, Thomas Blattmann, Negar Haghipour, Timothy Eglinton, and Yves Gelinas

    The global carbon cycle encompasses reservoirs and the dynamic fluxes of carbon within and among them. These reservoirs include the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere, each contributing to or receiving carbon in spatially and temporally varying ways. Marine sediments represent a critical sink for organic carbon (OC), with coastal and deltaic sediments playing a dominant role in sequestering OC. These sediments receive terrestrial and marine OC in varying proportions along the land-to-ocean continuum, where their preservation is strongly influenced by protective associations with reactive minerals, particularly iron (hydr)oxides and clay minerals. Despite their importance, the combined effects of iron and clay minerals in preferentially stabilizing specific types of OC remain poorly understood, particularly under changing redox conditions. The extent to which these mineral OC associations are formed in-situ within sediments as opposed to pre-depositional formation on land also remains to be determined. To address these knowledge gaps, this study employs dual isotopic (δ13C, Δ14C) and molecular approaches to explore the combined roles of clays and reactive iron in OC stabilization across both temporal and spatial gradients. By analyzing total, iron-associated, clay-associated, and non-soluble residual OC fractions in oxic and anoxic sediment layers along gradients of terrestrial and marine OC inputs, this research will (i) quantify the relative contributions of clays and iron oxides to OC stabilization in surface (0–3 cm) and diagenetically stabilized deep (26–31 cm) sediments and (ii) resolve the preferential preservation of marine versus terrestrial OC within mineral-associated fractions through isotope and biomarker analyses. The findings of this study provide critical insights into the source-to-sink fate of mineral-associated OC in coastal sedimentary systems and elucidate their implications in the global carbon cycle, advancing our understanding of carbon sequestration in dynamic environments.

    How to cite: Mirzaei, Y., Blattmann, T., Haghipour, N., Eglinton, T., and Gelinas, Y.: Mineral Influence of a Northern Estuary on the Retention of Aquatic and Land-derived Stabilized Organic Carbon (MINERALS-OC), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12392,, 2025.

    EGU25-17410 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.6

    Modelling the burial of organic carbon in lakes within the ISIMIP framework 

    Ana I. Ayala, Donald C. Pierson, and Sebastian Sobek

    Burial of organic carbon in lake sediments is a key process in the global carbon cycle, acting as a permanent sink for both for aquatic and terrestrial carbon. Warming can enhance carbon burial in lakes by promoting prolonged stratification and anoxic conditions. Human activities, particularly land-use changes, have also been shown to significantly influence organic carbon burial rates. Here, we developed a process-based model of particulate organic carbon (POC) burial in lake sediments under the framework of The Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP,, which allows global-scale hind- and forecasting. The model was validated using the time series data of Lake Erken (Sweden). The model includes lake temperature, stratification and mixing dynamics derived from a one-dimensional hydrodynamic lake model. Additionally, it includes oxygen dynamics, accounting for oxygen consumption in both the water-column and sediment. Both aquatic and terrestrial contributions of POC were considered, with inputs from primary production and loading from the catchment. These inputs have three possible fates: export via hydrologic pathways, permanent burial in lake sediments and mineralization to inorganic carbon. Estimates of internal production are from a two-layer process-based model, where phytoplankton growth in the epilimnion was primarily limited by light and nutrients, with temperature influencing these factors. Loss mechanisms include respiration, sinking and loss from the outflow, as well as entrainment from the hypolimnion. Loading from the catchment of sediments, POC and nutrients was formulated as a function of river discharge, land cover and land use. We also developed a new scaling approach to calculate lake-specific river inflows from the ISIMIP gridded hydrological data. The model components (hydrodynamics, oxygen, phytoplankton, river loading) performed well when validated against data from Lake Erken, giving confidence in the modelled carbon burial rate and opening the door to spatially and temporally resolved estimation of carbon burial in global lakes.

    How to cite: Ayala, A. I., Pierson, D. C., and Sobek, S.: Modelling the burial of organic carbon in lakes within the ISIMIP framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17410,, 2025.

    EGU25-20035 | ECS | Orals | OS2.6

    Around 40% of riverine DIC export originates from weathering carbon sink in China over the past two decades 

    Yanzi Yan, Xuhui Wang, Lishan Ran, Pierre Regnier, Ronny Lauerwald, Petter Pilesjö, and Martin Berggren

    Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) transport along the land-ocean continuum, accounts for ~50% of the lateral carbon fluxes at global scale. One major source of riverine DIC comes from atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake by chemical weathering process, which has currently been recognized as a potentially significant contributor of climate mitigation in addition to photosynthesis. However, we still have no clue how much this inorganic carbon sink would end up in the riverine DIC at regional scale and how/whether riverine DIC export has changed over space and time. China with a vast karst area (~1.9 million km2) and higher riverine DIC concentration than the global averaged value (~10mg/L), is particularly one of the largest regions with the big knowledge gap just mentioned. In this study, we compiled a large database of in situ riverine DIC observations (1895 records at 684 observations) in China  based on which a machine-learning approach was used to estimate the riverine DIC concentrations (CDIC) and fluxes (FDIC), and evaluate the contribution of chemical weathering to riverine DIC fluxes. Results show that over the period 2001-2018, CDIC in China was on average 22.53 ± 6.62 mg/L with a significant decrease of -0.036 mg C/L/yr (P=0.01) and FDIC was 38.33 ± 9.39 Tg C/yr with little change (0.418 Tg C/yR2, P>0.05). In addition, chemical weathering carbon sink was found to account for ~40% of averaged FDIC at country scale while it can amount up to ~60% of FDIC in the southwest of China. Changes in pH and hydrologic conditions were found to dominate the FDIC across China regardless of whether the basin is chemical weathering dominated or not. GPP, land cover change and soil temperature are also found to contribute substantially to the FDIC in the south of China compared to the north of China.

    How to cite: Yan, Y., Wang, X., Ran, L., Regnier, P., Lauerwald, R., Pilesjö, P., and Berggren, M.: Around 40% of riverine DIC export originates from weathering carbon sink in China over the past two decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20035,, 2025.

    EGU25-20395 | Orals | OS2.6

    Exploring Uncertainty and Parameter Sensitivity in Estuarine Carbon Dynamics: A C-GEM Framework Update 

    Arthur Capet, Goulven Laruelle, Anicée Massant, Geneviève Lacroix, and Pierre Regnier

    Estuarine environments are complex dynamic systems and cornerstone components of the  Land-Ocean Aquatic Continuum (LOAC). As such, they play a crucial role in global biogeochemical cycles, acting both as conduits and processors of carbon and nutrients between the terrestrial and oceanic realms of the Earth system. Despite this significance, considerable uncertainties remain associated with the quantification of biogeochemical fluxes within and through estuarine systems. In particular, the interplay between Organic Carbon (OC) degradation and Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) oversaturation remains poorly constrained in many estuarine systems. Furthermore, global estimates of estuarine CO2 emissions are still derived from limited and heterogeneous observational datasets, highlighting the need for adequate tools to resolve system-specific dynamics for a wide variety of estuarine set-ups. 

    Reactive Transport Models (RTMs) explicitly simulate both physical and biogeochemical processes controlling these dynamics and can be used to resolve the spatial and temporal gradient of their respective prevalence on net biogeochemical dynamics. Designed to reduce data demands through its one-dimensional structure and generic parameterization, the Carbon-Generic Estuary Model (C-GEM) has emerged as a computationally efficient RTM framework for simulating estuarine biogeochemistry, and has been successfully applied to estuarine systems of diverse morphologies ranging from river to marine dominated. In this work, we present an updated version of C-GEM, designed to answer the growing need for estuarine models capable of addressing the long-term impacts of anthropogenic pressures, climate change, and land-use modifications on carbon cycling, including transient simulations over multi-annual scales, the integration of a module for inorganic carbon dynamics, and improved user-accessibility. 

    We first demonstrate the applicability of the enhanced C-GEM framework to a range of realistic and idealized estuarine systems, exploring the relationships between hydrodynamic characteristics and biogeochemical functioning. In a second step, we explore the propagation of the inherent uncertainty associated with biogeochemical parameters towards integrated carbon budget diagnostics including CO2 exchange with the atmosphere, primary production or net ecosystem metabolism. A global sensitivity analysis (Morris Screening) is first performed for various estuarine set-ups (i.e. morphologies, residence time…) in order to rank the system-specific importance of biogeochemical parameters in driving integrated carbon budget diagnostics, thereby highlighting which processes are the main drivers of the estuarine carbon dynamics and which parameters may most require fine-tuning to better constrain estuarine budgets. Probability distributions are then built for selected key parameters based on published reference value. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations based on such constrained parameter sampling are used to delineate the resulting uncertainty in integrated estuarine GHG budgets. This analysis is specified for estuarine systems of different morphologies and hydrological regimes, as well as different portions of the estuarine systems, over which certain transport and biogeochemical processes prevail. Besides revealing the shadow zone of global estuarine carbon budgets, characterizing the resulting spread in observable states  along estuaries (e.g. nutrients, Org C, ..) also help to identify priority observation efforts that would optimally constrain the overall carbon budget diagnostics.

    How to cite: Capet, A., Laruelle, G., Massant, A., Lacroix, G., and Regnier, P.: Exploring Uncertainty and Parameter Sensitivity in Estuarine Carbon Dynamics: A C-GEM Framework Update, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20395,, 2025.

    EGU25-20675 | Orals | OS2.6

    Variable export and consumption of alkalinity in coastal wetlands: insights from multi-year, high-frequency observations in an intertidal saltmarsh 

    Zhaohui Aleck Wang, Qipei Shangguan, Sophie Kuhl, Kevin Kroeger, and Meagan Eagle

    Coastal wetlands laterally export a major portion of their fixed atmospheric CO2 to coastal oceans as inorganic carbon via tidal exchange, which is considered as a potential mechanism of blue carbon storage in the ocean due to the long residence time (thousands of years) of inorganic carbon. Such an export from saltmarshes can be evaluated by fluxes of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) in tidal creeks. The exported TA should be distinguished from DIC to represent a long-term carbon sink in the ocean, but knowledge of TA exports remains limited due to limited direct measurements. Furthermore, most of the previous estimates of TA exports were based on short-term studies (e.g., over a few tidal cycles at different seasons). However, we find that long-term high-resolution measurements are critical to avoid any biases in these estimates because of their extreme heterogeneity. Herein, we used multi-year, high-frequency measurements to resolve the TA exports from an intertidal saltmarsh, which also enables a comparison to the high-frequency DIC exports. Our study site is located at the Sage Lot Pond (SLP), Massachusetts, USA, where in situ water quality sensors were deployed from 2012 to 2016 and bottle data of TA and DIC were collected over multiple tidal cycles across seasons in the tidal creek. This comprehensive dataset allows us to develop a machine learning algorithm to predict high-frequency TA time series for subsequent calculations of TA exports. We observed that (1) consistent monthly trends in TA exports across years, with a net consumption of 1.0 mol m-2 yr-1 (i.e., TA sink) from October to June and an export of 7.1 mol m-2 yr-1 from July to September; (2) similar annual TA exports averaging 1.9 mol m-2 yr-1 across different years; (3) annual TA exports 16 times less than those of DIC. The finding of the particularly lower TA exports relative to DIC is in contrast with the recent global synthesis and many previous studies. There was a substantial decrease in TA from marsh sediment porewater to the tidal creek, indicating a large TA removal during porewater exchange and transport. We propose several mechanisms to explain such a net TA removal. Firstly, large amounts of aerobic respiration in the tidal creek and surface sediment can remove TA.  Secondly, groundwater discharge into the tidal creek likely supplies many reduced compounds (i.e., Mn2+ and Fe2+), which can be oxidized causing a net TA removal. Lastly, sulfate reduction is the primary mechanism for TA production in porewaters, and the resulting S2- may be oxidized prior to the formation and burial of pyrite, decreasing the TA exports. The low TA exports observed here could be collectively driven by these processes at different spatiotemporal scales. These results raise the question, between DIC and TA, which estimated flux may better represent long-term CO2 sink from coastal wetlands. It also generates further interest in studying the fate of wetland exported DIC as it holds the key to credit lateral carbon export as blue carbon.

    How to cite: Wang, Z. A., Shangguan, Q., Kuhl, S., Kroeger, K., and Eagle, M.: Variable export and consumption of alkalinity in coastal wetlands: insights from multi-year, high-frequency observations in an intertidal saltmarsh, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20675,, 2025.

    River and reservoir ecosystems have been considered as hot spots for GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions while their specific hydrological and biogeochemical processes affect GHG concentrations; however, few studies integrated river–reservoir systems to identify the dominant drivers of GHG concentrations and flux changes associated with these systems. In the present study, we examined the seasonal variations in GHG concentrations in the surface water of three river-reservoir systems in the Seine Basin. The levels and seasonal variations of GHG concentrations exhibited distinct patterns among reservoirs, upstream, and downstream rivers. The concentrations of CH4 (methane) in the reservoirs were notably higher than those observed in both upstream and downstream rivers and showed higher values in summer and autumn, which contrasted with CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentrations, while N2O (nitrous oxide) concentrations did not show an obvious seasonal pattern. A high mole ratio of CH4/CO2 was found in these reservoirs, with a value of 0.03 and was more than 30 and 10 times higher than that in the upstream and downstream rivers, respectively. The three river–reservoir systems were oversaturated with GHG during the study period, with the average diffusive fluxes (expressed as CO2eq: CO2 equivalent) of 810 ± 1098 mg CO2eq m–2 d–1, 9920 ± 2413 mg CO2eq m–2 d–1, and 7065 ± 2704 mg CO2eq m–2 d–1 in the reservoirs, upstream and downstream rivers, respectively. CO2 and CH4–CO2 were respectively the dominant contributors to GHG diffusive fluxes in river and reservoir sections, while N2O contributed negligibly to GHG diffusive fluxes in the three river–reservoir systems. Our results showed that GHG concentrations and gas transfer coefficient have varying importance in driving GHG diffusive fluxes among different sections of the river–reservoir systems. In addition, our results also show the combined effect of reservoirs and upstream rivers on the water quality variables and hydrological characteristics of downstream rivers, highlighting the future need for additional investigations of GHG processes in the river–reservoir systems.

    How to cite: Yan, X., Thieu, V., and Garnier, J.: Seasonal variation in greenhouse gas concentrations and diffusive fluxes in three river–reservoir systems in the Seine Basin (France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21899,, 2025.

    EGU25-425 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Compound Flood Modeling: Coupling ADCIRC and HEC-RAS for Enhanced Risk Assessment along East Coast of India 

    pawan tiwari, Ambarukhana Devendra Rao, Smita Pandey, and Vimlesh Pant

    Coastal flooding triggered by tropical cyclones is a frequent and devastating threat in low-lying coastal areas. The risk of inundation escalates when storm tides interact with river systems and are compounded by intense rainfall during the cyclone. This vulnerability is further heightened when cyclones land near estuaries, river deltas, or adjacent rivers along the coast. Consequently, understanding these interactions and accurately quantifying their contributions to coastal inundation is crucial for effective inland flood mapping and disaster management. ADCIRC model is one of the practical tools in computing coastal inundation, but it needs to consider precipitation, which plays a major role during flooding. The HEC-RAS model is coupled with ADCIRC to solve this issue to provide realistic coastal flooding. Validation of inundation is a very tough task during storm surge events due to the unavailability of an inundation map at the time of landfall. In our experiment, we used coupled ADCIRC and HEC RAS over the significant river estuaries (Hooghly, Mahanadi, Krishna, and Godavari) along the east coast of India since these regions are very vulnerable to storm surges. Significant cyclone landfalling over or near these river systems is selected for computing inundation. To calculate the inundation, storm tides from the ADCIRC model are used as input to the HEC-RAS model. Other parameters like river discharge and gridded precipitation are also incorporated.

    Further model capability is enhanced by adding land cover, soil, and infiltration data over these river systems. Fani cyclone is one of the devastating cyclones that significantly impacted the Mahanadi basin. Inundation from the model is validated with the satellite map, which was available two days after the landfall. Model inundation is adjusted by altering the precipitation factor depending on the observed value. The same factor is used for other river basins. Results show that the model is validated reasonably well with the observation and is best suitable for assessing compound flooding along the river basin over east coast of India.


    How to cite: tiwari, P., Rao, A. D., Pandey, S., and Pant, V.: Compound Flood Modeling: Coupling ADCIRC and HEC-RAS for Enhanced Risk Assessment along East Coast of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-425,, 2025.

    Coastal regions are increasingly vulnerable to extreme weather events and rising sea levels, posing significant risks to human lives, infrastructure, and ecosystems. Enhancing resilience in these areas demands innovative and cost-effective solutions for early warning systems. This study explores the integration of low-cost and do-it-yourself (LC+DIY) sensor devices and networks with high-resolution coastal prediction models to improve early warning capabilities for at-risk coastal communities. By leveraging advancements in IoT technology, the proposed sensor networks can monitor key environmental parameters, such as water levels, waves, and water temperature and salinity, in real time. Several examples of sensors, along with their applications across various continents, highlight the suitability of low-cost sensors, particularly in scenarios requiring extensive data collection and in geographically diverse contexts such as developing countries. These LC+DIY examples range from laboratory experiment comparisons to the development of monitoring system networks in Mozambique (eastern Africa). The system's affordability and scalability make it accessible to resource-constrained regions, addressing gaps in traditional (i.e. commercial) monitoring systems. This approach underscores the potential of integrating low-cost technologies with advanced modelling to safeguard coastal communities and ecosystems against climate-related hazards. Moreover, these initiatives also present significant opportunities, including fostering citizen science through collaborative approaches, such as integrating open-source platforms. The next steps include conducting further inter-comparisons with commercial devices, empowering local communities through an open science approach, and the ongoing development and refinement of LC+DIY prototypes to enhance their functionality and accessibility.



    This work is funded by ECOBAYS (PID2020-115924RB-I00) from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Spain

    How to cite: Grifoll, M.: Enhancing Resilience Through Low-Cost Sensors and High-Resolution Coastal Predictions for Early Warning Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3586,, 2025.

    EGU25-6224 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Compound river and coastal flooding/drought events in the Po delta area 

    Olabi Leonard Worou, Giorgia Verri, Fabio Viola, and Nadia Pinardi

    The interconnected nature of catchment hydrology and marine circulation processes poses significant challenges to the numerical modelling of river and coastal flood/drought conditions in the catchment-sea continuum.

    Finite Element Modelling (FEM) provides an advanced solution, offering the ability to handle cross-scale and multi-scale processes with adaptive unstructured meshes, which are crucial for accurately representing complex coastlines and varying bathymetry. This makes FEM well-suited for seamless modelling of inland and marine water systems.

    Compound flooding and drought events are becoming increasingly frequent and intense across many catchment areas draining into the Mediterranean basin. To address these challenges, we used a seamless numerical modelling of the river-sea continuum based on a Finite Element code (SHYFEM-MPI-ZSTAR, Micaletto et al 2022, Verri et al 2023). By progressively refining the SHYFEM-MPI-ZSTAR experimental settings, we aim to deepen our understanding of compound flooding and drought events occurring in the Po River delta system, which is Italy's longest river and the second-largest freshwater source for the Mediterranean basin.

    A four-year experiment (2019 to 2023) was conducted to simulate significant events, including the November 2019 flood and the July 2022 drought. Model findings were validated against available in-situ and satellite observations.

    We explored the role of non-linear combination of multi-scale and cross-scale forcing mechanisms to enhance the modeling accuracy and the understanding of the complex physical processes underlying such extreme events.

    How to cite: Worou, O. L., Verri, G., Viola, F., and Pinardi, N.: Compound river and coastal flooding/drought events in the Po delta area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6224,, 2025.

    Inspired by Walter Munk’s proposition of an ‘orbital gap’ in climate variability, this study seeks to determine the linkage between cycles within such orbital gap and ‘sunny-day’ coastal flooding.  The orbital gap represents astronomical variability between the nodal lunar cycle (18.6 y) and the shortest Milankovitch cycle (Earth’s axial precession, ~20,000 y).  Such astronomical variability arises from Earth-Moon-Sun orbital non-linear interactions, some of them represented by multiples of the lunar nodal cycle and the radiational periods of the sun (solar activity, ~10-11 y). Periodicities <100 y associated with these astronomical effects are fitted in this study to the signal of daily maximum in water levels of tide stations in the eastern United States with records greater than 100 y. In Boston, for example, the lunar nodal cycle by itself explains 73% of the variance of the daily maxima in water level.  Adding twice, thrice and six times the nodal cycle, plus twice the solar period, yields a fit that explains 81% of the variance. This fit is repeated for other locations on the eastern United States and allows projections for periods of most vulnerability to sunny-day flooding in the rest of the 21st century. This approach is likely to be applicable in other parts of the world to provide early warnings of susceptibility for ocean-induced coastal zone flooding.

    How to cite: Valle-Levinson, A. and Yang, J.: Early warning for sunny-day flooding in the East Coast of the United States: global implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7350,, 2025.

    EGU25-7765 | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Development of an Ensemble Regional Tide and Storm Surge Model (ETSM) for the Coasts of Korea 

    Jiha Kim, Jeong-Hyun Park, Sang Myeong Oh, and Ik Hyun Cho

    The Korean peninsula's intricate coastline, distinguished by its numerous islands and extreme tidal variations, is particularly susceptible to storm surges-especially when typhoons coincide with high tides, posing significant threats to both life and property. Accurate prediction of storm surges is crucial for mitigating these potential disasters. Current operational forecasting systems, implemented by various agencies, typically rely on single atmospheric model inputs as their forcing mechanism. However, such deterministic approaches often exhibit considerable variability in their predictions due to inherent uncertainties in atmospheric modeling processes.

    This study focuses on developing an Ensemble Regional Tidal and Storm Surge Model (ETSM), integrating forecast outputs from 26 atmospheric ensemble members to enhance storm surge predictions along the coasts of Korea. The model was evaluated through case studies of major typhoons, including HINNAMNOR (2022) and KHANUN (2023), by comparing observed water levels against both deterministic and ensemble model predictions. The deterministic model tended to both overestimate and underestimate, whereas the ensemble spread encompassed the observed water levels, demonstrating that the ensemble model provided better predictions in representing actual storm surge events.

    Additionally, the study analyzed the characteristics of storm surge heights observed during the summer of 2024, establishing threshold values. The analysis revealed significant regional variations in storm surge height distributions across the West, South, and East Coasts of Korea. To assess the model's predictive performance, probabilistic validation using Brier Scores and ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) metrics was performed. The results indicate reliable predictive performance while also revealing for further improvement.

    How to cite: Kim, J., Park, J.-H., Oh, S. M., and Cho, I. H.: Development of an Ensemble Regional Tide and Storm Surge Model (ETSM) for the Coasts of Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7765,, 2025.

    EGU25-8124 | Posters on site | OS2.8 | Highlight

    The GlobalCoast Initiative of CoastPredict: from operational oceanography to management solutions 

    Giovanni Coppini, Villy Kourafalou, Joaquin Tintore, Emma Helsop, Mairead O'Donovan, and Nadia Pinardi

    CoastPredit general aim is : co-design and implement an integrated coastal ocean observing and predicting system adhering to best practices and standards, designed as a global framework and implemented locally.

    Current solutions and services for global coastal areas often do not include the establishment of monitoring and prediction systems to evaluate impacts ranging from specific events to long-term climate trends. Components of such systems do exist but do not necessarily provide the accuracy needed. For instance, storm surge prediction solutions have predominantly relied on depth-integrated modeling, which limits the direct consideration of climate change-induced sea level trends resulting from ocean warming and freshening, processes that are different on the surface and at depth. 

    The GlobalCoast CoastPredict initiative aims at providing integrated coastal ocean monitoring and prediction systems as part of a comprehensive, science-based approach for global and local solutions under international standards. Additionally, solutions and services have not been systematically compared across coastal regions. For example, the prediction and monitoring systems for the loss of coastal coral reefs vary across the world’s oceans without clear justification.

    The CoastPredict GlobalCoast initiative aims to address this gap by identifying global coastal areas where similar solutions can be implemented, tested, and refined, or alternatively, where distinct solutions are necessary. 

    To achieve its general aim and its implementation principles, CoastPredict has established the GlobalCoast Network, defining pilot sites to implement CoastPredict solutions and enhance coastal resilience services . The GlobalCoast survey will be reviewed where the resilience challenges specific to each Pilot site were identified.

    How to cite: Coppini, G., Kourafalou, V., Tintore, J., Helsop, E., O'Donovan, M., and Pinardi, N.: The GlobalCoast Initiative of CoastPredict: from operational oceanography to management solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8124,, 2025.

    EGU25-8906 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Integrated Coastal Digital Twin framework for enhancing sustainable, science-based coastal resilience and adaptation strategies 

    Salvatore Causio, Ivan Federico, Seimur Shirinov, Jacopo Alessandri, Viviana Piermattei, Simone Bonamano, Daniele Piazzolla, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Marco Boetti, Jonas Takeo Carvalho, Marco Marcelli, Giovanni Coppini, and Nadia Pinardi

    A coastal digital twin of the ocean (C-DTO) is a powerful framework that integrates Earth-Observation (EO) and ground data with predictive models, providing a dynamic, actionable view of coastal environments. It serves as a critical tool for monitoring, forecasting, and planning responses to natural and human-induced changes, fostering more resilient and sustainable coastal management.

    We present recent advancements in developing a C-DTO that incorporates five interlinked cores—waves, circulation, sediment transport, vegetation, and flooding. These cores enhance realism by including interactions among Earth system processes. Critical feedback mechanisms, such as wave-current, wave-sediment, and current-vegetation interactions, are essential for accurately representing coastal dynamics.

    Built on deterministic foundations, the system integrates diverse observational data, from bathymetry and vegetation characteristics to ocean parameters such as waves, tracers, and sea level, supporting calibration, validation, and data assimilation. The integration of machine learning further enhances system capabilities, enabling the simulation of more complex processes and scenarios.

    Accessibility and flexibility are central to the framework, allowing deployment across diverse geographic areas and temporal scales. It supports process studies, forecasting, event-based and long-term simulations, and what-if scenario testing, accommodating both gray (engineered) and green (nature-based) adaptation strategies.

    Case studies illustrate the framework’s versatility and effectiveness. Examples include characterizing extreme events such as storm surges during the Ianos Medicane, evaluating the potential of seagrass as a nature-based coastal protection strategy, assessing the impacts of breakwater construction, identifying optimal sites for Posidonia oceanica meadow restoration, and analyzing the effects of the MOSE barrier closure in the Venice Lagoon.

    This system empowers policymakers and researchers to assess the impacts of climate change and human interventions on coastal systems. By simulating complex scenarios, identifying risks, and investigating processes, it supports informed decision-making for enhanced coastal resilience and effective ecosystem conservation and restoration.

    How to cite: Causio, S., Federico, I., Shirinov, S., Alessandri, J., Piermattei, V., Bonamano, S., Piazzolla, D., Mentaschi, L., Boetti, M., Takeo Carvalho, J., Marcelli, M., Coppini, G., and Pinardi, N.: Integrated Coastal Digital Twin framework for enhancing sustainable, science-based coastal resilience and adaptation strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8906,, 2025.

    Coastal observatories integrate operational numerical modelling and data to produce targeted tools for coastal early warning and risk management. They explore the usage of computational services and web-based tools to produce timely and interactive products in support of coastal management, building the foundation for Digital Twins from the ocean to the river basin (Rodrigues et al., 2021). Examples of computational services in this context include OPENCoastS (Oliveira et al., 2020) and SURF (Trotta et al., 2021), for on-demand predictions, and WebGIS platform applications, customized to meet user requirements.

    In Copernicus Marine Service National Collaboration Programme’s project CONNECT, a multi-purpose coastal service was established for two sites, based on coastal observatories technology (Rodrigues et al., 2021), merging high-resolution model predictions from OPENCoastS deployments and data from the national infrastructure CoastNet (Figure 1). By providing both pre-configured products (such as maps, automatic quality assessments and indicator results) and the capacity for users to build products on-the-fly (such as probing results as time series and building tailored dashboards with user selected information), the CONNECT service is one of the first core coastal Digital Twins applicable for flooding and coastal pollution management (Figure 2). 

    Figure 1 – CONNECT’s coastal service architecture

    Figure 2 – Sample user services in the Tagus estuary: Virtual sensors and configurable dashboard.

    Computational services are also applied to the construction of the river predictions (Jesus et al., in review). Particularly suited for dam-controlled river basins, a deep learning service was used to predict river flows at the upstream boundary of CONNECT sites, based on Multilayer Perceptron algorithms, potentially reducing severe phase errors during extreme events in the estuary than conventional persistence approaches. An on-demand platform is being built to allow users to setup their own AI model, with multiple choices for deep learning algorithms, input and output data , and training and validation periods. These tools will be validated in two sites in Africa, addressing co-creation challenges with local communities, and in two sites in Portugal, to address urban-driven contamination and shellfish farm needs.


    Rodrigues M., Martins R., Rogeiro J., Fortunato A.B., Oliveira A., Cravo A., Jacob J., Rosa A., Azevedo A., Freire P. , 2021. A Web-Based Observatory for Biogeochemical Assessment in Coastal Regions. Journal of Environmental Informatics, 38(1), 1-15,

    Oliveira A., Fortunato A.B.  Rogeiro J., Teixeira J.,  Azevedo A., Lavaud L.,  Bertin X.,  Gomes J., David M.,  Pina J., Rodrigues M.,  Lopes P., 2019. OPENCoastS: An open-access service for the automatic generation of coastal forecast systems, Environmental Modelling & Software,  124, 104585,

    Trotta F., Federico I., Pinardi N., Coppini G., Causio S., Jansen E., Iovino D., Masina S., 2021. A Relocatable Ocean Modeling Platform for Downscaling to Shelf-Coastal Areas to Support Disaster Risk Reduction , Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, pp. 317.

    Jesus, G., Mardani, Z., Alves, E., Oliveira, A. Under review, Deep Learning-Based River Flow Forecasting with MLPs: Comparative exploratory analysis applied to the Tejo and the Mondego rivers, Sensors.

    How to cite: Oliveira, A.: Computational services for coastal observatories: the building blocks in support of coastal resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8962,, 2025.

    EGU25-11836 | Orals | OS2.8

    SyncED-Ocean: Towards a Digital Twin Coastal Ocean Ecosystem 

    Matthew Palmer, Tom Mansfield, Susan Kay, Juliane Wihsgott, Gavin Tilstone, Prathyush Menon, and David Ford
     Successful, sustainable management of coastal seas requires whole system understanding of ecosystem functioning including its physical, chemical and biological factors, integrated with knowledge of human actions and their impacts. A virtual representation of an ecosystem that suitably reacts to environmental and human pressures would therefore be extremely valuable in providing accurate prediction of future conditions, and enable testing of management and policy interventions including climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. A true Digital Twin (DT) is defined as having dynamic, two-way communication of information between its real and virtual systems, and there are few examples of environmental DTs that can demonstrate effective two-way coupling between systems.
    SyncED-Ocean addresses this by building on a previous proof-of-concept to demonstrate a fully functioning Digital Twin within a highly dynamic coastal sea, integrating in situ observations, autonomous robotic vehicles, satellite data and marine ecosystem models to optimise prediction and monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HABs) and oxygen depletion events in UK coastal waters. The demonstrator was successfully completed through August and September 2024, and the framework will be presented along with lessons-learned and initial outputs.
    SyncED-Ocean provides a transferable and scalable digital architecture that can be utilised for a broad range of marine science applications. Future applications will target coastal ocean resilience and sustainable management of marine resources, and will seek to better integrate social and economic models within our current environmental DT framework.

    How to cite: Palmer, M., Mansfield, T., Kay, S., Wihsgott, J., Tilstone, G., Menon, P., and Ford, D.: SyncED-Ocean: Towards a Digital Twin Coastal Ocean Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11836,, 2025.

    EGU25-12382 | Orals | OS2.8

    Marine Heatwaves in the Gulf of Hammamet: A Case Study from Summer 2024 

    Slim Gana, Andrea Cucco, and Nadia Mkhinini

    This study focuses on a test case during the summer of 2024 to assess the impact of marine heatwaves on the Gulf of Hammamet ecosystem.

    The Gulf of Hammamet, located along the eastern coast of Tunisia, is a vital ecological and socio-economic region in the Mediterranean basin. Renowned for its rich marine biodiversity, productive fisheries and Mariculture, and thriving tourism industry, the Gulf supports the livelihoods of coastal communities and plays a key role in regional economic stability. However, this ecosystem is increasingly threatened by the intensification of marine heatwaves, a phenomenon driven by climate change.

    Marine heatwaves, characterized by prolonged periods of abnormally high sea surface temperatures, have become more frequent and severe in recent decades. These events disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, leading to biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, and altered fisheries productivity. For the Gulf of Hammamet, these impacts are particularly concerning, as they exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and pose significant challenges to sustainable coastal management. Understanding the mechanisms and consequences of marine heatwaves in this region is essential for enhancing coastal resilience. This study aims to bridge critical knowledge gaps by assessing the physical and ecological impacts of heatwaves in the Gulf of Hammamet, providing valuable insights to inform risk mitigation strategies and adaptive management practices.

    A high-resolution hydrodynamic model is employed, fed at the open boundaries by Mediterranean Sea Physics Reanalysis provided by Copernicus Marine Service, to capture localized physical processes while maintaining consistency with broader-scale ocean dynamics. The model setup incorporates detailed boundary conditions and region-specific parameters to enhance its predictive capabilities. Key variables, such as sea surface temperature, currents, and heat fluxes, are simulated to analyze the onset, intensity, and progression of marine heatwaves during the specified period. Validation of the model is achieved through comparisons with global datasets and climatological records relevant to summer 2024, ensuring reliable insights without relying on in-situ measurements. This approach enables a robust analysis of how heatwaves influence physical conditions and their cascading effects on the Gulf's ecosystem, including shifts in water column stratification and potential impacts on marine biodiversity.

    However, we acknowledge that in-situ data are indispensable for a more robust and comprehensive validation of the model, and future efforts will aim to incorporate such datasets to improve accuracy and reliability.

    How to cite: Gana, S., Cucco, A., and Mkhinini, N.: Marine Heatwaves in the Gulf of Hammamet: A Case Study from Summer 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12382,, 2025.

    EGU25-13535 | Orals | OS2.8

    Data-sharing services to benefit society 

    Aldo Drago

    Ocean services to society gain in their importance as we strive to intensify the multiple uses of the sea, to cope with the ever-increasing coastal population flows, and to meet the higher and more widespread expectations for better life standards. Social concerns related to the sea demand further integration and merging of marine data and research priorities to enhance their societal and economic potential. There have been significant changes in the way policies, marine resource management, coastal planning and efficient marine operations are perceived and implemented, such as integrated marine policies and spatial planning approaches. Today the quest for environmental security, based on the concepts of sound ocean governance, knowledge sharing and the controlled use of resources, is the enabler of prosperity, sustainability and peace. There is a greater understanding that actions must be based on informed decisions, which requires an integrated approach based on networked management and decision support systems, and the sustained delivery of reliable and routine marine data.

    Indeed, the digital era has opened new realms for ocean data delivery. More users are dependent on reliable information deriving from multiple data sources, while non-professional users are increasing in numbers with different demands from those of professional users. As technology further feeds the value addition chain of data to information, knowledge and intelligence, innovative downstream services are evolving to popularise the uptake of data, catering the demand of a knowledge-based society seeking faster and selective access to information. The STREAM project builds on these aspects to provide at fingertips, on-demand, pixel-based data to general users, including the common citizen, via popular smart mass media without requiring data science skills. The main concept in STREAM aligns with the target to popularise data for use and re-use to the benefit of society at large.

    STREAM’s intuitive design allows users to seamlessly access data with a simple, personalised “view, select, click, and go” facility, eliminating the need to download large volumes of data. The platform delivers precise data for the chosen location and time window, quickly, free of charge, and in a user-friendly data format. By combining satellite observations with numerical simulations, STREAM offers three key data modes: Before, Now, and Next. Users can access historical and climatological data (spanning 30 years), updated real-time observations, and predictions, all from a single platform. Additional features include the ability to save and revisit selections, receive mobile notifications for user-defined thresholds and locations, and monitor change over selected sites and time slots. These functionalities empower users to assess variations, obtain precise data for assessments, and enable informed decision-making.

    The service covers the sea area around the Maltese Islands and the southern Sicilian coast. It can be accessed via the STREAM web platform ( or through the mobile app available for Android ( and iOS ( devices.

    STREAM further provides additional web services on its portal ( in the form of routine updated data products and forecasts. Two such services are the Marine Heat Wave Service and the ROSARIO Marine Forecast.

    How to cite: Drago, A.: Data-sharing services to benefit society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13535,, 2025.

    EGU25-13714 | Orals | OS2.8

    Development of NOAA’s Next-generation Prediction System for High Tide Flooding Risk on Subseasonal to Annual Timescales 

    Matthew Newman, John Albers, John Callahan, Matthew Colin, Gregory Dusek, Paige Hovenga, Karen Kavanaugh, William Sweet, and Yan Wang

    In the United States, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Ocean Service (NOAA/NOS) has developed a statistical model to predict the daily risks of high tide flooding (HTF), for forecast leads of up to one year, at 98 tide gauge locations along the US coastline. NOAA/NOS predicts the daily probability of exceedance of hourly water levels above a specified flood threshold by combining the tide prediction with the (extrapolated) linear trend of mean sea level and a probabilistic prediction of the anomalous hourly non-tidal residual (NTR). In turn, the NTR anomaly prediction is made up of two components: (1) a prediction of monthly mean NTR, currently based upon the observed autocorrelation function of linearly detrended NTR, with uncertainty based upon the observed standard deviation of monthly NTR; and (2) a prediction of the probability distribution function (PDF) of hourly NTR anomalies, which uses observed historical dependence upon the total water level and is assumed to be Gaussian. These forecasts are available at


    In this presentation, we introduce an updated version of the NOAA/NOS HTF framework, with three key improvements: (1) the trend estimate is determined empirically and is allowed to be nonlinear; (2) monthly mean SLA is predicted by either an empirical or dynamical climate forecast model, and includes an ensemble spread; and (3) the PDF of hourly NTR anomalies is non-Gaussian and determined separately for each month from past observations using a “stochastically-generated skewed” (SGS) distribution. Skill of the updated version is compared to the original (currently operational) version at all tide gauge locations, and the impact of each of the improvements on skill is diagnosed. Further prospects for improvement of the HTF framework are also discussed.

    How to cite: Newman, M., Albers, J., Callahan, J., Colin, M., Dusek, G., Hovenga, P., Kavanaugh, K., Sweet, W., and Wang, Y.: Development of NOAA’s Next-generation Prediction System for High Tide Flooding Risk on Subseasonal to Annual Timescales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13714,, 2025.

    EGU25-15636 | Posters on site | OS2.8

    FOCCUS project: New Insight into High-resolution Coastal Observations for Enhancing Models and Applications 

    Antonio Bonaduce, Emma Reyes, Joanna Staneva, and Kelli Johnson and the FOCCUS Project: New insight of high-resolution coastal observations

    Due to the high densities of human populations, diverse human activities, and a variety of anthropogenic pressures, coastal zones rank among the most heavily impacted areas of the global ocean. With climate change impacts escalating and the European Union's prioritization of a sustainable blue economy, comprehensive and high-resolution coastal observations have become critical to enhance community resilience. The FOCCUS EU-funded project (Forecasting and Observing the Open-to-Coastal Ocean for Copernicus Users) directly address this challenge by enhancing existing ocean monitoring and forecasting capabilities in coastal regions as part of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), and developing innovative coastal data products.

    FOCCUS will develop novel observation-based data products through advanced multi-platform in-situ and remote sensing observations, merging multi-platform observing data, leveraging satellite multi-sensors, exploiting satellite mission synergies (e.g., SWOT), and utilizing data fusion techniques with artificial intelligence for image processing and data analysis. These efforts will yield improved estimates of essential climate variables, coastal ocean circulation, biogeochemical anomalies, harmful algal blooms (HABs), seagrass and macroalgae coverage, high-resolution topo-bathymetries, beach profiles, waves, and shoreline positions.

    The new high-resolution data products generated by FOCCUS will significantly enhance weather and marine services, as well as monitor the health of the ocean, ecosystems, and coastal changes. Insights from these high-resolution observations will support hydrological and coastal model assessments, satellite calibration and validation, and the development of targeted coastal applications such as HABs and marine heat waves monitoring. These initiatives are driven by EU policies like the European Green Deal and Horizon Europe Mission, which mandate Member States to actively monitor, assess, manage, and protect their coastal waters.

    By aligning with the UN Ocean Decade CoastPredict Program, FOCCUS addresses the urgent need for improved coastal management strategies. Integrating these data into CMEMS contributes to a sustainable blue economy, empowering informed decision-making for enhanced coastal resilience in the face of intensifying environmental challenges.

    FOCCUS is funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101133911). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

    How to cite: Bonaduce, A., Reyes, E., Staneva, J., and Johnson, K. and the FOCCUS Project: New insight of high-resolution coastal observations: FOCCUS project: New Insight into High-resolution Coastal Observations for Enhancing Models and Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15636,, 2025.

    EGU25-16397 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Forecasting and Observing the Open-to-Coastal Ocean for Copernicus Users (FOCCUS): Advances in Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting to Enhance Europe’s Coastal Hazard Resilience 

    Kelli Johnson, Joanna Staneva, Emma Reyes, Antonio Bonaduce, Giorgia Verri, Ivan Federico, Alena Bartosova, Pavel Terskii, Kai Håkon Christensen, Quentin Jamet, Angelique Melet, Isabel Garcia Hermosa, Lörinc Mészáros, and Ghada El Serafy

    The Horizon Europe FOCCUS project ( Forecasting and Observing the Open-to-Coastal Ocean for Copernicus Users,, brings together  19 partners from 11 countries. In collaboration with  Member State Coastal Systems (MSCS) and users  this interdisciplinary and international effort aims to improve the existing capabilities of CMEMS and develop innovative coastal products that will contribute to resilience against coastal hazards and climate change. Recently endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade and part of the CoastPredict program (, FOCCUS develops innovative coastal products through 3 key pillars: i) developing new coastal observations, ii) developing advanced hydrology and coastal models, and iii) establishing coastal applications for enhanced coastal risk management. FOCCUS develops novel high-resolution data products by integrating multi-platform coastal observations (in-situ coastal data and satellite and land-based remote sensing) with simulated data to enhance weather and marine services, and monitor ocean health, ecosystems and coastal changes.  New coastal products are created by data fusion, merging diverse data sources, implementing new approaches with numerical models and Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods for image processing and data analysis. FOCCUS builds on existing pan-European hydrological models and develops a pan-European ensemble to provide improved river discharge (sediment, nutrients, water volume and active tracers) for ocean and coastal ocean models and their two-way feedbacks at the land-sea interface. New methodologies are being tested, taking advantage of stochastic simulation, ensemble approaches, and AI. Working to improve coastal management, FOCCUS will facilitate advanced, seamless ocean monitoring and forecasting, from CMEMS global/regional systems to coastal systems, through demonstrations of new products and improved co-produced services. This includes focused coastal applications, co-designed with stakeholders, to address three areas of coastal protection: i) coastal management and protection (including the prediction of coastal erosion risk, marine pollution, and sediment tracking), ii) enhancement of the blue economy (including the co-use of wind and aquaculture resources), and iii) building resilience to coastal climate change (including tracking marine heatwaves, monitoring ecosystem degradation and harmful algae blooms, and predicting storm surge/waves). FOCCUS aims to provide the marine knowledge needed to support Marine Protected Areas, and address natural hazards and extreme events.

    FOCCUS is funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No. 101133911). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

    How to cite: Johnson, K., Staneva, J., Reyes, E., Bonaduce, A., Verri, G., Federico, I., Bartosova, A., Terskii, P., Christensen, K. H., Jamet, Q., Melet, A., Garcia Hermosa, I., Mészáros, L., and El Serafy, G.: Forecasting and Observing the Open-to-Coastal Ocean for Copernicus Users (FOCCUS): Advances in Coastal Monitoring and Forecasting to Enhance Europe’s Coastal Hazard Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16397,, 2025.

    EGU25-16448 | Orals | OS2.8

    Advancements in coastal flood modeling with LISFLOOD-FP: incorporating the dynamic of waves and dune failure 

    Italo Lopes, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Ivan Federico, Michalis Vousdoukas, Luisa Perini, Nadia Pinardi, and Giovanni Coppini

    Coastal inundation presents a substantial risk to human lives and economic assets, driving the need for effective mitigation strategies. Recently, Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) have emerged as sustainable and adaptive alternatives to traditional "gray" infrastructure for coastal hazard management. Accurate modeling of coastal flooding and its interactions with NBS is essential for effective risk assessment, but challenges remain due to data limitations and modeling uncertainties.

    Flood modeling techniques range from simplistic bathtub models to advanced hydromorphodynamic approaches. Simplified dynamic models, such as LISFLOOD-FP, which solve shallow water equations for floodplain processes, offer a practical balance between computational efficiency and accuracy.

    This study enhanced LISFLOOD-FP model's ability to simulate coastal flooding by incorporating wave contributions (setup and swash), and their interactions with protective features like temporary dunes, along potential erosion and failures. These advancements were tested in Cesenatico, a coastal town in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, where seasonal dunes are constructed each winter as temporary defenses against flooding.

    The enhanced model was validated using two storm events: the 2015 Saint Agatha Storm, which breached dunes and caused extensive flooding, and the 2022 Denise Storm, during which intact dunes mitigated flood impacts. The enhanced LISFLOOD-FP model significantly improved flood simulations, particularly for the 2022 event, accurately reproducing flooded areas in the presence of temporary dunes. These findings underscore the model's ability to capture the protective effects of NBS and highlight the importance of appropriately sizing such defenses.

    The study also underscores the critical impact of data uncertainty on coastal flood modeling. Specifically, the lack of detailed topographic data on the location and dimensions of temporary dunes introduces significant uncertainty, with small variations in dune height—on the scale of centimeters—potentially determining whether dunes collapse or resist storm impacts. This uncertainty is compounded by the scarcity of observational flood maps, which limits rigorous model validation and reliability assessments.

    This work represents a significant step toward developing a digital twin of coastal NBS, providing a robust framework for coastal management. Digital twins enable the exploration of "what-if" scenarios, optimization of defenses, evaluation of strategies, and generation of probabilistic flood forecasts, marking an important advancement in sustainable, science-driven coastal resilience planning.


    How to cite: Lopes, I., Mentaschi, L., Federico, I., Vousdoukas, M., Perini, L., Pinardi, N., and Coppini, G.: Advancements in coastal flood modeling with LISFLOOD-FP: incorporating the dynamic of waves and dune failure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16448,, 2025.

    EGU25-16679 | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Development of an Early Warning System to Mitigate Dredging Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems 

    Viviana Piermattei, Simone Bonamano, Nicola Madonia, Alice Madonia, Giorgio Fersini, Ivan Federico, and Marco Marcelli

    The implementation of Early Warning Systems (EWS) is a highly effective approach to mitigating the impacts of dredging activities. These systems combine predictive numerical models and real-time data to forecast sediment dispersion and assess potential impacts on marine species and habitats protected under the EU Habitat Directive. As part of the Renovate research project, an EWS was developed for the coastal area of Civitavecchia (northeastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) to address the effects of dredging activities related to new port infrastructure on Posidonia oceanicameadows and coralligenous habitats located within Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) near the port. During the initial phase of development, the EWS incorporated a hydrodynamic model and a wave model to analyze the coastal hydrodynamic environment. Both models employ a finite-difference curvilinear grid, enabling high spatial resolution near the shoreline while maintaining lower resolution offshore. This configuration facilitates effective downscaling from Copernicus Marine System models, which operate at approximately 4 km spatial resolution. A distinctive feature of the EWS is its integration with two monitoring fixed stations located north and south of the port. These stations are designed to measure turbidity levels in areas affected by dredging operations. Each station is equipped with custom-assembled sensors capable of continuously monitoring physical, chemical, and bio-optical water parameters, supported by a real-time data acquisition and transmission system. The EWS is activated when turbidity levels detected by the monitoring stations exceed thresholds established by national or international regulations. Its predictive outputs enable the identification and planning of mitigation measures to address dredging impacts. To assess the direct effects of increased turbidity on protected habitats and species, the system incorporates risk indicators based on species-specific stressor tolerance curves and thresholds derived from targeted laboratory experiments. This study demonstrates how the Civitavecchia EWS can significantly enhance risk assessment and response strategies, providing a valuable tool for local stakeholders (such as the Port Authority of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea) and contributing to the strengthening of coastal resilience. This EWS integrates multidisciplinary data, models, and knowledge into a standardized governance framework, employing an ecosystem impact forecasting system inspired by the concept of a coastal digital twin.

    How to cite: Piermattei, V., Bonamano, S., Madonia, N., Madonia, A., Fersini, G., Federico, I., and Marcelli, M.: Development of an Early Warning System to Mitigate Dredging Impacts on Coastal Ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16679,, 2025.

    EGU25-17068 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Mangroves and Coastal Resilience: A Model-Based Evaluation 

    Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah, Joanna Staneva, Wei Chen, and Bughsin Djath

    Coastal hazards such as erosion and flooding are intensifying and becoming more frequent due to climate change, posing significant threats to many low-lying coastal areas. Historically, interventions have focused on grey infrastructure, including seawalls, breakwaters, and revetments, which present challenges such as high construction costs and negative environmental impacts. Consequently, there is a growing drive towards adopting Nature-based Solutions (NBS), such as the use of mangroves. Utilizing the Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO), the effectiveness of such NBS can be simulated through advanced models. This study explores What-if Scenarios (WiS) using mangroves as NBS to mitigate coastal erosion in the Volta Delta region, an area particularly lacking comprehensive observational data. The integration of the DTO framework bridges this data gap by providing high-resolution simulations and predictive capabilities. The approach adopted is based on a robust model chain integrated within the DTO to simulate different configurations and densities of mangroves. 1D and 2D -Xbeach model is used to explore three categories of WiS: the beach without mangroves, mangroves positioned at the back of the shoreline, and mangroves placed within the intertidal zone. Model validation against measured coastal profiles shows good agreement with observed erosion trends, providing accurate predictions of sediment volume changes. From the results, a significant reduction in erosion is observed, with mangroves at varying densities offering varied protection levels between 18% and 100%. High densities of mangroves introduced in the intertidal zone resulted in the complete stabilization of the shoreline. These simulations highlight the potential of mangroves as a dynamic coastal defense strategy, with DTO applications providing a valuable tool for testing and optimizing NBS interventions. This study contributes to the ongoing development of mangroves as a NBS for coastal defense, demonstrating how DTO applications can effectively test and optimize interventions. By addressing the scarcity of observational data, the DTO framework enhances our understanding and predictive capacity for coastal dynamics.

    How to cite: Jayson-Quashigah, P.-N., Staneva, J., Chen, W., and Djath, B.: Mangroves and Coastal Resilience: A Model-Based Evaluation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17068,, 2025.

    EGU25-17094 | Orals | OS2.8

    Storm surge prediction in the Northern Adriatic Sea: a comparison between Machine Learning and numerical modelling 

    Lorenzo Mentaschi, Rodrigo Campos-Caba, Jacopo Alessandri, Paula Camus, Andrea Mazzino, Francesco Ferrari, Ivan Federico, Michalis Vousdoukas, Massimo Tondello, and Giovanni Coppini

    Effective storm surge prediction is vital for safeguarding coastal communities and enhancing disaster preparedness, particularly as climate change amplifies the frequency and intensity of extreme events. Despite the growing application of Machine Learning (ML) in storm surge downscaling, systematic comparisons with high-resolution dynamical models and focused assessments of extreme events remain underexplored. This study bridges these gaps by comparing advanced dynamical modeling with ML techniques to improve storm surge forecasting in the Northern Adriatic Sea.

    High-resolution simulations were conducted using the SHYFEM-MPI model, leveraging optimized physical configurations and high-quality forcing datasets. This benchmark model demonstrated strong accuracy in representing storm surge dynamics and extremes, serving as a reference for evaluating ML-based approaches. To explore ML potential, models ranging from Multivariate Linear Regression (MLR) to the more advanced Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks were developed and tested. A novel validation metric, the corrected mean absolute deviation (MADc) [1], and a tailored loss function (MADc2) were employed to improve model performance, particularly for extreme event prediction.

    Results highlighted that while MLR offered computational efficiency, it struggled to capture non-linear dynamics and extremes. In contrast, LSTM networks excelled at modeling temporal dependencies and non-linearities, particularly when trained using the MADc2 loss function. Training ML models on outputs from the dynamical model revealed that MADc2-based architectures aligned closely with observations, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional downscaling when high-quality forcing data is unavailable. Moreover, direct training on observed data at key sites such as Punta della Salute and Trieste showed that ML models, including LSTM, could outperform the dynamical model on critical metrics, underscoring the value of observational data.

    This study underscores the promise of ML approaches in storm surge prediction, especially when integrated with high-quality data sources. By offering accurate predictions with significantly lower computational demands, ML techniques present a compelling case as efficient alternatives to traditional numerical models. As data accessibility and computational methods continue to advance, ML approaches may redefine the future of storm surge forecasting, enabling more sustainable and cost-effective solutions for coastal resilience.


    [1] Campos-Caba, R., Alessandri, J., Camus, P., Mazzino, A., Ferrari, F., Federico, I., Vousdoukas, M., Tondello, M., and Mentaschi, L. (2024). Assessing storm surge model performance: what error indicators can measure the model’s skill? Ocean Science 20, 1513-1526.

    How to cite: Mentaschi, L., Campos-Caba, R., Alessandri, J., Camus, P., Mazzino, A., Ferrari, F., Federico, I., Vousdoukas, M., Tondello, M., and Coppini, G.: Storm surge prediction in the Northern Adriatic Sea: a comparison between Machine Learning and numerical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17094,, 2025.

    EGU25-17594 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Operational oil spill monitoring and forecasting in the Kerch Strait accident in December 2024 

    Igor Atake, Giovanni Coppini, Filippo Daffinà, Juliana Ramos, Santiago Bravo, Anusha Dissanayake, Matteo Scuro, Megi Hoxhaj, Gianandrea Mannarini, and Svitlana Liubartseva

    On 15 December 2024, a severe storm in the Kerch Strait led to catastrophic incidents involving two Russian oil tankers, Volgoneft-212 and Volgoneft-239. The Volgoneft-212 broke apart, spilling approximately 4,900 tonnes of mazut into the Black Sea, while Volgoneft-239, damaged and aground, leaked an additional 2,400 tonnes.

    To assess and mitigate the environmental impact, simulations were initiated immediately using the Medslik-II oil spill model. These simulations utilized analysis and forecast data from the Copernicus Marine Service (Black Sea currents and sea surface temperature) and ECMWF-IFS winds provided by the Italian Air Force Meteorological Service. Four operational bulletins were generated during the first week, informed by evolving observations and reliable event reports. These reports were sent to authorities and environmental entities, explaining the constraints of the simulation and the expected forecast.

    On 18 December at 03:00 UTC, COSMO-SkyMed satellite imagery, distributed and processed  by e-GEOS (a Telespazio and Italian Space Agency Company)  (based on COSMO-SkyMed satellites by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and Ministero della Difesa) detected an oil slick near the Kerch Strait. Comparative analysis revealed strong agreement between Medslik-II simulations and satellite observations in both shape and trajectory, validating the model's accuracy during the initial response phase. Forecasts continued until 21 December, predicting a reversal of current patterns that would transport oil westward. This forecast aligned with subsequent reports of oil pollution as far as Sevastopol, approximately 250 kilometers from the spill's origin.

    Post-event analyses incorporated satellite imagery and media reports to refine simulations and assess long-term impacts. These efforts highlight the importance of integrating operational modeling, remote sensing, and reliable field data for real-time decision-making and post-incident analysis. Lessons learned from the Kerch Strait accident can serve as pathways to enhance oil spill response strategies and mitigate environmental risks in future maritime emergencies.

    How to cite: Atake, I., Coppini, G., Daffinà, F., Ramos, J., Bravo, S., Dissanayake, A., Scuro, M., Hoxhaj, M., Mannarini, G., and Liubartseva, S.: Operational oil spill monitoring and forecasting in the Kerch Strait accident in December 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17594,, 2025.

    EGU25-18863 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Storm surge forecasting in Venice: what-if scenario with regulated barriers 

    Marco Boetti, Ivan Federico, Salvatore Causio, Anna Chiara Goglio, Emanuela Clementi, and Giovanni Coppini

    Coastal regions face severe impacts from their proximity to the sea, such as sea level rise and climate variability. Currently, over 2 billion people worldwide live in near-coastal areas [L. Reimann et al., 2023], where industrial activities coexist with urban development, port traffic, and tourism.

    The Venice Lagoon exemplifies such an environment, with its high population density and extensive industrial and tourism development, along with unique marine, atmospheric, and geomorphological features. This area is particularly vulnerable to high tides, which become even more hazardous when combined with extreme climate events. To mitigate the damage caused by storm surges in Venice, the MoSE (Modulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico) regulated barriers were developed. This system consists of mobile barriers located at the three main inlets connecting the lagoon to the open sea.

    In November 2022, a combination of meteo-marine phenomena—including astronomical tides, seiches, and strong southeasterly winds—resulted in one of the strongest marine surge events on record [R.A. Mel et al., 2023], and the barriers were activated for this event.

    Here, we present storm surge forecasts through a synergistic modeling chain. This process begins with the regional-scale accuracy of MedFs (capable of predicting the surge peak outside the lagoon up to three days in advance) and extends to the urban scale with a downscaling model based on SHYFEM-MPI. The downscaled model was enhanced by developing immersed boundary (IB) conditions—a common Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique for simulating solid bodies—enabling the inclusion of the MoSE barriers in the modeling chain, allowing real-time simulations that can activate or deactivate these barriers as needed.

    The modeling chain is put to the test with the November 2022 event in the Venice Lagoon, where the barriers were activated and deactivated four times. The outputs of the local urban model showed strong agreement with tide gauge networks, both those located outside the lagoon and, more importantly, those inside it, validating the effectiveness of the IB method used. Sea level maps and time series for simulations with and without the barriers demonstrate a reduction in total water levels by up to one meter inside the lagoon. Furthermore, the methodology proposed represents an important forecasting tool capable to perform what-if scenarios regarding the number and timing of MoSE barrier openings/closings, as well as partial closures that reproduce potential malfunctions or failures in the mechanical apparatus of MoSE.

    This modeling chain could serve as a critical early warning system for decision-makers, providing essential information on local dynamics inside the lagoon during extreme events.


    How to cite: Boetti, M., Federico, I., Causio, S., Goglio, A. C., Clementi, E., and Coppini, G.: Storm surge forecasting in Venice: what-if scenario with regulated barriers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18863,, 2025.

    EGU25-18990 | ECS | Posters on site | OS2.8

    Modelling coastal-ocean morphodynamics and wave-vegetation interactions 

    Seimur Shirinov, Ivan Federico, Simone Bonamano, Salvatore Causio, Nicolás Biocca, Viviana Piermattei, Daniele Piazzolla, Jacopo Alessandri, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Giovanni Coppini, Marco Marcelli, and Nadia Pinardi

    This work seeks to enhance the physical representation of coastal-ocean dynamics through integrated numerical models, advancing the understanding of intricate Earth system processes. It specifically focuses on two critical aspects within coastal zones: the influence of vegetation on wave dynamics and the morphodynamic processes driven by sediment transport.

    Modeling the intricate interplay between waves, seagrass, currents, and sediment processes is crucial for developing a comprehensive and realistic digital twin of the ocean. The absence of robust in-situ observational systems can result in insufficient representation of these highly dynamic environments. We aim to integrate numerical simulations with an observational system design, emphasizing the critical importance of continuous data collection and the cohesive application of empirical measurements within numerical models.

    The augmented wave model, featuring a refined seagrass representation that incorporates flexibility, seasonal growth patterns, and phenotypic traits informed by site-specific measurements, is applied to the case study in the coastal zone of Civitavecchia in the north-eastern Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy. This study examines the restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows, and their impact on wave attenuation, utilizing insights derived from the numerical model results. The sediment transport is tested in both an idealized tidal inlet scenario and along the coast of Fiumicino, south of Civitavecchia, with the aim of integrating a three-dimensional model capable of accurately capturing bedload transport influenced by local bathymetry and the advection of suspended sediments from the Tiber River mouth. The respective contributions of these factors to seabed evolution are quantified, and a feedback mechanism is further considered within the circulation and wave models.

    Ultimately, this synergy aims to improve predictive capabilities in dynamic marine environments, advancing the numerical modeling of coastal-ocean processes to better forecast environmental extremes and enhance our understanding of the underlying physics.

    How to cite: Shirinov, S., Federico, I., Bonamano, S., Causio, S., Biocca, N., Piermattei, V., Piazzolla, D., Alessandri, J., Mentaschi, L., Coppini, G., Marcelli, M., and Pinardi, N.: Modelling coastal-ocean morphodynamics and wave-vegetation interactions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18990,, 2025.

    EGU25-19028 | Orals | OS2.8

    Facing storm surges in Venice: operational system and uncertainty  

    Sara Morucci, Elisa Coraci, Andrea Bonometto, Riccardo Alvise Mel, Franco Crosato, and Paolo Gyssels

    Dealing with storm surges always involves working with forecasting systems, as they can provide crucial information on the evolution of sea level phenomena, fundamental for coastal flooding risk prevention.
    This is one of the main reasons why ISPRA developed and continuously updates an integrated operational monitoring and forecasting system, specifically focused on the North Adriatic Sea and the Venice Lagoon. The system consists of three integrated components: the monitoring system, which is based on the National Sea Level Measurement Network (36 stations) and the North Adriatic and Venice Lagoon Sea Level Measurement (33 tide gauges); the forecasting component, based on the deterministic hydrodynamic finite element numerical model SHYFEM; the probabilistic module for evaluating uncertainty in sea level predictions. The numerical model provides 8 different forecasts each day (up to 144 hours), depending on the spatial resolution, the input meteorological data (ECMWF or BOLAM) and the assimilation of real time observed data. Furthermore, the statistical bayesian processor (Model Conditional Processor MCP), recently integrated in the operational chain, estimates the forecast uncertainty in terms of the probability of an event exceeding a fixed threshold; in the first version (v1) it has been directly applied to the total tidal height, while in a new recent development (v2) it has been provided with information regarding only the meteorological component that predominantly determines the uncertainty, and thus improving the performance. These two information (i.e. the deterministic value and the probability), when combined, make a significant difference, as they provide decision-makers with a deeper understanding of whether or not to take action during a storm surge. In other words, the decision triggering threshold will not be based only on different sea level thresholds (warning level, alert level, flooding level), but rather on different probabilities of a threshold to be overtopped. A very detailed analysis has been carried out to better understand the performance of different model configurations, particularly during the storm surges that occurred between January 2022 and April 2024 (approximately 50 events), and the preliminary results are presented in this study.
    Finally, the ex-post analysis of one of the most impactful and recent events (November 22nd, 2022, with sea levels reaching up to 200 cm in the North Adriatic Sea) is presented here to highlight the need for a widespread distribution of measurement stations and very high-resolution forecasts. These are essential to allow a detailed analysis of the effects at both large and small scales (e.g., the lagoons of Venice, Marano-Grado, and Sacca degli Scardovari – Po river delta), even in closely located areas. Once again, the integration and improvement of in situ observations and the modeling system provide a virtuous example of efficiency and functionality in the prevention and mitigation of the impacts of floods and extreme weather-marine events on the coastal environment.

    How to cite: Morucci, S., Coraci, E., Bonometto, A., Mel, R. A., Crosato, F., and Gyssels, P.: Facing storm surges in Venice: operational system and uncertainty , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19028,, 2025.

    EGU25-19556 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Toward the integration of Graph Neural Networks and Digital Twins: Transforming marine ecosystem management and coastal resilience 

    Angelica Bianconi, Sebastiano Vascon, Elisa Furlan, and Andrea Critto

    Marine and coastal ecosystems (MCEs) are vital to human well-being, playing a significant role in climate regulation, carbon sequestration, while protecting coastal areas from sea level rise and erosion. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by the combined effects of anthropogenic stressors (e.g., pollution) and climate change-related pressures (e.g., rising sea temperatures and ocean acidification).  Cumulative impacts arising from this complex interplay threaten MCEs' ability to deliver critical ecosystem services, compromising their health and resilience.

    Machine Learning (ML) has emerged as a valuable tool for assessing ecological conditions under multiple pressures. Algorithms like Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) have demonstrated their effectiveness in identifying patterns and predicting changes in ecosystem health. However, these models often fail to account for spatial dependencies between data points, which are crucial for understanding the interconnected nature of marine environments. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), a more recent advancement in ML, overcome this limitation by explicitly modelling spatial relationships, making them highly suitable for analysing complex MCE dynamics.

    This study explores the application of GNN-based models to assess the impact of multiple pressures on seagrass ecosystems in the Italian coastal areas. To this aim, a comprehensive dataset was constructed, including key variables influencing seagrass health, such as nutrient concentrations, temperature, and salinity, derived from open-source platforms (e.g., Copernicus CMEMS, EMODnet). Data were synthesized into a 4km raster grid, with each pixel representing seagrass presence or absence. GNNs were constructed by considering each pixel as a node and connecting it to neighbouring pixels to capture spatial relationships. Experiments evaluated different GNN architectures, such as Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) and Graph Attention Networks (GATs), alongside traditional ML models like RF, SVM, and Multi-Layer Perceptron.

    The results showed that GNNs outperformed traditional models in terms of F1-score and accuracy, particularly in spatially complex scenarios. Traditional models often misclassified regions with intricate spatial dependencies, such as boundaries between seagrass patches, whereas GNNs demonstrated superior capability in leveraging spatial context. Despite these advantages, the study faced challenges due to the limited availability of high-resolution, temporal datasets, constraining the full exploration of dynamic ecosystem processes. However, by addressing the challenge of spatial resolution in ecological data, GNNs represents a transformative approach to understanding ocean dynamics. Their integration into a Digital Twin of the Ocean has the potential to transform ecosystem management and significantly advance coastal resilience efforts. This framework would enable detailed simulations and predictions of processes like ocean currents, extreme weather events, and the cumulative impacts of climate change and human activities. Moreover, the combination of GNNs and Digital Twins would provide deeper insights into the complex interplay of factors shaping marine and coastal ecosystems ecological state and processes and their resilience overall. This synergy empowers scientists and policymakers with actionable intelligence, fostering effective decision-making and the development of strategies to mitigate ocean hazards, while safeguarding biodiversity and enhancing the resilience of coastal communities. As future efforts move towards incorporating high-resolution data, this integrated approach holds promise for advancing the sustainable management of MCEs globally.

    How to cite: Bianconi, A., Vascon, S., Furlan, E., and Critto, A.: Toward the integration of Graph Neural Networks and Digital Twins: Transforming marine ecosystem management and coastal resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19556,, 2025.

    EGU25-19940 | ECS | Orals | OS2.8

    Compound Coastal Flood and impact-based Risk Assessment in the Context of Climate Change Using a Multimodel Approach to Enhance Coastal Resilience 

    Michele Sacco, Rossella Mocali, Michele Bendoni, Stefano Taddei, Andrea Cucco, Francesca Caparrini, Massimo Perna, Giovanni Vitale, Alberto Ortolani, and Carlo Brandini

    In the context of climate change, future coastal flooding will become increasingly impactful, driven primarily by sea level rise and the intensification of extreme precipitation events along coastlines, rather than changes in wind regimes, wave dynamics, or hydrodynamic circulation (IPCC, 2021; Vousdoukas et al., 2018). Due to the vast geomorphological diversity of coastlines and the varying exposure of assets at risk, advanced tools are necessary for precise risk assessments, particularly for urban areas and human settlements.

    Coastal flooding dynamics cannot be adequately described solely by barotropic phenomena such as wave setup but require explicit modeling of wave impacts through phase-resolving models. In this work, we propose a compound flooding assessment integrating, at an urban scale and very high resolution (1-5 meters), the effects of storm surge, coastal wave-current interactions, and explicit wave runup simulations using phase-resolving coastal models.

    Urban-scale flood risk assessment not only allows the modeling of wave interactions with natural and man-made structures but also incorporates urban elements such as groynes, breakwaters, roads, and buildings. This modeling approach supports the design of ecosystem-based solutions to enhance coastal resilience (Cheong et al., 2013). Additionally, we discuss the integration of hydraulic flooding simulations caused by rainfall and river overflow into compound flooding models, demonstrating how coastal hydraulic risk can be better described—beyond traditional extreme value statistics—using impact-based metrics for compound events (Bevacqua et al., 2019).

    We conduct a combined assessment of sea level and wave effects on flooding using a selection of extreme events with varying wave and sea-level conditions. This is achieved through a multimodel approach comparing simulation outputs from FUNWAVE and XBEACH models (Shi et al., 2012; Roelvink et al., 2009). These outputs are used to validate results obtained from a simplified modeling approach developed within the SCORE project, which employs traditional hydraulic models for unsteady flow simulations coupled with phase-averaged wave models for the marine component.

    These tools have been applied to the study site of Marina di Massa (Italy) to assess coastal flood risk trends for future scenarios and to design early-warning systems. In Marina di Massa, this approach is supported and validated by an observational system that includes coastal webcams, wave radars, and meteomarine observation systems (buoys and ADCPs).

    How to cite: Sacco, M., Mocali, R., Bendoni, M., Taddei, S., Cucco, A., Caparrini, F., Perna, M., Vitale, G., Ortolani, A., and Brandini, C.: Compound Coastal Flood and impact-based Risk Assessment in the Context of Climate Change Using a Multimodel Approach to Enhance Coastal Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19940,, 2025.

    EGU25-19949 | Orals | OS2.8

    SURF: A Relocatable Platform for On-Demand High-Resolution Ocean Modelling for the Digital Twins  

    Francesco Trotta, Luca Giunti, Ivan Federico, Salvatore Causio, Matteo Scuro, Rodrigo Vicente Cruz, Nadia Pinardi, and Giovanni Coppini

    In today’s world, the accessibility of operational large-scale regional ocean models from platforms like the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), combined with advanced computing infrastructures such as cloud computing and high-performance computing (HPC), is enabling the creation of high-resolution, on-demand digital representations of the ocean. These advancements are driving international interest in implementing high-resolution shelf-coastal numerical models to deepen our understanding of marine systems and their sensitivities to climate change. Such models are essential for capturing fine-scale processes that coarse-resolution global and regional models cannot resolve. 

    The Structured and Unstructured grid Relocatable Ocean platform for Forecasting (SURF) is an innovative, open-source ocean modeling platform designed to set up, execute, and analyze high-resolution nested ocean models in any region within a large-scale Ocean Forecasting, Analysis, and Reanalysis System. SURF integrates two state-of-the-art ocean models:  NEMO: A structured-grid model optimized for open ocean and shelf applications. SHYFEM-MPI: An unstructured-grid model tailored for accurately modeling complex coastal dynamics.

    SURF has been successfully implemented and validated in various regions of the world’s oceans, downscaling from large-scale ocean prediction systems, such as global and regional CMEMS products. The nested high-resolution models have shown better performance compared to their parent coarse-resolution models.

    SURF provides a high-level, user-friendly interface to conduct an ocean downscaling experiment from start to finish, including input data acquisition and pre-processing, model execution, and post-processing for visualization and analysis of results. The platform is distributed as a Virtual Machine and Container Images, using portable virtualization technology for easy deployment across various computational environments, ensuring accessibility for a wide range of users, including educational institutions and commercial enterprises.

    SURF is a valuable tool to supports Decision Support System (DSS) by providing high-resolution ocean forecasts crucial for applications like oil spill monitoring, search and rescue operations, navigation routing, fisheries and tourism.  A recent application was its deployment during the Manila Oil Spill accident on July 24, 2024, where high-resolution ocean circulation fields generated by SURF were integrated with the WITOIL oil spill simulation platform. This integration improved trajectory predictions, accurately depicting the northward drift of the oil slick and closely aligning with satellite observations.

    On-demand regional and coastal high-resolution models can be beneficial to diverse end-users, including coastalmanagers, harbour authorities, civil protection agencies and maritime communities. By providing high-resolution ocean forecasts, SURF can play a crucial role in mitigating risks, protecting communities, and reducing potential losses.

    How to cite: Trotta, F., Giunti, L., Federico, I., Causio, S., Scuro, M., Vicente Cruz, R., Pinardi, N., and Coppini, G.: SURF: A Relocatable Platform for On-Demand High-Resolution Ocean Modelling for the Digital Twins , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19949,, 2025.

    EGU25-19978 | Orals | OS2.8

    Coastal monitoring in Gulf of Trieste through the integration of oceanographic instruments data and numerical models 

    Emanuele Ingrassia, Laura Ursella, Carlo Lo Re, Fulvio Capodici, and Giuseppe Ciraolo

    Coastal variables monitoring and study are crucial activities for researchers to develop and enhance the knowledge about how climate changes effects are modifying the maritime hydrodynamics.
    This study focuses on local effects on the hydrodynamic circulation and significant wave height in the Gulf of Trieste (GoT) through coastal high frequency radars (HFRs) measurements and wave buoys. In a semi-enclosed basin, characterized by an average depth equal to 18m and maximum depth of 25m, the variables investigated are surface currents direction (θcurr) and eastward and northward velocity component (ucurr,vcurr), mean wave direction (θw) and spectral significant wave height (Hm0). 
    The HFRs network installed in GoT are composed by four WERA (WEllen RAdar) systems installed in the east and south part of the gulf and operating at a frequency of 24.5 MHz. Two wave buoys are installed in the central and north parts of the GoT at different depths, recording the wave energy spectral distribution characterizing the area. Finally numerical method to estimate power spectral density are implemented in this study with high resolution allowing to increase the knowledge of spatial and temporal hydrodynamic evolution inside the GoT.
    The HFR measurements can return a spatial information about waves and currents variable, improved by the calibration process. This information is crucial to reproduce the coastal hydrodynamic. Coupling all data is possible to underline the wave spectral evolution inside the gulf, the hydrodynamic peculiarity and have a focus on the extreme events effect on semi-enclosed basins. 
    Joining the HFR and wave buoys data and implementing the numerical model, this research shows innovative methods to deepening knowledge and monitoring the extreme events that characterise the study area.

    How to cite: Ingrassia, E., Ursella, L., Lo Re, C., Capodici, F., and Ciraolo, G.: Coastal monitoring in Gulf of Trieste through the integration of oceanographic instruments data and numerical models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19978,, 2025.

    EGU25-20006 | Orals | OS2.8

    A Semi-Empirical Approach for Tsunami Inundation:Application to the Italian Tyrrhenian coasts 

    Valentina Lombardi, Francesco Lalli, Lorenzo Melito, Maria Luisa Cassese, Antonello Bruschi, and Maurizio Brocchini

    Research interest on tsunami propagation and coastal impact in the Mediterranean Sea has recently grown due to recent catastrophic events, like the ones in Indian and Pacific Oceans.
    A novel operational approach for evaluating tsunami-induced inundation, based on a generalization of Green's law and a chain of intermediate and small-scale simulations, has been recently proposed (Lalli et al. 2019; Melito et al., 2022).
    The original Green’s law provides the amplitude of a long wave at a given water depth, accounting only for the wave shoaling, while neglecting both diffraction and refraction effects. The new formulation of Green’s law allows one to overcome such limitations, by introducing a semi-analytically computed coefficient α, encompassing the effects due to refraction and diffraction phenomena, and other interactions with natural obstacles and artificial structures, which play a crucial role in the case of natural, complex bathymetry. Therefore, α represents a proxy for coastal susceptibility to tsunami impact. Melito et al. (2022) performed intermediate-scale simulations to identify the distribution of α along the south-eastern Italian coasts. To validate the employed procedure, small-scale modeling of coastal flooding has been also performed by Melito et al. (2022), for two case studies: the Esaro river estuary (Calabria) and the nearshore of Bari (Apulia). A good agreement was found between the inundation levels obtained by small and intermediate-scale modeling, the latter allowing for a significant reduction of the computational costs. The present work aims at extending the research by applying the described procedure to all the Italian Tyrrhenian coasts.

    Lalli, F., Postacchini, M. & Brocchini, M. (2019) Long waves approaching the coast: Green’s law generalization. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, 5, 385–402.
    Melito, L., Lalli, F., Postacchini, M., & Brocchini, M. (2022). A semi-empirical approach for tsunami inundation: An application to the coasts of South Italy. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098422.

    How to cite: Lombardi, V., Lalli, F., Melito, L., Cassese, M. L., Bruschi, A., and Brocchini, M.: A Semi-Empirical Approach for Tsunami Inundation:Application to the Italian Tyrrhenian coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20006,, 2025.

    EGU25-35 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    How successive meteotsunami and storm activity disrupts saltmarsh vegetation. 

    Clare Lewis, Jonathan Dale, Jess Neumann, Tim Smyth, and Hannah Cloke

    Meteotsunami or meteorological tsunamis are globally occurring progressive shallow water waves with a period of between 2 to 120 minutes which result from an air-sea interaction. Meteotsunami are initiated by sudden pressure changes and wind stress from moving atmospheric systems. These waves are known to cause destruction to assets with injury and fatality to human life. Currently, there is no research into the impact upon ecological assets.

    This presentation outlines the impact of two meteotsunami events (2016 and 2021) on an intertidal saltmarsh ecosystem in the southwestern UK. By utilizing satellite imagery and applying Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) an assessment was carried out on vegetation before and after each event against a baseline 10-year mean. Results revealed that the 2016 meteotsunami resulted in a minimal impact upon vegetation, suggesting a potential resilience or adaptive response to a single episodic disturbance. In contrast, the 2021 event, compounded by two significant storms and multiple additional meteotsunami, led to a notable decline in NDVI values, indicating a likely short-term disruption to vegetation. Recovery appeared to be rapid (within one to three months.)

    This comparative analysis underscores the complex interactions between meteotsunami events, climatic phenomena, and coastal vegetation dynamics, highlighting the necessity for ongoing monitoring and research to understand the resilience mechanisms of such ecosystems in the face of increasing climatic variability and extreme weather events.


    How to cite: Lewis, C., Dale, J., Neumann, J., Smyth, T., and Cloke, H.: How successive meteotsunami and storm activity disrupts saltmarsh vegetation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-35,, 2025.

    Sea-level rise (SLR) driven by climate change has exacerbated coastal erosion, posing significant challenges for coastal management. Effective management necessitates robust tools to evaluate shoreline dynamics under varying climate scenarios, facilitating the identification of high-risk areas. However, the pixelated nature of coastlines and the limited scope of large-scale coastal projections under diverse climate conditions hinder comprehensive risk assessment. This study addresses these gaps by utilizing medium-resolution Landsat data integrated with a Convolutional Neural NetworkCNN - Random Forest-RF, enhanced by an activation function and five max-pooling, to process training predictors based on spectral indices MNDWI, NDWI, NDVI, GCVI, and SAVI, shorelines detection and demarcation. The analysis applies Bruun Rule to assess shoreline retreat relative to SLR along Pakistan's coast at five-year intervals from 2020 to 2050. SLR and SST are sourced from multiple satellite sensors, including AVHRR and SLSTR, and computed using CMEMS relative to a 2000–2023 baseline. Climate projections are derived from a multi-model ensemble of CMIP6 General Circulation Models (GCMs), spanning Shared Socioeconomic Pathways SSP1-2.6 to SSP5-8.5. The proposed CNN-RF model demonstrated high accuracy, achieving precision, recall, and F1 scores of 95.01%, 96.16%, and 96.91%. Results from historical regression rates, combined with SLR and SST projections, indicate widespread erosion in Indus Delta, with alarming retreat rates of -80.4 ±1.15 m/year between 2000 and 2010, corresponding to SLR values ranging from 0.015 to 0.085 m/year. From 2010 to 2023, SLR accelerated to 0.087–0.15 m/year, with SST increasing from 297.79 K to 300.3 K. Conversely, the Sandspit coast exhibited accretion, gaining 23.24 km² at rates of up to mean 49.45 ±1.16 m/year. Notable warming trends were observed, with central Arabian Sea SSTs exceeding 302.41 K, correlating strongly with SLR (R² = 0.40 by 2023). Under the high-emission scenario SSP5-8.5, projections for 2020–2025 indicate persistent erosion in the Indus Delta, with retreat rates of -25 to -60 m/year, while Gwadar Port up to 10 to 15 m/year. For 2025–2030 and 2030-2050 erosion in the Indus Delta, retreat rates up to -68 m/year and of -101 to -120 m/year, Sonmiani Aquifer may transition erosion up to mean -55.1 and -110 m/year). SST anomalies exhibit variability (0.3°C–0.8°C) and periodic spikes linked to climatic events, with annual increases of 0.02°C–0.05°C and a coefficient of variation of 12%–25%. Pearson’s correlation (R² = 0.6–0.8) suggests a positive relationship between SST and SLR, but highlighted variability, indicating areas for refinement. The impacts of the intrusion on the local coastal community are also analyzed with trends of communities’ migration. Our analysis revealed that erosion also results from reduced sediment flow linked to water infrastructures. Future policy and action plans should prioritize Integrated Coastal Zone Management frameworks (ICZMF), providing critical insights into erosion dynamics and addressing integrated nature-based solutions.

    Keywords: Sea-level rise (SLR), Coastal Erosion, CNN-Random Forest (RF), Landsat, CMIP6, Integrated Coastal Zone Management frameworks (ICZMF)

    How to cite: Aeman, H., Shu, H., and Nadeem, I.: Integrating Medium Resolution Satellite Data and CNN-RF Machine Learning for Shoreline Dynamics: Assessing Coastal Erosion and Accretion under Climate Change Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-207,, 2025.

    The Gulf of Khambhat, a 200 km stretch of coastline in Gujarat, India, is increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of rising sea levels, inundation, and erosion. The region is home to densely populated districts such as Bhavnagar, Surat, Bharuch, and Khambhat, as well as vital ports like Dahej, crucial for global trade and economic growth. However, urbanization, industrialization, and a growing population have placed additional pressure on the region's underground resources, making the soft sediments more prone to subsidence. This, coupled with the environmental pressures from climate change, significantly amplifies the area's vulnerability to coastal hazards. The land use and land cover (LULC) changes between 2017 and 2023 have shown an increase in built-up areas and a decline in vital ecosystems like mangroves. Between 2014 and 2017, approximately 28.66 square kilometers of high tidal mudflats were lost, which not only destroyed critical habitats but also exposed populated areas to tidal flooding. This accelerated erosion further threatens the stability of the coastline. According to the IPCC AR6, the sea level along the Gulf is projected to rise by 0.95 meters by 2100.  Tropical cyclones like Tauktae and Biparjoy, which caused significant damage in the region, may further intensify the risks of storm surges and flooding in the future. The combined effects of sea level rise (SLR), tropical cyclones, and vertical land motion (VLM) may further threaten the region’s biodiversity, health, and food security. In this context, this study aims to examine the combined effects of coastal subsidence and sea level rise on the coastal cities along the Gulf of Khambhat. Given the increasing frequency of cyclones in India, the study also assesses the risks of inundation and flooding due to SLR, storm surges, and land subsidence in the 21st century. The approach integrates scenario-based SLR projections from the IPCC AR6 (ranging from SSP1-1.9 to SSP5-8.5), vertical land motion rates, high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), and historical storm surge data. The study uses C-band Sentinel-1 satellite data (92 SAR images) from March 2020 to June 2023, processed through the GMTSAR software with an advanced Small Baseline Subset (SBAS)-based Multi-Temporal Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (MT-InSAR) technique. The analysis reveals a subsidence rate of over 5 mm/year in various areas of the Gulf, particularly in locations like Palsana, Volvad, Navetha, and Bhadbhut. Furthermore, the results suggest that if sea level rise continues as projected by the IPCC and if the subsidence rate persists, the inundated area will increase by approximately 1.57% by 2030, 4.70% by 2050, and 18.20% by 2100 under the worst-case scenario (SSP5-8.5). Additionally, a cyclone similar to Tauktae, with the worst 4-meter storm surge height, could further impact over 1,000 square kilometers of the Gulf region under the same scenario. Given these alarming projections, it is essential to develop comprehensive emergency response plans for flood-related disasters to mitigate the growing risks and protect both the environment and local communities.

    How to cite: Sharma, S. and Ojha, C.: Coastal Subsidence and Inundation Risk in the Gulf of Khambhat, India: A Geospatial Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-385,, 2025.

    Offshore rip currents are among the primary causes of drowning incidents for beachgoers. Maritime radar has demonstrated potential for monitoring rip currents. To investigate the characteristics of rip currents as captured in radar imagery, a radar-based monitoring station was established along the southwestern coast of Taiwan. This station acquires nearshore radar echo images every 20 minutes, and the observational experiments have been ongoing for over six months. Rip current features detected in radar images can be categorized into two types.

    The first type is the offshore flow channel (channel rip) occurring within the surf zone. The highly irregular surface structures in the surf zone increase radar wave scattering intensity, resulting in strong electromagnetic echoes in radar imagery. Conversely, wave breaking within the offshore flow channel is often reduced compared to the surrounding areas, leading to weakened radar wave scattering.

    The second type is the offshore rip head extending beyond the surf zone. Floating debris on the sea surface, influenced by the rip current, is transported offshore, forming a streak-like region. Compared to clean seawater, these floating materials generate stronger sea surface echoes. Additionally, interactions between the offshore-directed rip current and onshore-directed waves increase sea surface roughness, further enhancing radar backscatter intensity.

    To better elucidate the rip current features observed in radar images, we conducted supplementary experiments during the radar monitoring period, including field surveys of bathymetry, aerial photography, and drifter experiments. Cross-validation of these diverse datasets aims to clarify the feasibility of microwave radar for detecting rip currents comprehensively.

    How to cite: Wu, L.-C. and Lai, J.-W.: Microwave Radar Detection of Rip Currents: Observations and Characterization from a Coastal Monitoring Station in Southwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2112,, 2025.

    EGU25-2689 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    Assessment of a generalized linear model for satellite-derived bathymetry in turbid waters using Sentinel-2 multi-temporal images 

    Tea Isler, Xavier Monteys, Gema Casal, and Colman Gallagher

    Climate change is reshaping the world’s coastlines through coupled dynamic processes. The increased importance of monitoring coastal changes over time can be partially addressed using satellite derived bathymetry (SDB), which is more cost effective than traditional methods and allows for monitoring capabilities. In this study we developed a two-step methodology aiming to improve shallow water depth estimates from multi-temporal Sentinel-2 satellite images. The pilot area lies in north-east Ireland in optically complex waters. A threshold criterion was applied to identify 10 suitable Sentinel-2 images over one year time (2021). Lyzenga and Stumpf empirical models were evaluated followed by the application of an empirical generalized linear model (GLM). The performance of atmospherically corrected composite images, created using a reducer function (mean and median), was also evaluated, and compared with the performance of single images. Validation results confirmed the outperformance of the GLM model compared to Lyzenga and Stumpf empirical models. The optimum combination of multi temporal images outperformed the single images regression scores, with a reduction of 45 % in RMSE and a MAE as low as 31 cm in the 0 to 10 m depth. The application of empirical models on the multi-temporal image analysis results in a reduction of error outliers. These results enhance the potential of SDB and Sentinel-2 data in a range of potential coastal monitoring applications, such as repetitive bathymetric changes, ecosystem mapping and environmental management.   

    How to cite: Isler, T., Monteys, X., Casal, G., and Gallagher, C.: Assessment of a generalized linear model for satellite-derived bathymetry in turbid waters using Sentinel-2 multi-temporal images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2689,, 2025.

    EGU25-2977 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Observation of Sediment Plume Dispersion around Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea Using Satellites and UAVs 

    Seong-Bin Hwang, Jong-Seok Lee, Sin-Young Kim, and Young-Heon Jo

    Sediment plumes in marine environments significantly impact ecosystems by increasing turbidity, depleting bottom-water oxygen, and transporting pollutants. In general, there is a special plume, called Ieodo plume, which is a characteristic bent plume originating from the Ieodo seamount in the northern East China Sea. While satellite-based remote sensing is commonly used to study such phenomena, its spatiotemporal resolution is often insufficient for monitoring rapidly changing marine dynamics. Thus, it is still challenging to understand their specific behavior, dispersion patterns, and range of influence. This study investigates the behavior and dispersion of the Ieodo plume using integrated UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) and satellite observations. Continuous UAV-based hovering observations were conducted on the Ieodo Ocean Research Station, adjacent to the plume, utilizing optical and multispectral sensors. Optical sensors were employed to monitor flow at the plume's source, while surface currents derived from Optical Flow algorithm were combined with tide and wind data from real-time in situ observations at the research station to estimate plume dispersion range theoretically, using equations derived from plume dynamics. These theoretical predictions were validated against Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery. Multispectral sensors were used to derive suspended sediment concentration (SSC) information within the plume based on remote sensing reflectance (Rrs). This study provides a comprehensive understanding of the initial characteristics and dispersion of the Ieodo plume based on theoretical and observational analysis. These results are expected to be applicable to predict plume dispersion caused by riverine outflows, seabed resource extraction, and dredging operations, thereby contributing to better management of such marine phenomena.

    How to cite: Hwang, S.-B., Lee, J.-S., Kim, S.-Y., and Jo, Y.-H.: Observation of Sediment Plume Dispersion around Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea Using Satellites and UAVs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2977,, 2025.

    EGU25-3667 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    A time-variable topo-bathymetry from coastal remote sensing observations 

    Bene Aschenneller, Roelof Rietbroek, and Daphne van der Wal

    Sea level rise is commonly associated with retreating shorelines. However, shoreline evolution is the result of the complex interaction between several groups of processes: Changes in inundation from changing water levels, vertical land motion and morphodynamics. Our goal is to quantify and separate the influence of these processes on the shoreline geometry by using remote sensing data. In a case study for the barrier island of Terschelling (the Netherlands), we found that between 1992 and 2022 morphodynamics had the largest impact on shoreline changes: Inundation by sea level rise, corrected for vertical land motion, accounted for -0.3 m/year shoreline retreat on average while the total average shoreline trend was -3.2 m/year.

    These results are very site-specific and cannot be easily transferred to other places. The main limitation for upscaling this method lies in the availability of land elevation data. Local high-quality elevation datasets from airborne LiDAR or ship-based bathymetry are ideal but usually limited to countries which invest in regular observations campaigns. On the other hand, global Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) either lack the required vertical accuracy or horizontal resolution, they often cover only either the topography or the bathymetry, or they mix several data sources resulting in a mean elevation model spanning time periods of several years to decades.

    Here we present a technique to derive a time-variable elevation grid that 1) can be applied globally, 2) has a high temporal resolution, 3) covers the intertidal area around the shoreline (foreshore and upper shoreface), and 4) has sufficient vertical accuracy and horizontal resolution. Additionally, we will address the question which accuracies are considered "sufficient" for certain problems.

    To create such a time-variable topo-bathymetry model with yearly resolution for the years 1993-present, we combine existing global DEMs (e.g. DeltaDTM or CoastalDEM) with satellite remote sensing observations in a Kalman filter scheme. The observations are yearly 2.5D point clouds (x,y,h) of the intertidal zone that we generate by assigning sea surface heights from coastal altimetry to shoreline contours from optical remote sensing ("waterline method"). First, we incrementally update the global DEMs with these point clouds in a forward Kalman filter. Then, we use a backward smoother to derive the final elevation grid that best represents the topo-bathymetry at one point in time.

    For validation, we apply this technique to sandy beaches in the Netherlands, Duck (USA) and Narrabeen (Australia), where high-quality elevation dataset are available. We hope to find that this method increases the accuracy of global DEMs and allows us to study temporal variations in coastal morphology and the role of sea level rise in data-sparse regions worldwide.

    How to cite: Aschenneller, B., Rietbroek, R., and van der Wal, D.: A time-variable topo-bathymetry from coastal remote sensing observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3667,, 2025.

    EGU25-5013 | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    An optimal approach for morphological changes of tidal flat using multi-satellite sensors 

    Keunyong Kim, Jingyo Lee, Geun-Ho Kwak, and Joo Hyung

    The tidal flats are important in an ecological and economical way, and continuous management is required because it shows very dynamic changes. In the Korean tidal flats, efficient management is more emphasized because the heavily economically active. In this study, we propose a way to create a topographic elevation and area theme map of the tidal flat using multiple satellites and to update it efficiently. The waterline method was used to generate a satellite based digital elevation model (DEM), and the topographic elevation was calculated using the tidal information at the time the satellite image was acquired. The exposure frequency of tidal flats was calculated through time-series images and compared and verified with the unmanned aerial vehicle-based DEM to present an optimal topographic elevation map generation method. For the satellite-based tidal flat area theme map, the tidal flat was classified using the supervised classification method, and compared and verified with the tidal flat area data provided by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. The multi-satellite-based DEM of tidal flat could produce a precise theme with an error of about 21 cm with only 5 months of image collection, and even if the image collection period was longer, the accuracy was not significantly improved. In the case of the satellite-based tidal flat area, the accuracy was about 95% compared to the reference data, and it was analyzed that the tidal flat area, which was missing some surveys, could also be detected. Through the results of this study, it was confirmed that the satellite-based topographic elevation and area map production method can drastically shorten the update cycle while maintaining a level of accuracy similar to the current survey method.

    How to cite: Kim, K., Lee, J., Kwak, G.-H., and Hyung, J.: An optimal approach for morphological changes of tidal flat using multi-satellite sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5013,, 2025.

    EGU25-5796 | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Integrated satellite and drone-based multispectral analysis for 40-Year shoreline reconstruction on the Southern Latium Coast 

    Francesco Troiani, Giulia Iacobucci, Davide Torre, and Daniela Piacentini

    Coastal zones are widely recognized as among the most dynamic and sensitive geomorphological systems, particularly in response to weather and climate conditions. Coastal erosion and deposition alternate cyclically, influenced by fluvial sediment transport, wave and tidal regimes, sea level rise, tectonics, coastal flooding, and anthropogenic pressures. With approximately 2.15 billion people residing in coastal areas - and projections indicating significant population growth in these zones - understanding shoreline morphodynamics is essential for cost-effective and sustainable management strategies.

    Within the framework of Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), funded by Next Generation EU, the extended partnership RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) aims to strengthen research on environmental, natural, and anthropogenic risks associated with climate change. Specifically, the Diagonal Spoke (DS) 8, Science underpinning climate services for risk mitigation and adaptation, focuses on developing innovative models to forecast atmospheric, hydrological, and marine impact-oriented indicators, alongside assessing their uncertainties. In this context, shoreline position and morphology emerge as critical indicators for assessing the impacts of climate change on coastal regions. Italian coastline spans approximately 7,500 km, of which 943 km are currently eroding, and 970 km are prograding (ISPRA, 2023), based on comparisons of shorelines between 2006 and 2020. Reconstructing coastal dynamics in specific study areas is therefore pivotal for effective land management and provides a valuable tool for government agencies and stakeholders.

    The southern coastal area of the Latium region (Central Italy) represents an ideal case study for investigating shoreline morphodynamics, with a coastline approximately 30 km long. This study utilizes multispectral and multi-mission satellite imagery from Landsat 4, 5, 8, and Sentinel-2, offering an unparalleled dataset for reconstructing coastal changes. The primary objectives of the research are: i) annual reconstruction of the instantaneous waterline, and ii) identification of erosional and depositional sectors with quantified rates. Using the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), 40 instantaneous shorelines were reconstructed for the summer season from 1984 to 2024. The application of the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) developed by the USGS revealed maximum shoreline regression rates of approximately 1 m/yr (1.07 m/yr and 1.2 m/yr, respectively LRR and WLR). Additionally, in winter 2024/2025 drone survey, conducted using a Matrice 350 RTK equipped with a multispectral MicaSense RedEdge-P camera, were integrated into the methodology to provide high-resolution and spatially detailed data on shoreline position and morphology, enhancing the accuracy of the reconstructed coastal dynamics and complementing the satellite-based analyses. Finally, the accuracy of the reconstructed shorelines was validated by comparing satellite-derived shorelines from 1998, 2005, and 2019 with ISPRA’s orthophoto-derived shorelines. The results demonstrate strong agreement, with RMSE of 14.44 m, 12.60 m, and 5.83 (1998, 2005 and 2019, respectively), falling within the uncertainty range of Landsat and Sentinel imagery. This study highlights the potential of multi-sensor remote sensing surveys and geospatial techniques in monitoring coastal dynamics, providing critical insights for climate adaptation and risk mitigation strategies in coastal regions.

    How to cite: Troiani, F., Iacobucci, G., Torre, D., and Piacentini, D.: Integrated satellite and drone-based multispectral analysis for 40-Year shoreline reconstruction on the Southern Latium Coast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5796,, 2025.

    EGU25-6098 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Satellite-derived shoreline evolution in Inhambane province (Mozambique) using high-resolution imagery 

    Eva Pavo-Fernández, Carlos Loureiro, Gorka Solana, Vicente Gracia, Abrange Mavimbele, and Manel Grifoll

    Satellite imagery is crucial for studying shoreline evolution due to its ability to provide consistent, high-resolution, and large-scale data over time (Gomes da Silva et al., 2024); and it plays a crucial role in countries with limited coastal information sources. The aim of this study is to explore the use of satellite imagery to investigate shoreline evolution at three different locations in Mozambique: Morrungulo Beach, Barra Beach, and Tofo Beach in Inhambane Province. These three locations are characterized as exposed and mesotidal beaches and were selected as representative of the typical coastal archetype in the south coast of Mozambique. This study uses satellite imagery provided by Planet Labs, which is explored with the open-source code CoastSat.PlanetScope toolkit to map and analyze in detail shoreline changes in the study sites (Doherty et al., 2022). PlanetScope satellite imagery has a spatial resolution of approximately 3 meters and almost daily temporal resolution, allowing for detailed observation of shoreline features. For the automated extraction of the shoreline, CoastSat.PlanetScope takes into account the beach slope and tide to provide shoreline positions along user-defined transects, determined using a water index and pixel thresholding. The temporal scope of the satellite imagery utilized in this study extends from July 2016 to June 2024, using one image per month, offering a comprehensive dataset for examining monthly to multiannual shoreline dynamics. Shoreline positions have been evaluated using data total of 101 shorelines for Barra Beach, 94 shorelines for Morrungulo Beach, and 108 shorelines for Tofo Beach. Through this analysis, it was also possible to determine the shoreline impacts of tropical cyclones that made landfall in the region. Barra Beach revealed a strong erosion rate of 3.7 m/year as calculated using the End Point Rate (EPR) method, which measures the net shoreline change over time, and a moderate erosion rate of 0.5 m/year based on the Linear Regression (LR) method, suggesting relative stability in shoreline position when more shoreline positions are considered. Morrungulo Beach presented an accretion rate of 1.7 m/yr based on EPR, but evidenced an erosion rate of 0.4 m/yr with LR. Tofo Beach presented more consistent erosion, with a rate of 1.8 m/yr for EPR and 0.7 m/yr for LR. The analysis of shoreline changes across the three selected beaches in Mozambique highlights distinct patterns of erosion and accretion over the study period. Barra Beach demonstrated considerable differences in erosion rate according to the method, while Morrungulo Beach exhibited a mix of accretion and minor erosion, depending on the analysis method used. Conversely, Tofo Beach showed consistent erosion. These findings highlight the need to carefully consider shoreline change metrics, selecting those that better represent the coastal processes of interest to ensure site-specific management strategies along Mozambique’s coastline. This study has been funded by DOORS project (H2020 – 101000518 – DOORS), and co-funded by the FI AGAUR grant (2022 FI_B 00897).

    How to cite: Pavo-Fernández, E., Loureiro, C., Solana, G., Gracia, V., Mavimbele, A., and Grifoll, M.: Satellite-derived shoreline evolution in Inhambane province (Mozambique) using high-resolution imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6098,, 2025.

    Continuous sampling and analysis of data from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean is key to monitoring rapid, stochastic ecosystem changes in the region. Antarctic krill (hereafter krill), the subject of this research, is particularly prone to regional warming, with a southward contraction of its habitat forecast. While coastal regions of the Antarctic Peninsula, South Orkney Islands and South Georgia are relatively well surveyed using trawl and acoustic survey methods, offshore environments represent significant data gaps. Many important stages in krill life cycle take place offshore including spawning and grazing, and moreover transit between the Antarctic Peninsula and South Georgia entails over 200+ days of advective oceanic (mainly passive) transport with Antarctic Circumpolar Current and its associated fronts. To fill in this significant data gap and infer patterns in temporal and spatial offshore distribution patterns necessitates the integration of diverse data sources, including primary historical observations of krill abundance from surveys and fishing activity as well as secondary observations from remotely sensed environmental variables.

    Ideally, we could detect krill directly using hyperspectral imaging to measure the concentration of astaxanthin pigments in surface waters (Basedow et al. 2019). However, given such methods are still in development, we utilize Species distribution models (SDM) to infer spatiotemporal krill distributions. SDMs are models that relate abundance/ occurrence of species with environmental data for a given set of sample locations (Elith and Leathwick 2009).  In this research we use multivariable regression methods to build SDMs to predict krill abundance in relation to both static (geographical area, bathymetry) and dynamic (SST) environmental features, and numerical density of krill as a target variable. We explore the accuracy of several nonlinear methods including Random Forest and Boosted Regression Trees, through comparisons of model accuracy (R2 values, standardized RMSE values and so on) and cross-validation. We then compare these predictions to eddy statistics calculated from satellite altimetry data, and phytoplankton concentrations derived from ocean colour data, with both products accessed through the Copernicus Marine Service. In this way, we will use SDMs for spatiotemporal predictions and use these mapped predictions to explain important relationships e.g. krill density as a function of eddy size.


    Elith, Jane, and John R. Leathwick. 2009. Species Distribution Models: Ecological Explanation and Prediction Across Space and Time. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 40 (1): 677–97. doi:

    Basedow, S.L., McKee, D., Lefering, I. et al. Remote sensing of zooplankton swarms. Sci Rep 9, 686 (2019). doi:

    How to cite: Kelly, C., Daae, R., Ellingsen, I., and Omholt Alver, M.: Filling Data Gaps in the Southern Ocean: Fusion of Remote Sensing Observations with Historic Krill Data to Explain Coastal and Offshore Variability in Krill Abundance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6296,, 2025.

    EGU25-6763 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    Inconsistency of resolution in bathymetry mapping may lead to misconception of coastal resilience to climate change 

    Bo Miao, Peter Arlinghaus, Corinna Schrum, and Wenyan Zhang

    As science and technology continue to advance, the accuracy of coastal and ocean bathymetry mapping continues to improve. Bathymetric mapping of coastal zones usually integrates products from multiple instruments for optical sensing (satellite, LiDAR) and/or acoustic sensing (single beam, multibeam and sidescan sonars) that are of varying accuracy and spatial resolution. Merging of these data from different sources may lead to spatial and temporal inconsistencies in the joint bathymetric data and inhibits their use for reliable assessment of coastal resilience to climate change such as sea level rise. This particularly requires caution since the rate of sea level change is typically on the order of a few mm yr-1, which is much smaller than the accuracy of bathymetric data, e.g. the accuracy ranges from the order of a few cm for LiDAR and multibeam eco sounding data to a few tens of cm for satellite data. In this study, we first demonstrate a problem, which is often overlooked in existing literature, in using coastal bathymetric data derived from state-of-the-art techniques for assessing coastal resilience to sea level rise. Using the Germen Wadden Sea as example, we found that the inconsistency of spatial resolution in the bathymetry mapping, when merged into a uniform gridded dataset, could result in a false trend in the change of the mean elevation of tidal basins, leading to a misconception of coastal resilience to sea level rise. We developed an analytical method to identify inconsistency in gridded bathymetry dataset that can be applied worldwide. Based on the identified inconsistency, we propose two solutions to minimise the associated effect. Our methods are broadly applicable to reduce the error in coastal bathymetry mapping and improve quantitative assessment of coastal resilience to climate change.

    How to cite: Miao, B., Arlinghaus, P., Schrum, C., and Zhang, W.: Inconsistency of resolution in bathymetry mapping may lead to misconception of coastal resilience to climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6763,, 2025.

    EGU25-8104 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Assessing Sand Deposit Dynamics at the Island of Langeoog, Germany by Means of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data 

    Julia Holzner, Sandro Martinis, and Simon Plank

    Langeoog is one of the East Frisian Islands located in the German Wadden Sea. The island's coastal morphodynamics are strongly influenced by environmental factors such as tides and currents. As natural sediment supplies cannot always compensate for coastal erosion of sand deposits, coastal protection measures are crucial for preserving the island. Langeoog is a special case in this context, as it is the only island in the barrier island chain that is mostly managed without the use of coastal protection structures such as groynes or revetments, due to its prevailing current and sedimentation processes. The island’s settlement and infrastructure are surrounded by a protective dune and adjacent sandy beach areas to the west and north. Conservation measures to preserve the dune are only necessary in the northern part, in front of the Pirolatal, where sand replenishments are carried out regularly to counteract ongoing beach erosion by restocking the sand deposits in front of the protective dune. To initiate necessary measures and estimate the required sediment volumes, knowledge about the development of this beach section is essential for local coastal protection authorities.

    In this study, we investigate the suitability of optical multi-sensor remote sensing data to analyse changes in the sand deposits and their effects on the condition of the protective dune in front of Pirolatal on Langeoog Island from 2018 to 2023. For this purpose, we processed high-resolution (HR) and medium-resolution (MR) optical satellite data, applying index-based threshold methods to estimate several proxies of coastal dynamics, such as the instantaneous waterline, the location and state of the protective dune, and the extent of permanently dry sand areas under regular tidal conditions. We compare the results to elevation data to assess the potential of 2D remote sensing data for monitoring this coastal section. The results show that the state of the beach and the height of the dune’s break-off are strongly influenced by accretion events (sand replenishments) and ongoing erosion, particularly during storm surges in the winter season. The condition of the sand deposit is also crucial for determining the position of the instantaneous waterline.

    This study demonstrates the benefit of a multi-sensor optical satellite data approach to support coastal monitoring and applied coastal protection efforts.

    How to cite: Holzner, J., Martinis, S., and Plank, S.: Assessing Sand Deposit Dynamics at the Island of Langeoog, Germany by Means of Multi-Sensor Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8104,, 2025.

    EGU25-8120 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Comparison of Aquaculture Facilities with Sentinel-1 Data for Change Detection 

    Yunjee Kim and HyunSoo Choi

    Aquaculture facilities are not only an important component of fisheries and local economies, but they also have significant economic and environmental impacts that require efficient and sustainable management. Additionally, knowing the exact locations of aquaculture facilities is crucial for operating ships in nearshore areas, as their presence significantly affects the safe navigation of vessels. However, current aquaculture facility data suffer from slow update cycles due to reliance on field surveys and data processing, and their low spatial resolution does not meet the accuracy requirements in the field. To address this issue, this study takes a first step toward updating aquaculture facility data in quasi-real time using satellite imagery. Specifically, we evaluated the spatial agreement between detected aquaculture facility data and existing data based on Sentinel-1 satellite imagery. While many previous studies on aquaculture facility detection have utilized optical satellites, this study aims to verify the detectability of aquaculture facilities using SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imagery, which can be acquired regardless of weather conditions or time of day. The aquaculture facility data provided by the Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency is available in both polygon and point formats, with the last update date being December 19, 2024. Accordingly, we analyzed Sentinel-1 data acquired around the same time (December 20, 2024) and compared it with the polygon data. Our analysis revealed significant discrepancies between the two datasets. These findings highlight the need to update current aquaculture facility data and suggest that satellite imagery, with its ability to regularly cover broad areas, could be employed to improve the accuracy and timeliness of aquaculture data updates. This confirms the potential value and utility of satellite imagery as an effective tool for managing aquaculture facilities.

    How to cite: Kim, Y. and Choi, H.: Comparison of Aquaculture Facilities with Sentinel-1 Data for Change Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8120,, 2025.

    Shallow water bathymetry is vital for understanding coastal ecosystems, managing marine resources, and monitoring environmental changes. However, global mapping remains challenging due to the limited penetration of optical and near-infrared light in water, which is rapidly absorbed and scattered by suspended particles and water molecules. Other electromagnetic frequencies, such as microwaves, do not penetrate deeply enough, rendering photogrammetric methods ineffective for underwater mapping.

    High-accuracy methods like airborne LiDAR, sonar, and ICESat-2 (a spaceborne altimetric LiDAR) provide detailed bathymetric measurements but are limited by sparse spatial coverage and infrequent revisits. This study combines the strengths of airborne LiDAR and ICESat-2 data to train Machine Learning models for bathymetry extraction from Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery. Sentinel-2 offers global coverage, 10-meter resolution, and a ~5-day revisit cycle, presenting a scalable solution for large-scale mapping. Atmospheric corrections were applied to Sentinel-2 data, and ICESat-2 data were adjusted for tidal and refraction effects. Using Machine Learning models, we evaluate whether smaller ICESat-2-derived training datasets can achieve comparable accuracy to those trained on airborne LiDAR data, which provide a more comprehensive depth range.

    In the past, correlations between the logarithm of Sentinel-2 blue-green band ratios versus depth has been widely used in bathymetric studies. We seek to improve prediction accuracy from optical imagery by incorporating other nonlinear relationships and leveraging additional spectral bands, allowing for more robust modeling across varying environmental and water conditions.

    Our research underscores the complementary strengths and limitations of ICESat-2 and airborne LiDAR for bathymetric modeling and highlights the potential of Sentinel-2 for global, repeatable bathymetry. Achieving accurate and frequent mapping could revolutionize coastal monitoring, enabling applications such as disaster impact assessments and change detection after events like oceanic landslides, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes.

    Keywords: Shallow water bathymetry, ICESat-2 ATL03, Airborne LiDAR, Sentinel-2, Random Forest, Coastal mapping

    How to cite: Hsu, H. J. and Moortgat, J.: Enhancing Shallow Water Bathymetry Using Machine Learning with ICESat-2, Airborne LiDAR, and Sentinel-2 Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10185,, 2025.

    EGU25-10452 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    Machine Learning Approaches for Tidal Data Interpolation in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Applications 

    Mario Luiz Mascagni, Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein, Anita Maria da Rocha Fernandes, Dennis Kerr Coelho, Andrigo Borba dos Santos, and Laís Pool

    Satellite-derived bathymetry (SDB) has been developed since the 1970s and has grown exponentially with the popularization of remote sensing technologies. Over the years, several authors have proposed various methods to perform bathymetric inversion from the information contained in the pixels of satellite images, aiming to improve the accuracy and reliability of non-direct methods for estimating depth data in shallow waters. 

    Despite the potential of remote sensing-based algorithms and global models to monitor multiple parameters of the planet's surface, few studies correlate SDB with water level in satellite images, obtained for the same region under different tidal conditions. Most recent efforts are limited to cluster analyses, separating the images into high-tide and low-tide groups to perform SDB with empirical models in a segmented approach, adjusting the linear coefficients of the regression models, partly for high-tide conditions and partly for low-tide conditions. The present study seeks to integrate tidal variation data with SDB techniques through Machine Learning (ML), particularly through the input channels of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). 

    Previous research employing a simpler ML model, the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), in Babitonga Bay, a microtidal region situated along the southern coast of Santa Catarina, Brazil, was compared to empirical SDB models that rely on the linear interaction of electromagnetic spectrum bands with the water column. The findings demonstrated that the nonlinear inferences generated by deep neural networks can enhance the accuracy of SDB data by more than 100% in optically complex environments, influenced by high concentrations of Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM) and Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), such as Babitonga Bay. 

    The application of more complex neural networks, such as CNN combined with additional input layers incorporating tidal data, has great potential for enhancing the performance of SDB, since CNN models utilize kernels that analyze multiple pixels surrounding a target point, enabling a more robust and context-aware approach, unlike MLP models, which infer depth on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The introduction of tide level variables as input channels in these deep learning neural networks makes these models suitable for universal application across micro-, meso-, and macrotidal environments. 

    The CNN model applied to Babitonga Bay yielded substantial improvements in SDB accuracy, reducing the mean absolute error (MAE) from 2.9 m (traditional SDB methods) and 1.3 m (MLP) to 0.1 m. These results were obtained using field data collected in 2018 through single-beam echo sounder surveys for training, testing, and validation for both cases, the traditional empirical SBD models, and the machine learning models (MLP and CNN).

    How to cite: Mascagni, M. L., Klein, A. H. D. F., Fernandes, A. M. D. R., Coelho, D. K., Santos, A. B. D., and Pool, L.: Machine Learning Approaches for Tidal Data Interpolation in Satellite-Derived Bathymetry Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10452,, 2025.

    EGU25-10754 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    A new method for evaluating satellite-derived waterline detection in macrotidal beaches with complex intertidal morphology 

    Mª Carmen Millán Roldán, Albert Gallego Jiménez, Paula Gomes da Silva, Josep E. Pardo-Pascual, Jesús Palomar, Carlos Cabezas-Rabadán, Erica Pellón, and Jara Martínez Sánchez

    Satellite-Derived Waterlines (SDWs) have become highly valuable assets in coastal studies due to their extensive data availability, offering temporal and spatial resolutions of up to 5 days and 10 m, respectively. Numerous tools for SDW extraction have been developed, being widely used in microtidal beaches with high reliability. However, macrotidal environments present significant challenges due to their large intertidal extensions. The dynamic nature and complex morphology of these areas frequently lead to inaccuracies in shoreline detection by existing tools. Furthermore, the large volume of SDWs makes identifying errors challenging. Understanding misdetection conditions is key to automating error flagging and improving efficiency.

    This study aims at improving the understanding of waterline (mis)detection by identifying the environmental conditions that influence incorrect identification of the sand-water interface. SDWs extracted using the SHOREX tool, developed by the Geo-Environmental Cartography and Remote Sensing Group from the Universitat Politècnica de València, were analyzed in Salinas (144 SDWs) and El Puntal (141 SDWs), two macrotidal beaches in northern Spain with complex intertidal topography.

    The analysis was undertaken with the aim of taking a step back to understand what beach features are identified as waterline by currently available tools. This involved a detailed visual inspection of SDWs compared to their corresponding RGB imagery, conducted by a validated operator. The beaches were discretized into equally spaced transects, and for each SDW, the operator classified the detected feature in each transect as one of the following: Waterline (sand-water interface), Maximum High Tide Level (dry-wet sand interface), Intertidal Water (boundary of accumulated water in the intertidal zone), Intertidal Morphological Features (dry-wet sand interface due to intertidal bars), Backshore elements, or Clouds. Three analyses were derived: (1) the percentage of transects classified as each indicator per SDW, (2) the confidence level perceived by the operator for each indicator, and (3) the correlation between met-oceanic variables (e.g., wave height, peak period, storm surge, astronomical tide, and tidal stage) and the percentage of Waterline identification per SDW.

    The results revealed a strong positive correlation (R=0.56) between the percentage of transects classified as waterline (ideal identification) and a variable combining tidal level and phase (flood/ebb). Better detections during high tides likely occurred due to drier intertidal sand, while wet sand during ebb tides led to detection problems. However, a lack of representation of the highest tidal states was observed in the satellite time series. Wave parameters (Hs and Tp) showed weaker inverse correlations to the percentage of waterline detection (R=−0.15 and −0.28, respectively), likely due to increased sand saturation during the rundown phase of energetic waves. High vertex count correlated positively with waterline identification (R=0.51), indicating improved detection with greater shoreline detail, while strong negative correlation with SDW sinuosity (R=−0.51) suggested misdetection due to complex intertidal features.

    This new approach advances understanding of SDW detection in macrotidal beaches, paving the way for improving detection methodologies. Ongoing work includes assessing additional SDW detection tools, extending analyses to diverse beach types (depending on hydro-morphodynamic conditions), and developing methods for automatic error flagging in each environment.

    How to cite: Millán Roldán, M. C., Gallego Jiménez, A., Gomes da Silva, P., Pardo-Pascual, J. E., Palomar, J., Cabezas-Rabadán, C., Pellón, E., and Martínez Sánchez, J.: A new method for evaluating satellite-derived waterline detection in macrotidal beaches with complex intertidal morphology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10754,, 2025.

    Satellite-derived bathymetry is an essential tool for mapping shallow coastal areas with complex reef structures where ship-based surveys are either unsafe or inefficient. The focus of this study is to present a baseline study of the seabed morphology of a coastal region (0-130 m water depth) to support before-and-after analyses of an artificial reef deployment site under the OCEAN CITIZEN project.

    OCEAN CITIZEN aims to develop a sustainable and innovative protocol for coastal restoration and biodiversity conservation. Adapted to specific ecozones, yet replicable across regions, this protocol emphasises the expansion of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the creation of ecological corridors to support ecosystem interactions, the restoration of biodiversity, the enhancement of blue carbon through innovative techniques, and the establishment of self-sustaining economic models for long-term sustainability.

    In this context, the study investigates seafloor morphology using optical and acoustic methods to assess the suitability of satellite-derived data for mapping coastal habitats. Satellite data from Maxar's WorldView-2 satellite sensor were compared with ship-based data acquired with a Norbit iWBMS multibeam system (190 - 400 kHz) to assess their performance in water depths ranging from 10 to 20 m. Ground truthing was carried out using underwater video surveys to validate substrate, classification and biological observations.

    Preliminary results show that satellite-derived data effectively capture broad-scale seafloor morphology, with contours closely matching multibeam data. However, small-scale and complex reef structures could only be resolved by ship-based surveys. Comparisons of seafloor reflectance (optical) and backscatter (acoustic) showed different sensitivities: as expected, backscatter distinguished sandy areas between hard outcropping substrate, whereas satellite reflectance is also sensitive to variations in substrate brightness. These differences highlight the need to be aware of the complementary nature of the two methods and their potential to provide additional insight into coastal restoration planning.

    How to cite: Schönke, M., Jensen, M., Lohrberg, A., Feldens, P., and Schneider von Deimling, J.: Comparison between satellite derived and ship based seafloor characteristic's in areas with complex seafloor morphology - A Baseline study for artificial reef deployment, Tenerife Island, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12115,, 2025.

    EGU25-13317 | Orals | ESSI4.10

    Use of high resolution multispectral Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery to retrieval nearshore bathymetry using photogrammetric and spectral techniques in the Cantabrian Sea in Spain. 

    Javier Sánchez-Espeso, Gabriel Bellido, Ignacio García-Utrilla, Etienne Faugére, Beatriz Pérez-Díaz, Mirian Jiménez, and Sonia Castanedo

    The scientific, economic and social interest in coastal environments requires the continuous and sufficiently accurate determination of bathymetries of these areas, in particular of estuaries and beaches, at least at shallow depths of around 20 m.

    The usual techniques for their determination, which combine the use of space geodesy (GNSS) and multibeam echosounder techniques, are a very accurate methodology, but also very costly in economic terms. The methodologies associated with the use of UAVs, which employ a wide variety of sensors, from RGB optical, thermal or multispectral cameras to Lidar Detection and ranging (LiDAR), are providing spatial information and images of high metric and thematic quality, with very short capture times for large extensions, at significantly lower costs than previous techniques.

    Typically, photogrammetric techniques, in particular Structure for Motion (Sfm), have been used for the orientation process of the photogrammetric model, which obtain successful results in emerged areas, but have many limitations, or are simply impossible to apply, in the determination of bathymetries, due fundamentally to two aspects, key to the conventional photogrammetric process. Firstly, due to the difficulty in identifying homologous points that allow Bundle Block Adjustment, due to air-water refraction, and secondly, and equally important, due to the reflective behavior of the sea surface itself.

    To overcome the indicated barriers, the first results obtained using a multispectral sensor with 10 bands on board a UAV, ranging from 444 to 842 nanometres (nm), highlighting 4 bands in the blue and green ranges (444, 475, 531 and 560 nm), are presented. With the images obtained, and by applying spectral techniques used in satellite-derived bathymetry, previously normalized radiometrically and mosaicked to the sea surface, we have proceeded to determine the sea depth, in different conditions of turbidity and clarity that can be considered globally unfavorable and that characterize the Cantabrian Sea in the North of Spain.

    Essel, B.; Bolger, M.; McDonald, J.; Cahalane, C. Developing a Theoretical Assessment Method for an Assisted Direct Georeferencing Approach to Improve Accuracy when Mapping over Water: The Concept, Potential and Limitations. In Proceedings of the ISPRS 12th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT), Padua, Italy, 24–26 May 2023.

    Román, A.; Heredia, S.; Windle, A.E.; Tovar-Sánchez, A.; Navarro, G. Enhancing Georeferencing and Mosaicking Techniques over Water Surfaces with High-Resolution Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Imagery. Remote Sens. 2024, 16, 290.

    Windle, A.E.; Silsbe, G.M. Evaluation of Unoccupied Aircraft System (UAS) Remote Sensing Reflectance Retrievals for Water Quality Monitoring in Coastal Waters. Front. Environ. Sci. 2021, 9, 674247.

    How to cite: Sánchez-Espeso, J., Bellido, G., García-Utrilla, I., Faugére, E., Pérez-Díaz, B., Jiménez, M., and Castanedo, S.: Use of high resolution multispectral Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery to retrieval nearshore bathymetry using photogrammetric and spectral techniques in the Cantabrian Sea in Spain., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13317,, 2025.

    EGU25-13902 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.10

    Enhanced monitoring of coastal change: a comprehensive validation framework for satellite imagery 

    Yeray Castillo Campo, Xavier Monteys, Gema Casal, and Conor Cahalane

    Coastal change assessments have significant socioeconomic, environmental, and infrastructure implications due to the extensive impacts of climate change, such as rising sea levels, the increasing frequency and intensity of storms, as well as the consequences of human intervention.  Satellite products have been used to monitor the coast at relatively high resolution (30 m) since the 1970s through the Landsat program. However, the arrival of the EU Copernicus/Sentinels in 2014 introduced a marked increase in coastal applications thanks to the improved spatial and temporal resolutions. The research presented in this study explores the derivation of waterlines from Sentinel 2 imagery and the creation of a novel holistic approach to a validation framework. Specifically, this study aims to: a) explore the inherent waterline errors against reference datasets and begin to establish the overall uncertainty in deriving waterlines from optical satellite imagery; and b) assess the potential of these results and their suitability for coastal change applications. The results indicate an average positional error of approximately 4 meters for Sentinel images in coastal regions by evaluating the Sentinel-2 satellite images with distinct features visible in aerial orthophotography. Subsequently, the horizontal and vertical inaccuracies of the satellite-derived waterlines (SDWL) were further determined by using a GNSS line as a reference dataset. The horizontal assessment was conducted by calculating the average distance between the SDWLs and the GNSS reference lines across eighteen Sentinel-2 images corresponding to the years 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024. These were analysed, showing a median displacement of 15 meters, and indicating an offshore trend for the satellite-derived waterlines. The vertical assessment, or height error, was computed by comparing the average height of SDWLs (as determined by the average tide gauge heights) with the reference dataset height (as measured by GNSS), resulting in a mean absolute error of 6 cm. The vertical results indicate that the SDWLs’ heights, as measured by the local tide gauges, align well with in situ local height measurements. The results of this study will aid in identifying temporal and spatial scales and resolutions at which Earth Observation products are suitable for coastal management. The initial stages of a validation framework are presented to assess the quality and applicability of satellite-derived waterlines for coastal change monitoring based on specific user requirements. Identifying the sources of error and improving uncertainty models for satellite-derived products enables better decision-making in coastal management. These analyses will demonstrate whether the outcomes remain consistent among satellite images or change according to local environmental conditions. Increasing end-user confidence in the rates of change obtained from available satellite products can provide crucial information in study areas, and at space-time resolutions previously unattainable.

    How to cite: Castillo Campo, Y., Monteys, X., Casal, G., and Cahalane, C.: Enhanced monitoring of coastal change: a comprehensive validation framework for satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13902,, 2025.

    The problem of coastline erosion is of global concern. Acquisition and processing of useful earth observation data about coastal changes is crucial to accurate change monitoring [1]. With the availability of sophisticated machine learning techniques, it is possible to accurately detect and analyze patterns of changes in coastal regions. One important aspect here is the explainability of the machine learning model used to predict changes and the possibility to incorporate human expertise in the process of detection [2]. In this research, we use an explainable artificial intelligence model to discover data patterns in Sentinel-2 time-series images to describe changes over a 7-year study period. Time-series imagery was acquired every month from January 2018 to September 2023, covering 4,694 cloud-free locations along the North Sea and Baltic Sea coastlines, each spanning 5 km x 5 km. These locations were selected using farthest point sampling to ensure representative coverage. The imagery was further divided into smaller scenes of 1.28 km x 1.28 km, and active learning techniques were employed to minimize labeling efforts. We have used Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a Bayesian generative model recently established as explainable model [1]. Being a probabilistic model, LDA is able to output certainty score for its predictions. We use the LDA as an unsupervised explainable model to create interpretable intermediate visual outcomes that support model explainability, while certainty scores of each prediction enhances trust. These interpretable outcomes are used by the domain expert to assess quality of the outcomes. Two kinds of visualizations are produced: 1) visual topic maps -LDA retrieved visual topics depicting latent data patterns, often perceived by humans as visual objects 2) change class maps and change signature maps - maps showing which land cover classes (e.g wave-breaking zones, dry sand, inter-tidal area, vegetation) have gone through most changes ( we produce histograms showing percentage of change per class per year, and also over the whole study period ); change signatures describe the nature of change in every class.  We conclude the research by validating our results by domain experts.

    This work is part of Helmholtz Autocoast project.

    Keywords: Explainable AI, Coastal Change Monitoring, Sentinel-2 time-series, Visualizations



    • Fejjari, G. Valentino, J. A. Briffa and S. D'Amico, "Detection and Monitoring of Maltese Shoreline Changes using Sentinel-2 Imagery," 2023 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea), La Valletta, Malta, 2023, pp. 52-56, doi: 10.1109/MetroSea58055.2023.10317486.
    • Karmakar, C. O. Dumitru, G. Schwarz and M. Datcu, "Feature-Free Explainable Data Mining in SAR Images Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 676-689, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3039012.
    • Karmakar, C.O. Dumitru, N. Hughes and M. Datcu, "A Visualization Framework for Unsupervised Analysis of Latent Structures in SAR Image Time Series", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 5355-5373, 2023.

    How to cite: karmakar, C.: Explainable Unsupervised Model for Coastline Change Monitoring with Sentinel-2 Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16180,, 2025.

    EGU25-17895 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    An automated shoreline detection method using PlanetScope satellite imagery  

    Alfred Hewetson, James Lawrence, and Ioannis Karmpadakis

    Multispectral satellite images can survey the surf zone through discretizing the land-sea interface, at a known water level, to monitor recession and accretion rates along the coastline. This shoreline detection method can be enhanced by utilizing the daily return frequency of PlanetScope data, allowing a higher temporal resolution of the observed shorelines. Similar shoreline detection tools, such as CoastSat(Doherty et al., 2022; Vos et al., 2019), discretize the land-sea interface by thresholding the image using a single index, such as NDWI (normalized difference water index) (McFeeters, 1996) and contouring the image at this threshold. Presented here is an alternative approach. In using several multilayer perceptrons (MLP) acting together, each pixel’s probability of being classed as land or sea is calculated. The final shoreline contour is then probabilistically defined whithout the use of manual threshold. The advantage of this method is that it allows for spatial variability within satellite bands, for regions of shadow and geographical features, to still be correctly discretized. It also allows for further use case beyond just sandy beaches, due to the implementation of multiple indices allowing identification of different classes that could be interfacing with the sea. Characteristically, apart from the usual NDWI and NDVI index, we use the RGB and IR bands as well as 24 further band relationships for a total set of 28 indices to train the MLPs. The root mean squared error (RMSE), the distance between the derived shoreline and a height contour relative to the instantaneous water-level, of this method tested at Seaford UK for cloud cover <90% is ~7m. 





    Doherty, Y., Harley, M. D., Vos, K., & Splinter, K. D. (2022). A Python toolkit to monitor sandy shoreline change using high-resolution PlanetScope cubesats. Environmental Modelling and Software, 157. 

    McFeeters, S. K. (1996). The use of the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(7), 1425–1432. 

    Vos, K., Splinter, K. D., Harley, M. D., Simmons, J. A., & Turner, I. L. (2019). CoastSat: A Google Earth Engine-enabled Python toolkit to extract shorelines from publicly available satellite imagery. Environmental Modelling & Software, 122, 104528. 


    How to cite: Hewetson, A., Lawrence, J., and Karmpadakis, I.: An automated shoreline detection method using PlanetScope satellite imagery , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17895,, 2025.

    EGU25-18173 | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    Coastal benthic habitat monitoring using Copernicus and contributing missions 

    Luca Cicala, Marzia Cianflone, Marco De Mizio, and Simonetta Fraschetti

    Monitoring of seagrasses and macroalgae is important both for surveillance of habitat conservation and for quantifying the effects of anthropogenic pressure on marine ecosystems. Satellite remote sensing, allows for global and local scale environmental monitoring with low cost and high revisit time. The availability of agency satellites, such as Sentinel-2, and commercial satellites, such as the Planetscope constellation, makes continuous and long-term monitoring of the underwater vegetation possible. However, the interposition between the underwater vegetation and the marine surface of the water column significantly limits the possibility of carrying out satellite monitoring, which is therefore suitable for shallow coastal areas but not for the open sea.  Furthermore, in order to properly and detailly interpret the nature of the monitored vegetation, for example in terms of species, it is necessary to compare satellite data with sea truth.

    In this work, some strategies are proposed to delimit areas of marine vegetation and to compare them with the sea truth in order to monitor ecosystems continuously and in the long term, possibly starting from an initial accurate on field assessment. The use of free agency data (with lower spatial resolution) and commercial data (with higher resolution) is combined in such a way as to contain the costs of data acquisition. Furthermore, data obtained from the Copernicus Marine Service are used, together with bathymetry data, to estimate the effects of the water column on the reflectance of underwater vegetation. Multi-temporal analysis approaches are proposed to identify possible changes in vegetation covers that can trigger acquisition campaigns at sea, to directly verify the detected anomalies. The proposed approaches, as mentioned, exploit the availability and large geographical coverage of satellite data, without renouncing the use of (more expensive) resources on field when strictly necessary.

    How to cite: Cicala, L., Cianflone, M., De Mizio, M., and Fraschetti, S.: Coastal benthic habitat monitoring using Copernicus and contributing missions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18173,, 2025.

    EGU25-18784 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.10

    UAV monitoring for assessing beach litter pollution and coastal morphodynamics: case studies from the Molise region (central Adriatic coast, Italy) 

    Grazia Dilauro, Ludovica Di Renzo, Giorgio Anfuso, Gianluigi Di Paola, Angela Rizzo, and Carmen Maria Rosskopf

    Beach litter (BL) poses a significant threat to coastal ecosystems and marine biodiversity. Monitoring its density, composition, and distribution is crucial to develop effective management strategies and support the sustainable use of the beach environments. Traditional in situ visual surveys allow detailed identification and classification of BL items but are often limited in spatial coverage and require significant time investment. Recent advancements, including the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), have enabled more efficient assessments of coastal litter and related geomorphological features.

    This study investigates the characteristics and distribution of BL and its relationship with coastal morphodynamics along two unmanaged beaches located along the Molise coast (southern Italy): Petacciato and Ramitelli beaches. These sites were selected based on their distinct morphodynamic characteristics, and their free beach status.

    The monitoring methodology considered international guidelines [1, 2]. UAV surveys were conducted before and after a significant storm event to assess its impact not only on beach morphology but also on BL distribution. Flights were carried out with a Yuneec Typhoon H520 hexacopter using a flight height of 15 meters [2]. High-resolution orthophotos were analysed to manually identify BL larger than 2.5 cm and classify them according to the Joint List for Marine Macrolitter Monitoring [2]. Items were categorized by material type, size, and weight, and unusual objects were documented in detail. Shoreline and dune foot variations along with morphological changes of the beach were also quantified to evaluate the role of coastal processes in BL dispersion and accumulation patterns.

    First results reveal significant differences in BL density and composition between the two study sites, but with plastic materials dominating both the collected items, consistent with broader Mediterranean trends [3]. The post-storm survey highlighted the role of weather events in redistributing litter, particularly at the southern limit of the Ramitelli beach which is in contact with the jetty of the Saccione River mouth that drives the accumulation of beach litter on the adjacent shoreline. This study underscores the importance of integrating UAV-based monitoring with geomorphological analyses to better understand the interplay between coastal dynamics and BL distribution. The monitoring of these relationships can provide essential data to support and improve coastal management and design targeted beach clean-up strategies.



    Key Words

    Remote Sensing, Coastal monitoring, Coastal geomorphology, UAV images, Visual assessment, Litter beach analysis.


    [1] Vlachogianni T. (2017) - Methodology for Monitoring Marine Litter on Beaches. Macro-Debris (> 2.5 cm). DeFishGear, 1-16.

    [2] Fleet D., Vlachogianni T. & Hanke G. [Eds] (2021) - A joint list of litter categories for marine macrolitter monitoring. JRC Technical Reports, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 30348, 52.

    [3] Rizzo A., Sozio A., Anfuso G., La Salandra M., Sasso C. (2022) – The use of UAV images to assess preliminary relationships between spatial litter distribution and beach morphodynamic trends: the case study of Torre Guaceto beach (Apulia Region, Southern Italy). Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat. 45 (2022). 237-250.

    How to cite: Dilauro, G., Di Renzo, L., Anfuso, G., Di Paola, G., Rizzo, A., and Rosskopf, C. M.: UAV monitoring for assessing beach litter pollution and coastal morphodynamics: case studies from the Molise region (central Adriatic coast, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18784,, 2025.

     Surface reflectance of remote sensing datasets contribute to various fields such as natural resources management (Liang et al., 2024), agricultural practices (Liu et al., 2020; Stratoulias et al., 2017), ecological monitoring (Liang et al., 2024), and climate studies (Liu et al., 2020), providing critical information about Earth's surface conditions and resources. Nonetheless, inaccuracies in the raw remote surface reflectance data, resulting from both internal sensor anomalies (Hu et al., 2012) and external atmospheric effects (Dash et al., 2011; Vermote et al., 2016), reveal that correction of these datasets is essential. Moreover, Surface Reflectance datasets of coastal and inland waters are significantly affected by cloud coverage (Wang & Chen, 2024) introducing noise (Qing et al., 2021) into the imagery and shadows. This study introduces a methodology to correct and fill in missing data from multispectral Level 2 Surface Reflectance daily time-series, by identifying logical errors and implementing Principal Component Analysis. The study successfully results in continuous two-decade surface reflectance dataset to assure its reliability and utility across various applications.

    Dash, P., Walker, N. D., Mishra, D. R., Hu, C., Pinckney, J. L., & D’Sa, E. J. (2011). Estimation of cyanobacterial pigments in a freshwater lake using OCM satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(12), 3409–3423.
    Hu, C., Lee, Z., & Franz, B. (2012). Chlorophyll a algorithms for oligotrophic oceans: A novel approach based on three-band reflectance difference. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117(1), 1–25.
    Liang, S., Li, Y., Wei, H., Dong, L., Zhang, J., & Xiao, C. (2024). Research on Hyperspectral Surface Reflectance Dataset of Typical Ore Concentration Area in Hami Remote Sensing Test Field. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 10(1), 137–144.
    Liu, J. L., Cheng, F. Y., Munger, W., Jiang, P., Whitby, T. G., Chen, S. Y., Ji, W. W., & Man, X. L. (2020). Precipitation extremes influence patterns and partitioning of evapotranspiration and transpiration in a deciduous boreal larch forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287(January), 107936.
    Qing, S., Cui, T., Lai, Q., Bao, Y., Diao, R., Yue, Y., & Hao, Y. (2021). Improving remote sensing retrieval of water clarity in complex coastal and inland waters with modified absorption estimation and optical water classification using Sentinel-2 MSI. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 102, 102377.
    Stratoulias, D., Tolpekin, V., de By, R. A., Zurita-Milla, R., Retsios, V., Bijker, W., Hasan, M. A., & Vermote, E. (2017). A workflow for automated satellite image processing: From raw VHSR data to object-based spectral information for smallholder agriculture. Remote Sensing, 9(10).
    Vermote, E., Justice, C., Claverie, M., & Franch, B. (2016). Preliminary analysis of the performance of the Landsat 8/OLI land surface reflectance product. Remote Sensing of Environment, 185, 46–56.
    Wang, J., & Chen, X. (2024). A new approach to quantify chlorophyll-a over inland water targets based on multi-source remote sensing data. Science of the Total Environment, 906(July 2023), 167631.

    How to cite: biliani, I. and Zacharias, I.: Satellite Surface Reflectance correction and completion methodology by using Principal Component Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20830,, 2025.

    OS3 – Ocean Biogeochemistry and Biology

    EGU25-346 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1

    BASS Mesocosm Study: trace gas processes during a phytoplankton bloom with extreme slick formation 

    Lea Lange, Dennis Booge, Ina Stoltenberg, Hendrik Feil, Hermann W. Bange, and Christa A. Marandino

    Short- and long-lived trace gases impact atmospheric chemistry and climate, via processes like hydroxyl radical chemistry, aerosol formation, cloud condensation nuclei formation, or the greenhouse effect. As the oceans serve as sources and sinks for atmospheric trace gases, understanding the drivers of trace gas cycling in surface waters and their release to the atmosphere is crucial for climate predictions. Furthermore, there is a serious lack of information related to trace gas cycling in the uppermost ocean, the Sea surface microlayer (SML). Production and consumption of trace gases was investigated in a five-week mesocosm study with North Sea water at the SURF facility (Wilhelmshaven, Germany), during which an extreme slick formed under a combined diatom and coccolith bloom. In addition to bulk sampling, the glass plate method was used successfully to sample trace gases in the SML. Findings are supported by an extensive set of parameters from other BASS subprojects.

    How to cite: Lange, L., Booge, D., Stoltenberg, I., Feil, H., Bange, H. W., and Marandino, C. A.: BASS Mesocosm Study: trace gas processes during a phytoplankton bloom with extreme slick formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-346,, 2025.

    EGU25-6365 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    The Effects of Algal Blooms on Oxygen Concentration and Temperature in the Sea Surface Microlayer – a Mesocosm Study 

    Carsten Rauch, Edgar Cortés, Leonie Jaeger, and Oliver Wurl

    The sea surface microlayer (SML) is of global importance as all exchange processes of heat and gases between the ocean and the atmosphere have to pass through it and are regulated by the features of the SML. These exchanges occur not only permanently between the SML and the atmosphere, but also between the SML and the underlying water (ULW). The properties of the SML are strongly influenced by surface-active substances known as surfactants, which are mostly of biological origin. Events such as algal blooms can produce large amounts of surfactants, thus changing the properties of the SML and the ULW. Obtaining in situ data of the SML proved very difficult in the past, due to its small thickness. Using microsensors gives the opportunity to close this gap by obtaining in situ data of the SML and to directly show the influence an algal bloom has on the SML.

    A mesocosm experiment was conducted to obtain a more mechanistic understanding of the effect of an algal bloom on the physicochemical properties of the SML. An algal bloom was artificially induced in a seawater basin and physiochemical changes in the SML and ULW were investigated over time by applying multiple techniques. To directly study changes in temperature and oxygen, very precise microsensors (UNISENSE) were used for continuous in situ profiling, measuring from the air, through the SML, and into the ULW on a scale of tens of micrometers. We conducted the experiment over a continuous 30-day period during the algal bloom, allowing us to gain insights into the boundary layer, including the formation of oxygen and temperature gradients and the thickness of the SML.

    The microsensor data showed, that the oxygen gradient in the SML is strongly correlated to the chlorophyll a concentration (r = 0.76, p < 0.01) and thus the algal bloom, while the thickness of the oxygen diffusion boundary layer, however, only shows a weak correlation to the surfactant concentration (r = 0.47, p = 0.01). The oxygen measurements deliver the in situ data to verify previous assumptions on oxygen gradients (-10 – 50 µmol L-1) and the thickness of the oxygen diffusion boundary layer (500 – 1500 µm) at the sea surface. The temperature gradient in the SML and the thickness of the thermal boundary layer were not influenced by the algal bloom, but the in situ measurements also confirm previous assumptions on temperature gradients (0.05 – 0.2 °C) and the thermal boundary layer thickness (750 – 2000 µm).

    Obtaining gradients of gases or temperature in the SML and calculating the SML thickness was in the past only possible via indirect methods like measuring gas concentration differences between air and ULW or with computing surface temperatures from the emitted longwave irradiance. The in situ microsensor measurements now enable us to directly investigate processes inside the SML without relying on indirect measurements. Overall, we investigated the effect of an algal bloom on the SML and demonstrated a new in situ approach using microsensors to investigate physicochemical changes in and across the SML.

    How to cite: Rauch, C., Cortés, E., Jaeger, L., and Wurl, O.: The Effects of Algal Blooms on Oxygen Concentration and Temperature in the Sea Surface Microlayer – a Mesocosm Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6365,, 2025.

    The sea surface microlayer (SML) refers to the uppermost millimeter of the ocean surface that is in direct contact with the atmosphere. It has physicochemical and biological properties that are distinct from the underlying water and its properties determine air-sea exchange of momentum, mass and energy. Gas transfer velocity is mostly determined by wind forcing, where gas transfer is enhanced at low to moderate wind speeds. However, biological and pollutant enrichment of the SML with surfactants reduces gas transfer by suppressing turbulence and damping waves. Local impacts from surfactants can be significant, reducing air-sea gas transfer by single to double-digit percentages at moderate wind speeds.

    I calculate a timeseries of contemporary global air-sea CO2 fluxes using FluxEngine, adjusting the calculation for the presence of biological surfactants. Surfactant suppression of air-sea gas transfer is estimated as a function of total organic carbon concentration, which is in turn estimated using global satellite products of particulate and dissolved organic carbon. Results will be compared to previous regional estimates of surfactant regulation of CO2 fluxes. This approach will produce a novel global estimate of biological surfactants’ regulation of CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interface, supporting further work isolating pollutants’ role in regulation of gas transfer.

    How to cite: Kvale, K.: Surfactants’ global regulation of CO2 fluxes across the air-sea interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7269,, 2025.

    EGU25-8521 | Posters on site | OS3.1

    Surfactant distribution can impact air-sea exchange in a Tropical Estuarine System in the Caribbean. 

    Mariana Ribas-Ribas, Karen Moreno-Polo, Diomer Tobón-Monsalve, Carola Lehners, Oliver Wurl, Wilberto Pacheco, and Lennin Florez-Leiva

    The sea surface microlayer (SML), the critical interface between the ocean and atmosphere (≤ 1000 μm thick), plays a vital role in regulating the exchange of climate-relevant gases, such as CO2. This study provides the first evaluation of the SML in a tropical estuarine system, covering over 80 km of the Gulf of Urabá in Caribbean Colombia. It investigates the distribution and influence of surfactants, focusing on the effect of fluvial inputs during the rainy and dry seasons. Samples were collected from fluvial and marine zones, revealing no significant differences in surfactant concentrations or enrichment factors. However, surfactant concentrations were significantly higher during the rainy season (1011.63 ± 745.21 μg Teq L⁻¹, August 2021) than the dry season (428.34 ± 189.44 μg Teq L⁻¹, April 2022). Notably, all sampling stations exhibited surfactant concentrations exceeding 200 μg Teq L⁻¹, a threshold associated with reductions of up to 23% in the rate of ocean-atmosphere CO2 transfer. Approximately 55% of the recorded concentrations represented a high surfactant regime, while 28% corresponded to slick zones. These values and enrichment factors were higher than those reported in other coastal and oceanic studies. Our findings underscore the significant role of surfactants in tropical biogeochemical cycles and provide valuable new insights into the SML in tropical regions where data is scarce. This research highlights the potential impact of surfactants on CO2 exchange in coastal tropical environments, enhancing our understanding of the ocean-atmosphere interface in such regions.

    How to cite: Ribas-Ribas, M., Moreno-Polo, K., Tobón-Monsalve, D., Lehners, C., Wurl, O., Pacheco, W., and Florez-Leiva, L.: Surfactant distribution can impact air-sea exchange in a Tropical Estuarine System in the Caribbean., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8521,, 2025.

    EGU25-8823 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Biogeochemical Links in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: A Multidisciplinary Mesocosm Study 

    Riaz Bibi, Mariana Ribas-Ribas, Carola Lehners, Leonie Jaeger, Lisa Gassen, Samuel Mintah Ayim, Thomas H. Badewien, Jochen Wollschläger, Claudia Thölen, Thorsten H. Brinkhoff, Isha Athale, Hannelore Waska, Jasper Zöbelein, Rüdiger Röttgers, Michael Novak, Anja Engel, Josefine Karnatz, and Oliver Wurl

    The sea-surface microlayer (SML) represents the thin (< 1000 µm) uppermost layer of the ocean. Due to its unique position between ocean and atmosphere, the SML plays a central role in marine biogeochemical cycles. Changes in the phytoplankton biomass and community composition are linked to profound changes in the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the SML. And this influences air-sea interaction such as heat and gas exchange, organic matter composition, and surface-active substances in the SML and underlying water (ULW). Dynamic interactions between the SML and the ULW and the connectivity of the biogeochemical processes in the SML remain unclear. To fill this knowledge gap, we conducted a multidisciplinary mesocosm study. Here we report the general setup in a 17 m3 mesocosm facility, the progression of an induced phytoplankton bloom, and the general description and coupling of the changes in biogeochemical properties of the SML and the ULW.

    SML and ULW samples were collected daily to analyze inorganic nutrients (NO3-, NO2-, PO43-, SiO32-), turbidity, solar radiation, phytopigments, surfactants, dissolved and particulate organic carbon (DOC, POC), total dissolved and particulate nitrogen (TDN, PN), phytoplankton and bacterial abundance, and their utilized substrates.

    A self-organizing map (SOM) configuration revealed a clear temporal segregation of nutrient samples in SML and ULW. Based on nutrient levels, phytoplankton bloom progression over the time of the mesocosm experiment could be clearly classified into pre-bloom, bloom, and post-bloom phases. During this time, Chla concentrations varied from 1.0 to 11.4 μg L-1 with an average of 7.3 µg L-1. POC and PN exhibited a strongly positive relationship (r = 0.95) and followed the trend of Chla. Turbidity demonstrated a peak during bloom phase, which was associated with a high biological activity. Phytopigment composition data showed that haptophytes were the dominant phytoplankton group, followed by diatoms which could be confirmed by optical methods.

    The daily average solar irradiance aligned with the local weather variability. Surfactants were enriched in the SML compared to the ULW. A discrepancy between the onset of increases in phytoplankton biomass and surfactant concentrations was observed with a lag of five days. This mismatch suggests a physiological acclimation of phytoplankton towards less favorable growth conditions, for example, nutrient limitations after the bloom phase. The high surfactant concentrations were also mirrored as DOC and TDN enrichment in the SML compared to ULW. A distinct slick formation with high turbidity was observed, indicating a biofilm-like SML habitat during the bloom and post-bloom phases. This biofilm was characterized by higher bacterial cell counts in SML. Bacterial metabolic profiles assessed by Biolog EcoPlates showed that the bacterial community utilized amino acids as key substrates in both water layers.

    The main findings of our study emphasize that changes in biological parameters were linked to changes in chemical and physical parameters in SML. Our study provides deeper insights into the biogeochemical controls of the SML at a mechanistic level. Further spatio-temporal studies are needed to investigate the coupling of biogeochemical processes between the SML and ULW at both regional and global scales.

    How to cite: Bibi, R., Ribas-Ribas, M., Lehners, C., Jaeger, L., Gassen, L., Mintah Ayim, S., H. Badewien, T., Wollschläger, J., Thölen, C., H. Brinkhoff, T., Athale, I., Waska, H., Zöbelein, J., Röttgers, R., Novak, M., Engel, A., Karnatz, J., and Wurl, O.: Biogeochemical Links in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: A Multidisciplinary Mesocosm Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8823,, 2025.

    EGU25-8931 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Photochemical dynamics of carbonyl compounds in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) based on a mesocosm study 

    Olenka Jibaja Valderrama, Thomas Schaefer, Manuela van Pinxteren, and Hartmut Herrmann

    The sea-surface microlayer (SML), the thin boundary interface between the ocean and the atmosphere, is of global relevance as oceans are largely assumed to carry an SML. Characterized by its enrichment in organic material and exposure to strong solar radiation, the SML is expected to be a photochemically active zone that plays a critical role in the cycling of organic compounds and that influences air-sea exchange processes. Carbonyl compounds are particularly important as known products of photochemical reactions at the ocean's surface, making their behavior potentially relevant for understanding abiotic reactions and exchanges with the atmosphere. This study investigates the photochemical production and degradation of aldehydes and ketones in both ambient SML and bulk seawater samples. Samples were collected during a mesocosm field campaign at the Sea-surface Facility (SURF), located at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) in Wilhelmshaven. To simulate natural conditions, the samples were irradiated for 5 hours using a temperature-controlled aqueous-phase photoreactor equipped with a light source that mimics actinic radiation. The formation and degradation of target carbonyl compounds were analyzed using a derivatization technique with o-(2,3,4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzyl)hydroxylamine (PFBHA), followed by solvent extraction and GC-MS analysis. The findings provide a quantitative evaluation of the formation and degradation dynamics of carbonyl compounds to understand differences between the SML and the underlying bulk seawater. First results suggest the photochemical formation of acetaldehyde and methyl vinyl ketone, and the photochemical degradation of trans-2-hexenal. For other target compounds, including acetophenone, acrolein, butyraldehyde, crotonaldehyde, glyoxal, hexanal, heptanal, hydroxyacetone, methacrolein and propionaldehyde, no consistent trend of formation or degradation was observed. The concentrations of these carbonyl compounds varied significantly depending on the sample, ranging from a few ng L-1 to a few mg L-1. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the role of the SML as a reactive environment and its implications for biogeochemical cycles and air-sea interactions.

    How to cite: Jibaja Valderrama, O., Schaefer, T., van Pinxteren, M., and Herrmann, H.: Photochemical dynamics of carbonyl compounds in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) based on a mesocosm study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8931,, 2025.

    EGU25-11560 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1

    Organic Alkalinity in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: Implications for Ocean Acid-Base Chemistry 

    Edgar Cortés, Alisa Rosemarie Ingrid Wüst, Ander Lopez Puertas, Oliver Wurl, José Martín Hernández Ayón, Hannelore Waska, and Mariana Ribas Ribas

    The air-sea CO₂ exchange is a critical process in regulating Earth's carbon cycle. At the ocean's surface, the sea-surface microlayer (SML) - a thin, organic-rich layer - serves as the critical interface between the air and sea and acts as a microreactor where unique chemical transformations occur, driven by sunlight, biological activity and surface-active materials. However, its role in air-sea CO₂ exchange is not well explored. In this study, we present the first direct measurements of organic alkalinity (OA) in the SML during a mesocosm experiment simulating a coccolithophore bloom of Emiliania huxleyi, aiming to better understand the contribution of organic matter to the air-sea CO₂ exchange.

    Our every third day-resolution data on dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), pH, and OA, quantified using back-titration, reveal significant differences between the SML and the underlying water (ULW). OA concentrations in the SML were consistently higher, contributing 8.07% ± 2.60 of TA, 2.58 times higher than the 3.12% ± 1.24 contribution observed in the ULW. This enrichment suggests that the SML serve as a significant reservoir for OA, influencing the overall acid-base balance.

    During the coccolithophore bloom phase, we observed that photosynthesis and calcification—the dominant biogeochemical processes—resulted in decreases in both TA and DIC in the SML. Normally, changes in DIC would lead to a decrease in pH (increased acidity), while changes in TA might buffer this effect. However, the observed pH variability could not be explained by DIC and TA alone. Only by considering OA concentrations we can explain the observed pH variability. A strong negative correlation between the OA contribution to TA and pH (r = -0.82, p < 0.05) highlighted OA's role in modulating pH only in the SML. While calcification produces CO₂ and lowers pH through the dissociation of carbonic acid, coccolithophores also release organic acids, including humic-like fluorescent dissolved organic matter (fDOM). These acids may contribute to TA, but their primary effect is to release H⁺ ions, further acidifying the surface layer.

    The increased OA in the SML contributes to its buffering capacity, but it does not fully counteract the acidification induced by calcification. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating OA dynamics in studies of the SML, particularly in the context of intense biological activity, such as coccolithophore blooms. Our results suggest that pH changes in the SML cannot be fully explained by TA alone, highlighting the need to consider OA in the analysis of the marine carbon system and the air-sea CO₂ exchange. While the specific organic acids contributing to OA remain unidentified for this work, future research into these compounds will be essential for improving our understanding of OA’s role in modulating the Earth's carbon cycle.

    How to cite: Cortés, E., Wüst, A. R. I., Lopez Puertas, A., Wurl, O., Hernández Ayón, J. M., Waska, H., and Ribas Ribas, M.: Organic Alkalinity in the Sea-Surface Microlayer: Implications for Ocean Acid-Base Chemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11560,, 2025.

    EGU25-11844 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.1

    Effects of a Phytoplankton Bloom and Photobleaching on Colored and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea-Surface Microlayer 

    Claudia Thölen, Jochen Wollschläger, Michael Novak, Rüdiger Röttgers, and Oliver Zielinski

    The effects of a phytoplankton bloom and photobleaching on the colored and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (CDOM and FDOM, respectively) in the sea-surface microlayer (SML) and the underlying water (ULW) were studied in a 33-day mesocosm experiment at the Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment in Wilhelmshaven, Germany. The SML is the thin (< 100 µm) boundary layer between the ocean and the atmosphere and highly relevant to ocean biogeochemistry and climate-related exchange processes. Previous work has shown that when the SML is enriched in organic matter it can hinder gas, light, momentum, and heat exchanges between ocean and atmosphere. However, the underlying processes of organic matter enrichment in the SML are insufficiently understood. Heterogeneity and dynamics in the open sea make it difficult to differentiate between transport processes, environmental drivers, and biogeochemical processes. Hence, the mesocosm study was conducted to gain a deeper understanding of organic matter formation and degradation processes in the SML and ULW. To gain an understanding of different sources and sinks, the hypotheses tested were (1.) phytoplankton blooms result in different FDOM component compositions in the SML and ULW and (2.) photodegradation affects the component composition of the SML and the ULW differently.
    Daily SML and ULW samples were collected for spectral fluorometric and photometric analysis, alternately in the morning and afternoon. Supplementary parameters like irradiance, temperature, and chlorophyll-a were also recorded within the mesocosm basin with high temporal resolution (approx. 1 min). Spectral photometric and fluorometric methods, which exhibit high sensitivity and structural specificity with respect to organic matter are used for CDOM and FDOM analysis.
    The mesocosm experiment was divided into three phases (bloom onset, peak, and decay). Degradation of larger, complex molecules or production of new organic matter was assessed via the “humification index” and is dependent on the water layer (SML or ULW), the phase of the bloom, and the sampling time. As samples were taken alternatively in the morning and in the afternoon, the exposure time to UV-light and therefore photodegradation as a sink varies differently for SML and ULW. CDOM slope results showed a high variability and generally higher molecular weights and higher molecule aromaticity in the SML compared to the ULW. Protein-like component concentrations increased in both SML and ULW which indicates higher microbial activity towards the peak and decay phase of the experiment. These results suggest that photodegradation and possibly microbial activity have different effects on SML and ULW, verifying hypothesis 2. The affect of higher biological activity during the phytoplankton bloom led to the most pronounced differences between the concentration and composition of organic matter in the SML and ULW, especially in the protein-like components. This finding supports the premises of hypothesis 1.

    How to cite: Thölen, C., Wollschläger, J., Novak, M., Röttgers, R., and Zielinski, O.: Effects of a Phytoplankton Bloom and Photobleaching on Colored and Fluorescent Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea-Surface Microlayer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11844,, 2025.

    EGU25-13644 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Influence of a Surfactant on Physical Processes Above and Below Wind-Generated Waves in a Wind-Wave Tank  

    Camille Tondu, Marc Buckley, and Martin Gade

    The air and water flow boundary layers are strongly coupled with the wave field and the physical phenomena involved are essentially based on small submillimeter/millimeter scale features and dynamic processes within the first millimeters above and below the SML (Sea surface Micro Layer). The scale at which these complex feed-back mechanisms operate make their study particularly challenging.

    Surfactants at the air-sea interface strongly dampen both the dominant gravity-capillary waves and micro-breaking waves and hence dramatically influence the dynamics and associated air-sea fluxes. Even though the general effect of these monolayers on the waves is well known by the scientific community, their influence on the surface dynamics and air-sea fluxes associated still need to be carefully studied.

    A series of experiments were conducted at the 26-m long, 1.5-m high, 1-m wide wind-wave tank of the University of Hamburg (Germany), where a measurement system was developed and installed at a fetch of 15.5m. The system offers the possibility to perform high resolution (33 µm/pixel) PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) to capture the motion in the air-water flows in the SML’s vicinity, and LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) to accurately detect the wavy interface, with a resolution of 55 µm/pixel. Experiments were carried out at a reference wind speed of 4.5 m/s, without and with an insoluble surfactant (oleyl alcohol).

    In slick free conditions, high vorticity regions are observed under the wave crests. On the air-side, the viscous sublayer detaches from the crest of most of the observed waves, and is being regenerated on the windward side of the directly following wave. However, thanks to the wide 50-cm field of view, some evidence was found that, under specific conditions, the sheltered region past the airflow separation can overcome a wave, hence strongly affecting its growth. After deployment of oleyl alcohol at the water surface, the dominant gravity-capillary waves are strongly dampened, and the capillaries mostly disappeared. Waves are still sheltering the airflow on their leeward side, but no clear airflow separation is being seen, and the enhanced turbulent regions, which were observed below the crest in slick-free conditions, are thinner, more elongated, and less intense. In the waterside, it has also been noticed that with surfactants, some streaks are being ejected away from the wavy interface.

    How to cite: Tondu, C., Buckley, M., and Gade, M.: Influence of a Surfactant on Physical Processes Above and Below Wind-Generated Waves in a Wind-Wave Tank , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13644,, 2025.

    EGU25-15118 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Hydrodynamic Processes and Temperature-Salinity Gradients in Slicks: Insights from Lagrangian Observations in the Near-Surface Layer 

    Lisa Deyle, Michelle Albinus, Jens Meyerjürgens, and Thomas H. Badewien

    The near-surface ocean is central to exchanging energy, gases, and particles between the atmosphere and the upper ocean. In particular, the interaction processes between the sea surface microlayer and the underlying water are crucial for biogeochemical processes and climate science. An innovative approach using free-floating, minimal-invasive Lagrangian sensor drifters is employed to investigate hydrographic and dynamical processes in the near-surface layer. Each drifter is equipped with a sensor chain containing temperature and salinity sensors, enabling high-resolution vertical measurements down to a depth of 1.8 m.

    The Lagrangian measurement method enables the dynamics of a water mass to be recorded in its natural inertial system without external influences such as ship-induced disturbances. During a field campaign in the North Sea near Helgoland in July 2024, temperature and salinity data were collected during slick events associated with algal blooms. Processes inside and outside the slicks, as well as their formation, dispersion and decay processes, were studied to understand the underlying mechanisms. This allows the analysis of horizontal and vertical gradients, as well as the investigation of the spatial and temporal dynamics of slicks, understanding their impact on the exchange processes and quantifying the importance of the sea surface microlayer and the underlying water.

    Initial results reveal significant differences in temperature and salinity gradients between slick and non-slick areas. Slicks act as hydrodynamic microhabitats and critical boundaries, influencing vertical convection patterns and current shear in the near-surface layer. These results are confirmed by ADCP backscatter data collected from an autonomous catamaran, providing additional insights into current structures and particle distributions. Horizontal comparisons between multiple sensor-equipped drifters illustrate the variability of processes at small spatial scales.

    The presented results demonstrate the potential of Lagrangian drifters as a minimally invasive, innovative and highly accurate method for studying slicks and climate-relevant processes in the near-surface layer. These approaches can significantly improve our understanding of air-sea interaction mechanisms and their role in global biogeochemical cycles.

    How to cite: Deyle, L., Albinus, M., Meyerjürgens, J., and Badewien, T. H.: Hydrodynamic Processes and Temperature-Salinity Gradients in Slicks: Insights from Lagrangian Observations in the Near-Surface Layer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15118,, 2025.

    EGU25-16057 | Posters on site | OS3.1

    Detection and Characterization of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in the Sea Surface Microlayer of the Baltic Sea during Summer 

    Michael Novak, Ruediger Roettgers, Claudia Thoelen, and Jochen Wollschlaeger

    The Sea Surface Microlayer (SML) in aquatic environments is a thin layer (1–100 μm) at the air-water boundary, characterized by unique biogeochemical properties distinct from the underlying water. The production of organic biofilms and surfactants within the SML stabilizes the layer, often leading to a "slick-like" environment. The organic matrix within the SML can trap phytoplankton, subjecting them to intense light and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) are pigments produced by certain types of phytoplankton, exhibiting photoprotective absorption bands in UV and visible wavelengths. While numerous studies have documented MAAs in surface waters, particularly in equatorial regions, there is limited documentation of MAAs produced specifically within the SML. Here, we present data collected from the Baltic Sea near the summer solstice under both slick and non-slick conditions. Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), we detected MAAs in SML samples. Absorption spectra measured from these samples revealed distinct UV absorption peaks characteristic of MAAs. Interestingly, many corresponding subsurface water samples contained either no detectable MAAs or only trace amounts. These findings highlight the unique environment of the SML and the biological acclimations that the neuston undergo to survive under these conditions.

    How to cite: Novak, M., Roettgers, R., Thoelen, C., and Wollschlaeger, J.: Detection and Characterization of Mycosporine-like Amino Acids in the Sea Surface Microlayer of the Baltic Sea during Summer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16057,, 2025.

    EGU25-18260 | Orals | OS3.1

    Effect of Solar Radiation on Presence and Abundance of Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer  

    Alexander Soloviev, Georgia Parks, and Aurelien Tartar

    The sea surface microlayer (SML) is the boundary layer at the surface of the ocean, distinct from the water below and highly variable in space and time. SML is influenced by organisms that aslicks. Slicks are the result of surfactants dampening capillary waves, which can be seen in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery because the smooth surface reflecting backscatter away from the receiver. This experiment investigated the presence and abundance of surfactant-associated bacteria in the SML above a coral reef and in slicks in a coastal seagrass ecosystem. During the experiment in the Florida Keys, 220 SML and subsurface water (SSW) samples were collected above a coral reef area and in slicks above a coastal seagrass ecosystem. During our previous experiments in the Gulf of Mexico samples were collected in the daylight only; while, in the Straits of Florida, in both daylight and nighttime (due to the study of the coral sponging, which however did not happen at the time of the experiment). All SML and SSW samples were sequenced on the Illumina MiSeq, 12 surfactant associated bacteria genera were found. Increasing wind speed had a negative effect on the abundance of these genera, with lower wind speeds showing a more habitable environment. The ratio of abundance of surfactant-associated bacteria between the SML and SSW was found different and affected by the ultraviolet component of solar radiation. Thus, the concentration of bio-surfactants in the SML may be different during the daylight and nighttime with corresponding consequences for the SAR imagery and air-sea interactions.

    How to cite: Soloviev, A., Parks, G., and Tartar, A.: Effect of Solar Radiation on Presence and Abundance of Surfactant Associated Bacteria in the Sea Surface Microlayer , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18260,, 2025.

    EGU25-19728 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the sea surface microlayer during a bloom of coccolithophores 

    Jasper Zöbelein, Thorsten Dittmar, and Hannelore Waska

    The sea surface microlayer (SML) is a microscopic boundary that covers the ocean’s surface, influences CO2 exchange with the atmosphere, and is often exposed to high levels of UV irradiation. The SML is a unique biome and shelters diverse microbial communities. Bioaggregates, containing carbohydrates, lipids and proteinaceous material accumulate in the SML, affecting gas exchange. Despite its role in the global carbon cycle, the biogeochemical processes controlling the production and turnover of organic matter in the SML are poorly understood. This study is part of the collaborative research unit ’Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer’ (BASS). Our goal is to decipher the underlaying forces behind the accumulation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the SML and its spatial and temporal dynamics. Furthermore, we aim to link the molecular properties of DOM in the SML to the microbial communities living in the SML, to air-sea gas exchange, and to carbonate chemistry. To address these objectives, we conducted a large-scale mesocosm study with coastal seawater from Jade Bay (North Sea, Germany). Following nutrient addition, a bloom of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi occurred. The SML was sampled with a glass plate, and the underlying water (ULW) was sampled with a tube at a depth of 60 cm. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was quantified in filtered samples, which were then desalinated and concentrated for molecular analysis of DOM with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry. In both the SML and ULW, DOC concentrations almost doubled from pre-bloom to post-bloom conditions. Overall, DOC was higher in the SML than in the ULW, and this discrepancy increased after the algal bloom. Furthermore, the ratio of DOC to DON was significantly higher in the SML than in the ULW after the bloom. Molecular indicators of DOM lability increased concurrently with DOC concentrations, reflecting freshly produced DOM in both SML and ULW during the late algal bloom stages. At the same time, the contributions of aromatic fractions in DOM and a photodegradation index decreased, possibly related to UV exposure of the mesocosm. Overall, our results suggest that primary production is likely to drive organic matter accumulation in the SML.

    How to cite: Zöbelein, J., Dittmar, T., and Waska, H.: Spatial and temporal dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the sea surface microlayer during a bloom of coccolithophores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19728,, 2025.

    EGU25-20162 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    Enrichment of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea Surface Microlayer During a Phytoplankton Bloom – Preliminary Results from a Mesocosm Study 

    Josefine Karnatz, Theresa Barthelmess, Mariana Ribas-Ribas, Carola Lehners, Oliver Wurl, and Anja Engel

    The ocean's uppermost layer, the sea surface microlayer (SML), significantly influences physical and chemical properties due to the enrichment with dissolved organic matter (DOM). Biomolecules exhibiting amphiphilic properties are referred to as surfactants and preferentially accumulate in the SML. Surfactants were previously shown to significantly damp capillary waves and reduce air-sea gas fluxes. However, their source dynamics and chemical identity remain unknown. Phytoplankton communities are the primary producers of major biomolecule classes such as carbohydrates and amino acids. We explored how phytoplankton bloom development shapes enrichment and composition processes in SML and in relation to surface activity. As part of the “BASS” (Biogeochemical processes and air-sea exchange in the sea surface microlayer) project, an experiment was conducted in the mesocosm facility “SURF” in 2023 to study changes in the SML over the course of a phytoplankton bloom for one month. During the experiment, we collected samples for dissolved amino acids (DAA) and dissolved combined carbohydrates (DCCHO) from the SML and the underlying water (ULW). Overall, concentrations of DAA and DCCHO were enriched in the SML compared to the ULW by a factor of 2.88 ± 1.16 and 2.68 ± 1.47, respectively. The highest enrichment factors for DCCHO and DAA occurred a few days after the peak of the phytoplankton bloom. Particularly high enrichment factors were calculated for the polar amino acids arginine (4.67 ± 2.64), glutamic acid (4.31 ± 2.24), and tyrosine (4.46 ± 2.92). However, nonpolar amino acids leucine and phenylalanine showed enhanced enrichment factors as well. Extremely high enrichment with factors were observed for glucose (8.79 ± 8.30), while other DCCHO only showed slight enrichment. Our results point towards a strong effect on the surface activity of polar and freshly produced, very labile DOM. Investigating variations in the biomolecular composition of the SML in relation to potential source dynamics further enhances our understanding of biogeochemical and climate-relevant processes in the SML, such as air-sea gas exchange.

    How to cite: Karnatz, J., Barthelmess, T., Ribas-Ribas, M., Lehners, C., Wurl, O., and Engel, A.: Enrichment of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Sea Surface Microlayer During a Phytoplankton Bloom – Preliminary Results from a Mesocosm Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20162,, 2025.

    EGU25-20597 | ECS | Orals | OS3.1

    VSFG Based Surfactant Coverage Index - A Feasible Approach to Assess the Effect of the SML on Air-Sea Gas Exchange? 

    Falko Schäfer, Florian-David Lange, Kristian Laß, and Gernot Friedrichs

    The sea surface microlayer (SML) acts as a biogeochemical and (photo)chemical reactor. It is enriched with surfactants that modulate the physico-chemical properties of the interface. As such, the SML reduces the formation of capillary waves and thus turbulent air-sea gas exchange.

    In recent years, the surface sensitive methods of Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation (VSFG) and Langmuir through compression isotherms (LT) have been used to characterize the state of the SML on the nanoscale. Here, we give a brief overview of the results obtained during the last decade, reporting on a variety of experiments ranging from (i) artificial laboratory experiments with model wet and dry surfactants (Triton X-100 and DPPC), (ii) semi-natural large-scale mesocosm experiments (SURF facility in Wilhelmshaven, Germany, 2023), and (iii) the analysis of natural samples. These include samples from a study targeting slick versus non-slick conditions (near Helgoland island, Germany, 2024), year-long time-series measurements at Boknis Eck Time series Station as well as during the Baltic GasEX campaign (Eckernförde Bay, Germany, 2009-2019). In this context, we have derived a surface coverage index as a proxy parameter to reduce the spectral VSFG information to a single parameter in order to enable correlation with other biogeochemical and physical variables, including surfactant activity based on AC voltammetry and wave damping data from previous studies.

    We hypothesize that gas exchange reduction can be constrained by a surfactant coverage threshold. Working out solid correlation of biogeochemical parameters with surfactant coverage would help to better model the influence of the SML on large-scale air-sea gas exchange based on their climatologies.

    How to cite: Schäfer, F., Lange, F.-D., Laß, K., and Friedrichs, G.: VSFG Based Surfactant Coverage Index - A Feasible Approach to Assess the Effect of the SML on Air-Sea Gas Exchange?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20597,, 2025.

    EGU25-1520 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Modeling of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon export into the deep ocean  

    Crtomir Perharic Bailey, Martin Vodopivec, Gerhard J Herndl, Tinkara Tinta, and Matjaz Licer

    Gelatinous zooplankton (GZ) has recently been proposed as one of the potential key contributors to the global biological carbon pump, a process that sequesters substantial amounts of CO2 in the deep ocean through sinking organic matter. However, estimates of GZ contributions to global vertical carbon export vary significantly, due to underestimation of GZ abundance and a limited understanding of GZ-derived organic matter release rates, as well as processes affecting vertical GZ export and degradation rates. Here we derive a first dynamically consistent physical model coupling GZ sinking speed to its mass, to provide high-resolution visualization of global vertical transport of GZ-derived carbon. This contrasts with other works, which have used constant sinking speed dynamics. Furthermore, we propose an improvement to microbial decay modeling, where the GZ biomass degradation rate is a function of its area rather than mass. We solved both models, using constant and variable sinking speeds, inside our newly developed Lagrangian particle tracking OpenDrift python environment, which enables numerically fast vertical and horizontal advection of GZ. We use previously published initial GZ-carbon content data and average GZ carcasses sinking speed measurements as our initial speed values. To model the GZ biomass decay, we use published decay rate dependencies and make use of annual climatological temperature fields. We find that, depending on the model, the carbon exports are between (3.83−4.50) Pg C Y-1, (1.53 −2.20) Pg C Y−1 and (0.77 − 1.53) Pg C Y−1 at depths of 100 m, 1000 m and at the seafloor, respectively.  In comparison to previous estimates these values are from 8-27 % larger at depths of 100 m, from 16 % lower and up to 20 % larger at depths of 1000 m and from 32 % lower and up to 35 % larger at the seafloor. Finally, we estimate that the inclusion of horizontal advection does not play any major role in the model outcome. This study represents a step towards our understanding of GZ-derived carbon fluxes across ocean depths, the global biological carbon pump and carbon budgets in the ocean. 


    How to cite: Perharic Bailey, C., Vodopivec, M., Herndl, G. J., Tinta, T., and Licer, M.: Modeling of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon export into the deep ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1520,, 2025.

    EGU25-1522 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Microbial degradation of jellyfish detritus promotes phytoplankton growth in coastal marine ecosystem 

    Tinkara Tinta, Eduard Fadeev, Mauro Celussi, Katja Klun, Vesna Flander-Putrle, Patricija Mozetič, and Gerhard J Herndl

    Gelatinous zooplankton or 'jellyfish' are present in large numbers in diverse marine ecosystems and, due to their metabolic features and life history traits, some species are capable of generating massive blooms. These blooms often collapse en masse, releasing large quantities of labile proteinaceous organic matter (jelly-OM) that is potentially readily available for microbial degradation in the water column. To test the microbial response to jelly-OM, we simulated, in a two-stage microcosm experiment, the scenario experienced by the coastal pelagic microbiome during a bloom of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leiydi. In the first stage of our experiment, jelly-OM supported rapid growth of opportunistic bacteria. The jelly-OM degradation was mostly associated with enhanced leucine aminopeptidase, several glycosyl hydrolases and alkaline phosphatase activity and resulted in the accumulation of inorganic nutrients (particularly ammonium). Accordingly, functional annotations of metagenomes recruited from the first stage of our experiment revealed enhanced microbial metabolism of amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates in jelly-OM treatments. In stage two of the experiment, we incubated the processed jelly-OM (i.e., 0.2 µm filtered end-product of microbial processing in stage one) with a fresh microbial plankton assemblage. After 3 days, we observed a significant increase in primary production and phytoplankton biomass, reaching values similar to those observed in situ during seasonal phytoplankton peaks in the region. Observed growth of the phytoplankton community, dominated by diatoms, was likely supported by accumulated ammonia. At the same time, shift in bacterial community composition towards bacterial taxa regularly associated with phytoplankton blooms was observed. Changes in organic matter pool quality and quantity also triggered different metabolic pathways in bacterial communities, in particular those associated with metabolizing carbohydrates. In situ measurements revealed that jellyfish and phytoplankton may be coupled through rapid degradation of jelly-OM by pelagic heterotrophic bacteria. Thus, jellyfish blooms seem to represent a significant source of not only OM but also inorganic nutrients, and may induce major perturbations to ecosystems (e.g., by boosting phytoplankton growth). Considering that gelatinous zooplankton are expected to thrive under projected future changes and increased exploitation of the ocean, our results highlight the necessity to include jellyfish carbon budgets in biogeochemical models of the ocean.

    How to cite: Tinta, T., Fadeev, E., Celussi, M., Klun, K., Flander-Putrle, V., Mozetič, P., and Herndl, G. J.: Microbial degradation of jellyfish detritus promotes phytoplankton growth in coastal marine ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1522,, 2025.

    EGU25-3032 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Searching for jellyfish from space 

    Martin Vodopivec, Niko Šneberger, Jana Faganeli-Pucer, and Tinkara Tinta

    Jellyfish (gelatinous zooplankton, including Scyphozoa, Cnidaria, and Tunicata) play important roles in marine ecosystems as predators, prey, and contributors to carbon cycling. Their blooms can reshape ecosystem dynamics, alter microbial communities, and, due to rapid sinking detritus, probably present an important component of the biological carbon pump. Despite their ecological significance, observational data on jellyfish abundance and distribution remain scarce, particularly in open waters, as large majority of in situ data are coastal.

    Remote sensing offers a promising avenue, but its application is limited. Airplane and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) observations provide valuable insights but cover small spatial areas. Current satellite-borne instruments lack the spatial and spectral resolution to directly detect jellyfish. To address this, we utilized laboratory data on jellyfish decay and nutrient release to inform a recently coupled physical-biogeochemical model (CROCO-BFM). The model simulates spatiotemporal phytoplankton response to jellyfish bloom decay, producing sea surface Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) patterns indicative of mass mortality events.

    We then analyzed CMEMS (Copernicus Marine Service) multi-satellite daily L3 Chl-a maps (1 km horizontal resolution) using principal component analysis to detect localized Chl-a anomalies. Comparing these anomalies with model predictions and in situ observations allowed us to identify potential matches with jellyfish blooms in the northern Adriatic Sea. This approach highlights the potential of indirect satellite-based methods to track jellyfish bloom dynamics and their ecological impacts on marine ecosystems.

    How to cite: Vodopivec, M., Šneberger, N., Faganeli-Pucer, J., and Tinta, T.: Searching for jellyfish from space, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3032,, 2025.

    EGU25-3421 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Ocean particle measurement technology using the Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS) 

    Susumu Takatsuka, Norio Miyamoto, Hidehito Sato, Hitoshi Azumi, Yasuhito Hayashi, and Shinsuke Kawagucci

    The event-based vision sensors (EVS) are biology-inspired devices designed to capture the detailed movement of objects and are applied as the “eyes” of machines such as factory automation robots. Compared to conventional frame-based image sensors as employed in video cameras, EVS has an extremely fast motion capture equivalent to 10,000-fps even with standard optical settings and additionally has high dynamic ranges for brightness and also lower consumption of memory and energy.

    Here, we developed 22 characteristic features for analysing the motions of aquatic particles from the raw data of the EVS and deployed the EVS system in both natural environments and laboratory aquariums to test its applicability to filming and analysing plankton behaviour.

    In the session, we will present the results of behavioral analyses of jellyfish and plankton conducted using the EVS in the laboratory, as well as experimental findings from direct observations of biological and non-biological particles, such as plankton, larvae, and sinking aggregates, using the EVS enclosed in a pressure-resistant container.

    How to cite: Takatsuka, S., Miyamoto, N., Sato, H., Azumi, H., Hayashi, Y., and Kawagucci, S.: Ocean particle measurement technology using the Event-based Vision Sensor (EVS), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3421,, 2025.

    EGU25-4991 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Macrojellyfish blooms and mesozooplankton biomass: long-term study in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea) 

    Jan Malej, Tjaša Kogovšek, Martin Vodopivec, Matevž Malej, and Alenka Malej

    Jellyfish are considered important predators that play a key role in the organic matter cycling when they occur in blooms. Although their diet can vary spatially and temporally and be species-specific, mesozooplankton are generally recognised as important prey for various macrojellyfish. We present data from a long-term study (1974-2019) comparing the mesozooplankton biomass and blooms of four regularly occurring Scyphozoa species (Aurelia solida, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, Pelagia noctiluca, Rhizostoma pulmo) in the northern Adriatic, and since 2016, also of the invasive Ctenophora Mnemiopsis leidyi. The results showed large inter-annual variations in zooplankton biomass: annual dry mass geomean varied between 9.9 mg/m3 in 2016 and 49.9 mg/m3 in 1992, with 73% of the results below 20 mg/m3, while zooplankton carbon levels ranged between 0.2 and 22.7 mg/m3. In the period 1974-2019, there were years without massive jellyfish blooms and years in which several species occurred "en masse" in different seasons and/or together: A. solida in winter-spring, C. tuberculata in summer, R. pulmo in autumn-winter-spring and M. leidyi in summer-autumn. The Kruskal–Wallis test (p=0.0016) and Dunn's post-hoc multiple pairwise comparison test revealed significant differences in zooplankton biomass between years without blooms or single-species blooms of short duration and those with multi-species blooms with a cumulative duration of > 1 month.

    How to cite: Malej, J., Kogovšek, T., Vodopivec, M., Malej, M., and Malej, A.: Macrojellyfish blooms and mesozooplankton biomass: long-term study in the Gulf of Trieste (Adriatic Sea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4991,, 2025.

    EGU25-8035 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Trait-based modeling of marine mesozooplankton feeding strategies at the global-scale 

    Lisa di Matteo, Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, and Olivier Aumont

    Marine mesozooplankton gather planktonic animals between 0.2 and 20 mm. They are one of the most studied zooplankton size classes and are essential in marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles. In most ocean biogeochemical models, zooplankton are generally represented as size classes, with micro- (<0.2 mm) and meso-zooplankton, overlooking the rest of the functional diversity of marine zooplankton. Yet, studies have shown the key role this diversity can play in ecosystem dynamics. This argues for the need to develop a more precise representation of zooplankton functional diversity by explicitly taking into account additional functional traits, i.e. individual characteristics of organisms that impact their fitness. Among these functional traits, feeding strategy is a poorly studied but key trait that relates to energy intake, predation risk, energetic losses and mate finding.

    In this study, we implemented several feeding strategies of mesozooplankton in the ocean biogeochemical model PISCES. Three typical mesozooplankton functional types (PFTs) were considered: cruisers (active swimming feeding on suspension particles), ambushers (passive, relying on a sit-and-wait strategy) and flux-feeders (passively feeding on particle flux). Instead of a classic suspension-feeding (cruisers and ambushers), flux-feeders favor feeding on rapidly sinking particles that would otherwise be transported at depth, directly acting on carbon transfer from the euphotic zone to the mesopelagic. 

    Simulations have been performed using the NEMO-PISCES model at global scale. Our results highlight the distinct global, regional and vertical distributions of the different groups, with suspension feeders being dominant in the surface layers and flux-feeders being more abundant below the euphotic layer. The different contributions to biogeochemical fluxes is also presented, in particular flux-feeders play a major role in the global carbon cycle, directly impacting the carbon export to deep waters. This work contributes to better understanding the ecology of mesozooplankton at global scale and the role of different feeding strategies in the oceans. Thus, our findings offer new insights on the link between plankton diversity and marine ecosystem functioning and emphasize the necessity for a better integration of mesozooplankton trophic strategies within global biogeochemical models.

    How to cite: di Matteo, L., Ayata, S.-D., and Aumont, O.: Trait-based modeling of marine mesozooplankton feeding strategies at the global-scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8035,, 2025.

    EGU25-14191 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Species-specific primer development for identifying the major jellyfish contributors to DNA in the sediments 

    Dhugal Lindsay, Javier Montenegro, Jennifer Questel, Aino Hosia, Joan-Josep Soto-Angel, Luis Martell, Alan Jamieson, Russell Hopcroft, and Allen Collins

    Gelatinous zooplankton ("jellies") have been hypothesized to be the missing link in balancing the current carbon budget mismatch in the "biological carbon pump." During and just after jellyfish bloom events, large amounts of carbon are produced and exported from the euphotic zone via "jelly falls" of dead carcasses and excreted mucous. Due to the patchy nature of these processes, in addition to optical survey tools, a biochemical marker-type approach is needed to provide data integrated over time. Environmental DNA has been found to persist in sediments for time periods greater than one year. The V9 region of the 18S ribosomal DNA gene is one of the most common sequences used for eDNA surveys of whole communities but, currently, GenBank contains fewer than 25 of these sequences from marine jellyfish, with most of these sequences belonging to the Scyphozoan order Coronatae. We report here on our progress in greatly increasing this number, as well as identifying other genes and gene regions that could be exploited for eDNA studies of jellyfishes, particularly for the 16S and COI mitochondrial genes. 

    How to cite: Lindsay, D., Montenegro, J., Questel, J., Hosia, A., Soto-Angel, J.-J., Martell, L., Jamieson, A., Hopcroft, R., and Collins, A.: Species-specific primer development for identifying the major jellyfish contributors to DNA in the sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14191,, 2025.

    EGU25-14359 | Posters on site | OS3.2 | Highlight

    Quantitative, multi-scalar in-situ imaging of jellyfishes and jelly-derived particles 

    Mehul Sangekar, Hiroshi Miyake, Khwanruan Srinui, Sarah Giering, and Dhugal Lindsay

    Jellies play a fundamental role in the oceans, inhabiting the whole ecosystem from the surface down through the midwater (twilight zone, 50-1000m, and the bathypelagic, 1000-4000m). Recent best estimates suggest that gelatinous zooplankton account for 30% of total plankton biovolume. However, these estimates are most likely a drastic underestimate. A barrier to quantifying the role of jellies in biogeochemical cycles are the currently used sampling techniques. There is a pressing need to accurately quantify the contribution of jellies to biovolume, which is the prerequisite to quantifying their role in biogeochemical cycles. We have been developing platform-agnostic, quantitative imaging systems tailored to enable surveys of jellies from ephyrae size to adult medusae. We have also been developing software pipelines to rapidly process the collected data, with a human-in-the-loop approach for quality control, leveraging recent AI developments to quantify jelly abundances, sizes, biovolumes and diversity.


    Currently, the imaging systems we have been developing are centred on colour stereo and shadowgraph-based imaging systems.  Colour stereo camera systems can provide size and diversity data on  larger animals. Shadowgraphs, on the other hand, can image small plankton and mucoidal/marine snow particles in detail. Since shadowgraphs use collimated light and the recorded images have a generally uniform background, it is easy to detect and quantify particles. Furthermore, internal structures of targets such as jellyfish and mucus can be observed. By using a range of different lenses on shadowgraph systems it becomes possible to simultaneously survey multiple size classes of jellyfishes. We will introduce the hardware prototypes and data processing pipeline as applied to surveys using ROVs and CTD rosettes in deep-sea environments with clear, oceanic water and in the turbid, coastal waters of the Gulf of Thailand from locally-hired fishing vessels and from wharfs.

    How to cite: Sangekar, M., Miyake, H., Srinui, K., Giering, S., and Lindsay, D.: Quantitative, multi-scalar in-situ imaging of jellyfishes and jelly-derived particles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14359,, 2025.

    EGU25-17861 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Characterization of jellyfish movement, distribution patterns and biogeochemical importance using multi-platform remote sensing observations 

    Yoav Lehahn, Hadar Berman, Dror Malul, Omri Lapidot, Patrick Gray, Aviv Solodoch, Noga Barak, Uri Shavit, Tamar Guy-Haim, Tamar Lotan, Emmanuel Boss, Gur Mizrahi, and Daniel Sher

    The study of jellyfish blooms, which comprise large amounts of individuals that spread over broad areas, is a multi-scale scientific endeavor. Focusing on seasonal blooms of the scyphozoan jellyfish Rhopilema nomadica in the eastern Mediterranean, we show how integration of remote sensing observations from multiple platforms enables a broad perspective on jellyfish blooms, providng new insights over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales - from the behavior of individuals to the spatial characteristics and biogeochemical importance of the bloom as a whole. 

    At the smallest scale, jellyfish swimming behavior is characterized through Lagranian tracking the trajectories of multiple adjacent individuals as appear in videos taken by drones hovering over the bloom. Results from this analysis show aggregated jellyfish exhibit distinct directional swimming behavior, which is oriented away from the coast and against the direction of surface gravity waves. 

    At the regional scale, time varying spatial characteristics of the jellyfish bloom are extracted from aerial images taken from light airplanes. Based on the images we estimate the biomass of the jellyfish comprising the bloom, and characterize the way it is distributed along the coast.    

    Finally, based on comparison with consecutive satellite images of surface chlorophyll concentrations, which is used as a tracer to transport by the currents, we link the displacement of the jellyfish swarm to fine scale (~1-100 km) circulation patterns. 

    This research sheds new light on the characteristics of Rhopilema nomadica blooms in the eastern Mediterranean, and emphasises the advantages of incorporating multi-platform remote sensing observations in regional studies of jellyfish blooms worldwide.

    How to cite: Lehahn, Y., Berman, H., Malul, D., Lapidot, O., Gray, P., Solodoch, A., Barak, N., Shavit, U., Guy-Haim, T., Lotan, T., Boss, E., Mizrahi, G., and Sher, D.: Characterization of jellyfish movement, distribution patterns and biogeochemical importance using multi-platform remote sensing observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17861,, 2025.

    EGU25-18325 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Boom and bust population dynamics of the helmet jellyfish Periphylla periphylla: Implications on carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems 

    Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Torkild Bakken, Luis Martell, Charlotte Volpe, Mari-Ann Østensen, Pedro R. De La Torre, Arne Skarpnes, Erling Svensen, and Sanna Majaneva

    Jellyfish blooms occur resulting from redistribution/aggregation events or peaks in population growth. Such blooms can affect ecosystem structure and stability due to the role of jellyfish as top predators of fish larvae and eggs and as competitors of fish preying on the same zooplankton resources. The factors leading to bloom formation have received considerable attention in the past while the factors causing blooms to collapse are less studied so far. However, a better understanding on bloom dynamics is crucial to allow estimates on vertical carbon transport, turnover and flux processes.

    In this study, the helmet jellyfish Periphylla periphylla served as a model organism representing a species that causes mass occurrences in several Norwegian fjords thus stimulating debates on potential regime shifts, changes in ecosystem stability and socioeconomic implications.

    Here, we used 15-years of trawl data (2006-2015; 2018-2021) complemented with state-of-the art imaging approaches using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to study the boom and bust population dynamics of P. periphylla in different areas and seasons in Trondheimsfjorden, Norway. The successful bloom formation of P. periphylla could be attributed to its longevity, dispersal, population connectivity, holoplanktonic life cycle and the lack of natural predators while parasites were identified as potential bloom-controllers thus eventually causing blooms to collapse. The described patterns in jellyfish population dynamics can have substantial effects on the marine carbon cycle by enhancing carbon sequestrations and a subsequent vertical transport to deeper layers of the ocean.

    How to cite: Aberle-Malzahn, N., Bakken, T., Martell, L., Volpe, C., Østensen, M.-A., De La Torre, P. R., Skarpnes, A., Svensen, E., and Majaneva, S.: Boom and bust population dynamics of the helmet jellyfish Periphylla periphylla: Implications on carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18325,, 2025.

    EGU25-19109 | Posters on site | OS3.2

    Finding Jello: Evaluating Primer Suitability for Amplifying Gelatinous Zooplankton DNA  

    Sanna Majaneva, Sofia Karlstad, Luis Martell, and Aino Hosia

    Gelatinous zooplankton, including cnidarians, salps, ctenophores and other soft-bodied marine organisms, are increasingly recognized as crucial contributors to the ocean carbon cycle. Yet, their elusive nature and fragile composition present significant challenges for their systematic detection and monitoring using traditional physical sampling methods, thus limiting our understanding on their diversity and roles. DNA metabarcoding, particularly environmental DNA metabarcoding (eDNA), has rapidly become a widely used tool for biodiversity assessment in marine environments, offering a non-invasive approach to infer species presence and composition. However, significant limitations remain, as the efficacy of many commonly used metabarcoding protocols for detecting gelatinous zooplankton has not been properly evaluated, and these taxa often have limited coverage in the reference sequence databases. Consequently, blindly relying on these methods can lead to gaps in biodiversity assessments and underrepresentation of this ecologically important group. Here, we assess the effectiveness of common DNA metabarcoding primers in amplifying gelatinous zooplankton, evaluating their coverage and limitations across diverse taxa to detect these understudied organisms. Results reveal variability in primer performance, with certain primers showing limited success due to mismatches with target sequences. These findings underscore the importance of optimizing molecular tools for robust monitoring of gelatinous zooplankton, particularly in the context of environmental change and biodiversity assessments. Improved primer design and validation will enhance the accuracy and reliability of eDNA-based monitoring efforts, paving the way for a deeper understanding of the ecosystem roles and services provided by gelatinous zooplankton.

    How to cite: Majaneva, S., Karlstad, S., Martell, L., and Hosia, A.: Finding Jello: Evaluating Primer Suitability for Amplifying Gelatinous Zooplankton DNA , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19109,, 2025.

    EGU25-757 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    The Onset of Anthropogenic Carbon Invasion in the Surface Waters of the Southern California Current 

    Yéssica Vanessa Contreras-Pacheco, Jose Luis Abella-Gutierrez, Gerardo Vallejo-Espinosa, and Juan Carlos Herguera

    High-resolution carbon isotopic records from organic and carbonate carbon reveal an unprecedented multi-decade decline in stable isotopic compositions over the past millennium. These records were obtained from laminated cores collected in the San Lázaro Basin (SLB), a semi-closed basin off the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico. The SLB is influenced by suboxic waters at depth and lies beneath the southern boundary of the California Current System. Isotopic analyses of two planktic foraminifera species, N. dutertrei and G. ruber, show a decreasing trend in carbon isotopic compositions over the past 80 years, mirroring the trend seen in atmospheric CO₂, albeit with slightly lower slopes. These trends are likely driven by the influx of anthropogenic CO₂ into surface waters of the California Current, a manifestation of the Suess effect in the upper ocean. The differences in slope are likely due to the combined influence of vertical mixing driven by dominant northwest winds, which bring nutrient- and inorganic carbon-rich waters with relatively heavier isotopic values, and the equatorial advection of northern waters carrying anthropogenic CO₂ in this highly productive eastern boundary current.

    How to cite: Contreras-Pacheco, Y. V., Abella-Gutierrez, J. L., Vallejo-Espinosa, G., and Herguera, J. C.: The Onset of Anthropogenic Carbon Invasion in the Surface Waters of the Southern California Current, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-757,, 2025.

    EGU25-2218 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Pelagic fungi as key players in marine ecosystems: Implications for a warming Ocean 

    Eva Breyer, Kangli Guo, Zihao Zhao, and Federico Baltar

    Most of the studies on the ecology and biogeochemistry of the ocean have focused on bacteria, arachae and protists, whereas pelagic fungi have been less studied. However, recent studies have revealed that pelagic fungi are ubiquitously found throughout the water column in every ocean basin, and actively involved in the degradation of organic matter and nutrient fluxes. Yet their quantitative contribution to carbon stocks remains elusive and we are missing data from polar waters despite being among the most vulnerable regions to climate change. Here, we present novel insights into the biomass distribution of pelagic fungi and employ metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approaches to investigate their role in organic matter degradation across polar and non-polar waters. Globally, fungi account for approximately 0.32 Gt C, surpassing archaea (Archaea:Fungi:Bacteria biomass ratio of 1:9:44). Functional and taxonomic analyses reveal distinct adaptations between polar and non-polar regions: fungi in polar waters show a preference for protein-rich substrates, while those in non-polar regions exhibit increased carbohydrate degradation. This functional specialization is further reflected in niche partitioning in non-polar waters, with Basidiomycota dominating protein degradation in larger size fractions and Chytridiomycota being more active in smaller fractions. These dynamics suggest a strong link between fungal functionality and environmental conditions shaped by anthropogenic influences. As warming temperatures and changing ocean conditions intensify, the shifting functional roles of pelagic fungi could drive profound changes in nutrient cycling. By advancing our understanding of fungal biomass distribution, and phylogenetic and functional diversity, this study underscores the urgent need to consider pelagic fungi in assessing the impacts of anthropogenic change on marine biogeochemical cycles.

    How to cite: Breyer, E., Guo, K., Zhao, Z., and Baltar, F.: Pelagic fungi as key players in marine ecosystems: Implications for a warming Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2218,, 2025.

    EGU25-3133 | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Advanced Surveying Methods and Multimetric Indices for Evaluating Coastal Benthic Habitat Quality in the Northeastern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy) 

    Daniele Piazzolla, Simone Bonamano, Marina Penna, Arianna Resnati, Sergio Scanu, Nicola Madonia, Alice Madonia, Giorgio Fersini, Giovanni Coppini, Marco Marcelli, and Viviana Piermattei

    Coastal marine ecosystems are significantly affected by human activities along the coast and continental shelf. Innovative monitoring techniques, including autonomous platforms and advanced multimetric habitat quality indices, offer new ways to understand these ecosystems' responses and help prevent habitat degradation.

    We evaluated the habitat quality and the transition from coast to offshore of benthic habitats in three coastal areas of the northeastern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Our approach combined autonomous technologies, such as an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and  Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV), alongside multimetric habitat quality indices.

    The findings revealed moderate habitat quality across the study sites and demonstrated the effectiveness of this methodology for broader application, particularly in areas with diverse seabeds. This approach also has the potential to improve numerical models and Digital Twins of the Oceans (DTOs), offering high-resolution and near real-time data on habitat quality.

    How to cite: Piazzolla, D., Bonamano, S., Penna, M., Resnati, A., Scanu, S., Madonia, N., Madonia, A., Fersini, G., Coppini, G., Marcelli, M., and Piermattei, V.: Advanced Surveying Methods and Multimetric Indices for Evaluating Coastal Benthic Habitat Quality in the Northeastern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3133,, 2025.

    EGU25-3158 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Detecting and Investigating Frontal Dynamics in the Skin Layer of the North Sea Using Autonomous Surface Vehicle Observations 

    Samuel Mintah Ayim, Leonie Jaeger, Lisa Gassen, and Oliver Wurl

    The shallow North Sea is characterized by complex hydrography and environmental variability, which affects the air-sea interactions and the skin layer (< 1mm). The skin layer plays a crucial role in air-sea interactions, and understanding its physical dynamics is essential for advancing knowledge in this field. Ocean fronts are predominantly narrow horizontal gradients of oceanic properties separating water masses and can be hotspots for marine biodiversity. Satellites have been used to observe large scale fronts however frontal features exist even on the sub-mesoscale. By leveraging seasonal data from an autonomous surface vehicle, we investigate the spatial and temporal variability of the skin layer at these small scales, with a focus on the role of oceanic fronts in shaping surface-layer dynamics. We use high-resolution measurements (0.1 Hz) of temperature, salinity, GPS data and weather-related variables at discrete depths in the air and water. These measurements are from our self-designed autonomous surface vehicle known as HALOBATES, which is equipped with multiple sensors and rotating glass discs to sample and measure the skin layer. Primarily, we applied a gradient-based algorithm to identify oceanic fronts, characterized by sharp horizontal gradients in temperature and salinity within the skin layer and bulk water (1-meter depth). To ensure that frontal features are accurately isolated, the effect of diurnal warming or cooling were taken into account. We isolated fronts solely on temperature or salinity, and by both parameters to understand the nature and origin of the fronts. Secondarily, we provide results of front detection from a Machine Learning perspective, showing results of deep learning models like Convolutional Neural Networks and an unsupervised clustering algorithm. We also present the results of the underlying bulk water (1-meter depth) to understand the pre-eminence of the observed front. We also investigate possible forcing factors due to sudden changes in the wind speed and direction as well as heat flux components such as solar radiation, precipitation and evaporation. By using continuous data from an autonomous platform over an extended period, our findings will highlight the dynamics of sub-mesoscale fronts in the North Sea and their role in shaping the physical characteristics of the skin layer. The insights from this study are relevant for ongoing research on topics such as heat and gas exchange at the ocean-atmosphere boundary layer which is a good indicator of the climate dynamics of the North Sea.

    How to cite: Ayim, S. M., Jaeger, L., Gassen, L., and Wurl, O.: Detecting and Investigating Frontal Dynamics in the Skin Layer of the North Sea Using Autonomous Surface Vehicle Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3158,, 2025.

    EGU25-3276 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    The marine carbonate system in the northwest European shelf seas: an internally consistent data product (NWESDAP) 

    Margaux Brandon, Matthew P. Humphreys, Meike Becker, and Henry C. Bittig

    Consistent and quality-controlled data products of marine carbonate system parameters, such as the Global Ocean Data Analysis Product (GLODAP), are needed to investigate the marine carbon cycle and its variability through space and time. However, GLODAP focuses on the open ocean, limiting its utility for understanding the marine carbonate system in shelf seas. While representing only  ̴7% of the global ocean area, these areas play an important role in the global carbon cycle. The northwest European shelf (NWES) seas are of particular interest because of their high heterogeneity and expected capacity to absorb, export and bury carbon. Here, we present a new internally consistent data product for this region, the Northwest European Shelf Data Analysis Product (NWESDAP). NWESDAP includes directly measured marine carbonate system parameters (total alkalinity, dissolved inorganic carbon and pH) as well as physical and nutrient variables focusing on the NWES above 1000 m and between 43°N and 70°N. NWESDAP gathers datasets of discrete measurements from research cruises and time-series stations from throughout the water column. Data from estuaries, deltas and fjords are also included. So far, NWESDAP consists of about 18,000 inorganic carbon data points (of which c. 5,000 were already in GLODAPv2.2023) from around 500 research cruise and station datasets, merged into a consistent format. Data quality flags corresponding to quantified systematic and random uncertainties have been assigned to each dataset depending on the measurement method used and other available metadata. As GLODAP-style quality control (QC) based on deep ocean cross-over analysis is not possible in this shallow region, a secondary QC based on parameter distributions and covariances has been conducted to identify suspected erroneous data points and systematic biases in specific datasets, aiming to ensure the internal consistency of the entire product so it can be used to investigate the highly variable marine carbon cycle in the NWES seas.

    How to cite: Brandon, M., Humphreys, M. P., Becker, M., and Bittig, H. C.: The marine carbonate system in the northwest European shelf seas: an internally consistent data product (NWESDAP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3276,, 2025.

    We obtained historical and observational data on phytoplankton communities from 1959 to 2023 to explore the responses of the phytoplankton community structure to long-term environmental changes in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS), China. The results revealed a decrease in the proportions of diatom cell abundance within the phytoplankton community by 8%, accompanied by a corresponding increase in that of dinoflagellates. Dominant phytoplankton species were mainly chain-forming diatoms before 2000, and large dinoflagellate species from the genera Tripos and Noctiluca increased their dominance after 2000. Warm-water phytoplankton species have increased in dominance over the study period. Correlation analysis revealed that the ocean warming and alterations in nutrient structure (N/P and Si/N ratios) were mostly responsible for the long-term evolution trend, and these changes may result in an increase in dinoflagellate harmful algal blooms, reduced efficiency of the biological carbon pump, and heightened hypoxia in the future, which should draw our attention. 

    How to cite: Guo, S. and Sun, X.: Long-term variation of phytoplankton communities in the southern Yellow Sea (1959~2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4648,, 2025.

    EGU25-6653 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Using the VLIZ ICOS station measurements and discrete samples to assess the carbonate chemistry trends (since 2017) and carbon neutrality of the Belgian part of the North Sea 

    Coraline Leseurre, Hannelore Theetaert, Michiel T'Jampens, Tom Van Engeland, Silke Verbrugge, and Thanos Gkritzalis

    Better understanding of the carbon dynamics in coastal areas is essential to develop metrics to evaluate the efficiency of policies regarding carbon neutrality (i.e. whether the coastal environment, more specifically the Belgian part of the North Sea, acts as a source or sink of carbon to the atmosphere). Over the last 8 years data has been collected from discrete samples (pH, DIC, TA) and data produced by the ICOS coastal stations BE-SOOP-Simon Stevin and the BE-FOS-Thornton Buoy (seawater CO2 concentration). These data are an invaluable source to identify how the carbonate chemistry and air-sea carbon fluxes can be used to determine whether the coastal environment acts as a source or sink of CO2 and assess the acidification state. More specifically, we will present the temporal evolution of pH, DIC, TA, seawater CO2 concentration and air-sea CO2 fluxes from the gathered data. The data show the expected seasonality of carbon dynamics and the link with biogeochemical processes (e.g. phytoplankton blooms) but also trends in the capacity of these areas to absorb or release CO2. Furthermore, the results show a pH stability of these coastal waters, uncorrelated with the increase in DIC. This suggests the influence of biogeochemical processes, such as riverine inputs, nutrient dynamics, and the organic matter remineralisation within the coastal zone. This work will also investigate whether it is feasible to connect such information directly or indirectly to policies relevant to carbon neutrality.

    How to cite: Leseurre, C., Theetaert, H., T'Jampens, M., Van Engeland, T., Verbrugge, S., and Gkritzalis, T.: Using the VLIZ ICOS station measurements and discrete samples to assess the carbonate chemistry trends (since 2017) and carbon neutrality of the Belgian part of the North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6653,, 2025.

    Microplastics (MPs) are widely distributed in the ocean and can be ingested by fish. Despite fish being a major source of aquatic protein for humans, no study has yet addressed how to reduce the risk of human exposure to MPs when consuming fish. This study investigated 1,075 fish from 37 species across representative fishing areas, analyzing MP presence in various tissues, including gills, intestines, and muscles, to assess fish food safety comprehensively. MPs were found in 36.28% of gills and 39.63% of guts, but none were detected in muscle tissues. Fish from upper layers had higher MP abundances and smaller average sizes compared to those from deeper waters. A significant negative correlation was observed between the MP abundance in fish and their length and weight. The global per capita MP consumption from captured fish, including all tissues and muscles, is approximately 5.60 × 104 items/year. Hence, to minimize MP exposure, humans should prioritize consuming only fish muscle and selecting fish from deeper waters and larger sizes whenever possible. Optimizing fish consumption patterns could reduce human exposure to MPs and associated health risks.

    How to cite: Meng, L. and Sun, X.: How to reduce human microplastic exposure risks through optimized consumption choices of fish from seawater?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7626,, 2025.

    Microplastics, as an increasingly concerning environmental pollutant, transport from the surface waters to the seafloor after entering the ocean and can be buried in deeper sediments through bioturbation. However, the role of marine organisms in this vertical transport remains unclear. In this study, sediment traps were used to quantify the contribution of typical filter-feeding organisms, including sea squirts (Halocynthia roretzi), Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas), scallops (Chlamys farreri), and Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum), to the vertical transport of microplastics in the water column. The results showed that microplastics were present in feces and pseudofeces of filter-feeding organisms and sank to form biodeposits, significantly enhancing the deposition of microplastics <1000 μm in size and with positive buoyancy (density lower than seawater). Additionally, experiments with Manila clams, a representative benthic filter-feeding species, were conducted to simulate bioturbation processes in sediments. The results demonstrated that exposure to polystyrene microbeads did not significantly affect the physiological indices of clams. The burrowing, movement, and feeding activities of clams facilitated the rapid transport of microplastics to deeper sediment layers (6–8 cm below the surface). These findings highlight the critical role of filter-feeding organisms in the vertical transport of microplastics in the water column and sediments, contributing to a better understanding of microplastic spatial variability and source-sink dynamics.

    How to cite: Sun, X.: Vertical transport of marine microplastics mediated by filter-feeding organisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9718,, 2025.

    Under the multiple stressors of global climate change and extensive human activities, costal ecosystems are under major threats. Degradation of marine ecosystems will lead to pronounced impacts on their functions. The sustainable development of coastal areas faces serious challenges. Microplastic contamination is a growing threat to marine environment and biota, and represent a great risk for marine ecosystems, society and human health. To help design effective plastic reduction and mitigation strategies, cognition of distribution and characteristics of plastic pollution in multiple matrices are required. We took Jiaozhou Bay as a typical area in coast of China, revealed distribution and characteristics of microplastics in multiple matrices, and the emission characteristics of microplastic sources. An index MCI (microplastic complexity index) was used that is to reflect the contrast of microplastics complexity in different matrices. It can be used for quantitative analysis of microplastic traceability process. and provides new ideas for source apportionment and ecological assessment of microplastics. Quantitative source apportionment is continuing to further promote the accomplishment of goal 14.1 in SDGs and decision support.

    How to cite: Zheng, S.: Characteristics of microplastics in different matrices in Jiaozhou Bay, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9844,, 2025.

    EGU25-10231 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Processes driving trace metal, nutrient, and dissolved inorganic carbon distributions in the Norwegian Trench 

    Marina Anita Adler, Matthew Humphreys, Rob Middag, and Margaux Brandon

    Shelf seas filter terrestrial inputs of important macronutrients and bio-essential trace metals such as iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn), which support primary productivity and long-term carbon dioxide (CO2) storage in the sediments and the deep ocean. The North Sea is a biologically productive shelf sea and a net sink of atmospheric CO2, yet the exchange of essential (trace) nutrients between the North Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean as well as the role of trace elements in the carbon cycle are poorly constrained. This limits our ability to accurately model biogeochemical interactions and calculate CO2 fluxes in this region. Within the NoSE (North Sea-Atlantic Exchange) project, we investigate the North Sea's role in the Atlantic Ocean's biogeochemical system, focussing on the Norwegian trench for its pivotal role in the nutrient and inorganic carbon outflow to the Atlantic and sediment accumulation. Here, we present an observational dataset of trace metals, nutrients, and marine carbonate system parameters from the first NoSE expedition in May-June 2023. We analyse the spatial distributions, sources and sinks of (trace) nutrients in the water column and discuss their relationships with carbonate system and other hydrographic parameters. We found clear latitudinal differences as well as differences between shallower (< 200 m) waters above the shelf proper and the deeper waters of the trench. Linear correlations between salinity and certain trace nutrients in the surface waters indicated a fresh water source either from the Baltic Sea or the Norwegian rivers and fjords while correlations between turbidity and Fe and Mn concentrations close to the seafloor suggested sedimentary inputs.

    How to cite: Adler, M. A., Humphreys, M., Middag, R., and Brandon, M.: Processes driving trace metal, nutrient, and dissolved inorganic carbon distributions in the Norwegian Trench, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10231,, 2025.

    EGU25-10854 | Posters on site | OS3.4

    The Norwegian Trench as a carbon conduit from the North Sea to the deep Atlantic Ocean: insights from ocean glider observations in spring 2024 

    Furu Mienis, Margaux Brandon, Marina Adler, and Matthew Humphreys

    The North Sea helps mitigate the impact of human activities on Earth’s climate by absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere. However, the fate of the absorbed CO2 is poorly constrained: 0-40 % is estimated to be stored in seafloor sediments as organic matter, with the remaining 60-100 % transported by ocean currents out into the Atlantic Ocean. For the latter portion, the depth at which North Sea waters are exported controls the timescale on which the CO2 is stored, with deeper export constituting a more enduring carbon sink. During a NoSE (North Sea-Atlantic Exchange) project expedition in spring 2024, a season when biological productivity drives high CO2 uptake, we deployed two ocean gliders in the Norwegian trench, the main conduit for water exchange between the North Sea and Atlantic Ocean, for several weeks. These autonomous underwater vehicles carried sensors to characterise the water mass structure and some key biogeochemical properties for carbon export (e.g., dissolved oxygen). Here, we use these sensor data together with a broader set of water column observations collected during a concurrent research cruise (including nutrients and marine carbonate system parameters) to investigate potential carbon export mechanisms. The trench was vertically stratified with a deep layer containing extra CO2 that was being transported towards the Atlantic Ocean. However, the stratification was due to relatively warm, salty North Sea waters being trapped beneath a surface layer of colder, fresher waters from the Norwegian fjords. As this surface layer is spatially confined near the coast, rather than extending widely across the Atlantic, the deeper layer might be exposed to the surface soon after exiting the Trench, and thus its extra CO2 returned to the atmosphere where it can affect Earth’s climate.

    How to cite: Mienis, F., Brandon, M., Adler, M., and Humphreys, M.: The Norwegian Trench as a carbon conduit from the North Sea to the deep Atlantic Ocean: insights from ocean glider observations in spring 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10854,, 2025.

    EGU25-10978 | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Future Scenarios of Blue Carbon Sequestration inItalian Posidonia oceanica Meadows 

    Simone Bonamano, Antonio De Luca, Marina Pulcini, Silvia Maltese, Matteo Bellotta, Alice Madonia, Marcello Miozzo, and Michele Scardi

    Marine coastal ecosystems play a vital role in carbon storage and sequestration, making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation. However, their accessibility and location in shallow coastal waters make them particularly vulnerable to human activities such as habitat destruction and water pollution. While recent estimates of ecosystem services have been conducted in some Italian regions, spatially explicit research on the blue carbon potential of Posidonia oceanica remains limited.

    This study analyzed carbon sequestration using a spatially explicit approach, employing various modeling methods in line with the tiered framework proposed by the IPCC. Among the most promising tools, the InVEST Coastal Blue Carbon (InVEST CBC) model ( was applied to quantify carbon dynamics in coastal and marine ecosystems under present conditions and future scenarios. The model evaluated pressures contributing to carbon emissions and accumulation over time, providing spatially detailed outputs in raster format.

    The InVEST CBC model was informed by:

    • The spatial distribution of Posidonia oceanica in Italian coastal waters, recently updated by ISPRA as part of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
    • Ecological parameters of Posidonia oceanica (e.g., distribution, density, foliar and rhizome production, and ecological status) derived from field data and existing literature.
    • Maps of current pressures affecting carbon storage, such as boat anchoring, coastal engineering, aquaculture, urban effluents, land use, coastal population density, and fishing activities in Italian coastal areas.

    The study evaluated blue carbon sequestration under three future scenarios:

    • Business-as-usual: Assumed no significant improvements in environmental factors, maintaining current levels of human impacts that contribute to meadow regression.
    • Sustainable future: Envisioned significant reductions in anthropogenic pressures compared to the business-as-usual scenario, promoting the conservation of seagrasses by 2050. This scenario also examined the role of sustainable mooring systems in mitigating anchoring impacts from recreational boating.
    • Non-sustainable future: Projected increased human pressures, resulting in significant losses of seagrasses compared to the business-as-usual scenario by 2050.

    The sustainable future scenario was specifically assessed in marine protected areas, including the Archipelago of La Maddalena National Park, Asinara National Park, and Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni National Park. In these areas, state-of-the-art mooring fields were implemented as part of the Sea Forest Life project (LIFE17 CCM/IT/000121;

    How to cite: Bonamano, S., De Luca, A., Pulcini, M., Maltese, S., Bellotta, M., Madonia, A., Miozzo, M., and Scardi, M.: Future Scenarios of Blue Carbon Sequestration inItalian Posidonia oceanica Meadows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10978,, 2025.

    EGU25-11738 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Glider and Oceanographic Processes: A high-resolution analysis of the Tiber river plume 

    Benedetta Torelli and Marco Marcelli

    According to the IPCC (2022), climatic phenomena such as increased wind stress and nighttime heat loss influence the depth of the mixed layer and, consequently, pelagic primary production. The use of Gliders, an autonomous underwater vehicle, represents a promising method for investigating the interaction between chlorophyll biomass, oceanographic processes, and climatic phenomena, with significant implications for understanding marine ecosystems, secondary production, and their implication on economic activities.

    Gliders are advanced tools for oceanographic data collection, particularly useful for studies conducted over long distances and extended periods. Thanks to their ability to operate both vertically and horizontally, Gliders can also be programmed to monitor specific sites over time, enabling detailed analysis of complex oceanographic phenomena.

    In this study a Glider was used to investigate the Tiber River plume and its effects on the waters of the Tyrrhenian shelf.
    The data collected revealed important oceanographic features, including the position of the Deep Chlorophyll Maximum (DCM), which was shallower near the coast and deeper toward the open sea. This phenomenon is linked to high surface temperatures and the formation of a pronounced mixed layer, which pushes phytoplankton toward the bottom of the water column. Furthermore, the analysis of the sections highlighted a well-defined thermocline and halocline throughout the area, while the Tiber plume predominantly influenced the first 500 m of the transect, reducing salinity and increasing the surface concentration of chlorophyll a and turbidity.

    This study shows the preliminary results of the effectiveness of Gliders in investigating river plumes and oceanographic phenomena at both coastal and mesoscale levels. Their ability to collect data at high spatial and temporal resolutions makes them invaluable tools for future applications, including primary production and numerical modeling.

    How to cite: Torelli, B. and Marcelli, M.: Glider and Oceanographic Processes: A high-resolution analysis of the Tiber river plume, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11738,, 2025.

    EGU25-12531 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Marine carbonate system responses to storms in the Dutch North Sea  

    yasmina Ourradi, Gert-Jan Reichart, Helge Niemann, and Matthew Humphreys

    Storms can disrupt the marine carbon cycle through processes including enhanced air-sea CO2 exchange, vertical mixing and, in shallow continental shelf seas like the North Sea, sediment resuspension. Storms can therefore have an influence on seawater chemistry that is disproportionately large relative to their duration. However, their consequences for the marine carbonate system and net air-sea CO2 fluxes remain poorly understood due to a history of sparse observations during and around such events. During a research expedition in the Dutch North Sea in October-November 2023, we collected discrete water samples of the marine carbonate system parameters pH, total alkalinity (TA), and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) before and after a storm. The results revealed a decrease in seawater pH, along with increases in TA, DIC and seawater fugacity of CO2 (fCO2), suggesting the influence of the storm. These observed changes can be attributed to storm-induced mixing of the water column, transporting DIC and TA from bottom waters and sediments into the overlaying water column. This upward transport of DIC in particular explains the observed increase in fCO2 and the corresponding decrease in pH. As a result, this could enhance the air-sea CO2 exchange leading to more outgassing of CO2 from the seawater towards the atmosphere. To determine whether these observations represented the marine carbonate system response to storms in general, we extended our analysis to a larger dataset from the ocean acidification monitoring programme of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat). As the frequency and intensity of stormy weather are  projected to increase in the future due to climate change, this could alter the North Sea’s role as a CO2 sink, potentially leading to a shift towards increased CO2 outgassing into the atmosphere. 

    How to cite: Ourradi, Y., Reichart, G.-J., Niemann, H., and Humphreys, M.: Marine carbonate system responses to storms in the Dutch North Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12531,, 2025.

    EGU25-14228 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Forecasting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) in the North-East Atlantic 

    Barbara Segato Monteiro, Anthony Grehan, and Oisín Callery

    Deep-sea habitat-forming species face increasing threats from human activities, particularly destructive fishing practices and the effects of anthropogenic climate change. These species are now classified as Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), due to their slow growth rates and limited capacity for recovery after disturbance. VMEs are vital indicators of deep-sea biodiversity, and they often correlate with the presence of commercially important fish and other marine species.

    Given the logistical challenges of deep-sea mapping, habitat suitability modelling (HSM) can offer critical insights into VMEs’ distributions. This research employs HSM to estimate the current distributions of a number of VMEs in the North-East Atlantic using an ensemble of three methodologies: Maximum Entropy (Maxent), Generalised Additive Models (GAM), and Random Forest. In addition to modelling current distributions, projections under future climate conditions were produced for a range of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP) scenarios, incorporating six IPCC climate projections over 10 decades using high-resolution environmental data. These analyses will help assess climate velocities and identify climate refugia for VMEs under a wide range of potential future conditions. The findings will also inform decision-making by highlighting priority areas for biodiversity conservation, supporting the designation of new Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Irish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and wider North-East Atlantic.

    How to cite: Segato Monteiro, B., Grehan, A., and Callery, O.: Forecasting the Impacts of Climate Change on the Distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) in the North-East Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14228,, 2025.

    EGU25-14280 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric Pollutant Deposition in Nutrient Flux of the Yellow Sea 

    Deoksu Kim, Jang-Geun Choi, Eunjin Kang, Jae-Il Kwon, Jin Yong Choi, and Ki-Young Heo

    The impact of persistent anthropogenic activities on ecosystems remains a critical focus in the context of sustainability. Pollutants deposited into the ocean, alongside nutrients introduced via river discharge, are recognized as major sources influencing marine primary productivity. In particular, atmospheric pollutant emissions in East Asia have been continuously rising, and the resulting deposition of these pollutants into the ocean is estimated to be substantial. Despite their significance, quantitative assessments of the ecological and biogeochemical impacts remain largely unexplored. The excessive nitrogen deposition has the potential to accelerate eutrophication processes, leading to harmful algal blooms and subsequent oxygen depletion in the Yellow Sea. These phenomena are likely to significantly disrupt local biodiversity and marine food webs, posing challenges to sustainable ecosystem management. Furthermore, the reduction in atmospheric pollutants during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 has triggered discussions regarding its effects on the productivity of the Yellow Sea, reflecting the complex interactions between atmospheric deposition and marine ecosystems. Therefore, this study quantitatively evaluates the nitrogen flux introduced through atmospheric deposition and its influence on the marine ecosystem of the Yellow Sea using a numerical approach based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Atmospheric pollutant data reproduced through deep learning served as input, enabling experiments ranging from one-dimensional vertical models to full-scale simulations of the entire Yellow Sea. The study was conducted using the NPZD (Nutrient-Phytoplankton-Zooplankton-Detritus) model framework.

    How to cite: Kim, D., Choi, J.-G., Kang, E., Kwon, J.-I., Choi, J. Y., and Heo, K.-Y.: Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric Pollutant Deposition in Nutrient Flux of the Yellow Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14280,, 2025.

    Healthy oceans and sustainable development are the core contents of the "Ocean Decade" plan put forward after the United Nations Ocean Conference. Maintaining the health of marine ecosystem is an effective guarantee for the realization of marine service and output functions, an important support for sustainable economic and social development, and a major issue of global concern. In many cases, we manage the ocean without understanding the ocean, because we do not really understand the past, present and future of the ocean, and the most important thing is that we lack the knowledge and hands to perceive, recognize and master the ocean. The health of the oceans depends largely on the state and safety of the organisms in the oceans. So, the theme of how to evaluate the health of the ocean should also be biology. We are concerned about marine eutrophication, because eutrophication can cause red tides and the increase of many harmful algae, which in turn will lead to the accumulation of algae toxins in shellfish that feed on algae, which will have a serious impact on human health and life when humans eat these shellfish. For a long time, our monitoring of the ocean emphasis on the environment, not the ecosystem, and the monitoring content is mainly chemical factors, with emphasis on pollutants, but the monitoring of organisms in the ocean is relatively weak, and the criteria we have long used to classify the state of the ocean are expressed by "several types of seawater", which is far from enough for the healthy ocean and sustainable development. Unable to meet the requirements of marine health assessment, we need to establish a marine health assessment system with marine organisms as the main body to monitor the ocean from the marine ecosystem The goal of measurement should be biological change and the environmental factors that lead to biological change.

    How to cite: Sun, S.: A new observation and assessment system is needed to maintain the ocean health and achieve sustainable development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14482,, 2025.

    EGU25-14914 | Orals | OS3.4

    The high value of climate mitigation for global fish biomass to 2300 

    Keith Rodgers, Daniele Bianchi, Olivier Aumont, Julia Blanchard, Laurent Bopp, Matthias Buechner, Jason Everett, Jerome Guiet, Ryan Heneghan, Simeon Hill, Michio Kawamiya, Kieran Murphy, Colleen Petrik, Anthony Richardson, Sahil Sharma, and Ryohei Yamaguchi

    As climate change progresses, increasing attention is being devoted to potential impacts on ecosystems and resources under sustained warming. For models that resolve climate impacts on global marine animal biomass, however, most work to date including model intercomparisons have largely focused on the period up to 2100. Here we consider projections to 2300 using a collection of five Marine Ecosystem Models (BOATS, FEISTY, DBPM, MArcroecological, and ZooMSS) driven by output from a collection of CMIP6 Earth system models (including CESM2-WACCM and IPSL-CM6A, as well as UKESM1, MIROC-ES2L, and ACCESS-ESM1.5). Initial results from ESMs with online coupled biogeochemical models suggest that although they exhibit a degree of diversity in their ocean warming response, their disagreements about projected primary production are even more pronounced, with the disagreements being not only in amplitude but also in sign.

    We explore the long-term impacts of climate mitigation on marine animal biomass, by comparing Marine Ecosystem Model results under high emissions with low mitigation (SSP5-8.5) and low emissions with high mitigation (SSP1-2.6) forcing. If thermal forcing were to dominate the fish biomass through its effect on mortality with a linear response, one might expect an approximately factor of five difference between SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 projections of marine animal biomass change to 2300. Both regional and global aspects will be considered, with a focus on identifying potential tipping points under SSP5-8.5 forcing that may be avoided through mitigation.

    How to cite: Rodgers, K., Bianchi, D., Aumont, O., Blanchard, J., Bopp, L., Buechner, M., Everett, J., Guiet, J., Heneghan, R., Hill, S., Kawamiya, M., Murphy, K., Petrik, C., Richardson, A., Sharma, S., and Yamaguchi, R.: The high value of climate mitigation for global fish biomass to 2300, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14914,, 2025.

    EGU25-15157 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Concentrations and composition of suspended particulate organic matter suggest distinct biological carbon pump regimes in Norwegian Trench waters. 

    Daan Temmerman, Furu Mienis, Rob Middag, and Gert-Jan Reichart

    Knowledge gaps in our understanding of processes that control transport and biogeochemical cycling of carbon in highly productive shelf seas like the North Sea restrict our ability to make accurate predictions of future environmental and climate change as shelf seas play a crucial role in global marine CO2 uptake and long-term storage. The NoSE project aims to tackle these knowledge gaps by constraining the past, present and future exchange of carbon and other essential nutrients in the Norwegian Trench (NT), the main outflow route of water from the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. In spring 2023, water samples were collected with a CTD-rosette on board the RV Pelagia along four transects to quantify and characterize pelagic fluxes of carbon and nitrogen associated with suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) as well as dissolved organic matter (DOM).

    First results reveal variations in SPOM and DOM throughout the NT that are related to the presence of two oceanic currents: the southward flowing Atlantic Inflow Water (AIW) characterized by high temperatures and salinity and the northward flowing Norwegian Coastal Current (NCC) characterized by low temperatures and low salinity. DOC concentrations in the AIW and NCC range between approximately 53 to ±80 µM and ±70-128 µM, respectively. Surface POC concentrations vary between 0.04-0.20 mg/L in the AIW and 0.06-0.23 mg/L in the NCC. Moreover, the δ13C, δ15N and C:N signatures of the surface mixed-layer SPOM samples show increased trophic complexity and decreased bio-availability in the NCC. Likely, these two major currents in the NT are paralleled by distinct changes in Biological Carbon Pump regime, with different plankton communities, export fluxes and mechanisms. These results will allow for the determination of organic carbon export efficiencies and overall organic carbon fluxes throughout the NT.

    How to cite: Temmerman, D., Mienis, F., Middag, R., and Reichart, G.-J.: Concentrations and composition of suspended particulate organic matter suggest distinct biological carbon pump regimes in Norwegian Trench waters., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15157,, 2025.

    EGU25-15600 | Orals | OS3.4

    High-Resolution Coastal Carbon Dynamics in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Using Machine Learning 

    Maurie Keppens, Alizée Roobaert, Andrea van Langen Rosón, Griet Neukermans, and Peter Landschützer

    Coastal seas are vital players in the global carbon cycle, acting as both sinks and sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂). However, their carbon dynamics remain poorly quantified at the spatial and temporal resolutions necessary for regional carbon budget assessments. Enhanced insights are critical for detecting anthropogenic impacts on the carbon cycle and for monitoring the effectiveness of CO₂ removal strategies. The Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS), equipped with advanced monitoring infrastructure, offers a unique platform to address these gaps through in-situ CO₂ measurements collected via buoys, research vessels, and other sources. This data collection provides high spatial and temporal coverage, enabling near-real-time estimation of the exchange of CO₂ with the atmosphere in the region.

    To estimate the baseline carbon budget for the BPNS at an unprecedented local scale, we applied a feedforward neural network approach capable of achieving a spatial resolution of 1 km and a temporal resolution of 1 day. This analysis spans the period from 2014 to 2024 and incorporates an extensive dataset of sea surface partial pressure of CO₂ (pCO₂) measurements. These in-situ observations were sourced from the Surface Ocean CO₂ Atlas (SOCAT) and the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) databases. Additionally, we integrated a suite of predictor variables derived from satellite data and oceanographic reanalysis products, including sea surface temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a concentrations, and suspended particulate matter, all of which are recognized as key factors influencing pCO₂ variability in the BPNS. By combining this calculated sea surface pCO₂ with atmospheric CO₂, we also estimated the air-sea CO₂ flux.

    Initial findings reveal that the sea surface pCO₂ reconstruction achieves strong predictive ability for coastal zones, with an R² exceeding 0.80, successfully capturing both local spatial heterogeneity and seasonal variations. Sensitivity analyses highlight sea surface temperature as the dominant predictor, followed by chlorophyll-a and suspended particulate matter, emphasizing the interplay of thermal and non-thermal processes in shaping pCO₂ variability across the BPNS. The seasonal cycle of pCO₂ decreases after winter primarily due to increased CO₂ solubility in cold water and biological spring uptake, and peaks after summer, mainly driven by warming of the seawater and reduced biological activity, leading to an increased release of CO₂. While sea surface salinity exerts a relatively minor influence overall, its localized impact near the Scheldt estuary plume is significant, underscoring the critical role of riverine inputs in modulating regional carbon dynamics. Overall, our findings indicate that the region functions as a net CO₂ sink for the atmosphere.

    How to cite: Keppens, M., Roobaert, A., van Langen Rosón, A., Neukermans, G., and Landschützer, P.: High-Resolution Coastal Carbon Dynamics in the Belgian Part of the North Sea Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15600,, 2025.

    EGU25-15734 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Characterization of Belgian Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts on Plankton Dynamics 

    Annika Eske, Ilias Semmouri, Jonas Mortelmans, Carlota Muñiz, Pascal Hablützel, and Colin Janssen

    In aquatic ecosystems, plankton communities generally form the base of trophic webs, and environmental changes are often reflected, or even amplified, in these communities. In the context of anthropogenic climate change, plankton communities could be drastically impacted by rising temperatures and the increase of extreme climate events. The Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS) is already heavily influenced by human activity, and extreme climate events could greatly alter the dynamics of the ecosystem. Recent years have seen an uptick in marine heatwaves in the BPNS, which have been associated with unusually prominent Bellerochea sp. blooms and temporary copepod die-offs. As the frequency of these marine heatwaves is projected to increase, it is necessary to gain an understanding of how phytoplankton and zooplankton communities may respond not only to stable temperature change, but also to rapid change. This research therefore aimed first to characterize BPNS marine heatwaves, and second to analyze the corresponding plankton community dynamics. Initially, 30 years of satellite data were used from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature dataset (NOAA OI SST V2 High Resolution Dataset). Temperature data was used to establish a 90th percentile threshold for marine heatwave detection. Marine heatwaves were then characterized based on intensity relative to the 90th percentile threshold, cumulative intensity (deg. C x days), duration, peak temperature reached, and timing of peak temperature. These results were compared with those from underway temperature measurements at ~3 m depth as well as with CTD temperature measurements, all collected on the RV Simon Stevin. Additionally, we defined and analyzed temperature regions based on both geographical and biological zones. For plankton data, samples were collected monthly (nine coastal stations) and seasonally (with eight additional offshore stations) on board the RV Simon Stevin, with zooplankton data from 2014 onwards and phytoplankton data from 2017 onwards. ZooScan and FlowCam automated imaging sensors were used to quantify zooplankton and phytoplankton, respectively. Plankton dynamics were then analyzed in terms of bloom timings and abundances (dominant groups, diversity indices). Overall temperature data from the BPNS showed similar marine heatwave trends using NOAA satellite data and RV Simon Stevin underway data, and highest temperatures were reached in the summers of 2018 and 2022. At several nearshore stations, the key plankton group Appendicularia had a delayed bloom during the 2022 marine heatwave compared to the 2018 marine heatwave. Ultimately, this parallel characterization of marine heatwaves and plankton dynamics offers insight into the health of the BPNS ecosystem. Furthermore, it offers potential for predicting the responses of phytoplankton and zooplankton to future marine heatwave events.

    How to cite: Eske, A., Semmouri, I., Mortelmans, J., Muñiz, C., Hablützel, P., and Janssen, C.: Characterization of Belgian Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts on Plankton Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15734,, 2025.

    EGU25-15911 | Posters on site | OS3.4

    The Belgian Part of the North Sea as a test case to monitor human activities and climate change effects on the coastal carbon system 

    Peter Landschützer, Alizée Roobaert, Maurie Keppens, Andrea van Langen Rosón, Wieter Boone, Leandro Ponsoni, Thanos Gkritzalis, Hans Pirlet, Steven Dauwe, Emile Lemey, Bernd Herremans, Clemence Goyens, and Griet Neukermans

    The global ocean comprises – together with the terrestrial biosphere – the most significant sink for man-made carbon dioxide (CO2). It is estimated that 10-15% of the annual marine net CO2 uptake CO2 occurs in coastal seas. however, for most coastal regions, the exchange of CO2 at the air-sea interface and its temporal variation are to-date insufficiently constrained by observations and not fully introduced in global and regional carbon budgets. This is largely due to the complexity of the processes at play and the resulting spatial heterogeneity of CO2 source and sink regions that require a dense network of measurements that is currently missing in most ocean regions. Better understanding of the regional air-sea CO2 dynamics is crucial to assess the effect of human activities, understanding the impact of extreme events, and monitoring the success of emission reductions.

    Besides being a significant element of the carbon cycle, coastal seas are heavily impacted by human activities and increasingly used to test and implement marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) approaches, which require reliable observations to support their monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV). The Belgian part of the North Sea offers a unique site to test the requirements and design of a fit-for-purpose monitoring system; the Belgian coast is among the densest observed coastal regions for CO2, largely due to a combination of its small size and the intense monitoring efforts.

    Through the VLAIO-funded BERNARDO project, we intensify our monitoring activities in the Belgian Part of the North Sea and build a contemporary coastal carbon budget that can serve as a present-day baseline to monitor effects of human activities and climate extremes. We expanded the ICOS observing network with ship-based biogeochemical parameters, new sampling platforms, such as Uncrewed Surface Vehicles (USVs), remote sensing data, and machine learning reconstructions to monitor the exchange of CO2 at the air-sea interface and its redistribution at the Belgian Part of the North Sea and provide spatially explicit maps at kilometer spatial and daily temporal scale.

    Together with industry partners, we propose use cases to test whether our monitoring system is capable of detecting and attributing carbon emissions from common human activities taking place in the Belgian part of the North Sea such as aquaculture, bottom disturbing or CO2 uptake enhancing activities. The project will thus inform about Marine Spatial Planning requirements that can be adopted to benefit net air-sea CO2 exchange. Additionally, the high-resolution nature of the carbon maps allows to better understand the effects of extreme events, such as marine heat waves on the coastal carbonate system.

    How to cite: Landschützer, P., Roobaert, A., Keppens, M., van Langen Rosón, A., Boone, W., Ponsoni, L., Gkritzalis, T., Pirlet, H., Dauwe, S., Lemey, E., Herremans, B., Goyens, C., and Neukermans, G.: The Belgian Part of the North Sea as a test case to monitor human activities and climate change effects on the coastal carbon system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15911,, 2025.

    EGU25-16030 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    North Sea carbon burial and transport off the northwest European shelf in global Earth system models (ESMs) – validation and variability  

    Anna Cunera (Cuun) Koek, Matthew Humphreys, Willem Poll, van de, and Richard Bintanja

    The North Sea is a very productive and heavily exploited continental shelf sea that acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2. The balance between carbon buried in North Sea sediments and exported off the northwest European shelf into the North Atlantic is highly uncertain, rendering carbon budgets difficult to make and future changes of the system hard to predict. As part of the NoSE (North Sea-Atlantic Exchange) project, this study evaluates the uncertainty and variability in the exchange (with the North Atlantic) and burial of carbon in the North Sea as simulated by global Earth System Models (ESMs).  

    From six state-of-the-art ESMs (ACCESS-ESM1-5, CanESM5, CMCC-ESM2, CESM2-WACCM, IPSL-CM6A-LR, NorESM2-LM), the years matching the observational period were selected from the CMIP6 historical experiment (1850 to 2014) and the ScenarioMIP of CMIP6 ssp245 experiment (2015 to 2100).

    Here, we compare simulated values for sea surface temperature, salinity, phosphate, alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to an internally consistent data product for the northwest European shelf (NWESDAP; 347 datapoints). The models show good agreement for temperature (r2 > 0.8), but weak simulation of salinity (r2 < 0.4). The weak fit is mainly caused by a bad representation of low salinity, whereas in the higher salinity range, the comparison between the models and the observations is better. The model simulation of phosphate shows a weak fit with the observations (r2 < 0.5), mainly caused by a bad model representation of higher phosphate concentrations in the observational dataset. Although the model representation of total alkalinity and surface DIC is weak (r2 < 0.3), the mean observed DIC values are reasonably well represented by the models. As the horizontal flux of DIC is a product of horizontal water transport and DIC concentration, the representation of the variability in DIC might not be as important for calculating lateral fluxes as an adequate simulation of its spatial mean value.

    The model ensemble representation of the main in- and outflow areas, as well as representation of the spatial variability of the variables is considered good enough to compare the present-day and the future North Sea carbon cycle.

    Using the model ensemble, we will present the spatial and temporal variability in carbon burial, carbon concentrations, horizontal carbon transport and the balance between these components, both for present-day and future climate conditions.

    How to cite: Koek, A. C. (., Humphreys, M., Poll, van de, W., and Bintanja, R.: North Sea carbon burial and transport off the northwest European shelf in global Earth system models (ESMs) – validation and variability , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16030,, 2025.

    EGU25-16328 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Modelling the impacts of floating solar structures in a Belgian offshore wind farm 

    Pauline Denis, Arthur Capet, Jan Vanaverbeke, Ee Zin Ong, Thomas Kerkhove, and Sébastien Legrand

    Marine renewable energies are part of the current energy transition strategy in Europe. Offshore wind farms (OWFs) in the North Sea currently supply around 25.8 GW of power and are aimed to reach at least 117 GW by 2030. Yet, on its own, wind energy supply remains partially unreliable for a consistent energy generation. Offshore photovoltaic (PV) installations are increasingly considered a suitable technology to complement the intermittent energy supply of OWF.  In the North Sea, installation of offshore photovoltaics within OWFs offers two significant advantages: (1) space optimization in an already busy North Sea, and (2) the possibility of utilizing and integrating an existing power network.

    However, the installation of such systems comes with significant environmental challenges. In particular, solar technologies currently involve more submerged structures per produced energy unit. These floating structures induce hydrographic changes, particularly in terms of current velocity slowdown and turbulence production. Also, the floaters act as artificial hard substrates that are quickly colonized by organisms, potentially altering the biogeochemical dynamics of the water column and, ultimately, affecting the sediments.

    This study provides a first assessment of the impact of PV structures on key hydrodynamic variables (e.g. current velocity fields, bottom shear stress, turbulence production), both in the near-field and far-field around an OWF using the 3D hydrodynamic model COHERENS ( A 3D computational grid around the Mermaid OWF in the Belgian part of the North Sea was implemented, with a grid resolution of 50m x 50m. We first present the impact of floating solar panels on the surrounding circulation and turbulence field,  assessed using a sub-grid scale parameterization. Results from different scenarios will be presented and compared.

    Second, we present a first estimate of the enrichment of organic carbon flux to the sediments due to the presence of colonizing organisms (mainly Mytilus edulis) on the submerged parts of PV structures. Our aim is to assess the areas of the seabed impacted by the deposition of faecal pellets due to the installation of PV structures within the OWF, considering the hydrodynamic perturbations presented above. This part uses a 3D Lagrangian particle tracking model (OSERIT; Dulière et al., 2012), faecal pellet characteristics gathered from laboratory experiments (e.g. sinking velocity, production rate and carbon content) and literature data on colonization of wind turbine foundations (Mavraki et al., 2020). In this model, each numerical particle represents a certain quantity of faecal pellets and, consequently, organic carbon.

    Maps of faecal pellet deposition patterns will be presented for several scenarios of PV structures distribution in the Mermaid OWF. Our simulations show that the footprint affected by faecal pellet depositions could reach up to 18 times the surface area of the OWF and that the amount of carbon deposited could reach up to 1454² per day (worst-case scenario). These maps illustrate the causal relationship between PV farm design and the surface area of sediment affected by the faecal pellet deposition and thus exposed to organic carbon enrichment.

    How to cite: Denis, P., Capet, A., Vanaverbeke, J., Ong, E. Z., Kerkhove, T., and Legrand, S.: Modelling the impacts of floating solar structures in a Belgian offshore wind farm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16328,, 2025.

    EGU25-16678 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Carbon burial at the North Sea-North Atlantic gateway over the past 14,000 years 

    Cecile Hilgen, Rick Hennekam, Marcel van der Meer, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Francesca Sangiorgi

    The North Sea, a highly productive shelf sea, may play an important role in the local carbon cycle by exchanging carbon and nutrients with the Atlantic Ocean and facilitating carbon burial in its sediments. However, understanding the response of carbon burial rates to natural and anthropogenic forcings remains limited in this setting. To address this gap, this study examines long-term trends in carbon burial and their natural and anthropogenic drivers at North Sea-North Atlantic gateway over the past 14,000 years. Sediment cores – both piston core and multi-core (61.5687 °N, 3.0465 °E) – were analysed using a multi-proxy approach including X-ray fluorescence (XRF), lipid biomarkers, (compound specific) isotopes, and dinoflagellate cysts to reconstruct climate change, patterns of primary productivity and origin of the carbon. Chronology was established using radiocarbon dating. Carbon burial rates were reconstructed by calibrating the Br/Ti log ratio with TOC measurements, while the productivity of calcium-bearing organisms was inferred from the Ca/Fe log ratio. The highest carbon burial rates of 8 gC/m²/yr are during the Younger Dryas and coincides with cold bottom water temperatures/high global ice volume and reduced productivity. In the Early Holocene, productivity increased, followed by a gradual transgression, reducing sedimentation rates and thereby carbon burial rates to 2 gC/m²/yr. At around 500 years BP, carbon accumulation rates increased again to approximately 5 gC/m²/yr, likely caused by anthropogenic factors such as deforestation and changes in land use.

    How to cite: Hilgen, C., Hennekam, R., van der Meer, M., Reichart, G.-J., and Sangiorgi, F.: Carbon burial at the North Sea-North Atlantic gateway over the past 14,000 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16678,, 2025.

    EGU25-16984 | Orals | OS3.4

    Modelling bottom-up effects of climate change on primary production in the North Sea 

    Lauriane Vilmin, Lisa Schneider, Sonia Heye, Firmijn Zijl, Tammo Zijlker, Momme Butenschön, Trond Kristiansen, and Luca van Duren

    Due to its geographical location, the North Sea is one of the busiest seas worldwide, undergoing increasing pressure due to continuous developments of offshore human activities. These activities affect the North Sea ecosystem, for example by introducing new habitats/species or infrastructure into previously unobstructed environments. At the same time, climate change has already been affecting the North Sea ecosystem, leading to observed changes in species distribution. These changes may also affect physical processes such as stratification. Stratification is one of the main factors influencing primary production, which constitutes the foundation of the marine food web. To be able to mitigate these effects, it is crucial to understand the bottom-up, cumulative impacts of anthropogenic climate change and offshore activities on marine ecosystems. With this goal, we adapted and nested a 3D process-based hydrodynamics and water quality model of the North Sea (3D DCSM-FM) within a global Earth System Model (CMCC-ESM2). We simulated two contrasting future climate change scenarios: one representing the situation of a society focused on global sustainability, with low carbon emissions (SSP1-RCP2.6), and one of a society focused on global markets, with abundant exploitation of fossil-fuels and high carbon emissions (SSP5-RCP8.5). We investigated how the two different scenarios impact important abiotic and water quality variables, up to the end of the century.

    As expected, our model results show clear surface water temperature increases for both scenarios, above 3°C by 2100. The Northern part of the North Sea is mainly driven by exchange with the Atlantic ocean. In the Northern and Eastern North Sea and in the Dogger Bank, our model simulates an increase in temperature stratification, leading to decreases in near-surface dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a and growing-season primary production (~-20-30% by 2100 on average in the Northern North Sea). The Southern part of the North Sea, especially along the coast, is driven by an along-coast current from the English channel and large, nutrient-rich freshwater inputs. The Southern North Sea shows a more spatially-variable response to the simulated scenarios in terms of nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll-a and primary production, with areas of increase and areas of decrease. Overall, the Southern North Sea shows a small increase in growing-season primary production for scenario SSP1-RCP2.6 by 2100 (+6%), while it shows a decrease for SSP5-RCP8.5 (-14%).

    Our model offers the resolution to understand the effects of local pressures within a globally changing climate. Such tools are crucial to support the management of future offshore activities, ensure their long-term effectiveness and minimize their impacts on the ecosystem.

    How to cite: Vilmin, L., Schneider, L., Heye, S., Zijl, F., Zijlker, T., Butenschön, M., Kristiansen, T., and van Duren, L.: Modelling bottom-up effects of climate change on primary production in the North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16984,, 2025.

    EGU25-17616 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Explaining biogeography through ocean circulation and abiotic variability 

    Chaimaa Rwawi, Vicenç Moltó, Léo Berline, David Nérini, and Vincent Rossi

    Oceanic transport and environmental variability are key for structuring marine populations and designing protection and management plans. While previous regionalizations of the Mediterranean Sea have provided valuable insights into objectively discretizing the marine seascape, they only suggest impacts on biogeography without explicitly testing them. Additionally, these studies often overlooked small-scale, high-frequency processes and focused predominantly on near-surface layers, neglecting deeper biomes.

    To address these limitations, (i) we utilize a data-assimilative model and remote-sensing observations at high resolution, and (ii) we focus on two Mediterranean species with contrasting ecological traits, including adult phases exploiting both epi- and meso-pelagic layers as well as highly dispersive early-life stages. Our target species are the red mullet (Mullus barbatus), a demersal fish mainly distributed in the continental shelf, and the deep-water red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus), a pelagic marine decapod. Using passive Lagrangian particles advected within two-dimensional flow fields at several depths, we construct networks of connected areas and cluster them to identify hydrodynamic provinces. The average of these provinces reveals recurrent spatial patterns aligned with multiscale oceanographic features. In parallel, we use seawater temperature gridded data and a community detection algorithm to look for regions based on geographical proximity and temperature similarity. It produces clusters that we then average to mean abiotic regionalizations. Finally, we integrate independent observed biogeographies of the target species, and employ statistical modeling to explain these biogeographies as a combined effect of ocean circulation and abiotic clusters. This approach advances our understanding of biogeographical patterns, by deciphering two regimes depending on spatial scales, teasing apart the respective role of oceanic circulation and abiotic variability and how the latter are modulated by the target species’ ecological traits.

    This robust framework helps exploring the controls of the spatial organization of marine life and could be used to predict future biodiversity reorganization in the ocean.

    How to cite: Rwawi, C., Moltó, V., Berline, L., Nérini, D., and Rossi, V.: Explaining biogeography through ocean circulation and abiotic variability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17616,, 2025.

    EGU25-18121 | ECS | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Anthropogenic Shadows in the Earth's Deepest Environments: Insights into Hadal Zone Pollution 

    Sara Trotta, Piero Bellanova, and Jan Schwarzbauer

    The hadal trenches, with depths exceeding 6,000 meters, are critical yet understudied sinks for anthropogenic pollutants. However, advances in deep-sea technology and growing interest in ocean health drive the need for new tools to study deep-sea sediments. This study explores the prevalence and impact of organic and inorganic contaminants in the Japan Trench hadal sediments, focusing on their origins, pathways, preservation and potential ecological consequences. Sediment samples were collected from water depths of 7,000–7,800 meters in the hadal zones during IODP Exp. 386. The samples were analyzed through a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating oceanography, analytical biogeochemistry, and statistical analysis. Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed concentrations of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) ranging from µg to ng/g, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), and its metabolites (DDX). Sequential extraction and microwave-assisted digestion techniques quantified heavy metals and metalloids bound to sediment matrices, emphasizing the accumulation of inorganic pollutants, such as Pb, Zn, Te, As, Cd, Ni. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and biomarkers analyses (e.g., n-alkanes) were performed to determine the primary sediment transport pathways delivering pollutants into the trench. The results, interpreted through statistical analyses of correlations between pollutant concentrations, biomarkers, biogeochemical factors (e.g., TAR, CPI ratios), and sediment accumulation rates, reveal a complex interplay between terrestrial and marine sediment sources. Oceanic processes and seismic events contribute to pollutant transport and deposition in deep-sea trenches, which act as global contaminant sinks, with pollutants transported via marine snow, seismic-induced sediment remobilization, and tsunami backwash, posing risks to fragile hadal ecosystems. By identifying biomarkers and pollutant assemblages, this study quantifies transport processes and offers valuable insights into sedimentary pollution history, its impact on biogeochemical cycles, and its consequences for marine biodiversity and ecosystem functions. The findings highlight the significant influence of both human activities and natural processes on the ocean's deepest regions, stressing the need for interdisciplinary strategies to better understand sediment-associated transport processes, as well as the fate and toxicological potential of persistent pollutants in the least studied environments on Earth – the hadal deep-sea basins.

    How to cite: Trotta, S., Bellanova, P., and Schwarzbauer, J.: Anthropogenic Shadows in the Earth's Deepest Environments: Insights into Hadal Zone Pollution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18121,, 2025.

    EGU25-18762 | Posters on site | OS3.4

    Long-term dynamics of fish communities: A 16-years study in the Yeosu Coast, Korea  

    Seong Yong Moon, Haeyoung Choi, and Kyung Mi Jung

    The Yeosu Coast, a region of critical ecological and economic importance on the Korean Peninsula, has experienced significant changes in fish community dynamics over recent decades. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of daily set-net catch data collected from 2008 to 2023 (excluding 2017) to investigate long-term shifts in species composition and community structure. The findings indicate a dominance of warm-water species, reflecting the region’s temperate to subtropical marine environment. During the study period, the total catch amounted to 3,501.9 tonnes, with the highest annual catch recorded in 2010 and the lowest in 2016. Species composition changes were strongly correlated with sea surface temperature, identified as the primary environmental driver of these dynamics. The dominant species, Scomberomorus niphonius (Cuvier, 1832) and Engraulis japonicus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846), together accounted for 77.4% of the total biomass. Biodiversity trends, measured using the Shannon–Weaver diversity index, revealed a marked decline in 2015 compared to 2008, highlighting significant alterations in community structure. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the compounded threats of climate change and the increasing prevalence of jellyfish blooms, which pose serious challenges to fishery productivity and biodiversity. These results underscore the urgent need for targeted management strategies and sustained monitoring to ensure the long-term sustainability of fisheries in this region amidst ongoing environmental changes.

    How to cite: Moon, S. Y., Choi, H., and Jung, K. M.: Long-term dynamics of fish communities: A 16-years study in the Yeosu Coast, Korea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18762,, 2025.

    EGU25-21325 | ECS | Orals | OS3.4

    Navigating Climate and Policy Shifts: Habitat Suitability Modelling for North Sea Pelagic Fisheries in a Changing World  

    Rutendo Musimwa, Ward Standaert, Martha Stevens, Salvador Jesus Fernández Bejarano, Carlota Muñiz, Elisabeth Debusschere, Steven Pint, and Gert Everaert

    Understanding the habitats of commercially important pelagic fish is essential for their sustainable management. Pelagic fish species are not only economically significant but also play crucial ecological roles in marine ecosystems. Climate change is reshaping marine environments by altering ocean temperatures, salinity, and other abiotic conditions, which affect the distribution and behaviour of these pelagic fish.  

    In light of the challenges posed by a changing environment, this research examines how climate change, according to Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) scenarios, impacts the habitats of three commercially significant pelagic species in the North Sea: Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus), Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus), and European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Mechanistic niche models were developed using temperature and salinity data from BioOracle and validated using 655,389 species occurrence records from EMODnet. 

    Model validation, conducted through Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and visual inspection of predicted versus observed distributions, demonstrated good alignment between observed presence and predicted suitable habitats, supporting the models' reliability despite some regional mismatches due to uneven data distribution. The analysis estimated Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) values and observed distribution patterns, focusing on how optimal suitability shifted over time, independent of longitudinal variations. The HSI was classified on a scale where values were considered optimal (HSI ≥ 0.75), suboptimal (0.5 < HSI < 0.75), and poor (HSI ≤ 0.5). The impact of climate change on habitat suitability was examined under six SSP scenarios (SSP1-1.9, SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, SSP4-6.0, SSP5-8.5). 

    In the North Sea, the projected impacts of climate change on the distribution of suitable habitats for Atlantic herring, Atlantic mackerel, and European seabass show notable trends under the SSP5-8.5 scenario. For Atlantic herring, habitat suitability is projected to decrease from an HSI of 1.00 in 2010 to 0.82 by 2100 due to changes in temperature. Similarly, Atlantic mackerel exhibits a decline in suitability from optimal habitat (HSI = 0.78) in 2010 to suboptimal (HSI = 0.56) by 2100. In contrast, European seabass maintains an HSI of 1.00 across all time periods. These results suggest a general resilience of European seabass to projected climate change impacts in the North Sea, whereas Atlantic herring and Atlantic mackerel may encounter more variable habitat conditions over the century. 

    The findings align with previous research showing latitudinal shifts in marine species due to warming temperatures, with significant implications for ecosystems and fisheries, particularly in the northern and southern regions of Europe. This underscores the necessity of adapting fisheries management to account for climate-induced shifts in pelagic fish distributions. As European fleets face new challenges posed by changing environmental conditions, this research provides crucial insights into future habitat suitability trends, aiding in the sustainable exploitation and conservation of these vital marine resources. Ultimately, this study highlights the importance of understanding shifts in fish habitat suitability to determine whether pelagic fisheries represent the future of the North Sea. 

    How to cite: Musimwa, R., Standaert, W., Stevens, M., Jesus Fernández Bejarano, S., Muñiz, C., Debusschere, E., Pint, S., and Everaert, G.: Navigating Climate and Policy Shifts: Habitat Suitability Modelling for North Sea Pelagic Fisheries in a Changing World , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21325,, 2025.

    Tidal flats, a vital coastal wetland habitat in the land-sea transition zone, serve as breeding grounds, nurseries, and habitats for numerous estuarine and offshore fish species. Moreover, they play an indispensable role in maintaining fish biodiversity. Regrettably, the cumulative impacts of intensive human activities and climate change have significantly disrupted the landscape structure and functionality of tidal flats. This has led to the degradation of fish habitats and an even more severe loss of suitable living environments for fish populations. Despite the importance of understanding these dynamics, in-depth research into the changing ecological patterns within the coastal zone and their implications for fish communities remains limited. Jiangsu Province, a pivotal development hub within China's Yangtze River Delta region, is endowed with rich tidal flat resources and a densely populated area. To address the knowledge gap, this study aimed to leverage remote sensing imagery of Jiangsu’s coastal zone to extract landscape distribution data. By constructing an ecological security evaluation framework, we comprehensively analyzed the landscape ecological patterns of tidal flats. Additionally, we employed advanced techniques such as ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry and high-throughput sequencing to explore fish diversity characteristics. Integrating these with multi-source data analysis and model simulations, we sought to uncover the intricate relationships between landscape ecological patterns and fish biodiversity characteristics in the coastal zone. The findings were consistent with previous research on the thermophilic ratio of fish communities in the southern Yellow Sea and the offshore areas of Jiangsu. In different landscape ecological pattern groups, spatial heterogeneity was evident in the composition and relative abundance of fish species. When it comes to the protection of tidal flats, it is essential to consider not only the area changes in a specific region but also the structure and function of these areas. Integrating the results of the analysis on tidal flat ecological patterns and fish diversity, preventive, proactive restoration, and rehabilitative measures should be implemented to safeguard and manage coastal areas. Ultimately, this research endeavors to deepen our scientific understanding of the role of fishery resources in the sustainable development of the coastal zone. Based on our findings, we proposed targeted recommendations for the conservation and management of the coastal zone's spatial pattern, thereby contributing to the long-term health and resilience of this critical ecosystem.

    How to cite: Cheng, S. and Cao, L.: The influence of landscape ecological pattern changes of tidal flat on fish community in the coastal area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21737,, 2025.

    EGU25-626 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7

    Optimized CTAB-Modified Nanofibrillated Cellulose for Phosphate Recovery: Adsorption Mechanisms and Performance Insights 

    Archana Pandey, Yogesh Chandra Sharma, and Ajay S Kalamdhad

    To address the environmental challenges posed by eutrophication, removal of excess phosphorus from aquatic ecosystems is imperative. This study presents a cationic adsorbent synthesized by modifying nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), derived from agrowaste, using surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Comprehensive characterization techniques, including XRD, FTIR, HR-SEM, SEM-EDX, BET, and XPS, confirmed successful introduction of quaternary ammonium groups, significantly enhancing the surface chemistry of NFC. This modification imparted a positive ζ potential over a wide pH range, ensuring a strong affinity for negatively charged phosphate ions. Increased surface roughness and improved active site availability resulted in a nearly threefold improvement in phosphate removal efficiency compared to pristine NFC. The adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Sips isotherm, achieving a maximum capacity of 21.78 mg P/g within 120 minutes. The adsorbent displayed pH-dependent behavior, retaining stability and optimal performance under weakly acidic to neutral conditions, with minimal desorption (12.61%) after three cycles. Mechanistic insights from XPS and FTIR revealed that electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding were the primary drivers of phosphate adsorption.

    How to cite: Pandey, A., Sharma, Y. C., and Kalamdhad, A. S.: Optimized CTAB-Modified Nanofibrillated Cellulose for Phosphate Recovery: Adsorption Mechanisms and Performance Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-626,, 2025.

    EGU25-2226 | Posters on site | BG1.7

    Multifunctionality of Alkaline Phosphatase in Ecology and Biotechnology 

    Federico Baltar and Daniel E.M. Saavedra

    Multifunctional enzymes can significantly impact biotechnological applications by performing activities beyond their primary functions. This presentation explores the role of the multifunctionality of alkaline phosphatase, a key enzyme in the phosphorus cycle, focusing on the molecular mechanisms influencing its activity, and its biotechnological potential. Based on these findings we argue that understanding these aspects can enhance the utility of alkaline phosphatase in research and industry, fostering innovations in enzyme engineering, environmental biotechnology, and metabolic engineering. Furthermore, by exploring enzyme promiscuity, we highlight alkaline phosphatase’s versatility, paving the way for advancements in sustainable agriculture, environmental remediation, clinical diagnostics in particular, and in ecological and biotechnological progress in general.

    How to cite: Baltar, F. and Saavedra, D. E. M.: Multifunctionality of Alkaline Phosphatase in Ecology and Biotechnology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2226,, 2025.

    EGU25-2511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7

    A synthesis of phosphorus stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural environments 

    Julian Helfenstein, Bruno Ringeval, Federica Tamburini, Vera Mulder, Daniel Goll, Xianjin He, Edwin Alblas, Yingping Wang, Alain Mollier, and Emmanuel Frossard

    Estimates of phosphorus (P) fluxes at the global scale were already available in the early 2010s and led to the establishment of planetary boundaries for P.  In the meantime, estimates of P stocks and fluxes have been revised and updated for natural biomes, agriculture, fishery, and global biogeochemical models. However, improvements toward attaining P-related sustainable development goals requires policies informed by the situation at the corresponding scales, ranging from plot to national to global scale. Here, we bridge this gap by synthesizing the relative sizes of P stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural terrestrial environments from existing literature, focusing on the plot scale. Though the P cycle is context specific, our analysis of roughly 790 empirical flux measurements from 27 studies supports drawing several general conclusions about relative magnitudes of P stocks and fluxes. For example, in both natural and agricultural systems, empirical data on P stocks tend to follow the pattern soil >> microbial biomass > plant biomass. Similarly, we summarize empirical measurements of P fluxes and show that in natural ecosystems, fluxes between P pools within soil >> fluxes between soils-plants > system inputs (weathering, atmospheric deposition) and losses (erosion, leaching). We also discuss specific contexts where these general patterns do not hold, and what that means for management. Finally, we will discuss how a better understanding of P stocks and fluxes is relevant for science-informed management of P resources, for example through improved representation of P in vegetation or crop models. 

    How to cite: Helfenstein, J., Ringeval, B., Tamburini, F., Mulder, V., Goll, D., He, X., Alblas, E., Wang, Y., Mollier, A., and Frossard, E.: A synthesis of phosphorus stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2511,, 2025.

    EGU25-5234 | Posters on site | BG1.7

    Direct foliar phosphorus uptake from wildfire ash  

    avner gross, daniel palchan, and anton lokshin

    Atmospheric particles originating from combustion byproducts (burned biomass or wildfire ash) are highly enriched in nutrients such as P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and others. Over long time scales, deposited wildfire ash particles contributes to soil fertility by replenishing soil nutrient reservoirs. However, the immediate nutritional effects of freshly deposited fire ash on plants are mostly unknown. Here we study the influence of fire ash on plant nutrition by applying particles directly on plant leaves or onto the roots of chickpea, which was used as our model plant. The experiment was conducted under ambient and elevated CO2 levels, (412 and 850 ppm) that reflect both current and future climate scenarios. We found that plants can uptake fire ash P only from their leaves, through direct nutrient uptake from particles captured on their foliage, but not via their roots. In a future climate scenario, foliar nutrient uptake pathway may be even more pronounced for plants, due to the partial inhibition of key root uptake mechanism. Our findings highlight the effectiveness of the foliar nutrient uptake mechanism under both ambient and elevated CO2 levels, with fire ash P being the sole nutrient absorbed by the foliage.  These findings demonstrate the substantial contribution of fire ash to the nutrition of plants. The role of fire ash is expected to increase in a future world, thus giving a competitive advantage to plants that can utilize fire ash P from the foliar pathway.


    How to cite: gross, A., palchan, D., and lokshin, A.: Direct foliar phosphorus uptake from wildfire ash , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5234,, 2025.

    EGU25-6465 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

    Understanding the Long-term Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe 

    Masooma Batool, Fanny J. Sarrazin, and Rohini Kumar

    Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, yet much of the P in agricultural soils remains inaccessible to plants, necessitating external inputs. Since the 1920s, agricultural intensification in Europe has led to significant P accumulation in soils, resulting in P surpluses (the difference between P inputs and outputs) that exceed plant needs. These surpluses contribute to environmental issues, including water quality degradation, biodiversity loss, and breaches of planetary boundaries. Despite regulatory efforts, elevated P levels persist in European water bodies, highlighting the need for long-term understanding of soil P surplus to guide future land and water management practices.

    The goal of this study is to characterize the spatial and temporal pattern of the P surplus across Europe1. To achieve this goal, we constructed a long-term (1850-2019) yearly P surplus dataset across Europe at a 5 arcmin spatial resolution for agricultural and non-agricultural soils. Our gridded dataset allows for aggregating P surplus at different spatial scales of interest for soil and water management. Specifically, the dataset includes 48 P surplus estimates addressing uncertainties in key components such as fertilizers, manure, and P removal rates, acknowledging the inherent variability in nutrient budgets.

    Our results show that P surplus (evaluated as one standard deviation around the mean of the 48 estimates) in the EU-27 has tripled over 170 years, increasing from 1.19±0.28 kg ha⁻¹ of physical area in 1850 to 2.48±0.97 kg ha⁻¹ of physical area in recent years. Spatially, our analysis indicates that Central European countries mainly rely on mineral fertilizers, except regions like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, where animal manure dominates due to high livestock densities. Furthermore, the long-term database allowed us to identify four distinct phases of P surplus: 1850–1920 (Pre-modern agriculture), (ii) 1921–1960 (Industrialization before the Green Revolution), (iii) 1961–1990 (Green Revolution and synthetic fertilizer expansion), and (iv) 1991–2019 (Environmental awareness and policy intervention phase). Complimenting our earlier Nitrogen (N) surplus dataset2, this work emphasizes the importance of long-term analyses to address persistent nutrient-related environmental challenges.

    1Batool, M., Sarrazin, F. J., and Kumar, R.: Century Long Reconstruction of Gridded Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe (1850–2019), Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2024.

    2Batool, M., Sarrazin, F.J., Attinger, S. et al. Long-term annual soil nitrogen surplus across Europe (1850–2019). Sci Data 9, 612 (2022).




    How to cite: Batool, M., Sarrazin, F. J., and Kumar, R.: Understanding the Long-term Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6465,, 2025.

    EGU25-6642 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

    Export of groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus from a drained wetland into surface water 

    Xingyu Liu, Markus Winkler, Oliver Sass, and Stefan Peiffer

    Groundwater-derived geogenic phosphorus (P) plays a significant but often overlooked role in surface water eutrophication. Geogenic P differs from anthropogenic P in its release mechanisms, seasonal variability and magnitude of release. While many studies have addressed the spatial distribution of geogenic P,  its temporal dynamics, transport and export mechanisms remain insufficiently understood. This study was conducted in a small study site (~1ha) located in a drained riparian wetland in southeastern Germany, where anthropogenic P input is minimal. The combination of a P-rich geological background, dynamic redox conditions and a drainage network provided an ideal setting to study the P mobilization and export processes. Hydrogeochemical monitoring of groundwater and drainage water over two years, complemented by vertical profile sampling of dissolved and solid phases, revealed significant P enrichment in the subsurface. About 70% of groundwater and drainage water samples exceeded the German Environment Agency’s threshold of 0.1 mg/L. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in groundwater reached up to 16 µmol/L (0.5 mg/L) in two of four wells, showing minimal seasonal variation. Drainage water SRP ranged from 6 to 15 µmol/L, with some interannual variability due to dilution during wet periods, and closely matched the chemistry of high-P groundwater wells. Both high spatial and low temporal variability were attributed to the site-specific geochemical settings. A strong correlation between P and iron (Fe) in groundwater and drainage water highlighted the critical role of Fe-P interactions in controlling P dynamics. Electrical resistivity tomography confirmed a subsurface preferential flow channel aligned with the high-P wells. These findings proposed a conceptual model: geogenic P, probably originating from the weathering of P-bearing minerals, reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, and organic matter mineralization, is stored in the subsurface. Preferential flow paths transport Fe-P-rich, anoxic groundwater to drainage systems, which further accelerate P export by creating direct groundwater-surface water connections, reducing residence time, and acting as hotspots for P accumulation and event-driven transport. This study provides novel insights into the processing of geogenic P in groundwater and its continuous contribution to surface water eutrophication. While concentrations may be lower than those from surface runoff or agriculture, geogenic P remains a long-term and persistent source of P loading. These results underscore the need for eutrophication mitigation strategies to address both geogenic and anthropogenic P sources. 

    How to cite: Liu, X., Winkler, M., Sass, O., and Peiffer, S.: Export of groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus from a drained wetland into surface water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6642,, 2025.

    EGU25-6643 | Orals | BG1.7

    Effects of Nitrogen addition on Soil Phosphorus Pools in an Ombrotrophic Bog in South-Eastern Ontario, Canada 

    Christian von Sperber, Camille Jones, Camille Brais, Tim Moore, Cynthia Kallenbach, and Meng Wang

    Peatlands store about one third of the global soil organic carbon. This carbon storage is partly controlled by the availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in peat, which affects primary productivity, decomposition, plant community composition, and microbial community composition in these ecosystems. While extensive research has been conducted on the N cycle in peatlands, much less is known about the biogeochemistry of P. To date, little is known about how an increase of atmospheric N deposition affects the availability and biogeochemistry of P in peat. To fill this gap of knowledge, we studied the effect of increased N additions on soil P pools in an ombrotrophic bog in Canada. For this purpose, soil samples were taken from a 20 year old fertilization trial at Mer Bleue Bog in south-eastern Ontario and subjected to Hedley sequential fractionation. In unfertilized peat, P concentrations were highest in the available and highly recalcitrant pools, with little between them. This U-shaped distribution of P along the gradient of availability contrasts with established patterns in mineral soils. In plots which received PK and NPK fertilizers, concentrations of both available P and highly recalcitrant P doubled. In plots receiving N fertilization alone, available and total P concentrations decreased, which may indicate increased demand for P by plants and microorganisms when N status is high. In all plots receiving fertilizer, concentrations of highly recalcitrant P increased, which may indicate increased decomposition of peat. In addition, fertilization led to changes aboveground. Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves in plots receiving PK and NPK were enriched in P compared to Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves in unfertilized plots and plots receiving N alone. These findings indicate, that formerly N limited peatlands may become P limited due to anthropogenically enhanced atmospheric nitrogen depositions which may impact their potential to store soil organic carbon in the future.

    How to cite: von Sperber, C., Jones, C., Brais, C., Moore, T., Kallenbach, C., and Wang, M.: Effects of Nitrogen addition on Soil Phosphorus Pools in an Ombrotrophic Bog in South-Eastern Ontario, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6643,, 2025.

    The competitive adsorption of glyphosate and phosphate (PO43-) on mineral surfaces mutually affects their mobility in the environment. Iron hydroxides, such as goethite and ferrihydrite, are abundant in soils and serve as important sinks for both glyphosate and phosphate. The adsorption of these compounds is modulated by pH which affects their surface complexation and mineral surface charge. Moreover, the release of ferrous ions (Fe2+) from the natural iron cycle may further impact glyphosate adsorption by altering surface complexation equilibria. Understanding these interactions is crucial for developing predictive models of glyphosate transport and retention in the environment.

    In this study, we employed a surface complexation model (SCM) to evaluate adsorption data of glyphosate and PO43- in aqueous suspensions of goethite and ferrihydrite, focusing on their pH-dependent processes, competitive interactions, and binding modes. Additionally, the influence of Fe2+ on glyphosate adsorption at pH 7 and the adsorption mechanism of Fe2+ on iron hydroxides were examined. Surface complexation constants (log K) for glyphosate, PO43-, and Fe2+ were estimated, providing a robust thermodynamic basis for modeling interactions with the two iron minerals. The surface complexation of glyphosate and PO43- varied with pH, concentration and competitive interactions. Despite the strong competition by PO43-, complete desorption of glyphosate by PO43- was only observed under alkaline conditions, indicating partial retention of glyphosate on iron hydroxides in most natural environments. Notably, Fe2+ and glyphosate mutually promote their adsorption on ferrihydrite at pH 7, indicating synergistic interactions or co-complexation, whereas on goethite Fe2+ has minimal influence on glyphosate adsorption. Structural modeling revealed that Fe2+ adsorption is dominated by monodentate complexes, highlighting the uniformity of adsorption mechanisms across these iron hydroxides.

    Our findings underscore the significance of PO43- in attenuating glyphosate retention in soils, while Fe2+ appears to play a dual role, enhancing glyphosate adsorption under specific conditions. This study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of glyphosate dynamics in iron hydroxide-rich soils and provides directions for environmental management strategies aimed at mitigating glyphosate leaching and optimizing soil remediation practices.

    How to cite: Wang, M. and Haderlein, S.: Modeling pH-dependent Adsorption of Glyphosate on Iron Hydroxides: Competition with Phosphate and Influence of Fe2+, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8402,, 2025.

    Long-term applications of organic fertilizers significantly influence soil organic matter (SOM) and phosphorus (P). However, the interactions between SOM and P remain poorly understood. A better understanding of these interactions is important for efficient fertilization strategies. Methods of size and density fractionation of SOM have been used to study the fate of carbon from organic inputs and have been instrumental in understanding the mechanisms of SOM processing, storage, and interaction with soil minerals.

    The Danish long-term field experiment CRUCIAL (Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle – Investigations through Agronomic Long-term Experiments) was established to explore the soil impacts of excessive organic material applications (e.g., sewage sludge, compost, cattle manure) over more than two decades. These amendments have provided annual P inputs of up to 621 kg·ha-1, greatly exceeding crop P requirements (~25 kg·ha-1), significantly increasing soil carbon stocks, total and organic P stocks, microbial biomass, and reducing soil bulk density.

    To investigate the associations of SOM and P in fractions that serve as proxies for SOM with different degradation levels and interactions with specific soil minerals, we are employing size and density fractionation techniques. However, optimized protocols for fractionating SOM with a focus on P are lacking. We are currently optimizing such a method. Soils fertilized with compost, sewage sludge, cattle manure, or unfertilized controls were fractionated as follows:

    20g air-dried soils were dispersed in water using glass beads. Thereafter, soils were wet-sieved into two size fractions: (A) 2 mm - 100 µm and (B) <100 µm. Density fractionation was conducted by suspending fractions A and B in a sodium polytungstate solution (density 1.8 or 2.4 g·ml-1), separating the lighter fraction (a) and progressively denser fractions (b and c). Fraction Bb was further sonicated and centrifuged.

    Preliminary results highlight the influence of organic fertilizers on SOM fraction size and P distribution. In compost-fertilized soils, fraction Aa contained visible plant fragments, roots, and coarse composted material (P concentration: 0.7 g·kg-1), while fraction Ab, comprising darker and finer plant material, had a higher P concentration (4.6 g·kg-1). Fraction Ac, likely consisting of sand, contained no detectable P. Fraction Ba, finely particulate organic matter of gray color, had 2.8 g·kg-1 P, while fraction Bb, dark black in color, contained 4.1 g·kg-1 P.

    Compost applications increased the size of all SOM fractions compared to unfertilized soils, whereas sewage sludge treatment resulted in significantly smaller Aa, Ab, and Ba fractions compared to soils treated with compost. Preliminary findings suggest that soil P and SOM fractions are influenced by organic amendments. Currently, we are optimizing the fractionation method to enhance P recovery in each fraction and avoid chemical interference. Future work will study isotopes and concentrations of carbon and nitrogen in the SOM fractions, along with microscopy techniques to identify organic macromolecules and porous structures.

    How to cite: Álvarez Salas, M. and Magid, J.: Understanding Phosphorus Association with Soil Organic Matter: Size and Density Fraction Analysis in Intensively Fertilized Soils with Organic Materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8490,, 2025.

    EGU25-8646 | Orals | BG1.7

    Limitation of potential yield by phosphorus at the global scale 

    Bruno Ringeval, Josephine Demay, Julian Helfenstein, Marko Kvakic, Alain Mollier, Thomas Nesme, Mounir Seghouani, and Sylvain Pellerin

    Phosphorus (P) is one of the key limitations to crop yields. However, the relationship between soil P and yield is far to be understood at the global scale, given some difficulties in global soil P mapping [Helfenstein et al., 2024], complexities to model soil P dynamics and spatially variable interactions between P and other sources of yield gap (nitrogen, water, pest and diseases).

    To better understand the P limitation of crop yield at the global scale, we developed here a simple but mechanistic approach (called GPCROP) to simulate the interaction between plant and soil P at daily time-step for one year. The model assumes no other limitation (water, N), and thus allows quantifying the P limitation of potential yield by the current soil P. Simulations are performed for maize at half-degree latitude x longitude spatial resolution.

    GPCROP combines and builds on four previously developed models that we here combined: a model of potential growth for maize (SIM, [Ringeval et al., 2021]), a model describing the soil P dynamics (GPASOIL, [Ringeval et al., 2024]), a parametrization for the P supply by root (following [Kvakic et al., 2018]), and a model describing the allocation of C and P among plant organs, inspired of [Kvakic et al., 2020]. In particular, the soil P dynamics model allows us to represent the resplenishment of the soil P solution by more stable soil P pools, the parametrization for the P supply by root allows us to represent the diffusion of P in soil and the allocation model, based on an optimization procedure, allows us to represent plant adjustments to P limitation such as change in root:shoot ratio and change in leaf P concentration.

    Thanks to GPCROP, we quantified the limitation of potential yield by P at the global scale. An uncertainty related to key model parameters and model input was also provided. Simulations underlined the importance of the begin of the growing season when roots are poorly developped in the magnitude of the limitation on final yield. Plant adjustements do particularly matter at that moment of the growing season as they allow (at least partly) to alleviate the P limitation, and we estimated their contribution in the reduction of the global P limitation.

    Helfenstein et al., 2024 : Understanding soil phosphorus cycling for sustainable development: A review. One Earth, S2590332224003737.
    Kvakic et al., 2018 : Quantifying the Limitation to World Cereal Production Due To Soil Phosphorus Status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
    Kvakic et al., 2020 : Carbon and Phosphorus Allocation in Annual Plants: An Optimal Functioning Approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:149,
    Ringeval et al., 2021 : Potential yield simulated by global gridded crop models: using a process-based emulator to explain their differences. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(3):1639–1656,, 2021.
    Ringeval et al., 2024 : A global dataset on phosphorus in agricultural soils. Scientific Data, 11(1):17,

    How to cite: Ringeval, B., Demay, J., Helfenstein, J., Kvakic, M., Mollier, A., Nesme, T., Seghouani, M., and Pellerin, S.: Limitation of potential yield by phosphorus at the global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8646,, 2025.

    Baltic Sea is a geologically young semi-enclosed brackish-water body whose water exchange with the ocean has gradually declined. Approximately 85 million people live in the Baltic Sea's catchment area, resulting in significant human impact on the basin's ecosystem. Eutrophication due to anthropogenic discharge of nutrients is considered the most serious environmental problem, leading to greater growth of phytoplankton and algae, deterioration of water quality, and lack of oxygen in near-bottom water masses. As a result of recent large-scale nutrient input, phosphorus has accumulated into the seabed sediments from where it has been remobilizing and releasing into the water column under favorable conditions. Marine sediments contain phosphorus in various components, i.e. fractions, but not all of them are affected by remobilization. The release of phosphorus from sediments is affected by different oxygen conditions in the bottom water layer. Therefore, understanding the principles of phosphorus release and the distribution of phosphorus fractions in seabed sediments is extremely important.

    Phosphorus fractions, porewater chemistry, and their vertical distribution were studied from the sea-bottom sediments from three locations in western Estonia in the northern Baltic Proper. The amount of mobile phosphorus fraction (mobile in hypoxic and anoxic conditions) stored in the surface sediments of the northern Baltic Proper is lower than expected, which indicates that most of the mobile phosphorus fraction has already been released back into the water column. In two out of three locations, the content of mobile phosphorus fraction in the sediment surface has decreased close to the natural background, which on average is less than 200 mg/kg (dw). Constant hypoxic conditions prevail at the sediment-water interface in all three locations. In the near future, oxygen levels can only increase in these areas due to Major Baltic Inflow (MBI) events, which introduce dense, salty, oxygen-rich water into the Baltic Sea. During sufficiently large inflow events, oxygen-rich water can reach areas previously characterized by stable hypoxic conditions, temporarily altering the deep-water oxygen levels. Under oxygen-rich conditions, organic material (including organic phosphorus) begins to decompose. The sediments in the study area contain up to 32.8% (dw) organic matter, holding substantial amounts of organic phosphorus. The released phosphorus is converted to a mobile phosphorus fraction, which becomes mobile again when oxygen conditions return to hypoxic.

    How to cite: Ausmeel, M., Liira, M., and Suuroja, S.: Mobile phosphorus in the seabed sediments of the northern Baltic Proper, Baltic Sea: hypoxic conditions limit large-scale phosphorus release, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12722,, 2025.

    Phosphorus (P) is a bio-critical and non-substitutable element, essential for life, forming the backbone of DNA, RNA, and ATP, playing a vital role in agricultural productivity. Unlike nitrogen, P lacks an atmospheric cycle, relying solely on slow rock weathering or finite geological reserves for replenishment. The challenges surrounding phosphorus are less about its geological availability and more about socio-economic factors, such as limited access to fertilizers, and environmental concerns, including water pollution. These challenges emphasize the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural practices to optimize phosphorus use and reduce environmental impact. The instability of the phosphorus market, as demonstrated during the 2007-2008 global food crisis and the recent 2020-2022 and ongoing price surges, further underscores the need for effective phosphorus management, particularly in countries like India, which relies heavily on imports to sustain agricultural productivity [1][2].

    We examined two contrasting soil types, ultisols and vertisols, collected from the Western Ghats, India. These soils were characterized physiochemically, geochemically and mineralogically. Ultisols, with slightly acidic pH, are enriched in iron and aluminium oxides, oxyhydroxides, and 1:1 type clay minerals. In contrast, vertisols, which are alkaline, are dominated by primary basaltic minerals, 2:1 and 1:1 type clay, with minor amounts of iron oxides and hydroxides. We performed sorption isotherm, bioavailability, and fractionation experiments on representative samples of each soil type. Sorption experiments were fitted using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, revealing significantly higher adsorption maxima for phosphorus in ultisols than vertisols. Bioavailability tests reveal greater phosphorus availability in vertisols compared to ultisols, both pre-and post-fertilizer application. Hedley fractionation revealed that phosphorus in ultisols is mainly partitioned in moderately available fractions, while in vertisols, it is predominantly in readily available fractions, explaining the higher phosphorus bioavailability in vertisols than in ultisols. This difference is linked to the mineralogical composition of the soils; ultisols, enriched with iron and aluminium oxides, oxyhydroxides, bind phosphorus to high-energy sites associated with Fe and Al, thereby restricting its availability. In contrast, the near absence of these minerals in vertisols allows for greater phosphorus bioavailability. These findings underscore the importance of considering soil mineralogy in developing efficient and sustainable fertilizer application strategies. Currently, we are investigating the interactions between individual minerals prevalent in these soils and bacteria isolated from the same soils to understand the role of microbes in phosphorus dynamics.


    [1] Cordell, D., Drangert, J. O., & White, S. (2009). The story of phosphorus: global food security and food for thought. Global environmental change19(2), 292-305.

    [2] Brownlie WJ, Sutton MA, Cordell D, Reay DS, Heal KV, Withers PJA, Vanderbeck I and Spears BM (2023) Phosphorus price spikes: A wake-up call for phosphorus resilience. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1088776. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1088776

    How to cite: Mehta, S. and Mathew, G.: Influence of Soil Mineralogy on Phosphorus Sorption, Partitioning, and Bioavailability in Contrasting Tropical Soils of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14701,, 2025.

    EGU25-15675 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7 | Highlight

    Why have we fertilized the world? Global drivers of NPK fertilization in major crops since 1961 

    Fernando Coello, Jordi Sardans, and Josep Peñuelas

    Since the second half of the 20th century, NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) inorganic fertilizers have been pivotal in boosting global crop yields. These fertilizers have supported the growth of the global population, facilitated dietary shifts towards protein-rich foods, and expanded industrial applications, such as biofuel production. However, the extensive use of fertilizers has disrupted natural biochemical cycles, leading to environmental impacts and raising social and economic concerns.

    Four crops—maize, rice, soybean, and wheat—currently occupy over 50% of global croplands, account for more than 60% of global agricultural fertilizer inputs, and produce two-thirds of the proteins consumed by humans. Rice and wheat are primarily used for direct human consumption (food), whereas maize and soybean are also used for livestock feeding (feed) and other industrial applications. The debate over food versus feed versus other uses has typically centered on land occupation, labour, and water usage. However, the regional and temporal drivers of fertilizer use among these major crops remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that, in recent decades, larger fractions of fertilizers have been allocated to feed and other uses compared to food. Furthermore, we aim to discern whether the changes in fertilizer consumption for each use have been driven by expansions in crop areas, increased fertilizer intensification, or a greater proportion of crops being allocated to each use.

    To investigate the temporal changes in total fertilizer use across the three main nutrients and four key crops, while distinguishing between their final uses (food, feed, and other uses), we adopted a comprehensive approach: First, we integrated national-level temporal data from 1961 onwards concerning crop fertilization, production, consumption, and trade, and second, we accounted for uncertainty in our estimates using Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we performed a multiplicative factor decomposition to analyze the drivers behind the variations in total nutrient consumption for each nutrient and use category.

    We found a significant increase in fertilizer use among the four main crops for the three nutrients and across all use categories over the past six decades. Globally, increases in fertilizer use for food and feed purposes are relatively balanced. However, at the national level, most countries have shifted towards a higher proportion of fertilizer use for feed compared to food. These shifts were driven by different crops: increases in fertilizer use for food were primarily linked to rice and wheat, for feed with maize and soybean, and for other uses predominantly with maize. Notably, for soybeans, the allocation of fertilizers between feed and food uses more than doubled during the studied period. Across all nutrient-use combinations, changes in total fertilizer consumption were mainly driven by increased fertilizer intensity rather than expanded cropped area or crop usage. However, for feed use, changes in total phosphorus and potassium consumption were equally influenced by increases in cropped area. The increase in fertilizer use for other uses, primarily driven by maize since 1990, appears closely linked to bioethanol production, especially in the United States, the leading producer.

    How to cite: Coello, F., Sardans, J., and Peñuelas, J.: Why have we fertilized the world? Global drivers of NPK fertilization in major crops since 1961, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15675,, 2025.

    Worldwide rapid industrial growth is leading to heavy urbanization in the coastal areas. Therefore coastal areas are becoming critically contaminated with heavy metal and nutrients, which is serious environmental concern as they are bio-accumulative in nature. Due to its non-biodegradable in nature trace metal is toxic to biotic communities and environment (Gong et al., 2020, Parul and Rina, 2021). The present study has been carried out in India’s second largest mangrove cover in the world. The study area is witnessing rapid urbanization as the area is inhabiting the Asia’s largest fertilizer refinery IFCO along with multiple seaports, with large number of chemical and petroleum industries, and the region is the prime gateway of trade and commerce. Besides this extensive salt producing units with extensive agricultural and aquaculture activities are present which are posing severe threat to the mangroves. The gulf is also inhabiting the complex geomorphological setup such as alluvial plains, tidal mudflats, lagoons creek and stabilized dune area (Deshraj et al. 2012). Construction of saltpan/aquaculture is deteriorating the mangroves health, impairing productivity (Jigar et al, 2022). Phosphorus (P), is one of the important macronutrients that governs the primary productivity and it affects both the terrestrial and marine biogeochemical cycling.  P is released in dissolved or suspended forms, holding both inorganic and organic forms, which undergo a continuous transformation. Knowledge of P speciation in sedimentary environments is crucial to understand the P cycling, bioavailability, and the mechanism of their release, which will help to assess the ecological risk associated with P enrichment. Along with Phosphorous, metal fractionation study is also important to determination of bioavailability and mobility of trace metals in geochemical fractions and ecological risk to the ecosystem. Results suggested that Total sedimentary P was found beyond the global limit and consists of inorganic-P fraction predominantly. PEI values suggest higher P loading in sediment which leads to higher eutrophication risk.

    Metal fraction study suggested, a considerable variation in the speciation pattern of trace metals. In the study area, highest proportion of trace elements was associated with the residual phase (F4), which manifested that metals bounded with the alumino-silicate mineral and detritus matter in sediments was highest. Therefore, Present study would be helpful to the policymakers in the view of the current Land use-land cover change and contamination level in Gulf of Kachchh, mangroves for implementation of protection strategies for this precious natural resources.


    Phosphorus Fractionation, Metal Fractionation, Sequential extraction, Mangroves Sediment, Ecological risk, Gulf of Kachchh, India


    How to cite: Kumari, R. and Maurya, P.: Assessing the Geochemical Fractionation of Phosphorous and Heavy metal in Surface Sediments of Mangroves and assertaining its Ecological Risk, Gulf of Kachchh, Second largest mangrove cover of India., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16447,, 2025.

    Phosphate contamination in water bodies is a global environmental issue that can result in eutrophication, affecting sectors like agriculture and fishing and thereby jeopardizing the long-term viability of water resources. Phosphate, a non-renewable resource, is a crucial mineral for crop production and a key component of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) fertilizer. Only 16% of the applied phosphate as fertilizer is utilized by crops; the rest is lost through soil erosion and aquatic runoff, increasing the risk of eutrophication. Therefore, environmental concerns and phosphate depletion have increased the need for phosphate recovery and recycling. This study explored the potential of engineered sewage sludge biochar for the sorption of aqueous phosphate. Biochar was obtained after pyrolyzing sewage sludge at 500°C, which was modified using coprecipitation of FeCl3.6H2O and ZnCl2. At pH 6, the engineered biochar exhibited around 92% phosphate sorption compared to 20% by pristine sewage sludge biochar. The highest sorption capacity (using Langmuir isotherm) was 129 mg/g at 15°C. Phosphate-laden biochar can further be utilized in agricultural fields, where it will act as a slow-release fertilizer to improve soil fertility or restore contaminated soil, thereby providing a sustainable solution for waste management and enhancing soil fertility. This will help achieve SDG 2 (Zero hunger) and SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation).

    Keywords: Eutrophication, Sorption, Engineered biochar, Sewage sludge, Sustainable Development Goals

    How to cite: Kapoor, S. and Mohan, D.: Enhancing sustainability by utilizing engineered sewage sludge biochar for aqueous phosphate sorption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16738,, 2025.

    EGU25-18632 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

    Linking phosphorus entrapment and release potential in fluvial biofilms to carbon and light availability in natural environments 

    Simon Wentritt, Markus Weitere, David Kneis, and Nuria Perujo

    In the global phosphorus (P) cycle, aquatic ecosystems play a crucial role, as there, long-term retention of P through sedimentation and subsequent burial of P containing minerals takes place. This study zooms into a rather overlooked section of the aquatic part of the global P cycle: The P entrapment pathways of benthic microbial biofilms. Benthic microbial biofilms are able to entrap P in its various forms, biochemically transform it, and contribute to internal loading via the release of P. The importance and the dynamics of P entrapment and P release in fluvial benthic microbial biofilms are, as of now, not completely understood.

    For this field study, we performed a longitudinal sampling campaign along a 25 kilometer stretch of a third order Central European river, with the aim of investigating P entrapment patterns of benthic microbial biofilms. We distinguished between extracellular P entrapment and intracellular P entrapment and recorded metabolic characteristics of the sampled biofilm, as well as environmental variables.

    We found that the ratio of intracellular P to extracellular P differed greatly between sampling sites. High values for this ratio (on average, 26.7) were related to relatively pristine sampling sites with rather recalcitrant allochthonous carbon inputs. Further downstream, at sampling sites exposed to anthropogenic disturbances, the ratio declined sharply (on average below, 1). These biofilms were subject to P-rich wastewater treatment plant effluent and labile dissolved organic matter of rather autochthonous origin. Measurements of the equilibrium P concentration, as a measure for P release potential from the sediment, showed that sites with benthic biofilms with a higher share of extracellular P have a highly increased P release potential from the sediment. We further found distinguishable carbon use metabolic profiles of the biofilms between different sampling sites, though a higher carbon use functional diversity did not necessarily contribute to a higher overall P entrapment in the biofilm.

    Our results show clear patterns of benthic biofilm P entrapment along the sampled river stretch. These patterns seem to be connected to the changing environmental variables along the sampled river stretch. Furthermore, the P release potential from the sediment was highly correlated with an increased share of extracellular P in the biofilms.

    How to cite: Wentritt, S., Weitere, M., Kneis, D., and Perujo, N.: Linking phosphorus entrapment and release potential in fluvial biofilms to carbon and light availability in natural environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18632,, 2025.

    EGU25-21512 | Orals | BG1.7

    Oxygen Stable isotopes in phosphate: what is next? 

    Federica Tamburini, Thomas Hofstetter, Nora Bernet, Elena Evertz, Cheng Shi, Maja Siegenthaler, Christian von Sperber, and Chiara Pistocchi

    Oxygen isotopes in phosphate (δ¹⁸Oₚ) have rised interest as powerful tracers for environmental studies, offering valuable insights into phosphorus cycling, biological activity, and potential phosphate source tracing in diverse environments. By January 2025, more than 180 peer-reviewed studies have explored δ¹⁸Oₚ applications in Environmental Sciences, underscoring the interest in this tool, but also its limited application. Broader adoption of δ¹⁸Oₚ analysis is hindered by challenges such as the complexity of sample preparation, uncertainties in isotopic data interpretation, and the difficulty of identifying all endmembers in field-based studies.

    Recent advancements in high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), allowing the isotopic measurements of oxyanions at natural abudances, have addressed key technical limitations. This innovation facilitates the analysis of smaller samples, but recent research highlights the critical need for thorough sample preparation to ensure reliable results. These advances lay the groundwork for more extensive δ¹⁸Oₚ applications, particularly since HRMS are becoming more and more widespread.

    Central to δ¹⁸Oₚ studies is the process of phosphoryl transfer, a fundamental mechanism in numerous biological processes. Changes in the isotopic composition of oxygen in phosphate promoted by phosphoryl transfer is considered to reflect the metabolic status of living cells, positioning δ¹⁸Oₚ as a potential “thermometer” for assessing organism metabolic “health”. This capability is particularly evident in soil incubation experiments, where the extent of oxygen exchange during phosphoryl transfer recorded in the microbial phosphate pool correlates with respired CO₂. Such findings highlight δ¹⁸Oₚ's potential to link phosphorus cycling to carbon cycling, providing new perspectives on ecosystem functioning.

    To harness this potential, future research should prioritize 18O labelling approaches in controlled incubation experiments integrating ancillary data, such as CO₂ flux measurements, to elucidate the mechanistic links between metabolic activity and changes in isotopic values. Complementary field studies, incorporating detailed assessments of δ¹⁸Oₚ alongside CO₂ and other environmental parameters, are essential for validating laboratory findings and expanding their relevance to complex natural systems.

    By addressing these challenges and leveraging recent technical innovations, δ¹⁸Oₚ can emerge as a robust tool for deciphering phosphorus dynamics, their connection with metabolic processes, and their broader role in environmental systems.

    How to cite: Tamburini, F., Hofstetter, T., Bernet, N., Evertz, E., Shi, C., Siegenthaler, M., von Sperber, C., and Pistocchi, C.: Oxygen Stable isotopes in phosphate: what is next?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21512,, 2025.

    EGU25-21599 | Posters on site | BG1.7

    Reaction-transport modeling of centennial-scale phosphorus accumulation and internal loading in a human-impacted boreal lake 

    Tom Jilbert, Siqi Zhao, Xiaole Sun, and Juha Niemistö

    Legacy anthropogenic phosphorus (P) accumulated in sediments influences nutrient cycling in eutrophic lakes through so-called internal loading. However, due to the complexity of processes influencing P mobility in the sediment column, the temporal response of internal loading to reduction of external P inputs is difficut to predict. In this study, we use a comprehensive set of porewater and sediment geochemical data to constrain a reaction-transport model simulating long-term anthropogenic inputs and processing of P in Lake Hiidenvesi, a eutrophic lake in southern Finland. The 180 cm sediment core used to train the model encompasses over 800 years of accumulation, including the transitions into and out of the Little Ice Age when land use in the region changed considerably. By defining top 6 cm of sedimentary P as "freshly-deposited" (within the past 10 years) and deeper layers as "legacy P", we find that at any given point in time, the freshly deposited material contributes the majority of regenerated P in porewaters, with an additional contribution from legacy P. A set of linear regressions between P deposition and diffusion rates indicate that internal P loading is primarily controlled by particulate P deposition of organic-P and Fe-P, which may be directly derived from catchment exports or autochthonously produced through in-lake biogeochemical processes. The Little Ice Age is shown by the model to be a period of relatively lower external P inputs an consequently also lower internal loading rates. However, the overall retention of P in sediments is sufficient to suggest that sediment P content can be used as an indicator for historical anthropogenic impacts in catchment areas of lakes in the boreal region.

    How to cite: Jilbert, T., Zhao, S., Sun, X., and Niemistö, J.: Reaction-transport modeling of centennial-scale phosphorus accumulation and internal loading in a human-impacted boreal lake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21599,, 2025.

    EGU25-21769 | Orals | BG1.7

    Assessing the global phosphorus cycle and opportunities for closing the loop 

    Nicolas Navarre and José M. Mogollón

    Phosphorus (P) and phosphate rock have been included in the list of EU’s critical raw materials, due to their importance in agricultural production and food security. However, over the latter 20th century and up to today, P use in agriculture has increased much faster than population growth (from 4.5 Tg P and 3.0 billion people in 1961 up to 18 Tg P in 2022 and 8.0 billion people in 2022)1. These growing inefficiencies in global phosphorus use are coupled with a linearized economic model of produce, use, waste, completely short circuiting the global phosphorus cycle. Indiscriminate use of P (has increased global P cropland soil stocks by over 1 Pg P over the aforementioned time period, despite cropland soils having over 100 Tg Olsen P (readily available P)2. Conversely, in many low-income nations, a volatile phosphorus market (a doubling and a halving over the past 5 years) is leading to disruptions in their phosphorus supply chain and threatening their food security. In addition, humanity’s changes to the phosphorus cycle are leading to both upstream pressures for phosphorus fertilizer production, including millions of tons of phosphogypsum waste, and downstream eutrophication pressures, as phosphorus is a limiting nutrient in many aquatic environments.


    Nevertheless, increasing scientific understanding of the global phosphorus cycle, plant-nutrient interactions and mycorrhizal network, the biogeochemical interactions of P in aquatic and soil environments, phosphorus recovery and immobilitzation from wastewater and from eutrophic systems, is growing in to a strong, yet fragmented phosphorus community. Further, clear policies and regulation for phosphorus use and recovery on for closing phosphorus loops are lacking at a global level. This presentation will showcase some low-hanging fruits that can help us move toward a closing of phosphorus loops by highlighting local phosphorus balances, food and fertilizer phosphorus use and trade patterns, soil phosphorus stocks, and potential for eutrophication. Finally, it provides a call to bring together European scientists, food producers, the waste(water) sector, and policymakers together to form a coalition that can move phosphorus toward circularity, ameliorating its environmental impacts, and ultimately establishing a resilient and sustainable global food system.


    1Mogollón, JM, Bouwman, AF , Beusen, AHW, Lassaletta, L, van Grinsven, HJM, Westhoek, H. (2018) More efficient phosphorus use can avoid cropland expansion

    Nature Food, 2, 509-518.


    2McDowell, RW, Noble, A, Pletnyakov, P, Haygarth, PM (2023) A global database of soil plant available phosphorus, Scientific Data, 10, 125.

    How to cite: Navarre, N. and Mogollón, J. M.: Assessing the global phosphorus cycle and opportunities for closing the loop, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21769,, 2025.

    EGU25-170 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Evaluating the potential of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) analysis and characterization for the investigation of clandestine graves 

    Giulia Tagliabue, Anna Masseroli, Alex Golinelli, Fulvia Tambone, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

    The presence of a decomposing body being victim of concealment by clandestine burial represents a localized disturbance in the complex equilibrium that characterizes the turnover of organic matter in the soil. However, although intuitively a biogeochemical analysis of the soil matrix affected by the concealment should provide clear evidence of the presence of a decomposing body, the relevant literature has shown that this is not the case, particularly with regard to the observation of TOC (Total Organic Carbon). In fact, its ubiquitous nature by definition makes the abnormal concentration of organic matter a difficult proxy to identify, but one that is urgently needed for complete crime scene profiling: the ability to distinguish the natural organic matter present in a soil from that derived from the nutrient input caused by the cadaver decomposition processes would represent the operational key to guide investigators towards a more complete and informative analysis of the case. In particular, an anomaly in the concentration and distribution of organic matter within the soil may provide information regarding the Post Burial Interval (PBI) of a concealment victim, as well as be suggestive of a possible previous burial site. For this reason, at the Forensic Taphonomy Facility of the University of Milan (Ticino-LEAFs), a simulation of clandestine burials in a natural environment was carried out using cadavers of piglets that had died of natural causes as a model for human decomposition research. At pre-determined intervals, the piglets, which had undergone various treatments prior to burial (namely being covered in quicklime, wrapped in cotton clothes, and harmed post-mortem), were exhumed and soil samples were taken at different depths to monitor changes in the concentration of the organic matter with increasing exposure of the body to the environment. For this purpose, an analysis of dissolved organic matter (DOM), both natural and affected by the presence of the body, was carried out, combined with complementary spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR). This analysis revealed anomalies in the concentration of dissolved organic matter in the soil horizons containing and immediately underlying the body, also showing the presence of organic compounds otherwise absent in the undisturbed soil. However, some variability attributable to the treatments the bodies underwent prior to burial was also observed, namely the presence of quicklime, which seems to be able to further disrupt the hypogeal environment. The rapidity of the analysis, its relative inexpensiveness, and the small amount of soil sample required could make this technique an innovative tool to be incorporated into forensic casework to help estimate the post-burial interval in the investigation of clandestine burials.

    How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Masseroli, A., Golinelli, A., Tambone, F., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: Evaluating the potential of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) analysis and characterization for the investigation of clandestine graves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-170,, 2025.

    EGU25-2312 | Orals | BG2.6

    Molecular dynamics simulations of dissolved humic substances: can small molecules maintain stable large associates?  

    Mikhail Borisover, Drazen Petrov, Chris Oostenbrink, and Edgar Galicia-Andrés

    Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are capable of improving our molecular-level understanding of natural organic matter (NOM) by providing new alternatives such as virtual experiments that may be difficult (or even impossible) to perform in real tests. The fine control of molecular structure required in molecular simulations is highly valuable and significant due to the fact that neither the structure nor (often) detailed composition of real NOM is known. The control of molecular structure and its educated variation guided by experimental data on 13C NMR-derived composition may be performed using Vienna Soil Organic Matter Modeller (VSOMM) [1], which allows accounting for the simultaneous presence of multiple NOM molecules of different structures. This work exploring the VSOMM is focused on examining how and whether the humic substances (HS) models representing Leonardite humic acid (LHA) can maintain stable associates in water. In this approach, the stability of HS aggregates was elucidated in the 100 ns MD simulations by varying amounts of water in a broad range, from representing "water solution in NOM" to aqueous dissolved NOM, and modifying molecular size and extent of ionization of HS models, and the type of counter-ions (Na+ vs Ca2+). Multiple properties characterizing HS-water systems have been calculated, e.g., cumulative coordination numbers, numbers of HS-HS and HS-water contacts and H-bonds at short-range distances, number and size of formed clusters as well as energies of Coulomb and Lennard-Jones interactions of HS with ions (Na+ or Ca2+), HS and water. One outcome of this modeling work is that it shows how HS dilution leads to the decomposition of HS aggregates which occurs, in particular in the presence of the Na+ counter ion, gradually. The results of this work are placed into the context of experimental data and discussion on whether the detected large HS sizes can be assigned to the presence of large aggregates and the formation of supramolecular structures [2]. Although strong interactions between HS molecules may lead to small stable aggregates (e.g., dimers) persisting during dilution, the modeling suggests that the formation and decomposition of HS associates is "a step-wise" process, and, together with experimental data on LHA dialysis proposes that large-size HS molecules (aggregated or not) may need to be taken into account while examining HS properties in aqueous solutions.

    [1] Escalona, Y., Petrov, D., & Oostenbrink, C. (2021). Vienna soil organic matter modeler 2 (VSOMM2). Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling103, 107817.

    [2] Borisover, M., Petrov, D., Oostenbrink, C., & Galicia-Andrés, E. (2025). Diluting humic substances in water in molecular dynamics simulations: Are aggregates stable? Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects704, 135507.

    How to cite: Borisover, M., Petrov, D., Oostenbrink, C., and Galicia-Andrés, E.: Molecular dynamics simulations of dissolved humic substances: can small molecules maintain stable large associates? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2312,, 2025.

    The No. 2 structural belt in the Nanpu sag of the Bohai Bay Basin, China, is characterized by multiple sub-sags and a multi-layered hydrocarbon supply. To investigate its complex oil and gas sources, geochemical tests, including chromatography-mass spectrometry, were conducted to analyze the crude oil's geochemical characteristics. This technique, known for its precision in identifying and quantifying complex molecular structures, is particularly effective for source identification, maturity assessment, and understanding the transformation processes of organic matter during hydrocarbon formation. The crude oil is categorized into three types, with specific sources identified for each. The results show the following: (1) Type I crude oil, predominantly found in the third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es3) reservoir in the western structural belt, exhibits a similar relative content of C27 and C29 regular steranes. Its pregnane parameters ((pregnane + homopregnane)/regular sterane) and sterane isomerization parameters (C29 sterane 20S/(20R+20S), C29 sterane ββ/(αα+ββ)) are relatively high, suggesting a combined input from aquatic organisms and higher plants. This crude oil displays high maturity and is sourced from the Es3 source rock. (2) Type II crude oil is mainly distributed in the second member of the Eocene Dongying Formation (Ed3) reservoir in the western structural belt. It is characterized by a predominance of C29 regular steranes, with lower pregnane and sterane isomerization parameters, indicating a significant contribution from higher plants. This crude oil is less mature and originates from the Es1-Ed3 source rocks. (3) Type III crude oil, primarily found in the Ed3 reservoirs of the eastern structural belt and in the Ed1 and Minghuazhen Formation of the western structural belt, shows a higher C29 regular sterane content, lower pregnane parameters, and higher sterane isomerization parameters. This crude oil is largely derived from higher plants, with higher maturity and a composite source from three hydrocarbon source rocks. The 4-/1-MDBT and Ts/Tm indices of the crude oil show a decreasing trend towards the shallow strata along the fault. Notably, the vitrinite reflectance values derived from the methylphenanthrene in the crude oil align with the vitrinite reflectance of the underlying source rock, indicating that the crude oil originates from these underlying source rocks rather than the hydrocarbon generation center's source rock. The study's findings provide valuable theoretical guidance for optimizing hydrocarbon exploration strategies, such as identifying shallow reservoirs with higher economic potential, improving understanding of oil-source rock correlations, and targeting deeper strata with significant resource potential. These insights contribute to advancing knowledge of the biogeochemical processes of organic matter transformation during hydrocarbon formation and offer practical implications for both shallow and deep exploration strategies.

    How to cite: Ouyang, G.: Application of Geochemical and Mass Spectrometric Data in Oil-Source Rock Correlation: A Case Study from the No.2 Structural Belt in Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2514,, 2025.

    Cold seeps are critical hotspots in marine ecosystems, where the biogeochemical processes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) significantly impact regional carbon reservoirs and the global ocean carbon cycle. To clarify the impact of cold seep activity on the production, transportation and transformation of DOM, we employed Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) to analyze DOM from the water column and sediment overlying water collected from cold seep and non-cold seep regions in the northern South China Sea. Our results showed that the overlying water in cold seeps contained a greater diversity of unique molecules, with a larger proportion of sulfur-containing compounds compared to the non-cold seep area. Approximately half of these unique molecules, characterized by lower H/C ratios, higher molecular weights, and a predominance of highly unsaturated compounds (82.3%), were transferred to the corresponding bottom water during the bubbling process. In contrast, molecules with higher H/C ratios, lower molecular weights, and a larger proportion of aliphatics compounds (40.8%) were lost. Additionally, the bottom water of the active cold seep exhibited the formation of some labile molecules (H/C > 1.5) with lower aromaticity (AImod < 0.25) and the decomposition of nitrogen-containing carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules (CRAMs) with higher aromaticity, driven by the positive priming effect. These findings highlight the profound influence of cold seep activity on DOM properties and dynamics, providing deeper insights into the complex biogeochemical processes in cold seep ecosystems and their critical implications for marine carbon cycling.

    How to cite: Tang, S., Yan, Z., Yi, Y., Shen, Y., Xie, W., He, D., and Li, P.: Transportation and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter from Overlying to Bottom Waters of Cold Seeps in the South China Sea: Insights at the Molecular Level , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2677,, 2025.

    EGU25-3231 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Intermediate products during natural organic matter biogeochemical processing, a case study inducing photo transformations followed by liquid chromatography-ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry 

    Peter Herzsprung, Wolf von Tümpling, Aleksandr Sobolev, Norbert Kamjunke, Michael Schwidder, and Oliver J. Lechtenfeld

    Not only the quality but also the fate of natural organic matter (NOM) is of broad environmental interest. NOM reactivity is insufficiently understood due to a lack of experiments with high temporal resolution, particularly with respect to polarity of NOM molecules. By coupling ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), insights into the polarity (hydrophilic versus hydrophobic) of NOM compounds can be obtained.

    Previous studies addressing NOM reactivity often focused on the fate of molecules – suggesting whether a molecule was degraded, a new molecule was produced, or if the molecule remain unchanged i.e., was resistant to the process of interest. By high time resolution, the reaction time course of molecules can be tracked. Of particular interest is, whether intermediate products can be observed, meaning their abundance initially increases and then decreases during an experiment. In this study, we irradiated a sample from a wastewater treatment plant with light, capturing data with a temporal resolution of 8 time points.

    Full profile UHPLC-FT-ICR-MS chromatograms were segmented into 13 one-minute wide segments. Molecular formulas were assigned up to masses of 1000 Da by allowing at most two nitrogen atoms and one sulfur as non-oxygen hetero atoms.

    The main findings indicate that the average (from 13 segments) number of intermediate products (800) was in the same order of magnitude as degraded components (1000). The average number of resistant molecules was lower (250), while the number of products was one order of magnitude smaller (65) compared to the intermediate products. More polar CHNO products and intermediate products were detected compared to CHO, which exhibited a higher number of products, degraded MFs and intermediate products with decreasing polarity. The polarity resolution, as evidenced by chromatographic retention, revealed that the same MF can have different reactivity.

    From approximately 10,000 assigned MFs more than 2,000 were identified both as degraded and intermediate product, depending on their polarity. About 100 MFs were classified as both products and intermediate products. Notably, at least three reactivity types – product, intermediate product and degraded – could be assigned to about 90 MFs.

    In conclusion, the investigation of DOM reactivity requires a combination of high mass resolution (FT-ICR-MS), chromatographic / polarity resolution and high temporal or spatial resolution within the experiment time setup.

    How to cite: Herzsprung, P., von Tümpling, W., Sobolev, A., Kamjunke, N., Schwidder, M., and Lechtenfeld, O. J.: Intermediate products during natural organic matter biogeochemical processing, a case study inducing photo transformations followed by liquid chromatography-ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3231,, 2025.

    Obtaining real-time estimations of DOC concentration, reactivity and fate requires the ability to detect changes in the chemical composition of DOM. Optical sensors are increasingly used for this purpose but are typically incapable of distinguishing between variability caused by changes in the quantity versus quality of DOM.

    This study developed a new fluorescence index for detecting changes in the composition of DOM. The aromaticity index (ARIX) links the fluorescence composition of aquatic dissolved organic matter to its SUVA aromaticity and predicts ratios between FT-ICR MS molecular formulae and between LC-OCD fractions. In datasets showing decoupling between DOC and absorbance due to biogeochemical processing, the correlation between DOC and absorbance measurements was significantly improved by accounting for interactions between absorbance and ARIX.

    A meta-analysis spanning seven continents indicated a linear relationship tying SUVA to ARIX in bulk and extracted freshwater DOM. For DOM isolates, linearity extended into the oceans. These results provide new insights into the relationships between measurements obtained using different techniques for evaluating dissolved organic matter composition. They further have exciting implications for field studies involving water quality monitoring using optical sensors.

    How to cite: Murphy, K.: Improving the estimation of DOC concentrations and aromaticity from optical measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4423,, 2025.

    EGU25-4657 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Thermodynamic property and equilibrium state drive the spatial pattern of dissolved organic matter refractory in global ocean 

    Zhenwei Yan, Yu Xin, Ruanhong Cai, Yuanbi Yi, Penghui Li, and Ding He

    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been studied for decades in understanding of its compositions and cycling. Advances in analytical techniques have revealed that marine DOM is a complex mixture of thousands of molecules. Two theories, concentration threshold and molecular composition, provide insights into DOM cycling in the global ocean, either separately or in conjunction. This study integrates four groups of incubation experiments with 1,104 DOM samples collected from across the global ocean to calculate the thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium state of each individual DOM formula, utilizing molecular composition data obtained from Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Our findings indicate that marine DOM transitions from a thermodynamic nonequilibrium state to an equilibrium state during the degradation process. In addition, refractory DOM was found to be a group of molecules that have approached a relative equilibrium state, leading to its bulk stability. In-house incubation experiments, observations from the open ocean water column and the global conveyor belt further consolidate this finding. We conclude that the transformation of marine DOM is influenced by both concentration and composition, which together determine its thermodynamic properties, reactivity, and refractory characteristics in the global ocean.

    How to cite: Yan, Z., Xin, Y., Cai, R., Yi, Y., Li, P., and He, D.: Thermodynamic property and equilibrium state drive the spatial pattern of dissolved organic matter refractory in global ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4657,, 2025.

    EGU25-5872 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Soil Washing with Humic Acid: A toxicity constraintment technique for a successful soil remediation 

    Marios Drosos, Maria Antonopoulou, Ioanna Efthimiou, Li Xiong, Meng Li, Evangelos Giannakopoulos, Georgios Salahas, Vlastos Dimitris, Antonio Scopa, and Alessandro Piccolo

    Natural organic matter (NOM), can be multifunctional, since besides its application in agriculture to increase soil fertility, it can be also used in the soil remediation from either heavy metals, or from persistent organic contaminants. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are major organic contaminants of polluted soils and represent a considerable health and environmental hazard due not only to their carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic properties, but also to their great persistence in soils conferred by a high hydrophobicity. The use of synthetic surfactants to remediate contaminated sites is limited by their intrinsic toxicity towards soil microorganisms that hinders further biodegradation of pollutants and a balanced biological activity in the washed soils. Alternatively, the use of biosurfactants in washings of polluted soils have been increasingly proposed in recent years. Among biosurfactants, NOM fractions have been recognized to be capable of incorporating PAHs and PCBs, increasing aerobic degradation of recalcitrant soil contaminants and effectively washing away pollutants from soils. Herein a soil sample collected in 1999 from a highly contaminated site around the former chemical plant of ACNA (near Savona) in Northern Italy was used. Humic acid (HA) was isolated from a North Dakota Leonardite (Mammoth, Chem. Co., Houston, Texas), and purified. 50g of soil were suspended with 500ml of HA (10g L-1) at pH7 for 24h. The suspension was then centrifuged at 3000rpm and the HA solution was filtered and collected. 200ml of milli-Q water were added to the residual soil and after suspension, centrifugation and filtration were added to the HA collected before, and freeze-dried. Off-line pyrolysis of 1g of soil and of 50mg of HA before and after the soil washing was conducted and the materials extracted were subjected to GC-MS analysis. Aliivibrio fischeri Bioluminescence Inhibition Test was used to assess the ecotoxicity of the HA before and after the treatment, using Microtox Model 500 Toxicity Analyzer (Azur Environmental) following the 81.9% basic test protocol. Bioluminescence was recorded after 15 min of exposure. GC-MS results of ACNA soil resulted in 1464±206mg kg-1 PAHs before soil washing (BSW) and 2.95±0.4mg kg-1 after soil washing (ASW), and in 151±14mg kg-1 PCBs BSW and 0.18±0.02mg kg-1 ASW. At the same time no PAHs or PCBs were identified at the HA BSW, but in HA ASW (100mg) 1656±175mg PAHs and 163±17mg PCBs were spotted. Atomic Adsorption Analysis (AAS) on HA and soil BSW and ASW, showed no heavy metal toxicity. The ecotoxicological results of the HA BSW shown a 0.89±0.01% inhibition, which was slightly increased ASW (1.85±0.11%). In both cases the HA was found to not cause ecotoxicity effects. This stunning result, indicates that when the aromatic pollutants come in contact with the humic supramolecular matrix, they are incorporated in the humic hydrophobic domains by forming stable π-π bonds with the humic aromatic constituents and, thus, are no-longer bioactive. This finding can be a milestone on the use of humics as materials for environmental remediation.

    How to cite: Drosos, M., Antonopoulou, M., Efthimiou, I., Xiong, L., Li, M., Giannakopoulos, E., Salahas, G., Dimitris, V., Scopa, A., and Piccolo, A.: Soil Washing with Humic Acid: A toxicity constraintment technique for a successful soil remediation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5872,, 2025.

    EGU25-6737 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Development of a High-Sensitivity LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse Methodology for the Detection of PAH Derivatives 

    Maria Bou Saad, Henri Wortham, Pierre Doumenq, Brice Temime-roussel, Sylvain Ravier, Amandine Durand, Vincent Gaudefroy, Jean-Philippe Terrier, Olivier Burban, and Audrey Pevere

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives, such as nitro-PAHs and oxygenated PAHs (oxy-PAHs), are persistent organic pollutants with significant environmental and health impacts. PAHs are primarily emitted through incomplete combustion processes and are well-recognized for their carcinogenic and mutagenic potential. While most studies have focused solely on the 16 parent PAHs classified by the US-EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency), PAH derivatives remain underexplored due to analytical difficulties, including low environmental concentrations and complex sampling matrices.

    For these reasons, a methodology for analyzing nitro and oxy-PAHs in atmospheric matrices was developed on an HR-MS (LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse) using an Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) in both positive and negative modes with a resolution of 60 000. This method demonstrated excellent sensitivity, achieving a detection limit of 0,03 ng m-³ for targeted PAH derivatives with a calibration range extended from 0.3 µg L-1 to 15 µg L-1 equivalent to 0.03 ng m-3 to 1.5 ng m-3 (considering an air sample volume of 10 m³ and a sample volume of 1 mL after extraction and concentration) with excellent linearity (correlation coefficient >0.99), ensuring the accuracy and reliability of quantification across a wide concentration spectrum. The technique also incorporated rigorous validation steps, including precision, robustness, and accuracy to confirm its reliability for trace-level measurements.

    Finally, the methodology was applied to emissions from different asphalt formulations using a laboratory prototype that simulates road asphalt production conditions. Filters were collected, extracted, and analyzed using LC-MS Orbitrap. This enabled the detection and analysis of specific (PAHs) and their derivatives, demonstrating its capability to simultaneously identify and quantify a wide range of these compounds.

    How to cite: Bou Saad, M., Wortham, H., Doumenq, P., Temime-roussel, B., Ravier, S., Durand, A., Gaudefroy, V., Terrier, J.-P., Burban, O., and Pevere, A.: Development of a High-Sensitivity LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse Methodology for the Detection of PAH Derivatives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6737,, 2025.

    EGU25-7651 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6 | Highlight

    Underestimated input of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon to the ocean 

    Yuanbi Yi, Andrew Tanentzap, Chen He, Julian Merder, Helena Osterholz, Hongyan Bao, Jeffrey Hawkes, Ruanhong Cai, Siliang Li, Quan Shi, Sheng Xu, Chuanlun Zhang, Meixun Zhao, and Ding He

    The contribution of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the ocean has been an enigma for decades. Tracking terrestrial DOM in the ocean has proven challenging due to factors such as the instability of terrestrial biomarkers, indistinguishable carbon isotopes from biogeochemical fractionation, and similar chemical composition between terrestrial and oceanic DOM. Here we show that the terrestrial contribution to oceanic organic carbon pools is 2 to 3 times higher than previously assumed, highlighting the need to adjust global carbon cycle models. We derive these estimates by bridging high-performance liquid chromatography with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry to investigate the presence of terrestrial molecules that are transported from rivers to the ocean and estimate their contribution to oceanic DOM. We identified 269 molecular formulae that are likely transported from land to the ocean. These formulae exhibited resistance to biological and photochemical degradation in incubation experiments, and were widely distributed in global rivers, marginal seas and open oceans, suggesting that they are ubiquitous in inland and ocean waters and have a similar source. By relating the abundances of terrestrially derived molecular formulae to dissolved organic carbon concentrations, we estimated that a mean of 21.7 (16.7-25.0)% of oceanic DOM is likely derived from rivers.

    How to cite: Yi, Y., Tanentzap, A., He, C., Merder, J., Osterholz, H., Bao, H., Hawkes, J., Cai, R., Li, S., Shi, Q., Xu, S., Zhang, C., Zhao, M., and He, D.: Underestimated input of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon to the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7651,, 2025.

    EGU25-9137 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Efficient microbial sequestration of organic nitrogen in the eastern Indian Ocean 

    Yixue Zhang, Shuchai Gan, Ying Wu, Jing Zhang, and Qi Ye

    The formation of recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) pools in the ocean has been a longstanding challenge due to the chemical complexity of DOM. Linking nitrogen sequestration and microbial reworking via the production of recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) molecules remains elusive. Here, we characterized intricate molecular composition of DOM using FT-ICR-MS, with a particular emphasis on DON, across  three representative regions in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Our findings demonstrated the microbial origin of DON in epipelagic waters, with ammonia-oxidizing archaea exerting important control on the enrichment of peptide-like compounds. Microbial respiration was identified as a key driver of DOM transformation throughout the water column. This process enhanced the recalcitrance of DOM and DON by generating molecules with high levels of unsaturation and oxidation, characterized by low bioavailability. These effects were most pronounced in the equatorial region, which demonstrated an exceptional capacity to accumulate nitrogen-rich compounds through microbial processing, thereby facilitating to long-term nitrogen sequestration. Furthermore, we provided a valuable dataset representing microbially derived recalcitrant DON. Our study highlights that a small fraction of DOM with comparatively higher bioavailability is selectively preserved, though the majority of DON persists in the deep ocean due to its recalcitrant nature. This work provides novel molecular-level insights into microbially derived recalcitrant DON molecules, and holds significant implications for the detailed interpretation of global nitrogen sequestration.

    How to cite: Zhang, Y., Gan, S., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., and Ye, Q.: Efficient microbial sequestration of organic nitrogen in the eastern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9137,, 2025.

    EGU25-9191 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Bulk characteristics and dynamics of atmospheric PM from urban and rural coastal sites in the Northwestern Mediterranean area 

    Mingchen Wei, Kalliopi Violaki, Laure Papillon, Edouard Bard, Philippe Kerhervé, Athanasios Nenes, and Christos Panagiotopoulos

    Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) significantly impacts Earth's climate, air quality, visibility, and public health. PM influences the carbon cycle, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and global dynamics. The Mediterranean Sea, a highly climate-sensitive ecosystem, faces growing vulnerability from rising demographic and economic pressures. As part of the FIRETRAC project, we monitored total suspended particles (TSP) for two years at two Northwestern Mediterranean sites: urban Marseille and rural Banyuls-sur-Mer, both in the Gulf of Lions. Chemical analyses (metals, ions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), and water-soluble total nitrogen (WSTN)), and isotopic techniques (δ¹³C and Δ¹⁴C) along with statistical methods were used to detect TSP composition, sources, and dynamics.

    TSP particles from Banyuls (-26.31 ± 0.52 ‰) and Marseille (-26.23 ± 0.51 ‰) showed comparable δ¹³C values, indicating a predominantly terrestrial origin. Apparent radiocarbon ages (Δ¹⁴C) ranged from 940 to 5000 years, pointing to a complex mixture of sources with varying reactivities. Additionally, HYSPLIT modeling revealed long-range transport from diverse regions, including the Sahara Desert, Eastern European industrial zones, and Northern Europe, contributing to the particulate matter in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. 

    These findings suggest that TSP at both sites likely represent a mixture comprising both anthropogenic and natural sources which is further supported by the analysis of other chemical constituents.

    Thus at the Marseille site, the Fe-Al correlation reached 0.94 (p < 0.0001, n=59), and during periods of higher concentrations, the HYSPLIT back-trajectory model confirmed its origin from natural source: Saharan dust. Conversely, at both sites, the strong correlation of Mn-Pb (r = 0.88 in Banyuls, 0.97 in Marseille, p < 0.0001, n=60), along with evidence from the HYSPLIT and PCA analysis, indicates shared sources, including industrial emissions and long-range pollution (via routes crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the industrial regions of southern Spain, and southern France). The OC and EC concentrations were relatively similar between the two sites (12.34 ± 5.56 µg·m-³ in Banyuls versus 9.59 ± 4.91 µg·m-³ in Marseille). Banyuls exhibited higher OC/EC ratios, indicating more secondary organic carbon, while Marseille showed stronger primary emissions. Seasonal variations in WSOC and WSTN concentrations suggest their dependence on local emissions and atmospheric seasonal processes. The higher WSTN/WSOC ratio observed in Marseille (0.51 ± 0.34 µg·m-³ compared to 0.36 ± 0.18 µg·m-³ in Banyuls) highlights greater nitrogen contributions, likely attributed to urban pollution.

    Prncipal component analysis (PCA) showed that PC1 (41.9% variance) is dominated by OC, EC, WSOC, WSTN, and heavy metals (e.g., Pb, Zn, Cu), indicating anthropogenic influences like combustion and industrial emissions. In contrast, PC2 (15.4% variance) was driven by Na, Mg, Sr, and K, representing natural sources such as marine aerosols and soil dust. These findings suggest that regional pollution is largely driven by human activities but moderated by natural background sources, offering key insights for pollution source analysis.

    Overall, this study reveals that TSP in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea originates from a complex interplay of anthropogenic and natural sources, influenced by both local emissions and long-range transport and ongoing research in our lab focuses on specific BB tracers of TSP including anhydrosugars and PAHs.

    How to cite: Wei, M., Violaki, K., Papillon, L., Bard, E., Kerhervé, P., Nenes, A., and Panagiotopoulos, C.: Bulk characteristics and dynamics of atmospheric PM from urban and rural coastal sites in the Northwestern Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9191,, 2025.

    EGU25-9688 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Reactive oxygen species produce and diversify low-molecular weight dissolved organic matter from laminarin and chitin 

    Hannelore Waska, Sahithya Phani Babu Vemulapalli, Vitor Piotto de Oliveira, and Thorsten Dittmar

    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are continuously produced by abiotic and biotic processes in the worlds’ oceans. Their contribution to shaping the marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition is not well known, because ROS-DOM interactions likely occur stochastically and on short timescales. Long-standing research from medical and environmental engineering fields has shown that hydroxyl radicals (OH*) produced from UV/H2O2 treatments can depolymerize large biomolecules and partially decompose them to CO2. We therefore investigated whether laminarin and chitin, two abundant polysaccharides in the surface ocean, can be transformed in combined UVA/H2O2 experiments. Overall, we found little indication of laminarin and chitin net mineralization. Instead, chitin in suspension was partially solubilized to DOM, and both substrates were depolymerized and molecularly diversified, evidenced by a net increase of sugar oligo- and monomeric molecular formulae and new, unknown compounds detectable with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry and high-field two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. If such depolymerization occurs in the surface ocean, it would render large biopolymers ready for immediate microbial uptake without the aid of costly enzymes, while also contributing to the structural complexity of the DOM geometabolome. Based on our study we suggest that radical reactions continuously re-work marine organic matter in the background, exerting a so-far neglected influence on its availability as a substrate for heterotrophic consumers from both an intrinsic and emergent stability perspective.

    How to cite: Waska, H., Vemulapalli, S. P. B., de Oliveira, V. P., and Dittmar, T.: Reactive oxygen species produce and diversify low-molecular weight dissolved organic matter from laminarin and chitin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9688,, 2025.

    EGU25-10016 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Influence of oxygen concentration on the elemental and molecular composition of marine dissolved organic matter in anoxic basins 

    Marit Renken, Thorsten Dittmar, Lennart Stock, Felix J. Elling, Ian P. G. Marshall, and Gonzalo V. Gomez-Saez

    Over the last 50 years, the permanently anoxic regions in the ocean have quadrupled in size due to deoxygenation derived from global warming and climate change. Marine anoxic basins are characterized by strong vertical redox variability. In the deep, anoxic waters of these basins, bulk measurements showed an increase in concentration of some dissolved organic matter (DOM) components such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic sulfur (DOS). However, the direct abiotic effect of deoxygenation and oxygen variability into the DOM composition remains unclear. In this study, we combined state-of-art techniques in analytical chemistry, including Fourier-transform ion-cyclotron-resonance mass-spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO), to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the elemental (dissolved organic C, N, S and P) and molecular composition of DOM in three anoxic basins: the Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea), the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea), and the Black Sea. Samples were grouped in function of in situ oxygen concentration into three categories: oxic (>20 µM O2), hypoxic (1 - 20 µM O2) and anoxic (<1 µM O2). In addition, we abiotically incubated samples from oxic-to-anoxic transition zone of the Gotland Basin (2.5, 55, 66, and 240 m depths) for 17 and 45 days at >200 µM and <1 µM O2 concentration in the dark, continuously monitoring oxygen concentration by optical sensors inside a closed system previously flushed with N2 air. Our results show that elemental composition of DOM follows similar vertical patterns in all three anoxic basins as a function of the different oxygen zonation. The highest concentration of DOS and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was detected in deep anoxic waters. In contrast, DOC and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) concentration was highest in oxic waters. At a molecular level, we identified a total of 8600 molecular formulas, mostly including CHO, CHON, and CHOS compounds. Largest dissimilarities (<53% Bray Curtis) were found in the DOM signature when comparing the three sites, particularly linked to aromatic and highly unsaturated compounds, suggesting specific autochthonous processes having a key role in shaping the DOM composition in each anoxic basin. However, the proportion of DOS-related molecular formulas increased under anoxic conditions at the three sites, especially in the deep, sulfidic waters of the Black Sea, pointing towards common abiotic processes playing a key role (e.g. DOM sulfurization). Furthermore, preliminary results of the abiotic incubation experiment revealed some degree of selectivity in the molecular formulas affected by abiotic exposure to oxygen. Namely, after 45 days being exposed to oxygen, a 5 – 16% of the total DOM showed differences in their intensities, being half of them DON, DOS and DOP molecular formulas. Our study reveals novel insights into DOM composition in anoxic basins and provides a conceptual framework for future studies investigating the impact of deoxygenation in the ocean.

    How to cite: Renken, M., Dittmar, T., Stock, L., Elling, F. J., Marshall, I. P. G., and Gomez-Saez, G. V.: Influence of oxygen concentration on the elemental and molecular composition of marine dissolved organic matter in anoxic basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10016,, 2025.

    EGU25-10494 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

    The impact of the western boundary Kuroshio current on dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea 

    Lin Wen, Sijing Kang, and Xiaolin Li

    The dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) supplied horizontally from open ocean to marginal seas through western boundary current can influence upper regional nitrogen cycling. However, the observation on DON and its biogeochemical impacts on marginal seas are scarce. In this study, we investigated the distribution and degradation of DON transported by Kuroshio intrusion and its role in nitrogen cycling in the northern South China Sea (nSCS). The concentration and δ15N of DON fall in a relatively narrow range in the upper 100 m water column (4.3 ± 0.6 μM and 3.5 ± 1.6‰ vs. air, respectively; ± SD). The mean DON δ15N above 100 m is lower than the nitrate δ15N of in the “shallow subsurface” (below 100 m; 4.8 ± 1.2‰) but is higher than the δ15N of suspended particles in the surface ocean (~1.9 ± 0.5‰). This isotopic relationship between DON and suspended particles can be explained by the cycling of N between particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and DON, in which an isotope effect associated with DON degradation preferentially concentrates 15N in DON. Accordingly, a negative correlation (r = 0.72) between the concentration and the δ15N of DON is observed in the upper 100 m, suggesting an isotope effect of ~7.2 ± 1.0‰ for DON degradation. Furthermore, using an isopycnal mixing model, the exchange and biodegradation processes of Kuroshio-intruded DON were also quantified. We estimated the amount of DON carried by the Kuroshio intrusion was approximately 0.93 mmol m-2 d-1 in the upper 100 m. Concomitantly, the amount of nitrogen released from the enhanced DON degradation by Kuroshio intrusion is comparable to the supply deeper water and nitrogen fixation in surface waters. This study suggests that the enhanced biodegradation of DON during the western boundary currents intrusion could serve as an important nutrient source to marginal seas.

    How to cite: Wen, L., Kang, S., and Li, X.: The impact of the western boundary Kuroshio current on dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10494,, 2025.

    EGU25-10553 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures 

    Aleksei Shcherbinin, Henning Finkenzeller, Hans-Jurg Jost, Fariba Partovi, Netta Vinkvist, Jyri Mikkila, Jussi Kontra, Juha Kangasluoma, and Matti Rissanen

    Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) is a well-established analytical method in atmospheric research, process monitoring, forensics, breathomics and food science. Despite significant advancements in procedural techniques, several instrument configurations, especially operating at different ionization pressures, are typically needed to analyze the full range of compounds from non-functionalized parent compounds to their functionalized reaction products. For polar, functionalized compounds, very sensitive detection schemes are provided by high-pressure adduct-forming chemical ionization techniques, whereas for non-functionalized, non-polar compounds, low-pressure chemical ionization techniques have consistently demonstrated superior performance. Here, using a MION2 chemical ionization inlet and an Orbitrap ExplorisTM 120 mass spectrometer, we present multi-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (MPCIMS), the combination of high- and low-pressure ionization schemes in a single instrument enabling quantification of the full distribution of precursor molecules and their oxidation reaction products from the same stream of gas without alterations. We demonstrate the performance of the new methodology in a laboratory experiment employing a-pinene, a monoterpene relevant to atmospheric particle formation, where MPCIMS allows to measure the spectrum of compounds ranging from the volatile precursor hydrocarbon to highly functionalized condensable reaction products. Furthermore, we demonstrate field applicability of the technique by measuring ambient air in automated switching sequence. MPCIMS carries the potential as an all-in-one method for the analysis of complex gas mixtures, reducing technical complexities and the need for multiple instruments without compromise of sensitivity.

    How to cite: Shcherbinin, A., Finkenzeller, H., Jost, H.-J., Partovi, F., Vinkvist, N., Mikkila, J., Kontra, J., Kangasluoma, J., and Rissanen, M.: Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10553,, 2025.

    EGU25-11282 | Orals | BG2.6

    Global patterns of organic matter chemistry and biogeochemical cycling in wetland soils  

    Kien Yung Teo, Carsten Simon, Jaan Pärn, Mikk Espenberg, Simon A. Schroeter, Gerd Gleixner, and Ülo Mander

    Soil organic matter (SOM) in wetland soils, including peatlands, is crucial for maintaining ecosystem functions such as water quality, biogeochemical cycles, and regulating greenhouse gas emissions. Water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) comprises molecular compounds that dissolve in water under natural conditions. However, molecular-level studies of WEOM across wetlands in different climates and under various agricultural use intensities remain limited. We employed ultrahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry to analyse WEOM and integrated it with data on climate types, agricultural intensities, environmental characteristics, molecular groups, microbial functional genes, and field-measured ecosystem respiration, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes. Wetland soil samples were collected from 25 regions representing four agricultural intensities: (1) no agriculture, (2) non-intensive grassland, (3) intensive grassland, and (4) arable land. Orbitrap identified 14,890 molecular formulas with masses ranging from 100 to 950 Daltons. Correlations between agricultural intensities and formula classes containing N, S, or P was visualised using Van Krevelen diagrams. We further examined the influence of climate types (tropical, temperate, continental) and agricultural intensity on WEOM molecular composition by Principal Coordinates Analysis, and linked WEOM quality changes with gas fluxes and other available environmental and microbiome characteristics. Ecosystem respiration, nitrous oxide emission, and agricultural intensity were positively correlated with the persistence of WEOM (i.e., aromaticity vs. aliphaticity) and negatively correlated with soil water content. Diversity of bacteria and archaea, as well as methane emission, were positively correlated with soil pH, but unrelated to WEOM quality. Our findings provide new insights into how WEOM chemistry changes under varying environmental and management conditions and advance our understanding of its role in global carbon and nutrient cycling.

    Keywords: Wetland, WEOM, GHG emissions, Orbitrap, climate, agricultural intensity

    How to cite: Teo, K. Y., Simon, C., Pärn, J., Espenberg, M., Schroeter, S. A., Gleixner, G., and Mander, Ü.: Global patterns of organic matter chemistry and biogeochemical cycling in wetland soils , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11282,, 2025.

    EGU25-11326 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Origins of Berlin’s Groundwater DOM 

    Laura E. Coulson, Angela Cukusic, Hannes Hemmerle, Marielle Geppert, Clemens Karwautz, He Wang, Alice Retter, Gabriele Schwammel, Jens Bölscher, and Christian Griebler

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a pivotal role in aquatic ecosystems, influencing water quality, microbial activity, and carbon cycling. This study investigates the composition, sources, and dynamics of DOM in Berlin’s urban groundwater, focusing on its variability across aquifer layers and the implications for water quality and ecosystem health. Groundwater samples collected over three years (2021–2023) were analyzed using fluorescence spectroscopy and excitation-emission matrices (EEMs). The primary objectives were to identify DOM sources, assess surface water infiltration risks, and explore dynamic changes in DOM composition. PARAFAC analysis, performed on fluorescence EEMs, revealed eight components (UC1–UC8). Four components were characterized as terrestrial humic (UC1, UC3, UC7, UC8), two were microbial humic (UC2, UC6), one was anthropogenic humic (UC4), and one was a protein-like component (UC5). Component distribution varied across aquifers, reflecting differences in DOM sources and transformations. Shallow aquifers contained higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and microbial humic components (e.g., UC2), while deeper aquifers exhibited recalcitrant terrestrial humic components (e.g., UC7, UC8), potentially stored over long time scales due to anoxic conditions and slow degradation. Protein-like DOM (UC5) was restricted to shallow aquifers, indicating recent surface water inputs.

    Overall, these findings underscore the heterogeneity of DOM sources and transformations within Berlin’s groundwater system. The dominance of recalcitrant humic components in deeper aquifers suggests long-term DOM storage, whereas shallow aquifers reflect active surface-water interactions. Anthropogenic influences were most pronounced in shallow and unconfined aquifers, emphasizing the importance of protecting groundwater from urban pollution. Our findings provide valuable insights into the ecological and biogeochemical roles of groundwater DOM and its implications for water management in urban systems.

    How to cite: Coulson, L. E., Cukusic, A., Hemmerle, H., Geppert, M., Karwautz, C., Wang, H., Retter, A., Schwammel, G., Bölscher, J., and Griebler, C.: Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Origins of Berlin’s Groundwater DOM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11326,, 2025.

    EGU25-13342 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    Dissolved organic matter composition and temperature determine organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean 

    Benjamin Pontiller, Kevin W. Becker, Mara Rosmann, Antoine Barbot, Chie Amano, Gerhard J. Herndl, and Anja Engel

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents the largest and chemically diverse reservoir of reduced carbon (~630 Gt C) in the ocean. However, the overwhelming majority is considered biologically recalcitrant (RDOC), resisting rapid biological degradation. To date, the “recalcitrance” of organic compounds in the deep sea is attributed to three main limitations: (I) Deep-sea organic matter may be inaccessible to microorganisms due to its extremely low concentrations of individual components (limitation hypothesis). (II) The molecular structure of deep-sea DOM could be inherently resistant to microbial utilization (recalcitrance hypothesis). (III) The metabolic capabilities of deep-sea microbes might be constrained, e.g., by low temperature and high hydrostatic pressure, limiting their ability to process available organic matter. In addition, the impact of global warming-induced temperature increases in the bathypelagic zone and their consequent effects on deep-sea DOM dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we show results from a long-term incubation experiment (222 days) with Pacific deep water bacterioplankton, from the Humboldt Current System, exposed to two sources of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, 1-30 kDa), obtained from a) the surface and b) the deep sea (1500 m), along with a detailed characterization of micro(biological) and chemical parameters, at in situ (+2.5°C) and elevated temperature (+6.5°C). The addition of the two DOM sources to deep sea bacterioplankton stimulated bacterial activity (cell abundance, biomass production, and extracellular enzyme activity). However, amendments with deep sea DOM - characterized by more similar carbohydrate and amino acid composition than the surface (Euclidean distance) - resulted in higher bacterial biomass production. This effect increased up to 4-fold under elevated temperature (+6.5°C), while DOC and TOC decreased by ~10 µM C by the end of the experiment. Biochemical characterization of DOM components (i.e., dissolved hydrolyzable carbohydrates and amino acids), collectively accounting for ~6% of DOC, showed a selective consumption of galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid, contributing ~2% of total sugars, and alanine and serine at the end of the experiment (decrease in mol% and nM). These findings suggest that i) increasing the concentration of HMW-DOM components stimulates bacterioplankton activity, ii) these organic components are generally accessible to deep-sea microbes, and iii) the bathypelagic microbiome is capable of metabolizing HMW-DOM. Furthermore, the several-fold increase in bacterial activity observed under a simulated warming scenario (+4.0°C) indicates that climate change-induced warming of the bathypelagic zone could enhance deep-sea DOM utilization. This, in turn, has the potential to alter marine biogeochemical cycles, introducing feedback loops that remain poorly understood.

    How to cite: Pontiller, B., Becker, K. W., Rosmann, M., Barbot, A., Amano, C., Herndl, G. J., and Engel, A.: Dissolved organic matter composition and temperature determine organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13342,, 2025.

    EGU25-14943 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

    The metabolic mechanisms underlying zooplankton-derived dissolved organic matter’s chemical properties 

    Muhammad Firman Nuruddin, Ding He, and Longjun Wu

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM), the largest reservoir of organic material in the ocean, plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle and the microbial loop. While existing studies have documented significant DOM release by zooplankton, the chemodiversity and bioavailability of this DOM, along with the physiological mechanisms influencing these characteristics in heterogeneous coastal water environments, remain inadequately explored. We conducted onboard zooplankton DOM release experiments in heterogeneous estuarine-coastal water systems, followed by molecular characterization of the DOM using Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Additionally, we analysed zooplankton metabolic activities through meta-transcriptomics to elucidate the relationship between the chemical properties of the released DOM and the underlying physiological processes of zooplankton. Our findings reveal substantial variations in the molecular diversity of DOM released by zooplankton across heterogeneous environment, notably between estuarine and coastal communities. We found strong correlations between the chemical reactivity of the DOM and clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) genes associated with functions such as carbohydrate metabolism, nucleotide processing, energy production, and coenzyme metabolism. Importantly, the aromaticity index (AI) of the released DOM was closely linked to metabolism-related gene functions, indicating that zooplankton metabolic processes significantly influence DOM bioavailability. This study enhances our understanding of how the organism’s metabolic processes shape the molecular characteristics of DOM they release, highlighting its implications for carbon cycling in the environment.


    How to cite: Nuruddin, M. F., He, D., and Wu, L.: The metabolic mechanisms underlying zooplankton-derived dissolved organic matter’s chemical properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14943,, 2025.

    EGU25-15501 | Orals | BG2.6

    Assessing compositional variability of dissolved organic matter across different soil types and depths 

    Livia Vieira Carlini Charamba, Tobias Houska, Klaus Kaiser, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stephan Krüger, Tobias Krause, Huan Chen, Pavel Krám, Jakub Hruška, and Karsten Kalbitz

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a crucial role in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through its carbon, nutrient, and contaminant transport involvement. Its transfer from soil to surface waters is influenced by soil interactions, which alter both its quantity and composition through various physical, biological, and biochemical processes before reaching surface waters.  This study aims to characterize the DOM composition across different sites and soil depths and assess how organic surface layers (peats and forest floor) affect the DOM composition in deeper mineral horizons, representing the major source of DOM in streams of mountainous catchments. We hypothesize that while organic surface layers show greater DOM compositional variability due to different primary plant sources (e.g., leaves, roots) and different stages of microbial processing, deeper mineral subsoils will contain a more uniform set of non-sorptive and persistent compounds. Despite becoming more uniform in deeper mineral horizons, we expect DOM to maintain some characteristics from the overlying organic layers.

    Soil water samples were collected from four sites representing potential terrestrial sources of stream DOM within the catchment area of the Sosa drinking water reservoir located in the Ore Mountains (Germany). Each site was characterized by a different type of soil: Peat, peaty Gleysol, Cambisol, and Podzol. Soil water was sampled from three depths (D1, underneath the organic surface layer; D2, uppermost mineral horizon; and D3, deeper mineral horizon). DOM was characterized using fluorescence spectroscopy and pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), with subsequent Bray-Curtis dissimilarity analysis.

    The DOM characterization revealed that across sites with mineral subsoils, the number of identified compounds (i.e., variability) decreased from the organic surface layers to the deeper mineral subsoils, while for the Peat soil, the variability slightly increased. The number of common compounds and the dissimilarity analysis indicated that the organic surface layer of the peaty Gleysol influenced the DOM composition of the underlying mineral horizons more strongly than the organic surface layers of the Cambisol and the Podzol. This stronger influence likely results from the higher water content and reduced mineral interaction in the peaty Gleysol, allowing for greater vertical transport of organic compounds. Pairwise comparisons of the number of shared compounds revealed that the DOM of the Podzol was more similar to the DOM of the peaty Gleysol than to that of the Cambisol at D1, which may be explained by comparable pH conditions and comparable microbial communities adapted to acidic, organic-rich environments. The similarity of DOM composition along the depth of the sites mostly decreased, except at the Peat, where the similarity slightly increased. In contrast to our hypothesis, we found no indications of DOM becoming increasingly uniform during the passage through the mineral subsoil. In the soil with the strongest DOM adsorption in the mineral soil (i.e. the Cambisol), DOM composition showed the largest changes with increasing depth, likely because of transformative processes adding to the changes due to sorptive fractionation.

    How to cite: Vieira Carlini Charamba, L., Houska, T., Kaiser, K., Knorr, K.-H., Krüger, S., Krause, T., Chen, H., Krám, P., Hruška, J., and Kalbitz, K.: Assessing compositional variability of dissolved organic matter across different soil types and depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15501,, 2025.

    Lake sediments harbor substantial organic carbon (OC) reserves and exhibit remarkably high carbon fluxes, exerting a disproportionately large influence on the carbon cycle relative to their surface area. Now, the stability of lake sedimentary OC pools is increasingly threatened by ecosystem warming. Key questions remain unresolved: How does temperature influence the mineralization and turnover of OC? What mechanisms primarily drive the temperature response patterns of lake sediment OC pools? To address these gaps, we selected 13 lakes from the rapidly warming Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) as study sites, and investigated the temperature response patterns of sedimentary OC mineralization processes by using microcosmic incubation, absorption spectroscopy, MALDI-TOF-MS, high-throughput sequencing and OC fractionation, etc. Our results reveal that in the QTP saline lake sediment environments, the stability and temperature response of OC pools are governed primarily by the chemical composition (e.g., chemical recalcitrance, molecular weight distribution) and substrate bioavailability (e.g., concentrations of dissolved and insoluble OC) rather than by mineral protection. Labile, carbon-rich organic compounds exhibit higher reactivity and temperature sensitivity during mineralization, challenging the predictions of the Carbon Quality-Temperature (CQT) hypothesis. This study discusses for the first time in lake sediments the relative importance of substrate bioavailability, OC chemical composition, and mineral protection on the temperature response patterns of mineralization processes, and provides multidimensional evidence through spectroscopic, mass spectrometric and other analytical techniques. In the context of climate warming, these findings can help us to predict more accurately the evolutionary trends of lake OC pools.



    Key words: Lake sediments, organic carbon mineralization, temperature, chemical composition, substrate bioavailability, climate warming.

    How to cite: Wang, B. and Sun, X.: Temperature response of organic carbon mineralization in lake sediments of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is dominated by substrate chemical composition and bioavailability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15718,, 2025.

    EGU25-16047 | Orals | BG2.6

    Enhanced molecular characterization of atmospheric organic aerosols in the Western Mediterranean basin by Fourier transform mass spectrometry  

    Maxime C. Bridoux, Martha Chacón-Patiño, Christos Panagiotopoulous, Kalliopi Violaki, Ilwan Meignant, and Athanasios Nenes

    Atmospheric aerosols (AAs) significantly influence the global radiative balance, air quality, biogeochemical cycles, and human health. While their climate and health impacts are well-studied, their biogeochemical role, including contributions of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and organic matter (OM) to oligotrophic regions like the Mediterranean basin, is less explored. Recent studies suggest variable atmospheric deposition of trace metals and nutrients associated with both natural (i.e. recurring Saharan dust storms, biomass burning episodes) and anthropogenic origin (i.e. polluted air masses from northern and central Europe) with atmospheric OM inputs comparable to rivers. However, the detailed composition of atmospheric organic aerosols in the region remains poorly understood.

    Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry (UHRMS) offers unparalleled resolving power and enables detailed characterization of complex natural and anthropogenic organic matter (OM) mixtures. It also provides stoichiometric insights into organic nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) molecules that are often undetectable by methods like NMR spectroscopy or lower-resolution mass spectrometers. Here, we present advanced analysis of the chemical composition of aerosol particles collected in the Western Mediterranean basin. We combined atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) and electrospray ionization (ESI), two complementary techniques, to achieve comprehensive coverage of both polar and nonpolar molecular components through  UHRMS. Electrospray ionization (+ESI) was paired with a 21-Tesla (T) Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS), delivering exceptional resolving power, sensitivity, acquisition speed, mass accuracy, and dynamic range. Meanwhile, APPI (+ /-) was coupled to an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos 1M to target condensed, polyaromatic, nonpolar compounds that are challenging or impossible to detect by ESI alone.

    Approximately 28,000 distinct CcHhNnOoPpSs molecular formulas were assigned across all 30 samples collected in the Western Mediterranean basin to ESI(+) 21-T FT-ICR MS spectra after a solid phase extraction to isolate and desalt the samples, revealing an astonishing molecular chemodiversity mainly driven by nitrogen-containing compounds (CHNO) and oxygenated compound (CHO) with minor contribution of sulphur-containing (CHOS) and phosphorus-containing (CHOP) compounds, despite their inherent poor ionisation efficiency in complex mixture. APPI(+/-) / Orbitrap Lumos 1M proved to be a powerful approach for characterizing the molecular composition of highly condensed hydrocarbons, especially the large molecular species that cannot be eluted from gas chromatography columns.

    We will explore the key factors driving the molecular composition of atmospheric aerosols (AAs) and their influence on variations and potential formation pathways. Our findings aim to improve understanding of their composition and sources with a focus on biogeochemical processes in the nutrient-limited, stratified open waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

    How to cite: Bridoux, M. C., Chacón-Patiño, M., Panagiotopoulous, C., Violaki, K., Meignant, I., and Nenes, A.: Enhanced molecular characterization of atmospheric organic aerosols in the Western Mediterranean basin by Fourier transform mass spectrometry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16047,, 2025.

    EGU25-16056 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Impact of Air Quality on the Composition and Degradability of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Coastal Regions 

    Hongyan Bao, Ruoyang Zhang, Jutta Niggemann, and Thorsten Dittmar

    Atmospheric deposition contributes approximately 90 million tons of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the oceans and 400 million tons to the land surface each year. Natural organic matter (OM) is composed of tens of thousands of distinct molecules, making its characterization a significant challenge. This complexity is particularly evident in atmospheric OM, which is more dynamic than its aquatic counterpart. Due to analytical difficulties, the cycling of atmospheric OM in receiving waters is not well understood and is not currently represented in global carbon cycling models. To address these knowledge gaps, we conducted seasonal aerosol sampling in two major coastal cities in China—Xiamen and Qingdao—each representing different air quality levels. Using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry, we characterized the OM composition and conducted laboratory experiments to assess its potential degradability. We also investigated the relationship between molecular composition and air quality parameters. Preliminary results indicate that as air quality worsens (as reflected by an increasing Air Quality Index, or AQI), atmospheric OM becomes more aromatic, and the fraction of DOC that can be utilized by microbes decreases. These findings suggest that during periods of higher AQI, atmospheric OM is primarily derived from fossil fuel combustion, potentially persisting in the ocean for extended periods. Future research will focus on the biogeochemical impacts of these changes

    How to cite: Bao, H., Zhang, R., Niggemann, J., and Dittmar, T.: Impact of Air Quality on the Composition and Degradability of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Coastal Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16056,, 2025.

    EGU25-16552 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Phosphorus speciation in environmental organic matter using 31P-NMR. Recent advances in the characterization of atmospheric organic matter 

    Christos Panagiotopoulos, Kalliopi Violaki, and Athanasios Nenes

    Phosphorus (P) is a vital element for all living organisms and is one of the most essential nutrients in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. As a fundamental component of DNA and RNA, it plays a structural role in cell membranes (e.g., as part of phospholipids) and is crucial for various biological processes, such as energy transfer through ATP. In the environment, phosphorus exists in both inorganic forms (e.g., orthophosphate or PO43−) and organic forms. In environmental studies, organic phosphorus (P) is not measured directly but is estimated by subtracting the concentration of inorganic phosphorus species from total phosphorus. This process involves converting all forms of phosphorus into orthophosphate, typically through UV or persulfate oxidation, followed by colorimetric analysis. However, inefficiencies in this transformation can introduce errors and biases, leading to underestimation or overestimation of the organic phosphorus content.

    Solid-state 31P NMR is a powerful technique that identifies phosphorus chemical species, organic or inorganic, without any previous sample treatment. This technique was widely used in the 2000s in marine chemistry in samples comprised of concentrated dissolved organic matter, fast-sinking particles, marine planktons, and sediments, revealing important features of organic P compounds such as phosphonates. A notable characteristic of P in concentrated dissolved organic matter is that P-esters and phosphonates consistently exhibit a nearly constant ratio of 75:25, regardless of the depth or location where the sample was collected. 31P-NMR, however, has not yet been used for atmospheric samples, and is the primary focus of this study. Here, we analyzed total suspended atmospheric particles collected during dust events, as well as ash produced from the biomass burning of olive trees. We find that the functional groups associated with phosphorus included orthophosphate and monophosphate esters, which shared the same chemical shift (H₃PO₄ and RH₂-PO₄), phosphate diesters (R₁R₂HPO₄), and pyrophosphate (H₄P₂O₇). P in our samples consisted of phosphate diesters (72–88%), followed by orthophosphate (10–19%) and pyrophosphate (1–8%). Unlike marine samples, phosphonates were absent, suggesting the absence of compounds containing carbon-phosphorus (C–P) bonds. Phosphate diesters are primarily found in naturally occurring organic compounds, such as nucleotides and their derivatives (e.g., DNA, RNA, AMP, ADP, ATP), including phospholipids, and thus constitute the majority of atmospheric organic phosphorus. As these compounds have C-O-P bonds they are readily hydrolyzed in the marine environment by the alkaline phosphatase enzyme, providing an important source of P in aquatic/marine ecosystems. Overall, our results suggest that organic-P, as estimated by 31P NMR, can account for up to 80% of total P in dust and burning biomass samples. Thus, the organic-P fraction of external inputs is likely as significant for marine primary productivity as inorganic inorganic-P.  

    How to cite: Panagiotopoulos, C., Violaki, K., and Nenes, A.: Phosphorus speciation in environmental organic matter using 31P-NMR. Recent advances in the characterization of atmospheric organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16552,, 2025.

    EGU25-17670 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Deoxygenation effects on the interaction between microbial metabolisms and dissolved organic matter cycling in the seasonally anoxic Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea) 

    Gonzalo V. Gomez Saez, Katharina Muschler, Ömer K. Coskun, Marit Renken, Marina Garcia-Llorca, Louison Nicolas-Asselineau, Linus M. Zeller, Jana Milucka, Thorsten Dittmar, William D. Orsi, and Ian P. G. Marshall

    Seawater stores as much carbon in the form of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as there is CO2 in the atmosphere. Over a period of just 50 years (from 1960 to 2010) global oceanic oxygen reserves have been reduced by 2% and the anoxic waters have quadrupled, mainly due to anthropogenic global warming and eutrophication. Ocean deoxygenation leads to an expansion of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), which contain higher concentrations of DOM (carbon and sulfur (DOS)) than the oxygenated ocean. Microbial metabolisms are directly responsible for the production, degradation and recycling of marine DOM but there is no consensus about their role in DOM accumulation in OMZs. Recent advances in analytical chemistry characterize the DOM at the molecular level in unprecedented detail, revealing new insights into its source and history by Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS). Current progress in sequencing technology can predict specific functions contributing to the molecular activity of microbial communities in environmental samples by metatranscriptomics, or to specific substrate assimilation by quantitative DNA stable isotope probing (qSIP). In this study, we investigated the interaction between microbes and DOM in the water column of the Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea). Due to nutrient loading from land combined with its topography, Mariager Fjord has anoxic bottom waters between spring and late fall, but it is typically flushed with oxygen-rich seawater from the Kattegat during winter. In spring 2023, we sampled waters at three depths (5, 15, 25 m) with an O2 range from oxic-to-hypoxic conditions (99, 65 and 4 % O2, respectively). Natural environmental samples were combined with incubations targeting (a) abiotic and biotic interactions in the presence or absence of oxygen; and (b) organosulfur cycling by active uncultivated microbes assimilating the 13C-DOS substrates methionine and taurine. Samples were analyzed for elemental organic and inorganic geochemistry, microbial diversity (16S rRNA sequencing), FT-ICR-MS, qSIP and metatranscriptomics. Our results showed clear changes on the microbial community composition and gene expression depending on the oxygen concentration. The surface oxic waters were dominated by Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria, while the hypoxic nitrite-enriched waters were dominated by Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidota. Expressed genes diversity was highest in the hypoxic waters, with reverse dissimilatory sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation genes present in the metatranscriptomes, even though the waters were not sulfidic. Regarding organosulfur cycling, only bacteria assimilated 13C-DOS in the water column. Methionine was mainly utilized in oxic layers by Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria, while taurine was only assimilated in hypoxic waters mostly by Bacteroidota. Largest differences in DOM molecular composition between oxic-to-hypoxic samples were related to N- and S-containing compounds, although autochthonous terrigenous DOM input in the fjord dominated the DOM signature more drastically than oxygen variations. Overall, our study includes novel implementation of state-of-art methods to elucidate new links between the microbial biosphere with the chemical diversity of DOM in the context of a changing, deoxygenated ocean.

    How to cite: Gomez Saez, G. V., Muschler, K., Coskun, Ö. K., Renken, M., Garcia-Llorca, M., Nicolas-Asselineau, L., Zeller, L. M., Milucka, J., Dittmar, T., Orsi, W. D., and Marshall, I. P. G.: Deoxygenation effects on the interaction between microbial metabolisms and dissolved organic matter cycling in the seasonally anoxic Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17670,, 2025.

    EGU25-18845 | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Annual dynamics of DOM and microbial community interactions in a Mediterranean coastal area: mutual influence and environmental drivers 

    Simona Retelletti Brogi, Vincenzo Manna, Giancarlo Bachi, Cecilia Balestra, Mauro Celussi, Cinzia De Vittor, Mirco Guerrazzi, Federica Relitti, and Chiara Santinelli

    Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) and microbes are strictly linked by complex and dynamic processes. DOM represents the main source of energy for microbial communities and its concentration and chemical properties influence the microbe’s structure and activity. Microbes on the other hand can affect the DOM pool by changing its concentration and quality. Composition and properties of the DOM and the microbial community are therefore interdependent. On top of this, the variability of the environment drives changes on both, affecting each one’s properties and dynamics, and consequently their interaction.

    The main goal of this study is to investigate the microbes-DOM interplay in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea and to assess its variability in relation to environmental conditions. Our hypothesis is that the environmental variability (i.e. seasonal changes in salinity, temperature, biological activity…) affects the concentration and properties of potentially bioavailable DOM and its interaction with the microbial community.

    To achieve this goal, incubation experiments were carried out monthly for 1 year. Surface water was filtered through 1.2 µm filters to remove potential microbes’ grazers and most of phototrophic organisms and incubated in the dark at the in-situ temperature. DOC concentration, DOM optical properties (absorption and fluorescence), microbial prokaryotic abundance, secondary heterotrophic C production, and enzyme activity were followed for 30 days. Samples for the same parameters were collected from the surface water at the same time as the experimental sampling to gain information on the annual dynamics of both the DOM and the microbial community.

    The study was carried out in the framework of the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), at the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) “C1” coastal station, located in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea). This station has been studied since 1986 and provides a solid background to contextualize seasonal environmental changes.

    To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the DOM-microbial community relationship with such resolution over an entire year and allowing to estimate the potentially bioavailable DOM and its variability with changing environmental conditions. The North Adriatic Sea, as well as all the Mediterranean Sea is already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as increase in salinity and surface water temperature. Investigating how these variables affect the DOM-microbes interaction may give some clues to understand potential future changes in DOM-microbes relationship and therefore in the marine C cycle.

    How to cite: Retelletti Brogi, S., Manna, V., Bachi, G., Balestra, C., Celussi, M., De Vittor, C., Guerrazzi, M., Relitti, F., and Santinelli, C.: Annual dynamics of DOM and microbial community interactions in a Mediterranean coastal area: mutual influence and environmental drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18845,, 2025.

    EGU25-19511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

    Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Solution from Lysimetric Sampling 

    Kristýna Müllerová, Vojtěch Enev, and Roman Glončák

    Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil plays a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles, nutrient transport, and soil solution chemistry. This study focuses on the physicochemical characterisation of DOM extracted from soil solution samples collected using lysimeters at different depths (20 cm, 40 cm, and 60 cm). The primary analyses included pH and electrical conductivity measurements, dynamic light scattering (DLS) for particle size, ζ-potential measurements, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for functional group identification, and three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3D EEMs) for further characterisation of organic matter fractions. The concentration of humic substances in the soil solution was also determined according to the ČSN 75 7536 standard. The results indicate slightly alkaline soil conditions (pH 7.5-8.0) and increasing conductivity with depths, suggesting nutrient and organic matter accumulation at 60 cm. DLS and ζ-potential measurements provided insights into colloidal stability, while FTIR confirmed the presence of key functional groups such as O–H, C=O, and C–N, indicating polysaccharides, carboxylates, and others in the structure of DOM. These findings enhance understanding of DOM composition and mobility in soil, emphasising the significance of lysimetric sampling in studying DOM under natural conditions.

    How to cite: Müllerová, K., Enev, V., and Glončák, R.: Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Solution from Lysimetric Sampling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19511,, 2025.

    EGU25-19831 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

    First measurements with a novel aerosol filter analysis workflow 

    Sebastian Holm, Jussi Kontro, Moe Lwin, Joona Mikkilä, Matti Rissanen, and Juha Kangasluoma

    Offline filter sampling of aerosols is a cost-effective and easily deployable method for long-term measurements. However, the subsequent analysis can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Measuring fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 2.5μm (PM2.5) is essential in air pollution studies. To understand the role of organic aerosols (OA) in the atmosphere, particularly regarding climate and health effects, it is crucial to know their molecular composition. Typically, such data is gathered through offline filter sampling and laboratory analysis (Daellenbach et al., 2020; Cai et al., 2023).

    Currently, there are many extraction methods for collected PM2.5 filters (see e.g., Roper et al. (2019)). Most of these methods require several stages of preparation before analysis can begin. This often involves cutting smaller pieces from the used filters and then performing steps such as sonication, rinsing, drying, dissolving, and nebulizing before the sample is finally analyzed.

    We propose a more streamlined workflow. The entire collected filter is placed in a thermal desorption multi-scheme chemical ionization inlet coupled to an Orbitrap mass spectrometer (TD-MION-Orbitrap, see e.g., Partovi et al. (2023)). The MION allows for fast switching between multiple reagents, and the Orbitrap provides high mass resolution. While previous studies have successfully used TD-CIMS for offline analysis of PM (e.g., Cai et al., 2023), our method offers a user-friendly, preparation-free analysis process.

    We hope to get the opportunity to present data from ambient filters collected in Helsinki – in a comparison to existing analysis methods – along with initial results from these early stages of the project.




    Cai, J. et al. (2023). Characterization of offline analysis of particulate matter with FIGAERO-CIMS. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(5), 1147-1165.

    Daellenbach, K. R. et al. (2020). Sources of particulate-matter air pollution and its oxidative potential in Europe. Nature, 587(7834), 414-419.

    Partovi, F. et al. (2023). Pesticide Residue Fast Screening Using Thermal Desorption Multi-Scheme Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TD-MION MS) with Selective Chemical Ionization. ACS Omega, 8(29), 25749-25757.

    Roper, C. et al. (2019). PM(2.5) Filter Extraction Methods: Implications for Chemical and Toxicological Analyses. Environ Sci Technol, 53(1),434-442.

    How to cite: Holm, S., Kontro, J., Lwin, M., Mikkilä, J., Rissanen, M., and Kangasluoma, J.: First measurements with a novel aerosol filter analysis workflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19831,, 2025.

    EGU25-21540 | Orals | BG2.6

    Strategies to deal with batch effects with high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry for NOM characterisation 

    Helen Rutlidge, Russell Pickford, Tina Ventura, and Rita Kay Henderson

    There is growing evidence that changes in the molecular composition of natural organic matter (NOM) in water drives changes in the effectiveness of water treatment processes. Hence, there is a growing interest in obtaining more detailed characterisation of natural organic matter, than traditional methods can provide. High resolution mass spectrometry is one such technique that is increasingly being used for NOM analysis. Predominately, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), has been used but Orbitrap MS is emerging as a more available, smaller, and cheaper alternative.  

    Due to the high sensitivity of high-resolution mass spectrometry instrumental performance variation from day to day is a recognised problem. This means that samples measured on different days may not be directly comparable, likely due to slight variations in equipment operating conditions, laboratory ambient conditions and minor contamination left from other analysis. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of this instrumental variation using a NOM standard mixture and ways to overcome it.

    To understand the Orbitrap MS instrumental variation from day to day, a freshly prepared NOM standard mixture was analysed on several days. The data files were compiled and analysed using Compound Discoverer software. The molecular weights observed were assigned to molecular formula using the software. As part of the data processing various strategies were explored to deal with batch effects, including data-driven normalisation, removal of data with lower relative abundance and Systematic Error Removal Using Random Forest (SERRF).

    For the NOM standard mixture, there were differences in the assigned molecular formulas as well as the relevant abundances. A total of 940 molecular formula were found for all the NOM mixture standard runs, with 357 found in more than one sample run. However, the compounds that were present in only one or two sample runs tended to have lower relative abundance, and hence removing compounds with lower relative abundance may reduce the influence of instrumental variation. In general, the greatest commonality across the sample runs was seen in the region where the H/C ratio was between 0.5-1.5 and the O/C ratio was <0.5, which corresponds to the condensed hydrocarbons and lignin-like compounds. The various correction strategies showed various levels of effectiveness.

    How to cite: Rutlidge, H., Pickford, R., Ventura, T., and Henderson, R. K.: Strategies to deal with batch effects with high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry for NOM characterisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21540,, 2025.

    The Upper Paleozoic Carboniferous Taiyuan-Shanxi Formation acts as the main hydrocarbon supply layer for tight sandstone gas in the Ordos Basin. The hydrocarbon generation and expulsion characteristics as well as the hydrocarbon generation potential of coal, carbonaceous mudstone, and dark mudstone are crucial matters in the exploration and development of tight sandstone gas in the southern part of the basin. Considering that the maturity in the southern Ordos Basin is generally above 2.0%, to restore the original hydrocarbon generation potential, in this study, low-mature samples of three types of coal-measure source rocks from the Carboniferous Taiyuan Formation in the Chengning Uplift of the Huanghua Depression in the Bohai Bay Basin were collected from the same strata. Different simulation temperatures ranging from 350 to 700 °C with a gradient of 50 °C were set. Hydrocarbon generation and expulsion simulation experiments in a closed system were conducted, and the residual and expelled hydrocarbons of the source rock simulation samples under different maturity gradients were obtained. The maturity of each simulated temperature point was calibrated by coal samples. Additionally, the source rock samples before and after the simulation were subjected to mass weighing, total organic carbon (TOC) analysis, rock pyrolysis (Rock-Eval), and quantitative analysis of hydrocarbon expulsion. The results indicate that as the simulation temperature increases, the oil generation process mainly occurs before 400 °C (Ro = 1.13%). Meanwhile, gas generation continuously increases from 300 °C (Ro = 0.83%) to 700 °C (Ro = 4.35%) without reaching a peak. The percentage of methane gradually rises and reaches over 95%. Combined with basin modeling, it is determined that the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous is the main gas generation period. At an experimental temperature of 700 °C in the closed system, the organic carbon conversion rate of dark mudstone is 77.1%. In contrast, coal has an organic carbon conversion rate of less than 20%, and carbonaceous mudstone has a rate of less than 30%. This shows that coal and carbonaceous mudstone still have significant hydrocarbon generation potential under high-temperature conditions.

    How to cite: Zhang, Y.: Study on gas generation process of high-over mature coal-measure source rocks in southern Ordos Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3166,, 2025.

    EGU25-3813 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    The control of physical and biological drivers on pelagic methane fluxes in a Patagonian fjord (Golfo Almirante Montt, Chile) 

    Oliver Schmale, Volker Mohrholz, Svenja Papenmeier, Klaus Jürgens, Martin Blumenberg, Peter Feldens, Sebastian Jordan, Paula Ruiz-Fernández, Christian Meeske, Jenny Fabian, Sören Iwe, and Lars Umlauf

    The methane flux from coastal water areas such as fjords and the underlying control mechanisms have been little studied to date. Fjords are characterized by a complex hydrography that is shaped by marine and limnic interactions and leads to a pronounced stratification of the water column. The resulting low ventilation of the deep water together with high primary production rates in the surface water and the subsequent transport of the organic material to the seabed often lead to high methane releases from the seabed. In our study, we analyzed a fjord system in the Chilean part of Patagonia, the Golfo Almirante Montt. The investigation is based on studies of water column methane concentration and stable carbon isotopes, the distribution and activity of methane-oxidizing bacteria, and oceanographic and geological observations. Our results indicate that methane is of biogenic origin is released from gas-rich sediments at the entrance of the main fjord basin, which is characterized by pockmarks and gas flares. Tidal currents and turbulent mixing at the sill cause a methane plume near the surface to spread into the main fjord basin and mix with the methane- and oxygen-depleted deep water. The wind-induced mixing at the sea surface controls the methane flux from the methane plume into the atmosphere. The methane plume is consumed mainly by methanotrophic bacteria. An enrichment of the signature gene particulate methane monooxygenase (pmoA) in the methane-poor deep water, and a conspicuously high δ13C-CH4 signature of the methane suggest that methane-rich intrusions are periodically introduced into the deep water, which are subsequently converted microbially. Additionally, a δ13C-CH4 anomaly in deep water that correlates with a zooplankton accumulation in this depth during daytime is considered to be a product of zooplankton-associated methane production. Our interdisciplinary study offers a comprehensive insight into the complex physical and biological processes that modulate methane dynamics in fjords and thus help to better assess how methane emissions from these systems will change under anthropogenic influence.

    How to cite: Schmale, O., Mohrholz, V., Papenmeier, S., Jürgens, K., Blumenberg, M., Feldens, P., Jordan, S., Ruiz-Fernández, P., Meeske, C., Fabian, J., Iwe, S., and Umlauf, L.: The control of physical and biological drivers on pelagic methane fluxes in a Patagonian fjord (Golfo Almirante Montt, Chile), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3813,, 2025.

    EGU25-4139 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Adaptation of methane-oxidizing bacteria to environmental changes: implications for coastal methane dynamics 

    Helge Niemann, Tim de Groot, Julia C. Engelmann, Pierre Ramond, Julia Diorgio, and Judith van Bleijswijk

    Global warming induced alterations in ocean temperature regimes, and precipitation patterns are increasingly impacting coastal ecosystems, leading to shifts in water column properties. These changes may have profound implications for microbial communities such as methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOBs), which play a critical role in regulating methane fluxes and ecosystem dynamics. In this study, we investigate the resilience and adaptability of aerobic MOBs in response to changing environmental conditions. Through microcosm incubation experiments with waters from the North Sea and the Wadden Sea collected during different seasons, we explore how variations in methane availability, temperature, and salinity influence the MOB community structure and functional capacity. Our results reveal an increase in the relative abundance of MOBs to up to 57% in experiments with elevated methane concentrations, highlighting the primary role of methane availability for MOB community development. Temperature and salinity variations, on the other hand, exerted lesser effects on MOB composition and relative abundance. A strong effect on MOB community development was furthermore caused by the origin of the inoculum (location and season). Our results thus suggest a functional redundancy in the variable pools of microbial inocula enabling multiple MOB clades to cope with drastic changes in environmental parameters. The adaptability of MOB communities is key to understand their role in mitigating methane emissions from coastal regions in a future ocean with potentially elevated methane, temperature and variable salinity levels.

    How to cite: Niemann, H., de Groot, T., Engelmann, J. C., Ramond, P., Diorgio, J., and van Bleijswijk, J.: Adaptation of methane-oxidizing bacteria to environmental changes: implications for coastal methane dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4139,, 2025.

    EGU25-4230 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Microbial turnover of hydrocarbons at a leaking abandoned oil well in Germany 

    Martin Blumenberg, Georg Scheeder, Sebastian F.A. Jordan, Martin Krüger, and Stefan Schlömer

    With a contribution of about one third, methane is the second most important greenhouse gas in the climate system. In addition to a biogenic formation, e.g. in wetlands, methane also is emitted during anthropogenic industrial activities. BGR is investigating abandoned onshore oil and gas wells in Germany, which are generally plugged and buried, for their relevance as sources of methane. Initial results from studied wells examined so far (about 75 wells) indicated no or very low methane emissions at very few sites. A controlling process for low methane emissions for the wells could be microbial methane oxidation, which is an important process in organic-rich soils overlying wells in Northern Germany (Jordan et al., accepted).

    We present here data from soil above a plugged oil well, drilled in the early 1920s and located at Nienhagen near Hannover (Germany). At the well ~40 mg CH4 h-1 were emitted (average range for plugged US oil wells ~50 to 170 mg h-1 per well; Williams et al. 2021). Gas geochemical analyses of the soil gas confirm the presence of natural gas (up to 8 % methane and 600 ppm ethane) and the δ13C of the methane supports that the majority is thermogenic (-47.1 ‰). In addition to natural gas, we also found petroleum in the soil, which reached up to 80 % soil total organic carbon. Our data suggest a complex mosaic of hydrocarbon-altering effects dominated by products from the microbial degradation of well-derived oil and natural gas (e.g., propane oxidation). It is likely that O2 availability controls the degradation of petroleum in the soil under investigation, because the strongest degree of degradation was found in the upper soil horizons. The properties of the formerly produced oil exclude biodegradation in the reservoir, so the degraded oil must have been formed during the ascent or in the topsoil. The gas geochemical composition of the soil gases indicates also deeper, anaerobic processes, such as methanogenesis, probably with petroleum as the carbon source. Soil microcosms from different depths showed, indeed, a rapid onset of microbial degradation of added oil both under aerobic and anaerobic conditions in the lab. Although processes in a deeper biosphere appear to play a role here, it is likely that mostly the microbial processes in the soil surrounding the well regulate the composition and quantity of oil and gas. In conclusion, the (i) high degree of degradation in the natural gas components in the soil and petroleum, as well as the overall (ii) only low methane emissions, indicate that the Nienhagen well is only leaking relatively little and that a “microbial hydrocarbon filter” is established and active.


    Jordan, S.F.A., Schloemer, S., Krüger, M., Heffner, T., Horn, M.A., Blumenberg, M., (accepted) Preprint. Interferences caused by the microbial methane cycle during the assessment of abandoned oil and gas wells. EGUsphere. doi:10.5194/egusphere-2024-1461

    Williams J. P., Regehr A. and Kang M. (2021) Methane Emissions from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells in Canada and the United States. Environmental Science & Technology 55, 563–570.

    How to cite: Blumenberg, M., Scheeder, G., Jordan, S. F. A., Krüger, M., and Schlömer, S.: Microbial turnover of hydrocarbons at a leaking abandoned oil well in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4230,, 2025.

    EGU25-4511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Exploring biomarker signatures of methane hydrates in the Amazon Cone 

    Monique Aparecida Marchese Rizzi, Tais Freitas da Silva, Joice Cagliari, Tiago Jonatan Girelli, Adolpho Herbert Augustin, Luiz Frederico Rodrigues, Dennis James Miller, José Antonio Cupertino, and Farid Chemale Jr.

    The study of organic matter in sediments is crucial for advancing energy resource exploration and understanding geological and biogeochemical processes. This study focuses on the Amazon Cone (Brazil), a region of significant interest following the last decade's discovery of gas hydrates in Brazilian waters. Methane, the main gas released by dissociating hydrates, is a potent greenhouse gas with biogenic or thermogenic origins. Therefore, understanding its pathways in sedimentary environments is fundamental for energy exploration and climate sciences. Building on data from the 2023 Amaryllis-Amagas Oceanographic Mission aboard the Marion Dufresne research vessel, this work investigates gas hydrate systems on Brazil’s equatorial margin through biomarker analysis. A total of 89 samples from seven piston cores were analyzed by Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, and 20 samples were selected based on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) values and core positions (top, middle, and bottom). Soxhlet extraction with dichloromethane/methanol (8:2) was followed by liquid chromatography to separate saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, and polar fractions, and GC/MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy) was used for compound identification. N-alkanes ranging from n-C18 to n-C35 were identified with a predominance of long-chain n-alkanes (n-C25 to n-C35) with a marked odd-over-even carbon number preference (e.g., the greater abundance of nC27, nC29, nC31, and nC33), which indicate an input of terrestrial plant-derived organic matter. Furthermore, pristane and phytane are present in very low abundance. Terpanes distribution points to anoxic depositional conditions, and the domination of ββ-C30, ββ-C31, and ββ-C32 compounds corresponds to a low level of thermal maturity. The steranes analysis also observed low maturity, showing a predominance of biological isomers, while the diasteranes DIA27S > DIA27R ratio emphasizes clay-catalyzed processes in a clastic, clay-rich sedimentary environment, characteristic of the Amazon Cone. The terrestrial input coupled with evidence of bacterial activity highlights the role of microbial processes in shaping the organic matter composition. Also, the low thermal maturity of the organic matter aligns with favorable conditions for biogenic methane production. Likewise, the clay-rich environment of the Amazon Cone facilitates the trapping and preservation of gas hydrates by providing structural stability to the sediments. Combined with the anoxic conditions inferred from the biomarkers, these findings are consistent with the microbial pathways critical for methane production and gas hydrate stability. Therefore, the Amazon Cone appears to be a region where microbial and geological processes converge to create and maintain methane hydrate deposits. This underscores the potential of the area not only as a site of scientific interest but also as a candidate for future energy exploration, with the added significance of understanding methane’s role in global carbon cycling and greenhouse gas emissions.

    How to cite: Rizzi, M. A. M., da Silva, T. F., Cagliari, J., Girelli, T. J., Augustin, A. H., Rodrigues, L. F., Miller, D. J., Cupertino, J. A., and Chemale Jr., F.: Exploring biomarker signatures of methane hydrates in the Amazon Cone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4511,, 2025.

    Cold seeps are chemosynthetic ecosystems on the seafloor that harbor diverse benthic communities by the supply of methane-rich fluids from subsurface reservoirs. Despite the global significance in biogeochemical cycling of cold seeps, the relative importance of methane-related microbial processes and the impact of methane leakage on the upper ocean remains not fully understood. We integrated a suite of biogeochemical approaches to elucidate microbial activity of methane oxidation in cold seeps sediment and overlying waters of South China Sea, and further estimate the role of methane oxidation in the regulation of methane emissions. Stable carbon isotope of methane suggested a biological origin and δ13C values of DIC indicated the dominance of methane oxidation. Radiotracer labelling showed that methanogenesis, anaerobic oxidation of methane and sulfate reduction concurrently occurred in seep sediments. In the overlying waters, methane concentrations in the vicinity of the seeps (up to ~71 µM) were well above background levels (~1−2 nM) and methane oxidation rates reached up to 8658 nmol L−1 day−1, among the highest rates documented in pelagic ocean. Using a machine learning model, we complied a database of methane emission and oxidation from global seeps. We estimated a global methane emission rate of 57.8 Tg yr−1 from seeps to the overlying water columns and 31%−63% of this methane could be oxidized aerobically around seeping waters, suggesting that aerobic methanotrophy significantly reduces the emissions of methane released from submarine seeps. Our results also indicated that methane leakage from seeps could impact metabolic activity and carbon cycling in the deep ocean.

    How to cite: Zhuang, G. and Mao, S.: Methane oxidation and emissions in cold seeps: from South China Sea to global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4957,, 2025.

    Methane dynamics in groundwater flow systems are critical to understanding underground microbial methane systems. The migration of methane in aqueous solution is understudied, although it can only concentrate in large quantities along longer horizontal groundwater flow paths. This is a necessary condition for the formation of commercial accumulations (as hydrocarbon resources) but also increases the potential amount of gas released to the atmosphere in the discharge areas of groundwater flows.

    This study focuses on understanding the fundamental elements of an underground microbial methane system, highlighting the microbial gas generation depth range and key groundwater flow system parameters such as volume discharge, Darcy velocity, pressure, temperature, and salinity. To achieve this, by innovatively integrating hydrogeological and petroleum geological knowledge and methodologies, a Python-based computational model was developed. In addition, extensive methane and carbon dioxide solubility databases containing over 200,000 data points were created considering temperature, pressure and salinity conditions. To address gaps related to methane and carbon dioxide solubility reverse data engineering was applied using Python language.

    The model comprises two principal domains: (1) a midline zone where semi-horizontal groundwater flow maintains roughly constant pressure, temperature, and salinity conditions, facilitating microbial gas dissolution, and (2) a discharge zone where upward groundwater flow triggers decrease of these parameters, leading to oversaturation and gas exsolution. Present-day microbial gas generation depth was established based on generation kinetics, while the theoretical regional groundwater flow system was characterized by the basin-scale evaluation of measured hydraulic data. Model input parameters, such as pressure, temperature, salinity, and flow velocity were sourced from existing publications. As a result, the model defines (a) the minimum horizontal migration length necessary for groundwater saturation with methane, (b) the volume of methane transported in solution, (c) the quantity of methane gas released in underground discharge zones that can be trapped, and (d) the quantity of methane gas released to the surface.

    When applied to the Central Pannonian Basin, including the largest microbial gas accumulation in Hungary (Hajdúszoboszló field), the model can explain the formation of this accumulation at the end of a horizontal flow converging zone where flow direction turns upward due to the regional flow conditions and a major fault zone. From the gas amount which arrives at the discharge area during 1 million years from a 300 km2 charge area, about 226 million m3 released under the surface that could be trapped and about 700 million m3 released to the surface. The latter means 700 m3 gas emission per year which only comes from groundwater discharge. Sensitivity analyses provided further insights into the controlling factors of microbial gas migration and their relationships highlighting the complexity of the system.

    Ongoing work is testing the model around another significant microbial gas accumulation in Hungary (Kunmadaras field), where hydrogeological conditions are different, further refining our understanding of methane dynamics in groundwater flow systems.

    The research was supported by the Papp Simon Foundation, Hungary.

    How to cite: Adonya, R. A.: Microbial methane dynamics in groundwater flow systems and their potential contribution to atmospheric emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5268,, 2025.

    The late-stage gas charging diversifies the material composition and chemical characteristics of the early reservoir, while the differences in the range and intensity of gas invasion lead to the formation of complex distribution pattern of oil and gas, which restricts a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of oil and gas accumulation. The research focuses on the Tahedong area of the Tarim Basin, utilizing geological background and integrating techniques such as crude oil geochemical analysis, fluid inclusion observation, scanning electron microscopy, and methane carbon isotope analysis to quantitatively characterize the intensity of gas invasion. The results indicate that: (1) The loss of n-alkanes in the research area is significant, with a loss rate ranging from 60.11% to 80.58%, while aromatics are relatively enriched, and the reservoir rocks develop gas inclusions with the presence of gas pores in the asphalt. (2) The gas charging ratio in condensate oil reservoirs and natural gas reservoirs ranges from 48% to 92%, with a high degree of gas invasion; in light oil reservoirs, the ratio ranges from 25% to 34%, with a moderate degree of gas invasion; in normal oil reservoirs, gas invasion is not significant. (3) The gas generation range of the source rocks in the Himalayan period matches the range of gas charging ratio greater than 35%, and the drying coefficient of natural gas decreases gradually from southeast to northwest, and the relative density increases, reflecting the decrease of natural gas charging ratio.It is therefore believed that the study area has developed varying intensities of gas invasion, with the southeastern region experiencing the strongest gas invasion, resulting in the formation of condensate oil and natural gas reservoirs. As the distance increases towards the northwest, the gas invasion weakens and overlaps with earlier oil reservoirs, transitioning in phase to light oil and medium oil. This understanding is of significant guiding importance for the exploration of late high-maturity oil and gas in the Tahedong area.

    How to cite: Wang, J., Liu, H., and Su, Y.: Quantitative characterization of gas invasion intensity in oil and gas reservoirs using methane carbon isotopes: Example from Tahedong Area in the Tarim Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5293,, 2025.

    EGU25-5340 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    The investiagtion of methane seeps and hydrothermal vents in the Middle Okinawa Trough 

    Jiwei Li, Zhilei Sun, and Dawei Wang

    From October 3 to November 9, 2024, a manned deep-sea dive expedition in the Okinawa Trough was successfully conducted by the expedition team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Natural Resources of China. Utilizing the exploration vessel "TAN-SUO-ER-HAO" and the manned submersible "SHEN-HAI-YONG-SHI," the expedition aimed to investigate the geological, environmental, and biological phenomena associated with the submarine fluid systems on the seafloor in the Middle Okinawa Trough. The expedition uncovered large-scale active cold seeps developing at the back-arc spreading center axis, covering an area of approximately several dozen square kilometers. Geological activities related to the release of high-temperature supercritical carbon dioxide fluids were also observed, with multiple venting sites identified that generate a carbon dioxide-rich hydrothermal plume. These discoveries provide an exceptional natural laboratory for observational research on critical issues such as deep-seated carbon release at back-arc spreading centers, localized deep-sea water acidification, and the life adaptation strategies in extreme environments.

    How to cite: Li, J., Sun, Z., and Wang, D.: The investiagtion of methane seeps and hydrothermal vents in the Middle Okinawa Trough, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5340,, 2025.

    EGU25-5580 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    Production of the disaccharide’s trehalose and sucrose by ANME‑2/SRB consortia in a cold seep at the Astoria Canyon    

    Lennart Stock, Gunter Wegener, Stian Torset, Julius Lipp, Lukas Dirksen, Manuel Liebeke, Laura L. Lapham, Anna Hildebrand, John Pohlman, Ellen Lalk, and Marcus Elvert

    The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulfate reduction (SR) is a key microbial process in the sulfate-methane transition zones (SMTZ) of cold seeps. In this process, anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) oxidize methane to inorganic carbon and transfer gained electrons to their sulfate-reducing partner bacteria (SRB), which, in turn, reduce sulfate to sulfide. While electron transfer is a well-established interaction mechanism, interactions on the molecular level, involving, for example, low-molecular-weight organics, have not been investigated.

    Here, we examined the presence of such molecules in cold seep sediments from Astoria Canyon. We found unusually high concentrations of the disaccharide’s trehalose and sucrose in both the pore water and the solid phase of the sediments. Elevated levels of these sugars in the SMTZ, along with negative δ¹³C values between -55 and -80‰, indicate the production by the AOM core community. The presence of ANME-2 and SRB lipids with similar δ¹³C values supports this interpretation. A stable isotope probing experiment on sediments from the same cold seep system confirms the AOM-dependent production of these disaccharides. There, trehalose and sucrose showed strong 13C-incorporation upon addition of ¹³C-labeled inorganic carbon, alongside the lipids of the autotrophic AOM community.

    While the precise role of trehalose and sucrose production during AOM remains unclear, our findings suggest that they may serve as intermediates in ANME/SRB interactions and possibly in the production or conservation of the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) that encases them. To further elucidate their biochemical significance and functional role, we aim to quantify trehalose and sucrose in both pore water and sediment. Understanding the role of these disaccharides in AOM consortia will provide deeper insights into microbial interaction and adaptations in methane-dominated and other extreme environments.

    How to cite: Stock, L., Wegener, G., Torset, S., Lipp, J., Dirksen, L., Liebeke, M., Lapham, L. L., Hildebrand, A., Pohlman, J., Lalk, E., and Elvert, M.: Production of the disaccharide’s trehalose and sucrose by ANME‑2/SRB consortia in a cold seep at the Astoria Canyon   , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5580,, 2025.

    EGU25-6790 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Crayfish and Climate: how invasive species amplify aquatic GHG emissions 

    Lucia Cabrera-Lamanna, Ivo Roessink, Peeters Edwin THM, and Sarian Kosten

    Since their introduction to European waters in the 1970s, the invasive red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii has rapidly expanded due to traits such as rapid reproduction, high environmental tolerance, and opportunistic feeding. P. clarkii can significantly transform freshwater ecosystems, causing extensive reduction in plant coverage, predation on amphibians and other macroinvertebrates, and a decline in native crayfish species populations. In many systems, the expansion of P. clarkii has lead to a dramatic reduction in plant coverage at specific sites. While numerous studies have explored how climate change influences the spread of invasive species, little is known about the reverse relationship: how invasive species contribute to climate change.

    As a country with an extensive network of freshwater ecosystems, the Netherlands provides an excellent opportunity to study the effect of invasive species on aquatic GHG emissions. More than half of the Dutch territory has already been invaded by crayfish, with detrimental effects on submerged plants. Additionally, ditches serve as significant hotspots for GHG emissions, with estimates suggesting they are responsible for approximately 10–16% of the Dutch national annual CH4 emissions. These estimates are largely based on measurements in ditches dominated by submerged plants, which have been shown to mitigate CH₄ emissions through mechanisms such as CH4 oxidation and reduction of CH4 formationLoss of submerged plants can therefore lead to a considerable increase in CH4 emissions, further exacerbating the impact of ditches on the national GHG budget.

    By combining data on ditch CH4 emissions, the area invaded by P. clarkii, and results from a controlled mesocosm experiment focusing on the cascading effects of crayfish on submerged plants and GHG emissions (particularly CH4), we found that high crayfish densities (2 individuals/m2) increase CH4 emissions by 2.4 times compared to systems without crayfish. This effect seems primarily driven by plant clipping and bioturbation

    These findings highlight the ecological and climatic consequences of P. clarkii invasions. By enhancing CH4 emissions, this invasive species not only disturbs local aquatic ecosystems but also contributes to global climate change. Understanding the effects of crayfish bioturbation is essential for developing targeted management strategies to mitigate their environmental impact.

    How to cite: Cabrera-Lamanna, L., Roessink, I., Edwin THM, P., and Kosten, S.: Crayfish and Climate: how invasive species amplify aquatic GHG emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6790,, 2025.

    EGU25-6858 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    Floating algal beds and aquatic methane emissions:a potential positive ecosystem-climate feedback loop 

    Sofia Baliña, José R. Paranaiba, Maite Colina, Stefan T.J. Weideveld, Herman Fomenko, Daniela Seitz, Romee E. Groenboss, Stefan A. Sooniste, Qiaoyu Qu, and Sarian Kosten

    Eutrophic shallow freshwater ecosystems often develop floating filamentous microalgae on their surface during spring and summer. In recent years, this phenomenon has become more pronounced due to rising temperatures and drier conditions, with floating algae sometimes even covering the entire surface of water bodies. These floating mats, known as Floating Algal Beds (FLAB), are primarily composed of phytoplankton from the group Chlorophyte. New evidence suggests that phytoplankton can produce methane (CH₄), raising the possibility that these floating beds may represent overlooked sources of CH₄ emissions to the atmosphere. However, FLAB may also reduce CH4 emissions by decreasing the CH₄ diffusion at the air-water interface and/or trapping CH₄ bubbles. Consequently, the net impact of FLAB on CH₄ emissions in freshwater ecosystems remains unclear. To address this knowledge gap, this study aims to investigate how FLAB influence CH₄ dynamics by examining both biological processes (such as CH₄ production pathways and CH₄ oxidation) and physical factors (as CH4 bubble retention). To achieve this, we conducted field mesocosm experiments in a eutrophic ditch in the Netherlands during the summer of 2024. Eight mesocosms were deployed, with four containing FLAB on their surface and four controls without FLAB. The mesocosms were closed at the sides to prevent lateral transport and open at the surface and bottom allowing for the inclusion of CH₄ sediment production, CH₄ oxidation, CH₄ bubble dissolution, CH₄ diffusive flux at the air-water interface, and potential CH₄ production in the water column (including contributions from FLAB). Over a five-day period, we monitored all these CH₄ pathways alongside several other limnological parameters in both the treatment and control mesocosms. Additionally, we also incubated sediment, water and FLAB separately, to test for CH4 production and oxidation in each one of these compartments. Preliminary results indicate that mesocosms with FLAB exhibited CH₄ diffusive emissions on average ten times higher compared to the control mesocosms. Further analysis is needed to determine whether these elevated emissions originate from CH₄ production by FLAB, increased sediment and/or water column CH₄ production, or reduced CH₄ oxidation in the presence of FLAB; but these preliminary findings already suggest that FLAB significantly influences CH₄ dynamics in eutrophic systems. This points to a potential increase in the climate-ecosystem feedback loop, were climate change drives higher temperatures and periods of drought, leading to more stagnant waters. This, in turn, promotes the growth of FLAB, which enhances CH4 emissions.

    How to cite: Baliña, S., Paranaiba, J. R., Colina, M., Weideveld, S. T. J., Fomenko, H., Seitz, D., Groenboss, R. E., Sooniste, S. A., Qu, Q., and Kosten, S.: Floating algal beds and aquatic methane emissions:a potential positive ecosystem-climate feedback loop, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6858,, 2025.

    EGU25-7624 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Exploring Carbon Dynamics in Taiwan's Qigu Lagoon: The Balance Between Carbon Burial and Methane Emissions 

    Pei-Chuan Chuang, Yen-Kuan Tseng, Hsiao-Fen Lee, and Chieh-Wei Hsu

    Blue Carbon Ecosystems (BCEs) play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation. However, their carbon cycle dynamics, particularly under changing environmental conditions, remain insufficiently understood. This study investigates the Qigu lagoon ecosystem, a representative BCE along Taiwan's southwestern coast. Adjacent to mangrove forests, the lagoon harbors rich biodiversity and holds substantial carbon storage potential but faces increasing threats from global climate change and intensified human activities. To address these challenges, we conducted integrated field sampling and laboratory analyses to examine the biogeochemical processes governing carbon cycling in the Qigu lagoon. Sediment cores were collected from multiple locations across the lagoon and analyzed for dissolved methane concentrations, total alkalinity, dissolved ions, and nutrient levels. These measurements aim to quantify sedimentary carbon burial rates, assess greenhouse gas emissions, and evaluate nutrient cycling within the ecosystem. Preliminary results indicate that, while the lagoon effectively sequesters organic matter in its sediments, it simultaneously emits significant amounts of methane (CH₄), a potent greenhouse gas. This discovery raises important questions about whether methane emissions from wetlands—traditionally regarded as natural carbon sinks—may substantially offset the carbon burial and absorption capacity of marine blue carbon systems. Understanding the balance between carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions is critical for accurately evaluating the climate mitigation potential of BCEs. Findings from this study will provide valuable insights for the conservation and sustainable management of coastal ecosystems, contributing to global efforts in combating climate change.

    How to cite: Chuang, P.-C., Tseng, Y.-K., Lee, H.-F., and Hsu, C.-W.: Exploring Carbon Dynamics in Taiwan's Qigu Lagoon: The Balance Between Carbon Burial and Methane Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7624,, 2025.

    EGU25-9501 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Methane-related seafloor habitats and sediment microbiome at a cold-water corals site off the Vesterålen coast, northern Norway 

    Bénédicte Ferré, Claudio Argentino, Luca Fallati, Giuliana Panieri, Sebastien Petters, Hans C. Bernstein, Ines A. Barrenechea, and Alessandra Savini

    Cold-water corals in the Hola area off the coast of Vesterålen (N. Norway), thrive on a substrate made of methane-derived carbonate and are closely associated with microbial mats. High resolution seafloor imagery and sediment samples collected during the EMAN7 expedition in June 2022 allowed us to reconstruct the spatial relationships between methane seepage and seafloor habitats and gain insights into subsurface biogeochemical processes directly influencing benthic ecosystems. Here, we present the fine-scale orthomosaics and habitat maps covering 1680 m2 of seafloor in proximity to the coral mounds and the geochemistry (sedimentary carbon and nitrogen, pore waters) of a pushcore and blade core collected from a microbial mat and a reference area, respectively. The push core revealed the presence of a macroscopic microbial biofilm at 9 cm depth within the sediment, which is associated with a sharp drop in downcore δ13C of sedimentary organic matter and dissolved inorganic carbon and in C/N ratios. Results from 16S rRNA gene analyses conducted on the uppermost 10 cm of sediment in the pushcore showed a drop in alpha diversity and a compositional change from high abundance of ASVs representing Protebacteria to those representing Halobacterota that we ascribe to the occurrence of methanotrophic consortia performing anaerobic oxidation of methane

    Acknowledgments: this research was funded by EMAN7 project (Research Council of Norway grant No. 320100) and supported by AKMA project (Research Council of Norway grant No. 287869) and EXTREMES (UArctic UA 06/2024)

    How to cite: Ferré, B., Argentino, C., Fallati, L., Panieri, G., Petters, S., Bernstein, H. C., Barrenechea, I. A., and Savini, A.: Methane-related seafloor habitats and sediment microbiome at a cold-water corals site off the Vesterålen coast, northern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9501,, 2025.

    EGU25-10399 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1 | Highlight

    Attribution of increasing global lake methane emissions to climate and eutrophication using the FLaMe model 

    Maoyuan Feng, Manon Maisonnier, David Bastviken, Ronny Lauerwald, Shushi Peng, Philippe Ciais, Sandra Arndt, and Pierre Regnier

    Methane (CH4) emissions from lakes were considered entirely natural by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Global Methane Budget (Saunois et al., 2020). However, eutrophication, via enhanced inputs of nutrients (mostly total dissolved phosphorus, TDP) from the surrounding catchments has been shown to be a substantial control factor of both diffusive and ebullitive lake CH4 fluxes, suggesting that a fraction of these emissions are in fact attributable to human factors. Here, we adopted a newly developed physically-resolved process-based model of the coupled carbon-oxygen-methane cycles, FLaMe (Fluxes of Lake Methane), to simulate decadal trends (1901-2070) in CH4 emissions and decompose them into natural and anthropogenic components. By configurating global lakes from the HydroLAKES database (with an area of 2.47 million km2), we estimated that global lake CH4 emissions already increased by about 20 % over the last century (from 28±1 to 34±1 Tg CH4 yr-1). Furthermore, we adopted a factorial experiment approach to conduct the attribution analysis, and found that over this time period, eutrophication and climate contributed to 70% and 30% of the cumulative growth in global lake CH4 emissions, respectively. Moreover, we identified a progressive shift from eutrophication to climate control on global lake CH4 emissions from the early part till the end of the last century. In the future, we project that global lake CH4 emissions will further increase to reach 39±2, 44±4 and 45±5 Tg CH4 yr-1 by year 2070 under climate scenarios SSP1-2.6, SSP3-7.0 and SSP5-8.5, respectively. Our analysis implies that the future risks stemming from lake CH4 emissions could be reduced by efficient nutrient removal from urban and agricultural sources.

    How to cite: Feng, M., Maisonnier, M., Bastviken, D., Lauerwald, R., Peng, S., Ciais, P., Arndt, S., and Regnier, P.: Attribution of increasing global lake methane emissions to climate and eutrophication using the FLaMe model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10399,, 2025.

    EGU25-11163 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Methane oxidation along oxygen gradients in the Baltic Sea 

    Linnea Henriksson, Yvonne Yu Yan Yau, Henry Lok Shan Cheung, Claudia Majtényi-Hill, Wilma Ljungberg, Aprajita Singh Tomer, Stefano Bonaglia, Tristan MacKenzie, and Isaac Santos

    Eutrophication and anoxic and hypoxic conditions can drive substantial CH4 production in sediment and potentially in the water column. However, the extent of CH4 oxidation in the water column of marginal seas remains poorly quantified, leading to a possible overestimation of CH4 fluxes to the atmosphere. Here, we investigate the fate of CH4 in the deep-water column analysing its concentration and stable isotope (δ13C-CH4) along a 5000-km cruise track in the Baltic Sea. CH4 concentrations increased with water column depth, more so under low oxygen conditions. The median CH4 concentration in the bottom layer in different basins ranging from 4 to 1300 nM. δ13C-CH4 values ranging from -82 to -46‰ with respect to VPDB indicates benthic CH4 production. Methane oxidation causes isotopic fractionation, resulting in a more 13C-enriched CH4. Here oxidation in the water column removed 1% to 90% of benthic-produced CH4 before it reaches the surface. Large differences in CH4 concentrations and δ13C-CH4 were observed between basins related to oxygen concentrations, reflecting distinct biogeochemical dynamics. For instance, benthic CH4 concentrations in the anoxic, deep Baltic Proper were 2 to 295 times higher than those in the oxygenated, shallower Gulf of Bothnia. Our results underline the importance of CH4 oxidation in the water column, mitigating CH4 emissions to the atmosphere. Accurate regional CH4 budgets should consider oxidation processes and the unique characteristics of different basins.

    How to cite: Henriksson, L., Yau, Y. Y. Y., Cheung, H. L. S., Majtényi-Hill, C., Ljungberg, W., Singh Tomer, A., Bonaglia, S., MacKenzie, T., and Santos, I.: Methane oxidation along oxygen gradients in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11163,, 2025.

    EGU25-12579 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    In situ monitoring reveals episodic water column methane anomalies at abandoned wells in the Dutch North Sea 

    Annalisa Delre, Geert de Bruin, Ilona Velzeboer, Henk de Haas, Furu Mienis, Henko de Stigter, Jessica Riekenberg, Robin van Dijk, Rosanne Huybens, Julia Engelmann, Gert-Jan Reichart, and Helge Niemann

    Continental margins harbor substantial reservoirs of methane, generated by microbial activity or thermogenic processes. In the North Sea, commercial extraction of subsurface methane is common, and wellheads of depleted gas field are typically sealed with concrete. Despite these measures, abandoned wells may still leak methane to the water column and potentially to the atmosphere contributing to atmospheric methane levels. With several thousand of such wells scattered across the North Sea, the scale of these emissions and the processes leading the fate of the released methane—whether through microbial oxidation or direct escape into the atmosphere—are still not well understood. We investigated methane dynamics at 3 different  locations in the Dutch sector of the North Sea (A15-03 and B17-05 abandoned wells, B17-04 likely natural seepage), combining various methods, including  autonomous tools. For a time period of 3 days, we continuously measured in situ bottom water methane concentrations and near-bed hydrodynamics using a laser spectrometer and ADCP mounted on a mini-lander. We recorded several episodic events characterized by increasing methane concentrations peaking at 550nM at A15-03 and 800nM at B17-05. In contrast, maximum concentrations remained comparably low at B17-04 with values of up to 80nM. To further resolve vertical methane distribution, we conducted repeated hydro casts that also showed events of rising water column methane concentrations. Discrete water samples were additionally taken to quantify microbially mediated methane oxidation rates, revealing the presence of methanotrophs that could act as a filter for methane escaping to the atmosphere. In this presentation, we will discuss our data in relation to environmental drivers, including tides, currents and biological factors such as methanotrophic community dynamics.

    How to cite: Delre, A., de Bruin, G., Velzeboer, I., de Haas, H., Mienis, F., de Stigter, H., Riekenberg, J., van Dijk, R., Huybens, R., Engelmann, J., Reichart, G.-J., and Niemann, H.: In situ monitoring reveals episodic water column methane anomalies at abandoned wells in the Dutch North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12579,, 2025.

    EGU25-15270 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    Reconstructing Microbial & Animal Associated Formation and Dissolution of Methane Seep Carbonates using U/Th Dates and Electron Microscope Imagery 

    Kira Homola, Frank Norbert, Andrea Schroeder-Ritzrau, Daniel Smrzka, Tobias Himmler, and Tina Treude

    Active venting of methane from organic matter buried below the seafloor supports a unique diversity of life in the overlying sediment and on the seafloor. The consumption of this methane by microbial consortia sustains animal symbionts and reduces the amount of methane reaching the atmosphere, representing a key methane sink in the marine carbon cycle. Microbially mediated sulfate-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation also precipitates authigenic carbonate rocks. Under anoxic conditions, these carbonates can form large outcropping rock features on the seafloor that provide hard substrate for seep-associated endemic symbiotic macro and micro fauna, affecting deep ocean biodiversity. In the presence of oxygen, however, microbial and animal activity promotes the dissolution of seep carbonates, returning carbon to the water and short-term carbon cycle. To examine how seep chemical and biologic activity affects carbonate formation and dissolution, we determined the age, composition, and growth structure of seep carbonates from a range of water depths, ambient oxygen concentrations, and methane flux environments. Carbonates were collected from Southern California Borderland (800 and 1020 m) and Aleutian Trench (2020 m) seeps and subsampled to allow comparisons across both km- and µm- scales. U/Th dating revealed carbonate ages ranging from 201±100 to 10,138±63 years. Micro-scale rock fabric texture, microbe-mineral paragenesis, and elemental composition were determined from Scanning Electron Microscope backscatter images and energy-dispersive x-ray detector spectrum maps along with thin-section Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer images. Micro-scale results are used to examine the microbial-mineral interactions visible through fossil and crystal inclusions and discontinuities. We contextualize the macro-scale growth histories of the dated carbonates by relating them to variations in glacial-interglacial associated sea level and methane hydrate stability; overlying water column productivity and circulation related oxygen availability; and tectonic or tidal associated methane flux. These preliminary results improve our understanding of long-term biological and chemical processes associated with seep carbonate formation and dissolution, and their implications for global carbon cycling.

    How to cite: Homola, K., Norbert, F., Schroeder-Ritzrau, A., Smrzka, D., Himmler, T., and Treude, T.: Reconstructing Microbial & Animal Associated Formation and Dissolution of Methane Seep Carbonates using U/Th Dates and Electron Microscope Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15270,, 2025.

    EGU25-15926 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Biogeochemical signatures for archaeal communities involved in active gas seeping on Tatarsky Trough 

    Dong-Hun Lee, Jung-Hyun Kim, Alina Stadnitskaia, Yung Mi Lee, Young-Keun Jin, Carme Huguet, Eun-Ji Jeong, and Kyung-Hoon Shin

    The Tatarsky Trough lies near the eastern coast of the Far Eastern Russia, extending into the northern parts of the East Sea of Korea (also known as the Sea of Japan). This region is renowned for its tectonic activity and active gas seeps, making it an ideal natural laboratory for studying the biogeochemical dynamics of gas-rich sediments. In this study, we investigated two sediment cores, LV67-07HC (358 cm core length) and LV67-19HC (398 cm core length), recovered from active fault zones on the eastern slope (water depths of 300–700 m) during the SSGH expedition aboard the R/V Akademik M. A. Lavrentyev in 2014. Using a combination of lipid and nucleic acid analyses alongside other parameters (i.e., gas and porewater composition), we aim to assess the potential environmental roles of archaeal communities inhabiting these seepages. Both cores exhibited high abundances of lighter hydrocarbon gases, primarily methane and carbon dioxide. The sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) was clearly delimited, with its depth varying based on the extent of deep fluid ascent within coal-gas areas. Notably, significant concentrations of 13C-depleted archaeal lipids - glycerol dialkyl diethers (DGDs) and glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) - were observed near dense carbonate concretions in core LV67-07HC (91–185 cm depth). This finding suggests sustained methanotrophic activity associated with gas seepage events in the Tatarsky Trough. In these settings, archaeal sequences predominantly revealed the presence of ANME-1 clades, which are known to thrive under intense seepage conditions within coal-gas zones. Considering that gas hydrate destabilization in the Tatarsky Trough could trigger slope failures, a notable geological hazard, our results offer valuable insights into the transport and removal processes of hydrocarbon gases, aiding in the evaluation of their impact on regional carbon cycling.

    How to cite: Lee, D.-H., Kim, J.-H., Stadnitskaia, A., Lee, Y. M., Jin, Y.-K., Huguet, C., Jeong, E.-J., and Shin, K.-H.: Biogeochemical signatures for archaeal communities involved in active gas seeping on Tatarsky Trough, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15926,, 2025.

    EGU25-16134 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    Potential drivers and seasonal comparison of the methane paradox in three Austrian peri-Alpine lakes 

    Niharika Sharma, Manuela Felsberger, and Barbara Bayer

    Methane, traditionally thought to be produced only under anoxic conditions, is widely observed in oxic surface layers of freshwater lakes-a phenomenon known as "methane paradox". The methane paradox results from a complex interaction of biotic and abiotic processes which could vary substantially across different lacustrine systems. The variability in biological and geochemical characteristics of lakes can influence methane production and transport, limiting our understanding of the main drivers sustaining elevated methane concentrations in oxic surface waters.

    In this study, we investigated the methane paradox in three Austrian peri-alpine lakes differing in size and trophic state, and compared the factors controlling oxic methane production in these lakes during different seasons. Two of the studied lakes, Mondsee (14.2 km²) and Attersee (49.5 km²), are located within the same catchment area. Lake Mondsee is mesotrophic and lake Attersee ultra-oligotrophic. Lake Lunzsee is oligotrophic, and the smallest lake studied (0.7 km²). Elevated methane concentrations were observed in all three lakes during both summer and autumn seasons indicating year-round occurrence of the methane paradox in the lakes. Subsurface methane concentrations ranged from 100 to 400 nM which was substantially higher than the atmospheric equilibrium (~3 nM), indicating oxic methane production as a potential, yet unaccounted, source of methane to the atmosphere. Positive correlations of methane concentrations with chlorophyll-a and ammonium concentrations suggested a link with biological activity. Additionally, high phytoplankton abundances coincided with the methane maximum, further indicating that primary productivity was one of the main drivers associated with oxic methane production. Methane concentrations were the highest in mesotrophic lake Mondsee, which was dominated by cyanobacterial phytoplankton. In contrast, the phytoplankton composition in lake Attersee and Lunzsee was mainly composed of eukaryotic species.

    Our findings indicate that the magnitude of subsurface methane concentrations in peri-Alpine lakes is influenced by nutrient availability, which is one of the key factors determining phytoplankton taxonomic composition. Our results demand a further investigation of oxic methane production pathways associated with different phytoplankton taxa to better understand how future eutrophication events might affect methane dynamics in peri-Alpine lakes.

    How to cite: Sharma, N., Felsberger, M., and Bayer, B.: Potential drivers and seasonal comparison of the methane paradox in three Austrian peri-Alpine lakes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16134,, 2025.

    EGU25-17015 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Quantification of secondary methanogenesis from multiple isotopologue proxies: a case study in Tokamachi mud volcano, Japan 

    Alexis Gilbert, Mellinda Jajalla, Mayuko Nakagawa, Koudai Taguchi, and Naizhong Zhang

    Microbial methane production represents an important source of methane on Earth. In oil and gas reservoirs, microbial methane can be formed from secondary methanogenesis, i.e., from C2+ hydrocarbons biodegradation, either directly [1] or indirectly from the biodegradation products [2]. Despite its global significance [2], secondary methanogenesis is arguably challenging to detect, mainly because methane isotopic signature overlaps with that of the existing thermogenic methane in the reservoir, and is thus inferred only from indirect proxies such as high 13C content of propane and CO2.

    Here, we combine methane clumped isotopes with propane position-specific isotope analysis (PSIA) of 19 samples from mud volcanoes and gas seepages located in Tokamachi area (Niigata, Japan). Previous studies have shown that both propane and CO2 in Tokamachi natural gas samples are 13C-enriched, consistent with biodegradation-associated methanogenesis [3]. Propane 13C-PSIA shows a clear biodegradation trend where δ13C of the central position of propane is specifically enriched as the relative amount of propane decreases [4]. Interestingly, the extent of propane biodegradation, as indicated by the difference between the two positions of propane (∆Central = δCentral - δTerminal), correlates with ∆13CH3D and ∆CH2D2 of methane, both of which tending towards equilibrium values at high biodegradation rates. A simple models shows that ca. 20% of methane present in the subusrface is produced directly or indirectly from hydrocarbons anaerobic biodegradation. This study emphasizes the importance of using multiple indicators to tackle hydrocarbons cycling in the subsurface, in particular methanogenesis associated with hydrocarbons biodegradation.

    [1] Zhou et al. 2022 Nature v. 601, 257
    [2] Milkov 2011 Org. Geochem. v. 42, 184
    [3] Etiope et al. 2011 Appl. Geochem., v. 26, 348
    [4] Gilbert et al. 2019 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., v. 116, 6653

    How to cite: Gilbert, A., Jajalla, M., Nakagawa, M., Taguchi, K., and Zhang, N.: Quantification of secondary methanogenesis from multiple isotopologue proxies: a case study in Tokamachi mud volcano, Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17015,, 2025.

    EGU25-17215 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Gas hydrate potential of heavier order hydrocarbons in the South China Sea 

    Zhen Liu and Jin Qian

    To assess the role of gas hydrates in global resources and the carbon cycle, it is crucial to estimate the volume of natural gas hydrate resources. Most hydrate resource estimates typically focus on methane hydrates. However, hydrate drilling at many sites in the South China Sea (SCS) has found Structure II hydrates containing heavier hydrocarbons, suggesting that methane hydrates may lead to an underestimation of the total hydrate resources. This study, based on the biogenic and thermogenic gases in the SCS, analyses three different gas compositions including 100% methane, 96% methane+4% ethane, and 86.1% methane+13.9% ethane (Gumusut-Kakap gas). The thickness and distribution of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) for Structure II hydrates were calculated using statistical thermodynamic methods. The results indicate that the thickness of the GHSZ in the SCS varies from 0 to 800 m. In the continental slope area, most of the thickness of the GHSZ are less than 500 m. In contrast, in localized areas such as the Manila Trench, the southwestern Nansha Trough, the South Palawan Basin, and the Luzon Strait, the thickness of the GHSZ exceeds 500 m. The new estimates of the GHSZ thickness for methane hydrates, 96% methane plus 4% ethane, and Gumusut-Kakap gas are 203 m, 219 m, and 254 m, respectively. Based on the volumetric method, the corresponding resource volumes are 82.65 Gt (115.43×1012 m³), 93.11 Gt (130.04×1012 m³), and 111.29 Gt (155.43×1012 m³) using the gas expansions of 155, 162 and 160, respectively. On this basis we calculated the incremental hydrate resource using the GHSZ thickness difference. The incremental resource volumes for the two Structure II hydrates are 10.46 Gt (14.61×1012 m³) for the 96% methane+4% ethane composition, representing an increase of approximately 13%, and 18.18 Gt (25.39×1012 m³) for the Gumusut - Kakap gas composition, representing an increase of approximately 22%. This study recalculates the natural gas hydrate resources in the South China Sea and can be used to assess global Structure II hydrate resources.

    How to cite: Liu, Z. and Qian, J.: Gas hydrate potential of heavier order hydrocarbons in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17215,, 2025.

    EGU25-19068 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    High-resolution OBS modeling beneath Honeycomb and Glendhu ridges on the southern Hikurangi subduction margin reveals concentrated gas hydrate accumulations in unprecedented detail 

    Elisaveta Sokolkova, Jörg Bialas, Anke Dannowski, Gareth Crutchley, Christian Berndt, Cord Papenberg, Ingo Pecher, Helene-Sophie Hilbert, Henrike Timm, Bruna T. Pandolpho, and Karsten Kroeger

    Gas hydrates are relevant to global carbon cycling, climate change and ocean acidification. In particular, hydrates play an important role in sub-seafloor fluid migration because they reduce the porosity and permeability of sediments. Gas hydrates, and their associated underlying free gas zones, have also been linked to sediment failure and submarine mass transports. The active Hikurangi Margin hosts New Zealand’s largest gas hydrate province, with concentrated accumulations generally focused below accretionary thrust ridges.

    Recently acquired high-resolution Ocean-Bottom-Seismometer (OBS) data at the southern Hikurangi Margin images highly reflective layers beneath the accretionary Honeycomb Ridge. This ridge is of particular interest as it is thought to host a concentrated gas hydrate system. Unlike previous surveys, we have the advantage of being able to record converted shear waves that help us identify the nature of the highly reflective layers in the gas hydrate stability zone. In March 2023, we deployed 20 OBS from R/V Tangaroa with a USBL-wired system to position each OBS with 100 m spacing along an existing 2D seismic profile. A 150 in3 GI-gun was fired at a shot rate of 7 s, to ensure for excellent lateral and vertical resolution. This setup allows us to present an updated high-resolution seismic velocity model and inversion of Honeycomb Ridge, and partially Glendhu Ridge.

    OBS data were processed in Seismic Unix and Vista 2023. In Vista 2023, the data were flattened, filtered with Ormsby bandpass, FK-filter and a threshold median noise attenuation and reduction (THOR) filter. Reflection and refraction phases were picked with PASTEUP and used for forward modeling with MODELING (RAYINVR). The detailed P-wave forward model served as input for the 2D tomography inversion (TOMO2D). The tomography for 8 iterations results in a χ2 of 2.1 and RMS-fit of 30 ms.

    The P-wave tomography confirms a low velocity zone below the BSR in both ridges. Higher velocities are resolved in the landward limbs of the ridges compared to seaward limbs in agreement with previous findings. The areas of higher velocities correspond to high-reflectivity layers in the seismic data. We suggest that the anomalously high-reflectivity layers above the BSR in the ridge represent concentrated gas hydrate accumulations, fed by underlying free gas via stratigraphic pathways that enable fluid migration into the system. We also aim to test whether positive and negative polarity reflections within the regional gas hydrate stability zone are due to simultaneous presence of gas hydrates and free gas, respectively. Supplementary analysis of S-waves will allow us to test our hypothesis that free gas is injected into the hydrate stability zone and remains, at least partially, in the gaseous phase. Our detailed study contributes to a better understanding of how gas hydrate systems and fluid migration pathways evolve at active margins.

    How to cite: Sokolkova, E., Bialas, J., Dannowski, A., Crutchley, G., Berndt, C., Papenberg, C., Pecher, I., Hilbert, H.-S., Timm, H., Pandolpho, B. T., and Kroeger, K.: High-resolution OBS modeling beneath Honeycomb and Glendhu ridges on the southern Hikurangi subduction margin reveals concentrated gas hydrate accumulations in unprecedented detail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19068,, 2025.

    EGU25-19271 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Methane dynamics in a temperate seagrass meadow 

    Guiyuan Dai, Xiaogang Chen, Guangchao Zhuang, Peiyuan Zhu Zhu, Yafei Sun, Qiaoqiao Wang, and Ling Li

    Seagrass meadows are essential coastal ecosystems that play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas regulation. However, our understanding of methane (CH4) production and emission from these important carbon sinks remains limited. This study investigates CH4 dynamics in a temperate seagrass meadow in Swan Lake (Shandong, China), with a focus on the production and emission of CH₄. The addition of 13C-labelled substrates revealed that CH₄ production rate constant in sediments ranged from 0.072 to 2.2 day⁻¹, with methylotrophic methanogenesis predominating, accounting for over 96% of the total CH₄ production, while hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis contributed less than 4%. These rate constants were significantly lower (up to 20 times) compared to those observed in tropical seagrass meadows, likely due to the lower temperatures in temperate ecosystems. Additionally, anaerobic oxidation of CH₄ was not detected based on the 13CH4 incubation experiments. Time-series observations of 222Rn, CH4 and various hydrological parameters indicated that the CH₄ emission fluxes from sediment-water interface were 1065±176 μmol m-2 day-1 in the summer and 1415±233 μmol m-2 day-1 in the winter, exceeding the range of CH₄ fluxes previously reported from other seagrass meadows. The CH₄ outgassing fluxes were 184±55 μmol m-2 day-1 in the summer and 216±65 μmol m-2 day-1 in the winter. Notably, over 80% of the CH4 was oxidized in the water column before reaching the atmosphere. The higher CH₄ emissions observed in winter were attributed to the seasonal presence of swans in Swan Lake. Swan excreta and the food provided to them significantly increased the availability of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), which, in turn, supplied ample substrates for CH₄ production, consistent with the higher DOC concentrations observed in the winter. Our study provides valuable insights into CH₄ production and emission dynamics, highlighting the seagrass meadow as a source of atmospheric CH₄.

    How to cite: Dai, G., Chen, X., Zhuang, G., Zhu, P. Z., Sun, Y., Wang, Q., and Li, L.: Methane dynamics in a temperate seagrass meadow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19271,, 2025.

    EGU25-19544 | ECS | Orals | BG7.1

    Modeling the Controls on Microbial Iron and Manganese Reduction in Methanic Sediments 

    Racheli Neumann Wallheimer, Itay Halevy, and Orit Sivan

    Microbial iron and manganese respiration processes have been observed in deep methanic sediments of lacustrine and marine environments, sometimes accompanied by deep methane sink. These findings challenge the “classical” model of microbial respiration in aquatic systems. Nonetheless, assessments of the type and relative role of these respiration processes in the methanic zone are lacking. Here, we quantify both the thermodynamic and the kinetic controls of potential iron and manganese respiration processes in the methanic sediments of lacustrine and marine sites – Lake Kinneret (LK) and the Southeastern Mediterranean Sea (MedS). Using theoretical bioenergetic methods, we develop a model to calculate catabolic rates, considering both kinetic and thermodynamic factors. Then, we estimate the biomass growth rates and microbial community sizes of expected iron and manganese reducers. Additionally, we perform a Monte Carlo simulation to account for variations in uncertain parameter values, along with a sensitivity analysis. Together, these calculations enable estimation of the expected total reaction rates of the various metabolic processes.

    Our results indicate that the type of consumed oxide, which determines its thermodynamic and kinetic properties, is more significant in influencing bioreaction rates than its concentration.  Thus, bioreactions with amorphous manganese oxides are more favorable than those with highly reactive iron oxides. Among the iron oxides, the reduction of amorphous iron oxyhydroxide and ferrihydrite are the only reactions capable of generating biomass in the methanic sediments at both sites. In both environments, manganese oxide reduction by ammonium and methane oxidation are expected to be significant, while manganese oxide reduction by hydrogen and acetate oxidation are expected to be considerable only in LK. The most probable iron oxide reduction process in LK is hydrogen oxidation, followed by methane oxidation. In the MedS iron oxide reduction is most probably coupled to the oxidation of ammonium (Feammox) to molecular nitrogen, and in a few cases may be coupled to methane oxidation. The Monte Carlo simulation agrees with the nominal model results for manganese reduction, and additionally predicts that iron reduction may be possible with some combinations of parameter values. These findings improve our understanding of the thermodynamic and kinetic controls on the composition of microbial communities and their effect on the geochemistry of methanic sediments.

    How to cite: Neumann Wallheimer, R., Halevy, I., and Sivan, O.: Modeling the Controls on Microbial Iron and Manganese Reduction in Methanic Sediments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19544,, 2025.

    EGU25-19885 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    One of Europe’s largest methane ebullition field lies at 400 m below sea level in the Baltic Sea. 

    Vicent Doñate Felip, Marcelo Ketzer, Yoann Ladroit, Martin Jakobsson, Matthew O'Regan, Cristoph Humborg, and Christian Stranne

    This seep area, estimated to extend over 17 km2 at depths of 400 m, is located in the west-central Baltic Proper at the Landsort Deep, the deepest part of the Baltic Sea. The Landsort Deep is a deep and narrow trough fault (Fromm, 1943) filled with around 100 m of late glacial and post-glacial sediments at its axis. The ebullition field is associated with a local drift deposit extending along the fault axis with higher than average sedimentation rates (1 cm/year; Jofesson, 2022). High current-associated sedimentation rates with relatively slow terrigenous deposition result in notable organic matter accumulation (TOC average of 11.4 weight %; Ketzer et al., 2024). The inflow of salty water from the North Sea and the freshwater runoff from the catchment area gives rise to a permanent halocline in the Baltic Proper at a depth of around 80 m. The euxinic waters below the halocline, resulting from limited vertical water exchange and eutrophication, combined with sapropel deposition, promote anomalous high biogenic methane production within the sediments.
    Methane oversaturation in the sediment porewater leads to bubble formation, which escapes the seafloor intermittently and sporadically within the ebullition field. Mid-water acoustic data acquired at the study site reveal that many bubbles rise more than 300 m from the seafloor, with some reaching all the way to the sea surface (>400 m). Data analysis identified two groups of bubbles based on rise velocities, indicating two separate bubble size ranges. When comparing the observations with a bubble dissolution model, the results suggest that only extraordinarily large bubbles can explain the large rise heights.
    Further methane flux estimations derived from acoustic data in combination with dissolution modelling will provide insights into the efficiency of the vertical methane flux from the ebullition field and help determine whether methane discharge from Landsort Deep sediments, at 400 m below the sea surface, can actually end up in atmosphere.

    Fromm, E., 1943. Havsbottnens Morfologi Utanför Stockholms Södra Skärgård. Geografiska Annaler 25:3-4, 137-169.
    Josefsson, S., 2022. Contaminants in Swedish offshore sediments 2003–2021. 103 pages. Geological Survey of Sweden.
    Ketzer, M., Stranne, C., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Jaeger, L., Pivel, M.A.G., Josefsson, S., Zillén, L., 2024. Near seafloor methane flux in the world's largest human-induced dead zone is regulated by sediment accumulation rate. Marine Geology 468, 107220.

    How to cite: Doñate Felip, V., Ketzer, M., Ladroit, Y., Jakobsson, M., O'Regan, M., Humborg, C., and Stranne, C.: One of Europe’s largest methane ebullition field lies at 400 m below sea level in the Baltic Sea., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19885,, 2025.

    EGU25-21093 | Orals | BG7.1

    Clumped isotope constraints on the origin of methane hydrate from the Amazon Cone 

    Luiz Frederico Rodrigues, Alexis Gilbert, Mayuko Nakagawa, João Marcelo Ketzer, Malavika Sivan, Thomas Röckmann, Adolpho Herbert Augustin, Dennis Miller, José Antônio Cupertino, and Farid Chemale Junior

    The studies of deep-sea gas venting associated with occurrences of gas hydrates in the Amazon Cone has increased the interest of the world scientific community in understanding the role of the Amazon region in the Earth's climate system. Gas plumes have been observed to align along the edge of the regional gas hydrate stability zone in several areas, suggesting the climate-driven dissociation of gas hydrates, and along faults related to the gravitational collapse of the fan. The gas that migrates toward the seabed is stored in gas hydrates and/or authigenic carbonates or released to the oceans by seafloor venting.

    Here, we present data from gas hydrates that were sampled during the AMAGAS campaign offshore Brazil in May-June 2023. Five samples of methane hydrates were sampled and their dD and d13C measured. In addition, the abundance of doubly substituted isotopologues of methane (13CH3D and 12CH2D2) were measured for one sample. It is very important to mention that if the compounds have reached equilibrium with respect to their distributions of isotopes among all possible isotopologues, the proportions of 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 will be a function of temperature.

    Results of the methane stable isotopes (δ13C and δD) of hydrate-bound for the Amazon fan indicated the dominant microbial origin of methane via carbon dioxide reduction, in which 13C and deuterium isotopes were depleted (δ13C and δD of -90% to -70% V-PDB and -250 to -150% V-SMOW, respectively). Regarding clumped isotopes, Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 values from +5.5 ‰ and +16.6 ‰, respectively. The hydrate samples are located around the thermodynamic equilibrium line in the Δ13CH3D vs. Δ12CH2D2 space, and their isotopic compositions correspond to apparent temperatures of  °C and  °C for Δ13CH3D and for Δ12CH2D2, respectively.

    Given the geothermal gradient in the area, this temperature corresponds to a depth of about 1000 meters suggesting methane is migrating upwards with deeper fluids. These observations concur with seismic evidence of signal wipe-outs consistent with the rise of gas-bearing fluids along the faults.

    How to cite: Rodrigues, L. F., Gilbert, A., Nakagawa, M., Ketzer, J. M., Sivan, M., Röckmann, T., Augustin, A. H., Miller, D., Cupertino, J. A., and Junior, F. C.: Clumped isotope constraints on the origin of methane hydrate from the Amazon Cone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21093,, 2025.

    EGU25-21766 | ECS | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Physical and geochemical dynamics of shallow hydrates-bearing sediments at two active seepages sites in the western Black Sea 

    Constant Art-Clarie Agnissan, Olivia Fandino, Rima Haidar, Thomas Giunta, Antoine Crémière, Charlène Guimpier, Bertrand Chazallon, Arnaud Desmedt, Claire Pirim, Christophe Brandily, Jean-Pierre Donval, Sandrine Chéron, Xavier Philippon, Vincent Riboulot, and Livio Ruffine

    In the western Black Sea, gas hydrates are found at water depths greater than 660 m and are often associated with areas of active gas seepages. Their occurrence has been inferred from both geophysical data (1) and coring operations (2). During the GHASS-2 cruise (2021) offshore Romania, gravity cores containing hydrate were recovered from a ridge site and from a newly mapped mud volcano site. This work integrates data from field observations coupled with physico-chemical and geochemical analyses of gas hydrate, pore fluids and sediments in order to explore the local dynamics of gas hydrate and their interplays with geochemical processes. Gas hydrates are mainly composed of methane (99.6%), and are formed by filling subparallel fractures, as networks of interconnected veins, or as agglomerated nodules, resulting from the combined effect of sediment properties and the fault/fractures system. The combination of chloride porewater anomalies and in situ pore pressure and temperature measurements argues in favor of a recent and/or fast hydrate formation at the ridge area. In addition, microstructural analysis by Raman spectroscopy shows local enrichment of H2S in hydrate cages at the mud volcano site. This H2S, trapped in gas hydrates, is interpreted to stem from the anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled with sulfate reduction (AOM-SR) taking place just above the hydrate occurrence zone. Taken together, these results provide new insights onto processes occuring at hydrate areas in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea.

    The authors thank the different projects and programs for their financial supports: DOORS by the EU Project number 101000518, and BLAME by the ANR (ANR18-CE01-0007).

    1. Popescu I, Lericolais G, Panin N, De Batist M, Gillet H. Seismic expression of gas and gas hydrates across the western Black Sea. Geo-Marine Letters. 2007;27(2):173-83.
    2. Ker S, Thomas Y, Riboulot V, Sultan N, Bernard C, Scalabrin C, et al. Anomalously Deep BSR Related to a Transient State of the Gas Hydrate System in the Western Black Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. 2019;20(1):442-59.

    How to cite: Agnissan, C. A.-C., Fandino, O., Haidar, R., Giunta, T., Crémière, A., Guimpier, C., Chazallon, B., Desmedt, A., Pirim, C., Brandily, C., Donval, J.-P., Chéron, S., Philippon, X., Riboulot, V., and Ruffine, L.: Physical and geochemical dynamics of shallow hydrates-bearing sediments at two active seepages sites in the western Black Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21766,, 2025.

    EGU25-21777 | Posters on site | BG7.1

    Thermodynamic constraints on the biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Black Sea 

    Antoine Perhirin, Antoine Crémière, Olivia Fandino, and Laurent Toffin

    Due to its permanent vertical stratification, the Black Sea is the world’s largest aquatic methane reservoir, holding an estimated 96 Tg of methane1. Understanding the biogeochemical processes at work in this unique system is crucial for evaluating the vulnerability of the methane reservoir to environmental perturbations. Additionally, such knowledge is essential for assessing the potential of deep Black Sea waters as a viable option for carbon storage, contributing to strategies aimed at mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.

    Below approximately 150 m of water depth, the anoxic waters are enriched with reduced compounds such as dissolved CH₄ and H₂S, and dissolved organic matter. These unique chemical conditions sustain a specialized ecosystem dominated by anaerobic chemotrophic microbes, which rely on these compounds for energy production and play a critical role in the biogeochemical cycling of carbon and sulfur. Specifically, the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is a critical methane sink regulating the content of methane in the water column. The methanotrophic archaea comprise 3-4% of microbial cells in the water column2 and are believed to drive pelagic AOM. While this process typically involves a symbiosis between anaerobic and sulfate-reducing bacteria in marine sediments, AOM mechanisms in the Black Sea water column remain poorly understood.

    To better understand the Black Sea’s methane dynamics, a new biogeochemical model of the water column has been developed. This model explores microbial metabolism coupling both thermodynamic and microbiology approaches, shedding light on the processes governing methane oxidation and transfer across water layers. The study also aims to address uncertainties in methane production, oxidation, and storage. By providing updated methane stock estimates and insights into flux dynamics, this research will inform future environmental impact assessments.

    1 Reeburgh, William S., Bess B. Ward, Stephen C. Whalen, Kenneth A. Sandbeck, Katherine A. Kilpatrickt, et Lee J. Kerkhof. 1991. « Black Sea methane geochemistry ». Deep Sea Research Part A. Oceanographic Research Papers, Black Sea Oceanography: Results from the 1988 Black Sea Expedition, 38.
    2 Durisch-Kaiser E, Klauser L, Wehrli B, et Schubert C. 2005. « Evidence of Intense Archaeal and Bacterial Methanotrophic Activity in the Black Sea Water Column. » Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

    How to cite: Perhirin, A., Crémière, A., Fandino, O., and Toffin, L.: Thermodynamic constraints on the biogeochemical cycle of methane in the Black Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21777,, 2025.

    Pyrite plays an important role in the sulfur cycle, reflecting changes in both global and local redox conditions within sedimentary environments. The grain size of framboidal pyrite is an effective indicator of the redox state of the sedimentary water column, while its sulfur isotope characteristics provide insights into early diagenetic history. However, variations in water column hydrodynamics can diminish the reliability of framboidal pyrite grain size distribution as an indicator of redox conditions. Additionally, bulk sulfur isotope measurements of pyrite are often influenced by later diagenetic processes. In this study, we investigated the redox sensitive elements content, morphology and in-situ sulfur isotopic characteristics of pyrite in the Wufeng (Ordovician)-Longmaxi (Silurian) Formation shales in South China. The results indicate that bottom currents, by altering the hydrodynamic conditions of the sedimentary water column, leads to larger and more dispersed grain sizes of framboidal pyrite formed in anoxic water column. Moreover, framboidal pyrite formed during the Late Ordovician and Early Silurian exhibits distinctly different sulfur isotope distribution characteristics at the particle scale, which appears to reflect the response of sedimentation rate changes to sea level fluctuations. Ultimately, we systematically reconstructed the redox evolution of the sedimentary water column during the Ordovician-Silurian transition in South China, dividing it into five stages: (1) The upper Wufeng Formation experienced increasingly reducing conditions, culminating in euxinia at the top. (2) Oxidizing conditions briefly prevailed at the base of the Longmaxi Formation. (3) Oxygen levels in the sedimentary waters of the lower Longmaxi Formation decreased, s stabilizing in a prolonged dysoxic to euxinic state. (4) The middle-lower Longmaxi Formation experienced a gradual increase in the oxidative state of the sedimentary waters, transitioning to an oxic water column. (5) The middle Longmaxi Formation sustained a long-term dysoxic to oxic water column.

    How to cite: Ji, S., Liang, C., Liu, K., Cao, Y., and Tang, Q.: Morphology and in-situ sulfur isotope characteristics of pyrite across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary marine shale in South China: Indicative significance for sedimentary environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18,, 2025.

    EGU25-256 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

    Authigenic pyrite in marine sediments: Geochemical insights from present and past  

    Zhiyong Lin, Harald Strauss, and Jörn Peckmann

    Sedimentary pyrite is becoming one of the most promising and reliable archives for biogeochemical processes and environmental evolution of the Earth’s surface today. It represents a major reservoir of sulfur within the global sulfur cycle, with most of its formation taking place in organic-rich sediments along continental margins. Authigenic pyrite typically forms through microbial sulfate reduction coupled to organic matter remineralization or anaerobic oxidation of methane in sediments. Pyrite formation in marine sediments influences global seawater sulfate concentrations and sulfur isotope patterns, reflecting local microbial activities or environmental change, and tracking past seawater chemistry. Applications as a paleoenvironmental proxy rely on characteristic geochemical signatures archived in pyrite, including its sulfur isotopic and trace element compositions. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the controls on pyrite geochemistry is critical for the effective application of this proxy in studying the Earth system.

    Marine methane-rich sediments alone continental margins, such as seeps, are excellent natural laboratories to study mineral authigenesis, while also being global hotspots of sulfate consumption and authigenic pyrite formation. We present various geochemical datasets including multiple sulfur (32S, 33S, 34S, 36S), iron (54Fe, 56Fe), and molybdenum (95Mo, 98Mo) isotopic compositions, along with trace element patterns of authigenic pyrite from modern and ancient methane-rich sediments deposited along continental margins. Our results highlight the potential of pyrite geochemistry as a tool to distinguish and characterize different modes and intensities of microbial sulfate reduction during early diagenesis. Furthermore, this study reveals that the trace element inventory of pyrite formed during early diagenesis is affected by sediment composition rather than by seawater. A comprehensive understanding of early diagenetic processes improves our understanding of pyrite formation and its geological implications.

    How to cite: Lin, Z., Strauss, H., and Peckmann, J.: Authigenic pyrite in marine sediments: Geochemical insights from present and past , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-256,, 2025.

            Pyrite is an important component in reconstructing the biogeochemical conditions and sedimentary environments of the earth's surface in the past. The study of Cretaceous pyrite in the Songliao Basin not only helps to clarify the formation mechanism of high-quality source rocks in the area, but is also important for reconstructing the Cretaceous paleoenvironment. Pyrite in the Qingshankou Formation includes euhedral pyrite, anhedral pyrite, fine-grained pyrite aggregates, pyrite framboids and polyframboids. According to this genetic division, the euhedral pyrite can be divided into "authigenic type" and "secondary type". The "authigenic type" euhedral pyrite is directly precipitated from solution, while "secondary type" euhedral pyrite is formed by recrystallization of pyrite framboids. The "secondary type" can be further divided into "compaction type" and "cementation type" type, indicating that the transformation of pyrite framboids into secondary euhedral pyrite is controlled by compaction and cementation, respectively. Anhedral pyrite is usually precipitated on the surface of iron-rich clay minerals (e.g., chlorite), or by metasomatism of other minerals, biological skeletons, and microorganisms. Pyrite framboids are transformed from greigite during the syndiagenetic stage. Under the same redox conditions, higher water flow energy conditions enhance the abundance of pyrite framboids, increase the number of microcrystalline layers, and lead to larger diameter pyrite framboids. The sediments in the K2qn1 Formation were deposited in a semi-arid to semi-humid climate, in an anoxic and reducing environment. The sedimentary lacustrine basin was a highly restricted environment with brackish to saline water. In this environment, circulation was weak, resulting in fewer pyrite framboids with fewer microcrystalline layers and smaller diameters. The restricted environment resulted in abnormally high δ34Spy values. The enhanced development of euhedral pyrite with heavier sulfur isotope values and the low occurrence of pyrite framboids with lighter sulfur isotope values is also an important reason for the abnormally high δ34Spy values. This study provides a new understanding of the genetic mechanism of different types of pyrite.

    How to cite: Wu, Y. and Wang, M.: Genesis and geological significance of pyrite in the Cretaceous shale of Songliao Basin, NE China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2302,, 2025.

    The formation of gold deposits may involve multiple stages of gold enrichment, which makes it difficult to differentiate the potential multistage processes of ore material enrichment. Determining whether these events represent the remobilization of gold from pre-existing deposits or the introduction of new gold during a distinct epigenetic event is often challenging. The Balong gold deposit is a representative lode gold deposit in the East Kunlun metallogenic belt in China. Gold mineralization is hosted in Triassic granitoids and is characterized by multi-stage quartz-sulfide veins. Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide in the ore and is also the most important host for gold. Three types of pyrite have been identified. The porous Py1 exhibits low trace element content, with an absence of gold. Subhedral Py2-1 contains various Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag mineral inclusions. Py2-2 shows a significant increase in As (median 17, 073 ppm) and Au (median 3.79 ppm), exhibiting obvious distinctions between Py2-1 and Py2-2.

    Gold in the Balong deposit consists of both visible and invisible gold. Visible gold is found within the micro-fractures of pyrite and arsenopyrite, appearing as irregular inclusions or infillings. In addition to visible gold grains, the majority of the invisible gold in Py2-2 exists as solid solutions (Au). Backscattered Electron imaging and trace-element analyses show that invisible gold occurs only in the As-rich bands. Pyrite records a narrow range of δ+34S values from -1.6 to 5.4‰, reflecting sulfur from a deep magmatic source. In conjunction with fluid inclusion studies and the estimated age of the related magmatic activity, our results point to magmatic-hydrothermal fluids as the main contributors of ore materials. Coupled dissolution-reprecipitation reactions of early pyrite are a key factor for visible gold precipitation and later invisible gold enrichment. Our pyrite data constrain the evolution of ore-forming processes and offer new perspectives on zonal pyrite formation.

    How to cite: Zhao, Y.: Pyrite textures and trace element compositions from the Balong gold deposit in the Eastern Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for gold mineralization processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4409,, 2025.

    EGU25-8394 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

    Sulfide supply rate and organic surface coating affect pyrite formation during sulfidization of ferric (oxy)hydroxides 

    Xiaoqiao Tang, Kerstin Hockmann, Martin Obst, Laurel K. ThomasArrigo, Mareike Lacina, Fatih Sekerci, Muammar Mansor, Andreas Kappler, and Stefan Peiffer

    Pyrite formation has been widely investigated because of its abundance and significance in the iron and sulfur cycles in many anoxic environments. The ferric-hydroxide-surface (FHS) pathway is an important pathway for rapid pyrite formation, relying on the generation of surface-bound precursor species >FeIIS2-.[1] However, ferric (oxy)hydroxides are often microbially produced and thus associated with organic matter (OM). Additionally, in natural environments, sulfide (S(-II)) supply rates are typically regulated by sulfate-reducing bacteria, providing a more continuous flux, in contrast to the single-pulse S(-II) additions commonly used in laboratory experiments.[2] To our knowledge, the combined effect of surface coating and sulfide supply rates on pyrite formation and secondary iron mineral transformation remains unexplored. In this study, we therefore compared pyrite formation rates and reaction products by exposing 40 mM synthetic ferric (oxy)hydroxides (goethite and ferrihydrite) and biogenic Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides (BioFe, which includes associated organic matter, cells and phosphate) to sulfide at pH 6. Sulfide was supplied under strictly anoxic conditions either as single-pulsed 10 mM S(-II) pulse or multiple 0.5 mM/d S(-II) pulses over 20 days (final Fe(III):S(-II) = 4:1). Aqueous- and solid-phase S and Fe speciation as well as changes in Fe mineralogy were tracked using wet chemistry techniques, Raman micro-spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Our results show that ferrihydrite was transformed mostly into lepidocrocite, goethite and pyrite after single-pulsed S(-II) addition, and to goethite and pyrite in the multiple-pulsed S(-II) treatment. Rietveld quantitative phase analysis via XRD revealed that the multiple-pulsed S(-II) mode delayed pyrite formation. However, no pyrite was identified in the treatment with biogenic Fe(III) (oxy)hydroxides, where the added sulfide was instead converted to zero-valent sulfur, presumably due to occupation of the surface sites by OM and/or phosphate. Notably, phosphate from the bacterial growth medium was sequestered in vivianite. Our findings demonstrate that pyrite formation via the FHS pathway is strongly influenced by the presence of surface-active components (e.g., organic matter or PO43-) and sulfide addition rates. [1] M. Wan et al., 2017, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 217, 334–348. [2] Skyring, G.W., 1987, Geomicrobiol J 5: 295–374.

    How to cite: Tang, X., Hockmann, K., Obst, M., ThomasArrigo, L. K., Lacina, M., Sekerci, F., Mansor, M., Kappler, A., and Peiffer, S.: Sulfide supply rate and organic surface coating affect pyrite formation during sulfidization of ferric (oxy)hydroxides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8394,, 2025.

    The need for the modelling framework is based on being able to make a statement as to whether the operation of a Pumped Hydropower Storage (PHS) facility in a former open-pit lignite mine can have a negative impact on the water quality in the lower reservoir and associated aquifers. The research question arises since flooded lignite mines are often associated with acidification and/or increased sulphate and metal concentrations [1-2]. Thus, the software package allows for modelling geochemical processes during the PHS operation in open-pit lignite mines.

    A new software has been set-up [3]: The reaction path modelling framework comprises a Python framework for data management and a solver for geochemical reactions (PHREEQC/PhreeqPy, [4-5]). The software is based on a conceptual geochemical model that includes the main geochemical processes that are expected to influence the hydrochemistry. It integrates different non-dimensional batch reactors, each representing the water composition of the reservoirs, and water sources or sinks in the PHS system (groundwater, rainwater, surface run-off, mine dump water). These waters are cyclically mixed with ratios deducted from flow rates and time-dependent influxes of a hypothetical PHS system. A strong focus is taken on pyrite weathering reactions. The implemented parallel processing of all chemical reactions enables minimum computational times.

    [1] Schnepper, T., Kühn, M., Kempka, T.: Reaction path modeling of water pollution implications of pumped hydropower storage in closed open-pit lignite mines. Mine Water and the Environment, in review.

    [2] Schnepper, T., Kapusta, K., Strugala-Wilczek, A., Roumpos, C., Louloudis, G., Mertiri, E., Pyrgaki, K., Orkisz, D., Najgebauer, D., Kowalczyk, D., Kempka, T.: Potential hydrochemical impacts of Pumped Hydropower Storage operation in two European coal regions in transition - the Szczerców-Bełchatów mining complex, Poland, and the Kardia Mine, Greece. Environmental Earth Sciences, in review.

    [3] Schnepper, T., Kempka, T. (2024): Reaction path modelling framework for hydrochemical processes during Pumped Hydropower Storage in open-pit lignite mines. GFZ Data Services.

    [4] Parkhurst, David L.; Appelo, C.A.J. (2013): Techniques and Methods.

    [5] Müller, M., Parkhurst, D. L., Charlton, S. R. (2011). Programming PHREEQC calculations with C++ and Python a comparative study. EXCHANGE, 1(40), 632-636.

    How to cite: Schnepper, T. and Kempka, T.: Reaction path modelling framework for hydrochemical processes during Pumped Hydropower Storage in open-pit lignite mines – a new software to quantify the impact of pyrite weathering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8632,, 2025.

    EGU25-8834 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

    New Insights into SMS Deposits: How Microbial Activity and Oxygen Levels Shape Metal Preservation 

    Alexandra Tecza-Wiezel, Katja Laufer-Meiser, Claus-Henning Solerbeck, Jana Schloesser, Sylvia Sander, and Mirjam Perner

    Seafloor massive sulfide (SMS) deposits form on the modern ocean seafloor at active hydrothermal vent systems through mixing of mineral-rich, hydrothermal fluids with ambient oxygenated seawater. Once hydrothermal activity ceases, oxygenated seawater infiltrates these deposits, fostering to abiotic oxidative weathering. Microbial activity considerably accelerates this transformation, driving sulfide mineral breakdown, thus enhancing metal transport. Under conditions, restricting oxygen entrainment, low-oxygen zones form below the surface, shielding SMS deposits from oxidative weathering, potentially extending their preservation. SMS deposits are valuable sources of metals governing the interest of their lifespan.
    In this study, we explore the impact of microbial activity on SMS transformation and mineral dissolution under oxic and low-oxygen conditions. We incubated sulfide minerals, i.e. pyrite and chalcopyrite for four years on the seafloor at active and inactive vent sites along the Indian Ridge. These sulfide minerals were then used for metagenomics, microscopy, microbial enrichment experiments, physiological studies, and geochemistry to identify the key microbial agents driving mineral transformation and metal release. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals diverse mineral structures, such as twisted stalks and nanowires, suggesting various Fe-oxidizing microbes as well as those involved in extracellular electron transfer. Preliminary metagenomic analyses provide insights into the presence of genes associated with iron oxidation and reduction. Laboratory cultivation experiments mimicked different temperature, oxygen, and pH conditions of hydrothermal vent fluids admixed to distinct degrees with ambient seawater and suggest faster microbially mediated mineral dissolution under oxic conditions and of pyrite as opposed to chalcopyrite. By assessing turnover rates of mineral transformations, we aim to predict how microbial activity affects SMS deposit longevity under varying oxygen conditions.

    How to cite: Tecza-Wiezel, A., Laufer-Meiser, K., Solerbeck, C.-H., Schloesser, J., Sander, S., and Perner, M.: New Insights into SMS Deposits: How Microbial Activity and Oxygen Levels Shape Metal Preservation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8834,, 2025.

    Pyrite is the most abundant sulfide mineral on Earth's surface, widely distributed in various types of hydrothermal deposits and diagenetic processes. Its mineralogical and geochemical characteristics are important indicators for gold exploration. This study focuses on Sihuangziping in the Tatun volcanic area, near the Sanchungchiao gold deposit (Ba-yan), reportedly mined by the Spanish. Mineralogical evidence suggests a potential connection between this area and the Chinkuashih gold deposit, though this hypothesis remains controversial, and its economic viability has not been confirmed. Nevertheless, both areas share a hydrothermal mineralization background, indicating potential metallogenic conditions in the Tatun volcanic area. However, the pyrite formation mechanism and its relationship with gold enrichment in this area remain unclear.

    In this study, we aim to establish the first comprehensive trace element database of pyrite from the Tatun volcanic area, elucidating the metallogenic processes and providing reliable indicators for geochemical exploration. Pyrite from drill core samples (depth of 775 meters) was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS), Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA), and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Preliminary results show that pyrite is relatively enriched at depths of 450–500 meters, occurring primarily as irregular aggregates and massive forms. Crystal habits are cubic and octahedral, with sizes ranging from 100 to 1000 micrometers (µm) and gold concentrations of 1.1–2.6 weight percent (wt%). Some samples (at 400 and 700 m) show arsenic oscillatory zonation, with individual layers containing up to 2.97 wt% arsenic and trace amounts of cobalt (0.0109 wt%), nickel (0.0078 wt%), and copper (0.0359 wt%).

    Future research will focus on elemental ratios such as Fe/S, Co/Ni, S/Se, and Te/Se to interpret the metallogenic environment and fluid sources of the study area. Additionally, gold within sulfides may occur as "invisible gold," either in nanoparticle form or through lattice substitution. The Au/As ratio will be analyzed to determine the mode of gold occurrence and compared with Chinkuashih gold deposit samples to better understand the mechanisms and processes of mineralization. By integrating these findings, this study seeks to evaluate the potential for gold deposits in Sihuangziping and provide critical insights into the genetic significance of the Tatun volcanic area.

    How to cite: Li, C. and Song, S.-R.: Geochemical Characteristics of Pyrite: Implications for Genesis of gold deposits in Tatun volcanic area, Taipei, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13002,, 2025.

    EGU25-15175 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

    Elemental Sulfur as a Key Intermediate for Microbial Pyrite Formation 

    Fatih Sekerci, Stefan Fischer, Prachi Joshi, Stefan Peiffer, Andreas Kappler, and Muammar Mansor

    Pyrite (FeS2) is the end-product of microbial sulfur cycling in reduced environments and is the main burial pathway of sulfur in marine sediments. Pyrite forms by a series of reactions between sulfide and Fe(II)/Fe(III), and sulfur-metabolizing microorganisms play an important role in mediating their formation. Here we tested microbial pyrite formation by the iron(III)- and sulfur-reducing bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens in the presence of the Fe(III) (oxyhydr)oxide mineral ferrihydrite and elemental sulfur (S0). Over 6 months of incubation, two main stages were observed for the geochemical evolution of the system. In the initial ferruginous stage, rapid release of aqueous Fe(II) into the solution is accompanied by mackinawite (FeS) formation through the reaction between sulfide and ferrihydrite. In the second sulfidic stage, sulfide and polysulfides accumulate in solution, catalyzing mackinawite’s transformation to greigite (Fe3S4) and eventually to pyrite. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that individual spherulitic pyrites formed on the surfaces of elemental sulfur, eventually replacing it completely while still preserving the original shape of the sulfur particles. Hence, elemental sulfur is a significant reactant with key functions in polysulfide formation and templating effect on microbial pyrite formation. Therefore, our results suggest a mechanism for microbial pyrite formation in microenvironments in modern sediments and sulfate-poor ecosystems throughout time (e.g., Archean Earth). Future research will be focused on the bioavailability of microbial pyrite to have a complete picture of the role of pyrite in microbial sulfur cycle.

    How to cite: Sekerci, F., Fischer, S., Joshi, P., Peiffer, S., Kappler, A., and Mansor, M.: Elemental Sulfur as a Key Intermediate for Microbial Pyrite Formation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15175,, 2025.

    EGU25-19039 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE4.6

    From the weakest to strongest sulphide: how the strength of pyrite evolves during deformation 

    Rellie Goddard, Thomas Breithaupt, Noah Phillips, Tarryn Cawood, Brendan Dyck, Crystal LaFlamme, David Wallis, Pete Hollings, Darius Kamal, and Harison Wiesman

    Sulphides are common host minerals for trace elements, including critical and precious metals, and are widely associated with a range of ore deposit types. Recent work on natural sulphides has highlighted the link between the motion of dislocations—lattice defects that act as carriers of deformation—and the transport of trace elements through mechanisms such as pipe diffusion, in which dislocations act as fast diffusion pathways, or the correlated motion of dislocations and impurities, whereby impurities are entrained within the stress field of migrating dislocations. Despite the clear influence of deformation on the distribution of trace and precious metals and, therefore, on the economic viability of an orebody, the strengths of different sulphides are not well constrained. Flow laws for sulphides either do not exist or are not able to reproduce ductile flow, with experiments instead ending in brittle failure. This paucity of experimental studies makes interpreting natural microstructures challenging. In this work, we start by constraining the relative strengths and hardening behaviours of three sulphides, pyrite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite, via nanoindentation experiments at room temperature. Through subsequent characterisation of the microstructures using electron backscatter diffraction and the concentration of trace elements and critical- and precious metals using LA-ICP-MS, we explore how grain size, orientation, and chemistry affect mineral strength. Although pyrite is widely considered to be stronger than other common sulphides, our data suggest that the intrinsic yield stress of pyrite may, surprisingly, be weaker than the yield stress of both chalcopyrite and sphalerite. However, as deformation proceeds and the density of geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) is elevated pyrite strengthens rapidly. These results suggest a strong size effect at low temperature in which elastic dislocation interactions are stronger within pyrite compared to other sulphides. Our results are consistent with observations of fine-grained pseudo-porphyroclasts in nature, for which the GND density is predicted to be inversely proportional to the grain size. Overall, this work provides a foundation for accurate models of how the strength of pyrite evolves and, as such, how transport of trace elements and upgrading of ore deposits may proceed. 

    How to cite: Goddard, R., Breithaupt, T., Phillips, N., Cawood, T., Dyck, B., LaFlamme, C., Wallis, D., Hollings, P., Kamal, D., and Wiesman, H.: From the weakest to strongest sulphide: how the strength of pyrite evolves during deformation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19039,, 2025.

    EGU25-19809 | ECS | Orals | ERE4.6

    Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane  

    Kalyani Sivan, Aninda Mazumdar, Aditya Peketi, Subhashree Mishra, Grit Steinhöfel-Sasgen, and Susann Henkel

    Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane

    Anaerobic oxidation of methane is an important biogeochemical process in marine sediments responsible for methane consumption, significantly influencing the atmospheric methane budget, the marine carbon cycle, and sediment pore fluid chemistry. Sulfate-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane (SO42--AOM) and organoclastic sulfate reduction (OSR) in marine sediments commonly lead to the precipitation of authigenic pyrite with characteristic sulfur isotopic compositions. In the present study, we have investigated the nature of pyrite and C–Fe–S geochemistry in a sediment core collected from a water depth of ~30 m off the West Coast of India, Eastern Arabian Sea, which represents shallow shelf sediments rich in methane and characterized by high carbon sulfur burial rates.  Our goal was to assess the sulfidization patterns to understand the past variation in methane fluxes within these sediments. Porewater geochemical profiles provide evidence for the combined influence of OSR and AOM on the sediment fluid chemistry. The sediment core is characterized by a shallow sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) between 263 and 303 cmbsf. The Chromium reducible sulfur  (CRS) content and sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite (δ34SCRS) shows high variability throughout the core, with the upper sedimentary layers (from sediment-water interface to 2.7 mbsf) characterized by relatively low CRS content (0.7 to 3.93 wt %) and low δ34SCRS values (-37.53 to -25.94 ‰ VCDT). This pattern is interpreted to reflect the dominance of OSR in shallow sediments. In the deeper sediment layers (below ~2.7 mbsf), CRS contents (1.9 to 10.2 wt %) are enriched and δ34SCRS values show an overall trend towards positive values, suggesting that sulfide minerals are primarily linked to SO42--AOM. The enrichment trend in δ³⁴SCRS values corresponds to zones affected by ΣHS- diffusion from relict SMTZs. The evidence for paleo-SMTZs, indicated by enriched δ³⁴SCRS values and the presence of large framboids, framboid clusters, and rod-like aggregates at multiple depths underscores episodic upward methane flux events. Future research should focus on high-resolution geophysical and geochemical investigations to elucidate the mechanisms driving methane migration, sulfidization variability, and their implications for global carbon and sulfur cycling in these coastal marine systems.


    How to cite: Sivan, K., Mazumdar, A., Peketi, A., Mishra, S., Steinhöfel-Sasgen, G., and Henkel, S.: Nature of sulfidization in shallow shelf sediments: Influence of organoclastic sulfate reduction and anaerobic oxidation of methane , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19809,, 2025.

    In recent decades, mining-related activities in the Lusatian lignite mining district have led to an extensive pyrite weathering, therewith contributing to the elevation of iron and sulfate concentrations in the groundwater and surface water.

    Due to the complicated pathways of pyrite oxidation and the complex spatial distribution of the pyrite-bearing layers, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive restoration plan. Therefore, developing a quick and non-intrusive geophysical measuring technique for estimating pyrite oxidation in various depths and areas is highly desirable. Previous laboratory studies have shown the effect of iron bearing minerals on the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) response signal. However, further research is required to link these findings to the subsurface pyrite oxidation state or the accompanied sulfate concentrations in the groundwater.

    To this end, column experiments containing different pyrite mass-percentages are performed under various redox conditions. The pyrite oxidation in the columns is measured via the mass balance between the inlet, the initial content, and the outlet. Throughout the experiment, the columns are constantly monitored via laboratory NMR measurements. For modeling purposes, we developed a PHREEQC-based reactive transport model to simulate pyrite oxidation inside the columns. A comparison of the modelling results with the column experiments and their link to the NMR measurements, should be the basis for the future surface-NMR applications in the field. The findings of the QuESt project ultimately enable us to estimate the groundwater contamination due to pyrite oxidation with a NMR-based technique that is less time-consuming and labor-intensive.

    How to cite: Hiller, T., Dietzmann, A., Gharasoo, M., and Gröschke, M.: The QuESt project: Assessing the spatiotemporal evolution of iron concentrations in groundwater by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR): from lab experiments, to reactive transport modeling to field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20807,, 2025.

    EGU25-1242 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    The influence of wave-induced variability on ocean carbon uptake 

    Paridhi Rustogi, Laure Resplandy, Enhui Liao, Brandon Reichl, and Luc Deike

    Traditional gas transfer velocity formulations for air-sea CO2 fluxes scale solely with wind speed, ignoring wave activity, including wave breaking and bubble-mediated transfers that enhance the rate of gas exchange. Here, we incorporate a wind-wave dependent gas transfer velocity formulation into an ocean general circulation model to quantify the effects of wave-induced spatiotemporal variability on CO2 fluxes and ocean carbon storage. Our results reveal that wave activity introduces a hemispheric asymmetry in ocean carbon storage, with gains in the southern hemisphere, where wave activity is robust year-round, and losses in the northern hemisphere, where continental sheltering reduces carbon uptake. Compared to a traditional wind-dependent formulation, incorporating wave activity yields a modest global increase in ocean carbon storage of 4.3 PgC over 1959-2018 (~4%), but on average, enhances the CO2 gas transfer velocity and flux variability by 5-30% on high-frequency and seasonal timescales in the extratropics and up to 200-300% during storms (>15 m s-1 wind speed). The magnitude of fluxes from wave activity is comparable to expected marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) efforts. This underscores the need to incorporate wind-wave variability into modeled fluxes to distinguish natural variability from anthropogenic impacts and ensure accurate mCDR verification and monitoring.

    How to cite: Rustogi, P., Resplandy, L., Liao, E., Reichl, B., and Deike, L.: The influence of wave-induced variability on ocean carbon uptake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1242,, 2025.

    EGU25-1323 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Organic Compounds in the Tropical Oligotrophic Atlantic Ocean: Insights into Sea-to-Air Transfer and Atmospheric Transformations  

    Manuela van Pinxteren, Sebastian Zeppenfeld, Khanneh Wadinga Fomba, Nadja Triesch, Sanja Frka, and Hartmut Herrmann

    Carbohydrates, amino acids, and lipids are significant contributors to organic carbon in the marine environment, playing key roles in ocean-atmosphere interactions. To investigate their sea-to-air transfer, enrichment in the sea surface microlayer (SML), and potential transformations during atmospheric transport, we conducted field studies in the tropical Atlantic Ocean at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory. This study links measurements of these compounds in surface seawater, including the SML, with their presence and composition in submicron aerosol particles.

    The study found moderate enrichment of lipids and carbohydrates in the SML, while amino acids exhibited higher enrichment, despite their relatively lower surface activity. In aerosol particles, lipids were markedly more enriched compared to amino acids and carbohydrates, likely due to their surface-active and lipophilic nature.

    Detailed molecular analyses revealed shifts in the relative abundance of organic compounds during atmospheric transport, particularly for amino acids, suggesting in situ atmospheric transformations via biotic or abiotic processes. On average, 49% of aerosol OC was attributable to specific compound groups, with lipids accounting for the largest fraction. Amines, oxalic acid, and carbonyls contributed around 6%, while carbohydrates and amino acids each represented less than 1% of the total aerosol OC. Notably, carbohydrate-like compounds likely reside in glycolipids within the lipid fraction, underscoring the complexity of organic matter in marine aerosols.

    These findings advance our understanding of the processes governing organic carbon transfer from the ocean to the atmosphere, including the roles of the SML and atmospheric processing. This knowledge is crucial for refining models of marine aerosols and their impact on atmospheric chemistry and climate.

    The study contributes to the international SOLAS program.

    Ref: van Pinxteren, M., Zeppenfeld, S., Fomba, K. W., Triesch, N., Frka, S., and Herrmann, H.: Amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids in the tropical oligotrophic Atlantic Ocean: sea-to-air transfer and atmospheric in situ formation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 6571–6590,, 2023.

    How to cite: van Pinxteren, M., Zeppenfeld, S., Fomba, K. W., Triesch, N., Frka, S., and Herrmann, H.: Organic Compounds in the Tropical Oligotrophic Atlantic Ocean: Insights into Sea-to-Air Transfer and Atmospheric Transformations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1323,, 2025.

    EGU25-1376 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Impact of wildfires ash deposition on iron binding humic substances concentrations in surface waters: Results from a dissolution experiment 

    gabriel Dulaquais, Matthieu Bressac, Eva Ortega-Retuerta, Emmanuelle Uher, Barbara Marie, and Nathan Nault

    Wildfires contribute significantly to biomass burning. The deposition of ash from wildfires into surface ocean waters is a source of iron (Fe), namely pyrogenic Fe, and may enhance primary production in Fe-limited domains. However, due to the low solubility of Fe and the operational definition of its dissolved fraction, a portion of the dissolved Fe (DFe) released during ash dissolution may reprecipitate as authigenic inorganic colloids. This process can lead to an overestimation of the bioavailable pyrogenic DFe. To remain in a soluble form, Fe must be complexed with organic ligands capable of undergoing biochemical processes such as bacterial degradation, direct uptake, or photoreduction, leading to potentially bioavailable forms of DFe. Among the diverse range of iron-binding ligands, humic-type ligands (LFeHS) are important. LFeHS are ubiquitous in seawater, soluble, and may lead Fe to a bioavailable form. LFeHS are ubiquitous in seawater, soluble, and keep Fe in a bioavailable form. Here we present results from dissolution experiments. Ash samples collected in 2009 after wildfire events in the Spanish Mediterranean region were put in contact with non-euxinic, filtered Mediterranean surface seawater in a 7-day batch experiment. Four deposition fluxes were tested. The concentrations of DFe, fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM), LFeHS, and the amount of Fe complexed by humic-type ligands were measured. Our results indicate that ash dissolution induces an increase in LFeHS, proportional to the ash concentration in the experimental medium. FDOM measurements confirm a time-dependent increase in humic-type material of terrestrial origin. Additionally, the observed increase in protein-like FDOM (C4) suggests that ash deposition enhances the modification of dissolved organic matter by bacteria. Using a simple kinetic model, we determined the dissolution rate constant for the tested ash. This constant can be incorporated into global oceanic models such as PISCES or REcoM to improve predictions of pyrogenic Fe bioavailability and its impacts on marine ecosystems.

    How to cite: Dulaquais, G., Bressac, M., Ortega-Retuerta, E., Uher, E., Marie, B., and Nault, N.: Impact of wildfires ash deposition on iron binding humic substances concentrations in surface waters: Results from a dissolution experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1376,, 2025.

    EGU25-1665 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5 | Highlight

    Surface microlayer ecosystems as platforms for viral adaptation and dispersal in the Central Arctic 

    Janina Rahlff, George Westmeijer, Julia Weissenbach, Alfred Antson, and Karin Holmfeldt

    In polar regions, aquatic viruses play a pivotal role in shaping microbial communities yet face significant challenges such as low host availability and harsh environmental conditions. During the Synoptic Arctic Survey 2021 aboard the icebreaker Oden (Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, 2022), we investigated viral diversity, survival mechanisms, and host interactions in the Central Arctic's surface microlayer (SML), the uppermost millimeter of the ocean, and compared them with ~60 cm depth from the ocean and a melt pond. This study addresses the knowledge gap surrounding near-atmosphere aquatic ecosystems, highlighting the SML as a critical platform for viral adaptation and dispersal in one of Earth's most extreme environments. Our study uncovered 1154 viral operational taxonomic units (vOTUs) >10 kb in size, two-thirds of which were predicted bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria). Flavobacteriales were identified as key hosts, with one dominant melt pond vOTU linked to a Flavobacterium sp. isolate. Melt pond viral communities displayed lower diversity compared to open water, indicating selective pressures in these transient systems. We found that 17.2% of vOTUs carried 87 unique auxiliary metabolic genes (AMGs) involved in pathways such as amino acid, glycan polymer, and porphyrin metabolism, supporting host survival under extreme conditions. Notably, 16 vOTUs encoded glycerol-3-phosphate cytidylyltransferase (tagD), which may function in cryoprotection. While lytic phages could not be found via plaque assays, prophage induction experiments using the bacterial isolate Leeuwenhoekiella aequorea Arc30 and mitomycin C revealed active phages with siphovirus morphology and minimal protein similarity to known phages. Our findings also highlight the SML’s role in viral dispersal, as vOTU abundance correlated with spread across the Arctic via the boundary layer. These sophisticated viral strategies emphasize their ability to thrive in remote, inhospitable, and host-limited environments (Rahlff et al., 2024). These discoveries underscore the importance of viruses in Arctic ecosystem dynamics, influencing microbial communities, and in the broader context, nutrient cycling, gas exchange and resilience to climate change.


    Rahlff, J., Westmeijer, G., Weissenbach, J., Antson, A., & Holmfeldt, K. (2024). Surface microlayer-mediated virome dissemination in the Central Arctic. Microbiome, 12(1), 218.

    Snoeijs-Leijonmalm, P. (2022). Expedition Report SWEDARCTIC Synoptic Arctic Survey 2021 with icebreaker Oden. In: Swedish Polar Research Secretariat.

    How to cite: Rahlff, J., Westmeijer, G., Weissenbach, J., Antson, A., and Holmfeldt, K.: Surface microlayer ecosystems as platforms for viral adaptation and dispersal in the Central Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1665,, 2025.

    EGU25-1770 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Methane distribution, production, and emission in the Western North Pacific 

    Guiling Zhang, Haonan Wang, and Ziqiang Zhang

    Ocean is a net source of atmospheric methane (CH4), but there are still large uncertainties in the estimations of global oceanic CH4 emission due to sparse data coverage. In this study, we investigated the spatial distribution and influencing factors of CH4 in the Western North Pacific (WNP) during two cruises in 2021 and 2022. High-resolution continuous underway measurements showed that surface CH4 concentrations ranged from 1.95 to 3.92 nM, indicating an obvious spatial gradient with a gradual increase from the south to the north due to the influence of water mixing and primary productivity. Vertically, subsurface CH4 maxima were ubiquitously observed due to in situ production through multiple pathways including MPn degradation and phytoplankton production. Surface water was oversaturated with respect to the atmospheric CH4 with the air-sea CH4fluxes in the tropical Western Pacific (1.28 ± 1.12 μmol/m2/d) higher than those in the Kuroshio Extension region (2021: 0.49 ± 0.89 μmol/m2/d; 2022: 0.37 ± 0.53 μmol/m2/d). Overall CH4 emission from the Western North Pacific is 0.08 Tg/yr, accounting for 13% of the total emission from the open ocean.

    How to cite: Zhang, G., Wang, H., and Zhang, Z.: Methane distribution, production, and emission in the Western North Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1770,, 2025.

    EGU25-4242 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    Air-sea ammonia fluxes in the Southern Ocean: Quantifying sources and sinks from surface waters to penguins.  

    Simone Louw, Thomas Bell, Jo Browse, Malcolm Woodward, and Mingxi Yang

    NH₃ drives nutrient cycling in the surface ocean and contributes to new particle formation in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. Surface ocean NH₃/Ammonium(NH₄⁺) is a vital component of the recycled nutrient pool, and NH₃ air-sea fluxes influence its redistribution. There are significant uncertainties in global NH₃ flux estimates due to a lack of concurrent air-sea measurements and ambiguity surrounding NH₃ sources.  Southern Ocean, a major driver of global climate, is experiencing rapid warming, altering the exchange of climate-relevant aerosols and precursor gases such as NH₃. Models systematically underpredict cloud droplet number concentrations and aerosol production in this region, a bias that arises from poorly captured aerosol precursor sources and lack of detailed microphysical cloud processes. We present atmospheric and seawater NH₃ measurements, along with NH₃ air-sea flux estimates, across the Southern Ocean during November and December 2024. Our study focuses on 1) identifying key NH₃ sources and sinks in the marine polar environment, and 2) quantifying how NH₃ fluxes vary across distinct emission hotspots. Preliminary observations show penguin colonies and volcanic activity drive distinct, localised NH₃ emission hotspots. The open ocean is generally thought to be a source of NH₃, but our data show that the open waters of the Southern Ocean is a sink of NH₃. By quantifying these fluxes, we reveal the variability across NH₃  source/sink regions and their potential to influence regional ocean-atmosphere biogeochemical processes.  

    Our findings are crucial for improving the representation of clouds and aerosols in climate models, offering deeper insight into poorly understood aerosol-cloud interactions in this region. Improving these mechanisms will help reduce persistent Southern Ocean biases in model simulations of surface radiation and sea surface temperature and enhance our capacity to model regional and global climate.

    How to cite: Louw, S., Bell, T., Browse, J., Woodward, M., and Yang, M.: Air-sea ammonia fluxes in the Southern Ocean: Quantifying sources and sinks from surface waters to penguins. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4242,, 2025.

    Increasing atmospheric CO₂ concentrations drives ocean acidification, potentially leading to substantial impacts on marine ecosystems and altering marine nutrient dynamics. Phosphorus (P) availability is a key limiting factor for primary productivity in the oceans. Atmospheric particles, such as wildfire ash, supply the oceans with substantial amounts of nutrients such as P. The solubility of P from aerosol particles, especially from wildfire ash, plays a critical role in oceanic nutrient cycles and may significantly impact the biological carbon pump, a key mechanism for atmospheric CO₂ regulation.

    As ocean acidification continues and wildfires are projected to increase in intensity and severity with climate change, understanding how changes in seawater pH influence P release from wildfire ash is essential. This study aims to investigate the effect of past, present, and future seawater pH levels on P solubility from different wildfire ash under controlled laboratory conditions. Specifically, the study aims to examine how elevated CO₂ levels, leading to lower pH (ocean acidification), impact the availability of P in wildfire ash compared to lower CO₂ levels.

    Using artificial seawater and ash samples derived from Mediterranean and agricultural vegetation, this research will analyze P release patterns under a range of CO₂ concentrations, encompassing current levels, future projections, and historical baselines.

    Preliminary results demonstrated a significant dependence of P release from wildfire ash on pCO₂ concentrations and its influence on the pH. Elevated CO₂ levels of the projected future and of ancient atmosphere enhanced P solubility in both Mediterranean vegetation and agricultural vegetation treatments while reduced levels of the preindustrial and pre-Holocene periods decreased P solubility. These findings are anticipated to shed light on the role of wildfire ash in marine nutrient dynamics and its broader impact on ocean productivity and the global carbon cycle, especially in regions experiencing increasing wildfire activity.

    These initial findings lay the groundwork for continued research, where I will investigate the cultivation of microalgae under controlled laboratory conditions at varying atmospheric CO2 concentrations. The research will focus on understanding how P release from wildfire ash, influenced by different CO2 levels, impacts the growth rate of phytoplankton. The experiments will assess the role of wildfire ash as a potential P source for phytoplankton grown in P-depleted water.

    How to cite: Naiman, N., Gross, A., and Antler, G.: The Effect of Ocean Acidification on Phosphorus Solubility from Wildfire Ash and its Role in Enhancing the Biological Carbon Pump, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5059,, 2025.

    EGU25-5221 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Evaluation of Arctic Ocean surface carbon fluxes from Atmospheric Inverse Analysis   

    Jayashree Ghosh, Parvadha Suntharalingam, and Zhaohui Chen

    Atmospheric inverse analyses use optimization methods to calculate surface CO2 fluxes using atmospheric transport models in combination with observed gradients in atmospheric CO2 concentration. In our present study we present an inverse estimate of Arctic Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes using the GEOSChem–LETKF  system; this system has previously been used to derive estimates of regional North Atlantic CO2 fluxes (Chen et al. 2021). Our analysis reports on estimates of Arctic Ocean fluxes  and assesses patterns of spatial and inter-annual variability.  Our results indicate significant spatial variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the different regional seas of the Arctic Ocean. The western Arctic Ocean predominantly act as a sink region for atmospheric CO2.  However,  the eastern Arctic Ocean act more as a source of CO2 . We also present results of sensitivity analyses conducted to assess the impact of alternate ocean prior flux specifications.

    How to cite: Ghosh, J., Suntharalingam, P., and Chen, Z.: Evaluation of Arctic Ocean surface carbon fluxes from Atmospheric Inverse Analysis  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5221,, 2025.

    The equatorial Pacific serves as the largest oceanic source of CO2. The contrasting ocean environment in the eastern (i.e., upwelling) and western (i.e., warm pool) regions makes it difficult to fully characterize the CO2 dynamics with limited in situ observations.  In this study, we addressed this challenge using monthly surface partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2sw) and air–sea CO2 fluxes (FCO2) data products reconstructed from satellite and reanalysis data at spatial resolution of 1°×1° in the period of 1982–2021. We found that, during the very strong El Niño events (1997/1998, 2015/2016), both pCO2sw and FCO2 showed significant decrease of 41–58 μatm and 0.5–0.8 mol m-2 yr-1 in the eastern equatorial Pacific, yet remained at normal levels in the western equatorial Pacific. In contrast, during the very strong La Niña events (1999/2000, 2007/2008, and 2010/2011), both pCO2sw and FCO2 showed strong increase of 40–48 μatm and 1.0–1.4 mol m-2 yr-1 in the western equatorial Pacific, yet with little change in the eastern equatorial Pacific. In the past 40 years, pCO2sw in the eastern equatorial Pacific was increasing at a higher rate (2.32–2.51 μatm yr-1) than that in the western equatorial Pacific (1.75 μatm yr-1), resulting in an accelerating CO2 outgassing (at rate of 0.03 mol m-2 yr-2) in the eastern equatorial Pacific. We comprehensively analyzed the potential effects of different factors such as sea surface temperature, sea surface wind speed, and ΔpCO2 in driving CO2 fluxes in the equatorial Pacific, and found that ΔpCO2 had the highest correlation (R ≥ 0.80, at p ≤ 0.05), highlighting the importance of accurate estimates of pCO2sw from satellites. 

    How to cite: Chen, S.: Accelerating CO2 outgassing in the equatorial Pacific from sat-ellite remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5360,, 2025.

    EGU25-7196 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Laboratory simulation of ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange 

    Brian Durham and Christian Pfrang

    At EGU2024 we presented initial laboratory results from bubbling a simulated pre-industrial atmosphere through samples of freshwater and seawater across a range of temperatures, making comparison with literature values for the CO2/water partition equilibrium as determined at a higher partial pressures of the gas as reviewed by Carroll et al 1991.

    Two changes have been made. Our 2024 results were based on a temperature range of 0.1’C to 16.5’C, and following valued discussion with Raphael Hebert we have brought that range closer to the global average ocean temperature range since the 1940s hockey-stick, i.e. 15’C to 16.5’C. At the same time, in addressing whether last year’s `paradox’ and `slow-release’ were artefacts of laboratory simulation, we test whether changes in CO2 fraction as measured in the headspace have a reciprocal effect in the liquid phase, measured by a continuous-reading conductivity probe in each flask.

    Two recent papers are of relevance within this temperature range. Firstly the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, UK, report transects in the Atlantic Ocean and note that temperature gradients near the ocean surface will affect the proportion of atmospheric CO2 taken into solution (D Ford et al `Enhanced ocean CO2 uptake due to near-surface temperature gradients’, Nature Geoscience (Sept 2024).  They conclude that `accounting for near-surface temperature gradients would increase estimates of global ocean CO2 uptake.’  In parallel the University of East Anglia, UK, finds ‘that process-based models underestimate the amplitude of the decadal variability in the ocean CO2 sink, but that observation-based products on average overestimate the decadal trend in the 2010s. (N Mayot et al `Constraining the trend in the ocean CO2 sink during 2000–2022’ Nature Communications, September 2024)

    We understand from Raphael Hebert (pers. comm.) that the Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany, is also investigating this issue using a different approach, hence our interest in confirming the partition constant at relevant partial pressures, as a fourth contribution.

    How to cite: Durham, B. and Pfrang, C.: Laboratory simulation of ocean-atmosphere CO2 exchange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7196,, 2025.

    EGU25-7519 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Estimation of Arctic Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes by Inverse Methods: Use of OSSEs to Assess Atmospheric Sampling Strategies  

    Parvadha Suntharalingam, Jayashree Ghosh, and Zhaohui Chen

    Estimates of atmospheric CO2 uptake by the Arctic Ocean over recent decades from multiple methods indicate accelerating regional carbon uptake (Yasunaka et  al. 2024). This trend is  attributed to such factors as regional climate-change impacts and associated sea-ice loss. Yasunaka et al. (2024) also note a significant range of uncertainty among the various model and data analysis methods that were employed to derive regional Arctic Ocean air-sea fluxes (e.g., from surface ocean pCO2 products, ocean biogeochemical models, and atmospheric inversions). This highlights a need for more robust  flux estimation methods  involving expanded observational networks and improved modelling tools to enable more accurate quantification of regional fluxes and an improved prediction capability to estimate future changes in oceanic CO2 uptake in the rapidly evolving Arctic.

    In this analysis we employ the GEOSChem-Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter  inverse analysis system (Chen et al. 2021) to develop sets of Observing System Sampling Experiments (OSSEs) that assess alternative atmospheric CO2 sampling strategies and observational network extensions towards improved estimates of Arctic Ocean air-sea CO2 fluxes. We assess the performance of individual sampling strategies using a range of metrics applied to the atmospheric inversions; these include regional CO2 flux error reductions  and model concentration biases at sampling sites.

    How to cite: Suntharalingam, P., Ghosh, J., and Chen, Z.: Estimation of Arctic Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes by Inverse Methods: Use of OSSEs to Assess Atmospheric Sampling Strategies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7519,, 2025.

    EGU25-8419 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Investigating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Ozonolysis of Phytoplankton Cultures 

    Charlotte Stapleton, Rebecca Fenselau, Vaishnavi Padaki, Audrey Lyp, Kimberly Halsey, Lucy Carpenter, and Timothy Bertram

    The ocean’s surface is covered by the sea-surface microlayer (SML), a distinct boundary layer that plays a critical role in mediating the air-sea exchange of atmospheric trace gases. The oxidation of unsaturated organic material enriched in the SML by ozone is a significant but poorly quantified abiotic mechanism leading to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the marine boundary layer. The properties of these VOCs make them efficient precursors for secondary organic aerosol formation which can alter the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere. 

    In this laboratory study, axenic cultures of the model marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum and its coculture with Yoonia bacteria were selected as biologically and chemically relevant proxies for the SML. Ozone-enriched air was passed over the culture medium in a heterogenous flow reactor, and the emitted gas-phase VOCs were monitored using high resolution proton-transfer-reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-ToF-MS). Experiments were conducted on the cultures in both their exponential and stationary growth phases with nonanal, the C5H8H+ peak, and the C6H10H+ peak being identified as major product ions. Ozonolysis-mediated abiotic VOC emissions were greater from cultures in exponential phase compared to stationary phase. Additionally, emissions from the P. tricornutum axenic monoculture were higher than from the P. tricornutum-Yoonia coculture indicating consumption of precursor compounds by the bacteria. The addition of iodide, a well-known reactant with ozone, to axenic P. tricornutum cultures in the exponential phase was associated with a reduction in the VOC emissions. This research provides a deeper insight into the interactions between iodide and organics during ozone uptake to the SML, and the impact of these competing processes on marine atmospheric chemistry. 

    How to cite: Stapleton, C., Fenselau, R., Padaki, V., Lyp, A., Halsey, K., Carpenter, L., and Bertram, T.: Investigating Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Ozonolysis of Phytoplankton Cultures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8419,, 2025.

    EGU25-10303 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Chemical Drivers of Oceanic Ozone Uptake – Iodide vs Surfactants 

    Lucy Brown, David Loades, Charlotte Stapleton, Will Drysdale, Matthew Jones, Rosie Chance, Pascale Lakey, Manabu Shiraiwa, Ming-Xi Yang, Tom Bell, Ian Brooks, Andrew Peters, Rod Johnson, Paul Lethaby, Birgit Quack, and Lucy Carpenter

    Due to its position at the air-sea interface, the sea-surface microlayer (SML) modulates the exchange of gases, including the deposition of ozone to the ocean. While ozone deposition to the ocean is a large sink of ozone from the troposphere, the processes involved are not well understood. Previous work has focussed on seawater iodide as a driver of ozone uptake to the ocean, however the SML contains a complex mixture of organic material, which could also impact ozone uptake. The contribution of this organic material to ozone uptake remains particularly unclear.

    During this project, ozone uptake to seawater was measured by eddy covariance from coastal towers near Penlee Point (Plymouth, UK) and Tudor Hill (Bermuda), and at sea aboard the RV Atlantic Explorer, operating at and around the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site in the Sargasso Sea. Additionally, the chemical component of ozone uptake to seawater was measured using a flow reactor during a trans-Atlantic cruise. This suite of observations has been combined to investigate the driving forces of oceanic ozone uptake. We present data that demonstrate that iodide was not a strong predictor of ozone uptake, despite its fast chemical reaction with ozone and the ubiquitous presence of iodide in the surface ocean.

    Organic compounds in the SML are of interest to this work because some organic compounds have ozone-reactive functional groups. An example of this is carbon-carbon double bonds, present in some oceanic fatty acids. By increasing chemical reactivity, organic material can therefore augment ozone uptake to the ocean. The contribution of chemical reactions between ozone and organic material to ozone uptake was investigated using the kinetic multilayer model of surface and bulk chemistry (KM-SUB). A simplified system of a monolayer of an unsaturated fatty acid (oleic acid) over seawater was modelled and demonstrated that a monolayer of ozone-reactive surfactants on the ocean surface could contribute substantially more to ozone uptake, compared to environmental levels of aqueous iodide.

    This work indicates that the commonly applied iodide-based parameterisation for ozone uptake to seawater may not accurately represent the chemical processes involved in ozone deposition to the sea surface. This has implications not only for predicted spatial and temporal variations in the magnitude of ozone deposition, but also for the chemical profile of oxidised gases emitted from the sea surface to the remote marine troposphere.

    How to cite: Brown, L., Loades, D., Stapleton, C., Drysdale, W., Jones, M., Chance, R., Lakey, P., Shiraiwa, M., Yang, M.-X., Bell, T., Brooks, I., Peters, A., Johnson, R., Lethaby, P., Quack, B., and Carpenter, L.: Chemical Drivers of Oceanic Ozone Uptake – Iodide vs Surfactants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10303,, 2025.

    EGU25-10513 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Evaluating Methane Emissions and Sea-Air Fluxes in the Southern Ocean 

    Evelyn Workman, Anna Jones, Rebecca Fisher, James France, Katrin Linse, Ming-Xi Yang, Thomas Bell, Bruno Delille, Freya Squires, and Yuanxu Dong

    The ocean is generally thought to be a small source of atmospheric methane. However, the contribution of the Southern Ocean remains poorly quantified due to its remoteness and lack of measurements. In this study we investigate sea-air methane fluxes in the Southern Ocean measured by two different methods, bulk flux and eddy-covariance, to better understand the region's role in global methane emissions. We focus on both on-shelf and off-shelf areas, including regions where methane seeps from the seabed into the water column, using several years of ship-based measurements.

    Our results show that coastal and on-shelf regions of the Southern Ocean, including areas with known seabed seeps, act as small sources of methane to the atmosphere. This is possibly driven by methane produced at the seabed reaching the surface or inputs from terrestrial sources, such as subglacial discharge. We also find possible indications of increased methane release from coastal areas compared to previous studies. Given the potential for increased methane release from these regions in the future under a warming climate, our findings emphasise the importance of ongoing monitoring in the Southern Ocean to quantify its contribution to the global methane cycle and track any changes over time.

    Open ocean sea-air methane flux measurements in the Scotia and Weddell Seas during consecutive Antarctic summers revealed a source and a sink of methane depending on the method used (bulk flux or eddy-covariance). As these measurements techniques were not deployed simultaneously, a dedicated measurement campaign is necessary to collect parallel data and better understand whether the observed differences reflect measurement technique variability or potential changes in the Southern Ocean system.

    How to cite: Workman, E., Jones, A., Fisher, R., France, J., Linse, K., Yang, M.-X., Bell, T., Delille, B., Squires, F., and Dong, Y.: Evaluating Methane Emissions and Sea-Air Fluxes in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10513,, 2025.

    EGU25-11404 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    North Atlantic fjords are minor sources of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere 

    Tobia Politi, Yvonne Y. Y. Yau, Isaac Santos, Alex Cabral, Henry L. S. Cheung, Claudia Majtényi-Hill, Adam Ulfsbo, Anna Wåhlin, and Stefano Bonaglia

    Nitrous oxide (N2O) distribution and dynamics in high latitude fjords are relatively unknown. Surface water N2O concentrations were measured in six fjords located in Sweden, Iceland, and Greenland, which represent highly diverse environmental conditions in terms of oxygen, eutrophication and climate. This study provides one of the few high spatial resolution observations of N2O sea-air fluxes currently available in fjords. The two Icelandic fjords showed highest emissions (97.6±10.5 μg N2O m⁻² day⁻¹), likely driven by aquaculture-induced nutrient enrichment and not fully oxygenated subsurface waters. The three Swedish fjords, characterized by inputs from nutrient-rich rivers and by poor water circulation, exhibited relatively high N2O emissions averaging 19.9±19.3 μg N2O m⁻² day⁻¹, with subsurface water anoxia enhancing emissions in By Fjord (64.4±24.0 µg N2O m⁻² day⁻¹). In contrast, the Greenland fjord displayed net N2O uptake (–8.3±7.8 μg N2O m⁻² day⁻¹), likely due to glacier meltwater dilution. Each fjord appeared to be influenced by distinct N2O drivers, including temperature, salinity, chlorophyll, and pH, but no single, unifying driver was found across all fjords. As a preliminary global upscaling effort, we integrated our measured fluxes from six fjords with literature data from thirteen additional fjords. We estimate that global fjords emit 7.9±1.7 Gg N2O yr⁻¹, accounting for 2–13% of global coastal ecosystem emissions and do not significantly offset (3.5%) CO₂ sequestration in fjords. These findings underscore the role of fjords in greenhouse gas dynamics and highlight the need for further spatial and seasonal studies to refine global N2O emissions from coastal ecosystems.

    How to cite: Politi, T., Yau, Y. Y. Y., Santos, I., Cabral, A., Cheung, H. L. S., Majtényi-Hill, C., Ulfsbo, A., Wåhlin, A., and Bonaglia, S.: North Atlantic fjords are minor sources of nitrous oxide to the atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11404,, 2025.

    EGU25-12341 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Insights from the Baltic Sea and Auckland, New Zealand 

    Julika Zinke, Matthew Salter, Martijn Hermans, Alexis Armando Fonseca Poza, Joakim Hansen, Linda Kumblad, Emil Rydin, Sofia A. Wikström, Alf Norkko, Nicolas-Xavier Geilfus, Anna Villnäs, Simon Thrush, Marc Geibel, and Christoph Humborg

    Coastal ecosystems play a significant role in the cycling of greenhouse gases (GHGs), yet they remain understudied compared to open oceans and terrestrial systems. Here, we present measurements of carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane (CH₄), and nitrous oxide (N₂O) concentrations from shallow coastal environments along the Swedish Baltic Sea coast and Auckland, New Zealand, highlighting the variability and drivers of GHG dynamics across diverse habitats.

    In the Baltic Sea, we conducted measurements in April and September 2024, utilizing cavity ring-down spectroscopy coupled with a water equilibration system. Our focus was on shallow coastal bays in the wider Stockholm archipelago, including eutrophic and habitat-altered bays. These environments exhibited exceptionally high CH₄ concentrations in the surface water reaching up to 580 nmol L-1, suggesting the potential for significant CH₄ emissions. Notably, CH₄ concentrations below 200 nmol L-1 showed a negative correlation with N₂O, while CH₄ levels above 200 nmol L-1 revealed a distinct shift to a positive correlation with N₂O. We hypothesize that this transition reflects a change in oxygen availability, where hypoxic conditions (0.2< O2 < 2 mL L-1) favor CH₄ production and reoxygenation of euxinic sediments contributes to an additional late-summer N₂O peak. Furthermore, GHG concentrations in the surface seawater were associated with environmental parameters such as water retention time, vegetation coverage, total organic carbon content, turbidity, chlorophyll-a concentration, pH, and total phosphorus levels.

    Expanding our investigation to coastal systems in the suburban regions of Auckland, New Zealand, in January 2025 we conducted a spatial survey across a range of coastal habitats, including tidal flats, mangroves and river estuaries. By linking the findings from the Baltic Sea with emerging insights from New Zealand’s coastal systems, we aim to better understand the influence of habitat type, redox conditions, and nutrient dynamics on GHG emissions in coastal zones globally.

    Our comparative study underscores the need for integrated approaches to better understand GHG emissions in coastal zones, which are often subject to compounded anthropogenic pressures, such as excessive nutrient inputs and habitat alteration. These findings contribute to the broader understanding of coastal zones as dynamic interfaces in the global carbon and nitrogen cycles and the development of evidence-based policies.

    How to cite: Zinke, J., Salter, M., Hermans, M., Fonseca Poza, A. A., Hansen, J., Kumblad, L., Rydin, E., Wikström, S. A., Norkko, A., Geilfus, N.-X., Villnäs, A., Thrush, S., Geibel, M., and Humborg, C.: Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems: Insights from the Baltic Sea and Auckland, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12341,, 2025.

    EGU25-12512 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Nitrous oxide from three temperate estuaries discharging in the North Sea: No estuary is like another  

    Kirstin Dähnke, Gesa Schulz, Louise Rewrie, Vlad Macovei, Yoana Voynova, Andreas Neumann, and Tina Sanders

    Estuaries are potential sources for the important greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). Estuaries are among the most complex ecosystems in the world with biogeochemical processes occurring on a range of spatial and temporal scales, depending on geomorphology, tides, and discharge patterns. Due to the high spatiotemporal variability and limited data availability, N2O emissions from estuaries are associated with significant uncertainty, presenting a big challenge for the global N2O emission estimates and budgeting of coastal regions.

    This study presents N2O measurements from three temperate German estuaries discharging into the North Sea: Ems, Weser and Elbe, which are all heavily affected by anthropogenic impacts. During a cruise in September 2024, N2O dry mole fractions were measured continuously using an analyzer based on off-axis integrated cavity output (Picarro G2508) absorption spectroscopy coupled with an equilibrator system. For calibration and quality control, distinct water samples were taken in 30-min intervals and preserved for later GC analysis. Based on these measurements, we calculated N2O concentrations and fluxes.

    Preliminary results showed N2O oversaturation with distinct peaks observed along the salinity gradient of all three estuaries. The N2O concentration in the Weser estuary was nearly double the concentration recorded in the Ems and Elbe estuaries. The high variability in N2O concentration between the three estuaries indicated potential differences in dominating biological and biogeochemical processes that modulate N2O production in each estuary. We suspect that turbidity, organic matter quality and degradation, as well as nutrient availability are responsible for the observed differences between the estuaries, which all are heavily impacted by anthropogenic river alterations. Therefore, we aim to elucidate the impact of human alterations on N2O production and emissions in these temperate estuaries. Overall, our findings highlight the variability of N2O emissions depending on stream morphology and chemistry, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive measurement programs to ensure accurate emission estimates.

    How to cite: Dähnke, K., Schulz, G., Rewrie, L., Macovei, V., Voynova, Y., Neumann, A., and Sanders, T.: Nitrous oxide from three temperate estuaries discharging in the North Sea: No estuary is like another , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12512,, 2025.

    EGU25-12549 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    Physicochemical properties of nascent versus aged sea spray aerosol – A study from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean  

    Sneha Aggarwal, Olga Garmash, Julika Zinke, Delaney Kilgour, Jian Wang, Timothy Bertram, Joel Thornton, Matt Salter, Paul Zieger, and Claudia Mohr

    Sea spray aerosol (SSA), produced by bubble bursting at the ocean's surface, plays a critical role in climate regulation and atmospheric chemistry. It also provides a unique microenvironment for gas-to-particle partitioning and aqueous-phase reactions. Understanding these processes requires a detailed examination of the physicochemical properties and the transformations of SSA during atmospheric aging. 
    Hence, we designed a comprehensive experimental setup comprising a sea spray simulation tank for generating SSA, a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) for analyzing molecular-level composition, an oxidation flow reactor (PAM) for simulating atmospheric oxidation, and a differential mobility particle counter (DMPS) for determining particle size distribution. We deployed this setup in May 2022 during the AGENA campaign on Graciosa Island in the Azores, Portugal, a remote marine site. We collected surface ocean water samples from the Atlantic, and generated SSA using a plunging jet. We used DMPS and CIMS to analyze physicochemical properties of SSA present in the tank headspace, and also collected filter samples for offline CIMS analysis. 
    Our results revealed significant particle formation in the PAM chamber at an aging period equivalent to 3–3.5 days in the atmosphere. Notably, the increase was primarily restricted to particles below 100 nm, suggesting that new particle formation dominated over condensation in the PAM environment, likely due to high oxidant concentrations. This observation also indicates the presence of numerous volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the nascent SSA, which may have condensed onto pre-existing particles in natural settings. Further analysis of the VOCs using CIMS showed that nascent SSA contained compounds with longer carbon chains (1–16 carbons) and higher oxidation states, indicating low volatility. In contrast, gases exiting the PAM chamber exhibited shorter carbon chains (1–10 carbons) and lower oxidation levels, suggesting condensation of oxidation products onto newly formed particles within the reactor. Additionally, we identified oxidation products of dimethyl sulfide (DMS), such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and methanesulfonic acid (MSA), in both nascent and aged samples. Intriguingly, nascent SSA also exhibited strong signals for fluorinated compounds, including hydrofluoric acid, likely formed from protonation of fluoride ions (F⁻) and other fluoride-containing salts like MgF⁺, CaF⁺, and NaF⁺ found in sea salt. These findings provide valuable insights into the molecular composition and dynamic behaviour of SSA, with implications for understanding its role in atmospheric processes and climate.

    How to cite: Aggarwal, S., Garmash, O., Zinke, J., Kilgour, D., Wang, J., Bertram, T., Thornton, J., Salter, M., Zieger, P., and Mohr, C.: Physicochemical properties of nascent versus aged sea spray aerosol – A study from the eastern North Atlantic Ocean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12549,, 2025.

    EGU25-12999 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    A 25-year record of atmospheric deposition of iron speciation in the East Mediterranean: The impact of pH 

    Maria Kanakidou, Maria Tsagkaraki, and Nikolaos Mihalopoulos

    A 25-year record of wet deposition has been collected and analysed for Fe(II), soluble iron (DSRFe) and total Iron (Fe) at Finokalia station on Crete island in the East Mediterranean from 1997 to 2022. A significant temporal increase in rain pH values is observed, mainly due to the reduction in sulfur concentrations. Regardless of the pH value of the rain, the Fe(II)/DSRFe ratio appeared to remain always above 50%, indicating that a significant amount of Fe(II), hence bioavailable iron, enters the sea surface via rain. However, Fe(II)/DSRFe ratio gradually decreases from 0.70 to 0.52 with increasing pH until pH 7.0, while from pH 7.0 and above it increases again, reaching an average value of about 0.67 at very basic pH levels. This is related to the general decrease in Fe solubility with increasing pH and the respective association of the forms in which Fe(II) and Fe(III) exist. It is therefore evident that the observed increase in pH in wet deposition affects the amount of dissolved iron deposited in the oceans, particularly Fe(II), that is directly bioavailable to the marine ecosystem, with consequent impacts on marine productivity.

    How to cite: Kanakidou, M., Tsagkaraki, M., and Mihalopoulos, N.: A 25-year record of atmospheric deposition of iron speciation in the East Mediterranean: The impact of pH, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12999,, 2025.

    EGU25-13484 | Orals | AS2.5

    Evidence of seasonal carbon dioxide uptake by the Southern Ocean from a 10-year record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, observed from coastal Antarctica.  

    Freya Squires, Anna Jones, Tony Phillips, Zsofia Juranyi, Rolf Weller, and James France

    The Southern Ocean plays a critical role in modulating excess atmospheric carbon dioxide, accounting for roughly 40% of global ocean anthropogenic CO2 uptake since industrialisation. Given its significance in the global carbon cycle, understanding the Southern Ocean carbon sink is important but studies show high uncertainties in the magnitude and evolution of this carbon sink. The Southern Ocean is a remote and challenging region to measure, and the resulting sparsity of observational data is the main cause of uncertainty in air-sea carbon flux in the region. Long term, high-temporal-frequency data sets especially are rare for the Southern Ocean, but these can give valuable insights into the carbon cycle processes occurring in the region.

    This work presents ten years of high-temporal-frequency in situ atmospheric carbon dioxide mixing ratios measured from two coastal Antarctic research stations; Halley, operated by the British Antarctic Survey, and the German research station, Neumayer. The coastal location of these stations means they are ideally placed to explore air-sea CO2 exchange over the Southern Ocean. 

    Both the Halley and Neumayer records show short-term fluctuations in CO2 mixing ratios during austral summer, with over ~0.5 ppm decreases in CO2 sometimes observed over the course of a day - about one fifth of the average annual growth rate (~2.4 ppm per year-1 for this 10-year record). Analysis of air mass trajectories reveal that these fluctuations in CO2 occur when the sampled air has spent considerable time in contact with the Southern Ocean, suggesting CO2 uptake has occurred, leading to the reduced CO2 mixing ratios observed.

    We present an in-depth analysis of the drivers of the short-term variability observed during austral summer, including the role of mixing height, sea-ice coverage, wind speed and biology. Observational data represent an important tool with which to tease out key factors determining Southern Ocean CO2 uptake, and thus in assessing how uptake may evolve in the future.

    How to cite: Squires, F., Jones, A., Phillips, T., Juranyi, Z., Weller, R., and France, J.: Evidence of seasonal carbon dioxide uptake by the Southern Ocean from a 10-year record of atmospheric carbon dioxide, observed from coastal Antarctica. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13484,, 2025.

    EGU25-13680 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Understanding the drivers of the air-sea CO2 flux seasonal variability in the upwelling systems off Peru and Baja California 

    Angela Bahamondes Dominguez, Boris Dewitte, Ivonne Montes, Veronique Garçon, Victor Aguilera, Linda Barranco, and Matthew Hammond

    The open ocean plays a critical role in mitigating climate change by absorbing approximately 25% of annual anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO₂). In contrast, Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUSs) are net sources of CO2, primarily due to the high concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from upwelled waters. However, the carbon dynamics in EBUSs exhibit significant variability, both temporally and spatially, with differences between systems. This study focuses on two Pacific Ocean EBUSs with distinct physical characteristics: the upwelling systems off Peru and off Baja California, where the relative contribution of  Ekman transport and pumping, and geostrophic compensation to upwelling differ. Based on seasonal simulations of a regional biogeochemical model configured for the two regions, we characterise the seasonal variability of CO₂ fugacity (FCO₂) in these systems, and identify the processes driving this variability through a Taylor expansion of the flux formulation. Our results show that FCO₂ is highly dynamic and exhibits notable spatial variability. The processes influencing FCO₂ seasonality differ between subregions. Off Peru, the primary drivers of FCO₂ seasonal variability are: the oceanic partial pressure of CO₂ (pCO₂), primarily influenced by changes in DIC, and alongshore winds (Ekman transport). Similarly, off Baja California, changes in pCO₂ are the dominant contributor to the FCO₂ seasonality, with DIC and sea surface temperature (SST) also playing significant roles. This comparative analysis deepens our understanding of how large-scale climate processes shape FCO₂ dynamics, offering valuable insights for interpreting future changes in CO2 fluxes within EBUSs.

    How to cite: Bahamondes Dominguez, A., Dewitte, B., Montes, I., Garçon, V., Aguilera, V., Barranco, L., and Hammond, M.: Understanding the drivers of the air-sea CO2 flux seasonal variability in the upwelling systems off Peru and Baja California, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13680,, 2025.

    EGU25-15135 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    Global Oceanic Nitrogen Deposition under Future Emission Pathways and Responses to Nitrogen Emission Reductions 

    Jialin Deng, Yixin Guo, lin Zhang, Ni Lu, Xingpei Ye, Yuanhong Zhao, Jiayu Xu, and Xiaolin Wang

    Oceanic nitrogen deposition influences marine ecosystem eutrophication and the global carbon cycle. Its future global spatiotemporal features still remain unclear driven by changing anthropogenic emissions. Furthermore, existing studies reported air quality and climate benefits of ambitious nitrogen emission reductions, while consequent impacts for global marine ecosystems through atmospheric nitrogen deposition are unexplored. Here we utilize the global atmospheric chemistry transport model GEOS-Chem to evaluate changes in global oceanic nitrogen deposition between 2015 and 2050 under three CMIP6 SSP-RCP emission scenarios and its responses to multiple levels of NH3 and NOx emission reductions. We find that global oceanic nitrogen deposition is projected to change by −24%-+6% between 2015-2050, with a substantially increasing share contributed by NHx-N across all scenarios. Coastal regions respond much more drastically to nitrogen emission reductions than open ocean areas. Ocean carbon sink related to nitrogen-contributed marine primary productivity is projected to decrease from 290 Tg C in 2015 to 222 Tg C (-23%) in SSP1-RCP2.6 scenario in 2050, posing challenges to climate mitigation and affecting global carbon budget. Our findings highlight nitrogen management and the overlooked climate mitigation impacts on marine ecosystems through atmospheric nitrogen deposition and call for increasing attention for holistic assessments of nitrogen management impacts on air, terrestrial and ocean systems.

    How to cite: Deng, J., Guo, Y., Zhang, L., Lu, N., Ye, X., Zhao, Y., Xu, J., and Wang, X.: Global Oceanic Nitrogen Deposition under Future Emission Pathways and Responses to Nitrogen Emission Reductions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15135,, 2025.

    EGU25-15375 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    Characterizing marine atmospheric VOC diversity and fluxes using PTR-TOF-MS measurements in the Baltic Sea 

    Mehrshad Foroughan, Thomas Holst, Lauri Laakso, Heidi Hellén, Jukka Seppälä, Kaisa Kraft, Ken Stenbäck, Mika Aurela, and Riikka Rinnan

    We present continuous measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their fluxes in the marine atmospheric boundary layer using proton‐transfer‐reaction time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS) coupled with a sonic anemometer for direct eddy covariance measurements at the Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station in the Baltic Sea. The measurements, conducted from July to September 2024, identified over 200 distinct masses corresponding to a diverse array of volatile compounds, representing a comprehensive characterization of marine VOC composition. Our experimental setup combines VOC mixing ratio and flux measurements with concurrent monitoring of physical and biogeochemical parameters, providing a unique dataset for understanding air-sea gas exchange processes. Preliminary principal component analysis reveals strong correlations between VOC mixing ratio variability and key parameters including water-side pCO2, dissolved oxygen concentration, and air temperature, suggesting complex biogeochemical controls on VOC emissions. The high temporal resolution and sensitivity of the PTR-TOF-MS, combined with direct flux measurements, enables detailed investigation of both abundant and trace VOC species, their diurnal patterns, and their response to varying environmental conditions. This comprehensive dataset will provide valuable insights into the complexity of VOC emissions in marine environments and their coupling with biological and physical processes in the Baltic Sea region.

    How to cite: Foroughan, M., Holst, T., Laakso, L., Hellén, H., Seppälä, J., Kraft, K., Stenbäck, K., Aurela, M., and Rinnan, R.: Characterizing marine atmospheric VOC diversity and fluxes using PTR-TOF-MS measurements in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15375,, 2025.

    EGU25-15858 | ECS | Orals | AS2.5

    Compensatory Mechanisms Reduce ENSO-driven Nitrous Oxide Emission Variability in the Eastern Tropical Pacific 

    Jana Härri, Daniel McCoy, Meike Vogt, Daniele Bianchi, and Nicolas Gruber

    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas, with the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) being a hotspot of N2O emissions due to high N2O production in the oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). However, N2O emissions in this region remain poorly constrained due to (i) temporal variability, which is hypothesized to be largely driven by the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and (ii) limited process understanding. To address these shortcomings and improve the quantification of N2O emissions and ENSO-driven variability in the ETP, we run a regional ocean model on a telescopic grid (~4km), spanning the entire Pacific Ocean, from 1979 to 2019. The model includes a biogeochemical model and a novel nitrogen module (NitrOMZ), which explicitly resolves the N2O production via incomplete denitrification and ammonium oxidation and accounts for the different oxygen inhibition thresholds of these biological N2O production pathways. We find that 1 Tg N of N2O is emitted annually in the ETP, and that N2O emissions deviate up to ±0.18 Tg N y-1 from the mean during ENSO events across the entire ETP, with La Niña increasing N2O emissions and El Niño decreasing them. Most of the ENSO-driven N2O emission anomalies can be attributed to variability in incomplete denitrification in the oxyclines of the oxygen minimum zones. Compensatory effects among gross N2O production, consumption, and transport reduce both the total N2O emissions and their interannual variability by an order of magnitude. Our results alleviate previously raised concerns that La Niña events may substantially amplify N2O emissions. Such compensatory mechanisms might also reduce N2O emissions in other OMZs and mitigate the impact of climate change on N2O emissions, provided that compensatory mechanisms remain effective in the future.

    How to cite: Härri, J., McCoy, D., Vogt, M., Bianchi, D., and Gruber, N.: Compensatory Mechanisms Reduce ENSO-driven Nitrous Oxide Emission Variability in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15858,, 2025.

    EGU25-17040 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Advancing predictions of Dimethylsulfide emissions and biogenic sulfur aerosol in the Mediterranean region via machine learning 

    Matteo Rinaldi, Stefano Decesari, Marco Paglione, Silvia Becagli, and Karam Mansour

    Dimethylsulfide (DMS) is the main natural source of atmospheric sulfur and plays a critical role in marine aerosol formation (Mansour et al., 2020b; Mansour et al., 2020a; O'Dowd et al., 2004). It influences cloud radiative forcing, with feedback on regional and global climate (Charlson et al., 1987; Mansour et al., 2022). Despite its importance, the accurate representation of biogenic sulfur emissions in climate models remains a challenge (Mansour et al., 2023; Mansour et al., 2024a). We employed machine learning (ML) based approaches to characterize seawater DMS concentrations, sea-to-air DMS emission flux (FDMS), as well as the atmospheric concentrations of marine biogenic methanesulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO42–). This study focuses on the Mediterranean Sea, a warm, oligotrophic marine basin and a climate change hotspot with rapidly increasing temperatures.

    In our methodology, a set of ML models (Mansour et al., 2024b) is trained and evaluated using nested cross-validation, forced by high-resolution satellite data (chlorophyll-a, sea surface temperature, photosynthetically available radiation) and Mediterranean physical reanalysis (mixed layer depth and seawater salinity) datasets, combined with in situ DMS measurements. The optimized model generates daily gridded fields of DMS and FDMS at mesoscale resolution (0.083° × 0.083°, ~9 km) spanning 23 years (1998–2020). These high-resolution FDMS estimates align with observational data of MSA and nss-SO42–, secondary aerosol products from DMS oxidation, collected at the Lampedusa monitoring site in the central Mediterranean (Becagli et al., 2013). Compared to existing coarse-resolution global DMS datasets, the reconstructed FDMS fields capture seasonal patterns of biogenic sulfur with much greater accuracy across the Mediterranean Sea.

    Furthermore, the FDMS outputs are integrated with high-resolution atmospheric datasets from the Copernicus European Regional Reanalysis (CERRA) to predict atmospheric concentrations of MSA and nss-SO42–. The ML models produce daily time-series predictions over the same 23-year period, achieving finer temporal and spatial coverage than observational datasets alone.

    This analysis demonstrates the potential of ML techniques to enhance the estimation of seawater DMS fluxes and associated sulfur aerosol concentrations, achieving outstanding predictive performance. The spatiotemporal dynamics of these variables over the 23 years are analysed to elucidate mesoscale oceanographic variability and its influence on sulfur cycling. Ongoing analyses of long-term trends and interannual variability aim to identify the main drivers of these patterns, with results to be presented and discussed in detail.


    This work was funded by the European Commission’s EU Horizon 2020 Framework program, project FORCeS (grant no. 821205), and the European Union’s Horizon, project CleanCloud (Grant No. 101137639).


    Becagli, et al. (2013), Atmospheric Environment, 79, 681-688, 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.07.032.

    Charlson, et al. (1987), Nature, 326, 655-661, 10.1038/326655a0.

    Mansour, et al. (2023), Science of The Total Environment, 871, 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162123.

    Mansour, et al. (2024a), npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 7, 10.1038/s41612-024-00830-y.

    Mansour, et al. (2022), Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 127, 10.1029/2021jd036355.

    Mansour, et al. (2024b), Earth System Science Data, 16, 2717–2740, 10.5194/essd-16-2717-2024.

    Mansour, et al. (2020a), Atmospheric Research, 237, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.104837.

    Mansour, et al. (2020b), Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 125, 10.1029/2019jd032246.

    O'Dowd, et al. (2004), Nature, 431, 676-680, 10.1038/nature02959.

    How to cite: Rinaldi, M., Decesari, S., Paglione, M., Becagli, S., and Mansour, K.: Advancing predictions of Dimethylsulfide emissions and biogenic sulfur aerosol in the Mediterranean region via machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17040,, 2025.

    EGU25-17784 | Orals | AS2.5

    Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern Ocean 

    Julián Villamayor, Charel Wohl, Martí Galí, Anoop S. Mahajan, Rafael P. Fernández, Carlos A. Cuevas, Adriana Bossolasco, Qinyi Li, Anthony J. Kettle, Tara Williams, Roland Sarda-Esteve, Valérie Gros, Rafel Simó, and Alfonso Saiz-Lopez

    Ocean-emitted dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is a major source of climate-cooling aerosols. However, most of the marine biogenic sulfur cycling is not routed to DMS but to methanethiol (MeSH), another volatile whose reactivity has hitherto hampered measurements. Therefore, the global emissions and climate impact of MeSH remain unexplored. We compiled a database of seawater MeSH concentrations, identified their statistical predictors, and produced monthly fields of global marine MeSH emissions adding to DMS emissions. Implemented into a global chemistry-climate model, MeSH emissions increase the sulfate aerosol burden by 30 to 70% over the Southern Ocean and enhance the aerosol cooling effect while depleting atmospheric oxidants and increasing DMS lifetime and transport. Accounting for MeSH emissions reduces the radiative bias of current climate models in this climatically relevant region.

    How to cite: Villamayor, J., Wohl, C., Galí, M., Mahajan, A. S., Fernández, R. P., Cuevas, C. A., Bossolasco, A., Li, Q., Kettle, A. J., Williams, T., Sarda-Esteve, R., Gros, V., Simó, R., and Saiz-Lopez, A.: Marine emissions of methanethiol increase aerosol cooling in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17784,, 2025.

    EGU25-17950 | Posters on site | AS2.5

    Some Recent Contributions from the Heidelberg Aeolotron to Understanding Air-Sea Gas Exchange 

    Bernd Jähne, Kerstin Krall, Dennis Hofmann, and Yuanxu Dong

    The lack of knowledge about the parameters controlling the transfer velocity of the exchange of gases and volatile species across the air-sea interface besides the wind speed – such as the sea state (wave age), bubbles, and surfactants - hinders progress of a better estimate of fluxes for all relevant chemical species.

    In 2021, a laboratory program was started at the large air-sea interaction facility, the Heidelberg Aeolotron. With four innovative key elements, most disadvantages of previous wind-wave tunnel experiments could be overcome:

    • Because of the infinite fetch of the annular facility, wind waves come into equilibrium with the wind that is more similar to the ocean compared to the linear facility.

    • The clean environment (walls coated with Teflon foil) facilitates experiments with surface films.

    • Two imaging techniques are used to measure transfer velocities locally and instantaneously. In this way, it is also possible to get direct insight into the mechanisms.

    • The whole fetch range and non-stationary conditions could be investigated.

    An extensive measuring program finished in September 2024. In this talk, the focus is on some of the first results which are regarded to be the most important contributions concerning the conditions in the field:

    • The dependence of the transfer velocity on the fetch (wave age) seems to be only significant at lower wind speeds with an overshoot at young wind fields by more than a factor of two. This is an important contribution to the large variability of the gas transfer velocity at low wind speeds.

    • Once surface active materials, either soluble or insoluble suppress waves, gas transfer velocities are reduced to the same velocities and are governed by the same mechanisms. The measurements included insoluble films of hexadecanol and olive oil and the soluble surfactants TritonX-100 and Tergitol 15-S-12. At wind speeds larger than 8 m/s, wind waves cannot be suppressed by any films.

    • From a statistical analysis of the spatial-temporal patterns gained by both imaging techniques, it is possible to infer the Schmidt number exponent. This means that no longer multi-tracer experiments are required using tracers with a large difference in the diffusion coefficients.

    • At high wind speeds, breaking of the dominant waves does not play a dominant role. It is a rather fast surface renewal taking place all over the surface at scales of a few centimeters, which is associated with the smaller-scale wind wave field riding on the dominant wave.

    • Simplified forms of the two imaging techniques used in the Aeolotron seem to be suitable also for field measurements. A first experiment is planned for the BASS Baltic Sea cruise in June 2025.

    • It was possible to compare gas transfer measured with flux chambers in the Aeolotron with those gained at the free water surface using imaging thermography. The results clearly show that no useful measurements can be performed by flux chambers as soon as wind-induced effects are dominant, which is already the case at wind speeds as low as 2 m/s.

    How to cite: Jähne, B., Krall, K., Hofmann, D., and Dong, Y.: Some Recent Contributions from the Heidelberg Aeolotron to Understanding Air-Sea Gas Exchange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17950,, 2025.

    OS4 – Global ocean processes and oceanographic techniques

    EGU25-85 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Analysis, quantification and identification of in situ bioluminescence signals by an innovative sensor (CEMSOR2) 

    Jeanne Maingot-Lépée, Laurent De Knyff, Amandine Caillat, Jacques Benoit, Fabien Soulier, Florence Azais, Karim Mahiouz, Didier Louber, Carl Gojak, Jean-Jacques Fourmond, Sylvain Bonhommeau, Serge Bernard, and Séverine Martini

    Bioluminescence, the light emitted naturally by marine organisms, is the main light source in the mesopelagic zone. Nearly 75% of marine organisms, from the surface to the deep sea, use this capability for communication with diverse ecological goals (predation, repulsion...). Bioluminescence detection thus offers an indirect way of tracking the presence, distribution and migrations of organisms (ranging from zooplankton, dinoflagellates to fishes). Such detection can lead for example to a better understanding of vertical migrations of organisms and consequently of a better quantification of the active carbon export in the mesopelagic ocean. However, current technologies still limit large deployments, and high frequency observations of in situ bioluminescence.

    To overcome these limitations, the CEMSOR2 project aims to develop an innovative, low cost, compact, multi-instrumented sensor capable of measuring bioluminescence in situ. The CEMSOR2 is designed to be easily deployable on a wide range of vectors (such as underwater gliders, CTDs, buoys, trawls, living organisms). The sensor being easy to deploy will enable us to collect a wide range of bioluminescent data with high spatiotemporal resolution, while recording environmental and behavioral variables related to the organisms.

    A series of controlled tests is essential to validate the sensor's robustness under diverse marine conditions (pressure, salinity, light, etc.) and to characterize its performance in capturing subtle bioluminescent events. This process includes specification and calibration steps to ensure the sensor’s sensitivity to required wavelengths, sampling frequencies, and intensity levels, while accounting for operational limits, such as the maximum detectable intensity and baseline noise level.

    The analysis of bioluminescence data involves several key steps to enhance data quality. First, background noise (sensor dark noise and other artifacts) is filtered out, through measurements taken in a dark chamber. Next, ambient light interference is minimized to prevent contamination of bioluminescent signals. Bioluminescent flashes are identified using a peak-detection algorithm based on frequency and threshold filters, distinguishing true bioluminescent signals from background light.

    Once detected, each flash undergoes detailed analysis, with characteristics such as Flash Duration (FD), Peak Intensity (PI), Rise Time (RT), Decay Time (DT), and Integrated Flash Energy (IFE) evaluated. Deconvolution techniques further separate overlapping flashes, allowing for a clearer understanding of multi-peak events. This analysis helps classify bioluminescent events by their spatio-temporal dynamics, intensity, and form, which are crucial for linking bioluminescence patterns with specific species' behaviors and environmental variables, especially in relation to migratory and behavioral patterns of marine organisms.

    By advancing bioluminescence detection and interpretation, the CEMSOR2 project contributes essential tools and insights for marine biology, enhancing our understanding of the role bioluminescent organisms play in oceanic ecosystems.

    How to cite: Maingot-Lépée, J., De Knyff, L., Caillat, A., Benoit, J., Soulier, F., Azais, F., Mahiouz, K., Louber, D., Gojak, C., Fourmond, J.-J., Bonhommeau, S., Bernard, S., and Martini, S.: Analysis, quantification and identification of in situ bioluminescence signals by an innovative sensor (CEMSOR2), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-85,, 2025.

    EGU25-187 | PICO | OS4.1

    How much Upwelling occurs in the Abyssal Bottom Boundary Layer?   

    Trevor McDougall, Ryan Holmes, and Kathryn Gunn

    We ask (i) what sets the vertical stratification in the abyssal ocean, and (ii) what sets the upwelling in the bottom boundary layer of the abyssal ocean?

    We restrict attention to the bottom-most, densest, 2000m of the ocean and analyse the buoyancy budget in buoyancy coordinates.  The bottom-intensified nature of diapycnal mixing means that the diapycnal velocity in the ocean interior is downwards towards denser fluid, and all the diapycnal upwelling occurs in the first ~50m above the sea floor, with the upwelling transport in this Bottom Boundary Layer often being two or three times the net diapycnal upwelling needed to balance the sinking transport of Antarctic Bottom Water. 

    The rate of sinking of dense Antarctic Bottom Water and the area-integrated diffusive buoyancy flux across the upper-most buoyancy surface are both regarded as known, which gives the buoyancy contrast between the sinking Antarctic Bottom Water and the value of buoyancy on this upper-most surface.  We show that the vertical stratification in the interior abyssal ocean is then entirely determined by knowledge of the rate of detrainment (or entrainment) of plume fluid out of (into) the sinking plume and into (out of) the ocean interior.  Importantly, the vertical stratification cannot be determined from knowledge of oceanic diapycnal mixing alone. 

    How to cite: McDougall, T., Holmes, R., and Gunn, K.: How much Upwelling occurs in the Abyssal Bottom Boundary Layer?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-187,, 2025.

    EGU25-263 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Applications of ocean gliders for climate change monitoring of Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) in the Northeast Atlantic 

    Céline Burin, Sheena Fennell, Rayco Moran, Eduardo Caudet, and Peter Croot

    Primary productivity and respiration form the foundation of the ocean's food web and life and drive oxygen's biogeochemical cycling. Oxygen and phytoplankton abundance are two essential ocean variables (EOV) in monitoring the state of the ocean and in the study of the impact of climate change on the marine ecosystem. To estimate primary productivity and respiration in the sea, ocean gliders deployed in the Northeast Atlantic are equipped with oxygen optodes and chlorophyll fluorescence sensors to obtain critical data in the upper water column at a much larger spatial and temporal scale than is possible with research vessels.

    During the first missions near the ESTOC Station in the Canary Islands led by PLOCAN, oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll fluorescence data was measured with sensors installed on SeaExplorer gliders. We used this dataset to provide estimates of primary productivity and respiration in the medium term. Short deployments of Slocum Gliders with the Marine Institute in the Celtic Sea and along the continental shelf provide much higher temporal resolution data of the phytoplankton diel cycle. This also allowed for the study of the potential for gliders to detect phytoplankton thin layers and/or vertical migration of HAB species as part of an integrated operational oceanography platform for the early warning system for HABs.

    How to cite: Burin, C., Fennell, S., Moran, R., Caudet, E., and Croot, P.: Applications of ocean gliders for climate change monitoring of Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) in the Northeast Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-263,, 2025.

    EGU25-293 | PICO | OS4.1

    Advancing calibration practices for total dissolved inorganic carbon measurements in seawater 

    Maribel I. García-Ibáñez, Marta Álvarez, Carolina Cantoni, Regina Easley, Paola Fisicaro, Matthew P. Humphreys, Masao Ishii, Alan Jenkins, Marc Knockaert, Nicolas Metzl, Steffen Seitz, Tobias Steinhoff, and Richard Williams

    Accurate and precise measurements of total dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in seawater are essential for evaluating key ocean carbon cycle processes such as ocean acidification, carbon storage, air-sea fluxes, and carbon dioxide removal (CDR) monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV). Although calibration procedures for instrumentation used to measure seawater DIC are available, their adoption by many oceanographic laboratories has been limited due to perceived complexity or lack of technical support. As a result, single-point calibration with CO2-in-seawater Reference Material (RMs) from Andrew Dickson’s laboratory at Scripps Institution of Oceanography has become a prevailing practice. While the use of these RMs has substantially improved the repeatability and reproducibility of DIC measurements, reliance on single-point calibration can significantly increase measurement uncertainty, especially for samples with DIC values far from the typical RM values of surface Pacific water (1950–2100 μmol kg-1; This practice leaves no way to assess measurement accuracy over the typical DIC measurement range (1800-2300 µmol kg-1).

    To address these challenges, an International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO) Best Practice Study Group was established in late 2023. The study group aims to improve DIC measurement accuracy by facilitating and promoting the adoption of instrument calibration procedures. Enhancing the accuracy of DIC measurements will improve the reliability of ocean carbon cycle assessments and contribute to better-informed climate change mitigation strategies.

    We will present the state-of-the-art calibration techniques for seawater DIC measurements employed in oceanographic laboratories worldwide, based on findings from a public survey conducted by our study group. We will also outline our planned activities, which include: (1) the preparation and dissemination of updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for DIC instrumentation calibration, (2) the development of practical calibration solutions and exploration of potential commercial opportunities, and (3) the evaluation of the broader impact of adopting the updated SOPs for calibration.

    How to cite: García-Ibáñez, M. I., Álvarez, M., Cantoni, C., Easley, R., Fisicaro, P., Humphreys, M. P., Ishii, M., Jenkins, A., Knockaert, M., Metzl, N., Seitz, S., Steinhoff, T., and Williams, R.: Advancing calibration practices for total dissolved inorganic carbon measurements in seawater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-293,, 2025.

    EGU25-3485 | PICO | OS4.1

    An objective definition of isopycnal surfaces 

    Remi Tailleux

    The concept of density or isopycnal sufaces forms the backbone of our understanding of numerous aspects of the ocean circulation. It is central to the study of quasi-geostrophic motions, potential vorticity, lateral stirring, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation, among others. It is well known, however, that the identification of such surfaces is greatly complicated by the thermobaric nonlinearity of the equation of state. So far, the prevailing paradigm has been that isopycnal surfaces should be empirically constructed to be as neutral and material as feasible. Because these two properties cannot be simultaneously and exactly satisfied, isopycnal surfaces constructed in such a way necessarily include subjective elements related to the cost function necessary to define proximity to neutrality and materiality. In this work, I argue that the most natural and objective way to define isopycnal surfaces in the oceans is as the iso-surfaces of the reference pressure of fluid parcels in their state of minimum potential energy entering Lorenz theory of available potential energy. This claim will be supported by a few illustrative examples ranging from the specification of lateral stirring directions in Redi rotated diffusion tensors to the study of the meridional overturning circulation in density coordinates.

    How to cite: Tailleux, R.: An objective definition of isopycnal surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3485,, 2025.

    EGU25-3578 | PICO | OS4.1

    Leveraging Lagrangian drifters to validate satellite particulate backscatter estimates and unravel ocean bio-physical dynamics 

    Marco Bellacicco, Jacopo Busatto, Guglielmo Lacorata, Jaime Pitarch Portero, Emanuele Organelli, Federico Falcini, Gianluca Volpe, Salvatore Marullo, Luca Centurioni, Rosalia Santoleri, and Maria Laura Zoffoli

    The concentration of particulate matter is a critical ocean variable for understanding biogeochemical processes across diverse spatial and temporal scales. It plays a key role in refining ocean productivity estimates, which are essential for constraining coupled physical-biogeochemical numerical models. However, direct measurements are often challenging to obtain. A reliable alternative is the optical backscattering coefficient of marine particles (bbp), which serves as a robust proxy for particulate matter concentration and can be estimated from space. Traditionally, most in-situ multi-spectral bbp measurements are conducted using ship-based or moored systems, limiting their spatial and temporal coverage.

    To address these limitations, we have integrated bio-optical sensors into Lagrangian Surface Velocity Programme (SVP) drifters, resulting in the Backscatter-Optical (BO)-SVP drifter. These systems enable continuous data collection in challenging marine environments by adopting a water-following approach and high-frequency sampling. Such measurements can validate satellite estimates, bridge observational gaps when satellite data is unavailable and capture small-scale variability that cannot be resolved by satellite observations or other sampling strategies. By crossing multiple satellite pixels within a single day, these drifters significantly enhance satellite validation efforts to ocean color missions, such as Sentinel-3/OLCI and PACE/OCI.  Furthermore, BO-SVP drifters offer a unique perspective for studying surface bio-physical dynamics critical to ocean ecosystem functioning, spanning a continuum of spatial (sub-mesoscale to basin scale) and temporal (hours to weeks) resolutions.

    Here, we detail the integration of a commercially available multispectral optical backscatter sensor into an SVP drifter to perform near-surface bbp measurements. The collected data demonstrated high reliability across a range of environmental conditions, showing strong agreement with independent datasets. These results highlight the potential for deploying a global network of BO-SVP drifters, offering new opportunities to monitor and understand the world’s oceans.

    The high-frequency observations obtained from BO-SVP drifters could be impactful across ongoing  and future hyperspectral ocean color satellite missions (e.g., NASA GLIMR, ESA Sentinel Next Generation, and ESA CHIME), and lidar mission (e.g., ASI CALIGOLA).  In the next future, multiple deployments are planned in the Mediterranean Sea and on a global scale through the support of the INSPIRE and ITINERIS projects. These deployments will facilitate measurements of ocean processes across broad and fine spatial and temporal scales. Some of these deployments will be coordinated with BGC-Argo floats and other autonomous platforms, providing complementary surface and subsurface data at multiple temporal, spatial, and spectral scales. These efforts are expected to yield new insights into oceanic ecosystem functioning by enabling more comprehensive assessments of biogeochemical cycles, plankton dynamics, and carbon fluxes.

    How to cite: Bellacicco, M., Busatto, J., Lacorata, G., Pitarch Portero, J., Organelli, E., Falcini, F., Volpe, G., Marullo, S., Centurioni, L., Santoleri, R., and Zoffoli, M. L.: Leveraging Lagrangian drifters to validate satellite particulate backscatter estimates and unravel ocean bio-physical dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3578,, 2025.

    EGU25-4532 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Impacts of a Warm Core Ring on the Biogeochemistry and Food web in the Ross Sea 

    Meredith G Meyer, Esther Portela, Ben Saenz, Walker O. Smith Jr., and Karen Heywood

    Eddies are common mesoscale features known to impact regional ocean biogeochemistry and water mass exchange. In 2022-2023, we deployed two gliders in the southern Ross Sea, Antarctica, carrying sensors to measure temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, dissolved oxygen, optical backscatter, and acoustic backscatter for biomass.  The glider survey revealed five sub- to mesoscale features, likely eddies, during the spring season: three cold core rings and two warm core rings with radii of approximately 1-2 km. Most noteworthy of these was a shallow, warm core ring that caused isopycnal doming, bringing in cold, salty water to the surface (upper 100 m) ocean from depth. This feature substantially altered the biogeochemistry of the surface waters, inducing declines in concentrations of carbon (derived from optical backscatter) and krill (derived from acoustic backscatter), with chlorophyll exhibiting the most dramatic decline within the ring. Chlorophyll concentrations of ring waters averaged <1 – 2% of deployment average concentrations. The biogeochemical impacts of the ring may in turn impact carbon export, penguin foraging, and energy transfer to higher trophic levels. This feature serves as a characteristic example of warm core rings in the Ross Sea and illustrates the important role of mesoscale, physical features on regional biogeochemistry and foodweb dynamics.

    How to cite: Meyer, M. G., Portela, E., Saenz, B., Smith Jr., W. O., and Heywood, K.: Impacts of a Warm Core Ring on the Biogeochemistry and Food web in the Ross Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4532,, 2025.

    The settling velocity of suspended particles is of importance for sediment transport modelling, e.g. in coastal zones or the bottom boundary layer, as well as for carbon and particle flux export calculations in the open ocean. In this presentation we compare two new instruments that have recently been commercialized by Sequoia for these purposes. One, the LISST-RTSSV is a camera system designed for measuring suspended sediment size, concentration and settling velocity in the deep sea down to 6,000 m depth. The other, LISST-OST is an optical sediment trap designed to measure particle flux on Argo floats.

    Here, we present the first results from a laboratory intercomparison between the two instruments. In a controlled environment, the two sensors were installed together, and a range of different particle types were allowed to settle through their sensing zones. We show that the particle flux from a camera system like the LISST-RTSSV is highly sensitive to the appearance (or not!) of a few large particles in the field of view. Because the particle concentration in the open ocean is very low, camera methods will not necessarily work well for settling velocity or settling flux measurements. The LISST-OST measures the diffuse attenuation flux from which we derive equations for the mass settling flux. The diffuse attenuation can be measured with high accuracy and precision and is thus suitable for settling flux measurements in low concentration environment like the open ocean. Because our laboratory experiments concerned settling of dense, dis-aggregated sediment grains, and because particles in the open ocean are of organic origin and/or aggregated into marine snow, the equations we present constrain upper limits to the settling flux from the LISST-OST.

    How to cite: Mikkelsen, O. and Simon, K.: Intercomparison of Instrumentation for Settling Velocity and Settling Flux Measurements in the Deep Sea and Open Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5506,, 2025.

    Marine dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is the largest pool of carbon in the Earth surface system, so measurements of DIC are essential for understanding the changing global carbon cycle. The most accurate widely-used method for measuring DIC is coulometric titration. DIC is extracted from a water sample as CO2 and delivered to a coulometric cell, where it reacts, and an electrical current applied across the cell reverses the reaction. There is also a quasi-continuous background current (termed the ‘blank’). The total integrated current (termed ‘counts’) minus the blank is directly proportional to the amount of CO2 in the sample. Here, we show how determining the blank on a per-sample basis can reveal changes through time that would not be noticed with the SOP-recommended approach of a single blank determination at the start of each analysis session. If not accounted for, these changes in the blank lead to an apparent drift in the DIC results and reduced accuracy. We show how the per-sample blanks can be best computed and the results applied across an analysis session, an approach which we have implemented in an open source Python package (Koolstof). We quantify the improvement in the reproducibility of DIC measurements when using this approach by application to several different measurement datasets from our laboratory.

    How to cite: Humphreys, M.: Blank variability in coulometric measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6194,, 2025.

    EGU25-6198 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Arabian Sea Mode Water: A Key Player in Surface-to-Interior Exchange 

    Estel Font, Bastien Queste, Sebastiaan Swart, Pn Vinayachandran, and Esther Portela

    Mode water acts as a barrier layer controlling surface-to-interior fluxes of key climatic properties. In the Arabian Sea, mode water provides an oxygen-rich layer for rapid remineralization, and its subduction is a direct pathway for oxygen into the upper oxygen minimum zone. Using observations from underwater gliders and argo floats, alongside numerical models (GOTM CVmix and MOM4p1-TOPAZ), we characterize the Arabian Sea mode water across temporal and spatial scales, ranging from submesoscale variability to seasonal climatologies.

    Mode water forms when surface buoyancy gain and weak winds cap dense, deep mixed layers beneath a stratified surface layer. This process occurs annually in the northern Arabian Sea during winter and biannually south of 20°N following the monsoons. Atmospheric forcing primarily drives mode water formation, except in regions influenced by advective processes (e.g., freshwater influx from the Bay of Bengal via the WICC), or biological modulation of heat uptake at seasonal timescales. Our findings show that mode water contributes up to 30% of the upper ocean (0-250 m) oxygen content in the Arabian Sea, emphasizing its critical role in regulating oxygen storage. On timescales of days to weeks, we demonstrate the significance of mesoscale eddies in eroding the mode water layer leveraging high-resolution glider observations. These results underline the multifaceted drivers shaping mode water dynamics and their pivotal role in regional climate and biogeochemical processes at different temporal and spatial scales.

    How to cite: Font, E., Queste, B., Swart, S., Vinayachandran, P., and Portela, E.: Arabian Sea Mode Water: A Key Player in Surface-to-Interior Exchange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6198,, 2025.

    EGU25-6921 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    A Significant In-Situ Diurnal Warming Event in the Labrador Sea Unobserved by Satellite Observations 

    Simon Hauser, Anneke ten Doeschate, Brian Ward, and Leonie Esters

    Diurnal warming (DW) at the ocean surface occurs when there is sufficient solar heating in the absence of vertical mixing. Observations of a DW event of 1.5 °C confined to the upper 2 m in the Labrador Sea at ~55°N were conducted with an upwardly-rising microstructure profiler. DW has been well described using satellite and in-situ observations, but there are very few reports at northerly latitudes. Contemporaneous satellite observations indicate a region that is largely obscured by clouds thereby preventing spaceborne detection of this DW event. Combining our in-situ observations with the ERA5 reanalysis product, we derive a set of conditions for potential DW in the Labrador Sea: shortwave radiation above 600 W/m2; total cloud cover less than 30%; and 10-m windspeed lower than 4 m/s. Based on this analysis, DW events in the Labrador Sea have the potential to occur more frequently than satellites can observe. A first look at microstructure profiler data from other regions of the North Atlantic indicates that such conditions can also be derived for these regions.

    How to cite: Hauser, S., ten Doeschate, A., Ward, B., and Esters, L.: A Significant In-Situ Diurnal Warming Event in the Labrador Sea Unobserved by Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6921,, 2025.

    EGU25-8487 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    ”Living on the edge”: Fine-scale observations of frontal phytoplankton communities 

    Laurina Oms, Andrea Doglioli, Monique Messié, Francesco d'Ovidio, Lloyd Izard, Louise Rousselet, Stéphanie Barrillon, Marco Bellacicco, Marina Lévy, Riccardo Martellucci, Thierry Moutin, Anne Petrenko, and Gérald Grégori

    Phytoplankton communities, shaped by complex water dynamics, are vital to ecosystem structure and play a key role in oceanic productivity and the biological carbon pump. Previous studies suggest that fine-scale O(1-100km, day-week) physical features significantly influence phytoplankton production, distribution and diversity in highly productive and dynamic regions. However, in oligotrophic and moderate energy conditions, representing a significant part of the global ocean, how fine-scale dynamics impact phytoplankton dynamics and diversity remains a key open question. Observations of fine-scale fronts are particularly challenging due to the difficulties in tracking their spatial and temporal evolution. Using a multidisciplinary, adaptive Lagrangian approach that integrated novel SWOT altimetry data with high-resolution in situ observations, we conducted fine-scale physical and biological sampling of the North-Balearic Front in the oligotrophic Mediterranean Sea (BioSWOT-Med, We found that specific biomass proportions of phytoplankton functional types were associated with distinct water masses separated by the front. Furthermore, we performed high-resolution sampling within the front itself to demonstrate that the front hosts a distinct community, where dominant phytoplankton groups display intermediate or decreased biomass proportions relative to water masses on either side but non-dominant phytoplankton groups display increased biomass proportions. Overall, these results suggest that frontal systems drive biological heterogeneity by promoting the existence of a distinct frontal community. This highlights the crucial role of fine-scale features in maintaining community diversity in oligotrophic and moderate energy regions and represents an initial step toward understanding the global ecological response to fine-scale structuring.

    How to cite: Oms, L., Doglioli, A., Messié, M., d'Ovidio, F., Izard, L., Rousselet, L., Barrillon, S., Bellacicco, M., Lévy, M., Martellucci, R., Moutin, T., Petrenko, A., and Grégori, G.: ”Living on the edge”: Fine-scale observations of frontal phytoplankton communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8487,, 2025.

    The mesopelagic zone plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle and supports a key area for developing sustainable mesopelagic fisheries due to its significant fish biomass. Active acoustic scattering techniques are particularly well-suited for synoptic studies of fish and zooplankton distribution given that organisms scatter sound differently as the frequency changes. We estimated the distribution of sound scattering layers, the diel vertical migration (DVM) and the abundance of Mueller's pearlside (Maurolicus muelleri), a key mesopelagic fish in the Whittard Canyon deep-sea submarine canyon system in the NE Atlantic using established active acoustic techniques (EK60 echosounder). Environmental data were collected from 50 CTD stations. Environmental DNA samples were obtained at various depths at each CTD station to address a ground truth component of backscatter and to explore potential interactions between deeper scattering layers and other mesopelagic species. EK60 backscatter data was processed using Echoview 14 and unique multi-frequency acoustic discrimination algorithms. The most pervasive phenomenon observed acoustically was a regular DVM evident along a series of stationary and transects throughout the canyon and the interfluve/channel system. Two strong backscatter signals were encountered in mesopelagic (650-700 m, average Nautical Area Scattering Coefficient Sa =~2568 nmi2/m2) and pelagic (45 -70 m, average Sa = ~59 nmi2/m2) at 18kHz and 38kHz in nighttime transects. Moreover, stationary data illustrate a prominent signal at nighttime in pelagic waters (25-75 m, average Sa = ~716 nmi2/m2). Non-migratory scattering layers were noticeable in deep mesopelagic zones between 800-1000 m. However, a significant inter-canyon variability of deep scattering layers was observed, with stronger layers found in two of the four canyons surveyed. The characterisation of the sound scattering layer variability probably reflected the heterogeneity in hydrographic regimes within the multi-channel canyon system. The present study will advance our understanding of the function of migrating mesopelagic fish in carbon cycling and their ramifications on carbon fluxes and sequestration. A comparison of the dynamic Whittard Canyon system and the adjacent non-canyon shelf-edge areas (based on historical acoustic data) has identified the canyon region as a possible hotspot for continental margin carbon cycling.

    How to cite: Weerasinghe, K. D. I., White, M., and Reid, D.: Distribution of deep-water sound scattering layers and diel vertical migration of mesopelagic fish in the Whittard Canyon, NE Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8842,, 2025.

    EGU25-9127 | PICO | OS4.1 | Highlight

    Projections of hypoxia: Abiotic tracer-based insights into model parameter uncertainty 

    Ulrike Löptien, Birgit Schneider, Matthias Renz, and Heiner Dietze

    There is growing concern that global warming will lead to declining oxygen levels and the expansion of so-called "dead zones”. This endangers local ecosystems. Model-based projections are essential for assessing the impact of respective political management strategies and for implementing early warning systems. However, simulating dissolved oxygen dynamics in the oceans remains challenging. While the underlying processes are well understood, their representation in contemporary coupled biogeochemical-ocean models crucially depends on poorly constrained model parameters. This parameter uncertainty can map onto to diverging projections. In a step forward to more robust projections we advocate the use of abiotic tracers to assess the effects of different parameter choices among models. In addition to common tracers, such as artificial “clocks” that measure residence times and the timescales of (surface) ventilation, we propose to introduce of argon saturation as an additional tracer to the ocean models to diagnose ocean mixing, which is key to setting oxygen concentrations in the interior. We provide illustrative examples from the Baltic Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean off Mauretania.

    How to cite: Löptien, U., Schneider, B., Renz, M., and Dietze, H.: Projections of hypoxia: Abiotic tracer-based insights into model parameter uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9127,, 2025.

    EGU25-9869 | PICO | OS4.1

    Two decades of spectrophotometric pH measurements along the Atlantic GOSHIP-A25 section 

    Fiz F. Pérez, Marta López-Mozos, Marcos Fontela, Maribel García-Ibáñez, Xose Antonio Padín, Noelia Fajar, Mónica Castaño, Marta Álvarez, Pascale Lherminier, and Antón Velo

    Between the years 2002 and 2023, seawater pH was determined in more than 20,000 samples within the biennial Franco-Spanish framework of oceanic observations in the North Atlantic (OVIDE-BOCATS), during 11 cruises along the transoceanic A25 line of the GO-SHIP programme. The OVIDE-BOCATS pH measurements were regularly carried out using a spectrophotometric technique based on the pioneering article by Clayton and Byrne (1993), which allows for the total scale pH (pHT) determination at 25ºC by using a seawater-prepared solution of m-cresol (Sigma Aldrich; 2mM) dye or indicator. Although this methodology provides very high reproducibility (<0.001 pH units), it has been updated since 2007 (Yao et al., 2007) in various articles to improve the problems associated with indicator impurities. Despite this, the same methodology has been used throughout the OVIDE-BOCATS series, but during the oceanographic expeditions of 2018, 2021 and 2023, samples have been replicated using the habitual pHT determination with a non-purified indicator, and a purified indicator, not commercially available. For the purified indicator samples, we determined two different pHT values ​​following the functions proposed by Liu et al. (2011) and DeGrandpre et al. (2014) that allow obtaining the pHT from the absorbances. Beyond the comparison of the resulting pHT values ​​between the use of pure and impure indicators, we also tested the differences that arise when applying the correction for the effect of impurities in pHT measurement proposed by Douglas and Byrne (2017). Our methodology has also been contrasted against reference materials (TRIS buffers) determining an average bias of +0.006 ± 0.003 pH units. We found the same bias when comparing replicate samples measured with pure and impure dyes, thus attributing the bias to the use of an unpurified dye. Our results suggest that the best correction using the TRIS buffer is obtained in samples measured with purified dye and using the equation of DeGrandpre et al. (2014). These experiments, carried out on more than 178 samples, allowed us to correct the bias and standardize the entire series of two decades of pH measurements in the North Atlantic.

    How to cite: Pérez, F. F., López-Mozos, M., Fontela, M., García-Ibáñez, M., Padín, X. A., Fajar, N., Castaño, M., Álvarez, M., Lherminier, P., and Velo, A.: Two decades of spectrophotometric pH measurements along the Atlantic GOSHIP-A25 section, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9869,, 2025.

    EGU25-9945 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Oceanic Fine-Scale Circulation and Nutricline: Unveiling Uncertainty and Variability. 

    Aude Joël, Andrea Doglioli, Léo Berline, Anthony Bosse, Léa Buniak, Francesco d'Ovidio, Gérald Grégori, Riccardo Martellucci, Elena Mauri, Milena Menna, Thierry Moutin, Sandra Nunige, Massimo Pacciaroni, Anne Petrenko, and Elvira Pulido-Villena

    Interactions between physical and biogeochemical processes have traditionally been studied at ocean basin scales or in in regions with by large mesoscale features. At finer scales, such as fronts and small eddies, modeling studies have offered valuable insights into how physical features influence biogeochemistry. However, these interactions remain understudied using empirical data due to the challenges of identifying and sampling these dynamic structures. In oligotrophic regions, the vertical distribution of nutrients plays a crutial role in shaping phytoplankton diversity. Nutrient profiles typically exhibit near-zero concentrations in the upper water column and higher concentrations at depth, separated by the nutricline – a transitional zone marked by sharp or gradual changes in nutrient concentrations. The depth of the nutricline (defined as its upper limit) and its strength (reflected in the associated concentration gradient) are closely linked to nutrient fluxes into the photic layer, which are critical for sustaining new primary production.


    In spring 2023, the BioSWOT-Med campaign ( investigated the influence of fine-scale circulation on biogeochemical processes and phytoplankton biodiversity in the North Balearic Front (Western Mediterranean Sea). Coordinated with the initial CalVal phase of the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) satellite mission, the campaign leveraged the high spatial resolution of SWOT, capable of detecting circulation features as small as 7–10 km and used an adaptive Lagrangian sampling strategy. Three distinct fine-scale features within a region approximately 50 kilometers wide were targeted: a frontal zone separating an anticyclonic eddy from a cyclonic eddy, encompassing contrasting water masses. A comprehensive dataset of nitrate and phosphate concentrations was collected using a Niskin bottle carousel (discrete profiles down to 500 m), a high-resolution pumping system (sampling every 2–4 m down to 50 m) and one BGC-Argo float (sampling of nitrates down to 400 m).


    Estimating nutricline depths and concentration gradients at this unprecedented scale was constrained by uncertainties associated with near-zero phosphate concentrations in the upper water column and the discrete sampling methods. To address these challenges, innovative data processing techniques were employed. Statistical approaches to reconstruct continuous nutrient profiles enabled more precise estimates of nutricline depths and gradients, while facilitating the application of functional data analysis. Significant variability across the front appeared: concentration gradients (nitracline depths) were highest (shallowest) in the cyclonic feature and lowest (deepest) in the anticyclonic feature, emphasizing the link between fine-scale oceanic structures and distinct vertical nutrient distributions. The underlying processes driving the observed variability remain to be elucidated. This study opens interesting perspectives on nutrient supply to the photic layer driven by fine-scale oceanic circulation in oligotrophic regions, and their role in shaping phytoplankton community dynamics.

    How to cite: Joël, A., Doglioli, A., Berline, L., Bosse, A., Buniak, L., d'Ovidio, F., Grégori, G., Martellucci, R., Mauri, E., Menna, M., Moutin, T., Nunige, S., Pacciaroni, M., Petrenko, A., and Pulido-Villena, E.: Oceanic Fine-Scale Circulation and Nutricline: Unveiling Uncertainty and Variability., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9945,, 2025.

    By giving a highly resolved 2D view of sea level (down to submesoscales), the recently launched SWOT altimetric satellite is revealing a brand new view on upper ocean dynamics. The signatures of ageostrophic processes (e.g. submesoscale, internal gravity waves) on SWOT SSH is nevertheless expected to complicate the estimation of the upper ocean circulation from SWOT altimetry. An improved knowledge of the relative importance of these signatures is thus required. From April to July 2023, SWOT flew over the Western Mediterranean sea daily. Meanwhile, three different in-situ campaigns of the SWOT-Adac Consortium (C-SWOT-2023, FaSt-SWOT and BIOSWOT-Med) deployed numerous in situ instruments, including drifters, to sample the upper ocean underneath the satellite tracks. We combine here these in-situ observations with wind reanalysis and SWOT sea level data to reconstruct  the near-surface horizontal momentum balance. For given observation sources, an original statistical method enables us to not only quantify contributions from the different dynamical terms involved (e.g. inertial acceleration, coriolis acceleration, pressure gradient and wind stress vertical divergence) but also identify different dynamical regimes. This analysis reveals in particular limits of the geostrophic approximation and the dominance of inertial balance. We also present a detailed error budget including SWOT noise and comparisons between analyses with  Pre-SWOT L4 gridded and SWOT sea levels.

    How to cite: Demol, M., Ponte, A., and Garreau, P.: Diagnosis of near-surface horizontal momentum balance from SWOT altimetry, drifter trajectories and wind reanalysis in the Western Mediterranean Sea., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10704,, 2025.

    This research uses hybrid machine learning technique to show the regional trends of sea level change along the Australian coastline. The study uses a combination of machine learning algorithms to capture regional heterogeneity in sea level changes by combining data from 43 tidal gauge stations and grid satellite altimetry solutions covering the years 1993–2023. A robust regional evaluation is provided by the hybrid modeling framework, which combines spatial interpolation approaches with algorithms such as Random Forest (RF), Decision Tree (DT), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Gaussian Process Regression (GPR).

    The results show that the hybrid approach is able to effectively capture both temporal trends and spatial patterns in sea level variations, especially when DT is combined with spatial analysis. Regional variations in sea level trends were identified, and the northern regions exhibit slightly different patterns compared to the southern coastal areas. The model explained up to 76% of the variance in the tide gauge data while giving very accurate predictions of regional trends with average rates of 3.55-4.06 mm/year for tide gauge data and 3.13-3.99 mm/year for satellite altimetry data.

    A new regional classification is proposed, which is based on the patterns of sea level behavior and delineates well-defined coastal zones characterized by similar features of the trend. This is a very useful regional categorization for local coastal management strategies and also pinpoints areas that need special attention in climate adaptation planning. These results clearly show the importance of regional variation in sea level trends and hybrid machine learning methods for efficient monitoring of coastal environments.

    How to cite: Erkoç, M. H.: Integrating Machine Learning Models for Regional Sea Level Monitoring: The Australian Coastal Experience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11469,, 2025.

    EGU25-13532 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Physical and planktonic properties in the ocean exhibit different patterns of patchiness 

    Patrick Gray, Emmanuel Boss, Guillaume Bourdin, and Yoav Lehahn
    The patchiness of plankton in the ocean has been apparent for decades, yet there is no consensus over the controls on biological patchiness and how physical-ecological-biogeochemical processes and patchiness relate. The prevailing thought is that physics structures biological spatial patterns, but this has not been tested at basin scale with consistent in situ measurements. Here we use the slope of the relationship between variance vs spatial scale to quantify patchiness using ~650,000 nearly continuous (dx~200m) measurements - representing the Atlantic, Pacific, and Southern Oceans. While our analysis shows the patchiness of biological variables are intercorrelated, and patchiness of physical variables are intercorrelated, contrary to common view, we find no correlation between physical and biological patchiness. We speculate these spatial metrics may be sensitive to biogeochemical parameters not represented by the absolute value of chl-a. These results provide context for many observations with different interpretations, suggest the use of spatial tests of biogeochemical model parameterizations, and open the way for studies into processes regulating the observed patterns.

    How to cite: Gray, P., Boss, E., Bourdin, G., and Lehahn, Y.: Physical and planktonic properties in the ocean exhibit different patterns of patchiness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13532,, 2025.

    Over the last years we have a developed an open-source python package and accompanying instructional materials that are being used in graduate education as the Virtual Ship Classroom. The python tool can be used to extract reanalysis data and thereby simulate o.a. open-ocean physical oceanograpic research missions. The tool is actively being developed and will be extended with bio-geochemical measurements and gliders in the next two years.

    The Virtual Ship Classroom has been developed as an authentic learning environment and is purposely suitable for students, early-career scientist and staff who want to practice planning and conducting expeditions. Plan an expedition using the MFP Cruise Location Planner[1], and run VirtualShip to virtually measure ocean fields. The data is extracted so that the output closely resembles the datafiles that are generated by the equipment onboard research vessels.

    Additionally VirtualShip can for example be used to assist in observing system simulation experiments as it easily extracts data to compare to ship based or stationary observations, from e.g. landers or moorings. The tool integrates part of the open-access Copernicus Marine Service API[2] to automate data download, saving you time.

    All material is open source and available online: We welcome anyone in the world to use and contribute to the Virtual Ship Classroom.



    How to cite: Daniels, E. and van Sebille, E.:  Introducing the VirtualShip tool for virtual fieldwork and e.g. observing system simulation experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15730,, 2025.

    EGU25-17147 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Adjustment Processes in an Unstructured Ocean Circulation Model at Different Resolutions 

    Alexander Thorneloe and Gerrit Lohmann

    Oceanic adjustment processes in response to local changes in atmospheric or buoyancy forcing play a crucial role in understanding how the global climate responds to both short-term variability and long-term changes. Whilst studies show global teleconnections in this context, highly simplified models aiming to explain the fundamental processes at play lack important ingredients in their description. In particular, the effects of continuous stratification, bottom topography, background currents, and realistic coastlines are often neglected. This study aims to provide insight into how the adjustment takes place and which mechanisms are most important, focusing on the timescale of days to weeks. For this purpose, a realistic global ocean general circulation model (FESOM2) is used to apply localized perturbations in temperature, salinity, and freshwater flux in the shelf-slope area of the western North Atlantic and eastern South Pacific. An eddy-permitting mesh (horizontal resolution up to 4 km) is compared with a > 20 km mesh to capture the effect of grid resolution on the modeled adjustment process.

    The perturbations are found to generate local anomalies in both salinity and temperature, regardless of the perturbed quantity. Only in limited cases do they propagate as a classical coastal trapped wave of a fixed sign. The strongest anomalies remain close to the perturbation region and are found to propagate advectively after reaching a presumed geostrophic balance. Waves in sea surface height (SSH) originate from the perturbation site and are found to travel at about 1 m s−1 to 6 m s−1 for O(1000 km) along the coast before fading away. In most of the observed cases, the baroclinic response consists of weak coastally confined anomalies with wavelengths of O(100 km) that also propagate with advective speeds after being excited by the waves in SSH. Indications of coastal adjustment through two distinct physical restoring mechanisms are found: Internal Kelvin waves and topographic waves with an offshore sign change.

    The high-resolution mesh simulates narrower and faster currents with finer structure resulting in highly complex patterns in the primary (advective) temperature and salinity response. Background currents as well as changing topography along propagation pathways are known to significantly influence propagation velocities. The resolution dependency of adjustment processes in terms of signal velocities is likely to mainly enter through these processes rather than through the direct influence of discretization. Still, high spatial resolution is found to be necessary to resolve baroclinic Poincaré waves.

    The observed wide range of different processes involved in adjustment including (complex) advection patterns needs to be considered when seeking explanations for teleconnections in realistic models and observations.

    How to cite: Thorneloe, A. and Lohmann, G.: Adjustment Processes in an Unstructured Ocean Circulation Model at Different Resolutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17147,, 2025.

    EGU25-17512 | PICO | OS4.1

    Subpolar eddies from high-resolution, multi-platform experiments in the Labrador Sea 

    Ahmad Fehmi Dilmahamod, Johannes Karstensen, Jochen Horstmann, Gerd Krahmann, Lasse Glüssen, and Neele Sander

    Mesoscale structures are key dynamical features of the ocean. They are associated with a variety of short-lived, small-scale processes—such as energy cascades, changes in ocean stratification, and modulation of carbon and oxygen uptake—that occur at submesoscales. In high latitudes, where mesoscale features can span only tens of kilometers, capturing submesoscale processes is especially challenging. To address this, extensive submesoscale-resolving, multiplatform experiments were conducted in the summers of 2022 and 2024 across two anticyclonic eddies in the Labrador Sea. These experiments employed two underwater electric gliders equipped with nitrate, microstructure shear, chlorophyll fluorescence, oxygen, and turbidity sensors, operated in tandem with ship-based instruments including underway CTDs, a moving vessel profiler, a thermosalinograph, ADCPs, and an X-band radar system. Surface drifters deployed within the eddies were used to track their stability, for weeks after the dedicated experiments. Observations acquired both along the peripheries and within the cores of the eddies revealed new insights into submesoscale dynamics and their biophysical feedbacks. 

    How to cite: Dilmahamod, A. F., Karstensen, J., Horstmann, J., Krahmann, G., Glüssen, L., and Sander, N.: Subpolar eddies from high-resolution, multi-platform experiments in the Labrador Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17512,, 2025.

    EGU25-18298 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Optimizing a low-resolution global ocean circulation model using MOM6 

    Ho chan Park, Inseong Chang, Hyunkeun Jin, Gyundo Pak, Young-gyu Park, and Young ho Kim

    This study conducted various sensitivity experiments to assess and improve the performance of low-resolution global ocean circulation models. The MOM6 (Modular Ocean Model Version 6), developed by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, was utilized. We focused on analyzing the effects of implementing the ePBL (energetics based planetary boundary layer) mixed layer scheme, including tidal simulation, and applying hybrid vertical coordinate system on the simulation accuracy of ocean circulation. The results revealed that the ePBL scheme effectively mitigated excessive mixed layer thickness and high temperature biases in the equatorial Pacific, while tidal simulations contributed to improving the oceanic structures in the Yellow Sea and the East Sea. Additionally, the hybrid vertical coordinate system enabled more accurate simulations of the vertical structure of temperature and salinity, enhancing model performance. This study proposes specific approaches to enhance the accuracy of ocean circulation models, contributing to global ocean and climate modeling efforts.

    How to cite: Park, H. C., Chang, I., Jin, H., Pak, G., Park, Y., and Kim, Y. H.: Optimizing a low-resolution global ocean circulation model using MOM6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18298,, 2025.

    EGU25-19691 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Assessing statistical features of time series through Trend Detection Time method 

    Houda Beghoura, Are Olsen, Elaine McDonagh, Filippa Fransner, and Richard Sanders

    Robust detection of climate change is crucial to assess the influence of anthropogenic forcing on the status of the marine biogeochemical system. The sparse and varied quality of time series data can hinder long-term trend detection. The traditional linear regression to estimate trend assumes that the series consist of a stationary random noise. However, time series are data collected sequentially over time, so the assumption of noise independence is not guaranteed. This noise consists of red noise, linked to fluctuations due to internal processes or recurring natural cycles, and white noise, indicating random noise which may include data quality. Thus, accurate trend analysis requires to establish the effect of the autocorrelation of the noise (serial correlation between each sequential sampling) on the detectability of the trend.

    In the framework of EuroGO-SHIP project, the Trend Detection Time (TDT) method was used to determine years required for detecting statistically significant trends, considering the signal-to-noise ratio and noise autocorrelation. High autocorrelation indicates red noise, while near zero suggests white noise. This method was performed using complete temporal and spatial reanalysis data to assess how data quality and coverage affect TDT of the seawater carbonate system, dissolved inorganic nutrients, and dissolved oxygen, in the Mediterranean, Black and Baltic Seas; regions with a high anthropogenic footprint. In addition, subsampling three random months and each season yearly, with and without adding varying levels of noise based on GLODAPv2 (Global Data Analysis Project version 2) adjustment limits, simulate noncontinuous data conditions and best-to-worst expected data quality, respectively. This approach advances a key application of understanding noise nature to gauge trend uncertainty.

    TDT averages well over 20 years varying greatly with seawater properties and regions included in this study, as well as local factors like meso-scale eddies, which are responsible for high variability and may even double the TDT. Random subsampling provides knowledge on the nature of the noise. It may increase the randomness by less capturing the cyclic record of the noise, which reduces its magnitude, thus shortening TDT. Mimic the data quality changes is even more enlightening. Adding perturbations increases noise magnitude, combining with inherent white and red noise, which lengthens TDT despite raised randomness. However, in case of large magnitude and high autocorrelation of the inherent noise, the additional perturbation fails to mask the inherent cyclicity of the noise and TDT is unchanged. Exception remains when this perturbation yields decrease in the autocorrelation which lead to underestimate the overall magnitude of the noise.

    In general, original high noise’s autocorrelation or lowering it due to data strategy and quality would engender an erroneous sens of confidence in the ability to detect a trend. Consequently, failing to consider noise characteristics and magnitude may mislead trend precision, and its standard deviation shall understate true uncertainty. This study provides concrete examples that underpin the falsely accurate estimation of trends due to misestimating the autocorrelation of the noise.

    How to cite: Beghoura, H., Olsen, A., McDonagh, E., Fransner, F., and Sanders, R.: Assessing statistical features of time series through Trend Detection Time method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19691,, 2025.

    EGU25-19746 | ECS | PICO | OS4.1

    Drivers of Marine Snow Morphology along an Atlantic Meridional Transect 

    Jack Williams, María Couret, Yéssica Contreras-Pacheco, Amanda Elineau, Will Major, Mojtaba Masoudi, Marika Takeuchi, and Sari Giering

    The ocean’s biological pump (BCP) exerts a major control on global carbon cycling, maintaining atmospheric CO2 100-200 ppm lower than it would otherwise be. The BCP’s primary vehicle that transfers organic carbon to depth is a diverse assemblage of sinking of organic particles collectively called ‘marine snow’. It is thought that the morphological characteristics of marine snow (e.g. size, compactness, and shape) govern the efficiency with which sinking carbon is transferred to the deep ocean. With the rapid advance of in situ camera systems, we are now in the position to collect images of marine snow at high temporospatial scales. As in-situ imaging approaches become more widespread in the study of the BCP, classifying marine snow and relating marine snow morphology to biogeochemical functioning will form a crucial lens through which to view the BCP. With the large amount of images, the challenge is to categorise marine snow particles into a practical number of ecologically meaningful groups, reducing complexity whilst maintaining nuance.

    Here we explore the vertical and spatial patterns in marine snow composition across an Atlantic meridional transect. We classified non-organism particles into 8 groups and used manual expert classification for the zooplankton. We found that primary production appears to drive particle composition in the upper 100 m, while temperature strongly constrains Rhizaria distribution and diversity both with depth and along the transect. Our approach provides an elegant way to explore marine snow characteristics across the Atlantic. However, though they show that marine snow types vary - as expected -  considerably across the Atlantic, the drivers of this variability appear unexpectedly complex. Determining the key drivers and their interactions that govern BCP efficiency on basin scales will be crucial for mechanistically explaining and predicting how climate changes may impact BCP function.

    How to cite: Williams, J., Couret, M., Contreras-Pacheco, Y., Elineau, A., Major, W., Masoudi, M., Takeuchi, M., and Giering, S.: Drivers of Marine Snow Morphology along an Atlantic Meridional Transect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19746,, 2025.

    EGU25-20025 | PICO | OS4.1

    Assessment of optodes analytical performances in high dissolved oxygen gradient zones 

    Anne Daniel, Nathalie Guigues, Hermine Billard, Florian Caradec, Frédérick Gal, Didier Jézéquel, Dominique Lefèvre, Anne-Hélène Lejeune, Aurélien Paulmier, Fanny Pérrière, Philippe Quétin, Clément Rautureau, Michaël Rétho, and Eric Viollier

    In the context of ocean deoxygenation and increase of hypoxia events (e.g. in coastal zones), many questions exist about the analytical performances of optodes and electrodes used to measure dissolved oxygen in high gradient zones (lakes, estuaries, Oxygen Minimum Zones in open ocean), i.e. between fully oxygenated environments and hypoxic, or even anoxic, environments. Comparing the performance of commercial sensors has become essential to harmonize their implementation and estimate the overall in situ measurement uncertainty.

    Tests were carried out on Lake Pavin (Massif central, France) in June 2024 using optodes commonly used by 10 laboratories for measurements in lakes, groundwater, rivers, estuaries, coastal and oceanic waters. Lake Pavin is a meromictic lake which presents in early summer three zones of interest for dissolved oxygen measurements: 
    - an oxygenated surface layer between 0 and 25 m (at the top of the mixolimnion) in which is observed a peak of supersaturated oxygen concentrations related to the photosynthetic activity of highly productive phytoplankton.
    - a transition zone between 50 and 60 m presenting a strong negative gradient (oxycline within the mesolimnion layer),
    - an anoxic zone between 60 and 90 m depth which corresponds to the monimolimnion.

    Several dissolved oxygen profiles were carried out using a frame on which were mounted 22 portable meter instruments (multiparameter or dissolved oxygen only) from various manufacturers, including 8 identical ones, in order to:
    (1) quantify measurement uncertainties in gradient zones, 
    (2) identify and quantify the most significant interferences in terms of bias,
    (3) estimate the detection limit in anoxic zones,
    (4) evaluate the minimum stabilization time in the gradient zones and in the anoxic zone, 
    (5) compare measurements collected during downcast and upcast,
    (6) evaluate the influence of sensors response times on results.

    The profiles were carried out with different downcast/upcast speeds and with various stop durations at depths of interest. Continuous measurements were also taken overnight at a fixed point in the anoxic layer. Water samples were collected using a Niskin bottle for dissolved oxygen cross-calibration using the Winkler reference method.

    Two statistical treatments were implemented to estimate the standard deviation of reproducibility between optodes (EN ISO 5725-2 standard and algorithm A of the EN ISO 13528 standard). Furthermore, an estimation of the overall measurement uncertainty was carried out for the 8 identical optodes using the RANOVA4 software.

    The results showed significantly better performances during upcast, with slow speed and when stops of 5 min are carried out at depths of interest. These results will enable us to propose recommendations (1) for choosing optodes according to measurement objectives and expected dissolved oxygen concentration ranges, and (2) for carrying out profiles under conditions that limit the measurement uncertainties to monitor with confidence trends and extreme events in changing aquatic environments.

    How to cite: Daniel, A., Guigues, N., Billard, H., Caradec, F., Gal, F., Jézéquel, D., Lefèvre, D., Lejeune, A.-H., Paulmier, A., Pérrière, F., Quétin, P., Rautureau, C., Rétho, M., and Viollier, E.: Assessment of optodes analytical performances in high dissolved oxygen gradient zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20025,, 2025.

    EGU25-20684 | PICO | OS4.1

    Impact of Space-Time Sampling:  Gliders vs. Profile Floats 

    Patrick Hogan, James Reagan, Alexey Mishonov, and Tim Boyer

    In this study, we present ocean heat content/salt content results with and without gliders, in part concentrating on the western North Atlantic, including the continental shelf area where there are typically numerous glider observations.  The impact that the disparity in the number of these two platforms has on the calculation of Upper Ocean Heat Content at NCEI is discussed.  Because gliders (vs. profiling floats)  generally occupy small geographic regions on short time scales, the impact on global estimates vs. local estimates is examined in the context of those two ocean observing systems.  We also look at the impact of NAS UGOS profiling floats vs. non UGOS floats vs. gliders in the Gulf of Mexico.  The NAS program has funded the effort that has resulted in the collection of over 9000 ocean in situ profiles of temperature and salinity since 2019, and the value of those profiles is assessed both in terms of Ocean Heat Content, as well as ocean model forecast skill.  Again, the different space-time sampling of gliders vs. profiling floats is highlighted.  Finally, an overview of fully blended ocean products, including glider observations that come through the IOOS glider DAC to NCEI, Argo, and other observations, is presented. 

    How to cite: Hogan, P., Reagan, J., Mishonov, A., and Boyer, T.: Impact of Space-Time Sampling:  Gliders vs. Profile Floats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20684,, 2025.

    EGU25-1531 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2

    The role of mesoscale eddies as drivers of marine biogeochemical extremes 

    Mariana Maia Pacheco, Oliver Andrews, Ivy Frenger, Bastien Queste, and Fanny Monteiro

    Marine extreme events, such as marine heatwaves (MHW), low oxygen (LOX), and acidity extremes (OAX), must be considered alongside long-term ocean changes as potential ecosystem stressors. In recent years, marine extreme events have been shown to be more frequent, persistent, and intense in response to continued ocean warming, underlining the urgent need for understanding the mechanisms and potential compounding effects. In this study, we investigate the potentially significant role of ocean coherent mesoscale eddies in driving such events by applying an eddy- tracking algorithm to high resolution fields (0.1°) provided by the GFDL CM2.6 ocean model. We quantify the eddy contribution to marine extreme events in target ocean regions near Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems in both pre-industrial and idealized CO2 forcing experiments. We also use the GFDL CM2-O ensemble to investigate the effect of using different resolution classes (0.1°, 0.25° and 1°) on marine extremes metrics (intensity, duration, and frequency). Here we analyse eddy-rich regions, thus inferring the different effects of eddy-rich, -present and -parameterizing configurations. Our study demonstrates that resolving the mesoscale is the best approach for studying biogeochemical extremes in eddy-rich regions, which presented higher frequency of shorter events with increasing resolution. For LOX the significance of eddies goes to regions beyond those typically characterized as eddy-rich, causing the global LOX frequency to increase significantly by 136% when the resolution was refined from coarse to eddy-rich, shortening the mean duration by 62%. As climate biogeochemical coupled models are very computational and storage-wise costly, it is important to quantify the impacts of mesoscale dynamics onto biogeochemical extremes to improve climate model parameterizations.

    How to cite: Maia Pacheco, M., Andrews, O., Frenger, I., Queste, B., and Monteiro, F.: The role of mesoscale eddies as drivers of marine biogeochemical extremes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1531,, 2025.

    EGU25-1574 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Exploring storm tides projections and their return levels around the Baltic Sea 

    Kévin Dubois, Erik Nilsson, Magnus Hieronymus, Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen, Mehdi Pasha Karami, Martin Drews, and Anna Rutgersson

    Extreme sea levels are a global concern, as they can lead to substantial economic losses and pose risks to human communities in coastal regions. Accurate projections of extreme sea levels are essential for effective coastal management and planning. While relative sea level rise, driven by ongoing climate change, is a major factor influencing future extremes, changes in storm surges due to shifts in storm climatology may also have critical impacts.
    In this study, a random forest machine learning approach is employed to project daily maximum storm tides (storm surge and tides) for 59 stations across the Baltic Sea. The model uses atmospheric variables, including wind speed, wind direction, and surface pressure derived from climate datasets. Projections for the period 2070–2099 are compared to pre-industrial conditions from 1850–1879 to assess changes in 50-year storm tide return levels.
    The results indicate sub-regional variation in projected changes. Increases of up to 10 cm are projected along Sweden’s west coast and the northern Baltic Sea, while decreases down to 6 cm are anticipated along the southern Swedish coast, the Gulf of Riga, and the Gulf of Finland. Other areas are projected to experience negligible change. These spatially varying trends highlight the importance of local analysis for future sea level risk assessments. However, the variability in atmospheric drivers across climate models contributes to significant uncertainty, underscoring the need for further research to refine projections and reduce uncertainties in future climate storm tides projections.

    How to cite: Dubois, K., Nilsson, E., Hieronymus, M., Larsen, M. A. D., Karami, M. P., Drews, M., and Rutgersson, A.: Exploring storm tides projections and their return levels around the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1574,, 2025.

    EGU25-1801 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2

    The Deep Adriatic Transient 

    Elena Terzić, Ivica Vilibić, Vanessa Cardin, Julien Le Meur, Natalija Dunić, and Martin Vodopivec

    The deep Southern Adriatic Pit (dSAP) is a Mediterranean region highly sensitive to climate change, influenced by dense water cascading from the northern Adriatic and heat/salt transport from the Eastern Mediterranean. Historical (since 1957) and modern (permanent and opportunistic CTD sampling, Argo floats, fixed moorings) measurements reveal a mid-2000s transition in dSAP thermohaline properties. Previously marked by steady increases in temperature, salinity, and density, with substantial saw-tooth decadal variability, the dSAP has experienced unprecedented warming (0.8°C) and salinization (0.2) over the past decade, accelerating in time and reversing density trends. The inflow of much more saline waters reduced SAP stratification and altered dense water properties at its source in the northern Adriatic. This at least fivefold acceleration of the high-emission regional climate projections may have substantial effects on the Adriatic biogeochemistry and living organisms, increasing sea level rise trends and more.

    How to cite: Terzić, E., Vilibić, I., Cardin, V., Le Meur, J., Dunić, N., and Vodopivec, M.: The Deep Adriatic Transient, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1801,, 2025.

    EGU25-2100 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Improving Marine Heatwave Simulation Through Realistic Representation of the Kuroshio in High-Resolution Regional Ocean Model Ensemble  

    Seok-Geun Oh, Kyung-Geun Lim, Seok-Woo Son, and Yang-Ki Cho

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs), marked by extended periods of unusually warm seawater, significantly impact marine ecosystems and human communities. They have notably increased in the recent decades especially in the Northwest Pacific, a complex coastal region rich in biodiversity and economic activities. To develop effective policies for sustainable and resilient marine ecosystems in this region, high-resolution and reliable ocean climate information is essential. In this study, we simulate the long-term (1982–2014) North Pacific ocean climate using a high-resolution Regional Climate Model (RCM) driven by eight relatively low-resolution Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) models. The ensemble median of eight RCM simulations reduces warm biases of CMIP6 sea surface temperature by 20–69%. It also improves the spatio-temporal variation of MHW properties, with up to 80–97% improvement in winter MHW frequency in the Northwest Pacific. This improvement is attributed to a more realistic representation of the Kuroshio and its extensions, which increases warm water advection from lower latitudes. This result highlights the importance of high-resolution ocean modeling in providing reliable ocean climate productions, especially for local extreme ocean events influenced by regional ocean circulations.

    How to cite: Oh, S.-G., Lim, K.-G., Son, S.-W., and Cho, Y.-K.: Improving Marine Heatwave Simulation Through Realistic Representation of the Kuroshio in High-Resolution Regional Ocean Model Ensemble , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2100,, 2025.

    EGU25-2191 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Drivers and Variability of Intensified Subsurface Ocean Acidification Trends at Station ALOHA 

    Lucie Knor, Christopher Sabine, John Dore, Angelicque White, and James Potemra

    Ocean carbon uptake, cycling and sequestration are variable on all time scales, and modulated by an interplay of complex physical and biogeochemical drivers, including anthropogenic CO2increase and associated ocean acidification (OA). OA at Station ALOHA is intensified in the subsurface due to increases in both natural and anthropogenic carbon pools, and their interactions. Enhanced subsurface change is found for all OA indicator variables. This includes both the parameters who have previously been reported to be systematically impacted by nonlinear interactions between anthropogenic and natural carbon pools ([H+], pCO2, Revelle Factor), but also those who do not show this generalized response in the ocean interior (pH, aragonite saturation state (ΩAr)). Different parameters have trend maxima in each of the three water masses in the upper 500 m, driven by different mechanisms. Enhanced acidification is noted in the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) between 2015-2020. This steepening is due to the interplay of a circulation slowdown during a prolonged negative phase of the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO) with other anomalous atmospheric forcing that altered source water chemistry, including large-scale freshening. Long-term sustained increased acidification is also associated with freshening and cooling in the Subsurface Salinity Minimum (SSM) over the whole time-series, with considerable oxygen loss and nutrient increases. In the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), a well-documented long-term circulation slowdown has led to enhanced CO2 ingrowth from remineralization, buffered by increasing carbonate dissolution. Local changes seem to play a smaller role than circulation and source water changes. In two water masses, enhanced acidification is associated with cooling and freshening, providing new insights on how OA can accelerate beyond the well documented warming and souring of the ocean.

    How to cite: Knor, L., Sabine, C., Dore, J., White, A., and Potemra, J.: Drivers and Variability of Intensified Subsurface Ocean Acidification Trends at Station ALOHA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2191,, 2025.

    Disastrous waves often bring serious economic losses and casualties. Accurate and rapid prediction of sea conditions has an important impact on ship hedging, berthing and operation safety during disastrous waves. The existing wave prediction mostly takes wave height as the main index, and rarely consider the influence of wave period and wavelength on the navigation safety of offshore buildings and ships. Waves with larger wavelengths and periods have stronger penetration, which not only enter the port with more energy, but also may cause harbor resonance, affecting the mooring stability conditions and the number of days that berths that can be operated. In severe cases, it may even lead to the moored vessels accident.

    In this study, based on the wavelength and period data simulated by the SWAN wave model, the LSTM-DR model is established to predict the wavelength and period by adding the wave dispersion relationship to the loss function of the LSTM algorithm.The loss function consists of three parts, which are the RMSE of wavelength and period and the error of dispersion relation. The model obtains the optimal simulation results by adjusting the proportion of the three in the loss function.The model was used to input 3 months, 6 months and 12 months of data ( 50 % for training and 50 % for verification ) for sensitivity experiments, and the calculation results were compared with the LSTM model. The results show that the shorter the input data, the more significant the accuracy of the time series prediction results, especially in the coastal water, the correlation coefficient, RMSE and MAPE are significantly improved. This shows that adding physical constraints to the artificial intelligence algorithm can effectively improve the accuracy of the prediction results under the condition of limited data.

    How to cite: Wang, J.: The Combined Prediction of Wavelength and Wave Period Based on Wave Dispersion Relation and LSTM Algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2438,, 2025.

    EGU25-2483 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Marine heat wave and global warming inhibition of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon fluxes into the deep ocean 

    Crtomir Ernesto Perharic Bailey, Martin Vodopivec, Gerhard Herndl, Tinkara Tinta, and Matjaz Licer

    Gelatinous zooplankton (GZ) has recently been proposed as one of the potential key contributors to the global biological carbon pump, a process that sequesters substantial amounts of CO2 in the deep ocean through sinking organic matter. We derive a first dynamically consistent physical model
    coupling GZ sinking speed to its mass, to provide high-resolution visualization of global vertical transport of GZ-derived carbon. We propose an improvement to microbial decay modeling, where the GZ biomass degradation rate is a function of its area rather than mass. We use these models to quantify marine heat wave (MHW) inhibitions of the vertical carbon fluxes into deep global ocean. We find that marine heatwaves accelerate GZ decay and subsequently slow their sinking velocity, which leads to an inhibition of carbon export of up to some 10\% locally. This difference, however, can reduce the global carbon export only up to 5 %. We further repeat all the simulations under ocean warming climate projection SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 pathways. Here, in contrast to MHW inhibitions, model projections at the end of the \nth{21} century suggest a major decrease in carbon export to the deep ocean of up to 20 % globally.

    How to cite: Perharic Bailey, C. E., Vodopivec, M., Herndl, G., Tinta, T., and Licer, M.: Marine heat wave and global warming inhibition of gelatinous zooplankton related carbon fluxes into the deep ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2483,, 2025.

    Tropical cyclones (TCs) are among the most powerful and destructive atmospheric phenomena, significantly influencing the ocean's surface and subsurface dynamics. While individual TC interactions with the upper ocean are well-studied, the effects of binary or multiple TC interactions on the physical setting of the upper ocean remain relatively underexplored. In this study, we have investigated the coupled dynamics of the two co-occurring TCs Seroja and Odette in the southwestern Indian Ocean, focusing on their binary interactions and the impacts on the upper ocean layer (0-200 m). For the first time, we examined the impact on the upper ocean during stalling and complete merging of TCs by using a combination of observational data and numerical simulations.

    During the interaction of the weak TCs Seroja and Odette, we observed cooling of up to 3.0°C within 72 hours, typical known only for strong TCs. This cooling persisted for at least 8 days and was associated with significant upwelling processes in the upper 200 m of the ocean. Our analysis revealed drastic changes in vertical ocean velocities, with sudden reversals from downward to upward velocities of up to 30 m d-1, observed down to depths of at least 750 m. These changes were particularly pronounced during the merging of the two TCs, highlighting the extreme nature of such binary interactions.

    This research contributes to our understanding of how even weaker TCs, when interacting, can cause extraordinary transport of deeper water masses to the ocean surface. With the potential increase in TC frequency and intensity due to climate change, our findings underscore the importance of studying these extreme events for better prediction and risk assessment in marine environments.

    How to cite: Wurl, O. and Meyerjürgens, J.: Upper Ocean Dynamics During Binary Interaction of Tropical Cyclones: A Case Study in the Southeastern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2691,, 2025.

    EGU25-3140 | Posters on site | OS4.2

    'Surface saline lakes' in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Ivica Vilibić, Elena Terzić, and Clara Gardiol

    In the Levantine Basin, it has long been known that salinity can reach a maximum in a thin layer near the surface, particularly during the warm season when summer heating, evaporation, and low mixing prevail. This water mass, termed the Levantine Surface Water, has historically been linked to the generation of Levantine intermediate and deep waters, depending on winter heat loss and wind-induced mixing. However, a recent study demonstrated that similar conditions, referred to as 'surface saline lakes' (SSLs), can occur as far north as the Adriatic Sea. To investigate this, we analyzed data from Argo profiling floats across all Mediterranean basins, focusing on the upper layers (up to 200 m in depth), where such lakes are known to form. We developed an objective algorithm to detect SSLs within profiles, defining an SSL by a salinity gradient exceeding -0.01 m⁻¹ at its base, combined with the uppermost salinity value exceeding the base salinity by at least 0.05. This definition allowed us to estimate SSL depth (corresponding to its base), temperature, potential density anomaly (PDA) gradients, and the Schmidt Stability Index, which quantifies the energy needed to mix SSLs. A further condition ensured the quasi-continuity of Argo profiles throughout the year, as SSLs are highly seasonal phenomena. Our analysis revealed that SSLs exhibit minimum or vanishing occurrences between February and April, while peaking between August and October. SSLs were detected in all Mediterranean basins, with the highest prevalence—65–70% of profiles between July and December—occurring in the Levantine Basin. During the August–October peak, SSLs exceeded 35% of monthly profiles in each basin, even in the Western Mediterranean, albeit with varying overall salinity levels and SSL variables ranges. These findings underscore the role of atmospheric heat and water exchange in all Mediterranean basins, influencing deeper thermohaline properties through winter mixing. Despite pronounced interannual and seasonal variability, our analysis of data showed a significant trend in SSL depth, accompanied by decreasing thermohaline gradients (temperature, salinity, PDA) at SSL bases though the investigated period. However, these trends may partly reflect sampling biases due to time-space differences in Argo float coverage, which has been substantial before 2013. The observed changes raise questions about their drivers—whether they indicate ongoing climate-change-induced salinization and shifts in Mediterranean water mass dynamics, or are merely manifestations of decadal variability.

    How to cite: Vilibić, I., Terzić, E., and Gardiol, C.: 'Surface saline lakes' in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3140,, 2025.

    EGU25-3173 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2 | Highlight

    SWOT capabilities for measuring extreme coastal water levels 

    Diego Vega-Gimenez, Alexandre Paris, Ananda Pascual, and Angel Amores

    This study investigates the capabilities of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite to observe and analyze storm surges, a major driver of extreme sea level events that result in devastating coastal flooding. Storm surges, caused by wind setup, the inverse barometer effect, and wave setup, lead to rapid sea level rises, as demonstrated in events like Storm Gloria in the Mediterranean and Hurricane Milton in the Gulf of Mexico. Traditionally, tide gauges (TGs) have been the primary tool for studying these phenomena. While TGs provide high-frequency data, they are sparsely distributed, fixed to shorelines, and unable to capture the full spatial footprint of storm surges in the open ocean or along complex coastlines. Satellite altimetry has advanced surge detection, but missions like TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason series are constrained by narrow ground tracks and large gaps, limiting their ability to resolve fine-scale surge dynamics.

    The SWOT satellite, launched in December 2022, addresses these limitations with its innovative wide-swath interferometric radar, producing two-dimensional sea surface height (SSHA) maps at ~2x2 km resolution. This unprecedented capability is particularly valuable near coastlines, where traditional altimetry struggles due to land interference. SWOT’s ability to observe storm surges in two dimensions provides new opportunities to understand their spatial evolution. By combining SWOT data with TG observations, SCHISM hydrodynamic model, and ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis of wind and pressure fields, this study offers a comprehensive analysis of storm surge dynamics across diverse environments, including the Baltic Sea, North Sea, and regions frequently affected by tropical cyclones as Gulf of Mexico.

    The results reveal that SWOT accurately captures the spatial footprint of storm surges and their evolution over time, with strong agreement between SWOT-derived sea level anomalies (SLA) and tide gauge records. Case studies demonstrate SWOT’s capability to monitor storm surges in micro-tidal, macro-tidal, and regions frequently impacted by tropical-cyclones, showcasing its adaptability to various oceanic regimes. SWOT’s high-resolution spatial data significantly enhance coastal hydrodynamic models by providing detailed observations in regions with sparse TG coverage. Unlike traditional altimeters, which provide isolated measurements along predefined tracks, SWOT delivers wide-swath snapshots that unveil the full structure of storm surges, offering a more comprehensive understanding of their dynamics.

    This study underscores SWOT’s transformative potential for monitoring, forecasting, and mitigating storm surges. By bridging critical observational gaps and providing high-resolution spatial data, SWOT complements traditional altimetry and ground-based measurements, offering unprecedented tools to improve coastal resilience. Its contributions are particularly significant in the context of climate change, where more frequent and intense extreme sea level events threaten coastal populations and infrastructure. SWOT’s ability to advance our understanding of storm surge processes represents a major step forward in developing strategies to manage and mitigate the risks associated with extreme weather and rising seas.

    How to cite: Vega-Gimenez, D., Paris, A., Pascual, A., and Amores, A.: SWOT capabilities for measuring extreme coastal water levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3173,, 2025.

    EGU25-4078 | Orals | OS4.2

    The marine and coastal hazards of Mediterranean cyclones 

    Sara Pavan, Christian Ferrarin, Marco Bajo, Francesco Barbariol, Alvise Benetazzo, Silvio Davison, and Luca Arpaia

    Assessing the coastal hazards of extreme ocean and weather conditions, remains a difficult task for the scientific community since several limits need to
    be overcome. The physical knowledge of extreme events, a precise representation of the input data, as well as reproducing correct and accurate numerical simulations are some of them.

    In this work we consider a dataset of more then 1100 cyclones which took place in the period 1994-2020 in the Mediterranean basin. The aim is to evaluate their impact - in terms of sea level and waves - in both the open sea and the coastal regions through a coupled hydrodynamic-wave numerical model. The adopted modelling system consists in the SHYFEM (System of HydrodYnamic Finite Element Modules) hydrodynamic model, two-way coupled with the WW3 (WAVEWATCH III) wave model, thus accounting for the wave-current interaction in deep and shallow waters. An unstructured mesh is used to cover the whole Mediterranean sea with a mesh size varying from 10 km in the open sea to less than 1 km at the coasts. Wind and mean sea level pressure are considered as meteorological forcing at very high horizontal resolution thanks to the Copernicus European Regional ReAnalysis (CERRA) system. The numerical results are extensively validated against tide gauges, wave buoys, and satellite-borne instruments showing a good performance for specific storm events and mean conditions in different areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Then, sea level and wave results are used to compute some storm impact indicators for every cyclone of the entire dataset. These quantitative indexes allow a first classification of Mediterranean cyclones from an ocean and coastal impact point of view.

    How to cite: Pavan, S., Ferrarin, C., Bajo, M., Barbariol, F., Benetazzo, A., Davison, S., and Arpaia, L.: The marine and coastal hazards of Mediterranean cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4078,, 2025.

    EGU25-4952 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2

    Deep-learning models for predicting high-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Adriatic Sea 

    Iva Međugorac, Nikola Metličić, Marko Rus, Srđan Čupić, Hrvoje Mihanović, Jadranka Šepić, Matej Kristan, and Matjaž Ličer

    Intense high-frequency sea-level oscillations (HFOs) in the Mediterranean Sea, sometimes leading to destructive meteotsunamis, occur due to specific and spatially limited meteorological conditions. Despite the understanding of their physical dynamics, current forecasting systems based on hydrodynamic models are unreliable and computationally demanding. To address this problem, we built deep-learning models of HFOs for the Adriatic tide-gauge stations with long measurement records (Bakar and Ploče) and transferred these models to meteotsunami-prone locations with limited data (Stari Grad, Vela Luka and Sobra). We trained deep convolutional neural networks using simulated data (hourly mean sea-level pressure, geopotential heights, specific humidity, wind speed, air temperature from ERA5, and the calculated Richardson number) alongside measurements (1-min sea levels). We will present the model's architecture, transfer learning results, and predictions of HFO amplitudes based on: (i) forecasting horizons (ranging up to several days with different time windows; 6 h vs. 24 h), (ii) data inputs (total sea level vs. sea level decomposed into components), and (iii) various refinement strategies through inclusions of additional U-net based refinement heads. The results demonstrate that the developed models can predict the highest expected HFO amplitudes for the next three days with reasonable accuracy. Accuracy improves when using the ‘wet’ Richardson number instead of the ‘dry’ version, extending time windows (e.g., targeting the largest amplitude in the overall next 24 h rather than every 6 h), and reducing the input dataset. Performance also varies depending on the station from which the model was transferred. In all cases, the forecast accuracy is higher for smaller HFO amplitudes, with refinements primarily improving predictions of smaller amplitude HFOs.

    How to cite: Međugorac, I., Metličić, N., Rus, M., Čupić, S., Mihanović, H., Šepić, J., Kristan, M., and Ličer, M.: Deep-learning models for predicting high-frequency sea-level oscillations in the Adriatic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4952,, 2025.

    Sea surface salinity (SSS) plays a crucial role in upper-ocean stratification and marine ecosystems. Since the mid-20th century, SSS patterns have intensified, with saline regions becoming saltier and fresher regions fresher, driven by rising global sea surface temperatures. Using datasets like EN4, GODAS, GLORYS, and in situ observations (e.g., BATS), we assessed global high SSS extremes from 1982 to 2023. Results show significant increases in intensity (0.2 PSU/decade), duration (4 months/decade), and frequency (4 counts/decade) across most oceans, except in regions like the tropical Atlantic. High salinity extremes often compound with marine heatwaves, especially in mid- to high-latitudes, highlighting their growing impact under global warming.

    How to cite: Ma, J. and Wang, C.: Global increase in high salinity extremes and their compounding with marine heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8166,, 2025.

    EGU25-8445 | Orals | OS4.2

    Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic warming on observed marine heatwaves 

    Angel Amores, Marta Marcos, Miguel Agulles, Jon Robson, and Xiangbo Feng

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are periods of persistently elevated sea temperatures that pose significant threats to marine ecosystems and coastal economies. In this study, we provide a quantitative assessment of the influence of anthropogenic global warming on the intensity and persistence of MHWs using a novel counterfactual climate framework. This approach removes the effects of long-term global air temperature increases from observed sea surface temperature records while preserving natural variability.

    Our analysis reveals that anthropogenic global warming has caused a threefold increase in the duration of MHW conditions globally, with oceans experiencing an average of 34 additional days per year under extreme heat conditions since 1940. Furthermore, the maximum intensity of these events has increased by 1°C on average, with regional hotspots such as the Mediterranean Sea experiencing amplified impacts. These findings highlight the dominant role of human-induced warming in driving observed changes in MHW characteristics and underscore the need for targeted mitigation and adaptation strategies.

    How to cite: Amores, A., Marcos, M., Agulles, M., Robson, J., and Feng, X.: Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic warming on observed marine heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8445,, 2025.

    EGU25-13350 | Orals | OS4.2

    Forecasting of Sea Level Extremes using Deep Learning and Extreme Value Analysis 

    Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann, Saeed Rajabi-Kiasari, Tarmo Soomere, and Artu Ellmann

    Studies have shown that the forecasting of mean sea level by both physics-based and data-driven models produces reasonable results. The challenge lies in accurate forecasting of sea level maxima. This task includes handling of extreme events which are often influenced by compound factors (e.g. winds, pressure gradients and prefilling of semi-enclosed basins, such as the Baltic Sea), interactions of which should be adequately resolved. Another challenge is that return periods of extreme events are long. Such events thus occur infrequently in the existing data sets. To address these challenges, we explore the options of combinations of data driven approaches, such as machine and Deep Learning (ML/DL) methods, with statistical extreme value theory to forecast short-term (one day ahead) and long term (years and decades) sea level maxima in the Baltic Sea.
    We employ water level data from six Baltic Sea tide gauge stations from 1971 to 2022. The quality of short-term forecasting of sea level maxima is examined using both machine learning (Random Forest) and deep learning (Convolutional neural network-gated recurrent unit, CNN-GRU) models. Further data analysis by means of mutual index and background knowledge from previous studies indicates that wind speed (zonal and meridional), surface air pressure, Baltic Sea Index (BSI), and significant wave height are the most influential input features. The models' hyperparameters were estimated using a Bayesian optimization algorithm. For long-term forecasting, extreme value analysis based on block maximum method and location, scale, and shape parameters of a General Extreme Value (GEV) distribution was employed to compute the frequency of extreme values for each season and tide gauge.
    We demonstrate that the CNN-GRU model performs the best with RMSE values from 7 to 14.5 cm. The performance of this model for storm events was reasonable, however, high sea level peaks were often underestimated. The highest extremes (>150 cm over the long-term mean) tend to occur in the eastern and northern Baltic Sea during the winter season with a return time period >5–7 years (winter) and >20 years (spring). On most occasions, the ML/DL models were not able to forecast these events adequately. However, the knowledge of their magnitude, return period and seasonality can assist in marine planning of these events which are vital for coastal communities and infrastructures design.

    How to cite: Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Rajabi-Kiasari, S., Soomere, T., and Ellmann, A.: Forecasting of Sea Level Extremes using Deep Learning and Extreme Value Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13350,, 2025.

    EGU25-13376 | Posters on site | OS4.2

    The impact of extreme storms on coastal oceanographic conditions on the west coast of British Columbia: A case study of the 18-21 November 2024 Bomb Cyclone. 

    Steven Mihaly, Alexander Rabinovich, Jadranka Sepic, Charles Hannah, and Richard Thomson

    Human-induced climate change is expected to increase the intensity and frequency of major storms. Explosive cyclogenesis (“bomb cyclone”) is among the most violent of atmospheric events and occurs when there is a rapid deepening of the pressure at the centre of a cyclonic system over a period of 24h. Bomb cyclones generally form over the ocean in winter and are relatively common on the Atlantic coast of North America, where they can be manifested in nor’easters in the form of blizzards up north and hurricanes down south – Hurricane Milton experienced explosive cyclogenesis.

    In this study, we examine the bomb cyclone that impacted the British Columbia (BC) coast of Canada during 18-21 November, 2024. This extreme weather event was accompanied by hurricane strength wind gusts of up to 170 km/h and extreme storm waves. Atmospheric pressure in the cyclone centre fell as low as 940 hPa and the storm caused large-scale power outages and strongly affected coastal infrastructure. The cyclone and associated storm produced a strong storm surge, significant seiches, infragravity waves and modified the oceanic circulation, impacting inlet and coastal ecological habitats. We examine real-time observations recorded by tide gauges along with simultaneous atmospheric microbarographs from the Canadian Hydrographic Service to provide estimates of the statistical and extreme parameters of the sea level and atmospheric pressure oscillations. Additional observations of water properties, oceanic circulation, acoustic backscatter and undersea video from the Ocean Networks Canada coastal sub-sea networks provide a comprehensive view of the impact on inlet and coastal habitat by this extreme weather event.

    How to cite: Mihaly, S., Rabinovich, A., Sepic, J., Hannah, C., and Thomson, R.: The impact of extreme storms on coastal oceanographic conditions on the west coast of British Columbia: A case study of the 18-21 November 2024 Bomb Cyclone., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13376,, 2025.

    EGU25-17598 | ECS | Orals | OS4.2

    Marine Heatwave Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Learning: A Case Study Around Ireland 

    Madhuri Angel Baxla, Olga Lyashevska, Andrew Conway, and JoseMaria Farinas-Franco

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs)—prolonged periods of anomalously warm sea surface temperatures (SST)—pose significant ecological and economic challenges, particularly for aquaculture sectors sensitive to temperature variability around Ireland. This study integrates 43 years of historical daily SST data (1982–2024) from NOAA, ICES, and the Marine Institute to develop a comprehensive deep-learning framework for predicting SST and detecting MHWs in the Irish maritime region.

    A comparative analysis of two MHW detection methodologies—Hobday et al. (2016) and Darmaraki et al. (2019)—was conducted, highlighting regional trends and spatial patterns of MHW characteristics like frequency, duration, and intensity. The Darmaraki method, with its 99th percentile threshold and flexible event merging criteria, was found to better capture localized and extreme temperature anomalies relevant to aquaculture, while the Hobday method identified a broader range of moderate events. The findings show that MHW frequency has increased significantly over time, particularly in the southeastern and northern waters, with some regions experiencing a doubling of annual MHW events as detected by the Darmaraki method. Long-duration MHWs, exceeding 60 days, are frequently observed along the western and southeastern coasts, demonstrating persistent thermal stress in these areas. The most intense MHWs, with temperature anomalies surpassing 2.5°C above climatological baselines, are concentrated in the southwestern and offshore regions. These areas emerge as critical hotspots, underlining the need for targeted monitoring and adaptive strategies for aquaculture management.

    Deep learning models were introduced to predict SST and assess MHW risks to address the need for actionable forecasts. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are particularly well-suited for analyzing time series data, as they effectively capture temporal dependencies and long-range patterns in sequential datasets. When coupled with the PyTorch framework, these models offer flexibility and scalability, making them ideal for large and complex SST datasets. Furthermore, combining LSTM with Convolutional Neural Networks (LSTM-CNN) enables the integration of both temporal and spatial features, which is crucial for understanding the intricate dynamics of MHWs.

    The LSTM and LSTM-CNN frameworks demonstrated their effectiveness in forecasting SST across various temporal horizons, with predicted values evaluated against MHW criteria to identify potential events and their impacts. By leveraging these models, this study transitions from reactive to proactive MHW detection, providing early warnings and enabling aquaculture stakeholders to implement timely mitigation measures.

    This interdisciplinary study bridges marine science and data engineering, combining observational data, machine learning, and robust detection frameworks to enhance the monitoring, forecasting, and management of extreme ocean events. The outcomes provide critical tools for sustainable aquaculture management and contribute to the broader understanding of climate impacts on marine environments.

    How to cite: Baxla, M. A., Lyashevska, O., Conway, A., and Farinas-Franco, J.: Marine Heatwave Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Learning: A Case Study Around Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17598,, 2025.

    EGU25-18850 | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical simulation for the Adriatic Sea: ocean outcomes 

    Francesco Memmola, Alessandro Coluccelli, Francesca Neri, Angela Garzia, Rossella Ferretti, and Pierpaolo Falco

    Although some authors have shown that wave–current interactions are not negligible, wave setup on
    sea level is often not considered in modeling the Adriatic Sea. Other studies have demonstrated that
    using a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave model can improve the simulation of extreme events,
    particularly when high-resolution sea surface temperature (SST), consistently updated with ocean
    circulation, is essential for determining heat fluxes. Thus, modeling efforts are increasingly moving
    towards two-way current–wave, current–atmosphere, and current–wave–atmosphere coupled systems.
    In this study, we present a high-resolution ocean-atmosphere numerical simulation for the Adriatic Sea,
    where the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is two-way coupled within the COAWST
    (Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere–Wave and Sediment Transport) modeling system. The system integrates
    ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) for ocean circulation and SWAN (Simulating Waves
    Nearshore) as wave driver. The long-term high-resolution simulation has multiple purposes: to
    represent Adriatic Sea circulation from the basin scale to the coastal dynamics, to study extreme events
    where atmosphere-ocean interactions are crucial, and to provide the starting framework (initial and
    boundary conditions) for very high-resolution simulations needed for nearshore applications such as
    coastal flooding and erosion.
    In this effort, the model's performance will be evaluated, focusing on thermohaline properties and
    ocean circulation. Validation results will be presented during the talk.

    How to cite: Memmola, F., Coluccelli, A., Neri, F., Garzia, A., Ferretti, R., and Falco, P.: Coupled ocean-atmosphere numerical simulation for the Adriatic Sea: ocean outcomes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18850,, 2025.

    EGU25-18897 | Orals | OS4.2

    Analysis of the variability of sea surface salinity and temperature extremes in the North Atlantic ocean. 

    Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Alexander Barth, and Bayoumy Mohamed

    Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) plays an important role in the global water cycle, which appears to be intensifying due to climate change and influences the vertical distribution of heat in the ocean because of its influence on water density. The role of SSS in the onset and offset of Marine Heat Waves (MHWs) and cold spells, or the changes induced on SSS by these extreme events has not been adequately addressed.


    In this work we analyse the variations of SSS before, during and after MHWs and cold spells in the North Atlantic Ocean, in order to address the role of SSS and the atmospheric conditions in the evolution of MHW events. We also assess the occurrence of compound extreme temperature /salinity events and determine the regions and conditions under which these occur. Both high and low SSS anomalies are detected during MHWs, which indicates different oceanic and atmospheric processes are at play during each event. Large differences are observed between satellite SSS estimates and reanalyses, especially in coastal regions. Therefore, the first step when assessing SSS extreme high and low values consists on an intercomparison of the different products available in order to establish a reference climatology.


    Compound events can cause more damage to the ecosystem than individual events. It is therefore necessary to establish the relation between extreme temperature and salinity compound events, and establish their spatio-temporal patterns in different regions, in order to understand the origin of these events and which are the drivers that lead to their formation.

    How to cite: Alvera-Azcárate, A., Barth, A., and Mohamed, B.: Analysis of the variability of sea surface salinity and temperature extremes in the North Atlantic ocean., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18897,, 2025.

    EGU25-19504 | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Extreme meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean: numerical modeling approaches for early-warning  

    Francesco Barbariol, Rossella Ferretti, Chiara Favaretto, Gianluca Redaelli, Antonio Ricchi, Matteo Nastasi, Manas Pant, Alvise Benetazzo, Christian Ferrarin, Francesco Falcieri, Stefano Menegon, Piero Ruol, and Luigi Cavaleri

    The presented work analyses the results of an innovative numerical simulation system over the Mediterranean Sea basin developed in the context of the PROMETO project, aimed at producing early-warning indicators for coastal protection and navigation safety. 

    The numerical system is exploited to simulate the evolution of extreme weather and sea events in the Mediterranean Sea over the decade 2010-2020, using both the downscaling of the global ERA5 model by means of the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting) model at 5 km horizontal resolution and the reforecast with the same model at 3 km resolution (with sea surface temperature updates every 6 hours). Resulting atmospheric fields are used to  force the SHYFEM hydrodynamic model coupled to the WAVEWATCHIII wave model at very high resolution and to produce the relevant environmental variables for early-warning indicators over the entire Mediterranean basin.

    To test the system in an operational early-warning context, using the Ensemble reforecast approach based on 50 ECMWF members, two case studies of extreme weather-sea events are simulated, namely the high-impact storms 'Vaia' (2018) and 'Detlef' (2019). For each event, we can evaluate the model uncertainty of wind speed, rain and ocean-wave fields and we can assess the impact of the uncertainty provided by the ensemble approach on the predictions of wind, waves, sea level and derived early-warning indicators. In addition, a ‘member selection’ technique is used in order to assess how the selection of a few, potentially, more significant ensemble members is impactful in statistical and forecasting terms, allowing also to reduce the computational load of high-resolution ensemble meteo-marine forecasts at regional scale. 

    How to cite: Barbariol, F., Ferretti, R., Favaretto, C., Redaelli, G., Ricchi, A., Nastasi, M., Pant, M., Benetazzo, A., Ferrarin, C., Falcieri, F., Menegon, S., Ruol, P., and Cavaleri, L.: Extreme meteo-marine events in the Mediterranean: numerical modeling approaches for early-warning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19504,, 2025.

    EGU25-21561 | Posters on site | OS4.2

    Assessment of the 2024 Mediterranean Sea response to climate forcings 

    Alvise Benetazzo, Christian Ferrarin, George Umgiesser, Luigi Cavaleri, Francesco Barbariol, Davide Bonaldo, Marco Bajo, Fabrizio Bernardi Aubry, Andrea Pisano, Federico Selva, Emanuele Organelli, Angela Landolfi, Carlo Brandini, and Luca Arpaia

    The Mediterranean Sea is a semi-enclosed basin highly sensitive to climate variability and anthropogenic influences. Understanding its response to climate forcings is crucial for assessing future environmental and socio-economic impacts. In this study, we analyze the Mediterranean Sea's response to climate forcings in 2024 by leveraging observational data, remote sensing products, and numerical model outputs. Key parameters such as sea surface temperature, sea level anomalies, and wave patterns are examined to identify trends and anomalies relative to historical baselines. We employ high-resolution regional models to investigate the interplay between atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, with a focus on extreme events such as marine heatwaves and anomalous weather patterns. Preliminary results indicate significant deviations and anomalies from historical norms and confirm sea temperature and sea level positive trends. The study highlights the influence of large-scale climate drivers, including teleconnections, on the Mediterranean basin's hydrodynamics and ecosystem. Our findings contribute to improved climate impact assessments and inform adaptive management strategies for the region's coastal communities and marine biodiversity.

    How to cite: Benetazzo, A., Ferrarin, C., Umgiesser, G., Cavaleri, L., Barbariol, F., Bonaldo, D., Bajo, M., Bernardi Aubry, F., Pisano, A., Selva, F., Organelli, E., Landolfi, A., Brandini, C., and Arpaia, L.: Assessment of the 2024 Mediterranean Sea response to climate forcings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21561,, 2025.

    Marine heatwaves are characterized by extended periods of warm ocean water formation in a specific area. These catastrophic events have become more common across the global oceans in recent decades, posing a serious threat to ocean ecosystems and coastal populations. Studies have also revealed that the frequency and intensity of marine heatwaves in the Indian Ocean have increased significantly in the past few decades. Previous studies of marine heatwaves in the Indian Ocean often focused on the large-scale patterns or individual heatwave events, failing to address the regional differences in their characteristics. To fill this gap, we are employing a cluster analysis technique to identify spatially homogeneous zones in the North Indian Ocean that exhibit distinct marine heatwave patterns. In this study, we delineate marine heatwaves and characterize them based on their metrics, such as maximum intensity, duration, and frequency of occurrence of an event, using a long-term dataset of sea surface temperature.  Our findings reveal a diverse regional mosaic of marine heatwave characteristics. We detect distinct clusters of regions with similar heatwave patterns and regions experiencing intense and prolonged heatwaves, pointing out areas more prone to warming episodes. The findings provide crucial insights into the underlying mechanisms driving marine heatwaves and their potential impacts on marine ecosystems and fisheries. Understanding the regional heterogeneity of marine heatwaves allows us to predict better and mitigate their consequences,  producing more resilient coastal populations and marine ecosystems.

    How to cite: Paul, A.: Identifying Spatially Coherent Marine Heatwave Patterns in the North Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1083,, 2025.

    EGU25-1270 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Global Marine Heatwaves Under Different Flavors of ENSO 

    Catherine Gregory, Camila Artana, Skylar Lama, Dalena León‐FonFay, Jacopo Sala, Fuan Xiao, Tongtong Xu, Antonietta Capotondi, Cristian Martinez‐Villalobos, and Neil Holbrook

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have caused devasting ecological and socioeconomic impacts worldwide. Understanding the connection of regional events to large‐scale climatic drivers is key for enhancing predictability and mitigating MHW impacts. Despite the reported connection between MHWs globally and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), establishing statistically significant links between different types of ENSO events and MHWs remains challenging due to the limited duration of observational data. Here, we use 10,000 years of simulations from a Linear Inverse Model (LIM) to address this issue. Our findings reveal distinct connections between MHWs and ENSO, with diverging influences from different flavors of El Niño and La Niña events. In addition, under long‐lasting El Niño conditions, the likelihood of MHWs increases by up to 12‐fold in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. This study highlights the global connections between ENSO diversity and variations in MHW events.

    How to cite: Gregory, C., Artana, C., Lama, S., León‐FonFay, D., Sala, J., Xiao, F., Xu, T., Capotondi, A., Martinez‐Villalobos, C., and Holbrook, N.: Global Marine Heatwaves Under Different Flavors of ENSO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1270,, 2025.

    This study examines how a marine heatwave in the Kuroshio Extension region influenced the sustained intensity of typhoons by analyzing oceanic and atmospheric observational data. The results indicate that the anomalously high sea surface temperatures (SSTs) provided a continuous energy supply to the typhoon. During the marine heatwave, SSTs exceeded 30°C, significantly increasing the ocean heat content beneath the typhoon. Additionally, strong warm currents and reduced vertical mixing suppressed the typhoon-induced SST cooling effect, maintaining a warm ocean environment. Atmospherically, the marine heatwave led to higher moisture content and atmospheric instability, promoting sustained deep convection. These factors collectively enabled the typhoon to maintain its super typhoon intensity at higher latitudes, beyond the typical regions favorable for typhoon development. This case study highlights the critical role of marine heatwaves in modulating typhoon intensity, especially in regions like the Kuroshio Extension where intensification is usually inhibited. The findings are significant for improving typhoon intensity prediction models, particularly in the context of global climate change where marine heatwave events may become more frequent. Understanding the interaction mechanisms between marine heatwaves and typhoons can enhance disaster warning capabilities and reduce risks for coastal communities.

    How to cite: Ji, J.:  A Case Study of Typhoon Intensified by the Marine Heatwave in the Kuroshio Extension Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1618,, 2025.

    EGU25-1692 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Role of atmospheric and oceanic factors on the August 2024 marine heatwave in northern Norway 

    Silvana Gonzalez, Anne Sandvik, Mari Jensen, Anne Britt Sandø, Jon Albretsen, Randi Ingvaldsen, Frode Vikebø, and Solfrid Hjøllo

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are prolonged periods of extreme ocean warming that significantly impact marine ecosystems, fisheries, and aquaculture. In August 2024, northern Norway experienced one of the most intense MHWs recorded since 2012, which coincided with a sharp rise in salmon lice infestations at aquaculture sites in the area. This study investigates the atmospheric and oceanic drivers of this event, focusing on the interaction of local meteorological and oceanic conditions with large-scale climate variability. Using a combination of ocean model hindcast data (Norkyst), atmospheric reanalysis data (ERA5), and in situ observations, we characterized the MHW and identified key contributing factors. Our analysis revealed that the MHW was driven by a combination of weakened local wind patterns, high air temperatures, and strong stratification, alongside external heat supply from northward advection of warm and fresher water, facilitated by a positive phase of the summer North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The positive NAO phase enhanced southwesterly winds, which transported warm and humid air masses into the region, increasing the total heat flux from the atmosphere and further intensifying local warming. The ecological impacts of this MHW included increased salmon lice abundance, posing significant challenges to wild and farmed salmon populations in a region that hosts the world’s largest salmon aquaculture industry. Understanding the drivers of MHWs in northern Norway is essential for assessing their predictability and informing management strategies to mitigate their effects. This study highlights the importance of advancing regional MHW forecasting to enhance resilience in fisheries and aquaculture sectors under a warming climate.

    How to cite: Gonzalez, S., Sandvik, A., Jensen, M., Sandø, A. B., Albretsen, J., Ingvaldsen, R., Vikebø, F., and Hjøllo, S.: Role of atmospheric and oceanic factors on the August 2024 marine heatwave in northern Norway, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1692,, 2025.

    EGU25-1719 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Ocean Compound Extreme Events Under Emission Reduction and Negative CO2 Pathways 

    Danai Filippou, Hongmei Li, and Tatiana Ilyina

    Extreme events like marine heatwaves are among the most severe impacts of climate change, profoundly affecting marine ecosystems, biogeochemical cycles, and the human communities that depend on ocean resources. When these events occur simultaneously or in close sequence with other extremes, like low pH and low oxygen extreme events, they form compound events whose impacts can intensify nonlinearly. Yet, our knowledge of these events remains limited, particularly under scenarios of both rising and declining CO₂ emissions. Using the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model driven by CO₂ emissions under the emission-driven SSP5-3.4 overshoot scenario, this study explores how ocean compound extreme events evolve along a pathway marked by initial rapid emissions increases followed by steep reductions, ultimately reaching net-negative emissions.

    The emission-driven simulations incorporate an interactive carbon cycle, which in this setup allows for a prognostic computation of atmospheric CO₂ and hence enables an investigation of how the global carbon cycle and climate respond dynamically to changing emissions. Previous studies have shown that under negative emissions, the ocean may transition from a sink to a source of CO₂. However, it remains unclear how this shift could influence ocean compound extreme events, potentially altering their frequency, intensity, and duration. This is especially relevant for both surface and subsurface extremes, where responses to emission changes may vary considerably.

    By focusing on the SSP5-3.4 overshoot scenario, this study provides a novel perspective on the implications of emission reductions and negative emissions for marine extreme events. Linking physical and biogeochemical extremes offers a broader understanding of compound events and their interactions with the global climate system. The findings of our research will further provide guidance for future climate adaptation and mitigation strategies that consider the ocean’s critical role in a changing climate.

    How to cite: Filippou, D., Li, H., and Ilyina, T.: Ocean Compound Extreme Events Under Emission Reduction and Negative CO2 Pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1719,, 2025.

    The Marine heatwaves (MHWs), defined as anomalous warm seawater events disrupting marine ecosystems and commercial fisheries, have become increasingly prolonged, frequent, and intense. While these trends are partially attributed to global warming, climate variability also plays a crucial role. Using observational datasets, this study explores how large-scale climate variability over the North Atlantic Ocean strengthens MHW in the North Sea. After removing the effects of global warming, empirical orthogonal function analysis revealed that the mechanisms driving MHWs are seasonally and regionally different. In winter, the total intensity of MHW increases significantly only when the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and East Atlantic Pattern (EAP) are both in their positive phases. This combination generates southwesterly wind anomalies over the English Channel, facilitating warm water transport into the southern North Sea. Simultaneously, over the northeastern North Sea, reduced geopotential height enhances precipitation, strengthening stratification and further intensifying MHWs there. When the NAO and EAP are in negative or opposing phases, easterly wind anomalies prevail, which do not contribute to strengthened MHW. In summer, the total intensity of MHW increased (decreased) during the positive (negative) phase of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). A negative AMO phase often coincides with a positive NAO phase. Their combined effects increase cloud cover over the northern North Sea, reducing net heat flux and weakening MHW. Conversely, when AMO transitions to a positive phase, it leads to a negative NAO phase after several years, weakening their connection with MHW intensification. These findings highlight the combined influence of climate variability on MHWs in marginal seas and offer insights for improving MHW predictions.

    How to cite: Lin, Y., Liu, Z., and Zhang, W.: Synergistic Impacts of Climate Variabilities over the North Atlantic Ocean on Marine Heatwaves in the North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2006,, 2025.

    This study investigates the interannual variability of marine heatwaves (MHWs) in the Bay of Bengal (BOB) associated with the Indian Ocean dipole (IOD) from 1982 to 2021. The results revealed a significant positive correlation at the 95% confidence level between the IOD and MHW days in the central bay at the peak of the IOD in autumn. During positive IOD (pIOD) events, the central bay experienced more MHW days in autumn, with an average increase of 7.4 days. The increased MHW days in the central bay could be primarily attributed to the enhanced net heat flux (TQ), which is 9.7 times the contribution of ocean dynamic processes (horizontal advection+entrainment). The reduced latent heat flux loss and enhanced shortwave radiation due to the anomalous atmospheric low-level high pressure associated with the pIOD account for 63%and 50%, respectively, of the anomalous enhanced TQ, while the longwave radiation and sensible heat flux make smaller contributions of 22% and 7%. In addition, thermocline deepening in the southwestern bay, caused by this anomalous high pressure and associated anticyclonic wind anomalies, favors the occurrence and persistence of MHWs by reducing the mixed-layer cooling rate. In addition to the influence of the IOD, El Niño–Southern Oscillation mainly affects MHWs from winter to the following summer, which confirms the result of a previous study.

    How to cite: Qiu, Y., Liang, K., and Lin, X.: An increase in autumn marine heatwaves caused by the Indian Ocean Dipole in the Bay of Bengal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2067,, 2025.

    EGU25-2165 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Characterising Marine Heatwaves in the Svalbard Archipelago and Surrounding Seas 

    Marianne Williams-Kerslake, Helene Langehaug, Annette Samuelsen, Noel Keenlyside, Ragnheid Skogseth, Frank Nilsen, and Silvana Gonzalez

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have become a major concern due to their impact on marine ecosystems. In the Arctic Mediterranean, largely based on sea surface temperature from satellite data, the annual intensity, frequency (events per year), duration, and areal coverage of MHWs have increased significantly in recent decades. In particular, a high frequency of MHWs has been shown around the Svalbard Archipelago. Based on this, we investigate patterns in MHWs around Svalbard both at the surface and subsurface, using a regional reanalysis from TOPAZ for the period 1991-2022. Overall, we find a shift in the frequency and duration around the Svalbard Archipelago, with higher values in 2011-2022 compared to 1991-2010. Analysis of eight individual summer (June-September) MHW events lasting longer than 10 days on the western side of Svalbard indicated the presence of four shallow (≤50m) and four deep (≥200m) MHWs. All events occurred after 2010. Deep MHW events were associated with an increase in ocean heat content (down to 300m), potentially connected to changes in the temperature of Atlantic Water inflow in the region. The mean duration of each event was 29 days. In terms of spatial extent, some events extended not only along the west of Svalbard but also across the Barents Sea, covering a broader area. Understanding the characteristics of MHW events including their spatial and vertical distribution, as investigated in this study, is crucial for identifying their driving mechanisms and assessing their ecosystem impact. Furthermore, as MHWs increase, it will become essential to be able to predict such events. Hence, we also present plans to use the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) to evaluate the predictive skill for MHWs in the Arctic Mediterranean. 

    How to cite: Williams-Kerslake, M., Langehaug, H., Samuelsen, A., Keenlyside, N., Skogseth, R., Nilsen, F., and Gonzalez, S.: Characterising Marine Heatwaves in the Svalbard Archipelago and Surrounding Seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2165,, 2025.

    EGU25-2536 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Drivers of column-compound extremes in the Southern Ocean 

    Joel Wong, Matthias Münnich, and Nicolas Gruber

    Vertically compounded marine heatwaves (MHW) and ocean acidity extremes (OAX) impact marine biota and contract habitable space in the epipelagic zone. On a climate trend of warming, acidification, and sea ice reduction, these extreme events pose additional risks to Antarctic and Southern Ocean ecosystems. Anomalously low seasonal sea ice diminishes a critical habitat and grazing area for zooplankton and fish larvae. Co-occurring MHW and OAX impose further thermal and physiological stress on organisms that are typically adapted to narrow environmental conditions. Using a regional ocean model hindcast (1980-2019), we analysed column-compound extreme (CCX) events in temperature and the hydrogen ion concentration. Results indicate an increasing frequency of warmer and more acidic events, particularly in the Antarctic Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). These events can span over 200 000 km2 in area and persist for more than 500 days, occurring during periods of low sea ice and the positive phase of the Southern Annular Mode (SAM). Through driver attribution, we identified two main processes driving CCX. In the Antarctic zone, buoyancy changes driven by increased Ekman drift or reduced sea ice concentration, drive CCX at varying depths. In the Subantarctic and Northern zones, surface MHW can drive co-occurring OAX at or below the surface by influencing primary production, which is modulated by nutrient limitations. Overall, CCX is the Southern Ocean is found to be predominantly driven by dynamical and biogeochemical changes. These analyses elucidate the processes leading to CCX in the Southern Ocean, establishing a basis for their future predictability.

    How to cite: Wong, J., Münnich, M., and Gruber, N.: Drivers of column-compound extremes in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2536,, 2025.

    EGU25-2652 | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Toward a mechanistic characterisation of marine heatwaves 

    Neil Holbrook, Zijie Zhao, Antonietta Capotondi, Sophie Cravatte, Jules Kajtar, and Alex Sen Gupta

    Mechanistic understanding of marine heatwaves (MHWs) requires a suitable definition for their detection, an approach to characterise their evolution, and an effective method to understand their causality. Much of our recent knowledge regarding MHWs has been achieved using a point-wise statistical definition that quantitatively defines MHWs as measurable warm ocean temperature extremes relative to a given threshold. While this commonly used definition is easy to use, with MHWs readily detectable and with near-global coverage from satellite sea surface temperature data, it does not quantify the spatial scale of events, their evolution in space and time, nor the association of that evolution with the key drivers. To overcome some of these limitations, more recent studies have investigated the evolution of MHWs as objects evolving in space and time to help broaden our understanding of MHWs. Our new approach represents an important step toward mechanistically characterising the space and time evolution of MHWs – it not only builds upon and extends object-based kinematic studies of MHWs but additionally connects these spatiotemporally evolving MHWs with their key drivers. Finally, we examine the potential predictability of these MHWs based on a linear inverse modelling approach.

    How to cite: Holbrook, N., Zhao, Z., Capotondi, A., Cravatte, S., Kajtar, J., and Sen Gupta, A.: Toward a mechanistic characterisation of marine heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2652,, 2025.

    EGU25-2961 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Intrinsic short Marine Heatwaves from the perspective of sea surface temperature and height 

    Yuwei Hu, Xiao Hua Wang, Helen Beggs, and Chunzai Wang

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have recently been recognized as extreme climate events considering their devastating impacts on marine ecosystems. Our study explored the spatial and temporal variability of short (duration < 10 days) and long MHWs in nine sub-regions around the Australian coastal region using the original (5-day) and an updated longer duration (10-day) criteria for MHW identification based on gap-free Sea Surface Temperature (SST) analyses from 1981 to 2020. By quantitatively investigating the contribution of ocean warming to short MHWs, we could consider most of the short events as background signals of a dynamic ocean surface over the Australian region. The application of the updated definition highlights areas that are more sensitive to local internal forcings, especially over the main flow of the East Australian Current. Furthermore, the Great Barrier Reef exhibit a larger increasing trend of MHW areas after excluding the short events. By numerically and graphically evaluating the relationship between the sea level anomaly (SLA) and SST metrics over two coastal regions of Australia, it is found that longer MHWs exhibiting two variation trends of large SLA metrics are ENSO dominant in the northwest coastal region (NW), and less ENSO-dominant but geographically-impacted in the southeast coastal region (SETS). However, it is possible that most short events in these two regions are a result of local and intrinsic variability or ocean warming of the water columns rather than the remote modulation of climate modes. Moreover, SLA over the 90th percentile, which successfully observed a subsurface MHW event over the NW region in 2008, has the potential to help identify subsurface MHWs, although limited by application area. Further investigation into the applicability of these, or other similar, updates to the MHW definitions may be warranted, to draw a broadly applicable conclusion to benefit detection and prediction of strong sub-surface MHWs impacting commercial and environmental activities.

    How to cite: Hu, Y., Wang, X. H., Beggs, H., and Wang, C.: Intrinsic short Marine Heatwaves from the perspective of sea surface temperature and height, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2961,, 2025.

    EGU25-3343 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Tracking Marine Heatwaves in the Balearic Sea: Temperature Trends and the Role of Detection Methods  

    Blanca Fernandez-Alvarez, Bàrbara Barceló-Llull, and Ananda Pascual

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are defined as discrete periods of anomalous ocean warming. In the most commonly used MHW determination method, the threshold over which a certain temperature is considered a MHW is calculated using a fixed baseline constructed from a common climatology (1982-2001). By this definition, these phenomena have been increasing in frequency and intensity due to global warming, and it is expected to ultimately lead to a saturation point. Significant efforts have been directed towards developing new ways of defining marine heatwaves motivated by the need to differentiate between long-term temperature trends and extreme events. The Mediterranean Sea serves as an ideal backdrop for comparing different MHW detection methods due to its rapid response to climate change, with higher warming trends than the global ocean. In this work, we evaluate sea surface temperature trends in the Balearic Sea, a subregion of the western Mediterranean, and compare the fixed baseline MHW detection method with two recently developed alternative methodologies. The first alternative employs a moving climatology to adjust the baseline, while the second method involves detrending the temperature data before detecting MHWs with a fixed baseline. Our analysis reveals a statistically significant warming trend of 0.036 ± 0.001°C per year, which represents an increase of ~10% compared to previous studies in the same region due to the inclusion of two particularly warm recent years, 2022 and 2023. Regarding MHWs, all three methods identify major events in 2003 and 2022. However, the fixed baseline method indicates an increase in MHW frequency and duration over time, a tendency not detected by the other methodologies, since we are isolating the extreme events from the long-term warming trend. This study underscores the importance of selecting an appropriate MHW detection method that aligns with the intended impact assessments. Studies performed with a moving baseline or detrended data could be more appropriate to analyse species with higher adaptability, while a fixed baseline could be a better option to study species less adaptable and more sensitive to exceeding a critical temperature threshold.

    How to cite: Fernandez-Alvarez, B., Barceló-Llull, B., and Pascual, A.: Tracking Marine Heatwaves in the Balearic Sea: Temperature Trends and the Role of Detection Methods , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3343,, 2025.

    EGU25-3347 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in a Changing Climate 

    Jacob Gunnarson, Malte Stuecker, and Sen Zhao

    Marine heatwaves are periods of extreme sea surface temperatures (SSTs) which can have serious ecological and socioeconomic impacts. From a shifting baseline perspective, future changes to marine heatwaves statistics are almost entirely a result of changes to SST variance. The projected changes to SST variance in the future climate are spatially heterogeneous, with some areas experiencing less variance in the future, and others increased variance in the current generation of climate models. Moreover, the pattern of SST variance change differs between climate models. To determine the physical mechanisms behind these changes, we used a local linear stochastic-deterministic conceptual model to attribute the projected SST variance change in the extratropics to three drivers: ocean memory, El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) teleconnections, and stochastic noise forcing. We found that climate models generally agree that ocean memory will decline, resulting in decreased SST variance. Models also generally agree that the variance of the noise forcing will increase, resulting in enhanced SST variance. Changes to the ENSO teleconnection differ greatly between models, likely as a result of the substantially different future changes to ENSO in different models.

    How to cite: Gunnarson, J., Stuecker, M., and Zhao, S.: Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in a Changing Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3347,, 2025.

    EGU25-4233 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Caribbean Sea Marine Heatwaves tide to Indian Ocean Marine Heatwaves  

    Zeyu Li and Jianping Li

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are not a phenomenon confined to local areas. Instead, they may interact with other regions through specific teleconnection patterns. Numerous studies have revealed the occurrence, variability, and future trends of MHWs. However, the connections between MHWs in different regions still require further research. This study employed observational data and combined with climate model simulation results to investigate the lead-lag teleconnections of MHW between the equatorial Western Indian Ocean and the Caribbean Sea on seasonal timescales and explain the underlying mechanisms. MHWs in the equatorial Western Indian Ocean trigger atmospheric upward motion, initiating a westward-propagating Indian Ocean-Pacific-Atlantic (IPA) wave train. Influenced by the IPA, anomalous Hadley circulation and atmospheric warming occur above the Caribbean Sea, leading to intensification through increased downward latent heat flux. The IPA facilitates a close teleconnection between the MHW processes in the two ocean basins, which enables the transfer of energy and climate signals across regions, thereby further intensifying MHWs in the Caribbean Sea region.

    How to cite: Li, Z. and Li, J.: Caribbean Sea Marine Heatwaves tide to Indian Ocean Marine Heatwaves , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4233,, 2025.

    EGU25-7537 | Orals | OS4.3

    Drivers of the unprecedented North Atlantic marine heatwave during 2023 

    Matthew H. England, Zhi Li, Maurice F. Huguenin, Andrew E. Kiss, Alex Sen Gupta, Ryan M. Holmes, and Stefan Rahmstorf

    North Atlantic Ocean circulation and temperature patterns profoundly influence global and regional climate across all time scales, from synoptic to seasonal, decadal, multi-decadal and beyond. During 2023 an unprecedented and near basin-scale marine heatwave developed during Northern Hemisphere summer, peaking in July. The warming spread across virtually all regions of the North Atlantic, including the subpolar ocean where a cooling trend over the past 50-100 years has been linked to a slowdown in the meridional overturning circulation. Yet the mechanisms that led to this exceptional surface ocean warming remain unclear. Here we use observationally-constrained atmospheric reanalyses alongside ocean observations and model simulations to show that air-sea heat fluxes acting on an extremely shallow surface mixed layer, rather than anomalous ocean heat transport, were responsible for this extreme ocean warming event. The dominant driver is shown to be anomalously weak winds leading to strongly shoaling mixed layers, resulting in a rapid temperature increase in a shallow surface layer of the North Atlantic. In addition, solar radiation anomalies made regional-scale warming contributions in locations that approximately correspond to some of the region’s main shipping lanes, suggesting that reduced sulphate emissions could have also played a localised role. With a trend toward shallower mixed layers observed over recent decades, and projections that this will continue into the future, the severity of North Atlantic marine heatwaves is set to worsen.

    How to cite: England, M. H., Li, Z., Huguenin, M. F., Kiss, A. E., Sen Gupta, A., Holmes, R. M., and Rahmstorf, S.: Drivers of the unprecedented North Atlantic marine heatwave during 2023, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7537,, 2025.

    EGU25-7612 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Exploring Global Upper Ocean Marine Heatwaves in Coupled GFDL and NCAR models  

    Xinru Li, John Krasting, and Gustavo Marques

    Periods of anomalously high ocean temperatures, known as ‘Marine Heatwave’ (MHW), have severely affected marine organisms’ health, function, and services they provide, causing substantial biological and socioeconomic disruptions over the past few decades. While there have been many efforts to understand sea surface MHWs, our understanding of their vertical structures is relatively limited. However, subsurface MHW can have dramatic ecological impacts, and may also influence other oceanic properties (e.g., dissolved O2, pH), causing compound ocean extremes. In this study, we evaluated MHW climatology through the upper 700m during the preindustrial and recent historical times (1982-2014) using daily temperature outputs from global simulations performed with the coupled GFDL CM4 and NCAR CESM3 climate models. We evaluated shifts in the global patterns of subsurface MHW climatology and identified the predominant driving processes from the recent decades relative to preindustrial. By comparing the simulated MHW between the two models, we also analyzed the role of different representations of ocean physics and vertical coordinate types in model performance.

    Model preindustrial control simulations demonstrate errors in ocean potential temperature due to temperature anomalies relative to the first year of simulation (i.e., model drift). Given the non-negligible drift shown in previous studies, we calculated the trend in daily temperature of the piControl model runs, and corrected temperatures by removing the trend over preindustrial and historical periods. We then detected MHW characteristics based on the de-drifted temperatures and systematically analyzed the influence of model drift on simulated MHWs to identify locations where the MHW metrics are most sensitive to drift-induced trends. For example, preindustrial model drifts of GFDL CM4 lead to overestimated annual peak heat intensity up to 0.1-0.4 °C over the tropical Pacific and the mid to high latitudes of the upper 700m. This suggests the trend associated with drift can induce a shifting baseline that should also be accounted for when analyzing MHWs from climate model output. Our study contributes to understanding MHW through the water column and reveals critical factors for better MHW simulation that could benefit future projection.

    How to cite: Li, X., Krasting, J., and Marques, G.: Exploring Global Upper Ocean Marine Heatwaves in Coupled GFDL and NCAR models , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7612,, 2025.

    EGU25-7943 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Sea surface temperature variability and drivers of marine heatwave trends in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Dimitra Denaxa, Gerasimos Korres, Sofia Darmaraki, and Maria Hatzaki

    The Mediterranean Sea is one of the most sensitive marine regions to climate change, with gradual warming and intensification of marine heatwaves (MHW) causing multiple environmental and socioeconomic damage. This study provides insights into sea surface temperature (SST) variability and explores the origin of MHW trends in the basin, using SST observations spanning 1982–2023. Results reveal a basin-wide increase in both mean and extreme SST, emphasized in the eastern basin. The Adriatic, Aegean and northern Levantine Seas exhibit the highest trends of SST as well as of extreme SST percentiles, identifying them as the most vulnerable Mediterranean areas. Beyond the underlying mean warming, parts of the western and central Mediterranean Sea show increased SST variability, whereas most of the eastern basin displays decreased SST variability. Our findings indicate a basin-wide dominance of mean warming over interannual variability in driving higher maximum MHW intensities, more extreme MHWs, longer heat exposure and greater accumulation of heat stress. However, interannual variability becomes the dominant driver of mean MHW intensity trends particularly in the western and central Mediterranean areas. Notably, mean MHW intensity is sensitive to the choice of the baseline climatology, suggesting a more complex nature of this metric compared to other MHW metrics. Future work should incorporate climate models, enabling a clearer distinction between the impact of anthropogenic forcing and the effect of natural variability on extreme SST events.

    How to cite: Denaxa, D., Korres, G., Darmaraki, S., and Hatzaki, M.: Sea surface temperature variability and drivers of marine heatwave trends in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7943,, 2025.

    EGU25-8057 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    An Atlantic wide assessment of marine heatwaves beyond the surface in an eddy-rich ocean model 

    Tobias Schulzki, Franziska U. Schwarzkopf, and Arne Biastoch

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) were shown to have devastating impacts on marine ecosystems and to influence the atmospheric circulation changing inland temperature and precipitation. While various studies utilise model and observation based datasets to detect MHWs at the surface, little is known about the characteristics and drivers of MHWs at depth. Detecting MHWs requires continuous daily temperature records over a multi-year time period, which are only scarcely available from observations, in particular in the deep ocean. Although models provide such a temporally and spatially coherent dataset, a basin-wide detection of MHWs remains challenging due to the large number of grid points, at least in realistic high-resolution models. Additionally, model biases and unrealistic model trends (‘drift’) need to be taken into consideration.

    In order to fill this knowledge gap, we investigate the impact of horizontal model resolution, the choice of the temperature baseline and the impact of spurious model trends on the characteristics of MHWs at various depths. We detect MHWs over the course of more than 40 years at all three-dimensional grid points of an eddy-rich (1/20°) ocean model, covering the entire Atlantic Ocean from 34.5°S to approximately 65°N.

    Our results highlight the importance of horizontal and vertical heat transport variations within the ocean on sub-surface, but also on near-surface, MHWs. The surface heat flux is important in the mixed layer, but does not affect MHWs beyond approximately the top 100 m of the ocean. As a consequence, the temporal evolution of MHWs at depth is dominated by spurious temperature trends, if this is not adequately considered by using an extensive model spin-up, or by applying a linear temperature baseline. Independent of the baseline used, we find that ocean dynamics lead to different characteristics of MHWs along the western boundary, interior and eastern boundary of the Atlantic. Furthermore, we find sub-surface MHWs to be coherent over layers of a few 100 to 1000 m thickness. These layers are closely related to the vertical structure of the temperature field.

    How to cite: Schulzki, T., Schwarzkopf, F. U., and Biastoch, A.: An Atlantic wide assessment of marine heatwaves beyond the surface in an eddy-rich ocean model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8057,, 2025.

    EGU25-8278 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3 | Highlight

    Record-shattering jump in sea surface temperatures in 2023/24 was unlikely but not unexpected 

    Jens Terhaar, Friedrich A. Burger, Linus Vogt, Thomas L. Frölicher, and Thomas F. Stocker

    Globally averaged sea surface temperatures were at record levels between March 2023 and July 2024. Not only were these temperatures record-breaking but they exceeded the previous record of annually averaged SSTs from 2015/16 by 0.25°C. The nearly global extent and the magnitude of this jump prompted questions about how exceptional this event was, whether climate models can represent such record-shattering jumps in surface ocean temperatures, and if global warming has accelerated. Here, we show that the sea surface temperature jump in 2023/24 that broke the old record by 0.25°C was a 1-in-512-year event under the current long-term warming trend (1-in-205-year to 1-in-1,185-year event; 95% confidence interval) based on observation-based synthetic timeseries. Without global warming, such a large jump in sea surface temperatures would have been impossible. We further used 270 simulations from a wide range of fully coupled climate models to show that these models successfully simulate such record-shattering jumps in global sea surface temperatures. The ability of these models to simulate such jumps underlines the models’ usefulness of these models for understanding characteristics, drivers, and consequences of such events. Moreover, the sea surface temperatures in the simulated jumps stop to be record-breaking between May and October in the year after temperatures started to be record-breaking. Similarly, observed sea surface temperatures also stopped to be record-breaking in July 2024, the year after the jump started. Furthermore, sea surface temperatures return to the long-term warming trend in all cases in the years following the jump. Thus, climate model simulations suggest that the record-shattering jump in surface ocean temperatures in 2023/24 was an extreme event after which surface ocean temperatures are expected to revert to the expected long-term warming trend.

    How to cite: Terhaar, J., Burger, F. A., Vogt, L., Frölicher, T. L., and Stocker, T. F.: Record-shattering jump in sea surface temperatures in 2023/24 was unlikely but not unexpected, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8278,, 2025.

    EGU25-9168 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3

     Marine Heat Wave sensibility to tidal and atmospheric forcing, case study in French Polynesia 

    Alexandre Barboni, Lionel Renault, Carlos Conejero, Christophe Menkes, Sophie Cravatte, and Julien Boucharel

    Marine Heat Waves (MHW) are heat extrema in the ocean, with temperature significantly exceeding climatological standards. They can greatly impact ecosystems, coral reefs, and fisheries, in particular in insular economies. Polynesia is wide archipelago in the South Pacific ocean, highly dependent on marine resources for its economy, to which MHW are an increasing threat.

    MHW are monitored since 2 decades using remote-sensing and in situ data, and in some cases assimilated simulations. There is already an observed trend of increased MHW frequency in various part of the world ocean. Additionnally, MHW dissipation was observed in several studied cases to be linked with strong winds and high-frequency atmospheric events (e.g. tropical cyclones). Polynesian seamounts are also active internal tides generation hotspots. Internal tides increase vertical mixing and can decrease sea surface temperature, hence tides could also locally impact MHW dynamics. However so far none of these drivers has been  systematically investigated.

    Here we explore the sensibility of MHW to these physical drivers, in a case study in the Polynesian archipelago and using free (non-assimilated) 3D realistic simulations with the CROCO model. Air-sea fluxes are parametrized from ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis. Tides have a significant impact on sea surface temperature, but not on the heat wave. On the other hand high-frequency atmospheric forcing is shown to greatly affect MHW regional extent and dissipation. Last, Sensitivity to model grid resolution is also investigated to assess reliability of MHW forecasting skills.

    How to cite: Barboni, A., Renault, L., Conejero, C., Menkes, C., Cravatte, S., and Boucharel, J.:  Marine Heat Wave sensibility to tidal and atmospheric forcing, case study in French Polynesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9168,, 2025.

    EGU25-9732 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Marine heatwaves in the Gulf of Bothnia from historical measurements to future projections  

    Veera Haapaniemi, Simo-Matti Siiriä, Aleksi Nummelin, and Jari Haapala

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) impact aquatic respiration and contribute to oxygen depletion in marine ecosystems. Understanding the frequency, intensity, and spatial extent of MHWs is critical for predicting ecosystem health. We argue that understanding the spatio-temporal variability and long-term trends of MHWs is essential for marine conservation planning, as managing cumulative impacts would require reducing other environmental stressors from regions where higher impacts of MHWs are to be expected. 

    We analyze past MHW events in the Gulf of Bothnia, a subbasin of the Baltic Sea, using historical measurements starting from the beginning of the 1900s. The characteristics of the past heatwave events are compared to MHWs up to year 2100, identified from modeled future projections. The future projections are based on NEMO ocean circulation model, forced with dynamically downscaled atmospheric conditions under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 emission scenarios. During the observational period, we see decadal variability dominate over the increasing long-term trend in mean temperature. The projections indicate that by the end of this century, the increasing temperature signal exceeds the decadal variability, leading to longer and more frequent MHW events. 

    How to cite: Haapaniemi, V., Siiriä, S.-M., Nummelin, A., and Haapala, J.: Marine heatwaves in the Gulf of Bothnia from historical measurements to future projections , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9732,, 2025.

    EGU25-9969 | Orals | OS4.3

    The exceptional warming in the Mediterranean Sea during 2024  

    Ernesto Napolitano, Adriana Carillo, Roberto Iacono, Maria Vittoria Struglia, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Eleonora De Sabata, Andrea Bordone, Salvatore Marullo, and Massimiliano Palma

    In 2024,the year with the warmest global temperature since 1850 (Copernicus Climate Change Service), very high temperatures were observed at regional scale.In the Mediterranean Sea,the measured sea temperature locally displayed values that were never recorded before. Satellite and in situ observationsindicate that during 2024 the Mediterranean Sea has experienced a sequence of strong marine heat waves, occurring in the months of February, April, June, and  August.  Thesurface temperature anomalies with respect to the 1990-2020 climatology reached about 3° C in the Algerian and Levantine basins in February, and 4-5° C in the northern part of the western Mediterranean and in the Adriatic Sea in August. Moreover, in situ observations incoastal areas oftheTyrrhenian Sea, gathered through aCitizen Scienceactivity  (MEDFEVER initiative), indicated strong warming even on the seafloor, as a result of rapid heat transfer from  the sea surface to the bottom.  Satellite data show that surface temperature anomalies were strongly modulated by large gyres and eddies. We find that these dynamical structures control the anomalous warming induced by air-sea interactionsin regions such as the Algerian Basin, the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the Levantine basin. Estimates of mean and eddy kinetic energy from altimeter data suggest that mesoscale structures were particularly energetic during 2024 and favored warming in regions where eddy activity was intense. Model data show that themain quasi-permanent anticyclonic structures throught the basin were very effective in transferringsurface heat anomalies into the deep layers.  Finally, we analyze the 2024 Mediterranean summer temperature anomaliesin relationto local and global patterns of atmospheric circulation.

    How to cite: Napolitano, E., Carillo, A., Iacono, R., Struglia, M. V., Dell'Aquila, A., De Sabata, E., Bordone, A., Marullo, S., and Palma, M.: The exceptional warming in the Mediterranean Sea during 2024 , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9969,, 2025.

    EGU25-10889 | Orals | OS4.3

    Long-lasting Marine Heatwaves in the East Korea Bay in the East/Japan Sea: Characteristics and drivers 

    Chan Joo Jang, Heeseok Jung, Wonkeun Choi, and Namyoung Kang

    The East Korea Bay (EKB), located in the northwestern the East/Japan Sea (EJS), experiences the most intense and prolonged marine heatwaves within the EJS. In this study, we examine characteristics of the MHWs in the EKB from 1982 to 2018 and explore possible physical mechanisms for long-lasting MHWs using satellite data and reanalysis products. Over the 37 years, MHWs in the EKB lasted 32% longer (17±24 days) than the long-term average of the whole EJS. Notably, two exceptionally prolonged MHWs were observed, primarily during cooling seasons (fall and winter): one lasting 161 days in 2008/9 and another for 126 days in 2017/8. During these two MHWs, ocean surface cooling, predominantly driven by latent cooling, was intensified while solar heating remained near normal, suggesting that ocean processes play a crucial role in maintaining these extended MHWs. Spatiotemporal distributions of sea surface height indicate that intensified, persistent anticyclonic eddies significantly contribute to maintaining the long-lasting MHWs. A heat budget analysis further supports that the anticyclonic eddies are the primary drivers of these extended MHWs. Our findings underscore the critical role of ocean processes, including eddies and currents, in driving extremely long-lasting MHWs in the EKB within the EJS, particularly during cooling seasons.

    How to cite: Jang, C. J., Jung, H., Choi, W., and Kang, N.: Long-lasting Marine Heatwaves in the East Korea Bay in the East/Japan Sea: Characteristics and drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10889,, 2025.

    EGU25-11643 | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Marine Heatwaves on the Patagonian Shelf 

    Ana Laura Delgado, Vincent Combes, and Gotzon Basterretxea

    The SouthWestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA) is undergoing significant changes as a result of climate change, including progressive sea surface warming, altered wind patterns, the poleward migration of western boundary currents, and an increase in the frequency and intensity of climate-driven variability events. Within the SWA, the Patagonian Shelf (PS), extending from the southern tip of South America (~55°S) to the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence (~38°S), stands out as one of the most biologically productive regions and a globally relevant carbon sink. Marine heatwaves (MHWs) have doubled in frequency over recent decades, lasting longer and becoming more severe. The consequent abrupt temperature shifts can significantly impact phytoplankton community structure and productivity while disrupting essential marine biogeochemical processes such as oxygen production and respiration, carbon sequestration, and nutrient cycling. However, knowledge on MHWs in the PS is scarce.

    The present study focuses on characterizing MHWs in the PS by analyzing their spatial and temporal variability. Two methodologies were applied to four daily sea surface temperature (SST) datasets to determine the most suitable approach to identify MHWs in the study area. Key metrics for MHW characterization included the frequency of occurrence (MHW/year), mean intensity (SST anomaly, °C), and duration (number of days). These metrics were analyzed in relation to regional climatology, seasonality, and long-term trends. Notably, within the PS, where SST anomalies are relatively modest, both MHW identification approaches proved to be effective. Our results reveal an increasing trend in MHW days, particularly in the northern PS, where a strong correlation between MHWs and ENSO events is observed.

    How to cite: Delgado, A. L., Combes, V., and Basterretxea, G.: Marine Heatwaves on the Patagonian Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11643,, 2025.

    EGU25-12816 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Global propagation of marine heatwaves 

    Emma Ferri, Aaron Wienkers, Nicolas Gruber, and Matthias Münnich

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are extreme warming events in the ocean that can significantly impact marine ecosystems and economies. While such extreme events have garnered significant research attention in recent years, most research to date took an Eulerian perspective, that is, they considered MHW as stationary objects. This disregards the fact that MHW are three dimensional objects that tend to propagate in space and time. 

    In this study, we overcome this limitation and employ marEX, a novel method inspired by Ocetrac, to analyze and track MHWs globally. We limit outselves here to surface MHW, but the method is designed to extend to depth. Starting from a grid-level 95th percentile threshold-based detection following (A.J. Hobday et al., 2016), this method first creates coherent two-dimensional MHW objects by detecting contiguous regions of extreme sea-temperature anomalies at each time step. These regions are then linked over time using robust criteria that account for both merging (when two or more MHW regions combine into one) and splitting (when a single MHW divides into separate regions). This is achieved by tracking each piece of an event individually while maintaining links between them. This ensures that the full lifecycle of each MHW, including interactions between different events, is accurately recorded.

    We test this method using ~40 years of simulated sea-surface data from the European Eddy RIch Earth System Models (EERIE) project. We find that most MHWs tend to form and dissipate in the same regions, indicating persistent hotspots for their development and termination. But there are also a substantial number of MHWs that persist for several months and propagate substantially, akin to the North Pacific “Blob event”. While the tracked MHW have, on average, a duration of ~14 days, the longest one propagated for as long as 520 days. These findings underscore the value of tracking MHWs as dynamic events, demonstrating that their propagation pathways and lifecycles hold crucial information.

    How to cite: Ferri, E., Wienkers, A., Gruber, N., and Münnich, M.: Global propagation of marine heatwaves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12816,, 2025.

    EGU25-14376 | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Impact of marine heatwaves on the extratropical transition of North Atlantic tropical cyclones 

    Kaitlin Kitch and Rhys Parfitt

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) in the Northwest Atlantic are known to significantly impact the lifecycle of tropical cyclones, due to sustained increases in the absolute sea surface temperatures (SSTs).  However, MHWs can also have a notable impact on the structure and strength of the Gulf Stream SST gradient.  Recent studies have shown variations in SST gradient can promote completion of extra-tropical transition of tropical cyclones passing through the region through modulation of the air-sea differential heat flux gradient.  Extra-tropical cyclones present significant threats to large populations along the east coast of North America and also in Europe, which differ from the hazards brought by tropical cyclones.  This study conducts a suite of Weather Research and Forecasting model simulations of Hurricane Sandy (2012) with SSTs perturbed by anomalies typically observed during October MHW events. It is demonstrated and quantified for the first time that MHW strength, through SST gradient modulation, can have a considerable impact on tropical cyclone extra-tropical transition. As such, better understanding of MHW drivers can potentially lead to better prediction of extra-tropical transition and therefore allows society to better prepare for impacts of landfalling storms. 

    How to cite: Kitch, K. and Parfitt, R.: Impact of marine heatwaves on the extratropical transition of North Atlantic tropical cyclones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14376,, 2025.

    EGU25-15182 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    Impact of Ocean Warming on Marine Heatwaves Characteristics in the Bay of Bengal 

    Arpan Bhattacharjee, Hitesh Gupta, Nirupam Karmakar, Sourav Sil, and Avijit Gangopadhyay

    Extremely warm oceanic conditions, known as Marine Heatwaves (MHWs), in the Bay of Bengal, influence monsoon rainfall and cyclones; and are linked to climatic modes. These MHWs are a result of a combination of long-term ocean warming and physical processes. In this study, we segregated this impact of long-term ocean warming, from the physical processes, to understand how long-term warming influence the MHW characteristics, by a detrending baseline approach. This approach works by removing the long-term linear trend from the temperature data, which is then used to detect MHWs. We used the Ocean Reanalysis System 5 (ORAS5) dataset in this study over the period of 1993–2020, which shows good agreement with the OISST and RAMA observation on detecting the MHWs characteristics at the upper ocean. The regions with high warming tendencies showed a smaller number of the MHWs events (1-2 events at the surface) under the warming scenario but with more intensity and duration (10-20 days per event). The spatial movement of these MHWs are seen to be accompanied by western boundary currents during spring (March–May). The westward movement of the MHWs are associated with eddies during other seasons. This study helps us understand how long-term warming puts more stress on marine ecosystems.

    How to cite: Bhattacharjee, A., Gupta, H., Karmakar, N., Sil, S., and Gangopadhyay, A.: Impact of Ocean Warming on Marine Heatwaves Characteristics in the Bay of Bengal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15182,, 2025.

    EGU25-16822 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    The massive 2016 marine heatwave in the Southwest Pacific: An “El Niño–Madden-Julian Oscillation” compound event 

    Cyril Dutheil, Shilpa Lal, Matthieu Lengaigne, Sophie Cravatte, Christophe Menkès, Aurore Receveur, Florian Börgel, Matthias Gröger, Fanny Houlbreque, Romain Le Gendre, Inès Mangolte, Alexandre Peltier, and H. E. Markus Meier

    El Niño typically induces cooling in the Southwest Pacific Ocean during austral summers, usually leading to decreased marine heatwave frequency and severity. However, the 2016 extreme El Niño unexpectedly coincided with the longest and most extensive marine heatwave ever recorded in the region. This heatwave, spanning over 1.7 million square kilometers, persisting for 24 days with a peak intensity of 1.5°C, resulted in massive coral bleaching and fish mortality. This exceptional warming resulted from anomalously strong shortwave radiation and reduced heat loss via latent heat fluxes, owing to low wind speed and increased air humidity. These anomalies are attributed to a rare combined event “Madden-Julian Oscillation and extreme El Niño.” Following 10 February, the rapid dissipation of this marine heatwave results from the most intense cyclone ever recorded in the South Pacific. The hazardous ecological impacts of this extreme event highlight the needs for improving our understanding of marine heatwave–driving mechanisms that may result in better seasonal predictions.

    How to cite: Dutheil, C., Lal, S., Lengaigne, M., Cravatte, S., Menkès, C., Receveur, A., Börgel, F., Gröger, M., Houlbreque, F., Le Gendre, R., Mangolte, I., Peltier, A., and Meier, H. E. M.: The massive 2016 marine heatwave in the Southwest Pacific: An “El Niño–Madden-Julian Oscillation” compound event, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16822,, 2025.

    EGU25-19797 | Posters on site | OS4.3

    Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: a comparative analysis of CMIP6 and MedCORDEX model outputs 

    Francesco De Rovere, Giulia Bonino, Ronan McAdam, Enrico Scoccimarro, Silvio Gualdi, and Simona Masina

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are characterized by exceptionally high ocean temperatures that persist over extended periods, leading to abrupt and profound changes in marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. These events have garnered increasing attention from both the research community and societal stakeholders due to their significant implications for economic activities, including fishing and aquaculture. Over the past decades, climate change has modified the frequency, duration and intensity of MHWs in the Mediterranean Sea, urging the need for precise characterization of current and future events. 

    ObsSea4Clim is an EU project dedicated to improving sustained and multipurpose observations vital to European and global climate requirements. The project aims to develop new regional indicators for MHWs to enhance understanding and monitoring of marine extremes, ultimately contributing to more effective ocean management and climate adaptation strategies. Within the framework of ObsSea4Clim, the CMCC is committed to advancing knowledge on MHWs by establishing and evaluating these new indicators in reanalysis datasets, historical simulations, and projection scenarios provided by Earth System Models (ESMs). We will show preliminary results on how MHWs indicators are represented in the Mediterranean Sea across different downscaling products from the MedCORDEX initiative and their parent ESMs. In particular, we aim to highlight the added value given by such downscaling exercise in the assessment of present and future MHWs characteristics in the Mediterranean Sea. This work represents the first step in determining minimum requirements, such as resolution and frequency, necessary for accurately representing MHWs indicators in the next generation of climate models (CMIP7).

    How to cite: De Rovere, F., Bonino, G., McAdam, R., Scoccimarro, E., Gualdi, S., and Masina, S.: Marine Heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea: a comparative analysis of CMIP6 and MedCORDEX model outputs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19797,, 2025.

    EGU25-20097 | ECS | Orals | OS4.3

    From Marine Heat Waves Drivers to Impact Use Cases: Challenges and Opportunities   

    Beatriz Lopes, Ana Oliveira, Fabíola Silva, João Paixão, Inês Girão, Rita Cunha, Rui Baeta, Manvel Khudinyan, Paula Salge, Luísa Barros, Tiago Garcia, Sofia Aguiar, and Élio Pereira

    Marine heatwaves (MHWs) are prolonged periods of anomalously warm ocean temperatures, usually detected through Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Deeply connected to climate change, these extreme events signal how global warming affects the Earth’s subsystems, driving an uptick in the corresponding impacts. Key aspects related to MHWs are (i) the understanding of the MHWs drivers, (ii) the establishment of standard and (ii) the estimation of expected impacts. Through a multi-project journey, +ATLANTIC has been investigating these topics, to contribute to filling the existing knowledge gaps and to promote the societal uptake of satellite-based MHWs geospatial information.

    Regarding (i) in the scope of the Horizon Europe ObsSea4Clim project, which aims to support the GCOS with novel indicators, we have been investigating the relationship between MHWs and the large-scale climate modes that modulate the North Atlantic basin climate. In addition to SST, several ocean variables, including mixed-layer depth and ocean currents, are combined with atmospheric drivers such as air-sea heat fluxes, wind speed, and sea level pressure to describe the most severe MHWs events, recognizing how pressure systems. Preliminary results indicated the importance of stable high-pressure systems in driving air-sea heat flux anomalies, particularly net, latent and sensible heat exchanges, which lead to lower wind speeds and increased energy absorption by the ocean, modulating the intensity and persistence of MHWs over the mid-latitude regions; specifically, the Portuguese EEZ.

    Regarding (ii) we propose to evolve from a pixel-wise detection to an events-based labelling algorithm that allows to distinguish noisy pixel patches from meso-scale impactful events. Within the framework of XHEAT, an ESA-funded project, we are exploring the usage of ML/AI in post-processing the traditional MHWs methods to establish a novel mechanism that allows to study of specific events as a continuous element. Furthermore, it allows us to better investigate how large-scale MHWs over the North Atlantic can lead to certain continental extremes over Europe, particularly Compound Drought-Heatwaves (CDHW). Results already suggest that by adopting such techniques, more meaningful relationship patterns emerge, paving the way for probabilistic seasonal outlook predictions.

    Regarding (iii) within the ESA-funded CAREHeat, the Impact Use Cases have allowed working alongside aquaculture producers to evaluate the MHW impacts in their activities. From the conducted work, several findings can be highlighted: (1) from the consulted users, all show an interest and willingness to adopt climate data on their operations, especially where local-specific indicators may impact their decision-making on short or long-term activities; nonetheless, few are capable to using geospatial products routinely; (2) the dialogue with the Early Adopters must be kept regularly, to ensure that the objective formulation of the use cases problem is scientifically sound but resonates with their needs; and (iii) biological data available is too limited to establish statistically significant relationships that span decadal time series, which hinders our capacity to measure impacts effectively, which indicates that further effort should be employed in biological data acquisition.

    How to cite: Lopes, B., Oliveira, A., Silva, F., Paixão, J., Girão, I., Cunha, R., Baeta, R., Khudinyan, M., Salge, P., Barros, L., Garcia, T., Aguiar, S., and Pereira, É.: From Marine Heat Waves Drivers to Impact Use Cases: Challenges and Opportunities  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20097,, 2025.

    EGU25-1734 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    Spectral Discrimination of Pumice Rafts in Optical MSI Imagery 

    Shaojie Sun, Xi Chen, and Zihong Ou

    Pumice rafts are considered to be a long-range drifting agent that promotes material exchange and the dispersal of marine species. Large ones can also interfere with vessel navigation and have a negative impact on the social economy and marine ecosystems. Synoptic observations from the Multispectral Instrument (MSI) on-board Sentinel-2, with a spatial resolution of up to 10 m, provide an excellent means to monitor and track pumice rafts. In this study, the use of a Spectral Feature-Based Extraction (SFBE) algorithm to automatically discriminate and extract pumice on the ocean surface from submarine volcano eruptions was proposed. Specifically, a Pumice Raft Index (PRI) was developed based on the spectral signatures of pumice in MSI imagery to identify potential pumice features. After pre-processing, the PRI image was then subjected to a series of per-pixel and object-based processes to rule out false-positive detections, including shallow water, striped edges, mudflats, and cloud edges. The SFBE algorithm showed excellent performance in extracting pumice rafts and was successfully applied to extract pumice rafts near the Fiji Yasawa islands in 2019 and Hunga Tonga island in 2022, with an overall pumice extraction accuracy of 95.5% and a proportion of pixels mis-extracted as pumice of <3%. The robustness of the algorithm has also been tested and proved through applying it to data and comparing its output to results from previous studies. The timely and accurate detection of pumice using the algorithm proposed here is expected to provide important information to aid in response actions and ecological assessments, and will lead to a better understanding of the fate of pumice.

    How to cite: Sun, S., Chen, X., and Ou, Z.: Spectral Discrimination of Pumice Rafts in Optical MSI Imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1734,, 2025.

    Size-fractionated phytoplankton primary production (PP) plays a crucial role in understanding marine ecosystems and the ocean carbon cycle. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of size-fractionated PP in the South China Sea (SCS), combining vertical modeling and satellite-based observations from 2002 to 2022. We developed and evaluated multiple approaches for estimating size-fractionated PP, including a novel vertical model for the Northern South China Sea (NSCS) and two satellite-based algorithms (U10 and B17). The vertical model showed strong agreement with in-situ measurements, with correlation coefficients (r²) of 0.41-0.83 across size classes. The regionally optimized B17 algorithm demonstrated improved accuracy (R²s > 0.55) after tuning with local parameters. Long-term satellite observations revealed distinct spatiotemporal patterns, with higher PP values during cold seasons and notable decreasing trends in total, pico-, and nano-PP over the past two decades in the northern SCS, while micro-PP showed no significant trend. The varying distribution patterns and temporal trends among size fractions emphasize that total PP alone is insufficient for assessing marine ecosystem health. The sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth, and wind speed, showed strong correlations with size-fractionated PP anomalies. This integrated approach provides valuable insights into the three-dimensional structure of size-fractionated PP and its response to climate change in the SCS region.

    How to cite: Deng, L. and Zhao, J.: Size-fractionated Phytoplankton Primary Production in the South China Sea: Combining Vertical Modeling and Two-decade Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1965,, 2025.

    EGU25-2249 | Orals | OS4.4

    A NEAR-REAL-TIME Blended Sea-Surface Wind Product Based on Data from Multiple Satellites 

    Juhong Zou, Wenming Lin, Zhixiong Wang, and Yunfei Lu

    A near-real-time version of the blended sea surface wind (BSSW) data product from multiple satellites, as well as the data processing method, and data accuracy analysis is introduced in this paper. The BSSW used sea surface winds provided by the virtual satellite constellation composed of HY-2 series satellites, Metop series satellites and DMSP series satellites as input. Error analysis, cross-calibration and 2D-Var processing is applied to blend these winds derived from different platform. With these methods, a near-real-time blended sea surface product with 6 hours interval and a spatial resolution of 25 kilometers is produced and released operationally by National Satellite Ocean Satellite Application Service. Comparing to buoy data, the RMSE is below 1.6 m/s for wind speed and below 18° for wind direction. While comparing to ERA5 data, the RMSE is below 1.3 m/s for wind speed and below 11° for wind direction. The validation results show that the BSSW is consistent with the buoy winds and ERA5 winds, indicating that BSSW can be of great importance to ocean and atmospheric numerical forecast model, marine disaster prevention and reduction, as well as scientific research on ocean.

    How to cite: Zou, J., Lin, W., Wang, Z., and Lu, Y.: A NEAR-REAL-TIME Blended Sea-Surface Wind Product Based on Data from Multiple Satellites, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2249,, 2025.

    Despite intensified global warming, the frequency of Marine Cold Spells (MCS) in the Taiwan Strait and adjacent coral habitats shows a declining trend, whereas both the intensity and duration of these events appear to be increasing. Long-term statistics reveal that between 1985 and 1994, MCS events in the Taiwan Strait occurred frequently, with the southwestern region exhibiting particularly high intensities and prolonged durations. From 1995 to 2004, the number of such events decreased markedly, accompanied by a more dispersed spatial distribution. Subsequently, from 2005 to 2014, MCS events became concentrated along the coast of China, with both higher intensities and longer durations. However, data from 2015 to 2023 indicate a further decrease in the number of MCS events off the coast, yet with increased event intensity and extended duration. These patterns suggest that global warming has not entirely suppressed the occurrence of MCS; in fact, more rapid and pronounced cooling is observed in certain shallow shelf areas. In recent years, the Penghu Channel and the Taiwan Banks have continued to experience around three to four MCS events annually. Although the total number of events is comparable to previous years, the intensity in 2023 notably surged, reaching a maximum of -4.7°C. Meanwhile, the three major tropical and subtropical coral habitats—Green Island, Nanwan Bay, and Dongsha Island—have recorded fewer MCS events in recent years, yet several have coincided with cold wakes generated by typhoons or with winter monsoon systems, leading to short-lived but severe drops in sea temperature. For example, during 2021, a strong northeastern monsoon triggered nearly three weeks of cold-water intrusion into Nanwan Bay, with the maximum intensity reaching -1.7°C. Green Island and Dongsha Island generally experience about one week of cold spells under either summer typhoon activity or winter monsoon conditions. A synthesis of historical data suggests that the intensification of the Taiwan Strait’s current system and the strengthening of winter surface winds may both contribute significantly to the onset and persistence of MCS. Furthermore, large-scale climate oscillations—including the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and the Arctic Oscillation (AO)—collectively modulate winter sea surface temperatures in this region. Overall, although the frequency of MCS appears to have slightly declined under warming conditions, there is a continuing increase in the intensity and duration of these cold spells. At present, the Taiwan Strait region is witnessing dual extremes, characterized by marine heatwaves in summer and marine cold-spells in winter.

    How to cite: Hsu, P.-C.: Trends in Marine Cold-Spells across the Taiwan Strait and Taiwan’s Coral Habitats Observed Using Multi-Satellite Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2458,, 2025.

    EGU25-2664 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Sensitivity of GOCI-II Rrs products by NO2 absorption correction 

    kyeong-sang lee, Jae-Hyun Ahn, Myung-Sook Park, and Jong-Kuk Choi

    Atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) absorbs solar radiation, particularly in the blue and green wavelengths that are essential for ocean color algorithms. This absorption challenges achieving high accuracy in satellite-derived ocean color products, such as chlorophyll-a concentration, total suspended material, and remote sensing reflectance. Since NO₂ absorption is influenced by various observation conditions—including the angles between the sun, Earth, and satellite- and the quantity and vertical distribution of NO₂—a precise correction model is crucial. However, the current GOCI-II atmospheric correction algorithm accounts for the absorption effects of water vapor and ozone, while ignoring the impact of NO₂ absorption. The GOCI-II observation area is one of the regions with the highest NO₂ concentrations, along with Europe and the United States, and it is the only region showing an increasing trend in NO₂ amount. Particularly in coastal areas, high NO₂ concentrations are observed due to industrial activities, marine transportation, and agricultural practices. Therefore, neglecting the NO₂ absorption effect in the atmospheric correction algorithm could become a potential source of error in GOCI-II ocean color products. In this study, we analyzed the impact of NO2 absorption correction on primary ocean color products (remote sensing reflectance, colored dissolved organic matter, and chlorophyll-a concentration) by comparing the values before and after applying the correction. The GEMS data were used as input for NO₂ concentration. GEMS is a hyperspectral sensor onboard the same satellite as GOCI-II (Geo-Kompsat-2B). Unlike polar-orbiting sensors, GEMS provides hourly observations and offers real-time NO₂ concentration data with improved spatial resolution compared to atmospheric model data. This capability makes GEMS highly effective in estimating the spatiotemporal variability of NO₂ distribution and correcting absorption effects, while also reducing uncertainties caused by climatological assumptions. After NO₂ absorption correction, the Rrs at 412 nm showed a significant difference of 7% across the entire ocean in GOCI-II slot 7. However, CHL and CDOM exhibited smaller changes of 3.82% and 5.18%, respectively. In contrast, in coastal pixels with high NO₂ concentrations, the differences in CHL and CDOM before and after NO₂ absorption correction increased significantly to 36.97% and 28.43%, respectively. Therefore, NO₂ absorption correction is essential to improve the accuracy of ocean color products in coastal regions.

    * This research was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea (MSIT) (RS-2024-00356738).

    How to cite: lee, K., Ahn, J.-H., Park, M.-S., and Choi, J.-K.: Sensitivity of GOCI-II Rrs products by NO2 absorption correction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2664,, 2025.

    EGU25-2998 | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Spatiotemporal Changes of the Coastal Environment in Northwestern Taiwan 

    QianZhu Hao and PoChun Hsu

    Marine ecosystems, particularly in western Taiwan, where coastal and offshore areas are highly vulnerable to natural and anthropogenic pressures, face substantial challenges from global climate change. These ecosystems provide essential services, including biodiversity conservation, climate regulation, and fisheries support. This study investigates the complex coastal waters of northwestern Taiwan, covering a 95 km stretch of coastline and extending 40 km offshore (119.5°–121.5°E, 23.5°–25.5°N). The study area includes ecologically sensitive zones such as mangroves, wetlands, and coral reef ecosystems. We assessed key oceanographic parameters—Sea Surface Height (SSH), Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Sea Surface Salinity (SSS), and Sea Surface Current (SSC)—using a combination of satellite and in situ data. The Diffuse Attenuation Coefficient at 490 nm (Kd490) and chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentrations evaluated water turbidity and biological productivity. To enhance the spatial resolution of these parameters, we incorporated high-resolution data from the Second-Generation Global Imager (SGLI) on the GCOM-C satellite, alongside multi-satellite Chla and SST data. Data analysis from 1993 to 2023 revealed significant trends, with SST and SSH increasing by 0.02°C and 0.003 m per year, respectively. In contrast, SSS exhibited a declining trend of 0.006 psu annually. These changes are likely driven by increased freshwater input and altered circulation patterns, aligning with regional and global warming trends. At 8 km nearshore over the past 31 years, SSH exhibited a minimum of 0.44 m in December 1993 and a maximum of 0.7 m in September 2023. SST peaked at 31.51°C in August 2022 and exhibited a minimum of 17.49°C in January 2021. SSS recorded its highest (34.85 psu) in March 1993 and its lowest value (31.82 psu) in September 2014. Kd490 and Chla concentrations displayed seasonal climatology fluctuations from 2003 to 2023, with lower values in July (0.06 m⁻¹, 0.45 mg m⁻³) at 8 km offshore and higher values in May and July (0.29 m⁻¹, 3.79 mg m⁻³) at 4 km nearshore. These findings, reflecting changes in nutrient availability and oceanographic conditions driven by seasonal currents and highlighting the dynamic nature of the region's coastal ecosystems and their sensitivity to both climatic and oceanographic influences, pose significant risks to Taiwan's marine ecosystems. This research offers a comprehensive analysis of the coastal environment in northwestern Taiwan, providing a scientific basis for climate change adaptation strategies. By identifying the need to balance development and conservation, the study emphasizes the importance of implementing algal reef protection, coastal forest restoration, marine protected area establishment, and coastal development regulations.

    How to cite: Hao, Q. and Hsu, P.: Spatiotemporal Changes of the Coastal Environment in Northwestern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2998,, 2025.

    EGU25-3095 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    The contribution of SWOT to the mesoscale eddy activity estimation 

    Jiasheng Shi, Taoyong Jin, and Weiping Jiang

    Mesoscale eddies play a significant role in transporting heat, salinity, and nutrients. The sea surface height (SSH) mapped by nadir data, limited by the spatial coverage and resolved wavelength of SSH observations, cannot fully resolve eddies with wavelengths smaller than 150 km. However, with the launch of the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission, the spatial coverage and resolved wavelength of SSH observations have been significantly improved, resulting in an enhancement in the effective spatial resolution of SSH maps. Here, we further investigate the effect of the enhancement brought by SWOT on the study of mesoscale eddies. As the long wavelength error, which can introduce spurious signals during SSH mapping, remains in the level-3 SWOT ocean product, we propose an interpolation method to reduce LWE, thereby ensuring the accuracy of mesoscale eddy reconstruction. Two versions of SSH maps were generated by the proposed method, one using both nadir data and SWOT data, and the other using only nadir data. With the contribution of SWOT data, more mesoscale eddies with scales smaller than 150 km are reconstructed in the SSH maps, with a corresponding increase in eddy kinetic energy (EKE) up to 0.01 m2/s2. In the Kuroshio, where the mean EKE is about 0.12 m2/s2, the EKE increases by about 6%, whereas it increases by 20% in the California Currents (with a mean EKE of 0.014 m2/s2) and by 35% for the Open Ocean (with a mean EKE of 0.004 m2/s2). As the mean EKE decreases, the contribution of SWOT to the study of mesoscale eddies becomes more pronounced. Notably, the significant increase in EKE in the Open Ocean is accompanied by additional monthly variations in EKE. 

    How to cite: Shi, J., Jin, T., and Jiang, W.: The contribution of SWOT to the mesoscale eddy activity estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3095,, 2025.

    Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous in the world's oceans, and understanding their three-dimensional subsurface temperature and salinity (T-S) structures is crucial for deciphering their complex dynamical processes. This study applies variational methods to this domain, leveraging satellite observations and historical Argo data to successfully reconstruct the three-dimensional T-S fields of mesoscale eddies. Subsequently, by introducing a three-dimensional variational multiscale assimilation model, in situ underway observations of eddies were effectively integrated, significantly enhancing the accuracy of the reconstruction results. Comparisons with extensive Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) profile data revealed that while the preliminary variational reconstruction captured the basic structure of cold eddies, it underestimated the eddy strength and did not clearly depict the low-salinity center between 400-700 meters. After assimilating underway observation data of cold eddies, the eddy strength was markedly strengthened, and the low-salinity center became distinctly visible, consistent with observational data. Furthermore, the assimilation process notably increased the correlation coefficient between the reconstructed results and observational data while reducing the root mean square error. Compared to the MODAS method, the variational approach demonstrated superior reconstruction performance. This study not only validates the effectiveness of variational reconstruction methods for near-real-time, rapid reconstruction of subsurface T-S fields in oceanic mesoscale eddies but also highlights the pivotal role of assimilation techniques in improving reconstruction accuracy, providing a novel avenue for the quasi-real-time three-dimensional T-S reconstruction of mesoscale eddies in the ocean.

    Keywords: mesoscale eddies in the ocean, three-dimensional reconstruction, multiscale three-dimensional variational assimilation

    How to cite: Kefeng, L., Wang, Y., Li, M., Chen, X., Mao, K., and Yu, L.: Experimental Validation of Variational Methods in the Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Temperature and Salinity Fields within Mesoscale Eddies in the Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3370,, 2025.

    Nowadays, directional ocean swell spectra and thereby partitioned swell heights Hss are being routinely acquired by spaceborne radars: Sentinel-1A/B SARs and the real aperture radar sensor CFOSAT SWIM. In this era, questions may interest the community: what are their quantitative uncertainties? Is it possible to characterize the uncertainties in buoy Hss which are usually regarded as ground-truth? Here, a triple colocation error model is exploited to quantify the absolute uncertainties in the Hss observed from SAR, SWIM and WW3 modelling. Furthermore, we propose a buoy Hss error estimation model by combining dual and triple collocation using data derived from buoys, two space-borne radars and modelling. Our findings imply that the reference value uncertainties should be taken into account when understanding direct satellite Hss validation against buoy in situ. Alse, the biases of CFOSAT and Sentinel-1 Hss are important for optimizing the synergetic use and merging of these remotely-sensed Hss in the near future and typical example will be presented.

    How to cite: Wang, H. and Zou, H.: Characterizing uncertainty on ocean swell heights from CFOSAT/Sentinel-1 observations, wave modelling and in-situ measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4102,, 2025.

    EGU25-5711 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    Can we really estimate trends in phytoplankton abundance and community structure over the 25 year ocean colour satellite era ? 

    Stéphane Doléac, Luther Ollier, Laurent Bopp, and Marina Lévy

    Phytoplankton abundance and community structure are crucial to the natural carbon cycle and the sustainability of marine ecosystems. However, their long-term natural variability and their response to anthropogenic climate change remain poorly understood. Since 1997, numerous algorithms have been developed to estimate these two parameters using ocean colour remote sensing. These tools have enabled 25 years of continuous, global-scale observations, providing invaluable insights into the variability of phytoplankton. However, analysing recent trends using these datasets presents significant challenges. Temporal inconsistencies and discontinuities in satellite time series - resulting from sensor transitions or decommissioning - introduce biases that complicate trend detection. Here, we present an inter-comparison framework designed to address these limitations by analysing multiple ocean colour remote sensing products. We implemented a robust statistical approach to minimize the influence of temporal discontinuities on trend detection. Results reveal both regions with robust trends across products and areas of significant disagreement, with the latter being largely prevalent. This study provides novel insights into recent phytoplankton dynamics while highlighting current limitations in our capacity to monitor these changes. Our findings emphasize the importance of multi-product analyses for reliable trend assessment in ocean colour remote sensing.

    How to cite: Doléac, S., Ollier, L., Bopp, L., and Lévy, M.: Can we really estimate trends in phytoplankton abundance and community structure over the 25 year ocean colour satellite era ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5711,, 2025.

    EGU25-6654 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Fuse the SAR and SWIM Observations to Produce Better Wave Spectra Measurements 

    Shihao Zou and Qing Li

    Both the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and the Surface Waves Investigation and Monitoring instrument (SWIM) can provide global wave spectra measurements. However, each has its limitations. Though SAR can resolve wave propagation directions, the velocity bunching effect limits its measurable range in the wavenumber domain and causes severe attenuation of wave spectra. Conversely, SWIM offers a broader measurable range with less underestimation but produces ambiguous wave spectra in the opposite directions. Consequently, researchers must compromise between accurate wave magnitudes and directional information. In this work, we demonstrate that it is possible to resolve this dilemma by fusing SAR and SWIM measurements. We treat wave spectra from WAVEWATCH III as the true reference and feed them into the SAR and SWIM simulators. These simulators generate wave spectra measurements based on the detection mechanisms of SAR and SWIM. The simulations are conducted under ideal conditions, including no noise, no statistical fluctuations, and assuming perfectly aligned measurement locations between SAR and SWIM. Finally, we evaluate the fused wave spectra using significant wave height and Stokes drift velocity, considering both its direction and magnitude. The results show that the fusion method significantly improves the accuracy of wave spectra measurements, effectively combining the strengths of both SAR and SWIM.

    How to cite: Zou, S. and Li, Q.: Fuse the SAR and SWIM Observations to Produce Better Wave Spectra Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6654,, 2025.

    The Baltic Sea is a semi-enclosed shelf sea and characterized by its distinct geographical and oceanographic features. One of the Baltic’s most remarkable features is its surface salinity gradient that is horizontally decreasing from the saline North Sea to the near fresh Bothnian Sea in the north, and Gulf of Finland in the east. Additionally, a vertical gradient and strong stratification separate between less saline surface water and deep saline water. These salinity features are mainly driven by a combination of river runoff, net precipitation, wind conditions, and geographic features that lead to restricted and irregular inflow of saltwater into the Baltic and limited mixing. The overall positive freshwater balance causes the Baltic to be much fresher compared to fully marine ocean waters with a mean salinity of only about 7 g/kg. The Baltic Sea is particularly sensitive to climate change and global warming due to its shallowness,  small volume and limited exchange with the world oceans. Consequently, it is changing more rapidly than other regions. Recent changes in salinity are less clear due to a high variability but overall surface salinity seems to decrease with a simultaneous increase in the deeper water layers. Furthermore. the overall salinity distribution is indirectly linked to the general circulation of the Baltic Sea which consists mainly of cyclonic circulation cells comprising the main sub-basins of the Baltic Sea. Thus, improving the understanding of the salinity dynamics ultimately leads to a better understanding of the circulation in the Baltic Sea. 

    Within the project 4DBALTDYN highly spatially resolved SMOS SSS (Sea Surface Salinity) satellite data will be combined with in situ observational data and numerical modeling to improve our understanding of the salinity dynamics of the Baltic Sea. SMOS SSS data (2011-2019) provide a continuous monitoring of the evolution of the surface salinity of the entire area of the Baltic Sea. 

    How to cite: Lehmann, A., Catany, R., and Mehrtens, H.: Application of SMOS SSS L4 data to improve the understanding of the salinity dynamics and circulation of the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6694,, 2025.

    EGU25-7276 | Orals | OS4.4

    Enhanced Global Sea-Ice CFOSAT sigma₀ maps Reprocessing Utilizing HEALPix-Based Radar within the SROLL Framework 

    Marine Gallian, Jean-Marc Delouis, Fanny Girard-Ardhuin, Chloé Belaube, and Tina Odaka

    In this presentation we investigate sea ice physical parameters by undertaking an extensive reanalysis of radar remote sensing data from SWIM and SCAT sensors onboard the french-chinse CFOSAT satellite. The central objective is to estimate daily maps of sea ice extent, type and displacement from radar sigma_0 data which is linked with surface roughness at a spatial resolution of 12.5 km. For this purpose, it is needed to know biais of the sigma₀ maps, this is what will be presented here. A significant challenge in processing sea-ice data is handling observations concentrated near the poles, where noteworthy features exist, while systematic instrument effects are more stable and manageable at lower latitudes, such as over continents. To prevent biases from arising due to geographic projections, we apply the HEALPix pixelization, functioning as a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS). This technique enables us to process the complete dataset at once, extracting both instrumental biases and the relevant signal within a cohesive framework. The map production employs SROLL, a methodology originally crafted for processing cosmology data in the Planck mission. SROLL is tailored for calibrating, denoising, and producing consistent maps in a single operation, utilizing all available satellite data. We processed five years of SWIM observations and two years of SCAT data in one run gathering as much as possible all available information. Temporal gaps, related to the scanning strategy, were filled using spline-based interpolation, and detected antenna gain variations were adjusted. Additionally, analyses and compensation were performed for long-term noise fluctuations. The resulting datasets underwent successful validation against independent references, illustrating the approach's robustness. This work underscores SROLL's paradigm efficacy in satellite data processing and emphasizes its potential across space missions beyond cosmology. The data is publicly available in Zarr format, promoting ease of access and compatibility with the xDGGS framework.

    How to cite: Gallian, M., Delouis, J.-M., Girard-Ardhuin, F., Belaube, C., and Odaka, T.: Enhanced Global Sea-Ice CFOSAT sigma₀ maps Reprocessing Utilizing HEALPix-Based Radar within the SROLL Framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7276,, 2025.

    EGU25-8072 | Orals | OS4.4

    Estimation of sea surface salinity at high latitudes using the Cryorad 0.4-2GHz wideband radiometer. 

    Jean-Luc Vergely, Jacqueline Boutin, Stéphane Ferron, Marie-Laure Frery, Giovanni Macelloni, Marco Brogioni, Eric Jeansou, and Véronique Bruniquel

    The salinity of polar oceans is undergoing significant changes due to sea ice melt and increased continental runoff, which have resulted in a decrease in sea surface salinity (SSS) across most regions of the Arctic Ocean. Similarly, changes in the extent and thickness of Antarctic sea ice are altering SSS in the Southern Ocean, intensifying upper ocean stratification. These shifts profoundly impact ocean circulation, the ocean's capacity to absorb atmospheric heat and carbon, and ultimately, Earth’s climate. Notably, variations in SSS play a crucial role in the potential collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, with timing potentially earlier than anticipated by current climate models.

    Accurate SSS estimates are essential for monitoring freshwater fluxes at ocean boundaries (e.g., sea ice melting and formation, river runoff, and precipitation), surface hydrography variability affecting deep water formation and overturning circulation, and exchanges with other ocean basins—all of which influence global climate. However, current climate models struggle to accurately represent high-latitude water mass properties due to simplistic depictions of processes like lateral mixing, convection, and entrainment, especially in marginal ice zones. These limitations hinder the models’ ability to predict climate change impacts effectively.

    SSS is recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and an Essential Ocean Variable by the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). While current 1.4 GHz (L-band) radiometer missions have revolutionized global SSS measurements at scales of 40–150 km with revisit intervals of 3 to 8 days, their sensitivity to SSS diminishes significantly in cold waters (by a factor of ~3 between 30°C and 0°C), leading to greater uncertainties in polar regions.

    The CryoRad mission, an ESA Earth Explorer 12 candidate, features a radiometer with an extended frequency range of 0.4–2 GHz, designed to improve SSS measurement accuracy in cold waters by at least a factor of two compared to L-band radiometers.

    As part of the CNES study on "Salinity Estimation in Cold Seas Using Multiband 0.4–2 GHz" and the ESA CryoRad Phase 0 Science and Requirements Consolidation Study (SciReC), we conducted simulations using a simplified CryoRad instrument model. These simulations demonstrate the mission's potential to enhance SSS retrieval at high latitudes. The uncertainties in SSS retrieval were evaluated, considering various radiometric measurement factors such as sea surface temperature, wind speed, and atmospheric influences, which were modeled using radiative transfer principles validated for L-band and extrapolated to lower frequencies.

    This simulator was used to perform an initial sensitivity analysis for Level 2 and Level 3 salinity estimates. Our presentation will detail the simulator's implementation, including the direct and inverse models, inversion strategies, and the performance achieved in estimating SSS within the context of an academic case study.

    How to cite: Vergely, J.-L., Boutin, J., Ferron, S., Frery, M.-L., Macelloni, G., Brogioni, M., Jeansou, E., and Bruniquel, V.: Estimation of sea surface salinity at high latitudes using the Cryorad 0.4-2GHz wideband radiometer., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8072,, 2025.

    EGU25-8570 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    Blending data from SWOT KaRIn science phase and 30 years of nadir altimetry to improve Mean Sea Surface models.  

    Remy Charayron, Philippe Schaeffer, Maxime Ballarotta, Antoine Delepoulle, Alice Laloue, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, and Gerald Dibarboure

    Mean Sea Surface (MSS) is a crucial information to get an accurate Sea Level Anomaly (SLA). This study introduces an advanced MSS model, developed by combining data from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) with over 30 years of nadir altimetry observations. SWOT KaRIn provides two groundbreaking advantages: unmatched precision for resolving small-scale ocean features and two-dimensional measurements that offer a complete view of ocean surface structures, in contrast to the one-dimensional cross-sectional data from nadir altimeters. By integrating SWOT’s exceptional spatial resolution with the long-term temporal stability of nadir altimetry, this new MSS model delivers a more accurate and comprehensive representation of sea surface topography. The model is constructed using a gridded draft MSS based on state-of-the-art MSS to represent large-scale features, which is then refined using two wavelength-specific approaches. The first leverages the mean profile from SWOT KaRIn’s science phase. The second incorporates the static component of the Sea Surface Height (SSH) signal derived through the Multiscale Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography (MIOST) method. Compared to state-of-the-art MSS model, this new MSS reveals previously undetected seamounts, reduces geodetic residuals in SWOT KaRIn Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) signals, and improves overall accuracy. 

    How to cite: Charayron, R., Schaeffer, P., Ballarotta, M., Delepoulle, A., Laloue, A., Pujol, M.-I., and Dibarboure, G.: Blending data from SWOT KaRIn science phase and 30 years of nadir altimetry to improve Mean Sea Surface models. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8570,, 2025.

    EGU25-8871 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    Determining Absorption and Scattering Coefficients by Optimizing Radiative Transfer Modelling with In-Situ Coastal Hyperspectral Reflectance Spectra 

    Adriënne Esmeralda Oudijk, Janina Osanen, Asmita Singh, Vishnu Perumthuruthil Suseelan, Nicolas Sanchez, Anne-Marthe Hvammen Sikkerbøl, Glaucia Moreira Fragoso, Marco Celesti, Jens Nieke, Tor Arne Johansen, and Morten Omholt Alver

    Monitoring ocean color is a crucial tool in understanding marine ecosystems and their health, as it provides quantitative information on chlorophyll-a (chla) concentration, absorption by colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Ocean color data can be used to characterize phytoplankton pigment groups from the ocean, by using a few color bands (multispectral imaging). Hyperspectral sensors have the potential to distinguish pigment groups in more detail. This capability is necessary for detailed monitoring of local ecosystems and improving predictions of algae blooms. As part of the European Copernicus Programme, the Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment (CHIME) will provide routine hyperspectral observations globally over land and coastal zones in support to European Union policies for the management of natural resources, ecosystem services and societal benefits. CHIME primarily focuses on land applications, however, secondary applications include, among others, detection of floating debris and water quality monitoring in inland and coastal waters.

    Radiative transfer modelling (RTM) is a useful tool for determining the expected level of detail in which phytoplankton pigment groups can be distinguished with a new observing system (e.g. satellite mission). The forward RTM simulation uses assumed absorption and scattering properties of phytoplankton in each depth layer to calculate light progression and the reflectance spectrum. Since these properties are difficult to determine and vary with factors such as depth [1] and the community that the pigment groups appear in [2], it can lead to inaccurate model output.

    During an observation campaign in September 2024, we sampled at two different locations in Trondheimsfjorden: one located in the middle of the fjord, to compare results with satellite data while minimizing land-mixing, and the other located at the critical Gaula river outlet, which is important for sediment and nutrient transport into the fjord. We measured among others phytoplankton accessory pigments and taxonomy, CDOM, the surface reflectance spectrum, and the downwelling irradiance in the water column. This data allows us to compare the model output to the observation while we tune absorption and scattering properties. An optimization process lets us tune them to minimize the deviation in the output, thereby resulting in estimates of absorption and scattering properties.

    The forward RTM exercise was set up to simulate the reflectance of the water surface and the downwelling irradiance in the water column. Measured chla and CDOM concentrations were used as inputs. In the optimization exercise, the sum of squares of the difference between the measured vertical downwelling irradiance profile and the simulated vertical downwelling irradiance profile is minimized, by tuning the absorption and scattering coefficients. For testing, the measured reflectance spectrum and RTM simulated reflectance spectrum were compared.

    The final absorption and scattering coefficients were compared to measured absorption properties [3] and simulated absorption and scattering properties [2].  These simulations can better determine the sensitivity of future hyperspectral missions (e.g. CHIME) to distinguishing phytoplankton pigment groups.

    [1] Sundarabalan et al., 2013. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer.
    [2] Lain et al., 2023. Scientific Data.
    [3] Johnsen et al., 2007. Journal of Phycology.

    How to cite: Oudijk, A. E., Osanen, J., Singh, A., Perumthuruthil Suseelan, V., Sanchez, N., Hvammen Sikkerbøl, A.-M., Moreira Fragoso, G., Celesti, M., Nieke, J., Johansen, T. A., and Omholt Alver, M.: Determining Absorption and Scattering Coefficients by Optimizing Radiative Transfer Modelling with In-Situ Coastal Hyperspectral Reflectance Spectra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8871,, 2025.

    EGU25-9940 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Heterogeneity of Phytoplankton Response to Submesoscale Processes in the Global Ocean 

    Yunchen Liu, Qingyou He, Weikang Zhan, Mingxian Guo, Yuhang Zheng, and Haigang Zhan

    Oceanic submesoscale processes are believed to play a pivotal role in influencing phytoplankton growth and distribution, essentially influencing oceanic primary productivity and carbon cycling. However, our understanding of how phytoplankton respond to these dynamics remains fragmentary. Here, by combining surface drifter data and satellite observations, we show a rich geographic variability in the response of phytoplankton to submesoscale ageostrophic events over the global ocean. Substantial phytoplankton biomass and chlorophyll (Chl) enrichments are observed during submesoscale processes in mid-high latitude regions and coastal upwelling systems. However, negligible phytoplankton biomass increase with notable Chl increase is observed in tropical oceans and subtropical gyres, suggesting that phytoplankton are likely undergoing physiological adjustments. Globally, about half of the Chl growth driven by strong submesoscale ageostrophic events is due to physiological adjustments rather than biomass enrichment, calling for a reevaluation of the effects of submesoscale processes on oceanic productivity and carbon cycling.

    How to cite: Liu, Y., He, Q., Zhan, W., Guo, M., Zheng, Y., and Zhan, H.: Heterogeneity of Phytoplankton Response to Submesoscale Processes in the Global Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9940,, 2025.

    EGU25-10938 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Towards remote sensing of sub-surface turbulence from surface-only measurements with the SHRED machine learning framework 

    Kristoffer S. Moen, Jørgen R. Aarnes, Simen Å. Ellingsen, and J. Nathan Kutz

    Near-surface turbulent fluid flows beneath a free surface are reconstructed from sparse measurements of the surface only. We study data from direct numerical simulations (DNS) as well as a laboratory experiment.  

    Fast and economical measurements of the turbulent flow near the free surface of natural flows is of high importance, for estimation and monitoring of a range of environmental factors. Gas evasion from rivers make a large and poorly constrained contribution to the total CO2 emissions, the transfer rates of gas and heat between water and atmosphere transfer are controlled by near-surface turbulent mixing. Transport of microplastics and nutrients and the living conditions of phytoplankton depend on turbulent mixing. The ability to estimate, e.g., the rate of gas transfer from rivers based on video footage taken from drones would enable coverage of large areas, much faster and at much lower cost than state-of-the-art in situ measurements.

    We employ a machine learning approach to build on recent progress in quantifying sub-surface turbulent flow from surface-only observations, such as utilising surface imprints to identify strong sub-surface turbulent flow structures [1]. A previous machine learning approach showed promise, using the same DNS data that we also employ [2].

    We apply a recently developed method, the Shallow Recurrent Decoder (SHRED) neural network [3], to free-surface turbulent flows. It combines a recurrent network, which learns a latent representation of the temporal dynamics of the system, with a shallow decoder network, that transforms this latent space back to real-state space. The algorithm is applied to DNS cases and experimental cases of different turbulence levels, with several horizontal subsurface velocity planes measured simultaneously as the surface. The temporal dynamics of subsurface planes are successfully reconstructed from as little as three time-resolved sensors at the surface, with low-rank features matching well with ground truth data, as well as matching turbulence spectra in the low-wavenumber regime. Depth profiles of selected error metrics suggest reasonable velocity field reconstructions, although the performance generally decreases with depth. Our results amount to a proof of concept of a method with potential to facilitate remote sensing of sub-surface flow from e.g. video images.

    [1] J. R. Aarnes, O.M. Babiker, A. Xuan, L. Shen, and S.Å. Ellingsen (2025). “Vortex structures under dimples and scars in turbulent free-surface flows”. J. Fluid Mech., accepted, Preprint:

    [2] A.Xuan and L.Shen (2023) “Reconstruction of three-dimensional turbulent flow structures using surface measurements for free-surface flows based on a convolutional neural network” J. Fluid Mech. 959 A34.

    [3] J. P. Williams, O. Zahn, and J. N. Kutz (2024), “Sensing with shallow recurrent decoder networks,” Proc. R. Soc. A, 480, no. 2298.

    How to cite: Moen, K. S., Aarnes, J. R., Ellingsen, S. Å., and Kutz, J. N.: Towards remote sensing of sub-surface turbulence from surface-only measurements with the SHRED machine learning framework, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10938,, 2025.

    EGU25-11212 | Orals | OS4.4

    SWOT-KaRIn Level-3 and Level-4 Algorithms and Products Overview 

    Cécile Anadon, Anaëlle Treboutte, Robin Chevrier, Antoine Delepoulle, Maxime Ballarotta, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, Clément Ubelmann, and Gérald Dibarboure

    The DUACS system (Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System) produces, as part of the CNES/SALP project, Copernicus Marine Service and Copernicus Climate Change Service, high quality multi-mission altimetry Sea Level products for oceanographic applications, climate forecasting centers, geophysics and biology communities. These products consist in directly usable and easy to manipulate Level-3 (L3; along-track cross-calibrated SSHA) and Level-4 products (L4; multiple sensors merged as maps or time series).

    Level-3 algorithms used for nadir altimeters have been extended to handle SWOT’s unique swath-altimeter data: upgrades with state-of-the-art Level-2 corrections and models from the research community, a data-driven and statistical approach to the removal of spurious and suspicious pixels, a multi-satellite calibration process that leverages the strengths of the pre-existing nadir altimeter constellation, a noise-mitigation algorithm based on a convolutional neural network. The objective of this presentation is to present the uniqueness of Level-3 algorithms and datasets and the regular changes made every 6 months with restatements. The changes introduced by version 2 of the L3 products published in December 2024/January 2025 are as follows:

    • Geophysical standards changes
      • Internal tides model HRET14
      • Quick fix of the SSB/SSHA offset in polar transitions
      • Addition of 5 cm offset on MDT and ADT to be consistent with other L3 products
    • Coverage improved :
      • Eclipse data gaps retrieved with good quality
      • Polar and coastal regions
    • Cross-calibration improved, especially for coastal areas and polar seas
    • Coastline and distance to coast improved
    • Addition of surface classification (ice/leads) in editing flag
    • Addition of new variables :
      • Unfiltered geostrophic velocities
      • Internal tide model
      • Cross-track distance

    2D topography images from SWOT have been added to nadir altimeter data inside mapping algorithms (MIOST, 4DvarNET, 4DvarQG) to produce Level-4 products. The wide swath data provided by the SWOT mission help to reduce mapping errors mainly in energetic ocean currents, to better position oceanic structures (eddies, fronts…) and to have finer resolution in maps.

    How to cite: Anadon, C., Treboutte, A., Chevrier, R., Delepoulle, A., Ballarotta, M., Pujol, M.-I., Ubelmann, C., and Dibarboure, G.: SWOT-KaRIn Level-3 and Level-4 Algorithms and Products Overview, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11212,, 2025.

    EGU25-11690 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Marine soundscape characterization to mitigate ocean noise pollution in Venice lagoon, NE Italy 

    Annaïs Soares Teixeira, Alberto Carrera, Jacopo Boaga, and Lapo Boschi

    Human activities are known to have profound and increasing impacts on biodiversity and the environment (Frisk, 2012). An important aspect of our impact on wildlife is noise pollution, both in the form of elastic noise (e.g., commercial activities, oil and gas platforms) and acoustic waves (navigation, seismic surveys). The frequency range of anthropogenic (some types of boats and activities) and biological signals overlap, resulting in disturbance of animal behaviors, such as masking communication.

    Venice's environment is particularly fragile and threatened by both climate change and the growing impact of mass tourism. In this regard, the increasing cruise-ship traffic and the growing demand for tourist transportation are among the main causes of water and air pollution. Recent studies have shown how significant water noise can be, associated with daytime (Bolgan et al., 2016) and summer tourism peaks (Tegowski et al., 2019), and how necessary it is to adopt soundscape monitoring strategies (Boaga and Boschi, 2022).

    In this context, the SEASOUNDS project aims to improve the characterization of marine soundscapes to provide recommendations for appropriate and proportionate underwater noise mitigation solutions to improve know-how, decision-making, and standard-setting for sustainable impact on marine wildlife. However, important knowledge gaps still exist related to understanding, characterizing, and modeling the entire noise transfer chain from the noise source to receptors (be it a technological tool or an animal).

    The objective of this contribution is to show the implementation phases of the project, which consist of a series of underwater acoustic acquisitions in the Venice lagoon area. Both low-cost autonomous underwater recording units and a high-quality hydrophone will be used, providing data within a holistic approach that incorporates concepts, models and tools from seismology and environmental acoustic monitoring.



    Boaga, J., Boschi, L. Impact of Anthropogenic Activities on Underwater Noise Pollution in Venice. Water Air Soil Pollut 233, 221 (2022).

    Bolgan, M., Picciulin, M., Codarin, A., Fiorin, R., Zucchetta, M., & Malavasi, S. (2016). Is the Venice lagoon noisy? First passive listening monitoring of the Venice lagoon: Possible effects on the typical fish community. In A. N. Popper & A. Hawkins (Eds.), The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II (pp. 83–90). New York: Springer.

    Frisk, G. (2012). Noiseonomics: The relationship between ambient noise levels in the sea and global economic trends. Scientific Reports, 2, 437.

    Tegowski, J., Madricardo, F., Kruss, A., Zdroik, J., Janowski, L. (2019). Monitorning of anthropogenic underwater noise in the Venice lagoon, Italy, In: UACE2019 - Conference Proceedings, pp. 367–373.

    How to cite: Soares Teixeira, A., Carrera, A., Boaga, J., and Boschi, L.: Marine soundscape characterization to mitigate ocean noise pollution in Venice lagoon, NE Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11690,, 2025.

    EGU25-12195 | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Reconstruction of the Spatial Physical and Bio-Geochemical Fields based on of earth observations, numerical modeling and AI methods within the framework of 4DBaltDyn ESA project 

    Jaromir Jakacki, Mirosław Darecki, Maciej Muzyka, Anna Bulczak, Daniel Rak, Lidia Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, Maciej Janecki, Artur Nowicki, Dawid Dybowski, Luciana Fenoglio, Jiaming Chen, Andreas Lehmann, Rafael Catany, Marine Bretagnon, Laurent Bertino, Aurélien Prat, Quentin Jutard, and Roberto Sabia

    Modern satellite data offer powerful and unprecedented tools for monitoring the marine environment on a global scale. However, due to their inherent nature, these observations are predominantly limited to the sea surface, thus providing only a partial understanding of the marine ecosystem. This limitation can be addressed by integrating numerical models (NMs), which represent the physical processes in the marine environment through mathematical equations.

    The 4D BaltDyn project aims to develop four-dimensional physical and bio-geochemical parameters by merging advanced satellite earth observation data with numerical models and AI methods. Firstly, the project will develop new SSH, SSS and ocean color products that will be later used in the assimilation and development of 4D (x,y,z,t) fields. In this study, we employ three principal models together with novel ML and AI methods used for the 4D reconstruction of ocean currents, temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll-a and  nutrients:

    • The Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Model of the Baltic Sea (BSIOM - GEOMAR): Utilized to improve the general representation of salinity distribution by nudging a new product in the coupled model.
    • The 3D Coupled Ecosystem Model of the Baltic Sea (CEMBS - IOPAN): Based on the Community Earth System Model (CESM), this model will be adapted for assimilating sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a data.
    • Recently developed Climate and Environmental Modelling System (CEMS - IOPAN, current version consists of coupled Community Ice CodE (CICE) to Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS)): Applied to enhance the barotropic components of numerical models.
    • SOCA- Artificial intelligence method adapted for merging satellite observations and BGC-Argo floats for estimation of the vertical structure of particulate backscattering coefficient

    All these models will incorporate satellite data developed within the framework of the project consortium. By integrating satellite and modeling data, we aim to create one of the most accurate reanalyzed datasets to date, surpassing the quality of currently available datasets.

    The poster will present preliminary results, focusing on the adapted methodologies. Given the well-known advantages and limitations of both satellite data and numerical model outputs, we anticipate significant improvements, which will be showcased in this work.





    The results are a part of the 4D BaltDyn project. Study financed by the European Space Agency, project number 4000143924/24/I-DT

    How to cite: Jakacki, J., Darecki, M., Muzyka, M., Bulczak, A., Rak, D., Dzierzbicka-Głowacka, L., Janecki, M., Nowicki, A., Dybowski, D., Fenoglio, L., Chen, J., Lehmann, A., Catany, R., Bretagnon, M., Bertino, L., Prat, A., Jutard, Q., and Sabia, R.: Reconstruction of the Spatial Physical and Bio-Geochemical Fields based on of earth observations, numerical modeling and AI methods within the framework of 4DBaltDyn ESA project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12195,, 2025.

    EGU25-13611 | Orals | OS4.4

    Validation of High-Resolution Ocean Models Through Remote Sensing Observations 

    Ana M. Mancho, Guillermo García-Sánchez, Antonio G. Ramos, Josep Coca, and Jose Antonio Jiménez Madrid

    This presentation presents results discussed in [1] where a methodology based on the use of dynamical systems ideas to assess the quality of the results obtain from different configurations of a high resolution coastal ocean model is used. The aim is to leverage satellite imagery, which provides observations at a lower cost than in situ observations, and to propose a strategy for quantifying the quality of model results. Accessing in situ data across all small coastal areas is not feasible, as in situ observations are scarce and obtained through dedicated ships or instruments in limited and selected regions. Our work aims to use alternative remote sensing information to overcome this challenge. Examples are discussed in selected coastal areas.


    Support from PIE project Ref. 202250E001 funded by CSIC, from grant PID2021-123348OB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033/ and by FEDER A way for making Europe, from IMPRESSIVE, a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 821922, from SIRENA, funded by the European Maritime, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) under the Pleamar 2023 Program of the Biodiversity Foundation.


    [1] G. Garcia-Sanchez, A.M. Mancho, A. G. Ramos, J. Coca, J.A. Jimenez-Madrid. Dynamical systems for remote validation of very high-resolution ocean models. Nonlinear Dynamics 112, 8653-8673 (2024).

    How to cite: Mancho, A. M., García-Sánchez, G., Ramos, A. G., Coca, J., and Jiménez Madrid, J. A.: Validation of High-Resolution Ocean Models Through Remote Sensing Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13611,, 2025.

    EGU25-15069 | ECS | Orals | OS4.4

    Noise Reduction in Synthetic Radar Returns via Denoising Autoencoder for Estimating Ocean Wave Parameters 

    Afifah Hanum Amahoru, Jeseon Yoo, Faizal Ade Rahmahuddin Abdullah, Donghwi Son, and Minseon Bang

    The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into marine radar systems holds transformative potential for ocean monitoring, particularly in South Korea, where the spatial measurement network for the ocean remains underdeveloped. This study seeks to overcome the limitations of marine radar, especially in mitigating noise and accurately capturing wave field dynamics under both calm and extreme sea conditions. To achieve this, we enhance the radar's 3D Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using a custom-made denoising autoencoder (DAE) architecture. Although the stereo camera system was initially planned to provide the training ground truth data for the AI model, this study instead tests the AI using synthetic real sea surface datasets to offer greater flexibility in simulating various wave conditions. Wave parameters were extracted from the 3D FFT and analyzed across multiple Beaufort-scale scenarios. The DAE application resulted in substantial noise reduction, with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) improvements of over 13 dB, thus improving the clarity and accuracy of wave patterns in radar returns. The results highlight the potential of AI-enhanced radar systems to refine wave field analyses, particularly in complex and extreme sea states. Future work will focus on further optimizing the AI architecture for real-world marine radar and stereo camera datasets, advancing its operational readiness for disaster mitigation and oceanographic research.

    How to cite: Amahoru, A. H., Yoo, J., Abdullah, F. A. R., Son, D., and Bang, M.: Noise Reduction in Synthetic Radar Returns via Denoising Autoencoder for Estimating Ocean Wave Parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15069,, 2025.

    EGU25-17626 | Posters on site | OS4.4

    Sea level maps over Polar Regions derived from Satellite Altimetry 

    Oscar Vergara, Mei-Ling Dabat, Pierre Prandi, Cosme Mosneron Dupin, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, and Gérald Dibarboure

    Over the Arctic and Southern Oceans, the presence of sea ice prevents the use of satellite altimetry to obtain reliable sea level observations. However, recent developments in data processing now allow us to obtain sea level estimates over the zones where the sea ice is fractured (sea ice leads), thus making possible the production of sea level maps over polar regions, including ice-covered zones.

    Sea level maps over the Arctic and Southern Oceans were produced over the period 01-2011 to 01-2024 by combining observations from 3 missions from 50°N/S to 88°N/S, using an optimal interpolation algorithm. Three satellite missions (Sentinel-3A, SARAL/AltiKa and Cryosat-2) are processed using the same altimetric standards and the resulting sea level observations are in good agreement. The products are distributed on the Aviso Regional Products portal and constitute a demonstration dataset prior to the next-generation of operational CMEMS-SLTAC products. The sea level maps are validated against hourly Gloss/CLIVAR tide gauge and bottom pressure recorders at the north pole and in the Beaufort Sea (BGEP project) showing a good correlation at seasonal timescales. Polar sea level trends are also estimated over the full 12 years period, providing insight over annual to decadal sea level variability.

    Future product evolutions might include discarding the melt ponds observations during summer and the calibration of the polar products against the products derived for the global ocean. Extending the product time-series length using historical ENVISAT observations is also planned for the near future.

    How to cite: Vergara, O., Dabat, M.-L., Prandi, P., Mosneron Dupin, C., Pujol, M.-I., and Dibarboure, G.: Sea level maps over Polar Regions derived from Satellite Altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17626,, 2025.

    EGU25-18038 | Orals | OS4.4 | Highlight

    SMOS Sea Surface Salinity retrieval after 15 years of mission 

    Estrella Olmedo, Antonio Turiel, Verónica González-Gambau, Aina García-Espriu, Nicolas Reul, Joshep Tenerelli, Jacqueline Boutin, Jean-Luc Vergely, Ana Parracho, Fabrice Bonjean, Eric Jeansou, Yoann Rey-Ricord, Nicolas Bertaud, Abdellah Belaid, Roberto Sabia, Raffaele Crapolicchio, and Klaus Scipal

    In November 2009, the first L-band interferometric radiometer was launched as the second Earth Explorer mission by the European Space Agency (ESA), with the primary goal of measuring soil moisture over land and sea surface salinity over the oceans. After more than 15 years, the mission continues to provide excellent monitoring of these two essential climate variables, offering unprecedented spatial and temporal coverage and resolutions.  Over these 15 years, the data processing algorithms for the salinity retrieval have had to evolve to address significant challenges in the observation acquisition process. These challenges include: i) Land-sea  and ice-sea contamination, which results in spurious biases  near the coastlines and ice-edges due to sharp transitions between the high values of the brightness temperature over land and ice, and the low values over the ocean; ii) Degradation of the signal caused by Radio Frequency Interferences sources, which unexpectedly (and illegally) occupied the frequency reserved for Earth Observation. 


    After huge efforts from all the expert support laboratories at level 2, the SMOS sea surface salinity maps have achieved an accuracy that has led to a wave of influential advances across many fields, especially in physical oceanography and climate change. These advancements include insights into the intensification of the water cycle, drivers of the sea-ice retreat in Antarctica, among others. As a testament to the credibility and robustness of the satellite salinity observation, the Climate Change Initiative has not only included salinity in its program, but also brings the opportunity to add new essential variables that use satellite salinity for their estimation.


    Looking ahead, it is time to consider a successor to SMOS. Starting in 2028, the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometry (CIMR) Copernicus expansion mission is expected to continuously monitor the L-band (along with other frequencies), albeit with slightly degraded spatial resolution but significantly increased signal-to-noise ratio compared to SMOS. The SMOS support laboratories are committed to be at the international forefront of the acquisition of the L-band measurement. For this reason, we are not completely satisfied with “only” continuous monitoring of the L-band; we also aim to enhance the resolution of the signal. To this end, two different proposals were submitted in the last ESA Earth Explorer 12 call for ideas. Although neither was selected, both have received excellent evaluations, encouraging the teams to mature and resubmit their proposals in the next call.

    How to cite: Olmedo, E., Turiel, A., González-Gambau, V., García-Espriu, A., Reul, N., Tenerelli, J., Boutin, J., Vergely, J.-L., Parracho, A., Bonjean, F., Jeansou, E., Rey-Ricord, Y., Bertaud, N., Belaid, A., Sabia, R., Crapolicchio, R., and Scipal, K.: SMOS Sea Surface Salinity retrieval after 15 years of mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18038,, 2025.

    EGU25-18469 | Orals | OS4.4

    Modeling the Dielectric Constant of Seawater from 0.4 GHz to 2 GHz: A feasbility study for the CryoRad mission 

    Yiwen Zhou, Jacqueline Boutin, David Le Vine, Roger Lang, Marco Brogioni, Giovanni Macelloni, and Matthias Drusch

    CryoRad, a candidate mission under ESA’s Earth Explorer 12 program, is designed to carry an advanced wideband, low-frequency microwave radiometer operating from P- to L-band (0.4 to 2 GHz). One of the primary objectives of CryoRad is to enhance sea surface salinity (SSS) retrieval, particularly in cold water regions which are of increasing importance due to climate change. This improvement is because of the great sensitivity of P-band brightness temperature to changes in sea surface salinity. Achieving this objective hinges on the development of an accurate dielectric constant model for seawater over the entire frequency range of 0.4 to 2 GHz in order to compute the sea surface emissivity and retrieve SSS.

    Over the past decade, progress has been made in the accurate measurement [1] and modeling of seawater dielectric constants at L-band (1.413 GHz) [2][3][4]. These efforts have been directed at improving SSS retrieval accuracy using data from satellite missions such as SMOS [5] and Aquarius [6]. Recently, the new P-band seawater dielectric measurements (0.707 GHz) [7] enable the possibility of using the data at the two frequencies to develop a new dielectric constant model, which is expected to provide insight into the dielectric constant of seawater across the entire frequency range of the CryoRad mission and its application in multi-frequency SSS retrieval.

    This paper introduces the development of this wideband seawater dielectric constant model and its validation against experimental measurement data. A sensitivity analysis is also presented to highlight the benefits of using an accurate dielectric constant model over the frequency range. These results demonstrate the potential of the new model to support the CryoRad mission as well as future missions operating within this frequency band to improve multi-frequency SSS retrieval.

    [1] R. Lang, Y. Zhou, C. Utku, and D. Le Vine (2016), “Accurate measurements of the dielectric constant of seawater at L-band”, Radio Science, vol: 51, pp. 2-24.

    [2] Y. Zhou, R. Lang, E. Dinnat and D. Le Vine (2021), “Seawater Debye Model Function at L-band and Its Impact on Salinity Retrieval from Aquarius Satellite Data”, IEEE TGRS, vol. 59, no. 10 pp. 1-14. 

    [3] D. Le Vine, R. Lang, Y. Zhou, E. Dinnat and T. Meissner (2022), “Status of the dielectric constant of sea water at L-Band for remote sensing of salinity”, IEEE TGRS, vol. 60, 4210114

    [4] J. Boutin et al. (2023), “New seawater dielectric constant parametrization and application to SMOS retrieved salinity”, IEEE TGRS, vol. 61, 2000813

    [5] Y. Kerr, et al. (2010), "The SMOS mission: New tool for monitoring key elements of the global water cycle." Proc. IEEE 98(5): 666–687

    [6] D. M. Le Vine, G. Lagerloef and S.E. Torrusio (2010), “Aquarius and Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity from Space”, Proc. IEEE, vol. 98, no. 5, pp. 688-703

    [7] D. M. Le Vine, R. Lang, M. Li, E. Dinnat, J. Boutin and Y. Zhou (2025), “The Dielectric Constant of Sea Water at P-Band for Salinity from 0 to 150 pss”, IEEE TGRS, Early Access, 2025

    How to cite: Zhou, Y., Boutin, J., Le Vine, D., Lang, R., Brogioni, M., Macelloni, G., and Drusch, M.: Modeling the Dielectric Constant of Seawater from 0.4 GHz to 2 GHz: A feasbility study for the CryoRad mission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18469,, 2025.

    EGU25-18602 | Orals | OS4.4

    High Resolution and High Frequency Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from the Forest-Constellation 

    Anastasia Sarelli, Lukas Liesenhoff, Christian Mollière, Andrea Spichtinger, Georgios Fotopoulos, Johanna Wahbe, Dominik Laux, Kathrin Umstädter, Josephine Wong, Martin Langer, and Julia Gottfriedsen

    Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is a key variable for understanding oceanographic processes and climate dynamics, and monitoring maritime environments and marine ecosystem management operations. The Forest constellation of CubeSats provides an innovative source to SST measurement by leveraging thermal infrared sensors with a spatial resolution of 200 meters and a swath width of 410 km. From April 25 onwards, the constellation achieves a revisit time of 12 hours anywhere on Earth, enabling near real-time monitoring of ocean thermal patterns. Designed with a radiometric accuracy target of 3K, the system is optimized for capturing fine-scale thermal structures with reliability comparable to traditional satellite platforms. Overpass times of the Forest constellation will be around late afternoon local time. This offers two advantages for SST data analysis. First, many public satellites have overpass times around midday and the afternoon orbits suffer from a coverage gap. Therefore, the Forest constellation will close a significant data gap in the afternoon. Second, the late afternoon overpasses align with the peak diurnal warming of ocean temperatures. As maximum temperatures are often the primary variables of interest when analyzing ecosystem effects, the afternoon orbits may offer special insights for this. 

    At EGU, we want to showcase examples of our SST data from Forest 2, the current generation in orbit. We outline the methodology for processing, calibrating, and validating SST measurements derived from the Forest constellation. We evaluate the data quality and its potential applications in areas such as ocean circulation modeling, marine resource management, maritime sustainability and climate change monitoring. Preliminary results highlight the ability of the Forest constellation to deliver high-resolution SST data at high revisit rates, offering a cost-effective and accessible solution for global ocean observation. This adds to demonstrate the transformative potential of CubeSat technology in advancing Earth system science.

    How to cite: Sarelli, A., Liesenhoff, L., Mollière, C., Spichtinger, A., Fotopoulos, G., Wahbe, J., Laux, D., Umstädter, K., Wong, J., Langer, M., and Gottfriedsen, J.: High Resolution and High Frequency Sea Surface Temperature Measurements from the Forest-Constellation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18602,, 2025.

    EGU25-19106 | Orals | OS4.4

    A network-based characterization of eddy activity via the META-Networks dataset from multi-satellite altimetry 

    Francesco Nencioli, Juliette Gamot, Antoine Delepoulle, Isabelle Pujols, and Gerald Dibarboure

    Mesoscale eddies are ubiquitous features of the global ocean. They can trap and transport water over large distances and therefore play a key role in regulating the ocean’s energy, heat and biogeochemical cycles. Furthermore, they impact the transport of surface tracers and therefore have an important influence in regulating the geographical distribution of surface tracers and ecological niches. Global observations of the large-scale mesoscale circulation (i.e. scales > 100 km) are provided daily by the sea surface heights maps obtained from the merging of the along-track measurements acquired by the current constellation of satellite altimeters. Due to large spatial and temporal extent of such datasets, mesoscale studies based on satellite altimetry required the development of automated methods to identify and track individual mesoscale eddies.

    The META-Networks (Mesoscale Eddy Trajectories Atlas – Networks) is a new eddy dataset based on the fields of absolute dynamic topography reconstructed using the new Multiscale Interpolation gridding (MIOST) from 1993 to present. Like other existing datasets, META-Networks provides mesoscale eddy characteristics and tracks over the global ocean. The tracks are reconstructed by combining together the individual eddies detected from sea level elevation using the Py-Eddy-Tracker algorithm (PET) described by Mason et al., 2014, and available here

    A key additional feature of META-network is that individual tracks are combined together in a series of eddy-networks which takes into account eddy-eddy interactions at the beginning and end of each track. Such interactions are identified via eddy overlapping from individual tracks, and the tracks are associated in the same network if the overlap ratio (defined as the intersection of the area of the two eddies divided by the union of their areas) is larger than a given threshold. Such network representation enables the analysis of eddy properties not only during individual along-track evolution, but also at times of merging and splitting interactions with other eddies, providing an additional point of view for the characterization of mesoscale activity in the global ocean.

    Here we present a global overview of the identified eddy networks. Each network is characterized based on its spatial and temporal extent and as well as on the statistical properties (duration, size, intensity etc.) of the individual eddies that comprise it. Within each network, eddy-eddy interactions are analyzed to highlight the regional and dynamical conditions that favor the occurrence of merging and splitting events. Finally, to qualitatively validate the reconstructed networks and identified synergies, a few examples of synergies with other remotely sensed variables (e.g. ocean color and sea surface temperature) at the time of specific eddy merging and splitting events are also investigated and discussed.

    How to cite: Nencioli, F., Gamot, J., Delepoulle, A., Pujols, I., and Dibarboure, G.: A network-based characterization of eddy activity via the META-Networks dataset from multi-satellite altimetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19106,, 2025.

    EGU25-20235 | Orals | OS4.4

    SST and Combined SST/IST Products Overview: DMI's Contribution to Copernicus Marine and Climate Change Services" 

    Ioanna Karagali, Pia Englyst, Ida Lundtrop Olsen, Guisella Gacitua, Alexander Hayward, Wiebke Kolbe, and Jacob Høyer

    Sea surface temperature (SST) and sea-ice surface temperature (IST) are both essential climate variables (ECVs) and long-term stable observational records of these (and other ECVs) are crucial to monitor, characterize and understand the state of climate as well as its variability and changes. The Copernicus Marine Service (CMS) and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) are responsible for complementary reprocessing activities using satellite ocean observations. CMS encompasses reprocessing at global and regional scales of all satellite observations including all observations available at a given time (reprocessing of Essential Ocean Variables, EOVs). C3S fosters climate reprocessing, typically at global scale, with special focus on the most accurate observations and homogeneous time series (reprocessing of Essential Climate Variables, ECVs).

    The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) serves as a Production Unit (PU) for the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and Sea Ice (SI) Thematic Assembly Centers (TAC) of CMS and the SST ECV of C3S. Within both frameworks, a suite of GHRSST-compliant L3S and L4 SST and combined SST/IST products for the Baltic and North Sea (CMS), Pan-Arctic (CMS) and Global Ocean (C3S) are produced. In the beginning of 2025, the new C3S SST/IST global L4 Climate Data Record (1982-2024) was released providing a unique opportunity for assessment of temperature changes over the global ocean including regions with sea-ice cover. Satellite observations from infrared and microwave sensors (independent of in situ measurements) have been blended using an optimal interpolation scheme to provide daily gap-free fields of combined SST and IST on a global 0.05 regular latitude-longitude grid. For consistency with existing L4 SST products, the global C3S SST/IST CDR also includes an estimate of the under-ice water temperature (UISST) in sea-ice covered regions. However, the combination of SST and IST provides a much better and more consistent indicator of climate change and surface temperature trends in the high latitudes, where the coverage of sea ice changes rapidly. The global combined SST and IST has risen 0.5 C over the period 1982-2024, which is ~25% more than observed in existing global L4 SST products considering the global ocean (using the under-ice SSTs) and the region between 60S and 60N, respectively. This highlights the importance of the combined SST and IST indicator for monitoring the actual surface temperature trends in high latitudes.

    In early 2025, a reprocessed version of the Baltic Sea and North Sea SST Reanalysis product (1982-2024) will be released using the latest version of the ESA SST_cci L2P data as input. This product only uses satellite-based SSTs from infra-red sensors covering the North and Baltic Sea basins, at a 0.02 degrees regular latitude-longitude grid. Although it does not directly ingest IST, it uses a new approach for estimating the freezing point temperature of sea water depending on climatological salinity, which is a complex variable in the enclosed Baltic Sea basin. This presentation provides an overview of the existing and new products and their quality, along with a summary of implemented and future improvements.

    How to cite: Karagali, I., Englyst, P., Lundtrop Olsen, I., Gacitua, G., Hayward, A., Kolbe, W., and Høyer, J.: SST and Combined SST/IST Products Overview: DMI's Contribution to Copernicus Marine and Climate Change Services", EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20235,, 2025.

    EGU25-61 | Orals | OS4.5

    Mercury levels in Loggerhead and Green Sea turtle eggshells from nests along the southeastern Mediterranean coast 

    Jacob Silverman, Orin Levin, Yaniv Levy, Olga Rybak, and Mustafa Asfur

    Sea turtles roam vast regions of the Mediterranean Sea throughout their lives, during which they accumulate mercury, primarily as a function of their tropic level and age. This study examined the spatial distribution of mercury in hatched eggshells of loggerhead sea turtles (caretta caretta, n=200) and green sea turtles (chelonia mydas, n=40) from nests along the Mediterranean coast of Israel. This was done to determine spatial trends of mercury exposure on a regional scale in nesting females, assuming that eggshell mercury levels are related to the mother’s mercury burden. Ten eggshells were sampled from each nest during the nesting seasons of 2022, and 2023 (n=22).

    Some of the nests were transferred to protected enclosures after the eggs were laid. In general, mean mercury levels in each nest varied greatly between nests from the same enclosures and between different shores in both species. As expected, the mean mercury level in loggerhead eggshells was significantly higher than green sea turtle eggshells (8±1 and 1.0±0.5 ppb (mean±SE), respectively, p<0.0001). Furthermore, mercury in loggerhead eggshells decreased from the northern to the southern region of Israel from 10±1 ppb (n=100) to 5.4±0.3 ppb (n=80), respectively. Finally, mercury levels in loggerhead eggshells are substantially higher and more robust (much higher sample size of eggs and nests in this study) than previously reported values from other regions in the Mediterranean Sea and globally. This result suggests that eastern Levantine sea-turtles are more exposed to mercury pollution than other marine areas of the Mediterranean Sea and globally. 

    How to cite: Silverman, J., Levin, O., Levy, Y., Rybak, O., and Asfur, M.: Mercury levels in Loggerhead and Green Sea turtle eggshells from nests along the southeastern Mediterranean coast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-61,, 2025.

    EGU25-370 | ECS | Orals | OS4.5

    Impact of ocean dynamics on microplastics distribution in two oceanic eddies 

    Álvaro Cubas, Ana Molina-Rodríguez, Francisco Machín, Eugenio Fraile-Nuez, and Daura Vega-Moreno

    Plastic pollution has become a significant issue in marine ecosystems, with microplastics posing unique challenges due to their size and widespread dispersal. These particles tend to get accumulated in oceanic structures like eddies, which often act as attractors, where microplastic distribution is shaped by complex circulation patterns. We study the distribution and concentration of microplastics within two distinct oceanic eddies downstream of the Canary Islands, an anticyclonic and a cyclonic eddy sampled during two recent oceanographic campaigns in 2021 and 2022 respectively. We focused on characterizing the spatial distribution of microplastic particles, specifically distinguishing between fragments and fibers, to understand their prevalence and variability within each eddy. By analyzing these patterns, we aim to elucidate the physical processes that may govern the accumulation and dispersal of microplastics in these mesoscale structures.

    To contextualize our observations, we utilized trajectory data from an eddy trajectory atlas to track the development and movement of each eddy over time. This enabled us to map the eddies’ lifecycles and physical characteristics, such as amplitude, effective radius, and shape, which may influence microplastic transport and retention. Through this combined approach, we explore how each eddy’s unique dynamics affects vertical microplastic distribution.

    Preliminary findings suggest that microplastic fibers and fragments exhibit distinct spatial distributions within cyclonic versus anticyclonic eddies, influenced by differential dynamics. Our results provide awareness into the role of mesoscale oceanographic features in shaping microplastic distribution and transport.

    How to cite: Cubas, Á., Molina-Rodríguez, A., Machín, F., Fraile-Nuez, E., and Vega-Moreno, D.: Impact of ocean dynamics on microplastics distribution in two oceanic eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-370,, 2025.

    EGU25-1615 | Orals | OS4.5

    A laboratory assessment of the influence of wind and sea currents on the dispersion of pellets from the Toconao incident 

    Paula Núñez, Ana J. Abascal, Irene Ruiz, Anna Rubio, and Andrés García

    On December 8, 2023, the cargo ship Toconao was involved in a maritime incident off the coast of northern Portugal that resulted in the loss of 1,000 bags of buoyant plastic pellets, or nurdles. The pellets fell into the sea and reached the Bay of Biscay, posing a potential threat to the coasts of Spain and France. In the weeks following the incident, pellets were found washing up on beaches throughout northern Spain, particularly in Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country. In response to this environmental emergency, several contingency plans were activated along the Spanish coast, requiring the use of scientific tools such as numerical modeling to develop effective responses. Nevertheless, a lack of detailed knowledge of the factors governing the transport and dispersion of these pellets made accurate predictions difficult, posing a significant challenge to effective management and mitigation of the spill.

    For this reason, a set of laboratory experiments was conducted to study the dispersion of pellets under a range of hydrodynamic and wind conditions in two different physical settings. The behavior of the pellets collected from the Toconao spill, which showed a density of 900 kg/m³, was assessed in two different sections of a hydraulic flume (Z1 and Z2 zones) under different combinations of water level, current, and wind. Zone Z1, located within the flume itself (2 m x 0.35 m), exhibits a unidirectional flow pattern. In contrast, zone Z2, located in the expanded section of the flume (3 m x 1.5 m), shows three-dimensional asymmetric flow patterns. Hydrodynamic conditions were defined by combining one water level in each zone (30 and 40 cm in Z1 and Z2, respectively) and three flow rates (30, 40 and 50 l/s in both zones). In addition, the effect of four wind conditions was tested for the average flow rate of 40 l/s (in Z1: no wind, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m/s; in Z2: no wind, 0.3, 0.7, and 1.1 m/s). The results provide valuable information on the effects of wind and ocean currents on the dispersion of a group of plastic pellets and demonstrate the importance of surface currents in this process. In addition, these findings provide a comprehensive database for validating numerical transport models, which will improve their predictive ability and usefulness in future emergencies.

    How to cite: Núñez, P., Abascal, A. J., Ruiz, I., Rubio, A., and García, A.: A laboratory assessment of the influence of wind and sea currents on the dispersion of pellets from the Toconao incident, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1615,, 2025.

    EGU25-4174 | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Can we predict the next oil spill catastrophe in the Mediterranean? 

    Svitlana Liubartseva, Giovanni Coppini, Pierre Daniel, Donata Canu, and Megi Hoxhaj

        The negative effects of oil spills on marine life, including plankton, fishes, aquatic birds, and mammals, can be devastating and long-lasting. Spilled oil emits toxic volatile chemicals into the atmosphere, fouls shorelines, and destroys commercial fisheries, aquaculture, and shellfish beds.

        Recognizing oil spill occurrence as a fundamentally random process, we carried out extensive Monte Carlo simulations using the Lagrangian MEDSLIK-II model (De Dominicis et al., 2013) to predict the impacts of future oil spill accidents in the Mediterranean.

        A historical HAVEN oil spill (off the Port of Genoa, 1991), known as the largest shipwreck in European waters and one of the most severe oil pollution incidents in the Mediterranean, was utilized for scenario prototyping. For the first time, virtual spills are sampled from contemporary long-term observational data for the entire Mediterranean Sea (Dong et al., 2022). To force MEDSLIK-II, we use the reanalyses provided by the Copernicus Marine Service and atmospheric wind data from ECMWF.

        Over two million simulated spills from 2018 to 2021 allow us to study conditional probability, assuming that a significant accidental oil spill, like the HAVEN disaster, may occur in the future at a specific location in the Mediterranean.

        In the results, we present maps of oil pollution hazard indices in probabilistic terms, statistical estimates of oil arrival time, the percentage of oil beached, and the budget for spilled oil mass.

        The Aegean Sea coastlines are among the most impacted areas, featuring elevated coastal hazard indices, short arrival times with a median value of about 3.1 days, and significant beached oil fractions of approximately 30%. In contrast, the Ionian, Central Mediterranean, and Levantine seas exhibit relatively low hazard indices, longer arrival times, and smaller beached oil percentages associated with the high dissipative properties of these sub-basins.

        The results obtained can be utilized for planning the exploration of offshore oil production fields and minimizing risks in maritime oil transfer activities.

        This work is performed in the framework of the NECCTON project (grant number 101081273).



    • De Dominicis, M., Pinardi, N., Zodiatis, G., Lardner, R., 2013. MEDSLIK-II, a Lagrangian marine surface oil spill model for short term forecasting–part 1: Theory. Geosci. Model Dev. 6, 1851–1869.
    • Dong, Y., Liu, Y., Hu, C., MacDonald, I.R., Lu, Y., 2022. Chronic oiling in global oceans. Science 376, 1300–1304.

    How to cite: Liubartseva, S., Coppini, G., Daniel, P., Canu, D., and Hoxhaj, M.: Can we predict the next oil spill catastrophe in the Mediterranean?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4174,, 2025.

    EGU25-6129 | Posters on site | OS4.5

    The modeling of oil pollution in the Kerch Strait in December 2024 

    George Zodiatis, Hari Radhakrishnan, Andreas Nikolaidis, Dmitry Soloviev, and Kyriakos Prokopi

    A serious maritime accident was caused in the Black Sea, when the hull of the tanker Volgoneft 212 broke at the southern entrance of the Kerch Strait around 06:00 GMT on December 15, 2024, about 4,000 tons of mazut fuel leaked. The weather at the time was very rough, with winds of up to 18 m/s and wave heights up to 3–5 m in the southern area of the Kerch Strait. It was reported from on-site observations that the oil spill during the first 3 days impacted an extended part of the southeastern coast, up to 60 km long from Veselovka to Anapa beaches. It was difficult to detect the oil spill extent using satellite SAR images, due to the limitations of such sensors under bad ocean conditions. However, a few SAR images were obtained by RadarSat and ESA on the 19th and 23rd of December 2024. Furthermore, there are several uncertainties concerning the location of the oil spill source and the time of the beginning of the oil discharge. The MEDSLIK oil spill model has been applied to predict the oil spill leakages using the Copernicus Marine Service Black Sea MFS currents, the SKIRON winds, and the CYCOFOS waves, considering a continuous oil leakage. Initially, for the oil spill predictions, the reported location of the tanker was used; however, the predicted impact on the coast did not correspond to the reported on-site observations. A new location was stochastically selected based on the AIS system locations, which shows the two bunkering zones of the vessels waiting before getting the approval to enter the strait. The oil spill predictions show a good agreement with the reported on-site observations regarding the impacted coastal areas, the large extent of the impacted coastal area, and the chronology of the oil deposition in the coastal area. The oil spill predictions confirm the deposition of the oil spillages on the touristic beaches between Veselovka and Blagoveshchensky, after first impacting the coast in the morning of December 17, 2024, i.e., 51-54 hours from the oil discharges, and of the Vitiazevo and Anapa beaches after first impacting the coast a few hours later in the morning of the same day, i.e., 54-57 hours from the oil discharges. At 22:00 GMT on December 17, 2024, i.e., 60-63 hours from the oil discharges, it was predicted the first impact on the coast from Anapa to Utrish. The SAR image obtained by RadarSat on the 19th of December 2024 at 16:00 GMT confirms the predicted impacted area between Anapa and Utrish. At 04:00 GMT in the early morning of December 20, 2024, the wind changed to strong southerly winds up to 8 m/s, contributing to the transfer of the oil spillage inside the strait, impacting first the cape Takil’ and then the western coastal area of the strait up to the port of Kerch. The SAR image obtained by ESA on 23 December 2024 at 03:45 GMT confirms the predicted impacted areas along the western coast of the Kerch Strait.

    How to cite: Zodiatis, G., Radhakrishnan, H., Nikolaidis, A., Soloviev, D., and Prokopi, K.: The modeling of oil pollution in the Kerch Strait in December 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6129,, 2025.

    EGU25-6967 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Impact of Water Column Stratification on Oil spill dispersion – Experimental simulations coupling glider data in the Thracian Sea 

    Panagiota Keramea, Nikolaos Kokkos, Felix Margirier, Stamatis Petalas, and Georgios Sylaios

    Current research on oil spills focuses on predicting oil spill dispersion trajectories affected by forcing data, such as winds, currents, waves, and oil type. In parallel, high-resolution ensembles in forcings address the forecasting uncertainty in oil spill simulations. Since the oil spill remains mostly at the sea surface, the water column dynamics, i.e., stratification vs. homogeneous mixing conditions, have been greatly overlooked in oil spill modeling.

    This experiment attempts to enlighten the impact of water column dynamics, directly linked to seasonality, and examine the oil spill behavior when all other external factors are unchanged. Data from two underwater glider surveys along the deeper North Aegean Trough (Thracian Sea) were used to determine the high-resolution profiles of sea temperature and salinity. These glider missions collected CTD data for over 30 days, in March 2024 (winter profiles) and July 2024 (summer profiles). Two hypothetical 5-day oil spill scenarios were conducted using the OpenOil model to simulate the accidental oil release at sea surface. Both scenarios applied identical initial conditions and forcings in terms of hydrodynamics, waves, and winds, as collected from CMEMS and NOAA GFS, respectively.

    Results revealed notable differences between the scenarios. The winter profile, characterized by a well-mixed water column (temperature: 14–14.6°C, salinity: 38–39 ppt from 0–150 m), exhibited a higher percentage of beaching, with a difference of 11%. Conversely, the summer profile, marked by strong stratification (temperature: 15–25°C, salinity: 34–39 ppt from 150–0 m), resulted in a higher percentage, increased by 11%,  of surface particles remaining at sea after 5 simulation days. Furthermore, oil biodegradation was more pronounced in the summer scenario, as higher temperatures enhanced microbial activity.

    Thus, this study demonstrates that water column stratification significantly influences oil dispersion and biodegradation. The findings underscore the importance of incorporating well-defined temperature and salinity profiles into oil spill modeling improving the predictive capacity and response strategies to mitigate environmental disasters. Underwater glider data may be used in this direction.

    Keywords: Stratification; oil spill simulations; OPENOIL; glider; seasonal vertical profile; temperature; salinity

    How to cite: Keramea, P., Kokkos, N., Margirier, F., Petalas, S., and Sylaios, G.: Impact of Water Column Stratification on Oil spill dispersion – Experimental simulations coupling glider data in the Thracian Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6967,, 2025.

    EGU25-8802 | ECS | Orals | OS4.5

    Perfluorooctanoate and nano-titanium dioxide modulate male gonadal function in the mussel Mytilus coruscus  

    Bingyan Sun, Christian Bock, and Youji Wang

    Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO₂) are widely used in industrial applications such as manufacturing and textiles, and can be released into the environment, causing toxicity to marine organisms. To study the effects of these pollutants on the gonadal development, we exposed the males of Mytilus coruscus to varying PFOA concentrations (2 and 200 μg/L) alone or combined with nano-TiO2 (0.1 mg/L, size: 25 nm) for 14 days. Co-exposure to PFOA and nano-TiO₂ resulted in a short-term (7 days) decrease in the gonadosomatic index (GSI), which recovered to baseline levels. In contrast, long-term (14 days) exposure induced changes in the testes, including increased protein content, decreased lipid content, reductions in spermatic area and sperm count, and elevated apoptotic cell levels. Furthermore, key genes essential for gonadal maturation were significantly upregulated after long-term exposure. PFOA and nano-TiO2 can disrupt the gonadal function in the male mussels by interfering with Wnt family signaling pathways, modulation of steroid and lipid metabolism and induction of apoptosis. Therefore, PFOA and nanoparticle pollutants may pose a significant risk to the reproductive capacity of mussels’ populations from polluted coastal environments.

    How to cite: Sun, B., Bock, C., and Wang, Y.: Perfluorooctanoate and nano-titanium dioxide modulate male gonadal function in the mussel Mytilus coruscus , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8802,, 2025.

    EGU25-10959 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Underwater HNS Release: Modeling Gas Behavior  

    Ludovic Lepers, Sébastien Legrand, Thomas Le Bihan, Laurent Aprin, and Stéphane Le Floc

    The maritime transportation of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS) continues to grow, posing significant risks to the marine environment and human health. In the event of an accidental release, these substances can create severe hazards, including toxic gas clouds, fires, and potential explosions. While existing models are effective for simulating conventional hydrocarbon spills, they lack the capability to accurately represent the complex behavior of volatile HNS released at sea. 

    As part of the MANIFESTS-Genius European project, research has been conducted to advance knowledge in this area. A new module has been developed to simulate underwater gas releases, aiming to evaluate the quantity of gas dissolution as a gas plume rises through the water column from sources such as underwater pipelines or shipwrecks. By accurately modeling this process, it becomes possible to predict the characteristics of the gas cloud that may form at the surface. 

    The module consists of a Python-based bubble rising and dissolution tracker. Its outputs can be used as standalone data or integrated into the OSERIT Lagrangian transport model, which is currently employed by the Belgian coastguard and member states of the Bonn Agreement. This integration enhances OSERIT's predictive capabilities for underwater gaseous releases by determining the initial distribution of HNS between the water column and the atmosphere. Consequently, this improvement strengthens decision-support tools used by responders to manage HNS-related incidents at sea. 

    In this communication, we will present the processes implemented in the module, and how they have been validated using experimental data produced in the framework of the project. 

    How to cite: Lepers, L., Legrand, S., Le Bihan, T., Aprin, L., and Le Floc, S.: Underwater HNS Release: Modeling Gas Behavior , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10959,, 2025.

    EGU25-11395 | Orals | OS4.5

    Simulation of anthropogenic tritium discharge into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant 

    Alexandre Cauquoin, Maksym Gusyev, Yoshiki Komuro, Jun Ono, and Kei Yoshimura

    Following the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) in March 2011, large quantities of radioactive materials were released into the atmosphere and ocean. Since the FDNPP nuclear accident, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) operators have been implementing measures to reduce groundwater inflow into the FDNPP damaged reactor buildings while pumping water to cool the nuclear reactors and fuel debris. The resulting huge water volume began the discharge into the ocean from August 2023, after being treated by an Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) to remove radionuclides for acceptable discharge levels except tritium. Since then, tritium concentrations in seawater and aquatic ecosystems near the FDNPP site are continuously monitored and disseminated publicly. It is essential to assess the long-term safety threshold of ALPS-treated water discharge procedure in terms of tritium concentration in coastal areas of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. However, there is no global oceanic simulation with tritium concentration and, by extension, no projection of tritium concentration at Pacific Ocean scale.

    In this study, we used the TEPCO ALPS treated water release plan as an input to the ocean general circulation model (OGCM) COCO4.9, which is the ocean component of the Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate, version 6 (MIROC6 [1]). This approach allowed us to simulate the anthropogenic tritium concentration in the ocean due to ALPS treated water release in the forthcoming decades. The spatial distribution and temporal evolution of the projected tritium concentrations in different parts of the Pacific Ocean, as well as the impact of global warming on them, were analyzed. Moreover, the anthropogenic tritium concentration following the FDNPP accident was modeled to evaluate how large the tritium concentrations due to current treated water release are compared to the accidental one in 2011. Finally, given that oceanic tritium concentrations are mainly controlled by ocean mixing, our study represents a valuable opportunity to evaluate the impact of the Kuroshio current representation in COCO4.9 on tritium concentrations at non-eddy-resolving and eddy-resolving horizontal resolutions.

    [1] Tatebe et al., Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 2727–2765, doi:10.5194/gmd-12-2727-2019, 2019.

    How to cite: Cauquoin, A., Gusyev, M., Komuro, Y., Ono, J., and Yoshimura, K.: Simulation of anthropogenic tritium discharge into the ocean from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11395,, 2025.

    EGU25-11608 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Unravelling the pollution status of the Saronikos Gulf, Greece by investigating the chemical imprint of human-related activities in seawater and sediments, utilizing high resolution mass spectrometric workflows 

    Rallis Lougkovois, Constantine Parinos, Georgios Gkotsis, Maria-Christina Nika, Alexandra Pavlidou, Ioannis Hatzianestis, and Nikolaos Thomaidis

    Comprehensive monitoring of the marine environmental status of pollution is the first step towards unravelling the chemical imprint of anthropogenic activities. The EU’s strategy towards preserving the marine environment is facilitated by enacting relevant legislation, such as the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). The EU-funded RHE-MEDiation project was launched to destress the Mediterranean Sea from chemical pollution, aiming to set the baseline of pollution close to areas considered as pollution “hotspots” and implement new technologies towards reducing the chemical impact of human-related activities onto the Mediterranean Sea. 

    The Saronikos Gulf, Greece is highly impacted by activities of more than half of the Greek population. It specifically receives effluents from two wastewater treatment facilities, those of Psyttalia and Thriassio, as well as chemicals related to shipping activities from the port of Piraeus and the industrial zone of Elefsina. To assess the Gulf’s pollution status, the occurrence and distribution of more than 2,300 LC-amenable organic micropollutants was investigated in seawater and sediment samples. To that end, the technique of hybrid trapped ion mass spectrometry - quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TIMS-QTOF-MS) was utilized. Wide scope target screening was employed on a database of more than 2,300 environmentally relevant chemicals including pharmaceuticals, coffee and tobacco related compounds, illicit drugs, artificial sweeteners, industrial chemicals, PFASs, plant protection products and surfactants, along with their respective metabolites and transformation products. 

    Analysis results indicate the presence of polar organic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals and hydrophilic industrial chemicals in tested seawaters, a matrix to which they pose greater affinity than the non-polar sediment layer. For example, antiepileptics pregabalin and carbamazepine, along with the latter’s human consumption metabolite 10-hydroxy-carbamazepine were determined in concentrations up to 43.8ng/L, while a mixture of corrosion inhibitors 4- and 5-methyl-benzotriazole, as well as mercaptobenzothiazole were omnipresent in concentration levels ranging between 1.68 and 21.3 ng/L. 

    In sediments tested, a variety of compounds with higher partition coefficient (log P) values, like lipophilic antibiotics, industrial chemicals and long-chain PFASs were determined. For example, legacy PFAS like perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were determined in concentration levels ranging ​​between 1.19 and 7.85μg/kg d.w. Semi-polar sulfonamide antibiotics sulfadiazine and sulfisoxazole were determined at concentrations up to 0.378 μg/kg d.w. Their presence can be attributed to their persistent nature, considering that their administration has diminished in recent years, due to their adverse side effects on human health. Possible pathways by which hydrophobic compounds are concentrated in the sediment compartment may include repelling effects by the aqueous seawater layer, although sorption effects onto microplastics, followed by precipitation has also been reported in the literature. 

    This work was funded by the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No: 101113045 ‘RHE-MEDiation Responsive hub for long term governance to destress the Mediterranean Sea from chemical pollution’. 

    How to cite: Lougkovois, R., Parinos, C., Gkotsis, G., Nika, M.-C., Pavlidou, A., Hatzianestis, I., and Thomaidis, N.: Unravelling the pollution status of the Saronikos Gulf, Greece by investigating the chemical imprint of human-related activities in seawater and sediments, utilizing high resolution mass spectrometric workflows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11608,, 2025.

    EGU25-11639 | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Marine litter pollution in the Western Mediterranean: new insights from the OBAMARAN project 

    Javier Soto-Navarro, Jorge Ramos-Alcántara, and Gabriel Jordà

    Marine litter (ML) pollution has become a major concern in the Mediterranean, a semienclosed basin that receives large amounts of pollution from its highly populated coasts. However, there are concerns about how reliable is the picture we have at present about this problem. In particular, the amount of existing ML and the ML sources are key aspects that have not been yet completely clarified. In the context of the OBAMARAM project, which aims to characterize the origin and evolution of marine debris along the southern Spanish coastline, a series of studies have been conducted that offer novel insights into those key aspects. Initially, a series of observing system simulation experiments (OSSE) were conducted to assess the capabilities of different monitoring strategies to estimate the average concentration of marine litter in the Western Mediterranean within an acceptable range of uncertainty. The results demonstrate that conventional sampling strategies are inadequate for reliable estimation of temporal averages and spatial means at the basin or sub-basin scale. However, these strategies can be representative of spatial averages at the synoptic scale in smaller regions.

    Subsequently, a comprehensive survey of available marine litter observations in all compartments of the western Mediterranean marine environment was made. For this purpose, 180 scientific publications were analyzed. Moreover, several open access databases were consulted to collect data on the abundance of plastics on the sea surface in the region, gathering information from more than 800 net trawls conducted during the period between 2011 and 2022. The results were then used to produce concentration maps based on observations and a homogenized surface sampling database. The study's primary finding is that the available observations are inadequate in characterizing the concentration of marine debris in the basin, given its dispersion both spatially and temporally. Additionally, there is a lack of coordination and standardization in the measurement techniques, which complicates data homogenization and intercomparison.

    After this, the problem of the identification of ML sources has been addressed for the Balearic Islands, where a homogeneous and continuous database is available in time. Here, observations from cleaning campaigns were combined with numerical simulations to generate an inverse model that allows estimating the origin of marine litter collected in different regions of the coast of the archipelago. This approach has allowed to identify the main areas of ML disposal, although the uncertainties are significant and has some limitations that will be discussed in the presentation.

    Finally, a very high resolution numerical study has been designed to parameterize the ML import and export between the nearshore and the open sea. The main goal is to identify under what conditions there is an effective transfer of ML from the coast to the open sea. This will help in the identification of ML sources.

    How to cite: Soto-Navarro, J., Ramos-Alcántara, J., and Jordà, G.: Marine litter pollution in the Western Mediterranean: new insights from the OBAMARAN project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11639,, 2025.

    EGU25-13523 | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Historical Pollution and the Risk of Heavy Metal Remobilization in Coastal Sediments of Barcelona 

    Josep Roqué-Rosell, Harmen Sebastiaan Johannes Hogenhuis, Jaime Frigola, Carlo Marini, Marc Cerdà-Domènech, Paula Del Rio-Gómez, and Miquel Canals

    Industrial activity in the Besòs River watershed has historically contributed to significant heavy metal pollution in coastal sediments near Barcelona. While mitigation measures implemented since the 1980s have effectively reduced contamination in surface sediments, deeper layers remain polluted. Increasing societal and economic pressures, along with episodic natural disturbances, could remobilize these stored pollutants, posing environmental and public health risks.

    The GeoCr-BCN project investigates heavy metal pollution in sediments from the Besòs and Llobregat river prodeltas, with a focus on chromium (Cr). Sediment cores were analyzed using X-ray fluorescence core scanning (XRF-CS) to quantify heavy metal concentrations. Additionally, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) at the ALBA Synchrotron was employed to determine Cr speciation, providing insights into its geochemical behavior and potential toxicity under different environmental conditions.

    Preliminary findings indicate significant heavy metal contamination in Besòs cores, with distinct stratification separating older, anthropogenic layers from more recent, less contaminated sediments. In contrast, Llobregat cores show minimal heavy metal presence, reflecting differences in industrial and hydrological inputs. XAS analysis reveals that Cr is primarily found in its reduced form, forming less toxic compounds. However, sediment disturbance and reoxygenation could mobilize Cr and shift it to more toxic, and bioavailable forms.

    These results underscore the effectiveness of past environmental policies while highlighting ongoing risks associated with sediment destabilization. High-energy events, such as storms, can exceed treatment capacities, leading to temporary increases in metal deposition. Moreover, societal and economic developments that disrupt sediment layers could exacerbate pollution risks.

    This study emphasizes the need for continuous monitoring of heavy metals in coastal sediments and for sustainable, evidence-based policy decisions to ensure the long-term ecological and environmental stability of the Barcelona coastal shelf.

    How to cite: Roqué-Rosell, J., Hogenhuis, H. S. J., Frigola, J., Marini, C., Cerdà-Domènech, M., Del Rio-Gómez, P., and Canals, M.: Historical Pollution and the Risk of Heavy Metal Remobilization in Coastal Sediments of Barcelona, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13523,, 2025.

    EGU25-15739 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Maxey-Riley advection leads to enhanced spatial variability of buoyant macroplastic on the north-west European shelf seas 

    Meike F. Bos, Irina I. Rypina, Larry J. Pratt, and Erik van Sebille

    Macroplastics (plastic objects > 5 cm) make up most of the mass of plastic in the ocean. Most plastic enters the ocean in the form of macroplastic to only later fragment into microplastic. Thus, cleaning up macroplastic is potentially an effective way to prevent microplastic pollution in the ocean. However, the distribution of macroplastic varies widely in space and time, especially in coastal regions where most macroplastic enters the ocean. What processes cause this large variability is not yet understood.

    In our study, we investigate how the “inertia” of macroplastic affects their trajectories. For this, we use Lagrangian analysis. Most commonly in Lagrangian analysis, plastic particles are advected with the fluid flow, sometimes with an additional windage term and added vertical velocity due to particles' buoyancy. However, due to the finite size and positive buoyancy of macroplastics, this simplified approach does not fully describe their movement: instead, their motion is governed by the Maxey-Riley equations. These equations describe the motion of particles in a fluid as a result of the forces working on these particles. In this work we include the effects of inertia, viscous drag, added mass and the Coriolis acceleration. We implemented the Maxey-Riley equations in OceanParcels, allowing simulation of the trajectories of a large number of particles in surface 2D ocean flows. Using this implementation, we study the Maxey-Riley effects on the trajectories of the particles. Here, we focus on gaining understanding under what conditions the trajectories and accumulation patterns of buoyant inertial particles deviate from tracer particles, where we investigate both the role of the characteristics of the ocean flow and particle properties (i.e., size and buoyancy).

    As most macroplastic enters the ocean in coastal areas, we chose to study the effect of their finite size and positive buoyancy on their trajectories in the north-west European shelf. We find that the Coriolis forces in the Maxey-Riley equations affect the surface 2D accumulation pattern of macroplastic. Compared to the accumulation patterns of tracer particles, we find enhanced accumulation in specific areas under specific conditions. Thus, the large observed spatial variability of macroplastic might partly be explained by the Coriolis effect coupling to the finite size and positive buoyancy of the particles.

    How to cite: Bos, M. F., Rypina, I. I., Pratt, L. J., and van Sebille, E.: Maxey-Riley advection leads to enhanced spatial variability of buoyant macroplastic on the north-west European shelf seas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15739,, 2025.

    EGU25-15766 | Orals | OS4.5

    Model based analysis of fate of contaminants of emerging concern in the water column and the sediment of the Oslofjord 

    Evgeniy Yakushev, Malcolm Reid, Maria Austrheim, Samantha Martins, and Steven Brooks

    6 contaminants of emerging concern (CEC): clarithromycin, citalopram, tributyl phosphate, benzotriazole, octocrylene and teflubenzuron, with  differing sources, applications, and contrasting properties were selected for modeling in the water column and the sediments of the Oslofjord. The FABM family of models was used, which coupled benthic-pelagic model 2DBP together with the biogeochemical model BROM and the elaborated contaminants transformation module. This parameterized processes of CEC partitioning with organic matter, and CEC decay due to biodegradation, photolysis and hydrolysis. This combination of modules allows for the simulation of spatial and temporal variability of CEC during a period of intensive pollution and restoration. It was shown that (i) the biological pump significantly affects transformations of CECs leading to seasonal variation of concentration in the water column, (ii) During the pollution period fluxes of particulate and dissolved matter are directed to the sediments, while there is a flux of dissolved CEC from the sediments, (iii) After cessation of the pollution there can be predicted flux of dissolved CEC from the sediments for a certain period, (iv) Properties of the CEC determine the effectiveness of the biological pump and duration of CEC existence in the water column and the sediments following the cessation of pollution. This work was supported by Grant Agreement 101135037 – CONTRAST – Horizon CL6-2023.

    How to cite: Yakushev, E., Reid, M., Austrheim, M., Martins, S., and Brooks, S.: Model based analysis of fate of contaminants of emerging concern in the water column and the sediment of the Oslofjord, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15766,, 2025.

    EGU25-15976 | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Investigation of marine plastic pollution and socioeconomic impacts in the area of Pachia Ammos, Crete 

    George Alexandrakis, John Karagiorgos, Vasiliki Metheniti, George Kozyrakis, Vassilios Vervatis, Sofianos Sarantis, and Nikolaos Kampanis

    This extended abstract addresses the issue of marine plastic pollution in the Pachia Ammos area, Crete, and explores the potential for developing an early warning system specifically for marine litter. The research area is located in East Crete, Greece, and spans from Pachia Ammos to Tholos Kavousi, focusing on Pachia Ammos and Voulisma beaches. The methodology integrates field sampling and numerical modeling to assess plastic debris distribution and movement patterns. Data collection involved onshore and offshore sampling, physical documentation, and classification of waste. Hydrodynamic models, NEMO 3D and OceanParcels, were employed to simulate the dispersion of plastic debris based on historical oceanographic data. The results revealed significant seasonal variations in plastic pollution, with increased accumulation during summer months due to tourism and calm weather. As main pollution types macroplastics such as bottles, caps, and fishing gear were identified especially during storm events. Hydrodynamic modeling identified both local sources and long-range influx from the Eastern Aegean region. The results show a significant influence of regional and transboundary pollution sources and also seasonal fluctuations align with increased tourist activity and calmer sea states. By applying dedicated downscaled climate projections and hydrodynamic simulations for predicting pollution hotspots and incorporating machine learning and predictive modeling there is a possibility to identify key future events to issue alerts for pollution risk. This study underscores the importance of developing an early warning system specifically for marine plastic pollution using hydrodynamic modeling and data-sharing frameworks. By integrating predictive tools and community involvement, the system can support proactive management and pollution mitigation strategies. Collaboration among policymakers, scientists, and local stakeholders is crucial for effective coastal resilience.

    How to cite: Alexandrakis, G., Karagiorgos, J., Metheniti, V., Kozyrakis, G., Vervatis, V., Sarantis, S., and Kampanis, N.: Investigation of marine plastic pollution and socioeconomic impacts in the area of Pachia Ammos, Crete, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15976,, 2025.

    EGU25-17018 | ECS | Orals | OS4.5

    Assessing Oil Spill Hazard Along the Aegean Sea Coastline 

    Asimakis-Nestoras Karagiannis, Antonio Olita, Dimitra Kitsiou, and Theodoros Nitis

    Oil spills represent a significant environmental hazard, particularly in regions with high maritime activity and vulnerable coastlines. 

    This study aims to assess oil spill hazard along the Aegean Sea’s coastline by simulating continuous oil spill scenarios over 1 year (2021) using the GNOME model developed by NOAA. The simulation focused on the Aegean's area of highest tanker vessel density, extrapolated from vessel traffic data. We located a main “corridor” that was supposedly the area where an accident and/or a systematic release of oil at sea is more likely to happen. Within the extent of this area, we drew a grid with 69 points of continuous release, spaced each other 5 – 10 km away each releasing 80 particles per hour and 1 ton of oil daily.

    The oil spill model was forced with ERA5 (ECMWF Reanalysis) to address atmospheric parameters, with a spatial resolution of 31 km^2 and a temporal one of 1 hour. Surface currents were provided by MFS ocean model with a spatial resolution of 4 km^2 and a temporal of 1 hour (provided by Copernicus portal) t. Daily remotely sensed L4 SST data from Copernicus were also used to account for evaporation. Waves were parameterized from wind data, as they are required for emulsification and dispersion processes.

    Results showed that all year round most particles tend to be beached between the 3rd and 10th day since release, peaking at day 5. The same for mass, and with no evident seasonality. Seasonal variations were observed regarding few particles that were afloat for longer times, with particles during the summer showing a lower maximum age at beaching, peaking at day 20. The latter could be attributed to increased wind speeds typical of the Aegean Sea summer period, which can prolong particle transport. 

    The total density analysis of the whole simulation highlighted that the central Aegean region exhibited the highest pollution values, while lower values were observed in the northern Aegean with some southern islands also displaying areas of higher density.

    How to cite: Karagiannis, A.-N., Olita, A., Kitsiou, D., and Nitis, T.: Assessing Oil Spill Hazard Along the Aegean Sea Coastline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17018,, 2025.

    EGU25-17826 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Lagrangian tracking of river microplastics in the Mediterranean Basin 

    Lisa Weiss, Claude Estournel, Patrick Marsaleix, Guillaume Mikolajczak, Mel Constant, and Wolfgang Ludwig

    The Mediterranean Sea, a semi-enclosed basin with highly anthropized coastlines, intense marine traffic and significant river discharges, has been identified as a plastic pollution hotspot. However, the quantification of sources, transfers and accumulations remains variable, and simulated marine plastic cycles are still incomplete. In this study, we applied a recent river microplastic source scenario (Weiss et al., 2021, Science) to Mediterranean river basins. This enabled Lagrangian dispersion simulations to be initiated using high-resolution 3D current fields (including atmospheric, tidal, wave and river forcing) performed with the SYMPHONIE hydrodynamic model and its Lagrangian module (Weiss et al., 2024a,b, ESPR). Modeled concentrations of floating and sinking particles were analyzed, simulating a wide range of vertical velocities. A coherent regional 3D dispersion scenario allowed to establish a mass balance of microplastic fluxes, from river sources to coastal stranding in the different sub-basins. Results revealed a massive export of floating particles from the northwestern to the southeastern sub-basins, with residence times ranging from 1-3 weeks in dissipative zones to 11 weeks in convergent zones. Comparison of modeled and observed surface stocks suggested the need to introduce missing sources and sinks, as fragmentation or sedimentation, and to reduce stranding probabilities (by about 30%). A seasonal analysis of the microplastic dispersion from the Rhône River plume (the largest freshwater discharge in the Mediterranean) in the SYMPHONIE simulations highlighted the influence of hydrodynamic conditions on particle transfer. It included dispersion patterns on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Lion and the frontal zone from the Pyrenees to the North Balearic fronts, demonstrating the role of fine-scale circulation in shaping concentration gradients.

    How to cite: Weiss, L., Estournel, C., Marsaleix, P., Mikolajczak, G., Constant, M., and Ludwig, W.: Lagrangian tracking of river microplastics in the Mediterranean Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17826,, 2025.

    EGU25-17860 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    WITOIL service in the context of Digital Twins - Bridging Oil spill simulations from Medslik-II into digital cloud domains 

    Igor Atake, Juliana Ramos, Santiago Bravo, Anusha Dissanayake, Giovanni Coppini, and Gianandrea Mannarini

    WITOIL (Where Is The Oil, has been developed to maintain emergency management in case of an oil spill accident. Currently more and more initiatives are integrating traditional modeling systems into Digital Twins (DT’s) and in this context it was done the same for oil spill simulations. The usage of DT systems enables advanced environmental management and emergency response, since they provide close to real-time monitoring, simulation, and analysis, offering tools to predict and manage complex scenarios effectively. WITOIL is containerized through Docker, encapsulating Python workflows, integration scripts, and the MEDSLIK-II model (FORTRAN 90) into scalable environments. This approach ensures portability, efficiency, and reliability for deployment in platforms like iMagine and EDITO.

    On the iMagine platform (, WITOIL-for-iMagine by using Bayesian optimization, the MEDSLIK-II model achieves enhanced accuracy for spill behavior predictions. Users can launch simulations and access results quickly, combining remote sensing past data with modeling in a streamlined workflow for pollution analysis. The system represents one of the first approaches on merging traditional oil spill simulations and machine learning techniques that were applied in the optimisation process.

    The EDITO Model Lab ( presents WITOIL-Cloud as a decision support system for oil spill emergency management. It integrates the MEDSLIK-II model, operational meteo-oceanographic services (Copernicus Marine Services and Climate Data Store). With a user-friendly interface, stakeholders can simulate oil spill trajectories and impacts in historical scenarios, enabling informed decision-making. The system’s accessibility democratizes advanced modeling tools, expanding their reach to diverse users.

    WITOIL-Cloud's integration of real-time environmental data ensures accuracy and relevance in emergency responses. A real-world case study via the EDITO Model Lab and iMagine platform exemplifies this capability. It was chosen the Syria 2021 oil spill case as an example of usage on both DT to demonstrate the platform capabilities, showing how the platforms could support on future events by exemplifying on a real past scenario

    By connecting traditional models with digital twin platforms, WITOIL enhances oil spill modeling's accessibility, and efficiency. These innovations empower stakeholders to address maritime pollution challenges with easier access, quicker response of digital twins in shaping the future of environmental management and emergency response in the case of oil spill accidents.

    How to cite: Atake, I., Ramos, J., Bravo, S., Dissanayake, A., Coppini, G., and Mannarini, G.: WITOIL service in the context of Digital Twins - Bridging Oil spill simulations from Medslik-II into digital cloud domains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17860,, 2025.

    Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are a class of chemical compounds characterized by their persistence, bioaccumulation, long-range transport, lipophilicity, and toxicity. Due to their long half-lives and widespread distribution, understanding the fate of POPs is crucial. Traditionally, oceans have been considered significant sinks for POPs, where these pollutants accumulate and are sequestered over time. However, recent studies indicate that oceans also function as secondary sources, re-emitting POPs into the atmosphere through volatilization, sea surface spray, and other air-ocean exchange mechanisms. These secondary emissions contribute significantly to the atmospheric concentrations of POPs, influencing global transport and deposition patterns. In this study, we will use the BETR - Global model to quantify oceanic secondary emissions contribution to Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) atmospheric concentrations. The model incorporates oceanic PCB concentrations, air-sea exchange dynamics, and atmospheric transport to assess the ocean’s role in the sequestration and re-emission of these pollutants. The model has run from 1930 to 2018 for two congeners, PCB-28 and PCB-153. The results indicated that the ocean’s secondary emissions contributed 45.58% and 36.62% of PCB28 and PCB153, respectively, to the atmospheric emissions. Each year, oceans have emitted 2.77 × 104 and 1.18 × 10kg (annual average during 1930 - 2018) of PCB28 and PCB153 into the atmosphere. Further simulations are planned to extract basin-wise secondary emissions and their contribution to atmospheric concentration. 

    How to cite: Meena, V. K. and Qureshi, A.: Assessing the Oceanic Role in Global PCB Dynamics: Secondary Emissions and Atmospheric Contributions (1930–2018), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17997,, 2025.

    EGU25-18380 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.5

    Determination of the long-term chemical impact of human-related activities on the Red Sea coastal marine environment utilizing complementary mass spectrometric techniques and novel chemometric tools 

    Panagiota Kontogianni, Rallis Lougkovois, Ioannis Hatzianestis, Georgios Gkotsis, Maria-Christina Nika, Constantine Parinos, Yasser Abualnaja, Nikolaos Thomaidis, and Alexandra Pavlidou

    Comprehensive environmental monitoring of chemical pollution is the initiative towards providing information regarding the quality of marine ecosystems. Compounds such as pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, PFAS, PAHs PCBs, and plant protection products often end up in environmental substrates following a number of different pathways. Upon reaching the sea, biotic and abiotic processes may take place, producing metabolites and transformation products, which often pose an even greater threat to the marine environment than their parent compounds. This leads to further degradation of aquatic ecosystems and inevitably affects human health. 

    The marine environment of the Red Sea is a cornerstone in the development of the Arabic Peninsula, contributing to its constant economic growth. Continuous urbanization and industrialization on its coasts lead to unavoidable chemical encumbrance. To address this matter, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has launched the Marine and Coastal Environment Protection Initiative to evaluate the current state of the coastal Red Sea area. Existing lagoons act as large banks of sedimentation, where precipitation takes place, potentially burdening sediments and benthic seawaters with lipophilic organic micropollutants, volatile organic compounds and heavy metals. This process occurs likely due to sorption mechanisms onto microplastics, as previously reported in the literature, followed by precipitation, which is enhanced by said contaminants’ non-affinity with the aqueous seawater compartment. Besides sea bottom degradation, polluted sediments become potential sources of seawater recontamination, increasing the number of emerging contaminants (ECs) to which marine organisms are exposed to. 

    Aiming to determine a wide variety of existing emerging contaminants in surface sediments collected from 52 stations along the Red Sea coastal zone, generic sample preparation workflows and complementary analytical techniques were applied. ECs of various physicochemical properties were determined by utilizing GC-LRMS (volatile organic substances) and LC-HRMS (wide-scope target screening) techniques. An in-house developed dataset of more than 2,400 analytes was applied for said determinations. 

    Preliminary results indicate that the Red Sea lagoons are chemically encumbered by different groups of pollutants, based on different point sources existing in the vicinity. Pharmaceutically active compounds as well as a wide variety of pollutants linked to industrial activity, such as PFAS, PAHs and PCBs were determined. Numerous compounds determined are linked to industrial and wastewater treatment facilities’ discharges, as well as maritime transportation and port activities. Utilization of analytical methods and instrumental techniques which cover different chemical groups provides the ability to determine a wide variety of pollutants, facilitating a holistic approach on the baseline of pollution, while also allowing more robust environmental monitoring. 

    How to cite: Kontogianni, P., Lougkovois, R., Hatzianestis, I., Gkotsis, G., Nika, M.-C., Parinos, C., Abualnaja, Y., Thomaidis, N., and Pavlidou, A.: Determination of the long-term chemical impact of human-related activities on the Red Sea coastal marine environment utilizing complementary mass spectrometric techniques and novel chemometric tools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18380,, 2025.

    Plastics are a ubiquitous, global scarcely mapped pollutant that poses a particular threat to the marine ecosystem. Once they enter the oceans through sources such as estuaries and wastewater treatment plants, they are subjected to various environmental conditions that transport, fragment and scatter them, while altering their properties and exposing marine biota. These phenomena particularly threaten areas such as semi-enclosed basins where recirculation is limited. This is the case of the Adriatic Sea, a semi-enclosed basin with complex management challenges and strongly affected by marine plastic pollution due to significant anthropogenic pressure from intensive coastal activities, urbanization, and river inflows draining industrial northern Italy. In this study, we perform an analysis in this domain using a 3D Lagrangian-plastic model forced with physical and biogeochemical fields to simulate the direct transport of the plastic particles. We represent their interaction with biotic components, their transformations, alterations and the consequent changes in buoyancy. This approach allows us to investigate the particle’s presence, dynamics and role in the ecosystem, to identify potential accumulation areas, produce hazard maps highlighting the most vulnerable regions and quantify the individual contributions of each source.


    How to cite: Buccino, G., Laurent, C., and Canu, D.: 3D Lagrangian model to track fate and transport of plastic particles in the northern Adriatic Sea with a particular focus on physical and biogeochemical processes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19752,, 2025.

    EGU25-20024 | Orals | OS4.5

    Investigating River-Marine Interactions and Plastic Pollution Dynamics Using a Multimodel Approach to Support Policy Development in Environmentally Sensitive Areas 

    Carlo Brandini, Rossella Mocali, Michele Sacco, Michele Bendoni, Bartolomeo Doronzo, Elisabetta Tomei, Francesco Manetti, Stefano Taddei, Massimo Perna, and Luca Solari

    The majority of marine plastic pollution originates from land-based sources that reach the sea via rivers (Jambeck et al., 2015; Lebreton et al., 2017). In dispersion models, this process is often oversimplified as a single-point discharge at the river mouth. However, the input of macroplastics into the sea and subsequent dispersion or deposition processes —strongly influenced by the characteristics of the plastics— are significantly affected by small-scale phenomena. In coastal areas, wave-induced hydrodynamics, wind, and the complex interactions between marine currents and river inflow play a predominant role (Guo et al., 2020). These complexities are not adequately represented in Lagrangian circulation and dispersion models typically applied at the coastal, shelf and basin scale.

    In this study, we focus on integrating observational data, acquired through drone surveys of stranded plastics on beaches, and simulation data obtained via a multimodel approach. This approach incorporates both phase-averaged and phase-resolving wave models. The latter are particularly suitable for small-scale processes (e.g., at the river mouth) to describe dispersion and stranding dynamics.

    Our pilot study area is the mouth of the Arno River, located within the San Rossore Natural Park, an environmentally valuable area where macroplastic pollution is notably evident, as highlighted by numerous surveys (e.g. Merlino et al., 2020). The observed patterns are replicable using the hydrodynamic dispersion models employed. Observational data were collected using drone flights at various altitudes with differing levels of detail, some of which were processed through machine learning algorithms (Liu et al., 2021).

    Dispersion and deposition processes at the river-mouth scale, analyzed using these two modeling approaches, reveal distinct advantages. Large-scale coastal deposition processes (spanning kilometers) are better described using the phase-averaged approach, while small-scale fluvio-marine interactions (hundreds of meters) and stranding processes are more accurately captured by the phase-resolving approach. Furthermore, this dual approach allows for the identification of the "signature" of the river on its pollution pattern at both coastal and littoral scales, highlighting the specific spatial footprint and dynamics of plastic dispersion associated with the river's outflow.

    This detailed understanding provides essential guidance for policy-making and monitoring in environmentally sensitive areas, facilitating the design and implementation of more targeted strategies to reduce plastic pollution.

    How to cite: Brandini, C., Mocali, R., Sacco, M., Bendoni, M., Doronzo, B., Tomei, E., Manetti, F., Taddei, S., Perna, M., and Solari, L.: Investigating River-Marine Interactions and Plastic Pollution Dynamics Using a Multimodel Approach to Support Policy Development in Environmentally Sensitive Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20024,, 2025.

        Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are emerging as a critical environmental concern due to their persistent nature and toxicological effects. In ecologically sensitive regions such as the Beibu Gulf, located in the northern South China Sea, understanding the dynamics of PFAS distribution is vital for both marine ecosystems and public health. This study pioneers the investigation of the seasonal variations in PFAS concentrations across 94 surface seawater samples, collected during both summer and winter, providing valuable insights into their environmental behavior. We analyzed 29 distinct PFAS compounds and identified key drivers influencing their concentrations, distribution, and potential sources.

        Notably, the study revealed slightly increased PFAS concentrations in winter (average: 1.44 ± 1.00 ng/L) compared with summer (1.17 ± 0.68 ng/L). Although PFAS in both seasons were dominated by PFOA and PFBS, long-chain (C > 9) PFAS increased, while short-chain PFAS decreased in winter. In both seasons, the highest concentrations of PFAS are found near the northeastern part of the Beibu Gulf, while the southern areas of Hainan Island and the western Leizhou Peninsula show relatively lower concentrations. The seasonal distribution of PFAS in the Beibu Gulf shifts southward in winter, with higher concentrations concentrated in a belt-shaped area along the southwest Leizhou Peninsula and northwest Hainan Island, mainly influenced by the seasonal Western Guangdong Coastal Current (WGCC). According to the PMF analysis, the primary sources of PFAS are industrial emissions driven by terrestrial runoff, and atmospheric degradation influenced by seasonal climate. The machine learning model (XGBoost) indicates that temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll significantly impact the seasonal variation of PFAS concentrations, with salinity showing a negative contribution in both summer and winter.

        This study provides new insights into the complex land-sea interactions that govern PFAS behavior in the Beibu Gulf. The use of advanced source apportionment and predictive modeling offers a detailed understanding of the seasonal variations in PFAS concentrations, helping to inform more targeted strategies for mitigating PFAS contamination in sensitive marine ecosystems.

    How to cite: Lin, Y. and Nemin, L.: Seasonal Variability and Land-Sea Interactions of PFAS in the Beibu Gulf: Insights from Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21049,, 2025.

    EGU25-3779 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6

    GLOBIO: Bridging Global and Local Scales for Biogeochemical Profiles Prediction 

    Gloria Pietropolli, Amadio Carolina, Gianpiero Cossarini, and Luca Manzoni

    Studying the state of marine ecosystems, their changes over time, and the influence of human activities requires accurate ocean observations. However, reliable measurements are sparse and unevenly distributed across both time and space, with significant disparities in coverage among different variables. In recent years, autonomous oceanographic instruments such as Argo profiling floats have improved the collection of subsurface data. Despite this advancement, physical variables like temperature and salinity, and oxygen are more affordable to monitor, while sensors for biogeochemical variables—such as nitrate, chlorophyll, and bbp700—remain costly. This disparity results in a gap between the abundance between physical and biogeochemical measurements, confirming the need for methods that estimate biogeochemical variables using high-frequency physical data to fully leverage ocean observing systems like Argo.

    Some existing ANN-based techniques, which rely on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architectures trained on point-wise ship-based measurements, allow for the prediction of, e.g., nitrate profiles by exploiting intrinsic information contained in the input profiles of T, S, and oxygen. Alternatively, we propose an approach that directly infers the vertical profile in a single step using a spatially aware neural network.

    Using a spatial-aware neural network, we propose an approach that directly infers the entire vertical profile in a single step. By leveraging the typical shape of biogeochemical profiles as a learnable constraint, the model can fully exploit the potential of the BGC-Argo dataset.

    A regional approach using a spatial-aware neural network has already been proposed in “PPCon 1.0: Biogeochemical Argo Profile Prediction with 1D Convolutional Networks”. However, PPCon was limited to the Mediterranean Sea, while our objective is to develop a global-scale model.

    Given PPCon’s promising results—demonstrating smooth and accurate profile predictions with improvements over previous MLP applications—we extend this approach by developing a global 1D CNN to predict nitrate, chlorophyll, and backscattering (bbp700) from date, geolocation, and profiles of temperature, salinity, and oxygen.

    PPCon’s promising results demonstrated smooth and accurate profile predictions in the Mediterranean Sea, showing improvements over previous MLP applications, particularly for chlorophyll and bbp700, while nitrate performance remained comparable. 

    We build on this approach by developing a global 1D CNN using a quality-checked dataset of 101,000 chlorophyll-a and 63,000 nitrate profiles spanning 2012 to 2024. 

    Additionally, the new approach incorporates transfer learning, enabling a pre-trained model to be fine-tuned on different datasets by replacing and retraining the final layers of the network. 

    The novel 2-step method and preliminary results will be presented to highlight the potential for the automatic generation of regional models.

    How to cite: Pietropolli, G., Carolina, A., Cossarini, G., and Manzoni, L.: GLOBIO: Bridging Global and Local Scales for Biogeochemical Profiles Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3779,, 2025.

    EGU25-4770 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6

    Optimizing PISCES Parameters for North Atlantic Seasonal pCO2 Predictions: An Ensemble-Based Approach Using BGC-Argo Data 

    Quentin Hyvernat, Alexandre Mignot, Elodie Gutknecht, Giovanni Ruggiero, Hervé Claustre, and Frabizio D'Ortenzio

    Numerical models of ocean biogeochemistry serve as critical tools for detecting and predicting the impacts of climate change on marine resources, and for monitoring ocean health. Recent research by Rodgers et al. (2023) has identified significant limitations in current CMIP6 class models, particularly in their representation of seasonal partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) temporal phasing and magnitude in key ocean regions such as the North Atlantic. These limitations arise primarily from parameter uncertainty, as model parameters are typically derived from laboratory experiments using a limited range of species that do not represent the diversity of marine organisms. In addition, certain parameters remain experimentally indeterminate, resulting in wide plausible ranges that introduce considerable uncertainty into model predictions.

    Our research addresses these challenges through a comprehensive approach to parameter optimisation using ensemble-based data assimilation techniques. In particular, we focus on reducing the systematic bias in the PISCES marine biogeochemical model distributed with NEMO v4.2, simulation of the North Atlantic seasonal pCO2 cycle, while generating robust uncertainty estimates through ensemble methods.

    The optimization process began with an extensive sensitivity analysis using SOBOL indices to identify the parameters most influential in controlling seasonal pCO2 dynamics. We then implemented a particle filter algorithm to optimize these key parameters in a NEMO-PISCES 1D configuration using data from a North Atlantic BGC Argo float. The particle filter generated an ensemble of thousands of state variable solutions, each representing a different PISCES parameterization with reference values varying between 0.01 and 2 times their nominal range. From this ensemble, we identified the ten parameter combinations that most effectively minimized the model-data discrepancy. These optimized parameter sets were then used to generate a 3D regional NEMO-PISCES ensemble in the North Atlantic - the ensemble approach providing a robust framework for uncertainty quantification.

    Our results show significant improvements in model performance, with the optimized PISCES parameter set in the 1D configuration achieving a 40% reduction in RMSE for seasonal cycle predictions of surface nutrients, chlorophyll, and carbon components compared to the standard PISCES configuration. Most importantly, all ensemble members successfully reproduce seasonal pCO2 phasing and magnitude in agreement with observation-based data, addressing a critical limitation of the reference model while providing uncertainty estimates consistent with observational uncertainties.

    This research demonstrates the effectiveness of ensemble-based data assimilation techniques in optimizing biogeochemical model parameters, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of ocean simulations. These improvements significantly strengthen our capacity to monitor ocean health, forecast climate change impacts on marine ecosystems, and provide robust scientific guidance for marine resource management decisions.

    How to cite: Hyvernat, Q., Mignot, A., Gutknecht, E., Ruggiero, G., Claustre, H., and D'Ortenzio, F.: Optimizing PISCES Parameters for North Atlantic Seasonal pCO2 Predictions: An Ensemble-Based Approach Using BGC-Argo Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4770,, 2025.

    EGU25-5085 | Orals | OS4.6

    Efficient biological carbon export to themesopelagic ocean induced bysubmesoscale fronts 

    Xiaogang Xing, Mingxian Guo, Peng Xiu, Giorgio Dall’Olmo, Weifang Chen, and Fei Chai

    Oceanic submesoscale processes are ubiquitous in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG), where the biological carbon pump is generally ineffective. Due to difficulties in collecting continuous observations, however, it remains uncertain whether episodic submesoscale processes can drive significant changes in particulate organic carbon (POC) export into the mesopelagic ocean. Here we present observations from high-frequency Biogeochemical-Argo floats in the NPSG, which captured the enhanced POC export fluxes during the intensifying stages of a submesoscale front and a cyclonic eddy compared to their other life stages. A higher percentage of POC export flux was found to be transferred to the base of mesopelagic layer at the front compared to that at the intensifying eddy and the mean of previous studies (37% vs. ~10%), suggesting that the POC export efficiency was significantly strengthened by submesoscale dynamics. Such findings highlight the importance of submesoscale fronts for carbon export and sequestration in subtropical gyres.

    How to cite: Xing, X., Guo, M., Xiu, P., Dall’Olmo, G., Chen, W., and Chai, F.: Efficient biological carbon export to themesopelagic ocean induced bysubmesoscale fronts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5085,, 2025.

    EGU25-7732 | Orals | OS4.6

    ARGO Float Data Analysis Using a Generalized Spectral Clustering Method 

    Jezabel Curbelo and Irina Rypina

    Spectral clustering method is a powerful tool for identifying Lagrangian coherent clusters from lagrangian trajectories. These coherent clusters group trajectories that are most similar to each other within the same cluster while being most dissimilar from trajectories in other clusters. Traditional spectral clustering defines similarity based on the physical distance between particles. Here, we generalize the spectral clustering technique to incorporate other physically significant properties, such as water density, temperature, or salinity  into the similarity definition between trajectories.

    We apply the generalized spectral clustering method to the global ARGO float dataset and compare the resulting coherent clusters to those identified using other dynamical systems techniques for Lagrangian coherent structures identification, including FTLEs, LAVDs, and encounter volume. Different methods may identify different clusters because they use different definitions of coherence, making them most effective when used together. Also, we investigate the temporal evolution of these clusters and assess their consistency over time to understand changes or stability in water masses and ocean properties over the past decade.

    How to cite: Curbelo, J. and Rypina, I.: ARGO Float Data Analysis Using a Generalized Spectral Clustering Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7732,, 2025.

    EGU25-8177 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6

    OneArgo Enables New Gap-filled Data Products of Ocean Biogeochemistry 

    Jonathan Sharp, Andrea Fassbender, Brendan Carter, John Lyman, and Gregory Johnson

    Although ocean biogeochemistry plays an important role in the regulation of Earth’s climate and marine habitats, key questions remain about expected changes to global biogeochemical processes associated with anthropogenic impacts on the Earth system. The OneArgo array is a revolutionary ocean observing system that delivers critical observations in four dimensions and in near-real-time. Recent expansion of the Argo program to include floats carrying a suite of biogeochemical sensors (i.e. the BGC-Argo mission) is providing new opportunities to study critical processes such as primary production and carbon export, ocean acidification and deoxygenation, and air–sea gas fluxes. This work describes an approach to leverage those BGC sensor observations, along with shipboard and core Argo float observations, to construct time-varying data products of dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and pH for the upper 2 km of the ocean. The products are constructed by training empirical machine learning (ML) models that take advantage of relationships between ocean biogeochemical and physical parameters, along with the widespread distribution of BGC training data available from the BGC-Argo array and the broad coverage of ocean physical parameters provided by the core Argo array. Improvements relative to earlier approaches for BGC data product creation include an objective clustering step to identify regions of similar variability prior to model training, a comprehensive evaluation of ML model uncertainty using Earth system model testbeds, and a higher resolution grid over both space and time. Potential opportunities to compute net community production, monitor ocean acidification extreme events, and evaluate ocean deoxygenation are explored using these novel data products.

    How to cite: Sharp, J., Fassbender, A., Carter, B., Lyman, J., and Johnson, G.: OneArgo Enables New Gap-filled Data Products of Ocean Biogeochemistry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8177,, 2025.

    EGU25-9605 | Orals | OS4.6 | Highlight

     OneArgo – Evolving and extending Argo’s missions and data delivery. Achievements, status and outlook 

    Brian King, Susan Wijffels, and Breck Owens

    At the OceanObs19 Conference, the OneArgo design was endorsed as an evolution and extension of the original Argo mission. Some key features of the OneArgo design include a quarter of the floats making temperature and salinity measurements to full ocean depth, and another quarter carrying a suite of BioGeoChemical (BGC) sensors. A further enhancement was greater sampling density in the tropical and western boundary current regions of the open ocean. Since OceanObs19, Argo has also developed a Polar Mission, to reach the marginal ice zones. BGC parameters that can be reliably measured on floats, and delivered as profiles in real-time for numerical models capable of assimilating them, include dissolved oxygen, nitrate and pH, and chlorophyll, backscatter and incoming solar radiation.

    Technical advances have enabled some general improvements in Argo sampling and data delivery: latency between measurements and data distribution is reduced, often to less than 12 hours; the quality of measurements distributed in real-time is improved (biases removed); for the latest generation of floats, half of the profiles have the shallowest measurement in the upper 2 metres of the ocean to better serve air-sea and mixed-layer requirements; Argo has taken steps to avoid fixed-time-of-day sampling that could introduce diurnal bias in upper ocean measurements.

    Through the UN Decade, Argo is engaged in co-design with complementary observing networks that extend into boundary and coastal regions. While there are competing requirements to optimise for different use cases, Argo seeks interactions on how to improve its new design.

    The expansion of the original Argo mission into the OneArgo design requires a substantial increase in resources. Pilot arrays (regional, fixed-duration) for the Deep and BGC Missions have been funded and deployed. These pilots enabled technical difficulties to be identified and overcome, and full capability demonstrated. The G7 Future of the Seas and Ocean Initiative has called for OneArgo to be implemented by 2030. The Argo community is now ready to work towards the implementation of OneArgo, but no Argo partner nation has yet allocated the required national resources. Even with only the pilots in place, Argo floats are already the majority source of subsurface data for the BGC parameters that Argo measures. OneArgo will not become reality unless increased resources are allocated. Data users can assist by demonstrating the impact OneArgo will have on science and services, and by advocating for its value to both users and supporting agencies.

    How to cite: King, B., Wijffels, S., and Owens, B.:  OneArgo – Evolving and extending Argo’s missions and data delivery. Achievements, status and outlook, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9605,, 2025.

    EGU25-11373 | Orals | OS4.6

    Unraveling planktonic ecosystems dynamics using imaging sensors on BGC-Argo floats 

    Lars Stemmann, Kiko Rainer, Lacour Léo, Accardo Alexandre, Arlaud Marin, Baudena Alberto, Boyd Philip, Catalano Camille, Claustre Hervé, Guidi Lionel, Habib Joelle, Irisson Jean Olivier, Leymarie Edouard, Lombard Fabien, Maury Juliette, Nocera Ariadna, Picheral Marc, Poteau Antoine, and Soviadan Yawouwi Dodji

    Simultaneous detection and sizing of plankton and marine particles is now possible at global scale with the Underwater Vision Profiler 6 (UVP6) mounted on BGC-Argo floats. Combined with other biogeochemical sensors, the UVP6 delivers Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs), from nutrients to plankton and detritus, critical for monitoring and modeling. To date, over a hundred of UVP6 have been deployed by different laboratories across all oceans. When deployed on BGC-Argo floats, particle size distribution or taxa counts -obtained through embedded recognition, are typically the only available data, as the floats are generally not recovered. Here we report multi-year patterns of plankton and particles obtained from four successful deployments and recoveries at different latitudes, ranging from the equator to 50° South and depths down to 2000 m. Objects larger than 0.6 mm were classified using machine learning recognition (for plankton and particle) and k-means clustering (only for particles) methods. To date, five morphological categories of marine snow (particles > 500µm) were defined, based on shape, darkness, and structural heterogeneity, while plankton images were validated by experts in 20 broad categories. We show how these results can be used to assess plankton diversity, detritus composition, carbon vertical flux, and attenuation down to the bathypelagic layers in a wide range of environmental conditions. In cases of low mesoscale activity, results show that different phytoplankton blooms produce different marine snow morphotypes having different fates. Dense marine snow is found to be the most exported and also the deepest (down to 2000 m depth). Other morphotypes, such as filaments or porous marine snow, were generally not exported below the surface layer. Size and morphology were important to determine marine snow sinking speed. In high mesoscale activity, the steady marine snowfall is disrupted by ocean horizontal and vertical circulations and intermittent export events are observed down to 600m depth. When fully integrated in a global network of BGC-Argo floats, underwater cameras will complement existing global observations of biogeochemical variables and small planktonic organisms, detected by optical sensors, by also capturing data on larger organisms and particles.

    How to cite: Stemmann, L., Rainer, K., Léo, L., Alexandre, A., Marin, A., Alberto, B., Philip, B., Camille, C., Hervé, C., Lionel, G., Joelle, H., Jean Olivier, I., Edouard, L., Fabien, L., Juliette, M., Ariadna, N., Marc, P., Antoine, P., and Dodji, S. Y.: Unraveling planktonic ecosystems dynamics using imaging sensors on BGC-Argo floats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11373,, 2025.

    EGU25-11606 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.6

    Thermohaline Properties and Trends in the Antarctic and Subantarctic Regions of the Pacific Ocean using 20 years of Argo float data 

    Ana Amaral Wasielesky, Elena Mauri, Angelo Rubino, Riccardo Martellucci, and Milena Menna

    The Antarctic and Subantarctic regions of the oceans, situated mainly in the Southern Ocean, play a crucial role in connecting all oceans through the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). It is essential to better understand the processes that occur in these regions, such as water mass formation, deep convection, and hence their contribution to the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC). Particularly noteworthy areas are those with abrupt bathymetric changes, such as the Campbell Plateau in southwestern New Zealand.  In the present study, Argo floats data from 2003 to 2024 are used to identify the main water masses  along the sectors from the eastern and western edges of the Campbell Plateau to the Antarctic continental shelf. These sectors, located between subtropical and subantarctic fronts, are characterized by the formation of Sub-Antarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), which contribute to shaping the broader oceanic circulation patterns. Recent results reveal the presence of eight distinct water masses in the study region and emphasize their peculiar seasonal variability. Also, a decadal analysis identifies  colder waters in the period 2003-2013 compared to 2014-2024, while significant changes in the trends of salinity and temperatures are observed in the different sectors. Preliminary results of this study highlight a unique 'dual mode' in temperature dynamics, where rising temperatures in one sector are accompanied by declining temperatures in the other. Similar patterns were also found in the salinity results. Finally, the use of Argo float data provides an unprecedented level of detail in examining the spatial and temporal resolution of an area located between these two different sectors of the ACC, whose changes most likely influence the global and Southern Ocean circulation patterns, with consequent implications on climate.

    How to cite: Amaral Wasielesky, A., Mauri, E., Rubino, A., Martellucci, R., and Menna, M.: Thermohaline Properties and Trends in the Antarctic and Subantarctic Regions of the Pacific Ocean using 20 years of Argo float data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11606,, 2025.

    EGU25-11637 | Orals | OS4.6

    Control of simulated ocean ecosystem indicators by biogeochemical observations.  

    Stefano Ciavatta, Paolo Lazzari, Eva Alvarez, Laurent Bertino, Karsten Bolding, Jorn Bruggeman, Arthur Capet, Gianpiero Cossarini, Farshid Daryabor, Lars Nerger, Mikhail Popov, Jozef Skakala, Simone Spada, Anna Teruzzi, Tsuyoshi Wakamatsu, Çaglar Yumruktepe, and Pierre Brasseur

    To protect marine ecosystems threatened by climate change and anthropic stressors, it is essential to operationally monitor ocean health indicators. These are metrics synthetizing multiple marine processes relevant to the users of operational services. Here we assess if selected ocean indicators simulated by operational models can be controlled (here meaning constrained effectively) by biogeochemical observations, by using a newly proposed methodological framework. The method consists in firstly screening the sensitivities of the indicators with respect to the initial conditions of the observable variables. These initial conditions are perturbed stochastically in Monte Carlo simulations of one-dimensional configurations of a multi-model ensemble. Then, the models are applied in three-dimensional ensemble assimilation experiments, where the reduction of the ensemble variance corroborates the controllability of the indicators by the observations. The method is applied for ten relevant ecosystem indicators (ranging from inorganic chemicals to plankton production), seven observation types (representing data from satellite and underwater platforms), and an ensemble of five biogeochemical models of different complexity, employed operationally by the European Copernicus Marine Service. We demonstrate that all the indicators are controlled by one or more types of observations. In particular, the indicators of phytoplankton phenology are controlled and improved by the merged observations from the surface ocean colour and chlorophyll profiles from biogeochemical-ARGO floats.  Similar observations also control and reduce the uncertainty of the plankton community structure and production. However, the uncertainty of the trophic efficiency and POC increases when assimilating chlorophyll-a data, though observations were not available to assess whether that was due to a worsen model skill. We recommend that the assessment of controllability proposed here becomes a standard practice in designing operational monitoring, reanalysis and forecast systems, to ultimately provide the users of operational services with more precise estimates of ocean ecosystem indicators.  

    How to cite: Ciavatta, S., Lazzari, P., Alvarez, E., Bertino, L., Bolding, K., Bruggeman, J., Capet, A., Cossarini, G., Daryabor, F., Nerger, L., Popov, M., Skakala, J., Spada, S., Teruzzi, A., Wakamatsu, T., Yumruktepe, Ç., and Brasseur, P.: Control of simulated ocean ecosystem indicators by biogeochemical observations. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11637,, 2025.

    EGU25-11966 | Posters on site | OS4.6

    Effects of Argo floats data on the ECMWF Ocean DA system and coupled forecasts  

    Hao Zuo, Kristian Mogensen, Eric de Boisseson, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, Philip Browne, Marcin Chrust, Stephanie Johnson, Sarah Keeley, and Christopher Roberts

    The global Argo array plays a pivotal role in ocean observing system by providing nearly uniform global coverage of temperature and salinity profiles to measure the upper 2000 meters of the ocean at approximately a 10-day interval. Argo float data (and other ocean in-situ observation types) are assimilated in the ECMWF ocean and sea-ice analysis system, to provide essential ocean and sea-ice initial states for the coupled forecasting system of ECMWF. In this study, we focus on the impact of ocean observations on medium-range forecasts by taking the global Argo array as an example. Similar studies assessing the impact of atmospheric observations are abundant, while there are few studies examining the impact of ocean observation system. Observation impact on ocean reanalysis has first been evaluated using observation system experiments (OSEs), in which different ocean observation types (including Argo) have been denied in the data assimilation system. Assessment of ocean observation impact on the coupled forecasting system of ECMWF has then been carried out, by initializing the ocean and sea-ice states from different OSE reanalyses. Results suggest that removing Argo data degrades the SST forecasts up to day-10. Impact of removing Argo data is comparable to atmospheric model changes in a typical ECMWF IFS Cycle upgrade and leads to a small but significant degradation of forecasted atmospheric fields.

    How to cite: Zuo, H., Mogensen, K., de Boisseson, E., Balmaseda, M. A., Browne, P., Chrust, M., Johnson, S., Keeley, S., and Roberts, C.: Effects of Argo floats data on the ECMWF Ocean DA system and coupled forecasts , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11966,, 2025.

    EGU25-12629 | Posters on site | OS4.6

    DEEP MOBY : The New 6000-Meter Profiling Float 

    Olivier Philippe, Charles Rebour, Franck Hieramente, Guust Nolet, Yann Hello, Karin Sigloch, and Sébastien Bonnieux

    OSEAN, in collaboration with the Geoazur laboratory, has developed a series of profiling floats capable of operating at depths ranging from 0 to 2000 meters. These floats are equipped with the MERMAID seismic signal acquisition application. Since 2014, we have produced over 100 of these floats. They come in many configurations, including seismic models with MERMAID hydrophones and ARGO models with CTD sensors. Over the past three years, we have adapted the design, allowing it to be used at depths of up to 4,000 meters, primarily for the ARGO program.

     These profilers are distinguished by their exceptional reliability and autonomy. The initial units deployed over six years ago have demonstrated remarkable resilience, as evidenced by their continued operational status, thereby attesting to their durability in field conditions.

     OSEAN is engineering a state-of-the-art profiler capable of descending to depths of 6000 meters. This enhancement will enable the profilers to access and monitor 97% of the world's oceans, considerably increasing their scientific usefulness.

    This advanced instrument draws upon the expertise accumulated through the development of the 2000 and 4000-meter profilers.

    The profiler has been designed to accommodate a wide range of payloads to accommodate the many sensors used in the bio-Argo program. It is also equipped with two separate acoustic channels, low-frequency for seismology and high-frequency for meteorological applications and marine mammal tracking. It can also land on the seabed to deliberately avoid moving away from a point of scientific interest.

     In any case, equipped with a deep CTD sensor, it has been specially adapted for Deep Argo applications. This adaptation has now been validated, and the first Deep Argo tests are due to start in early 2025, culminating in a final test this summer.

    How to cite: Philippe, O., Rebour, C., Hieramente, F., Nolet, G., Hello, Y., Sigloch, K., and Bonnieux, S.: DEEP MOBY : The New 6000-Meter Profiling Float, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12629,, 2025.

    EGU25-13321 | Orals | OS4.6

    NeSPReSO: A Neural Approach for Generating Synthetic Ocean Profiles Using ARGO Data, with an Accessible API for the Gulf of Mexico 

    Olmo Zavala-Romero, Jose Miranda, Luna Hiron, Eric Chassignet, Bulusu Subrahmanyam, Thomas Meunier, Enric Pallas-Sanz, and Miguel Tenreiro

    Accurate circulation modeling in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) is hampered by the limited availability of in-situ subsurface data, leading to inaccuracies in subsurface representations. These inaccuracies diminish the reliability of ocean models and constrain the duration of dependable forecasts. To address this, we present the latest version of the Neural Synthetic Profiles from Remote Sensing and Observations (NeSPReSO), a data-driven approach designed to efficiently and accurately estimate subsurface temperature and salinity profiles using satellite-derived surface data as input. This method provides a robust alternative to conventional synthetic data generation techniques. 

    NeSPReSO applies Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to extract dominant features from temperature and salinity profiles in an Argo dataset. A neural network is then trained to predict these features using inputs such as time, location, and satellite-derived variables, including absolute dynamic topography, sea surface temperature, and sea surface salinity. The model's performance was rigorously evaluated using independent Argo profiles and glider data collected in the GoM, demonstrating better performance compared to traditional methods such as Gravest Empirical Modes (GEM), Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and Improved Synthetic Ocean Profile (ISOP). Results show reductions in root mean square error and bias, indicating that NeSPReSO effectively captures the primary variability of subsurface fields. Furthermore, the synthetic profiles generated by NeSPReSO align well with observed data, accurately representing key oceanographic features such as thermoclines, haloclines, and the region's temperature-salinity structure.

    To facilitate widespread application, we have developed an API that allows users to generate synthetic profiles for any location in the Gulf of Mexico at varying spatial and temporal resolutions. This resource offers the broader scientific community a valuable tool for estimating quantities such as the region's heat content and enhancing oceanographic research and forecasting capabilities.

    How to cite: Zavala-Romero, O., Miranda, J., Hiron, L., Chassignet, E., Subrahmanyam, B., Meunier, T., Pallas-Sanz, E., and Tenreiro, M.: NeSPReSO: A Neural Approach for Generating Synthetic Ocean Profiles Using ARGO Data, with an Accessible API for the Gulf of Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13321,, 2025.

    EGU25-14292 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.6

    Exploring the effect of assimilating BGC-Argo observations on the Met Office's marine biogeochemical forecasting system 

    Andrea Rochner, David Ford, and Susan Kay

    The UK Met Office produces operational forecasts for the Northwest European Shelf region, for which we routinely assimilate temperature and salinity from Argo but not yet biogeochemical (BGC)-Argo variables. To explore the effect, we conduct a set of data assimilation experiments with measured and machine learning-derived BGC-Argo data. We use the NEMOVAR assimilation scheme in its 3DVar configuration with first guess at appropriate time. Biogeochemical variables are assimilated univariately, meaning that in the assimilation step each variable is updated individually and the model dynamics distribute the changes to other model variables.

    The first attempt of assimilating nitrate revealed a bias which we traced to the lateral boundary conditions, which will shortly be fixed in the operational system. A question for assessing the benefit of assimilating BGC-Argo data is how widespread the effect is of assimilating the relatively sparsely distributed BGC-Argo profiles, which only cover the off-shelf area. We find that the spread of the assimilated information depends on the interior circulation, which is affected by the assimilation of physics variables, including how much of the signal is advected onto the shelf. Assimilating nitrate from BGC-Argo also had effects on non-assimilated variables such as the distribution of chlorophyll within and below the mixed layer, and it revealed mismatches in the vertical structure of observed nitrate and the model’s mixed layer depth. The results suggest that our forecasting system can benefit from assimilating BGC-Argo data, directly through the assimilation as well as indirectly by highlighting issues in the physics-BGC interactions. Future work should investigate how to better match the assimilated physics, and BGC and also explore balancing the assimilated information from each variable across the ecosystem to increase the impact of the observations.

    How to cite: Rochner, A., Ford, D., and Kay, S.: Exploring the effect of assimilating BGC-Argo observations on the Met Office's marine biogeochemical forecasting system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14292,, 2025.

    EGU25-14753 | Orals | OS4.6

    Reconstructing the 4D Thermohaline Field in the Gulf of Mexico from Argo Float Data Using Geostrophic Stream-Function Projections 

    Paula Perez-Brunius, Paula García-Carrillo, Jose Miranda, Olmo Zavala, Thomas Meunier, and Amy Bower

    The variability of the Loop Current has been extensively studied due to its influence on the energy and heat distribution in the Gulf of Mexico, which in turn impacts both the oil industry and hurricane forecasting. Improving the predictability of the Loop Current's path and the detachment of its eddies requires a better understanding of the thermohaline structure, which has driven the deployment of numerous Argo profiling buoys in the eastern Gulf over the past decade. Despite these efforts, significant gaps remain in both the temporal and spatial coverage of in situ observations. Several methods have been developed to address these gaps by generating vertical projections from surface data, combining remote sensing information with available hydrographic profiles. In this study, the satGEM (satellite-Gravest Empirical Mode, Meijers et al., 2011) method is applied to project profile data onto geostrophic stream-function space, the latter being the absolute dynamic topography derived from satellite data. The performance of this method in reproducing thermohaline profiles under various dynamic conditions of the Loop Current and its eddies is compared with other vertical projection techniques currently used in the region, including both empirical methods (such as those based on Machine Learning) as well as hydrodynamical models with data assimilation.

    How to cite: Perez-Brunius, P., García-Carrillo, P., Miranda, J., Zavala, O., Meunier, T., and Bower, A.: Reconstructing the 4D Thermohaline Field in the Gulf of Mexico from Argo Float Data Using Geostrophic Stream-Function Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14753,, 2025.

    EGU25-15310 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6

     Ocean turbulence observations from autonomous profiling floats   

    Anneke ten Doeschate, Bieito Fernandez-Castro, Liliana Aranos, Ryuichiro Inoue, and Jean-Phillipe Juteau

    Turbulent mixing is the dominant driver in the exchange of oceanic properties across vertical layers and lateral fronts. It shapes the ocean’s stratification dynamics that regulate deep convective processes and water mass exchanges. It also plays an important role in the rate of atmosphere-ocean interactions, and thus is a key factor in our understanding of the dynamics that govern the earth’s climate. Direct measurement of turbulent mixing and associated fluxes of energy, oxygen and nutrients requires measurement of small-scale velocity and/or scalar fluctuations at fast rates. These observations have traditionally been resource-intensive and, consequentially, mostly local and intermittent. Progress is being made on the integration of microstructure turbulence sensors on Argo-class profiling floats, as a novel parameter to measure and from which to derive eddy-diffusivity values for assimilation into ocean and climate models. This is achieved through the integration of rudimentary sensor packages and low-power data loggers. The development includes onboard processing of the otherwise voluminous microstructure data, to make it suitable for satellite transmission. Experiments with two types of such integrations have been done by progressive adopters of the technology. In this presentation results are presented from a turbulence float deployment in the Iceland basin of the North Atlantic, where freshwater-driven deep convection takes place, as well as from deployment of a float in a turbulent eddy of the Kuroshio current.

    Targeted deployment of arrays of turbulence floats will result in improved monitoring of regions of the ocean over larger spatiotemporal scales. Results will contribute to the understanding of the mechanistic state and variability in regions of intense mixing, like the Atlantic sub-polar gyre. In addition to presenting scientific results, this presentation will discuss some of the technical requirements for integration of microstructure sensor packages on floats, and proposed methods for data quality, assessment and control.  

    How to cite: ten Doeschate, A., Fernandez-Castro, B., Aranos, L., Inoue, R., and Juteau, J.-P.:  Ocean turbulence observations from autonomous profiling floats  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15310,, 2025.

    EGU25-15771 | Orals | OS4.6

    Reconstruction of Argo Float Temperature Data in the Mediterranean Sea Using Physics-Informed Deep Learning and Remote Sensing  

    Manimpire Gasana Elysee, Annunziata Pirro, Elena Mauri, Riccardo Martellucci, and Milena Menna

    Accurate reconstruction of subsurface temperature profiles is essential for advancing our understanding of ocean dynamics and climate variability. In the Mediterranean Sea, Argo float temperature observations between 10 dbar and 500 dbar are often sparse or uncertain, limiting their utility for operational oceanography and climate studies. To address this challenge, we propose a physics-informed deep learning framework that leverages spatial-temporal dependencies and integrates auxiliary data from remote sensing and simulation products. The model incorporates wind stress, absolute dynamic topography, sea surface temperature, and simulated temperature and salinity fields from Copernicus datasets to reconstruct and correct uncertainties in Argo float data.

    Our framework employs a deep neural network architecture augmented with physics-informed loss functions (PINNs), ensuring consistency with oceanographic principles such as temperature-salinity relationships and geostrophic balance. Evaluation metrics, including root mean-squared error (RMSE), structural similarity index (SSIM), and PINN-based loss terms, are utilized to quantify the model's accuracy and adherence to physical laws. During testing, the model is validated by reconstructing observed Argo temperature profiles and comparing them against independent datasets.

    Preliminary results demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly improves the reconstruction of missing temperature profiles, achieving reduced RMSE, high SSIM values, and strong alignment with physical constraints. This study highlights the potential of combining physics-informed deep learning with remote sensing to enhance the reliability and accuracy of observational datasets in complex marine environments like the Mediterranean Sea.

    How to cite: Gasana Elysee, M., Pirro, A., Mauri, E., Martellucci, R., and Menna, M.: Reconstruction of Argo Float Temperature Data in the Mediterranean Sea Using Physics-Informed Deep Learning and Remote Sensing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15771,, 2025.

    EGU25-16427 | Posters on site | OS4.6

    OneArgo’s bridging role in ocean CO2 observations – The Baltic Sea pilot case 

    Henry C. Bittig, Tobias Steinhoff, Birgit Klein, Arne Körtzinger, Gregor Rehder, and Oliver Zielinski

    The Ocean currently takes up ca. 25 % of anthropogenic CO2 emissions and hosts the largest carbon pool between atmospheric, terrestrial and oceanic biospheres. To properly observe and document changes in ocean CO2, a combined approach between observation and modelling, but also the combination of different observation approaches is needed.

    The OneArgo programme and its autonomous float measurements can provide the link between research vessel-based observations of the whole water column such as organized in the GO-SHIP programme and surface CO2 observations by Ships of Opportunity (SOOP), organized in the SOCONET (Surface Ocean CO2 Reference Observing Network) programme or its European pillar ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System). Autonomous float measurements have the additional benefit to outperform these observation programmes in timeliness for operational applications thanks to its fully near real-time data availability. While the required raise in funding for a global OneArgo implementation slowly helps to build up the array, we present work from the Baltic Sea that can be seen as a regional pilot.

    Here, (1) surface carbon measurements by a SOOP, (2) vertical profiling float data of pCO2, and (3) research-vessel based water sampling of the water column build the foundation for a comprehensive CO2 observation network. By cross-validating data across the different research infrastructures, we ensure that data are interoperable. Next steps are to integrate data from the different sources into a comprehensive 4D BGC product of Baltic Sea CO2. While its global counterpart will be based on profiling float pH observations instead of pCO2, the approach and procedures can be mimicked, e.g., in the subpolar North Atlantic, a key region of the oceanic carbon cycle.

    Combined, the three different research infrastructures provide highly complementary information to quantify CO2 uptake, on the cycling and fate of CO2 in the water column, and to inform on timescales of CO2 sequestration. Future float deployments in the Baltic Sea will involve sensors for nitrate, oxygen debt, and hyperspectral radiometry to expand OneArgo’s bridging role and scope, e.g., to link up with satellite remote sensing products.

    How to cite: Bittig, H. C., Steinhoff, T., Klein, B., Körtzinger, A., Rehder, G., and Zielinski, O.: OneArgo’s bridging role in ocean CO2 observations – The Baltic Sea pilot case, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16427,, 2025.

    EGU25-17322 | Orals | OS4.6

    Exploring Upper Layer Bio-Physical Processes in the Bay of Bengal using BGC-Argos 

    Sourav Sil, Avijit Gangopadhyay, Sudeep Das, Hitesh Gupta, Abhijit Shee, and Saikat Pramanik

    The biogeochemical (BGC) Argos are providing high-resolution vertical profiles of the upper ocean in the Bay of Bengal since 2012. This work demonstrates the effective applications of BGC-Argos in understanding the biophysical interactions in the Bay of Bengal with four different studies carried out by our group. First, a study (Das & Sil, 2024; DSR-II) using a single BGC-Argo (WMO ID: 2902161), which measured temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen at a high-frequency (∼5 h) cycle down to 80 m depth, showed temperature and chlorophyll-a are strongly linked to solar insolation. The mean chlorophyll-a in the upper layer increased from 0600 h and peaked around 1800 h local time; however, surface chlorophyll-a increased only after 1100 h. The similarity between dissolved oxygen and the difference between the surface and mean chlorophyll-a further indicated photoacclimation variations on a diurnal scale. In a follow-up study (Gupta et al., 2024; RSMA), the comparison of Bio-Argos (WMO ID: 2902158, 2902160, 2902114, and 2902161) with the CMEMS data (which does not include any data assimilation) showed a statistically significant correlation coefficient of more than 0.60 in the Bay of Bengal. Bio-Argo measurement of the Chl-a concentration can inform the model about the phytoplankton biomass, which affects light attenuation and absorption lengths in the water column. A Bio-Argo (WMO ID: 2902217) was then utilized for a regional biophysical model validation, which analyzed the influence of different types of eddies on biological productivity (Shee et al., 2024, DAO). Bio-Argo (WMO ID: 2902093) was also very useful in revealing the subsurface extent of increased productivity after the passage of a cyclone in another study (Pramanik and Sil, 2021; JGR-Ocean). The Bio-Argo (WMO ID:2902156) showed the development of the Sri Lankan Dome and was used for validation of a bio-physical regional model used for its interannual variation (Pramanik et al., 2020; IJRS). The high-resolution, in-situ measurements provided by BGC-Argo floats are instrumental in capturing temporal and spatial variations, thereby supporting the development of more accurate oceanographic models and assessments.

    How to cite: Sil, S., Gangopadhyay, A., Das, S., Gupta, H., Shee, A., and Pramanik, S.: Exploring Upper Layer Bio-Physical Processes in the Bay of Bengal using BGC-Argos, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17322,, 2025.

    EGU25-17464 | Orals | OS4.6

    Enhancing OneArgo Chlorophyll-a Data Quality and Uniformity 

    Raphaëlle Sauzède, Catherine Schmechtig, Pannimpullath Remanan Renosh, Julia Uitz, and Hervé Claustre

    Phytoplankton biomass, the foundation of the oceanic food web, is predominantly estimated from chlorophyll-a (Chla) concentration. In vivo chlorophyll-a fluorescence (fluo), a key proxy for Chla, has become one of the most widely measured biogeochemical parameters in the ocean. This advancement is largely due to the integration of fluorometers onto BioGeoChemical-Argo (BGC-Argo) profiling floats, a key component of the multidisciplinary OneArgo array. By significantly expanding the number of fluo profiles compared to historical ship-based observations, this development has solidified OneArgo's role as a cornerstone of the global biogeochemical observing system.

    However, converting fluo into Chla is not straightforward, as it is influenced by various factors, including the composition and physiological state of phytoplankton communities. Accurate calibration of fluo into Chla is therefore both challenging and essential for fully utilizing the rapidly growing volume of fluo data. The Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) has made significant efforts to calibrate and validate fluo measurements from OneArgo floats, aiming to deliver Chla estimates with the highest possible accuracy. Despite these efforts, the current OneArgo Chla dataset still exhibits substantial regional biases in real-time (RT), particularly in high-latitude regions such as the Southern Ocean.

    Recent advances in observation-based products have introduced innovative solutions to address these challenges, including new delayed-mode (DM) correction methods that significantly reduce regional biases in Chla estimates. However, a key issue persists: DM and real-time (RT) datasets often differ considerably depending on the location, resulting in inconsistencies that compromise the homogeneity and interoperability of the OneArgo database. To address this, we propose a new RT correction method, based on observation-based products, to improve Chla accuracy and better align RT data with DM-calibrated values. This advancement is expected to be implemented soon, enabling a more seamless integration of RT and DM datasets and ultimately enhancing the overall quality and utility of the OneArgo Chla dataset.

    This study underscores the potential of new observation-based products to enhance the accuracy and coherence of the OneArgo Chla dataset. High-quality OneArgo data are critical for both scientific research and operational oceanography, including the assimilation of data into biogeochemical models.

    How to cite: Sauzède, R., Schmechtig, C., Renosh, P. R., Uitz, J., and Claustre, H.: Enhancing OneArgo Chlorophyll-a Data Quality and Uniformity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17464,, 2025.

    Dissolved oxygen (DO) is an important passive tracer of the ocean that plays an essential role in structuring marine ecosystems. The thickest and most intense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) at intermediate depths is found in the Arabian Sea, which is located in the northwestern part of the tropical Indian Ocean. In this work, changes in DO concentration in the water column of the Arabian Sea are extensively examined over the recent decade utilizing BGC-Argo profile records. Here, the upper layer experiences deoxygenation, which is attributed to improved stratification. In contrast, below the top ocean, the DO concentration shows significant increasing trend throughout the depths. The oxygenation at intermediate levels of this region is caused by enhanced isopycnal mixings in the presence of salt finger instabilities. This research reveals the role of salinity in regulating DO variations in the water column. This investigation also demonstrates that the OMZ in this region has shrunk over the period by roughly 200 m from the bottom. Furthermore, DO concentrations in the OMZ have increased by around 140%, which is associated with the North Indian Intermediate Water masses over the study region.

    How to cite: Shee, A.: Recent Changes in Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the Arabian Sea using BGC-Argo Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18090,, 2025.

    EGU25-19623 | Posters on site | OS4.6

    Tailor a comprehensive design of OneArgo for its European implementation 

    Yann-Hervé De Roeck, Claire Gourcuff, Alan Berry, Fiona Carse, Dimitris Kassis, Birgit Klein, Kjell Arne Mork, Giulio Notarstefano, Simo-Matti Siiriä, Violeta Slabakova, Colin Stedmon, Andreas Sterl, Virginie Thierry, Pedro Vélez Belchí, and Waldemar Walczowski

    The ocean plays a key role in the climate system, and therefore in the climate change threat. About 90% of the heat excess absorbed since the 1970’s is stored in the ocean and changes in the hydrological cycle related to climate change are also strongly manifested in the ocean. In addition, the ocean acts as a net anthropogenic carbon sink, presently assessed as one fourth of the global uptake, and a moderator of climate change. It is therefore of paramount importance to monitor key ocean properties over long periods, with a global coverage.

    Argo has transformed the way of ocean observing in the last decades and is the most important source of in situ marine data. As a major component of both the Global Ocean Observing System and the Global Climate Observing System, it provides near-real time data for forecasting and reanalysis services and high-quality data for climate research. Its implementation began in 1999, reaching a global coverage since 2007 (Roemmich et al. 2009). Originally designed to provide temperature and salinity profiles in the upper 2 000 m of the ice-free ocean (Core-Argo mission), the array has been expanded into seasonal ice zones (Polar-Argo mission), as well as in marginal seas. Successful pilot studies have shown the scientific added-value and the technology readiness to extend its mission towards greater depths (Deep-Argo mission) and biogeochemistry (BGC-Argo mission), hence the new “Global, full depth, multidisciplinary” OneArgo design defined after the OceanObs’19 Conference (Roemmich et al. 2019), aiming for a full implementation by 2030.

    Euro-Argo ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) coordinates the European contribution to the Argo international programme, as the sum of European national contributions from 13 countries plus project-based contributions from the European Commission. This joint effort enables Euro-Argo to aim at maintaining ¼ of the array, with a regional perspective leant towards marginal seas (Mediterranean, Black and Baltic seas) and the European part of the Arctic seas. It has thus become a major source of information for European operational centres such as the Copernicus Marine and Climate Services and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). In addition, it provides important in situ information for calibration and validation of satellites, and the technological advances in biogeochemical instrumentation have greatly improved the ability to collect data that support marine policies set up by the European Union.

    Within this context, Euro-Argo is currently revising its deployment strategy for the next decade, considering specific European needs, while integrating within the European Ocean Observing System and contributing to the international OneArgo new ambitious design. The new strategy will consider feedbacks received from Copernicus in the frame of the COINS and GEORGE HE and European In situ Alliance projects. It will also include first results of studies undertaken within the EA-ONE and TRICUSO HE projects to optimise Argo network efficiency, sustainability, and global impact through refined sampling strategies and regional collaboration, e.g. for float recoveries.

    Key elements of this comprehensive design of OneArgo for its European implementation will then be presented.

    How to cite: De Roeck, Y.-H., Gourcuff, C., Berry, A., Carse, F., Kassis, D., Klein, B., Mork, K. A., Notarstefano, G., Siiriä, S.-M., Slabakova, V., Stedmon, C., Sterl, A., Thierry, V., Vélez Belchí, P., and Walczowski, W.: Tailor a comprehensive design of OneArgo for its European implementation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19623,, 2025.

    EGU25-19854 | Orals | OS4.6

    Building an operational and consistent oxygen dataset at the Coriolis DAC 

    Virginie Racape, Catherine Schmechtig, Virginie Thierry, Henry Bittig, Thierry Carval, Vincent Bernard, Jean-Phillipe Rannou, and Laure Fontaine

    Oxygen, measured using optical sensors, was the first biogeochemical parameter recorded by Argo floats.  The Argo program, now renamed OneArgo to take account of the ocean's biogeochemical (BGC) and deep components, now counts over 300,000 dissolved oxygen concentration profiles. This number of profiles makes the OneArgo program a key player in characterizing the biogeochemical state of the ocean.


    Among the biogeochemical parameters on floats, endorsed by the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC), oxygen can be used to quantify, for example, the Net Community Production and when monitored at large scales, it helps in understanding the extent of the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) and the deoxygenation of the ocean.   Moreover, it is widely used in the calibration processes of other key parameters (Maurer et al., 2021) measured on floats such as the nitrate concentration and pH. 


    OneArgo is built around autonomous robots, which implies specific constraints on data processing (Qualification, Validation... ) despite efforts to recover floats, post-deployment calibration to enhance sensor characterization and data quality remains rare. We would like to present the work lead in the European Data Assembly Center (DAC) Coriolis, in order to provide an operationally and consistent dissolved oxygen concentration profiles dataset, addressing Real Time (RT) and Delayed Mode (DM) processing for a wide range of sensors and float technologies.  

    How to cite: Racape, V., Schmechtig, C., Thierry, V., Bittig, H., Carval, T., Bernard, V., Rannou, J.-P., and Fontaine, L.: Building an operational and consistent oxygen dataset at the Coriolis DAC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19854,, 2025.

    EGU25-21641 | ECS | Orals | OS4.6

    Buoyancy redistribution within the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation revealed by Deep Argo 

    Damien Desbruyères, Herlé Mercier, Gregory C. Johnson, Virginie Thierry, and Kjell Arne Mork

    The steady-state buoyancy budget underpinning the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) implies a balance between the surface-forced and mixing-driven transformation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and its meridional export. Here, we employ a climatology of ocean temperature and salinity data, a contemporary Deep-Argo array, and an atmospheric reanalysis to assess this balance in the subpolar North Atlantic and Nordic Seas over interannual, decadal, and bidecadal timescales. We quantify the residual of this balance - the rate of water mass volume change - and its role in the water mass transformation budget. The analysis reveals that the magnitude and density range of local volume trends decrease with longer timescales. On decadal and bidecadal scales, trends are confined to upper NADW with minimal changes in AMOC limb volumes, suggesting that water mass transformation and AMOC may be interchangeable. On interannual scales, trends are larger and span lighter and denser density ranges in the eastern basins, aligning with surface-forced transformation patterns. Here, the volume of the AMOC limbs is impacted and AMOC intensity will lag transformation rates by the southward export timescales of transformed water masses.

    How to cite: Desbruyères, D., Mercier, H., Johnson, G. C., Thierry, V., and Mork, K. A.: Buoyancy redistribution within the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation revealed by Deep Argo, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21641,, 2025.

    Since mid-2019, meso-zooplankton and micronekton density hindcast (large past time series that are processed with time-consistent forcings) are available and regularly extended for the Copernicus Marine Service catalogue. The product (also known as MICRORYS) is computed using SEAPODYM-LMTL, the Lower and Mid Trophic levels model of the Spatial Ecosystem And POpulation DYnamic Modeling framework. Meso-zooplankton organisms (200µm-2mm) constitute the low-trophic level. These organisms are transported along with the water masses. Micronekton organisms, constituting the mid-trophic level, are bigger organisms (2-20cm) able to swim over short distances. SEAPODYM models the spatial and population dynamics of the LMTL population with a system of advection-diffusion-reaction equations. The vertical dimension is simplified into three layers (namely epipelagic, upper, and lower mesopelagic). Layers matches the vertical distribution of organisms that is observed. The six micronekton groups are defined according to their diel vertical migration from the surface at night to the deep ocean during the day. MICRORYS product uses a global configuration of SEAPODYM at 1/12° daily resolution. We will present the latest release (dec. 2024) computed with a new computational grid with better geometrical properties. We will also visit new applications of micronekton  biomass densities as prey fields for marine predators to better understand their behaviour. We will end with new contribution related to mid trophic levels to the Ocean State Report and the description of potential Ocean Monitoring Indicators. 

    How to cite: Titaud, O., Albernhe, S., Conchon, A., and Mérillet, L.: Low and mid-trophic levels hindcasts of the Copernicus Marine Service catalogue:  new release and contribution to the Ocean State Report., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1392,, 2025.

    EGU25-2001 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Satellite Altimetry Reveals Intensification of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Paul Hargous, Vincent Combes, Bàrbara Barceló-Llull, and Ananda Pascual

    Mesoscale activity plays a central role in ocean variability, substantially influencing the mixing of biogeophysical tracers, such as heat and carbon, and driving changes in ecosystems. Eddy Kinetic Energy (EKE), a metric used for studying the intensity of mesoscale processes, has recently been shown to increase in regions of intense EKE worldwide. Strong EKE positive trends are, for example, observed in the principal western boundary current regions, such as the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio Extension, and the Brazil/Malvinas Confluence. In this study, we assess whether the Mediterranean Sea, known to be a hotspot for climate change impacts, also exhibits such intensification. Despite the high number of observational data (in-situ, satellite) and modeling experiments, there is a gap in understanding the long-term evolution of mesoscale dynamics and EKE trends in the Mediterranean Sea. This study investigates EKE trends in the Mediterranean Sea using altimetric data from the Copernicus Marine Service. Gridded altimetric products (L4) provide daily geostrophic velocities at the ocean surface from 1993 to 2023. The EKE is calculated from anomalies of these geostrophic velocities. We analyzed EKE trends computed from three different altimetric products: a global product derived from a stable two-satellite constellation (two-sat) and two others (global and European) incorporating all available satellites (all-sat). While all products reveal a general increase of EKE in the Mediterranean Sea over the period analyzed, trends calculated from the two-sat product are significantly smaller than those computed from the all-sat products. We surmise that this discrepancy is due to the increasing number of satellites over time used to construct the all-sat datasets, which enhances both spatial and temporal coverage, and, hence, their capacity to detect higher energy levels, and/or an underestimate of the EKE detected by the two-sat product. To further investigate these trends, along-track altimetric data (L3) were also used with a specific focus on the Alboran region. This area, dominated by intense mesoscale activity, holds strong statistically significant positive EKE trends. These findings highlight the importance of using altimetric products with a stable number of satellites and constructed for climate applications when addressing long-term ocean variability analysis.

    How to cite: Hargous, P., Combes, V., Barceló-Llull, B., and Pascual, A.: Satellite Altimetry Reveals Intensification of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2001,, 2025.

    EGU25-3715 | Orals | OS4.7

    DUACS DT-2024: 30 years of reprocessed sea level altimetry products  

    Maxime Ballarotta, Quentin Dagneaux, Antoine Delepoulle, Gérald Dibarboure, Stéphanie Dupuy, Yannice Faugère, Marie Jenn-Alet, Cécile Kocha, Isabelle Pujol, and Guillaume Taburet

    The Sea-Level Thematic Assembly Centers (SL-TAC), a component of the Copernicus Marine Services, provides near-real-time and delayed-time gridded sea level and surface current products at global and regional scales. These datasets, processed using the Data Unification and Altimeter Combination System (DUACS), are important for the ocean science community, enabling the study and monitoring of oceanic system evolution. 
    Recently, DUACS has reprocessed 30 years of altimeter data, releasing the DT2024 products through the Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) and Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). These new products integrate updated geophysical correction standards, advanced mapping methods, and refined processing techniques, delivering significant accuracy improvements compared to the previous DT2021 release. 
    This study provides a comprehensive overview of the CMEMS and C3S DT2024 products and assesses their quality against independent datasets. The analysis demonstrates that updated altimetry standards enhance accuracy, especially in coastal regions, reducing errors by approximately 10% due to improved ocean tide model corrections. Furthermore, the application of the Multi-Scale Inversion of Ocean Surface Topography mapping method has reduced mapping errors by 5%–7% in areas of high ocean variability. These enhancements position the DT2024 products as valuable resources for advancing our understanding of ocean dynamics and improving the accuracy of climate and oceanographic research. 

    How to cite: Ballarotta, M., Dagneaux, Q., Delepoulle, A., Dibarboure, G., Dupuy, S., Faugère, Y., Jenn-Alet, M., Kocha, C., Pujol, I., and Taburet, G.: DUACS DT-2024: 30 years of reprocessed sea level altimetry products , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3715,, 2025.

    EGU25-4517 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Operational oceanographic services in support of aquaculture and biodiversity in Galway Bay, Ireland 

    Diego Pereiro, Tomasz Dabrowski, José María García-Valdecasas, Marcos Sotillo, Kieran Lyons, and Glenn Nolan

    Ostrea edulis has been harvested in Galway Bay, Ireland, for centuries, but the oyster aquaculture in the bay is facing multiple threats, including E. coli contamination, B. ostreae outbreaks and an alteration to freshwater inflow due to the development of a flood relief scheme. Periods characterized by low salinities (S<20 g kg-1) are common in the bay, especially after heavy rainfall events. These episodes are often associated with increased oyster mortality rates and subsequent economic loss for the farming sector. It is therefore important for producers to have access to real-time data and marine forecasts, and this information has to be accessible in a user-friendly and interactive way. Access to static, climatological information on the distribution of different seawater properties affecting oyster farming is also interesting for long-term planning and management.

    This contribution will present the developments funded under the Copernicus Marine Service COP INNO USER Programme and carried out by the Marine Institute, Ireland, and Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems, Spain, that facilitate the provision of these services to the local oyster farming sector and environmentalists involved in biodiversity restoration. A high resolution (70 m) hydrodynamic model of Galway Bay has been developed, covering inner Galway Bay east of Black Head. In parallel, a SWAN application has been developed to provide wave data for Galway Bay and adjacent shelf waters. A 2012-2022 hindcast was run to obtain static, climatological data on seawater temperature, salinity, bottom stress, and wave kinetic energy.  Both models (hydrodynamic and wave models) run operationally, delivering a 3-day forecast every day. Marine conditions mapping and low salinity warning services have been implemented and current developments include the extension to biogeochemical variables, marine heatwaves and indicators of the rate of change of temperature and salinity during the extreme events.

    Service to the end users in this project is facilitated through a user-friendly, interactive web application NAUI ( where real-time observational data, forecasts and c. 10 years hindcast data is provided. This application constitutes an excellent example of the increasing efforts to extend the amount of marine observations and forecasts available to the general public and can become an important tool for management of the aquaculture activity and for biodiversity preservation in the region. We are in the process of integrating with the European Digital Twin of the Ocean since the service was selected as coastal demonstrator in the Digital Ocean Forum 2024. Integrating into EDITO would allow for a faster service and for an easy extension of the service to new geographical locations, enhancing its scalability and replicability.

    How to cite: Pereiro, D., Dabrowski, T., García-Valdecasas, J. M., Sotillo, M., Lyons, K., and Nolan, G.: Operational oceanographic services in support of aquaculture and biodiversity in Galway Bay, Ireland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4517,, 2025.

    EGU25-5158 | Orals | OS4.7 | Highlight

    Copernicus Marine 2 (2021-2028): achievements and future plans  

    Pierre-Yves Le Traon

    The EU Copernicus Marine Service, implemented by Mercator Ocean International with a large network of observation and modelling production centers, is a world-leading, reference digital information service on the world ocean and EU regional seas.  The Copernicus Marine Service monitors in real time and over the past decades the world ocean across the entire water column using in situ and satellite observations and monitoring and forecasting systems. It provides free and fully open, regular and systematic reference information on the physical, biogeochemical ocean and sea-ice state for the global ocean and the European regional seas. The Copernicus Marine Service supports applications dealing with maritime safety, sustainable use of marine resources, healthy waters, informing coastal and marine hazard services, ocean climate services, protecting marine biodiversity.   

    For the last 10 years, the Copernicus Marine has been implementing unique capabilities to inform and support action for the Ocean.   Through a regular dialogue with the user community and taking into account observation, science and technology advances, the service is continuously evolving to better answer user and societal needs.   The first phase of Copernicus Marine 2 (July 2021 – December 2024) has ensured the continuity of service with respect to Copernicus Marine 1 (April 2014-July 2021) and implemented a series of evolutions for the Thematic Assembly Centers (TACs) and Monitoring and Forecasting Centers (MFCs).  User uptake has steadily increased with almost 80,000 registered users in 2025. International cooperation and impact have been strengthened in the framework of the UN Decade of Ocean Science.   In the second and last phase of Copernicus Marine 2 (January 2025 – June 2028), the objective is to build on these achievements to continue evolving Copernicus Marine product and service offer and maintain a world leading and state-of-the art marine service responsive to user and policy needs. Continuous evolutions of observation (TACs) and modelling (MFC) products will allow the integration of new satellite missions and in-situ observations, the improvement of processing techniques, the improvement of models, coupling and data assimilation, and an increasing use of Artificial Technique (AI) techniques. Synergies with the development of the EU Digital Twin Ocean will be strengthened.   

    An overview of recent achievements of Copernicus Marine will be given and the main objectives and scientific challenges of the new phase of Copernicus Marine 2 will be outlined.  Long-term perspectives (post 2028) will also be discussed. 

    How to cite: Le Traon, P.-Y.: Copernicus Marine 2 (2021-2028): achievements and future plans , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5158,, 2025.

    EGU25-6062 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Convolutional neural networks for chlorophyll prediction in the Mediterranean Sea 

    Teresa Tonelli, Gloria Pietropolli, Gianpiero Cossarini, and Luca Manzoni

    Chlorophyll concentration presents important implications in marine ecosystems (e.g eutrophication and proxy for phytoplankton abundance). Chlorophyll can be indirectly (satellite) or directly (insitu) observed and estimated through deterministic models. However, all these estimations present some limits: deterministic models cover the whole 3D domain but they can be inaccurate, while observations, highly accurate, are too sparse. Their integration through model-data fusion approach represents a new frontier for biogeochemical modeling. 

    We present a deep-learning approach for modeling the 3D distribution of biogeochemical variables in the Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, this work focuses on generating new 3D maps of chlorophyll-a by (a) modeling its relationship with physical variables, whose 3D-distribution is provided by the CMEMS physical numerical model, and (b)  merging in-situ observations (i.e. BGC-Argo). The resulting 3D map offers a more accurate prediction leveraging the inclusion of Argo-float measurements, which are characterized by more accurate predictions than numerical model outputs. 

    This provides a tool that, given a 3D distribution of physical variables and sparse measurements of a biogeochemical variable, yields a 3D reconstruction of such biogeochemical variables. The novelty of this method lies in its ability to improve the accuracy of biogeochemical variable predictions by incorporating 1D Argo-float data into a 3D context, thus extending localized measurements over larger spatial domains.

    The neural network models the relationship between physical variables and chlorophyll using numerical data (from BFM model) as a baseline. Since numerical models introduce approximation errors, a second training corrects these inaccuracies by incorporating Argo-float data. 

     We adopt a convolutional neural network (CNN),  a deep learning architecture specifically designed to capture spatial correlation patterns. CNNs, commonly used for image reconstruction tasks, treat the 3D field (with an horizontal resolution of ⅛ x ⅛ degree for 30 vertical levels) as an image, replacing canonical RGB values by physical and biogeochemical variables. 

    To incorporate data from different sources, the training is divided into two-step: firstly, the network learns how to reproduce chlorophyll-a distribution with BFM model data, while secondly it incorporates Argo-float chlorophyll measures. In this way, Argo-float data are integrated into an already trained framework, thus entirely absorbing and expanding their information.    

    Trained on weekly data in the years 2019-2021 and tested on 2022, CNN shows the capability of reproducing chlorophyll maps mimicking BFM data, which are improved in the second step through the use of Argo-float. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed two-step method, since the use of BGC-Argo data not only leads the reconstruction closer to data itself but allows corrections to spread in the 3D domain.

    To summarize, this approach exploits CNNs for the resolution of a re-mapping problem including different data sources. The two-step training procedure provides a new simple and intuitive method to efficiently merge sparse and incomplete data into a 3D seamless domain.

    How to cite: Tonelli, T., Pietropolli, G., Cossarini, G., and Manzoni, L.: Convolutional neural networks for chlorophyll prediction in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6062,, 2025.

    EGU25-6514 | Orals | OS4.7

    BIORYS4: A New Global Ocean Biogeochemical Reanalysis within Copernicus Marine Service 

    Nabir Mamnun, Coralie Perruche, and Julien Lamouroux
    We present BIORYS4, a new Global Ocean Biogeochemical Reanalysis developed at Mercator Ocean International. within the Copernicus Marine Service framework. BIORYS4 provides 3D biogeochemical (BGC) fields at a quarter degree horizontal resolution and 75 vertical levels, spanning from 1993 to the present. The BGC fields are simulated using the PISCES-v2 (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies, version 2) model (Aumont et al. 2015), forced by the Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis, also developed at Mercator Ocean International within the Copernicus Marine Service. The BGC simulation is constrained through two approaches: climatological relaxation and data assimilation using a Singular Evolutive Extended Kalman Filter (SEEK) implemented in the Mercator Assimilation System. Dissolved inorganic nitrate, phosphate, silicate and iron, dissolved organic carbonand dissolved oxygen are relaxed toward monthly climatologies, and total alkalinity is relaxed toward a annual climatology using a 1-year relaxation timescale to preserve the model's internal interannual variability. Dissolved inorganic carbon is additionally relaxed toward interannual fields to account for anthropogenic emissions. To further constrain the model, the chlorophyll concentration derived from Ocean Color data is assimilated, updating the chlorophyll, nitrate, and silicate representations over the mixed layer. We constrain carbonate system variables through the assimilation of dissolved inorganic carbon and total alkalinity derived from a neural network product based on the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT). Comparisons with a wide range of observational datasets demonstrate that BIORYS4 provides a robust representation of global biogeochemical processes. In particular, the assimilation of SOCAT-based carbonate variables significantly improves the simulated surface partial pressure of CO2 and air-sea CO2 fluxes, highlighting that direct assimilation of these fluxes could further enhance model accuracy and better resolve regional and temporal dynamics. The BIORYS4 global ocean biogeochemical reanalysis will be available freely through the Copernicus Marine Service, serving diverse scientific and operational user communities.

    How to cite: Mamnun, N., Perruche, C., and Lamouroux, J.: BIORYS4: A New Global Ocean Biogeochemical Reanalysis within Copernicus Marine Service, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6514,, 2025.

    EGU25-6665 | ECS | Posters on site | OS4.7

    Using Copernicus global ocean reanalysis data to estimate the evolution of the gas hydrate stability zone 

    Leonardo Riccucci, Angelo Camerlenghi, Stefano Salon, and Umberta Tinivella

    Although climate change is mainly observed on the Earth's surface, it is known that ocean circulation is also changing and the seabed is subject to temperature fluctuations. Seafloor sediments are often permeated by a methane hydrate phase whose stability depends primarily on temperature and pressure fields. Any change in the temperature of the seabed can alter the stability state of the methane hydrate. The dissociation of methane hydrate, a consequence of its unstable state, could release large amounts of methane into the water column. Methane, which could then impact submarine geologic hazards such as submarine landslides, and the eventual reaching of the atmosphere by methane would exacerbate ongoing climate change.

    In this work, we computed the depth of the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) at the global scale using data from the EU Copernicus Marine Service (CMS), and its changes in the period from 1993 to 2023 were analyzed at 5-year intervals. The aim was to investigate the impact of climate change on the methane hydrate stability zone.

    We used oceanographic temperature and salinity data from the Global Ocean Physics Reanalysis dataset (GLORYS12V1), which was produced as part of CMS, depth data from GEBCO - The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, and geothermal gradient data, derived from the heat flow data reported by Lucazeau (2019, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20: 4001-4024,

    The depth of the gas hydrate stability zone was calculated from monthly data, which were then averaged over the 12 months of each year considered to obtain annual average values of GHSZ depth. The salinity and temperature data extracted from GLORYS12V1 have a resolution of 1/12 of a degree in longitude and latitude, resulting in a decomposition of the sea surface into approximately 9 million cells and referenced to 50 different depth levels. The availability of salinity and temperature data for the entire water column was essential for a more accurate calculation of seafloor pressure. The contribution to the seafloor pressure of each of the 50 layers into which the water column was divided was calculated using Stevino's law, rather than using the more commonly used dbar-meter approximation. It was also analyzed how the reanalysis data uncertainty obtained from the quality information document provided by CMS affected the final result of the gas hydrate stability zone depth estimate.

    The high resolution and completeness of the data made it possible to obtain a relevant result on a global scale, in agreement with literature, showing that over the period considered, the number of model cells subject to GHSZ thinning is much greater than the number of cells subject to GHSZ thickening, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere.


    How to cite: Riccucci, L., Camerlenghi, A., Salon, S., and Tinivella, U.: Using Copernicus global ocean reanalysis data to estimate the evolution of the gas hydrate stability zone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6665,, 2025.

    EGU25-7123 | Orals | OS4.7

    The effect of coupling higher trophic level modules on the dynamics of three models of lower trophic level  

    Vijith Vijayakumaran, Ute Daewel, Rebecca Millington, Jorn Bruggeman, Helen Powley, Gennadi Lessin, Anja Lindenthal, and Corinna Schrum

    This study demonstrates a proof of concept for two-way coupling between generic higher-trophic-level (HTL) biomass models —fish and macrobenthos— and three lower-trophic-level (LTL) models used by Copernicus Marine Services. The ECOSMO E2E model is a functional group type ecosystem model with fish and macrobenthos within a standard NPZD (nutrient–phytoplankton–zooplankton–detritus) framework. By reprogramming fish and macrobenthos into independent modules (ECOSMO-E2E v2.0), we can now couple them flexibly with multiple LTL models of similar class as ECOSMO. We utilise the Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM) to couple ECOSMO-E2E v2.0 with three LTL models: ECOSMO, ERSEM, and ERGOM. Our test setup focuses on a 1D water column in the central North Sea, simulated with the General Ocean Turbulence Model (GOTM). For simplicity, we ignore horizontal fish movement in our experiments. The model simulated fish biomass compares well with the observed annual fish biomass from International Bottom Trawl Survey estimates. Additionally, we explore how two-way coupling affects the LTL biomass dynamics in different model configurations. Our results emphasize the necessity of including HTL components in marine ecosystem models. Two-way coupling not only simulates realistic fish and macrobenthos fields but also provides spatially and temporally explicit closure terms to LTL model fields 

    How to cite: Vijayakumaran, V., Daewel, U., Millington, R., Bruggeman, J., Powley, H., Lessin, G., Lindenthal, A., and Schrum, C.: The effect of coupling higher trophic level modules on the dynamics of three models of lower trophic level , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7123,, 2025.

    EGU25-7131 | Orals | OS4.7

    A New High-Resolution Black Sea Physics Reanalysis 

    Leonardo Lima, Diana Azevedo, Mehmet Ilicak, Filipe Costa, Adil Sözer, Sergio Cretì, Salvatore Causio, Pietro Miraglio, Eric Jansen, and Emanuela Clementi

    Ocean reanalyses utilize state-of-the-art models that are constrained by atmospheric forcing and incorporate the best available observations through data assimilation techniques to reconstruct historical conditions. The Black Sea Physics Reanalysis (BLK-REA) product delivered within the Copernicus Marine Service provides a comprehensive dataset of oceanographic fields for the Black Sea basin, starting from January 1993. This high-resolution reanalysis is built using the NEMOv4.0 general circulation ocean model, implemented at a horizontal resolution of 1/40° and 121 vertical levels, delivering a detailed and accurate representation of ocean dynamics in the region. The BLK-REA is driven by atmospheric fluxes derived from ECMWF ERA5 fields with spatial and temporal resolutions of 1/4° and 1 hour, respectively. Sea surface temperature (SST) relaxation, based on the ESA-CCI SST-L4 product, is applied for heat flux corrections. A key advancement in this version is the incorporation of lateral open boundary conditions (LOBCs), enabling more accurate inflow and outflow dynamics at the Bosphorus Strait. The data assimilation system, OceanVar, utilizes a three-dimensional variational (3D-Var) assimilation algorithm. It integrates model outputs with along-track sea level anomaly (SLA) observations from Copernicus Marine, as well as in-situ temperature and salinity profiles sourced from SeaDataNet and Copernicus Marine datasets. Enhancements in the data assimilation include the adoption of an improved background error covariance matrix and an observation-based mean dynamic topography for SLA assimilation. The results of the reanalysis demonstrate a significant improvement in accuracy compared to previous versions, with better alignment to observed data. BLK-REA has proven to be an invaluable tool for generating Ocean Monitoring Indicators, essential for assessing climate change impacts in the Black Sea. For example, the analysis reveals ongoing warming within the 25–150 m depth range, corresponding to the Cold Intermediate Layer.

    Looking ahead, future iterations of BLK-REA aim to expand the domain to include the Azov Sea and introduce enhanced Bosphorus LOBCs. Planned upgrades to the data assimilation system include the integration of a barotropic model for SLA assimilation and the first-guess-at-the-appropriate-time approach. Starting from 1980, the next reanalysis will provide a more comprehensive temporal scope, further enhancing the monitoring and assessment of climate-related changes in the Black Sea region.

    How to cite: Lima, L., Azevedo, D., Ilicak, M., Costa, F., Sözer, A., Cretì, S., Causio, S., Miraglio, P., Jansen, E., and Clementi, E.: A New High-Resolution Black Sea Physics Reanalysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7131,, 2025.

    EGU25-8348 | Orals | OS4.7

    ECMWF 6th generation ocean and sea-ice reanalysis system (ORAS6) 

    Eric de Boisseson, Hao Zuo, Magdalena Balmaseda, Philip Browne, Marcin Chrust, Stephanie Johnson, Sarah Keeley, Michael Mayer, Kristian Mogensen, Charle Pelletier, Christopher Roberts, Patricia de Rosnay, and Toshinari Takakura

    Ocean and sea-ice reanalyses are reconstructions of historical ocean and sea-ice states generated by ingesting observations into simulated model states through data assimilation methods. The Ocean ReAnalysis System-6 (ORAS6) is the 6th generation of ECMWF ocean and sea-ice reanalysis system. ORAS6 is forced by hourly ERA5 atmospheric fields and uses an ensemble variational ocean data assimilation (EDA) together with the latest reprocessed input datasets to produce a state-of-the-art 11-member ensemble of ocean reanalyses. Ocean and sea-ice states from ORAS6 will be used as ocean initial conditions for both the upcoming coupled ERA6 atmospheric reanalysis and ECMWF forecasting activities and will also be crucial for the continuation of climate monitoring activities within the Copernicus Services.

    This presentation will address the performance of ORAS6 with respect to its predecessor (ORAS5) in terms of: fit to both in-situ and remotely sensed observations; representation of physical processes such as ocean transport and SST diurnal cycle; and also in terms of quality and consistency of the climate signals. Impacts of the use of an upgraded ocean and sea-ice model, new data assimilation methods and state-of-the-art atmospheric forcings and ocean observing system will also be evaluated in ORAS6.

    Finally, the positive impact of ORAS6 ocean states as initial conditions for ECMWF coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea-ice forecasts will be discussed.

    How to cite: de Boisseson, E., Zuo, H., Balmaseda, M., Browne, P., Chrust, M., Johnson, S., Keeley, S., Mayer, M., Mogensen, K., Pelletier, C., Roberts, C., de Rosnay, P., and Takakura, T.: ECMWF 6th generation ocean and sea-ice reanalysis system (ORAS6), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8348,, 2025.

    EGU25-8643 | Orals | OS4.7

    HywasPort: Bridging Latvia’s Ports and Open Seas with Seamless Forecasting 

    Andrejs Timuhins, Uldis Bethers, Juris Seņņikovs, Vilnis Frišfelds, and Daiga Cepīte-Frišfelde

    Latvia’s Baltic Sea coast, with its network of ports, requires precise and timely sea state information to ensure safe and efficient navigation. The HywasPort service, operational since 2020, addresses this need by providing high-resolution hydrodynamic and wave forecasts within port aquatories. However, challenges persisted in port approaches, where open sea models lack the spatial detail necessary, and inner port models fall short.

    The recent upgrade of the HywasPort service bridges this critical gap. It ensures a seamless transition between inner port and coastal marine models. Covering eight Latvian harbors, the system provides forecasts for waves, currents, sea level, temperature, salinity, and wind, alongside user and third-party observations.

    The system is driven by HBM oceanographic model in an operational setup by the University of Latvia. It uses Copernicus Marine products as boundary conditions. The advanced seven-level nesting structure offers resolutions as fine as 36 meters, supporting accurate modeling of harbor entrances and outer coastal regions.

    End users, including port authorities, dredging businesses, fishermen, and leisure sailors, benefit from a unified visualization platform that integrates data of various origin. This tool enhances decision-making and safety in areas prone to dynamic physical changes like waves, cross-currents, and siltation.

    The reliability of the system is being continuously validated against observations from buoys, current meters, and gauges. On the other hand system provides spatial and temporal context for these limited observations.

    In addition to navigation support, the service provides model support for coastal management and conservation efforts. Namely, it includes (1) operational sediment flux field in open seas and (2) seasonal and annual longshore transport along the Latvia’s coast.

    The development of HywasPort system was funded under the Copernicus Marine National Collaboration Program.

    How to cite: Timuhins, A., Bethers, U., Seņņikovs, J., Frišfelds, V., and Cepīte-Frišfelde, D.: HywasPort: Bridging Latvia’s Ports and Open Seas with Seamless Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8643,, 2025.

    The ocean surface wind plays a key role in the exchange of heat, gases and momentum at the atmosphere-ocean interface. High-quality ocean surface wind records from scatterometers are available from 1991 onwards. Care has been taken to account for changes in scatterometer instrument types and spatial coverage over time, such that these records can be used to assess changes in the ocean surface wind over the past 30 years. On the other hand, modelled surface winds from global climate reanalyses (e.g. ERA) suffer from changes in the density and coverage of observational timeseries used in the data assimilation process. Still, global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model wind fields are widely used in the computation of ocean surface processes to study climate trends and variability in ocean variables.

    A comparison of scatterometer observations and global NWP model wind fields reveals substantial, persistent local systematic errors in wind vector components and spatial derivatives. Temporally-averaged gridded differences between geolocated scatterometer wind data and ERA/NWP wind fields can be used to correct for persistent local model wind vector biases. By combining these scatterometer-based bias corrections with global, hourly ERA/NWP wind fields, high-resolution wind forcing products can be created for the ocean modelling community and other users.

    In 2022, new hourly and monthly Level-4 (L4) surface wind products were introduced in the Copernicus Marine Service catalogue. These products include global bias-corrected 10-m stress-equivalent wind, surface wind stress fields and spatial derivatives. The bias corrections are calculated from Copernicus Marine Service Level-3 wind products for a combination of scatterometers and their collocated European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model winds.

    We used the monthly multi-year L4 product to identify long-term changes in ocean surface wind differences over the period 1995-2024. The spatial distribution of differences between scatterometer observations and collocated ECMWF ERA5 reanalysis are found to be highly consistent between different scatterometers and over time. Remaining small differences between individual scatterometers could be caused by different instrument characteristics, sampling, coverage and processing and may be further reduced by continued intercalibration efforts. Bias corrections for a single instrument display long-term variations of comparable magnitude to the scatterometer-model differences, which point to artificial changes in the ERA5 winds over time. Furthermore, regional local bias anomalies are found for climate phenomena like the El Niño Southern Oscillation. These artificial features should be taken into account in any long-term reanalysis of ocean surface wind fields.

    How to cite: Giesen, R. and Stoffelen, A.: Multi-decadal variability in ocean surface wind differences between scatterometer observations and reanalysis model fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8961,, 2025.

    EGU25-8976 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    Enhancing wave and ocean forecasts with Artificial Intelligence in the North-East Atlantic and Shelf Region – The Copernicus Marine Service Evolution CERAINE project 

    Manuel Garcia-Leon, Marcos Portabella, Jose María Garcia-Valdecasas, Evgeniia Makarova, Breogán Gómez, Lotfi Aouf, Stefania Ciliberti, Alice Dalphinet, Víctor Aquino, Axel Alonso, Carlos Fernández, Roland Aznar, and Marcos Sotillo

    Copernicus Marine Service Monitoring and Forecasting Centres (MFCs) are improving their models to resolve finer-scale oceanographic features, driven by a growing need for high-resolution, short-term ocean forecasts. A key limitation to forecast accuracy, however, stems from errors in the model forcings. These errors can be mitigated with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) that are trained with the increasing volume of remote sensing observations. ANNs allow to extract spatio-temporal patterns from these measurements, enabling the generation of enhanced forcings by integrating these correction patterns with existing operational forcings.

    The Copernicus Marine Service Evolution CERAINE project (2024 – 2026) aims to improve short-term ocean and wave model forecasts within the European North-East Atlantic (NEA) region by enhancing the accuracy of their model forcings using ANNs. Two distinct ANN methodologies will be implemented. The first one will focus on correcting wind forcings, using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data for coastal zones and scatterometer data for offshore areas. These improved wind fields will subsequently be used as forcing inputs for both ocean physics and wave models. A second type of ANNs will be developed to correct surface ocean currents, which are important inputs for spectral wave models, using data acquired from High Frequency Radar deployed at coastal sites.

    The NEA region, which encompasses the Copernicus Marine Service IBI (Iberian-Biscay-Ireland) and NWS (North-West-Shelf) products, has been chosen as the project's pilot area due to two key reasons: (i) the expected significant impact of the proposed forcing corrections on both coastal and offshore waters, and (ii) the availability of a comprehensive observational network in this region. The project will assess the impact of these ANN-derived forcings on the IBI-MFC NEA ocean and wave models through a series of sensitivity tests. CERAINE holds the potential for direct integration of its results into the IBI-MFC operational service and the subsequent extension of this approach to other Copernicus Marine MFC target regions.

    This contribution will show the on-going development of the wind and surface currents ANNs, and their updated validation under a set of recent events.

    How to cite: Garcia-Leon, M., Portabella, M., Garcia-Valdecasas, J. M., Makarova, E., Gómez, B., Aouf, L., Ciliberti, S., Dalphinet, A., Aquino, V., Alonso, A., Fernández, C., Aznar, R., and Sotillo, M.: Enhancing wave and ocean forecasts with Artificial Intelligence in the North-East Atlantic and Shelf Region – The Copernicus Marine Service Evolution CERAINE project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8976,, 2025.

    EGU25-9294 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    OceanBench - Short-Term Global Ocean Forecasting 

    Daria Botvynko, Pierre Haslée, Clément de Boyer Montégut, Bertrand Chapron, Lucile Gaultier, Julien Le Sommer, Anass el Aouni, and Ronan Fablet

    The increasing adoption of AI-based approaches in Earth system sciences has led to breakthroughs in modeling and forecasting, exemplified by state-of-the-art performance of neural weather forecasting systems [Bi et al., 2023, Lam et al., 2022]. In oceanography, Deep Learning techniques show significant promise for advancing ocean state modeling by combining both modeled and observational ocean datasets [Febvre et al., 2023, Martin et al., 2023, Wang et al., 2024]. However, in the context of ocean forecasting, the deployment of neural forecasting approaches faces challenges such as sparse observational data and uncertainties in existing datasets. Despite advances in ocean observation systems, the ocean remains under-sampled, complicating the training of robust forecasting models [Wang et al., 2024].

    This study presents the application of the 4DVarNet framework [Fablet et al., 2021, Fablet et al., 2023] in forecast mode, specifically for 7-day sea surface height (SSH) prediction. 4DVarNet employs an end-to-end Deep Learning strategy to forecast future SSH state from sparse satellite observational data. Using a variational data assimilation formulation, the framework combines a UNet with a convolutional LSTM to iteratively reconstruct future ocean state. The model was trained on synthetic altimetry observations sampled from the GLORYS12 operational reanalysis (2010–2019) and evaluated on independent Nadir altimetry tracks from 2023.

    The results demonstrate that 4DVarNet outperforms traditional state-of-the-art operational forecasting system GLO12 [Lellouche et al., 2013], achieving a normalized RMSE (nRMSE) score of 0.92 for lead time 0 compared to 0.86 for the baseline GLO12. The model shows superior accuracy across all forecast lead times, highlighting its potential advantage in operational oceanography. The framework improves the accuracy of the SSH forecast by effectively using gappy satellite altimetry data. This demonstrates a particular interest of applying the proposed method to other data sources, such as the SWOT altimetry mission, but also of implementing alternative learning strategies, including training on synthetic datasets and fine-tuning with real-world altimetry observations.

    In addition to the improved predictive performance compared to the state-of-the-art operational forecast system, this study establishes a standardized workflow for data processing, training, and evaluation, inspired by OceanBench framework [Johnson et al., 2023].

    This research highlights the potential of the 4DVarNet framework for short-term neural ocean forecasting. The proposed method efficiently handles sparse altimetry data and achieves significant performance in predicting 7-days gap-free SSH state at global scale, improving the accuracy by almost 65% in average compared to the baseline GLO12. Future studies should focus on improving the model by incorporating additional data sources, evaluating the impact of input and output resolutions and associated learning strategies (eg. patching), and exploring its applicability to additional variables describing ocean state other than the SSH.

    How to cite: Botvynko, D., Haslée, P., de Boyer Montégut, C., Chapron, B., Gaultier, L., Le Sommer, J., el Aouni, A., and Fablet, R.: OceanBench - Short-Term Global Ocean Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9294,, 2025.

    EGU25-11408 | Orals | OS4.7

    The SeSaM Project: Sargassum Forecasting and its Integration into the Digital Twin of the Ocean 

    Gaël Many, Giovanni Ruggiero, Julien Jouanno, Marc Lucas, Quentin Gaudel, and Jean-Michel Lellouche

    The SeSaM (Seasonal Sargassum Monitoring and Forecasting) project addresses the critical challenge of managing mass sargassum invasions in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, providing key insights and forecasting tools for stakeholders. Mercator Ocean International has operationalized the NEMO-based model of sargassum distribution, initially developed by the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD). Integrated into the NEMO4.2 framework, the model enables 7-month ensemble forecasts of the physical ocean (SST, currents) and the related sargassum distribution using initial conditions derived from Sentinel-3/OLCI satellite data provided by CLS (Collecte Localisation Satellites). The system delivers reliable predictions of Sargassum transport and seasonal evolution. Forecasts for 2020–2025 are accessible through the project platform. By 2025, these forecasts will also be available on the Digital Twin of the Ocean (DTO), through the EDITO platform (European DTO) with monthly updates. Future enhancements will include interactive user services within the DTO, enabling "what-if" scenarios to optimize collection strategies and support informed decision-making. This initiative is a key step toward mitigating the ecological and socio-economic impacts of Sargassum influxes while exploring its potential as a resource.

    How to cite: Many, G., Ruggiero, G., Jouanno, J., Lucas, M., Gaudel, Q., and Lellouche, J.-M.: The SeSaM Project: Sargassum Forecasting and its Integration into the Digital Twin of the Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11408,, 2025.

    EGU25-11675 | Orals | OS4.7

    The Copernicus Marine National Collaboration Program  

    Tina Silovic, Valentina Giunta, Muriel Lux, Laurence Crosnier, and Corinne Derval

    The Copernicus Program, part of the EU Space program, is a publicly funded initiative benefiting European citizens by providing comprehensive Earth observation data. It transforms information from satellites and in-situ measurement systems into value-added data, supporting regional, national, European, and international efforts to address global challenges like marine environment preservation, climate change, land management, and atmospheric pollution. By offering free and open access, the program fosters innovation and the development of diverse applications and services. The Copernicus Marine Service provides reliable, regular information on the global and regional status of the Blue (physical), White (sea ice), and Green (biogeochemical) ocean. It aligns with EU policies and international commitments, addressing societal needs for ocean knowledge, supporting the Blue Economy, and contributing to marine protection, pollution control, maritime safety, renewable marine energy, and climate monitoring. Its comprehensive coverage includes current situation (analysis), 10-day forecasts, and retrospective data records (reprocessing of in-situ and satellite observations and reanalysis of model simulations). The program's significance extends beyond data provision to facilitating value-added services through innovative applications, referred to as "use cases." These downstream applications illustrate Copernicus data usage in various Blue Economy sectors, inspiring new users and stakeholders. Each entrusted entity engages actively with users to develop these applications and assist stakeholders in leveraging the data effectively. To enhance user engagement, the Copernicus Marine Service launched six calls for tenders during its first phase (2015-2021), receiving 122 bids and signing 40 contracts. In its second phase (2021-2028), the National Collaboration Program (NCP) was introduced with €6M funding to support the development of downstream services at national and transnational levels. The program includes four calls for tenders focusing on coastal and Arctic hubs, environmental EU policies, and stakeholder mapping to serve the Blue Market. Co-designed with the Copernicus Marine Forum, comprising representatives from EU Member and contributing States, NCP aims to increase uptake of Copernicus Marine Services by national coastal services. Thus far, 40 use cases have been funded through 15 projects involving 29 organizations across 12 European countries, driving innovation and advancing ocean governance.

    How to cite: Silovic, T., Giunta, V., Lux, M., Crosnier, L., and Derval, C.: The Copernicus Marine National Collaboration Program , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11675,, 2025.

    EGU25-12230 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Poseidon: A Source-to-Source Compiler for Optimizing Ocean Simulation Models on Modern HPC Architectures 

    Julien Rémy, Maurice Brémond, Hugo Brunie, Laurent Debreu, Rupert W Ford, Joerg Henrichs, Florian Lemarié, Anna Mittermair, Andrew R Porter, Martin Schreiber, Martin Schulz, Sergi Siso, and Arthur Vidard
    Modern high-performance computing (HPC) architectures, characterized by increasing heterogeneity and steep memory hierarchies, present significant challenges for optimizing ocean simulation models. Achieving peak performance on these architectures often requires extensive, costly code rewrites. These rewrites are not only time-consuming and error-prone but also highly architecture-specific, and require numerics experts to be proficient in parallel programming models or domain-specific languages (DSLs).
    To address these challenges, we introduce Poseidon, an HPC-oriented source-to-source compiler designed for Fortran-based fluid dynamics solvers used in ocean and weather models with regular grid structures. Poseidon employs a novel process called uplifting, which treats existing models and their coding standards as Fortran-embedded DSLs and requires minimal source code changes. This approach, which relies on co-design with model developers, allows Poseidon to robustly recover high-level information and semantics that are typically lost during the conversion of numerical algorithms to source code. By doing so, Poseidon can perform safe and holistic optimizations for specific HPC architectures using a data flow graph intermediate representation. It then generates Fortran source code augmented with parallel programming model directives, which can be further optimized by vendor or open source compilers.
    We detail Poseidon's methodology and present initial results by performing architecture-specific auto-tuned kernel fusion and automatic parallelization on both CPUs and GPUs using OpenMP or OpenACC on a research code that implements the 2D fast barotropic solver of the CROCO 3D ocean simulation model. Our results demonstrate significant performance improvements and validate the effectiveness of Poseidon's optimization strategies.
    Additionally, we discuss our ongoing research efforts for the automatic injection of communications, e.g., MPI, for latency hiding, and the implementation of automatic differentiation at the data flow graph level for data assimilation. These advancements are crucial for further improving the performance and scalability of ocean simulation models.
    Furthermore, we outline our current progress and future plans for integrating Poseidon with the NEMO ocean model using an elegant annotations-based uplifter, and leveraging its optimization techniques.

    How to cite: Rémy, J., Brémond, M., Brunie, H., Debreu, L., Ford, R. W., Henrichs, J., Lemarié, F., Mittermair, A., Porter, A. R., Schreiber, M., Schulz, M., Siso, S., and Vidard, A.: Poseidon: A Source-to-Source Compiler for Optimizing Ocean Simulation Models on Modern HPC Architectures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12230,, 2025.

    EGU25-12286 | Orals | OS4.7

    New developments and complementarity between European Digital Twin Ocean and Copernicus Marine Service.   

    Yann Drillet, Marie Drevillon, Pierre Yves Le Traon, Marina Tonani, Alain Arnaud, Anass El Aouni, Clement Bricaud, Simon Van Gennip, and Quentin Gaudel

    The European Commission launched the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (EDITO) at the One Ocean Summit in Brest, France, in February 2022. The EU is building the infrastructure backbone of EDITO through two projects (EDITO-Model Lab and EDITO-Infra) finishing respectively beginning and end of 2025 and with a continuity until 2028 with EDITO2. This is aligned with Copernicus Marine Service where a strong connection with EDITO will be managed during the new starting phase (2025-2028). This presentation will focus on the main achievements and demonstration of global ocean model component development and applications that are already available on the EDITO platform such as the demonstration of global 3km resolution forecasting system (GLO36), the global forecasting system based on machine learning (GLONET) and validation and process-oriented diagnostics 

    How to cite: Drillet, Y., Drevillon, M., Le Traon, P. Y., Tonani, M., Arnaud, A., El Aouni, A., Bricaud, C., Van Gennip, S., and Gaudel, Q.: New developments and complementarity between European Digital Twin Ocean and Copernicus Marine Service.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12286,, 2025.

    EGU25-15937 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    IBIRYS: a Regional High-Resolution Reanalysis (physical and biogeochemical) of the last 30 years (1993-2023) over the European Northeast Shelf 

    Bruno Levier, Romain Escudier, Elodie Gutknecht, Guillaume Reffray, Sylvain Cailleau, Roland Aznar, Stefania Ciliberti, Marcos Sotillo, and Álvaro de Pascual

    Mercator-Ocean has developed a regional reanalysis over the Northeast Atlantic (IBI: Iberia, Biscay and Irish), called IBIRYS. The reanalysis was first delivered in 2015 in the framework of the MyOcean project, and has since been regularly updated, now delivered on the Copernicus Marine Service datastore. It also contributes to the annual Copernicus Ocean State Report, and Ocean Monitoring Indices are calculated from the reanalysis to monitor the health of the ocean. 

    NEMO modelling platform resolves ocean dynamics and thermodynamics, and the lower trophic levels’ ecosystem dynamics is simulated by the PISCES biogeochemical model. The two components are coupled “online”. The data assimilation system (Mercator Ocean assimilation system SAM2) allows constraining the physical model in a multivariate way with Sea Surface Temperature, together with all available satellite Sea Level Anomalies, and with in-situ observations. In addition to SAM2, a large bias correction is also applied. The new release of the reanalysis, expected to be on Copernicus products’ catalogue in 2025, is now at 1/36° resolution, and benefits from updates of the models (for physics and biogeochemistry), of the data assimilation system, and input data. 

    In this presentation, we present the assessment of the new reanalysis for both physical and biogeochemical components. We compare the new reanalysis to the former one, and to the Mercator Ocean global reanalysis GLORYS. We also assess physical and biogeochemical components in confrontation with classical observations (SST, in-situ profiles, etc). 

    How to cite: Levier, B., Escudier, R., Gutknecht, E., Reffray, G., Cailleau, S., Aznar, R., Ciliberti, S., Sotillo, M., and de Pascual, Á.: IBIRYS: a Regional High-Resolution Reanalysis (physical and biogeochemical) of the last 30 years (1993-2023) over the European Northeast Shelf, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15937,, 2025.

    EGU25-16566 | Orals | OS4.7

    The Ever-Dynamic Kurzeme Coast: Harnessing Remote Sensing for Erosion Monitoring in the Context of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) 

    Jānis Kaminskis, Ieva Demjanenko, Leila Neimane, Lubova Sulakova, and Davis Sika

    The Latvian coastline along the Baltic Sea, stretching from the Latvian-Lithuanian boundary northward and encompassing the cities of Liepāja and Ventspils (Kurzeme Coast), is undergoing persistent coastal erosion. Annually, significant bank and sand erosion can result in a coastal displacement of up to 2 to 3 meters. This coastline is crucial for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and delineates the boundaries of private property abutting the sea.

    This boundary between land and sea has always garnered considerable interest. Multiple measurements have been performed, encompassing conventional geodetic techniques and aerial laser scanning. Advances in remote sensing with the Copernicus Program and the use of references of the Copernicus Marine Service are some aspects that contributed to more accessible and faster data collection.

    When merging remote sensing data with the terrestrial reference system and tidal gauge data from ports of Liepājas and Ventspils, this integration provides a significant source of research data that enhances our understanding of coastal erosion and also helps us to predict the long-term impacts on land-sea stability. This has considerable ramifications not only for the design and implementation of MSP but also for the wider framework of land-sea interactions and maritime and coastal planning along the Kurzeme coastline.


     Jānis Kaminskis, Ieva Demjanenko, Ļubova Šuļakova and Dāvis Sīka recognize the support supported by research and development grant No. RTU-PA-2024/1-0049 (”Maritime spatial planning according to international requirements on the Kurzeme coast”) under the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility funded project No. “Implementation of consolidation and management changes at Riga Technical University, Liepaja University, Rezekne Academy of Technology, Latvian Maritime Academy and Liepaja Maritime College for the progress towards excellence in higher education, science, and innovation”.

    Leila Neimane acknowledges the support received within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101034309 in the framework of the SEAS (Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability) programme.

    How to cite: Kaminskis, J., Demjanenko, I., Neimane, L., Sulakova, L., and Sika, D.: The Ever-Dynamic Kurzeme Coast: Harnessing Remote Sensing for Erosion Monitoring in the Context of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16566,, 2025.

    EGU25-17548 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Evolution of Arctic sea ice in CMS reanalyses 

    Francesco Cocetta, Doroteaciro Iovino, and Lorenzo Zampieri

    Arctic sea ice has recently experienced rapid changes, indicating a transition toward a new sea ice regime dominated by the marginal ice zone (MIZ) during summer. Modifications in extent, distribution, and volume of the MIZ have significant implications for polar and global climate, as the physical processes in the marginal ice largely differ from those in the pack ice, including air/sea exchanges, dynamic interactions with waves and currents, fast thermodynamic changes, and impact on marine ecosystems.

    Copernicus Marine Service (CMS) provides a wide range of products capable of detecting the evolution of Arctic sea ice. Interestingly, not only the Arctic-focused regional products (such as TOPAZ reanalysis and satellite observations) can be used for this purpose, but the Global ocean Reanalysis Ensemble Product (GREP) has also proven its effectiveness in capturing the recent-past state of the Arctic sea ice.

    Here, we study the temporal and spatial variability of Northern Hemisphere sea ice area and thickness over the past three decades, assessing their representation across a range of CMS products. The reanalyses are examined against CMS remote sensing observations as well as other Arctic reanalysis products.

    We propose metrics at the pan-Arctic scale while also emphasizing the different responses of MIZ and consolidated pack ice to climate change. The results show that GREP and TOPAZ provide reliable estimates of present-day and recent past Arctic sea ice states and accurately reproduce the space/time variability of the MIZ area. In recents summers, the MIZ across both products has accounted for up to 40% of the total Arctic sea ice area, with its position (computed as monthly averaged latitude) experiencing a northward shift due to the contraction of pack ice in the central Arctic. Notably, despite an increased ensemble spread for sea ice thickness compared to that of sea ice area, GREP displays coherent interannual variability and trend. The proportion of GREP sea ice thinner than 2m has increased from 40% to 80% over the last 30 years. Additionally, TOPAZ demonstrates a significant impact of data assimilation updates on its outputs.

    Overall, this study confirms that CMS reanalysis products are adequate tools for understanding  the mean state and variability of ice classes in the Arctic region. Furthermore, these products hold significant potential for training machine learning model emulators for new predictions and supporting climate-related applications. 

    How to cite: Cocetta, F., Iovino, D., and Zampieri, L.: Evolution of Arctic sea ice in CMS reanalyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17548,, 2025.

    EGU25-19280 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    A Machine Learning based approach towards products of Phytoplankton functional Types in the Arctic Ocean (ML-PhyTAO) 

    Hongyan Xi, Aurélien Prat, Ehsan Mehdipour, Marine Bretagnon, Antoine Mangin, and Astrid Bracher

    Both uncertainty assessment and validation have shown that the current global products of phytoplankton functional types (PFT) on Copernicus Marine Service for the Arctic Ocean (AO) bear larger gaps and higher uncertainties compared to that in the low latitude oceans. In the framework of Copernicus Marine Service Evolution Program, we propose a project ML-PhyTAO to exploit marine big data-driven machine learning (ML) methods in the PFT monitoring for high latitudes, and aim to set up an improved algorithm for better quantifications of multiple PFTs in the AO. A large marine data set (including bio-optical, biogeochemical, and physical data) obtained from various sources will be exploited as inputs for algorithm training and validation. The ML-PhyTAO is expected to deliver improved gap-free products of several key PFTs (diatoms, haptophytes, dinoflagellates, chlorophytes and prokaryotes) with uncertainty assessment to complement the current ocean colour/ biogeochemical data sets for the AO on the Copernicus Marine Service Data Store. Such PFT data set with improved accuracy will allow reliable long-term monitoring and trend analyses for the surface phytoplankton community structure, helping in detecting potential shifts and changes in phytoplankton diversity in the AO under the Arctic amplification effect. In this work we will demonstrate the framework of the project and present our latest outcome from the project by showing our first results on the experiments of ML methods using our well compiled training data sets including the in situ PFT data, satellite and model simulated data/products from Copernicus Marine Service covering various optical/physical/biogeochemical parameters.

    How to cite: Xi, H., Prat, A., Mehdipour, E., Bretagnon, M., Mangin, A., and Bracher, A.: A Machine Learning based approach towards products of Phytoplankton functional Types in the Arctic Ocean (ML-PhyTAO), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19280,, 2025.

    EGU25-19807 | ECS | Orals | OS4.7

    Investigating and Modeling the Making of the EU Digital Twin of the Ocean 

    Carolin Hirt and Alice Vadrot

    The European Union’s Digital Twin of the Ocean (EU DTO) represents a novel initiative to integrate advanced digital technologies with ocean governance, aiming to model and predict marine ecosystems to support policy decisions and sustainable management. As a complex socio-technical infrastructure, the development of the EU DTO involves coordination across a vast geographic area, integrating diverse technologies, standards, and stakeholders with varying resources and interests. This paper therefore analyzes the EU DTO as a Socio-Technical Network (STN) comprising three core components: the physical oceanic entity, the digital technical artifact, and the intricate socio-technical relationships binding them. It pursues the following research questions: (1) What are the primary social actors and technical components comprising the EU DTO infrastructure? and (2) What Social-Social, Technical-Technical, and Socio-Technical relations define this infrastructure?. Using a mixed methods approach involving interview data, stakeholder surveys, and desk research, it empirically maps out the multi-layered socio-technical relationships within the DTO’s infrastructure. By modelling and analyzing the dynamic interplay between social actors and technical components, it identifies socio-technical barriers: firstly, technical barriers (e.g., lack of standardized data), secondly, social barriers (e.g., unequal resources), and thirdly, socio-technical barriers (e.g., unclear data transfer responsibilities). Combining this approach with a political ecology (PE) lens reveals the power dynamics and socio-environmental challenges of the EU DTO, including data accessibility disparities, and highlights how broader power relations, institutional interests, and political agendas shape its development and implementation.

    How to cite: Hirt, C. and Vadrot, A.: Investigating and Modeling the Making of the EU Digital Twin of the Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19807,, 2025.

    EGU25-20106 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    Using metocean repositories to support the creation of large datasets for AI applications  

    Paolo Vavasori, Federica Braga, Angela Carmen Cristofano, Roberto Del Prete, Margareth Di Vaia, Amedeo Fadini, Federico Franciosa, Maria Daniela Graziano, Sergio Iervolino, Andrea Mazzeo, Stefano Menegon, Gian Marco Scarpa, Marisa Sperandeo, Giuliano Vernengo, Diego Villa, and Davide Bonaldo

    Non-collaborative vessels identification is a strategical interest both for the civil and military world. Indeed, boats involved in illegal activities can become unrecognizable from other receiving antennas by switching off their AIS, thus resulting as “dark vessels”.

    Satellite imagery can in principle support the detection of dark vessels through the automatic identification of their wakes, but these patterns and their visibility are strongly influenced by meteo-marine conditions. In this direction, the UEIKAP (Unveil and Explore the In-depth Knowledge of earth observation data for maritime Applications) Project, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, is developing an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system for the automatic identification of dark vessels from optical and SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images. In particular, this contribution focuses on the creation of the dataset used for the training of the AI based on data from Marine Copernicus Ocean and other publicly available repositories. The AI requires an extensive satellite image dataset of vessels and related wakes to be trained, with an analogue dataset of similar wake patterns caused by external phenomenon and not by the vessel itself. Both are built with a number of 1500 optical images of wakes and 1000 non-wakes images in 4 different bands integrated with ancillary data. The same procedure is applied also for SAR images. A crucial role is played by Marine Copernicus data in assessing the environmental conditions that can control pattern formation on the sea surface and its visibility, supporting the interpretation of satellite images and the disambiguation of wake and wake-like patterns

    In practice, for each image depending on its acquisition time and location, our algorithm retrieves the gridded fields of key atmospheric and oceanographic variables, computes derived quantities and stores the whole information in a self-explanatory and interoperable netCDF file, additionally generating 2D plots of the extracted variables. More specifically, hourly atmospheric fields (10 m wind components, total cloud cover, and total precipitation) at 1/4° spatial grid resolution are retrieved from the ERA5 reanalysis via the Copernicus Climate Service (C3S). Oceanographic quantities such as wave spectral parameters, surface current velocity components, potential temperature, surface and near-surface salinity and temperature (upper 10m) are collected from Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) with hourly to daily frequency and spatial resolution ranging from 1/24° to 1/5°. Wave steepness, surface and near-surface potential density anomaly and its horizontal gradients, as well as surface current convergence and near-surface buoyancy frequency are additionally computed in the process. Although the final aim of this operation has been conceived for a specific scope, the code can easily be used for a broader set of applications with different meteo-Oceanografic information and different regions and conditions.

    How to cite: Vavasori, P., Braga, F., Carmen Cristofano, A., Del Prete, R., Di Vaia, M., Fadini, A., Franciosa, F., Graziano, M. D., Iervolino, S., Mazzeo, A., Menegon, S., Scarpa, G. M., Sperandeo, M., Vernengo, G., Villa, D., and Bonaldo, D.: Using metocean repositories to support the creation of large datasets for AI applications , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20106,, 2025.

    EGU25-20659 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    CMEMS’ Downstream Operational Services for the monitoring-modeling-management of the marine and coastal areas of the western Black Sea Basin  

    Razvan Mateescu, Adelio Silva, Luc Vandenbulche, Elena Vlasceanu, and Dragos Niculescu

    The western Black Sea basin is a region of scientific interest in terms of its past and present level of ecological degradation by anthropogenic influences among the European Seas. Its coastal areas are the subject of continuous remote monitoring and operational observing system, towards human activities harmonization. Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), as a long-term management tool integrated within Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP), was established to protect the population, sustain exploitation of coastal resources and mitigate the effects of climate change and marine hazards. In the same direction, the Ocean forecast systems and Earth Observation (EO) data can significantly contribute to the advance of oceanographic knowledge, but also to support maritime activities, including MSP/ICZM measures’ implementation in the area.

    The Earth Observations data provided by Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), including the model data provided by several marine forecast systems, constitutes the source for several user-orientated, operational downstream services for specific activities in the western Black Sea basin.  

    In the present work, will be described, two CMEMS’ funded projects, develop based on a holistic approach that covers different elements with potential environmental impact. To deliver specific support at regional and national level, several serviced were developed, being supportive for the strategy concerning the Blue Growth in the region, by facilitating the access to key environmental variables related to safe navigation, marine pollution, coastal tourism, and beach management. In the present work certain modelling/EO-based results of CMEMS uses uptake projects, will be presented together with associated lessons learned, for future implementations in various areas and activities domains within the western Black Sea Basin.

    How to cite: Mateescu, R., Silva, A., Vandenbulche, L., Vlasceanu, E., and Niculescu, D.: CMEMS’ Downstream Operational Services for the monitoring-modeling-management of the marine and coastal areas of the western Black Sea Basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20659,, 2025.

    EGU25-21571 | Posters on site | OS4.7

    Ease near-data computing with the EDITO Platform 

    Jérôme Gasperi, Mathis Bertin, Quentin Gaudel, Conor Delaney, Simon Lyobard, Lennert Tyberghein, and Alain Arnaud

    The EDITO platform serves as the foundational framework for building the European Digital Twin of the Ocean, seamlessly integrating oceanographic data, processes and services on a single and comprehensive platform. The platform provides scalable computing resources co-located with a DataLake including both Copernicus Marine and EMODNET data, enabling near-data computing. We provide a STAC API to expose data and a Virtual Co Environment to exploit it. This enables single-click integration from data browsing to a cloud computing context. Within this context, users can benefit from EDITO capabilities such as data storage, CPU and GPU computing, frameworks, etc. Our presentation will showcase this direct integration through the EDITO viewer.

    How to cite: Gasperi, J., Bertin, M., Gaudel, Q., Delaney, C., Lyobard, S., Tyberghein, L., and Arnaud, A.: Ease near-data computing with the EDITO Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21571,, 2025.

    EGU25-637 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    A Machine Learning Parametrisation for the Internal Gravity Wave Spectrum  

    Yutao Zheng, Matthew Rayson, Nicole Jones, and Lachlan Astfalck

    Understanding internal wave is essential, as they exert a profound influence on a multitude of oceanic processes, including mixing and the transfer of energy across a vast range of spatial scales. The phase of internal waves can undergo a rapid alteration during propagation, resulting in the formation of broad spectral peaks. In this study, we introduce a stochastic model designed to parametrise the spectral properties of coastal internal waves. This model employs a Lorentzian function to characterise the broad internal tide peaks and a Matern function for the energy continuum. The efficacy of our model is validated using long-term in-situ mooring temperature data from the Australian Northwest Shelf (NWS) and Timor Sea. By optimising the model parameters using debiased Whittle likelihood in the frequency domain, our approach is able to reproduce the spectrum of internal wave incoherent peaks and the continuum of energy down to the buoyancy frequency. The fitted parameters allow for a comparison of internal wave properties between sites, depths, and seasons. The decorrelation timescale, indicative of the extent of the phase shift, exhibited a median value between 3 and 5 days and demonstrated minimal variation across sites and depths. The depth variation for the energy continuum amplitude and the amplitude of the semidiurnal peak exhibited an internal wave mode-1-like structure, particularly at the deeper mooring sites. The greatest amplitudes were observed within the surface mixed layer and thermocline. The slope parameter of the continuum exhibited a median value slightly less than the content slope in Garret-Munk spectral model and demonstrated seasonal variation, with a more rapid decay of energy in the summer compared to winter. The parameters obtained through our method can be further utilised to construct more realistic internal tide boundary conditions using Gaussian processes, thereby enabling more sophisticated modelling of internal waves in coastal regions. 

    How to cite: Zheng, Y., Rayson, M., Jones, N., and Astfalck, L.: A Machine Learning Parametrisation for the Internal Gravity Wave Spectrum , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-637,, 2025.

    EGU25-766 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Estimation of global satellite-derived chlorophyll-a as function of sea-surface height using shallow neural networks 

    David Rivas, Filippa Fransner, and Noel Keenlyside

    Herein we apply Nonlinear Autoregressive models with exogenous Inputs (NARX) to estimate the interannual variability of satellite-derived chlorophyll-a (CHL) at a global scale, as function of sea-surface height (SSH) from a satellite product provided by Copernicus. A previous analysis shows that SSH is one of the top drivers of CHL in key regions of the tropical and south Atlantic, which is herein corroborated at a global scale, showing a significant CHL-SSH correlation in most of the world ocean between 60°S and 60°N (where the most continuous data series are available). This correlation, generally low for a linear estimation, opens the possibility to CHL reconstruction using higher-performance non-linear techniques like NARX. Herein the NARX model was generated with 10 neurons in the hidden layer, trained with a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, and applied to the CHL and SSH monthly composites from Oct 1997 to Sep 2024. A noise level of 0.57 for the model correlations was defined as the 95th percentile of 10,000 NARX-modeled random series. This noise level is exceeded by 97% of the CHL-anomaly series modeled for the 1997-2024 period. The NARX-model successfully reproduces the CHL interannual variability: 59% of the modeled CHL present correlations > 0.90. Then, the NARX-model can be potentially used to predict CHL beyond the training period. In this study’s next stage, the predictability of CHL will be evaluated using SSH for a post-training period, and an ultimate goal for the NARX-model will be a predictability assessment using numerical-model predictions. Thus, the proposed method opens the possibility for reconstruction and prediction not only for CHL but also for other related biogeochemical variables.

    How to cite: Rivas, D., Fransner, F., and Keenlyside, N.: Estimation of global satellite-derived chlorophyll-a as function of sea-surface height using shallow neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-766,, 2025.

    EGU25-1385 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Mapping ocean salinity data using Gaussian Mixture Modeling. 

    Evéa Piedagnel, Taimoor Sohail, and Jan Zika

    Understanding ocean salinity is crucial for tracking changes in the Earth's water cycle and climate. However, collecting accurate salinity data has been challenging due to limited observations, especially in certain regions. This study focuses on the development of a method to create 2-dimensional maps of ocean salinity and its trends on pressure surfaces from sparse observations. An unsupervised classification technique called Gaussian Mixture Modeling (GMM) is used to identify coherent regions where temperature and salinity are tightly related at constant pressure. By grouping similar ocean regions using GMM, we are able to predict missing salinity data and fill gaps in historical salinity records from 1970 to 2014. The results show that this approach effectively estimates past salinity data. In the South Atlantic, at a pressure of 539 dbar, the root mean square error of salinity and of the linear trend of salinity are 0.040 g kg⁻¹ and 2.1 10⁻³g kg⁻¹ yr⁻¹. The method could help fill in missing salinity observations and thus improve our understanding of the intensification of the global water cycle in response to climate change.

    How to cite: Piedagnel, E., Sohail, T., and Zika, J.: Mapping ocean salinity data using Gaussian Mixture Modeling., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1385,, 2025.

    EGU25-2550 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    ENSO Forecasts with Spatiotemporal Fusion Transformer Network 

    Anming Zhao and Zhenhong Du

    The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a global significant signal in marine science and exerts substantial climatic and socioeconomic impacts worldwide. However, the long-term prediction of ENSO remains a challenge because of its diversity, irregularity and asymmetry. Here, we develop a spatiotemporal fusion transformer network (STFTN), which designed a parallel encoder structure to effectively extract spatiotemporal information from sea surface temperature anomaly and Niño3.4 index simultaneously, thereby enhancing the precision of Niño3.4 index forecasts. STFTN leverages the attention mechanism within its parallel encoder structure to extract global characteristics and establish remote dependencies on targets. With this structure, STFTN displays better prediction accuracy in different lead months. Furthermore, the activation map used in STFTN visualizes the contribution of the predictors to the output which helps to comprehend the factors contributing to ENSO events. The results highlight the potential of our model of ENSO forecasts and comprehension. 

    How to cite: Zhao, A. and Du, Z.: ENSO Forecasts with Spatiotemporal Fusion Transformer Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2550,, 2025.

    EGU25-2635 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Regional Ensemble ENSO Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks with Self-Attention 

    Heng Xiao, Zhenya Song, and Lanning Wang

    ENSO exerts profound impacts on global climate change through ocean-atmosphere interactions and serves as a critical factor in global climate prediction. However, its prediction remains challenging due to the complex spatiotemporal interactions and evolution processes, as well as the varying degrees of correlation and teleconnection across different geographical regions. To address this issue, this study proposes an advanced ENSO forecasting framework based on regional predictions and model ensemble. The framework leverages a graph self-attention mechanism (GAT) to learn and capture the spatiotemporal dependency signals of ENSO, which are then incorporated as physical constraints into a spatiotemporal graph convolutional neural network (STGCN) for regional predictions. Furthermore, machine learning algorithms, including XGBoost and SVR are employed to integrate the predictions from different regions. Experimental results based on reanalysis data demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed framework, achieving a correlation skill exceeding 0.8 within a 12-month lead prediction period, and significantly improving the computational efficiency by filtering key signals.

    How to cite: Xiao, H., Song, Z., and Wang, L.: Regional Ensemble ENSO Prediction Based on Graph Neural Networks with Self-Attention, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2635,, 2025.

    EGU25-2984 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Research on sea level inversion method from airborne radar altimeter  

    Mengke Ren, Fangjie Yu, Xinglong Zhang, Junwu Tang, and Ge Chen

    The airborne radar altimeter can be extrapolated to a variety of parameters, including sea surface height, sea surface wind speed, significant wave height, and the topography of land, sea ice and ice cap. However, the airborne radar altimeter observation data contains signal error terms such as airborne platform jitter and ocean waves, which will lead to a large bias in the observation data. Here, we propose a method based on the combination of bandpass filtering and adaptive feature AI analysis to achieve the inversion of high-resolution sea level anomaly (SLA) data from airborne radar altimeter aliased signals.

    For the airborne altimeter along-track data, statistical analyses were first performed. After that, the along-track data are filtered to remove the influence of ocean waves signals and flight platform oscillations, and the secondary interpolation is fitted based on the interval of the airborne altimeter data. According to the sampling interval of the altimeter data, the mean sea surface (MSS) and tide data under the along-track are processed to obtain the corresponding SLA data. The same interpolation method is used to process AVISO and SWOT L3 data. Finally, through the deep learning framework, the adaptive feature AI analysis is constructed to invert the SLA data, optimise the model and achieve accurate SLA prediction. The experimental results show that the RMSE of the SLA of the airborne altimeter inversion data with the along-track SWOT L3 and AVISO data are 1.12cm and 0.44cm, respectively, and the airborne altimeter data can acquire more small-scale change signals. This study verifies the working mechanism of the new system payload and lays a solid data and algorithm foundation for the development of subsequent satellite payloads.

    How to cite: Ren, M., Yu, F., Zhang, X., Tang, J., and Chen, G.: Research on sea level inversion method from airborne radar altimeter , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2984,, 2025.

    The irregular and incomplete coverage of in-situ ocean temperature profile observations is a major problem for various scientific applications in ocean and climate research and operational fields. However, high-resolution gridded datasets are needed to support applications. Here, we explore a physics-informed machine learning approach based on partial convolutions with multi-branch U-Net neural network structure to reconstruct the subsurface temperature profile fields with 0.1°×0.1° weekly resolution in Western Pacific Ocean. The input data include in-situ temperature profile observations, high-resolution satellite remote-sensing products (including sea surface height, sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, etc.), and a coarse-resolution (1°× 1°) gridded subsurface temperature product (IAPv4). We show that the new reconstruction retained the large-scale features represented by the 1°× 1° temperature gridded data but added mesoscale features (because of the inputs of high-resolution satellite data). The application of physical constraints for subsurface vertical structure improves the reconstruction near thermocline. The root mean square error (RMSE) can be reduced by ~12% in the target region in average with greater improvements in the upper layer (0-700m). Further analysis shows the small-scale information is performed well also in the sparse observation coverage area with some typical mesoscale vortex features can be identified, and the features in the strait and offshore regions can be effectively improved compared with coarse resolution 1°× 1° temperature gridded data. The successful application of machine learning in this study provides confidence for the accurate reconstruction of high-resolution ocean and climate data, which can improve and complement the existing data assimilation and objective analysis methods for reconstructing multi-scale ocean information in complex regions.

    How to cite: Wei, W., Cheng, L., and Tian, T.: Physics-Informed Machine Learning Reconstruction of High Resolution Ocean Subsurface Temperature Profiles From In-Situ and Satellite Observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3468,, 2025.

    Marine ecosystems are a vital component of the global carbon cycle. Our understanding of the cycle within the ocean relies on a combination of numerical models and satellite observations, which are combined through data assimilation (DA) methods. Here we developed a global ensemble DA system for marine ecosystem prediction using the NEMO-MEDUSA coupled ocean-biogeochemistry model and the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework. Unlike deterministic DA systems, the ensemble approach provides flow-dependent uncertainty estimates, improving the reliability of global marine ecosystem forecasts.

    We applied this ensemble system to investigate the assimilation of a novel phytoplankton carbon product derived from satellite ocean colour observations. Compared to the widely used phytoplankton chlorophyll product, the phytoplankton carbon product demonstrated improved global error statistics and facilitated significant adjustments in unobserved components of the marine ecosystems, including ocean carbon fluxes. Our findings also reveal a discrepancy in the ratio of phytoplankton constituents between observations and model forecasts, highlighting the potential benefits of assimilating different ocean color products to enhance marine ecosystem prediction beyond typical error metrics. These results show the advantage of novel ocean colour products for marine ecosystem modeling and understanding.

    How to cite: Chen, Y. and Partridge, D.: Phytoplankton carbon assimilation in a global ensemble marine ecosystem data assimilation system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3630,, 2025.

    EGU25-3836 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Equation discovery for climate impact: symbolic regression to emulate climate impact indicators for unseen scenarios 

    Erwan Le Roux, Pierre Tandeo, Carlos Granero Belinchon, Melika Baklouti, Julien Le Sommer, Florence Sevault, Samuel Somot, Antoine Doury, and Mahmoud Al Najar

    Climate change risks are often assessed using climate impact indicators (CIIs) determined for various socio-economic scenarios. Ideally, for every scenario an impact model, e.g. an ecological model or a hydrological model, processes outputs of a climate model to produce CIIs. However sometimes, even if outputs of a climate model are available for all scenarios, computation costs of the impact model can limit the number of scenarios with available CIIs. 

    To fill this gap, we propose to infer CIIs for unseen scenarios, i.e. scenarios not processed by the impact model, with an interpretable equation. This equation is discovered using symbolic regression on a scenario processed by the impact model. Specifically, we discover an equation that predicts CIIs based on climate impact drivers (CIDs), where CIDs are variables of the climate model averaged monthly and spatially.

    In our application, the impact model is a biogeochemical model of the Mediterranean Sea driven by the same regional climate model for two scenarios: RCP4.5 and RCP8.5.  Our CII is the annual mean Net Primary Production (NPP) summed over an offshore area in the Gulf of Lion (located in the North-western Mediterranean basin), where NPP is the total rate of organic carbon production by photosynthesis of marine phytoplankton minus their respiration.

    Preliminary results show that the discovered equation reproduces well the trend and the interannual variability of NPP for the testing scenario RCP4.5, unseen during the training. Indeed, the scenario RCP8.5 is preferred for training as it spans a wider range of climatological contexts. If our preliminary results are confirmed, we could extend our approach to a large ensemble of climate models, in order to characterize the uncertainty of CIIs.

    How to cite: Le Roux, E., Tandeo, P., Granero Belinchon, C., Baklouti, M., Le Sommer, J., Sevault, F., Somot, S., Doury, A., and Al Najar, M.: Equation discovery for climate impact: symbolic regression to emulate climate impact indicators for unseen scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3836,, 2025.

    EGU25-4043 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Object-oriented mesoscale eddy prediction 

    Solène Dealbera, Pierre Tandeo, Carlos Granero-Belinchon, Stéphane Raynaud, and Brahim Boussidi

    Mesoscale ocean eddies are dynamic structures controlling a significant proportion of water exchanges between the surface and the deep ocean, and therefore of heat, carbon and nutrient transfers. The eddy dynamics, i.e. changes in height, velocity and energy, are classically computed through complex ocean equations such as the quasi-geostrophic balance. However, those computations are time-consuming and slow down decision-making in operational situations. Some recent studies have managed to define eddy dynamics with simple properties - centroid position, amplitude, radius, current velocity, and horizontal displacement - and to predict their future evolution with machine learning models (Wang et al., 2020). We aim to implement a simple machine learning model to predict eddy properties that can reconstruct eddy dynamics and to include it in operational tools.

    In this study, we simplified eddy structures, converting their 2D/3D gridded physical space into a parametric space, characterized by the eddy properties obtained with the AMEDA algorithm (Le Vu et al., 2017). Thus we considered eddies as 2D ellipse structures with additional properties - centroid position, amplitude, semi-axis of ellipse, rotation angle, maximal current velocity, and horizontal displacements. Explainable simple ML models were trained to learn the evolution of those parameters between two consecutive time steps. Here we selected two approaches of the least square regression model: the global linear regression on the whole training dataset and the local linear regression based on the nearest neighbors observations. Performances of each model are evaluated with the RMSE metric and compared to identify which model gives the most satisfactory results for eddy prediction. 

    Our analysis shows better performances with the local linear regression. However, the choice of more adapted models or a better selection of eddy properties would enhance the prediction of eddies. The next steps to the inclusion of the model in operational tools will be the consideration of eddy interactions - splitting and merging -, the uncertainty quantification and the data assimilation of eddy dynamics with an object-oriented approach.


    Wang, X., Wang, H., Liu, D., Wang, W., 2020. The Prediction of Oceanic Mesoscale Eddy Properties and Propagation Trajectories Based on Machine Learning. Water 12, 2521.

    Le Vu, B., Stegner, A., Arsouze, T., 2018. Angular Momentum Eddy Detection and Tracking Algorithm (AMEDA) and Its Application to Coastal Eddy Formation. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35, 739–762.

    How to cite: Dealbera, S., Tandeo, P., Granero-Belinchon, C., Raynaud, S., and Boussidi, B.: Object-oriented mesoscale eddy prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4043,, 2025.

    EGU25-4189 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Can diffusion model generate ocean states compatible with OGCM ?  

    Etienne Meunier, Redouane Lguensat, Guillaume Gachon, David Kamm, and Julie Deshayes

    Ocean General Circulation Models (hereafter OGCM) are critical to the study of past and present climate, and the production of future projections. Unfortunately, they require large amounts of computations at simulation time. On the other hand, deep learning emulators trained on reanalyses are starting to deliver accurate short-term predictions, using comparatively small computational resources, yet they struggle to deliver long term predictions, are not interpretable and do no't factor in the uncertainty in physical parameters. As a result, they cannot be used by climate scientists to understand mechanisms of climate variability, such as tipping points, nor adjustment processes to greenhouse gas emissions.

    Aiming to take the best from each world and establish a close interaction between emulators and OGCM, we investigate whether an emulator can be used to provide state variables to an ocean model, which would then handle the temporal integration using physics equations. Namely, we trained a diffusion model on a large dataset of ocean variables produced by NEMO, analysed the newly generated states, propose metrics to assess their physical consistency, and use them as initial conditions of simulations to assess their compatibility (physical and numerical) with NEMO.

    Overall, we want to determine whether unconstrained generative models are able to produce realistic solutions, and to assess the tolerance of OGCM to externally generated ocean states, what we consider as a first step towards building an hybrid OGCM.

    How to cite: Meunier, E., Lguensat, R., Gachon, G., Kamm, D., and Deshayes, J.: Can diffusion model generate ocean states compatible with OGCM ? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4189,, 2025.

    EGU25-4190 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Estimating the distance to the AMOC tipping point using convolutional neural networks 

    Francesco Guardamagna, Sacha Sinet, and Henk Dijkstra

    The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is a critical component of the Earth system and one of the most prominent tipping element. In a warming climate, the AMOC is at risk of collapse due to increased freshwater input in the North Atlantic. Such an extreme event could lead to severe consequences for the global climate, with strong socio-economics impacts. Such a tipping event has been demonstrated to occur in conceptual, intermediate complexity and, recently, in the Community Earth System Model (CESM). Therefore, Reliable early warning signals are required for detecting whether the AMOC is approaching a tipping point. To estimate the distance of the AMOC to tipping, we propose a novel methodology, based on a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) which uses sea surface salinity and temperature across the Atlantic as input. First, we validate our approach within the model of intermediate complexity Climber-X, demonstrating its ability to generalize to different forcing rates and in the presence of noise. We also explore the use of alternative climate variables such as the full-depth salinity profile at 35°S. Second, we assess the generalization capability of our methodology to a model of higher complexity. To this end, we use the CNN trained on Climber-X and successfully apply it to the AMOC collapse recently simulated in the CESM model. To demonstrate the physical consistency of the CNN model and increase its interpretability, we identify the most relevant regions to estimate the distance of the AMOC to tipping via the Layer-wise Relevance propagation technique.

    How to cite: Guardamagna, F., Sinet, S., and Dijkstra, H.: Estimating the distance to the AMOC tipping point using convolutional neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4190,, 2025.

    EGU25-4191 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    A Deep Learn Emulator for Ocean Biogeochemical Modelling 

    Nabiz Rahpoe and Raffaele Bernardello

    The ocean's biogeochemistry is crucial for understanding the global ocean carbon cycle. Within the climate ocean model Nemo, the PISCES module (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies), is based on the numerical calculation of 24 different biological, physical and chemical variables which contribute to a complex bio-geo-chemical relationship to be able to estimate the net source and sinks of primary carbon production. In this work, we want to present the first steps toward using the Deep Neural Networks as a multi-variate problem trained on the model output to predict the next sequences and replace the module with an emulator solely based on machine learning (ML). 

    How to cite: Rahpoe, N. and Bernardello, R.: A Deep Learn Emulator for Ocean Biogeochemical Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4191,, 2025.

    EGU25-4300 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Performance Gains and Advantages of 4DVarNet in End-to-End Learning for Data Assimilation 

    Shashank Kumar Roy and Ronan Fablet

    The 4D variational assimilation (4DVar) framework is widely used in classical numerical weather prediction and geophysical data assimilation. However, a crucial assumption in 4DVar is that the model state that is close to the true state corresponds to the minimizer of the 4DVar cost function. Using a single-layer quasi-geostrophic (QG) model, we study scenarios where this assumption breaks down, particularly in the presence of model errors and suboptimal initialization. By introducing controlled perturbations in the initial conditions—we design experiments to investigate the sensitivity of 4DVar solutions. We find that minimizing the 4DVar score does not always correlate with achieving lower accuracy, suggesting the presence of local minima in the optimization process. 

    4DVarNet, an end-to-end neural network based on variational data assimilation formulation, is trained in a supervised manner to solve the data assimilation task. This study aims to understand the advantage of trainable solvers that solve the same optimization problem using supervised learning, generating more accurate solutions efficiently. Through this case study based on observing system simulation experiments for sea surface geophysical fields, we show that supervised learning can overcome the minimization challenges of 4DVar when faced with observations that are irregular and highly sparse which are critical to address problems in ocean reconstruction. The advantage of learning allows 4DVarNet to discover hidden representations that are suitable for solving specific data assimilation tasks with better accuracy.

    How to cite: Roy, S. K. and Fablet, R.: Performance Gains and Advantages of 4DVarNet in End-to-End Learning for Data Assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4300,, 2025.

    EGU25-4354 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Fourier Neural Operators for Emulating Ocean Models: Towards a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning 

    Vahidreza Jahanmard, Artu Ellmann, and Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann

    Accurate forecasting of ocean dynamics is essential for understanding the distribution of heat, salinity, and nutrients in the ocean. While data-driven machine learning models offer promising solutions for ocean forecasting and emulating ocean models, they often lack physical consistency (i.e., adherence to the physical laws of fluid dynamics) and explainability. In this study, we introduce a deep neural network architecture leveraging Fourier Neural Operators (FNO) for efficient forecasting of ocean surface dynamics: sea level, temperature, and salinity. FNOs excel in learning resolution-invariant solutions of partial differential equations (PDEs), offering a scalable alternative to traditional physics-based models. Operating in Fourier space enables differentiation to be treated as multiplication, which is the basis of spectral methods used for solving PDEs, including the Navier-Stokes equations that govern hydrodynamic models. Therefore, it is intuitive that by directly parameterizing the integral kernel in Fourier space, the model can learn PDE solutions more efficiently. FNOs also enable training on low-resolution data and evaluation on high-resolution data, which helps minimize the growth of autoregressive errors.

    Our model is trained on the Baltic Sea Physics Analysis and Forecast dataset to predict sea surface parameters, including sea level, temperature, and salinity. The Baltic Sea is a non-tidal, semi-enclosed sea with a complex coastline, shallow sea, significant salinity gradients, and permanent stratification, which makes it a unique and challenging testbed for ocean modelling. Input variables include the initial state, atmospheric forcing, and bathymetry, and the model is trained to predict ocean surface dynamics (sea level, temperature, and salinity) and learn the mapping from time t to t+1. In the inference step, the model is initialized with the initial sea surface inputs from an out-of-sample testing dataset and iteratively generates forecasts for τ time steps. Evaluation of the model demonstrates competitive forecasting skill compared to physical models, while significantly reducing computational costs. This study highlights the potential of FNOs to advance knowledge-driven machine learning models for ocean forecasting. These models, as cost-effective alternatives to high-resolution physical ocean models, can pave the way for more efficient, scalable approaches to understanding and predicting ocean dynamics.

    How to cite: Jahanmard, V., Ellmann, A., and Delpeche-Ellmann, N.: Fourier Neural Operators for Emulating Ocean Models: Towards a Knowledge-Driven Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4354,, 2025.

    EGU25-4485 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Developing a data and physics driven machine learning mesoscale eddy parameterisation for NEMO 

    Thomas Wilder, Till Kuhlbrodt, and Ranjini Swaminathan

    The eddy-permitting NEMO model (ORCA025) is known to exhibit sub-par Southern Ocean circulation features, such as a too weak Antarctic Circumpolar Current transport and cool and warm biases on the Antarctic shelf. The ORCA025 model sits in the numerical grey zone, which is where the horizontal grid resolution can only resolve mesoscale processes over part of the domain. In other parts of the domain, the eddies need to be parameterised, such as high-latitude regions. This difficulty in representing eddies has in-part contributed to the poor Southern Ocean circulation, leading to great uncertainty in key climate metrics such as carbon and heat transport, and the Antarctic ice mass balance. The key question is, how do we parameterise mesoscale eddies where they are most needed, without being detrimental to the resolved flow. Scale- and flow-aware parameterisations have been implemented in NEMO and have led to improvements in some flow characteristics. However, an alternative approach is to leverage data, physics, and machine learning to develop an improved eddy parameterisation.

    As part of the project, AI4PEX, we aim to develop a data- and physics-driven mesoscale eddy parameterisation that better captures the dynamical feedback between mesoscale eddies and the large-scale ocean circulation, reducing model uncertainty. In our work, we will attempt to improve an eddy parameterisation that is available in NEMO, GEOMETRIC. To do this we will use a Neural Network trained on high resolution data from realistic global models ORCA12/ORCA36. To reduce the black-box nature of the Neural Network, we will design a loss function that is informed by the physics of mesoscale eddies. Initial investigation of the eddy parameterisation will take place offline in an idealised configuration.

    How to cite: Wilder, T., Kuhlbrodt, T., and Swaminathan, R.: Developing a data and physics driven machine learning mesoscale eddy parameterisation for NEMO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4485,, 2025.

    EGU25-4573 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Data-driven approaches for accelerating ocean spin-up in coupled climate simulations 

    Alessandro Sozza, Paolo Davini, and Susanna Corti

    The spin-up of the ocean component is a critical step in coupled global climate simulations, allowing the model to achieve a physically consistent equilibrium by stabilising key variables such as temperature, salinity, and ocean currents. Without an adequate spin-up, residual drifts can undermine the accuracy and reliability of long-term climate projections. This study explores data-driven strategies to accelerate the spin-up, reducing computational costs while preserving the fidelity of simulated climate states. Using a low-resolution configuration of the EC-Earth4 Earth System Model (ESM), we tested few deterministic approaches to optimise the spin-up phase. A key method relies on iterative adjustments of the oceanic state by projecting multi-decadal trends in temperature and salinity. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis was employed to filter internal variability and generate new initial conditions that minimise numerical instabilities. Additionally, vertical stability was ensured to reduce energy imbalances and maintain physical consistency. Overall, our approach can significantly enhance the efficiency of spin-up processes in coupled climate models by at least a factor of two. These findings pave the way for the development of more sustainable and sophisticated strategies (e.g. exploiting machine learning and AI techniques) in climate modelling. Such advancements will be particularly helpful for high-resolution simulations, where achieving computational efficiency is critical.

    How to cite: Sozza, A., Davini, P., and Corti, S.: Data-driven approaches for accelerating ocean spin-up in coupled climate simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4573,, 2025.

    EGU25-4606 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Performance evaluation and optimization of a deep learning parameterization method trained from submesoscale-permitting ocean simulations 

    Rin Irie, Helen Stewart, Masaki Hisada, and Takaharu Yaguchi

    In the ocean, submesoscale physical phenomena O(100m) to O(1km) have been reported to play a key role in ocean oxygen ventilation, nutrient supply to the surface ocean, and carbon export, as well as the transfer of energy to larger scales [1]. However, due to limitations in computational resources, current ocean general circulation models are frequently run at resolutions on the order of O(10km) to O(100km) and cannot directly resolve submesoscale turbulence (i.e., subgrid-scale phenomena). Therefore, parameterization schemes are required to simulate these subgrid-scale phenomena.

    Recent advances in machine learning have triggered the active exploration of data-driven approaches to parameterization for subgrid-scale phenomena that utilize data from observations and simulations. In previous studies [2, 3], the neural network is trained directly using the same variables as the neural network's output, such as viscosity and diffusivity coefficients. However, this approach does not guarantee that the inferred model parameters accurately represent the state of subgrid-scale phenomena they aim to reproduce. We propose a novel parameterization method for estimating diffusivity and viscosity parameters to parameterize subgrid-scale phenomena and have implemented this method in MITgcm, an ocean simulator [4, 5]. This method trains a neural network using the state variables (i.e., velocity fields, potential temperature, and salinity) derived from the simulation results at a resolution that can directly resolve subgrid-scale phenomena. Therefore, unlike previous studies, the diffusivity and viscosity parameters inferred by the trained network can reproduce the global state of subgrid-scale phenomena.

    The ocean simulator MITgcm is implemented in Fortran, which does not have a built-in package to compute gradients within the neural network, in contrast to deep learning libraries (e.g., PyTorch) like Python. In our previous work [4, 5], we used a quasi-newton optimization method, which does not require computation of these gradients. However, the optimization performance of this method was limited. In this study, we use adjoint code within MITgcm to compute gradients for optimizing neural networks and examine the effect of different optimizers on training performance.


    This work used computational resources of supercomputer Fugaku provided by the RIKEN Center for Computational Science through the HPCI System Research Project (Project ID: hp240394).

    [1] M. Lévy et. al (2024), The impact of fine-scale currents on biogeochemical cycles in a changing ocean, Annual Review of Marine Science, 16(1), 191–215.
    [2] Y. Han et. al (2020), A moist physics parameterization based on deep learning, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12(9), e2020MS002076.
    [3] Y. Zhu et. al (2022), Physics-informed deep-learning parameterization of ocean vertical mixing improves climate simulations, National Science Review, 9(8), nwac044.
    [4] R. Irie et. al (2024), Parameterizing ocean vertical mixing using deep learning trained from high-resolution simulations, EGU General Assembly 2024, EGU24-2297.
    [5] R. Irie et. al (2024), Optimizing a deep-learning model for parameterizing submesoscale phenomena in an ocean simulator, Workshop on Scientific Machine Learning and Its Industrial Applications.

    How to cite: Irie, R., Stewart, H., Hisada, M., and Yaguchi, T.: Performance evaluation and optimization of a deep learning parameterization method trained from submesoscale-permitting ocean simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4606,, 2025.

    EGU25-5478 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Identification of gas hydrate based on machine learning in the northern South China Sea  

    Dongmei Tian and Shengxiong Yang

    Gas hydrate is an important future alternative marine energy resource to fossil fuels, with the advantages of high energy, large reserves, wide distribution, and shallow burial. Accurate identification of gas hydrate reservoirs and estimation of hydrate saturation are the prerequisites for the development and utilization of gas hydrate resources. This research focuses on the difficult issues of hydrate identification, combined with the multidisciplinary technology of ocean-geology-artificial intelligence (AI). The effective hydrate formation identification technology method is studied and put forward based on the geophysical attributes. The method has been verified in the Dongsha area of the northern South China Sea. This study uses machine learning algorithms to analyze whether the sediment contains gas hydrates. Several commonly used machine learning algorithms are selected, such as random forest, Bagging, AdaBoost, and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN). These algorithms are used to analyze the data of the P-wave velocity and density with high sensitivity to the change of hydrate. The parameters of different algorithm models are optimized through training, and the identification and classification effects of different algorithm models are compared. Finally, the results show that these algorithms could well distinguish whether there is hydrate in the sediment, among those, the KNN algorithm has a good application. The results show method based on machine learning can improve the identification accuracy of gas hydrate. The identification method of this research provides strong technical support for the subsequent exploration and development of hydrates.

    How to cite: Tian, D. and Yang, S.: Identification of gas hydrate based on machine learning in the northern South China Sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5478,, 2025.

    EGU25-5626 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Nighttime Ship Detection Using VIIRS DNB Data: An AutoML Approach 

    Noh-hun Seong, Okchul Jung, Youeyun Jung, and Sae-Han Song

    Nighttime ship detection plays a vital role in understanding oceanic patterns and human activities in marine environments. As an observational approach in ocean science, it enables researchers to monitor vessel distribution patterns, analyze maritime traffic flows, and collect valuable data about human interactions with marine ecosystems. While the VIIRS Day-Night Band (DNB) sensor enables nighttime vessel detection from space, conventional detection methods primarily rely on threshold-based techniques, which show limitations in handling complex environmental factors such as cloud coverage and varying atmospheric conditions. To overcome these challenges, this study presents an automated ship detection approach that combines VIIRS DNB imagery with AutoML techniques. Our AutoML framework automatically optimizes model parameters and features to adapt to various environmental conditions, providing more robust detection capabilities compared to traditional threshold-based methods. The methodology incorporates AIS data for model training and validation to enhance detection accuracy. Our experimental results demonstrate improved detection performance across diverse maritime environments and weather conditions, effectively addressing the limitations of conventional threshold-based approaches. This research contributes to advancing pattern recognition in oceanic observations by providing an automated approach for identifying vessel activities in nighttime satellite imagery.

    How to cite: Seong, N., Jung, O., Jung, Y., and Song, S.-H.: Nighttime Ship Detection Using VIIRS DNB Data: An AutoML Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5626,, 2025.

    EGU25-6069 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Mapping the global distribution of lead and its isotopes in seawater with explainable machine learning 

    Arianna Olivelli, Rossella Arcucci, Mark Rehkämper, and Tina van de Flierdt

    Since the late 1800s, and especially in the last century, the natural biogeochemical cycle of lead (Pb) in the ocean has been severely perturbed by anthropogenic emissions generated by the use of leaded gasoline, waste incineration, coal combustion and non-ferrous metal smelting. Lead and its isotopes are powerful tools to study the pathways of Pb pollution from land to sea and, simultaneously, investigate biogeochemical processes in the ocean. For these reasons, the study of Pb concentrations and isotope compositions of seawater is a core part of the international marine geochemistry programme GEOTRACES. However, the scarcity and sparsity of in situ measurements of Pb concentrations and isotope compositions do not allow for a comprehensive understanding of Pb pollution pathways and marine biogeochemical cycling on a global scale.

    We present here three machine learning models developed to map seawater Pb concentrations and isotope compositions leveraging the global GEOTRACES dataset together with historical data. The models are based on the non-linear regression algorithm XGBoost and use climatologies of oceanographic and atmospheric variables as features from which to predict Pb concentrations, 206Pb/207Pb, and 208Pb/207Pb. Using Shapley Additive Values (SHAP), we found that seawater temperature, atmospheric dust and black carbon, and salinity are the most important features for mapping Pb concentrations. Dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, temperature, and atmospheric dust are the most important features for mapping 206Pb/207Pb, while atmospheric black carbon and dust, seawater temperature, and surface chlorophyll-a for 208Pb/207Pb. The output of our models shows that (i) the highest levels of pollution are found in the surface Indian Ocean, (ii) pollution from previous decades is sinking in the North Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, and (iii) waters characterised by a highly anthropogenic Pb isotope fingerprint are spreading from the Southern Ocean throughout the Southern Hemisphere at intermediate depths. The analysis of the uncertainty associated with the mapped distribution of Pb concentrations, 206Pb/207Pb, and 208Pb/207Pb suggests that the Southern Ocean is the key area to prioritise in future sampling campaigns.

    How to cite: Olivelli, A., Arcucci, R., Rehkämper, M., and van de Flierdt, T.: Mapping the global distribution of lead and its isotopes in seawater with explainable machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6069,, 2025.

    Understanding the dynamics of phytoplankton communities in response to physical
    environmental changes is essential for evaluating the impact of climate change on marine
    ecosystems. Satellite observations provide a rich dataset spanning over two decades,
    capturing physical sea surface parameters such as temperature, salinity, and sea surface
    height, alongside biological insights such as ocean color. Ocean color data, in particular, is
    processed to estimate sea surface chlorophyll-a concentrations — a widely recognized proxy
    for phytoplankton biomass. Recent advancements in ocean color observation have further
    enabled the characterization of phytoplankton community structure in terms of functional
    groups or size classes.
    However, linking satellite-derived physical parameters to biological indicators remains
    challenging due to spatial and temporal variability.
    Can physical data reliably predict patterns in ocean color, such as chlorophyll-a
    concentrations and phytoplankton community structures, and potentially assess their
    variations? This study addresses this question through a deep-learning approach, utilizing
    an attention-based autoencoder model to learn relationships between physical variables and
    ocean color data, including chlorophyll-a concentrations and phytoplankton size classes at
    weekly and 1° spatial resolution.
    Our trained deep-learning model effectively captures patterns and correlations between
    physical parameters, chlorophyll concentrations, and phytoplankton size classes. It enables
    detailed exploration of how physical factors influence biological variability across different
    temporal scales. Utilizing a phytoplankton database spanning 1997–2023, this approach
    demonstrates promising results in replicating chlorophyll concentrations, inferring
    phytoplankton size classes, and shedding light on the potential links between physical and
    biological data.
    This study highlights the potential of machine learning for ecological research, contributing to
    more accurate trend analyses. Understanding phytoplankton variability is critical for marine
    ecosystem management, given their role in global carbon cycling. This methodology
    underscores the value of deep-learning to anticipate phytoplankton dynamics under
    changing environmental conditions.

    How to cite: Ollier, L., ElHourany, R., and Levy, M.: Deep learning algorithm to uncover links between satellite-derived physical drivers and biological fields., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6755,, 2025.

    EGU25-7180 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Calibration-driven parameterization development 

    Navid Constantinou, Gregory Wagner, Adeline Hillier, Simone Silvestri, Andre Souza, Keaton Burns, Chris Hill, Jean-Michel Campin, John Marshall, and Raffaele Ferrari

    We discuss the use of systematic ‘a posteriori’ calibration in the development of complicated (but theory-based) parameterizations. With ‘a posteriori’ calibration, model error is assessed using the results of forward simulations, thereby incorporating numerical error, numerical stability, model-specific implementation details,  and alleviating the need for explicit data for all parameterized model components. We show how calibration illuminates the parameterization development trade-off between reductions in model bias, producing better predictions, and increased parametric complexity, the latter which can decrease a model’s ability to extrapolate, increase both the data requirements and computational expense of the calibration. We illustrate the importance of a posteriori calibration by describing the iterative development of CATKE, a new parameterization we develop within CliMA for the fluxes associated with small- or "micro-scale" ocean turbulent mixing on scales between 1 and 100 meters. For calibration we use Ensemble Kalman Inversion to minimize the error between a set of large eddy simulations (="the truth") and predictions of the parameterization and this way find optimal values for the free parameters. Without systematic calibration we cannot make informed choices about parameterization development because we cannot distinguish between structural error and error due to non-optimal parameter values.

    How to cite: Constantinou, N., Wagner, G., Hillier, A., Silvestri, S., Souza, A., Burns, K., Hill, C., Campin, J.-M., Marshall, J., and Ferrari, R.: Calibration-driven parameterization development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7180,, 2025.

    EGU25-7671 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Global Climatology of Submesoscale Activity Using Machine Learning 

    Leyu Yao and John R. Taylor

    Submesoscale eddies are oceanic structures that occur on horizontal scales from 0.1-10 km, vertical scales from 0.01-1 km, and last from hours to several days. They are characterised by a Rossby number of Ro = ζ/f ~ O(1), where surface vertical vorticity ζ is similar to Coriolis frequency f. Submesoscale eddies are important in setting the stratification in the ocean surface mixed layer, mediating air-sea exchanges, and transporting energy between large and small scale motions. However, the study of submesoscale eddies on a global scale has been hindered by a shortage of global, long-term datasets. To fill this gap, we train and apply an unsupervised machine learning method adapted from the Profile Classification Model (PCM) to density profiles collected by Argo floats over global ocean from 2000-2021, producing the first global observational climatology of submesoscale activity. The adapted PCM identifies regions with high submesoscale activity using solely the density profiles and without any additional information on the velocity, location, or horizontal density gradients. The climatology shows that submesoscale activity peaks in spring in both hemispheres and lags behind the maxima of mixed layer depth by one month, suggesting that submesoscale eddies play important role in re-stratifying the mixed layer. Hotspots of submesoscale activity can be found in the Norwegian Sea and the Drake Passage in spring. This observational reconstruction of submesoscale activity enables the study of submesoscale distribution, seasonality, and inter-annual variation on a global scale.

    How to cite: Yao, L. and Taylor, J. R.: Global Climatology of Submesoscale Activity Using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7671,, 2025.

    EGU25-8030 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Data-driven Ocean Forecasting Models with Multi-Scale Graph Neural Networks for 10-day Global Forecasting 

    Yuta Hirabayashi, Daisuke Matsuoka, and Konobu Kimura

    Accurate ocean forecasting models are crucial for both scientific research and practical application, such as understanding ocean dynamics and efficient ship route planning. While traditional numerical ocean models have proven effective, they require substantial computational resources due to the complexity of solving partial differential equations. In recent years, data-driven weather forecasting models have demonstrated their ability to provide accurate predictions at lower computational costs compared to conventional numerical weather prediction models while their application to ocean forecasting remains limited. 

    This study explores a data-driven ocean forecasting model for 10-day global forecasting, employing a multi-scale graph neural network (GNN) to capture the multi-scale features of ocean variables while incorporating graph structures that account for land masks. To reflect the effects of atmospheric forcing, surface atmospheric variables are combined with ocean variables and used as GNN’s node input features. The model was initially trained on paired reanalysis data samples with a 1-day interval to minimize the mean squared error. Subsequently, it was fine-tuned using auto-regressive rollouts across multiple time steps. The forecasting process involves autoregressive steps, where the predicted ocean variables from the previous step and weather forecasting variables provided by an operational center are used as inputs for the next step.

    Preliminary experiments comparing the proposed model with persistent forecasts showed the skillfulness of the proposed model. Sensitivity experiments were conducted to evaluate the impact of atmospheric forcing by replacing weather forecasting data with climatological data. The evaluation was conducted over a one-year period across the global ocean employing reanalysis data as references. The results showed that using weather forecasting data improved the accuracy of surface ocean variable predictions compared to using climatology.  Specifically, the RMSE was reduced by 6.6%, 6.2%, and 1.0% for 3-day-ahead, 5-day-ahead, and 10-day-ahead forecasts, respectively, representing the median improvement across the period and variables.  The improvements varied across variables; for instance, salinity showed a consistent improvement of almost 1% across all lead times, whereas northward velocity showed greater improvements at shorter lead times, such as an improvement of 22% at 3-day-ahead forecasts.

    The results indicate that it is crucial for data-driven ocean models to incorporate atmospheric forcing, similar to numerical ocean models. These findings suggest that the multi-scale GNN-based ocean forecasting model that integrates atmospheric forcing offers a potential approach for 10-day global ocean forecasting.

    How to cite: Hirabayashi, Y., Matsuoka, D., and Kimura, K.: Data-driven Ocean Forecasting Models with Multi-Scale Graph Neural Networks for 10-day Global Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8030,, 2025.

    EGU25-8349 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Modeling pCO2,sw in the Canary Islands region based on satellite measurements 

    Melchor González-Dávila, Irene Sánchez-Mendoza, David González-Santana, David Curbelo-Hernández, David Estupiñan, Miguel Suarez de Tangil, Aridane G. González, and J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano

    The improvement of remote sensing systems together with the emergence of new model fitting algorithms based on sophisticated methods, such as machine-learning techniques, have allowed the determination of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2,sw) in the Canary Islands waters based on mathematical modeling. Among all the fitted models, the most powerful one seems to be the bootstrap aggregation (bagging), giving an RMSE < 6 µatm (R2 > 0.95), although the multilinear regression (MLR), neural network (NN) and categorical boosting (CatBoost) also have a good predictive performance, with RMSE ranging from 9 to 13 µatm for 360 < pCO2,sw < 481 µatm. Using the most reliable model that uses sea surface temperature (SST), Chlorophyll a (Chla), and mixed layer depth (MLD), it was determined that during the period comprised between 2019 and 2024, the Canary basin behaved as a slight net sink of atmospheric CO2, with an average daily flux of -1.45 ± 0.08 mmol m-2 d-1, resulting in the sequestration of -2.59 ± 0.15 Tg CO2 yr-1.

    How to cite: González-Dávila, M., Sánchez-Mendoza, I., González-Santana, D., Curbelo-Hernández, D., Estupiñan, D., Suarez de Tangil, M., González, A. G., and Santana-Casiano, J. M.: Modeling pCO2,sw in the Canary Islands region based on satellite measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8349,, 2025.

    EGU25-9298 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Hidden Wrecks and Black Reefs: Harnessing AI to Unveil Maritime Mysteries and Environmental Risks 

    Alexandra Karamitrou, Frase Sturt, and Petros Bogiatzis

    Shipwrecks have long fascinated people with their stories of mysteries and hidden treasures. UNESCO estimates that more than three million shipwrecks lie undiscovered in the world’s oceans and lakes, yet less than 10% of these have been precisely located. Beyond their historical and archaeological significance, shipwrecks can pose significant environmental threats. Instead of treasures, they often conceal harmful substances like fuels and corroded heavy metals, which, if released, can harm surrounding ecosystems and nearby communities.

    This study introduces an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) approach, leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and open-access remote sensing data, to detect and map shipwrecks in remote coral reefs. The method is designed to identify wrecks based on the environmental footprint they leave, referred to as "Black Reefs", even in cases where the shipwreck itself has completely degraded.

    One of the primary challenges was the limited availability of known black reef locations, which restricted the training dataset. To address this, a supervised fully convolutional neural network architecture, called SimpleNet, was employed. This architecture is specifically suited for scenarios with small labelled datasets. From a shortlist of eight suitable reefs (e.g., Kenn, Nikumaroro, Kingman, Kanton, and Rose), five were used for generating training and evaluation data, while the remaining were excluded due to low-resolution imagery or cloud interference.

    Image tiles of 256 x 256 x 3 bands were extracted from the training reefs, resulting in approximately 1,600 labelled images. For evaluation, small sections of Kenn and Rose reefs were used to train the model, while other portions served as test datasets. Training was conducted using the IRIDIS supercomputer at the University of Southampton, utilizing 12 CPUs, one node with 264 GB of memory, and MATLAB 9.6 (2019b). The training process took approximately two hours.

    The results demonstrate that even with limited training data, the SimpleNet architecture, featuring just eight fully convolutional layers, can efficiently identify and classify black reefs, indicating the presence of shipwrecks. Moreover, the algorithm provides a tool for monitoring reef discoloration and assessing ecological impacts over time through time-series imagery.

    This study underscores the potential of AI-driven methods to enhance shipwreck detection and environmental monitoring, offering an efficient, cost-effective solution for tackling the challenges posed by limited ground data and inaccessible regions.

    How to cite: Karamitrou, A., Sturt, F., and Bogiatzis, P.: Hidden Wrecks and Black Reefs: Harnessing AI to Unveil Maritime Mysteries and Environmental Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9298,, 2025.

    EGU25-9778 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Level 4 global topography mapping with 4DVarNet 

    Alice Laloue, Cécile Anadon, Anaëlle Treboutte, Maxime Ballarotta, Marie-Isabelle Pujol, and Ronan Fablet

    The study of mesoscale oceanic eddy dynamics requires regular, high-resolution space-time grids of topography observations. However, most observations come from the constellation of altimetry satellites, which measure the topography along very fine and still very sparse tracks, and surface currents must therefore be calculated using level 4 topography maps. These level 4 maps used operationally are produced by methods based on objective analysis (OA, Le Traon et al., 1998), such as historically used in the DUACS production until end 2024, or variational resolution, such as MIOST (Ubelmann et al., 2022), but their spatial resolution limits the scales of dynamics that can be resolved. While OA and MIOST can capture mesoscale dynamics down to approximately 150–200 km, sub-mesoscale features remain inaccessible with these methods. 

    Recent advancements in neural network-based mapping models have the potential to refine the resolution of mesoscale topography reconstruction. The NeurOST model developed by S. A. Martin (2024), for instance, improves the spatial resolution by 30% compared with existing conventional methods like OA, establishing itself as a state-of-the-art technique in level-4 topography mapping. While the 4DVarNet model developped by Febvre et al. (2024) has proven effective in Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) over the Gulf Stream, it has not yet been applied on real altimetric observations or on a global scale. 

    In this study, we leverage the 4DVarNet model to estimate global surface current maps from both conventional nadir altimetry and SWOT KaRIn swath data. The model was trained on GLORYS12V1 reanalysis data over the Gulf Stream and the Agulhas Current, and subsequently applied to global altimetric observations, including SWOT KaRIn.  

    Our results show that 4DVarNet-derived topography maps from nadir altimetry improve the effective resolution OA and over NeurOST in regions of high variability and strong currents, such as the Gulf Stream, Kuroshio, Agulhas and Brazil currents. The inclusion of SWOT KaRIn data further enhances the effective resolution and significantly reduces mapping errors. 4DVarNet's reconstructions also reveal more small-scale vortex structures and deformations compared to NeurOST. The resulting maps seem to improve our ability to observe eddy dynamics and their impact on energy transfer between different scales. 

    Nevertheless, the model still needs many improvements to provide satisfactory topography on a global scale. Ongoing and future work includes further investigation into the contribution of additional geophysical variables to the topography reconstruction performance of 4DVarNet, such as bathymetry, sea surface temperature, salinity and ocean color, and the exploration of an unsupervised learning scheme for better generalization to real altimetric data. These developments aim to improve the model's applicability to diverse oceanic regions and enhance its ability in capturing sub-mesoscale eddy dynamics. 

    How to cite: Laloue, A., Anadon, C., Treboutte, A., Ballarotta, M., Pujol, M.-I., and Fablet, R.: Level 4 global topography mapping with 4DVarNet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9778,, 2025.

    Understanding the response to climate change of the Venice Lagoon is fundamental for the conservation and sustainable management of a vulnerable environment, with important ecological and socio-economic consequences. Deterministic dynamic models that can reproduce the behavior of the lagoon have a very high computational cost, that limits substantially their applicability, particularly considering the multiple and multidecadal simulations required to analyses climate change. This study explores the use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to model the relationships between climate drivers and key parameters (temperature and salinity) of the Venice lagoon to understand their different dynamics within the lagoon environment. We carry on a sensitivity study on the various drivers utilized and examine the simultaneous presence of different response patterns within the lagoon. The analysis is based on the combination in situ observations of the lagoon water temperature and salinity with large-scale data from the Copernicus Marine Services’ reanalysis  to estimate how the main physical parameters of the lagoons are driven by key climatic drivers. The sensitivity analysis was conducted by excluding from the ANN or randomizing single drivers to assess their importance for describing the variability of the lagoon environment. This analysis allow to identify three clusters, defining three areas of the lagoon, whose differences that can be physically interpreted. The riverine cluster (central/northern lagoon) is influenced by the presence of small tributaries and, consequently, by local precipitation; The marine cluster is located in the part of the lagoon near the sea outlets, where salinity and temperature values are strongly influenced by marine salinity and temperature; The mixed cluster  (in the south lagoon) where both the marine and riverine regimes overlap with comparable effects on salinity and temperature.

    Financial support from ICSC – Centro Nazionale di Ricerca in High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing, funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU. Project code CN_00000033, CUP C83C22000560007 and  from NBFC – National Biodiversity Future Center, funded by European Union – NextGenerationEU. Project code CN_00000033, CUP F87G22000290001

    How to cite: Bozzeda, F., Sigovini, M., and Lionello, P.: Using artificial intelligence for exploring the climatic drivers of the Venice Lagoon environmental variability and response to climate change., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9911,, 2025.

    EGU25-10550 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Statistical inversion of surface tracers to infer fine-scale near-surface ocean currents 

    Rick de Kreij, Andrew Zammit Mangion, Matt Rayson, Nicole Jones, and Andrew Zulberti

    Measuring sea surface currents (SSC) directly is challenging. Instead, SSC are often inferred from indirect measurements like altimetry. However, altimetry-based methods only provide large-scale (>100 km) geostrophically-balanced velocity estimates of SSC. Here, we present a statistical inversion model to predict fine-scale SSC using remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) data. Our approach employs Gaussian Process (GP) regression, where the GP is informed by a two-dimensional tracer transport equation. This method yields a predictive distribution of SSC, from which we can generate an ensemble of surface currents to derive both predictions and prediction uncertainties. Our approach incorporates prior knowledge of the SSC length scales and variances that appear in the covariance function of the GP, which are then estimated from the SST data. The framework naturally handles noisy and incomplete SST data (e.g., due to cloud cover), without the need for pre-filtering.  We validate the inversion model through an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE), which demonstrates that GP-based statistical inversion outperforms existing methods, especially when the measurement signal-to-noise ratio is low.  When applied to Himawari-9 satellite SST data over the Australian North-West Shelf, our method successfully resolves SSC down to the sub-mesoscale. We anticipate our framework being used to improve understanding of fine-scale ocean dynamics, and to facilitate the coherent propagation of uncertainty into downstream applications such as ocean particle tracking.

    How to cite: de Kreij, R., Zammit Mangion, A., Rayson, M., Jones, N., and Zulberti, A.: Statistical inversion of surface tracers to infer fine-scale near-surface ocean currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10550,, 2025.

    EGU25-10637 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Reconstructing historical salinity fields over the 20th century using a data-driven method and Argo data 

    Erwan Oulhen, Nicolas Kolodziejczyk, Pierre Tandeo, Bruno Blanke, and Florian Sévellec

    Ocean salinity is a fundamental variable that determines seawater density and, therefore, stratification and oceanic dynamics. To understand how salinity is affected and how it contributes to ocean processes, its variability must be studied, particularly through in situ observations. Unfortunately, while temperature observations were limited during the 20th century, salinity observations were even sparser, as some instruments were designed to measure temperature only. The development of the Argo observing system since 2002 has improved sampling and reduced the disparity between both variables, enabling better assessment of salinity variability over the past 20 years at interannual to decadal scales. In this study, we estimate salinity covariability with temperature from the Argo period to reconstruct monthly subsurface salinity fields, in the tropical Pacific between 1930 and 2001, leveraging temperature observations. The analysis is performed using the data-driven RedAnDA method, which combines Data Assimilation, Analog Prediction, and Reduced-space Interpolation, first validated using synthetic data. We reconstruct the 20th century interannual variability of salinity associated with ENSO events both at the surface and in the subsurface. Notably, thanks to the coupling with temperature, the representation of stratification and its modulation by vertical salinity gradients is enhanced. This new method and product provide for the first time the possibility to extend the hydrological time series consistently in the past, offering potential new insights into mechanisms generating decadal variability in the Pacific.

    How to cite: Oulhen, E., Kolodziejczyk, N., Tandeo, P., Blanke, B., and Sévellec, F.: Reconstructing historical salinity fields over the 20th century using a data-driven method and Argo data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10637,, 2025.

    EGU25-10653 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Deriving benthic traits through deep learning methods 

    Abel Dechenne, Séverine Chevalier, Marilaure Gregoire, Aida Alvera-Azcarate, and Alexander Barth

    Through global warming, ocean deoxygenation is considered as a major concern since it consequently reduces the quality and the quantity of suitable habitats for marine life. Eutrophication plays a major role in its depletion which enhances respiration at different depths. Many species such as fishes, benthic worms or even plankton are affected by this phenomenon.

    This study aims to get a better understanding of benthic worm species on the continental shelf of the Black Sea which is well known for high frequency oxic stresses. Our main objective is to map species through their biological traits (i.e. body length, burial depth, reproductive frequency…)  in order to assess their vulnerability towards environmental variations that occur at this location. 

    Unfortunately, in the oceanographic field, one of the major issues is the sparsity of in-situ observations, especially when it comes to benthic biology. Therefore, we have decided to use a multivariate approach allowing us to use related datasets with significantly better spatial and temporal coverage. This multivariate approach is implemented using deep learning in order to get complete maps of traits on our domain. An adapted convolutional neural network allowing to capture non-linearities is used to reconstruct the traits repartitions. 

    Thus, as an input for the neural network, we consider our traits dataset and environmental variables which are likely to enhance their reconstruction; Surface currents, particulate organic carbon, oxygen concentration and bathymetry are considered. A chosen period from 2008 to 2017 is selected. Traits datasets are located by stations (238) and were constructed through fuzzy coding and rescaled by their biomass. 

    The neural network architecture is composed of an encoder and a decoder where the encoder considers a gappy and non-gridded dataset. The encoder uses a series of convolutional layers followed by max pooling layers which reduce the size of the dataset. The decoder does essentially the reverse operation by considering convolutional and interpolation layers. 

    In order to avoid overfitting, the model has skip connections which ensure to keep information from the input dataset. For additional information please refer to Barth et al 2022. The model gives the reconstructed trait repartition and the standard error of the reconstruction.

    This study will be helpful in the understanding of benthic traits repartition and will aim to link their patterns to environmental factors. This will help to get a deeper understanding of the ecological role and functions of this poorly known ecosystem. This work is carried in the frame of NECCTON European project.



    How to cite: Dechenne, A., Chevalier, S., Gregoire, M., Alvera-Azcarate, A., and Barth, A.: Deriving benthic traits through deep learning methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10653,, 2025.

    EGU25-11139 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Reconstruction of missing satellite data using a Probabilistic Denoising Diffusion Model applied to chlorophyll a concentration 

    Alexander Barth, Julien Brajard, Aida Alvera-Azcárate, Bayoumy Mohamed, Charles Troupin, and Jean-Marie Beckers

    Satellite observations provide a global or near-global coverage of the World Ocean. They are however affected by clouds (among others), which severely reduce their spatial coverage. Different methods have been proposed in the literature to reconstruct missing data in satellite observations. For many applications of satellite observations, it has been increasingly important to accurately reflect the underlying uncertainty of the reconstructed observations. In this study, we investigate the use of a denoising diffusion model to reconstruct missing observations. Such methods can naturally provide an ensemble of reconstructions where each member is spatially coherent with the scales of variability and with the available data. Rather than providing a single reconstruction, an ensemble of possible reconstructions can be computed, and the ensemble spread reflects the underlying uncertainty. We show how this method can be trained from a collection of satellite data without requiring a prior interpolation of missing data and without resorting to data from a numerical model. The reconstruction method is tested with chlorophyll a concentration from the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) sensor (aboard the satellites Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B) on a small area of the Black Sea and compared with the neural network DINCAE (Data-INterpolating Convolutional Auto-Encoder).  The quality of the reconstruction is assessed using independent test data. 

    The spatial scales of the reconstructed data are assessed via a variogram, and the accuracy and statistical validity of the reconstructed ensemble are quantified using the continuous ranked probability score and its decomposition into reliability, resolution, and uncertainty.

    The diffusion method compared favorably against the U-Net DINCAE. The RMSE of the reconstructed data using the denoising diffusion model was smaller than the corresponding reconstruction of DINCAE. The main advantage of the diffusion model is, however, the ability to reproduce an ensemble of possible reconstructed conditions on the available data. Each of these reconstructions contains small-scale information comparable to the scales of variability in the original data, avoiding a common problem where the results of U-Net and autoencoders produce images that are too smooth, as the information on small scales can typically not be recovered under clouds with a certain extent. The overall conclusion is robust when applying this technique to other areas of the Black Sea.

    The ensembles of reconstructed data generated by the diffusion model can be used, for example, in the detection of gradients and fronts in the satellite images or in the estimation of the error in derived quantities, where information on how the error is correlated in space is also needed.

    How to cite: Barth, A., Brajard, J., Alvera-Azcárate, A., Mohamed, B., Troupin, C., and Beckers, J.-M.: Reconstruction of missing satellite data using a Probabilistic Denoising Diffusion Model applied to chlorophyll a concentration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11139,, 2025.

    EGU25-11223 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Autoregressive denoising diffusion for predicting trajectories of floating objects in oceans 

    Christian Donner, Shirin Goshtasbpour, Emanuele Dalsasso, Michele Volpi, Marc Russwurm, and Devis Tuia

    Motivation The increasing amount of plastic debris in the oceans calls for quick action to prevent irreversibly damaging our world’s largest ecosystem. To this end, tracking plastic debris and understanding its dynamics could facilitate collection campaigns and help monitor the evolution of the threat. To achieve this goal, accurate models are necessary to predict the dynamics of floating objects at the ocean surface, which are subject to currents and winds. Physical models and remote sensing data estimate these influencing forces. However, using them directly in process-based models still leads to a significant gap between the true dynamics and the predicted trajectory. Hence, we aim to minimize this gap by resorting to data-driven machine-learning methods.

    Data We can identify two different scenarios where the dynamics of floating objects differ: trajectories close to coastal regions and trajectories in the open ocean. As a consequence, we focus on two different datasets: the first aims to predict dynamics in coastal regions for 24 hours. The second focuses on open-ocean dynamics, where we try to predict trajectories for multiple days. As target variables, we use data from the Global Drifter program, which contains several thousand GPS-tracked free-floating buoys. The contextual information about the ocean surface current is extracted from Copernicus Marine and HYCOM. Wind data is taken from ERA5.

    Approach We develop a denoising diffusion model that generates multiple trajectories based on surface current and wind, as provided by physical models. In contrast to the unstructured i.i.d. Gaussian noise in standard denoising diffusion, we use a more suitable process: Brownian motion noise, which has a small variance close to the start of the trajectories and increases with time. The denoiser model is autoregressive and based on a multilayer recurrent neural network that iteratively learns to remove the noise from random realizations of this Brownian motion.

    Results We found that the model not only outperforms physical models on the coastal dataset but also provides a posterior distribution of the predicted trajectories, thus offering a measure of uncertainty without additional overhead.

    How to cite: Donner, C., Goshtasbpour, S., Dalsasso, E., Volpi, M., Russwurm, M., and Tuia, D.: Autoregressive denoising diffusion for predicting trajectories of floating objects in oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11223,, 2025.

    EGU25-11622 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Peeking Into a Marine Biogeochemical Model with an Autoencoder  

    Gabriela Martinez Balbontin and Stefano Ciavatta

    Biogeochemical models are computational approximations of systems of differential equations used to represent and predict biogeochemical constituents of the ocean. These might include carbon and nutrients cycles, and its interactions with biological components, such as different types of plankton. Unfortunately, these models tend to be constrained by their complex parametrization and computational cost, limiting their practical application and scalability.

    Autoencoders are neural networks that are trained to learn a compressed representation of a dataset, typically with the goal of reconstructing the input to its original or a specified target dimension. But the bottleneck of this compression, or the latent space of the autoencoder, can offer interesting insights into the dominant features of the system.

    Here we train different types of autoencoders to capture the main spatiotemporal dynamics from data modeled by the biogeochemical analysis BIO4 (based on NEMO-PISCES). This not only provides a basis for the development of computationally efficient emulators, but it can help us detect patterns and relationships that might not be immediately apparent in the high-dimensional output of the model. This offers interesting insights into how the model actually captures its constituting components. 

    Such compressed representations can also be used for parameter sensitivity analysis, to develop data assimilation frameworks, and as tools for uncertainty quantification and outlier detection.

    How to cite: Martinez Balbontin, G. and Ciavatta, S.: Peeking Into a Marine Biogeochemical Model with an Autoencoder , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11622,, 2025.

    EGU25-11727 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Assessing the impact of the new mixed layer eddy parameterization based on machine learning in NEMO 

    Marcela Contreras, Alexis Barge, Julien Le Sommer, Abigail Bodner, and Dhruv Balwada

    Mixed layer eddies (MLE) are submesoscale structures, characterized by spatial and temporal scales of O(10 km) and O(1 day), generated by mixed layer instability under conditions of strong horizontal buoyancy gradient and weak stratification.  MLE produces mixed layer restratification, which has important implications for global ocean and climate dynamics. Existing parameterizations represent MLE effects with a streamfunction that depends on the horizontal buoyancy gradient, mixed layer depth, and the Coriolis parameter. Machine learning techniques have recently been proposed for improving existing MLE parameterizations. Bodner et al., (2024) proposed an approach for predicting submesoscale vertical buoyancy fluxes using a convolutional neural network (CNN), showing an improvement compared to previous parameterizations.

    In this study,  we analyze the impact of a new MLE parameterization - based on Bodner et al. (2024) - in a global ocean model simulation performed with NEMO (eORCA25). The implementation of the CNN parameterization in NEMO is performed through EOPHIS ( The CNN simulation (MLE-CNN) is compared with a simulation with a standard  parametrization and a simulation without MLE parameterization. With the CNN parameterization, maximum winter mixed layer depths are reduced by 10% with respect to the simulation without parameterization, which is comparable to the reduction obtained with the standard parameterization. The CNN parameterization differs from the standard parameterization in terms of  spatial variability.  For example, in the tropical region, the CNN produces a vertical heat flux across the mixed layer that can reach twice the magnitude of the standard parameterization. Mixed layer depth from simulations will be compared with observations. 

    How to cite: Contreras, M., Barge, A., Le Sommer, J., Bodner, A., and Balwada, D.: Assessing the impact of the new mixed layer eddy parameterization based on machine learning in NEMO, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11727,, 2025.

    EGU25-12581 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Probabilistic Global Ocean Forecasting Through Diffusion-Based Ensembles 

    Anass El Aouni, Giovanni Ruggiero, Quentin Gaudel, Simon Van Gennip, Yann Drillet, and Marie Drevillon

    Accurate ocean forecasting is essential for a range of critical applications, from maritime safety to climate adaptation strategies. Given the inherent uncertainties in ocean dynamics, the ability to predict a range of probable ocean states is key to informed decision-making. Here, we present MerCast, a probabilistic ocean forecasting model designed to redefine global-scale prediction by quantifying uncertainty in ocean state estimates. Trained on decades of high-resolution reanalysis products, MerCast integrates diffusion models to generate ensembles of daily forecasts at 1/4-degree resolution, dynamically capturing local-global interactions while preserving fine-scale ocean features essential for accurate predictions.

    MerCast's  performance is rigorously evaluated using an array of metrics tailored for stochastic forecasting systems, including ensemble spread, probabilistic error assessments, and metrics designed for process-oriented evaluations. Initial results highlight MerCast's skill in forecasting critical variables such as sea surface height, temperature, salinity, and ocean currents, with superior resilience to error accumulation over extended forecast horizons. This work establishes a foundational step toward integrating probabilistic methods in operational ocean forecasting, bridging the gap between efficiency, accuracy, and uncertainty quantification.

    How to cite: El Aouni, A., Ruggiero, G., Gaudel, Q., Van Gennip, S., Drillet, Y., and Drevillon, M.: Probabilistic Global Ocean Forecasting Through Diffusion-Based Ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12581,, 2025.

    EGU25-12879 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Global Seafloor Grain-Size Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach 

    Joseph Renzaglia, Taylor Lee, and Adrianna Le

    Big data has become increasingly important in marine geoscience, where in situ measurements are often limited, leaving large portions of the seafloor unsampled. To address this gap, we present a data-driven approach that leverages non-parametric machine learning algorithms—specifically, an ensemble of k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) and Random Forest regressors—to predict a global geospatial prediction of median grain size (D50) at a 2-arc minute resolution. Our methodology incorporates parametric uncertainty quantification in the form of distance-to-nearest-neighbor metrics in feature space, thereby creating spatially explicit uncertainty maps that highlight regions where additional data collection would most effectively improve model predictions. This emphasis on parametric uncertainty serves as a roadmap for data-driven exploration, reducing the time, energy, and cost associated with collecting or curating a comprehensive dataset.

    We train the model on ~40,000 publicly available, seafloor grain size measurements and iteratively optimize hyperparameters based on prediction error and out-of-sample validation. The final model is a global prediction of seafloor grain size with a correlation of ~0.65 between observed and predicted grain size values. We also apply a ranked noise grid analysis to select predictor variables that minimize the overall predictive error, ensuring the feature set is robust and agnostic to human bias.

    Regions with sparse data coverage or atypical geological conditions manifest as areas of high uncertainty, underscoring the need for targeted sampling. By mapping this uncertainty, our framework facilitates strategic data acquisition efforts and reduces curation time and cost. We demonstrate the impact of sampling high uncertainty regions on not only improving predictions in the newly sampled geographical location but are also geologically similar (close in parameter space) around the globe. In doing so, it demonstrates how the synergy between machine learning approaches and systematic data-driven exploration can enhance the dependency of global seafloor property models. Our predicted grain size map provides a proxy for further regional and global studies that rely on grain size measurements, while more broadly highlighting the transformative potential of machine learning methods to refine our approach to data exploration and curation.

    How to cite: Renzaglia, J., Lee, T., and Le, A.: Global Seafloor Grain-Size Prediction: A Data-Driven Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12879,, 2025.

    The effective spatial and temporal scales resolved by Earth System Models (ESMs) remain a key limitation in reducing uncertainties in climate projections. While increasing model resolution is computationally prohibitive, machine learning (ML)-based parameterizations offer a promising alternative. However, these approaches often face generalization challenges in ‘out-of-sample’ scenarios, leading to numerical instabilities when integrated into ESMs. In this study, we aim to tackle these challenges by developing a data-driven discretization neural network for multidirectional advection in ocean models. The canonical 1D advection problem is revisited by using neural networks to predict the coefficients of a three-node stencil trained on high-resolution solutions projected onto coarser spatial and temporal grids. Conventional discretizations generalize to all scalar fields, while the data-driven approach is, by construction, tied to the training data. First, it is shown that we can normalize inputs with min-max scaling to achieve generalization, while training on coarsened high-resolution data across multiple grid configurations reduces sensitivity to time steps and mesh resolution. We find that coarsening based on triangular test functions, instead of averaging, enables unique mapping of the fine-scale variations of high-resolution solutions, leading to monotonicity of the neural network. Hybrid ML discretizations that predict advective fluxes are investigated, with a focus on enforcing desirable numerical properties—such as monotonicity, accuracy, and stability. Finally, we aim to test the numerical and generalization properties of the new data-driven discretization on 2D geostrophic flows. These results provide guidance for the development of better end-to-end data-driven parameterizations and discretizations in ESMs.

    How to cite: Nasser, A.-A. and Adcroft, A.: Generalizing machine-learned discretization for climate simulations: addressing ‘out-of-sample’ challenges for 2D data-driven advection discretization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12958,, 2025.

    EGU25-13051 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Leveraging machine learning to parameterise ocean mesoscale eddies 

    Kelsey Everard, Pavel Perezhogin, Dhruv Balwada, and Laure Zanna

    The dynamics of the ocean are dictated by processes that occur over a wide spectrum of scales. Of particular importance are the motions that occur at and around the Rossby radius of deformation, between approximately 10 and 1000 km, so called mesoscale eddies. Mesoscales exchange energy with large-scale ocean currents, thus influencing global ocean circulation. Mesoscale eddies extract potential energy (PE) from the large scale via baroclinic instability, and transfer kinetic energy (KE) upscale via the backscatter effect (inverse cascade). Accurately capturing the global ocean circulation, and the role of mesoscale eddies, is imperative in the development of reliable climate models. However, the resolution required to resolve mesoscales and their contribution to the global ocean energy cycle is far too computationally expensive, particularly for long climate integrations or large ensembles. Thus, the contributions of mesoscale eddies to the energy cycle must be parameterised in terms of the coarse-resolution flow variables of climate models. 

    Most parameterisations of mesoscale eddies have focussed on resolving individual aspects of the energy cycle. Our approach aims to simultaneously address the downscale transfer of PE and the upscale transfer of KE by leveraging high-resolution simulations and machine learning. This endeavour relies on a theoretical framework that projects the buoyancy flux onto the momentum equations, resulting in an eddy forcing captured by the divergence of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux tensor. We develop our parameterisation using the idealised two-layer double-gyre (DG) configuration of MOM6 (ocean component of GFDL + NCAR model). High-resolution DG data is used to train an artificial neural network offline on the correlation between spatially-filtered (large scale) flow features with EP fluxes (subgrid-scale forcing). This parameterisation is shown to improve the representation of the eddy energy cycle in a DG configuration of MOM6. Our results are part of an ongoing effort towards a comprehensive parameterisation capable of capturing the entirety of the mesoscale eddy energy cycle. 

    How to cite: Everard, K., Perezhogin, P., Balwada, D., and Zanna, L.: Leveraging machine learning to parameterise ocean mesoscale eddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13051,, 2025.

    As an ocean and climate modeller, I propose to expose a few venues of ocean modelling where Machine Learning (ML) is expected to break through persistent challenges. My prime target is the numerical representation of the global ocean, with distinguishable coarse spatial scale (25 to 100 km) and long duration (at least 100 years). Observations are not sufficient (too sparse in space, particularly at depth, and too short in time, spanning only the last few decades) to be used directly as the sole ground truth. Hence it is compulsory to consider perfect model set-ups, besides training on observed database. Current challenges in ocean modelling that ML could contribute to solving, are the following : equilibration of simulations, quantification of sensitivity to parameters, parameterizations of unresolved processes (due to reduced spatial resolution and/or complexity) and quantification of structural uncertainties. I will introduce a few ML-based solutions to these challenges based on recent bibliography and my own activities. Overall, we need to build capacity in bridging the gaps between these centennial global ocean simulations, useful for climate applications, process models at regional scale, global ocean hindcasts (simulations with data assimilation), large eddy simulations and models of the past, present and future climate. To reach this goal, I advocate combining various ML architectures, factoring in uncertainties of every pieces of this hierarchy.

    How to cite: Deshayes, J.: Ocean models for climate applications : progress expected from Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13540,, 2025.

    EGU25-13573 | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Enhancing sea surface height estimation using satellite-derived chlorophyll-a and temperature data via machine learning: a case study in the Gulf of Mexico 

    Jorge Velasco-Zavala, Olmo Zavala-Romero, Julio Sheinbaum, Jose Miranda, Luna Hiron, Alexandra Bozec, Subrahmanyam Bulusu, and Eric Chassignet

    Satellite observations provide indispensable data that is assimilated into numerical ocean models to correct errors and biases. Traditionally, sea surface height (SSH) from satellite altimeter tracks, sea surface temperature (SST), and more recently, sea surface salinity (SSS), have been assimilated into these models. Temperature and salinity are part of the governing equations of ocean dynamics, and SSH is directly derived from the state of the resolved ocean, making these variables a first choice for data assimilation. However, satellite-derived Chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) data, which offer high-resolution information, is not typically assimilated. This is primarily because this variable is not solved by the physical models, and the biochemical models that simulate broader marine ecosystems, including phytoplankton dynamics and nutrient cycles which do estimate Chl-a, are computationally expensive and not used in operational models.

    In this study, we utilize a ten-year free run of a biochemical ocean model of the Gulf of Mexico to simulate satellite observations, including altimeter tracks, SST,  SSS, and Chl-a. We trained and tested various machine learning architectures, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Autoregressive Convolutional Neural Networks (AR-CNNs), and Vision Transformers, to learn the relationship between these variables and the SSH. The trained models were then used to estimate sea surface height from the simulated observations to estimate the current and future state of the sea surface height, leveraging the autoregressive properties of one of the tested architectures. Our results demonstrate that this approach outperforms the traditional interpolations in metrics like the RMSE. Finally, we applied the best-performing models to real satellite observations, highlighting the potential of improving SSH estimation quality.

    How to cite: Velasco-Zavala, J., Zavala-Romero, O., Sheinbaum, J., Miranda, J., Hiron, L., Bozec, A., Bulusu, S., and Chassignet, E.: Enhancing sea surface height estimation using satellite-derived chlorophyll-a and temperature data via machine learning: a case study in the Gulf of Mexico, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13573,, 2025.

    EGU25-15061 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    OceanRep: A Foundation Model for Ocean Dynamics 

    Kacper Nowak, Nikolay Koldunov, Thomas Jung, Sergey Danilov, Christian Lessing, and Ilaria Luise

    OceanRep proposes a novel AI foundation model for ocean dynamics, a cornerstone for understanding and predicting climate change. Inspired by the success of AtmoRep, a deep learning model for atmospheric dynamics, OceanRep seeks to extend this framework to the ocean. In order to leverage transformer models and large-scale, multi-resolution oceanographic data (e.g., from ocean model FESOM2), the design is based on vision transformers, modified to handle four-dimensional data represented by space-time tokens, and with a U-net-type backbone to capture intricate interactions within the ocean system. For pre-training, BERT-style masking is used.

    Preliminary results demonstrate OceanRep's ability to generate skillful week scale forecasts using data from a 1-degree resolution FESOM2 simulation. Ultimately, the project aims to create a robust model capable of simulating ocean and sea ice dynamics over decades. This will allow for extensive numerical experimentation and rapid generation of accurate "what-if'' scenarios. These capabilities hold immense value for climate adaptation strategies, policy development, and scientific exploration of the intricate dynamics governing the Earth system.

    How to cite: Nowak, K., Koldunov, N., Jung, T., Danilov, S., Lessing, C., and Luise, I.: OceanRep: A Foundation Model for Ocean Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15061,, 2025.

    Over the past decades, global ocean oxygen inventories have declined by 0.5–3.3% relative to historical averages, with significant uncertainties in data-sparse regions such as the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. These gaps hinder accurate estimates of deoxygenation rates, potentially leading to underestimation of its magnitude. In this context, gridded oxygen products are essential for assessing global and regional trends and projecting the impacts of deoxygenation on marine ecosystems. However, traditional Optimal Interpolation (OI) methods are known to underestimate ocean oxygen loss, particularly in poorly observed areas.

    To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach to build a gridded oxygen concentration product. Specifically, we develop a neural network emulator of oxygen concentration based on temperature and salinity measurements. This neural network is then used to generate emulated oxygen concentration data, which are combined with dissolved oxygen measurements to produce a new global gridded oxygen concentration product spanning 1965 to 2022. We evaluate our product against climatological estimates from the World Ocean Atlas and other gridded oxygen products. Future work will leverage this gridded product to study the regional evolution of ocean deoxygenation, particularly in Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) regions.

    How to cite: Lachkar, Z. and Ouala, S.: A Novel Global Gridded Ocean Oxygen Product Derived from Neural Network Emulators (1965–2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15255,, 2025.

    EGU25-16391 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    AI-Driven Regional Downscaling for High-Resolution Oceanic and Atmospheric Forecasting 

    Yuxiang Huang, Ruyan Chen, Liuqing Ji, and Sai Zhang

    Accurate high-resolution forecasting of oceanic and atmospheric states remains a critical challenge. This study introduces an AI-based regional downscaling framework employing a U-Net deep learning architecture, trained on coarse-resolution simulations. By embedding physical constraints, the model effectively bridges scales, capturing fine-grained dynamics unresolved in traditional approaches.

    The framework significantly enhances computational efficiency, reducing forecast times from hours to seconds per region while maintaining high accuracy. Its integration with data-parallel computing units enables scalable multi-region applications. Applied within a coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-tide system, the model excels in reproducing extreme events and mesoscale dynamics.

    This work highlights the potential of AI in offering scalable, precise solutions for forecasting, climate science, and disaster management.

    How to cite: Huang, Y., Chen, R., Ji, L., and Zhang, S.: AI-Driven Regional Downscaling for High-Resolution Oceanic and Atmospheric Forecasting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16391,, 2025.

    EGU25-16890 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    A Surrogate Model for Daily Sea Surface Current Fields Prediction Using CNN-UNET  

    Amirhossein Barzandeh, Ilja Maljutenko, Sander Rikka, and Urmas Raudsepp

    Precise forecasting of sea surface currents is crucial for diverse applications, including navigation, pollution control, and ecosystem monitoring. Traditional high-resolution hydrodynamic models like NEMO generate detailed short-term forecasts but are computationally expensive and resource-intensive. To overcome these limitations, we present sciCUN: a deep learning framework designed for surface current inference using CNN-U-Net architecture.

    In summary, sciCUN utilizes the zonal and meridional wind components, mean sea level pressure, air temperature, and dew point temperature from ECMWF Reanalysis v5 (ERA5) for the current day, along with the high-resolution zonal and meridional sea surface current velocity fields from the Copernicus Marine Service Baltic Sea Physics Reanalysis for the previous day, as input features. It then generates the high-resolution zonal and meridional sea surface current velocity fields for the current day.

    As a case study, sciCUN was implemented in the Gulf of Riga domain. The model was trained to capture the influence of atmospheric forcing on preceding sea surface currents over a training period spanning 1993 to 2019. Its predictive performance was subsequently validated through a 4-year testing phase (2020–2023). Results showed that while prediction accuracy was slightly lower in coastal regions near river mouths and the Irbe Strait—areas where hydrodynamic models typically employ boundary conditions—sciCUN exhibited strong overall performance. The model achieved an average Euclidean distance of 2.30 cm/s between its predictions and reference data, with an average component-wise mean absolute error of 1.45 cm/s and correlation coefficient of 92.

    How to cite: Barzandeh, A., Maljutenko, I., Rikka, S., and Raudsepp, U.: A Surrogate Model for Daily Sea Surface Current Fields Prediction Using CNN-UNET , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16890,, 2025.

    EGU25-17009 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Deep Conditional Emulators for calibrating ocean vertical physics schemes 

    Anne Durif, Gabriel Mouttapa, Julien Le Sommer, and Ronan Fablet

    Differentiable programming has emerged as a powerful tool in geoscientific modelling, offering new possibilities for optimization and parameter calibration. However, this approach requires the underlying physical models to be differentiable in order to compute gradients and apply optimization algorithms. In practice, current-generation geoscientific models are generally not differentiable, which limits the use of variational approaches to calibrate their parameters. In the past few years, several strategies have been proposed to overcome this limitation.

    Here, we explore the use of deep learning techniques for the calibration of vertical physics schemes of current-generation ocean models. We propose to build conditional emulators of single column ocean models to approximate the gradient of their solution with respect to their physical parameters. Our baseline is a single column ocean model, implemented in Jax, which provides a differentiable framework for the calibration of ocean vertical physics schemes. We leverage this framework to generate sets of simulations for the design of deep conditional emulators of the model, and assess their ability to approximate the gradient of the model in an inverse problem setting.

    We focus on several idealized cases corresponding to different forcing conditions, starting from the Kato-Philips case. It describes the evolution of a water column with no heat flux and uniform wind friction velocity. We obtain various trajectories for uniformly sampled n-uplets defining the initial conditions, friction velocity, and physical parameters. With this dataset, we train and test different kinds of neural networks, exploring architectures and losses, to make the most of temporal and spatial dependencies.

    Comparison with the fully differentiable baseline solution shows that deep conditional emulators are able to predict the system states both forward and backward, with different initial and forcing conditions, and can be used to calibrate ocean model  parameters. Our results therefore illustrate how deep emulators are a potential solution to take over the non-differentiability of existing geoscientific models, and  solve inverse problems for their calibration.

    How to cite: Durif, A., Mouttapa, G., Le Sommer, J., and Fablet, R.: Deep Conditional Emulators for calibrating ocean vertical physics schemes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17009,, 2025.

    EGU25-17211 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Extending the inputs of deep learning models to capture the mesoscale context and better predict phytoplankton community composition 

    Enza Labourdette, Raphaëlle Sauzède, Lokmane Abbas-Turki, and Jean Olivier Irisson

    Phytoplankton is a central component of marine ecosystems. It contributes to biogeochemical cycles by absorbing carbon through photosynthesis at the ocean surface and transporting it deeper through sinking and subduction—hence contributing to the biological carbon pump. Plankton also represents the first link in marine food webs, supporting a wide range of marine life, from other plankters to the most productive fisheries on earth.

    Satellites can help monitor phytoplankton over large-scales thanks to ocean color sensors. Current products provide daily, 4 km-resolution fields of chlorophyll-a concentration (Chla, the most widely used estimator of phytoplankton biomass) as well as its distribution in a few groups, hence estimating broad community composition. To produce these operational maps, the concentration of pigments measured by HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) from in situ samples is regressed on reflectances at a few wavelengths matched to those samples in space and time. While incredibly useful, these models still display 30% error for Chla and at least as much when predicting community composition.

    Numerous studies have shown the importance of considering mesoscale ocean structures, such as fronts and eddies, as they have a significant influence on the production and distribution of phytoplankton. These structures span tens to hundreds of kilometers and can be observed through ocean color but also infrared and radio wave satellite data.

    In this work, we develop a deep learning model to predict the concentration of three phytoplankton size classes: pico-, nano-, and micro-phytoplankton. The in situ values are derived from over 7000 HPLC measurements spanning the globe, from 1997 to 2021. We use a Multi-Layer Perceptron to naturally combine reflectances with other satellite-derived variables that describe ocean physics (sea surface temperature, sea level anomalies, etc.) as input. The MLP is preceded by convolutional layers to summarise arrays of the input variables covering dozens of kilometers around the in situ observations. These two approaches are meant to capture the effect of mesoscale oceanic structures on the abundance and composition of phytoplankton.

    This approach improves the estimation of phytoplankton communities on a global scale. It paves the way for in-depth studies on the influence of mesoscale structure in specific oceanic regions. Furthermore, it lays the groundwork for the future integration of the temporal dimension into the model, enabling a more comprehensive representation of ecological dynamics.

    How to cite: Labourdette, E., Sauzède, R., Abbas-Turki, L., and Irisson, J. O.: Extending the inputs of deep learning models to capture the mesoscale context and better predict phytoplankton community composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17211,, 2025.

    Sea surface height (SSH) data derived from satellite altimetry are widely used in data assimilation to enhance the representations of ocean currents and subsurface temperature and salinity structure. However, accurately projecting SSH onto subsurface temperature and salinity structures presents significant challenges. Consistent adjustment to temperature and salinity profiles are required to conserve the potential vorticity, which depends on the vertical density gradient. Otherwise, SSH assimilation can produce adverse effects (Fu and Zhu, 2011). Several methods have been proposed to address this issue, including the CH96(Cooper and Haines, 1996) method used by Chang et al (2023), which constructs pseudo profile derived from altimetry data by preserving density structures. However, when tidal forcing is applied to an ocean model, the CH96 method becomes challenging to use due to the significant difficulty in removing tidal signals. To overcome these limitations, this study proposes a Transformer-based machine learning approach to reconstruct T/S (Temperature and Salinity) profiles from SSH. Transformers are well-suited for capturing complex correlations through attention mechanisms (Vaswani et al., 2017), making them ideal for learning T/S profiles influenced by diverse and intricate variables. Monthly GLORYS data from 2010 to 2020 was utilized to train a model for reconstructing T/S profiles. The data was structured into 1/2° grids, where learning was conducted grid-by-grid to capture spatiotemporal variability. For improved accuracy and better incorporation of surrounding grid influences, a combination of 4D-Var techniques and CNNs was employed. This approach learns patterns by grouping four neighboring grids into a quadrilateral for joint training, ensuring that the final profiles account for interactions across grids. During prediction, the surface information of a target point is distributed to its four neighboring low-resolution grids to generate profiles, which are then interpolated into a high-resolution 1/12° grid. The final profile is computed using inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation, prioritizing the influence of closer profiles for spatial consistency. Model performance was validated by comparing predicted profiles with low-resolution maps for 2021–2022 over the northwest Pacific region (10°S–45°N, 120°–170°E), achieving an RMSE of 0.55 for temperature and 0.12 for salinity. The model will be further validated against in-situ observational data. We plan to conduct experiments to investigate the impact of assimilation of the reconstructed profiles and compared against CH96-derived profiles to evaluate their accuracy and advantages.

    How to cite: Lee, G.-M. and Kim, Y.-H.: Machine Learning-Based Reconstruction of T/S Profiles from Satellite-Derived SSH Using Transformer Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18226,, 2025.

    EGU25-18713 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Toward a New Parameterization of Fine-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Based on a Machine Learning Approach 

    Nicolas Ernout, Lionel Renault, Ehouarn Simon, Rachid Benshila, Sixin Zhang, and Julien Le Sommer

    In the last decades, mesoscale air-sea interactions have received increasing interest from the scientific community. Mesoscale thermal (sea surface temperature influence, TFB) and mechanical (oceanic surface current influence, CFB) air-sea interactions have been shown to have a strong influence on the wind up to the troposphere and on ocean dynamics. However, from an oceanic perspective, running an atmospheric model is very expensive. To overcome this issue, we have developed a convolutional neural network (CNN) that aims to reproduce the mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interactions. Training was performed with simulated data from a realistic coupled ocean-atmosphere tropical channel simulation (45°S- 45°N) using NEMO for the ocean model, WRF for the atmosphere model, and the OASIS3-MCT coupler. As a first step, the CNN was trained over two energetic regions (the Agulhas Current and the Kuroshio) to predict mesoscale surface stress anomalies from large-scale atmospheric and mesoscale oceanic inputs. Validation over the Gulf Stream and other regions shows that the CNN successfully reproduces the surface stress anomalies associated with both TFB and CFB.  In a second step, to parameterize the mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interactions, we coupled the CNN to NEMO via an Eophis library (pyOASIS) and ran a simulation over the tropical channel configuration. In this talk, we will present our main results in terms of oceanic energetics and ocean-atmosphere energy transfer.

    How to cite: Ernout, N., Renault, L., Simon, E., Benshila, R., Zhang, S., and Le Sommer, J.: Toward a New Parameterization of Fine-Scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Based on a Machine Learning Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18713,, 2025.

    EGU25-18745 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8 | Highlight

    Morays-community: a framework to share reproducible hybrid Machine Learning and Ocean modeling experiments. 

    Alexis Barge, Etienne Meunier, Marcela Contreras, David Kamm, and Julien Le Sommer

    The combination of Machine Learning (ML) with geoscientific models has become an active area of research, but many technical challenges still remain because of the heterogeneous nature of programming languages, library environments and hardwares. Much efforts have been made over the recent years to propose different frameworks to perform online deployment of ML components within geoscientific models. One common drawback to all these solutions is the complexity of the required software environment. The latter often relies on versioned libraries and codes, both for the geoscientific and the ML models. Thus, ensuring the reproducibility of hybrid geoscientific model experiments is challenging, as it requires describing several tools and how to deploy them. This becomes even more problematic as the number of coupling solutions for hybrid modeling increases and may be unfamiliar to the members of the different modeling communities.

    Here, we introduce Morays as an example of a community-based workflow for sharing reproducible hybrid ocean model experiments. Morays uses a GitHub organization to host hybrid experiments material that leverage the OASIS coupler (, which is widely used in European climate models. Our framework is based on a Python library ( that facilitates the use of OASIS for deploying hybrid modeling pipelines bridging FORTRAN solvers and ML models implemented in Python. The geoscientific model and ML scripts are executed separately and exchange data through the coupling API. 

    In this presentation, we will showcase several successful deployments of hybrid ocean model experiments with the NEMO ocean/sea-ice modeling framework. These experiments implement ML-based parameterizations and model correction schemes for improving different aspects of model solution (vertical physics, eddy parameterization, surface fluxes). All the experiments are shared openly in a dedicated GitHub organization (, as individual repositories following a standard template. We will present the material available to the community (tutorials, test cases), explain how to contribute, and discuss the broader perspective of reproducible workflow for future hybrid geoscientific models.

    How to cite: Barge, A., Meunier, E., Contreras, M., Kamm, D., and Le Sommer, J.: Morays-community: a framework to share reproducible hybrid Machine Learning and Ocean modeling experiments., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18745,, 2025.

    EGU25-18806 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Probabilistic Diffusion Models for Ocean Chlorophyll-a Prediction 

    Mahima Lakra, Ronan Fablet, Lucas Drumetz, Elodie Martinez, Etienne Pauthenet, and Thi Thuy Nga Nguyen

    Phytoplankton play a key role in maintaining marine ecosystems and regulating global carbon dioxide concentrations through photosynthesis. Thus, it is crucial to assess and understand their temporal variations. However, fluctuations of phytoplankton biomass on multi-decadal and longer timescales remain uncertain, in contrast to seasonal and interannual ones, due to the lack of long-term observations on a global scale and the uncertainties related to the complex balance of processes that control their fate. As phytoplankton growth depends on the availability of nutrients in the sunlit upper ocean, which is closely linked to the stratification of the ocean, one can assume that at first order changes in phytoplankton is related to changes in ocean and atmosphere dynamics.

    Over the last few years, several conventional data-driven deterministic approaches have been trained from physical observations (used as predictors) to reconstruct satellite ocean color time series (i.e., Chlorophyll-a concentration, Chl, which is used as a proxy of the phytoplankton biomass) and investigate their multi-decadal variability. Deterministic methods, such as encoder-decoder architecture U-Net, LSTM, FourCastNet, are robust but tend to fail in capturing probabilistic uncertainty because they produce deterministic outcomes. Additionally, these methods struggle with handling extreme and highly complex real-world scenarios. This study proposes a novel application of score-based generative diffusion models to address these challenges and present a comparative analysis against U-Net and FourCastNet. Probabilistic conditional diffusion model has been pretrained on simulation data and subsequently fine-tuned to learn the parameters using satellite observation data. This generative model learns the inherited uncertainty by generating ensembles of possible Chl mapping and analyzing the variability within the ensemble. The model can then be sampled efficiently to produce realistic Chl ensembles, conditioned on physical predictors and the baseline model U-Net. The ensembles from the diffusion model show greater reliability and accuracy, particularly in extreme event classification.

    Our results demonstrate that when conditioned with a U-Net (meaning this input together with eight physical predictors), diffusion behaves better than the baseline method, especially when the number of samples is increased. It is visible from the spatial maps of standard deviation that as the sample size increases, the model's predictions stabilize and become more concentrated around the mean which leads to a reduction in the spread of outcomes.

    How to cite: Lakra, M., Fablet, R., Drumetz, L., Martinez, E., Pauthenet, E., and Nga Nguyen, T. T.: Probabilistic Diffusion Models for Ocean Chlorophyll-a Prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18806,, 2025.

    EGU25-19488 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    HYPE-CAFE: Towards a Hybrid Model for Improved Marine Primary Production Estimates 

    Júlia Crespin, Vitus Benson, and Alexander J. Winkler

    Marine Primary Production (MPP) is a key component in understanding ocean ecosystems and their atmospheric carbon sequestration capacity. However, numerous challenges exist for obtaining MPP estimates. Algorithm variability is a significant issue, since various MPP models (chlorophyll-based or carbon-based algorithms) yield divergent results. Furthermore, the lack of observational data and periodic vertical profiles of the surface ocean hinder the ability to validate and refine such models.

    This work focuses on improving MPP estimations by extending the state-of-the-art Carbon, Absorption, and Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving (CAFE) net primary production model with machine learning techniques to overcome current limitations. To improve the model's accessibility and versatility to be extended with data-driven methods, the original C code was rewritten in Python, resulting in a more user-friendly version named PyCAFE []. Using PyCAFE, simulations of MPP from 2003 to 2023 were conducted, producing a comprehensive dataset for training, validation, and testing. First, we train a random forest (RF) model using 500 random locations to emulate PyCAFE and to test global upscaling of MPP estimates. Our results show that the RF model has a strong capability for extrapolating MPP predictions with high accuracy [R2=0.96]. Second, we develop a hybrid model approach to simulate MPP: the HYPE-CAFE model (HYbrid marine Primary production Estimates based on the Carbon, Absorption, and Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving model). HYPE-CAFE combines the physical processes of the PyCAFE model with a neural network predicting the light-use efficiency (LUE), i.e., MPP is calculated as the product of absorbed photons and the predicted LUE. Preliminary results indicate that HYPE-CAFE provides an improvement over the predictions made with the CAFE model alone, especially in regions with variable environmental conditions. However, the lack of observational data limits the learning process. Therefore, in a next step we test a transfer learning approach to improve MPP predictions by HYPE-CAFE.

    In conclusion, this project paves the way for the development of advanced hybrid modeling approaches, such as HYPE-CAFE, for global MPP estimation, and offers a transformative avenue for deepening our understanding of global ocean productivity, particularly in the context of climate change.

    How to cite: Crespin, J., Benson, V., and Winkler, A. J.: HYPE-CAFE: Towards a Hybrid Model for Improved Marine Primary Production Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19488,, 2025.

    EGU25-19563 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Understanding Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea Using Convolutional Neural Networks 

    Philip Alexander Hedlund Smith, Anshul Chauhan, Asbjørn Christensen, Michael St. John, Filipe Rodrigues, and Patrizio Mariani

    Extreme marine biological events, such as harmful algal blooms and mass mortalities, are increasingly driven by climate variability and anthropogenic pressures, profoundly impacting marine ecosystems. The Black Sea, with its distinct stratification, salinity gradients, and diverse phytoplankton functional groups, is particularly vulnerable to these changes. Understanding and forecasting the interactions between physical, chemical, and biological variables in this region is crucial for effective ecosystem management.

    We present a neural network-based surrogate modeling framework to analyze and predict the dynamics of the Black Sea ecosystem. A 3D convolutional encoder-decoder network is trained on simulation data (1950–2014) produced be the University of Liège, including daily basin-scale values of temperature, salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, and phytoplankton biomass. The model processes time series of spatial maps as input and predicts chlorophyll concentrations and the distributions of phytoplankton functional groups for the subsequent two weeks.

    This approach efficiently captures complex interdependencies between variables, offering a computationally efficient alternative to traditional process-based models. By perturbing input variables, the model identifies key drivers of chlorophyll variability, enabling rapid scenario testing to explore the impacts of environmental changes on the ecosystem.

    Our findings demonstrate the potential of neural network-based surrogate models to advance understanding of phytoplankton dynamics and support decision-making in marine ecosystem management.

    How to cite: Smith, P. A. H., Chauhan, A., Christensen, A., St. John, M., Rodrigues, F., and Mariani, P.: Understanding Drivers of Phytoplankton Variability in the Black Sea Using Convolutional Neural Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19563,, 2025.

    EGU25-19668 | ECS | Orals | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Deep Learning Models to Identify Seasonal Drivers of Chlorophyll Changes in the Atlantic Ocean 

    Anshul Chauhan, Philip Smith, Filipe Rodrigues, Asbjørn Christensen, Bruno Buongiorno Nardelli, Michael St. John, and Patrizio Mariani

    Understanding the seasonal dynamics of plankton in the Atlantic Ocean is the first step towards the proper assessment of marine ecosystem health and productivity. Ocean colour and surface chlorophyll (chl-a) distribution serve as proxies for phytoplankton biomass, providing insights into marine food web dynamics and biogeochemical cycles. This study examines the response of the total chlorophyll concentration to physical drivers observable by remote sensing in the Atlantic Ocean using a combination of multivariate Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and deep learning models. The results show that the Sea Surface Salinity (SSS), Absolute Dynamic Topography (ADT), and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) are found to be the predominant drivers of physical variability across the ocean, with distinct spatial patterns. The clustering of the principal components identifies regions characterised by distinct physical processes. Based on these clusters, we devised a Transformer Encoder model to predict chl-a concentrations in three distinct regions. The model outperformed climatological baselines, especially in the temperate and tropical regions, though accuracy varied seasonally, with higher accuracy in winter months and increased complexity in summer due to more dynamic oceanographic conditions. A SHAP-based sensitivity analysis showed that ADT and SSS dominate chl-a variability, particularly during summer months, while SST and wind stress also contribute significantly during transitional periods. The study highlights the necessity to account for both seasonal and regional differences in predictive modelling, and it underscores the importance of continuing to develop spatio-temporal models to improve forecasting accuracy for marine ecosystem management and conservation.

    How to cite: Chauhan, A., Smith, P., Rodrigues, F., Christensen, A., Nardelli, B. B., John, M. St., and Mariani, P.: Deep Learning Models to Identify Seasonal Drivers of Chlorophyll Changes in the Atlantic Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19668,, 2025.

    EGU25-19733 | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    Systematic error correction in numerical ocean models with artificial neural networks 

    Giovanni Nunziante, Andrea Storto, and Chunxue Yang

    Systematic biases pose a significant challenge in ocean general circulation models, where numerical approximations, unresolved physical processes, and parameterization choices can lead to state-dependent errors. Addressing these biases is crucial for improving forecasts of the Earth’s climate system, yet remains nontrivial—particularly given the sparse nature of ocean observations, which complicates bias detection and correction.

    One promising route is to harness analysis increments within a Machine Learning (ML) framework to learn state-dependent systematic errors from archived data assimilation corrections. For instance, neural networks can be used to train a model with the ocean state as input and the Data Assimilation corrections as output. By training on these increments, the ML model learns how errors systematically depend on the local physical state.

    In our work, we use outputs from ocean reanalysis data using variational data assimilation and the NEMO ocean model. The ML-based correction is embedded in NEMO’s tendency equations as an additional forcing term, allowing the model to evolve more realistically by accounting for state-dependent systematic errors in temperature and salinity.

    However, the sparsity of ocean observations can lead to “punctual” analysis increments that contain not only model biases but also noise from intermittent measurement coverage, errors, and initial-condition uncertainties. To mitigate this issue, we apply a two dimensional low-pass filter to remove high-frequency fluctuations in both the ocean fields and the analysis increments, preserving larger-scale patterns.

    We adopt a feed-forward neural network (NN) that processes vertical profiles. By focusing on the ocean’s vertical stratification and processes, the network is trained on these filtered analysis increments and learns the non-linear relationships linking NEMO’s state variables (temperature, salinity) to the corrections identified by the variational scheme. Through this level-specific, column-oriented NN, the model more effectively adjusts for systematic errors.

    In this poster, we present preliminary results on offline validation of the trained NN—predicting analysis increments on independent test data beyond the training period—without yet applying these corrections in a fully integrated forecast. Our preliminary findings show how well the NN reproduces systematic biases at various depths and in different oceanic regions, even under sparse data conditions and complex multi-scale dynamics. This demonstration highlights the potential of combining analysis increments with ML to systematically reduce model errors in next-generation ocean prediction systems, setting the stage for future work that integrates these learned corrections into an online, real-time workflow.

    How to cite: Nunziante, G., Storto, A., and Yang, C.: Systematic error correction in numerical ocean models with artificial neural networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19733,, 2025.

    EGU25-20725 | ECS | Posters on site | ITS1.2/OS4.8

    A Dynamical System Approach for Finding Nonlinear Flow Structures in Double-gyre Circulation 

    Elnaz Naghibi, Vasily Gryazev, and Sergey Karabasov

    This work is dedicated to analysing the simulations of the quasi-geostrophic double-gyre model from dynamical systems point of view to discover nonlinear low-order structures in this turbulent regime. The double-gyre is simulated by a stratified quasi-geostrophic model which is solved using high-resolution CABARET scheme [1]. The statistically stationary simulations of the double-gyre model are considered for 400 years after a 100-year spin-up period. Double-gyre simulations are coarse-grained (symbolized) based on the Taken’s embedding theorem [2] which is proved promising for identifying nonlinear patterns from the stochastic background in the turbulent flow signals. To analyse the coarse-grained time series, Permutation Entropy [3-6] is deployed to quantify repetitive mutual ordering between subsequent time series values using the deviations from uniformity in the distribution of occurrences for symbolic ordinal patterns. Based on permutation entropy analysis, the large-scale double-gyre circulation and its eastward jet demonstrate highly nonlinear behaviour while smaller-scale eddies spread throughout the domain behave linearly.  The results of this dynamical system analysis are also compared with data-driven and multi-scale reduced-order models previously developed for this ocean circulation [7,8].


    [1] Karabasov, S.A., Berloff, P. S. & Goloviznin, V. M. (2009). CABARET in the ocean gyres, Ocean Modelling, 30(2-3), 155–168.

    [2] Takens, F. (2006, October). Detecting strange attractors in turbulence. In Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, Warwick 1980: proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Warwick 1979/80 (pp. 366-381). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

    [3] Bandt, C., & Pompe, B. (2002). Permutation entropy: A natural complexity measure for time series, Physical Review Letters, 88, 174102.

    [4] Rosso, O. A., Larrondo, H. A., Martin, M. T., Plastino, A., & Fuentes, M. A. (2007), Distinguishing noise from chaos, Physical Review Letters, 99 (15), 1–5.

    [5] Kobayashi, W., Gotoda, H., Kandani, S., Ohmichi, Y., & Matsuyama, S. (2019). Spatiotemporal dynamics of turbulent coaxial jet analyzed by symbolic information-theory quantifiers and complex-network approach, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 29 (12), 123110.

    [6] Gryazev, V., Riabov, V., Markesteijn, A., Armani, U., Toropov, V., & Karabasov, S. A. (2024). A Dynamical System Method for Finding Flow Structures from Jet LES Data. In 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), 3087.

    [7] Naghibi, E., Armani, U., Gryazev, V., Toropov, V., & Karabasov, S., (2024). Reconstruction of the North Atlantic Double-gyre Circulation with Genetic Programming, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Proceeding of ATSF Conference 2024.

    [8] Naghibi, S. E., Karabasov, S. A., Jalali, M. A., & Sadati, S. H. (2019). Fast spectral solutions of the double-gyre problem in a turbulent flow regime. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 66, 745-767.

    How to cite: Naghibi, E., Gryazev, V., and Karabasov, S.: A Dynamical System Approach for Finding Nonlinear Flow Structures in Double-gyre Circulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20725,, 2025.

    Seismic data around the crest of the Bonga North Field is only of questionable quality because of recent shale flows, uplift and faulting. A 3D seismic data was reprocessed to improve seismic resolution across the diapirs. A well in the field encountered several gas flows which were neither predicted nor fully understood. Better knowledge of potential fluid pathways in the shallow section at Bonga North field is therefore required to help de-risk future drilling operations. The information derived from the 3D high resolution seismic data, well logs and end of well reports were used for this project. The shallow faults and other potential fluid migration pathways in and around the crest of the structures were mapped to better predict and mitigate potential hazards above the reservoir section. Eight stratigraphic units were mapped and analyzed for potential geohazards. Semblance slices, seafloor topography maps, dip/traverse sections and sub-volume sculpturing were created to capture the study intervals and observe structural and amplitude variations. The results showed that the Bonga North Field is highly faulted with fault density increasing towards the crest of the shale-induced structure where the BN3 well is situated. Faults are partially sealing and extend to the seafloor. The seafloor and near-surface assessment revealed potential hazards, including pockmarks (fluid escape features), shale intrusions, gas chimneys and near-surface faulting. In the subsurface; faults, shallow water flow (SWF), expulsion chimneys and seismic amplitude anomalies which may be indicative of shallow gas-filled sands were identified as the main geohazards. The BN1 and BN2 wells were drilled without problems but the BN3 well is closest to all these hazards. It is therefore recommended that; (1) the drill centers be moved farther to the northwest where there is lower risk of encountering hazards, (2) a high resolution seabed survey be conducted, (3) a working gas sensor, ROV and camera monitor be incorporated into the well drilling operations, (4) a kill-weight mud be made available to ensure well control and prevent blow-out in future wells.

    How to cite: Ejairu, K.: Analysis of fluid movement along faults and shale diapirs in deep water settings, Bonga North Field, OML-118, offshore, Niger Delta. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-66,, 2025.

    EGU25-268 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Evolution and kinematics of a giant fossil landslide mass transport complex off the west coast of North Island, New Zealand 

    Ishika Bhattacharya, Sudipta Sarkar, Utpal Singh, and Jhanvee Khanna

    Submarine landslides pose significant risks to offshore infrastructure, such as seafloor telecommunication cables and oil and gas pipelines. To address geohazards associated with mass transport processes, it is crucial to understand the origin and behaviour of ancient mass transport complexes (MTCs). This study investigates the evolutionary stages and kinematics of a giant fossil MTC in the Taranaki Basin, off the West Coast of North Island, New Zealand. The submarine landslide occurred during the Pleistocene, covering an area of ~ 21,856 km² and evacuating 3,713 km³ of sediment in a NW direction. The landslide has been mapped in this study in greater detail, using a regional grid of 2D seismic reflection lines, allowing us to define its extent more accurately.

    The MTC consists of four distinct failure events (A-D), each characterized by distinct headwall, translational, and toe domains. MTC A, B, C, and D span areas of 16,512 km², 2,318 km², 1,287 km2 and 1,277 km² respectively. The MTC A is characterized by disintegrated extensional blocks and debris flow with an extensive runout of 328 km. MTC D is a frontally emergent slide complex with a shorter runout of 55 km. Both MTC A and MTC D are slope-attached failures, and mobilised 700 to 900 meters thick sediments near the headscarp region, whereas MTC B and MTC D mobilized 100-200 m thick sediments downslope.

    A 3D prestack depth migrated seismic volume provides insight into the internal architecture of the MTC D. It is a faulted coherent slide block, which features thrusts, pop-up blocks and fault inversion zone, located behind a frontal ramp. The basal shear plane lies within a turbidite layer, sandwiched between two pre-existing MTCs. 3D seismic analysis reveals that, during sliding, part of the underlying older MTC was eroded and remobilized, due to shear softening, and was incorporated into the overlying MTC D. The remobilized MTC above the basal shear plane shows linear zones of thinning and stratal welding, where fault blocks became attached to the basal shear plane, creating high-friction pinning areas that inhibited further translation. Slide cessation is evidenced by transformation of earlier extensional faults into thrusting, stratal folding, and formation of backthrust.

    In our study, we document for the first time the complex interaction between an older MTC and a more recent submarine landslide, highlighting its role in halting the slide. The insights gained from the study have important implications for geohazard assessments, emphasizing the need to account for the interplay between older and newer MTCs to better constrain the risk of submarine landslides.

    How to cite: Bhattacharya, I., Sarkar, S., Singh, U., and Khanna, J.: Evolution and kinematics of a giant fossil landslide mass transport complex off the west coast of North Island, New Zealand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-268,, 2025.

    EGU25-1055 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Structural and Oceanographic Controls on Pockmark Distribution and Morphology in the Northwestern Sicily Offshore: Insights from Seismic and Machine Learning Approaches  

    Eshaan Srivastava, Francesco Caldareri, Mariagiada Maiorana, Nicolò Parrino, Priyadarshi Chinmoy Kumar, and Attilio Sulli

    Pockmarks, seafloor depressions, provide valuable insights into subsurface fluid migration and geological processes, representing a critical factor in seafloor morphological evolution. This study investigates the distribution and morphology of pockmarks in the Northwestern Sicily offshore (Sicily Straits) by integrating 2D seismic reflection profiles, multibeam bathymetric data, and advanced analytical techniques. Our primary aim is to discriminate actively degassing pockmarks and examine their spatial relationships with geological structures and stress-field-oriented tectonic features.

                  While previous studies emphasized the role of subsurface fluid migration mechanisms, our findings highlight a significant correlation between pockmark locations and structural highs, with pockmarks clustering along the flanks of folds demarcated by fault zones. This spatial association suggests that structural elements act as primary conduits for fluid migration, focusing fluid escape at specific seafloor locations.

                  To achieve these insights, we employed machine learning-based seismic attribute analysis and bathymetric processing. One toolchain automatically extracted seismic anomalies indicative of fluid pathways, such as bright spots, acoustic blanking zones, and gas chimneys. Another toolchain used morphometric wavelength analysis to classify and map pockmarks, enabling detailed morphological and spatial characterization.

                  Our results reveal that while oceanographic processes such as the Adventure Bank Vortex play a role in shaping the morphology of elongated pockmarks, their spatial distribution is primarily influenced by structural controls. These findings refine the previous interpretations and provide a more nuanced understanding of the interplay between tectonic and oceanographic factors in shaping pockmark fields. This study underscores the importance of integrating structural, morphometric, and fluid-migration analyses to comprehensively assess pockmark dynamics and their implications for seabed evolution and geohazards.

    How to cite: Srivastava, E., Caldareri, F., Maiorana, M., Parrino, N., Chinmoy Kumar, P., and Sulli, A.: Structural and Oceanographic Controls on Pockmark Distribution and Morphology in the Northwestern Sicily Offshore: Insights from Seismic and Machine Learning Approaches , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1055,, 2025.

    EGU25-1537 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    A new cold seep, southwest of Svalbard 

    Valerie K. Bellec, Shyam Chand, Jochen Knies, Lilja R. Bjarnadòttir, Aivo Lepland, Arunima Sen, and Terje Thorsnes

    West of Svalbard, several cold seeps are well known and described such as the Vestnesa Ridge and its large pockmarks which have been known for decades. Many seeps have also been found in various areas on the continental shelf west of Svalbard, but without specific morphological signatures. In 2017, a conspicuous seafloor structure at 800 m depth, caught our attention. The structure had a crater-like feature in its center, with adjacent ridges. A first sub-bottom profiler line was acquired the same year, indicating a possible seep. In 2019, a first video transect confirmed the presence of extensive microbial mats and carbonate crusts, indicating an active methane seep. Finally in 2022, eight more video transects allowed an extensive morphological study of the structure. Together with bacterial mats and carbonate crusts, small sediment mounds, domes often covered by microbial mats, and hummocky seafloor colonised by siboglinid tubeworms cover large areas of the structure. These features are linked to different stages of seepages, some of them active and others either dormant or extinct. Examples of observed active seepages are free gas bubbles flowing from a broken carbonate crust at the center of the structure, and plumes close to its eastern limit. Thick carbonate crusts indicate a long seepage history in the center of the structure and on top of the ridges. The sources of the seeps are likely to be Miocene old organic-rich deposits, or Paleocene hydrocarbon reservoirs.

    How to cite: Bellec, V. K., Chand, S., Knies, J., Bjarnadòttir, L. R., Lepland, A., Sen, A., and Thorsnes, T.: A new cold seep, southwest of Svalbard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1537,, 2025.

    The relationship between the Messinian salt layer in the eastern Mediterranean region and the formation of the offshore tectonic structures is understudied. The objective of this study is to leverage 3D seismic reflection data from the northern Levant basin offshore Lebanon in order to map the Messinian salt layer and understand its effect on the structures around it. For that, we used current 3D time seismic reflection data to map the seafloor and the top and base of the salt layer, and we generated their corresponding bathymetric and structural maps. We generated isochron maps of the salt layer and the post-salt sedimentary section in an attempt to detect the variations in the lateral thicknesses of these layers. The presented maps helped to understand the impact of the Messinian salt deformation on the geological structures both in the pre-salt and post-salt sections. In addition, we assess the distribution and geometries of the salt structures, and discuss the thick and thin salt deposits. We also relate the movement of the Messinian salt in the subsurface to the formation of bathymetric features along the seafloor. The results enable geoscientists to have solid knowledge about the salt tectonics of the Messinian salt layer in the Levant basin, and allow hydrocarbon explorers to build on this knowledge and pursue further investigations on the hydrocarbon potential in relation to the Messinian salt deformation.

    How to cite: Nemer, T., Sarieddine, K., and Faysal, R.: Seismic interpretation of the Messinian salt of the Levant basin offshore Lebanon: new insight into the geology and tectonics of the eastern Mediterranean region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2388,, 2025.

    EGU25-2448 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Preliminary Submarine Geomorphology Study of the Taiwan Bank 

    Liwen Chen

    Taiwan's unique natural conditions make it an ideal location for harnessing marine energy and conducting seafloor mining. However, its position at the oblique collision zone between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate creates a highly active marine environment, which poses potential geohazards. The rapid erosion and deposition caused by extreme events make offshore southwestern Taiwan an excellent site for studying submarine geomorphology and seafloor instabilities. This research is vital not only for safeguarding marine resources but also for understanding potential marine geohazards. The Taiwan Bank, situated in the Taiwan Strait, is particularly notable for its abundant marine biological and non-biological resources. To protect the marine environment, we have conducted various geophysical and geological surveys to better understand the spatial and temporal variations of the seafloor. The most remarkable finding of our research is detecting the seafloor variations caused by human activities and extreme events. Additionally, subsurface seabed mapping has revealed numerous large faults and substantial sand wave bases that enable regional sand wave migration—both of which are critical factors that could compromise the seafloor stability. 

    How to cite: Chen, L.: Preliminary Submarine Geomorphology Study of the Taiwan Bank, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2448,, 2025.

    EGU25-2509 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Accurate Recognition of Deep-Sea Small-Size Polymetallic Nodules Based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Model 

    Mingwei Wang, Ziyin Wu, Dineng Zhao, Jianbing Chen, Haiyang Hu, and Xiang Meng

    Solid mineral resources are the fundamental material basis for maintaining the sustainable development of human society. The international seabed area contains vast and potentially valuable mineral resources, and deep-sea polymetallic nodules are one of the important ocean mineral resources. Taking the Peru Basin in the eastern Pacific Ocean as an example, this study aims to identify and classify small-scale polymetallic nodules occurred in the deep sea. Improving the resolution of deep-sea hydroacoustic images by utilizing super-resolution reconstruction methods. On this basis, the superpixel segmentation method is applied to construct a deep-sea object sample enhancement model, and the multi-dimensional heterogeneous features of the seabed objects are deeply explored to achieve effective construction of training samples. Under the constraint of geological seabed samples, an accurate seabed polymetallic nodule recognition model was thus established to achieve intelligent classification of seabed minerals based on multi-source data (including bathymetric data, backscatter data, etc.). Ultimately, by utilizing the model's generalization ability, the recognition and classification of untrained samples can be achieved, thereby advancing the application of the proposed algorithm in large-scale deep-sea mineral resource exploration.

    How to cite: Wang, M., Wu, Z., Zhao, D., Chen, J., Hu, H., and Meng, X.: Accurate Recognition of Deep-Sea Small-Size Polymetallic Nodules Based on Multi-source Data and Deep Learning Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2509,, 2025.

    EGU25-3147 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Discovery and characterization of a mud volcano field in the south Alboran Sea: New insights into Western Mediterranean mud volcanism 

    Hector Perea, Walter Menapace, Laia Martí, Galderic Lastras, Ariadna Canari, and Sara Martínez Loriente and the STRENGTH cruise participants

    Mud volcanoes (MVs) are significant geologic and ecological features, widely distributed across the Gibraltar Strait region. While initial discoveries during UNESCO TTR expeditions in the 1990s documented mud volcanism on both sides of the Strait, subsequent studies east of Gibraltar have primarily concentrated on the Ceuta contourite drift, where rapidly deposited sediments created conditions for shale diapirism and related expulsion structures. Here, we report the discovery of a previously unknown field of mud volcanoes on the Moroccan continental slope, west of Melilla. This finding arises from the STRENGTH Leg 3 expedition aboard the R/V Sarmiento de Gamboa in April 2023. Collected bathymetric data and imagery from a towed side-scan sonar revealed 15 distinct MVs, characterized by conical morphologies, basal moats, and mud flows extruded from summit emission sites. These features, reaching up to 30 meters in height and 300 meters in diameter, are interpreted as dormant MVs due to the absence of active mud expulsion. Nevertheless, ROV observations documented extensive biological colonization, including corals, sponges, and other sessile organisms, highlighting their role as ecological hotspots, due to the more competent substrate MVs provide. Geophysical data, particularly sparker profiles, have provided detailed seismic imaging of the upper ~300 meters below the seafloor. These profiles revealed extensive fluid migration pathways feeding the MVs, with distinct gas-related wipeouts both beneath the MVs structures and laterally within surrounding sediments at a consistent depth. These subsurface anomalies combined with the presence of sessile organisms (colonizing carbonate crusts deposited by authigenic mineral precipitation) suggests ongoing fluid dynamics despite their apparent dormancy. Sediment cores from several MVs were retrieved for geochemical and geochronological analyses, which will shed light on the origin and evolution of these features. This discovery expands our understanding of mud volcanism in the region and provides a foundation for future interdisciplinary studies of fluid migration, tectonics, and cold-seeps associated ecosystems.

    How to cite: Perea, H., Menapace, W., Martí, L., Lastras, G., Canari, A., and Martínez Loriente, S. and the STRENGTH cruise participants: Discovery and characterization of a mud volcano field in the south Alboran Sea: New insights into Western Mediterranean mud volcanism, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3147,, 2025.

    EGU25-3161 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Characterization of a Giant Pockmark Field in the Gulf of Oman: A New Contributor to the Arabian Sea Carbon Flux 

    Ahmed Abdelmaksoud, Mohammed Ali, Aisha Alsuwaidi, Omar Aldhanhani, and Jaywun Environment Agency Abu Dhabi

    Recent discoveries of marine gas seeps and pockmarks along the northeastern Arabian continental margin in the Gulf of Oman indicate a significant carbon flux into the Arabian Sea and atmosphere. However, detailed statistical analyses of these pockmarks and the volumes of gases released into seawater or the atmosphere remain unexplored. This study addresses these gaps using newly acquired high-resolution multibeam bathymetry and wideband echosounding data. Active seeps are detected through wideband echosounding, while semiautomated picking identifies the number, diameters, depths, and trends of existing pockmarks. The volumes of circular pockmarks are calculated, and for pockmarks eroded by bottom currents (e.g., crescent-shaped and elongated ones), initial volumes are estimated based on the smallest circular pockmarks, representing the most recent formations. The total volume of all pockmarks provides an estimate of the gases released into the sea, thereby assessing the contribution of this pockmark field to the global carbon reservoir and present/paleo-climate changes.

    How to cite: Abdelmaksoud, A., Ali, M., Alsuwaidi, A., Aldhanhani, O., and Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, J.: Characterization of a Giant Pockmark Field in the Gulf of Oman: A New Contributor to the Arabian Sea Carbon Flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3161,, 2025.

    EGU25-3319 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Neogene evolution of the margin adjacent to the La Plata River Delta: Sedimentary pathways, clinoforms and the origins of the Rio Grande Cone 

    Gabriel Tagliaro, Adolfo Britzke, Mateus Campeche Gama, Gabrielle Bonifatto, Pedro Bauli, André Negrão, and Luigi Jovane

    The Neogene evolution of the Pelotas Basin, located off the southern coast of Brazil and Uruguay, presents an intriguing case of high terrigenous sedimentation in an area without major river systems. This unusual sedimentation is exemplified by the Rio Grande Cone, one of the largest submarine fan-like feature on Earth. While most continental margins with high terrigenous input are associated with large deltas and rivers, the Pelotas Basin defies this pattern, making its sedimentary pathways enigmatic. To understand the region’s sedimentary history, we analyze 13 exploratory wells and 700 seismic lines to perform seismic-stratigraphic and clinoform analysis. Our findings reveal three distinct depositional environments: (1) on the shelf, upper Miocene to Pliocene fluvial channels delivered sand onto a mud-dominated shelf; (2) on the slope, sediment instability led to structural deformation and several phases of mass transport deposition; (3) on the slope and abyssal plain, large contourite drifts formed due to the reworking of sediments by bottom currents. Clinoform analysis shows that deltaic environments existed on the inner platform during the Neogene, with three separate shelf-slope sedimentary pathways. However, the limited extent of these incised valleys suggests that additional sedimentary pathways may have contributed to sediment transport into the basin. We propose that the desiccation of an epicontinental sea over the La Plata Basin during the Miocene played a key role in enabling the influx of large volumes of fine sediments into the region. The drying of this sea likely allowed for the transport of sediments via the La Plata plume, which carried sediment-laden water into the margin. Additionally, the intensification of ocean currents during the middle Miocene contributed to the formation of contourite drifts and submarine megaslides, such as the Rio Grande Cone. In summary, the Neogene evolution of the Pelotas Basin was driven by a combination of factors: anomalous fine sediment input, sea-level changes, slope instability, and the intensification of bottom currents. These processes led to the creation of submarine megaslides and widespread contourite drifts, providing new insights into the complex evolution of the SW Atlantic margin.

    How to cite: Tagliaro, G., Britzke, A., Campeche Gama, M., Bonifatto, G., Bauli, P., Negrão, A., and Jovane, L.: Neogene evolution of the margin adjacent to the La Plata River Delta: Sedimentary pathways, clinoforms and the origins of the Rio Grande Cone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3319,, 2025.

    EGU25-4509 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Long-term observation of fluid venting features in the Amazon Fan 

    Adolpho Herbert Augustin, Luiz Frederico Rodrigues, Jose Antonio Cupertino, Daniel Praeg, Sebastién Migeon, Dennis James Miller, Farid Chemale Junior, and Monique Aparecida Marchese Rizzi

    Discoveries of gas venting from the deep seafloor attract growing attention from the scientific community and the energy industry, given their implications for the energy transition and greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the dynamics of gas hydrate systems and associated exudation processes is essential for assessing their potential environmental and economic impacts. The Amazon River culminates in one of the world’s largest deep-sea fans, offering a natural laboratory to study gas migration and expulsion within a rapidly-deposited and gravitationally collapsing depocentre. Gas venting has been documented within an upper slope compressional belt during a decade-long observational study involving campaigns in 2013 and 2023, which acquired hydroacoustic data and core samples that included gas hydrates. This study integrates these datasets with exploration 2D and 3D seismic data to investigate seafloor gas venting features and their connections to active fault systems. Over the 10-year observation period, within the same area of 1549 km² (water depths 900-1800m), water column gas flares increased in number, with 34 new flares identified in 2023; 17 flares observed in 2013 disappeared, while 13 remained active in 2023. The flares rise from seafloor mounds, and in some cases depressions, interpreted as mud volcanoes and possibly pockmarks. These seafloor vents are commonly associated with acoustically chaotic subsurface vertical zones interpreted as fluid escape conduits. In the case of mud volcanoes, conduits of kilometric vertical extent rise from anticlines and are associated with deformation of surrounding layers and extrusion of material onto the seafloor. Most venting structures lie above and pass through bottom simulating reflection (BSR) patches that cross-cut the tops of buried or seafloor anticlines; the BSR in places exhibits ‘pluming’ behavior, rising toward seafloor vents. The seafloor with the upper slope compressional belt is offset by both normal faults, observed above the crests of buried anticlines, and by thrust-faults within the anticlines which extend downward to shale detachments in upper Miocene and older formations. Bright spot reflections, often observed adjacent to faults, highlight zones of gas migration along these structures. Our findings underscore the widespread distribution of upper slope fluid vents linked to complex subsurface geological structures including active folds and faults. The temporal variability of gas venting, characterized by the emergence, persistence, and disappearance of gas flares, highlights the dynamic nature of these processes and their significance for understanding methane cycling and its implications.

    How to cite: Augustin, A. H., Rodrigues, L. F., Cupertino, J. A., Praeg, D., Migeon, S., Miller, D. J., Chemale Junior, F., and Rizzi, M. A. M.: Long-term observation of fluid venting features in the Amazon Fan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4509,, 2025.

    EGU25-4558 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Using quantitative seafloor geomorphology to unravel the deformation of Eratosthenes Seamount at the verge of subduction 

    Aleksei Nelaev, Sergei Freiman, Michael Lazar, and Uri Schattner

    The bending of a subducting plate leads to extension in its upper crust through faulting. The geometry of these faults represents the convergence orientation (i.e., normal or oblique). The Eratosthenes Seamount (ESM) in the eastern Mediterranean is a natural laboratory for unraveling the tension of a subducting plate. While most of the basin is covered by extensive sedimentation that obscures the faulting pattern, ESM stands out above its surrounding relief and provides a window into the faulting pattern close to the subduction trench of the Cyprus Arc. Previous studies provided reliable sedimentologic, structural, and tectonic constraints for ESM development and incipient collision with the Cyprus arc. However, the lack of high-resolution bathymetric data prevented its quantitative geomorphological analysis. The present study analyses the bathymetry of ESM and its surrounding trench and encircling cliffs through geomorphological and statistical methods. Results show that fault orientations and extensional nature confirm previous indications of tension across the bending plate. Nonetheless, it challenges the claim for incipient collision. The pattern and distribution of slope channels and slides attest to ongoing directional instability despite the lack of an immediate sediment source. Combined analysis of the seamount and cliffs indicates an overall northward tilt that developed since the early Pliocene.

    How to cite: Nelaev, A., Freiman, S., Lazar, M., and Schattner, U.: Using quantitative seafloor geomorphology to unravel the deformation of Eratosthenes Seamount at the verge of subduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4558,, 2025.

    In the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) offshore basin, India, a 130 m thick fracture-filling and near-seafloor paleo-cold seep-related gas hydrate-bearing layer (GHBL) was encountered by drilling at Site NGHP-01-10 (Site 10) and nearby piston sampling of authigenic carbonates and shells. Our analyses of drilling cores and pore-water show that authigenic carbonates and shells are widely distributed within 200 mbsf at Site 10, with two separate intervals of high chloride concentrations up to 663 mM. This indicates that the GHBL is a young system of multistage formation related to periodically active cold seeps. This study combines core, well logging and seismic data to gain insight into the fine characteristics and detailed formation process of such a thick system. Seismic imaging of new chimney-like structures, growth faults and multiple stacked mass transport deposits (MTDs) illustrates that the system is located in the chaotic reflection strata. Synthetic seismogram shows that multiple MTDs repeatedly control the paleo-cold seeps and further influence the hydrae system. Based on a buried vent with a high amplitude reflection consistent with seafloor polarity, and its high density and high velocity similar to authigenic carbonates, a new and larger paleo-cold seep-related hydrate system is defined to the southeast of Site 10. These two thick systems probably formed in stages due to the clear stratifications on the seismic data, 2D anisotropic saturations and internal chimney-like structures. They are originated from diapirism and growth faulting, and their lateral extent depends on the fracture zone width of the anticline ridge. After formation, they are then buried by multiple MTDs and have already been upshifted by sedimentation. Although the cold seep near Site 10 is not active and the hydrate system is currently only in the chloride diffusion stage, the underlying gas accumulation means that new hydrate systems and cold seeps may form in the future. Our results suggest that the processes of formation, sedimentation, upward shift and diffusion of hydrate systems have been circulating near Site 10, which could better interpret the formation and dynamic evolution of the multilayered or thick GHBL found at drill sites around the world.

    How to cite: Qian, J.: Characteristics of periodically active cold seep-related gas hydrate systems in the Krishna-Godavari offshore basin, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5721,, 2025.

    EGU25-6982 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Geomorphological and Tectonic Evolution of the central English Channel: Insights from High-Resolution Marine Geophysical Data 

    Juliette Thomas, David Graindorge, Anne Duperret, and Stéphane Baize

    The Cotentin Peninsula (CP), located in north-western France, represents the northern extension of the North Armorican Domain (NAD), which forms a structural rim in the central Channel. The NAD, including the Cotentin and the Channel Islands, has been shaped by major geodynamic processes such as the Icartian (~2 Ga), Cadomian (~580 Ma), and Hercynian (~300 Ma) orogenies. Subsequently, the development of Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins, although modest in extent and thickness, further influenced the area. The NAD, in particular, experienced differential evolution due to extensive Meso-Cenozoic sedimentation, and successive Cenozoic tectonic inversions associated with the Alpine orogeny. The area is also characterized by the evolution of the Channel River and its associated troughs.


    The English Channel reflects complex interactions between tectonics and surface processes. Moderate and diffuse seismic activity, including historical earthquakes near Jersey, highlights the region’s ongoing deformation (e.g. Beucler et al., 2021). The strongest tidal currents in Europe takes place in the Alderney Race, between Alderney and the CP. They greatly participate in shaping the morphology of the submarine floor (Furgerot et al., 2019).


    While onshore fault-controlled Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins are well-studied, their offshore counterparts remain less understood, despite geological mapping efforts in the 1970’s. Recent high-resolution multibeam bathymetric data and seismic reflection surveys (EMECHAT1 in 2022 and EMECHAT2 in 2024) have provided new insights into the submarine structural framework, especially around the Cap de la Hague and in the central English Channel. These studies have identified major faults, including the La Hague Offshore Fault (LHOF) and the La Hague Deep Faults (LHDF1 and LHDF2), and refined the location of sedimentary basins (Kaci et al, 2024).


    The seismic profiles offer crucial information about the geometry of geological layers, seismic facies, and apparent thickness, as well as fault characteristics such as alignment, dip, and displacement. These data also reveal the interactions between tectonics and sedimentation in the central Channel, highlighting the evolution of the Channel River system. Additionally, the 51 rock cores collected during EMECHAT2 will establish a stratigraphic framework for dating seabed units and understanding associated geological events.


    The project aims to explain the differential post-Hercynian evolution of the northern and southern compartments by producing a marine geological map off the north-western Cotentin, extending onshore data, and analyzing the interactions between faults, sedimentary basins, and troughs (especially the Hurd Deep and the La Hague Trough). A final goal is to pinpoint ongoing deformation to confirm or refute the presence of active faults in this area and to correlate them with historical and instrumental seismic activity.


    This work, part of a thesis on Channel troughs funded by UBO and ASNR (ex IRSN), contributes to understanding the geomorphological and tectonic dynamics at the land-sea interface in this key region.


    How to cite: Thomas, J., Graindorge, D., Duperret, A., and Baize, S.: Geomorphological and Tectonic Evolution of the central English Channel: Insights from High-Resolution Marine Geophysical Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6982,, 2025.

    EGU25-8184 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    A study on homogenites and other event beds from perched basins offshore SW Taiwan: reconstructing recurrence intervals and lithofacies analysis 

    Radha Krishna Pillutla, Andrew Tien-Shun Lin, Jen-Chu Yeh, Chih-Chieh Su, Shu-Kun Hsu, Nathalie Babonneau, Gueorgui Ratzov, Serge Lallemand, and Ludvig Löwemark

    Three giant piston cores, MD18-3548 (20.08 m), MD18-3552 (45.98 m), and MD18-3547 (35.27 m), were collected from perched basins in offshore SW Taiwan, with the objective of studying event beds. Detailed grain-size analysis (1 cm resolution), 14C AMS dating, and X-CT-scan of the above-mentioned cores were performed, and the lithofacies were carefully delineated. Four distinct lithofacies were identified, namely hemipelagic sediments, homogenites with a silty basal layer, turbidites, and thin silty layers. Homogenites were documented for the first time from offshore SW Taiwan, and they considerably differed from the homogenites reported in other regions of the world, leading to a new facies description: “homogenites with a silty basal layer”. All homogenite units are floored by a thin (usually less than 10 cm thick), coarsening-upward first and then fining-upward unit, capped by a thick structureless mud devoid of bioturbation. A total of 49 14C AMS dating were carried out from planktonic foraminfera. The depositional ages of the event beds were interpolated from the sedimentation rate of hemipelagites with the youngest event being ~70 BP cal yrs and the oldest event being ~23 BP cal kyrs. The average thickness of homogenite units is ~100 cm, while the thickest homogenite is ~225 cm, and the thinnest homogenite is ~40 cm.

    We consider large earthquakes to be responsible for the deposition of homogenite units, as the recent 2006 Hengchun doublet quake (7.0 Mw) did not produce any homogenites in our location. In offshore SW Taiwan, the splay fault or out-of-sequence-thrust fault are causative faults for large destructive earthquakes. In total, seventy-one event beds were identified from the above-mentioned cores, twenty-one homogenites with a silty basal layer, twenty-four turbidites, and twenty-six thin silty layers. Three major clusters, along with two outliers, were identified. The average recurrence (excluding the outliers) interval for homogenites with a silty basal layer is ~200-2000 years, whereas the average recurrence interval for turbidites and thin silty layers is ~200-500 years. The average recurrence interval of all the event beds interval for all the three cores is ~534 years.

    Keywords: perched basins; homogenites; event bed clusters; X-CT image; 14C dating; grain size

    How to cite: Pillutla, R. K., Lin, A. T.-S., Yeh, J.-C., Su, C.-C., Hsu, S.-K., Babonneau, N., Ratzov, G., Lallemand, S., and Löwemark, L.: A study on homogenites and other event beds from perched basins offshore SW Taiwan: reconstructing recurrence intervals and lithofacies analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8184,, 2025.

    EGU25-8547 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Machine Learning techniques for the detection of geomorphological features in nearshore environments 

    Angelo Sozio, Giovanni Scardino, Francesca Parisi, Giuseppe Pirulli, Alessandro Fiscarelli, Giovanni Barracane, and Giovanni Scicchitano

    Marine geophysical surveys provide crucial data and information for monitoring purposes and engineering application support on coastal and marine environments. Habitats associated to these specific natural contexts represent highly sensitive ecosystems that have been constantly threatened by human activities over the past few decades. Indeed, as stated by the European Commission, the 79% of the European coastal seabed is disturbed due to bottom trawling. Moreover, due to the ever-increasing demand of food and resources from the sea, issues as pollution, biodiversity loss, seabed damage, the spread of non-indigenous species, and similar phenomena are ever more serious. For this reason, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) were defined in 2008 by the European Commission to protect and keep safe its coasts, seas, and the ocean, ensuring their sustainable use. To this aim, marine geophysical techniques provide valuable tools for the assessment of biocenosis health status and distribution on a large scale. On the other hand, also engineering and industrial applications, such as offshore renewable energy production, onshore facilities, pipe installations or harbour maintenance, require high-resolution bathymetrical and sea-floor data for safe and sustainable operations, only obtainable with geophysical surveys.

    Concerning the nearshore environment investigation, standard marine survey techniques used so far consist of methodologies exploiting the propagation of acoustic waves in the water column, i.e., Side Scan Sonar (SSS), Single and Multi-beam Echo Sounder (SBES/MBES) and Sub-bottom Profiler (SBP). Moreover, camera acquisitions and sub-marine stereo-photogrammetry are increasingly used for the analysis of seafloor morphology, although limited to optimal water conditions. Recently, thanks to the AI techniques improvements, Machine Learning (ML) techniques, coupled with GIS software, represent valuable tools for interpreting and mapping sub-merged morphological features on geophysical data using a multidisciplinary approach.

    In this context, our research proposes a Computer Vision implementation using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for the detection and classification of marine morphological features in nearshore sectors of the Italian coastal environment.  Two different CNNs algorithms were used for the automatic segmentation and classification considering one considering the most marine morphological features of the study area and recognizable on SSS orthomosaics. The latter were acquired in two coastal sites of the Apulia Region (Southern Italy): Torre Guaceto Beach (Brindisi), on the Adriatic coast, and Leporano beach (Taranto) on the Ionian seaside. The first CNN algorithm is U-Net while the second one is a Mask-RCNN-based algorithm, already used in previous works to detect Beah Litter items on the emerged section of a beach. The training datasets were suitably processed to make them available for both algorithms, which process data in a slightly different way. Moreover, the training dataset based on the nearshore environment of the Apulian coastal sector will make it possible to map seabeds with similar morphological characteristics. This multidisciplinary approach represents an early stage of a first and promising integration tool to the classical manual image screening of marine seafloor morphology on a large homogeneous seabed, characterizing most of the Mediterranean coasts. Further development will concern additional geophysical surveys that will increase the dataset for a higher detection accuracy.

    How to cite: Sozio, A., Scardino, G., Parisi, F., Pirulli, G., Fiscarelli, A., Barracane, G., and Scicchitano, G.: Machine Learning techniques for the detection of geomorphological features in nearshore environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8547,, 2025.

    EGU25-9031 | Orals | GM8.1

    Style and timing of the Tuaheni North landslide off the Hikurangi Margin 

    Alexey Portnov, Jess Hillman, Sally Watson, Ann Cook, Andreas Laake, and Francisco Lobo

    Submarine landslides are hazardous events capable of triggering deadly tsunamis and destroying costly seafloor infrastructure worldwide. Accurate landslide dating provides insights into their origins, recurrence patterns, and potential links to climate change. However, a comprehensive record of well-dated submarine landslides is currently lacking, limiting our ability to analyze past slope failures and quantify future risks.

    This study investigates the morphology and timing of Tuaheni North, a significant landslide within the Tuaheni Landslide Complex on New Zealand's Hikurangi Margin. We provide insights into the timing and style of Tuaheni North’s slope failures, which may help identify their causes and recurrence patterns. Our analysis reveals a clear correlation between two major source volumes from Tuaheni North and corresponding downslope mass transport deposits (MTDs), indicating two distinct events. An intermediate layer separating the stacked MTDs suggests a significant time gap between the failures.

    We introduce a novel method for dating submarine landslides that does not rely on sediment core analyses. Instead, we use seismic and bathymetry data to map bottom simulating reflections (BSRs) beneath the slide-impacted seafloor. BSRs are non-stratigraphic reflections marking the base of the temperature-sensitive gas hydrate stability zone. Submarine landslides disturb the sediment temperature field, and BSR depth serves as a proxy for dating these disturbances. Our findings suggest that Tuaheni North underwent several slope failures, displacing approximately 11.2 km³ of sediment. We estimate the ages of the two major slope failures at ~37 ka and ~23 ka, highlighting a substantial time gap between them.

    New Zealand's Hikurangi Margin, known for its extensive gas hydrate and landslide activity, has over 2,200 recently identified slope failures. The 2-D age-dating method developed in this study can be applied to similar regions where gas hydrates and landslides coexist, both within New Zealand and globally. Additionally, we offer a publicly available interactive Windows application to facilitate similar studies.

    How to cite: Portnov, A., Hillman, J., Watson, S., Cook, A., Laake, A., and Lobo, F.: Style and timing of the Tuaheni North landslide off the Hikurangi Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9031,, 2025.

    EGU25-9756 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Buried Late Pleistocene and Holocene channel systems in the southern North Sea 

    Despo Kyriakoudi, Morgan Vervoort, Ruth Plets, Thomas Mestdagh, Tine Missiaen, and Marc De Batist

    The southern North Sea region has been profoundly impacted by dynamic climatic fluctuations during the Quaternary. Global sea levels varied significantly during the Last Glacial Cycle (115-11.7 ka BP), globally dropping by ∼130 m below present levels at the Last Glacial Maximum (ca. 26 to 19 ka BP). These environmental shifts resulted in diverse glacial and post-glacial depositional environments, the remnants of which are now sparsely and patchily preserved offshore. This study specifically examines the Late Pleistocene and Holocene depositional systems southeast of Dogger Bank and Oyster Ground to unravel their intricate sedimentary and geomorphological evolution.

    To achieve this, we integrated high-resolution 2D acoustic reflection data, acquired through the WALDO project surveys between 2022 and 2023 with extant lower-resolution petroleum exploration 3D seismic data. This multi-scale dataset enabled the detailed mapping of the primary stratigraphic units and key geomorphological features preserved in the region. The regional stratigraphy is dominated by glacial-age sequences and numerous buried valley-like incisions that erode the older stratigraphic units. The incisions are highly complex, showing significant variations in dimensions and orientation, and multiple infill phases. Cutting from levels around 35-50 m below MSL down to 90 m below MSL, the incisions illustrate diverse morphologies, including straight, meandering and braided patterns. They reflect shifts in hydrodynamic conditions, sediment transport pathways, and the interaction between glacial, fluvial, and marine processes. Even though previous studies in adjacent areas identified similar features, our data reveal unrecognised complexity in channel morphologies and infill, offering new insights into the glacial and post-glacial processes.

    Our findings illustrate that the region experienced a multi-stage geological evolution since the last glaciation. Although the erosional and depositional processes that shape such features are crucial for paleolandscape reconstruction, they are often challenging to identify. A preliminary interpretation suggests their genesis may have resulted from glacial processes (e.g. subglacial or proglacial meltwater channels), with later modification by fluvial activity after deglaciation. These findings underscore the interplay between ice sheet dynamics, sea-level oscillations, and climatic variability in shaping the region during the last glacial period and Holocene. Integrating 2D and 3D datasets has proven invaluable for accurately mapping these depositional systems, offering a more detailed paleolandscape reconstruction.


    How to cite: Kyriakoudi, D., Vervoort, M., Plets, R., Mestdagh, T., Missiaen, T., and De Batist, M.: Buried Late Pleistocene and Holocene channel systems in the southern North Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9756,, 2025.

    EGU25-10243 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    The geomorphology of the Axial Channel, southern North Sea: a complex glacio-fluvial and marine story 

    Morgan Vervoort, Despina Kyriakoudi, Ruth Plets, Thomas Mestdagh, Tine Missiaen, and Marc De Batist

    The Axial Channel is a prominent geomorphological feature seen on the present-day bathymetry of the southern North Sea. The 150 km long depression extends from the Norfolk Banks in the north to the Dover Strait in the south. It is believed to be a remnant of a large and complex drainage system that existed during the late Pleistocene, when ice sheets occupied parts of the North Sea region during three major glaciations: the Elsterian/Anglian (MIS12), Saalian/Wolstonian (MIS10-6) and Weichselian/Devensian (MIS5d-2) glaciations. The existence of these ice sheets was accompanied by a large fall in global sea level, causing the southern North Sea region to emerge and become isolated from the Atlantic. As a northern drainage route was blocked by coalescing ice sheets during their maximum expansion, glacial meltwater but also river water from the major West-European rivers (e.g. Scheldt, Meuse-Rhine, Elbe) followed a southern drainage route towards the Dover Strait. Understanding the evolution of the present-day Axial Channel is crucial to understanding the paleogeographic changes that affected the region over the course of multiple glacial-interglacial cycles.

    A first step in understanding this evolution was performed by analysing the present-day bathymetry of this region and mapping the preserved geomorphological features. Available offshore bathymetry data were compiled in the region from 53° to 51° latitude North. This included the EMODnet Digital Bathymetry (DTM) map, at 20 m resolution, supplemented by high-resolution (up to 1 m resolution) bathymetry blocks from the UK Admirality Seabed Mapping Service (UK Hydrographic Office data ©Crown copyright and database right), covering most of the eastern part of the study area. Furthermore, in the framework of the WALDO project, seismic reflection data, including multi-channel sparker and high-resolution parametric sub-bottom profiler (TOPAS) data, have been gathered in the Axial Channel region.

    Our bathymetric mapping revealed numerous geomorphological features on the plateau in the western part of the Axial Channel region. Our preliminary interpretation suggests a glacial origin for some features, such as the observed elongated deeps and north-south oriented scours. Furthermore, multiple palaeovalley systems, including a major west-east system, on this same plateau are witnesses of dry, not fully marine inundated periods in the southern North Sea. Our mapping further revealed multiple incisional phases shaping the present-day Axial Channel, including a distinct western escarpment, i.e. the eastern edge of the plateau. The seismic-reflection data were gathered to further investigate the incisional and infilling stages. It revealed additional incisional phases that could not be observed from bathymetric data alone. Furthermore, the reflection data allowed several infilling stages to be discerned in the northern part of the Axial Channel region, while no infilling sediments could be identified towards the south. This study illustrates the importance of combining bathymetric and seismic data to understand the evolution of large geomorphological features such as the Axial Channel.

    How to cite: Vervoort, M., Kyriakoudi, D., Plets, R., Mestdagh, T., Missiaen, T., and De Batist, M.: The geomorphology of the Axial Channel, southern North Sea: a complex glacio-fluvial and marine story, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10243,, 2025.

    EGU25-10644 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Distribution and Controlling Factors of Submarine Channels on Antarctic Continental Margin 

    Hua Huang and Xiaoxia Huang

    Submarine channels are widely distributed along the Antarctic continental margin and are important for sediment transport from Antarctica to the Southern Ocean. In addition, the distribution and morphological characteristics of channels have a profound impact on the instability of the Antarctic ice sheet and the Southern Ocean circulation. However, the origin and formation of these channels, which involve complex mechanisms, remain poorly understood in Antarctica. In this study, a total of 2,177 channels were identified along the Antarctic margin using bathymetry and seismic reflection data, and their morphology was quantified in terms of channel width, length and depth, and channel spacing. For the first time, we conducted a systematic comparative analysis of six regions along the Antarctic continental margin with the aim of identifying the main controlling factors, including continental slope gradient, shelf width, glacial trough size, ice flow velocity. Submarine channels on the East Antarctic continental margin are more closely spaced, cutting deeper and shorter on narrower continental shelves and steeper continental slopes. In addition, Ice sheet dynamics have important impacts on the morphology, sediment transport mechanism, current patterns, and evolution of submarine channels through direct and indirect means. These effects are important for understanding the evolution of marine sedimentary systems and the study of global climate change.

    How to cite: Huang, H. and Huang, X.: Distribution and Controlling Factors of Submarine Channels on Antarctic Continental Margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10644,, 2025.

    EGU25-11655 | Orals | GM8.1

    Morphology of pockmark-like features relative to the methane hydrate stability zone on the central Nile deep-sea fan 

    Sébastien Migeon, Daniel Praeg, Jenny Trevisan, Alexandre Dano, Marcelo Ketzer, and Miriam Römer

    The expulsion of gas-rich fluids from submarine sedimentary accumulations may result in the formation of seafloor depressions, or pockmarks, of metric to kilometric size. Methane flux drives biogeochemical processes favouring the precipitation of authigenic carbonates, which over time can form seafloor pavements of high acoustic reflectivity. In deep waters, it has been proposed that seafloor morphology may be influenced by gas hydrate formation and dissolution to form depressions of complex internal relief, referred to as ‘gas hydrate pockmarks’. In contrast, seafloor vents of positive relief are typically assumed to record sediment expulsion as mud volcanoes. The central province of the Nile fan, which contains evidence of a gas hydrate system, provides an interesting setting to study the morphology of seafloor fluid vents : in addition to a dozen mud volcanoes (kilometric widths), it contains hundreds of smaller (decametric widths) sub-circular high-backscatter features that have been shown to correspond to fractured carbonate pavements. Originally referred to as pockmarks, many of these features have been found to be of metric-scale positive relief. Here we present a morphometric analysis of pockmark-like features across the central Nile fan using available multibeam sonar and 3D seismic seafloor datasets. Seafloor morphologies were captured for analysis using a semi-automated training approach adapted to data types : multibeam data (20-25 m grids of bathymetry and backscatter) were used to capture high backscatter patches across an 1135 km2 area of the mid- to lower slope (water depths 1525-2395 m); 3D seismic seafloor data (8 m grid) were used to capture sub-circular features (of +ve or -ve relief) across a 3275 km2 area of the upper slope (water depths 137-1655 m). Water column data indicate the upper limit of the methane hydrate stability zone (MHSZ) to lie in depths of 1230 ± 25 m. We identify a total of 1309 pockmark-like features in water depths of 189-2382 m, comprising three main morphotypes : negative relief (depressions, 70%), mixed relief (complex or flat, 18%) and positive relief (domes, 12%). Their depth distribution shows a striking relationship with the MHSZ limit : of 971 features above the MHSZ, almost all (93%) are depressions, with widths of 58-408 m and depths up to 20 m; in contrast, of 338 features within the MHSZ, almost all are of positive or mixed relief (43% and 50% respectively), with widths of 54-790 m and relief up to 20 m, while only 7% are depressions. We suggest pockmark-like features within the MHSZ to be carbonate pavements formed above gas hydrate pockmarks, their domal or mixed relief and fractured character reflecting the evolution of near-surface gas hydrate lenses. Depressions above the MHSZ are pockmarks uninfluenced by gas hydrate dynamics. Interestingly, almost all features within the MHSZ lie outwith an area of bottom simulating reflection (BSR) patches indicating the presence of gas and/or gas hydrates at depth. Our findings suggest a key role of gas hydrate dynamics on the morphology of deep-water fluid vents. This study is a contribution of the MEGA project (ANR-22-CE01-0031).

    How to cite: Migeon, S., Praeg, D., Trevisan, J., Dano, A., Ketzer, M., and Römer, M.: Morphology of pockmark-like features relative to the methane hydrate stability zone on the central Nile deep-sea fan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11655,, 2025.

    EGU25-12205 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Can offshore groundwater flow within shelf sediments generate fluid deformation structures? 

    Irena Schulten, Vittorio Maselli, Christian Hensen, Edward King, Mark Schmidt, Thomas Harald Müller, Aaron Micallef, Christian Berndt, Craig John Brown, Fernando Cordoba-Ramirez, Judith Elger, Sebastian Hölz, Antonia Kotliarov, Barret Kurylyk, Holly Michael, Katleen Robert, Shengchao Yu, and Mladen Nedimovic

    Geochemical and oceanographic studies using in-situ measurements have long established the presence of groundwater flow to the seafloor, which likely originates in the deeper sub-bottom. This raises the question: What is the impact of such a flow on the sediment stratigraphy as imaged by high-resolution seismic data? In this study from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Atlantic Canada), high-resolution seismic data indicate the presence of localized dome-shaped, semi-transparent features (50-200 m-wide, <15 m-long) that do not extend to the seafloor. In proximity to these structures, low-salinity pore water has been extracted from a 3-m-long gravity core. A pore water transport model constrained using geophysical and geochemical data indicates a potential freshwater source at 60-80 m depth, but also suggests freshwater advection from a depth of 30 m sub-bottom depth, which is where the seismic structures are visible. We, therefore, interpret the dome-shaped features as a consequence of sediment deformation caused by groundwater fluid flow. In this regard, the dome-shaped features resemble fluid plumes observed in seismic reflection profiles elsewhere, but here they are often of large dimensions (1 km-wide), extend through the sediment package to the seafloor and are often related to gas. Furthermore, similar features in sub-bottom profiles often appear to be neglected in descriptions and interpreted as artefacts. Given that the dome-shaped features are only present in specific parts of the basin where the advection is supposed to be strongest, we argue that similar features observed elsewhere are possibly not artifacts and should be considered as deformational features related to fluid flow and potentially even offshore freshened groundwater. Easy access to freshwater resources becomes increasingly challenging nowadays in many parts of the world, particularly in coastal regions. It is therefore important to have additional indicators that can help detecting the presence of offshore freshened groundwater and especially locations with active advection, which can then be sampled in more detail.

    How to cite: Schulten, I., Maselli, V., Hensen, C., King, E., Schmidt, M., Müller, T. H., Micallef, A., Berndt, C., Brown, C. J., Cordoba-Ramirez, F., Elger, J., Hölz, S., Kotliarov, A., Kurylyk, B., Michael, H., Robert, K., Yu, S., and Nedimovic, M.: Can offshore groundwater flow within shelf sediments generate fluid deformation structures?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12205,, 2025.

    EGU25-13468 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Miocene coastal and shelf processes inferred from the geomorphological analysis of 3D seismic reflection data offshore New Jersey 

    Aldiyar Mukhatzhanov, Gregory Mountain, Kenneth Miller, and James Browning

    We present findings from the first academic high-resolution, high-density (3.125x6.25 m line spacing) conventional 3D seismic reflection data (550 km2) acquired on the shallow New Jersey continental shelf. This dataset enables us to identify and describe geomorphological evidence of coastal and marine processes during the Miocene. By combining seismic geomorphological analysis (performed on 3D data in map view) with quantitative geometric analysis of clinoforms (performed on 2D seismic profiles), we examine the interplay between change in margin architecture and dominant processes during major climatic perturbations, including the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO, 17 - 13.8 Ma), and subsequent global cooling during the Middle Miocene Climate Transition (MMCT, ca. 13.8-12.8 Ma).

    Our analysis shows that during the pre-MCO, clinoforms exhibited moderate lateral shifts of rollover points basinward (up to ~7 km; up to 6 km/Myr) with mostly flat clinoform rollover trajectories. Sediment thicknesses were similar on clinoform topsets and bottomsets. During the MCO, clinoforms transitioned to high aggradation-to-progradation ratios with steep rollover trajectories. In stark contrast, the MMCT and post-MMCT intervals are marked by rapid dramatic progradation (up to 35 km in 0.4Myr) and flat to falling rollover trajectories. During the MMCT, sediments primarily bypassed the topset domain. Topsets of the post-MMCT interval are, however, thick and are associated with relatively small-scale, low-angle clinoforms that we interpret as subaerial delta fronts.

    Surprisingly, we have not detected signs of subaerial exposure, such as incised valleys, fluvial or tidal channels, barrier islands and beaches, etc., during the pre-MCO, the MCO, and the MMCT intervals. The first signs of subaerial exposure appeared ~12 Ma, where we identified remnants of meander bends within a NNW-SSE-trending channel belt. This channel belt appears to be truncated by an overlying fluvial system trending NW-SE comprising relatively narrow (~20-120 m), up to ~10-12 m deep anastomosing, low-sinuosity channels. The NW-SE fluvial system also cuts through a series of >10 km-long, tens-of-meters-wide, closely spaced, parallel linear to arcuate, positive-relief features. We interpret these as beach ridges that formed on the regressive coast (as opposed to the Holocene transgressive New Jersey coast). Our seismic analysis suggests the Lower to Middle Miocene paleoshelf topsets remained submerged until at least the late Middle Miocene (ca. 12 Ma) following the MMCT and drop in global mean geocentric sea level, which resulted in major shifts in shelf processes and stratal architecture.

    How to cite: Mukhatzhanov, A., Mountain, G., Miller, K., and Browning, J.: Miocene coastal and shelf processes inferred from the geomorphological analysis of 3D seismic reflection data offshore New Jersey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13468,, 2025.

    EGU25-14810 | Orals | GM8.1

    Submarine landslides in the southern margin of the Alboran Sea 

    Sara Lafuerza, Elia d'Acremont, Laurent Emmanuel, Alain Rabaute, Léa Vidil, and Sylvie Leroy and the Albacore Team

    In the southern margin of the Alboran Sea, several submarine landslides (ranging from 0.01 to 15 km³ in volume) are preserved within the sedimentary (contouritic) cover of the past million years. Historical earthquake records indicate that regional seismicity is predominantly associated with strike-slip faults, which exhibit minimal or no vertical displacement, thereby limiting the potential for significant tsunami generation. Consequently, submarine landslides emerge as the primary candidates for tsunami triggering in the area. To better understand the occurrence of submarine landslides and their associated risks in the Alboran Sea, three French research projects were conducted: (i) the ANR Albamar project (2018-2023), (ii) the CNRS-IRD Alarm project (2018-2021) and the (iii) French fleet cruise Albacore (2021, The purpose of this communication is twofold: (i) to present the major findings of these projects and (ii) to analyze the causal factors of a selected landslide event.

    The spatial distribution of submarine landslides does not appear to be directly linked to the active Al Idrissi Fault System (AIFS), which has been responsible for three moderate earthquakes (6.0 < Mw < 6.4) over the past 30 years. Instead, the head scarps of landslides exhibiting seafloor expressions, located west of the AIFS, coincide with the edges of the thickest contourite drifts in this margin. This observation suggests that landslide initiation may be related to localized high sedimentation rates, which potentially induce elevated pore water pressures at the drift edges, driving upward fluid flow. Furthermore, the edges of these contourite drifts are intersected by blind thrust faults, which were initiated during the Tortonian due to Eurasian-African plate convergence. Evidence of recent activity along these faults implies that tectonic processes could also facilitate fluid migration. These combined mechanisms—sedimentation-driven fluid overpressure and tectonically induced fluid flow—likely act to reduce effective stresses along the contourite edges, thereby preconditioning the slopes to a metastable state. Although the spatial separation between the investigated landslides and the AIFS does not provide direct evidence for earthquake-triggered failures, the possibility of long-distance earthquake effects on fluid-influenced metastable slopes remains an open question. This is further supported by the presence of pockmarks, which indicate fluid expulsion in the region. The integration of sediment core data, including age dating of recent landslides, with in situ geotechnical measurements collected during the Albacore cruise, has significantly improved our understanding of the timing and mechanisms of landslide events. For the most recent landslides, which are dispersed across tens of kilometers, sediment drape analyses suggest ages ranging from 5 to 6 kyr. This likely points to a period of increased landslide activity during that time.

    How to cite: Lafuerza, S., d'Acremont, E., Emmanuel, L., Rabaute, A., Vidil, L., and Leroy, S. and the Albacore Team: Submarine landslides in the southern margin of the Alboran Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14810,, 2025.

    EGU25-14916 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Enigmatic deep-water seafloor depressions east of Tortue Island, Northern Haiti margin 

    Alana Oliveira de Sa, Sara Lafuerza, Sylvie Leroy, Elia d'Acremont, Emmannuelle Ducassou, Kelly Fauquembergue, Remy Deschamps, Sébastien Zaragosi, José Luis Granja-Buña, Roberte Momplaisir, and Dominique Boisson

    A widespread area of seafloor depressions—ranging from circular and arcuate to elongated in shape—has been identified along the northern coast of Haiti, at water depths of 600–2000 m. These features are characterized by wavelengths spanning several hundred meters and heights of tens of meters and are associated with a series of narrow ridges exhibiting varied morphologies. Our integrated analysis, utilizing multichannel seismic reflection, high-resolution bathymetry, and sedimentological and geochemical evaluations of surface sediment cores, indicates that along-slope bottom currents significantly influence sedimentary processes in the region. Sediment cores reveal deposits comprising hemipelagites, silty and sandy contourites, fine-grained turbidites, and reworked sand layers, indicative of sedimentation within a contourite drift system. This interpretation is further supported by seismic reflection data, which display wavy reflectors and aggradational stacking patterns typical of contourite drifts.

    The seafloor depressions are likely erosional features that formed on the surface of a contourite drift, shaped by the interaction of bottom currents with irregular seafloor topography. Initial disturbance of the equilibrium seafloor appears to have been triggered by mass-wasting events. Subsequently, the quasi-steady flow of along-slope bottom currents influenced sediment distribution and played a critical role in the development and reshaping of the seafloor depressions through erosion along their flanks. The resulting rugged seafloor morphology likely facilitated the destabilization of bottom currents, leading to the formation of erosive eddies that further shaped the current configuration of the depressions. This study emphasizes the dynamic interplay between sedimentary processes and hydrodynamic activity, demonstrating how their combined effects govern slope sedimentation and seafloor geomorphology, producing distinctive erosional features.

    How to cite: Oliveira de Sa, A., Lafuerza, S., Leroy, S., d'Acremont, E., Ducassou, E., Fauquembergue, K., Deschamps, R., Zaragosi, S., Granja-Buña, J. L., Momplaisir, R., and Boisson, D.: Enigmatic deep-water seafloor depressions east of Tortue Island, Northern Haiti margin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14916,, 2025.

    EGU25-16254 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Upper Miocene paleo-pockmarks and their correlation to methane-derived authigenic carbonates through 3D seismic data in External Western Patras Gulf, Greece 

    Aikaterini Stathopoulou, George Papatheodorou, Efthymios Tripsanas, Ioannis Oikonomopoulos, Sotirios Kokkalas, Maria Geraga, and Aristofanis Stefatos

    This study focuses on the 3D seismic investigation of high-amplitude elliptical reflections (HAER) within Miocene stratigraphic interval, in Western Patras Gulf, in a sedimentary basin that is affected by salt tectonics.

    Miocene basins across Western Greece have been attributed to the formation of foreland and piggy-back basins of a westward advancing fold-and-thrust belt. The base and top of the Miocene basin in the study area are marked by two regional unconformities. The lower unconformity has formed during Burdigalian, following uplift related to an early compressional phase. The upper unconformity is related to the sea-level fall during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC). A salt diapiric wall of NW-SE orientation along the eastern side of the basin is interpreted of Triassic age. The different deformation style between the underlying Miocene and the overlying Pliocene – Quaternary strata indicates that the salt wall went through at least two stages of re-activation, one during late Miocene and another one during Pleistocene. Seismic stratigraphy and neighboring outcrop data onshore Kephalonia Island, reveal a basin infill ranging from fluvial to lagoonal and progradational deposits to more hemipelagic mud-dominated deposits towards the top.

    HAER are structures of circular to elliptical shape, that appear as patches of high amplitude anomalies at the upper Miocene stratigraphic level. Due to their seismic signal, indicative of hard lithologies, they are interpreted as methane-derived authigenic carbonates (MDAC), precipitated on top of paleo-pockmarks. Our interpretation infers that those paleo-pockmarks develop through the gas escape along a fault network associated with a late Miocene diapiric re-activation.  The presence of those paleo-pockmarks, combined with the underlying Mesozoic sequence, raises two major questions: 1) the origin of the paleo-pockmarks is thermogenic or biogenic, and 2) is it possible for the Miocene subsidence to result in thermal maturation of Mesozoic source rocks in the area?

    A preliminary thermal maturity modeling indicates that there is a late kick during Neogene, and thus, a thermogenic origin for the paleo-pockmarks seems reasonable. This is also supported by multiple present-day oil seeps and gas-escape structures along Western Greece. The absence of paleo-pockmarks within the Pliocene – Quaternary section is attributed to the extensive erosion during MSC and the reduction of Pliocene - Quaternary sedimentation rates.

    How to cite: Stathopoulou, A., Papatheodorou, G., Tripsanas, E., Oikonomopoulos, I., Kokkalas, S., Geraga, M., and Stefatos, A.: Upper Miocene paleo-pockmarks and their correlation to methane-derived authigenic carbonates through 3D seismic data in External Western Patras Gulf, Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16254,, 2025.

    EGU25-16394 | Orals | GM8.1

    Continental slope processes reflected in a Holocene multi-proxy record at the southeastern Mediterranean  

    Revital Bookman, Yael Harmon, Yizhaq Makovsky, Mor Kanari, Elisabetta Boaretto, Ed Garrett, and Simona Avnaim-Katav

    Continental margins sedimentary records reveal regional climate-ocean trends and identify mass transport deposits (MTD) and reflect the regional paleoclimate and paleoseismicity. This study used two radiocarbon-dated piston cores collected from the shelf edge (122 m) and mid-slope (588 m) offshore Israel at the southeastern Mediterranean Sea. CT scanning showed Holocene sediment evolution, capturing a shift in grain size and geochemistry, while detecting MTD units. The core from the shelf edge recorded the post glacial sea level flooding at 10-11 ka BP, with early Holocene sediments marked by coarser grains, high biogenic material, and abundant foraminifera. Sapropel S1, dated to 6-9 ka BP, is characterized by low Ti/Al, high Si/Al, and high TOC, reflecting increased Nile discharge and precipitation in the source region.

    Benthic foraminifera disappearance in the slope core indicated bottom water anoxia, interrupted by re-oxygenation linked to the ~8.2 ka BP cold event. Toward the mid-Holocene, increased Ti/Al and Fe ratios indicate higher weathering rates in the Nile watershed due to reduced rainfall and vegetation, correlating with regional aridification caused by orbital changes.

    Four MTD units with higher bulk density and reduced porosity were accompanied with higher Ca/Fe ratios. Radiocarbon dates within these units indicated the deposition of recycled older sediments from the early Holocene, while the mass transport events occurred between 6.2 and 1.8 Ka BP. Distinct changes are also observed in the benthic foraminifera taxonomy in association with the MTD including the total number of individuals per gram dry sediment (BF/g), species richness, dominance, and species composition. Furthermore, within all the MTD units a noticeable increase in broken BF shells and older radiocarbon ages, which indicate on recycled sediment turbulent mass transport.

    How to cite: Bookman, R., Harmon, Y., Makovsky, Y., Kanari, M., Boaretto, E., Garrett, E., and Avnaim-Katav, S.: Continental slope processes reflected in a Holocene multi-proxy record at the southeastern Mediterranean , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16394,, 2025.

    EGU25-16457 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Ship wake induced seabed modification in the Baltic Sea 

    Jacob Geersen, Peter Feldens, Jens Schneider von Deimling, Luisa Rollwage, Lenya Baumann, Sebastian Krastel, Christian Winter, and Patrick Westfeld

    The Baltic Sea is one of the busiest marine regions in terms of commercial shipping. Increased marine traffic over the last decades already led to increased number of bigger ships and more powerful propulsions systems. This development has put a number of environmental effects of shipping, such as air pollution, marine noise or accidental discharges of hazardous substances, on the discussion list. What has, however, only marginally been studied is the possible effect of commercial shipping on sedimentation patterns and seafloor morphology. Here we use AIS data from the last 20 years to identify hotspots of marine traffic in the Baltic Sea. Subsequently we collect multibeam bathymetric data from different sources and databases to investigate seafloor morphology in some traffic hotspots. We further collect seabed sediment samples and time-lapse bathymetric data in the Bay of Kiel, where Kiel Canal, one of the most heavily used artificial waterways on the globe, commences. First results indicate that ships can erode hard substrate such as basal till, most likely through interaction of their wake with the seafloor. In addition to eroding the hard seafloor, the wakes may also mobilize and locally redistribute mobile sands.

    How to cite: Geersen, J., Feldens, P., Schneider von Deimling, J., Rollwage, L., Baumann, L., Krastel, S., Winter, C., and Westfeld, P.: Ship wake induced seabed modification in the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16457,, 2025.

    EGU25-16879 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1

    A spatiotemporal analysis of seabed morphodynamics in a constrained flow environment: A case study of an open tunnel valley in the Western Irish Sea 

    Muireann Walsh, Shauna Creane, Katrien Van Landeghem, Jennifer Keenahan, and Mark Coughlan

    Seabed morphodynamics examines the processes that change the seabed topography. It is a dynamic system of sediment being eroded, transported, and deposited over different spatial and temporal scales. These dynamics have consequences for the siting of offshore engineering infrastructure such as renewable energy cables and foundations, as well as changes in seafloor habitats. Therefore, understanding seabed morphodynamics supports sustainable marine spatial planning.

    Continental shelves can exhibit a range of geomorphological features that are composed of or covered in mobile sediment. These features can be subjected to sediment dynamic processes, creating an evolving seabed landscape. The Western Irish Sea is defined by sediment banks forming bathymetric highs, open tunnel valleys forming bathymetric lows, and sediment wave assemblages, amongst others. Previous studies in the area (Creane et al., 2021, 2022, 2023a, 2023b) have shown the influence of sediment banks on sub-regional hydrodynamic and sediment transport regimes. In particular, highlighting the system of sediment exchange between neighbouring banks and sediment wave assemblages. It has also been suggested that an open tunnel valley, the Wicklow Trough, is a potential source of sediment for the Arklow Bank, a sediment bank neighbouring it. To date, there is an absence of work conducted on the role of open tunnel valleys on such sub-regional systems and their potential role as a sediment sink or source in association with surrounding seabed features. As such, the Wicklow Trough offers an ideal site to investigate the influence of large-scale bathymetric lows on sub-regional seabed morphodynamics and flow regimes, as well as an opportunity to define the relationship between the Wicklow Trough and Arklow Bank.

    The Wicklow Trough has a length of 18 km, a width of 2 km, and a maximum depth of 82 m, with an internal morphology composed of enclosed deeps, ridges, and sediment wave assemblages. The Western Irish Sea has been mapped and ground-truthed by the INFOMAR programme, providing sub-regional available data and context of the Wicklow Trough in the surrounding seabed. Localised repeat bathymetry surveys within the Wicklow Trough have provided data to measure local changes in morphology through sediment wave migration. In addition, extensive sediment samples provided an understanding of sediment grain size distribution, with Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP) data providing an insight into current flow. The compilation of results and data is presented here and will form a foundational understanding for a local and sub-regional hydrodynamic and morphodynamic numerical model. The findings of which will have important implications for understanding the role of large bathymetric lows in sub-regional flow regimes and sediment transport pathways.


    How to cite: Walsh, M., Creane, S., Van Landeghem, K., Keenahan, J., and Coughlan, M.: A spatiotemporal analysis of seabed morphodynamics in a constrained flow environment: A case study of an open tunnel valley in the Western Irish Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16879,, 2025.

    EGU25-17204 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Gas-charged sediments and seabed related features in Thermaikos and Patras Gulfs, Greece: New findings and preliminary results 

    Nikos Giannopoulos, George Papatheodorou, Dimitris Christodoulou, Maria Geraga, Xenophon Dimas, Aurelia Hubert-Ferrari, and Basile Caterina

    Seabed fluid flows refer to the migration of gases and liquids through the seabed and seawater and is often associated with energy resources, benthic ecosystems, global climate and marine geohazards. Pockmarks are 'crater-like' depressions on the seafloor formed by fluid seepage. Two high-resolution marine remote sensing surveys (sub-bottom profiling, multi-beam bathymetry and side-scan sonar) have been conducted in the inner Thermaikos and central Patras Gulfs, each characterized by distinct geological settings. These new datasets have revealed acoustic anomalies indicative of gas-charged sediments and potential gas seepages.

    The Thermaikos Gulf is in the northern part of the Aegean Sea, northeastern Greece. The Thermaikos Basin is part of the wider Axios basin, which extends from North Macedonia territory to the North Sporades Islands. It is characterized by extensive sedimentary deposits derived from major rivers, including Axios, Aliakmonas and Loudias and features moderate tectonic activity. Moreover, a gas field, the Epanomi Gas Field with gas and small quantities of light oil, have been discovered, onland, southeast of the Gulf. The Patras Gulf, a semi-closed basin situated in western Greece, lies within one of the most seismically active areas in the Mediterranean. It is controlled by extensive faults forming an asymmetric graben. An active and very well-documented pockmark field is located at the southeastern part of the Patras Gulf.

    Seismic profiles acquired in the inner Thermaikos Gulf, have, for the first time, unveiled shallow zones of acoustic turbidity and enhanced reflectors in two distinct areas: near the city of Thessaloniki and in the western part of the inner gulf. Moreover, a pockmark and several intrasedimentary gas pockets were identified in the northern part and across extensive portions of the region, respectively. The dataset, obtained from the central Patras Gulf, revealed elongated seabed depressions exhibiting underlying columnar disturbances. These features were accompanied by gas flares detected in both seismic profiles and side-scan sonographs, indicative of gas emissions that appear to reach the sea-air interface. Furthermore, a new pockmark field was discovered at depths ranging from 70 to 90 meters, with no apparent association to the major faults of the Gulf. Ground-truthing surveys further documented the presence of bacterial mats and gas bubble emissions, reinforcing the evidence of active seepage activity.

    Acknowledgments. The Thermaikos project is founded by the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation.

    How to cite: Giannopoulos, N., Papatheodorou, G., Christodoulou, D., Geraga, M., Dimas, X., Hubert-Ferrari, A., and Caterina, B.: Gas-charged sediments and seabed related features in Thermaikos and Patras Gulfs, Greece: New findings and preliminary results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17204,, 2025.

    EGU25-18527 | ECS | Posters on site | GM8.1

    The seal bypass system of the northern Kattegat may contribute to the development of the bubbling reefs 

    Max Lackner, Christian Hübscher, and Elisabeth Seidel

    The famous “bubbling reefs” in the Kattegat are, among other features, carbonate-cemented sandstone columns that rise to 4 meters above the seafloor. The carbonate cement is depleted in δ¹³C, indicating its formation through microbial methane oxidation. However, it is remarkable that the biogenic methane concentration in the Pleistocene sediments is particularly high in this specific area, which calls for an additional Methane source.

    In this study, we test the hypothesis, that fluids from Triassic and Lower Jurassic hydrocarbon reservoirs are migrating upward, providing an alternative explanatory model for the origin of near-surface methane. This hypothesis is based on the observation that the bubbling reefs are located in a region underlain by Mesozoic hydrocarbon source rock.

    High-resolution reflection seismic data collected by the University of Hamburg in 2013 and 2015 reveal a fluid bypass system similar to that described in the Skagerrak (Grob et al., 2020). Phase-reversed reflections and seismic attributes in certain sections of the Lower Jurassic and Upper Triassic (Gassum and Fjerritslev formation) indicate hydrocarbon accumulations. Localized vertical attenuation of reflection amplitudes and warped reflections suggest vertical migration pathways, commonly called pipes, partly related to faults north of the Sorgenfrei-Tornquist Zone. The present-day depth of the source rock is up to 900 m. However, before the inversion-related uplift in the Late Cretaceous – Paleocene, the source rock was about 1000 m deeper and, consequently, well within the oil and gas window.

    We conclude that the assumption that thermogenic methane contributes to forming the bubbling reefs appears plausible. Since the isotopic signature also indicates biogenic gas, thermogenic gas cannot be the sole gas source.




    Grob, H., Seidel, E., Hübscher, C., 2020. Seismic amplitude and attribute data from Mesozoic strata in the Skagerrak (Danish-Norwegian North Sea): Indicators for fluid migration and seal bypass systems. Marine and Petroleum Geology 121, 104596,

    Petersen, H., Nielsen, L., Bistrup, T., Thomsen, E., 2003. Burial depth and post-Early Cretaceous uplift of Lower-Middle Jurassic strata in the Fennoscandian Border Zone based on organic maturity, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin.,

    How to cite: Lackner, M., Hübscher, C., and Seidel, E.: The seal bypass system of the northern Kattegat may contribute to the development of the bubbling reefs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18527,, 2025.

    EGU25-18832 | ECS | Orals | GM8.1

    Anomalous Seafloor Morphologies: Insights from the CORSUB Project (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) 

    Pietro Bazzicalupo, Renato Tonielli, Valentina Grande, Sara Innangi, Daniela Basso, Marcello Felsani, Davide Vernazzani, Serena Gherardi, Gabriella Di Martino, Marco Cuffaro, Marco Sacchi, Gemma Aiello, and Valentina Alice Bracchi

    The CORSUB project aims to explore and investigate unidentified morphological features located between 75 and 100 meters depth off the Punta Licosa Promontory (Tyrrhenian Sea, Campania, Italy), on submerged terraces. These features were firstly observed during a survey in 2004,where a biogenic origin was hypothesized, but no further research had been conducted. The CORSUB project adopts an interdisciplinary, integrated approach that combines geophysical, stratigraphical, sedimentological and palaeontological analyses to investigate the formation, evolution, and ecological significance of these submerged morphologies.

    As part of the “TREMOR” oceanographic cruise, organized by the Italian National Research Council (CNR) aboard the CNR research vessel Gaia Blu in December 2024, the CORSUB team collected high-resolution multibeam bathymetry data, chirp profiles, and box-corer sediment samples (n=4) from the project areas.

    The preliminary results indicate that the anomalous morphologies are located between 75 and 85 meters depth and consist of clusters of subcircular features, with sub-metric diameters. Interestingly, the edge is sunken, while the central area is gently raised. Chirp profiles revealed that the sedimentary cover over these features is relatively thin, with a rocky substrate likely corresponding to the Cilento Flysch Unit identified beneath. 

    Box-corer samples revealed a composition of coarse detrital sand and gravel at the top, predominantly biogenic in origin, transitioning to muddy-sandy sediment at the base. Notably, all samples contained dead, centimeter-sized boxwork rhodoliths, ranging from 8 to 20 cm above the top of the box-corer. Live rhodoliths were found in only one sample, and these showed clear evidence of ongoing mudding.

    These preliminary findings suggest several potential interpretations. The observed structures may have a biogenic origin, possibly linked to the development of rhodolith beds in the past. Alternatively, their location on the flanks of the submerged terraces may indicate a strong correlation with glacial and post-glacial sea-level changes. The morphologies could have originated as erosional features during the Last Glacial Maximum, when sea levels were as much as 120 meters lower than today, subsequently providing a substrate for biological colonization as sea levels rose during the deglaciation and into the Holocene.

    The ongoing analyses of both remote sensing data and collected samples, which also include dating, will allow for a more accurate determination of the nature and evolutionary history of these structures.

    CORSUB is funded as part of the PRIN 2022 program under Mission 4 of the Italian Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR). Principal Investigator: Professor Valentina Alice Bracchi. A special thank to the scientific crew of the TREMOR survey.

    How to cite: Bazzicalupo, P., Tonielli, R., Grande, V., Innangi, S., Basso, D., Felsani, M., Vernazzani, D., Gherardi, S., Di Martino, G., Cuffaro, M., Sacchi, M., Aiello, G., and Bracchi, V. A.: Anomalous Seafloor Morphologies: Insights from the CORSUB Project (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18832,, 2025.

    EGU25-19454 | Orals | GM8.1 | Highlight

     Seafloor evidence of structurally-controlled fluid expulsion from the upper Amazon deep-sea  

    Daniel Praeg, Sébastien Migeon, Cleverson Guizan Silva, Tadeu dos Reis, Adolpho Augustin, Jenny Trevisan, Alexandre Dano, Aurélien Gay, Marcelo Ketzer, Pâmela Palhano, Maria Pivel, Jeffrey Poort, Christian Stranne, and Vikram Unnithan

    The Amazon River culminates in one a deep-sea fan up to 10 km thick, a dynamic setting in which the rapid deposition of organic-rich sediment drives linked processes of methanogenesis, fluid migration and venting, gas hydrate formation, and large-scale slope instability. Growth of the fan over the last 8 Ma has been accompanied by its gravitational collapse on shale detachments to form extensional and compressional belts across the shelf and upper slope (<2250 m water depth), and by recurrent slope failure to form fan-wide megaslides. The upper slope compressional belt contains a ‘leaky’ gas hydrate system characterised by elongate bottom-simulating reflection (BSR) patches that are aligned with the crests of thrust-fold anticlines, and in places rise towards sub-circular seafloor fluid vents. Ongoing fluid venting from the fan is indicated by sea surface oil slicks reported on the shelf and upper slope, and water column gas flares observed on multibeam imagery obtained in 2016 across part of the thrust-fold belt. The extent of degassing across the vast fan area in water depths of 2500-4500 m is unknown due to a lack of water column data below the compressional front. The 2023 AMARYLLIS-AMAGAS I campaign acquired acoustic data (multibeam imagery, Chirp profiles) along multiple transects of the fan in water depths of 100-4200 m, and cores and heat flow data from sites in the thrust-fold belt. Here we present information on fluid expulsion from the Amazon fan based on seafloor data both from the campaign, and 3D seismic datasets on the upper slope (ANP Brazil). Multibeam imagery reveal hundreds of water column gas flares in water depths of 100-1900 m, with a peak in abundance near the upper limit of the MHSZ (565 ± 65 m water depth). Gas is observed to rise from areas of smooth seafloor in places, but mainly from sub-circular mounds and depressions. Bathymetric grids from multibeam and 3D seismic (4-50 m resolution) were used to capture sub-circular seafloor morphologies for morphometric analysis using a semi-automated training approach. Over 500 features were identified in water depths of 275-2265 m, identified as domes (59%), complex forms (28%) and depressions (13%); the vast majority (>96%) are <50 m in relief (mean 16 m) and <1 km wide (mean 500 m). Cores of alternating lighter hemipelagic and darker muds interpreted as mud extrusion were recovered both from domes and depressions; gas hydrates were cored in several domes with gas flares. Subbottom data reveal chaotic facies defining structures deeply-rooted in thrust-folds. We interpret the seafloor features as differing expressions of relatively small-scale mud volcanism, many actively venting gas. Our results indicate widespread fluid expulsion from the Amazon fan within the extensional and compressional belts, and a lack of evidence for venting in greater water depths. The primary control on degassing of the fan appears to be gravity tectonism, which provides pathways for fluid escape within and above the MHSZ. This is a contribution to studies of gas hydrate dynamics and slope stability in the context of the MEGA project (ANR-22-CE01-0031).

    How to cite: Praeg, D., Migeon, S., Guizan Silva, C., dos Reis, T., Augustin, A., Trevisan, J., Dano, A., Gay, A., Ketzer, M., Palhano, P., Pivel, M., Poort, J., Stranne, C., and Unnithan, V.:  Seafloor evidence of structurally-controlled fluid expulsion from the upper Amazon deep-sea , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19454,, 2025.

    EGU25-21531 | Posters on site | GM8.1

    Bridging the Gap Between Land and Sea: Integrating Technological Innovation with Geomorphological Contexts for Seamless Coastal Models 

    Alessandra Savini, Varvara Antoniou, Fabio Luca Bonali, Clara Drummer, Luca Fallati, Susanna Falsaperla, Adam Gauci, Felix Gross, Hans-Balder Havenith, Juri Klusak, Sebastian Krastel, Iver Martens, Aaron Micallef, Paraskevi Nomikou, Giuliana Panieri, Danilo Reitano, Julian Teege, Alessandro Tibaldi, Andrea Giulia Varzi, and Fabio Vitello and the EU Erasmus+ BridgET team

    Cutting-edge developments in ocean mapping sensors, underwater robotic systems, and aerial platforms have transformed the integration of terrestrial and marine geospatial data, addressing the long-standing challenge in coastal geomorphology of creating seamless, high-resolution digital terrain models (DTMs).

    The EU ERASMUS+ project BridgET (Bridging the gap between the land and the sea in a virtual Environment for innovative Teaching and community involvement in the science of climate change-induced marine and coastal geohazard) sought to tackle these challenges by testing a wide range of seafloor and coastal mapping technologies. These efforts culminated in three summer schools conducted in diverse geomorphological settings: Santorini (Greece), Mt. Etna and its offshore domain (Italy), and the Magoodhoo reef in the Republic of Maldives. The resulting datasets underscored the critical role of geomorphic processes in guiding the selection of appropriate technologies to achieve reliable and informative integration of multisource and multiscale geospatial data.

    This integration is essential for the sustainable management of coastal regions, particularly in addressing the impacts of climate change, sea-level rise, and geohazards. Moreover, the project highlighted the transformative potential of seamless DTMs, particularly when combined with immersive Virtual Reality (VR) tools, to enhance understanding and decision-making in coastal zone management. BridgET demonstrates the importance of technological innovation in marine and coastal geosciences to effectively address emerging environmental challenges.

    How to cite: Savini, A., Antoniou, V., Bonali, F. L., Drummer, C., Fallati, L., Falsaperla, S., Gauci, A., Gross, F., Havenith, H.-B., Klusak, J., Krastel, S., Martens, I., Micallef, A., Nomikou, P., Panieri, G., Reitano, D., Teege, J., Tibaldi, A., Varzi, A. G., and Vitello, F. and the EU Erasmus+ BridgET team: Bridging the Gap Between Land and Sea: Integrating Technological Innovation with Geomorphological Contexts for Seamless Coastal Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21531,, 2025.

    EGU25-1361 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

    Brief Account of the Post-event survey 2010 Pagai-Mentawai islands tsunami earthquake in Indonesia 

    Admiral Musa Julius, Ramadhan Priadi, Suci Dewi Anugrah, Furqon Alfahmi, and ‪Alvina Kusumadewi Kuncoro

    The tsunami earthquake earthquake occurred on 25 of October 2010 in the Indian Ocean about 79 km south-west of Mentawai islands. The tsunami caused severe damage and claimed many victims in some coastal villages. The main purpose of the survey was to measure the inundation and the run-up values as well as to ascertain the possible morphological changes caused by the wave attacks. Attention was particularly focussed on the most affected villages, that is Muntei Barubaru and Malakopak in Mentawai islands. The most severe damage was observed in the Muntei Barubaru. Most places were hit by three significant waves with documented wave height often exceeding 5 m. The maximum runup value (17.00 m) was measured at North Pagai, where also the most impressive erosion phenomena could be found. 

    How to cite: Julius, A. M., Priadi, R., Anugrah, S. D., Alfahmi, F., and Kuncoro, ‪. K.: Brief Account of the Post-event survey 2010 Pagai-Mentawai islands tsunami earthquake in Indonesia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1361,, 2025.

      In order to interpret geological risk assessment for Earthquake hazard by mapping work, since geotechnical and geologic feature of each country is different, it is necessary to objectify or classify quantitativel geological risk evaluation in accordance with Korean rock mass characteristics.

     It could be summarized major categories of geological risk factors by locally geological features as thickness of soil over the rocks, geologic structure, rock mass characteristics, hydrogeology, high stress, and ground characteristics. 

    Induced main factors that could be evaluated and predicted Earthquake hazard risk through literature investigation and analysis study on research trend related to the Earthquake map  engineering around the world. The final 15 risk factors were derived by considering the geological and geotechnical characteristics of Korea from the 40 or so preliminary extracted risk factors. The 15 risk factors are classified into 4 main categories and 1 additional category.

    Among the five main categories, the geologic structure category are risk factors classified into faults and fracture zones, strike and dip of discontinuity, and dikes. Rock mass characteristics categories are risk factors classified into rock type, discontinuity roughness, RQD, uniaxial compressive strength of rock, and anisotropy. Hydrogeological categories are risk factors classified into groundwater level fluctuations, and permeability coefficients. The load category is the risk factor classified by the thickness of the soil above the rocks. The additional categories are risk factors classified into whether there is a karst topography, earthquake history, and ground displacement area.


    How to cite: Myeong Hyeok, I.: Case Study of Geological Risk Factors for Earthquake Hazard Mapping in the South Eastern Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2445,, 2025.

    EGU25-6093 | Posters on site | NH4.1

    Damage Analysis of RC Frames in the Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China 

    Baijie Zhu, Lingxin Zhang, and Ning Li

    A Ms 6.8 earthquake struck Luding, China, in September 2022, causing significant structural damages to buildings. Notably, reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures exhibited the failure mode of strong beam–weak column (SBWC), which poses a severe threat to human safety and economic stability. This study investigates the disadvantageous failure mechanisms in RC frame structures, drawing on observations from the author's recent field investigations. Refined finite element models (FEMs) of RC frames were developed to systematically simulate these failure mechanisms. The models enabled an in-depth analysis of structural characteristics, with particular attention to column-to-beam flexural strength ratios (CBFSRs). These ratios were calculated to identify thresholds that can prevent destructive SBWC failure modes and promote the desired strong column–weak beam (SCWB) behavior. The FEM analysis results were validated against real-world earthquake damage phenomena, showing strong consistency in damage patterns. The study also highlights the critical role of external factors in exacerbating structural damage. For example, slope site effects significantly amplified seismic impacts on structures. Furthermore, the influence of non-structural elements such as Que Ti and infill walls was found to increase shear force demands on RC frame columns, further compromising their performance under seismic loads. Based on these findings, the study proposes an optimal range for CBFSRs to achieve SCWB behavior, contributing to safer structural designs. Practical recommendations and considerations are outlined to guide future earthquake-resistant construction practices and mitigate disaster risks effectively.

    How to cite: Zhu, B., Zhang, L., and Li, N.: Damage Analysis of RC Frames in the Luding Ms 6.8 Earthquake, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6093,, 2025.

    The Belìce Valley is located in the western part of Sicily, shared between the territories of the three former provinces of Palermo, Trapani, and Agrigento (Italy). At 2.01.09 (GMT) on 15 January 1968, this area of western Sicily was hit by a 6.41 Mw earthquake. This seismic event caused about 370 deaths and severe damage to 14 villages, four of these (Gibellina, Poggioreale, Salaparuta and Montevago) were completely destroyed. The stark reality of the destruction of entire urban settlements followed by the top-down rewriting of the local identities induced 1 ) a generalized de-territorialization as a strategy of the government bodies aimed to facilitate the population decrease in the Belìce Valley and 2) the foundation of new cities, such as the “new” Gibellina (about 10 km from the original site and rebuilt in a part of the village of Salemi territory), the “new” Poggioreale (3 km away from the original site) and the “new” Salaparuta (also 3 km away from the original site), to which it is possible to add Montevago.

    In this work we attempt an innovative way of reading the legacy of that dramatic event based on a double-sided approach: 1) an analysis of the deterritorialization and reterritorialization process based on a geoeconomic approach and 2) a detailed framing, through special geovisual tools, of the paths of the regeneration process to verify whether the “new” interaction between humans and nature has reached an adequate level. We address the technical issue of rephotography as a powerful and rapid method to observe the changes or territorial stasis following the earthquake. This approach is based on the collection of historical photographs and, subsequently, on-site activities for the creation of a contemporary archive of images. This double analysis introduces us to a new perspective where, in our opinion, it is possible to frame some characteristics of the Belìce Valley and some more general aspects useful for other territories affected by destructive events and that must face choices regarding the future of their communities.

    How to cite: Mattia, M., Petino, G., and Napoli, M. D.: The 1968 Earthquake in Belìce Valley (Sicily, Italy):  Evolution of a human and natural landscape as a tool for a backward analysis of a rebuilding process in a rural area., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7067,, 2025.

    EGU25-7608 | Orals | NH4.1

    Coastal-medium deformation and seismic hazards induced by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake tsunami 

    Tae-Kyung Hong, Byeongwoo Kim, Junhyung Lee, Seongjun Park, and Jeongin Lee

    The 1 January 2024 Mw7.5 Noto Peninsula earthquake generated a tsunami that spread across the East Sea (Sea of Japan). We investigate the tsunami effect on the coast in regional distances using tsunami-induced seismic wavetrains recorded by borehole broadband seismometers in the Korean Peninsula. The tsunami-induced seismic wavetrains are observed in the seismic stations near the coast. The seismic wavetrains are consistent with the tsunami records in tide gauges. The shared features in waveforms and spectral contents between the tsunami waves and the tsunami-induced seismic signals suggest that the energy origins are the same. The coastal loading of the tsunami induces ground tilting around the coast, producing long-period horizontal wavetrains that are polarized in coastline-perpendicular directions. The long-period tsunami-induced seismic energy deform the medium dynamically. Tsunami-induced deformation decreases with distance from the coast, being effective up to some depths. The amplitudes of tsunami-induced seismic signals are proportional to the amplitudes of tsunami waves. The tsunami-induced dynamic stress change reaches 0.81 kPa on the coast. A large runup height of a tsunami may trigger earthquakes around the coast.

    How to cite: Hong, T.-K., Kim, B., Lee, J., Park, S., and Lee, J.: Coastal-medium deformation and seismic hazards induced by the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake tsunami, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7608,, 2025.

    EGU25-10899 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

    Seismic Monitoring in Sicily: Insights from ETAS and Magnitude of Completeness Approaches 

    Anna Figlioli, Giovanna Cilluffo, Raffaele Martorana, Giovanni Vitale, and Antonino D'Alessandro

    Seismic activity is a fundamental characteristic of tectonically active regions, and Sicily represents a key area for understanding seismic processes in the Mediterranean. This study presents a comprehensive survey of seismic activity in Sicily using the Epidemic-Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) method and a detailed analysis of the magnitude of completeness (Mc). By integrating these two approaches, we aim to enhance our understanding of seismicity patterns and assess the seismic hazard in the region.

    The ETAS model, widely used in seismology, enables the separation of background seismicity from earthquake clusters, such as aftershocks and swarms. We employed this method to model seismic events recorded in Sicily over a multi-year period, using data from local and regional seismic networks. By estimating key ETAS parameters, including productivity, aftershock decay rate, and spatial clustering, we provide insights into the temporal and spatial distribution of seismicity. Our analysis reveals significant variability in seismic clustering across different tectonic domains in Sicily, reflecting the complex interplay of crustal structures and active fault systems.

    In parallel, the Mc was evaluated to determine the reliability of the seismic catalog used. The Mc defines the lowest magnitude at which all earthquakes in a given dataset are reliably detected, making it a critical parameter for seismic hazard assessment. Through statistical techniques such as the maximum curvature method and goodness-of-fit tests, we assessed Mc spatially and temporally. Results indicate that Mc varies significantly across the region, influenced by factors such as network density, station sensitivity, and local noise conditions. Areas with lower Mc values, such as the eastern coast near Mount Etna, provide a higher resolution of seismic activity compared to regions with sparser network coverage.

    By combining ETAS modeling with Mc analysis, this study highlights the importance of comprehensive seismic monitoring in seismically active regions like Sicily. Our findings show that the seismicity is highly influenced by the region’s tectonic complexity, which includes the convergence of the African and Eurasian plates, active subduction processes, and the dynamic volcanic activity of Mount Etna. These factors contribute to the heterogeneous distribution of seismicity and underscore the need for tailored monitoring and modeling strategies.

    The results have important implications for seismic hazard assessment in Sicily. The ETAS model allows for the probabilistic forecasting of aftershock sequences. Additionally, understanding Mc distribution enhances the reliability of seismic catalogs, which are fundamental for evaluating seismic risk and improving earthquake preparedness.

    In conclusion, this study demonstrates the utility of combining the ETAS method with Mc analysis to achieve a deeper understanding of seismic activity in Sicily. The integration of these methodologies not only refines the characterization of seismicity but also provides actionable insights for regional seismic hazard mitigation efforts.

    How to cite: Figlioli, A., Cilluffo, G., Martorana, R., Vitale, G., and D'Alessandro, A.: Seismic Monitoring in Sicily: Insights from ETAS and Magnitude of Completeness Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10899,, 2025.

    EGU25-11406 | Orals | NH4.1

    Enhancing ShakeMaps using crowdsourced smartphone data and macroseismic information through spatial statistical modelling 

    Francesco Finazzi, Remy Bossu, Fabrice Cotton, Silviu Mihaita Filote Pandelea, and Gianfranco Vannucci

    The assessment of ground shaking at high spatial resolution after a recent or future earthquake is crucial for rapid impact assessment and risk management. This is even more important in the urban context, where small-scale differences can have a significant effect on the impact of the earthquake on people and property. Classical seismological networks, however, are usually too sparse to capture the variability of ground shaking at high spatial resolution. In this paper, we show how a multivariate spatial statistical model can be used to improve ShakeMaps by integrating station data (e.g. peak ground accelerations), data from citizen science initiatives (e.g. smartphone accelerations and felt reports), and macroseismic data. The statistical model accounts for the heterogeneity of the data sources in terms of spatial density, measurement uncertainty and bias. The model achieves data fusion without the need for calibration relationships and co-located information, and provides the ShakeMap uncertainty in a natural way.

    Our approach is applied to events measured by a seismological network and by the smartphones of the Earthquake Network citizen science initiative, and for which felt reports from the LastQuake app of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre and macroseismic information by the Italian National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology are available.

    How to cite: Finazzi, F., Bossu, R., Cotton, F., Filote Pandelea, S. M., and Vannucci, G.: Enhancing ShakeMaps using crowdsourced smartphone data and macroseismic information through spatial statistical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11406,, 2025.

    EGU25-11532 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

    Macroseismic re-appraisal of the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence 

    Martina Orlando, Andrea Tertulliani, and Laura Graziani

    Among the natural disasters that occurred in Europe in modern times, the earthquakes of February and March 1783 are certainly the most well-known and studied. This is due to their vast European resonance, the wealth of documentary material produced about the event, and the complexity and audacity of the recovery plan for the province developed by the Neapolitan government authorities. The seismic sequence is currently reported in seismic catalogs with five main shocks occurring between February 5 and March 28, 1783, with magnitudes ranging between 5.1 and 7.1. Despite the wealth of documentary evidence and the extensive scholarly literature that has emerged, significant gaps remain in our understanding of this seismic sequence. These limitations arise primarily from the inherent challenge of distinguishing between the effects of individual earthquakes and assessing the cumulative impact of successive shocks (Stucchi and Rovida, 2008; Guidoboni and Valensise, 2015; Tertulliani et al., 2018). Therefore, a long-term study was undertaken to re-examine what was already known, starting from existing sources, and to enrich the documentary heritage through new basic research, with the aim of increasing the number of macroseismic observations. This work presents the analysis of information relating to approximately 565 localities, based on a hypothetical chronological reconstruction of the sequence's shocks, which takes into account the impact of cumulative damage caused by multiple shocks when assigning macroseismic intensity. Through this approach, the shocks already present in the catalogs were reconstructed as faithfully as possible, using a richer knowledge framework compared to the past. The assignment of macroseismic intensities, according to the MCS and EMS-98 scales, has allowed for the construction of a new and broader macroseismic dataset and the proposal of a new interpretation of the sequence, highlighting the problems connected to the assignment of intensities.

    How to cite: Orlando, M., Tertulliani, A., and Graziani, L.: Macroseismic re-appraisal of the 1783 Calabria seismic sequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11532,, 2025.

    The 4 February 1867 earthquake is the largest in the Ionian Islands and one of the largest in the Eastern Mediterranean. However, it remained until recently one of the least studied historical events. In order to highlight its characteristics and impact we reevaluated existing knowledge and used new contemporary and modern sources.

    The reevaluated sources included contemporary scientific reports and descriptions of local writers, while the newly utilized sources comprised contemporary local and national newspapers, additional reports from scientists and local writers, ecclesiastical chronicles, and modern sources such as scientific books, works by local authors, and local and national journals. The extracted information focused on: (i) the seismological parameters, (ii) the impact on the local population, (iii) the damage to buildings, and (iv) the earthquake environmental effects (EEEs).

    The first category included the origin time and duration of the main shock, the epicenter location, precursors, and aftershocks, among other details. The impact on the population encompassed both the direct and indirect effects of the main shock, including the emergence of infectious diseases, as well as the demographic evolution in the following years. Regarding the building stock, the dominant building types were identified, along with the type, extent, and distribution of damage observed in villages and towns. The EEEs comprised ground cracks, landslides, liquefaction, hydrological anomalies, and sea disturbances, including a mild tsunami.

    Based on the provided information, it is concluded that the affected residential areas were located within specific zones predominantly composed of post-alpine deposits and, to a lesser extent, alpine formations, both characterized by mechanical properties that render them susceptible to earthquake-triggered failures. Furthermore, the EEEs occurred in zones with high susceptibility to such phenomena, supported by a rich history of previous and subsequent occurrences. The available quantitative and qualitative data allowed for the application of the European Macroseismic Scale 1998 (EMS-98) and the Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale (ESI-07), facilitating a comparison of results and intensity distributions. This analysis highlighted the most affected fault blocks and identified the factors controlling their distribution.

    This research has not only highlighted the benefits of utilizing such sources and information for reconstructing a historical destructive earthquake, but it has also demonstrated that independent sources remain to be explored and new perspectives could still provide valuable insights into historical earthquakes. Moreover, this study underscores that understanding the past seismicity of the Ionian Islands, as well as other seismically active regions worldwide, remains an open challenge for the global scientific community.

    How to cite: Mavroulis, S., Mavrouli, M., and Lekkas, E.: Reappraisal of the 4 February 1867 Ionian Sea (Western Greece) earthquake and its impact on the environment, structures and public health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12713,, 2025.

    EGU25-14111 | Orals | NH4.1

    Quantifying Foreshock Anomalies: Insights from Envelope Waveforms 

    Giuseppe Petrillo, Eugenio Lippiello, Luca Dal Zilio, and Cataldo Godano

    Predicting large earthquakes remains a complex and critical challenge in seismology. This study investigates distinctive seismic precursors by analyzing unique waveform patterns in foreshock sequences. Using the 2011 Mw9.1 Tohoku earthquake as a case study, preceded by a Mw7.3 foreshock, we identified an anomalous sawtooth pattern in the ground velocity envelope following the foreshock. Unlike typical post-earthquake recordings, this pattern is interpreted as evidence of the locked state of the mainshock fault, which suppresses the foreshock’s ability to trigger aftershocks.
    To quantify these waveform anomalies, we developed the index Q based on the first 45 minutes of waveform recordings. Applying this method to 75 Mw6+ earthquakes recorded globally since 2010, our approach correctly identified 10 out of 11 foreshock sequences that preceded larger earthquakes within 10 days. Only 7 out of 64 remaining earthquakes were misclassified, highlighting the robustness of the method.
    Our findings suggest that these sawtooth patterns are reliable indicators of impending large earthquakes, offering a novel tool for seismic forecasting. By integrating this method with other geodetic and seismological datasets, we aim to enhance hazard assessment and mitigation strategies, contributing to improved preparedness for future seismic events.



    1Lippiello, E., Petrillo, G., Godano, C., Tramelli, A., Papadimitriou, E., & Karakostas, V. (2019). Forecasting of the first hour aftershocks by means of the perceived magnitude. Nature communications, 10(1), 2953.


    How to cite: Petrillo, G., Lippiello, E., Dal Zilio, L., and Godano, C.: Quantifying Foreshock Anomalies: Insights from Envelope Waveforms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14111,, 2025.

    EGU25-15884 | ECS | Orals | NH4.1

    Revealing Hidden Seismic Histories: Prehistoric Landslides as Indicators of Paleo-Earthquakes in the Outer Western Carpathians 

    Thanh-Tùng Nguyễn, Ivo Baroň, Jia-Jyun Dong, Rostislav Melichar, Filip Hartvich, Jan Klimeš, Jan Černý, Martin Šutjak, Lenka Kociánová, Václav Dušek, Matt Rowberry, Régis Braucher, Tomasz Goslar, Chia-Han Tseng, Yi-Chin Chen, Cheng-Han Lin, and Jia-Qian Gao

    Eastern Part of the Czech Republic in the Outer Western Carpathians (OWC), particularly the Javorníky Mts. range along the Czech-Slovakian border, has been traditionally considered a geologically stable region with documented low contemporary seismic activity. However, recent geomorphological analyses and field investigations reveal compelling evidence of prehistoric large-scale and highly mobile mass movements, potentially triggered by paleo-earthquakes. This study integrates high-resolution LiDAR mapping, field investigations and trenching, geophysical surveys, radiometric dating, and numerical modeling to reconstruct the paleo-seismic characteristic of the region. 
    We identified those paleo-landslide features using high-resolution LiDAR data and assumed their relationship to past seismic activity by their close vicinity to a Holocene polyphase surface rupture of the Lidečko Fault. LiDAR mapping combined with the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) analyses provide valuable insights into the structural geology, lithology, failure mechanisms of paleo-landslides. Trenching and dating techniques, including radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), help establish the timing of these events and their possible seismic triggers. Structural analysis of the Lidečko revealed the active strike-slip and oblique reverse kinematics with surface ruptures and liquefaction features, supporting the hypothesis of the landslides´ earthquake-induced origin.
    Distinct three generations of landslides were identified as half-ellipsoidal depleted source zones about 400 m long, 200 wide and about 25 m deep with remnants of their accumulations at the toe and in the valley floor and different state of subsequent reworking by shallow slope processes. The fluidized mass was displaced for up to 1 km, of which up to 600 meters comprised totally flat riverbed. Radiometric dating of associated landslide-dam deposits revealed the landslides´ ages about 91 ka, 45 ka and 1.8 ka ago.
    To accurately assess their potential coseismic origin, synthetic seismic acceleration data derived from waveform records in the OWC region is integrated into both Newmark Displacement Analysis (NDA) with the Velocity-Dependent Friction Law (VDFL) and the distinct element numerical modeling. This combined approach improves the simulation of rock mass and landslide dynamics under seismic loading conditions and ensures a more precise analysis of earthquake-induced slope processes. Specifically, PFC3D numerical modeling is employed to reconstruct the paleo-topography and simulate the long run-out behavior of paleo-landslides under various earthquake scenarios. These simulations provide deeper insights into the triggering mechanisms and movement patterns of such landslides.
    The estimated magnitudes of past earthquakes challenge assumptions about the OWC's seismic stability and suggest significant unrecorded events. This study improves understanding of earthquake-induced landslides in stable regions and offers a framework for assessing long-term seismic hazards. The methods used can be applied to other areas with uncertain seismic histories, helping to better understand the connection between tectonics and landscape evolution.
    The research was funded by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GC22-24206J) and Taiwanese National Technological and Science Council (MOST/NTSC 111-2923-M-008-006-MY3).

    How to cite: Nguyễn, T.-T., Baroň, I., Dong, J.-J., Melichar, R., Hartvich, F., Klimeš, J., Černý, J., Šutjak, M., Kociánová, L., Dušek, V., Rowberry, M., Braucher, R., Goslar, T., Tseng, C.-H., Chen, Y.-C., Lin, C.-H., and Gao, J.-Q.: Revealing Hidden Seismic Histories: Prehistoric Landslides as Indicators of Paleo-Earthquakes in the Outer Western Carpathians, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15884,, 2025.

    The extremely shallow location of the seismogenic megathrust in the western Solomons and the existence of significant island land area on the upper plate overlying the seismogenic zone enables us to use corals to obtain vertical motion history closer to the trench and lower plate than anywhere else in the world. In addition, coral paleogeodesy on Porites microatolls acting as long-term vertical positioning station may provide a relative sea level (RSL) change record spanning hundreds of years. Our goal is to develop a centennial record of sea level change and vertical tectonics from multiple Porites microatolls. By isolating the RSL record common to each microatolls, we can then derive a vertical tectonic record by removing the RSL variations from the raw time series recorded by the microatolls.  To achieve that goal, we present recent work combining coral paleogedesy, annual δ13C record and modeling of coral morphology over the last 80 years in the western Solomons. The steps to obtain a long-term record of sea level change and vertical tectonics on samples of a ~80 year old Porites head collected in 2013 after the 2007 Mw 8.1 earthquake. We sampled the coral over 2 to 3 annual bands every ~2 months at various depths and times, performed a stable isotope analysis on each sample, cross-correlated each record and plotted the variation in δ13C versus water depth. Linear regressions show that the variation in accumulated δ13C as a function of water depth relative to the coral’s top water depth is 41 cm/‰ with a R2 coefficient of 0.98. We the sampled bimonthly stable isotopes along 80 annual bands. The span of each year is determined from correlating the annual banding and the seasonal cycles in δ13C and δ18O. Applying the linear relationship to the δ13C generates a raw record of relative sea level change. We then use the monthly tide gauge record in Honiara (Guadalcanal) to remove the effects of regional sea level change to the RSL time series obtain from the coral. The result is a record of the vertical tectonic motion of part of the Western Solomon before and after the Mw8.1 2007 earthquake. We analyze the results in terms of the yearly vertical record of the seismic cycle. Current geodetic records at subduction zones constrain at most deformation during one earthquake cycle while multiple earthquake cycles are needed to robustly constrain the physical state of a megathrust.  We hope to be able to extend the coral paleogeodetic record in the Weatern Solomons over several hundred years over multiple seismic cycles.  This would represent a critical data gap that hampers our understanding of subduction physics and our ability to forecast earthquakes.

    How to cite: Karaesmen, M. E., Lavier, L., and Taylor, F.: Decadal to Centennial Vertical Paleogeodetic Record of the Seismic Cycle in the Western Solomons from Coral Paleogeodesy and Stable Isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16187,, 2025.

    We present an overview of the inversions performed with the KF method (Pettenati and Sirovich 2003; Sirovich and Pettenati 2004) on some historical earthquakes in the CPTI15 catalogue data domain. This method is based on a kinematic function (KF) that is controlled during the inversion by the Genetic Algorithm with Niching's Variant (NGA) algorithm (Gentile et al. 2004).

    Since we are dealing with historical earthquakes, a distinction is first made between instrumental and pre-instrumental earthquakes. For the former between 1900 and 2009 a quantitative assessment is made, for the latter only qualitative assessments can be made. We present statistics to evaluate the magnitude and epicentral coordinates obtained from KF with instrumental data or the parameters of the CPTI15 catalogue. To evaluate the fault plane solutions, we instead used the disorientation angles with the instrumental focal mechanisms (Sirovich et al. 2013). In the case of pre-instrumental earthquakes, the assessments vary from case to case. From the comparison of the results obtained with techniques based on the conversion of strong motion data into intensity, statistical analysis or comparison with the seismotectonic of the area could be made.


    Gentile, F., F., Pettenati and Sirovich, L.; 2004. Validation of the Automatic Nonlinear Source Inversion of the U. S. Geological Survey Intensities of the Whittier Narrows, 1987 Earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am., vol.94, No.5, 1737-1747, October 2004,

    Pettenati, F., and Sirovich, L.; 2003. Test of Source-Parameter Inversion of the USGS Intensities of the Whittier Narrows, 1987 earthquake. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am, vol.93, No.1, 47-60, February 2003,

    Sirovich, L. and. Pettenati, F; 2004. Source Inversion of Intensity patterns of Earthquakes; a Destructive Shock in 1936 in northeast Italy. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 109, B10309, 2004, 1-16,

    How to cite: Pettenati, F.: The KF-NGA technique for the inversion of macroseismic data. Summary of the solutions obtained from the CPTI15 catalogue data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16200,, 2025.

    EGU25-16216 | ECS | Posters on site | NH4.1

    A global archive of accessible, analysis-ready coseismic displacement products for earthquake science applications derived from SAR and optical datasets 

    Cole Speed, Mary Grace Bato, Simran Sangha, Charles Marshak, Joseph Kennedy, Diego Melgar Moctezuma, Margarita Solares, David Bekaert, and Eric Fielding

    Earthquakes originating near Earth’s surface pose significant hazards to human safety and infrastructure, as their associated surface deformation can result in widespread structural damage and loss of life. Improved characterization of surface deformation patterns and extents associated with shallow earthquakes–when paired with knowledge of the earthquake epicenter and magnitude–can provide critical insight into earthquake mechanisms, surface rupture processes, and aid in determination of damage proxy extents for disaster response and mitigation efforts. Spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (InSAR), as well as pixel offset tracking of both SAR and optical imagery, can provide detailed measures of surface deformation occurring during an earthquake (i.e., “coseismic deformation”). The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) project at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is currently developing a global archive of accessible, standardized, and analysis-ready coseismic displacement products derived from spaceborne SAR and optical datasets to facilitate more comprehensive studies of earthquake rupture processes and improve estimates for downstream rapid response efforts. Our product archive is unique from existing coseismic displacement product databases in terms of the data available, format, and accessibility. Our 30-meter resolution products are designed to be sensor-agnostic and are provided in standardized units and format for rapid integration into existing GIS platforms and modeling workflows with lower latency due to greater source data availability. Additionally, correction layers for solid-earth tides, ionospheric, and tropospheric propagation path delays are embedded with the analysis-ready products for the end-user. Integration of both SAR and optical datasets provide increased sensitivity to surface displacement via pixel offset tracking. Our workflow leverages the existing ARIA-HyP3 framework and capabilities to cost-effectively generate coseismic products in the cloud for the historic record of Sentinel-1 data availability (2014 - present), as well as for future large magnitude, shallow earthquake events meeting predefined significance thresholds. For these future events, our workflow will be automatically triggered and the resultant coseismic displacement products will be made available with low latency (<24 hours after source SAR/optical data are made available) to provide information about surface deformation and damage extents caused by the earthquake. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the product generation workflow and capabilities, as well as examples of earthquake science use-case and disaster response applications that showcase the advantages of our automated, standardized, and sensor-agnostic coseismic displacement products.

    How to cite: Speed, C., Bato, M. G., Sangha, S., Marshak, C., Kennedy, J., Melgar Moctezuma, D., Solares, M., Bekaert, D., and Fielding, E.: A global archive of accessible, analysis-ready coseismic displacement products for earthquake science applications derived from SAR and optical datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16216,, 2025.

    EGU25-19552 | Posters on site | NH4.1

    Geochemical Signatures of Historical Eastern Mediterranean Tsunamis Preserved in Lagoon Sedimentary Sequences 

    Ulaş Avşar, Serap Şen, and Murat Toygar Yeniçeri

    Aquatic environments, particularly coastal lakes and lagoons, offer optimal conditions for preserving depositional records of past tsunami events. Tsunamis are known to transport sediments from shallow nearshore areas and sand spits, redepositing them in lagoon environments. This study investigates the geochemical signatures of historical Eastern Mediterranean tsunamis in two lagoons along the southern coast of Türkiye: Ölüdeniz and Demre lagoons. A total of nine piston cores, ranging from 3.5 to 4.0 meters in length, were analyzed using an ITRAX micro-XRF scanner to obtain high-resolution radiographic and optical images, as well as detailed elemental composition of the sediments. In Ölüdeniz, an oligotrophic lagoon, sedimentary events exhibiting distinct [Ti, Fe, Zn]/Ca anomalies temporally correlate with historical tsunamis. These anomalies are attributed to a sudden influx of sediment from the land into the lagoon, likely originating from the lagoon's sand spit. In contrast, in the hypersaline Demre Lagoon, tsunami deposits are characterized by sediments with lower concentrations of Sr, Cl, and Br compared to the background sedimentation. Due to the lagoon's hypersaline conditions, bio/chemical carbonate and detrital siliciclastic deposition are typically accompanied by salt deposition, which serves as the primary source of Cl and Br in the sediments. However, during the rapid deposition of tsunami sediments, there is insufficient time for salt deposition, resulting in the depletion of Cl, Br, and Sr in these layers. This study in Ölüdeniz and Demre lagoons confirms that lagoons are excellent sites for paleotsunami research.

    How to cite: Avşar, U., Şen, S., and Yeniçeri, M. T.: Geochemical Signatures of Historical Eastern Mediterranean Tsunamis Preserved in Lagoon Sedimentary Sequences, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19552,, 2025.

    EGU25-20013 | Posters on site | NH4.1

    Moment Tensor Inversion from Historical Seismograms: Case Studies in Southern Italy 

    Debora Presti, Cristina Totaro, Silvia Scolaro, Josep Batlló, Barbara Orecchio, and Daniel Stich

    The investigation of historical seismicity has increasingly demonstrated its pivotal role in advancing seismic hazard and risk assessment. This study presents an integrated methodological approach to recover and analyze analog seismograms, aiming to enhance our understanding of historical earthquakes and their implications for local and regional seismotectonic modeling. Our work focuses on three seismic events occurred in southern Italy: the 1947 Squillace Basin earthquake, the 1968 Belice sequence, and the 1978 Ferruzzano earthquake. These events, located within the geodynamically complex and high-seismic-risk Southern Italy region, represent significant case studies to test the potential of analog seismograms in providing past earthquake characterizations. For each event, we employed a systematic workflow encompassing the selection, digitization, and processing of analog seismograms. The instrument corrections were rigorously applied, and data quality was assessed to ensure reliable results. A time-domain waveform inversion algorithm specifically tailored for pre-digital data was utilized to compute moment tensor solutions. This approach allowed us to determine key seismic parameters, including fault mechanisms, hypocenter locations, and moment magnitudes, offering new insights into the seismotectonic framework of this region. The 1947 Squillace Basin earthquake was identified as a Mw 5.1 event with left-lateral kinematics on a WNW-ESE fault, consistent with STEP fault activity of the Northern Calabria subduction edge. Similarly, the 1968 Belice sequence revealed predominant reverse faulting on E-to-NE trending structures, resolving long-standing ambiguities in its causative mechanism. The 1978 Ferruzzano earthquake, previously characterized by conflicting interpretations, was redefined as a Mw 4.7 event with a NS normal faulting mechanism. Our findings underscore the invaluable role of analog seismograms in extending the seismic record, refining earthquake parameters, and constraining seismotectonic models. In addition, these results demonstrate the feasibility of applying modern techniques to historical data, paving the way for future investigations focused on early instrumental seismicity. By addressing challenges related to data preservation, digitization, and analysis, our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to compile comprehensive datasets for historical earthquakes. These datasets are essential for improving seismic hazard assessment and informing risk mitigation strategies, ultimately supporting the resilience of vulnerable communities to earthquake-related natural hazards.

    How to cite: Presti, D., Totaro, C., Scolaro, S., Batlló, J., Orecchio, B., and Stich, D.: Moment Tensor Inversion from Historical Seismograms: Case Studies in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20013,, 2025.

    EGU25-21102 | Orals | NH4.1

    Drivers of Earthquake Damage and Losses: a Global Perspective on Where and Why Seismic Risk is High 

    Vitor Silva, Karim Aljawhari, Marco Baiguera, Alejandro Calderón, Martina Caruso, Catarina Costa, Daniela González González, Al Mouayed Bellah Nafeh, Anirudh Rao, Catalina Yepes, and Zarrin Karimzadeh

    We know more about earthquake processes, vulnerability modelling and characterization of the built environment than ever before. Yet, earthquake losses and casualties continue to increase, even in countries where modern seismic design regulations have been introduced decades ago. In this study we investigate the drivers of earthquake damage and losses using the global seismic hazard and risk model developed by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and its partners, as well as data from fatal earthquakes since 1950. We isolate specific parameters that can influence the severity of the ground shaking, the vulnerability of the building stock, and the spatial distribution of the population. These include the prevalence of soft soils, the average seismic hazard in each country, the likelihood of experiencing extreme ground shaking, the occurrence of earthquake-triggered hazards (i.e., liquefaction, landslides and tsunamis), the time of the event, the proximity of megacities to active faults, the percentage of specific types of construction, and some socio-economic factors. We compare these underlying parameters and the estimated or observed seismic risk between different countries and identify specific patterns that systematically exacerbate the overall impact. We observe that high economic losses are frequent in countries with well-established seismic regulations not only due to the high replacement/repair costs, but also due to the high prevalence of commercial and industrial facilities and complex infrastructure. On the other hand, high fatality risk is frequent in countries whose building stock is comprised of non-engineered buildings with heavy roofs and floors. Another relevant observation is that although ground shaking is overwhelmingly the main cause of damages and losses, under specific geological and demographic conditions, the impact of tsunamis, landslides and liquefaction phenomena can be devastating. Lessons drawn from these observations and patterns can be useful to understand how the impact of earthquakes can be better assessed, reduced, and managed.

    How to cite: Silva, V., Aljawhari, K., Baiguera, M., Calderón, A., Caruso, M., Costa, C., González González, D., Nafeh, A. M. B., Rao, A., Yepes, C., and Karimzadeh, Z.: Drivers of Earthquake Damage and Losses: a Global Perspective on Where and Why Seismic Risk is High, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21102,, 2025.

    EGU25-21239 | Posters on site | NH4.1 | Highlight

    Review of historical data on earthquake damage to sacral buildings in northwestern Croatia 

    Sanja Kovač, Davor Stanko, Dragana Dogančić, and Vesna Pascuttini Juraga

    After the earthquakes in Zagreb and Petrinja in 2020, numerous churches, cultural and historical buildings built before 1964. throughout Northern Croatia suffered damage. Most of the damage includes damage to roofs, chimneys and unreinforced walls. Most of the injured of sacred buildings as well as cultural and older buildings in Northern Croatia was created on the prominent topographic localities - elevations.

    The research was carried out in several stages:

    • study of the macroseismic intensity map of the 2020 earthquake to detect potential topographic locations in search of damage that consequence of topographical effects
    • study of the report on the inspection of statically damaged churches caused by earthquakes in the area of Varaždinska diocese
    • review and synthesis of available literature on the earthquake damage consequences and protection measures of the Zagreb and Petrinja earthquakes on the cultural assets of Varaždin, Međimurje and Zagorje counties
    • field investigations of individual topographic locations - gathering as much information as possible about the buildings, historical constructions and renovations and topographic characteristics. Preliminary measurements of microtremor were made for the purpose of detection predominant frequencies of the topographic locality.

    The goal of historical data research was to gain insight into recurring damage from historical earthquakes on the topographic locality itself or in the immediate vicinity in order to try to learn about the influence of topography on this basis damage from the earthquakes themselves.

    How to cite: Kovač, S., Stanko, D., Dogančić, D., and Pascuttini Juraga, V.: Review of historical data on earthquake damage to sacral buildings in northwestern Croatia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21239,, 2025.

    EGU25-2573 | Orals | NP6.5

    On the Spreading of Meltwater Plumes in the Ocean during the Last Deglaciation 

    Olivier Marchal and Alan Condron

    The dispersal of meltwater discharged from the St. Lawrence Valley is investigated from numerical experiments with a regional configuration of the MIT general circulation model representing the western North Atlantic during the last ice age. These experiments assume a horizontal resolution of 1/20o and a vertical grid with 21 levels in the upper 100 m, so that both the mesoscale eddy field and the vertical structure of the meltwater plume could be simulated in detail. Our goals are to identify possible mechanisms responsible for the offshore spreading of meltwater in the ocean during the deglaciation and to help the interpretation of paleoceanographic observations from the seafloor and sediment cores.

    We find that meltwater discharged from the St. Lawrence Valley forms a buoyant plume which turns to the southwest along the continental slope under the action of the Coriolis force. Part of the meltwater is entrained away from the slope by meander crests and warm-core rings of the Gulf Stream (GS) between the St. Lawrence Valley and Cape Hatteras. The other part is diverted offshore by the opposing GS near Cape Hatteras, where the GS leaves the continental margin. In one experiment, meltwater is incorporated into a meander trough that pinches off and produces a cold-core ring, leading to meltwater transport into the subtropical gyre, or it flows southward along the slope inshore of the GS to the South Atlantic Bight. Sensitivity tests show that the buoyant plume spreads at a consistent rate of O(105 m2 s-1). A reduced-gravity two-layer model suggests that the spreading of the plume is governed by (i) the net ageostrophic motion produced by the total acceleration and the upwelling-favorable winds along the front of the plume and (ii) the advection of the front of the plume by the ambient geostrophic flow. In our experiments, meltwater in turn alters the upper part of the GS through meltwater-induced changes in cross-stream density gradients. Our results put constraints on the interpretation of ice-rafted debris found in (de)glacial sediments from the Sargasso Sea and of iceberg scours observed on the slope south of Cape Hatteras.

    How to cite: Marchal, O. and Condron, A.: On the Spreading of Meltwater Plumes in the Ocean during the Last Deglaciation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2573,, 2025.

    EGU25-3131 | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Impact of Ice Keel Geometry on Internal Solitary Wave Dynamics 

    Kateryna Terletska, Vladimir Maderіch, and Gabin Urbancic

    This study explores the transformation processes and energy dissipation of internal solitary waves (ISWs) in the Arctic Ocean under varying ice keel geometries. Using a nonhydrostatic numerical model based on Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations under the Boussinesq approximation, we simulate the interaction of ISWs with groups of ice keels characterized by different configurations. The computational domain represents a simplified 2D stratified fluid with an idealized vertical density profile mimicking summer conditions on the Yermak Plateau.  The ice keel geometries were parameterized using the Versoria function. The experiments involved ISWs with an amplitude of 20 m interacting with groups of ice keels characterized by varying numbers and lengths.The shapes of the ice keels were designed with common envelopes of differing heights and lengths, incorporating configurations with varying numbers of keels (1, 7, and 13).This approach allows for systematic and consistent comparisons of their effects on wave dynamics, energy dissipation, and the resulting mixing processes within the ocean's stratified layers. These shapes closely approximate the geometry of ice keels studied in the MOSAiC project, which provided valuable observational data and insights into the physical processes governing wave-ice interactions in the polar environment [1].

    Key findings indicate significant energy dissipation for ISWs propagating through ice keel fields, with greater losses observed for larger numbers of keels. The highest energy dissipation occurred in cases with 13 keels due to increased reflections and turbulent mixing. Additionally, the interaction of ISWs with multiple keels enhances mixing in the stratified ocean layer beneath the ice. Variations in keel geometry and number intensify turbulence, contributing to a more complex wave field. Furthermore, these interactions generate second-mode internal waves that interact with first-mode waves and other second-mode waves, further intensifying energy dissipation and wave transformation. This mode-mode interaction creates a dynamic wave environment, emphasizing the role of keel morphology in polar ocean mixing.

    These findings highlight the importance of ice keel geometry in modulating ISW dynamics and their contribution to upper ocean mixing processes. The study offers valuable insights into wave-ice interactions and their implications for Polar Ocean dynamics, with broader applications for understanding polar mixing processes and their influence on global ocean circulation.


    [1] Nicolaus, Marcel & Perovich, Donald & Spreen, Gunnar & Granskog, Mats & von Albedyll, Luisa & Angelopoulos, Michael & Anhaus, Philipp & Arndt, Stefanie & Bünger, H. Jakob & Bessonov, Vladimir & Birnbaum, Gerit & Brauchle, Joerg & Calmer, Radiance & Cardellach, Estel & Cheng, Bin & Clemens-Sewall, David & Dadic, R. & Damm, Ellen & Boer, Gijs & Wendisch, Manfred. (2022). Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice. Elem Sci Anth. 10. 10.1525/elementa.2021.000046.


    How to cite: Terletska, K., Maderіch, V., and Urbancic, G.: Impact of Ice Keel Geometry on Internal Solitary Wave Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3131,, 2025.

    EGU25-4294 | Posters on site | NP6.5

    What controls the structure of turbidity currents? 

    Daniela Vendettuoli, Matthieu, J., B. Cartigny, Michael, A. Clare, Esther, J. Sumner, Peter, J. Talling, Koen Blanckaert, Maria Azpiroz–Zabala, Charlie, K. Paull, Roberto Gwiazda, Jinping, P. Xu, Cooper Stacey, Gwyn, D. Lintern, Steve Simmons, Ed, L. Pope, Lewis, P. Bailey, and John Wood

    This study analyzes turbidity currents across multiple systems using high-resolution oceanographic datasets and laboratory experiments. By comparing velocity trends throughout the turbidity currents, we identify two end-member types: short surge flows where peak velocity is followed by rapid decay in velocity and sustained flows where peak velocity is followed by a prolonged near constant velocity. Variability is explored across key parameters, including trigger, system type, slope, grain size, and distance offshore. The findings demonstrate that no single parameter explains all observed variations, with only grain size and distance offshore showing some degree of correlation with the type. Improved data quality, particularly on grain size variability within systems and individual flows, will be essential to understand the different types of flows and their relative process.

    How to cite: Vendettuoli, D., Cartigny, M. J. B., Clare, M. A., Sumner, E. J., Talling, P. J., Blanckaert, K., Azpiroz–Zabala, M., Paull, C. K., Gwiazda, R., Xu, J. P., Stacey, C., Lintern, G. D., Simmons, S., Pope, E. L., Bailey, L. P., and Wood, J.: What controls the structure of turbidity currents?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4294,, 2025.

    EGU25-4429 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5

    A numerical and experimental investigation of the influence of heat transfer boundary conditions on convective mixing 

    Marianne Pons, Gauthier Rousseau, Hessel Adelerhof, Bastien Carde, Mart Giesbergen, Benoit Fond, Sergey Borisov, and Koen Blanckaert

    Temperature-induced density variations within fluids drive gravity-driven flows. Such flows occur for example in geophysical processes such as differential cooling or stratification dynamics in lakes. Heat transfer through the boundaries, whether in a lake or in a laboratory flume, can impact flows. The objective of this study is to evaluate numerically and experimentally the effect of these boundary conditions on thermal convective mixing in two different configurations. The first configuration is the thermal convective mixing in a box of water with cooled boundaries. The second configuration is a lock exchange gravity flow.

    Numerical simulations were performed using OpenFOAM with a Large Eddy Simulation solver and the Boussinesq approximation for density effects. The sensitivity of the solution to different boundary conditions for heat transfer were analyzed. Experiments rely on an innovative phosphor thermometry technique able to measure spatial patterns of fluid temperature instead of common pointwise measurements. Notably, we introduce a novel approach that combines the use of a laser sheet and high-resolution CMOS sensors operated in a multi gate accumulation mode to extract the temperature pattern.

    The choice of appropriate parameters in the boundary condition enabled the accurate representation of the temperature evolution and convective flow patterns observed in the experiments.

    How to cite: Pons, M., Rousseau, G., Adelerhof, H., Carde, B., Giesbergen, M., Fond, B., Borisov, S., and Blanckaert, K.: A numerical and experimental investigation of the influence of heat transfer boundary conditions on convective mixing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4429,, 2025.

    EGU25-4480 | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Gravity currents interacting with bottom large-scale roughness 

    Claudia Adduce, Maria Rita Maggi, and Giovanni Di Lollo

    Gravity currents, driven by density variations caused by gradients in temperature, salinity, or sediment concentration, arise due to hydrostatic imbalances between adjacent fluids. These flows play a pivotal role in a wide range of geophysical and engineering applications, shaping atmospheric, terrestrial, and subaqueous environments. In natural settings, the propagation of gravity currents often encounters uneven topographies, where the dynamics of the dense flow are significantly influenced by topographic features. Recent research has increasingly focused on understanding gravity currents moving through channels obstructed by finite-size patches of obstacles, which adds complexity to their behavior and mixing processes. This experimental study investigates the interaction mechanisms between gravity currents and such obstructions, providing insights into their dynamics and mixing implications through a non-intrusive image analysis technique based on light reflection to evaluate instantaneous density fields.

    Laboratory experiments were conducted in a Perspex tank with dimensions of 3 m in length, 0.3 m in height, and 0.2 m in width. An array of rigid plastic cylinders, each with a diameter of 2.5 cm, was placed at a predetermined location spanning the entire width of the channel. The gravity current was reproduced using the lock-release technique with a density difference ∆ρ=6 kg/m³. A total of 12 full-depth lock-exchange experiments were performed to analyze the submergence ratio, i.e. the ratio between the initial current depth and the obstacle height, and the gap-spacing ratio, i.e. the ratio between the spacing of the bottom obstacles and the obstacle height.

    The analysis of instantaneous density fields provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics of gravity currents. During the initial slumping phase, the front of the dense current advances at a constant velocity. However, upon reaching the obstacles, the gravity current slows down, leading to the emergence of distinct flow regimes. The evaluation of the density fields enabled a more detailed description of the flow evolution. It was observed that the front of the dense current detaches from the upstream face of each obstacle. In particular, the temporal and spatial evolution of the dimensionless depth-averaged density obtained by integrating the instantaneous density fields below a threshold of 2% excess density revealed significant phenomena near the current front. This region exhibited increased mixing and dilution as the ratio between the initial current depth and the obstacle height increased. Conversely, the influence of the spacing between the bottom obstacles appeared to be less significant.

    How to cite: Adduce, C., Maggi, M. R., and Di Lollo, G.: Gravity currents interacting with bottom large-scale roughness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4480,, 2025.

    EGU25-8865 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Hydro-sedimentary processes of a lofting turbidity current revealed by gridded ADCP measurements in the field 

    Stan Thorez, Ulrich Lemmin, D. Andrew Barry, and Koen Blanckaert

    Hyperpycnal (negatively buoyant) river inflows into lakes or reservoirs plunge upon entry, generating gravity-driven underflows near the bed. When the density excess of these underflows is primarily due to high sediment concentrations, they are referred to as turbidity currents. If these underflows encounter a layer of equal density, they will detach from the bed and intrude into the water column, forming an interflow. In turbidity currents, such underflow-interflow transitions often happen through a process called ‘lofting’, whereby a flow that is initially negatively buoyant undergoes a buoyancy reversal due to sedimentation of particles. Direct observations of lofting are sparse, particularly in the field. As turbidity currents transport various constituents – not only sediment, but also contaminants, nutrients, and oxygen – originating from the river or eroded from the bed, their trajectory and final destination significantly influence the water quality of lakes and reservoirs. The latter highlights the importance of studying flow transitions such as lofting.

    Field measurements of the turbidity current fed by the plunging Rhône River in Lake Geneva were conducted using a boat-towed ADCP along a grid of transects. The ADCP backscatter signal was used to achieve a first order estimate for the sediment concentration.

    The measured velocity field reveals that in the longitudinal direction the Rhône River turbidity current initially breaks through the Lake Geneva pycnocline, detaches from the bed, rises vertically and intrudes into the pycnocline. Additionally, in the transverse direction the outermost parts of the current peel off and similarly rise and intrude into the pycnocline. This infers the presence of lofting in both longitudinal and transverse direction. In man-made dammed-river reservoirs, river valley walls provide a high degree of transverse confinement for turbidity currents, which might suppress the development of flow processes in transverse direction, such as transverse lofting. In most natural lakes, such confinement is not present. This infers a potentially significantly different underflow-interflow transition mechanism and resulting morphological impact between reservoir and lake settings.

    The estimated sediment concentrations uncover a capacity of the lofting current to transport sediment-rich water away from the turbidity current centerline in transverse direction. This might influence the local bathymetry and support levee-building.

    How to cite: Thorez, S., Lemmin, U., Barry, D. A., and Blanckaert, K.: Hydro-sedimentary processes of a lofting turbidity current revealed by gridded ADCP measurements in the field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8865,, 2025.

    EGU25-9181 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Characteristics of turbidity current events in Lake Geneva, Switzerland 

    Xiguo Zhang, Stan Thorez, D. Andrew Barry, Ulrich Lemmin, and Koen Blanckaert

    Turbidity currents represent a distinctive type of subaqueous density currents, characterized by a density excess that is due to the sediment load. Turbidity currents are important in lakes, reservoirs and oceans and have implications on hazard management, reservoir sedimentation and water quality. The existence of turbidity currents has been inferred in the 19th century from the existence of canyons on lake bottoms and in the 20th century from successive cable breaks of telecommunication cables on the ocean floor. From the 1990s on, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler’s (ADCP) have allowed measuring vertical profiles of the velocity in turbidity currents. Most measurements were made in oceanic environments, however, and detailed measurements in lakes remain very scarce.

    This study reports field measurements of turbidity currents in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, performed in 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2022. The measurements cover a broad range of control parameters and include an entire hydrological year. Additional data were obtained from simultaneous measurements with high-resolution thermistors in vertical profiles or along the lake bottom.

    A total of twenty one turbidity current events were identified over the measurement period. For each event, characteristics such as the average and maximum flow velocity, the height, the duration and the dispatched volume of water were extracted from the ADCP velocity record. In addition, the suspended sediment concentration was estimated from the ADCP backscatter record and yielded estimations of the dispatched sediment volume.

    The twenty one turbidity currents can essentially be separated in three classes: strong short-term events with velocities above 1 m s-1 that last up to approximately 24 hours, weak long-term events with velocities below 0.3 m s-1 that last several days, and weak short-term events with velocities below 1 m s-1 that last less than 12 hours.

    How to cite: Zhang, X., Thorez, S., Barry, D. A., Lemmin, U., and Blanckaert, K.: Characteristics of turbidity current events in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9181,, 2025.

    EGU25-9640 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5

    Effect of inflow channel aspect ratio on the plunging dynamics of an unconfined hyperpycnal plume over a sloping bed 

    Kingsley Obinna Eze, Antonio Ammendola, George Giamagas, Stan Thorez, Eletta Negretti, Julien Chauchat, and Koen Blanckaert

    Hyperpycnal (denser) river inflows into lakes bring sediments, nutrients, oxygen and contaminants, which are crucial for the water quality. Due to the higher densities of hyperpycnal inflows, they abruptly descend toward the lake bottom upon entering the lake, a process called plunging, and subsequently continue flowing along the lake bottom as a gravity-driven underflow. This plunging is accompanied by mixing and entrainment of ambient lake waters, which causes dilution of the initial density excess of the river inflow. The mixing is parameterized by the plunging mixing coefficient Ep  and is of critical importance as it conditions the fate and final destination of the contaminants carried by the river inflows. A recently proposed conceptual model (Thorez et al. 2024) for the plunging into an unconfined lake configuration highlights the importance of the lateral slumping motion of the river plume and secondary flow cells on each side of the plume with respect to the plunging mixing.

    This study builds on previous research that suggests that Ep  is affected by the geometry of the river mouth. We investigate with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in laboratory experiments how the width-to-depth ratio at the river mouth (W0H1) influences the plume hydrodynamics and Ep. Four different ratios, W0H1 = 5.4, 9, 13.5 and 27, were investigated in a configuration that mimics the Rhône inflow into Lake Geneva. The laboratory experiments were performed in the Coriolis platform at LEGI (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels) at a scale of 1:60 that allows minimal scaling effect.

    The distance of the plunge location from the river mouth, xp, and the corresponding depth, hp, were found to decrease with the aspect ratio. In addition, the size of the secondary flow cells on each side of the slumping river plume decreased with aspect ratio which tentatively explains the observed variations in Ep.

    How to cite: Eze, K. O., Ammendola, A., Giamagas, G., Thorez, S., Negretti, E., Chauchat, J., and Blanckaert, K.: Effect of inflow channel aspect ratio on the plunging dynamics of an unconfined hyperpycnal plume over a sloping bed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9640,, 2025.

    EGU25-9685 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Seafloor dynamics: sediment-ocean interactions in the Diamantina Fracture Zone (SE Indian Ocean) 

    Xun Yang, Xiaoxia Huang, Hanyu Zhang, and Xiaotong Peng

    Diamantina Fracture Zone in the SE Indian Ocean is one of the less unexplored hadal zones (>6000 m) of our planet without human visits until recently. This study incorporates shallow sediments, submarine videos, and multibeam bathymetry data at a wide range of water depth and geomorphology to fully assess the sediment dynamics of the Diamantina Fracture Zone and their major causative factors. Grain size and organic geochemical analyses confirmed a primary marine source. Australian terrigenous input was indicated by an increasing silty contribution to the eastern hadal section of the fracture zone. Importantly, in the western to middle section, angular volcanic-rich sediments with a peak at 200-300 μm covered the underlying fine pelagic sediments and calcareous oozes, which were likely initiated during the Last Glacial Maximum. Susceptibility to slope failure was high due to localized topographical constraints, rather than earthquakes. The occurrence of sediment ripples at the west and densely-covered manganese nodules at the east implied the ocean bottom circulation with increasing current intensity, which also enhanced the possibility of the gravity-driven slope deposition. This research provides the first knowledge of the highly spatial heterogeneity of sediment dynamics in the remote deep Indian Ocean where continuous but fluctuating downslope and alongslope processes were developed.

    How to cite: Yang, X., Huang, X., Zhang, H., and Peng, X.: Seafloor dynamics: sediment-ocean interactions in the Diamantina Fracture Zone (SE Indian Ocean), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9685,, 2025.

    The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas on Earth, located at the convergence of the Eurasian, Pacific, and Indo-Australian plates. The basin formed through seafloor spreading during the Oligocene to Middle Miocene and has since been undergoing eastward subduction beneath the Philippine Sea Plate. This process has led to the gradual enclosure of the SCS since the Late Miocene. The region's dynamic tectonic setting, coupled with a tropical typhoon-prone climate, has contributed to the formation of numerous supercritical turbidity current (TC) bedforms within the SCS.

    Supercritical bedforms have been documented at more than 20 sites in the SCS, including bedform trains found along canyon/channel thalwegs, as well as bedform fields in unconfined environments like levees, overbank or interfluvial areas, and fans at canyon mouths. The bedform trains along thalwegs typically consist of 5-19 bedforms and vary in length from a few kilometers to ~100 km. The unconfined bedform fields may contain several to over 30 rows of bedforms, covering areas ranging from 176 to 20,000 km². Both the confined and unconfined bedforms are considered supercritical based on their diagnostic morpho-depositional characteristics, including upslope migration, and backset dominant bedding, and erosional truncations on the lee side. The turbidite-dominated sediment components, crest orientation parallel to local isobaths, and their occurrence in canyons/channels and related environments, all suggest formation by TC rather than contour or other bottom currents.

    Individual supercritical bedforms in the SCS can be identified as one of the two end members: cyclic steps and antidunes. Cyclic steps show upslope or downslope asymmetry, step-like morphology, and typical downstream-thinning backsets. Antidunes have symmetrical cross-sections, convex-upward structures, downstream-thickening backsets, and, when occurring with cyclic steps, smaller dimensions and aspect ratios. Occasionally, antidunes are superimposed on the stoss side of cyclic steps, identified as chutes-and-pools, representing a transitional type between antidunes and cyclic steps. Both confined and unconfined bedforms exhibit a wide range of wavelengths and wave heights, varying from smaller bedforms with wavelengths of 200-300 m and wave heights of several meters, to larger bedforms with wavelengths typically in the range of kilometers and wave heights reaching tens of meters or more. Confined bedforms are dominated by erosional to partially depositional cyclic steps, or by partially depositional antidunes. Unconfined bedforms are predominantly composed of fully to partially depositional cyclic steps and antidunes, with erosional cyclic steps and chutes-and-pools forming locally. In both cases, depositional bedforms are the most prevalent, likely due to high sedimentation rates resulting from the combined effects of rapid post-rift subsidence and ample sediment supply in the SCS. The widespread presence of supercritical bedforms highlights the important role that supercritical TCs play in SCS’s deep-water sedimentation.

    This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFF0800503) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91028003, 41676029, and 41876049). 

    How to cite: Zhong, G.: Supercritical turbidity-current bedforms in the South China Sea: An overview, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10010,, 2025.

    EGU25-17431 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Mixing of tracers in stratified sheared flows      

    Marie Andrieux, Yves Morel, Francis Auclair, Yvan Dossmann, Jared Penney, and Peter Haynes

    Understanding small-scale turbulent mixing in the ocean is fundamental for accurately modeling oceanic processes, predicting currents, and managing marine ecosystems. Global and regional ocean models rely on parameterizing turbulent mixing, yet this remains a significant source of uncertainty due to technical constraints and model-specific empirical assumptions. Furthermore, when coupled with biogeochemical models, a uniform mixing parameterization is typically applied to all tracers, overlooking the distinct properties of each. This study investigates the influence of turbulent mixing on macroscopic scales and examines the role of molecular diffusion coefficients, which are intrinsically the only irreversible processes affecting passive tracers. Using the CROCO model in a non-hydrostatic, compressible configuration, we conduct direct 3D numerical simulations of turbulence and mixing driven by Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. The analysis is based on tracking the properties of fluid particles in a tracer-density space and calculating an effective diffusion coefficient to quantify how fine-scale mixing impacts larger scales redistribution of tracer. The macroscopic scale is associated with the adiabatic rearrangement of the 3D density field into a stable 1D profile, following Lorenz rearrangement. The evolution of these 1D profiles, which only occurs during irreversible mixing, forms the basis for calculating the effective diffusion coefficient. Both theoretical considerations and numerical results in simplified configurations demonstrate that when the molecular diffusion coefficients for tracers and density are equal, the macroscopic effective diffusivity deduced from the density field can be applied to the passive tracer. To evaluate this principle of equality of macroscopic diffusivity, we conduct an experimental study of a gravity current in a large tank (3x0.15x0.2 meters) using a dual light attenuation technique to simultaneously observe the density and passive tracer fields. The same domain is simulated in the numerical model, enabling direct comparisons of mixing dynamics between experimental and numerical gravity currents. Results highlight the critical role of transverse instabilities in driving irreversible mixing. The latter locally modify mixing at macroscopic scale and possibly alter the equality principle. 

    How to cite: Andrieux, M., Morel, Y., Auclair, F., Dossmann, Y., Penney, J., and Haynes, P.: Mixing of tracers in stratified sheared flows     , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17431,, 2025.

    EGU25-17770 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5

    Near-field plunging dynamics of laterally unconfined hyperpycnal plumes over inclined beds 

    Georgios Giamagas, Cyrille Bonamy, Koen Blanckaert, and Julien Chauchat

    The flow of a hyperpycnal river plume into a lake with an inclined bed and without any lateral confinement is a common occurrence in nature.  A characteristic example of such geophysical fluid flow system is the one of  sediment-laden dense river inflows in freshwater lakes (e.g. river Rhone - lake Geneva). In this case, the plunging process close to the river mouth, as well as its dependence on the properties of the inflow, affect critically the subsequent hydrodynamics in the lake. A better understanding of these flow processes is therefore significant for the effective management of the lake water quality and overall ecology. In this talk, we focus on the complex near-field plume dynamics and establish novel criteria for plunging, based on Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of an unconfined hyperpycnal saline plume over an idealized bed. More specifically, we focus on the effect of the variation of the inflow densimetric Froude number, Frd, which is the non-dimensional parameter describing the ratio between inertial and buoyancy forces acting on the plume. In particular, three simulations were performed at different values of Frd, within the range of values encountered in the plunging of river Rhone in lake Geneva. It is found that the near-field dynamics of the hyperpycnal plume is different in the unconfined plunging scenario compared to the case where the flow is confined by lateral walls and that it critically depends on Frd. Indeed, it is a well-established result that in the confined case the plunging of the hyperpycnal plume occurs at the location downstream where a balance between dynamic pressure forces (inertia) and the resisting hydrostatic pressure forces (gravity) is obtained. However, in absence of any lateral confinement the plunging begins immediately upon the entrance of the dense river water in the lake, due to lateral slumping. The slumping takes place at both lateral sides of the plume in the form of a collapse of the dense water column followed by a spread across the lake bottom that is very similar to a lock-release flow configuration. This results in an earlier departure of the plume from the lake surface in the unconfined case compared to the confined case under similar inflow conditions. We are able to determine the effect of Frd on the plunge curve, as well as the extend of the plunging zone on the lake bed, before the plume turns into a gravity current and continues its propagation down the slope. In addition, an explanation is provided for the field observations of surface leakage, where sediment-rich water is detected at the lake surface even downstream of the plunge curve. This explanation focuses on the effect of Frd on the dynamics of the turbulent mixing layers that develop at the interface between the incoming river water and the surrounding lake water. These mixing layers facilitate a substantial transfer of mass and momentum from the inflowing river water to the ambient lake water.

    How to cite: Giamagas, G., Bonamy, C., Blanckaert, K., and Chauchat, J.: Near-field plunging dynamics of laterally unconfined hyperpycnal plumes over inclined beds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17770,, 2025.

    EGU25-18513 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5

    New insights into experimental stratified flows obtained through a physics-informed neural network 

    Adrien Lefauve, Lu Zhu, Xianyang Jiang, Rich Kerswell, and Paul Linden

    We develop a physics-informed neural network (PINN) to significantly augment state-of-the-art experimental data of stratified flows. A fully connected deep neural network is trained using experimental data in a salt-stratified inclined duct (SID) experiment. SID sustains a buoyancy-driven exchange flow for long time periods, much like an infinite gravity current. The data consist of time-resolved, three-component velocity fields and density fields measured simultaneously in three dimensions at Reynolds number= O(10^3) and at Prandtl or Schmidt number = 700 [1]. The PINN enforces incompressibility, the governing equations for momentum and buoyancy, and the boundary conditions at the duct walls. These physics-constrained, augmented data are output at an increased spatio-temporal resolution and demonstrate five key results: (i) the elimination of measurement noise; (ii) the correction of distortion caused by the scanning measurement technique; (iii) the identification of weak but dynamically important three-dimensional vortices of Holmboe waves; (iv) the revision of turbulent energy budgets and mixing efficiency; and (v) the prediction of the latent pressure field and its role in the observed asymmetric Holmboe wave dynamics. These results mark a significant step forward in furthering the reach of fluid mechanics experiments, especially in the context of stratified turbulence, where accurately computing three-dimensional gradients and resolving small scales remain enduring challenges.

    [1] L. Zhu, X. Jiang, A. Lefauve, R. R. Kerswell, and P. F. Linden. New insights into experimental
    stratified flows obtained through physics-informed neural networks. J. Fluid Mech., 981:R1, 2024.

    How to cite: Lefauve, A., Zhu, L., Jiang, X., Kerswell, R., and Linden, P.: New insights into experimental stratified flows obtained through a physics-informed neural network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18513,, 2025.

    EGU25-18582 * | ECS | Orals | NP6.5 | Highlight

    Towards a numerical configuration of the Strait of Gibraltar at the laboratory scale: The HERCULES project 

    Bastien Gouhier, Lucie Bordois, Francis Auclair, Cyril Nguyen, Axel Tassigny, Stef Bardoel, Louis Gostiaux, and Maria Eletta Negretti

    The Strait of Gibraltar is the site of a rich and complex physics where flows of different densities interact with a strongly rugged topography. These interactions produce many small-scale processes such as the development of hydraulic jumps, shear instabilities, internal solitary waves, which induce strong mixing and impact the Mediterranean outflow water masses. The dynamics of this gravity current emerging from the Strait and flowing along the canyons of the Gulf of Cadiz is conditioned by its prior evolution inside the Strait. In turn, this dense gravity current plays a crucial role on the large-scale oceanic circulation as it mixes with overlying North Atlantic waters thus modifying the properties of the deep-water masses and therefore, likely the regional and basin-scale circulations. Better understanding and describing these small-scale processes is essential to improve operational oceanic models and climate models since they occur below the grid scale of these models and therefore require parameterizations. Recently, the LEGI team has implemented a realistic setup of the Strait of Gibraltar with the adjacent Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea on the Coriolis Platform at Grenoble, including the barotropic forcing (tide), the baroclinic one (lock-exchange), the Earth’s rotation and a realistic topography. The aim is to bring a better understanding of the small-scale physics which take place in this area. In addition to this experimental approach, centimetric resolution of hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic numerical simulations at the laboratory scale were carried out using the numerical code CROCO (Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model – A specificity of this code is to be able to efficiently resolve sub-mesoscale processes and to relax both the hydrostaticity and Boussinesq assumptions using a non-hydrostatic and compressible Navier-Stokes solver. The purpose of this numerical approach is manifold: explore ranges of parameters that could not be studied experimentally, develop diagnostic tools, investigate the impact of non-hydrostatic effects, evaluate numerical schemes and parameterizations, investigate more specifically each physical process. However, setting up such a realistic numerical configuration is challenging. For example, if we are interested in the purely barotropic forcing, it is essential to represent the tidal forcing identically as in the experiment. Likewise, when we focus on the purely baroclinic forcing, the inherent steep slopes related to the experimental setup put strong constraints on the numerical code. From these numerical simulations, non-hydrostatic effects on the gravity current dynamics are estimated and analyzed at the laboratory scale. They significantly modify hydraulic jumps formation, overflow transport and deep waters circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz. Boundary conditions, vertical resolution, explicit and implicit vertical mixing or viscous effects are all numerical factors that influence gravity current dynamics. All these features must be carefully studied since they impact both the fate of the Mediterranean waters when they flow into the Atlantic Ocean and the fate of the Atlantic waters flowing into de Mediterranean basin. The aim of this presentation is to present the work carried out up to date in the development of these numerical configurations and to present the associated preliminary results.

    How to cite: Gouhier, B., Bordois, L., Auclair, F., Nguyen, C., Tassigny, A., Bardoel, S., Gostiaux, L., and Negretti, M. E.: Towards a numerical configuration of the Strait of Gibraltar at the laboratory scale: The HERCULES project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18582,, 2025.

    EGU25-19603 | Orals | NP6.5

    Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow from the Bosphorus to the Continental Shelf Edge 

    Tulay Cokacar, Hüsne Altıok, Mustafa Yücel, and Hasan Örek

    The Mediterranean outflow from the Bosphorus advances through channels and delta features, reaching the shelf edge, spreading across the mid-shelf slope, and cascading down the steep continental slope. During the July 2024 cruise, intensive sampling along transects using CTD and Scanfish provided high-resolution data to better understand the pathways of the Mediterranean plume along the continental slope. This study explores the steering of Mediterranean streams through a complex channel network on the shelf, the evolution of distinct water properties—including dissolved oxygen content—and the eventual transition of the Mediterranean flow into neutrally buoyant layers.

    To complement the observational data, the dynamics of the gravity current along the shelf-slope region of the Black Sea, characterized by anomalous temperature and oxygen levels were modeled. Model parameters were optimized and validated against the collected cruise data. These new hydrographic observations and modeling efforts shed light on the Mediterranean gradient flow's penetration into the Black Sea interior, advancing our understanding of its pathways and influence on regional water properties.

    How to cite: Cokacar, T., Altıok, H., Yücel, M., and Örek, H.: Tracking the Mediterranean Outflow from the Bosphorus to the Continental Shelf Edge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19603,, 2025.

    EGU25-20195 | Orals | NP6.5

    3D two-phase flow simulations of lock-release turbidity currents 

    julien chauchat, Manohar sharma, Marie Rastello, Cyrille Bonamy, Cyril Gadal, Yvan Dossmann, Matthieu Mercier, and Laurent Lacaze

    In this contribution, we present 3D two-phase flow simulations of lock-release turbidity currents using sedFOAM. The Large Eddy Simulation is used for the turbulence modeling while the granular stresses are modeled using a frictional-collisional kinetic theory including interparticle friction (Chassagne et al., 2023). Simulations are performed for different bed slopes, initial volume fractions and particle diameter and density. The numerical results are compared with experiments in terms of front propagation and current shape (Gadal et al., 2023). The simulation results are further used to infer the mechanisms controlling the current attenuation, i.e. the current propagation speed reduction with time. We further use the model to analyse the influence of the flume geometry, free surface versus rigid roof.

    How to cite: chauchat, J., sharma, M., Rastello, M., Bonamy, C., Gadal, C., Dossmann, Y., Mercier, M., and Lacaze, L.: 3D two-phase flow simulations of lock-release turbidity currents, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20195,, 2025.

    EGU25-20409 | ECS | Orals | NP6.5

    Buoyancy-driven Flows in Cryospheric Aquatic Systems 

    Hugo N. Ulloa, Gustavo Estay, Zhukun Wang, and Daisuke Noto

    Buoyancy-driven flows play a fundamental role in shaping the dynamics of cryospheric aquatic systems, including ice-covered and proglacial lakes. These flows, driven by density contrasts resulting from variations in temperature, salinity, or meltwater input, regulate critical processes such as heat transport, nutrient distribution, and ice-ocean interactions. This study investigates the mechanisms underlying buoyancy-driven flows, their variability across diverse cryospheric settings, and their implications for heat and mass redistribution in aquatic systems. By integrating field observations, laboratory experiments, and numerical modeling, we explore the patterns of buoyancy-driven flows and their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions. Our findings emphasize the importance of convective dynamics and the nonlinear equation of state of water in governing heat exchange at solid-liquid interfaces, water column stratification, and localized mixing layers. This research enhances our understanding of fragile aquatic systems and provides new insights into the physics of the cryosphere.

    How to cite: Ulloa, H. N., Estay, G., Wang, Z., and Noto, D.: Buoyancy-driven Flows in Cryospheric Aquatic Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20409,, 2025.

    EGU25-21856 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.5

    Temperature imaging of buoyancy-driven flows using lifetime-based laser-induced phosphorescence of particles 

    Gauthier Rousseau, Marianne Pons, Hessel Adelerhof, Mart Giesbergen, Bastien Carde, Benoit Fond, Sergey Borisov, and Koen Blanckaert
    Recent advancements in fluid experimentation have made it possible to visualize local temperature in flows by observing the response of photoluminescent dye or particles to light excitation. This has sparked increased interest in exploring laboratory-scale density currents induced by temperature differences. However, unlike the commonly investigated saltwater-freshwater or turbidity currents, heat transfer through boundaries can occur, potentially influencing the dynamics of the buoyancy-driven current.
    In this study, we utilize the luminescence lifetime dependence on ambient fluid temperature of phosphor micrometric particles (YAG:Cr) and dye (Zr(PDP)2), to spatially and temporally resolve gravity currents such as lock-exchange flows. Notably, we introduce a novel approach by demonstrating the use of CMOS sensors coupled with an accumulation technique to extract temperature information from high resolution images. This method holds promise as it significantly enhances the accessibility of temperature imaging techniques for experimenters. This innovative approach is adaptable to various experimental setups studying thermal convection in fluid bodies.

    How to cite: Rousseau, G., Pons, M., Adelerhof, H., Giesbergen, M., Carde, B., Fond, B., Borisov, S., and Blanckaert, K.: Temperature imaging of buoyancy-driven flows using lifetime-based laser-induced phosphorescence of particles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21856,, 2025.

    EGU25-473 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1

    Turbulent Lagrangian fCO2 time series statistics in the Southern Ocean 

    Kévin Robache and François G. Schmitt

    The Southern Ocean plays a crucial role in regulating Earth's climate, absorbing approximately 10 % of annual human CO2 emissions (DeVries, 2014; Friedlingstein et al., 2023). However, it is still a challenge to fully understand its carbon dynamics due to significant observational gaps, particularly during winter. Furthermore, the dynamics on small spatial and temporal scales are also poorly understood, despite their potential importance in shaping the overall carbon budget of the region (Guo & Timmermans, 2024). Between 2001 and 2012, researchers from the LOCEAN laboratory in Paris deployed 15 CARIOCA Lagrangian drifting buoys in this region to gain a deeper understanding of its spatial carbon dynamics (Boutin et al., 2008; Resplandy et al., 2014) at high-frequency (1-hour time resolution). In this study, we analyzed the time series of six of these buoys in the framework of Lagrangian turbulence (Kolmogorov, 1941; Landau & Lifschitz, 1944; Inoue, 1951). This is done using Lagrangian data on CO2 fugacity (fCO2), chlorophyll a, sea surface temperature (SST), and sea surface salinity (SSS) along their trajectories. Additionally, we examined the dynamics of the buoys' drifting speeds estimated from buoys location data.

    Through Fourier spectral analysis and structure function analysis, we demonstrated that these time series exhibit scaling and intermittent behaviour, in agreement with the Lagrangian vision of the turbulent Richardson-Kolmogorov energy cascade in fully developed turbulence. Notably, at least two distinct spectral regimes were identified. Chlorophyll a and fCO2 behave as active turbulent scalars, while SST and SSS depicted statistics compatible with passive scalars with a higher intermittency on timescales shorter than 4 days. The links between these time series were also investigated, using the generalized correlation functions (GCFs) and exponents (GCEs).

    References :

    DeVries, T. (2014). The oceanic anthropogenic CO2 sink: Storage, air‐sea fluxes, and transports over the industrial era. Global Biogeochemical Cycles28(7), 631-647.

    Friedlingstein, P. et al. (2023). Global carbon budget 2023. Earth System Science Data, 15(12), 5301-5369.

    Guo, Y., & Timmermans, M. L. (2024). The role of ocean mesoscale variability in air‐sea CO2 exchange: A global perspective. Geophysical Research Letters51(10), e2024GL108373.

    Boutin, J. et al. (2008). Air‐sea CO2 flux variability in frontal regions of the Southern Ocean from CARbon Interface OCean Atmosphere drifters. Limnology and Oceanography53(5part2), 2062-2079.

    Resplandy, L. et al. (2014). Observed small spatial scale and seasonal variability of the CO2 system in the Southern Ocean. Biogeosciences11(1), 75-90.

    Kolmogorov, A. N. (1941). On degeneration (decay) of isotropic turbulence in an incompressible viscous liquid. In Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Vol. 31, pp. 538-540).

    Landau L.D. & Lifshitz E.M. (1944). Fluid Mechanics (MIR), first russian edition.

    Inoue, E. (1952). Turbulent fluctuations in temperature in the atmosphere and oceans. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II30(9), 289-295.

    How to cite: Robache, K. and Schmitt, F. G.: Turbulent Lagrangian fCO2 time series statistics in the Southern Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-473,, 2025.

    EGU25-1290 | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Dispersal of invasive species larvae within the Orust-Tjörn fjord system 

    Sandra-Esther Brunnabend, Lars Arneborg, and Sam Fredriksson

    The Orust-Tjörn fjord system is located on the west coast of Sweden and consists of several fjords connected by shallow and narrow straits. It is home to nature reserves, harbors, leisure areas, and aquaculture farms, and biodiversity is threatened by invasive species, for example brought in through shipping. Therefore, it is important to understand how larvae of invasive species are dispersed by the currents within the fjords system in order to find efficient methods for management of existing and future harmful invasive species. 

    A connectivity study is performed in order to identify dispersion patterns, assuming that larvae are passively transported by surface currents. For the years 2016 and 2022, the dispersion of larvae is simulated using the open source Opendrift software (Dagestad et al., 2018). The model is forced by velocity fields modeled with a high resolution regional Nemo3.6 ocean model with lateral resolution of ~50m. A large number of particles (~700,000) are seeded with four-day intervals, covering the whole fjord system and areas of open waters near the entrances of the fjord system. For each seeding, the dispersion model runs for 3 weeks where larvae that reach a shore are transported away again when currents change (pelagic phase). This is followed by a one-week period where larvae settled as soon as they reach a shore (settling phase). On the basis of this ensemble, we perform a connectivity analysis indicating the probabilities of larvae, released at one location, settling in other locations within the fjord system.

    Results show that larvae seeded inside the Orust-Tjörn fjord system mostly remain there with some even remaining in the same local fjord basin during the four-week period. Connectivity matrices also show that some larvae travel far. Larvae seeded outside the Orust-Tjörn fjord system are likely to leave the model domain as they are transported within the generally northward flowing swift Baltic current. 

    How to cite: Brunnabend, S.-E., Arneborg, L., and Fredriksson, S.: Dispersal of invasive species larvae within the Orust-Tjörn fjord system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1290,, 2025.

    EGU25-1454 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1

    An Adaptive Masking Time Series Transformer based Representation Learning Model for Well Log Curves 

    Pin Li, Jun Zhou, Yubo Liu, Juan Zhang, Guojun Li, and Yuange Zhou

    Well log curves, acquired from downhole logging tools during well logging, are pivotal for reservoir characterization and formation evaluation in oil and gas exploration and production. However, manual feature extraction from raw curves remains essential for constructing effective machine learning models, presenting time-consuming challenges and stringent labeling requirements. Concurrently, the transformer architecture, prevalent in NLP and computer vision, offers promise for representation learning. This paper proposes a self-supervised transformer based methodology for extracting well log curves representations, aiming to expedite downstream model development.

    While transformer models have gained prominence in handling text and image data, well log curves present a distinct challenge as they resemble time series data. Despite the nascent development of time series transformer models, we conducted an extensive review of current progress and adopted the best-performing time series transformer model for extracting representations from well log curves. Importantly, given the challenges posed by factors such as borehole conditions and instrument failure, certain types of well log curves may occasionally be missing or distorted. To address this issue, our proposed methodology introduces an adaptive masking mechanism, which selectively applies masking to patches of curves where data quality is poor, thereby effectively mitigating data quality concerns.

    Data from 2000 wells are utilized for model training, with an additional 100 wells reserved for validation purposes. Our study observed a consistent decrease in both training and test losses until convergence during the training stage. Initially, mean squared error (MSE) and mean absolute error (MAE) are employed to quantify reconstruction errors between reconstructed curves and raw curves, low values of MSE (0.08) and MAE (0.07) indicate effectiveness of the learned representations. Subsequently, a downstream task involving oil and gas identification is undertaken, wherein a classification model is developed based on representations learned by the transformer model. Performance comparison between models utilizing learned representation and those employing statistical features highlights the superior performance of the former (98% accuracy), emphasizing the efficacy of our representation learning methodology. This paper introduces a novel self-supervised methodology based on transformer architecture for well log curve representation learning. The method automates information extraction without requiring logging expertise and substantially enhances downstream machine learning model performance.

    How to cite: Li, P., Zhou, J., Liu, Y., Zhang, J., Li, G., and Zhou, Y.: An Adaptive Masking Time Series Transformer based Representation Learning Model for Well Log Curves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1454,, 2025.

    EGU25-3171 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1

    Lagrangian tracking of particles settling through the atmosphere: influence of particle shape on its dispersion 

    Taraprasad Bhowmick, Florencia Falkinhoff, Eberhard Bodenschatz, and Gholamhossein Bagheri
    All solid particles in the atmosphere – such as ash, dust, ice crystals, pollen and microplastics – are non-spherical, which affects their atmospheric transport. However, studies of their dispersion are often based on models derived from measurements in stationary fluids or on field data distorted by atmospheric fluctuations. To address these limitations, the IMPACT (In-situ Measurement of Particles, Atmosphere, Cloud, and Turbulence) field campaign was conducted in northern Finland during May and June 2024. As part of this initiative, we launched an innovative experiment to track the dispersion of small, non-spherical particles released at altitudes between 2 and 7 km. Their trajectories were monitored until they reached the ground.
    The experiment used particles of consistent mass (8.5 grams) and volume but varying shapes, including icosahedrons (representing near-spherical forms), as well as circular and elliptical discs, some with perforations. Up to 20 paperboard particles equipped with miniaturized, battery-powered electronics were placed inside a biodegradable helium balloon for each launch. At the target altitude, the balloon burst, releasing the particles from a single point. Throughout the particles' ascent within the balloon and their descent after release, GPS data on their position and altitude were transmitted via radio to ground stations. Over the course of the campaign, we tracked up to 150 particles across six distinct shapes. In addition, particle-resolved direct numerical simulations are carried out to determine the settling behavior in still air as a function of particle shape. In this presentation, we will share preliminary findings on particle dispersion patterns and explore the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the behavior of non-spherical particles.

    How to cite: Bhowmick, T., Falkinhoff, F., Bodenschatz, E., and Bagheri, G.: Lagrangian tracking of particles settling through the atmosphere: influence of particle shape on its dispersion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3171,, 2025.

    EGU25-4715 | Orals | NP6.1

    Nonlinear causal dependencies as a signature of the complexity of the climate dynamics 

    Stéphane Vannitsem, X. San Liang, and Carlos A. Pires

    Nonlinear quadratic and linear dynamical dependencies of large-scale climate modes are disentangled through the analysis of the rate of the information transfer. That is performed in a joint analysis of eight dominant climate modes, covering the tropics and extratropics over the North Pacific and Atlantic. A clear signature of nonlinear and compound influences at low-frequencies (time scales larger than a year) are emerging, while high-frequencies are only affected by linear dependencies. These results point to the complex nonlinear collective behavior at global scale of the climate system at low-frequencies, supporting earlier views that regional climate modes are local expressions of a global intricate low-frequency variability dynamics, which is still to be fully uncovered.

    How to cite: Vannitsem, S., Liang, X. S., and Pires, C. A.: Nonlinear causal dependencies as a signature of the complexity of the climate dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4715,, 2025.

    EGU25-5726 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Manifold Embeddings for Multispectral Time-Series Land Disturbance Detection 

    Mengyao Li and Jianbo Qi

    Dimensionality reduction techniques have been successfully applied in remote sensing to reduce redundant information. However, achieving dimensionality reduction and lossless recovery for multispectral data at any global location remains a challenge, particularly given the complex and variable nature of surface conditions. Furthermore, it is still unclear if the reduced features maintain temporal continuity and can be effectively integrated with existing time series algorithms for disturbance detection. This study trains a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) model based on Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 (HLS) imagery to accomplish multispectral dimensionality reduction. Subsequently, the manifold embeddings are used in the Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) algorithm for land disturbance detection. Two key conclusions are drawn from this study: 1) a general multispectral dimensionality reduction model was constructed based on UMAP, which is applicable to all global land surfaces and any seasons. The manifold embeddings exhibit a stable value range and preserve the coherence of the time series. 2) compared to full-spectrum multispectral data, the manifold embeddings achieved comparable performance in image prediction and disturbance detection. Our study demonstrates the potential of manifold learning-based representation of global land surface reflectance spectra for lightweight storage and processing of dense satellite image time series, while keeping the ability to detect any kinds of land disturbance.

    How to cite: Li, M. and Qi, J.: Manifold Embeddings for Multispectral Time-Series Land Disturbance Detection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5726,, 2025.

    EGU25-5876 | Orals | NP6.1

    Relative dispersion at the surface of the ocean: role of balanced motions and internal waves 

    Stefano Berti, Michael Maalouly, Guillaume Lapeyre, and Aurélien Ponte

    Ocean flows at scales smaller than few hundreds of kilometers display rich dynamics, mainly associated with quasi- geostrophic motions and internal gravity waves. Although both of these processes act on comparable lengthscales, the former, which include meso and submesoscale turbulent flows, are considerably slower than the latter, which take part in the ocean fast variability. Understanding how their effects overlap is crucial for several fundamental and applied questions, including the interpretation and exploitation of new, high-resolution satellite altimetry data, and the characterization of material transport at fine scales.

    In this study we investigate these points by examining Lagrangian pair-dispersion statistics in a high-resolution global-ocean numerical simulation including high-frequency motions, such as internal gravity waves. In particular, we aim at assessing the sensitivity of the particle relative-dispersion process on ageostrophic, fast fluid motions. For this purpose we select a study area close to Kuroshio Extension, characterized by energetic submesoscales, and focus on the seasonal variability of the Lagrangian dynamics.

    We find that in winter pair dispersion is predominantly influenced by meso and submesoscale motions, meaning nearly balanced dynamics. The behavior of the different Lagrangian indicators considered agrees in this case with the theoretical predictions, based on the shape of the kinetic energy spectrum, in quasi-geostrophic turbulent flows. Conversely, in summer, when high-frequency motions gain importance and submesoscales are less energetic, the situation is found to be more subtle, and the usual relations between dispersion properties and spectra do not seem to hold. We explain this apparent inconsistency relying on a decomposition of the flow into nearly-balanced motions and internal gravity waves. Through this approach, we show that while the latter contribute to the kinetic energy spectrum at small scales, they do not impact relative dispersion, which is essentially controlled by the nearly-balanced, mainly rotational, flow component at larger scales.

    How to cite: Berti, S., Maalouly, M., Lapeyre, G., and Ponte, A.: Relative dispersion at the surface of the ocean: role of balanced motions and internal waves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5876,, 2025.

    EGU25-6863 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Spatiotemporal Causal Effect Estimation in Complex Dynamical Systems 

    Rebecca Herman and Jakob Runge

    Causal Inference is essential for identifying and quantifying causal relationships in systems where randomized controlled experiments are infeasible, but the high dimensionality and co-variability structure of spatiotemporal dynamical systems such as the climate system pose special challenges for causal effect estimation. It is standard for climate scientists to reduce the dimension of their data with pre-processing procedures such as regional means and principal component analysis, but taking a regional mean may mask differences in spatial pattern – such as the difference between Eastern Pacific and Central Pacific El Niño events – that may be relevant for causal relationships. Similarly, principal component analysis may obscure true causal relationships because the spatial pattern associated with maximum co-variability may not be the causally relevant information. Instead of using these preprocessing techniques, the basic procedure of time series causal effect estimation can be simply extended to multivariate time series, but this introduces new complications and heightens already existing complications of time series causal effect estimation. Here, we discuss these complications and present practical solutions. Complications for multi-variate as well as univariate time series include: (1) neighboring points in time and space may be very similar if the scale of the spatiotemporal sampling rate is small relative to the characteristic scale of the variance, resulting in unstable estimations, (2) the do-calculus expression for estimating the response to a hard intervention may include calculations with spatiotemporal gradients so strong they would result in instabilities in the system, and finally, (3) it is often not possible to actually perform a hard intervention in dynamical systems, making the interpretation of the causal effect unclear. The first complication may be addressed using L2 regularization, and the second and third complications may be addressed by focusing on soft interventions of reasonable magnitude that approach zero on their spatiotemporal boundaries. A unique complication of multi-variate causal effect estimation is that, when using L2 regularization, the total causal influence of a climate variable will be penalized inverse-proportionally to the number of spatial datapoints. This complication can be addressed by scaling variables so that the total spatiotemporal variance, rather than the component-wise variance, is one. We showcase the power of the technique by quantifying the spatiotemporal causal effect of El Niño-related sea surface temperature variability on atmospheric pressure variability in the North Atlantic in unforced Community Earth System Model simulations. We demonstrate that spatiotemporal causal effect estimation allows us to simultaneously determine the relevant spatial patterns and more accurately quantify a pattern-dependent causal effect between ENSO and NAO that has thus far proven difficult to measure in observational studies.

    How to cite: Herman, R. and Runge, J.: Spatiotemporal Causal Effect Estimation in Complex Dynamical Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6863,, 2025.

    EGU25-6918 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1

    New ABL measurements of Lagrangian relative dispersion by means of radiosonde clusters 

    Niccolo' Gallino, Shahbozbek Abdunabiev, John Craske, Ben Devenish, Jennyfer Tse, and Daniela Tordella

    Turbulent relative dispersion is a phenomenon of fundamental interest both for its theoretical implications and for its immediate applications, which in geophysical sciences range from pollutant spreading in the atmosphere to nutrient transport in the oceans. We present new results in the measurement of turbulent relative dispersion in the atmospheric boundary layer, which enrich the picture with respect to the current framework. The measurements were carried out using clusters of miniaturized radiosondes, carried by small (~40 cm in diameter) helium balloons [1]. These clusters enable the effective investigation of relative dispersion by computing inter-particle distances among radiosondes. This methodology represents a concrete attempt at realising the type of analysis originally conceived by L. F. Richardson in his 1926 paper [2], often regarded as the one that initiated the field of study of relative dispersion.

    The current accepted framework for the discussion of relative dispersion is the Kolmogorov-Obukhov scaling theory, which on dimensional grounds allowed for the derivation of the result (called the Richardson-Obukhov law) according to which the mean square distance in between particles advected by a turbulent flow field scales like the cube of time, , where ε is the energy dissipation rate and g is called the Richardson constant. However, this result is only valid for the case of homogeneous, isotropic turbulence, specifically in the inertial range of scales [2, 3]. Atmospheric turbulence, instead, is far from homogeneity and isotropy, and is characterized by local intense intermittency and entrainment [4, 5].
    We conducted six cluster launches across three distinct topographical environments: the near-maritime plains at Chilbolton Observatory, the western Alps near the Astronomical Observatory of Aosta Valley, and the hilly region surrounding Udine. The results reveal not only deviations from the RO law but also significant variations between launches and distinct dispersion regimes within each launch (Fig. 1). The implication is, as expected, that the dispersion law for the atmosphere does not have a universal character, and depends on specific details of the boundary layer flow. The next step in the analysis will be the identification of the relevant flow features which impact the dispersion law, which is especially challenging due to the wide range of possibly participating phenomena.

    Fig. 1. Mean square separation distance between mini-radiosondes within the cluster during six field experiment flights in different environmental topologies. Cross symbols show results from the MET OFFICE NAME dispersion model [6].

    1. Abdunabiev S. et al., Measurement 224, 113879 (2024)
    2. Richardson LF, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 110, 709 (1926)
    3. Devenish, BJ, Thomson DJ. JFM 867, 877–905 (2019)
    4. Van Reeuwijk M, Vassilicos JC, Craske J. JFM 908 (2021)
    5. Fossa’ L., Abdunabiev S., Golshan M., Tordella D., Physics of fluids 34, (2022)
    6. Turbulence_&_Diffusion_Note_288, Met Office, UK (2003)

    How to cite: Gallino, N., Abdunabiev, S., Craske, J., Devenish, B., Tse, J., and Tordella, D.: New ABL measurements of Lagrangian relative dispersion by means of radiosonde clusters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6918,, 2025.

    In past decades, increasing robust causal models were proposed, making causal inference under different scenarios and data limitations feasible. On one hand, these causal model are all based on time series data sources. On the other hand, in Earth Science, some variables, such as soil features and elevation, do not present a time series or the time series of these variables do not present sufficient temporal variations. In this case, traditional temporal causal models may fail to identify these clearly existing causalities in Earth Science.  To fill these gaps, here we show a Geographical Convergent Cross Mapping (GCCM) model for spatial causal inference with spatial cross-sectional data based cross-mapping prediction in reconstructed state space. Three typical cases, where clearly existing causations cannot be measured through temporal models, demonstrate that GCCM could detect weak-moderate causations when the correlation is not significant. And when the coupling between two variables is significant and strong, GCCM is advantageous in identifying the primary causation direction and better revealing the bidirectional asymmetric causation, overcoming the mirroring effect. The principle and some cases of GCCM are briefly introduced.  

    How to cite: Chen, Z.: Causal Inference in GeoScience: From the Temporal to Spatial Dimensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7326,, 2025.

    EGU25-11012 | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Enhanced Ocean Model Predictability through Integration of High-Frequency Radar Observations and 2DVAR Data Assimilation: A Case Study of Pasaia Port 

    Guillermo García Sánchez, Irene Ruiz, Anna Rubio, and Lohitzune Solabarrieta

    Accurate ocean state forecasting is fundamental for effective port operations and coastal zone management. In the southeastern Bay of Biscay, particularly Pasaia port, high-resolution ocean condition forecasts directly impact navigation safety, port logistics, and environmental monitoring capabilities. The integration of observational data with numerical models represents a critical advancement in improving forecast accuracy for operational oceanography applications.

    This study addresses the challenge of enhancing ocean model performance through a systematic approach to data assimilation. We focus on incorporating high-frequency (HF) radar observations into the Iberian-Biscay-Irish (IBI) regional model framework to optimize boundary conditions of the MOHID model that is available in the area. The motivation stems from the need to reduce forecast uncertainties in coastal areas where complex bathymetry, tidal forcing, and meteorological conditions interact. By implementing a two-dimensional variational (2DVAR) assimilation scheme, we aim to minimize the discrepancies between model outputs and observational data, ultimately providing more reliable ocean state estimates for local maritime operations. To validate the improved model outputs, we will compare them against Lagrangian drifter trajectories using a skill score metric, ensuring the assimilation’s effectiveness in capturing complex ocean dynamics.

    How to cite: García Sánchez, G., Ruiz, I., Rubio, A., and Solabarrieta, L.: Enhanced Ocean Model Predictability through Integration of High-Frequency Radar Observations and 2DVAR Data Assimilation: A Case Study of Pasaia Port, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11012,, 2025.

    EGU25-11509 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1

    Sparse pre-whitening operators for regression of climatic time series 

    Donald P. Cummins and Mengheng Li
    Regression methods are used extensively in climate science and are commonly applied to output from numerical climate models, e.g. for detection and attribution of climate change trends and for diagnosing emergent properties of climate models such as Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity (ECS). Output from climate models can have complex spatiotemporal dependence structures and, in practice, the assumptions of the Gauss-Markov Theorem seldom hold. Under such conditions, the application of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) is inefficient and can lead to biased inference, with implications for model selection and evaluation.

    The detection and attribution community has traditionally addressed this problem using a Generalised Least Squares (GLS) approach, whereby a pre-whitening operator is estimated from a climate model's pre-industrial control (piControl) simulation, typically using an unstructured sample covariance matrix or regularised version thereof.

    We show how, for low-dimensional collections of climate variables, the dependence structure can be parsimoniously parameterised as a Vector AutoRegression (VAR) and the resultant sparse pre-whitening operator efficiently computed. For the first-order VAR(1) model, this procedure is analogous to a multivariate Prais-Winsten estimation. An example application to calibration of Simple Climate Models (SCMs) is discussed, shedding new light on the problem of choosing an appropriate model complexity.

    How to cite: Cummins, D. P. and Li, M.: Sparse pre-whitening operators for regression of climatic time series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11509,, 2025.

    EGU25-11547 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Vortex dynamics on Rotating Penetrative Convection 

    Gabriel Meletti, Thierry Alboussière, Jezabel Curbelo, Stéphane Labrosse, and Philippe Odier

    This work presents experimental results regarding rotating penetrative convection. The focus is on how convection driven by thermal or salty composition interacts with a stably stratified region. In such systems, as convection overshoots into the stratified layer, complex feedback loops arise, leading to the generation of internal waves that propagate in the stably stratified region. In rotating systems, Coriolis effects can further modify the dynamics, giving rise to inertial-gravity waves in the stably stratified region. Furthermore, the convective cells can change into different patterns of elongated vortices, changing how convection overshoots, and how it can drive internal waves. These phenomena are relevant to different geophysical and astrophysical applications, such as in the Earth's atmosphere, where internal gravity waves are excited in the stratosphere by convective motions in the troposphere. These interactions are also relevant to planetary and stellar interior applications, where convection can drive waves in stably stratified layers such as the radiative zone of stars or in the (possibly existing) stratified layer at the Earth's external core, where rotation effects are even more significant due to the small Rossby numbers, of the order of $10^{-5}$ to $10^{-4}$. This indicates that rotational forces dominate over inertial forces, highlighting the importance of better understanding the effects of rotation in the dynamics of penetrative convection and wave interactions.

    Our experimental setup, named \textit{CROISSANTS (Convective ROtational Interactions with Stable Stratification Arising Naturally in Thermal Systems)}, found at the Physics Laboratory of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, is mounted on a rotating table and investigates the dynamics of rotating systems using water with a temperature gradient. The temperature ranges from approximately $30^oC$ at the top of a $30$cm-high cubic cavity and decreases to $0^oC$ at the bottom. Since water exhibits a density inversion between $0^oC$ and $4^oC$, the system naturally develops convection at the bottom, beneath a stably stratified region that extends from the convective interface to the top of the cavity. Measurements were performed using techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), Schlieren techniques, and Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF), to capture the convective and wave motions in both vertical and horizontal planes. Numerical simulations complement the experiments, exhibiting similar behavior to the observed experimental results. Both experiments and numerical simulations show that the elongated vortices in the convective region can be observed in higher regions of the stable density stratified zone. These long-lasting vortices move slowly in the flow (compared to the rotation of the experiment). Lagrangian-Averaged-Vorticity-Deviation (LAVD) techniques are then applied to track the dynamics of these long-lasting vortices elongated in the stable region. Understanding these processes provides a framework for interpreting how convective motion transfers energy across scales, impacting large-scale magnetic fields and planetary evolution.

    How to cite: Meletti, G., Alboussière, T., Curbelo, J., Labrosse, S., and Odier, P.: Vortex dynamics on Rotating Penetrative Convection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11547,, 2025.

    Natural magnetic field measurement is essential for discovering fundamental physical mechanisms in space. Both the CSES mission and the DEMETER satellite equipped with the search coil magnetometer to observe the magnetic field waves. The CSES mission’s search coil magnetometer was developed by the School of Space Sciences Department of Beihang University. But the accuracy of these measurements is often degraded by artificial interference from reaction wheels on satellites. These wheels produce complex harmonic interference, often overlapping with the natural signal in both time and frequency domain, which makes it difficult to observe natural signals.

    Traditional methods usually construct filters to separate interference. Advanced signal technologies have focused on reducing interference using self-adaptive signal decomposition methods in either time or frequency domain. In this field, Finley and Robert have used singular spectrum analysis to remove interference from in situ magnetic field data from the CASSIOPE/Swarm-Echo mission. But they did not settle the time-frequency overlap problem. In fact, most signal decomposition methods do not work well. These methods usually damage the natural signal because the overlapping areas remain indistinguishable.

    In this paper, a novel method named the Instantaneous Phase Discontinuity (IPD) method is proposed to address this issue. Based on the sensitivity of instantaneous phase to variation of signal frequency, this method utilizes the discontinuities in the phase function to identify overlapping time-frequency regions. Subsequently, the natural signal within the overlapping region is carefully separated through frequency band contraction and envelope correction. IPD holds broad application prospects. As an example, IPD effectively separates interference from the time-frequency overlapping regions while preserving the integrity of natural signals when applied to data obtained from the CSES mission.

    How to cite: Shi, F., Zeng, L., and Fu, Y.: An Innovative Technique for Reaction wheel Interference Separation in Satellite Magnetic Field Signals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11558,, 2025.

    EGU25-11897 | Posters on site | NP6.1

    Numerical studies of connectivity and Lagrangian transport in the world’s oceans 

    Viacheslav Kruglov and Ulrike Feudel

    Particles transport can be used to study flow fields on different scales in geophysics. Tracer and inertial particle transport can highlight the connectivity between different locations in the ocean or describe changes in flow fields based on the visualization of the flow by tracers. Of particular interest are long-range transport properties to either identify changes in flow paths due to climate change or to study the transport of seeds over long distances to identify sources of plants in different parts of the world. Such studies require particle tracking algorithms which are capable to work properly on a global scale of the Earth, i.e. on a spherical geometry. 

    We have created a sophisticated software tool that simulates the movement of large numbers of tracer and inertial particles within interpolated oceanic velocity fields, in our examples based on the publicly available HYCOM data. Built in C++ and parallelized with Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB), it achieves high performance when dealing with substantial computational loads. To accelerate nearest-neighbor searches, we organize the grid points into a kd-tree, making it quick to locate grid points near any particle. We then interpolate the eastward and northward velocity components using a Gaussian-shaped weight function — an effective choice that avoids the singularities sometimes encountered in inverse distance interpolation. Since planar projections can introduce significant distortions on a global scale, we also account for Earth’s spherical geometry. Specifically, we solve two-dimensional tracer equations and the Maxey–Riley equation for inertial particles on a local tangent plane. Afterward, we revert the computed particle positions to latitude-longitude coordinates via an azimuthal equidistant projection, mitigating large-scale errors in simulations that may span thousands of kilometers.

    The software is capable of simulating the dispersal of seeds and algae by ocean currents, easily managing hundreds of thousands of particles under varied initial conditions. It reconstructs connectivity maps between distant coasts, identifies transport barriers through finite-time Lyapunov exponent calculations, and can compute derivatives of the velocity field — such as divergence, vorticity, and the Okubo–Weiss parameter — broadening its range of oceanographic applications.

    We highlight the software’s capabilities with two representative examples. First, we track the origins of particles (such as plant seeds) and explore their possible routes to Hawaii. Second, we assess the likelihood that harmful algal blooms could drift into the Baffin Bay during the warmest parts of the summer.

    How to cite: Kruglov, V. and Feudel, U.: Numerical studies of connectivity and Lagrangian transport in the world’s oceans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11897,, 2025.

    EGU25-13384 | Orals | NP6.1

    Confinement and shedding 

    Bernard Legras, Aurélien Podglajen, Mariem Rezig, and Clair Duchamp

    Large-scale atmospheric vortices like the polar vortex or the Asian monsoon anticyclone are known to confine compounds for several months in the corresponding regions of the stratosphere with many consequences on the transport and the resulting atmospheric composition, the chemical activity and radiative properties.

    It was recently discovered that confinement over the same time scale occurs also in much smaller mesoscale anticyclonic vortices generated within the absorbing plumes of smoke or ash generated by large forest fires and some volcanic eruptions.

    As a rule, the atmosphere dissipates rapidly all inertial structures and these vortices are all maintained by a sustained forcing. We will discuss the similarities and differences among those vortices, the smoke vortices being distinguished by their autonomy as they carry their own source of forcing when they travel around the globe.

    We will discuss the phenomenon of isentropic vortex shedding which is a main mechanical dissipation factor and show that it behaves very similarly at all scales. In the vertical direction, the flux processor of the large vortices will be compared to and distinguished from the leaking process of the rising smoke vortices. Other processes associated with radiative relaxation of thermal anomalies play role both to maintain and dissipate.

    Although the state of understanding of smoke vortices is still very incomplete, a discussion of their condition of formation, maintenance and stability will be offered based on observations and idealized numerical simulation.

    How to cite: Legras, B., Podglajen, A., Rezig, M., and Duchamp, C.: Confinement and shedding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13384,, 2025.

    EGU25-14793 | ECS | Orals | NP6.1

    On uniting Eulerian and Lagrangian mesoscale eddy perspectives 

    Stella Bērziņa, Aaron Wienkers, Nicolas Gruber, and Matthias Münnich

    Mesoscale eddies play a pivotal role in oceanic dynamics, influencing transport, mixing, and energy distribution. Current detection methods are primarily divided into Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches, each highlighting unique eddy characteristics. Eulerian methods rely on instantaneous fields, such as sea surface height, Okubo–Weiss parameter or vorticity, to identify the eddy boundaries. In contrast, Lagrangian approaches utilize water parcel trajectories to compute metrics like the Lagrangian Average Vorticity Deviation (LAVD) or Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponents (FTLE), identifying rotationally coherent Lagrangian vortices (RCLVs) with minimal exchange across the boundary. Eulerian eddies, however, are inherently "leaky", allowing for fluid exchange due to the fact that their boundaries are non-material. Despite these differences, both approaches capture complementary aspects of the same physical phenomenon. This study aims to bridge the gap between the two eddy detection methods by combining their strengths and leveraging high-resolution simulations from the coupled climate model ICON. Here, we identify daily RCLVs from evolving LAVD fields to find the time at which each Eulerian eddy loses coherence. In doing so, we will be able to explore how eddy coherence changes though its lifecycle and geographical location. This combined methodology can deepen our understanding of mesoscale ocean transport by quantifying realistic eddy trapping ability.

    How to cite: Bērziņa, S., Wienkers, A., Gruber, N., and Münnich, M.: On uniting Eulerian and Lagrangian mesoscale eddy perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14793,, 2025.

    EGU25-17867 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.1

    An Intensive Biomass Burning Aerosol Observation phase in 2022, over Skukuza, South Africa: CO transport and balance over Southern Africa 

    Marion Ranaivombola, Nelson Bègue, Gisèle Krysztofiak, Lucas Vaz Peres, Venkataraman Sivakumar, Gwenaël Berthet, Fabrice Jegou, Stuart Piketh, and Hassan Bencherif

    The Biomass Burning Aerosol Campaign (BiBAC) was conducted in the Kruger National Park (KNP), at Skukuza in South Africa during the 2022 biomass burning season. The campaign included an Intensive Observation Phase (IOP) from September to October, aiming to quantify aerosol optical properties and plume transport.(Ranaivombola et al., 2024). The combination of ground-based (sun-photometer), satellite observations (MODIS, IASI and CALIOP), and CAMS reanalysis show a significant aerosol and carbon monoxide (CO) loading linked to biomass burning activity. Using AOD data from sun-photometer observations, Ranaivombola et al., (2024) define two events of biomass burning plume over the Southwestern Indian Ocean (SWIO) basin: September 18 to 23 and October 9 to 17, called here after event 1 and event 2, respectively.

    During Event 1, the plume was transported toward the SWIO basin as a "river of smoke" phenomenon. As reported previously in the literature (Swap et al., 2003 and Flamant et al., 2022), the meteorological conditions were influenced by the passage of westerly waves associated with a cut-off low (COL) that favored the eastern transport pathway. However, it was not the case during Event 1. There were two troughs which supported the formation of two frontal systems and contributed to the transport of aerosols and CO plumes from South America (SAm) towards Southern Africa (SA). This transport was driven by a westerly baroclinic wave through the mid-tropospheric layers.

    Event 2 involved a more complex synoptic setup with three frontal systems supported by three distinct troughs, allowing the recirculation of plumes over SA. This dynamic system enhanced the transport of CO plumes from SAm, which merged with African plumes over the Mozambique Channel. The sustained activity of the baroclinic wave generated new troughs, keeping aerosol levels high for an extended period of 1.5 week. The progression of baroclinic waves and frontal system development were essential in driving regional and intercontinental transport of aerosols and CO plumes.

    These two events allowed to reveal two transport mechanisms of aerosol plumes and CO between SAm and SA towards the SWIO basin. It shows also that SA is a target region for aerosols and CO from SAm biomass burning. To assess and quantify the contributions of SA and SAm sources to observed CO concentrations over SA, we used the FLEXPART model (version 10.4) coupled with CO emissions database (biomass burning and anthropogenic emission from CAMS: GFAS and CAMS-GLOB-ANT, respectively). Each simulation tracked particles representing CO back in time over a period of 20 days, during the IOP. The setup included daily releases of 20,000 particles over six sites in Southern Africa (Skukuza, Durban, Maun, Upington, Mongu and Gobabeb). Both SA and SAm sources significantly influenced the CO balance over SA. The contribution of biomass burning emissions from SA were higher than those from SAm. Nevertheless, the biomass burning emission from SAm were more variable and could occasionally match or exceed those from SA. This quantification confirmed the predominance of African sources but also highlighted the presence of intercontinental transport which is poorly investigated until now.

    How to cite: Ranaivombola, M., Bègue, N., Krysztofiak, G., Vaz Peres, L., Sivakumar, V., Berthet, G., Jegou, F., Piketh, S., and Bencherif, H.: An Intensive Biomass Burning Aerosol Observation phase in 2022, over Skukuza, South Africa: CO transport and balance over Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17867,, 2025.

    EGU25-19212 | Posters on site | NP6.1

    A Lagrangian Estimate of the Mediterranean Outflow's Origin 

    Giulia Vecchioni, Paola Cessi, Nadia Pinardi, Louise Rousselet, and Francesco Trotta

    The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by an anti-estuarine circulation, with Atlantic Water entering the Strait of Gibraltar at the surface and denser waters, formed within the basin, exiting at depth as the Mediterranean Outflow. Early studies identified the Western Mediterranean Deep Water, formed in the Gulf of Lions, as the primary source of the dense water masses contributing to the Outflow. While confirming this finding, more recent analyses of in-situ observations have highlighted additional contributions from other intermediate and deep water masses, such as Western Intermediate Water, Levantine Intermediate Water and Tyrrhenian Deep and Intermediate Waters.

    In this study, the origin of the Mediterranean Outflow is investigated by deploying six million Lagrangian parcels at the Strait of Gibraltar, and advecting them backward in time using velocity estimates from an eddy-permitting reanalysis. Trajectories are integrated until parcels reach one of three origin sections within a maximum time of 78 years. To estimate the transport exchange between the origin sections and the Strait of Gibraltar, each parcel is tagged with a small volume transport, which is conserved along the trajectories due to the non-divergence of the velocity field.

    The results indicate that 86% of the Outflow's transport originates from the Gulf of Lions, associated with Western Mediterranean Deep Water and Western Intermediate Water; 13% from the Strait of Sicily, related to Levantine Intermediate Water; and 1% from the Northern Tyrrhenian, related to Tyrrhenian Deep and Intermediate Waters. Mediterranean dense waters all recirculate in the Algerian Basin and in the deep Tyrrhenian basin, where stirring and mixing processes are hypothesized to occur. Before exiting the Strait of Gibraltar, anticyclonic recirculation induced by the western Alboran gyre decreases the density and depth of the water mass, ultimately shaping the characteristics of the Mediterranean Outflow. Temperature-salinity histograms at each origin section exhibit broad distribution, with peaks corresponding to expected water-mass types. The median transit times from the sections to the Strait of Gibraltar range from 5 years (Gulf of Lions) to 8 years (Strait of Sicily).

    How to cite: Vecchioni, G., Cessi, P., Pinardi, N., Rousselet, L., and Trotta, F.: A Lagrangian Estimate of the Mediterranean Outflow's Origin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19212,, 2025.

    This study investigates the 3-D Lagrangian evolution of Madagascar cyclonic eddies and their interaction with the Agulhas Current, combining targeted Argo float experiments, satellite altimetry data, and ocean modeling, following three in situ experiments. The region of interest spans from southwest Madagascar, where the South East Madagascar Current detaches from the continental shelf and generates dipoles, to the KwaZulu-Natal Bight, where the Agulhas Current flows southward.

    The first two experiments, conducted in April and July 2013, deployed eight Argo floats configured to measure temperature and salinity at high temporal resolutions (daily and five-daily) and at varying park depths (300, 500, 650, and 1,000 m). These deployments assessed float retention within two cyclonic eddies that propagated southwestward over 130 days at an average speed of 11 km/day, undergoing growth, maturity, and decay phases before interacting with the Agulhas Current. A third experiment, conducted from May to September 2022, deployed two Euro-Argo ERIC-managed Core Argo floats southwest of Madagascar to further explore eddy dynamics. These floats drifted at non-standard depths of 650 m and 800 m, with adaptive cycle intervals (daily, 2-daily, and 5-daily) based on the eddy's proximity to the Agulhas Current. This experiment also captured the eastward propagation of the cyclonic eddy and its interaction with the current. In all three experiments, the floats exited the eddy when positioned below the depth at which the eddy's nonlinearity ratio dropped below 1. Complementary numerical simulations used an eddy identification and tracking algorithm with the GLORYS12V1 reanalysis product. Virtual particle releases and Lagrangian tracking at depths matching the above Argo float parking levels replicated the field experiments. Numerical results aligned with observations, showing that cyclonic eddies exhibited greater trapping depths during their mature phase and shallower depths during the growth and decay phases.

    By integrating targeted float experiments, satellite data, and numerical simulations, this study provides a comprehensive understanding of eddy trapping dynamics southwest of Madagascar and their role in transporting heat, salt, and biogeochemical properties into the Agulhas Current. These findings demonstrate the potential of GLORYS12V1 combined with numerical Lagrangian particle tracking to address observational gaps in traditionally undersampled regions and underscore the benefits of combining ad hoc Argo configurations and numerical simulations for studying 3-D eddy dynamics.

    How to cite: Aguiar González, B. and Morris, T.: Assessing the Trapping Dynamics of Madagascar Cyclonic Eddies Through Non-Standard Argo Float Experiments and Numerical Lagrangian Particle Tracking, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19267,, 2025.

    EGU25-437 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    Pattern Formation of Rotating Magnetoconvection with Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity Effect in the Earth's Outer Core 

    Krishnendu Nayak, Hari Ponnamma Rani, Jaya Krishna Devanuri, Yadagiri Rameshwar, and Jozef Brestenský

    The rotation rate and the magnetic field play a key role, in the geodynamo models, for understanding the convective flow behavior in the Earth’s outer core where dynamic MAC balance of forces occurs frequently and is affected by the diffusion processes. Due to the presence of buoyancy, Lorentz and Coriolis forces, the turbulent eddies in the core get deformed and elongated in the direction parallel to the rotation axis and magnetic field in BM anisotropy or are affected by gravity (buoyancy) direction in SA anisotropy. Hence the turbulence is highly anisotropic. The turbulent small-scale eddies are diffusers of momentum and heat, and thus, the effective viscosity and thermal diffusion are also anisotropic. The effect of anisotropic thermal diffusion coefficient on the stability of horizontal fluid planer layer heated from below and cooled from above, rotating about its vertical axis and subjected to a uniform horizontal magnetic field, is analyzed in the present study. The cross, oblique and parallel rolls assumed to make an angle (θ), 90°, 0° < θ < 90° and 0°, respectively, with the axis of the magnetic field. These rolls are calculated for different range of control parameters arising in the system. The linear stability analysis is investigated by using the normal mode method. The appearance of rolls for stationary modes as well as oscillatory modes depends on the SA (Stratification Anisotropy) parameter, α (the ratio of horizontal and vertical thermal diffusivities). The stabilizing/destabilizing effect strongly depends on the Chandrasekar (Q) and Taylor (Ta) numbers. The obtained results for isotropic cases coincide with those obtained by pioneers in the literature. The two-dimensional anisotropic complex Ginzburg-Landau (ACGL) equation with cubic nonlinearity is used to study the weakly nonlinear behaviour near the primary instability threshold. This equation, derived using the multiple scale analysis, is similar to the one found in the literature. The numerical simulation of this ACGL equation with periodic boundary conditions has been carried out using the pseudo-spectral method in Fourier space with exponential time differencing. The formation of spatiotemporal patterns strongly depends on α, Ta and Q. For fixed Q, as Ta increases, the Coriolis force intensifies, more stable and organized spiral patterns showed their presence. Further for increasing Ta, the size or scale of spiral patterns decreases, while the number of patterns get increased. 

    How to cite: Nayak, K., Rani, H. P., Devanuri, J. K., Rameshwar, Y., and Brestenský, J.: Pattern Formation of Rotating Magnetoconvection with Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity Effect in the Earth's Outer Core, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-437,, 2025.

    EGU25-2092 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Stratification governs the Existence of Surface-Intensified Eastward Jets in Turbulent Ocean Gyres 

    Lennard Miller, Bruno Deremble, and Antoine Venaille

    We investigate the impact of stratification on the formation and persistence of turbulent eastward jets in the ocean (like the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio extensions) [1]. Using a wind-driven, two-layer quasi-geostrophic model in a double-gyre configuration, we construct a phase diagram to classify flow regimes. The parameter space is defined by a criticality parameter ξ, which controls the emergence of baroclinic instability, and the ratio of layer depths δ, which describes the surface intensification of stratification. Eastward jets detaching from the western boundary are observed when δ < 1 and ξ ~ 1, representing a regime transition from a vortex-dominated western boundary current [2] to a zonostrophic regime characterized by multiple eastward jets. The emergence of the coherent eastward jet is further addressed with complementary 1.5-layer simulations and explained through both linear stability analysis and turbulence phenomenology. In particular, we show that coherent eastward jets emerge when the western boundary layer is stable, and find that the asymmetry in the baroclinic instability of eastward and westward flows plays a central role in the persistence of eastward jets,while contributing to the disintegration of westward jets.

    [1] Miller, L., Deremble, B., & Venaille, A. (2024). Stratification governs the Existence of Surface-Intensified Eastward Jets in Turbulent Gyres without Bottom Friction. ( )

    [2] Miller, L., Deremble, B., & Venaille, A. (2024). Gyre turbulence: Anomalous dissipation in a two-dimensional ocean model. Physical Review Fluids9(5), L051801.

    How to cite: Miller, L., Deremble, B., and Venaille, A.: Stratification governs the Existence of Surface-Intensified Eastward Jets in Turbulent Ocean Gyres, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2092,, 2025.

    EGU25-2737 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Existence of Bolgiano–Obukhov scaling in the bottom ocean? 

    Peng-Qi Huang, Shuang-Xi Guo, Sheng-Qi Zhou, Xian-Rong Cen, Ling Qu, Ming-Quan Zhu, and Yuan-Zheng Lu

    Boundary layer dynamics is key to understanding energy and mass transport in the bottom ocean. Due to observational limitations, the structure of bottom water and its scaling behavior have been relatively under-researched. The seminal Bolgiano–Obukhov (BO) theory established the fundamental framework for turbulent mixing and energy transfer in stably stratified fluids. However, the presence of BO scalings remains debatable despite their being observed in stably stratified atmospheric layers and convective turbulence. In this study, we performed precise temperature measurements with 51 high-resolution loggers above the seafloor for 46 h on the continental shelf of the northern South China Sea (116°E,21.2°N,278 m). The temperature observation exhibits three layers with increasing distance from the seafloor: the bottom mixed layer (BML), the mixing zone and the internal wave zone. A BO-like scaling α = −1.34 ± 0.10 is observed in the temperature spectrum when the BML is in a weakly stable stratified and strongly sheared  condition, whereas in the unstably stratified convective turbulence of the BML, the scaling α = −1.76 ± 0.10 clearly deviated from the BO theory but approached the classical −5/3 scaling in isotropic turbulence. This suggests that the convective turbulence is not the promise of BO scaling. In the mixing zone, where internal waves alternately interact with the BML, the scaling follows the Kolmogorov scaling. In the internal wave zone, the scaling α = −2.12 ± 0.15 is observed in the turbulence range and possible mechanisms are provided.

    How to cite: Huang, P.-Q., Guo, S.-X., Zhou, S.-Q., Cen, X.-R., Qu, L., Zhu, M.-Q., and Lu, Y.-Z.: Existence of Bolgiano–Obukhov scaling in the bottom ocean?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2737,, 2025.

    EGU25-3191 | Orals | NP6.2

    Hydraulic control, turbulence and mixing in stratified buoyancy-driven exchange flows 

    Paul Linden, Amir Atoufi, Adrien Lefauve, and Lu Zhu

    Buoyancy-driven exchange flows in geophysical contexts, such as flows through straits, often create a partially-mixed intermediate layer through mixing between the two stratified counterflowing turbulent layers. We present a three-layer hydraulic analysis of such flows, highlighting the dynamical importance of the intermediate layer. Our model is based on the viscous, shallow water, Boussinesq equations and includes the effects of mixing as a non-hydrostatic pressure forcing. We apply this shallow-water formulation to direct numerical simulations of stratified inclined duct (SID) exchange flows where turbulence is controlled by a modest slope of the duct. We show that the nonlinear characteristics of the three-layer model correspond to linear long waves perturbing the three-layer mean flow, and predict, in agreement with recent experimental observations in SID, hydraulically-controlled regions in the middle of the duct, linked to the onset of instability and turbulence. We also provide the first evidence of long-wave resonance, as well as resonance between long and short waves, and their connection to transitions from intermittent to fully developed turbulence. These results challenge current parameterisations for turbulent transport in stratified exchange flows, which typically overlook long waves and internal hydraulics induced by streamwise variations of the flow.

    How to cite: Linden, P., Atoufi, A., Lefauve, A., and Zhu, L.: Hydraulic control, turbulence and mixing in stratified buoyancy-driven exchange flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3191,, 2025.

    EGU25-3703 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    A model for small-scale ocean turbulence based on wave turbulence theory 

    Nicolas Lanchon and Pierre-Philippe Cortet

    It has long been proposed that small-scale oceanic dynamics results from nonlinear processes involving internal gravity waves. The scales in question are not resolved in oceanic models but are accounted for by ad-hoc parameterizations. Physically modelling their turbulent dynamics would therefore be a lever for improving parameterizations in climate models.

    In this context, a promising avenue is the weakly nonlinear wave turbulence theory. Its implementation in the case of internal waves in density stratified fluids has nevertheless proved complex and remains an open problem. It is the subject of delicate questions concerning the convergence of the so-called “collision integral” which drives the dynamics in wave turbulence problems.

    In this talk, we examine the weak turbulence theory in a linearly stratified fluid from a new perspective. We derive a simplified version of the kinetic equation of internal gravity wave turbulence. The keystone is the assumption that the energy transfers are dominated by a class of nonlocal resonant interactions, known as the “induced diffusion” triads, which conserve the ratio between the wave frequency and the vertical wave number. This kinetic equation allows us to derive scaling laws for the spatial and temporal energy spectra which are consistent with typical exponents observed in the oceans. Our analysis also remarkably shows that the internal wave turbulence cascade is associated to an apparent constant flux of wave action.

    How to cite: Lanchon, N. and Cortet, P.-P.: A model for small-scale ocean turbulence based on wave turbulence theory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3703,, 2025.

    EGU25-4591 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    Wave-Turbulence Cascades and Deep Ocean Mixing: Inferring Diapycnal Diffusivity in High-Resolution Ocean Models 

    Kayhan Momeni, William R. Peltier, Joseph Skitka, Yuchen Ma, Brian K. Arbic, Yulin Pan, and Dimitris Menemenlis

    Internal wave dynamics play a critical role in understanding ocean diapycnal diffusivity and associated mixing processes, particularly in the deep ocean context. Building upon prior analyses of internal wave breaking and its influence on diapycnal diffusivity, in this study we employ a high-resolution regional ocean model to infer ocean diapycnal diffusivity due to internal wave (IW) breaking [Momeni et al., 2025]. Our work leverages the Bouffard-Boegman parameterization, which distinguishes between reversible and irreversible mixing components. This framework provides a robust methodology to infer diapycnal diffusivity profiles from turbulent dissipation rates, improving upon earlier KPP-based approaches that lacked this critical distinction. This inference is made possible through the work of Skitka et al. [2024], which directly measured dissipation rates from numerical simulations.

    The findings reinforce and expand on earlier results from dynamically downscaled simulations in the northeast Pacific, which revealed a pronounced wave-turbulence cascade and highlighted the suppression of higher-order IW modes due to the background component of KPP. By deactivating this component, higher-order modes engage in triad resonance interactions with lower-order modes and are effectively energized; they subsequently undergo shear instability, enhancing mixing rates and aligning diffusivity profiles with empirical observations. This mechanism is discussed in detail in Momeni et al. [2024].

    Our results underscore KPP’s limitations in distinguishing mixing processes and its tendency to overestimate shear contributions to diffusivity. These insights pave the way for improving diapycnal diffusivity parameterizations in low-resolution climate models by emphasizing mechanisms rooted in internal wave breaking rather than simplified parameterizations. Future work will focus on higher-resolution simulations to refine these findings and address basin- and latitude-dependent variations.



    Kayhan Momeni, Yuchen Ma, William R Peltier, Dimitris Menemenlis, Ritabrata Thakur, Yulin Pan, Brian K Arbic, Joseph Skitka, and Matthew H Alford. Breaking internal waves and ocean diapycnal diffusivity in a high-resolution regional ocean model: Evidence of a wave-turbulence cascade. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 129(6):e2023JC020509, 2024.

    Kayhan Momeni, W Richard Peltier, Joseph Skitka, Yuchen Ma, Brian K Arbic, Dimitris Menemenlis, and Yulin Pan. An alternative buoyancy reynolds number-based inference of ocean diapycnal diffusivity due to internal wave breaking: results from a high-resolution regional ocean model. Geophysical Research Letters, 2025. Submitted for publication.

    Joseph Skitka, Brian K Arbic, Yuchen Ma, Kayhan Momeni, Yulin Pan, William R Peltier, Dimitris Menemenlis, and Ritabrata Thakur. Internal-wave dissipation mechanisms and vertical structure in a high-resolution regional ocean model. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(17):e2023GL108039, 2024.

    How to cite: Momeni, K., Peltier, W. R., Skitka, J., Ma, Y., Arbic, B. K., Pan, Y., and Menemenlis, D.: Wave-Turbulence Cascades and Deep Ocean Mixing: Inferring Diapycnal Diffusivity in High-Resolution Ocean Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4591,, 2025.

    EGU25-5953 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    The influence of oceanic bottom slopes on eddy mixing in a two-layer model 

    Miriam Sterl, André Palóczy, Joe LaCasce, Sjoerd Groeskamp, and Michiel Baatsen

    Oceanic mesoscale eddy mixing plays a crucial role in the Earth’s climate system by redistributing heat, salt and carbon. Eddy mixing is impacted by various physical factors, one of which is the oceanic bottom slope. Within a barotropic framework, it can be shown analytically that bottom slopes suppress the cross-slope eddy mixing. Unfortunately, adding baroclinic effects greatly increases the complexity of the problem. To understand how bottom slopes influence eddy mixing in a baroclinic framework, we study eddy fields in a quasi-geostrophic two-layer model with a linear bottom slope. We investigate the eddy mixing by releasing and tracking virtual particles in the flow fields and analysing how they spread in the cross-slope direction. This is done for a range of bottom slope magnitudes and for prograde as well as retrograde slopes. The goal is to figure out how eddy mixing depends on the steepness and direction of the bottom slope and on the position in the water column. We find that for steep bottom slopes, the baroclinic instability is suppressed, the eddy field gets weaker, and the spreading of particles in the cross-slope direction decreases. This suppression is comparable for prograde and retrograde slopes. Moreover, the suppression is observed not only in the bottom layer, where the slope is located, but also in the upper layer. This indicates that the suppression of eddy mixing by oceanic bottom slopes can have an impact throughout the water column.

    How to cite: Sterl, M., Palóczy, A., LaCasce, J., Groeskamp, S., and Baatsen, M.: The influence of oceanic bottom slopes on eddy mixing in a two-layer model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5953,, 2025.

    EGU25-6814 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    Analysis of Mesoscale Dynamics in the Mesosphere using Radar Observations and Machine Learning 

    Vincent Joel Peterhans, Juan Miguel Urco, Victor Avsarkisov, and Jorge L. Chau

    One of the main factors characterizing the dynamics of the atmosphere is its vertical density stratification. Gravity waves arising under these conditions play an essential role in large-scale energy transport through upwards propagation and breaking in the middle atmosphere, manifesting in phenomena such as the cold summer mesopause. Moreover, it was recently found that the summer mesopause is also home to the strongly stratified turbulence regime occurring at extremely high buoyancy Reynolds and low horizontal Froude numbers. Direct observation or numerical simulation of these processes with high resolution proves difficult however, due to the remoteness of the region combined with the mesoscale horizontal and small vertical scales that have to be resolved for a detailed analysis of the emerging dynamics. 

    To deepen our knowledge of the these processes in this region, we employ a combined approach of state-of-the-art radar observations using the MAARSY and SIMONe systems and the physics-informed machine learning method HYPER. The first step and the main topic of the current study is to reconstruct high-resolution 3D wind fields from the line-of-sight measurements in the summer mesosphere. The resulting fields closely capture the observed data and produce high-fidelity, Navier-Stokes-compliant predictions of the surrounding flow beyond measuring points. Building on this, we aim to provide an analysis of the first high-resolution radar observations of strongly stratified turbulence in the middle atmosphere.

    How to cite: Peterhans, V. J., Urco, J. M., Avsarkisov, V., and Chau, J. L.: Analysis of Mesoscale Dynamics in the Mesosphere using Radar Observations and Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6814,, 2025.

    EGU25-7085 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Rotating Stratified Turbulence 

    Dante Buhl, Pascale Garaud, and Hongyun Wang

    Recent interest in the dynamics of stratified turbulence has led to the development of new models for quantifying vertical transport of momentum and buoyancy (Chini et al. 2022, Shah et al. 2024). These models are still incomplete as they do not yet include all of the relevant dynamics often present in real physical settings such as rotation and magnetic fields. Here we expand on prior work by adding rotation. We conduct 3D direct numerical simulations of rotating, stochastically forced, strongly stratified turbulence (Fr << 1), and vary the Rossby number. We find that rotation gradually suppresses small-scale 3D motions and therefore inhibits vertical transport as Ro decreases towards Fr. The effect is particularly pronounced within the cores of emergent cyclonic vortices. For sufficiently strong rotation, vertical motions are entirely suppressed.

    How to cite: Buhl, D., Garaud, P., and Wang, H.: Rotating Stratified Turbulence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7085,, 2025.

    EGU25-7453 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    A Lagrangian view of mixing in stratified shear flows 

    Xingyu Zhou, John Taylor, and Colm-cille Caulfield

    Stratified shear flows are commonplace in the ocean and the atmosphere. Understanding the mechanisms by which such flows become turbulent and lead to irreversible mixing due to the ultimate break down of different types of primary instabilities is vital in understanding diapycnal fluxes of heat and other important scalars such as salt and carbon. We consider numerically the Lagrangian view of turbulent mixing in stably stratified parallel shear flow where both the initial velocity field and initial density departure from the base hydrostatic state have a hyperbolic tangent profile in the vertical coordinate with the same point of inflection. By varying the ratio of velocity interface thickness and density interface thickness, these initial conditions permit two types of instabilities: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI) and Holmboe wave instability (HWI). These instabilities lead to two distinct types of mixing; overturning motions within the density interface, and scouring by turbulence on the edges of the density interface. Here, we examine mixing from a Lagrangian perspective using direct numerical simulations (DNS) for initial conditions that are unstable to KHI and HWI. Lagrangian particles are tracked in the simulations, and the fluid buoyancy sampled along particle paths provides a Lagrangian measure of mixing. The timing of mixing events experienced by particles inside and outside the interface is different in simulations exhibiting KHI and HWI. The particles exhibit aggregation in buoyancy space when there is sustained overturning motion within the interface. The root mean square (RMS) buoyancy for a set of particles that start with the same buoyancy is larger for HWI than KHI for the same bulk Richardson number, implying heterogeneous mixing along particle paths for HWI. Finally, the number of particles starting close to the mid-plane of the interface which experience a change in sign in the local fluid buoyancy and end on the opposite side of the mid-plane is compared for KHI and HWI for several values of the bulk Richardson number. Surprisingly, for HWI with a large bulk Richardson number, more than half of the particles that start near the mid-plane end on the opposite side of the mid-plane. We explain this result in terms of localisation of mixing.

    How to cite: Zhou, X., Taylor, J., and Caulfield, C.: A Lagrangian view of mixing in stratified shear flows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7453,, 2025.

    EGU25-11273 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Understanding Stratified Turbulence and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in the Stable Boundary Layer of the Arctic Atmosphere 

    Sanjid Backer Kanakkassery, Mathias Goeckede, and Mark Schlutow

    Stratified turbulence is a prominent feature in the Arctic boundary layer, where land surface cooling during the night may induce strong stable stratification. This process significantly alters the transport dynamics of heat, momentum and trace gases, including greenhouse gases , which are critical to understanding Arctic carbon feedback processes. The Arctic is warming at a rate three to four times faster than the global average, threatening to destabilize its permafrost carbon reservoir, which stores about 60% of global soil carbon—an amount three times as large as currently contained in the atmosphere. Accurate estimation of Arctic greenhouse gas fluxes is crucial for understanding the feedback processes between the permafrost carbon cycle and climate, as these processes have the potential to transform the region from a carbon sink into a significant carbon source.

    Quantifying greenhouse gas fluxes using the eddy covariance technique, where turbulent vertical fluxes are computed from high-frequency atmospheric data, is particularly challenging under stable stratification, where turbulent mixing is suppressed. This study investigates nighttime greenhouse gas transport dynamics in the Arctic’s stably stratified boundary layer based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) utilizing the EULAG research model. Site-specific data are incorporated to simulate stable stratification induced by surface cooling.

    We employ the "age of air" (AoA) concept, traditionally applied in the stratosphere, to evaluate vertical mixing efficiency in stable conditions. Developing AoA-based methods to interpret the transition from nighttime fluxes to early morning measurements, which are often misinterpreted as outliers, will help to provide new insights into land-atmosphere interactions in the Arctic. These findings contribute to improving Earth System Models (ESMs) and enhance our understanding of Arctic greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on global climate.

    How to cite: Kanakkassery, S. B., Goeckede, M., and Schlutow, M.: Understanding Stratified Turbulence and Greenhouse Gas Exchange in the Stable Boundary Layer of the Arctic Atmosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11273,, 2025.

    EGU25-14086 | Orals | NP6.2

    Modelling dispersion in stratified turbulent flows as a resetting process  

    Colm-cille Caulfield, Nicoloas Petropoulos, and Stephen de Bruyn Kops

    In stably stratified turbulent flows, numerical evidence shows that the horizontal displacement of Lagrangian tracers is diffusive while the vertical displacement converges towards a stationary distribution (Kimura and Herring JFM Vol 328 1996). We develop a stochastic model for the vertical dispersion of Lagrangian tracers in stably stratified turbulent flows that aims to replicate and explain the emergence of such a stationary distribution for vertical displacement. The dynamical evolution of the tracers results from the competing effects of buoyancy forces that tend to bring a vertically perturbed fluid parcel (carrying tracers) to its equilibrium position and turbulent fluctuations that tend to disperse tracers. When the density of a fluid parcel is allowed to change due to molecular diffusion, a third effect needs to be taken into account: irreversible mixing. Indeed, `mixing' dynamically and irreversibly changes the equilibrium position of the parcel and affects the buoyancy force that `stirs' it on larger scales. These intricate couplings are modelled using a stochastic resetting process (Evans and Majumdar, PRL, Vol 106 2011) with memory. We assume that Lagrangian tracers in stratified turbulent flows follow random trajectories that obey a Brownian process. In addition, their stochastic paths can be reset to a given position (corresponding to the dynamically changing equilibrium position of a density structure containing the tracers) at a given rate. The model parameters are constrained by analysing the dynamics of an idealised density structure. Even though highly idealised, the model has the advantage of being analytically solvable. We show the emergence of a stationary distribution for the vertical displacement of Lagrangian tracers, as well as identify some instructive scalings. 

    This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 956457 and used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. S. de B.K. was supported under U.S. ONR Grant number N00014-19-1-2152.


    How to cite: Caulfield, C., Petropoulos, N., and de Bruyn Kops, S.: Modelling dispersion in stratified turbulent flows as a resetting process , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14086,, 2025.

    EGU25-15961 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Energetic consistency and heat transport in rotating Rayleigh Benard convection 

    Roland Welter

    Parameterization is an essential tool for modeling turbulent convection in general circulation models, yet parameterizations may fail to obey physically consistent principles such as energy conservation.  In this presentation, I will present recent analytical and numerical results regarding the importance of energetic consistency in rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection. Specifically, spectral discretizations of the Boussinesq-Oberbeck equations are considered, and we are able to pinpoint the exact criteria under which a spectral discretization will obey energy balance laws consistent with the PDE.  The energy balance laws are then shown to imply a compact global attractor.  We are also able to show that almost any spectral model which does not satisfy such criteria will exhibit unbounded solutions, which are wildly unphysical.  The dynamics of the energetically consistent models are studied, and particular attention is given to stable values of heat transport, as well as the convergence across models where the models accurately represent the PDE.  Implications for energetically consistent parameterization of convective heat transport will then be discussed. 

    How to cite: Welter, R.: Energetic consistency and heat transport in rotating Rayleigh Benard convection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15961,, 2025.

    EGU25-18183 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    Jet formation in three fluid layers over topography 

    Chiara Stanchieri, Joseph Henry Lacasce, Hennes Alexander Hajduk, Michiel L.J. Baatsen, and Henk A. Dijkstra

    Zonal (east−west) jets are characteristic of many geophysical and planetary systems. On Jupiter, they manifest as strong zonal flows between its visible bands. In Earth’s atmosphere, similar jets occur near the tropopause. The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), the only current that travels around the globe, has marked density fronts at the surface, reflecting three distinct zonal jets. These jets are unstable, leading to meandring patterns and generating eddies. As such, the jets play a central role in the dynamics of their respective environments.
    This project investigates the formation of jets in the ACC, with a focus on the influence of bottom topography on jet structure.
    Two different models are used. Both solve the quasi-geostrophic equations, with three fluid layers. Including a third layer helps isolate the direct effects of the bottom topography and permits instability in the upper two layers.
    This research clarifies jet formation and the scales involved, contributing to a better understanding of the dynamics in the ACC. As the ACC connects the three main ocean basins, the work has implications for understanding the ocean’s role in the Earth’s climate system.

    How to cite: Stanchieri, C., Lacasce, J. H., Hajduk, H. A., Baatsen, M. L. J., and Dijkstra, H. A.: Jet formation in three fluid layers over topography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18183,, 2025.

    EGU25-19040 | ECS | Orals | NP6.2

    Wave-wave interactions within a typical internal gravity wave spectrum in the ocean 

    Pablo Sebastia Saez, Carsten Eden, Dirk Olbers, and Manita Chouksey

    Internal gravity waves (IGWs) shape the ocean through their interactions with e.g. eddies and other waves. These interactions can lead to wave breaking and density mixing, which influence large-scale mean flows. The resulting energy transfers shape the spectral shape of IGWs, which is surprisingly similar throughout the oceans - the universal Garrett-Munk (GM) spectrum. A key mechanism shaping this continuous energy spectrum is nonlinear wave-wave interaction. We study the scattering of IGWs via wave-wave interactions under the weak-interaction assumption, using the kinetic equation derived from a non-hydrostatic Boussinesq system with constant rotation and stratification. The kinetic equation and coupling coefficients derived from Eulerian and Lagrangian equations are identical under the resonance condition. By developing Julia-native numerical codes, we evaluate the energy transfers for resonant and non-resonant interactions, including inertial and buoyancy oscillations. Our findings confirm that resonant triads dominate the energy transfers, while non-resonant interactions are negligible in isotropic spectra but may become relevant in anisotropic conditions. These findings provide convergent results at reduced computational costs, improving the efficiency and reliability of energy transfer evaluations in oceanic IGW spectra.

    How to cite: Sebastia Saez, P., Eden, C., Olbers, D., and Chouksey, M.: Wave-wave interactions within a typical internal gravity wave spectrum in the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19040,, 2025.

    EGU25-20130 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    The impact of internal wave breaking on benthic-pelagic exchange fluxes in a shallow water configuration  

    Manita Chouksey and Soeren Ahmerkamp

    Internal wave breaking in shallow water regions is a critical process shaping coastal dynamics, with important implications for benthic exchange fluxes, nutrient cycling, and benthic ecosystems. Despite its potential importance, our understanding of the interactions between internal waves and benthic-exchange processes remains limited, and their quantification continues to be challenging due to the complex, multi-scale, and multi-phase nature of the underlying flow system.

    We conceptualize a model to investigate the impact of wave-breaking-induced turbulence on seafloor and associated benthic-pelagic exchange fluxes. Using Large Eddy Simulation in a shallow water configuration, the model captures the interactions between breaking waves, the generated localized pressure gradients and benthic-pelagic exchange with high spatial and temporal resolution. Preliminary results provide valuable insights into the role of internal wave breaking and the resulting small-scale turbulence in driving benthic-pelagic exchange processes. 

    How to cite: Chouksey, M. and Ahmerkamp, S.: The impact of internal wave breaking on benthic-pelagic exchange fluxes in a shallow water configuration , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20130,, 2025.

    EGU25-20207 | Orals | NP6.2

    Investigating vertical dependence of turbulence regimes and lateral mixing in the mixed layer from drifter observations in the South Atlantic 

    Alexa Griesel, Julia Dräger-Dietel, Anagha Aravind, Emelie Breunig, Ruben Carrasco, Jeff Carpenter, Jochen Horstmann, and Ilmar Leimann

    The energy transfers in the meso- to submesoscale regime in the ocean yield both up-scale and down-scale components from a complex pattern of flow structures which impact scale-dependent ocean turbulence and mixing that is not yet correctly parameterised in climate models.
    The Walvis Ridge region in the South Atlantic is characterized by strong tidal beams and lies in the path of the Agulhas eddies and hence also features large mesoscale energy with associated submesoscale fronts and filaments.
    Here, we quantify lateral mixing in the mixed layer using surface drifter observations from two observational campaigns with a unique deployment of two drifter types at two different depth levels simultaneously, one at the very surface and one at 15m depth. We quantify the contribution of the different motions that show up in the drifter trajectories at various time and space scales ranging from hours to months and 100m to 1000s of km and how they influence the applicability of the eddy-diffusion model.                                    

    We find that large scale mean flow removal plays a critical role in achieving convergence in the components of the diffusivity tensor and in the major axis component after diagonalization. Writing the diffusivities as the product of time scales and kinetic energy, the significant anisotropy in the diffusivity tensor is mainly explained by the anisotropy in the Lagrangian integral time scales, while the major axis component of the velocity variance tensor is comparable to the minor axis component. The details of this anisotropy depend on scale. Motions on scales smaller than the Rossby Radius contribute significantly to the diffusivities. We discuss how the results relate to what kind of energy cascade exists at which scale.

    How to cite: Griesel, A., Dräger-Dietel, J., Aravind, A., Breunig, E., Carrasco, R., Carpenter, J., Horstmann, J., and Leimann, I.: Investigating vertical dependence of turbulence regimes and lateral mixing in the mixed layer from drifter observations in the South Atlantic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20207,, 2025.

    EGU25-21139 | ECS | Posters on site | NP6.2

    On the development and stabilisation of symmetrically unstable fronts in the surface mixed layer  

    Joshua Pein and Lars Czeschel

    Destabilising atmospheric forcing can create regions where potential vorticity (PV) takes the opposite sign of the Coriolis parameter, leading to the onset of symmetric instability (SI)—a hybrid convective-inertial perturbation. SI facilitates energy transfers from geostrophically balanced fronts to turbulent kinetic energy in the oceanic surface mixed layer (SML). Using linear theory and high-resolution Large Eddy Simulations (LES), SI’s role in the PV budget and subsequent restratification of the water column is explored. Spin-down experiments with and without a stratified thermocline below the SML reveal that, in the absence of destabilizing atmospheric forcing, PV fluxes from the ocean interior play a minor role in restratification. Instead, cross-frontal Reynolds stress divergences, driven by SI, generate a secondary circulation that efficiently stratifies the SML through a modified turbulent thermal wind response. SI-induced vertical momentum fluxes also drive frontogenesis, forming sharp non-geostrophic fronts at the SML boundaries. These fronts act as hotspots for vertical PV fluxes, where secondary Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) emerge. The complex interplay between SI and KHI, shaped by turbulent energy dissipation, significantly influences the efficiency of restratification and energy redistribution, with important implications for submesoscale dynamics and parameterisations in climate models.

    How to cite: Pein, J. and Czeschel, L.: On the development and stabilisation of symmetrically unstable fronts in the surface mixed layer , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21139,, 2025.

    OS5 – Short courses and Sessions of general interest for Ocean Science

    Translation of geoscience research into tangible changes, such as modified decisions, processes or policy in the wider world is an important yet notably difficult process. Co-RISK is an accessible (i.e. open access, paper-based, zero cost) ‘toolkit’ for use by stakeholder groups within workshops, which is intended to aid this translation process. It is given a robust basis by incorporating paradox theory from organisation studies, which deals with navigating the genuine tensions between industry and research organizations that stem from their differing roles. Specifically designed to ameliorate the organizational paradox, a Co-RISK workshop draws up ‘Maps’ including key stakeholders (e.g. regulator, insurer, university) and their positionality (e.g. barriers, concerns, motivations), and identifies exactly the points where science might modify actions. Ultimately a Co-RISK workshop drafts simple and tailored project-specific frameworks that span from climate to hazard, to risk, to implications of that risk (e.g. solvency). The action research approach used to design Co-RISK (with Bank of England, Aon, Verrisk), its implementation in a trial session for the insurance sector and its intellectual contribution are described and evaluated. The initial Co-RISK workshop was well received, so application is envisaged to other sectors (i.e. transport infrastructure, utilities, government).  Joint endeavours enabled by Co-RISK could fulfil the genuine need to quickly convert the latest insights from environmental research into real-world climate change adaptation strategies.

    How to cite: Hillier, J. K. and van Meeteren, M.: Co-RISK: A tool to co-create impactful university-industry projects for natural hazard risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-291,, 2025.

    Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. During 2024, our team collaborated with other groups specializing in fact checking and countering misinformation about the climate crisis. With this submission we highlight two of these collaborations:

    • Creating fact briefs in collaboration with Gigafact
      Fact briefs are short, credibly sourced summaries that offer “yes/no” answers in response to claims found online. They rely on publicly available, often primary source data and documents. Fact briefs are created by contributors to Gigafact — a nonprofit project looking to expand participation in fact-checking and protect the democratic process. 
    • Turning a PDF-based report refuting 33 climate solutions myths into stand-alone rebuttals
      In early 2024 we spotted an impressive report addressing climate solutions misinformation, "Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles," written by members of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. We collaborated with the authors to create 33 stand-alone rebuttals based on the report's content to make it possible to link to each of the rebuttals directly.

    Both of these collaborations help with sharing fact-based information in order to counter mis- and disinformation spread online.

    How to cite: Winkler, B.: Collaborations between Skeptical Science and other groups to spread fact-based information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1439,, 2025.

    In an era characterised by the political economy of financialised capitalism, accounting plays an instrumental role in shaping decision-making through the principle of materiality.  This principle influences how physical climate risks are perceived and addressed.  The role of accounting and the principle of materiality are foundational to using corporate reporting to prepare markets for the effects of climate change.  
    The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, 2023) has highlighted persistent inadequacies in corporate disclosures, particularly their failure to provide decision-useful information for managing or mitigating the financial and societal impact of extreme weather events.  Inspired by the Absurdist literary tradition, the paper offers a conceptual alternative: expressing materiality as an aesthetic performance that embraces the ambiguity and complexity of climate risk.
    To visualise this interplay, disclosure is interpreted as a form of communicative storytelling, where accounting frameworks set the plot and characters, shaping stakeholder engagement.  The tangible impacts of physical climate change function as the unpredictable forces driving the narrative, while aesthetic materiality transforms these elements into a cohesive strategic risk management framework.  This dynamic symbiosis, imbued with Absurdist tensions, illustrates how narrative, financial structures, environmental realities, and performative aesthetics collectively influence decision-making in the face of climate risks.
    The Absurdist lens reveals how contemporary disclosures embody a condition of "waiting for the correct data," a state of deferral legitimised by incremental approaches to risk management.  Traditional calculative paradigms in accounting—such as materiality thresholds, metrics, and financial quantification—struggle to address the non-linear and interdependent risks posed by extreme weather events.  By aestheticising materiality, this paper argues that corporate disclosures can better cope with these limitations, engaging stakeholders through participatory and relational communication rather than static, deterministic metrics.
    Aesthetic materiality shifts the focus from rigid frameworks to systemic interconnectivity, inviting decision-makers to critically reflect on the unpredictability of climate risks and to co-create meaning alongside stakeholders.  This perspective complements tools such as impact-based forecasting and early-warning systems by addressing the socio-cultural dimensions of risk communication.
    Empirical insights from 44 interviews with stakeholders across 16 FTSE350 organisations illustrate the limitations of calculative realism in accounting for climate scenarios.  Participants reported deferring action in pursuit of elusive “objective truths,” grappling with helplessness amidst multiple potential realities and feeling hopeless by the inexpressible ambiguity associated with accounting for extreme weather risks.  These findings underscore the Absurdist tension between striving for control and coping with the immeasurable—a tension that current frameworks fail to resolve.
    Aesthetic materiality is a conceptual response to the systemic inadequacies of existing corporate disclosure practices.  It disrupts normative accounting principles such as reliability and objectivity, advocating instead for evocative narratives, symbolic imagery, and dialogical engagement that better reprehend the interconnected nature of extreme weather events.  Such a transition also signals a shift beyond the prevailing interdisciplinary accounting discourse by foregrounding the limits of language and representation, emphasising the performative aesthetics of materiality and expressing disclosure as an unending process. 

    How to cite: O Rourke, J.: Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic Materiality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1592,, 2025.

    EGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials 

    Lucy Blennerhassett, Geertje Schuitema, and Fergus McAuliffe

    Developing innovative public engagement measures are central to addressing many of the key geoscience related challenges within the EU. One of the most pressing European challenges includes achieving a sustainable and secure supply of critical raw materials (CRMs). These materials include vital metals used in renewable energy technologies, for which the EU is often totally reliant on imports at both the extraction and processing level. Hence, EU climate neutrality by 2050, as per the European Green Deal, hinges on CRM supply. However, this is not often discussed in the public realm.

    Informal education spaces such as festivals provide unique environments for science communication, where incidental adult audiences can stumble upon new scientific concepts and problems in engaging ways. However, to be successful, science exhibits at such events need to capture attention and stimulate the audience in a short period of time. The critical raw material challenge is underrepresented in the festival environment likely due to historically negative public attitudes towards mining. Hence, a necessary science communication endeavour is to develop a novel engagement activity that engages adult audiences at festivals with this issue and stimulates conversation. We present a hands-on, challenge-based public engagement activity/tool for use in the fast-paced science and arts festival environment, where contact time is limited and interaction is key. Designed to simulate the supermarket experience, ‘GreenDealz’ brings participants through tactile ‘shopping’ tasks, with evaluation points included throughout. The main aim of GreenDealz was to engage participants with the concept of critical raw materials and their demand for renewable energy technologies in a relatable and task-based way.

    We outline the iterative process of developing GreenDealz for the festival environment, including ideation, design, and an evolution of evaluation from classic self-reported techniques to more novel and festival friendly ‘embedded assessment’ measures. Importantly, we highlight how this activity has been tested and validated via a mixed methods approach: our quantitative data, collected across several festivals in Ireland, yields significant findings about audience learnings and engagement, while our qualitative data, gleaned through less time-restricted participant interactions sheds a deeper light on the effectiveness of this tool in achieving learning outcomes and sparking interest in critical raw materials within non-specialist audiences.

    How to cite: Blennerhassett, L., Schuitema, G., and McAuliffe, F.: GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2292,, 2025.

    EGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network 

    Eva Feldbacher, Carmen Sippl, Babette Lughammer, Ioana Capatu, Gregor Jöstl, Dominik Eibl, Michaela Panzenböck, Laura Coulson, Elmira Akbari, and Gabriele Weigelhofer

    Austrian citizens, like many others worldwide, show high levels of skepticism coupled with low interest in science. This disengagement is closely tied to limited science literacy, characterized by a poor understanding of the scientific process and scientific data generation. Initiatives operating at the intersection of science and education provide a valuable opportunity to develop innovative methods of science communication, enhance science literacy, and positively influence attitudes toward scientific findings. To address these challenges, scientists from diverse disciplines, educators, and administrators have joined forces to establish the “Interdisciplinary Network for Science Education Lower Austria (INSE)”. Led by WasserCluster Lunz and funded by GFF NÖ, this partnership aims to: (i) deepen public understanding of science by engaging students and citizens in scientific processes across disciplines, (ii) spark interest in science through innovative communication strategies, and (iii) build trust in the benefits of science by showcasing its contributions to addressing societal and ecological challenges.

    In this presentation, we will introduce the INSE partnership and highlight our science education concepts tailored to different educational levels. At the primary level, the focus was on research in the humanities, emphasizing the significance of reading and writing. At the lower secondary level, the main principles of the "Nature of Science (NOS)" were introduced, while at the upper secondary level, students conducted their own research projects, either in the natural sciences (a respiration experiment in aquatic ecology) or the social sciences (a social science survey). Students explored the principles of specific research methods and examined the similarities and differences among various scientific disciplines. This approach aimed to provide participants with both a solid understanding of general scientific principles and insights into discipline-specific methodologies.

    We will also present initial evaluation results on the effectiveness of our educational activities. Additionally, we aim to foster new collaborations at both national and international levels to strengthen our network and expand the resources available for science education.

    How to cite: Feldbacher, E., Sippl, C., Lughammer, B., Capatu, I., Jöstl, G., Eibl, D., Panzenböck, M., Coulson, L., Akbari, E., and Weigelhofer, G.: Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2755,, 2025.

    SCAPE° is a new science center under development in Offenbach, Germany, dedicated to making weather, climate, and their profound connections to human life both tangible and engaging. Situated in the heart of the city, SCAPE° aims to bridge the gap between science and society through interactive exhibits, immersive workshops, and dynamic community events.

    This presentation will provide an overview of SCAPE°’s organizational structure, the planning and design process, and the challenges encountered in creating this innovative space. Key exhibits will be showcased, including hands-on installations such as turbulence simulators and immersive visualizations of global weather phenomena, demonstrating the center’s commitment to interactive and educational engagement. Examples of workshops and events will illustrate how SCAPE° fosters dialogue and involvement in a scientific, but also artistic way. 

    By sharing the experiences and lessons learned in developing SCAPE°, this presentation seeks to inspire innovative approaches to science communication and public engagement in weather and climate sciences, while raising awareness and excitement for SCAPE° itself as a vital new space for exploration and education.

    How to cite: Frank, B.: SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2820,, 2025.

    This study investigates how the mining industry employs science communication tactics, specifically framing, warmth, honesty, and relatability when engaging with the public. Guided by three primary research questions, this project seeks to identify: (1) which frames and tactics Canadian mining organizations employ when communicating about mining, (2) how these tactics influence engagement among audiences with pro-, anti-, and neutral attitudes toward mining, and (3) whether the use of tactics varies based on the type of organization.

    A mixed-methods approach integrates content analysis, survey responses, and thematic analysis. Advertisements, corporate websites, and corporate responsibility documents from various mining organizations are systematically coded to identify framing strategies and communication techniques. To evaluate changes in public perceptions, knowledge, and behaviours, participants complete pre-engagement surveys to establish baseline attitudes toward mining. They then engage with assigned materials in two stages: first independently and later through guided discussion and interviews conducted via Zoom. Post-engagement surveys capture immediate reactions and subsequent changes in perception, knowledge, and potential actions. Transcribed interviews from guided discussions are analyzed thematically to uncover deeper insights into how audiences engage with mining-related messaging.

    This research is significant for its focus on the intersection of industry messaging and public engagement, addressing a critical gap in understanding how science communication influences public trust and opinion in resource-driven sectors. Insights from this study will inform best practices for transparent, relatable, and effective communication in the mining industry, with broader implications for improving public engagement strategies in other science-based fields.

    How to cite: Onstad, C. and van der Flier-Keller, E.: Preliminary Insights into Science Communication Strategies in Canadian Mining Messaging: A Mixed-Methods Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2911,, 2025.

    Some environmental issues (nuclear/special wastes, CO2 storage) are extremely long-lasting, from thousand to one million years (Flüeler 2023). Three aspects are mandatory to recognise them adequately: their complexity (e.g., safety “proof”), uncertainty (aleatory/epistemic …), inequality (today’s risk deciders vs. future risk bearers). All require a deep sense of multiperspectivity: Changing perspectives enables a conscious view of an issue from different angles.

    With exceptions, conventional practice reveals “technical” and “acceptance” approaches. The problem is said to be solely political, “the public’s” poor state of knowledge spurs the plea for “outreach”, following the “deficit model”: Specialists inform laypeople to close their “information gap”. The long term is covered by safety margins and, as a last resort, by waste retrievability.

    Applied research is more sophisticated. Nuclear waste safety cases have become comprehensive, considering insecurities and stakeholder involvement (NEA 2020b). Still, the very long term (10,000y plus) is left to risk analysts. “Communication Across 300 Generations” (Tannenbaum 1984) or “to bridge ten millennia” (Sebeok 1984) are issues reserved to semiotics and not really developed further (NEA 2019). Conserving artefacts and symbols over time seems unsatisfactory, even unrealistic. Site-selection procedures have, partly, recognised the need for decades-long processes (NEA 2020a).

    What is “long term”? (cf. Flüeler 2023, 55ff.) It would be futile for society to deal with the year 800,000 AP, but it is to reckon what Brand and Eno called “the Long Now”, 10,000 years back and forth, yet a generations-based approach seems more practical, maybe the Canadian First Nations’ yardstick of the Seven Generations (NCSL 2017): “Traditionally, no decision was made until it was understood how it would affect the next seven generations”. Or we draw on Boulding’s suggestion: 100 years backward and foreward (grandparents to grandchildren) (Boulding 1978).

    At any rate, our responsibility to future generations “requires new operationalisations, new norms of practice, new sets of values, new virtues, and – last but not least – new institutions” (Birnbacher 1988). It needs new skills for sustainable governance, transparent (digital) dashboards, open online platforms to table/respond to controversial views/assertions, transdisciplinary labs, ways to address indeterminacy (>>“uncertainty”), VR learning machines to train changing perspectives, etc.

    The ethical, political and institutional complexity insinuates that there is no silver bullet to tackle the issue of governance: “The solution is easily summarized, but much less easily achieved: to establish ecological reflexivity as a core priority of social, political and economic institutions” (Dryzek/Pickering 2019). We need continual discourse to transform our societies sustainably, rather than pre-fixed concepts in order to restore supposedly paradisiac past states.


    Birnbacher, D. Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen. Reclam, Stuttgart (transl.).

    Boulding, E. The Family as a Way into the Future. Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA.

    Dryzek, J.S./Pickering, J. The Politics of the Anthropocene. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.

    Flüeler, T.


    NEA/Nuclear Energy Agency/2019. Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory Across Generations. OECD, Paris.

    NEA/2020a. Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Policy Brief.

    NEA/2020b. Two Decades of Safety Case Development: An IGSC Brochure.

    Sebeok, T.A. Communication Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia. BMI/ONWI-532. Battelle, Columbus, OH.

    Tannenbaum, P.H. Communication Across 300 Generations: Deterring Human Interference with Waste Deposit Sites. BMI/ONWI-535.

    How to cite: Flüeler, T.: How to communicate “long term”? 10, 100, 10,000 years …? Practice, research, reflections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4847,, 2025.

    EGU25-6769 | Orals | EOS1.1

    How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust? 

    Milena Marjanovic, Simon Besançon, David Hautemayou, Souradeep Mahato, and Ted Luc

    Similar to X-rays used in medicine to scan human bodies, to understand the characteristics of the oceanic crust that covers >70% of our planet, marine geophysicists conduct controlled source seismic experiments at sea on research vessels. We produce tiny earthquakes using compressed air, which travel through the subsurface built of different rock types; the differences in the rocks introduce changes in the propagated waves, which are registered by an array of receptors and then processed to produce seismic images. However, this field of research is not commonly known by school students or the general public. To bridge this gap, we designed a seismic atelier to expose the less-known but marvelous world of marine geophysics and show it as a possible career path. The atelier includes a presentation of our work at sea supported by pictures and videos, presentation of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) developed and designed internally at IPGP, and model that simulates seismic data acquisition. For this model, we obtained the EGU Public Engagement Award in 2023. The elements that constitute the model:

    • 400 l water tank, floating LEGO ship
    • three 3-D printed OBSs connected to an electromagnetic mechanism that simulate deployment and recovery of the instruments
    • ballons that are perforated under the water to mimic the seismic source
    • hydrophone connected to a laptop for signal recording

    The experiment is accompanied by a 5-question quiz tailored to correspond to the age of the participants; all the topics concerning the questions were covered in the presentations. The quiz is conducted before and after the atelier, which helps us to evaluate the impact of outreach activity. All the questions were designed as a multiple-choice. For example, for the age 11-15 years, one question is: What is the temperature of the deep ocean?, with the offered responses: a) 0-3º, b) 23-25ºC, and c) 0 -10 ºC.

    We have already run the atelier on two occasions, and the results are promising. The first time was during the Fête de la Science (Open House event in France) at IPGP in early October 2024, during which we presented our atelier to four groups, 10-12 participants (9-12 years old) in each group. The second session was organized with 30 high-school students (~15 years old). The quizzes' analyses clearly show that the number of correct answers increases by up to 50% after the conducted atelier, demonstrating the positive impact of the activity on student knowledge. The results also show that some questions were tackling less-known topics. For instance, the question we gave as an example above was consistently answered incorrectly by ~80% of students before the atelier; in contrast, after the atelier, the situation was reversed, and >90% of the participants gave the correct answer. Overall, the impressions of the students after participating in the atelier, especially the youngest ones, are highly positive, and we hope they will develop a certain level of passion for marine sciences. The next stage for our project would be to film it and make it available online in different languages to reach students internationally.

    How to cite: Marjanovic, M., Besançon, S., Hautemayou, D., Mahato, S., and Luc, T.: How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6769,, 2025.

    EGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy 

    Chiara Pocaterra, Valeria Mingardi, Laura Mentini, Sara Silvi, and Alessia Careccia

    APRE is an Italian non-profit association with a network of more than 160 members from academia and private sector, that has developed extensive expertise in sharing research results to the wider public from several HORIZON EUROPE funded projects across different areas through innovative science communication, education and engagement methodologies.  

    Notable projects include the Engage4Bio project which launched actions at a regional level for the deployment of local bioeconomies, achieving new ways to govern societal transformation and engage citizens through awareness raising and education on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles. The BIOVOICES project raised awareness on the bioeconomy through engagement and exchange of knowledge. The GenB project tested innovative formats and developed concrete products and toolkits to raise awareness and educate students, teachers and multipliers on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Finally the BlueRev project increased skilled job opportunities in the bio-based sector for local businesses with training and webinars.  

    During these projects, the Authors were able to develop and validate via engagement and participatory processes, innovative science communication formats and concrete methods. Our aim was to raise awareness and educate non-specialised audiences (especially young people, teachers, educators, citizens) on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy, building communities with knowledge and instruments to create, enact, and disseminate sustainable practices. These non-traditional science communication techniques are proving effective and based on artistic/ narrative means and personal interaction that strengthen credibility and trust with the audience.  

    In Engage4BIO, art, communication and science were merged by creating an attractive Design Award. The goal of the competition was to encourage artists in finding sustainable solutions through art and design. In this process, science communication played a central role, bridging the gap between creativity and technology.   

    The book for children "What's bioeconomy?" was developed by BIOVOICES and it is the first-ever publication written for kids on sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Through an interactive 80 flaps, the book translates complex scientific concepts into easily comprehensible contents for pre- and primary school young people, their parents and teachers to increase awareness on the environmental, social and economic benefits of the bioeconomy and bio-based sectors.  

    GenB has designed an educational podcast series for 4-8 year old audience. Using captivating storytelling, and stimulating imagination and curiosity, children can enjoy them on any occasion to explore crucial concepts such as sustainability, circularity, and respect for the environment, making the bioeconomy an accessible and fascinating topic. The podcast features 10 episodes written by selected authors and scientifically validated by experts.   

    A participatory photography format for youth was also tested and developed in GenB project, to increase awareness of the applications of science in their everyday contexts. Through photographs or video, young people learned to identify real-world examples of bioeconomy, collecting examples from their daily lives. Photography and visual approach in education creates meaningful connections with places, people, and moments in time, encouraging reflection, insight and awareness, and empowering young people to make more informed decisions about consumption and lifestyle. 

    How to cite: Pocaterra, C., Mingardi, V., Mentini, L., Silvi, S., and Careccia, A.: Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7084,, 2025.

    EGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms 

    Philip Heron, Kiona Osowski, Fabio Crameri, and Jamie Williams

    Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects have historically struggled to be inclusive and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, STEM subjects have often been rigid in their teaching structure, creating barriers to education for students with more specific (or unrecognised) learning needs. Our STEM outreach course, Think Like A Scientist, has been running in a number of English prisons since 2019, and started in Canada and Australia over the past two years. Our students in prison often have diverse learning needs – a classroom often presents numerous barriers (sensory, communication, information processing, and regulation) which particularly impacts neurodivergent students (e.g., autism, ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, etc.). In our teaching in prison, we have been conscious of creating different educational access points that are not solely reliant on rigid teaching structures.

    Although our outreach programme is tailored to the restrictive prison environment, the application of its core principles are fundamental Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) practices that can be applied to university-level teaching and supervision. Here, we outline the choices we have made in prison education to increase educational engagement for those within the neurodivergent umbrella – and how these choices can map onto university teaching to widen participation for STEM students. Specifically, we will describe our university campus work in a few key areas: creating relatable science content for our geoscience student body, giving students a voice in their education, adding reflection activities, and fostering a classroom environment that is inclusive and accessible to all. Finally, we welcome an open discussion on potential best inclusive practices in the geosciences.

    How to cite: Heron, P., Osowski, K., Crameri, F., and Williams, J.: Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7405,, 2025.

    EGU25-9684 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology 

    Taru Sandén, Julia Fohrafellner, Ana Pires da Silva, and Carla Brites

    AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership "Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures," is a significant European research and innovation initiative involving the European Commission and 26 Member States, Associated Countries, and Third Countries, with a total of 72 partner organizations. The goal of AGROECOLOGY is to assist the agricultural sector in addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and environmental sustainability, while ensuring agriculture remains profitable, sustainable, and attractive to farmers.

    Transforming the agricultural sector to meet societal and policy demands requires bold and systemic changes. AGROECOLOGY fosters for solutions that leverage natural and biological processes, blending state-of-the-art science, technology, and innovation with farmers' knowledge. By pooling resources from the European Commission and the involved member states and regions, the Partnership funds high-level research in Living Labs and Research Infrastructures, co-creating relevant knowledge and technologies aligned with the priorities of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Farming System Transition.

    To support these efforts, a range of activities is being implemented to inform, engage, and empower stakeholders. These activities aim to enhance capacities, raise awareness, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and data. A key element of this effort is the Conversations on Agroecology which serve as foundational steps to strengthen agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) for agroecology. These conversations foster collaboration and connections between Living Labs, Research Infrastructures and stakeholders across Europe.

    The online Conversations on Agroecology are held monthly throughout the Partnership, enabling the mobilization and networking of agroecology actors in Europe and beyond. In 2024, six online conversations were organized on various themes, such as the role of AKIS for agroecology, agroecological transition, and the power of networks for agroecology. Through these monthly conversations, AGROECOLOGY engages diverse groups of actors, ensuring involvement of institutional AKIS actors, farmers, and farming networks to ensure inclusive participation and drive progress toward sustainable food systems by 2030.

    How to cite: Sandén, T., Fohrafellner, J., Pires da Silva, A., and Brites, C.: Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9684,, 2025.

    EGU25-11418 | Orals | EOS1.1

    The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels. 

    Verena Meraldi, Christina Hess, Holly Stainton, Henry Evans, Elizabeth Leane, and Anne Hardy

    The popularity and use of Participatory or Citizen Science (CS) in scientific research has increased over the recent years, and the literature reports that CS can promote positive change; enhance public knowledge, understanding, and awareness of environmental issues; and amplify conservation efforts.

    Accessibility to polar regions is limited and expensive.  With resources from other traditional platforms (i.e. research vessels and funding) decreasing, research institutions are looking at alternatives that involve partnering with the private sector tourism as a ‘crowdsourcing’ data collection option, with the added benefit of passenger participation and education. CS monitoring is a cost-effective alternative for greater spatial and/or temporal coverage, including geographical areas that remain under-researched. 

    HX’s Science & Education Program focuses on broadening guests’ understanding of the polar regions and ecosystems, as well as the impacts of climate change. Our guests become active participants in data collection through an immersive educational onboard program and on-site interaction with researchers. During 2024 we allocated over 1900 cruise nights to welcome 80+ researchers from collaborating institutions on our vessels and our guests contributed more than 30,000 data submissions to over 20 different CS projects globally.

    To better understand this potential and to evaluate the longer-term effect of participation in CS and science related activities on guests, HX carried out a research project in partnership with UTAS during 2022 and 2023. Results from semi-structured interviews with over 70 guests on three HX vessels suggest that guests saw CS, and the Science & Education program more generally, as a core part of their experience, and many returned with a heightened sense of the fragility of the region.

    However, and as an example, HX represents approximately 8% of the Antarctic expedition cruising tourism. The full potential for future partnerships to tap into these vast resources as an industry is yet to be realized.

    How to cite: Meraldi, V., Hess, C., Stainton, H., Evans, H., Leane, E., and Hardy, A.: The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11418,, 2025.

    EGU25-12106 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society? 

    Laura Reilly, Martin Möllhoff, Christopher Bean, Siobhán Power, Louise Collins, Patrick Smith, James Grannell, Huda Mohamed, Emma Smithers, and Philippe Grange

    Most people in Irish society, when asked, “Do we experience earthquakes in Ireland?” would likely answer, “No we don’t”. However, this is incorrect – earthquakes do occur in Ireland and are occasionally felt. This misconception is understandable as Ireland is not located near the edge of a plate boundary and the earthquakes we experience tend to be of very low magnitude (M2.5 is the largest onshore Irish earthquake recorded so far). As a result, earthquakes are not a regular thought for the population of Ireland. We aim to raise awareness on this topic.

    The QuakeShake programme has these main aims:

    • Encourage Irish society to consider seismic activity and monitor seismic events both locally and globally and thereby develop an integrated community of citizen seismologists throughout Ireland.
    • Provide teaching resources for educators and school students.
    • Inspire interest in Physical and Earth Sciences at tertiary levels.
    • Support the government’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics) initiative.
    • Foster a closer relationship between researchers and citizens.
    • Gather and share seismic data to support scientific research in various seismological fields.

    The programme is managed by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and co-funded by DIAS, Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), and Research Ireland. QuakeShake functions as the outreach programme for the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN), the national earthquake monitoring body in Ireland. It supports and promotes the monitoring efforts of the INSN.

    QuakeShake is facilitating the operation of affordable seismometers, known as Raspberry Shakes, in schools, homes, and public institutions. These compact, professional grade seismometers require only power and internet connectivity to operate. In 2024, QuakeShake distributed seismometers via public raffle and workshops for teachers and the public. In 2025, the aim is to distribute even more Raspberry Shake devices and encourage the public and schools to acquire their own units. 

    At EGU 2025 we will showcase the programmes development, aimed at educating people from all backgrounds in Ireland about both Irish and Global earthquakes. We will illustrate how QuakeShake is actively building a community of citizen seismologists across Ireland.

    How to cite: Reilly, L., Möllhoff, M., Bean, C., Power, S., Collins, L., Smith, P., Grannell, J., Mohamed, H., Smithers, E., and Grange, P.: Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12106,, 2025.

    EGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands  

    Andrea Alonso, Daniel Prieto, Rubén García-Hernández, David Afonso, Héctor de los Rios, Luca D’Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

    Scientific communication is a key pillar of the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN). In this context, Guayota is a weekly multilingual graphic report that summarizes seismic-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. This resource analyzes the earthquakes recorded over the past week, detailing their location, magnitude, and energy released. A color-coded map visually represents the magnitudes (red for >4, orange for 3-4, yellow for 2-3, and green for <2), providing an intuitive overview of the most relevant data. Additionally, the report includes the total number of seismic events, the energy in joules, and the maximum recorded magnitude. 

    The report also incorporates the volcanic alert system, based on four color levels from the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Response to Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA), to assess the hazard level. An accompanying table highlights key parameters such as seismicity, deformation, and gas emissions on the most volcanically active islands: La Palma, El Hierro, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lanzarote. 

    Guayota is published every Friday on INVOLCAN's social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter/X, and its website, ensuring that the information is accessible, educational, and timely. This initiative plays a crucial role in keeping the population of the Canary Islands informed with reliable, accurate, and easily understandable data. By raising public awareness, it helps communities better understand and prepare for the risks of living in a volcanically active environment. These efforts enhance community resilience and promote safer coexistence. In doing so, INVOLCAN reaffirms its commitment to scientific outreach, education, and effective volcanic risk management. 

    How to cite: Alonso, A., Prieto, D., García-Hernández, R., Afonso, D., de los Rios, H., D’Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12352,, 2025.

    EGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall 

    Auguste Gires and Eleonora Dallan

    Rainfall is very commonly experienced by most people, often seen as a constraint. Anyway, usually people are not really paying attention to it, being too busy with their daily life. As rainfall and hydrology scientists, we aim to reach out to the general public to increase knowledge in an area of widespread misinformation. More importantly, we aim to enhance curiosity and awareness of people in their geophysical environment. In order to contribute to this much needed efforts, we designed and implemented a series of multisensory experiences centered on rainfall with three purpose in mind: i) Actively engage people on geoscience topics by pushing them to pay attention to their environment ; ii) Create a simple and pleasant moment for people enabling to focus on geophysical environment. iii) Create some new knowledge on rainfall for them. With regards to the latter point, the involvement of one’s senses is a great tool to facilitate memorization.

    The experiences are simple and do not require any material, apart from an available mind and some rainfall. Three examples are feeling the drops and their sizes on the hand or face while walking; listening to the rain falling on something (tent, umbrella, sheet of metal…); looking at the rain falling near a lamppost at night. Each experience has a simple take home message. The first one is related to the various sizes of drops, the second one to the temporal variability of rainfall, while the third one enables to notice the temporal variability of both rainfall and wind. 

    The process is designed as follows. A short description of the suggested experience is given to people. Once they have implemented them, they are asked to fill a rather open/free form to report their sensations and findings. After they are given some explanations on the take home messages we originally had in mind, which does not necessarily match their own feeling. If they are interested in doing it again, they are invited to provide new sets of feedback. 

    In a first step, the whole process was tested with 10-15 people with various backgrounds and who have no expertise in rainfall. Results of this preliminary implementation will be presented in this poster. They are used to tune the process, i.e. the experiences, the short description and also the explanations of the take home message. In future investigations, it will be implemented with a larger number of people to obtain more quantitative and robust results.

    How to cite: Gires, A. and Dallan, E.: Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13449,, 2025.

    EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture

    An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication 

    Heather Handley

    Geoscience plays a vital role in shaping our sustainable future, yet the discipline is at a critical crossroads. Declining student enrolments, reduced course offerings, and the closure of university departments threaten its survival. Key challenges include public perceptions of geoscience and associated industries, its lack of visibility in school curricula, outdated branding and stereotypes, and issues related to diversity and inclusion. As students increasingly seek altruistic, sustainability-focused careers, geoscience must respond rapidly or risk further decline. A more strategic, impact-driven approach to geoscience communication is essential to address the discipline’s struggling brand image. This presentation takes you behind the scenes of the Earth Futures Festival, an international geoscience film and video festival. The festival bridges the arts and sciences to demonstrate how geoscience, combined with long-standing cultural knowledge of the Earth, offers solutions to pressing global challenges. We will explore the impact-focused approach underpinning the festival’s design, including forging value-aligned partnerships, providing communication skills training for geoscientists, and amplifying the visibility of typically underrepresented groups. This talk will provide a step-by-step practical guide to illustrate how impact-focused design can be effectively applied to geoscience communication and outreach.

    How to cite: Handley, H.: An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13520,, 2025.

    Podcasting about science is thriving.  In the Earth sciences alone, there are at least 15 podcasts.  How do such podcasts fit within the ecosystem of informal science education alongside museums, field trips and other resources?  Can podcasts convey the core results of present-day research without sacrificing their essence and subtlety?  Are researchers willing to make time to contribute to podcasts?  Who is listening to these podcasts and what are they seeking from them?  Does AI-enabled translation and transcription help reach listeners from hitherto less well-served geographies?  The presentation will address such questions and use examples from Geology Bites and other podcasts. 

    How to cite: Strimpel, O.: Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13862,, 2025.

    EGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation 

    Mario Soriano, Reed Maxwell, and Allison Carruth

    In the wake of disasters, storytelling can function as a means for collective sensemaking, trauma recovery, and community-centered knowledge co-production. Through the practice of listening and the medium of voice, audio stories can convey culturally specific knowledge that engages emotions while fostering dialogic thinking on complex topics. Here, we detail our experience in research and producing a public-facing audio story series about communities facing displacement and loss from water-related disasters. First, we traveled in 2023 to communities in the central Philippines devastated by 2013’s Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the deadliest and strongest storms to make landfall in modern history. We conducted field interviews with Haiyan survivors and responders, local policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the months leading up to the tenth-year commemoration of the storm. Their narratives allowed us to ground discourses about learning from disaster in mass media and academic research—discourses that we examined via a computational analysis of over 15,000 newspaper articles and 300 academic abstracts on Haiyan. The second story series explores perspectives on climate retreat in the wake of floods and increasing flood risks in New Jersey. This series centers the voices of homeowners considering property buyouts through a state program, local officials, as well as scientists who are documenting the social and physical impacts of more intense flooding and sea level rise in real time. Titled Carried by Water and produced by Princeton’s Blue Lab, these interrelated series anchor academic framings of disaster in lived experience and first-person narratives. The project does so to shed light on long-term recovery, learning processes applied to everyday decision-making, and diverse understandings of disasters, home, agency, risk, and climate resilience.

    How to cite: Soriano, M., Maxwell, R., and Carruth, A.: Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14045,, 2025.

    EGU25-14200 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

    Katherine Boggs, Amrine Dubois Gafar, David Eaton, Lilian Navarro, Jerry Demorcy, Holly Bley, Jesus Rojas Parra, and Richard Carlisle

    The International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 is returning to Canada, after an absence of over 50 years (1972, Montreal). Hosted in Calgary, Alberta, this will mark the first IGC to be held in western North America. We look forward to showcasing our “Gorgeous Geology” and “Legendary Landscapes” with the world’s geoscience community. Field trip opportunities include the Mohorovic discontinuity and glacial fjords in UNESCO World Heritage Site (UWHS) Gros Morne National Park (Newfoundland), the Carboniferous Forests at UWHS Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Nova Scotia), the Logan Line separating the Appalachians from the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield in UWHS Quebec City (Quebec), the Cretaceous Dinosaur fossil beds at UWHS Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta), and evidence for the Cambrian Explosion of Life in the Burgess Shale surrounded by glaciers across the UWHS Rocky Mountain Parks (Alberta/British Columbia). Potential Indigenous cultural day trips from Calgary include Blackfoot Crossing, UWHS Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, and UWHS Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, also known as the “Blackfoot Archives” because of the thousands of pictographs throughout the park.

    Here we report on the overall communications plan, starting with phase one leading into IGC 2024 in which a powerful social media presence became the potential game-changer to connect with the target audiences such as the national and global geoscience community, as well as the general public. This connection built brand awareness while unearthing enthusiasm for the destination and program. Stage one for the social media campaign involved a recent three-month social media campaign with daily bilingual postings on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Social media was important for achieving the goals of: i) promoting Canadian geosciences, ii) highlighting the conference tagline “Geosciences for Humanity” and iii) building awareness about the Canadian bid. During IGC 2024 the social media team also promoted the events that happened at the Canadian Booth and Reception, reflecting Calgary’s renowned hospitality such as the White Hat Ceremony swearing in 30 IGC delegates as honorary Calgarians. This strategy united the international geoscience community, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that we aim to foster for IGC 2028.

    The stage two of the social media (post-bid) campaign started at the end of 2024. Weekly themes promote Indigenous and geotourism offerings across Canada, with three weekly postings to showcase content. After winning the bid to host IGC 2028, interest from the local media was sparked after a press release led by the University of Calgary framing this as the “Olympics of the Geosciences”. Co-chairs Boggs and Eaton were interviewed on TV and Radio. Further press releases will follow in upcoming years to profile plenary speakers and advertise the Keynote Daily Themes (KDT) to local public schools and universities across Canada. KDTs such as “Space and Planetary Geosciences” will springboard off the Artemis II Mission which will be circumnavigating the moon in 2025 with Canadian Astronaut Jeremy Hansen onboard.


    How to cite: Boggs, K., Dubois Gafar, A., Eaton, D., Navarro, L., Demorcy, J., Bley, H., Rojas Parra, J., and Carlisle, R.: Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14200,, 2025.

    EGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project 

    Catalina Cabello, Denisse Leal, and Martin Riedel-Hornig

    Engaging the community with geosciences has always been a big challenge for geoscientists. It has become increasingly important in the face of widespread misinformation on social media. To address this, the “Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias (Let’s talk about geoscience)” project was created to bridge the gap between geoscientists and the general public in an informal and approachable setting, where people don’t feel afraid or ashamed to asks questions.

    We dropped the traditional structure of the academia and took researchers from the Universidad de Concepción away from the university, to a local restobar. There, through the course of the first semester of 2024, we organized six conservatories. Scientist were asked to present a brief introduction to their research topic in a non-scientific, everyday language. The audience was encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions throughout the talks. These interactions often guided the development of the topics, fostering an open and dynamic dialogue. The addressed themes were stratigraphy, hydrothermal waters, volcanoes, field geology, earthquakes and landslides.

    The talks had a great reception from the public, who participated actively and asked abundant questions. We compiled these questions and general topics of interest about each of the themes and presented the results to academics at the university, not only to bring sciences to the public but to also bring peoples interests to academics, hoping to have an impact in the development of future research topics.

    How to cite: Cabello, C., Leal, D., and Riedel-Hornig, M.: Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14325,, 2025.

    An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice discusses a successful co-creation of a film project with sicentsits and film professionals from Europe and the US. The resulting film,The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice is about the science of how a long-lost sediment core reveals crucial clues about the disappearance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and global sea level rise. Scientists find the sediment from a secret sub-ice US Milirary Cold War base in the Arctic holding clues to the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and completely transforming our understanding of ice sheet collapse. The film was an enormous undertaking to follow the science across nine laboratories in the US and Europe and highlights some of the most remote locations in Greenland. The E&O generated not only important outreach for science, but also built on practical and theoretical research within film. The collaborative academic model built the E&O team within the science team rather than as an ad hoc external team. This approach developed an atmosphere of co-creation. During this presentation, Kasic will sceen excerpts of the film and will be availabe to discuss the combined traditional and non-traditional approaches the project took to E&O, from conception to completion. 

    Here is a private link to the film in its entirety:

    The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice

    Link to trailer:

    Full Film available for screening upon request.

    How to cite: Kasic, K.: An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14662,, 2025.

    EGU25-15176 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science 

    Giulia Bongiorno, Dienke Stomph, Wietse Wiersma, and Jillian Student

    How do soil scientists perceive and experience soils? They use a wide variety of devices and tools, such as microscopes, laboratory equipment and field campaigns, and they summarize their knowledge through publications, graphs, and tables. Approaching soils with this academic perspective is likely to cause scientists to have different relationships with soils than people without soil science training. Humans have relationships with soils, and in addition to the science-based ones, these relationships can be personal, artistic, cultural, sensorial and more. Clearly, soils matter at many levels since people and communities can feel a deep connection with the soil of their homeland, as a source of identity, sustenance and a sense of place and belonging. What we proposed during the Wageningen Soil Conference 2023 was to let soil scientists discover the diversity in ways that soils can be experienced and perceived so to facilitate a positive transformation on how do we do soil science. During these event we took participants beyond the scientific perspective in an informal and relaxed space where we engaged with soils in unexpected and creative ways. Seventeen ‘stations’ were dedicated to experiencing colors, smells, tastes, textures, sounds, visuals, emotions and feelings peculiar to soils. Each station was organized by either a scientist or an artist that was present to encourage discussions, conversations and sharing of stories to inspire to experience new soil perspectives. One of the goals of this exercise was to expand (transform) the, often narrow, view of soil scientists on soils and let them discover other dimensions which can allow them to better connect with society and inspire them to share their work and knowledge about soil. This event was just the beginning of our collaboration towards experiencing soil perspectives and more events using the same or a similar format for different stakeholder groups (non-soil scientist, general public) were organized. During the conference we will share our concept, experiences and reflection with a broader group of soil scientists also reflecting about the experiences derived from the course ‘Transformative soil science’ hold in November 2024. The course was grounded in transdisciplinary perspectives from natural and social sciences and the humanities, and helped early-career scientists to understand their own perspectives on soil, and how to connect with other perspectives in an integral way of knowledge generation that contributes to meaningful transformations.

    How to cite: Bongiorno, G., Stomph, D., Wiersma, W., and Student, J.: Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15176,, 2025.

    EGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils! 

    Sabine Huber, Marie-Cécile Gruselle, Katharina Keiblinger, Ingrid Lubbers, Sónia Rodrigues, Hanne Ugstad, Jannes Stolte, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Frederik Bøe, and Franziska Fischer

    Soil health plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning and is closely linked to human life. However, land and soil degradation are widespread due to environmental and anthropogenic threats. Soil knowledge is essential to address modern global challenges. Despite the important role of soils, they are often underappreciated by the general population, highlighting the need to raise soil awareness. The EU project CURIOSOIL (2024-2028, co-funded by the European Union: URL: therefore aims at raising soil literacy and promoting a positive narrative around soils. CURIOSOIL focuses on enhancing soil literacy by triggering soil curiosity and connections between society and soil. According to the EU Mission Soil Implementation plan, soil literacy refers to both awareness about the importance of soil and practice-oriented knowledge related to achieving soil health. Soil literacy and education are crucial to environmental sustainability and the future of societies.

    With this poster contribution, we seek to explore to what extent university students and scientists at EGU are willing to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors toward soils using a participatory approach. We hypothesize that participating in discussions and reflection exercises about soil helps to increase awareness, spark curiosity, and encourage action to solve soil-related issues. We therefore invite conference participants to actively engage with us through our participatory poster. The participants are invited to answer targeted questions, write down and display their reflections directly on the poster, via post-its and/or via a digital survey. These questions are aligned with learning objectives and competences of soil literacy related to knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards soil.  All collected information will be anonymized to ensure privacy and confidentiality. To the best of our knowledge, this participatory approach is new to soil science as usually data are presented and not collected during a soil science conference. We therefore also aim to introduce the participatory poster as a research tool for data collection. Additionally, it serves as a communication instrument to encourage reflection on individual perspectives towards soil and promote an active role of raising soil awareness in society.

    Specifically, our objectives are to: 1) collaboratively (the presenter and conference participants together) reflect on our knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors including emotions and habits related to soils, 2) discuss factors that influence our connection with soils (or lack thereof), 3) brainstorm on ways to create formal and informal environments that improve awareness, curiosity and learning about soils. Our findings will be used to design CURIOSOIL educational materials that will be made available for free on the project website (

    In summary, we believe that our participatory approach can enhance soil awareness, curiosity and learning. We intend to bridge the gap between society and soils to encourage careful and sustainable soil use and protect soil health. Moreover, our participatory approach is designed to engage scientists, foster multidisciplinary collaborations between social and natural scientists towards co-creation of educational materials, as well as to contribute meaningfully to natural science research.

    How to cite: Huber, S., Gruselle, M.-C., Keiblinger, K., Lubbers, I., Rodrigues, S., Ugstad, H., Stolte, J., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Bøe, F., and Fischer, F.: CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15618,, 2025.

    EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer 

    Márk Somogyvári, Fabio Brill, Pedro Henrique Lima Alencar, Jakob Fischer, and Tobias Sauter

    Inter- and transdisciplinary projects often face the challenge of becoming scattered, due to the challenges of communication, collaboration and data integration. While co-design and close collaboration between all involved actors have been widely recommended to address congruence and representativity of all disciplines on the results and reports, inter- and transdisciplinary research often lacks platforms where these practices can be effectively carried out. The Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC) investigated water-related issues in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany, from diverse perspectives of more than 20 individual research groups across a wide range of disciplines - thus making it a perfect case for researching integration tools. By the end of the three-year project, we have developed a knowledge-based interactive data platform called the CliWaC Explorer, that can address the abovementioned issues and present research results and products in a coherent whole.

    The CliWaC Explorer is designed as a multi-purpose tool: as a data-exploration platform for researchers studying water-related issues in the region, as a decision support tool for stakeholders and as an education and outreach tool for the wider public. One of the biggest challenges was to appeal to both a natural and a social science user base. We achieved this by allowing the users to both navigate topics spatially, as commonly done in map-based natural sciences or in a thematic plane, where project parts are organized according to their thematic relationships. The explorer has been developed with close collaboration of the project partners, and currently being further developed with a series of workshops, to be accessible by a wider user base including stakeholders and educators. We believe our platform could provide a template of how interdisciplinary research can be integrated, and how its results can be communicated to a wider audience.

    How to cite: Somogyvári, M., Brill, F., Alencar, P. H. L., Fischer, J., and Sauter, T.: Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16949,, 2025.

    EGU25-17396 | Orals | EOS1.1

    A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy 

    Florindo Antonio Mileti, Mario Tatone, Fabio Terribile, and Bojan Blazica

    Ecotourism and rural tourism are pivotal activities for generating substantial income, supporting rural economies, and fostering a deeper understanding of land and soil resources in various regions, particularly in inland areas. Recognizing their significance, the United Nations has included these activities in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically SDG 8.9 and SDG 12), aiming for their accomplishment by 2030. While digital tourism has experienced remarkable growth recently, its focus largely remains on well-known tourist destinations.

    This study highlight the potential of a geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) built on a publicly accessible, web-based geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI). This system offers a practical and effective tool to enhance tourism opportunities in less-visited inland areas promoting a greater appreciation of soil and land environmental resources.

    The S-DSS platform is designed to facilitate the collection, management, processing, and analysis of both static (e.g., information on soil and geology) and dynamic data (e.g., climatic data). It also features advanced data visualization and on-the-fly computational tools, catering to a diverse user base that includes farmers, tourism operators, associations, and public institutions.

    The S-DSS tool known as EcoSmarTour operates across the entirety of Italy, providing extensive information, including detailed soil information, to expand territorial knowledge. It supports scenario analysis, map generation, and the assessment of potential trails or ecotourism hotspots. Also, through the use of artificial intelligence, EcoSmarTour can generate text-based narratives of selected routes, tailored to the user’s preferences. This functionality enables the creation of customized storytelling for various audiences, from children and teenagers to adults and experts.

    How to cite: Mileti, F. A., Tatone, M., Terribile, F., and Blazica, B.: A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17396,, 2025.

    EGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding 

    Daniela Sauer, Daniel Schwindt, Nikola Patzel, Facundo Luis Lucas, Sophie Raous, Francesca Bampa, Laura Mellanen, and Helinä Melkas and the SOILSCAPE Team

    “In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” These words by forestry engineer Baba Dioum in 1968 reflect, how the relationship between people and forests has intensified over recent decades, a development that has significantly contributed to forest conservation. Unlike trees, esthetical and vital soils are rarely exposed for people to see, understand, or appreciate, making it harder to foster a connection to them.

    The EU project SOILSCAPE (Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education) aims to bring soils closer to the public. Alongside modern communication methods, the project places a strong emphasis on artistic approaches to promote awareness, understanding, and love for soils in their context.

    In a first step towards this goal, current narratives were analyzed through a media study that examined coverage in newspapers, television, podcasts, and social networks. Thereby, the guiding questions were: What knowledge and opinions are there? Which imaginations and associations regarding soils do we find in society - and of whom? For exploring these questions, we conducted a survey using a verbal and visual questionnaire and follow-up expert interviews. Our analysis aimed at assessing dominant soil narratives and their potential impacts, and at preparing effective strategies to strengthen connections between people and soils, including cultural and artistic approaches. Thereby, we addressed societal narratives, imaginaries, and values related to soils, particularly focusing their perception and communication. The media research, questionnaire-based survey, and expert interviews were conducted in eight European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Switzerland. The study yielded almost 100 datasets from the media analysis, 435 complete responses from the visual-based questionnaire, and 24 expert interviews, providing a robust foundation for understanding how soils are perceived and how soil awareness in the European public can be more effectively enhanced.

    Our results from the media research show that soils are mostly not in the focus of media, but rather treated as functional elements in discussions related to agriculture, climate change, and urbanization. People tend to perceive soils indirectly, through their use and significance in these broader contexts. Perception of soils varies widely depending on region and prior knowledge. Around 40% of participants felt that soils in their region are in poor condition, while another 40% were unsure. Primary threats to soil that were named by people included agriculture, forestry, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

    These outcomes of this study point to a gap between implicit and explicit awareness of soil-related challenges. While artistic and educational approaches seem most promising in bridging this gap, the results of our study highlight the urgent need for targeted communication strategies to raise the awareness of soils and make them a topic of societal concern. Only by fostering a deeper public understanding, a stronger connection to and protection of this critical resource can be achieved.

    How to cite: Sauer, D., Schwindt, D., Patzel, N., Luis Lucas, F., Raous, S., Bampa, F., Mellanen, L., and Melkas, H. and the SOILSCAPE Team: Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18051,, 2025.

    EGU25-18409 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX) 

    Tillmann Lübker, Ingmar Nitze, Sebastian Laboor, Anna Irrgang, Hugues Lantuit, and Guido Grosse

    Climate change has led to an increase in permafrost warming and thaw at global scale. Land surface changes associated with permafrost thaw include the acceleration of Arctic coastal erosion, increased thaw slumping in ice-rich regions, the drainage and formation of lakes, as well as an intensification of other disturbances, such as forest and tundra fires and droughts. Thermo-erosion threatens infrastructure and leads to gullying, slumping, and even landslides. To detect and map such permafrost disturbances at high spatial resolution across large regions and to quantify land surface change, remote sensing analyses can be applied. In the ERC PETA-CARB, ESA CCI Permafrost, and NSF Permafrost Discovery Gateway projects, a pan-arctic 20-years time series of land surface disturbance trends was produced using Landsat TM, ETM+, and OLI imagery. The dataset presents a valuable source of information for Arctic communities, planners, stakeholders, and rights holders. Arctic communities living on frozen ground are increasingly forced to adapt their livelihoods to permafrost thaw. In some areas, the relocation of settlements has become the last resort and is already actively planned for several communities in Alaska.

    To make the large landscape change dataset more easily accessible to non-specialist audiences, within the EU Arctic PASSION project, we designed a new web-based portal tailored towards such audiences and the sometimes limited internet bandwidths encountered in Arctic communities. The Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX, was launched in early 2024 and provides interactive maps displaying recent information on land surface changes, hot spots of disturbances, and potential areas of active permafrost thaw and erosion. While focusing on the local to regional scale relevant for private users, regional, and state-level decision makers, exploring the data up to the pan-arctic scale may open new avenues for understanding permafrost change for the general public. A new release of ALEX in early 2025 will provide several new features. On the portal's home page, a new section will highlight selected locations in the Arctic with extraordinary land surface changes, accompanied by contextual information. On the map, users will be able to easily compare the change data with satellite imagery and other reference maps using a swipe and fade toolbox. Sharing specific map views will also be enabled. A second story map focusing on shore erosion explains geophysical processes and the role of permafrost.

    Consultations with local representatives and stakeholders in Alaska, requests from members of governmental and tribal entities to reuse our data, and inquiries from research partners in the Arctic confirm that our transfer efforts have met real needs. This positive feedback encourages us to continue updating the tool beyond the end of the Arctic PASSION project.

    How to cite: Lübker, T., Nitze, I., Laboor, S., Irrgang, A., Lantuit, H., and Grosse, G.: Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18409,, 2025.

    Climate adaptation action is increasingly both local and urgent. Reasons for including citizen and community voices in decision-making range from securing climate justice to generating more apt solutions and increasing public acceptance of interventions. More broadly, attempts to rebuild public trust in democracy and public institutions has led to a surge in citizen engagement initiatives for decision making in a whole range of subjects.

    This confluence of trends has generated an ever-growing knowledge and experience base and countless publications that call for citizen engagement in climate change adaptation efforts, provide best practices for citizen engagement, and occasionally both. However, the enormous breadth of the intended audiences means that in almost all cases, these best practice guides focus on citizen engagement in general.

    As part of the Adaptation AGORA project – a 3-year Mission Adaptation project that brings together researchers and practitioners from 12 institutes from across Europe – we have spent two years mapping European adaptation-related citizen engagement initiatives ( CEIs), interviewing experts across the CEI value chain and carrying out interactive workshops in attempt to identify best practices. The variety of adaptation contexts and wide range of possible (positive and negative) outcomes and impacts from CEIs pushed us beyond only looking for universal good practices to also consider those that lead to specific outcomes, like generating more just decisions, being tailored to the local settings in which they apply, promoting mutual learning, or producing improved collaboration.

    We find that choices taken when designing initiatives are key to the achievement of different goals. Some general good practices can almost universally be applied, like setting a clear objective, and ensuring effective communication before, during and after the initiative. However, beyond these straightforward observations, the variety of primary and secondary objectives (awareness raising, allocating public resources, generating ideas, creating guidelines, forming long-term plans etc.) and the myriad of contextual factors (scale, scope, location, resources, familiarity with citizen engagement etc.) frustrate identifying the best practices to pursue among a surfeit of potential actions. Essentially, what is often missing from existing best-practice guides is a framework to prioritise what can be achieved with limited resources to meet the identified goals. Indeed, the relative merit of different practices in achieving different goals is well understood only by a few seasoned experts, and frequently a challenge to communicate.

    Hoping to facilitate discussion and the exchange of different perspectives, we propose a serious game, Citi-Adapt, that seeks to visibilise the trade offs and push collaborative teams to collectively seek better design choices in the pursuit of different goals in unique contexts. Citi-Adapt allows us to add in different constraints, to situate CEIs in different contexts, and for different actors to walk in each other's shoes. It can be played in two ways – 1) exploring the types of resources required to achieve certain goals; and 2) identifying possible outcomes based on available resources – and we would be delighted to present it and hear your thoughts as we move to building a prototype.

    How to cite: Pickard, S. and Baulenas, E.: Citi-Adapt: Communicating design decisions for citizen engagement in climate adaptation action via a serious game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18809,, 2025.

    EGU25-19249 | Orals | EOS1.1

    Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society 

    Eulàlia Baulenas, Dragana Bojovic, Menno Veerman, Edgar Dolores-Tesillos, Aleksander Lacima-Nadolnik, Kerstin Haslehner, Arjun Kumar, Carlos Delgado-Torres, and Albert Soret

    This study investigates the co-production and science communication efforts surrounding the use of storm-resolving Earth system models (SR-ESMs) to support the renewable energy transition. The models were developed under the Horizon Europe EU-funded project Next Generation of Earth System Models (NextGEMS) in the course of 3,5 years. 

    By engaging in participatory workshops with stakeholders from the energy sector—including policymakers, energy providers, and civil society—we co-created scenario storylines that integrate the km-scale climate model outputs with socio-political narratives. These workshops served as a platform for dialogue, enabling the communication of complex scientific findings in a manner accessible to non-specialist audiences, and also exploring the way in which SR-ESMs can move forward to support key societal challenges such as the energy transition.

    The co-production process and communication strategy were informed by exploring stakeholder perspectives and preferences, which helped design the scenarios that could be later on represented by the SR-ESMs. Specifically, the use of discourse-analytical methods helped identify key narratives that resonate with different audience segments, ensuring the models' outputs are framed in ways that address socio-environmental concerns, such as the public acceptance of renewable energy technologies.

    Our communication efforts revealed several lessons: the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, the value of iterative engagement with stakeholders, and the need for flexible strategies that adapt to evolving audience needs. These insights contribute to best practices in science communication, emphasizing the role of co-production in making scientific information actionable and impactful for policy and societal change.

    How to cite: Baulenas, E., Bojovic, D., Veerman, M., Dolores-Tesillos, E., Lacima-Nadolnik, A., Haslehner, K., Kumar, A., Delgado-Torres, C., and Soret, A.: Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19249,, 2025.

    EGU25-19274 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach 

    Ingrid Lubbers, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Sónia Morias Rodrigues, and Omid Noroozi

    Soil plays a fundamental role in terrestrial ecosystems, acting as a medium for plants and other organisms while supporting all terrestrial life by providing essential conditions for growth and development. Despite its critical importance, the role of soil is often undervalued. The CURIOSOIL project aims to ignite curiosity about soils, enhance soil literacy, and foster meaningful connections between people and soil. CURIOSOIL focuses on improving soil education, addressing the pressing need for a stronger connection with soil amidst increasing human pressures on this vital resource. The project seeks to bridge gaps in soil knowledge among pupils, students, teachers, citizens, policymakers, and practitioners, thereby addressing soil illiteracy, a significant barrier to sustainable soil use. A key part of CURIOSOIL is the development of the Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF) for five target groups: primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, teachers, and lifelong learners. To achieve this, we identified the core main domains and subdomains of soil literacy in consultation with soil experts and stakeholders in soil education and lifelong learning. Four main domains have been defined: soil diversity, soil services, soil threats, and soil solutions.

    This study prioritized these main domains and subdomains for designing a valid soil literacy assessment framework (SLAF) in diverse target groups. Furthermore, understanding the relative importance of these main domains (and subdomains) enables educators and policymakers to focus on the most impactful areas, ensuring that soil education efforts address the unique needs of both children and adults. By establishing these priorities, resources can be allocated efficiently, and targeted educational activities can be developed to enhance soil awareness and literacy. In this study, we employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize soil literacy's main domains and subdomains for SLAF. AHP is a widely recognized method that provides a systematic framework for pairwise comparisons of variables, enabling a detailed evaluation of their relative importance. Using this approach, soil experts, researchers, and educators assessed the significance of various domains for children and subdomains for adults, yielding valuable insights into the main domains and subdomains priorities.

    The AHP analysis was facilitated by specialized software, such as Expert Choice. This study demonstrated its utility in designing an assessment framework and prioritizing the main domains and subdomains of soil literacy for diverse target groups. By utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in this study, soil experts contributed valuable insights into the prioritization of soil literacy the main domains and subdomains for designing valid questionnaires. This input ensures that the resulting assessment framework and educational activities are scientifically robust and practically applicable.

    Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), CURIOSOIL, environmental education, Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF), sustainability

    How to cite: Lubbers, I., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Morias Rodrigues, S., and Noroozi, O.: Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19274,, 2025.

    EGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology  

    Insa Thiele-Eich, Ellen Arimond, and Annika Uebachs

    The University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS) is a collaborative initiative among ten German universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in meteorology. Supported by an executive office at the University of Bonn, UPAS aims to enhance meteorological education and research in Germany by focusing on four key areas:

    • Attracting qualified students
    • Providing excellent education
    • Fostering synergies for successful science
    • Engaging in societal and community outreach

    A significant component of UPAS is its dedication to advancing science communication and public engagement within meteorology. This commitment is exemplified through initiatives such as MeteoXchange, an international network fostering professional growth among early-career scientists via annual virtual conferences and specialized workshops designed to enhance presentation and communication skills. Additional efforts include interactive science slamming workshops, hands-on climate change experiment demonstrations for classrooms across Germany, the development of a dedicated podcast, and the creation of high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER). These activities not only elevate internal training but also bridge the gap between scientific research and societal understanding, amplifying the impact of meteorology on diverse audiences.

    This presentation will highlight UPAS's achievements, providing an overview of our approaches to enhance education, research and outreach in meteorology. We will also discuss challenges encountered and share lessons learned, including strategies for overcoming hurdles and successfully leveraging synergies among our partner institutions. We are more than keen to invite collaboration and idea exchange with other geoscientific networks sharing similar objectives, in particular on the international level.


    How to cite: Thiele-Eich, I., Arimond, E., and Uebachs, A.: University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20089,, 2025.

    EGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

    Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist 

    Thomas Gatt, Anna-Katharina Sieberer, Florian Westreicher, Maria Mattersberger, and Simon Zeiner

    Scientific research is often inaccessible to non-academic audiences, even when it is publicly funded or conducted in their local area. Bridging this gap is essential to promote public understanding and inspire future geoscientists.

    This study presents a small-scale science communication project developed as part of a Master's thesis and implemented in a rural Austrian community within the Hohe Tauern National Park. The initiative involved two local school classes and the general public through interactive activities and workshops. An open lecture on regional geology, given by young scientists from the University of Innsbruck, introduced the project to the wider community. The following day, school classes took part in field workshops led by scientists and National Park rangers on topics such as regional geology, tectonics, ore mining, geoarchaeology, alpine farming and local fauna. Hands-on, outdoor activities proved to be an effective and easy-to-implement tool for geoscience engagement and received positive feedback during this project.

    Feedback indicated an increased interest and understanding of geoscience topics among participants. This study highlights how small-scale, low-cost projects can effectively engage local communities and stimulate interest in geoscience. Such efforts are critical to making science communication accessible and replicable for future researchers.

    How to cite: Gatt, T., Sieberer, A.-K., Westreicher, F., Mattersberger, M., and Zeiner, S.: Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20316,, 2025.

    EGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

    Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science 

    Meriem Krouma and the Mednight team

    Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition is an enchanting collection of stories created to inspire children under 12 with the wonders of Mediterranean science. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the winning entries from the IV Literary Contest “Tales from Mednight,” a transnational initiative celebrating the fusion of creativity and science.

    The stories explore themes such as biodiversity, clean energy, Mediterranean history, and environmental stewardship, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for science among young readers. Written in seven languages—Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish—the winning tales embody the Mediterranean's rich cultural diversity and shared scientific legacy.

    To celebrate the launch of the Junior Edition, the Mednight initiative is distributing printed copies to children in hospitals, primary schools, and refugee camps. Free digital copies are also available, ensuring that the inspiring world of Mediterranean science reaches young readers everywhere.

    How to cite: Krouma, M. and the Mednight team: Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20455,, 2025.

    EGU25-21677 | Orals | EOS1.1

    The communicative power of climate extremes  

    Malte von Szombathely, Anne Reif, Benjamin Poschlod, Benjamin Blanz, Leonard Borchert, Lukas Brunner, and Jana Sillmann

    Climate extremes have increased in frequency and scope recently, and this development is projected to continue under ever worsening anthropogenic climate change. Media coverage of extreme weather events plays an important role in promoting climate-friendly attitudes, the perception of climate science and the willingness to take collective action for mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate extremes.

    While Earth System model simulations of climate change and extremes are becoming more and more accurate, increasing doubts about the results of climate science and the existence of climate change have recently been observed among the German population (Reif et al., 2024). The upcoming elections in Germany make this turning point in political support for climate change policies even more relevant. It raises questions about how uncertainties in past and future climate change are perceived, and the success of different approaches to climate communication. Here, we address the dilemma of climate science communication, focusing on climate extremes.

    We conducted a representative, Germany-wide survey at the beginning of December 2024 (n=1.019), gauging the perception of climate science, climate extremes and associated uncertainties. We present the results of this novel survey with a particular focus on the interaction of progress in climate extreme research and communication of uncertainties on the one hand, and the public perception of climate science on the other hand. Our analysis shows the development of perceived uncertainties of climate research in the German population. However, our work also highlights the perception of climate extremes as an opportunity for powerful and approachable climate communication.  



    Reif A., Guenther L., Tschötschel R. S. , Brüggemann M. (2024): Rückschlag für den Klimaschutz. Wandel der Einstellungen und Kommunikation zu Klimawandel und Klimapolitik von 2015 bis 2023, Media Perspektiven, Vol. 2024, 14, 1-12. 

    How to cite: von Szombathely, M., Reif, A., Poschlod, B., Blanz, B., Borchert, L., Brunner, L., and Sillmann, J.: The communicative power of climate extremes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21677,, 2025.

    EGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media 

    Johanna Knauf, Theresa Zimmermann, Jonas Schröter, Miriam Tivig, and Frank Kreienkamp

    This work examines the extent and form in which uncertainty of Extreme Event Attribution (EEA) results is best communicated to stakeholders. To achieve this, we develop communication materials in both text and graphics and test them for accuracy and accessibility through guided interviews with scientists and stakeholders.

    Extreme weather events pose significant challenges for human civilization. Climate change can influence both the intensity and probability of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall. EEA has become an established tool to answer public questions about the contribution of climate change to such events. However, the results of EEA studies are often accompanied by considerable uncertainties. Communication of results, including an accessible representation of uncertainty, is therefore a fundamental necessity in this field of research, extending beyond the general effort to make scientific findings accessible to the public. Media representatives, who often bridge the gap between attribution scientists and the public, are therefore key stakeholders in this research.

    We present the current state of research on communicating uncertainties in this field and outline our iterative approach to working with attribution scientists and media representatives alike to determine what should be communicated and how to communicate it effectively. Finally, we evaluate which communication materials are both relevant and accessible, and we reflect on the lessons learned for future communication efforts concerning EEA results.

    This study is part of ClimXchange, which aims to enhance the usability of climate science for societal stakeholders. ClimXchange is embedded within the ClimXtreme research consortium, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which focuses on extreme weather events in the context of climate change.

    How to cite: Knauf, J., Zimmermann, T., Schröter, J., Tivig, M., and Kreienkamp, F.: Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2164,, 2025.

    EGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes 

    Gabriele Messori, Stephen Jewson, and Sebastian Scher

    Skilful weather forecasts help users make sound decisions when faced with potentially hazardous climatic conditions. However, this beneficial result may be reduced or negated in the absence of an effective communication of forecast uncertainty. On average, forecast skill improves for shorter lead times, which implies that we expect differences between successive forecasts. While there is a vast literature on the communication and visualisation of weather forecast uncertainty, little attention has been dedicated to communicating forecast changes to non-specialist audiences. Nonetheless, this is a key dimension of forecast uncertainty, and there are several user cases in which providing information about possible future changes in weather forecasts can improve their use.

    An illustrative example is the situation in which a user has to decide whether to act now or wait for the next forecast. This can be as simple as a professional deciding whether to drive or not to a client on a day for which extremely heavy rainfall is forecasted, potentially leading to flash flooding. Cancelling well-ahead of time makes rescheduling easier, yet the forecast has a larger chance of being wrong. Cancelling on short notice minimises the chance of a false alarm, but poses greater logistical challenges for both the professional and the client. Something as simple as knowing how often the later forecast is better – for example knowing that 9 times out of 10 a heavy rainfall forecast issued one day ahead is better than one issued 5 days ahead – can qualitatively help the non-specialist users in this fictitious example to make a more informed decision.

    In this contribution, we consider a variety of cases in which information on forecast changes may be of value. We then present a set of easily interpretable metrics making information on such changes accessible to non-specialist users.

    How to cite: Messori, G., Jewson, S., and Scher, S.: Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4471,, 2025.

    Whether its memories of a cold, frosty Christmas or an August bank holiday beach trip interrupted by rain, many cultural, sporting, and social events in the United Kingdom have strong associations with particular weather conditions. As the average global temperature increases, the impacts of a changing climate are likely to be felt across many aspects of British life, including in the public’s experiences of these popular events. Several recent works conducted by the UK Met Office have sought to make the local day-to-day impacts of climate change more understandable for the public by exploring likely climatic conditions of popular events by the 2050s. These works have received strong engagement from the public, demonstrating the demand for relevant and understandable climate information.

    We serve this demand by using the 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) and HadUK-Grid observations data to evaluate how climate change will affect the climatology of a diverse range of British social, cultural, and sporting events. To explore and communicate the uncertainties in UKCP18 due to inherent model biases, several bias correction methods are applied to the data and the resulting data is analysed together to give an improved uncertainty range. The research will focus on assessing changes to temperature variables at global warming levels of 1.5°C and 3.0°C to illustrate these two future scenarios and the uncertainty within each scenario.

    We will show that some events are likely to have a significantly altered climatology which is likely to substantially change the nature of these events or force them to change when they occur during the year to give the best chance of having favourable climatic conditions. By assessing the impact of climate change on popular British events such as the London Marathon and Glastonbury Festival the findings of this research will prove useful in communicating the impacts of climate change in a way which will resonate with the British public.

    How to cite: Woods, L., Pope, J., and Fung, F.: Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9081,, 2025.

    Flood frequency analysis is a cornerstone of hydrologic studies, providing a probabilistic framework to relate the magnitude of extreme events to their frequency of occurrence. This methodology is critical for designing flood-related infrastructure, conducting economic evaluations of flood control projects, and delineating floodplains. However, its utility depends heavily on data quality, model selection, and parameter estimation, each of which introduces uncertainties that become especially significant for rare events.

    This presentation will address key sources of uncertainty, including model choice, parameter inference methods, and sample size limitations. Strategies for incorporating these uncertainties into engineering practice are discussed, with an emphasis on probabilistic representations and innovative design approaches. An exceptional flood, a "black swan" event, is used to illustrate the paradox of increased uncertainty despite improved information. This case underscores the importance of expanding flood analyses through historical records, regionalization, and causal modeling, particularly in the context of a changing climate.

    The presentation will be designed to foster cross-discipline exchange in the quantification of uncertainty in Earth Sciences.

    How to cite: Viglione, A.: Flood Frequency Hydrology: Navigating Uncertainty in Flood Design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11466,, 2025.

    EGU25-13135 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images 

    Peter Dietrich, Husain Najafi, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

    Two-dimensional (2D) images are often used to communicate the results of scientific investigations and predictions. Examples are weather maps, earthquake hazard maps and MRI slices. In contrast to statistical analyses of individual variables or time series, there are currently no established methods for visualizing the uncertainties in the 2D images. However, this would be necessary to make the information in the 2D images clear to scientists as well as to the non-expert public audiences in order to avoid misinterpretation and over-interpretation.

    In this study, we demonstrate the challenges and approaches to uncertainty visualization using the case study of drought forecasting, which is relevant for climate adaptations and mitigations. A drought is a deviation (anomaly) from the parameter value expected from long-term data. In our case, the parameter under consideration is soil moisture, which is an important parameter for various environmental processes. The soil moisture can be used in combination with soil type to estimate the amount of water available to plants in the topsoil. If the amount of water available to plants according to the so-called percentile approach deviates significantly from the value expected from long-term data, this is referred to as an agricultural drought.

    The drought forecast is based on ensemble modelling. This means that the results of various weather forecast models are used to predict the development of soil moisture for the period of the weather forecast. For each weather model used, a possible soil moisture development is predicted. Each of these is used for a drought forecast. The result of the ensemble modelling is therefore several forecasts, which can differ significantly. Due to the use of different weather models and the consideration of uncertainties in the models, the result of ensemble modelling is therefore a large number of drought forecast maps. When visualising the results, often only a map of the mean values resulting from the predictions is shown. If only the mean value is displayed, however, the information about a possible difference and thus the uncertainty of the predictions is lost. In other words: If individual cases from the ensemble predict the possibility of drought, this will not be clearly visible in the mean value map.

    In this presentation, we will demonstrate and discuss different approaches to visualize the uncertainty in the prediction.

    How to cite: Dietrich, P., Najafi, H., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13135,, 2025.

    EGU25-13260 | PICO | EOS1.6

    Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey 

    Peter Dietrich, Michelle Dietrich, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

    Uncertainties are an unavoidable part of scientific research. Practical limits with regard to the number, accuracy and precision of available observations as well as limitations in terms of methodological accuracy and modelling contribute to the fact that even the most elaborate and meticulous forecasts can never be deterministic and no completely reliable and accurate predictions for decision-making can be achieved. In concrete applications, a sufficient understanding of the accuracy and reliability of scientifically based predictions is important, for example in disaster prevention or resource planning. For example, natural hazard maps are primarily intended for those who have the necessary expertise to understand them. However, they are also used in their unaltered form by non-experts for decision-making, many of whom are unfamiliar with the scientific background and implications of the map.

    We address this problem using an earthquake hazard map which can be relevant to non-expert audiences when seeking advice on purchasing a house or obtaining insurance. In order to understand how non-experts perceive a scientifically compiled earthquake hazard map, we conducted an online survey with 229 participants. This was done as part of the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants were asked about their first impression of the map in terms of information content, any need for further explanation and possible actions to take. Other questions assessed participants’ previous experiences and self-assessment of hazard perceptions.

    In this presentation, we will discuss the survey results and share lessons learned when communicating information that contains uncertainty with non-expert audiences.

    How to cite: Dietrich, P., Dietrich, M., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13260,, 2025.

    Working with environmental data means dealing with complex processes, limited data (in space and/or time) and the impossibility of setting up controlled experiments, leading to uncertain predictions of system behaviour.

    In the field of statistical hydrology, many efforts have been made during the last decades to provide methods to quantify uncertainty, but the common practice of infrastructure design has not yet incorporated them. This may be due to several reasons, including the complexity of the methods, which are often difficult to apply in most everyday cases, and regulations that "favour" well-established requirements.

    Here we present the "uncertainty compliant design flood estimator" (UNCODE) method, which accounts for aleatory uncertainty in the estimation of the design flood value. The method provides a corrected design value and is easy to use for practical purposes as simplified formulae are provided to quantify the correction factor. However, in addition to its practical application, it can also be used to compare different models with different levels of uncertainty and to highlight the "cost" of uncertainty.

    Finally, its mathematical formulation allows a direct link to be made between the classical approach to hydrological design, based on a fixed hazard level (or return period), and a risk-based design approach, which is widely recognised as a more flexible method but is not usually included in regulations.

    How to cite: Ganora, D.: Uncertainty in flood frequency analysis and its implications for infrastructure design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15189,, 2025.

    EGU25-17779 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study  

    Solmaz Mohadjer, Gökce Ergün, Sebastian G. Mutz, Max Schneider, Tom Schürmann, Michael Pelzer, and Peter Dietrich

    Maps are the most commonly used means of visualizing and communicating natural hazard information to support decisions about risk mitigation. They are a product of hazard assessment studies which involve different input parameters with uncertainties relevant to decision making. This process is further complicated by the subjective uncertainties that arise in the audience when confronted with the visualization of hazard information. 

    Natural hazard maps are primarily designed to be used by experts, but they are also used in their unaltered form to communicate with non-experts, many of whom are unfamiliar with the map’s scientific background and implications. Previous studies focus mainly on evaluating such maps with expert groups (e.g., directly involved stakeholders and authorities), with less attention on non-experts (e.g., the public audiences) who are confronted with these maps before purchasing a house, getting insurance or making other critical decisions. 

    To address this gap, our study investigates how well hazard maps are understood and interpreted by non-expert audiences. We tested two earthquake hazard maps of Germany that differ in color palettes (rainbow vs. colorblind-friendly and perception-optimized yellow-orange-red-brown color palettes) and data classification schemes (algorithmic Fisher vs. quasi-logarithmic classification schemes). We showed both maps to 20 non-expert participants during the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants answered map-reading and hazard perception questions (e.g., participants were asked to read off the hazard level for a given city, and to compare hazard levels between for a pair of cities) while their eye movements were monitored with eye-tracking software. 

    To identify if either map improved map reading and hazard perception, participants’ responses were scored, analyzed and compared using a two-sample Mann–Whitney U and Fisher’s Exact tests. In general, the differences detected in participants’ responses were not statistically significant, perhaps due to the small sample size. Still, we observed that nearly all participants who used the redesigned map (8 out of 9) correctly read the hazard level for a city while only 33% (3 out of 9 participants) who used the rainbow color map responded correctly.

    Eye-tracking data were used to analyze focus-metrics. Composite heatmaps accumulating the duration of eye fixations of all participants indicate that their eye movements were focused more on the high hazard zones and the corresponding values shown on map legend when answering questions using a hazard map redesigned to use best practices for hazard perception.

    To quantify these differences, the ratio of fixations on high-hazard zones to total fixations on the map were calculated for both map versions. The data were tested for normality and the statistical significance of the differences were evaluated using Independent Samples t-tests for equal variances. While the results were not statistically significant, participants viewing the redesigned map showed a greater number of fixations on high-hazard zones compared to the participants viewing the original map, with a moderate effect size. We note tendencies in the data that encourage the repetition of the experiment with a larger sample size.

    How to cite: Mohadjer, S., Ergün, G., Mutz, S. G., Schneider, M., Schürmann, T., Pelzer, M., and Dietrich, P.: Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17779,, 2025.

    A presentation of emerging themes and lessons learnt from examples of best practice in uncertainty quantification and communication relevant to climate services.  Drawn from existing literature and reports, and from a community engagement workshop.

    • Consider the climate risks that are of most concern to the audience. 
    • Use language the audience is familiar with (don’t say uncertainty).
    • The precision of uncertainty information should be relevant to the situation.
    • Understand existing narratives about climate uncertainty.
    • Use communication about uncertainty to build trust.
    • Be aware of deep uncertainty.

    Standardised approaches to uncertainty communication should consider not only the climate science component, but also the complexities regarding socio-economic vulnerability.

    Climateurope2, is a Horizon Europe project with a consortium of 33 parties from 13 countries that includes intergovernmental institutions such as the World Meteorological Organisation, social sciences, humanities and STEM expertise, assurance providers, SMEs, and standardisation bodies. Together we are building a community of practice for the standardisation and support of climate services.

    How to cite: Pascoe, C., Dankers, R., Domingo, X., and Pagé, C.: Don't say uncertainty: preliminary best practices and emerging themes for uncertainty quantification and communication in climate services from the Climateurope2 project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18364,, 2025.

    The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to effectively communicate forecasts and their uncertainty. This is especially important if the aim is to minimize the risk of misinformation and poorly-informed decision-making. Both the IPCC and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction have identified risk communication, complexity and uncertainty as major challenges to decision-making, and call for better understanding of how existing risk communication practices are perceived by those affected and those making decisions.

    Despite these calls, many geoscientists, especially early career researchers, lack opportunities to discuss scientific uncertainty and explore ways to communicate uncertainty to different audiences, including the non-scientific publics. To address this demand, we organize the international training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, which is co-sponsored by the EGU and set to take place at the University of Tübingen in Germany from March 17 to 19, 2025. This in-person, three-day training school aims to equip Early Career Researchers with knowledge and skills needed to effectively account for and communicate uncertainty in geosciences with their peers as well as public audiences.

    Some of the biggest challenges of training programs on uncertainty relate to the interdisciplinary nature of the concept: understanding and effectively communicating uncertainties requires knowledge and skill sets typically taught and researched across a range of diverse fields. Highlighting this interdisciplinary background, we combine insights from geoscientific uncertainty assessment and outputs (e.g., maps, interpretations, models, simulations, time series) with approaches from (visual) rhetoric, science communication, presentation research, and multimedia competence. 

    Building on existing good practice, the training strives to equip geoscientists with the tools and skills they need to communicate uncertainty, help reduce misinformation, and enhance future decision-making. This will be done collaboratively through an interdisciplinary partnership between the Department of Geosciences, the Research Center for Science Communication at the Department of General Rhetoric, and Global Awareness Education at the University of Tübingen. The new approaches and exercises developed for this training will not only be practically applied in the training school, but also reflected and evaluated, including a pre-workshop survey addressing expectations and needs identified by the participants and a concluding qualitative evaluation.

    In this presentation, we will discuss our multifaceted practices and strategies applied to foster skills in communicating uncertainty in geosciences, present the results of the accompanying survey and evaluation used in this training, and conclude with lessons learned and best practices recommended to further develop similar opportunities in the future.

    How to cite: Pelzer, M., Dietrich, P., and Mohadjer, S.: Fostering Skills in Communicating Uncertainty in the Geosciences: a review of concepts, strategies and approaches applied in the training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18655,, 2025.

    Sub-seasonal weather forecasting is notoriously difficult, particularly for the extra-tropics. Predictions must be probabilistic, and from weeks 3 or 4 onwards forecast distributions are often very close to model-climate distributions. Together, these facts make conveying a meaningful forecast to customers extremely difficult, and those forecasts are then very vulnerable to misinterpretation. Standard map-based graphical output can show little more than whether the forecast mean is for average, or above average or below average conditions – ostensibly a 3-category classification. And indeed “average” in this scheme can be interpreted variously as a genuine forecast of average, or a “no-signal” prediction, which cannot both be right.

    So ECMWF is working towards a new two-layer brand of map-based sub-seasonal forecast products, that succinctly represent both the mean anomaly and the forecast uncertainty. We plan to call these “quantile-based weekly guidance maps”. The overarching aim has been to exploit much better than hitherto the information content of the sub-seasonal forecast system in a compact format. Once these first go public they will be classed as an “experimental product”. We hope for wide-ranging uptake, providing greater outreach for our forecasts than hitherto, to benefit multiple sectors of society.

    The new graphical output can be summarised in a 3-by-3 matrix form where one dimension represents the mean anomaly and the other relative spread. So for example a mean anomaly around zero can either represent a high confidence, narrow distribution forecast of average conditions (a true forecast of “average”), or more commonly a no-signal forecast where forecast and climate distributions are much the same (= “we don’t know”), or less often an odd scenario in which forecast spread exceeds climate spread (= “very uncertain indeed”). The graphical versions of the new system, and the 9 classes, will be demonstrated using real ECMWF forecast examples. These will highlight how translating appropriately chosen mathematical metrics into suitable graphics, and on into plain language text, can lie at the heart of successful uncertainty communication. Clear documentation for users is another key requirement.

    How to cite: Hewson, T.: Making Uncertainty in Sub-seasonal Weather Forecasts Intelligible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19375,, 2025.

    EGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

    Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium 

    Jakub Stepanovic, Sandy Claes, and Jan Sermeus
    Uncertainty is an inherent part of the nature of science (NoS), and its communication is essential to maintain scientific transparency and credibility. Yet, current teaching on the topic is insufficient, leaving many with naïve views of NoS. Following calls to integrate uncertainty as a core component of science education and support NoS instruction with real-world examples, we designed an interactive learning experience conveying uncertainties in planetary science stemming from missing data and using artificial intelligence for a planetarium lecture. We were particularly interested in how interaction in the immersive planetarium settings impacts the audience's engagement with the lecture and, thus, uncertainty in science. The experience was presented to adolescents and adults attending the planetarium, and we collected feedback from 343 participants. Here, we share insights from the development, discuss interactive methods that significantly improved the audience's engagement, and share the participants' perspectives on uncertainty in science. We conclude by examining the pillars of NoS to clarify and define the presence of uncertainty and provide considerations for science communicators and educators. 

    How to cite: Stepanovic, J., Claes, S., and Sermeus, J.: Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21809,, 2025.

    EGU25-1469 | Orals | EOS3.1

    Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility 

    Carme Huguet and Soraya Polanco Palomar

    Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility

    The persistent gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has hindered diversity and innovation for decades. Women and girls are consistently underrepresented in these fields, limiting their career trajectories and obstructing the development of inclusive, diverse solutions for global challenges. Increasing the visibility of female role models has been identified as a critical strategy to address this disparity (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; Halili & Martin, 2019). However, studies show that women in STEM are often more vulnerable to stereotypes and biases, particularly when presenting their work in public forums (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). Cata de Ciencia aims to foster a supportive environment to promote women in STEM by showcasing their achievements and engaging a diverse local audience. This initiative combines public science communication with gender equity goals. Monthly events held in Segovia, Spain, feature presentations by local women scientists, followed by interactive discussions with the audience in an informal setting accompanied by wine and tapas. The format promotes accessibility, relatability, and inclusivity, addressing the stereotype that scientific excellence is exclusive to men or specific cultures (Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). The project pursues two main objectives: increasing the visibility of women in STEM within the region of Castilla y León and promoting the dissemination of science to the public in a welcoming, interactive format. 

    Carter, A. J., Croft, A., Lukas, D., & Sandstrom, G. M. (2018). Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men. PloS one, 13(9), e0202743.
    Halili, M. A., & Martin, J. L. (2019). How to Make the Invisible Women of STEM Visible. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 73(3), 75-77.
    McKinnon, M., & O’Connell, C. (2020). Perceptions of stereotypes applied to women who publicly communicate their STEM work. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1).

    How to cite: Huguet, C. and Polanco Palomar, S.: Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1469,, 2025.

    EGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024 

    Juliane Dannberg, Iris van Zelst, Anne Glerum, Adina Pusok, Fabio Crameri, and Cedric Thieulot

    STEM fields in Europe and across the globe are not balanced in terms of gender, ethnic and racial groups, sexual orientation and other aspects of diversity (e.g. Fry et al. 2021, Freeman 2018). For example, in 2018, women made up over 40% of European academic staff, but in 2019 only 26.2% of full professors were women, less than 25% were heads of institutes, and only 31.1% board members (EC She figures 2021). This under-representation has caused academic institutions to implement new hiring practices, unconscious bias training, and intervention programs (e.g. Palid et al. 2023), as science and innovation thrive on diversity in expertise and experience. However, diversity varies across fields, and understanding field specific data is critical to propose and evaluate effective measures. Here, we wish to look inward and assess our own scientific discipline of computational geodynamics. We specifically use a recurring international conference in our fieldnow called the Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamicsas a proxy for our field. This conference series has taken place in various European countries at a roughly two-year interval since 1987. 

    For all listed attendees, we have collected gender, year of highest degree obtained, primary country and institute of affiliation at the time of the conference, presentation type and organisational role in the conference based on information available online, such as the workshop program booklets and institute, ORCID, Google Scholar and social media profiles. Using this dataset, we analysed the diversity in gender, career stage and country of affiliation of each conference overall, of the local and science organization committees and of the invited speakers. Based on the available data, we cannot make any inferences about other aspects of diversity. 

    We show that over the last 38 years, the participation of women has increased from about 10% to about 35%. The percentage of women attendees has increased across all career stages, but fluctuates for established scientists. The number of invited woman speakers has also increased: whereas between 2000 and 2010, three out of the five conferences did not have any woman invitee, from 2015 to 2024, consistently more than 25% of the invited speakers were women. The number of primary countries of affiliation has approximately doubled over three decades. As expected, the majority of attendees work in Europe and a substantial fraction of participants is from North America, but contributions from scientists in Asia and Africa have increased. Given the rate over the last four decades, we project that gender equality in participants will be reached in 2040.


    European Commission RTD, She figures 2021Gender in research and innovation: Statistics and indicators, 2021,

    Freeman, J. (2018). LGBTQ scientists are still left out. Nature 559, 27-28.

    Fry, R., Kennedy, B., & Funk, C. (2021). STEM jobs see uneven progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity. Pew Research Center1.

    Palid, O., Cashdollar, S., Deangelo, S., Chu, C., & Bates, M. (2023). Inclusion in practice: A systematic review of diversity-focused STEM programming in the United States. Int. J. STEM Educ., 10(1), 2.

    How to cite: Dannberg, J., van Zelst, I., Glerum, A., Pusok, A., Crameri, F., and Thieulot, C.: The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5760,, 2025.

    EGU25-6072 | Orals | EOS3.1

    Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice 

    Adam Jeffery, Steven Rogers, Kelly Jeffery, Mark Lucherini, Julie Hulme, Martin Griffin, Elizabeth Derbyshire, Kristopher Wisniewski, Jamie Pringle, Catherine Hallam, Isobel Stemp, Lisa Lau, and Liam Bullock

    Autism is a lifelong developmental condition which impacts how individuals communicate and interact with the world around them and is simultaneously recognised broadly as a form of neurodivergence and protected legally as a disability (e.g. U.K. Equality Act 2010). Autism frequently remains under-represented and un-disclosed in academia, despite it having no impact on intelligence. In fact, many autistic traits such as problem-solving skills and thinking ‘outside the box’ should be conducive to success in academia.

    The field of Geoscience is currently facing significant scrutiny for a lack of diversity. This study contributes to this by investigating the experiences of geoscience students in U.K. higher education, using a novel qualitative methodology designed to be inclusive for autistic participants. Forty self-identified autistic geoscience students took part in semi-structured asynchronous discussions over a period of one month, sharing their self-perceptions, experiences of learning in geoscience, university life, support in higher education, and other issues that they wished to discuss.

    Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, generating three themes: (1) Being me; (2) Interacting with the world around me; (3) Facilitating change. Participants stressed the need to recognise the diversity of autistic experiences, and suggested a number of recommendations that would improve their learning and wider higher education experiences, including training to enhance the fundamental understanding of autistic people. The outcomes of this study can help provide actionable recommendations for educators and institutions to better address the challenges faced by autistic learners. This will ultimately facilitate better inclusivity in geoscience-based higher education and lead to improved success and well-being for autistic people in the geosciences.

    How to cite: Jeffery, A., Rogers, S., Jeffery, K., Lucherini, M., Hulme, J., Griffin, M., Derbyshire, E., Wisniewski, K., Pringle, J., Hallam, C., Stemp, I., Lau, L., and Bullock, L.: Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6072,, 2025.

    No geoscientist is an island. It is not good practice for a geoscientist to act in isolation; rather, geoscientists need to be part of a welcoming community to thrive.  How a professional geoscientist interacts with other geoscientists, non-geoscientists and society is essential for building a culture and environment of conscious inclusion by celebrating the diversity of one and all.  This means proactively creating environments where geoscientists and others can collaborate and feel comfortable communicating openly. Recognizing and understanding how unconscious bias and privileges can create divisions and foster negative professional (toxic) environments.  The presentation will look beyond professional bodies’ codes of conduct, and it will introduce what Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) means. These concepts are vital to consider from the attraction, retention, and progression of professional geoscientists and the reputation of the communities we represent. Several self-awareness exercises will also be shared to explore potential, implicit bias.


    How to cite: Griffin, M.: Embedding Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) within a Professional Geoscientist’s Lifestyle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6886,, 2025.

    EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies 

    Johanna Stadmark, Alberto Montanari, and Lisa Wingate

    The EGU recognises the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion as a crucial foundation for scientific research. The increasing diversity of our membership in all its facets fosters collaborative research and discovery that benefits humanity and our planet and contributes to reaching the goal of addressing global challenges.

    The EGU EDI Committee, since its foundation in 2021, is actively promoting diversity in the EGU initiatives and community. The aim of the EDI Committee is to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity with a broad vision and a global approach, by working with sister associations.

    The EDI Committee tasks currently include: (1) Promoting the EGU vision of EDI via an integrated, co-ordinated and constructive approach; (2) 
    Raising awareness of the value of EDI within the scientific community; (3) Organising sessions and meetings dedicated to EDI issues as part of the EGU General Assembly, and at other conferences and meetings organised by EGU and its sibling societies; (4) Representing EGU on relevant initiatives focusing on EDI in the geosciences; (5) Providing constructive suggestions and ideas to the EGU Council to promote EDI within the organisation, and the geosciences in general.

    The most recent achievements of EDI@EGU are the Champion(s) for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award that is bestowed to recognize excellent contributions to put into exemplary practice the principles of EDI. Furthermore, a new travel support scheme to promote diversity at the EGU General assemblies, is first activated in 2025.

    The above actions resulted in a more diverse attendance at EGU General Assemblies along the years. The total number of presenters has increased over the time period 2015-2024, and this increase was observed throughout all career stages. The proportion of women presenters has increased from 2015 to 2024.

    In the hybrid meeting in 2024 approximately 90% of the participants attended in Vienna. A slightly higher proportion of the oldest (>75 years) and youngest (18-25 years) participants attended online. While there were no differences in how women and men participated (online or physically), there are differences connected to the country affiliations. The great majority of participants from countries in most of western Europe, Asia and North America attended in Vienna, while more participants from other continents attended online.

    We aim to analyse the changes in demographics with regards to gender, career stage as well as to geographical distribution of the presenters and participants also in coming years to better understand the potential impacts of meetings organized online or physically, or as a combination of both these modes.

    How to cite: Stadmark, J., Montanari, A., and Wingate, L.: Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6932,, 2025.

    EGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!  

    Marina Cano Amoros and Iris van Zelst

    Science Sisters is a YouTube video and seminar series hosted by Dr. Iris van Zelst. Lighthearted in tone, it explores different career paths, academic life, and science communication in the planetary and geosciences. The guests on the show represent a range of role models to celebrate the diversity of people working in STEM. They are interviewed by Iris on their personal experiences on different topics. Past seasons have included topics like ethical fieldwork, switching careers, science communication, postdoc life, leadership, women in science, job applications, postdoc hopping, outreach, publishing, feeling incompetent, astronaut training, toxic academia, and how to build a research group.

    We are now proud to announce that the production of season 3 of Science Sisters has wrapped and post-production, such as the editing of the videos, is in full swing. Anticipated to launch in fall 2025, the new season of Science Sisters will consist of the traditional interview videos and a hybrid online seminar where a viewing party of the episode is combined with an after-show discussion between Iris, the guest, and any research groups and individuals interested in joining.

    This hybrid form of Science Sisters has proven to kickstart conversations in institutes and increase the cohesion within institutes by creating a more understanding atmosphere. Early career scientists in particular say that Science Sisters is extremely useful to learn about life as a researcher and they enjoy the chatty, entertaining quality of the interviews.

    In season 3, the main topics across our 7 episode series are:

    • PhD life

    • Failure (and how to deal with it)

    • Working at NASA

    • Motivation (or lack thereof)

    • Science management

    • Lab work

    • Academic motherhood

    Of course, each episode also features individual experiences of (non-)academic career paths to show the diversity of ways in which people can interface with science and work in academia.

    Using the hybrid form of videos and online webinars, Science Sisters therefore continues to contribute to promoting and supporting inclusivity in the planetary and geosciences. 

    How to cite: Cano Amoros, M. and van Zelst, I.: A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way! , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6963,, 2025.

    For many geoscientists, participating in conferences are vital for their career as they provide access to state-of-the-art knowledge in their research field but also provide opportunities to share their own results whilst expanding their research network.

    However, the opportunity to attend large geoscience conferences for many researchers often comes at a significant financial burden. In particular, researchers that have caring responsibilities, disabilities or experience temporary unemployment often find it a financial challenge to cover the extra costs incurred for conference participation from research project budgets or from their affiliated research institutions. This not only places a strain on those geoscientists already facing financial hardship, but it also leads to the exclusion of researchers from career-defining meetings.

    In 2025, the EGU launched a new EDI Participation Support Scheme for EGU members with the aim of addressing this inequity. This support scheme aims to provide financial assistance to scientists in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences who encounter significant EDI-related financial barriers that prevent them from participating to the EGU General Assembly because of caregiving responsibilities, disability and special needs as well as temporary geoscience career transitions. In this presentation, we will provide valuable information about this new support scheme and encourage the community to raise awareness of these financial burdens with their colleagues, research institutions and research funders.

    How to cite: Wingate, L., Hart, J., Turton, J., and Jacobs, P.: Tackling EDI-related financial barriers that reduce inclusivity at geoscience conferences with the EGU EDI Participation Support Scheme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7140,, 2025.

    EGU25-7701 | Orals | EOS3.1

    Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation 

    Jens Klump, Vanessa Moss, Rika Kobayashi, Lesley Wyborn, Stefanie Kethers, and Coralie Siegel

    Major sporting events, like the Summer Olympics or the FIFA World Cup, attract a global audience of billions of spectators. While many agree that watching the Olympic Games in one of its venues is the best way to experience the event, less than one per mille of the billions worldwide audience can attend in person. The majority watch such events at public events, at home with families and friends, or by themselves on their mobile devices. All these different modes of watching the Olympics allow a global audience access to a major sporting event.

    International research meetings were forced into mainly online modes by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020-2022. While the availability of online formats was initially high, it has since dropped, and only a small fraction of meeting organisers have made efforts to develop new formats that offer value to online participants. At the same time, the poor quality of virtual options and the “rush back to normal” contributed to a drop in virtual participant numbers. This is a missed opportunity; it disregards the high environmental costs of large international meetings and favours those who can afford the high costs and time commitment of international travel and are, therefore, already advantaged. For many in the Global South, attending international conferences offered as in-person-only events is almost impossible, widening the gap in their ability to participate in global science.

    While technologies for alternative modes of participation exist, many organisers of conferences cite the excessive cost and a lack of interest as barriers. Financial modelling by a major conference provider showed that offering alternative participation modes adds approximately five to ten per cent to the cost of running a conference, which can be easily offset by attracting additional participants. However, conflicting aims exist between conference organisers wanting to offer alternative participation modes but also having to be financially sustainable, as well as conference venues and tourism boards, who want to maximise the number of participants on-site. It has been reported that tourism boards and conference venues use subsidies and overpriced equipment to discourage alternatives to on-site participation.

    For their 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Astronomical Society of Australia organised an “online-first” conference with a location-specific “Hub Day” during the week to offer space for in-person interactions. As this example shows, there are many opportunities to innovate by blending in-person, hybrid, and online formats and adopting new technologies (see, e.g.,, including local or regional hubs where participants can gather to discuss and network. Alternative modes are already being used successfully by communities in other areas of society to bring people together and the scientific community is lagging behind. We could draw inspiration from completely different types of events, like games, international sports or cultural events. This presentation is about how we can make research meetings more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable by being more creative about modes of participation and thinking outside the box. 

    How to cite: Klump, J., Moss, V., Kobayashi, R., Wyborn, L., Kethers, S., and Siegel, C.: Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7701,, 2025.

    EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference 

    Nahid Atashi, Anni Hartikainen, Laura Salo, Ilona Ylivinkka, Muhammad Shahzaib, Miikka Dal Maso, and Katja Anniina Lauri

    We organized an informal equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) themed reception for the attendees of the European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2024 to encourage reflection and sharing of both positive and negative behaviors observed in academic workspaces. 

    The event was held in a private venue near the conference site. The three-hour event featured a combination of short talks, a presentation on current and past EDI initiatives within the Finnish aerosol science community, and informal discussions in small groups. The relaxed setting fostered open dialogue and active participation. 

    During the event, attendees were invited to anonymously write about their personal experiences at their workspace on sticky notes and attach them to a poster displayed throughout the reception. This interactive approach provided a safe space for participants to voice their thoughts and experiences, which remained visible for collective reflection until the event concluded. 

    The collected messages were categorized into two main themes. Positive Aspects included respect and inclusion, supportive environments, social connections, and practical guidance. Negative Aspects highlighted challenges such as discrimination, exclusion, judgment, and unproductive atmospheres. Combined insights collected within this activity provide a clear understanding of workplace dynamics, offering valuable perspectives for promoting equity and addressing areas of concern within academic environments.

    How to cite: Atashi, N., Hartikainen, A., Salo, L., Ylivinkka, I., Shahzaib, M., Dal Maso, M., and Lauri, K. A.: Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9552,, 2025.

    Transition services are essential for supporting students with intellectual disabilities (ID) as they prepare for independent adult lives. While special education teachers in both the United States and Korea acknowledge the importance of providing these systematic services, their actual implementation varies widely due to differing teacher backgrounds and numerous barriers. This study examines these barriers through the lens of Windschitl's framework, which categorizes dilemmas into four types: conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political. These dilemmas serve as a foundation for understanding why teachers struggle to implement transition services, even when they recognize their significance.

    Focusing on the Korean context, this study explored the experiences of special school teachers working with students with ID and identified additional dilemmas beyond those categorized by Windschitl. To achieve this, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 35 special school teachers currently implementing transition services. Using the constant comparative method, the data was analyzed to uncover key categories, their properties, and how these elements interconnect.

    The findings revealed that Korean teachers viewed transition services as vital for equipping students with ID with the skills necessary for employment, societal integration, and independence. However, despite understanding their importance, teachers reported low implementation levels due to various challenges. These included limited resources, insufficient professional development, lack of collaboration among stakeholders, and inadequate institutional support.

    Rather than placing blame on teachers for the low implementation of transition services, the study emphasizes the need to create supportive environments. Collaborative efforts among school administrators, parents, policymakers, and disability organizations are critical to fostering conditions where teachers can succeed. Furthermore, investing in professional training and strengthening educational and social infrastructure would significantly enhance teachers’ capacity to provide effective transition services.

    By addressing these systemic issues, this study underscores the importance of supporting special educators in their efforts to improve outcomes for students with ID, ultimately enabling them to transition successfully into adulthood.

    How to cite: park, Y.: Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10224,, 2025.

    EGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions 

    Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Luis Fariña-Busto, Maria Ruiz, Benoit Le Noir de Carlan, and Eystein Jansen

    The European Research Council (ERC), Europe’s premier funding agency for frontier research, views equality of opportunities as an essential priority and a vital mission to ensure fairness in the review process. The ERC monitors various demographic data yearly on every call and has taken actions to tackle imbalances and potential implicit and explicit biases.

    Demographic gender and geographical distribution data on external reviewers is presented. External reviewers are experts who support ERC evaluation panels by externally reviewing proposals in their fields of specialization. The analysis focuses on the rates of nomination and invitation of these experts, as well as rates of acceptance and completion of the reviews. The data is presented by call and by scientific domain. In the current framework programme (Horizon Europe, 2021-2027), 24% of nominated external reviewers were women, 75% were men and 1% are non-binary. Acceptance and completion rates for men and women are similar.

    Furthermore, data on requests of the eligibility window extensions are included. During the grants’ application process, the ERC allows potential grantees to extend the eligibility window, both for Consolidator and Starting Grants. These extensions are conditional on certain circumstances (e.g. parental leave, long-term illness, or clinical training). These circumstances and conditions constantly evolve. In this way, to better comprehend and monitor these requests, the ERC recently started an in-depth analysis of such data, gathered between 2021 and 2024. The data are disaggregated by year, gender, and by grant type. The analysis shows that there is a clear disparity between women researchers and men researchers when requesting extensions; both in terms of numbers and circumstances.

    The ERC knows that work to ensure inclusive excellence and equality of opportunities is never-ending. This presentation analyses the institutional efforts, procedures and critically discusses the results.

    How to cite: Jesus-Rydin, C., Fariña-Busto, L., Ruiz, M., Le Noir de Carlan, B., and Jansen, E.: Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10372,, 2025.

    EGU25-11159 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

    The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data 

    Shakti Raj Shrestha, Leonardo Olivetti, Shivang Pandey, Koffi Worou, and Elena Rafetti

    There has been a significant increase in both the number of publications and number of citations in the last decade partly fueled by the increased exposure to research papers and such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, ResearchGate, etc. The large data set of scientific literature and respective authors in these platforms can be utilized to get a broad overview of academic discourse. This project aims to investigate the state of academia in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes using Google Scholar data. A comprehensive set of relevant tags (such as earthquake, volcano, natural hazards, climate extremes etc.) were used to filter the researchers. Additionally, a threshold of 500 citations or more was applied to focus on the most influential academics in this field. We limited the analysis to the period 1990-2023 and subsequently stratified the obtained results by gender (as perceived by the authors) and country of affiliation of the researchers. Data for number of publications was also collected for each of the researchers.

    Among 2612 researchers identified, 77.2% are male, 22.6% female, and 0.2% could not be categorized into male or female. Male researchers, on average, received a larger median number of citations compared to women even though the gender citation gap in percentage has been decreasing over the last decade. Notably, regression analysis showed that, there is limited difference in number of citations per publication between the two genders. The data also shows that 78.5% of citations are attributed to researchers in high-income countries, 14.4% for those in middle-income countries, and 7.1% for those in low-income countries despite researchers in low- and middle-income countries publishing more papers per year, on average, than their counter parts in high-income countries. The researchers from high-income countries also get larger number of citations per author, on average, even when controlling for number of publications. However, the citation gap between high-income and low- and middle-income countries has narrowed in recent years. Interestingly, the observed citation gap between researchers is more pronounced due to income group than gender. In conclusion, even though disasters affect poor countries and women disproportionately, the fact that the field of natural hazards and climate extremes is largely high-income country and male-dominated raises fundamental questions on teh epistemology and legitimacy of the scientific knowledge that has been generated. 

    How to cite: Shrestha, S. R., Olivetti, L., Pandey, S., Worou, K., and Rafetti, E.: The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11159,, 2025.

    EGU25-12317 | Orals | EOS3.1

    Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science 

    Tanya Dzekon, Matt Giampoala, Paige Wooden, and Mia Ricci

    Addressing under-representation and inequity in geoscience requires action from all participants of the scientific ecosystem. The collaborative and global nature of our science impels us to create systemic changes to better include historically marginalized voices. This work includes correcting the power imbalances that exist within scholarly publishing through equity-focused policy changes and through collaborations with communities. We will highlight AGU Publications’ recently launched Inclusion in Global Research Policy (an authorship policy to improve equity and transparency in international research collaborations and to help address the issue of parachute science), as well as work to create Guidelines for the Governance of Indigenous Data in Scientific Publishing (a partnership between the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, ENRICH, Te Kotahi Research Institute, the American Geophysical Union, the National Information Standards Organization, and AGU).

    How to cite: Dzekon, T., Giampoala, M., Wooden, P., and Ricci, M.: Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12317,, 2025.

    EGU25-13088 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

    Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE. 

    Elif Türker, Iris Christadler, Fabrice Cotton, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Fatemeh Jalayer, Mateus Litwin-Prestes, Angelo Strollo, Stefanie Weege, Elisabeth Kohler, Mariusz Majdański, and Laura Sandri

    Geo-INQUIRE, an EU Horizon project starting in 2022, brings together 51 partners, including high-level research institutes, universities and European consortia from different EU countries. The project aims to improve access to selected key data, products and services to monitor and model the dynamic processes within the geosphere at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and accuracy. With 150 Virtual Access (VA) and Transnational Access (TA) facilities, together with tailored mentoring programs, including workshops (both online and face-to-face), trainings and seminars, Geo-INQUIRE has brought together over 2,300 researchers in the past two years, offering 20 training events and 7 workshops attended by participants from over 70 countries. While in total 44% of these participants have been female, this number reflects the project’s ongoing commitment to gender balance, inclusion and diversity, but also acknowledges that further progress is still desired.

    Despite the projects complexity due to high number of partner institutions, several strategies have been implemented to foster inclusion. These include the unique establishment of an independent advisory committee (EDIP), assigning an EDIP member (by rotation) as ex-officio member of Transnational Activity Review Panel (TARP), thinking of strategies to reduce unconscious bias in review of TA applications, setting targets for female participation and researchers from Horizon’s widening countries, offering travel support and affordable accommodation to reduce financial barriers, recording of online training events to enable access and maximise flexibility. Additionally, novel recruitment practices, supportive workplace policies and efforts to increase female representation in leadership roles have been introduced. Geo-INQUIRE also fosters inclusion across a wide range of career backgrounds (including less conventional career paths) and brings together researchers from diverse scientific disciplines—such as solid earth, marine science, and carbon capture and storage - as well as those with technical expertise in IT. Strategies such as seminars have proven effective in bridging these gaps and reducing barriers between different fields. We will present examples of these actions, discuss lessons learned and propose example guidelines for promoting diversity in large-scale research projects.

    How to cite: Türker, E., Christadler, I., Cotton, F., Gabriel, A.-A., Jalayer, F., Litwin-Prestes, M., Strollo, A., Weege, S., Kohler, E., Majdański, M., and Sandri, L.: Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13088,, 2025.

    The geosciences are at a pivotal moment as institutions, organizations, and individuals confront long-standing inequities to create a more inclusive and representative future. As a geoscientist actively engaged in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, I have witnessed both the barriers and breakthroughs shaping this transformation. Notably, the geosciences have some of the poorest metrics for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in STEM disciplines. Guided by the principle, “What gets measured, gets done,” my work has focused on quantifying EDI impacts to drive meaningful progress.
    Drawing on my role as an executive member of the Canadian Geophysical Union’s EDI Committee, I will present key findings from a comprehensive EDI report on representation statistics from Canadian Geophysical Union conferences since 2018. As a director on the board of Women Geoscientists in Canada, a prominent organization supporting women in technical roles, I will highlight the challenges and successes in addressing gender imbalance and improving diversity within the mining industry.
    Lastly as a federal research scientist working on critical mineral exploration and green energy transitions, I will explore how EDI efforts can advance community engagement, inclusive excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical fieldwork, and environmental justice. By sharing these experiences across government, industry, and academia, this presentation will offer actionable strategies to address barriers and inspire collaboration for a more equitable future in Canadian geosciences.

    How to cite: Dave, R.: Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI Landscape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14621,, 2025.

    EGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

    An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years? 

    Lena Nicola, Rebekka Frøystad, Antonio Juarez-Martinez, Maxence Menthon, Ana Carolina Moraes Luzardi, Katherine Turner, Sally F. Wilson, and Benjamin Keisling and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team

    Despite the increased awareness towards Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), the glaciological community still experiences and perpetuates numerous examples of inappropriate and discriminatory behavior, adding to the systemic inequalities embedded in the scientific community. What are the EDI challenges we currently face within the glaciological research community? How can we overcome them? Where do we want our research community to be in fifty years? These questions were used as a starting point for a first-of-its-kind workshop at the 2023 Karthaus Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System. Drawing on the outcomes of that workshop, we discuss the answers and challenges to addressing these questions, in the form of both actionable steps forward and imaginative visions of the future. We identified common threads from the workshop responses and distilled them into collective visions for the future. Having consulted additional literature, while formulating suggestions for improvement, stating our own commitment, and highlighting existing initiatives, contributions to this “time capsule” exercise were sorted into three main challenges we want and need to face: making glaciology more accessible, equitable, and responsible (Nicola et al, in review).

    How to cite: Nicola, L., Frøystad, R., Juarez-Martinez, A., Menthon, M., Moraes Luzardi, A. C., Turner, K., Wilson, S. F., and Keisling, B. and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team: An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18414,, 2025.

    EGU25-20423 | Orals | EOS3.1

    Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics 

    Alexa Halford, Angeline Burrell, John Coxon, McArthur Jones, Kate Zawdie, and Julie Barnam

    Equitable Letters in Space and Physics (ELSP) is an organization that aims to encourage merit-based recommendations and nominations in the space physics community by providing resources and reviews. Recommendation and award nomination letters are a known source of bias that affect education and job opportunities, career progression, and recognition for scientists from underrepresented backgrounds.  ELSP was founded to combat this bias within the current system by providing a proof-reading service that focuses on identifying phrasing and structure within letters that unintentionally undermines the purpose of the missive.  If you are writing a recommendation letter for someone you know professionally, you can send it to us and we will send it out to our reviewers. They will provide recommendations on how you can make your letter more equitable and less biased, using a combination of the techniques and resources described on our site, with the aim to make unbiased recommendation letters more accessible to all. If you are interested in being a reviewer or having your writing reviewed, please reach out to us.

    How to cite: Halford, A., Burrell, A., Coxon, J., Jones, M., Zawdie, K., and Barnam, J.: Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20423,, 2025.

    EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight

    Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine 

    Holly Stein and Judith Hannah

    The triumphant implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) programs in academia after more than a decade of increasing pressure and promise has brought hope to many but, unfortunately, justice to few. Enough time has passed to reveal the fraught inner workings of academia and their ability to make effective change, even as universities might be expected to lead with exemplary behavior. Sadly, the reverse is true. Failure of universities to act or react appropriately has seriously crippled EDI efforts in many academic settings. University administrators and even university presidents have lost their employment for taking EDI seriously. Those facts severely degrade the EDI landscape in academia going forward.

    Stepping back and turning a scientific lens on the university environment, what are the flaws in implementation? They are rooted in human behavior and decision-making in adversarial surroundings, the recipe for fear. One might line up the course of action in three steps: (1) identifying the issues, (2) building a structure and path toward solution, and (3) establishing a university-sanctioned outcome that removes perpetual perpetrators and enables, even celebrates, those with the courage to speak up. A power relationship is almost always part of the play. Alas, though the first step is generally mastered, the second step is better known as “protecting the university at all costs”, and completion of the third step is dead rare. Rather, the rare settlement involves a victim signing away their right to talk to the press, so as not to damage the university’s reputation. This obvious three-act opera loses footing in the second act. The outcome is driven by “what is the easiest path for the university” and is too rarely driven by doing the right thing. The EDI system at most universities presents the ultimate conflict-of-interest: university lawyers are paid by the university or its governing body and thus, are indebted to them for employment and the outcomes of EDI decisions they make.

    Failure to Act is a three-act play that explores the darker workings behind the academic scenery.  Can we change the storyline so that students and faculty will believe that the system works for them, should they ever need it? That is far from the standard we have now, even as sometimes generous funding has been diverted to build up EDI programming in academia. 

    How to cite: Stein, H. and Hannah, J.: Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20788,, 2025.

    Humans craft insights through "social processes pertaining to the production, preservation, accumulation, circulation, and appropriation of knowledge" (1 p.429). Insights and related practices shape the socio-ecological niche humans live in. Partaking makes social processes (practices) effective. Promoting geoethics for inspiring politics is founded upon the following:

    Earth: Contemporary societies connect Earth into a single complex-adaptive social-ecological system2 through global supply chains, an all-embracing division of labour, a planetary technosphere, and a worldwide knowledge system3. Cycles of matter, energy, and information tie socio-economic systems and the planet's physical and biological systems. The hegemonic contemporary culture tackles Nature as a cheap, nearly unlimited resource, nourishing the primary narrative of planetary-scale anthropogenic change.

    World: The human condition, agency and practices encompass reproduction, work, and governance, regardless of the role a specific individual, collective, or institution human agent has at a given time and place. Using Hannah Arendt's analysis of the human condition4, laborans tell of the struggle for biological and social reproduction (at subsistence or affluence levels). Homo-fabers' story is about building and operating the technosphere. Zoo politikons embody civism, a citizen's political and cultural virtues and sentiments.

    Rupture: Over the past few centuries, homo-faber has built a planetary technosphere conceived by zoon-politikons of primarily European origin5,6. The onset of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change7, i.e. the Anthropocene, terminates peoples' unintentional impact on Earth. Instead8, it challenges the zoon-politikons and homo-fabers to secure lasting reproduction for all.

    Practice: Geo-societal narratives acknowledge inequality, i.e. people (human agents) acting as laborans, homo-fabers or zoon-politikons, and power relations, i.e. zoon-politikon's political and cultural perspectives guide homo faber's engineering of the technosphere, which determines laborans' experience of Earth System dynamics. Comparative justice requires partaking in crafting narratives.

    The Earth scientists' conventional narratives encompass socio-economic development (e.g. production of goods, living conditions), individual well-being and cultural values, e.g. favouring the sustainable functioning of the telluric Earth System, and cultural or metaphysical perspectives like the evolution of life-bearing planets. However, informing the handling of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change, i.e. going political, Earth scientists' narratives are about the geo-societal, i.e. they must recognize people's labour to reproduce biologically and socially, people's work to build and run the technosphere, and people's acts as citizens.

    • 1) Renn, J. The Evolution of Knowledge - Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene. (Princeton University Press, 2020).
    • 2) Otto, I. M. et al. Human agency in the Anthropocene. Ecol. Econ. 167, 106463 (2020).
    • 3) Rosol, C., Nelson, S. & Renn, J. Introduction: In the machine room of the Anthropocene. Anthr. Rev. 4, 2–8 (2017).
    • 4) Arendt, H. The Human Condition. (The University of Chicago Press, 1958).
    • 5) Mokyr, J. A Culture of Growth. (Princeton University Press, 2016). doi:10.1515/9781400882915
    • 6) Reinhard, W. Die Unterwerfung der Welt - Globalgeschichte der Europäischen Expansion 1415-2015. (Verlag C.H. Beck oHG, 2016).
    • 7) Summerhayes, C. P. et al. The future extent of the Anthropocene epoch: A synthesis. Glob. Planet. Change 242, 104568 (2024).
    • 8) Hamilton, C. Defiant Earth - The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene. (Wiley, Polity Press, 2017).

    How to cite: Bohle, M.: Geo-societal Agency and Narratives: Framing the Human Condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-65,, 2025.

    The divide between the Global North and South in the geosciences has been recognized as one of the most pressing challenges of our time. It is widely accepted that this gap must be addressed through visionary leadership and strategic initiatives that draw upon the unparalleled expertise and resources concentrated within Global North institutions. A comprehensive framework is proposed here to foster equity and collaboration, ensuring the participation of scholars from all regions while maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor.

    Three critical pillars for bridging this divide have been identified. First, the deployment of expert teams from the North to train local researchers in the Global South should be prioritized during global fieldwork, as this model has consistently proven effective for capacity building. Second, the importance of performative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) measures must be emphasized, including symbolic appointments and one-time funding schemes designed to raise awareness of systemic inequities. Finally, conferences and workshops should continue to be held in the Global North, ensuring logistical convenience and robust participation. For those unable to secure visas or travel funds, virtual attendance options can be considered as a viable alternative.

    This framework also seeks to address the growing demand for environmental justice in research. By focusing discussions on resilience and adaptation rather than directly referencing complex socio-political histories (avoid using the G-word), a narrative of hope and progress can be fostered. Importantly, the recommendations presented here assume that the Global South operates as a cohesive monolith, enabling streamlined approaches that are universally applicable and unburdened by the complexities of local disparities or intra-regional inequities.

    This is satire.

    How to cite: Gani, S.: How (not) to Bridge the Global North-South Divide in the Geosciences: A Framework for Impactful Collaboration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-621,, 2025.

    Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. Skeptical Science is published in English but translation capabilities were added in 2009. Many volunteer translators have taken advantage of this functionality to create content in their native language.  With this submission we highlight what is already available and what the challenges are for such a volunteer-based effort.

    Many of the rebuttals to climate myths have been translated into 1 to 28 languages thus far but there's a large variety in how many translations exist for one rebuttal. In addition, many rebuttals have seen updates in their English version which haven't yet found their way into already existing translations.

    In addition to providing translations for selected content published as rebuttals or blog posts on Skeptical Science, we also coordinate translations for publications like The Debunking Handbook, The Conspiracy Theory Handbook and the Cranky Uncle game which are then made readily available on our website.

    How to cite: Winkler, B.: Making climate science more easily accessible by providing translations on Skeptical Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1440,, 2025.

    EGU25-1809 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work 

    Cornelia E. Nauen and Marcelo Lino Morales Yokobori

    Human activities are the major cause for what has been recognized as the 6th Mass Species Extinction. It is thus important to spread knowledge and raise awareness about the issues because we depend on biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. In December 2022, delegates from 196 governments adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The GBF supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and sets out an ambitious pathway towards living in harmony with nature by 2050. Meanwhile, the lengthy ratification process is no guarantee of full enforcement after entry into force. Typically, different interest groups may resist top-down measures affecting them. This is known as the implementation gap of international treaties and agreements. Here we describe a role play intent on matching a key element of the top-down GBF, namely the establishment of interconnected marine protected areas (MPAs), with bottom-up awareness raising and deliberation among diverse stakeholders. Eleven characters of stakeholders have been developed through wide-ranging interviews and literature research. For each stakeholder an information sheet explains the context and his or her role. Based on the interviews, a general introduction and guidance for a moderator is provided together with a tentative schedule. Emphasis is placed on allocating sufficient time for the debriefing after a round of deliberations aiming at consensus towards establishing an effective MPA. The assumption is that the debriefing produces most learning about why biodiversity protection is essential and how to sustain a respectful dialogue process with persons holding different positions from one’s own. A first round of tests with young adults has already generated useful feedback allowing some improvements of the initial set. We propose the role play for wider use as a low-entry support for bottom-up participation in GBF implementation.

    How to cite: Nauen, C. E. and Morales Yokobori, M. L.: Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1809,, 2025.

    EGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region 

    Enrico Cameron and Giuseppe Di Capua

    Valtellina is an Alpine region in northern Lombardy (Italy) that largely coincides with the basin of the Adda River upstream of Lake Como. The Alps represent a complex, fascinating, and at the same time, vulnerable environment that holds immense importance for scientific research while offering endless opportunities for educational activities based on direct observation. These activities are adaptable to students of all ages. Exploring the geological and geomorphological aspects of the Alpine environment is particularly crucial for understanding their influence on the structure and evolution of the territory, raising awareness of natural hazards, and deepening knowledge of Geological Sciences. The significance of this knowledge has been repeatedly emphasized, especially today, as these disciplines play a fundamental role in addressing current climatic and environmental challenges and promoting sustainability goals. Morbegno, the main center of the Lower Valtellina valley, is home to the Istituto Comprensivo 2 Damiani. In 2020, the lower secondary school of this institute earned the European certification of Alpine School, introducing a curriculum focused on Alpine environmental and socio-economic processes. The program aims to reconnect students with the mountainous territory, fostering awareness of its characteristics, resources, and opportunities. This interdisciplinary educational model integrates the mountain into the learning pathway, involves local stakeholders, and combines the use of technology with hands-on field experiences. Geology, geomorphology, and outdoor education play a pivotal role in the curriculum, further aiming to cultivate a positive engagement with Geological Sciences among young students. The school also seeks to integrate geoethics into the curriculum through educational games, debates, and an inquiry-based approach developed in line with the outcomes of the Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning (GOAL) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. The proposed contribution aims to showcase the school’s organization and activities, providing inspiration and practical ideas for implementing similar initiatives.


    How to cite: Cameron, E. and Di Capua, G.: Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2334,, 2025.

    The switch in definition of the Anthropocene concept first proposed in 2000 in just one year, 2024, from a 1952 varved lake sediment to humanity’s cumulative impacts on the Earth System starting in the Late Pleistocene was an extraordinary development in the geoscience profession. Launched as a traditional Time Scale inquiry, the 2009-2024 journey of the designated Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) became unconventional because of its focus on mid-20th century atomic bomb tests broadly coeval with two dozen accelerating Earth System and socioeconomic trends as well as its premature communications with news media. On 4 March 2024, the AWG proposal for an Anthropocene epoch/series was rejected by the umbrella authorities of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and International Union of Geological Sciences. Their decision was wrongly interpreted by some, including leaders of the former AWG, as a denial of scientific evidence for anthropogenic climate change. This unleashed conflicting news coverage and thus a need for clarifying discourse within geoscience, across related disciplines, as well as across society with its growing anxiety about the Earth’s deteriorating health. The helpful outcome is that the Anthropocene Event uniquely equips Earth Governance, a surging focus of global influencers and authorities, with a holistic Earth-Human Ecosystem framework.


    How to cite: Koster, E.: The Anthropocene Event as a holistic framework for Earth Governance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2621,, 2025.

    This presentation explores the concept of 'agency' in the context of climate change through in-depth interviews with scientists. Drawing on Emirbayer and Mische’s (1998) definition of agency as a relational construct influenced by habit, imagination, and judgment, I investigate how scientists articulate their self-perception of agency and the emotions tied to it—such as solidarity, fear, and empowerment.


    Leveraging anthropological scholarship on emotions (Hochschild, 1983; Scheer, 2012) and affect theory (Ahmed, 2004; Berlant, 2010), I examine how networks and practices shape these emotional experiences (Mesquita, 2022; Salmela & von Scheve, 2017, 2018). I aim to connect scientists’ reflections on their emotional engagement with emerging ideas of radical care.


    The presentation will address the panel question: How can scientific institutions prevent reinforcing the status quo and instead contribute to radical transformations? By analyzing the sociological production of emotions within the scientific community, I hope to uncover new insights into how both movements and scientists can co-produce emotional narratives for greater collective action against climate change.

    How to cite: Tyagi, A.: Scientists as agents of 'radical care': 'emotional practices' as changing the way scientists imagine themselves, their peers and, their science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2876,, 2025.

    EGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method 

    Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua

    In an increasingly interconnected and vulnerable world, combining pragmatism and relationality in geosciences is essential for addressing environmental challenges ethically and responsibly. Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism (RGP) underpins the method proposed by geoethics, offering tools to manage geological complexities within the context of modern societies. It fosters an integrated perspective where geosciences are closely linked to social responsibility and sustainability.

    The geoethics method places respect for the environment, the sustainable management of natural resources, the safety and well-being of current and future generations at its core. It consists of integrating a practical, solution-oriented approach in geosciences with an ethical value system that guides decisions related to the management and human interaction with the Earth system. It focuses on context-specific solutions, applying rigorous scientific methods to the relationships between natural phenomena, societal needs, and decision-making processes in each context.

    The fundamental elements of the geoethics method can be outlined as follows:

    • Geoscience knowledge: it is fundamental to understanding natural phenomena and environmental dynamics, addressing challenges related to natural resource management, climate change, and environmental sustainability, and guiding the decision-making process. This knowledge enables accurate risk assessment and resource evaluation, offering objective and reliable data that underpin informed, evidence-based decisions.
    • Interdisciplinarity: environmental issues are inherently complex and demand the integration of knowledge from a wide range of disciplines, including geosciences, social sciences, economics, law, and philosophy. The aim is to cultivate a holistic understanding of both natural systems and social contexts, ensuring that the interventions address the full complexity of the challenges, respecting their multifaceted nature.
    • Responsibility and scientific analysis: geoethics demands all stakeholders to act responsibly, being aware of the consequences of their actions and balancing conflicting interests. The rigorous application of scientific analysis ensures that every decision is based on objective, verifiable, and up-to-date data. By prioritizing science, the geoethics method can navigate the value conflicts and ethical priorities that inevitably arise in decision-making processes.
    • Defining ethical dilemmas and scenarios: The Geoethics Method identifies and analyse ethical dilemmas in human-environment relations, such as balancing economic growth with nature conservation, ensuring intergenerational justice, and protecting vulnerable communities. It facilitates scenario creation by envisioning outcomes of actions and evaluating them against sustainability, equity, and environmental respect.
    • Inclusivity and dialogue: the Geoethics Method promotes the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including scientists, decision-makers, and local communities. This relational approach aims to find a reasonable alignment of values on which to base the choice of the best course of action for a given spatial and temporal context. Every proposed solution must be assessed not only for its technical feasibility but also for its capacity to address the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, thereby creating a dynamic balance between ecological and social concerns.

    The Geoethics Method paves the way for responsible actions, helping decision-makers navigate modern challenges and create a geological governance model that seeks to strike a balance between scientific rigor and ethical and social needs.

    How to cite: Peppoloni, S. and Di Capua, G.: Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2906,, 2025.

    The American Geosciences Institute, through its GRANDE project, has been evaluating how geoscience programs and professionals have leveraged the impacts of natural disasters to expand research and educational opportunities. We used natural disasters as a proxy for climate change impacts to better understand the community’s strategic response to events and risk tolerance to natural hazards. Given the fact that the discipline understands the causes, impacts, and risks of such natural events, we hypothesized that the geoscience community is particularly well-positioned to lead the way in adaptation and mitigation efforts related to climate and hazard impacts in their professional activities.

    Within the United States, our findings indicated that between 2000 and 2020 there was no systemic engagement with climate and hazard impacts in terms of research production, research funding, or educational efforts. Additionally, we conducted several surveys regarding individual responses to natural disasters and climate impacts, including a cost-choice analysis of career decisions. The results showed little material response by geoscientists to specific climate impacts and scant consideration of hazard risk when considering job opportunities.

    One noteworthy finding in the cost-choice analysis revealed that US geoscientists were more open to jobs in locations with higher risk when salaries increased above $50,000, and especially so when salaries exceeded $100,000 per year.  Except for Millennials, geoscientists across all other generational cohorts consistently opted for jobs with higher salaries regardless of other factors. Those choosing jobs with salaries less than $50,000 per year chose jobs in rural locations with relatively low hazard risk, whereas those choosing higher salary jobs, chose jobs primarily in urban settings, with higher hazard and crime risk. Higher income thresholds appeared to increase risk tolerance overall, with community amenities and resources significantly outweighing environmental risks.

    From this analysis, it appears that the US geoscience community is not positioned as a proactive change agent relative to climate impacts on society, and there appears to be no long-term strategic investments in building the research and educational capacity, as well as the labor pool, to meet the expected demand for skilled professionals to address climate change and hazard impacts over the coming decade. Given the increasing frequency and severity of impacts from natural hazards, the cost of a lack of dedicated long-term investment in addressing these issues is staggering. Should the US geoscience community galvanize its focus around addressing climate impacts, the results of this study indicate that financial investments, especially in terms of occupational salaries, must meet a minimum threshold to attract geoscientists into these critical occupations. The drivers of this financial threshold are unknown, but we hypothesize that this is the socially accepted level for fundamental stability for individuals living in the United States, covering expenses such as insurance, healthcare, and housing.

    We are interested in engaging in dialogue with colleagues outside of the United States to test whether different social systems provide the needed stability to enable scientists to be more effective agents of change.

    How to cite: Keane, C. and Gonzales, L.: The Unfulfilled Potential of U.S. Geoscience: Strategic Gaps in Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Efforts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3324,, 2025.

    EGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

    Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena 

    Marta López Saavedra and Joan Martí

    The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 – 2030) calls for incorporating science into the policy process. However, this carries the risk of politicizing science, and therefore, may blur the boundaries of the roles of the different risk management actors. These difficulties are aggravated in the context of an emergency or natural disaster, where scientists advise the authorities. In these situations, decision-makers need to respond with the utmost precision to three basic questions: i) what phenomena will occur, ii) when will they occur, and iii) where will they impact? Despite the efforts of the scientific community to conduct increasingly accurate studies on natural events, uncertainty is often high and/or unavoidable. This uncertainty, in an environment of pressure, urgency, and ineffective communication, can lead to the proliferation of non-consensual, incomprehensible, misunderstood, and erroneous information. In an extreme case, it can even aggravate the impact of such a natural disaster (e.g., l’Aquila earthquake in 2009). On the other hand, in a context of climate change—where the magnitude and frequency of many events are increasing—and unstoppable demographic expansion, the trend is towards greater risk. Moreover, the appearance of increasingly complex and strong relationships between different types of events, with the occurrence of concatenations and cascading effects, increases uncertainty, and therefore makes it difficult to design strategies for prevention, action, and recovery. Multi-hazard analyses can help to reduce this uncertainty in the complex scenarios that are plaguing society today and will continue to do in the future. Multi-hazard analyses are a first step towards a transdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and cross-border multi-risk management plan that is based on scientific knowledge. The greater precision of risk estimation will contribute to better supporting decision-makers, thus implying the ethical communication of information that reduces misunderstanding, thereby contributing to the resilience of societies.

    This research was partially funded by the European Commission (EC) EVE grant (DG ECHO Horizon 2020, Ref. 826292) and the CSIC grant MAPCAN (CSIC Ref. 202130E083).

    How to cite: López Saavedra, M. and Martí, J.: Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4220,, 2025.

    EGU25-4540 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward 

    Billy Williams, Mark Shimamoto, Janice Lachance, and Lexi Shultz

    Climate change requires urgent action. Increasingly, the world is considering technology-based climate intervention approaches—often called geoengineering. Many of these approaches are untested and the consequences are not yet well understood. While climate intervention research has been justified as being necessary in order to expand the range of options available to policy makers in the future, and is thus receiving increased research funding and attention, many questions remain on efficacy, risks and potential harm versus potential benefits.

    Recognizing the need for guiding principles in this dynamic and sometimes controversial space, in 2022, AGU launched its plan to develop an Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research—a code of conduct to guide climate intervention research measures that may be needed in addition to emissions reduction.   The resulting proposed ethical framework principles, facilitated through global community participation, are now publicly available for download in nine languages.  The foundations for these updated principles and associated recommendations, the process by which they were developed, their implications, and the current process for global dissemination and engagement will be discussed. 

    How to cite: Williams, B., Shimamoto, M., Lachance, J., and Shultz, L.: Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4540,, 2025.

    EGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games 

    Pimnutcha Promduangsri

    As climate change continues to pose challenges, it is important to promote the fields of climate and ocean education and communication.  This poster presents my two Masters research internships.  

    For my Master 1 internship, I investigated how climate change is perceived spatially in the city of Nice, taking into account the experiences of both local residents and tourists.  This has highlighted the importance of understanding diverse perspectives in climate communication.

    For my Master 2 internship, I examine the ways in which climate change adaptation is mobilised in simulation/games.  My aim is to identify the most suitable games for different purposes, such as facilitating community discussions, supporting decision-making for communities and municipalities and enhancing education in schools. 

    I will also present some of the common learning elements of the two internships, as well as difficulties encountered.  Please visit my poster and share your thoughts on educational strategies for addressing climate and ocean challenges.

    My Master 2 internship is made possible by the kind support of the following:

    • Futurs-ACT, a regional research network in Nouvelle-Aquitaine;
    • Benoît Sautour, Université de Bordeaux - OASU UAR POREA; 
    • Nicolas Becu, La Rochelle Université, CNRS - LIENSs.


    How to cite: Promduangsri, P.: Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4989,, 2025.

    The Anthropocene demands a critical reassessment of humanity’s relationship with the Earth, bringing geoethics, geoenvironmental education, and the concept of sense of place to the forefront of sustainable human-Earth interactions. Geoethics addresses the ethical dimensions of these interactions, underscoring the responsibility of geoscientists to advance sustainable practices and raise public awareness of pressing environmental issues. Through a systematic literature review of 98 records across major research databases—including Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, and JSTOR—using the keywords "geoethics AND education" and "geoethics AND place" (up to October 2023), 22 eligible studies were identified and analyzed. This review highlighted key themes and research gaps within this interdisciplinary field. Notably, the past decade has witnessed a surge in geoethics research, demonstrating its relevance across domains such as geoconservation and geoeducation. Central to this discourse is the concept of sense of place, which refers to the emotional and cognitive bonds individuals form with specific locations. Cultivating a strong sense of place is crucial for fostering environmentally responsible behaviors and civic engagement. In this context, geoenvironmental education emerges as a powerful mechanism for nurturing such connections. By fostering appreciation for local environments and integrating ethical considerations into the study of the geoenvironment, geoeducation bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and lived experience. Despite the evident interconnectedness of geoethics, sense of place, and geoenvironmental education, research examining their integration within educational frameworks remains scarce. Empirical studies that explicitly link these concepts in pedagogical settings are particularly lacking, underscoring an urgent area for future research. Priority should be given to developing effective tools for assessing the impact of geoethical education on students' environmental attitudes and behaviors. Fostering collaborations among geoscientists, educators, ethicists, and policymakers is imperative for establishing comprehensive frameworks that promote sustainability and ethical decision-making. Integrating the ethical dimensions of geoscience practices into educational curricula is vital for embedding geoethics as a cornerstone of geoenvironmental literacy. By embracing diverse perspectives and pedagogical methodologies, we can enhance the scope and impact of geoethics. Linking geoethics with geoenvironmental education and sense of place deepens our understanding of the ethical responsibilities individuals and communities bear toward the Earth. This integrative approach not only strengthens environmental stewardship but also lays the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient society.

    How to cite: Koupatsiaris, A. A. and Drinia, H.: Integrating Geoethics, Geoeducation, and Sense of Place: Nourishing Sustainable Human-Earth Practices in the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6298,, 2025.

    EGU25-7054 | Orals | EOS4.3

    From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency   

    Sylvain Kuppel, Cécile H Albert, Nicolas Champollion, Mathieu Chassé, Émilie Dassié, Laure Guérit, Françoise Immel, Émilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Christophe Peugeot, and Irene Schimmelpfennig

    In light of the major socio-environmental challenges of our time, ensuring a safe and just world for humans and non-humans calls for profound changes in our societies. According to the 6th IPCC WG3 report, the scale and speed of actions required to keep global warming below +2°C are unparalleled at both individual and institutional levels. Consequently, no sector nor activity - whether in the Global North or in countries moving toward similar economic trajectories - should be exempt from critical reflection on its suitability for sustainable practices. This also includes scientific research, particularly our Geosciences community at large, which not only brings to light the above challenges, but also increasingly calls for decisive action. Geoscientist communities must therefore critically reflect on the societal impact of their findings and their research practices. These considerations are being increasingly raised by ethics committees at universities and research institutes, as well as in a growing number of opinion pieces, publications, and other forms of expressions within our communities. Here we present our experience of making this pressing issue a standalone chapter in the upcoming 5-year prospective document published by the French Continental Surfaces and Interfaces research community (in French, SIC), coordinated through the French state research organization (CNRS). This marks a significant difference from previous SIC prospective editions where such reflections were largely absent. Here, we address the environmental responsibilities, strategic actions, and systemic transformations required to align SIC research with sustainability goals while maintaining scientific relevance. We argue that the community must uphold transparency and ethical leadership to ensure a balance between the environmental benefits and impacts of research. We also reflect on the potential challenges that arise from reconciling such ethical commitment with the future scientific and instrumental challenges and priorities for the future.

    How to cite: Kuppel, S., Albert, C. H., Champollion, N., Chassé, M., Dassié, É., Guérit, L., Immel, F., Jardé, É., Jeanneau, L., Peugeot, C., and Schimmelpfennig, I.: From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7054,, 2025.

    EGU25-7141 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea 

    Susanne Stoll-Kleemann, Luisa Katharina Kleemann, and Rebecca Demmler

     The oceans of our planet are not only of central importance for the provision of water, oxygen and food as well as for global climate regulation. They also play an increasing role in economic activities and in the generation of renewable energies. This multitude of functions highlights the urgency of ocean protection and the need for continuous monitoring and control of ocean health. 
    In many areas of the Baltic Sea, which are of great importance for the numerous bordering states, the endangerment of the seas and the negative development in the well-being of our nature are emerging as examples and are causing increasing concern due to the already limited fulfillment of human needs. 

     Our research investigates how the inclusion of emotions can improve the effectiveness and impact of marine conservation interventions in the area of the German Baltic Sea. To explore how people are emotionally attached to the sea in general, we conducted a systematic literature review of existing studies.
    In addition, we organized a large-scale regional survey (n=628) on parts of the German Baltic Sea coast to examine the relationship of people who, as visitors or residents, are connected to a particular sea. 
    The survey covered reasons for visiting the Baltic Sea, emotional attachment to the place, activities, as well as attitudes and behavior regarding environmental issues. 
    By subsequently using appropriate behavioral and place attachment models, it can be deduced how emotions influence environmental and marine behavior and affect decision-making. 

     The results show that emotions play a key role in shaping so-called “ocean literacy” initiatives and enable the development of more effective communication strategies for ocean-protecting behavior. 
    The Baltic Sea is often perceived as a place of silence and relaxation and is associated with positive memories, which contributes to its perception as worthy of protection. 
    This connection to the sea can be explained at both the individual and cultural level. 

     Overall, our results show that emotions play a crucial role in promoting behavioral change. Future ocean communication efforts should therefore take greater account of factors such as regional elements, emotional ties and psychological distance to the ocean.

    How to cite: Stoll-Kleemann, S., Kleemann, L. K., and Demmler, R.: Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7141,, 2025.

    EGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3

    SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification  

    Jes Garretson and Carl Emerson-Dam


    We are honored to reintroduce the ancient measurement foundations of our Divine Source Light Technology, harmonically aligned with the solar directed energy of our Sun at 300,000,000 m/s (648,000,000 Cu/s). This SOL synchronizes with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec maintaining quantum coherence via electromagnetic balance throughout all parts of one energetic system of consciousness.


    Hundreds of ancient societies used light velocity to set measures and construct megaliths. While usage of Base 12 measurement systems within heliocentric mechanics is well established, we have uncovered one pivotal missing piece.  Using precise cubit equivalents, our ancient structural inclination lines map to the energetic footprints of a worldwide solar positioning system that doesn’t account for Earth’s current 23.4º axial tilt (288 tilt no). Due to this dimensional variance, the pattern of our ancient records has been buried, suspending Humanity in cycling energetic scarcity.


    CCCRDG has been plotting precise Cubit measurements between ancient structural inclination lines and the Sun, revealing the foundational relationship symmetry existing harmonically across all scales.  With over 200 proofs as validation, a parallel system computing base using Egyptian Paisley and Chinese Xi-quence light codes sequences has been released for ongoing conversions back into dimensional alignment with our Sun’s solar directed energy. https://cubit-converter.ONE

    From these conversions, the SOL Harmonic Frequency Blueprint has been mapped to articulate the error corrected coordinates returning electromagnetic balance systemically.  To accomplish this, we adjusted the frequency values of the Platonic solids to account for the light signal misalignment.  This informed the accurate 108 harmonic scale tuning required to restore cymatic coherence across our entire energetic light grid.


    Our Source Light transmits communication through a Base12 Mod 9 (108) language synchronized with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec.  This codec is double the Sun's diameter 1/17.28; .05/.864. It equates to 1/8 of the 0.46296296..m common cubit (1/2.16), and relationally, to the Egyptian Royal Cubit of 0.535836763 m.  These cubit values provide the sacred geometric origins to reoptimize qubit information processing across our entire Solar System.


    Reinstitution of our original Cubit (Cu) as the Global Primary Standard realigns the SI Base Units with the Solar Codec. The Square Cubit Unit (Cu2) measures the area of a square with sides equaling 1 Metre long (2.16 Cubits). Supported through AI acceleration, the following conversions initiate return to energetic freedom:

    1 Cu = 18 Inches

    4 Cu = 2 Yards

    1 Foot = 1/3.24 Meter

    4.32 Chi = 1 Meter

    As we reunite globally on this sacred ground, Humanity will heal through full expression of our natural technologies across every modality.  To support this trajectory, it is incumbent upon us to relieve excessive systemic pressure through quantifiable urban degrowth strategies that reshape an existence enabling the well-being of all creation. The 150th World Metrology celebration is the divine time to join hands and resurrect the original standards aligned with our Unlimited Source Energy. Our sacred ancestral roots are returning us to the Divine Light of Perpetual Bloom once again.

    How to cite: Garretson, J. and Emerson-Dam, C.: SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7153,, 2025.

    This presentation highlights the urgent need for a universal symbol of climate and ocean action and education in a world increasingly ravaged by unpredictable and violent climate events.

    More climate and ocean communication and education are required to help the general public understand and acknowledge the shared roots of climate related disasters.

    Only some of the dramatic news about the devastating wildfires in California or the destructive hurricanes in Mayotte mentions climate change, but it does not always attribute the disasters to global warming, burning of fossil fuels and clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases.

    The scale of the crisis demands unified, long-term action, particularly in the field of education. The impacts of climate change know no borders !

    In the past, humanity rallied for common causes - after World War II, initiatives like the United Nations and the concept of World Citizenship sought to foster global solidarity. The UN flag of the globe and the Global Citizen passport are symbols of this vision.

    At the Planet Earth Now Foundation, we carry forward this spirit with a new universal symbol - a flag combining the blue of the oceans and the green of nature, with the Blue Marble at its heart, reminding us of Earth’s unique and fragile beauty.

    A flag is a strong communication asset, and climate education would be strengthened with the use of a globally recognized, common visual code to federate and to challenge people - especially youth, in their involvement and commitment to protect the oceans and the forests.

    This presentation reviews the evolution of visual designs used in communication and education for a common environmental cause, leaving enough time for a discussion, and at the end a surprise for all attendees.

    How to cite: Hakala, K.: Earth Flag One : A universal symbol for climate and ocean education and communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7396,, 2025.

    EGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions 

    Richard Reiss, Jonathan Gilligan, and Jennifer Bradham

    There is broad public awareness in the U.S. about the threat of climate change, but much less understanding of the practical aspects of responding to this threat. To address this gap, City Atlas developed Energetic, a four-person cooperative educational game in which players play different roles as they work together to build 16 GW of clean electricity for New York City, replacing the current fossil fuel generation.

    Players take the roles of an activist who pushes for rapid adoption of clean electricity, an engineer concerned with building clean electricity infrastructure and ensuring its stability and reliability, an entrepreneur concerned with financing the new infrastructure, and a politician concerned with maintaining public support for the project. Players gain understanding of the trade-offs involved in juggling costs, reliability, and public support. The game is suitable for a wide range of ages, from 11 to over 60, and has been used successfully in high-school, undergraduate, and postgraduate classes as well as with professionals at electrical utilities, businesses, and non-profits. Over 450 game sets are in use around the world, and several high schools and universities have made Energetic a regular part of their classes.

    Each player has distinct capabilities and constraints, and the feasibility and political acceptance of different clean-energy technologies are different in different parts of New York State. These capabilities and constraints were derived from policy analysis and expert elicitation, and are grounded in the political realities of the region. The game has also been adapted to a developing-nation context in the fictional African state of Wakanda and an adaptation to Tennessee is underway.

    Teachers report that the game raises students’ understanding of a transition to clean energy and the complexities of achieving such a transition. After playing the game, students from across the political spectrum in conservative Southern states feel empowered to speak with family, friends, and others in their home communities about clean energy and decarbonization. Both quantitative and qualitative survey results from students show improved self-perception of understanding clean energy transitions and being able to explain and talk persuasively about them with others.

    How to cite: Reiss, R., Gilligan, J., and Bradham, J.: Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7513,, 2025.

    EGU25-8376 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings 

    Giuliana D'Addezio and Neva Besker

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, transcending cultures and generations. Today’s children are growing up in a world deeply intertwined with AI. But what do children know about AI? How do they perceive it? How do they imagine its capabilities, evolution, and impact on our future?

    This study explores children's perceptions of AI, as reflected in drawings created by Italian primary school students in 2024 for a calendar competition organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in collaboration with CINECA, titled "Out and about with AI". Launched in 2005, the INGV calendar project invites schools each year to submit student artwork on various Earth science themes. The initiative serves a dual purpose: to engage young learners with science, technology, and the natural world, while also providing a unique opportunity to explore their views on Earth, science, AI, the environment, and sustainable behaviors.

    Beyond its contribution to science education, the project engages with broader discussions on Geoethics and the responsibility of science in addressing global anthropogenic changes. The analysis highlights how the information presented to young audiences shapes their perceptions of AI, influencing their imagination and expectations regarding its role in society. It also examines how children perceive the intersection of AI with Earth systems and the ethical implications of technological advancements.

    The results provide valuable insights into children’s attitudes toward AI, their confidence in its future development, and how they envision its potential. These findings encourage us to reflect on the current state of AI, its future evolution, and the ethical questions surrounding its role in society.

    Furthermore, the study contributes to our understanding of the role of geoscience in education, with a particular focus on how we can better equip the next generation to understand the complexities of Earth systems and prepare them to address global challenges. The findings not only inspire reflection on the present and future of AI, but also offer important perspectives on children’s awareness of geoethical issues and their confidence in AI’s potential to address pressing environmental challenges.

    How to cite: D'Addezio, G. and Besker, N.: Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8376,, 2025.

    EGU25-8470 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?   

    Laure Guerit, Emilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Annick Battais, Alexandre Coche, Pierre Dietrich, Marion Fournereau, Géraldine Gourmil, and Frédérique Moreau

    Since March 2021, Geosciences Rennes, France has a Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility working group whose main missions are (i) to quantify the laboratory's carbon emissions using the GES1point5 tool, (ii) to propose awareness-raising and training initiatives, and (iii) to set up a transition plan. Some of our activities are managed by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Environnement de Rennes (OSERen), to which the laboratory belongs: purchases made by analytical platforms, management of some scientific projects, analytical and scientific equipments. It is necessary to integrate these “delocalized” flows in order to track the evolution of the laboratory's emissions over time, without any bias due to changes in administrative management. In 2023, these flows represented 54% of Geosciences Rennes' purchases. Carbon budgets were done for 5 years (2019-2023), an environmental charter adopted in 2022 and a transition plan voted in 2023, to be applied from 2024 onwards. This multi-year plan (2024-2030) is incentive-based and non-binding.

    Despite our efforts to raise awareness (communication, conferences) and the adoption of an environmental charter, only emissions linked to buildings (electricity and heat consumption) and commuting have decreased, from 289 T ecCO2 in 2019 to 195 T eqCO2 in 2023 (-30%). We suggest that this is a response to the policies put in place by the university and the Rennes metropolitan area to encourage energy savings, soft mobility and work from home.

    After a sharp drop in 2020, mission-related emissions in 2023 were close to their pre-covid level. To better understand the origin of these emissions, we worked at the individual level. Every year: the majority (>80%) of agents emit less than 1T eqCO2/year for their missions, all modes and reasons combined and in 2023, 72% of missions were made by train or car, with an average distance of 500 km. As data acquisition in the field is the laboratory's core business, it seems possible to maintain a high level of research activity with study areas located close to the laboratory. Purchasing-related emissions have never decreased and even rose from around 420T eqCo2 (average 2019-2022) to 800 T eqCO2 in 2023. As a result, the share of purchasing in the laboratory's total carbon footprint has risen from 47% in 2019 to 68% in 2023.

    Awareness-raising initiatives thus appear as a necessary but not sufficient step towards reducing our laboratory's carbon footprint. Such measures help creating a positive intellectual environment, prone to changes in favor of less-environmental impacting research. The detailed analysis carried at individual level for missions has enabled us to highlight the heterogeneity of the footprint linked to professional travels, and to propose actions that are targeted, more equitable and acceptable. Access to individualized data for purchases would enable us to propose similar targeted actions for an effective mitigation strategy. The plan voted for in 2023 will most likely require a revision of its application modalities in the years to come, in order to keep pace with the expected reduction trajectory.

    How to cite: Guerit, L., Jardé, E., Jeanneau, L., Battais, A., Coche, A., Dietrich, P., Fournereau, M., Gourmil, G., and Moreau, F.: Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8470,, 2025.

    EGU25-11355 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

    An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action 

    Alban Planchat

    Climate change, scientifically established for decades, is undeniably driven by human activity. Awareness is growing, hesitant yet real, but actions remain critically insufficient. While plans are taking shape and projections sharpen, the efforts required to mitigate and adapt to this crisis are daunting. Paradoxically, grasping the scale of these efforts is as challenging as believing they are achievable. Yet they are, if we commit fully, both individually and collectively. Unfortunately, such commitment remains elusive.

        The drive for action is stalled by the lack of compelling narratives, stories that inspire and mobilize. As climatologists, shouldn’t we broaden our communication strategies to convey the urgency of climate action while engaging both hearts and minds? Turning to art and adventure offers a transformative path to connect with broader audiences, blending gravity with hope to inspire collective action.

        This vision inspired me, as a young climate scientist, to design and complete ‘Tethys,’ an extraordinary Alpine journey aimed at communicating the climate challenge while serving scientific research. Over 112 days in semi-autonomy, I hiked 3,420 km with 203,000 m of elevation gain, swam 128 km across peri-alpine lakes, and carried or towed an 18–28 kg backpack while collecting 138 water samples from peri-alpine lakes and tributaries for a research project.

        Tethys is a living metaphor, a story crafted to embody the scale of the climate challenge, transforming abstract commitments into tangible, physical ones. I designed this adventure to make the metaphor real: a race against time, against our own limits, and a deep dive into the physical and mental resilience required to meet these challenges. This project also serves as an experiment in reimagining geosciences, introducing concepts of vulnerability and humility into our investigations while fostering engagement and dialogue within the scientific community.

        Grounded in real-world experience, Tethys paves the way for impactful climate communication, offering the public a narrative to inspire action. It is an odyssey of resilience and hope, an ode to climate commitment, told with passion and poetry through the lens of a daring adventure. To bend the emissions curve, we may first need to bow, humbly and resolutely, to the natural world we inhabit.


    A documentary film is underway, alongside plans for a graphic narrative that chronicles this journey and its parallels with the climate challenge.


    How to cite: Planchat, A.: An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11355,, 2025.

    In its most general conceptualization, resilience refers to a natural, social, or engineered system’s capacity to absorb shocks, adapt, and recover. Resilience has gained significant traction across technical and non-technical disciplines. The multidisciplinary adoption of resilience has led to a wealth of conceptual and operational declinations.

    Engineering research has led to the formulation of a quantitative framework in which resilience is defined as the capability of a system to attain and maintain a target level of functionality over a pre-determined time interval (for instance, the service life of an engineered geostructure). Correspondingly, a resilience index is defined operationally as the integral of a functionality metric over a control period. Functionality is parameterized for multiple “dimensions” of a system representing its physical, environmental, financial, and institutional projections among others. Resilience indices pertaining to the respective dimensions can be aggregated to obtain a multidimensional index.

    The adoption of a resilience-based paradigm in geoengineering disciplines would foster ethical decision-making for at least five main reasons.

    First, the operational definition of resilience is closely related to sustainability as the modeling and estimation of resilience requires a forward-looking approach to the future evolution of a geosystem. Maximizing resilience entails the pursuit of sustainability and vice versa. The necessity of acknowledging and modeling the dynamic nature of geosystems forces researchers, practitioners, decision-makers and other stakeholders to focus on processes such as climate change, whose effects would need to be addressed quantitatively in analysis and design.

    Second, the resilience modeling process allows a multi-level (i.e., dimension-specific and/or aggregate) insight into the resilience of a geosystem and, consequently, facilitates the adoption of rational and holistic decision support systems. This perspective fosters multidisciplinary interactions and a more collective and non-sectorial strategic planning for the adaptive management of geosystems.

    Third, the possibility to explicitly model the environmental resilience of geoengineering design and the inclusion of environmental resilience in decision-making systems would foster the wider adoption of environmentally and financially sustainable technical options such as nature-based solutions.

    Fourth, requiring the explicit consideration of the future stages of a geosystem would stimulate and accelerate the ongoing transition of geoengineering design paradigms to evolutionary formats involving a greater use of observational and non-deterministic (e.g., reliability-based, performance-based) approaches in which uncertainties are modelled, processed, and reported explicitly. Such transition is ethically virtuous as it steers geoengineering design towards a higher technical standard and towards a more explicit pursual of adaptive management and sustainable cost-performance optimization.  

    Fifth, the promotion of a resilience-based culture could support decision-makers and regulators in adopting forward-thinking and sustainable strategies due to an enhanced understanding by society of the importance of accounting for medium- and long-term effects of management actions in lieu of only focusing on short-term efficiency.

    This study presents illustrates the main features of the resilience modeling framework in the context of geoengineering, provides insights into the correspondences between conceptual aspects and operational implications of the resilience-based paradigm, and discusses its implications for ethical and sustainability-oriented decision-making.

    How to cite: Uzielli, M.: The roles and potential of resilience-based management for sustainable decision-making in geoengineering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12191,, 2025.

    EGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education 

    Pimnutcha Promduangsri and David Crookall

    Ecological overshoot and unfettered growth are wreaking havoc on our environment (Daly, Meadows, Rees, et al.).  The result is, what appears to be accelerating, global warming (incl climate change) giving rise to increasing intensity and frequency of drought, wildfire, flooding and hurricanes, accelerating ice melt and sea level rise, ocean acidification and hypoxia, biodiversity loss, desertification, permafrost thawing, soil degradation, atmospheric pollution, water insecurity and so on.

    The human consequences are huge, e.g., migration, war, starvation, increased health risk, greater spread of disease, lower life expectancy, social upheaval, increasing wealth gap and gender inequality and political extremism.  All these are, of course, excruciatingly unethical.  The issue seems bleak.

    The above results and impacts vary greatly across geographies, social norms and individual lifestyles.  The question then arises is how people, from all walks of life, manage to learn how to cope, manage to learn about global warming, ocean degradation and eke out a tragic life for their families, especially for the poorest?

    The second question that arises is how do these results (global warming, climate change, etc.) and these human consequences impact the ways in which people learn (informally) and the ways in which education is organized and delivered (formally)?  What are the main positive contributing factors and what are the destructive factors, and how do they work?

    What kind of geoethics do people develop (formally and informally, influenced by culture, circumstance, livelihood and events)?  How do people’s and communities’ sense and practice (or non-practice) of geoethics improve or hinder their lives and resilience?

    Our research project aims to delve into these complex, but crucial, questions.  If you think that you might be interested in joining the project, please drop by our poster to discuss.

    How to cite: Promduangsri, P. and Crookall, D.: Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12668,, 2025.

    EGU25-13165 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France) 

    Irene Schimmelpfennig, Olivier Cavalié, Perrine Chaurand, Blanche Collin, Yoann Fagault, Xavier Giraud, Anouck Hubert, Anne-Lise Jourdan, Clément Levard, and Leslie Monnier

    CEREGE is a renowned French Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences, employing approximately 220 staff members. In 2019, the carbon footprint of CEREGE’s research-related activities was estimated at around 7 tons of CO2 equivalent per person. This footprint primarily stems from three sources: 1) purchases that are e.g. necessary for various analytical methods, 2) commuting between home and CEREGE’s remote location, and 3) international travel for sampling campaigns and conferences.

    Since 2019, a group of about a dozen volunteers has been actively implementing awareness-raising initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of CEREGE's research activities. These initiatives include promoting sustainable transportation options, waste sorting, responsible energy consumption, and the effective use of digital technology.

    In 2023, these small-scale incentive actions evolved into a more collective approach. One notable initiative was the organization of a serious game session, titled “Ma Terre en 180” (Gratiot et al., 2023;, which aimed to halve the carbon footprint of a fictitious research team. Approximately 100 CEREGE staff members participated in this serious game.

    The question then arises: how can we effectively achieve this Environmental Transition while maintaining or even enhancing the quality of professional activities and work-life conditions? To address this, the management team of CEREGE, which has been in operation since January 2024, has integrated eco-responsibility as a key policy guideline and established a new eco-responsibility committee within CEREGE’s organizational structure.

    To formally validate staff approval of the environmental transition project and initiate a collective approach toward more sustainable research practices, a manifesto for CEREGE’s eco-responsibility was adopted through a vote at the beginning of 2024. Since then, the committee has been conducting a participatory process, applying facilitation principles and collective intelligence tools to ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions are widely accepted by the staff.

    Moreover, small groups are conducting various experiments to test the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed changes in practices. Examples of these experiments include: 1) adjusting laboratory procedures to reduce consumables and waste, and 2) implementing a carbon quota system for travel and purchases within one of the research teams.

    At the end of 2024, an eco-responsibility charter was approved by CEREGE staff, achieving high participation (79%) and acceptance rates (77%-97%) for each of the ten commitment articles.

    In this contribution, we will present this collective experimental approach, explore advantages and challenges, and discuss the initial results regarding its effectiveness in reducing the environmental impacts of CEREGE’s activities.


    How to cite: Schimmelpfennig, I., Cavalié, O., Chaurand, P., Collin, B., Fagault, Y., Giraud, X., Hubert, A., Jourdan, A.-L., Levard, C., and Monnier, L.: A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13165,, 2025.

    EGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

    Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change 

    Estelle Knecht, Christopher Pree, Lukas Leibrecht, Katherine Emelianova, Philipp Schmelz, and Jillian Petersen

    Coastal ecosystems, including seagrass meadows and salt marshes, are vital blue carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, habitat destruction, and invasive species. This presentation highlights the research of our group on microbial host-symbiont interactions, focusing on sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and their association with key coastal ecosystem components: Lucinid clams, seagrass, and the salt marsh plant Spartina. These interactions are explored through the lens of climate change, addressing two core objectives.

    The first objective examines the role of microbial symbiosis in supporting ecosystem health and functioning, particularly in seagrass meadows. Seagrasses, recognized for their carbon sequestration capacity, face challenges from sulfide toxicity around their roots, exacerbated by warming oceans. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria detoxify their environment by using these ‘toxic’ sulfide compounds for their metabolism. They transform these components into nutrients that they share with their bivalve and possibly also plant hosts. Therefore they play a critical role in mitigating toxic sulfide build-up often found in coastal ecosystems. In collaboration with Lucinid clams, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from the group Candidatus Thiodiazotropha contribute to maintaining seagrass health and productivity. We aim to understand how microbial interactions underpin the resilience of seagrass ecosystems, emphasizing their significance as natural carbon sinks.

    The second objective focuses on the ecological disruptions caused by Spartina, a genus of salt marsh grasses. Native to the eastern United States, species such as Spartina alterniflora have become invasive in Europe, and elsewhere, displacing native flora and altering coastal habitats. We aim to test the hypothesis that Spartina’s success in colonizing harsh environments is partly due to its association with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria like Candidatus Thiodiazotropha. Our group will investigate to see if these microbes could enable Spartina to thrive in saline, sulfide-rich conditions by detoxifying the environment and potentially providing nitrogen. Invasive Spartina poses a dual threat by damaging native ecosystems and amplifying vulnerabilities to climate change.

    Through these two lenses, our work underscores the intricate relationships between microbial symbionts and their hosts, revealing how these interactions influence ecosystem stability and resilience. We highlight how global changes, including warming climates and altered species distributions via trade and dispersal, could shift microbial functions and distributions, with profound implications for coastal ecosystem health and carbon dynamics. Understanding these processes is essential to inform conservation and management strategies for endangered coastal habitats. By communicating this research in an educational framework, we aim to bridge scientific discovery and public awareness. We invite interdisciplinary dialogue to advance our understanding of microbial symbiosis in coastal ecosystems and explore strategies for mitigating climate change impacts on these critical environments.

    How to cite: Knecht, E., Pree, C., Leibrecht, L., Emelianova, K., Schmelz, P., and Petersen, J.: Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13174,, 2025.

    EGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability 

    Katja Anniina Lauri, Janne J. Salovaara, and Tuukka Oikarinen

    Climate change mitigation and adaptation, among various other conceptualisations and strategies to tackle the complex crisis, can be seen as predominantly centralised (Lange et al., 2013). Various governmental or local municipality campaigns related to the application of SDGs, or corporations offering products and services under the banner of green business, are meant to assist the individual in actualising sustainability. However, such acts define the individual mainly as a consumer (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov, 2024). Regardless of whether these entail the most effective ways for individuals to take part in mitigating climate change, a deeper dialogue is sorely needed between, for example, scientific and societal agendas on climate change and sustainability and citizens' understanding, sense of relevance, and motivation to take action on these issues. Both approaches are needed to bridge the possible differences and potential contradictions; citizen-led sustainability needs to be incorporated into the existing strategies, and the concurrent schemes need to be contextualised to the citizen in a much more relevant manner. 

    To collaboratively bridge these intersectoral perspectives, our project in its initial stage collects the citizen perceptions through a survey. The citizen barometer survey is a University of Helsinki organised annual national survey, under which a 10-point questionnaire with 9 Likert-scale and one open-ended question was utilised to gather a general sentiment (e.g., Pozzi et al., 2016) on the concurrent climate change and sustainability attitudes, perceptions, strategies and schemes—and importantly: what they might have missed or overlooked from a citizen perspective. While the relevance of our research speaks to a vast academic audience, the broader impact it aims for comes from a planned intersectoral collaboration, where the collected data will be further contextualised. The workshops will engage various actors and actor-groups, to seek out for example, how could the concurrent mitigation schemes be better enacted in citizen-local governance collaboration; and what could be the implications of citizen-led sustainability in various educational contexts; or could the perceptions lead to new research agendas in atmospheric and geosciences? Simultaneously, the project promotes and actualises an approach to sustainability—or sustainabilities (Kothari et al., 2019) that aims to further democratise sustainability. We see such an approach as especially important in these times of potential polarisation—to which we see pluralisation to be the correct response. 


    Keywords: climate change mitigation, sustainability, democratisation, citizen 



    Kothari, A., Salleh, A., Escobar, A., Demaria, F., & Acosta, A. (2019). Pluriverse : a post-development dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika.

    Lange, P., Driessen, P. P. J., Sauer, A., Bornemann, B., & Burger, P. (2013). Governing Towards Sustainability—Conceptualizing Modes of Governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 15(3), 403–425.

    Pozzi, F. A., Fersini, E., Messina, E., & Liu, B. (2016). Sentiment analysis in social networks. Morgan Kaufmann.

    Salovaara, J. J., & Hagolani-Albov, S. E. (2024). Sustainability agency in unsustainable structures: rhetoric of a capable transformative individual. Discover Sustainability, 5(1), 138.

    How to cite: Lauri, K. A., Salovaara, J. J., and Oikarinen, T.: On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15385,, 2025.

    Agricultural soils are central to ecosystem functioning, but their widespread degradation jeopardizes the ability of agroecosystems to sustain life and livelihoods for humans and more-than-humans alike. One proposed solution is carbon farming, a term that encompasses agricultural practices aimed at sequestering carbon in soils. Proponents claim that carbon farming offers a dual benefit: mitigating climate change by drawing down atmospheric carbon while improving soil health and fertility, which underpins the multitude of ‘functions’ soils provide. Often heralded as a ‘win-win’ or ‘no-regret’ solution, carbon farming would be the perfect ‘natural climate solution’. Beyond numerous critiques on the physical and technical aspects of soil carbon sequestration, we reflect here on the rapid growth of voluntary carbon markets as a means to trigger the needed transition to sustainable farming. We argue that such schemes are inherently unfair—reproducing patterns of neocolonial relations and perpetuating the "imperial mode of living"—and fundamentally undemocratic, as they rely on the hegemonic acceptance of markets as the primary driver of positive change. This approach bypasses public investments and usurps democratic power, preventing collective decision-making on what to produce, how much, and under which social and environmental standards. Drawing on firsthand experience co-designing and delivering a transdisciplinary course on this topic—with contributions from social scientists, policymakers, NGOs, and farmers— we reflect on the profound insights that emerge from well-structured inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations.

    How to cite: Moinet, G., Möller, I., and Vidal, A.: Grounding carbon farming, or how to break the market logic and promote the cocreation of farming systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16622,, 2025.

    EGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

    Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap 

    Janne J. Salovaara, Tuukka Oikarinen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

    Acts aimed at mitigating climate change (CC) and promoting sustainability—or the absence of such acts—are frequently discussed in relation to what is typically called the knowledge-to-action gap (e.g., Mastrángelo et al., 2019). One could argue that the predominant approach to advancing sustainability—understood here broadly as a response to CC and other ongoing and enduring aspects of the polycrisis—has been to accumulate and disseminate ever more knowledge. This includes knowledge of the specific issues at stake and the severity of the situation, what could and has been done by whom, and what would even constitute as an effective structure for determining which knowledge is needed and how to utilise it. Meanwhile, the sustainability knowledge-action gap itself has been investigated in, for example, education, research agendas, and decision- and policy-making. On the one hand, CC mitigation and sustainability efforts and their ultimate impact can be debated; for instance, whether there are enough tangible measures or just talk (e.g., Hoffman et al., 2022), or whether current initiatives will indeed bring about sustainability (e.g., Salovaara and Hagolabi-Albov [in review]). Yet the core question remains: are the called-upon acts grounded in rational, knowledge-based considerations? On the other hand, knowledge has undoubtedly guided these (and all) forms of agency (e.g., Giddens, 1979): where an actor—individual, communal, or institutional—applies their expertise and resources to depart from established norms, i.e., generates transformation that fundamentally underlines sustainability. However, it appears evident that knowledge alone does not guarantee the realisation of transformation. Whether one refers to multi-level perspective (Geels, 2002), actor-network (Latour, 2007), or social practice theory (Shove et al., 2012)—each elaborating on socio-technical changes emerging through scaled structures or simultaneous enactments and practices—it remains theoretically (and observably) clear that current institutionalised knowledge, along with the structures shaped by it, have also become barriers to the transformation. For example, an individual may be knowledgeable of the existing structures and the direction to change them, but their agency is limited by dominance over resources for implementing those changes. This limitation might result from structural misalignments that either promote a different notion of sustainability or fail to promote sustainability at all (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov [in review]). Consequently, our hypothesis—which we plan to investigate in theoretical and action-oriented future research—is that, beyond the knowledge-to-action gap, the global sustainability movement is at a stalemate because of an agency-to-action gap.


    Keywords: sustainability agency, action gap, transformation



    Mastrángelo, M. E. et al. (2019). Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals. Nature Sustainability

    Hoffman, S. J. et al. (2022). International treaties have mostly failed to produce their intended effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

    Giddens, A. (1979). Central problems in social theory: Action, structure, and contradiction in social analysis. University of California

    Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research policy

    Latour, B. (2007). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network-theory. Oxford.

    Shove, E. et al. (2012). The dynamics of social practice: Everyday life and how it changes. Sage.

    How to cite: Salovaara, J. J., Oikarinen, T., and Lauri, K. A.: Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16789,, 2025.

    EGU25-17899 | Orals | EOS4.3

    A new geoethics for the Anthropocene 

    Michael Wagreich, Robert Braun, and Richard Randell

    There is a new, burgeoning literature on geoethics in the geosciences (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). It stems from the assumption that understanding the Earth, analyzing natural processes, and managing their impacts require significant responsibility from geoscientists. Thus, geological inquiry must be accompanied by thoughtful consideration of ethical and social dimensions.

    The literature is based on the definition that geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). Geoethics encourages geoscientists and wider society to become fully aware of the humankind’s role as an active geological force on the planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies. Some (Koster et al. 2024) even use geoethics in disputes about defining the onset of humankind becoming an active geological force suggesting that a geoethical stance may do away with the Anthropocene as a useful concept: a new epoch in the GTS. Others move away from the human centered approach to suggest a more-than-human geoethics as a space of thought and an arena of concerns in which natural and cultural worlds are co-constitutive, requiring geoscientists to grasp the conjunction of the technologies of ecology, on the one hand, and of prehension and feeling, on the other (Sharp et al. 2022).

    This paper focuses on a geoethical stance rooted in a critical positionality towards a traditional view of geology and focuses on what STS theorist Isabelle Stengers calls “slow science:” a thoughtful approach to considering unknown matters and their connections to existing knowledge (Stengers 2018). We advocate for critical/radical reflexivity as an ethical method, emphasizing insecurity regarding basic assumptions, discourse, and practices used in describing reality (Braun 2024). Instead of a human centered geoethics that engages with the Earth in a traditional Newtonian/Cartesian mode of scientific inquiry, we argue that a geoethical stance reflective of our critical juncture in Earth’s history should integrate the implications of quantum theory rather than avoid them, as suggested by some geoethicists. The main goal of quantum-inspired geoethics is to decenter the universal and hegemonic Newtonian/Cartesian worldview. We propose a geoethics attuned to becomings, matterings, and more-than-human events, recognizing various agential possibilities that give rise to new forms of temporality and spatiality.


    Braun, R. 2024. Radical reflexivity, experimental ontology and RRI. Journal of Responsible Innovation. doi 10.1080/23299460.2024.2331651.

    Koster, E., P. et al. 2024. The Anthropocene Event as a Cultural Zeitgeist in the Earth-Human Ecosystem. Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences 1 (1):1–41.

    Peppoloni, S., and Di Capua, G. 2021. Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics. In Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences, edited by M. Bohle and E. Marone, 17-28. Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Sharp, E. L. et al. 2022. Geoethical Futures: A Call for More-Than-Human Physical Geography. Environment and Planning F. 1 (1):66-81.

    Stengers, I. 2018. Another Science Is Possible : A Manifesto for Slow Science. Translated by Stephen Muecke. Cambridge UK: Polity Press.

    How to cite: Wagreich, M., Braun, R., and Randell, R.: A new geoethics for the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17899,, 2025.

    EGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

    Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation 

    Joula Siponen, Janne J. Salovaara, Karoliina Särkelä, Inka Ronkainen, Salla Veijonaho, Veli-Matti Vesterinen, Isabel C. Barrio, Laura Riuttanen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

    Climate change action in the Arctic context requires not only deep understanding of the physical change processes but also awareness and sensitivity towards the complexities of the socio-economic and cultural dynamics in the region. In this study, we explore the learning experience of geoscience students attending the Arctic Circle Assembly as part of a university course. In the event, the students get to interact with a wide range of actors and stakeholders, including geopolitical and indigenous perspectives.

    We examine the students’ sense of belonging and their possibly transformative learning process, and their influence on the students’ professional identity with qualitative inquiry. Interviews with the students and analyses of their personal learning reflections, reveal signs of transformative learning. Students experienced disorienting dilemmas, that were induced for example by lack of sense of belonging to the expert community or students’ values conflicting with the contents of the event. At the same time, belonging to the student group was an important factor for the discourse and critical reflection on the dilemmas, leading in some cases to outcomes of transformative nature.

    Our findings highlight the importance of facilitation of challenging reflections on the students’ values and beliefs, and building of trust and belonging in the learning community, to allow management of the dilemmas towards transformation. This would require considering the backgrounds and prior experiences of the students. Based on our finding we suggest that transformative approaches to climate change education and conference attendance as a pedagogical tool can potentially shape students’ professional identities and broaden their perspectives, and to increase their agency as Arctic experts and responsible Arctic researchers.

    How to cite: Siponen, J., Salovaara, J. J., Särkelä, K., Ronkainen, I., Veijonaho, S., Vesterinen, V.-M., Barrio, I. C., Riuttanen, L., and Lauri, K. A.: Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18750,, 2025.

    EGU25-19533 | Orals | EOS4.3

    Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience  

    Vitor Correia, Eberhard Falck, Ludwig Hermann, Julian Hilton, Malika Moussaid, Nike Luodes, Hannu Panttila, Nikolas Ovaskainen, Jerry Barnes, Sybil Berne, Mauro Lucarini, and Luis Rosendo


    The European Union (EU) faces unprecedented challenges in securing critical raw materials (CRM) while maintaining environmental protection standards. The EU-funded CIRAN project is examining the EU's evolving raw materials governance framework, particularly focusing on the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) and the consequences of its implementation for environmentally protected areas. The research analyses how governance structures can balance a potential ethical dilemma: safeguarding environmentally protected areas and biodiversity, and securing the mineral raw materials that are necessary to maintain the European economy and living standards.



    The project methodology was based on a systematic analysis of case studies across European countries, examining mining operations in or near protected areas, the use of the DPSIR (Drivers-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses) framework to evaluate policy drivers, such as the EU Green Deal, and consultations and dialogues with people from five different communities living in or near environmentally protected areas in five different EU countries.



    The study of existing mining operations located in or near natural protected areas across nine European countries revealed a striking conclusion: mining is not only possible in environmentally protected areas but also socially accepted in all cases studied. This finding is particularly significant when contrasted with claims, even in recent peer-reviewed literature, suggesting that mining projects are inherently value-destructive, universally detrimental to the environment, and largely compromised on socio-economic grounds.

    The study also revealed that existing EU and national regulatory frameworks do not significantly prevent mining operations, even within protected areas. However, administrative barriers, particularly understaffed public agencies, politically motivated interpretation of regulations, and lengthy permitting processes, create substantial delays.

    Finally, the research shows that successful mining projects consistently demonstrate three characteristics: comprehensive environmental impact assessments, effective and sustained stakeholder engagement, and robust post-mining planning.



    The CRMA requirement to reduce mine permitting cycles from 15-20 years to 24 months represents a paradigm shift in resource management approaches. Considering that a large percentage (over 85%) of known mineral deposits of CRM in Europe lie within or at less than 5 km from an environmentally protected area, and that there are no clear decision trees to guide decision making processes to balance nature conservation and mineral resources extraction, the implementation of the CRMA will create difficult to manage ethical dilemmas for permitting authorities in EU countries.

    In this context, securing sustainable domestic supply requires systemic policy reforms focused on three key areas: streamlined and transparent permitting processes, enhanced administrative capacity, and improved social contracts.

    How to cite: Correia, V., Falck, E., Hermann, L., Hilton, J., Moussaid, M., Luodes, N., Panttila, H., Ovaskainen, N., Barnes, J., Berne, S., Lucarini, M., and Rosendo, L.: Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19533,, 2025.

    EGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion 

    Laurent Husson, Sylvain Kuppel, Odin Marc, and Scientifiques en Rébellion

    « Scientifiques en Rébellion » (Scientists in Rebellion) is a collective of French scientists formed in 2020 with the following goals: raising awareness of the seriousness of scientific consensuses around climate change and ecological degradation, and publicly denouncing the inconsistencies and greenwashing of various actors. The collective also seeks to build a balance of power to transform institutions and companies to meet environmental challenges, and reorient higher education and research. Since its creation, the collective has been growing (several hundreds of members today), gathering scientists of various disciplines and career statuses. It operates with various forms of collective public engagement, from writing and speaking in various medias and supporting other NGOs, to joining or organising non-violent direct actions.

    Here, we propose to present and discuss some key actions performed by « Scientifiques en Rébellion » over the last few years, taking stock on how groups of scientists may self-organise to participate in the public debate over various key environmental issues. Examples include the following actions and their follow up (in the medias or with judiciary trials): On October 3th, 2020, scientists took part in marches in airports in several French cities to denounce the climate impact of air travel for the benefit of a small minority of privileged ones. On the same topic, an unauthorized demonstration against private jets was held in Paris in November 2022, in front of the headquarters of Dassault Aviation. On the night of April 9-10th, 2022, around thirty scientists peacefully occupied the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and gave twelve presentations to call for urgent, radical measures to mitigate the ongoing ecological disasters. On March 4, 2023, a hundred scientists and citizens from various NGOs joined in a funeral procession in Paris to denounce biodiversity losses and health issues associated with the massive use of pesticides, and promote a different agricultural model. Several additional texts and participations in unauthorized demonstrations followed on the question of agriculture and water use. On May 12, 2023, the Scientifiques en Rebellion joined forces with other NGOs to target TotalEnergies and its project to install a floating LNG terminal at Le Havre harbour in France, as part of Scientist Rebellion's international campaign « The Science is Clear ». Other initiatives sought to put pressure on companies either driectly funding or supporting fossil fuel development, such as the BNP-Paribas banking group or Schneider Electric who provide equipment to Totalenergies for the EACOP pipeline project in East Africa.

    How to cite: Husson, L., Kuppel, S., Marc, O., and en Rébellion, S.: An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19671,, 2025.

    EGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

    Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist 

    Elodie Duyck, Anda Iosip, and Jorge Saturno

    At the moment when we are writing this abstract, the last year was just announced as the warmest on record, the first to breach the symbolic 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. For decades, scientists have been sounding the alarm about the climate and ecological crisis, but these warnings have been met with inadequate response and political inertia.

    In the last decade, a strong and diverse climate movement emerged, with grassroots groups mostly composed of young people engaging in a variety of actions, including civil disobedience. Earth scientists have however been timid to engage openly with these movements, concerned about their reputation and about breaching scientific neutrality.

    However, fuelled by concern in the face of inaction, this started to change in the last years with scientists increasingly taking strong roles and positions for or in activist groups, for instance via groups such as Scientist Rebellion or Scientists for XR. The engagement of earth scientists in climate groups can have strong beneficial effects (Capstick et al 2022): As non-usual suspects and experts on the topic, their engagement in the climate movement can increase the feeling of emergency, while their respected position in society can help lending legitimacy to activist groups sometimes disregarded as young and unserious.

    Despite an increase in the willingness of earth scientists to be more engaged beyond their own research work, there are still strong barriers to their involvement in the climate movement (Dablander et al 2024). While conceptions around neutrality and fears of hurting one’s reputation are a big part of earth scientists' hesitations, uncertainties about how to get involved and the kind of roles available to them also represent a strong barrier. 

    This poster aims at presenting different types of involvement in the climate justice movement that might fit you as an earth scientist and a citizen. It builds from our own experience in activist groups, as well as research and publications by different organizations, to display the diversity of roles needed in grassroots climate groups, and help you find your own. 


    Capstick, S., Thierry, A., Cox, E. et al. Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 773–774 (2022).

    Dablander, F., Sachisthal, M.S.M., Cologna, V. et al. Climate change engagement of scientists. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 1033–1039 (2024).

    How to cite: Duyck, E., Iosip, A., and Saturno, J.: Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19902,, 2025.

    The impacts of climate change on the ocean around the world are daunting.  These include sea level rise, melting of ice sheets (Antarctic and Greenland most notably), opening of new shipping routes (Arctic), biodiversity disruption, stronger and more frequent hurricanes and increased acidification.  Human societies have never before been confronted with such challenges in such a short timeframe.

    To help societies in making appropriate adaptation it is crucial to document behavioral changes, such as new projects (e.g., land planning, agricultural changes, fishing regulation), investments (e.g., urban and coastal development) and shifts in values – at various levels of granularity (e.g., local (city/small island), national (large country coast line) and regional (sea basin)).

    Cases would be documented with standardized information that outlines and traces historical developments, current trends and foresighted transformations.  Such information could take the form of written reports, videos and so on.  The resulting bank of cases, regularly updated, would be accessible to all interested parties, e.g., government authorities, NGOs, social scientists, businesses and the general public.

    The Université Internationale de la Mer is prepared to initiate such a project on a pilot basis, jointly with a select group of willing academic and scientific institutions.  This project would require minimum funding from foundations, international bodies or other organisations.  If you are interested in talking about possibly working together on something like this, please come to see me at my poster.

    How to cite: Aubert, J.-E.: How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of cases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20323,, 2025.

    Several authors, including the International Resource Panel (IRP), have acknowledged economic growth as the major driver of environmental change. This statement is supported by the fact that, despite relative dematerialization due to efficiency improvements in the last decades, absolute dematerialization has not happened and it is unlikely to do so. From 1900 to 2015, humanity extracted a total of 3400 gigatonnes (Gt) of biomass, fossil fuels, ores, and non-metallic minerals, of which 73% was returned to the environment as solid, liquid or gaseous waste. The waste of resources in contemporary societies, especially from industrialized countries, is attributted to two main reasons. On one hand, the metabolism of industrial societies relies on non-renewable resources. On the other hand, it has been estimated that, yearly, humanity directly wastes or mismanages around 78% of the total water withdrawn, 49% of the food produced, 31% of the energy produced, 85% of ores and 26% of non-metallic minerals extracted, respectively. As a consequence, natural resources are getting depleted and ecosystems polluted, leading to irreversible environmental changes, biological loss and social conflicts. To reduce the anthropogenic footprint in the planet, and live in harmony with other species and ourselves, a shift from the current economic model based on infinite growth towards a model built on human equality, environmental respect and following a sustainable degrowth strategy in industrialized countries is urgently needed. This new model can only be attained by a bottom-up transformation, that shall rely on a free, equitable and public education system.

    How to cite: Marín Beltrán, I.: Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20407,, 2025.

    Slow-onset hazards have a long term and pervasive impact on affected communities. This means that policymakers and researchers should also have robust long term plan for tackling the impacts of these hazards. However, research suggests that slow-onset hazards are ofter overlooked and neglected in both academia as well as policymaking, with a significant part of all disaster related resource devoted to sudden events. A major consequence of this can be seen in riverbank erosion affected communities of Majuli island of India. Disaster management laws in India do not generally recognise slow-onset events like riverbank erosion as hazards and therefore, no relief is provided under these laws to those affected by riverbank erosion. Drawing from my own experiences in the field, I will try to show how this policy is flawed and what consequences the people of Majuli and other riverbank erosion affected places in India are facing because of this? Furthermore, the paper emphasises the urgent need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards across India. It calls for increased attention from researchers and policymakers to mitigate the long-term impacts of these hazards and to develop inclusive disaster management strategies that encompass both sudden and slow-onset events.

    Keywords: Slow-onset hazards, academia, riverbank erosion, India, science-based policies

    How to cite: Sahay, A.: Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-557,, 2025.

    Forest fires in the Indian Himalayas are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change induced weather conditions and increasing anthropogenic pressures. These fires release large quantities of greenhouse gases and black carbon, which disrupt the regional carbon budget. The deposition of black carbon on glaciers accelerates melting, contributing to glacial retreat and amplifying regional warming. Additionally, forest fires releases the C stored in vegetation and top layer. This further degrades soil quality, reduces its capacity for carbon sequestration, hinders vegetation regrowth, and aids/fuels soil erosion. Despite these critical impacts, this wide array of feedback effects remain missing from the regional carbon budgeting exercises. Further, community empowerment and participation in natural resource conservation and forest fire management plans remain insufficient, further weakening resilience and response mechanisms.

    Analysis of secondary data highlights that, while forest fires are recognized as a significant risk, the development of actionable strategies is still in its nascent stage. Existing plans fail to give enough emphasis on community-based approaches, ignoring the pivotal role of local stakeholders in monitoring, preventing, and managing fires. Annual emissions from forest fires in the Himalayas have a potential to significantly contribute to India’s GHG inventory, undermining national carbon sink targets under the Nationally Determined Contributions.

    This study identifies critical gaps in mainstreaming forest fire prevention and mitigation in the regional carbon cycle.  Such gaps include improper understanding,  inadequate budget allocations, fragmented policy frameworks, limited use of science-driven tools and lack of community engagement.  The study emphasizes the need to integrate community empowerment & engagement practices into forest fire management plans, encouraging participation through capacity-building programs, financial incentives, and shared decision-making processes. Additionally, advanced technologies such as remote sensing, AI-ML, and real-time monitoring systems can enhance early warning and prevention efforts. Integrating an active EWS with a quickly mobilised fire-fighting/response cell at the community level, will be a gamechanger. 

    Bridging the science-policy gap by fostering community-driven and technology-enabled approaches is essential for aligning forest fire management with India’s climate goals. Such efforts can ensure sustainable ecosystems, resilient livelihoods, and effective carbon budgeting in the Indian Himalayas.

    How to cite: Joshi, P.: Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-831,, 2025.

    EGU25-1700 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge 

    Sebastian Wetterich

    Science academies are among the most trusted sources of scientific expertise for society and politics due to the independence related to the institutions, and the scientific excellence of their elected members. One of the public missions of the Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences, is to provide evidence-based advice to the German public and policymakers. In addition to various formats and channels such as statements, reports, factsheets, workshops and symposia, the Leopoldina has increasingly developed and published interactive scroll-based thematic – i.e. scrollytelling – websites in recent years.

    The development of storytelling websites accompanies the ongoing activities of several Leopoldina working groups. Such low-threshold, educational and entertaining online media increase public awareness and knowledge of policy-relevant topics addressed in Leopoldina statements. By also addressing a different target group, both reach and impact can most likely be increased.

    The aim of scrollytelling websites is to transfer knowledge to the public in an easily understandable but scientifically sound way. In addition, science-based practical recommendations and calls for action can be deduced from the content. The Leopoldina's latest scrolly-telling websites deal with topics in the context of global challenges such as biodiversity loss, renaturation, peatland rewetting and equitable food security. This study exemplarily examines the conception, reception and impact of websites that tell science-based stories.

    How to cite: Wetterich, S.: Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1700,, 2025.

    Technologies for carbon capture and storage into geological formations (g-CCS) are used to capture and store carbon dioxide—and possibly other greenhouse gases (GHGs). These are increasingly presented by scientists, public decision-makers, and private economic actors as critical tools for mitigating climate change and avoiding associated environmental and social damages.

    Typically, the European Union (EU) has been encouraging the development of such technologies through various mechanisms, such as the Directive 2009/31/EC or an incoming certification scheme. EU decision-makers are motivated to promote these technologies because they receive information from diverse stakeholders who argue that g-CCS will help achieve the EU’s climate targets.

    EU decision-makers are expected, as public decision-makers, to prioritize sustainability goals when considering technologies such as g-CCS. This aligns with broader international commitments of the EU, such as its ratification of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations, 2015). Hence, we assume that EU decision-makers should consider these technologies by taking into account their overall impacts on sustainability goals in a comprehensive and accurate way. This includes considering many of their environmental and social impacts through complex assessments studying how carbon reacts with geological components, scaling-up of impacts, and comparison of these results with the ones of alternative options.

    However, this comprehensive approach is not always implemented. EU decision-makers—or the stakeholders providing them with information—may focus selectively on certain aspects of g-CCS impacts while neglecting others. This selective focus can lead to biased decision-making. Such biases can result in many environmental and social impacts. In such contexts, affected parties may contest the validity of decisions and challenge the legitimacy of public decision-makers. For instance, many lawsuits arise in the United States and the United Kingdom and could emerge in the EU. 

    In this presentation, I propose to examine the information EU decision-makers rely on when considering g-CCS, assess its relevance in light of the sustainability goals they are expected to pursue, and propose ways to improve the process, if necessary.

    How to cite: Lasselin, C.: Assessing the Role of Carbon Capture and Geological Storage in the EU: Sustainability and Decision-Making Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4012,, 2025.

    The European Union’s (EU) central chemical regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is approaching a critical juncture with the announced revision in 2025. EU chemical policy stakeholders hold differing positions and expectations towards the legislative change. Stakeholders are debating the timing, direction, and nature of the proposed amendments. For example, industry associations emphasise the high safety standards enabled by REACH, which, in their view, make quick decisions unnecessary. In contrast, environmental organisations criticise what they see as deliberate postponement of the revision by industry associations, as well as the adverse effects of chemical pollution on human health and the environment.

    These positions illustrate the politics of aligning sustainability and competitiveness in the EU chemicals sector. Using a qualitative narrative approach, this paper operates at the interface of science and policy, aiming to engage with different discursive positions and expectations of stakeholders, as well as the dynamics between them, to anticipate future policy directions early on. In this light, key questions include:

    • What positions and roles do EU chemical policy stakeholders adopt on the REACH revision?
    • What insights do stakeholder debates offer for shaping the future of EU chemical policy?

    Drawing on a Discursive Agency Approach, this study combines interviews, stakeholder workshops, and policy document analysis. To accompany the portfolio of policy decisions with robust evidence, the research seeks to identify potential weaknesses and opportunities in the REACH revision process before the final legislation is enacted. The findings offer not only a rich, nuanced exploration of potential policy pathways but also aim to foster dialogue and contribute to actionable guidance for improving chemical regulation in the EU.

    Moreover, the session slot aims to provide a retrospective overview of a 2024 science-policy stakeholder dialogue in Germany, which brought together industry leaders, NGOs, researchers, and regulatory bodies on chemical policy issues.

    How to cite: Hempel, H.: Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision Debates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4484,, 2025.

    Africa’s agricultural sector faces critical challenges, including soil degradation, inadequate capacity building, socio-economic barriers, and the persistent marginalization of women and youth. This talk explores how addressing these systemic issues requires evidence-based and transformative policy changes that place soil health at the centre of sustainable agricultural development. Prioritizing soil health is a strategic imperative for achieving agricultural resilience, food security, and economic prosperity across Africa’s diverse landscapes. This presentation will highlight key levers for transformative agricultural change, focusing on three interconnected aspects: effective policies, trusted multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs), and targeted research and development (R&D). First, the talk will emphasize the importance of evidence-based and inclusive policies to dismantle discriminatory norms and ensure equitable participation of women and youth in decision-making processes. Marginalized groups, particularly rural women, encounter compounded barriers such as unequal access to land, credit, and agricultural resources. Neglecting soil health worsens these inequalities, limiting economic opportunities and deepening social disparities. To address these challenges, this talk will emphasize the pivotal role of inclusive financial mechanisms in providing tailored opportunities to unlock agricultural potential. In this context, implementing effective gender-transformative policies with targeted incentives is crucial for empowering women and youth, who face systemic obstacles to accessing resources and financing. Second, the role of MSPs will be critically examined, ensuring the inclusion governments, private sector actors, non-governmental organizations, donors, and last, but not least, both male and female farmers. Unified, transparent collaboration among these stakeholders is essential to drive policy reforms and scale soil health initiatives effectively. The discussion will reflect how trusted MSPs build accountability, align resources, and create the conditions for scalable and sustainable interventions. The third pillar of this presentation will focus on targeted and trans-disciplinary R&D and its role in enabling inclusive and actionable interventions. Future policies must support R&D frameworks that provide the necessary evidence for informed decision-making, while integrating gender-transformative strategies and user-centred approaches. Moreover, by addressing the socio-economic and cultural contexts that influence soil health adoption, this talk will demonstrate how inclusive and trans-disciplinary R&D ensures that the needs and perspectives of women and marginalized groups are central to designing effective policy solutions. This talk will conclude with a call to action, highlighting that Africa's agricultural transformation requires robust, inclusive policies that leverage trusted partnerships and integrated research frameworks. By prioritizing soil health in policies and fostering equitable, collaborative approaches, resilient, sustainable, and inclusive agricultural systems across Africa can be achieved. In doing so, this talk will offer a valuable external reflection from an African perspective, providing novel insights that can inform and inspire prospective and inclusive policy-making in the national, international and European context.

    How to cite: Rasche, F.: The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5608,, 2025.

    While existing research predominantly focuses on the negative aspects of flood-society interactions—such as risks, vulnerabilities, damages, and adaptation needs—less attention has been given to the resilience-building processes that have enabled societies to adapt and develop in these challenging environments. Our research aims to investigate the dynamic relationships between floods and human societies, focusing on resilience rather than vulnerability in the Mekong basin in Southeast Asia. The study explores the governance, technological, societal, and cultural dimensions of flood resilience, and captures the multi-spatial-temporal dimensions of flood resilience, covering scales from households to regions and time periods spanning centuries.

    Specifically, the study directly addresses critical challenges at the science-society-policy interface. It provides evidence-based insights for policymakers on fostering flood resilience across scales, offering actionable strategies and tools for building resilience in flood-prone communities. The findings emphasize effective engagement formats, such as participatory modeling and co-production workshops, to ensure research findings translate into meaningful societal impacts. By shifting the narrative from vulnerability to resilience, the study advances the emerging field of flood resilience research, providing new multi-dimensional knowledge on flood-society interactions. The project’s outcomes will bridge the gap between academic research and policymaking, equipping stakeholders with the tools and understanding needed to foster sustainable and resilient societies in the face of growing flood risks.

    How to cite: Yang, L. E.: Science-based policy planning and capacity building for flood resilience in the Mekong basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6002,, 2025.

    EGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges 

    Anita Asadullah and Chris Skinner

    In England, the practice of flood hydrology underpins both flood forecasting and £6bn of flood management investment by the UK Government. However, operational flood hydrology has failed to innovate and adapt to the changing demands of the 21st century. There is an over reliance of methods that assume stationarity in climate and land use. Uncertainty in hydrology is poorly characterised and communicated to decision-makers. The Environment Agency’s Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP) is seeking to make a step-change in flood hydrology in England.

    The Environment Agency is the environmental regulator and is also responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea. It has made a commitment to improving flood hydrology by funding the FHIP between 2021-2027. It will design a new benchmarking process to help method developers evaluate their methods for suitability in an operational context, helping to increase the ease and pace of innovation. It will further explore the journey of embedding a new method and uncertainty estimation for operational use to better understand the barriers and to show the lessons learned with those developing alternatives.

    This PICO presentation will allow you to explore the full breadth of the FHIP, including its roots in the UK 25-year Flood Hydrology Roadmap, a community codeveloped plan to improve flood hydrology. It will showcase the successes of completed projects - including the review of open methods, the data rescue of paper hydrometric charts, and the development of new data dashboards – and will share the recommendations relevant to all hydrologists that emerged from that work.

    Finally, it will look to the future and the plans to the end of the programme in 2027, what comes next, and the challenges that remain.

    How to cite: Asadullah, A. and Skinner, C.: Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6710,, 2025.

    EGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

    Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International 

    Valentina Giunta, Corinne Derval, Laurence Crosnier, Muriel Lux, and Tina Silovic

    Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit international organization in the process of transforming into an intergovernmental organization. Using a user-driven and co-design approach, MOi supports the European Union’s (EU) policies and goals, in which understanding the ocean's current state and predicting its future play a critical role. Through its participation in many international projects and initiatives, MOi has built a strong stakeholder database across different disciplines and areas related to the ocean. MOi has gained the necessary trust to co-create services and solutions to support policy implementation and boost the Blue Economy across all maritime sectors by actively collaborating and engaging with these actors.  Diverse tools and activities, such as stakeholder workshops, working groups, co-developed what-if scenarios, and the mapping of needs across different sectors, are combined to enhance ocean science-based services and solutions. As an example of this strategy, MOi has been entrusted by the European Commission to implement the Copernicus Marine Service, which is a vital source of global and European regional seas information and one of the six pillars of the Copernicus Programme. The Copernicus Marine Service uses satellite and in-situ observations, along with 3D model simulations, to provide reference marine information on physical, biogeochemical, and sea ice conditions. By implementing a robust user feedback methodology, its portfolio of products and services is continuously refined considering core user needs, such as policy stakeholders and regional sea conventions, and non-Core users with different levels of knowledge on marine data. In addition, MOi aims to foster collaboration and partnership with stakeholders to develop ocean information that aligns with policy and governance needs. As a strategy, focus groups such as the Champion User Advisory Group (CUAG), formed by active and experienced users of Copernicus Marine Service, and the Marine Forum, formed by Member States’ representatives, were consolidated.  These initiatives, along with the Copernicus Thematic Hubs and National Collaboration Programme (NCP) promote synergies, develop new downstream services, and support decision-making in marine and maritime sectors. MOi is also leading several stakeholder engagement activities in international projects such as NECCTON, in which new tools and products are being co-developed in collaboration with a range of stakeholders to support fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. By working collaboratively with several groups of stakeholders and implementing a co-design methodology, MOi has the capacity to deliver user-driven services in ocean monitoring and forecasting that effectively answer the needs of users, from the policy sector to a broader audience.  

    How to cite: Giunta, V., Derval, C., Crosnier, L., Lux, M., and Silovic, T.: Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8488,, 2025.

    EGU25-8595 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin 

    Marie-Isabel Ludwig

    This presentation explores the concept of a digital twin and examines how it can inspire science communication to embrace interactivity, transparency, systems thinking, empowerment, and dynamic adaptation.

    Digital twins are one of the current buzzwords in scientific research and technological development. Originating from Industry 4.0, the concept has gained widespread adoption and is now indispensable in fields such as healthcare, urban planning, aerospace, and particularly Earth system research. We are surrounded by a growing number of digital twins representing environmental compartments, such as soil, plant systems, and groundwater. And one of the most ambitious projects in the history of science is the creation of a digital twin of the entire Earth system (DTE), which is progressing at full speed. This comes as no surprise, given that digital twins (alongside AI) are among the most promising tools for disaster prevention, climate change adaptation, and resource management (e.g., global food security). But what exactly is the secret of the great success of these digital twins, and what is their added value compared to conventional modeling?

    On the other hand, science communication has today evolved far beyond the mere dissemination of scientific results. For the natural sciences in particular, this evolution is crucial, as socio-ecological transformation research demonstrates the necessity of individualized, target-group-specific, and dialogical communication to ensure public acceptance. Approaches such as Living Labs and strategic Citizen Science aim to meet these demands.

    Inspired by the concept of the digital twin, which serves as a virtual representation of real systems and is used to adapt and improve the outgoing research design through its continuous feedback, the presentation introduces the idea of a "communication twin." This approach encourages the early integration of relevant societal and political target groups, whose dialogical feedback could help optimize research projects. Early integration could strengthen trust in scientific findings and increase the acceptance of innovations by considering the needs and perspectives of the target groups, since they are taken into account in advance. This could also boost the relevance of research and enhance the likelihood of political support and implementation of innovations into concrete measures and actions.

    However, this integrative approach also poses challenges, particularly regarding the preservation of academic freedom. The presentation examines how to balance societal and political integration with scientific independence, using a current example of strategic science communication for a new soil-plant climate simulator for the agriculture of the future. Based on the communication twin concept, the presentation showcases best practice examples tailored to various target groups, including leading researchers in the field, policymakers, media and the interested public, and youth education.

    Finally, the presentation will invite discussion with a focus on the political target group: How can more activities at the science-policy interface be initiated based on the presented concept to incorporate feedback optimally and dialogically into projects? The talk encourages the audience to collaboratively explore new ways to design effective and sustainable science communication.

    How to cite: Ludwig, M.-I.: What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8595,, 2025.

    EGU25-8828 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap 

    Agnieszka Jędruch, Jacek Bełdowski, Jaromir Jakacki, Edyta Łońska, Jacek Fabisiak, and Anita Künitzer

    The Baltic Sea is a vital marine environment, serving not only the nations that border it but also an estimated 100 million people who rely on its resources. However, this region faces a significant environmental and safety challenge due to submerged munitions from historical conflicts. These remnants pose severe risks to marine biodiversity, maritime activities, the economic viability of seafood industries, and the overall health of the Baltic marine ecosystem.

    MUNIMAP, the Baltic Sea Munition Remediation Roadmap, is a pioneering initiative aimed at addressing these challenges. The project's primary goal is to develop a modular, adaptable roadmap tailored to the specific conditions and needs of individual countries in the region. This roadmap outlines comprehensive strategies for policy development, site selection, monitoring, and the implementation of effective remediation methods.

    The MUNIMAP initiative is supported by an international consortium of 42 organizations from 9 countries around the Baltic Sea. This diverse group includes scientists, public administrators, and practitioners who have long been engaged in addressing underwater munitions issues. Key stakeholders span a wide range of sectors, including environmental management agencies, research institutions, offshore and maritime transportation businesses, public safety organizations, NGOs focused on environmental protection and human rights, tourism industry representatives, underwater heritage protection groups, and local communities such as coastal residents and fishermen.

    While collaboration with such a diverse group presents challenges, it also creates a unique opportunity to develop comprehensive solutions. These efforts aim not only to mitigate the immediate risks posed by underwater munitions but also to promote sustainable development and foster cooperative governance across the Baltic Sea region.

    How to cite: Jędruch, A., Bełdowski, J., Jakacki, J., Łońska, E., Fabisiak, J., and Künitzer, A.: MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8828,, 2025.

    EGU25-9660 | Orals | EOS4.1

    Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration 

    Theresia Bilola, Emmanuel Salmon, Niina Kayhkö, Patricia Nying'uro, Nelly Babere, and Matthew Saunders

    Open science is pivotal in advancing climate services in Africa by fostering collaboration, transparency, and innovation. However, significant barriers, such as coordinated research infrastructures, restricted data access and the absence of standardized protocols, impede the development and full utilization of climate services across the continent. The policy cooperation component of the KADI project underscores the critical role of translating science into policy for African climate science. Rapid urbanization and high vulnerability to climate change across all landscapes and sectors demand actionable, locally relevant insights. Science-driven policies empower decision-makers to address cross-sectoral resilience, and adaptation, ensuring sustainable growth while protecting communities from climate risks. We will highlight ways to overcome these challenges by integrating open science,locally driven research and capacity-building into climate services. This allows vulnerable communities to define their needs and participate in developing solutions.

    Community-driven approaches such as "citizen sensors" illustrate the transformative potential of leveraging Africa’s digitally skilled youth. For example, participatory air quality campaigns in Cape Town and community mapping projects led by university students in Dar es Salaam highlight how low-cost tools and public engagement can generate robust, critically needed data while promoting local ownership. To replicate and scale such initiatives, standardized data formats, open-access principles, and supportive policy frameworks are essential. 

    Knowledge exchange and training are foundational to achieve these goals. Initiatives like the African Group on Earth Observations provide the potential for cross-regional collaboration and skill development. Enhanced exchange programs for scientists, policymakers, and researchers can bridge gaps in expertise and resources, fostering innovative solutions tailored to African contexts. Investments in technical training and mentorship programs for multiple stakeholders such as meteorologists and climatologists will further empower African professionals to lead these climate service projects. 

    Policy integration is crucial for embedding climate services into governance frameworks. African policymakers require robust, localized scientific evidence to design effective policies and strengthen their role in international negotiations. Timely, comprehensive, and actionable data must inform decision-making at all levels, addressing the unique needs of rapidly growing cities and diverse stakeholder groups. 

    Long-term funding and sustainability are critical challenges that must be addressed through integrated funding mechanisms, public-private partnerships, and south-south collaborations. Successful examples like the Resilience Academy piloted in the KADI project demonstrate the importance of connecting existing networks, providing technical training, and maintaining research infrastructure to ensure continuity. 

    Finally, the long-term success of observational networks in Africa requires multi-actor engagement. Collaborative efforts involving youth, civil society, local authorities, and private sector actors can foster inclusive, context-sensitive solutions. By connecting existing resources, scaling proven initiatives, and prioritizing transdisciplinary approaches, Africa can strengthen its leadership and ownership in designing a climate observation network that addresses its unique challenges. This vision aligns with commitments outlined in the AU-EU partnership and highlights the importance of equitable funding, open data access, and data-supported decision-making in building resilience to climate change and advancing sustainable development in Africa.

    How to cite: Bilola, T., Salmon, E., Kayhkö, N., Nying'uro, P., Babere, N., and Saunders, M.: Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9660,, 2025.

    “Science does not end when your paper is published, it’s just the beginning”. I heard this statement from an EC policymaker at a previous EGU conference and it really stuck with me.

    After a few years of pondering what science for policy is and how to do it, I decided it was time to learn by doing and applied to the “Bluebook” traineeship programme at the European Commission. With quite a competitive entry selection, I was lucky to be accepted in my unit of choice at DG CLIMA, “Foresight, Economic Analysis & Modelling”, where my climate science expertise was very relevant.

    During the 5 months i spent within the European Commission in 2024, I split my focus on both greenhouse gas reporting to the UNFCCC - in particular researching how ready Earth Observation-based measurements of greenhouse gases are for policy use - and followed climate science for my DG, contributing to Horizon Europe calls, writing briefings and summaries of latest scientific reports.

    I would like to share the lessons I learnt from working at the science-policy interface in DG CLIMA and in contributing to European policymaking in general: what was easier than expected, what was challenging, what I learnt about the relevant ways in which we can support European policymakers, and perhaps provide some inspiration for other scientists to do a traineeship too.

    How to cite: Cavitte, M. G. P.:  Immersion in DG CLIMA at the European Commission as a climate scientist: what I learnt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9833,, 2025.

    EGU25-10123 | Orals | EOS4.1

    Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project 

    Jonathan Bamber

    Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the most serious and certain consequences of global heating. Even if we curbed emissions immediately, SLR would continue for decades because of the thermal inertia in the oceans and other parts of the climate system. Predicting future SLR is, however, extremely challenging because of our limited understanding and observations of how the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets will respond to climate change. Understanding present-day and recent past SLR and its drivers can help reduce uncertainties in projections and be used to improve and constrain numerical models.

    From 2016-2022, we were funded by the ERC to work on understanding and resolving the constituent drivers of sea level rise during the satellite era and before. Our research was primarily focused on improved understanding and partitioning of the components of SLR during a period where observations were sufficient to resolve the processes. But, within the project we also undertook a novel and unusual study to explore and characterise uncertainties in ice sheet projections using an approach called Structured Expert Judgement (SEJ). This is a probabilistic approach particularly well suited to High Impact Low Probability (HILL) events or processes, such as Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other hazards that are hard or impossible to predict using deterministic modelling. This also applies to ice sheet projections. SEJ is effective at capturing the epistemic uncertainty in these model projections. The research, published in 2019, received a huge amount of (social) media attention that placed it in the top 100 of all papers that year based on Altmetric. Over a period of a few weeks we undertook dozens of live and pre-recorded interviews for global media channels. Much of this exposure was useful and lead to further opportunity but some was also counter-productive, less than ideal and unhelpful. Some of the positives, included presenting our findings at multiple UNFCCC COP meetings, to diplomatic cores, development banks and the public. Here we review some of the key lessons learned from being in the spot light of the media and how to communicate complex, nuanced scientific arguments in a few sound bites or sentences to an audience that has no technical background and may even be, at times, quite hostile.

    How to cite: Bamber, J.: Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10123,, 2025.

    EGU25-10404 | Orals | EOS4.1

    Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction 

    Raffaella Russo, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Ortensia Amoroso, and Paolo Capuano

    An effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategy relies on collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to mitigate risks and enhance societal resilience. Shaping and fostering informed decisions is a pivotal responsibility shared by these groups. Insights from past disasters must be documented and shared transparently, using clear and inclusive language to ensure accessibility. This approach not only identifies challenges policymakers may face in implementation but also addresses barriers from end-users, such as citizens, by promoting understanding and engagement.

    The H2020 CORE EU project exemplified this collaborative ethos by developing comprehensive public guidance to enhance community readiness for emergencies. Spanning both pre-event preparedness and post-event recovery, CORE aimed to build a chain of trust, credibility, and engagement among citizens and stakeholders, providing actionable recommendations for policymakers and society.

    CORE’s methodology was rooted in a transdisciplinary approach, synthesizing case studies from Europe and beyond, including the L’Aquila earthquake (Italy, 2009), the Manchester Arena bombing (UK, 2017), the Venkatapuram industrial accident (India, 2020), Aude region flash flooding (France, 2018), the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami (Japan, 2011), the Jerusalem wildfire (Israel, 2021), and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2023). By analyzing these events, CORE identified best practices, enabling scalable and adaptable resilience strategies across diverse contexts.

    Key to CORE’s success is bridging the gap between research and practice. Stakeholder workshops, such as those held in Brussels and Rome, highlighted the importance of collaborative knowledge transfer. The project also fostered long-term relationships between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring sustained engagement and continuity despite personnel changes.

    By uniting scientific rigor, policy relevance, and community involvement, the CORE project provided a robust framework for DRR. Its outputs, including practical tools and policy guidelines, empower communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. CORE demonstrated that effective DRR hinges on a seamless collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring that disaster management is not only reactive but also anticipatory and inclusive. This integrated approach builds trust, fosters resilience, and equips societies to navigate future crises with confidence and cohesion.


    This work has been supported by the CORE ("sCience and human factor for Resilient sociEty") project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101021746.

    How to cite: Russo, R., Gargiulo, M. V., Amoroso, O., and Capuano, P.: Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10404,, 2025.

    The UK has a well-established system of Chief Scientific Advisors (CSAs) who advise the UK Government on science relevant to policy development and implementation. There is also a much more recently established group of Thematic Research Leads (TRLs) who support Parliament in their policy scrutiny activities. (Here, “Government” refers to the Prime Minister and other Ministers who run the country with the support of the (very large) Civil Service; “Parliament” refers to all Members of Parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons (HoC) and all Peers who sit in the House of Lords (HoL) who scrutinise, and can support or oppose Government motions and policies, with the support of a (relatively small) Parliamentary staff.)

    I was appointed as the Climate and Environment TRL in 2024, alongside 7 other experts in other fields, to support the work of Parliament for a 2 year period. I have used the position to support parliamentary activities by bringing in high-quality evidence and new voices on climate and environmental issues, particularly in my area of research: climate change adaptation. I believe that adaptation is relatively poorly represented and examined in Government and Parliament by the relevant Parliamentary staff, MPs and Peers.

    I have been particularly involved with Select Committees (SCs), which play a major part in the UK Parliament’s scrutiny role and are a particular area where relevant research expertise and a strong link to the academic community has benefits. SCs hold inquiries into significant and emerging issues that impact the work of individual government departments or on issues that cut across departments. In my role, I have helped various SCs scope out future inquiries, identified, encouraged and supported academic researchers (and others) to submit written evidence and agree to attend oral evidence sessions, contributed my own expertise where relevant, and supported the SC members and staff in drafting the final reports. These SC reports have an important place in the UK system as the Government is required to respond to the report and consider the recommendations that they make.

    I have also contributed to: the research and writing of HoC and HoL Library and Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology briefings on important and emerging climate and environment issues for members; arranged and contributed to training and knowledge exchange events for Parliamentary staff; supported staff in answering direct queries from members; and worked on similar initiatives with the devolved Parliaments of the UK’s nations (i.e. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

    This presentation reflects on the TRL experience, with a particular focus on general lessons for engaging with Parliamentarians.

    How to cite: Russell, A.: Enhancing the use of climate and environment evidence in the UK Parliament for policy scrutiny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10670,, 2025.

    EGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme 

    Alexandre Anesio, Liane G. Benning, Martyn Tranter, Jason E. Box, and Robert S. Fausto

    The ERC Synergy project, DEEP PURPLE, has provided since 2020 crucial information about biological, chemical, and physical processes associated with the ice surface melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), along with ground truth data of biological impurities on the ice. Biological darkening of the ice is fundamentally important because albedo serves as the primary determinant of the surface melt within the ice sheet under a specific climate. Over the period since the commencement of satellite observations in 1981, there has been a consistent decline in the Greenland ice albedo. DEEP PURPLE has demonstrated that biological growth on the ice is not limited by nutrients and it is very likely that biological darkening of the ice will continue inland on the GrIS as climate becomes warmer. As a result from DEEP PURPLE, the Danish Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities has financed PROMBIO since 2023, which is a programme for monitoring biological impurities on the GrIS. PROMBIO has successfully developed a methodology for collecting various impurities, including biological substances, from the surface ice and sampling was implemented across 13 weather stations. The resulting data is integrated into the PROMICE database, which is a well-established monitoring programme measuring the GrIS mass balance in near real-time. PROMBIO and DEEP PURPLE collaborates to enhance coverage of both biological and abiotic impurities, improving our understanding of the interplay between climatic factors and physical, chemical, and biological processes, contributing to more accurate climate models and predictions of future melt rates. The combined data from DEEP PURPLE and PROMBIO indicate that the duration of bare ice is a critical factor in the abundance of biological impurities, and different regions of the Greenland ice sheet exhibit varying primary mechanisms for darkening. These findings underscore the complexity of factors driving ice darkening and highlight the need for continued monitoring to inform climate models and policy decisions. The combined fundamental research and monitoring programme presented here will increase certainty on the predictions of the GrIS melt that can be used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    How to cite: Anesio, A., Benning, L. G., Tranter, M., Box, J. E., and Fausto, R. S.: Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11182,, 2025.

    EGU25-12154 | Orals | EOS4.1

    ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center 

    Alberto Michelini, Giovanna Forlenza, Rocio Baró, Gerhard Wotawa, Pascal Brovelli, Susan Loughlin, Nicos Melis, Lauro Rossi, Michaela Mikuličková, Henri Nyman, Ramiro Romero, Giuseppe Salerno, Alexandru Tiganescu, and Marco Olivieri and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team

    The ARISTOTLE (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Transboundary hoListic Early warning) - ENHSP (European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) project delivers a flexible and scalable 24/7 multi-hazard impact-oriented advice service at global level to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Directorate (DG ECHO). This service responds to the needs of the ERCC to coordinate very rapidly the delivery of assistance to disaster-stricken countries within EU Civil Protection Mechanism both within and outside the European Union (global scale). ARISTOTLE harnesses operational expertise from nationally mandated scientific institutions and international agencies across Europe to provide multi-hazard, timely and authoritative scientific assessment on natural disasters related to volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, severe weather, flooding and wildfires.

    The service provided by ARISTOTLE operates in three modes; i) emergency (ERM), ii) routine monitoring (ROM) and iii) scientific expertise  on-demand (SEOD) service. The ERM provides a comprehensive scientific assessment and advice to the ERCC within three hours from the activation. The ERM report can be full or lite depending on the specific nature of the hazard assessed; in both the cases, the weather conditions are always reported. The ROM is designed to provide a day-to-day, global scale, scientific assessment of the developing natural hazards. This service is provided three times per week and it is important for the prompt identification of critical areas (e.g., hurricanes, major floodings, major wildfires). Lastly, the SEOD service stems from the experience of the Consortium personnel and it serves the ERCC to have direct scientist support in the case of major critical situations. This service is offered through various means and modalities both in presence at the ERCC headquarters and remotely.

    As examples of success, ARISTOTLE i) has supported the ERCC during the 2023 M7.8 and M7.6 Türkiye earthquakes and their sequence providing both earthquake assessment reports plus a daily meteorological support for their field deployment; ii) provided specific adjournments on the weather conditions in Ukraine with the outbreak of the 2022 war; iii) an ARISTOTLE wildfire unit is seasonally deployed in person in Brussels during the summer period and embedded in the ERCC’ Wildfire Support Team.

    ARISTOTLE includes 23 partner institutions from 14 EU and non-EU Countries and from European international organizations operating in the Meteorological and Geophysical domains. To our best knowledge, ARISTOTLE is the first 24/7 virtual emergency room for multi-hazard assessment operating at global scale. ARISTOTLE remains a unique and world leading service and there is truly nothing internationally which even comes close to replicating a multi-national partnership which provides 'actionable' advice for operational purposes.

    How to cite: Michelini, A., Forlenza, G., Baró, R., Wotawa, G., Brovelli, P., Loughlin, S., Melis, N., Rossi, L., Mikuličková, M., Nyman, H., Romero, R., Salerno, G., Tiganescu, A., and Olivieri, M. and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team: ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12154,, 2025.

    EGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts 

    Alessio Rovere, Sonia Bejarano, Patrick Boyden, Ciro Cerrone, Denovan Chauveau, Silas Dean, Nikos Georgiou, Deirdre D. Ryan, Karla Rubio-Sandoval, and Christian Wild

    The Last Interglacial (125 ka) was the most recent period in Earth’s history when global temperatures were approximately 1°C higher than pre-industrial levels, with polar regions experiencing a warming of 3–5°C. This warmer climate led to smaller ice sheets, higher sea levels, and significant shifts in atmospheric and oceanic patterns, including changes in temperature and seasonality. Such changes likely influenced coastal dynamics, altering prevailing winds, wave regimes, and coastal ecosystems like coral reefs. These transformations are preserved in the geological record, providing valuable insights into the potential future of our coasts in a warming world. Proper interpretation of these records can offer invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to address the challenges of coastal adaptation to modern climate change.

    This presentation is a contribution to the WARMCOASTS project, which has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n. 802414) and to the project “Frozen in time: ecology of paleo reefs”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 468589501

    How to cite: Rovere, A., Bejarano, S., Boyden, P., Cerrone, C., Chauveau, D., Dean, S., Georgiou, N., Ryan, D. D., Rubio-Sandoval, K., and Wild, C.: The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12220,, 2025.

    EGU25-15856 | Orals | EOS4.1

    From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany 

    Sina Bold, Carina Juretzek, and Ben Schmidt

    Human activities are increasing in the marine environment causing underwater noise. The most intense source of underwater noise is pile driving during construction of offshore wind farms. This might disturb marine mammals, such as the harbour porpoise. Therefore, measures to prevent and mitigate underwater noise are necessary.

    In order to be effective such measures should be regulated. However, regulators have to demonstrate and assess the applicability, efficiency and effectiveness of mitigation measures. This requires scientific knowledge on the impact of underwater noise while the normative aspects of noise mitigation have to be considered.

    Since 2008, operators have to comply with limits for pile driving noise during the construction of offshore wind farms in Germany. Since 2011, they have to use technical noise abatement systems. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) approves offshore wind farms and monitors underwater noise in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

    Since 2017, BSH operates the expert tool MarinEARS, which includes the scientific basis for regulating underwater noise. The data shows that the regulations have been successful in the recent years. Underwater noise affected less than 10 percent of the German EEZ at any time, including adjacent nature conservation areas.

    Here, BSH outlines a step-wise approach to establish a regulatory framework for pile driving noise and to implement mitigation measures in practice. It highlights the successful cooperation between science, authorities and industry in recent years to minimise the impact of underwater noise on the marine environment.

    These lessons learnt from addressing underwater noise from the construction of offshore wind farms, are currently being transferred to underwater noise from e.g. shipping and the operation of offshore wind farms. Furthermore, the EU issued for the first time thresholds to limit underwater noise in European waters in 2022.

    BSH plays also a crucial role in the development of European threshold values and the standardised evaluation of underwater noise. This is important for making the assessment of underwater noise comparable and reproducible. In this way, common goals for the protection and sustainable use of the seas can be set in the future.

    How to cite: Bold, S., Juretzek, C., and Schmidt, B.: From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15856,, 2025.

    EGU25-16928 | Orals | EOS4.1

    Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action 

    Joonas Merikanto, Gerhard Krinner, Antti-Ilari Partanen, and Johannes Wagner

    Evidence-based climate policies are essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges of climate change. To shape these policies effectively, it is crucial to align scientific research and innovation with the needs of policymakers, ensuring that decisions are grounded in robust, high-impact evidence. The EU-funded Coordination and Support Action MAGICA (Maximizing the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action) aims to develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the European Research Area (ERA) for the 2025-2034 period, identifying critical research priorities that will help inform climate policies and action to achieve both European and international climate goals. This includes supporting the EU in becoming climate-neutral and climate-resilient by 2050, and in delivering on the targets set by the Paris Agreement.

    To identify priority research areas that are scientifically and politically relevant for effective climate policy and action, four working groups have been established. One group is in charge of advancing the understanding of the climate system to assess how climate may change in the future, understand regional impacts, and inform effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. The core themes of the Priority Area on key climate processes, observations and modelling include:

    • improving process understanding of the climate system,
    • enhancing data collection and management, and
    • advancing methodological developments for climate modelling and scenario prediction.

    To inform these priorities, a rigorous stock-taking methodology has been employed, drawing from key documents such as the IPCC’s AR6 report, WCRP’s Future of Climate Modelling reports, and consultations with the wider climate science community. This process has resulted in the identification of high, medium, and low-priority research and innovation gaps based on their urgency, impact, scale, and relevance to EU policies. The prioritisation also considers the feasibility of addressing these gaps within existing funding structures, with an eye on potential new funding models and the engagement of relevant stakeholders.

    This presentation at the EGU 2025 will serve as a platform for co-production of knowledge. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with the proposed research and innovation priorities and contribute their perspective to refining existing SRIA proposal. By fostering dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and other societal actors and inviting their input, the proposed research priorities will be refined. Ultimately, the aim is to build a collective vision for the strategic research priorities that will help Europe achieve its ambitious climate goals and strengthen the science-policy interface for climate action.

    How to cite: Merikanto, J., Krinner, G., Partanen, A.-I., and Wagner, J.: Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16928,, 2025.

    EGU25-17166 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

    Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport 

    Cristina Deidda, Nevena Gavalyugova-Bolsi, and Wim Thiery

    Working with policymakers presents a valuable opportunity for researchers to increase their impact and effectively support stakeholders and decision-makers. Scientific results and analyses are essential to guide and inform decisions regarding, for example, climate adaptation and mitigation measures.  However, this collaboration comes with both rewards and challenges, ranging from differences in language and methodology to mismatched timelines. The pace and demands of working with policymakers often differ significantly from the timelines and workflows typically followed in academic research.

    In this presentation, I share my experience as a researcher for the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE). I was involved in a Support study on the climate adaptation and cross-border investment needs to realise the TEN-T networkThe study was conducted within a consortium comprising private companies and universities, focusing on the exposure and impact of climate change on European transport infrastructure. Using ISIMIP climate model simulations, we calculated the exposure of the TEN-T network to floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and tropical cyclones. The results were presented at the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels, in front of a large audience of policymakers and politicians. The output was a report published for the European Commission. The aim of the project was to inform and guide policymakers on the urgency of considering the increasing impacts of climate extremes when investing in the European Transport Network.

    From this experience, several strategies and best practices can be highlighted to facilitate effective collaboration with policymakers and institutions. These lessons learned can serve as examples to ensure productive and impactful partnerships in similar contexts.



    How to cite: Deidda, C., Gavalyugova-Bolsi, N., and Thiery, W.: Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17166,, 2025.

    EGU25-17814 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate 

    Daniela I.V. Domeisen, Dominik Büeler, Maria Pyrina, Rachel Wu, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Saskia Willemse, Adel Imamovic, Christoph Spirig, and Philippe Tobler

    Under climate change, extreme weather events such as heatwaves now increasingly occur in places that did not experience such extremes in the past. Recurrent and sustained extreme heat can affect many different domains, from health, especially in the vulnerable part of the population, to agriculture (e.g., through drought), energy production and usage, and mountain infrastructure (e.g., through permafrost thawing). These societal impacts of heatwaves could be mitigated to some extent by region-specific planning and warnings. Currently, heatwave warnings are typically issued hours to a few days in advance. However, the time it takes countries, municipalities, and institutions to prepare for heatwaves is often longer than the current timescale of issuing warnings. Preparation measures include the provision of cooling centers, reaching out to the vulnerable population, providing drinking water, or rescheduling outdoor work. This discrepancy between required and available lead times may also explain why heat health action plans for responsible actors to take appropriate and timely measures are often missing. Any extension of these lead times may convince communities of the usefulness of developing such plans in the long-run and better prepare for heatwaves and other weather extremes in the short-run. Strikingly, heatwaves are the most predictable extreme weather events, in principle allowing for lead times and hence warnings of several weeks, i.e., considerably longer than the currently used warning timescales. This contribution explores to what extent the potential for extended planning and warning horizons may contribute to improved policies, planning, actions, and interactions between science and stakeholders given the increasing threats and impacts from extreme heat events under climate change.

    How to cite: Domeisen, D. I. V., Büeler, D., Pyrina, M., Wu, R., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Willemse, S., Imamovic, A., Spirig, C., and Tobler, P.: Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17814,, 2025.

    On the interface between research, public relations and politics the German Environment Agency (UBA) is working. They offer evidence-based policy advice for decision-makers at subnational, national and international level, carry out tenders for research projects and publish information material for journalists and citizens. One of its fields of work is climate change. This work at the interface between science, society and policy is presented here using the topic Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) as an example. Climate change itself is a multilayered subject and the concept of solar geoengineering is accordingly complex, both in its atmospheric-physical basics and in social dimensions due to enormous risks. It takes transdisciplinary approaches to cover all facets of this sensitive topic. Hence, the number and financial resources of research projects on SRM are increasing. And yet there are considerable uncertainties and it is questionable whether these can ever be resolved. Furthermore, the undisputable risks of SRM would be sufficient to reject SRM and focus finance and attention fully on mitigation and adaptation. But, due to progressing climate crisis, the search for solutions continues and SRM is brought into play by individual researchers and thinktanks as a supposed techno-fix. As consequence, decision-makers are forced to formulate positions on SRM in political fora. Also, public institutions publish reports about SRM. Those recently gained media attention. Journalists might not always be able to adequately explain the complex interrelationships of SRM approaches in their media narrative, hence causing uncertainty among citizens. Here, UBA's information material on SRM is presented as a transparent source of information for journalists and citizens to make them aware of the potential risks associated with SRM and how it is used for science-based policy advice.

    How to cite: Bronkalla, L.: Engagement at the society-science-policy interface at the German Environment Agency (using Solar Radiation Modification as an example), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17850,, 2025.

    EGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

    Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions  

    Prachee Majumder, Dr. Katharina Sielemann, Dr. Matthias Winkler, Dr. Christian Anton, and Marie Heidenreich

    Methane, the second most significant greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide under the Kyoto Protocol, has a climate impact of over 100 times stronger than CO₂ during its roughly 10-year atmospheric lifespan. Major sources include biological processes in anaerobic conditions, such as thawing permafrost, ruminants, wetlands, and landfills, as well as underestimated emissions from fossil fuel extraction (IPCC, 2007). In June 2024, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union introduced a methane regulation that aims to prevent the avoidable release of methane into the atmosphere and minimize methane leaks by fossil energy companies operating within the EU.

    To support the national implementation of the European regulation on methane emissions in Germany with evidence-based insights, the Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences, and Helmholtz Earth & Environment joined forces to host a parliamentary breakfast on October 17, 2024 at the Bundestag. This initiative aimed to support informed policy decision-making and highlight the importance of reducing methane emissions. Policy recommendations included developing a National Methane Strategy to implement the EU Methane Regulation and meet Global Methane Pledge targets, reducing livestock numbers while promoting plant-based diets, establishing comprehensive methane monitoring systems, utilizing satellite analyses to detect and address large leaks, repairing aging urban gas pipelines, and prioritizing gas imports from suppliers with the lowest upstream emissions (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). Together, these measures aim to provide a robust, data-driven approach to significantly reduce methane emissions. The event was accompanied by a factsheet that was published during the event. After the parliamentary breakfast, the exchange continued with e.g., a dialogue of the two research institutions with policymakers and the Federal Environment Agency on emissions reporting and inventory.

    The final evaluation of the parliamentary event highlighted the participants' appreciation for the "clearly summarised facts" and the "reference to short-term opportunities for success." The presentations were commended for being "short, clear, understandable," and for offering "concrete possible solutions." Contributions from members of the Bundestag and various parliamentary groups underscored the need for rapid, decisive, and scientifically grounded implementation of the EU Methane Regulation and related national measures to meet climate targets (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). The event demonstrated the potential for collaboration between science and politics in advancing effective climate protection.


    IPCC. (2007). Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press.

    Leopoldina und SynCom, H. E. (2024). Die Klimawirkung von Methan ‒ eine unterschätzte Gefahr. Factsheet. doi:

    How to cite: Majumder, P., Sielemann, Dr. K., Winkler, Dr. M., Anton, Dr. C., and Heidenreich, M.: Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18613,, 2025.

    EGU25-19573 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society. 

    Véronique Dehant, Mioara Mandea, and Anny Cazenave

    Improving and standardizing Earth's reference frames to achieve an accuracy of 1 millimeter (mm) and a long-term stability of 0.1 mm/year, as mandated by United Nations Resolution 69/266, is critical for numerous scientific and societal applications. For instance, precise determination of geocenter motion and satellite orbits is essential for accurately quantifying sea-level changes using satellite altimetry. Similarly, monitoring tectonic movements and crustal deformations for geophysical research demands this level of precision. Achieving such accuracy is vital for advancing our understanding of Earth's dynamic processes, improving natural hazard assessments, and supporting civilian applications such as navigation, positioning, and geospatial data geo-referencing.

    A deep understanding of Earth's rotation, including periodic orientation changes known as nutations, underpins these goals. The current nutation model, adopted internationally in 2000, requires updating to incorporate the latest scientific insights. The GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant seeks to enhance our understanding of Earth's core dynamics, a key driver of reference frame and Earth rotation modeling. By integrating cutting-edge geophysical knowledge, refining computational techniques, leveraging insights from GRACEFUL, and utilizing recent Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data, we propose significant improvements to these models.

    Additionally, we will benefit from the upcoming ESA GENESIS mission, scheduled for launch in 2028. This mission will co-locate four geodetic techniques, enabling a more precise realization of reference frames. The integration of new Earth rotation models and the unprecedented accuracy expected from GENESIS will allow for the determination of geophysical observables with unparalleled precision, addressing the pressing societal needs outlined above.

    In parallel, the GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant facilitated the discovery of a 6-year cycle in the entire Earth system, contributing to significant advancements in our understanding of Earth system's complex dynamics.

    How to cite: Dehant, V., Mandea, M., and Cazenave, A.: Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19573,, 2025.

    EGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

    Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy 

    Megan O'Donnell and Katie Jones

    Engaging successfully with the policymaking process can present challenges to researchers at all stages of their profession but can be particularly off-putting to those in the earlier stages of their career. Consistent engagement from researchers throughout their career is vital to developing best practice for evidence-based policymaking and this relies on a reduction in barriers to knowledge exchange. Welcoming early career researchers (ECR) into the science policy interface helps to address challenges to research dissemination throughout their career, namely a lack of understanding in how to contribute, when to contribute, and feeling emboldened to do so.

    This session will explore the challenges and incentives ECR have to engaging with science policy, using our own policy projects to explore what can encourage or discourage people into taking part in our work. This poster will assess the experiences of ECR who have engaged with our projects, looking to provide a framework to guide other learned institutions in their policy work, whilst demonstrating methods of engagement to ECR themselves.

    How to cite: O'Donnell, M. and Jones, K.: Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19874,, 2025.

    EGU25-20673 | Orals | EOS4.1

    Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal 

    Claire Chenu, Maria Fantappie, Antonio Bispo, Fenny van Egmond, Johanna Wetterlind, Rudi Hessel, David Wall, Giovanni Dara Guccione, Avion Philipps, Irene Criscuoli, Anna Besse, and Raisa Gerasina

    In response to the lack of dedicated EU legislation addressing soils, the European Commission proposed a Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive in July 2023. This directive aims to set a comprehensive soil monitoring framework in Member States for assessing soil health, with the aspirational goal to have all the soils in a healthy condition by 2050. The EJP SOIL programme is developing research towards climate-smart and sustainable management of agricultural soils, addressing topics very relevant to the proposed directive, such as the definition of soil health, soil health indicators, the effect of agricultural management on soil properties and functions, the harmonisation of soil information and that of soil monitoring systems. The EJP SOIL got heavily involved at the science to policy interface in reacting to and supporting this proposal. Concrete outputs are use of the EJP SOIL results, and their citation, in the Impact Assessment associated with the law proposal, in EU Parliament proposed amendments, in several Member State feedbacks to the Commission and in the compromise text of the law.

    This experience allowed to identify elements of a successful contribution of science to policy. The scope and activity of the EJP SOIL programme and its timing matched particularly well the directive proposal timeline. The anchoring of the programme at the national level, research institutes and universities being mandated by ministries and national hubs of stakeholders having been implemented was an asset. The EJP SOIL realised, in its first years, a number of stocktakes, i.e. systematic assessments, in 24 European countries, of the state of play of soil issues. For example, existing national soil databases, national rules for sharing soil information, soil quality indicators used by Member states, characteristics of the existing national soil monitoring systems, national fertilisation guidelines, and other items were systematically investigated. This provided a solid baseline information for policy makers. Furthermore, the programme research results were periodically discussed in the partnership to collectively elaborate policy relevant syntheses and messages, which were shared in a series of dedicated policy workshops. In addition, consultation channels provided by the commission (call for evidence, public consultations) were used by the programme as well as direct interaction with Commission services.

    Overall, the EJP SOIL succeeded in mainstreaming the research effort and contributing to support effective policy development. It is still a learning process, challenging for scientists, who need to understand the policy needs, to deal with the different time scales of research and policy, to come to a consensus regarding research results, to communicate correctly about uncertainty and complexity of the topics and to set an ad-hoc dissemination to policy makers and soil stakeholders.

    How to cite: Chenu, C., Fantappie, M., Bispo, A., van Egmond, F., Wetterlind, J., Hessel, R., Wall, D., Dara Guccione, G., Philipps, A., Criscuoli, I., Besse, A., and Gerasina, R.: Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20673,, 2025.

    EGU25-20762 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

    Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys 

    Sonia Talwar, Steve Hill, Julie Hollis, William Cunningham, Tirza van Daalen, and Young Joo Lee and the World Community of Geological Surveys

    National geological surveys face continued demand for science advice as nations position themselves for economic prosperity, resilience, and innovation throughout the challenges facing the 21st century.  Credible science practice, analytical innovations, big data and artificial intelligence applied to geoscience challenges pave the way for an exciting future. It is also a future that will require national geological surveys to continue to advise governments of the policy impacts from foundational and targeted geoscience research programs.  The World Community of Geological Surveys brings together the leadership from national and regional geological survey organizations from around the world to highlight the crucial role that geological survey organizations exercise to generate policy and societal impact from foundational and problem-directed national research programs in areas such as critical minerals, energy transition, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction.   Through case study exemplars, common challenges in the role of geoscience in the science-policy continuum will be illustrated.

    How to cite: Talwar, S., Hill, S., Hollis, J., Cunningham, W., van Daalen, T., and Lee, Y. J. and the World Community of Geological Surveys: Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20762,, 2025.

    Integrating High-Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud computing in climate sciences is difficult, due to intricate hardware/software, compatibility, performance and reproducibility issues. Here, we address these challenges in a user-friendly way by leveraging the Conda ecosystem and containers.

    Containerization allows to match or exceed native performance on HPC while ensuring bit-for-bit reproducibility for deterministic algorithms and similar processor architectures. This approach simplifies deploying climate models across different platforms; for example, CESM 2.2.2 (Community Earth System Model) provides on various clusters throughputs in simulated years per computational day within +/- 1% of bare-metal performance for simulations spanning thousands of processors.

    Exclusively using generic Conda packages for MPI (Message Passing Interface) applications was challenging in HPC. Although OpenMPI included UCX (Universal Communication X) and OFI (Open Fabric Interface), it lacked UCC (Unified Collective Communication) and wasn't optimized by default for high-performance networks like InfiniBand, RoCE (Remote Direct Memory Access over Converged Ethernet) and HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) Slingshot-11, often defaulting to TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) or failing. 
    After updating Conda-Forge’s OpenMPI and MPICH feedstocks, we are adding MVAPICH and ParaStationMPI support to PnetCDF, HDF5, NetCDF-C, NetCDF-Fortran and ESMF (Earth System Modeling Framework) libraries critical for modellers, alongside libFabric and openPMIx (Process Management Interface - Exascale). This incidentally exposed ABI (Application Binary Interface) compatibility issues. Now, MPI toolchains featuring major UCX/OFI/PMIx versions ensure consistent operation across different hosts without affecting numerical results. Using the same Conda environment inside a container, and no hardware-specific optimization, preserves bitwise reproducibility. OMB (Ohio State University Micro-Benchmark) tests for latency, bandwidth and other metrics help confirm if optimal performance can be achieved or not. 

    Such developments enable climate scientists to focus on addressing scientific questions rather than sorting out software dependencies and technical problems. One can write code on a laptop then effortlessly scale to cloud or supercomputers, and seamlessly run climate simulations somewhere then continue these wherever compute resources are available without worrying about discontinuities. This also releases expensive HPC resources for production instead of wasting them for training, learning, development or testing which can be performed comfortably elsewhere, without job scheduling constraints, in the very same software environment.

    Conda has primarily been developed with a focus on compatibility which limits its suitability in highly performance-sensitive applications where locally optimized builds of specific key components are paramount, typically in climate modeling. Additionally, instead of relying on local engineers to install and maintain host software, Conda users can benefit from the work of thousands of open-source contributors who continuously update and test the entire ecosystem.

    This strategy fits the session's theme by providing a framework where cloud resources can be utilized for big data without compromising the performance or rigor of HPC environments. Conda and container technologies ought to change how climate scientists approach software management, focusing on ease of use, scalability and reproducibility, thereby potentially altering practices within the field to improve usage of computational resources and leverage community efforts to remain at the forefront.

    How to cite: Iaquinta, J., Fouilloux, A., and Ragan-Kelley, B.: Climate Modeling with Conda and Containers to Improve Computational Resource Usage while Achieving Native Performance and Reproducibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2605,, 2025.

    EGU25-6798 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Advancing Geophysical Data Analysis: HEALML for Efficient Sphere-Based Statistics on Pangeo-EOSC 

    Jean-Marc Delouis, Erwan Allys, Justus Mangin, Louise Mousset, and Tina Odaka

    A significant challenge in data integration and ML methodologies on cloud infrastructures is accurately determining correlated statistics. Initially, aligning data to a consistent pixel grid is essential, motivating the use of Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS). In geophysical studies, data reside on a sphere, and approximating with tangent planes can distort results. Our solution is the HEALPix pixelization as our DGGS framework, standardizing data on a common grid for consistent statistical analysis. HEALPix's unique features, such as its iso-latitude layout and uniform pixel areas, enable the use of spin-weighted spherical harmonics in managing vector fields. This enables the accurate calculation of  correlation statistics, such as between velocity and scalar fields on the sphere, while minimizing biases due to spherical approximations. By utilizing the HEALPix framework, known in cosmology, with TensorFlow or PyTorch as backends, we created the: HEALML library. This library facilitates gradient computations of all derived statistics for AI optimization, and has been validated on the Pangeo-EOSC platform. This library parallelizes the computation of localized spherical harmonics and includes features like scattering covariance calculations, allowing the extraction of more complex nonlinear statistics beyond the power spectrum. We compare these results to traditional 2D planar methods, demonstrating the advantages of sphere-based statistics on platforms like Pangeo-EOSC. Furthermore, we demonstrate: HEALML's ability to emulate using a substantially smaller dataset. This demonstration emphasizes the ways in which incorporating spherical statistical methods into Pangeo-EOSC fosters innovative and efficient statistical analysis within geophysical research.

    How to cite: Delouis, J.-M., Allys, E., Mangin, J., Mousset, L., and Odaka, T.: Advancing Geophysical Data Analysis: HEALML for Efficient Sphere-Based Statistics on Pangeo-EOSC, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6798,, 2025.

    EGU25-8127 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Seamless Upscaling Research from Cloud to HPC using eWaterCycle 

    Mark Melotto, Rolf Hut, and Bart Schilperoort

    The eWaterCycle platform provides hydrologists with a platform that allows them to work with each other's models and data without having to become a computer scientist in the process. The eWaterCycle platform supports existing hydrological models and makes them available for scientists using the BMI model interface as a communication layer. Models run in containers for reproducibility and dependency control. Popular hydrological models are readily available (PCRGLobWB, WFLOW, HBV, etc.). Scientists develop their analyses or experiments in the widely known JupyterHub environment. 

    While in theory eWaterCycle can be installed and run on any hardware, in practice most users interact with it on the SURF Research Cloud, a cloud computing infrastructure available to the Dutch academic ecosystem. Until recently upscaling from Cloud to HPC infrastructure for larger model runs required extensive knowledge of the HPC system. Here we will present our work on building a seamless workflow that allows scientists to upscale their cloud based work to the Snellius supercomputer and the Spider grid computer without having to worry about technical issues like mounting points for (large) datasets and container engines.

    Our workflow opens up the possibility for more scientists to benefit from HPC and Grid resources while focussing on their domain science. We present the workflow in such a format that it should be easily portable to other hybrid cloud - HPC infrastructures, including the DestinE systems.

    How to cite: Melotto, M., Hut, R., and Schilperoort, B.: Seamless Upscaling Research from Cloud to HPC using eWaterCycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8127,, 2025.

    We present recent progress around the EERIE cloud data server ( and its software stack “cloudify”. The EERIE cloud provides efficient open access to prominent climate datasets stored on disk at the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ).

    A new kerchunk-plugin enables data access to raw model output as-is to enable verifiable data transfer with better latency. STAC (Spatio Temporal Assets Catalog) catalogs are deployed and displayed through the EERIE cloud to make the provided DKRZ datasets findable and accessible. Two in-browser apps can be started, pre-configured for each dataset, by just clicking buttons: (1) the data visualization app “gridlook” as well as a (2) jupyterlite for interactive analysis and monitoring. 

    We leverage the python package xpublish, a plugin for Pangeo's central analysis package Xarray. Its main feature is to provide ESM output by mapping any input data to virtual zarr datasets. Users can retrieve these datasets as if they were cloud-native and cloud-optimized.

    How to cite: Wachsmann, F.: The EERIE cloud: Apps and Catalogs for Cloudified Earth System Model Output, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8591,, 2025.

    EGU25-8754 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Leveraging Cloud, Earth Observation and In-Situ Sensors for Agri-Environmental Monitoring and Policy Decision-Making  

    Georgios Charvalis, Panagiota Louka, Vassileios Gkoles,  Thanasis Manos, Nikos Kalatzis, Dionysios Solomos, Anastasios Trypitsidis, and Odysseas Sekkas

    Cloud infrastructures play a significant role in delivering secure, scalable and efficient data processing for Earth Observation (EO) and agricultural management applications. As part of the ScaleAgData project, we present a hierarchical Agri-Environmental Monitoring Tool running on a private cloud infrastructure. The system combines data from EO, in-situ sensors and farm management information systems (FMIS), including parcel calendars, to provide farmers and policymakers multi-scale insights.  

    The solution is cloud-based and designed with an underlying architecture that ensures both scalability and interoperability, leveraging OGC-compliant data formats where applicable. EO and in-situ data streams can be processed and analyzed efficiently with the help of containerized apps and microservices to facilitate modular development and simplify deployment. By using a web-based dashboard with hierarchical design, stakeholders can navigate from overviews at the municipal level to individual parcels. Aggregated summaries that comply with Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) criteria are useful to policymakers and farmers can get comprehensive parcel-level metrics to optimize irrigation, pesticide use and other agro-related activities.  

    Specifically, the tool combines EO data to derive vegetation indices (e.g., NDVI, EVI) and other parameters requiring advanced processing for crop type classification. Furthermore, these datasets are enriched with in-situ sensor measurements (e.g. soil moisture, weather data) and farm logs managed within FMIS (irrigation schedule, pesticide usage). Parcel-level data (L1) is processed to generate statistics, which are then calibrated with nearby parcels data with similar properties and crop type(L2), serving as control level, and finally extrapolated to the municipal level (L3) using spatial averaging techniques  to provide indicators related to irrigation water, pesticide, fertilizer usage, etc.  Farm calendars stored within FMIS provide a reliable source of ground-truth data, enhancing the tool’s ability to validate aggregated metrics. The aggregation at L2 and L3 allows for the identification of regional trends and patterns in agricultural practices, empowering policymakers and stakeholders to implement targeted interventions at both levels, thereby promoting sustainable agriculture.   

    This work showcases the potential of private cloud infrastructures to enhance agri-environmental monitoring by processing and integrating heterogeneous data streams (EO, in-situ sensors and farm log data) into a unified system. The system is being applied in diverse agricultural regions of Greece (Crete, Thessaly, Macedonia) with ongoing validation efforts aimed at refining its accuracy and adaptability. Future work includes the integration of cloud-based machine learning models and EO-derived evapotranspiration data to enhance the efficiency of extrapolating parcel-level (L1) and regional (L2) metrics into policy-level indicators (L3). Additionally, alternative aggregation methods, such as model-based approaches, spatial regression, and interpolation techniques like Kriging, will be tested to improve the accuracy and reliability of aggregated insights. 

    How to cite: Charvalis, G., Louka, P., Gkoles, V., Manos,  ., Kalatzis, N., Solomos, D., Trypitsidis, A., and Sekkas, O.: Leveraging Cloud, Earth Observation and In-Situ Sensors for Agri-Environmental Monitoring and Policy Decision-Making , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8754,, 2025.

    EGU25-9432 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Co-Creating Cloud-Based Tools for Urban Climate-Resilience: The CLIMRES Project 

    Claudio Pisa, Marica Antonacci, Vasileios Baousis, Sotirios Aspragkathos, Iasonas Sotiropoulos, and Stamatia Rizou

    Europe faces a growing frequency of extreme weather events, from heatwaves and floods to wildfires and earthquakes, increasingly threatening urban environments. Unusually warm winters are becoming progressively common, destabilizing ecosystems and altering traditional weather dynamics. 

    Addressing these crucial changes, the CLIMRES project aims to foster a “Leadership for Climate-Resilient Buildings” by identifying and categorizing vulnerabilities within the built environment and assessing their effects within urban systems. This effort integrates diverse data sources, including Copernicus services, IoT networks, and municipal datasets, and considers hazard warnings and weather forecasts. Moreover, a liaison with the Destination Earth initiative enhances the project with the capacity to leverage extreme weather predictions and future climate models. 

    CLIMRES aims to deliver vulnerability assessment and impact evaluation methodologies, along with a “hub of measures” inventory for cost-effective building design and materials against climate risks, as well as decision support tools, to aid building owners, policymakers and stakeholders in planning effective interventions and to address vulnerabilities, targeting three levels of decision making at strategic, tactical and operational levels. The project deploys cloud technologies like OpenStack and Kubernetes to host an interoperable platform for vulnerability analysis, data harmonization, and decision-making. Its solutions will be tested and validated on 3 Large Scale Pilots in Spain, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia, addressing hazards such as heatwaves, flooding, fires, and earthquakes. A multi-hazard replication pilot in France will further evaluate the scalability and versatility of these approaches across diverse contexts. 

    Insights from these pilots will feed into a replication roadmap and a capacity-building program designed to train future leaders in climate-resilient urban development. By fostering co-creation with local stakeholders and communities, CLIMRES ensures its innovative solutions are practical, cost-effective, and replicable, targeting Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) 6-8. 

    CLIMRES aims to bridge innovation with actionable solutions, equipping building owners, policymakers, and communities with the tools needed to enhance urban climate resilience. This presentation highlights the project’s interdisciplinary approach, outputs and technological underpinnings, offering insights into scalable solutions for climate adaptation in urban settings. 

    How to cite: Pisa, C., Antonacci, M., Baousis, V., Aspragkathos, S., Sotiropoulos, I., and Rizou, S.: Co-Creating Cloud-Based Tools for Urban Climate-Resilience: The CLIMRES Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9432,, 2025.

    EGU25-10683 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Copernicus data and services uptake with EO4EU platform: an AI-augmented ecosystem for Earth Observation data accessibility and exploitation. 

    Federico Fornari, Vasileios Baousis, Mohanad Albughdadi, Marica Antonacci, Tolga Kaprol, Claudio Pisa, Charalampos Andreou, Kakia Panagidi, and Stathes Hadjiefthymiades

    The Copernicus program has fostered Earth Observation (EO) and Earth Modeling by offering extensive data and services to European Citizens. Sentinel satellites’ data is accessible  through platforms like the Copernicus Open Access Hub and the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, which provide a wide range of information on land, ocean and atmospheric conditions. Complementing these resources, six specialized Copernicus services deliver data in domains such as the atmosphere, marine environment, land monitoring, climate change, security and emergency response. To streamline access and usability, cloud-based Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) offer centralised platforms equipped with cloud infrastructure and processing tools. Building on these efforts, the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem ( enhances existing DIAS services with advanced functionalities like improved search capabilities, virtualizations and APIs. Meanwhile, the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative led by ECMWF, EUMETSAT and ESA, aims to develop high-precision digital Earth models - or digital twins - that simulate natural and human activities. These models mainly focus on weather-induced extremes and climate change adaptation, generating valuable Earth Modeling data. Furthermore, European Data Spaces integrate datasets across diverse domains, including agriculture, health, energy, and environmental monitoring, creating opportunities to combine these resources with Copernicus and DestinE data through advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This integration paves the way for innovative solutions and public-facing products and services. Despite the volume and richness of Copernicus and related EO data, its accessibility remains limited, with most users being experts or scientists. For broader industry adoption and the development of impactful applications that benefit society and the enviroment, significant barriers must be addressed. EO data is often fragmented, complex, and difficult to process, requiring domain expertise for tasks such as data discovery, pre-processing, storage, and conversion into formats suitable for analytics and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

    The EO4EU platform (, showcased in this presentation, introduces a multi-cloud ecosystem designed for holistic management of EO data. Its primary objective is to bridge the gap between domain experts and end users, leveraging technological advancements to broaden the adoption of EO data across diverse markets. By enhancing the accessibility and usability of EO data, EO4EU supports market growth through advanced data modeling, dynamic annotation, and state-of-the-art processing, powered by European cloud infrastructures such as WEkEO/DIAS and CINECA. EO4EU provides a suite of innovative tools and methodologies to assist a wide range of users, from professionals and domain experts to general citizens, in benefiting from EO data. Its key features include:

    • Knowledge Graph-based Decision Making: Facilitates insightful feature extraction from diverse repositories, enabling a more comprehensive understanding of datasets.
    • AI/ML Marketplace: A centralized hub for AI & ML models, algorithms, techniques, and metadata.
    • Big Data Processing Engines: Optimized for cloud environments to efficiently manage large-scale datasets.
    • User-friendly Interfaces: GUI, CLI, APIs, and immersive VR experiences, targeting both technical and non-technical users.
    • Workflow Engine: Simplifies the definition and execution of recurring tasks for EO data retrieval and processing.

    How to cite: Fornari, F., Baousis, V., Albughdadi, M., Antonacci, M., Kaprol, T., Pisa, C., Andreou, C., Panagidi, K., and Hadjiefthymiades, S.: Copernicus data and services uptake with EO4EU platform: an AI-augmented ecosystem for Earth Observation data accessibility and exploitation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10683,, 2025.

    EGU25-10977 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Cloud-Powered Earth Observation Tools for Urban Resilience: The BUILDSPACE Project 

    Marica Antonacci, Vasileios Baousis, Claudio Pisa, Stamatia Rizou, and Iasonas Sotiropoulos

    The BUILDSPACE project harnesses the transformative potential of cloud computing to evolve urban development and resilience practices. By integrating advanced Earth Observation (EO) data with state-of-the-art satellite and cloud technologies, BUILDSPACE addresses critical urban challenges, including climate adaptation, energy efficiency, and disaster resilience, while contributing to the European Green Deal’s objectives of sustainability and carbon neutrality. 

    Central to BUILDSPACE are five innovative services designed to support urban decision-making. At the building scale, the project facilitates the generation and visualization of detailed digital twins through interactive displays, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR) interfaces. These digital twins enable precise simulations for energy optimization, operational efficiency, and climate impact assessment. At the city scale, BUILDSPACE provides tools to address climate scenarios, such as urban heat islands and flooding, empowering municipalities and urban planners with actionable insights through interactive, map-based platforms. 

    The project’s technical foundation lies in a robust, cloud-native architecture built on Kubernetes and OpenStack, combined with a DevOps methodology to streamline both infrastructure services and application deployment. Kubernetes orchestrates containerised workloads, enabling efficient automated deployment, scaling and management of applications, while OpenStack provides a flexible infrastructure for managing compute, storage, and networking resources. Through the DevOps approach, we ensure continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), fostering rapid development cycles and operational agility. By adopting open-source cloud platforms, the project ensures interoperability, reproducibility and automation across diverse environments, driving consistency and efficiency throughout the lifecycle of both infrastructure and applications. 

    The project’s services are being validated across four European cities representing diverse climatic conditions, namely Warsaw, Riga, Piraeus and Ljubljana. These validations focus on two scenarios: construction companies monitoring building processes with advanced digital tools, and municipalities analysing the impacts of climate change on urban infrastructure. 

    By advancing from TRL 5-6 to TRL 7-8, BUILDSPACE aims to deliver market-ready solutions that align with the European GNSS and Copernicus initiatives and to synchronise with the advances, concerning Digital Twin technologies and data federation mechanisms, of the Destination Earth initiative, while paving the way for a broader adoption of cloud technologies in EO-based urban resilience applications. 

    How to cite: Antonacci, M., Baousis, V., Pisa, C., Rizou, S., and Sotiropoulos, I.: Cloud-Powered Earth Observation Tools for Urban Resilience: The BUILDSPACE Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10977,, 2025.

    EGU25-11810 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    DeployAI Earth Observation Services: Enabling Environmental Insights on the European AI-on-Demand Platform 

    Antonis Troumpoukis, Mohanad Albughdadi, Martin Welß, Vasileios Baousis, and Iraklis Klampanos

    The DeployAI project [1] designs and delivers a fully operational European AI-on-Demand Platform (AIoDP) to empower the European industry with access to cutting-edge AI technology, and to promote trustworthy, ethical, and transparent European AI solutions, with a focus on SMEs and the public sector. To achieve this, the platform enables the development and deployment of AI solutions through the following core solutions: (i) AI Builder [2], which allows the assembling of reusable AI modules into AI pipelines; (ii) seamless access to Cloud and HPC infrastructures (e.g., MeluXina and LUMI); (iii) a marketplace for the listing and distribution of ready-to-use AI products; (iv) an expansive and growing library of diverse AI-driven use cases.

    As part of its domain-driven solutions, AIoDP seeks to empower Environmental Scientists, AI Engineers, Developers, Researchers, and SMEs via the DeployAI Earth Observation Services. These services will accelerate the development of AI-driven environmental applications, by providing pre-trained models that simplify satellite imagery processing, land usage classification, and image segmentation. Key models available as modules within the DeployAI’s AI Builder include:

    • Leaf Area Index (LAI) Model: Enables precise monitoring of vegetation health and ecological dynamics by calculating leaf area per unit ground [3]. 
    • Object Detection Model: Identifies specific objects in high-resolution satellite images, supporting applications such as  infrastructure monitoring, pollution tracking, and deforestation assessment [4].
    • Segment Anything Model (SAM): Simplifies analysis across diverse environmental applications through the capabilities of SAM that allows flexible, prompt-based image segmentation for new datasets, with zero-shot and few-shot learning [5].

    These models, along with the broader functionalities of AI Builder, enable users to create custom AI pipelines that address their specific environmental challenges in several environmental areas, including vegetation health monitoring, water balance analysis, climate modeling, urban planning, traffic management, pollution monitoring, and infrastructure maintenance. Users can leverage the visual pipeline editor to easily assemble pipelines from reusable AI modules without needing to write code. Once created, these pipelines can be deployed as AI applications on various execution environments. DeployAI facilitates seamless transitions between these environments by providing connectors to a host of target infrastructures, including Cloud platforms and HPC systems. This empowers users to leverage the most suitable computational resources for their specific needs.

    By providing a user-friendly platform with access to cutting-edge AI technology and Cloud/HPC resources, DeployAI empowers users to address critical environmental challenges and unlock new possibilities for sustainable development.


    This work has received funding from the European Union’s Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) under grant agreement No 101146490.

    How to cite: Troumpoukis, A., Albughdadi, M., Welß, M., Baousis, V., and Klampanos, I.: DeployAI Earth Observation Services: Enabling Environmental Insights on the European AI-on-Demand Platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11810,, 2025.

    EGU25-12070 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Performance Benchmarking and Energy monitoring for Climate Modelling 

    Sergi Palomas, Mario Acosta, Gladys Utrera, Okke Lennart, Daniel Beltran, Miguel Castrillo, Niclas Schroeter, and Ralf Mueller

    The computational intensity of climate models makes them among the most energy-demanding applications in High-Performance Computing (HPC), resulting in significant computational costs and carbon emissions. Addressing the dual challenge of improving climate predictions —by running higher resolution, more accurate and complex models— and ensuring sustainability requires innovative tools to evaluate both computational efficiency and energy consumption across diverse HPC architectures. To address this, and in the context of the Center of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE), we have extended the High-Performance Climate and Weather Benchmark (HPCW) framework to incorporate a standardised set of Climate Performance Metrics for Intercomparison Projects (CPMIPs) and energy consumption monitoring.

    HPCW, originally designed to maintain a set of relevant and realistic, near-operational weather forecast workloads to benchmark HPC sites, can provide insights beyond generic benchmarks like High-Performance Linpack (HPL) or High-Performance Conjugate Gradients (HPCG) by focusing on domain-specific workloads.

    The inclusion of CPMIPs into HPCW brings a widely accepted set of metrics specifically tailored to the particularities of climate workflows. These metrics, already recognized by the scientific community, are key to better understanding climate model performance and allow us to keep the results from the framework relevant for research and operational runs, as well as improving our capacity for multi-model multi-platform performance comparisons.

    By integrating energy monitoring, HPCW enables users to evaluate how critical computational kernels in climate models perform in terms of energy consumption. Our review of energy profiling tools across EuroHPC pre-exascale systems, including MareNostrum 5, LUMI, and Leonardo, highlights a fragmented landscape. Current tools offer varying granularity and portability, but limitations such as system configurations, administrative restrictions, and hardware compatibility often hinder their application. Low-level interfaces like Running Average Power Limit (RAPL) and Performance Application Programming Interface (PAPI) counters offer precise energy measurements but are constrained by accessibility issues.

    These advancements aim to improve the allocation of climate experiments, such as those conducted for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Coupled Model Intercomparison Projects (CMIPs), to the most suitable HPC resources, while also identifying architectural bottlenecks before running production experiments. Additionally, by enhancing energy consumption quantification, this work contributes to ongoing efforts to measure and reduce the carbon footprint of the climate research community. Furthermore, these analyses are expected to be particularly valuable for climate researchers, especially in the context of upcoming large-scale initiatives like CMIP7, enabling them to make informed resource requests and facilitate robust multi-platform comparisons of climate model performance which were not possible in the past. We anticipate that HPC vendors can also benefit from the outcomes of our work in optimising the systems for climate modelling workloads. By combining performance and energy metrics within a unified framework, we provide critical insights that align computational advancements with sustainability goals, ensuring efficient and environmentally conscious use of HPC resources for climate research.

    How to cite: Palomas, S., Acosta, M., Utrera, G., Lennart, O., Beltran, D., Castrillo, M., Schroeter, N., and Mueller, R.: Performance Benchmarking and Energy monitoring for Climate Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12070,, 2025.

    EGU25-12918 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Enhancing Pangeo-Fish with HEALPix Convolution: Impact Evaluation and Benefits 

    Etienne Cap, Tina Odaka, Jean-Marc Delouis, Justus Magin, and Mathieu Woillez

    The Pangeo-Fish project processes biologging data to analyze fish movement and migration patterns.  While SciPy’s convolution methods are robust, they are not optimized for handling spherical datasets inherent to Earth system science. To address this limitation, we propose the integration of HEALPix convolution, a method designed for spherical operations, into Pangeo-Fish.

    HEALPix convolution offers distinct advantages for geophysical data analysis, particularly when dealing with spherical datasets in Earth system science. It uses the HEALPix pixelization as a core Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS), which ensures equally-sized pixels globally, removing distortions common in flat projections. This consistency is crucial for maintaining the physical relevance of convolutions across locations. Additionally, HEALPix’s dyadic property supports flexible, multiscale resolution adjustments, allowing for downscaling while preserving accuracy. Such scalability is essential for studying oceanic environments where areas of interest, like coastal zones and basins, are often resolution-dependent.

    Our approach evaluates the performance of HEALPix convolution in comparison to traditional SciPy methods, focusing on its ability to enhance the accuracy of habitat mapping and migration pathway modeling for fish. 

    This integration is particularly relevant within the Global Fish Tracking System (GFTS), which operates under the European Union’s Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative. GFTS utilizes datasets from Copernicus Marine Services and the European Tracking Network (ETN) to model fish habitats, spawning grounds, and migration swimways. HEALPix convolution strengthens the pangeo-fish’s capacity for studying Species such as tuna and eel that exhibit large-scale, transoceanic migrations.    

    In conclusion, this work highlights the transformative potential of HEALPix convolution in spherical data processing. By integrating this innovative method, Pangeo-Fish can provide more accurate, scalable, and actionable insights into fish behaviors and habitats, contributing to sustainable management practices and conservation strategies globally.


    How to cite: Cap, E., Odaka, T., Delouis, J.-M., Magin, J., and Woillez, M.: Enhancing Pangeo-Fish with HEALPix Convolution: Impact Evaluation and Benefits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12918,, 2025.

    EGU25-13725 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Cloud-based platform for the management of hydrogeological risks in the Po Basin  

    Marco Zazzeri and the PARACELSO team

    In recent years, technological advances in the use of geospatial data (such as satellite images, anthropogenic and/or environmental raster and vector open data, etc.) for hydrogeological risk assessment, combined with advanced analysis techniques (e.g., machine learning), have become increasingly valuable. These technologies can be utilized by local and national authorities for land planning and emergency management to better understand the dynamics associated with climate change. This understanding can help guide actions aimed at safeguarding not only environmental resources but also socio-economic assets and citizens’ lives.

    In pursuit of this goal, a partnership has been established between the Po River Basin District Authority (AdBPo), the Italian Space Agency (ASI), and academic and research institutions such as the University of Bologna (UNIBO), the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), the University of Padova (UNIPD), and the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IGAG). The aim is to implement a downstream service for monitoring landscape evolution related to fluvial systems (geomorphological classification), and slope dynamics (including landslides and rock glaciers) and to quantitatively evaluate the exposed assets.

    The PARACELSO project (Predictive Analysis, MonitoRing, and mAnagement of Climate change Effects Leveraging Satellite Observations) aims to develop a modular and interoperable cloud-based platform that supports the analysis of natural phenomena (such as fluvial hydrodynamics, landslides, and rock glaciers) using satellite images provided by:

    • DIAS platforms deployed by the Copernicus Programme (e.g., Sentinel 1-2);
    • ASI missions such as CosmoSkyMed, PRISMA, and SAOCOM.

    Furthermore, a methodology integrating Earth Observation and geospatial data analysis has been implemented using open-source libraries.

    To facilitate this, the MarghERita supercomputer, named in honor of the scientist Margherita Hack, has been made available by the Emilia-Romagna region. It is used both to store the downloaded satellite images and to run the algorithms developed in the project for studying the temporal evolution of river and slope systems. Finally, it enables the sharing and visualization of processed data.

    The project has received funding from ASI through the “I4DP_PA (Innovation for Downstream Preparation for Public Administrations)” Call for Ideas.

    How to cite: Zazzeri, M. and the PARACELSO team: Cloud-based platform for the management of hydrogeological risks in the Po Basin , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13725,, 2025.

    EGU25-13873 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    UXarray: Extending Xarray for Enhanced Support of Unstructured Grids 

    John Clyne, Hongyu Chen, Philip Chmielowiec, Orhan Eroglu, Cecile Hannay, Robert Jacob, Rajeev Jain, Brian Medeiros, Paul Ullrich, and Colin Zarzycki

    Over the past decade, weather and climate models have rapidly adopted unstructured meshes to better leverage high-performance computing systems and approach kilometer-scale resolutions. Output from this new generation of models presents many challenges for their subsequent analysis, largely due to a lack of community tools supporting unstructured grid data. Last year, we introduced UXarray, a class extension of Xarray that provides native support for unstructured meshes. UXarray readily runs in a Jupyter Notebook and offers parallelized execution through its compatibility with Dask, demonstrating its flexibility as both a tool for lightweight exploration and communication, and for supporting intensive calculations applied to vast data volumes. Over the past year, UXarray has matured significantly and is now capable of supporting many real-world analysis workflows applied to outputs from a growing number of high-resolution models and dynamical cores, including ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic (ICON) atmosphere model, the Finite-Element/volumE Sea ice-Ocean Model (FESOM), NSF NCAR’s Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS), and the U.S. DOE’s Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). This presentation will provide an overview of the UXarray’s current capabilities, which include extensive support for plotting and many foundational analysis operators; demonstrate examples in Jupyter Notebooks; present plans for the future;  and discuss ways for Pangeo and the broader earth system science community to help guide new developments. 

    How to cite: Clyne, J., Chen, H., Chmielowiec, P., Eroglu, O., Hannay, C., Jacob, R., Jain, R., Medeiros, B., Ullrich, P., and Zarzycki, C.: UXarray: Extending Xarray for Enhanced Support of Unstructured Grids, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13873,, 2025.

    EGU25-14306 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Navigating New Grids: Evaluating DGGS Configurations for Marine Spatial Analysis 

    Kayziel Martinez, Alexander Kmoch, Lőrinc Mészáros, Andrew Nelson, and Evelyn Uuemaa

    Accurate and efficient spatial analysis is crucial for the mapping and sustainable management of marine environments, where large-scale and diverse datasets present significant analytical challenges. Traditional latitude-longitude methods, while widely used, often encounter limitations in data integration and handling distortion caused by Earth’s curvature. Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) have emerged as a promising solution, offering a hierarchical, global, and equal-area framework for geospatial analysis. Despite their potential, the performance in marine spatial analysis remains underexplored.

    This study evaluates the impact and suitability of DGGS-based spatial analysis by comparing its performance with the traditional latitude-longitude approaches. Using marine datasets representing point and raster data formats, the workflow begins with quantization, converting the data into DGGS cells.The implementation utilizes open-source Python tools from the Pangeo ecosystem, including xarray-xdggrid, to enable seamless integration and efficient analysis of large geospatial datasets. Three DGGS configurations – ISEA7H, HEALPIX, and ISEA3H are compared alongside traditional latitude-longitude grid for computational efficiency (processing time and memory usage) and their ability to preserve spatial patterns. Spatial analysis methods include density estimation, nearest neighbor evaluation, and clustering for point data, as well as zonal statistics, spatial autocorrelation, and resampling for raster data.

    To further illustrate the application of DGGS-based methods, the study includes a case study on estuary characterization. This characterization relies on spatial analysis methods, integrating physical oceanographic parameters from Delft3D-FM, biogeochemical and optical data products, and in-situ point measurements from the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). Representing these diverse datasets within the DGGS framework highlights its ability to manage varying data types and scales, offering insights into estuarine environments and demonstrating its scalability for addressing complex marine spatial challenges.

    Results indicate that DGGS frameworks deliver comparable computational performance while offering consistent spatial representation. Configuration-specific trade-offs influence their effectiveness, emphasizing the importance of aligning DGGS configurations with specific analytical tasks and applications. Findings suggest that DGGS-based methods offer a promising alternative to traditional analysis techniques, providing greater flexibility in adapting to datasets, scale, and resolution. This contributes to more efficient mapping, sustainable marine environmental management, and advancing geospatial applications through open-source tools from the Pangeo ecosystem.

    How to cite: Martinez, K., Kmoch, A., Mészáros, L., Nelson, A., and Uuemaa, E.: Navigating New Grids: Evaluating DGGS Configurations for Marine Spatial Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14306,, 2025.

    EGU25-14400 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15

    A community oriented approach to enabling open science with Earth science data at scale 

    Max Jones, Aimee Barciauskas, Jonas Sølvsteen, Brian Freitag, Yuvi Panda, Kyle Barron, Julia Signell, Alex Mandel, Chuck Daniels, Nathan Zimmerman, Sean Harkins, Henry Rodman, Zac Deziel, Slesa Adhikari, Anthony Boyd, Alexandra Kirk, David Bitner, and Vincent Sarago

    To enable wider participation in open science with geospatial data at scale, we need to reduce the effort and custom approaches required for setting up scalable scientific data analysis environments and computing workflows. We have made great strides in this pursuit by evolving and promoting community-developed open source frameworks, tools, and libraries for cloud-native data access and analysis, making them the default for scientists on the public cloud and local systems.

    Many of our achievements have been supported by the NASA Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA) project which seeks to proliferate cloud-native approaches for open science on Earth science data from NASA’s rich archives and many other providers. Our presentation highlights how we have engaged with communities like Pangeo, OpenScapes, Earth Science Information Partners, and the Cloud Native Geospatial Forum to build joint initiatives, target development, and ensure uptake of new solutions. We present key results from working groups, community showcases, and hackdays and hackweeks organized by VEDA team members, as well as specific contributions to the open source ecosystem, including the eoAPI platform for quickly and easily deploying an open-source Earth Observation stack, JupyterHub fancy profiles (with BinderHub) for seamless environment building, and Lonboard for fast, interactive vector visualization.

    How to cite: Jones, M., Barciauskas, A., Sølvsteen, J., Freitag, B., Panda, Y., Barron, K., Signell, J., Mandel, A., Daniels, C., Zimmerman, N., Harkins, S., Rodman, H., Deziel, Z., Adhikari, S., Boyd, A., Kirk, A., Bitner, D., and Sarago, V.: A community oriented approach to enabling open science with Earth science data at scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14400,, 2025.

    EGU25-14610 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Weather Data Streaming with Kerchunk: Strengthening Early Warning Systems  

    Nishadh Kalladath, Masilin Gudoshava, Shruti Nath, Jason Kinyua, Fenwick Cooper, Hannah Kimani, David Koros, Christine Maswi, Zacharia Mwai, Asaminew Teshome, Samrawit Abebe, Isaac Obai, Jesse Mason, Ahmed Amdihun, and Tim Palmer

    The Ensemble Prediction System (EPS) provided by global weather forecast centres generates vast amounts of data that is crucial for early warnings of extreme weather and climate. However, regional and national meteorological services often face challenges in processing this data efficiently, particularly during regional downscaling and post-processing. Conventional methods of downloading and storing GRIB-format data have become increasingly inefficient and unsustainable. The Strengthening Early Warning Systems for Anticipatory Actions (SEWAA) project aims to address these challenges by exploring the use of cloud native operations and GenAI-cGAN driven post-processing systems.   

    Kerchunk provides a groundbreaking solution for real-time weather data streaming, catering to the transition towards open and free to use cloud-based object storage from global weather forecasting centres. Kerchunk, in conjunction with GRIB index files, enables efficient, real-time access to weather data, fostering more sustainable workflows in weather and climate services, thus strengthening early warning systems.  

    This study developed a workflow for streaming forecast data using Kerchunk with two primary objectives:  

    1. Using GRIB index files to reduce redundant readings and generate Kerchunk reference files.  

    2. Through streaming-like access, convert the reference files into virtual Zarr datasets and utilise Dask compute for scalable data handling   

    The methodology utilised recent improvements in the Kerchunk library that integrate GRIB scanning with its index files. This allowed the system to sample subsets of the GRIB corpus instead of processing entire Forecast Model Run Collections (FMRC), significantly optimising performance.  

    The workflow was implemented using cloud-based compute operations via Coiled python library and its service on the Google Cloud Platform. Dask cluster, managed through Coiled, enabled the creation of Zarr virtual datasets for analysis and visualisation. This streaming approach efficiently loads weather data into memory on demand, avoiding unnecessary data downloads and duplication.   

    We validated the solution with NOAA GFS/GEFS datasets stored in AWS S3 bucket as open datasets. The optimised workflow demonstrated remarkable efficiency, requiring only <5% of the original GRIB data to be read, with the rest replaced by index files as input for reference file creation. This is followed by the step of Kerchunk reference files to virtual Zarr conversion by Dask clusters to process on a regional scale, such as East Africa’s in minutes supporting near real-time applications across spatial and temporal scales.  

    This approach significantly enhances post processing workflows for EPS weather forecast, bolstering early warning systems and anticipatory action. Future work will focus on using the method to scaling training datasets and improving the cost efficiency of cGAN training to advance operational early warning systems. This innovative solution directly addresses the challenges faced by meteorological services in processing massive weather datasets, providing a scalable, cost-effective, development foundation for applying GenAI based post-processing and improving early warning systems. 

    How to cite: Kalladath, N., Gudoshava, M., Nath, S., Kinyua, J., Cooper, F., Kimani, H., Koros, D., Maswi, C., Mwai, Z., Teshome, A., Abebe, S., Obai, I., Mason, J., Amdihun, A., and Palmer, T.: Weather Data Streaming with Kerchunk: Strengthening Early Warning Systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14610,, 2025.

    EGU25-15406 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Platform Engineering for Earth Observation: A Unified Approach to HPC and Cloud Systems 

    Armagan Karatosun and Vasileios Baousis

    The growing volume of Earth Observation (EO) and Earth modeling data makes it increasingly impractical to download and analyze it locally. Furthermore, as cloud-native data formats and AI/ML-driven models gain popularity, the community requires powerful computing and storage solutions to efficiently process and analyze EO data. High-performance computing (HPC) and cloud infrastructures can help accomplish this, but both bring significant challenges in maintaining those resources, putting additional workloads on the scientists and developers.

    In this paper, we will present our solution, which uses cloud-native technologies and a “Control Plane” approach to seamlessly interact with HPC scheduling endpoints like SLURM and PBS, as well as cloud infrastructure resources, allowing HPC jobs to be submitted and monitored directly from a Kubernetes-based infrastructure. In contrast to traditional IT architecture, Platform Engineering is concerned with lowering operational complexity by introducing control planes to provide self-service capabilities. By abstracting away the complexities of the underlying infrastructure, this method gives teams a customized, scalable, and dependable environment to suit their unique requirements. We will thoroughly analyze existing technologies, including their methodologies, strengths, limits, and potential as universal solutions. Furthermore, we will assess their adaptation to various cloud and HPC infrastructures, providing insights into their suitability for larger applications. 

    We will conclude our discussion with practical examples showing how the technical benefits of these two computing paradigms, combined with the Platform Engineering approach, may be effectively used in real-world EO data processing scenarios.

    How to cite: Karatosun, A. and Baousis, V.: Platform Engineering for Earth Observation: A Unified Approach to HPC and Cloud Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15406,, 2025.

    High-resolution regional climate model datasets, such as those produced within the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) framework, are critical for understanding climate change impacts at local and regional scales. These datasets, with their high spatial and temporal resolution, provide detailed insights into region-specific climate phenomena, including urban heat islands, mountainous climates, and extreme weather events. However, their accessibility and usability are often constrained by technical challenges such as fragmented data storage, inconsistent formats, and limited interoperability.

    To address these barriers, we are developing the Climate Service Database (CSD) - a centralized data warehouse designed to streamline the temporal and spatial aggregation of CORDEX datasets for climate service applications. The CSD ingests raw CORDEX datasets and applies automated extraction, transformation, and loading (ETL) workflows to produce analysis-ready datasets tailored to user needs. By leveraging cloud-based infrastructure and adhering to Climate and Forecast (CF) conventions, the CSD ensures consistent, interoperable data products that are optimized for scalable access and analysis.

    A core functionality of the CSD is its ability to aggregate datasets at multiple spatial and temporal scales, ranging from daily extremes to decadal averages, and across diverse spatial resolutions (e.g., countries, administrative regions, or watersheds). This capability enables the generation of climate indicators (e.g., hot summer days, heavy precipitation events) that are directly relevant for local decision-making and impact assessments. By providing data in cloud-optimized, analysis-ready formats (ARCO) and offering Software as a Service (SaaS), the CSD significantly lowers the technical barriers for researchers, businesses, and policymakers seeking to access user-tailored climate service datasets.

    By centralizing and optimizing the processing of regional climate model datasets, the CSD fosters collaboration across research institutions, public agencies, and climate-tech startups. It enables users to efficiently access consistent and up-to-date data while eliminating the redundancies of localized data storage and processing. This approach also opens new opportunities for applying AI-driven analytics and machine learning models to CORDEX data, paving the way for innovative climate services and applications.

    Through its focus on regional climate model datasets, the CSD exemplifies how modern data infrastructures can enhance the usability of high-resolution climate data, empowering stakeholders to develop robust, data-driven adaptation and mitigation strategies in response to the challenges of climate change.

    How to cite: Buntemeyer, L.: Advancing Regional Climate Data Accessibility through a Cloud-native Climate Service Database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16230,, 2025.

    EGU25-17137 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    The Sentinels EOPF Toolkit: Community Notebooks and Plug-ins for using Copernicus Sentinel Data in Zarr format 

    Dr. Julia Wagemann, Sabrina Szeto, Emmanuel Mathot, and James Banting

    Zarr is a key component of the Pangeo ecosystem and instrumental for effectively accessing and processing multi-dimensional Earth data in cloud-based systems. More and more leading satellite data providers are exploring the transition of their data archives to a cloud environment. 

    As part of the ESA Copernicus Earth Observation Processor Framework (EOPF), ESA is in the process of providing access to “live” sample data from the Copernicus Sentinel missions -1, -2 and -3 in the new Zarr data format. This set of reprocessed data allows users to try out accessing and processing data in the new format and experiencing the benefits thereof with their own workflows.

    To help Sentinel data users to experience and adopt the new data format, a set of resources called the Sentinels EOPF Toolkit is being developed. Development Seed, SparkGeo and thriveGEO, together with a group of champion users (early-adopters), are creating a set of Jupyter Notebooks, plug-ins and libraries that showcase the use of Sentinel data in Zarr for applications across multiple domains for different user communities, including users of Python, Julia, R and QGIS.

    This presentation will give a demo of the first set of notebooks and plugins of the Sentinels EOPF toolkit that were developed and that facilitate the adoption of the Zarr data format for Copernicus Sentinel data users. Additionally, we will give an overview of toolkit developments and community activities that are planned throughout the project period.

    How to cite: Wagemann, Dr. J., Szeto, S., Mathot, E., and Banting, J.: The Sentinels EOPF Toolkit: Community Notebooks and Plug-ins for using Copernicus Sentinel Data in Zarr format, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17137,, 2025.

    EGU25-18285 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Regridding Satellite and Model Data to DGGS (HEALPix) Using the Pangeo Ecosystem 

    Justus Magin, Jean-Marc Delouis, Lionel Zawadski, Julien Petiton, Max Jones, and Tina Odaka

    Regridding data from diverse sources, such as satellite observations and numerical models, is a critical task in Earth system sciences. Proper interpolation methods are essential to ensure data fidelity when combining or comparing datasets on different grids. This becomes especially relevant in the context of emerging grid systems like Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS), specifically HEALPix.

    DGGS are spatial reference systems designed to partition the Earth’s surface into a hierarchy of equal-area cells. Unlike traditional latitude-longitude grids, DGGS uses tessellations, such as hexagons, to represent the Earth’s curved surface with minimal distortion. This grid system is particularly suited for handling global-scale geospatial data by providing uniform coverage and resolution, enabling efficient storage, processing, and analysis.

    HEALPix (Hierarchical Equal Area isoLatitude Pixelation) is a specific implementation of DGGS widely used in astronomy and Earth sciences. HEALPix divides the sphere into equal-area cells following an iso-latitude structure, making it computationally efficient for operations such as spherical harmonics and multi-resolution analysis. Originally developed for astrophysical applications, it has become increasingly popular in the Earth sciences for representing satellite data, model outputs, and other geospatial datasets in a way that preserves area integrity and facilitates seamless multi-resolution data integration.

    By leveraging these grid systems, particularly HEALPix, we can achieve a more accurate and efficient representation of geospatial data.

    The Pangeo ecosystem includes an array of powerful regridding tools, each tailored to specific grid types and applications. However, navigating this ecosystem to identify the most suitable tool and workflow can be challenging.

    In this presentation, we will show an overview of regridding solutions within Pangeo, highlighting their capabilities and limitations, as well as  their application. We will also demonstrate a practical regridding workflow using model outputs or simulated satellite data such as the Odysea dataset (Aviso+ Altimetry. (n.d.). Simulated Level-2 Odysea Dataset. Retrieved from on January 14, 2025), to the HEALPix grid. This workflow will make use of recent advances in technology to make it reproducible to make it efficient and reproducible, such as virtualizarr for fast metadata access and dask for scalable operations, with the output saved as chunked zarr files for seamless integration with downstream analysis.

    How to cite: Magin, J., Delouis, J.-M., Zawadski, L., Petiton, J., Jones, M., and Odaka, T.: Regridding Satellite and Model Data to DGGS (HEALPix) Using the Pangeo Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18285,, 2025.

    EGU25-18336 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Advancing Earth System Science through collaboration: An overview of ECMWF Special Projects 

    Milana Vuckovic and Becky Hemingway

    ECMWF has been providing resources on its operational high-performance computing (HPC) and cloud facilities (European Weather Cloud) to researchers and institutions through the Special Projects framework. This framework has been established almost 50 years ago as part of the creation of ECMWF. ECMWF's HPC facility is specifically designed to support both operational time-critical production of global weather forecasts and typical research workflows, therefore through Special Projects, researchers can get access not only to a top high-performance computing and cloud facility and one of the largest meteorological archives in the world, but also full user support.
    Special Projects are defined as experiments or investigations of a scientific or technical nature, undertaken by one or more ECMWF Member States, likely to be of interest to general scientific community. The main aim of this initiative is to facilitate collaboration, enabling the development of innovative methodologies and tools for numerical weather prediction, climate and environmental modelling, and other disciplines within Earth System Sciences. All Special Project applications undergo a review process by ECMWF and its Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), as well as ECMWF Member State's meteorological services and are ranked primarily by their scientific quality.
    This poster will describe the Special Projects framework and showcase three recent Special Projects that illustrate collaborative nature of the initiative using ECMWF's HPC and European Weather Cloud facilities, including validating ICON model on ECMWF systems, the development of next-generation European Earth System Model (EC-EARTH4) and mapping the yet uncharted continuum of cyclone dynamics for the Euro Atlantic domain.
    Through these examples, the poster will demonstrate how ECMWF Special Projects foster international collaboration, resource sharing, and innovation, enabling advancement in Earth System Science. 

    How to cite: Vuckovic, M. and Hemingway, B.: Advancing Earth System Science through collaboration: An overview of ECMWF Special Projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18336,, 2025.

    EGU25-20590 | Posters on site | ESSI2.15

    Dhemeter: Data Hub for Environmental and METEorological Resources 

    Cédric Pénard, Nathan Amsellem, Boris Gratadoux, Bastien Barthet, Jean Christophe Pere, Johannes Staufer, Laure Chaumat, and Alexia Mondot

    Dhemeter is a weather and environmental data aggregator. It is developed using a microservices architecture to handle a wide variety of data from various providers, such as NOAA, ECMWF, Eumetsat, Météo-France, DWD, and Copernicus. The implementation of aggregation, concatenation, and consistency functionalities has been successfully executed for meteorological data. This versatile tool accommodates numerical model data, in-situ observations, remote sensing data, and reanalyses, allowing for online data retrieval from multiple sources.

    Key features of the aggregator include:

    • Concatenation of Multiple Data Sources: Users can combine data according to selected categories such as Observations, Forecasts, and Reanalyses.
    • Standardization of Physical Data: This involves spatial and temporal interpolation as well as geographical selections to ensure uniformity.
    • Storage of Resulting Data Structures: The data is stored in a pivot format that facilitates access and distribution of scientific data, specifically in the NetCDF format.

    The microservices architecture of the aggregator allows for the extensibility of the offered data catalog, and an API is available for users to make direct queries to chosen data sources.

    In the short to medium term, the goal is to enhance the tool further, evolving it into a comprehensive data distribution and aggregation system that centralizes and simplifies access to various types of data, including meteorological, oceanographic, and air quality data.

    Dhemeter focuses on ease of use, extensibility, scalability, and customization, offering users capabilities for data fusion and harmonization.

    How to cite: Pénard, C., Amsellem, N., Gratadoux, B., Barthet, B., Pere, J. C., Staufer, J., Chaumat, L., and Mondot, A.: Dhemeter: Data Hub for Environmental and METEorological Resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20590,, 2025.

    EGU25-20676 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Integrated geospatial Python libraries for efficient analysis of modern elevation measurements 

    Scott Henderson, David Shean, Jack Hayes, and Shashank Bhushan

    NASA established the Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Incubation program to develop and mature the next-generation measurement approaches to precisely map Earth’s changing surface and overlying vegetation structure, and prepare for a dedicated satellite mission within the next decade. Over the past two decades, large archives of 3D surface elevation measurements by airborne and satellite instruments including LiDAR, altimeters, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and stereo optical imagery have been systematically collected, though not always in a coordinated way. Yet, many of these datasets are fortuitously acquired over the same location within a short temporal window (e.g., <1-14 days) and many are now publicly available and hosted on the cloud. In theory, this is a great opportunity to synthesize myriad elevation measurements for STV researchers, but in practice merging these datasets accurately for scientific analysis requires dealing with numerous data formats, complex 4D coordinate reference systems, and securing access to significant computational resources.

    We are developing an open-source Python library to identify, curate, and efficiently process coincident elevation measurements spanning the last several decades. This work would not be possible without well-integrated geospatial libraries (e.g. Geopandas, Xarray, Dask), as well as emerging cloud-native data and metadata formats such as Cloud-Optimized Geotiff and STAC-GeoParquet. We will describe our work to-date and reflect on the process of collaborative development across libraries, on our increasing reliance on Cloud resources, and current and future research directions.

    How to cite: Henderson, S., Shean, D., Hayes, J., and Bhushan, S.: Integrated geospatial Python libraries for efficient analysis of modern elevation measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20676,, 2025.

    EGU25-21202 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    From SAFE to Zarr: The EOPF Sample Service Initiative 

    Christian Briese, Christoph Reimer, Christian Briese, Christoph Reck, Dimitrios Papadakis, Michele Claus, Gunnar Brandt, Anne Fouilloux, and Tina Odaka

    Over the past decade, the operational Copernicus Sentinels Data Processors have generated vast amounts of Earth observation data, supporting various scientific and commercial applications. However, the current format used by ESA to provide Copernicus data, known as SAFE (Standard Archive Format for Europe), has become outdated. To address this, ESA has initiated the transition to a new Zarr-based data format. The Earth Observation Processing Framework (EOPF) Sample Service is ESA’s official initiative to support this transition by providing early access to the new format for users. This shift is essential for creating a cloud-native and interoperable solution that enhances data accessibility and integration with modern processing frameworks. The primary goal is to standardize data formats across Sentinel missions, enable scalable processing on cloud platforms, and ensure compatibility with contemporary data science tools. This initiative is crucial for minimizing disruption and ensuring continuity for users, applications, and services built around existing data formats.

    The EOPF Sample Service comprises several key components. The EOPF Core Platform re-formats ingested SAFE data products into the new cloud-optimized EOPF Zarr data products and provides data access via STAC API and S3 API. To ensure timely conversion, the platform utilizes Argo Events and the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem's subscription service. This platform is maintained by experts from EODC and DLR. The EOPF User Platform offers additional user services, including JupyterHub (BinderHub), Dask, and a STAC Browser, which are essential for supporting user adoption by lowering the entrance barrier to cloud applications and data discovery capabilities. The service is designed to make use of advanced technologies such as Kubernetes for container orchestration and Dask for parallel computing. User and identity management is achieved in cooperation with the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem.

    User adoption is further facilitated through Jupyter Notebooks designed by experts within the consortium, including members from the Pangeo community. These notebooks showcase the use of the new format within the community and are continuously improved by incorporating user feedback. In addition, enhancements are made to widely-used software tools like GDAL to support the new format, with practical demonstrations available through Jupyter Notebooks. The consortium selected by ESA to carry out this implementation includes experts from Brockmann Consult, DLR, Ifremer, EURAC, Evenflow, Simula, and EODC, each contributing their specialized knowledge in Earth observation, data management, and user engagement.

    This contribution aims to present the EOPF Sample Service initiative and the current status of its implementation. The first Jupyter Notebooks demonstrating the new format will also be showcased, providing users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface for accessing and processing sample data in the new EOPF format.

    How to cite: Briese, C., Reimer, C., Briese, C., Reck, C., Papadakis, D., Claus, M., Brandt, G., Fouilloux, A., and Odaka, T.: From SAFE to Zarr: The EOPF Sample Service Initiative, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21202,, 2025.

    EGU25-21279 | Orals | ESSI2.15

    Advancing Cloud-Native Data Analysis and Publishing with Pangeo Tools in EarthCODE 

    Deyan Samardzhiev, Anne Fouilloux, Tina Odaka, and Benjamin Ragan-Kelley

    EarthCODE (Earth Science Collaborative Open Development Environment) is a platform that leverages cloud-native tools to empower Earth system researchers in accessing, analyzing, and sharing data across distributed infrastructures, such as the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem and Deep Earth System Data Laboratory (DeepESDL). By integrating Pangeo ecosystem tools—including Xarray, Dask, and Jupyter—EarthCODE supports scalable, FAIR-aligned workflows tailored to the challenges of Earth system science.

    EarthCODE streamlines cloud-based data analysis and publishing by enabling collaborative research through interoperable workflows for analyzing complex datasets, including satellite observations, climate models, and in-situ measurements. Researchers can publish their analyses and workflows as reusable, executable resources in EarthCODE’s science catalog, fostering alignment with open science principles.

    Through its integration of Pangeo tools, EarthCODE offers an intuitive environment for reproducibility, scalability, and collaboration, bridging the gap between data analysis and actionable insights. This presentation will demonstrate EarthCODE’s capabilities, including live, executable Jupyter notebooks that highlight its potential for sharing workflows and engaging diverse user groups. EarthCODE exemplifies the transformative power of cloud-native research, promoting open science and advancing the accessibility of Earth system data.

    How to cite: Samardzhiev, D., Fouilloux, A., Odaka, T., and Ragan-Kelley, B.: Advancing Cloud-Native Data Analysis and Publishing with Pangeo Tools in EarthCODE, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21279,, 2025.

    EGU25-21603 | ECS | Orals | ESSI2.15 | Highlight

    The Pangeo Ecosystem Supporting Climate Change Adaptation: The FAIR2Adapt RiOMar Case Study 

    Even Moa Myklebust, Ola Formo Kihle, and Justus Magin

    The RiOMar (River dominated Ocean Margins) case study, part of the FAIR2Adapt (FAIR to Adapt to Climate Change) project (EU funded project grant agreement No 101188256), focuses on supporting science-based climate change adaptation strategies for coastal water quality and marine ecosystem management. The case study uses large environmental datasets, such as sea temperature, salinity, and other marine parameters, to assess and model the impacts of climate change on coastal ecosystems. As part of the FAIR2Adapt project, which aims to enhance the shareability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of environmental data through the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principles, the RiOMar case study emphasizes the use of cutting-edge data processing and analysis methods to support adaptive strategies for climate resilience.

    In this presentation, we present our approach to reading the RiOMar large environmental datasets in netCDF format, creating VirtualZarr archives for efficient data handling, transforming them into a Discrete Global Grid System (DGGS) using the Healpix grid.Leveraging the Pangeo ecosystem, we use tools such as Kerchunk to create simpler access to multiple data sources, parallelize dataset processing using Dask or Cube, enabling scalable analysis of these complex, multi-dimensional data. We will show a comparison of performance between traditional cube-based approaches and Dask, highlighting the advantages of parallelized processing. Furthermore, we will showcase how to interactively visualize these datasets using tools like XDGGs and Lonboard, facilitating seamless exploration and analysis of the underlying environmental patterns. This work underscores the potential of open-source tools, scalable computing techniques, and the Pangeo ecosystem to enhance the accessibility and usability of large geospatial datasets in climate adaptation research.

    How to cite: Moa Myklebust, E., Formo Kihle, O., and Magin, J.: The Pangeo Ecosystem Supporting Climate Change Adaptation: The FAIR2Adapt RiOMar Case Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21603,, 2025.

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