Presentation type:
SSS – Soil System Sciences

About 30% of our soils are degraded, mostly due to unsustainable land use. These soils took centuries or millennia to form. Are they lost for generations, or can they be regenerated quickly? And how can these options cope with climate change?

The first part of the talk explains how long-term agricultural use degrades soils and how their properties can recover through management changes. It will discuss options for quickly regenerating such soils for agriculture and the challenges involved. History offers valuable insights: indigenous peoples in the tropics and early agricultural societies improved soils using biochar and organic residues with remarkable results. However, today these methods carry risks, such as yield reductions in temperate zones or the spread of antibiotic resistance from intensive organic fertilisation. The second part of the talk explores, therefore, the balance between opportunities and risks in sustainable soil use, concluding with recent findings on how subsoils might help resolve this conflict.

How to cite: Amelung, W.: Ways out of the global soil crisis: opportunities and risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3696,, 2025.

Managing soils to increase organic carbon storage presents a potential opportunity to mitigate and adapt to global change challenges, while providing numerous co-benefits and ecosystem services. However, soils differ widely in their potential for carbon gains and losses, and advancing knowledge of biophysical limits to carbon accumulation may aid in informing priority regions for management. There is thus increasing interest in assessing whether soils exhibit a maximum capacity for storing organic carbon (i.e., carbon saturation), especially as mineral-associated organic carbon given its presumed greater persistence and the finite nature of reactive minerals in soils. In this award lecture, I will summarize my ongoing work on the controls and limits of mineral-associated organic carbon and its representation in process-based soil carbon models. First, I will provide an overview of the concept of soil carbon saturation at both micro- and macro-scales, address common misconceptions, and present a quantification of the maximum observed capacity of mineral-associated organic carbon globally. Next, I will show that organo-mineral associations can moderate the vulnerability of a soil to lose carbon under climate or land-use change. Finally, I will review the landscape of current ecosystem- to global-scale soil carbon models and highlight next steps for improving their structure and parameterizations in this context.

How to cite: Georgiou, K.: Limits, controls, and vulnerability of mineral-associated soil organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14372,, 2025.

EGU25-1091 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Organo-mineral interactions in the floodplain govern the stability of buried organic carbon in continental margins 

Sourav Priyam Adhya and Prasanta Sanyal

The global carbon cycle is largely controlled by the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 by plants and preservation of organic carbon at the continental margins. In the context of Himalayan rivers, previous studies explored the fate of terrestrial organic carbon (Corg)without much consideration of its preservation within the floodplains. We undertook a novel approach to investigate the spatio-temporal preservation of Corg in floodplain paleosols, which form an intermediate between the source of Corg and their subsequent deposition in the continental margin. Towards this, we sampled five 35 m long sediment cores spanning the entirety of the Ganga River Floodplain (GRF). Carbon isotopic composition of Corg and soil carbonates (SC) (δ13Corg and δ13CSC) and oxygen isotopic composition of SC (δ18OSC) along with soil texture, Al and Fe oxides (Alox and Feox) were used as predictors (n=158) of Corg preservation. The Random Forest Regression (RFR) model with the built-in feature importance tool was used to disentangle the dominant predictor of Corg across all the study sites. Our results suggest that in the upper stretch of GRF, Corg is low and preservation was predominantly controlled by the vegetation type (C3/C4) with grasslands accruing more Corg than forests. In contrast, in the lower stretch of GRF, the preservation was dominantly controlled through the formation of Alox and Feox organo-mineral complexes, with the resultant Corg being one-order higher compared to upper stretches. Previous studies suggested that rapid burial predominantly acted as a major controlling factor on the sustenance of Corg in Bay of Bengal. However, our results along with similar Al/Si vs. Corg correlations within the lower GRF compared to the previously reported values from riverine suspended load and shelf sediments suggest that the floodplains transformed the labile Corg into stable organo mineral aggregates at lower stretch of GRF before it was deposited into the Bay of Bengal. We suggest that protection of Corg in floodplain is an importantstep towards its preservation at continental shelf. In the context of the Himalayan river system and the amount of Corg effectively preserved, the role of floodplains has profound implications for the global carbon cycle. 

How to cite: Adhya, S. P. and Sanyal, P.: Organo-mineral interactions in the floodplain govern the stability of buried organic carbon in continental margins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1091,, 2025.

EGU25-1920 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils at Various Landfills Vicinity: A Review Study 

Soroush Shayeghi, Behzad Moein, and Maria Asefi

Landfill soils are often heavily contaminated with heavy metals (HMs), posing a significant risk of environmental pollution in surrounding areas. Historically, many landfills have been unregulated, poorly constructed, or have exceeded their design lifespans, contributing to their status as major pollution sources. Leachate generation, driven by waste degradation, microbial activity, rainfall infiltration, and groundwater intrusion, exacerbates this issue but is frequently untreated. Anthropogenic activities produce vast quantities of waste, ranging from biodegradable to hazardous materials. In rapidly urbanizing municipalities, particularly in developing countries, the challenges of solid waste management are pressing. Household waste is commonly discarded in unregulated dumpsites, waterways, and public spaces, exacerbating pollution. In contrast, developed nations typically manage municipal solid waste (MSW) more effectively due to advanced waste management infrastructure. This study investigates the classification of landfills based on waste type and evaluates the associated heavy metal (HM) contamination in soils. Representative landfill sites from various countries, including Ghana, Iran, Malaysia, China, South Africa, the Czech Republic, and Tunisia, were analyzed to determine the average concentrations of HMs in surrounding soils. Heavy metals such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), mercury (Hg), and vanadium (V) were detected in soils adjacent to these landfills. Soil pollution was assessed using several indices. The Ecological Risk Index (Eir) and the summation of the Ecological Risk Index (ERI) quantified individual and total ecological risks, respectively. Anthropogenic pollution was evaluated through the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), pollution index (PI), and integrated pollution index (IPI), providing insights into pollution levels relative to natural elemental content in soils. Factors influencing heavy metals contamination included the proximity of the soil to the landfill, the depth of soil infiltrated by leachate, seasonal variations, and site topography. To address soil contamination, remediation strategies were proposed, including the application of biochar (BC), humic substances (HS), and iron oxide (FO) amendments to immobilize HMs effectively and other remediation techniques to remove heavy metals. These findings contribute to developing sustainable approaches for mitigating heavy metal pollution in landfill-adjacent soils.

How to cite: Shayeghi, S., Moein, B., and Asefi, M.: Heavy Metal Pollution in Soils at Various Landfills Vicinity: A Review Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1920,, 2025.

EGU25-2178 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Assessment of Water Erosion in the Semi-Arid Oued Beht WatershedUsing Satellite Data and Comparative Modeling Approaches 

nassima moutaoikil, Brahim Benzougagh, Mohamed Mastere, Hamid Bounouira, Bouchta El Fellah, Abdessalam Ouallali, and Hind Lamrani

Water accumulation is a critical challenge in arid and semi-arid regions, significantly degrading soil quality and threatening land sustainability. This study focuses on the Oued Beht watershed in Morocco, covering 6,200 km², representative of semi-arid geographical conditions. Using satellitebased Earth observation data, including Landsat 9 and SRTM, this research assesses water erosion by comparing two models: PAP/CAR, a qualitative approach, and RUSLE, a quantitative model.
Key datasets, such as NDVI, slope, and land use, were extracted from satellite imagery to calibrate and validate the models. For the RUSLE model, the rainfall erosivity factor (R) was estimated using two distinct methods. The first applies the formula developed by Renard and Freimund (1994), which links annual precipitation to erosivity. The second employs a modified formula by Rango and Arnoldus (1987), adapted to Moroccan conditions, using monthly and annual precipitation to estimate erosivity.
Rainfall data covering 65 years (1958–2023), obtained from 23 meteorological stations, were utilized to ensure robust and reliable analysis. By comparing the performance of these two RUSLE methods with the PAP/CAR model, this study aims to determine their respective effectiveness in
evaluating erosion risks.
The findings contribute to advancing knowledge on erosion processes, offering valuable insights for sustainable land management practices and mitigating land degradation in semi-arid environments. This research underscores the critical role of satellite data and modeling in
addressing natural hazards, aligning closely with the conference’s focus on leveraging Earth observation technologies for risk assessment and management.

How to cite: moutaoikil, N., Benzougagh, B., Mastere, M., Bounouira, H., El Fellah, B., Ouallali, A., and Lamrani, H.: Assessment of Water Erosion in the Semi-Arid Oued Beht WatershedUsing Satellite Data and Comparative Modeling Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2178,, 2025.

EGU25-4327 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Farmer´s perception on water crop necessities and crop coefficients in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador. Lessons learnt from field surveys. 

Sergio Zubelzu, Daniel Chalacán, María T. Gómez-Villarino, and Jesús López-Santiago

The optimal determination of the crop water requirements is the probably the most relevant operational variables the farmers managing irrigated lands must set to ensure the optimal use of water for irrigation. The absence of robust crop coefficient estimates constitutes a great limitation for maximizing the performance of agriculture in remote agricultural areas of developing countries. In such areas where despite they usually present optimal environment for cropping activities, technical and knowledge-related barriers strongly limit the development of efficient agriculture and the transference of existing knowledge on the crop coefficient. Seeking to help raise the knowledge on crop coefficient we have studied the local crop coefficient practices in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador area conducting a field research to collect the ongoing practices and farmers´ perceptions. The results from the survey reveal farmers have no information on the crop coefficients and the crop water demands and use rudimentary indicators to implement the irrigation decisions.

How to cite: Zubelzu, S., Chalacán, D., Gómez-Villarino, M. T., and López-Santiago, J.: Farmer´s perception on water crop necessities and crop coefficients in the Sierra Norte of Ecuador. Lessons learnt from field surveys., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4327,, 2025.

EGU25-5910 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Assessment of soil erosion areas using a process-based overland flow modelling approach 

Diego Ravazzolo, Elisabetta Persi, Andrea Fenocchi, Gabriella Petaccia, Pierfranco Costabile, Carmelina Costanzo, Wafae Ennouini, and Stefano Sibilla

Soil erosion is a complex process driven by the interaction between climatic factors, soil properties, topography, vegetation, and land use. It involves detachment, transportation, and deposition of soil particles due to surface runoff and wind, causing severe environmental and economic challenges. To manage erosion, several models ranging from empirical to process-based and hybrid approaches have been developed. For example, the most widely used empirical models is the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) which estimates long-term erosion rates but not reliable in short-term assessments. Process-based models, such as the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) and the European Soil Erosion Model (EUROSEM), simulate physical erosion mechanisms but require extensive data. Hybrid models like the Sediment Delivery Distributed (SEDD) and the Limburg Soil Erosion Model (LISEM) balance usability and mechanistic accuracy but face challenges in data-scarce or complex landscapes.

This study applied a hydraulic Overland Flow (OF) model to the Oltrepò Pavese region in north-western Italy, a geologically and hydrologically diverse area influenced by natural processes and human activities. In particular, the model was applied for a rainfall event with a return period of two year in three representative mountain catchments of the region: Scuropasso, Versa, and Ardivestra, characterised by mild to steep slopes, forested areas, rural settlements and vineyards. The OF model, based on the resolution of the Shallow Water Equations (2D-SWEs) calculates hydrodynamic variables such as flow depth and velocity. Erosion-prone areas were identified through literature empirical equations employed by using the OF model output, incorporating shear stress, stream power, and sediment transport capacity. To validate the OF model, the results were compared to those generated by the RUSLE. The comparative analysis was conducted to assess spatial overlap in erosion-prone areas between the two models. To ensure consistency, minimum erosion thresholds were applied to exclude areas non-relevant to erosion, such as water bodies, rocky areas, infrastructures, and forested zones which showed negligible erosion. The thresholds optimized the alignment of erosion-prone area estimations between the two models, revealing a significant degree of overlap and demonstrating the reliability of the OF model in determine prone-erosion areas. In addition, despite uncertainties in empirical formulations, the hydraulic OF model provided prone-erosion areas by using less input information than RUSLE. This study highlights the potential of integrating hydrodynamic modelling and empirical approaches to improve soil erosion assessments. Future advancements in model dynamics, land-use representation, and climate impact analysis are essential for addressing soil conservation challenges in diverse landscapes.

Acknowledgement: This study is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Ravazzolo, D., Persi, E., Fenocchi, A., Petaccia, G., Costabile, P., Costanzo, C., Ennouini, W., and Sibilla, S.: Assessment of soil erosion areas using a process-based overland flow modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5910,, 2025.

EGU25-9666 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Topographic Characteristics of River Embankment Damage and Soil and Water Conservation Benefits Under Extreme Rainfall Conditions 

Zhibo Sun, Chunmei Wang, Huazhen Shen, and Qiang Wang

In recent years, the frequency of extreme rainfall events has significantly increased worldwide, posing severe challenges to river embankments and other soil and water conservation measures. This study focused on the core disaster area of the "July 29, 2023 extreme rainfall" event—the Beizhi River Basin in Lincheng County, China. Using GIS technology, the study analyzed the damage patterns of embankments with different construction standards, the critical topographic conditions, and their protective benefits for land under extreme rainfall conditions. The results showed that: 1) River embankment damage was severe, with the affected areas primarily located in the middle reaches of the river. The overall damage proportion was significant, and embankments built to higher standards suffered less damage than those built to lower standards, indicating greater stability. 2) The damage characteristics of embankments were influenced by a combination of river slope and catchment area. The developed S-A topographic critical model indicated that high-standard embankments required higher critical topographic conditions to sustain damage, demonstrating their ability to maintain structural integrity under harsher conditions. 3) Embankments had significant soil and water conservation benefits. Compared to segments without embankments, areas with embankments experienced significantly less land damage. High-standard embankments exhibited greater efficiency in protecting land compared to low-standard embankments. This study could make an important contribution to the theory of river soil and water conservation under the backdrop of increasing extreme rainfall events due to climate change. It may provide valuable guidance for improving embankment design standards and optimizing soil and water conservation measures.

Keywords: Extreme rainfall; embankment damage; topographic critical conditions; soil and water conservation benefits

How to cite: Sun, Z., Wang, C., Shen, H., and Wang, Q.: Topographic Characteristics of River Embankment Damage and Soil and Water Conservation Benefits Under Extreme Rainfall Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9666,, 2025.

Inter-row management of vineyards has various implications including on soil stability, and thus geo-
risk[2]. Two prominent classes of inter-row management are permanent grass cover (PGC), and total
tillage (TT), where the inter-row spaces are tilled to keep the soil bare. Which practice is used impacts
soil stability, and very few papers explored large-scale mapping using remotely sensed data[1]. In multi-
spectral acquisitions, reflection from vine leaves and from inter-row responses mix together, challenging
to distinguish vineyard foliage from possible inter-row vegetation. It has been indeed observed that
PGC and TT are likely more distinguishable in winter, when vines shed most of their leaves or are left
bare[1]. This increases the weight of inter-row vegetation in the spectral mix. Based on the above, here
we propose some novel discriminating features by treating the Sentinel-2 time series in winter as the
Bezier curves, which appear to increase separability.
The method has been tested on reference data collected in N-W Italy by a previous project. Data
from 130 and 141 ground truth polygons, representing PGC - and TT -managed vineyards respectively,
were collected from 10 wineries in 2015 and 2022. Sentinel-2 data from November to March with < 20%
cloud cover and ground truth for 2015 were primarily used in this work. Monthly NDVI and NDWI
data were generated using the earliest suitable S-2 acquisition each month, and their sequences of values
were used to form B`ezier curves. 5 features were considered for each index time series: arc length, area
of the bounding box, centroid of the bounding box, curvature, mean and standard deviation.
Different clustering strategies including K-Means, DBSCAN, Mean-shift, Hierarchical, and Gaussian
Mixture Model were employed. Accuracy and adjusted rand index (ARI) were used as performance
metrics. ARI ranges between [−1,1], where higher values mean better separation.
Traditional time series features such as mean, variance, maximum, average slope, ... achieve lower
accuracy levels. It can be observed from results that DBSCAN performs better with the
properties of Bezier curves in terms of accuracy and ARI. DBSCAN seems thus to be more effective at
identifying clusters of varying densities, and it is robust to noise. Hence, the proposed features generate
well-defined density-based clusters that other algorithms struggle to identify. Traditional clustering
algorithms typically assume clusters of elliptical shapes. This high disparity suggests non-spherical or
irregularly shaped clusters, where DBSCAN performs better.

This publication is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR–M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded
by the European Union-NextGenerationEU(Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

[1] C. Garau, D. Marzi, M. Bordoni, and F. Dell’Acqua. Satellite detection of inter-row management
practices in a north-italy vineyard: Preliminary results. In IGARSS 2024-2024 IEEE International
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pages 4325–4328. IEEE, 2024.

[2] C. Meisina, M. Bordoni, A. Vercesi, M. Maerker, C. Ganimede, M. C. Reguzzi, E. Capelli, E. Mazzoni,
S. Simoni, and E. Gagnarli. Effects of vineyard inter-row management on soils, roots and shallow
landslides probability in the apennines, lombardy, italy. In Proceedings, volume 30, page 41. MDPI,

How to cite: Dell'Acqua, F. and Mukherjee, J.: Cultivating Insights: Unsupervised Mapping of Inter-row Management inVineyards Using Bezier Curve Properties on Sentinel-2 Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12158,, 2025.

EGU25-13943 | Posters virtual | VPS14


Jan Jacob Keizer, Véronica Asencio, Adriana Bruggeman, Charlotte Chivers, Sofia Corticeiro, Vlad Crisan, Luuk Fleskens, Nissaf Karbout, Michael Loizides, Ana Machado, Maria Martinez, Jane Mills, Melanie Muro, Gibson S. Nyanhongo, Francisco Pedrero Salcedo, Demetra Petsa, Giovanni Quaranta, Rosanna Salvia, Jannes Stolte, and Lindsay Stringer

TERRASAFE is a recent initiative that is being co-funded by the European Union and the UK Research and Innovation agency, under the Mission Soil and, more specifically, the call topic “Innovations to prevent and combat desertification” (HORIZON-MISS-2023-SOIL-01-04; grant reference 101157373), having started on 1 June 2024 with a duration of 5 years. TERRASAFE envisages to empower local communities in southern Europe and northern Africa to successfully face the escalating challenges of desertification through the adoption of nature-based, social and technological innovations. TERRASAFE’s vision will be operationalized in 5 pilot areas in Cyprus, Italy, Romania, Spain and Tunisia that strongly contrast in socio–cultural-ecological circumstances. These 5 areas were specifically selected for sharing a high vulnerability to desertification, on the one hand, and, on the other, for representing the 4 main types of desertification, i.e., depopulation, soil degradation (through organic matter loss as well as through salinization), vegetation decline and water scarcity. TERRASAFE’s vision is supported by a transdisciplinary consortium, ranging from universities to SMEs commercially exploiting innovations. TERRASAFE’s vision is implemented through a multi-actor approach that covers all WPs, in particular by setting up 5 partnerships in the 5 pilot areas. In a co-creation process, these partnerships will then: (i) define their visions on building desertification resilience and plan their ensuing TERRASAFE work; (iia) map and analyze past and ongoing desertification, identifying in each pilot area the land-cover type that is the desertification hotspot; (iib) in the case of the Italian pilot area, carry out a narrative analysis of depopulation and the role therein of social innovation, in two contrasting sub-areas; (iii) evaluate and demonstrate innovations for the above-mentioned desertification hotspots, comparing them with current and, in principle, also traditional/organic practices; (iv) elaborate policy recommendation for the wider uptake of the "TERRASAFE-certified" innovations, both within and beyond the pilot areas, taking into account lessons learnt from past and ongoing policies against desertification; (v) share their TERRASAFE’s experience with the partnerships of the other 4 pilot areas as well as other desertification-prone communities and the general public. The consortium will support the 5 partnerships not only by providing harmonized frameworks for each activity but also by providing advice on adapting these frameworks to the partnerships’ specific needs. Finally, the 5 SME partners of TERRASAFE will provide a wide offer of innovative solutions that they will tailor towards the respective desertification hotspots, in close collaboration with the partnerships. Beyond the project itself, TERRASAFE envisages to impact the combat of desertification, both within Europe and across the globe,  by promoting the adoption of (part of) its approach by other desertification-prone communities as well as by fostering the widespread implementation of innovations that are both environmentally effective and economically feasible, including through business plans for the SMEs.  

How to cite: Keizer, J. J., Asencio, V., Bruggeman, A., Chivers, C., Corticeiro, S., Crisan, V., Fleskens, L., Karbout, N., Loizides, M., Machado, A., Martinez, M., Mills, J., Muro, M., Nyanhongo, G. S., Pedrero Salcedo, F., Petsa, D., Quaranta, G., Salvia, R., Stolte, J., and Stringer, L.: Terrasafe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13943,, 2025.

EGU25-14160 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Integrating Proximal Sensing, high-resolution Imagery, and Machine Learning for Field-Scale Soil Salinity Mapping in Semi-Arid Region 

Mongai Joyce Chindong, Jamal-Eddine Ouzemou, Ahmed Laamrani, Ali El Battay, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

Soil salinity is a major environmental challenge that reduces agricultural productivity and degrades soil health, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Conventional soil salinity assessment methods involve extensive manual labor and are time-consuming In this study, we explored alternative approaches by using a combination of proximal sensing data (i.e., electromagnetic (EM) induction instruments, EM 38-MK2) with two very high-resolution multi-spectral and -sources imagery (i.e., a UAV (Unnamed Aerial Vehicle) and PlanetScope (PS)), topographic attributes, and machine learning methods to achieve field-scale soil salinity mapping under data-scarce conditions. To do so, an initial set of 26 topsoil samples (0–5 cm) were collected from a saline field in the semi-arid area of Sehb El Masjoune in Southern Morocco. and their Electrical conductivity (EC, a proxy of salinity) was determined at the lab. Then, proximal sensed data from EM38 were collected along the same field and measured apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa – dS/m) was correlated with measured topsoil EC. We used proximal sensing technology to generate 500 EC (electrical conductivity) observations for spatialization, thereby creating a robust dataset for training four machine learning models: partial least squares regression (PLSR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and an ensemble (stacked) model. Among these models, the RF and ensemble approaches delivered the highest accuracy, with RF outperforming all others. Performance assessments indicated that PlanetScope data achieved R² = 0.91 and RMSE = 3.47, while UAV data showed R² = 0.89 and RMSE = 3.83. These findings underscore that integrating multisource data, even in data-scarce environments, enhances reliability and robustness in soil salinity mapping at the field scale. Our results highlight a cost-effective, high-precision strategy for characterizing saline and sodic soils, offering valuable insights for targeted reclamation and management interventions in arid and semi-arid regions. We conclude that the used approach not only contributes to the scientific understanding of soil salinity dynamics but also provides practical implications for sustainable land management and agricultural planning. The research highlights the potential of combining cutting-edge technology with environmental predictors to address critical global issues. 

How to cite: Chindong, M. J., Ouzemou, J.-E., Laamrani, A., El Battay, A., and Chehbouni, A.: Integrating Proximal Sensing, high-resolution Imagery, and Machine Learning for Field-Scale Soil Salinity Mapping in Semi-Arid Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14160,, 2025.

EGU25-14166 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Nested Catchment Delineation at the European Scale: A Tool for Fine-Scale Environmental Analysis 

Konstantinos Kaffas, Francis Matthews, Philipp Saggau, and Pasquale Borrelli

The delineation of hydrological catchments and river networks is fundamental for hydrographic and hydrological information, environmental analysis, modeling, and decision-making. However, many existing datasets are limited in their spatial resolution, which can constrain their ability to accurately represent localized processes such as floodplain dynamics and soil erosion patterns. Building on the concepts of the new vector-based global river network dataset by Lin et al. (2021), Catchment Characterisation and Modelling (CCM) by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) (Vogt et al., 2003), as well as HydroSHEDS by the World Wildlife Fund US (Lehner and Grill, 2013), we aim to introduce a finer spatial scale that captures regional nuances and enhances hydrological detail. Using high-resolution digital elevation data, this study applies a hierarchical coding system to delineate nested catchments across Europe, achieving basin sizes reduced to a fine scale. The methodology ensures the accurate representation of catchments and associated river networks, with a focus on maintaining hydrological connectivity.

This delineation approach allows for the creation of a comprehensive geospatial dataset that integrates detailed catchment and river attributes. Our work complements existing large-scale datasets, providing critical insights for regional and local hydrological and environmental applications. The product/dataset will support environmental analysis by enabling the calculation of catchment-scale statistics for a wide range of environmental, soil, and land degradation parameters, including soil properties, soil erosion and land degradation, hydrological factors, ecological indicators, land use and land cover characteristics across Europe.

By generating a high-resolution, hierarchically nested dataset, this project addresses various environmental challenges at both regional and European scales, while meeting the increasing demand for spatially detailed environmental data that covers specific regional needs. The resulting data will support applications in land management, soil conservation, and environmental policy, providing a robust framework for both scientific research and practical implementation.

Acknowledgement: K.K, F.M., P.B, were funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project Soil O-LIVE (Grant No. 101091255). P.S. was funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project AI4SoilHealth (Grant No. 101086179).


Lehner, B., & Grill, G. (2013). Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world's large river systems. Hydrological Processes, 27(15), 2171-2186.

Lin, P., Pan, M., Wood, E. F., Yamazaki, D., & Allen, G. H. (2021). A new vector-based global river network dataset accounting for variable drainage density. Scientific data8(1), 28.

Vogt, J., Colombo, R., Paracchini, M. L., de Jager, A., & Soille, P. (2003). CMM river and catchment database. Version, 1, 1-32.

How to cite: Kaffas, K., Matthews, F., Saggau, P., and Borrelli, P.: Nested Catchment Delineation at the European Scale: A Tool for Fine-Scale Environmental Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14166,, 2025.

Tilling, a common agricultural practice, is being done excessively on farms leading to about 2.35 billion tons of soil erosion from US croplands annually.  This causes soil erosion, soil infertility, carbon release, nutrient runoff, and fertilizer over-usage. This paper evaluates whether optimizing tillage intensity, timing, and fertilizer quantity will address these problems. A convolutional neural network based machine learning model utilizes a camera-captured field image to determine existing tilling intensity on a 7-point scale. This machine learning output, along with soil sensor and external forecast data, flows into a 10-parameter algorithm that determines optimal tilling and fertilizer levels. A fully functional tractor prototype demonstrates the above. A 30-year simulation comparing conventionally-tilled and algorithm-tilled farms showed a reduction in carbon emission by 57%, fertilizer usage by 43%, and runoff by 86% demonstrating the transformative potential of this algorithm. Additionally, a stationary prototype was deployed in 155 farms across 5 countries. 

How to cite: Magesh, S.: A Convolutional Neural Network Model and Algorithm Driven Prototype for Sustainable Tilling and Fertilizer Optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15186,, 2025.

EGU25-15840 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Hydromulches in nursery crops: an alternative tool to herbicides for weed control 

Marta María Moreno, Jaime Villena, Tomás López-Corral, Concepción Atance, Jesús D. Peco, María de los Santos Fernández, Jesús A. López-Perales, Pablo A. Morales-Rodríguez, and Carmen Moreno

Common practices such as the use of herbicides, petrochemical plastics and excessive tillage are widely used for weed control in both horticultural and fruit crops. The use of these unfriendly environmentally techniques has led researchers around the world to focus their searches on more sustainable alternatives based on a circular economy model. These eco-friendly practices could also be extended to other systems and crops, which would be the case of seedbeds or nursery plants. In this framework, biopolymers and papers can have a proper behavior, although their use fits better to annual herbaceous crops as result of their shorter useful live. For this reason, based on preliminary laboratory tests, we implemented a field trial consisting of the application of hydromulches of different composition and characteristics on a forest tree nursery with newly transplanted seedlings in the open field in Central Spain.

The hydromulches tested were composed of by-products from agriculture and the agri-food industry (wheat straw [S]); camelina pellet [C]; pruning wood from almond [A], elm + walnut [EW], elm + walnut + camelina, [EWC]), mixed with a binder and recycled paper paste, and were applied liquidly on the ground with subsequent solidification. Additionally, two unmulched treatments were considered as control (manual weeding and a no-weeding treatments), in a randomized complete block experiment with three replications.

Periodical measurements relative to weed control (weed number, biomass, soil cover, predominant species) and the degradation of the materials (thickness, puncture resistance, soil cover, etc.) were taken. As preliminary results, and after more than 12 months after their application, all the hydromulches behaved properly, highlighting C as the treatment that best controlled weeds and which suffered a less degradation throughout the period considered, showing it as a good alternative, mainly in organic and sustainable agricultures.

Keywords: hydromulch, weeds, sustainable agriculture, circular economy.

Acknowledgements: PID2020-113865RR-C43 (HMulchCircle)/AEI/10.13039 / 501100011033 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).

How to cite: Moreno, M. M., Villena, J., López-Corral, T., Atance, C., Peco, J. D., Fernández, M. D. L. S., López-Perales, J. A., Morales-Rodríguez, P. A., and Moreno, C.: Hydromulches in nursery crops: an alternative tool to herbicides for weed control, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15840,, 2025.

EGU25-15982 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Meadow intensification, a biodiversity approach 

Adrián Jarne Casasús, Ramón Reiné Viñales, and Asunción Usón Murillo

Mountain livestock farming relies on meadows, by providing pasture in autumn and spring and providing hay for the winter. They are composed by different plant species from various botanical families, being a biodiverse ecosystem with high resilience.

 We can classify them according to their intensification, depending on its fertilization strategy and livestock load. The most intensive meadows are fertilized by inorganic fertilizer and has high livestock load, semi extensive meadows are fertilized by manure and has lower livestock load, whereas extensive meadows are rarely fertilized and has low livestock load.

In this study, 12 meadows from the central Spanish Pyrenees where analysed, 4 meadows of each type for 2 years. Production was higher in semi extensive meadows, due to its organic fertilization, and extensive meadows had the lowest production. Looking at the quality of the hay, intensive and extensive meadows had similar protein content, being significantly higher than in semi extensive meadows. Fiber was higher in extensive meadows and the lowest was found in intensive meadows.

We used Sannon index to address biodiversity. There were significant differences between each meadow type, having extensive meadows the highest levels and intensive meadows the lowest.

High biodiversity can be kept even in high productive meadows, as it’s shown in semi extensive meadows, although they have lower protein content. Intensification practices are thought to increase productivity, with a cost of reducing biodiversity, but this study shows that lower intensive practices can have higher production.

How to cite: Jarne Casasús, A., Reiné Viñales, R., and Usón Murillo, A.: Meadow intensification, a biodiversity approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15982,, 2025.

EGU25-18020 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Optimizing Irrigation Strategies for Pomegranates and Persimmons in Valencian Region 

Núria Pascual-Seva, Rossana Porras, José Mariano Aguilar, Carlos Baixauli, and Bernardo Pascual

In recent decades, the scarcity of fresh water has become a significant issue, particularly in arid regions, leading to increased competition for water among agricultural, industrial, and urban users. The widespread limitations on water for agriculture highlight the need for strategies that enhance the efficiency of irrigation water use. Pomegranates and persimmons, although considered minor fruit trees, have gained considerable attention in Spain and worldwide due to their organoleptic characteristics and health benefits. As a result, they present interesting options for diversifying fruit production in the Mediterranean basin, especially since these species are known to tolerate water stress. A three-year study investigated the agronomic responses of both crops to deficit irrigation, specifically focusing on sustained deficit irrigation (SDI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). For pomegranates, RDI - where water applied is reduced to 33% of the total irrigation requirements during the flowering (RDI1) and fruit set (RDI2) periods - has been identified as a viable strategy under water-limited conditions. On the other hand, the tested SDI strategy (applying 50% of the irrigation water requirements throughout the crop cycle) should be reserved for extreme water scarcity situations. For persimmons, the tested SDI strategy, which reduces water applied to 70% of the water requirements, is recommended as it achieves a 30% water saving while maintaining production levels comparable to the control group, thereby enhancing water productivity. In contrast, RDI - where water is reduced during the flowering and fruit setting stages (60% in RDI1 and 40% in RDI2) -  yielded intermediate results, providing lower water savings without increasing production relative to the SDI. In conclusion, both studies suggest that pomegranates and persimmons could serve as alternative options to citrus fruits in Valencia, considering their positive productive responses to deficit irrigation.

How to cite: Pascual-Seva, N., Porras, R., Aguilar, J. M., Baixauli, C., and Pascual, B.: Optimizing Irrigation Strategies for Pomegranates and Persimmons in Valencian Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18020,, 2025.

EGU25-18882 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Biochar impact on the soil sponge function in sown biodiverse pastures: a 2-year whole soil profile monitoring study under 100% and 50% rainfall 

Frank G.A. Verheijen, Bastos Ana Catarina, Khodaparast Zahra, Gholahmamadi Behrouz, Jongen Marjan, Campos Isabel, Simões Liliana, Jelinčić Antun, Santos Vasco, Silva Patricia, Quinteiro Paula, Domingos Tiago, and Gonzalez-Pelayo Oscar

Climate change models indicate that pastoral land use in many parts of Iberia will no longer be feasible from 2050 due to rainfall decreases and desertification, thereby negatively affecting soil functioning, food security and rural livelihoods. Amending agricultural soils with biochar (carbon-based product of biomass pyrolysis) has been shown to potentially increase crop yield, mainly by improving soil pH, soil structure, water storage and exchange. The aim of this study was to quantify how biochar may alter the soil sponge function under current (100% rainfall) and future (50% rainfall.

The collaborative work between ongoing projects SOILCOMBAT, POLLINATE and TRUESOIL, aims to sustainably engineer the soil-water regulation function of Portuguese pasture soils, while minimizing detrimental effects on other soil quality parameters through the use of biochar for soil amendment. Our approach was a random block design field-trial in a real-world scenario at the Quinta da França farm (Terraprima, Portugal), a non-irrigated sown biodiverse pasture on a dystric Cambisol. The four treatments are: control 100% rainfall; control 50% rainfall; biochar (3% gravimetric) 100% rainfall; biochar (3% gravimetric) 50% rainfall; N=20). Biochar-amendment-treatments were applied at 0-20 cm depth keeping the 20-60 cm depth unaltered. It is five times replicated. Plots were equipped with soil climate sensors (volumetric moisture and temperature) recording at six depths, namely -5, -15, -25, -25, -45 & -55 cm depth (N=120).

The first 2 years of the on-going field trial at Quinta da França showed that for the treated 0-20 cm depth with 50% rainfall, the biochar plots kept 15% more moisture than the control ones, while for 100% rainfall conditions, biochar plots kept 23% more moisture. The results for deeper soil water storage (20-60 cm depth) showed that for the 50% rainfall, the biochar plots have 24% less moisture than the control ones, while for natural rainfall conditions, biochar plots have 19% less moisture than the control ones. This could indicate that the 0-20 cm depth biochar-amended soil layer, keep more water in surface (0-20 cm depth) than non-amended surface soil. Seasonal effects will be explored further.

We conclude that biochar amendments improve the soil-water regulation functions of this pasture. The results are expected to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) #13 and #15, namely sustainable food production and climate adaptation of pastoral ecosystems, while combating desertification.



We acknowledge the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology FCT/MCTES for the funding of CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020) through national funds, as well as of projects SOILCOMBAT (, POLLINATE (, and of authors F. Verheijen (, A.C. Bastos (art. 23º DL57/2016 of 29 Aug amended by DL 57/2017 of 19 July, OE), P. Quinteiro (CEEC/00143/2017), B. Gholamahmadi’s (PhD grant2020.04610.BD), L Simões (PhD grant 2022.09866.BD). We also acknowledge the European Commission Joint Programme SOIL for the funding of project TRUESOIL ( and the La Caixa Foundation in collaboration with CESAM for the funding of A. Jelinčić(LCF/BQ/DI22/11940011).

How to cite: Verheijen, F. G. A., Ana Catarina, B., Zahra, K., Behrouz, G., Marjan, J., Isabel, C., Liliana, S., Antun, J., Vasco, S., Patricia, S., Paula, Q., Tiago, D., and Oscar, G.-P.: Biochar impact on the soil sponge function in sown biodiverse pastures: a 2-year whole soil profile monitoring study under 100% and 50% rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18882,, 2025.

EGU25-19693 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Arthropod, bacterial and fungal communities in vineyards with different soils and management in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach 

Maria Cristina Reguzzi, Alberto Vercesi, Carlo Maria Cusaro, Emanuele Mazzoni, Maria Cristina Bertonazzi, Cristina Ganimede, Massimiliano Bordoni, Michael Maerker, Enrica Capelli, and Claudia Meisina

Soils are a key reservoir of global biodiversity, and their fundamental role is to support soil functions and ecosystem services. Biodiversity is part of the complexity and is linked to other parameters that characterise soils, and changes in soil health status influence the provision of goods and services to its beneficiaries. Knowing the biodiversity of a soil in vineyard systems and trying to relate it to other soil characteristics helps to improve soil health, apply the more suitable NBS to reduce land degradation, to improve the ecosystem services provided by the soil and to make viticulture more sustainable.

Six vineyards were selected in Oltrepò Pavese, one of the most important high-quality wines areas in Northern Italy, in different geological contexts soils with different inter-row management techniques: permanent grass cover, tillage and alternate tillage. Soil samples were collected in each vineyard, where a 1.0 m × 2.0 m trench was dug, in order to determine the geological, chemical, agronomic and physical properties. With a multidisciplinary approach, these properties were compared with the fungal, bacterial and arthropod communities.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) was extracted, and bacterial and fungal communities were detected by NGS analysis of 16S and ITS1 DNA barcodes, respectively. Arthropod communities were described by soil biological quality (QBS-ar) and biodiversity indices, after morphological identification of the different biological forms detected.

Inter-row management techniques and geological characteristics affect bacterial, fungal and arthropod communities’ composition. Soil managed with permanent grass cover are in general richer of fungal and bacterial biodiversity. Arthropods seem to be more influenced by soil texture and consequently by the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil than by tillage or grassing in the dry season. A positive correlation was found between Fungi and Bacteria orders, a negative correlation between Arthropods and Fungi orders and a weak and not significant correlation between Arthropods and Bacteria orders. The composition of the bacterial community was radically different in soil under repeated tillage and mineral fertilisation where Bacteroidia, Bacilli, Clostridia and Fusobacteria prevailing, in permanent grass cover soils the classes Alphaproteobacteria, above all, Acidobacteria-6 and Actinobacteria prevailed. Repeated tillage results in a different composition of the prevalent fungal Classes, with a predominance of Malasseziomycetes, which are not present in permanent grass cover soils. Fungi showed a positive correlation with water content, nitrogen and organic matter, while bacteria have a positive correlation with plastic limit and pH.

The results of the study can be used to helps farmers in the selection of the best inter-row management techniques in vineyards in order to reduce the effects of climate change and mitigate the effects of erosion.

How to cite: Reguzzi, M. C., Vercesi, A., Cusaro, C. M., Mazzoni, E., Bertonazzi, M. C., Ganimede, C., Bordoni, M., Maerker, M., Capelli, E., and Meisina, C.: Arthropod, bacterial and fungal communities in vineyards with different soils and management in Oltrepò Pavese (Italy): a multidisciplinary approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19693,, 2025.

EGU25-20206 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS14

Upscaling forest floor properties: identifying drivers and assessing temporal changes on a regional scale 

Lisa Rubin, Peter Jost, and Heike Puhlmann

Forest floor (FF) properties, such as thickness, mass and morphology, are critical indicators of forest ecosystem dynamics, shaped by climatic conditions, nutrient deposition and tree species composition. Despite their ecological importance, systematic assessments of the drivers and temporal changes in FF properties across spatial scales remain limited. This knowledge gap hinders the ability to extrapolate site-specific findings to broader regions, crucial for understanding and managing forests under changing environmental conditions.

We focus on identifying the drivers of FF properties and examining how these properties have changed over time at local and regional scales. Using data from inventories, such as the NFI (National Forest Inventory) 3 & 4 and the NFSI (National Forest Soil Inventory) 2 & 3, we investigate relationships between FF properties and key environmental factors, including climate variables, nutrient availability and forest management. This will involve examining spatial patterns and temporal trends in FF properties and understanding how drivers such as climate, nitrogen deposition and shifts in tree species composition influence these patterns. By leveraging statistical and geospatial modeling approaches, the project aims to refine methods for transferring plot-level data to broader scales, ensuring reliable representation of FF variability and trends. The inventory-based results on the factors influencing FF are compared with the process-oriented investigations at the study sites of the Forest Floor project (DFG FOR 5315) in order to be able to interpret the correlations found in the inventory data.

The outcomes of this research will provide crucial insights into how FF properties respond to environmental and management changes, contributing to improved forest monitoring and sustainable management strategies. By bridging the gap between localized observations and large-scale assessments, this work supports national and international efforts to evaluate FF in the context of climate change and other impacts.

How to cite: Rubin, L., Jost, P., and Puhlmann, H.: Upscaling forest floor properties: identifying drivers and assessing temporal changes on a regional scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20206,, 2025.

This study focuses on the estimation of the Winkler Index by several sources in the Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy) region, identified as the study area of the NODES project. The Winkler Index, also known as Thermal Sum, is useful for assessing grape ripening: the index, based exclusively on temperature, is traditionally derived from in-situ air temperature measurements.
Within the NODES Project, rather than focusing on a few sites, which could be monitored locally, we are interested in the analysis of large-scale areas. For this reason, we took into consideration global Land Surface Temperature derived from satellite data.
Three data sources are focused, in this paper:
- Air temperature observations from the ARPA monitoring stations (ARPA is the Environmental Protection Agency of the Lombardy Region), which despite their dense temporal granularity have a low spatial resolution (about one station every 92 km2 in the study area).
- Land Surface Temperature (LST) data from MODIS TERRA and AQUA satellite imagery, which provide a pixel-averaged Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity over 8 days with a spatial resolution of 1 km2.
- Daily Copernicus air temperature data, which have a spatial resolution of 0.1° x 0.1° (approximately 11 km x 8 km).
Our main objective was to develop a robust methodology to estimate air temperature from MODIS Land Surface Temperature and then evaluate the applicability of this approach to calculate the Winkler Index, using ARPA temperature data as ground truth for calibration and validation.
MODIS satellite-derived LST data were processed to derive estimated air temperatures via regression-based calibration techniques: the calibrated models were validated using statistical metrics, including root mean square error (RMSE) and p-values, to verify the accuracy and reliability of the estimates.
Lastly, we used Copernicus air temperature data to directly compute the Winkler Index.
The Winkler Index was calculated for the study area over the years 2018-2022, capturing interannual variability and trends influenced by climate conditions.
The Winkler Indices derived from MODIS-calibrated air temperatures showed a strong overall agreement with those obtained from ARPA data, demonstrating the potential of this approach for areas without dense meteorological networks. On the other hand, the Winkler Indices calculated from Copernicus are not always in excellent agreement with the ones evaluated from monitoring stations, considered as true.
The results of this study highlight the feasibility of leveraging satellite-based datasets to complement traditional meteorological observations for agricultural and climate research. By combining MODIS and Copernicus data with in-situ measurements, the study provides a scalable and cost-effective framework to estimate air temperature and calculate the Winkler Index over large spatial extents.
This approach has significant implications beyond viticulture, enabling more precise assessments of regional suitability and supporting adaptive management strategies in the context of climate change

How to cite: Rocca, M. T. and Casella, V. M.: Obtaining the Winkler Index for agricultural applications: a three-fold Assessment involving ground monitored data, MODIS-derived models and Copernicus-supplied data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20915,, 2025.

EGU25-20998 | Posters virtual | VPS14

Biostimulant and biofertilizer functions of a bacterial consortia in Lolium perenne 

Ana Eva Josefina Cristóbal-Miguez, Mirta Esther Galelli, Antonio Paz-Gonzalez, Ivanna Lorena Avram, Elizabeth García Guzmán, Andrea Belén Alegre, Alfredo José Curá, Ana Rosa García, and Gabriela Cristina Sarti

The use of bioinoculants was emerging as an effective strategy to increase soil productivity, particularly in degraded areas where nutrient scarcity limits the potential of livestock systems. Inoculation with plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) provides stimulation functions through the synthesis of phytohormones and available nutrients. Among PGPBs, the genus Azospirillum is known for its biostimulant capacity, while the genus Herbaspirillum includes nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Additionally, microorganisms from the genus Trichoderma are recognized for their ability to solubilize phosphorus. This study evaluates the efficacy of a bacterial consortium combining Azospirillum brasilense (A), Herbaspirillum seropedicae (AH), and Trichoderma haziarum (AT) to determine their potential as biostimulants and biofertilizers in Lolium perenne, a forage species with high nutritional value. The methodological set up included a laboratory phase where the microorganisms' ability to synthesize phytohormones was measured (Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), cytokinins: trans-zeatin (ZT), trans-zeatin riboside (ZTR), and abscisic acid (ABA)). Also the nitrogen-fixing potential of H. seropedicae was evaluated using the acetylene reduction assay (ARA), and the phosphate-solubilizing capacity of T. harziarum was assessed using a semi-quantitative technique to measure solubilization halos. In a second phase, L. perenne seeds were sown in commercial substrate inoculated with A, AH, AT, and a control treatment (C). The following parameters were recorded: weekly longitudinal growth (WLG), at 30 days, total chlorophyll content (TCh), percentage of coverage (PC), dry weight of aerial biomass (ABiom), and root biomass (RBiom). The results showed detectable levels of growth-regulating hormone synthezed for all the microorganisms evaluated. Additionally, H. seropedicae exhibited nitrogen-fixing activity with a value of (8.33 ± 0.9) nmol C2H4 plant⁻¹ h⁻¹, while T. harziarum displayed a pH indicator shift, indicating a positive result for phosphorus solubilization. The growth parameter data demonstrated early seed emergence in inoculated treatments, with greater grass height (WLG) observed in co-inoculated treatments (C: 5; A: 7; AT: 8.5; AH: 8) cm. The consortia also showed higher root biomass development (RBiom: C: 0.76; A: 0.86; AT: 1.10; AH: 0.95) g and percentage of coverage (PC), with the H. seropedicae treatment standing out (C: 45.5%; A: 62.8%; AT: 60%; AH: 71.3%). In aerial biomass (ABiom, C: 0.89; A: 1.15; AT: 1.21; AH: 1.3 g) and total chlorophyll content (TCh, C: 0.68; A: 0.84; AT: 0.73; AH: 0.75 mg/g). Co-inoculated treatments did not show significant differences. Inoculations improved all the growth parameters studied; however, co-inoculations optimized the benefits, likely due to the combined potential to provide regulatory hormones and nutrient availability functions. In this regard, the AH combination stood out in the PC parameter, possibly due to the nitrogen-fixing ability of H. seropedicae. We conclude that joint inoculations should be further studied to optimize strategies for crop management.

How to cite: Cristóbal-Miguez, A. E. J., Galelli, M. E., Paz-Gonzalez, A., Avram, I. L., García Guzmán, E., Alegre, A. B., Curá, A. J., García, A. R., and Sarti, G. C.: Biostimulant and biofertilizer functions of a bacterial consortia in Lolium perenne, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20998,, 2025.

EGU25-430 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Impact of hedgerows on the improvement of soil characteristics and vegetation diversity in the semi-arid agricultural landscape of Spain 

Jose Antonio Muñoz, Gema Guzmán, Javier Montoliu, Antonio Hayas, Azahara Ramos, Mónica López, José Mora, and José Alfonso Gómez

The loss of ecosystem services in semi-arid climate is closely linked to the rise of intensive agriculture and the disappearance of landscape elements that have served as buffer areas for hydrological processes and biodiversity over the last decades. As a response, environmental and agricultural policies and initiatives are now being implemented to restore these landscape elements and preserve those that remain in agricultural landscapes. Hedgerows are linear landscape elements that provide several ecosystem services. However, this positive impact varies depending on hedgerows’ characteristics and location.

This study analyses vegetation diversity and its impact on soil properties in eight hedgerows in Southern Spain's Cordoba province. To carry out this, 10m sections were defined in each hedgerow, considering two zones for soil sampling (inside the hedgerow, and within the agricultural field near it, hereafter outside the hedgerow). The evaluation of vegetation consisted of the identification of species of interest in terms of diversity, a general description of the current status of the hedgerow, and a floristic composition and dendrometric variables recording. The analysis of soil properties encompasses samples from different shallow depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm, or only 0-10 cm), and it included pH, soil hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, stability of aggregates, soil respiration by microorganisms, soil organic carbon and extractable phosphorus.

74 species were identified in total, with a high variability of the number of species recorded in most of the hedgerows, where 58% of the identified vegetative species appeared only in one of them, showing the relevance of this vegetative element in the preservation of vegetative species. Significant differences between inside and outside were obtained in all soil properties, except in extractable phosphorus and pH. Soil aggregate stability and organic carbon reached average values of 424.3 g kg-1 and 3.0% inside, versus 265.8 g kg-1 and 1.4% outside, respectively. There was a large variability in some of these properties among different hedgerows. For example, soil respiration varied from 229.7 to 1936.1 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 and 117.9 to 561.7 mg CO2 kg-1 day-1 inside and outside the eight hedgerows, respectively. This contribution highlights many variables to be considered in hedgerows’ assessments and their complexity, such as the moment of establishment, current management of neighbouring plots, and state of conservation of the own hedgerow.


Acknowledgement: This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project PID2019-105793RB-I00), financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 under the project SCALE (EUHorizon2020 GA 862695), and a predoctoral fellowship for the first author (PRE2020-093846).

How to cite: Muñoz, J. A., Guzmán, G., Montoliu, J., Hayas, A., Ramos, A., López, M., Mora, J., and Gómez, J. A.: Impact of hedgerows on the improvement of soil characteristics and vegetation diversity in the semi-arid agricultural landscape of Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-430,, 2025.

EGU25-446 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Vegetation as proxies for improving the estimation of soil water fluxes 

Aswathi Vk and Sreelash Krishnan

Soil water fluxes, including soil moisture, water storage, and recharge flux, are essential components of energy exchange at the Earth's surface and are fundamental to modeling land surface processes. Accurate estimation of soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) at the field scale is critical for simulating these fluxes, particularly within the vadose zone. Consequently, a robust understanding of soil water dynamics and associated processes relies on the precise characterization of SHPs. The experimental determination of these properties at different spatial scales are challenging and often time-consuming, especially in the case of vertically heterogeneous soils. Studies showed that the vegetation indices can provide sub-surface hydrological information. For example, the Leaf area index (LAI) of forest cover was found to be strongly correlated with the groundwater levels. This indicates that vegetation has the potential to act as a proxy for understanding many surface and sub-surface soil water processes. Inverse modeling approaches provide an opportunity to use vegetation information to estimate SHPs. The present study is aimed at developing and testing methodologies for estimating SHPs for multi-layered soils, specifically field capacity and wilting point, in an agricultural watershed. This is accomplished using variables like surface soil moisture, surface soil temperature, and canopy variables (Leaf Area Index and evapotranspiration) as proxies in different weighted likelihood combinations and carrying out the inverse modeling using the soil water balance model STICS. The methodology has been developed for three layered soil profiles (0 to 10 cm, 11 to 50 cm, and 51 to 100 cm) with combinations made from four major soil textures: sandy loam, sandy clay loam, clay loam, and clay, making 12 soil combinations. A sensitivity analysis of canopy variables relative to soil water storage properties was carried out to determine the best choice of canopy variable for estimating soil water fluxes using the EASI Method.  The results show that the soil moisture and canopy variables showed a strong correlation with SHPs, indicating that these variables could provide reliable estimates of soil water fluxes. In which the leaf area index shows more sensitivity towards the subsurface layers (sensitivity index~0.4). The study showed that the likelihood combinations of variables with higher weights to canopy variables provided better estimates of SHPs in the deeper layers. With the use of the likelihood combinations made by surface and canopy variables, we achieved mean relative absolute errors of 4% for the surface layer properties and 10% for the root zone SHPs, especially in water-stressed conditions. Since the variables used in this study are potentially accessible from the remote sensing data, the application of this methodology at large spatial scales is feasible, thereby generating spatial maps of sub-surface soil properties at regional scales, which can aid in the improved modeling of sub-surface soil moisture.

How to cite: Vk, A. and Krishnan, S.: Vegetation as proxies for improving the estimation of soil water fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-446,, 2025.

EGU25-2988 | Posters virtual | VPS15

New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates 

Yikai Zhao, Han Wang, Xiangwei Chen, and Yu Fu

Soil aggregates swell when infiltrated by water, and their size can increase in two ways. First, aggregates can attach to one another with water acting as a bridge (i.e., adsorption), and water can enter the aggregate pores (i.e., swelling). This is defined as the “adsorption-swelling” effect. Second, clay can fill the pores of macroaggregates and microaggregates (i.e., filling) when adsorption occurs. This is defined as the “adsorption-filling” effect. However, the size range of aggregates affected by these effects and the extent of their influence on aggregate swelling are still unclear. Therefore, different initial size fractions (5 ~ 2, 2 ~ 1, 1 ~ 0.5, 0.5 ~ 0.25 and 0.25 ~ 0.053 mm) of soil aggregates from the black soil zone of Northeast China were studied. The size range of swollen aggregates, the “adsorption-swelling” rate (V) of initial size fractions, and the “adsorption-filling” rate (E) of size fractions < 0.053 mm were measured and calculated in three experimental treatments that involved the following procedures: i) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction in deionized water (WS); ii) wet-sieving of each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates after they were soaked in absolute ethanol (WSas); and iii) the size fraction < 0.053 mm air-dried aggregates were mixed with each initial size fraction of air-dried aggregates in absolute ethanol and then wet-sieved (WSaf). The results were as follows: i) the size fraction 2 ~ 0.053 mm were swollen. ii) V decreased exponentially with decreasing initial particle size, with a maximum value of 32.30% at a size fraction of 2 ~ 1mm; and iii) the “adsorption-filling” effect of size fraction < 0.053 mm was obvious in the size fraction < 2 mm swelling aggregates with a maximum of 29.54%. The “adsorption-swelling” and “adsorption-filling” effects had greater impacts on soils with high contents of the size fractions 2 ~ 1 and < 0.053 mm. This study provides a theoretical basis for understanding the swelling mechanisms of soil aggregates.

Key words: soil aggregates, wet-sieving, swelling, adsorption, filling

How to cite: Zhao, Y., Wang, H., Chen, X., and Fu, Y.: New insights into the swelling of black soil aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2988,, 2025.

Objective: Returning farmland to forests is an important ecological construction project in China. Establishing a soil health evaluation system to evaluate the soil health of returning farmland to forests under different vegetation restoration in the black soil region of Northeast China can provide data support for scientific evaluation of the ecological benefits of returning farmland to forests. Methods: Taking the surface soil of two major vegetation types (pure birch forest and elm-lonicera mixed forest) in the black soil region of Northeast China as the object of study, and using the soil of cultivated land as the control. Combination of field sampling and indoor experiments was used to investigate the characteristics and differences of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil under the conditions of different vegetation restoration. Based on the Cornell Soil Health Assessment, the soil health evaluation of different vegetation was carried out. Results: i) In the 0~10cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 15.14%~19.18%, and the saturated water holding capacity increased significantly by 33.35%~58.53% compared with the control. In the 10~20cm soil layer, the soil bulk density of pure forest and mixed forest decreased significantly by 6.71%~9.04% compared with the control, and the difference of saturated water holding capacity was insignificant compared with the control.(ii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 21.75%-29.15%, 35.05%-47.71% and 35.12%-121.63% respectively compared with the control. In the 10-20cm soil layer, the soil carbon, nitrogen and available potassium contents of pure forest and mixed forest increased significantly by 53.57%-54.78%, 93.29%-120.34% and 60.71%-183.28%. iii) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 97.46%-183.43% and 60.54%-142.54%, respectively compared with the control and in the 10-20cm layer, the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content of pure and mixed forests significantly increased by 18.63% - 82.55% and 59.00% - 101.34% compared with the control. iv) In the 0-10cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (11.80 points) > pure forests (8.80 points) > CK (5.47 points). In the 10-20cm soil layer, the results of soil health scores were mixed forests (8.41 points) > pure forests (7.03 points) > CK (4.03 points). Conclusion: The soil health scores of pure and mixed forests were significantly higher than those of the control, and the soil health scores of mixed forests were the highest.The effect of vegetation on the restoration of top soil was more significant after the return of farmland to forest.Vegetation mainly improved soil health by increasing the stability of soil structure.It is suggested that plant species can be enriched in the restoration of degraded soils, and the plant configuration method of mixed tree-irrigation can be used to better restore soil health.

How to cite: Liu, B.: Soil health evaluation of rehabilitation lands based on Cornell Soil Health Assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3104,, 2025.

Vegetation restoration is the most important factor to restrain soil and water loss in the Chinese Loess Plateau, and its effect is long-term. Among them, the coupling and coordination relationship between vegetation and soil is the key to the smooth implementation of ecological restoration and the project of returning farmland to forest and grassland. However, people have neglected whether the choice of vegetation restoration method is suitable for the development of ecological environment in this region, and whether vegetation and soil coexist harmoniously. In this paper, the typical watersheds with similar terrain environment but different vegetation restoration methods were selected as the research objects, which were Dongzhuanggou (natural restoration, NR) and Yangjiagou (artificial restoration, AR). Through vegetation investigation and soil physical property experiment, the comprehensive evaluation function was used to quantify the impact of restoration methods on vegetation characteristics and soil properties, and the vegetation-soil coupling model was used to explore the coordinated development of vegetation and soil under different restoration methods. The results showed that there were significant differences between the two restoration methods in terms of vegetation characteristics (P < 0.05). The vegetation diversity indices of NR were 1.59–4.81 times that of AR. For root characteristic indices, NR was 1.05–2.25 times that of AR. For soil physical properties, there was no significant difference between the two restoration methods (P > 0.05). The comprehensive evaluation function of vegetation (VCE) and soil (SCE) under NR were 0.74 and 0.42, respectively, while those under AR were 0.55 and 0.63, respectively. The comprehensive function showed that the vegetation population performance under NR was slightly better than that under AR, while the soil restoration effect was opposite. Under the two restoration methods, the vegetation-soil coupling relationship was barely coordinated (NR: 0.53; AR: 0.54), and both were the intermediate coordinated development mode. The vegetation diversity, tending level and soil management level should be improved simultaneously during the process of vegetation restoration on the Chinese Loess Plateau.

How to cite: Feng, L.: Evaluation of the effects of long-term natural and artificial restoration on vegetation characteristics, soil properties and their coupling coordinations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4758,, 2025.

EGU25-5027 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Trade-offs/Synergies of Water Yield, Soil Conservation, and Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services in the Beiluo River Basin from 1970 to 2020 

Yujie Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang, Weinan Sun, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Kaiyang Yu, and Xuanhao Liu

This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal changes and trade-offs/synergies of ecosystem services within the Beiluo River Basin to provide a scientific foundation for rational resource allocation and sustainable development. Utilizing multi-source data and models, such as InVEST and CSLE, to quantitatively assess and analyze the spatiotemporal variations and trade-offs/synergies of three key ecosystem services—water yield, soil conservation, and carbon storage—across different periods. These periods include the relatively stable land use period from 1970 to 1990, the transitional period around 2000, and the ecological restoration period from 2010 to 2020. This study showed that:1) The overall water yield of the basin initially showed an increasing trend, followed by fluctuating decline, bottoming out in the 2000s. During the first period, the average water yield was 10.16×108 m3 (37.75 mm), which decreased by 36.9% during the second period and by 25.53% during the third period compared to the initial period. Among the three land use types of forests, cropland, and grassland, the total water yield and water yield depth of cropland are always the highest, while the water yield depth of forest was always the lowest. 2) The total soil conservation displayed an upward trend with fluctuations, peaking in the 2010s. Over the first period, the average annual soil conservation was 305.62×106 t (113.57 t/hm²), which increased to 364.52×106 t in the transition period and significantly increased to 426.19×106 t (157.75 t/hm²)during the third period. The soil conservation capacity of forests was significantly greater than that of cropland, and the construction of terraces and other engineering measures have greatly enhanced the function of cropland.3) The total carbon storage remained stable and then continued to increase, with a notable increase from the 2000s onwards, and a 24.09% increase in the 2020s when compared with the 1970s. Forests were the main carbon reservoirs, with their carbon storage significantly increasing, whereas that in grassland and cropland have decreased due to the reduction in their areas.4) Regarding changes in the spatial pattern, the areas experiencing a decrease in water yield and an increase in soil conservation and carbon storage were mainly concentrated in the high plateau and gully areas, as well as the hilly and gully regions. 5) At the basin scale, there was a trade-off between water yield and soil conservation, as well as carbon storage. Soil conservation and carbon storage, however, exhibited a synergistic relationship. The degree of synergy between soil conservation and carbon storage decreased over time, while the trade-off between water yield and the other two remained relatively stable. With the restoration of vegetation, the three key ecosystem service exhibited significant temporal and spatial variation characteristics, possessing relatively stable trade-off and synergistic relationships. The research results can provide a scientific basis for enhancing the comprehensive benefits of ecosystem services on the Loess Plateau.

Keywords: ecosystem services; InVEST Model; CSLE Model; trade-offs and synergies; Beiluo River Basin

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Sun, W., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Yu, K., and Liu, X.: Spatiotemporal Evolution Characteristics and Trade-offs/Synergies of Water Yield, Soil Conservation, and Carbon Storage Ecosystem Services in the Beiluo River Basin from 1970 to 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5027,, 2025.

This study aims to clarify the spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, providing a scientific basis for optimizing ridge plant belt configurations and soil and water conservation measures in Northeast China's black soil region. Sloping farmland with ridge plant belts was selected as the research object (Ridge 1: ridge spacing of 12.5 m; Ridge 2: ridge spacing of 19.5 m), and sloping farmland was selected as the control. Soil samples were collected at uniform spatial intervals from both sloping arable land with ridge vegetation strips and the control area to measure key soil properties in the surface layer (0–15 cm), and to quantify the differences in the spatial distribution characteristics of soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland with different spacings of ridge plant belts.  (1) Compared to the control, the sloping farmland with ridge construction showed a significant increase in total porosity, capillary porosity, saturated water holding capacity, field capacity, and capillary water holding capacity, with a relatively uniform distribution across the slope with ridge. In addition, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil on the sloping farmland with ridge 1 showed an increase of 0.96-1.11 times in total porosity, 1.21-1.31 times in capillary porosity, 1.03-1.25 times in saturated water holding capacity, 1.22-1.78 times in field capacity, and 1.33-1.52 times in capillary water holding capacity, respectively. (2) The soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD (mean weight diameter), water-stable aggregate content, and GMD (geometric mean diameter) in the sloping farmland with ridge showed significant improvements across all fields. Compared to the controls, the sloping farmland with ridge increased by 1.01-1.15 times, 0.94-1.61 times, 1-1.17 times, and 1.05-1.55 times, respectively. This indicates that the sloping farmland with ridge effectively improves soil structure compared to the control. Moreover, compared to the sloping farmland with ridge 2, the soil mechanical stable aggregate content, MWD, water-stable aggregate content, and GMD in the sloping farmland with ridge 1 increased by 1.08-1.14 times, 0.95-1.28 times, 1.07-1.15 times, and 1.14-1.40 times, respectively. Constructing ridges can improve water retention capacity structure characteristics of soil,with a more significant improvement effect observed in relatively small distances smaller distances between ridges, providing a scientific basis for the optimization of water and soil conservation measures for ridge and vegetation belts and sloping cultivated land in the black soil area of Northeast China. The construction of ridges on sloping farmland can improve the soil water-holding capacity and soil structural characteristics. In this study, sloping farmland with a smaller ridge spacing demonstrated a more significant improvement in soil quality. This research provides a scientific basis for optimizing water and soil conservation strategies in the black soil region of Northeast China, emphasizing the importance of ridge spacing in enhancing soil quality and water retention capacity in sloping farmland.

How to cite: Shao, S.: Spatial distribution characteristics of ridge plant belts on soil water-holding capacity and soil structure in sloping farmland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5365,, 2025.

EGU25-6354 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Carbon Sequestration Benefit and Influencing Factors in Terraces with Different Cover Types of Soil in the Loess Hilly Region 

Kaiyang Yu, Xiaoping Zhang, Hui Cheng, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, and Weinan Sun

Abstract: Terraces and vegetative measures significantly enhance soil organic carbon levels and improve the efficiency of soil carbon sequestration, serving as crucial soil and water conservation strategies. There are few studies on the differences and influencing factors of soil organic carbon sequestration benefits resulting from the combination of engineering measures and plant measures. Thus, the study analyzed the variations in soil organic carbon content(SOC) and its primary influencing factors across different vegetation cover types in terraces, and evaluated the soil carbon sequestration benefits of terraces. The study selected 96 sample plots in Wuqi County, Shaanxi province, including 37 Terraced Croplands (TC), 23 Terraced Grasslands (TG), 18 Terraced Forestlands (TF), 10 Terraced orchards (OL), as well as 8 Slope Croplands (SC) on hillsides. Soil samples were collected from soil layers at depths of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm, 60-80 cm, and 80-100 cm, totaling 576 soil samples. In the laboratory, we measured indicators such as soil organic carbon, soil moisture content, soil bulk density, and soil mechanical composition. 1) The SOC in the 0-100 cm soil layer of the four types of land cover under the terrace ranged from 2.34 to 3.42 g/kg, with the order of TF> OL> TG> TC. 2) After SC is convert into TF, TG, TO and TC, it has improved the carbon sequestration benefits of soil. The carbon sequestration of TF, TO, TG and TC is 12.01, 8.78, 8.13 and 2.13 t/hm2, respectively. 3) The vertical distribution of soil carbon sequestration benefits differs among various land cover types. The soil carbon sequestration benefit of terraced fields is higher in the 60-100 cm soil layer than the 0-40 cm soil layer. However, when terracing is combined with vegetation measures, the trend is reversed. 4) The SOC of TF, TG, TO TC, and SC exhibits a significant negative correlation with soil bulk density and an extremely significant positive correlation with soil moisture content, respectively. However, compared to SC, only the soil moisture content of TC and TO shows a significant increase. The implementation of terrace measures influences soil carbon sequestration benefits by increasing soil moisture, especially enhancing the sequestration in deep soil layers. When terraces are combined with vegetation measures, the soil carbon sequestration benefits are further enhanced, with a particularly greater impact on the sequestration benefits of surface soil. The results of our study could provide strong support for achieving the effects of relevant soil and water conservation measures and developing carbon sequestration methodology.

Keywords: soil and water conservation; soil carbon sequestration; terrace; Loess Plateau; monitoring and evaluation

How to cite: Yu, K., Zhang, X., Cheng, H., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., and Sun, W.: Carbon Sequestration Benefit and Influencing Factors in Terraces with Different Cover Types of Soil in the Loess Hilly Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6354,, 2025.

EGU25-7631 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Terracing Measures Stabilize and Enhance Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Revegetation on the Loess Plateau 

Hui Cheng, Hao Feng, Xiaoping Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, and Weinan Sun


Revegetation is vital for enhancing soil carbon sequestration. However, the impacts of revegetation and terracing measures on soil organic carbon (SOC) and SOC sequestration (SOCS), and the differences in the effects of revegetation on SOC and SOCS when implemented on sloped fields versus terraced fields, are still unclear. Thus, we conducted a field survey on cropland (CL), grassland (GL), and forestland (FL) on both sloped fields and terraced fields in Wuqi county, China’s Loess Plateau. The results showed that SOC content in FL at 0–10 cm, 10–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–60 cm depths were 1.70, 1.28, 1.28, and 1.19 times respectively higher than in CL. Similarly, SOC content in GL at the same depths were 1.30, 1.13, 1.18, and 1.20 times higher than in CL. In terraced, SOC content at 40–60 cm, 60–80 cm, 80–100 cm depths were 1.22, 1.28, and 1.20 times respectively higher than on sloped fields. Revegetation primarily significantly affected SOC at 0–10 cm depth on sloped fields (GL: p = 0.04; FL: p < 0.01), and more deeply (0–100 cm) on terraced fields (GL at 40–80 cm: p < 0.05; FL: p < 0.01). Furthermore, revegetation on sloped fields generated the highest SOCS at 0–40 cm depth, with a subsequent decrease as depth increased to 40–100 cm depth. Conversely, on terraced, SOCS increased with soil depth within the 0–100 cm depth. These results indicated that revegetation primarily enhanced SOCS in the surface soil (0–40 cm), and terracing measures stabilized the SOCS in the surface soil and further enhanced them in deeper soil horizons (0–100 cm). Therefore, in the context of soil erosion control and ecological restoration, the combined implementation of vegetation restoration and engineering measures can effectively stabilize and enhance SOCS, thereby fully leveraging the role of soil in mitigation climate change.

Keywords: Soil and water conservation measures; Carbon sequestration; Land use change;Vegetation restoration; Engineering measures; Deep soil organic carbon

How to cite: Cheng, H., Feng, H., Zhang, X., Yu, K., Wang, H., Geng, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., and Sun, W.: Terracing Measures Stabilize and Enhance Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Benefits of Revegetation on the Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7631,, 2025.

EGU25-8569 | Posters virtual | VPS15

Soil microbial communities dynamic in spontaneous afforestation: a comparative analysis between the Casentino Forests and the Julian Prealps 

Speranza Claudia Panico, Giorgio Alberti, Alessandro Foscari, Lorenzo Orzan, Natalie Piazza, Antonio Tomao, and Guido Incerti

In this study we investigate the effects of rewilding, a spontaneous process ongoing since decades after land abandonment at national and European levels, with a focus on the replacement of former grasslands and pastures by tree forest. In particular, we explored the ecological dynamics occurring within the topsoil. The main objectives are: i) to clarify how topsoil physico-chemical properties change along the successional gradient, ii) to provide an overview of soil microbial communities response along the same gradient, and iii) assess causal relationships among soil predictors and microbial response, in terms of community composition and diversity, as well as abundance of bacterial and fungal taxonomic groups. The study areas were the Foreste Casentinesi National Park and the Julian Prealps Regional Park (Italy), In both areas we identified by historical ortophotos (period 1954-2020) five successional stages replicated in four chronosequences: grassland-pasture (G), shrubland (S), early (E), intermediate (I), and late afforestation (L). Replicated topsoil samples (0–10 cm) were analysed for pH, bulk density (BD), and organic carbon (OC), and total nitrogen (N) contents. Microbial communities were assessed from environmental DNA extracted by the fine soil fractions followed by DNA metabarcoding using ITS and 16S markers for fungi and bacteria, respectively. Results showed that as the succession progresses, soil acidification and a reduction in bulk density occur, coupled with an increase in soil organic matter at later stages in mature soils. However, such trends are quantitatively affected by site-specific variability. Bacterial and fungal communities respond differently to secondary grassland afforestation: fungi, mainly Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, exhibit greater specialisation in mature successional stages, while bacteria, dominated by Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobiota, show more site-specific traits. Comparisons between the two study areas showed a lower variability in microbial diversity in the Casentino National Park, likely due to its more homogeneous environmental conditions, including plant cover. Our study underlines the functional importance of soil biota in enhancing and sustaining carbon storage in forest soils undergoing natural afforestation. On a broader scale, the study highlights the value of nature-based solutions such as rewilding for climate neutrality and biodiversity conservation.

How to cite: Panico, S. C., Alberti, G., Foscari, A., Orzan, L., Piazza, N., Tomao, A., and Incerti, G.: Soil microbial communities dynamic in spontaneous afforestation: a comparative analysis between the Casentino Forests and the Julian Prealps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8569,, 2025.

EGU25-9281 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Sustainable agricultural management does not reduce heavy metals and associated risks in apple orchard soil 

Weinan sun, Xiaoping Zhang, Gangshuan Bai, Wenliang Geng, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, Xuanhao Liu, and José A Gómez

The Weibei Upland is an important area for apple production in China and globally. In this study, soil samples were collected and analyzed from 27 representative apple orchards in Luochuan, Baishui, and Qianyang in the northern, eastern, and western parts of the Weibei Upland to determine the levels of Pb, Cd, Cr, As, Cu, and Hg, and to assess their ecological and health risks.

The results of the survey showed that the concentrations of all six heavy metals in the soil of apple orchards in the region were below the risk control values, with arsenic being the heavy element with the highest risk. The comprehensive ecological environmental risks of the investigated orchards are all in clean condition (Nemero index<1). Heavy metals in orchard soils in the region have a high childhood cancer risk and are much higher than in adults.

The survey further demonstrated that geographical location had a significant effect (P < 0.05) on the ecological and non-carcinogenic risk of heavy metals in local orchards, but agricultural management practices did not have a significant effect on the ecological and health risk of local orchards(P > 0.05).

The results of this study may provide a scientific basis for the sustainable management and environmental protection of apple orchards in the Weibei Upland, and it is recommended to strengthen the regulation of the use of heavy metals in the production and cultivation of apple orchards in this region in order to reduce heavy metal pollution and risks.

How to cite: sun, W., Zhang, X., Bai, G., Geng, W., Wang, H., Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., Liu, X., and Gómez, J. A.: Sustainable agricultural management does not reduce heavy metals and associated risks in apple orchard soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9281,, 2025.

EGU25-10934 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Effects of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in loess hilly region, China 

Wenliang Geng, Xiaoping Zhang, Zhibin Hu, Chen Duan, Haojia Wang, Miaoqian Wang, Weinan Sun, Xuanhao Liu, Yujie Zhang, Kaiyang Yu, and Peter Strauss

Abstract: The depletion of soil nutrients and the increased erodibility of soil have exacerbated the degree of soil degradation, thereby impeding the sustainable development of ecosystems. Vegetation restoration, as a widely implemented measure to prevent soil degradation, is valued for its role in enhancing soil nutrients and reducing soil erodibility. To investigate the impact of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in the Loess Hilly Region, this study selected Wuqi County, the pioneer county of China's Grain-for-Green Project, as the research site, with sloping farmland serving as the control. Four types of vegetation restoration were chosen: artificial forests (Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis, Robinia pseudoacacia), artificial mixed forests (Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica, Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia), shrub forests (Hippophae rhamnoides), and abandoned grasslands. The physicochemical properties of the soil at depths of 0—5 cm, 5—20 cm, and 20—40 cm were measured. The Comprehensive Soil Nutrient Index (CSNI) and the Comprehensive Soil Erodibility Index (CSEI) were combined, and a weighted summation method was used to calculate the Comprehensive Soil Quality Index (CSQI), thereby reflecting the impact of vegetation restoration on the improvement of soil nutrients and erodibility. The results indicated that the vegetation types with the highest CSQI were Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Armeniaca sibirica (3.43), Pinus tabulaeformis mixed with Robinia pseudoacacia (3.22), Robinia pseudoacacia (2.85), Armeniaca sibirica (2.37), Pinus tabulaeformis (2.22), Hippophae rhamnoides (3.06), and grassland (2.93). The CSNI was primarily influenced by the Soil Structure Stability Index (SSSI), sand content, and the content of silt + clay, while the CSEI was controlled by soil organic matter (SOM), macroaggregates, and microaggregates. Overall, vegetation restoration can effectively enhance soil nutrients and improve soil erodibility. Mixed forests, compared to single-species forests, shrublands, and abandoned grasslands, are more effective in improving soil aggregate stability and resistance to erosion. This study provides a reference for assessing vegetation restoration measures.

Keywords: Soil degradation, Soil nutrients, Soil erodibility, Soil quality, Vegetation restoration, Loess Plateau

How to cite: Geng, W., Zhang, X., Hu, Z., Duan, C., Wang, H., Wang, M., Sun, W., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Yu, K., and Strauss, P.: Effects of vegetation restoration measures on soil nutrients and erodibility in loess hilly region, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10934,, 2025.

EGU25-11388 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Response of ecosystem service flows to the ecological restoration project of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province 

Zhibin Hu, Xiaoping Zhang, Wenliang Geng, Yujie Zhang, Chen Duan, Miaoqian Wang, Haojia Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, and Kaiyang Yu

Abstract: Clarifying the complex dynamics of ecosystem service (ES) flows and identifying the key locations of the ecosystem service supply-demand chain is crucial for achieving sustainable management of ecosystem services. However, the understanding of how ES flows respond in ecological restoration projects is in urgent need of deepening. Taking the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, China as an example, this study quantitatively analyzed the effects of the Grain-for-Green Program, the world's largest vegetation restoration project, and the check-dam construction, the key soil and water conservation project.

       The results show that between 2000 and 2020, compared to the sum of the benefits generated by the two projects implemented separately, the inter-regional ES flows in the areas where these two projects were jointly implemented increased significantly (p<0.01) in terms of carbon sequestration, water source conservation, flood regulation, and soil water retention. The ES carbon flow increased year by year and then tended to stabilize, while the ES water flow showed a fluctuating downward trend with the increase of years, the trend degree of water flow rate change is -1.33×10³ m³/(km²·a). The impact of different projects showed spatial heterogeneity across the entire region, with a significant increase in regional ES flows observed in the western areas. Quantitative analysis indicated that when the Grain-for-Green Program and silt dam construction were jointly implemented, the regional ES flows of all services were higher, and the synergistic fields were more extensive. The research results can provide references for the ecological protection and restoration of the Loess Plateau region.

Keywords: Ecosystem Service Flows; Ecological Restoration; Soil and Water Conservation; Supply and Demand

How to cite: Hu, Z., Zhang, X., Geng, W., Zhang, Y., Duan, C., Wang, M., Wang, H., Liu, X., Sun, W., and Yu, K.: Response of ecosystem service flows to the ecological restoration project of Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi Province, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11388,, 2025.

EGU25-12841 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Analysis of relationships among variables in nationwide big data of geotechnical information in Japan 

Satori Teruya, Kei Ishida, and Akira Sato

Recent advancements by national institutions in Japan have significantly enhanced the accessibility of geotechnical information, enabling researchers to utilize extensive datasets via online platforms. While these datasets have been widely employed in various studies, systematic analyses of relationships among variables within large-scale geotechnical data remain limited. This study aims to address this gap by analyzing relationships between variables using a comprehensive nationwide dataset of soil tests provided by the National Geo-Information Center (NGIC). The analysis of soil hydraulic conductivities revealed a strong dependence on the proportion of fine-grained components, such as clay and silt fractions. However, correlation analysis indicated that the strongest relationship, observed with the clay fraction, yielded a correlation coefficient of -0.51, suggesting a moderate association. Further investigation into variables such as dry density, natural water content, and void ratio demonstrated their dependence on the proportion of fine-grained fractions. Notably, the upper and lower bounds of these variables were influenced by fine particle content. A particularly significant finding was the observation that as the proportion of fine particles decreased, the void ratio also declined, leading to an increase in the permeability coefficient. These results provide valuable insights into the relationships between geotechnical properties and particle-size composition, offering a novel perspective on soil behavior. This study highlights the potential of utilizing extensive geotechnical datasets to advance our understanding of soil properties and their dependencies. The findings contribute not only to the theoretical understanding of geotechnical systems but also to practical applications in geotechnical engineering, providing a foundation for future research and data-driven approaches to soil analysis.

How to cite: Teruya, S., Ishida, K., and Sato, A.: Analysis of relationships among variables in nationwide big data of geotechnical information in Japan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12841,, 2025.

EGU25-13615 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Soil organic matter and carbon fractions within aggregates and in soil profile in double- and cover cropping systems 

Fatemeh Sheikhi Shahrivar, Oluwaseun Ola, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Karla Gage, and Amir Sadeghpour

Understanding the distribution of soil organic matter, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) within aggregates and across soil profiles is critical for improving soil fertility, nutrient cycling, and long-term sustainability in agricultural systems. This study evaluates the short-term effects of various crop rotations and cover cropping systems on soil organic matter (SOM), aggregate-associated C and N fractions, and their vertical distribution in the soil profile. A three-year field experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, with treatments including: (1) corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation without cover crop (CNSN), (2) corn-soybean rotation with rye cover crop (CRSR), (3) corn-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-soybean rotation without cover crop, and (4) corn-wheat-soybean rotation with a cereal rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop (CWSR). Soil aggregates were collected from 0-5 and 5-15 cm depth and used for assessing aggregate size distribution, aggregate stability, SOM, soil C and N. Bulk density and soil C and N along with soil organic matter was measured from samples collected from 0-90 cm depth. CRSR and CWSN, significantly increased medium-sized aggregates (1-2 mm and 0.5-1 mm) as compared to the CNSN treatment. Including cereal rye into double cropping systems (CWSR) improved soil’s aggregate stability. Cropping systems, particularly those with winter wheat and cereal rye, increased soil organic matter in 2-4.75 mm aggregate fraction as compared the CNSN control. Soil organic matter concentration decreased with depth, with the highest values at 0-5 cm across all cropping systems. Soil bulk density by depths, soil C and N within aggregate and by depth will also be presented at the meeting. Our current findings indicate that utilizing CWSR could provide economic and soil benefits to growers in Illinois.

How to cite: Sheikhi Shahrivar, F., Ola, O., Javid, M., Brevik, E., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Gage, K., and Sadeghpour, A.: Soil organic matter and carbon fractions within aggregates and in soil profile in double- and cover cropping systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13615,, 2025.

EGU25-13616 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fall Applied Manure and Phosphorous Fertilizers in Southern Illinois 

Sowmya Koduru, Reza Keshavarz Afshar, Moein Javid, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Illinois nutrient loss reduction strategy is questing to reduce nitrate-N (NO3-N) and phosphorus (P) loss by 25 and 15% by 2025. Fall applied ammonium-based P fertilizers could result in both NO3-N and phosphate loss during the fallow period. Two ways to minimize these losses are by utilizing nitrification inhibitors and also assessing other sources of P including triple superphosphate (TSP) and dissolved air flotation (DAF) that separates solids from liquid manure. A four-times replicated experiment was initiated in fall 2023 with Randomized Complete Block Design and five treatments in Agronomy Research Center, Carbondale, IL. Treatments were fertilizers [Control, TSP, DAF (Dissolved Air Flotation), MAP, & MAPI (MAP + urease and nitrification Inhibitor)], timing (fall & spring) and application type (surface & tilled). Data on nitrous oxide emissions, moisture, temperature, NO3-N leaching, and soil N were recorded during fall and spring prior to planting of corn (Zea mays L.) and agronomic observations (plant height, LAI & NDVI) were recorded on corn in fall. Soil N2O-N emissions were higher in MAPI and DAF during early February and late April dates, which can be explained by N availability along with high moisture and high temperatures, respectively during those sampling dates. Over winter and spring, MAPI had consistently higher NO3-N, NH4-N and total N especially in the late sampling dates and leaching losses were less under DAF (23% and 34%, respectively) and TSP (56% and 63%, respectively) compared to MAP or MAPI, suggesting that nitrification inhibitor did not reduce leaching from MAP source when applied in fall. Corn growth was slightly higher under DAF compared to other fertility treatments indicating it can be a potential replacement to the synthetic P fertilizers.


How to cite: Koduru, S., Keshavarz Afshar, R., Javid, M., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Fall Applied Manure and Phosphorous Fertilizers in Southern Illinois, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13616,, 2025.

EGU25-14128 | Posters virtual | VPS15

The Impact of Nitrogen Management and Winter Wheat as A Double Crop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in A Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation. 

Oluwaseun Ola, Osman Guzel, Karla Gage, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Steffen Mueller, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Optimizing nitrogen (N) management in agricultural cropping systems is important for reducing nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions. This study examined the effect of managing N application in a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) double-cropped with soybean (Glycine max L.) on biomass, grain yield, and N₂O emissions. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomy Research Center (ARC), Carbondale in Southern Illinois University, IL using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The treatments include N timing and rate, creating three N management intensities of low, medium, and high. Low-intensity treatment received 120 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring, medium-intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 all in spring and high intensity treatment received 186 kg N ha-1 in fall and spring. Results revealed that the treatment with medium-intensity input of N application did not have a significant effect on winter wheat biomass, grain yield, and N₂O cumulative fluxes in comparison to the high-intensity N management treatment. The results for average soybean grain yield under the various fertilizer inputs (3,087 kg ha-1) were significantly different when compared to the no-cover crop (NOCC) (3,527 kg ha-1) The cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar under all treatments for soybean and winter wheat. The summed cumulative N₂O fluxes were similar in both the medium and high N-intensity treatments during the soybean and winter wheat phases but higher than those of low intensity. Since the wheat yield was similar among all treatments, reduction in N2O during wheat-soybean rotation suggests that low-intensity treatment ensures farm profit while reducing N2O emissions.

How to cite: Ola, O., Guzel, O., Gage, K., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Mueller, S., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: The Impact of Nitrogen Management and Winter Wheat as A Double Crop on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in A Wheat-Soybean Crop Rotation., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14128,, 2025.

EGU25-14207 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

The role of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on the properties of rice husk biochar and its environmental implications 

Tri Wahyuni, Ngadisih Ngadisih, Bambang Purwantana, Tri Martini, Helena Susilawati, Meidaliyantisyah Meidaliyantisyah, Ratna Dewi, Rizki Maftukhah, Alfayanti Alfayanti, and Nugroho Sasongko

Husks are a common agricultural waste in Indonesia, often discarded or burned, leading to environmental pollution and waste of resources. Therefore, this study proposes an innovative approach to optimize biochar production from rice husks. By determining the optimal pyrolysis temperature and duration, the research aims to produce the highest quality biocharThe pyrolysis temperatures tested were 400°C, 450°C, 500°C, and 550°C, with durations of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 75 minutes, and 90 minutes, respectively. The physical and chemical properties of the biochar such as pH, element content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and biochar yield, were evaluated. An environmental impact assessment was conducted using the ReCiPe 2016 Endpoint H method, integrating life cycle assessment (LCA). The results revealed that a pyrolysis temperature of 550°C for 60 minutes enhanced carbon stability, pH, and nutrient retention. Additionally, the ideal pyrolysis duration significantly improved the biochar’s surface properties. According to the LCA analysis, the biochar produced shows great potential for soil improvement and environmental benefits, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. This research provides a new framework for balancing biochar quality with its environmental impact and promotes sustainable agricultural waste management as part of a global effort to combat climate change.

How to cite: Wahyuni, T., Ngadisih, N., Purwantana, B., Martini, T., Susilawati, H., Meidaliyantisyah, M., Dewi, R., Maftukhah, R., Alfayanti, A., and Sasongko, N.: The role of temperature and duration of pyrolysis on the properties of rice husk biochar and its environmental implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14207,, 2025.

EGU25-14393 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Poorly Drained Alfisols. 

Folahanmi Adeyemi, Ashani Thilakaranthne, Madhabi Tiwari, Oladapo Adeyemi, Gurbir Singh, Karl Williard, Jon Schoonover, Eric Brevik, and Amir Sadeghpour

Shifting from reduced tillage (RT) to no-till (NT) often reduces phosphorus (P) runoff by minimizing soil erosion. However, it might increase nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions or nitrate-N (NO3-N) leaching. Including a legume cover crop such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa L.) before corn (Zea mays L.) is a common practice among growers in the Midwest USA. However, the effects of hairy vetch following soybean (Glycine max L.) harvest on NO3-N leaching and N2O emissions during the following corn season in soil with clay and fragipans are less assessed. This study evaluated the influence of cover crop (hairy vetch vs. no-CC control) and tillage systems (NT vs. RT) when 179 kg ha−1 nitrogen (N) was applied at planting on (i) corn yield, N uptake, removal, and balance; (ii) N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching; (iii) yield-scaled N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching during two corn growing seasons. We also evaluated factors influencing N2O emissions and NO3-N leaching via principal component analysis. Corn grain yield was higher in RT (8.4 Mg ha−1) than NT (6.2 Mg ha−1), reflecting more available N in the soil in RT than NT, possibly due to the favorable aeration and increased soil temperature in deeper soil layers resulting from tillage. Hairy vetch increased corn grain yield and soil N. However, it led to higher losses of both N2O-N and NO3-N, indicating that increased corn grain yield, due to the hairy vetch’s N contribution, also resulted in higher N losses. Yield-scaled N2O-N emissions in NT-2019 (3696.4 g N2O-N Mg−1) were twofold higher than RT-2019 (1872.7 g N2O-N Mg−1) and almost fourfold higher than NT-2021 and RT-2021 indicating in a wet year like 2019, yield-scaled N2O-N emissions were higher in NT than RT. Principal component analysis indicated that NO3-N leaching was most correlated with soil N availability and corn grain yield (both positive correlations). In contrast, due to the continued presence of soil N, soil N2O-N fluxes were more driven by soil volumetric water content (VWC) with a positive correlation. We conclude that in soils with claypan and fragipans in humid climates, NT is not an effective strategy to decrease N2O-N fluxes. Hairy vetch benefits corn grain yield and supplements N but increases N loss through NO3-N leaching and N2O-N emissions.

How to cite: Adeyemi, F., Thilakaranthne, A., Tiwari, M., Adeyemi, O., Singh, G., Williard, K., Schoonover, J., Brevik, E., and Sadeghpour, A.: Assessing the Impacts of Tillage and Crop Rotation on Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Poorly Drained Alfisols., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14393,, 2025.

EGU25-14699 | ECS | Posters virtual | VPS15

Using WaTEM/SEDEM to characterize the spatiotemporal trend of the erosion and sediment transportation and the driving factor in a Loess Hilly-gully watershed 

Chen Duan, Xiaoping Zhang, Haojia Wang, Wenliang Geng, Zhibin Hu, Yujie Zhang, Miaoqian Wang, Xuanhao Liu, Weinan Sun, Kaiyang Yu, Josef Krása, Barbora Jáchymová, and Raquel N R Falcão

Abstract: Understanding the spatiotemporal changes of sediment yield in watersheds over long time scales and their influencing factors is of great significance for soil and water conservation. Taking the upper Beiluo River Basin(7325 km2)as an example, the WaTEM/SEDEM model was used to analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of soil erosion and sediment yield in the watershed from 1980 to 2016, as well as the driving factors, providing a scientific theoretical basis for soil and water conservation on the Loess Plateau. The results show that there have been significant changes in land use in the Beiluo River Basin. Compared to 1980, by 2016,the area of forest and grassland in the upper Beiluo River increased by 1188.60 km², a growth of 25.08%, while the area of cultivated land decreased by 1118.64 km², a reduction of 45.86%. In areas where farmland was converted to forest, the sediment yield of the watershed showed a significant decline. The sediment transport in the study area decreased from an average of 50.99 million tons per year in the 1980s to a multi-year average of 9.3434 million tons per year in this century,and the corresponding sediment transport modulus decreased from 6963 tons/(km²·year)to 1275.65 tons/(km²·year). The intensity of soil erosion was mainly characterized by severe and intense erosion before 1980, while after that, it was mainly slight erosion, followed by extremely intense and light erosion, with the smallest proportion of severe, intense, and moderate erosion. The WaTEM/SEDEM model is applicable to this study area, with a Nash coefficient reaching 0.7. Farmland conversion to forest and ecological restoration are the main driving factors for the reduction of erosion and sediment yield in the study area over the past 40 years. The erosion in the Beiluo River Basin from 1980 to 2016 showed an overall weakening trend. The results indicate that the policy of farmland conversion to forest on the Loess Plateau has been remarkably effective, and ecological vegetation construction should continue to be actively carried out.

Keywords:Soil erosion; WaTEM/SEDEM model; Driving factors; Loess Plateau

How to cite: Duan, C., Zhang, X., Wang, H., Geng, W., Hu, Z., Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Liu, X., Sun, W., Yu, K., Krása, J., Jáchymová, B., and Falcão, R. N. R.: Using WaTEM/SEDEM to characterize the spatiotemporal trend of the erosion and sediment transportation and the driving factor in a Loess Hilly-gully watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14699,, 2025.

In recent decades, intensive agronomic practices, combined with the growing impacts of climate change, have created a harmful synergy for the environment, leading to significant soil degradation and a subsequent decline in the quality of agri-food products. The wine sector is no exception and is particularly affected due to the need to balance grape quality, adapt vine cultivars, and secure the future incomes of farmers.

A key element in future climate simulations is a significant and widespread decrease in rainfall during the grapevine growing cycle at Italian latitudes.

In this context, with the support of Next Generation EU funds, efforts are being made to promote the transition from a linear economic model—characterized by the traditional cycle of extraction, production, consumption, and disposal—to a circular economy model centred on the three Rs: Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle. This concept can be completely applied in the agricultural sector by maximizing the use of resources. Waste products from transformation processes can be reintroduced into the agricultural system in various forms.

The aim of this work based on the use of biodegradable mulching film in viticulture, embraces these aspects by proposing an agronomic solution with the following benefits: i) preserve the soil water content during the vine cultivation by applying a biodegradable mulching film obtained from the waste of the winemaking process; ii) reduce at the same time the soil pollution caused by plastic materials.

To obtain the biofilm, grape pomace (GP) was dried and milled using a grinding machine. Cellulose Acetate (CA) and GP composites were prepared by using a melt mixing method. GP was first added to CA in amounts such that the final concentrations of GP were 10% and 30% wt. The obtained biofilms were then cut and used as mulching films in pots with grape plants in experimental trials. A comparison of pots with biofilm at different concentrations of GP was made with the control (no biofilm) and also with conventional PVC film. The monitoring concerned young grapevine plants of the Aglianico cultivar. The experimental trial was conducted during the season 2024. The plants were cultivated in 25x25 cm pots under outdoor environmental conditions filled with soil sampled up to a depth of 20 cm from a local wine farm.

The soil water content and temperature were monitored through the use of sensors connected to a datalogger for saving data with hourly time step timing, and biometric parameters were measured during the the growth cycle; finally, the LAI index was estimated for each of the theses examined. The weather data were also collected by means of meteorological station near the experimental field. The results in terms of temperatures and water content in pots, showed differences between the different biofilm treatments: the 10% had a very similar behaviour compared to the classic PVC mulch film, while the 30% biofilm treatment had slightly lower performances compared to the 10% and PVC treatments. This is a very promising result for water conservation, beneficial for the optimal growth of vines.

How to cite: Pisano, L.: Assessing the effectiveness of biodegradable mulching film in vineyard: a case study in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15369,, 2025.

Insect production of “black soldier fly” (BSF) larvae is an efficient and sustainable method to convert residual biomass into useful products. A byproduct from insect production, consisting of larval excrement, residual feed and larval exoskeletons, known as “frass,” contains essential macro- and micronutrients and can be advantageously used as fertilizer in agriculture. In addition to nutrients, frass may also contain plant biostimulants and beneficial microorganisms that may have pathogen suppressive effects. However, another potential value enhancement of frass is converting it into biochar via pyrolysis for carbon sequestration. In this study, we compare the effects of frass and the corresponding frass biochar on growth and nutrient uptake by wheat. In addition, we investigated the effect on chitinase activity as an indicator of the potential pathogen suppressive effects of frass compared to frass biochar. A pot experiment with wheat comparing the fertilizer efficiency of frass and frass biochar showed that frass was an efficient P fertilizer, resulting in comparable yields as to the NPK treatment given that N fertilizer was co-applied. In comparison, frass biochar also increased yields compared to the negative control, but not to the same extent as the raw frass. In an additional rhizobox setup, zymography was used to investigate the spatial distribution of chitinase activity in the rhizosphere of wheat. Chitinase activity was induced by frass application, but not by frass biochar, suggesting that the potential pathogenic suppressive effect of frass application is annihilated during pyrolysis. Frass could be an efficient biobased fertilizer, but further investigations into the effects on how frass affects the microbial processes in soil are needed. Frass biochar holds the potential for carbon sequestration and may function as a good soil conditioner. However, this might be at the cost of a more valuable product - the raw frass.

How to cite: Bornø, M. L.: Fertilizer efficiency and induced chitinase activity of frass versus frass biochar amended to soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20225,, 2025.

SSS1 – History, Education and Society of Soil Science

EGU25-2164 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media 

Johanna Knauf, Theresa Zimmermann, Jonas Schröter, Miriam Tivig, and Frank Kreienkamp

This work examines the extent and form in which uncertainty of Extreme Event Attribution (EEA) results is best communicated to stakeholders. To achieve this, we develop communication materials in both text and graphics and test them for accuracy and accessibility through guided interviews with scientists and stakeholders.

Extreme weather events pose significant challenges for human civilization. Climate change can influence both the intensity and probability of specific extreme weather events, such as heatwaves or heavy rainfall. EEA has become an established tool to answer public questions about the contribution of climate change to such events. However, the results of EEA studies are often accompanied by considerable uncertainties. Communication of results, including an accessible representation of uncertainty, is therefore a fundamental necessity in this field of research, extending beyond the general effort to make scientific findings accessible to the public. Media representatives, who often bridge the gap between attribution scientists and the public, are therefore key stakeholders in this research.

We present the current state of research on communicating uncertainties in this field and outline our iterative approach to working with attribution scientists and media representatives alike to determine what should be communicated and how to communicate it effectively. Finally, we evaluate which communication materials are both relevant and accessible, and we reflect on the lessons learned for future communication efforts concerning EEA results.

This study is part of ClimXchange, which aims to enhance the usability of climate science for societal stakeholders. ClimXchange is embedded within the ClimXtreme research consortium, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which focuses on extreme weather events in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Knauf, J., Zimmermann, T., Schröter, J., Tivig, M., and Kreienkamp, F.: Communicating uncertainty in extreme event attribution to the media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2164,, 2025.

EGU25-4471 | PICO | EOS1.6

Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes 

Gabriele Messori, Stephen Jewson, and Sebastian Scher

Skilful weather forecasts help users make sound decisions when faced with potentially hazardous climatic conditions. However, this beneficial result may be reduced or negated in the absence of an effective communication of forecast uncertainty. On average, forecast skill improves for shorter lead times, which implies that we expect differences between successive forecasts. While there is a vast literature on the communication and visualisation of weather forecast uncertainty, little attention has been dedicated to communicating forecast changes to non-specialist audiences. Nonetheless, this is a key dimension of forecast uncertainty, and there are several user cases in which providing information about possible future changes in weather forecasts can improve their use.

An illustrative example is the situation in which a user has to decide whether to act now or wait for the next forecast. This can be as simple as a professional deciding whether to drive or not to a client on a day for which extremely heavy rainfall is forecasted, potentially leading to flash flooding. Cancelling well-ahead of time makes rescheduling easier, yet the forecast has a larger chance of being wrong. Cancelling on short notice minimises the chance of a false alarm, but poses greater logistical challenges for both the professional and the client. Something as simple as knowing how often the later forecast is better – for example knowing that 9 times out of 10 a heavy rainfall forecast issued one day ahead is better than one issued 5 days ahead – can qualitatively help the non-specialist users in this fictitious example to make a more informed decision.

In this contribution, we consider a variety of cases in which information on forecast changes may be of value. We then present a set of easily interpretable metrics making information on such changes accessible to non-specialist users.

How to cite: Messori, G., Jewson, S., and Scher, S.: Communicating uncertainty in weather forecasts: the role of forecast changes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4471,, 2025.

Whether its memories of a cold, frosty Christmas or an August bank holiday beach trip interrupted by rain, many cultural, sporting, and social events in the United Kingdom have strong associations with particular weather conditions. As the average global temperature increases, the impacts of a changing climate are likely to be felt across many aspects of British life, including in the public’s experiences of these popular events. Several recent works conducted by the UK Met Office have sought to make the local day-to-day impacts of climate change more understandable for the public by exploring likely climatic conditions of popular events by the 2050s. These works have received strong engagement from the public, demonstrating the demand for relevant and understandable climate information.

We serve this demand by using the 2018 UK Climate Projections (UKCP18) and HadUK-Grid observations data to evaluate how climate change will affect the climatology of a diverse range of British social, cultural, and sporting events. To explore and communicate the uncertainties in UKCP18 due to inherent model biases, several bias correction methods are applied to the data and the resulting data is analysed together to give an improved uncertainty range. The research will focus on assessing changes to temperature variables at global warming levels of 1.5°C and 3.0°C to illustrate these two future scenarios and the uncertainty within each scenario.

We will show that some events are likely to have a significantly altered climatology which is likely to substantially change the nature of these events or force them to change when they occur during the year to give the best chance of having favourable climatic conditions. By assessing the impact of climate change on popular British events such as the London Marathon and Glastonbury Festival the findings of this research will prove useful in communicating the impacts of climate change in a way which will resonate with the British public.

How to cite: Woods, L., Pope, J., and Fung, F.: Impacting on our Lives: Using British sports and culture to explain uncertainty in climate projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9081,, 2025.

Flood frequency analysis is a cornerstone of hydrologic studies, providing a probabilistic framework to relate the magnitude of extreme events to their frequency of occurrence. This methodology is critical for designing flood-related infrastructure, conducting economic evaluations of flood control projects, and delineating floodplains. However, its utility depends heavily on data quality, model selection, and parameter estimation, each of which introduces uncertainties that become especially significant for rare events.

This presentation will address key sources of uncertainty, including model choice, parameter inference methods, and sample size limitations. Strategies for incorporating these uncertainties into engineering practice are discussed, with an emphasis on probabilistic representations and innovative design approaches. An exceptional flood, a "black swan" event, is used to illustrate the paradox of increased uncertainty despite improved information. This case underscores the importance of expanding flood analyses through historical records, regionalization, and causal modeling, particularly in the context of a changing climate.

The presentation will be designed to foster cross-discipline exchange in the quantification of uncertainty in Earth Sciences.

How to cite: Viglione, A.: Flood Frequency Hydrology: Navigating Uncertainty in Flood Design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11466,, 2025.

EGU25-13135 | PICO | EOS1.6

Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images 

Peter Dietrich, Husain Najafi, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Two-dimensional (2D) images are often used to communicate the results of scientific investigations and predictions. Examples are weather maps, earthquake hazard maps and MRI slices. In contrast to statistical analyses of individual variables or time series, there are currently no established methods for visualizing the uncertainties in the 2D images. However, this would be necessary to make the information in the 2D images clear to scientists as well as to the non-expert public audiences in order to avoid misinterpretation and over-interpretation.

In this study, we demonstrate the challenges and approaches to uncertainty visualization using the case study of drought forecasting, which is relevant for climate adaptations and mitigations. A drought is a deviation (anomaly) from the parameter value expected from long-term data. In our case, the parameter under consideration is soil moisture, which is an important parameter for various environmental processes. The soil moisture can be used in combination with soil type to estimate the amount of water available to plants in the topsoil. If the amount of water available to plants according to the so-called percentile approach deviates significantly from the value expected from long-term data, this is referred to as an agricultural drought.

The drought forecast is based on ensemble modelling. This means that the results of various weather forecast models are used to predict the development of soil moisture for the period of the weather forecast. For each weather model used, a possible soil moisture development is predicted. Each of these is used for a drought forecast. The result of the ensemble modelling is therefore several forecasts, which can differ significantly. Due to the use of different weather models and the consideration of uncertainties in the models, the result of ensemble modelling is therefore a large number of drought forecast maps. When visualising the results, often only a map of the mean values resulting from the predictions is shown. If only the mean value is displayed, however, the information about a possible difference and thus the uncertainty of the predictions is lost. In other words: If individual cases from the ensemble predict the possibility of drought, this will not be clearly visible in the mean value map.

In this presentation, we will demonstrate and discuss different approaches to visualize the uncertainty in the prediction.

How to cite: Dietrich, P., Najafi, H., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Visualization of uncertainties in 2D images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13135,, 2025.

EGU25-13260 | PICO | EOS1.6

Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey 

Peter Dietrich, Michelle Dietrich, Michael Pelzer, and Solmaz Mohadjer

Uncertainties are an unavoidable part of scientific research. Practical limits with regard to the number, accuracy and precision of available observations as well as limitations in terms of methodological accuracy and modelling contribute to the fact that even the most elaborate and meticulous forecasts can never be deterministic and no completely reliable and accurate predictions for decision-making can be achieved. In concrete applications, a sufficient understanding of the accuracy and reliability of scientifically based predictions is important, for example in disaster prevention or resource planning. For example, natural hazard maps are primarily intended for those who have the necessary expertise to understand them. However, they are also used in their unaltered form by non-experts for decision-making, many of whom are unfamiliar with the scientific background and implications of the map.

We address this problem using an earthquake hazard map which can be relevant to non-expert audiences when seeking advice on purchasing a house or obtaining insurance. In order to understand how non-experts perceive a scientifically compiled earthquake hazard map, we conducted an online survey with 229 participants. This was done as part of the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants were asked about their first impression of the map in terms of information content, any need for further explanation and possible actions to take. Other questions assessed participants’ previous experiences and self-assessment of hazard perceptions.

In this presentation, we will discuss the survey results and share lessons learned when communicating information that contains uncertainty with non-expert audiences.

How to cite: Dietrich, P., Dietrich, M., Pelzer, M., and Mohadjer, S.: Non-expert understanding of hazard maps: Insights from an online survey, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13260,, 2025.

Working with environmental data means dealing with complex processes, limited data (in space and/or time) and the impossibility of setting up controlled experiments, leading to uncertain predictions of system behaviour.

In the field of statistical hydrology, many efforts have been made during the last decades to provide methods to quantify uncertainty, but the common practice of infrastructure design has not yet incorporated them. This may be due to several reasons, including the complexity of the methods, which are often difficult to apply in most everyday cases, and regulations that "favour" well-established requirements.

Here we present the "uncertainty compliant design flood estimator" (UNCODE) method, which accounts for aleatory uncertainty in the estimation of the design flood value. The method provides a corrected design value and is easy to use for practical purposes as simplified formulae are provided to quantify the correction factor. However, in addition to its practical application, it can also be used to compare different models with different levels of uncertainty and to highlight the "cost" of uncertainty.

Finally, its mathematical formulation allows a direct link to be made between the classical approach to hydrological design, based on a fixed hazard level (or return period), and a risk-based design approach, which is widely recognised as a more flexible method but is not usually included in regulations.

How to cite: Ganora, D.: Uncertainty in flood frequency analysis and its implications for infrastructure design, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15189,, 2025.

EGU25-17779 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study  

Solmaz Mohadjer, Gökce Ergün, Sebastian G. Mutz, Max Schneider, Tom Schürmann, Michael Pelzer, and Peter Dietrich

Maps are the most commonly used means of visualizing and communicating natural hazard information to support decisions about risk mitigation. They are a product of hazard assessment studies which involve different input parameters with uncertainties relevant to decision making. This process is further complicated by the subjective uncertainties that arise in the audience when confronted with the visualization of hazard information. 

Natural hazard maps are primarily designed to be used by experts, but they are also used in their unaltered form to communicate with non-experts, many of whom are unfamiliar with the map’s scientific background and implications. Previous studies focus mainly on evaluating such maps with expert groups (e.g., directly involved stakeholders and authorities), with less attention on non-experts (e.g., the public audiences) who are confronted with these maps before purchasing a house, getting insurance or making other critical decisions. 

To address this gap, our study investigates how well hazard maps are understood and interpreted by non-expert audiences. We tested two earthquake hazard maps of Germany that differ in color palettes (rainbow vs. colorblind-friendly and perception-optimized yellow-orange-red-brown color palettes) and data classification schemes (algorithmic Fisher vs. quasi-logarithmic classification schemes). We showed both maps to 20 non-expert participants during the 2024 Science & Innovation Days (a public engagement event) in Tübingen, Germany. Participants answered map-reading and hazard perception questions (e.g., participants were asked to read off the hazard level for a given city, and to compare hazard levels between for a pair of cities) while their eye movements were monitored with eye-tracking software. 

To identify if either map improved map reading and hazard perception, participants’ responses were scored, analyzed and compared using a two-sample Mann–Whitney U and Fisher’s Exact tests. In general, the differences detected in participants’ responses were not statistically significant, perhaps due to the small sample size. Still, we observed that nearly all participants who used the redesigned map (8 out of 9) correctly read the hazard level for a city while only 33% (3 out of 9 participants) who used the rainbow color map responded correctly.

Eye-tracking data were used to analyze focus-metrics. Composite heatmaps accumulating the duration of eye fixations of all participants indicate that their eye movements were focused more on the high hazard zones and the corresponding values shown on map legend when answering questions using a hazard map redesigned to use best practices for hazard perception.

To quantify these differences, the ratio of fixations on high-hazard zones to total fixations on the map were calculated for both map versions. The data were tested for normality and the statistical significance of the differences were evaluated using Independent Samples t-tests for equal variances. While the results were not statistically significant, participants viewing the redesigned map showed a greater number of fixations on high-hazard zones compared to the participants viewing the original map, with a moderate effect size. We note tendencies in the data that encourage the repetition of the experiment with a larger sample size.

How to cite: Mohadjer, S., Ergün, G., Mutz, S. G., Schneider, M., Schürmann, T., Pelzer, M., and Dietrich, P.: Non-Expert Understanding of Hazard Maps: An Eye-Tracking Study , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17779,, 2025.

A presentation of emerging themes and lessons learnt from examples of best practice in uncertainty quantification and communication relevant to climate services.  Drawn from existing literature and reports, and from a community engagement workshop.

  • Consider the climate risks that are of most concern to the audience. 
  • Use language the audience is familiar with (don’t say uncertainty).
  • The precision of uncertainty information should be relevant to the situation.
  • Understand existing narratives about climate uncertainty.
  • Use communication about uncertainty to build trust.
  • Be aware of deep uncertainty.

Standardised approaches to uncertainty communication should consider not only the climate science component, but also the complexities regarding socio-economic vulnerability.

Climateurope2, is a Horizon Europe project with a consortium of 33 parties from 13 countries that includes intergovernmental institutions such as the World Meteorological Organisation, social sciences, humanities and STEM expertise, assurance providers, SMEs, and standardisation bodies. Together we are building a community of practice for the standardisation and support of climate services.

How to cite: Pascoe, C., Dankers, R., Domingo, X., and Pagé, C.: Don't say uncertainty: preliminary best practices and emerging themes for uncertainty quantification and communication in climate services from the Climateurope2 project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18364,, 2025.

The recent COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need to effectively communicate forecasts and their uncertainty. This is especially important if the aim is to minimize the risk of misinformation and poorly-informed decision-making. Both the IPCC and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction have identified risk communication, complexity and uncertainty as major challenges to decision-making, and call for better understanding of how existing risk communication practices are perceived by those affected and those making decisions.

Despite these calls, many geoscientists, especially early career researchers, lack opportunities to discuss scientific uncertainty and explore ways to communicate uncertainty to different audiences, including the non-scientific publics. To address this demand, we organize the international training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, which is co-sponsored by the EGU and set to take place at the University of Tübingen in Germany from March 17 to 19, 2025. This in-person, three-day training school aims to equip Early Career Researchers with knowledge and skills needed to effectively account for and communicate uncertainty in geosciences with their peers as well as public audiences.

Some of the biggest challenges of training programs on uncertainty relate to the interdisciplinary nature of the concept: understanding and effectively communicating uncertainties requires knowledge and skill sets typically taught and researched across a range of diverse fields. Highlighting this interdisciplinary background, we combine insights from geoscientific uncertainty assessment and outputs (e.g., maps, interpretations, models, simulations, time series) with approaches from (visual) rhetoric, science communication, presentation research, and multimedia competence. 

Building on existing good practice, the training strives to equip geoscientists with the tools and skills they need to communicate uncertainty, help reduce misinformation, and enhance future decision-making. This will be done collaboratively through an interdisciplinary partnership between the Department of Geosciences, the Research Center for Science Communication at the Department of General Rhetoric, and Global Awareness Education at the University of Tübingen. The new approaches and exercises developed for this training will not only be practically applied in the training school, but also reflected and evaluated, including a pre-workshop survey addressing expectations and needs identified by the participants and a concluding qualitative evaluation.

In this presentation, we will discuss our multifaceted practices and strategies applied to foster skills in communicating uncertainty in geosciences, present the results of the accompanying survey and evaluation used in this training, and conclude with lessons learned and best practices recommended to further develop similar opportunities in the future.

How to cite: Pelzer, M., Dietrich, P., and Mohadjer, S.: Fostering Skills in Communicating Uncertainty in the Geosciences: a review of concepts, strategies and approaches applied in the training school “Understanding the Unknowns: Communicating Uncertainty as a Driving Force for Geosciences”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18655,, 2025.

Sub-seasonal weather forecasting is notoriously difficult, particularly for the extra-tropics. Predictions must be probabilistic, and from weeks 3 or 4 onwards forecast distributions are often very close to model-climate distributions. Together, these facts make conveying a meaningful forecast to customers extremely difficult, and those forecasts are then very vulnerable to misinterpretation. Standard map-based graphical output can show little more than whether the forecast mean is for average, or above average or below average conditions – ostensibly a 3-category classification. And indeed “average” in this scheme can be interpreted variously as a genuine forecast of average, or a “no-signal” prediction, which cannot both be right.

So ECMWF is working towards a new two-layer brand of map-based sub-seasonal forecast products, that succinctly represent both the mean anomaly and the forecast uncertainty. We plan to call these “quantile-based weekly guidance maps”. The overarching aim has been to exploit much better than hitherto the information content of the sub-seasonal forecast system in a compact format. Once these first go public they will be classed as an “experimental product”. We hope for wide-ranging uptake, providing greater outreach for our forecasts than hitherto, to benefit multiple sectors of society.

The new graphical output can be summarised in a 3-by-3 matrix form where one dimension represents the mean anomaly and the other relative spread. So for example a mean anomaly around zero can either represent a high confidence, narrow distribution forecast of average conditions (a true forecast of “average”), or more commonly a no-signal forecast where forecast and climate distributions are much the same (= “we don’t know”), or less often an odd scenario in which forecast spread exceeds climate spread (= “very uncertain indeed”). The graphical versions of the new system, and the 9 classes, will be demonstrated using real ECMWF forecast examples. These will highlight how translating appropriately chosen mathematical metrics into suitable graphics, and on into plain language text, can lie at the heart of successful uncertainty communication. Clear documentation for users is another key requirement.

How to cite: Hewson, T.: Making Uncertainty in Sub-seasonal Weather Forecasts Intelligible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19375,, 2025.

EGU25-21809 | ECS | PICO | EOS1.6

Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium 

Jakub Stepanovic, Sandy Claes, and Jan Sermeus
Uncertainty is an inherent part of the nature of science (NoS), and its communication is essential to maintain scientific transparency and credibility. Yet, current teaching on the topic is insufficient, leaving many with naïve views of NoS. Following calls to integrate uncertainty as a core component of science education and support NoS instruction with real-world examples, we designed an interactive learning experience conveying uncertainties in planetary science stemming from missing data and using artificial intelligence for a planetarium lecture. We were particularly interested in how interaction in the immersive planetarium settings impacts the audience's engagement with the lecture and, thus, uncertainty in science. The experience was presented to adolescents and adults attending the planetarium, and we collected feedback from 343 participants. Here, we share insights from the development, discuss interactive methods that significantly improved the audience's engagement, and share the participants' perspectives on uncertainty in science. We conclude by examining the pillars of NoS to clarify and define the presence of uncertainty and provide considerations for science communicators and educators. 

How to cite: Stepanovic, J., Claes, S., and Sermeus, J.: Immersed in Uncertainty: Discussing Uncertainty in Science in a Planetarium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21809,, 2025.

Translation of geoscience research into tangible changes, such as modified decisions, processes or policy in the wider world is an important yet notably difficult process. Co-RISK is an accessible (i.e. open access, paper-based, zero cost) ‘toolkit’ for use by stakeholder groups within workshops, which is intended to aid this translation process. It is given a robust basis by incorporating paradox theory from organisation studies, which deals with navigating the genuine tensions between industry and research organizations that stem from their differing roles. Specifically designed to ameliorate the organizational paradox, a Co-RISK workshop draws up ‘Maps’ including key stakeholders (e.g. regulator, insurer, university) and their positionality (e.g. barriers, concerns, motivations), and identifies exactly the points where science might modify actions. Ultimately a Co-RISK workshop drafts simple and tailored project-specific frameworks that span from climate to hazard, to risk, to implications of that risk (e.g. solvency). The action research approach used to design Co-RISK (with Bank of England, Aon, Verrisk), its implementation in a trial session for the insurance sector and its intellectual contribution are described and evaluated. The initial Co-RISK workshop was well received, so application is envisaged to other sectors (i.e. transport infrastructure, utilities, government).  Joint endeavours enabled by Co-RISK could fulfil the genuine need to quickly convert the latest insights from environmental research into real-world climate change adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Hillier, J. K. and van Meeteren, M.: Co-RISK: A tool to co-create impactful university-industry projects for natural hazard risk mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-291,, 2025.

Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. During 2024, our team collaborated with other groups specializing in fact checking and countering misinformation about the climate crisis. With this submission we highlight two of these collaborations:

  • Creating fact briefs in collaboration with Gigafact
    Fact briefs are short, credibly sourced summaries that offer “yes/no” answers in response to claims found online. They rely on publicly available, often primary source data and documents. Fact briefs are created by contributors to Gigafact — a nonprofit project looking to expand participation in fact-checking and protect the democratic process. 
  • Turning a PDF-based report refuting 33 climate solutions myths into stand-alone rebuttals
    In early 2024 we spotted an impressive report addressing climate solutions misinformation, "Rebutting 33 False Claims About Solar, Wind, and Electric Vehicles," written by members of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School. We collaborated with the authors to create 33 stand-alone rebuttals based on the report's content to make it possible to link to each of the rebuttals directly.

Both of these collaborations help with sharing fact-based information in order to counter mis- and disinformation spread online.

How to cite: Winkler, B.: Collaborations between Skeptical Science and other groups to spread fact-based information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1439,, 2025.

In an era characterised by the political economy of financialised capitalism, accounting plays an instrumental role in shaping decision-making through the principle of materiality.  This principle influences how physical climate risks are perceived and addressed.  The role of accounting and the principle of materiality are foundational to using corporate reporting to prepare markets for the effects of climate change.  
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD, 2023) has highlighted persistent inadequacies in corporate disclosures, particularly their failure to provide decision-useful information for managing or mitigating the financial and societal impact of extreme weather events.  Inspired by the Absurdist literary tradition, the paper offers a conceptual alternative: expressing materiality as an aesthetic performance that embraces the ambiguity and complexity of climate risk.
To visualise this interplay, disclosure is interpreted as a form of communicative storytelling, where accounting frameworks set the plot and characters, shaping stakeholder engagement.  The tangible impacts of physical climate change function as the unpredictable forces driving the narrative, while aesthetic materiality transforms these elements into a cohesive strategic risk management framework.  This dynamic symbiosis, imbued with Absurdist tensions, illustrates how narrative, financial structures, environmental realities, and performative aesthetics collectively influence decision-making in the face of climate risks.
The Absurdist lens reveals how contemporary disclosures embody a condition of "waiting for the correct data," a state of deferral legitimised by incremental approaches to risk management.  Traditional calculative paradigms in accounting—such as materiality thresholds, metrics, and financial quantification—struggle to address the non-linear and interdependent risks posed by extreme weather events.  By aestheticising materiality, this paper argues that corporate disclosures can better cope with these limitations, engaging stakeholders through participatory and relational communication rather than static, deterministic metrics.
Aesthetic materiality shifts the focus from rigid frameworks to systemic interconnectivity, inviting decision-makers to critically reflect on the unpredictability of climate risks and to co-create meaning alongside stakeholders.  This perspective complements tools such as impact-based forecasting and early-warning systems by addressing the socio-cultural dimensions of risk communication.
Empirical insights from 44 interviews with stakeholders across 16 FTSE350 organisations illustrate the limitations of calculative realism in accounting for climate scenarios.  Participants reported deferring action in pursuit of elusive “objective truths,” grappling with helplessness amidst multiple potential realities and feeling hopeless by the inexpressible ambiguity associated with accounting for extreme weather risks.  These findings underscore the Absurdist tension between striving for control and coping with the immeasurable—a tension that current frameworks fail to resolve.
Aesthetic materiality is a conceptual response to the systemic inadequacies of existing corporate disclosure practices.  It disrupts normative accounting principles such as reliability and objectivity, advocating instead for evocative narratives, symbolic imagery, and dialogical engagement that better reprehend the interconnected nature of extreme weather events.  Such a transition also signals a shift beyond the prevailing interdisciplinary accounting discourse by foregrounding the limits of language and representation, emphasising the performative aesthetics of materiality and expressing disclosure as an unending process. 

How to cite: O Rourke, J.: Accounting Beyond the Calculative: Expressing Corporate Disclosure Through Aesthetic Materiality, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1592,, 2025.

EGU25-2292 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials 

Lucy Blennerhassett, Geertje Schuitema, and Fergus McAuliffe

Developing innovative public engagement measures are central to addressing many of the key geoscience related challenges within the EU. One of the most pressing European challenges includes achieving a sustainable and secure supply of critical raw materials (CRMs). These materials include vital metals used in renewable energy technologies, for which the EU is often totally reliant on imports at both the extraction and processing level. Hence, EU climate neutrality by 2050, as per the European Green Deal, hinges on CRM supply. However, this is not often discussed in the public realm.

Informal education spaces such as festivals provide unique environments for science communication, where incidental adult audiences can stumble upon new scientific concepts and problems in engaging ways. However, to be successful, science exhibits at such events need to capture attention and stimulate the audience in a short period of time. The critical raw material challenge is underrepresented in the festival environment likely due to historically negative public attitudes towards mining. Hence, a necessary science communication endeavour is to develop a novel engagement activity that engages adult audiences at festivals with this issue and stimulates conversation. We present a hands-on, challenge-based public engagement activity/tool for use in the fast-paced science and arts festival environment, where contact time is limited and interaction is key. Designed to simulate the supermarket experience, ‘GreenDealz’ brings participants through tactile ‘shopping’ tasks, with evaluation points included throughout. The main aim of GreenDealz was to engage participants with the concept of critical raw materials and their demand for renewable energy technologies in a relatable and task-based way.

We outline the iterative process of developing GreenDealz for the festival environment, including ideation, design, and an evolution of evaluation from classic self-reported techniques to more novel and festival friendly ‘embedded assessment’ measures. Importantly, we highlight how this activity has been tested and validated via a mixed methods approach: our quantitative data, collected across several festivals in Ireland, yields significant findings about audience learnings and engagement, while our qualitative data, gleaned through less time-restricted participant interactions sheds a deeper light on the effectiveness of this tool in achieving learning outcomes and sparking interest in critical raw materials within non-specialist audiences.

How to cite: Blennerhassett, L., Schuitema, G., and McAuliffe, F.: GreenDealz: a hands-on shopping activity for public engagement with critical raw materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2292,, 2025.

EGU25-2755 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network 

Eva Feldbacher, Carmen Sippl, Babette Lughammer, Ioana Capatu, Gregor Jöstl, Dominik Eibl, Michaela Panzenböck, Laura Coulson, Elmira Akbari, and Gabriele Weigelhofer

Austrian citizens, like many others worldwide, show high levels of skepticism coupled with low interest in science. This disengagement is closely tied to limited science literacy, characterized by a poor understanding of the scientific process and scientific data generation. Initiatives operating at the intersection of science and education provide a valuable opportunity to develop innovative methods of science communication, enhance science literacy, and positively influence attitudes toward scientific findings. To address these challenges, scientists from diverse disciplines, educators, and administrators have joined forces to establish the “Interdisciplinary Network for Science Education Lower Austria (INSE)”. Led by WasserCluster Lunz and funded by GFF NÖ, this partnership aims to: (i) deepen public understanding of science by engaging students and citizens in scientific processes across disciplines, (ii) spark interest in science through innovative communication strategies, and (iii) build trust in the benefits of science by showcasing its contributions to addressing societal and ecological challenges.

In this presentation, we will introduce the INSE partnership and highlight our science education concepts tailored to different educational levels. At the primary level, the focus was on research in the humanities, emphasizing the significance of reading and writing. At the lower secondary level, the main principles of the "Nature of Science (NOS)" were introduced, while at the upper secondary level, students conducted their own research projects, either in the natural sciences (a respiration experiment in aquatic ecology) or the social sciences (a social science survey). Students explored the principles of specific research methods and examined the similarities and differences among various scientific disciplines. This approach aimed to provide participants with both a solid understanding of general scientific principles and insights into discipline-specific methodologies.

We will also present initial evaluation results on the effectiveness of our educational activities. Additionally, we aim to foster new collaborations at both national and international levels to strengthen our network and expand the resources available for science education.

How to cite: Feldbacher, E., Sippl, C., Lughammer, B., Capatu, I., Jöstl, G., Eibl, D., Panzenböck, M., Coulson, L., Akbari, E., and Weigelhofer, G.: Connecting Science and Education: Innovative Approaches from the INSE Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2755,, 2025.

SCAPE° is a new science center under development in Offenbach, Germany, dedicated to making weather, climate, and their profound connections to human life both tangible and engaging. Situated in the heart of the city, SCAPE° aims to bridge the gap between science and society through interactive exhibits, immersive workshops, and dynamic community events.

This presentation will provide an overview of SCAPE°’s organizational structure, the planning and design process, and the challenges encountered in creating this innovative space. Key exhibits will be showcased, including hands-on installations such as turbulence simulators and immersive visualizations of global weather phenomena, demonstrating the center’s commitment to interactive and educational engagement. Examples of workshops and events will illustrate how SCAPE° fosters dialogue and involvement in a scientific, but also artistic way. 

By sharing the experiences and lessons learned in developing SCAPE°, this presentation seeks to inspire innovative approaches to science communication and public engagement in weather and climate sciences, while raising awareness and excitement for SCAPE° itself as a vital new space for exploration and education.

How to cite: Frank, B.: SCAPE° Offenbach: A New Science Center Bringing Weather and Climate to Life in the Heart of the City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2820,, 2025.

This study investigates how the mining industry employs science communication tactics, specifically framing, warmth, honesty, and relatability when engaging with the public. Guided by three primary research questions, this project seeks to identify: (1) which frames and tactics Canadian mining organizations employ when communicating about mining, (2) how these tactics influence engagement among audiences with pro-, anti-, and neutral attitudes toward mining, and (3) whether the use of tactics varies based on the type of organization.

A mixed-methods approach integrates content analysis, survey responses, and thematic analysis. Advertisements, corporate websites, and corporate responsibility documents from various mining organizations are systematically coded to identify framing strategies and communication techniques. To evaluate changes in public perceptions, knowledge, and behaviours, participants complete pre-engagement surveys to establish baseline attitudes toward mining. They then engage with assigned materials in two stages: first independently and later through guided discussion and interviews conducted via Zoom. Post-engagement surveys capture immediate reactions and subsequent changes in perception, knowledge, and potential actions. Transcribed interviews from guided discussions are analyzed thematically to uncover deeper insights into how audiences engage with mining-related messaging.

This research is significant for its focus on the intersection of industry messaging and public engagement, addressing a critical gap in understanding how science communication influences public trust and opinion in resource-driven sectors. Insights from this study will inform best practices for transparent, relatable, and effective communication in the mining industry, with broader implications for improving public engagement strategies in other science-based fields.

How to cite: Onstad, C. and van der Flier-Keller, E.: Preliminary Insights into Science Communication Strategies in Canadian Mining Messaging: A Mixed-Methods Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2911,, 2025.

Some environmental issues (nuclear/special wastes, CO2 storage) are extremely long-lasting, from thousand to one million years (Flüeler 2023). Three aspects are mandatory to recognise them adequately: their complexity (e.g., safety “proof”), uncertainty (aleatory/epistemic …), inequality (today’s risk deciders vs. future risk bearers). All require a deep sense of multiperspectivity: Changing perspectives enables a conscious view of an issue from different angles.

With exceptions, conventional practice reveals “technical” and “acceptance” approaches. The problem is said to be solely political, “the public’s” poor state of knowledge spurs the plea for “outreach”, following the “deficit model”: Specialists inform laypeople to close their “information gap”. The long term is covered by safety margins and, as a last resort, by waste retrievability.

Applied research is more sophisticated. Nuclear waste safety cases have become comprehensive, considering insecurities and stakeholder involvement (NEA 2020b). Still, the very long term (10,000y plus) is left to risk analysts. “Communication Across 300 Generations” (Tannenbaum 1984) or “to bridge ten millennia” (Sebeok 1984) are issues reserved to semiotics and not really developed further (NEA 2019). Conserving artefacts and symbols over time seems unsatisfactory, even unrealistic. Site-selection procedures have, partly, recognised the need for decades-long processes (NEA 2020a).

What is “long term”? (cf. Flüeler 2023, 55ff.) It would be futile for society to deal with the year 800,000 AP, but it is to reckon what Brand and Eno called “the Long Now”, 10,000 years back and forth, yet a generations-based approach seems more practical, maybe the Canadian First Nations’ yardstick of the Seven Generations (NCSL 2017): “Traditionally, no decision was made until it was understood how it would affect the next seven generations”. Or we draw on Boulding’s suggestion: 100 years backward and foreward (grandparents to grandchildren) (Boulding 1978).

At any rate, our responsibility to future generations “requires new operationalisations, new norms of practice, new sets of values, new virtues, and – last but not least – new institutions” (Birnbacher 1988). It needs new skills for sustainable governance, transparent (digital) dashboards, open online platforms to table/respond to controversial views/assertions, transdisciplinary labs, ways to address indeterminacy (>>“uncertainty”), VR learning machines to train changing perspectives, etc.

The ethical, political and institutional complexity insinuates that there is no silver bullet to tackle the issue of governance: “The solution is easily summarized, but much less easily achieved: to establish ecological reflexivity as a core priority of social, political and economic institutions” (Dryzek/Pickering 2019). We need continual discourse to transform our societies sustainably, rather than pre-fixed concepts in order to restore supposedly paradisiac past states.


Birnbacher, D. Verantwortung für zukünftige Generationen. Reclam, Stuttgart (transl.).

Boulding, E. The Family as a Way into the Future. Pendle Hill, Wallingford, PA.

Dryzek, J.S./Pickering, J. The Politics of the Anthropocene. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.

Flüeler, T.


NEA/Nuclear Energy Agency/2019. Preservation of Records, Knowledge and Memory Across Generations. OECD, Paris.

NEA/2020a. Final Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Policy Brief.

NEA/2020b. Two Decades of Safety Case Development: An IGSC Brochure.

Sebeok, T.A. Communication Measures to Bridge Ten Millennia. BMI/ONWI-532. Battelle, Columbus, OH.

Tannenbaum, P.H. Communication Across 300 Generations: Deterring Human Interference with Waste Deposit Sites. BMI/ONWI-535.

How to cite: Flüeler, T.: How to communicate “long term”? 10, 100, 10,000 years …? Practice, research, reflections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4847,, 2025.

EGU25-6769 | Orals | EOS1.1

How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust? 

Milena Marjanovic, Simon Besançon, David Hautemayou, Souradeep Mahato, and Ted Luc

Similar to X-rays used in medicine to scan human bodies, to understand the characteristics of the oceanic crust that covers >70% of our planet, marine geophysicists conduct controlled source seismic experiments at sea on research vessels. We produce tiny earthquakes using compressed air, which travel through the subsurface built of different rock types; the differences in the rocks introduce changes in the propagated waves, which are registered by an array of receptors and then processed to produce seismic images. However, this field of research is not commonly known by school students or the general public. To bridge this gap, we designed a seismic atelier to expose the less-known but marvelous world of marine geophysics and show it as a possible career path. The atelier includes a presentation of our work at sea supported by pictures and videos, presentation of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) developed and designed internally at IPGP, and model that simulates seismic data acquisition. For this model, we obtained the EGU Public Engagement Award in 2023. The elements that constitute the model:

  • 400 l water tank, floating LEGO ship
  • three 3-D printed OBSs connected to an electromagnetic mechanism that simulate deployment and recovery of the instruments
  • ballons that are perforated under the water to mimic the seismic source
  • hydrophone connected to a laptop for signal recording

The experiment is accompanied by a 5-question quiz tailored to correspond to the age of the participants; all the topics concerning the questions were covered in the presentations. The quiz is conducted before and after the atelier, which helps us to evaluate the impact of outreach activity. All the questions were designed as a multiple-choice. For example, for the age 11-15 years, one question is: What is the temperature of the deep ocean?, with the offered responses: a) 0-3º, b) 23-25ºC, and c) 0 -10 ºC.

We have already run the atelier on two occasions, and the results are promising. The first time was during the Fête de la Science (Open House event in France) at IPGP in early October 2024, during which we presented our atelier to four groups, 10-12 participants (9-12 years old) in each group. The second session was organized with 30 high-school students (~15 years old). The quizzes' analyses clearly show that the number of correct answers increases by up to 50% after the conducted atelier, demonstrating the positive impact of the activity on student knowledge. The results also show that some questions were tackling less-known topics. For instance, the question we gave as an example above was consistently answered incorrectly by ~80% of students before the atelier; in contrast, after the atelier, the situation was reversed, and >90% of the participants gave the correct answer. Overall, the impressions of the students after participating in the atelier, especially the youngest ones, are highly positive, and we hope they will develop a certain level of passion for marine sciences. The next stage for our project would be to film it and make it available online in different languages to reach students internationally.

How to cite: Marjanovic, M., Besançon, S., Hautemayou, D., Mahato, S., and Luc, T.: How do we make an X-ray scan of Earth’s oceanic crust?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6769,, 2025.

EGU25-7084 | Orals | EOS1.1

Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy 

Chiara Pocaterra, Valeria Mingardi, Laura Mentini, Sara Silvi, and Alessia Careccia

APRE is an Italian non-profit association with a network of more than 160 members from academia and private sector, that has developed extensive expertise in sharing research results to the wider public from several HORIZON EUROPE funded projects across different areas through innovative science communication, education and engagement methodologies.  

Notable projects include the Engage4Bio project which launched actions at a regional level for the deployment of local bioeconomies, achieving new ways to govern societal transformation and engage citizens through awareness raising and education on sustainable production, consumption and lifestyles. The BIOVOICES project raised awareness on the bioeconomy through engagement and exchange of knowledge. The GenB project tested innovative formats and developed concrete products and toolkits to raise awareness and educate students, teachers and multipliers on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy. Finally the BlueRev project increased skilled job opportunities in the bio-based sector for local businesses with training and webinars.  

During these projects, the Authors were able to develop and validate via engagement and participatory processes, innovative science communication formats and concrete methods. Our aim was to raise awareness and educate non-specialised audiences (especially young people, teachers, educators, citizens) on the circular and sustainable bioeconomy, building communities with knowledge and instruments to create, enact, and disseminate sustainable practices. These non-traditional science communication techniques are proving effective and based on artistic/ narrative means and personal interaction that strengthen credibility and trust with the audience.  

In Engage4BIO, art, communication and science were merged by creating an attractive Design Award. The goal of the competition was to encourage artists in finding sustainable solutions through art and design. In this process, science communication played a central role, bridging the gap between creativity and technology.   

The book for children "What's bioeconomy?" was developed by BIOVOICES and it is the first-ever publication written for kids on sustainable and circular bioeconomy. Through an interactive 80 flaps, the book translates complex scientific concepts into easily comprehensible contents for pre- and primary school young people, their parents and teachers to increase awareness on the environmental, social and economic benefits of the bioeconomy and bio-based sectors.  

GenB has designed an educational podcast series for 4-8 year old audience. Using captivating storytelling, and stimulating imagination and curiosity, children can enjoy them on any occasion to explore crucial concepts such as sustainability, circularity, and respect for the environment, making the bioeconomy an accessible and fascinating topic. The podcast features 10 episodes written by selected authors and scientifically validated by experts.   

A participatory photography format for youth was also tested and developed in GenB project, to increase awareness of the applications of science in their everyday contexts. Through photographs or video, young people learned to identify real-world examples of bioeconomy, collecting examples from their daily lives. Photography and visual approach in education creates meaningful connections with places, people, and moments in time, encouraging reflection, insight and awareness, and empowering young people to make more informed decisions about consumption and lifestyle. 

How to cite: Pocaterra, C., Mingardi, V., Mentini, L., Silvi, S., and Careccia, A.: Science Communication through Engagement and Outreach for the bioeconomy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7084,, 2025.

EGU25-7405 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms 

Philip Heron, Kiona Osowski, Fabio Crameri, and Jamie Williams

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects have historically struggled to be inclusive and accessible to students from diverse backgrounds. Furthermore, STEM subjects have often been rigid in their teaching structure, creating barriers to education for students with more specific (or unrecognised) learning needs. Our STEM outreach course, Think Like A Scientist, has been running in a number of English prisons since 2019, and started in Canada and Australia over the past two years. Our students in prison often have diverse learning needs – a classroom often presents numerous barriers (sensory, communication, information processing, and regulation) which particularly impacts neurodivergent students (e.g., autism, ADHD, OCD, dyslexia, etc.). In our teaching in prison, we have been conscious of creating different educational access points that are not solely reliant on rigid teaching structures.

Although our outreach programme is tailored to the restrictive prison environment, the application of its core principles are fundamental Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) practices that can be applied to university-level teaching and supervision. Here, we outline the choices we have made in prison education to increase educational engagement for those within the neurodivergent umbrella – and how these choices can map onto university teaching to widen participation for STEM students. Specifically, we will describe our university campus work in a few key areas: creating relatable science content for our geoscience student body, giving students a voice in their education, adding reflection activities, and fostering a classroom environment that is inclusive and accessible to all. Finally, we welcome an open discussion on potential best inclusive practices in the geosciences.

How to cite: Heron, P., Osowski, K., Crameri, F., and Williams, J.: Adventures in (geo)science communication: mapping outreach practices into university classrooms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7405,, 2025.

EGU25-9684 | Orals | EOS1.1

Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology 

Taru Sandén, Julia Fohrafellner, Ana Pires da Silva, and Carla Brites

AGROECOLOGY, the European Partnership "Accelerating Farming Systems Transition: Agroecology Living Labs and Research Infrastructures," is a significant European research and innovation initiative involving the European Commission and 26 Member States, Associated Countries, and Third Countries, with a total of 72 partner organizations. The goal of AGROECOLOGY is to assist the agricultural sector in addressing the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, food security and sovereignty, and environmental sustainability, while ensuring agriculture remains profitable, sustainable, and attractive to farmers.

Transforming the agricultural sector to meet societal and policy demands requires bold and systemic changes. AGROECOLOGY fosters for solutions that leverage natural and biological processes, blending state-of-the-art science, technology, and innovation with farmers' knowledge. By pooling resources from the European Commission and the involved member states and regions, the Partnership funds high-level research in Living Labs and Research Infrastructures, co-creating relevant knowledge and technologies aligned with the priorities of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Farming System Transition.

To support these efforts, a range of activities is being implemented to inform, engage, and empower stakeholders. These activities aim to enhance capacities, raise awareness, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and data. A key element of this effort is the Conversations on Agroecology which serve as foundational steps to strengthen agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKIS) for agroecology. These conversations foster collaboration and connections between Living Labs, Research Infrastructures and stakeholders across Europe.

The online Conversations on Agroecology are held monthly throughout the Partnership, enabling the mobilization and networking of agroecology actors in Europe and beyond. In 2024, six online conversations were organized on various themes, such as the role of AKIS for agroecology, agroecological transition, and the power of networks for agroecology. Through these monthly conversations, AGROECOLOGY engages diverse groups of actors, ensuring involvement of institutional AKIS actors, farmers, and farming networks to ensure inclusive participation and drive progress toward sustainable food systems by 2030.

How to cite: Sandén, T., Fohrafellner, J., Pires da Silva, A., and Brites, C.: Empowering Stakeholders to Drive Farming System Transition: Conversations on Agroecology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9684,, 2025.

EGU25-11418 | Orals | EOS1.1

The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels. 

Verena Meraldi, Christina Hess, Holly Stainton, Henry Evans, Elizabeth Leane, and Anne Hardy

The popularity and use of Participatory or Citizen Science (CS) in scientific research has increased over the recent years, and the literature reports that CS can promote positive change; enhance public knowledge, understanding, and awareness of environmental issues; and amplify conservation efforts.

Accessibility to polar regions is limited and expensive.  With resources from other traditional platforms (i.e. research vessels and funding) decreasing, research institutions are looking at alternatives that involve partnering with the private sector tourism as a ‘crowdsourcing’ data collection option, with the added benefit of passenger participation and education. CS monitoring is a cost-effective alternative for greater spatial and/or temporal coverage, including geographical areas that remain under-researched. 

HX’s Science & Education Program focuses on broadening guests’ understanding of the polar regions and ecosystems, as well as the impacts of climate change. Our guests become active participants in data collection through an immersive educational onboard program and on-site interaction with researchers. During 2024 we allocated over 1900 cruise nights to welcome 80+ researchers from collaborating institutions on our vessels and our guests contributed more than 30,000 data submissions to over 20 different CS projects globally.

To better understand this potential and to evaluate the longer-term effect of participation in CS and science related activities on guests, HX carried out a research project in partnership with UTAS during 2022 and 2023. Results from semi-structured interviews with over 70 guests on three HX vessels suggest that guests saw CS, and the Science & Education program more generally, as a core part of their experience, and many returned with a heightened sense of the fragility of the region.

However, and as an example, HX represents approximately 8% of the Antarctic expedition cruising tourism. The full potential for future partnerships to tap into these vast resources as an industry is yet to be realized.

How to cite: Meraldi, V., Hess, C., Stainton, H., Evans, H., Leane, E., and Hardy, A.: The untapped potential of Citizen Science to support research in the polar regions while educating captive audiences on board expedition cruise vessels., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11418,, 2025.

EGU25-12106 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society? 

Laura Reilly, Martin Möllhoff, Christopher Bean, Siobhán Power, Louise Collins, Patrick Smith, James Grannell, Huda Mohamed, Emma Smithers, and Philippe Grange

Most people in Irish society, when asked, “Do we experience earthquakes in Ireland?” would likely answer, “No we don’t”. However, this is incorrect – earthquakes do occur in Ireland and are occasionally felt. This misconception is understandable as Ireland is not located near the edge of a plate boundary and the earthquakes we experience tend to be of very low magnitude (M2.5 is the largest onshore Irish earthquake recorded so far). As a result, earthquakes are not a regular thought for the population of Ireland. We aim to raise awareness on this topic.

The QuakeShake programme has these main aims:

  • Encourage Irish society to consider seismic activity and monitor seismic events both locally and globally and thereby develop an integrated community of citizen seismologists throughout Ireland.
  • Provide teaching resources for educators and school students.
  • Inspire interest in Physical and Earth Sciences at tertiary levels.
  • Support the government’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering Art and Mathematics) initiative.
  • Foster a closer relationship between researchers and citizens.
  • Gather and share seismic data to support scientific research in various seismological fields.

The programme is managed by the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) and co-funded by DIAS, Geological Survey Ireland (GSI), and Research Ireland. QuakeShake functions as the outreach programme for the Irish National Seismic Network (INSN), the national earthquake monitoring body in Ireland. It supports and promotes the monitoring efforts of the INSN.

QuakeShake is facilitating the operation of affordable seismometers, known as Raspberry Shakes, in schools, homes, and public institutions. These compact, professional grade seismometers require only power and internet connectivity to operate. In 2024, QuakeShake distributed seismometers via public raffle and workshops for teachers and the public. In 2025, the aim is to distribute even more Raspberry Shake devices and encourage the public and schools to acquire their own units. 

At EGU 2025 we will showcase the programmes development, aimed at educating people from all backgrounds in Ireland about both Irish and Global earthquakes. We will illustrate how QuakeShake is actively building a community of citizen seismologists across Ireland.

How to cite: Reilly, L., Möllhoff, M., Bean, C., Power, S., Collins, L., Smith, P., Grannell, J., Mohamed, H., Smithers, E., and Grange, P.: Current progress of the QuakeShake outreach programme. How are earthquakes being brought to the attention of Irish society?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12106,, 2025.

EGU25-12352 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands  

Andrea Alonso, Daniel Prieto, Rubén García-Hernández, David Afonso, Héctor de los Rios, Luca D’Auria, and Nemesio M. Pérez

Scientific communication is a key pillar of the Instituto Volcanológico de Canarias (INVOLCAN). In this context, Guayota is a weekly multilingual graphic report that summarizes seismic-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands. This resource analyzes the earthquakes recorded over the past week, detailing their location, magnitude, and energy released. A color-coded map visually represents the magnitudes (red for >4, orange for 3-4, yellow for 2-3, and green for <2), providing an intuitive overview of the most relevant data. Additionally, the report includes the total number of seismic events, the energy in joules, and the maximum recorded magnitude. 

The report also incorporates the volcanic alert system, based on four color levels from the Special Plan for Civil Protection and Emergency Response to Volcanic Risk in the Canary Islands (PEVOLCA), to assess the hazard level. An accompanying table highlights key parameters such as seismicity, deformation, and gas emissions on the most volcanically active islands: La Palma, El Hierro, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Lanzarote. 

Guayota is published every Friday on INVOLCAN's social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter/X, and its website, ensuring that the information is accessible, educational, and timely. This initiative plays a crucial role in keeping the population of the Canary Islands informed with reliable, accurate, and easily understandable data. By raising public awareness, it helps communities better understand and prepare for the risks of living in a volcanically active environment. These efforts enhance community resilience and promote safer coexistence. In doing so, INVOLCAN reaffirms its commitment to scientific outreach, education, and effective volcanic risk management. 

How to cite: Alonso, A., Prieto, D., García-Hernández, R., Afonso, D., de los Rios, H., D’Auria, L., and Pérez, N. M.: GUAYOTA: a weekly multi-language chart information on the seismo-volcanic activity in the Canary Islands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12352,, 2025.

EGU25-13449 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall 

Auguste Gires and Eleonora Dallan

Rainfall is very commonly experienced by most people, often seen as a constraint. Anyway, usually people are not really paying attention to it, being too busy with their daily life. As rainfall and hydrology scientists, we aim to reach out to the general public to increase knowledge in an area of widespread misinformation. More importantly, we aim to enhance curiosity and awareness of people in their geophysical environment. In order to contribute to this much needed efforts, we designed and implemented a series of multisensory experiences centered on rainfall with three purpose in mind: i) Actively engage people on geoscience topics by pushing them to pay attention to their environment ; ii) Create a simple and pleasant moment for people enabling to focus on geophysical environment. iii) Create some new knowledge on rainfall for them. With regards to the latter point, the involvement of one’s senses is a great tool to facilitate memorization.

The experiences are simple and do not require any material, apart from an available mind and some rainfall. Three examples are feeling the drops and their sizes on the hand or face while walking; listening to the rain falling on something (tent, umbrella, sheet of metal…); looking at the rain falling near a lamppost at night. Each experience has a simple take home message. The first one is related to the various sizes of drops, the second one to the temporal variability of rainfall, while the third one enables to notice the temporal variability of both rainfall and wind. 

The process is designed as follows. A short description of the suggested experience is given to people. Once they have implemented them, they are asked to fill a rather open/free form to report their sensations and findings. After they are given some explanations on the take home messages we originally had in mind, which does not necessarily match their own feeling. If they are interested in doing it again, they are invited to provide new sets of feedback. 

In a first step, the whole process was tested with 10-15 people with various backgrounds and who have no expertise in rainfall. Results of this preliminary implementation will be presented in this poster. They are used to tune the process, i.e. the experiences, the short description and also the explanations of the take home message. In future investigations, it will be implemented with a larger number of people to obtain more quantitative and robust results.

How to cite: Gires, A. and Dallan, E.: Increasing awareness on geophysical environment: a multi-sensory experience of rainfall, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13449,, 2025.

EGU25-13520 | Orals | EOS1.1 | Katia and Maurice Krafft Award Lecture

An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication 

Heather Handley

Geoscience plays a vital role in shaping our sustainable future, yet the discipline is at a critical crossroads. Declining student enrolments, reduced course offerings, and the closure of university departments threaten its survival. Key challenges include public perceptions of geoscience and associated industries, its lack of visibility in school curricula, outdated branding and stereotypes, and issues related to diversity and inclusion. As students increasingly seek altruistic, sustainability-focused careers, geoscience must respond rapidly or risk further decline. A more strategic, impact-driven approach to geoscience communication is essential to address the discipline’s struggling brand image. This presentation takes you behind the scenes of the Earth Futures Festival, an international geoscience film and video festival. The festival bridges the arts and sciences to demonstrate how geoscience, combined with long-standing cultural knowledge of the Earth, offers solutions to pressing global challenges. We will explore the impact-focused approach underpinning the festival’s design, including forging value-aligned partnerships, providing communication skills training for geoscientists, and amplifying the visibility of typically underrepresented groups. This talk will provide a step-by-step practical guide to illustrate how impact-focused design can be effectively applied to geoscience communication and outreach.

How to cite: Handley, H.: An impact-driven approach to geoscience communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13520,, 2025.

Podcasting about science is thriving.  In the Earth sciences alone, there are at least 15 podcasts.  How do such podcasts fit within the ecosystem of informal science education alongside museums, field trips and other resources?  Can podcasts convey the core results of present-day research without sacrificing their essence and subtlety?  Are researchers willing to make time to contribute to podcasts?  Who is listening to these podcasts and what are they seeking from them?  Does AI-enabled translation and transcription help reach listeners from hitherto less well-served geographies?  The presentation will address such questions and use examples from Geology Bites and other podcasts. 

How to cite: Strimpel, O.: Using podcasts to disseminate the essence and excitement of scientific research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13862,, 2025.

EGU25-14045 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation 

Mario Soriano, Reed Maxwell, and Allison Carruth

In the wake of disasters, storytelling can function as a means for collective sensemaking, trauma recovery, and community-centered knowledge co-production. Through the practice of listening and the medium of voice, audio stories can convey culturally specific knowledge that engages emotions while fostering dialogic thinking on complex topics. Here, we detail our experience in research and producing a public-facing audio story series about communities facing displacement and loss from water-related disasters. First, we traveled in 2023 to communities in the central Philippines devastated by 2013’s Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), one of the deadliest and strongest storms to make landfall in modern history. We conducted field interviews with Haiyan survivors and responders, local policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in the months leading up to the tenth-year commemoration of the storm. Their narratives allowed us to ground discourses about learning from disaster in mass media and academic research—discourses that we examined via a computational analysis of over 15,000 newspaper articles and 300 academic abstracts on Haiyan. The second story series explores perspectives on climate retreat in the wake of floods and increasing flood risks in New Jersey. This series centers the voices of homeowners considering property buyouts through a state program, local officials, as well as scientists who are documenting the social and physical impacts of more intense flooding and sea level rise in real time. Titled Carried by Water and produced by Princeton’s Blue Lab, these interrelated series anchor academic framings of disaster in lived experience and first-person narratives. The project does so to shed light on long-term recovery, learning processes applied to everyday decision-making, and diverse understandings of disasters, home, agency, risk, and climate resilience.

How to cite: Soriano, M., Maxwell, R., and Carruth, A.: Audio narratives of long-term disaster recovery and climate change adaptation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14045,, 2025.

EGU25-14200 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. 

Katherine Boggs, Amrine Dubois Gafar, David Eaton, Lilian Navarro, Jerry Demorcy, Holly Bley, Jesus Rojas Parra, and Richard Carlisle

The International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 is returning to Canada, after an absence of over 50 years (1972, Montreal). Hosted in Calgary, Alberta, this will mark the first IGC to be held in western North America. We look forward to showcasing our “Gorgeous Geology” and “Legendary Landscapes” with the world’s geoscience community. Field trip opportunities include the Mohorovic discontinuity and glacial fjords in UNESCO World Heritage Site (UWHS) Gros Morne National Park (Newfoundland), the Carboniferous Forests at UWHS Joggins Fossil Cliffs (Nova Scotia), the Logan Line separating the Appalachians from the Grenville Province of the Canadian Shield in UWHS Quebec City (Quebec), the Cretaceous Dinosaur fossil beds at UWHS Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alberta), and evidence for the Cambrian Explosion of Life in the Burgess Shale surrounded by glaciers across the UWHS Rocky Mountain Parks (Alberta/British Columbia). Potential Indigenous cultural day trips from Calgary include Blackfoot Crossing, UWHS Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, and UWHS Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, also known as the “Blackfoot Archives” because of the thousands of pictographs throughout the park.

Here we report on the overall communications plan, starting with phase one leading into IGC 2024 in which a powerful social media presence became the potential game-changer to connect with the target audiences such as the national and global geoscience community, as well as the general public. This connection built brand awareness while unearthing enthusiasm for the destination and program. Stage one for the social media campaign involved a recent three-month social media campaign with daily bilingual postings on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Social media was important for achieving the goals of: i) promoting Canadian geosciences, ii) highlighting the conference tagline “Geosciences for Humanity” and iii) building awareness about the Canadian bid. During IGC 2024 the social media team also promoted the events that happened at the Canadian Booth and Reception, reflecting Calgary’s renowned hospitality such as the White Hat Ceremony swearing in 30 IGC delegates as honorary Calgarians. This strategy united the international geoscience community, emphasizing the collaborative spirit that we aim to foster for IGC 2028.

The stage two of the social media (post-bid) campaign started at the end of 2024. Weekly themes promote Indigenous and geotourism offerings across Canada, with three weekly postings to showcase content. After winning the bid to host IGC 2028, interest from the local media was sparked after a press release led by the University of Calgary framing this as the “Olympics of the Geosciences”. Co-chairs Boggs and Eaton were interviewed on TV and Radio. Further press releases will follow in upcoming years to profile plenary speakers and advertise the Keynote Daily Themes (KDT) to local public schools and universities across Canada. KDTs such as “Space and Planetary Geosciences” will springboard off the Artemis II Mission which will be circumnavigating the moon in 2025 with Canadian Astronaut Jeremy Hansen onboard.


How to cite: Boggs, K., Dubois Gafar, A., Eaton, D., Navarro, L., Demorcy, J., Bley, H., Rojas Parra, J., and Carlisle, R.: Promoting Geosciences: Effective Communication Strategies for the International Geological Congress (IGC) 2028 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14200,, 2025.

EGU25-14325 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project 

Catalina Cabello, Denisse Leal, and Martin Riedel-Hornig

Engaging the community with geosciences has always been a big challenge for geoscientists. It has become increasingly important in the face of widespread misinformation on social media. To address this, the “Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias (Let’s talk about geoscience)” project was created to bridge the gap between geoscientists and the general public in an informal and approachable setting, where people don’t feel afraid or ashamed to asks questions.

We dropped the traditional structure of the academia and took researchers from the Universidad de Concepción away from the university, to a local restobar. There, through the course of the first semester of 2024, we organized six conservatories. Scientist were asked to present a brief introduction to their research topic in a non-scientific, everyday language. The audience was encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussions throughout the talks. These interactions often guided the development of the topics, fostering an open and dynamic dialogue. The addressed themes were stratigraphy, hydrothermal waters, volcanoes, field geology, earthquakes and landslides.

The talks had a great reception from the public, who participated actively and asked abundant questions. We compiled these questions and general topics of interest about each of the themes and presented the results to academics at the university, not only to bring sciences to the public but to also bring peoples interests to academics, hoping to have an impact in the development of future research topics.

How to cite: Cabello, C., Leal, D., and Riedel-Hornig, M.: Talk2Geo: Hablemos de Geociencias, a geoscience outreach project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14325,, 2025.

An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice discusses a successful co-creation of a film project with sicentsits and film professionals from Europe and the US. The resulting film,The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice is about the science of how a long-lost sediment core reveals crucial clues about the disappearance of the Greenland Ice Sheet and global sea level rise. Scientists find the sediment from a secret sub-ice US Milirary Cold War base in the Arctic holding clues to the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet and completely transforming our understanding of ice sheet collapse. The film was an enormous undertaking to follow the science across nine laboratories in the US and Europe and highlights some of the most remote locations in Greenland. The E&O generated not only important outreach for science, but also built on practical and theoretical research within film. The collaborative academic model built the E&O team within the science team rather than as an ad hoc external team. This approach developed an atmosphere of co-creation. During this presentation, Kasic will sceen excerpts of the film and will be availabe to discuss the combined traditional and non-traditional approaches the project took to E&O, from conception to completion. 

Here is a private link to the film in its entirety:

The Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice

Link to trailer:

Full Film available for screening upon request.

How to cite: Kasic, K.: An Exploration of Co-creation Through the Memory of Darkness, Light, and Ice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14662,, 2025.

EGU25-15176 | Orals | EOS1.1

Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science 

Giulia Bongiorno, Dienke Stomph, Wietse Wiersma, and Jillian Student

How do soil scientists perceive and experience soils? They use a wide variety of devices and tools, such as microscopes, laboratory equipment and field campaigns, and they summarize their knowledge through publications, graphs, and tables. Approaching soils with this academic perspective is likely to cause scientists to have different relationships with soils than people without soil science training. Humans have relationships with soils, and in addition to the science-based ones, these relationships can be personal, artistic, cultural, sensorial and more. Clearly, soils matter at many levels since people and communities can feel a deep connection with the soil of their homeland, as a source of identity, sustenance and a sense of place and belonging. What we proposed during the Wageningen Soil Conference 2023 was to let soil scientists discover the diversity in ways that soils can be experienced and perceived so to facilitate a positive transformation on how do we do soil science. During these event we took participants beyond the scientific perspective in an informal and relaxed space where we engaged with soils in unexpected and creative ways. Seventeen ‘stations’ were dedicated to experiencing colors, smells, tastes, textures, sounds, visuals, emotions and feelings peculiar to soils. Each station was organized by either a scientist or an artist that was present to encourage discussions, conversations and sharing of stories to inspire to experience new soil perspectives. One of the goals of this exercise was to expand (transform) the, often narrow, view of soil scientists on soils and let them discover other dimensions which can allow them to better connect with society and inspire them to share their work and knowledge about soil. This event was just the beginning of our collaboration towards experiencing soil perspectives and more events using the same or a similar format for different stakeholder groups (non-soil scientist, general public) were organized. During the conference we will share our concept, experiences and reflection with a broader group of soil scientists also reflecting about the experiences derived from the course ‘Transformative soil science’ hold in November 2024. The course was grounded in transdisciplinary perspectives from natural and social sciences and the humanities, and helped early-career scientists to understand their own perspectives on soil, and how to connect with other perspectives in an integral way of knowledge generation that contributes to meaningful transformations.

How to cite: Bongiorno, G., Stomph, D., Wiersma, W., and Student, J.: Experiencing soil perspectives – an interdisciplinary approach to transform soil science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15176,, 2025.

EGU25-15618 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils! 

Sabine Huber, Marie-Cécile Gruselle, Katharina Keiblinger, Ingrid Lubbers, Sónia Rodrigues, Hanne Ugstad, Jannes Stolte, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Frederik Bøe, and Franziska Fischer

Soil health plays a crucial role in ecosystem functioning and is closely linked to human life. However, land and soil degradation are widespread due to environmental and anthropogenic threats. Soil knowledge is essential to address modern global challenges. Despite the important role of soils, they are often underappreciated by the general population, highlighting the need to raise soil awareness. The EU project CURIOSOIL (2024-2028, co-funded by the European Union: URL: therefore aims at raising soil literacy and promoting a positive narrative around soils. CURIOSOIL focuses on enhancing soil literacy by triggering soil curiosity and connections between society and soil. According to the EU Mission Soil Implementation plan, soil literacy refers to both awareness about the importance of soil and practice-oriented knowledge related to achieving soil health. Soil literacy and education are crucial to environmental sustainability and the future of societies.

With this poster contribution, we seek to explore to what extent university students and scientists at EGU are willing to reflect on their own attitudes and behaviors toward soils using a participatory approach. We hypothesize that participating in discussions and reflection exercises about soil helps to increase awareness, spark curiosity, and encourage action to solve soil-related issues. We therefore invite conference participants to actively engage with us through our participatory poster. The participants are invited to answer targeted questions, write down and display their reflections directly on the poster, via post-its and/or via a digital survey. These questions are aligned with learning objectives and competences of soil literacy related to knowledge, attitudes and behavior towards soil.  All collected information will be anonymized to ensure privacy and confidentiality. To the best of our knowledge, this participatory approach is new to soil science as usually data are presented and not collected during a soil science conference. We therefore also aim to introduce the participatory poster as a research tool for data collection. Additionally, it serves as a communication instrument to encourage reflection on individual perspectives towards soil and promote an active role of raising soil awareness in society.

Specifically, our objectives are to: 1) collaboratively (the presenter and conference participants together) reflect on our knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors including emotions and habits related to soils, 2) discuss factors that influence our connection with soils (or lack thereof), 3) brainstorm on ways to create formal and informal environments that improve awareness, curiosity and learning about soils. Our findings will be used to design CURIOSOIL educational materials that will be made available for free on the project website (

In summary, we believe that our participatory approach can enhance soil awareness, curiosity and learning. We intend to bridge the gap between society and soils to encourage careful and sustainable soil use and protect soil health. Moreover, our participatory approach is designed to engage scientists, foster multidisciplinary collaborations between social and natural scientists towards co-creation of educational materials, as well as to contribute meaningfully to natural science research.

How to cite: Huber, S., Gruselle, M.-C., Keiblinger, K., Lubbers, I., Rodrigues, S., Ugstad, H., Stolte, J., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Bøe, F., and Fischer, F.: CURIOSOIL: Join us to raise awareness and curiosity about soils!, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15618,, 2025.

EGU25-16949 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer 

Márk Somogyvári, Fabio Brill, Pedro Henrique Lima Alencar, Jakob Fischer, and Tobias Sauter

Inter- and transdisciplinary projects often face the challenge of becoming scattered, due to the challenges of communication, collaboration and data integration. While co-design and close collaboration between all involved actors have been widely recommended to address congruence and representativity of all disciplines on the results and reports, inter- and transdisciplinary research often lacks platforms where these practices can be effectively carried out. The Einstein Research Unit “Climate and Water under Change” (CliWaC) investigated water-related issues in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, Germany, from diverse perspectives of more than 20 individual research groups across a wide range of disciplines - thus making it a perfect case for researching integration tools. By the end of the three-year project, we have developed a knowledge-based interactive data platform called the CliWaC Explorer, that can address the abovementioned issues and present research results and products in a coherent whole.

The CliWaC Explorer is designed as a multi-purpose tool: as a data-exploration platform for researchers studying water-related issues in the region, as a decision support tool for stakeholders and as an education and outreach tool for the wider public. One of the biggest challenges was to appeal to both a natural and a social science user base. We achieved this by allowing the users to both navigate topics spatially, as commonly done in map-based natural sciences or in a thematic plane, where project parts are organized according to their thematic relationships. The explorer has been developed with close collaboration of the project partners, and currently being further developed with a series of workshops, to be accessible by a wider user base including stakeholders and educators. We believe our platform could provide a template of how interdisciplinary research can be integrated, and how its results can be communicated to a wider audience.

How to cite: Somogyvári, M., Brill, F., Alencar, P. H. L., Fischer, J., and Sauter, T.: Integrating the results of an interdisciplinary project over social and natural sciences: the Cliwac Explorer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16949,, 2025.

EGU25-17396 | Orals | EOS1.1

A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy 

Florindo Antonio Mileti, Mario Tatone, Fabio Terribile, and Bojan Blazica

Ecotourism and rural tourism are pivotal activities for generating substantial income, supporting rural economies, and fostering a deeper understanding of land and soil resources in various regions, particularly in inland areas. Recognizing their significance, the United Nations has included these activities in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (specifically SDG 8.9 and SDG 12), aiming for their accomplishment by 2030. While digital tourism has experienced remarkable growth recently, its focus largely remains on well-known tourist destinations.

This study highlight the potential of a geospatial decision support system (S-DSS) built on a publicly accessible, web-based geospatial cyberinfrastructure (GCI). This system offers a practical and effective tool to enhance tourism opportunities in less-visited inland areas promoting a greater appreciation of soil and land environmental resources.

The S-DSS platform is designed to facilitate the collection, management, processing, and analysis of both static (e.g., information on soil and geology) and dynamic data (e.g., climatic data). It also features advanced data visualization and on-the-fly computational tools, catering to a diverse user base that includes farmers, tourism operators, associations, and public institutions.

The S-DSS tool known as EcoSmarTour operates across the entirety of Italy, providing extensive information, including detailed soil information, to expand territorial knowledge. It supports scenario analysis, map generation, and the assessment of potential trails or ecotourism hotspots. Also, through the use of artificial intelligence, EcoSmarTour can generate text-based narratives of selected routes, tailored to the user’s preferences. This functionality enables the creation of customized storytelling for various audiences, from children and teenagers to adults and experts.

How to cite: Mileti, F. A., Tatone, M., Terribile, F., and Blazica, B.: A Smart Platform for Enhancing Soil and Land Awareness in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17396,, 2025.

EGU25-18051 | Orals | EOS1.1

Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding 

Daniela Sauer, Daniel Schwindt, Nikola Patzel, Facundo Luis Lucas, Sophie Raous, Francesca Bampa, Laura Mellanen, and Helinä Melkas and the SOILSCAPE Team

“In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.” These words by forestry engineer Baba Dioum in 1968 reflect, how the relationship between people and forests has intensified over recent decades, a development that has significantly contributed to forest conservation. Unlike trees, esthetical and vital soils are rarely exposed for people to see, understand, or appreciate, making it harder to foster a connection to them.

The EU project SOILSCAPE (Spreading Open and Inclusive Literacy and Soil Culture through Artistic Practices and Education) aims to bring soils closer to the public. Alongside modern communication methods, the project places a strong emphasis on artistic approaches to promote awareness, understanding, and love for soils in their context.

In a first step towards this goal, current narratives were analyzed through a media study that examined coverage in newspapers, television, podcasts, and social networks. Thereby, the guiding questions were: What knowledge and opinions are there? Which imaginations and associations regarding soils do we find in society - and of whom? For exploring these questions, we conducted a survey using a verbal and visual questionnaire and follow-up expert interviews. Our analysis aimed at assessing dominant soil narratives and their potential impacts, and at preparing effective strategies to strengthen connections between people and soils, including cultural and artistic approaches. Thereby, we addressed societal narratives, imaginaries, and values related to soils, particularly focusing their perception and communication. The media research, questionnaire-based survey, and expert interviews were conducted in eight European countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Finland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Switzerland. The study yielded almost 100 datasets from the media analysis, 435 complete responses from the visual-based questionnaire, and 24 expert interviews, providing a robust foundation for understanding how soils are perceived and how soil awareness in the European public can be more effectively enhanced.

Our results from the media research show that soils are mostly not in the focus of media, but rather treated as functional elements in discussions related to agriculture, climate change, and urbanization. People tend to perceive soils indirectly, through their use and significance in these broader contexts. Perception of soils varies widely depending on region and prior knowledge. Around 40% of participants felt that soils in their region are in poor condition, while another 40% were unsure. Primary threats to soil that were named by people included agriculture, forestry, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

These outcomes of this study point to a gap between implicit and explicit awareness of soil-related challenges. While artistic and educational approaches seem most promising in bridging this gap, the results of our study highlight the urgent need for targeted communication strategies to raise the awareness of soils and make them a topic of societal concern. Only by fostering a deeper public understanding, a stronger connection to and protection of this critical resource can be achieved.

How to cite: Sauer, D., Schwindt, D., Patzel, N., Luis Lucas, F., Raous, S., Bampa, F., Mellanen, L., and Melkas, H. and the SOILSCAPE Team: Soils in Society: Digging into Narratives and Perceptions for a Deeper Understanding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18051,, 2025.

EGU25-18409 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX) 

Tillmann Lübker, Ingmar Nitze, Sebastian Laboor, Anna Irrgang, Hugues Lantuit, and Guido Grosse

Climate change has led to an increase in permafrost warming and thaw at global scale. Land surface changes associated with permafrost thaw include the acceleration of Arctic coastal erosion, increased thaw slumping in ice-rich regions, the drainage and formation of lakes, as well as an intensification of other disturbances, such as forest and tundra fires and droughts. Thermo-erosion threatens infrastructure and leads to gullying, slumping, and even landslides. To detect and map such permafrost disturbances at high spatial resolution across large regions and to quantify land surface change, remote sensing analyses can be applied. In the ERC PETA-CARB, ESA CCI Permafrost, and NSF Permafrost Discovery Gateway projects, a pan-arctic 20-years time series of land surface disturbance trends was produced using Landsat TM, ETM+, and OLI imagery. The dataset presents a valuable source of information for Arctic communities, planners, stakeholders, and rights holders. Arctic communities living on frozen ground are increasingly forced to adapt their livelihoods to permafrost thaw. In some areas, the relocation of settlements has become the last resort and is already actively planned for several communities in Alaska.

To make the large landscape change dataset more easily accessible to non-specialist audiences, within the EU Arctic PASSION project, we designed a new web-based portal tailored towards such audiences and the sometimes limited internet bandwidths encountered in Arctic communities. The Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX, was launched in early 2024 and provides interactive maps displaying recent information on land surface changes, hot spots of disturbances, and potential areas of active permafrost thaw and erosion. While focusing on the local to regional scale relevant for private users, regional, and state-level decision makers, exploring the data up to the pan-arctic scale may open new avenues for understanding permafrost change for the general public. A new release of ALEX in early 2025 will provide several new features. On the portal's home page, a new section will highlight selected locations in the Arctic with extraordinary land surface changes, accompanied by contextual information. On the map, users will be able to easily compare the change data with satellite imagery and other reference maps using a swipe and fade toolbox. Sharing specific map views will also be enabled. A second story map focusing on shore erosion explains geophysical processes and the role of permafrost.

Consultations with local representatives and stakeholders in Alaska, requests from members of governmental and tribal entities to reuse our data, and inquiries from research partners in the Arctic confirm that our transfer efforts have met real needs. This positive feedback encourages us to continue updating the tool beyond the end of the Arctic PASSION project.

How to cite: Lübker, T., Nitze, I., Laboor, S., Irrgang, A., Lantuit, H., and Grosse, G.: Communicating remotely sensed pan-arctic permafrost land surface changes to non-specialist audiences with the Arctic Landscape EXplorer (ALEX), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18409,, 2025.

Climate adaptation action is increasingly both local and urgent. Reasons for including citizen and community voices in decision-making range from securing climate justice to generating more apt solutions and increasing public acceptance of interventions. More broadly, attempts to rebuild public trust in democracy and public institutions has led to a surge in citizen engagement initiatives for decision making in a whole range of subjects.

This confluence of trends has generated an ever-growing knowledge and experience base and countless publications that call for citizen engagement in climate change adaptation efforts, provide best practices for citizen engagement, and occasionally both. However, the enormous breadth of the intended audiences means that in almost all cases, these best practice guides focus on citizen engagement in general.

As part of the Adaptation AGORA project – a 3-year Mission Adaptation project that brings together researchers and practitioners from 12 institutes from across Europe – we have spent two years mapping European adaptation-related citizen engagement initiatives ( CEIs), interviewing experts across the CEI value chain and carrying out interactive workshops in attempt to identify best practices. The variety of adaptation contexts and wide range of possible (positive and negative) outcomes and impacts from CEIs pushed us beyond only looking for universal good practices to also consider those that lead to specific outcomes, like generating more just decisions, being tailored to the local settings in which they apply, promoting mutual learning, or producing improved collaboration.

We find that choices taken when designing initiatives are key to the achievement of different goals. Some general good practices can almost universally be applied, like setting a clear objective, and ensuring effective communication before, during and after the initiative. However, beyond these straightforward observations, the variety of primary and secondary objectives (awareness raising, allocating public resources, generating ideas, creating guidelines, forming long-term plans etc.) and the myriad of contextual factors (scale, scope, location, resources, familiarity with citizen engagement etc.) frustrate identifying the best practices to pursue among a surfeit of potential actions. Essentially, what is often missing from existing best-practice guides is a framework to prioritise what can be achieved with limited resources to meet the identified goals. Indeed, the relative merit of different practices in achieving different goals is well understood only by a few seasoned experts, and frequently a challenge to communicate.

Hoping to facilitate discussion and the exchange of different perspectives, we propose a serious game, Citi-Adapt, that seeks to visibilise the trade offs and push collaborative teams to collectively seek better design choices in the pursuit of different goals in unique contexts. Citi-Adapt allows us to add in different constraints, to situate CEIs in different contexts, and for different actors to walk in each other's shoes. It can be played in two ways – 1) exploring the types of resources required to achieve certain goals; and 2) identifying possible outcomes based on available resources – and we would be delighted to present it and hear your thoughts as we move to building a prototype.

How to cite: Pickard, S. and Baulenas, E.: Citi-Adapt: Communicating design decisions for citizen engagement in climate adaptation action via a serious game, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18809,, 2025.

EGU25-19249 | Orals | EOS1.1

Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society 

Eulàlia Baulenas, Dragana Bojovic, Menno Veerman, Edgar Dolores-Tesillos, Aleksander Lacima-Nadolnik, Kerstin Haslehner, Arjun Kumar, Carlos Delgado-Torres, and Albert Soret

This study investigates the co-production and science communication efforts surrounding the use of storm-resolving Earth system models (SR-ESMs) to support the renewable energy transition. The models were developed under the Horizon Europe EU-funded project Next Generation of Earth System Models (NextGEMS) in the course of 3,5 years. 

By engaging in participatory workshops with stakeholders from the energy sector—including policymakers, energy providers, and civil society—we co-created scenario storylines that integrate the km-scale climate model outputs with socio-political narratives. These workshops served as a platform for dialogue, enabling the communication of complex scientific findings in a manner accessible to non-specialist audiences, and also exploring the way in which SR-ESMs can move forward to support key societal challenges such as the energy transition.

The co-production process and communication strategy were informed by exploring stakeholder perspectives and preferences, which helped design the scenarios that could be later on represented by the SR-ESMs. Specifically, the use of discourse-analytical methods helped identify key narratives that resonate with different audience segments, ensuring the models' outputs are framed in ways that address socio-environmental concerns, such as the public acceptance of renewable energy technologies.

Our communication efforts revealed several lessons: the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration, the value of iterative engagement with stakeholders, and the need for flexible strategies that adapt to evolving audience needs. These insights contribute to best practices in science communication, emphasizing the role of co-production in making scientific information actionable and impactful for policy and societal change.

How to cite: Baulenas, E., Bojovic, D., Veerman, M., Dolores-Tesillos, E., Lacima-Nadolnik, A., Haslehner, K., Kumar, A., Delgado-Torres, C., and Soret, A.: Storm-Resolving Earth System Models to Support Renewable Energy Transitions: mixing storyline methodologies to bridge science and society, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19249,, 2025.

EGU25-19274 | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach 

Ingrid Lubbers, Nafiseh Taghizadeh Kerman, Sónia Morias Rodrigues, and Omid Noroozi

Soil plays a fundamental role in terrestrial ecosystems, acting as a medium for plants and other organisms while supporting all terrestrial life by providing essential conditions for growth and development. Despite its critical importance, the role of soil is often undervalued. The CURIOSOIL project aims to ignite curiosity about soils, enhance soil literacy, and foster meaningful connections between people and soil. CURIOSOIL focuses on improving soil education, addressing the pressing need for a stronger connection with soil amidst increasing human pressures on this vital resource. The project seeks to bridge gaps in soil knowledge among pupils, students, teachers, citizens, policymakers, and practitioners, thereby addressing soil illiteracy, a significant barrier to sustainable soil use. A key part of CURIOSOIL is the development of the Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF) for five target groups: primary education, secondary education, tertiary education, teachers, and lifelong learners. To achieve this, we identified the core main domains and subdomains of soil literacy in consultation with soil experts and stakeholders in soil education and lifelong learning. Four main domains have been defined: soil diversity, soil services, soil threats, and soil solutions.

This study prioritized these main domains and subdomains for designing a valid soil literacy assessment framework (SLAF) in diverse target groups. Furthermore, understanding the relative importance of these main domains (and subdomains) enables educators and policymakers to focus on the most impactful areas, ensuring that soil education efforts address the unique needs of both children and adults. By establishing these priorities, resources can be allocated efficiently, and targeted educational activities can be developed to enhance soil awareness and literacy. In this study, we employed the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize soil literacy's main domains and subdomains for SLAF. AHP is a widely recognized method that provides a systematic framework for pairwise comparisons of variables, enabling a detailed evaluation of their relative importance. Using this approach, soil experts, researchers, and educators assessed the significance of various domains for children and subdomains for adults, yielding valuable insights into the main domains and subdomains priorities.

The AHP analysis was facilitated by specialized software, such as Expert Choice. This study demonstrated its utility in designing an assessment framework and prioritizing the main domains and subdomains of soil literacy for diverse target groups. By utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in this study, soil experts contributed valuable insights into the prioritization of soil literacy the main domains and subdomains for designing valid questionnaires. This input ensures that the resulting assessment framework and educational activities are scientifically robust and practically applicable.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), CURIOSOIL, environmental education, Soil Literacy Assessment Framework (SLAF), sustainability

How to cite: Lubbers, I., Taghizadeh Kerman, N., Morias Rodrigues, S., and Noroozi, O.: Prioritizing Soil Literacy: An AHP-Based Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19274,, 2025.

EGU25-20089 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology  

Insa Thiele-Eich, Ellen Arimond, and Annika Uebachs

The University Partnership for Atmospheric Sciences (UPAS) is a collaborative initiative among ten German universities offering Bachelor's and Master's programs in meteorology. Supported by an executive office at the University of Bonn, UPAS aims to enhance meteorological education and research in Germany by focusing on four key areas:

  • Attracting qualified students
  • Providing excellent education
  • Fostering synergies for successful science
  • Engaging in societal and community outreach

A significant component of UPAS is its dedication to advancing science communication and public engagement within meteorology. This commitment is exemplified through initiatives such as MeteoXchange, an international network fostering professional growth among early-career scientists via annual virtual conferences and specialized workshops designed to enhance presentation and communication skills. Additional efforts include interactive science slamming workshops, hands-on climate change experiment demonstrations for classrooms across Germany, the development of a dedicated podcast, and the creation of high-quality Open Educational Resources (OER). These activities not only elevate internal training but also bridge the gap between scientific research and societal understanding, amplifying the impact of meteorology on diverse audiences.

This presentation will highlight UPAS's achievements, providing an overview of our approaches to enhance education, research and outreach in meteorology. We will also discuss challenges encountered and share lessons learned, including strategies for overcoming hurdles and successfully leveraging synergies among our partner institutions. We are more than keen to invite collaboration and idea exchange with other geoscientific networks sharing similar objectives, in particular on the international level.


How to cite: Thiele-Eich, I., Arimond, E., and Uebachs, A.: University Partnership for Armospheric Sciences (UPAS): a joint effort in communicating meteorology , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20089,, 2025.

EGU25-20316 | ECS | Orals | EOS1.1

Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist 

Thomas Gatt, Anna-Katharina Sieberer, Florian Westreicher, Maria Mattersberger, and Simon Zeiner

Scientific research is often inaccessible to non-academic audiences, even when it is publicly funded or conducted in their local area. Bridging this gap is essential to promote public understanding and inspire future geoscientists.

This study presents a small-scale science communication project developed as part of a Master's thesis and implemented in a rural Austrian community within the Hohe Tauern National Park. The initiative involved two local school classes and the general public through interactive activities and workshops. An open lecture on regional geology, given by young scientists from the University of Innsbruck, introduced the project to the wider community. The following day, school classes took part in field workshops led by scientists and National Park rangers on topics such as regional geology, tectonics, ore mining, geoarchaeology, alpine farming and local fauna. Hands-on, outdoor activities proved to be an effective and easy-to-implement tool for geoscience engagement and received positive feedback during this project.

Feedback indicated an increased interest and understanding of geoscience topics among participants. This study highlights how small-scale, low-cost projects can effectively engage local communities and stimulate interest in geoscience. Such efforts are critical to making science communication accessible and replicable for future researchers.

How to cite: Gatt, T., Sieberer, A.-K., Westreicher, F., Mattersberger, M., and Zeiner, S.: Communicating geoscience to the public: insights from an early career scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20316,, 2025.

EGU25-20455 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS1.1

Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science 

Meriem Krouma and the Mednight team

Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition is an enchanting collection of stories created to inspire children under 12 with the wonders of Mediterranean science. This one-of-a-kind anthology showcases the winning entries from the IV Literary Contest “Tales from Mednight,” a transnational initiative celebrating the fusion of creativity and science.

The stories explore themes such as biodiversity, clean energy, Mediterranean history, and environmental stewardship, sparking curiosity and fostering a love for science among young readers. Written in seven languages—Arabic, English, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish, and Turkish—the winning tales embody the Mediterranean's rich cultural diversity and shared scientific legacy.

To celebrate the launch of the Junior Edition, the Mednight initiative is distributing printed copies to children in hospitals, primary schools, and refugee camps. Free digital copies are also available, ensuring that the inspiring world of Mediterranean science reaches young readers everywhere.

How to cite: Krouma, M. and the Mednight team: Tales from Mednight – Junior Edition: Inspiring Young Minds with Mediterranean Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20455,, 2025.

EGU25-21677 | Orals | EOS1.1

The communicative power of climate extremes  

Malte von Szombathely, Anne Reif, Benjamin Poschlod, Benjamin Blanz, Leonard Borchert, Lukas Brunner, and Jana Sillmann

Climate extremes have increased in frequency and scope recently, and this development is projected to continue under ever worsening anthropogenic climate change. Media coverage of extreme weather events plays an important role in promoting climate-friendly attitudes, the perception of climate science and the willingness to take collective action for mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate extremes.

While Earth System model simulations of climate change and extremes are becoming more and more accurate, increasing doubts about the results of climate science and the existence of climate change have recently been observed among the German population (Reif et al., 2024). The upcoming elections in Germany make this turning point in political support for climate change policies even more relevant. It raises questions about how uncertainties in past and future climate change are perceived, and the success of different approaches to climate communication. Here, we address the dilemma of climate science communication, focusing on climate extremes.

We conducted a representative, Germany-wide survey at the beginning of December 2024 (n=1.019), gauging the perception of climate science, climate extremes and associated uncertainties. We present the results of this novel survey with a particular focus on the interaction of progress in climate extreme research and communication of uncertainties on the one hand, and the public perception of climate science on the other hand. Our analysis shows the development of perceived uncertainties of climate research in the German population. However, our work also highlights the perception of climate extremes as an opportunity for powerful and approachable climate communication.  



Reif A., Guenther L., Tschötschel R. S. , Brüggemann M. (2024): Rückschlag für den Klimaschutz. Wandel der Einstellungen und Kommunikation zu Klimawandel und Klimapolitik von 2015 bis 2023, Media Perspektiven, Vol. 2024, 14, 1-12. 

How to cite: von Szombathely, M., Reif, A., Poschlod, B., Blanz, B., Borchert, L., Brunner, L., and Sillmann, J.: The communicative power of climate extremes , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21677,, 2025.

SSS2 – Soil Erosion and Conservation

Assessing erosion risk is essential for implementing effective soil and water conservation (SWC) measures, a task especially challenging in data-scarce, semi-arid regions of India. This study addresses these complexities by employing a comprehensive prioritization approach to enhance erosion management efficiency in the Devgadh Baria Watershed (DBW) in Gujarat, India. The primary goal is to systematically prioritize sub-watersheds (SWs) using geomorphometric and land use/land cover (LULC) analyses, followed by recommendations for targeted SWC interventions in high-priority areas. Through remote sensing (RS) and geographical information system (GIS) techniques, the study delineates SWs and evaluates their vulnerability based on seven key morphometric parameters and LULC classifications, including agricultural land, forest, wasteland, and built-up areas. By integrating these parameters, the analysis yields compound values for each of the 30 SWs, resulting in a refined prioritization ranking. Notably, SW26, initially ranked as very high priority due to steep slopes and low drainage density, shifted to medium priority in the combined analysis, highlighting effective agricultural practices that reduce erosion. Meanwhile, SW7 maintained its very high priority ranking across analyses, reflecting persistent erosion risk from extensive built-up areas and limited forest cover. SW30 moved from high to medium priority, influenced by balanced agricultural activities and gentler slopes, while SWs 6 and 24 dropped from very high to medium priority. SW22 remained a high priority, benefiting from moderate forest cover and soil types that mitigate erosion. This research emphasizes the scientific value of integrating morphometric and LULC analyses for accurate SW prioritization. The combined approach enhances erosion risk assessment, facilitating targeted SWC strategies vital for watershed management in semi-arid regions. These findings offer actionable insights that support global sustainability goals, contributing to improved soil conservation and water resource management.

How to cite: Koradia, A., Patel, J. N., Yadav, B., and Rana, P.: Can Remote Sensing-Based Geomorphometric Analysis Combined with LULC Provide Greater Insights for Prioritizing Soil and Water Conservation Measures in Data-Scarce Semi-Arid Regions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-81,, 2025.

EGU25-436 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Analyzing gully evolution in a rolling landscape over seven decades in SW Europe. Lessons for the future 

Antonio Hayas and José Alfonso Gómez

The study presented in this communication evaluates the evolution of gully erosion over seven decades in the western Campiña of the Guadalquivir River Basin in southern Spain. Gully erosion, a major driver of soil degradation, seems to be intensified in this region in last years. The research utilizes photointerpretation techniques to track the development of gullies from 1956 to 2022, correlating this with rainfall data, land use changes, and the hydrological responses of watersheds. Nine gully systems were selected, and their areas were digitized from historical orthophotos, with volumetric erosion estimates made for select periods using available digital elevation models (DEMs).

The results show that gully development accelerated in response to a combination of factors, particularly the shift from herbaceous crops to olive groves. As olive cultivation expanded and ground cover was reduced, soil became more susceptible to erosion. This was especially evident after high-intensity rainfall events, such as those between 2009 and 2011, which caused significant gully growth. At the end of the study period, approximately 6% of the first-order catchments analyzed were occupied by gullies.

The average erosion rates recorded in this study (47 tons per hectare per year) were consistent with those reported in other Mediterranean regions, and showed a pronounced upward trend, with peak erosion rates reaching 282 tons per hectare per year during the 2008-2010 period. This increase is attributed to more frequent extreme rainfall events, as well as changes in land use. Furthermore, a comparison of gully morphology with global data suggests that the gullies in this region are shallower for a given width, possibly due to the low stability of the soils to lateral collapse.

A key finding is the role of human interventions in gully systems, such as partial filling, contour reshaping, and land leveling, which frequently modified gully erosion rates. These activities result in the underestimation of the volume eroded by up to 28%, with some particular cases showing deviations as high as 393%. This highlights the need for adjusting the temporal scale of monitoring gully erosion to capture relevant interventions, or alternatively inform gully erosion rates with detailed information on the land management between study periods.  

The study concludes by recommending that the design of hydraulic structures for gully control be reevaluated in light of the increasing intensity and frequency of rainfall events with high return periods. Additionally, sustainable land use practices should be implemented from the outset to mitigate gully formation, for example, at the time of establishing a new crop or when making a change in land use. Finally, an empirical expression between contributing area and peak flow for different return periods is stablished to facilitate the implementation of control measures in a region.


This work has been possible thanks to the contribution of the Postdoctoral fellowship (POSTDOC_21_00342) from the Andalusian Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (PAIDI 2020) and the project TUdi (GA 101000224) from European Union's Horizon 2020 research program.

How to cite: Hayas, A. and Gómez, J. A.: Analyzing gully evolution in a rolling landscape over seven decades in SW Europe. Lessons for the future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-436,, 2025.

EGU25-563 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Gully erosion in India: Land degradation, geomorphology and dynamics 

Anindya Majhi, Kunal Mallick, Dinabandhu Barman, Angela Harris, Martin Evans, Emma Shuttleworth, and Pritha Bhattacharjee

Gully erosion is the rapid incision of soils by concentrated overland and/or subsurface runoff. Badlands, which are barren landscapes sculpted through prolonged and intense gully erosion, occur extensively across Central and Western India. These vast and immensely degraded landscapes have had several adverse effects on the regional environment and society. Consequently, they have received considerable research attention since India’s independence, while little information exists about the characteristics of gully erosion elsewhere in India. Therefore, through a detailed pan-Indian mapping of gully erosion landforms, possibly the most extensive fieldwork ever undertaken in the domain of gully erosion research and multitemporal remote sensing, this work highlights the spatial distribution and areal extents of gully erosion, the spatial variability in gully morphological attributes and the dynamics of gully erosion and reclamation in India. Overall, the findings indicate that India not only has some of the largest gullies worldwide (widths up to 412 m and depths up to 78 m) but select locales of the country also experience some of the worst long-term rates of gully erosion (up to 800 t ha-1 yr-1) on our planet. Although the badlands account for a large 70% of the total gullying-affected land area in India, we have found that gully erosion in Eastern India is currently a particular cause of concern not only due to the widespread occurrence, but also because of high activity rates that seldom remain within the local permissible soil loss rates. On the contrary, the badlands are stabilised, and the gullies therein exhibit limited activity, if at all, which has prompted large-scale land reclamation activities in these regions. Gully morphological attributes such as top-to-bottom width ratio, width-depth ratio and cross-sectional area differ considerably across India, with statistically significant differences observed across climes, geomorphological settings, soil types and land cover/use classes. We have also observed that stabilised gullies are considerably (by ca. 3 times on average) larger than currently active systems. Similarly, gullies in the badlands are disproportionately larger than that of gully systems elsewhere, with bank gullies characterised by the largest dimensions among the latter. By providing critical insights into the scale, nature, and severity of gully erosion in India, this project not only addresses the glaring lack of knowledge on this subject and advances scientific understanding, but the findings also support practical strategies for sustainable land management by aiding in the identification of particularly erosion-prone regions where management efforts should be prioritised, which has relevance for the ongoing national land degradation neutrality drive.

How to cite: Majhi, A., Mallick, K., Barman, D., Harris, A., Evans, M., Shuttleworth, E., and Bhattacharjee, P.: Gully erosion in India: Land degradation, geomorphology and dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-563,, 2025.

Most of the mountainous regions in subtropical monsoon-dominated climatic zone experiences considerable soil erosion and related land degradation due to natural factors. Soil erosion by water is frequently regarded as the most severe form of land degradation, with substantial environmental and economic consequences, which is exacerbated by human-caused activities and has an impact on agricultural production, water resource sustainability, and ecological conservation.Mahur watershed, located in Dima Hasao District of Assam in the eastern Himalaya region, is highly vulnerable to erosionand associated geomorphic hazards due to high rainfall, young and highly erodible rock formations, fragmented reshaping geomorphology, and high soil erodibility impacting both land stability and local communities specially during monsoon season. Despite this, anthropogenic activities such as growing unplanned development, silt extraction from rivers, and shifting cultivation techniques have increased the geo-environmental sensitivity to erosion hazards in Mahur Watershed. By using Remote Sensing and GIS tools, this paper tries to understand the soil erosion characteristics, identify high-risk areas and evaluate geomorphic hazards in Mahur watershed of Dima Hasao district of Assam.

Keywords: Geospatial analysis, Soil erosion, Geomorphic Hazards Mahur watershed, North East India.

How to cite: Haflongbar, D. and Singh Rawat, M.:  Geospatial Analysis of Soil Erosion and Associated Geomorphic Hazards in Mahur Watershed, Dima Hasao District of Assam, North-East India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-606,, 2025.

EGU25-1329 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Exploring the influence of soil erosion on lake eutrophication through remote sensing across Europe  

Surya Gupta, Simon Scheper, Pasquale Borrelli, Panos Panagos, and Christine Alewell

Soil erosion by water is a critical factor contributing to eutrophication in water bodies, acting as a significant nitrogen and phosphorus input from land. While many models predict soil erosion and sediment transport into lakes and rivers, and the connection between soil erosion triggering eutrophication is considered textbook knowledge, there is, indeed, limited scientific data-based evidence of a direct link between eutrophication and soil erosion. We assessed the impact of soil erosion on eutrophication, considering other covariates such as slope, elevation, phosphorus, nitrogen, and water temperature, by analysing buffer zones of varying sizes around lakes in six different regions of Europe:  Austria (82 lakes), France (313), Germany (294), Hungary (79), Poland (478), and the UK (320). We utilized multispectral Sentinel-2 satellite remote sensing data at 20m spatial resolution for 2021 and 2022 to estimate the Floating Algae Index (FAI) of lakes. Bloom occurrence (BO) – the frequency of detected algal blooms – and maximum bloom extent (MBE) – the total area affected by blooms during the study period were correlated with the aforementioned covariates within contributing terrestrial zones of 100m, 200m, 500m, and 1km using machine learning algorithms. Initial results indicate that soil erosion itself is a the most important driver of eutrophication for many of the selected European regions, with water temperature and elevation also playing important roles. Moreover, the significance of soil erosion varies depending on contributing terrestrial zone across different regions. This study underscores the utility of remote sensing in assessing the impact of soil erosion on eutrophication providing a data based scientific link between the two processes.

How to cite: Gupta, S., Scheper, S., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., and Alewell, C.: Exploring the influence of soil erosion on lake eutrophication through remote sensing across Europe , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1329,, 2025.

EGU25-1909 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Quantifying the impacts of gully erosion on farmers' livelihoods in the Shafe catchment, southern main Ethiopian Rift: a multi-method approach 

Yibeltal Mekonnen, Matthieu Kervyn, Liuelsegad Belayneh, Genaye Tsegaye, Jorien De Bleser, and Matthias Vanmaercke


Like many areas along the border of the main Ethiopian Rift, the Shafe catchment is severely affected by gully erosion. Many earlier studies hypothesized that this can lead to important crop yield losses and, by extent, other socio-economic impacts. Nonetheless, as in other regions, these effects remain poorly quantified and understood. This research aims to quantify and understand these impacts, a critical step for designing effective and targeted mitigation measures. Given the challenges of accurately quantifying these impacts, a multi-method approach was employed. Household interviews were conducted with 171 randomly selected farmers, each having at least one gully-affected plot, to gather insights on perceived impacts, the allocation of uncropped buffer zones near gullies, and crop desiccation effects. Drone mapping of 85 gully-affected plots was carried out to quantify land losses due to gullies. Daily soil moisture measurements were recorded at varying distances from the gully edge (1m, 5m, 10m, 20m, 25m, and 40m). To quantify crop yield reduction, sorghum, wheat, and haricot bean samples were collected from gully-affected plots over two different seasons, with grain and biomass yields measured. Composite soil samples were also collected and analyzed to determine whether crop yield differences may be linked to soil nutrient contents. The preliminary results indicate that farmers experience direct losses of cropland, reduced crop yields due to a combination of factors, and the need for buffers around gullies as the most significant impacts of gully erosion. Soil moisture analysis indicate significant variations across depth and distance from the gully, with relatively higher moisture levels recorded at 40 m compared to closer distances, highlighting reduced moisture availability near the gully. Such variation in soil moisture corresponds to the observed crop yield trends, which increase with distance from the gully. Among the crop samples collected, sorghum showed the highest sensitivity to desiccation (from 0.1 kg/m² at 1 m to 0.47 kg/m² at 40 m). These preliminary results underline the significant impacts that gully erosion can have but also enhance our understanding for the development of more feasible, site-specific mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Mekonnen, Y., Kervyn, M., Belayneh, L., Tsegaye, G., De Bleser, J., and Vanmaercke, M.: Quantifying the impacts of gully erosion on farmers' livelihoods in the Shafe catchment, southern main Ethiopian Rift: a multi-method approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1909,, 2025.

Soil erosion poses a significant global challenge, with an estimated 25–40 billion tons of soil lost annually, threatening food security, water quality, and ecological balance. In Europe alone, soil losses exceed 970 million tons annually, emphasizing the urgent need for precise modeling to assess and mitigate erosion risks. The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) serves as a widely used empirical model for quantifying soil erosion risk, incorporating key parameters such as rainfall erosivity (R), soil erodibility (K), cover and management (P and C), and the Length and Steepness factor (LS). The LS factor, which accounts for slope gradient and length effects on runoff velocity and soil detachment, is critical but often constrained by static Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) that lack the temporal and spatial resolution to capture dynamic topographical changes.  This study introduces the integration of Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR), a cutting-edge remote sensing technique, with high-resolution Sentinel-1 SAR data and DEMs to enhance LS factor predictions within the RUSLE framework. PSInSAR enables millimetre-scale monitoring of terrain displacement over time, identifying subtle ground deformations that influence soil stability. Applying this approach to two watersheds in Israel—Yarkon-Ayalon and HaBsor—the study refines slope length and steepness estimates with sub-centimetre vertical accuracy, addressing the limitations of conventional DEM-based methods. Time-series displacement analyses derived from Sentinel-1 SAR data (2017–2023) reveal slope deformations, with subsidence rates reaching -14.49 mm/year and uplift rates up to 4.60 mm/year. Stable areas exhibited negligible displacement trends, validating the precision of the method. These displacement trends, supported by statistically significant p-values (< 0.01), highlight the spatial variability of erosion potential and topographical changes. The enhanced LS factor significantly improves soil erosion risk assessments under diverse climatic and land-use conditions. By integrating PSInSAR with the RUSLE model, this study advances soil erosion research and supports sustainable land management and policy development in erosion-prone areas. The findings provide actionable insights for reducing erosion risks and promoting soil sustainability on a broad scale.

Keywords: Sentinel-1, Synthetic Aperture Radar, Soil erosion modelling, Interferometric SAR, SNAP, Persistant Scatterer Interferometry, Digital Elevation Model.

How to cite: Paul, A. and Paz-Kagan, T.: Unveiling Erosion Dynamics: Integrating PSInSAR into Length and Steepness Factor in RUSLE Model., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2510,, 2025.

EGU25-2933 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Long-term landscape research to mitigate soil degradation in the Lower Mississippi River Basin, USA.   

Martin Locke, Rob Wells, and Ron Bingner

Long-term, farm-scale research projects were established in the Lower Mississippi River Basin (LMRB), USA, as part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) research program: Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP) and Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network.  Overall research objective is to incorporate multidisciplinary science to assess sustainability of row crop farming systems using recommended practices.  The USDA CEAP and LTAR projects are nationwide research networks representing a wide diversity of US agriculture, and many network sites include row crop farming.  Croplands include a diverse range with respect to geography, climate, topography, and soils.  At CEAP research sites, efficacy of USDA conservation practices on natural resources are evaluated.  CEAP research sites were initiated in 2003 and include two watersheds, Beasley Lake, Mississippi, and Goodwin Creek, Mississippi.   LTAR research sites include a common experiment whereby prevailing management (PRV) systems are compared with alternative systems (ALT) that potentially enhance and improve sustainability of agroecosystems.  In the LMRB, the ALT includes cover crops, reduced tillage, and precision irrigation management.  With respect to soils research in the LMRB, CEAP and LTAR projects assess processes involved with soil health and erosion.  Geospatial and temporal assessments of ephemeral gullies utilize UAS technology and USDA field and watershed erosion prediction technology.  Supporting data to assess soil loss and soil health processes includes soil sampling, runoff sites, and CO2-H2O flux.  LTAR research with the current framework is in its third year, and preliminary results from these assessments will be presented.

How to cite: Locke, M., Wells, R., and Bingner, R.: Long-term landscape research to mitigate soil degradation in the Lower Mississippi River Basin, USA.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2933,, 2025.

Potato is the main cash crop in Atlantic Canda. Potato cropping is associated with intensive tillage and high levels of fertilizer and pest inputs. Frequent soil disturbance, together with the rolling landscape and loamy soils, has resulted in high levels of water erosion in this region. In order to reduce the water erosion risks, efforts have been made to adopt Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) such as reduced tillage and alternative crop rotations with agro-ecological considerations. However, there is no field study to quantify the effectiveness of these BMPs. To fill this knowledge gap, rainfall simulation experiments were conducted to measure runoff and sediment generations in three crop rotations under two types of tillage. The three crop rotations examined were: the conventional Potato (PO)-Barley (BL)-Potato (POBLPO, used as the control), Corn (CO)-Spring wheat mixed with Triple mix (WT)-Potato (COWTPO) and Corn mixed with Ryegrass (CR)- Wheat mixed with Alfalfa and timothy (WA)-Potato (CRWAPO). The two types of tillage are conventional tillage (CT, used as the control) and reduced tillage (RT). A mini rainfall simulator was used to simulate 20 minutes rainfall. Runoff samples were collected every minute from which the runoff flow rate, sediment export rate and sediment concentration at every minute were determined. Cumulative measures such as runoff discharge, sediment yield and Flow-Weighted Mean Sediment Concentration (FWMSC) were calculated for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes durations of simulated rainfall.

The results overall demonstrate the strong effects of tillage and crop rotation on runoff and sediment generations although there were some exceptions. In the cash crop year, compared to CT, RT increased runoff discharge for short durations of rainfall but reduced it slightly for long durations of rainfall. For PO, RT only reduced sediment yield and FWMSC slightly but for CO and CR, sediment yield and FWMSC reductions by RT were more than 100 times. Compared to PO, CO and CR significantly reduced runoff discharge,  sediment yield and FWMSC. In particular, the reductions of sediment yield and FWMSC from PO to CO and CR under RT were more than 100 times. In the rotational crop year, compared to CT, RT reduced runoff discharge mostly by more than one third and reduced sediment yield and FWMSC by more than ten times. Compared to BL, WT and WA mostly reduced runoff discharge and sediment yield but the reductions were small. Based on these results, it was estimated that by switching from the conventional crop rotation (POBLPO) with conventional tillage to the alternative crop rotations (COWTPO and CRWAPO) with reduced tillage, runoff discharge, sediment yield and FWMSC on average will be reduced by 13 %, 59 % and 69 %, respectively.

How to cite: Li, S., Kupriyanovich, Y., Zheng, F., and Agomoh, I.: How much will reduced tillage and alternative crop rotations reduce runoff and sediment generations in a potato production system in Atlantic Canada?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2967,, 2025.

EGU25-3900 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Advancing Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Version 2 (RUSLE2) Development: Integrating Cutting-Edge Science and Cloud-Based Innovations for Transformative Soil Erosion Modeling and Conservation 

Christophe Darnault, Mahsa Ghorbani, Gizem Genc Kildirgici, Bigyan Ghimire, Carson Sisk, Jon Calhoun, Henrique Momm, Daniel Yoder, Dalmo Vieira, Ronald Bingner, Martin Locke, Robert Wells, and Giulio Ferruzzi

The Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Version 2 (RUSLE2), is the primary water erosion prediction tool used by the USDA National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for conservation planning across the United States. Despite its widespread adoption, RUSLE2’s current reliance on a personal computer-based model constrains its capacity for large-scale, dynamic applications. This research addresses these limitations by developing a novel cloud-based platform to host and enhance RUSLE2, enabling server-based computations, geospatial data integration, and scalable modeling capabilities. Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the platform incorporates web-based user interfaces, spatial databases, and geoprocessing tools to streamline soil erosion modeling. It integrates historical data on soil properties, climate, and land management to support precise assessments of rill and interrill erosion. A redesigned database architecture ensures computational efficiency, reliability, and security while fostering collaborative software development. Scientific advancements in RUSLE2 include quantifying the impacts of rainfall and land management practices on the spatiotemporal variability of dynamic soil properties. Leveraging advanced laboratory and field methods, remote sensing, and machine learning, this platform refines the measurement of soil erodibility and soil loss across diverse U.S. agricultural landscapes. These enhancements enable improved predictions of soil erosion risks under varying climate scenarios and support adaptive land management strategies. This transformative cloud-based platform promotes sustainable agriculture and conservation planning by delivering innovative tools for best management practices. Through the integration of cutting-edge technologies and data-driven approaches, this research addresses critical gaps in soil erosion science and contributes to food security, environmental conservation, and resilience to climate change.

How to cite: Darnault, C., Ghorbani, M., Genc Kildirgici, G., Ghimire, B., Sisk, C., Calhoun, J., Momm, H., Yoder, D., Vieira, D., Bingner, R., Locke, M., Wells, R., and Ferruzzi, G.: Advancing Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, Version 2 (RUSLE2) Development: Integrating Cutting-Edge Science and Cloud-Based Innovations for Transformative Soil Erosion Modeling and Conservation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3900,, 2025.

EGU25-3955 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Spatial-temporal pattern of cropland soil erosion in China over the past four decades 

Yitian Xie, Tianyuan Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, and Xudong Wu

        China’s croplands are facing serious threats of soil erosion, calling for long-term and spatially-explicit assessment to ensure food security and sustainable agricultural development. However, the complexities of topographical, meteorological, and land cover and management factors, which are key determinants of soil erosion, pose big challenges for estimating cropland-related soil erosion in China over an extended time span, especially across diverse agricultural regions and different crop types. 
        To address this issue, this study combines the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation model with high-resolution remote sensing datasets to investigate the temporal-spatial evolution of crop-specific soil erosion in China from 1980 to 2018 at a 30 m resolution. When calculating the RUSLE factors, in addition to using well-established methods that have been validated in national and global studies to calculate the crop-specific land cover and management factors for croplands, efforts were made to localize the rainfall erosivity factor and the support practice factor. The rainfall erosivity factor was calculated using a rainfall erosivity model derived from daily rainfall data observed at China’s meteorological stations, coupled with a more accessible global daily rainfall raster dataset. Furthermore, the support practice factor for croplands was categorized based on slope, which could reflect the relationship between cropland topographical characteristics and the benefits of soil and water conservation. 
        The results show that about 60% of China’s croplands experienced slight erosion over the past four decades. Regions with strong and severe erosion intensity are predominantly located in the southern provinces. However, due to the agricultural policy implementations, agricultural shifts, and variations in crop planting patterns, it was revealed that soil erosion intensity in most regions has shown a downward trend. Specifically, in terms of agricultural zoning, the cropland soil erosion rate in the Sichuan Basin has decreased sharply. Moreover, different crop types exhibited differentiated spatial patterns in the cropland-related soil erosion rates. Overall, grains exhibit the highest erosion intensity, while fiber crops have the lowest.
        In summary, this study constructed a high-resolution, long-term dataset of cropland soil erosion in China and analyzed its temporal-spatial dynamics and influencing factors. The outcomes can help facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of soil erosion mitigation and provide a solid foundation for sustainable agricultural production.

How to cite: Xie, Y., Zhang, T., Zhang, Z., and Wu, X.: Spatial-temporal pattern of cropland soil erosion in China over the past four decades, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3955,, 2025.

EGU25-4472 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Modeling furrow irrigation-induced erosion using a process-based approach 

Kossi Nouwakpo, Dave Bjorneberg, and Bradley King

Furrow irrigation is one of the most common irrigation methods across the globe but also contributes to significant sediment discharge to downstream surface waters. Accurate furrow erosion prediction tools are needed but no modeling approach has been widely adopted. In this study, we compare two process-base modeling approaches for furrow irrigation erosion: 1) the transport capacity Tc concept and 2) a semi-empirical approach in which furrow erodibility exponential decreases with length. A dynamic soil erodibility modeling approach whereby soil erodibility is allowed to decrease as erosion progressed was also tested to improve erosion prediction performance.  Performance assessment demonstrated the strength of the Tc model when combined with the dynamic soil erodibility approach. The study also highlighted weaknesses of the Tc model in accounting for observed deposition patterns. The proposed process-based furrow erosion functions can be directly coupled with furrow flow routing models or other hillslope erosion models.

How to cite: Nouwakpo, K., Bjorneberg, D., and King, B.: Modeling furrow irrigation-induced erosion using a process-based approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4472,, 2025.

EGU25-4605 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Soil Erosion and Gully Dynamics: Advancing RUSLE2 and EphGEE for Targeted Conservation Strategies 

Mahsa Ghorbani, Christophe Darnault, and Robert Wells

Soil erosion, particularly gully and ephemeral gully erosion, remains a critical barrier to sustainable land management, driving land degradation, reducing agricultural productivity, and amplifying sedimentation in freshwater ecosystems. Despite advancements in soil conservation, the underlying mechanisms governing gully initiation and progression require deeper investigation to support targeted and effective management interventions. This study integrates field data and advanced modeling approaches to evaluate soil erodibility and gully dynamics across diverse environmental conditions. Field investigations in Vermont and Kentucky focused on 10 soil types, capturing a range of physical and chemical properties essential to erosion processes. Laboratory and in-situ analyses quantified critical parameters, including soil texture, organic matter content, and hydrological responses. These data informed the parameterization of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation 2 (RUSLE2) for estimating baseline erosion rates, alongside the Ephemeral Gully Erosion Estimator (EphGEE) for modeling localized gully development. This integrative approach provides a comprehensive understanding of erosion processes across spatial and temporal scales. Results highlight significant variability in soil susceptibility to gully erosion, influenced by intrinsic properties and external factors such as land use and hydrological regimes. Comparative analyses across Vermont and Kentucky reveal the necessity of region-specific conservation strategies that account for localized environmental conditions. The complementary application of RUSLE2 and EphGEE demonstrates their utility in assessing erosion risks and informing adaptive management practices. This research aligns with global priorities, including land degradation neutrality and ecosystem restoration initiatives such as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030). By advancing measurement techniques and modeling methodologies, the study provides actionable insights to guide stakeholders—including policymakers, farmers, and land managers—in implementing evidence-based solutions to mitigate soil erosion and its cascading effects. Integrating empirical data with cutting-edge modeling offers a scalable framework for addressing soil erosion challenges, enhancing soil resilience, and promoting sustainable land use in the context of evolving climate and land-use dynamics.

How to cite: Ghorbani, M., Darnault, C., and Wells, R.: Soil Erosion and Gully Dynamics: Advancing RUSLE2 and EphGEE for Targeted Conservation Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4605,, 2025.

EGU25-5616 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Failing to mitigate soil erosion: a review 

Amaury Frankl

Sharing success stories in mitigating soil erosion is a common and effective strategy for promoting sustainable land management and fostering community engagement. These stories showcase interventions and bridge the gap between research and practice by illustrating real-world applications and inspiring broader adoption. However, while successes are celebrated and well-documented, failures often remain marginalized or hidden, despite their potential to drive critical reflection, innovation, and progress. This paper argues that embracing transparency about failures in addressing soil erosion is essential for advancing sustainable land management. Failures provide invaluable insights into the complexities and contextual challenges of soil degradation, highlighting the iterative nature of learning and the need for epistemological humility. By analysing failures alongside successes, we can refine strategies, avoid repeated mistakes, and strengthen efforts to mitigate soil erosion. The paper is structured in two parts. The first section explores key factors critical to understanding failures in soil erosion management, including (i) defining appropriate thresholds, (ii) undervaluing local populations and indigenous knowledge, (iii) neglecting scale, and (iv) overlooking processes. These discussions aim to unpack the nuanced challenges of failure, paving the way for more informed and adaptive approaches. The second section explore how failures are addressed from a systematic review of the scientific literature. Ultimately, this work underscores the importance of integrating lessons from both successes and failures to amplify the impact of investments in sustainable land management. By fostering a culture of transparency, we can build a more resilient and effective framework for addressing soil erosion in diverse contexts.

Keywords: Land degradation, Mitigation, Stakeholders, Soil Conservation

How to cite: Frankl, A.: Failing to mitigate soil erosion: a review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5616,, 2025.

EGU25-6131 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Effects of the projected changes in land use and climate on soil vulnerability in Europe 

Mehdi H. Afshar, Amirhossein Hassani, Pasquale Borrelli, Panos Panagos, David A. Robinson, Dani Or, and Nima Shokri

Soil degradation threatens ecosystem stability and global food security by undermining soil health and functionality. Certain soil degradation processes can be further intensified under changing climate and with land use alterations. Here we combine projections from 18 global climate models under two emission scenarios (SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5) with land use fractions from the Land Use Harmonization (LUH2) dataset, to assess future soil vulnerability to degradation across Europe. Utilizing a machine learning framework, we linked the Soil Vulnerability Index (SVI), to topography, soil texture, climate, and land use factors.  Our SVI projections for the near future (2031–2060) and far future (2071–2100) show that northern European countries, such as Estonia and Latvia will experience increments in SVI by up to 16% driven by climate factors. Conversely, southern countries such as Spain and Italy may experience declines in SVI, reflecting potential improvements in soil health conditions associated with land use changes. Moreover, our results show that land use changes in arid zones may lower SVI for 45% of observations under SSP2-4.5 scenario. Meanwhile, in colder regions, change in climate factors heightens SVI in 55% of observations under SSP5-8.5 scenario. Our findings highlight the need for targeted soil management strategies that address both land cover management and climate change adaptation to mitigate negative impacts on soil health under future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Afshar, M. H., Hassani, A., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Robinson, D. A., Or, D., and Shokri, N.: Effects of the projected changes in land use and climate on soil vulnerability in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6131,, 2025.

EGU25-7246 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Ability of Austria’s high spatiotemporal resolution of INCA  for rainfall erosivity assessment in the main agricultural production zones 

Cristina Vasquez, Andreas Klik, Christine Stumpp, Peter Strauss, Gregor Laaha, Georg Pistotnik, Shuiqing Yin, Tomas Dostal, and Stefan Strohmeier

Rainfall erosivity is a critical parameter for soil degradation assessment. It is especially important in areas prone to soil erosion due to frequent or intense rainfall events. Rainfall erosivity is typically quantified through the EI30 index, which combines the rainfall's kinetic energy (E) with its maximum 30-minute intensity (I30). Rainfall data with high temporal resolution (e.g., 5-minute) are often limited in availability, particularly across large spatial scales. Gridded rainfall products usually provide half-hourly or hourly data and are frequently used despite the potential biases they introduce into erosivity calculations. In Austria, the introduction of INCA (Integrated Nowcasting through Comprehensive Analysis) has provided an opportunity to enhance rainfall erosivity studies. INCA offers rainfall data at a 15-minute temporal and 1-kilometer spatial resolution. In our study, INCA’s accuracy and limitations in capturing erosive rainfall events, especially extreme events, are carefully evaluated against high-resolution in-situ rainfall station data. Understanding the degree of underestimation or overestimation in EI30 calculations is crucial for applying INCA data in erosion simulations and according to soil conservation strategies. This study focuses on the Main Agricultural Production Zones (MAPZ) in Austria. The study evaluates the performance of INCA in calculating erosivity compared to a dense network of 5-minute resolution rainfall stations. It also investigates the occurrence probability of extreme erosive events using a probabilistic approach, providing insights into long-term erosion risks and regional differences in erosivity patterns. Eventually, the study examines the impact of temporal resolution on erosivity estimates, assessing biases introduced by coarser resolutions (15- and 30-minute) for both mean and extreme rainfall events. Results indicate that INCA overestimates 8.1% of the total event number but underestimates 3.1% of the total rainfall erosivity, with the largest under- and overestimation in east of Austria. On the other hand, the mean annual maximum EI30 was underestimated by 13.6%, and the south showed the most considerable underestimation. It was found that INCA can detect highly erosive events occurring in the in-situ datasets. The underestimation of EI30 sources from the temporally smoothened peak I30 rather than the E of the rainfall events. Long-term extreme EI30 were analyzed using the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution, revealing that EI30 values increase with longer return periods (e.g., 50 years) and that the southern region exhibits the largest EI30 values, indicating a greater risk of extreme erosive events. On the other hand,  INCA may emphasize more recent, potentially intense rainfall trends, leading to larger return levels. The impact assessment by coarser temporal resolutions on EI30 confirms that the underestimation substantially increases with lower temporal resolution, primarily due to I30 rather than E. Eventually, a 15-minute temporal resolution dataset may lead to acceptable underestimations across our investigated MAPZ; underestimations ranged from 2.8–8.5% in event numbers and 1.0–10.0% in total rainfall erosivity at 15-minute resolution and from 10.2–33.7% and 5.2–26.6%, respectively, at a 30-minute resolution. The results of this study highlight the potential value of INCA data as a practical source for rainfall erosivity assessments, particularly in regions with limited high-resolution rainfall measurements.

How to cite: Vasquez, C., Klik, A., Stumpp, C., Strauss, P., Laaha, G., Pistotnik, G., Yin, S., Dostal, T., and Strohmeier, S.: Ability of Austria’s high spatiotemporal resolution of INCA  for rainfall erosivity assessment in the main agricultural production zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7246,, 2025.

EGU25-8430 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

High-Resolution Mapping of Anthropogenic Impacts on Sediment Flux in the Northern Andes 

Richard Ott, Nicolas Perez-Consuegra, and Juan Camilo Restrepo Lopez

Human activities, including deforestation, agriculture, mining, and dam construction, significantly influence erosion and river sediment flux. However, few data exist that constrain how river sediment flux have changed compared to natural conditions. Here we compare natural erosion estimates from millennial time-scale cosmogenic nuclide measurements with sediment yields from sediment gauging and river bedload modelling to study the magnitude and driving factors of anthropogenic erosion change in the Northern Andes of Colombia.

We calculated suspended sediment yields for 139 small to medium sized rivers (10-10’000 km²) in the Northern Andes by fitting rating curves to sediment concentration and discharge measurements. Additionally, we use an empirically calibrated model to account for bedload sediment flux in these mountainous catchments and calculate the total sediment flux for time periods of 1980 to 2000 and 2000 to 2022. We convert our sediment flux to erosion rates under anthropogenic conditions and compare them to millennial time-scale natural erosion rates estimated from cosmogenic nuclide data.

Our findings reveal that river sediment flux was, on average, 78% higher than natural conditions from 1980 to 2000, and increased to 111% above baseline between 2000 and 2022, primarily due to increases in the Central Cordillera. Factors such as agriculture, rainfall erosivity, mining, and deforestation are correlated with increased erosion and sediment flux. Interestingly, the variance in sediment yield also increases with the percentage of agricultural land and rainfall erosivity. On average current river sediment yields match RUSLE soil erosion estimates, suggesting high sediment connectivity and negligible storage of eroded soils in the mountainous catchments. Our data document a doubling of sediment flux in the Northern Andes due to the joint effects of agriculture, mining, and deforestation, however, the erosional response to land use change varies with environmental conditions such as rainfall erosivity.

How to cite: Ott, R., Perez-Consuegra, N., and Restrepo Lopez, J. C.: High-Resolution Mapping of Anthropogenic Impacts on Sediment Flux in the Northern Andes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8430,, 2025.

EGU25-9289 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Integrating RUSLE, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning for Precise Soil Erosion Assessment in Semi-Arid Regions 

Noureddine Kelkouli, Mohamed islem Bouacha, Ana Maria Tarquis Alfonso, and Mohamed Maatoug

Land degradation is a critical environmental issue that poses significant threats to ecosystem stability, especially in semi-arid regions, which are highly susceptible to erosion. Addressing this challenge necessitates innovative technologies for accurate and efficient prediction. This study leverages the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) framework, remote sensing, and soil analyses to identify factors driving soil erosion. By integrating these methodologies with machine learning, the research offers a novel approach for precise, real-time monitoring and detection of soil degradation.

The study characterises each RUSLE factor encompassing soil physicochemical properties, rainfall intensity, soil type, land cover, and topography to estimate soil loss and identify erosion-prone areas. Two complementary data sources were utilised: digital data, comprising time-series satellite imagery (LANDSAT, DEM, CHIRPS) processed through Google Earth Engine, Earth Explorer, and ArcGIS to generate RUSLE factor maps spanning 1987 to 2023; and field data, consisting of soil samples collected from various locations to validate digital results and calculate average soil loss across the study area.

Results indicate that the average annual soil loss during this period is approximately 20.65 tons/ha/year, significantly higher than findings from comparable studies. By combining field and digital datasets using the Random Forest model, a predictive map was developed to highlight erosion-prone areas, providing detailed visualisations of spatial erosion patterns across the region. The analysis further identifies the region's geographic characteristics and irregular, extreme climatic conditions as primary drivers of soil erosion. These findings underscore the critical role of advanced data integration and machine learning techniques in developing effective strategies for soil degradation management.

How to cite: Kelkouli, N., Bouacha, M. I., Tarquis Alfonso, A. M., and Maatoug, M.: Integrating RUSLE, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning for Precise Soil Erosion Assessment in Semi-Arid Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9289,, 2025.

EGU25-9434 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

60 years in the Senegalese Groundnut basin : Modeling wind erosion in a changing social and climatic context 

Paul-Alain Raynal, Jean-Louis Rajot, Beatrice Marticorena, Romain Roehrig, and Caroline Pierre

In semi-arid zones, wind erosion is both a consequence and a cause of soil degradation, as it particularly affects unprotected soils and can deplete them of nutrients and organic matter. Thus it represents a major concern for rural populations who depend on soil productivity for income and subsistence. During the last 60 years in the Sahel, an intense drought affected the region between the 1970s and 1980s while major socio-economic changes were (and still are) underway, leading to a profound alteration of agropastoral systems and a decline in soil fertility in some places. In this context, estimating aeolian sediment fluxes generated from cultivated plots and disentangling climate effects from anthropic ones would allow for a better understanding of the role of wind erosion in the perceived land degradation, as well as paving the way for trajectories simulation with future climate projections. 
In this study, we aim to understand and model how the combined effect of climatic and agropastoral changes affected wind erosion in Sahelian conditions for the 1960-2020 period, using the Senegalese groundnut basin as a case study. The Senegalese groundnut basin is the agricultural heartland of Senegal and home to different sociolinguistic groups whose approach to agriculture led to varying responses to the region’s conditions. Using a modeling approach relying on an extensive dataset, we simulated vegetation growth (STICS and STEP models) and estimated the horizontal flux of aeolian sediment (DPM model) resulting from several land uses and managements at the plot scale. We used ERA5 meteorological time series (ECMWF) combined with an extensive review of the literature on the dynamics of land use in the groundnut basin to develop several realistic trajectories for horizontal flux generation in 3 different parts of the groundnut basin (North, Center, South) over the last 60 years (1960-2020). On top of integrating climate variability, these trajectories take into account the use and management of different crops, as well as crop rotation systems, fallow periods, the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, trees and livestock. Average biomass production and yield found in the literature were used to verify the model's reliability.
We found that aeolian flux generation has increased overall since 1960, especially in the northern part of the groundnut basin. The most erosive period took place after 1980 when the Senegalese groundnut basin suffered from drought and the end of government subsidies for agriculture. 

How to cite: Raynal, P.-A., Rajot, J.-L., Marticorena, B., Roehrig, R., and Pierre, C.: 60 years in the Senegalese Groundnut basin : Modeling wind erosion in a changing social and climatic context, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9434,, 2025.

EGU25-9463 | Orals | SSS2.2

Random forest-based prediction of gully density on farmland in the Songnen typical black soil region of the Northeast, China 

Hong Liu, Chunmei Wang, Yixian Chen, Lei Ma, Chunmei Zhang, Yongqing Long, and Qinke Yang
  •  Gully erosion represents one of the most severe forms of land degradation. In regional management decisions, gully density serves as a crucial metric. As an essential measure under China’s national strategy for protecting black soil, gully erosion control projects rely on accurate simulation of gully density at the regional scale to enable more efficient and precise management. Taking the northeast China’s Songnen typical black soil region as the study area, this research employed a stratified unequal probability systematic sampling method to select 977 small watershed sample units. Using sub-meter resolution Google Earth imagery, gully density on farmland was visually interpreted. To ensure the interpretation’s accuracy, 55 typical small watersheds were randomly selected as validation units for field investigations. On this basis, the RF algorithm was used with 13 selected factors to predict farmland gully length density. The results showed the following: 1) The Random Forest model demonstrated high accuracy and applicability, with an NSE exceeding 0.5. Residuals primarily centered around -0.1 km/km². 2) Slope was identified as the key influencing factor for farmland gully density, followed by multi-year average May precipitation, slope length, and multi-year average rainstorm volume. Threshold analysis revealed a significant increase in gully density when slope exceeded 1.21° and slope length surpassed 74.15 m, but a weakening effect was observed when the slope and slope length reached certain thresholds. 3) The prediction results indicated higher gully densities in low mountains and hilly areas. Regions with a density range of 0–0.05 km/km², followed by 0.05–0.25 km/km². As density increased, the proportion of area gradually declined, with areas >1 km/km² accounting for no more than 15% of the total. High-density regions were concentrated in low mountains and hilly areas, with average gully densities of 1.33 km/km² and 1.80 km/km², respectively, whereas low-density regions were concentrated in plains, with densities close to 0 km/km². This study provides theoretical and technical support for regional gully management decisions in the black soil region of Northeast China, contributing to the protection of black soil resources.
  • Keywords: Permanent gully; Songnen typical black soil region; Random Forest; Regional scale; Gully length density

How to cite: Liu, H., Wang, C., Chen, Y., Ma, L., Zhang, C., Long, Y., and Yang, Q.: Random forest-based prediction of gully density on farmland in the Songnen typical black soil region of the Northeast, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9463,, 2025.

EGU25-9574 | Orals | SSS2.2

Using Machine Learning Methods to Predict Water Erosion Patterns in Northern Germany 

Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp, Nils Barthel, Simone Ott, and Benjamin Burkhard

Recent studies show that machine learning methods (ML) have a high potential to model various soil erosion processes. The main focus of this research is on qualitative modelling (risk classes, binary occurrence) on smaller scales e.g., probability maps for gully erosion. In this study, we used four machine learning methods to reproduce spatial explicit information on soil loss rates in a 5 m resolution obtained in the Lower Saxonian (Germany) soil erosion monitoring program in the years 2000 - 2020. The monitoring data includes information on soil loss by water erosion (sheet and rill erosion) on 465 ha of cropland in northern Germany derived by continuous erosion feature mapping after erosive rainfall events (see Steinhoff-Knopp & Burkhard (2018) for methods and results). We applied the ML methods Random Forest (RF), a Single-Layer Neural Network (SLNN), a Deep Neural Network with multiple hidden layers (DNN) and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to reproduce the mapped soil loss rates. Prediction variables included are up to 19 soil, land use, rainfall and DEM-derived topographic parameters. All ML methods were able to reproduce the soil erosion patterns. The comparison between the different models shows that the CNN model outperforms all other tested models in nearly all metrics. Its RMSE of 1.05 and MAE of 0.41 are significantly lower than those of the RF (RMSE: 1.31, MAE: 0.58) and SLNN (RMSE: 1.48, MAE: 0.63). Only the DNN performs similarly, with a slightly higher RMSE of 1.1 and MAE of 0.58. However, the classification performance of the RF, DNN, and CNN models is comparable, with F1 scores ranging from 0.68 to 0.70 and AUC values between 0.92 and 0.94. Additionally, the permutation importance was calculated to assess the influence of the predictor variables. In all four models, the variable with the highest importance is the DEM. Its importance ranges from 15% to 18.3%, depending on the model. All models also strongly rely on USLE C and R factors. Our findings emphasize the high potential of ML-driven erosion predictions and will be rolled out to predict soil erosion rates on cropland in northern Germany.

Steinhoff-Knopp, B. and Burkhard, B.: Soil erosion by water in Northern Germany: long-term monitoring results from Lower Saxony, CATENA, 165, 299–309,, 2018.

How to cite: Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Barthel, N., Ott, S., and Burkhard, B.: Using Machine Learning Methods to Predict Water Erosion Patterns in Northern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9574,, 2025.

EGU25-9577 | Orals | SSS2.2 | Highlight

Gully erosion might become a larger problem than hitherto anticipated: insights from fieldwork and recent modelling advancements 

Matthias Vanmaercke, Yixian Chen, Sofie De Geeter, Yibeltal Yihunie Mekonnen, Elise Dujardin, Guy Ilombe Mawe, Eric Lutete Landu, and Jean Poesen

Gully erosion has long been recognized as an important driver of soil loss and land degradation. However, modeling this process—particularly at larger spatial scales—remains challenging. While recent advancements have significantly improved our ability to simulate the spatial patterns of gully occurrence, understanding their activity and the factors controlling their erosion rates remains a much greater challenge. Similarly, the broader impacts of gullies across diverse environments are still poorly understood and under-researched.

This talk highlights recent progress in modeling gully erosion from regional to global scales. We demonstrate that gully occurrence and activity are governed by distinct yet complementary sets of factors. For instance, land cover plays a dominant role in determining gully occurrence patterns across Africa, whereas activity rates are more strongly influenced by recent land use changes and rainfall intensities. These findings suggest that projected changes in climate and land use could result in far greater increases in gully erosion than predicted by models focusing solely on gully occurrence.

Drawing on case studies from the Global South, we further explore some of the severe and often unconsidered impacts of gully erosion. Key examples include significant crop yield losses due to altered cropping practices and the emergence of highly destructive gullies in urban environments. Notably, many of these impacts are concentrated in regions that are already highly vulnerable to environmental change.

Taken together, these insights suggest that the challenges posed by gully erosion in our changing world may be far greater than previously anticipated. Nonetheless, our findings also highlight that effective land management practices can mitigate or even prevent many of these issues.

How to cite: Vanmaercke, M., Chen, Y., De Geeter, S., Mekonnen, Y. Y., Dujardin, E., Ilombe Mawe, G., Lutete Landu, E., and Poesen, J.: Gully erosion might become a larger problem than hitherto anticipated: insights from fieldwork and recent modelling advancements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9577,, 2025.

EGU25-10462 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Assessment of rainfall erosivity from a convection-permitting model ensemble in an alpine transect 

Mansoor Ahmed, Eleonora Dallan, Petr Vohnicky, and Marco Borga

Alpine regions are highly susceptible to rainfall-induced soil erosivity and to its changes in a warming climate. Thanks to their high spatio-temporal resolution and to their ability to explicitly resolve convection, recently developed convection-permitting climate models (CPMs) outperform regional models in capturing intense sub-daily rainfall. Thus, these models offer a high potential for the simulation of rainfall erosivity and its projection in a warming climate.

This study evaluates the ability of a multi-model CPM ensemble to provide reliable rainfall data for assessing rainfall erosivity. This represents a fundamental step for then analyzing the near- and far- future projected changes in rainfall erosivity under climate change scenarios. The study is carried out based on data from an transect in the Italian eastern Alps which offers an ideal case study given its rainfall variability and complex topography. Data from 174 rain gauges are used to evaluate the CPM ensemble in simulating rainfall erosivity.

Preliminary results show that the CPM multi-model ensemble is able to reproduce well the mean annual rainfall erosivity in the study region. However, the CPM simulations over predict the number of erosive events by 21% on average. Also, the quality of the CPM-based simulations is shown to be strongly impacted by terrain elevation, with simulations in low land areas being characterized by an underestimation of number of erosive events and average rainfall erosivity. The bias reverses to overestimation of both number of erosive events and average erosivity with increasing the terrain elevation. Topography also strongly influences the spread of the erosivity simulations within the model ensemble.

These findings underscore the need for bias adjustments, considering topographic influences, for the investigation of projected changes in rainfall erosivity patterns.

How to cite: Ahmed, M., Dallan, E., Vohnicky, P., and Borga, M.: Assessment of rainfall erosivity from a convection-permitting model ensemble in an alpine transect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10462,, 2025.

EGU25-10727 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Assessing soil erosion risk and soil protection requirement in North Italy’s vineyards 

Vincenzo Baldan, Paolo Tarolli, and Vincenzo D'Agostino

Viticulture in North Italy is a very important sector for the local and global economy because it generates a positive impact on cultural and natural landscapes. Traditional vineyard management has been preserved over the years, creating a perfect environment for growing vines also in steep and very steep slope areas.

Climate change emphasizes intense and localized rainfall, which increases the risk of erosive processes in steep slope areas, making here the vineyard farm much delicate.

The study, carried out within the scope of the Italian research program AGRITECH (Spoke 4), develops an erosion index called Potential Erosion Index (PEI), using stations and satellite data from Google Earth Engine for Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia regions. PEI estimates 5 levels of climate-topographical aggressiveness against the soil. Therefore, an application of a USLE-type tool was studied to identify areas where precise field verification is needed for protective practices, creating a map on the degree of protection requirement (Pr). Future climate models from CHELSA dataset were implemented to detect possible future trends in soil erosion and soil protection requirement.

The results indicate that, under the SSP585 scenario, the PEI values give rise to a potential worsening of soil erosion in the northern part of the region and to an improvement in the southern part during the period 2071-2100. The present condition of Pr shows areas that have a Pr > 50% and 75% affecting 30% and 13% of the total area, respectively. Part of these areas are also localized in vineyard farms. Future projections indicate also an increase of the Pr in the 2041-2070 period, less visible in the 2071-2100 period.

The findings of this study highlight the importance of an upgradeable investigation on the future trends of soil erosions in steep agricultural land. In fact, their quantification can be supportive, particularly in a variable climatic scenario, for drafting management guidelines and planning policies in cooperation with stakeholders.

How to cite: Baldan, V., Tarolli, P., and D'Agostino, V.: Assessing soil erosion risk and soil protection requirement in North Italy’s vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10727,, 2025.

EGU25-11105 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on streamflow and soil erosion in a Mediterranean Basin 

Ossama Mohamed Mahmoud Abdelwahab, Giovanni Francesco Ricci, Francesco Gentile, and Anna Maria De Girolamo

This research investigates the impact of climate change on streamflow and sediment yield within the Carapelle basin, located in the Apulia Region of Italy, a Mediterranean environment. The study utilized three climate model projections, which were adjusted for bias to enhance accuracy. Statistical evaluations demonstrated an improved agreement between observed data and the corrected projections. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) was employed to model hydrological processes and sediment transport, with calibration and validation conducted using data from 2004 to 2011. The model exhibited satisfactory performance in simulating both streamflow and sediment load. Future projections for 2030-2050 indicate a potential temperature rise of up to 1.3°C and a reduction in average annual rainfall by as much as 38% relative to the baseline. These changes are expected to result in decreased water yield and sediment load. Among the climate models, the CMCC projection suggested the most significant decline in mean annual flow (67%), followed by reductions of 35% and 7% predicted by the MPI and EC-EARTH models, respectively. Sediment load reductions were estimated at 52.8% for CMCC, 41.7% for MPI, and 18.1% for EC-EARTH. Spatial analysis indicated that soil erosion remains a critical issue under future climate scenarios, particularly in areas with steep slopes and wheat cultivation, where sediment yield exceeds 10 t ha⁻¹. These findings underscore the necessity for proactive water resource management to address the anticipated decrease in water availability and highlight the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate soil erosion.

How to cite: Abdelwahab, O. M. M., Ricci, G. F., Gentile, F., and De Girolamo, A. M.: Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on streamflow and soil erosion in a Mediterranean Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11105,, 2025.

EGU25-11266 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Investigating spatial patterns of land degradation and land management in olive orchards across Europe 

Pasquale Borrelli, Christine Alewell, Konstantinos Kaffas, Francis Matthews, Panos Panagos, and Philipp Saggau

Land degradation (LD), which affects soil, vegetation, and water resources, poses serious threats to agricultural productivity, biodiversity, and ecosystem functions. Here, we present a new approach to assess LD at the farm level, specifically within Mediterranean olive orchards, leveraging the modified Land Multidegradation Index (LMI) (Prăvălie et al., 2024) which builds on the framework established by the European Union Soil Observatory (EUSO) (Panagos et al. 2024). The approach identifies and quantifies multiple LD pathways, including soil erosion, salinity, compaction, organic matter depletion, and pollution. Field data from 53 olive orchard sites across Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Marocco, as part of the Horizon Europe project SOIL O-LIVE, informed the methodological development. Indicators of LD were integrated into a scoring system, capturing the extent and interplay of LD processes. Preliminary findings are presented alongside a Shiny App web viewer developed by the Environmental Modeling and Global Change Lab (BorrelliLAB) of Roma Tre University to investigate spatial patterns of LD and land management across the Mediterranean Europe.

Acknowledgement: P.B, K.K, F.M. were funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project Soil O-LIVE (Grant No. 101091255). P.S. was funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project AI4SoilHealth (Grant No. 101086179).


Panagos, P., Borrelli, P., Jones, A., & Robinson, D. A. (2024). A 1 billion euro mission: A Soil Deal for Europe. European Journal of Soil Science, 75(1), e13466.

Prăvălie, R., Borrelli, P., Panagos, P., Ballabio, C., Lugato, E., Chappell, A., ... & Birsan, M. V. (2024). A unifying modelling of multiple land degradation pathways in Europe. Nature Communications, 15(1), 3862.

How to cite: Borrelli, P., Alewell, C., Kaffas, K., Matthews, F., Panagos, P., and Saggau, P.: Investigating spatial patterns of land degradation and land management in olive orchards across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11266,, 2025.

Overland flow processes possess key importance for flood generation, erosion and sediment redistribution. Hortonian overland flow occurs often during flash flood events in sub-humid and semi-arid regions in response to high intensity convective rainstorms. The recent increase of these events aggravated by climate change, as well as impervious surface expansion and associated increase in runoff generation, highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the mass, momentum and energy balances of overland flow to predict, prevent and mitigate the response processes such as flooding and erosion.

As erosion is driven by the physical work flowing water performs on the land surface, this study investigates Hortonian overland flow formation from an energetic perspective. Key emphasis is on the partitioning of overland flow and its kinetic energy between sheet and rill domains. Rill formation requires an accumulation of overland flow to provide the necessary shear stress, while rills speed up overland flow velocities due to an enlarged hydraulic radius, which in return increases the shear stress. Due to this positive feedback, we hypothesize that hillslope scale rill networks evolve towards a steady-state configuration, which will result in equal partitioning of the kinetic energy flux into sheet and rill flow. The latter would imply that erosion is neither detachment nor transport limited.

We specifically revisited the hillslope-scale rainfall-runoff experiments of Gerlinger in the Weiherbach catchment located in the Kraichgau region, analyzing in a first step the interplay of surface runoff volume, flow velocity and erosion processes. Secondly, we calibrated the physically based numerical model CATFLOW-SED to reproduce overland flow hydrographs and the observed splitting into sheet and rill flow components using the “open book” approach. In a third step, we determined the spatial distribution of potential and kinetic energy within both domains and their relation to flow accumulation in the rills and surface roughness.

Our findings revealed that overland flow formation correlates positively with antecedent soil water content and negatively with surface roughness. A greater surface roughness promotes increased flow accumulation into the rill domain leading to a reduced particle detachment compared to the sheet domain. The simulation results indicate further that the partitioning of overland flow into both domains was generally well matched.

The analysis of the steady-state spatial energy patterns revealed, furthermore, a local maximum in total potential energy, separating the upslope laminar flow regime from downslope turbulent flow regime, where rills emerge. Moreover, higher roughness values corresponded to a stronger flow accumulation into the more energy efficient rill domain. While sheet domain accounted for the greater portion of potential energy along the hillslope, experiments associated with higher flow accumulation coefficients showed near-equal to equal kinetic energy for both domains at the foot of the hillslope.

To conclude, our study highlights the critical role of soil physical properties and flow characteristics on overland flow formation and erosion processes. The results indicate that emergence of rills suggest a steady-state energy-efficient configuration that balances erosion and transport dynamics.

How to cite: Yahşi, D. and Zehe, E.: Modelling overland flow and its partitioning into sheet and rill domains: An energetic perspective on the dynamics of Hortonian overland flow and erosion processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12710,, 2025.

EGU25-12941 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.2

High-Resolution Soil Erosion Assessment in Mediterranean Olive Orchards Using Drone-Based Digital Elevation Models and Surface Runoff Monitoring 

Christos Pantazis, Panagiotis Nastos, Stavros Solomos, Ilias Fountoulakis, Aliki Konsolaki, and Christos Zerefos

Soil erosion is a critical environmental issue in Mediterranean regions, caused by climate change and unsustainable farming practices. The combination of intense rainfall, extended drought periods, and conventional farming techniques significantly degrades topsoil, creating risks for soil fertility and crop productivity. This study aims to assess soil erosion risks in hilly olive orchards using cutting-edge technologies -drone-based digital elevation models (DEMs) and surface runoff monitoring- to quantify soil loss with high precision.

In the first phase of our research, we focused on direct measurements of soil loss collected from an experimental setup. An experimental area allowed for the collection of sediment samples after rainfall events, which were analyzed to estimate soil loss. Simultaneously, we employed an advanced drone equipped with a LiDAR camera (DJI MATRICE 350 RTK) to create high-resolution DEMs before and after rainfall events. The Difference of DEMs (DoD) methodology was used to calculate soil displacement, with millimeter-level accuracy. These values were then validated using direct soil loss measurements from the experimental runoff collection system.

The second phase of our study explored the use of a more affordable, commercial drone (DJI Phantom 4) for soil erosion analysis. This drone, equipped with an RGB camera, offers a cost-effective alternative but requires orchards with low density vegetation. A newly planted 0.2-hectare olive orchard with low tree density provided an ideal test site. Preliminary findings indicate that tractor operations such as tillage and plowing in combination with intense rainfall events caused the displacement of approximately 80 m³ of soil. As we continue to monitor the site, we are awaiting the end of the rainy season in late spring to use the drone again and estimate additional erosion caused by rainfall events.

By combining both high-resolution LiDAR-based DEM analysis and direct measurements of soil loss, this study demonstrates the potential of drone technology -both advanced and commercial- to accurately assess soil erosion. These methodologies offer valuable insights into the effects of different land management practices and can inform sustainable farming strategies in Mediterranean olive orchards facing the challenges of climate change.

How to cite: Pantazis, C., Nastos, P., Solomos, S., Fountoulakis, I., Konsolaki, A., and Zerefos, C.: High-Resolution Soil Erosion Assessment in Mediterranean Olive Orchards Using Drone-Based Digital Elevation Models and Surface Runoff Monitoring, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12941,, 2025.

EGU25-13066 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Broadscale on-farm sampling suggests extensive soil physical degradation in Scotland 

Jessica Brook, Paul Gaffney, Josie Geris, Peter Gilbert, Nikki Baggaley, Rebecca Hall, Allan Lilly, and Paul Hallett

Soil structural degradation has been found to be widespread across different countries, including from a 2015/2016 winter survey across multiple catchments in Scotland. Winter is when soil structure can be most degraded, and this work found an extreme storm event exacerbated soil structure degradation over time. The previous research was limited to a simple Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure (VESS), so a repeat study in 2022/2023 at the same locations tested the hypothesis that soil structure degradation would recover over time, and that VESS would relate to quantitative soil physical data of penetration resistance, and bulk density, hydraulic conductivity and water retention characteristics from intact soil cores (2-7 cm depth). This research therefore aimed to explore the extent of soil structure degradation and its resilience over time, comparing visual and quantitative methods. Across 42 separate fields, three replicate samples were taken from in-field locations, three from degraded regions with visible damage to the soil surface from heavy traffic, and three from less disturbed field margins. From VESS scores, 59.5% of in-field and 78.5% of margin locations had a good soil structure, compared to 11.1% for degraded soils. This pattern continued for the quantitative core data. For bulk density, in-field soils were 8.3% denser, and degraded soils were 12.7% denser than margins, which was also reflected in porosity. Furthermore, organic carbon content was 10.6% less for in-field and 11.3% less for degraded compared with field margins. Much of the in-field soils had no degradation from VESS scores, but indicators of erosion and structural damage from quantitative soil core data were found. Land use also significantly impacted soil structure, with saturated hydraulic conductivity being highest for in-field soils, which is likely due to tillage practices. Grasslands presented the least degraded physical structure, with significantly greater porosity compared to stubble, ploughed soils and winter cereal cropland. Although we found VESS to be a valuable and rapid tool, data from quantitative measurements found more structural degradation, demonstrating that VESS scoring alone may not provide a holistic assessment of soil structural degradation. These results emphasise the need for improved land management practices in Scotland to maintain good soil structure and retain land productivity.

How to cite: Brook, J., Gaffney, P., Geris, J., Gilbert, P., Baggaley, N., Hall, R., Lilly, A., and Hallett, P.: Broadscale on-farm sampling suggests extensive soil physical degradation in Scotland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13066,, 2025.

EGU25-14117 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Contribution of event water to soil water content using specific conductivity as a tracer under different land covers 

Pedro Hervé-Fernández, Benjamin Fischer, Claudia Salinas, René Muñoz-Arriagada, and Sergio Radic-Schilling

How precipitation recharges the soil water is essential for managing water resources of semiarid rangeland ecosystems. This research assessed the soil water content (SWC) dynamics at soil depths of 0.05 m, 0.25 m, 0.5 m, and 1 m over an annual cycle under four vegetation types—shrubs, tussock grass, meadow, and dwarf heath shrub. In addition, the specific conductivity was measured at each location and used as a tracer in a simple two-component mixing model.

The time series analysis indicates that the SWC response to precipitation differs in different land covers. Shrubs exhibited higher SWC at shallow depths, while tussock grass showed lower SWC compared to other vegetation types in the upper layers. Instead, meadow and dwarf heath shrubs had a similar temporal variability and amplitude which dampened towards deeper soil layers. The temporal variability of new water varied among the different vegetation types.  Shallow soil layers in the meadow had a high temporal variable but where stable in deeper layers.

These findings provide insights into the connectivity and interplay between the atmosphere, vegetation and different soil layers. These first findings offering a better understanding of ecohydrological processes at locations with different landcover and will help to improve our understanding of rainfall-runoff processes at catchment scale to develop water and landscape management strategies for these delicate semiarid ecosystems.

Acknowledgements: P. H-F thanks SIA 85220121 and FONDECYT N°1240314 for funding. While, R. M-A and S. R-S thank FONDEF ID22I10139.

How to cite: Hervé-Fernández, P., Fischer, B., Salinas, C., Muñoz-Arriagada, R., and Radic-Schilling, S.: Contribution of event water to soil water content using specific conductivity as a tracer under different land covers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14117,, 2025.

The sedimentation issue in Taiwan's reservoirs has been a longstanding problem, significantly diminishing the operational lifespan of these reservoirs and impacting the water supply to the northern regions. To project future sedimentation trends at Shimen Reservoir, this study utilizes numerical simulations to estimate sediment yield, taking into account both landslides and soil erosion. Aerial photography and depth-area relationships were employed alongside a landslide risk assessment of the upstream Sqzyacing watershed to evaluate landslide-derived sediment. Furthermore, this research implemented the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), integrating future rainfall projections from the Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform (TCCIP) and streamflow data from the past decade to calculate soil erosion rates. Sediment dynamics within the Sqzyacing watershed were modeled using the SRH-2D hydrodynamic simulation, with parameters such as flow velocity, average slope, and watershed area aiding in the sediment yield estimates from individual sub-watersheds. Accompanying these calculations, sediment yields for Shimen Reservoir under various flow conditions, including Q5, Q10, Q25, Q50, and Q100, were estimated.

How to cite: Liu, S. J. and Liao, K.-W.: Numerical Simulation of Sediment Yield and Reservoir Sedimentation Under Varied Hydrological Conditions: A Case Study of Shimen Reservoir, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14279,, 2025.

EGU25-15207 | Posters on site | SSS2.2

Application of 3D point clouds derived from repeated UAV LiDAR surveys for erosion mapping 

Tünde Takáts, Tibor Zsigmond, Ágota Horel, and János Mészáros

One of the major environmental problems of our time is soil erosion, which is a natural process reducing the fertility of soils and leading to land degradation. Soil erosion mapping helps to develop different control methods and is essential for sustainable agricultural practices. Among the modern remote sensing technologies, UAV laser scanning (ULS) is gaining importance as an accurate and efficient survey solution and can be applied in vegetated areas. It generates point clouds (PC) mapped in 3D coordinates during the survey, allowing the creation of detailed digital terrain models (DTM) which allow identification and mapping of soil runoff traces, rills and gullies.

In our research, we were conducting a monitoring study on a 10 ha vineyard in the Balaton Highlands, where three different mulching and row-cropping techniques (disking, natural cover and sown grass) were applied between the rows of vines, so that we could also investigate their impact on erosion.

The area was surveyed five times between October 2023 and December 2024 using UAV L1 LiDAR on board a DJI M350 drone to collect 3D PCs. A temporary GNSS base station was used in the northern part of the vineyard, placed in the same location for each survey. It acted as a local base station, providing RTK correction for the position calculation of the M350 drone and L1 sensor with centimetre-level accuracy. The raw PCs were later pre-processed using the R package lidR to filter for ground points using the Progressive Morphological Filter with window sizes of 1 and 3 m and distance thresholds of 0.1 and 0.3 m. The PCs representing the ground were compared for differences using the M3C2 module. The plugin allows users to select core points, adjust normal and projection scales, and calculate distances using precision maps. For the latter parameter, a constant value of 5cm was set for all PCs, representing the average measurement error of L1 LiDAR for 3D coordinates.

The results showed that rill erosion is present in all areas due to the direction of the rows planted parallel to the general slope of the vineyard, but is most dominant in areas cultivated by disking without cover crops. Surprisingly, the most severe rill erosion (~10 cm) was found along a small ditch created in a row using grass as a natural cover after the winter and spring period in 2024. We also detected a newly formed, early-stage gully in the south-western corner of the bare soil section, which channels the moving soil and sediment into a depot in this corner. Analysis of the robustness of the calculated distances showed that even low vegetation, such as grass, had a negative effect on the LiDAR measurements and PC quality, which (together with the average 3D coordinate accuracy of 5 cm) rendered the distances insignificant.

Despite its current drawbacks, the method is useful for detecting changes and formation of erosion features, and will later be tested against empirical soil erosion models to investigate similar patterns of erosion and also volumetric changes.

How to cite: Takáts, T., Zsigmond, T., Horel, Á., and Mészáros, J.: Application of 3D point clouds derived from repeated UAV LiDAR surveys for erosion mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15207,, 2025.

EGU25-15722 | Orals | SSS2.2

War-induced obstruction of natural resources restoration: quantitative evidences from the Tigray Region, Ethiopia 

Tesfaalem Ghebreyohannes Asfaha, Jan Nyssen, Sofie Annys, Hailemariam Meaza Gebregergis, Zbelo Tesfamariam Welemaram, Emnet Negash gebremeskel, and Amaury Frankl

Wars are usually associated with degradation of natural resources. With the objective of quantifying the effect of the two years’ (2020-2022) Tigray war on degradation of natural resources that have been under restoration, 10 ex-battlefield (ex-BF) and 12 non-battlefield (NBF) sites were selected. The ex-BF sites were further divided into exclosures (n = 5) and farmlands (n = 5), while NBFs were divided into exclosures (n = 6) and farmlands (n = 6). Detail field observations were carried out through transect walks and farmers were interviewed (n=500). To measure the impacts of the war on land degradation, field measurements were conducted on bunds (n = 324), check dams (n = 87), war fortifications (n = 102), tree plots (n = 143), footpaths (n = 17), waterways (n = 44), and gullies (n = 85). These were verified using high resolution Google Earth Imageries as well as  Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data calculated from Sentinel 2 satellite images that were acquired before and after the war and through interviewing farmers (n=500). The findings reveal that the mean proportion of war-induced damaged bunds was 0.246 ± 0.185. A significant difference in bund destruction was observed between BFs and NBFs (p < 0.0001). Combatants used stones from bunds to construct war trenches up to 650 m long. In addition, 52% of the farmers perceived that the war disrupted exclosure management. Plot level analysis also shows that mean proportion of destroyed trees was 0.31 ± 0.15, with greater tree loss in BFs (46% ± 13%) compared to NBFs (19% ± 12%) (p < 0.0001). Besides, 44% of the check dams were damaged across the sites, with 78.3% of check dams in BFs classified as being in poor condition compared to 31.1% in NBFs. Moreover, the average pit volume in BFs and NBFs was 0.503 ± 0.389 m³, with mean sediment displacement in BFs (0.82 ± 0.17 m³) higher than in NBFs (p<0.006). New and reactivated gullies were also found with variable volumes, ranging from 134.3 ± 92.4 m³ in NBFs to 362.7 ± 629.4 m³ in BFs. In conclusion, the war resulted in obstruction of restoration process of the natural resources that have been undergoing in the degraded region over the last three decades. Therefore, integrated post-war rehabilitation strategies are needed to mitigate the environmental problems caused by the war.

How to cite: Asfaha, T. G., Nyssen, J., Annys, S., Gebregergis, H. M., Welemaram, Z. T., gebremeskel, E. N., and Frankl, A.: War-induced obstruction of natural resources restoration: quantitative evidences from the Tigray Region, Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15722,, 2025.

The Qilian Mountains, located in the arid regions of northwest China, are typical high-altitude mountains and represent a significant ecological security barrier for the country. In recent years, these regions, influenced by climate change and human activities, have faced a series of ecological and environmental challenges, including land degradation, vegetation reduction, increased runoff, nutrient loss, and soil quality deterioration. However, the causes of soil quality decline from the perspective of phosphorus migration and loss have not been thoroughly investigated. Colloidal phosphorus is considered to play a crucial role in the migration process of phosphorus in forest soils, and this fraction of phosphorus requires in-depth research and quantification. This project takes the typical forest soil-hydrological system on the northern slope of the Qilian Mountains as the research object, with a primary focus on the following aspects: (1) The distribution characteristics of colloidal phosphorus in forest soils. (2) The forms and distribution characteristics of phosphorus, as well as the spatio-temporal characteristics of ecological stoichiometric ratios in the water of the forest ecosystem. (3) Risk assessment of phosphorus loss in Qilian Mountain ecosystem. The research results indicate that the average total phosphorus content in shrub soils is the highest, while that in Picea crassifolia soils is the lowest. The available phosphorus content in Picea crassifolia forests is significantly higher than that in shrub and grassland areas. Although the content of colloidal phosphorus is the lowest among all vegetation types, it accounts for only 10%-27% of total water-dispersed phosphorus, but this fraction is relatively active and may dominate the migration and transformation of phosphorus in the soil. With increasing soil depth, the content of colloidal phosphorus significantly decreases, suggesting that colloidal phosphorus in the soil may undergo leaching loss. Higher altitudes are associated with higher total dispersible phosphorus content in the soil, while colloidal phosphorus content is lower, indicating that most colloidal phosphorus is concentrated at lower altitudes. This also implies that colloidal phosphorus may dominate the top-down migration of phosphorus within the watershed. The average total phosphorus concentration in various water bodies within the watershed ranges from 0.01 to 0.721 mg L-1, primarily in the form of particulate phosphorus. The average total phosphorus concentration in most water bodies exceeds the total phosphorus standard for eutrophic surface water (0.02 mg L-1), posing a potential threat to the downstream water bodies of the watershed. Phosphorus loss restricts the growth and recovery of vegetation in the study area.

How to cite: He, X.: Phosphorus Loss Characteristics in Typical Watershed Ecosystems of the Qilian Mountains, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15805,, 2025.

EGU25-16808 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

A combined field and remote sensing approach to assess spatio-temporal changes in vegetation cover for erosion modelling 

Fikirte Seyoum Demiss, Alemayehu Tilahun, Thomas Minda, and Gert Verstraeten

Land degradation in African tropical mountain environments, driven by water erosion and unsustainable land use, is further exacerbated by climate change. This leads to reduced crop productivity, and significant delivery of sediment to downstream rivers and lakes. A thorough understanding of the erosion processes and its drivers, including its spatial and temporal patterns, as well as the quantification of erosion rates is key to mitigate soil erosion, reduce sediment delivery, and ensuring agricultural and environmental sustainability. Such quantitative temporal and spatial data are required to run spatially distributed erosion models that are capable of simulating the impact of various management scenarios. However, these data are often missing for tropical mountain environments such as the southern Ethiopian highlands. Indeed, typical soil erosion models such as the RUSLE or WaTEM/SEDEM require an assessment of the cover management factor, and most applications of these model use standard tabulated values that are not region-specific and are thus not representative for the spatio-temporal vegetation developments. New developments using remote sensing, however, provide an opportunity to better parameterize the crop management factor.

Here we present spatio-temporal data on vegetation and crop types using optical remote sensing for two small catchments (Charcharo, 145ha and Zaga, 87ha) in the Gamo highlands of southern Ethiopia, with the aim to better assess the changing erosion risk and to quantify local cover management factors. We have digitalized all the crop parcels in these catchments and obtained 1538 field observations of vegetation cover for different fields and crop types throughout the year. In addition, we obtained ground-based NDVI values for 264 field parcel-crop combinations at different time intervals using a crop sensor. These field-based observations were compared with the satellite-based time series per crop to produce a better assessment of temporal changes in crop cover management. We also digitized all the soil conservation measures and started monitoring stream flow and sediment sampling using a high-resolution sampler for validating erosion model predictions.

The Charcharo catchment situated at an elevation of 2890 - 3039 meters is dominated by grazing land, with barley and potato as primary crops. Vegetation cover varies between 0% to 70-85% over the course of the growing season. Terraces are the main soil conservation method used in the area with a density of 100 m/ha. Zaga catchment is situated at an elevation of 1898 to 2166 meters and is primarily agricultural land with maize, sorghum and teff as dominant crops. Vegetation cover varies between 0% and 60-80% over a four to six month growing season. Here, stone bunds are the predominant soil conservation practice with a density of 34 m/ha. Upon completion, the study will provide quantitative information on soil erosion and the crop cover management factor in particular. This information will be used to run erosion models and to simulate the impact of climate and land use change. This research will also highlight the benefits of different conservation measures, aiding the local community and governmental stakeholders.

How to cite: Demiss, F. S., Tilahun, A., Minda, T., and Verstraeten, G.: A combined field and remote sensing approach to assess spatio-temporal changes in vegetation cover for erosion modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16808,, 2025.

EGU25-18485 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.2

Field experimentation for a better understanding of the occurrence and evolution of ephemeral gullies in field conditions 

Iñigo Barberena, Miguel Ángel Campo, Karel van Wiltenburg, and Javier Casalí

Ephemeral gully erosion is responsible for a great part of the erosion that occurs in agricultural areas. Like any complex system, the formation of an ephemeral gully has an inherent complexity that has led many researchers to study in isolation, through experimentation and modeling, the processes involved in this phenomenon. However, by definition, in a complex system there are many interactions between processes that cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is also necessary to carry out studies that consider all the processes simultaneously. We believe that, to date, there is a lack of studies of this type on the formation of an ephemeral gully that would allow us to advance in the characterization and understanding, to test the hypotheses put forward about it, formulating other alternatives if necessary, and to evaluate the existing models, such as QAnnAGNPS. In order to fill this gap, an experiment has been initiated in November 2023 in which, first of all, an agricultural plot has been selected in an area of highly erodible silty loam soils located in Pitillas (Navarra). The plot has been tilled with conventional tillage to replicate the initial conditions of an average agricultural plot, which has been kept free of vegetation by using herbicide, and in which a rain gauge has been installed as well as moisture probes at different depths. After each precipitation event, drone flights have been carried out to obtain digital elevation models (DEM) with a resolution of less than one centimeter and orthomosaics. The DEMs and orthomosaics generated in each flight make it possible to locate the origin of the gullies formed and to determine their dimensions and their temporal evolution, in this case until November 2024, when the plot was tilled again to restart the observations. Our observations confirm the enormous complexity of the erosive phenomena, highlighting the formation and evolution of hundreds of headcuts of very different typology and size, many of them linked to ephemeral gullies. The first gullies appeared four months after tilling, after a rainfall event of 17.7 mm and high soil moisture conditions. Prior to this rainfall event, 55.4 mm accumulated in different storms, but with an intensity that did not cause the formation of gullies. Subsequent events lengthened and widened the first gullies and created new ones, resulting in a dense drainage network and very high soil losses. Our first results suggest the complexity of the phenomenon, with the formation and migration of headcuts playing a major role, confirming the suitability of the modeling of the phenomenon centered on these headcuts. The proposed experimentation represents a great opportunity to advance in the understanding of the formation and evolution of ephemeral gullies in real agricultural conditions, considering all the typical variables that affect this phenomenon.

How to cite: Barberena, I., Campo, M. Á., van Wiltenburg, K., and Casalí, J.: Field experimentation for a better understanding of the occurrence and evolution of ephemeral gullies in field conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18485,, 2025.

EGU25-19993 | Orals | SSS2.2

3d vegetation as a predictor of erosivity 

Johannes Antenor Senn and Steffen Seitz

Rain splash, the initial stage of soil erosion by water, is influenced by both rainfall erosivity and soil surface erodibility. Vegetation alters rainfall erosivity—quantified as kinetic energy—by serving either as a protective, dispersive layer or as an amplifying, drip-aggregating layer. Previous research on vegetation's impact on throughfall kinetic energy (TKE) has primarily focused on point-based vegetation data and localized erosivity measurements. However, there is a growing need for spatially continuous, area-wide predictions of vegetation's effect on rainfall erosivity to enhance erosion modeling and conservation efforts. Recent studies emphasize the role of fine-scale tree structures in creating erosivity hotspots, known as drip points.

To address this gap, we employed lidar point clouds across multiple scales to investigate the relationship between 3D vegetation structure and TKE. UAV lidar data were used to derive vegetation cover and gap fractions within a voxel framework, identifying canopy layers that contribute leaf drips reaching the ground without re-interception. Furthermore, we linked field observations of active drip points to tree skeletons extracted from TLS point clouds to establish rules governing drip formation.

Our findings reveal that temperate forest vegetation's impact on erosivity surpasses values reported in prior studies focused on plantations. We observed a strong alignment between predicted and measured vegetation effects on TKE. We could demonstrate the potential of remote sensing for comprehensive, wall-to-wall predictions of vegetation's influence on rainfall erosivity. On the tree scale, lidar can improve our understanding of stemflow and re-interception dynamics on vegetation surfaces. These detailed findings can be scaled up to enhance landscape-level erosion predictions. Overall, lidar technology offers a promising solution to bridging data gaps in conventional erosion research.

How to cite: Senn, J. A. and Seitz, S.: 3d vegetation as a predictor of erosivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19993,, 2025.

EGU25-20128 | Orals | SSS2.2

RadEro model: A Physically-Based Model for Quantifying Soil Redistribution Rates Using 137Cs 

Arturo Catalá, Borja Latorre, Leticia Gaspar, and Ana Navas

Quantifying soil redistribution rates is crucial for addressing environmental challenges related to land degradation and sustainable resource management. To complement conventional methodologies, alternative techniques were developed to enhance soil erosion model calibration and testing. Fallout radionuclides (FRNs), particularly 137Cs, have been widely recognized as reliable tracers for monitoring soil movement and assessing erosion and deposition rates. Existing conversion models using FRNs to estimate soil redistribution rates often struggle to adapt to diverse soil conditions or to incorporate physical processes. RadEro is a mass balance model implemented in R, based on the compartmental, vertically-resolved, physically-based mass balance framework developed by Soto and Navas (2004, 2008). The model calculates simulated inventories by considering 137Cs mass specific activity in the fine fraction density, effective volume (Veff), annual 137Cs fallout, radioactive decay, and dominant vertical diffusion processes, including the effects of tillage. This enables RadEro to estimate rates while integrating the effects of soil stoniness in both ploughed and unploughed soils with either sectioned or bulk profiles. Redistribution rates are estimated by assuming that reference sites represent the natural profile distribution and decay of 137Cs inventory for the study area. Additionally, deposition is assumed to originate from a nearby site with similar 137Cs activity to that of the measured soil point. An accurate user-defined configuration of the model is essential for estimating reliable results. The variables in the model optimization process define the limits and resolution of the simulation sampling domain. By specifying the ranges for the diffusion coefficient (𝑘) and redistribution rates (𝑒), the model iterates to align with the measured 137Cs inventory of a stable reference profile. The optimal 𝑘 value is then applied to estimate the corresponding soil redistribution rate (𝑚) in eroded and depositional profiles. In cases of extreme erosion or deposition, simulations with wider initial ranges for 𝑒 may be necessary to capture the full spectrum of possibilities. Our contribution highlights the need to understand the limitations of input data and model results. RadEro allows users to adjust parameters to fit their needs but relies on expert knowledge to select appropriate reference values and sampling points. By carefully evaluating input data, RadEro delivers reliable results and highlights the importance of addressing uncertainties in radionuclide distribution for accurate conclusions.


RadEro: 137Cs Conversion Model

CRAN: Package RadEro


How to cite: Catalá, A., Latorre, B., Gaspar, L., and Navas, A.: RadEro model: A Physically-Based Model for Quantifying Soil Redistribution Rates Using 137Cs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20128,, 2025.

Abandoned terraced landscapes face heightened risks of soil erosion and slope instabilities, contributing to significant sediment dynamics that threaten environmental sustainability and land productivity. This study leverages the LISEM (Limburg Soil Erosion Model) to assess sediment sources, transport pathways, and soil erosion sources within these fragile terrains. By combining very high-resolution spatial data, soil profiling, and hydrological modelling, we identified major sediment-generating zones and quantified their contributions under varying rainfall scenarios.

Our analysis highlights the critical role of land use and land cover (LULC) changes in driving erosion processes, with unmanaged vegetation and abandoned terraces emerging as key contributors to sediment mobilization and slope failures. The model outputs reveal spatial variability in sediment yield and erosion intensity, pinpointing critical hotspots requiring targeted conservation measures.

These findings emphasize the importance of nature-based solutions and sustainable land management practices to mitigate erosion and sediment transport risks. The research contributes to developing adaptive strategies for stabilizing slopes and restoring abandoned terraced landscapes, offering actionable insights for global applications in similar environments.

How to cite: Niyokwiringirwa, P., Maerker, M., Lombardo, L., and Rellini, I.: Modeling Sediment Dynamics and Identifying Key Erosion Sources in Abandoned Terraced Landscapes: Insights from Land Cover Change Analysis. The case study of Vernazza Catchment, Liguria, Italy., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20723,, 2025.

EGU25-345 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Soil splash phenomenon - how much energy of raindrop is used for transportation of the splashed material? 

Michał Beczek, Magdalena Ryżak, Rafał Mazur, Agata Sochan, Cezary Polakowski, Tomasz Beczek, and Andrzej Bieganowski

Splash erosion is one of the form of water erosion, where the falling raindrops hit the soil surface and result in detachment and ejection of splashed material, and transport thereof over different distances. This process causes the loss of soil material, the breakdown of soil aggregates or is responsible for the displacement of microorganisms, pathogens, and pollutants within the ejected particles. The ejection of a mixture of solid (soil) and liquid (water) phases is one of the aspects of the energy dissipation of the impacting drop during the splash. Therefore, the aim of the study was to present the method for the estimation of the falling drop energy that was used for the transportation of the ejected material, while considering that such material was a mixture of solid soil particles and water droplets and therefore, “two-phase”.

The use of an innovative multi-method approach allowed for the characterization of ejected particles during soil splash phenomenon affected by a single drop impact. The mass measurements provided by a splash cup and image analysis method based on high-speed cameras gave the possibility to determine average density of the splashed material, the number of ejected particles, their sizes and masses, and their ejection velocities. Consequently, it enabled the calculation of the summed kinetic energy of ejected particles expressed as a percentage of falling drop energy transferred to splashed material. Based on the obtained results, this value ranged from 1% to 14 % and was strongly dependent on soil texture as well as initial moisture content. The study should be considered, in the context of physical modelling of splash erosion, as an important step for calculation of the energy balance of a single drop impact, i.e., the energy dissipation allowing for the determination of which processes absorb the kinetic energy of the falling drop during soil splash phenomenon.


This work was partly financed from the National Science Centre, Poland; project no. 2022/45/B/NZ9/00605.



Beczek M., Mazur R., Ryżak M., Sochan A., Polakowski C., Beczek T., Bieganowski A.: How much raindrop energy is used for transportation of the two-phase splashed material? GEODERMA 425, 2022

Beczek M., Ryżak M., Sochan A., Mazur R., Polakowski C., Bieganowski A.: A new approach to kinetic energy calculation of two-phase soil splashed material. GEODERMA 396, 2021

How to cite: Beczek, M., Ryżak, M., Mazur, R., Sochan, A., Polakowski, C., Beczek, T., and Bieganowski, A.: Soil splash phenomenon - how much energy of raindrop is used for transportation of the splashed material?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-345,, 2025.

Soil erosion research is essential for sustainable development due to its significant impact on soil health through different erosive processes. One of these processes is subsurface erosion by soil piping, which is often overlooked in research. Recently, some progress has been made in detecting surface piping features using UAVs, while the identification of underground pipes remains challenging. Therefore, this study focuses on the innovative geophysical approach in studying subsurface soil erosion. The main aim is to assess the effectiveness of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) in detecting soil pipes. Field experiments were conducted in the Bieszczady Mountains (Carpathians, SE Poland), alongside theoretical modelling using Resistivity 2D software. The findings were compared with existing research and validated through trenching. We evaluated different measurement settings, including array configurations (Wenner – W, Wenner-Schlumberger – WS and dipole-dipole – DD), electrode spacing, and measurement directions along the pipe system, to assess their effect on detecting pipes regarding their size, shape, and depth. We performed six ERT profiles in the field and we modelled the electrical response of a theoretical void at various subsurface positions, assuming the root-mean-squared error (RMS) of 0% and 5%. The results revealed that higher resistivity anomalies correspond to pipes, with the DD configuration showing lower resistivity (105 Ωm) compared to the W and WS configurations (268–427 Ωm). A comparison with other studies suggests that there is no universal threshold for confirming the presence of soil pipe; rather, a clear electrical contrast with the surrounding area is crucial. Our findings suggest that while all tested configurations effectively detect pipes, the choice of configuration impacts image quality. We recommend using the WS configuration for detecting both vertical and horizontal features. The number of anomalies influences the RMS and should be critically evaluated during surveys. These findings can help researchers and practitioners in designing more effective ERT studies in different environments to detect subsurface soil pipes.

The study is supported by the National Science Centre, Poland within the first author’s project SONATINA 1 (UMO-2017/24/C/ST10/00114).

How to cite: Bernatek-Jakiel, A. and Kondracka, M.: Assessing electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) to detect soil pipes: theoretical modelling and field experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-571,, 2025.

EGU25-1687 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

Combining field data and a spatially distributed model to understand the effects of land cover, soil degradation, and climate variability on the hydrological response of a meso-scale catchment in Eastern Madagascar 

Bob Zwartendijk, Ilja van Meerveld, Sampurno Bruijnzeel, Sabine Batenburg, Chandra Ghimire, Hannes Leistert, Markus Weiler, and Ryan Teuling

Land cover in areas undergoing long-term shifting cultivation typically represents a mosaic of agricultural fields, fallows in different stages of regrowth, remnant forest, and degraded grasslands. The Ankeniheny Zahamena corridor in eastern Madagascar represents a case in point. Previous research revealed major differences in hydrological response between forests, fallows or reforested sites, and degraded grasslands. We used these field data in the physically-based RoGeR_Dyn model[1] to examine the effects of topography and land cover on hydrological processes at the meso-catchment scale (58 km²). Using historic land-cover maps, predicted deforestation rates, and a theoretical reforestation rate, we created eight land-cover scenario’s with forest fractions ranging from 25 to 97% and combined these with five rainfall scenario’s (range: 1050 – 2100 mm/year).

The simulations showed that total evapotranspiration increased with rainfall and was ~20% less for the most degraded land-cover scenario than for a land cover dominated by (non-degraded) forest in all rainfall scenario’s. Topsoil infiltration capacities were reduced following soil degradation but still exceeded maximum hourly rainfall intensities. The lower vegetation water use in the degraded scenario produced wetter soil conditions, leading in turn to moderate increases in saturation-excess overland flow as well as deep percolation (baseflows). Deep percolation increased >2.4 times when annual rainfall was increased two times (regardless of land cover). The total stormflow in the dry scenario was more than three times larger for the most degraded land cover than under full forest (48 mm vs. 14 mm) and increased by an order of magnitude when rainfall was doubled (359 mm vs. 220 mm, respectively). Restoring forest on degraded soils is thus seen to change runoff processes, mostly by reducing overland flow and stormflow, and to a lesser extent by decreasing deep percolation due to increased evapotranspiration.

Above all, the simulations show that a hydrological model driven by measurements at the point- or plot-scale and very limited calibration, can provide useful information on how climate, land cover and soil degradation together affect the occurrence of high and low flows.

[1] Schwemmle, R., Leistert, H., Steinbrich, A., and Weiler, M.: RoGeR v3.0.5 – a process-based hydrological toolbox model in Python, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 5249–5262,, 2024.

How to cite: Zwartendijk, B., van Meerveld, I., Bruijnzeel, S., Batenburg, S., Ghimire, C., Leistert, H., Weiler, M., and Teuling, R.: Combining field data and a spatially distributed model to understand the effects of land cover, soil degradation, and climate variability on the hydrological response of a meso-scale catchment in Eastern Madagascar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1687,, 2025.

EGU25-2123 | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Impact of Soil Management Practices on Soil Loss and Runoff: First-Year Results from a Plot-Scale Experiment in Central Italy  

Alessandra Vinci, Giacomo Tosti, Andrea Parisi, and Lorenzo Vergni

It is crucial to monitor soil loss at the plot scale to evaluate the effectiveness of different soil management practices in mitigating erosion. The present study presents the first-year results from a monitoring experiment conducted in Umbria, Central Italy, on six plots (22-metre-long with a 16% slope) under three soil management systems, replicated twice: i) control (CTR), i.e., traditional soil management with bare soil during the autumn-winter period and soil preparation in spring for sowing the cash crop (sunflower); ii) cover crop (CC) traditional management (CCT) where a CC mixture of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and rye (Secale cereale L.) is sown in September-October and devitalized by plowing in early spring before the sowing of the cash crop; iii) CC mulch-based no-tillage management (CCM), where the same CC mixture is sown in September-October and devitalized by roller-crimping in early spring, after which the following cash crop is directly sown in the mulched CC biomass. Despite the implementation of the CC, no statistically significant differences were observed in soil loss or runoff among the treatments during the first year. The primary factor contributing to this outcome was the occurrence of erosive events shortly after the sowing of the CC, which resulted in the formation of rills in the plots where seedbeds had been prepared. These rills, in turn, exacerbated runoff and soil loss during successive erosive events, thereby undermining the anticipated benefits of the CC. In contrast, conventionally managed soils, which did not necessitate seedbed preparation, did not demonstrate such rill formation. While the study reaffirms the importance of vegetative cover for soil conservation, it also highlights a potential drawback: soil disturbance associated with CC establishment can occasionally offset the benefits of the CC under certain conditions. This finding underscores the need for careful consideration of soil preparation practices in erosion-prone areas. 

The study was financed by European Union-Next-GenerationEU-National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP)–MISSION 4 COMPONENT 2, INVESTIMENT N. 1.1, CALL PRIN 2022 D.D. 104 02-02-2022–(Soil Conservation for sustainable AgricuLture in the framework of the European green deal-SCALE) CUP N. J53D23010340006.


How to cite: Vinci, A., Tosti, G., Parisi, A., and Vergni, L.: Impact of Soil Management Practices on Soil Loss and Runoff: First-Year Results from a Plot-Scale Experiment in Central Italy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2123,, 2025.

A variety of applications are informed by hydrological and agricultural models that simulate soil erosion using point-scale precipitation inputs. This becomes a challenge in an era of climate change because most climate projections are only available over coarse grids, yet soil erosion modeling is sensitive to the spatial resolution of precipitation input. This study aims to demonstrate a recently developed global dataset of CLIGEN parameters in terms of driving soil erosion models. The study examines the sensitivity of soil erosion to spatial resolutions of precipitation inputs of CLIGEN and other popular grid datasets. Case studies of the climate drivers involved model simulations at selected international sites using the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model and the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM). The modeling results show point-scale precipitation leads to considerably higher erosion rate than the grid-scale precipitation. Such scale dependence is expected to be more pronounced under the future climate due to the intensification of storm intensity. Overall, the research outcome can facilitate environmental assessments globally and provide insight into the expected changes in soil erosion and conservation under climate change.

How to cite: Gao, S. and Fullhart, A.: A Global CLIGEN Parameter Dataset to Enable Soil Erosion Modeling Driven by Point-Scale Precipitation Dynamics , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2619,, 2025.

EGU25-4767 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

Spatiotemporal assessment of event-scale rainfall erosivity (EsRE): a modelling approach based on artificial intelligence and satellite information 

André Rodrigues, Bruno Brentan, Rodrigo Bezerra, and Julian Eleutério

Soil and water conservation is a pressing global challenge, exacerbated by land use changes, cover transitions, and extreme rainfall events. Rainfall plays a pivotal role in soil erosion due to its ability to detach and transport soil particles. Understanding its spatial and temporal variability is critical for devising effective conservation strategies. Rainfall erosivity studies typically focus on the RUSLE R-factor to quantify monthly and annual trends. However, these broader timescales may overlook event-based dynamics captured by metrics like EI30, which considers storm kinetic energy and maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity. Such event-based analyses are especially important in regions with irregular rainfall patterns or increasing extreme weather events. Developing countries lack spatial representativeness of sub-hourly monitoring stations, demanding modelling strategies to address these data limitations. Relying only on the traditional R-factor may underestimate the soil loss quantification in regions experiencing intense land use transition (e.g., deforestation and urban expansion) and significant changes in rainfall patterns due to climate change. Such underestimations can have severe consequences in the management of river and reservoir silting, loss of agricultural land, and increased landslide risks. In this context, technological solutions based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and satellite data present a promising alternative for addressing these challenges in countries like Brazil. In this study, we proposed a general framework to estimate the EsRE in a spatiotemporal fashion by leveraging the strengths of AI and the temporal and spatial availability of satellite-derived rainfall data, such as CHIRPS (available since 1981). The traditional and well-stablished event-based seasonal model is used as baseline model. As case study, both the AI-based model and the seasonal model used daily rainfall and the fortnight of the event as inputs to estimate the EsRE (retrieved from monitoring stations available since 2015 in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, Brazil). The predictive performance of the models was evaluated using R², Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE), and Pbias. Additionally, a bootstrap approach was employed to assess the uncertainty of the models. To evaluate the local applicability of the proposed model, we analyzed the impacts of the improved EsRE on the erosion process in the peri-urban Ibirité watershed, which faces intensified erosion and reservoir siltation. The AI-based model outperformed the traditional model, achieving R², NSE, and Pbias of 0.73, 0.73, and 2.4%, respectively, compared to R², NSE, and Pbias of 0.62, 0.62, and 0.13% for the traditional model. The observed uncertainty on EsRE simulation was expected due to the parsimonious model and problem complexity. Nevertheless, the AI-based model was able to track the overall spatiotemporal pattern, shedding light on the potential of this approach in modelling EsRE in poorly monitored regions. When replacing rainfall observations with CHIRPS-retrieved rainfall, uncertainty of EsRE increased, which was improved after bias correction. The bias correction addressed challenges related to intense rainfall events, such as convective storms, which are often underrepresented in satellite-derived data. The AI-based model improved the spatiotemporal analysis in the Ibirité watershed. Future studies should test other AI-based structures, input variables, and calibration strategies to decrease uncertainties on EsRE simulations.

How to cite: Rodrigues, A., Brentan, B., Bezerra, R., and Eleutério, J.: Spatiotemporal assessment of event-scale rainfall erosivity (EsRE): a modelling approach based on artificial intelligence and satellite information, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4767,, 2025.

EGU25-5949 | Orals | SSS2.3

Restoring degraded savannas: a case study of soil carbon and nutrient dynamics in Kenya's Maasai Mara. 

Marcello Di Bonito, Mauro De Feudis, Gloria Falsone, William Trenti, Francesco Guatelli, Livia Vittori Antisari, Asmae Boumezgane, Flavio Fornasier, Andrew Gichira, Harrison Nabaala, Peter Kariuki Njenga, Charles M. Warui, and Purity G. Limbua

Savanna ecosystems cover about 50% of Africa, forming a spectrum from grasslands with scattered trees to bush thickets. These ecosystems are shaped by water availability, seasonal rainfall patterns, grazing by wild and domestic animals, and soil and landform features that influence nutrient and water distribution. The Greater Maasai Mara Ecosystem (Mara) in Kenya is a prime example of such an ecosystem, rich in biodiversity but increasingly degraded by invasive species expansion, climate change and agricultural activities. Degradation processes such as reduced vegetation cover due to overgrazing from livestock herds, leads to soil exposure, increased soil erosion and decreased organic matter inputs, and subsequent impacts on nutrient cycling and biotic activity.

In response to soil degradation in the Mara, afforestation using native plant communities has been proposed as a restoration strategy. Research has focused on identifying optimal tree species for soil restoration through experimental treatments. Three 50 m x 50 m treatment plots were established: Savanna Mimic, reflecting native woodland patterns; Diversity-Rich, with 30 tree species; and Themed Species Assortments, focusing on bioculturally relevant species. A fourth control plot outside the fenced area represented degraded conditions.

Soil samples collected from the plots revealed significant insights. The control plot exhibited the lowest soil organic carbon (SOC) stock, about 40% lower than the treatments. This decline in SOC was linked to overgrazing, which limits plant growth and rhizodeposition, reducing carbon inputs to the soil. The control area also had the highest Carbon Quality Index (CQI = 0.64), indicating highly resistant organic matter, and a high dsDNA:SOC ratio (4.20 mg g–1), suggesting microbial communities are under stress due to limited organic carbon.

The Diversity-Rich plot emerged as the most effective restoration strategy, promoting SOC accumulation with higher carbon quality (CQI = 0.57). This treatment avoided nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitations, with the highest ratios of microbial C:N, N:P and C:P acquiring enzymes and available P concentration (18.7 mg kg–1). Enhanced nutrient cycling in the Diversity-Rich treatment highlights the role of plant diversity in restoring degraded soils.

Overall, the study demonstrates that overgrazing significantly depletes SOC and disrupts ecosystem functions. High-diversity planting schemes offer the most promising outcomes for soil restoration, enhancing carbon storage, nutrient availability, and microbial activity, thus contributing to the resilience of savanna ecosystems. However, we are aware that further monitoring activities should be carried out to have a more reliable picture about the effect of the applied restoration on the investigated soil properties.

How to cite: Di Bonito, M., De Feudis, M., Falsone, G., Trenti, W., Guatelli, F., Vittori Antisari, L., Boumezgane, A., Fornasier, F., Gichira, A., Nabaala, H., Njenga, P. K., Warui, C. M., and Limbua, P. G.: Restoring degraded savannas: a case study of soil carbon and nutrient dynamics in Kenya's Maasai Mara., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5949,, 2025.

EGU25-7130 | Orals | SSS2.3 | Highlight

Setting expectations: how colonial narratives continue to shape our analysis of geomorphology in the Global South 

Rónadh Cox and A. F. Michel Rakotondrazafy

The world faces unprecedented land-use pressures, and one of our societal roles as geoscientists is to document, measure, and analyse landscape degradation, producing understanding that can mitigate or help prevent ongoing damage. We do this in a framework of prior studies that shape the way we understand the system and how it operates, which thereby also shapes how we construct research questions and design data collection. This is, of course, how science operates. However, sometimes we need to step back and examine the foundations of our guiding framework.

Doing this exercise for geomorphologic interpretations of landscape change in the Global South reveals a buried legacy of colonial-era assumptions and assertions about harmful impacts of indigenous/traditional land-use practices: a “narrative of blame” that targets Global South populations. Global North colonists, seeing unfamiliar countryside managed with unfamiliar techniques, wrote interpretive descriptions of what they perceived as degraded landscapes—but which were based primarily on their experiences elsewhere and/or which drew on gut feelings coming from a lack of local knowledge and inherent disdain for the native population and their methods. These ideas were published, repeated, restated and rephrased, achieving over time the status of received wisdom. They are still recycled today, as part of literature review and project justification. They provide rationalisation for assumptions that we build into project design, and they give license for interpretations on the basis that overarching controls have already been established; e.g. “It is well known that …… and therefore …. “. But tracing individual precepts back through the literature often reveals that in fact the variables in question have never been subject to rigorous testing or verifiable measurement.

Examples of the impacts of these colonial narratives on modern science are widespread, and include over-interpretation of small amounts of data (e.g. short-term and/or small-scale measurements in areas of high erosion being extrapolated to represent regional or national erosion rates) as well as conclusions being formulated without perceived need to perform measurements or comparative analysis (e.g. inferring that because deforestation elsewhere has been linked elsewhere with erosion, tree removal in a study site must also have caused rapid and intense soil loss).

This is not to say that humans do not cause erosion or landscape degradation. Damage that we do throughout the world is indisputably documented. But there is a clear imbalance in the way we measure and analyse geomorphic change, and—particularly in the Global South—there is a history of embedded assumptions, fed by strong implicit bias that indigenous and traditional land-use practices are inherently damaging. This means that many projects are (unintentionally) preconditioned to return results that will be in line with expectations set by the governing assumptions. Which of course strengthens those assumptions. To properly quantify and understand anthropogenic impacts on the landscape we must test all our embedded expectations. The colonial-era narrative of blame is pervasive and deeply entangled in our science. It is our job to learn to identify it and uproot it. And to avoid setting expectations in project design and analysis.

How to cite: Cox, R. and Rakotondrazafy, A. F. M.: Setting expectations: how colonial narratives continue to shape our analysis of geomorphology in the Global South, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7130,, 2025.

EGU25-9981 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Semantic Segmentation of Super Resoluted Sentinel-2 Images for Urban and Agricultural Surface Mapping in Soil Erosion Studies 

Sara Magazzino, Noemi Fazzini, Andrea Ricciardelli, Marco Folegani, and Maximilien Houël

Identifying anthropic infrastructure and soil erosion systems is critical for analyzing the P-factor of RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) formula which plays a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness of conservation practices at reducing soil erosion. SEEDs is a CMCC (Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change) project for IFOA (Training organization) focused on the production of high-resolution assessments of soil erosion risk, combining Earth Observation data and advanced analytics to support sustainable land management in Italy. The current work explores semantic segmentation of Sentinel-2 imagery, utilizing both its native 10-meter resolution and super-resolved 3-meter images, to map urban infrastructure (buildings and roads) and agricultural terraces critical for soil erosion analysis, within the context of SEEDs project.

It is focused on two distinct areas in Italy: the Lattari Mountains (Campania, southern Italy) and the Idice river basin (Emilia-Romagna, northern Italy), which was impacted by significant flood events in May 2023 and September 2024. These regions differ in landscape characteristic and erosion control measures, providing a valuable comparison to evaluate influence of these factors on erosion dynamics.
The methodology incorporates deep learning U-Net architectures, fine-tuned using Sentinel-2 multispectral data and elevation (DEM) data. Mask preparation for training and validation involves data from OpenStreetMap, Corine Land Cover and visual interpretation using QGIS software, specifically for Liguria terraces mapping, which were used as a unique training dataset for identifying terraced landscapes in the study areas, due to the scarcity of available labelled datasets.  

The analysis mapped key infrastructures in the study areas using both original resolution and super-resolved imagery.  In addition, preliminary results indicated differences in infrastructure before and after the flood events of 2023, suggesting potential impacts on both agricultural lands and urban areas. This approach demonstrates potential for precise urban and agricultural mapping in erosion-prone landscapes. Ongoing work focuses on refining model performance and validating results across diverse terrains and regions, ultimately enhancing soil erosion risk assessments and supporting more effective land management strategies.

How to cite: Magazzino, S., Fazzini, N., Ricciardelli, A., Folegani, M., and Houël, M.: Semantic Segmentation of Super Resoluted Sentinel-2 Images for Urban and Agricultural Surface Mapping in Soil Erosion Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9981,, 2025.

EGU25-10939 | Posters on site | SSS2.3

Towards large-sample data availability for applications in soil erosion and sediment transport studies in Europe 

Francis Matthews, Diana Vieira, Panos Panagos, Philipp Saggau, Konstantinos Kaffas, Florence Tan, and Pasquale Borrelli

Larger samples of measurement data unlock far-reaching opportunities to improve our predictive capabilities and process understanding in erosion and sediment load modelling through: (i) streamlining model applications to compare performance and understand model generalizability across differing environments, (ii) improving upscaling capacity and predictive capabilities in unmonitored locations via data-oriented approaches, and (iii) developing new modelling approaches better suited to data ingestion. Despite the tangible benefits of applying soil erosion models over multiple spatial domains, indicative overviews of modelling efforts show efforts in 3 or more catchments remain considerably less abundant. This study synthesises the currently available measurement data available for in-stream monitoring of hillslope sediment fluxes to stream channels in Europe. By combining purpose-compiled community data from small to medium catchments in EUSEDcollab (a European Union Soil Observatory initiative) with other open-access water quality data (e.g. GEMSTAT) and other resources, we give an overview of the current state-of-the-field. Key findings show: (i) data is significantly less abundant from small catchment drainage areas, limiting the potential inferences on hillslope processes, (ii) catchment data on the long-term average annual sediment load (e.g. statistical aggregations) is significantly more abundant than time series data, reflecting limited open sharing of historical measurement data, (iii) sediment load measurements are decreasing in modern time periods, limiting our potential to capitalise on modern revolutions in domain-agnostic geospatial data (e.g. remote sensing data). Further community efforts to compile current and legacy data across Europe with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) standards are vital for scientific advancements and data rescue, following similar data sharing efforts (e.g. CAMELS for hydrology). Extensions of catchment data with large-scale feature compilations of (time series) of hydrometeorological, soil and management attributes data may further strengthen efforts to provide ready-to-use data for models. To conclude, open data is pivotal for multi-scale, open, and collaborative research which requires ongoing collaboration between research groups, national agencies, and multi-national institutions.

How to cite: Matthews, F., Vieira, D., Panagos, P., Saggau, P., Kaffas, K., Tan, F., and Borrelli, P.: Towards large-sample data availability for applications in soil erosion and sediment transport studies in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10939,, 2025.

EGU25-10986 | Orals | SSS2.3

Post-fire soil erosion. How much land are we degrading globally? 

Diana Vieira, Pasquale Borrelli, Simone Scarpa, Leonidas Liakos, Cristiano Ballabio, and Panos Panagos

Wildfires affect land surface and post-fire geomorphological activity worldwide, increasing surface runoff and soil erosion. Here, we present a global assessment of post-fire soil erosion, considering cumulative wildfire driven geomorphological changes over the last two decades. Stemmed from the largest database on wildfires occurrence and fire severity in the globe, this study estimates global trends of post fire soil erosion together with the recovery of those burned landscapes.

Our results show that when considering multiple wildfire events, global post-fire soil erosion accounts for 8.1 ± 0.72 Pg annually, representing 19% of the global soil erosion budget, and additional 5.1 ± 0.56 Pg soil erosion annually in comparison to pre-fire conditions. Moreover, soil erosion attributed to the first post-fire year represents 31% of the total soil erosion, whereas the remaining share can be attributed to previous wildfires occurrences. In what concerns the spatial distribution, Africa is the continent that is impacted the most in terms of post-fire soil erosion, given its significantly larger burned area.

The results of this study can illustrate the magnitude of post-fire soil erosion globally, and therefore support post-fire management actions towards the mitigation and restoration of affected areas, and policies towards Land Degradation Neutrality.

How to cite: Vieira, D., Borrelli, P., Scarpa, S., Liakos, L., Ballabio, C., and Panagos, P.: Post-fire soil erosion. How much land are we degrading globally?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10986,, 2025.

EGU25-12570 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

What is more impactful on water fluxes and soil erosion: changes in land cover or climate variability?  

Dimaghi Schwamback, Abderraman R. Amorim Brandão, Linus Zhang, Ronny Berndtsson, Edson Wendland, and Magnus Persson

Agricultural-driven land-use changes have extensively reshaped landscapes, leading to increased soil erosion and water demand. Achieving long-term agricultural sustainability requires a balanced interaction among water resources, land cover, and climate. However, how this interconnected system will respond to climate change remains uncertain. This study aims to assess (i) the current impacts of land cover changes on water balance variables and soil erosion and (ii) the projected impacts of future climate conditions.  Field observations were conducted on 100 m² experimental plots in Brazil, maintained over the past decade. We evaluated the long-term trade-offs between common agricultural land covers—sugarcane, pasture, and soybean—and their effects on runoff and soil loss rates. Results were compared to those for native forest (wooded Cerrado) and bare soil. A significant difference between agricultural land and native forest were found. For instance, areas converted to pasture experienced nearly 20 times higher runoff, while sugarcane cultivation resulted in soil loss rates five times greater than native forest. To analyze future impacts, we applied the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Hydrus model, integrating them with CMIP6 climate projections under SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for the intermediate (2040–2070) and distant future (2071–2100). The results indicated that climate change will variably affect water flux components in a hierarchical sequence: soil-water storage, bottom flux, infiltration, surface flux, evaporation, and root uptake. For example, we estimated an increase of 23% in root water uptake and reduction of 8% in soil-water storage in sugarcane. This pattern was consistent across all types of land cover, differing primarily in magnitude. Regarding soil erosion, our projections indicated increases of 4.9% under SSP2-4.5 and 7.6% under SSP5-8.5 scenarios for all land covers. The observed soil loss rates highlight the critical need for sustainable land management to mitigate soil degradation. Notably, ongoing land cover changes pose a greater risk to water fluxes than projected climate changes. However, shifts in rainfall patterns due to climate change are likely to increase rainfall erosivity, amplifying soil erosion potential. Consequently, land conversion presents substantial risks to soil stability at both local and continental scales. These findings underscore the urgency of adopting targeted soil and water conservation strategies in the Cerrado biome. By mitigating soil erosion and promoting sustainable land-use practices, these strategies can help balance agricultural productivity with ecological preservation under current and future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Schwamback, D., R. Amorim Brandão, A., Zhang, L., Berndtsson, R., Wendland, E., and Persson, M.: What is more impactful on water fluxes and soil erosion: changes in land cover or climate variability? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12570,, 2025.

EGU25-12661 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

Optimizing Best Management Practices for Efficient Sediment Load Reduction in Agricultural Watersheds 

Prasad Daggupati, Hamid Mohebzadeh, Asim Biswas, Ramesh Rudra, Ben Devris, and Wanhong Yang

To reduce the potential threat of soil loss due to ephemeral gullies, it is crucial to adopt Best Management Practices (BMPs) that prevent damage to landscapes by reducing sediments load. This study combines two approaches to evaluate and optimize BMPs for reducing sediment load from sheet/rill and ephemeral gully erosion. The research applied a novel methodology integrating a genetic algorithm with the Annualized Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution model (AnnAGNPS) to optimize the model and also strategically select and place BMPs in Southern Ontario, Canada, to reduce sediment load cost-effectively. The study assessed five BMPs: cover crops, grassed waterways, no-till, conservation tillage, and riparian buffer strips. Considering the average annual sediment load, riparian buffer strips were consistently successful in decreasing average annual sediment load of sheet/rill erosion, with 69% reduction efficiency. Similarly, grassed waterways were the most effective BMPs for reducing average annual sediment load of ephemeral gully erosion, with an efficiency of 81%. These BMPs were integrated into a cost-optimization framework, demonstrating that strategic placement of BMPs could enhance their efficiency. The optimized placement reduced sheet/rill sediment load by 84.6%, ephemeral gully by 85.4%, and total erosion by 86.3%, achieving these results at minimal cost. The study highlights the significance of targeted BMP placement rather than uniform implementation across entire watersheds. This integrated approach is a viable solution for watersheds with limited resources, facilitating decision-makers and aiding in the adoption of BMPs that can comprehensively reduce sediment load. The developed model in the current study can be applied by decision makers in other watersheds with limited resources for implementing BMPs.

How to cite: Daggupati, P., Mohebzadeh, H., Biswas, A., Rudra, R., Devris, B., and Yang, W.: Optimizing Best Management Practices for Efficient Sediment Load Reduction in Agricultural Watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12661,, 2025.

EGU25-14029 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.3

The erodibility of terrace risers in eucalyptus plantations in North-Central Portugal 

Martinho Martins, Liliana Simões, Marta Basso, Behrouz Gholamahmadi, Oscar González-Pelayo, Meni Ben-Hur, and Jacob Keizer

The construction of bench terraces has become a common practice in north-central Portugal for establishing eucalyptus plantations on steep hillslopes. Terracing is commonly considered as an effective soil conservation technique for steep terrain, with a long tradition in agricultural practices. This method typically involves extensive redistribution of topsoil, potentially causing substantial changes in the soil's physical, chemical, and biological properties, as well as its associated functions. Additionally, modern terrace construction using bulldozers can exacerbate soil instability, leading to soil mobilization through the collapse of risers. Modern forest terracing transforms hillslopes into flat terrain, facilitating the use of machinery for planting, fertilization, vegetation control, logging, and log extraction. However, terracing removes all surface vegetation, leaving the soil exposed to raindrop impact. Moreover, the mechanical forces exerted by bulldozers break, mix, and loosen the soil, detaching particles and compromising soil structure and stability. Historically, terraces were separated by stone walls that provided structural stability and erosion control. Today, however, they are often divided by steep, unsupported sections known as risers. Despite their widespread use in forestry, the impacts of modern terracing on water and soil conservation remain poorly studied. This study aimed to (1) quantify the collapse of modern forest terrace risers during the first year after construction and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures such as anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) and hydromulch. In a eucalyptus plantation in north-central Portugal, nine sediment fences were installed at the base of three different risers (three pairs per riser). One riser was left as a control, while the others were randomly treated with PAM or hydromulch. Preliminary results revealed substantial soil mobilization from the risers, with a median sediment deposition of 258 Mg ha⁻¹ during the first post-terracing year. Landslides affecting risers from top to base were frequently observed, further demonstrating their instability. Both hydromulch and PAM treatments significantly reduced cumulative annual sediment deposition to averages of 113 and 105 Mg ha⁻¹, respectively. However, neither measure completely prevented the collapse of certain riser sections. These findings highlight the urgent need for multidisciplinary approaches to assess and mitigate the adverse effects of modern terracing in forest plantations.

How to cite: Martins, M., Simões, L., Basso, M., Gholamahmadi, B., González-Pelayo, O., Ben-Hur, M., and Keizer, J.: The erodibility of terrace risers in eucalyptus plantations in North-Central Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14029,, 2025.

Hope Mwanake1, Gabriel Stecher1, Bano Mehdi-Schulz1, Karsten Schulz1,  Nzula Kitaka2, Luke Olang3, Mathew Herrnegger1

1Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (HyWa), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18, 1190 Vienna, Austria

2Department of Biological Sciences, Egerton University, P.O. Box 536 – 20115 Egerton-Njoro, Kenya

3Department of Biosystems and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya


The complexity of shared governance, the variety of land use practices that affect water quantity and quality, and the fluctuating socioeconomic conditions that lead to different regional priorities are some of the reasons that pose particular challenges for sustainable resource management for transboundary river basins. This study carried out in the Sio Malaba Malakisi River Basin (SMMRB), shared by Kenya and Uganda, examines how combining a scientific evaluation of local soil erosion risk together with farmer-reported views of soil erosion and field conservation measures enhances soil conservation efforts.

Through participatory surveys involving 200 farming households to gather data on their estimations of soil loss, and on their farm management practices, together with the regional application of geospatial analysis to estimate soil erosion with the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), we identified significant discrepancies between farmer perceptions and estimated USLE soil erosion outcomes. While 60% of farmers reported visible soil erosion and 92% noted declining soil fertility, the spatial modeling of the USLE estimates revealed that over 76% of the region lacks effective soil and water conservation practices (SWCPs), leaving vast areas vulnerable to erosion. These findings highlight a substantial gap between farmer perceptions and modeled estimates, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions. Furthermore, transboundary water quality assessments revealed nutrient "hotspots" linked to erosion, stressing the need for joint management strategies to address shared challenges.

To address these challenges, a Best Management Practices (BMPs) scenario was developed based on the knowledge of the 200 farmers interviewed within the basin and the practices of "best-practice farmers" from the survey results. This scenario assumes that farmers are more likely to adopt measures already practiced in their vicinity, such as terracing for steep slopes or crop rotation for maize and beans, reflecting local topography and cropping systems. The BMP scenario predicts a 25% reduction in severely eroded areas, demonstrating the transformative potential of scaling up the SWCPs to reduce soil loss. These outcomes reinforce the importance of leveraging local knowledge to design regionally relevant conservation strategies.

In this study, farmers expressed a strong willingness to share their insights on soil erosion and conservation, highlighting the need for community-driven conservation efforts that integrate farmer knowledge into scientific frameworks. These efforts can lead to more effective erosion control and sustainable land management by fostering a sense of ownership and encouraging locally informed decision-making.

This research highlights the need for data-driven, context-specific conservation strategies in data-scarce regions like the SMMRB, emphasizing the importance of local data, and farmer engagement for the adoption of BMPs. The results provide a scalable model for comparable data scarce areas around the world and highlight the significance of coordinated transboundary collaborations, and inclusive capacity-building balancing between ecosystem restoration and sustainable livelihoods.

How to cite: Mwanake, H.: Integrating Farmers’ perspectives and Scientific Knowledge to Manage Transboundary River Basins Sustainably: A case study of the Sio Malaba Malakisi River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15493,, 2025.

Surface Coal Mining activities have significant effects on vegetation and land use/land cover (LULC), resulting in environmental degradation and changes in ecosystem services. In this study, geospatial methods, incorporating spatial autocorrelation tools like Moran's I, were adopted to identify and assess notable spatial patterns of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and LULC alterations in areas impacted by mining for the years 1997 and 2022 in the Damodar River basin, India. Spatial autocorrelation assessments were performed in ArcGIS to identify patterns of clustering and dispersion in NDVI and LULC changes to get an idea about the emerging hot spot and cold spot patterns influenced by surface coal mining in the Damodar River basin, India. The methodology involves calculating Global Moran’s I to analyze overall spatial trends and the Mann Kendall Trend test to analyse the temporal trend. Following this, Hot Spot Analysis (Getis-Ord Gi*) are employed to identify regions undergoing notable vegetation decline or shifts in land use. The spatial weights matrix, an essential element for these evaluations, is configured to reflect spatial relationships, such as contiguity or distance-based interactions.

Initial findings reveal significant clusters of NDVI decline in active mining areas, aligning with widespread deforestation and land cover transformations from natural green cover to mining infrastructure, the mining area shows an increase of 6.89 per cent of the total geographical area of the basin. Hotspot analysis indicates crucial locations that necessitate prompt environmental intervention. The whole basin exhibits a statistically significant temporal trend of high-value aggregation of NDVI. This research underscores the effectiveness of spatial autocorrelation tools in tracking and managing the ecological consequences of mining operations. The results offer valuable information for policymakers and environmental managers to focus restoration efforts and adopt sustainable land use strategies.

How to cite: Anjali, K. and Remesan, R.: Hotspots Analysis and Spatial-temporal Trends of NDVI and Land Use Land Cover Changes in Surface Coal Mining -Affected Regions Using Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19697,, 2025.

EGU25-827 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.5

Automated high-resolution detection of soil erosion and deposition features in agricultural fields using the fine-tuned Segment Anything Model 

Hadi Shokati, Andreas Engelhardt, Kay Seufferheld, Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Peter Fiener, and Thomas Scholten

Water-induced soil erosion is a critical threat to the sustainability of agriculture worldwide, as it destroys nutrient-rich topsoil and causes significant economic costs. Conventional soil erosion monitoring methods, such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and its revised version (RUSLE), often face challenges with data collection for calibration or validation. Although machine learning offers promising alternatives, they usually require large data sets, which can limit their practicality. Recent advances in deep learning have introduced several innovative techniques such as transfer learning to reduce the need for extensive data. This study presents Erosion-SAM, a novel framework that fine-tunes the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to automatically identify erosion and deposition features using high-resolution remote sensing imagery. RADOLAN radar rainfall data with a spatial resolution of 1 km was used to identify erosive events and determine erosion-prone agricultural fields including grassland, vegetated cropland, and bare cropland, in southeastern Bavaria, Germany. High-resolution orthophotos (0.2 m) were taken for fields with erosive events indicating significant erosion potential. These orthophotos were then manually segmented by experts to delineate precise erosion and deposition features and subsequently used as input data for fine-tuning SAM. Three pre-processing strategies were evaluated during the fine-tuning process: resizing, cropping, and prompt-based resizing. The prompt-based resizing method performed best, especially in grassland, with an IoU of 0.75, a Dice coefficient of 0.86, a precision of 0.82 and a recall of 0.90. While the baseline SAM performed better than the cropping method in bare cropland, it overestimated erosion and deposition, which increased the recall values. The fine-tuned methods agreed well with the actual soil erosion severity ratios, with the prompt-based resizing method achieving an R2 of 0.93, demonstrating superior predictive performance. Erosion-SAM showcases the potential to revolutionize soil erosion monitoring by automatically detecting erosion and deposition features across different land covers with high accuracy. Moreover, it generates high-quality, consistent data sets as valuable input for machine learning-based erosion modeling for different land covers. Its scalability and high spatial and temporal resolution also make it invaluable for large-scale erosion monitoring and risk assessment, including applications in the insurance and reinsurance industry.

How to cite: Shokati, H., Engelhardt, A., Seufferheld, K., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Fiener, P., and Scholten, T.: Automated high-resolution detection of soil erosion and deposition features in agricultural fields using the fine-tuned Segment Anything Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-827,, 2025.

Testing the performance of soil erosion models against observational data is a critical step in any model application. This is particularly important when models aid land-management decisions, e.g. planning and implementing soil conservation practices in agricultural landscapes. However, observational erosion data are uncertain and typically restricted to measurements of sediment fluxes at the outlet of a system, e.g. plot or watershed. This has limited utility for testing a model’s representation of landscape sediment connectivity processes, which is crucial for planning soil conservation and off-site pollution control measures. Here, the performance of a Python-implemented version of the spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment yield WaTEM/SEDEM model was evaluated for simulating sediment yields under soil conservation conditions across contrasting watersheds at an experimental farm in Southern Germany. To do so, we used an eight-year monitoring dataset (1994-2001) that includes high-resolution measurements of soil properties, plant traits, and land management operations, as well as event-based sediment yield measurements for (I) four small-scale watersheds (0.8 to 4.2 ha) primarily representing in-field erosion processes (mostly supply-limited) and (II) two cascading watersheds (5.7 to 7.8 ha) dominated by sedimentation processes along a grassed waterway (mostly transport-limited). Further, we employed a Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) rejectionist framework utilising Monte Carlo simulations with 25,000 iterations to condition model parameters. The model performance was evaluated across two spatial scales - from individual watersheds to aggregated supply-limited and transport-limited watershed groups - and temporal scales ranging from single-year to eight-year averages. Model iterations were considered as behavioural when their simulated sediment yields fell within an estimated error range derived from the monitoring dataset. The model demonstrated capability in simulating low sediment yields when aggregated spatially and temporally. However, the annual-scale model applications were rejected due to insufficient representation of temporal dynamics. The results indicated a systematic overestimation of sediment yields across most watersheds, with a notable exception in one transport-limited catchment where underestimation occurred. The influence of retention features within watersheds was reflected by the behavioural parameter selection: in cases of sediment yield overestimation, parameters enhancing deposition produced superior results, while in watersheds with underestimated sediment yields, parameters reducing deposition improved model performance. These observations underscore the model's capability to represent low sediment yields in agricultural landscapes under soil conservation while highlighting temporal resolution limitations and the importance of comprehensive uncertainty analysis in measured and simulated data.

How to cite: Seufferheld, K. D., Batista, P. V. G., Shokati, H., Scholten, T., and Fiener, P.: WaTEM/SEDEM's capability in simulating watershed-scale soil conservation: Using the GLUE approach to analyse the representation of in-field processes and connectivity features along thalwegs , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1799,, 2025.

Soil erosion models are complex and inherently uncertain. This limits their perceived trustworthiness and hinder their use in practical decision making, in particular by non-technical users. Paradoxically, understanding, reducing (when possible) and explicitly incorporating this uncertainty is crucial for building trust and improving decision-making. For this purpose, we are developing iMPACT-erosion, an open-source soil erosion modelling toolbox based on Jupyter Notebooks. Integrating interactive elements and visualization, iMPACT-erosion fosters a more fluent user-model conversation, targeting students, professors, researchers, and decision-makers. The toolbox comprises three components: iMPACT-start (basic concepts and initial steps), iMPACT-test (model evaluation), and iMPACT-explore (scenario assessment). This work focuses on iMPACT-test and iMPACT-explore, emphasizing the combination of Monte Carlo simulations and interactivity. This approach addresses not only uncertainty quantification and attribution but also tests model behaviour plausibility, identifies controlling factors and conditions leading to unsustainable soil loss rates, and reduces uncertainty by optimizing model evaluation against field measurements. This toolbox empowers users to gain a comprehensive understanding of model behaviour, assess model suitability for specific applications, and ultimately make more informed and robust decisions regarding soil conservation and land management.

How to cite: Peñuela, A.: Interactive uncertainty and sensitivity analysis: building trust on soil erosion models and making better informed decisions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3581,, 2025.

Soil loss prediction models are designed to aid making decisions on land management. To do this, they predict erosion for existing and proposed land management options that are tenable on a given soil on a given topography in a given climate. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and subsequent revisions of it provide the most widely used model for this purpose in the world. While the climate input is reportedly based on the product of storm kinetic energy (E) and the maximum 30-minute rainfall intensity (I30), the model ignores the fact that storm kinetic energy per unit of rain varies with the synoptic conditions that dominate the production of rainfall at a particular location. It also ignores the fact that runoff per unit area can vary with slope length and gradient. However, these failures exist for pragmatic reasons. The mathematical structure of the USLE models is based on predicting the long-term soil loss from the unit plot so that any method that enables that to be achieved can be used to predict erosion for situations that do not conform to the unit plot using appropriate USLE equations for factors such as slope length and gradient. WEPP has for a long time been touted as a replacement for USLE models in the USA but does not predict event soil loss on bare fallow areas better than the EI30 index. Also, parameterization of WEPP focussed on areas where crops are grown on ridges rather than planar slopes. Consequently, WEPP is not an appropriate replacement for USLE models in making land management decisions. Other models like APEX break mathematical rules.:

How to cite: Kinnell, P.: All soil loss prediction models are wrong, some more than others, some are useful, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3845,, 2025.

EGU25-5175 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.5

Numerical Simulation of Sheet and Rill Erosion using 2D Modelling 

Rebecca Hinsberger and Alpaslan Yörük

Heavy precipitation and resulting erosion of arable land present ongoing challenges in disaster prevention and agricultural management. This interdisciplinary topic is gaining significant attention due to increasing frequency of extreme events linked to climate change (IPCC, 2021; Robinson et al., 2021). According to Parkin et al. (2008), the largest amount of erosion results from extreme individual events.

State-of-the-art methods for simulating heavy precipitation events involve two-dimensional, hydrodynamic-numerical models (2D models) (LUBW, 2016). Traditional erosion simulations have relied on simplified hydraulic calculations, but in this study, the hydraulics, and forces acting on the soil were precisely calculated using a 2D model as the erosion simulation critically depends on the quality of this hydraulics (Morgan et al., 1998).

In contrast to well-known stream transport capacity approaches (e.g. Meyer-Peter & Müller), the Govers (1990) approach is effective for surface runoff and is particularly suitable for simulating soil erosion on arable land (Wang et al., 2019). Therefore, this approach was selected and integrated into the existing sediment transport module of the 2D HydroAS model.

To calibrate and validate the model, natural erosion events caused by heavy precipitation were recorded using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and analysed. Erosion areas were chosen and simulated using the combined model. The simulation results show both sheet and rill erosion. To assess the simulation results, the spatial distribution of the rill erosion and the erosion quantity were determined and compared with the natural events. Erosion on arable land can be simulated both spatially and quantitatively by coupling the Govers approach with the 2D HydroAS model. However, erosion quantities are highly dependent on the rill size and model resolution, representing minimum erosion.

Assessing sedimentation amount and its spatial distribution is also crucial for evaluating erosion risks due to heavy precipitation. The transfer of sediments from erosion areas to downstream ecosystems or settlements can negatively impact farmers, residents, and ecosystems. Sediment flow analysis is currently being conducted.

How to cite: Hinsberger, R. and Yörük, A.: Numerical Simulation of Sheet and Rill Erosion using 2D Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5175,, 2025.

Traditional soil erosion models often oversimplify the mechanics of detachment by assuming vertical raindrop impacts (KEy = KEr), neglecting the critical role of shear forces (KEx) in wind-driven rain (WDR). This study investigates soil detachment rates under both wind-free rain (WFR) and WDR using four soils of differing textures: Efb (high clay and organic matter), Lda (low clay and sandy), Abd (intermediate clay and sand), and Nukerke (high clay, low organic matter, and coarse particles). Experiments conducted in a wind tunnel with a rainfall simulator evaluated the effects of vertical (KEy) and horizontal (KEx) kinetic energy fluxes on detachment rates (Du) across rainfall incidence angles (α = 0o, 53o, 68o, 73o).

The results reveal that soil detachment rates peak at α = 53o, where compressive and shear forces are balanced, enhancing detachment efficiency. Beyond this angle, as shear forces dominate and compressive forces diminish, Du declines significantly, particularly in wet soils. Soil texture and moisture content further modulate these effects, with sandy soils (e.g., Lda) being more sensitive to shear forces and cohesive soils (e.g., Efb) exhibiting higher resistance across conditions. These findings underscore the importance of integrating the dynamic partitioning of kinetic energy, soil-specific properties, and rainfall inclination into predictive erosion models to capture the complex interplay of forces driving soil detachment.

Keywords: Soil erosion modeling, Wind-driven rain (WDR), Rainfall incidence angle, Soil detachment rates

How to cite: Kaplan, S., Erpul, G., Gabriels, D., and Cornelis, W.: The Dynamic Interplay of Compressive and Shear Forces in Soil Detachment Under Wind-Driven Rain: Insights from Texturally Diverse Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8097,, 2025.

Caribbean islands face significant soil erosion and landslide challenges driven by extreme events such as tropical storms and hurricanes. These processes have substantial impacts on agriculture, ecosystems, infrastructure, and local communities. Despite the availability of Earth Observation (EO) and geospatial datasets, their potential for land degradation monitoring and management remains underutilized due to the lack of accessible methodologies and technical barriers to implementation.
To address this gap, we developed a multi-scale geospatial framework integrating open-access satellite data and national LiDAR datasets for monitoring surface processes and soil erosion in Saint Lucia and Dominica. The methodology aims to build capacity among local officers, equipping them to identify erosion hotspots and implement mitigation measures effectively, with potential for replication in similar contexts. At the island scale, global Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were employed to compute hydrological and geomorphological indicators, delineating areas at risk of erosion and sediment transport. At the local scale, high-resolution LiDAR data facilitated detailed analyses, including: (1) identifying erosion-prone areas and sediment transport pathways; (2) assessing road infrastructure to detect drainage inefficiencies and processes contributing to slope destabilization; (3) analyzing runoff dynamics from upslope regions to coastal zones.
Our framework does not aim to improve model accuracy for purely research purposes. Instead, it adopts a simplified, yet science-based modeling approach tailored to the unique challenges of small-island settings. By focusing on actionable insights, it provides local experts with practical, science-based strategies to address land degradation issues and contributes to building resilience within local communities.

How to cite: Straffelini, E., Pijl, A., and Tarolli, P.: Embracing imperfection: how an unvalidated remote-sensing based land degradation workflow helped Caribbean experts in disaster management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8372,, 2025.

EGU25-10075 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.5

What are the main regional and temporal controls of the hydro-sedimentary response of European and US catchments during floods ? 

Schaff Aurélien, Roux Hélène, Cassan Ludovic, and Saadi Mohamed

Floods are among the most common natural disasters worldwide. Caused by heavy rainfall events, they are responsible for significant damage to populations and infrastructure. Climate change is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of these extreme precipitation events. Furthermore, floods are often associated with significant sediment transport, which tends to increase damage to infrastructure and poses a threat to agriculture and river ecosystems. As a result, numerous studies have been conducted to estimate sediment production and transport, primarily using empirical models and, more recently, physically based models. However, whether empirical or physically based, it is generally difficult to estimate the parameter values of these models. Very few sediment transport measurements are available, and these generally consist of turbidity and/or suspended sediment concentration measurements at a single point, which do not provide information on the spatial variability of the processes at work.

The main objective of this study is to investigate the possible correlations between the characteristics of a catchment, such as its topography, soil texture, morphology or land-use, and its hydro-sedimentary response during flash flood. Calibration of hydro-sedimentary models could also benefit from knowledge of these correlations.

This work is based on open access databases containing discharge and suspended sediment concentration time series collected for more than 100 European and American catchments, together with complementary data on catchment characteristics. These databases are used to calculate catchment-scale indicators such as average slope, connectivity, percentage of sand or clay, precipitation intensity, etc. In addition, we characterized the hydro-sedimentary response using several signatures extracted from the time series of discharge and suspended sediment concentration, such as peak discharges, volume of sediment transported per year and per event, etc. Then, we used Spearman-rank correlations to measure the strength of the links between catchment characteristics and its hydro-sedimentary signatures. We calculated these correlations at different temporal and spatial resolutions to investigate whether the strength of these correlations is scale-dependent.

Preliminary results show a strong control of hydraulic connectivity and precipitation intensity on eroded volumes. Relationships already reported in the literature are also observed here, such as those between the Lloyd index and fine particle content in soils. Contrasting relationships are also found depending on the size of the catchments or their topography. This multi-scale approach could provide a more detailed understanding of sediment mobilisation and deposition mechanisms, and consequently suggest relevant indicators to characterise the sensitivity and origin of soil loss.

Further research includes using random forests to rank the catchment characteristics based on their importance in controlling the hydro-sedimentary signatures.

How to cite: Aurélien, S., Hélène, R., Ludovic, C., and Mohamed, S.: What are the main regional and temporal controls of the hydro-sedimentary response of European and US catchments during floods ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10075,, 2025.

EGU25-10363 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.5

Finding the right direction: An approach to determine cropland management direction and its implications for soil erosion risk assessments on large spatial scales.  

Philipp Saggau, Katja Augustin, Bastian Steinhoff-Knopp, Gideon Tetteh, Francis Matthews, Konstantinos Kaffas, Stefan Erasmi, Pasquale Borrelli, and Michael Kuhwald

Land degradation (LD) threatens soil health and ecosystems globally, which is why the European Commission formulated the objective of transitioning towards healthy soils by reducing LD by 2030. Water erosion, one of the most severe forms of LD, is influenced by management direction. This is because it affects the roughness created by tillage, seeding ridges, and tramlines, which, in turn, can either exacerbate or mitigate erosion. Therefore, management direction is an important variable in the RUSLE-framework (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) used within  European Union Soil Observatory (EUSO) to assess and monitor soil health (Panagos et al. 2024). However, spatial data on management direction, especially at policy-relevant scales, is scarce and often not adequately integrated into model-based assessments. 

This study develops a straightforward and fast approach to derive management direction and assesses its implications for soil erosion risk at the national level of Germany. Using field geometries from Tetteh et al. (2024) for 2021, we assumed that management direction follows the longest field side of the “minimum rotated rectangle” around each field. The derived management direction was validated using 1155 mapped arable fields randomly selected across Germany. In combination with a 10x10 m DEM, we then derived the contouring index (CI, 0-100%) as a measure to represent the relationship between management direction and the contour for each cell. The CI was then used to calculate the support management practice factor (P) based on the RUSLE to estimate the implications for soil erosion risk. 

Results showed that the management direction was correctly modelled in 79% of observations assuming a 10° tolerance. The CI averaged at 37±26%, indicating high variability both between and within fields. Management direction of 2021 was found to reduce soil erosion risk by 7.6%. The currently low CI for Germany shows high potential for further reducing soil erosion risk by implementing contour parallel management in cropland and enhance model predictions by providing P-factor maps with high spatial resolution. Despite these promising results, challenges persist in accurately predicting management direction in fields with highly irregular shapes or unique environmental conditions. Our approach provides a feasible method to predict and monitor management direction with sufficient accuracy for large scales. The approach can be incorporated into other models requiring management direction of cropland (e.g. tillage erosion) and applied for other data sources (e.g. LPIS geometries). This can improve modelling and monitoring LD on field level for large scales, supporting landowners and policy makers towards improving soil health.


Panagos, P., Borrelli, P., Jones, A., & Robinson, D. A. (2024). A 1-billion-euro mission: A Soil Deal for Europe. European Journal of Soil Science, 75(1), e13466. 

Tetteh, G. O., Schwieder, M., Blickensdörfer, L., Gocht, A., & Erasmi, S. (2024). Agricultural land use (vector): National-scale crop type maps for Germany from combined time series of Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat data (2017 to 2021).  


P.S., F.M.,  K.K. and P.B, were funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Project AI4SoilHealth (Grant No. 101086179). 

How to cite: Saggau, P., Augustin, K., Steinhoff-Knopp, B., Tetteh, G., Matthews, F., Kaffas, K., Erasmi, S., Borrelli, P., and Kuhwald, M.: Finding the right direction: An approach to determine cropland management direction and its implications for soil erosion risk assessments on large spatial scales. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10363,, 2025.

EGU25-11244 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.5

The impact of soil layering in a mechanistic soil-landscape evolution model  

Alessia Giarola, Marijn van der Meij, Claudia Meisina, Massimiliano Bordoni, and Arnaud Temme

Mankind has been actively reshaping and altering the soil system since the dawn of agriculture in the Neolithic. As our impact on the soil system has grown throughout the millennia, so has the need to understand its complex dynamics. This has led to the creation of mechanistic soil-landscape evolution models to simulate the long-term development of soils and landscapes. These models discretize the soil column in layers, which represent how the soil profile is handled in the model, rather than real geopedological horizons. As a result, the layer thickness directly impacts the resolution of the geomorphic and soil forming processes being modeled. It is still unclear how different layering options impact the outcome of the simulation and therefore which discretization would be preferable when developing or choosing a soil-landscape evolution model.


This work aims to bridge this gap by investigating how different soil layering options impact simulations of soil thickness, organic matter content, soil texture and computational efficiency.

We tested the impact of a) the number of layers and b) the thickness of these layers. The former was investigated by comparing simulations carried out with 2, 8 and 16 layers, while the latter was explored by simulating layers of uniform thickness (UT) and layers which increase in thickness with depth (IT), which provides a higher resolution closer to the surface. To ensure a general yet realistic setting, the model was applied to a silty soil profile from Canneto Pavese, in the Oltrepò Pavese region (Italy).

For this work, the mechanistic soil-landscape evolution model LORICA was chosen due to its ability to simulate both geomorphic and soil forming processes in the entire soil profile and for its ability to simulate soil layers with varying and dynamic thickness. We simulated the processes of bedrock weathering, physical and chemical weathering and carbon cycle dynamics and observed their impacts on soil properties 10, 100, 1000 and 10000 years of calculation.


We found that a greater vertical interaction between layers resulted in differences in the outputs, which occur both when a higher number of layers is adopted, and in the IT mode compared to the UT mode.

This work provides insight into the impact of layering options in soil-landscape evolution models, so that other researchers will be able to select the most apt and efficient set up for their simulations depending on their specific circumstances and needs. In the future, the action of water erosion will additionally be assessed on a landscape scale to consider spatial variations in soil development as well.


How to cite: Giarola, A., van der Meij, M., Meisina, C., Bordoni, M., and Temme, A.: The impact of soil layering in a mechanistic soil-landscape evolution model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11244,, 2025.

EGU25-13804 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS2.5 | Highlight

Soil erosion: who cares? An EU farmer perspective (in 3D). 

Anton Pijl, Eugenio Straffelini, Colleen Pezzutti, Teun Vogel, and Paolo Tarolli

Soil erosion, hydrogeologic risk, and land degradation are serious issues that receive due attention in policy and scientific research. As soil scientists with years of experience in both research and (agricultural) projects, we observed erosion issues in both simulations and field measurements - yet at the same time we observed another interesting trend. The researcher sometimes seems more concerned with long-term soil loss processes than the person owning and working that very soil: the farmer.

This leads to the interesting question: is erosion an actual concern for the average farmer?

In our most recent scientific work within the project, we conducted an elaborate questionnaire among 650+ smallholder farmers throughout Europe. Two questions in particular returned surprising insights in this farmer perspective on erosion:

  • To the question what kind of map data would be useful for their farming, soil erosion was ranked as the least useful information out of 11 variables. In fact, more than ⅓ of farmers rate soil erosion risk maps as not useful at all. This was notably low compared to water- and meteorology-related variables (e.g. temperature and precipitation maps were desired by >88% of farmers).
  • To another question about the importance of climate-induced risks, land degradation was ranked as the lowest concern out of 8 risks, again in contrast to concerns about water- and meteorology-related events (heatwaves and drought). Tellingly, even ecological degradation was ranked higher (biodiversity being a concern among > ½ of farmers) than land degradation (soil erosion, landslides and hydrological risk not being a concern for ~ ½ of farmers).

    NB: the 650+ respondents are diverse Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian, Albanian, Hungarian and EU-overseas smallholder farmers, the majority of which are working in hilly environments.

These results offer the soil science community a rich basket of food for thought, straight from the farmer. In this session, alongside a unique (3D) poster illustrating the different views on erosion, we welcome an open discussion to exchange ideas about possible explanations, its implications for our discipline, and possible solutions that are supported by farmers.

How to cite: Pijl, A., Straffelini, E., Pezzutti, C., Vogel, T., and Tarolli, P.: Soil erosion: who cares? An EU farmer perspective (in 3D)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13804,, 2025.

Current process-based soil erosion models face significant challenges stemming from data availability, parameter uncertainty, and the dynamic nature of evolving environmental conditions. These limitations restrict the precision and applicability of existing models in capturing the complexities of soil erosion processes. To address some of these challenges, this study introduces an innovative approach that leverages nested, continuous, high-resolution spatio-temporal data obtained through Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. The technique enables detailed monitoring of soil surface changes caused by precipitation events across multiple spatial scales, ranging from plot-scale observations to slope-scale and micro-catchment-scale analyses.

The study's methodology incorporates an extensive and unprecedented dataset, blending time-lapse photogrammetry, comprehensive field measurements, and data collected via uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) over an extensive period of 3.5 years. This robust dataset allows for a detailed monitoring of soil erosion dynamics, including flow velocity, soil consolidation and compaction process measurements. Moreover, it provides a critical foundation for the calibration and evaluation of soil erosion models, demonstrated by its application in refining the RillGROW model.

To further advance the field, the study offers an open-access dataset to the scientific community, intended for model parameterisation, calibration, and testing. Researchers are invited to build on this work by employing similar methods to collect complementary soil erosion data, thereby contributing to an expanded, high-resolution dataset. This collective effort aims to foster the development of more accurate and reliable soil erosion models, ultimately improving our ability to predict and mitigate soil degradation in diverse environmental contexts.

How to cite: Eltner, A., Epple, L., Grothum, O., and Bienert, A.: High-Resolution Insights from Photogrammetry: Tracking Soil Surface Changes Across Scales with Time-Lapse Data over 3.5 Years for Enhanced Soil Erosion Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15752,, 2025.

EGU25-15855 | ECS | Orals | SSS2.5

Land cover and management factor in soil erosion assessments: where do we stand and where are we going? 

Melissa Latella, Gabriel Cerveira, Alessandro D'Anca, Monia Santini, and Manuela Balzarolo

Rainfall-induced soil erosion is recognized as a significant threat to both human and ecosystem health, leading to habitat degradation, food insecurity, disruptions to socio-economic activities, and damage to infrastructure. Addressing and mitigating soil erosion has become a priority in global and national strategies, therefore requiring multitemporal large-scale assessments to understand how precipitation patterns, soil properties, and surface conditions interact and contribute to erosion in specific areas and over time. In these assessments, the land cover and management, and natural vegetation dynamics components play a critical role in reducing soil susceptibility to erosion. These components are represented by a specific parameter (C-factor) in the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and its updated versions. While numerous methods exist for determining the C-factor (e.g., in situ survey, remote sensing observation, data-driven models), these approaches are diverse and often have limitations, from neglecting phenological sub-annual dynamics to long timeliness, low update frequency, and coarse spatial resolution, among others. As a result, making their selection for specific purposes is challenging.  In this talk, we will present a comprehensive review of existing methodologies to assess C-factor by examining their development, strengths, and drawbacks. We will provide practical examples from selected case studies across Europe to show methods’ applicability, allow cross-comparison, and guide their choice. Finally, we will explore emerging methodologies leveraging Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence and the advances in neural networks trained on ESA Sentinel-2 data within the framework of two European-funded projects (i.e., SDGs-EYES and EO4EU).

How to cite: Latella, M., Cerveira, G., D'Anca, A., Santini, M., and Balzarolo, M.: Land cover and management factor in soil erosion assessments: where do we stand and where are we going?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15855,, 2025.

EGU25-18474 | Posters on site | SSS2.5

Runoff and soil erosion modelling at catchment scale in a tropical volcanic Island (Martinique, Lesser Antilles) 

Rosalie Vandromme, Rémi Bizeul, Thomas Grangeon, Aude Nachbaur, Olivier Evrard, and Olivier Cerdan

Terrigenous inputs from hillslopes to hydrosystems can alter the quality of Fort-de-France Bay’s waters and sediments and so the balance of ecosystems (notably the degradation of coral reefs). Depending on the intensity of rainfall episodes, terrigenous inputs increase the turbidity the bay’s water and potentially result in the arrival of pollutants (including pesticides) in coastal waters leading to the ban of certain coastal economic activities. Another major impact is land degradation in upstream watersheds, leading to the impoverishment of agricultural soils.  Furthermore, there has been much less research in soil erosion and sediment transfer in these tropical volcanic island settings compare to other environments.

In order to analyze the rate and the spatio-temporal dynamics of water and suspended particles fluxes, the objective of this study is to model runoff and erosion on the two main watersheds (100 and 65 km²) draining into the Fort-de-France Bay, including a variety of soil type, land use and morphology. The modelling approach was used to perform an in-depth analysis of runoff and erosion processes. Various hypotheses were tested at different scales, particularly on the genesis of runoff (hortonian or soil saturation), soil depth, soil percolation. etc. Our results suggest the importance of saturation processes in controlling flood event occurrence. Compared with more traditional soil erosion modelling studies, this study on large watersheds have also enabled us to analyze upscaling effects’ aspects.

This calibrated runoff and erosion model will be used to simulate different management or remediation plan to reduce sediment exports to the bay. Management plan will deal with agricultural practices and soft hydraulic systems such as grass strips, hedges (planted with local or endemic plant species) or fascines.

How to cite: Vandromme, R., Bizeul, R., Grangeon, T., Nachbaur, A., Evrard, O., and Cerdan, O.: Runoff and soil erosion modelling at catchment scale in a tropical volcanic Island (Martinique, Lesser Antilles), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18474,, 2025.

A Lakatosian history of soil-erosion modelling as a scientific research programme

Here I employ a Lakatosian theory (Lakatos, 1978) to explain the history of soil-erosion modelling as a research programme that went through a progressive phase during the 20th century and early 2000s, with the formulation of novel models with excess empirical content over their predecessors and the prediction of new facts that were corroborated or at least falsifiable by empirical evidence. I argue that the research programme then entered a so-called degenerative phase with an increased prediction of truisms, lack of falsifiability, and theory lagging behind the empirical evidence (Parsons, 2019).

I revisit a scientometric analysis (Batista et al., 2019) using new data that suggests that soil-erosion modelling is becoming increasingly polarised between application- and understanding-driven research clusters, with little connection between experimental work and model applications. Moreover, the scientometric analysis demonstrates a decreasing interest in process-oriented models in favour of USLE-type approaches.

I argue that questionable modelling practices, e.g. extrapolation of empirical models outside their domain and ignoring or hiding uncertainties, have entrained the research programme and are likely to persist without targeted action (Smaldino and O’Connor, 2022). I explain this scenario as being caused by both internal, i.e. related to particular developments in the research programme, and external drivers, e.g. the current incentive structures in science (Tunç and Pritchard, 2022).


Batista, P. V. G., Davies, J., Silva, M. L. N. and Quinton, J. N.: On the evaluation of soil erosion models: Are we doing enough?, Earth-Science Rev., 197, 102898, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102898, 2019.

Lakatos, I.: The methodology of scientific research programmes, Cambridge Univeristy Press., 1978.

Parsons, A. J.: How reliable are our methods for estimating soil erosion by water?, Sci. Total Environ., 676, 215–221, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.307, 2019.

Smaldino, P. E. and O’Connor, C.: Interdisciplinarity can aid the spread of better methods between scientific communities, Collect. Intell., 1, 263391372211318, doi:10.1177/26339137221131816, 2022.

Tunç, D. U. and Pritchard, D.: Collective epistemic vice in science: Lessons from the credibility crisis, [Preprint], 2022.

How to cite: Batista, P.: A Lakatosian history of soil-erosion modelling as a scientific research programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18554,, 2025.

EGU25-20911 | Posters on site | SSS2.5

Tillage Erosion in Denmark and Its Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Distribution 

Goswin Heckrath, Sebastian Gutierrez, Lucas de Carvalho Gomes, and Mogens H. Greve

The EU’s proposed Soil Monitoring Law recognizes soil erosion as major threat to soil health and requests Member States to monitor different soil erosion processes. Amongst the major soil erosion processes tillage erosion has received rather limited attention. Unlike water and wind erosion, whose effects are often easily visible in the landscape, the extent and severity of erosion caused directly by soil tillage only become evident after decades of tillage through spatial variations in soil properties. Tillage redistributes large amounts of soil from convexities to concavities within fields of rolling topography thus driving a spatially heterogeneous evolution of soil nutrient and carbon stocks. Currently, the few tillage erosion models available are based on a modest number of field surveys and tillage tracer experiments, and we are lacking operational tools for monitoring tillage erosion and its impact on soil health in the long-term.

To explore the potential impact of tillage erosion on the crop land in Denmark we have done a scenario analysis comparing the output from a robust soil redistribution model with remote sensing data of topsoil carbon contents. Our study aimed to (1) map tillage-induced soil redistribution across Denmark at a 10-meter resolution and (2) assess its impact on estimating topsoil organic carbon (SOC) content on arable land. Running the WaTEM model with a LiDAR-derived DEM smoothed to different degrees and assuming a typical tillage intensity, we estimated tillage-induced annual soil redistribution rates. We then used Sentinel 2A-derived bare soil composites and other co-variates together with the soil redistribution rates as predictors for mapping SOC via machine learning.

Our modelling results showed that without smoothing the 10-m resolution DEM, 23% of the arable land in Denmark had tillage-induced soil loss rates >2.5 t ha-1 a-1 while 12% exceeded 5 t ha-1 a-1. At the highly eroding sites, measured plough layer SOC contents obtained from a national survey tended to be lowest. Soil redistribution modelled with the less smoothed DEM showed stronger correlations with the bare soil composite bands in erosional zones. While the bare soil composite was the main predictor for SOC contents, tillage erosion rate was the only other important predictor at a national scale.

In lack of a mechanistic model for mapping the effect of tillage on SOC stock evolution and other soil properties on the arable land across Denmark, our scenario analysis highlights the unsustainability of current intensive tillage practices. To comply with the Soil Monitoring Law the development of operational tools for mapping actual tillage erosion and its impact on soil health must be prioritized.

How to cite: Heckrath, G., Gutierrez, S., de Carvalho Gomes, L., and Greve, M. H.: Tillage Erosion in Denmark and Its Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Distribution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20911,, 2025.

EGU25-21288 | Orals | SSS2.5

Models or users - who is guilty? A large-scale case study of sediment transport modelling - validation datasets 

Miroslav Bauer, Tomáš Dostál, Josef Krása, Barbora Jáchymová, Jan Devátý, and Martina Mazancová

The environment of the Czech Republic has long been significantly affected by anthropogenic influences that negatively impact the condition of landscape ecosystems. One such influence is accelerated soil erosion and excessive sediment loading of watercourses, primarily from agricultural landscapes. This process reduces soil fertility, degrades water quality, and increases the transfer of contaminants into aquatic systems.

This study analyzes sediment transport in the Elbe basin using monitoring data from the Labe (Elbe) and Vltava (Moldau) river basin authorities. The investigated area covers approximately 49,000 km² and includes 600 watercourse sampling profiles with monthly suspended solids measurements. The focus is on comparing measured and modeled sediment transport. WaTEM/SEDEM (based on USLE/RUSLE methods and sediment transport capacity assessment) was chosen as the modeling tool. The main objectives were to (i) assess long-term and episodic sediment loading, (ii) identify factors affecting the agreement between measured and modeled values, and (iii) evaluate the potential for model calibration and validation.

Calculations indicate that 1.5 million tons of erosive sediment enter the streams of the study area annually. Of this amount, 59% is captured in reservoirs, corresponding to 627,000 tons deposited each year. The analysis showed a strong correlation (R² = 0.94) between modeled and measured data for the entire dataset. However, after excluding 21 high-transport profiles (above 20,000 t/year), the coefficient of determination dropped to 0.50, revealing that outliers significantly affect the model’s match. This study provides a detailed comparison of modeled and measured sediment, including the influence of catchment characteristics and major rainfall episodes on model suitability.

The paper further discusses the limitations of the data sources used for both calibration and validation, with a strong emphasis on constraints arising from user-level mistakes—both minor and major—in data preparation and model computation. It is crucial for all users (and scientists) to acknowledge these limitations, address them openly, and strive to reduce errors in future modeling, validation, and publications.

Research has been supported by project TUDI (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 101000224), QL24020309 (The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic) and TAČR SS03010332 (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic).

How to cite: Bauer, M., Dostál, T., Krása, J., Jáchymová, B., Devátý, J., and Mazancová, M.: Models or users - who is guilty? A large-scale case study of sediment transport modelling - validation datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21288,, 2025.

EGU25-296 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Global stocks and release pathways of pollutants in peatlands 

Richard Fewster, Graeme Swindles, Gareth Clay, Emma Shuttleworth, Jennifer Galloway, Angela Gallego-Sala, Thomas Kelly, Colin McCarter, Ellie Purdy, and Jim Sloan and the PIPES research group

Peatlands have been widely recognised as important carbon stores, ecological habitats and natural hydrological buffers. However, comparatively less attention has been given to the role of peatlands as long-term stores of pollutants, particularly toxic metals and metalloids (TMMs). Furthermore, the potential for their release is poorly understood. An improved understanding of TMM distribution and release in peatlands is critical, because climate warming risks increasing their mobilisation, through enhanced decomposition and changes to hydrological processes, with potentially significant implications for natural ecosystems and human health. The PIPES project (Pollutants In Peatlands: from sink to Source) aims to identify global “hot spots” of peatland pollutants and establish likely release mechanisms of currently inert TMMs. We use a unique combination of observational and controlled-experimental approaches to address two research questions: (1) What is the content and distribution of pollutants in global peatlands? and (2) Under what conditions, and through which pathways, are these pollutants most likely to be released? In this presentation, we share early findings from both components of the PIPES project. Firstly, we present our ongoing analysis of the distribution of TMMs in global peatlands, with a primarily focus on spatial patterns identified across our comprehensive network of sites in the UK and Ireland. We quantify the total content of TMMs using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) in peat cores compiled by a network of > 90 international collaborators. Secondly, we present preliminary results from controlled environmental simulations of TMM release in peat monoliths from subarctic Sweden. We explore both pore-water and atmospheric release under scenarios of drought, climate warming and a shallow burn. Our findings provide crucial new insights into the potential fate of pollutants in global peatlands and their implications for human health and natural ecosystems.

How to cite: Fewster, R., Swindles, G., Clay, G., Shuttleworth, E., Galloway, J., Gallego-Sala, A., Kelly, T., McCarter, C., Purdy, E., and Sloan, J. and the PIPES research group: Global stocks and release pathways of pollutants in peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-296,, 2025.

EGU25-825 | Posters on site | BG3.23

The role of terminal electron acceptors in peatland restoration. 

Emily Fearns-Nicol, Catherine Hirst, Julia Knapp, and Fred Worrall

The role of alternative terminal electron acceptors in peatland restoration.

Emily Fearns-Nicol, Catherine Hirst, Julia Knapp, Fred Worrall

Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, UK. 


The existence of peatlands relies on the balance of primary productivity and oxidation of organic matter. Oxidation requires a terminal electron acceptor (TEA). The most energetically favourable TEA is O2 followed, in order of reducing energy return, by NO3, Mn, Fe, and SO4. Organic matter itself can become a TEA with the production of methane (CH4). Organic matter will degrade faster the better access to the more energetically favourable TEAs. Therefore, the fate of the organic matter turnover in peatlands is related to the supply of TEAs. We hypothesize that if the supply of TEAs can be limited, then more organic matter could be preserved, and so enhance carbon sinks. Typically, water tables are raised to limit the access of TEAs into the peat porewater, however, it is not only high water tables that are required but also stagnant water tables otherwise fresh TEAs are brought into the porewater.

Bunds are used in peatlands to manipulate the water table to create environments for peat-forming species such as sphagnum mosses. However, bunds may also create areas of high and stable water table, and therefore allowing us to test our hypothesis. To test the hypothesis that stagnant water tables control organic matter storage, this study considered a peat covered hillslope where bunds had been installed. Monthly monitoring of these bunds, started in January 2024 and is being undertaken for soil water chemistry (pH, conductivity, absorbance, DOC, cations, anions), CO2 gas fluxes and water table depth. The site enables us to consider 9 bunded plots, alongside 9 control plots, with each plot having monitoring upslope, within and downslope of the bund.

There was a significant difference in ecosystem exchange down the hillslope, but no difference within individual bunds. Ecosystem respiration showed no signifncnat difference down the hillslope or relative to the individual bunds. There was a significant difference in absorbance and DOC down the hillslope, but no difference relative to the individual bunds. Equally, there was no significant difference in iron or sulphate concentration down the hillslope or relative to the individual bunds. Water tables were not significantly changed by the presence of the bunds nor was conductivity. In this blanket bog we are seeing that high water tables and swift transport pathways persist despite the presence of multiple bunds.

How to cite: Fearns-Nicol, E., Hirst, C., Knapp, J., and Worrall, F.: The role of terminal electron acceptors in peatland restoration., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-825,, 2025.

EGU25-966 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Science chasing industry: Is this novel technique as good as it seems? 

Anna McWilliam, Paul Gaffney, Nadeem Shah, and Mark Taggart

Water quality can be negatively impacted by tree felling operations and peatland restoration. This research considers how different and innovative brash (a by-product of felling trees - their tops and branches) management techniques might impact water quality following forest felling and subsequent peatland restoration.

The research design consisted of a Before-After Control-Impact experiment, wherein three different management techniques on three paired sites were compared. Two of these techniques are standard for the industry: conventional felling of trees, and the mulching of trees in-situ followed by ground smoothing. The third technique (felling multiple drifts of trees into one followed by ground smoothing) is novel and endorsed by the Scottish Government but it has not been studied previously.

Every four weeks (for 32 months) water samples and water table depths have been taken in and around treated sites. Water samples are tested for a range of water quality parameters in the laboratory. These quality indicators included: phosphate, ammonium, nitrate + nitrite, dissolved organic carbon, heavy metals, suspended solids, pH, conductivity, turbidity, etc.

Findings show that the novel technique resulted in little water quality impact (i.e., on suspended solids and nitrate + nitrite) in impacted watercourses. A spike (4.0 - 8.7 fold, mean 35.1) in ammonium occurred around one year after works were completed, and phosphate and potassium showed an elevated pulse soon after the works. Dissolved organic carbon showed strong seasonality which mirrored the control sites.

The novel technique considered here is an understudied method that is being recommended by Scottish Government agencies, and as such, science is chasing industry practice. This research aimed to sense check the impact of this technique on water quality and consider how it may impact the effectiveness of peatland restoration.

How to cite: McWilliam, A., Gaffney, P., Shah, N., and Taggart, M.: Science chasing industry: Is this novel technique as good as it seems?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-966,, 2025.

Wet fen meadows are a traditional form of land use that is nowadays mainly preserved through nature conservation measures. Recent discussions suggest that this land use may also be considered as a form of paludiculture (that is, wet peatland use with the preservation of the peat body). However, the climate effect of this land use type is largely unknown. My presentation shows a complete two-year greenhouse gas (GHG) balance of two previously unexplored, long-term rewetted fens under a nature conservation management regime resulting from biweekly chamber measurements of GHG fluxes at two north-east German sites with acute sedge and at one site with creeping bentgrass from 2014 to 2016. Including harvest and dissolved carbon export, the three sites emitted between 10.4 and 16.3 t CO2-eq ha-1 yr-1, with mean annual water levels between -10 and -19 cm. Emissions consisted mainly of CO2 uptake and release and were influenced by harvest time and frequency as well as inundation periods during vegetation growth. In addition, CH4 emissions contributed to the net GHG balance at two sites due to inundation in late summer 2014. N2O emissions were of minor importance at all three sites. The presentation demonstrates that, depending on proper water management, nature conservation-managed fen meadows can have a similar climate effect as other fen paludicultures, with a GHG mitigation potential of between 15 and 20 t CO2-eq ha- 1 yr-1 compared to drainage-based grassland use on fens. 

How to cite: Wolf, R.: Managing wet fen meadows for nature conservation leads to a moderate warming effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1354,, 2025.

EGU25-1487 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

From landscapes to freshwater invertebrates: understanding the effects of peatland restoraiton on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) habitat in the Flow Country. 

Liam John Godwin, Roxane Andersen, Paul Gaffney, Mark Hancock, Alan Youngson, and Josie Geris

The Flow Country in the Scottish Highlands spans 400,000 hectares of actively accumulating peat bog, providing critical habitat and serving as a vital source of rivers essential for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) recruitment. Recognized for its outstanding ecological value, it recently achieved UNESCO World Heritage Site status. However, historical land-use changes, including drainage and forestry plantations, have degraded large areas, transforming them into sources of carbon emissions and compromising water quality. Restoration efforts, particularly forest-to-bog restoration, aim to reverse these impacts, yet their effects on freshwater quality and ecosystem health remain underexplored, especially concerning Atlantic salmon in upland peatland catchments. This study assesses the effects of forest-to-bog restoration on water quality (nutrients, dissolved metals, suspended sediments, dissolved organic carbon, and colour) and evaluates the implications for freshwater ecosystems, with a focus on macroinvertebrates and salmon populations. Short-term changes in water quality were observed in smaller streams draining restoration areas, particularly during the first three years, but these differences diminished over a decade. Importantly, no significant ecological impacts on macroinvertebrates or salmon populations were detected. Moreover, downstream dilution ensured that larger rivers maintained high water quality standards throughout the study. Our findings suggest that well-managed peatland restoration poses no lasting harm to freshwater ecosystems, even when short-term water quality challenges occur. However, high-water temperatures recorded during the study highlight climate change as a critical threat to cold-adapted species like salmon. This research underscores the importance of adaptive management, long-term monitoring, and large-scale restoration efforts that incorporate climate change mitigation strategies to safeguard the ecological integrity of peatland-dominated landscapes.

How to cite: Godwin, L. J., Andersen, R., Gaffney, P., Hancock, M., Youngson, A., and Geris, J.: From landscapes to freshwater invertebrates: understanding the effects of peatland restoraiton on Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) habitat in the Flow Country., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1487,, 2025.

Globally, millions of hectares of peatlands have been drained for agriculture and forestry by the digging of ditches, amounting to millions of kilometres of drainage ditches. It has been known for three decades that these ditches can be landscape-scale hotspots of the potent greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4), as well as acting as sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O). Rewetted peatlands also feature remnant ditch networks that may be partially infilled or blocked, or still used for water management, and these waterbodies can continue to emit large amounts of GHGs.

Although a growing number of studies have measured and reported peatland ditch emissions, substantial knowledge gaps remain. Here, I will draw on my own research and that from the literature to give an overview of the importance that ditch emissions play in the GHG budgets of peatlands. This will include peatlands drained for forestry, grassland, and cropland, as well as rewetted peatlands. I will also highlight knowledge gaps and questions that remain to be answered about the role peatland ditches play in the carbon and GHG cycles.

How to cite: Peacock, M.: The importance of ditches in the greenhouse gas balances of managed and rewetted peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3205,, 2025.

EGU25-4016 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

The impacts of water table dynamics on greenhouse gas emissions and phosphorus leaching in managed boreal peatlands 

Iida Höyhtyä, Maarit Liimatainen, Anne Tolvanen, Anna-Kaisa Ronkanen, Tung Pham, Milla Niiranen, Katharina Kujala, Miika Läpikivi, Maarit Hyvärinen, Bjørn Kløve, and Hannu Marttila

Pristine boreal peatlands store vast reserves of terrestrial carbon and have a net cooling impact on climate in the long term. Peatland drainage increases CO2 and N2O emissions and decreases CH4 emissions, leading to a net warming impact on climate. For example, cultivated peatlands can have high greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per area and are therefore attractive targets for national aims to reduce GHG emissions. Raising water table depth (WTD) level can decrease the climate-warming impact. However, as drainage changes peat properties, the WTD elevation may lead to additional leaching of e.g. redox-sensitive phosphorus (P), which often restricts primary production in freshwaters. To support environmentally sound climate actions, we aimed to study the simultaneous impacts of different WTD conditions on GHG emissions and P leaching in variably managed peatlands.

Our study sites include cultivated peatland plots with different peat thicknesses, peatland forest, abandoned peat field, and pristine peatland. The chemical potential for P retention in different soil depths was studied using chemical extractions of soil. The GHG emissions in field conditions were studied with year-round GHG emission inventories, which were conducted with chamber methods in snow-free conditions and otherwise with the snow-gradient method. Besides the effect of WTD, also the effects of vegetation and several environmental variables were considered. The simultaneous effects of different WTD conditions (saturation, slowly lowering WTD, quick fluctuations) on GHG emissions and P leaching were studied using intact soil profiles with a column experiment in controlled conditions.

Our results help to find the best water management solutions considering both GHG emissions and P leaching. This knowledge is especially important in countries with large areas of drained peatlands and attempts to lower both GHG emissions and nutrient leaching. Sometimes land use changes may be unavoidable, and our studies with different land use options also support decision-making in these situations.

How to cite: Höyhtyä, I., Liimatainen, M., Tolvanen, A., Ronkanen, A.-K., Pham, T., Niiranen, M., Kujala, K., Läpikivi, M., Hyvärinen, M., Kløve, B., and Marttila, H.: The impacts of water table dynamics on greenhouse gas emissions and phosphorus leaching in managed boreal peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4016,, 2025.

EGU25-4542 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Fuel loads and peat smouldering carbon loss increase following peatland drainage 

Gregory Verkaik, Micah Eckert, Sophie Wilkinson, Paul Moore, and Mike Waddington

Northern peatlands store ~500 Pg C and are important ecosystems for global climate regulation. Wildfire is the largest natural disturbance to peatlands within the Boreal Plains of western Canada. Historically, low-severity fires in this region release less carbon than accumulates over a fire return interval (~120 years), allowing peatlands to maintain their carbon sink function. While peat combustion (measured as the depth of burn; DOB) is typically low, ranging from 5-10 cm (representing carbon emissions of ~1 kg C m-2), during prolonged drought, or in drained peatlands, peat burn severity can reach depths >1 m (~100 kg C m-2), threatening the carbon sink function of boreal peatlands. We aimed to assess how peatland drainage altered the spatiotemporal variability in forest cover, aboveground biomass, and tree productivity and how these changes related to the spatial variability in peat burn severity from a fire 24 years post-drainage. Using remote sensing techniques, forest cover and biomass were estimated through time and with distance from the nearest ditch. Field surveys and a LiDAR-based analysis were conducted to measure the spatial variability in peat burn severity. Peatland drainage increased forest cover and aboveground biomass. Drained peatland margins had the greatest peat burn severity with a mean depth of burn of 26.9 ± 12.6 cm (34.0 ± 10.1 kg C m-2) and some locations experienced DOB >90 cm (>87 kg C m-2), where peat burn severity increased with proximity to drainage ditches and greater aboveground biomass. Peatland drainage increases both aboveground and peat fuel loads through the triggering of positive peatland drying feedbacks which increase peatland vulnerability to deep smouldering, with peatland margins experiencing the greatest peat burn severity. Drained peatlands represent a severe fire risk that can be challenging for communities and fire management agencies. Peatland restoration should be integrated into fuel management strategies to reduce the fire risk that drained peatlands pose.

How to cite: Verkaik, G., Eckert, M., Wilkinson, S., Moore, P., and Waddington, M.: Fuel loads and peat smouldering carbon loss increase following peatland drainage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4542,, 2025.

EGU25-8601 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Land management effects on ditch greenhouse gas dynamics in UK lowland peatlands  

Teresa Silverthorn, Luke Andrews, Francesca Baker, Laura Baugh, Chris Bell, Richard Chiverrell, Alexander Cumming, Chris D Evans, Stephanie Evers, Liz Flint, Ian Holman, Jonay Jovani, Rebecca McKenzie, Elya Monsen-Elvik, Francesca Southon, Humbelani Thenga, and Mike Peacock

The UK’s lowland peatlands occupy ~465,000 ha and are distributed across much of the country. The large majority (90%) of this lowland peat has been drained for agriculture, creating productive, fertile soils, but also exposing previously waterlogged organic matter to decomposition. Peatland drainage can alter aquatic biogeochemistry by increasing dissolved organic carbon fluxes to surface waters and promoting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from drainage ditches. Peatland rewetting has been demonstrated as an efficient mitigation technique for peatland GHG emissions. It is critical to understand how peatland drainage and subsequent rewetting may influence GHG emissions, as drainage may have allowed long-term accumulation of substances of agricultural or industrial origins, such as macronutrients (e.g. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous) and heavy metals, which are released upon rewetting. Here, we present the results of an on-going, national-scale field study (part of the LowlandPeat3 project, examining the spatio-temporal dynamics of GHG emissions in ditches draining arable lands (including conventional and regenerative agriculture) at paired “business as usual” and rewetted sites, during the baseline period prior to rewetting. We have measured carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide concentrations (and modelled fluxes) approximately monthly from sites across England. The results of this research will help us understand the risks and benefits of peatland rewetting on water quality, drinking water, aquatic ecology, and climate, to help inform lowland peat management and policy.  

How to cite: Silverthorn, T., Andrews, L., Baker, F., Baugh, L., Bell, C., Chiverrell, R., Cumming, A., Evans, C. D., Evers, S., Flint, L., Holman, I., Jovani, J., McKenzie, R., Monsen-Elvik, E., Southon, F., Thenga, H., and Peacock, M.: Land management effects on ditch greenhouse gas dynamics in UK lowland peatlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8601,, 2025.

EGU25-9025 | Orals | BG3.23

Can peatlands be used sustainably for agriculture in the Arctic Norway? 

Junbin Zhao, Mikhail Mastepanov, Cornelya Klutsch, Hanna Silvennoinen, David Kniha, Svein Wara, and Runar Kjær

Large areas of peatlands have been drained for agricultural and forestry purposes due to human activities. This drainage disrupts the natural hydrology of peatlands, leading to increased peat decomposition and turning these ecosystems into significant sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Since the 1930s, extensive peatland areas in northern Norway have been drained and converted to agricultural land. To mitigate GHG emissions while maintaining biomass production, various management practices, including rewetting, are being promoted for these peatlands. Nevertheless, the impact of these mitigation measures on the peatland GHG balance remains largely unexplored.

We investigated grass productivity and the GHG balance in response to peatland cultivation under varying fertilization and hydrological treatments at a site in northern Norway. GHG fluxes (CO₂, CH₄, and N₂O) were measured using 30 automatic chambers at sub-daily intervals during the growing seasons of 2022-2024.

High water levels inhibited CO₂ emissions by suppressing ecosystem respiration, converting the ecosystem from a substantial CO₂ source to a sink or neutral state. Conversely, high water levels enhanced CH₄ emissions, while low water level plots remained CH₄ neutral. Sporadic N₂O emissions were observed to be higher under the more intensive fertilization regimen. Our results further highlight the critical role of harvest in determining the overall GHG and carbon balance in the ecosystem. This study has significant implications for guiding sustainable peatland management in Arctic regions.

How to cite: Zhao, J., Mastepanov, M., Klutsch, C., Silvennoinen, H., Kniha, D., Wara, S., and Kjær, R.: Can peatlands be used sustainably for agriculture in the Arctic Norway?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9025,, 2025.

EGU25-9657 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

CO2, CH4 and N2O balances of restored forestry-drained and natural peatlands in Estonia  

Salla Tenhovirta, Thomas Schindler, Ülo Mander, Mikk Espenberg, Joosep Truupõld, Muhammad Kamil-Sardar, and Kaido Soosaar

Natural peatlands are significant reservoirs and sequesters of carbon, important modifiers of local hydrology through their high water retention capacity, and unique habitats of rich biodiversity. The exploitation of peatlands by drainage for land-use purposes, such as peat mining or forestry, disrupts the original peatland ecosystem and leads to the degradation of the peat carbon storage, turning the soil from a sink into a source of greenhouse gases. Restoring drained peatlands aims to improve the water regime and carbon sink functions by re-establishing pre-disturbance conditions, ultimately restoring the ecosystem to a state where peat accumulation resumes. How fast and to what extent restoration goals are reached depend e.g. on the properties of the pristine peatland before drainage as well as the level of disturbance by the post-drainage land-use. Quantifying the greenhouse gas balances of restored peatlands is crucial for assessing the effectiveness of restoration as a climate change mitigation strategy, but it necessitates long-term monitoring of greenhouse gas exchanges. However, due to their vast diversity, there is limited research coverage on the various types of peatlands undergoing restoration, as well as a lack of data from the from periods beyond the first five years after rewetting. 

This study presents and compares the annual balances of CO2, CH4 and N2O for two forestry-drained bogs restored five years ago and two natural bogs, located in Estonia. For this we apply a field measurement-based modelling approach, utilising data from manual soil surface measurements of greenhouse gas fluxes conducted bi-weekly from November 2023 to October 2024, accompanied by continuous measurements of soil water content, soil water table level, soil and air temperatures and photosynthetically active radiation. The year-round CH₄ and N₂O fluxes, as well as the non-growing season net ecosystem exchange (NEE), were determined from series of gas samples collected from static, opaque chambers and analysed by gas chromatography. During the growing season, NEE was derived from gas flux measurements using a transparent dynamic chamber connected to a portable CO2 gas analyser. To account for spatial heterogeneity, the gas flux measurements were conducted across different microtopographical features and vegetation: hummocks, hollows, and spots dominated by cotton grass (Eriophorum vaginatum). The annual greenhouse gas balances are compiled from daily-level fluxes, which are modelled based on their dependencies with the environmental parameters. 

How to cite: Tenhovirta, S., Schindler, T., Mander, Ü., Espenberg, M., Truupõld, J., Kamil-Sardar, M., and Soosaar, K.: CO2, CH4 and N2O balances of restored forestry-drained and natural peatlands in Estonia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9657,, 2025.

EGU25-9706 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Afforestation turns cutaway peatland into a carbon sink 

Alexander Buzacott, Kari Laasasenaho, Risto Lauhanen, Kari Minkkinen, Paavo Ojanen, and Annalea Lohila

Rates of peat extraction have rapidly declined in Finland, leaving thousands of hectares of formerly cutaway peatlands in need of management. Unlike in some other regions, in Finland there is no obligation to restore former peat extraction sites to wetlands. Afforestation is the most popular after use option of cutaway peatlands by landholders in Finland, however it is unclear how the ecosystem will respond to afforestation and whether the system can become a carbon sink quickly. In this study, we present a 3-year record of eddy covariance measurements from an afforested cutaway peatland site in Finland. We examined the carbon dioxide (CO2)exchange dynamics of the site as it was afforested and calculated annual totals to determine whether it is a carbon source or sink.

The study site, Naarasneva, is in Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Peat extraction ceased in 2020 and there is an average of 1 m depth of peat remaining. The eddy covariance system was installed in August 2021. Wood ash fertilisation was applied in January 2022, followed by the planting of 2-year old Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) saplings in June 2022. Sentinel-2 derived leaf area index (LAI) observations were used to investigate the revegetation of the site during afforestation.

The timeseries of NEE shows the exchange (uptake and emission) of CO2 increasing over time. There was a clear effect of fertilisation, with a steady increase in the amount of CO2 uptake in the months following fertilisation. After fertilisation, the most dominant vegetation species growing were Calamagrostis spp. (reedgrass), Epilobium spp. (willow herb) and Betula pubescens (downy birch). The increase in CO2 uptake corresponded well with the LAI observations, which also showed a year on year increase. Annual totals of NEE show the site was a net source of 5.30 ± 0.46 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 (mean ± 95% CI) in 2022, followed by two years where it was a net sink of -1.36 ± 0.42 t CO2 ha-1yr-1 in 2023 and -0.75 ± 0.56 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 in 2024.

Our results show that afforestation of a cutaway peatland can quickly turn the site into a carbon sink. While it is positive that the carbon sink functionality of former peat extraction sites may be restored quickly, the long-term climate impact of afforestation is unclear due to the continued drainage of the peat and the uncertain fate of the carbon stored in wood.

How to cite: Buzacott, A., Laasasenaho, K., Lauhanen, R., Minkkinen, K., Ojanen, P., and Lohila, A.: Afforestation turns cutaway peatland into a carbon sink, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9706,, 2025.

EGU25-9974 | Posters on site | BG3.23

The influence of local variations in soil hydro-physical properties on ammonium release during flooding events in a coastal peatland 

Miaorun Wang, Tina Liesirova, Haojie Liu, Maren Voss, and Bernd Lennartz

Coastal peatlands are vulnerable to environmental changes, including salinity fluctuations caused by storm surge-induced seawater intrusion. This study investigates ammonium (NH₄⁺) release patterns during simulated sea flooding event in two locations of a coastal peatland in Northeast Germany (Hütelmoor): a near-natural location and a historically drained and rewetted location. Undisturbed soil samples (N=18) were collected from two depths (0–10 cm and 30–40 cm) at each location. A leaching experiment was conducted using three salinity treatments (N=3): groundwater (control, <1 ppt), Baltic Sea water (10 ppt), and mean seawater salinity (35ppt). Soil hydro-physical properties were determined following leaching experiment.

Results showed that NH₄⁺ release varied with salinity, soil depth, and land management. In the topsoil (0–10 cm), both locations exhibited high NH₄⁺ release at <1 ppt initially; however, higher salinity treatments (10 ppt and 35 ppt) continued to release elevated NH₄⁺ over time. In the subsoil (30–40 cm), rewetted samples under 10 ppt salinity released the most NH₄⁺, highlighting them as hotspots for nutrient mobilization during Baltic Sea flooding events.

Soil hydro-physical properties varied significantly across locations and depths, with a notable negative correlation between NH₄⁺ release and both saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) and macroporosity. This correlation was primarily driven by subsoil samples. While differences in hydro-physical properties were evident between near-natural and rewetted topsoils, they did not significantly influence NH₄⁺ release, suggesting that other factors, like soil organic matter (SOM), may play a more critical role in topsoil NH₄⁺ dynamics. In the subsoil, near-natural peat, characterized by higher Ks and macroporosity, retained less NH₄⁺ and released smaller amounts. Conversely, the rewetted subsoil, with lower Ks and macroporosity, accumulated and released more NH₄⁺, identifying it as a hotspot for nutrient mobilization.

Overall, by examining how local variations in soil hydro-physical properties across different locations within a single site influence NH₄⁺ release, this research identifies key hotspots for nutrient mobilization in a rewetted peatland. The findings highlight the necessity of accounting for both spatial and vertical soil property variations in coastal peatland restoration and management, especially regarding the prediction of environmental risks associated with nutrient release. Future research should examine how biogeochemical processes and microbial activity interact with soil hydro-physical properties to influence nutrient dynamics, especially under changing climate scenarios.

*Note: The first and second authors contributed equally to this work and share first co-authorship.

How to cite: Wang, M., Liesirova, T., Liu, H., Voss, M., and Lennartz, B.: The influence of local variations in soil hydro-physical properties on ammonium release during flooding events in a coastal peatland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9974,, 2025.

EGU25-10318 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Impact of water levels on Typha spp. in a mesocosm experiment 

Meline Brendel, Silviya Joshi, and Jürgen Kreyling

Paludiculture is the productive use of wet or rewetted peatlands. Typha spp. is a promising paludiculture crop with usage options, including as building or insulation material. As part of the Paludi-PROGRESS project (Putting paludiculture into practice – optimization of cattail and reed cultures, project period 2022-2025) a mesocosm experiment was conducted to assess the above- and belowground biomass production and decomposition of Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia to different water level treatments.

Using non-destructive sampling methods, we examined the annual biomass production of T. latifolia and T. angustifolia from April 2023 to April 2024 in response to either a water level gradient of -20 to +6 cm or to a drought gradient of 2 to 11 weeks. Phenospex PlantEye was used to assess the aboveground biomass production with a multi-spectral scanner. Belowground biomass production was examined with minirhizotrons and decomposition was assessed using litter bags.

At higher water levels, T. angustifolia showed higher aboveground biomass production whereas T. latifolia had higher aboveground biomass production at lower water levels. The latter also expressed higher belowground biomass production at lower water levels, whereas T. angustifolia’s belowground biomass response shifted during the vegetation period, benefitting from higher water levels until June 2023, afterwards showing higher belowground biomass production at lower water levels. Whereas both species benefit from short drought periods (2-4 weeks) with increasing belowground biomass production, longer drought periods negatively affected both species above- as well as belowground biomass production. T. angustifolia seemed to be more resilient against drought than T. latifolia. Information about the optimal water level and drought resistance of potential paludiculture crops are important information for a successful cultivation of Typha spp.

How to cite: Brendel, M., Joshi, S., and Kreyling, J.: Impact of water levels on Typha spp. in a mesocosm experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10318,, 2025.

EGU25-10338 | Posters on site | BG3.23

Does returning Sphagnum moss to toxic metal polluted peatlands increase aqueous metal mobility? 

Colin McCarter, Kyle Pawson, Campbell Mclean, and Erik Emilson

Sphagnum moss plays an important role in regulating toxic metal and metalloid mobility by influencing peatland pH, dissolved organic matter composition, and ecohydrology. However, historical toxic metal and metalloid pollution has led to the absence of Sphagnum moss peatlands in many landscapes globally. Other often co-occurring pollutants, like sulphate, alter peatland biogeochemistry, leading to enhanced peat decomposition and altering peatland pH, dissolved organic matter composition, and ecohydrology. Furthermore, in these polluted landscapes, toxic metals and metalloids are preferentially stored in organic soils relative to mineral soil ecosystems and peatlands are thought of as landscape sinks for these pollutants. As Sphagnum moss returns to these polluted peatlands, whether naturally or from peatland restoration activities, it is unknown whether these landscape stores of toxic metals and metalloids is at risk of mobilizing to sensitive downstream ecosystems.

During historical smelting operations in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada an estimated 12,000 t of copper and nickel were released to the atmosphere, most of which was deposited within 100 km of the smelters where peat concentrations can exceed 1000 mg kg-1. Here, we used a spatial gradient of peatlands at varying levels of impact (high, moderate, low, none) in the region surrounding Sudbury as a model for recovery over time to understand the potential mobilization of toxic metals and metalloids due to the return of Sphagnum moss. In peatlands with no Sphagnum recolonization, both copper and nickel (along with other toxic metals and metalloids like methylmercury and arsenic) pore water concentrations were elevated (> 10 µg L-1) relative to peatlands with higher Sphagnum moss cover and lower initial impacts. These conditions coincided with higher dissolved organic matter (DOM) concentrations and humification levels but divergent relationships between DOM humification and copper/nickel concentrations were observed. There was no clear trend in apparent partitioning coefficient with Sphagnum recovery, while pH was the highest in the most impacted peatlands (no Sphagnum recovery, pH ~4 - 5). In the surficial peat (i.e., the surface of moss recolonization, 0-10 cm), a decrease in pH was not correlated (p > 0.1) with either water extractable copper or nickel and the apparent partitioning coefficients of either metal. While, in deeper, lower hydraulic conductivity peat, (10-20 cm) only the copper apparent partitioning coefficient significantly (p < 0.0001) declined with decreasing pH, suggesting increased geochemical mobility but decreased ecohydrological mobility.

The combined results suggest that the return of Sphagnum moss does not necessarily increase the risk of historical toxic metal release due to the numerous hydrobiogeochemical feedbacks that operate in peat and peatlands. As such, promptly returning Sphagnum moss to these polluted peatlands is critical to mitigating the potential for catastrophic metal release due to wildfires and droughts.

How to cite: McCarter, C., Pawson, K., Mclean, C., and Emilson, E.: Does returning Sphagnum moss to toxic metal polluted peatlands increase aqueous metal mobility?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10338,, 2025.

EGU25-10373 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Biodiversity Potential in Solar Parks on Rewetted Peatlands 

Hanna Rae Martens, Jürgen Kreying, and Franziska Tanneberger

To meet climate targets, drained peatlands will need to be rewetted, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural landscapes. However, possibilities for continued productive use of these landscapes are also necessary. A novel concept that has emerged in recent years is peatland photovoltaics (PV) in combination with peatland rewetting. Until now, there is almost no practical experience with peatland PV on rewetted peat soils; our project explores the biodiversity of a ‘wet’ peatland PV site.

For a comprehensive understanding of the biological implications of rewetting and solar power generation, a multi-taxon study is being conducted on vegetation, spiders, carabid beetles, birds, amphibians and bats. Paired with traditional field survey techniques, methods from the rapidly evolving field of bioacoustics including passive acoustic monitoring and machine learning are being used to gather data from the entire growing season. This presentation will provide initial results on plant and bird biodiversity at a 30-hectare rewetted peatland PV site in Northern Germany. A space-for-time approach was used to assess biodiversity in a drained, intensively used peatland site compared to the rewetted solar park. Initial results indicate that while species diversity is not significantly different, the plant community is. The plant community within the rewetted solar park has more species adapted to wet conditions, while the species within the drained peatland site are largely typical agricultural species.

Given the need to rewet peatlands and the rapid growth of the solar power industry, it is necessary to understand the biological implications of such a land use, as well as any possibilities for synergies between climate protection and renewable energy production. 

How to cite: Martens, H. R., Kreying, J., and Tanneberger, F.: Biodiversity Potential in Solar Parks on Rewetted Peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10373,, 2025.

EGU25-10490 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Productivity and biomass quality of cattail (Typha spp.) on a 10 ha paludiculture pilot site in northeast Germany 

Nora Köhn, Meline Brendel, Josephine Neubert, Sabine Wichmann, and Jürgen Kreyling

The Paludi-PROGRESS project (Paludiculture in practice: Optimisation of cattail and reed cultures, project period 2022-2025) aims to test and further develop the cultivation of cattail (Typha spp.) as a new permanent crop on wet peatlands. One of the main tasks is to evaluate the productivity and biomass quality of cattail on a 10 ha rewetted peatland, established in September 2019.

In the time period of 2021 until 2024 biomass samples were collected twice a year, in summer (July) and winter (November/December). Prior to the first sampling in 2021, four different density categories were identified based on the visual impression of the cattail vegetation (dense to rare cattail plant occurrence). Sampling plots were randomly distributed within these sub-areas of the pilot site (10 per density category). Since a partial harvest took place on a small area in December 2021 and 2023, the influence of cutting on the biomass could also be observed in the following years. Furthermore, the site was fully harvested at the beginning of 2023. To monitor the cattail vegetation, several parameters were recorded for each plot: e.g. number of cattail plants and spadices, plant height and diameter, dry weight, water content and chemical composition (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose).

From winter 2021 to winter 2024, cattail biomass productivity has more than tripled from 1.8 to 6.8 t dm/ha when considering the total pilot site. In the areas with dense cattail vegetation, the biomass increased from 4.1 to 8.2 t dm/ha. Different stand densities showed an influence on morphological parameters, but had a minor effect on the chemical composition of the biomass. The harvest trial in 2021 did not have a significant impact on the parameters considered. In winter 2023, the biomass productivity declined to 3.6 (total site) and 4.9 t dm/ha (dense areas). Next to other environmental factors, harvesting the total site could have shown a negative effect on the regrowth of cattail in 2023.

The collected data show unique results about the development of cattails on a large-scale pilot site and therefore provide important information for future use of cattail from commercial-scale cultivation. Additionally, it is important to evaluate whether the given growing conditions lead to appropriate biomass quality for various utilization options.

How to cite: Köhn, N., Brendel, M., Neubert, J., Wichmann, S., and Kreyling, J.: Productivity and biomass quality of cattail (Typha spp.) on a 10 ha paludiculture pilot site in northeast Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10490,, 2025.

EGU25-10958 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Seasonal conditions and flux footprints control the contribution of N2O and CH4 to the full GHG balance at grassland on peat soil 

Thi Tra My Lang, Bärbel Tiemeyer, Pascal Wintjen, Dominik Düvel, Jeremy J. Rüffer, Liv Offermanns, Ullrich Dettmann, and Christian Brümmer

Drained peatlands under intensive agricultural land use are hotspots of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While management intensity and soil water status have been identified as major controlling factors, only few studies focussed on temporal dynamics and the contribution of nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) to full annual GHG balances, mainly due to the lack of continuous observations in high temporal resolution. We present four years of parallel eddy-covariance (EC) and chamber GHG measurements at an intensively managed grassland site on bog peat soil. The site (DE-Okd) is part of the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) and represents common agricultural practice in Northwest Germany.

Average N2O fluxes measured by EC were consistently higher than those obtained by chambers. Following a grassland renewal, vegetation development in chamber frames was found to be more favourable than the average growth on the entire field that is seen by the EC tower. Poor grass development was identified by vegetation indices from remote sensing data and probably led to nitrogen surplus in the soil as observed by high ammonium and nitrate concentrations in drainage ditches. These conditions likely favoured both high N2O emissions and simultaneously high rates of nitrogen leaching. While N2O emissions made up considerable fractions of full annual GHG balances (~5 to 31%), the contribution of CH4 was negligible with hardly any significant fluxes detected by chambers and both seasonally varying emissions and uptake measured by EC cancelling out to non-significant shares to the overall budget.

N2O and CH4 emissions were strongly influenced by biometeorological factors and land management. Highest N2O peaks were observed two days after fertilizer application coinciding with about one week after grass cutting and highlighting a well-chosen chamber sampling scheme after management events. Further, N2O emissions were elevated during daytime under medium soil moisture and high soil temperature regimes, while CH4 emissions were strongly correlated with soil moisture dropping to nearly zero exchange under dry conditions.

Based on chamber measurements, the overall GHG balance of the site including harvest and carbon input through organic fertilization was in the range of 20 to 25 t CO2-equivalents ha-1 yr-1 in the period from 2020 to 2023 with generally higher emissions in dryer years. Replacing chamber N2O and CH4 by EC data for the full budget, individual annual values increased between 0.8 and 10.1 t CO2-equivalents ha-1 yr-1.

We conclude that the combination of EC and chamber measurements helped identifying temporal dynamics of GHG exchange for a better understanding of ecosystem functioning and quantifying method-based uncertainties. Conventionally managed grassland on drained peat soils with high fertilizer input and 4 to 5 grass cuts per year proved to be a significant net GHG emission source. Accounting for footprint heterogeneity – for example through adequate positioning of chamber frames – is of utmost importance for robust determination of total GHG balances at site-level scale.

How to cite: Lang, T. T. M., Tiemeyer, B., Wintjen, P., Düvel, D., Rüffer, J. J., Offermanns, L., Dettmann, U., and Brümmer, C.: Seasonal conditions and flux footprints control the contribution of N2O and CH4 to the full GHG balance at grassland on peat soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10958,, 2025.

EGU25-11079 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Influence of water management on GHG-balances along a land use intensity gradient in fen peatlands  

Daniel Lenz, Martina Schlaipfer, Heta Meyer, Sarah Gutermuth, Lena Jörg, Ralf Ludwig, and Matthias Drösler

This study examined the impact of different water management (WM) strategies and farming practices on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from organic soils at two sites in Southern Germany—the Altbayerisches Donaumoos and the Freisinger Moos. The aim was to assess whether specific WM and land-use measures could stabilize water tables and reduce CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions, while maintaining agricultural productivity.

In our test site in the Altbayerisches Donaumoos (arable land growing grain maize under conventional and organic management), four field treatments were established: two with controlled WM via subsurface irrigation and two reference sites without active WM. Results from 2022 showed reduced total GHG emissions—mainly driven by lower CO2 and N2O fluxes—on the WM plots compared to references, especially under organic management. CH4 fluxes were negligible, indicating a minor effect on the overall budget.

In the test site Freisinger Moos (grassland with three cuts per year), four treatments (two with subsurface irrigation at 30 and 50 cm depth, one with a simple raised water table through a weir, and one “pipe-less” subsurface system) were monitored during 2022 and 2023. Despite generally higher water tables in the irrigated plots, both CO2 and N2O emissions remained substantial. The 50 cm subsurface irrigation consistently showed the highest GHG fluxes, partly due to more intensive management and greater biomass exports. Notably, all treatments displayed increased emissions in 2023 compared to 2022—a rise attributed to possible changes in water availability, climatic factors, and residual effects of organic fertilization.

These findings highlight the complexity of balancing water management, agriculture, and climate protection in peatland regions. While raising the water table can reduce peat decomposition, achieving significant mitigation requires careful consideration of fertilizer inputs, crop type, and long-term soil conditions. While water management did have an effect on reducing CO2 emissions, this is not yet sufficient to be seen as a climate friendly practice. Future research should address long-term impacts and refine water-level targets to further optimize land use on organic soils and mitigate associated greenhouse gas emissions.

How to cite: Lenz, D., Schlaipfer, M., Meyer, H., Gutermuth, S., Jörg, L., Ludwig, R., and Drösler, M.: Influence of water management on GHG-balances along a land use intensity gradient in fen peatlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11079,, 2025.

EGU25-11328 | Orals | BG3.23

Two years of GHG emissions from reed canary grass under different harvest management intensities in a rewetting fen peatland 

Poul Erik Lærke, Johannes W.M. Pullens, Jesper R. Christiansen, Klaus S. Larsen, and Andres F. Rodriguez

Drained agricultural peatlands are a large source of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) due to peat oxidation. Paludiculture, where flood-tolerant grasses are grown on rewetted peatlands, might be a potential strategy for climate change mitigation by reducing GHG emissions while maintaining biomass production. This study assessed the impact of different harvest and fertilization treatments of reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea, cv. Lipaula; RCG) on GHG exchange dynamics and global warming potential (GWP) in two measurement periods (5 May 2020 to 4 May 2021, and 18 May 2021 to 17 May 2022) at a fen with shallow water tables depths (annual mean WTD of -10 cm and -8 cm, respectively) and ca. 2 m deep peat. RCG was established in 2018 and in the following years management strategies with 2 or 5 cuts per year were compared with a non-harvested scenario (0-cut). Treatments involving 2 and 5 annual cuts were fertilized with 200 kg N ha-1 yr-1 in equal split doses for each cut while the 0-cut scenario remained unfertilized. Fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O (only 2020-21) were measured with fortnightly intervals using the manual chamber technique and cumulative fluxes were derived by empirical models.

Yields of RCG decreased slightly over the years with 15.6, 11.5 and 8.9 t DM ha-1 yr-1 for the 2-cut system and 14.5, 9.4 and 8.6 for the 5-cut system in 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Mean annual WTD of -13 cm in 2019 was slightly lower than the following years. In general, photosynthetic CO2 uptake was higher in treatments with active biomass management, but carbon export in the harvested biomass offset this benefit, resulting in a near-equal net ecosystem carbon balance (NECB) across all treatments ranging from 36.0 to 43.6 and 17.1 to 28.2 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 in 2020-21 and 2021-22, respectively. The mean NECB of 22.5 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 in 2021-22 across treatments was significantly lower than the mean of 38.7 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 in 2020-21. This might be partly explained by the slightly increasing WTD due to lack of ditch maintenance and more precipitation, but the flux effect of increasing WTD on decreased peat oxidation may also be delayed by a few years. Emissions of CH4 remained low during 2020-21 (1.1–1.9 t CO2e ha-1 yr-1), while N2O emissions were relatively high (4.0-5.7 t CO2e ha-1 yr-1) without any treatment effects. In 2021-22, CH4 emissions increased to 2.6-3.7 t CO2e ha-1 yr-1 equivalent to 11.3 % of the total carbon emission in CO2 equivalents. Although the peat field seemed uniform, large variation within treatments was seen across the experimental blocks which could be linked to differences in soil nutrient concentrations and water chemistry. Overall, it can be concluded that paludiculture and the non-managed restoration scenario exhibited comparable climate outcomes thereby offering flexibility in land-use options for peatland restoration. However, results also suggested that biomass harvest can reduce GHG emissions in the more productive area, while leaving the biomass unmanaged was advantageous in the less productive area of the field.

How to cite: Lærke, P. E., Pullens, J. W. M., Christiansen, J. R., Larsen, K. S., and Rodriguez, A. F.: Two years of GHG emissions from reed canary grass under different harvest management intensities in a rewetting fen peatland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11328,, 2025.

EGU25-11779 | Orals | BG3.23

Greenhouse gas balance for peat bogs in Northern-Ireland: moving towards Tier 2 emission factors using distributed eddy covariance measurements 

Merit van den Berg, Terhi Riutta, Eimear Reeve, Hannah Thompson, Alexander Cumming, Jonay Jovani, Simon Oakley, Hollie Cooper, Christopher Evans, Phil Jordan, Brenda D'Acunha, Alanna Bodo, and Ross Morrison

The UK Climate Change Committee (CCC) has set a target to increase the area of peatlands in good condition to 55% by 2050 through restoration and improved management. However, due to limited data, it remains uncertain how much greenhouse gas a restored peatland emits or sequesters over time, making these interventions difficult to assess.

Northern Ireland has a peat soil coverage of about 242,600 ha, representing approximately 18% of its land area. Around two-thirds consists of semi-natural peatlands, defined as areas that have experienced some human intervention (like grazing and drainage) while retaining natural peatland characteristics. The total greenhouse gas emission from peatlands in Northern Ireland were previously estimated at around 2,232 kt CO2e (Evans et al., 2017), representing 10% of Northern Ireland's total emission. However, some emissions were estimated using the IPCC’s emission factors (Wetlands Supplement, 2013), which may not represent the specific character of peatland in Northern Ireland.

To develop better estimates for Northern Ireland and reduce uncertainty, we measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes to create carbon and greenhouse gas budgets for four semi-natural peat bogs using the eddy covariance method between 2022 and 2024. These sites represent different degrees of human intervention, including a grazed blanket bog, two relatively natural raised bogs with some hydrological intervention, and a recently restored raised bog. Our results show that the IPCC Tier 1 emission factors tend to overestimate the emissions from peatlands in Northern Ireland. In fact, on average, these sites appear to function as net carbon and greenhouse gas  sinks, with the grazed blanket bog showing the highest uptake. Here, we present results from these sites, and a discussion on the temporal and spatial dynamics of peatland carbon fluxes.

How to cite: van den Berg, M., Riutta, T., Reeve, E., Thompson, H., Cumming, A., Jovani, J., Oakley, S., Cooper, H., Evans, C., Jordan, P., D'Acunha, B., Bodo, A., and Morrison, R.: Greenhouse gas balance for peat bogs in Northern-Ireland: moving towards Tier 2 emission factors using distributed eddy covariance measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11779,, 2025.

Peatland ecosystems, while covering only ~3% of the land surface area, are globally-important sinks of atmospheric carbon dioxide and regionally-important sinks of pollutants such as toxic metals and metalloids. While metal concentrations in peatlands are generally low, concentrations can be far higher near current and historic industrial centres, particularly in the upper few decimetres of the peat profile. Under normal conditions these metals remain safely sequestered in the peat. However, there is concern that, in addition to direct carbon emissions, peatland wildfires could represent a major pathway for metal mobilization and transport. Moreover, peat fires are dominated by smouldering, which is a low temperature combustion that leads to high concentrations of particulate matter within the smoke, representing a major health risk for communities impacted by wildfire smoke plumes.


With projected future climate change, annual area burned and subsequent carbon emissions are expected to rise, with drastic increases associated with high climate-forcing scenarios. In addition to greater area burned, higher evaporative losses associated with warming conditions may lead to increased peat smouldering vulnerability during wildfire. However, differences in local climate, projected changes in precipitation, and peatland type may have strong regionally-dependent mitigating effects.


Using the MODIS burned area product, we first develop an empirical relationship between current average area burned and regional climate. Using the climate-driven relationship, we estimate future changes in area burned from multiple climate models (CMIP6 GCMs) and across several climate-forcing scenarios (SSP 2-4.5, 3-7.0,and 5-8.5). In addition to changes in area burned, peat smouldering carbon loss is evaluated by simulating peat moisture profiles using HYDRUS-1D within a phase-space defined by evaporative demand and water table (WT) position. Under contemporary conditions, peat smouldering loss is concordant with the depth of peat that exceeds a critical soil water tension threshold under steady state conditions using the mean WT position. The impacts of climate change on smouldering carbon loss is then estimated based on the change in position within the evaporative demand–WT phase space. Peatland WT sensitivity to temperature and precipitation are taken from the literature and used to estimate changes in WT based on GCM projections across SSPs. Combined with published data on peatland type and location, we produce some of the first ever hemisphere-wide estimates of northern peatland carbon loss from smouldering due to climate change. 


These spatially explicit results are used to highlight regions of overlap between increased burn area and severity with areas of high peat metal contamination. Taken together with estimates of particulate emissions from smouldering combustion, we provide an estimate of how climate change may increase global particulate matter emissions from northern peatlands. Moreover, uncertainty in the empirical relation and inter-model variability are used to quantify the confidence intervals for both projected area burned, peat burn severity, and thus particulate matter emissions, in order to highlight where future efforts are best focused for improving robustness of future projections.

How to cite: Moore, P., McCarter, C. P. R., Sutton, O., and Waddington, J.: Northern peatlands under fire: Projecting smouldering combustion loss in an uncertain future with implications for atmospheric metal emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11827,, 2025.

EGU25-12079 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Groundwater level control as GHG emission reduction option tested using eddy covariance for peatland in the Netherlands 

Pascal Wintjen, Arnoud Frumau, Pim van den Bulk, Harmen van Mansom, and Arjan Hensen

In this work, the annual CO2 and N2O balance and analysis of the drivers for fertilized grassland on peat for a dairy farm under three groundwater level control options will be presented. This experiment is conducted in the context of the Dutch NOBV project (National Research program on GHG for peatland areas) as part of the Dutch Climate Agreement which has a chapter to reduce GHG emissions from peatland areas by 1 MtCO2-eq annually.

The groundwater level control options applied are the conventional ditch water level control system, nowadays often being replaced by drainage and ditch level control, and finally drainage and pressure control. Several fields of the Zegveld experimental farm are divided in three segments, each which a control option applied and a such allow study under comparable conditions.

Two years of GHG fluxes are reported and measured using one closed-path Aerodyne system switching inlet line each half hour using three small towers equipped with a Gill sonic anemometer at 1.75 m height in the middle of the largest elongated farm field. The eddy-covariance method was used to calculate half-hourly fluxes. The location and low measurement height maximize the representation of the field in the flux measured from all wind directions. CO2 fluxes showed uptake during the day and respiration during nighttime. After harvesting and grazing, emission fluxes prevailed. N2O peaks coincided well with agricultural management, e.g. grazing and fertilization, but also biometeorological factors like water temperature and ground water table influenced N2O emissions. From October 2023 to March 2024, N2O emissions were close to zero due to prolonged precipitation resulting in a shallow water level across all fields inhibiting production of N2O in the subsurface layer. Due to the high contribution of the field to the footprint compared to surrounding ditches, CH4 fluxes didn’t correlate with any in-field measured parameters driving the hypothesis that ditches appear to be the main source of CH4.

Flux loss corrections based on an empirical approach using measured ogives. Gap-filling of the N2O and CO2 fluxes was done using the gradient boosted regression trees XGBoost. The gap-filling process utilized a comprehensive set of predictors to enhance the accuracy and reliability of flux measurements. A comparison with an open-path CO2 system installed at one location showed a reasonable agreement with CO2 fluxes of the closed-path measurement system.

How to cite: Wintjen, P., Frumau, A., van den Bulk, P., van Mansom, H., and Hensen, A.: Groundwater level control as GHG emission reduction option tested using eddy covariance for peatland in the Netherlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12079,, 2025.

EGU25-12506 | Posters on site | BG3.23

Labile phosphorus in peat and other organic soils: baseline data and sampling protocols for paludiculture  

Sebastian Heller, Bärbel Tiemeyer, Ullrich Dettmann, Philipp-Fernando Köwitsch, Arne Heidkamp, Malina Kuwert, Sharon Laqua, Arndt Piayda, Bernd Schemschat, and Stefan Frank

Plant-available phosphorus (P) is the quantity of labile P that can be utilised by soil biota. This P pool is a major driver of plant growth, affecting the mineralisation of soil organic matter and the risk of P leaching. A common agronomic soil test (calcium-lactate extraction, PCAL) is regularly used to assess the status of plant-available nutrients in cultivated soils, while extraction with a bicarbonate-buffered dithionite solution (PDT) is suggested as a proxy for redox-sensitive P that might be released upon rewetting. However, systematic P studies on peat and other organic soils are scarce. The few studies that are available mostly describe P stocks over large depth increments or focus on leaching risks only. Organic soils are characterised by a high heterogeneity of the accumulated substrates and by a complex differentiation of the soil horizons. In addition, peatland management practices vary considerably from region to region, strongly influencing the level of water and nutrient management. Therefore, assessment of P status requires a specific soil sampling approach that reflects the genuine characteristic of organic soils and consider specific differences in peatland management. This is particularly relevant for paludiculture sites, where information is needed on both the beneficial and potentially harmful aspects of labile P (i.e. plant nutrition and risk of eutrophication). However, there are no agreed sampling and analysis methods especially for wet organic soils.

Here, we analyse data on the labile P pool (PCAL and PDT) from about 100 sites comprising more than 500 horizons of the German Peatland Monitoring Programme, covering a wide range of organic soils and land use types. In addition, data from a fen paludiculture project are used to elucidate spatial and temporal variability. These results will allow us to derive a baseline data set of the labile P pools in different organic soils depending on land use type, land use intensity and water management. Furthermore, appropriate sampling schemes will be derived specifically for paludiculture sites. Thus, the results can be used to contextualise specific (future) paludiculture site conditions with respect to biomass production and P leaching risks.

How to cite: Heller, S., Tiemeyer, B., Dettmann, U., Köwitsch, P.-F., Heidkamp, A., Kuwert, M., Laqua, S., Piayda, A., Schemschat, B., and Frank, S.: Labile phosphorus in peat and other organic soils: baseline data and sampling protocols for paludiculture , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12506,, 2025.

EGU25-12529 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

The effect of water table depth on GHG emissions in an agricultural peatland with varying peat depth 

Henri Kajasilta, Milla Niiranen, Miika Läpikivi, Maarit Liimatainen, Stephanie Gerin, David Kraus, Liisa Kulmala, Jari Liski, and Julius Vira

Peatlands store around 30% of the world's soil organic carbon and therefore play a significant part in mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Some peatlands have been converted to agricultural use through artificial drainage and farming practices,leading to the accelerated release of carbon from the land to the atmosphere. However, the combination of soil characteristics, hydraulic properties and field management operations all play an important role in determining how much GHGs are emitted from the agricultural sites. The aim of this study is to 1) evaluate the applicability of the LandscapeDNDC model to cultivated peatlands by comparing the simulation outputs with the corresponding observations in the study site, and 2) assess the effects of the water table changes on GHG emissions. The LandscapeDNDC is a process-based model that can handle carbon and nitrogen cycling. The model can incorporate various input data, such as management, meteorological and water table data, and therefore provides a well-rounded framework for studying the effect of manipulating these input data on GHG emissions.

We performed the study at Luke Ruukki Research Station on the NorPeat platform, divided into 6 separate drainage blocks with varying peat depths (20 - 80 cm). Continuous flux measurements (June 2019 onwards) were collected at the site as well as block-specific dark chamber measurements of CO2 and N2O emissions. Each of the blocks had groundwater pipes equipped with pressure sensors to continuously measure the water table level. In addition, intensive measurements of soil properties and yield were carried out on the site during the study years 2019 - 2022, allowing us to establish a realistic site profile for our simulation runs.

The simulations were first validated with two meters: the satellite measurements of leaf area index and measurements of soil moisture. The model reproduced the observed variability in all blocks for both meters (R2 > 0.5) and was sufficiently able to simulate the observed CO2 and N2O fluxes. After analysing and ensuring that the model was able to reproduce the biochemical and hydraulic dynamics observed in the study site, we studied the three different water table scenarios and their effects on the GHG fluxes. In the scenarios the water table was raised on average to 15, 30, and 50 cm below the soil surface. These water table changes altered the soil respiration and nitrogen cycling, and provided insight into how peat thickness affects emissions. In addition, the study helped to quantify the mitigation effect of the raised water table, relieving the potential that water management could have on controlling GHG emissions.

How to cite: Kajasilta, H., Niiranen, M., Läpikivi, M., Liimatainen, M., Gerin, S., Kraus, D., Kulmala, L., Liski, J., and Vira, J.: The effect of water table depth on GHG emissions in an agricultural peatland with varying peat depth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12529,, 2025.

EGU25-13008 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Carbon Under Threat: Insights from Grazing Exclusion and Climate Impacts in Pyrenean high mountain peatlands 

Sílvia Poblador, Laura Escarmena, Blanca Bautista-Medina, Annika Grundeus, Violeta Martinez-Amigo, Isabel Anaya, Josep M. Ninot, Aaron Pérez-Haase, and Francesc Sabater

Peatlands are globally significant ecosystems with high organic carbon storage capacity due to slow litter decomposition in water-saturated soils promoting anoxic conditions. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and land-use pressures. In the Pyrenees, mountain peatlands have become relict ecosystems, reduced to small isolated areas of just over one hectare. There, hydrological conditions and vegetation cover are severely impacted by rising temperatures, reduced water availability, and intense livestock activity from large animals (i.e. horses and cows). Effective management strategies to mitigate potential large greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from these ecosystems are urgently needed.

The ALFAwetlands and Pyrepeat projects investigate the effects of grazing exclusion (i.e. enclosures installed in 2016) and hydrological variation (i.e. strong seasonality) on GHG fluxes in two Pyrenean peatlands, Rubió (42.41º N, 1.24º E) and Estanyeres (42.61º N, 1.05º E). Both peatlands are characterized by contrasting pH (5.97 ± 0.08 and 7.78 ± 0.21, respectively) and water saturation levels. Over two years, monthly measurements of carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were conducted across three plot types outside and within grazing exclusion zones: (1) low livestock trampling and soil disturbance, with barely vegetation gaps (mosses and sedges species); (2) pugged soils with wide exposed peat areas increasing CO2 oxidation potential, and large vegetation gaps; (3) peatland margin areas with the driest condition, rarely flooded, and continuous vegetation cover of grass-like plants. Within the enclosure, these three types of plot were identified before fences were installed and nowadays they are partially recovered.

Preliminary results highlight the vulnerability of these ecosystems to climatic changes. CO2 emissions were highest in dry plots of both peatlands, where reduced water content accelerated organic carbon oxidation. In the drier peatland, emissions were further amplified outside exclusion zones. CH4 emissions were higher in the wetter peatland, consistent with anaerobic conditions that promote methanogenesis, while N2O emissions remained consistently low across both sites due to nitrogen limitation.

These findings emphasize that climate-driven drying poses a significant threat to peatlands by increasing CO2 emissions, a risk that is exacerbated by livestock disturbances. Management actions such as grazing exclusion are critical to maintain peatlands’ carbon storage capacity and mitigate GHG emissions from these vulnerable ecosystems. This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge needed to align peatland conservation and restoration with climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Poblador, S., Escarmena, L., Bautista-Medina, B., Grundeus, A., Martinez-Amigo, V., Anaya, I., Ninot, J. M., Pérez-Haase, A., and Sabater, F.: Carbon Under Threat: Insights from Grazing Exclusion and Climate Impacts in Pyrenean high mountain peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13008,, 2025.

EGU25-13231 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Effect of solar panels on greenhouse gas emissions in a rewetted peatland 

Cordula Gutekunst, Monika Hohlbein, Hanna Rae Martens, Carl Pump, and Gerald Jurasinski

Drained peatlands are a strong source of greenhouse gas emissions. Peatland rewetting projects that aim to return sites to their near-natural state may collide with the need for land use in an agricultural or alternative way. The installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems might be an economically attractive use option for rewetted peatlands, beside the utilisation with paludiculture - i.e. agriculture and forestry on wet peatlands. In the project Moor-PV we investigate the impact of photovoltaic systems (solar panels) in rewetted peatlands on biodiversity, peat conservation as well as the water and climate balances. For the latter we measure fluxes of the three most important greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) under and outside the rows of bifacial solar panels to estimate annual balances at two different solar parks east and west of a railway line. Once preliminary gas flux data are analyzed, the impact of solar panels on the microclimate and their shading effect as a driver for potentially altered vegetation growth will be investigated. Our results will help to foster our understanding of the greenhouse gas exchange in this specific environment and to inform solar park operators and farmers about climate friendly use options on rewetted peatlands. 

How to cite: Gutekunst, C., Hohlbein, M., Martens, H. R., Pump, C., and Jurasinski, G.: Effect of solar panels on greenhouse gas emissions in a rewetted peatland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13231,, 2025.

EGU25-13237 | Posters on site | BG3.23

Pore Water Quality in Northern Peatlands: Impacts of Drainage and Rewetting 

Haojie Liu, Dominik Zak, Rasmus Jes Petersen, Fereidoun Rezanezhad, Nathalie Fenner, and Bernd Lennartz

The primary objectives of peatland restoration are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain water quality. However, the effects of human activities, such as drainage and rewetting, on pore water quality remain insufficiently understood. In this study, we synthesized pore water quality data from 197 northern peatlands, encompassing natural, drained, and rewetted systems. Our analysis revealed that drainage significantly increases the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), ammonium, and phosphate in pore water compared to natural peatlands. While rewetting reduced these concentrations, they remained elevated relative to natural systems. Notably, pore water concentrations in rewetted peatlands were closely linked to water table levels, with peak concentrations observed under inundated conditions, particularly in fen peatlands. Over an approximately 30-year observation period, no consistent temporal trends in pore water quality following rewetting were identified. These findings highlight the complexity of pore water quality responses to rewetting and the importance of long-term monitoring for optimizing peatland restoration practices.

How to cite: Liu, H., Zak, D., Petersen, R. J., Rezanezhad, F., Fenner, N., and Lennartz, B.: Pore Water Quality in Northern Peatlands: Impacts of Drainage and Rewetting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13237,, 2025.

EGU25-13474 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Impact of Pore-Size-Class on Carbon Turnover in Peat Soils 

Rosa Cambinda, Bernd Lennartz, Haojie Liu, and Fereidoun Rezanezhad

The loss of carbon from peatlands occurs through gaseous emissions and a substantial fraction from aquatic fluxes, specifically dissolved organic carbon (DOC), during mineralisation and degradation processes. Our study hypothesises that DOC production is dependent on pore size, with higher concentrations occurring in finer pores. To investigate this, pore water was extracted at specific pressure heads (-60 and -600 hPa), representing macro- and mid-size pore domains, from degraded peat samples. Soil organic matter content was measured at 34 wt% in the topsoil and 57 wt% in the subsoil. Notably, the more degraded topsoil exhibited significantly higher average DOC concentrations than the subsoil, with levels 1.5 times greater at -60 hPa and 2.4 times higher at -600 hPa. These trends indicate that degraded peat soils are prone to release greater amounts of DOC. Additionally, DOC concentrations in topsoil samples were consistently higher at -600 hPa compared to -60 hPa.
The negative correlation between soil organic matter (SOM) and DOC at -600 hPa (r = - 0.53; p < 0.0001) aligns with degradation-driven reductions in SOM and porosity. Degraded topsoil exhibited high DOC variability for SOM < 40 wt%, stabilising below 50 mg/L for SOM ≥ 40 wt%. Through a graphical illustration, we infer that the elevated DOC export is likely due to the higher surface-to-volume ratio observed in mid-sized pores (-60 to -600 hPa), further enhanced by the dual-porosity structure of the degraded topsoil. This structural variation contributes to differences in carbon turnover rates. Additionally, microbial communities and their abundance differ across pore size classes, causing pore size-dependent reactions that influence DOC export.

How to cite: Cambinda, R., Lennartz, B., Liu, H., and Rezanezhad, F.: Impact of Pore-Size-Class on Carbon Turnover in Peat Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13474,, 2025.

EGU25-13582 | Orals | BG3.23

Understanding the potential for disturbance-induced contaminant release from degraded peatlands: a global review of heavy metals in peatlands 

Emma Shuttleworth, Adam Johnston, Gareth Clay, Thomas Mair, Mike Waddington, Colin McCarter, Nathan Basiliko, John Gunn, Peter Beckett, Ken Byrne, Graeme Swindles, and Richard Fewster

Human industry has contaminated peatlands through the atmospheric deposition of pollutants released by industrial processes over many centuries. Relative to other ecosystems, peatlands sequester a far greater proportion of toxic metals than their areal extent. This is especially true in industry-impacted landscapes, where toxic metals in surficial peat can be elevated well above natural concentrations. Despite peatlands acting as contaminant sinks that can maintain their carbon storage functionality under low metal concentrations, high rates of metal pollution can lead to the degradation of peatland processes that sustain carbon sequestration. For example, the loss of keystone peatland species, such as Sphagnum mosses, limits peat accumulation and long-term carbon accumulation. Therefore, in these degraded peatlands, peat forming processes are often suppressed even decades after the source of contamination has reduced or ceased.

Once degraded, peatlands become susceptible to additional disturbances such as fire or erosion, which can release their toxic legacy into the environment and drinking water. Predicted future warmer and drier conditions are expected to increase wildfire prevalence on the landscape and may be further compounded by land use change.  The release of previously sequestered metals arguably represents one of the largest contemporary global environmental disasters and greatest future global environmental challenge.

In this paper, we present an in-depth review of existing literature on ombrotrophic peatland metal contamination from a range of disciplines. After a detailed search and screening process, data were extracted from 97 studies. 500 individual points covering 26 countries were extracted from these studies, which were published between 1973 to 2022. For each study, the depth at which maximum heavy metal concentration (Cmax) occurred was recorded, along with surface concentration and concentration at depth. Using Kernel Density Estimates, the distribution of Cmax was typically within the top 0.2m of the peat surface across all studies, though with variation in the mean depth profiles between different metals. For example, Cmax for Cd and Zn typically peaked at 0.1m below the surface with few studies showing Cmax below 0.2m. As, Cu and Pb also had mean Cmax values <0.2m depth but showed a tail of Cmax values extending to at least 0.5m depth.

The review provides much needed understanding of the spatial extent of peatland contamination as an essential first step in tackling contaminant release from peatland fires. By quantifying the extent of heavy metals at depth in the peat profile, this work can link with peat fire modellers, ecohydrologists and climate scientists to better predict the impact of severe fires under future climate and land use change.

How to cite: Shuttleworth, E., Johnston, A., Clay, G., Mair, T., Waddington, M., McCarter, C., Basiliko, N., Gunn, J., Beckett, P., Byrne, K., Swindles, G., and Fewster, R.: Understanding the potential for disturbance-induced contaminant release from degraded peatlands: a global review of heavy metals in peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13582,, 2025.

Most peatlands and other carbon-rich soils in Germany are drained and responsible for 7% of national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Peatlands used for agriculture account for 43 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents per year, or 80% of these emissions. Rewetting such areas would be an effective strategy to reduce their GHG emissions. This does not mean that productive land use has to be abandoned, as plants grown on rewetted peatlands can be used for many purposes, e.g. as horticultural substrates, building materials and bioplastics. However, the implementation of so-called paludiculture is still limited to small-scale projects as it poses many challenges for farmers, including complex authorisation procedures, high installation and maintenance costs, limited management expertise and the lack of established value chains for the biomass produced.

To support the transition to paludiculture, the German government is funding ten large-scale, long-term projects across different peatland regions of the country. The shared goal of these projects is to implement on a practical scale all steps from the planning of rewetting to the establishment and management of paludiculture up to the processing and marketing of the products. The projects include scientific monitoring to assess the impact of paludiculture on GHG emissions, nutrient fluxes, biodiversity and other ecological parameters as well as on economic and socio-economic conditions. In order to obtain nationwide representative results, the studies accompanying the projects need to be carried out using comparable methods and the data must be analysed comprehensively. Therefore, these projects work together in a networked called “PaludiNetz”, established and coordinated by the project “PaludiZentrale”. A key element of the PaludiNetz are the thematic working groups which consist of members that are responsible for the respective topics in their projects. In the working groups methods are tested and defined, results discussed and syntheses planned and carried out. Here, we will present the project’s approach and describe the cooperation within the PaludiNetz and with other paludiculture initiatives.

How to cite: Minke, M., Tiemeyer, B., and Tanneberger, F.: PaludiZentrale - Coordination and networking of large projects to jointly answer key questions to paludiculture and develop recommendations for action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13716,, 2025.

EGU25-15022 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

The effect of biochar in the growth of Sphagnum papillosum 

Amanda Laatikainen, Helmi Lehikoinen, and Teemu Tahvanainen

The cultivation of Sphagnum mosses is being developed both as a commercial product and for the restoration of peatlands, for example, in peat extraction areas that have been removed from production. Understanding the factors influencing the growth of Sphagnum mosses, and especially those that promote it, plays a key role in intensive farming. It is also crucial that grown mosses are healthy and robust when transferred to sowing areas.


We planted Sphagnum papillosum capitula in small plastic mugs on top of peat collected from old peat extraction area. On top of the peat, we spread willow and birch biochar. Straw was spread on top of the mosses to even out the moisture conditions. The irrigation water came through holes in the bottom of the mugs and there were three different types of water: from a raised bog, spring and a mixture of these. The mugs were in a growth chamber under standard conditions for three months. Subsequently, the mosses were imaged using Pulse-Amplitude-Modulation (PAM) to detect photosynthetic activity. For mosses, length, number of capitulum and fresh and dry weight were measured separately from capitula and stems. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of different biochars and irrigation water on the growth of S. papillosum.


The best growth results were achieved in mugs with added willow biochar (232 ± 30.1 g m -2). The growth of mosses was almost half that of mugs without added char (126 ± 27.9 g m -2). Birch biochar also promoted moss growth in length, weight and number of capitula. Different irrigation waters did not have a statistically significant effect on moss growth (paired t-test, t = -0.400, p = 0.697, df = 11). The PAM measurement results were interpreted using "healthy" pixels identified in the image. When comparing the number of pixels, willow char, birch char and control treatments differed significantly, and the control mugs had lower photosynthesis activity.


The experiment gave promising results on the development of Sphagnum farming and possible guidelines for what can be studied next in field experiments.

How to cite: Laatikainen, A., Lehikoinen, H., and Tahvanainen, T.: The effect of biochar in the growth of Sphagnum papillosum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15022,, 2025.

EGU25-15398 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from former peat extraction fields currently used for cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) plantations 

Arta Bārdule, Raitis Normunds Meļņiks, Zaiga Anna Zvaigzne, Dana Purviņa, Ilona Skranda, Oleg Prysiazhniuk, Oksana Maliarenko, and Andis Lazdiņš

Under the umbrella of international and European Union climate policies and agreements aimed at achieving climate neutrality and thus reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from drained organic soils (including the Paris agreement, the European Green Deal and the Nature Restoration Law), it is urgently necessary to estimate GHG fluxes from former peat extraction fields to provide measurement-based recommendations for further management of these areas. In addition, there is lack of quantitative estimates of contribution of peatland plant cultivation, including berries, to total GHG emissions and climate change mitigation. Here, we compared carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes from nutrient-poor organic soils (Histosols) in former peat extraction fields currently used for cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) plantations, active peat extraction fields and pristine raised bogs. GHG flux measurements were conducted over two years using a manual chamber technique at 16 study sites (at least three sites of each land-use type) across 11 different raised bogs in the hemiboreal vegetation region of Europe (in Latvia). Across the studied land-use types, mean annual net CO2 fluxes, calculated as the difference between the annual soil heterotrophic respiration and the annual C input into soil with plant litter, ranged from near zero (-0.07 ± 0.68 t CO2-C ha-1 y-1) in the pristine raised bogs to 1.56 ± 0.19 t CO2-C ha-1 y-1 in active peat extraction fields. Furthermore, net CO2 fluxes had the largest contribution to total GHG emissions in both active peat extraction fields and berry plantations. The lowest annual CH4 fluxes were observed in cranberry plantations (6.65 ± 1.77 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1), while the highest were in pristine raised bogs (128.0 ± 27.5 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1), where CH4 fluxes accounted for the largest share of total GHG emissions. Annual N2O fluxes did not exceed 0.65 ± 0.33 kg N2O-N ha-1 yr-1 (in highbush blueberry plantations) and made a relatively low contribution to total GHG emissions compared to net CO2 and CH4 fluxes. Across the studied land-use types, the highest total GHG fluxes (the sum of annual net CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes considering global warming potential values for a 100-year time horizon) were observed in active peat extraction fields (6.23 t CO2 eq. ha-1 yr-1), while the lowest were in cranberry plantations (1.50 t CO2 eq. ha-1 yr-1).

Acknowledgments: The research was conducted within the scope of the European Commission LIFE Climate Action Programme Project “Peatland restoration for greenhouse gas emission reduction and carbon sequestration in the Baltic Sea region” (LIFE21 - CCM - LV - LIFE PeatCarbon, Project number: 101074396).

How to cite: Bārdule, A., Meļņiks, R. N., Zvaigzne, Z. A., Purviņa, D., Skranda, I., Prysiazhniuk, O., Maliarenko, O., and Lazdiņš, A.: Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes from former peat extraction fields currently used for cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) plantations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15398,, 2025.

EGU25-15973 | Posters on site | BG3.23

Establishment of a German peatland monitoring programme for climate protection - Open land (MoMoK) 

Bärbel Tiemeyer and the MoMoK-Team

Peat and other organic soils store large amounts of soil organic matter, which is highly vulnerable to drainage. Thus, drained organic soils contribute around 7% to the total German greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and around 44% to the emissions from agriculture and agriculturally used soils, despite covering less than 7% of agricultural area in Germany. With approx. 90% of the total emissions, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important GHG with regards to drained organic soils. To evaluate possible GHG mitigation measures such as classical re-wetting, paludiculture or adjusted water management compared to the still widespread status quo of drainage-based peatland agriculture, an improved data set on GHG emissions, in particular CO2, and their drivers is needed. Furthermore, spatial data and upscaling methods need to be improved.

To meet these needs, a long-term monitoring programme for organic soils is currently (2020-2025) being set up for open land at the Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture. A consistent long-term monitoring of soil surface motions, representatively covering a broad range of organic soil and land use types is combined with the repeated measurement of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks to assess CO2 emissions using standardized and peat-specific methods. Land use types comprise grassland, arable land, paludiculture as well as unutilized re-wetted, degraded and semi-natural peatlands. At each of the envisaged approx. 130 monitoring sites important parameters such as groundwater table, vegetation and soil properties are monitored. Together with the updated map of organic soils and a revised machine learning model for water levels, all collected data form the basis for improving regionalisation approaches for drivers – particularly water levels and SOC stocks – and CO2 emissions from organic soils in Germany. Here, we will present the current status of site establishment with a focus on exemplary sites with water management.

How to cite: Tiemeyer, B. and the MoMoK-Team: Establishment of a German peatland monitoring programme for climate protection - Open land (MoMoK), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15973,, 2025.

EGU25-16249 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands in Germany: merging empirical and process-based model approaches 

Florian Braumann, Sergey Blagodatskiy, Janina Klatt, Sebastian Friedrich, Clemens Scheer, Ralf Kiese, and Matthias Drösler

The ITMS (Integriertes Treibhausgas-Monitoring System) Sources and Sinks module of the long-term project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research develops modeling techniques to simulate greenhouse gas fluxes with high spatial and temporal resolution for Germany. The integration of existing experimental data from national and Bavarian projects with new measurements from natural, drained and rewetted peat soils in the MODELPEAT project enables the modification and improvement of the process-based model LandscapeDNDC to allow also the simulation of peatland GHG exchange. At the same time, empirical modeling approaches are optimized for detailed peatland GHG characterization. Comparative analyses of both approaches will highlight their respective strengths, weaknesses and uncertainties and will help to find the optimal strategy for GHG exchange modeling at regional and national scales. This work is crucial for the identification of emission hotspots and the development of effective mitigation strategies. The poster will provide an overview of the project and preliminary modeling results for several peatland sites in Bavaria, where detailed experimental observations spanning decades are available. It will facilitate an evaluation of the model´s performance in representing undisturbed, drained, and restored peatlands. These estimates will be compared with regional estimates derived using statistical approaches.

How to cite: Braumann, F., Blagodatskiy, S., Klatt, J., Friedrich, S., Scheer, C., Kiese, R., and Drösler, M.: Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands in Germany: merging empirical and process-based model approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16249,, 2025.

EGU25-16729 | Orals | BG3.23

Long-term biogeochemical consequences of rewetting iron and sulphur-rich peatlands 

Casey Bryce, Anne Eberle, Fin Ring-Hrubesh, Jagannath Biswakarma, Elise Dehaen, Richard Pancost, and Angela Gallego-Sala

Peatlands host the largest store of terrestrial carbon on Earth and it is widely accepted that reversal of their widespread degradation is required to meet emissions targets. Thus, significant action is underway globally to encourage their rewetting and restoration. However, restoration success can be complicated by geological factors in the local environment. Peatlands in regions with iron sulphide-rich rocks and sediments experience drastic drops in pH following drainage and release high concentrations of iron and toxic metals. Accumulation of iron and sulphur in the peat during this time will fundamentally alter biogeochemical cycling, yet we have little understanding of the extent to which these effects can be reversed following the raising of water tables. Furthermore, the long-term impacts on resident microbial communities responsible for dictating the nature and scale of green-house gas emissions from such sites is unknown.

We have compared two neighbouring fens in southern England underlain by glauconite- and pyrite-rich sandstone which are within the same hydrological regime but have experienced differing degrees of historical drainage and degradation. Both fens were designated for conservation and rewetted in the 1970s. Porewater nutrient and greenhouse gas profiles, peat geochemistry, mineralogy and microbial community analyses collectively suggest lasting differences in redox state and element cycling between the two areas. Wolferton Fen, which experienced less historical land disturbance, had returned to a near-natural state in 2022. However, Dersingham Fen, which was historically deeply drained and experienced significant peat loss, had a low pH, thick crusts of iron (oxyhydr)oxides remaining on the surface, and very high porewater iron and sulphate concentrations. High abundances of these alternative terminal electron acceptors inhibit methanogens in Dersingham Fen, which continues to be a source of CO2 despite anoxia.

These results suggest that iron and sulphur-rich peatlands can tolerate some degree of degradation, but extensive drainage and peat loss will likely lead to permanent contamination which remains following rewetting. However, there may be a lot to gain from restoration of such sites as rewetting can protect remaining peat and reduce CO2 emissions whilst methane production would remain low.

How to cite: Bryce, C., Eberle, A., Ring-Hrubesh, F., Biswakarma, J., Dehaen, E., Pancost, R., and Gallego-Sala, A.: Long-term biogeochemical consequences of rewetting iron and sulphur-rich peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16729,, 2025.

EGU25-17220 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Carbon Balance in Drained Hemiboreal Peatland Forests  

Muhammad Kamil-Sardar, Reti Ranniku, Joosep Truupõld, Ivika Ostonen, Gristin Rohula-Okunev, Veiko Uri, Kristina Aun, Ülo Mander, and Kaido Soosaar

Understanding the carbon (C) balance of forestry-drained peatlands is crucial for addressing climate change. Natural peatlands are significant C sinks; however, soil carbon is released back into the atmosphere after the drainage of these ecosystems. Existing studies often face spatial and temporal variability, as many studies have focused on specific management practices, localized conditions, or short time frames. This narrow scope hinders the generalization of findings across diverse regions and peatland ecosystems. 

This study examines the C balance of hemiboreal drained peatland forests by analyzing C pools and fluxes across various ecosystem components, including soil, vegetation, litter and leaching. Four sites in Estonia were selected, representing two distinct forest types: a drained bog forest (DBF), dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), and three transitional fen forest (DTFF) sites, dominated by downy birch (Betula pubescens), Norway spruce (Picea abies), and Scots pine (Pinus Sylvestris), respectively.

The field measurements were conducted over two years (July 2022 to June 2024). Soil heterotrophic respiration (Rhet) during the vegetation period was measured biweekly in trenched plots using an opaque dynamic chamber connected to a portable CO2 gas analyzer EGM-5. Gas samples of non-vegetation period Rhet and year-round soil methane (CH4) were collected biweekly using manual static chambers and analyzed with gas chromatography. Soil physical and environmental were continuously measured and recorded at 30-minute intervals using CR1000 data loggers. Soil chemistry was evaluated once during the study period. The leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was estimated using plate lysimeters installed in the soil at a depth of 40 cm in all the studied stands. Furthermore, above- and belowground biomass and annual production were estimated through field-based measurements and empirical modelling approaches to calculate each site’s C balance.

Preliminary results indicate that Rhet was, on average, significantly higher in DTFF sites than in DBF sites, with levels approximately twice as high and reaching their highest emissions in spruce- and birch-dominated stands. The soil of the DBF site was a net CH4 source, while the DTFF sites were net CH4 sinks. Rhet and CH4 fluxes were primarily influenced by water table depth and soil temperature, with the highest fluxes observed during the peak of snow-free seasons. Carbon accumulation in aboveground vegetation (trees and understory) and inputs through litter were highest in spruce- and pine-dominated DTFF sites and lowest in the DBF site. Carbon losses as DOC in water were highest in DTFF-spruce and DBF sites. Belowground biomass contributed to ecosystem productivity through C inputs from root exudates and production.

In this study, annual net ecosystem production (NEP) and soil carbon balance were estimated using the biometric method. Further investigations of soil C fluxes and their relationships with soil and environmental parameters will be investigated to identify variability across different ecosystem pools and determine the overall C sink or source strength of hemiboreal drained peatland forests.

How to cite: Kamil-Sardar, M., Ranniku, R., Truupõld, J., Ostonen, I., Rohula-Okunev, G., Uri, V., Aun, K., Mander, Ü., and Soosaar, K.: Carbon Balance in Drained Hemiboreal Peatland Forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17220,, 2025.

EGU25-17851 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Harnessing spontaneous colonization processes for raised-bog restoration: Case studies from the OptiMuM project 

Maria Kunle, Katharina Wieseler, Vytas Huth, Marvin Beckert, Gerald Jurasinski, Anke Günther, and Florian Jansen

Raised bogs in Northern Germany face severe threats from drainage and land use, with more than half having been converted to grasslands and contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Restoring these ecosystems is crucial for achieving climate goals, such as those set by the Paris Agreement. While bog restoration following peat extraction is well-studied, efforts to restore nutrient-enriched agricultural areas into low-maintenance, self-regulating bog ecosystems are still in their infancy.

As a first step in raised bog restoration projects, topsoil is removed to prepare water-retaining polders. Due to previous agricultural use that did not involve peat extraction, substantial layers of weakly decomposed peat often remain intact. Their water-holding capacity can effectively buffer water table fluctuations, favoring peat moss (Sphagnum) establishment after rewetting. Meanwhile, nutrient legacies from agricultural use and competition from grassland and herb species may prevent the rapid re-establishment of peat mosses.

We found that when restoration areas are located near peat moss refugia, rapid and spontaneous colonization of polders with Sphagna can occur within two years of restoration, while other polders remain free of Sphagnum. This variability presents both opportunities, such as allowing rapid natural and low-effort restoration, and challenges, particularly in planning additional restoration measures (e.g. active introduction of bog species) to account for less favorable initial conditions within a site. In the OptiMuM project, we aim to understand these initial conditions better and focus on developing the best approaches for restoring raised bog habitats on former drained bog grasslands. We investigated the site-specific biotic and abiotic factors that influence spontaneous Sphagnum propagation in former grasslands and aim to identify optimal conditions for moss establishment. Additionally, we examine the emerging composition of Sphagna, their ecological value for raised-bog restoration, and the long-term benefits of these emerging ecosystems.

How to cite: Kunle, M., Wieseler, K., Huth, V., Beckert, M., Jurasinski, G., Günther, A., and Jansen, F.: Harnessing spontaneous colonization processes for raised-bog restoration: Case studies from the OptiMuM project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17851,, 2025.

EGU25-18256 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Balancing Emissions, Productivity and Soil Health: Rewetting and Soil Amendments in a Cultivated Lowland Peatland in NW England 

Luke Andrews, Maria Nolan, Ross Morrison, Chris Bell, Chris Evans, Elya Monsen-Elvik, Terhi Riutta, and Stephanie Evers

In the UK, ~420,000 hectares of agricultural land is situated upon lowland peat, representing around 2.5 % of the total agricultural land area. These sites disproportionately contribute towards greenhouse gas emissions, accounting for ~3% of the UK’s annual reported CO₂-equivalent emissions. These emissions, in addition to rapid soil erosion in some lowland peatlands, highlight the need to implement sustainable land management practices that promote soil stability, enhance carbon retention, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions whilst supporting agricultural productivity in agriculturally managed lowland peatland. Few studies have explored the trade-offs between the environmental benefits of sustainable land practices and their potential effects upon farm businesses, and few studies have explored how such practices influence the biogeochemical processes driving greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient cycling, and soil carbon stability in these systems. To address these uncertainties, we are conducting a field-scale study at a farm in Tarleton, UK, formed of two adjacent fields: one managed under a ‘business-as-usual’ regime and the other undergoing rewetting. Here, we present an overview of our study and some preliminary results. Within each field, we will test the viability of various commercially available soil amendments within experimental plots. Over two growing seasons, we will monitor greenhouse gas fluxes (CO₂, CH₄, N₂O), soil and pore-water biogeochemistry and crop yields across the treatment plots. This will allow us to compare the environmental and economic outcomes of each treatment and to identify the biogeochemical processes underlying any observed changes. Our findings will inform UK land-use policy, offering evidence-based recommendations for reducing emissions from agricultural lowland peat whilst upholding soil integrity and food security. Our findings will also enhance our understanding of how different management changes affect biogeochemical processes within peatland soils. This study forms part of the Lowland Peat 3 Project, which will assess the environmental, economic, and social trade-offs of agricultural practices on lowland peatlands across the UK.

How to cite: Andrews, L., Nolan, M., Morrison, R., Bell, C., Evans, C., Monsen-Elvik, E., Riutta, T., and Evers, S.: Balancing Emissions, Productivity and Soil Health: Rewetting and Soil Amendments in a Cultivated Lowland Peatland in NW England, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18256,, 2025.

EGU25-18465 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Food on Peat: The impact of wetter farming practices on greenhouse gas emissions from food crops on agricultural lowland peat bogs in the Northwest of England. 

Maria Nolan, Mike Longden, Ryan Hoskins, Luke Andrews, Andrew Adams, Sophie Checkland, and Stephanie Evers

Up to 40% of U.K. grown vegetables are produced on lowland peat. This land use type is the highest emitter of carbon per unit area in the U.K., with drained agriculture on peatlands representing 3% of reported national greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This land use type impacts many other ecosystems service including the loss of topsoil and compaction, increased flood risk and biodiversity. However, total agricultural production from lowland peat equates to £1.23 billion in U.K. revenue providing income to farmers and jobs in the local area. Paludiculture and wetter farming are increasingly being considered as more sustainable alternatives to conventional farming to enable the continued productive use of peatlands whilst mitigating the impacts of peatland cultivation. Whilst there are several trials considering various paludiculture crops, there is a gap in the research which focuses on food crops in the U.K. We present the preliminary findings of a three-year wetter farming experiment focused on food crops in which carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) emissions were measured from three agricultural lowland peat bog (ALPB) sites in the Northwest of England. The wetter farming experimental site in Greater Manchester was rewetted in March 2022. Celery (2022, 2023 and 2024) and lettuce (2024) crops were grown at a higher water table with annual averages of between 30.5 cm and 38.8 cm below the soil surface. The other two sites represented business as usual (BaU) drainage agriculture on ALPB with annual average water table depths between 69.1 cm and 96.2 cm below the soil surface. Both BaU sites are situated in Lancashire; one is a vegetable farm at which celery (2022, 2023 and 2024) and lettuce (2024) crops were monitored, the other farm is cereal farm where wheat fields were monitored (2022 and 2023). CO2 and CH4 emissions factors for the cultivation of these crops at various water table depths will be presented. In addition, we will discuss the impacts of specific farming activities (ploughing/cultivation, planting, fertilizer application and harvest) on CO2 and CH4 emission at all three sites. These emissions will be linked to both soil chemistry and physical attributes.

How to cite: Nolan, M., Longden, M., Hoskins, R., Andrews, L., Adams, A., Checkland, S., and Evers, S.: Food on Peat: The impact of wetter farming practices on greenhouse gas emissions from food crops on agricultural lowland peat bogs in the Northwest of England., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18465,, 2025.

EGU25-18864 | Orals | BG3.23

Understanding Carbon Emissions in a Drained Peatland Undergoing Restoration: Insights from Chamber-Based Measurements 

Owen Naughton, Md Shamsuzzaman, Shane Regan, Mark O'Connor, Imelda Casey, and Ultan McCarthy

Peatlands are the largest terrestrial carbon stores on earth and play a significant role in the global carbon cycle. They become major sources of carbon when drained and degraded through unsustainable management like peat extraction, drainage, and conversion to agriculture and forestry. Restoration through rewetting—such as ditch blocking and bund construction—has been identified as one of the most efficient methods to accelerate biodiversity recovery while lowering carbon emissions and increasing carbon uptake. Since 2021, restoration efforts constructing contoured peat embankments (bunds) have been underway at a raised bog previously drained for horticulture extraction in Ireland. We investigated the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and methane (CH4) emissions using an Eddy Covariance (EC) system to assess the impacts of restoration on carbon dynamics, with results over a four-year period  indicating the site is still emitting carbon after restoration efforts. However, the restored bog comprises a mosaic of land cover types including bare and vegetated peat, open water and bunds and the spatial variation in soil respiration (Rs) across the site remained unknown. To address this, a chamber-based spatial Rs measurement campaign was carried out over a 10-month period. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) surveys were also carried out to quantify land cover at the site. Initial findings revealed that the mean CO2 efflux from bare peat and bund were 33.45 ± 2.73 (±SEM), and 60.43 ± 5.61 µmol CO₂ m² h⁻¹, respectively, 1-2 years post-restoration work. The study investigated the relationship of Rs with the explanatory factors such as soil temperature (Ts), soil moisture (Ms), and water-table height (Wt). The correlation analysis showed that in the bund areas, Ts exhibited a positive moderate influence on the Rs, while Wt significantly influence Rs in the bare peat areas. This chamber measurements approach spatially will help us to gain the deeper understanding of carbon dynamics in the restored peatland. It will allow us to capture the variations in carbon flux across the site’s various microtopographic features, which provide valuable insights for refining peatland restoration strategies and design methods to mitigate climate change mitigation effectively.

How to cite: Naughton, O., Shamsuzzaman, M., Regan, S., O'Connor, M., Casey, I., and McCarthy, U.: Understanding Carbon Emissions in a Drained Peatland Undergoing Restoration: Insights from Chamber-Based Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18864,, 2025.

EGU25-18895 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

The influence of paludiculture intensity on peat microbial community composition and resulting greenhouse gas emissions from fen peatlands  

Kyle Boodoo, Willem-Jan Emsens, Erik Verbruggen, and Stephan Glatzel

Microbial communities play a critical role in peatland ecosystems, and in determining whether they act as net sinks or sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the atmosphere. Furthermore, microbial community composition responds to changes in water table and physicochemical conditions, which are also determinants of GHG emissions from peatlands. Land management practices can significantly impact the water table and soil physicochemical conditions, influencing soil microbial community composition and activity, and site specific GHG emissions. Our study aimed to elucidate the role of paludiculture (peat conserving land use) intensity and nitrogen concentration on microbial community composition and function, and in turn, the potential role of changing microbial communities on seasonal GHG emission dynamics. We investigated GHG emissions, as well as a range of site physicochemical parameters, from 14 different EU fen peatlands, located in Germany (6), Netherlands (4) and Poland (4), on a monthly basis over the course of two years. Additionally, seasonal peat samples over two depths (living surface or 0cm, and at ~ 15cm depth below surface) were analysed for microbial community composition and function. Sample sites were separated into two different categories: Typha sp. dominated sites (7 sites, assumed to be highly nitrogen contaminated) and Carex sp. dominated (7 sites, assumed to be moderately Nitrogen contaminated) sites, with each further separated into three different paludiculture intensities: Wet wilderness (6 sites), Low intensity Paludiculture (6 sites) and High intensity paludiculture (2 sites). Initial results suggest a close relationship between microbial community composition and the sample country, as well as hydrological and nutrient status of the site, with a potentially significant relationship between microbial community composition, their main functions, and specific GHG emissions. The findings of our study would help to better understand how different paludiculture practices may impact microbial communities and influence GHG emissions from differently managed paludiculture sites.

How to cite: Boodoo, K., Emsens, W.-J., Verbruggen, E., and Glatzel, S.: The influence of paludiculture intensity on peat microbial community composition and resulting greenhouse gas emissions from fen peatlands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18895,, 2025.

EGU25-18923 | ECS | Orals | BG3.23

Legacy of peatland erosion continues to shape microbial communities during recovery.  

Fin Ring-Hrubesh, Anne Eberle, Angela Gallego-Sala, Bradley Welch, Rich Pancost, Robert Griffiths, and Casey Bryce

Peatland de-vegetation and surface erosion are common facets of peatland degradation in the uplands. These processes impact peatland function by limiting plant-derived carbon input, exposing previously deep peat to near-surface conditions, and disrupting peatland hydrology. Restoration of eroded peatlands typically aims both to re-establish vegetation cover and raise water tables. Here we present the impacts of physico-chemical alterations resulting from severe erosion and subsequent peatland recovery on microbial communities in a temperate upland bog.  Due to the central role of microbes in peatland organic matter decomposition, understanding their response to restoration measures is key to determining the success of these interventions. 

We determine key physico-chemical variables which control the composition of microbial communities and shape their function. By coupling detailed characterisation of geochemistry and the microbiome, the consequences of microbial community shifts for the peatland carbon store are considered. In upland ombrotrophic peat, where recovery has proceeded on formerly eroded surfaces, organic matter quality as investigated by pyrolysis-GCMS is presented and is determined to be a stronger predictor of community composition than water table position. Using amplicon sequencing we identify distinct microbial communities under degraded and re-vegetated surfaces, with significant depth relationships only present in peat which was actively accumulating. Re-vegetated areas support higher microbial biomass, with elevated dissolved organic carbon and CO2 concentrations evidencing altered carbon cycling following recovery. Functional profiling with shotgun metagenomics further reveals contrasting life-strategies which reflect the availability of organic substrates. Whilst water table position is often the primary control on peatland microbial function, we found this relationship to be obscured by the stronger role of organic substrate limitation in this eroded context. We discuss the consequences for restoration of eroded temperate peatlands where deep peat has been exposed.  

How to cite: Ring-Hrubesh, F., Eberle, A., Gallego-Sala, A., Welch, B., Pancost, R., Griffiths, R., and Bryce, C.: Legacy of peatland erosion continues to shape microbial communities during recovery. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18923,, 2025.

EGU25-19601 | Orals | BG3.23

Setting and reaching restoration targets for GHG exchange, ecosystem services and biodiversity of peatlands require a landscape ecological approach 

Gert-Jan van Duinen, Remco Versluijs, Dion van Staveren, Bjorn Robroek, and Christian Fritz

Setting realistic targets for peatland restoration in specific areas, requires understanding of the key processes and functional relations in that specific type of peatland. Proper understanding of key processes and feed-back mechanisms, the landscape ecological setting and the limits to ecosystem restoration due to degradation, former and current land use and climate change are crucial in the process of drafting effective restoration strategies for peatlands.
For several examples of European fens and bogs, in a different state of degradation, we present landscape ecological analyses of the system, using geological and hydrological information, peat stratigraphy and former use of the peatland, as well as the actual conditions of the soil and peat layer, vegetation, microbiota and (in)vertebrate fauna. In this framework, we show how GHG exchange and recovery of the vegetation and biodiversity, including key species, is determined by key processes and conditions on different spatial and temporal scales. From this perspective, opportunities and requirements are considered for buffer zones between nature reserves and agricultural or urban environments, as well as the perspectives that paludiculture offers for recovery on a landscape scale. Given the acquired understanding of the actual and potential situation of the different peatland ecosystems, specific restoration goals are set and restoration strategies are developed accordingly.

How to cite: van Duinen, G.-J., Versluijs, R., van Staveren, D., Robroek, B., and Fritz, C.: Setting and reaching restoration targets for GHG exchange, ecosystem services and biodiversity of peatlands require a landscape ecological approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19601,, 2025.

The majority of NW European peatlands are degraded due to management associated with conventional livestock farming (i.e. increased drainage, high nutrient inputs and frequent mowing). This leads to increased CO2 emissions, eutrophication, land subsidence, and biodiversity loss. Creating regenerative ditch borders along the drainage ditches that surround agricultural fields could locally ameliorate some of these negative effects. We investigated the impacts of implementing regenerative ditch borders on carabid beetle and plant diversity, soil characteristics, litter decomposition (Tea Bag Index (TBI) and leaf and root litter bags), and CO2 emissions in a Dutch fen agroecosystem throughout one year. On average we found lower numbers of carabid beetles in regenerative ditch borders, but a higher presence of specialist species. Species diversity remained unaffected by ditch border type. Plant diversity was higher in regenerative ditch borders. We also measured a clear shift in the dominant plant species between ditch border types, shifting from Lolium perenne in conventional borders to Phragmites australis in regenerative borders. Regenerative ditch borders were associated with higher values of soil moisture, soil organic matter content and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and lower bulk density and soil compaction in comparison to conventional borders. The decomposition rate of standardized litter (TBI) was unaffected by ditch border type, but local leaf litter collected from regenerative borders (P. australis leaves) decomposed 75% slower than leaf litter from conventional borders (L. perenne leaves). Thus, litter decomposition between ditch border management types was driven by lower litter quality of aboveground litter produced at regenerative borders, and not by changes in soil characteristics (e.g. higher moisture levels). Nevertheless, projections from a locally-calibrated soil respiration model estimates that soil moisture effects significantly reduced CO2 emissions from regenerative borders compared to conventionally managed sites. Changes in vegetation composition and microenvironmental conditions resulting from regenerative management can therefore be expected to increase carbon storage and reduced peat respiration rates in ditch borders. This study highlights the importance of combining vegetation shifts with emission mitigation measures from peat agroecosystems and identifies possible trade-offs between biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services.

How to cite: Bethe, S., Berg, M., Hefting, M., and Weedon, J.: Biodiversity, decomposition, and CO2 emissions effects after the implementation of regenerative ditch borders in a Dutch peat agroecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19664,, 2025.

EGU25-20039 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.23

Restoring metal contaminated peatlands in Sudbury, Ontario 

Ellie Goud, Colin McCarter, Pete Whittington, Nate Basiliko, Peter Beckett, Florin Pendea, and John Gunn

Industrial contamination has profoundly impacted peatland ecosystems, degrading their biodiversity and essential functions such as carbon sequestration. The Sudbury region in Ontario, Canada is one of the world's largest metal mining centres and historically the largest global point source of sulfur and metal pollution and serves as a critical case study for understanding and addressing these impacts. Peatlands closest to pollution sources have suffered extensive degradation, with keystone vegetation, including Sphagnum mosses, locally extinct and peat layers showing significant carbon losses. Developing innovative restoration techniques is crucial before undertaking regional-scale restoration of metal-impacted peatlands, ensuring chemical stressors are overcome effectively while minimizing sequestered metal release. In collaboration with regional stakeholders and academic institutions, our interdisciplinary team is pioneering innovative restoration techniques to reinstate peatland functionality in this toxic metal and metalloid-polluted landscape. Building on established practices, such as the moss-layer transfer technique, our modified approaches incorporate surface tilling, mulching, fertilization, and the reintroduction of donor peatland material. These interventions aim to overcome chemical stressors like persistent high concentrations of water-extractable metals (e.g., copper and nickel), which inhibit Sphagnum recovery. A restoration field trial began in fall 2023 with surface mulching, and in spring 2024 we applied restoration treatments of mulch, fertilizer, and planting. Here, we present results from the first growing season for peat chemistry, hydrology, greenhouse gas fluxes, and vegetation.

How to cite: Goud, E., McCarter, C., Whittington, P., Basiliko, N., Beckett, P., Pendea, F., and Gunn, J.: Restoring metal contaminated peatlands in Sudbury, Ontario, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20039,, 2025.

EGU25-20075 | Orals | BG3.23

Effects of alternative harvesting managements on spatio-temporal variability of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in boreal drained forested peatland 

Boris Tupek, Aleksi Lehtonen, Jani Anttila, Qian Li, Eduardo Martinez Garcia, Tijana Martinovic, Petr Baldrian, and Raisa Mäkipää

This study evaluates the impact of different forest management practices on soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in the Ränskälänkorpi boreal drained forested peatland, in Southern Finland. The study site is part of the HoliSoils project (Holistic management practices, modelling, and monitoring for European forest soils; The study is designed for a comparative analysis of non-harvested control, traditional clear-cut harvesting, and harvesting by continuous cover forestry (57% of basal area removed), carried out in spring 2021. The aim is to quantify mean differences in soil CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions and improve the annual budget estimates.

Measurements of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes, soil temperature, moisture, water table depth, and air temperature were conducted post-harvest every two weeks during the growing season (May to November). Soil chemistry, understory vegetation, and microbial populations were also surveyed and evaluated for relations to observed spatial patterns of the GHG fluxes. Machine learning and Bayesian data assimilation techniques were employed (i) to identify relationships between GHG fluxes and environmental variables, and (ii) to model spatio-temporal dynamics.

Clear-cutting (CUT) resulted in an immediate and sustained rise in the water table, with mean levels significantly higher than the control (CTR) and selection harvesting (COV) sites. In all CUT, COV, and CTR sites differences in mean values of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes were significant.

Our findings underscore the significance of spatio-temporal variability in GHG fluxes across different management practices, highlight the management role in variation of dynamic environmental controls on CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes, and reduce the knowledge gap on the effects of harvesting methods on GHG fluxes in boreal drained forested peatlands.

How to cite: Tupek, B., Lehtonen, A., Anttila, J., Li, Q., Martinez Garcia, E., Martinovic, T., Baldrian, P., and Mäkipää, R.: Effects of alternative harvesting managements on spatio-temporal variability of soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in boreal drained forested peatland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20075,, 2025.

EGU25-20993 | Orals | BG3.23

14C dating of peat surface - emitted dissolved fluvial CO2 carbon to support management and decision-making for UK Lowland peatlands 

Mike Longden, Maria Nolan, Mark Garnett, Sue Page, and Stephanie Evers

Measurable restoration targets, and indicators of success for restoration are critically required for restoration programmes to successfully measure and appraisal of interventions. 

Traditionally this has been done by a combination of hydrology monitoring, vegetation surveys and GHG emissions monitoring. These methods can be both costly in terms of time and money and are not always included as part of traditional UK-based conservation and restoration funding criteria written by the funding providers, such as landfill tax and government funding.

They also require trained practitioners or partnership working (e.g. with academia or specialist consultancies) to do effectively, especially at the scale needed to meet the target of 282 thousand Ha of peat being actively under restoration by 2050, as set by the British government as part of the Peat Action Plan (PAP) in 2021. 

One of the major challenges of assessing restoration efficacy is the lengthy period needed to reach any restoration targets and the therefore associated long-term monitoring needed to measure this. The processes at work can take decades to reach completion, resulting in costly and far-sighted monitoring programmes.  

This research aims to develop a tracer for peatland status based on elucidating the extent to which old C stored within degraded and rehabilitated peatland sites is being emitted. It will do this by delineating the relationships between the age of respired soil carbon (C) being lost from peatlands and current, historical, and restorative land management of sites. 

This research applied highly novel application of 14CO2 and dissolved 14CO2 (D14CO2) Carbon dating of the soil and fluvial emissions across the time chrono-sequence of a lowland-raised bog restoration programme and combine with data on CO2 soil emissions (NER) and primary productivity data (GPP) to aid in the characterisation of emissions for each site. This approach aims to provide an insight into the stability of the peat horizon, the role of modern and older carbon mobility plays across restoration strategies and the estimated depth at which emissions originate. Emissions were captured using molecular sieves connected from closed chambers, with flux passively sampled over a 1-month period. This was combined with fluvial D14CO2 samplers deployed in parallel in adjacent ditches to compare the difference in ages between soil respiration and fluvial emissions.

 This simple tracer could revolutionise peatland conservation science through providing an accessible, quantitative approach to assessing the extent to which C lost is either dominated by modern C gained from recent plant grown or C respiration of older, deeper organic matter stores (representing a net loss of stored C to the atmosphere). As reinstatement of stable, long-term C storage is one of the key aims of conservation bodies, government, and landowners, assessing this directly would seem an obvious and important measure especially with funding shortfalls identified leading to a more blended funding approach to peatland restoration. 

How to cite: Longden, M., Nolan, M., Garnett, M., Page, S., and Evers, S.: 14C dating of peat surface - emitted dissolved fluvial CO2 carbon to support management and decision-making for UK Lowland peatlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20993,, 2025.

SSS3 – Soil as Records in Time and Space

EGU25-1729 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Identification of tephra and its pedological significance in Mollisols of Northeast China 

Yonghui Shi, Zifei Qiu, Hao Long, Daniela Sauer, Fei Yang, and Ganlin Zhang

Volcanism plays a crucial role in maintaining the stability of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems through soil rejuvenation. When tephra is incorporated into the soil system, the secondary minerals and micronutrients generated by weathering positively affect soil structure and fertility. Northeast China is home to a vast expanse of highly fertile Mollisols, with numerous volcanoes scattered throughout the region. However, it remains unclear whether volcanic activity and the associated denudation of volcanic materials contribute to the parent material source for Mollisols and thereby alter their physical and chemical properties. This study used mineralogical and geochemical methods to confirm, for the first time, the contribution of tephra to Mollisols and evaluate the effect of tephra addition on soil properties. The TESCAN Integrated Mineral Analyzer (TIMA) identified the presence of volcanic glass, characterized by angular and vesicular shapes, in typical profiles of the northern Songnen Plain. The elemental composition of volcanic glass indicates that it originated from the nearby Wudalianchi and Keluo Volcanic Cluster. The mercury (Hg) content, phosphorus (P) retention, and Alo+1/2Feo jointly indicate that the northern and eastern parts of the study area have been significantly affected by tephra materials, whereas the central and southern areas remain largely unaffected. Tephra proxies are significantly correlated with soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and cation exchange capacity (CEC), indicating the substantial effect of tephra input on key soil properties. 

How to cite: Shi, Y., Qiu, Z., Long, H., Sauer, D., Yang, F., and Zhang, G.: Identification of tephra and its pedological significance in Mollisols of Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1729,, 2025.

EGU25-2726 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Assessing ochric soil profiles using magnetic susceptibility measurements 

Piotr Fabijańczyk and Jarosław Zawadzki

Ochric soils are characterized by thin, light-colored surface horizons with low organic matter and nutrient content, commonly found in arid and semi-arid regions. These soils exhibit limited water and nutrient retention and are prone to erosion, making them challenging for agricultural use without significant management. However, their clear stratification and minimal organic interference make ochric soils a valuable subject for studying soil processes and their development.

Magnetic susceptibility is an efficient, non-destructive tool that complements traditional soil analysis methods, enhancing our understanding of the processes shaping soil stratification and development, reflecting the concentration and type of magnetic minerals, such as magnetite or hematite. It serves as a reliable proxy for studying soil genesis, mineral composition, and pedogenic processes.

The vertical distribution of magnetic susceptibility in soil profiles provides valuable insights into processes like mineral weathering, sediment deposition, and soil horizon development. It also helps detect environmental changes, such as shifts in vegetation or climate, and anthropogenic impacts, including land use changes or pollution.

This study focuses on measuring magnetic susceptibility in ochric soil profiles to assess its variability at different depths. The findings contribute to advancing soil classification methodologies and improving environmental monitoring and land management.

How to cite: Fabijańczyk, P. and Zawadzki, J.: Assessing ochric soil profiles using magnetic susceptibility measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2726,, 2025.

EGU25-2771 | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Exploring Spatial Correlation of Magnetic Susceptibility in Vertical Soil Profiles of Northern Poland 

Jarosław Zawadzki and Piotr Fabijańczyk

Soil magnetometry, encompassing measurement techniques based on the magnetic properties of soils, particularly magnetic susceptibility, represents a rapidly evolving field within pedological research. These measurements, performed on the soil surface and within vertical soil profiles, provide valuable supplementary information to traditional geochemical and geophysical analyses. Soil magnetometry is a practical, cost-effective approach for investigating soil properties. While numerous studies have examined the shape of magnetic susceptibility profiles, significantly less attention has been given to analyzing the spatial correlation of this parameter within vertical soil profiles.

A key tool for spatial correlation analysis is the semivariance function, which can provide deeper insights into the vertical variability of magnetic susceptibility in soil profiles. Parameters derived from the semivariance function along with additional correlation measures might enhance our understanding of soil variability and its structure. However, their systematic application in soil classification remains underexplored.

This study aims to fill this gap by systematically analyzing spatial correlation measures and their parameters in magnetic susceptibility profiles for selected soil types in Northern Poland. Particular emphasis is placed on assessing the utility of these measures in soil classification.


How to cite: Zawadzki, J. and Fabijańczyk, P.: Exploring Spatial Correlation of Magnetic Susceptibility in Vertical Soil Profiles of Northern Poland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2771,, 2025.

EGU25-15687 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Black layers in the floodplain of the Aue catchment, Central Germany – paleosols or black sediments? 

Magboul Siddig, Obaida Assida, Daniel Schwindt, Jago Birk, and Daniela Sauer

Black soils play a vital role in the global carbon cycle due to their high carbon stocks derived from their formation under specific environmental conditions. Black paleosols in landscapes, where under the present climate other soils dominate, provide valuable information about former environments and pedogenesis.

Here, we investigated black layers preserved in the floodplain of the Aue Creek, a tributary of the Leine River in Southern Lower Saxony, Central Germany. Its catchment is mainly made up of Triassic sandstone, and Triassic and Jurassic limestone, covered by Pleistocene periglacial slope deposits and loess, in which typically Luvisols have developed. In parts of the catchment, Luvic Phaeozems on the slopes testify former climatic conditions suitable for Phaeozem formation, which then shifted to conditions suitable for Luvisol formation. We took nine drill cores from the floodplain, in which black layers occurred, and analyzed them for pedomorphological features, radiocarbon ages of bulk soil organic matter (SOM), carbonate contents, dithionite-extractable Al, Fe, Mn, and Si, grain size distribution, total elemental and mineralogical composition. The majority of the calibrated radiocarbon ages of the bulk SOM of the black horizons fell into the Atlantic period (8545-5661 cal BP), while a few ages fell into the Subboreal-Subatlantic transitional (4519-3725 cal BP) and Subatlantic period, coinciding with the Iron Age (2314-2175 cal BP). These ages exceeded those of the underlying layers, which mostly dated to around 1600-1900 cal BP. One possible explanation for this phenomenon could be the hardwater effect which should, however also have affected the overlying and underlying layers. Another explanation is that the formation of the black horizons originally took place on the adjacent slopes, where it started already during the early Holocene. This hypothesis is supported by the relict Luvic Phaeozems that occur in the catchment. Thereby, the radiocarbon ages of the black material reflect the formation time of the biomass that was subsequently turned into SOM in a dynamic equilibrium of SOM accumulation and decomposition. The later a black soil was eroded, the later this dynamic SOM equilibrium stopped. On its way towards the floodplain, the eroded black soil material was most likely halted for some time as a colluvial deposit on the foot slopes. Only around 1600-1900 cal BP, when human influence led to enhanced erosion, some of the black sediments were remobilized, transported to the floodplain and redeposited there. Such cascade-wise erosion-deposition process may explain, how black material characterized by older SOM may have got embedded in between considerably younger sediments.

For a more comprehensive understanding of the formation of such black layers embedded in alluvial sediments, which have been reported from various regions of Germany, we recommend that future studies also include novel proxies such as vegetation biomarkers, in order to get a clearer picture of the vegetation, under which the black soils developed and test the above hypothesis.

How to cite: Siddig, M., Assida, O., Schwindt, D., Birk, J., and Sauer, D.: Black layers in the floodplain of the Aue catchment, Central Germany – paleosols or black sediments?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15687,, 2025.

EGU25-18244 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Behind the stones - Soil memories of Medieval terraces in Monti Lucretili, Central Italy 

Axel Cerón González, Matteo Rossi, Ella Egberts, Mónica Alonso Eguiluz, Emeri Farinetti, Soetkin Vervust, Ralf Vandam, and Yannick Devos

Agricultural terraces are labor-intensive to build and maintain but often serve as key productive areas due to their potential for irrigation and enhanced soil depth in challenging terrains worldwide. However, their cultural and historical significance as records of past events is often overlooked, despite historical terraces being potential hotspots of soil memory because of intensive human-environment interactions.

The terraced landscape of Monti Lucretili in Central Italy was selected to apply the soil memory framework to agricultural terraces. This area has long been used for pastoral and agricultural practices and is likely culturally connected to the Medieval castle of Montefalco. A multi-scalar approach is being applied, from landscape to molecular level, through a set of high-resolution techniques. Six limestone-wall bench terrace soils were described in the field (WRB, 2022), with undisturbed blocks collected for soil micromorphology and bulk samples for phytoliths, geochemistry, lipids, and sedaDNA analyses. For dating the features, bulk sediment samples were collected and subjected to optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) profiling in the field using a portable luminescence reader, and subsequent OSL dating in the laboratory.

Preliminary results suggest that five of the studied terrace walls in Monti Lucretili were constructed near karstic dissolution holes where vertic and proto-vertic soil properties are buried by the wall stones and younger terrace sediments. In contrast, the closest terrace to the castle of Montefalco lacks buried clayey horizons, with the karstic hole filled with chert artifacts. This possibly indicates early land management strategies that eroded the paleo-Vertisol. The terrace soils often include gravels and rocks from both slope processes and artifacts (mainly cherts and bricks). Vitric properties are also present, along with poorly-weathered pyroxenes, indicating volcanic deposits stratigraphically correlated to the first stages of the terrace construction.

Furthermore, finer stratifications and bioturbation (with crumb structures) in the superficial horizons are identified, which might indicate the period of terrace abandonment. The OSL profiling in the field showed net signal intensities displaying similar trends for each terrace soil, with normal signal-depth progression. This indicates the gradual burying of the materials behind the terrace walls and might be related to minimum historical plowing. 

How to cite: Cerón González, A., Rossi, M., Egberts, E., Alonso Eguiluz, M., Farinetti, E., Vervust, S., Vandam, R., and Devos, Y.: Behind the stones - Soil memories of Medieval terraces in Monti Lucretili, Central Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18244,, 2025.

EGU25-20174 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS3.1

Comparison of geochemical characterization derived from geological versus subsolum geological substrate maps as basis for soil formation in Austria 

Jennifer Brandstätter, Thomas Wagner, Matevz Vremec, Marlene Löberbauer, Klaus Klebinder, David Keßler, Michael Englisch, Marcus Wilhelmy, Juliana Szentivanyi, Johann Gruber, and Gerfried Winkler

Parent material for soil formation (subsolum geological substrate, SSGS), represents an essential link between geology and soil science. This study evaluates the applicability of geological and SSGS maps for understanding soil formation processes in Austria. Geochemical characterization derived from traditional geological maps at scales 1:200.000 and 1:50000 are compared with a novel SSGS map based on a recent mapping campaign. The analysis focuses on the geochemical characteritics based on mineral components including carbonates, silicates and clay minerals, and its genesis and/ or deposition type, which have significant influence on pedogenesis.

The comparison reveals that geological maps often overlook surficial sedimentary deposits, such as quaternary loess deposits, which are crucial for understanding soil formation and plant growth. For example, surficial carbonate free rocks covered by carbonate substrates or vice versa result in entirely different soil characteristics, therefore soil development processes and related nutrient capacity. Furthermore, the geochemical evolution from geological bedrock to SSGS in areas of autochthonous weathering may reveal distinct shifts in mineral composition and geochemical properties, underscoring the transformative processes involved in soil genesis.

The study spans large parts of eastern Austria, including major tectonic units of the alpine region and its foreland basins, encompassing crystalline, sedimentary and Neogene rock formations.

These findings underscore the importance of SSGS maps for improving our understanding of soil formation, plant nutrient supply and ecosystem modeling.

How to cite: Brandstätter, J., Wagner, T., Vremec, M., Löberbauer, M., Klebinder, K., Keßler, D., Englisch, M., Wilhelmy, M., Szentivanyi, J., Gruber, J., and Winkler, G.: Comparison of geochemical characterization derived from geological versus subsolum geological substrate maps as basis for soil formation in Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20174,, 2025.

EGU25-646 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Progress exploring the characteristics of yellow stimulated luminescence on potassium feldspar  

Gwynlyn Buchanan, Frank Preusser, Kathryn Fitzsimmons, and Tobias Lauer

We investigate the characteristics of low-temperature yellow stimulated luminescence (YSL), to compare its utility for dating with infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) stimulated at 50 °C (IR50), post-IR50 yellow stimulated luminescence (pIR-YSL) and pIRIR290. Altogether, eleven samples from a range of depositional environments and known ages were tested. Thermal stability, bleachability, dose recovery, fading tests and equivalent dose estimation were undertaken. The pIR-YSL signal is stable up to 150 °C but susceptible to thermal transfer at higher temperatures and both the pIR-YSL and YSL50 signals bleach out at a rate and extent that is similar to the IR50 signal. Dose recovery tests on four of the young intermediate samples illustrate that the pIR-YSL signal can be both recovered and fully reset. Fading tests show that all three signals suffer from significant fading and equivalent dose estimations of the saturated samples IR50, IR-YSL and YSL50 signals significantly underestimate relative to the pIRIR290 signal. Elevated temperature signal combinations are additionally evaluated with the aim of further understanding the effect of elevated temperatures on the fading rate and ultimately the utility of YSL signals for dating.

How to cite: Buchanan, G., Preusser, F., Fitzsimmons, K., and Lauer, T.: Progress exploring the characteristics of yellow stimulated luminescence on potassium feldspar , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-646,, 2025.

EGU25-1384 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Optically Stimulated Luminescence and in situ 10Be / 26Al cosmogenic dating of the Upper and Lower Units from ‘La Falaise de la Mine d'Or’ at Pénestin (SW Brittany, France) within the cron-BRET Project. 

Carlos Arce Chamorro, Benjamin Sautter, Guillaume Guérin, François Guillocheau, Steven Binnie, Tibor Dunai, and David Menier

The sedimentary units overlying the so-called ‘Falaise de la Mine d'Or’ on the South-East coast of Brittany (France) have been studied for decades to reconstruct the evolution of fossil fluvial valleys in Brittany during the Pliocene and Quaternary (Guillocheau et al., 1998; Menier et al., 2006). However, published numerical ages are insufficient to provide a precise age of each of the units described, whose chronology relies on correlations with ESR dating of fluvial sediments from the interior of Central Brittany (Laurent et al., 1996). Thanks to the cron-BRET Project of the MSCA-Bienvenüe Bretagne Programme carried out by the Geo-Ocean Laboratory of the Université de Bretagne Sud in collaboration with the Cosmogenic Nuclide Laboratory of the University of Cologne (Germany), it has been possible to date the lower unit (U1), mainly composed of quartzite gravels and pebbles. In situ 10Be and 26Al concentrations produced within the quartz of these clasts become controlled by differential rates of decay when shielded from production at the surface (Dunai, 2010). The fact that the sediments are buried under a sedimentary shield of more than three metres, allows for the calculation of a burial age from the concentration of 10Be and 26Al by using the isochron method (Balco and Rovey, 2008; Granger et al., 2022). Preliminary results provide numerical data that place the formation of this unit 2.72 ± 0.19 million years ago, at the Plio-Quaternary boundary. Our study also includes the dating of the upper unit (U3) mainly composed of sand-sized materials (90-2000 µm), by analysis of the optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) signal of quartz (Murray et al., 2021) at the RenDaL Luminescence Laboratory (Géosciences- Univ. Rennes). The calculation of the palaeodose using Bayesian procedures (BayLum; Philippe et al., 2019) and of the natural dose rate from high-resolution gamma spectrometry (HRGs) measurements provides a burial age range between 263 and 408 ky. These data will be complemented by the dating of the materials composing unit U2 by analysing the infrared stimulated luminescence signal (IRSL) of potassium feldspar to extend the available dates and the knowledge of the landscape evolution of this coastal area linked to glacioeustatic oscillations and neotectonics during the Pleistocene.

How to cite: Arce Chamorro, C., Sautter, B., Guérin, G., Guillocheau, F., Binnie, S., Dunai, T., and Menier, D.: Optically Stimulated Luminescence and in situ 10Be / 26Al cosmogenic dating of the Upper and Lower Units from ‘La Falaise de la Mine d'Or’ at Pénestin (SW Brittany, France) within the cron-BRET Project., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1384,, 2025.

EGU25-1725 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Volcanogenic CO2 emissions affect radiocarbon dating in a case study from the Laacher See crater lake, Germany 

Lola Claeys, Stijn Albers, Irka Hajdas, and Marc De Batist

Lake sediments form a valuable and often continuous record for reconstructing past climate and the occurrence and impact of natural hazards. The interpretation of this record, however, relies heavily on a robust chronology formed by age-dating the sediments. For recent (i.e. Quaternary) lake sediments, radiocarbon dating of organic material is a fundamental dating technique. However, constructing a lake sediment chronology can be challenging, since the use of radiocarbon dating is dependent on many factors, including the type of material to be dated, depositional circumstances and possible contamination of 14C. Volcanogenic CO2, for instance, is depleted in 14C. This implies that in regions with surface exhalations of volcanic CO2 the concentration of 14C in the surrounding atmosphere is diluted. For this study, the effect of volcanogenic CO2 gas emissions on the use of radiocarbon dating was investigated in the Laacher See volcanic crater in western Germany. This crater was formed after the eruption of the Laacher See Volcano around 13 ka BP. It contains multiple degassing vents emitting CO2 of magmatic origin, in the form of underwater bubble seeps in the lake (“wet mofettes”) and onshore soil degassing (“dry mofettes”). Living plant material, i.e. leaves of Taraxacum genus plants, were sampled in several locations in the crater and dated to examine their range in radiocarbon ages and spatial variability. Additionally, a > 4 m long sediment core taken in the lake was sampled for organic material and bulk sediment to assess the offset of radiocarbon ages to their true or expected ages. Our results show that all dated samples exceed their true or expected ages, with the Taraxacum samples giving variable radiocarbon ages of up to 9000 a BP. Along a transect of sampled Taraxacum plants, the radiocarbon ages decrease with an increasing distance from the degassing vents along the lake shore. The radiocarbon ages of the sediment core samples show that organic material deposited in the lake is also affected by volcanogenic CO2 emissions, with some radiocarbon ages exceeding the age of the Laacher See eruption that formed the crater, although no regular offset could be determined for these samples with regard to their depth in the core. Furthermore, the radiocarbon ages do not correspond to a 210Pb/137Cs age-depth model that was established for the top of the core. Radiocarbon dating is shown to not provide reliable results for establishing a chronology for the sedimentary infill of Laacher See. Further research is required to better understand the influence of volcanogenic CO2 on organic material, such as effects of temporal and spatial variations in CO2 flux. In the case of Laacher See, other age-dating techniques should be considered to establish an age-depth model with reliable, non-14C dependent ages.

How to cite: Claeys, L., Albers, S., Hajdas, I., and De Batist, M.: Volcanogenic CO2 emissions affect radiocarbon dating in a case study from the Laacher See crater lake, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1725,, 2025.

EGU25-1998 | Orals | CL5.1

Chronology and environmental changes from a sediment core spanning the last 487 kafrom Lake Acıgöl (SW Anatolia) 

Hüseyin Çaldırak, Zeki Bora Ön, Serkan Akkiraz, M. Namık Çağatay, Bassam Ghaleb, Sabine Wulf, K. Kadir Eriş, Dursun Acar, Jerome Kaiser, and Sena Akçer Ön

This study details the construction of an age-depth model for the uppermost 128 meters of the 600 m long Acıgöl2009-B03 sediment core, retrieved from hypersaline Lake Acıgöl in southwestern Anatolia. The model matches the arboreal pollen record from Acıgöl2009-B03 with the LR04 benthic δ18O stack marine oxygen isotope record. Initial correlation employs the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm, refined through manual tuning. Validation of the model's accuracy incorporates multiple chronological constraints, including three radiocarbon dates, three U/Th dates, and the Kos Plateau Tuff, dated at 161.3 ± 0.1 ka. According to this model, the upper 128 meters of the Acıgöl2009-B03 sequence spans approximately the last 487,000 years, encompassing Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 1 to 12 and part of MIS 13. Our model serves as an update to the previously published, linearly constructed, age model as being used more anchor point and an efficient algorithm for similarity measurements which lies on a robust statistical foundation. In this period, arboreal pollen data suggest increasing (decreasing) arboreal vegetation input during interglacial (glacial) periods.

How to cite: Çaldırak, H., Ön, Z. B., Akkiraz, S., Çağatay, M. N., Ghaleb, B., Wulf, S., Eriş, K. K., Acar, D., Kaiser, J., and Akçer Ön, S.: Chronology and environmental changes from a sediment core spanning the last 487 kafrom Lake Acıgöl (SW Anatolia), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1998,, 2025.

EGU25-2273 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Luminescence dating of feldspar using a novel infra-red photoluminescence signal – first dating results from loess samples 

Janina J. Nett, Tony Reimann, and Svenja Riedesel

Luminescence dating has long been used for dating sediments both in geological as well as archaeological context. Following numerous advances in feldspar and quartz luminescence dating in recent decades, a new method for feldspar dating is currently under development: Infrared photoluminescence (IRPL) is a novel technique, which allows the direct and non-destructive measurement of luminescence emitted by trapped electrons in feldspars (Prasad et al., 2017). IRPL arises from radiative excited state to ground state relaxation of trapped electrons within the principal trap in feldspar.

IRPL measurements enable the investigation of two emissions, one at 880 nm and another one at 955 nm (Kumar et al., 2018, 2021). Whilst most research on IRPL has focussed on understanding the physical processes leading to the IRPL emission in feldspars, yet little is known with regard to the application of IRPL as a dating technique. We build upon a first measurement protocol for sediment dating developed by Kumar et al. (2021) and combine the IRPL measurements with a modified post-IR IRSL protocol (pIRIR225 with IR stimulation at 50°C, 90°C, 225°C), which allows a comparison of the IRPL signals with three IRSL signals. This integration of the IRPL measurements in a pIRIR protocol might possibly reduce fading to a negligible level due to the successive IRSL and IRPL measurement steps.

First promising results on loess samples with known (independent) age from the Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol sequence in Romania (Scheidt et al., 2021) will be presented. We conducted dose recovery tests, bleaching experiments and equivalent dose measurements using different test doses and will show first results of fading measurements. The dose recovery tests are within 10% of unity for most of the measurements suggesting sufficient performance of our novel IRPL/pIRIR protocol. However, IRPL equivalent doses seem to slightly underestimate previously measured pIRIR290 equivalent doses. Possible reasons will be discussed within the EGU presentation.



Kumar, R., Kook, M., Murray, A.S. & Jain, M. (2021). Towards direct measurement of electrons in metastable states in K-feldspar: Do infrared-photoluminescence and radioluminescence probe the same trap? Radiation Measurements 120, P. 7-13.

Kumar, R., Kook, M., & Jain, M. (2021). Sediment dating using infrared photoluminescence. Quaternary Geochronology 62, 101147.

Prasad, A.K., Poolton, N.R.J., Kook, M. et al. (2017) Optical dating in a new light: A direct, non-destructive probe of trapped electrons. Sci Rep 7, 12097.

Scheidt, S., Berg, S., Hambach, U., Klasen, N., Pötter, S., Stolz, A., ... & Nett, J. J. (2021). Chronological assessment of the Balta Alba Kurgan loess-paleosol section (Romania)–a comparative study on different dating methods for a robust and precise age model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 598448.

How to cite: Nett, J. J., Reimann, T., and Riedesel, S.: Luminescence dating of feldspar using a novel infra-red photoluminescence signal – first dating results from loess samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2273,, 2025.

EGU25-3717 | Posters on site | CL5.1

Rock Luminescence Dating Method for Studying the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Maying River, Qilian Mountains 

Furong Cui, Huiping Zhang, Jinfeng Liu, and Jintang Qin

    Fluvial depositional systems are critical for understanding the interplay between tectonics and climate. Accurately determining the ages of these formations is essential for exploring the spatial and temporal evolution of river deposits. In arid and semi-arid regions, these systems predominantly consist of coarse materials and cobbles. Traditional age determination methods often focus on well-sorted fine sediments, while dating poorly sorted cobble layers presents a significant challenge. Recently, optically stimulation luminescence (OSL) is increasingly are used to determine the burial age of rocks. This new method relies on resetting of the latent geological OSL signals with depth into the rock surface, and the re-accumulation of new signals after the burial (Sohbati et al.,2015).

     This study aims to investigate buried cobbles from terrace and alluvial gravel profiles along the Maying River, located at the foothills of the Qilian Mountains. We will utilize a Risø Luminescence Imager, complemented by in-situ measurement techniques (Sellwood et al.,2022). This integrated methodology will enhance our understanding of luminescence signal bleaching characteristics on rock surfaces, allowing for the rapid and accurate selection of samples for age dating. This approach not only mitigates the limitations of cobble dating across millennial to hundred-thousand-year timescales, but also provides novel insights into the late Quaternary geomorphology and tectonic evolution of rivers at the front of the Qilian Mountains.

Key words: Rock surface luminescence dating, Risø Luminescence Imager, Buried age


  • Sohbati, R., Murray, A.S., Porat, N., Jain, M., Avner, U., 2015. Age of a prehistoric “Rodedian” cult site constrained by sediment and rock surface luminescence dating techniques. Quat. Geochronol. 30, 90-99.
  • Sellwood, E. L., Kook, M., Jain, M., 2022, A 2D imaging system for mapping luminescence-depth profiles for rock surface dating. Radiat. Meas. 150, 106697.


How to cite: Cui, F., Zhang, H., Liu, J., and Qin, J.: Rock Luminescence Dating Method for Studying the Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Maying River, Qilian Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3717,, 2025.

EGU25-4772 | Orals | CL5.1

Reconstructing dike history using luminescence dating 

Chang Huang, Roy van Beek, Elizabeth Chamberlain, Jakob Wallinga, Jelle Moree, Frédéric Cruz, Pieter Laloo, and Eric Norde

Dikes are among the most significant ancient human-made earthworks for flood control, land reclamation, and water management for millennia. However, determining the age of dike construction and development based on traditional dating methods (e.g., historical documents, archaeological find materials, and radiocarbon dating), is challenging, due to the paucity of materials and historical records. Luminescence dating may provide an alternative as it uses ubiquitous quartz or feldspar minerals to directly determine the burial age of sediments. In this study, we applied quartz optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and feldspar single-grain post-infrared infrared stimulated luminescence (pIRIR) dating on two dikes: the Waal dike (near Wolferen-Sprok) in the Netherlands and the Scheldt dike (near Bornem) in Belgium. Our results confirm that luminescence dating provides reliable age estimates, consistent with other independent proxy data such as radiocarbon dating, archaeological artifacts, and historical evidence, and may refine site chronologies. Based on the age results, the history of dike construction and evolution was reconstructed. Additionally, the well-reset OSL signals for dike-related sediments suggest that fresh flood deposits were used for construction. This study highlights the potential of luminescence dating as a robust tool for reconstructing the history of dike construction and understanding ancient engineering.

How to cite: Huang, C., van Beek, R., Chamberlain, E., Wallinga, J., Moree, J., Cruz, F., Laloo, P., and Norde, E.: Reconstructing dike history using luminescence dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4772,, 2025.

EGU25-5262 | Orals | CL5.1

Cosmogenic exposure dating the Pre-Columbian archaeological structures at Tiwanaku, Bolivia  

David Fink, Vladimir Levchenko, and Toshiyuki Fujioka

We use in-situ cosmogenic 10Be in an attempt to date the construction of the Kalasasaya Platform temple at the UNESCO Heritage archaeological site at the ancient city of Tiwanaku, Bolivia. The unique site is located within the altiplano valley of Tiwanaku at 3870 masl near the southern shores of Lake Titicaca. The monuments at Tiwanaku were constructed as ceremonial and civic buildings of exceptional precision and quality by an Andean civilization, who were precursors of the Inca Empire. The date of construction of Tiwanaku is unknown. Earliest settlement is believed to be at least ~3,000 years ago and archeological evidence supports a drought-based empire collapse in the first half of the 12th century. Radiocarbon dating of construction material and other debris range from 300 to 950 AD (ie 1700 to 1050 years ago). At its apogee Tiwanaku is estimated to have extended over an area of as much as 6km2 and to have housed between 70,000 and 125,000 inhabitants.We gained permission to sample the very tops of 3 of the Kalasasaya pillars, and multi-meter sized excavated sandstone blocks and adjacent unmodified bedrock outcrop at a known quarry site which was used for sourcing material for Tiwanaku construction.  The pillars, ~5 meters tall and of square meter section, frame the outer perimeter wall of the 120m square Kalasasaya Platform and are made of andesite and sandstone. Samples at the quarry site, about 15 km distant and at 4300 masl,   were taken from  surfaces of the cavity from where blocks originated, select faces from the extracted blocks and  unmodified  bedrock outcrop. We were able to re-orient extracted blocks back into their original excavated cavity and thus determine pre-excavated buried and post-excavated exposed faces which allowed us to measure how long ago the block was carved out of bedrock and rotated in the process. Our results show that the cosmogenic signal in platform pillar tops is dominated by inheritance but that blocks had been quarried as recently as 1500-3000 tears ago, the age range depending on choice of attenuation length and estimating shielding. Details of sampling, site descriptions and 10Be-age calculations will be presented.

How to cite: Fink, D., Levchenko, V., and Fujioka, T.: Cosmogenic exposure dating the Pre-Columbian archaeological structures at Tiwanaku, Bolivia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5262,, 2025.

EGU25-6277 | Orals | CL5.1

Optimized U-Th Chronometry for Carbonates Using MC-ICP-MS: Advancements in Precision and Applications 

Altug Hasözbek, Ali Pourmand, Arash Sharifi, Ana Isabel Ortega, Josep Parés Casanova, Josep Vallverdú Poch, and Silviu Constantin

U-Th geochronology is a key tool in Quaternary geology, widely applied to carbonate matrices with significant advancements achieved through MC-ICP-MS technology. However, 230Th dating remains challenging for samples with low-uranium concentrations and high-detrital thorium content which often reflecting open-system behavior. These factors increase uncertainties in age calculations. This study introduces an optimized U-Th dating methodology that integrates refined wet chemistry protocols and 10¹³-ohm amplifiers, significantly reducing expanded uncertainties.

The study employs a four-step validation process: i) testing 10¹³-ohm amplifiers using the NBL U-reference material (CRM 112A), and Th-reference material (IRMM035) of IRMM, ii) application to low-U (10–15 ppb) speleothem samples from the Cueva Fantasma (Atapuerca paleontological-archeological site, Burgos, Spain), iii) analysis of open-system shell samples from Turkey, iv) analysis of the internal speleothem standard (BSS2) of CENIEH.

Initial results using CRM 112A and IRMM035 reveal a tenfold improvement in signal-to-noise ratios with the 10¹³-ohm amplifiers. This configuration enables the use of Faraday cups instead of SEM detectors for U and Th-standard analyses, even at very low intensities (0.002–0.007V), a critical improvement for minimizing uncertainty budgets during bracketing sequences in U-Th dating. Comparative analyses of real samples from Atapuerca, Turkey, and the CENIEH speleothem standard (BSS2) show that the refined methodology reduces U-Th age uncertainties from 2–3% to 0.5–1%.

Beyond improved precision for younger, low-U samples, the method reduces the required sample size from ~100-150 mg to 40–50 mg, substantially lowering the influence of detrital Th contamination. The broader significance of this optimized approach lies in its application to environmental reconstruction during the Quaternary, offering robust tools for deciphering climate archives, paleoenvironments, and archaeological contexts.

How to cite: Hasözbek, A., Pourmand, A., Sharifi, A., Isabel Ortega, A., Parés Casanova, J., Vallverdú Poch, J., and Constantin, S.: Optimized U-Th Chronometry for Carbonates Using MC-ICP-MS: Advancements in Precision and Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6277,, 2025.

EGU25-6728 | Orals | CL5.1

The Paleochrono-1.1 probabilistic model to derive a common age model for several paleoclimatic sites using absolute and relative dating constraints 

Frédéric Parrenin, Bouchet Marie, Buizert Christo, Capron Emilie, Corrick Ellen, Russell Drysdale, Kenji Kawamura, Amaëlle Landais, Robert Mulvaney, Ikumi Oyabu, and Sune Rasmussen

Past climate and environmental changes can be reconstructed using paleoclimate archives such as ice cores, lake and marine sediment cores, speleothems, tree rings and corals. The dating of these natural archives is crucial for deciphering the temporal sequence of events and rates of change during past climate changes. It is also essential to provide quantified estimates of the absolute and relative errors associated with the inferred chronologies. However, this task is complex since it involves combining different dating approaches at different paleoclimatic sites and often on different types of archives. Here we present Paleochrono-1.1, a new probabilistic model to derive a common and optimised chronology for several paleoclimatic sites with potentially different types of archives. Paleochrono-1.1 is based on the inversion of an archiving model: a varying deposition rate (also named growth rate, sedimentation rate or accumulation rate) and also, for ice cores, a lock-in-depth of air (since, in the absence of significant surface melt, the air is trapped in the ice at about 50-120 m below the surface) and a thinning function (since glacier ice undergoes flow). Paleochrono-1.1 integrates several types of chronological information: prior knowledge of the archiving process, independently dated horizons, depth intervals of known duration, undated stratigraphic links between records, and, for ice cores, Δdepth observations (depth differences between events recorded synchronously in the gas and solid phases of a certain core). The optimization is formulated as a least-squares problem, assuming that all probability densities are near-Gaussian and that the model is nearly linear in the vicinity of the best solution. Paleochrono-1.1 is the successor of IceChrono, which produces common and optimized chronologies for ice-cores. Paleochrono-1.1 outperforms IceChrono in terms of computational efficiency, ease of use, and accuracy. We demonstrate the ability of Paleochrono-1.1 in an experiment involving only the MSL speleothem in Hulu Cave (China) and compare the resulting age model with the SISALv2 age models. We then demonstrate the multi-archive capabilities of Paleochrono in a new ice-core–speleothem dating experiment, which  combines the Antarctic Ice Core Chronology 2023 dating experiment, based on records from five polar ice cores, with data from two speleothems from Hulu Cave dated using uranium/thorium radiometric techniques. We analyse the performance of Paleochrono-1.1 in terms of computing time and memory usage in various dating experiments. Paleochrono-1.1 is freely available under the MIT open-source license.

How to cite: Parrenin, F., Marie, B., Christo, B., Emilie, C., Ellen, C., Drysdale, R., Kawamura, K., Landais, A., Mulvaney, R., Oyabu, I., and Rasmussen, S.: The Paleochrono-1.1 probabilistic model to derive a common age model for several paleoclimatic sites using absolute and relative dating constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6728,, 2025.

EGU25-8761 | Orals | CL5.1

Using OTOR(X) fit functions to improve estimation of high natural luminescence doses 

Barbara Mauz, Sebastian Kreutzer, and John L. Lawless

While highly desired, it remains a challenge for luminescence dating to determine high doses, hence high ages (e.g., >300 ka). The challenge is to project a natural dose close to saturation to a dose-response curve generated with high laboratory doses. The single saturating exponential (SSE) function mostly delivers poor fits to this type of dose responses. Other functions, e.g., the single saturating exponential plus linear function, are then often employed, but these include constants that have no direct physical meaning. Such an approach is inconsistent with the OSL/IRSL measurement parameters (e.g. detection wavelength) by which the signal from a dosimeter’s specific trap-hole pair is targeted out of a broad light spectrum. It is therefore beneficial to employ a physically based model that allows to interpret observations obtained from high laboratory dose responses.

Here we employ the analytical expression, Lambert W, developed by Pagonis et al. (2020) which is an exact solution of the well-studied OTOR (one trap one recombination centre) model, and extended by Lawless and Timar-Gabor (2024) to the OTORX model. We compare results obtained from SSE fits, in particular the characteristic saturation dose (“D0”) parameter, with those obtained from the OTOR(X) functions. Well-bleached fine-grained polymineral samples irradiated up to ~5000 Gy were used and measured using the pIRIR225 protocol.

For the SSE function the results point to the 80% rule of thumb: at ca 80% of the saturation dose the SSE-fitted dose response tend to underestimate the natural dose. The OTOR(X) functions reveal that this is due to the ratio of trapping rate versus recombination rate of free electrons which changes as the regenerated dose response approaches saturation. Consequently, the shape of the dose response curve flattens out in a way that the SSE function is unable to predict. We show here how the change of shape affects the dose interpolation point and how the accuracy of dose estimate is tested using the 63% (D0) and 80% dose values. We conclude that the OTOR(X) functions provide accurate estimates of natural doses close to saturation.

How to cite: Mauz, B., Kreutzer, S., and Lawless, J. L.: Using OTOR(X) fit functions to improve estimation of high natural luminescence doses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8761,, 2025.

EGU25-12582 | Orals | CL5.1

Reconstructing Late Glacial–Early Holocene dune formation and wildfire dynamics using radiocarbon and OSL dating: Łaskarzew, Poland 

Natalia Piotrowska, Piotr Moska, Robert J. Sokołowski, Grzegorz Poręba, Paweł Zieliński, Przemysław Mroczek, Michał Łopuch, Zdzisław Jary, Alicja Ustrzycka, Andrzej Wojtalak, Agnieszka Szymak, Konrad Tudyka, Jerzy Raczyk, Marcin Krawczyk, Grzegorz Adamiec, and Jacek Skurzyński

The chronology of Late Glacial and Early Holocene dune formation and wildfire activity at the Łaskarzew site, eastern Poland, was established using AMS radiocarbon (14C) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating. Situated within the European Sand Belt, the profile preserves 13 aeolian-soil cycles characterised by alternating phases of aeolian deposition, soil formation, and wildfire episodes, demonstrating the dynamic response of aeolian systems to short-term climatic oscillations. A total of 26 charcoal samples, collected from palaeosols and charcoal layers, were radiocarbon-dated, and cross-referenced with OSL ages of quartz grains, resulting in a robust chronological framework. Dune formation began during the Oldest Dryas, with intensified aeolian activity and four wildfire events recorded during the Allerød interstadial, a period marked by rapid vegetation regeneration and recurring fire episodes. The absence of Younger Dryas sediments reflects extreme environmental conditions, including aridity, limited vegetation, and intensified aeolian erosion. The Holocene sequence, enriched with charcoal-rich deposits, records nine independent wildfire episodes over approximately 4500 years, linked to warm climatic conditions that favoured the expansion of fire-prone pine forests and shaped dune environments. Aeolian activity persisted through this period, accumulating approximately three metres of sediment, before ceasing around 7 ka BP as vegetation stabilised the landscape. The integration of radiocarbon and luminescence dating techniques provided a detailed Late Quaternary chronology, offering valuable insights into the interplay of fire, vegetation, and aeolian processes within the European Sand Belt.

How to cite: Piotrowska, N., Moska, P., Sokołowski, R. J., Poręba, G., Zieliński, P., Mroczek, P., Łopuch, M., Jary, Z., Ustrzycka, A., Wojtalak, A., Szymak, A., Tudyka, K., Raczyk, J., Krawczyk, M., Adamiec, G., and Skurzyński, J.: Reconstructing Late Glacial–Early Holocene dune formation and wildfire dynamics using radiocarbon and OSL dating: Łaskarzew, Poland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12582,, 2025.

EGU25-12656 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Investigating the cyclicity of Neanderthal occupations at Chez-Pinaud, SW France, using high-resolution OSL dating and Bayesian analysis. 

Elaine Sellwood, Hugues Malservet, and Guillaume Guérin

The Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez-Pinaud in Jonzac (SW France) provides an unparalleled insight into the hunting and butchering behaviour of Neanderthals from ~60 ka 1 ago. Excavations in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s uncovered a 6-meter sedimentary sequence comprising apparently alternating thin sterile layers and artefact-rich deposits, hosting densely packed accumulations of large ungulate bone fragments and lithics of the Quina Mousterian industry 2 . These periodic deposits suggest repeated occupation and abandonment of the site, where Neanderthals were not inhabiting for long periods.  Despite these observations we are still limited in a obtaining a full occupational history of the site, predominantly due to limitations in existing dating methods.

In this study a novel sampling approach was applied to improve the chronological resolution of this site, combining high-resolution Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating and Bayesian modelling. A 40 x 40 x 40 cm sediment block was removed from the main Quina-bearing layer (Layer 22 2). Under controlled orange light at the RenDaL OSL laboratory at Université de Rennes, the block was carefully excavated by scraping away sediment in horizontal layers. Coordinates of artefacts were recorded and samples for OSL dating were collected at ~1 cm intervals down the block.  Single-grain quartz OSL data were analysed using the BayLum R package 3, incorporating Bayesian statistical modelling to reduce age uncertainties and to investigate the models capacity to handle OSL ages in close temporal and spatial distribution.

Our results indicate that the top of the section represents more modern deposits (~2 ka), which are void of bone fragments. These ages suggest sediment mixing from surface disturbances such as collapsing limestone or anthropogenic activities. Beyond this modern layer, two artefact-rich occupational layers separated by a thin sterile layer are identified through plotting the 3D distribution of the artefacts. The corresponding Bayesian ages for these layers vary between 58 – 80 ka, and do not increase linearly with depth and are thus difficult to correlate directly with the individual artefact bearing layers. These varying ages raise questions over dose rates when we consider the complexity of the heterogeneous sediments in the block. Continuing modelling will be conducted with BayLum as well as further investigation into the dose rate of the samples in attempts to further investigate and increase precision of the ages.

This work underscores the value of combining precise excavation methods with Bayesian analytical approaches for OSL data to construct precise chronologies, especially in important prehistoric archaeological contexts which host well preserved and challenging chronologies.



1 Richter, D. et al. Thermoluminescence dates for the Middle Palaeolithic site of Chez-Pinaud Jonzac (France). Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 1176–1185 (2013).

2 Airvaux, J. & Soressi, M. Le site paléolithique de chez-Pinaud à Jonzac, Charente-Maritime. Prehistoire du Sud-Ouest 8, (2004).

3 Philippe, A., Guérin, G. & Kreutzer, S. BayLum - An R package for Bayesian analysis of OSL ages: An introduction. Quaternary Geochronology 49, 16–24 (2019).

How to cite: Sellwood, E., Malservet, H., and Guérin, G.: Investigating the cyclicity of Neanderthal occupations at Chez-Pinaud, SW France, using high-resolution OSL dating and Bayesian analysis., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12656,, 2025.

EGU25-12755 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Sediment provenance and erosion rates in the Andes-Amazon fluvial system: a study using luminescence and cosmogenic nuclides technics 

Gabriella Brandino de Campos, Carolina Barbosa Leite Cruz, Priscila Emerich Souza, Anarda Luísa Souza Simões, Caio Breda, Renan Cassimiro Brito, Bodo Bookhagen, Andre Oliveira Sawakuchi, and Fabiano Nascimento Pupim

Continental sedimentary deposits are essential geological records for understanding landscape evolution over time. In this context, the “modern analog” approach is employed in the Andes-Amazon system to deepen the understanding of past changes and the factors influencing them. This methodology involves studying contemporary fluvial deposits using advanced techniques and methods to identify how natural processes shape the current landscape. The main objective of this study is to determine the spatial variability and environmental controls of the sediment provenance and the erosion rates in modern deposits of the Ucayali, Maranõn, Napo, Madre de Dios, Huallaga, and Solimões rivers in the Andes-Amazon fluvial system. This approach will involve luminescence sensitivity signatures of quartz and feldspar grains, which can indicate grain source and transport process; the latitudinal gradient of erosion rates using in situ cosmogenic nuclides; the relationship between sedimentary variability and tectonic, topographic, lithologic, and climatic controls using Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The new cosmogenic nuclide and luminescence data will be used together to evaluate the compatibility of these methods in analyzing sediment provenance and erosion rates. This comparison will assess whether these methods and approaches can be consistently integrated, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of sedimentary and erosive processes in the Andes-Amazon fluvial system. (FAPESP #2023/16318-1)

How to cite: Brandino de Campos, G., Barbosa Leite Cruz, C., Emerich Souza, P., Luísa Souza Simões, A., Breda, C., Cassimiro Brito, R., Bookhagen, B., Oliveira Sawakuchi, A., and Nascimento Pupim, F.: Sediment provenance and erosion rates in the Andes-Amazon fluvial system: a study using luminescence and cosmogenic nuclides technics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12755,, 2025.

EGU25-12806 | Posters on site | CL5.1

Different 14C ages for various fractions of peat 

Irka Hajdas, Jochem Braakhekke, Giovanni Monegato, Franco Gianotti, Marcus Christl, and Susan Ivy Ochs

Since the 19th century, various authors have assigned the glacial landforms in the lower valleys of northern Italy to different ice ages (Penck and Brückner 1909). This study was part of a project that involved a broad geomorphological analysis and the first-time absolute in-situ exposure dating of erratic boulders using 10Be and 36Cl (Braakhekke et al. 2020). In addition to the cosmogenic analysis, seven radiocarbon samples were taken from a fluvial terrace outcropping 6 meters high along the Ticino River. Where possible, the samples were sieved to separate a bulk fraction (<125 μm) from the undefined organic fragments. Some samples were partly dissolved during the subsequent ABA preparation of all fractions. This way, we obtained up to four ages per initial sample: one each for the insoluble bulk fraction, the humic acid of the bulk, the organic fragments, and the humic acid of the organic fragments. The obtained radiocarbon ages vary significantly, with the extreme being thousands of 14C years between the insoluble bulk fraction and the organic fragments for the same sample. For all samples, radiocarbon analysis of the bulk fractions gave much younger ages than the hand-selected macro remains. Here, we discuss the age differences and possible sources of old and young carbon found in samples. The ages of the organic fragments showed the most consistency over the whole profile, and these fragments are least likely contaminated by younger material. Based on our results obtained on macro remains, this deposit is dated to MIS3 age. About 3 meters of fine-grained sediment were deposited here during ca. 8 ky. This could tell us more about the sediment budgets during some of the (Greenland) stadial-interstadial oscillations at the outlet of a major lake (e.g., Lake Maggiore) and the erosive power of glaciers during a phase preceding the global Last Glacial Maximum.


Braakhekke J, Ivy‐Ochs S, Monegato G, Gianotti F, Martin S, Casale S, and Christl M. 2020. Timing and flow pattern of the Orta glacier (European Alps) during the last glacial maximum. Boreas 49: 315-332.

Penck A, and Brückner E. 1909. "Die alpen im Eiszeitalter." Tauchnitz.

How to cite: Hajdas, I., Braakhekke, J., Monegato, G., Gianotti, F., Christl, M., and Ivy Ochs, S.: Different 14C ages for various fractions of peat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12806,, 2025.

Anthropogenic carbonates such as lime mortars and plasters have been receiving growing attention as they are an invaluable source of information for archaeologists, conservators, and restorers of cultural heritage. Taking into account the production process, the age of mortars reflects the age of the building. Two physical dating methods currently enable us to date mortars: radiocarbon (14C) dating and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL). Fast development in 14C and OSL mortar dating naturally widens the scope of performed analysis, and promotes the search for different methods which may be applied to these materials. In this study we present the analysis of historical lime mortars in order to assess the possibility of future dating by Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) spectroscopy. ESR dating has been applied to various geological and archaeological materials, but there are virtually no examples of dating carbonates younger than 10 000 years. Since carbonate crystals are formed during the mortar production, this moment can be regarded as the zero point for the accumulation of trapped charges, and their concentration in a measured sample should reflect the age of the mortar.

Our previous works on samples from Sveta Petka church in Budinjak, Croatia, and an ancient settlement Hippos, Israel, show the growth of signals related to the paramagnetic centres with the dose of laboratory radiation. However, in order to obtain the age of the samples the natural material should exhibit measurable ESR signals of the centres suitable for dating. In the relatively young (as far as ESR dating is concerned) materials the signals are very weak, however detailed analyses showed presence of such signals in several investigated mortar samples. In this work we investigate ESR signals in natural and laboratory-irradiated carbonate lime binders from several different archaeological sites, with ages ranging from about 2000 to 500 years old. The samples have been previously dated by 14C method, which means they had undergone extensive characterisation and preparation, ensuring the selection of binder, which reflects the true age of the mortar. We analyse the spectra with the aid of ESR simulations in order to identify the paramagnetic centres present in the samples, and compare them to the centres commonly found in carbonates and used for ESR dating. The goal of this work is a qualitative analysis of the natural signals found in a variety of mortars, assessing their potential suitability for ESR dating. This study is a first part of the ongoing project focused on establishing ESR as a method of dating anthropogenic carbonates in a form of lime mortars, and comprises the preliminary analysis of the subject, which will be followed by future in-depth studies.

How to cite: Kabacińska, Z. and Michalska, D.: Towards Electron Spin Resonance dating of anthropogenic carbonates: ESR signals of 14C-dated historical lime mortars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13244,, 2025.

EGU25-13277 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

High resolution luminescence dating of the Khovaling Loess Plateau sites (Tajikistan) 

Natalia Taratunina, Jan-Pieter Buylaert, Amélie Challier, Andrew Murray, Peter Sosin, and Redzhep Kurbanov

We have studied the loess-palaeosol sequences of the Khovaling Loess Plateau in Tajikistan, which form the most complete record of subaerial sedimentation in Central Asia. Studied sections contain several layers with Early and Middle Palaeolithic tools, and therefore record some of the earliest events of hominin dispersal into Central Asia.

As part of a major NordForsk funded project ‘Timing and Ecology of the Human Occupation in Central Asia’ (THOCA;, we applied high-resolution luminescence dating to the upper parts of three sections of Khovaling loess plateau (Khonako-II, Kuldara, and Obi-Mazar) in order to: (1) provide an independent timescale for palaeoclimatic studies; (2) assess the completeness of the sedimentary record; and (3) investigate the main stages of dust accumulation over this interval.

The luminescence chronology extends back to ~250 ka and reveals distinct erosional hiatuses ranging in duration from ~7 ka to a full glacial-interglacial cycle (~100 ka). Some of these breaks were not identifiable in the field. These discontinuities had not been previously recognized, potentially leading to significant errors in palaeosol identification and, consequently, in the presumed chronology. Now, we have a better understanding of the aeolian sedimentation in the region and the stages of loess/palaeosol formation. The new chronology provides a reliable correlation of regional features with global events and relates them to climate change, soil cover development, and the evolution of Early and Middle Paleolithic.

How to cite: Taratunina, N., Buylaert, J.-P., Challier, A., Murray, A., Sosin, P., and Kurbanov, R.: High resolution luminescence dating of the Khovaling Loess Plateau sites (Tajikistan), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13277,, 2025.

EGU25-14514 | Orals | CL5.1

“Ice carbon” as a possible source of apparent age in paleosol dating 

Elya Zazovskaya, Nikita Mergelov, Andrey Dolgikh, Sofiia Turchinskaia, Alexandr Dobryanskiy, and Maria Bronnikova

Surface and buried paleosols are a significant archive of information about environmental change and are widely used in paleogeographic reconstructions. Soil features and their profiles change over time as a result of environmental change. The soil memory is the palimpsest-like, as opposed to the book-like, sedimentary record (Targulian and Goryachkin, 2004). The palimpsest-like memory of the soil requires informed and well-adapted strategies for deciphering and interpreting the information it contains. The question of soil age and its synchronization with reconstructed events remains one of the most controversial issues in paleosol interpretations. The complexity of the interpretation of obtained radiocarbon dates is related to the heterogeneous and heterochronous of soil organic matter (SOM). At present, there are many approaches to dating SOM, but for the paleosol for paleogeographic reconstructions, 14C dating is most often performed on total organic carbon (bulk carbon). This choice of dating fraction is usually related to the poor preservation of SOM and its low carbon concentration in paleosols. Dates obtained for SOM in buried soils are based on the assumption that SOM was formed "in situ". However, due to various natural processes, paleosols can contain carbon from a number of potential sources.
For buried soils formed in periglacial landscapes, a significant source of carbon is the supraglacial material: cryoconites and other organo-mineral formations that form on the surface and in the body of the glacier and enter the landscape during glacial melting. Our studies on glaciers and in periglacial landscapes of different natural zones (Svalbard, Franz Josef Land Archipelago, Polar Urals, Altai, Kamchatka) have shown that supraglacial material can have a radiocarbon age ranging from modern to very ancient (several thousand, sometimes tens of thousands of years). The largest dataset we have obtained for supraglacial objects is represented by carbon pools aged 1000 to 10,000 radiocarbon years, BP and >10,000 radiocarbon years, BP. The pool with an age of >10,000 radiocarbon years is associated with the presence of a "dead carbon" source near the studied glacier. Dates in the range of 10,000-20,000 radiocarbon years may also reflect the age of soils and sediments formed during the last deglaciation and buried within the body of the glacier as it advanced. Soils formed in the periglacial zone inherit the isotopic composition of SOM from supraglacial material and become carriers of "apparent" / inherited 14C age. The presence of cryoconite material in buried paleosols can be diagnosed by studying their micromorphology and identifying morphological structures characteristic of cryoconites. We have shown this for soils formed on cryoconite material in Svalbard and for lenses of buried fine-grained material in marginal glacial formations (Keiva) on the Koly Peninsula.  When 14C dating paleosol series (traditional paleoarchives are studied in foothills and mountainous areas), it is necessary to consider the ice-carbon contribution to SOM in order to make correct paleo-reconstruction.

How to cite: Zazovskaya, E., Mergelov, N., Dolgikh, A., Turchinskaia, S., Dobryanskiy, A., and Bronnikova, M.: “Ice carbon” as a possible source of apparent age in paleosol dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14514,, 2025.

EGU25-15342 | ECS | Orals | CL5.1

Performance of SAR-SGC method for equivalent dose determination of quartz OSL 

Xiaojun Zhou, Yuexin Liu, Xinqi Feng, and Zhongping Lai

Abstract: The SAR-SGC method, integrating single aliquot regenerative (SAR) and standardised growth curve (SGC) protocols with advantages of saving machine measurement time. It has gained widespread application in recent years over diverse sediment types, including glacial, aeolian, fluvial, lacustrine, deltaic, and marine sediments. The method constructs inter-aliquot SGCs using conventional SAR measurements and determines SGC Des by inserting the LN/TN values of additional aliquots into the SGC. The final SAR-SGC De is obtained by calculating the arithmetic mean of the SAR Des and SGC Des. However, the optimal number of SAR and SGC aliquots for reducing machine time while retaining precision, is still ambiguous. To address this issue, we systematically investigated how varying the number of SAR aliquots and additional LN/TN​ measurements influences the stability and consistency of equivalent dose derived from SAR-SGC method with SAR protocol. We examined the minimal SAR-SGC combinations for three samples (JNZK01-G09, MW10-G16 and XBG06-G07, with an equivalent dose of ~44 Gy (with largest scatter in inter-aliquot SAR growth curves), ~46Gy and ~55Gy (with marginal scatter in inter-aliquot SAR growth curves) in the lower Yellow River plain, utilizing a Risø TL/OSL-DA-20 reader with a 90Sr/90Y beta source. Through extensive statistical evaluations, SAR-SGC estimation of the equivalent dose obtained with differing aliquot combinations shows that equivalent dose could be accurately estimated within acceptable uncertainty (<10%) using 6–15 SAR aliquots and additional 12–30 LN/TN aliquots. For samples with dispersed growth curves, we recommend a minimum of 6 SAR and 12 LN/TN aliquots for reliable age determination. And samples with concentrated growth curves may suffice with 4 SAR and 10 LN/TN aliquots. This study demonstrates that the combined SAR-SGC method significantly reduces machine time (at least 70%) compared to the SAR protocol alone while maintaining acceptable precision. These findings provide valuable guidance for luminescence dating laboratories and researchers in optimizing instrument usage under time constraints.

Key words: SAR-SGC method; Standardized growth curve; Single aliquot regenerative protocol; Equivalent dose; Luminescence dating; Statistical analysis; Machine time optimization

How to cite: Zhou, X., Liu, Y., Feng, X., and Lai, Z.: Performance of SAR-SGC method for equivalent dose determination of quartz OSL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15342,, 2025.

EGU25-19154 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

A way to date stone fish weirs ? Some perspectives. 

Arthur Jumaucourt, Guillaume Guérin, Daniel Le Bris, Pierre Stephan, Iness Bernier, and Yvan Pailler

Stone fish traps and weirs are the most common archaeological remains in fluvial and coastal environments. In Brittany, almost 800 of them were identified by Daire and Langouët (2014). Usually, these are made of numerous erected stones, that more or less precisely outline an alignment. Dating these remains represents a real archaeological issue, since stone fish traps have been raised for millennia, presumably from the early Neolithic to the Middle Ages. However, it is also a challenge as there is no organic matter preserved in the core of these structures.


In this presentation, we assess the age of fish weirs found in Brittany by comparing their altitude with the sea-level rise estimation curve since the last glaciation 20 000 years ago. A software named CHRONOE was developed in R in order to improve the reliability of the data, among which tidal curves (García-Artola et al. 2018). Statistical analysis – using the R package ArchaeoPhases (Philippe and Vibet 2020) – of the ages determined by CHRONOE for a corpus of    diverse stone fishing weirs, identifies periods of intensification and rarefaction of fishing using such structures. Thus, it is possible to discuss the evolution of fishing practices in human societies along the coasts of Brittany.


This work is the first step of a PhD Thesis; it will be followed by direct dating of stone fish traps. Indeed, rock surface luminescence dating \autocite{soh12} has been shown to reliably estimate the last time a rock surface was exposed to light (Sohbati et al. 2012) has been shown to reliably estimate the last time a rock surface was exposed to light (Freiesleben et al. 2015). Therefore, it will be applied to a few of these structures, after careful selection based on their presumed age. The bottom surface of sampled rocks from fish weirs will be sampled for OSL intensity profiling and burial dating. The numerical absolute ages given by obtained with OSL will then be compared to those assessed with CHRONOE, to discuss the reliability of the underlying assumptions and refine the model. Eventually, CHRONOE may hold the potential to date any submerged object whose utility (or existence) is linked with the intertidal zone.

Keywords : geochronology, OSL, archaeology, fish weirs.



Daire, M.-Y., & Langouët, L. (2014). Se nourrir le long des côtes bretonnes : Réflexions à partir d'une analyse diachronique des barrages de pêcheries. Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, 138 (2), 105133.

Freiesleben, T., et al. (2015). Mathematical model quantifies multiple daylight exposure and burial events for rock surfaces using luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements, 81, 1622.

García-Artola, A., et al. (2018). Holocene sea-level database from the atlantic coast of europe. Quaternary Science Reviews, 196, 177192.

Philippe, A., & Vibet, M.-A. (2020). Analysis of archaeological phases using the R package ArchaeoPhases. Journal of Statistical Software, 93, 125.

Sohbati, R., et al. (2012). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) as a chronometer for surface exposure dating. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117, 2012JB009383.

How to cite: Jumaucourt, A., Guérin, G., Le Bris, D., Stephan, P., Bernier, I., and Pailler, Y.: A way to date stone fish weirs ? Some perspectives., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19154,, 2025.

EGU25-21256 | ECS | Posters on site | CL5.1

Applying portable OSL to obtain a detailed chronology of littoral sedimentary sequences from the northern shore of Lake Schweriner See, Germany 

Maksim Ruchkin, Sebastian Lorenz, Marie-Luise Adolph, and Torsten Haberzettl

Holocene sedimentary sequences lacking organic remnants or containing redeposited organic material pose a challenge for detailed chronological investigations, as radiocarbon dating is unsuitable. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) can be used instead, but high-resolution OSL is costly. A more cost-effective and efficient approach involves the combination of low-resolution OSL dating with portable OSL (pOSL) profiling in 5–10 cm increments (e.g. Sanderson and Murphy, 2010; Brill et al. 2016). This method has been employed in the analysis of cored lacustrine sedimentary sequences from the northern shore of Lake Schweriner See, Germany.

In well-bleached Holocene sediments, quartz equivalent doses and portable post-infrared blue-light stimulated luminescence signals (further pOSL) from the polymineral fraction are linearly correlated (e.g. Brill et al., 2016). We used the obtained linear functions to estimate equivalent doses (Des) in quartz for each pOSL signal. The dose rates were then interpolated between full OSL samples, and the ages were calculated by dividing the Des by the corresponding dose rates. Finally, both the quartz full OSL ages and the ages derived from the pOSL signals were incorporated into a Bayesian age-depth model to obtain a continuous chronology.

The pOSL-to-De ratio is also a useful tool in the identification of incompletely bleached samples. Poorly bleached sediments exhibit a higher pOSL-to-De ratio in comparison to well bleached sediments because pOSL is a composite of signals from quartz and feldspars, which require a greater exposure time for complete bleaching than OSL from pure quartz (e.g. Murray et al., 2012). In the littoral sequences studied, elevated pOSL-to-De ratios were found to correspond with high quartz Deoverdispersion (OD), which is another indicator of poor bleaching. One particular sample was observed to exhibit a high pOSL-to-De ratio yet low OD (15%), which may be attributed to distinct OSL sensitivity linked to a specific sediment source.

Our results demonstrate that the proposed approach suits littoral sediments and improves chronological frameworks for lacustrine sequences. A potential avenue for further refinement of age-depth models lies in the measurement of dose rates for all pOSL samples, as opposed to their estimation through interpolation.


Brill, D., Jankaew, K., & Brückner, H. (2016). Towards increasing the spatial resolution of luminescence chronologies – Portable luminescence reader measurements and standardized growth curves applied to a beach-ridge plain (Phra Thong, Thailand). Quaternary Geochronology, 36, 134–147.

Murray, A. S., Thomsen, K. J., Masuda, N., Buylaert, J.-P., & Jain, M. (2012). Identifying well-bleached quartz using the different bleaching rates of quartz and feldspar luminescence signals. Radiation Measurements, 47(9), 688–695.

Sanderson, D. C. W., & Murphy, S. (2010). Using simple portable OSL measurements and laboratory characterisation to help understand complex and heterogeneous sediment sequences for luminescence dating. Quaternary Geochronology, 5(2–3), 299–305.

How to cite: Ruchkin, M., Lorenz, S., Adolph, M.-L., and Haberzettl, T.: Applying portable OSL to obtain a detailed chronology of littoral sedimentary sequences from the northern shore of Lake Schweriner See, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21256,, 2025.

EGU25-229 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

High-resolution mineralogical record of soil genesis and dust influx in a relict palaeosol 

Omid Bayat, Michael Plötze, Alireza Karimi, and Markus Egli

Evidence of profound climatic changes and wetter conditions during the late Quaternary are mentioned by several authors for the deserts of central Iran (e.g. Khademi and Mermut, 1999; Jalilian et al., 2022). The region today is strongly influenced by aeolian and desertification processes which are mainly attributed to human activities. To examine the role of chemical weathering (under moist conditions) and long-term dust influx (under dry conditions) on soil genesis, we studied the mineralogical composition of soil materials in a relict paleosol of an arid region of eastern Isfahan, central Iran. A high-resolution sampling strategy (10 cm interval) and qualitative and quantitative X-ray diffraction method were applied. The paleosol is located on an upper terrace with a flat surface having a gravelly structure and neither groundwater influence nor input of materials from adjust landforms. The results showed that quartz, calcite, Na-plagioclase and chlorite are dominant minerals in the clast fraction of the paleosol. The comparison of the mineralogical composition of soil materials and gravels revealed that K-feldspar, gypsum, smectite and palygorskite in the soil matrix were not inherited from the gravels but were provided by dust influx and/or pedogenesis processes. K-feldspar was absent in the gravels and was added by dust influx as its neoformation in the soil environment is unlikely. This hypothesis is supported by the exponential increase of its amount towards the soil surface and the maximum accumulation of the mineral in the surface dust-derived (vesicular) horizon. Smectite is also absent in both the clast fraction and the vesicular horizon and showed a maximum abundance in the middle and lower parts of the pedon where pedogenic calcite deposition occurred ~29 ka, suggesting a pedogenic origin of the mineral under the semiarid and seasonal climate. Palygorskite is absent in gravels but occur in the surface vesicular horizon and was relatively uniformly distributed throughout the pedon. It seems that palygorskite has both exogenic (from dust) and endogenic (by pedogenic processes) sources in the paleosol. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images support this postulation. SEM images exhibited dense fibers of palygorskite in the soil matrix and broken and small pieces of palygorskite in the dust-derived horizon. The investigated paleosol provided evidence of environmental changes from a semi-arid and seasonal climate during the time of smectite pedogenesis to an arid and dust deposition environment. Consequently, the palaeosol exhibited a mostly natural trend of aridification and desertification in this region during the late Quaternary.

Jalilian, T., Lak, R., Taghian A. and J. Darvishi Khatooni, 2022, Evolution of sedimentary environments and geography of the Gavkhouni Playa during the Late Quaternary, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 19, 1555–1572.

Khademi, H. and A. R. Mermut, 1999, Submicroscopy and stable isotope geochemistry of carbonates and associated palygorskite in Iranian Aridisols, European Journal of Soil Science, 50 (2), 207-216.


How to cite: Bayat, O., Plötze, M., Karimi, A., and Egli, M.: High-resolution mineralogical record of soil genesis and dust influx in a relict palaeosol, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-229,, 2025.

EGU25-506 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2 | Highlight

Hydrological fluctuations in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, over the past millennium 

Kangkang Li, Xiaoguang Qin, Gill Plunkett, and David Brown

Reconstruction of hydrological fluctuations in arid regions has proven challenging due to a lack of reliable chronologic constraints on sparse geological archives. The aim of this study was to establish an independent record of hydrologic changes in the hyper-arid Tarim Basin, northwest China, with high spatiotemporal resolution. This paper presents comprehensive radiocarbon and tree-ring data sets of subfossilized medieval forest in the Tarim Basin compiled from geomorphological investigations of the palaeochannels of the Tarim River, the longest endorheic river in China, crossing the world’s second-largest shifting sand desert. This study describes the centennial-scale dynamics in the Tarim River flow over the past millennium, offering a robust long-term context for hydrological assessment in the extensive drylands of the Asian interior. Subsequently, we consider the role of the river-based hydrological fluctuations in connectivity of the ancient continental Silk Road networks.

How to cite: Li, K., Qin, X., Plunkett, G., and Brown, D.: Hydrological fluctuations in the Tarim Basin, northwest China, over the past millennium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-506,, 2025.

EGU25-754 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

Quantifying input volumes in Australia’s largest playa lake using SWOT data 

Atul Kumar Rai, Timothy J. Cohen, Moshe Armon, and Samuel K. Marx

Australia's drylands, covering nearly 70% of the continent exhibit the most variable precipitation and streamflow regimes globally. The endorheic Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) terminates at Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre (KT–LE), Australia’s largest lake and drains 1.14 M km2. This basin experiences remarkable ecological fluctuations with spectacular boom and bust cycles during extreme flooding events. This vast unregulated river basin, despite its ecological significance, has limited stream gauges and no lake monitoring, making the lake's water balance a real challenge due to its vast size, remote location and complex lake geometry. Recent observations reveal significant water loss in endorheic basins worldwide, emphasizing the urgency for improved freshwater monitoring solutions for KT – LE and its basin. Therefore, in this study, we present a space-based monitoring solution to estimate the storage volume of the KT–LE as an alternative to in situ measurements.  To do so, we utilized the data from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite, launched in December 2022, to monitor the 2024 KT-LE filling event. The duration of this event was between March and October 2024. The predicted maximum lake storage volume (recorded on 1st May) reached 0.82 Km3 with a predicted average depth of -14.2 metres AHD (Australian Height Datum). We cross-compared the volume estimates from three bathymetry digital elevation models to evaluate the derived estimates in the absence of in situ data. We achieved the accuracy of the derived water surface elevation estimates with a root mean square error (RMSE) of <0.6 meters. This research highlights the potential of SWOT data for addressing critical data gaps in hydrological monitoring and advancing water balance assessments in arid and semi-arid regions and in large wide and shallow playa lakes.

How to cite: Rai, A. K., Cohen, T. J., Armon, M., and Marx, S. K.: Quantifying input volumes in Australia’s largest playa lake using SWOT data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-754,, 2025.

Effective water resource management in arid and data-scarce regions necessitates innovative approaches that incorporate advanced hydrological modeling and remote sensing technologies. This study focuses on developing nature-based solutions for groundwater recharge, specifically identifying aquifer recharge zones to combat water scarcity in areas characterized by low precipitation and limited streamflow data.

Utilizing the Soil and Water Assessment Tool Plus (SWAT+), this research integrates remote sensing datasets with observed hydrological data for model calibration, aiming to estimate water availability and optimize storage potential. A comprehensive water balance approach is employed to evaluate precipitation, evapotranspiration, runoff, and infiltration dynamics, which enables precise estimation of water availability for recharge efforts.

By coupling SWAT+ with a groundwater module, the study analyzes infiltration capacity at a grid scale, facilitating the identification of high-potential groundwater recharge zones. The integration of remote sensing-derived parameters, including land use, soil type, and topography, enhances the model's ability to simulate water flow dynamics across watersheds.

This methodology is applied to Balochistan, Pakistan’s most vulnerable province to floods and droughts, where groundwater overexploitation and insufficient infrastructure exacerbate water challenges. The study’s findings provide insights into sustainable aquifer recharge strategies, supported by spatial analyses and thematic maps. These results inform the development of targeted interventions for water conservation, flood mitigation, and drought resilience in one of the world’s most water-stressed regions. This approach highlights the transformative potential of combining nature-based solutions with advanced hydrological modeling to secure water resources in arid regions.

How to cite: Naseer, A., Hafeez, M., Arshad, M., and Faizi, F.: Developing Nature-Based Solutions for Sustainable Groundwater Recharge through Advanced Hydrological Modelling and Water Availability Assessment in Arid Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1434,, 2025.

Several studies demonstrated that >~100 absolute ages of sand at certain spatial/vertical resolutions are required for constructing a reliable chronological framework for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic interpretations of dunefield construction (Telfer and Hesse, 2013). As acquiring abundant absolute ages demands significant field and lab resources, several methodological approaches, such as port-OSL-OSL age estimates, have attempted to partly overcome this necessity (Stone et al., 2019).

Arid-zone encroaching dunes in the past and present, often dam drainage systems and generate proximal upstream, dune-dammed waterbodies that when dry, form playas. These waterbodies that are often seasonal, deposit distinct, low-energy, fluvial, fine-grained sediments (LFFDs), often as couplets. This recurring aeolian-dominated aeolian-fluvial (AF) process gradually leads to amplified LFFD accumulation, and partly configures dunefield, and particularly dunefield margin landscape evolution.

The INQUA DuneAtlas of global dunefield chronological data includes some dated samples that are non-dune sediments such as interdune and LFFD samples. However, the complementary contribution of such sediments to interpreting dunefield chronologies has not been fully assessed (Lancaster et al., 2016). Furthermore, and surprisingly, DuneAtlas dune sand samples that date to the LGM are sparse. We demonstrate that OSL ages, partly supported by port-OSL profiling, mainly of sandy units within LFFDs, improves the resolution and reliability of dating dunefield construction events and morphological maintenance of existing dunes, and in some cases even reveals periods of dune mobilization that are absent in dated dune cores.

Spatially dense, OSL-dated dune cores and sections of the ~103 km2 sized northwestern Negev dunefield (Israel) study area, revealed that the dunefield was constructed in two main sand incursion and vegetated linear dune (VLD) buildup/extension periods during the Heinrich 1 (H1) and Younger Dryas (YD) (Roskin et al., 2011; Thomas and Bailey, 2019). In this study, exposed, OSL-dated LFFD sections along the dunefield margins revealed that dune-dammed waterbodies destroyed earlier dunefield-margin dunes, partly erode others, but also preserve remains of eroded dunes between LFFD units. The LFFD sections revealed for the 1st time, significant and initial dune incursion and damming during the LGM, and also LFFD deposition thru the early Holocene (Robins et. al., 2022, 2023). The extent and relative thickness of H1-dated LFFDs suggest that dune encroachment then was greater than during the YD of the climate may have been slightly wetter. Early Holocene sediments may imply partial dune buildup or equilibrium-like dune maintenance in the early Holocene and, or also, a lag between YD dune-damming and later fluvial dune-breaching - when LFFD stratigraphic buildup gradually neared dune crest elevation leading to an outburst flood.

Altogether, studying and dating dune-dammed LFFDs are proposed to not only be a complementary, but rather a primary approach to date dunefield evolution and interpret past forcing drivers of sand mobilization and stabilization, and palaeohydrology.



Lancaster, N., et al., 2016. QI 

Robins, L., et al., 2022. QSR 

Robins, L., et al., 2023. QSR

Roskin, J., et al., 2011. QSR 

Stone, A. et al. 2019. QG 

Telfer, M.W. and Hesse, P.P., 2013. QSR 

Thomas, D.S. and Bailey, R.M., 2019. AR 

How to cite: Roskin, J., Robins, L., and Greenbaum, N.: OSL-dated, dune-dammed waterbody sediments along dunefield fringes improves resolution and reliability of dunefield evolution chronologies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2344,, 2025.

EGU25-3123 | Orals | GM6.2

Paleoclimate and landscape evolution in an extreme continental interior – Interplay between aeolian, fluvial, and lacustrine systems in the Basin of the Great Lakes, Western Mongolia 

Frank Lehmkuhl, Dennis Wolf, Manfred Frechen, Neda Rahimzadeh, Sumiko Tskamato, Ochirbat Batkhishig, Lewis A. Owen, and Karl Wegmann

Neogene tectonics, geomorphological processes, and Quaternary climate change control landscape evolution in the internally drained basins of the Basin of Great Lakes (BGL), western Mongolia. The interplay of aeolian, fluvial, and lacustrine processes has resulted in a variety of landforms, such as large dune fields, beach bars, and alluvial fans. Their associated sedimentary archives and sediment transport pathways reflect mid-to-late Quaternary landscape evolution. The ongoing project analyzes geomorphological processes and sedimentary records. Different dating methods constrain the timing of landforms and deposits.

(1) Aeolian and fluvial dynamics: Mongolia's three largest dune fields, resulting from a long-term Quaternary sediment cycle, are located in the BGL. Rivers transport sediment into endorheic lakes. During lake-level low stands, winds transport the sand eastwards along the dune fields. The lakes exhibit different paleolake levels, and sandy plains with mobilized sand at their eastern ends exist. Three climatic and paleoclimatic implications are derived from a mapping approach1. (i) The fundamental west-east orientation of the dune fields is a result of the westerly winds that prevailed during the arid periods of the Quaternary. (ii) The highest lake levels occurred during pluvial phases caused by increased moisture supply. (iii) In the modern semi-arid climate, wind systems from north to northwest predominate, while in the southernmost dune field, minor winds from the southeast occur. Preliminary dating results give mid-Pleistocene dates for the core of the dune fields and Holocene dates for the youngest and smaller dunes.

(2) Lake level fluctuations: The first comprehensive late Quaternary chronology of lake level variations for the Khyargas Lake in the BGL is presented. The data is based on a geomorphological approach supported by luminescence dating. The lake is the ultimate sink of a sequential water and sediment cascade from the adjacent Mongolian Altai and Khangai Mountains. Several intercalated lakes repeatedly merged to form a large paleolake, as evidenced by various shoreline features. Twelve paleolake levels between +7m and +188m above the modern lake level (a.m.l.) are identified from well-preserved paleoshoreline sequences. Calculations of paleolake extent and water volumes emphasize times of enhanced inflow and gradual capture and subsequent reduced inflow and abandonment of upstream-located lakes. Three distinct phases of lake level dynamics can be differentiated: (i) A transgression to a maximum level of +129m (a.m.l.) during Marine Isotope Stage 5c primarily controlled by enhanced atmospheric moisture supply. (ii) A post-Last Glacial Maximum lake expansion to a level of +118m (a.m.l.) around 14 ka, ultimately controlled by glacial meltwater pulses. This period was followed by a rapid lake level drop during the Late Glacial–Holocene transition in response to decreasing meltwater supply and a drier climate. (iii) Small-scale lake level fluctuations throughout the Late Holocene reflect a hydro-climatically controlled equilibrium between ~ 2.6 and 0.7 ka.

The final project phase will obtain TCN dating of paleoshorelines and alluvial fan activity.

1 Lehmkuhl, F. et al. Aeolian sediments in western Mongolia: Distribution and (paleo)climatic implications. Geomorphology 465, 109407 (2024).

How to cite: Lehmkuhl, F., Wolf, D., Frechen, M., Rahimzadeh, N., Tskamato, S., Batkhishig, O., Owen, L. A., and Wegmann, K.: Paleoclimate and landscape evolution in an extreme continental interior – Interplay between aeolian, fluvial, and lacustrine systems in the Basin of the Great Lakes, Western Mongolia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3123,, 2025.

EGU25-4036 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

Activity and stability of surfaces and soils in the Atacama Desert, Chile 

Linda Maßon, Simon Matthias May, Svenja Riedesel, Marijn van der Meij, Johanna Steiner, Stephan Opitz, and Tony Reimann

The hyperarid conditions of the central Atacama, characterized by extremely low precipitation and high evaporation rates, create a unique environment where soil stability is generally thought to be exceptionally high due to the widespread gypsum and salt enrichment. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide-based surface exposure ages suggest that many surfaces underwent limited to no changes since the Neogene or early Pleistocene. However, a number of recent studies also underline the younger landscape-scale geomorphodynamic activity, as evidenced by e.g., the incision of the Rio Loa canyon during the late Pleistocene, or by growth of calcium-sulphate wedges and associated patterned grounds in the Central Depression at the onset of the Holocene. Despite this discrepancy, there is a limited understanding of past and present soil dynamics under this extreme hyperaridity, including subsurface turbation processes driven by both biological and salt dynamics (bioturbation, haloturbation). So far, no geochronological framework exists for these important subsurface soil processes, and the factors controlling these processes are still unknown.

Our study aims at providing new insights into the dynamics of subsurface soil processes in the hyperarid Atacama Desert. We use feldspar single grain luminescence dating techniques combined with sedimentological and geochemical analyses to decipher the activity or inactivity of soil material conveyance processes. We present results from investigations of four soil profiles. All profiles are situated in alluvial (fan) deposits along a west-to-east climatic transect stretching from the fog-affected western slopes of the Coastal Cordillera near sea level to the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert at approximately 2000 m above sea level. Even though all studied profiles are situated in alluvial (fan) deposits, the geomorphic setting and thus the (sub)recent sedimentation dynamics differed considerably between the profiles. Soil dynamics in the form of vertical grain transport as well as material exchange and mixing were only detected in the coastal profiles where sufficient moisture supply supports the presence of vegetation and associated soil fauna. In these lower elevations, alluvial (fan) surfaces appear geomorphologically stable since their deposition, but our profiles exhibit evidence of significant post-depositional soil material reworking. In the hyperarid region above fog occurrence, that is only affected by rare episodic rain, post-depositional turbation processes seem to be absent or restricted to the surface layer. However, in these hyperarid regions, sediment (re)deposition seems to have taken place on relatively recent time scales, thereby adding more data on late Pleistocene to Holocene surface activity in the driest non-polar desert on Earth, that are likely driven by aeolian dust and/or episodic alluvial processes.

How to cite: Maßon, L., May, S. M., Riedesel, S., van der Meij, M., Steiner, J., Opitz, S., and Reimann, T.: Activity and stability of surfaces and soils in the Atacama Desert, Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4036,, 2025.

Last major fluvial modification along the hyperarid coast of the Atacama Desert is relatively young. It has been found that the coastal alluvial fans (CAFs) were formed during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. No remnants older than the last interglacial period could be constrained as yet. However, robust geochronological frameworks by numerical dating using radiocarbon dating, trapped charge dating techniques, and in situ terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides are restricted to few sites. This is related to both the geomorphic and stratigraphic complexity of the multi-stage CAFs as well as the high costs of those numerical dating methods. Consequently, it has remained unclear so far to what extent fan aggradation and progradation is controlled by large-scale allogenic versus individual autogenic forcing.

As a first study, an application of the cost-effective Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) technique was explored for constraining the age of terminal aggradation of the CAF generations along the south-central coast of the Atacama Desert (24°15’S–25°15°S) using an 10Be exposure-dated telescopic alluvial fan featuring four control surfaces (after Walk et al., 2023) for age calibration. Apart from the calibration site, SHD was applied on, in total, 19 depositional lobes from 11 CAFs featuring at least one phase of progradation following main channel incision. Morphostratigraphies are primarily based on in-field mapping. Rebound (R) values were systematically assessed using an electronic N-type Schmidt hammer for each abandoned fan generation (Q1–Q3) by randomly sampling 50 surface boulders of comparable lithology. For calibration with recent deposits (Q4), multiple impacts were exerted on a careful selection of few boulders. Linear age calibration and error propagation follows the two-point solution by Matthews and Winkler (2022), adapted to a segmented approach for four control surfaces and complemented by Deming regression.

Calibration results in a negative and significant linear relationship between 10Be exposure ages and R values, presenting a robust regional calibration model for SHD of fan boulders exposed at least since the last interglacial period. SHD of the 19 fan surface generations yield ages of terminal aggradation ranging between the mid MIS 4 (late MIS 3) and early to mid MIS 5. The age range exceeds the usual dating range reported for SHD applied in (sub)humid regions by up to one order of magnitude, which can be explained by the comparatively low weathering rates at the arid-hyperarid transition. The relative age uncertainties amount to 3–20% (10–24%) and allow to deduce a spatial heterogeneity in the Late Quaternary fan morphodynamics. While the CAFs south of 24°53’S show a systematic response probably related to palaeoclimatic changes of the SE Pacific, those to the north are decoupled – indicating a potential control by individual autogenic forcing.

Matthews, J.A., Winkler, S. (2022): Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating: a review of principles and practice. Earth-Science Reviews 230, 104038. DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104038

Walk, J., Schulte, P., Bartz, M., Binnie, A., Kehl, M., Mörchen, R., … Lehmkuhl, F. (2023): Pedogenesis at the coastal arid-hyperarid transition deduced from a Late Quaternary chronosequence at Paposo, Atacama Desert. Catena 228, 107171. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2023.107171

How to cite: Walk, J.: Expansion of the Late Quaternary morphochronology of Atacama’s coastal alluvial fans (northern Chile) by Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4535,, 2025.

EGU25-4557 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2

Linking structural and functional connectivity in drylands under varying rainfall and soil conditions 

Octavia Crompton, Gabriel Katul, and Sally Thompson

On dryland hillslopes, vegetation water availability is often subsidized by the redistribution of rainfall runoff from bare soil (sources) to vegetation patches (sinks). In regions where rainfall volumes are too low to support spatially continuous plant growth, such functional connectivity between bare soil and vegetated areas enables the establishment and persistence of dryland ecosystems. Increasing the connectivity within bare soil areas can intensify runoff and increase water losses from hillslopes, disrupting this redistribution and reducing the water available to sustain ecosystem function. Inferring functional connectivity (from bare to vegetated, or within bare areas) from structural landscape features is an attractive approach to enable rapid, scalable characterization of dryland ecosystem function from remote observations. Such inference, however, would rely on metrics of structural connectivity, which describe the contiguity of bare soil areas. Unfortunately, several studies have observed non-stationarity in the relations between functional and structural connectivity metrics as rainfall conditions vary. Consequently, the suitability of using structural connectivity to provide a reliable proxy for functional connectivity remains uncertain.

Here rainfall runoff simulations across a large range of dryland hillslopes, under varying soil and rainfall conditions are used to establish relations between structural and functional connectivity metrics. The results identify that the relations very between two hydrologic limits -- a 'local' limit, in which functional connectivity is related to structural connectivity, and a 'global' limit, in which functional connectivity is most related to the hillslope vegetation fraction, regardless of the structural connectivity of bare soil areas. The transition between these limits within the simulations depends on rainfall intensity and duration, and soil permeability. While the local limit may strengthen positive feedbacks between vegetation and water availability, the implications of these limits for dryland functioning need further exploration, particularly considering the timescale separation between storm runoff production and vegetation growth.

How to cite: Crompton, O., Katul, G., and Thompson, S.: Linking structural and functional connectivity in drylands under varying rainfall and soil conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4557,, 2025.

EGU25-4741 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

Geomorphic diversity of dryland rivers and their controls in the semi-arid region, Western India 

Anukritika Raj and Vikrant Jain

Drylands cover approximately 41% of the global land area and support diverse fluvial systems. Identifying the geomorphic diversity of dryland rivers and their maintenance is essential for sustaining ecosystems in arid and semi-arid regions. Furthermore, amidst climate change and the anticipated expansion of dryland areas, gaining insights into this diversity is crucial for developing adaptive and effective management strategies for dryland rivers.  However, dryland rivers are often generalized, with studies focusing more on their distinct characteristics than the inherent geomorphic diversity that shapes river character and behaviour. A comprehensive understanding of the occurrence, spatial distribution, and major controls on channel morphological diversity of dryland rivers is still lacking. To address this gap, we have examined the geomorphic diversity within and across two semi-arid dryland river basins in western India: the Mahi River Basin (MRB) and the West Banas River Basin (WBRB). We employed River Styles classification for geomorphic characterization, combined with hydrological analysis, total stream power and specific stream power assessment for a more comprehensive evaluation. Hydrological analysis indicates that MRB and WBRB are monsoon-dominated rivers. MRB is a perennial dryland river with high flow permanence downstream, whereas WBRB is intermittent, with discharge decreasing downstream. Geomorphic characterization shows that MRB predominantly exhibits a confined, terrace margin controlled, meandering, gravel bed River Style. Only a small section of the estuarine zone exhibits a partly confined, terrace margin controlled, fine-grained bed River Style. Terraces impose antecedent confinement on the contemporary river processes in the MRB, limiting floodplain development. On the contrary, WBRB predominantly features laterally unconfined, continuous channel, low sinuosity, gravel-to-sand bed River Style with extensive floodplain development. The midstream section shows a partly confined, terrace margin controlled, gravel bed River Style in the pediment zone. Stream power analysis showed high stream power even in the mid-to-downstream pediment zone of both basins, primarily driven by site-specific structural controls influencing current channel processes. Field investigations indicated that erosion processes, notably plucking, predominantly shape the reaches with higher stream power. The maximum specific stream power in the pediment zone is 98 W/m² and 255 W/m² in the WBRB and MRB, respectively. Geomorphic diversity within the basin is primarily shaped by geological control in the rocky uplands, while the pediment and alluvial zones reflect a combination of geological controls and Holocene climatic imprints. Although both basins are in semi-arid regions, the observed geomorphic diversity across the basin is governed by stream power distribution patterns with underlying geological controls and valley evolution at the millennial time scale. Insights from this study can enhance ground-level river management practices by incorporating the diversity of dryland rivers and contributing to the global inventory, thereby enriching our understanding of dryland river systems.

How to cite: Raj, A. and Jain, V.: Geomorphic diversity of dryland rivers and their controls in the semi-arid region, Western India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4741,, 2025.

EGU25-7661 | Posters on site | GM6.2

Spatial variations in the provenance of eolian deposits on the Mu Us desert and the Chinese Loess Plateau 

Mei Sheng, Xisheng Wang, and Shuanhong Zhang

Whether the provenance of eolian deposits on the extensive Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) is spatiotemporally heterogeneous/homogeneous is highly controversial. Here we present detrital zircon U-Pb ages for the eolian dust from the central-eastern Mu Us desert, its underlying Cretaceous sandstones, and the loess from the northeastern CLP. The comparable detrital zircon U-Pb age signatures between the eolian deposits from eastern Mu Us and Cretaceous sandstones suggests that eolian deposits in the eastern Mu Us are largely the product of weathering and recycling of regional bedrock. Typical loess on the northeastern CLP show relatively consistent zircon age spectra with those from the eastern Mu Us, indicating significant contributions of the western North China Craton (NCC) to the loess on the northeastern CLP. Temporal consistencies of U-Pb age spectra for a 13.6 m-thick eolian sand-loess sequence in the eastern Mu Us desert reveals that there is no apparent provenance shift at least since the last interglacial. Comparison of detrital zircon U-Pb age spectra of Late Pleistocene loess developed on the northeastern, eastern, and west-central CLP demonstrates that the contributions from the western NCC increase significantly for the loess on the eastern-northeastern CLP, while the west-central CLP received more eolian dust from the northeastern Tibetan Plateau (NTP) and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The contribution of detritus from the NTP decreases, and the contribution from the western NCC outweighs that from the NTP on the eastern-northeastern CLP. Our new detrital zircon data provide robust evidence for the spatial heterogeneity of provenance across the CLP, regardless of the general characteristics of multiple recycling and thorough mixing of Chinese loess.

How to cite: Sheng, M., Wang, X., and Zhang, S.: Spatial variations in the provenance of eolian deposits on the Mu Us desert and the Chinese Loess Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7661,, 2025.

The high-accumulation-rate eolian deposits in the eastern Hexi Corridor retain invaluable archives of rapid climatic fluctuations in the transitional zone of the northwestern Chinese Loess Plateau, the Tengger Desert, and the northern foothills of the Qilian Mountains. High-resolution mineral magnetic and bulk grain size analyses for the Shagou loess–paleosol sequences since the last interglacial reveal that loess accumulation in northwestern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon is essentially continuous at multi-centennial scales, and variations in magnetic granulometry of the last glacial loess are predominated by the intensity of the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Based on Greenland Ice Core Chronology, the complete recording of all Dansgaard–Oeschger (D–O) cycles and Heinrich events substantiates a rapid response of the EAWM to the northern high-latitude abrupt climatic changes, regulated by the strength of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) and Arctic sea-ice extent. A synthesis of various high-resolution paleo-proxy records from the Northern Hemisphere further suggests the generally identical phasing of stadial–interstadial oscillations and tight coupling of the atmosphere-ice-ocean system. We propose that the relatively stronger D–O signals in low-latitude tropical marine sequences compared with middle-latitude land-based paleo-records may be accounted for by northward transport of heat and moisture originated from the warmest tropical oceans during interstadials, and the more significant influence of oceanic processes than that of atmospheric processes in propagating the northern high-latitude climatic signals during stadials. This study highlights the pivotal role of AMOC in modulating millennial-scale regional and global climate.

How to cite: Wang, X., Sheng, M., and Yi, S.: Links of abrupt climate events in the eastern Hexi Corridor to Atlantic meridional overturning circulation changes during the last glacial:magnetoclimatological evidence of the Shagou loess record, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7789,, 2025.

Identifying reliable indicators of environmental changes is crucial for effective ecosystem management, particularly in drylands which are prone to climate change impacts. Here, we report on how we are integrating time-series remote sensing, advanced data science techniques, and ground-based observations to identify, map, and assess the sensitivity of a diverse suite of wetlands in drylands to environmental perturbations.  We are particularly interested in potential ‘sentinel wetlands’: natural features that are highly sensitive to subtle climatic changes. These wetlands may act as early warning systems, reflecting the cumulative effects of various climate stressors on their hydrodynamic state.

We have developed a method to automatically map different surface waterbodies (including a range of low- and high-altitude wetlands) and characterise their wetness dynamics at pixel-scale using time-series multispectral satellite data. We have applied the method to drylands spanning three different continents (western and northern India, southwest Spain, Argentinian Patagonia) and validated the mapped wetness dynamics of key features such as floodplain and valley-bottom wetlands, interdunal depressions, playas and pans through extensive field visits (~10 000 km of road trip).

From our field visits, we conclude that not all wetlands are good candidates for serving as sentinel wetlands. The best candidates are those wetlands which are devoid of direct human interventions, sit within endorheic catchments, and are relatively small in size (<10 km2). Each dryland visited hosts several such candidates. We classify these candidates in two categories: controls and targets. Controls are sentinel wetlands with in-situ hydrometeorological data logging stations (e.g. interdunal wetlands in Doñana National Park, Southwest Spain), while targets are the remaining sentinel wetlands that we plan to use as a distributed sensor array. Our field visits reveal that in some wetlands, there has been an increase in wetness frequency in recent years.  In the case of low-altitude wetlands, it is almost exclusively because of human interventions (i.e. these are non-sentinel wetlands) and in the high-altitude wetlands, it is because of increased glacier meltwater supply (i.e. these are sentinel wetlands).  By contrast, most sentinel wetlands in low-altitude regions are exhibiting reduced wetness frequency, in some cases dramatically. The next steps are to monitor and evaluate a wider set of hydrodynamic responses to stressors, including by tracking subtle changes at pixel scale and correlating these changes with local to regional climate.  The results will help further demonstrate how wetlands in drylands can act as robust indicators of climate change.

Knowing the wetness dynamics of sentinel and non-sentinel wetlands will help us to identify and separate the various climate and direct human stressors that might impact future water availability and hence water security in the world’s diverse drylands. This separation is crucial for developing targeted management strategies. By further characterising the sensitivity of sentinel wetlands, our research will enhance predictive models of waterbody responses to climate change and provide actionable insights for sustaining water resources amidst ongoing climate changes.

How to cite: Singh, M. and Tooth, S.: Time-series remote sensing and multi-continental field work reveals that wetlands in drylands can be robust indicators of climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11577,, 2025.

EGU25-12167 | Orals | GM6.2

Isochronous provenance variability during the last glacial maximum revealed by heavy mineral analysis of loess deposits 

Nils Keno Lünsdorf, Marie-Christin Speck, Olivier Moine, Pierre Antoine, Markus Fuchs, and Frank Lehmkuhl

Loess-Paleosol-Sequences (LPS) are important sedimentary archives that enable to infer climatological parameters during the Quaternary at high temporal resolution. Three isochronous, central European LPS sites (Nussloch, Münzenberg, Hecklingen) were accessed at high temporal resolution by means of heavy mineral, single-grain sedimentary provenance analysis (SPA) using a highly automated, correlative workflow guided by machine learning (Lünsdorf et al., 2023). The goals of this study are (1) to investigate if regional differences exists between the LPS in terms of heavy mineral composition (i.e. Alpine vs. Fennoscandinavian provenance) and (2) if short lived processes that affected the source-to-sink system can be detected.

The studied LPS compose a transect from SW to NE Germany and synchronicity of the archives was controlled by presence of the Eltville tephra (ET; ca. 23.2 – 25.6 ka, Zens et al. 2017) and/or precise OSL age modeling. Thus, the LPS recorded sedimentation during the last glacial maximum. From each LPS 1 m of sediment was continuously sampled in 5 cm intervals, whenever possible centered on the ET. 120 heavy mineral aliquots of the grain size fractions 10 – 30 µm and 30 – 62 µm were analyzed by optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) at the single grain level. Resulting in a correlated dataset of optically derived grain parameters (size, shape, roundness, color, etc.), mineralogy and chemical composition for each individual grain analyzed.

First preliminary results suggest that the three LPS are readily differentiated based on heavy mineral composition, supporting a Southern, Alpine and Northern, Fennoscandinavian loess provenance. While heavy mineral ratios and garnet chemical composition reveal abrupt changes in the Southern (Nussloch) and Northern (Hecklingen) LPS. It is assumed that the abrupt changes at the Nussloch site are related to variation in storm intensity with periods of high storm activity reflecting a distal source and periods of low storm activity a more local source. A reasonable explanation for the abrupt change in provenance indicators at the Hecklingen site is the advancement of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, potentially changing the fluvial drainage pattern and introducing more moraine material to the deflation area.

How to cite: Lünsdorf, N. K., Speck, M.-C., Moine, O., Antoine, P., Fuchs, M., and Lehmkuhl, F.: Isochronous provenance variability during the last glacial maximum revealed by heavy mineral analysis of loess deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12167,, 2025.

EGU25-14669 | ECS | Orals | GM6.2

Unraveling the Link between Rainfall and Groundwater: A Regional Approach 

Zafira Feroz and Madan Kumar Jha

Groundwater serves as an unsung hero in the worldwide freshwater crisis, supporting agriculture, sustaining communities, and mitigating the effects of climate variability. India leads the world in groundwater consumption. It extracts approximately 250 km³  annually, surpassing the combined withdrawals of China and the United States. Groundwater extraction is expected to escalate in the coming future due to agricultural demands, thereby stressing the already over-exploited groundwater reserves. These findings emphasize the critical need for in-depth research on groundwater systems. The present study focuses on the agro-ecological zones (AEZs) of India, as classified by the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS&LUP). AEZs are characterized by unique climatic, soil, and hydrological properties, providing an ideal framework for analyzing groundwater trends at a regional scale. The intricate relationship between rainfall and groundwater levels across different agro-ecological zones was analyzed. The Mann-Whitney U test results reveal significant (p < 0.05) differences in groundwater-levels between normal and dry (deficient rainfall) years in Zones 3, 10, 16, and 19, as well as between normal and wet (excess rainfall) years in Zones 3, 10, 11, 15, 16, and 17, highlighting the pronounced impact of rainfall variability on groundwater availability in these regions. A decline in water table over the two decades (1996-2016) is observed in 57.42% of the total geographical area. Furthermore, regression analysis demonstrated strong correlations (r > 0.7) between annual rainfall and post-monsoon groundwater levels in ten out of the eighteen AEZs considered for the analysis. In addition, Zone 11 ‘Central Highlands’ and Zone 16 ‘Deccan Plateau (Karnataka)’ exhibited stronger correlations at a lag of 1 month, highlighting the delayed response of groundwater to rainfall in these regions. It was also observed that the total area where groundwater extraction during monsoon exceeds recharge, expands from 0.68% in 1996, to 1.21% in 2006, and to 3.89% in 2016. The findings of this study emphasize the need for adaptive, zone-specific strategies to ensure sustainable groundwater management under the changing climate and socio-economic conditions.


How to cite: Feroz, Z. and Jha, M. K.: Unraveling the Link between Rainfall and Groundwater: A Regional Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14669,, 2025.

EGU25-15509 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

Alluvial Fan Retreat: Tank Experiments 

Haein Shin and Wonsuck Kim

Conventional interpretations of alluvial fan margins attribute their changes to environmental factors such as tectonic activity or climate variations. Under steady dynamic conditions, fan margin (s) is expected to grow continuously, following the time (t) dependence of s~t(1/3), based on the mass conservation. However, this study aims to propose a new concept that challenges this conventional understanding. A key finding of this research is that the alluvial fan margin can retreat even under constant upstream boundary conditions, a phenomenon significantly influenced by ‘groundwater infiltration’. This study focuses on investigating the role of infiltration process in alluvial fan evolution. Seven tank experiments with varying sediment and water discharge rates were conducted, enabling analysis of fan retreat under constant upstream boundary conditions. Fans typically exhibited continuous progradation, but a critical point was observed where runoff water no longer reached the fan margin, resulting in fan retreat. At this stage, all runoff water infiltrated into the sediment deposit. Applying Darcy’s Law, we found a strong correlation between deposit thickness (dh) and infiltration rate, assuming constant hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Based on these experimental results, a computational model was developed to simulate the alluvial fan trajectories under similar conditions. The findings provide insights into field-scale applications by accounting for infiltration processes on alluvial fans.

How to cite: Shin, H. and Kim, W.: Alluvial Fan Retreat: Tank Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15509,, 2025.

EGU25-17392 | ECS | Posters on site | GM6.2

Evaluating Aquifer Recharge in Volcanic Islands: A Case Study of Maspalomas, Gran Canaria 

Rodrigo Sariago, Miguel Ángel Marazuela, Jorge Martínez-León, Jon Jimenez, Carlos Baquedano, Samanta Gasco, Gerardo Meixueiro Rios, Juan Carlos Santamarta García-Gil, and Alejandro García-Gil

In recent decades, the need to quantify and understand water resources in drylands, such as insular volcanic systems, has grown, along with the obligation to assess how climate change might impact them in the future. These resources are constrained not only by climatic, geographic, and geological factors, but also by increasing demand from agronomic, urban, and tourism areas. This, is mostly relevant in the Canary Islands, especially in the coastal region of Maspalomas located in the southern part of Gran Canaria, where an exponential increase in freshwater demand has been observed from 1960 to the present.

Within the framework of the NATALIE project a hydrological model was developed using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) software to estimate the infiltration and recharge rate of Maspalomas aquifers. The water balance results show an average annual precipitation of 272 mm, of which 68% evapotranspires (181 mm/yr). The infiltration rate is estimated at 19% of the precipitation (50.65 mm/yr), equivalent to an annual aquifer recharge of 8.2 hm³.

Gran Canaria faces a unique challenge in water resource management due to strong anthropogenic pressure and the impact of climate change on reserves and available resources. Climate projections towards 2100 suggest a drop of 22.2% in annual precipitation, which would represent a reduction of 34.63 mm/yr in infiltration, i.e., a decrease of 2.59 hm³/yr in groundwater reserves. These results will be key to both prevent scarcity and improve fresh water resource management in volcanic islands.

Keywords: Water resources, Maspalomas, SWAT, recharge rate, climate projection


How to cite: Sariago, R., Marazuela, M. Á., Martínez-León, J., Jimenez, J., Baquedano, C., Gasco, S., Meixueiro Rios, G., Santamarta García-Gil, J. C., and García-Gil, A.: Evaluating Aquifer Recharge in Volcanic Islands: A Case Study of Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17392,, 2025.

We geochemically-fingerprinted a large set of sediments collected from potential source areas (PSAs) in southeastern and southcentral Australia and to compare these data with the record obtained from X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) scanning on a long deep-sea sediment core MD03-2607 obtained offshore Kangaroo Island, South Australia. The entire data set of samples collected on land as well as the downcore measurements were unmixed using the numerical end-member method AnalySize. In this approach, we successfully use the elements Al, Fe, K, Mn, S, Sr and Y to define end members. In addition, the on-land occurrences of the chemical ratios of Zr/Zn, Ti/Rb, Ti/Y and Zr/Rb are used to support the provenance of the chemical end-members. Three main PSA’s are defined: Murray River Basin (MRB), Darling River Basin (DRB) and Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre District (LED), of which the MRB is represented in two different chemical end members. The downcore contributions of these end members in the sediment core are consequently interpreted in terms of fluvial (MRB and DRB) versus aeolian (LED) input.  Consequently, the downcore dominance of sediment-transport modes are interpreted in terms of river runoff versus aeolian input over the last 125 kyr. The downcore palaeoclimate proxies show a dominance of MRB during the interglacial intervals versus a dominance of both LED (dust) and DRB input during the glacial ones, suggesting increased seasonal contrasts during glacial austral winter. See:

How to cite: Stuut, J.-B., De Deckker, P., and Hennekam, R.: Provenancing dryland sediments recovered from the marine realm to reconstruct Late Quaternary Australian climate variability  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17564,, 2025.

In semi-arid regions, the growing demand for water, particularly for irrigation, accelerates the overexploitation of water resources, often leading to severe scarcity that constrains sustainable economic development. This issue is particularly acute in the Merguellil watershed in central Tunisia, where the impacts of climate change exacerbate the challenges. This study employs the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) system model to analyze current and future trends in surface and groundwater resources in the Merguellil watershed, assessing the combined effects of climate change and human activities on these resources. The primary objective is to identify critical thresholds, evaluate sustainable solutions and guide adaptive water management strategies. An essential element of the study is estimating the demand for irrigation water in the Kairouan plain using high-resolution Landsat 8 imagery to calculate crop evapotranspiration (ETC). Once the required input data from 2000 to 2020 are introduced in the WEAP model, the impact of different scenarios (Climatic and anthropogenic) for the actual and future water balance were evaluated until 2050. The simulation results under the RCP 4.5 climate scenario indicate a significant decline in aquifer levels across the basin; the Kairouan aquifers being particularly impacted. Additionally, scenarios involving the expansion of irrigated areas show a substantial increase in agricultural water requirements. To address these pressing challenges, this study explores multiple management strategies, including improving the efficiency and satisfaction levels of public irrigation systems, optimizing reservoir management during drought periods, and interconnecting existing water infrastructures. Notably, the findings highlight the importance of gradually increasing water transfers to the El Haouareb Dam to meet irrigation demands effectively. Finally, we conclude by emphasizing the importance of proactive and adaptive measures in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and human activities on water resources in this area. This study highlights the need for integrated, resilient, and sustainable water management practices to ensure the long-term viability of water resources in this vulnerable region.

How to cite: Ataallah, H., Oueslati, I., Le Page, M., and Lili Chabaane, Z.: Sustainable Water Resource Management in the Merguellil Watershed (Tunisia): Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change and Human Activities Using the WEAP Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19705,, 2025.

EGU25-465 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

The Rakhat al Madrh sedimentary archive in the periphery of the Bat oasis, Oman: paleoenvironmental evolution and human occupation 

Aleksandre Prosperini, Max Engel, Laurence Le Callonnec, Tara Beuzen-Waller, Claude Cosandey, Stéphane Desruelles, Abigail Buffington, Sebastien Huot, Jennifer Swerida, Eli Dollarhide, and Éric Fouache

The Bat oasis is located in the valley of the Wadi al Hijr, in the western piedmont of the Hajar Mountains. Occupied since the Neolithic period, the Bat archaeological complex is well-known for its Bronze Age funerary and domestic structures related to the first oasis of Oman and has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While the central oasis of Bat is beginning to be well studied, there is scarce information on its network with peripheral sites as well as local-scale environmental change across mid- to late Holocene. The sediment-filled depression of Rakhat al Madrh, c. 7.5 km NE of the central oasis presents five remote Bronze Age dwellings associated with courtyards, represents a key site to fill this gap.

This circular depression filled with khabra-like deposits covers 1,600 m². It is surrounded by an outcrop of sandstone and quartzite to the east and calciturbidite to the west. The eastern part is topped by remnants of Pleistocene fluvial conglomerates. To the north-east, the depression is connected to the Wadi al Hijr by an alluvial fan. This depression has functioned as a sedimentary trap since at least the Upper Pleistocene (OSL dating: 46,400 ± 5600 BP).

Nine soundings were opened down to a depth of up to 310 cm and sampled for sedimentological (grain-size distribution), geochemical (X-ray fluorescence and photometric analyses), mineralogical (X-ray diffraction) and micromorphological analyses. The chronostratigraphy is based on radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) data. The upper part of the soundings concerns the Bronze Age period, enabling us to connect the evolution of the depression with the Early Bronze Age occupation of this specific micro-environment.

We follow a working hypothesis of two main types of sedimentary input, one mainly coming from the Wadi al Hijr through the alluvial fan (ex situ) characterized by pyroxenes, olivines, serpentines and poorer particle sorting, the other one from the immediate local sub-catchment of the depression (in situ) characterized by higher carbonate and quartz content as well as finer and better sorted particles. Whether the regional wadi and local sub-catchment inputs reflect more humid or arid phases, respectively, needs to be tested by further research.

On a regional scale, the occupation of Rakhat al Madrh by Early Bronze Age societies is remarkable due to its persistence up to the mid-Umm An Nar period, in spite of aridification. Adapting to the restrictive conditions of the arid environment meant exploiting the distinctive local features of the environment. Rakhat al Madrh could belong to a network of grazing area around the main oasis, which, in addition to a few groundwater sites, provided the water resources, thus justifying the designation of Rakhat al Madrh as an oasian peripheral site.

Keywords : geoarchaeology, geomorphology, sedimentology, Holocene, arid environment, Oman

How to cite: Prosperini, A., Engel, M., Le Callonnec, L., Beuzen-Waller, T., Cosandey, C., Desruelles, S., Buffington, A., Huot, S., Swerida, J., Dollarhide, E., and Fouache, É.: The Rakhat al Madrh sedimentary archive in the periphery of the Bat oasis, Oman: paleoenvironmental evolution and human occupation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-465,, 2025.

EGU25-1737 | PICO | GM4.3

The evolution of Central German Chernozems/Phaeozems since the Early Bronze Age between natural soil alteration and human overprinting  

Hans von Suchodoletz, Birgit Schneider, Anna Skokan, Bruno Glaser, Steven Polivka, Katja Wiedner, Frank Schlütz, Torsten Schunke, and Peter Kühn

Black-colored humus-rich Chernozems and closely related Phaeozems are among the most fertile soils of the world, and were often used for agriculture over several millennia. The westernmost continuous Chernozem/Phaeozem region of Eurasia is located in the in the eastern lee of the Harz Mountains in Central Germany with precipitation < 550 mm/a. Unlike in other regions of Central Europe with anthropogenic Chernozems/Phaeozems, their formation can be related to natural factors such as high carbonate contents of their loose parent material and a dry subcontinental climate, suggested to foster appropriate living conditions for anecic earthworms. Their formation started prior to regional Neolithic settlement at latest during the early Holocene, and lasted until about 6-5 ka when the regional climate became more humid. Since that time, Chernozems/Phaeozems were subject to decalcification, clay translocation, silicate weathering and clay formation processes. The Central German Chernozem/Phaeozem region was used for agriculture for several millennia, with a strong intensification since the end of the 19th century. Furthermore, this region has also intensively been industrialized since that time, including widespread lignite burning in large power plants. However, only one study investigated a Late Neolithic buried Chernozem in comparison with the neighboring surficial soil using a limited amount of laboratory analytics, so that natural and anthropogenic changes of Central German Chernozems/Phaeozems during the last millennia were not systematically studied so far.

To fill this gap, we systematically compared the properties of a Chernozem that was buried by the Early Bronze Age burial mound Bornhöck ca. 3.8 ka ago, and was consequently largely preserved from subsequent soil forming processes and human influence, with those of a neighboring Chernozem/Phaeozem that was continuously exposed to natural and human processes until today. The goal of our study was to systematically identify differences in the properties of the two soils, allowing an exemplary assessment of the property changes of Chernozems/Phaeozems due to soil alteration and human overprinting in an intensively agriculturally and industrially used region during the last 3.8 ka.

How to cite: von Suchodoletz, H., Schneider, B., Skokan, A., Glaser, B., Polivka, S., Wiedner, K., Schlütz, F., Schunke, T., and Kühn, P.: The evolution of Central German Chernozems/Phaeozems since the Early Bronze Age between natural soil alteration and human overprinting , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1737,, 2025.

Evidence of early modern humans and their technology in Europe were recovered from both loess/palaeosol sequences and – predominantly – caves. Both are valuable archaeological archives with often quite good organic preservation due to the naturally high carbonate content. While caves often contain high numbers of artefacts, their contextualization in terms of environmental conditions during the occupation phases is often difficult because of a general scarcity of proxies as well as palimpsest formation, bioturbation, and sometimes poor chronological resolution. Contrary, expanded loess/palaeosol sequences in south-astern Europe host archaeological sites to a lower extent, particularly those from before ca. 50 ka. Since such finds exist in Central and Eastern Asian loess/palaeosol sequences, a limited habitability of European loess areas seems unlikely. Instead, it seems that extensive loess covers negatively affects the detection and thus archaeological visibility of older sites. While the construction of roads, vineyards and brick making in more populated areas increased the number of archaeological finds, these constructions usually are in deposits from the last glacial cycle.

In any case, loess/palaeosol sequences can provide a rich paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic context for the time frame of human presence and absence. Therefore, where possible, archaeological sites in Europe are compared to relatively close-by long and extended loess/palaeosol geoarchives which are more suitable for paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstructions (‘onsite-offsite approach’).

In this contribution, we review our understanding of European loess/palaeosol sequences as direct and indirect archaeological archives, and point to knowledge gaps in European loess geoarchaeology.



Boemke, B., Maier, A., Schmidt, I., Römer, W., and Lehmkuhl, F.: Testing the representativity of Palaeolithic site distribution: The role of sampling bias in the european upper and Final Palaeolithic record, Quat. Sci. Rev., 316, 108220,, 2023.

How to cite: Zeeden, C., Lehmkuhl, F., and Maier, A.: Loess/paleosol sequences are most widespread geoarchives for the environmental context of early humans in Europe and Eurasia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2778,, 2025.

EGU25-3729 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

The paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sarandopotamos river valley (Amarynthos, Evia Island, Greece): studying long term human- environment interactions. 

Tibor Talas, Brahimsamba Bomou, Thierry Adatte, Olivier Reubi, Sylvian Fachard, and Stuart Lane

The Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece is aiming to reconstruct the human occupation of the Sarandopotamos watershed (Euboea, Greece) through a prospection campaign (André et al., 2023). This region has been occupied almost without interruption since the Neolithic and was an extremely important religious centre during antiquity (Ducrey et al., 2007, Fachard et al., 2017). With such a rich historical context understanding human/environment interactions is crucial and a central goal is understanding when and how the environment has changed in the study area. The most sacred sites are located close to the land-sea interface such that they may have experienced the effects of both catchment-scale changes in runoff and sediment supply and rapid sea level rise during the Holocene. Thus, a primary goal of this study has been to quantify the rates and origins of sediment delivered to the coastal plain in the Sarandopotamos watershed at the scale of the Holocene.

In order to investigate these topics, one core drilled in the Amarynthos floodplain was extensively studied. We performed granulometry, X-ray diffraction, XRF, RockEval and CHNS analysis, in addition C14 dating was performed on six charcoals. The results allowed determination of deposition rates. A period with a very high deposition rate is identified between 7 kyrs BP and 4.8 kyrs BP, resulting in the accumulation of approximately six meters of sediments. After that the deposition rate dropped markedly, with only three meters deposited from 4.8 kyrs BP to the present day. The geochemical data allowed the core to be divided into distinct units, suggesting time-varying sediment sources as well as a link between the composition of the sediments and the deposition rate. Initial interpretations suggest that periods of enhanced sediment supply tend to have particular geochemical origins and may reflect different local sensitivities of the catchment to Holocene climate change; although an association between human land use changes and sediment erosion cannot be excluded.

How to cite: Talas, T., Bomou, B., Adatte, T., Reubi, O., Fachard, S., and Lane, S.: The paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Sarandopotamos river valley (Amarynthos, Evia Island, Greece): studying long term human- environment interactions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3729,, 2025.

EGU25-7112 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3 | Highlight

Timing of the First Mesopotamian Boat Unearthed in a Euphrates Paleochannel near Uruk (Iraq) 

Felix Reize, Max Haibt, Helmut Brückner, Domink Brill, Tony Reimann, Magarete van Ess, and Martin Kehl

The ancient city of Uruk, located in the Mesopotamian floodplain, represents a key site for understanding the interplay between urban development and waterways in early civilizations. This study investigates the unique archaeological discovery of the first completely preserved Mesopotamian boat, unearthed in 2022 from a paleochannel of the Euphrates River near Uruk (Iraq). The excavation revealed that the boat was embedded in sand layers, surrounded by fine-grained floodplain sediments that are rich in artifacts and faunal remains. While the 14C dating of the boat was impeded by bitumen contamination, the fluvial sediments, bone fragments and ceramic artefacts provide sufficient evidence to establish the chronology of this discovery and link it to its paleoenvironmental context.

We applied optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to fluvial sediments surrounding the boat and cross-verified the results using radiocarbon (14C) analysis of associated bones. Additionally, ceramic fragments provided significant insights into the archaeological timeline.

The OSL-dated sediments from within the boat, yielding an age estimate of 3.6 ± 0.6 ka BP, correspond closely with 14C ages and the site's archaeological context, spanning the Ur III period (2100–2000 BCE) to the Isin-Larsa period (2000–1800 BCE).

This research highlights the importance of an interdisciplinary approach for establishing the chronology of a remarkable archaeological artifact. The findings provide valuable insights into the utilization of Uruk's waterways, the evolution of its floodplain, and the broader processes that shaped early urbanization in Mesopotamia.

How to cite: Reize, F., Haibt, M., Brückner, H., Brill, D., Reimann, T., van Ess, M., and Kehl, M.: Timing of the First Mesopotamian Boat Unearthed in a Euphrates Paleochannel near Uruk (Iraq), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7112,, 2025.

EGU25-7388 | PICO | GM4.3

Paleoenvironmental and settlement history of ancient Bubastis, southeastern Nile Delta (Egypt) 

Julia Meister, Philipp Garbe, Amr Abd El-Raouf, Martin Behl, Ashraf Es-Senussi, and Eva Lange-Athinodorou

Bubastis, one of the most significant cities in the southeastern Nile Delta, was continuously inhabited from approximately 3200 B.C.E. until its decline around 200 C.E. Over the past century, archaeological research at Bubastis has uncovered temples, palaces, residences, and cemeteries in the western, northern, and central parts of the site. Despite these discoveries, detailed information about the living quarters of the city's inhabitants and their geomorphological context remains sparse. However, surface pottery discovered in the eastern part of the site, along with historical accounts such as those by Herodotus, indicate that the city’s center likely shifted to this area during its later phases, spanning the Late Period through the Roman Period.

To investigate the Holocene landscape evolution and occupation history of the region, geophysical and geomorphological surveys were carried out in 2023 and 2024. These included 76 drillings, 24 2D and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) measurements, 32 1D Direct Current Resistivity (DCR) soundings in the eastern and the northern part of ancient Bubastis. To reconstruct the land-use history, 110 samples from 12 drill cores were analyzed for phytolith content.

The findings revealed several sandy “Gezira” hills, dating from the Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene, scattered across the northern, central, and eastern parts of the study area. These elevated landforms later became sites for various structures. Floodplain deposits associated with the Bilqas Formation suggest that the region was periodically inundated by Nile floods, likely originating from the nearby Pelusiac or Tanitic Nile branches during the Middle and Late Holocene.

Human activity in the region began with the occupation of Bubastis around 3250 B.C.E. Prominent Gezira mounds in the western and northern parts of ancient Bubastis were the sites for palaces, temples and cemeteries spanning from the Old Kingdom (c. 2570–2180 B.C.E.) to the New Kingdom (c. 1550–1070 B.C.E.). The Temple of Bastet was situated on the central Gezira mound, with evidence of its existence dating back to at least the Old Kingdom, while the eastern area was predominantly used for agricultural purposes. From the Late Period (c. 664–332 B.C.E.), eastward from the central Gezira, although the easternmost part of the area likely continued to be used for agriculture. During this time, the so-called Temple of Hermes was constructed atop a local Gezira mound at the eastern edge of the site. Settlement activity continued into the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods (c. 332 B.C.E.–200 C.E.), characterized by significant urban development in the central part of the study area. Here, anthropogenic layers up to ~950 cm thick were uncovered, reflecting the construction and reconstruction of multi-story clay brick houses. Meanwhile, agricultural zones likely shifted to the surrounding floodplain areas.

The modern landscape, characterized by gently undulating terrain and scattered vegetation, still preserves traces of Bubastis’ history, including the ruins of the Temple of Bastet and remnants of collapsed mud-brick walls on the southeastern Tell. In contrast, the Temple of Hermes and the original Gezira mounds have become indistinguishable in the current terrain.

How to cite: Meister, J., Garbe, P., Abd El-Raouf, A., Behl, M., Es-Senussi, A., and Lange-Athinodorou, E.: Paleoenvironmental and settlement history of ancient Bubastis, southeastern Nile Delta (Egypt), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7388,, 2025.

EGU25-8999 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

Revealing Bronze Age Construction: Digital Micromorphology and Micro-XRF Analysis of Tell Toboliu Floors in Western Romania 

Mirijam Zickel, Astrid Röpke, Stephan Opitz, Marian Lie, Tobias Kienlin, and Tony Reimann

The Bronze Age marked an era of dense human settlement across the eastern Carpathian Basin, evidenced by numerous tell settlements. Many underwent erosion or have been overprinted by subsequent anthropogenic activities resulting in only a limited number of sites with well-preserved archaeological context. The remaining well-preserved sites provide critical opportunities to study prehistoric settlement strategies and activities. Among these, Tell Toboliu, situated in Romania, is characterised by multiple occupational phases, including diverse house floor constructions. A notable phenomenon is the variety of house floor units, which include for example silty, more clayey, or plant tempered substrate and different floor coverings such as wooden planks and plasters.

To characterise and identify these construction styles, this study explored a novel integrative multi-method approach in combining micromorphological thin-section analysis with µXRF measurements and image analysis. Thin-section scans (PPL, XPL, and OIL) were classified using Random Forest Algorithm. Micro-XRF mappings provided spatial data on elemental ratios and the distribution of micromorphological phenomena, while point measurements offered insights into microfacies composition and the identification of archaeological features. Geochemical signatures were further examined through transect measurements, allowing the detection of relative differences in microfacies based on elemental ratios.

The outcome reveals important findings regarding the materials and techniques used in floor construction. For example, floor preparation is predominantly composed of processed loess-like material sourced from the surrounding clayey loess deposits. Additionally, distinct geochemical characteristics were identified for different floors, distinguishing non-covered, plastered and wood-covered floors. These proxies could provide a useful tool for detecting poorly preserved floor remnants such as wood plank residues within archaeological contexts. This combined micromorphological and Micro-XRF approach not only refines the understanding of prehistoric construction techniques and material sourcing but also introduces a reproducible methodology for identifying and characterising archaeological features. Our findings underline the potential of integrating advanced imaging and geochemical analysis in the study of prehistoric settlements, paving the way for further application to sites with a less well-preserved archaeological context.

How to cite: Zickel, M., Röpke, A., Opitz, S., Lie, M., Kienlin, T., and Reimann, T.: Revealing Bronze Age Construction: Digital Micromorphology and Micro-XRF Analysis of Tell Toboliu Floors in Western Romania, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8999,, 2025.

EGU25-12097 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

Microtopographic analysis of the Mohács Plain based on Digital Terrain Models 

Zsófia Julianna Dávid, Ákos Vitai, Gábor Molnár, Gábor Bertók, István Viczián, József Szeberényi, Bálint Herczeg, and Balázs Székely

The Mohács Plain, a gently terraced low-relief alluvial plain on the right bank of the Danube in southern Hungary, was the site of one of the most important battles in Hungarian history in 1526.  There are only a few written accounts of the battle in which the Hungarian forces suffered a defeat against the Ottomans, therefore the exact location of the battle is still debated.

In addition to the numerous studies tackling this problem we introduce another aspect: the geomorphometric analysis that contributes to our understanding. As it is a flat area, the focus is primarily on examining microtopographic features and their relative age ordering, in order to construct a feasible 16th century drainage model of the area. The aim of our approach is to determine past and present channels of streams and watercourses that shaped the terrain. These features were analysed using a variety of software, including QGIS and our own sophisticated image processing tools.

The created runoff model helped us to identify dried-up streambeds and other avulsions. The elevated terrace encompasses incised channels that previously acted as alluvial ones. This observation may support the idea of effects of a more humid climate resulting in large discharge volumes relative to recent conditions. Image segmentation has yielded results that can be used to distinguish patterns in the terrain model including smaller subunits and patterns within them.

By applying these methods, we aim to create a reconstruction of the 16th century landscape. By comparing this reconstruction with historical descriptions and archaeological observations, we expect to assist historians and archaeologists in pinpointing the exact location of the actions of Battle of Mohács.

How to cite: Dávid, Z. J., Vitai, Á., Molnár, G., Bertók, G., Viczián, I., Szeberényi, J., Herczeg, B., and Székely, B.: Microtopographic analysis of the Mohács Plain based on Digital Terrain Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12097,, 2025.

EGU25-15197 | PICO | GM4.3

When and why did overbank deposits in Mongolia start to accumulate? 

Daniela Sauer, Michael Klinge, Junjie Zhang, and Manfred Frechen

The aim of this project was to use overbank deposits in Mongolia for reconstructing the Holocene landscape development. More specifically, we aimed at finding out, when the sedimentation of the thick deposits started, and which factors triggered the onset of overbank sedimentation. Possible factors included mainly enhanced runoff and increased availability of sediment in the catchments - which led to the follow-up question, whether climatic or anthropogenic causes - or both - were the main drivers of those changes.

To tackle these questions, we described profiles in stratified overbank deposits, analysed them for particle size distribution and organic carbon content, and subjected suitable sediment samples to luminescence dating, and organic material to radiocarbon dating.

The sediment bodies were usually 50-200 cm thick in total, but sometimes reached more than 4 metres thickness. The profiles exhibited sequences of layers of alluvial and aeolian fine material, alternating with humic layers and palaeosols. The thickness of the layers ranged from centimetres to decimetres.

We interpret the alternation of alluvial and aeolian layers as follows: The alluvial sediments primarily accumulated during episodic flood events. After their deposition, the bare sediment surface often acted as a dust source, which led to deflation and aeolian redeposition of sediment, before reestablishment of a vegetation cover stabilised the surface.

The accumulation of the overbank deposits must have been triggered by a regime with increased surface runoff leading to enhanced flooding dynamics, and by accelerated soil erosion in the catchments. A decline in vegetation cover may provide an explanation for both processes: It would cause increased surface runoff because of reduced interception and transpiration. Enhanced surface runoff and reduced protection of the soil surface by vegetation would in turn result in accelerated erosion.

Most of the layers showed ages of less than 2 ka, and the ages of the lowermost layers of the sediment sequences ranged between 4.5 ka and 2 ka. Apparently, sediment deposition happened very rarely in the period between the end of the Late Glacial to the Late Holocene, and the main upbuilding of the sediment sequences started around 2000 years ago.

This change might have been caused by a climate change towards more heavy precipitation events and longer periods of drought, the latter leading to vegetation decline. In addition, anthropogenic logging of forests and the use of fire, as well as intensification of pasture most likely led to enhanced surface runoff and accelerated soil erosion.

Archaeological evidence of animal husbandry in Mongolia goes back to the Early Bronze Age. It started about 5000 years ago with the appearance of the Afanasievo, Okunev and Andronovo cultures. However, substantial human impact on the landscape only began 2000 years ago, with the Xiongnu culture, Turkmen, Uyghurs, Kyrgyz and Mongols, prevailing one after the other. This probably marks a turning point of enhanced socio-economic development and rapid increase in population, accompanied by an increase in livestock and grazing pressure. Further research is needed to determine the extent to which climate change also played a role in this transformation.

How to cite: Sauer, D., Klinge, M., Zhang, J., and Frechen, M.: When and why did overbank deposits in Mongolia start to accumulate?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15197,, 2025.

EGU25-18105 | PICO | GM4.3

Geology and landscape controls over Middle to Modern Age human frequentation in mountain environments: preliminary results from the Western European Alps.  

Guido Stefano Mariani, Cristina Viani, Emanuele Pintaldi, Michele Eugenio D'Amico, Matteo Garbarino, Matteo Domanico, Natascia Druscovic, Ambra Idone, Gabriele Sartorio, and Michele Freppaz

Mountains are one of the best environments for the observation of the interaction between geology, landscape, and human sustenance strategies. In the Western European Alps, many areas have the potential to provide useful information on the relationship between geological diversity and human history, offering unique insights into settlement and activity patterns. Bedrock lithology, geomorphological features, soil development, and the overlying hydrological systems, directly shaped settlement distribution, agricultural and pastoral practices, and trade networks. Even in such difficult conditions, the more fertile valley floors provided stable and exploitable soils, while upland areas supported pastures and timber industries, vital for the survival of medieval economies. This study is part of the DAHU project (Programme INTERREG VI-A France-Italia ALCOTRA 2021-2027, n. 20108) and integrates geomorphological and soil surveys, paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and archaeological evidence to provide insights on how human frequentation throughout the Middle and Modern Age was influenced by landscape factors and the underlying geological setting.

The complex alpine communities within the closed area of the Vallone di San Grato (Valle d'Aosta region, NW Italian Alps) have been well established since the Middle Ages - at least since the colonisation of the Walser populations in the 13th-14th Centuries - and expanded over the centuries before their decline and disappearance, which became more and more evident from the 18th Century onwards. This frequentation left many traces in the form of built structures and settlements, as well as profound land modifications for cultivation, forestry, and pastoral activity.

Preliminary results allow to draw a first contextualization of the available archaeological and paleoenvironmental evidence inside their geological and geomorphological context. It is evident that medieval and modern communities were able to consume natural resources and deal with the many geological and landscape constraints on the territory, adapting settlement patterns, construction methods, and resource management accordingly. Above all, past glacial dynamics strongly dictated settlement choices, with most settlements located on moraine deposits and exploiting the soils in the less steep areas for cultivation, and leaving deep modifications in their morphology and chemical properties. Examples of land use are manifold and distributed throughout the valley, where only the steepest bare slopes were not utilized. Human impact also brought substantial land modifications through the centuries, especially on the higher slopes exploited for forestry, where the recent reactivation of slope processes hints at overexploitation-driven instability episodes.

This dynamic interaction offers insights into the resilience of medieval to modern alpine societies in responding to environmental challenges, with implications for cultural heritage preservation and sustainable development in similar landscapes.

How to cite: Mariani, G. S., Viani, C., Pintaldi, E., D'Amico, M. E., Garbarino, M., Domanico, M., Druscovic, N., Idone, A., Sartorio, G., and Freppaz, M.: Geology and landscape controls over Middle to Modern Age human frequentation in mountain environments: preliminary results from the Western European Alps. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18105,, 2025.

EGU25-18638 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

Analysis of biomarkers for the characterization of phosphatic crusts of compacted herbivore dung from a Middle Bronze Age settlement in the northeast Italy 

Maela Baldan, Federico Polisca, Marta Dal Corso, Giorgio Piazzalunga, Mara Bortolini, Dario Battistel, and Cristiano Nicosia

Phosphatic crusts found in archaeological sites are orangish deposits with hard texture composed of microlaminated plant fragments embedded in a cement of hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3OH), considered as indicators of animal penning. They generally derive from compacted dung and bedding material enriched in liquid animal waste that partially transforms organic matter and carbonates into Ca-phosphates. In this study, the phosphatic crusts collected at the Middle Bronze Age (1650-1300 BCE) site of La Muraiola di Povegliano (Verona, northeast Italy) were investigated by means of separation techniques coupled with mass spectrometry. The chemical analysis of biomarkers like faecal steroids from these crusts revealed high concentrations of 5β-phytostanols (5β-stigmastanol and epi-5β-stigmastanol) which are indicative of plant material digested by herbivores. 5β-phytostanols form, in fact, from the reduction of Δ5physterols (campesterol, β-sitosterol, stigmasterol) mediated by enteric bacteria in the intestinal tracts of herbivore mammals, especially in ruminants such as cattle, sheep, and goats. The identification of these compounds, combined with field observations and data derived from soil micromorphology, as well as pollen and phytolith analyses, offers valuable insights into husbandry practices in Bronze Age settlements. Acting as archives for microbotanical assemblages and chemical compounds that are rarely preserved to such a high degree in other deposits, this study highlights phosphatic crusts as critical features for exploring the interactions between humans, domestic animals, and their surrounding environment.
This research is part of the DIANE project (DIrt ANd Excrements: Integrating high-resolution sediment analysis and advanced biomolecular archaeology, 2022-2027) and it is strictly correlated to the ERC GEODAP project (GEOarchaeology of DAily Practices: extracting Bronze Age lifeways from the domestic stratigraphic record, 2021-2026). Both the projects aim to reconstruct domestic activities of ancient communities with a multidisciplinary approach that involves geoarchaeology, archaeobotany and organic chemistry.

How to cite: Baldan, M., Polisca, F., Dal Corso, M., Piazzalunga, G., Bortolini, M., Battistel, D., and Nicosia, C.: Analysis of biomarkers for the characterization of phosphatic crusts of compacted herbivore dung from a Middle Bronze Age settlement in the northeast Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18638,, 2025.

EGU25-19932 | PICO | GM4.3

Multi-proxy lipid biomarker and compound-specific isotope analyses from Lake Harcha, Middle Atlas, Morocco 

Roland Zech, Olga Schmitz, Svenja Scholz, Janik Wulf, Maximilian Prochnow, Steffen Taut, and Christoph Zielhofer

Lakes in the Middle Atlas of Morocco have been investigated for decades, mainly focusing on sedimentological and palynological analyses. They are great archives for paleoclimate and ‑environmental reconstruction, and Morocco is perfectly located to study past changes of the mid-latitude westerlies and the subtropical atmospheric circulation, respectively. Here we present first results from our study to explore the potential of lipid biomarkers preserved in Lake Harcha. The lake has a very small catchment (~0,6 km2), is only ~5000 m2 big, but ~13 m deep. Two sediment cores, ~150 and ~130 cm in length, were retrieved. Age control is not available yet.

n-Alkanes (n-C23n-C33) are well preserved with odd over even predominances >7. n-C29 and n-C31 are particularly abundant and likely reflect input from terrestrial plants, whereas the shorter-chain n-alkanes (n-C23 and n-C25) are generally attributed to aquatic organisms. The Paq index increases to values >0.4 in the upper ~50 cm, indicating high aquatic productivity. At the same time dD31 increases by 20-40‰, which we tentatively interpret as shift in atmospheric circulation and related changes in the isotopic composition of the precipitation (more Mediterranean-sourced waters?). dD25 and also dD27 are generally enriched compared to dD31 (up to 50‰), which we attribute to evaporative enrichment of the lake water, but the difference becomes much less in the upper ~50 cm. We also analyzed polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), biomarkers for fire, combustion, and soil erosion, as well as sterols, fecal biomarkers that are derived from humans and animals. They all reveal variable concentrations and thus past human impacts.

How to cite: Zech, R., Schmitz, O., Scholz, S., Wulf, J., Prochnow, M., Taut, S., and Zielhofer, C.: Multi-proxy lipid biomarker and compound-specific isotope analyses from Lake Harcha, Middle Atlas, Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19932,, 2025.

EGU25-20528 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

Homo Sapiens in Equatorial Guinea during the Middle Stone Age: a paleopedological approach 

Lilit Pogosyan, Tamara Cruz-y-Cruz, Alejandro Terrazas-Mata, Sergey Sedov, Elena Belyaeva, Teresa Pi-Puig, Iran Rivera-González, Héctor Victor Cabadas Báez, Martha Benavente, Beatriz Menéndez-Iglesias, and Jorge Rodríguez-Rivas

After centuries of investigation the past of human species remains unclear and provokes large discussions. The prehistory studies in Africa are commonly related to the East and South of African continent, which led to idea that our ancestors avoided rainforest environments and preferred savannas as their habitat. However, there are some findings in other regions, including the ones that were under rainforest vegetation even during Late Glacial. For example, such findings were described in Equatorial Guinea and Ivory Coast, places that according to palaeoecological reconstructions were such a refugium of pluviselva. We conducted our research in archaeological sites of Equatorial Guinea to determine (1) in what environmental conditions Middle Stone Age (MSA) Homo Sapiens lived and (2) how did they interact with the environment. Our research was conducted at the archaeological site Mabewele 1 in Equatorial Guinea. The results of phytolith analysis of the complete sequence have shown that the rainforest most probably had insignificant changes since the MSA, which means that an that period Homo Sapiens inhabited pluviselva. At the same time the complete sequence was composed of several layer of pedosediments of very similar composition. At the lower part of the sequence abundant artefacts were found buried almost in-situ, however since the flakes had a preferential orientation, we expect that they were slightly redeposited before they were buried. Even such shallow redeposition means an erosion which has occurred over exposed land surface with disturbed vegetation. This finding leads us to the question whether this erosion is a sign of human activity or was it related to some natural processes? At the same time, in the studied sequence the artifacts are deposited over the stone line horizon. The stone line in ferralitic soils may be explained by an intense bioturbation process.

How to cite: Pogosyan, L., Cruz-y-Cruz, T., Terrazas-Mata, A., Sedov, S., Belyaeva, E., Pi-Puig, T., Rivera-González, I., Cabadas Báez, H. V., Benavente, M., Menéndez-Iglesias, B., and Rodríguez-Rivas, J.: Homo Sapiens in Equatorial Guinea during the Middle Stone Age: a paleopedological approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20528,, 2025.

EGU25-21508 | ECS | PICO | GM4.3

Preliminary Geochemical and Lipid Biomarker Results from Lake Stechlin, Northeastern Germany 

Janik Wulf, Maximilian Prochnow, Thomas Kasper, Steffen Taut, Gerhard Daut, and Roland Zech

Northeastern (NE) Germany is characterized by continental climate conditions and is modelled to become even drier due to global climate change. This will aggravate the ecological and socio-economic consequences observed already over the last few years, such as intense droughts and forest fires. Detailed knowledge of regional past climate and environmental changes, as well as their potential supra-regional drivers, is urgently needed to understand climate-environmental interactions and to better anticipate future changes.

Here we present preliminary results from a 95 cm long sediment core from Lake Stechlin that spans ~5,000 years.  At ~50 cm depth, a distinct lead maximum is likely associated with medieval industries. At the same time, organic carbon drops, and increasing clay and potassium contents indicate mineral input, likely due to deforestation and massive erosion. The higher average chain length of the n-alkanes documents more input of grass- rather than tree-derived leaf waxes. Concentrations of n-alkanes are high throughout the record and allow for δ2H measurements on terrestrial and aquatic compounds. These are currently in progress to investigate past changes in lake water evaporation and thus drought. Moreover, we will present polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons as paleofire and erosion proxies to further explore anthropogenic impacts.

How to cite: Wulf, J., Prochnow, M., Kasper, T., Taut, S., Daut, G., and Zech, R.: Preliminary Geochemical and Lipid Biomarker Results from Lake Stechlin, Northeastern Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21508,, 2025.

SSS4 – Soil Biology, Microbiology and Biodiversity

EGU25-1373 | Orals | SSS4.2

The long-term effect of sugarcane crop residues and fertilization on soil physical properties may be mediated by microbial communities 

Maha Deeb, Thomas Z Lerch, Michel Grimaldi, Hanane Aroui, Sandile Mthimkhulu, Rianto Van Antwerpen, and Pascal Podwojewski

Soil physical structure, a key indicator of soil health and biomass production potential, can be altered by agricultural practices. In South Africa, the intensive and long-term sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) monoculture is known to degrade soil characteristics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of crop residue management practices (mulching, burning with residues scattered or removed) and mineral fertilization (with or without) on soil physical structure and to investigate possible link with soil microbial communities. To this aim, we analyzed soil aggregation and shrinkage curves (SSCs) in a long-term sugarcane trial established in 1939. The SSC provides descriptive structural soil data by differentiating and characterizing two pore systems (plasma and structural pores). We also quantified soil microbial communities’ abundance by qPCR as well as exopolysaccharides (EPS). Residue management and fertilization practices were found to have significant effects both on physical and microbial properties. Partial redundancy analysis showed that residue management practices had a slightly higher effect (19% of total variance) on hydrostructural variables compared with fertilization (12%). Total soil shrinkage, specific volume, and swelling capacity of the plasma were higher in mulched and/or unfertilized plots, indicating that soil was less compact, and shrinkage was more intense, including at the plasma level. The stronger structural dynamics and aggregate stability of the soil were explained by the behavior of the primary aggregates (peds), which were more porous and reactive during the drying process. In addition, swelling capacity of the plasma and the mean weight diameter of aggregates were both correlated to the amount of microbial EPS and the fungal abundance. This study highlights the importance of mulching and limited fertilization to maintain soil structure over the long term through the action of microbial communities.

How to cite: Deeb, M., Z Lerch, T., Grimaldi, M., Aroui, H., Mthimkhulu, S., Van Antwerpen, R., and Podwojewski, P.: The long-term effect of sugarcane crop residues and fertilization on soil physical properties may be mediated by microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1373,, 2025.

EGU25-3096 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Root-pore interactions and their role in shaping rhizosphere structure and rhizosheath development 

Maik Geers-Lucas, Andrey Guber, and Alexandra Kravchenko

Much research has evaluated rhizosphere structure as distinct from bulk soil, often attributing these differences to root-induced changes. However, the role of inherent root growth preferences and their interactions with existing soil pore networks remains underexplored. This study investigates the relative contributions of root-induced changes and root growth preferences in shaping rhizosphere porosity gradients and their relationship to rhizosheath development.

Using repeated X-ray computed micro-tomography (µCT), we analyzed rhizosphere macroporosity in intact and sieved soils. For the first time, we distinguished between changes driven directly by root activity and those arising from the inherent reuse of pre-existing macropores. Our findings demonstrate that root growth preferences, such as the utilization of large macropores, are the dominant factor shaping rhizosphere structure. In contrast, direct root-induced changes, including compaction and pore rearrangement, contributed minimally to overall rhizosphere porosity, particularly in intact soils.

We also examined rhizosheath development, traditionally being considered as a representative subsample of the rhizosphere. Contrary to conventional assumptions, our results revealed no correlation between rhizosheath mass and root-soil contact or rhizosphere soil volume derived from µCT analysis. Instead, rhizosheath formation was primarily associated with roots growing into macropores and actively modifying their surroundings. Roots exploring dense soil matrices or biopores showed minimal rhizosheath development.

This study underscores the importance of root growth preferences in rhizosphere structure development and challenges existing assumptions about the relationship between rhizosheath and rhizosphere properties. Our findings highlight the necessity of conducting rhizosphere research in soils with intact structure to fully capture the complex interactions between roots and soil.

How to cite: Geers-Lucas, M., Guber, A., and Kravchenko, A.: Root-pore interactions and their role in shaping rhizosphere structure and rhizosheath development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3096,, 2025.

EGU25-3817 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Does geographical origin matter? A study on the effects of soil temperature on the energy costs of burrowing in Aporrectodea caliginosa from Sweden and France 

Elsa Maria Arrazola Vasquez, Yvan Capowiez, Anke M. Herrmann, and Thomas Keller

Soil temperatures are expected to increase with climate change, which will likely affect soil bioturbation by earthworms. While the ecophysiological response of earthworms to soil temperature has been studied previously, several questions remain, such as whether earthworm species from different geographical origins respond differently to environmental stress. In this study, we used A. caliginosa individuals from two contrasting European climatic zones (i.e. central Sweden and southern France), and measured their energy use (via heat dissipation using isothermal calorimetry) and their burrowing activity (i.e. burrow volume and cast volume, quantified using X-ray imaging) at five different soil temperatures (i.e. 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24 °C).

In general, heat dissipation in earthworms increased with soil temperature, and body mass-normalized heat dissipation was about 20% higher in earthworms from France. Moreover, the increase in heat dissipation with increasing temperature was stronger at high than at low temperatures. However, there was one important exception from these general trends: earthworms from Sweden showed a distinct and absolute peak in heat dissipation at intermediate temperature (16 °C). Burrow volumes created by earthworms increased with soil temperature up to 16-20 °C, after which it decreased. The high levels of heat dissipation in combination with reduced burrowing activity at 24 °C suggest high stress in such warm conditions. The volumes of burrows created by Swedish earthworms were about 50% higher than those created by French earthworms.

As a consequence of the higher heat dissipation and lower burrow volumes, the specific energy costs for burrowing (i.e., heat dissipation per unit burrow volume) was 2-3-fold higher in French earthworms than Swedish earthworms, which suggests that Swedish earthworms are more “efficient”. In general, French A. caliginosa were smaller in size and mass compared to Swedish A. caliginosa, and these differences may be a result of adaptation to distinct climates. While Swedish earthworms had a distinct activity peak at 16 °C, we could not find such an activity peak in French earthworms. Measurements with higher temperature resolution (e.g., measurements every 1 °C) might be needed.

Our data indicate that the geographical origin of earthworms plays a role in the earthworm's ecophysiological responses to environmental stressors such as soil temperature. The findings provide quantitative data on how earthworm burrowing activity is affected by soil temperature, which helps us better understand how earthworms may adapt to climate change and what the consequences on soil processes are.


How to cite: Arrazola Vasquez, E. M., Capowiez, Y., Herrmann, A. M., and Keller, T.: Does geographical origin matter? A study on the effects of soil temperature on the energy costs of burrowing in Aporrectodea caliginosa from Sweden and France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3817,, 2025.

Nitrogen addition can weaken yield reduction under no-tillage, a fundamental component of conservation tillage. However, the potential long-term benefits of nitrogen addition in enhancing the yield capacity of no-tillage by improving soil quality remain uncertain. Here we investigated the effects of tillage and nitrogen addition on both yield and soil quality through a comprehensive long-term experiment. We found that increased nitrogen inputs resulted in higher yield under no-tillage, particularly in wet years. Over an 18-year period, the rate of yield enhancement attributed to nitrogen addition varied from 8.2% to 24.5%, resulting in the most optimal yield under no-tillage with adequate nitrogen addition. Similarly, soil quality of no-tillage exhibited improvement with nitrogen inputs, especially in terms of organic carbon and the availability of nitrogen and phosphorus, thereby enhancing production potential. This study concluded that adequate nitrogen addition further improved both crop production and the sustainability of no-tillage systems.

How to cite: Li, S., Wu, X., Li, Y., and Zha, Y.: Long-term nitrogen fertilization addition offsets no-tillage induced decrease in crop yield through enhancing soil fertility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3898,, 2025.

EGU25-5121 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Diversified crop rotations strengthen maize drought tolerance via rhizosphere microbiota and enzymes activities 

Rong Jia, Min Chen, Jie Zhou, Yi Xu, Junlong Huang, Yadong Yang, Bahar S. Razavi, Zhaohai Zeng, Yakov Kuzyakov, and Huadong Zang

Although diversified crop rotations raise drought tolerance and system productivity, the underlying mechanisms within the crop–soil system that confer this resilience remain incomplete.

The drought tolerance mechanisms of maize grown under a 20–year field experiment encompassing low, medium, and high crop diversity rotations was evaluated by combining soil zymography and high–throughput sequencing.

Crop diversification increased maize biomass by 56–87% and mitigated the drought stress by 14.1-58.8%. It also reinforced root diameter stability7–2.5 times and drought tolerance 2.2–2.7 times, which linked to drought tolerance of rhizosphere microbiota. The complexity of the rhizosphere bacterial network increased with crop diversification, and the keystone taxa like biofilm–producing Pseudomonas demonstrated bolstered drought tolerance. These microbiota help stabilize niches and habitats under drought, thereby raising rhizosphere’s stress tolerance and the ecosystem's provisioning and regulatory functions. Enzyme activities and hotspot areas decreased in soils with crop diversification, but has minimal changes with drought systems, suggesting that enzymes may not directly control plant drought tolerance.

Crop diversification enrich drought–tolerance soil microbial species that maintain rhizosphere microenvironment stability and facilitate root proliferation, underscoring the significance of optimizing crop–microbe interactions to bolster resilience against soil drought.

How to cite: Jia, R., Chen, M., Zhou, J., Xu, Y., Huang, J., Yang, Y., Razavi, B. S., Zeng, Z., Kuzyakov, Y., and Zang, H.: Diversified crop rotations strengthen maize drought tolerance via rhizosphere microbiota and enzymes activities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5121,, 2025.

EGU25-5342 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Biochar's Impact on Soil Structure and Hydrological  properties in Saline Land 

Xueping Wu, Yuyi Li, Yan Zha, and Shengping Li

The poor soil structure caused by salinization is a major factor affecting crop growth and soil structure will further affect hydrological function. Biochar is widely used to improve soil physical structure because of its special porous material. However, the mechanism of soil pore structure on hydrological function (e.g., soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, plant available water, least limiting water range) after biochar incorporation in saline soil remains unclear. Therefore, the present study examined the response of soil structural properties of different biochar addition in saline clay loam, and subsequently assessed how the pore structure influence soil hydrological function. The study involved four treatments: CK (Control)、C1 (7.5 t ha−1 biochar)、C2 (15 t ha−1 biochar)、C3 (30 t ha−1 biochar). Soil aggregate stability increased from 15% to 30% when the amount of biochar addition increased from 7.5 t ha−1 to 30 t ha−1. The highest connectivity index (2.36) and the highest fractal dimension (2.56) were found at the biochar addition of 30 t ha−1. Biochar addition reduced the proportion of small pores (<50 µm pore size) at both soil depths of 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm, whereas increased the proportion of large pores (>300 µm pore size). Biochar amendment reduced the soil penetration resistance, with the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, plant available water and the least limiting water range were measured 46%, 27% and 40% greater in rate of 30 t ha-1 biochar addition as compared with those of the CK, respectively. Person correlation analysis and redundancy analysis revealed that the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity was positively correlated with large pores (diameter >300 μm) and pore connectivity (p < 0.05). The lowest least limiting water range of the CK was primarily constrained by a relatively higher penetration resistance. The improved pore connectivity and elongated pore structures were the key responsible for the reduced penetration resistance in biochar-amended soil, which subsequently increase.

How to cite: Wu, X., Li, Y., Zha, Y., and Li, S.: Biochar's Impact on Soil Structure and Hydrological  properties in Saline Land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5342,, 2025.

EGU25-5352 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Soil organic carbon sequestration of green manure in saline-alkali land 

Li Yuyi, Xueping Wu, Yan Zha, and Shengping Li

Green manure strongly affects saline-alkali soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. The mechanism by which green manure influences the contribution of plant and microbial-derived carbon (C) to SOC in wheat-green manure cropping system remains unclear. Herein, plant residue C (PRC), microbial, bacterial, and fungal necromass C (MNC, BNC, and FNC), enzyme activity and microbial community were determined under wheat fallow after harvest (CK), green manure roots return (GMR), and green manure shoots and roots return (GMRS) in a five-year field experiment. Compared with CK, GMR and GMRS increased SOC content by 12% and 11% at 0-20 cm, respectively. Specifically, GMR accelerated the lignin biotransformation by increasing the relative abundance of K-strategy fungi, caused a reduction in the contribution of plant residues to SOC by 16-31%. While GMR increased MNC, especially BNC by 1.6-2.8 times, which was the primary driver of SOC sequestration. Comparatively, GMRS increased the relative abundance of r-strategy bacteria by 12-13%, and C- and Nacquisition enzymes by 12-17% and 56-68% compare to CK. This in turn, increased the accumulation of PRC, but decreased MNC (especially FNC) contribution to SOC. Overall, green manure return strategies altered the contribution of plant residues and microbial necromass to SOC by regulating microbial life strategies. MNC (especially FNC) contributed more to SOC than PRC. Therefore, green manure specially root return is a viable option to drive SOC accumulation via microbial necromass formation in wheat-green manure cropping system in saline-alkali soils.

How to cite: Yuyi, L., Wu, X., Zha, Y., and Li, S.: Soil organic carbon sequestration of green manure in saline-alkali land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5352,, 2025.

EGU25-5886 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Identifying hotspots of N2O formation in the rhizosphere of young maize plants by combining O2 optodes and N2O microsensors 

Pauline Sophie Rummel, Martin Reinhard Rasmussen, Theresa Merl, Aurélien Saghaï, Sara Hallin, Carsten W. Mueller, and Klaus Koren

O2 deficiency is a main prerequisite for denitrification promoting N2O formation in soils. Increased microbial activity in the rhizosphere of growing plants promotes microbial respiration, which together with root respiration contributes to high O2 demand and consumption in the rhizosphere creating favorable conditions for denitrification.

To understand the effect of root growth on N2O formation in the rhizosphere, we developed a novel rhizobox design allowing to monitor soil O2 concentrations and N2O fluxes at high spatial and temporal resolution. Rhizoboxes were filled with 2.2 kg of arable soil with silty loam texture and maize (Zea mays L.) was grown for 3-6 weeks. Soil moisture was kept between 70 and 80 % water-filled pore space. The ‘window side’ of the rhizoboxes was equipped with an O2-sensitive optode, allowing monitoring of O2 concentrations in the developing rhizosphere and surrounding soil at high spatial and temporal resolution. Root growth was monitored by photographing roots and analyzed using RootPainter software. Surface N2O fluxes were determined every two to three days using transparent chambers and a LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzer. N2O concentrations in the soil profile were measured with N2O microsensors by piercing through the O2 optode at selected sites in the rhizosphere and bulk soil. On the last day of the experiment, we sampled regions of interest (ROI, 1.6 cm diameter) from the window site of the rhizoboxes and analyzed them for mineral N, total C and N, and the abundance of N cycling genes involved in denitrification and N2O reduction. Afterwards, the remaining soil was sampled in layers of 5 or 10 cm and analyzed for mineral N and dissolved organic C (DOC).

Soil water content decreased with increasing root length (R²=0.39). Soil O2 concentrations were positively correlated with root length (R²=0.80), but negatively with soil water content (R²=0.64). Surface N2O flux rates differed strongly between replicates, yet the overall flux patterns were similar. Root growth and soil moisture were the main controls of N2O fluxes as confirmed by a linear mixed effect model including an interaction between total root length and soil water content as fixed factors and replicate as random factor.

Analyses of soil sampled at the end of the experiment showed that NO3- and DOC content were highest in the uppermost 5 cm of the rhizoboxes and strongly decreased with depth. Similarly, abundance of bacterial 16S rRNA genes, reflecting the overall size of the bacterial community, and genes for denitrification (nirK) and N2O reduction (nosZII) decreased with increasing sampling depth, which was associated with the lower resource availability (NO3-, DOC) in deeper layers.

N2O concentrations measured with microsensors in soil ranged between 0 and 100 µmol N2O L-1 confirming very high heterogeneity of N2O formation in soils. Highest N2O concentrations were found in the direct vicinity of roots. Overall, minimum N2O concentrations were negatively correlated with maximum O2 concentrations and maximum N2O concentrations were positively correlated with total N availability indicating that O2 controlled the onset of denitrification while N availability controlled its magnitude.

How to cite: Rummel, P. S., Rasmussen, M. R., Merl, T., Saghaï, A., Hallin, S., Mueller, C. W., and Koren, K.: Identifying hotspots of N2O formation in the rhizosphere of young maize plants by combining O2 optodes and N2O microsensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5886,, 2025.

EGU25-7060 | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Understanding the role of microbial community in afforested and reforested mangrove ecosystems in the United Arab Emirates 

Alsayeda Zahra Salman, Henda Al Mahmoudi, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Tadashi Ookami, Hojeong Kang, and Ryunosuke Tateno

          Soil microorganisms, in association with mangrove trees, play an important role in supporting the foundation of the ecosystem functions. Understanding the microbial contributions to mangrove ecosystem function and stability is essential for effective conservation and management. Currently, mangroves face heightened vulnerability to the repercussions of global warming. Factors such as elevated temperatures, rising sea level, increased flooding frequency and duration, and salinity fluctuations impact microbial diversity within these ecosystems. Identification and understanding of the core microbiota and mangrove microbial biodiversity remains scarce, specifically in the arid region. This research aims to provide insights into microbial strategies for coping with environmental change, contributing to sustainable mangrove management and ecosystem resilience in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and beyond.

          The UAE government has initiated extensive mangrove afforestation efforts to safeguard coastal environments, yet comparisons between afforested and reforested strategies in terms of microbial community dynamics remain sparse. Considration of microbial communities in mangrove restoration projects is an important key enhance establishment, growth and stress tolerance of mangrove trees as well as enhance the success of the initiatives. In this study, two afforested sites (Ras Al Khor wildlife sanctuary and Jebel Ali wildlife sanctuary, Dubai) and a reforested site (Khor Al Beidah, Umm Al Quwain) in the UAE were selected, with their forest ages approximately >30, <10, and >14 years, respectively. Topsoil samples were collected from grey mangrove (Avicennia marina) forests and surrounding non-vegetated area and salt marshes for two seasons.

          Current findings revealed that Jebel Ali site (<10 years) had sandy coarse textured soil, less soil organic matter, and more fluctuating pH with seasonal changes in comparison to the other older sites. This research hypothesizes that age, conservation efforts and physiochemical properties of soil in afforested and reforested mangrove sites are the primary determinants of microbial biodiversity in the soils. We present a comparative study of the microbiota against the physiochemical characteristics of the soils. It is predicted that specific microbial communities will be found across different tidal zones (seaward and landward), and seasons. Along the environmental gradient, specific microbiota are expected to be associated with and adapted to the environmental conditions.

How to cite: Salman, A. Z., Al Mahmoudi, H., Matsuoka, S., Ookami, T., Kang, H., and Tateno, R.: Understanding the role of microbial community in afforested and reforested mangrove ecosystems in the United Arab Emirates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7060,, 2025.

EGU25-9813 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Synthetic rhizosphere community confers drought tolerance in barley 

Linda Rigerte, Thomas Reitz, Anna Heintz-Buschart, and Mika Tapio Tarkka

Under current climate change scenarios for temperate ecosystems in Europe, prolonged drought poses a significant threat to barley production necessitating the development of novel strategies to ensure survival under these scenarios. One such approach is to enhance drought resistance through the application of plant-beneficial rhizobacteria. However, studies exploring this strategy for stress mitigation have been limited thus far. To address this, we established a culture collection of rhizosphere bacteria found to be associated with barley hosts under drought stress (drought-tolerant or DT bacteria) and selected a 16-member consortium (drought-tolerant synthetic community/DT-SynCom) based on their relative abundance in the rhizosphere after drought and their in vitro tolerance to osmotic stress. The members of the DT-SynCom include species from Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria. Genome analyses revealed the presence of genes associated with plant growth promotion, and in vitro assays confirmed auxin production, ACC deaminase activity, inorganic phosphorus solubilization, and cellulase and chitinase activity in individual consortium members. The DT-SynCom members are non-antagonistic to one another and exhibit either neutral or beneficial effects on barley shoot and root growth in vitro. Pot experiments in three different soil substrates showed that DT-SynCom application reduced the number of wilting leaves and slightly improved barley growth under drought conditions. The results of the research suggest that members of the barley DT-SynCom have beneficial plant traits that result in improved plant growth under drought stress.

How to cite: Rigerte, L., Reitz, T., Heintz-Buschart, A., and Tarkka, M. T.: Synthetic rhizosphere community confers drought tolerance in barley, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9813,, 2025.

EGU25-10402 | Orals | SSS4.2

Interkingdom communication between fungi and plants: induction of a novel silent secondary metabolite cluster required for root colonization 

Monika Schmoll, Miriam Schalamun, Guofen Li, Wolfgang Hinterdobler, and Stephane Compant

The interaction between soil fungi and plant roots crucially depends on proper recognition and communication by both partners. However, the precise determinants of this communication remain to be identified, both in terms of chemical communication and the underlying gene regulation upon recognition and response. Additionally, the beneficial interaction of fungi and plants often depends on the characteristics of the surrounding soil as well as on the variety of plant species, although the molecular basis of this phenomenon is largely unknown.

Trichoderma harzianum is a filamentous ascomycete frequently applied as plant beneficial agent in agriculture. While mycoparasitism and antagonism of Trichoderma spp. against fungal pathogens is well known, early responses of the fungus to the presence of a plant await broader investigation. In this study we analyzed these early stages of plant- fungus communication at the molecular level. We show that T. harzianum B97 is an efficient colonizer of plants. Analysis of chemotropic responses of B97 germlings to a plant extract showed directed hyphal growth. Patterns of secreted secondary metabolites revealed that the fungus chemically responds to the presence of the plant and that the plant secrets a fungus specific metabolite as well. Hence we developed a strategy for omics analysis to simulate the conditions of the early plant recognition eliciting a chemotropic response in the fungus. We found only 102 genes to be regulated, reflecting a very early stage of response, which revealed a general decrease in secondary metabolism upon recognition. In contrast, among these genes, a so far uncharacterized, presumably silent gene cluster was strongly induced upon recognition of the plant. Gene deletion of two genes of this Plant Communication Associated (PCA) cluster showed that they are essential for colonization of soy been roots. Moreover, for part of the gene cluster a DNA motif with palindromic sequence was detected. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the PCA cluster is only present in the Harzianum clade of Trichoderma and closely related to from Metarhizium spp. Analysis of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of the cluster genes, revealed that plants likely acquired a subset of the core genes of the cluster from fungi.

We conclude that the plant recognition specific PCA cluster mediates early chemical communication between plant and fungus and is potentially responsible for the high potential of T. harzianum sensu stricto and closely related species for biocontrol applications. Due to the requirement of this cluster for successful plant interaction (i.e. root colonization) we propose regulation of the PCA cluster as a diagnostic feature to delineate soil characteristics and plant genomic features blocking or facilitating beneficial fungal plant interaction and hence plant protection.


How to cite: Schmoll, M., Schalamun, M., Li, G., Hinterdobler, W., and Compant, S.: Interkingdom communication between fungi and plants: induction of a novel silent secondary metabolite cluster required for root colonization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10402,, 2025.

EGU25-10876 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Electrical conductivity measurements as a proxy for diffusion-limited microbial activity in soils 

Orsolya Fülöp, Naoise Nunan, Mamadou Gueye, and Damien Jougnot

Soil respiration is a significant driver of climate change and is anticipated to intensify extreme weather events. This type of respiration is associated with soil microorganisms and is a by-product of the global carbon cycle, known for decomposing organic matter. While several parameters impact the respiration rate, soil moisture content has been identified as the most significant abiotic facto, with one of its negative impacts being the appearance of diffusion-limiting effects. This diffusion of nutrients across the soil profile is believed to be crucial as the bound microorganisms depend on nutrients circling towards them across water-connected pores. However, uncertainties persist regarding the relationship between diffusion and soil moisture content, primarily due to the difficulties of capturing the soil respiration across the entire scale of the soils and the destructive nature of traditional respiration and the destructiveness associated with soil water content analyses. Due to this, geophysical tools, including electrical conductivity measurements, have started to be applied to attempt to capture moisture contents as, similarly to the respiration rates, electrical conductivity (EC) relies on the aqueous phase as both solids and gases are isolators. In the present study, we applied various matric suctions and measured the associated soil respiration flux and electrical conductivity, respectively, to validate our hypothesis that there will be a correlation between both respiration and EC. This fascinating relationship would allow us to find a new methodology to capture the respiration rate without reaching invasive steps. The samples were composed of natural and sieved soils from different types of cultivation, as well as top and subsoils. Our findings revealed a strong positive correlation between respiration rates and EC across varying matric potentials. The optimal matric potential (-250 hPa) demonstrated peak respiration rates, coinciding with the combination of the presence of pore connectedness and oxygen availability. Beyond this threshold, respiration rates and EC declined with decreasing soil water content, particularly in sieved samples, where homogenised pore sizes amplified this effect. These findings suggest EC could serve as a proxy for measuring the optimal conditions of microbial activity, offering a non-invasive tool to study soil respiration across diverse conditions. Future research could further refine this approach, enhancing our understanding of microbial processes and their environmental implications.

How to cite: Fülöp, O., Nunan, N., Gueye, M., and Jougnot, D.: Electrical conductivity measurements as a proxy for diffusion-limited microbial activity in soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10876,, 2025.

EGU25-10887 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

The interplay between porous medium structure and bacterial biofilms in a microfluidic flow cell 

Leah Oren, Elhanan Tzipilevich, and Oshri Borgman

Enhancing plants' ability to deal with climate change consequences requires adopting new measures to improve soil viability. Using beneficial bacteria to enhance plant resilience is a promising approach. Understanding the interplay between bacterial biofilm and water flow and distribution after drainage is crucial to achieving sustainable positive effects. However, the impact of soil structure and various biofilm extracellular components on water flow is still largely unknown. Here, we study the effects of biofilm characteristics and porous medium structure on water retention during drainage. We use microfluidic porous medium devices with prescribed structures and inoculate them with a common soil bacterium, Bacillus Velezensis. We use a wild-type strain and two mutants – a ΔtasA strain mutant in extracellular protein fibers formations and a ΔepsH mutant in forming extracellular sugar polymers. The model porous medium microfluidic devices are fabricated with PDMS and contain an array of circular pillars in a rectangular channel. The porous medium structure is controlled by two parameters: the pillar diameter distribution variance and their spatial correlation. The distribution variance controls the pore-scale heterogeneity of the porous medium, while the spatial correlation controls its macroscopic heterogeneity. We begin our experiments by inoculating the porous medium with a bacterial culture solution. Then, we inject nutrient broth into the microfluidic chip at a constant flow rate while periodically capturing images of biofilm development using a microscope in Brightfield mode. We also compare the biofilm images to a numerical solution of pore-scale velocity by solving Stokes flow in OpenFOAM for the specific geometry of the microfluidic cell. Preliminary results show biofilm accumulates in a heterogeneous porous medium in regions of narrower pore apertures with lower flow velocities. In contrast, biofilm accumulation is not preferential to specific areas in a homogeneous porous medium. Using ΔtasA and Δepsh mutants resulted in reduced biofilm accumulation. In the next stage, we will perform drainage experiments to assess the simultaneous effect of structure and biofilm on water retention and distribution. The fundamental understanding gained from this study will help facilitate upscaled experiments that could indicate the preferred saturation conditions for increasing plant-available water content under different structural and biological soil features.

How to cite: Oren, L., Tzipilevich, E., and Borgman, O.: The interplay between porous medium structure and bacterial biofilms in a microfluidic flow cell, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10887,, 2025.

EGU25-12061 | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Spatial distribution of organic N in the course of Zea mays L. roots development  

Evgenia Blagodatskaya, Guoting Shen, and Andrey Guber

Despite an importance of organic N for plant growth, it is uncertain how spatial distribution of the hotspots of organic N is affected by root development. We visualized amino-N content and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity in seminal and lateral roots of maize (Zea mays L.) at the 4- and 6-leaves phases. Amino-N and LAP hotspots were strongly overlapped at seminal roots and root tips of maize. The intensity of amino-N hotspots was fertilization-, growth phase- and root-specific. Amino-N content decreased in seminal root tips at the 6- versus the 4-leaves phase irrespective of fertilization levels, while it increased in seminal roots and lateral root tips under full fertilization with root growth. This suggests a potential functional differentiation of seminal and lateral root tips in the N-acquisition strategy in the course of plant growth.

How to cite: Blagodatskaya, E., Shen, G., and Guber, A.: Spatial distribution of organic N in the course of Zea mays L. roots development , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12061,, 2025.

EGU25-12261 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Root exudates in wetland soils – compound diversity and priming effect 

Namid Krüger, Harihar Jaishree Subrahmaniam, Klaus-Holger Knorr, and Peter Mueller

Root exudation plays a critical role in the biogeochemical functioning of wetlands, influencing nutrient cycling, shaping both plant-plant and plant-microbe interactions and affecting soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition via priming effects. We showed that contrary to most observations in aerated upland soils, glucose inputs can induce strong negative priming effects on anoxic peat. This finding yields important implications for the stability of the vast organic carbon reserves in global wetland soils. However, root exudation dynamics are complex, and the biogeochemical implications of the hundreds of diverse compounds released from roots remain elusive.

Here we present 1) a meta-analysis compiling data on wetland plant root exudates, focusing on both fluxes and compound diversity, and 2) preliminary results from incubation experiments simulating the effects of a typical wetland plant exudate composite on SOC decomposition.

Our meta-analysis elucidates the challenges in cross-study comparison of quantitative root exudate data due to methodological heterogeneity as well as the strong effects of environmental, biological and chemical parameters influencing plant traits. We found organic acids to be the primary compound class released by wetland roots, and organic acids have been assessed by the majority of studies. By contrast, few studies assessed the compound classes of sugars, amino acids, and secondary compounds, representing important knowledge gaps in our understanding of wetland-plant-microbe interaction and C cycling. To understand the complex effects of diverse root exudates on wetland SOC cycling, our ongoing incubation experiments compare the priming effect of a wetland plant exudate composite with that of conventionally used single sugar inputs.

How to cite: Krüger, N., Subrahmaniam, H. J., Knorr, K.-H., and Mueller, P.: Root exudates in wetland soils – compound diversity and priming effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12261,, 2025.

EGU25-13094 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Plants mitigate microbial response to pesticides in riparian environments 

Aira Sacha Ferrer, Katherine Muñoz Sepúlveda, Clara Mendoza-Lera, and Dörte Diehl

Rivers serve as a vector for pollutant transport, as well as a dispersal agent for invasive plant species. Through flooding events, these stressors can be distributed to areas such as the riparian zone, which may then alter soil microbial community activity and function. To test this, a pot experiment was conducted with pesticide application and plant community as treatment factors. Plant community treatments included control (no plants), native riparian vegetation, and riparian vegetation with the invasive species Impatiens glandulifera. Pots were flooded with either tap water or a pesticide mixture for a period of 7 days. Root-zone porewater was then collected at the base of each plant. Microbial activity and function were assessed by incubating soil with collected porewater and conducting a MicroResp assay, in which different carbon substrates were added, and CO2 evolution (a proxy for microbial activity) was measured. Results showed that porewater from pesticide-exposed pots (regardless of plant community) led to higher microbial respiration compared to porewater from control pots. Conversely, porewater from pots without pesticide exposure resulted in lower respiration, suggesting that plants may mitigate pesticide-induced changes in microbial activity under flooded conditions. Catabolic diversity, however, remained consistent across treatments, indicating that microbial function was unaffected. Total organic carbon analysis of porewater revealed that the quantity remained constant across treatments, suggesting that composition, rather than concentration, influenced microbial activity. Future work will include untargeted analyses of porewater to characterize its chemical composition and targeted analyses for the presence of root exudates to better understand their role in shaping microbial responses.

How to cite: Ferrer, A. S., Muñoz Sepúlveda, K., Mendoza-Lera, C., and Diehl, D.: Plants mitigate microbial response to pesticides in riparian environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13094,, 2025.

EGU25-13610 | Orals | SSS4.2

Exploring Mycorrhizosphere Microbial Diversity in Sterilized Rhizobox Systems with Third-Generation Sequencing 

Thiago Gumiere, Anne-Doty Herisse, and Jacynthe Dessureault-Rompré

The mycorrhizosphere is a highly dynamic soil zone characterized by intense interactions among plant roots, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and associated microbial communities. This biologically active region is pivotal in nutrient cycling, root colonization, and soil sustainability. Despite its ecological importance, the mycorrhizosphere remains poorly understood due to its challenging accessibility. Conventional destructive sampling methods often fail to isolate this specific zone, leading to a limited understanding of its microbial composition. To address these challenges, we employ rhizobox systems designed to maintain the integrity of the mycorrhizosphere. These systems allow precise sampling of the region directly influenced by root exudates and AMF activity. By consistently accessing the zone of inoculation, the rhizobox enables repeated observations and measurements, enhancing our ability to study the microbial dynamics of this elusive soil environment. This study aims to uncover key taxonomic groups within the mycorrhizosphere, focusing on identifying mycorrhiza-helper bacteria (MHB) and fungi (MHF) that could improve mycorrhizal colonization and soil health. The primary objectives of this research are to: i) Characterize Microbial Diversity: Third-generation sequencing technologies (MinIon R10.4.1 V14, Nanoporetech) will be used to profile bacterial and fungal communities within the mycorrhizosphere of Orchard Baby maize (Zea mays). The focus will be on taxonomic identification using genetic markers such as 16S rRNA for bacteria and ITS for fungi; ii) Establish a Controlled Environment: Sterilized rhizobox systems filled with an artificial soil mixture will serve as the experimental framework. Microbial inocula derived from native forest soils, conservation-managed agricultural soils, and intensively managed agricultural soils will be applied in dilution series (10⁻¹, 10⁻³, and 10⁻⁶) to mimic natural microbial gradients. iii) AMF Inoculation: Rhizophagus irregularis (syn. Glomus intraradices), a well-documented AMF species, will facilitate root colonization and provide a controlled environment to evaluate microbial interactions. The study combines molecular sequencing with temporal sampling to examine microbial recruitment by mycorrhizal plants. DNA extraction will occur at three stages (beginning 1 month and 3 months after the start) to capture temporal changes in microbial composition. The focus will be on identifying the dominant taxa in the mycorrhizosphere. Our project seeks to provide the first high-resolution taxonomic profiles of microbial communities in the mycorrhizosphere. We also expected to establish a methodological framework for studying elusive soil zones with high biological activity and to highlight the microbial taxes associated with AMF colonization. Integrating rhizobox systems with advanced sequencing will provide insights into microbial dynamics that can inform sustainable agricultural practices, particularly in enhancing nutrient uptake and soil resilience.

How to cite: Gumiere, T., Herisse, A.-D., and Dessureault-Rompré, J.: Exploring Mycorrhizosphere Microbial Diversity in Sterilized Rhizobox Systems with Third-Generation Sequencing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13610,, 2025.

EGU25-14483 | Orals | SSS4.2

Bacillus subtilis Changes Salt Precipitation Patterns and Affects Saltwater Evaporation via Contact Line Pinning 

Yan Jin, Jing Yan, Wenjuan Zheng, Bridget Knight, and Harsh Bais

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have been shown to mediate drought tolerance by inducing changes in soil physical properties, water retention and flow dynamics. However, PGPR’s potential and mechanisms in mediating salt tolerance through these biophysical controls remain poorly understood. To address this, we conducted saltwater evaporation experiments with Bacillus subtilis FB17 (UD1022, a PGPR) across multiple scales, including microscale (sessile droplets on glass slides and microchannels packed with a thin layer of sand) and mesoscale (columns packed with sand). Evaporation of NaCl solutions (0, 10, and 20 g/kg) mixed with and without UD1022 cells was compared in these systems. Results demonstrated the significant influence of bacterial deposition on water film configuration, air-water interface behavior, and patterns of salt accumulation/precipitation during evaporation. Images of evaporation of sessile droplets showed that bacterial cells pinned the contact line, resulting in salt precipitation along the perimeter, whereas in the absence of UD1022, salt precipitates were concentrated in the droplet center. In microchannel packed with sand particles, salt clusters formed on sand particle surfaces in controls whereas salt precipitation occurred in the pore space between sand particles in UD1022-treated samples, consistent with contact line pinning. The biophysical controls observed at the microscale were reflected in mesoscale column measurements, where UD1022 treatment increased water retention and reduced evaporation at 10 and 20 g/kg salt concentrations compared to controls. Light reflection imaging revealed earlier onset and more salt precipitation in UD1022-treated columns compared to the controls. Mechanistically, bacterial-induced contact line pinning led to (1) earlier onset of salt precipitates resulting in partial blocking of pores and thus increased capillary connection and evaporation at the early stage, and (2) complete pore blocking thus reduced evaporation at the later stage. The sequential processes contributed to the observed overall reduction in evaporation and higher water retention.

How to cite: Jin, Y., Yan, J., Zheng, W., Knight, B., and Bais, H.: Bacillus subtilis Changes Salt Precipitation Patterns and Affects Saltwater Evaporation via Contact Line Pinning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14483,, 2025.

EGU25-15041 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Anaerobic Respiration in Oxic Soils: Visualizing Denitrification hot-moments with Microfluidics 

Giulia Ceriotti, Sergey M Borisov, and Jasmine Berg

Microbial denitrification is a critical process in soils, driving nitrogen cycling and organic carbon turnover. While traditionally considered an anaerobic process, denitrification has been observed in oxic environments, suggesting the presence of anoxic microsites that facilitate anaerobic metabolism within otherwise oxygen-rich surroundings. These microsites often evade detection by bulk oxygen measurements, leaving their spatiotemporal dynamics and contribution to denitrification poorly understood. This knowledge gap largely stems from the methodological challenges of observing coupled oxygen and microbial dynamics at the microscale (microns to millimeters) in natural subsurface environments.

To address these challenges, we simulated the wetting of sandy soil using a microfluidic device integrated with a transparent planar oxygen sensor. Wide-field and fluorescent time-lapse microscopy were employed to track the spatially heterogeneous growth of a facultative denitrifier (P. veronii 1YdBTEX2) alongside oxygen concentration dynamics. Additionally, nitrate concentrations in the device outflow were analyzed to quantify the overall denitrification rate in the microfluidic device, indicating anaerobic respiration.

Our results revealed that microbial colonization closely correlated with the formation of oxygen-depleted zones. Despite the pore space remaining oxic at the bulk scale throughout the experiment (72 hours), oxygen-depleted "hot-moments" occupied up to 10% of the pore space, providing conditions suitable for anaerobic nitrate respiration. Remarkably, nitrate concentrations in the effluent decreased from 0.5 mM to nearly zero after 50 hours, demonstrating efficient denitrification despite the limited spatial extent of anoxic zones. Contrary to conceptual models predicting reduced activity in previously oxic regions, our findings showed that denitrification peaked during maximum oxygen consumption. This suggests that simultaneous increases in aerobic and anaerobic volumes promote the persistence of anoxic microsites and sustain denitrification in oxic soils.

How to cite: Ceriotti, G., Borisov, S. M., and Berg, J.: Anaerobic Respiration in Oxic Soils: Visualizing Denitrification hot-moments with Microfluidics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15041,, 2025.

EGU25-16535 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

A Novel, Standalone and Low-cost System for In-Situ Chemical Imaging with Planar Optodes 

Martin Reinhard Rasmussen, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, and Klaus Koren

In order to better understand soils heterogenous nature, we can apply chemical imaging to visualize microscale spatiotemporal dynamics of important soil parameters such as oxygen or pH in real-time. However, the use of chemical imaging with planar optodes is mostly limited to laboratory experiments, due to practical constraints of the current applied equipment.

To address these challenges, we have developed a novel and low-cost multi analyte real time in-situ imaging system (MARTINIS)[1]. Specifically designed for operating in-situ or in mesocosm applications. MARTINIS significantly downscales imaging components, fitting them into a 25 cm in diameter and 70 cm long transparent tube. The system can be deployed into the soil profile with planar optodes attached to the tube’s exterior to create an interface for direct chemical imaging in the field. We show how we developed our proof-of-concept system by applying low-cost, off the shelf components and 3d printing, while maintaining high spatial (< 100 um) and temporal resolution (≥ minutes). To demonstrate the functionality of MARTINIS we have deployed the system in various in-situ environments and mesocosm applications in soil or sediments to obtain “panoramic” imaging of oxygen, pH and temperature dynamics. By incorporating a simplified temperature planar optode directly to the imaging system we are able to compensate for soil temperature changes along depth gradients when measuring oxygen or pH.

In one application, MARTINIS operated semi-autonomously over three months to monitor 2D soil oxygen conditions in a 16 cm deep soil profile. The system captured dynamic changes in oxygen levels linked to specific rainfall events and demonstrated reliable performance across various weather conditions, from snow to sun. In another application for short-term deployment, we measured heterogeneous soil pH gradients in wildfire-affected remote locations, highlighting the systems portability and adaptability. Deployment versatility was extended to waterlogged sediments in a mesocosm setup to observe the effect of bioturbation on oxygen dynamics. Measuring 2D oxygen and pH dynamics directly in the field is crucial, as these parameters drive many biogeochemical processes in soils and are tightly linked to rapidly changing environmental conditions. Conditions, which are often impossible to replicate in the laboratory. Enabling in-situ chemical imaging can be especially valuable in agricultural settings, where microscale soil oxygen dynamics leads to “hot spots” or “hot moments” of greenhouse gas production such as N2O.

With MARTINIS we present a proof-of-concept system that aims to overcome current barriers of applying planar optodes in-situ and increase accessibility to researchers by applying low-cost equipment, a modular platform and user-friendly software.  


[1]           M. R. Rasmussen et al., "A novel, standalone and low-cost system for in-situ chemical imaging with planar optodes in soils," Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 424, p. 136894, 2025/02/01/ 2025, doi:

How to cite: Reinhard Rasmussen, M., Butterbach-Bahl, K., and Koren, K.: A Novel, Standalone and Low-cost System for In-Situ Chemical Imaging with Planar Optodes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16535,, 2025.

EGU25-16819 | Orals | SSS4.2

Trait-based modeling of microbial interactions and carbon turnover in the rhizosphere 

Holger Pagel, Ahmet Kürşad Sırcan, Andrea Schnepf, Mona Giraud, Adrian Lattacher, Ellen Kandeler, Christian Poll, and Thilo Streck

Understanding the feedback mechanisms between roots and soil, and their effects on microbial communities, is crucial for predicting carbon cycling processes in agroecosystems. We developed a onedimensional axisymmetric rhizosphere model to simulate the spatially resolved dynamics of microorganisms and soil organic matter turnover around a single root segment to explore soil-root interactions. The model accounts for two functional microbial groups with different life history strategies (copiotrophs and oligotrophs), reflecting trade-offs in functional microbial traits related to substrate utilization and microbial metabolism. The model also considers substrates of different accessibility of soil organic matter, i.e. low and high molecular weight organic carbon compounds (LMW-OC, HMW-OC). The model was conditioned using Bayesian inference with constraint-based parameter sampling, which enabled the identification of parameter sets resulting in plausible model predictions in agreement with experimental evidence. Mimicking the behavior of growing roots, the model assumed 15 days of rhizodeposition for LMW-OC. As expected, the simulations show a decreasing concentration of dissolved LMW-OC away from the root surface. After 15 days, the microbial community close to the root surface (0–0.1 mm) was dominated by copiotrophs. The spatial patterns of functional microbial groups persisted after rhizodeposition ended, indicating a legacy effect of rhizodeposition on microbial communities, particularly on oligotrophic activity. Simulated microbial biomass exhibits a very rapid change within 0–0.2 mm away from the root surface, which points to the importance of resolving soil properties and states at submillimeter resolution. Microbial-explicit rhizosphere modeling thus facilitates elucidating spatiotemporal patterns of microorganisms and carbon turnover in the rhizosphere.

How to cite: Pagel, H., Sırcan, A. K., Schnepf, A., Giraud, M., Lattacher, A., Kandeler, E., Poll, C., and Streck, T.: Trait-based modeling of microbial interactions and carbon turnover in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16819,, 2025.

EGU25-17192 | Orals | SSS4.2

Learning from the soil biophysics pioneers 

Paul Hallett

Soil biophysics may be a relatively new term, but research on biological and physical interactions in soil dates back over a century. As we embark on new research today, blessed with a plethora of techniques and computing power that would be fanciful to the pioneers of the discipline, we have plenty to learn from the past. Devoid of techniques to drive their research, the pioneers focussed on big scientific questions, creating new techniques when none were available.

One of the earliest soil biophysics papers was published by Haines in 1923.  He measured soil volume changes with moisture content extremely accurately in arguably the first controlled study exploring biological polymer (gelatine) impacts to soil. He concluded that ‘By means of the method the effect of alternate wetting and drying of soil in producing good tilth is illustrated.’  This early work focussed on volume changes, a major biophysical process driving soil structure formation and stabilisation that much present research ignores.  While modern research excels at visualizing 3D soil structure (e.g., X-ray CT) and quantifying aggregate stability, it frequently falls short in elucidating the underlying mechanisms. Soil aggregate pioneers like Hénin (1940s) and Monnier (1965) went beyond descriptive analyses, delving into the physics of particle interactions (cohesion, contact angles) to understand the factors governing aggregate stability.

It is time for soil biophysicists to get back to basics, taking inspiration from the ingenuity and inquisitiveness of overlooked papers of their predecessors. With more effort placed on HOW soil biophysics drives structure formation, and less effort on correlating WHAT we see, progress would be less incremental. We have an array of exciting new tools at our disposal, but these need to be used beyond visualisation and correlation to make leaps rather than small steps in understanding.

Haines, W. 1923. The volume-changes associated with variations of water content in soil. Journal of Agricultural Science, 13, 296-310.

Hénin, S. 1943. The influence of imbibition of various liquids on the resistance to disintegration of earthy agglomerations in water. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l’Academie Des Sciences, 217, 578-580.

Monnier, G. 1965. Action des matieres organiques sur la stabilite structurale des sols. Annales Agronomiques, 16,471-+.


How to cite: Hallett, P.: Learning from the soil biophysics pioneers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17192,, 2025.

EGU25-17287 | Orals | SSS4.2

From Root to Shoot: Understanding Plant Hydraulic Regulation Across Different Soil Moistures 

Mohsen Zare, Samantha Spinoso Sosa, and Benjamin Hafner

Efficient coordination between aboveground (Kab) and belowground (Kbe) hydraulic conductance is crucial for plants to meet evaporative demands in diverse environmental conditions. Despite significant advances in understanding hydraulic traits, the interplay between Kab and Kbe under varying soil moisture levels remains insufficiently explored. This study investigates how maize (Zea mays L.) regulates hydraulic conductance during development in response to optimal (OWC, 25–30% volumetric water content) and water-stressed (SWC, 10–15%) soil conditions.

A controlled greenhouse experiment measured Kab and Kbe at 14, 26, 35, and 55 days after sowing. Kbe was quantified using a pressure chamber, while Kab components were derived from transpiration rates, leaf water potential, and environmental parameters. Results showed that Kbe exceeded Kab by two orders of magnitude and increased consistently with plant age, reflecting root system expansion. Plants under OWC exhibited significantly higher Kbe and Kab compared to SWC, where growth and hydraulic conductance plateaued earlier. Coordination between Kab and Kbe was linear at early stages but diverged as Kbe plateaued under SWC, while Kab continued to increase.

The trajectory of Kab and Kbe coordination was consistent across both treatments, but OWC plants explored a higher hydraulic capacity, indicating superior water uptake and transport. In contrast, SWC plants maintained the same coordination trajectory but operated at a reduced magnitude, reflecting an adaptive response to conserve water. These findings underscore the critical role of water availability in shaping plant hydraulic traits and highlight strategies for improving water use efficiency and resilience in agricultural systems under drought stress.

How to cite: Zare, M., Spinoso Sosa, S., and Hafner, B.: From Root to Shoot: Understanding Plant Hydraulic Regulation Across Different Soil Moistures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17287,, 2025.

EGU25-17733 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Interactive effect of root exudation and texture on anoxic microsite dynamics in the rhizosphere 

Emily Lacroix, Egon Van Der Loo, Laszlo Kocsis, and Marco Keiluweit

Roots are presumed to be key controls on anoxic microsites, which partially regulate nutrient availability and the fate of carbon and contaminants in soils. However, how root activity interacts with edaphic factors to regulate anoxic microsite formation is poorly understood. Here, we sought to define how root exudation interacts with soil texture to alter soil oxygen dynamics around a model plant root. We used reverse microdialysis to deliver 13C-labelled model exudates to soil mesocosms of two distinct textures. Over the course of three diurnal cycles, we mapped the 2D-distribution of oxygen, defined the contribution of exudates to total soil respiration, and measured the production of Fe(II) and fermentation products around our model plant root. We show that root exudation spurs the formation of anoxic microsites by intensifying microbial respiration around the plant root. These effects are lessened during periods of no exudation (“nighttime”) and enhanced in finer textured soils. Additionally, we show that anaerobic Fe-reducing bacteria partially contribute to Fe-oxide dissolution. The transient nature of anoxic microsites in the rhizosphere and the potential for Fe-redox cycling within them raise important questions about prevailing concepts of rhizosphere contaminant availability, nutrient acquisition, and carbon dynamics.

How to cite: Lacroix, E., Van Der Loo, E., Kocsis, L., and Keiluweit, M.: Interactive effect of root exudation and texture on anoxic microsite dynamics in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17733,, 2025.

EGU25-17940 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.2

Monitoring the Influence of Schizophyllum commune Growth in Pore Space Structure using 4D X-ray Microscopy 

Ariunzaya Loewe, Saeid Sadeghnejad, Maximilian Herold, Erika Kothe, and Thorsten Schäfer

Understanding microorganism growth in porous soils is vital for a wide range of applications, from bioremediation to industrial processes. In this study, we employ 4D X-ray microscopy (XRM) to track how the growth of the fungus Schizophyllum commune, a wood-decaying basidiomycete, alters the pore space structure of a column experiment. By capturing high-resolution 3D scans at different time intervals (i.e., 4D imaging), we visualize the dynamic interaction between fungal mycelium and the soil substrate, revealing how mycelial growth impacts soli porosity, pore connectivity, and permeability. The results show that the fungal growth induces a complex combination of pore occlusion, pore enlargement, and the creation of new channels through the substrate, which in turn affects the fluid flow through the soil column. Using AI-driven image analysis and segmentation techniques, we can automate the detection and quantification of these structural changes, providing insights into the relationship between microorganism activity and soil properties at a unique level of detail. This approach opens new possibilities for understanding how fungi influence the microstructure of soils and sediments, with potential implications for fields such as bioremediation and material design. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with advanced imaging modalities, such as X-ray microtomography (XRM), enables the experimental quantification and computational estimation of permeability. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with advanced imaging techniques, such as X-ray microtomography (XRM), facilitates both the experimental quantification and computational estimation of permeability. In this study, the small column system exhibits a reduction in permeability, which may result from both physical and microbiological factors. This synergistic approach enables comparative analysis and predictive modeling of microbial activity within complex systems, thereby enhancing the ability to predict and control its influence on system dynamics.


Keywords: 4D X-ray microscopy, Schizophyllum commune, fungal growth, pore space structure, artificial intelligence, image analysis, microbial impacts, material science, bioremediation.

How to cite: Loewe, A., Sadeghnejad, S., Herold, M., Kothe, E., and Schäfer, T.: Monitoring the Influence of Schizophyllum commune Growth in Pore Space Structure using 4D X-ray Microscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17940,, 2025.

Plant diversity promotes soil organic carbon (SOC) gains through intricate changes in root-soil interactions and their subsequent influence on soil physical and biological processes. The goal of this study was to assess SOC and pore characteristics of soils under a range of switchgrass-based plant systems, representing a gradient of plant diversity with species richness ranging from 1 to 30. We focused on the structure of biopores, assumed to represent a legacy of root activities, and its relationships with SOC accumulation in the studied systems.

Our findings reveal that plant diversity enhances SOC through biopore-mediated mechanisms, with plant functional richness accounting for 29% of bioporosity variation and bioporosity explaining 32% of the variation in SOC. While a positive correlation between plant diversity and SOC accumulation was observed across all studied systems, a two-species mixture of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and ryegrass (Elymus canadensis) exhibited the highest bioporosity and achieved SOC levels comparable to those of the systems with 6 and 10 plant species, and inferior only to the system with 30 species. The findings suggest the potential for identifying specific plant combinations that efficiently foster biopore formation and promote SOC sequestration.

How to cite: Kim, K. and Kravchenko, A.: Optimizing soil carbon sequestration: The role of biopores in plant diversity and strategic species combinations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18741,, 2025.

EGU25-18853 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.2

Spatiotemporal distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata) 

Elisa Karina Toth, Maire Holz, and Joscha N. Becker

To retain soil fertility and build up soil organic matter, cultivation of nitrogen-fixing legumes is a promising tool in low-nutrient soils in southern Africa. Legumes can potentially improve soil nitrogen (N) status, particularly in the rhizosphere, through N fixation in nodules. This affects soil microbial and enzymatic activities and thus soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover and nutrient availability. During plant growth, legumes provide photosynthetic carbohydrates for bacteria living in the nodules. When legumes reach maturity stage, developmental senescence begins and N-fixing nodules dissolve. This process represents a plant metabolic switch from a C sink to a C and nutrient source for the soil, as nutrients are released. Few studies exist on legume-soil interaction during plant growth and it is unknown if and how nodule senescence contributes to soil nutrient availability and SOC turnover. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate spatial and temporal legume-soil interactions in the rhizosphere, regarding nodule development, N release, and soil enzyme activity during legume growth.

We conducted a rhizobox experiment using two different soils from the Kavango (loamy sand) and Omusati (sand) regions in North Namibia. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), a common legume in southern Africa, was grown under controlled temperature and water availability. To investigate spatial and temporal C and N release as well as soil enzyme activity, in-situ zymography was conducted at early vegetative stage, flowering development, and one day after nodule senescence. Three enzymes, representing the C (β-glucosidase, Chitinase) and N (Chitinase, Leucine-Aminopeptidase) cycles were investigated. At each plant growth stage, three plants were harvested to identify changes in soil properties, including SOC, N, mineral N, and pH, over time.

Preliminary results indicate that β-glucosidase activity is generally higher in the rhizosphere and around nodules compared to bulk soil in both soils. During plant growth, β-glucosidase activity varied. It decreased from vegetative to flowering stage but slightly increased during nodule senescence in both soils. At nodule senescence, β-glucosidase activity in bulk soil increased by 17% in the loamy sand compared to the early vegetative stage and generally higher than in the sandy soil. With further image analysis, we aim to understand how β-glucosidase, Chitinase, and Leucine-Aminopeptidase activities are interlinked and influence nutrient availability during plant growth in soil.

How to cite: Toth, E. K., Holz, M., and Becker, J. N.: Spatiotemporal distribution of enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18853,, 2025.

EGU25-19651 | Orals | SSS4.2

Denitrification potentials in soils are only marginally impacted by distance to air-filled macropores 

Marcus A. Horn, Hester van Dijk, Maik Lucas, Sina Henjes, Lena Rohe, Hans-Jörg Vogel, and Steffen Schlüter

Denitrification is the sequential reduction of nitrate to dinitrogen. The greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) is thereby produced as an intermediate and denitrifiers are thus recognized as a major source N2O in soils. Denitrification is stimulated by organic carbon, oxygen limitation and nitrate availability. Such edaphic factors are spatially variable in soils and impacted by soil pores. Thus, we addressed the question, whether denitrifiers exhibit spatial patterns relative to variations in distance to soil pores. Undisturbed soil cores were extracted from two agricultural model soils and subsamples of known distance to soil macropores were extracted by the help of an X-ray computed tomography guided strategy. Spatial variability of genetic and process level denitrification potentials was generally high with a minimal impact of pore distance. A minor increase of process level denitrification potentials with distance to pores was observed for one of the soils only. Quantification of genetic denitrification potentials after short incubations were not significantly different among samples. The minor impact of macropore distance on genetic and process-level denitrification potentials suggests that macropores are not the major source of spatial heterogeneity impacting denitrifiers in soils, implying that there is no need to explicitly consider such a parameter for modelling denitrification in soils.  

How to cite: Horn, M. A., van Dijk, H., Lucas, M., Henjes, S., Rohe, L., Vogel, H.-J., and Schlüter, S.: Denitrification potentials in soils are only marginally impacted by distance to air-filled macropores, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19651,, 2025.

EGU25-21038 | Orals | SSS4.2

Surprisingly active and dynamic viral communities in soil 

Joanne Emerson

Viruses have been recognized as abundant but virtually unknown members of the soil microbiome. Early insights into soil viral diversity and distribution patterns over local and global scales will be presented. Using shotgun viral metagenomic (viromic) approaches to recover and sequence the viral size fraction, hundreds of thousands of viral ‘species’ have been recovered from a wide range of soils, consistently indicating high viral diversity across terrestrial ecosystems. Soil viral communities are often strongly spatially structured, even over short distances, and they exhibit reproducible temporal successional patterns following rewetting of dry soil. The emerging paradigm is of a highly active and dynamic soil virosphere with the potential for substantial contributions to bacterial mortality, biogeochemical cycling, and food web dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Emerson, J.: Surprisingly active and dynamic viral communities in soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21038,, 2025.

EGU25-842 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Effect of Warming on Arctic Tundra Microbes 

Jason Bosch, Frances Rose Gilman, Daan Blok, Carsten S Jacobsen, William E Holben, Anders Michelsen, Bo Elberling, Anders Priemé, and Jana Voříšková

One the biggest challenges today is the environmental disruption caused by climate change. Climate change is particularly important in arctic environments which are warming faster than the global average. This can result in a thicker and warmer active layer of the tundra soil and increased microbial activity, resulting in the release of vast quantities of stored carbon and nitrogen in form of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, depending on mainly water content. Despite its importance, we currently have a limited understanding of how warming can affect arctic microbes and only a few studies that have examined fungi and bacteria at the same time or compared the total and active communities.

We show the effect, after one year, of simulated warming using open-top chambers and snow fences on a soil microbial community in Greenland, using a multifactorial study design that considers bacteria and fungi, the total (DNA-based) and active (RNA-based) community and changes over the course of a growing season. We observed a significant increase in soil temperature at the treated sites as well as changes in the environmental variables of carbon:nitrogen, total organic carbon, microbial carbon, microbial nitrogen, microbial carbon:nitrogen and loss on ignition.

The microbial communities of both bacteria and fungi were highly variable across replicates with sampling site accounting for the majority of variation explained in community composition for both bacteria (16.9%) and fungi (27.5%). While warming had an effect on the communities, it accounted for only a small proportion of variation (2.6% for bacteria, 4.9% for fungi) and few specific taxa were identified as differentially abundant. The bacterial community showed a clear split between the total and active community that accounted for 10.5% of the total variation, however there was no difference in the fungal community. We also observed changes in the community throughout the season but these differences were small and accounted for a similar amount of variation as the treatment (4.2% for bacteria, 3.6% for fungi). The majority of fungi (65%) could not be assigned to a guild, however, we found that the abundance of saprotrophs increased in response to warming.

Our results show only minor changes to the composition of an arctic soil microbial community in response to climate manipulation. This suggests that climate change will primarily influence the activity of microbes rather than the community composition.

How to cite: Bosch, J., Gilman, F. R., Blok, D., Jacobsen, C. S., Holben, W. E., Michelsen, A., Elberling, B., Priemé, A., and Voříšková, J.: Effect of Warming on Arctic Tundra Microbes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-842,, 2025.

EGU25-843 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Interactive effects of warming and drought on seasonal dynamics of soil microbial communities and functions  

Itzel Lopez Montoya, Nicholas O.E. Ofiti, and Madhav P. Thakur

Soil microbial communities are known to drive key processes such as carbon and nutrient cycling. These microbes have developed physiological and metabolic adaptations to cope with the constraining conditions found in soils. However, their responses to climate change, such as increased temperatures and drought, remain uncertain.  In addition, the physiological adaptations, interactions, and feedback mechanisms within microbial communities during such perturbations, as well as the mechanisms driving the temporal dynamics of microbial responses and recovery remain understudied.

To address these gaps, we assessed soil microbial responses in an outdoor mesocosm experiment, where warming and drought are simultaneously manipulated. We characterized microbial community composition, and we quantified extracellular enzyme activity and microbial biomass, at four time points over the course of a year: before drought (early-growing season), immediately after drought (peak of the growing season), one month after drought (peak of the growing season), and three months after drought (end of the growing season), on 4 different temperature regimes. We further associate both soil biotic (e.g., microbial diversity and composition) and abiotic variables (e.g., organic matter quality) to better understand enzymatic shifts due to warming and drought.

Our results reveal distinct post-drought recovery patterns in fungal and bacterial diversity under various warming scenarios. Fungal diversity seems more resistant to drought and warming than bacterial diversity. The activity of soil microorganisms declined immediately following drought, with recovery varying based on the type of enzymatic substrate. Oxidative enzymes were highly sensitive to the combined effects of warming and drought, and drought hindered their activity in soils exposed to periodic heatwaves 3 months after drought. On the other hand, constant warming enhanced the recovery of hydrolytic enzymes 3 months after drought, but this recovery was obstructed by periodic heatwaves. These findings suggest that hydrolytic enzymes seem to recover after drought likely due to fungal and bacterial diversity recovery.

These results suggest that soil microbial activity may recover after drought in the short term under warming, but repeated periodic heat waves could disrupt this recovery, by changing microbial community composition and potentially leading to shifts in functional capabilities, having detrimental impacts on carbon and nutrient cycling. By examining drivers such as soil organic matter quality, moisture, and nutrient availability, we aim to obtain critical insights into the stability of soil microbial activity under the combined effects of warming and drought, with implications for predicting and mitigating ecosystem changes in a warming world.

How to cite: Lopez Montoya, I., Ofiti, N. O. E., and Thakur, M. P.: Interactive effects of warming and drought on seasonal dynamics of soil microbial communities and functions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-843,, 2025.

EGU25-1328 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Microbial mediation of nepheline-bearing rock weathering releases nutrients for crop growth  

Phattharawadee Wacharapornpinthu

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) has been considered a new technology to mitigate climate change. Organic acids exuded from plant roots and microbes, e.g., oxalate, gluconate, and citrate, can enhance the rates of rock weathering. Additionally, cations released from rock dust to the soil environment will require ionic neutrality, which is mainly balanced by bicarbonate in soil. This process increases carbon sequestration, and the carbon can be long-term stored either in the form of carbonate minerals or bicarbonate. The first stage of this study is to demonstrate whether microbes (Streptomyces sp.) can enhance rock weathering.

Streptomyces sp. are filamentous bacteria capable of decomposing organic matter and therefore very important in the soil environment. Three Streptomyces strains were isolated from the surfaces of weathered dolerite and screened for their ability to mobilize potassium (K) from rock dusts. All three strains, Mid SCVA3, Mid SCVA1 and MO AIA1, can grow on synthetic minimum medium agar with rock dust as K source. The rock dusts used in this study were nepheline-bearing rocks, Bo Phloi alkaline basalt (ABP), refined nepheline syenite (RNS) and nepheline syenite tailings (NST). Nepheline is a fast-weathering mineral under Earth’s surface conditions. There is 3 to 25% of K substitution in the position of the sodium ion, so nepheline-bearing rocks are a natural and sustainable alternative K source for crop nutrition. An amount of rock dust correlating to 250 ppm K was applied to a weathering experiment. Results show that growth rates of strains using rock dust as a sole source of nutrients were different, referred from glucose consumption. MO AIA1 was the best-growing strain, followed by Mid SCVA1 and Mid SCVA3 for all treatments. NST inoculum showed the highest glucose consumption, followed by RNS and ABP. In contrast, looking at elemental releases, Mid SCVA1 was the best strain mobilizing K from all rock treatments, while MO AIA1 and Mid SCVA3 presented similar rates of K releases. However, K release concentration in all inoculums was distinctively higher than abiotic control, supporting that microbes can increase weathering rates of rock dust. Significantly higher concentrations of K were released from ABP than NST and RNS, respectively. For agronomic purposes, ABP will be the best source of K nutrition, and bioaugmentation of Mid SCVA1 will assist in mobilizing more K from the rock. Next step, we will further investigate carbon removal related to ERW in plant growth experiment, using Streptomyces sp. to enhance rock weathering.


How to cite: Wacharapornpinthu, P.: Microbial mediation of nepheline-bearing rock weathering releases nutrients for crop growth , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1328,, 2025.

Urbanization fundamentally reshapes terrestrial environments, leading to significant alterations in soil microbial communities which play crucial roles in ecosystem functioning. This comprehensive study utilizes amplicon sequencing and GeoChip arrays to assess how urbanization and tree functional types impact the composition and functional capacity of soil microbiota across various climatic zones, including boreal (Lahti, Finland), moderate (Baltimore, USA) and tropical regions (Singapore). By comparing urban parks with varying ages and vegetation types to reference forests, the research provides a nuanced understanding of how urban settings influence microbial dynamics.

Our analysis revealed that urban parks host unique microbial communities, distinct from those found in semi-natural forests. Notably, these communities display a surprising functional redundancy with their forest counterparts, suggesting that urban microbiota maintain essential ecosystem processes despite altered environmental conditions. However, the degree of microbial community homogenization differs by microbial type; bacterial communities showed greater homogenization effects than fungal ones. This differential response highlights inherent differences in ecological strategies between bacteria and fungi, with bacteria more readily adapting to the environmental constraints imposed by urban landscapes.

Furthermore, the type of vegetation significantly influences these patterns. Soils under trees producing recalcitrant litter harbored richer fungal communities compared to those with labile litter types. In contrast, lawns—despite their simplicity—supported unexpectedly high diversities of both bacterial and fungal species. These findings emphasize that both the quality of plant-derived organic matter and the structure of plant communities are critical in shaping soil microbial diversity and function in urban environments.

This study underscores the complex interplay between urbanization, vegetation diversity, and microbial community dynamics, highlighting the resilience of soil microbiota to urban stresses. The implications of these findings are significant for urban ecology and biogeochemistry, providing insights into maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem services in rapidly urbanizing regions.

How to cite: Zheng, B.: Functional redundancy and community homogenization: Effects of urbanization and vegetation on soil microbiota across climatic zones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1891,, 2025.

EGU25-3616 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Global patterns of nutrient limitation in soil microorganisms 

Yongxing Cui, Shushi Peng, Matthias C. Rillig, Tessa Camenzind, Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, César Terrer, Xiaofeng Xu, Maoyuan Feng, Mengjie Wang, Linchuan Fang, Biao Zhu, Enzai Du, Daryl L. Moorhead, Robert L. Sinsabaugh, Josep Peñuelas, and James J. Elser

The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) limitations in soil microorganisms have profound implications for key soil functions such as organic matter decomposition and soil carbon (C) sequestration. However, the extent and magnitude of microbial N and P limitation in soils worldwide remain largely unknown compared to N and P limitation in plants. Moreover, the spatial variability of microbial N and P limitation may lead to disproportionate responses of microbially driven soil processes and functions to global change factors along environmental gradients. Thus, better understanding of global patterns and drivers of microbial N and P limitation is urgently needed for predicting changes in soil functions and their consequences for terrestrial ecosystem functioning. Herein, we evaluated global patterns of microbial N and P limitation by combining profiles of extracellular enzymes (i.e. ecoenzymes; 5,259 observations) with multiple sets of observational and experimental data from natural (i.e. outside of agricultural and urban areas) terrestrial ecosystems. Our analyses reveal widespread indications of microbial P and N limitation (65 and 40% of observations, respectively) in soils worldwide, with unexpectedly frequent N and P co-limitation in the tropics. This co-limitation could be attributable to elevated microbial N demand for the synthesis of P-acquiring enzymes under P limitation, and thus likely as a secondary N limitation resulting from the inherent P deficiency in tropical soils. Upscaling prediction (0.1 × 0.1° spatial resolution) further indicated certain regions such as the Amazon Basin, Tibetan Plateau, and Siberian regions, which harbor substantial soil organic C, showed signs of strong N and P limitation in soil microorganisms, suggesting a high sensitivity of soil C cycling in these regions to nutrient perturbations. As the first global assessment of spatial variation in microbial N and P limitation, these findings provide clues to explain the long-standing “Tropical N Paradox” (i.e. the apparent up-regulation of ecosystem N cycling processes, such as biological N fixation, despite primary P limitation and high soil N levels in tropical ecosystems) and could be useful for understanding and predicting soil biogeochemical cycles in a changing world. [This study is a work that will be published in PNAS (revised stage)].

How to cite: Cui, Y., Peng, S., Rillig, M. C., Camenzind, T., Delgado-Baquerizo, M., Terrer, C., Xu, X., Feng, M., Wang, M., Fang, L., Zhu, B., Du, E., Moorhead, D. L., Sinsabaugh, R. L., Peñuelas, J., and Elser, J. J.: Global patterns of nutrient limitation in soil microorganisms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3616,, 2025.

EGU25-3637 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Modelling nitrogen-limited litter decomposition with fungal dynamics 

Samia Ghersheen, Stefano Manzoni, Marie Spohn, and Björn Lindahl

Nitrogen (N) availability influences aboveground productivity, yet the mechanisms governing the retention and release of soil N remain poorly understood. In high latitude regions, N availability often limits decomposition, though this critical factor is rarely integrated into existing decomposition models, which predominantly focus on carbon quality and accessibility. To address this gap,  we developed a process-based model of litter decomposition to investigate the effect of low N availability on decomposition. Distinct from most decomposition models, our model explicitly features mechanisms of resource reallocation within the fungal mycelium. Fungal biomass is divided into three fractions: 1) cytoplasmic cells active in decomposition, 2) vacuolised cells with a lower N content and without decomposition capacity, and 3) dead cells (necromass). The model can predict mass loss trajectories of a variety of litter types with different N content based on a single parameter set. The fungal mycelium responds to N limitation by increasing the proportion of vacuolised, inactive cells with a low N content, reducing decomposition rates. Under N limitation, N accumulates in the necromass pool. To predict the observed patterns of N immobilization and release, the rate of fungal necromass decomposition has to be slow and close to that of lignin. Moreover, we found that slow mycelial growth facilitates exploitation of low N resources, whereas fast growth intensifies N-limitation. Our model disentangles the interplay between N availability, mycelial dynamics, and decomposition, pointing towards the potentials of more explicit incorporation of fungal traits in models of N-limited ecosystems. 

How to cite: Ghersheen, S., Manzoni, S., Spohn, M., and Lindahl, B.: Modelling nitrogen-limited litter decomposition with fungal dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3637,, 2025.

EGU25-3829 | Orals | SSS4.5

Do microbes regulate CUE or nutrient recycling to cope with nutrient limitation? 

Stefano Manzoni, Maja Siegenthaler, Samia Ghersheen, Björn Lindahl, and Marie Spohn

Nitrogen (N) limitation can have contrasting consequences on carbon (C) and N cycling in soils, depending on how soil microbes regulate their use of C and N. If microbes respond to N limitation by respiring or excreting more C (overflow hypothesis), C losses from the soil increase with decreasing N availability. In contrast, if under N limitation microbes use N more efficiently and rely less on the scarce available N, C and N can remain in the soil and possibly be stabilized. Efficient N use can be achieved by fungi via resorption of N from senescing mycelium, and in general via local recycling of N when cells die. Here we use a minimal model of litter decomposition to assess how microbes use C and N in litter types with contrasting N contents. The model is fitted to about 500 litter decomposition datasets to estimate microbial C use efficiency (CUE, defined as ratio of growth over C uptake) or N resorption efficiency. Model variants assuming that microbes regulate either their CUE or their N resorption can capture N accumulation and release well, but the latter variants have higher overall performance. This indicates that N resorption can be a fundamental mechanism to cope with N limitation. Moreover, N resorption efficiency as estimated from model fitting decreases with increasing initial litter N content or during decomposition as litter becomes enriched in N. This result implies that N resorption regulation can occur both across litter types with contrasting N contents, and during decomposition within a certain litter cohort. We conclude that N resorption is an ecologically more meaningful strategy to grow in N limited conditions compared to C overflow.

How to cite: Manzoni, S., Siegenthaler, M., Ghersheen, S., Lindahl, B., and Spohn, M.: Do microbes regulate CUE or nutrient recycling to cope with nutrient limitation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3829,, 2025.

EGU25-4301 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

How is microbial carbon use efficiency distributed throughout the soil pore network? 

Maëlle Maestrali, Naoise Nunan, and Xavier Raynaud

Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) is a fundamental metric in understanding carbon (C) dynamics in ecosystems, particularly in soils. CUE quantifies the balance between the carbon microorganisms assimilate into their biomass and the carbon they lose as CO2 through respiration, thus providing insights into the accumulation and loss of soil organic matter (SOM). Despite its importance, traditional measurements of CUE often fail to account for the significant variations in microenvironmental conditions within soils, which are known to strongly influence microbial activity. Soil microbial communities inhabit a complex three-dimensional pore network, where the physical structure of the soil, particularly pore size and connectivity, shapes microhabitats and constrains microbial distribution, resource access, and activity. Aerobic bacteria and fungi dominate larger pores, whereas micropores can host both aerobic and anaerobic microbes. These spatial and functional heterogeneities are further influenced by agricultural practices, such as tillage, which alter pore size distribution and connectivity. We measured CUE across different pore sizes using short incubation times, minimizing the confounding effects of carbon recycling. To overcome the limitations of single-substrate studies and better capture the functional diversity of microbial communities, we employed a mixture of six 13C-labeled substrates. We evaluated the effect of different agricultural management systems and pore sizes on respiration and CUE, providing new insights into the interplay between soil physical structure and microbial carbon dynamics.

Our findings indicate that higher respiration rates in larger pores are linked to their lower CUE, driven by the prevalence of fast-growing copiotrophic communities. These microbes rapidly utilize carbon during periods of resource availability but exhibit lower efficiency in carbon use due to the favorable environmental conditions, such as greater aeration and nutrient mobility. In contrast, smaller pores host oligotrophic microbes adapted to resource-limited environments, which maximize carbon recycling and exhibit higher CUE due to constrained nutrient availability and reduced mineralization. We also demonstrate that agricultural practices significantly influence CUE by shaping nutrient dynamics, microbial community composition, and pore connectivity. For instance, grassland systems have favoured microbial communities adapted to stable resource availability and with higher CUE. These findings underscore the importance of tailoring management practices to optimize soil structure, enhance carbon retention, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

How to cite: Maestrali, M., Nunan, N., and Raynaud, X.: How is microbial carbon use efficiency distributed throughout the soil pore network?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4301,, 2025.

Soil microorganisms are essential to the processes and cycles that sustain terrestrial ecosystems. They mediate the decomposition of fresh organic matter derived from plant material, driving its transformation into a complex array of microbial products that ultimately form stable soil organic matter. Despite their central role, the extent to which microbial community composition and interactions within these communities shape the transformations of organic matter remains poorly understood.

In this study, we analyse the relationship between the structure of microbial communities and the degradation state of organic matter in individual millimeter-sized soil aggregates sampled from a Beech forest. Microbial communities were characterized by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene (bacteria and archaea) and the ITS region (fungi). Using co-occurrence network analysis and relating microbial composition to biogeochemical parameters (such as C, N, δ15N, and δ13C), we were able to determine three groups of bacteria: generalists, whose abundance does not depend on the degradation state of organic matter, and two groups of specialists – one abundant in soils that are rich in fresh organic matter, and the other abundant in soils that are dominated by more recycled organic matter. While generalists are abundant in all aggregates, the relative abundance of specialists alternates in samples across the gradient of carbon availability. This pattern observed for bacteria is less clear for fungi, for them we distinguish generalists that appear in all samples independent on carbon availability from specialists that are abundant in carbon rich samples. Our findings reveal that the structure of microbial communities in millimeter-sized soil aggregates is closely linked to specific states of carbon recycling. Moreover, this pattern remains consistent across different seasons of the year. Our study highlights the interplay of spatial and temporal complexity of microbial dynamics within soil ecosystems, and the utility of co-occurrence analysis.

How to cite: Guseva, K., Simon, E., and Kaiser, C.: Microbial co-occurrence analysis reveals community restructuring during organic matter degradation in millimeter-sized soil aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5177,, 2025.

Soil microbiomes are fundamental to carbon cycling, organic matter decomposition, and greenhouse gas regulation, making them essential for maintaining ecosystem stability. In coastal wetlands, which store large amounts of carbon and act as major sources of methane emissions, these microbial communities play an especially crucial role. This study examines the impacts of elevated CO2 and warming on soil microbial communities over a six-year chronosquence in a C3 plant-dominated salt marsh. Results showed that bacterial community structure was primarily influenced by seasonal variability, with distinct clustering patterns driven by temporal shifts rather than treatment effects. In contrast, bacterial diversity and network characteristics responded strongly to climate factors. Elevated CO2 alone increased bacterial diversity, while warming alone caused a reduction. However, their combined effects led to a synergistic decline in bacterial diversity, reducing it to 80% of ambient conditions by year six. Network analysis further revealed that the combined treatment caused substantial disruptions to microbial networks, including reduced size, connectivity, and clustering, along with increased modularity. These findings highlight the vulnerability of soil microbiomes to the compounded effects of climate change factors, with potential consequences for the stability and functionality of coastal wetland ecosystems. Incorporating these interactive effects into predictive models is essential for accurately forecasting future carbon cycling dynamics and for guiding the effective management of coastal wetland ecosystems under future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Yang, Y.: Combined effects of elevated CO2 and warming threaten soil microbial diversity and network stability over a six-year chronosequence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5328,, 2025.

It is well known that microbes run soil biogeochemistry. Despite a century of progress in microbial ecology, translating microbial ecology into consequences for the atmosphere-soil carbon balance remains elusive. I posit that the solution to this problem is to assume the vantage point of the organisms whose functions we seek to understand: what is it that microbes want to achieve? Organisms ‘want to’ grow. Achieving growth defines both evolutionary fitness and ecological success. Thus, the complex coordination of a physiology matched to the environment, targeting resources that can be tapped, and outmanouvering any other organism that could get in your way, altogether defining growth presents a metric that integrates an organism’s response traits, and thus can be used to predict its performance and response to change. Simultanously, rates of growth capture the metabolism which is the engine that runs global biogeochemistry. As such, we can quantify an organism’s effect trait that can be used to estimate ecosystem fluxes of elements.

Using temperature as a case study, I will show how sensitive estimates of growth can be used to generate microbial community trait distributions that can be used to capture how microbial processes depend on temperature, and will respond to change (response traits). I will show how microbial thermal trait distributions vary along both latitudinal and altitudinal gradients in environmental temperatures, and how they respond to warming in field experiments, and how they respond to reciprocal transplant experiments from warm to cool sites, and vice versa. I will also show how microbial thermal trait distributions dynamically change over the course of a heatwave, revealing that it is the rate of community turnover (defined by several interacting environmental drivers including temperature and moisture) that determines its rate of change.

Finally, I will show how thermal traits determined with sensitive estimates of microbial growth can be accurately modelled with simple mathematical functions which enable integration into representations of the soil carbon cycle in Earth system models. I will demonstrate how this integration of microbial ecology via estimates of growth will allow us to capture long-term ecosystem changes in carbon stocks in warming soils, and can be upscaled to predict the biosphere’s feedback to ongoing climate change.

How to cite: Rousk, J.: Microbial growth is the key to predict biogeochemistry from ecology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5782,, 2025.

EGU25-7158 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Opportunistic fungi in urban soil and bottom sediments of largest polar city (Murmansk) 

Maria Korneykova and Anastasia Soshina

The relevance of studying Arctic regions is growing rapidly due to the sensitive response of fragile ecosystems under climate change and increasing anthropogenic pressures. Under the urbanization impact, there is a significant transformation of abiotic and biotic properties of ecosystems, which affects the ecosystem services provided and can lead to disservices such as the emergence and accumulation of microbial species hazardous to health, including microfungi. Pathogenic and opportunistic fungal species are becoming increasingly important with the growing recognition of chronic diseases and the number of patients with severe immunodeficiencies. However, studies of opportunistic microfungi in Arctic cities are sporadic. In this case, the opportunistic microfungi of Murmansk, the largest Arctic city in the world, was studied in comparison with a background area of natural forest tundra. Mycological analysis was carried out for different components of urban ecosystems: soil cover, atmospheric air, water and lake bottom sediments.

In urban soil and bottom sediments of urban lakes there was an increase in the diversity and number of opportunistic species of microfungi from 30% in background soil/lake to 50-60% in urban soil and 50-100% in bottom sediments of urban lakes. In the air and water, the content of species harmful to human health did not differ from the background level. This emphasizes the high indicative value of buffer components of ecosystems - soil and bottom sediments, as compared to transit components - air and water, in determining the level of long-term anthropogenic load on ecosystems. The most dangerous identified species were fungi Paecilomyces variotii, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus fumigatus, capable of causing pulmonary infections, otitis, sinusitis, endocarditis, osteomyelitis, keratitis, traumatic mycoses, peritonitis, onychomycosis. The fact of Paecilomyces variotii dominance in water and bottom sediments of lakes used for recreational purposes is alarming.

How to cite: Korneykova, M. and Soshina, A.: Opportunistic fungi in urban soil and bottom sediments of largest polar city (Murmansk), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7158,, 2025.

EGU25-7800 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Microbial and Fungal Dynamics in Tropical Urban Environments and Their Impact on Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling 

Shu Harn Te, Kavindra Yohan Kuhatheva Senaratna, Simone Fatichi, and Karina Yew-Hoong Gin

Soil microbial communities, including bacteria and fungi, play a crucial role in nutrient cycling processes such as carbon sequestration, nitrogen transformation, and phosphate mobilization. Despite their importance, the dynamics of microbial communities in tropical soils remain poorly understood. This study investigates the composition, functional potential, and nutrient profiles of microbial communities across various land-use types, including forests, agricultural farms, parks, and golf courses. Soil samples were analyzed to assess microbial abundance, diversity, and nutrient content.

Bacterial abundances were significantly higher than fungal abundances across all soil types, with agricultural soils showing bacterial abundances that were one order of magnitude greater than those in other soil types. Fungal diversity was influenced by land use, with forest soils dominated by decomposers such as Basidiomycota and Ascomycota, which enhance organic matter turnover and contribute to soil carbon dynamics. In contrast, agricultural soils were enriched in Zygomycota, known for their roles in nutrient cycling and plant growth promotion under conditions of elevated nutrient availability.

Distinct clustering of bacterial communities was observed using principal coordinate analysis, with agricultural soils forming unique clusters separate from other soil types. Organic farming practices were found to support bacterial and fungal communities more similar to natural ecosystems compared to conventional farming. Agricultural soils exhibited higher nutrient levels and microbial biomass due to intensive fertilization, while the forest, park and golf course soils displayed variability in microbial diversity and nutrient content driven by vegetation maturity and management practices. Mature forest soils were characterized by signature taxa such as Gaiella (bacteria) and Trichoderma (fungi), indicative of healthy soil ecological conditions, while agricultural soils were dominated by Bacillus and Paenibacillus, associated with nutrient cycling and pathogen suppression.

These findings highlight the influence of land use and management practices on microbial and fungal community composition, functional potentials, and nutrient cycling. The implications are significant for understanding nutrient concentration in runoff and their impacts on water quality, particularly under climate change scenarios involving temperature increases and intensified rainfall and length of dry periods.

How to cite: Te, S. H., Senaratna, K. Y. K., Fatichi, S., and Gin, K. Y.-H.: Microbial and Fungal Dynamics in Tropical Urban Environments and Their Impact on Soil Health and Nutrient Cycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7800,, 2025.

EGU25-8110 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Can we disentangle climate and microbial diversity effects on soil respiration in managed forests? 

Marleen Pallandt, Daniela Guasconi, Jūratė Aleinikovienė, Dorian Behling, Sara Filipek, Aleksi Lehtonen, Tijana Martinovic, Boris Ťupek, and Stefano Manzoni

Soils store large amounts of carbon (C), and even minor changes in C stocks can have profound impact on climate. Microorganisms play a critical role in regulating C stocks by processing soil organic matter (SOM), which forms and stabilises SOM but also releases greenhouse gases such as CO2 into the atmosphere. Despite their key role, microbial processes are generally not explicitly included in decomposition models to predict respiration rates and soil C turnover times. In these models, decomposition rates are only affected by environmental drivers, such as temperature, soil moisture, plant litter inputs and existing SOM content. In addition—and possibly interacting with the environmental drivers—it is theorized that increased microbial diversity would contribute to accelerating decomposition rates, but this relationship needs to be explored with empirical data.  We use data from the HoliSoils project (Holistic management practices, modelling, and monitoring for European forest soils; collected from managed forest sites across Europe. In this dataset, microbial diversity data, micrometeorological data and soil respiration rates from trenched (providing estimates of microbial respiration) and untrenched plots (including autotrophic respiration) were collected following the same experimental design. First, we fit a non-linear model to capture the effects of temperature and soil moisture on respiration at these sites, allowing the fitting parameters to vary across forest management treatments. We then explore differences across sites and managements in the fitted model parameters such as activation energy, base respiration and moisture sensitivity in light of the different management practices and microbial diversity for each site. These results can be particularly useful for the development and parametrization of microbially explicit SOM decomposition models.

How to cite: Pallandt, M., Guasconi, D., Aleinikovienė, J., Behling, D., Filipek, S., Lehtonen, A., Martinovic, T., Ťupek, B., and Manzoni, S.: Can we disentangle climate and microbial diversity effects on soil respiration in managed forests?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8110,, 2025.

EGU25-8692 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Impact of Century-Scale Soil Warming on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Subarctic Ecosystem 

Anne Peter, Jana Kehr, Damien Finn, Christopher Poeplau, and Christoph C. Tebbe

Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics under long-term warming are critical to understanding how climate change may impact carbon cycling. This study investigates the effects of century scale soil warming on SOM dynamics and microbial communities in a subarctic deciduous forest near the Takhini Hot Springs in Yukon Territory, Canada. Utilizing a natural geothermal gradient, we examine changes in soil microbial community composition and functional potential as carbon use efficiency. Initial findings indicate that warming increases microbial decomposition of litter and native SOM, with significant substrate preference of plant-derived particulate organic matter to microbially-derived compounds, particularly in deeper soil layers. We hypothesize that warming enhances microbial activity, leading to increased decomposition and altered SOM composition. As a result, microbial communities adapt to relatively oligotrophic conditions, observable as an increase in traits associated with a high carbon use efficiency (CUE), like higher codon use bias, as it enhances translational efficiency and reduces metabolic costs. 


Our methodology incorporates the 18O-CUE method to measure microbial CUE by tracking microbial growth using 18O-labeled water under steady-state conditions. Incubation experiments will quantify CUE across different temperatures, testing the mechanisms of temperature adaptation in the soil microbial communities. Additionally, exoenzyme analysis, of enzymes involved in SOM decomposition, e.g. N-acetyl glucosaminidase, β-glucosidase, along the same temperature gradients will be performed to connect changes in soil properties to soil functions. To decouple the immediate effects of temperature on enzyme activity from the sustained impacts of long-term warming, we will use Arrhenius plots as a framework. 


This research will enhance our understanding of the link between SOM dynamics under climate change and microbial adaptation, providing a framework for predicting long-term ecological responses in subarctic ecosystems. The outcomes will inform broader ecological models and potential mitigation strategies for climate change impacts on soil health and carbon cycling.

How to cite: Peter, A., Kehr, J., Finn, D., Poeplau, C., and Tebbe, C. C.: Impact of Century-Scale Soil Warming on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics and Microbial Communities in a Subarctic Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8692,, 2025.

EGU25-8977 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Effects of bioturbation on soil carbon and nutrient stocks: Insights from the American Prairie 

Jeppe Aagaard Kristensen, Katerina Georgiou, and Ellen Welti

Restoring functional ecosystems through rewilding has become a popular nature restoration strategy. The introduced keystone species are often large herbivores or carnivores due to their ability to shape ecosystem processes top-down. Much less focus has been given to restoring soil engineering, despite being a fundamental natural process in most ecosystems, not least in grasslands. I will present initial results from a field study of the role of bioturbation on soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous stocks in a large scale prairie restoration programme with bison reintroductions, the American Prairie in Central Montana, US. We show that, on average, the topsoil carbon stocks are almost doubled on prairie dog colonies in grazed prairie sites compared to grazed sites with no active prairie dog colonies. Further, we show that nearby sites without bovids for at least a century have substantially reduced carbon stocks, despite having higher clay content. This is driven by severely decreased soil bulk density, which we suspect may be partly due to high abundances of ground-dwelling spiders known to be sensitive to trampling. We show how important soil-dwelling animals can be for shaping the carbon and nutrient landscapes of the Great Plains. This belowground perspective deepens our understanding of what a fully functional prairie ecosystem looks like and should be considered in future restoration efforts.   

How to cite: Kristensen, J. A., Georgiou, K., and Welti, E.: Effects of bioturbation on soil carbon and nutrient stocks: Insights from the American Prairie, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8977,, 2025.

EGU25-9423 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Combined effects of drought and forest thinning on soil microbial community composition and functioning 

Steven de Goede, Emilia Hannula, Daniëlle de Hoog, Wim van der Putten, Frank Sterck, and Ciska Veen

Aim: Summer droughts are increasing in frequency and severity in Europe with detrimental effects on forests. Reducing the number of trees per area through thinning has been found to improve tree performance during and after drought, but little is known about what happens to the soil. Here, we studied the effects of intense summer drought on soil microbial communities and their functioning, and whether thinning can alter their responses to drought. Methods: We simulated a summer drought using rain-out shelters within a replicated block design of different thinning intensities in Dutch Pinus sylvestris stands. Soil samples were collected before, during and after drought to track changes in fungal community composition, total and ectomycorrhizal fungal biomass, and extracellular enzymatic activities. Throughout the growing season, soil respiration was regularly measured and litter bags were sequentially harvested to monitor decomposition rates. Results: Generally, effects of thinning were larger than those of drought, and drought responses did not differ between harvest intensities. Fungal biomass was not affected by drought, but was lower for heavy thinning and clearcutting compared to unharvested control and light thinning. Respiration and decomposition rates were slower for heavy thinning and clearcutting, and drought also lowered process rates overall. Moreover, soil respiration was still affected by drought after a few months of recovery, as was decomposition of litter incubated over the entire growing season. We will further explore how the fungal community composition responded to drought, honing in on differences between ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi. Conclusions: We found no evidence that light thinning mitigates the short-term impact of summer drought on soil microbial communities in Pinus sylvestris forests. 

How to cite: de Goede, S., Hannula, E., de Hoog, D., van der Putten, W., Sterck, F., and Veen, C.: Combined effects of drought and forest thinning on soil microbial community composition and functioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9423,, 2025.

EGU25-9458 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5 | Highlight

Intrinsic and extrinsic controls on the decomposition of fungal necromass 

François Maillard, Briana Beatty, Danny Lopes Ramos, Fredrik Klinghammer, Edith Hammer, Anders Tunlid, and Peter Kennedy

Soil organic matter represents the largest active reservoir of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, playing a critical role in atmospheric carbon capture and climate change mitigation. Recent studies have demonstrated that mycelial residues, also known as fungal necromass, contribute significantly to fungal necromass stocks in soils. While the magnitude and distribution of fungal necromass stocks are increasingly well documented, the processes driving their formation remain poorly understood. Specifically, the transformation of recently senesced mycelial residues into stabilized soil organic matter during the early stages of decomposition is not fully elucidated. These residues form an ephemeral resource patch of energy and nutrients for soil microbial decomposers, with the unique aspect that the microorganisms responsible for producing them also serve as their primary decomposers, contrasting with the decay of plant residues. Thus, new concepts, theories, and approaches are needed to understand fungal necromass decomposition. Here, we assess the intrinsic drivers of necromass decay by evaluating how the physiological status of fungi at the time of death influences decomposition processes, and explore extrinsic drivers by characterizing the biodiversity and functional traits of microbial decomposer communities—including fungi and protists. Our goal is to develop a refined conceptual and research framework for microbial residue decomposition and promote the integration of these processes into soil biogeochemical models.

How to cite: Maillard, F., Beatty, B., Lopes Ramos, D., Klinghammer, F., Hammer, E., Tunlid, A., and Kennedy, P.: Intrinsic and extrinsic controls on the decomposition of fungal necromass, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9458,, 2025.

EGU25-10089 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

Seasonality drives arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal community responses while future climate alters AM fungi-mediated phosphorus uptake in plant functional groups 

Meike Katharina Heuck, Thomas Reitz, Christiane Rioscher, Jeff R. Powell, Christina Birnbaum, Jarrod Kath, Lena Philipp, Regina Stoltenburg, Petra Hoffmann, W. Stanley Harpole, and Adam Frew

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form symbiosis with most terrestrial plants, facilitating nutrient and water uptake while contributing to ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, soil carbon sequestration, and plant resilience to abiotic stressors. As such, these fungi hold significant potential in advancing climate-change-resilient agriculture. However, their effectiveness in supporting agricultural resilience depends on their own responses to global change, which remain poorly understood due to species-specific and context-dependent variability across agricultural systems and climate scenarios.

To address this knowledge gap, we investigated AM fungal community responses at the Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF) in Bad Lauchstädt, Germany. Established in 2014, the experiment consists of 5 blocks assigned to ambient climate and 5 to a future climate scenario, simulating the expected climate in Central Germany for 2070-2100, based on the consensus of several climate models. The future climate scenario simulates changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. Within each block, we focused on two distinct land-use types, extensive mowing or grazing, typically used for supporting livestock production. The meadows were mown or grazed one to three times annually, depending on plant biomass production. AM fungal community data from 160 soil samples, collected across eight time points spanning two years (mid-2020 to mid-2022) and differentiated by the two land-use types, were analysed using DNA metabarcoding. Additionally, plant biomass and nutrient concentrations were assessed.

Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) revealed that, across land-use types and climate scenarios, seasonality was the dominant driver of AM fungal variance in the abundance and occurrence model. Plant growing season spring was the primary influence on AM fungal responses, particularly regarding alpha indices and phylogeny. In addition, Glomeraceae abundance increased in spring (p: 0.043), potentially highlighting its role in providing fast nutrient supply for host plants. However, future climate scenarios dampened these seasonal patterns, particularly in mowed systems, suggesting a shift in the dynamics of AM symbiosis. Additionally, we observed plant functional group-specific effects: under future climate, phosphorus uptake by grasses (p: 0.11) and forbs (p: 0.027) correlated with AM fungal phylogenetic clustering, while legumes exhibited an opposite pattern, with phosphorus uptake correlating with phylogenetic dispersion (p: 0.021). We speculate that this might be due to the dual symbiosis of legumes with AM fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Thus, these findings contribute to providing insight into the functional roles of AM fungal communities under future climate and suggest that considering plant functional group composition may become more critical for managing these systems in the future.

How to cite: Heuck, M. K., Reitz, T., Rioscher, C., Powell, J. R., Birnbaum, C., Kath, J., Philipp, L., Stoltenburg, R., Hoffmann, P., Harpole, W. S., and Frew, A.: Seasonality drives arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal community responses while future climate alters AM fungi-mediated phosphorus uptake in plant functional groups, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10089,, 2025.

EGU25-12164 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Identification and quantification of extracellular polysaccharide biomarkers across soil organisms and plants 

Tao Li, Yuhua Li, Logan H. Hodgskiss, Erika Salas, Ke Shi, and Wolfgang Wanek

Soil extracellular polysaccharides (EPSac) are essential biopolymers in terrestrial ecosystems, playing key roles in soil aggregation, water retention, nutrient cycling, and carbon sequestration. These polysaccharides are produced by a wide range of organisms, including archaea, bacteria, fungi, plants, and soil fauna. However, their complex composition and low yet largely unknown abundance in environmental samples present significant challenges for their identification and quantification. In this study, we will culture and collect EPSac samples from various organisms (archaea, bacteria, fungi, algae, higher plants, and soil fauna) across different phyla. The extraction methods will be tailored to the specific sample types, such as cation exchange resin extraction for microbial cells and water extraction for plant roots and soil fauna. Dissolved extracellular polysaccharides will be separated from soil metabolites by ultrafiltration or precipitation before biochemical analysis. Plant samples will be cultivated hydroponically from seeds to minimize soil and microbial contamination of fine roots. To identify and quantify the monomeric composition of the polymers, we will employ an optimized acid hydrolysis method in combination with 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP) derivatization, followed by analysis using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography with high-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry (UPLC-Orbitrap MS). EPSac-specific monomers will be seeked for that do not occur in other known cell wall-based and/or storage polysaccharides of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Multivariate analysis, such as non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), will be utilized to assess the variability of EPSac compounds across different taxonomic groups. Additionally, Indicator species analysis will be performed to evaluate the biomarker potential of these compounds. Finally, these biomarkers will be applied to various soil types (cropland, grassland, and forest soils) to assess their contributions to microbial metabolic and soil carbon cycling. This study aims to identify EPSac-specific and organism-specific biomarkers and precisely quantify these key EPSac monomers, advancing our understanding of soil biogeochemical processes and their role in ecosystem functioning and nutrient dynamics.

How to cite: Li, T., Li, Y., Hodgskiss, L. H., Salas, E., Shi, K., and Wanek, W.: Identification and quantification of extracellular polysaccharide biomarkers across soil organisms and plants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12164,, 2025.

EGU25-12266 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Development of a high-throughput method for investigating carbon allocation in microbial pure cultures 

Yuhua Li, Tao Li, and Wolfgang Wanek

Since the discovery of microbes, microbial carbon metabolism has been a central research focus, with significant progress in understanding their metabolic pathways under different carbon sources. However, most studies have primarily examined metabolic mechanisms and gene regulation, while how microbes allocate absorbed carbon to growth, respiration, and extracellular metabolism has rarely been quantified in its entirety. There is strongly rising interest in understanding and modeling soil microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE), but results are currently only based on data of growth and respiration, not accounting for extracellular product formation and total substrate uptake. This therefore potentially ignores a large fraction of stress- and resource-limited (extra)cellular metabolism. This gap limits a comprehensive understanding of microbial carbon allocation and its environmental adaptability, highlighting the need for innovative approaches to address this critical aspect.

To this end, we are currently developing high throughput methodology to measure growth, respiration, and the excretion of extracellular enzymes (EE), extracellular polysaccharides (EPs) and extracellular metabolites (EM) in Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures. In response to carbon concentration, carbon: nutrient stoichiometry, temperature, and oxygen stress, we will assess microbial carbon allocation of three representative microbial species. For this regard, substrate uptake, growth, respiration, extracellular protein and extracellular polysaccharide production will be quantified in a microtiter plate format assay. The growth use efficiency of Bacillus subtilis cultured at 28°C with 0.4% glucose was determined to range between 20% and 30% with this assay. This study addresses a major gap in microbial carbon allocation research, revealing how environmental factors influence anabolic and catabolic transitions, and affect intracellular and extracellular metabolism, and providing important insights into microbial adaptation and ecological roles.

How to cite: Li, Y., Li, T., and Wanek, W.: Development of a high-throughput method for investigating carbon allocation in microbial pure cultures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12266,, 2025.

EGU25-12446 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

The Interplay of physical and community complexity in soil systems 

Carlos Arellano

Data obtained in pure cultures of the different microbial groups offers a wide range of information of each specific strain, yet how many of those patterns are present in natural environments remains unclear. On the other hand, measurements of soil functions in field or laboratory settings are packed with unhandled parameters that are likely to explain most of the unexplained variation encountered. There is hence the need for approaches that handle at the same time the control and resolution permitted in pure culture settings but with the parameters present in natural microbiomes at the relevant scale. With the use of microfluidics, fluorescence microscopy, and genomic tools, we explored two examples of the implications of soil characteristics on bacterial interactions in pairwise and in community level.

We tested how does the interaction between the two mutually exclusive soil bacterial strains Pseudomonas putida and Bacillus subtilis, holds in microenvironments of various levels of complexity. In low-complexity environments both species showed lower growth than when growing by themselves, which differed from a well-mixed liquid environment where Pseudomonas putida outperformed and inhibited Bacillus subtilis. Fragmented mazes, however, allowed not only the coexistence of both strains, but in the right frequencies permitted them to reach higher yields than when growing separately, thus turning competition into collaboration. Spatial analysis of the space within the mazes indicates that complex mazes allowed colocalization and that the level of such colocalization was linked to the yield of both strains.

Extrapolating patterns from pairwise studies to entire communities can be challenging yet necessary. What we intended in the next set of experiments was to evaluate how does community function depends on its diversity and how these two are linked to spatial characteristics of the microenvironment. A natural soil inoculum was subjected to a series of dilutions to obtain an array of inoculums with decreasing levels of diversity. Each community was then incubated within microenvironments with different levels of complexity where their capacity for substrate enzymatic degradation was measured. We expected variance between replicates of each maze to increase in inoculums of lower levels of diversity, as the founder effect would become more important than in robust entire communities. We found, however, that the enzymatic degradation of the inoculum decreased below detection limits after the third dilution (0.01X). Also, enzymatic degradation of the entire community and the 0.1-fold dilutions depended on the maze type but was consistent in the trend of higher complexity leading to higher degradation. Metagenomic quantification revealed that diluting the initial inoculum effectively reduced the diversity of it and its composition resembled more the one from the last day of incubation experiments. Hence it is apparent that the most abundant bacteria are not the ones responsible for the evaluated function, which complement recent findings which show that high abundant taxa grow slower than low abundant ones by adding that low abundance and fast grower taxa might be the drivers of the entire soil functions.

How to cite: Arellano, C.: The Interplay of physical and community complexity in soil systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12446,, 2025.

EGU25-14984 | Orals | SSS4.5

Scaling the impact of microbial ecophysiology on ecosystem-level decomposition rates under drought 

Ashish Malik, Brian Chung, Yingyi Fu, Nicholas Bouskill, and Steven Allison

Quantifying the influence of drought on microbial processes in soil and its consequences for carbon cycling is hindered by the lack of underlying mechanistic understanding. Drought affects soil microbes directly by causing physiological stress but also affects indirectly by influencing substrate transport and diffusion. Another indirect effect is through changes in plant litter chemistry which impacts microbial resource acquisition strategies. Here we present a theoretical framework to study the effects of drought as well as the ecosystem feedbacks that are generated due to the complex interactions of above-ground and below-ground processes. We classify microbial life history strategies into high yield (Y), resource acquisition (A) and stress tolerance (S), or Y-A-S along two main axes of environmental variation: resources and abiotic stress. We propose the use of this framework that incorporates trait-based ecology to link drought-impacted microbial processes to rates of soil carbon decomposition and stabilisation. We also present empirical evidence in plant litter microbial communities from a decade-long precipitation manipulation experiment in the field in Mediterranean grass and shrub ecosystems in Southern California. Using metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), we demonstrate trade-offs in stress tolerance and resource acquisition traits in bacterial populations in grass litter which arise due to selection of certain taxa by drought as the environmental filter. Through taxonomic and MAGs analyses across four time points over 18 months, we observed the dominance of fungi at the start of the litter decomposition process. These fungal pioneers by secreting extracellular enzymes likely enable the survival of drought tolerating bacteria with reduced decomposition capabilities. The indirect effect of drought on plant litter chemistry was examined by FTIR analysis of litter linked to microbial Carbohydrate-Active Enzyme (CAZyme) gene abundance for different substrates which shows subtle shifts in plant litter chemistry and associated changes in microbial resource acquisition traits that were linked to community succession during the decomposition process. We also observed signatures of recycling of fungal and bacterial necromass. Litter decomposition rates measured as mass loss using litter bags were unaffected by drought in shrub ecosystems but showed trends of reduction in grass ecosystems. The integrated knowledge from these studies demonstrates the various mechanisms by which microbial ecophysiology influences decomposition rates under drought and highlights the need for such scaling up of microbial response to climate change factors from individual soil microbes to collective communities to ecosystems.

How to cite: Malik, A., Chung, B., Fu, Y., Bouskill, N., and Allison, S.: Scaling the impact of microbial ecophysiology on ecosystem-level decomposition rates under drought, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14984,, 2025.

EGU25-15244 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Impact of experimental soil warming, snow addition, and grazing on soil microbial community diversity and functional potential in Tibetan Kobresia grasslands 

Caro Urbina Malo, Philipp Maurischat, Qing-Fang Bi, Sten Anslan, Julia Klein, Tsechoe Dorji, and Georg Guggenberger

Temperature on the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is rising at a rate higher than the global average, and the frequency of extreme climate events is predicted to increase, making the TP a region of critical importance for understanding the consequences of climate change on ecosystems and its feedbacks. The TP hosts the largest alpine pastoral ecosystem in the world: the Kobresia grasslands, dominated by the sedge species Kobresia pygmaea. These ecosystems store most of the terrestrial carbon (C) on the plateau, primarily in the felty root mat. With continuous warming, the carbon captured by Kobresia grasslands may become increasingly vulnerable to decomposition. Our study, therefore, focuses on the soil microbial community’s response to long-term exposure to warming, grazing, and snow addition in a Tibetan alpine pasture, thus reflecting major environmental changes.

We conducted our study at the Nam Co Observation and Research Station for Multisphere, CAS. The fully factorial experiment includes a combination of treatments: warming using open-top chambers, grazing by yaks three times a year (June, July, and August), and spring snow addition using snow cakes measuring 1 m in diameter and 0.5 m in height. Bulk and rhizosphere soil samples were collected for bacterial (16S rRNA) and fungal (ITS1 rRNA) sequencing. Functional genes involved in the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) cycles were quantified using the high-throughput quantitative-PCR-based Quantitative Microbial Elemental Cycling chip.

Results showed no significant effects of the treatments on microbial fungal or bacterial diversity, community composition, structure, or functional potential for bulk soils. Rhizosphere soils exhibited higher bacterial diversity from plots with warming + grazing treatment. Furthermore, the abundance of genes related to microbial functional potential for C and P degradation was significantly higher in rhizosphere soil than in the bulk soil. Samples from the plots subjected to both warming and grazing treatments showed a higher relative abundance of predominant genes. These findings suggest that the synergistic effects of warming and grazing significantly enhance rhizosphere microbial diversity and functional potential compared to individual treatments, highlighting the complex interactive effects of environmental factors on soil microbial communities.

How to cite: Urbina Malo, C., Maurischat, P., Bi, Q.-F., Anslan, S., Klein, J., Dorji, T., and Guggenberger, G.: Impact of experimental soil warming, snow addition, and grazing on soil microbial community diversity and functional potential in Tibetan Kobresia grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15244,, 2025.

EGU25-15464 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.5

And yet they move: microbial movement in soil habitats 

Kyle Mason-Jones, Steffen Schluter, Ksenia Guseva, Clementine Chirol, Lionel Dupuy, Amandine Erktan, Jie Hu, Ilonka Engelhardt, Hanbang Zou, Samuel Bickel, Jing-Zhong Lu, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Wilfred Otten, Hannes Schmidt, Naoise Nunan, Edith Hammer, Philippe Baveye, Tessa Camenzind, and Lukas Y. Wick

Movement of organisms plays a crucial role in microbial ecology, yet little is known about how, when and at what speeds soil microorganisms move. Literature offers conflicting lines of evidence, even regarding whether single-celled organisms can move at all under typical soil conditions. We review the literature on microbial movement in the context of soil physicochemical complexity, to establish its likelihood and its prerequisite conditions. Our focus is on movement at the spatial and temporal scales relevant for microbiota (µm to cm, seconds to days), with particular attention to bacteria and fungi. We synthesize experimental data for bacteria to show that unicellular movement can occur in moderately moist soils, although it is suppressed under dry conditions. By integrating current knowledge of microbial physiology and soil physics, we propose underlying mechanisms that may overcome the challenging conditions of soil, including non-flagellar surface movements (pili, in particular) and the role of biosurfactants. Our energetic analysis also shows that movement is possible, even under moderately oligotrophic conditions. Movement modes are entirely different for filamentous microorganisms like fungi, however, which are not restricted by water connectivity, grow much slower than prokaryotic movement, and must contend with the great tortuosity of the soil habitat. However, once a fungal network is established, cytoplasmic streaming can translocate resources and even the entire fungal cytoplasm at speeds comparable to bacteria (5 µm/s). Fungal hyphae also provide physical connections and favorable conditions to support prokaryotic movement along their surfaces. Hitchhiking, in which one organism is transported by the movement and energy of another, is also likely to be important in soil. A diverse array of movement possibilities emerges from our analysis, suggesting that soil microorganisms may be much more mobile than often appreciated. These also indicate substantial implications of movement for the ecology and ecological functions of soil microbiota. However, many key unknowns remain to be addressed and hypotheses experimentally tested, and we propose an ambitious roadmap to a comprehensive understanding of microbial movement in soil, and its relevance for biogeochemical cycling.

How to cite: Mason-Jones, K., Schluter, S., Guseva, K., Chirol, C., Dupuy, L., Erktan, A., Hu, J., Engelhardt, I., Zou, H., Bickel, S., Lu, J.-Z., Pett-Ridge, J., Otten, W., Schmidt, H., Nunan, N., Hammer, E., Baveye, P., Camenzind, T., and Wick, L. Y.: And yet they move: microbial movement in soil habitats, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15464,, 2025.

EGU25-16195 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

MICOL-FUNTRANS: Exploring Fungal Hyphae-Mediated Transport in soil colonization 

Christoph Keuschnig, Ramyani Biswas, Marco Amjar, Helen Feord, Pamela E. Rossel, Chiara Bahl, and Liane G. Benning

Soil is Earth's most biodiverse habitat, harboring unparalleled microbial densities and diversities. These conditions have driven the evolution of diverse microbial interactions, ranging from synergistic to antagonistic. However, studying these interactions is challenging due to the opaque nature of soil and the microscopic scale at which they occur. Understanding these processes is critical for advancing knowledge of ecosystem functions and soil biology.

Fungal hyphae-mediated transport (FHMT) of bacteria is a pivotal yet underexplored mechanism that enables bacterial translocation across nutrient-depleted regions, facilitating microbial movement and interactions within soil. The MICOL-FUNTRANS project investigates the microbial ecology of FHMT as a driving force in soil colonization and structure formation.

To study FHMT-driven belowground soil colonization, specialized soil columns were developed for field use. These columns, designed to either allow fungal hyphae colonization or exclude it, were filled with uncolonized sediment from glacier margins and buried in topsoil along chronosequences in glacier forefields. Field sites include Greenland (Lyngmarksbræen, Disko Island), Iceland (Langjökull), and Austria (Klein Fleiß Kees). After one year, the columns will be harvested to analyze the colonizing microbial communities under field conditions.

In parallel, laboratory microcosms were designed to simulate FHMT processes under controlled conditions. Sterile quartz sand was colonized by source soils from glacier forefields, allowing us to quantify bacterial colonization rates and identify key microbial players involved in targeted translocation processes.

This project provides the first comprehensive insights into FHMT-driven bacterial colonization in field conditions, underscoring its ecological significance and advancing our understanding of soil microbial dynamics.

How to cite: Keuschnig, C., Biswas, R., Amjar, M., Feord, H., Rossel, P. E., Bahl, C., and Benning, L. G.: MICOL-FUNTRANS: Exploring Fungal Hyphae-Mediated Transport in soil colonization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16195,, 2025.

EGU25-17468 | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Growth and metabolism of interacting ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi: effects on mycelial to hyphal scale 

Milda Pucetaite, Naomi Sara Beckman, Yitsully Geraldine Gonzalez Oliveros, Martí Pla-Ferriol, and Kristin Aleklett Kadish

Functions and productivity of fungal communities in soil are affected by interspecies interactions and competition for resources, which, in turn, affects biogeochemical cycles and fluxes of CO2 from soil. Specifically, saprotrophic and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi compete for limiting nutrients with great effects on overall decomposition rates. Macroscale observations are inconsistent: decomposition can be suppressed (‘Gadgil effect’), typically, in nutrient poor ECM dominated forests, or exacerbated (‘priming’) by ECM fungi foraging for nitrogen in organic matter or introducing labile carbon to soil. Gaining deeper insight into the mechanisms affecting mycelial and hyphal scale processes among the competing fungi could increase understanding of the reasons for these inconsistencies and better predict the direction of overall decomposition rates.

We investigated changes in growth and anabolic metabolism of an ECM fungus (Suillus luteus) interacting with a saprotrophic fungus (Gymnopus confluens) cultured in different concentrations and types of carbon and nitrogen sources on agar plates and inside microfluidic soil chips. The metabolism analysis was performed using stable-isotope labelling (SIP) combined with Raman microspectroscopy in the chips. At the mycelium scale, S. luteus grown in co-culture plates formed denser mycelium and demonstrated increased competitiveness under changing nitrogen concentrations. G. confluens increased its elongation rates and dominated under changing carbon conditions. Supplied with equal amounts of glucose and complex carbon (carboxymethylcellulose, CMC), G. confluens facilitated the growth of S. luteus, which exhibited increased density and elongation rates in co-cultures. Microstructures of the soil chips further affected the growth of S. luteus: while its growth rates in terms of elongation were typically smaller in agar plates, they increased and surpassed those of G. confluens in the chips in all nutrient treatments. This demonstrates the impact of both the nutritional and the physical environment on the outcome of fungal interactions. Furthermore, similar as in the agar plates, C. confluens facilitated growth of S. luteus in chips supplied with both glucose and CMC. To investigate this further, we are setting up an experiment, where deuterium labelled glucose source (glucose-d7) is used and traced as it is incorporated into the fungal hyphae growing in the chips using Raman microspectroscopy. Enrichment of fungal biomass with deuterium is detected via appearance of C-D functional group related spectral bands in the Raman spectra. We expect that this will allow us to determine whether the presence of CMC decreases competitiveness of G. confluens vs S. luetus as it directs its metabolism towards CMC degradation, and whether the carbon released in the process is uptaken by S. luteus as well.

How to cite: Pucetaite, M., Sara Beckman, N., Gonzalez Oliveros, Y. G., Pla-Ferriol, M., and Aleklett Kadish, K.: Growth and metabolism of interacting ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungi: effects on mycelial to hyphal scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17468,, 2025.

Climate warming can stimulate soil microbial degradation of organic matter, leading to increases in both microbial growth and CO₂ release into the atmosphere. If microbial growth or respiration outpaces the other in response to warming, it can alter the carbon-use efficiency, potentially leading to either increased carbon storage or release. Understanding the temperature-adaptive responses of soil decomposer microbes is thus essential, as they may significantly influence the balance of C between soil and atmosphere. In this study, we used a “space-for-time” substitution to test the impact of environmental temperature change on microbial carbon cycling in soils from a tropical elevation gradient in Chirripó, Costa Rica, using an in situ reciprocal 7-month transplant experiment to low and high elevation. We hypothesized (H1) that the transplantation of samples will shift microbial thermal traits. Specifically, we expected cold transplants to shift the traits of microbes from warm soils toward cool-adapted traits, while warm transplants would shift the traits of microbes from cold soils toward warm-adapted traits. Additionally, warming accelerates microbial use of organic matter (OM), depleting high-quality soil carbon, while cooling slows it, preserving carbon quality. This shift in carbon quality should increase microbial growth in warm soils under cold conditions and decrease growth in cold soils under warm conditions at a standard temperature (H2).  Furthermore, based on the carbon-quality temperature (CQT) hypothesis we expected that the cold transplant will reduce temperature sensitivity (Q10) for microbes from warmer soils, while the warm transplant would increase Q10 for microbes from colder soils (H3).

To estimate microbial thermal traits, microbial growth (bacterial growth and fungal growth) and respiration were estimated at 10 different temperature conditions (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 °C). We found a significant cool-shift in microbial growth thermal traits after the cold transplant and warm-shifted thermal traits after the warm transplant. These changes led to a marked shift in thermal traits along the elevation gradient, indicating a strong legacy effect of ecosystem differences in temperature and a relatively minor influence of the 7-month transplant experiment. However, the warm transplant had a pronounced influence, driving the microbial growth traits of all samples closer to those of microbes with a warm-ecosystem origin. For respiration thermal traits, the transplant experiment did not alter thermal traits but did affect the respiration rate. The cold transplant reduced microbial respiration in soils with a history of warm temperatures, whereas the warm transplant increased respiration in soils with a history of colder temperatures. We did not find a significant effect of the transplants on bacterial growth and fungal growth rates, but total microbial growth rates tended to increase with MAT.  In support of the CQT hypothesis, we observed a decrease in Q10 for bacterial growth following the cold transplant in soils with a history of warmer temperature, and a strong increase in Q10 for both bacterial growth and respiration.

How to cite: Dumontel, H. and Rousk, J.:  Using tropical heat to investigate adaptive responses of microbial thermal traits and carbon cycling in an in situ translocation experiment  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19426,, 2025.

EGU25-19512 | Orals | SSS4.5

The methane-cycling microbiome in intact and degraded permafrost soils of the pan-Arctic 

Haitao Wang, Erik Lindemann, Patrick Liebmann, Milan Varsadiya, Mette Svenning, Muhammad Waqas, Sebastian Petters, Andreas Richter, Georg Guggenberger, Jiri Barta, and Tim Urich

The methane-cycling microbiomes in Arctic permafrost-affected soils play crucial roles in the production and consumption of this important greenhouse gas. However, little is known about the distributions of Arctic methanogens and methanotrophs across the regional scale and along the vertical soil profile, as well as their responses to the widespread permafrost thaw. Using a unique sample set from nine different locations across the pan-Arctic, we identified methanogen and methanotroph phylotypes in 729 datasets of 16S rRNA gene amplicons.

In 621 samples of intact permafrost soils across the pan-Arctic, only 22 methanogen and 26 methanotroph phylotypes were identified. Relative abundances of both functional groups varied significantly between sites and soil horizons. Only four methanogen phylotypes were detected at all locations, with the hydrogenotrophic Methanobacterium lacus dominating. Remarkably, the permafrost soil methane filter was almost exclusively comprised of a few phylotypes closely related to the obligate methanotrophic species Methylobacter tundripaludum.

In degraded permafrost sites in Alaska, M. tundripaludum also dominated the methanotroph microbiome in the wet site. However, in dry, water-drained former permafrost site, Methylocapsa phylotypes, closely related with the atmospheric methane oxidizing bacteria, were exclusively found and dominant, indicating a massive restructuring of the methanotroph guild that consequently resulted in functional changes from a soil methane filter to an atmospheric methane sink.  

This study provides first insights into the identity and intricate spatial distribution of methanotrophs and methanogens in permafrost soils at a pan-Arctic scale and their responses to different water status after permafrost degradation. These findings point towards a few key microbes particularly relevant for future studies on Arctic CH4 dynamics in a warming climate and that under future dry conditions more atmospheric CH4 uptake in Arctic upland soils might happen.

How to cite: Wang, H., Lindemann, E., Liebmann, P., Varsadiya, M., Svenning, M., Waqas, M., Petters, S., Richter, A., Guggenberger, G., Barta, J., and Urich, T.: The methane-cycling microbiome in intact and degraded permafrost soils of the pan-Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19512,, 2025.

EGU25-21632 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.5

Elevated mass-specific soil microbial growth rates and no sign of thermal acclimation at a long-term warming gradient 

Thayer Taft, Sean R. Darcy, Ksenia Guseva, Kian Jenab, Cornelia Rottensteiner, Stefan Gorka, Lucia Fuchslueger, Christian Ranits, Alberto Canarini, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Andreas Richter, and Christina Kaiser

Warming increases soil microbial respiration which leads to significant soil C loss. However, it has been shown that the initial increase in soil respiration tends to level off in the long term, sometimes even returning to pre-warming levels. Two main hypotheses explain this short-lived thermal respiration increase: (i) The concentration of C substrate in soils declines due to increased microbial activity, becoming a limiting factor and leading to reduced overall respiration, or (ii) Microbial physiology adjusts to higher temperatures to improve fitness under new environmental conditions. The latter concept of a physiological thermal acclimation predicts that microbes in soils exposed to long-term warming will exhibit lower mass-specific growth and respiration rates at a given temperature compared to those at ambient levels.  The main objective of this study was to separate the roles of microbial acclimation and substrate limitation in reducing the response of soil respiration to long-term warming. 

We examined the microbial respiration and growth rates along long-term (>50 years) geothermal warming gradients in Iceland (ForHOT experiment). Soils collected at multiple temperature steps between ambient temperature and +15 °C field warming were incubated in the laboratory at their respective field temperatures. In addition, soils collected from the ambient sites were incubated the same temperatures as the field-warmed soils. Soils were labelled with deuterium-enriched water during incubation, followed by extraction of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Analyzing the 2H incorporation into PLFAs by Gas Chromatography coupled to isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) allowed us to estimate group-specific microbial growth rates.

When incubated at the same temperatures, soils exposed to long-term warming exhibited lower overall respiration rates (per gram of soil) compared to ambient soils. However, the respiration rate per unit of microbial biomass remained comparable between warmed and ambient. This suggests that the reduction in total respiration is likely due to carbon depletion and a subsequent decrease in overall microbial biomass, rather than a thermal acclimation. Interestingly, at long-term warmed field sites, mass-specific growth rates were considerably higher than those observed in ambient soils subjected to short-term warming at the same temperature. This finding also contradicts the thermal acclimation hypothesis, indicating that prolonged warming does not diminish the temperature response of microbial activity. Instead, our results demonstrate that – on a per unit of microbial biomass basis – long-term microbial temperature response is even more pronounced compared to immediate warming. The disparity between long-term and short-term temperature responses varied among microbial groups. While Firmicutes displayed similar growth responses to warming in both scenarios, fungi and gram-negative bacteria showed significantly higher mass-specific growth rates in long-term warmed plots compared to ambient soils exposed to corresponding levels of short-term warming. These results demonstrate that changes in microbial community function and composition following warming run counter to the typical concept of thermal acclimation.

How to cite: Taft, T., Darcy, S. R., Guseva, K., Jenab, K., Rottensteiner, C., Gorka, S., Fuchslueger, L., Ranits, C., Canarini, A., Sigurdsson, B. D., Richter, A., and Kaiser, C.: Elevated mass-specific soil microbial growth rates and no sign of thermal acclimation at a long-term warming gradient, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21632,, 2025.

EGU25-1019 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.6

Effect of crop diversification on soil organic matter: a study along a pedo-climatic gradient in Europe 

Laura Gismero Rodríguez, Marta Velasco-Molina, Alexander König, Erich Inselsbacher, Anke Herrmann, Marjoleine Hanegraaf, Julia Schroeder, Angel Valverde, and Heike Knicker

Crop diversification is hypothesized to enhance the diversity of soil organic matter (SOM) and its associated microbial communities. However, the specific impacts of crop diversification on SOM composition and its associated microbial communities remain poorly understood.

This study, conducted as part of the EJP Soil – Energylink project, investigates agricultural soils across Europe located along a pedo-climatic gradient. The studied locations include long-term field experiments in Sweden, the Netherlands, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, France, and Spain. To assess potential seasonal effects, multiple sampling campaigns were conducted at some sites. Topsoil (0-20 cm) bulk samples from all sites were analyzed for carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) contents. SOM diversity was evaluated using solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy. Microbial communities were characterized via phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, quantifying both the ratio fungi/bacteria (F/B) and the ratio Gram-positive / Gram-negative bacteria (G+/G-), and overall microbial biomass.

In general, trends for C, N or P contents in diversified plots compared to controls were no consistent across sites. Preliminary results suggest that crop diversification has a minimal effect on SOM diversity. In most countries, SOM composition showed little or no significant differences between plots with different levels of crop diversification. However, significantly lower humification indices (O-alkyl C / alkyl C) were detected in diversified plots from the Czech Republic and Slovenia in both studied seasons. In Spain and France, significant differences in this parameter were limited to seasonal variations. The most pronounced differences in SOM composition occurred at sites with strong contrasts in soil disturbance between control and treatment plots (e.g. bare soil vs. cover crops). Similar results were obtained for PLFA, indicating a higher microbial biomass with increasing diversity, although these differences were not statistically significant at most sites. Comparably, a higher fungal/bacterial ratio was generally observed in more diversified plots, but without significant variation. G+/G- did not appear to have a consistent trend across sites. In conclusion, crop diversification appears to have limited effects on SOM diversity and associated microbial communities. Further analysis is needed to confirm these preliminary results and to better understand the interactions between crop diversification practices and SOM.


Keywords: solid-state 13C NMR spectroscopy, PLFA, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture


Acknowledgments: This work is financed by the project EJP Soil/Energylink, which received funding through the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 862695

How to cite: Gismero Rodríguez, L., Velasco-Molina, M., König, A., Inselsbacher, E., Herrmann, A., Hanegraaf, M., Schroeder, J., Valverde, A., and Knicker, H.: Effect of crop diversification on soil organic matter: a study along a pedo-climatic gradient in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1019,, 2025.

Population growth, combined with expanded sanitation coverage, has resulted in a significant global increase in organic waste generation from municipal and agricultural sources. Simultaneously, the rising nutrient demands of agriculture to support a growing population and the widespread degradation of soils underscore the urgent need to integrate sustainable waste management and nutrient recovery into agricultural systems. These efforts are essential to restore soil health and ensure long-term productivity.

The growing market demand for sustainable products—driven by societal expectations and, in part, by Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks in corporate reporting—presents a unique opportunity to capitalize on the sustainability benefits of waste-derived fertilizers. To streamline ESG reporting for both waste management and agricultural systems, we propose a structured framework that could serve as a standard for waste-derived fertilizers. This framework categorizes these products based on sustainability attributes, safety (e.g., contaminant and pathogen risks), and efficacy (e.g., performance in soils), while enhancing organizational efficiency and scalability to facilitate broader adoption in agriculture.

Drawing on insights from industry stakeholders across the value chain, this novel four-generation framework outlines the transformation or extraction of organic biowaste—including food waste, biosolids, and manures—into sustainable soil amendments (e.g., compost, digestate), high-value waste-derived fertilizers (e.g., struvite, urea), and innovative multifunctional fertilizer products. Generation 1 includes raw, untreated wastes like food scraps and manure, which require stringent regulatory oversight. Generation 2 features processed organic waste streams, such as compost and digestates, which primarily function as soil amendments with high application rates. Generation 3 focuses on bioengineered fertilizers, including organomineral and hybrid products, which achieve nutrient concentrations comparable to conventional fertilizers while maintaining sustainability through recovery from waste streams. Generation 4 highlights multifunctional products capable of reducing greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1, 2, or 3), sequestering carbon, and aligning with carbon farming frameworks, all while remaining effective as fertilizers.

This framework systematically categorizes waste-derived products, provides detailed examples and chemical compositions, supports ESG compliance with clear sustainability metrics, and promotes scalability, pollution mitigation, and enhanced soil health. It offers a transformative tool for embedding circular economy principles into waste management and agricultural production, addressing critical environmental and economic challenges on a global scale.

How to cite: Mickan, B., Mercer, G., Jenkins, S., Pool, K., and Ryan, M.: Proposing a Generational Framework for Waste-Derived Fertilizers: A New Approach to integrating Sustainable Agriculture and Waste Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1402,, 2025.

EGU25-2084 | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Effect of food waste thermal pretreatment on VFA production and microbial dynamics by anaerobic fermentation 

Chihhao Fan, You-Yi Lee, and Chieh-Hao Huang

Sustainable food waste (FW) management is increasingly vital for addressing environmental challenges and advancing the circular economy. Conventional practices, such as landfills and incineration, lead to resource loss and environmental challenges. Anaerobic fermentation (AF) offers an environmentally friendly and efficient alternative, enabling the transformation of food waste into valuable byproducts like volatile fatty acids (VFAs). This study aimed to investigate the thermal pretreatment effects and Saccharomyces cerevisiae inoculation on AF of FW, using cabbage (a carbohydrate-rich feedstock) and chicken breast (a protein-rich feedstock) as representative feedstocks of FW.

The results revealed that thermal pretreatment significantly enhanced the solubilization of polysaccharides in cabbage, resulting in the rapid production of soluble saccharides and VFAs within two days. Moreover, thermal-treated carbohydrates improved S. cerevisiae fermentation efficiency, highlighting the suitability of carbohydrate-rich feedstocks for AF applications. In contrast, thermal pretreatment of chicken breast facilitated protein denaturation but did not substantially increase VFA yields after 24 days, suggesting a limited potential for protein-rich substrates in AF efficiency. Comparatively, carbohydrate-rich feedstocks showed more favorable for optimized fermentation performance than protein-rich feedstocks.

Microbial community analysis showed that thermal pretreatment influenced microbial dynamics during the AF process. Cabbage feedstocks exhibited an increased abundance of carbohydrate-degrading bacteria, facilitating the efficient conversion of polysaccharides into VFAs. Conversely, protein-degrading bacteria dominated meat-based feedstocks, yet the fermentation efficiency remained constrained, reflecting the intrinsic differences in feedstock composition. These observations underlined the importance of feedstock selection and pretreatment strategies in achieving effective resource valorization. 

This research highlighted the role of thermal pretreatment in improving the AF of carbohydrate-rich substrates, providing a pathway for enhanced VFA production and resource recovery. The study also emphasized the need for further optimization of AF for protein-rich feedstocks, potentially through alternative pretreatment methods or microbial consortia adjustments. By advancing the understanding of the interplay between feedstock characteristics, thermal pretreatment, and microbial dynamics, this work contributed to developing sustainable waste management technologies and supported the broader goals of the circular economy.

How to cite: Fan, C., Lee, Y.-Y., and Huang, C.-H.: Effect of food waste thermal pretreatment on VFA production and microbial dynamics by anaerobic fermentation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2084,, 2025.

EGU25-2612 | Orals | SSS4.6

Converting Si-rich biomass into a multifunctional soil amendment and its effect on plant growth  

Jim Wang, Meng Wang, Baoyue Zhou, and Changyoon Jeong

Silicon (Si)-rich biomass feedstocks are generated annually from agricultural crop production. In this study, we explored the potential of converting Si-rich biomass to biochar as a soil amendment of both nutrient supply and disease resistance for crop production. Silicon-rich rice straw/husk, sugarcane harvest residue, and miscanthus were collected and converted to biochar.  Pretreatment of biomass with KOH and other alkali reagents was carried out to increase Si bioavailability and enrich nutrients of biochar. Converted biochar products were characterized for their Si-releasing behavior and plant uptake. Results showed that depending on total Si contents of feedstocks utilized, varying amounts of plant-available Si were released. Alkali pretreatment caused the bleaching of phytolith-Si to increase Si release from biochar. Alkali-enhanced biochars from rice straw or husk yielded the higher extractable Si as pyrolysis temperature increased from 350oC to 550oC.  More soluble Si was also released in unbuffered weak acid and neutral salt solutions for alkali-enhanced biochars produced. Potting studies with perennial ryegrass showed that alkali-enhanced biochars increased tissue Si content and suppressed gray leaf spot development. Rice greenhouse trials also illustrated that the application of alkali-enhanced biochars, especially those made from rice husk at 550oC, increased Si uptake and rice grain yields compared to lower temperature and non-enhanced biochars. Overall, alkali-enhanced-biochar could be used as a multifunctional soil amendment for improving plant growth. 

How to cite: Wang, J., Wang, M., Zhou, B., and Jeong, C.: Converting Si-rich biomass into a multifunctional soil amendment and its effect on plant growth , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2612,, 2025.

EGU25-3290 | Orals | SSS4.6 | Highlight

From waste to worth: Harnessing residual biomass to boost soil quality and carbon sequestration 

José María De la Rosa, Sara Domínguez, Sara Perez-Dalí, Águeda Sánchez-Martín, Jorge Márquez-Moreno, Sara Gutierrez-Patricio, Antonio Moreno, Beatriz Cubero, Pedro M. Martín-Sánchez, Pablo Souza, Agustín Merino, Claudia Rodríguez-López, Heike Knicker, Paloma Campos, José Antonio González-Pérez, and Gael Bárcenas

One of the major global challenges of agriculture is to meet the increasing food demand while combating soil degradation, which affects over 40% of arable lands. This degradation escalates reliance on mineral fertilizers and heightens the risk of environmental deterioration. The valorization of agricultural, livestock, and forestry wastes through their conversion into organic amendments emerges as a pivotal strategy to restore soil health, enhance agricultural productivity, and manage waste efficiently. This aligns with the EU Soil Mission’s goal to ensure that at least 75% of soils are healthy and functional under the “A Pact for Soil in Europe” initiative.

This contribution will show how applying organic residues from agriculture and livestock, processed into green compost, digestate, or biochar, can serve as effective organic amendments. The use of olive mill waste biochar in deficit-irrigated olive crops led to increased plant photosynthesis rates, water use efficiency, and Carbon sequestration, significantly boosting stable soil carbon content. Additionally, the presentation will highlight the effects of applying green compost, and biochar, both individually and in combination with liquid amendments (compost tea, cow manure digestate and cow slurry), on acidic and alkaline soils. The results indicated that biochar significantly enhanced carbon stability (up to 9 times). A high dose of compost tea negatively impacted plant germination and growth, whereas a mix of compost and biochar improved water retention and productivity in both soil types. These findings underline the importance of selecting appropriate organic amendments to optimize soil health and agricultural performance. They also emphasize the crucial role of waste valorization from agricultural and livestock sectors in promoting sustainable farming practices, improving soil resilience, and contributing to carbon sequestration, crucial in advancing towards a sustainable agriculture.

Acknowledgments: Funding for the AGRORES and RES2SOIL projects (PID2021-126349OB-C21 and PID2021-126349OB-C22) by MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 is gratefully acknowledged. Additional support from the Junta de Andalucía, the EU (EAFRD), and the AEI association through Resioliva Operational Group (File No. GOPO-CO-23-0004) is also appreciated.

How to cite: De la Rosa, J. M., Domínguez, S., Perez-Dalí, S., Sánchez-Martín, Á., Márquez-Moreno, J., Gutierrez-Patricio, S., Moreno, A., Cubero, B., Martín-Sánchez, P. M., Souza, P., Merino, A., Rodríguez-López, C., Knicker, H., Campos, P., González-Pérez, J. A., and Bárcenas, G.: From waste to worth: Harnessing residual biomass to boost soil quality and carbon sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3290,, 2025.

EGU25-4018 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Valorization of pyroligneous acids from agricultural waste: Assessment of their potential use as organic herbicide 

Sara M. Pérez-Dalí, Águeda Sánchez-Martín, Jorge Márquez-Moreno, Claudia Rodríguez-López, and José María de la Rosa

Agricultural waste is produced in significant quantities worldwide, with 258 million tons of crop residues generated annually in the European Union alone. Improper management of these residues can result in environmental issues, including soil and water contamination and greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change. Pyrolysis of residual biomass offers a sustainable solution by converting agricultural waste into valuable products: syngas (a methane-rich gas), biochar (a porous carbonaceous solid), bio-oil, and pyroligneous acid (also called wood vinegar). While syngas and biochar have well-established applications, pyroligneous acid, remains underutilized, with its agricultural potential still being explored.

This study investigates the properties and composition of pyroligneous acid obtained from the pyrolysis of mixed wood biomass, abundant in Mediterranean agriculture. The biomass was pyrolyzed at 500 °C in a continuous-feed cylindrical reactor at the Euthenia Energy Center (Puente Genil, Spain). For comparison, a commercial organic herbicide was also used. Physical properties (pH, electrical conductivity, density, and dry residue) were measured, while elemental composition (carbon and nitrogen) was determined using a TOC analyzer. Nutrients, micronutrients, and toxic elements were quantified via ICP-OES, and organic molecular composition was assessed using GC/MS.

To evaluate its potential agronomic use as herbicide, germination tests were conducted with Lepidium sativum seeds exposed to varying pyroligneous acid concentrations (0%, 25%, 50%, 100%). Preliminary results reveal the absence of persistent contaminants and significant reductions in seed germination, highlighting its potential as a natural herbicide. Current field trials aim to confirm these findings under real-world conditions. This research demonstrates a pathway for agricultural waste valorization, aligning with circular economy principles and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Acknowledgements: This study received support of the Projects RES2SOIL (PID2021-126349OB-C22) and RICE4CHANGE (grant TED2021-130964B-I00) funded by the Spanish Agency of Research (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the European Union (Next Generation EU/PRTR funding). We also appreciate the support from the Junta de Andalucía, the EU (EAFRD), and the AEI association through the Operative Group Resioliva (agreement GOPO-CO-23-0004). Euthenia Energy Center is acknowledged for its collaboration in this study.

How to cite: Pérez-Dalí, S. M., Sánchez-Martín, Á., Márquez-Moreno, J., Rodríguez-López, C., and de la Rosa, J. M.: Valorization of pyroligneous acids from agricultural waste: Assessment of their potential use as organic herbicide, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4018,, 2025.

The synergistic effects of engineered biochar (EB) and organic fertilizers on plant growth, yield, and fruit quality of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) were assessed through a field study in tropical laterite soil in West Bengal, India. EBs were synthesized via slow co-pyrolysis of Eucalyptus biomass with waste plastics (polystyrene and low-density polyethylene) under optimized process conditions. The experimental design consisted of 40 treatments, incorporating three EB application rates (5, 10, and 15 t ha⁻¹) with or without fixed quantities (20 t ha⁻¹) of organic fertilizers—manure, vermicompost, and their 1:1 (w/w) mixture—alongside negative and positive controls. Co-application of EB and manure significantly enhanced plant growth and fruit yield, achieving increases of 112% (bell pepper) and 84% (tomato) compared to manure alone. Relative to the control, fruit yield improvements reached 238% for bell pepper and 198% for tomato. Notable enhancements in fruit quality parameters and mineral content were observed under combined EB and organic fertilizer treatments. While EB application rates and organic fertilizer types exhibited significant effects, the type of biochar showed minimal influence on outcomes. Unlike the rapid nutrient release dynamics characteristic of organic fertilizer-soil mixtures, co-application of EB and organic fertilizers facilitated higher nutrient retention and gradual release dynamics. The study identified 10 t ha⁻¹ EB combined with manure as the optimal treatment for maximizing bell pepper and tomato productivity in tropical laterite soils.

How to cite: Vanapalli, K. R., Bhattacharya, J., and Dubey, B.: Synergistic effects of engineered biochar and organic fertilizers on the plant growth, yield, and fruit quality of bell pepper and tomato in a tropical laterite soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4609,, 2025.

EGU25-6506 | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Investigation of the effects of poultry manure-based nutrient substitutes on soil inorganic nitrogen forms in a soil incubation experiment 

Péter Tamás Nagy, Tamás Magyar, and Florence Alexandra Tóth

The adequate quantity and quality of organic matter in soil is a fundamental criterion for nutrient management practices that meet today's challenges. In Hungary, a significant decline in soil organic matter content has been observed in many areas over recent decades. Adequate replacement is problematic for many farmers due to decreasing livestock populations and increasing environmental challenges. On the other hand the large quantities of manure generated during intensive poultry farming cannot be applied directly but, when fermented and supplemented, it can be spread effectively, offering an excellent solution for enhancing the organic matter and nutrient content of the soil.

In our studies, we examined the effects of fermented and pelletized poultry manure products in soil incubation experiments under varying water capacities on meadow chernozem soil. The experiments were conducted for one month. Treatments were terminated weekly to provide continuous information on the processes occurring in the soil. At the conclusion of the experiment, soil samples were taken from two depths in the pots, and after appropriate sample preparation, the pH of the samples was measured using electrochemical methods, while the ammonium and nitrate nitrogen contents were determined by photometric methods.

Our results indicate that the applied products did not significantly affect the soil pH in the tested layers, regardless of the water capacity levels. Compared to the control, all the tested products increased both the ammonium and nitrate contents of the soil. The increase in nitrate concentration exceeded the increase in ammonium content across all treatment combinations. It was found that the amount of ammonium-N in the different soil layers varied less than the nitrate concentration, and the levels of moisture availability also slightly influenced the quantitative relationships and ratios of the nitrogen forms produced.

Compared to the absolute control, nitrate concentration was four times higher, and ammonium concentration was twice as high in the soil layers. Among the nitrogen forms, nitrate was dominant. The positive effect of the product on the soil’s readily soluble and plant-available nitrogen supply was statistically demonstrated.

Acknowledgements: The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Nagy, P. T., Magyar, T., and Tóth, F. A.: Investigation of the effects of poultry manure-based nutrient substitutes on soil inorganic nitrogen forms in a soil incubation experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6506,, 2025.

EGU25-7048 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.6

 Effect of Digestate Biochar Application on Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soil 

Xinyue Bai, Nan Zhao, Ke Huang, and Qiyong Xu

Methane emissions from landfills are a significant contributor to global warming. Harnessing methane-oxidizing microorganisms in the topsoil layer represents a highly efficient strategy to reduce uncontrolled methane release from landfills. Biochar is a material rich in carbon, derived from the thermal decomposition of organic waste. It boasts a range of superior physical and chemical attributes, which render it a potent amendment for boosting the methane-consuming capabilities of landfill cover soils. Digestate biochar is produced by the pyrolysis of digestate from anaerobic digestion. A large amount of digestate is produced during the anaerobic digestion process. Pyrolysis treatment can rapidly reduce the volume of digestate while yielding high nutrent (K, Na, Fe, Ca) biochar products. These nutrients that typically promote the growth and metabolism of microorganisms and plants. Applying digestate biochar to modify landfill cover may be a “treat waste with waste” approach, but the effects of biochar application in landfill cover soil still need further investigation.

Control groups without biochar and with woody biochar were established to contrast with digestate biochar, in order to investigate the impact of digestate biochar on the growth and metabolism of methanotrophs communities under conditions of 15% methane and 15% oxygen. Long-term semi-open ecological experiments were also set up to investigate the dynamic trends of elements in different biochar-amended soils, focusing on their downward migration with precipitation and upward migration through plant uptake.The digestate biochar exhibited superior performance in enhancing methane oxidation over woody biochar. The incorporation of both woody biochar and digestate biochar facilitated methane oxidation, with digestate biochar showing almost double the cumulative mass of methane oxidation (7.14 mg methane per gram) relative to woody biochar. It was determined that superior ion-exchange capacity of digestate biochar better supported the proliferation of Type I methanotrophs, which possess more effective metabolic routes for methane oxidation. In subsequent experiments, the highest daily methane oxidation rate in digestate biochar-amended soil was about 7 times that of the original soil and woody biochar after 6 months of plant growth. Moreover, the digestate biochar-amended soil consistently had the largest cation exchange capacity. The soil amended with digestate biochar had lower dissolved organic carbon (DOC) compared to the control group without biochar addition, while the recalcitrant organic carbon was higher than the control group. In contrast, the DOC and recalcitrant organic carbon in the woody biochar amended soils were significantly higher than those in the control group.

In general, applying digestate biochar to landfill cover soil for methane reduction is highly significant in terms of "treat waste with waste" engineering. Our research confirmed that digestate biochar does not possess heavy metal leaching toxicity; instead, it provides nutrients for the growth and metabolism of plants and microorganisms in the soil. Our results may offer crucial insights for devising and refining soil restoration approaches using biochar to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Keywords: Digestate biochar; Methane oxidation; Landfill cover soil; Cation exchange capacity; Organic carbon.

How to cite: Bai, X., Zhao, N., Huang, K., and Xu, Q.:  Effect of Digestate Biochar Application on Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7048,, 2025.

Carbon-rich products from pyrolysis (pyrochars) and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC, hydrochars) have been proposed as soil amendments to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and increase production. This research compared the amendment impact of two different types of biochars on GHG emissions in tomato production and their major functional characteristics. Fluxes of CO2, CH4, and N2O were measured in the tomato growing pots using a manual static chamber method during the tomato growing season. The temperature and soil moisture were measured continuously using sensor pups, and the results were transferred to a data retriever. The collected gas samples were analyzed using a gas chromatograph (model 8610C, SRI Instruments). Nitrous oxide was detected with the electron capture detector (ECD) operated at 325°C, and CO2 and CH4 were measured with a mechanized interface with a îame ionization detector (FID). These results demonstrate that pyrochar application significantly decreased N2O emission compared to the emission from the control treatment. We observed that two different soil amendments did not substantially improve tomato production. This study also focuses on comparing the occurrence of 16 PAHs regulated by the US EPA in 22 char samples. Results showed that the sum of the 16 EPA PAHs in all samples was well below the requirements in the two standards, except for a pyrochar produced at the farm scale. They ranged from 131 to 9358 µg·kg-1 in the seven pyrochars and from not detected to 333 µg·kg-1 for the fourteen hydrochars. Our findings indicate that hydrochar produced via hydrothermal methods exhibits much lower concentrations and toxicity of the 16 PAHs regulated by the US EPA than pyrochars, making them a potentially safer option for soil amendment and environmental applications.

How to cite: Jeong, C., Ro, K., Wang, J., and Lee, M.: Comparison study of carbon rich products under thermal carbonization and hydrothermal carbonization on their characteristics, greenhouse gas emission, and tomato growth. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7910,, 2025.

EGU25-10003 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Evaluation aging of biochar application to deficient N soils on their N cycling using 15N isotope tracer, plant growth and soil biochemical parameters 

Álvaro F. García Rodríguez, Marko Šolić, Francisco J. Moreno Racero, Snežana Maletić, Roland Bol, Arthur Gross, Bruno Glaser, and Heike Knicker

Soil degradation caused by climate change leads to unfavorable conditions for soil and crop growth in many countries. Therefore, the use of soil organic amendments (OSAs) are promoted for crop growth and increase fertility in soils. A popular soil organic amendment is biochar which is known for being a good strategy for agriculture to increase sustainability and health of soils. Although great effort is conducted to reveal the combined effect  of different biochar application forms to soils on the chemical composition of soil organic matter and plant growth, there is still a lack of understanding in terms of how those practices affect the N cycling and associated biochemical processes. Therefore, in this work we aim to characterize the fate of nitrogen added to soils amended with fresh, aged, and co-composted biochar and cultivated with  Lactuca sativa L. var. Therefore 15N-enriched fertilizer was used and the partitioning of the  15N isotope between soil, root and shoot of lettuce plants was measured and related to soil properties, soil organic matter composition, microbial respiration and plant growth. This study explores the multiple positive and negative interactions between different types of biochar addition as soils organic amendments and plant physiological traits. Thus, through soil organic amendments not only greater crop performance can be achieved but also it is key to build knowledge on the relations among soil chemical composition and plant growth to optimize health in European soils.

Acknowledgements: Funded by the European Union. Grant agreement No. 101059546, María Rocio Reinoso, Laura Gismero Rodríguez and Andreas Lücke are thanked for their technical help in the laboratory.

How to cite: García Rodríguez, Á. F., Šolić, M., Moreno Racero, F. J., Maletić, S., Bol, R., Gross, A., Glaser, B., and Knicker, H.: Evaluation aging of biochar application to deficient N soils on their N cycling using 15N isotope tracer, plant growth and soil biochemical parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10003,, 2025.

EGU25-11310 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.6

Organic matter increases availability of phosphate in tropical soils: a phosphate diffusion experiment 

Hannah Van Ryckel, Toon van Dael, and Erik Smolders

It is well established that the application of organic amendments (OA) to weathered soils increases the availability of soil or fertilizer phosphorus (P). It is often assumed that organic anions derived from OA compete with P for sorption sites on iron and aluminium oxides. Alternatively, the short-term effect of OA amendment on raising the pH has also been proposed as a mechanism. These potential mechanisms have never been tested in a P diffusion experiment that indicates the P mobility. In this study, a P diffusion experiment was set up with a Vietnamese Ferralsol treated with compost, lime, or a combination of both, in addition to an untreated control. Phosphorus adsorption isotherms were constructed for each treatment. Soils were incubated in Petri dishes with triple superphosphate (TSP) fertilizer granule placed at the center, while an additional compost treatment was incubated without TSP. Phosphorus diffusion was visualized at 1, 5, and 14 weeks using the diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technique; the P concentration in the DGT was visualized via colorimetry. Concentric soil sampling was performed after DGT deployment to measure P concentrations at increasing distances from the fertilizer granule. Results confirmed a strong positive effect of OA application on the availability of added P in time and distance. At 5 and 14 weeks, the +OA +TSP treatments increased soil P concentrations compared to -OA +TSP treatments up to twofold near the fertilizer granule (< 0.8 cm) and up to ninefold at distances of 0.8–1.6 cm. In the control and limed treatments, P concentrations showed a consistent downward trend in time. In contrast, they first increased (week 5) and then slightly decreased (week 14) in the OA and Lime+OA treatments, but always remained above the threshold value of 0.2 mg P/L necessary for plant growth. Soil 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P concentrations in the different treatments increased (Control < Lime < Lime+OA < OA) with decreasing solid-liquid distribution coefficients (KD) recorded in  the P adsorption isotherms, indicating that reduced P sorption was the mechanism for increased P availability. The OA treatment incubated without TSP showed no detectable P at any time point, confirming that the OA itself was not a direct P source. Additionally, the increased P availability in compost-amended soils was not attributable to changes in soil pH, as all treatments raised the pH by 1.5 ± 0.5 units. We conclude that OAs enhance P availability in weathered soils primarily by modifying P sorption  rather than directly supplying P or altering soil pH. This mechanism underscores the potential of OAs to improve fertilizer P use efficiency and sustain crop production in nutrient-poor soils.

How to cite: Van Ryckel, H., van Dael, T., and Smolders, E.: Organic matter increases availability of phosphate in tropical soils: a phosphate diffusion experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11310,, 2025.

EGU25-11652 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.6

Long term impact of organic amendments on soil organic matter molecular composition  

Dilani Rathnayake, Samuel K. Steiner, Jens Leifeld, and Thomas Guillaume

Agriculture and food systems account for one-third of the anthropogenic GHG emissions. As the largest terrestrial carbon pool, soils play a significant role in climate change mitigation and adaptation processes. Due to different agricultural inputs and their intensive usage, agricultural soils are more vulnerable to carbon loss and act as a source of GHG emissions while diminishing the soil's inherent capacity to act as a carbon sink. The composition, stoichiometry, and quantity of applied soil amendments differ and significantly influence soil carbon retention in the long run. Combining organic amendments and inorganic fertilizers could affect soil organic matter (SOM) stabilization pathways differently. The latter is identifiable via SOM composition and overall compound diversity. It has been hypothesized that more persistent soil organic matter is characterized by high molecular compound diversity and complexity (Lehmann et al., 2020). The molecular composition of the soils can further be categorized into plant, microbial, and mixed-originated compounds to understand the preferential carbon stabilization pathways under different nutrient management conditions. Besides, the energy released during oxidative differential scanning calorimetry could be used to assess the degree of SOM transformation. Within this context, this study aims to assess the long-term impact of organic amendments under different inorganic N fertilizer levels on soil organic matter content, their molecular composition, and transformation. Here, we analysed soil sampled from a long-term field experiment in Switzerland spanning over 45 years, which contains treatments with varying levels of mineral N fertilization (no mineral N, recommended N application dose ± 40 N units) and organic amendments (no organic amendments, farmyard manure, and wheat straw). The bulk soils and organic amendments were analysed for their elemental composition, molecular composition using pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and thermal stability using simultaneous thermal analysis. The initial results indicate that soils receiving no organic amendments and no inorganic N fertilizers exhibited significantly lower carbon content, more recalcitrant compounds, and lower molecular compound diversity than other treatments receiving organic amendments. Concurrently, soils receiving no organic amendments and no inorganic N fertilizers exhibited lower energy release during thermal analysis, indicating more transformed SOM. According to the principal component analysis, there was a clear demarcation between manure/straw-added treatments and not-added treatments related to the composition of soil organic matter. The manure-added treatments exhibited significantly higher carbon content, manure-derived sterols, and molecular diversity than the non-manure-added treatments. Furthermore, we expect to showcase the interaction effect of organic amendments and inorganic N fertilizers on the proportion of microbial and plant-derived compounds in soil organic matter.  Overall, the findings of this study will provide useful information for stakeholders to identify the optimum fertilization practices for croplands to increase the stable SOM fraction in the long run.

Lehmann, J., Hansel, C. M., Kaiser, C., Kleber, M., Maher, K., Manzoni, S., ... & Kögel-Knabner, I. (2020). Persistence of soil organic carbon caused by functional complexity. Nature Geoscience, 13(8), 529-534.

How to cite: Rathnayake, D., Steiner, S. K., Leifeld, J., and Guillaume, T.: Long term impact of organic amendments on soil organic matter molecular composition , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11652,, 2025.

EGU25-12555 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Effects of organic composite products on soil organic matter and nitrogen forms in an apple orchard 

Florence Tóth, Tamas Magyar, and Peter Tamas Nagy

Drought and the continuous depletion of soil organic matter represent increasingly critical global challenges. These factors have emerged as the primary constraints on agricultural productivity. Over recent decades, drought-induced crop failures have resulted in considerable economic losses for farmers. Addressing this issue necessitates innovative approaches, compelling researchers to develop and implement effective solutions to mitigate these impacts and ensure their applicability in modern agricultural practices.

The aim of our study was to explore the utilization of chicken manure, a byproduct of intensive poultry farming often classified as hazardous waste. By incorporating supplementary materials designed to enhance soil organic matter and influence mineralization processes favourably, we sought to transform this waste into composite products with potential agronomic benefits.

An experiment was set up to study the effects of composites made from superabsorbent polymers and organic manure in an apple (Malus domestica Borkh. 'Pinova') orchard at the experimental site of the University of Debrecen in Pallag (47°25′28″ N, 21°38′31″ E). The trees were planted in 2011 on M9 rootstock, with a row spacing of 4 m and a tree spacing of 1 m, trained to a 3.5 m tall slender spindle.

In our experiments, we added superabsorbent polymers (one is synthetic and another is organic) (S1; S2 and B1;B2) their mixture (BS1; BS2) the fermented chicken manure at two different dosages  and evaluated their impact on soil parameters. The findings were compared against a control group (K) and treatments using only chicken manure (KNEX).

Soil analyses were conducted at six-week intervals to evaluate the effects of the applied treatments. The results revealed that the composite products significantly increased soil organic matter content compared to the control.

Our findings also demonstrated that these composite products enhanced soil organic nitrogen levels over time and promoted favourable mineralization processes. In brown forest soils, characterized by low nutrient retention capacity and a sandy texture, nitrate concentrations in the topsoil ranged between 140 and 170 mg/kg following treatment. The treatments applied significantly affected the soil organic carbon content, especially from the second year of application onwards. Moreover, it was found that the applied composite treatments significantly increased soil organic nitrogen content compared to both the control and the basic product treatment (KNEX).

These findings underscore the potential of these composite products to substantially improve mineralization processes and enhance water retention, particularly in soils with low nutrient availability and limited organic matter content. Furthermore, the development of an integrated water and nutrient management system is imperative. Such a system should combine water-saving irrigation techniques with optimized nutrient management strategies, placing an increased emphasis on the replenishment of soil organic matter to ensure sustainable agricultural productivity.

Acknowledgements: The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Tóth, F., Magyar, T., and Nagy, P. T.: Effects of organic composite products on soil organic matter and nitrogen forms in an apple orchard, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12555,, 2025.

EGU25-16610 | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Unveiling Soil Microbial Diversity: Metagenomic Insights into Mineral and Hydrochar Fertilization 

Heike Knicker and Francisco Jesús Moreno Racero

The global reliance on mineral fertilizers (MF) has raised significant concerns regarding their environmental and economic drawbacks, including soil degradation, water contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, and the unsustainable use of non-renewable resources. As the urgency to develop sustainable agricultural practices grows, there is increasing interest within both the scientific and agronomic communities to explore viable alternatives to conventional MF. Among these, organic amendments such as biochar and hydrochar (HC) have garnered attention due to their potential to improve soil physical and chemical properties while maintaining or enhancing crop yields. Despite the growing body of literature comparing the impacts of mineral and organic fertilizers on soil properties and crop performance, critical knowledge gaps remain with respect to their effects on the abundance and diversity of soil microorganisms. Soil microbial communities are crucial for ecosystem functioning, influencing nutrient cycling, soil health, and plant productivity. To address this gap, this study employs a metagenomic approach to evaluate both the short- and long-term impacts on microbial diversity indices and their relative abundance in soils treated with conventional MF and HC amendments. Thus, a 330-day greenhouse pot experiment was conducted in which sunflower plants were cultured on soils amended with two different application rates of MF and HC (3.25 and 6.5 t ha⁻¹), standardized based on the total applied nitrogen content. Additionally, unamended soils were included as controls. The performance under well-irrigated and water-deficit conditions was assessed.

After 77 and 330 days of cultivation, soil samples were collected from the topsoil (0-15 cm) for high-throughput ITS and 16S rRNA sequencing, followed by bioinformatic analyses. For each treatment, relative abundances and alpha-diversity were determined by calculating richness indices, including observed OTUs, Chao1, Abundance-based Coverage Estimator (ACE), and Shannon and Simpson diversity indices. Additionally, beta-diversity was assessed using Bray-Curtis distance to create the distance matrix between samples and generate the NMDS (non-metric multidimensional scaling).

Significant differences in abundance and alpha-diversity indices (richness and diversity) were observed between treatments both in the short and long term. The NMDS plots also allowed differentiation of treatments. However, the short-term results were significantly attributed to the application of HC. The results after 77 days suggested that, at high application rates and under both irrigation conditions, HC promoted greater bacterial richness and diversity than a similar nitrogen dose with MF.

Regarding fungal richness analysis, whereas HC treatments did not differ significantly from their respective nitrogen-equivalent MF treatments under well-irrigated conditions, they exhibited the lowest values under water-deficit conditions. In contrast, regardless of the irrigation condition, among the treatments, amendment of HC displayed the lowest fungal diversity. These results indicate an increased quantity, richness, and diversity of bacteria in HC-treated soils, which compete with fungal community development, leading to more uniform fungal communities dominated by a few groups.

How to cite: Knicker, H. and Moreno Racero, F. J.: Unveiling Soil Microbial Diversity: Metagenomic Insights into Mineral and Hydrochar Fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16610,, 2025.

EGU25-19555 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Chronosequence study of soil microbial communities from an olive orchard through PLFA profiling 

Laura Gismero Rodríguez, Heike Knicker, and Angel Valverde

In the Mediterranean region, olive plantations are often located on slopes. These sloping soils are typically less fertile for many crops due to high erosion and increased water drainage rates. However, olive trees, like vineyards and other fruit plantations, thrive in these conditions, making such sites common throughout the Mediterranean basin. Interrow spaces are frequently utilized to test various land management practices and study changes in soil organic matter, erosion, and microbial and molecular diversity. This approach is exemplified by the study plots in this work, located in an olive orchard in southern Spain.

We collected soil from an olive orchard with an 11% slope located in Southern Spain (Benacazón, Seville). The study aims to examine soil organic matter and microorganisms abundance along the slope under two soil management practices: conventional tillage (CT) and natural cover (NC). Additionally, soil from the tree line, treated with herbicide (TL-Herb.), is also included. To account for the effect of seasonality, four sampling campaigns were conducted between autumn 2022 and summer 2023. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and enzymatic activity analyses were performed to investigate microbial profiles and their relationship with organic matter content along the slope.

With increasing temperatures, we expect to observe a decrease in total microbial biomass and lower F/B ratios. Regarding differences due to land management, we anticipate that NC plots will exhibit the highest microbial biomass and greater total fungal biomass compared to CT and TL-Herb soils. Additionally, we expect stress indicators (saturated/monounsaturated fatty acid ratios) to increase during the driest season, coinciding with the lowest microbial biomass abundance. Our main hypothesis is that plots with natural cover will have higher organic matter (OM) content and total microbial biomass. We also expect to observe differences in the microbiome between the upper and lower parts of each plot, with higher microbial biomass in the lower areas due to the runoff of water and nutrients along the slope. These results will contribute to a better understanding of seasonal shifts in microbial profiles under these land management conditions.

Keywords: microbial profiling, soil management, sustainable agriculture

How to cite: Gismero Rodríguez, L., Knicker, H., and Valverde, A.: Chronosequence study of soil microbial communities from an olive orchard through PLFA profiling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19555,, 2025.

EGU25-19669 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.6

Removal of Salts from Biochar Used in Growing Substrates Improves Germination and Growth of Tomato Seedlings 

José María García de Castro Barragán, Álvaro Fernando García Rodriguez, and Heike Knicker

Biochar is a carbon-rich material commonly used as a soil amendment but also has been considered as a potential peat substitute in plant growing substrate in horticulture. However, its impact on soil or substrate quality largely depends on its chemical composition and physical properties that are defined by the production conditions and the feedstock. Commonly, pyrolysis of green waste leads to an accumulation of salt which can lead to an increase of the alkalinity and salinity of the biochar and thus of amended soils and gardening substrate. Often, this is associated to negative impacts on seed germination and plant growth. In order to overcome this problem and assuming that the high alkalinity is caused by high cation contents, we hoped that plant performance can be improved by salt removal Therefore, an experiment was designed to test whether consecutive water washing of two types of highly alkaline biochars enhanced their quality as a plant growing substrate. Whereas the first biochar derived from derived from tomato greens (TB) rich in Sodium, the second was produced from vineyard (VB) pruning residues which were rich in Ca. The pH, elemental composition and ionic contents of the biochars were monitored as a function of washing time. Subsequently, the impact of washing on plant performance was tested performing a greenhouse pot experiment during which tomato plants were grown on a mixture of 40% biochar and 60% gardening substrate. The results show a notable reduction of the pH of the substrate after the washing treatments, leading to improved germination, growth, and biomass weight of the tomato plants. We observed further that high sodium concentrations in the biochar have a stronger negative impact on plant growth than calcium. This work demonstrates that the feasibility of peat substation in growing substrates by some biochars previously considered practically unusable, can be enhanced through simple and relatively inexpensive water washing: This research opens up the possibility of recycling not only of pruning residues but also green residues produced during tomato cultivation as valuable substitute for peat in plant growing substrates in horticulture or gardening, promoting the circular economy and closing the carbon cycle.  

How to cite: García de Castro Barragán, J. M., García Rodriguez, Á. F., and Knicker, H.: Removal of Salts from Biochar Used in Growing Substrates Improves Germination and Growth of Tomato Seedlings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19669,, 2025.

EGU25-20231 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.6

Characterisation of biochar from manure and sewage sludge using XRD and FTIR 

Merkeb Woldu Bezabeh, Tore Krogstad, and Susanne Eich-Greatorex


The characterisation of biochars produced from diverse feedstocks, including dry manure, digestate manure, biologically treated dry sewage sludge, and chemically treated digestate sewage sludge, was conducted using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). These analyses revealed significant structural and chemical transformations during pyrolysis at 400°C and 600°C, influencing the biochars' suitability for applications in soil improvement, nutrient retention, and carbon sequestration.

FTIR analysis indicated distinct functional group changes in all biochars, particularly reductions in hydroxyl (-OH) and carbonyl (C=O) groups, reflecting dehydration and the breakdown of oxygenated compounds. Aliphatic C-H peaks diminished, signifying increased aromaticity and the formation of more stable carbon structures. Nitrogen-related functional groups decreased across all feedstocks, suggesting nitrogen stabilisation into recalcitrant forms. Persistent phosphate (P-O) and metal oxide peaks confirmed the retention of essential nutrients such as phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, making biochars valuable for soil fertility enhancement.

XRD analysis provided further insights into the mineralogical transformations in biochars. Dry manure biochars showed the formation of stable crystalline phases such as berlinite (AlPO₄) and sylvite (KCl), which contribute to phosphorus and potassium retention, respectively. Digestate manure biochars exhibited additional silicate and aluminosilicate phases, enhancing their cation exchange capacity (CEC) and nutrient-holding potential.

Biologically treated dry sewage sludge biochars demonstrated significant phosphorus stabilisation in berlinite and chlorapatite and retaining silicates like quartz and mica. These mineralogical changes enhance biochar's potential as a slow-release fertiliser while improving soil structure and aeration. Similarly, biologically treated digestate sewage sludge biochar retained essential nutrients like sulfur and silicon, with increased crystallinity ensuring better structural stability and moisture retention. The presence of barite (BaSO₄) and gypsum (CaSO₄·2H₂O) highlighted the biochar's ability to retain sulfur, an essential nutrient for plant growth and metabolic processes.

Chemically treated sewage sludge biochars exhibited stronger silicate and phosphate peaks, reflecting enhanced inorganic content and long-term stability. Variscite (AlPO₄·2H₂O) transformed into berlinite during pyrolysis, stabilising phosphorus for sustained nutrient availability. Sylvite (KCl) emerged as a significant phase, providing a readily available potassium source vital for crop yield and stress tolerance. The presence of calcite and gypsum further supported the biochar’s liming capacity, which is helpful for pH regulation in acidic soils.

The findings underline the importance of feedstock selection and pyrolysis conditions in tailoring biochar properties for specific environmental and agricultural applications. Pyrolysis stabilises organic matter and enhances biochar’s structural integrity, nutrient retention, and pollutant adsorption capacity. This study highlights the potential of biochar to address soil degradation, improve crop productivity, and support sustainable waste management in agriculture.



How to cite: Bezabeh, M. W., Krogstad, T., and Eich-Greatorex, S.: Characterisation of biochar from manure and sewage sludge using XRD and FTIR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20231,, 2025.

EGU25-232 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Organic phosphorus cycling by soil microbiota is crucial to maintaining sustainable agricultural systems in the Amazon 

Guilherme Martins, Gabriel Monteiro, Thierry Pellegrinetti, Anderson de Freitas, Luana Barbosa, Lucas Mendes, Gerd Gleixner, and Siu Mui Tsai

Most soils in the Amazon rainforest are highly weathered, acidic, and nutrient-poor. Under those conditions, most soil phosphorus (P) is bound to minerals, making it unavailable to plants and turning P into a limiting factor for plant growth. To adapt, plants in the Amazon have developed complex interactions with soil microorganisms to facilitate nutrient cycling, depending heavily on the soil organic P pool for nutrient uptake. However, converting forests into agriculture poses significant threats by disrupting the intricate interactions that maintain soil nutrient cycles and plant productivity, ultimately impacting the region's long-term stability. Our study investigated the long-term (30-year) effects of converting Primary Forest into two distinct agricultural systems: Agroforestry and Citrus monoculture. We assessed how bacterial and fungal communities interacted with soil physicochemical attributes and different P pools, such as labile, moderately labile, and non-labile P. Our preliminary results indicated that Agroforestry soils retained properties similar to those of Forest soils. In contrast, Citrus soils exhibited higher pH and micronutrient levels and reduced organic matter and dissolved organic carbon content. Total soil P was higher in Citrus soils due to fertilization, while Forest and Agroforestry had larger organic P pools, considering both soil and litter layer. Additionally, phosphatase activity and the abundance of P-cycling genes were higher in Forest and Agroforestry, suggesting greater organic P cycling and stronger reliance on microbial processes for nutrient acquisition. Bacterial and fungal composition were strongly influenced by soil micronutrient levels and the moderately labile P pool. These findings indicate that microbial processes are crucial to maintaining P cycling in Forest and Agroforestry, whereas monocultures primarily depend on synthetic fertilizers to support plant productivity. Further, our ongoing metagenomics and metabolomics analyses will provide deeper insights into functional and metabolic pathways through which organic P is cycled by soil microbiota in the Amazon region.


Keywords: Metagenomics; Metabolomics; Microbial Ecology; Conservative agriculture; Tropical Forest; Soil restoration.

How to cite: Martins, G., Monteiro, G., Pellegrinetti, T., de Freitas, A., Barbosa, L., Mendes, L., Gleixner, G., and Tsai, S. M.: Organic phosphorus cycling by soil microbiota is crucial to maintaining sustainable agricultural systems in the Amazon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-232,, 2025.

EGU25-1059 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.9

Exploring potential success factors for soil multifunctionality: effects of agricultural management, soil life and soil carbon 

Guusje Koorneef, Sophie van Rijssel, Ciska Veen, Mirjam Pulleman, Ron de Goede, Rob Comans, Wim van der Putten, and Kyle Mason-Jones

Agricultural soils in intensive farming sustain high crop production yields but endanger other regulating ecosystem services. Strengthening the simultaneous delivery of multiple soil functions is therefore essential to achieve high crop yields while lowering the environmental impact. We investigated how this so-called soil multifunctionality is related to management intensity in conventional and organic arable farming, and to specific practices regarding e.g. crop rotation, fertilization or tillage. We furthermore explored whether soil organic carbon and soil microbiotic parameters could explain relationships between agricultural management and soil functioning.

We collected 57 soil samples in Dutch arable fields and interviewed farmers about their farm management. Soil multifunctionality was measured by aggregating 9 indicators of different functions such as nutrient cycling, soil structure, and disease suppression. We characterized the species composition and abundance of the soil microbial community with 15 parameters, and soil carbon quantity and quality with 16 parameters.

We show that increasing management intensity is associated with declining soil multifunctionality across all fields, whereas multifunctionality was not related with organic vs. conventional farming. Greater soil multifunctionality was also associated with less frequent inversion tillage and higher frequency of grass-legume cover cropping. Bacterial biomass and total soil organic carbon content, respectively, were the strongest biotic and abiotic predictors of soil multifunctionality. No other biotic parameters were related to soil multifunctionality, whereas the majority of soil carbon parameters were significantly related. Our results suggest that reducing management intensity will enhance soil multifunctionality in both conventional and organic farming systems, so that in highly intensive and productive agricultural systems, the paradigm of sustainable intensification should be replaced by “productive de-intensification.”

How to cite: Koorneef, G., van Rijssel, S., Veen, C., Pulleman, M., de Goede, R., Comans, R., van der Putten, W., and Mason-Jones, K.: Exploring potential success factors for soil multifunctionality: effects of agricultural management, soil life and soil carbon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1059,, 2025.

Bridging Morphological and Molecular Approaches in Soil Fauna Diversity Assessments at European level

Köninger, J., Potapov, A., Ross, G., Tsiafouli, M., Seeber, J., Beule, L., Hedlund, K., Frouz, J., Blasbichler, H., Orgiazzi, A., Briones, M.J. I.


Recent advances in molecular approaches to identify multiple species from a mixed sample, have expanded our availability to perform large-scale analyses of soil biodiversity. However, methodological challenges remain, particularly when trying to reconcile molecular results with those derived from traditional morphological-based identifications. For example, previous studies have recorded unexpected higher diversities in the more intensively managed agricultural lands compared to woodlands and grasslands, which contrasts with earlier morphological analyses and highlights the need for methodological cross-validation.

Here, we address these challenges by comparing soil fauna diversity data derived from several international large-scale surveys. For example, the SOB4ES EU-funded project encompassing diverse European land uses and the Biodiversa+ project (accronym) focussing on woodlands both collected morphological as well as molecular data. Additionally, we compared the DNA metabarcoding results from LUCAS (2018 survey) with morphological data derived from the EcoFINDERS and SOILSERVICE projects. Our analyses reveal the existence of a significant variability in diversity metrics between ecosystem types, emphasizing the importance of contextualizing molecular results through complementary morphological analyses. Furthermore, our results also highlight the need to refine molecular methods (e.g. primer choice and removal of relict DNA) to ensure the robustness of the data interpretations for their potential use in policy-making and biodiversity indicator development.

How to cite: Köninger, J.: Bridging Morphological and Molecular Approaches in Soil Fauna Diversity Assessments at European level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4295,, 2025.

EGU25-5770 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Carbon quality mediates the nutrient accelerating effects of fungi on wood decomposition 

Zhiyuan Xu, Zhenhong Hu, Tianyi Qiu, and Mark Anthony

Fungi are key agents in decomposing high-lignin, low-nutrient content deadwood, yet how variations in carbon quality and nutrient availability shape fungal communities and their decay activities remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated how carbon quality (lignin vs. cellulose) and nutrient inputs (nitrogen and phosphorus) interact to influence fungal community composition and decomposition of angiosperm versus gymnosperm deadwood in a subtropical forest. Our results reveal contrasting fungal responses to nutrient additions in angiosperm and gymnosperm deadwood, leading to distinct impacts on decomposition rates. In nutrient-rich, low-lignin angiosperm wood, nitrogen and phosphorus additions shifted the community from Basidiomycota dominance toward Ascomycota and markedly increased fungal diversity. Fungal community shifts enhanced hydrolytic enzyme activity targeting decomposition of cellulose, accelerating overall carbon mineralization rates. Conversely, in nutrient-poor, high-lignin gymnosperm wood, nutrient additions strengthened the dominance of Basidiomycota, reduced fungal diversity, and disproportionately enhanced lignin decomposition. These findings emphasize that wood carbon quality mediates how nutrient inputs accelerate deadwood decomposition through the reassembly of fungal taxa with specific metabolic traits. The nutrient–carbon trade-off in fungal communities highlights a previously underappreciated mechanism controlling wood decay and carbon cycling in tropical forest ecosystems. Understanding these processes is pivotal for improving predictions of carbon storage and turnover under changing nutrient regimes.

How to cite: Xu, Z., Hu, Z., Qiu, T., and Anthony, M.: Carbon quality mediates the nutrient accelerating effects of fungi on wood decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5770,, 2025.

EGU25-6040 | Posters on site | SSS4.9

To mow or not to mow? Effect of mowing frequency of urban lawns on soil mesofauna feeding activity 

Beata Klimek and Joanna Kajzer-Bonk

Reducing the frequency of lawn mowing can be a nature-based solution for adapting to climate change in urban areas. Reducing mowing has many ecological benefits, but it is not clear how it affects soil mesofauna, an extremely important element of terrestrial ecosystems. This study is based on a field experiment conducted on the public grounds of a university campus in Poland. In the experiment, 64 experimental plots were established and paired into 32 adjacent plots, where one plot was mowed once a year and the other plot in the pair was mowed in a different regime, including one mowing every 2 years and mowing 4, 6 and 8 times a year (n=8). The effect of mowing on the feeding activity (FA) of the soil mesofauna was assessed during the 2-year experiment using the bait lamina test. The mean FA on individual plots was 2.95% (± 1.24%) per day and was not affected by mowing frequency, soil temperature, or soil moisture. However, more frequent mowing (4, 6, and 8 times per year) resulted in a steeper decline in FA with soil depth, and the effect was most significant for mowing 8 times per year, amounting to an additional 15% decline in FA along the vertical soil gradient sampled. Therefore, in temperate climates, the recommended frequency of mowing is the same as for other groups of organisms, including plants, i.e. once or twice a year. Reduced mowing frequency allows better functioning of the anthroposols for their naturalisation by activating the deeper soil horizons.

How to cite: Klimek, B. and Kajzer-Bonk, J.: To mow or not to mow? Effect of mowing frequency of urban lawns on soil mesofauna feeding activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6040,, 2025.

EGU25-7848 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Investigating drivers of free-living diazotroph activity in paddy soils across China 

Xiaomin Wang, Jun Shan, and Xiaoyuan Yan

Microbially mediated N fixation is widespread in rice paddy ecosystems and crucial in maintaining soil fertility. However, our understanding of the factors determining the distribution of free-living diazotrophic microorganisms that perform this process in paddy fields is limited. This study investigated the spatial distribution and factors influencing presence and potential activity of free-living microorganisms capable of N2 fixation in addition to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), and denitrification in 50 paddy soils across China. Using 15N isotope tracing in laboratory incubations and microbial community analysis via metagenomics, we demonstratethat paddy soils may represent a previously underappreciated hotspot for N2 fixation with mean potential rates of 24.4±17.8 nmol N g-1 h-1, 10-fold higher than DNRA (2.55±0.4 nmol N g-1 h-1), and could counterbalance a portion of N2 losses through anammox and denitrification (9.24±1.1 nmol N g-1 h-1). Site longitude and organic carbon (C) concentrations, as well as the diazotrophic community composition, were the dominant abiotic and biotic factors accounting for regional variations in potential N2 fixation rates. The N2 metabolic pathways predicted from the metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) revealed significant co-occurrence of the diazotroph marker gene nifH withdenitrification-associated genes (nirS/K and nosZ) and organic C oxidation-related genes (yiaY and galM). Furthermore, enzymes involved in organic C oxidation, particularly glycoside hydrolases and glycosyltransferases, were not only phenotypically correlated with free-living N2 fixation rates but were also identified in nifH-containing MAGs, indicating the heterotrophic capabilities of diazotrophs in paddy soils. Collectively, our results underscore the substantial contribution of free-living N2 fixation to soil N fertility in paddy fields, and highlight the importance of coupling organic C oxidation with nitrate reduction to enhance N2 fixation.

How to cite: Wang, X., Shan, J., and Yan, X.: Investigating drivers of free-living diazotroph activity in paddy soils across China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7848,, 2025.

EGU25-8542 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.9

Nematodes in deep soil profiles under young mycorrhizal forest stands 

Andrey Zuev, Saniya Peter, Nico Eisenhauer, Olga Ferlian, Karin Hohberg, and Anton Potapov

Mycorrhizal symbiosis of plants is widely distributed worldwide, and most of the forests form either ectomycorrhizal (ECM) or arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal associations [1]. Therefore, mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi is being discussed as one of the important functional components of soil microbiome, and also as a feeding resource for soil biota. Nematodes are one of the key consumers of both roots and mycorrhizal fungi [2, 3]. In soil horizons deeper than 20-30 cm or subsoils [4], the mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi can be an even more important driver and source of nutrients compared to topsoil, due to the lack of plant-derived resources [5, 6]; but our knowledge on its functional role in subsoil is extremely scarce. Therefore, the high reliance of subsoil-living nematodes on the mycorrhizal fungi as a feeding substrate was hypothesized.

The research was carried out based on ten-years-old MyDiv tree diversity experiment, Bad Lauchstädt, Germany. The soil at the site is classified as Haplic Chernozem. The experiment manipulates tree species richness and mycorrhizal types; the detailed site description is given in Ferlian et al., 2018 [7]. We exclusively focused on plots exclusively represented by either ectomycorrhizal (ECM, four plots) or arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM, four plots) tree stands. Soil cores, 5 cm in diameter were sampled up to the depth of 1 meter using motorized soil auger. Soil profile was studied divided by genetic horizons: Ap1 (~0-10 cm), Ap2 (~10-35 cm), Ah (~40-60 cm) and C (~60-100 cm). Nematodes were extracted within a week of sampling using a modified Baermann method. Soil parameters (water content, % and bulk density, g*cm-3) were estimated in parallel. Nematodes were counted and biomass estimated using an inverse microscope (Leica DM) under ×400 magnification, and then 100 specimens per sample were identified to genus level. Feeding types of nematodes were assigned to genera following Yeates et al. (1993) [8].

Our data show that the nematode community of only top soil horizon Ap1 (~0-10 cm) differ (MANOVA, F = 2.525; p = 0.0332) between ECM and AM dominated ecosystems. Both biomass and density of nematodes significantly decreased with depth, being the most pronounced for bacterivores in ECM systems (Least-squared Means test, t-ratio ≤ -5.293; p < 0.0001). The shown effects are likely related to the legacy of post-agricultural soil and high buffer capacity of Chernozem soils. The importance of further subsoil studies in mature forest stands, as well as the research on the nematode communities of post-agricultural reforestation successions is proposed.


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  • Dietzel R, et al. (2017). Soil 3:139–152.

  • Ferlian O, et al. (2018). Ecosphere 9:e02226.

  • Yeates GW, et al. (1993). J Nematol 25(3):315-331.

How to cite: Zuev, A., Peter, S., Eisenhauer, N., Ferlian, O., Hohberg, K., and Potapov, A.: Nematodes in deep soil profiles under young mycorrhizal forest stands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8542,, 2025.

EGU25-8782 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Viral diversity and distribution across above- and belowground food webs: the project concept 

Anna Zueva, Nico Eisenhauer, Antonis Chatzinotas, and Anton Potapov

Viruses are present in any cellular organism and are numerous in the environment. Though they influence nutrient cycles, interactions and energy flows in food webs, viral diversity distribution and assembly in ecosystems are still understudied [1].

In our project “Viral hotspots and fluxes across above- and belowground food webs (ViralWeb)” we aim to clarify mechanisms of distribution of viruses and their diversity forming across above- and belowground ecosystem compartments and food webs. We focus on plants, fungi, and invertebrate animals as model potential hosts. We also concentrate on RNA viruses, as they dominate eukaryotic viromes [2].

We hypothesize that the diversity and distribution of viruses in ecosystems depend on the diversity of hosts and flows of matter and biomass among ecosystem compartments and food-web nodes. We have three specific hypotheses:

1) the RNA viral diversity of the ecosystem is positively correlated with the diversity of potential viral hosts in this ecosystem;

2) there are local hotspots of viral diversity in systems, such as “cumulative” substrates (e.g., leaf litter) and hosts (top predators);

3) patterns of viral distribution in food webs are correlated with flows of matter and energy among food-web nodes and ecosystem compartments. We expect to detect a positive correlation between the similarity of viral community and connectedness of two nodes in a food web.

We plan to conduct our investigation based on biodiversity manipulation experiments in central Germany (the Jena Experiment and MyDiv). Our sampling design is based on plots with different diversity levels of hosts (plants, fungi, and invertebrates).

Green parts of plants, fungi, litter, soil, and invertebrate consumers by ecological groups [3] will be sampled. The diversity of hosts will be accessed using DNA analysis and morphological identification. The presence of viruses and replication evidences will be detected via high-throughput sequencing and strand-specific RT-PCR [4].

For both study sites food webs will be reconstructed and energy fluxes across above- and belowground compartments will be calculated [5]. Invertebrate hosts’ classification and body size measurement will be facilitated using image analysis approach [6]. Based on obtained average consumer sizes the biomass of food web nodes will be calculated [7]. Energy fluxes will be estimated from metabolic rates of invertebrates accounting for temperature and assimilation efficiency [8].

We expect the results of ViralWeb project to help us better understand the mechanisms of spread of viruses and clarify and predict the roles of viruses in ecosystems.

The project was supported by the Flexpool funding mechanism of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).



[1] Williamson KE et al. (2017). Annual review of virology, 4:201-219.

[2] Wolf YI et al. (2018). MBio, 9(6):10-1128.

[3] Potapov AM et al. (2022). Biological Reviews 97:1057–1117. doi:

[4] Baty JW et al. (2020). Myrmecol. News 30:213-228.

[5] Potapov AM et al. (2024). Nature, 1-7.

[6] Sys S et al. (2022). Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2041–210X.14001. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.14001

[7] Sohlström EH et al. (2018). Ecology and Evolution 8:12737–12749. doi:10.1002/ece3.4702

[8] Potapov AM (2022). Biological Reviews, 97(4):1691-1711.

How to cite: Zueva, A., Eisenhauer, N., Chatzinotas, A., and Potapov, A.: Viral diversity and distribution across above- and belowground food webs: the project concept, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8782,, 2025.

EGU25-9034 | Orals | SSS4.9

Studying soil microbial diversity and their ecological interactions via Soil Chips 

Edith Hammer, Frida Pinholt, Fredrik Klinghammer, Erik Karlsson, Alexandros Sopasakis, Pelle Ohlsson, Frank Lake, Francois Maillard, and Hanbang Zou

Soil microbial biodiversity studies commonly rely on molecular datasets from microbial communities extracted from their natural contexts. While immensely important for many research questions, this can lead to artefacts such as falsely interpreting interactions where organisms were strongly spatially separated in the soil habitat, and difficulties in differentiating active from passive or dormant organisms.

We developed a way to overcome some of the problems of the extraction steps: Microfluidic soil chips, transparent micromodels of the soil pore space, can be incubated in, or inoculated with, soil, from which the microorganisms move into, grow into, or are transported into it by water streaming. This allows for direct microscopic examination of bacteria, fungi, and protist communities under closer-to natural conditions. AI-aided image analysis helps to quantify population sizes and gives information on the community’s morphodiversity: Changes in cellular size and shapes, and the spatial distribution of the cells including group formation up to simple biofilms. Direct observations can be made on the growth and interactions of the organisms, with each other and with their immediate environment.

We found differences in microbial communities over large geographical patterns (Arctic via temperate to tropical soil bacteria) in bacterial cell sizes and their microspatial distribution. Morphodiversity of the bacterial community were also found to change across microscale soil pore space characteristics, where cells were larger in more connected microhabitats compared to less connected and more tortuous ones. Comparing the molecular microbial biodiversity in chips to the microbial biodiversity of the adjacent soil via metabarcoding, we found in chips an amplicon sequence variant richness of around 30% of the adjacent soil, indicating a reduced but still relevantly diverse microbial community. Also, fungal and protist communities can be studied in soil chips, especially valuable for research questions of interactions such as interactions with the pore space, predation, behavior, and direct reactions to experimental factors such as a pollutant.

We argue that soil chips are an intriguing complement to molecular techniques to study soil microbial diversity, and will help us to better understand soil microbial activity and interactions with each other and their environment.

How to cite: Hammer, E., Pinholt, F., Klinghammer, F., Karlsson, E., Sopasakis, A., Ohlsson, P., Lake, F., Maillard, F., and Zou, H.: Studying soil microbial diversity and their ecological interactions via Soil Chips, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9034,, 2025.

EGU25-9736 | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Studying the mechanisms of bacterial mobility in the rhizosphere using soil model systems 

Daniel Patko, Beatriz Meza, Ilonka Engelhardt, Gloria de las Heras, Yangminghao Liu, Lourdes Basabe-Desmonts, Fernando Benito-Lopez, and Lionel Dupuy

The mobility of soil bacteria plays a crucial role in rhizosphere colonisation, as exemplified by the complex chemotactic machinery required for effective biofilm formation on growing roots [1]. However, the nature of soil bacterial movements in the soil pore space is poorly characterised. It is difficult to observe the trajectories of individual cells, and the complexity of soil structure makes any observation difficult to replicate. To overcome these difficulties, we have developed a range of microcosm systems that allow live observation of bacterial movement in porous media with precisely controlled physical or chemical properties. Paper-based microfluidic systems have been developed for the in situ extraction of root exudates, which act as a potent chemoattractant for bacteria [2]. Microfluidic devices made of semi-permeable materials allowed the construction of pores through which nutrient release can be controlled, and transparent soil and custom-made microscopes were used to observe bacterial movements when co-cultured with plants [3]. Using Bacillus subtilis as a model organism, we observed that the bacterium occupies very specific regions of pore space in relation to distance from the root [4] or the presence of nutrients, and that movements can be coordinated at a population level [3]. Future work will focus on understanding the conditions under which collective movements of bacteria occur in soil.


[1] Allard-Massicotte, R, et al (2016) “Bacillus subtilis early colonization of Arabidopsis thaliana roots involves multiple chemotaxis receptors” MBio, 7(6), 10-1128. [2] Patko, D, et al (2024) "Spatial and temporal detection of root exudates with a paper-based microfluidic device" Soil Biology and Biochemistry 195 (2024): 109456. [3] Liu, Y, et al (2021) "Plant–environment microscopy tracks interactions of Bacillus subtilis with plant roots across the entire rhizosphere" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118.48: e2109176118. [3] Engelhardt, I C, et al (2022) "Novel form of collective movement by soil bacteria" The ISME Journal 16.10: 2337-2347. [4] Engelhardt, I C, et al (2024) “Mobility and growth in confined spaces are important mechanisms for the establishment of Bacillus subtilis in the rhizosphere” Microbiology, 170(8), 001477.

How to cite: Patko, D., Meza, B., Engelhardt, I., de las Heras, G., Liu, Y., Basabe-Desmonts, L., Benito-Lopez, F., and Dupuy, L.: Studying the mechanisms of bacterial mobility in the rhizosphere using soil model systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9736,, 2025.

EGU25-11990 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.9

Soil microbiome diversity under annual and perennial crops in conventional and organic agriculture.  

Frank B. Lake, Romain Carrié, Christine D. Bacon, Johan Ekroos, and Edith C. Hammer

Microorganisms in agricultural soils play a key role in nutrient recycling and nutrient availability for plants. The diversity and abundance of these microorganisms and the subsequent microbiological processes can however be influenced by different factors. This includes among others the crop type grown on the field, the farmers’ agricultural field management and various soil parameters as these farming processes may highly affect the soil microbiological diversity and abundance. Some farming practices aiming at increasing crop yield such as ploughing or nitrogen fertilization might actually endanger soil processes provided by microorganisms supporting crop yield. It is therefore important to better understand the complexity of soil microbial abundance and diversity – including bacterial, fungal and protist – in relation to agricultural soil management.

The objective of this study is to determine the structure of the microbiota (including bacteria, fungi and protists) in agricultural soils in Skåne, Sweden, across different farming conditions and soil characteristics.

To achieve this, soil samples were collected from agricultural fields with the primary focus on two crops:  small grain cereals (annual) and ley (perennial). Samples were collected from a total of 25 farms including conventional farms and organic farms, varying in time since transition, to account for potential differences in farming practices. The soil samples were incubated using soil chips to observe the abundance of the various types of microorganisms. We also compared microbial morphodiversity with molecular biodiversity measurements. In addition, the soil characteristics such as pH, organic matter and electrical conductivity were determined for correlation analysis with microbiological presence/abundance.

The abundance of microbiological groups examined via microscopic analysis in soil chips proved to be highly variable within crop types and agricultural field management (conventional/organic). However, time since transition to organic farming practices might influence the abundance for the microbiological groups with an increase in abundance for older organic farms. In addition, the analysis of soil parameters such as pH, soil organic matter and electrical conductivity also showed to be highly variable within crop types and agricultural field management.

This study shows that abundances of microbiological groups in various types of agricultural soils might be highly variable, in which the years of organic farming, but not the categorical farming practices tend to affect microbiological group abundance.


How to cite: Lake, F. B., Carrié, R., Bacon, C. D., Ekroos, J., and Hammer, E. C.: Soil microbiome diversity under annual and perennial crops in conventional and organic agriculture. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11990,, 2025.

EGU25-12525 | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Assessing composition and drivers of phyllosphere microbiota of beech and Scots pine across European forests 

Rossella Guerrieri, Daniela Sangiorgio, Joan Cáliz, Stefania Mattana, Emilio Casamayor, Josep Peñuelas, and Maurizio Mencuccini and the Collaborators at the ICP Forests sites

Tree associated microbes are an important component of forest biodiversity and they are essential for forest ecosystem functioning. Most plant–microbe research has focused on the rhizosphere, while composition of microbial communities in the phyllosphere remains underexplored. By using 16S rRNA gene sequencing analyses, we investigated differences between beech and Scots pine phyllospheric microbiomes across an environmental gradient from Fennoscandia to the Mediterranean area, map their functional profiles, and elucidate drivers of phyllosphere microbiota assembly. We identified tree species and the associated foliar trait (specifically carbon:nitrogen ratio) as primary drivers of the bacterial communities. Moreover, we also found that temperature and nitrogen deposition played a crucial role in affecting microbial assembly for both tree species. Functions related to ureolysis and methanol oxidation were more represented in beech than Scots pine, whereas Scots pine phyllosphere were richer in microbes able to perform methanotrophy, nitrogen-fixation, nitrate reduction, and hydro-carbon degradation. This study contributes to advancing our understanding on the vast diversity of microbial communities hidden in tree canopies of two of the most common tree species in European forests, and on factors shaping it. Moreover, it highlights the need of broad-scale comparative studies (covering a wide range of foliar traits and environmental conditions) to elucidate how phyllosphere microbiota mediates forest ecosystem responses to global change.




How to cite: Guerrieri, R., Sangiorgio, D., Cáliz, J., Mattana, S., Casamayor, E., Peñuelas, J., and Mencuccini, M. and the Collaborators at the ICP Forests sites: Assessing composition and drivers of phyllosphere microbiota of beech and Scots pine across European forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12525,, 2025.

EGU25-15401 | Orals | SSS4.9 | Highlight

Effects of land use and agricultural management along soil degradation gradients on soil fauna in European sites (SOILGUARD) – a comparison between morphological and molecular data 

Giulia Bongiorno, Pablo Sanchez-Cuetos, Salvador Llado’, Santiago Soliveres, and Ron G.M. De Goede

Soil biota can sustain a wide range of functions and as such are intrinsically connected to soil health, which is defined as the capacity of a soil to function within ecosystem and land-use boundaries. Land use, soil management and land degradation can affect soil biodiversity and ultimately soil health. Soil fauna is an integral part of soil biodiversity connected at various levels of the food web with other important soil organisms such as bacteria and fungi. Nematodes are ubiquitous organisms sensitive to disturbances, and can be divided into functional groups based on feeding preferences and life-history strategies. Mites and collembola are two groups of microarthropods that are sensitive to land use change and soil management. These different groups of organisms can be used as indicators of soil biodiversity and health and can be measured with both morphological and molecular methods. Molecular methods offer great advantages compared to morphological methods, such as increase throughput and decrease costs and expertise needed for analysis, however only few studies have compared the information coming from both analyses. The objective of this study is to compare results of nematodes and microarthopods characterization obtained from morphological and eDNA methods in the framework of the European project SOILGUARD. To achieve this, nematodes, acari and collembola community characteristics have been assessed in seven European NUTS regions with different land use (forest, grassland and arable land), management (clearcutting vs continuous cover, grass monoculture vs grass-clover mix, organic vs conventional agriculture), pedo-climatic (texture, climate) characteristics, and land degradation gradient (organic matter levels). Soi fauna communities have been analysed with traditional morphological characterisation after extraction from soil and molecular methods with direct eDNA extraction from soil. Fauna-based soil health indices based on their abundance were calculated with information coming from both assessment methods. Results show disagreement between the two methods. More details about the outcome of this comparison will be presented and discussed during the conference.

How to cite: Bongiorno, G., Sanchez-Cuetos, P., Llado’, S., Soliveres, S., and De Goede, R. G. M.: Effects of land use and agricultural management along soil degradation gradients on soil fauna in European sites (SOILGUARD) – a comparison between morphological and molecular data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15401,, 2025.

EGU25-15726 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

Earthworm communities in the Austrian biodiversity hotspot region Waldviertel: Effects of site vs landscape factors 

Marion Zottl, Marion Mittmannsgruber, Edith Gruber, Elisabeth Wiedenegger, Dmytro Monoshyn, and Johann G. Zaller

Biodiversity monitoring programs often focus on aboveground organisms but ignore soil organisms. Among soil organisms, earthworms (Lumbricidae) are vital macrofaunal components of soil ecosystems and serve as bioindicators of soil health due to their significant ecological functions and interactions with above – and below-ground organisms. Moreover, earthworm species richness is crucial for biodiversity monitoring because of its manageable diversity and ease of sampling. This study aims to investigate the distribution of earthworms in the open landscape and potential site- and landscape-level factors influencing their distribution.

The study was conducted in the Waldviertel region of Austria, bordering to Czech Republic and Slovakia. The region is characterized by a dense network of Natura 2000 nature conservation areas and is known for its high biodiversity and fragmented landscape with many semi-natural structures. Additionally, the identified threats and pressures to Natura 2000 sites in the region, such as eutrophication, intensive grassland management, and landscape simplification are considered in terms of their impact on earthworms. In particular, we focused on the effects of semi-natural landscape elements, such as hedgerows or grass strips, on earthworm abundance and diversity. Hedgerow soils, characterized by high organic matter content, litter cover, and structural complexity, provide ideal habitats for earthworms.

The objectives of this study were to (1) assess earthworm communities (biomass, abundance and species richness) in grasslands and arable land, (2) investigate the influence of soil chemical and physical parameters, and intensity of agricultural management, and (3) examine the extent to which landscape structures at different scales influence earthworm communities. Preliminary analyses suggest that earthworms are influenced by both site-level and landscape-level. By linking earthworm communities to landscape features, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of soil life and its role in sustainable land management. Additionally, promoting earthworm populations may have benefits for other soil organisms, soil health and overall biodiversity.

The study was conducted as part of the Austrian soil biodiversity monitoring project “BodenBiodiv” funded by the Austrian Biodiversity Fund and the Next Generation EU.

How to cite: Zottl, M., Mittmannsgruber, M., Gruber, E., Wiedenegger, E., Monoshyn, D., and Zaller, J. G.: Earthworm communities in the Austrian biodiversity hotspot region Waldviertel: Effects of site vs landscape factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15726,, 2025.

EGU25-17527 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.9

A Comparative Study of Earthworm Density and Diversity in Grasslands and Arable Lands 

Nikola Szlachta, Piotr Pacanowski, and Agnieszka Józefowska

Grasslands and arable lands differ in their use – grasslands are primarily used as grazing areas or sources of forage while arable lands are designated for intensive crop production, often requiring cultivation practices and fertilization. Earthworms have a crucial role in both ecosystems by influencing soil structure, enhancing aeration processes, and contributing to the decomposition of organic matter.

This study aims to compare the density and species diversity of earthworms in arable soils and grasslands and evaluate the stability of soil aggregates in these environments. It also seeks to explore the relationship between land use, soil structure, and earthworms, emphasizing their influence on soil quality.

The research was carried out in eight areas, comprising four grasslands and four arable lands, situated in the Wieliczka Foothills, Nowy Wiśnicz Foothills, Rożnów Foothills, Ciężkowice Foothills, and the Low Beskids in southern Poland. Five soil blocks measuring 20 × 20 cm and 25 cm deep in each study area were collected, and earthworms from these samples were extracted using the hand-sorting method. The collected earthworms were washed and classified using an identification key according to their maturity stage, ecological categories, and species. Soil samples (100 g from each block) were combined, mixed, dried, and analyzed for properties such as pH, carbon and nitrogen content, texture, and aggregate stability.

The lowest earthworm density was recorded on arable land, at 10 individuals per square meter (ind. m-2). The tillage treatment that was carried out on the arable land 18 days before the study included soil loosening methods (ploughing, tillage, ridge-making or deep ploughing). The tillage treatment carried out on the arable land 18 days before the study involved soil loosening methods such as ploughing, tillage, ridge-making, or deep ploughing. These processes, including soil inversion by ploughing, can disturb the natural habitat of earthworms, leading to their migration to other areas or a reduction in their numbers within the field. In contrast, the highest density was observed in grasslands (480 ind.m-2), which were characterized by rare trampling or its absence and no use of fertilizers. The earthworm density in grasslands (349 ind. m-2) was more than twice that of arable lands (133 ind. m-2), highlighting the more favourable environmental conditions in grassland ecosystems.

This research was funded through the 2022-2023 Biodiversa+ COFUND call, under the European Biodiversity Partnership programme, and with the funding organisations: National Science Centre 2023/05/Y/ST10/00098.

How to cite: Szlachta, N., Pacanowski, P., and Józefowska, A.: A Comparative Study of Earthworm Density and Diversity in Grasslands and Arable Lands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17527,, 2025.

Soil ecosystems harbor a vast diversity of organisms—ranging from microbes (bacteria, fungi, archaea) to meso- and macrofauna (e.g., protists, nematodes, mites, insects)—that collectively drive soil functions such as nutrient cycling, organic matter decomposition, and plant productivity. These processes depend on intricate interactions within the soil food web. Despite the acknowledged importance of meso- and macrofauna in maintaining soil health and mediating biogeochemical cycles, effective chemical proxies for these organisms remain constrained to specific groups, limiting their use in comprehensive soil biodiversity assessments.

To address this gap, we applied a lipidomic approach to more than 80 single species spanning 26 phyla of soil biota, including Euryarchaeota (archaea), Proteobacteria and Actinobacteriota (bacteria), Ascomycota and Mucoromycota (fungi), Chlorophyta (algae), Arthropoda, Nematoda and Mollusca (meso- and macrofauna), and Tracheophyta (higher plants). Through high-resolution mass spectrometry and molecular networking, we identified more than 700 novel molecular lipid families within 12,000 lipid compounds, many lipid families being unique to specific phyla. These findings establish a robust framework for developing phylum-specific biomarkers and deepen our understanding of the soil food web. By focusing the current study on pure species, and by quantifying their content in the specific organisms, we enable biomass quantification across the whole soil food web and improve taxonomic resolution with phylum-specific chemical proxies, revealing distinct lipid signatures—such as ceramides in arthropods and cardiolipins in bacteria—that illustrate the metabolic specializations and ecological adaptations of these organisms.

This integrative approach underscores lipidomics as a powerful tool for linking molecular-level data with taxonomy and allowing biomass quantitation across complete food webs. As global environmental pressures intensify, our findings pave the way for biomarker-driven strategies to monitor, conserve, and elucidate soil biodiversity, ultimately supporting the essential services that soil ecosystems provide.

How to cite: Samrat, R. and Wanek, W.: Revealing Phylum-Specific Signatures in Intact Lipids: A Novel Biomarker Approach in Soil Biodiversity Research, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17948,, 2025.

Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis can facilitate biodiversity monitoring within a bulk sample, especially valuable to evaluate soil ecosystems. eDNA can persist in soil as living cells, dead cells, and extracellular DNA either as free or adsorbed to particles in the soil. Each of these ‘states’ of eDNA can have differing persistence times from a few days to hundreds of years. Better understanding to target and isolate particular states of eDNA is imperative to derive valuable information, for instance, recent occupancy indicated by freshly released eDNA or eDNA within living cells.

This presentation will present cases showing the variability of eDNA persistence in different states with a focus on the adsorbed state. I will then discuss the adsorption mechanism of eDNA and introduce novel methods of isolating the states of eDNA from a single sample for independent analysis. Lastly, I will show data from a landscape level study with water samples collected from 221 sites from 58 streams in eight Swiss watersheds. All the samples were state sorted and analyzed with board range metabarcoding assays for identifying metazoan diversity. The results show that each state consists of unique diversity information and state sorting methodologies should be considered when processing bulk soil samples for eDNA analysis. While this presentation will have some studies using water samples, they elucidate the behavior of eDNA bound to soil and sediment particles as well.

How to cite: Kirtane, A.: Consideration of eDNA states to analyze bulk soil samples via metabarcoding, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18094,, 2025.

EGU25-19428 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.9

Soil Health Through the Lens of Macrofauna Diversity: Insights from Forests and Olive Groves 

Elisabeth Steiner, Camila Campello, Filipa Reis, Luísa Fraga Dornellas, Ricardo Leitão, Sandra Simões, José Paulo Sousa, and Luís Cunha

Soil health is defined as the capacity of soil to function as a vital living system within ecosystem and land-use boundaries to sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant, animal, and human health. The decline of soil health due to human impacts is an urgent ecological issue.

This study explores the diversity patterns and within-field variability of soil macrofauna communities across different land management systems in Portugal, employing a robust, multi-faceted approach. Two case studies were conducted to evaluate diversity patterns in forests (oak- and pine-dominated) and olive groves (intensive and extensive systems). Sampling was carried out in April and May 2024, utilizing a systematic grid design that incorporated two spatial methodologies: a k-means-based grid and random point allocation, resulting in 36–39 sampling points per system. To enhance comparability, an additional sampling point was included following the LUCAS methodology.

Macrofauna were identified morphologically at the order level, and abundance data were systematically recorded. For each land-use type, a subset of samples was analysed to quantify the biomass of individual taxonomic orders, providing deeper insights into the relevance of biomass as an ecological parameter. Species richness was assessed using incidence frequency data and compared across the various management systems, with a focus on Hill numbers. 

Diversity estimates for the agricultural sites indicate that extensive agricultural systems support higher potential species diversity as sampling efforts increase, while intensive agricultural systems generally sustain a lower and less diverse macrofauna community. Similarly, forested site estimates reveal that oak-dominated habitats harbour significantly greater species diversity compared to pine-dominated habitats. The metabarcoding approach corroborated these patterns, providing complementary insights, and the correlation between high-throughput sequencing (HTS) reads and biomass is critically analysed.

This methodological framework underscores the profound impact of land-use practices on soil macrofauna diversity, highlighting their essential role in sustaining soil health and broader ecosystem functionality. By integrating soil macrofauna diversity into soil health assessments, this study addresses a significant knowledge gap and offers practical guidance for developing improved soil management strategies that support sustainable land-use practices.

How to cite: Steiner, E., Campello, C., Reis, F., Fraga Dornellas, L., Leitão, R., Simões, S., Sousa, J. P., and Cunha, L.: Soil Health Through the Lens of Macrofauna Diversity: Insights from Forests and Olive Groves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19428,, 2025.

Efforts to mitigate climate change through carbon sequestration have driven widespread inputs of organic amendments into agricultural soils, such as compost and cover crop residues. These practices rely on the ability of soil microbial communities to process carbon inputs efficiently. However, the functional and metabolic capacities of microbial communities in agricultural soils remain poorly understood, particularly in the context of agricultural management legacies. For example, historical reductions in organic carbon inputs may have shaped microbial communities with altered or constrained functions. Here, we investigate the question: Does the legacy of agricultural management alter how microbial communities respond to new carbon inputs? Specifically, in a microcosm experiment, soils from agricultural fields, ranging in crop diversification histories, were incubated with a low, medium, or high diversity of crop plant residues. Changes in microbial community composition and activities were determined. Results show that soils from polyculture systems exhibited significantly higher cumulative CO₂ respiration rates compared to monoculture soils, reflecting enhanced microbial carbon cycling activity. Additionally, microbial growth efficiency trends suggested functional distinctions in carbon utilization, with polyculture systems potentially supporting microbial communities that efficiently convert carbon inputs into biomass rather than respiring it as CO₂. These results highlight the critical role of agricultural management legacies in shaping microbial responses to organic amendments, highlighting the potential for diversified cropping systems to enhance soil carbon sequestration and ecosystem functioning.

How to cite: Guzman, A. and Treseder, K.: Does the legacy of agricultural management determine the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning of soils?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20647,, 2025.

Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) affects the fate and storage of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, but its global importance remains uncertain. Accurately modeling and predicting CUE on a global scale is challenging due to inconsistencies in measurement techniques and the complex interactions of climatic, edaphic, and biological factors across scales. The link between microbial CUE and soil organic carbon relies on the stabilization of microbial necromass within soil aggregates or its association with minerals, necessitating an integration of microbial and stabilization processes in modeling approaches. In this perspective, we propose a comprehensive framework that integrates diverse data sources, ranging from genomic information to traditional soil carbon assessments, to refine carbon cycle models by incorporating variations in CUE, thereby enhancing our understanding of the microbial contribution to carbon cycling.

How to cite: He, X.: Emerging multiscale insights on microbial carbon use efficiency in the land carbon cycle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-55,, 2025.

Defining the links between DNA-derived taxonomic outputs and morphological identifications is an important step in determining the contributions to ecological functioning by soil biotic asslemblages. Here, I present findings from work linking sequence outputs of soil faunal assemblages ( nematodes and springtails) with their inherent ecological and functional traits. These are then linked to experimental manipulations and restoration gradients that can help to unpack these relationships to can provide greater insight into the influence of ecosystem services  towards community assemblages. These aspects can greatly accelerate classification of functional traits on seqeuences alone, advancing our understanding of soil communities and their importance to ecosystem functioning.

How to cite: Ross, G.: Verifying molecular sequencing data with morphological data in soil biota to uncover contributions to ecosystem functioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-901,, 2025.

EGU25-2276 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Microbial Carbon Accumulation Efficiency: Assessing Microbial Carbon Pump Efficiency based on 13C-glucose Amendment Experiment 

Wanjia Hu, Yue Cai, Xingqi Li, Juan Jia, and Xiaojuan Feng

Soil microbes play an important role in stabilizing soil organic carbon (C) as microbial residues, a process known as soil ‘microbial C pump’ (MCP). Accurately assessing MCP efficiency is essential for understanding microbial-mediated soil C sequestration. Conventional assessments based on microbial C use efficiency (CUE) hinge on microbial biomass only and do not include microbial necromass, which may not depict MCP efficiency. Here we propose a relatively simple and rapid approach based on 13C-glucose amendment experiment to assess microbial C accumulation efficiency (CAE)  as a novel metric for assessing MCP efficiency. We first validated the approach by showing negligible retention of glucose to soils with a wide range of edaphic properties. Glucose-derived 13C may hence be considered to represent microbial C (including biomass and residues) after a few days of addition, given the rapid uptake of glucose by microbes. Microbial CAE may thus be assessed as the recovery of glucose-derived 13C in the soil. By further conducting a meta-analysis of literature data involving isotopically labeled glucose amendment experiments, we revealed distinct variation patterns and influencing factors of microbial CAE and CUE across various terrestrial ecosystems. Compared to CUE which is mainly regulated by factors influencing microbial physiological processes (particularly substrate availability), CAE is jointly regulated by factors that influence microbial growth (e.g., biomass and climate) and residue preservation (e.g., clay content). These findings underscore that CAE is decoupled from CUE. Incorporating CAE into soil C models may provide new insights into future SOC dynamics under climate change.

How to cite: Hu, W., Cai, Y., Li, X., Jia, J., and Feng, X.: Microbial Carbon Accumulation Efficiency: Assessing Microbial Carbon Pump Efficiency based on 13C-glucose Amendment Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2276,, 2025.

EGU25-3790 | Orals | SSS4.10

In vivo vs. ex vivo pathways of carbon and nitrogen stabilization – a model analysis 

Stefano Manzoni and Francesca Cotrufo

Soil microorganisms contribute to the stabilization of organic carbon and nutrients by breaking down organic matter into relatively small compounds that can be stabilized on mineral surfaces (ex vivo pathway) and by building biomass that eventually turns into necromass, which can also be effectively stabilized (in vivo pathway). Which of these pathways is dominant? We answer this question using a model tracing the fate of plant residues into particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated organic matter (MAOM). The model allows partitioning ex vivo and in vivo contributions through a small set of parameters that can be estimated using data from incubation of isotopically labelled plant residues. Leveraging a new database of plant-derived POM and MAOM data from these incubations, we estimated the contributions of the two pathways across nearly 40 soils. We found that the in vivo pathway is in general more important than the ex vivo pathway (especially for stabilization of organic nitrogen). Comparing results across soils, we found that the contribution of the in vivo pathway is particularly high in fine-textured soils with low organic matter content, where a larger area of mineral surfaces is available. We conclude that microbial necromass is a key factor for carbon and nitrogen stabilization, especially in soils that have abundant available mineral surfaces.

How to cite: Manzoni, S. and Cotrufo, F.: In vivo vs. ex vivo pathways of carbon and nitrogen stabilization – a model analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3790,, 2025.

EGU25-4045 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Microbial use of C and N from organic sources - Insights from isotopic tracer literature data 

Maja Siegenthaler and Stefano Manzoni

Soil microorganisms use various sources of organic matter to meet their carbon (C) and energy needs. Additionally, they require nutrients such as nitrogen (N) in appropriate stoichiometric proportions. Organic sources often have higher C/N ratios than microbial biomass, which influences organic matter decomposability and the fate of C and N in the microbe-soil-plant system. In general, microbial carbon-use efficiency (CUE), the ratio of growth to C uptake, is higher for organic sources with lower C/N, promoting C stabilization in soil. While CUE has received increasing attention, less often microbial C and N transformations are jointly studied.
We collect literature data from studies applying 13C- and 15N-enriched organic sources with variable C/N (e.g., plant litter, microbial necromass, and small organic molecules). Isotope tracing allowed quantification of C and N originating from these sources in soil and microbial biomass. We aim to determine across studies how the recovery of C and N in the microbial biomass over time is impacted by the organic source C/N and system-specific conditions. We hypothesize that high source C/N leads to greater loss of C via respiration and thus higher relative recovery of source N than C in the microbial biomass. In contrast, low source C/N likely results in a reduced difference in the relative recovery of C and N in the microbial biomass. These patterns are likely modified by system-specific conditions such as the presence of plants or inorganic fertilization. Our contribution aims to provide insights into the joint microbial use of C and N related to organic source stoichiometry.

How to cite: Siegenthaler, M. and Manzoni, S.: Microbial use of C and N from organic sources - Insights from isotopic tracer literature data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4045,, 2025.

EGU25-4171 | Orals | SSS4.10

Phosphate amendment drives bloom of RNA viruses after soil wet-up 

Ella T. Sieradzki, G. Michael Allen, Jeffrey A. Kimbrel, Graeme W. Nicol, Christina Hazard, Erin E. Nuccio, Steven J. Blazewicz, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, and Gareth Trubl

Soil rewetting after a long dry season results in a burst of microbial activity accompanied by succession of both microbial and DNA viral communities. We hypothesized that RNA viruses, like DNA viruses, would exhibit temporal succession following rewetting. Moreover, we expected their response would change with the addition of phosphate, since viral proliferation may lead to phosphorus (P) limitation due to their low C:N:P ratio. We used a replicated time-series of soil metatranscriptomes collected after rewetting to identify parameters affecting RNA viral community composition over three weeks. P amendment led to a decrease in RNA viral community diversity and evenness, significantly impacting beta diversity over time. As has been observed for DNA viruses, the spatial distribution of RNA viruses in dry soil was highly heterogeneous. Most viruses were predicted to infect bacteria or fungi, and a small fraction was predicted to infect protists, plants, and animals. The amount of RNA extracted from phages of the class Leviviricetes increased significantly after one week in P-amended soil, contrasting with unamended soil. This suggests that P availability plays an important role in RNA phage proliferation. We estimate that the number of bacteria infected by RNA phages is on the order of 107–109 per gram soil, comparable to the range of total cells in soil. This implies that RNA phages likely have a profound effect on the bacterial community following soil wet-up when P is not a limiting factor.

How to cite: Sieradzki, E. T., Allen, G. M., Kimbrel, J. A., Nicol, G. W., Hazard, C., Nuccio, E. E., Blazewicz, S. J., Pett-Ridge, J., and Trubl, G.: Phosphate amendment drives bloom of RNA viruses after soil wet-up, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4171,, 2025.

EGU25-4860 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Functional Consequences of Solving Elemental Imbalances 

José Murúa Royo, Brittni Bertolet, Luciana Chávez Rodríguez, and Steven Allison

Currently, most microbially-explicit biogeochemical models use flexible carbon-use efficiency (i.e., overflow respiration) to balance the mismatch between microbial biomass and litter stoichiometry (e.g. carbon : nitrogen, C:N). However, other known mechanisms might lead to different biogeochemical outcomes. Here we perform a rigorous test of the functional consequences of several mechanisms that aid in solving this mismatch. We used an individual-based, trait-based leaf litter decomposition model that represents microbial functional groups by uptake and extracellular enzyme genes. The original model incorporates overflow respiration and flexible biomass stoichiometry as mechanisms to solve elemental imbalance. We further introduce a novel mechanism of enzyme allocation. We established 4 simulation treatments: overflow, overflow + flexible stoichiometry, overflow + enzyme allocation, and overflow + flexible stoichiometry + enzyme allocation. In each treatment we manipulate initial litter C:N from 10 to 90. We also manipulate the initial community to yield scenarios with high and low functional redundancy based on the number of polymers each “taxon” can degrade. We found that biomass production was greatest when all mechanisms were in operation, followed by enzyme allocation, flexible stoichiometry, and overflow being the lowest. This pattern inverted in the low redundancy scenario. Total respiration decreased with higher litter C:N but was greater for flexible stoichiometry and lowest for enzyme allocation. When enzyme allocation was present, mass loss and nutrient mineralization were consistently decreased. As suggested by other studies, carbon-use efficiency remained high when having alternatives to overflow. This, however, occurs only in the low redundancy scenario. We conclude that current microbially-explicit biogeochemical models might be overestimating carbon losses for high C:N substrates due to an unrealistic increase in respiration rates by overflow. We urge for the quantification of these mechanisms in natural systems.

How to cite: Murúa Royo, J., Bertolet, B., Chávez Rodríguez, L., and Allison, S.: Functional Consequences of Solving Elemental Imbalances, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4860,, 2025.

EGU25-5260 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Microbial energetic costs of phosphorus mining and uptake 

Nataliya Bilyera

Phosphorus (P) is a growth-limiting nutrient for plants and microorganisms in many natural and agricultural ecosystems. Microbial transformations of P in soils play a crucial role in increasing its availability to plants. Once taken up by microorganisms, P contributes to the energy and nutrient metabolism of microbial cells and often becomes plant-available only after microbial cell death (i.e., through the mineralization of microbial necromass).

The processes of P acquisition and microbial activation require cellular energy, which is often transferred by P-containing substances with high-energy phosphoester bonds, most commonly adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Microbial phosphorus mining from organic phosphorus compounds demands energy for the production of phosphatases. The type and combination of phosphatases required depend on the complexity of the P-containing compound, as these enzymes hydrolyze P into a plant-available form.

This talk will present measurements of the energetic costs microorganisms invest in producing various enzymes to solubilize P from compounds of increasing complexity. Additionally, the energetic costs of microbial P uptake from inorganic sources will be compared to those associated with the enzymatic hydrolysis of organic sources.

Results from incubation experiments revealed that the heat released during organic P hydrolysis increased with the complexity of the substrate, ranging from phosphomonoester bonds in sugar phosphate to six ester bonds in phytate. Furthermore, microorganisms expended significantly more energy on enzyme production than on phosphorus uptake via active cellular transport alone.

These findings provide valuable insights into predicting the hydrolysis of organic P compounds in soil, based on potential enzymatic activities and the energy balance of microorganism-mediated processes.

Acknowledgments and Funding: This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, BI 2570/1-1), project number 525137622.

How to cite: Bilyera, N.: Microbial energetic costs of phosphorus mining and uptake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5260,, 2025.

EGU25-5988 | Orals | SSS4.10

Disentangling the role of earthworms in soil phosphorus cycling 

Alix Vidal, Andreas Burr, Laura Ferron, Hannah M.J. Vos, Chiara Pistocchi, Federica Tamburini, Mart Ros, Gerwin F. Koopmans, and Jan Willem van Groenigen

Earthworms play a crucial role in enhancing phosphorus (P) availability in soils by processing organic matter as well as mineral soil particles and associated P. This role could represent a lever to increase agronomic P use efficiency. However, if earthworms are employed to unlock soil P, soils will still need to be replenished with nutrients. This could be accomplished through the application of circular fertilisers. In this context, earthworms could help to mobilize P from emerging mineral fertilisers recovered from waste streams, such as struvite. Despite these potential benefits, the biotic influence of earthworms on P cycling remains poorly understood and the interactions between earthworms and emerging fertilisers are unknown. Here, we present results of two studies aiming at (1) testing an isotopic approach based on the oxygen isotopes ratio in phosphate (PO4) to study the biotic effect of earthworms on soil P cycling in arable soils; and (2) investigating the role of earthworms in mobilizing P from poorly soluble struvite. In a mesocosm experiment using straw and 18O-enriched water in the presence of soil-dwelling earthworms, we found that earthworms have a significant effect on the mineralization of P from organic residues in litter-amended soils with a low PO4 availability. We demonstrated that the 18O-isotopic approach provides a promising method to study the influence of earthworms on PO4 cycling. In a field study using struvite and ryegrass in the presence of multiple combinations of earthworm species, we showed that struvite performs comparably to conventional mineral P fertiliser in terms of plant P uptake, highlighting that struvite could be an efficient P fertiliser. The effect of earthworms on plant P uptake was significant but relatively small. These two studies emphasize that the effect of earthworms on P cycling is highly context dependent (e.g., soil P status and organic matter), with optimal efficiency observed in P-poor soils when a suitable food source is provided.

How to cite: Vidal, A., Burr, A., Ferron, L., Vos, H. M. J., Pistocchi, C., Tamburini, F., Ros, M., Koopmans, G. F., and van Groenigen, J. W.: Disentangling the role of earthworms in soil phosphorus cycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5988,, 2025.

EGU25-6267 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Long-term effects of a single soil inoculation: shifts in soil microbial community composition and functioning after a community coalescence event in sand, clay, and peat grasslands.  

Merlijn Schram, Paul Bodelier, Freddy ten Hooven, Iris Chardon, Ciska Veen, and Wim van der Putten

Thriving communities of soil biota are a cornerstone of soil functionality. Intensification of land management with the aim to increase yield changes the biodiversity of soils, which comes at the cost of other soil functions, due to the destructive effect such management can have on soil biodiversity. While more nature-inclusive soil management practices may lead to more balanced soil multifunctionality, the recovery of biodiversity in long-term intensively managed soils is expected to take a long time. Inoculation with healthy soil may provide a jump start in the recovery of degraded soils, but only if the inoculated soil communities can become successfully established. Previous studies have shown that soil transplantation can result in greater recovery of soil communities compared to when single soil species are inoculated, but the effects on soil microbial communities and their contributions to soil functionality are not yet well-understood. Therefore, we used a four-years-old mesocosm experiment in order to test the long-term effects of soil inoculation by soil transplantation on the community composition and functionality of three types of grasslands soils. The experiment is composed of 60 intact soil cores of 95 cm diameter and 1 m depth that have been collected from three high input-output production grasslands on sand, clay, and peat. These grasslands had been exposed to high mowing frequencies, and had low vegetation diversity. At the start of the experiment, the soil cores were inoculated with soil from less intensively managed mid-successional grasslands, containing higher plant diversity than the intensively used grasslands. For half of the soil cores, the inoculate was sterilized beforehand to serve as a control. Bi-yearly measurements of yield, quarterly measurements of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), measurements of soil organic carbon, a vegetation analysis, and results from a recent litter decomposition experiment are combined with a time-series of amplicon sequence data of soil microbial communities. I will present the effects of inoculation on microbial community composition in sand, clay, and peat soils, and show that these inoculations can have functional consequences.

How to cite: Schram, M., Bodelier, P., ten Hooven, F., Chardon, I., Veen, C., and van der Putten, W.: Long-term effects of a single soil inoculation: shifts in soil microbial community composition and functioning after a community coalescence event in sand, clay, and peat grasslands. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6267,, 2025.

Soil drying challenges microbial viability and survival, with bacteria employing various mechanisms to respond to shifts in osmolarity, including dormancy or metabolic upregulation of osmoprotectants. However, the extent to which these responses are shaped by an organism’s phylogeny or the climate history of a given environment is poorly understood. This study examines the responses of phylogenetically similar bacteria from semi-arid and humid tropical forest soils to osmotic and matric stress using synchrotron radiation-based Fourier Transform Infrared spectromicroscopy. This non-destructive approach depicts the biochemical phenotype for whole cells under control and stress conditions. We observed that, under osmotic stress, bacteria upregulated cell-signaling pathways, rapidly turned over lipid-storage compounds, and increased osmolyte production. In contrast, matric stress induced a more muted response, typically elevating the production of carbohydrate stress compounds, such as glycine betaine and trehalose. While phylogenetically similar bacteria showed comparable biochemistry under control conditions, climate history played an important role in regulating responses to stress, whereby a stronger metabolic response was observed from semi-arid relative to tropical forest isolates. We conclude that bacterial stress response to drought can be more diverse than previously observed, and regulated by both phylogeny and climate history.

How to cite: Bouskill, N.: Does climate history shape the bacterial metabolic response to drought?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7728,, 2025.

EGU25-8436 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

The microbial metabolism in a heterogeneous and warming soil environment: A bioenergetic point of view 

Peng Tian, Christian Lorenzen, Guodong Shao, Callum Banfield, Michaela Dippold, Sandra Spielvogel, and Bahar Razavi

The physical colocation of decomposers and substrates has been proposed as being a determining factor of microbial metabolism in soil, which is also greatly modulated by environmental temperature. Moreover, spatial heterogeneity of insoluble substrates is hypothesized to favor the fungal energy channel, as fungi have a well-developed capacity to translocate resources within their mycelia thus overcoming local resource limitation. Here, the effects of warming, substrate spatial heterogeneity, and fungal translocation on microbial metabolism as indicated by substrate-derived CO2 emission, heat production, and calorespirometric ratio (CR, the ratio of heat production to CO2 emission) were tested, using cylinders with four compartments that either prevent or allow diffusion between compartments.

With increasing spatial heterogeneity, the CO2 emission rate generally declined under ambient temperature. The emission rate was slightly higher when diffusion was not allowed across the compartments, except the second half of incubation in the most heterogeneous treatment (100-0-0-0%). In warming environment, the CO2 emission rates were stimulated, but with diminished effect of spatial heterogeneity. The heat release in the most heterogeneous treatment was lower than the most homogenous (25-25-25-25%) and intermediate heterogeneous (50-0-50-0%) treatments. Under warming condition, the peaks of heat release were heightened, and the peak of the most heterogeneous treatment was brought forward. The heat release was higher when diffusion was not allowed across the compartments under ambient temperature, but insignificant difference among treatments were detected under warming environment. CR decreased rapidly in the first half of incubation, and remained stable during the rest . The difference in CR was mainly detected in the first half of incubation, with CR declining with the decrease of spatial heterogeneity.

Overall, our findings provide detailed information about microbial metabolism in response to substrate spatial heterogeneity and warming climate, and suggest that the degree of substrate spatial heterogeneity is an important boundary condition shaping the energy use channel in this soil compartment.

How to cite: Tian, P., Lorenzen, C., Shao, G., Banfield, C., Dippold, M., Spielvogel, S., and Razavi, B.: The microbial metabolism in a heterogeneous and warming soil environment: A bioenergetic point of view, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8436,, 2025.

EGU25-8656 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Effects of forest management and microbial diversity and community composition on soil respiration 

Daniela Guasconi, Marleen Pallandt, Jūratė Aleinikovienė, Dorian Behling, Sara Filipek, Aleksi Lehtonen, Tijana Martinović, Boris Ťupek, and Stefano Manzoni

Soil microbes are responsible for important ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and decomposition, and as such their activity is an important contributor to GHG emissions from soils. However, while microbial biomass is known to affect soil C turnover, the role of community composition and diversity is less clear. It has been theorized that microbial functional diversity may be a useful predictor of decomposition rates, but empirical data from natural systems are ambiguous. In addition, the contribution of diversity to decomposition may be affected by the different sensitivity of various fungal and bacterial functional groups to land management. In this study we aim to disentangle the direct effect of forest management on decomposition rates via changes in soil moisture and temperature, from its indirect effects via changes in microbial community composition. We use empirical data collected from multiple forest management experiments across Europe by the HoliSoils consortium (Holistic management practices, modelling and monitoring for European forest soils; Preliminary results indicate a significant correlation between microbial diversity and soil respiration, but with significant differences between fungi and bacteria. This suggests that identifying appropriate diversity indicators could improve microbially explicit C turnover models and inform forest management practices for climate impact mitigation.

How to cite: Guasconi, D., Pallandt, M., Aleinikovienė, J., Behling, D., Filipek, S., Lehtonen, A., Martinović, T., Ťupek, B., and Manzoni, S.: Effects of forest management and microbial diversity and community composition on soil respiration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8656,, 2025.

EGU25-9667 | Orals | SSS4.10

Microbial growth in intact soil cores assessed by deuterium isotope probing 

Hannes Schmidt, Alberto Canarini, Gaëlle Marmasse, Lucia Fuchslueger, and Andreas Richter

A key parameter to understand microbial activity in soil is growth. However, our approaches to measure microbial growth fail to integrate a potential key element for microbial functioning: the spatial structure of soil. In this study we used soil cores together with deuterium-labelling of soil water via vapor exchange to identify growing microbial groups in undisturbed soil compared to sieved soil via the production of (labelled) phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Our results showed comparable measurements of community-level microbial respiration, mass-specific growth rates, and carbon use efficiency in intact and sieved soil. Although soil cores exhibited a larger variability of PLFA biomarker production rates, a high level of overlap was observed among the growing community members in intact and sieved soils. Contrary to our assumption, we conclude that sieving does not necessarily affect quantification of soil microbial growth rates. Importantly, the presented approach enables to identify and to quantify the growing soil microbial subpopulation in experimental conditions close to the field, which opens new avenues for spatial detection of soil microbial growth in situ.

How to cite: Schmidt, H., Canarini, A., Marmasse, G., Fuchslueger, L., and Richter, A.: Microbial growth in intact soil cores assessed by deuterium isotope probing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9667,, 2025.

EGU25-9719 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Exploring the energetics of soil microbial metabolism under substrate limitation 

Martin-Georg Endress and Sergey Blagodatsky

The growth of soil microorganisms is limited by scarce substrate availability for most of the time in most soils, interrupted only by comparatively brief bursts of activity following localized pulses of substrate input. During periods of starvation, microbes must persist in a state of inactivity or dormancy to maintain their viability. Given the prevalence of such non-growing microbes, the costs of maintenance metabolism as well as those associated with emergence from and return to dormancy can be expected to play a significant role in soil carbon (C) cycling.

Recent advances have highlighted the utility of bioenergetic modeling based on coupled C and energy fluxes for the analysis of microbial activity in soil. In particular, the calorespirometric ratio (CR) of heat to CO2 production obtained from incubation experiments presents a useful tool for monitoring the bioenergetics of microbial metabolism in a dynamic fashion. However, previous studies have primarily focused on the CR during microbial growth, and the effects of non-growth metabolism are rarely considered.

In this contribution, we present a theoretical analysis of the consequences of non-growth metabolism on temporal patterns of the CR (Fig. 1). Specifically, we employ process-based modeling to show that both exogenous maintenance fueled by the consumption of external substrates and endogenous maintenance fueled by the consumption of biomass have distinct effects on the dynamics of the CR (Fig. 1) as well as on the relationship between CR and microbial C use efficiency (CUE), depending on the energy content of the consumed compounds. To connect these theoretical findings with empirical evidence, we compiled data on the CR measured in unamended soils as well as during the lag and retardation phases of substrate amendment experiments from the literature. The results reveal a wide range of observed CR values consistent with high metabolic diversity of microbial maintenance processes. In addition, we find a strong positive correlation between the non-growth CR and the average SOM energy content in arable soils but observe a weak inverse relationship in forest soils, the causes and implications of which remain to be explored.

Overall, our theoretical findings demonstrate a distinct effect of microbial maintenance metabolism on the coupling between C and energy fluxes in soil, which is supported by existing empirical evidence from incubation experiments.

Fig. 1: Simulated dynamics of CR after addition of labile substrate

both with (red) and without (black) additional utilization of SOM (i.e., priming).

Dotted lines indicate CR calculated from rates of heat and CO2 release (CRrate),

solid lines indicate CR calculated from cumulative release (CRcumu).


How to cite: Endress, M.-G. and Blagodatsky, S.: Exploring the energetics of soil microbial metabolism under substrate limitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9719,, 2025.

EGU25-9770 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10 | Highlight

The Influence of Multitrophic Soil Biodiversity on Carbon Stabilization 

Janus den Toonder, Jes Hines, Pierre Ganault, Nico Eisenhauer, and Gerrit Angst

The role of multitrophic diversity in regulating soil carbon dynamics remains unclear, yet understanding these dynamics is essential for enhancing soil health and carbon storage. This study examines how tree mycorrhizal diversity and soil community complexity influence soil carbon sequestration. We hypothesize that greater soil community complexity and the presence of both arbuscular (AMF) and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) enhance carbon stabilization. To test this, biodiversity was manipulated by (1) pairing tree species associated with AMF, EMF, or both, and (2) establishing four levels of soil complexity: microbes alone, microbes with mesofauna, microbes with mesofauna and macrofauna, and all previous levels with earthworms. Treatments were fully crossed and incubated in ecotrons for 140 days. Soil carbon responses are currently being assessed across free and occluded particulate organic matter and mineral-associated organic matter fractions. Ongoing carbon content analyses may provide valuable insights into how multitrophic biodiversity shapes soil carbon dynamics, with implications for soil management and carbon storage.


How to cite: den Toonder, J., Hines, J., Ganault, P., Eisenhauer, N., and Angst, G.: The Influence of Multitrophic Soil Biodiversity on Carbon Stabilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9770,, 2025.

EGU25-9807 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Linking microbial community composition and their functions in the course of cellulose degradation in arable soil 

Fatemeh Dehghani, Thomas Reitz, Steffen Schlüter, Luis Daniel Prada Salcedo, and Evgenia Blagodatskaya

Soil microorganisms utilize organic carbon (C) through catabolic processes to produce the energy required for their metabolic needs and to synthesize microbial biomass via anabolic processes. The fraction of C retained in microbial biomass relative to the total amount of metabolized C is usually termed carbon use efficiency (CUE), which is a key metric for carbon turnover processes in soil. The input of fresh labile substrate in soil typically activates fast-growing microorganisms which are often less efficient than their slow-growing counterparts. However, the microbial succession may differ when utilizing less degradable organic compounds such as plant residues. In addition to the primary C source, newly-formed microbial biomass can subsequently act as a secondary source of C, nutrients, and energy for soil microorganisms. Therefore, the degradation of more complex organic compounds might be sequentially performed by different microbial taxa. However, knowledge of the microbial succession that occurs in the course of degradation of such complex organic compounds remains elusive.

To explore the microbial community changes during the degradation of complex C compounds, we conducted an incubation experiment using arable soil amended with 13C-labeled cellulose as a carbon and energy source. Microbial activity, estimated by respiration and heat release, was continuously determined for 56 days. To calculate CUE, the fraction of 13C transformed into CO2 was quantified via isotope probing techniques. Following DNA extraction at specific time points, 16S rRNA and ITS amplicon sequencing were performed to determine successions in bacterial and fungal community composition. Finally, kinetic parameters of cellobiohydrolase, ß-glucosidase, and phosphatase were measured destructively at specific time points during the incubation. Heat and CO2 release indicated an intensive degradation phase in the first 14 days of incubation. While the Vmax of the enzymes slightly changed during the incubation period, essential changes in bacterial and fungal communities were observed. This study provides insights into the dynamics of microbial communities and their functional roles during cellulose degradation in soils.

How to cite: Dehghani, F., Reitz, T., Schlüter, S., Prada Salcedo, L. D., and Blagodatskaya, E.: Linking microbial community composition and their functions in the course of cellulose degradation in arable soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9807,, 2025.

EGU25-10195 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Microbial communities and functionality in degraded tundra soils 

Arna Björt Ólafsdóttir, Ólafur Sigmar Andrésson, Isabel C Barrio, Denis Warshan, and Ingibjörg Svala Jónsdóttir

In Iceland, unsustainable land use has led to severe land degradation and desertification. Degradation may shape soil microbial communities, which has implications for ecosystem functioning. This study presents for the first time a characterization of the structure and function of soil microbial communities in tundra soils of contrasting stages of degradation in Iceland and shows promise in identifying degradation processes and potentials for recovery. We used shotgun metagenomic sequencing to compare soil microbial communities in a Betula nana heath with erosion spots and a highly degraded desert at two sites, inside and outside the active volcanic zone (Þeistareykir and Auðkúluheiði). The bacterial taxonomic composition of the desert soils with relatively high abundance of Actinobacteria, low respiration (microbial activity) and lower functional diversity reflected a highly degraded state. Heath soils at Þeistareykir had more abundant key ecosystem taxa of the genus Bradyrhizobium, higher taxonomic richness, microbial activity, and functional diversity compared to the heath at Auðkúluheiði, indicating that the heath in Auðkúluheiði is more degraded. Use of the trait-based framework of high yield (Y), resource acquisition (A), and stress tolerance (S) provided a more nuanced picture of the functional microbial roles in each of these soil types.

How to cite: Ólafsdóttir, A. B., Andrésson, Ó. S., Barrio, I. C., Warshan, D., and Jónsdóttir, I. S.: Microbial communities and functionality in degraded tundra soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10195,, 2025.

EGU25-10523 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Hybrid Soil Microbiome Modeling - Combining process-based models with machine learning to predict microbial dynamics and organic matter turnover in soil systems 

Paul Collart, Jürgen Gall, Andrea Schnepf, Alberto Vinicius Sousa Rocha, Malte Herold, Kate Buckeridge, and Holger Pagel

Soil microorganisms control organic matter cycling and largely determine how soil systems can cope with and mitigate climate change and environmental threats. Integrating microbial dynamics in process-based soil models is critical for predicting how soil carbon flows and stocks change in ecosystems with time. Functional traits can be inferred from amplicon sequencing data and metagenome assembled genomes to leverage model parameterization. However, informing models using omics-based datasets is challenging due to their large dimensional nature and the nonlinear relationship between genomes and the actual function microbes express. We present a hybrid modeling framework that combines machine learning to analyze metagenomic and DNA sequencing data with a simple microbial explicit process-based model. This hybrid model is conditioned using a convolutional network trained with data from the LUCAS 2018 database (Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey), which includes soil metagenomes, 16S sequencing data in combination with soil carbon, microbial biomass and soil respiration measurements. Using trait inference from genomes, the model can learn several biokinetic parameters such as growth rates, dormancy rates, affinities to organic matter, growth yields or decay rates. We present the concept of the hybrid soil modelling framework and discuss what data is informative for these models and how to best link machine learning with process-based models.

How to cite: Collart, P., Gall, J., Schnepf, A., Sousa Rocha, A. V., Herold, M., Buckeridge, K., and Pagel, H.: Hybrid Soil Microbiome Modeling - Combining process-based models with machine learning to predict microbial dynamics and organic matter turnover in soil systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10523,, 2025.

EGU25-11138 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

Linking agricultural extensification to soil microbial communities and soil nutrient functioning 

Rosa Boone, Bjorn Robroek, Wim van der Putten, and Hans de Kroon

Our current agricultural system is non-sustainable due to its negative impact on soil and water quality, and its eroding effect on biodiversity. To promote sustainability while maintaining productivity, we need to explore alternative practices. One such strategy is the extensification of agricultural management, which reduces external inputs while aiming to enhance soil functioning. Nutrient cycling, a key soil function, may improve under extensification due to shifts in abiotic conditions and microbial community interactions. However, the mechanisms by which extensification affects soil microbial communities and their functional interactions in field conditions remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated how management extensification affects soil nutrient cycling. We assessed nutrient cycling using enzymatic assays, Microresp analysis, and Teabag decomposition, and evaluated the role of abiotic factors (e.g., pH, SOC) and microbial community composition along an agricultural extensification gradient, ranging from conventional productive grasslands to semi-natural grasslands. Microbial interactions were explored using co-occurrence network analysis to assess how management influences the community as a whole. Preliminary results show that fungal communities change with extensification, accompanied by an increase in overall soil nutrient functioning, particularly for decomposition rate. Our results highlight that management choices have implications for soil functioning, and that the validity to use soil parameters to underpin soil nutrient functioning are highly context dependent.

How to cite: Boone, R., Robroek, B., van der Putten, W., and de Kroon, H.: Linking agricultural extensification to soil microbial communities and soil nutrient functioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11138,, 2025.

EGU25-14626 | Orals | SSS4.10

Microbial emergent ecophysiology affects soil carbon accumulation across land use gradients 

Ashish Malik, Lisa Cole, Tim Goodall, Jeremy Puissant, Nico Jehmlich, Cécile Gubry-Rangin, Gerd Gleixner, and Robert Griffiths

Agricultural land use intensification has led to loss of soil carbon; restoring soil carbon through regenerative practices offers an opportunity to help mitigate climate change and promote soil health. The soil microbiome is central in transforming plant materials into persistent forms of soil organic carbon. However, there is a poor mechanistic understanding of how microbiomes function, assemble, interact and collectively influence soil carbon changes across land use gradients. Here we present integration of knowledge across scales from field observations and lab experiments to highlight the importance of microbial ecophysiology and their emergent traits in determining the soil carbon balance in multiple paired local contrasts of low and high land use intensity systems in the UK. Across 11 paired contrasts, we observed significantly higher microbial community-level carbon use efficiency (CUE) and increased biomass in low intensity grassland soils compared with high intensity cropland soils. We suggest that less-intensive management practices have more potential for carbon storage through increased microbial CUE. Using proteomics and extracellular enzyme analysis, we demonstrate that reduced CUE in cropland soils was linked to higher microbial investment in stress alleviation and resource acquisition traits. To examine if grassland microbiomes with higher CUE could be recruited to help accumulate soil carbon in cropland soils, in lab mesocosm we reciprocally transferred microbiomes derived from historically undisturbed grassland soil and neighbouring cropland soil into their sterile counterparts from 2 paired contrasts. We fed the microbiomes with plant litter tea and monitored community assembly over 8 months. We observed that soil conditions were more important than inoculum source in determining bacterial assemblage, inoculum source was more important than soil conditions in determining fungal assemblage, whereas both inoculum source and soil conditions mattered equally in shaping the protist assemblage. This highlights the differential response of bacteria, fungi and protists to environmental filtering and raises questions around the persistence and therefore efficacy of microbial inoculations. In terms of soil carbon accumulation, we observed that a grassland microbiome led to positive outcomes in terms of soil carbon changes in cropland soil after 8 months suggesting that the microbial emergent ecophysiology that arises from both initial inoculum as well as the soil conditions matter in determining soil carbon accumulation. Our research highlights the need for careful land management to create the right soil conditions for the promotion of beneficial microbiomes with efficient metabolism for carbon accumulation. This will aid in regenerating degraded soils for sustainable climate-smart agriculture.

How to cite: Malik, A., Cole, L., Goodall, T., Puissant, J., Jehmlich, N., Gubry-Rangin, C., Gleixner, G., and Griffiths, R.: Microbial emergent ecophysiology affects soil carbon accumulation across land use gradients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14626,, 2025.

EGU25-15114 | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Metagenomic for a better understanding of cultivated soil health 

Guillaume Gauthier, Hervé Van Der Heyden, Jacynthe Dessureault-Rompré, and Thiago Gumiere

Soil health is defined as the ability of a soil to function as a vital, living ecosystem, supporting the growth of plant, animal and humain This capacity is highly dependent on the microorganisms living in the soil due to their role in biochemical cycles linked to the recycling and availability of nutrients such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). Due to their disruption of the soil microbiome, conventional farming practices negatively affect the long-term health of cultivated soils (Montgomery & Biklé, 2021). The establishment of soil’s health indices is a complex matter due to the grand variability of existing soil’s type, texture, soil physicochemicalcharacteristics, and the variation in crop’s needs. Those three cycle where chosen for their importance in the context of agricultural’s plants needs and those critical process include the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and the recycling of nitrogen compound from organic matter and the production of acid and alkaline phosphatase by soil’s archeae, bacteria and fungy. Those process are deemed critical by the introduction in a usable form of critical nutriment to plant’s grow that are other wise in a unusable form for the plant. To this end, we observed the impact of 4 different kind of mulches, all with reduced tillage, and a standard treatment with conventional farming practice over a 3 years period, with two sampling per year, one in May and one in August. The obtention of the soil’s microbiome composition was done with the shotgun metagenomic technique using the AVITI plateform. The metagenomic shotgun technique was chosen for its capacity to obtain an overall picture of the population of fungi, bacteria, and archaea composing the soil microbiome in a single sequencing run, thus avoiding PCR bias due to multiple amplicon sequencing on the microbiome's proportions. In this presentation, the observed variation in the soil’s microbiome population du to the treatments and their impacts on the soil critical process will be explored. We hypothesize that the soil under the conventional treatment will have a lower redundancy level compare to the soil under the other treatment.

Lehmann, J., Bossio, D. A., Kögel-Knabner, I., & Rillig, M. C. (2020). The concept and future prospects of soil health. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1(10), 544-553.

Montgomery, D. R., & Biklé, A. (2021). Soil Health and Nutrient Density: Beyond Organic vs. Conventional Farming [Review]. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5.

How to cite: Gauthier, G., Van Der Heyden, H., Dessureault-Rompré, J., and Gumiere, T.: Metagenomic for a better understanding of cultivated soil health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15114,, 2025.

EGU25-15487 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

General Rules for Size and Spatial Distribution of Soil Bacterial Communities 

Samuel Bickel and Dani Or

Soil water dynamics within a highly fragmented soil physical environment constrain soil bacterial dispersion ranges, modulate diffusion and access to patchy resources. We have used a mechanistic modeling framework that integrates soil hydration status with organic carbon inputs to estimate community size distributions and interaction distances of modeled soil bacterial populations. The resulting spatial patterns of bacterial communities is critical for interpreting soil micro-ecological functioning. Experimental data supported by model results show that soil bacterial cluster sizes often follow an exponentially truncated power law with key parameters that vary with mean soil water content and total carbon inputs across biomes. Similar to human settlement size distributions, tree sizes and other spatially fixed systems in which growth rates are defined by their environment independent of object size (city or a tree), bacterial community size distribution is expected to obey the so-called Gibrat’s law (derived analytically for growth rates independent of community size). Results support generalization in soil using positively skewed distributions of soil bacterial community sizes (e.g., log normal). We show that soil bacteria reside in numerous small communities (with over 90% of soil bacterial communities containing less than 100 cells), supported by theoretical predictions of log-normal distribution for non-interacting soil bacterial community sizes with scaling parameters that vary with biome characteristics.

How to cite: Bickel, S. and Or, D.: General Rules for Size and Spatial Distribution of Soil Bacterial Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15487,, 2025.

EGU25-16373 | Orals | SSS4.10

Phosphorus additions increase microbial phosphorus accumulation and carbon turnover in tropical soils in French Guiana 

Lucia Fuchslueger, Christian Ranits, Laynara Figueiredo Lugli, Helena Vallicrosa, Laëtitia Bréchet, Leandro Van Langenhove, Lore Verryckt, Irene Ramirez-Rojas, Pere Roc Fernandez, Elodie Courtois, Clement Stahl, Dolores Asensio, Guille Peguero, Joan Llusia, Alberto Canarini, Victoria Martin, Erik Verbruggen, Josep Peñuelas, Andreas Richter, and Ivan Janssens

Tropical forests often grow on highly weathered soils with rather high nitrogen (N), but low rock-derived phosphorus (P) (and base cation) availability. While the role of P limitation in constraining plant productivity is well established, its impact on heterotrophic microbial communities remains less clear. Specifically, it is crucial to understand how P availability shapes microbial activity, physiology and resource acquisition strategies, but also potential repercussions on organic matter decomposition, nutrient mineralization, and long-term carbon (C) sequestration.

To address this knowledge gap, we studied soil microbial communities in tropical lowland forest soils located in the north-eastern Amazon in French Guiana following three years of N and P additions. We assessed soil microbial biomass, stoichiometry, extracellular enzyme activity potential, and respiration rates. Additionally, we quantified soil microbial growth using a substrate-independent method based on the incorporation of 18O from labelled water into microbial DNA.

Our results showed that soil microbial biomass slightly increased in response to N, but remained unaffected by P additions. In contrast, P additions increased microbial P content (and reduced associated C:P ratios), suggesting that microbes are highly competitive for P and can act as a significant P sink in these soils. Additionally, P additions also increased total and available soil P pools, indicating that both plant and microbial communities are well adapted to naturally occurring low P availability, and may have reached P saturation after multiple years of nutrient enrichment. Despite these changes, microbial biomass-normalized specific respiration- and growth-rates increased with both N and P fertilization, with a stronger response to P, while overall, the C use efficiency of the microbial communities remained unaffected by both.

Our results highlight (i) the pivotal role of soil microbes in C, N and P cycling in tropical forest soil and (ii) the remarkable P storage capacity of microbial communities in highly weathered soils. While microbial C and N dynamics appear tightly coupled, likely due to the similar composition of microbial cell walls, our data demonstrate non-homoeostatic stoichiometric behavior of microbial communities. This underscores the importance of reconsidering assumptions about strict stoichiometric relationships in soil and ecosystem models. 

How to cite: Fuchslueger, L., Ranits, C., Figueiredo Lugli, L., Vallicrosa, H., Bréchet, L., Van Langenhove, L., Verryckt, L., Ramirez-Rojas, I., Fernandez, P. R., Courtois, E., Stahl, C., Asensio, D., Peguero, G., Llusia, J., Canarini, A., Martin, V., Verbruggen, E., Peñuelas, J., Richter, A., and Janssens, I.: Phosphorus additions increase microbial phosphorus accumulation and carbon turnover in tropical soils in French Guiana, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16373,, 2025.

EGU25-16575 | Orals | SSS4.10

Fungal necromass composition highlights the ecological significance of microbial death pathways in soil 

Tessa Camenzind, Jessie Gawronski, Arne Zimmer, Carmen Höschen, Rebeca L Oliva, Matthias C Rillig, Kyle Mason-Jones, Steffen Schweizer, and Johannes Lehmann

Microbial activity drives soil carbon mineralization, while microbial necromass along with other residues contributes to the stable soil organic carbon pool. Still, precise quantification and characterization of microbial residues remains methodologically challenging in complex soil systems, requiring controlled microbial experiments. We have recently presented the conceptual framework of microbial death pathways in soil, where we hypothesized that different agents of death would lead to varying chemical properties of microbial necromass, with consequences for the fate of microbial necromass carbon in soil.

In the studies presented here, we have now tested these hypotheses experimentally and analysed fungal mycelial residues exposed to diverse agents of death. We investigated the composition of mycelial residues by (i) microscopic live/dead staining, (ii) measurements of carbon, nitrogen and melanin contents, (iii) Raman spectroscopy and (iv) Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (NanoSIMS). Using fungal isolates in a controlled experimental design, we found that heat or fungicide exposure led to rapid hyphal death with less chemical transformation of necromass compared to biomass. By contrast, starvation or senescence (ageing of hyphae) allowed mycelia to internally recycle cytosolic components, leading to residues reduced in cytosolic compounds and characterized by wider C:N ratios and increased melanin contents. A litterbag experiment in soil showed that mycelia resembling the chemical properties of biomass are mineralized more rapidly than chemically altered fungal necromass.

We further tested the impact of nitrogen availability on residue formation. Necromass nitrogen contents affect mineralization rates, but also stabilization due to preferential binding of nitrogen-rich compounds to mineral surfaces. Here, fungal residues from nitrogen depleted media showed wide C:N ratios (50-90), resulting from internal recycling of cytosolic compounds but also differential cell wall composition (as indicated by Raman spectroscopy and NanoSIMS analyses). Interestingly, independent of medium nitrogen supply, fungal residues in contact with mineral surfaces (goethite) were strongly nitrogen enriched, indicating preferential binding of nitrogen-rich compounds independent of overall mycelial C:N ratios.

In conclusion, specific microbial death pathways may alter the composition of microbial residues in soil, with consequences for carbon mineralization and stabilization processes. These results further highlight the interaction of carbon and nitrogen cycling via microbial turnover and stabilization, mechanisms that must be integrated in future conceptual and experimental approaches.

How to cite: Camenzind, T., Gawronski, J., Zimmer, A., Höschen, C., Oliva, R. L., Rillig, M. C., Mason-Jones, K., Schweizer, S., and Lehmann, J.: Fungal necromass composition highlights the ecological significance of microbial death pathways in soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16575,, 2025.

EGU25-17846 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Theoretical Considerations Concerning Soil Microbial Growth 

Yujia Luo, Dennis Metze, Ksenia Guseva, and Andreas Richter

Microbial growth is a fundamental aspect of microbial life history, underpinning essential ecosystem functions and driving all biogeochemical cycles. While culture-based studies have provided valuable insights into microbial growth, they often fail to capture how microbes grow under natural conditions, which include complex interactions with other organisms and their physical and chemical environments.

Currently, microbial growth is typically defined as the ability of individual cells to replicate. Such a definition, however, overlooks the diverse strategies to survive and thrive in dynamic environments. These strategies reflect how microorganisms allocate carbon they take up to various pathways, including cellular replication, synthesis of storage compounds (e.g., triacylglycerides and polyhydroxyalkanoates), accumulation of osmolytes, and exudation of substances such as extracellular polymeric substances, extracellular enzymes and metabolites like short-chain fatty acids. These strategies are often accompanied by physiological shifts, such as transitioning between active and dormant metabolic states.

Despite the central importance of microbial growth, its in situ measurement remains a significant challenge. This limitation hinders our understanding of the ecological functions of soil microbiomes and our ability to accurately predict carbon use and cycling. Addressing this knowledge gap requires, a multi-faceted approach including the following key considerations:

  • Expanding definitions of microbial growth: Microbial growth encompasses more than cell division and DNA replication, particularly under stress conditions, such as nutrient and water scarcity. It includes the synthesis of storage compounds, osmolytes, and extracellular material. A more flexible definition, along with a delineation of growth and activity, is urgently needed.
  • Understanding and benchmarking growth methods: To isolate patterns in growth across microbial ecosystems, it is crucial to understand what different growth methods (that target various biomolecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids) actually quantify, and how they relate to one another. Emphasis should be placed on substrate-independent methods.
  • Developing and improving models: Models should prioritize the exploration of microbial growth strategies in dynamic, non-steady steady-state environments and include robust experimental validation.

By addressing these key considerations, we hope to be able to deepen our understanding of microbial growth in natural systems, enhance ecological modeling, and better predict the role of soil microbiomes in carbon cycling.

How to cite: Luo, Y., Metze, D., Guseva, K., and Richter, A.: Theoretical Considerations Concerning Soil Microbial Growth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17846,, 2025.

EGU25-17905 | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Implementation of a novel soil module that simulates the microbiome species dynamics in grasslands 

Sergi Costafreda-Aumedes, Lorenzo Brilli, Luisa Leolini, Marco Moriondo, and Beniamino Gioli

Soil microbiome is one of the most important components influencing biogeochemical cycles. Changes in the dominance of different microbial functional groups can result in a community that, due to the changes in microbial enzymes, can respond more or less rapidly to decomposition rates, synthesis of organic matter, nutrient availability and soil structure (Brangarí et al., 2021, Wu et al., 2024). The size and composition of soil microbiome is influenced by variables such as plant species, soil moisture and temperature, pH and nutrients availability (Naylor et al., 2022), which in turn are influenced by climate conditions and agronomic practices. Estimating the soil microbiome composition is therefore crucial to deeper understanding processes such as crop development, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) uptake, soil nutrient retention, drought tolerance and pest resistance (Lutz et al., 2023).

Despite the large importance of soil microbial composition at determining magnitude and patterns of biogeochemical cycles, the majority of crop and biogeochemical models currently existing are not able to well represent this process. For instance, the microbial biomass simulated by STICS (Brisson et al., 1998) and EPIC (Izaurralde et al., 2006) varies according to N availability in the soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, without considering microbial species dynamics. Similarly, the pools of models such as RothC (Coleman and Jenkinson, 1996), CENTURY (Parton, 1996), APSIM (Probert et al., 1998), DayCent (Parton et al., 1998), FASSET (Berntsen et al., 2003)  Report fixed values of C/N ratios.

This poor representation is mainly related to the lack of detailed algorithms to simulate, for example, SOM turnover driven by soil microbial biomass, the partitioning of different incorporation of decomposable C pools (i.e., lignin and cellulose) from crop residues into soils, the effect of N deficiency on SOM decomposition, and gas transport in soils. These processes should be incorporated into process-based biogeochemical models as driven by soil microbiome to provide more reliable estimates of C and N while reducing uncertainties.

To this end, the RothC submodel implemented within the GRASSVISTOCK model (Leolini et al., 2023) has been improved to take into account seasonal evolution of the soil microbiome and the related effect of agronomic practices. Specifically, new mathematical approaches reproducing the response of microbiota activity to soil temperature and water availability numerically quantify the seasonal trend of the enzymatic activity of the soil microbiota communities (Zhao et al., 2024; Babic et al., 2024; Ghodizadeh et al., 2024) will be integrated within the GRASSVISTOCK model and then validated against a measured available data of the grassland test site in Italy.

How to cite: Costafreda-Aumedes, S., Brilli, L., Leolini, L., Moriondo, M., and Gioli, B.: Implementation of a novel soil module that simulates the microbiome species dynamics in grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17905,, 2025.

EGU25-19125 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.10

How many bacteria are growing in soil? 

Dennis Metze, Bram W. Stone, Bruce A. Hungate, Joana Séneca, Rebecca L. Mau, Michaela Hayer, Alicia M. Purcell, Jeffrey Propster, Xiao Jun A. Liu, Benjamin J. Koch, Jennifer Pett-Ridge, Egbert Schwartz, Paul Dijkstra, César Terrer, Steven J. Blazewicz, Ember M. Morrissey, Kirsten S. Hofmockel, Jane Marks, Andreas Richter, and Christina Kaiser and the Team

Growing bacteria, alongside fungi, are the productive core of the soil microbiome. They assimilate soil organic matter and drive biogeochemical transformations. While recent evidence suggests that large parts of the bacterial community are transcriptionally or translationally active, only a subset of bacteria actively divides at any given time. However, the proportion of dividing bacteria and their responses to environmental change remain poorly understood.

Using more than 76,000 taxon-specific growth estimates inferred by 18O-quantitative stable isotope probing from >200 soil samples, we characterized the size and dynamics of the growing fraction of soil bacteria across a range of ecosystems and environmental change treatments (warming, nutrient addition, drought, cooling). We then estimated the percentage of replicating bacterial cells and taxa based on taxon-specific 18O-enrichment, absolute 16S rRNA gene abundances, and predicted gene copy numbers.

Across soils, a significant yet variable proportion of bacterial cells (median: 12%; range: 0.2-65%) were growing, representing about 16% (median; range: 0.9-39%) of the total taxa richness. More than 50% of all taxa were growing exclusively in only 1-2 samples. Environmental change affected the size of the growing community as well as its composition. More than 40% (median; range: 9.7-90%) of the taxa growing at ambient conditions stopped growing when the environment changed, whereas others initiated growth following a shift in conditions.

Our results indicate that the pool of growing bacteria constitutes a significant fraction of the soil microbiome and responds dynamically to changes in the environment through shifts in size and composition with potential implications for soil functioning. 

How to cite: Metze, D., Stone, B. W., Hungate, B. A., Séneca, J., Mau, R. L., Hayer, M., Purcell, A. M., Propster, J., Liu, X. J. A., Koch, B. J., Pett-Ridge, J., Schwartz, E., Dijkstra, P., Terrer, C., J. Blazewicz, S., Morrissey, E. M., Hofmockel, K. S., Marks, J., Richter, A., and Kaiser, C. and the Team: How many bacteria are growing in soil?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19125,, 2025.

EGU25-19286 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Mapping microbial growth, turnover and necromass formation in soil microhabitats using photothermal infrared spectromicroscopy  

Bouke Bentvelsen, Megan Foley, Floriane Jamoteau, Jan Roelof van der Meer, and Marco Keiluweit

Current efforts to enhance carbon storage and minimize losses in natural and managed soil systems increasingly recognize microbial necromass (i.e., the sum of extracellular microbial products as well as dead cells) as a major contributor to persistent carbon. To date, however, the abiotic and biotic factors controlling necromass formation and persistence in complex and diverse soil microhabitats are poorly understood. Here we combine microfluidics experiments with optical photothermal infrared (OPTIR) spectromicroscopy and fluorescence microscopy to track microbial growth, turnover and necromass production within different microhabitats. The microfluidics approach allows us to create different microenvironments that vary in pore connectivity and, thus, show gradients in substrate, oxygen, and nutrient availability. We inoculated microfluidic plates with bacterial species isolated from a topsoil in Switzerland (21 species; see Čaušević et al., 2022), representing four major phyla: Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Proteobacteria. Using diagnostic infrared spectra along with fluorescence labelling, we can follow the growth dynamics of different bacterial species within synthetic communities as well as their turnover and associated necromass formation. Spectra were obtained for soil bacteria known to differ in essential ecophysiological characteristics, such as EPS production, Gram classification (Gram-positive vs. Gram-negative), and predatory versus non-predatory behaviour. We will report on a first proof-of-concept experiment that highlights the potential for this approach to reveal critical interactions between bacterial traits, microhabitats characteristics, growth dynamics, and necromass formation. 


Literature cited:

Čaušević, S., Tackmann, J., Sentchilo, V., von Mering, C., & van der Meer, J. R. (2022). Reproducible propagation of species-rich soil bacterial communities suggests robust underlying deterministic principles of community formation. Msystems7(2), e00160-22.

How to cite: Bentvelsen, B., Foley, M., Jamoteau, F., van der Meer, J. R., and Keiluweit, M.: Mapping microbial growth, turnover and necromass formation in soil microhabitats using photothermal infrared spectromicroscopy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19286,, 2025.

EGU25-20117 | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Ecosystem-dependent microbial respiration and growth strategies with consequences for global soil carbon cycling  

Qing-Fang Bi, Markus Reichstein, and Marion Schrumpf

The quantitative understanding of microbial physiological roles in microbial-explicit soil organic carbon (SOC) models has been limited by focusing primarily on microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) in relation to SOC storage. To improve this understanding, it is essential to explore underlying processes such as microbial respiration and growth, which directly impact SOC loss and sequestration. 

Using a global database of CUE measured through 18O-microbial DNA growth, we found that total microbial respiration and growth rates behave differently across various climate zones and land uses. Respiration and growth rates are the highest in temperate grasslands and boreal forests, while no significant differences are observed for specific rates. Moreover, microbial respiration is found to be more sensitive to environmental constraints than microbial growth, although both are ecosystem-dependent. For example, the contrasting relationships between SOC-CUE and microbial biomas C-CUE in temperate grasslands and tropical forests arise from the interplay of C availability, nitrogen limitation, and microbial growth and respiration dynamics. While temperate grasslands maintain a balance between microbial growth and respiration despite nitrogen limitations, tropical forests experience severe inefficiencies due to higher microbial activity and faster nutrient cycling. These differences underscore the ecosystem-specific nature of microbial respiration, growth, and consequently CUE. 



How to cite: Bi, Q.-F., Reichstein, M., and Schrumpf, M.: Ecosystem-dependent microbial respiration and growth strategies with consequences for global soil carbon cycling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20117,, 2025.

EGU25-20563 | Posters on site | SSS4.10

Impact of cover crops on functional response of soil microbial communities in a citrus orchard in the Canary Islands 

Mónica González-González, María Quintana-González-de-Chaves, María Araceli García-González, Marta Selma Garzón-Molina, and Arely Giovanna Gómez-Jara

Conservative agricultural practices have been identified as pivotal in mitigating the effects of global warming. These practices are essential to maintain soil fertility and ensure the productivity of crops. Ground cover crops are an example of this practice, which can be readily implemented in orchards. They confer numerous benefits to agrosystems, including the prevention of soil mechanical damage and erosion, the reduction of water evaporation, the enhancement of soil carbon sequestration, the facilitation of weed control, the increase of soil microorganism community stability, the promotion of beneficial specific taxa, and the improvement of soil multifunctionality. This study was conducted within the framework of the LIFE Vida for Citrus project (LIFE18 CCA/ES/001109), which had the primary objective of developing sustainable control strategies to enhance the resilience of citrus orchards under the threat of climate change and to prevent the entry of Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease, into the European Union. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the benefits of cover crops under the climatic and edaphic conditions of the Canary Islands (Spain), in the functional diversity of edaphic microbiota in a citrus orchard. In the Canary Islands, areas with little or poor soil depth (normally located below 300 meters above sea level) are usually modified by creating terraces with more fertile soil from higher altitudes (300-700 m.a.s.l.) situated in the northern side of the islands. This practice allows for more favorable cultivation, but degrades the original soil. The cover crops that were evaluated included the grass Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh and a combination of flowering species, such as Lobularia maritima (L.) Desv., Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC., Calendula arvensis L., Medicago sativa L., Trifolium repens L., and Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss. The community level physiological profiles were measured, by the MicroRespTM method, after three years of groundcovers sowing. Total and oxidizable organic matter, as well as total nitrogen content, were also evaluated. The multiple substrate-induced respiration (MSIR) profiles were found to be influenced by the utilization of the cover crop in comparison to the bare soil, which exhibited a substantial impact on the individual respiration rates for 16 of the 18 tested substrates (p < 0.050). The soil under groundcovers exhibited the highest consumption (between 2.2 and 3.0 times higher MSIR) of simple and complex carbohydrates, linear and aromatic carboxylic acids, and amino acids and amino sugars, in comparison to the bare soil (p < 0.050). Additionally, the highest respiratory responses were exhibited after the addition of γ-aminobutyric acid, arabinose and α-ketoglutaric acid, ranging from 0.773 ± 0.370 and 2.34 ± 1.04 μg C-CO2 · g-1 · h−1. The diversity of the soil microbial community is a sensitive means to assess soil health in the implementation of conservative agriculture practices in the citrus orchards.

How to cite: González-González, M., Quintana-González-de-Chaves, M., García-González, M. A., Garzón-Molina, M. S., and Gómez-Jara, A. G.: Impact of cover crops on functional response of soil microbial communities in a citrus orchard in the Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20563,, 2025.

EGU25-21218 | Orals | SSS4.10

Quantifying species differences in hyphal persistence between wood decomposing fungi at the microscale 

Kristin Aleklett Kadish, Roos-Marie Ilse Jeanne van Bokhoven, and Dimitrios Floudas

The vegetative mycelium of wood decomposing fungi is indeterminate and ever changing over the course of their lifetime. When it comes to fruiting bodies, we know that there are stark differences between species in terms of how long lasting their fruiting bodies are, with some appearing, ephemerally, for a short moment in the season and others lasting for multiple years. However, for the vegetative mycelium, it is not well known and documented how ephemeral the body of the mycelial network is for the same species.

In this study, we utilized microfluidic chip systems to document, classify and quantify turnover of fungal hyphae in eight different species of basidiomycetes grown with two different carbon sources (glucose or carboxymethylcellulose) to gain a better understanding of how mycelial turnover and potential recycling differs across wood decomposing species.

Our results show that there was a difference between species but not between carbon sources in terms of how quickly and to what degree the mycelium was degenerated. The turnover rate and hyphal persistence of the different species grouped into two distinct clusters. One with low turnover rate and species leaving “skeletonized hyphae” behind and one group that showed a quick and almost full turnover of hyphae (likely through autolysis). These results open up for new questions around species differences in hyphal re-cycling abilities, whether some wood decomposing species could contribute more to carbon sequestration in soils than others and if they have different effects on subsequent succession scenarios due to the different levels of nutrients left behind. 

How to cite: Aleklett Kadish, K., van Bokhoven, R.-M. I. J., and Floudas, D.: Quantifying species differences in hyphal persistence between wood decomposing fungi at the microscale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21218,, 2025.

Ecological Enzyme Stoichiometry Reveals Seasonal and Treatment-Induced Constraints on C, N, and P Dynamics in Olive Orchard Soils

Olive orchards in semi-arid Mediterranean regions face critical challenges including soil degradation, drought, and erosion, threatening their long-term sustainability. Seasonal monitoring can provide critical insights into soil health dynamics and assess the effect of nature-based solutions (NBSs) on seasonal soil functioning. Extracellular enzymes are the primary drivers of soil organic matter breakdown and assessing their activity and ecological stoichiometry can serve as an indicator of microbial nutrient demand and status. The primary goal of this study was to assess the nutrient status of the soil microbial biomass in olive orchards as affected by non-tillage (NT), the addition of pruning residues (PR), the combination of pruning residues and legumes (PL), the addition of pruning residues with no-tillage (PNT), and biochar (BI) relative to conventional tillage (TI). For this, we measured microbial C, N, and P acquisition through activities of key extracellular enzymes, 1,4-b-glucosidase (BG), 1,4-ß-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), and acid/alkaline phosphatases (AP) in olive orchards.  Soil samples were taken in four comparable olive orchards in Crete, Greece, over six seasons (autumn 2022 to spring 2024). The proportional activity of C vs. N acquiring enzymes (BG/ [BG + NAG]) was analyzed relative to C and  P acquiring enzyme activity  (BG/[BG + AP]). We then calculated the vector length (quantifying the relative C vs. nutrient limitation) and angle (quantifying the relative P vs. N limitation).

Our preliminary analyses reveal significant seasonal and treatment-specific variations in microbial nutrient status and cycling. During Autumn 2022 and Winter 2023, a strong positive correlation between the C:N ratio and vector length indicates that microbes prioritize C-mineralizing enzymes (BG), likely due to slower decomposition rates and limited organic C availability under cooler conditions. This supports the idea that microbial communities focus on C acquisition under C-limiting conditions during the off-season. In Spring 2023, the highest BG/(BG+AP) ratios were observed indicating a shift toward P acquisition, likely driven by increased plant P demand during active plant and microbial growth. BI-treated soils showed higher BG/(BG+NAG) and BG/(BG+AP) ratios, lower AP activity (compared to TI), and larger vector angles, indicating increased P acquisition, and suggesting that biochar alleviates P limitation, especially in spring. Increased BG/(BG+AP) ratios in the presence of legumes (PL), particularly in spring, suggest that organic N from legumes helped the microbes to prioritize P during plant growth peaks. Larger vector angles in spring further indicated that PL enhanced microbial P acquisition during high-demand periods.

Seasonal shifts in microbial nutrient stoichiometry (biomass C:N:P), shifting enzyme activities, and changes in soil chemistry illustrate that nature-based solution (NBS) treatments such as BI and RP can alleviate microbial nutrient constraints and promote balanced nutrient cycling, thus providing viable tools for restoration of degraded orchard soils.

Keywords: Ecological stoichiometry, soil enzyme activity, soil organic matter, b-1,4-glucosidase, b-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase, phosphatase.

How to cite: Tul, S., Frantzeskou, M., and Paranychianakis, N.: Ecological Enzyme Stoichiometry Reveals Seasonal and Treatment-Induced Constraints on C, N, and P Dynamics in Olive Orchard Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-854,, 2025.

Soil Health BENCHMARKS, a Horizon Europe-funded initiative, seeks to establish a transparent, harmonized, and cost-effective framework for assessing soil health across Europe. This project leverages 29 European landscape case studies to co-develop a monitoring system that operates at multiple scales and engages diverse users. Collaborating with stakeholders such as land managers, policymakers, legislators, value chain businesses, and NGOs, BENCHMARKS aims to design a system tailored to specific assessment objectives, adaptable to diverse land uses, and practical for implementation.
Key deliverables include a harmonized monitoring framework, an evaluation of soil health indicators proposed by the EU Soil Mission and BENCHMARKS, an integrated soil health assessment tool, and scientific foundations for incentivization schemes targeting value-chain stakeholders. This presentation will highlight the project's monitoring approaches and provide an overview of preliminary findings, with a focus on how these efforts can contribute to soil health monitoring strategies across Europe.

How to cite: Di Lonardo, P.: Soil Health BENCHMARKS: Monitoring approaches for evaluating soil health through indicator measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1834,, 2025.

Mining operations are critical to economic growth by supplying essential building materials and minerals. However, they significantly impact ecological systems, particularly in arid regions where soil recovery is slow. Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) and their functional importance and vulnerability are crucial for restoring disturbed arid soils. Biocrusts enhance soil health by improving stability, increasing water retention, and reducing erosion. Consequently, biocrust abundance and development provide a valuable indication of soil rehabilitation and mining restoration success in arid environments. This study aims to evaluate the restoration success of phosphate mining in hyper-arid quarried lands by assessing biocrust development and spatial distribution over time across different restoration stages. The research focuses on the Zin phosphate mines in the Negev Desert, southeastern Israel, which have been operational since 1970. Since 2007, a new ecological restoration method using topsoil application has been implemented in the area. We employed imaging spectroscopy (IS) within the visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared regions (VIS-NIR-SWIR, 400–2500 nm) to identify biocrusts, create a biocrust-specific index, and link these findings to soil properties indicative of restoration success. Restored plots of varying ages were compared to adjacent natural plots (as a reference). A partial least-squares regression (PLS-R) model was utilized to predict the spatial distribution of key soil indicators from IS, including soil organic matter, polysaccharides, and proteins, and to identify ecologically oriented biocrust development. Moreover, several spectral indices for biocrust identification were examined, where the brightness index (BI) proved effective in distinguishing restored plots from natural plots, showing significant differences (P<0.01). A novel Biocrust Cellulose Absorption Index (BCAI) was developed using the shortwave infrared region, optimally identified biocrust abundance, and displayed significant differences between natural and restored plots (P<0.01). Natural plots exhibited significantly higher polysaccharide content than restored plots (P<0.01). A triangular model incorporating three indicators - polysaccharide content, BI, and BCAI - was further developed to evaluate restoration success. This model assessed biocrust abundance and development, mapping the spatial distribution of biocrusts as a function of time across various restoration stages. The findings demonstrate the utility of IS and novel indices in assessing biocrust abundance and restoration success. This approach provides insights into restoration dynamics and offers a framework for improving restoration strategies in hyper-arid mining as well as other degraded environments.

Keywords: Phosphate Mines, Biological Soil Crusts, Imaging Spectroscopy, Spectral Indices, Partial Least Square Regression.

How to cite: Collier, T., Ziv, Y., and Paz-Kagan, T.: Biocrust Abundance and Development Determine Soil Restoration Success of Hyper-Arid Phosphate Mines Using Imaging Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2450,, 2025.

EGU25-3553 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Microbial Biomass and Necromass in Austrian Soils 

Dmytro Monoshyn, Marion Mittmannsgruber, Elisabeth Wiedenegger, Edith Gruber, Rajasekaran Murugan, Erich Inselsbacher, and Johann G. Zaller

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key indicator of healthy soils. Among the sources contributing to the SOC pool, the role of microbial biomass and especially necromass is often overlooked. Microbial necromass sometimes reaches 40 times of the microbial biomass, emphasizing the role of soil microorganisms in carbon sequestration. However, overall, determining necromass in soils is not common. In this study, we aimed to examine (i) the microbial biomass and necromass in agriculturally used soils across Austria, Central Europe, and (ii) the effect of environmental factors and soil parameters on biomass-necromass contributions in arable and grassland ecosystems.

We sampled soils (soil corer with 2.5 cm diameter and 10 cm depth, 3 samples per site) from 400 sites across Austria, from 150 m a.s.l. up to 2500 m a.s.l. including croplands, grasslands, and grass strips. The cooled samples were analysed for microbial biomass using Chloroform Fumigation Extraction (CFE) and for microbial necromass using amino sugars extraction. Moreover, composite soil samples (2.5 cm diameter, 10 cm depth; 3 samples per site) were used to determine pH (CaCl2), SOC, texture, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, humus content. The climate data (mean annual air temperature and annual precipitation) was obtained from Geosphere Austria, the Austrian Federal Agency for Geology, Geophysics, Climatology and Meteorology, Vienna. Soil management data was obtained through questionnaires directly from the land owners or operators. Data were statistically analysed using CatBoost models.

Average microbial carbon (MC) across sites was 401 ± 256 mg g-1 and microbial nitrogen (MN) 65.0 ± 48.9 mg g-1. Both MC and MN significantly increased in the order croplands < grass strips < grasslands (HSD, p<0.001). Preliminary analyses showed specific effects of soil and environmental parameters on the proportion of microbial biomass and necromass in the soils.

Our results indicate that land use significantly impacts microbial biomass distribution, potentially affecting nutrient cycling and soil health. Understanding these dynamics could inform land management practices aimed at improving soil fertility and mitigating climate change through enhanced carbon sequestration.

How to cite: Monoshyn, D., Mittmannsgruber, M., Wiedenegger, E., Gruber, E., Murugan, R., Inselsbacher, E., and Zaller, J. G.: Microbial Biomass and Necromass in Austrian Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3553,, 2025.

Conventional petroleum-based plastics are non-degradable materials that are difficult to degrade during disposal and landfill after use; therefore, they have an adverse environmental impact over a long period of time. An example is the problem of soil landfill of agricultural mulching films, which are discarded after agricultural activities. Plastic particles alter the physicochemical properties of the soil, resulting in reduced crop yields and disruption of nutrient cycling within the soil ecosystem, while also impacting groundwater contamination. Furthermore, they serve as carriers for organic pollutants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides, causing greater environmental contamination. To solve this problem, there has been a growing interest in bioplastics as alternatives to conventional fossil-based plastics, particularly in the agricultural field. In order to reduce the pollution load in the soil through the utilization of bioplastics, it is essential to thoroughly understand the microorganisms involved in biodegradation and their corresponding biodegradation characteristics within soil and compost environments. Therefore, in this study, microbial communities were characterized during the degradation of two bioplastics (Polylactic acid (PLA) and Polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT)), under mesophilic (35℃) and thermophilic (58℃) composting conditions. PLA and PBAT films and granules were buried in chicken manure compost, and the biodegradability was assessed based on the weight loss over time. PLA film was degraded rapidly, by 41.5% in 5 days and by 91.15% in 10 days under thermophilic composting conditions, and completely degraded in 15 days. Under mesophilic composting conditions, PLA film showed a degradation rate of 17.9% in 20 days. To characterize microbial communities during the bioplastics degradation, compost samples near the bioplastics were collected, followed by DNA extraction. The 16S rRNA gene region was amplified using the 515F/806R primer set to investigate the bacterial community, as well as the ITS2 gene region using the ITS3/ITS4 primer set to analyze the fungal community. Subsequently, the sequences were analyzed using Illumina Miseq. The information obtained in this study can be used to secure promising bioresources to enhance bioplastics degradation.

How to cite: Cho, K.-S., Cho, I., and Kim, G.: Characterization of Microbial Communities during Bioplastics Degradation in Mesophilic and Thermophilic Composting Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3918,, 2025.

EGU25-4470 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Long-term drought alters pore structure and biochemical characteristics in soils of short-grass steppe 

Goutham Thotakuri, Maoz Dor, Andrey Guber, Alexandra Kravchenko, and Melinda Smith

Recent climatic changes have increased the unpredictability of rainfall events with a heightened probability of droughts, thus influencing the belowground carbon sequestration. Soil structure is shaped by physical, chemical, and biological processes and their interactions. Droughts are linked to the loss of soil structural stability, reduced pore-water connectivity, and organic carbon transport, therefore affecting soil microbial activity. The protection of carbon within the soil matrix is majorly driven by its accessibility to microbial decomposers and is also determined by the abundance of soil pores of a specific size range. In this study, we investigated the effects of drought on soil pore characteristics like pore size distribution, porosity, distances to pores, and biochemical properties such as microbial biomass carbon, ergosterol content, and soil organic carbon. The study site was a Long-term Ecological Research experiment of a short grass steppe ecosystem with treatments of 66% rain exclusion (regarded as drought) and control plots in a randomized complete block design. Dominant plant species include C4 grasses, blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis), buffalo grass (Buchloe dactyloides), and C3 plains prickly pear cactus (Opuntia polyacantha). This study aims to understand the importance of soil structure in interaction with organic matter and microbial activity. Intact soil cores of 5 cm in height by 5 cm in diameter were collected from 5-10 cm of soil depth to derive the soil pore characteristics using the X-ray computed microtomography technique (X-ray µCT, resolution of 18 µm). Bulk and intact soil samples were collected during the fifth year of the treatments in place.

The results demonstrated that drought differentially affected pores of different size ranges, substantially increasing volumes of > 60 µm diameter pores, and decreasing the volumes of 36-60 µm pores, while not affecting <18 µm pores. Drought decreased total volume, number of fragments, and fragment size of soil POM, and markedly decreased microbial biomass,  and enzyme activities. Furthermore, the bulk soil samples were analyzed for base chemical properties such as pH, cation exchange capacity, available phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, magnesium, and calcium We surmise that a 5-year drought in SGS prairie soils,  despite increasing the volume of medium-sized pores and pore connectivity, the lower microbial quotient (qMic), along with higher metabolic quotient (qCO2) contributes to greater loss of C as CO2 and slower C accumulation in the soil.

How to cite: Thotakuri, G., Dor, M., Guber, A., Kravchenko, A., and Smith, M.: Long-term drought alters pore structure and biochemical characteristics in soils of short-grass steppe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4470,, 2025.

EGU25-4581 | Orals | SSS4.11

Soil health: Critical evaluation and approaches 

Yakov Kuzyakov

Soil Health is defined as the capacity of a soil to function within ecosystem and land-use boundaries to sustain biological productivity, maintain environmental quality, and promote plant and animal health (FAO, 2015). This soil functionality is mainly defined by processes and fluxes – the dynamic parameters, and not on their total amounts. Most studies, however, use pools of nutrients or static properties, which are hardly to connect with functions.

The main aims of this presentation is to raise the difference between commonly used pools (not reflecting the soil health) and fluxes – defining the soil health, but measured very seldom. Further, the question of the scale size by evaluation of soil health will be discussed.

Numerous soil quality indices (SQI) have been suggested to evaluate specific groups of soil functions, but the comparison of such SQI is impossible because they are based on a combination of properties specific for each soil. To avoid this problem, we suggest an SQI-area approach based on comparison of the areas on a radar diagram of a combination of chemical, biological and physical properties. The new approach is independent of the SQI principle and allows simple comparison of parameter groups and soils of various degradation or recovery stages.

Another approach analyzing the resistance and sensitivity of properties to degradation is suggested to evaluate soil health. The resistance and sensitivity of soil properties are determined through comparison with the decrease of soil organic carbon (SOC) as a universal parameter responsible for many functions. The SQI-area and resistance/sensitivity approaches were tested based on the degradation of Alisols and on recovery of Phaeozems and Chernozems chronosequences after the abandonment of cropland soils. Both the SQI-area and the resistance/sensitivity approaches provide very good visualistion of the results, are useful for basic and applied research, and help decisionmakers to evaluate land-use practices and measure the degree of soil degradation.

Guillaume T, Maranguit D, Murtilaksono K, Kuzyakov Y. 2016. Sensitivity and resistance of soil fertility indicators to land-use changes: New concept and examples from conversion of Indonesian rainforest to plantations. Ecological Indicators 67, 49-57.
Kuzyakov Y, Gunina A, Zamanian K, Tian J, Luo Y, Xu X, Yudina A, Aponte H, Alharbi H, Ovsepyan L, Kurganova L, Ge T, Guillaume T. 2020. New approaches for evaluation of soil health, sensitivity and resistance to degradation. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 7 (3), 282-288.

How to cite: Kuzyakov, Y.: Soil health: Critical evaluation and approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4581,, 2025.

EGU25-6172 | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Relationship between climate drivers and agriculture in Ukraine: changes over the past two decades and potential implications on water scarcity in the future 

Vita Strokal, Oleksandr Labenko, Maryna Ladyka, Svetlana Palamarchuk, Olena Naumovska, Liudmyla Vagaliuk, and Larysa Voitenko

Ukraine is prosperous in agricultural activities. Agricultural land covers 68.5% of the total land area. Additionally, Ukraine exports around 10% of the global cereals abroad and thus plays an important role in global food security. Crop production in Ukraine is dominated by grains (wheat, barley, corn), technical crops (sunflowers, sugar beets), potatoes1. Livestock production is dominated by poultry, pigs, cows1.  However, agricultural activities have been under threat over the past two decades. An important reason is climate change. Climate drivers such as temperature and precipitation have changed their patterns in space and time in Ukraine since 2000. The implications of those changes on agriculture are poorly studied, namely on crop yield, synthetic fertilizers, and animal manure. Furthermore, the potential implications of agriculture and climate on future water scarcity are unknown considering the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war.

In this study, we aim to assess the relationship between climate drivers and agriculture in Ukraine over the past two decades (2000-2020) and discuss the potential implications of these drivers on future water scarcity considering the Russian-Ukrainian war as an additional (unexpected) threat. We do this in a spatially explicit way. We collect the following data for agriculture: crop yield, crop area, fertilizers, irrigation2. Data for climate drivers include air temperature and precipitation3. For agriculture, data is based on one-year time steps, and data for climate drivers is seasonal every year between 2000 and 2020. We map the data for 24 provinces in Ukraine. We also show the historical changes over the studied period. From a historical perspective, we identify the main relationship between the climate drivers and agricultural aspects by province in Ukraine. We take these insights and discuss how water scarcity would change in the future if climate change and food production continue following the historical pattern, and consider the war as an additional threat. One of the results shows that water quantity is influenced by climate change; examples are droughts (less precipitation over time). Water quality is influenced by agricultural runoff and war activities; examples are too many nutrients from agriculture in rivers and too many emerging pollutants from destroyed treatment facilities.

Keywords: agriculture, climate parameters, water scarcity, drivers, implications


Acknowledgments: European Union HORIZON-MISS-2023-OCEAN-SOIL-01 Grant Agreement No. 101156867 (Path4Med).


1: European Parliamentary Research Service: Ukrainian agriculture, PE 760.432 – April 2024

2: The online platform AgroStats: Agricultural statistical data in Ukraine (1980-2023)

3: Climate Change Viewer platform: air temperature and precipitation in Ukraine (1981-2020)

How to cite: Strokal, V., Labenko, O., Ladyka, M., Palamarchuk, S., Naumovska, O., Vagaliuk, L., and Voitenko, L.: Relationship between climate drivers and agriculture in Ukraine: changes over the past two decades and potential implications on water scarcity in the future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6172,, 2025.

Soil microbial basal respiration is a proposed biological indicator of soil health and a key parameter in studying microbial carbon cycling. It is commonly quantified in closed-chamber incubations by measuring the increase in CO2 concentration in the vial headspace over time compared to a known background. Assuming a linear CO2 increase solely caused by microbial activity, respiration rate estimates derived between 1 and 24 hours should compare, but differences have been observed previously.

To investigate how and why estimates of microbial respiration rate vary with incubation duration and amount of soil, gas samples were collected at 12 time points over a 24-hour period for ten soils covering two texture categories and a gradient of organic carbon content.

Microbial respiration rate was on average 3.4-fold higher after 1 hour than after 24 hours. The apparent decline in microbial respiration over time was related to a violation of the assumption that the sample CO2 concentration at the beginning of the incubation equals the assumed background in soil-free blanks. Follow-up experiments indicated that the dissolution of CO2 in the soil solution during the pre-incubation can cause an initial peak in emissions at the start of the incubation (i.e. CO2 artefact) through shifts in chemical equilibria caused by the method itself, which can be misinterpreted as high initial respiration rates.

Over time, the contribution of the method’s artefact decreases. Factors like soil moisture, amount of soil incubated, microbial activity rate, and chamber closure timing affect the artefact's magnitude. Optimising incubation duration and headspace-to-soil ratio (e.g. 24-hour incubation at 22 mL vial : 1 g soil) can mitigate the effect of the CO2 artefact and produce unbiased estimates of microbial respiration rates.

How to cite: Schroeder, J.: CO2 artefact can distort estimate of microbial basal respiration rate in closed chambers , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8038,, 2025.

EGU25-8455 | Orals | SSS4.11

Military soil degradation in the northern part of Ukraine 

Volodymyr Illienko, Anna Salnikova, Alla Klepko, and Mykola Lazarev

Following the cessation of active hostilities in the Kyiv and Chernihiv regions in 2022, research was initiated to investigate the effects of military soil degradation. By 2024, approximately 150 hectares of agricultural land affected by active hostilities were identified and surveyed. These areas showed evidence of degradation due to aerial bombing, burning of military equipment, and artillery shelling.

Subsequently, a comprehensive series of laboratory tests were conducted on the collected soil samples to determine agrophysical and agrochemical parameters, as well as the presence of heavy metals and radionuclides. The results revealed that the density of 137Cs contamination in these areas ranged from 2.07 to 8.20 kBq/m², and for 90Sr –  from 0.62 to 3.49 kBq/m², respectively. These values don`t fall within the limits established for radioactive contamination zones under the Law 'On the Legal Regime of the Territory Affected by Radioactive Contamination as a Result of the Chornobyl Disaster' (137Cs: higher 185 kBq/m², 90Sr: higher 5.55 kBq/m²). Based on the observed levels of radioactive soil contamination and the transfer coefficients to agricultural plants, as well as measurements conducted during the study (e.g., the 137Cs content in wheat grain was below 3 Bq/kg), it is not expected that permissible levels of 137Cs contamination for agricultural products will be exceeded.

The analysis of soil agrochemical parameters in the Chernihiv region revealed a slight increase in the pH levels of water and salt extracts at explosion sites (craters). This rise in pH may be attributed to the infiltration of pollutants into the soil or the surfacing of deeper soil layers with naturally higher pH values. The concentration of mobile phosphorus forms in soil samples collected from explosion sites and areas of burned military equipment was found to be lower than in the control samples, with a maximum decrease of up to 40%. In terms of trace element content, an increase in the concentrations of mobile Cu forms by up to sixfold, as well as a decrease by up to thirteenfold compared to the control (military-undisturbed areas), were recorded. Conversely, a decrease in the concentration of mobile Zn forms was noted, with a maximum reduction of up to eightfold relative to the control. For mobile Fe forms, a significant increase in concentration was detected in explosion areas, with levels rising up to fivefold higher than the control. This increase in trace element concentrations is preliminarily attributed to the disruption of the soil structure, the mixing of soil horizons, and the physical and chemical weathering of element compounds within the soil.

In certain locations, an increase in the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals was recorded compared to undisturbed areas, particularly for Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb, Co, and Cr. Nevertheless, no exceedance of the maximum permissible concentrations of these chemical elements, as stipulated in the current regulatory documents in Ukraine, was detected in the studied soils. The samples taken from the Kyiv region are still at the measurement stage.

We acknowledge the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the financial support of this research (Project 0124U001049).

How to cite: Illienko, V., Salnikova, A., Klepko, A., and Lazarev, M.: Military soil degradation in the northern part of Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8455,, 2025.

EGU25-8660 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.11

From alpine pastures to cropland – initial results from a country-wide earthworm monitoring initiative in Austria  

Marion Mittmannsgruber, Dmytro Monoshyn, Edith Gruber, Elisabeth Wiedenegger, and Johann G. Zaller

Earthworms play a vital role in soil agroecosystems, representing a major part of the total soil fauna. Through their activities they provide essential ecosystem services, including improving soil structure, increasing nutrient availability for plants and ultimately supporting plant growth and boosting crop production. In a nutshell, they make a major contribution to maintaining soil health. However, while earthworms are generally regarded positively in agricultural settings, they are also threatened, e.g. by intensifying land use, certain agricultural practices and climate change. A British study has already found that earthworm abundances have declined significantly in recent decades, suggesting that earthworms are indeed under pressure. In addition, different earthworm species play different roles in the soil and maintaining their diversity is key to promoting soil health. Here we present the results of a recent field study in which 400 sites in Austria were sampled for earthworms in order to investigate the total earthworm biodiversity in arable land, grassland and field margins. The goal was (i) to describe the current state of earthworm biodiversity on agricultural land in Austria, (ii) to determine the most important factors driving earthworm biodiversity, and (iii) to investigate the geographic distribution of earthworms in the country and whether this is linked with future threats and opportunities. Preliminary results suggest that about 30 different species inhabit these agriculturally used fields, representing around half of the known earthworm biodiversity in Austria. While earthworm communities differed little between land uses, higher intensity farming was associated with lower earthworm abundance and biodiversity. This is likely due to a combination of management factors and environmental conditions. Further research will provide a more detailed understanding of these effects and their interactions and allow us to take steps to promote earthworm biodiversity and thus soil health in the future. 

How to cite: Mittmannsgruber, M., Monoshyn, D., Gruber, E., Wiedenegger, E., and Zaller, J. G.: From alpine pastures to cropland – initial results from a country-wide earthworm monitoring initiative in Austria , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8660,, 2025.

A critical asset of healthy soils is a rich and functionally diverse microbiota, yet many agricultural practices - including frequent pesticide use and insufficient organic amendments - risk compromising this biological foundation. In this contribution, we present results from two complementary studies conducted on more than 100 farms in Switzerland to investigate how pesticide application and compost use affect the diversity, composition and structure of soil microbial communities. Using a combination of molecular analyses (16S/ITS rRNA amplicon sequencing, quantitative PCR of functional genes), soil physicochemical properties and indicators for soil functions, we found that pesticide residues are associated with shifts in microbial community composition and, in some cases, reduced bacterial diversity. Conversely, farms that regularly apply compost show increased fungal richness and more complex microbial networks than reference farms. By linking these changes in microbial community traits to soil functional indicators - such as soil respiration and aggregate stability - we could shed light on the interrelationships of soil biodiversity, physicochemical properties, and soil functions, as well as the influence of agricultural management.

How to cite: Walder, F. and van der Heijden, M.: From pesticides to compost: How agricultural management practices shape soil microbial communities and soil functions across Swiss farms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11594,, 2025.

EGU25-13880 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Characterising Soil Respiration rates across different land uses in a Tropical Urban Catchment 

Kavindra Yohan Kuhatheva Senaratna, Shu Harn Te, Simone Fatichi, and Karina Yew-Hoong Gin


Soil respiration is an important part of the carbon cycle and is a significant terrestrial carbon source. There is currently very limited research focused on characterising soil respiration in Singapore, and even among studies conducted in Southeast Asia, most of the research focuses on primary forests rather than urbanized soils. The objectives of this study were to assess the variation of soil respiration with land use, characterise the daily cycles of soil respiration and identify the factors which drive soil respiration in an urban catchment.


Soil Respiration was measured at 7 forests sites and 12 urban park sites in Singapore, using a portable Li Cor Soil Respiration Smart Chamber.  Soil samples were also collected from each of the sites and their nutrient concentrations were quantified. Additionally, at one park and one forest, the daily cycle of soil respiration was measured from 7 am to 7pm, where half hourly measurements were taken, along with corresponding measurements of soil temperature and moisture. 

Results & Discussion

When comparing soil respiration rates between parks and forests, we found that, on average, respiration rates in the forests were slightly higher than those in the parks (Forests – 3.62, Parks – 3.46 umol CO2.m-2s-1) (Fig 1), but the difference was not statistically significant (Wilcox test p value > 0.05).

Next, the daily variation of soil respiration was characterised and our results revealed that the magnitude of variation in soil respiration throughout the day was small (Forest: 2.34-2.52, Park: 3.80-4.26 umol CO2/m2.s) (Fig 2). This lack of variation can be explained by relatively minor changes in soil temperature and moisture. Soil temperatures in Singapore did not vary much throughout the day (Forest: 26.2 – 28.00C, Park: 27.1 – 30.30C), and as previous research shows, more significant changes in temperature are required to see significant changes in soil respiration.

Finally, in order to determine what factors affected soil respiration, the relationship between soil nutrients and soil respiration was assessed. Results revealed that only NO3- was strongly positively correlated with soil respiration and a linear regression analysis revealed that soil nitrate concentrations explained about 50% of the variation of soil respiration (Adjusted R2 = 0.503, p<0.05). Other nutrients like phosphate, ammonium and dissolved organic carbon has no significant relationship with soil respiration.

Fig 1: Variation of Soil Respiration by Land use

Fig 2: Daily cycle of Soil respiration in a park and forest

In terms of future work, we also plan on conducting soil respiration measurements on managed land use types like agriculture and golf courses. Additionally, we plan on further characterising temporal variations of soil respiration, including diurnal and seasonal variations, across land use types. Finally, we will collect additional data on soil parameters like total organic carbon, microbial populations and community diversity and use these to develop models for soil respiration as well.


This research grant is funded by the Singapore National Research Foundation under its Competitive Funding for Water Research (CWR) initiative and administered by PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency.



How to cite: Senaratna, K. Y. K., Te, S. H., Fatichi, S., and Gin, K. Y.-H.: Characterising Soil Respiration rates across different land uses in a Tropical Urban Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13880,, 2025.

EGU25-15871 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Soil Enzyme Activity in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest : Insights from Sarawak, Malaysia 

Herman Umbau Lindang, Sharon Yu Ling Lau, Renee Sherna Laing, Nanette C. Raczka, and Lulie Melling

Tropical peat swamp forests are critical components of the global carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, with microbial decomposers playing a pivotal role in the assimilation of these elements through the activity of extracellular enzymes in the soil. This study examines the impact of C and N decomposition on microbial enzymatic activity in the Padang Alan soil of the Maludam peat swamp forest, Sarawak. To evaluate the role of extracellular enzymes in driving C and N cycling, soil samples were collected at four depths (0–10 cm, 10–50 cm, 50–100 cm, and 100–150 cm) and subjected for enzymatic assays. C-acquiring enzymatic activities were assessed using β-1,4-glucosidase and phenol oxidase, while N-assimilation activity was measured using β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase. The findings revealed that both C- and N-acquiring enzyme activities peaked at the 0–10 cm depth, where organic matter decomposition is most active, and declined with increasing depth. This pattern underscores the dominance of enzymatic activities in the top soil layers, where decomposition processes are most dynamic. Additionally, N decomposition is influenced by the progression of lignin degradation during decomposition process. Although enzymatic responses varied with soil depth, edaphic factors were found to control enzymatic activity predominantly. These results deepen our understanding of microbial-mediated nutrient cycling in tropical peat soils and emphasize the relationship between soil depth, enzyme activity, and nutrient cycling. Nonetheless, enzymatic activity can be varied by forest type, and elucidating the microbial nutrient demand in peat soil provides important insights into nutrient cycling of tropical peatland ecosystems.

How to cite: Lindang, H. U., Lau, S. Y. L., Laing, R. S., Raczka, N. C., and Melling, L.: Soil Enzyme Activity in Tropical Peat Swamp Forest : Insights from Sarawak, Malaysia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15871,, 2025.

EGU25-16522 | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Marab Water Harvesting Technology: Integrating Vetch into Traditional Barley-based Cropping Systems for Soil Fertility Restoration 

Stefan Strohmeier, Niccolo Renzi, Giulio Castelli, Elena Bresci, Jafar Al Widyan, Muhi El-Dine Hilali, and Mira Haddad

Arid regions are increasingly impacted by water scarcity and land degradation driven by both anthropogenic pressures and natural factors. In Jordan, a predominantly arid country, strategies have been implemented to mitigate these challenges and adapt to the changing climate. Among these strategies, Marab Water Harvesting Technology (WHT) has been established as a key method for sustainable water management. Traditionally, the cropping system in Marab areas has focused on barley monoculture, which limits the production of ecosystem services. To enhance the production of these positive externalities, vetch (Vicia sativa), a leguminous crop, has been introduced into the cropping system. This diversification aims to improve soil fertility and the quality of fodder available for livestock, and to support sustainable agriculture. Preliminary field data are promising, confirming the effectiveness of Marab WHT in providing sufficient water for vetch cultivation, consistent with existing literature. Additionally, vetch has improved total soil nitrogen and organic matter in the Marab cropping system. To further evaluate the scalability and resilience of this cropping system under varying climatic conditions, the FAO AquaCrop model is being employed to test its application in different regions and its adaptability to climate change.

How to cite: Strohmeier, S., Renzi, N., Castelli, G., Bresci, E., Al Widyan, J., Hilali, M. E.-D., and Haddad, M.: Enhancing Ecosystem Services of Marab Water Harvesting Technology: Integrating Vetch into Traditional Barley-based Cropping Systems for Soil Fertility Restoration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16522,, 2025.

EGU25-18753 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Evaluation of Potentially Toxic Element Contamination and Related Health Risk Assessment in Soil of Odisha, India 

Puja Dey, Subhasish Tripathy, and Kamal Lochan Pruseth

The Geological Survey of India (GSI) conducted an extensive geochemical survey under the National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) project in Odisha, analysing 28,115 stream sediment samples. This study focused on 10 potentially toxic elements (Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Zn, W, As, Mn, Ni, and V) from a dataset of 51 elements to evaluate soil contamination across the state. Multivariate statistical techniques revealed significant inter-element relationships, while Geographic Information System (GIS) methods were employed to generate interpolated geochemical distribution maps. The study identified a concentration hierarchy of Cr > Mn > V > Zn > Ni > Cu > Co > Cd > As > W among the elements, with Spearman correlation analysis indicating strong associations among Cd and W. Soil contamination levels were evaluated using pollution indices such as the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), contamination factor (CF), Pollution Load Index (PLI), and Potential Ecological Risk Index (PERI). The results revealed moderate to high pollution levels in Odisha's northern and southwestern regions, primarily driven by Cd, W, Cr, and Ni. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) identifies four significant components in the dataset, with distinct contributions from various elements. PC1, accounting for the largest variance, is primarily influenced by Cd (17%), Cr (16%), and Ni (14%), suggesting a strong association with ultramafic geological sources, sulfide mineralization, or to some extent industrial pollution. In contrast, PC2 is dominated by Co (26%), Mn (23%), Cu (21%), and Zn (18%), which are often linked to metalliferous inputs, soil geochemistry, and anthropogenic activities such as mining and industrial discharge. Health risk assessment showed children were more vulnerable to Co, Cr, V, As and Cd toxicity in the study region. Whereas, Cd, Cr, and Co are major risk contributors for adult males and females. The hazards associated with non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic soil metals exceeded tolerable thresholds. The computed Hazard Index indicates that soil particle ingestion is the primary exposure pathway associated with elevated risk, succeeded by dermal contact. The results endorse the formulation of targeted remediation plans and policies to mitigate health concerns linked to these polluted soils.

How to cite: Dey, P., Tripathy, S., and Pruseth, K. L.: Evaluation of Potentially Toxic Element Contamination and Related Health Risk Assessment in Soil of Odisha, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18753,, 2025.

Soil biological health plays a central role in sustainable agriculture, driving critical processes such as nutrient cycling, organic matter formation, water infiltration, and plant disease suppression. Yet, much like human health research – where multifaceted interactions of genetics, lifestyle, and environment make single-factor experiments insufficient – understanding what drives soil biological health requires us to look beyond controlled settings and embrace the complexity of real-world conditions.

In this presentation, I will illustrate how observational studies in agricultural landscapes provide valuable insights into the interplay of management practices, soil organisms, and ecosystem functions. By examining diverse farms across varying climates, soil types, and management intensities, we can better discern which practices bolster soil communities and thereby strengthen ecosystem functioning. Although inherent variability and confounding factors pose challenges, these very complications underscore the need for carefully designed observational work – balancing representativity versus extremes, documenting potential biases, and using robust analytical frameworks to handle complexity.

Drawing on results from recent studies that highlight how different on-farm practices influence soil communities and functioning 1–4, I will also discuss statistical methods for interpreting observational data in these intricate settings. Concluding with a brief outlook, I will touch on how management indicators, guiding principles of sustainable crop management, and soil biological and functional metrics can further advance our understanding of soil biological health – ultimately guiding more resilient and sustainable agricultural systems.


(1) Garland, G. et al. Crop cover is more important than rotational diversity for soil multifunctionality and cereal yields in European cropping systems. Nat Food 2, (2021).

(2) Edlinger, A. et al. Agricultural management and pesticide use reduce the functioning of beneficial plant symbionts. Nat Ecol Evol 6, (2022).

(3) Edlinger, A. et al. The impact of agricultural management on soil aggregation and carbon storage is regulated by climatic thresholds across a 3000 km European gradient. Glob Chang Biol 29, (2023).

(4) Edlinger, A. & Herzog, C. et al. Compost Application Enhances Soil Health and Maintains Crop Yield: Insights From 56 Farmer‐Managed Arable Fields. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 4, (2025).

How to cite: Edlinger, A.: Embracing complexity: Observational insights into soil biological health and sustainable agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19227,, 2025.

EGU25-19446 | ECS | Orals | SSS4.11

Developing novel soil health indicators using lipidomic and metabolomic analyses across key land use types  

Michaela Bartley, Hayley Buttimer, Tsitsi Lynn Mupamhadzi, Seán F. Jordan, Brian Kelleher, Aisling Moffat, Olaf Schmidt, and Shane O'Reilly

Healthy soils are essential in achieving climate neutrality, reversing biodiversity loss, providing nutritious food, and safeguarding human health. Despite decades of soil research, soil remains a highly threatened non-renewable resource, with an estimated 62% of EU soils already degraded. This is attributed to the complexity of soil as a material and ecosystem, the diversity of soil types and land uses and to a large extent, the global focus on soil as an agricultural resource rather than as an essential part of environmental protection. The EPA funded project Microbial and Metabolite-based indicators for Soil Health (MMeSH) aims to address the need for biological soil health indicators and environmental protection of soils by using a combined lipidomics, metabolomics, and genomics approach. Advanced mass spectrometry- and nuclear magnetic resonance-based techniques will be used to profile the soil lipidomes from soil organisms. Soils (n=219) were sampled from September 2023 to April 2024 from existing Geological Survey Ireland (GSI) Tellus sites. Sample sites represented key land uses and soil types in Ireland: 51% corresponded to pastures, 13% to agricultural land with natural vegetation, and 12% to peat bogs (based on CORINE Land Cover categories). Peat soils (21%) were the major soil type, followed by luvisols (18%), brown Earths (17%) and surface-water gleys (12%) (based on the Irish Soil Information System database). Lipid extraction and analysis by both gas and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry is ongoing. Phospholipid fatty acids as well as intact polar lipids will be used to identify taxonomic and phenotype changes within the soil microbiome. This coupled with untargeted metabolomics and the identification of other secondary metabolites will aid in the understanding and the development of novel soil health indicators for each unique soil system.

How to cite: Bartley, M., Buttimer, H., Mupamhadzi, T. L., Jordan, S. F., Kelleher, B., Moffat, A., Schmidt, O., and O'Reilly, S.: Developing novel soil health indicators using lipidomic and metabolomic analyses across key land use types , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19446,, 2025.

EGU25-19893 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS4.11

The impact of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP on agricultural soil microbial communities 

Anne-Catherine Groven, Arnold Wonneberger, Ines Binder, Reiner Russer, Andreas Pacholski, Damien Finn, and Christoph Tebbe

Agricultural soils contribute as major polluters of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in Europe, which are a result of microbial nitrification and denitrification processes. Nitrification inhibitors (NI) have gained attention by decreasing N2O emissions and nitrate leaching, thereby promoting the uptake of nitrogen (N) by plants. However, concerns have been raised about the long-term efficiency of NI at the scale of microbial communities, for example if taxa develop resistance. This work hypothesises that target and non-target microbial taxa develop resistance to NIs over time after showing initial sensitivity to 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) application. More in depth, specific nitrifying organisms will be less resilient against DMPP in an agricultural field with a high clay/sand ratio. Lastly, different types of fertilizations interact differently with DMPP, creating a change in the response of Ammonia oxidizing bacteria and archaea gene abundance.

The study was conducted on agricultural fields located in Köningslutter, Lower Saxony (Silt loam) and Hohenhiem, Baden-Wuerttemberg (Silty clay loam). One of three distinct fertilizers was applied to each field, specifically ammonium sulphate nitrate, slurry or urea ammonium nitrate solution, in combination with or without DMPP. Samples were taken at four different time points over the growing season of winter wheat. Additional physicochemical parameters including N mineralisation rates, pH, carbon and N content, and respiration rates of CO2, N2O and CH4 were measured simultaneously. Microbial communities were analysed with qPCR targeting functional genes related to nitrification and denitrification (amoA and nosZ1/2, respectively). Amplicon sequencing of universal prokaryote taxonomic markers and amoA was performed to investigate the response of target and non-target taxa to DMPP addition over time. Statistical analyses are being conducted.

How to cite: Groven, A.-C., Wonneberger, A., Binder, I., Russer, R., Pacholski, A., Finn, D., and Tebbe, C.: The impact of the nitrification inhibitor DMPP on agricultural soil microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19893,, 2025.

EGU25-21642 | Posters on site | SSS4.11

Environmental risk assessment at the microbial level: utilizing total RNA sequencing to evaluate the non-target impact of biochemicals in agriculture 

Lucas Horstmann, Erkin Gözdereliler, Thanassis Zervas, Jonathan Donhauser, Ceclilie Skov Nielsen, Rasmus Kjøller, Flemming Ekelund, Anders Priemé, Carsten Suhr Jacobsen, and Lea Ellegaard-Jensen

The use of biochemicals in agriculture has become crucial to meeting the global demand for food production. Agrochemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, are widely applied to enhance crop efficiency. Additionally, other chemicals like nitrification inhibitors offer the potential to mitigate the environmental impact caused by the excessive use of fertilizers. While their effects on targeted microbial taxa are known, their broader environmental risk to the entire microbial community remains poorly understood.

Considering the urgency of assessing these risks, extraction and deep sequencing of total RNA offers a powerful approach to unveil non-target effects without favoring specific taxa or introducing bias from dead or dormant biomass. By simultanously analysing rRNA and mRNA, it is possible to investigate negative effects not only on the activity of specific taxa but also on critical ecosystem functions providing the potential to discover previously unknown effects.

Here, we demonstrate how total RNA analysis can enhance our understanding of non-target effects of agrochemicals on microbial soil communities. In the GENEPEASE II project, the impact of the commercial fungicide Prosaro was examined using soil microcosms over a 6 months period. Besides the expected decline in fungal taxa, significant effects on the overall microbial community were observed, as indicated by shifts in the rRNA and the gene expression profiles (all ANOVAs p < 0.05). Ongoing in-depth analyses will identify individual taxa affected by the fungicide. By linking these taxa to their ecological roles in natural settings and identifying up- and downregulated genes, we aim to pinpoint ecosystem functions that are potentially affected by the use of the fungicide.

Moving forward, this method will be applied to a field trial investigating the non-target effects of nitrification inhibitors nitrapyrin and DMPP. Both compounds have the potential to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas N2O. In this context, the analysis of mRNA provides an opportunity to investigate potential impacts on enzymes closely related to ammonia monooxygenase, the primary target of nitrification inhibition. Such effects could potentially impact greenhouse gas-regulating processes, such as methane oxidation, and therefore counteract the positive environmental benefits of nitrification inhibition.

Ultimately, refining this method for the presented experiments will help to develop a robust approach for utilizing total RNA in various agrochemical applications. Thus, total RNA analysis can serve as a crucial tool for incorporating microbial community data into environmental risk assessments, therefore contributing to a more sustainable future in agriculture.

How to cite: Horstmann, L., Gözdereliler, E., Zervas, T., Donhauser, J., Nielsen, C. S., Kjøller, R., Ekelund, F., Priemé, A., Jacobsen, C. S., and Ellegaard-Jensen, L.: Environmental risk assessment at the microbial level: utilizing total RNA sequencing to evaluate the non-target impact of biochemicals in agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21642,, 2025.

EGU25-244 | Orals | HS8.3.5 | Highlight

Dry roots? What crop water relations tell us about irrigation management 

Thorsten Knipfer

Crop performance under limited soil water availability depends on a successful coordination of physiological processes at root, stem, and leaf level. This includes efficient stomatal regulation, root modifications and prevention of xylem embolism. In woody crops, drought-induced mortality is predominantly linked to xylem hydraulic failure by gas embolism blocking water transport from roots to leaves – but does this matter in a managed agricultural system? In this presentation, I will show experimental data collected under greenhouse and field conditions on the sequence of physiological and anatomical events in response to progressive drought stress. This includes a demonstration of applications of X-ray computed tomography to study leaf, stem and root responses to water stress in hazelnut and poplar. I will discuss the relevance of data in the context of precision irrigation management.

How to cite: Knipfer, T.: Dry roots? What crop water relations tell us about irrigation management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-244,, 2025.

EGU25-316 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Integrated Hydraulic and Biomechanical Strategies of Grapevine Fine Roots for Adaptation to Aridity and Salinity 

Italo Cuneo, Thorsten Knipfer, and Cesar Barrientos-Sanhueza

Grapevines from the hyper-arid Atacama Desert possess unique hydraulic and biomechanical root adaptations that confer resilience to extreme drought and salinity. Here, we provide insights into root hydraulic properties, tissue–water relations, and mechanical traits to investigate resilience strategies in naturalized genotypes (R-65 and R-70) and commercial rootstocks (101-14Mgt and 110-R). Using root pressure probes, uniaxial tensile tests, pressure-volume analyses, and fluorescence microscopy, we evaluated the effects of salinity (0–250 mM NaCl) and severe drought on fine root functionality. The results reveal that the hyper-arid genotypes integrate superior hydraulic conductivity, elastic-plastic mechanical behavior, and reduced cortical damage to withstand high salinity and water stress. Although R-65 and R-70 maintained larger root diameters, higher water content, and stable osmolality under extreme salinity and drought conditions, commercial rootstocks showed increased stiffness, significant cortical lacunae formation, and reduced recovery capacity. These responses align with xerophytic adaptations that safeguard fine root functionality through enhanced energy dissipation, structural flexibility, and water retention, thereby minimizing permanent damage. Complementary hydraulic and biomechanical traits are critical for maintaining fine root integrity and stress resilience in hyperarid environments. This integrated analysis of hydraulic and mechanical traits highlights the potential of Atacama-adapted genotypes as genetic resources for breeding resilient crops. These findings contribute to the development of sustainable agricultural practices in saline- and drought-prone regions.

How to cite: Cuneo, I., Knipfer, T., and Barrientos-Sanhueza, C.: Integrated Hydraulic and Biomechanical Strategies of Grapevine Fine Roots for Adaptation to Aridity and Salinity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-316,, 2025.

EGU25-1117 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Family Ties: Root-Root Communications Within and Outside the Family (Solanaceae to Fabaceae) 

Madalitso Miti, Aye Nyein Ko, Omer Falik, and Shimon Rachmilevitch

Earlier studies have shown that plants may use their root systems to communicate with other plants, this enables them to recognize and react to genetic relatedness and differentiate between self and non-self roots. Our ground-breaking study has shown that crops in the Solanaceae family, particularly bell pepper and tomatoes (cherry tomato and field tomato), can communicate through the root systems based on their degrees of relatedness (DOR). The study examined the effects of root-root communication on physiological and metabolic aspects in tomatoes and bell pepper plants, and the results showed that as DOR decreased, root growth and respiration increased in L-DOR plants with lower organic carbon and protein levels, suggesting that genetic relatedness plays a key role in root communication within the Solanaceae. Building on these findings, our objective was to know how plants respond differently to plants that are not genetically related or are outside their family. We examined the physiological and morphological changes in response to neighbor relatedness within the Solanaceae family (cherry tomato (C) and bell pepper (B)) and between the Solanaceae and Fabaceae family (pea (P)). Nine combinations were studied, examining self (C, B, P) and non-self-interactions (CC, CB, CP, BB, BP, PP). Two separate experiments were conducted; using rhizoslides, a paper-based growth system, and a pot experiment with a four-pot design with a split root system. The results demonstrated that cherry tomato increased plant height, stem diameter, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, and root respiration parameters when paired with bell pepper. In contrast, when paired with cherry tomato, bell pepper exhibited decreases in all these parameters, indicating that bell peppers are beneficial neighbors to cherry tomato, whereas cherry tomato are costly neighbors to bell pepper. However, both cherry tomato and bell pepper performed better when grown with a neighbor from outside the family, pea. Pea showed an increase in all parameters when grown alone or with a Solanaceae neighbor but decreased when grown with a closely related neighbor. By understanding natural plant communication networks from both inside and outside of the Solanaceae family, root-to-root communication may result in improved agricultural techniques that increase crop resilience and yield.

How to cite: Miti, M., Ko, A. N., Falik, O., and Rachmilevitch, S.: Family Ties: Root-Root Communications Within and Outside the Family (Solanaceae to Fabaceae), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1117,, 2025.

EGU25-3352 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

An automated minirhizotron system for in situ imaging of GFP expression in roots 

Xinze Xu, Ofer Ben-Tovim, Simon Barak, Jhonathan E. Ephrath, and Naftali Lazarovitch

Roots, as the hidden half of plants, are the main organ absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. Yet, research into plant roots has lagged behind investigations of aboveground plant organs due to the difficulty of continuous monitoring of phenotypic changes in root architecture underground in a non-destructive manner. In this study, we developed a novel minirhizotron system based on common components of the fluorescence microscope. We examined the possibility of a pilot system for imaging green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression in roots within rhizoslides and glass containers and tested different parameters in order to achieve the best fit for imaging. Our results demonstrate that imaging GFP expression in roots provides a clearer visualization of the root system, effectively increasing an observable number of roots by minimizing interference from the soil compared to RGB images. We further miniaturized the imaging system and integrated it into the minirhizotron. The developed fluorescence minirhizotron is fully automated, high-throughput, and non-invasive allowing us to detect clear, continuous, in situ GFP fluorescence in roots. It is applicable across a wide range of scenarios. Currently, our ongoing work focuses on producing stress-inducible GFP expression in transgenic tobacco lines to enable rapid and early detection of plants under stress in a non-destructive manner. This study could help in distinguishing the roots of different plants and provide a potential contribution to breeding plants or in developing agro-techniques to save water, increase nutrient uptake, and improve crop yields in the era of climate change.

How to cite: Xu, X., Ben-Tovim, O., Barak, S., Ephrath, J. E., and Lazarovitch, N.: An automated minirhizotron system for in situ imaging of GFP expression in roots, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3352,, 2025.

EGU25-4311 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

phenoPET: Observing Carbon Transport within Individual Plants 

Matthias Streun, Benedikt Scherer, Ralf Metzner, Gregor Huber, Daniel Pflugfelder, Antonia Chlubek, Robert Koller, Claudia Knief, Peter Wüstner, Egon Zimmermann, and Ghaleb Natour

Individual plants vary in their ability to respond to environmental changes. For dynamic responses in plants, long-distance carbon (C) transport is required to support growth. Therefore, investigating C allocation in plants is crucial for developing a mechanistic understanding of plant functioning. However, little is known about short-term assimilate transport patterns and velocities, as literature values from singular and invasive measurements are hard to interpret for a highly susceptible system. To study the transport of photo assimilates within plants, we developed phenoPET, a plant dedicated positron emission tomography (PET) scanner. While PET scanners have been widely used in medical science since decades, their use in plant research is less common. For tracing the transport, carbon dioxide containing the short-lived positron-emitting isotope carbon-11 (11C) is applied as 11CO2 to a single leaf or the whole canopy of a living plant. The plant fixes CO2 and the 11C is subsequently transported in the form of photosynthates towards C sinks, e.g. through leaf and stem towards the root system. The decaying tracer can then be located inside the plant by detecting its radiation. To this end, the living plant is placed in the field-of-view of the scanner, which is a volume with a diameter of 18 cm and a height of 20 cm. A lifting table can move the scanner vertically and allows for repeated measurements of different regions of interest along the plant axis. The phenoPET system is located in a climate chamber equipped with LED panels in order to create defined environmental conditions.

In our presentation, we will highlight our workflow for gathering quantitative data on C tracer transport velocities between different plant types, single plants, for different plant parts, during a day, and over days. We believe that this will provide new insights into the functioning and dynamics of C transport processes in in the plant-soil system.

How to cite: Streun, M., Scherer, B., Metzner, R., Huber, G., Pflugfelder, D., Chlubek, A., Koller, R., Knief, C., Wüstner, P., Zimmermann, E., and Natour, G.: phenoPET: Observing Carbon Transport within Individual Plants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4311,, 2025.

EGU25-4453 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Curtis and The Three Beres: investigating early seedling root-soil interface traits in modern and landrace barley genotypes 

Sean Graham, Timothy George, Maria Marin, Ashish Malik, and Paul Hallett

It is not known whether modern crop breeding lost valuable root-soil interface traits present in landraces beneficial to soil-carbon storage, nutrient and water use efficiency, and remediation of degraded soil structure. Landraces are defined as crop genotypes which are locally adapted to environmental and management conditions. These ancient cultivars may provide a valuable source of genetic diversity and agronomic traits which can be bred into higher-yielding modern cultivars to improve yield stability under lower input or stressed conditions. Within the Highlands of Scotland, the “Bere” barley landrace is a multipurpose crop with cultural importance, early maturity, and evidence of advantageous root-soil adaptations to micronutrient deficiency.

In this study, three Bere genotypes and the modern barley cultivar KWS Curtis were grown under highly controlled conditions to evaluate genotype differences at the root-soil interface. In a seedling assay, plants were grown in growth cabinets for 4 days in sandy loam soil packed to a defined bulk density and water contents. This rapid and low-cost methodology demonstrated a high level of reproducibility in rhizosheath size and root traits, with no significant difference between root hair length and root system length between experiments. Additionally, two of the three Bere landraces were found to have a significantly larger rhizosheath (P=0.001) than the modern cultivar KWS Curtis at the earliest stage of seedling growth (GS 10, first leaf emergence): 39% and 19% increase for “Unst” and “Challoner” vs KWS Curtis, respectively. Conversely, KWS Curtis had much greater (P<0.001) above ground biomass than the three Bere genotypes with “Unst” having a 93% lower above ground biomass than KWS Curtis. This suggests that the modern cultivar favoured above-ground allocation of resources over root exudation in early seedling growth.

This study serves as a platform to investigate fine-scale rhizosphere characteristics and spatial distribution of soil modification through root hair-exudate-microbial interactions. The screening approach provides a rapid assay to select genotypes with favourable traits from seedling characteristics, which will be verified with more mature plants in future research.

How to cite: Graham, S., George, T., Marin, M., Malik, A., and Hallett, P.: Curtis and The Three Beres: investigating early seedling root-soil interface traits in modern and landrace barley genotypes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4453,, 2025.

EGU25-4821 | Orals | HS8.3.5

Is there anything new about determining the root-zone water-storage capacity over large areas? 

Nunzio Romano, Caterina Mazzitelli, and Paolo Nasta

Root-zone water-storage capacity (Sr) represents the maximum value of soil-water stored in the active soil profile, and available for vegetation growth. The mapping of Sr over relatively large spatial scales necessitates the assumption of simplified functions and characteristics of an agroecosystem. Currently, Sr is still determined by resorting only to soil attributes, such as the plant-available water (PAW) that is based on the concepts of field capacity and permanent wilting, as well as on a static determination of the depth of the uniform soil profile.

In this study, we propose a novel approach to identify Sr as an indicator of soil-vegetation functioning (hereinafter referred to as Sr,i), depending not only on soil properties but also on vegetation characteristics and climatic regimes. The integrated approach proposed in this study accounts for the following two factors: (i) the entire shape of the soil-water retention function, which is much more informative of the amount of energy required to remove soil-water for vegetation needs, as well as (ii) the maximum value of an effective rooting depth depending on both local weather condition and land use.

Our contribution to this session consists of two parts:

- A preliminary part takes advantage of a detailed field drainage experiment and aims at demonstrating the superior performance of the Sr,i indicator compared with PAW;

- The subsequent part discusses the result of mapping Sr,i on a regional scale.

We show that Sr,i, together with other single or compound indicators, can effectively contribute to gaining a better understanding of agroecosystem’s vulnerability to drought. Moreover, employing a probabilistic framework, Sr,i helps identify the most likely Priority Intervention Areas (PIAs) that require the implementation of tailored management strategies to enhance their potential resilience.

This study was partly carried out within the “Agritech National Research Center” and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU [Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) – Missione 4 Componente 2, Investimento 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022]. The outcomes of this research are within the action Spoke #3, Task 3.2.1, “Solutions for soil quality assessment and protection”. This presentation reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Romano, N., Mazzitelli, C., and Nasta, P.: Is there anything new about determining the root-zone water-storage capacity over large areas?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4821,, 2025.

EGU25-6021 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

The significance of plant hydraulic parameters for modeling carbon and water fluxes across European climate zones and PFTs with CLM5 

Juan C. Baca Cabrera, Fernand Eloundou, Harrie-Jan Hendricks Franssen, Andrea Schnepf, Jan Vanderborght, and Guillaume Lobet

Plants are increasingly exposed to water stress under climate change, posing significant challenges for accurate simulation of carbon and water fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. Most land surface models simulate the regulation of water and carbon fluxes in response to soil moisture stress through empirical soil hydraulic schemes. However, these schemes often introduce significant uncertainties in water and carbon simulations. To address this, the Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5) introduced a plant hydraulic stress routine that explicitly models water transport through vegetation via a hydraulic framework, improving the representation of vegetation water potential, root water uptake, and plant water stress1. However, including plant hydraulics introduces additional parameters that are difficult to constrain due to limited field data and high variability. Understanding the influence of these plant hydraulic parameters on water and carbon flux modeling is crucial for model improvement and prediction accuracy.

In this study, we used a parameter perturbation approach to investigate the role of plant hydraulic parameters at 14 experimental sites in Europe, representing diverse plant functional types (PFTs) and climate zones. Using CLM5, we performed 128 ensemble simulations per site, systematically varying three key hydraulic parameters: plant- and root-segment maximum conductance (kmax and krmax) and water potential at 50% loss of segment conductance (psi50). The perturbation ranges were informed by previous parameter perturbation experiments2,3. We evaluated: (i) how the model represented plant hydraulic dynamics (i.e., vegetation water status and plant-segment conductances), (ii) the sensitivity of carbon and water fluxes—gross primary production (GPP) and evapotranspiration (ET)—to parameter variation, and (iii) model performance compared to in-situ observations.

The results showed that the model successfully captured seasonal variations in plant-segment conductance and vegetation water potential, which were reflected in the seasonal dynamics of GPP and ET. However, at drought-prone sites, the model overestimated ET reductions during summer compared to observations, due to a steep decline in root-segment conductance and stomatal closure. This highlights the need for improved parameterization of psi50 and krmax to better represent plant responses to extreme drought. In addition, ensemble simulations revealed substantial sensitivity of GPP and ET to parameter perturbations, with variations up to 50% in GPP and 30% in ET depending on PFT and climate zone. These results underscore the importance of considering the variability in plant hydraulic properties, particularly kmax and krmax, which span several orders of magnitude.

To address these uncertainties, the next steps of this work will focus on refining the parameterization by integrating data on plant hydraulic traits from existing databases4,5. This approach will help constrain parameter ranges across ecosystems and climate zones, particularly for drought-prone sites. Improving the representation of plant hydraulic traits will enhance predictions of ecosystem responses to water stress and the reliability of land surface models under current and future climate scenarios.


  • 1Kennedy et al. (2019). 10.1029/2018MS001500
  • 2Kennedy et al. (2024). 10.22541/essoar.172745082.24089296/v1
  • 3Eloundou et al. (2024). 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16086
  • 4Kattge et al. (2020). 10.22541/10.1111/gcb.14904
  • 5Baca Cabrera et al. (2024). 10.1002/pld3.582

How to cite: Baca Cabrera, J. C., Eloundou, F., Hendricks Franssen, H.-J., Schnepf, A., Vanderborght, J., and Lobet, G.: The significance of plant hydraulic parameters for modeling carbon and water fluxes across European climate zones and PFTs with CLM5, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6021,, 2025.

EGU25-9480 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Root simulations in a biogeochemical model and impacts on nitrogen fluxes 

Carolin Boos, Thuy Huu Nguyen, Gaochao Cai, Shehan Morandage, David Kraus, Edwin Haas, and Ralf Kiese

Plants are the main connection between soil and atmosphere. Below ground, nitrogen, carbon, and water fluxes are mediated by roots, which therefore strongly influence nitrogen, carbon, and water distributions throughout the soil profile and impact, for instance, if conditions favorable for denitrification occur or not. However, the representation of roots in biogeochemical models is often strongly simplified, allowing only for a static prescribed root development. Further, the root system is normally not taken into account during model calibration, due to a lack of measurements. This disregard of roots prevents model veracity. In this study, we evaluate three model settings of the biogeochemical model framework LandscapeDNDC and compare them to site measurements of winter wheat and maize on a stony and a silty soil to illuminate and quantify these shortcomings. As a baseline, the model is calibrated regarding above ground parameters and measurements only. These results are compared to calibrations on above and below ground parameters and measurements with two different root models. One static root model and one dynamic root model proposed by Jones et al. in 1991. The calibrated settings yield overall comparable qualities of fit for the above ground properties. As expected, the root depth and the root length density are better represent after calibration. The best qualities of fit in the validation are relative root mean square errors (coefficients of determination) of 0.76 (0.36) and 0.39 (0.86) for the root length density and root depth, respectively. At last, for the best-fit model run of each setting, the nitrogen balance is analysed. On the stony soil, the simulated nitrate leaching from the baseline is 80 % smaller than in a setting where the roots were properly calibrated. In line, the plant nitrogen uptake was on average 40 kgNha-1 bigger in the baseline compared to the other settings. These large impacts on the nitrogen cycle illustrate the need for joined measurements of roots and nitrogen fluxes.

How to cite: Boos, C., Nguyen, T. H., Cai, G., Morandage, S., Kraus, D., Haas, E., and Kiese, R.: Root simulations in a biogeochemical model and impacts on nitrogen fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9480,, 2025.

EGU25-9772 | Orals | HS8.3.5 | Highlight

Effect of ecosystem structure on spatial distribution of root water uptake in a grassland and forest ecosystem 

Anke Hildebrandt, Gökben Demir, Marcus Guderle, Sven Westermann, Christine Fischer-Bedtke, Johanna Clara Metzger, Andrew Guswa, Ruth-Kristina Magh, and Christiane Roscher

The spatial distribution of root water uptake at the ecosystem scale is difficult to assess, and therefore our knowledge of how ecosystem-related and abiotic factors affect root water uptake and its patterns is still limited. This presentation summarizes the results of observations of root water uptake in two contrasting vegetation types: grassland and forest along community diversity gradients.

Based on field studies in both a grassland and a forest system, we investigated how root water uptake changes with ecosystem assembly. We used a water balance method to estimate (a) vertical profiles of root water uptake in grassland systems and (b) horizontal distribution of water uptake in forests, in both cases along species diversity gradients. In both cases, we find that species diversity strongly affects the location and increases the magnitude of root water uptake. In grasslands, the relationship can be directly linked to deeper uptake by species with deep root systems and higher water requirements, suggesting complementarity in resource use. In forests, uptake is enhanced in the main root zone where both the number of tree species and basal area are high, although the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. 

Overall, our observations show an enhanced capacity for water uptake in diverse ecosystems.

In the future, further insights will be gained by combining techniques for assessing root water uptake at the individual and ecosystem scale together with plant and soil hydraulic assessments.

How to cite: Hildebrandt, A., Demir, G., Guderle, M., Westermann, S., Fischer-Bedtke, C., Metzger, J. C., Guswa, A., Magh, R.-K., and Roscher, C.: Effect of ecosystem structure on spatial distribution of root water uptake in a grassland and forest ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9772,, 2025.

EGU25-10254 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Water management strategies for lettuce cultivation in soil and soilless systems under controlled conditions 

Nikolett Éva Kiss, Andrea Pásztorné Orosz, Andrea Szabó, Sándor Kun, János Tamás, and Attila Nagy

The growing demand for sustainable food production requires innovative farming techniques that optimise water use and minimise environmental impacts. This experiment tested the cultivation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in a greenhouse environment. Two cropping systems were tested, a soil-based system with a humus-sand soil and a perlite system. Two different levels of water management were applied for the soil-based system, these were 70% and 90% of the minimum water capacity (WCmin). Both the soil and perlite systems were irrigated daily to ensure adequate water supply. The nutrient supply methods included nutrient solution and compost treatments in addition to the control group.

Key growth parameters including plant height, leaf number, head diameter, Fv/Fm fluorescence ratio and SPAD values were monitored weekly for five weeks. In addition, biomass (shoot and root mass), root length, and chlorophyll and carotenoid content were determined at the end of the experiment to evaluate the overall productivity and physiological status of the plants.

The results showed that in perlite-based systems, plant growth was faster, while soil-based cultivation showed more stable growth, especially the 70% WCmin treatment resulted in a more balanced growth compared to the 90% WCmin treatment. Based on nutrient replenishment, it can be said that nutrient-based treatments significantly increased plant biomass, especially wet head weight and chlorophyll content.  Statistical analyses confirmed the differences between treatments, highlighting the effects of both nutrient supply and water management strategies on plant growth.

The results underline the importance of optimising water use in closed environment cropping systems. By contributing to the development of sustainable water management strategies for lettuce production, this study is in line with the main objectives of the EU Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These results provide practical insights into efficient water use, nutrient use and plant physiological responses under different growing conditions, pointing the way towards more sustainable, resilient food production systems.

The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Kiss, N. É., Pásztorné Orosz, A., Szabó, A., Kun, S., Tamás, J., and Nagy, A.: Water management strategies for lettuce cultivation in soil and soilless systems under controlled conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10254,, 2025.

EGU25-10903 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Optimization of Irrigation and Potassium Application for Improved Jujube Production in arid Northwest China 

Chenzhi Yao, Jingwei Wu, Chenyao Guo, and Shuai Qin

The arid Northwest of China is the main production area of China's jujube, where reasonable irrigation and fertilization strategies is key to improving the quality and production of jujube trees. While current research primarily focuses on the effects of different irrigation regimes on jujube growth, there is a lack of systematic studies on the relationship between potassium application amount and jujube growth and metabolism, making it challenging to provide clear guidance for jujube fertilization strategies. This study investigated the effects of different potassium application amount (240, 180, 120, and 0 kg·hm⁻²) on the growth and production efficiency of jujube trees. The results showed that the application of potassium fertilizer improved water use efficiency of jujube trees, significantly promoted their growth, and increased transpiration rate and production efficiency with higher potassium application amount. The water-potassium transport model in the root zone and the production model of jujube trees under drip irrigation with potassium application were calibrated and validated using experimental data from four potassium application treatments. Nine orthogonal numerical experiments were designed with the irrigation volume and potassium application amount as variables. The results revealed that the irrigation volume and potassium application amount significantly influenced the growth of jujube trees (P < 0.05), with a notable interaction effect between the two. When the potassium application rate was 240 kg·hm⁻² and the irrigation volume was 180 mm, the water use efficiency of the jujube trees was optimized, aligning better with the water-saving and high-production goals of the Xinjiang region. The maximum root-uptake radius of jujube trees for soil water and potassium was 50–70 cm. Within this radius, the potassium concentration significantly decreases with increasing distance from the root system, while beyond the absorption radius, potassium infiltrates vertically into deeper soil layers along with irrigation water. An empirical formula relating the transpiration rate and production of jujube trees to irrigation volume and potassium application amount under drip irrigation conditions were established in this study, offering guidance for irrigation and potassium application strategies in arid regions.

How to cite: Yao, C., Wu, J., Guo, C., and Qin, S.: Optimization of Irrigation and Potassium Application for Improved Jujube Production in arid Northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10903,, 2025.

EGU25-11631 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Rhizosphere Liquid Architecture 

Pascal Benard, Patrick Duddek, Florian Stoll, Laura Waldner, Norbert Kirchgessner, Goran Lovric, and Andrea Carminati

In the rhizosphere, all transport processes considered fundamental in regulating resource availability and accessibility for plants and microorganisms are controlled by water retention and its temporal dynamics in the soil pore space, the rhizosphere liquid architecture (RLA). As the soil dries, root water and nutrient uptake becomes increasingly limited as the cross-sectional area and connectivity of the pore water declines. At the same time, diffusive transport ceases, negatively affecting root exudate transport and limiting microbial activity as enzyme diffusion and activity drop. The extent to which soil structural and biological processes influence local water retention and, in turn, related transport processes in the rhizosphere remains a challenging task. This study aimed to elucidate the effect of root growth and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) on soil water retention in the rhizosphere of maize. High-resolution X-ray tomography was used to capture gradients in water distribution as a function of rhizosphere age and distance from the root surface. This combination of techniques allows distinguishing between soil structure versus primarily biologically induced modification. This study is a step toward a better understanding of the feedbacks between plants, microorganisms, and soil in controlling rhizosphere transport properties in this complex process aimed at optimizing resource availability and acquisition.

How to cite: Benard, P., Duddek, P., Stoll, F., Waldner, L., Kirchgessner, N., Lovric, G., and Carminati, A.: Rhizosphere Liquid Architecture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11631,, 2025.

EGU25-11748 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

A novel rhizotron platform to evaluate root plastic responses to soil water heterogeneity 

Tian-Jiao Wei, Xavier Draye, and Mathieu Javaux

It is commonly thought that plastic responses of root hydraulics and morphology to water availability have evolved to help plants face the heterogeneous soil water availability under unpredictable climatic conditions. However, quantifying these responses is an experimental challenge, as water uptake is continuously affecting root environment. The objective of this study is to investigate the structural and functional plasticity of roots under soil water heterogeneity from the plant down to the organ scales. We developed a novel rhizotron platform comprising 15 independent rhizotrons, each equipped with 9 hydraulically isolated compartments (three rows × three columns) and individual control units that allow for imposing constant spatial moisture patterns or differing water potentials in each compartment while monitoring local water consumption with minute time resolution and tracking root growth and development. A trial was made in which maize plants (cv. B104) grew in the rhizotron platform during four weeks at constant and homogeneous water potential, followed by a fifth week during which three water potentials were imposed. Morphological and hydraulic root responses to these different levels of water availability have been observed using manual root annotation and continuous leaf psychrometer measurements. These results allowed us to compute the elongation of main and lateral roots and real-time changes of the transpiration and local water consumption. This platform will be instrumental to dissect the complex response of maize plants in heterogeneous and variable soil water environments.

How to cite: Wei, T.-J., Draye, X., and Javaux, M.: A novel rhizotron platform to evaluate root plastic responses to soil water heterogeneity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11748,, 2025.

EGU25-12041 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Exploring the Hidden Interplay: Moisture and Vegetation Dynamics in the Nabkhas of Omani Coastal Dunes 

Afrah Al Shukaili, Anvar Kacimov, Said Al Ismaili, Malak Al Ghabshi, and Hilal Al Mamari

Soil moisture content is a critical factor in the hydrological cycles of terrestrial ecosystems, especially in sandy environments. The spatial variation in soil water content is influenced by both dynamic and static factors. To understand the ecohydrology of desert environments, a detailed analysis of the vadose zone and topsoil in coastal dunes is essential. This study focuses on the soil hydrology of coastal mini-dunes (Nabkhas) in the Al-Hail North area of Oman, particularly examining moisture redistribution following a 13 mm rainfall event. The area, characterized by a sabkha landform with a shallow water table (approximately 1.4 meters below the surface), is interspersed by an array of Nabkhas. The length and height of three Nabkhas (N1, N2, and N3) were measured. Native plants were present in all Nabkhas: Haloxylon salicornicum in N1 (alive) and N3 (dead), and Salvadora persica in N2. Soil samples were collected from the interdune and Nabkha cores for grain size analysis. Decagon EC-05 sensors were installed at depths of 0 and 20 cm in the vertical profiles of N1, N2, and N3 to monitor diurnal variations in volumetric water content (ϴv).

A significant increase in ϴv in the top sensor immediately after the rain event was detected, while the bottom sensor showed a minimal increase over time. The top sensor's ϴv peaked at 0.1 m³/m³ on the last day of the rain event, then decreased to 0.054 m³/m³ after 8 days due to evaporation. The bottom sensor's ϴv reached a maximum of 0.58 m³/m³ on the final recording day. The spatial and temporal variation in ϴv is also influenced by vapor condensation from humid air and around native shrubs. High moisture content in the top layers of dunes significantly impacts vegetation patterns.

Another field investigation examined soil moisture variability using excavated profiles at four locations, including three sites under Nabkhas and a vegetation-free control plot. Analysis of volumetric water content demonstrated clear moisture stratification throughout the profiles. Near-surface soil layers showed minimal moisture levels, consistent with the residual water content (θr) typical in desert sandy soils. Moving downward through the profile, a significant increase in moisture content was detected, with lower horizons reaching near-saturation conditions (θs). This enhanced water retention in deeper layers was associated with both finer soil textures and water table influence. Such moisture-rich deeper soil zones appear to provide continuous capillary water movement to Nabkha vegetation root systems, enabling water redistribution throughout the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface.

This study contributes to the conservation/restoration of desert vegetation and understanding the resilience of small-scale soil-water-plant ecosystems in arid regions. Further research on soil properties, water availability, and microclimate close to Nabkhas is necessary better to comprehend plant distribution and functioning in these landforms.


How to cite: Al Shukaili, A., Kacimov, A., Al Ismaili, S., Al Ghabshi, M., and Al Mamari, H.: Exploring the Hidden Interplay: Moisture and Vegetation Dynamics in the Nabkhas of Omani Coastal Dunes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12041,, 2025.

EGU25-12200 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.5

Declining Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Shifts Root Water Uptake from Bulk Soil to the Rhizosphere and Triggers Stomatal Closure 

Sara Di Bert, Pascal Benard, Rong Jia, Fabian Joscha Pascal Wankmüller, Seren Azad, Anders Kaestner, Andrea Nardini, and Andrea Carminati

Soil water availability is a critical factor in determining how plants regulate their water relations, with drying soils imposing hydraulic constraints that affect root water uptake and stomatal behavior. As soils dry, their hydraulic conductivity is reduced, limiting water movement to the roots and ultimately impacting the flow of water within the soil-plant continuum. When root water uptake exceeds the flow rate allowed by the bulk soil, transpiration cannot be sustained for long. In theory, the critical point when root water uptake is no longer matched by soil water flow should be concomitant with a local depletion of water in the rhizosphere. However, such local depletion has never been observed.

In this study, we used a time-series neutron radiography performed at the ICON beamline of the Paul Scherrer Institute (Villigen PSI, Switzerland) to visualize and quantify root water uptake and soil water distribution in maize samples. Seedlings were grown under controlled conditions in rhizoboxes filled with sandy and loamy soils for two weeks, followed by a period of progressive drying. High-resolution imaging revealed a clear shift in water uptake patterns as the soil dried: initially, water was extracted predominantly from the bulk soil, but under drier conditions, uptake increasingly shifted to the rhizosphere. As soil drying progressed, the rate of water uptake from the rhizosphere became insufficient to meet the transpiration demand. The critical point when water uptake shifted from the bulk to the rhizosphere soil occurred at less negative water potentials in sandy soils (-4 to -5 kPa) than in loamy soils (-100 to -300 kPa), reflecting the differences in hydraulic properties between the two soil types.

These results show that under drought conditions, the rhizosphere serves as a primary water source for plants but cannot fully sustain transpiration over time, ultimately leading to stomatal closure and reduced water loss. By providing direct experimental evidence of how soil hydraulic limitations and rhizosphere water dynamics shape plant responses, this study provides new experimental evidence on the key role of rhizosphere water dynamics in regulating plant water use.

How to cite: Di Bert, S., Benard, P., Jia, R., Wankmüller, F. J. P., Azad, S., Kaestner, A., Nardini, A., and Carminati, A.: Declining Soil Hydraulic Conductivity Shifts Root Water Uptake from Bulk Soil to the Rhizosphere and Triggers Stomatal Closure, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12200,, 2025.

EGU25-14060 | Orals | HS8.3.5

Ecological and hydroclimatic determinants of vegetation water-use strategies 

Bryn Morgan, Ryoko Araki, Anna Trugman, and Kelly Caylor

Vegetation responses to soil moisture limitation play a key role in land-atmosphere interactions and are a major source of uncertainty in future projections of the global water and carbon cycles. Plant water-use strategies---i.e., regulation of transpiration rates as the soil dries---are highly dynamic across space and time, presenting a major challenge to developing scalable inferences about ecosystem responses to water limitation. Here we show that, when aggregated globally, water-use strategies derived from point-based soil moisture observations exhibit emergent patterns across and within climates and vegetation types along a spectrum of aggressive to conservative responses to water limitation. Water use becomes more conservative, declining more rapidly as the soil dries, as mean annual precipitation increases and as woody cover increases from grasslands to savannas to forests. We embed this empirical synthesis within an ecohydrological framework to show that key ecological (leaf area) and hydroclimatic (aridity) factors driving competition for water explain up to 77% of the variance in water-use strategies within ecosystem types. All biomes respond to ecological and hydroclimatic competition by shifting toward more aggressive water-use strategies. However, woodlands reach a threshold beyond which water use becomes increasingly conservative, reflecting the greater hydraulic risk and cost of tissue damage involved in sustaining high transpiration rates under water limitation for trees than grasses. These findings highlight the importance of characterizing the dynamical nature of vegetation water-use strategies to improve predictions of ecosystem responses to climate change.

How to cite: Morgan, B., Araki, R., Trugman, A., and Caylor, K.: Ecological and hydroclimatic determinants of vegetation water-use strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14060,, 2025.

EGU25-14146 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

 Saline-sodicity and soil physical impact on root growth 

Faraj Elsakloul

Of the earth’s 840 million hectares are of soil, roughly 683 million hectares are saline, and 157 million hectares are saline-sodic.  The direct impact of an osmotic stress to plant growth in salt affected soils is well known. Plant roots in salt-affected soils often have morphological changes, and ionic imbalance that interfere with nutrient uptake. In saline-sodic soils, decreased physical stability is typical, likely driving greater penetration resistance and decreased soil aeration.  This could reduce root growth, but research is missing that directly links these measurements of physical behaviour to plant growth. The present study explores these effects in repacked cores of sandy loam and clay loam soils in saline-sodic (NaCl,1.76 g kg-1 soil) or saline (KCl, 2.25 g kg-1 soil) conditions. Different physical conditions of light  (50 kPa) and high (200 kPa) compaction stresses, and wet (-5 kPa) and drier (-50 kPa) water potentials were imposed under controlled conditions. Physical data of compression characteristics, bulk density, water content, air-filled porosity, and penetration resistance were measured on the soil cores. Wheat (salt intolerant) and barley (salt tolerant) were grown in the cores and the lengths of their seedling roots were measured 48 hours after sowing in a rapid growth screen. This study investigates the comparative impacts of saline-sodic and saline soils on soil physical properties and the subsequent effects on barley and wheat root growth. Saline-sodic soil exhibited significantly greater penetration resistance, ranging from 0.58 to 2.73 MPa, compared to the control range of 0.62 to 1.70 MPa. In contrast, saline soil demonstrated less penetration resistance, with a maximum value of 1.84 MPa. Additionally, air-filled porosity in saline-sodic soil decreased to 19%, indicating reduced oxygen availability, while saline soil retained higher aeration (43%), surpassing the control value (34%).

These alterations in soil properties significantly influenced root growth. Barley root elongation was more strongly linked to physical changes, while wheat root growth was adversely affected by both physical and chemical alterations due to its lower salt tolerance. In saline-sodic soil, barley and wheat root elongation were reduced to 32% and 20% of the control, respectively, primarily due to increased penetration resistance. A reduction in air-filled porosity further restricted root growth to 46.7% for barley and 30.6% for wheat. Conversely, the lower penetration resistance in saline soil supported higher root elongation, reaching 82.8% for barley and 63.6% for wheat in comparison to the control. Our analysis with concepts from the least limiting water range indicate that soil physical constraints exacerbate root growth restrictions in saline-sodic soils.

How to cite: Elsakloul, F.:  Saline-sodicity and soil physical impact on root growth, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14146,, 2025.

EGU25-15272 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Soil texture shapes plant adaptation to edaphic stress 

Mohanned Abdalla and Mutez Ahmed

The role of root mucilage in facilitating water uptake during soil drying has been studied for decades. Recently, we demonstrated that mucilage slows the dissipation of water potential in the rhizosphere of actively transpiring plants. While these findings provide new insights into how mucilage maintains the hydraulic continuity between soil and roots under drying conditions, the interaction between mucilage and soil texture remains underexplored.

We used two cowpea genotypes with contrasting mucilage production, grown in two distinct soil textures (coarse and fine), and measured physiological and morphological parameters during and after a dry-down experiment. We hypothesized that mucilage would have a greater role in coarse-textured soils due to its ability to form polysaccharide networks within larger soil pores, enhancing hydraulic connectivity during drying.

Although shoot biomass did not differ between genotypes and soil textures, root morphological analysis revealed significant adaptations to soil texture. The low-mucilage genotype developed a root system twice as long in sand compared to loam, while the high-mucilage genotype showed only a slight increase in root length in sand. Normalized transpiration rates and leaf water potential were similar between genotypes in loam. However, in sand, the high-mucilage genotype maintained relatively lower leaf water potentials (≤ -1.0 MPa), while the low-mucilage genotype closed its stomata at less negative leaf water potentials (≤ -0.6 MPa). These results underscore the critical role of soil texture in shaping plant drought responses and highlight the importance of mucilage in enhancing water uptake in coarse soils.

The ability of mucilage to maintain hydraulic continuity during soil drying is particularly beneficial in coarse-textured soils, where larger pores cause steep decline in water potential in the rhizosphere. The contrasting strategies observed in the two cowpea genotypes—root system elongation versus mucilage-driven water retention—highlight the diverse adaptations plants employ to cope with edaphic stress.

How to cite: Abdalla, M. and Ahmed, M.: Soil texture shapes plant adaptation to edaphic stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15272,, 2025.

EGU25-15440 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Investigations of the growth and development of seed potatoes under aeroponic conditions 

Györgyi Kovács, István Szűcs, Dávid Pásztor, Attila Nagy, and János Tamás

Potato is one of the most important food crops in the world. It is grown in many countries in different climates, including temperate, tropical, and subtropical regions. Yet its cultivation is hampered by low soil fertility, pests and diseases, and inadequate, good-quality seed tubers. To improve the quality and production of potatoes, it is necessary to develop the potato cultivation technology. The aeroponic system is a way to grow food without soil and save water. Growing tubers has its limitations and challenges to producing good quality seed potatoes. The soilless system allows for a higher growth rate and healthy potato tubers, using a small amount of water. Production is not affected by weather or seasonal adverse effects such as hot, dry, cold, or windy weather. Cultivation can be carried out all year round and yields disease-free potatoes in larger quantities.

Our experiment was set up in the Aeroponics System of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences and Environmental Management, Institute of Water and Environmental Management. Two Hungarian potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars, Démon and Botond, were tested in this experiment. We planted 28-day-old, in vitro-raised, properly hardened, 8-10 cm high microplants in the growing units. The nutrient solution, temperature, humidity, and light conditions were set according to the needs of the plants based on literature data. After a few days, the plants' root system began to develop, with a 100 percent survival rate, the plants grew rapidly, and on the 58th day in the system, the beginnings of flowers appeared.  During their development, we examined the height, number of leaves, stem thickness, photosynthetic activity, the chlorophyll-carotenoid content of the plants, and we also examined the characteristics of the individual growth stages with the help of active GIS (LiDAR).

This manuscript provides insight into the potential use of aeroponics for the development of agro techniques for seed potato production. Differences were found between the cultivars in the examined parameters. Démon is a cultivar with stronger stems and greater stem strength, which started flowering earlier but is more sensitive to the composition of the nutrient solution. The Botond cultivar is more elongated in the direction of the light. Aeroponic systems are suitable for growing seed potatoes.

The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program, with support from the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Kovács, G., Szűcs, I., Pásztor, D., Nagy, A., and Tamás, J.: Investigations of the growth and development of seed potatoes under aeroponic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15440,, 2025.

EGU25-17280 | Posters on site | HS8.3.5

Plant Modeling with CPlantBox: Bridging Structure and Function  

Daniel Leitner, Mona Giraud, Andrea Schnepf, Holger Pagel, and Jan Vanderborght

Plant development strongly depends on the water and nutrient uptake by the evolving root system, the carbon uptake and assimilation in the leaves, as well as the water, solute and carbon transport inside the plant. The mechanistic functional-structural plant model CPlantBox enables simulations of the dynamic plant and soil systems, and therefore the analysis of feedback loops between water and carbon fluxes as well as root-soil interface processes such as water and solute uptake or rhizodeposition. Such models are a crucial tool to evaluate the sustainability of future phenotype-environment-management combinations, as well as to enhance plant breeding efforts and to analyze the impact of future climate scenarios. Therefore, CPlantBox serves as a powerful platform for advancing sustainable agricultural management strategies .

The open-source model CPlantBox has been developed over the last fifteen years starting from a pure structural root model (Leitner et al. 2010) developing to a functional-structural root architecture model (Schnepf et al. 2018), towards a more holistic functional structural plant model (Giraud et al. 2023, Zhou et al. 2020). Today, CPlantBox includes multiple functional modules describing water and carbon fluxes within the plant, including a photosynthesis model, as well as various dynamic rhizosphere modules that are described by 1D axisymmetric systems of partial differential equations (PDE) around root segment that interact with 1D, 2D or 3D macroscopic soil models. The PDEs are solved with the open-source finite volume solver DuMux (Koch et al. 2021). In this work we describe CPlantBox by state-of-the art examples from various research projects specifically focusing on its functional modules, and presenting its modelling framework which facilitates further model development. 


Giraud M., Gall S.L., Harings M., Javaux M., Leitner D., Meunier F., Rothfuss Y., van Dusschoten D., Vanderborght J., Vereecken H., Lobet G., and Schnepf A. (2023). CPlantBox: a fully coupled modelling platform for the water and carbon fluxes in the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum. in silico Plants 5 (2), diad009

Koch T., Gläser D., Weishaupt K., Ackermann S., Beck M., Becker B., ... & Flemisch B. (2021). DuMux 3–an open-source simulator for solving flow and transport problems in porous media with a focus on model coupling. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 81, 423-443.

Leitner D., Klepsch S., Bodner G, and Schnepf A. (2010). A dynamic root system growth model based on L-Systems: Tropisms and coupling to nutrient uptake from soil. Plant and soil 332: 177-192.

Schnepf A., Leitner D., Landl M., Lobet G., Mai T.H., Morandage S., Sheng C., Zörner M., Vanderborght J., Vereecken H. (2018). CRootBox: a structural–functional modelling framework for root systems. Annals of botany 121 (5), 1033-1053.

Zhou X.R., Schnepf A., Vanderborght J., Leitner D., Lacointe A., Vereecken H., and Lobet G. (2020) CPlantBox, a whole-plant modelling framework for the simulation of water-and carbon-related processes. in silico Plants 2 (1), diaa001.

How to cite: Leitner, D., Giraud, M., Schnepf, A., Pagel, H., and Vanderborght, J.: Plant Modeling with CPlantBox: Bridging Structure and Function , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17280,, 2025.

EGU25-17498 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.5

Root distribution shifts at both seasonal and daily scales following precipitation events in a temperate grassland 

Samuele Ceolin, Stanislaus Schymanski, and Julian Klaus

Roots are fundamental plant organs mediating water and nutrient uptake, among other functions. The amount of soil water available to roots fluctuates over time. With increasing climatic variability and extended periods of drought, it is important to understand how roots respond to fluctuations in available soil water. Furthermore, soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer models need a precise characterization of the spatial and temporal organization of root systems for more accurate predictions of water fluxes mediated by vegetation.

It has been shown that root systems dynamically adapt to seasonal changes in soil moisture by shifting their growth allocation from the upper soil to deeper depths as a dry period progresses. In previous work we explored the phenomenon of “Hydromatching” in young individual maize plants, which involves the daily-timescale promotion of root growth in a newly wetted soil layer accompanied by a decline in root growth in drier layers. Here we report results from a 1.5-year-long field study in Luxembourg, where we investigated if the results of Hydromatching can also be observed at a community scale in a temperate grassland.

Near a well-instrumented weather station, we installed 12 minirhizotrons enabling us to obtain images of roots growing down to a soil depth of 115 cm. We imaged the tubes every two weeks, with increased sampling frequency shortly after major precipitation events during the growing season. We calculated local root growth rates at different depths and related them to local soil moisture and temperature variations measured by four sensors located at depths of 10, 20, 40 and 60 cm.

We found that, even under strong variations in temperature, soil moisture remained a more important predictor of root growth at 10, 20 and 40 cm depth, despite the site being more energy than water-limited. Following rain events, root growth distribution shifted from the deeper soil to the shallow soil within 1-5 days, demonstrating the potential effect of Hydromatching at community scale. Following a renewed dryness, root allocation shifted again to the deeper soil within 7-8 days from the rain event, showing a remarkably dynamic nature of the root systems in the grassland. The 2023 spring-summer transition saw a much larger change in soil moisture compared to the 2022 transition. Nonetheless, during the seasonal change both years exhibited a significant and similar growth promotion in the deeper soil coupled with a decline in root length at shallower depths. These results suggest that daily root distribution shifts following rewetting events are likely regulated by environmental variables while seasonal shifts seem to be dictated by phenological factors. Regardless, both daily and seasonal shifts appear to reflect an optimization strategy, consisting of the promotion of root growth in moist areas while discarding roots where moisture is less accessible. Such strategy might have evolved to cope with soil water heterogeneity while efficiently managing carbon budgeting.

How to cite: Ceolin, S., Schymanski, S., and Klaus, J.: Root distribution shifts at both seasonal and daily scales following precipitation events in a temperate grassland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17498,, 2025.

EGU25-19311 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.5

Symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil organic matter pools under drought and well-watered conditions 

Franziska Steiner, Nicolas Tyborski, Jorge Veciana, Mohanned Abdalla, Tillmann Lüders, Johanna Pausch, Carsten W. Mueller, and Alix Vidal

The symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can enhance the drought resilience of associated crops, for example, by modifying the belowground morphology of host plants. Additionally, the fungal symbionts are key drivers of organic matter (OM) allocation at the root-soil interface: AMF can modify the quantity and composition of plant-derived carbon (C) inputs to the soil and change their fate through altered microbial processing, enhanced organo-mineral interactions, or changes in spatial soil arrangements. However, the effects of future drought events on the intricate linkages between fungal symbionts, host plants, and their feedback on plant-derived OM dynamics under water scarcity remain poorly understood. This study aims to understand (1) how AMF, in conjunction with the host plant´s morphological response, influence plant-derived C inputs and their allocation across OM pools, and (2) whether AMF-mediated changes in the fate of plant-derived C differ between well-watered and drought conditions.

Two maize genotypes, an AMF-resistant mutant and an AMF-receptive wildtype, were grown in a pot experiment under well-watered and drought conditions. 13CO2 pulse labeling was employed to trace the allocation of assimilated C throughout the plant-soil system and across functional soil OM pools, which were isolated via density fractionation.

Drought strongly reduced 13C fixation of maize plants, limiting overall plant-derived C inputs to the soil and causing its accumulation in readily water-extractable forms. The fate of plant-derived C under both well-watered and drought conditions was modified by the symbiosis of the host plant with AMF: The greater compensatory root length growth of AMF-deficient plants promoted the occlusion of particulate OM in aggregates under well-watered conditions, whereas this effect did not prevail under drought. In contrast, the greater net-rhizodeposition of AMF-receptive plants facilitated the incorporation of plant-derived C into mineral-associated OM under both watering regimes, partially mitigating the drought-induced accumulation of plant-derived C in water-extractable form.

Our findings underscore the significant impact future drought spells will impose on plant-derived OM inputs and composition at the root-soil interface in cropping systems. Notably, the symbiosis of crop plants with AMF has the potential to enhance the persistence of root-derived OM in agricultural soils, not only under sufficient water supply but also during periods of drought.

How to cite: Steiner, F., Tyborski, N., Veciana, J., Abdalla, M., Lüders, T., Pausch, J., Mueller, C. W., and Vidal, A.: Symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter allocation of plant-derived carbon to soil organic matter pools under drought and well-watered conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19311,, 2025.

Variations in snow depth are significantly altering the soil environment in the permafrost regions of the Tibetan Plateau, which in turn affects vegetation growth. However, how plant leaf and root traits and their relationship respond to increased snow depth remains unclear. Thus, the present study aimed to examine the influence of increased snow depth on plant growth and functional traits of leaf and root in the alpine meadow of the Tibet, exploring how plant above-ground and below-ground parts cascading responded to increased snow depth. This study employs snow fences to artificially increase snow depth and measures above-ground biomass, root biomass, specific leaf area (SLA), leaf carbon concentration (C), leaf nitrogen concentration (N), and leaf phosphorus concentration (P), specific root area (SRA), specific root length (SRL), root tissue density (RTD), root diameter (RD), root carbon concentration (C), root N concentration, and root P concentrations. Increased snow depth significantly increased root biomass compared to ambient controls, but didn’t change above-ground biomass. Increased snow depth significantly decreased SLA but increased leaf C, N and P concentrations. For root functional traits, increased snow depth increased SRL and SRA, but decreased RTD and AD. Effect size result showed that plant leaves was less affected by increased snow depth as compared with root. Particularly, leaf traits changed larger in physiological plasicity traits (leaf C, N, P cocentrations) as compared with morphological plasticity traits (AGB, SLA). In converse, root traits changed larger in morphological plasticity traits (BGB, SRL, SRA, RTD, RD) rather than physiological plasicity traits(root C, N, P cocentration). Principal component analysis showed that leaf functional traits are primarily driven by leaf C, N, and P concentrations, while root functional traits are mainly driven by morphological traits such as SRL, SRA, and RTD. The inconsistently respond of plant leaf and root to increased snow depth in the alpine meadow of the Tibetan Plateau suggested that trade-offs between above- and below- functions are necessary for plant to optimize resource use under changing environment. Our results also emphasize the importance of feedback between above- and below-ground plant traits to better understand plant community responses to future climate change.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Tan, X., and Zhang, J.: Inconsistent Responses of Above- and Below-ground to 8 Years Increased Snow Depth at the Alpine Meadow in the Permafrost Region of the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-284,, 2025.

EGU25-2050 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Snow depth shapes aboveground but not belowground phenology during snowmelt, influencing carbon exchange in a northern boreal peatland 

Johannes Cunow, Johan Olofsson, Maria Väisänen, and Gesche Blume-Werry

Snow cover exerts contrasting influences above- and belowground, with shallower snow exposing shoots faster to warmer air temperatures in spring while causing colder soils and deeper soil frost. In contrast, increased snow depth insulates soils, keeping them warmer, but isolates shoots from warm air. Given that temperature is a key driver of phenological progression both above and below, snow cover changes may produce diverging effects on above- and belowground phenology, impacting spring carbon dynamics.

Over two years, we tracked snowmelt and spring green-up in a snow manipulation experiment (i.e., snow reduction, snow addition, control) at the EcoClimate site in a northern boreal rich fen (66°22' N). Our findings revealed that snow reduction advanced snow-free conditions for shoots but caused colder soils and delayed peat soil thawing. Snow reduction accelerated shoot phenology, but net carbon exchange remained similar to the control. In contrast, snow addition did not affect shoot phenology but reduced ecosystem respiration. Root growth was absent across all treatments during the first seven weeks of observation up to mid-summer, but follow-up measurements showed an increase in root density one month later.

These findings demonstrate that substantial shoot growth can occur independently of root growth. While snow reduction and addition did not produce divergent phenological patterns between aboveground and belowground processes—due to the delayed onset of root growth—changes in snow cover influenced carbon dynamics in complex ways. This study highlights the intricate interplay between winter snow cover, spring phenology, and CO2 exchange in high-latitude ecosystems.

How to cite: Cunow, J., Olofsson, J., Väisänen, M., and Blume-Werry, G.: Snow depth shapes aboveground but not belowground phenology during snowmelt, influencing carbon exchange in a northern boreal peatland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2050,, 2025.

EGU25-3611 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Genomic and Proteomic Analysis of Functional Genes in Phacidium infestans DSM 5139 for Nutrient Acquisition and Ecosystem Functioning 

Chahira Zerouki, Suvi Kuittinen, Ari Pappinen, and Ossi Turunen

Phacidium infestans Karsten DSM 5139 is a significant fungal pathogen that causes snow blight in conifers across Europe and Asia. Thriving under snow cover, P. infestans infects and kills pine needles, which are known for their antifungal properties. The genome of the strain DSM 5139 was sequenced using PacBio II technology, resulting in 44 contigs with a genome size of ~36.8 Mb and a GC content of 46.4%. Genome completeness was assessed at 98.6% using BUSCO analysis, and its annotation revealed 11,357 open reading frames. Functional annotation identified 573 carbohydrate-active enzymes and approximately 400 genes linked to secondary metabolite biosynthesis.

Several mechanisms facilitating P. infestans survival and proliferation on pine needles were identified, including drug-efflux pumps, acyclic terpene synthases, and phytoalexin detoxification enzymes. Two cutinase proteins were detected. Their protein modeling confirmed the presence of functional structures such as signal peptides, catalytic triads, and lid domains. In addition, numerous cold-survival strategies were identified including trehalose synthesis enzymes, desaturases, stress response proteins, and two ice-binding proteins that modulate ice crystal formation at subzero temperatures.

Pathway reconstruction revealed an efficient nutrient acquisition strategy.  First, the fungus breaches the needle waxes using secreted cutinases. Then it degrades the plant cell wall polymers with cellulases, pectinases, lignin-degrading enzymes, and other plant cell wall-degrading enzymes.

This study represents one of the first comprehensive genomic analyses of P. infestans, providing valuable insights into its genomic adaptations for nutrient acquisition and survival in cold environments. The findings enhance our understanding of fungal-plant interactions and highlight the ecosystem functioning of this fungal pathogen in forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Zerouki, C., Kuittinen, S., Pappinen, A., and Turunen, O.: Genomic and Proteomic Analysis of Functional Genes in Phacidium infestans DSM 5139 for Nutrient Acquisition and Ecosystem Functioning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3611,, 2025.

EGU25-3746 | Orals | BG3.19

CO2 and CH4 fluxes and processes in a boreal bog and surroundings: a chilling tale of cold-season greenhouse gas emissions 

Claire C. Treat, Katharina Jentzsch, Lona van Delden, Josh Hashemi, and Mackenzie Baysinger

Cold season processes and emissions can be critical for determining annual budgets of CO2 and methane (CH4) in Arctic and other high-latitude ecosystems but there are relatively few measurements of winter fluxes and corresponding soil processes. In this talk, we will present results from investigating seasonality in greenhouse gas fluxes and processes controlling them, with a special emphasis on CH4 emissions from a boreal peatland. We measured CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes for more than a year from an upland forest, dry bog, and wet bog at a site in boreal Finland using automated and manual chambers. Net CO2 uptake and CH4 emissions were highest in summer while N2O fluxes were nearly always below detection. Plant transport and oxidation of CH4 played an important role in CH4 fluxes during the summer as well as into the fall. CH4 emissions were enhanced throughout the fall due to plant transport and showed little seasonality in the fall in drier bog microtopographies. Net CO2 and CH4 emissions from the wet bog continued into December until snowpack formation, which led to an icy layer at the top of the peat profile. In the spring as snow melted and soils thawed, we saw an emissions pulse of CH4. Additional measurements showed the highest concentrations of CH4 in the peat porewater in the spring, indicating the accumulation of microbially-produced CH4 in the unfrozen peat under the snowpack during the winter. Furthermore, potential decomposition in Sphagnum peat showed little temperature sensitivity in laboratory experiments, indicating microbial adaptation to cold temperatures not seen in the dry bog or upland forest soils. Sustained biological activity in peat can continue at low temperatures over winter and lead to substantial enhancements in CH4 and CO2 emissions, although the timing of emissions is controlled by interactions in physical environment: snow melt, soil thawing, and plant-mediated transport.

How to cite: Treat, C. C., Jentzsch, K., van Delden, L., Hashemi, J., and Baysinger, M.: CO2 and CH4 fluxes and processes in a boreal bog and surroundings: a chilling tale of cold-season greenhouse gas emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3746,, 2025.

EGU25-4188 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Snow thermal conductivity controls future winter carbon emissions in shrub-tundra 

Johnny Rutherford, Nick Rutter, Leanne Wake, and Alex Cannon

The Arctic winter is disproportionately vulnerable to climate warming and approximately 1700 Gt of carbon stored in high latitude permafrost ecosystems is at risk of degradation in the future due to enhanced microbial activity. Few studies have been directed at high-latitude cold season land-atmosphere processes and it is suggested that the contribution of winter season greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes to the annual carbon budget may have been underestimated. Snow, acting as a thermal blanket, influences Arctic soil temperatures during winter and parameters such as snow effective thermal conductivity (Keff) are not well constrained in land surface models which impacts our ability to accurately simulate wintertime soil carbon emissions. A point-model version of the Community Land Model (CLM5.0) forced by an ensemble of NA-CORDEX (North American Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment) future climate realisations (RCP 4.5 and 8.5) indicates that median winter CO2 emissions will have more than tripled by the end of the century (2066-2096) under RCP 8.5 and using a Keff parameterisation which is more representative of Arctic snowpack. Implementing this Keff parameterisation increases simulated winter CO2 in the latter half of the century (2066-2096) by 130% and CH4 flux by 50% under RCP 8.5 compared to the widely used default Keff parameterisation. The influence of snow Keff parameterisation within CLM5.0 on future simulated CO­2 and CH4 is at least as significant, if not more so, than climate variability from a range of NA-CORDEX projections to 2100. Furthermore, CLM5.0 simulations show that enhanced future air and soil temperatures increases the duration of the early winter (Sept-Oct) zero-curtain, a crucial period of soil carbon emissions, by up to a month and recent increases in both zero-curtain and winter CO2 emissions appear set to continue to 2100. Modelled winter soil temperatures and carbon emissions demonstrate the importance of climate mitigation in preventing a significant increase in winter carbon emissions from the Arctic in the future.

How to cite: Rutherford, J., Rutter, N., Wake, L., and Cannon, A.: Snow thermal conductivity controls future winter carbon emissions in shrub-tundra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4188,, 2025.

EGU25-4288 | Orals | BG3.19

Warming in the subarctic: Impacts on soil food webs and carbon cycling 

Paul Kardol, Eliška Kuťáková, Kohsuke Tanigawa, Mika Lemoine, Floretta Setia Pradana, Bowen Li, Barryette Oberholzer, and Max Mallen Cooper

Terrestrial ecosystems provide key ecosystem services, yet their stability is increasingly threatened by global warming. There is, however, little consensus on how ecosystem functioning will respond to projected warming scenarios or when thresholds and tipping points may be crossed. This uncertainty arises largely from our limited understanding of the underlying non-linear responses of plants and soil organisms to temperature changes. Since plants and soil organisms often respond differently to warming, it can disrupt or decouple interactions among coexisting and co-evolved species, potentially leading to unforeseen consequences for key ecosystem functions, such as carbon and nutrient cycling.

Our ERC-THRESHOLD project aims to unravel these dynamics by investigating how non-linear temperature responses manifest across levels of ecological organization, including soil micro-organisms and soil fauna. We use forest-tundra and forest-alpine ecotones in seven countries across five continents to assess how plants, soil organisms, and ecosystem carbon cycling respond to increasing temperatures and how these responses may cross critical thresholds.

Preliminary findings show two key patterns. First, the slope of temperature profiles differs between aboveground and belowground measurements, with a steeper decline aboveground. This means that the difference between aboveground and belowground temperature declines with elevation. This has important implications for studying the effects of warming on soil food webs. Second, the shape of carbon flux responses along temperature gradients varies widely across transects and countries, indicating strong regional context dependence. Ongoing analyses of soil microorganisms and soil fauna aim to further elucidate these patterns

We also conduct growth chamber experiments to estimate how warming influences ecosystem carbon fluxes through the reorganization of plant and soil communities. In one experiment, subarctic heath vegetation monoliths were incubated at five warming levels, ranging from ambient to +9°C. While nematode density and community composition at the feeding group level remained relatively stable across warming treatments, individual nematode families exhibited diverse linear and non-linear responses. Soil micro-arthropods, including mites and springtails, showed generally weak responses to (short-term) warming, with patterns influenced by the dominant plant species. In another experiment, using the same temperature treatments, we are examining the warming responses of constructed tundra meadow communities and associated biogeochemical processes, both in absence and presence of soil microfauna. This experiment also tests the responses and effects of ‘encroaching’ ectomycorrhizal tree seedlings, specifically Betula pubescens subsp. czerepanovii.

Our ongoing work focuses on identifying the shapes of temperature "response functions" for plants, soil organisms, their communities, and the ecosystem processes they drive. By distinguishing linear from non-linear responses, we aim to better understand the mechanisms underlying ecosystem resilience and susceptibility to warming. Defining these response functions represents a critical frontier in global change research, offering insights into how terrestrial ecosystems may transition under future climate scenarios.

How to cite: Kardol, P., Kuťáková, E., Tanigawa, K., Lemoine, M., Setia Pradana, F., Li, B., Oberholzer, B., and Mallen Cooper, M.: Warming in the subarctic: Impacts on soil food webs and carbon cycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4288,, 2025.

With  melting of permafrost many changes of arctic soils can be expected.  Important changes are expected to be associated with invasion of  soil ecosystem  engineers such as earthworms and or other soil macrofauna. The effect of ecosystem engineers if context specific, not only in a way that environmental conditions such as soil texture, pH or litter quality may affect effect of engineers, but also in the way that ecosystem engineers change their environment which then alternate effect of engineers on the system. The latter effect made evaluation of engineer’s effect complex because it basically means that  when we do simple manipulation experiment when we manipulate presence of engineers we can get different response to that manipulation in different stages of invasion of better to say after system has been modified by engineers for some time. This is due to the fact that previous effect of engineers leaves some legacy of long-term effects and this legacy change immediate effects of engineers. Here we focus on earthworm invasion/colonization.  The aim of this contribution is to summarize our knowledge about  changes of earthworm  immediate effects on the soil along gradient of earthworm long term legacy in the system and formulate simple conceptual framework than may help to understood underlying mechanism of this phenomena, which may help in its implication to ongoing to future ecosystem invasions such as earthworm colonization of the arctic.

How to cite: Frouz, J.: The effect of ecosystem engineers invasion is context specific and depends of stage of invasion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6601,, 2025.

EGU25-8722 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Distinct Potential Priming under Snow-Covered and Snow-Free Conditions in Subarctic Tundra 

Chenxin Feng, Emil Alexander Sherman Andersen, Stephanie Turner, Dominik Merges, Karina Klemmensen, Sara Hallin, Johan Olofsson, and Ellen Dorrepaal

Sub-arctic tundra ecosystems experience strong seasonality, which could potentially influence the belowground processes, including the soil carbon cycling. Priming effect is a significant component in carbon cycling and describes the change of soil carbon mineralization after fresh carbon input. In this study, we investigated the effect of seasonality on the potential priming and the driving factors of the effect. We collected soils (0-10cm) from two tundra heath ecosystems with different precipitation regimes (Abisko and Vassijaure). We sampled soils every four weeks throughout a year and conducted 60-day incubation experiments at 3°C. To simulate the root exudate input effect, a 13C labelled artificial cocktail was added to assess the potential priming. Cumulative priming was positive throughout the whole year with fluctuations across sampling periods, accounting for significant portions of total respiration. While no significant seasonal variation on priming was observed, we found a significant snow state effect (snow-covered state vs snow-free state) on priming at both sites, with a trend of increasing priming potential during snow-covered periods. Surprisingly, the relationships between the driving factors – soil N availability (mineral N [NH4+ and NO3-], total dissolved N [DON]), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) – and priming remained consistent across snow states. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) revealed that soil temperature and snow state influenced soil N availability (mineral N and dissolved organic N [DON]), DOC, and abundance of microbial communities (Bacteria and Archaea). DOC and MBC, along with bacterial abundance, positively influenced cumulative cocktail mineralization. Subsequently, cumulative cocktail mineralization strongly enhanced cumulative priming, whereas mineral nitrogen (N) availability had a suppressive effect. These results underscore the critical role of snow state in shaping potential priming, revealing consistent underlying drivers.

How to cite: Feng, C., Andersen, E. A. S., Turner, S., Merges, D., Klemmensen, K., Hallin, S., Olofsson, J., and Dorrepaal, E.: Distinct Potential Priming under Snow-Covered and Snow-Free Conditions in Subarctic Tundra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8722,, 2025.

EGU25-9255 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Effects of intense freeze-thaw cycles on Arctic biological soil crusts as studied by Raman microspectroscopy  

Rasa Platakyte, Louise Rütting, Mats Björkman, Edith Hammer, and Milda Pucetaite

Soil microbial metabolism is extremely important to large scale processes such as nutrient cycling and climate change. At the same time, the changing climate influences soil structure and function, especially in the Arctic region, which has been experiencing faster and more intense warming compared to anywhere else in the world. To better understand the microscale processes and how they are affected by changing temperatures and extreme weather events, we use soil microchips, mimicking the soil structure and providing visual access to the soil systems, and incubate them with microorganisms from Arctic biological soil crusts. These chips then are subjected to different freezing and thawing cycles (FTCs), and we follow the microbial activity and metabolism by the means of optical microscopy and Raman microspectroscopy.

The samples for this experiment were collected in summer from a dry heath tundra ecosystem in Blæsedalen on Disko Island, West Greenland. The plots where the soil was sampled had been warmed during the previous winter in a winter warming experiment which showed some increased activity of microbes from the warmed plots. During the laboratory experiments, the chips containing soil microbes were placed at +5 °C (control), as well as -5 °C and -18 °C (freezing) temperatures. The frozen chips were thawed at two different frequencies – one daily and one biweekly. During the six weeks of the freezing and thawing cycles, the chips were observed in an optical microscope in order to follow the microbial growth and community changes. After the treatment was finished, the chips were analysed by Raman microspectroscopy.

Raman microspectroscopy can be employed to study the chemical composition and metabolic processes of individual live microorganisms in near real time. The microbial metabolic activity was monitored using SIP (stable isotope probing) Raman microspectroscopy. We injected SIP labelled substrates into the soil microchips and followed the intensity of SIP related spectral bands as microorganisms incorporated the labelled substances. The results show significant differences between control and FTC treatment chips, with microbes from control chips metabolizing injected substances much faster, especially in the case of bacteria. The differences among the treated chips are less pronounced. However, the microbes in the chips that had been thawed daily exhibit stronger fluorescence signal, suggesting their different protective responses to the stronger environmental stressor.

All in all, soil chips allow the visual observation of microbial community changes in response to FTCs, while SIP Raman makes it possible to estimate metabolic activity rates of individual organism groups. Although currently limited in scale, in the future this information could be used to better describe the role of microbial communities in larger scale climate models.

How to cite: Platakyte, R., Rütting, L., Björkman, M., Hammer, E., and Pucetaite, M.: Effects of intense freeze-thaw cycles on Arctic biological soil crusts as studied by Raman microspectroscopy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9255,, 2025.

EGU25-9866 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Does soil fauna prime microbial respiration in permafrost? 

Sylvain Monteux, Ellen Dorrepaal, and Eveline Krab

Permafrost soils are devoid of fauna while frozen, but little is known about how fauna affects their biogeochemistry upon thawing. Most soil fauna resides in the uppermost layers of the soil, and are therefore unlikely to colonize deep, often anoxic, soils at the bottom of the active layer where newly-thawed permafrost is found. However, abrupt thaw events can result in newly-thawed permafrost being exposed to the surface, and such events are both common throughout the circum-Arctic and an important uncertainty in permafrost biogeochemistry. While the exact faunal dispersal mechanisms remain unexplored, literature suggests that surrounding soil fauna can migrate into newly-thawed permafrost within a year after an abrupt thaw event.

To date, we have no information on whether the introduction of soil fauna alters the biogeochemical functioning of permafrost soils: most mechanistic studies are carried out with permafrost soil thawed in vitro, into which fauna has no chance of dispersing, while plot- or ecosystem-level measurement do not distinguish between faunal and microbial activity. Simple questions, such as whether the presence of soil fauna alters the microbial production of greenhouse gases, remain untested, in part due to a lack of appropriate methodology. Here we introduce isotopic partitioning of faunal (model Collembola Folsomia candida) and microbial CO2 production in permafrost and active layer soil from a sub-arctic palsa peatland. Whole-organism isotopic enrichment coupled with 13C-CO2 measurement allows us to test whether faunal presence primes microbial respiration. This method can be expanded both to other soil organisms and greenhouse gases, and thus represents a promising avenue towards a quantitative understanding of biotic interactions in newly-thawed permafrost soils.

How to cite: Monteux, S., Dorrepaal, E., and Krab, E.: Does soil fauna prime microbial respiration in permafrost?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9866,, 2025.

EGU25-11566 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Cascading effects of Arctic tundra herbivory on above- and belowground biomass, soil biogeochemistry, and soil (microbial) food webs 

Andrea Söllinger, Kathrin M. Bender, Victoria Martin, Yngvild Bjørdal, Mathilde Borg Dahl, Andreas Richter, Maarten Loonen, Mette M. Svenning, and Alexander T. Tveit

Climate change affects herbivore populations and their migration patterns and feeding grounds in High-Arctic tundra ecosystems. Knowledge about the ecosystem-scaled impacts of environmental changes in the High-Arctic, including changes in herbivore grazing pressure, requires long-term perspectives and the integration of above- and belowground components.

Here we investigated the effects of grazing geese and reindeer on high-Arctic tundra, by studying the effects of short- (4 years) and long-term (14 y) exclusion of herbivores in situ. Within the Thiisbukta peatland, next to Ny-Ålesund (78.93°N, 11.92°E), Svalbard, 5 replicated high-Arctic wet tundra sampling sectors have been established. Each, at the time of sampling, included 4- and 14-year exclosure plots (Ex-4 and Ex-14), as well as control plots (Hr), where herbivory was not prevented.

Preventing herbivory altered a moss-dominated vegetation (Hr) to a mix of mosses and vascular plants (Ex-4) and a vascular-plant-dominated vegetation (Ex-14). These aboveground changes were reflected belowground and included a significant increase in root biomass and significantly higher contents of lignin derivates in the soil organic matter after the long-term exclusion of herbivores. Additionally, concentrations of inorganic phosphorous and monosaccharides (namely glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine) were also increased after the long-term exclusion, while soil pH and moisture decreased. To study the effects of these alterations on soil organisms and their complex communities we employed metatranscriptomics, allowing us the simultaneous investigation of soil organisms across domains and kingdoms, ranging from Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses, to protists, Fungi, and other microbial Eukaryotes, to soil meso- and macrofauna community members, including Collembola, Nematoda, Arachnida, Insecta, and other small Metazoa. We observed a substantial, often gradual, re-structuring of the soil communities in the exclosure plots on multiple tropical and functional levels. For example, within the microbial food web, we observed decreased relative abundances of eukaryotic predators (e.g., ciliates) and bacterivorous bacteria (e.g., Myxococcota) after the long-term exclusion of herbivores, while relative abundances of viruses targeting Bacteria increased. Prominent changes in relative abundances of meso- and macrofauna community members after the long-term exclusion of herbivores were decreased relative abundances of Rhabditophora (Platyhelminthes), Monogononta (Rotifera), and Maxillopoda (Arthropoda) and increased relative abundance of Insecta and Arachnida (both Arthropoda). However, among eukaryotic kingdoms, Fungi showed the strongest positive response to the exclusion of herbivores and the subsequent increase of vascular plants. Especially the abundances of mycorrhizal fungi and plant pathogens were increased, coinciding with increased relative abundances of viruses targeting Fungi. Furthermore, with increasing coverage of vascular plants, soil respiration rates increased. At the same time, total microbial biomass did not differ significantly, but the turnover time of microbial biomass was significantly shorter 14 years after the exclusion of herbivores.

Taken together our results suggest that High-Arctic tundra ecosystems with a vascular-plant-dominated vegetation, here caused by changes in herbivore grazing pressure, are characterized by an altered soil food web, facilitating a faster microbial loop and an accelerated decomposition of soil organic matter. Thus, we demonstrated how aboveground changes substantially altered belowground communities and the trophic interactions that control carbon cycling in High-Arctic tundra ecosystems.

How to cite: Söllinger, A., Bender, K. M., Martin, V., Bjørdal, Y., Dahl, M. B., Richter, A., Loonen, M., Svenning, M. M., and Tveit, A. T.: Cascading effects of Arctic tundra herbivory on above- and belowground biomass, soil biogeochemistry, and soil (microbial) food webs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11566,, 2025.

EGU25-11869 | ECS | Orals | BG3.19

Will invasive burrowing earthworms affect soil food web and carbon stability in arctic tundra? 

Camille D'Hervilly, Gesche Blume-Werry, Eveline Krab, Hanna Jonsson, and Péter Garamszegi

The fate of the soil organic matter stored in arctic ecosystems in a future warmer climate is highly debated but remains quite uncertain, especially as most studies do not take into account the combined effect of climate change and simultaneous invasion by non-native fauna. For example, while the impact of climate change on carbon losses from the arctic might be limited due to the strong nutrient limitations restricting microbial activity and decomposition speed in these ecosystems, the current invasion by burrowing earthworms as a result of human activity might alleviate the nutrient limitations and modify the soil food web, which could significantly increase carbon losses. We investigated the effect of burrowing earthworm addition on soil mesofauna and microbial community composition and on associated carbon stability of the arctic tundra by the end of a 4-year-long mesocosm experiment in northern Sweden. The abundance of collembola and oribatid mites was positively affected by earthworm addition in a heath-type tundra ecosystem, while no changes were detectable in a meadow-type tundra. This is surprising as the meadow-type tundra was strongly affected by earthworms in terms of soil structure with a decrease in total carbon stock. We tested the stability of the residual carbon by measuring CO2 emissions during an incubation of the organic and mineral soil horizons at current and increased temperatures. We found that while carbon stability is not clearly affected by earthworm addition in the heath-type tundra, the stability of the leftover carbon is increased in the presence of earthworms in the meadow-type tundra in the first 10 soil centimeters in both incubation temperatures. This suggests that the ultimate effect on carbon dynamics of earthworm invasion cannot be simply estimated from the immediate carbon loss from the organic layer, as the changes in carbon forms and quality could modify the future organic matter availability to decomposers. 

How to cite: D'Hervilly, C., Blume-Werry, G., Krab, E., Jonsson, H., and Garamszegi, P.: Will invasive burrowing earthworms affect soil food web and carbon stability in arctic tundra?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11869,, 2025.

EGU25-12132 | Posters on site | BG3.19

Identifying Spatial Patterns in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes through an Arctic Tundra Snowpack  

Nick Rutter, Gabriel Hould Gosselin, Paul Mann, Oliver Sonnentag, and Philip Marsh

Cold season greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been found to make non-negligible contributions to annual carbon budgets in Arctic-boreal regions. The Arctic is warming three to four times faster than the global average, changing the magnitude and phase (snow/rain) of precipitation, and the thermal regimes of snow-covered ground.

Future projections of winter GHG emissions require accurate simulations of the insulative properties of Arctic snowpacks and improved parameterisations of soil heterotrophic respiration as a function of soil thermal and moisture regimes. To improve these parameterisations in terrestrial biospheric models, we measured carbon dioxide and methane fluxes through the late-winter snowpack of a mineral upland tundra site in the western Canadian Arctic. Fluxes were calculated using highly resolved GHG snow concentration gradients and vertical snowpack microstructure (n = 119), over a range of microtopographic and vegetation types.

GHG emission rates were statistically independent of vertical snow microstructures, suggesting high snow gas porosity relative to soil emission. Carbon dioxide emissions were measured across a wide range of tundra landscape types, and were closely linked to soil temperatures, vegetation type and snow depths. Importantly, persistent net methane sinks were also found across landcover types in warmer soils (-6 to -2 oC), showing active methane oxidation during winter periods. Methane emissions were not always consistent within surface cover types, suggesting available liquid soil moisture and carbon availability as important controls.

How to cite: Rutter, N., Hould Gosselin, G., Mann, P., Sonnentag, O., and Marsh, P.: Identifying Spatial Patterns in Greenhouse Gas Fluxes through an Arctic Tundra Snowpack , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12132,, 2025.

EGU25-12968 | Posters on site | BG3.19

Microbial nitrogen uptake in winter warming manipulation experiments in Arctic tundra (Disko Island; Greenland) 

Louise Rütting, Sofia Rodas, Fredrik Klinghammer, Elias Ranjbari, Massimo Micaroni, Laura H. Rasmussen, Bo Elberling, Birgitte K. Danielsen, Aurora Patchett, Tobias Rütting, Geerte Fälthammar de Jong, Michael Dannenmann, Elisabeth Ramm, Rasa Platakyte, Mats Björkman, Hanbang Zou, Carlos Arellano, Milda Pucetaite, and Edith C. Hammer

Due to the above global average warming, the winter climate in West Greenland is increasingly characterized by warm spells causing snow melt and soil exposure. These events might activate soil microbes and associated nutrient cycles, with consequences for the tundra ecosystem, even in the following summer.

Here we studied effects of winter warming in a dry heath tundra ecosystem in Blæsedalen on Disko Island, West Greenland near Arctic Station, characterized by low shrub vegetation (Betula nana, Salix glauca, Vaccinium uliginosum, Empetrum nigrum, Cassiope tetragona). We established replicate 0.5 m2 plots equipped with custom-made heating probes that were pre-installed in the growing season aiming to warm up the surrounding soil in the following winter campaign to a depth of 15 cm during a week. Nitrogen (N) transformation pathways from organic N (proteins and amino acids) to ammonium (inorganic N) and microbial N uptake were quantified in the tundra soil using 15N labelling techniques, accompanied by greenhouse gas flux measurements.

In situ warming resulted in soil CO2 loss, and activated microbial CH4 uptake. Under laboratory conditions, we could also detect several freeze-thaw induced emission peaks of N2O and N2. For the first time nanoSIMS analysis revealed rapid soil microbial uptake of amino acid alanine into microbial cells in winter soils. Furthermore, optical microscopy and Raman spectroscopy analysis of microbial communities provided insights into both their immediate response to the warming and into memory effects in the following growing season, with increased microbial activity in the samples taken from plots that have been warmed.

In sum, we highlight a fast activation of microbial N turnover due to Arctic winter warming events, which results in changes in nutrient cycling that persist in the following growing season.

How to cite: Rütting, L., Rodas, S., Klinghammer, F., Ranjbari, E., Micaroni, M., Rasmussen, L. H., Elberling, B., Danielsen, B. K., Patchett, A., Rütting, T., de Jong, G. F., Dannenmann, M., Ramm, E., Platakyte, R., Björkman, M., Zou, H., Arellano, C., Pucetaite, M., and Hammer, E. C.: Microbial nitrogen uptake in winter warming manipulation experiments in Arctic tundra (Disko Island; Greenland), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12968,, 2025.

EGU25-15164 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19 | Highlight

Arctic tundra soil microbiology retained effects from controlled in situ fire after 3 years 

Sofia Rodas, Carlos Arellano, Edith C. Hammer, Hangbang Zou, Fredrik Klingammer, Per Ambus, and Louise Rütting

Arctic wildfires disrupt biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P), which challenges exposed tundra ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the legacy of variable fire intensity on soil microbial nutrient cycling in field experiments on Disko Island, West Greenland, three years post-fire. Despite finding no significant differences in gross N mineralization and consumption rates, high-intensity fire-treated soil microbes exhibited reduced degradation of a protein substrate in soil chips, suggesting altered microbial activity in organic N cycling pathways. These results highlight the return of some biogeochemical processes over time, and also reveal potential vulnerabilities in microbial communities and their functionality in legacy after high-intensity fire. As fire frequency in the Arctic is expected to increase due to climate change, long-term consequences for ecosystems may include shifts in microbial composition and nutrient cycling, and slow ecosystem recovery. The feedback could alter greenhouse gas emissions, accelerate permafrost thaw and cause ecosystem transformation. Understanding these processes is critical for predicting the wider ecological effects of more frequent and intense fires. Future research should focus on multi-temporal sampling and microbial dynamics to better capture fire-induced alterations and their cascading effects on Arctic ecosystems and global climate regulation.

How to cite: Rodas, S., Arellano, C., Hammer, E. C., Zou, H., Klingammer, F., Ambus, P., and Rütting, L.: Arctic tundra soil microbiology retained effects from controlled in situ fire after 3 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15164,, 2025.

EGU25-16291 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Does Reindeer Grazing Dictate Understory CO2 Exchange Responses to Snow Depth Changes in Boreal Forests? 

Noora Kantola, Maria Väisänen, A. Joshua Leffler, and Jeffrey M. Welker

Northern boreal forests are globally crucial sinks for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) but, due to climate change, these sinks are at risk of switching to CO2 sources. Climate change affects winters for example by altering snow depth, with regional increases or decreases in snowfall. Since snow cover regulates key ecosystem processes in boreal forests, such changes may affect ecosystem functioning with possible consequences for CO2 exchange year-round. Climate change does not act alone but together with other factors such as herbivory. In boreal forests, reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.; caribou in North America) is a key herbivore that affects understory vegetation — particularly lichen cover — which may, in turn, affect understory CO2 exchange. Yet, it remains largely unknown how the changing snow depth together with divergent reindeer grazing conditions affects CO2 exchange in the boreal forests.

To study these snow-grazer interactions on understory CO2 exchange, we conducted CO2 flux measurements during the snow-free season over four years in two Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests in northern Fennoscandia. Using a manual chamber method, we measured CO2 exchange across snow depth manipulation treatments (i.e., ambient, reduced and increased snow depth) in areas of active reindeer grazing and adjacent areas where grazing had been excluded for 25 and 55 years.

We found that reduced and increased snow depths had opposing impacts on understory CO2 exchange, but only if reindeer had been excluded. Specifically, reduced snow depth increased the understory CO2 source strength while increased snow depth decreased it when reindeer had been excluded. In contrast, snow depth did not affect CO2 exchange in the presence of continuous reindeer grazing. These findings suggest that, in northern pine forests, changes in snow depth may unbalance the understory CO2 exchange with long-term reindeer absence. On the contrary, the presence of continuous reindeer grazing may enhance ecosystem resistance to changes in snow depth. We propose considering these snow-grazer interactions for accurate global C budget estimates in a changing winter climate in boreal forests.

How to cite: Kantola, N., Väisänen, M., Leffler, A. J., and Welker, J. M.: Does Reindeer Grazing Dictate Understory CO2 Exchange Responses to Snow Depth Changes in Boreal Forests?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16291,, 2025.

EGU25-16730 | Orals | BG3.19

Contrasting shifts in snow depth as a driver of vegetation damage and soil carbon loss across the Arctic-Boreal region 

Frans-Jan W. Parmentier, Alexandra Pongracz, Marius Lambert, Rosie A. Fisher, Adrian Gustafson, Paul A. Miller, Sam S. Rabin, Ane Vollsnes, and David Wårlind

Climate change has a strong impact on the duration and thickness of snow cover across the Arctic-Boreal region – possibly with negative consequences for both vegetation productivity and permafrost carbon loss. For example, a loss of snow cover combined with strong frost can lead to frost drought, damaging vegetation through desiccation. In other cases, increases in atmospheric moisture content can cause more mid-winter snowfall. Thicker snow cover in permafrost areas deepens the active layer, possibly amplifying the loss of soil carbon. However, the potential for shifts in snow cover to damage vegetation and to enhance permafrost carbon loss remains poorly quantified.

We used the dynamic global vegetation model LPJ-GUESS to show that mid-winter snow depths will increase by the end of the century in the coldest, northernmost regions of the permafrost region. This insulates the soil, raising soil temperatures, increasing heterotrophic respiration and reducing relative carbon residence times. In addition, we reveal the mechanisms underlying plant damage from frost droughts with the demographic vegetation model CLM-FATES, by showing how this affects cold hardening and plant hydraulics. These results suggest that the changing winter climate may be an important driver of carbon loss across the Arctic-Boreal region.

How to cite: Parmentier, F.-J. W., Pongracz, A., Lambert, M., Fisher, R. A., Gustafson, A., Miller, P. A., Rabin, S. S., Vollsnes, A., and Wårlind, D.: Contrasting shifts in snow depth as a driver of vegetation damage and soil carbon loss across the Arctic-Boreal region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16730,, 2025.

Organic and inorganic materials from atmospheric, aeolian, and subglacial origins on glacier surfaces are colonized by microorganisms, which produce extracellular polymeric substances to bind them into cohesive aggregates known as cryoconite. Dispersed across the glacier surface, these biologically active particulates may form cylindrical cryoconite holes through localized melting driven by their dark coloration, which strongly reduces surface albedo. Dispersed cryoconite serves as both a precursor and a transitional stage in the lifecycle of cryoconite holes, which can collapse and reform multiple times during the melting season. While cryoconite holes provide a stable environment that shields microbial communities from environmental extremes, dispersed cryoconite is exposed to intense solar irradiance, freezing temperatures, and desiccation. This contrast in environmental conditions experienced by the same material is hypothesized to significantly impact the microbial dynamics and ecological functioning of cryoconite.


In this study, we investigated the cryoconite microbiome from both cryoconite holes and dispersed cryoconite collected approximately 1 km from the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet. By comparing the microbial communities in these two environments, we aimed to understand differences in their composition and diversity. Amplicon sequencing targeting the V3–V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene was applied to capture bacterial diversity directly from raw samples and cultured communities grown under various conditions, providing insights into both the overall bacterial composition and the subset of microbes that can be cultured.


We found that species diversity and evenness were significantly higher in dispersed cryoconite than in cryoconite holes, whereas species richness remained unaffected. The microbial composition also differed, with cryoconite holes exhibiting higher relative abundances of Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, and a lower abundance of Cyanobacteria compared to dispersed cryoconite. Differential abundance analysis revealed significant enrichment of certain taxa in each environment, including several Cyanobacteria-associated taxa that were nearly absent in cryoconite holes but abundant in dispersed cryoconite. This contrast suggests that these Cyanobacteria may have developed advanced stress-adaptation strategies that may give them an advantage over other microorganisms in dispersed cryoconite, whereas their near absence in cryoconite holes could be driven by higher predation or other ecological pressures.


In summary, these findings underscore differences in microbial diversity between cryoconite holes and dispersed cryoconite, indicating that distinct environmental pressures may shape their microbial communities. By highlighting key differences in community composition, this work lays a foundation for future research into the broader microbial dynamics and ecological functions of cryoconite in polar environments. Further research is needed to elucidate the specific roles and succession dynamics of key taxa, such as Cyanobacteria.

How to cite: van Dijk, L.: Microbial Diversity in Cryoconite Holes and Dispersed Cryoconite Revealed Through Culture-Dependent and Culture-Independent Approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17205,, 2025.

EGU25-18311 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.19

Stress-Induced Shifts in Endometabolome Composition Reveal Microbial Adaptations on Glacier Surfaces 

Annika Morische, Marie Bolander Jensen, Yrsa Larsson, Kai Bester, Liane G. Benning, Martyn Tranter, and Alexandre M. Anesio

Surface microbial communities on the Greenland Ice Sheet play a vital role in modulating glacier surface melt by altering surface albedo through extensive algal blooms. The potential for extended melt season through a changing climate bears the fuel for microbial bloom expansion. However, the mechanisms governing bloom density and distribution, including the roles of microbially produced signalling and defensive compounds, remain poorly understood. This study investigates intracellular metabolic changes in supraglacial microbial communities under environmental stress to uncover factors regulating bloom dynamics and cell-to-cell communication. We employed high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to identify intracellular microbial secondary metabolites with ecological functions. The endometabolome composition was analysed to assess its response to abiotic stressors such as different light, pH, salinity and temperature conditions and its role in modulating bloom dynamics. Results indicate that light intensity strongly impacts supraglacial microbial communities' metabolic profiles, highlighting light conditions as a key driver of their ecological fitness. Our findings contribute to an expanding database of microbial metabolites and offer insights into the chemical diversity of glacier ecosystems in oligotrophic extreme environments.

How to cite: Morische, A., Bolander Jensen, M., Larsson, Y., Bester, K., Benning, L. G., Tranter, M., and Anesio, A. M.: Stress-Induced Shifts in Endometabolome Composition Reveal Microbial Adaptations on Glacier Surfaces, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18311,, 2025.

EGU25-19895 | Orals | BG3.19

Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Communities in Tundra Ecosystems Across a Climatic Gradient 

Juanjo Rodríguez, Emily Pickering Pedersen, Chenxin Feng, Rebekka Gullvåg, Niki Leblans, Ellen Dorrepaal, Johan Olofsson, Karina Clemmensen, and Sara Hallin

The Arctic winter, which lasts for more than half the year, is not a simple, dormant phase as traditionally perceived. Instead, it involves active microbial processes under the snow cover, driven by soil temperature and moisture dynamics. These processes highlight the ongoing microbial activity and its potential interactions with the environment, challenging the notion of winter as a period of ecological dormancy. Variation in temperature, light, and snowfall  throughout the winter can influence these processes, and therefore it is essential to study how climate-induced changes affect the synchronization, or phenological matches, between plant and microbial activities. Disruptions in this synchrony could lead to

In this study, we focus on bacterial and fungal communities, and their diversity and functional dynamics during winter and summer in heath and meadow vegetation across a climatic gradient ranging from the oceanic climate of western Norway to the continental climate near the Swedish-Finnish border. By integrating microbial community data, based on 16S rRNA gene, ITS amplicon sequencing, and metatranscriptomics (total RNA sequencing), with environmental and plant activity measurements, this study seeks to unravel the interactions between microbes and their environment, and particularly how they adapt to and function during the cold season. This research will provide critical insights into how winter conditions shape microbial community structure and function, ultimately enhancing our ability to predict the impacts of climate change across different Arctic ecosystems.

How to cite: Rodríguez, J., Pickering Pedersen, E., Feng, C., Gullvåg, R., Leblans, N., Dorrepaal, E., Olofsson, J., Clemmensen, K., and Hallin, S.: Seasonal Dynamics of Microbial Communities in Tundra Ecosystems Across a Climatic Gradient, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19895,, 2025.

EGU25-3534 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

Growth and herbivore defense of clonal plants under single and combined modes of interconnection 

Yuanhao Zhang, Mark Anthony, Enjian Chen, and Shaolin Peng

Both clonal plant capabilities for physiological integration and common mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) formed by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can influence the growth and insect resistance among interconnected individuals. Using a microcosm model system, we disentangled how CMNs interact with clonal integration to influence plant growth, development and herbivore defense. We grew Sphagneticola trilobata clones with isolated root systems in individual, adjacent containers while preventing, disrupting, or allowing clonal integration aboveground via spacers and belowground CMNs to form. We assessed multiple metrics of plant development, 15N transfer from donor (mother) to receiver (daughter) plants, variation in AMF communities, and changes in chemical defenses. We show that spacer formation between ramets and the capacity to form CMNs promoted and inhibited the growth of smaller, daughter plants, respectively. However, the effects on defense signals were inconsistent. When the two modes of interconnection co-occurred, CMNs significantly weakened promotion of daughter plants by clonal integration but enhanced the defense signal transmittance. AMF species richness was also negatively correlated with overall plant growth. Our results demonstrate that two common modes of plant interconnection interact in non-additive ways to affect clonal plant integration, growth and defense, questioning the underlying assumptions of the positive effects of both AMF CMNs and species richness in comparison to direct plant interconnections.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Anthony, M., Chen, E., and Peng, S.: Growth and herbivore defense of clonal plants under single and combined modes of interconnection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3534,, 2025.

EGU25-3980 | ECS | Orals | BG3.13

The influence of active restoration of tropical rainforests on ecosystem carbon sequestration: potential links with ectomycorrhizal fungi 

Nadine Keller, Andrea Jilling, Lian Pin Koh, and Mark A. Anthony

Active forest restoration in tropical forests of Southeast Asia may alter mycorrhizal community structures with consequences for carbon sequestration at the ecosystem scale. While tropical rainforests are generally dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, restoration efforts in Southeast Asia often entail the planting of tree species from the family Dipterocarpaceae (short: dipterocarps), which form associations with ectomycorrhizal fungi. With increased cover of dipterocarps, we expect a concomitant increase in ectomycorrhizal fungi and in turn altered forest biogeochemistry. In particular, an increase in the occurrence of ectomycorrhizal fungi could boost ecosystem carbon sequestration in actively restored compared to naturally regenerating forests via the suppression of decomposition belowground and enhancement of aboveground biomass. We tested this hypothesis at a restoration site in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo, which was selectively logged in the 1980s – 1990s and partly restored with enrichment planting and accompanying silvicultural interventions. In contrast to expectation, our results show that a higher density of trees forming symbioses with ectomycorrhizal fungi is associated with lower soil carbon stocks and altered biodiversity of soil fungi. These results highlight the need to better understand how active restoration of tropical rainforests may alter the net potential of these ecosystems to sequester carbon, and that fungi, not trees alone, can control carbon storage outcomes.

How to cite: Keller, N., Jilling, A., Koh, L. P., and Anthony, M. A.: The influence of active restoration of tropical rainforests on ecosystem carbon sequestration: potential links with ectomycorrhizal fungi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3980,, 2025.

EGU25-6078 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

Fungi and tree growth facilitation in European forests under drought conditions. 

Christos Papakoutis, Manuel Walde, Yann Vitasse, Artin Zarsav, and Mark Anthony

Droughts in forest ecosystems are a central concern for current and future biodiversity loss, carbon sequestration, and ecosystem functioning. Trees rely on symbiotic relationships with fungi to enhance nutrient uptake and improve stress tolerance, but the impacts of drought on plant-fungal relationships remain unclear and vary across different tree species compositions. This study investigated how inter- and intraspecific interactions among three prominent tree species in European forests—Fagus sylvatica (European beech), Quercus petraea (Sessile oak), and Tilia cordata (small-leaved lime)—shift under simulated drought conditions in relation to their rhizosphere fungal communities. We hypothesized that drought would shift the diversity and functional capacity of fungal communities, with these effects being dependent on the tree species and competitive context. To test this, we set up raised-bed experiments with seedlings of the three species as mono- or polycultures, exposing them to ambient rainfall conditions or two years of reduced precipitation using plastic roofing. We assessed tree seedling growth and development, and at the end of the experiment, we sampled rhizosphere soils from individual trees to characterize fungal diversity using full-length ITS DNA metabarcoding on an Oxford Nanopore Technology PromethION platform. Intraspecific versus interspecific competition provided more favourable conditions for tree growth under drought conditions. Our results show that fungal communities were responsive to variations in plant species, competitive context, and drought, and that fungal biodiversity explained unique patterns in plant growth responses to drought and competition, particularly for plant-symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungi. This study highlights the variable effects of drought on fungal communities and underscores the importance of species-specific interactions in forest ecosystem responses to climate stress. These findings contribute to our understanding of the ecological role of fungi in forest species' resilience to climate change and may inform future forest management strategies aimed at mitigating the effects of drought in temperate regions.

How to cite: Papakoutis, C., Walde, M., Vitasse, Y., Zarsav, A., and Anthony, M.: Fungi and tree growth facilitation in European forests under drought conditions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6078,, 2025.

EGU25-6330 | Orals | BG3.13 | Highlight

Mycorrhizal networks and mother trees – what is theoretically possible? 

Oskar Franklin, Nils Henriksson, Mona N. Högberg, John Marshall, and Torgny Näsholm

Mycorrhizal fungi connect with plant roots and facilitate exchange of nutrients (N) and carbon (C) in a symbiotic relationship between fungi and plants, sometimes linking multiple plants in a mycorrhizal network. The question is, do such networks support resource sharing among plants?  In this talk I will discuss potential mechanisms of resource transfer among plants and their plausibility based on current theory and empirical knowledge. Mycorrhizal networks have sparked a huge interest not only among ecologists but also in popular media, where it has become a “wood wide web” claimed to serve as the trees’ internet for communication and as a social support system for sharing resources. As the stories have moved far beyond the scientific evidence, a debate has started among scientists about the true nature of the network and its ecological role. Because of the dynamic and cryptic existence of fungal hyphae underground, and the many other potential ways resources can move in the soil, it has been difficult to obtain reliable quantifications of C and N transport between plants through the network. In absence of empirical facts, theoretical models may guide us in terms of what is possible or likely, based on the principles of nature and our current state of knowledge. The classic C-N trading relationship between single plants and fungi is well established and more recent market models can also explain differentiation among multiple trading partners, as well as stabilizing ecosystem level feedbacks. It is more challenging to explain resource transfers in the opposite direction, such as a C transport from fungi to plants, which is necessary for trees to supply carbon to other trees via the mycorrhizal network as implied by the mother-tree hypothesis. Do we need more complex market models, or are there completely different mechanisms at work?

How to cite: Franklin, O., Henriksson, N., N. Högberg, M., Marshall, J., and Näsholm, T.: Mycorrhizal networks and mother trees – what is theoretically possible?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6330,, 2025.

EGU25-6851 | Orals | BG3.13

Biotrophic root-fungal systems of beech and spruce acclimatised to five years of repeated experimental drought. 

Fabian Weikl, Jasmin Danzberger, Kyohsuke Hikino, Thorsten Grams, and Karin Pritsch

The Kranzberg Roof Experiment investigates the impact of five years of recurrent drought and subsequent recovery in a mature forest of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST).

Within this framework, we studied fine-root-associated fungal communities, fine-root vitality, and ectomycorrhizal functionality in relation to mixed and monospecific tree root zones.

Changes in the fungal community peaked in the third year of drought but later stabilised, indicating a gradual acclimatisation to drought over time that was maintained during early recovery. Thereby, tree species was the dominant factor in structuring root-associated fungal functional groups, suggesting a strong relationship with tree-species-specific fine-root reactions to drought.

However, the trees’ root-fungal systems were functionally resilient, and the system's capabilities were mainly quantitatively affected due to the loss of surviving fine roots. 

This fits well with results that quantitative effects (e.g., fewer leaves – fewer fine roots) may have driven tree acclimation. Beyond that, it suggests that the surviving root-fungal systems (i.e., ectomycorrhizal root tips) functioned as moist islands within dried-out soil, kept alive by an interplay between tree-redistributed water and fungal symbionts. Elucidating this is one of the challenging topics for the final phase of the Kranzberg Roof Experiment, a terminal drought now beginning.

How to cite: Weikl, F., Danzberger, J., Hikino, K., Grams, T., and Pritsch, K.: Biotrophic root-fungal systems of beech and spruce acclimatised to five years of repeated experimental drought., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6851,, 2025.

EGU25-7677 | Posters on site | BG3.13

Global-Scale Host Effects in Shaping Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities 

Weile Chen, Yin Yang, and Shuang Liang

Nearly two-thirds of Earth’s trees form symbiotic relationships with ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, which play a critical role in shaping tree growth and rhizosphere biogeochemistry through functionally diverse communities. While local studies suggest that tree species or genera host distinct EM fungal communities, the global consistency of these host effects remains unclear. To address this, we analyzed root-associated EM fungal communities across 10 cosmopolitan tree genera at 204 forest sites worldwide. Our global dataset demonstrates that host tree genera consistently influences EM fungal composition across local to global scales. Specifically, long-distance exploratory fungi are predominantly associated with Pinus, while medium-distance, short-distance, and contact exploration types are more common in Betula/Alnus, Populus, and Acer, respectively. Network analysis reveals frequent partner specificity, including the well-documented Pinus-Suillus association and novel symbioses involving both coniferous and broadleaved hosts. These specific EM partnerships often persist across vast environmental gradients, though the relative abundance of fungal partners may vary. Our findings advance the understanding of global tree-fungal symbioses and provide a framework for predicting the biogeography and functional dynamics of this essential mutualism.

How to cite: Chen, W., Yang, Y., and Liang, S.: Global-Scale Host Effects in Shaping Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7677,, 2025.

EGU25-8280 | ECS | Orals | BG3.13

Is leaf spectral reflectance an integrator of mycorrhizal types? 

Thomas Guzman, Jean-Baptiste Féret, Jérôme Ogée, Pierre Petriacq, Yves Gibon, Josep Valls-Fonayet, Thomas Dussarrat, Nicolas Devert, Cédric Cassan, Amélie Flandin, and Lisa Wingate

Light reflectance by foliage across visible and infrared wavebands is determined by chemical and structural traits that reveal how plants evolved to support growth and defense in different climate and environments. These spectral fingerprints have emerged as powerful tools to estimate plant functional and taxonomic diversity across scales, giving rise to a new approach in ecology called spectranomics. In this context, the widespread co-evolution of plants with different mycorrhizal fungi has likely led to chemical, structural and thus spectral dissimilarities that are strong enough to be intrinsic features of each mycorrhizal association. Such spectral dissimilarities may therefore help to better estimate the mycorrhizal dominance and associated belowground functions at large scales using remote sensing techniques. From a combination of chemical and spectral measurements on leaves of 32 European tree species forming either arbuscular (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (EM) symbiosis, we investigated the existence of “mycorrhizal optical types” and the leaf traits that may underpin them. Our results demonstrate that tree species associated with AM and EM fungi have distinct leaf colour and spectral fingerprints that can be linked to differences in leaf metabolism. In this talk, I will discuss the various factors that may have led to these spectral fingerprints as well as the potential and constraints of aboveground spectral signals acquired at the large scale to serve as optical surrogates of plant mycorrhizal associations and belowground function.

How to cite: Guzman, T., Féret, J.-B., Ogée, J., Petriacq, P., Gibon, Y., Valls-Fonayet, J., Dussarrat, T., Devert, N., Cassan, C., Flandin, A., and Wingate, L.: Is leaf spectral reflectance an integrator of mycorrhizal types?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8280,, 2025.

EGU25-8935 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

Nitrogen dynamics and mycorrhizal interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants 

Jasmin Danzberger and Nils Henriksson

Mycorrhizal fungi are critical players in nutrient dynamics within forest ecosystems. Although typically associated with specific plant groups, evidence suggests that some species of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi can colonise ectomycorrhizal plants, and vice versa, with potential for nutrient exchange across these associations. Carbon (C) transfer from plants to mycorrhizal fungi and reciprocal nitrogen (N) transfer from fungi to plants are well-established processes. However, single studies report N loss from pine seedlings associated with mycorrhizal fungi and forest ground vegetation underscoring the complexity of these interactions.

Our study investigates whether such cross-functional colonisations may occur between Pinus sylvestris seedlings and Calluna vulgaris plants, and if they result in measurable N transfer, and evaluates the direction and magnitude of N movement between these plants and their mycorrhizal symbionts.

Therefore, we planted C. vulgaris plants in pots alongside 15N-labelled pine seedlings with varying degrees of interspecies connectivity: full root and hyphal contact, hyphal contact only, disrupted hyphal contact, and no contact. Some pots were enriched with additional nitrogen to assess the influence of nutrient availability on fungal-mediated nutrient transfer. Nitrogen transfer was quantified by measuring 15N content in roots and shoots of both species, as well as in fungal hyphae grown in ingrowth bags. To identify shared fungal taxa, we performed ITS sequencing on fungal communities associated with both C. vulgaris and pine roots.

To assess C exchange and hyphal connectivity, pine seedlings were 13C-labeled, allowing us to trace 13C allocation to fungal hyphae and C. vulgaris. Additionally, fungal biomass and enzyme activity were analysed to provide a detailed understanding of fungal contributions to nutrient dynamics.

In boreal forests, the field vegetation is frequently dominated by ericaceous dwarf shrubs, and their interactions with tree seedlings can therefore have far-reaching implications. This is particularly true if forest management practices change, for instance if the use of mechanical site preparation were to be reduced.  Our study aims to elucidate the mechanisms underlying nitrogen and carbon fluxes in mixed ectomycorrhizal-ericaceous systems, providing insights into nutrient sharing and potential ecological implications in forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Danzberger, J. and Henriksson, N.: Nitrogen dynamics and mycorrhizal interactions between ectomycorrhizal and ericoid mycorrhizal plants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8935,, 2025.

EGU25-10489 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

Arbuscular mycorrhizal contribution to plant water supply 

Eva Demullier, Jérôme Ogée, Guillaume Rambert-Banvillet, Paul Arette-Hourquet, Ming Zeng, Nicolas Devert, Yangyang Dong, Nerea Ubierna, Nicolas Fanin, Congcong Zheng, Thomas Guzman, and Lisa Wingate

Understanding the adaptations of terrestrial plants to water stress is crucial as climate change is already altering precipitation patterns. Mycorrhizal fungi enhance host water status through indirect mechanisms like nutrient uptake or plant osmoregulation. Direct water transport via fungal hyphae has also been demonstrated, but its exact contribution to total plant water uptake is still debated.

To demonstrate and quantify the direct transport of water from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) to its host plant, we utilized a plant mesocosm comprised of two compartments, separated by a porous membrane and an air gap. In the ‘plant-hyphae’ compartment, seedlings of microtomatoes were grown and inoculated with Rhizophagus irregularis. Hyphae, rather than plant roots, could cross the physical barrier of the porous membrane and the air gap to enter the ‘hyphae-only’ compartment. After several weeks of plant and hyphal growth, the ‘hyphae-only’ compartment was labelled with deuterated water (2H2O) and the isotopic composition of plant transpiration and soil water of both compartments were determined at different times after irrigation.

The presence of deuterated water in the plant transpiration stream confirmed that there was direct water transport via AMF hyphae to the plant. Previous studies have quantified the relative contribution of fungal-transported water by solving an isotope mass balance that includes the leaf transpired water and water extracted from soils of both ‘plant-hyphae’ and ‘hyphae-only’ compartments. This framework assumes that movement of deuterated water from the ‘hyphae-only’ to the ‘plant-hyphae’ compartment occurs only through fungal hyphae. However, we found that there was also diffusion of deuterated water vapour across the air gap separating the two compartments. This contamination led to overestimations of the relative contribution of AMF to total plant water uptake. After accounting for this contamination, the water contributed by AMF hyphae was quantified to 1% to 6% of total plant water uptake. Furthermore, using plant biomass as a weighing factor in the mixing model to account for differences in soil volume exploration by plant roots was critical for an accurate estimate of the contribution.

How to cite: Demullier, E., Ogée, J., Rambert-Banvillet, G., Arette-Hourquet, P., Zeng, M., Devert, N., Dong, Y., Ubierna, N., Fanin, N., Zheng, C., Guzman, T., and Wingate, L.: Arbuscular mycorrhizal contribution to plant water supply, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10489,, 2025.

EGU25-12007 | Posters on site | BG3.13

Variation in ectomycorrhizal fungal exploration types 

Mark Anthony, Thomas Mansfield, and Artin Zarsav

Fungi are among the most diverse ecological communities with distinct roles in mediating terrestrial biogeochemical cycles. Plant associated mycorrhizal fungi provide vital nutrients to host plants, but their ecological strategies vary across guilds. Ectomycorrhizal fungi associate with >60% of trees on Earth, possessing distinct capacities for decomposition, nutrient uptake, and soil exploration due to variation in their niches and distributions. Recently, we demonstrated the ectomycorrhizal fungal composition is linked to continental scale forest productivity across Europe. Differences in ectomycorrhizal fungal exploration types based on the quantity and composition of emanating hyphae and associated traits help explain this connection. What factors define and shape the ecological strategy of ectomycorrhizal fungal exploration can provide fundamental insight into their differential roles in forests. To address this, we compared genomic variation and modeled species distribution patterns of ectomycorrhizal fungal taxa from different exploration types. The exploration type concept has received considerable scrutiny because it can vary within an individual species, has not been sufficiently investigated across a wide range of taxa, and local distributional patterns often vary across disparate studies. These are important short comings of the exploration type trait that I will discuss. Despite limitations, we observe clear signatures of fungal exploration type in fully sequenced fungal genomes and in species distribution patterns across Europe. Our results emphasize that biomass production volume and rhizomorph formation are important sub-traits of exploration types. We further demonstrate that exploration types often merged into single exploration categories should be separated to observe distinct distributional patterns. Our results also provide insight into which ectomycorrhizal fungal traits are associated with forest nitrogen and phosphorus limitations and in turn overall forest productivity.

How to cite: Anthony, M., Mansfield, T., and Zarsav, A.: Variation in ectomycorrhizal fungal exploration types, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12007,, 2025.

EGU25-15087 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

From Ashes to Insights: Mycorrhizal Fungi Functions in Post-Fire Landscapes 

Solomon Maerowitz-McMahan, Adam Frew, Chris Gordon, Rachael Nolan, and Jeff Powell

Communities in fire-affected ecosystems possess unique traits that aid survival and ecosystem recovery post-fire. As fires increase in frequency and intensity due to climate change, we enter a time increasingly influenced by fire therefore understanding the functions of these communities in forested systems is essential. While previous work has been done on the presence or absence of mycorrhizal fungi post-fire, generally using DNA-based approaches, there is limited knowledge about the functions they serve. This work aimed to identify functional traits of mycorrhizal fungi that correlate with fire regime and vegetative composition.

Thirty dry sclerophyll forest sites surrounding the Sydney basin that burned in the 2019-2020 black summer fires of Australia were selected based on historical gradients in fire severity and interval. Vegetative composition, fungal communities as well as soil carbon and nutrient availability were analysed from each site, from these, a subset of sites were selected for further study to distinguish direct (via effects on fire regimes) and indirect (via effects on nutrient availability) on mycorrhizal fungal functional traits associated with biomass production, hyphal chemistry (carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations). For this, we harvested mycorrhizal fungal biomass using mesh in-growth bags filled with plastic resin-beads that absorb mineralized nutrients.

Available nutrients influenced mycorrhizal fungal community structure and biomass production in material collected from in-growth bags, whereas fire regime and vegetative structure had no effect. Hyphal chemistry was not significantly associated with nutrient availability, vegetative structure, or fire regime. In contrast, soil-derived data revealed significant effects of fire frequency on community structure, but no influence of nutrient availability or vegetative structure.

By integrating responses related to functional traits, fungal community composition, vegetation structure, and environmental factors, we aim to understand not only the functions that individual fungi provide in forested systems but also how these communities function collectively. We highlight the contrasting effects of fire frequency and nutrient availability on mycorrhizal communities in soil compared to those collected with mesh in-growth bags. These differences in community structure across sites likely reflect fungal growth strategies and their sensitivity to nutrient availability.

How to cite: Maerowitz-McMahan, S., Frew, A., Gordon, C., Nolan, R., and Powell, J.: From Ashes to Insights: Mycorrhizal Fungi Functions in Post-Fire Landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15087,, 2025.

EGU25-15545 | Posters on site | BG3.13

 Investigating differences in the metabolomes of ectomycorrhizal fungi and their link to GHG fluxes 

Paul Arette-Hourquet, Eva Demullier, Thomas Guzman, Josep Valls-fonayet, Nicolas Devert, Jérome Ogée, Pierre Petriacq, Nerea Ubierna-lopez, and Lisa Wingate

Mycorrhizal fungal species are widespread across nearly all ecosystems worldwide and are generally found in symbiotic association with most plant species. In forested ecosystems, mycorrhizal fungi play a crucial role in facilitating plant nutrient acquisition and defending the plant from abiotic and biotic stress events, such as drought or pathogen attack.

We have recently shown that different tree species that associate with either arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi exhibit distinct phytochemical differences, that might be linked to the type of fungal symbiont. In this study, we investigated the metabolic diversity of several ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungal species commonly found in forests, with the aim of linking their metabolic toolkits to functional processes important in forest ecosystems, such as soil respiration and enzyme activities.

In this presentation, we show that ectomycorrhizal fungi contain a diverse suite of metabolites (> 10000 metabolic features in the 5 species studied) composed largely of lipids and benzenoids with many of these metabolic features serving as reliable predictors that facilitate the distinction of different EM fungal species from one another.

We also present the results of a microcosm gas exchange experiment on the 5 EM fungal species grown under controlled temperature and CO₂ concentration conditions to investigate the link between fungal metabolic profiles and primary functions, such as respiration and enzymatic activity.

This research aims to deepen our understanding of plant-fungal symbioses in forests and the potential shifts in plant and fungal metabolism and function during interaction with one another and when exposed to changes in climate and atmospheric chemistry.

Arette-Hourquet P., Demullier E., Ogée J., Guzman T., Valls-Fonayet J. Petriacq P., Devert N., Ubierna N. Wingate L.

How to cite: Arette-Hourquet, P., Demullier, E., Guzman, T., Valls-fonayet, J., Devert, N., Ogée, J., Petriacq, P., Ubierna-lopez, N., and Wingate, L.:  Investigating differences in the metabolomes of ectomycorrhizal fungi and their link to GHG fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15545,, 2025.

EGU25-16537 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.13

Ectomycorrhiza: Back to the future 

Matthäus Ploderer, Magdalena Hasenzangl, Claudia Dielacher, Kolia Erlbacher, Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber, Markus Gorfer, Ika Djukic, Barbara Kitzler, Kerstin Michel, Rainer Reiter, and Harald Berger

With forests covering roughly half of the Austrian land area, forest ecosystems have been monitored and characterized for centuries. While some aspects remain the same long-term, we are about to experience rapid changes due to climate change and loss of species. At the same time, emerging technologies like high throughput sequencing allow us to have deeper insights into the occurrence and diversity of species. For the hidden subsoil, metabarcoding of environmental DNA can uncover invisible soil life. This includes under-explored mycorrhizal fungi, especially species which do not regularly form fruiting bodies.

Supported by the Austrian biodiversity fund, the project „Zurück in die Zukunft“ (Back to the future) analyses archived forest soil samples from the past 32 years in order to capture diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The dataset comprises samples from all federal states reaching from meadow forests of Pannonian regions to montane forests of the inner alps. Initial analyses detected >7000 fungal species, including >800 species of ectomycorrhizal fungi. The results provide an addition to already existing fungi databases of fruiting-body records. Fungal community composition is highly dependent on site-specific factors, which is thought to be explored using records of bio-geochemical data, vegetation and climate. By comparing the fungal communities of the 1990s, early 2000s and 2024, long-term changes and trends can be identified. The status of endangered species and potential neobiota in different habitats will be evaluated. We also aim to get a glance of future developments regarding forest ecosystems and their ecosystem functions.

How to cite: Ploderer, M., Hasenzangl, M., Dielacher, C., Erlbacher, K., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Gorfer, M., Djukic, I., Kitzler, B., Michel, K., Reiter, R., and Berger, H.: Ectomycorrhiza: Back to the future, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16537,, 2025.

EGU25-17131 | ECS | Orals | BG3.13

Mid-Project Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Transfer in Boreal Forests Using Game Theory, Optimization and Fixed Ratios  

Joanna Simms, Elisa Stefaniak, Jaideep joshi, Pauliina Schiestl-Aalto, Oskar Franklin, Jussi Heinonsalo, and Annikki Mäkelä

Nitrogen availability often limits photosynthesis and growth in boreal forests, where nitrogen is a key constraint for plant productivity. Trees and other plants acquire nitrogen through a complex belowground interface comprising fine roots, symbiotic, and non-symbiotic microorganisms. To sustain this interface, photosynthetically derived carbon is allocated to fine root growth, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and exudation—either into the surrounding soil or directly to associated microbial communities. These exudates serve as critical energy sources for both symbiotic and non-symbiotic microbes, which, in turn, provide nitrogen to the tree through direct transfer or organic matter decomposition. This highlights the importance of the entire belowground infrastructure in the nitrogen acquisition of trees. 

This study investigates carbon-nitrogen dynamics in boreal forest ecosystems with an emphasis on eco-evolutionary processes and ecosystem function. Specifically, three nitrogen transfer strategies—game theory, optimization, and fixed ratios—are analysed from the perspectives of Scots pine roots and their ectomycorrhizal partners. This framework aims to illuminate the underlying relationships governing carbon exchange and nitrogen acquisition, contributing to ongoing debates on carbon source-sink dynamics and contrasting models of carbon allocation, including the "Surplus Carbon Hypothesis" and "Biological Market Models". 

The approach integrates a custom soil model, an adapted ectomycorrhizal model based on, a tree growth model (CASSIA), and a modified photosynthetic assimilation model (p-hydro) that incorporates nitrogen limitations. By including both symbiotic and non-symbiotic microbes, the study aims to capture nutrient cycling feedbacks, such as the priming effect, and explore microbial community shifts driven by functional dynamics. 

Incorporating seasonal variability and rigorous modelling of tree carbon storage, allocation, and exudation provides insights into how these patterns influence next year's growth and soil ecosystem functioning. Additionally, accounting for temperature and soil moisture effects enables the disentanglement of environmental influences from sugar inputs in driving belowground processes. This comprehensive framework offers a robust tool for understanding nutrient dynamics and tree-microbe interactions in boreal forests under changing environmental conditions. 

This work is in the calibration stage so preliminary results will be presented. These include soil-side results, such as trenching simulations to capture the change in microbial composition and their contribution to the priming effect. On the tree side; simulations including determination of differing root growth by the value of nitrogen in the optimisation of photosynthesis will be presented. Additionally, a comparison of three photosynthesis input models and two sugar allocation models within the CASSIA framework is conducted to evaluate the effects of differing modelling approaches. 

How to cite: Simms, J., Stefaniak, E., joshi, J., Schiestl-Aalto, P., Franklin, O., Heinonsalo, J., and Mäkelä, A.: Mid-Project Analysis of Carbon and Nitrogen Transfer in Boreal Forests Using Game Theory, Optimization and Fixed Ratios , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17131,, 2025.

EGU25-17953 | Orals | BG3.13

Clear-cut forestry has long-term effects on the community composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi in boreal forest 

Björn Lindahl, Karina Clemmensen, Johan Stendahl, and Anders Dahlberg

Rotation forestry based on clear-cutting is a common practice in boreal forests. Clear-cutting has detrimental short-term effects on ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, and the communities that re-establish after clear-cutting differ in species composition from old forests, but the long-term time trajectories of ectomycorrhizal fungal biomass, species richness and community composition in secondary forest remains uncertain. We collected soil samples from almost 1600 locations distributed systematically across Swedish coniferous forests, in conjunction with the Swedish National Forest and Forest Soil Inventories, and analysed ectomycorrhizal fungal communities by sequencing of amplified ITS2 markers.

We found that the relative abundance of ectomycorrhizal species in the fungal community increases to similar levels as before clear-cutting within two decades. In the following decades, species richness increases to a somewhat higher level than in old stands, peaking about 40 years after harvesting. Clear-cutting has strong and long-lasting effects on the composition of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, with harvesting effects remaining for up to 100 years. Many species that attain high abundance in old forests (mainly certain Cortinarius and Russula species) are adapted to the acidic, unfertile soil conditions and have a well-developed capacity to mobilise nutrients from recalcitrant organic matter. These species are negatively affected by rotation forestry, which raises pH and increases nutrient availability.

This means that rotation forestry based on clear-cutting seems to be sustainable with regards to the abundance and species richness of ectomycorrhizal fungi, which return to pre-harvest levels well within the time limits of a rotation period and even reach somewhat higher levels than in old forests. However, rotation forestry progressively changes the ectomycorrhizal community at the landscape level. Many of the species that are characteristic of the predominantly nutrient poor and acidic boreal forests decrease in abundance. This declining community is also likely to contain many rare species, which risk extinction in large areas if transformation of the forest landscape proceeds.

How to cite: Lindahl, B., Clemmensen, K., Stendahl, J., and Dahlberg, A.: Clear-cut forestry has long-term effects on the community composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi in boreal forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17953,, 2025.

EGU25-18224 | Posters on site | BG3.13

Mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant productivity but reduce soil organic matter stocks 

Malin Forsberg, Björn Lindahl, Marie Spohn, Birgit Wild, and Stefano Manzoni

Mycorrhizal fungi and plants form symbiotic relationships that are essential for plant nutrition and carbon (C) storage in soil. Plants invest photosynthetically fixed C in their fungal partners in exchange for nutrients, especially nitrogen (N), which the fungi obtain from inorganic sources or by breaking down organic matter. This exchange also helps to stabilize root-derived C, as mycorrhizal necromass can persist in the soil, but it can also promote C loss when mycorrhizal fungi act as decomposers. Capturing these relationships in process-based models is crucial for quantifying C and N cycles and understanding how mycorrhizae influence ecosystem processes.

In this study, we utilized an ecosystem model calibrated with field data from a boreal forest in northern Sweden to compare ecosystem functions with and without ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) and to investigate how variations in parameters encoding microbial traits affect model outcomes. Through simulations involving different scenarios of elevated CO₂ and N deposition, both individually and in combination, we assessed how the presence or absence of EMF influences ecosystem responses.

We found clear differences between ecosystems with and without ectomycorrhizal fungi. Plant productivity and saprotrophic biomass were generally higher and soil C more stabile when EMF were present in the ecosystem model. But, EMF also increased decomposition resulting in higher plant growth at the cost of reduced soil C storage. Increasing CO2 and N deposition had similar effects in most of the cases. However, N addition had little effect on soil organic N suggesting that plants and microbes together control the soil organic N pool.

These findings demonstrate the significance of ectomycorrhizal fungi in influencing ecosystem responses to changing environmental conditions and highlight the benefit of including microbial interactions in ecosystem models to improve predictions of C and N dynamics.

How to cite: Forsberg, M., Lindahl, B., Spohn, M., Wild, B., and Manzoni, S.: Mycorrhizal fungi enhance plant productivity but reduce soil organic matter stocks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18224,, 2025.

EGU25-20101 | Posters on site | BG3.13

Effect of Urban Environmental Stress on Tree Vitality and ectomycorrhiza of Roadside Tilia sp. 

Hans Sandén, Boris Rewald, Douglas Godbold, and Dylan Goff

Urban trees face numerous stress factors including de-icing salt in order to provide ecosystem services to cities. Mycorrhiza can mitigate environmental stresses but their role in mitigating urban specific stresses is not well known. We examined the effects soil chemistry on Tilia sp. planted along streets and it´s associated ectomycorrhiza. We compared park trees, trees from side streets, and trees from main streets with different salt stress levels . We show that 1) Tree vitality as well as ectomycorrhizal colonization decreases with increasing additions and sodium levels, 2) Tree vitality and colonisation as well at morphotype diversity were positively correlated to soil Mg. External mycelia production, measured with ingrowth bags was on the other hand higher in street trees than in parks and was not negatively correlated with Na but showed on the other hand a negative correlation to dissolved N. An explanation to the opposite patterns of colonization rate and production could be that the stressed environment causes high belowground turnover of roots and mycelia.

How to cite: Sandén, H., Rewald, B., Godbold, D., and Goff, D.: Effect of Urban Environmental Stress on Tree Vitality and ectomycorrhiza of Roadside Tilia sp., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20101,, 2025.

EGU25-21141 | Posters on site | BG3.13

Drought reduces soil carbon inputs by roots and mycorrhizal fungi and alters soil microbial communities in a pine forest 

Claudia Guidi, Beat Frey, Konstantin Gavazov, Xingguo Han, Martina Peter, Mathias Meyer, Yueqi Zhang, Beat Stierli, Ivano Brunner, and Frank Hagedorn

Drought impacts soil organic carbon (SOC) cycling. Yet, there is limited understanding of how water limitation affects C inputs from rhizosphere, which contribute to new SOC formation while fueling soil microbial communities. We quantified C inputs and losses from roots and mycorrhizal fungi after two decades of irrigation in a dry Scots pine forest using 13C-enriched soil ingrowth bags. Fungal and bacterial communities in the ingrowth bags and in adjacent soils were analyzed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing.

In the first year, the new SOC formation was stimulated by water addition as compared to natural drought both in root-accessible (+25%) and mycorrhizal-accessible (+50%) bags. After two years, the overall new SOC formation was 5 times greater in root-accessible than in mycorrhizal-accessible bags. Although root ingrowth increased by 70% in root-accessible bags, the irrigation had a limited effect on the amount of new C accumulated in root-accessible and mycorrhizal-accessible bags. The lacking irrigation effect on net new SOC formation may relate to higher respiratory losses of new C, which agrees well with the observed increase by 55% in old C losses under irrigation. This suggests that enhanced C inputs by roots and mycorrhizal fungi were rapidly mineralized under irrigated conditions. Increased supply and turnover of rhizosphere C under irrigation were paralleled by shifts in fungal and bacterial communities in ingrowth bags as well as in adjacent soils. Accordingly, the presence of roots was a main driver of fungal and bacterial community structures in the ingrowth bags.

Overall, our results indicate that naturally dry conditions slow SOC cycling, suppressing rhizosphere C inputs as well as C losses. The reduced supply of belowground C leads to cascading effects on soil microbial community composition under drought.

How to cite: Guidi, C., Frey, B., Gavazov, K., Han, X., Peter, M., Meyer, M., Zhang, Y., Stierli, B., Brunner, I., and Hagedorn, F.: Drought reduces soil carbon inputs by roots and mycorrhizal fungi and alters soil microbial communities in a pine forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21141,, 2025.

EGU25-21819 | Orals | BG3.13

Freezing Tolerance of Ectomycorrhizal and Saprotrophic Fungi 

Douglas Godbold, Hangyu Lan, Gorfer Markus, and Burenjargal Otgonsuren
In boreal and temperate forests, symbiotroph and saprotroph soil fungi must survive months of low temperatures or freezing during winter. In the temperate biome, this is particularly the case for high-elevation mountain forests. Soil freezing is thus an important stress factor in these forests. The objective of this study was to assess how temperature and freezing conditions affect the growth and survival of symbiotic and saprotrophic fungi. To assess the cold and freezing tolerance of ectomycorrhizal (EM) and saprotrophic (SAP) fungi, we conducted a study from 2021 to 2023, using isolates from forests located at lower and high-elevation mountain sites, as well as from forests in Mongolia, at altitudes ranging from 525 m to 1800 m. The isolates were grown in vitro at temperatures of 22, 15, and 4 °C and exposed to freezing conditions at −4 or −18 °C. The response to temperature and freezing was determined based on radial growth. Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) reduction was used to measure relative metabolic activity and viability. Fungi that originated from higher-elevation mountain sites, and thus colder climate conditions, tended to have a lower response to temperature and a higher tolerance to freezing. We could find no evidence of a higher freezing tolerance among different exploration types of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Sensitivity to low temperatures appears to be taxa-specific rather than exploration-type-specific.

How to cite: Godbold, D., Lan, H., Markus, G., and Otgonsuren, B.: Freezing Tolerance of Ectomycorrhizal and Saprotrophic Fungi, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21819,, 2025.

Mycorrhizal associations drive plant community diversity and ecosystem functions. Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) and ectomycorrhiza (EcM) are two widespread mycorrhizal types and are thought to differentially affect plant diversity and productivity by nutrient acquisition and plant–soil feedback. However, it remains unclear how the mixture of two mycorrhizal types influences tree diversity at large spatial scales. Here, we explored these issues using data from 698 plots (400 m2 for each) across natural forests located in Southwest China. Both AM-dominated and EcM-dominated forests show relatively lower tree species richness, species evenness and Shannon diversity, whereas forests with the mixture of mycorrhizal strategies support more tree diversity. Interestingly, the impacts of EcM dominance depend on climate and soils. Our findings suggest that mycorrhizal dominance influences tree diversity in forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Ma, S.: Mycorrhizal dominance influences on forest tree diversity in Southwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21826,, 2025.

SSS5 – Soil Chemistry and Organic Matter Dynamics

EGU25-253 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

Soil microbial biomass and nutrient limitation in high altitude treeline ecotones of central Nepal Himalaya 

Rabindra Adhikari, Jürgen Böhner, Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Corinna Gall, Jan Huber, Amrit Maharjan, Yvonne Oelmann, Madhavi Parajuli, Udo Schickhoff, Steffen Seitz, Chandra Kanta Subedi, and Thomas Scholten

Microbial biomass and nutrient content in soils are crucial indicators of ecosystem health and soil productivity as they reflect intricate relationship among soil organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and resource availability for plants and soil organisms. In the treeline ecotone of Nepal Himalaya regions, there has only been a limited research focus on belowground microbial biomass and how it varies in treeline ecotones of near-natural forest ecosystems, particularly in the context of climate change and dynamic treeline positions. With this research, we tried to fill this research gap by measuring soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC), nitrogen (MBN) and phosphorus (MBP) along transects with elevational vegetational zones to assess the nutrient limitation in the forefront of the forest ecotone region. The main objective of our study is to disentangle the relationship between the soil microbiome and nutrient limitation as a controlling factor of tree growth.

We collected 118 soil samples from two slope sectors (northeast and northwest) each with four elevational vegetational zones (3910 to 4260 meter above mean sea level) upper dwarf shrub heath: UD, lower dwarf shrub heath: LD, upper krummholz: UC, lower krummholz: LC. Each zone consisted of four 20x20 m² plots, from which composite samples representing soil horizons were taken. MBC and MBN were measured using fumigation-extraction methods. For MBP, after fumigation-extraction, we slightly modified the quantifying method using Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES).

Our result showed low microbial biomass content in soils of the treeline ecotone indicating nutrient limitation which might influence the growth patterns of vegetation and ecosystem dynamics in the alpine treeline of  Himalaya. Specifically, there was a significant decline in MBC values with increasing soil depth, (p-value ≈ 0), with the highest mean MBC of 561 µg g-1 dry soil in the O-horizon followed by progressively lower values in the Ah-horizon: 277 µg g-1, E-horizon: 112 µg g-1 and Bh-horizon: 56.9 µg g-1. Similar decreasing trends were observed for mean MBN and MBP. Elevational zone wise variation followed the order of LD > UD> LC> UC for mean MBC and LD>UD>LC>UC for mean MBN. Unlike MBC and MBN, MBP showed significant differences (p-value= 0.011) among four elevational zones and in the decreasing order of LC > UD > LD > UC with mean MBP values of 184 µg g⁻¹, 106 µg g⁻¹, 90 µg g⁻¹ and 86.8 µg g⁻¹ dry soil, respectively. The ratio of MBC and MBN in the UD elevational zone was high, which might be related to the very low MBN content in the soils. MBC and MBN had a strong positive correlation (r = 0.85). Higher microbial biomass values in the higher altitude zones LD and UD than in LC and UC indicate an active microbial pool in open (higher amount of sun radiation) and dwarf  shrub vegetation zone compared to closed canopy in the Rhododendron campanulatum krummholz zone. These findings contribute to a better understanding of nutrient limitations and their role in treeline shift dynamics within the  krummholz dominated upper treeline ecotone in the study area.

How to cite: Adhikari, R., Böhner, J., Chaudhary, R. P., Gall, C., Huber, J., Maharjan, A., Oelmann, Y., Parajuli, M., Schickhoff, U., Seitz, S., Subedi, C. K., and Scholten, T.: Soil microbial biomass and nutrient limitation in high altitude treeline ecotones of central Nepal Himalaya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-253,, 2025.

EGU25-2321 | Orals | BG3.49 | Highlight

The gradual optimization of microbial traits regulates warming-induced carbon losses in soils 

Albert C. Brangarí, Melissa A. Knorr, Serita D. Frey, and Johannes Rousk

Global warming raises critical concerns about the redistribution of carbon from soil organic matter to the atmosphere, a process governed by mechanisms that remain poorly understood, making it difficult to predict the outcomes of climate change. Traditionally, warming was expected to increase CO₂ emissions from soils. However, a decade ago, this simplistic view was challenged by observations showing that these initially large emissions gradually diminish over time. This phenomenon represents an ecosystem feedback that has yet to be fully explained.

In this study, we combined laboratory experiments and modelling approaches at the Harvard Forest experiment to investigate the impact of a nine-year +5°C warming treatment on microbial functioning and associated soil carbon losses. Our findings reveal a nuanced interplay between direct and indirect effects of temperature, emphasizing the gradual optimization of microbial traits to warming as a key factor explaining the initially large soil carbon losses that are mitigated over time. These results bridge fundamental ecological principles with observed global change impacts, providing an explanation for the warming-induced carbon losses observed in soils worldwide.

How to cite: Brangarí, A. C., Knorr, M. A., Frey, S. D., and Rousk, J.: The gradual optimization of microbial traits regulates warming-induced carbon losses in soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2321,, 2025.

EGU25-2609 | Posters on site | BG3.49

Increased biocrust cover and activity in the highlands of Iceland after five growing seasons of experimental warming 

Alejandro Salazar, Eyrún Gunnlaugsdóttir, Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Ian Klupar, Ruth-Phoebe Wandji, Ólafur Arnalds, and Ólafur Andrésson

One of the most important questions of our time is how ecosystems will be transformed by climate change. Here, we used a five-year field experiment to investigate the effects of climate warming on the cover and function of a sub-Arctic alpine ecosystem in the highlands of Iceland dominated by biological soil crust (biocrust), mosses and vascular plants. We used Open Top Chambers (OTCs) to simulate warming; standard surface and Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) analyses to measure plant cover and function; gas analyzers to monitor biocrust respiration; and the Tea Bag Index approach to estimate mass loss, decomposition and soil carbon stabilization rates. Contrary to our initial hypothesis of warming accelerating an ecological succession of plants growing on biocrust, we observed a warming-induced decreased abundance of vascular plants and mosses —possibly caused by high temperature summer peaks that resemble heat waves— and an increase in the cover of biocrust. The functional responses of biocrust to warming, including increased litter mass loss and respiration rates and a lower soil carbon stabilization rates, may suggest climate-driven depletion of soil nutrients in the future. It remains to be studied how the effects of warming on biocrusts from high northern regions could interact with other drivers of ecosystem change, such as grazing; and if in the long-term global change could favor the growth of vascular plants on biocrust in the highlands of Iceland and similar ecosystems. For the moment, our experiment points to a warming-induced increase in the cover and activity of biocrust.

How to cite: Salazar, A., Gunnlaugsdóttir, E., Jónsdóttir, I., Klupar, I., Wandji, R.-P., Arnalds, Ó., and Andrésson, Ó.: Increased biocrust cover and activity in the highlands of Iceland after five growing seasons of experimental warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2609,, 2025.

Temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition is a crucial parameter to predict soil carbon (C) dynamics and its feedback to climate change. Soil management affects aggregate formation and decomposition, where the impact on Q10 of SOM decomposition within aggregates remains unknown. Using a 14-year field experiment, we demonstrate that maize straw-amended soil had lower SOM stability and higher Q10 than biochar-amended soil, with aggregate size playing a central role in response to the management. Biochar-derived stable compounds accumulate in small macroaggregates (SMA) and microaggregates (MA), as indicated by the increased benzene polycarboxylic acids and decreased 14C age and δ13C. Besides, biochar facilitated C sequestration by increasing mineral protection, microbial C use efficiency, and microbial necromass C accumulation in these smaller aggregates, while large macroaggregates (LMA) were less effective to sequester SOM (high Q10) than smaller aggregate sizes. Maize straw primarily sequestered soil C through SMA by raising mineral protection and decreasing microbial C decomposition. However, it was less effective than biochar in soil C sequestration due to the greater susceptibility of maize straw-derived C to decomposition under warming conditions (high Q10). As such, soil management practices mediate the stability and Q10 of SOM through specific aggregate sizes. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of the impact of aggregate sizes on the carbon-climate feedback in agriculture.

How to cite: Chen, Y. and Sun, K.: Aggregate size mediates temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in response to soil management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2684,, 2025.

EGU25-3006 | Orals | BG3.49 | Highlight

Dual roles of microbes in mediating soil carbon dynamics in response to warming 

Yuanhe Yang, Shuqi Qin, Dianye Zhang, and Bin Wei

Understanding the alterations in soil microbial communities in response to climate warming and their controls over soil carbon (C) processes is crucial for projecting permafrost C-climate feedback. However, previous studies have mainly focused on microorganism-mediated soil C release, and little is known about whether and how climate warming affects microbial anabolism and the subsequent C input in permafrost regions. Here, based on a more than half-decade of in situ warming experiment, we show that compared with ambient control, warming significantly reduces microbial C use efficiency and enhances microbial network complexity, which promotes soil heterotrophic respiration. Meanwhile, microbial necromass markedly accumulates under warming likely due to preferential microbial decomposition of plant-derived C, further leading to the increase in mineral-associated organic C. Altogether, these results demonstrate dual roles of microbes in affecting soil C release and stabilization, implying that permafrost C-climate feedback would weaken over time with dampened response of microbial respiration and increased proportion of stable C pool.

How to cite: Yang, Y., Qin, S., Zhang, D., and Wei, B.: Dual roles of microbes in mediating soil carbon dynamics in response to warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3006,, 2025.

The subalpine ecosystems of the Bieszczady Mountains are characterized by a mosaic of blueberry shrubs (Vaccinium myrtillus) and tall-grass vegetation, with significant implications for soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. This study explores how vegetation type influences the content and spectroscopic properties of water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) in the topsoil horizons (O and A) in this region. WEOM is a crucial, bioavailable component of SOM that plays a significant role in nutrient cycling and carbon sequestration, particularly in sensitive mountain ecosystems.

Samples of topsoil horizons (O and A) were collected from 20 sites dominated by blueberry shrubs or tall-grass vegetation. Water extracts were analyzed to determine WEOC and WETN concentrations using TOC analyzers. The chemical properties of WEOM were characterized via FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA254) and absorbance ratios (E2/E4, E2/E6, and E4/E6) were calculated to assess the aromaticity and molecular composition of WEOM.

The O horizons of soils under blueberry shrubs exhibited significantly higher WEOC concentrations compared to those under tall-grass vegetation. However, WETN concentrations were not significantly different between vegetation types. The WEOC/WETN ratio was higher in soils under blueberry shrubs, indicating more carbon-rich WEOM in these areas.

Spectroscopic analyses revealed notable differences in WEOM composition. FTIR spectra showed more pronounced bands associated with aliphatic compounds and carboxylic groups in WEOM from shrub-dominated soils, suggesting a higher proportion of less decomposed organic matter. UV-Vis spectroscopy indicated higher SUVA254 values for WEOM in grass-dominated soils, reflecting greater aromaticity and advanced decomposition. In the A horizons, differences in WEOC and WETN concentrations and WEOM properties were minimal, likely due to microbial homogenization and reduced vegetation influence.

The results highlight how vegetation significantly affects WEOM quantity and quality, especially in the organic-rich O horizons. Soils under blueberry plants exhibit higher WEOC concentrations and carbon-dominated WEOM, which may improve carbon retention and slow decomposition rates. In contrast, tall-grass vegetation helps to produce more aromatic WEOM, indicative of advanced microbial processing. These findings suggest that shrubification, driven by climate change, can influence WEOM composition and stocks, with implications for carbon cycling and nutrient dynamics in subalpine ecosystems.

This study emphasizes the importance of vegetation type as a key determinant of WEOM properties, shaping both the storage and bioavailability of nutrients in mountain soils. These insights are essential for effective vegetation management and the preservation of ecological functions in fragile subalpine zones.

How to cite: Kramarczuk, P.: Influence of vegetation on the quantity and quality of water-extractable organic matter in the subalpine zone of the Bieszczady Mountains (Eastern Carpathians)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3150,, 2025.

EGU25-4047 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

Shrub and tree encroachment alter plant-soil interactions in low Canadian Arctic 

Ruud Rijkers, Rica Wegner, Lewis Sauerland, Larissa Frey, and Birgit Wild

Rapid expansion of deciduous shrubs and evergreen trees on the Arctic tundra could induce large losses of soil carbon stocks through increased rhizosphere priming. Through the use of isotopic and molecular techniques, we investigated whether the belowground carbon cycling differed between three plant species that are encroaching Canadian tundra. 13CO2 pulse chase labelling showed that dwarf shrubs (Betula glandulosa) had faster turnover of recent 13C-photosynthates belowground than tall shrubs (Alnus viridis) and black spruces (Picea Mariana). Depth-resolved 13C flux estimations and partial 13C source isolation, both from field and lab measurements, elucidated multiple drivers of the differences in belowground carbon cycling. Turnover rates were strongly dependent on relative belowground carbon allocation, source of respiration and soil depth. Carbon cycling data will be compared with microbial community composition in bulk and rhizosphere soil to disentangle the specific interactions between encroaching plants and their soils. Overall, both plant and soil characteristics were key influences on the fate of recently assimilated carbon belowground. Our work suggests that changing plant communities will influence the belowground carbon cycling of the Arctic tundra. Our data pinpoints towards multiple factors influencing the feedback from northern ecosystems to on-going climate change, which further complicates accurate predictions of soil carbon losses in the northern hemisphere.

How to cite: Rijkers, R., Wegner, R., Sauerland, L., Frey, L., and Wild, B.: Shrub and tree encroachment alter plant-soil interactions in low Canadian Arctic, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4047,, 2025.

EGU25-6318 | Posters on site | BG3.49

Microbe promotes soil phosphorus bioavailability at the beginning of pedogenesis 

Yanhong Wu, Mingyang Xu, Haijian Bing, He Zhu, Chaoyi Luo, and Junbo He

The quick accumulation of bioavailable phosphorus (bio-P) promoted the ecosystem development at the very beginning of pedogenesis on the Hailuogou Glacier foreland. It is still unclear what role and how microbe played in bio-P accumulation at the very beginning of pedogenesis.  Using the Hailuogou Glacier foreland on Gongga Mountain as a natural laboratory, microbial community assembly, co-occurrence networks, and PCGs were examined across four successional stages (S1-S4) before the pioneer plant emerged. The results indicated that bacteria were the dominant domain in all four stages. At the very beginning of pedogenesis, microorganisms adapted to scare bio-P conditions by regulating the functional expression of key PCGs. Key genes, including pqqE, gcd, phoD, and 3-Phytase, played a crucial role in mineral phosphorus solubilizing and organic phosphorus mineralizing. Community assembly was predominantly driven by deterministic processes under environmental pressures. Tight cooperative network structures within the microbial communities and dominant microbial taxa were the major factors accelerating the bio-P releasing into the soil. It can be concluded that microbepromoted bio-P accumulation at the very beginning of pedogenesis by regulating PCGs and typical microbial community constructing. These findings provided new insights into the mechanisms by which microbial communities regulate phosphorus dynamics during pedogenesis process.

How to cite: Wu, Y., Xu, M., Bing, H., Zhu, H., Luo, C., and He, J.: Microbe promotes soil phosphorus bioavailability at the beginning of pedogenesis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6318,, 2025.

EGU25-6436 | Posters on site | BG3.49

Climate change shifts risk of soil salinity and land degradation in water-scarce regions 

Yair Mau, Isaac Kramer, and Nadav Peleg

Climate change introduces significant uncertainty when assessing the risk of soil salinity in water-scarce regions. We combine a soil–water-salinity–sodicity model (SOTE) and a weather generator model (AWE-GEN) to develop a framework for studying salinity and sodicity dynamics under changing climate definitions. Using California’s San Joaquin Valley as a case study, we perform first-order sensitivity analyses for the effect of changing evapotranspiration (ET) rates, length of the rain season, and magnitude of extreme rainfall events. Higher aridity, through increased ET, shorter rainy seasons, or decreased magnitude of extreme rainfall events, drives higher salinity — with rising ET leading to the highest salinity levels. Increased ET leads to lower levels of soil hydraulic conductivity, while the opposite effect is observed when the rainfall season length is shortened and extreme rainfall events become less intense. Higher ET leads to greater unpredictability in the soil response, with the overall risk of high salinity and soil degradation increasing with ET. While the exact nature of future climate changes remains unknown, the results show a serious increase in salinity hazard for climate changes within the expected range of possibilities. The presented results are relevant for many other salt-affected regions, especially those characterized by intermittent wet–dry seasons. While the San Joaquin Valley is in a comparatively strong position to adapt to heightened salinity, other regions may struggle to maintain high food production levels under hotter and drier conditions.

How to cite: Mau, Y., Kramer, I., and Peleg, N.: Climate change shifts risk of soil salinity and land degradation in water-scarce regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6436,, 2025.

EGU25-6862 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49

Organic matter in density fractions responds to 10 years of experimental field warming in a temperate forest 

Binyan Sun, Mike Rowley, Guido Wiesenberg, Elaine Pegoraro, Margaret Torn, and Michael Schmidt

Global temperatures could increase by approximately 4°C until 2100, according to IPCC climate scenarios, causing surface and subsoil will warm in synchrony with the atmosphere. This warming is predicted to accelerate soil carbon loss and greenhouse gas release, but also change the composition of soil organic matter in ways that affect its cycling and future vulnerability. This is important because despite low carbon concentrations, subsoils store more than half of the total global soil organic carbon. However, it remains largely unknown how this deep soil carbon will respond to warming. In this study we explore how 10 years of experimental field warming affects soil carbon quantity and quality in bulk soil and in functional (density) fractions in whole soil profiles. 

After 10 years of experimental field warming of a temperate forest (Blodgett, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA), we analyzed carbon composition of bulk soil and density fractions using Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform spectroscopy. Soil carbon functional pools included free and occluded particulate organic matter (fPOM, oPOM) as well as mineral associated organic matter (MAOM), at 3 different depths (10-20, 40-50, and 80-90 cm). The results showed that the relative proportion of carbon in fPOM and oPOM decreased with depth and was lower in warmed plots. Soil carbon (C) quality in fPOM and oPOM did not change with warming or depth. However, C quality in MAOM was different, with 11% more aliphatic C in the topsoil (10-20 cm), and 17% more aromatic C in the deep soil (80-90 cm). This indicated an increasing level of SOC decomposition in subsoil >50 cm. With warming, most of the remaining organic matter in the deep soil was protected by mineral association, with relatively more aromatic C present. This raises the possibility that SOC that is mineral-associated in subsoil, especially in the form of aromatic C, might resist future warming more than SOC in other functional fractions.

How to cite: Sun, B., Rowley, M., Wiesenberg, G., Pegoraro, E., Torn, M., and Schmidt, M.: Organic matter in density fractions responds to 10 years of experimental field warming in a temperate forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6862,, 2025.

Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are key parameters determining the fate of C in soils. However, the paucity of investigations of microbial CUE and NUE dynamics through the soil profile with warming makes it challenging to evaluate the terrestrial C feedback to climate change. Here, based on soil samples from a whole-soil-profile warming experiment (0–1 m, +4 °C) and stable isotope (18O and 15N) tracing approaches, we examined the vertical variation of microbial CUE and NUE and its response to ~3.3-year experimental warming in an alpine grassland on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Our findings revealed that microbial CUE and NUE decreased along soil depth, a trend that was primarily controlled by soil C availability. We also observed differential warming effects on microbial CUE and NUE. Microbial CUE showed no significant response to warming in either the topsoil or deep soil. However, microbial NUE in the deep soil decreased by 53% under warming compared to non-warmed controls, suggesting that warming drives soil microbes to incorporate less N into their biomass in the topsoil. The decrease in microbial NUE was likely triggered by a reduction in soil N availability in the topsoil. Collectively, our work emphasizes the regulatory role of substrate availability on microbial CUE and NUE.

How to cite: Zhang, Q.: Effects of whole-profile warming on microbial carbon and nitrogen use efficiency at different soil depths in an alpine meadow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7534,, 2025.

EGU25-7845 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49 | Highlight

Consistent soil organic carbon loss rate across depth under warming 

Wenao Wu and Biao Zhu

Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock is the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir, with a substantial portion stored in the subsoil below 20 cm. The near-synchronous warming of the subsurface poses a threat to SOC storage across the whole soil profile. However, whether topsoil or subsoil is more vulnerable to warming still remains highly debated. Here, we utilize 213 matched observations from 60 field experiments to compare the responses of SOC stock to warming across depth. We find that warming causes SOC losses both in topsoil and subsoil. Moreover, multiple lines of evidence indicate no significant difference in SOC responses to warming at different soil depths, suggesting a consistent SOC loss rate throughout the whole soil profile. Despite the consistent loss rate, subsoil below 20 cm is projected to contribute over 60% absolute SOC losses across the 0-100 cm soil profile under the shared socioeconomic pathways 5-8.5 scenario due to its large SOC stock. We show that SOC in subsoil is as susceptible to warming-induced loss as in topsoil. Neglecting subsoil carbon loss will significantly underestimate the positive climate-carbon cycle feedback.

How to cite: Wu, W. and Zhu, B.: Consistent soil organic carbon loss rate across depth under warming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7845,, 2025.

Numerous studies have explored the impacts of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics. However, limited research has investigated the modulatory role of N deposition in urban to rural forests and the underlying microbial mechanisms. We carried out a 5-year field study to explore the links between microbial properties (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), microbial diversity, community composition and functions) and the different SOC fractions (particulate organic carbon, POC and mineral-associated organic carbon, MAOC) submitted to three levels of N addition rates (0, 50, and 100 kg N ha-1 yr-1) in urban–rural gradient forests in eastern China.

We discovered that N addition raised the soil ammonium nitrogen concentration in urban and suburban forests. However, it had no effect on soil acidification or POC or SOC accumulation,and in urban forest the stability was due to the 105 % to 110 % increase in the mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) through enhancing peroxidase activity and microbial biomass carbon. On the contrary, high nitrogen input significantly reduced SOC stability in the suburban and rural forest stands. High nitrogen input contributed to the loss of MAOC (-33.6 %) in the suburban forest stand due to the enhancement of microbial biomass nitrogen. High nitrogen addition also decreased the ratio of MAOC to SOC in the rural forest stand by 29.8 % through indirect pathways mediated by the soil Ca2+ concentration and polyphenol oxidase activity. We concluded that SOC in the urban forest was stable when subjected to increased nitrogen deposition, primarily due to the enhancement of MAOC driven by microbial function. This finding has contributed to a better understanding  in predicting forest carbon cycling under conditions of global climate change and urban expansion.

How to cite: Tao, X. and Qian, Z.: Diverging patterns at urban-rural forest gradients: soil organic carbon stability responses to nitrogen addition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7946,, 2025.

EGU25-8485 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

Environmental controls on the temperature and moisture sensitivity of soil respiration during drying and rewetting events  

Xiankun Li, Arjun Chakrawal, Gustaf Hugelius, and Stefano Manzoni

Understanding the moisture and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration is important as climate change brings more variation in soil moisture (e.g., drought, drying, and rewetting events) and soil temperature (e.g., warming). However, soil moisture and soil temperature sensitivity of soil respiration are often assumed fixed, neglecting environmental controls that might modulate them. Moreover, the soil moisture sensitivity is likely different during drying as opposed to rewetting periods due to the different processes involved, and soil temperature sensitivity is often estimated without separating the drying and rewetting periods, during which processes with contrasting temperature sensitivity are dominant. Here, we collected high-frequency field data on soil respiration, soil moisture, and soil temperature from COSORE (27 sites) and NEON (47 sites) and defined the moisture and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in both the drying and rewetting periods. Using the monthly standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and monthly temperature over the last 30 years of each site, we characterized the historical climate conditions by drought frequency and temperature amplitude. Then, the moisture and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in both the drying and rewetting periods were explained by historical climate conditions, vegetation index, soil properties, and their interactions. The results will provide a better understanding of the environmental controls on soil moisture and temperature sensitivity of soil respiration.

How to cite: Li, X., Chakrawal, A., Hugelius, G., and Manzoni, S.: Environmental controls on the temperature and moisture sensitivity of soil respiration during drying and rewetting events , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8485,, 2025.

EGU25-8740 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49

Abrupt thaw processes linked to enhanced intermediate C cycle steps within palsa soil mesocosms: a metagenomic analysis 

Mackenzie Baysinger, Mélissa Laurent, Susanne Liebner, Alexander Bartholomäus, and Claire Treat

Permafrost underlies 25% of the land surface area of the northern hemisphere and stores approximately a third of the world's organic soil carbon (C). When permafrost thaws, organic C that was frozen in a suspended state of decomposition rejoins the active layer and can be respired by microbial organisms within the soil as CO2 or CH4. As climate warming advances, permafrost thaw is likely to occur more within abrupt (seasons to decades) timelines as opposed to the generally better understood gradual thaw timelines (decades to centuries). Abrupt timelines increase C emissions over a shorter time scale. This increase in C respiration can be further spurred by the reintroduction of nutrients that were frozen in the permafrost, alongside the soil C. In this study, 1m intact soil cores were collected from a palsa in Northern Finland, and incubated in ex-situ mesocosms for 12 weeks with continuous GHG production measurements. In tandem, subsamples of the soil cores were collected pre- and post- simulated abrupt and gradual thaw scenarios for metagenomic analysis. The coupling of these methods revealed a significant increase of GHG production in the abrupt thaw simulation, as measured by the mesocosm incubations. In the permafrost horizon, this was coupled with a shift to an increase of activity of the intermediate C cycle steps leading to respiration. Additionally, a large taxonomic shift was observed in the permafrost microbial community structure when comparing samples before and after the thaw simulations. Gene abundances associated with nitrogen cycling increased in the abrupt thaw simulation, while there was little discernible change in the Fe and S cycling dynamics pre- and post- thaw. This multidisciplinary approach lays groundwork for our evolving understanding of abrupt permafrost thaw and emphasizes the differences in C cycling strategies microbial communities utilize in abrupt and gradual thaw timescales. 


How to cite: Baysinger, M., Laurent, M., Liebner, S., Bartholomäus, A., and Treat, C.: Abrupt thaw processes linked to enhanced intermediate C cycle steps within palsa soil mesocosms: a metagenomic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8740,, 2025.

The availability of phosphorus (P) in soils will ultimately determine forest productivity because of increasing P limitation in terrestrial ecosystems. However, how root exudates affect the availability of soil P in subalpine forests remains unclear. Here, bulk soils (BS) and rhizosphere soils (RS) under Abies fabri and Rhododendron decorum were respectively collected in the early-, mid- and late-growing seasons in a subalpine forest of eastern Tibetan Plateau, and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs), microbial biomass P and P fractions were analyzed to decipher the effects of the plants on soil P availability. The P fractions in both BS and RS showed a distinct difference between A. fabri and R. decorum because of their different P acquisition strategies. The ericoid mycorrhiza-associated R. decorum sequestered soil available P through organic P mineralization, while the ectomycorrhizal mycorrhiza-associated A. fabri directly or indirectly acquired both the organic and inorganic P pools. Seasonal variations in soil available P further revealed that the difference in the P acquisition by the two species was closely associated with their growing stages. The increase in the concentrations of available P in RS of A. fabri was significantly related to the LMWOAs that dominated by citric acid, likely through the desorption or ligand exchange rather than acidification effect because of limited range of soil pH in the mid-growing season, while organic P mineralization contributed to available P for R. decorum in the early-growing season. The results of this study indicate that LMWOAs can significantly promote P availability in RS of A. fabri, mycorrhizal types and plant growing stages drive plant P acquisition, which results in the coexistence patterns of different species in the same habitat.

How to cite: Zhu, H., Wu, Y., and Bing, H.: Species-dependent phosphorus acquisition strategy modulates soil phosphorus cycle in the subalpine forest of eastern Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9014,, 2025.

EGU25-9635 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49 | Highlight

Global soil organic carbon changes with reforestation/afforestation 

Yijie Wang, Yifan Xu, Yakun Zhu, and Zhangcai Qin

Soil organic carbon (SOC) changes resulting from forestation (including afforestation and reforestation) play a crucial role in evaluating the forest-pathway contribution to global climate change mitigation within the framework of nature-based climate solutions. However, forestation may fail to increase SOC and even lead to SOC decline over certain time periods, potentially offsetting the climate mitigation benefits achieved through biomass carbon sequestration. To address this, we review global studies on forestation, encompassing both plantations and natural regeneration, and analyze the factors driving SOC changes after afforestation and reforestation. Our analysis reveals that higher initial SOC tends to cause regional soil carbon loss, with topography, climate, soil condition, and land use history together determining overall SOC changes after forestation. Furthermore, we utilize random forest models to predict future SOC dynamics following forestation, with significant variability observed across climate zones in first 30 years, and the contribution of SOC to total carbon sequestration appears lower than previously estimated. These findings highlight the need for greater consideration of local conditions when designing forestation strategies to optimize ecosystem carbon sequestration, and to enhance soil’s role in achieving sustainable climate change mitigation goals. 

How to cite: Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Zhu, Y., and Qin, Z.: Global soil organic carbon changes with reforestation/afforestation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9635,, 2025.

Tundra ecosystems are vast reservoirs of organic carbon and sensitive areas to climate change. The plant community and soil properties in tundra are changing significantly due to climate warming, which may further affect the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition. However, the microbial mechanism by which plant-derived C input affects the temperature sensitivity of SOC decomposition remains unclear. Here we used quantitative stable isotope probing of DNA to examine how bacterial taxa affect the temperature sensitivity of SOC decomposition in an alpine tundra following the addition of glucose. Our results showed that the glucose addition caused significant changes in microbial community composition, with microorganisms transitioning from the sensitive taxa at lower temperatures (5-15℃) to the sensitive taxa at higher temperatures (15-25℃), which may explain why the Q10 of native SOC decomposition increased in 15-25 ℃, compared with no glucose addition. The study suggests many bacterial taxa change with temperature and plant-derived C input, and community-assembled traits of microbial taxa may better predict SOC dynamics in the alpine tundra.

How to cite: Chang, Q., Guo, Z., He, Y., and Bai, E.: Plant-derived C input regulates the temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon by changes in bacterial community composition in an alpine tundra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9675,, 2025.

EGU25-10174 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The influence of deadwood on the carbon dynamics of a near-natural beech forest - a question of soil moisture? 

Robin Schäfferling, Eric Zeidler, Alina Azekenova, Gabriela Fontenla-Razzetto, Alexandra Koller, Patrick Wordell-Dietrich, Lilli Zeh, Britt Kniesel, Stefan Julich, Kenton Stutz, Karl-Heinz Feger, Karsten Kalbitz, and Goddert von Oheimb

Deadwood is an essential component of intact forest ecosystems. It is a hotspot of biodiversity, can contribute to water retention and has complex effects on various soil functions, such as the quality and quantity of soil organic matter. Whether deadwood makes a positive contribution to carbon storage in forest soils, and how site-specific parameters might contribute, has not been extensively investigated. We therefore ask how the effect of deadwood on the formation and stabilisation of soil organic matter varies with soil moisture.

The study was carried out as part of the BENEATH project in a near-natural beech forest in the Dübener Heide near Leipzig, Germany. Three monitoring sites (wet, intermediate, dry) were established on the slope of an old moraine along a natural soil moisture gradient. At all sites, undisturbed soil samples were taken at three depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-30 cm) directly under deadwood in an advanced stage of decay, as well as reference samples (at a distance of 2 m from the deadwood). Soil solution was collected under deadwood and on reference plots using suction plates and cups at 5 cm and 20 cm depth, respectively. Carbon (C) and nitrogen contents were determined for all samples. For soil samples, the size of differently stabilised C pools was determined by density fractionation. Soil respiration was measured monthly by chamber measurement on deadwood-influenced soil and on reference plots. Volumetric soil water content and soil temperature were continuously recorded using SMT100 sensors.

The highest soil organic carbon (SOC) contents and the greatest changes due to deadwood were found between 0 and 10 cm depth. At the wet and dry sites, deadwood had a positive effect on SOC content, at the intermediate site the effect was negative. SOC stabilisation was not affected. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the soil solution was higher under highly decomposed deadwood than at the reference sites. Overall, the highest values were measured on the wet site. Soil respiration was increased on both wet and dry site under the influence of deadwood compared to the reference. The results indicate that the effect of deadwood on C dynamics is critically dependent on soil moisture. The influence of the deadwood itself on the soil water balance seems to be of particular importance. It is likely that changes in soil moisture (due to deadwood or soil properties) will lead to changes in microbial activity with effects on the intensity of processes such as microbial decomposition of SOC or release of organic C from deadwood or litter.

Our investigations should contribute to a better understanding of the role of deadwood in the C-cycle of forest soils. They can provide information for a more accurate accounting of C fluxes in forests and for a more climate-smart forest management.

How to cite: Schäfferling, R., Zeidler, E., Azekenova, A., Fontenla-Razzetto, G., Koller, A., Wordell-Dietrich, P., Zeh, L., Kniesel, B., Julich, S., Stutz, K., Feger, K.-H., Kalbitz, K., and von Oheimb, G.: ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The influence of deadwood on the carbon dynamics of a near-natural beech forest - a question of soil moisture?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10174,, 2025.

EGU25-11489 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.49

Soil organic matter dynamics along a long-term soil warming gradient in a subarctic forested ecosystem 

Jana Kehr, Anne Peter, Damien Finn, Christoph Tebbe, and Christopher Poeplau

Global warming will lead to a temperature rise of the soil, with a stronger effect in high latitude areas as compared to the global average. Soil warming could cause positive carbon-climate feedback, but this is still subject to many uncertainties. To enhance the understanding of how warming impacts underlying biogeochemical processes in top – and subsoils, our study makes use of a century-scale geothermal warming gradient. It is located in an aspen-dominated subarctic forest in the southern Yukon-Territory, Canada. A previous study at the site showed the SOC-stock to be reduced with warming, while the N-stock remained mainly unchanged. Thus, the C:N ratio was reduced, which was particularly pronounced in subsoils. Moreover, N shifted from the particulate-organic matter (POM) pool to the mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) pool. We hypothesize the shift to be related to a higher microbial contribution to the MAOM fraction. In addition, the contribution of plant-derived OM in the subsoil might have decreased. This might be due to a change of root biomass distribution along the soil profile, as it is assumed that warming enhances N availability and the distribution of soil moisture. Furthermore, we hypothesize the soil structure to be a relevant factor for the distribution and loss of SOC, as the fraction of sand and stable aggregates (S+A) might be reduced with warming.

To understand the coupling- or decoupling of C- and N cycles, we will determine biogeochemical parameters at four warming intensities up to a warming of +10 °C to a depth of 80 cm. This design allows us to identify potential non-linear responses and it includes different warming scenarios. We will measure C- and N stocks of the POM, S+A and MAOM fraction. To moreover address the warming effect on the relative organic matter turnover, δ13C and δ15N values will be analyzed. For soil structural changes, the mean weight diameter of water-stable aggregates is evaluated. Furthermore, the coarse- and fine root biomass is assessed along the soil profiles. This comprehensive study will gain valuable biogeochemical insights and first results of ongoing evaluations will be presented.

How to cite: Kehr, J., Peter, A., Finn, D., Tebbe, C., and Poeplau, C.: Soil organic matter dynamics along a long-term soil warming gradient in a subarctic forested ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11489,, 2025.

EGU25-12202 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

Rapid acclimation of topsoil physicochemical and biotic properties to experimental climate change 

Daniel Wasner, Tom W.N. Walker, Billur Bektaş, TransPlant Network, and Jake M. Alexander

Climate change rapidly alters the conditions which govern the differentiation of soils, with implications for the wide range of indispensable ecosystem functions that soils provide. The ability of soils to perform these functions in the future will depend on how quickly soil physicochemical and biotic properties respond to warming. On the one hand, soil development is a process that takes millennia. On the other hand, soil processes are mediated by chemical and microbial reactions that can be very rapid, potentially altering soil functioning over a period of months to years. In addition, soils are highly diverse depending on parent material and environmental conditions. As a result, simple questions about soil-climate responses remain unanswered: How long does it take for soil to acclimate to a changed climate? And do some soil properties acclimate faster than others?


Here, we addressed these questions with a novel approach which combines elevation gradients with soil transplantation experiments. Elevation gradients are used to study the potential long-term effects of climate, because they can control for parent material while allowing soils to acclimate to climate differences between elevations over long periods of time. Transplant experiments across elevation are warming experiments in which the elevational changes in climate across space are used to investigate short-term climatic responses. Based on the assumption of space-for-time, soils at low elevation can represent the expected state of transplanted soils that have fully acclimated to a new climate over longer timescales. Observations across different transplant experiments thereby provide the opportunity to see whether and how quickly short-term changes converge on expected longer-term changes. To this end, we collected topsoils from eleven elevational transplant experiments across the Alps, Scandinavia and the Rocky Mountains which varied in experiment duration between 1-9 years. We analyzed elevational differences and short-term warming-responses of organic matter dynamics (pools and fluxes), organic matter characteristics (e.g. fraction, functional groups, thermal stability), microbial communities (bacteria, fungi) and soil physicochemistry (pH, particle size, weathering products).  


We found that short-term responses of soils to warming were mainly in the same direction as expected changes based on elevational differences between soils. Moreover, different types of soil properties acclimated at comparable and rapid paces: Organic matter dynamics had acclimated to warmer climate by up to 57% of expected change (16% on average across sites). Organic matter characteristics had acclimated by up to 74% (14% average), microbial communities by up to 82% (average 14%) and soil physicochemistry by up to 67% (23% average). Acclimation was significantly related to experiment duration for organic matter dynamics, microbial communities and soil physicochemistry. The observed relationships suggest that, with simplistic assumptions, soils would fully acclimate to the experimental climate change within two decades. Based on climate projections, we estimated that the experiments simulated an average cumulative warming of four to five decades. Taken together, we conclude that topsoil properties can respond rapidly to climate change, implying that many soil functions could keep up with climate change without major time lags.

How to cite: Wasner, D., Walker, T. W. N., Bektaş, B., Network, T., and Alexander, J. M.: Rapid acclimation of topsoil physicochemical and biotic properties to experimental climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12202,, 2025.

EGU25-12761 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

Warming effects on soil microbial community composition in Nordic salt marsh ecosystems 

Johanna Schwarzer, Ella Logemann, Julian Mittmann-Goetsch, Kai Jensen, Peter Mueller, and Susanne Liebner

Plant-microbe interactions control ecosystem functioning. Soil microbial communities regulate nutrient cycling, and by this influence plant productivity and community composition. Wetland plants steer the soil und rhizosphere microbiome through the release of organic compounds and oxygen from roots as well as through the input of litter.

The present study investigates warming effects on soil microbial community composition and activity in two Baltic salt-marsh sites with similar vegetation composition and soil characteristics in relation to plant community composition and soil redox conditions. We hypothesize that soil microbiomes from both sites show a similar response to warming through modulation in taxonomic composition and enzymatic activity.

Soil sods from salt marshes in Sweden and Denmark were transported to the Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology at the University of Hamburg and exposed to a large range of warming treatments in a state-of-the-art experimental facility with automated above and belowground heating (ambient, +3°C, +6°C) over two consecutive growing seasons. We analyzed 16S rDNA and ecoenzymatic activity across different soil depths to investigate the warming response of the microbial community.

In contrast to our hypothesis, a consistent response to warming was missing. Instead, we found that sample origin and soil depth had a strong effect on microbial community composition and ecoenzymatic activity. We observed a stronger warming effect on microbial community composition for samples originating from Denmark, which also showed a stronger differentiation across soil depth. Samples originating from Sweden showed less pronounced depth differentiation, and a weaker response to warming in microbial community composition. However, samples from Sweden had a higher variability of ecoenzymatic activity, suggesting a physiological adaptation to warming rather than an adaptation through changes in taxonomic composition as seen in samples from Denmark. In my presentation, I will further discuss potential effects of vegetation composition and productivity as well as biogeochemical parameters under warming on microbial community composition in salt marsh ecosystems.

How to cite: Schwarzer, J., Logemann, E., Mittmann-Goetsch, J., Jensen, K., Mueller, P., and Liebner, S.: Warming effects on soil microbial community composition in Nordic salt marsh ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12761,, 2025.

EGU25-14297 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49 | Highlight

Understanding soil pore response to winter freeze-thaw 

Kaizad Patel, Alexandra Contosta, William Petersen, Cristhian Teixeira, Tamas Varga, and Jianqiu Zheng

Freeze-thaw events disrupt soil pore structure, with implications for larger scale greenhouse gas fluxes and nutrient balance in winter and the growing season. Given its strong influence on soil C and N cycling, we need a better understanding of how pore structure is altered by freeze-thaw disturbances. Our objective was to investigate and quantify changes in the physical structure of soil, in response to experimental freeze-thaw disturbance. 

We collected intact soil cores from a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA. The soils were held at two contrasting water contents (low vs. high moisture) and then subjected to repeated freeze-thaw cycles in the laboratory, alternating between -10 °C and +4 °C. Soil porosity and pore network connectivity were determined during each freeze and thaw event using X-ray computed tomography (XCT) imaging. CO2 fluxes were measured continuously to track changes in microbial respiration following each disturbance. In addition, soil organic carbon was characterized using high resolution FTICR-MS to determine changes in the available C pool. This work links physical changes in soil structure to biogeochemical responses, highlighting the role of microsite scale processes on core-scale fluxes. 

How to cite: Patel, K., Contosta, A., Petersen, W., Teixeira, C., Varga, T., and Zheng, J.: Understanding soil pore response to winter freeze-thaw, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14297,, 2025.

EGU25-16954 | Posters on site | BG3.49 | Highlight

Substantial subsoil carbon loss from beech forests since the 1980s 

Mathias Mayer, Klaus Dolschak, Emilia Winter-Artusio, Michael Grabner, Michael Tatzber, Iftekhar Uddin Ahmed, Elisabeth Wächter, Isolde K. Berger, Pétra Berger, Wolfgang Wanek, and Torsten W. Berger

Soils are a major carbon (C) reservoir, with subsoils (>20 cm) storing the majority of this C. Predicting the response of subsoil C to global change remains a critical research priority, yet long-term field observations for forest ecosystems are scarce. In this study, we assess temporal C dynamics in mineral soils to 90 cm depth of 62 temperate European beech (Fagus sylvatica) stands in Austria using data from sampling campaigns in 1984, 2012 and 2022. Our results show a significant increase in C stocks between 0-20 cm and a significant decrease in C stocks between 20-50 cm and 50-90 cm depth, suggesting substantial C losses from the subsoil. These losses outweighed the C gain in topsoils, resulting in an overall soil C loss since the 1980s. Organic-rich calcareous soils appear to be particularly vulnerable to C loss, probably because they are less effective at stabilising C than soils on other substrates. We suggest that changes in climate (i.e. warmer and wetter) and factors such as changes in rooting depth or litter inputs may underlie the observed patterns of depth-dependent soil C changes. The estimated soil C loss accounted for 23% of the C accumulated in aboveground biomass, as determined by dendrochronological analysis, indicating a reduction in the ecosystem's carbon sink capacity. Our results highlight the importance of including subsoil C in forest ecosystem assessments, as it plays a key role in the overall carbon balance.

How to cite: Mayer, M., Dolschak, K., Winter-Artusio, E., Grabner, M., Tatzber, M., Ahmed, I. U., Wächter, E., Berger, I. K., Berger, P., Wanek, W., and Berger, T. W.: Substantial subsoil carbon loss from beech forests since the 1980s, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16954,, 2025.

EGU25-21285 | ECS | Orals | BG3.49

A New Model for Synthesis: The Soil Warming Experiment to Depth Data Integration Effort (SWEDDIE) 

Jeffrey Beem-Miller, William Riley, Margaret Torn, Michael Schmidt, and Peter Reich

Ecosystem warming experiments offer key insights into the functioning of plants, microbes, and biogeochemical processes in a warmer world, but are limited by their ecological context, within site heterogeneity, and instrumentation. The Soil Warming Experiment to Depth Data Integration Effort (SWEDDIE) is a joint platform developed by the DeepSoil2100 network (23 warming experiments worldwide) to overcome these limitations through the creation of a network-wide database.

The SWEDDIE database is designed with FAIR principles to accommodate a wide range of data types, with a streamlined data ingestion system and user-friendly query and reporting tools. Comprehensive metadata reporting standards enable SWEDDIE to serve as a repository for past, present, and future datasets. Harmonization of data is facilitated with data dictionary files that accompany and describe variables in each data file and also store sensor and methods information. SWEDDIE consists of both publicly accessible and network-only data tiers, and is hosted on ESS-DIVE to leverage existing data repository infrastructure. Data ingestion, wrangling, and synthesis tools for SWEDDIE are also available in a companion R package.

A key tenet of SWEDDIE is the inclusion of soil measurements below 0.2 m, as the warming response of C stocks in deeper soil layers remains both highly uncertain and consequential for the global C cycle. Accordingly, we welcome new sites and data submissions, provided that > 1 °C warming has been observed below this depth. The first synthesis analysis with SWEDDIE focused on the impact of warming on soil moisture, while also serving to test the SWEDDIE data model and refine the harmonization approach. The results of this analysis provide quantitative evidence that warming leads to decreased soil moisture throughout the soil profile, but with more drying in surficial compared to deeper soil layers. The degree of warming correlates directly with the magnitude of soil drying, but the specific relationship between warming and drying varies by site as well as seasonally.  

SWEDDIE is at its core a community project. The results of the preliminary soil moisture analysis are a key building block of one of the next planned synthesis efforts: using selected experiments to benchmark soil C warming responses with the ecosys model. This demonstrates the positive feedback inherent to this platform, i.e., that active community engagement leads to improved data coverage, which in turn enhances our capacity to generalize warming responses across ecological gradients, inform global models, and quantify potential experimental biases.

How to cite: Beem-Miller, J., Riley, W., Torn, M., Schmidt, M., and Reich, P.: A New Model for Synthesis: The Soil Warming Experiment to Depth Data Integration Effort (SWEDDIE), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21285,, 2025.

Empirical assessments are valuable sources of knowledge to evaluate impacts of global change on organisms and ecosystems. Experimental data are especially valuable as they offer controlled conditions for testing hypotheses and establishing process understanding. However, these approaches are also notoriously difficult to upscale to broad geographic extents as they require detailed and often labor-intensive studies in multiple field sites. Meta-analyses based on shared protocols and ‘distributed experiments’, that is, experiments replicated across broad geographic or environmental extents, offer opportunities to overcome these challenges. The International Tundra Experiment (ITEX) is one of the largest and longest-running distributed experiments in plant and ecosystem science. In this talk, we will present a recent ITEX data synthesis project that used experimental data to assess the processes underlying increased ecosystem respiration in the warming tundra.   

Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems are large reservoirs of organic carbon, and climate warming may stimulate ecosystem respiration and release carbon into the atmosphere. The magnitude and persistence of this stimulation and the environmental mechanisms that drive its variation remain uncertain. To address this knowledge gap, we synthesized 136 datasets from 56 open-top chamber in situ warming experiments located at 28 arctic and alpine tundra ITEX sites that have been running for up to 25 years. We show that a mean rise of 1.4 °C in air and 0.4 °C in soil temperature results in an increase in growing season ecosystem respiration by 30%, due to increases in both plant-related and microbial respiration. There was substantial variation in the warming effects on respiration, however. Such context-dependencies have often frustrated attempts at generalizations in ecology, but we show how the distributed experimental approach allowed us to disentangle the ecological processes underlying these variations. We found that tundra sites with stronger nitrogen limitation, and sites in which warming stimulated plant and microbial nutrient turnover, seemed particularly sensitive in their respiration response to warming. This knowledge may improve the accuracy of global land carbon–climate feedback projections. Our study highlights how empirical approaches that enable process understanding of context-dependent ecological variation may allow generalization and prediction of complex ecological phenomena.

How to cite: Vandvik, V. and Maes, S. and the coauthors: On how a distributed experimental approach informs our understanding of the processes underlying context-dependencies in the ecosystem respiration response to a warming tundra, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21337,, 2025.

Afforestation is an efficient strategy used to promote soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. Though the effects of afforestation on SOC sequestration have been investigated worldwide, the underlying mechanisms remain to be further explored. We adopted a space-for-time approach by comparing maize field and plantation forest at a regional scale in subtropical China, and explored the mechanisms underlying the effects of afforestation on SOC sequestration. Amino sugars and lignin phenols were used as biomarkers to indicate soil microbial and plant residual carbon. SOC stock was significantly promoted 20 years after afforestation with an accrual rate of 301.7 ± 43.3 g C m-2 yr-1. According to the 13C mass balance method, new carbon contributed 28.9 ± 2.8% of SOC pool in the plantation forest with the contribution much higher in the topsoil than in the subsoil horizon. The turnover time of SOC was comparable across the soil profile from 0 to 45 cm depth with the average being 130.8 ± 26.6 years. Afforestation promoted particulate organic carbon (POC) content more pronouncedly in the topsoil than in the subsoil horizon, but promoted bulk SOC and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) content similarly across the soil profile from 0 to 45 cm depth. In the topsoil, microbial residue played a key role in stimulating SOC accumulation following afforestation, with the roles of lignin and mineral protection being much minor. In the subsoil, the roles of microbial residue and mineral protection in stimulating SOC accumulation were comparable, with the role of lignin being minor. For both POC and MAOC accumulation following afforestation, the role of microbial residue was much higher than that of lignin or mineral protection. The findings demonstrate that microbes may play a key role in promoting soil carbon accumulation following afforestation in the subtropical region.

How to cite: Li, D.: Key role of microbes in promoting soil carbon accumulation following afforestation in a subtropical region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1230,, 2025.

EGU25-1330 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Carbon Sequestration and its Effects on Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare 

Neha G Paswan and Shray Pathak

A significant approach for reducing the effects of climate change is carbon sequestration, which is the process of absorbing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. The potential for carbon sequestration to lower greenhouse gas concentrations has significant effects on human welfare and ecological services. The present study was designed to assess carbon storage and sequestration by using the InVEST model in Chandigarh, India. The study highlights the effects of carbon sequestration on ecosystem services and human well-being. While increases in CO2 levels may boost crop yields, they pose significant risks to long-term climate stability. Enhancing carbon storage in an urban environment can notably improve air quality and mitigate climate change impacts. In addition, carbon sequestration has a critical role in soil formation and nutrient cycling, which is essential for maintaining ecosystem health. The findings reveal a significant increase in built-up areas and a reduction in green spaces despite regulations implemented by authorities. The InVEST model results indicate a decrease in carbon storage from 5.8 × 10⁵ Mg in 2013 to 4.9 × 10⁵ Mg in 2023. This shift resulted in a decline in carbon storage and negative carbon sequestration. Total carbon sequestration for this period was -8.2 × 10⁴ Mg, suggesting carbon emissions exceeded sequestration. Chandigarh experienced a notable decrease in green cover and agricultural land, with built-up areas increasing by 21% from 2013 to 2023. Further, economic analysis through net present value indicated a financial loss for the city due to higher carbon emissions outweighing sequestration. It advocates the implementation of participatory sensing to raise awareness and prioritize multifunctional landscapes, ensuring sustainable ecosystems and mitigating adverse effects on ecosystem services. The results emphasize the simultaneous use of carbon sequestration as a socioeconomic and environmental instrument, supporting a well-rounded strategy that gives equal weight to ecological sustainability and community well-being. The present study contributes to the larger conversation on sustainable urban development in India by offering helpful information to environmental stakeholders, politicians, and urban planners.

How to cite: Paswan, N. G. and Pathak, S.: Carbon Sequestration and its Effects on Ecosystem Services and Human Welfare, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1330,, 2025.

EGU25-1431 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Modeling biochar effects on soil organic carbon on croplands in a microbial decomposition model (MIMICS-BC_v1.0) 

Mengjie Han, Qing Zhao, Wei Li, Ying-Ping Wang, Philippe Ciais, Haicheng Zhang, and Daniel S. Goll

Biochar (BC) application in croplands aims to sequester carbon and improve soil quality, but its impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics is not represented in most land models used for assessing land-based climate mitigation, therefore we are unable to quantify the effects of biochar applications under different climate conditions or land management. To fill this gap, here we implement a submodel to represent biochar into a microbial decomposition model named MIMICS (MIcrobial-MIneral Carbon Stabilization). We first calibrate and validate MIMICS with new representations of density-dependent microbial turnover rate, adsorption of available organic carbon on mineral soil particles, and soil moisture effects on decomposition using global field measured cropland SOC at 285 sites. We further integrate biochar in MIMICS by accounting for its effect on microbial decomposition and SOC sorption/desorption and optimize two biochar-related parameters in these processes using 134 paired SOC measurements with and without biochar addition. The MIMICS-biochar version can generally reproduce the short-term (≤ 6 yr) and long-term (8 yr) SOC changes after adding biochar (mean addition rate: 25.6 t ha-1) (R2 = 0.79 and 0.97) with a low root mean square error (RMSE = 3.73 and 6.08 g kg-1). Our study incorporates sorption and soil moisture processes into MIMICS and extends its capacity to simulate biochar decomposition, providing a useful tool to couple with dynamic land models to evaluate the effectiveness of biochar applications on removing CO2 from the atmosphere. 

How to cite: Han, M., Zhao, Q., Li, W., Wang, Y.-P., Ciais, P., Zhang, H., and Goll, D. S.: Modeling biochar effects on soil organic carbon on croplands in a microbial decomposition model (MIMICS-BC_v1.0), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1431,, 2025.

EGU25-2078 | Orals | SSS5.6

Harnessing massive application of lignocellulosic inputs to fallow and regenerated soils 

Joan Romanya, Llorenç Cerdà-Péczely, Evan A.N. Marcs, Johana González -Coria, Carolina Jaime-Rodríguez, Marina Pérez-Llorca, Neus Solà-Bosch, and Alejandro Pérez-Ferrer

Soil management practices have led to a generalized decarbonization of agricultural soils' organic matter and carbon contents. Whereas mulching application of large amounts of organic matter (OM) on the soil surface, the incorporation of massive amounts of organic matter into the soil profile (e.g. 40-120 m3 ha-1) has been much less common, and has only been studied in a limited capacity, with effects varying depending on soil type, climate and origin of the incorporated lignocellulosic material. Large amounts of carboniferous materials applied to soil can provoke nutritional disequilibria, and potential nutritional deficiencies for plants. However, it has been shown that sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) may be able to overcome N limitation, though the exact mechanism is not clear.

            In a field experiment in Catalonia, we applied an equivalent of 150 t ha-1 ramial chipped wood (RCW) simultaneously with sweet potato cultivation. The experiment was set up in two adjacent in arable fields with a cold semi-arid climate (yearly precipitation ~ 400 mm) with contrasting previous management: one field had been abandoned for 15 years, while the other had been managed with regenerative farming techniques including organic manure application, limited tillage, and green cover since 2006. RCW was applied in March, sweet potato was planted in May, and the plants were harvested in October. Using a combination of techniques including mass balances of C and N in fine earth and large (> 2 mm) organic fractions, plant nutritional analysis, and 15N stable isotope natural abundance method, we examined C and N dynamics in the soil and plant nutrition.

            RCW incorporation increased both C and N in the plots where applied (Figure). However, absolute and relative gains were much greater in the regenerated plots, and the recovered C and N was much greater in the regenerated plots. Sweet potato N nutrition was not seen to be influenced by soil chemical properties (N fractions), pointing to other non-identified nutrition sources. Sweet potato leaf 𝛿15N also changed dramatically between samplings (March and October), indicating a change in N source.

            These first results give some indications about the potential for rapid soil recarbonization in soils under different management and crop appropriateness to make this transition.                                                                                        


How to cite: Romanya, J., Cerdà-Péczely, L., Marcs, E. A. N., González -Coria, J., Jaime-Rodríguez, C., Pérez-Llorca, M., Solà-Bosch, N., and Pérez-Ferrer, A.: Harnessing massive application of lignocellulosic inputs to fallow and regenerated soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2078,, 2025.

EGU25-2248 | Orals | SSS5.6

Efficiency of plant biomass processing pathways for long-term soil carbon storage 

Sonja G. Keel, Alice Budai, Lars Elsgaard, Brieuc Hardy, Florent Levavasseur, Zhi Liang, Claudio Mondini, César Plaza, and Jens Leifeld

The potential for soil carbon (C) sequestration strongly depends on the availability of plant biomass inputs, making its efficient use critical for designing net zero strategies. Here, we compared different biomass processing pathways and quantified the long-term effect of the resulting exogenous organic materials (EOMs) on soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. We estimated C losses during feed digestion of plant material, storage of manure, composting and anaerobic digestion of plant material and manure, and pyrolysis of plant material based on literature values. Then we applied the widely used SOC model RothC with newly developed parameters to quantify SOC storage efficiency, i.e., accounting for both processing losses and decomposition losses, of the different EOMs. Based on simulations for a 39-year long cropland trial in Switzerland, we found that the SOC storage efficiency is higher for plant material directly added to the soil (16 %) compared to digestate and manure (3 % and 5 % respectively). For compost, the effect was less clear (2 % ̶ 18 %; mean: 10 %) due to a high uncertainty in C-losses during composting. In the case of biochar, 43 % of the initial plant C remained in the soil, due to its high intrinsic stability despite C-losses of 54 % during pyrolysis. To provide robust recommendations for optimal biomass use, additional considerations such as nutrient availability of EOMs, environmental impacts of soil application, and life cycle assessments for the entire production processes should be included.


How to cite: Keel, S. G., Budai, A., Elsgaard, L., Hardy, B., Levavasseur, F., Liang, Z., Mondini, C., Plaza, C., and Leifeld, J.: Efficiency of plant biomass processing pathways for long-term soil carbon storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2248,, 2025.

EGU25-3339 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Sustainability of Irrigated Bioenergy Sorghum Across the Continental USA 

Sagar Gautam and Umakant Mishra

Agroecosystem models are widely used to predict the impacts of agricultural management practices and environmental changes on biomass yields, soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from bioenergy crops. Applying irrigation to bioenergy crops can enhance carbon capture and storage but may also increase the net GHG emissions of produced biomass and bioenergy. The specific objectives of our study were to i) predict biomass yield, soil carbon changes, and GHG emissions of bioenergy sorghum under different irrigation scheduling across cultivated lands in the continental US, and ii) identify economically optimal, location-specific irrigation treatments for Sorghum cultivation in US. Using multi-location yield data of Sorghum, the process-based agroecosystem model DAYCENT was calibrated, validated, and employed to simulate biomass yield, GHG emissions, and changes in SOC. The DAYCENT model were setup at a 4-km grid scale across the continental US. Long-term weather data, including at least 30 years of temperature and precipitation records, were obtained from the nearest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather stations. Soil data, including major soil properties were extracted from the SSURGO database by defined soil layers. The model was calibrated using Sorghum yield and SOC data, and further work is under progress to analyze the impacts of irrigation and conduct suitability analysis. Further results including the assessment of irrigated biomass productivity and the economic sustainability of irrigated bioenergy cropping systems will be presented during the meeting. 

How to cite: Gautam, S. and Mishra, U.: Sustainability of Irrigated Bioenergy Sorghum Across the Continental USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3339,, 2025.

EGU25-3455 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Soils as CO2 sinks? - The importance of dynamic disequilibria in soil systems 

Michael Sommer and Marisa Gerriets

Climate and land-use change induce dynamic disequilibrium in C cycling (Luo & Weng TREE 2011) as does soil erosion (Doetterl et al. ESR 2016) and soil meliorations, e.g. deep tillage (Alcantara et al. GCB 2016, Schiedung et al. GCB 2019). The effect of disequilibria on decadal  trends of SOC in arable soils is demonstrated in controlled, long-term field experiments, which include desurfacing as well as meliorative fractional deep tillage (mFDT). Our results show that soil systems well below equilibrium state induce a fast, significant and sustainable CO2 sink effect. Especially mFDT offers a realistic, practical option for 4p1000 as it increases crop yields and soil fertility in arable soils simultaneously.

How to cite: Sommer, M. and Gerriets, M.: Soils as CO2 sinks? - The importance of dynamic disequilibria in soil systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3455,, 2025.

Forestation is regarded as an effective strategy for increasing terrestrial carbon sequestration. However, its carbon sink potential remains uncertain due to the scarcity of large-scale sampling data and limited knowledge of the linkage between plant and soil C dynamics. Here, we conduct a large-scale survey of 163 control plots and 614 forested plots involving 25304 trees and 11700 soil samples in northern China to fill this knowledge gap. We find that forestation in northern China contributes a significant carbon sink (913.19±47.58 Tg C), 74% of which is stored in biomass and 26% in soil organic carbon, while soil inorganic carbon contributes minimally. Further analysis reveals that the biomass carbon sink increases initially but then decreases as soil nitrogen increases, while soil organic carbon significantly decreases in nitrogen-rich soils. A tradeoff between organic carbon (biomass + soil organic carbon) and inorganic carbon dynamics is also observed along water gradient. These results highlight the importance of incorporating plant and soil interactions, modulated by nitrogen and water supply in the calculation and modelling of current and future carbon sink potential.

How to cite: Hong, S. and Song, Y.: Tradeoffs between soil and plant carbon sink after forestation along water and nitrogen gradients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4926,, 2025.

EGU25-5420 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Humic Acid-Driven Soil Stability and Nutrient Absorption: Comparing Organic and Synthetic Fertilization in Maize Production 

Jeonggu Lee, Sihyun Park, Na- Hyun Kwon, Chang-dong Lee, Taehyeon Kim, and Jaeeun Jung

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a pivotal role in enhancing soil's physical and biological properties, contributing to improved crop productivity and long-term agricultural sustainability. Among the components of SOM, humic acid (HA) is particularly important due to its capacity to enhance soil structure and promote nutrient availability. While previous studies have primarily focused on the impact of naturally derived HA on soil properties, this study investigates the effects of HA on soil aggregation and stability under different fertilizer regimes. The experiment was conducted during the summer cropping season with maize (Zea mays L.) grown under both organic and synthetic fertilizer treatments. The organic fertilizer treatment involved the incorporation of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa R.) residues five days prior to maize cultivation, whereas the synthetic fertilizer treatment applied recommended rates of NPK fertilizers in accordance with Korean agricultural guidelines. Results showed that the organic fertilizer treatment significantly improved soil aggregation and stability, as indicated by the mean weight diameter (MWD) of soil aggregates (p < 0.05), compared to the synthetic fertilizer treatment. This enhancement was largely attributed to the increased quantity and quality of HA derived from organic inputs. The organic treatment yielded nearly double the amount of HA compared to the synthetic treatment. Additionally, the organic treatment demonstrated a 140% increase in MWD and a 40% higher total phenolic content than the synthetic counterpart. Furthermore, maize cultivated under organic treatments exhibited significantly higher macronutrient absorption (p < 0.001), an 11% increase in above-ground biomass, and a 21% increase in grain yield compared to synthetic fertilizer treatments. These findings suggest that the incorporation of fresh organic residues can effectively enhance HA characteristics in soil, thereby improving soil structure and promoting sustainable crop productivity.

How to cite: Lee, J., Park, S., Kwon, N.-H., Lee, C., Kim, T., and Jung, J.: Humic Acid-Driven Soil Stability and Nutrient Absorption: Comparing Organic and Synthetic Fertilization in Maize Production, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5420,, 2025.

EGU25-5775 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Is Backfilling a Sustainable Alternative to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Swiss Degraded Peatlands? 

Ciriaco McMackin, Luisa Minich, Stéphane Burgos, Frank Hagedorn, Guido Lars Bruno Wiesenberg, and Markus Egli

Peat soils in Western Europe play a crucial role in carbon storage and agriculture. However, these two functions are often incompatible, as draining of peatlands, to convert them into agricultural land, leads to emissions of stored carbon, turning these carbon reservoirs into significant carbon sources. In the Three Lakes region of Switzerland, peatlands have been drained for agriculture for the last about 100–150 years. While drainage has improved agricultural use of these peatlands, it has also accelerated peat decomposition, leading to the loss of more than 2 meters of peat thickness and causing substantial CO2 emissions.

Currently, there are no effective and sustainable measures to regenerate peatlands, aside from reflooding. In Switzerland, backfilling has emerged as an alternative approach to potentially reduce CO2 emissions without ceasing agricultural activities. Backfilling involves the deposition of mineral material from various sources onto the soil to disconnect the peat from the surface, thereby maintaining agricultural production while protecting the already degraded organic soils.

This method has been used for over 50 years in the region to improve access for machinery in areas prone to waterlogging caused by peat mineralization, but little research has been conducted on its long-term effects on the carbon cycle or overall soil functioning. With this study, we aim at better understanding the impact of backfilling on the carbon cycle in managed peatlands. To achieve this, we measured CO2 emissions and their radiocarbon content (14CO2) at three locations in the Three Lakes region to assign the source of the respired organic C. In addition, the quality (DRIFT) of soil carbon from drained and drained-backfilled peat soils was determined.

Initial summer measurements showed that CO2 emissions were over 40% higher in drained peatlands compared to their backfilled counterparts. The 14C content of the carbon respired also differed, with older carbon released from the original peatlands (up to -193 ‰, indicative of ~ 1,500 years) than from the backfilled sites (up to -115 ‰, ~ 800 years). Incubation experiments revealed that CO2 emissions predominantly originated from deeper horizons (>40 cm), which were richer in carbon and less degraded. Comparing the original drained peat to the peat buried beneath the backfilling, we observed lower carbon content and fewer easily degradable compounds in the buried peat. Compounds such as aliphatics were largely replaced by more resistant materials, like phenolics. The difference in emissions is then, primarily attributed to the quality and quantity of the remaining carbon, which is mainly dependent on the state of peat degradation at the time the backfilling was implemented. These findings highlight the critical role of the quality and quantity of the remaining carbon stock in this system. While backfilling may help reduce CO2 emissions by altering carbon availability in peat soils, it cannot fully stop the degradation process. Further research is needed to investigate spatio-temporal variability, potential peat compaction, and the influence of factors such as the groundwater table and the composition of the mineral layer.

How to cite: McMackin, C., Minich, L., Burgos, S., Hagedorn, F., Wiesenberg, G. L. B., and Egli, M.: Is Backfilling a Sustainable Alternative to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Swiss Degraded Peatlands?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5775,, 2025.

EGU25-6100 | Orals | SSS5.6

Soil carbon sequestration after afforestation of former cropland: oak and Norway spruce chronosequences repeatedly sampled after 13 and 22 years 

Lars Vesterdal, Yamina Micaela Rosas, Carsten Werner Mueller, and Ming Yu

Afforestation of agricultural land is one of the main nature-based solutions to reduce emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere while possibly increasing soil carbon (SOC) stocks. However, information on high-resolution temporal dynamics in SOC are scarce. SOC sequestration after afforestation of former cropland has commonly been studied by the chronosequence approach. The advantage of such space-for-time substitution for estimating slow SOC change processes must be balanced against the spatial variation introduced. However, no previous studies extended the chronosequence approach with multiple repeated inventories for comparison and validation of observed SOC dynamics.

We conducted a long-term combined chronosequence/resampling study in a former cropland area afforested with oak (Quercus robur) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) over the past 50 years. Soil sampling was carried out in 1998, 2011 and 2022 in the same oak and spruce afforestation chronosequences to reveal inferred and true temporal trends in forest floor and mineral soil SOC to 25 cm depth. Sampling in adjacent cropland and a 200-year-old forest served as references for the overall SOC sequestration rates. The C sequestration in woody biomass was quantified to estimate the contribution of SOC stocks to ecosystem C sequestration. The objective was to study the decadal patterns in post-agricultural SOC change in afforested oak and Norway spruce by i) comparing chronosequence trends in forest floor and top mineral soil C stocks within and across the three sampling campaigns, ii) quantifying current rates of SOC stock change at stand level based on multiple sampling campaigns.

Forest floor C stocks followed a non-linear trend and levelled off after about 30 years towards 8.6 ± 1.2 Mg C ha-1 for spruce and 3.4 ± 0.9 Mg C ha-1 for oak. The chronosequence trajectory was largely validated by resampling, and decadal rates of forest floor C sequestration approached 0 after about 40 years. Chronosequence trends in topsoil SOC were similar for oak and spruce and increased across the three inventories by 0.29 ± 0.05 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 to a C stock equivalent to 75% of that in the 200-year-old forest after about 50 years. However, there was no detectable topsoil SOC change along the three chronosequences based on individual inventories. Repeated sampling revealed further temporal and species-specific dynamics. SOC sequestration rates in the periods 1998-2011 and 2011-2022 were positive in most stands, and particularly increased with stand age in the spruce stands older than 20 years. Norway spruce also sequestered most C in biomass.

We conclude that contrasting temporal change in forest floor and mineral soil C sequestration rates indicates a shift in C source-sink strength over 50 years. Three decades of forest floor C sequestration is shifted to increasing mineral soil C sequestration, and sequestration rates in both soil compartments were greater in Norway spruce than in oak. The chronosequence approach across all three inventories provided the best estimate of mineral soil C trajectories since afforestation, but repeated sampling revealed significant stand- and species-specific dynamics in soil C change even within a homogeneous former cropland area.


How to cite: Vesterdal, L., Rosas, Y. M., Mueller, C. W., and Yu, M.: Soil carbon sequestration after afforestation of former cropland: oak and Norway spruce chronosequences repeatedly sampled after 13 and 22 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6100,, 2025.

EGU25-6221 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Assessing carbon sequestration along a natural carbon gradient impacted by short-term drought  

Sigrid Trier Kjær and Peter Dörsch

Carbon sequestration in soils has been proposed as a strategy to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in the agricultural sector. However, there is still much uncertainty regarding how carbon is sequestered and accumulated in soils. We conducted a six-month soil incubation study amended with 13C-labelled plant litter to investigate carbon sequestration along a hillslope in southeast Norway. The field, cultivated with cereals, exhibits a natural gradient in soil organic matter (SOM) content, pH and soil moisture. Eight rain exclusion shelters (excluding ~50% of the rain) were installed along the gradient for four months, after which soils were sampled to investigate the impact of soil conditions and short-term drought on carbon sequestration. Carbon and nitrogen contents, as well as stable isotope ratios, were measured in bulk soil and in particulate organic matter/mineral-associated organic matter fractions at both the beginning and the end of the incubation. 13C-CO2 was measured continuously throughout the incubation and used for allocating 13C to a two-pool model. Exoenzymatic activity was also measured to provide insights into nutrient cycling in the soil. Litter decomposition was found to be highest in soils with low SOC, high pH and low moisture.

How to cite: Kjær, S. T. and Dörsch, P.: Assessing carbon sequestration along a natural carbon gradient impacted by short-term drought , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6221,, 2025.

EGU25-6311 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Can secular stable soil organic carbon be isolated? An assessment of Zimmermann fractionation using a long-term bare fallow. 

Amicie Delahaie, Valérie Pouteau, Cédric Plessis, and Claire Chenu

The “42 plots of Versailles” site is a long-term bare fallow established in 1928. Over the course of almost 100 years, these plots have been carefully maintained without vegetation and enriched annually with various fertilizers and amendments (16 types x 2 replicate plots + 10 control plots), and sampled throughout the period. In particular, the control plots offer the opportunity to use elemental analysis to monitor the kinetics of soil organic carbon (SOC) evolution in the absence of carbon inputs.

Zimmermann fractionation (Zimmermann et al., 2007, DOI : 10.1111/j.1365-2389.2006.00855.x) is a granulo-densimetric separation protocol that separates SOC into 5 fractions: dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coarse particles > 63 µm consisting of particulate organic matter (POM) and “heavy” coarse matter containing sand and aggregates (S+A), and fine particles < 63 µm consisting of oxidation-sensitive fine fraction (sSOC) and oxidation-resistant organic matter (rSOC).

These 5 fractions are expected to have distinct mean residence times; in particular, the rSOC fraction is seen as a stable fraction, with aged carbon whose quantity changes little or not at all over time; conversely, the POM fraction is composed of very labile carbon. When applying this fractionation to control samples from the 42 plots at different times, we therefore expect to see strong variations in the size of the labile compartments, and on the contrary very little variation in the stable compartments.

In this study, we compare the results of this fractionation on 5 control plots at various dates (notably at the start of the experiment in 1929; at the present in 2021, which is the latest sampling date; and intermediate dates), in order to verify whether Zimmermann fractionation is indeed capable of separating SOC fractions with very distinct kinetics.

How to cite: Delahaie, A., Pouteau, V., Plessis, C., and Chenu, C.: Can secular stable soil organic carbon be isolated? An assessment of Zimmermann fractionation using a long-term bare fallow., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6311,, 2025.

EGU25-6738 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

High-C/N straw inputs lead to higher mineral association organic matter than low-C/N straws 

Xiaofang Ji, Gilles Colinet, and Wenting Feng

The formation of mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) from plant litter decomposition is pivotal for climate change mitigation. However, the way in which plant litter of varying qualities influences MAOM formation and decomposition, particularly regarding the quantity of litter inputs, remains largely unclear. This study aimed to determine how the quality (C/N) of straw (low-quality (high-C/N) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) versus high-quality (low-C/N)  milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L.)) and its quantity (input level) affect MAOM formation and decomposition. We conducted a 420-day laboratory incubation experiment using low-quality wheat versus high-quality milk vetch straws added to artificial soil (pure quartz vs. soil with reactive minerals (sandy soil: 5% clay, 10% silt, and 85%)) at input levels of 0, 3, 6, 18, 26, 31, and 35 g C kg-1 soil. Contrary to the Microbial Efficiency-Matrix Stabilization theory, our research indicates that adding high-C/N (low-quality) wheat straw addition led to a significantly greater MAOM content than milk vetch. Notably, the MAOM stabilization efficiency declined at high input levels (26, 31, and 35 g C kg-1 soil) for wheat than for milk vetch. This is further supported by the evidence that reactive minerals slowed the decomposition rate of high-C/N (low-quality) wheat straw more effectively than that of low-C/N (high-quality) milk vetch. Moreover, the lower C:N ratio of the MAOM fraction, the reduced C:N ratio of dissolved organic matter (DOM), and a higher fluorescence index of DOM (higher values indicating greater contribution of microbial sources) after adding wheat straw than adding milk vetch straw suggest the significant role of plant-derived organic matter in MAOM formation. Our findings disclose that reactive minerals preferentially protect high-C/N (low-quality) litter over low-C/N (high-quality) litter through direct interaction with plant-derived organic matter, providing a critical pathway for MAOM formation distinct from microbial assimilation. This study highlights the key role of high-C/N (low-quality) straw in the efficient and long-term stabilization of soil C within agricultural practices.

How to cite: Ji, X., Colinet, G., and Feng, W.: High-C/N straw inputs lead to higher mineral association organic matter than low-C/N straws, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6738,, 2025.

EGU25-6864 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Cost-Effective Maize Stover Biochar Production for Enhanced Soil Carbon Sequestration 

Barira Shoukat Hafiza, Sobia Bibi, Wolfgang Wanek, Magdeline Vlasimsky, Jason Mitchell, Mariana Rabello, Maria Heiling, Arsenio Toloza, Gerd Dercon, and Jonathan Burnett

Biochar, a stable carbon(C)-rich material produced via biomass pyrolysis under oxygen-limited conditions, has become a topic of increasing scientific interest for its potential to improve soil health and sequester carbon, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. Maize stover, a globally abundant and often underutilized agricultural byproduct, represents a promising feedstock for biochar production, facilitating waste reduction and soil improvement. However, a deeper understanding of the dynamics of maize-based biochar in soil, including its C storage potential, stability, and effect on nutrient cycling, is crucial for optimizing its application in sustainable agricultural practices. This study aimed to develop a cost-effective, highly C-efficient and accessible laboratory-scale biochar production method using readily available porcelain crucibles and a high-temperature muffle oven, with the goal of applying it to 13C-labelled maize stover for the creation of 13C-labelled biochar.

Maize stover was pyrolyzed at temperatures ranging from 250 °C to 550 °C (in 50 °C increments) for 1 hour. The impact of temperature on biochar recovery rate, pH, electrical conductivity, and molecular stability via mid-infrared spectroscopy (MIRS) was investigated. Results showed that the biochar recovery rate decreased with increasing temperature, stabilizing at ~30% at higher temperatures (>500 °C). Biochar pH increased with temperature, reaching pH ~11 and  suggesting potential implications for soil acidity amelioration. MIRS analysis indicated optimal biochar stability at around 500 °C, crucial for long-term C sequestration, based on maximized aryl-C (C=C) absorption at 1620–1540 cm−1, minimized aliphatic C (C-H), and reductions in C=O stretching (1650–1800 cm−1) and O-H stretching (3000–3200 cm−1). Minimal variation among replicates highlights the method's high reproducibility and reliability for standardized lab-scale biochar production and comparative studies of biochar stability and soil interaction.

Further analysis, including elemental composition (C, N, H, and O), is underway to characterize the produced biochar and validate these findings. Based on these findings, the Soil and Water Management and Crop Nutrition (SWMCN) Laboratory team prepared a stable C isotope-labelled (13C) maize stover for biochar production. Utilizing 13C-labelled maize stover as feedstock will enable precise tracking of biochar-derived C in the soil, offering valuable insights into its fate and role in soil C dynamics. This isotopic labelling approach will enhance the understanding of biochar’s role in soil C cycling and support the development of evidence-based sustainable and climate-smart agricultural practices.

How to cite: Hafiza, B. S., Bibi, S., Wanek, W., Vlasimsky, M., Mitchell, J., Rabello, M., Heiling, M., Toloza, A., Dercon, G., and Burnett, J.: Cost-Effective Maize Stover Biochar Production for Enhanced Soil Carbon Sequestration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6864,, 2025.

EGU25-6891 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6 | Highlight

Changes in soil organic carbon stocks and quality on a national scale – Decadal trends of the German Agricultural Soil Inventory 

Marcus Schiedung, Laura Sofie Harbo, and Christopher Poeplau

Understanding changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) contents is important to estimate the role of soils as emission sinks or sources. Agricultural land use has led to substantial losses of SOC and recent projections indicate continuous decreases on a European scale, while main drivers remain elusive. The German Agricultural Soil Inventory is currently resampling around 3,000 sites to determine decadal SOC changes. Here we present the trends in SOC stocks of the first 800 analysed sites. We identified significant losses of SOC stocks in cropland and grassland soils by approximately 4% in the upper half meter. Most SOC was lost from overall carbon rich soils. Our analysis will extend to the role of past land use changes and management to identify key drivers of SOC dynamics. In addition, mid-infrared spectroscopy will be used to explore the role of SOC quality and composition for determining the decadal SOC changes. Recently, we used compositional information, for example the relative composition of aliphatic to aromatic compounds, to identify SOC change direction at land-use change sites. A large spectral library is being built to extend this approach to the national Soil Inventory and thereby improve our biogeochemical understanding of bulk SOC trends and establish new indicators of such.

How to cite: Schiedung, M., Harbo, L. S., and Poeplau, C.: Changes in soil organic carbon stocks and quality on a national scale – Decadal trends of the German Agricultural Soil Inventory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6891,, 2025.

EGU25-8176 | Orals | SSS5.6

Soil mesofauna increases the persistence of soil carbon in agriculturally managed soils under ambient and future climates 

Gerrit Angst, Lisa Hinkelthein, Martin Schädler, Alfred Lochner, Stefan Scheu, and Nico Eisenhauer

Soil fauna can have strong effects on the formation and persistence of soil organic matter (SOM). However, whether these effects are consistent across land uses and modulated by climate change remains unknown. Moreover, experiments on faunal taxa other than earthworms are very scarce.

We thus performed litterbag exclusion experiments in the Global Change Experimental Facility, Germany, in two land uses (agriculture/grassland) and two climate treatments (ambient/future). Litterbags accessible to either macro-, meso-, and microfauna, meso- and microfauna, or microfauna only were filled with soil and 13C-labeled maize litter and incubated in replicated plots for ~4 months. At the end of the experiment, we fractionated the soils into less (particulate organic matter) and more persistent (mineral-associated organic matter) SOM, and performed elemental and isotopic analyses.

Our results indicate that the conversion of litter into more persistent SOM was fostered in treatments accessible to meso- and macrofauna but not in those accessible to microfauna only, with this effect being most pronounced for the treatments accessible to mesofauna. Processes such as feces production by earthworms and springtails, which dominated the sites, could have fostered the formation of persistent SOM via stimulating microbial growth and necromass production, which is enriched in persistent SOM. This effect was insensitive to climate change and only perceivable in agriculturally managed soils, in which faunal abundance was lower than in grassland soils. These findings highlight mesofauna as strong regulators of SOM persistence, indicate density-dependent, positive effects of soil fauna on SOM persistence, and hint to a partial insensitivity of these effects to future climates.

How to cite: Angst, G., Hinkelthein, L., Schädler, M., Lochner, A., Scheu, S., and Eisenhauer, N.: Soil mesofauna increases the persistence of soil carbon in agriculturally managed soils under ambient and future climates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8176,, 2025.

EGU25-8320 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

The Effect of Biological Decomposers on Soil Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Soil Degradation 

Tetiana Khomenko, Valentyna Bolokhovska, Vladyslav Bolokhovskyi, Arkadii Lunhul, Mykhailo Zhurba, Dmytro Yakovenko, Yaroslava Bukhonska, and Vira Boroday

Soil degradation is one of the most significant challenges in modern agriculture. The loss of humic substances leads to a decrease in soil fertility and resistance to water and wind erosion, making soils more prone to the impacts of global climate change. One of the key strategies to combat soil degradation is the implementation of soil conservation practices aimed at increasing organic matter content in the soil.

Under conditions of a long-term stationary field experiment on typical low-humus chornozem, the effect of microbial products — plant residues biodecomposers — on the sequestration of labile carbon compounds in the soil under prolonged monoculture maize cultivation was investigated. An increase in the labile carbon content in the soil was observed in variants using the biodecomposers Ecostern Classic and Ecostern Bacterial + Ecostern Trichoderma by 0.11% and 0.18%, respectively, compared to the control. The obtained data on the increase in labile carbon content were confirmed by the dynamic determination of the organic matter transformation coefficient, the increase of which indicates enhanced microbiological processes in the soil and the predominance of organic matter synthesis processes over its mineralization. Thus, when biodecomposers were used, this indicator was significantly higher than in the control throughout the study period.

Focusing on the survival of the fungal bioagent from the Ecostern Classic and Ecostern Trichoderma products in the soil, the dynamics of the Trichoderma genus fungi population were monitored. The results showed an increase in the population of this micromycete in variants with the application of Ecostern Classic by an average of 19 thousand CFU/g of soil and, with the combined application of Ecostern Bacterial and Ecostern Trichoderma, by 34 thousand CFU/g of soil, compared to 28 thousand CFU/g of soil in the control. This indirectly indicates the survival of this bioagent included in the bioproducts.

During the determination of the soil eco-physiological diversity index using the BIOTREX technology (Community-Level Physiological Profiling method), it was found that in the control soil samples, the index was 3.66, whereas with the use of biodecomposers, it increased to 4.87–5.61, depending on the studied variant. Additionally, according to the BIOTREX assessment, the use of biodecomposers not only enhanced soil biodiversity but also improved its biological activity. The application of biodescomposers ensured an increase in maize grain yield compared to the control by 3.2 t/ha in the variant with Ecostern Classic and by 1.76 t/ha with the combined application of Ecostern Bacterial and Ecostern Trichoderma.

It was found that the application of a biodecomposer on corn residues accelerates their transformation and ensures the sequestration of labile carbon compounds. Microbial decomposers also enhance microbiological processes in the soil, leading to a predominance of organic matter synthesis over its mineralization, which is crucial for mitigating soil degradation.    

How to cite: Khomenko, T., Bolokhovska, V., Bolokhovskyi, V., Lunhul, A., Zhurba, M., Yakovenko, D., Bukhonska, Y., and Boroday, V.: The Effect of Biological Decomposers on Soil Carbon Sequestration to Mitigate Soil Degradation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8320,, 2025.

EGU25-8352 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

The enhanced rock weathering stages determine the fluxes and interactions of soil inorganic and organic carbon pools 

Kaiyu Lei, Franziska B. Bucka, Pedro Paulo Teixeira, Franz Buegger, and Ingrid Koegel-Knabner

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) has emerged as a promising strategy for atmospheric CO2 removal via promoting inorganic carbon (IC) sequestration. Despite its impact on IC accrual that has been extensively studied and modelled, the lack of understanding of its impact on the largest terrestrial C stock - organic carbon (OC), and the overall C fluxes throughout the weathering stages impede the long-term assessment of ERW in C sequestration. Here, we conducted a 6-month microcosm study using fresh basalt (fine size) and weathered basalt (coarse and fine size) to simulate the impacts of basalt on C fluxes with weathering progressing in a temperate cropland topsoil. We also incorporated 13C-labeled straw to understand their effects on the turnover of new straw-derived organic matter (OM) and the native OM. Our findings show that both fresh and weathered basalt treatments increase IC through the release of exchangeable cations, with the fresh basalt contributing more exchangeable Mg and the weathered basalt shifting toward exchangeable Ca dominance as olivine minerals deplete. The fresh basalt treatments lead to a significant loss of soil OC, driven by soil alkalinity. Nevertheless, they concurrently reduce CO2 emissions by promoting IC accrual in soils and the leaching of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). With the progress of weathering, the alkalinity effect diminishes. The weathered basalt (fine size) treatments demonstrate improved OC retention for both native soil organic matter (SOM) and straw-derived OM. This is accompanied by the reduced DOC and DIC leaching, attributed to increased specific surface area (SSA), low pH and SOM stabilization through Ca. However, the IC accrual can be labile to fresh biomass inputs, which enhance CO2 emissions and deplete the accumulated IC in bulk soils and DIC leaching. These findings suggest that in soils with continuous biomass inputs, the benefits of ERW (e.g. basalt) throughout the weathering stages lie in reducing OC loss driven by weathered ERW materials rather than sustaining IC accumulation, which can be easily lost by environmental fluctuations in temperate zones.

How to cite: Lei, K., Bucka, F. B., Teixeira, P. P., Buegger, F., and Koegel-Knabner, I.: The enhanced rock weathering stages determine the fluxes and interactions of soil inorganic and organic carbon pools, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8352,, 2025.

EGU25-9730 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Effect of biochar as inoculum carrier on the fertility of sandy soils  

Márk Rékási, Tibor Szili Kovács, Takács Tünde, József Kutasi, Mónika Molnár, and Nikolett Uzinger

Increasing the fertility of sandy soils is a worldwide problem. A field experiment investigated the combination of two of fertility increasing methods, the application of biochar (BC) and a plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria inoculum in acidic and calcareous sandy soils from the temperate region. The treatments studied were BC alone; BC with inoculum; inoculum on BC carrier; and inoculum on conventional carrier at four dose levels. BC levels were 3, 15 and 30 t/ha. As a test plant maize was sown. Based on the chemical and biological changes observed in the soil, BC was the more decisive factor in the treatments. BC increased the pH and nitrification in acidic soil and the P and K availability in both soils. The survival of inoculated bacteria was better when it was added with BC. In acidic soil the small dose of BC inhibited arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal infection, probably due to its toxic organic contaminants. The growing season was extremely dry thus, the treatments did not affect maize yield, but the increase in total above-ground biomass showed that the combined application of BC and inoculum is more beneficial than their separate application. 


Acknowledgement: This work was funded by the Norway Grant HU09-0029-A1-2013 entitled “Combined application of biochar and microbial inoculant for deteriorated soils.”

How to cite: Rékási, M., Szili Kovács, T., Tünde, T., Kutasi, J., Molnár, M., and Uzinger, N.: Effect of biochar as inoculum carrier on the fertility of sandy soils , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9730,, 2025.

EGU25-10997 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Flexible temperature-dependent differentiation of carbon fractions with the Elementar soli TOC® cube  

Calum Preece, Fabian Alt, and Almut Loos

Understanding how different soil types and land management practices can increase the quantity of carbon stored in soil is increasingly important for climate change mitigation efforts. Determining the total organic carbon (TOC) content in soils provides information on the soil health, carbon sequestration potential and soil fertility. This information allows improvements in agricultural applications, environmental monitoring and other land management practices. Another recent application for TOC analysis is assessing the quality and carbon sequestration potential of biochar, a carbon rich material produced via pyrolysis of biomass for the purpose of transforming the biomass carbon into a more stable form. Biochar has emerged as a potentially promising soil amendment as it captures carbon that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere and can improve soil fertility and improve water quality.

The Elementar soli TOC® cube has been developed for the measurement of total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) but also the residual oxidizable carbon (ROC). The soli TOC cube uses temperature ramped differentiation of the carbon factions with a crucible-based sample feeding system, gas switching and dynamic furnace. Alongside standard applications using a 3-step temperature programmes e.g. EN 17505, the soli TOC® cube also has the option for flexible programmes with up to 5 temperature steps offering new possibilities for differentiating carbon fractions or species and for studying the temperature-dependent decomposition of carbon compounds.

We present results from the new 5 - step temperature ramping method that gives users the ability to run flexible temperature programmes under combustion or pyrolytic conditions with up to five target temperatures between 150 and 900 ℃. Other adjustable parameters include the switching time between combustion and pyrolysis, temperature ramping time and temperature hold times. This enhanced flexibility gives the opportunity to address new scientific questions with an unrestricted analysis of the different carbon fractions.

How to cite: Preece, C., Alt, F., and Loos, A.: Flexible temperature-dependent differentiation of carbon fractions with the Elementar soli TOC® cube , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10997,, 2025.

EGU25-11591 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Advancing soil carbon sequestration solutions: A decision-support tool for achieving net-zero goals 

Christhel Andrade Diaz and Lorie Hamelin

Soil carbon sequestration (SCS) is a promising approach to mitigate climate change by enhancing carbon storage in soils while simultaneously improving soil functioning. Despite its potential, the effectiveness and sustainability of SCS strategies are highly variable, contingent on location-specific environmental and management contexts, and are often constrained by risks of reversibility and potential soil quality degradation. This underscores the urgent need for robust, data-driven frameworks to guide the prioritization and implementation of SCS strategies, ensuring long-term benefits while minimizing trade-offs.

This study introduces an innovative multicriteria decision-support tool designed to evaluate and prioritize SCS strategies in croplands, considering their carbon sequestration potential, environmental co-benefits, and socio-economic implications. A comprehensive review of 264 meta-analyses was conducted, focusing on the impacts of 13 SCS strategies, grouped into seven families: crop diversification, land management, mulching, organic amendments, fertilization, biochar application, and agri-technologies. The developed tool integrates seven key performance indicators (KPIs): ease of implementation, SOC increase potential, co-benefits, negative effects, costs, permanence of carbon in soil, and additional crop yield. The prioritization tool integrates quantitative and qualitative data into a scoring matrix, providing a robust framework to evaluate the multifaceted impacts of SCS strategies. It accounts for variability in data quality and uncertainty, allowing users to adapt the weighting of KPIs to align with specific goals. This allows the identification of Pareto-efficient strategies that maximize SOC sequestration while minimizing trade-offs, supporting the adoption of contextually relevant SCS strategies in agriculture.

Preliminary results highlight biochar application and agroforestry as promising strategies, with average SOC stock increases of 34% and 32%, respectively, followed by crop rotation (20%), fertilization techniques (16%), cover cropping (12%), and mulching (8%). Biochar demonstrates particularly high sequestration rates (0.03–66 MgC ha⁻¹ y⁻¹), alongside substantial improvements in soil properties, such as porosity, aggregate stability, and water-holding capacity, and a 25% average enhancement in crop productivity. By systematically synthesizing evidence and scoring SCS strategies across multiple dimensions, this study bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation of SCS strategies. The tool facilitates targeted decision-making, promoting research and investment in the most effective and sustainable practices, advancing the integration of soils into climate change mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Andrade Diaz, C. and Hamelin, L.: Advancing soil carbon sequestration solutions: A decision-support tool for achieving net-zero goals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11591,, 2025.

EGU25-11866 | Orals | SSS5.6

Soil C storage in productive grassland mixtures: the role of species traits and mixture composition 

Esben Mortensen, Leanne Peixoto, Kirsten Enggrob, Diego Abalos, and Jim Rasmussen

Productive perennial grassland systems can increase soil carbon (C) storage compared to annual cropping systems, but the effect of species mixture composition as a means to optimize soil C input and stabilization and aboveground biomass yield at low nitrogen (N) fertilizer inputs remains unexplored.

In a field experiment, we measured aboveground yield and soil C inputs in 2-species mixtures with grasses or forbs combined with red or white clover, and in multi-species mixtures with 6 and 18 species including all 3 plant functional groups (grass, forb, legumes). All mixtures were fertilized with 75 kg N ha-1 yr-1. Monoculture perennial ryegrass plots were established at low and high N application rates (75 and 300 kg N ha-1 yr-1). We assessed aboveground yield and the input to belowground C pools (i.e., root C and rhizodeposited C) using isotopic labelling with 13C and a tracer mass balance approach. Further, we measured the allocation of the rhizodeposited C into newly formed mineral-associated organic C (MAOC) and particulate organic C (POC) fractions and related these to root traits. Lastly, we quantified selected amino sugars as proxies for bacterial and fungal necromass along a species richness gradient (1, 2, 6, 18).

The mixtures with red clover (including the multi-species mixtures) had an aboveground yield between 19.0 and 20.8 t DM ha-1 (830 – 890 g C m-2), matching the yield of the high-fertilized monoculture perennial ryegrass. The 2-species mixtures with white clover yielded on average 27% lower than mixtures with red clover. Mixtures with higher species richness than 2 yielded similar aboveground biomass as the 2-species mixtures with red clover. The multi-species mixture, consisting of 6 productive, resource-acquisitive species, resulted in a total soil C input to 1 m depth of 425 ± 30 g root C m-2 and 70 ± 10 g rhizodeposited C m-2, which was higher than all other treatments. Red clover, tall fescue and chicory secured high root C, while white clover, perennial ryegrass and plantain contributed with high C rhizodeposition. The 18-species mixture had lower total C input to soil compared to the 6-species mixture, likely due to several extra species diluting the effect of the 6 productive species used in the 6-species mixture. Legumes (low C:N ratio in root biomass) increased the proportion of MAOC of total rhizodeposition, while grasses (high root length density and root surface area) increased total C rhizodeposition and the proportion of POC. Further, the mixtures with legumes had a higher content of fungal and bacterial microbial necromass in the soil at the end of the growing season compared to monoculture perennial ryegrass. This indicates that the stabilization potential of rhizodeposted C can be enhanced by mixtures with legumes compared to monoculture grasslands.

Our results showed how grassland mixture composition can 1) increase total C input to soil without compromising high aboveground yield, 2) regulate the relative proportion of MAOC and POC from root-derived C, and 3) increase microbial necromass formation and the potential persistence of newly formed soil C.

How to cite: Mortensen, E., Peixoto, L., Enggrob, K., Abalos, D., and Rasmussen, J.: Soil C storage in productive grassland mixtures: the role of species traits and mixture composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11866,, 2025.

EGU25-15185 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Divergent impact of amorphous aluminum hydroxide and biochar on enhancing organic carbon accumulation in low-carbon alkaline Indian soil 

Ruohan Zhong, Han Lyu, Arisa Nishiki, Mayuko Seki, Soh Sugihara, and Tetsuhiro Watanabe

Enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation is vital for improving agricultural productivity, soil health, and climate change mitigation, particularly in alkaline Indian soils with severe SOC deficiency. Amorphous Al (Am-Al) would be the major factor regulating SOC in volcanic and humid regions, and biochar has shown promise in improving SOC accumulation in temperate and tropical regions. Yet, their mechanisms and feasibility as amendments for enhancing SOC accumulation remain underexplored, especially in alkaline soils. This study investigates the effects of Am-Al and rice-husk biochar on the stabilization and mineralization of newly added plant materials in the alkaline Indian cropland soil (Inceptisol, 0-15 cm, pH: 8.8, SOC: 5.2 g kg1, clay: 21%) through a one-year incubation experiment at 25℃ and 60% of water holding capacity. Treatments included Am-Al (Al(OH)3·mH2O; pH: 7.0, oxalate extractable Al: 58 g kg1, BET specific surface area (SSABET): 290 m2 g1; 10 g kg1 soil) and biochar (formed at 550℃ for 4 hrs; SSABET: 180 m2 g1; 10 g kg1 soil) with and without washing (pH 9.2 and 6.9), with combination of plant residues (13C-labeled maize residue; 350 g C kg1; 34% of 13C; <1 mm powder; 1 g kg1 soil). The amounts and 13C ratios of respired CO2 and SOC during incubation were measured to quantify the mineralization and remaining added residues. The qualitative changes were monitored using 13C NMR and pyrolysis-GCMS.

Am-Al significantly reduced residue mineralization within the first 14 days, resulting in 27% versus 33% residue-derived CO₂ emissions for soils with and without Am-Al, respectively. Although this retardation diminished after 14 days, the legacy effect resulted in higher residue-derived C after one year, mostly in the <100 μm fraction (>90%). Am-Al preferentially stabilized plant residues directly, as indicated by a higher odd-over-even predominance of n-alkanes, reflecting a stronger plant contribution to lipids than microbial contributions. Minimal qualitative changes in residue decomposition patterns were observed in soils with and without Am-Al, as indicated by similar C functional group compositions. It suggests that stabilization may be primarily driven by adsorption rather than changing decomposition pathways, with some preferential stabilization of carbohydrate C (-C-O-) indicated by its smaller decrease among all functional groups. Biochar-amended soils also showed significant increases in remaining residue-derived C compared to controls. Still, they were lower than Am-Al treatments after one year, with stabilization effects becoming significant only in the later stages of incubation (post-day 168). This delayed effect is likely due to substrate substitution for soil microbes from residue to biochar rather than preferential stabilization. These findings highlight the divergent mechanisms of Am-Al and biochar in enhancing SOC accumulation, with Am-Al offering stronger stabilization from early stages and biochar contributing during later stages. Also, SSA may not be the only primary factor regulating the effectiveness of Am-Al and biochar in influencing SOC stabilization. This research underscores the potential of these amendments for SOC management in alkaline, low-carbon soils.

How to cite: Zhong, R., Lyu, H., Nishiki, A., Seki, M., Sugihara, S., and Watanabe, T.: Divergent impact of amorphous aluminum hydroxide and biochar on enhancing organic carbon accumulation in low-carbon alkaline Indian soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15185,, 2025.

EGU25-15512 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Pushing the Limits of Soil Organic Carbon Storage: The Role of Land Use in Soil Carbon Dynamics 

Franziska B. Bucka, Alma R. Cantorán Viramontes, Christopher Just, Julien Guigue, and Martin Wiesmeier

Healthy soils with high carbon content not only enhance agricultural productivity but also serve as significant carbon sinks, by sequestering atmospheric carbon dioxide. Understanding soil organic carbon dynamics is paramount for devising effective climate change mitigation strategies. In our study we analyzed the effect of a continuous dissolved organic matter (DOM) input in a Luvisol under three different land uses: grassland (GR), miscanthus (MI) and bare fallow (BF). We wanted to test if we could observe a maximum carbon content in the smaller fraction (<20μm), comparing our results to our calculations based on regressions for theretical saturation limits taken from the literature. We used a DOM-rich solution and irrigated the samples twice per week for 6 weeks. The GR and MI treatments surpassed the calculated theoretical limit by approx. 20%, contrary to BF which only reached approx. 70% of this theoretical limit. By the end of week 4, even though the carbon input was never interrupted, we observed a limited microbial respiration. It implies that the microbial communities might have focused on POM transformation, contrary to the expectation of them choosing the provided DOM. We also analyzed the change in available specific mineral surface area (SSA) through the experiment and detected a decrease for all the treatments, in line with the results for carbon content. Finally, we calculated the approximated leached carbon for each treatment. Our findings challenge the conventional notion of carbon saturation and underscore the importance of considering soil management practices and environmental conditions, contributing to advancing knowledge in soil carbon dynamics and emphasizing the critical role of adequate soil management in building a sustainable and climate-resilient future.

How to cite: Bucka, F. B., Cantorán Viramontes, A. R., Just, C., Guigue, J., and Wiesmeier, M.: Pushing the Limits of Soil Organic Carbon Storage: The Role of Land Use in Soil Carbon Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15512,, 2025.

EGU25-15768 | Orals | SSS5.6

Estimating the total soil organic carbon capturing potential of agriculture in Israel to inform country-wide carbon policy 

David Yalin, William Mlelwa, Eyal Rotenberg, Dan Yakir, Gil Eshel, and José M. Grünzweig

Carbon capturing using modified agricultural practices appears to be a prominent strategy for climate mitigation, because the accrual of soil organic carbon (SOC) and its maintenance also provide many agronomic advantages. Previous studies have estimated the global SOC capturing potential as the gap between the mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) capacity—considered the upper limit for long-term SOC accrual—and current MAOC stocks, providing promising results. State-level estimates of SOC capturing potential using this methodology can better inform policy on how to maximize C capturing. Here we aimed at quantifying the current potential for SOC capturing in agricultural soils in Israel. Gridded geographical information on soil texture and land use was compiled for an area of 390,000 ha, encompassing field crops (180,000 ha), orchards (90,000 ha) and rangeland (110,000 ha). A bulk density-texture function was derived from published literature; and the typical capacitance for MAOC of the soils in Israel was estimated at a value of 48 g C kg-1 silt+clay based on samples of the organic-rich top-soils in planted forest sites. The MAOC capacity to a depth of 20 cm in all the agricultural soils of Israel was estimated at a total of 25.1 Mt C (92 Mt CO2-eq). Field crops were associated with the highest capacity followed by rangeland and orchards. In the field crops, the regions with the highest capacity were the Northern Valleys where clay-rich soils are abundant and the semi-arid Negev region, where the expansive agricultural land area compensates for the abundance of sandy soils. Sporadic information published from trials on field crops in the Northern Valleys and the Negev show that current SOC there only amounted to 41% and 30% of the estimated MAOC capacity for those sites (respectively). While the low SOC filling in the semi-arid Negev might carry promise for a large capturing potential, it also raises questions whether the hot climate does not further limit SOC to values below the MAOC capacitance. For orchards, scant data exists regarding current SOC levels. However, we propose that the possibility of storing SOC in deeper soil layers in orchards might offer substantial carbon storage potential at the national scale, a topic still requiring investigation. Overall, despite the uncertainty involved in this work, our study provides a foundational framework for policymakers to develop carbon management strategies in Israel, while highlighting knowledge gaps to guide future research.


How to cite: Yalin, D., Mlelwa, W., Rotenberg, E., Yakir, D., Eshel, G., and Grünzweig, J. M.: Estimating the total soil organic carbon capturing potential of agriculture in Israel to inform country-wide carbon policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15768,, 2025.

EGU25-15842 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Fostering Soil Organic Matter Stocks by Adapting Agricultural Management Practices   – A Model Analysis  

Lisa Bahlmann, Susanne Stadler, and Claus Florian Stange

As part of the EU-Interreg project ‘Blue Transition – How to make my region climate resilient’, this study targets the climate change resilience of organic matter stocks and soil fertility in agricultural soils in a study region in Lower Saxony, Germany. The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources together with the regional water authority (Water authority of Oldenburg and East Frisia) investigates options to adapt agricultural management practices to change the trajectory of the observed organic matter losses at many agricultural sites in the region.

Considered adaptations include the optimization of fertilizer application, tillage practices, crop rotations and choices in catch crop as well as a one-time deepening of the topsoil layer depth by 5 cm to increase the soil volume for potential organic matter accumulation.

The long-term development of carbon stocks is estimated by simulating the carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the soil in response to site-specific soil and weather conditions, management practices and adaptations thereof. The dynamics are modeled using the Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer-Model Daisy. The model analysis highlights the potentials and limitations of different management adaptations. It also shines a light on the implications for the pollution of groundwater resources by nitrate leaching as a byproduct of efforts to increase soil carbon stocks.

How to cite: Bahlmann, L., Stadler, S., and Stange, C. F.: Fostering Soil Organic Matter Stocks by Adapting Agricultural Management Practices   – A Model Analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15842,, 2025.

EGU25-16585 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Understanding the legacy impact of biochar on soil function and carbon stocks – evidence from a 13-year field experiment 

Robert Brown, Wei Li, Clement Uguna, Will Meredith, Lee Stevens, David Chadwick, Colin Snape, and Davey Jones

Incorporation of biochar, a carbon (C) dense and stable (over centuries or millennia) product of pyrolysis of organic material, into soil (particularly agricultural soil) has been proposed as a potential method of atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR). However, assessing the impact of biochar application on agricultural soils, particularly over time, will be key to understanding the wider impact on ecosystem function. Here, using one of the longest running biochar field experiments in the UK, we evaluate the soil biological, physical and chemical impact of biochar 13 years after the initial application, at a plot (bulk soil from 50 t ha-1 biochar application vs control) and ‘charosphere’ scale (soil brushed from the biochar surface, and the biochar surface itself), as well as the impact of field exposure on biochar C stability and textural properties.

The organic C density of the biochar plots (4.89 kg C m-3) was higher than the control (3.32 kg m-3) plots, confirming the persistence of both biochar and soil derived organic C. Stable polycyclic aromatic carbon (SPAC) content, a measure of the long-term chemical stability of biochar C, of the original (non-field aged char) and field aged biochar was determined by hydropyrolysis (HyPy). The original biochar had a higher SPAC content compared to the field aged biochar, driven by one outlier, suggesting the initial biochar may have been heterogeneous in its quality and stability. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the HyPy-released labile fraction showed no compositional changes among samples with similar SPAC contents, indicating negligible degradation.

16S and ITS rRNA sequencing revealed divergent trends in the beta diversity of bacterial and fungal communities. The 16S bacterial community associated with the biochar surface differed from the bulk control and biochar soils and soil brushed from the biochar surface. Conversely, the ITS fungal community was different in the bulk control soil compared to biochar associated soils (bulk biochar, soil brushed from the biochar surface and the biochar surface itself). Soil pH and nitrogen (N) availability seemed to be the drivers of differences in soil properties, with pH significantly higher in the soil brushed from the biochar surface (pH 6.67) and biochar (pH 6.79) itself than the bulk soil (pH 5.22 and pH 5.30 for the control and biochar bulk soil, respectively), while extractable and available N was highest in the soil brushed from the biochar surface.

Overall, we show that, after 13 years, biochar application had a positive influence on soil C stocks. The chemical stability of the biochar had diminished by very little, with even the low quality (low SPAC content) char persisting. Soil function at a bulk soil level was relatively unchanged between control and biochar plots. However, at the charosphere (biochar surface) level, changes in the composition of the fungal and bacterial community may drive some changes in function, likely driven by soil pH and the biochar’s ability to retain nutrients, specifically N. The results presented here reinforce the durability of biochar application to soil as a CDR method, in the medium term.

How to cite: Brown, R., Li, W., Uguna, C., Meredith, W., Stevens, L., Chadwick, D., Snape, C., and Jones, D.: Understanding the legacy impact of biochar on soil function and carbon stocks – evidence from a 13-year field experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16585,, 2025.

Long-term field experiments on the soil C cycle are essential for understanding C dynamics in agricultural soils. However, such studies are limited in the humid tropics. This study quantifies the effects of chemical fertilizer application, organic matter application, and their combinations on soil C sequestration. Data was obtained from 4 sites of the 45-year long-term field experiments in Thailand. Furthermore, a structural equation model (SEM) was employed to visualize the relationships among organic matter application, soil carbon, basic chemical properties, and cassava yield.

Compared to the control without any application, soil carbon sequestration was 2.0 ± 2.1 and 2.8 ± 2.0 Mg C ha⁻¹ (0.2 m depth) for chemical fertilizer and crop residue incorporation, respectively. The largest soil C sequestration occurred when chemical fertilizers were combined with organic matter application. Specifically, when chemical fertilizer was combined with crop residue incorporation or compost application, soil C sequestration reached 5.6 ± 3.1 and 10.1 ± 6.5 Mg C ha⁻¹ (0.2 m depth), respectively. These findings underscore the importance of C contributions from crop biomass and direct C inputs from organic matter.

SEM showed that the effects of chemical fertilizer and organic matter application on soil C concentration in clayey soils were predominantly observed in the 0–0.2 m and 0.2–0.4 m surface layers. Conversely, treatment effects were significant in sandy soils at all depths up to 1.0 m. The increase in soil C in sandy soils also significantly improved basal soil fertility, such as soil pH, available phosphorus, and exchangeable potassium, resulting in higher cassava yields. In contrast, no significant relationship was found between soil C concentration and cassava yield in clayey soils.

Currently, soil C dynamics models for agricultural lands in low-latitude regions, such as Southeast Asia, are primarily based on databases from high-latitude areas (e.g., the RothC model). The findings from this study are expected to contribute to developing tropical-specific C dynamics models for agricultural lands in low-latitude regions. Furthermore, the standard set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for calculating soil carbon sequestration (30 cm from the surface) may be insufficient for sandy soils, highlighting the importance of evaluating carbon sequestration at deeper soil layers.


How to cite: Iwasaki, S., Tancharoen, S., and Luanmanee, S.: Carbon Sequestration and Soil Fertility Management in Sandy and Clayey Soils Revealed by Over Four Decades of Long-Term Field Experiments in Thailand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17561,, 2025.

EGU25-17737 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Quantifying the effect of air pollution on soil carbon sequestration using an EU-wide thermal inversions dataset 

Felix Schaumann, Piero Basaglia, and Moritz Drupp

The harmful effects of air pollution on human health and well-being are well-studied. However, research on the effects of air pollution on the non-human environment is still sparse. We add to this by investigating the causal effect of particulate matter (PM2.5) on vegetation and soil invertebrates throughout Europe. To do so, we exploit the quasi-random variation in air pollution concentration caused by thermal inversion episodes in an econometric instrumental-variable setting, with the help of a dedicated new dataset of thermal inversion episodes across Europe. With this econometric technique, we can estimate the causal effects of an increase in air pollution on soil variables taken from the LUCAS database. We focus particularly on processes related to carbon sequestration. A pollution-induced reduction in soil carbon sequestration constitutes a reduction in ecosystem services which can be monetised by estimating the additional economic damages arising from this carbon cycle feedback and the climate change impacts it causes. Results from a preliminary analysis in the UK suggest that a 1 ug increase in PM2.5 concentrations would imply a reduction in topsoil carbon sequestration of up to 2 MtC across England, which is substantial compared to annual UK CO2 emissions of around 80 MtC. These results indicate that the effect of air pollution on soil biota and soil carbon sequestration might be a major overlooked damage which is to a large extent caused by the combustion of fossil fuels. Consequently, accounting for this effect allows us to economically quantify the co-benefit of increased soil health and carbon sequestration that arises from reducing fossil fuel emissions through climate change mitigation policies.

How to cite: Schaumann, F., Basaglia, P., and Drupp, M.: Quantifying the effect of air pollution on soil carbon sequestration using an EU-wide thermal inversions dataset, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17737,, 2025.

EGU25-18721 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Disentangling the Effects of Minerals and Other Environmental Factors on Soil Carbon Stocks, and Capacity 

Leo Roßdeutscher, Mohammed Ayoub Chettouh, Marco Paina, Markus Reichstein, Marion Schrumpf, and Bernhard Ahrens

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is important for soil health and its accrual is discussed for carbon sequestration. The SOC fraction stabilized by mineral associations is of special interest, but limited reactive mineral surfaces comprise a natural boundary. The potential upper limit of soils to store SOC as mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC), the mineralogical capacity, cannot be directly measured as MAOM formation is the result of a complex interplay between mineral properties, plant litter input, and microbial growth and transformation. Accordingly it, depends on a variety of environmental drivers. Current approaches use boundary line regression to identify the dependency of the mineralogical capacity on texture, mineral type, and other environmental conditions and thereby suffer from data sparsity and neglect interactions among the different drivers.
 To exploit multiple sources of data and combine them via common and expert knowledge, we developed a parameter learning framework that combines machine learning and mechanistic modeling. The spatial distribution of parameters (e.g. mineralogical capacity or litter decomposition rates) of a mineral and microbial explicit mechanistic model is inferred using a hybrid neural network, where the mechanistic model forms the final layer. The neural network learned the mechanistic parameters from observations of SOC and MAOC, using environmental covariates like texture, climatological and vegetational conditions as inputs. Influences from mineral properties and other environmental conditions can thereby be separated in an informed way.
 Bootstrapping and analyzing the distribution of mechanistic parameters revealed that relying solely on SOC observations from the Land Use and Land Cover Survey (LUCAS) is insufficient for stable results. Thus, the output space was further constrained by penalizing unrealistic predictions, using MAOC and other sparse observations, and restricting the degrees of freedom in the framework. The posterior parameter combinations per site were thereby limited, which reduces equifinality and assures physical consistency of all model parts.
 Results of the distribution of the mineralogical capacity, steady state MAOC/POC and sensitivities on mineral and environmental conditions can inform the carbon sequestration and soil health community about areas of interest. As rates of change and respective sensitivities are also of high interest, the framework should be extended in the future with a dynamic mechanistic model.

How to cite: Roßdeutscher, L., Chettouh, M. A., Paina, M., Reichstein, M., Schrumpf, M., and Ahrens, B.: Disentangling the Effects of Minerals and Other Environmental Factors on Soil Carbon Stocks, and Capacity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18721,, 2025.

EGU25-19373 | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Fraction Dynamics Influenced by the Enhanced Rock Weathering with Blast Furnace Slag and Mine Tailings 

Ye Lim Park, Yejee Ok, Junge Hyun, Inhye Seo, and Gayoung Yoo

Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a promising carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology, capable of removing up to 95 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1 from the atmosphere. In recent research, not only natural rocks but also industrial by-products, such as blast furnace slag (BFS) and mine tailings (MT), have been found to exhibit ERW potential, highlighting the need for comprehensive evaluations of their effects. While the CDR potential of ERW is mainly assessed by the increase in soil or leachate inorganic carbon, its impact on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics remains underexplored. To address this gap, we conducted a 290-day greenhouse experiment to evaluate the effects of BFS and MT, representative industrial by-products, on SOC dynamics. The experiment consisted of a factorial design with three replicates, with or without plants (alfalfa, Medicago sativa L.), and applying BFS and MT at a rate of 60 t ha-1. SOC dynamics were analyzed through temporal changes in SOC fractions, including free particulate organic carbon (fPOC), occluded particulate organic carbon (oPOC), and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC). Additionally, we measured soil pH, available nutrients (NH4+, NO3-. and P2O5), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), and microbial activities (hydrolase and oxidase). Results showed decreased total SOC in BFS and MT after 290 days. The SOC fraction dynamics showed distinct temporal dynamics. The fPOC content declined rapidly within 122 days and continued to decrease slowly thereafter. In contrast, oPOC and MAOC showed minimal or statistically insignificant changes over time. Microbial parameters, including MBC and enzyme activities, significantly increased in response to BFS and MT applications. These results indicate that the high levels of (3127.3 mg kg-1), Na (4.0 mg kg-1), and Mg (12.6 mg kg-1) contained in BFS and MT stimulated microbial activity, thereby promoting the decomposition of labile SOC fraction (fPOC). Despite the SOC loss, BFS and MT significantly enhanced above- and below-ground plant biomass carbon. This augmented plant growth suggests the potential for increased carbon (e.g., plant residues) input to the soil, which may counterbalance the reduced SOC. These results highlight a complex interplay between ERW materials, soil microbes, and plant growth. To further explore these interactions, we plan to use synchrotron micro-CT to investigate the spatial arrangements between ERW materials, soil carbon, and microbial activity.

How to cite: Park, Y. L., Ok, Y., Hyun, J., Seo, I., and Yoo, G.: Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) Fraction Dynamics Influenced by the Enhanced Rock Weathering with Blast Furnace Slag and Mine Tailings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19373,, 2025.

EGU25-19648 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

Change Drivers and Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Concentrations in Croplands of Morocco 

Mohamed Bayad, Bruno Gerard, Abdelghani Chehbouni, Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Henry Wai Chau, Moussa Bouray, Abdellah Hamma, Manal El Akrouchi, and Asim Biswas

Soil organic carbon (SOC), a vital component of soil organic matter, plays a critical role in soil productivity, stability, and mitigating CO2 emissions. Factors such as climate, mineralogy, and vegetation influence SOC cycling, but its distribution patterns in Mediterranean arid croplands remain unclear. Using a spatiotemporal modeling approach, researchers analyzed a multi-year dataset of topsoil organic carbon concentrations from over 31,000 cropland sites in Morocco. These data were linked with environmental variables, including climate, vegetation, topography, and soil characteristics, to identify the drivers of spatiotemporal SOC changes.

The analysis revealed a low median SOC concentration of 11.71 g C kg⁻¹, with significant variability (Q1 = 8.46, Q3 = 16.24 g C kg⁻¹). Bioclimatic factors, particularly temperature seasonality and annual mean temperature, accounted for 57% of the variation in SOC content, along with contributions from vegetation and precipitation. This national dataset provides new insights into the environmental drivers of SOC variability in Morocco's arid croplands, shedding light on the mechanisms of SOC gain and loss and informing discussions about carbon cycling in arid soils and their response to climate change.

How to cite: Bayad, M., Gerard, B., Chehbouni, A., J. Hawkesford, M., Wai Chau, H., Bouray, M., Hamma, A., El Akrouchi, M., and Biswas, A.: Change Drivers and Spatial Distribution of Soil Organic Carbon Concentrations in Croplands of Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19648,, 2025.

EGU25-20331 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.6

 The effects of mammal and insect herbivory on above and belowground C allocation by tree seedlings in a temperate forest 

Lais Ferreira Maia, Holly Langridge, Ully Kritzler, David Johnson, Daniel E. Hidalgo, and Hannah Griffiths

Herbivory is a key ecosystem process in terrestrial systems that influences belowground processes. In forest environments, insect herbivory alone can lead to the loss of 2-15% of foliar biomass annually. When plants experience aboveground herbivory, they may change the amount of carbon allocated to the soil via their roots, either by increasing or decreasing root exudation and turnover. These changes in carbon allocation can influence the structure and activity of the root-associated microbial communities. Similarly, herbivory by mammals can affect soil communities by changing the input of easily accessible C through contributions like plant litter and excrement. However, how plants manage C allocation above and belowground in response to mammalian versus insect herbivory remain poorly understood. Therefore, we assessed if plants differentially respond to mammalian vs. insect herbivory via changes in the quantity of C entering the soil in root exudates, resulting in shifts in soil biotic communities with consequences for C cycling and storage. To do this, we carried out a field-based 13C pulse chase experiment in a temperate forest, in which we subjected 3-year-old oak seedlings (Q. robur) to simulated herbivory by insects and mammals followed by 13C enrichment. Following plant assimilation of the labelled carbon (13C) we tracked carbon allocation to root exudates, leaves, roots, rhizosphere soil, soil fauna and continuously monitored soil 13CO2 efflux for five days. During the two-month experimental period, conducted on 36 seedlings, we observed that soil carbon efflux increased over time across all treatments. This is likely because plants were at a later stage phenologically, better able to assimilate C and therefore more C available to allocate belowground. Further results are being analysed and will be presented at the conference. Quantifying these cascading and interactive above-ground, below-ground effects is a research priority given global change-induced changes in invertebrate communities, current forest management strategies and rates of change in mammal populations.

How to cite: Ferreira Maia, L., Langridge, H., Kritzler, U., Johnson, D., E. Hidalgo, D., and Griffiths, H.:  The effects of mammal and insect herbivory on above and belowground C allocation by tree seedlings in a temperate forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20331,, 2025.

EGU25-20541 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.6

Priming and organic carbon stability in soil parent materials 

Christopher McCloskey and Daniel Evans

Over the past decade, both national (UK) and multilateral (EU) climate legislation have significantly accelerated research efforts to mitigate soil carbon emissions, enhance soil organic carbon (OC) sequestration, and promote long-term OC storage. However, these efforts face substantial challenges. Increasing demands on land use and the resulting land-cover changes often lead to significant net losses of OC. Furthermore, climate warming exacerbates OC losses through accelerated decomposition processes. Although the soil carbon reservoir has a finite capacity, its potential is limited by an arbitrary boundary: the lower limit of soil profiles, separating them from the underlying zone of soil parent material. Soil parent materials consist of consolidated substrates (e.g., weathered rock) and unconsolidated ones (e.g., alluvium) from which soils primarily develop. Emerging evidence indicates that soil parent materials has stores of biogenic organic carbon. However, our understanding of the stability of carbon at the interface between soil parent materials and soils remains limited. This presentation explores the stability of organic carbon within soil parent materials, focusing specifically on the effects of priming on OC stability. 

How to cite: McCloskey, C. and Evans, D.: Priming and organic carbon stability in soil parent materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20541,, 2025.

EGU25-57 | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to Assess Soil Organic Matter Under Different Land Uses 

Lewis Fausak, Fernanda Diaz-Osorio, Ana C. Reinesch, and Les Lavkulich

Soil carbon sequestration is suggested as a mechanism to remove CO2 from the atmosphere; however, uncertainty persists regarding the residence time of the stored carbon. Different land uses on the same soil series were selected to compare the amount and properties of soil carbon present and to evaluate the soil-sorbed carbon by loss on ignition estimation and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Surface horizon soil samples were collected from a second-growth cedar forest, mowed grassland, hybrid poplar forest, perennial strawberry field, and an annually cropped wheat field at Totem Field at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia. Soils were analyzed using loss on ignition (LOI), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and angle-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results indicate high variability in soil properties and carbon storage across different land uses. Specifically, perennial vegetation exhibited lower soil bulk density and higher soil carbon content compared to agriculturally managed fields, correlating with differences in soil pH. XPS indicated major differences in the amount of C-C and C=O bonds and minor differences in the amount O-C=O and Pi-Pi bonds associated with soil in the different land uses. This study contributes valuable insights that help to inform the relationship between land use practices and soil carbon storage potential.

How to cite: Fausak, L., Diaz-Osorio, F., Reinesch, A. C., and Lavkulich, L.: Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to Assess Soil Organic Matter Under Different Land Uses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-57,, 2025.

EGU25-1352 | Orals | SSS5.7

Land Management Influenced Soil Carbon Distribution in Lesotho, Southern Africa 

Maysoon Mikha and Makoala Marake

Soil organic matter (SOM) is an essential soil component for land sustainability and ecosystem functioning in addition to its potential for soil carbon (C) storage.  This study evaluate the effects of tillage (moldboard plow (MP) and no-tillage (NT)) and commercial fertilizer as limestone ammonium nitrate (28-0-0) at three rates (0, 100, and 200 kg N ha–1) on SOC and SOM fractions (particulate organic matter-C (POM-C) and mineral-associated organic matter-C (MAOM-C)).  The study was established in 2008 on the National University of Lesotho Campus Farm, Roma Valley of the Maseru District in Lesotho, southern Africa. Soil samples were collected from 0–5, 5–10, 10–15, and 15–30 cm depths. Under NT, the SOC and POM at 0-15 cm were 54 and 40% higher than 15-30 cm depth, respectively. The MP had 17 and 35% higher SOC and POM at 0-15 than 15-30 cm depth. The highest N-rate (200-N) increased POM by 28.8% for MP and 22.6% for NT than the100-N rate. The C:N ratio was highest with coarse-POM and lowest with MAOM at both tillage practices.  The NT managed soil conserved the majority of SOC within MAOM fraction.  In contrast,  the MP conserved the majority of SOC within fine-POM fraction which made it more susceptible to loss particularly through wind erosion. The MP managed soil exhibited SOC losses from the MAOM indicating that the MAOM is readily destabilized and lost its associated C.  The data generated from this study shows a unique distribution of SOC among the SOM fractions that was partially influenced by land management.  These findings suggest the need for conservation efforts to reduce SOM losses and improve land sustainability and SOM conservation.

How to cite: Mikha, M. and Marake, M.: Land Management Influenced Soil Carbon Distribution in Lesotho, Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1352,, 2025.

EGU25-2284 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.7

 Metallic protection of soil carbon: Divergent drainage effects in Sphagnum vs. non-Sphagnum wetlands 

Chengzhu Liu, Yunpeng Zhao, and Xiaojuan Feng

The established paradigm assumes that drainage may decrease the vast soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoir in global wetlands. Yet drainage can also promote SOC stabilization by fostering the accrual of metal-bound organic carbon (bound OC) upon oxygen exposure. Here, this emergent mechanism is tested for the first time at a regional scale, using literature data and a nationwide, pairwise survey of drained wetlands across China. We show that long-term (15–55 years) drainage largely increased metallic protection of SOC (bound OC%) in non-Sphagnum wetlands, but consistently decreased bound OC% in Sphagnum wetlands following replacement of the ‘rust engineer’ Sphagnum by herbaceous plants. Improved SOC stock estimates based on 66 soil profiles reveal that bound OC increases can compensate for the loss of unbound SOC components in non-Sphagnum wetlands with substantial accrual of reactive metals. Metallic stabilization of wetland SOC is hence a widespread but overlooked mechanism that is heavily influenced by vegetational shifts. Incorporating this novel mechanism into models will improve prediction of wetland SOC dynamics under shifting hydrological regimes.

How to cite: Liu, C., Zhao, Y., and Feng, X.:  Metallic protection of soil carbon: Divergent drainage effects in Sphagnum vs. non-Sphagnum wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2284,, 2025.

EGU25-2314 | Orals | SSS5.7

Iron-driven fast decomposition of soil carbon under anoxia 

Xiaojuan Feng, Ting Liu, Xin Wang, Simin Wang, Erxiong Zhu, and Steven J. Hall

Soil organic carbon (SOC) decomposition underpins soil-atmosphere carbon exchange and is regulated by climate change-mediated variation in soil redox conditions. Soil anoxia, commonly occurring following precipitation, soil flooding and erosion events, is assumed to preserve SOC. Yet, water saturation may also increase SOC decomposition relative to unsaturated conditions, and contradictory findings among previous studies remain unexplained. Here, using incubation experiments on 20 soils collected across a 24° latitude gradient in China, we show that 70% of the soils showed higher or similar anoxic decomposition rate of SOC compared to oxic treatment after 2–3 weeks, suggesting fast SOC loss under anoxia. Variation in alternative terminal electron acceptors shows that fast anoxic decomposition was primarily driven by iron (Fe) reduction, which accounted for up to 90% of anoxic CO2 production. Meanwhile, positive relationships among water-extractable organic carbon (OC), ferrous Fe, and SOC decomposition rate suggest release of readily metabolized substrates following Fe reduction, providing substrates for anoxic metabolism and potentially leading to the loss of OC protected by Fe (Fe-bound OC; a slow-cycling OC pool under oxic conditions). Mass balance calculation confirms that Fe-bound OC loss was similar to elevated anoxic SOC decomposition in magnitude, and random forest modeling indicates that soils rich in reducible Fe and SOC most likely experience elevated SOC decomposition under anoxia. Overall, our findings demonstrate that fast anoxic decomposition of SOC is a potentially important pathway that may stimulate SOC loss under climate change-mediated intense hydrologic regimes, particularly for soils rich in reducible Fe and SOC.

How to cite: Feng, X., Liu, T., Wang, X., Wang, S., Zhu, E., and Hall, S. J.: Iron-driven fast decomposition of soil carbon under anoxia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2314,, 2025.

EGU25-3605 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.7

Effects of cations and minerals on FTIR spectra of humic acid 

Nisha Bhattarai and Ruth H. Ellerbrock

Content and composition of soil organic matter (SOM) is linked to soil ecosystem services like nutrient storage. Information on the molecular composition of SOM in terms of functional groups (e.g. carboxyl; C=O, and carboxylate groups; COO-) can be obtained by spectroscopic approaches like Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Complex interactions between SOM, metal cations as well as soil minerals affect dynamics and reactivity of SOM, and cause -at the molecular level-changes in the strength of the bonds between C and O. The latter affects the wavenumbers (WN) and intensities of COO- absorption bands in FTIR spectra. Such changes may become challenging when using approaches like partial least square analysis or machine learning to interpret FTIR spectra of soil samples with respect to SOM content or soil properties, because such approaches  are based on fixed ranges of WN (from textbooks), or sets of single WN determined by statistical approaches.

The aim of current study is to enhance the mechanistic understanding of the interactions between SOM, cations and  minerals by studying the cation/mineral effects on spectral data of organic matter in terms of absorption intensity and WN of band maxima characteristic for C=O and COO- groups compared to the spectral data of organic matter itself.

Humic acids (HA; as a model substance for SOM) as well as mixtures of HA with Fe3+ were prepared at a 4:1 (HA:Fe3+) stoichiometric ratio in absence or presence of finely ground minerals (quartz, illite, and montmorillonite; to simulate soil solid surfaces). The mixtures were freeze-dried, and characterized by FTIR spectroscopy using KBr technique. After smoothing, baseline correction, and “subtraction procedure” to minimize the bands typical for soil minerals that might overlap with of humic acid, the FTIR spectra were interpreted for the intensity of C=O and COO- bands, both related to polysaccharide (COC) band intensity as a reference. The spectra of HA-Fe3+ mixtures compared to those of HA showed an increase in intensity (although the SOM amount did NOT change) and a shift in WN of COO- band maxima (WN 1620-1550 cm-1). For the HA-Fe3+-mineral mixtures, the changes in both, intensity and shift, were significantly higher compared to HA-Fe3+ mixture with the strongest effect for HA- Fe3+ - montmorillonite mixture. Compared to the COO- band, effects on C=O band (WN 1750-1719 cm-1) were weaker.

Comparing FTIR spectra of HA-Fe3+, and HA-Fe3+-mineral mixtures with that of HA shows that SOM-cation as well as SOM-cation-mineral interactions may affect the spectral data of OM. This finding suggests FTIR analysis to offer a possibility for reflecting on OM-cation/mineral interactions. However, the changes observed for spectral properties of HA-Fe3+ -mineral mixtures compared to those of HA suggest that SOM-cation/mineral interactions also becomes of relevance when interpreting FTIR spectra of soil samples with respect to soil properties because the automated approaches used to do so are mostly based on predefined WN ranges and assumes band intensities to reflect on the amount.

How to cite: Bhattarai, N. and H. Ellerbrock, R.: Effects of cations and minerals on FTIR spectra of humic acid, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3605,, 2025.

EGU25-5071 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

How Si and Organic Matter Shape Ferrihydrite Transformation Pathways 

Yinyin Zheng, Bar Asraf, and Maya Engel

Soil minerals such as iron (Fe) oxyhydroxides, are commonly associated with organic matter (OM) and silicon (Si) in complex, heterogeneous mineral frameworks that passivate the mineral surface. Thus, both Si- and OM-associated Fe minerals typically exhibit slower redox-induced transformation kinetics and follow distinct transformation pathways. Interestingly, certain OM coatings can also actively mediate Fe mineral transformations, leading to chemically modified structures and altered OM distribution patterns. However, the balance between the passive and reactive roles of OM, the potential synergistic or antagonistic effects of Si and OM on Fe mineral reactivity, and the impacts of mineral transformation on OM association and distribution remain poorly understood.

In this study, we investigated Fe(II)-catalyzed transformations of ferrihydrite with varying Si/Fe ratios in the presence of small organic compounds with different functional group compositions, under both oxic and anoxic conditions. Abiotic reductive dissolution of ferrihydrite was observed upon incubation with cysteine but not with glutathione, despite both compounds containing redox-active thiol groups. In the presence of cysteine under anoxic conditions, aqueous Fe(II) catalyzed the transformation of ferrihydrite into lepidocrocite, with 50% and 65% transformation observed within 6 and 21 days, respectively, as confirmed by XRD, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and TEM.

In contrast, Si-ferrihydrite (Si/Fe = 0.09) displayed a slower transformation extent (33%) and rate, with transformation products appearing only after 10 days of anoxic incubation. Moreover, both goethite and lepidocrocite formed, indicating that Si also influences the mechanism of mineral transformation. Surprisingly, while no mineral transformation of Si-ferrihydrite was detected by XRD or Mössbauer spectroscopy after 6 days, TEM imaging revealed the presence of a more crystalline and porous intermediate phase. This unidentified phase exhibited bifurcated and non-aligned growth patterns, suggesting it may serve as a precursor to more crystalline structures. These findings provide key insights into how Si and OM co-effects influence Fe mineral evolution pathways.

TEM imaging of 6-day incubated minerals (under anoxic conditions) also revealed differences in the affinities of organic coatings following ferrihydrite transformation. A distinct preference for pristine ferrihydrite over newly formed lepidocrocite was observed. However, in the case of Si-ferrihydrite, a uniform coating was maintained. This highlights how Fe mineral transformations may affect the affinity and distribution of associated OM, influencing its stability and persistence in the environment.

How to cite: Zheng, Y., Asraf, B., and Engel, M.: How Si and Organic Matter Shape Ferrihydrite Transformation Pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5071,, 2025.

EGU25-8146 | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Effects of organic micropollutants on the stability of soil organic matter: the hidden effect of the irrigation 

Zoltán Szalai, László Bauer, Zoltán Dévény, Gergely Jakab, Tibor Filep, Dóra Zacháry, Anna Viktória Vancsik, Csaba Maller, Balázs Vajna, and Lili Szabó

The global increase in food demand and the effects of climate change require ever higher area irrigation of arable land. On the other hand, the concentrations of organic micropollutants (OMPs) in irrigation water sources are also steadily increasing. However, the effects of OMPs on the microbiota and, thus, on soil organic matter (SOM) stability are still poorly understood.

Consequently, our primary objective is to investigate the effects of pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) and their metabolites (Carbamazepine -CBZ, Trans-carbamazepine - TCBZ, 17α-ethynylestradiol - EE2, 17β-estradiol - βE2, 17α-estradiol - αE2, Estrone - E1, Estriol - E3, Diclofenac-sodium  - DFC, 5-Hydroxydiclofenac  - 5-HDFC), an antifungal compound (difenoconazole - DCL) and an antibiotic (Ciprofloxacin - CPX) on the stability of soil organic matter. Soils were incubated after seven treatments: control, PhACs, CPX, DCL, CPX+PhACS, DCL+PhACs, CPX+DCL+PhACs.

We have selected a soil type (Phaeozem) for our research, which is typical of the Earth's arable lands. The soil studied has not been documented to have been tilled for several decades, so past human impacts are now negligible. A series of 90-day incubation experiments were performed, in which soils were pretreated with defined concentrations of OMPs.

Quantitative and qualitative parameters of soil organic matter were determined using a CHNS elemental analyser, an NDIR CN analyser, a UV-Vis spectrophotometer (SUVA254 and phosphatase and hydrolase activities), and a spectrofluorometer (Coble peaks and PARAFAC analysis). Microbial communities were also monitored (16S and 18S RNA sequencing). Since the data were not normally distributed, the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for statistical data analysis.

The ratio of labile fractions of SOM was primarily estimated based on the dissolved fraction ratio (DOC/SOC), aliphatic components, and protein-like components. The microbial activity was estimated based on enzyme activities.

The soil chemistry and microbiological parameters studied were significantly different for all treatments. The proportion of labile fractions decreased over time in all treatments. Contrary to our initial assumption, the proportion of labile fractions decreased most significantly in the combined treatment. The microbial communities changed in different patterns during the incubation.

Our results show that the presence of OMPs in irrigation water affects the ratios of labile and stable fractions SOM and also influences the rate of decomposition.

Hungarian Scientific Found funded the study, project no. K142865 and DKOP-23-03.

How to cite: Szalai, Z., Bauer, L., Dévény, Z., Jakab, G., Filep, T., Zacháry, D., Vancsik, A. V., Maller, C., Vajna, B., and Szabó, L.: Effects of organic micropollutants on the stability of soil organic matter: the hidden effect of the irrigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8146,, 2025.

EGU25-9221 | Posters on site | SSS5.7

The role of minerals in fractionated soil organic matter stabilization in the subsoil 

Gergely Jakab, Zoltán Dévény, Anna Vancsik, Attila Sulyok, Krisztina Frey, Máté Karlik, Csilla Király, and Zoltán Szalai

Soil organic matter (SOM) content is an essential indicator of soil fertility, functionality, and health. Increasing SOM content also improves the hydrological conditions of the soil and, therefore, is a helpful tool against climate change-affected extreme precipitations and droughts. Moreover, the carbon amount additionally stored in the soil may support the reduction of greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere. SOM is primarily stabilized by minerals being resistant to decomposition. Many land use and agrotechnical-related initiations have succeeded in increasing SOM in the surface layer. However, half of the SOM is globally stored in the subsoil (>30cm). The primary way of SOM migration to the subsoil is through water-solved transport via infiltration and leaching. Nonetheless, we have only limited knowledge of potential SOM increases in the subsoil. The present study aimed to investigate the roles of soil mineral types on dissolved SOM stabilization. Quartz, illit, muscovite, goethite standards, and a mixture of them (model soil) were treated with the IHSS Suwannee River fulvic acid standard III. The adsorbed Carbon content was measured by mass spectrometry, and the SOM composition was measured by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). SOM changes in the liquid phase due to adsorption were investigated using high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Results indicated that the adsorption order of the minerals was quartz<muscovite<<illite<<goethite. The adsorbed carbon amount was not linked directly to the minerals' surface area, indicating the highlighted role of mineralogy. The model subsoil adsorbed less SOM compared to the prediction based on the single mineral adsorption results, indicating mineral aggregation and active surface decrease. HPLC results of the remaining SOM compounds in the solution after adsorption showed inverse linkage to the solid surface related XPS results, proving the parallel applicability of the two approaches. HPLC indicated four SOM peaks, of which three had lower measured than predicted adsorption for the model soil. Quartz preferred to adsorb hydrophobic organic matter, whereas goethite showed a hydrophilic preference. Overall, the results proved the importance of mineral composition on organic matter compound preference and stabilization. This work was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund of Hungary [project no. K 142865].

How to cite: Jakab, G., Dévény, Z., Vancsik, A., Sulyok, A., Frey, K., Karlik, M., Király, C., and Szalai, Z.: The role of minerals in fractionated soil organic matter stabilization in the subsoil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9221,, 2025.

EGU25-10400 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.7

Impacts of exogenous Fe species on C dynamics in peat soils 

Yi-Ho Tseng, Isabella Zelano, and Laurel ThomasArrigo

Carbon dynamics in peatlands are regulated by biogeochemical processes, including heterotrophic respiration, where microorganisms utilize organic carbon (OC) as an electron donor and respire CO2. In the absence of oxygen, ferric iron (FeIII) is an important electron acceptor. However, the presence of FeIII minerals can also modify carbon dynamics by adsorbing OC or occluding OC in microaggregates, thus limiting the mineralization of OC. Along with its speciation and heterogeneity across soils, the overall impact of iron (Fe) on OC mineralization in mineral-rich peatlands remains unclear. To investigate this complex role of Fe and its impact on OC mobilization, we designed model anoxic soil incubations, where multiple Fe species were added to mimic soil heterogeneity. To this end, reactive Fe species (ferrihydrite; Fh, a ferrihydrite-silicate coprecipitate; FhSi in which Si:Fe = 0.05 mol/mol, FeIII-peat complex; FePeat) and more stable Fe species (goethite; Gt) either in pure forms (Fh, FhSi, and Gt) or mixtures of the two (95/5% Gt/Fh; GtFh, 95/5% Gt/FePeat; GtFePeat) were added to an ombrotrophic peat, increasing the Fe content of the soil from 0.1% to 6% (w/w). The incubations were prepared anoxically in crimp-sealed vials and lasted for 70 days. Two incubation series were established to allow for (1) measurements of the headspace CO2 concentrations (over 60 days) and (2) sampling of the soil slurry after 4, 17, 35, and 70 days. The latter was used to follow trends in pH, Eh, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and Fe speciation in the aqueous-phase, and amounts of OC and Fe mobilized from the solid-phase in sequential chemical extractions: 0.5 M HCl (sorbed Fe), hydroxylamine-HCl (short-ranged-ordered Fe oxyhydroxides), and 6 M HCl (crystalline Fe hydroxides).

The results show that the addition of Fe species changes the carbon dynamics. The addition of reactive Fe species (Fh, FhSi) promoted CO2 production and resulted in higher concentrations of aqueous Fe, suggesting reductive dissolution of the minerals as they served as extra electron acceptors for microbial respiration. In contrast, in the Gt treatment, the goethite addition alone did not affect CO2 production until the 20th day, after which CO2 production was first inhibited and then promoted (after 42 days) compared to a control treatment which received no Fe additions. However, when small fractions (5%) of reactive Fe species were added alongside goethite (GtFh and GtFePeat), CO2 production was up to 1.5-2.2 times higher than in the Gt treatment. Yet, the lowest DOC concentrations were measured in Fh and FhSi, suggesting that the ferrihydrites re-adsorbed the released OC. Furthermore, while fractions of extractable Fe in Fh and FhSi did not change significantly over the incubation, a strong increase in 6 M HCl extractable Fe in all goethite-containing treatments suggests that, although less reductive dissolution occurred, mineral recrystallization may have occurred.

These results highlight the complex impacts of exogenous Fe species on carbon dynamics and shed light on the vulnerability of peatlands as carbon sinks in the context of climate change, where changes in groundwater geochemistry, including Fe content and watertable fluctuation, may be expected.

How to cite: Tseng, Y.-H., Zelano, I., and ThomasArrigo, L.: Impacts of exogenous Fe species on C dynamics in peat soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10400,, 2025.

EGU25-10893 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Episodic drought and flooding impacts on the destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter in the rhizosphere 

Junna Frei, Floriane Jamoteau, Egon Van der Loo, Alice Bosco-Santos, Orly Mendoza, Aurélien Ballu, Lászlό Kocsis, Jorge Spangenberg, Laurel ThomasArrigo, E. Marie Muehe, and Marco Keiluweit

The majority of soil carbon resides in mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) in most soils. MAOM is assumed to be relatively inert to environmental change because it is protected from microbial activity thus contributing substantially to soil carbon storage. However, plants and associated microbes may destabilize MAOM through mineral dissolution and exchange reactions in the rhizosphere, potentially causing soil carbon loss. Here, we quantified the magnitude of MAOM destabilization in the rhizosphere in response to extreme precipitation dynamics expected with climate change. To do this, we followed the fate of labeled MAOM (13C microbial necromass adsorbed to iron minerals: goethite or ferrihydrite) in the wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rhizosphere during a 12-week pot experiment subjected to precipitation regimes mimicking the status quo (optimal conditions) as well as extreme intermittent droughts and flooding as is expected in central Europe with climate change. We found that MAOM destabilization was significantly greater under flooding compared to optimal and drought conditions. MAOM destabilization was particularly accentuated in MAOM initially bound to poorly crystalline ferrihydrite compared to MAOM initially bound to more crystalline goethite. Our results suggest that MAOM bound to poorly crystalline minerals (ferrihydrite) may be particularly vulnerable to destabilization in the rhizosphere during intense precipitation events, contributing to soil carbon loss. With the increasingly extreme nature of precipitation events, understanding the underlying MAOM destabilization mechanisms in the rhizosphere is essential for better predictions of the soil carbon response to environmental change.

How to cite: Frei, J., Jamoteau, F., Van der Loo, E., Bosco-Santos, A., Mendoza, O., Ballu, A., Kocsis, L., Spangenberg, J., ThomasArrigo, L., Muehe, E. M., and Keiluweit, M.: Episodic drought and flooding impacts on the destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter in the rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10893,, 2025.

EGU25-11338 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Chemical characterization of particle size fractions of calcareous soils from Hungary 

Dóra Zacháry, Tibor Filep, Gergely Jakab, Csilla Király, Zoltán Szalai, and Tiphaine Chevallier

However, calcareous soils cover more than 30% of the Earth's surface, research on the mechanisms of soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilization mostly focus on acidic soils. The SOC stabilization in calcareous soils is less frequently studied.

The present study investigates the carbon fractions with different stability in 29 Hungarian calcareous soil samples. The soil samples have varying organic (0.12 - 19.38 %) and inorganic (0.00 - 5.39 %) carbon content and represent different soil types (Cambisol, Arenosol, Gleysol, Solonchak, Regosol and Chernozem), land uses (forest, grassland, arable and marshy meadow) and depths (0-220 cm).

Physical fractionation was applied in order to represent the different organic matter fractions with varying stabilities. Six particle size fractions were separated during the fractionation: > 200 µm, 50-200 µm, 20-50 µm, 2-20 µm, 0-2 µm and particulate organic matter (> 200 µm). The mass, organic and inorganic carbon content and nitrogen content of the fractions were determined. The chemical characterisation of the fractions was determined using FT-IR spectroscopy. For the detection of relative changes in the spectra and the chemical characterization of the different particle size fractions, an aromaticity index (A1610 cm-1/A2920 cm-1) and relative absorbances (2920, 1740, 1680, 1610, 1525, 1270, 1160 and 1050 cm-1) were calculated.

Principal component analysis showed great differences between the six particle size fractions in terms of their chemical properties (characteristic organic compounds, aromaticity and C/N ratio).

This research was funded by the SIC-SOC-DYN “Organic and inorganic carbon dynamic in calcareous soils” project of the 1st external Call within the EJP SOIL program, the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, Hungary [Project N° 2019-2.14-ERA-NET-2022-00037 and FK 142936] and the French National Research Agency [Project N° ANR-22-SOIL-0003-01].

How to cite: Zacháry, D., Filep, T., Jakab, G., Király, C., Szalai, Z., and Chevallier, T.: Chemical characterization of particle size fractions of calcareous soils from Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11338,, 2025.

EGU25-15057 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Control of active Al and Fe on mineral-associated organic carbon regulates soil organic carbon distribution in acidic to alkaline tropical and subtropical soils 

Han Lyu, Akari Tokunaga, Kenta Ashida, Arief Hartono, Method Kilasara, Antoine David Mvondo Ze, Shinya Funakawa, Tetsuhiro Watanabe, and Soh Sugihara

Deciphering controls on soil organic carbon (SOC) is fundamental for predicting SOC distribution and sequestration potential. Mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) is recognized as the most stable, making it vital for modeling long-term SOC dynamics. However, its controlling factors and pathways remain unclear, particularly in tropical and subtropical soils. We used topsoil from 66 sites (non-volcanic, mainly natural vegetation) from India (arid and high pH), Tanzania, Cameroon, Japan (Okinawa), Indonesia (humid and low pH) with a wide range of soil pH (3.9 to 9.2) and moisture condition (represented by effective precipitation, EP = precipitation – potential evapotranspiration, −1740 to 2850 mm). Soils were categorized as strongly acidic (pH ≤ 5.5), weakly acidic (5.5 < pH ≤ 7), and alkaline (pH > 7). Soil fundamental physicochemical properties and mineral components that may influence MAOC, including active Al/Fe (oxalate-extractable Al and Fe: Alo + Feo), clay, and exchangeable Ca and Mg (Caex + Mgex), were determined. MAOC was measured as the carbon content in the fine heavy fraction (FHF, > 1.7 g cm3 and <53 µm) obtained through density and particle size fractionations. The ratio of MAOC to FHF was used to indicate the carbon stabilization ability of FHF. Correlation analyses examined the influence of climate, vegetation, and soil properties on MAOC. Structural equation modeling (SEM) quantified the contributions of factors correlated with MAOC to its accumulation.

The fractionation results showed that MAOC accounted for 76 ± 14% of SOC, confirming it as the primary fraction regulating overall SOC. Correlation analysis identified pH, EP, net primary productivity, and active Al/Fe and clay contents as significant factors affecting MAOC. Notably, no significant relationship was found between MAOC and Caex + Mgex, even in alkaline soils, suggesting that Ca and Mg ions play a minimal role in SOC stabilization. SEMs revealed active Al/Fe content as the primary factor across all pH categories, regulating most of MAOC (β > 0.48, R2 > 0.80 for all, strongly acidic, and weak acidic soils; β = 0.62, R2 = 0.61 for alkaline soils). Direct impact of EP was the secondary factor. Introducing clay content as a parallel factor to active Al/Fe reduced quality metrics (e.g., P < 0.05) of SEMs for all pH categories and showed no significant contribution to MAOC, indicating its less importance even in alkaline soils. Interestingly, the carbon stabilization ability of FHF was comparable in strongly and weakly acidic soils but significantly lower in alkaline soils. This difference is likely due to the lower active Al/Fe content in alkaline soils, where the intensified drying enhanced crystallization. The lower slope of MAOC to Alo + Feo in alkaline soils further highlights the reduced carbon stabilization ability of active Al/Fe, likely due to the lowered positive charge in alkaline conditions and decreased hydroxyl groups from enhanced crystallization. In summary, active Al/Fe controlled MAOC, which constituted most of SOC, while soil pH and moisture conditions regulated its abundance and carbon stabilization ability, and higher moisture levels also directly enhanced MAOC.

How to cite: Lyu, H., Tokunaga, A., Ashida, K., Hartono, A., Kilasara, M., David Mvondo Ze, A., Funakawa, S., Watanabe, T., and Sugihara, S.: Control of active Al and Fe on mineral-associated organic carbon regulates soil organic carbon distribution in acidic to alkaline tropical and subtropical soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15057,, 2025.

EGU25-15205 | Orals | SSS5.7 | Highlight

Visualization of soil aggregates via X-ray fluorescence nanoscopy provides new insights into primary aggregation processes induced by litter inputs 

Milda Pucetaite, Per Persson, Julia Parker, Ulf Johansson, and Edith Hammer

One of the key parameters defining the healthy functioning of soil is its structure. The organization of mineral particles, organic matter (OM), water, and air into a complex matrix of soil aggregates plays a particularly important role in long-term carbon (C) storage, as C compounds can be ‘hidden’ within the aggregate structure, shielding them from decomposers. Soil aggregation is a dynamic process influenced by physical, chemical, and biological factors; however, the individual and combined effects of these factors on the formation and turnover of aggregates are not well understood.

The aim of this study was to examine the incorporation of fresh litter inputs with differing physicochemical properties, including their carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio—maize (C/N = 12) and straw (C/N = 103)—into aggregates formed de novo from mineral soil, with or without the presence of microbiota. Using rare-earth element oxides, we labeled structures formed during a four-week incubation with a single litter type and traced their incorporation into newly formed aggregates after mixing the soils and incubating them for a subsequent seven-week period.

We found that, regardless of quality, litter was the most important factor driving soil aggregation during the initial stages of the process. The presence of both litter types together further enhanced aggregate formation. Contrary to our hypothesis, and likely due to the short time frame of the experiment, neither microbial abundance nor community composition significantly affected overall aggregation. However, further visualization of the different litter-associated structures across the cross-sections of the aggregates from various size fractions using synchrotron radiation-based X-ray fluorescence nanospectroscopy (SR-nanoXRF) enabled us to estimate potential influence of the microbes via their preferred litter type. Specifically, contrary to our expectations the bulk analysis showed that bacteria-favoured low C/N ratio maize litter had a stronger effect on both overall aggregation and the formation of macroaggregates, which we initially hypothesized would be supported by the high C/N ratio straw litter preferred by fungi. However, further analysis of the XRF intensity maps confirmed an increasing incorporation of straw-associated soils into >250 μm structures, likely facilitated by fungal growth and hyphal enmeshing. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis further corroborated this, showing a relatively higher abundance of fungi in macroaggregates in straw-containing soil.

We also implemented semi-variogram analysis on the XRF maps, which allowed us to estimate the size and distribution of straw- and maize-associated structures within the aggregates. We found that while microaggregates were more commonly formed from individual litter-associated structures, larger aggregates (> 250 μm) were newly made from de-aggregated soil.

In conclusion, our study provides insights into the initial stages of aggregate formation following litter additions and the development of associated microbial communities. The spatial analysis enabled by SR-nanoXRF allowed us to visualize internal aggregate structures, shedding light on processes that cannot be fully understood through bulk analysis alone.

How to cite: Pucetaite, M., Persson, P., Parker, J., Johansson, U., and Hammer, E.: Visualization of soil aggregates via X-ray fluorescence nanoscopy provides new insights into primary aggregation processes induced by litter inputs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15205,, 2025.

EGU25-16120 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.7

Carbon dynamics in agricultural soils: Insights into methane fluxes under changing hydrological conditions 

Stella Nevermann, Esteban Jobbagy, Marcelo Nosetto, Javier Houspanossian, Francisco Diez, Nick Ostle, and Mariana Rufino

Soils serve as critical carbon sinks, playing a vital role in mitigating global warming and ensuring global food security. However, rapidly changing climatic and environmental conditions, such as extreme weather events, threaten the soil’s capacity to act as carbon sinks. Land use changes, particularly those driven by agricultural intensification, can alter hydrological regimes and carbon dynamics in landscapes. Understanding these dynamics by measuring GHG fluxes and investigating soil properties is crucial for designing sustainable land management practices that promote both environmental stability and climate resilience, ensuring soils continue to play a critical role in combating climate change.

Currently, little is known of how soil carbon responds to extreme events such as floods and droughts and how their repeated impacts shape carbon storage and loss and ultimately affect the carbon balance.

This study examined the impact of altered hydrological conditions, driven by the conversion of native vegetation to cropland, on carbon dynamics and carbon loss pathways. The aim is to identify patterns of methane and carbon dioxide emissions from naturally and recently inundated soils and their key driving factors.

We conducted in situ gas measurements using mobile trace gas analysers and a mobile smart chamber in the heavily agricultural Argentinian Pampas and Espinal ecoregions. Additionally, we collected soil samples from 0-30 cm depth for chemical analysis (including total and dissolved organic carbon) and measured soil temperature, electrical conductivity, soil moisture, and pH.

The results show complex interactions and dependencies between methane emissions and environmental variables. Methane fluxes are more than 5 times higher in saturated areas (median = 49.98 μg/m²) compared to dry areas (median =-8.34 μg/m²), primarily influenced by water table depth and soil moisture. Contrary to expectations, soil salinity, measured as electrical conductivity, exhibited a positive effect on methane production, reaching a threshold around 55 mS/m, suggesting possible tolerance or adaptation mechanisms of methanogens. Carbon dioxide emissions showed a reduction of almost 50 % in drier areas, primarily driven by soil moisture, highlighting the strong impact of moisture on carbon dynamics.

The findings highlight the critical role of hydrological conditions, particularly flooding, in driving methane fluxes from soils, emphasizing the need for targeted management practices to mitigate carbon loss and adapt to changing climatic conditions. Additionally, the effect of soil salinity on methane production underscores the importance of considering salinity in future research and management strategies.

How to cite: Nevermann, S., Jobbagy, E., Nosetto, M., Houspanossian, J., Diez, F., Ostle, N., and Rufino, M.: Carbon dynamics in agricultural soils: Insights into methane fluxes under changing hydrological conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16120,, 2025.

EGU25-16707 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Resistance of loess-derived soils to environmental stress: lessivation revisited 

Tom Guhra, Thomas Ritschel, Léon Frederic Van Overloop, and Kai Uwe Totsche

The stability of soils is determined by the presence of (in-)organic aggregation agents, including inorganic cements and polyvalent cations, as well as organic binding and bridging agents. These components strengthen the resistance of soils and their (micro-)aggregates against mechanical and physicochemical stress caused by fluctuating water and changes in the composition of infiltrates. Consequently, the availability, distribution and stability of these aggregation agents directly influences particle (im-)mobilisation and translocation (lessivation), a key process in the formation of diagnostic soil horizons, particularly in the context of pedogenesis on loess substrates. Given that soils developed from loess are agriculturally valuable but sensitive to environmental stress, we explored the susceptibility of topsoils from Regosols and Luvisols to particle release under osmotic and hydraulic stress. We conducted a series of water-unsaturated column experiments at controlled boundary conditions over a duration of seven months and recorded the response of those soils to physicochemical and hydraulic stress at high temporal resolution.

Our experimental pedogenesis study revealed that both soil types tolerated hydraulic stresses well during drainage or ponding but responded sensitively to varying ionic strengths. Following an initially electrostatically induced particle immobilization during a pulse of high ionic strength, we observed a significant particle release driven by peptization. Particularly in Luvisol columns, a notable release of hydrophobic organic material, originally stabilized within aggregates, was observed. In contrast, the effluents of Regosol were primarily characterized by carbonate dissolution products. A large proportion of the released calcium ions was immobilized in the solid phase and contributed to the formation of cation bridges, while inorganic carbon became increasingly enriched in the effluents. In Luvisol, progressive depletion of calcium at cation exchange sites and limited availability of carbonates were also observed, which increased soil susceptibility to environmental stresses, resulting in an irreversible loss of (in-)organic aggregation agents. This induces the translocation of iron, aluminum, phosphorus, and predominantly hydrophobic organic matter via organo-mineral associations into deeper soil horizons.

Our experiments show that with ongoing pedogenesis, common stresses such as alternating water supply, ponding, or drainage have a significantly lower impact on the composition of mobile soil inventory compared to disruptive stresses, such as rapid increases in ionic strength, e.g., due to intense wetting-drying cycles, road salt application, or fertilization.  Therefore, stress induced by chemical gradients appears to play a more critical role in the extent of lessivation than mechanical stress resulting from flow. Our results also suggest a need for gentle and sustainable soil management practices to preserve the stabilizing function of aggregation agents in soil.

How to cite: Guhra, T., Ritschel, T., Van Overloop, L. F., and Totsche, K. U.: Resistance of loess-derived soils to environmental stress: lessivation revisited, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16707,, 2025.

EGU25-17143 | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Exploring inorganic carbon dynamics in soil via the Oxalate-carbonate pathway: A methodological approach for monitoring carbon dioxide removal 

Andreas Altinalmazis-Kondylis, Oscar Omar Álvarez-Rivera, Héctor Estrada-Medina, Elizabeth Troein, Marcela Flores, and Elliot Chang

Carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation into organic carbon through photosynthesis is widespread, but the biogenic conversion of CO2 into inorganic carbon compounds is often overlooked. One biogenic pathway, facilitated by oxalogenic plants, fungi, and oxalotrophic bacteria, is known as "The Oxalate Carbonate Pathway" (OCP) (Rowley et al., 2017). The process entails the plant uptake of soil calcium, the transformation to calcium oxalate (CaOx) crystals within plant tissues, and their return to the soil via tissues decomposition or as exudes, where CaOx is subsequently catabolised and stored as calcium carbonate in the soil (CaCO3). 

Afforestation/reforestation with plants that perform OCP holds significant global CDR implications. For example, Oxisols that are free of carbonates (the Amazon basin and other ecoregions featuring tropical weathered acidic soils) cover >750m ha, with the potential for gigaton scale carbon removal (i.e. 1-2 tCDR/ha/year as CaCO3, could yield 0.75-1.5 Gt/year). Also, OCP in alkaline karst environments may contribute to delaying the return of CO2 to the atmosphere. 

During the OCP, bicarbonate (HCO3-) is also produced, and is the dominant carbon/mole species between soil pH 6-10, with carbonate precipitation from pH 8.3, and above. The carbon removal efficiency and fate of the CDR product thus depends on the environmental conditions.

Notably, OCP-based biomineralization has not yet been covered by existing MRV methods. Existing enhanced weathering frameworks, have paved foundations for quantifying carbon removal through bicarbonate ion flushing into the ocean (Mills et al., 2024), and the Microbial Carbon Mineralization methodology quantifies carbonate minerals stored in soil (Andes and Ecoengineers, 2023). The OCP pathway represents a potential carbon removal approach that combines carbonate mineral storage in soils and bicarbonate ion flushing to the ocean that will require a combination of quantification methods and a new methodology.

This mesocosm study aims to elucidate the mechanisms governing CaOx decomposition and its impact on soil pH, soil oxalates, and the relative contribution of CaCO3 precipitation and HCO3- flushing on net carbon removal in the system. Furthermore, it seeks to assess impact on soil organic carbon and potential SOC destabilization risks.

We present early results from a benchtop trial, comparing two soil types from the dry tropics of Yucatàn (slightly basic-rendzic Leptosols vs alkaline soils), and litter (CaC2O4.H20-treatment vs KBr-control) on inorganic carbon dynamics. The soil mesocosms received distilled water and were run under ambient conditions, for 20 days, to track pH, carbonate content, bicarbonate flushing, and soil organic carbon during decomposition. Using titrations, we estimated CO2 removal as soil-based carbonates, and as flushed HCO3- in effluent. Potential implications for leveraging the OCP for carbon removal will be discussed. 

How to cite: Altinalmazis-Kondylis, A., Álvarez-Rivera, O. O., Estrada-Medina, H., Troein, E., Flores, M., and Chang, E.: Exploring inorganic carbon dynamics in soil via the Oxalate-carbonate pathway: A methodological approach for monitoring carbon dioxide removal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17143,, 2025.

EGU25-17384 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Quantifying the spatial heterogeneity of soil organic matter and minerals at the microscale based on NanoSIMS meta-analysis  

Yahan Hu, Johann M. Zollner, Carmen Höschen, Martin Werner, and Steffen A. Schweizer

High-resolution imaging approaches revealed heterogeneous soil microstructure with latent spatial patterns that are interrelated with biogeochemical matter cycles in soils. Previous reports of the patchy distribution of soil organic matter (OM) at the microscale demand for extensive of the spatial coverage and arrangement of OM across mineral surfaces in soils. Here, we present a meta-analysis based on nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) measurements and a machine-learning segmentation providing insights into diverse soil samples. We identified the coverage of OM across mineral surfaces to be correlated with the bulk soil OM content, showing the expanding but limited arrangement of OM. We employed a lacunarity approach to evaluate the spatial heterogeneity based on the heterogeneous distribution of C and N. This analysis reveals the heterogenous patterns across OM size and its C and N composition within OM, indicating different compositional and structural properties with the OM.  In our contribution, we provide novel pathways to evaluate the heterogeneous arrangement of OM in soils across mineral surfaces at the microscale.

How to cite: Hu, Y., Zollner, J. M., Höschen, C., Werner, M., and Schweizer, S. A.: Quantifying the spatial heterogeneity of soil organic matter and minerals at the microscale based on NanoSIMS meta-analysis , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17384,, 2025.

EGU25-17890 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Amorphous phases - A new indicator for deep weathering 

Laura V. Krone and Friedhelm von Blanckenburg

Amorphous phases are intermediate weathering products that result from primary mineral dissolution and transform into crystalline secondary phases like clays during rock weathering. Thus, amorphous phases are important indicators of the onset of beginning soil formation at depth. Yet, their abundance in deeper sections of the weathering zone, the saprolite, is rarely investigated. We analysed five granitoid drill cores from a climate gradient in the Chilean Coastal Cordillera by means of sequential extractions to study amorphous phases and to determine the concentrations of the elements they contain. Here, amorphous phases are operationally-defined based on the sequential extraction method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of selected samples was used to investigate the morphology and chemistry of such phases.

Unexpectedly, we find non-negligible concentrations of extractable elements even in visually classified fresh bedrock. A comparison to primary mineral element composition and dissolution rates suggests that likely micro-scale pre-weathering of primary minerals has primed release of these elements. Higher in the profile, when sufficient fluid flow enables solubilisation of elements from pre-weathered minerals, loss of these elements into the dissolved phase (quantified by elemental loss balances) is the main process driving the evolution of the weathering profile. At the surface, their concentration strongly correlates with rainfall, but this correlation is diminished at depth. Amorphous phases were mainly observed along grain boundaries of biotite, in etch-pits on plagioclase, and in the dissolution structure of amphiboles and they are enriched in O, Si, Al, and Fe.

We use the concentrations to assign different zones in the weathering profile. These zones show distinguishable weathering processes that are reflected in the concentration of extractable Al and Fe: in soil and subsoil both dissolution and formation of reactive secondary weathering products are most important. In saprolite, dissolution and mobilisation into the dissolved phase are the main mechanisms. In bedrock, pre-weathering of primary minerals likely induced by post-magmatic processes, hydrothermalism, groundwater flow or gaseous O2 diffusion releases  elements into amorphous phases such that water flow higher in the profile mobilises these elements during denudation. The onset of soil formation in the means of primary mineral dissolution is hence located much deeper than expected.

How to cite: Krone, L. V. and von Blanckenburg, F.: Amorphous phases - A new indicator for deep weathering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17890,, 2025.

EGU25-18172 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.7

Coaction of dissolved organic matter and electrolyte fluctuations on Al and Fe dynamics in matured podzols – what matters more?  

Roukaya Eid, Thomas Ritschel, Tom Guhra, Rosalie Papsdorf, and Kai Totsche

The release and translocation of organic matter and metal cations, particularly Al and Fe, from topsoil and their immobilization in the subsoil is the key pedogenetic process active in podzols. In the Fichtelgebirge mid-mountain range, Northern Bavaria (Germany), strong acidic conditions have been reported since the 1980s. Independent of the dominant parent material, the soils are characterized by distinct podsolization reflected by elevated concentrations of Fe and Al in the soil solutions, the subsoil horizons, and even in groundwater. Previous research on these matured podzols revealed organometallic complexes as primary forms of Fe and Al in those soils. We hypothesize that the transport fate of Fe and Al is governed by the dynamics of organic matter rather than the dissolution and mobilization of Fe and Al-bearing minerals.

In this experimental pedogenesis study, we conducted a series of soil column experiments using materials from Fichtelgebirge topsoil (Ae) and subsoil (Bs) horizons to investigate the role of organometallic complexes as well as the interplay of (im)mobilization of Al, Fe, and organic matter. Over a period of more than 4 months, we analyzed the effect of different inflow solutions, including artificial rainwater (ARW) and organic matter-enriched ARW, on the composition and properties of the effluent at high temporal resolution combining complementary instrumental analytical techniques.

The results showed that flow variations and changes in ionic strength during tracer application significantly increased the mobilization of particles, elements, and organic matter. During the application of high ionic strength influent solution, we observed the release of iron species from cation exchange sites, leading to a decrease in aggregate stability and particle release, thus peptization.  In contrast, aluminum is released in association with organic matter after conditions of low ionic strength re-established, clearly showing that Fe and Al follow distinct release dynamics. Furthermore, calcium ions replaced protons during the addition of ARW finally increasing effluent pH. However, the short-term application of organic matter compensated for this leaching by providing additional protons. This renders the supply of organic matter from litter a decisive source of protons and main contributor to soil acidification and podzolization.

How to cite: Eid, R., Ritschel, T., Guhra, T., Papsdorf, R., and Totsche, K.: Coaction of dissolved organic matter and electrolyte fluctuations on Al and Fe dynamics in matured podzols – what matters more? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18172,, 2025.

EGU25-18803 | Orals | SSS5.7

Century of forest conservation sequesters wood-derived particulate organic matter 

Kenton Stutz, Lilian Benz, Klaus Kaiser, Bruno Glaser, and Flavius Popa

Forest soils are substantial sinks for carbon, yet the effectiveness of management practices such as strict conservation to sequester more soil organic carbon is unknown. A complication is the increase in forest disturbance due to climate change, key to which is the loss of canopy cover. We sampled paired control-canopy gap plots in drought-sensitive Norway spruce stands on Stangosols developed on Buntsandstein in the Black Forest National Park (2000 mm MAP, 5.5°C MAT). Three pairs are located within the management zone with sanitation logging of beetle infestations (gaps < 5 years old with little deadwood), and three more are in the core zone without logging since 1911 (gaps < 15 years old with moderate deadwood).

In the management zone, canopy gaps had warmer and slightly wetter forest floors (+0.45 °C and +1.7 % Vol), but thickness, carbon stocks and C/N ratios in the forest floor did not differ between canopy treatments. In the core zone by comparison, circa 50 Mg ha-1 more carbon was found under closed canopies than canopy gaps as well as both canopy types in the management zone. Density fraction revealed most changes occurred in the free and occluded light fractions, which constituted circa 50 and 40% of SOC, respectively, in the core zone.

Lignin-derived phenols were extracted with cupric oxide oxidation to trace the source of soil organic matter (SOM). Lignin markers in the forest floor came mostly from coniferous wood and at times was less oxidized in canopy gaps. Additionally, subsoil horizons exhibited surprisingly little lignin oxidation regardless of canopy treatment, resulting in lignin-derived phenols constituting up to circa 20% of SOM. This applied to other CuO-extractable phenols, which in subsoil accounted for a further 10% of SOM.

The increase in core zone SOC stock is of a similar magnitude to accumulated deadwood if averages of 10 m3 ha-1 year-1 annual growth increment and 33% mortality are assumed. Wood-derived lignin absent in canopy gaps likely underwent less-oxidative photodegradation and leaching both deeper into mineral soil and laterally into catchments. Sequestration of wood-derived particulate SOM is thus possible in moist, acidic sandy soils, but such SOM is sensitive to disturbance-driven microclimatic changes.

How to cite: Stutz, K., Benz, L., Kaiser, K., Glaser, B., and Popa, F.: Century of forest conservation sequesters wood-derived particulate organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18803,, 2025.

EGU25-19046 | Posters on site | SSS5.7

The role of soil structure for the moisture response function of carbon mineralization 

Elsa Coucheney, Stefano Manzoni, Emilien Casali, John Koestel, Elisabet Lewan, and Nick Jarvis

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is critical for soil quality and agroecosystem sustainability and soil moisture is a key component in the response of SOC turnover to climate variations. Several processes are involved in the regulation of SOC decomposition by soil moisture, but O2 transport in large structural pores that drain near saturation is particularly important in wet soils, which may become more common with increasing flood risk under climate change. These effects are poorly understood because standard incubation experiments disrupt soil structure by sieving. We therefore investigated the effects of soil structure on C mineralisation under wet conditions in order to improve models of SOC turnover that take into account soil structure and soil management.

We measured CO2 emissions from soil cores of contrasting structure in laboratory incubations and derived different parameter sets of moisture response functions. This was done at pressures ranging from saturation to -600 cm, using intact or sieved soils from conventional tillage and no-till treatments. An analytical stochastic model of C mineralisation under different climatic conditions was developed and run using the contrasting parameter sets derived from the incubation data, and the consequences of neglecting soil structure were quantified by differences in model predictions.

The functions describing the response of C emission rates to soil moisture had different shapes for soils of contrasting structure (i.e. between sieved and intact cores or between the two different tillage treatments). The optimum degree of saturation for C emission rates (i.e. where rates were maximal) was closer to one for the more structured soils: 0.90 for intact no-till cores, 0.85 for intact till cores and 0.70 for sieved cores. In addition, sieving increased C mineralisation rates at saturation. Differences between tillage treatments were also evident in the drier range, with C emission rates decreasing more rapidly as the soil was drained from the optimum degree of saturation to the driest pressure head of - 600 cm for the soil from the conventional tillage treatment.

Predictions of C emission rates with the analytical model parameterized using the response curves from sieved or intact soil cores diverged rapidly with increasing rainfall. These differences increased to a plateau as soil conditions became wetter for both tillage treatments, but were always higher for the no-till treatment.

We conclude that neglecting soil structure or changes in soil structure in dynamic predictions of soil organic carbon stocks in response to climatic variations can lead to significant errors. We suggest that a revision of the static view of moisture response functions of C mineralisation is needed. More efforts should be made to establish theoretical or empirical links between soil structural characteristics (in particular the occurrence and distribution of structural pore space) and the parameters of the response function.

How to cite: Coucheney, E., Manzoni, S., Casali, E., Koestel, J., Lewan, E., and Jarvis, N.: The role of soil structure for the moisture response function of carbon mineralization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19046,, 2025.

EGU25-19467 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

A direct method to determine gross N2O reduction potential: Downscaling soil mass to constrain the reduction hotspots 

Ryo Shingubara, Yasuhiro Nakajima, Hikaru Uno, Hiroaki Shimada, Jo Jinno, Koji Ito, Emi Matsumura, Shintaro Hara, Kiwamu Minamisawa, and Rota Wagai

N2O reduction is a key process controlling and mitigating the highly heterogeneous N2O emission from soils. We developed a new method (15N2O reduction tracing: 15N2O RT) to quantify potential gross reduction rates of N2O by incubating only a few grams of soil samples, spiking single-labeled 15N2O tracer as the direct substrate for N2O reduction, and analyzing its direct product (the 15N/14N ratio of N2). In the present study, we proved two concepts of the method: (a) direct determination of N2O reduction potential and (b) downscaling of soil mass to identify N2O reduction hotspots. First, the mass balance of 15N between N2O consumption and N2 production was confirmed (recovery rate: 107% ± 10%) using pure cultures of complete denitrifying bacteria. Second, we applied our method to soil profiles at a secondary forest (O, 0–5 cm A1, 5–20 cm A2 horizons), no-tillage agricultural plot (O, A1, A2), and conventional tillage plot (0–20 cm Ap horizon). Their N2O reduction potentials under a controlled soil water potential (−1 kPa) and 0.1% 15N2O air varied across orders of magnitude: higher in the shallower, carbon-rich horizons (O–A1). Our method allowed the direct comparison between the N2O reductions and copy numbers of nosZ (the functional gene responsible for N2O reduction), which revealed no clear relationship across the studied samples. Instead, the variation in N2O reduction potential co-varied with the soil total carbon (C) content, C/N ratio, and 16S rRNA gene copy number, suggesting C substrate control on the N2O reduction. By further reducing the required soil mass, the current method may help disentangle N2O production and reduction hotspots at a macroaggregate scale (approximately > 2 mm diameter) to clarify mechanisms behind the heterogeneous N2O dynamics in soils.

Keywords: nitrous oxide, isotopic labeling, incubation, N2O reducers, soil profile scale

How to cite: Shingubara, R., Nakajima, Y., Uno, H., Shimada, H., Jinno, J., Ito, K., Matsumura, E., Hara, S., Minamisawa, K., and Wagai, R.: A direct method to determine gross N2O reduction potential: Downscaling soil mass to constrain the reduction hotspots, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19467,, 2025.

EGU25-20053 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

The influence of minerals and cations contents on carbon sequestration in temperate French forests’ soils, and their effects on carbon dynamics 

Florian Mezerette, Delphine Derrien, Zhun Mao, Joseph Ngatchou-Wandji, and Laurent Saint-André

Association of organic matter (OM) with mineral phases have been identified as one important process to explain organic carbon sequestration in soil. Associations include cationic bridging between OM and mineral surfaces, OM adsorption on mineral surface, and OM co-precipitation with minerals. Some recent studies underlined the crucial role of poorly crystalline aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe) oxides to sequestrate organic carbon. These findings have been mostly observed so far at a global or continental scale. Moreover, the links between soil mineralogy and geochemistry and carbon are still unclear, given the time span needed to unveil them.

The aim of the study is to verify if relationships between geochemical parameters and soil carbon content are still noticeable at the scale of the French European territory, in temperate forests covering a wide range of soil types. Taking advantage of a double inventory of soil organic carbon at a 15-year interval, we further aim to assess if a relationship exists between soil geochemical parameters and C dynamics over a decade. In this forest monitoring network of 102 sites across mainland France (RENECOFOR) three soil depths were analysed at each campaign: 0–10, 10–20, 20–40 cm. The particulate organic carbon (POC) fraction proportion of the 0–10 cm soil depth was known for 53 sites for the second campaign. The mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) content could be therefore inferred.

The soil carbon content was linked to the oxalate-extractable Al and Fe (Alox and Feox) at each of the three depths. The relation with the MAOC content of the 53 sites subset was also highly positively correlated. The cation content (exchangeable calcium and magnesium, Caex and Mgex) showed a positive effect on carbon content for a subset of the sites. These had a higher pH and were mainly located on alkaline parent rocks. However, the stock change was mainly unaffected by neither minerals nor cation content, or by other soil characteristics.

How to cite: Mezerette, F., Derrien, D., Mao, Z., Ngatchou-Wandji, J., and Saint-André, L.: The influence of minerals and cations contents on carbon sequestration in temperate French forests’ soils, and their effects on carbon dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20053,, 2025.

EGU25-20079 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.7

Contribution of primary and secondary mineral phases to organo-mineral aggregation during crushed basalt weathering in the presence of fresh plant residue 

Puu-Tai Yang, Kohei Kurokawa, Atsushi Nakao, Toshihiro Kogure, and Rota Wagai

The application of crushed basalt to soil receives increasing attention as its chemical weathering can promote carbon dioxide removal. However, its impact on the persistence of organic matter (OM) in soil remains poorly understood due to the complex mineral compositions of basalt particles and their interactions with OM during rock weathering. We hypothesized that the mineral-OM aggregation is promoted by easily weatherable primary minerals together with secondary minerals during basalt weathering. To elucidate if the formation of mineral-OM aggregates was mineral-selective, we characterized the basalt-POM aggregates formed in a 6-month leaching experiment using basalt-plant residue-quartz sand mixtures. The aggregates were isolated with density fractionation, and the mineral compositions and distributions were examined with quantitative X-ray diffractometry (qXRD), X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES), micro XANES (μ-XANES), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the meso-density fraction (MF; 1.8 – 2.4 g cm-3) of the fresh basalt was initially enriched with smectite and amorphous minerals than the bulk basalt as found with qXRD, which might have initiated the mineral-POM aggregation at the early stage of the 6-month incubation. The SEM images showed patchy coatings of POM on the basalt particles, implying the presence of preferential binding sites. We found preferential incorporation of plagioclase and pyroxene into the MF   aggregate relative to other primary minerals present in basalt with increasing amorphous mineral phase. Using μ-XANES, we found Fe(III) secondary minerals, presumably from smectite or amorphous minerals, located on the surface of basalt particles and thus appeared to act as binders between basalt and POM particles. However, smectite could be initially present and incorporated in MF during basalt weathering. 
This study demonstrated the importance of not only the secondary minerals but also the easily weatherable primary minerals for promoting fresh organic matter stabilization under wet-and-dry cycles. The stability of the OM in these meso-density aggregates remains unclear. Further study is needed to evaluate the physical structures of mineral-OM aggregates as well as the biodegradability of the OM therein for determining carbon stability.

How to cite: Yang, P.-T., Kurokawa, K., Nakao, A., Kogure, T., and Wagai, R.: Contribution of primary and secondary mineral phases to organo-mineral aggregation during crushed basalt weathering in the presence of fresh plant residue, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20079,, 2025.

EGU25-623 | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Integrated geochemical and mineralogical analysis of heavy metal pollution: A scalable model for global environmental challenges 

amir joukar, Samira Abbasi, Javad Darvishi-Khatooni, and Saeid Pourmorad

Heavy metal pollution is a major challenge for the environment. It affects more than 30% of global freshwater systems and threatens biodiversity and human well-being. This study presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary framework that integrates advanced geochemical and mineralogical methods to address this urgent problem and provide scalable solutions with global applicability.

Focusing on Aligudarz County in Iran's geologically active Zagros Mountains, 110 sediment samples were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD). Results revealed the pivotal role of fine-grained silts and clays, particularly Illite and montmorillonite with high adsorption capacities, in heavy metal transport. Pollution indices, including the geo-accumulation index and the enrichment factor, indicate moderate to severe pollution by molybdenum, lead, cadmium and copper. Of particular concern are the traces of cadmium and lead, which pose an acute threat to ecosystems and human health and require immediate action.

This study presents a novel method for assessing heavy metal exposure by combining state-of-the-art analytical tools with robust statistical approaches. The results not only provide a basis for targeted mitigation strategies, but also serve as a model for shaping global environmental policy and improving international efforts to protect natural and human systems.

How to cite: joukar, A., Abbasi, S., Darvishi-Khatooni, J., and Pourmorad, S.: Integrated geochemical and mineralogical analysis of heavy metal pollution: A scalable model for global environmental challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-623,, 2025.

Magnesium (Mg) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, particularly because of its important role in photosynthesis. Thus, Mg availability plays a crucial role in ecosystem development on freshly deposited material such as glacial debris. Gaining insight into the processes that drive vegetation succession is essential for addressing the challenges posed by the rapidly expanding glacier retreat areas worldwide. The subtropical Hailuogou glacial retreat area (approximately 3000 m a.s.l., 1950 mm precipitation, mean annual temperature 4.2 °C), southwest China, with its rapid development from bare soil to a full conifer-dominated mixed forest in <80 years, provides an ideal environment to study the biogeochemical cycling of Mg in the early stage of soil and vegetation development. The quantification of Mg fluxes together with the interpretation of changing Mg isotope ratios (δ26Mg values) in soil and plants provide a promising approach to investigate the development of the Mg cycle during vegetation succession.

Along the Hailuogou chronosequence, 33% of the initial Mg stock in the uppermost 10 cm of the debris was lost within 37 years of soil development, which was attributable to leaching of exchangeable Mg and dissolution of chlorite. In spite of this loss, the δ26Mg values of the organic layer, which developed simultaneously with the vegetation succession, were not correlated with site age and remained mostly unchanged at an average of -0.34±0.10 ‰ (SD, n=15). The δ26Mg values in the organic layer resembled those of the tree leaves (-0.33±0.20 ‰, n=9) and were higher than those in 3 yr-old (-1.16±0.26 ‰, n=15) and 1 yr-old (-0.57±0.21, n=15) needles. The fact that the needles were isotopically lighter than the soil organic layer suggests that there is a Mg-isotopically heavy component in the litter of the conifer-dominated forest, such as woody components and/or seeds and fruits. Mg remobilization from older to younger plant compartments primarily occurs as organo-complexes, where Mg2+ forms strong covalent bonds. At chemical equilibrium, organo-Mg complexes tend to favor the heavy 26Mg over 24Mg, which accumulates in the free cytosolic Mg2+. The higher δ26Mg value of leaves than of the 1 yr-old needles might indicate that most of the comparatively high Mg demand of the leaves of deciduous trees is covered by Mg that was re-translocated prior to leaf abscission and reused by the following generation of leaves, while less Mg was taken up from the exchangeable soil pool (−0.86 ± 0.13 ‰, n = 5). Tree roots were Mg-isotopically heavier than the exchangeable Mg pool, supporting previous findings that plants prefer to incorporate 26Mg relative to 24Mg, mainly because of the equilibrium fractionation by Mg binding to the root surfaces. With increasing ecosystem age, the roots increasingly accumulated isotopically heavy Mg.

Our results reveal that Mg is quickly incorporated into biotic cycles as vegetation succession progresses at the scale of years to decades resulting in a decoupling from soil processes such as weathering and leaching. As a consequence, the Mg isotope ratios in plant compartments are more dominated by plant-internal processes than by soil-plant transfer.

How to cite: Basdedios, N., Wu, Y., and Wilcke, W.: Do stable Mg isotope ratios in ecosystem compartments reflect the increasing incorporation of Mg into biotic cycles as vegetation succession advances?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1008,, 2025.

EGU25-4881 | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Lithium in agriculture, environment and food 

Manfred Sager

Due to increasing interest in lithium, and before a possible era of more intense use, a compilation of respective data from multi-element datasets of the author seems to be needed. All data have been obtained from ICP-OES, run against matrix-matched calibrants. Average global abundances of 22 mg/kg in the Upper crust, 13 mg/kg in the Lower crust and 18 mg/kg in the Continental crust rely on total decomposition digests. After weathering, Li is quickly removed from solution by clay minerals and Fe-oxides, but hardly by organics. Total digestion data of 24432 stream sediment of Slovakia showed an elevated occurrence of Li in the High and Lower Tatra mountains and in the Beskides (34-70 mg/kg), whereas in the Lowlands it ranged largely within 22-29 mg/kg. Similarly in Austria, stream sediments in the Pre-alpine Lowland ranged within 16-26 mg/kg, and in the limestone Alps within 5-16 mg/kg.

In soils, however, aqua regia digestion or alternatively, pressure digestion with K-chlorate in dilute nitric acid, is commonly used, which resulted in a median recovery of 57 % (range 44-100%) in apple orchard soils, and of about 54% in a calcareous fluvisol, which had been treated by various fertilization regimes. In these digests, Li is positively correlated with K, Sc, Y, Al, La, Ni, Cr and Tl, but negative or independent versus Ca, Sr, Ba and organic carbon. In profiles of wood soils from the South of Carinthia, both increase and decrease of aqua regia soluble Li was noted versus depth.

In urban soils and road dusts, Li had been detected within the range of arable soils, no enrichments had occurred.

In mobile soil fractions, Li mobility is quite low. Data obtained from various extracts like CAL (Ca-acetate-lactate), dilute acetic acid or ammonium acetate will be compared: In CAL, released Li corresponds with Na, while it is largely independent from Mg, Sr and Ba. In orchard soils, just 0,52% of total (range 0,12-1,17%) were released by 0,16M acetic acid, and in subsequent oxalate extract pH 3 just 1,38% (range 0,41-6,27%) as medians, and in the carbonaceous fluvisol, the acetic acid released even only 0,36%, and subsequent oxalate 0,20% of total.,

In fertilizers, based on NH4, K and Mg salts, median occurrence of Li is below 0,5 mg/kg. in NPK fertilizers about 1 mg/kg, and in composts 14 mg/kg. Thus, there is no significant Li input into soils from fertilization. Median inputs for 100 kg N/ha or 100 kg P/ha increase from mineral fertilizers to commercial organics, to manures and dungs, to composts. Slight but insignificant changes between different geological locations appeared among the composts.

Addition of NPK fertilizer leads to mobilization of Li by ion exchange. From columns of chernozem soils, a Li peak occurred after passage of one pore volume of eluting water.

Animal feedstuffs contain Li within the same concentration ranges as mineral fertilizers, with medians from 0,6 to 2,0 mg/kg. The concentration ranges are largely overlapping with respect to target animals, both for composite and supplementary feeds. The stomach-contents of wild ducks shot in 4 areas of Austria, contained Li within the same range as commercial feedstuffs for chicken or turkeys. Because basic feeds like grass-silage may contain higher Li-levels, concentrations in manures, dungs and composts may be also higher.

Li levels in meat and vegetables have been found largely overlapping at about 10-70 µg/kg of dry mass, which means about 1- 7 µg/kg in wet weight. Higher levels can be (but need not be) met in processed cheese, as well as in horse meat and deer. Like for most elements, honey contains the presumably lowest Li level, at a median of 3,5 µg/kg (range <0,1 - 30 µg/kg), at almost dry weight.

Data from cereals, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, milk, cheese, various kinds of meat, and honey will be presented.

How to cite: Sager, M.: Lithium in agriculture, environment and food, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4881,, 2025.

This study highlights the potential of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) to achieve robust growth and biodiesel production under extreme heavy metal contamination. A 90-day pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions using multi metal-contaminated soil sourced from former metal mines in Lavrio, Greece, a globally renowned site for its metal extraction history. Treatments included a non-contaminated control, a 1:2 mix of non-contaminated and contaminated soil, a 2:1 mix of the same soils, and a treatment with contaminated soil only. The concentrations of heavy metals in the soil were as high as: Ag (0.44–41.2 mg kg⁻¹), As (7.46–10,886 mg kg⁻¹), Cd (0.56–301.7 mg kg⁻¹), Cu (9.47–1,352 mg kg⁻¹), Zn (62.2–56,834 mg kg⁻¹), Pb (46.1–41,731 mg kg⁻¹), and Sb (0.99–322.33 mg kg⁻¹). Remarkably, safflower did not exhibit significant reductions in biomass or growth across treatments, as evidenced by growth indices such as absolute growth rate and growth ratio. The plant also accumulated significant amounts of metals, surpassing hyperaccumulation thresholds for Zn, Cd, and Pb. Light microscopy examination revealed no notable changes in root morphology or cell structure. Furthermore, negligible amounts of metals were detected in the derived seed oil. These findings demonstrate that safflower is a highly promising candidate for cultivation in heavy metal-contaminated soils, producing substantial biomass under harsh conditions and delivering a safe, biodiesel-compatible end product.

How to cite: Kikis, C., Giannoulis, K., and Antoniadis, V.: Phytomanagement capabilities of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) after morphological examination and cultivation in multi metal-contaminated soil from former mines in Lavrio, Greece., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5162,, 2025.

EGU25-5890 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Innovative Solutions for Reducing Copper-Based Pesticides in Sustainable Agriculture: The LIFE MICROFIGHTER Project 

Matteo Alberghini, Giacomo Ferretti, Giulio Galamini, Cristina Botezatu, Barbara Faccini, Elisa Pignoni, and Massimo Coltorti

Copper (Cu) is one of the seven essential micronutrients for plants, but its intensive use as a pesticide in agriculture, especially in organic and integrated production systems, has led to its progressive accumulation in European soils. This phenomenon poses a serious threat to soil biodiversity, water quality, and human health. Despite EU regulations limiting copper inputs to a maximum of 28 kg/ha over seven years (an average of 4 kg/ha/year), a significant amount of copper-based pesticides is still widely used, as they remain essential for controlling numerous fungal and bacterial diseases. However, their accumulation in soils and sediments has become an unsustainable environmental issue, particularly in Italy, Greece, France, and Spain, where agricultural land contamination is particularly high. The LIFE MICROFIGHTER project proposes an innovative solution to reduce or replace copper-based pesticides by demonstrating the efficacy of a new Zeo-Biopesticide, applied as a foliar treatment, composed of natural Italian zeolites (potassium chabazite) and a specific biocontrol microorganism (Pseudomonas sp. DLS65). The goal is to control major pathogens of grapevine, tomato, and olive (including downy mildew, bacterial speck, bacterial spot, olive knot, and peacock spot), exploiting Zeo-Biopesticide and hence reducing or avoiding the use of copper in organic and integrated agricultural systems. The efficacy of the method will be demonstrated with field trials (2-3 years duration) in Italy, Croatia, and Spain (a total of 9 fields).

The specific objectives of the project includes: i) reducing copper inputs in agricultural soils from an average of 4 kg/ha/year to 2 kg/ha/year without compromising crop yield and quality, with the potential for complete copper replacement; ii) demonstrating a reduction in total soil copper concentration while promoting increased soil biodiversity; iii) raising awareness among farmers, policymakers, and other stakeholders about the environmental and health risks associated with copper-based pesticides, and promoting the adoption of the Zeo-Biopesticide as an effective and sustainable alternative; iv) conducting environmental monitoring campaigns, life cycle analysis (LCA), and developing a business plan to assess the economic and environmental sustainability of the new technology.

To evaluate the effect of the zeo-biopesticide on copper reduction, copper concentrations in soils, both bioavailable and total, are determined in the first and third years of sampling through ICP-MS analysis. Additionally, other soil physico-chemical parameters, such as organic matter content, pH, electrical conductivity, and cation exchange capacity, will be measured to assess their correlation with copper concentrations. For better data visualization, distribution maps of total and bioavailable copper concentrations will be created for the different experimental fields. Currently, after one year of the project, the baseline has been established, and the corresponding distribution maps have been prepared. These data will be compared with those obtained after the second sampling to evaluate the actual reduction in copper and, consequently, the effectiveness of the zeo-biopesticide.

How to cite: Alberghini, M., Ferretti, G., Galamini, G., Botezatu, C., Faccini, B., Pignoni, E., and Coltorti, M.: Innovative Solutions for Reducing Copper-Based Pesticides in Sustainable Agriculture: The LIFE MICROFIGHTER Project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5890,, 2025.

EGU25-6570 | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Green Analytical Techniques for Strontium Elemental & Isotope Analysis in Honey: Advancing Sustainable Sample Preparation with HR-ICP-MS 

Fernando Jimenez - Barredo, Elia Madrid-Salinas, Olga Domínguez-Renedo, Maria Asunción Alonso-Olmillo, and Altug Hasozbek

Strontium has been considered an excellent proxy for some important geological processes and it is considered a key marker to understand the provenance, mobility and diet habits in disciplines such as archaeology, paleoecology, and environmental sciences or forensics among others. Besides, whereas Sr is not considered as an essential micronutrient, it shares similar mobility than other cations like radium, barium or calcium and thus could be used as biotracer.

Combining isotopic ratios with trace element analysis offers significant advantages due to its simplicity and precision. Recent studies have highlighted the utility of bees as biosamplers of local geochemical signatures, with honey emerging as a promising biomonitor for trace elements and isotopic geochemistry.

In this work, a green analytical chemistry methodology has been applied to prepare the honeybee samples to be measured by ICP-MS: for major and trace element composition, 1 gram of honey only was mixed with 0.5 M HNO3, and warmed-up to 50oC during 10 min to facilitate homogenization. Previously, 100 µL of bismuth as internal standard was included in the mixture. Finally, an aliquot was diluted in 0.5M HNO3 in order to obtain around 1 mg.L-1 of potassium. The instrumental analysis comprised i) ICP-OES quantification of the main elements, ii) HR-ICP-MS quantification of the trace elements, including the strontium. To explore the strontium isotope ratios an additional aliquot was processed by the common strontium crown-ether separation and purification. In this stage, the HR-ICP-MS was used to measure the isotopic variations in order to test the sample processing performance. For this purpose, a sample of honeybee was isotopically strengthened with a certain amount of NIST-SRM strontium carbonate isotopic standard.

The method was applied to some organic and completely characterized honeybee from four different locations in north Spain, sampled during the same season. Initial results reveal (a) no significant differences between the standard acid digestion methods and the simple dilution approach; (b) results obtained confirm the biogeochemical behavior found when the physical-chemical properties of the honey were considered; and (c) whereas the results are promising still some methodological improvements have to been applied in order to obtain highly precise isotope ratio values by HR-ICP-MS.

Further research will include crosschecking the isotope honeybee signature with the bioavailable strontium in the corresponding soil.

How to cite: Jimenez - Barredo, F., Madrid-Salinas, E., Domínguez-Renedo, O., Alonso-Olmillo, M. A., and Hasozbek, A.: Green Analytical Techniques for Strontium Elemental & Isotope Analysis in Honey: Advancing Sustainable Sample Preparation with HR-ICP-MS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6570,, 2025.

EGU25-8042 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Spatial Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in Reclaimed Post-Mining Soils: Impact of Topography and Tree Species 

Pankaj Maurya, Reginald Ebhin Masto, Hridesh Agarwalla, Dane Lamb, and Jorge Paz Ferreiro

Mitigating potentially toxic elements (PTEs) contamination in post-mining land is essential for restoring the environmental health of post mining ecosystems. A comprehensive understanding of how post-mining topography and vegetation impact PTEs distribution can help devise targeted reclamation strategies to reduce PTEs toxicity.

This study investigated the influence of topographical regions of a post-mining overburden heap (top, middle, and bottom) and selected tree species (Azadirachta indica, Senna siamea, and Leucaena leucocephala) on the total and bioavailable fractions of PTEs in reclaimed coal mine soil from Eastern India.

The total concentration revealed that chromium (Cr: 226–354 mg/kg), cadmium (Cd: 1.37–1.92 mg/kg), mercury (Hg: 0.11–0.45 mg/kg), and zinc (Zn: 104–213 mg/kg) pose a significant potential risk across the site. These risks were supported by high geo-accumulation index values (Igeo > 1.0 for Cd, Cr, and Hg) and contamination factors (Cf). Despite this, bioavailable fractions of PTEs remained below 25%, with values for Cd (2.92–11.46%), Cr (0.10–0.22%), and Zn (5.15–22.4%), indicating reduced immediate ecological risk.

While topography did not significantly affect the pollution load index (PLI), tree species played a crucial role. Among the tree species studied, L. leucocephala exhibited the lowest PLI (0.95) and effectively reduced the bioavailable concentration of Cd under its canopy. These findings position L. leucocephala as a promising candidate for the revegetation of post-mining landscapes.

This study highlights the critical role of vegetation in regulating the concentration and bioavailability of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in reclaimed mining soils, offering essential insights for developing sustainable strategies for post-mining land restoration and ecosystem rehabilitation

Keywords: slope, plant species, post-mining, landscape, toxic elements.

How to cite: Maurya, P., Masto, R. E., Agarwalla, H., Lamb, D., and Ferreiro, J. P.: Spatial Distribution of Potentially Toxic Elements in Reclaimed Post-Mining Soils: Impact of Topography and Tree Species, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8042,, 2025.

EGU25-8858 | Orals | SSS5.8

Isotope tracing and microscale mapping to investigate the fate of foliar applied zinc in wheat under drought stress 

Linlin Wang, Pascal Becker, Corey Archer, Ismail Cakmak, Detlef Günther, Emmanuel Frossard, and Matthias Wiggenhauser

Limited soil moisture negatively affects the zinc (Zn) bioavailability to roots by impacting Zn diffusion (mobility) which may severely diminish Zn accumulation in edible parts of plants such as grains. Therefore, soil moisture drought poses a critical threat to Zn nutrition of plants and agronomic Zn biofortification strategies that aim at enhancing grain Zn concentrations. Foliar Zn application represents an alternative solution by bypassing adverse soil conditions and increasing grain Zn concentrations. While foliar Zn application has been shown to enhance grain Zn concentration under drought stress, it remains unclear how soil moisture drought influences foliar Zn uptake and translocation processes in crops. Furthermore, although the agronomic effectiveness of foliar-applied Zn has been well-studied using isotope tracers, similar investigations under soil moisture drought are lacking. Addressing this gap will contribute to optimization of foliar Zn application strategies, especially under stressful environmental conditions.

This ongoing study aims to quantify the agronomic effectiveness of foliar-applied Zn in wheat (Triticum aestivum) under conditions with and without soil moisture drought using stable isotope tracing. A pot experiment was conducted by using two wheat cultivars, Katya and Diavel, differing in drought stress tolerance. Plants were subjected to soil moisture drought in a controlled greenhouse environment, and a 66Zn labeled Zn sulfate fertilizer was applied to the flag leaves at flowering stage. In this study, yield parameters were already determined, and Zn concentrations in different plant tissues will be measured in ICP-OES. Leaf properties, such as trichome and stomatal density, were also analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. By measuring 66Zn: 64Zn isotope ratios in different bulk plant tissues using a high resolution ICP-MS, we precisely quantified the transfer of foliar-applied Zn to grains and other plant parts. Additionally, 66Zn: 64Zn isotope ratios within the flag leaves were mapped using laser ablation (LA)-ICP- time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOFMS), providing detailed insights into the fate of foliar applied Zn at the microscale.

Preliminary results indicate distinct responses to drought stress between the two cultivars. Under drought stress, Katya exhibited higher drought tolerance than Diavel, evidenced by its lower leaf water potential. Traits of Katya such as greater root biomass, shorter leaf length, higher trichome density, and lower stomatal density than Diavel further supported this observation LA-ICP-TOFMS results revealed that drought increased the transfer of foliar-applied Zn within the flag leaves in Diavel. In contrast, drought reduced the transfer of Zn within the flag leaves in Katya. Moreover, source tracing with stable isotopes revealed that drought reduced the transfer of foliar applied Zn to grains, particularly in Katya. These preliminary findings suggest that drought stress modifies the mobility and partitioning of foliar-applied Zn, with cultivar-specific traits playing a crucial role. At the conference, we will present the complete dataset and discuss the implications of our findings for improving Zn biofortification strategies in wheat under drought stress.

How to cite: Wang, L., Becker, P., Archer, C., Cakmak, I., Günther, D., Frossard, E., and Wiggenhauser, M.: Isotope tracing and microscale mapping to investigate the fate of foliar applied zinc in wheat under drought stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8858,, 2025.

EGU25-9402 | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Heavy metals and microbiological assessment of soil-plant system of flooded areas applied on the chard (Beta vulgaris) 

Josip Jurković, Emina Sijahović, Mersiha Alkić-Subašić, Hamdija Čivić, and Fejzo Bašić

Sewage, animal feces, heavy metals, pathogenic microbes, and other pollutants can contaminate floodwater. Fresh vegetables that have been submerged in floodwater or that might have been exposed to contaminated water are not safe to consume. Pollutants may enter plant tissues in addition to being on the outside of fruits and vegetables. In autumn of 2024, there were great floods in central Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of floods on heavy metals and microbe content in the soil and plant tissue. 20 samples of soil and sludge were prepared by extraction with agua regia and DTPA, for measurement of pseudo-total and available amounts of metals. Samples of chard were taken from flooded area and from area outside of floods (controls). The chard samples were divided to roots stems and leafs. The quantity of seven heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Pb, Cd, Fe, Cr and Mn) were measured by means of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy with flame atomization (FAAS). The total bacterial count was determined using R2A agar, while the Most Probable Number (MPN) method was applied for quantifying total coliforms and spore-forming bacteria. CN analyzer measured total content of C and N. The average concentrations of metals followed the sequence Cd<Co<Cr <Cu<Ni<Zn <Pb<Mn<Fe. The sludge mostly was not higher in heavy metals than soil, but it had higher amounts of C, N, Ni and Co. Soil samples showed high background concentrations of Pb and Cd and in some cases concentrations were higher than permissible amounts. In plants, highest concentrations of heavy metals were found in roots and leafs. Zn, Mn and Co had positive (root/shoot) translocation factor in all cases. The highest total bacterial count, exceeding log 8, was observed in three soil samples. In contrast, two samples of sludge exhibited a significantly lower bacterial abundance, falling below log 3. In some cases, chard had amounts of Cd higher than permissible, but it is not a consequence of flooding. Flooding increased C, N, Ni and Co and decreased bacterial count.

How to cite: Jurković, J., Sijahović, E., Alkić-Subašić, M., Čivić, H., and Bašić, F.: Heavy metals and microbiological assessment of soil-plant system of flooded areas applied on the chard (Beta vulgaris), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9402,, 2025.

EGU25-10032 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Wanted: Micronutrients – Exploring the phytosiderophore pathway for micronutrient acquisition in plant-soil systems 

Andreea Spiridon, David Aleksza, Tim Causon, Stephan Hann, Nicolas Kratena, Christian Stanetty, and Eva Oburger

Micronutrient (MN) deficiencies, particularly of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu), are major constraints to crop productivity in arid and semi-arid regions characterized by high-pH calcareous soils. Effective strategies for acquiring MN are essential to ensure high yields on nutrient-depleted soils and produce MN-rich crops. In the case of iron, grass species (Poaceae) increase Fe phytoavailability by releasing root exudates called phytosiderophores (PS), which have the capability to chelate and mobilize Fe from the soil, thereby facilitating its uptake by plants. So far, eight naturally occurring PS compounds have been identified among the Poaceae: mugineic acid (MA), 3"-hydroxymugineic acid (HMA), 3"-epi-hydroxymugineic acid (epi-HMA), hydroxyavenic acid (HAVA), deoxymugineic acid (DMA), 3"-hydroxydeoxymugineic acid (HDMA), 3"-epi-hydroxydeoxymugineic acid (epi-HDMA) and avenic acid (AVA). Given the commercial unavailability of all eight PS, research until now has largely focused on DMA and, occasionally, MA, primarily in relation to Fe acquisition, with much of the research conducted under artificial conditions like hydroponics. These limitations restrict our understanding of the PS-MN acquisition mechanisms involving other PS types, the diversity of PS released by different grasses, and their molecular responses. Additionally, it remains unclear how these findings translate to natural soil conditions or what happens to PS once released into the soil.

With access to the full set of chemically synthesized PS, we conducted experiments to explore PS biosynthesis and exudation across grass species (e.g., barley, rye, oat, sorghum) under Fe, Zn, or Cu deficiency in both hydroponic and soil systems. We assessed the efficiency of each PS in mobilizing these MNs through soil interaction experiments conducted in MN-deficient soils.

Our findings indicate that PS biosynthesis and exudation exhibit species-specific and genotype-dependent variations. Focusing on barley and supported by root gene expression data (RNAseq), we found a stronger PS pathway response in a MN efficient genotype compared to an inefficient line. Additionally, our soil-PS interaction experiments revealed that PS-aided metal mobilization is specific to soil type. Despite the structural similarities among the eight PS, we observed differences in their metal mobilization efficiencies, which were both time and PS-concentration dependent. Our findings offer valuable insights into the complex dynamics of the PS-mediated MN acquisition mechanism. These novel insights into plant MN nutrition can serve as a foundation for future studies as well as to develop breeding programs tailored to thrive in MN-deficient soils.

How to cite: Spiridon, A., Aleksza, D., Causon, T., Hann, S., Kratena, N., Stanetty, C., and Oburger, E.: Wanted: Micronutrients – Exploring the phytosiderophore pathway for micronutrient acquisition in plant-soil systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10032,, 2025.

EGU25-10804 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Quantification of thiols free and complexed with trace metals in oxic soils: a modified qBBr-labeling method 

Geremia Pellegri, Matthias Wiggenhauser, Lenny Winkel, Erik Björn, and Ikram Bakour

A key property of thiols (R-SH) is their higher affinity for soft metals over less soft metals. They can therefore act as a filter in plants to separate the micronutrient zinc (Zn, less soft metal) from the ubiquitous pollutant cadmium (Cd, soft metal). Thiols are also present in oxic soils where they may play an important role in trace metal speciation. However, the role of thiols in oxic soils on the trace metal phytoavailability remains largely unexplored. We hypothesize that thiols in soils, similar as in plants, could act as filters to separate Zn from Cd.

The main reason for this knowledge gap is the lack of data on the thiol content in soils. This data paucity is caused by the analytical challenges associated with thiol quantification, including: (i) the sensitivity of thiols to oxidation, (ii) the structural heterogeneity of thiol molecules, and (iii) their lack of distinctive spectral characteristics. Thiols have previously been quantified in natural water using a monobromo(trimethylammonio)bimane -labeling protocol (qBBr). This molecule can bind thiols with high affinity and selectivity for them. The quantification of the non-reacted qBBr by combined chromatography-mass spectroscopy (LC-ESI-MS/MS) methods after derivatization time allows to overcome the aforementioned difficulties and to quantify thiol concentration in environmental samples, including soil pore water samples. However, this method, as it has been implemented until now, presents some limitations. Firstly, the qBBr-labeling was performed at near-neutral pH where most of the thiols are protonated, thereby limiting the qBBr-derivation yield. Secondly, the protocol allowed only for quantification of free thiols although a significant fraction of thiols may be complexed with metals in soils. These limitations likely resulted in an underestimation of thiols. Finally, the matrix of the natural samples may interfere with the quantification procedure (i.e. the binding of qBBr to thiols), a concern that is particularly relevant in soil samples due to the complex matrix.

In this study, we seek to refine the qBBr-labeling protocol to quantify for the first time free and complexed thiols in soil water extracts. We will test the effects of pH on the capacity of qBBr to bind thiols in order to maximize the derivation yield. Additionally, we will use the synthetic chelator EDTA to decomplex metals that are bound to thiols for the quantification of thiols that are complexed with metals. Finally, we will minimize matrix interferences using a control sample with the same matrix and cadmium-saturated thiol binding sites. Developing a thiol quantification method for soils is essential to improve our understanding of the role of thiols on the phytoavailability of essential and non-essential trace metals.

How to cite: Pellegri, G., Wiggenhauser, M., Winkel, L., Björn, E., and Bakour, I.: Quantification of thiols free and complexed with trace metals in oxic soils: a modified qBBr-labeling method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10804,, 2025.

EGU25-10944 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Novel DGT binding layer for organomineral colloids to identify their role in trace metal mobility in soil 

Jasnalien Ceulemans, Claudia Moens, and Erik Smolders

Natural soil colloids can play a substantial role in the mobility and bioavailability of trace metals. However, the understanding of their role as carrier is hampered by sampling artefacts of these colloids in traditional soil solution sampling methods, including changes in the in situ soil environment by extraction or centrifugation. To overcome this, a method based on the Diffusive Gradients in Thin films (DGT) technique is being developed to enable in situ sampling of colloids in undisturbed soil. Spatially resolved analysis of a DGT binding layer with laser ablation-ICP-MS will allow high-resolution mapping of free and colloid-associated metal distributions in soil. Different new types of DGT binding gels were synthesised and tested for their ability to accumulate organomineral colloids of iron (Fe) oxides associated with natural organic matter (NOM). These Fe-NOM colloids are expected to adsorb onto metal oxide binding gels used for anionic species in DGT, via interactions with negatively charged carboxylic and phenolic hydroxyl reactive groups of the NOM. Colloids experience slow diffusion due to their size and might be outcompeted for sorption by oxyanions, e.g. phosphate (PO4). Therefore, a high colloid binding capacity is required to ensure sufficient colloid detection on the binding gel. Sorption tests showed that Fe-NOM colloids can be accumulated by the in situ precipitated zirconium oxide (ZrO2) binding gel based on the ZrOCl2 precursor that is currently being used in PO4 DGTs. With respect to this binding layer, the increase of the ZrO2 concentration was found to have the most remarkable effect on the general binding capacity, as the total PO4 sorption capacity increased linearly with increasing Zr content in the gel. A novel approach, the in situ precipitation of metal oxides from Zr, titanium (Ti) and niobium (Nb) chloride and n-butoxide precursors instead of ZrOCl2, did not significantly enhance either the general capacity or the affinity for Fe-NOM colloids of binding gels. In addition, the Fe-NOM colloid sorption was not significantly enhanced by adaptation of the agarose derivative-crosslinked polyacrylamide (APA) hydrogel by mixing the non-ionic adsorbent polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) within the matrix. Moreover, hydrogels based on agarose instead of APA did not promote sorption of larger-sized Fe oxide colloids (50 nm) to a significant extent, despite the larger pore sizes in agarose compared to APA hydrogels. Finally, the in situ precipitated 0.1 M ZrO2 binding gel showed a linear uptake of small Fe-NOM colloids in time and concentration. This gel is, therefore, a promising DGT binding layer for high-resolution imaging of NOM-based Fe oxide colloids with associated trace metals in soil.

How to cite: Ceulemans, J., Moens, C., and Smolders, E.: Novel DGT binding layer for organomineral colloids to identify their role in trace metal mobility in soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10944,, 2025.

EGU25-11007 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

The effect of future change conditions on metal concentrations in wheat crops  

Jill Bachelder, Jan Michael Kaesler, and E. Marie Muehe

Climate change is project to greatly affect food systems, including yield and quality of staple crops such as wheat. One key determinant of wheat grain quality is the concentration of metal micronutrients (e.g., Fe, Zn, Cu) and toxic elements (e.g., Cd, Pb). However, it is not yet known whether and to which degree climate change conditions will affect micronutrient and toxic element concentrations in wheat grains. We performed a wheat-growth pot experiment (Spring-Summer 2024) to determine the effect of future climatic conditions (approximately +4°C relative to ambient, decreased soil moisture) on wheat, Triticum aestivum L., grain quality and yield. To expand the applicability of our results, we used three agricultural soils with a wide range of chemical properties (soil texture, elemental composition) and two spring wheat and one winter wheat cultivar. To evaluate the potential availability of soil metals for uptake by the wheat, we measured soil pH and water-extractable metal concentrations at four time points throughout the experiment. Preliminary results showed that future climatic conditions led to faster wheat development, including a shorter time needed to reach full maturity. In pot soil, future climatic conditions led to slightly increased pH and had no effect on dissolved organic carbon (DOC). While this experiment is ongoing, our results will demonstrate how underlying plant and soil processes relate to wheat uptake of micronutrients and toxic elements. Overall, this study will provide insights whether the combined impacts of future climatic conditions and soil contamination will give cause to an additional threat to food security and balanced nutrition.

How to cite: Bachelder, J., Kaesler, J. M., and Muehe, E. M.: The effect of future change conditions on metal concentrations in wheat crops , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11007,, 2025.

EGU25-11512 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

The effect of soil structure on the bioavailability of trace metals 

Samara Garcia, Toon van Dael, and Erik Smolders

The majority of traditional soil analyses disrupt the soil structure to diagnose soil quality, toxicity or nutrient requirements. They are based on batch extractions on dried, sieved and homogenized samples. However, opening up the soil structure overestimates the reactive surface that controls nutrient and contaminant availability. It is unclear if soil structure needs to be accounted for in bioavailability assessment. This study was set up to quantify the effects of soil structure on the mobility and the plant availability of five different trace metals, thereby using soils that are either or not disturbed by sieving and using both added metals and metals naturally present in soil. Maize was grown in 7.4 L soil columns spiked with 62Ni, 65Cu, 70Zn, 108Cd and 204Pb isotopes added to the soils as spike solutions with 2.2 mm initial irrigation. Five different types of soil and three degrees of disturbance were used: intact soil columns, soil sieved at 8 mm, and soil sieved at 2 mm. Soil analyses showed deeper and more variable penetration of metal isotopes in undisturbed than in sieved soils, logically related to macropores in the former. Maize plants grown on intact soils contained higher concentrations of spiked metal than those grown on sieved soil, with mean differences (among soils) ranging between 1.5 (Ni) and 3.8 (Cu). This indicates an increased availability of freshly added metal in the intact soils compared to sieved soils due to the higher reactive surfaces in the latter and due to the colocalization of the spike with the roots in macropores. Conversely, for the native metal, the trend was reversed; more native metal was taken up in the sieved treatments, and differences were highest (almost factor 2) for Cd. The second effect can be explained by an increased contact area between roots and soil due to sieving, thereby reducing the diffusion limitation of the native metals from soil to roots. This study shows that soil structure affects trace metal bioavailability and suggests that soil testing for bioavailability may need to be revisited to account for this effect.

How to cite: Garcia, S., van Dael, T., and Smolders, E.: The effect of soil structure on the bioavailability of trace metals, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11512,, 2025.

EGU25-13078 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Visualization of local concentrations of mobile soil colloids: advancing the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Method 

Claudia Moens, Justin Payne, Casey Doolette, Enzo Lombi, and Erik Smolders

Mobile colloids of clay, oxides and organic matter can play a major role in nutrient and contaminant mobility in soil, though their true role remains unclear due to biases in sampling methods. Sampling colloids in soil is challenging because current methods disrupt the soil structure, colloids are retained in sampling devices and/or extraction methods change the in situ environment.

The Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) method allows in situ sampling of solutes in soil. The DGT consists of a hydrogel diffusive layer for controlled diffusion to an analyte-specific binding layer that accumulates solutes when applied in soil. Analyzing the binding layer with a spatially-resolved method, like Laser Ablation (LA)-ICP-MS, reveals the 2D distribution of solutes in soil solution at micrometre resolution.

This study aims to develop the imaging DGT technique to sample not only solutes, but also mobile colloids, in undisturbed soils.  We speculate that this method will improve our understanding of the migration of compounds in soil compared to established methods because it visualizes local colloid and solute concentrations at sub-mm scale. This was tested in the plough pan of soil from a long-term field trial with manure application where we anticipated identifying hotspots of colloidal phosphorus (P) release associated with anaerobic microsites, in line with previous research. The DGT setup consisted of a 9 µm thick membrane, which provides a short diffusion length to increase the sensitivity for colloids, which have slow diffusion rates. The large membrane pore size cutoff of 1 µm allows unrestricted passage of colloids (< 200 nm), which we showed are retained in hydrogel diffusive layers. The DGT used a zirconium oxide-based binding layer previously developed for phosphate, which we identified as the best-performing binding layer for organomineral iron (Fe) colloids.

Sampling was done in winter 2023-2024 when the annual drainage was at a record high due to high rainfall and low evapotranspiration. We unexpectedly detected mobile clay mineral colloids on the DGT by using advanced LA-Time-Of Flight (TOF)-MS. This fast non-target elemental analysis allowed us to identify clay colloids from the co-localisation of Al, Si, Rb and Cs (and not P) and is the first image of mobile colloids in soil. The presence of clay colloids is underpinned by colloid analysis of pore water extracted from the same soil using Field Flow Fractionation analysis. The low Ca concentration (< 1 mM) in soil solution related to prolonged winter rainfall, not the presence of anaerobic microsites, likely explained the nature of these mobile colloids.

Further experiments are currently being undertaken to understand clay colloid uptake on the DGT binding layer.  The DGTs are deployed in suspensions with purified native clay colloids and pore water colloids from the plough layer at various deployment times to assess clay colloid accumulation and the method’s suitability for measuring mobile clay colloids in soil.

How to cite: Moens, C., Payne, J., Doolette, C., Lombi, E., and Smolders, E.: Visualization of local concentrations of mobile soil colloids: advancing the Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13078,, 2025.

EGU25-13116 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8 | Highlight

Climate change-induced cadmium accumulation in spinach. 

Aleksandra Pieńkowska, Alexandra Glöckle, Natalia Sánchez, Shitalben Khadela, Paul-Georg Richter, Ines Merbach, Martin Herzberg, Luis Daniel Prada Salcedo, Thomas Reitz, and E. Marie Muehe

Cadmium (Cd) contamination in agricultural soils raises concerns due to its toxicity and mobility in the soil-plant system. A recent soil incubation study found that future climate conditions may further increase Cd mobility in soil [1], but the resulting consequences for its transfer to plants and the human food chain remain unknown.

Here, we investigate the impact of climate change on Cd accumulation by spinach (Spinacia oleracea), chosen as a model plant for leafy crops. Spinach is recognized as a significant source of essential micronutrients yet it also accumulates Cd, even up to toxic levels in edible parts. Four spinach varieties were cultivated in soils with diverse geochemistry and Cd levels under ambient climatic conditions (20°C daytime temperature, ambient atmospheric CO2 and 50% water holding capacity) and anticipated future climatic conditions (+2.25°C, +290 ppmv CO2, and 7% less gravimetric water content, [2]).

Three out of four spinach varieties produced significantly higher edible biomass under future climatic conditions than under current conditions. This biomass increase was accompanied by significantly elevated Cd concentrations in the edible parts of all spinach varieties. Transfer factors (soil-to-root and root-to-shoot) indicate that the higher shoot Cd levels were primarily driven by enhanced Cd movement across the soil-root interface, coupled with an increase in the mobile Cd fraction in the soil. Metabolite profiling of the rhizosphere revealed elevated levels of organic acids and metal chelators under future conditions, which mobilized Cd through pH modifications and chelation. Increased plant-derived metabolites, particularly carbon sources, coupled with higher temperatures, promoted microbial growth, as indicated by higher microbial 16S rRNA transcript levels and elevated Krebs cycle metabolites in the soil. This rise in soil microbial metabolism may enhance soil turnover and decomposition, ultimately increasing Cd mobility in soil.

Our findings provide insights into problematic future Cd accumulation in spinach, with potential relevance to other leafy vegetables. This highlights the critical need to address soil contaminants in assessing the impact of climate change on food safety.

[1] Drabesch et al. (2024). Climate-induced microbiome alterations increase cadmium bioavailability in agricultural soils with pH below 7. Communications Earth & Environment.

[2] IPCC (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report.

How to cite: Pieńkowska, A., Glöckle, A., Sánchez, N., Khadela, S., Richter, P.-G., Merbach, I., Herzberg, M., Prada Salcedo, L. D., Reitz, T., and Muehe, E. M.: Climate change-induced cadmium accumulation in spinach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13116,, 2025.

EGU25-16208 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

The Role of a Plant Metallothionein (MT) in Separating Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) in E.Coli Using Isotope Process Tracing  

Fernando Antonio Gomes Brito, Alejandro Marquez Espinoza, Eva Freisinger, Géraldine Sarret, and Matthias Wiggenhauser

Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient, while cadmium (Cd) is a highly toxic pollutant. Due to their chemical similarity, both metals are absorbed by plants through the same pathways, including membrane proteins and vascular tissues. Plants mitigate Cd toxicity by chelating Cd with thiol-rich organic ligands and proteins, such as metallothioneins (MTs). Recent studies have shown that Zn and Cd isotopes are inversely fractionated in cereals like wheat and rice, with grains accumulating light Zn and heavy Cd isotopes. As Cd-thiol complexes are more stable than Zn-thiol complexes, we hypothesize that thiols separate Cd from Zn in living organisms, reflected in the ‘isotope fingerprint’ of these metals.

To test this hypothesis, we analyzed in a first step the Cd and Zn isotope composition in chickpea metallothionein (cicMT2). This is a model metallothionein and thiol for in vitro studies. To this end, cicMT2 was recombinantly expressed in E. coli cells with a GST tag for purification purposes, which was subsequently cleaved to obtain the native protein sequence. Metal-free cicMT2 was incubated with Cd(II) and Zn(II) ions for different equilibration times. After separating the unbound metal ions using size exclusion chromatography, the protein samples were measured for Cd and Zn isotope composition using a multi-collector ICP-MS. The isotope fractionation between the free and complexed metals at isotope equilibrium was Δ114/110Cdfree-MT = 0.56 ± 0.21‰, reached after 8 h of incubation, and Δ66/64Znfree-MT = 0.87 ± 0.41‰ within the first 10 min of incubation. Our findings indicate that cicMT2 significantly fractionates Cd and Zn isotopes, showing a preference for lighter Cd and Zn isotopes in the cicMT2 complex.

In a second step, we recombinantly expressed cicMT2 in the living model organism E. coli and compared the growth and metal uptake with a wild-type (non-producing MT) strain under different Cd and Zn concentrations. E. coli expressing cicMT2 accumulated over four times more Cd and Zn than the wild-type strain without reducing the growth rate. At high Cd concentrations, the separation of Zn and Cd in E. coli with cicMT2 (Zn:Cd = 1.04) is 19% more pronounced when compared to the wild-type (Zn:Cd = 0.88). This first data suggests that the model thiol cicMT2 plays a role in separating Zn from Cd in a living organism. Until the conference, the isotope composition of Zn and Cd in E. coli will be determined to further elucidate the role of cicMT2 to separate Zn from Cd.

How to cite: Gomes Brito, F. A., Marquez Espinoza, A., Freisinger, E., Sarret, G., and Wiggenhauser, M.: The Role of a Plant Metallothionein (MT) in Separating Cadmium (Cd) and Zinc (Zn) in E.Coli Using Isotope Process Tracing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16208,, 2025.

EGU25-17318 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Soil incubation can artificially increase cadmium concentrations in pore waters and deviate from field conditions 

Benoit Bergen, Claudia Moens, and Erik Smolders

A sound evaluation of the cadmium (Cd) mass balance in agricultural soils needs accurate data of Cd leaching. Reported Cd concentrations from in situ studies are often one order of magnitude lower than predicted by empirical models, which were calibrated to pore water data from stored soils. It is hypothesized that this discrepancy is related to the preferential flow of water (non-equilibrium) in the field and/or artefacts caused by drying and rewetting soils prior to pore water analysis. These hypotheses were tested on multiple soils (n=27) with contrasting properties. Pore waters were collected by soil centrifugation from field fresh soil samples and also after incubating the same soils (28 days, 20°C), following two drying-rewetting cycles, the idea being that chemical equilibrium in the soil is reached after incubation. Incubation increased pore water Cd by a factor 4, on average, and up to a factor 16. That increase was statistically related to the decrease of pore water pH and the increase of nitrate, both mainly related to incubation-induced nitrification. After correcting for both factors, the Cd rise was also highest at higher pore water Ca. This suggests that higher Ca in soil enlarges Cd concentration gradients among pore classes in field fresh soils, possibly because high Ca promotes soil aggregation and separation of mobile from immobile water. Several empirical models were used to predict pore water Cd. Predictions exceeded observations up to a factor of 30 for the fresh pore waters but matched well with those of incubated soils; again, deviations from the 1:1 line in field fresh soils were largest in high Ca (>0.8 mM) soils, suggesting that local equilibrium conditions in field fresh soils are not found at higher Ca. Our results demonstrate that empirical models need recalibration with field fresh pore water data to make accurate soil Cd mass balances in risk assessments.

How to cite: Bergen, B., Moens, C., and Smolders, E.: Soil incubation can artificially increase cadmium concentrations in pore waters and deviate from field conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17318,, 2025.

EGU25-18350 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Impact of PVC microplastics on phytoremediation of As and Hg polluted soils using Betula pubescens 

Diego Baragaño, Salvador Sánchez, Edgar Berrezueta, Elena Rodríguez, Aida González, Timea Kovacs, and Maria Antonia López-Antón

Arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) contamination in the Asturias region, northern Spain, represents a significant environmental issue that has been extensively studied in recent decades. Mining and industrial activities, particularly those associated with Hg mining, as well as coal mining and iron or zinc metallurgical industries, have profoundly impacted the environment, as evidenced by paleoenvironmental records such as peat bogs. These pollution phenomena affect various environmental compartments, including soil. To mitigate the negative impact of these two highly toxic and carcinogenic pollutants in soils, phytoremediation technology has been developed using Betula pubescens (birch), including field experiments in different polluted sites along the region.

In recent years various activities in the region have also led to the release of another type of contaminant classified as emerging: microplastics. Studies conducted in the area have revealed their presence in several environmental compartments, including marine sediments. Notably, microplastics are increasingly detected in soils, but their implications remain unclear. In fact, their interaction with other contaminants in complex mixtures is even less understood.

This study aimed to evaluate the impact of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) microplastics on soils contaminated with As and Hg. PVC, one of the most abundant polymers, poses a potential risk of interaction with Hg due to its Cl content. To this end, an experimental plot was established in a polluted soil under controlled conditions, and a dose of 1% of PVC microplastics was added. Phytoremediation of the soil was then performed using birch, with a control plot set up without the presence of microplastics. After two and eight months, sampling of the roots, leaves, and soil was conducted. The samples were analyzed to determine their As and Hg content, assessing the differences in pollutants accumulation in plants. Significant differences were observed between treatments, indicating that the presence of microplastics influenced the accumulation of As and Hg in plants. The presence of Cl in PVC microplastics may be a key factor in their interaction with Hg, thus, to elucidate this interaction, thermal programmed desorption of Hg (Hg-TPD) coupled with microscopic analysis of microplastics extracted from the soil will be employed, enabling a better understanding of the interactions between these two contaminants. This information is critical for evaluating their effects on the soil-plant system and the implications for the feasibility of phytoremediation techniques.

This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO, Spain) under the project I+D+i PID2020-113558RB-C43 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).

How to cite: Baragaño, D., Sánchez, S., Berrezueta, E., Rodríguez, E., González, A., Kovacs, T., and López-Antón, M. A.: Impact of PVC microplastics on phytoremediation of As and Hg polluted soils using Betula pubescens, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18350,, 2025.

EGU25-19032 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Can we exploit ornamental plants for phytoremediation purposes?  

Clara Conte and Enrica Roccotiello

Several anthropogenic activities, such as agricultural practices, industrial activities and urbanisation, release pollutants that pose a significant threat to ecosystems and living organisms and compromise soil health and related ecosystem services. Among these pollutants, metals like arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and nickel (Ni) are widely present in the soil as toxic and long-term persistent elements. Currently, 2.8 million sites are potentially contaminated, with many more suspected to be at risk. Even the effects of climate change, associated with global warming and extreme events, can also alter the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils, with implications for the redistribution and transformation of metals. Phytoremediation offers a sustainable, in-situ, and eco-friendly solution by using plants to remove or immobilize contaminants. While the primary focus of this technique is soil reclamation using common (hyper)accumulator plants, aspects such as aesthetics and social acceptance are often overlooked. Ornamental plants with phytoremediation potential could be a promising alternative, as they not only clean metal-contaminated soils and reduce biomagnification risks but also deliver multiple ecosystem services.  The remediation capacity of these plants and their exploitation in polluted areas is poorly documented. For this reason, the aim of the study is to perform a systematic review on ornamental or hyperaccumulator plants with the ability to accumulate metals from soil.  A total of 83 articles were checked using selected keywords (e.g., phytoremediation, polluted soil, ornamental plants), and 130 taxa were analysed in terms of metal accumulated, physico-chemical strategies adopted by the plants, type of soil tested, invasiveness, geographical distribution, and aesthetic value. In general, plants are exposed to moderate to high metal concentrations in soils, often largely exceeding the law limits. Responses to metals are generally species-specific, with some exceptions concerning the accumulation of multiple metals by a single plant. For Cd uptake, Zinnia elegans Jacq. (129,18 mg/kg in root, 109,89 mg/kg in shoot) and Calendula officinalis L. (1084 mg/kg in root, 383 mg/kg in leaves) are utilized. In contrast, for Pb remediation, Dianthus barbatus L. (80–580 mg/kg in root, 414,3–843 mg/kg in shoot) and Rubus ulmifolius Schott. (248–1178 mg/kg in root, 25–49 mg/kg in leaves) show accumulation abilities for that metal. These species have been tested under various experimental conditions and soil concentrations, while their geographical distribution and ability to grow in different biomes make them suitable for different environmental conditions. Although these plants show potential for use in polluted areas, would be useful to carry out further studies that examine their ability to synergistically accumulate metals in multi-contaminated sites in different environmental contexts. 

How to cite: Conte, C. and Roccotiello, E.: Can we exploit ornamental plants for phytoremediation purposes? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19032,, 2025.

EGU25-19741 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.8

Unraveling zinc acquisition strategies in barley: the role of phytosiderophore exudation and root-associated microbiome 

Uxue Otxandoregi-Ieregi, Andreea Spiridon, David Aleksza, Carmen Escudero-Martinez, Dagmar Woebken, Timothy S. George, Joanne Russell, Tim Causon, Stephan Hann, Christian Stanetty, Nicolas Kratena, and Eva Oburger

A nutritious and healthy diet relies on consuming cereals with sufficient micronutrient content, making the production of nutrient-rich crops a crucial agricultural goal. Identifying key strategies for plant micronutrient acquisition is essential, and this is especially critical for regions where calcareous or nutrient-deficient soils limit micronutrient bioavailability.

Plants can enhance nutrient uptake by increasing exploration of the soil volume through root growth or by releasing root exudates that facilitate nutrient mining. Barley, along with other gramineous plants, employs an efficient strategy to mobilize micronutrients which is based on chelating agents called phytosiderophores (PS). While the role of these compounds in iron acquisition is well known, their function in zinc (Zn) nutrition is unclear. Furthermore, root-associated microorganisms are also known to interplay on the plant's micronutrient status either by enhancing the general plant health or directly making micronutrients bioavailable.

This study aimed to identify key root traits for an efficient Zn acquisition in barley. Sixteen barley genotypes with diverse genetic backgrounds were grown in a Zn-deficient soil. Total carbon and nitrogen exudation were measured, and PS quantification as well as characterization was performed. To investigate the root-associated microbiome, amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene and the ITS2 region was conducted. PS exudation showed a positive correlation with barley Zn shoot concentration highlighting its potential role in plant Zn nutrition. While root-associated microorganisms were influenced by the plant’s micronutrient status, we didn´t see clear evidence of their role in plant Zn nutrition. These findings provide valuable insights about plant-soil-microbe interaction for nutrient-efficient crop production.

How to cite: Otxandoregi-Ieregi, U., Spiridon, A., Aleksza, D., Escudero-Martinez, C., Woebken, D., George, T. S., Russell, J., Causon, T., Hann, S., Stanetty, C., Kratena, N., and Oburger, E.: Unraveling zinc acquisition strategies in barley: the role of phytosiderophore exudation and root-associated microbiome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19741,, 2025.

EGU25-21381 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.8

Climate change vs. Cd: Which one has a stronger impact on nitrogen cycling in soils under phytoremediation? 

Jessica Hamm, E. Marie Muehe, Steffen Kümmel, and Carolina Vergara Cid

Soil cadmium (Cd) contamination is a widespread problem in Europe, disrupting plant growth, impairing microbial activity, and threatening human health. Phytoextraction using metal hyperaccumulating plants, like Arabidopsis halleri, offers a sustainable approach to mitigate Cd pollution in soils. However, the supply of essential nutrients for plant growth and metal hyperaccumulation is crucial for an efficient application of phytoremediation. Nitrogen (N), a key nutrient undergoing diverse microbially driven transformations in soil, is critical in this context. In addition to Cd contamination, climate change poses an emerging challenge to ecosystem nutrient cycling. While the individual effects of climate change and Cd on soil N-cycling have been studied before, their coupled impacts remain largely unexplored. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the coupled impacts of Cd and climate change on N-cycling in soils under phytoremediation with the metal hyperaccumulating plant A. halleri.

A controlled greenhouse pot experiment was conducted with A. halleri grown in three soils varying naturally in Cd levels under current and future climate conditions, simulated through elevated carbon dioxide concentrations and temperatures reflecting the IPCC SSP3-7 scenario (+3.5 ºC and +400 ppmv CO2 predicted to 2100 vs. preindustrial times). Rhizosphere and bulk soil samples were analyzed for metal concentrations, N-pools, and N-cycling functional gene abundances (nifH, chiA, amoA, nirK, nirS, nosZ).

No significant climate effects were found on N-dynamics, with Cd being the dominant factor influencing changes in soil N-cycling. Thus, Cd effects overrode climate effects on soil N-cycling. By stimulating N-mineralization and nitrification but decreasing the denitrification capacity, Cd shifted soil N-cycling towards nitrate. This shift may reflect an increased plant and microbial N-demand for metal detoxification. Furthermore, the higher abundance of the amoA gene of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) compared to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) under Cd stress suggests that archaea, rather than bacteria, dominate nitrification in contaminated soils. A shift in gene abundances in NO2- reduction (nirK vs. nirS) was also observed, suggesting a selective advantage for nirK-carrying microorganisms under metal stress. Redundancy analysis revealed that the abundances of N-cycling functional genes were primarily driven by leucine aminopeptidase activity, microbial biomass N, and dissolved organic N, emphasizing the role of soil organic matter degradation and N-mineralization in microbial N-cycling. Understanding the complex interactions between plants, microbes, and N-cycling process under metal stress is crucial for optimizing phytoremediation strategies and promoting sustainable soil management.

How to cite: Hamm, J., Muehe, E. M., Kümmel, S., and Vergara Cid, C.: Climate change vs. Cd: Which one has a stronger impact on nitrogen cycling in soils under phytoremediation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21381,, 2025.

EGU25-1466 | Orals | SSS5.9

Rethinking soil carbon research: beyond the mitigation-centric narrative 

Gabriel Moinet, Renske Hijbeek, Detlef van Vuuren, and Ken Giller

Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is increasingly promoted as a ‘win-win’ solution to address both climate change and food security, two of the most pressing and complex contemporary global threats. Our objective is to promote critical reflection on the true potential of SOC sequestration in science and policy. Detailed analysis of the literature reveals that the existing knowledge base does not justify the current focus on SOC sequestration. We are concerned that the rapid development of unregulated voluntary carbon markets, wherein farmers get paid per ton of sequestered CO2, is unlikely to lead to a fair and effective transition to more sustainable soil management. We advocate for soil carbon research and policy to fall in line behind the wealth of knowledge showing the importance of developing locally adaptative management practices, focusing on a wide set of environmental outcomes and calling attention to social acceptability and economic viability. Framing the discussions on sustainable soil management around climate change mitigation has brought much-needed attention to soils, but we argue that this approach is ill-suited to promote the research and policy that are needed to achieve long-term sustainability goals. Therefore, we call for a shift in the narrative in soil carbon science away from climate change mitigation and towards inter- and trans-disciplinary understanding of soils.

How to cite: Moinet, G., Hijbeek, R., van Vuuren, D., and Giller, K.: Rethinking soil carbon research: beyond the mitigation-centric narrative, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1466,, 2025.

Carbon dioxide removal via soil carbon sequestration is proposed as contribution to climate mitigation, as well as for compensation. The average storage durability of sequestered carbon in soil systems is uncertain, yet shorter than the adjustment time of CO2 in the atmosphere. In this study, we use the reduced-complexity climate model FaIR v2.1.0 (Finite Amplitude Impulse Response model) to quantify by how much the climate impact of carbon removals changes based on sequestration durability and time horizon (time until which the climate impacts are accounted for). We quantify the climate impact via cumulative radiative forcing, namely the well-established absolute global warming potential (AGWP) metric. We use simplified scenarios with five years of soil organic carbon accrual at a constant rate mimicking the use of cover crops, followed by 20 to 1000 years hold time before re-release of the sequestered carbon. We show that the percentage of climate benefit achieved by temporary carbon removals relative to permanent removals increases near-linearly with longer sequestration durability. However, this percentage and its increase rate also vary with chosen time horizon. The climate benefit of short-term removals diminishes rapidly with time horizon. For example, temporary removals with 20 years of durability before sudden re-release offer only about 15% of the climate benefit of permanent sequestration for a 100-year horizon, dropping below 5% for horizons longer than 400 years. For a sequestration that lasts 100 years, the full climate benefit is maintained for a 100-year horizon but still drops to less than 20% of the climate benefit of permanent sequestration for horizons longer than 400 years. These findings have significant implications with regards to compensation units: the amount of anthropogenic CO2 emissions compensated (based on AGWP equivalence) by a given temporary removal declines rapidly as we look further in time, i.e., as time horizon increases. For sequestration durations of 100 years or less, this amount drops by over 90% between horizon 2100 and a millennial horizon, whether the carbon is released abruptly or progressively following a 30-year decay pattern. Our results highlight the key role of the storage duration of carbon in soil systems on the climate impact of soil carbon sequestration over time. In the context of compensation and climate mitigation targets, we stress the need to have a physics-based accounting of the large climatic drawbacks of temporary removals relative to permanent ones. The difference in AGWP can be used for such accounting. In addition, potential drawbacks on the temperature pathway should not be overlooked.

How to cite: Desmet, F. and Leifeld, J.: Climate impact of CO2 removals in carbon farming: sequestration durability and implications for compensation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1617,, 2025.

EGU25-1932 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Soil carbon stock accrual under perennial cropping overestimated by many methods 

Yiwei Shang, Diego Ablos, Zhi Liang, and Jørgen Olesen

Perennial crops are increasingly recognized for their potential to enhance soil carbon (C) stocks, owing to their continuous C inputs from extensive root systems and reduced C degradation due to minimal tillage. Integrating perennials into traditional arable agriculture is emerging as a promising strategy for C farming. However, inconsistencies in calculation methods across studies complicate direct comparison and hinder a comprehensive assessment of the changes in soil C stocks. Soil C stock is calculated by either fixed depth (FD) or equivalent soil mass (ESM) method, and the changes are either absolutely compared to the baseline soil or relatively compared to reference plots (i.e., adjacent fields representing previous land use or annual cropping systems). Here, we conducted a meta-analysis using 1545 paired observations from 110 publications to evaluate the changes in soil C stock under perennial cropping systems as estimated by different methods.

The results revealed significant biases introduced by calculation and comparison methods. In the topsoil (0–30 cm), compared to the baseline, the ESM method estimated a 6.1% (3.3–8.8%) increase in soil C stock under perennial cropping, whereas the FD method produced an 80% higher estimate (11.0%). Meanwhile, the relative changes (10.6%) based on the ESM method was 74% higher than absolute changes. In contrast, subsoil showed no significant absolute change, with the ESM method estimating a change of 4.9% (-2.9–12.7%). The effect of perennial cropping on soil C stock varied by system type. Grass monoculture, grass mixture, and short rotation coppice increased soil C stocks (7.9–15.4%), while incorporating perennials into crop rotations led to a decrease (-5.5%). Environmental factors also influenced the changes in C stocks. Soil C stock change was positively correlated to mean annual precipitation and temperature (p < 0.05), but negatively related to initial soil C content (p < 0.05). In the medium- and low-C soils (SOC < 20 g kg-1), changes in C stocks were positively correlated to clay content and experimental duration.

Overall, our findings confirm that appropriately managed perennial cropping systems could enhance soil C stocks, with the changes primarily occurring in the topsoil. Furthermore, this study underscores the importance of selecting suitable calculation methods to ensure accurate estimates of C stock changes.

How to cite: Shang, Y., Ablos, D., Liang, Z., and Olesen, J.: Soil carbon stock accrual under perennial cropping overestimated by many methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1932,, 2025.

EGU25-2007 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Sustainable increase of subsoil SOC in loamy soils by fractional deep tillage (FDT) 

Marisa Gerriets and Michael Sommer

The melioration technique “fractional deep tillage” (FDT) was developed in the late 1950s to increase crop yields and crop yield security in East Germany (former GDR) by remediating subsoil compaction and increasing topsoil depth. It is characterized by the shaft-wise exchange of topsoil and subsoil material. Today, FDT is of particular interest due to its carbon accrual and CO2 sink effect. On the one hand C-rich topsoil material is shifted into 50 cm deep shafts, which were created by special plough shares in 35 to 80 cm intervals. At the same time C-poor subsoil material is lifted into the topsoil. This reduces the SOC content of the topsoil and reinforces carbon sequestration due to the induced imbalance in the C cycle of the soil-plant-system. The C accrual until topsoil equilibrium is a quite fast process (Burger et al., Geoderma 2023) – due to the admixture of highly reactive, unsaturated subsoil mineral phases. The CO2 sink potential of a soil strongly depends on the long-term fate of the SOC buried in the subsoil.

Here we present results from a unique 40 years old historical field trial in NE Germany (“Wolfshagen”). A complete erosion-deposition sequence, typical for soil landscapes of hummocky ground moraines, was studied: “Calcaric Regosol - Nudiargic Luvisol - Stagnic Luvisol – Luvic Stagnosol - Gleyic Colluvic Regosol”. As climate and farming practice along the sequence were identical soil-related factors influencing the long-term fate of buried topsoil SOC in subsoils can be identified. Soil samples were taken from the shafts and the area next to the shafts and the contents of carbon (SOC, carbonates), nitrogen, pedogenic oxides (Fe, Al, Mn) as well as soil texture were analyzed.

We found that the SOC content in the shafts was significantly increased compared to the subsoil next to the shafts. The average increase of subsoil SOC in the shafts was 224±125%. The highest increase in subsoil SOC was found in the Stagnic Luvisol with 383% and Calcaric Regosol with 345%, whereas the smallest increase was found in Gleyic Colluvic Regosol with 45%. To calculate the potential SOC increase in the subsoil (25-50 cm depth) by fractional deep tillage, the dimensions of the CarbonFarming plough currently under development and the SOC data in the shaft and subsoil after 40 years were used. The results show that SOC stocks in the subsoil could be increased by 5.7 t ha-1 on average (range: 3.2 t ha-1 in the Gleyic Colluvic Regosol, 7.7 t ha-1 in the Luvic Stagnosol).

How to cite: Gerriets, M. and Sommer, M.: Sustainable increase of subsoil SOC in loamy soils by fractional deep tillage (FDT), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2007,, 2025.

EGU25-2296 | Orals | SSS5.9

Global Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Dynamics: Current knowledge and Machine Learning Potentials 

Umakant Mishra, Jorge Salinas, Zhangcai Qin, Zheng Shi, and Kamal Nyaupane

Soil organic carbon (SOC) determines multiple ecosystem services that soils provide to humanity, serving as a critical component in maintaining soil health, fertility, and climate regulation. However, changes in land use and climatic conditions may alter the current soil carbon balance, potentially converting soils from carbon sinks into sources of atmospheric CO2. Such shifts can also alter soil properties and ecosystem functions impacting environmental stability and human well-being. Using a large number of global soil profile observations, environmental datasets, and different modeling techniques, we (1) quantified the magnitude and uncertainty associated with global and regional SOC estimates, (2) evaluated projections of future SOC stock changes based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase Six (CMIP6) Earth System Models, and (3) explored the potential of machine learning (ML) techniques to address existing knowledge gaps in SOC storage and dynamics. Our findings highlight significant variability in global SOC stock estimates, both for surface soils (0–30 cm) and deeper soil profiles (0–1 m), with predictive accuracy varying across depth intervals and biomes. Projections from CMIP6 Earth System Models indicate a potential increase in global soil carbon stocks under high-emission scenarios. Meanwhile, recent advancements in ML approaches show promise in reducing uncertainties surrounding SOC storage and dynamics, offering new pathways for improved understanding and modeling. Despite these advances, critical knowledge gaps persist regarding the current distribution and future fate of global SOC stocks in the context of changing climate and land-use patterns. Addressing these uncertainties will require a coordinated and multidisciplinary effort, encompassing: (1) harmonizing SOC profile observations and collecting samples from under-represented biomes, (2) improved representation of soil-forming processes and pedogenic feedbacks within Earth System Models, and (3) leveraging advanced data-driven approaches to enhance predictive capabilities. These activities will refine our understanding of the magnitude and trajectory of SOC stocks, enabling more accurate predictions and informing sustainable management strategies for global soil resources.

How to cite: Mishra, U., Salinas, J., Qin, Z., Shi, Z., and Nyaupane, K.: Global Soil Organic Carbon Storage and Dynamics: Current knowledge and Machine Learning Potentials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2296,, 2025.

EGU25-2305 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Land cover changes induced spatio-temporal dynamics in soil organic carbon stock across Europe over the past decade (2009-2018) 

Zhongxing Chen, Rui Lu, Lingkun Chen, Hancheng Guo, Yang Su, Peng Zhu, Dominique Arrouays, Calogero Schillaci, Anne Richer-de-Forges, Su Ye, Zhou Shi, and Songchao Chen

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a critical component of the global carbon cycle, serving as the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir and significantly influencing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations and climate dynamics. This study investigates SOC dynamics across the European Union and the United Kingdom using the LUCAS Soil datasets from 2009 and 2018, aiming to map SOC levels and assess temporal changes in response to land-use and climate variations. Two methodological approaches were employed: (1) spatiotemporal modeling, integrating data from both 2009 and 2018, and (2) baseline modeling, which used the 2009 SOC map as an environmental covariate to predict 2018 SOC density. Random Forest (RF) and Forward recursive feature selection (FRFS) combined with RF were utilized for SOC prediction. In the spatiotemporal modeling approach, RF achieved an accuracy of R² = 0.41, which improved to R² = 0.43 with FRFS. For the 2009 SOC mapping, RF accuracy was R² = 0.44, increasing to R² = 0.46 with FRFS, while for 2018, RF accuracy was R² = 0.38, improving to R² = 0.39 with FRFS. When the 2009 SOC data were incorporated as a covariate for 2018 predictions, RF achieved R² = 0.44, which further improved to R² = 0.45 with FRFS. The study highlights the impacts of land-use changes, such as afforestation, deforestation, and agricultural intensification, on SOC stocks, and evaluates the effectiveness of sustainable land management practices in enhancing carbon sequestration. The findings provide critical insights into SOC dynamics under varying land-use and climatic conditions, identifying regions where soils may transition from carbon sinks to sources of atmospheric CO2. This research contributes to evidence-based policy formulation for achieving climate neutrality and sustainable soil management, aligning with the EU Soil Strategy 2030, and underscores the importance of monitoring SOC changes to inform land-use planning and climate mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Chen, Z., Lu, R., Chen, L., Guo, H., Su, Y., Zhu, P., Arrouays, D., Schillaci, C., Richer-de-Forges, A., Ye, S., Shi, Z., and Chen, S.: Land cover changes induced spatio-temporal dynamics in soil organic carbon stock across Europe over the past decade (2009-2018), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2305,, 2025.

Predicting cold ecosystem responses is crucial for global climate modeling as climate warming drives profound changes in soil biogeochemical processes. However, large uncertainties in model predictions persist, partially owing to the lack of explicit representation of microbial responses to climate warming in permafrost and seasonally frozen ground. Here, we incorporate the freeze-thaw dynamics and associated microbial adaptation strategy into the Microbial-ENzyme Decomposition (MEND) model. Using a field warming experiment in an alpine meadow with seasonally frozen ground on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP), we calibrated and validated the new MEND model with diverse measurements, including soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fluxes, microbial stoichiometry, and enzyme kinetics. In addition to accurately simulating soil respiration and inorganic N, the model correctly predicted the warming effects on microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) and enzyme activities. Our findings highlight the importance of microbial dormancy as survival strategies under repeated freeze-thaw stress. We also observed potential regulation of freeze-thaw processes on soil N availability, while long-term projections revealed a substantial reduction in inorganic N, suggesting intensified competition between microbial and plant N uptake under warming. This experiment-model integration framework offers improved predictive capacity for soil biogeochemical feedbacks in cold ecosystems, contributing to more accurate global climate models. 

How to cite: Wang, G. and Qi, S.: Microbial dormancy under freeze-thaw cycling regulates soil biogeochemical responses in alpine meadows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2327,, 2025.

EGU25-5311 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Partitioning soil and air temperature warming effects on soil organic carbon storage 

Zhaoyang Luo, Jianning Ren, and Simone Fatichi

Soil organic carbon (SOC) storage is larger than organic carbon stored in the plant and atmosphere combined, prompting interest in understanding how SOC storage respond to rising temperatures. However, the consequences of warming in regulating SOC storage are still debated, with negative, positive, and non-significant responses reported. Most existing studies focusing on SOC responses to warming manipulate either air temperature or soil temperature, although in a realistic future air warming and soil warming co-occur. Based on results of meta-analysis and numerical simulations with a mechanistic model (T&C), we separate the effects of air warming, soil warming, and whole-ecosystem warming (combination of air warming and soil warming) on SOC storage. Results shows that soil warming alone decreases SOC storage due to temperature-driven increases in decomposition. Compared with soil warming, air warming has a more complex role. Air warming can cause water stress and hence a lower net primary productivity, as well as indirectly increase soil temperature. These factors tend to decrease SOC storage. However, in certain climates air warming can stimulate net primary production and decrease soil moisture limiting SOC decomposition. Once the latter mechanisms dominate, the SOC storge can increases with air warming. Our study helps refine the understanding and quantification of SOC responses in a warming climate.

How to cite: Luo, Z., Ren, J., and Fatichi, S.: Partitioning soil and air temperature warming effects on soil organic carbon storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5311,, 2025.

EGU25-5327 | Orals | SSS5.9

Patterns of soil organic carbon accumulation and microbiological mechanisms in mountain ecosystems 

Xuyang Wang, Xiaoming Mou, Ji Chen, Bo Yao, Yuqian Li, Ji Liu, Xiangwen Gong, Jie Lian, Xiaofan Zhu, and Yuqiang Li

Plant- and microbial-derived compounds has been recognized as key contributors to vulnerable and stable soil organic carbon (SOC) pools. However, the relative contributions of these sources along altitudinal gradients remain unclear. This study quantified the contributions of plant- and microbial-derived carbon (C) to SOC across four distinct vegetation zones along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 2600 to 3670 m in northwest China. SOC content increased significantly along altitudinal gradients in the 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm, indicating greater C sequestration in higher elevations. Both plant lignin and microbial necromass also increased with altitude in both soil layers. Notably, in lower altitudes, SOC accumulation was predominantly driven by plant-derived C, while in higher altitudes, microbial-derived C was dominated. The substantial SOC storage in higher altitudes is more microbially processed, which contributes to greater SOC stability, as opposed to the lower altitudes, where SOC is less stable and more vulnerable to environmental change. Regression analysis and random forest modeling reveal that soil pH, moisture, and total nitrogen as the primary regulators of plant lignin and microbial necromass, surpassing the influence of plant inputs such as root biomass. In conclusion, the content of both plant lignin and microbial necromass increases with altitude, while their respective contributions to SOC follow divergent patterns. These findings have significant implications for predicting C loss as a result of global climate change, underscoring the need for targeted conservation strategies across different altitudinal zones.

How to cite: Wang, X., Mou, X., Chen, J., Yao, B., Li, Y., Liu, J., Gong, X., Lian, J., Zhu, X., and Li, Y.: Patterns of soil organic carbon accumulation and microbiological mechanisms in mountain ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5327,, 2025.

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a fundamental component of the soil carbon pool, and its carbon stock is about 2~3 times that of vegetation carbon stock, which plays an important carbon buffering role in the context of global climate change. In agricultural production, SOC is central to soil fertility, directly impacting soil health and food security. The spatial distribution of SOC is influenced by various geographical environmental variables, including climate, topography, soil-forming parent material, and vegetation, exhibiting a covariant relationship with these factors. Understanding the spatial distribution of SOC in agricultural land and identifying the primary controlling factors is essential for maintaining soil fertility and productivity. The nonlinear relationship between SOC and environmental covariates has been widely demonstrated, but the primary controlling effects of environmental covariates on SOC content and their contribution effects are often neglected. In this study, the primary controlling factors of SOC and their effects were explored by a CatBoost model, a decision tree-based gradient boosting algorithm, to reveal the mechanism of spatial differentiation of SOC at the regional scale, utilizing multi-source data such as measured data and remote sensing. The results showed that the CatBoost model outperforms univariate linear regression models across all independent variables, achieving an overall R² of 0.828, indicating that the model could explain the variations of the target variables well. Total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus (AP), annual lowest temperature (T), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and available potassium (AK) were, in order, the most significant factors affecting the organic carbon content, with TN ranking the highest with an influence weight of 39.10%. In addition, this study found that threshold effects on SOC were observed for the environmental covariates, and all had two thresholds. Furthermore, no two variables were independent and all had interactive negative effects. It can be concluded that the effect of environmental variables on SOC content was a complex interaction rather than a simple superposition. This indirectly proves that over-fertilization will not achieve the effect of increasing soil fertility, but will result in resource wastage and farmland ecological pollution problems. These findings underscore the importance of considering the interaction effects of environmental covariates to understand the potential processes of SOC accumulation, which are vital for sustainable agricultural development.

Keywords: Soil organic carbon (SOC), cultivated land, CatBoost, primary controlling factors, nonlinear relationships

How to cite: Guo, Y., Cheng, Y., He, J., and Zeng, K.: Spatial distribution and primary controlling factors of soil organic carbon under agricultural land based on CatBoost model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5344,, 2025.

EGU25-5366 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Decoupling of soil carbon mineralization and microbial community composition across a climate gradient on the Tibetan Plateau 

Jinyang Zheng, Xiali Mao, Kees Jan van Groenigen, Shuai Zhang, Mingming Wang, Xiaowei Guo, Wu Yu, Jinfeng Chang, Zhou Shi, and Zhongkui Luo

Soil microbes drive soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization. Because microbial groups differ in metabolic efficiency and respond differently to temperature variation, it is reasonable to expect a close association of SOC mineralization and its temperature sensitivity (Q10 which is defined as the factor of the change of soil carbon mineralization induced by 10 °C temperature increase) with microbial community diversity and composition. 
However, these relations have rarely been tested. Here, we conducted an incubation experiment to assess the temperature responses of microbial α diversity and the relative abundance of microbial r- and K-strategists in soils from a wide range of ecosystems across a climate gradient in the southeast Tibet. The results indicated that the instantaneous α diversity and the relative abundance of r- and K-strategists are significantly (P < 0.05) influenced by temperature, but these microbial variables are poor predictors of SOC mineralization measured at the same time. Rather, microbial community diversity and the relative abundance of r- and K-strategists of fresh soils showed consistent and significant (P < 0.05) effects on both SOC mineralization and Q10 at different incubation stages. Importantly, path analysis indicated that microbial α diversity and r- and K-strategists exerts no independent effects on SOC mineralization and Q10 when variation in climate, SOC chemistry, physical protection, and edaphic properties are accounted for. Together, our results suggest that while soil microbial community diversity and composition are a strong proxy of SOC quality and availability, they are not a fundamental determinant of SOC mineralization and Q10.   

How to cite: Zheng, J., Mao, X., van Groenigen, K. J., Zhang, S., Wang, M., Guo, X., Yu, W., Chang, J., Shi, Z., and Luo, Z.: Decoupling of soil carbon mineralization and microbial community composition across a climate gradient on the Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5366,, 2025.

EGU25-6555 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Enhancing Soil Organic Carbon Mapping with Remote Sensing-Derived Soil Moisture Indices 

Lin Yang and Chenconghai Yang

Obtaining accurate spatial information on soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for understanding the global carbon cycle. Digital soil mapping (DSM) has emerged as an effective approach for SOC mapping, where the selection of influential environmental covariates plays a critical role. Soil moisture (SM), which influences soil water status and the decomposition of SOC, holds great potential as a covariate for SOC estimation, particularly due to its ability to be assessed at large spatial scales using remote sensing. Previously, the normalized shortwave-infrared difference bare soil moisture indices (NSDSIs), derived from Landsat SWIR bands during bare soil periods, have been employed in SOC mapping. However, since soils are often covered by vegetation, there is a need to develop new SM indices suitable for vegetated areas and to evaluate their performance across regions with varying vegetation densities.

In this study, we introduced a novel SM index by integrating NSDSIs into the Optical TRApezoid Model, creating the OPTRAM-NSDSI. This index was compared against the original OPTRAM based on shortwave infrared transformed reflectance (OPTRAM-STR) and NSDSIs. SM indices were generated for two study areas in China: Zhuxi, Fujian (104 samples across 43.93 km², with forestland and farmland as dominant land uses) and Heshan, Heilongjiang (106 samples across 60 km², primarily farmland). The Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation combined with the Stochastic Partial Differential Equation approach was applied as the SOM prediction model.

Our results demonstrate that incorporating SM variables into commonly used environmental covariates significantly enhances prediction accuracy. The NSDSIs achieved the highest accuracy improvement of 26.8% in terms of Lin's concordance correlation coefficient in Zhuxi, while the OPTRAM-NSDSI achieved the highest improvement of 56.7% in Heshan. This suggests that OPTRAM-NSDSI is particularly effective in regions with higher vegetation density, whereas NSDSIs perform better in areas with lower vegetation density. Additionally, the optimal image acquisition dates for SM estimation appear to coincide with the vegetation "green-up" stage.

This study offers valuable insights into leveraging SM information to enhance SOC mapping, particularly in vegetated areas.

How to cite: Yang, L. and Yang, C.: Enhancing Soil Organic Carbon Mapping with Remote Sensing-Derived Soil Moisture Indices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6555,, 2025.

EGU25-7941 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Including soil spatial neighbor information improves model performance in predictive soil mapping 

Songchao Chen, Zhongxing Chen, Zheng Wang, Xi Wang, and Zhou Shi

Digital soil mapping (DSM) is revolutionizing the understanding and management of soil resources by providing high-resolution spatial and temporal soil information essential for tackling environmental challenges. While integrating environmental covariates has significantly improved mapping accuracy, the potential of neighboring soil sample data remains underutilized. This study introduces soil spatial neighbor information (SSNI) as a novel approach to enhance the predictive performance of spatial models. Using two open-access datasets—LUCAS Soil and Meuse—our results demonstrate that incorporating SSNI improves the accuracy of random forest models for mapping soil organic carbon density (reducing %RMSE by 3.1%), cadmium (3.6%), copper (5.9%), lead (11.5%), and zinc (7.4%). Compared to methods utilizing buffer distances or oblique geographic coordinates, SSNI consistently outperformed for both datasets. These findings highlight the potential of SSNI to enhance digital soil maps by effectively capturing neighboring soil information. Adopting SSNI could advance soil management practices and offers promising opportunities for broader applications in future research across related disciplines.

How to cite: Chen, S., Chen, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, X., and Shi, Z.: Including soil spatial neighbor information improves model performance in predictive soil mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7941,, 2025.

Microplastics (MPs) are considered a novel type of contamination that is abundant in soil due to their recalcitrant nature, potentially affecting the structure and function of the soil. However, the MPs mineralization processes in soil and their priming effects (PE) on original soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition are still poorly understood. Here, we conducted a meta-analysis of 10 published articles to estimate the mineralization rate of MPs in soil and their PE on SOM decomposition. We found that both MPs-derived carbon dioxide (CO2) and soil-derived CO2 emissions declined with incubation time. There were differences in mineralization rates among various types, sizes and concentrations of MPs, which affected their PE; however, overall, the input of MPs induced a significant positive PE in soil. In addition, MPs mineralization rate was mainly controlled by soil pH, while PE was primarily regulated by the soil carbon to nitrogen (N) ratio. Furthermore, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon and microbial biomass carbon significantly increased after MPs input, while soil nitrate concentration significantly decreased. These results indicated that MPs input may exert a positive PE by enhancing soil microbial N mineralization. Collectively, our findings provide a comprehensive assessment of MPs mineralization and how it affects soil organic carbon dynamics via stimulating PE, which is important for elucidating SOM turnover under increased MPs pollution.

How to cite: Lai, S. and Zhu, B.: Microplastics mineralization accelerates soil organic matter decomposition by positive priming effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7972,, 2025.

EGU25-8364 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Measuring microbial carbon: A comparison of four methods for Western Australian soils 

Andrea Bravo-Escobar and Raphael Viscarra-Rossel

Within the soil system, biological properties, including microbial biomass, are typically more sensitive to environmental stresses than physical and chemical properties. Microbial carbon in is an important component of the soil carbon pool, essential to ecosystem functioning and soil health. This fraction is highly sensitive to environmental changes, particularly those associated with land use alterations, due to its rapid cycling and short residence time in the soil. Traditional methods for quantifying microbial carbon include chloroform fumigation, gamma-ray and, less so, microwave irradiation.  The chloroform fumigation and gamma-ray methods are somewhat complex, time-consuming or expensive and there is no clear consensus on the most suitable technique, as their effectiveness depends on factors such as clay content, pH, and water-holding capacity. Each method presents advantages and challenges, influencing their precision, sensitivity, and applicability across different soil types. In this research we analysed soil microbial carbon from twelve soils with different pH, clay content, carbon concentration and land use, using four methods: the chloroform fumigation, direct application of chloroform, gamma ray irradiation with radiation doses of 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 KGy and microwave irradiation. After applying each treatment, we incubated the soils using the MicroResp method. Our results demonstrated a strong correlation between the methodologies, however, soils with higher clay and carbon content showed more variability between methodologies. The microbial carbon measured by the microwave method was consistent with those determined by the 20 and 30 KGy gamma irradiation method. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating new, cost-effective, and time-efficient methods for measuring sensitive carbon fractions. Such approaches can enhance the accuracy of microbial carbon assessments, particularly in less studied ecosystems which are essential for advancing our understanding of microbial carbon in a global scale.

How to cite: Bravo-Escobar, A. and Viscarra-Rossel, R.: Measuring microbial carbon: A comparison of four methods for Western Australian soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8364,, 2025.

EGU25-8472 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Enhanced soil carbon dynamics in the Millennial model with data assimilation 

Mingxi Zhang and Raphael Viscarra Rossel

Carbon (C) storage in soil, coupled with concerns regarding the impact of a warming climate on its stability, has elevated soil C into a global scientific and political discourse. The Millennial model is a next-generation soil C model that reflects our recent advancements in understanding soil C dynamics, including microbial decomposition, mineral association and aggregation. However, the model's simulations and predictions remain largely uncertain due to a lack of data, including the various soil C fractions, the complex model structure and many parameters. Despite recent progress, the Millennial model has not been well-tested against measurements related to the modelled C states. With the ever-increasing availability of high-quality spatially explicit data on climate, vegetation, and soil properties (e.g. from proximal and remote sensing), there is a need to integrate these to constrain the model and improve simulations and predictions. This research aims to reduce uncertainties using data assimilation. We first reduce the Millennial model uncertainty by updating the empirical equation of maximum sorption capacity with a more realistic estimation method. The measured soil C fractions and spatially explicit forcing inputs (e.g. NPP, soil moisture, soil temperature) across different ecosystems are used to reduce the observation and forcing uncertainty. We use multiple objective global sensitivity analyses to identify influential parameters and calibrate the parameters with an efficient parameter optimisation algorithm to reduce parameter uncertainty. The site-by-site optimisation method with measured C fractions was accurate, with an RMSE of 0.2 kg C/m2 and a ρc of 0.97 for total organic carbon (TOC). Our future simulations by the Millennial model for the median changes of TOC in 2070--2100 across rangelands are 1.51 t/ha under SSP126 and 1.93 t/ha under SSP585, which are more conservative than the predicted changes by calibrated Roth-C model.

How to cite: Zhang, M. and Viscarra Rossel, R.: Enhanced soil carbon dynamics in the Millennial model with data assimilation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8472,, 2025.

EGU25-9318 | Orals | SSS5.9

Meta-analysis on soil organic carbon and cereal production in organic farming systems across Europe 

Elena Valkama, Julia Fohrafellner, Rajasekaran Murugan, Klaus Jarosch, Lena Weiss, Peter Maenhout, Claudia Di Bene, Valentina Baratella, Mariangela Diacono, Rosanna Epifani, Annamaria Bevivino, Milena Stefanova, Luciana Di Gregorio, Ernesto Rossini, Manuela Costanzo, Gabriele Buttafuoco, Romina Lorenzetti, Gianluca Carboni, and Valentina Mereu

Organic farming may improve agroecosystems’ resilience against external stressors, favour below-ground biodiversity, soil health, and increase soil water holding capacity. At the same time, organic farming systems are repeatedly reported to have lower average crop yields than conventional systems. To date, global meta-analyses on organic farming systems include a diverse range of crops, but none of them specifically focus on arable systems with cereal-based rotations. Further, they are not representative for specific European agro-environmental zones and often show weaknesses in the applied meta-analytical methodology.

This meta-analysis aimed at quantitatively summarizing existing knowledge and outcomes on soil organic carbon (SOC) in the topsoil (0-20/30 cm) and cereal production (i.e., yields and yield stability) in organic farming systems compared to conventional farming systems across Europe.

The database consisted of 43 independent field studies on SOC and 50 field studies on cereal yields across 16 European countries, covering nine European agro-environmental zones. Cereal-based rotations were cultivated organically and conventionally on mineral soils, up to several decades. Yields for winter rye, winter and spring wheat, spring barley and spring oats were annually measured. SOC was measured as stock or concentration at the end of the experiments. Organic farming systems relied either on animal-based or plant-based fertilizers, or on both sources of nitrogen input. Conventional systems received solely mineral fertilization in most experiments. For both farming systems conventional tillage was applied without irrigation. The meta-analysis was conducted by using Meta Win 2.0 and IBM SPSS Statistics 29. As an index of effect size, we used ln (R), i.e., relative SOC, yield or temporal yield variation.  All studies were weighted by inverse variance.

The overall effect of organic farming was a 5% increase of topsoil SOC (95% CI: 1% – 9%, n=43) compared to conventional systems. Pedoclimatic factors, such as mean annual precipitation and clay content had a profound impact on SOC response under organic farming (p=0.014). With increasing annual precipitation and clay content, SOC response to organic farming was increasing, and reached 20% in areas with clayey soils and annual precipitation of 700 mm. In addition, the response of SOC to organic farming showed some positive trend with increasing soil pH (p=0.059).

Overall, cereal yield in organic farming was about 30% lower compared to conventional farming systems. However, yield performance of organic systems varied statistically significantly across farming types (p=0.021): a 20% yield gap was observed in organic systems using animal-based fertilizers, while a 35% yield gap was shown in organic systems using only legumes or mixed green manure. Moreover, the yield gap decreased with increasing average annual temperature (p=0.002). Overall, the temporal yield variation of organic farming systems was about 50% larger than in conventional systems, which was not related to any pedoclimatic factors studied.

In conclusion, organic farming systems had a positive impact on SOC in the topsoil, compared to conventional systems. The magnitude of this influence mainly depended on pedoclimatic characteristics in Europe. In terms of cereal production, organic farming had lower yields and yield stability compared to conventional farming.

How to cite: Valkama, E., Fohrafellner, J., Murugan, R., Jarosch, K., Weiss, L., Maenhout, P., Di Bene, C., Baratella, V., Diacono, M., Epifani, R., Bevivino, A., Stefanova, M., Di Gregorio, L., Rossini, E., Costanzo, M., Buttafuoco, G., Lorenzetti, R., Carboni, G., and Mereu, V.: Meta-analysis on soil organic carbon and cereal production in organic farming systems across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9318,, 2025.

EGU25-10168 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

A trans-European decomposition index study in arable soils, focusing on the impact of plant diversity using a common 13C-labelled litter. 

Anna Wawra, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Katharina Schott, Katharina Meurer, Isabelle Bertrand, Ansa Palojärvi, Jim Rasmussen, Monika Toleikiene, Jose Antonio Navarro Cano, Frederique Louault, Katja Klumpp, Josef Hakl, Ievina Sturite, Abad Chabbi, Gabin Piton, and José Antonio González-Pérez

Root carbon has been shown to be one of the most dominant forms of soils carbon inputs in agricultural systems. New paradigms about the decomposition of soil organic matter suggest the role of root derived soil carbon may have been overlooked. Current data and knowledge do not allow for prediction of the fate of root derived SOC storage in agricultural soils, specifically in relation to soil-depth and the complexity of the standing crop or intercrop.

Mixed species systems are currently gaining traction Europe providing opportunities for sustainable intensification of agriculture and other ecosystem-service co-benefits. Agroforestry systems cover about 9% of the utilized agricultural area and integrated crop livestock systems are both historically and culturally important in European agriculture, as they include perennial forage grasses and grasslands. Intercropping and other mixed cash crop systems are currently less developed in the EU. The aim of the EU EJP-SOIL funded MIXROOT-C and MAXROOT-C projects (2021-2025) is to gain a management-oriented understanding of the effect of mixed-species root systems on carbon flow and organic matter accumulation in European agricultural soils.

As part of the project, we have conducted a pan-European in-situ field experiments across pedo-climatic conditions. Treatments include: (i) monoculture (1 species), (ii) low diversity (2-4 different plant species in the mix culture) and (iii) high diversity (≥ 5 different plant species in the mix culture) and different soil depths. The goal is to determine the impact of increased plant diversity organic matter breakdown to develop a trans-European decomposition index. To achieve this, we monitored the decomposition of 13C-labelled maize litter in mixed agroecosystems and in the main crop monocultures across Europe. Using a hub spoke design, a common 13C-labelled maize material was supplied to each participant and was mixed in a similar manner with the local soil from the treatment plots, packed in mesh bags and buried in the treatment plots. This was then excavated after a vegetation period of six months and returned to BOKU for analysis.

This experiment, which includes many sites, climates and cropping systems, will provide key information on the rate of litter decomposition and the inclusion of litter C in different soil OM pools depending on the climatic condition, soil type and management. Furthermore, the experiment will provide information on litter turnover and link this process to soil C storage.  We tested the null hypothesis that increased plant diversity does not increase the decomposition rate in the field. Initial results suggest that decomposition rates were 40-65% across sites and that diverse cover-cropping mixtures lead to lower decomposition rates.

These data and results could be used to guide model predictions of the fate pf belowground C inputs in single and mixed species systems at different soil depths.

How to cite: Wawra, A., Hood-Nowotny, R., Schott, K., Meurer, K., Bertrand, I., Palojärvi, A., Rasmussen, J., Toleikiene, M., Navarro Cano, J. A., Louault, F., Klumpp, K., Hakl, J., Sturite, I., Chabbi, A., Piton, G., and González-Pérez, J. A.: A trans-European decomposition index study in arable soils, focusing on the impact of plant diversity using a common 13C-labelled litter., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10168,, 2025.

EGU25-10684 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Responses of soil keystone microbial taxa to metabolic limitation during vegetation restoration in sandy land ecosystem 

Bo Yao, Xuyang Wang, Yuqiang Li, Jie Lian, Xiaoming Mou, Hongling Yang, and Yulin Li

As the main drivers and modifiers of soil ecosystem change, it remains unclear whether microbial metabolic limitation in sandy soil will affect its community structure and how microbial community responds to resource limitation. Hence, we studied the relationship between soil microbial community and nutrient limitation in Horqin Sandy land, a typical sandy area in northern China. The results of enzyme stoichiometric vector analysis showed that microbial carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) limitation decreased with vegetation restoration, while soil microbial phosphorus (P) limitation increased with vegetation restoration, and there was a shift from N limitation to P limitation from the semi-mobile dunes to semi-fixed dunes. We found that total N (TN) and total P (TP) were most closely related to microbial community richness, and the effects of electrical conductivity (EC), pH and topographic factors (lat, lon and dem) could not be ignored. The co-occurrence network and linear regression analysis revealed that 39.5% of the key microbes (15 key species) had significant correlation with the N/P limitation (P<0.05). The bacterial community was more sensitive to the response of the key microbial taxa than the fungal community. Microbial N/P limitation has a direct positive impact on key microbial taxa, while microbial C limitation has a negative impact on N/P limitation, and then indirectly affects the key microbial taxa, suggesting that soil microorganisms have distinct nutrient preferences and survival strategies to overcome energy restriction and nutrient stress. This study provides important insights into the response of microbial community structure to energy and nutrient constraints in sandy ecosystems.

How to cite: Yao, B., Wang, X., Li, Y., Lian, J., Mou, X., Yang, H., and Li, Y.: Responses of soil keystone microbial taxa to metabolic limitation during vegetation restoration in sandy land ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10684,, 2025.

EGU25-11297 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Towards a farm-scale digital twin to evaluate trade-offs between ecosystem services for carbon farming 

Felix Maximilian Bauer, Cosimo Brogi, Michael Herbst, Harry Vereecken, and Johan Alexander Huisman

Carbon farming aims to sequester carbon in agroecosystems by increasing soil organic matter content and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, while also improving soil health. It also affects a range of other ecosystem services, such as water regulation, nutrient cycling, and agricultural productivity. Robust methods are needed to assess the potential and effectiveness of carbon farming approaches and to analyze potential trade-offs between soil carbon sequestration and other ecosystem services. In this context, agroecosystem models that inform and optimize farmer’s practices while offering a holistic perspective for the optimization of both agronomic and environmental outcomes in current and future climatic conditions seem a promising tool. This work presents the first steps towards the development of a digital twin for a real-world farm (Damianshof, Rommerskirchen, Germany) using a spatialized version of the agroecosystem model AgroC, which simulates soil water, heat, carbon and nitrogen fluxes. The digital twin is driven by high-resolution soil, climate and farm management data from the year 2010 onwards. This enables the evaluation of different management options to increase soil carbon sequestration, with a particular focus on regenerative management practices such as the use of cover crops and different crop genotypes with more recalcitrant root systems. By simulating and analyzing these scenarios, the digital twin will provide insights for optimizing management decisions while considering multiple ecosystem services. In future studies, the digital twin will serve as a valuable tool for assessing the broader impacts of global change on the ecosystem services and soil health associated with carbon farming.

How to cite: Bauer, F. M., Brogi, C., Herbst, M., Vereecken, H., and Huisman, J. A.: Towards a farm-scale digital twin to evaluate trade-offs between ecosystem services for carbon farming, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11297,, 2025.

EGU25-11700 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Does feeding biochar to cattle impair its carbon sequestration efficiency? 

Jens Leifeld and Iva Walz

To address the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and to promote soil carbon sequestration, innovative approaches such as the incorporation of biochar into different agricultural practices are needed. Feeding biochar to cattle is an interesting strategy that not only aims to improve animal health and productivity, but may also have a cascading effect on soil improvement and CO2 sequestration, thereby addressing different facets of modern agriculture. Analysis of the recovery efficiency of digested biochar and its structural integrity can provide insight into the potential for post-digestion biochar applications. Here, a controlled feeding trial1 with dairy cows and a 1% biochar supplement in the diet was conducted and biochar recovery and composition in manure was analysed. Quantification of biochar in manure was investigated for the first time using methods based on thermal analysis, elemental analysis and dichromate oxidation, and shows that relative quantification of biochar is possible to within ± 1%. Overall, the majority of biochar (70-90%) fed to dairy cows survived digestion. The analysis also indicated selective preservation of the most stable condensed aromatic fractions of biochar during digestion, similar to short-term aging in soil. The remaining digested biochar has an H/C ratio of 0.22 and an O/C ratio of 0.05, meeting the criteria for highly stable biochar. Our results suggest that the digested biochar is highly suitable for long-term carbon sequestration when applied to soil via manure, offering a promising and economically viable strategy for carbon farming.


1 Dittmann et al., Animal Feed Science and Technology 318 (2024) 116127

How to cite: Leifeld, J. and Walz, I.: Does feeding biochar to cattle impair its carbon sequestration efficiency?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11700,, 2025.

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a cornerstone of global carbon cycling, ecosystem health, and climate regulation. However, accurately predicting SOC storage (SOCS) and its sequestration potential under varying climatic scenarios remains a major challenge, particularly in high-altitude, climate-sensitive regions like the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Grasslands and croplands in this region are pivotal for carbon management, yet their dynamics remain insufficiently understood. This study addresses two core scientific questions: (1) How can SOCS dynamics be modeled accurately across large spatial scales and diverse ecosystems under future climate scenarios? (2) How to comprehensively evaluate potential of SOC sequestration and effectively guide development of targeted carbon management strategies?

Andriolo, Mary and Guérif developed a simple first-order kinetic model that relies on key controlling input data, which is ideal for application across large spatial and long temporal scales. This study improved the traditional AMG model by using NPP as the core carbon input indicator, replacing the traditional crop harvest index (HI), which is more suitable for grassland ecosystems. In addition, the model dynamically adjusted the carbon mineralization rate parameter 𝑘 to reflect the effects of temperature, precipitation and soil properties on SOC dynamics. The improved AMG model (I-AMG) generates time series data as input variables for random forest (RF) model by simulating the SOC dynamics of grassland and cropland. We further combine historical SOCS and environmental variables such as terrain and vegetation indices for training and prediction. The RF-AMG integrated model combines the process simulation capability of I-AMG model with nonlinear fitting capability of  RF algorithm, which can capture complex environmental variable interaction effects and significantly improve prediction accuracy.

We used the global SOC content data provided by the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD) in 1980 to estimate the baseline SOCS at a resolution of 1km. The SOCS data in 2020 was provided by the National Qinghai Tibet Plateau Science Data Center using a grid dataset of soil carbon pools created through field surveys and machine learning, and was used as an observation to evaluate the simulation prediction accuracy of our improved AMG model. Meanwhile, we predicted the SOCS of cropland and grassland in Qinghai Province over the next 40 years under mild (RCP4.5) and extreme (RCP8.5) climate scenarios. And further proposed a four-quadrant method to evaluate the energy storage potential of SOC, dividing the carbon sequestration potential level of Qinghai Province in the next 40 years into four different categories based on SOC saturation deficit and change rate. This method identifies the spatial characteristics of SOC sequestration potential in Qinghai over next 40 years, which can help decision-makers gain a detailed understanding of regions with different carbon management priorities.

This study demonstrates the strength of combining process-based modeling with machine learning to address complex environmental challenges. This novel framework can be used for assessing soil carbon sequestration potential of natural ecosystems, and practical guidance for policymakers to develop tailored strategies for soil conservation, sustainable agriculture and ecosystem restoration. These efforts support global carbon neutrality goals and provide valuable insights into climate-smart land management practices.

How to cite: Gao, H., Maier, M., Gong, J., and Liu, J.: Prediction of soil organic carbon storage and future carbon sequestration potential in grassland and cropland under different climate scenarios: an integrated method combined improved AMG model and random forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12122,, 2025.

EGU25-12226 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Leveraging NIR Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Models for Estimating Organic Carbon Concentration in Agricultural Soils 

Claudia Gambale, Anastasia Shchegolikhina, Andrea Lazzari, Andrea Gasparini, Dario Benedini, Alessandro Buccioli, and Giovanni Cabassi

Precision agriculture is defined as a sophisticated and sustainable approach to soil management, optimizing resource use while minimizing environmental impact. A key challenge in this context is the estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC), a critical parameter for assessing soil health, fertility, and carbon sequestration potential. However, traditional SOC analysis methods, while accurate, are often time-consuming and cost-prohibitive, thereby limiting scalability. Consequently, the development of rapid methods such as near-infrared spectroscopy (NIR), when combined with machine learning-based predictive models of SOC, is a promising solution for expeditious and low-cost mapping techniques. This study explores its application on a field scale to develop maps for organic carbon levels.

The calibration dataset comprises 460 soil samples obtained from northern Italy, while the validation dataset consists of 75 samples from two fields located in the Po Valley. Soil samples were collected according to a regular 50-meter grid at a depth of 30 centimeters. To map SOC concentration, these samples were analyzed by an external laboratory employing standard wet reference methods. The NIR analysis was conducted using the NIRFlex N500 (Buchi) in diffuse reflectance mode over the 1000-2500 nm range.

Different calibration models were created using three machine learning techniques: i) Locally Weighted Regression (LWR) configured with 30 local point selected from the local PLS space using 4 latent variables; ii) Gradient Boosted Tree Regression (XGBoost) with max_depth set to 4 and num_round to 300 to prevent overfitting; iii) Deep Learning Artificial Neural Network (ANNDL), implemented using TensorFlow as the framework and Rmsprop as the optimizer. The network was designed as a multilayer densely connected architecture. The spectral data were first compressed using PLS (8 latent variables) to improve training performance.

The NIR-based estimation for organic carbon content was evaluated using Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and BIAS metrics. The machine learning calibration models showed the following results: i) RMSECV=3.53 and BIAS (cal)=0.04; ii) RMSECV=3.04 and BIAS (cal)=0.06; iii) RMSECV=3.32 and BIAS (cal)=-0.07. Moreover, the prediction demonstrated these metrics for the first field: i) RMSEP=2.14, BIAS (pred)=0.05; ii) RMSEP=2.77, BIAS (pred)=0.90; iii) RMSEP= 2.40, BIAS (pred)= 0.64. Instead, for the second field, the following predictions were made: i) RMSEP=3.05, BIAS (pred)=0.31; ii) RMSEP=2.52, BIAS (pred)=0.72; iii) RMSEP=2.05, BIAS (pred)=0.67.

To compare the practical efficiency of NIR models with reference methods, concentration maps of SOC were created by dividing them into two homogeneous zones (high and low SOC). Subsequently, the maps obtained using each NIR model were overlapped with that obtained using the reference method to calculate the percentage of consensus area. If the overlap exceeded 70%, the model was considered suitable for precision agriculture purposes.

How to cite: Gambale, C., Shchegolikhina, A., Lazzari, A., Gasparini, A., Benedini, D., Buccioli, A., and Cabassi, G.: Leveraging NIR Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Models for Estimating Organic Carbon Concentration in Agricultural Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12226,, 2025.

EGU25-12875 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Regenerative Agriculture: Trade-offs and Win-Win Scenarios for Soil Carbon Sequestration and Crop Yields 

David Encarnation, Robert Powell, and Adam Pellegrini

The world is grappling with the dual crises of climate change and food insecurity. The global food system, responsible for nearly one-third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, plays a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. Regenerative agriculture, which includes practices like reduced tillage, cover cropping, and crop residue retention, has been proposed as a nature-based solution with the potential to sequester carbon in agricultural soils while maintaining or enhancing food production. However, the concurrent effects of regenerative agriculture on soil carbon stocks and crop yields have not been fully explored. In particular, the extent to which regenerative agriculture will lead to trade-offs between carbon sequestration and food production, and how this relationship is modulated by environmental and agronomic conditions, remains unclear.

To address this, we conducted a global meta-analysis encompassing 5,709 paired yield and soil carbon observations from 506 sites comparing conventional systems to those incorporating one or more regenerative practices. Results show that 50% of observations exhibit significant gains in crop yields or soil carbon, with 16% achieving both (win-win). In contrast, only 7.5% show losses, and just 1.5% experience a lose-lose scenario. Importantly, the magnitude of changes in soil carbon and yields is primarily influenced by agronomic factors such as the combination of regenerative practices, nitrogen application rate, and crop type, with lesser effects from soil and climate conditions. These findings indicate that regenerative agricultural practices are unlikely to harm yields or soil carbon stocks and can be optimized to maximize win-wins by tailoring adoption to favorable conditions.

How to cite: Encarnation, D., Powell, R., and Pellegrini, A.: Regenerative Agriculture: Trade-offs and Win-Win Scenarios for Soil Carbon Sequestration and Crop Yields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12875,, 2025.

EGU25-14412 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Soil Organic Carbon in Prairie Pothole Wetlands: Assessing Variability and Stocks across Scales 

Chantel Chizen and Angela Bedard-Haughn

Prairie pothole wetlands exhibit highly variable soil organic carbon distributions that are driven by their unique hydrological and geomorphological characteristics as well as climate variables. These depression wetlands are a characteristic landscape feature that formed during the last glacial retreat in the Canadian Prairies and Upper Midwest United States. Land management practices, such as drainage and cultivation further influence these wetland soils through changes to the hydrology, vegetation type, and organic matter inputs. Understanding how these factors contribute to wetland soil organic carbon variability is essential for assessing their carbon storage contribution across scales, from individual wetlands in a field to the overall prairie pothole wetland landscape which spans over 770,000 km2. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess within wetland variability of soil organic carbon as for prairie pothole wetlands and 2) evaluate soil organic carbon stocks of these wetlands across a climate gradient as well as under crop production with or without drainage. Soil samples were collected from 134 prairie pothole wetlands to a depth of 1 m, at 3 landscape positions (centre, toeslope, and midslope). Soil classification was conducted at each sampling point and the soil cores were divided into 4 depth increments (0-15, 15-30, 30-60, and 60-100 cm) then measured for soil organic carbon as well as various other physiochemical properties. Our findings demonstrated that the within wetland variability can be explained by the wetland hydrology and historical tillage practices that led to soil erosion from upslope positions into the wetland depressions and consequently organic matter rich buried soil horizons at depths generally near 60 cm. Drained wetlands also showed evidence of soil organic carbon variability spatially and with depth due to soil redistribution that occurred during surface drainage installation. At the landscape scale, climate regime, wetland hydrology, parent material, and land management explained up to 39% of the wetland soil organic carbon variability. Based on this understanding we can more accurately estimate the soil organic carbon stock contribution of wetlands in agricultural landscapes and prioritize the sustainable management of these areas.  

How to cite: Chizen, C. and Bedard-Haughn, A.: Soil Organic Carbon in Prairie Pothole Wetlands: Assessing Variability and Stocks across Scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14412,, 2025.

Conservation tillage such as no-till has been recommend as a potential strategy to sequester soil organic matter (SOM) and mitigate climate change, but how this alternative farming altered SOM biochemistry remains elusive, particularly under simulated warming condition. Here, we uncovered the SOM composition and origins, and underlying microbial-mediated processes from a conservation tillage trial under warming in North China. Soil samples (i.e., 0-5, 5-15, and 15-30 cm) were collected from four treatments: moldboard plow (MP), moldboard plow with warming (MPw), no-till (NT), and no-till with warming (NTw). Considering tillage effects, NTw (cf. MPw) increased both bacterial and fungal biomass in topsoil. Further, NT (cf. MP) decreased oligotrophic K-strategists, including Chloroflexi and Gemmatimonadetes. Regardless of warming, no tillage enhanced the relative abundance of recalcitrant dissolved organic matter (DOM), but decreased biodegradable DOM compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins in topsoil. Both biomarker (higher total lignin phenols) and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (higher aromatic and phenolic group) collectively revealed the enhanced preservation of lignin phenols in NTw (cf. MPw). No tillage (NT and NTw) significantly increased glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) in the surface soil, while warming have no effects on those molecules. Moreover, NT enhanced bacterial and fungal necromass relative to MP in the topsoil. Considering warming effects, warming decreased catabolic enzymes activities (β-1,4-glucosidase and leucine aminopeptidase) under two tillage systems, while exerted the strong positive influence on microbial carbon use efficiency. Collectively, NTw (cf. MPw) may have the potential to enhance the process of bacterial anabolism and in vivo turnover (reflecting by microbial necromass and GRSP), thus improve microbial carbon pump efficiency and OM formation in a future warmer world. Moreover, no-till treatments (NT, NTw) increased the fraction of refractory DOM (i.e., condensed aromatic structures and tannin) relative to conventional farming. Our work provides insights into the potential benefits of conservation agriculture for long-term carbon sequestration because no tillage improves resilience to the effects of climate warming.

How to cite: Jin, X., Wang, X., and Du, Z.: Decades of no-till coupled with warming improves topsoil soil organic matter accrual via stimulating microbial carbon use efficiency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14558,, 2025.

EGU25-14630 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Why mechanistic models perform poorly in global soil organic carbon prediction 

Lingfei Wang, Ying-Ping Wang, Gab Abramowitz, and Andy Pitman

State-of-the-art mechanistic models perform poorly to accurately capture the amount and spatial variability of global soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks compared to machine learning models. Identifying the reasons for these shortcomings using interpretable machine learning techniques is essential to advancing our understanding of SOC turnover processes and guiding future model development. In this study, we trained both mechanistic and machine learning models using approximately 37,000 global SOC observations. The machine learning models consistently outperformed the mechanistic models, achieving higher R² values and lower RMSE. To diagnose the limitations of mechanistic models, we trained random forest models with the mechanistic model inputs as predictors and either observed or modelled SOC as the target variable. Applying multiple explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques including feature importance, partial dependence plots, and SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), we found that while the trends in SOC responses to environmental variables were comparable between observed and modelled SOC, the magnitude of SOC sensitivity to different variables in the mechanistic models was weaker. Furthermore, the distribution of partial dependence values for observed SOC across specific variables was poorly represented by mechanistic models, even though the mean partial dependence values were similar. Notably, soil moisture and pH were significantly under-represented in the mechanistic models, highlighting the need for further research on the dependence of SOC turnover on these variables. Our study showed that XAI techniques can effectively reveal how well individual variables and their combined effects are represented in the mechanistic models, providing clear and specific direction for future model development.

How to cite: Wang, L., Wang, Y.-P., Abramowitz, G., and Pitman, A.: Why mechanistic models perform poorly in global soil organic carbon prediction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14630,, 2025.

EGU25-14860 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Plant diversity as a driver of soil carbon persistence and restoration 

Nathan Wells, Lewis Walden, Simone Pedrini, and Raphael Viscarra Rossel

Soil hosts the world’s largest terrestrial carbon pool. This is primarily held as soil organic matter (SOM), which is ~60% carbon. While plant diversity is known to influence SOM retention, the strength and mechanisms of this relationship remain uncertain in some contexts, particularly in Australia. Persistence of SOM is influenced by the interplay of physical, chemical, and biological factors. One of the proposed mechanisms involves the diversity of molecules that comprise plant inputs and SOM. It is thought that greater molecular diversity fosters persistence by imposing an energy-gain limitation on soil microbes. Additionally, that molecular diversity may be related to SOM persistence by promoting greater mineral associations, making it inaccessible to microbial decomposition.
This research aims to answer the following questions: 
1) Does greater native plant diversity inhibit mineralisation of SOM by soil microbes in West Australian soils?
2) Does greater native plant diversity result in greater molecular diversity of plant inputs to soil? 
3) What is the contribution of aboveground plant litter inputs to differences in microbial community structure and carbon dynamics?
4) How does molecular diversity change over time from plant inputs to stable SOM?

To address these questions, a 15-month long soil and leaf litter incubation experiment was undertaken for two soil types. Different properties were measured to assess soil carbon dynamics, microbial community functional diversity, molecular diversity of inputs, and molecular diversity of SOM. The expected outcome is that plant diversity will foster soil carbon persistence with significant implications for restoring degraded landscapes. By promoting diverse vegetation, restoration efforts can maximize soil carbon storage and support ecosystem services, such as enhanced biodiversity and improved soil health. This research will inform land managers on strategies to enhance soil carbon storage through greater plant diversity, which has additional ecological value in the provision of other ecosystem services. By linking Australia’s unique plant diversity to broader ecological restoration and carbon management frameworks, these findings provide a scalable model for leveraging biodiversity to enhance soil carbon persistence worldwide.

How to cite: Wells, N., Walden, L., Pedrini, S., and Viscarra Rossel, R.: Plant diversity as a driver of soil carbon persistence and restoration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14860,, 2025.

Soil-plant interactions are critical drivers of carbon (C) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, influencing processes from microscale rhizosphere activity to ecosystem-scale dynamics. These interactions shape ecosystem functioning, biogeochemical cycles, and soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration. However, bridging the gap between fine-scale processes and large-scale patterns remains a key challenge in soil science.

Here, a concept is presented that compiles a number of studies and data across various spatial scales to identify mechanisms governing biogeochemical fluxes and C pools, with a focus on linking soil organic matter pools and vegetation properties under varying environmental conditions and disturbance regimes. The key research questions include: (1) how rhizosphere C inputs (e.g., exudation and rhizodeposition) affect SOC cycling, (2) which environmental factors regulate the incorporation and sequestration of phytogenic C sources (e.g., litter decomposition, particulate organic matter, dissolved organic C), and (3) which of these processes dominate along large-scale climatic gradients.

Initial findings revealed a close tie of soil respiration to microbial carbon use efficiency in rhizosphere hotspots, directly affecting pedon-scale SOC sequestration. At the ecosystem scale, direct vegetation effects were overprinted by their interaction with geomorphological gradients, controlling SOC stabilization through aggregate occlusion and mineral association. However, ecosystem SOC dynamics exhibited substantial local variance, likely driven by complex variable interactions and small-scale rhizosphere processes. Furthermore, vegetation zones remained a dominant control of plant- and microbial-derived organic matter contributions to SOC pools across large climatic gradients.

This suggests that microscale rhizosphere processes can significantly influence large-scale C budgets. However, their functioning relies on large-scale dynamics in land management, landscape modification, and environmental gradients reshaping dominant SOC storage mechanisms. These interactions become more complex on larger spatial scales, and further research is essential to fully understand and quantify their implications.

How to cite: Becker, J. N.: The Impact of Soil-Plant Interactions on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration across spatial scales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15741,, 2025.

EGU25-15782 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

A roadmap for carbon farming in Europe 

Sophia Götzinger, Andreas Baumgarten, Martin Thorsøe, Stephane De Cara, Morten Graversgaard, and Bert Smit

Carbon farming (CF) has gained attention as a promising tool for meeting EU-targets like mitigating climate change with the enhanced sequestration of carbon in agriculturally managed soils (Green Deal, Paris Agreement). To facilitate the inclusion of research in the design and implementation of effective CF scheme policies, a comprehensive inventory was conducted in the EU-funded EJP Soil project Road4Schemes. This inventory assessed the strengths and weaknesses of 162 existing and planned schemes for carbon farming and additional Ecosystem Services payments, including respective tools for monitoring, reporting and verification.  In addition, surveys to assess stakeholders’ perspectives, compensation mechanisms, verification systems, and proposed measures were performed.

Key findings highlighted the predominance of activity-based schemes, the variability in scale, and the importance of addressing governance challenges. Based on these insights, a context-specific roadmap tailored to local and regional conditions was developed, integrating decision matrices and guidelines for a result-based scheme design, as the initial aim of the project. The roadmap provides decision-makers with a structured approach to implement CF-schemes that are adaptive, efficient, and aligned with local needs.

How to cite: Götzinger, S., Baumgarten, A., Thorsøe, M., De Cara, S., Graversgaard, M., and Smit, B.: A roadmap for carbon farming in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15782,, 2025.

EGU25-16782 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Modelling the long-term impacts of conservation agriculture on soil structure , soil organic matter and the water balance under climate change. 

Mario Feifel, Elsa Coucheney, Annelie Holzkämper, and Nicholas Jarvis

Conservation agriculture practices, such as reduced tillage and residue retention, have gained attention for their potential to enhance agricultural system resilience to climate change and to combat soil degradation. However, conventional soil-crop models usually neglect the dynamics of soil properties, limiting their ability to predict changes in soil quality on the longer time-scales relevant for sustainable soil management. One exception to this is the recently developed Uppsala model of Soil Structure and Function (USSF), which accounts for soil structure dynamics due to both physical (e.g. swell-shrink, sealing, tillage/consolidation) and biological (e.g. root growth, macro-faunal activity, soil aggregation) processes driven by changes in climate or land management. We further developed and applied the USSF model to assess the long-term impacts of conservation agriculture on soil organic matter (SOM) stocks, soil structure, water balance and crop yields.

The model was first calibrated for a winter wheat crop in Zürich, Switzerland, and then used to simulate a baseline period (1985-2015) as well as 18 future climate scenarios for the period 2020 to 2090. Simulations of two contrasting soil management systems were compared: conventional intensive tillage with residue incorporation (CIT) and no-till practices with surface residue retention (CNT), representing a conservation agriculture scenario.

Under current climate conditions, the CNT treatment was able to conserve soil moisture by reducing surface runoff and evaporation, as compared with CIT. However, yields remained similar, as under the wet site conditions, crop growth was not limited by water availability. After 30 years, SOM stocks were slightly higher under CIT, as larger amounts of above-ground biomass were incorporated through tillage compared with incorporation only by bioturbation in the case of CNT. In the future climate projections, grain yields remained stable or increased slightly under warmer site conditions . The development of SOM stocks was strongly dependent on future soil temperatures . However, after 70 years, stocks were on average ca. 14% higher under the CNT treatment compared with CIT.

Although yields did not differ between the two treatments, the USSF model projections showed increased SOM stocks and improved soil structure with no-till and surface residue retention compared with conventional practices. This suggests that conservation agriculture could be a promising strategy for sustaining soil quality and functions in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Feifel, M., Coucheney, E., Holzkämper, A., and Jarvis, N.: Modelling the long-term impacts of conservation agriculture on soil structure , soil organic matter and the water balance under climate change., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16782,, 2025.

EGU25-17075 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Application of the Chamber Method for Carbon Flux Measurement in Tea Plantations: Insights from Irrigation Renovation Projects 

Pin Chieh Lai, Yan Ning Huang, and Kuo Wei Liao

In recent years, Taiwan has extended irrigation services to regions previously devoid of water resources. These irrigation improvement projects incorporate sustainable engineering practices and are aligned with the objectives of Nature-based Solutions (NbS), enhancing ecosystem protection, mitigating climate impacts, and reducing economic losses associated with extreme weather events such as droughts and floods. Beyond these benefits, this study aims to investigate the additional value of these projects as they provide opportunities for carbon reduction initiatives. Should local measurements meet expectations, further development of methodologies, such as the Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) process, will be pursued. This research examines the effects of irrigation infrastructure upgrades on carbon dynamics within tea plantations, focusing on the reduction of carbon emissions and the enhancement of soil organic carbon (SOC). Three sites were selected for this purpose: two tea gardens employing different irrigation techniques and a derelict area formerly used for tea cultivation, with each site covering more than 0.5 hectares. The study assesses two crucial parameters: SOC, which indicates the carbon sequestered in the soil, serving as a carbon sink, and the carbon emissions from tea trees. The chamber method, a recognized approach for collecting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, was utilized to capture emissions from tea trees using transparent chambers. Field experiments are conducted monthly, with gas sampling occurring every two hours throughout the daylight hours. The collected gas samples are analyzed via Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to ascertain carbon concentrations, which are subsequently used to calculate daily carbon fluxes. Preliminary results from several months of gas sampling indicate significantly lower carbon emissions in the well-irrigated tea garden, where the renovation was implemented, compared to the garden without irrigation. Furthermore, SOC levels in the irrigated garden are anticipated to show marked improvement over the previous year.

How to cite: Lai, P. C., Huang, Y. N., and Liao, K. W.: Application of the Chamber Method for Carbon Flux Measurement in Tea Plantations: Insights from Irrigation Renovation Projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17075,, 2025.

EGU25-17197 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Soil organic carbon changes after 5 years of improved carbon farming practices in Finnish arable land 

Eva Kanari, Kristiina Karhu, Julius Vira, Tuomas Mattila, Layla Höckerstedt, Istem Fer, Jari Liski, and Jussi Heinonsalo

Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) through climate-smart land management is considered a promising nature-based solution promoting food security and climate change mitigation, particularly in arable land due to its long history of SOC loss and its intensive management. However, the achievable potential for SOC increase, e.g., at a national scale is uncertain, with conflicting predictions resulting from empirical and modelling studies and a general lack of data from realistic experimental setups. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of improved agricultural practices to increase soil C in real, commercial farming systems in Finland and to identify possible challenges involved. The study was conducted as participatory research, with 83 volunteer farms across Finland, testing various management plans with a dedicated control and treatment plot in each farm. The tested plans included eight different practices aiming to increase photosynthesis, rooting depth, or direct exogenous C inputs to soil. The efficiency of the practices to increase C inputs was evaluated using a satellite-based method and information on crop yields and harvest provided by the farmers while SOC change was measured from soil samples in the lab. Our results show that after five years, the changes observed in SOC are marginal, mainly limited by the short duration of the study. Initial SOC content was the most important driver of SOC change while C inputs, climate and clay content were less important. Despite the short duration of this study, the established network and the implemented approach can be further used, paving the way towards precise assessment of the influence of management practices on SOC changes and soil improvement under Nordic conditions over the coming decades.

How to cite: Kanari, E., Karhu, K., Vira, J., Mattila, T., Höckerstedt, L., Fer, I., Liski, J., and Heinonsalo, J.: Soil organic carbon changes after 5 years of improved carbon farming practices in Finnish arable land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17197,, 2025.

EGU25-18538 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Does Plant Diversity Safeguard Soil Carbon During Drought in a Large-Scale Biodiversity and Climate Experiment? 

Alya Kingsland-Mengi, Yuheng Chen, Julia Mayr, Mink Verschoor, George Kowalchuk, Janna Barel, and Kathryn Barry

Climate change threatens biodiversity and ecosystem functioning globally. One key consequence of these interacting global threats is decreased soil organic carbon (SOC). Yet increasing or maintaining SOC is integral to many nature-based climate change mitigation strategies. Understanding how biodiversity loss and changes to the climate, such as an increased incidence of severe drought, alter SOC simultaneously is therefore crucial to understanding the potential for such nature-based climate change mitigation strategies. One way that biodiversity may be key for SOC under severe drought is by maintaining stable soil moisture and temperature at small scales.  

We manipulated planted species richness (1 and 12 mixture) and imposed drought conditions in a large-scale biodiversity and climate variability experiment (BioCliVE) at Utrecht University (Netherlands). We hypothesized that increased plant diversity would sustain aboveground biomass and moderate soil temperature and moisture, thereby preventing SOC decline under drought 

Although planted species richness consistently boosted aboveground biomass, altering soil temperature and moisture, SOC did not change across diversity levels or under short-term drought treatments. These findings suggest that short-term experiments may not capture the slow, often multi-year processes by which soil carbon pools respond to biodiversity-driven ecosystem changes. Our research demonstrates the complexity of soil carbon cycling and highlights the need for longer-term monitoring to detect meaningful changes in SOC. It also raises questions about how quickly and effectively nature-based solutions can deliver the carbon sequestration benefits assumed in many climate mitigation strategies. By examining the interplay among biodiversity, drought, and SOC, our study informs ongoing debates about how global change drivers influence soil carbon stability.  

How to cite: Kingsland-Mengi, A., Chen, Y., Mayr, J., Verschoor, M., Kowalchuk, G., Barel, J., and Barry, K.: Does Plant Diversity Safeguard Soil Carbon During Drought in a Large-Scale Biodiversity and Climate Experiment?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18538,, 2025.

EGU25-18649 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.9

Adapting to Climate Change: Multi-Model Insights into Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Mediterranean Agroecosystems 

Matteo Longo, Ilaria Piccoli, Antonio Berti, Michela Farneselli, Vincenzo Tabaglio, Andrea Fiorini, Domenico Ventrella, and Francesco Morari

The Mediterranean region, warming 20% faster than the global average, is experiencing significant climate change impacts, including rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events. To investigate the implications of these changes on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics, we utilized an ensemble of four agricultural system models—EPIC, DSSAT, CropSyst, and APSIM. These models were calibrated and validated using approximately 9,000 observations of crop yields and residues, along with 110 specific SOC measurements, collected from five long-term experiments across a north-to-south pedoclimatic transect in Italy, covering the period from the 1970s to 2022. This comprehensive dataset enabled us to accurately simulate SOC dynamics under varying conditions. We examined three representative concentration pathways (RCPs): RCP2.6 (very low future emissions), RCP7.0 (high future emissions), and RCP8.5 (very high future emissions) for the period 2023-2100, utilizing three bias-corrected EURO-CORDEX climate models with local corrections. Projections revealed significant variations in SOC stocks based on location and agricultural practices.  In Southern Italy, SOC stocks remained stable over time, showing only little variation according to the climate scenario. Conversely, in Central Italy, 30-cm SOC stocks increased until 2070 and then diverged according to the RCPs: a decrease under RCP8.5 (-7.1 t/ha), stabilization under RCP7.0 (+1.0 t/ha), and a sharp increase under RCP2.6 (+11.5 t/ha). In Northeast Italy, SOC stocks decreased under all scenarios, with slightly lower decreases under RCP2.6. Regarding different management systems, conservation agriculture proved to be the most effective in terms of SOC increase or stabilization, while maize and wheat monocultures were the most negatively affected by RCP7.0 and RCP8.5. This study underscores the critical need for location-specific management strategies to address the challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean region. Our findings highlight the importance of tailored agricultural practices to mitigate SOC losses and promote soil health under changing climatic conditions.

This research was conducted within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022).

How to cite: Longo, M., Piccoli, I., Berti, A., Farneselli, M., Tabaglio, V., Fiorini, A., Ventrella, D., and Morari, F.: Adapting to Climate Change: Multi-Model Insights into Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Mediterranean Agroecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18649,, 2025.

EGU25-19111 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Across Croplands and Grasslands: A RothC Model Analysis with Varied Carbon Inputs 

Marmar Sabetizadeh, Yue Zhou, Bernard Heinesch, Bernard Longdoz, Quentin Beauclaire, and Bas van Wesemael

The preservation and enhancement of soil organic carbon (SOC) are essential for ensuring sustainable agricultural productivity, improving soil health, and addressing global environmental challenges. This study utilizes the RothC model to explore the dynamics of SOC across two distinct land uses in Wallonia, Belgium—croplands and grasslands. We used remote sensing methods to predict the necessary boundary conditions for the RothC model, focusing on precise estimations of carbon inputs from different sources based on the landuse. The research assesses the impact of varied carbon inputs by comparing traditional inputs, derived from statistical methods and existing datasets, with predictions obtained from remote sensing data. This comparison aims to illustrate discrepancies and synergies in SOC estimation and modeling, thereby providing insights into more precise and scalable methods for predicting changes in SOC. Focusing on specific demo-sites within the region, the research underscores the localized responses of SOC to diverse management practices and environmental conditions. This focus helps support the development of effective carbon sequestration strategies. Ultimately, this study not only enhances our understanding of SOC dynamics over time but also fosters the development of customized agricultural practices that enhance carbon retention and contribute to the mitigation of climate change impacts in temperate regions.

How to cite: Sabetizadeh, M., Zhou, Y., Heinesch, B., Longdoz, B., Beauclaire, Q., and van Wesemael, B.: Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics Across Croplands and Grasslands: A RothC Model Analysis with Varied Carbon Inputs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19111,, 2025.

EGU25-19985 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Carbon farming from a land use dynamics perspective 

Angelique Lansu, Pat-Jos Huisman, Borjana Bogatinoska, and Jetse Stoorvogel

Adapting to and mitigating the various climate effects in a catchment through interventions like nature-based solutions (NbS) requires changes in land use. Changes in the spatial distributed activities over time within the catchment are a key part of these land use dynamics. These dynamics are influenced by natural processes (e.g. soil-water system) and human activities (e.g. farming, stream flow measures). The land is used by a variety of stakeholders (tenants, farmers, nature organisations), while interventions in the form of nature-based solutions are planned and implemented by water managers and spatial governments. It is crucial to understand these changes and their impact on land use dynamics when designing and implementing nature-based solutions in a catchment. In this study, we test how hydrological models (used by water managers) coupled with soil carbon models can help this discussion. The study tests the spatial effects of hydrological interventions on carbon sequestration in agriculture in a cross-border catchment (Aa of Weerijs, SE Breda, NL / BE).During the design stage, stakeholder meetings were organised to gather the different perspectives on hydrological interventions and carbon farming. Coupling relatively simple models makes the interaction between planning nature-based solutions on soil carbon transparent, and helps the discussion on future land use dynamics on NbS and carbon farming.

How to cite: Lansu, A., Huisman, P.-J., Bogatinoska, B., and Stoorvogel, J.: Carbon farming from a land use dynamics perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19985,, 2025.

EGU25-20317 | Posters on site | SSS5.9

Developing a Standard for Validation of Innovative Methods in Agricultural Soil Testing 

Siri Jodha Khalsa, Katsutoshiy Mizuta, and Penelope Nagel

As global agriculture faces escalating challenges, the imperative for refined nutrient management becomes paramount. Establishing a standardized process to validate and legitimize emerging soil testing technologies offers a pathway for their acceptance by users and state regulatory bodies. The need for standardized methods for evaluating soil quality attributes is crucial in meeting the demands on global agriculture to support human and animal life while minimizing the environmental impacts of excess nutrient runoff. This makes the refinement of nutrient management protocols of critical importance. A key factor in such protocols is developing and adopting effective and accurate soil testing methods. As new soil testing technologies emerge, it becomes challenging for local and national agencies to determine whether to incorporate these technologies into their existing procedures for assessing soil quality, carbon monitoring and potential carbon and nutrient markets. Soil carbon represents a significant fraction of the global carbon cycle and is expected to be a considerable factor in future carbon management. There is a need to not only survey global soil carbon stocks but to monitor changes over time with an interest in increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). Small changes, on the order of < 1 %, need to be monitored to determine if changes in land management practices are effective. To monitor these changes economical and accurate methods are required to enable frequent and widespread analysis of soil samples. Established methods for testing and monitoring are expensive and time-consuming including Loss-on-ignition (LOI) and combustion. New innovations are emerging that are economically viable and scalable with the potential for field deployable systems. Despite the promise of these innovations, there is a need to establish a validation standard to assure accuracy and transparency. Standardization of validation methods will need to focus on accuracy and economic feasibility for assessing limits of detection and limits of quantification. The benefits of standardizing methods for validating new technologies are promoting accuracy and preventing fraud in emerging carbon and nutrient markets. The outcome of this work will foster the traceability to national metrology institutes for validation of these new technologies.

How to cite: Khalsa, S. J., Mizuta, K., and Nagel, P.: Developing a Standard for Validation of Innovative Methods in Agricultural Soil Testing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20317,, 2025.

EGU25-422 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.10

Assessing the Impact of Six Years of Regenerative Agriculture on a Commercial Olive Orchard in Southern Spain 

Milagros Torrús Castillo, Giovana Prado Fortuna Macan, Blanca B. Landa, and José Alfonso Gómez Calero

Olive is one of the most relevant crop in Mediterranean regions, in which regenerative agriculture (RA) might have a widespread potential impact providing environmental and economic benefits. However, research on its viability and actual impacts under specific local conditions remains limited. To address the effect of RA on soils and crops, an olive-farm in Southern Spain where regenerative practices have been implemented since 2019 was studied. These practices include no-till farming, the use of spontaneous cover crops, application of manure, biochar, and olive leaves to the soil, as well as directed grazing to manage the cover vegetation. Our study included two areas within the farm. In one area, the spontaneous cover crops were well-developed (RegG), while in the other, the soils were less favorable, and the cover crop had a poorer establishment (RegB). A forest area close-by the olive grove (Forest) served as a benchmark, alongside a neighboring farm with the same soil type, tree age, and planting framework but managed using conventional methods (Conv). Conventional management involved no spontaneous cover crops and the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Physical, chemical, and biological soil properties, along with the nutritional status of the trees were measured to compare the effect of RA on soil quality. The Forest soil had the highest organic matter content (13.5 %), followed by the regenerative olive groves, RegG and RegB (5.9 %), and finally, the conventional olive grove; Conv (4.7 %). RegB showed a need for further improvements in management practices to achieve the benefits seen in RegG. Regenerative practices also enhanced microbial activity and diversity (5.83 and 3.33, respectively), reaching levels comparable to the reference Forest soil (5.7 and 3.36, respectively), highlighting their effect in improving soil health. Globally, the regenerative practices contributed to improve soil quality, as determined by an increase in carbon and water storage, and biological activity, reaching values similar to those obtained in the natural ecosystems. Despite these promising results, long-term research is necessary to fully understand the effectiveness of RA across various soil types and planting frameworks, as well as its socioeconomic feasibility.

Acknowledgement: This work has been supported by the Projects “Monitoring, reporting and verification of soil carbon and greenhouse gases balance” ( from HORIZON-MISS-2022-SOIL-01-05 (GA 101112942) and PID2020-114917RB-100 from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain.

How to cite: Torrús Castillo, M., Prado Fortuna Macan, G., Landa, B. B., and Gómez Calero, J. A.: Assessing the Impact of Six Years of Regenerative Agriculture on a Commercial Olive Orchard in Southern Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-422,, 2025.

EGU25-1467 | Orals | SSS5.10 | Highlight

Boosting Soil Carbon: Management Practices for Climate Change Mitigation 

Carme Huguet, Patricia Jimenez Amat, and Juan Carlos Silva Tamayo

Boosting Soil Carbon: Management Practices for Climate Change Mitigation

Soil is the second-largest active carbon reservoir, storing an estimated 1,500–2,400 gigatons of carbon globally, making it crucial for climate change mitigation (e.g., Lal, 2004). Soil carbon stocks are influenced by physicochemical properties, climatic conditions, and land management practices. Effective soil management has been shown to be critical for maintaining or enhancing soil carbon sequestration (e.g., Paustian et al., 2016). This study evaluates the impact of various soil management practices on carbon stocks and soil health. Soils were characterized by their physicochemical and microbiological properties, including organic matter content and microbial biodiversity. Adjacent plots with different management practices (e.g., conventional tillage, no-tillage, or grazing livestock integration) were compared to assess their effects on soil carbon dynamics. Carbon content was measured using the loss-on-ignition method, while the carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio provided insights into organic matter decomposition potential and carbon stabilization. Greenhouse gas fluxes (CO₂ and CH₄) were measured to quantify emissions across management regimes. Microbial diversity and community structure, indicators of soil health and carbon cycling potential, were assessed through fungal-to-bacterial (F:B) ratios and biomass counts of fungi, bacteria, protozoa, and nematodes. Preliminary findings suggest that management practices significantly influence microbial composition and diversity, as well as carbon stocks and greenhouse gas fluxes. Practices like no-till farming and the integration of planned herbivore grazing result in more biodiverse soils with higher carbon retention and lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Lal, R. (2004). Soil carbon sequestration impacts on global climate change and food security. Science, 304(5677), 1623–1627.
Paustian et al., (2016). Climate-smart soils. Nature, 532(7597), 49–57.
Beillouin et al., (2022). A global overview of studies about land management, land‐use change, and climate change effects on soil organic carbon. Global change biology, 28(4), 1690-1702.

How to cite: Huguet, C., Jimenez Amat, P., and Silva Tamayo, J. C.: Boosting Soil Carbon: Management Practices for Climate Change Mitigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1467,, 2025.

EGU25-3267 | Orals | SSS5.10

What can the interaction between grazing regime and environment tell us about SOM stabilization mechanisms? Results from an ecological field laboratory in Spain 

Evan A.N. Marks, José Antonio Sánchez-Zapata, Jorge Mataix-Solera, Fuensanta García-Orenes, Marina Rincon-Madroñero, Antonio Contreras, Victoria Arcenegui Baldo, Mario Velamazán, and Jomar Magalhaes Barbosa

            Large extensions of grasslands in Europe are managed with ungulate presence for food production, rural livelihoods, and (more recently) soil carbon sequestration goals. Grazing regimes hold grasslands in ecological balance, and it is not clear how ungulate management and succession dynamics impact SOC stabilization. While there is increasing recognition that integration of large herbivores into productive systems can be key for restoring soil carbon and soil quality, research is ongoing on under what conditions this may occur, and why.

            Over three years, our research team has been monitoring changes in critical soil parameters in pasture and forest ecosystems with a wide gradient of domesticated and wild ungulate grazing pressure, in order to understand the ecological and practical repercussions of human management of the landscape. Through this monitoring, we have firstly identified that SOC accumulation diverges significantly depending on the ecological context. The mechanisms by which SOC stabilization occurs is understood to follow different paths, modulated by grazers in contrasting ways depending on this context. Secondly, our establishment of a grazing gradient by using GPS tracking collars has allowed the quantification of relationships between grazing pressure and soil processes. Most notably for SOC accumulation, we have seen that the grazing pressure of domesticated transhumant ungulates (sheep) is linearly and positively associated with both soil microbial processes and SOC accumulation. Importantly, contributions to the SOC pool are seen to depend on vegetation structure and plant composition (Figure).

            Overall, the studies have elucidated relationships between vegetational characteristics and litter quality, herbivore action, and soil microbiology, aiding to unravel the main mechanisms driving SOC accumulation in ecosystems with large mammal ungulate grazers.

How to cite: Marks, E. A. N., Sánchez-Zapata, J. A., Mataix-Solera, J., García-Orenes, F., Rincon-Madroñero, M., Contreras, A., Arcenegui Baldo, V., Velamazán, M., and Magalhaes Barbosa, J.: What can the interaction between grazing regime and environment tell us about SOM stabilization mechanisms? Results from an ecological field laboratory in Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3267,, 2025.

EGU25-3458 | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Soil organic carbon stock changes in a Mediterranean mountain pasture characterized by transhumant sheep grazing  

Jorge Mataix-Solera, Fuensanta García-Orenes, Jomar M. Barbosa, José A. Sánchez-Zapata, Victoria Arcenegui, and Evan A.N. Marks

C storage in grasslands has been estimated to comprise between 10-30% of global soil C. More than half of the world's land surface is grazed, accounting for approximately one fourth of potential C sequestration in world soils. Due to this large potential, significant research efforts have been oriented toward characterizing this potential for C sequestration in grazed lands. Many scientific studies concur that grazing may have a positive effect on soil C concentrations at low and moderate grazing levels, and negative at high grazing levels. However, this has not been characterized fully for extensive Mediterranean high mountain pastures. A study of extensive grazing effects on soil C stocks was carried out in the Parque Natural Sierras de Cazorla, Segura, y Las Villas, specifically within an area of the park (Campos Hernán Perea) where grazing has persisted for centuries. In this area, the majority of sheep herds are transhumant, with grazing over the extensive area from May-November each year. Digital maps of grazing intensity based on GPS tracking collar data from both day and night movements were elaborated for the whole region, allowing a fine-scale estimation of grazing intensity. Paired samples were taken un non-encroached (grassland) and encroached (shrub-covered) soils in this landscape. Soil sampling was to 5 cm depth with metallic cylinders (Ekjelkamp) of 5 cm height and with a volume of 100 cm3, and soils were analyzed for organic C with elemental analysis following decarbonatization. SOC stock was found to be positively associated with both grazing and encroachment in a non-antagonistic manner. SOC stocks to 5 cm were estimated to be a minimum of 13.8 Mg ha-1 with no grazing and encroachment, and 25.5 Mg ha-1 with high grazing intensity and encroachment. The results highlight the very crucial influence of grazing and landscape vegetation dynamics for SOC stock estimates in grazed lands.

How to cite: Mataix-Solera, J., García-Orenes, F., Barbosa, J. M., Sánchez-Zapata, J. A., Arcenegui, V., and Marks, E. A. N.: Soil organic carbon stock changes in a Mediterranean mountain pasture characterized by transhumant sheep grazing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3458,, 2025.

Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in agricultural systems is vital for mitigating climate change, improving soil quality, and enhancing grain production. However, the mechanisms by which fertilization practices influence SOC, particularly at the microscopic level, remain poorly understood. This study investigated the impacts of inorganic fertilizers in terms of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), along with shallow (0–20 cm) straw incorporation (S), on soil properties, C acquisition (C-acq) enzyme activity, active SOC fractions, soil aggregates, and microbial carbon cycle functional traits, based on a 34-year field experiment conducted in the North China Plain. Six treatments of CK (control, without any fertilizer), NP (nitrogen + phosphorus fertilizers), NK (nitrogen + potassium fertilizers), PK (phosphorus + potassium fertilizers), NPK (nitrogen + phosphorus fertilizers + potassium), and NPKS (NPK + straw) were examined. Results indicated that NPK and NPKS treatments created favorable soil nutrient conditions, characterized by elevated levels of N, P, and K, along with reduced bulk density. Compared with NPK treatment, NPKS treatment led to significant increases in SOC (+38%) and active SOC fractions, including microbial biomass carbon (MBC, +17%), easily oxidizable carbon (EOC, +105%), and light fraction organic carbon (LFOC, +103%). Under NPK treatment, MBC and EOC increased by 43% and 40%, respectively, compared with CK. Both NPK and NPKS treatments enhanced macroaggregate formation, contributing to improved soil structure stability. Straw incorporation significantly boosted C-acq enzyme activity, whereas inorganic fertilizers had minimal impact. The abundance of functional genes involved in C-degradation were correlated significantly with soil C and N contents, C-acq enzyme activity, active SOC fractions, and macroaggregates, with higher levels observed under NP, NPK, and NPKS treatments than CK. Different C-fixation pathways responded variably to the measured soil traits, revealing no consistent trends across treatments. Structural equation modeling indicated that C-acq enzymes exerted a greater total effect on SOC than soil properties, active SOC fractions, and soil aggregates. Additionally, the abundance of functional genes related to C-degradation and methane metabolism played a more important role in SOC dynamic than those associated with C-fixation. In conclusion, NPK and NPKS treatments significantly enhanced SOC accumulation mainly by improving soil nutrient conditions, C-acq enzyme activity (notably for NPKS), active SOC fractions, macroaggregate formation, and the abundance of C-degradation genes. This study highlights the critical role of balanced inorganic fertilizers and straw incorporation in SOC accumulation, further elucidating the mechanisms influencing SOC dynamics.

How to cite: Wang, N. and Li, F.: Influence of long-term inorganic fertilization and straw incorporation influence on soil organic carbon (SOC) by altering C acquisition enzyme activity, active SOC fraction, soil aggregates, and microbial compositional and functional traits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5411,, 2025.

EGU25-7866 | Posters on site | SSS5.10

High-Altitude Afforestation in the Austrian Alps: Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Microbial Communities 

Erich Inselsbacher, Rachele Sbabo, Alexander König, Berthold Heinze, Johanna Reich, Xinran Zheng, Katharina Keiblinger, and Andreas Schindlbacher

The warming climate and the decline in alpine pasture management are paving the way for the afforestation of currently unforested high-altitude areas. This shift holds significant potential for CO2 sequestration in tree biomass, yet the implications for existing soil carbon stocks remain uncertain. The BERGAUF project ("Biodiversity Conservation and Carbon Storage in Forested Highlands") aims to shed light on this issue by investigating five model reforestation areas at the treeline in the Austrian Alps, established in the 1960s and 1970s.

Our primary objective is to investigate how afforestation at high-altitude areas affects vegetation and soil carbon and nitrogen stocks, plant and microbial biomass, as well vascular plant diversity, certain insect groups, and the soil microbial community structure (including bacterial and fungal biodiversity).

Here we share our initial findings on soil-related parameters, including soil carbon and nitrogen contents and stocks in the organic layer, bulk soil, and soil extracts. We also examine the quality of soil organic carbon (estimated by FTIR), soil microbial biomass and community composition, and fine root biomass, from soil samples taken at four different depths (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, 40-60 cm). To assess the effects of afforestation, we used directly adjacent alpine meadows as control sites, which were sampled and analysed in the same manner.

We will discuss the potential of afforestation in high-altitude areas for carbon sequestration and its effects on carbon allocation and microbial biodiversity within the soil profile.

How to cite: Inselsbacher, E., Sbabo, R., König, A., Heinze, B., Reich, J., Zheng, X., Keiblinger, K., and Schindlbacher, A.: High-Altitude Afforestation in the Austrian Alps: Effects on Soil Organic Carbon and Microbial Communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7866,, 2025.

EGU25-10542 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.10

Organic and inorganic carbon storage in Dutch agricultural systems 

giulia vultaggio, Elise Hogeveen, Teun van Lent, Merlijn Schram, Felipe Zagatto, Justine Lejoly, Ciska Veen, and Wim van der Putten

Soil carbon is critical for feeding the global population and for mitigating climate change, yet agricultural intensification is leading to significant losses. Despite the need to stop agricultural soil carbon depletion and promote its restoration, uncertainties persist regarding agricultural practices that can enhance carbon accumulation across different pedological conditions.

Although soil carbon encompasses both inorganic and organic components, most research has focused on the effect of agricultural management on organic carbon due to its sensitivity to soil disturbances and role in soil functioning. However, there is growing evidence showing that agricultural activities can cause irrevocable losses of inorganic carbon, which may be detrimental for soil health and contribute to climate change. It is therefore crucial to study the response of both inorganic and organic carbon to agricultural management.

However, agricultural management includes a variety of practices that can be combined in different ways. This constitutes an obstacle in understanding how agricultural intensity impact soil organic carbon and in defining practices that promote its retention. This project investigates how soil agricultural management influences soil carbon storage across diverse pedological conditions.

Briefly, a total of 956 grasslands and arable soil samples from a wide range of agricultural management and pedological conditions were collected in the Netherlands. Detailed information on agricultural management was gathered using questionnaires to define management intensity and organic and inorganic carbon content were determined. In addition, explanatory variables such as aluminum and iron oxides content, pH, nutrient availability, soil texture, microbial biomass and environmental parameters such as air temperature, soil temperature and soil moisture were measured.

Here, we will show how agricultural management intensity affects soil organic and inorganic carbon content in grassland and arable fields in the Netherlands. Moreover, we will identify agricultural practices which can help promote soil carbon storage and how this varies with pedological conditions. These findings will improve our understanding of how agricultural management and soil proprieties interact to determine soil carbon storage, thus helping to develop targeted management practices to stop soil carbon depletion and promote restoration.

How to cite: vultaggio, G., Hogeveen, E., van Lent, T., Schram, M., Zagatto, F., Lejoly, J., Veen, C., and van der Putten, W.: Organic and inorganic carbon storage in Dutch agricultural systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10542,, 2025.

EGU25-10560 | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Is there an optimal frequency of temporary grasslands in crop rotation to maintain SOM at a level sustaining agricultural soil quality? 

Thomas Guillaume, Sokrat Sinaj, Luca Bragazza, and Christoph Carlen

Land-use type has a strong impact on soil organic matter (SOM) content which shows higher level in permanent grasslands than in arable lands. The inclusion of temporary grasslands in crop rotation is an efficient practice to limit SOM loss in arable lands. Nonetheless, temporary grasslands can be seen in competition with food-production for human consumption as they produce forage to feed livestock.

In a context of agricultural specialization and reduction of animal-based protein consumption, it is imperative to evaluate the impact of a decrease of temporary grasslands and their frequency in crop rotation on SOM content. Moreover, it is crucial to assess if the decrease of temporary grasslands frequency, SOM content and soil quality is a linear process or if an optimum exists that maximize soil quality while minimizing temporary grasslands in the rotation.

Here, we used a 40-year-old soil monitoring network in South-West Switzerland (FRIBO Network) to assess the relationship between temporary grasslands frequency, SOM loss and soil quality. Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics was estimated by sampling the monitoring sites every 5 years. SOC stocks were measured down to 50 cm depth. Permanent grasslands were used as reference for estimating SOM loss, controlling for variations in soil characteristics (e.g., clay, pH) and site characteristics (e.g., altitude, precipitation, crops type) among sites. The SOC-to-clay ratio was used as indicator of soil quality.

Our results showed that SOM loss is proportional to the decrease of temporary grasslands frequency so that any change of frequency has the same consequence on SOM loss independently from the absolute frequency of the temporary grasslands. This suggests that there is not an optimal frequency of temporary grasslands in a soil C sequestration perspective. This contribution, however, will also show that soil quality indictors related to SOM such as the SOC-to-clay ratio exhibits thresholds that enable to define an optimal frequency of temporary grasslands in order to maintain a level of soil quality that minimizes the negative impacts on soil functioning. Hence, providing a decision framework to target agricultural fields where temporary grasslands should be promoted or could be reduced with less impact.

How to cite: Guillaume, T., Sinaj, S., Bragazza, L., and Carlen, C.: Is there an optimal frequency of temporary grasslands in crop rotation to maintain SOM at a level sustaining agricultural soil quality?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10560,, 2025.

Understanding the intricate connections between soil organic matter (SOM), microbial communities, and land-use practices is critical for safeguarding soil health and mitigating global climate change. SOM biogeography, which examines the distribution and characteristics of SOM across diverse landscapes, offers vital insights into the relationships between SOM fractions and the microbial and mesofauna communities that underpin soil functionality.

With the recognition that soil carbon storage can significantly influence global warming through positive feedback loops, enhancing our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms linking SOM pools to ecosystem biological functions is paramount. This knowledge is essential to preserving ecological goods and services, including soil productivity and carbon storage.

Microbial biodiversity lies at the heart of soil fertility and carbon sequestration, yet the factors shaping soil biodiversity over broad spatial scales remain inadequately explored. Simultaneously, land-use changes have increasingly compromised soil health and SOM levels, adversely affecting natural ecosystems and agroecosystems alike. Given the pivotal role of soil microorganisms in carbon cycle regulation, this study sought to unravel the complex interactions between land-use practices and pedo-climatic factors driving soil biodiversity.

Through an extensive survey, this research harmonized and integrated large datasets encompassing soil biodiversity, climate, and geomorphology. The resulting comprehensive analysis provides actionable insights into optimizing future land-use strategies.

The project revealed the spatial patterns of microbial richness and diversity in soils, identifying the primary drivers behind these patterns. Specifically, it examined the covariance between soil bacterial communities, fungal and mycorrhizal populations, soil functions (as reflected by enzyme activity), and the abundance of key functional genes involved in the soil carbon cycle. By linking these dynamics to SOM fractions, land-use practices, and pedo-climatic factors, the study offers a robust framework for advancing sustainable land management and soil conservation practices.

How to cite: Comeau, L.-P. and Heung, B.: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay Between Soil Carbon Stocks, Microbial Communities, and Land-Use Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14464,, 2025.

EGU25-17221 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Effect of Residue Application Methods and Long-Term No-Tillage Management on Residue Decomposition and Priming Effect in Japanese Andosol: Evidence from a Field Incubation Experiment 

Daniel Asiamah Aboagye, Han Lyu, Hideaki Yasuno, Masakazu Komatsuzaki, Haruo Tanaka, and Soh Sugihara


Recent studies observed that long-term no-tillage (NT) management enhanced soil carbon stock in Japanese Andosols. However, limited quantitative data about residue decomposition characteristics under NT hinder a full understanding of its mechanisms. To address this, we conducted a field incubation study to examine how different residue application methods, related to tillage management, affect residue decomposition and priming effect in Japanese Andosol. Using PVC cylinders (0-15 cm), we collected undisturbed soils from NT plots, while we also collected disturbed soils from conventional tillage (CT) plots at a long-term experiment site (Ibaraki, Japan). We applied 13C-labelled residue (Ryegrass, C:N=25.8, 13C=7 atm%) at a rate of 2 kg C m-2 under three treatments: (1) surface application on NT soil (NTSA), (2) mixing residue with CT soil (CTMIX), and (3) surface application on disturbed CT soil (CTSA), with two controls (NTCK and CTCK) (n=4). We monitored the flux of soil- and residue-derived CO2 for three month incubation period, including the priming effect, and measured the microbial biomass carbon (MBC). The total C content at the 0–5 cm depth was significantly higher in NT soil (64 g kg-1) compared to CT soil (45 g kg-1), while the bulk density was slightly greater in CT soil (0.78 g cm-³) than in NT soil (0.72 g cm-³) at the same depth. Cumulative residue C mineralization in surface residue treatments, such as NTSA (92 g C m-²) and CTSA (88 g C m-²), were clearly larger than in CTMIX (44 g C m-²) after three months. This suggests different physical protection and accessibility of surface residue particles under NT or CT, as mixing residues into the soil enhances adsorption to mineral surfaces under CT, reducing microbial decomposition, and probably promoting aggregation, which decreases the residue decomposition physically. Cumulative soil C mineralization was also enhanced in soils treated with labelled residue compared to control soils, reflecting positive priming effect. The priming effect was greatest in CTSA (120 g C m-²), followed by NTSA (83 g C m-²), with the lowest priming effect observed in CTMIX (32 g C m-²) after three month. The results of one month of incubation showed that relative changes in MBC with respect to each control soil was negative in NTSA (-13%), while it was positive in CTSA (33%) at 0–2.5 cm depth. This implies that MBC in NTSA was more stable to residue application compared with CTSA contributing to its lower priming effect. Less changes in MBC observed in CTMIX (9%) than CTSA may be due to dilution of carbon inputs by the mixing effect, which also contributed to lower priming effects. In summary, surface residue application enhanced the residue mineralisation with larger priming effect, compared to mixing residue application, for three month in Japanese Andosols.

How to cite: Asiamah Aboagye, D., Lyu, H., Yasuno, H., Komatsuzaki, M., Tanaka, H., and Sugihara, S.: Effect of Residue Application Methods and Long-Term No-Tillage Management on Residue Decomposition and Priming Effect in Japanese Andosol: Evidence from a Field Incubation Experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17221,, 2025.

EGU25-17610 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.10

Land use change affects on subsoil organic matter in a steppe soil 

Zoltán Dévény, Zoltán Szalai, Máté Karlik, and Gergely Jakab

Climate change-induced extreme weather poses significant challenges. Enhancing soil organic matter (SOM) can help mitigate its effects by sequestering carbon and increasing soil resilience. Large carbon losses from land-use changes highlight the potential for carbon replenishment through restoration practices. Despite its lower concentration, subsoil carbon is more stable and has a larger pool than that in the topsoil, offering untapped opportunities against climate change. However, the dynamics of subsoil SOM after reducing or stopping cultivation are not yet well understood. This research aims to fill this gap. Three land-use types are studied on steppe soil: ancient grassland (AG), arable land abandoned 12 years ago (AAL), and arable land (AL). The changes in SOM are investigated across three soil horizons: A (0–30 cm), AC (30–60 cm), and C (> 60 cm). Two organic carbon (OC) pools are examined: i.) carbon bound to the fine fraction (stable pool) < 63 μm; ii.) carbon stored within aggregates (labile pool) > 63 μm. OC content is determined by the difference between total carbon (TC) and inorganic carbon (IC). TC and IC were measured by Dumas principle-based Vario Macrocube CHNS elemental analyzer and a TOC-L analyzer equipped with an SSM-5000A, respectively. The SOM composition was estimated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy (Vertex 70) in DRIFT mode with an RT-DLaTGS detector (Bruker, USA). Overall, due to tillage intensity reduction, SOM increases in the topsoil and decreases in the subsoil, and its composition varies significantly among horizons and pools. The OC content under AAL increased 12 years after abandonment in the A horizon, mainly via the labile pool. In the AC and C horizons, the higher OC content under AL indicates SOM transport to the subsoil, a phenomenon . Cultivation has caused OC increase in both pools of the AC horizon, with a greater degree for the stable pool. Following abandonment, the OC stored in the labile pool of the AC horizon decreased to levels comparable to AG, whereas the decline in OC stored in the stable pool has not yet reached AG levels. In the C horizon, the reverse is true. Cultivation reduced the variance of most investigated properties in all horizons. The highest C/N and variance were observed under AAL, suggesting spatially uneven decomposition due to fresh OM inputs and that a new equilibrium has not been established yet. The lowest C/N was under AL, indicating a higher role of necromass in SOM there. Aromaticity was the highest in the AC horizon across all land uses compared to the A and C horizons. In terms of land use, aromaticity was greatest under AAL.
The authors are grateful to the SediLab staff. The study was supported by the eköp-kdp-24 university excellence scholarship program cooperative doctoral program of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund via ELTE/15573/1(2024).

How to cite: Dévény, Z., Szalai, Z., Karlik, M., and Jakab, G.: Land use change affects on subsoil organic matter in a steppe soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17610,, 2025.

The EJP SOIL program lasted for five years and yielded significant contributions addressing the challenges of sustainable and climate-smart soil management in Europe. Through a combination of surveys, reviews, and experimental research, it provides critical insights into the six Expected Impacts (EIs) of the program, including fostering sustainable soil management, understanding carbon sequestration, and promoting stakeholder adoption of best practices. The findings highlight the importance of harmonized soil data systems, cooperative research, and region-specific approaches to address fertilization and soil health challenges effectively. These contributions align with European Union goals, such as the Green Deal and the Soil Monitoring Law, offering actionable pathways to enhance the resilience and sustainability of Europe’s agricultural soils.
A key resource with further material for driving these efforts is displayed in the EJP SOIL Knowledge Sharing Platform which serves as a hub for collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and practitioners. In this presentation we will highlight outcomes concerning (1) the impact of land management on soil structure, (2) the chemical and biological responses of SOM to above-ground practices, (3) changes in SOC content under different agricultural practices, (4) the effect of crop diversification on soil quality, and (5) studies analysing the response of soil microbial communities to agricultural management. As the synthesis and publication of EJP SOIL outputs continues, the lessons and innovations presented will provide a foundation for future research, policy-making, and practice. All together this will help ensure that Europe’s soils are managed sustainably to meet the challenges of a changing climate and growing food demands.

How to cite: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.: Synthesis of exemplary EJP SOIL results on climate-smart sustainable soil management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17715,, 2025.

EGU25-17812 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Investigating Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Long-Term Lysimeter Systems 

Andi Lahi and Martin Maier

The balance between soil organic carbon (SOC) input and mineralization is fundamental to understanding the potential of agricultural soils as carbon sinks. Isotopic signatures (δ13C, δ15N) are effective tools for investigating carbon turnover, particularly when distinct differences exist between SOC fractions or inputs and outputs, such as those between C3 and C4 plant-derived carbon. This study utilizes long-term data from a large field lysimeter system to explore SOC dynamics in loess and sandy soils. Established in 1980, the lysimeter station includes large lysimeters (3 m in diameter) with loess and sandy soils. For the four loess lysimeters, SOC-free, CaCO3-containing loess sediments were used. In the three sandy lysimeters, the top 30 cm of soil was mixed with peat, incorporating 3.5% organic material by volume. Maize, a C4 plant, was cultivated in all lysimeters until 2024, with complete removal of above-ground biomass after harvest. Soil samples from 1980, 1995, and 1998 provide a timeline to track SOC changes. In 2024, soil sampling was conducted at three depths (0–30 cm, 30–60 cm, and 60–90 cm) using Göttinger Bohrstock probes, with five subsamples per depth composited into a mixed sample. Samples were dried, sieved, and analyzed for C and N content, as well as δ13C and δ15N, following carbonate removal. The lysimeters also recorded water leachate volumes, revealing significant differences in groundwater seepage rates between loess and sandy soils. Preliminary results indicate that loess lysimeters show SOC accumulation, while sandy lysimeters exhibit a net loss of SOC, likely due to peat mineralization. Leachate from loess lysimeters was free of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), whereas leachate from sandy lysimeters consistently showed a brownish color and substantial DOC content. Isotopic analysis enables the partitioning of SOC sources and provides estimates of peat loss.In 2024, Silphium perfoliatum was planted in half of the lysimeters to assess its influence on SOC accrual and isotopic dynamics.

How to cite: Lahi, A. and Maier, M.: Investigating Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Long-Term Lysimeter Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17812,, 2025.

EGU25-17969 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Impact of Intercropping on Microbial Dynamics and Functionality in Bulk Soil and Rhizosphere 

María José Carpio Espinosa, Christian Poll, Ellen Kandeler, Iria Benavente-Ferraces, Juan Carlos García-Gil, and César Plaza

As a result of the impacts of global warming and anthropogenic activities, agroecosystems are currently experiencing an unprecedented crisis of soil degradation, characterized by nutrient depletion, biodiversity loss, and decline of their services. Intercropping, practiced for thousands of years in agriculture, has recently emerged as a promising strategy to traditional farming methods to enhance soil health and productivity. However, the effects of intercropping on soil microbial ecology remain underexplored. This study assessed soil enzymatic activities, microbial biomass C and N, and microbial community’s composition (determined by PLFAs analyses) in bulk soil and rhizosphere from a randomized field experiment in semiarid central Spain established in 2022. The treatments included monocropping of alfalfa, monocropping of barley, and alfalfa-barley intercropping. Soil samples were collected in May 2023, one month before harvest, at the peak of microbial activity.

The results revealed distinct patterns in soil microbial dynamics depending on the cropping system. Enzyme activities in the rhizosphere were significantly higher under alfalfa monocropping, likely due to enhanced microbial diversity and availability of root-derived exudates metabolites, while they were lower under barley monocropping, reflecting a higher nutrient demand or a lower substrate availability that stimulate the synthesis of those enzymes. In intercropping, C-cycling enzymes (β-glucosidase and cellulose) were mainly influenced by barley while N-cycling enzyme (leucine aminopeptidase) was by alfalfa, and P-cycling enzyme (acid phosphatase) showed intermediate activity, indicating balanced contributions from both crops. In bulk soil, enzymatic activities exhibited minimal differences across treatments. For all treatments, microbial biomass C and N were consistently higher in the rhizosphere compared to bulk soil, emphasizing the influence of root exudates in stimulating microbial growth and activity. The intercropping system showed the highest microbial biomass values within each soil compartment, suggesting an enhanced biological activity and nutrient cycling efficiency. Regarding microbial composition, mycorrhizal abundance peaked under intercropping in both the bulk soil and rhizosphere, highlighting the synergistic effect of the crop mixture on mycorrhizal communities. Fungal abundance also increased under intercropping but only in the rhizosphere. Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were most abundant in the rhizosphere under alfalfa monocropping, while in bulk soil, their levels showed no significant differences across treatments.

The alfalfa-barley intercropping system demonstrated strong potential to enhance soil microbial communities’ composition, particularly mycorrhizal associations, which are essential for nutrient cycling and soil functionality. Intercropping fosters beneficial plant-microbe interactions, especially in the rhizosphere, where microbial activity is most dynamic. These findings highlight intercropping as a sustainable agricultural practice that optimizes soil microbial processes and supports soil ecosystem services. Future studies should investigate the mechanisms driving these responses and the long-term sustainability of intercropping in diverse agroecological contexts.

Acknowledgments: This research was supported by the LEGUMINOSE project (grant ref. 101082289). M.J.C thanks to MINECO for her “Juan de la Cierva-Formación” postdoctoral contract.

How to cite: Carpio Espinosa, M. J., Poll, C., Kandeler, E., Benavente-Ferraces, I., García-Gil, J. C., and Plaza, C.: Impact of Intercropping on Microbial Dynamics and Functionality in Bulk Soil and Rhizosphere, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17969,, 2025.

EGU25-18039 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

The functional diversity of microbial communities in Icelandic organic soils and its impact on carbon dynamics 

Róbert Ívar Arnarsson, Susanne Claudia Möckel, Snædís Huld Björnsdóttir, and Egill Erlendsson

Andosols have the potential to store more organic carbon than any other mineral soil group. In Iceland, agricultural land commonly resides on drained peatlands which comprise of Histosols, Histic Andosols and Gleyic Andosols. The physical properties of these soils depend heavily on land-use regimes which in turn can affect the microbial life within. Bacteria and fungi are primarily responsible for processing deposited organic material into a more stable form and are also important for many other soil processes such as aggregate formation. Stressful environments can select for a more resilient microbial community at the cost of the carbon sequestration potential. For example, responses to stressful events such as droughts may select for organisms which excel in tolerance to desiccation by increasing osmolyte production at the cost of biomass production. Recalcitrant biomass may be more favourable for carbon sequestration than the maintenance-focused resource allocation. The functional traits of microbial communities can have significant impact on the carbon sequestration potential in soils. This may be of significance for agricultural land in Iceland as it often is located on drained peatlands, has rich carbon stocks, and is heavily influenced by anthropogenic activities. In this study, first of its kind for Icelandic agricultural land, we investigate the possible effects of the soil microbiome on soil carbon dynamics, and we ask what the patterns of functional diversity are at varying soil conditions. To evaluate the interplay between functional groups, land-use regimes and environmental conditions, we determine physicochemical properties of agricultural soils in Iceland, such as C and N content, C/N ratios, pH and dry bulk density. Furthermore, we determine the functional grouping of each microbial community through metagenomic analysis.

How to cite: Arnarsson, R. Í., Möckel, S. C., Björnsdóttir, S. H., and Erlendsson, E.: The functional diversity of microbial communities in Icelandic organic soils and its impact on carbon dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18039,, 2025.

EGU25-18800 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Decomposition and stabilization of organic C in soils of different cultivation systems  

Tonje Aurland Storholt, Peter Dörsch, Isabell Eischeid, Alice Budai, and Daniel Rasse

Decomposition and stabilization of organic C in soils of different cultivation systems

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component of the global carbon stock, and supports functions related to soil health. It is therefore of great importance that we invest in new methodologies and research on increasing SOC stocks globally. On a farm-level, conservation agriculture aims to manage SOC content by, for example, using cover crops, crop rotations or minimal tillage.  

The aim of our study is to investigate the C sequestration potential of different farming systems as well as their efficiency at stabilizing C from plant residue inputs. To do so, we incubated using 13C labeled plant material in field plots under contrasting long-term management histories. The incorporation of 13C into mineral associated organic matter (MAOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) was determined by physical size fractionation followed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Furthermore, the microbial carbon use efficiency was investigated with stable isotope probing using 18O-H2O.

The 13C labeled plant material was incubated in situ with soil using litter bags for one growing season, at the long-term experiment (LTE) of NIBIO Apelsvoll. The LTE was established in 1989, with four treatments included in this study. These treatments are a long-term and a short-term conservation agriculture system, as well as conventional crop production and a forage production system. The treatments are replicated “mini-farms”, with 4-year crop rotations and different management strategies.

Preliminary results show that the forage production system has the highest soil C content at 3%, which is significantly higher than in the other systems. Additionally, there are significant differences in the weight fractions of MAOM and POM between systems. Carbon and isotopic analyses of these fractions will be presented and discussed.

How to cite: Storholt, T. A., Dörsch, P., Eischeid, I., Budai, A., and Rasse, D.: Decomposition and stabilization of organic C in soils of different cultivation systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18800,, 2025.

EGU25-18965 | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Linking Biogeochemical Processes and Ecosystem Health in Restored Marshes of the Doñana National Park 

Heike Knicker, Inés Aguilar-Romero, César Borja Barrera, Fernando Díaz del Olmo, and Francisco Jesús Moreno Racero

Coastal marshes play a crucial role in global carbon (C) cycles as net C sinks, making them valuable for offsetting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions through C stock preservation or wetland restoration. However, the capacity of restored marshes to sequester organic C often falls below expectations, even decades post-restoration. This discrepancy highlights gaps in our understanding of biogeochemical processes that influence soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and C sequestration potential. Specifically, the quality and molecular composition of SOM and its interaction with microbial communities remain underexplored. This study investigates the chemical composition of SOM and its relationship with biogeochemical processes and biome composition in marshes within the Doñana National Park, a globally significant biodiversity hotspot in Andalusia, Spain. The park has historically undergone significant human-driven transformations, necessitating large-scale restoration efforts.

Our research focuses on three representative sites within the Doñana. The first site, “Marisma Gallega” (MG), is a high marsh that remains in its natural state, having never been cultivated. The second site, the “Finca de Caracoles” (FC), is undergoing active restoration and includes two distinct zones: a northern zone (FCN) with a lower degree of restoration due to a shorter time since cultivation ceased, and a southern zone (FCS) that has been uncultivated for a longer period. The third site is a fully transformed paddy soil (PS) currently used for rice cultivation. Soil samples were collected from each site at three depths (0–10; 10–20; and 20–30 cm) to analyze soil organic carbon (SOC), soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and other key nutrients. Microbial activity was assessed through soil respiration (MicroResp technique), whereas microbial diversity and abundance were evaluated using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and metagenomic shotgun sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Bioinformatic analyses provided insights into microbial richness, alpha diversity indices, and the relative abundance of different microbial communities.

Our results indicate that MG and both FC zones exhibited higher SOC, SOM, TN, and TP contents compared to PS, suggesting higher C accumulation and improved SOM quality in the restoration sites, with values not significantly differing from MG. However, MG and both FC zones displayed lower concentrations of available P and NO₃⁻ relative to PS. These findings can be attributed to the conditions in degraded wetlands like PS, which disrupt N and P storage and cycling, promoting the mineralization of organic nutrients, such as organic N, and its transformation to NO₃⁻. Microbiological analyses revealed higher microbial respiration rates and greater fungal and bacterial biomass in MG and FC compared to PS, along with shifts in microbial community composition. These variations were influenced by the degree of naturalization and restoration. Accumulated organic C, combined with aerobic conditions, likely supports microbial growth, thereby accelerating microbial respiration.

By characterizing SOM properties and linking them to microbial and biogeochemical processes, this study provides insights into how restoration and land-use change impact C storage and ecosystem services in marshes. The findings will inform future restoration strategies and improve the monitoring of these ecosystems’ health and functionality.

How to cite: Knicker, H., Aguilar-Romero, I., Borja Barrera, C., Díaz del Olmo, F., and Moreno Racero, F. J.: Linking Biogeochemical Processes and Ecosystem Health in Restored Marshes of the Doñana National Park, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18965,, 2025.

Grasslands and forests play an important role in the global carbon cycle and management intensity in grassland and forests influences the uptake and storage of carbon. Organic carbon stock changes in grasslands and forests depend not only on the management intensity but also on the site on which they grow. However, long term studies in real world ecosystems and along land use gradients in forests and grasslands are rare. Therefore, it is unclear how management intensity and site conditions and the interaction between the two influence soil organic carbon stock changes on the long term. Since 2011, we have been studying the mineral soil organic carbon stocks in topsoils of 150 forests and 150 grasslands in 3 German regions (Schorfheide-Chorin, Hainich-Dün and Swabian Alb). In 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021 and 2023, the organic layer (only forests) and the topsoil (0-10 cm) were sampled at 14 sampling points per plot with a split tube corer (diameter 5 cm) and a representative composite soil sample was prepared for each the 300 plots. The silvicultural management intensity index (SMI) introduced by Schall and Ammer (2013) and the land use intensity index (LUI) introduced by Blüthgen et al. (2012) are used to quantify forest and grassland management intensity, respectively, at all plots. Linear mixed effects models showed that organic carbon stock change after 12 years in 0-10 cm varied between ‑18 g C m-2 and 61 g C m-2 year-1 in grasslands and ‑20 g C m-2 and 50 g C m-2 year-1in forests. First results indicate that the magnitude of organic carbon stock change is related to management intensity and soil properties. Further statistical analyses will be carried out using the respective management indices for grassland and forest to study this. On average, we find a significant increase of organic carbon stocks (+23 g C m-2) at our experimental sites. This suggests that global change might offset some of the management and site effects in forests and grasslands with CO2 fertilization being one potential driver.

How to cite: Schöning, I. and Schrumpf, M.: Twelve years of soil monitoring in forests and grasslands to study changes in organic carbon stocks in topsoils under control of management intensity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19973,, 2025.

EGU25-20255 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.10

Harnessing pyrolysis conditions as a tool to enhance urban waste biochar on soil microbial dynamics 

Iria Benavente-Ferraces, Ana M. Méndez, María José Carpio Espinosa, César Plaza, and Gabriel Gascó

Urban waste management remains a global challenge, with a significant portion landfilled or dumped, exacerbating environmental issues. Converting organic waste into biochar offers a sustainable solution, particularly in regions with limited waste infrastructure. Biochar application can improve composition, enhance carbon retention, and influence microbial activity, especially in degraded soils. This study evaluates the effects of biochar derived from urban waste under varying pyrolysis conditions (temperature and residence time) on the biochemical properties of a semiarid soil. Soils amended with biochar and control soils were incubated for 8 months, with periodic measurements of CO₂ emissions. After incubation, total organic C and microbial biomass C were analyzed. Results revealed that pyrolysis temperature is the primary factor influencing the role of biochar in microbial activity, while residence time plays a significant role only at lower temperatures. These findings underscore the importance of optimizing biochar production to improve soil quality through C sequestration and mitigate environmental challenges linked to urban waste management.

How to cite: Benavente-Ferraces, I., Méndez, A. M., Carpio Espinosa, M. J., Plaza, C., and Gascó, G.: Harnessing pyrolysis conditions as a tool to enhance urban waste biochar on soil microbial dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20255,, 2025.

EGU25-20728 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.10

Linking thermal stability and organic chemistry with surface soil organic matter stability-A study across ecozones 

Moazame Mesgar, Adam Gillespie, Ed Gregorich, Mike Beare, Amanda Diochon, Craig Drury, Omid Haeriardakani, Banjamin Ellert, and henry Janzen

Understanding soil organic carbon (SOC) stability is crucial given its influence on nutrient cycling and C storage. The biological and chemical properties of SOC offer valuable insights into its persistence and C retention capacity, and understanding these properties can help evaluate sustainable land management practices. In this study, we link thermal stability and chemical properties of SOC to its biodegradability using 108 soil samples collected from diverse ecological zones in Canada, New Zealand, and Scotland. We used Rock-Eval (RE) pyrolysis for thermal analysis to assess thermal stability (T50), conducted a 98-day incubation study to evaluate the biological stability of SOC, and utilized X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy to determine the chemical characteristics of SOM. Our findings show a strong negative linear correlation between thermal stability, T50, and mineralized C in topsoil, which can be explained from an energetic perspective. The SOC characterized by stronger bonds, including organo-mineral associations or organic-organic bonds, requires more energy for breakdown. Higher thermal energy requirements reflect stronger soil organic matter (SOM) bonds, consequently leading to lower mineralization rates. Moreover, we observed a strong correlation between the Hydrogen Index (HI) derived from RE pyrolysis and mineralized C, affirming the validity of HI as a promising metric for assessing the labile pool of SOC.

Chemical functional groups identified using XANES spectroscopy, particularly alkyl-C and the alkyl/O-alkyl-C ratio, which signify the degree of decomposition, exhibited strong positive correlations with T50, highlighting their role in enhancing SOM thermal stability. In contrast, ketones and aromatic groups showed a strong negative correlation with T50. This inverse relationship could be attributed to ketones representing labile byproducts of microbial decomposition, which are less thermally stable. Similarly, the aromatic groups in this study, likely derived from lignin and tannins, may indicate early-stage decomposition products rather than highly condensed, recalcitrant aromatic compounds typically associated with stable SOM. This suggests that these functional groups are more indicative of labile SOM fractions in the studied soils. This research established a strong connection between thermal stability and the chemical and biological stability of surface SOM. It demonstrates the efficacy of RE thermal analysis as a potent tool across various landscape and ecological zones.

How to cite: Mesgar, M., Gillespie, A., Gregorich, E., Beare, M., Diochon, A., Drury, C., Haeriardakani, O., Ellert, B., and Janzen, H.: Linking thermal stability and organic chemistry with surface soil organic matter stability-A study across ecozones, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20728,, 2025.

EGU25-262 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Identifying the Spatial Drivers of Soil Carbon-Nitrogen Stoichiometry in Germany 

Pegah Khosravani, Ndiye Michael Kebonye, Majid Baghernejad, Ali Akbar Moosavi, Seyed Roohollah Mousavi, and Thomas Scholten

The carbon to nitrogen (C: N) ratio is essential for regulating soil nutrient content balance, directly influencing crop yields and microbial activity. Spatially explicit monitoring of this ratio in temperate regions remains important to fully understand its benefits. Therefore, we sought to understand the influencing factors of the C: N and map its spatial variability at 250 m/pixel across Germany. We applied n = 1687 surface soils obtained from the 2015 Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey (LUCAS) database coupled with key environmental covariates, including soil, climatic, human-related, topographic, and remote sensing data. A cubist machine learning model was used to relate the C: N ratio with these environmental covariates. Our analysis revealed that pH, elevation, latitude, and silt were among the top four important covariates, accounting for 76.6 % of the total variance in the C: N ratio. The Cubist model demonstrated acceptable predictive capabilities, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 2.55 and a relatively low bias of 0.02. Our C: N prediction map indicated that the northwestern region of Germany exhibited high C: N ratio values ranging between 15 and 24. This range suggests conducive conditions that support soil microbial activity and greater nutrient availability. Furthermore, this region has high precipitation and NDVI values, corroborating our earlier point.  Our findings emphasize the importance of soil, topography, and human activity in influencing the C: N ratio in temperate regions like Germany. Thus, understanding their roles in soil stoichiometry is crucial for developing effective land management strategies to enhance soil health and agricultural productivity.

Keywords: Soil pH, Human Footprint, Nutrient Dynamics, Cubist Model, Climate Mitigation


How to cite: Khosravani, P., Kebonye, N. M., Baghernejad, M., Moosavi, A. A., Mousavi, S. R., and Scholten, T.: Identifying the Spatial Drivers of Soil Carbon-Nitrogen Stoichiometry in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-262,, 2025.

EGU25-2181 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Carbon under Canadian forests- why soils matter 

Sylvie Quideau, Charlotte Norris, Theresa Adesanya, Sophia Carodenuto, Amanda Diochon, Justine Karst, Jerome Laganiere, Vincent Poirier, and Myrna Simpson

Forests occupy about 40% of Canada, with managed forests totalling 225 million hectares. While Canadian forests have historically acted as an essential carbon sink for Canada, intensifying disturbances have drastically decreased the carbon sink provided by trees. However, most carbon is found belowground in Canadian forests, with forest floors and mineral soils containing more than three times the amount of carbon stored in trees. About 28,800 million tonnes of carbon are sequestered in mineral soils of Canadian forests alone, corresponding to 10% of stocks found in forest soils globally. Even slight variations in these extensive carbon stocks can have a profound impact not only on the carbon balance of Canadian forests but also on the global carbon cycle. Despite their importance, there is still great uncertainty about the mechanisms controlling soil carbon persistence in Canadian forests.

Our research project aims to address this major knowledge gap by quantifying soil carbon formation and persistence across the major forested ecozones of Canada. We have established a nationwide network of experimental sites to compare key soil types under different tree species representative of Canadian-managed forests. We will measure the decadal sensitivity of soil carbon to environmental shifts, including global change, harvesting and fire. We will clarify the linkages between carbon persistence and soil biodiversity. Overall, this research project will establish the foundational scientific knowledge required to improve current predictions of soil carbon response to environmental shifts in Canadian forests. This will, in turn, allow for a meaningful inclusion of forest soil carbon in Canadian climate policies, including global commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

How to cite: Quideau, S., Norris, C., Adesanya, T., Carodenuto, S., Diochon, A., Karst, J., Laganiere, J., Poirier, V., and Simpson, M.: Carbon under Canadian forests- why soils matter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2181,, 2025.

In soils, inositol hexaphosphate (phytate) is a recalcitrant form of organic phosphorus (OP), making it a critical component of phosphorus (P) cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding phytate turnover and the factors influencing it is therefore essential.  However, the lack of multiple stable P isotopes has hindered investigations of phytate dynamics under natural conditions over extended periods. To address this, we propose a novel technique for determining the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of inositol in phytate at a compound-specific level. For this purpose, phytate was extracted from soil, and purified via ion exchange chromatography, followed by dephosphorylation, derivatization, and analysis using GC-MS and GC-C-IRMS. Pure compounds were also analyzed to assess protocol efficiency, identify isotopic fractionations, and apply isotopic corrections due to derivatization. Phytate extracted from soil samples was identified using GC-MS chromatograms. Replicate analyses of the pure compounds showed that the protocol is highly reproducible. The proposed method was able to identify, quantify, and measure the δ13C values of inositol in phytateseparately from other sugar molecules such as glucose and fructose. The δ13C values showed high reproducibility, with values varying by less than 0.5‰, and with no detectable isotopic fractionation during sample preparation. The δ13C values of phytate in soil samples reflected the dominant vegetation type (C3 or C4) at the study site. This study introduces a novel approach to measuring the δ13C values of inositol in phytate from environmental samples, offering new opportunities for investigating and quantifying OP dynamics using stable carbon isotopes.

How to cite: Sarangi, V. and Spohn, M.: A novel GC-C-IRMS method for determining the carbon isotope composition of inositol hexaphosphate (phytate): A step towards unveiling soil organic phosphorus cycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3209,, 2025.

EGU25-3212 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Enhancing plant-derived carbon is key to building stabilized soil organic carbon with perennial crops 

Yiwei Shang, Zhi Liang, Diego Abalos, and Jørgen Olesen

Plant- and microbial derived carbon (C) are the main components of soil organic carbon (SOC), however, their relative contributions to soil fractions with different stability remain uncertain. Particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral associated organic carbon (MAOC) are considered to have different formation mechanisms and different stabilities. Here, we compared two perennial cropping systems (festulolium and grass-clover) with an annual cropping system (maize), to investigate their effects on soil POC and MAOC, and quantify the contribution of plant- and microbial derived C to the two C fractions.

The results showed that the two perennial crops had higher POC and MAOC than maize at 0–20 cm soil depth, with higher proportions of POC in SOC. Microbial necromass was linked to the perennials’ higher POC, as festulolium and grass-clover showed higher fungal and bacterial necromass in POC at 0–20 cm. In contrast, maize showed significantly higher microbial necromass C in MAOC than festulolium and grass-clover. Total microbial necromass C accounted for only 30% of POC and 31% of MAOC across all systems, suggesting that plant-derived C could dominate these two C pools. However, no statistical differences were detected in the lignin phenols content in POC and MAOC at 0–20 cm. Our results challenge the conventional assumption that necromass C dominates MAOC, highlighting the significance of plant-derived C in POC and MAOC, which could have a greater influence on soil C sequestration than previously thought.

How to cite: Shang, Y., Liang, Z., Abalos, D., and Olesen, J.: Enhancing plant-derived carbon is key to building stabilized soil organic carbon with perennial crops, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3212,, 2025.

EGU25-3348 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Monitoring spatial dynamics of phosphorus use efficiency in cropped fields 

Kabindra Adhikari, Douglas R. Smith, and Chad Hajda

Nutrient loss from cropped fields, especially phosphorus (P) loss, is a major environmental concern due to its negative impacts downstream. Phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) is an important metric in evaluating crop response to P-fertilizer applications and improving P runoff loss from cropped fields. The objective of this study is to demonstrate the development of PUE assessments from cropped fields and apply those metrics to provide geospatially explicit PUE across the fields. The work was conducted at a research farm near Riesel, Texas, USA, where the fields are managed with various levels of agronomic conservation adoption. Precision agricultural technologies are used to record planting, fertilizing, and harvesting (total yield and grain quality), and soil spatial variability assessment. Five sampling points were located in each field where intensive soil and crop measurements were recorded. Grain yield and quality data from the harvesting combine were compared to ground-truthed data from the sampling points in each field to determine crop P removal in grain. These data were then used to predict and map the PUE across the fields using a machine-learning technique. This study showcased an efficient way of monitoring the spatial aspects of PUE in agricultural fields that may improve fertility strategies, thereby leading to improved farm profitability and less P runoff from cropped fields.

How to cite: Adhikari, K., Smith, D. R., and Hajda, C.: Monitoring spatial dynamics of phosphorus use efficiency in cropped fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3348,, 2025.

EGU25-3854 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Combining microbial modeling and soil structure dynamics for an improved understanding of soil organic carbon and nitrogen turnover 

Nadja Ray, Maximilian Rötzer, Alexander Prechtel, Eva Lehndorff, and Andrea Scheibe

Soil organic matter (SOM) turnover plays a major role in the global carbon cycle, but also influences soil health and fertility. Accurate modeling of SOM dynamics requires a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected biological and physical processes occurring at small spatial scales. The availability of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) resources governs microbial growth, while microbial dynamics, in turn, affect the distribution of C and N within soils. The stabilization of microbial necromass within soil aggregates or its association with mineral surfaces and the role of living and decaying roots as sources of carbon require closer attention to evaluate their role for soil aggregation. This aggregation process in turn impacts the degradation of (potentially occluded) organic matter. We present a mechanistic model at the pore scale, which includes a microbial model that takes into account the turnover and C/N ratios of different organic matter sources. It is combined it with a cellular automaton model for simulating dynamic soil structural reorganization. The disturbance of soils following the input of organic matter of different quality, i.e. with distinct decomposition rates and/or C/N ratios is examined and compared for bulk soil and rhizosphere environments to assess their effect on soil organi carbon and nutrient storage capacity. We further elucidate the spatial and temporal dynamics of carbon use efficiency (CUE). In summary, our approach provides valuable insights into the complex processes that govern soil carbon cycling.

How to cite: Ray, N., Rötzer, M., Prechtel, A., Lehndorff, E., and Scheibe, A.: Combining microbial modeling and soil structure dynamics for an improved understanding of soil organic carbon and nitrogen turnover, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3854,, 2025.

EGU25-4587 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

A method to determine the carbon isotope ratio of soil organic phosphorus 

Ye Tian and Marie Spohn

Despite the importance of soil organic phosphorus (OP) for plant nutrition, its dynamics in ecosystems remain elusive due to the lack of multiple stable P isotopes. Here, we developed a method that isolates the soil OP pool to measure its carbon isotope signature. To develop the method, we, first, tested three extractants (0.5 M H2SO4, HCl, and NaOH), which are commonly used for soil OP extraction, to evaluate their capacity to preferentially extract OP. Next, we isolated OP from the extract by coprecipitation and adsorption, and for this purpose, we evaluated different pH treatments (ranging from pH 1.5 to 10), and iron- or aluminum hydroxide additions. Our results show that H2SO4 extracted the largest amount of soil OP, and these extracts had the lowest organic carbon-to-organic phosphorus (OC:OP) ratio compared to HCl and NaOH extracts. The pH adjustments of the extracts to pH 4 – 7.5 removed ≥ 95% of the extracted OP from the solution. The molar OC:OP ratio of the precipitates was the lowest (11 – 16) at pH 7.5, showing a strong preferential OP removal due to the pH alteration of the extracts. Metal hydroxide addition (combined with pH treatment) did not further improve the preferential OP precipitation. Finally, we determined the carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) of the isolated OP pool. Overall, the method developed here provides a simple and effective approach to determine the carbon isotope ratio of the soil OP pool, which opens new avenues to study soil OP dynamics.

How to cite: Tian, Y. and Spohn, M.: A method to determine the carbon isotope ratio of soil organic phosphorus, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4587,, 2025.

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key player in global carbon cycling and has primary effects on soil quality and functioning. There is a general interest in modeling SOC content and understanding the factors controlling its accumulation and stability. The mid-IR spectra that provide fingerprints of soil chemical composition are well recognized in modeling and predicting SOC contents, which is generally done using different types of empirical multivariate analyses. This work suggests, for the first time, the decomposition of soil mid-IR spectra using nonnegative multivariate curve resolution (MCR) with an alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm [1]. The advantage of the nonnegative MCR-ALS decomposition is that it allows the expression of soil mid-IR absorbance in terms of contributions from chemically meaningful components, following the Beer-Lambert law. Hence, this combination of IR spectroscopy and the nonnegative MCR-ALS decomposition proposes a new analytical approach to decipher soil compositions and elucidate the components controlling soil functions. Potentially, the nonnegative MCR-ALS decomposition can identify chemically individual components or groups of constituents maintaining constant proportions in a series of samples. Based on this decomposition, a simple mechanistic model is developed to link the identified MCR-ALS components with their contribution to the whole SOC content [1]. This approach has been used to examine the SOC of soil samples collected in the north and south of Israel, from different depths and under different land uses. Four components including a carbonate-rich constituent and three others representing clay-organic matter associations were capable of quantitatively describing 99.7% of the variance of soil mid-IR spectra. SOC modeling using these four components suggested a SOC content threshold affecting modeling performance such that SOC content below 1.0 % w w-1 could be modeled with RMSD of 0.18% w w-1. The emergence of this threshold is currently related to mechanisms of how different SOC fractions become "mirrored" in mid-IR spectra. This threshold could be useful to distinguish between different types of SOC, i.e., those tending to tightly interact with mineral surfaces and those having weak connections with minerals, if at all. The perspectives in extending the whole approach for a wide range of SOC contents are also discussed.

[1] Borisover, M., Lado, M., & Levy, G. J. (2025). Modeling Soil Organic Carbon Content Using Mid-Infrared Absorbance Spectra and a Nonnegative MCR-ALS Analysis. Soil & Environmental Health, 3(1) 100123.

How to cite: Levy, G., Borisover, M., and Lado, M.: A new mechanistic approach to link soil chemical composition and organic carbon content: decomposing mid-IR spectra with multivariate curve resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4686,, 2025.

EGU25-5259 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Influence of Clay Mineralogy on Organic Matter Stabilization Potential 

Irina Mikajlo, Pierre Barré, François Baudin, Henri Robain, and Thomas Z. Lerch

Clay minerals are recognized for their capacity to protect organic matter (OM) from microbial degradation, thereby playing a significant role in soil carbon sequestration. However, recent studies have yielded conflicting results regarding the maximum saturation limit of mineral-associated organic carbon in agricultural soils, highlighting the need to better understand the underlying fine-scale processes.

This study aimed to investigate the maximum capacity of different clay minerals to stabilize OM and to evaluate the saturation limits of mineral surfaces. A controlled laboratory experiment was conducted using three clay types with distinct specific surface areas: kaolinite, montmorillonite, and sepiolite. Microcosms were prepared using a sand-clay mixture (80% sand, 20% clay) with increasing proportions of green waste compost (GWC) at 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, and 50%. Weekly CO₂ emissions were monitored over six months. At the conclusion of the incubation period, interactions between clay minerals and OM were examined via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Bacterial and fungal abundances were quantified using quantitative PCR (qPCR), and microbial catabolic activity was assessed with Biolog EcoPlates™. Furthermore, OM thermal stability was evaluated using Rock-Eval® pyrolysis, while biological stability was assessed through the temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration (Q10).

CO₂ emission data indicated the lowest release in treatments with sepiolite, followed by montmorillonite and kaolinite, with the highest emissions observed in control treatments without clay minerals. The extensive specific surface area of sepiolite significantly suppressed microbial activity. Stabilization effects of clay minerals on OM mineralization were measured at compost levels of up to 5%, 10%, and 25% for kaolinite, montmorillonite, and sepiolite, respectively, beyond which the saturation of mineral surfaces occurred.

SEM analysis demonstrated that OM persisted predominantly as particulate organic matter (POM) in the absence of clay minerals, while mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) was detected in treatments containing clay minerals. Microbial biomass and activity patterns closely aligned with CO₂ emission trends, indicating that clay minerals constrained microbial access to OM depending on clay type and saturation capacity. Rock-Eval® pyrolysis revealed lower hydrogen and oxygen indices in OM incubated with sepiolite and montmorillonite, suggesting enhanced thermal stability. These results were positively correlated with the increased biological stability, as reflected by Q10 values. This study underscores the pivotal role of clay minerals in stabilizing OM, with stabilization efficiencies and saturation thresholds varying significantly among clay mineral types.

How to cite: Mikajlo, I., Barré, P., Baudin, F., Robain, H., and Z. Lerch, T.: Influence of Clay Mineralogy on Organic Matter Stabilization Potential, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5259,, 2025.

EGU25-7250 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Depth-dependent changes in the amount and stability of newly formed mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils 

De Shorn Bramble, Ingo Schöning, Susanne Ulrich, Robert Mikutta, Klaus Kaiser, and Marion Schrumpf

The largest and most persistent portion of soil organic carbon (OC) is stored with mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM). Advancing our understanding of the processes and drivers involved in the formation and stabilization of MAOM  is thus key to improving predictions of the mitigation potential of soils and their response to global change. While it is known that MAOM content and stability change with soil depth, our mechanistic understanding of the factors driving these changes is still incomplete. We expected that mineral type, as a determinant of a soil’s OC sorption and stabilization capability, and vegetation cover, as a modifier of organic inputs into the soil, would shape depth patterns in the content and stability of MAOM. We exposed pristine goethite (iron oxide) or illite (phyllosilicate clay) for five years in 24 forests (15 deciduous and 9 coniferous) and 23 grasslands (14 on mineral soils and 9 on organic soils) in three regions across Germany. Minerals were placed at 5 cm and 30 cm depths at all 47 sites, and additionally at 0 cm depth (i.e., at the boundary between the organic surface layers and the mineral soil) at forest sites. After recovery, the OC content of the field-exposed minerals was determined by dry combustion and the composition of the newly formed MAOM was determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Stability of MAOM was indicated by the mineralizability of OM associated with the field-exposed mineral samples, by measuring the release of carbon dioxide per gram OC in laboratory incubations. Results show, on average, three times more MAOM formation in topsoils than subsoils at sites on mineral soils but we did not find any effect of depth at sites on organic soils. Changes in MAOM formation across depth reflected organic inputs from the overlying soil and were more substantial for coniferous forests than other vegetation covers, especially directly beneath the organic surface layer. We observed more substantial depth changes in MAOM content for goethite than illite. There was a consistent decrease in MAOM mineralizability (i.e., increase in stability) with soil depth for illite but not for goethite. Interestingly, the mineralizability of goethite-associated OM from forests was higher in subsoils than in topsoils. Mineralizability of MAOM was negatively correlated with the share of highly oxidized compounds (i.e., carboxylic/carbonyl C) across depth for goethite but not illite, suggesting different mechanisms underlie the depth-dependent changes in the stability of OM associated with the two minerals.  Overall, our study evidence that depth patterns in the amount and stability of MAOM in soils are shaped by mineral type and vegetation cover.  This insight can help guide process-oriented grouping of soils for improved prediction of soil OC content and stability across depth at larger scales.


How to cite: Bramble, D. S., Schöning, I., Ulrich, S., Mikutta, R., Kaiser, K., and Schrumpf, M.: Depth-dependent changes in the amount and stability of newly formed mineral-associated organic matter in temperate soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7250,, 2025.

EGU25-7490 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Soil genesis and mineralogy alter the stability and activity of hydrolytic enzymes 

Chaoqun Wang and Jean-Thomas Cornelis

Hydrolases are a main group of enzymes that catalyze soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition, thus influencing the fate of organic carbon and nutrient release rates in soils. The rate of enzyme-catalyzed processes depends on the pool size and lifespan of enzymes. Both are strongly affected by soil genesis and mineralogy, yet this remains poorly documented by experimental data. In this study, we added three pure enzymes (β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase, and leucine aminopeptidase) to three soil horizons from a podzolic chronosequence with contrasting pedogenic characteristics: BC horizon: mainly primary minerals; Ae: quartz and organic matter enriched; and Bf: organo-metallic complexes and iron oxide enriched. Although the addition of pure enzymes increased enzyme activities by 1.3–2.3 times, only 7–22% of enzymes remained active one day after their addition into soil, moreover the active portion of added enzymes dropped to 5–12% over one week. The decay of enzymes followed the first-order model with rates ranging from 0.047 to 0.104 day–1. The lack of enzyme stabilization processes in BC horizon mainly comprised of primary minerals with lower specific surface area and reactivity led to greater activity loss of acid phosphatase compared to horizons enriched with organic matter (Ae) and/or pedogenic iron subproducts (Bf). The adsorption of leucine aminopeptidase on the surface of iron oxides in Bf horizon decreased enzyme activity but prolonged the persistence of enzyme activity. However, the catalytic efficiency of enzymes adsorbed on the surface of iron oxides was lower than that of enzymes associated with organic matter (Ae) or existed in a free form (BC). Our findings highlight the need to (i) further investigate the relationship between enzyme activity and SOM decomposition rate, especially if soil minerals reduce enzyme catalytic efficiency, and (ii) carefully consider incorporating soil genesis into enzyme activity-based models to improve the predictions, for example, of SOM decomposition.

How to cite: Wang, C. and Cornelis, J.-T.: Soil genesis and mineralogy alter the stability and activity of hydrolytic enzymes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7490,, 2025.

EGU25-8014 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Does a shift in vegetation type in high-latitude soils enhance soil organic matter destabilization from mineral-organic associations by organic acid exudation? 

Rica Wegner, Lewis Sauerland, Merle Plassmann, Samuel Mwaniki Gaita, Sylvain Monteux, Eva Oburger, Robert Mikutta, and Birgit Wild

Soil organic matter bound to soil minerals contribute to long-term soil carbon and nutrient sequestration by protecting organic matter from rapid microbial decomposition. However, the binding between minerals and organic matter can be weakened by plant root exudates enhancing the potential for additional CO2 emissions. Root exudates contain low molecular weight organic acids that might promote carbon and nutrient release by stimulating microbial decomposition of soil organic matter (priming) or directly by weathering of soil minerals. The vulnerability of mineral-associated organic matter is particularly significant at higher latitudes where global warming is accelerating the thaw of carbon-rich permafrost soils and where changes in vegetation distribution due to warming can already be observed. Differences in root exudation among plant types and their effect on soil carbon and nutrient cycling remain however unknown. Here, we explore differences in root exudation between functionally different tundra plants to assess how the release of specifically organic acids contributes to soil organic matter destabilization in the Arctic. We analyzed total carbon, organic acids as well as other primary metabolites in root exudates from Betula glandulosa, Alnus viridis, and Eriophorum vaginatum with liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and showed that exudation rates differed significantly between B. glandulosa and E. vaginatum. Organic acids contributed less than 2% to total organic carbon exudation and measured exudation rates were much lower than typically simulated in laboratory incubations that test organic acid effects on soils. These observations question to what extent previous laboratory findings describe processes relevant in natural systems. Based on our observational data, we designed a soil incubation experiment comparing how priming and soil mineral destabilization by organic acids influence carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in the mineral-associated organic matter fraction (MAOM) and the intact bulk soil. Organic acid mixtures at two concentrations were compared: A commonly applied concentration corresponding to 1% of soil organic carbon (SOC) and a lower concentration representing seven days of observed organic acid exudation (0.001% of SOC). Preliminary data emphasize that the more realistic low acid treatment did not stimulate microbial CO2 production compared to the control without acid addition while in contrast the high acid treatment led to an overstimulation of microbial CO2 production of about 80-100%. We will connect these observations to data on CO2 sources and changes in soil nitrogen and phosphorus, to assess the impact of changes in vegetation distribution on mineral-bound organic matter in thawing permafrost soils.

How to cite: Wegner, R., Sauerland, L., Plassmann, M., Gaita, S. M., Monteux, S., Oburger, E., Mikutta, R., and Wild, B.: Does a shift in vegetation type in high-latitude soils enhance soil organic matter destabilization from mineral-organic associations by organic acid exudation?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8014,, 2025.

EGU25-9852 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Can Isotopic Maps Reveal Soil N2O Hotspots? 

Maria Matthiesen, Camilla Rasmussen, and Per Ambus

Soil N2O emissions are laborious and difficult to quantify and upscale to larger areas as they vary greatly in space and time. Nitrogen isotopes are gaining increasing attention in research as a potential tool for improving landscape-scale assessments of N2O emissions. This is because biochemical processes in the nitrogen (N) cycle discriminate against the heavier N isotope, 15N, resulting in distinct isotopic signatures in the product and residual substrate. Maps of the spatial distribution of isotopes, isoscapes, offer a promising approach for identifying spatial variability in N processes. However, integrating soil N isotopes into ecosystem models requires a better understanding of the drivers behind their spatial variation.

Moist depressions in crop fields are known to be N2O hotspots and thus represent key sites for exploring soil 15N patterns associated with N2O emissions. This study focused on the spatial patterns of soil N isotopes across two rolling fields in Zealand, Denmark. A total of 148 topsoil samples (0-10 cm) were collected along multiple topographic transects and analyzed for soil N and carbon content and isotopic composition, together with soil texture (at selected locations). Correlations between parameters were assessed using Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient.

Emitted N2O is expected to be depleted in 15N relative to its source substrate. Based on this, we hypothesized that soil N in N2O hotspots (moist depressions) would show higher 15N enrichment compared to adjacent soils, due to greater losses of 15N depleted N. Contrary to this hypothesis, the results showed a significant positive correlation between soil δ15N and elevation, with the lowest δ15N values observed in the depressions. This suggests that processes other than N2O emissions play an important role in shaping the isotopic patterns. The study revealed substantial spatial variability in soil δ15N (3.8-9.8‰) underscoring the importance of sample location in determining isotope fractionation patterns and highlighting the need for further investigation to refine the application of isoscapes.

How to cite: Matthiesen, M., Rasmussen, C., and Ambus, P.: Can Isotopic Maps Reveal Soil N2O Hotspots?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9852,, 2025.

EGU25-10346 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Development of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope abundances in afforested soil profiles of abandoned cropland over five decades  

Lasse Egebjerg Ravn, Ming Yu, Per Ambus, and Per Gundersen

Afforestation is used as a climate change mitigation measure and for reduction of nitrate losses to ground- and surface water. Temporal development of soil carbon (C) storage and nitrogen (N) retention since conversion from cropland to forest are not well understood. Stable isotope composition provides footprints of soil processes and can be utilized to give insight on soil C and N processing in a changing soil environment from cropland to forest. With this in mind, the present study investigates vertical and temporal development of soil δ13C and δ15N of the forest floor (FF) and underlying mineral soil profiles in an afforestation chronosequence. The chronosequence is confined to four oak forest stands established in 1970, 1977, 1988, and 2009 that have been sampled in 1998, 2011, and 2022 in the same plots resulting in an age span from forest age 2 to 52 years plus an additional pre-conversion cropland and a 200-year-old forest serving as an old growth reference. The samples used were collected in six soil depths including the FF to a maximum of 50 cm depth and were analyzed for C, N, and their stable isotope composition. Over time, the forest soil develops a natural stable isotope gradient with depth for both C and N. The cropland soil has the highest N content and exhibited a high and homogeneous δ15N through 40 cm soil depth (8.2 - 9.3 ‰). Despite a continuous C3 plant cover, a small decrease in δ13C from input plant residue can be distinguished after afforestation, resulting in a depleted FF compared to the cropland soil. 10 years after afforestation a soil δ13C and δ15N profile has developed with a depleted signal in the FF and the top 5 cm of the mineral soil. The depth gradients develop further over time towards the old growth reference. Both gradients develop as a result of a new isotopically depleted FF and following depletion of the top layers of the mineral soil due to mixing of new organic matter. From these footprints, an accumulation of new C in the mineral soil can be hypothesized despite another study having shown this specific forest’s mineral soil to be a C source to the atmosphere during the initial 40 years after afforestation. Additionally, a degree of C turnover is apparent from the steady state of the C isotope composition at the old growth reference where in most cases there is no significant difference in δ13C between sampling campaigns at either depth or between the three topsoil layers of the mineral soil at either campaign. Finally, only minimal amounts of N may have been lost via denitrification, as this process is typically associated with significant fractionations that would have resulted in soil δ15N enrichment, which is not observed in the top mineral soil. 

How to cite: Ravn, L. E., Yu, M., Ambus, P., and Gundersen, P.: Development of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope abundances in afforested soil profiles of abandoned cropland over five decades , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10346,, 2025.

EGU25-12414 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

How grazing impacts mineral association and stability of organic matter in oceanic alpine soils 

Nora Hua Ly Kok, Line Tau Strand, George Neil Furey, Jan Mulder, Gunnar Austrheim, James D. M. Speed, and Vegard Martinsen

Soil organic matter (SOM) contributes to a large number of ecosystem services and represents an important global carbon store. In grassland ecosystems, domestic grazing by large herbivores can alter organic carbon storage in soils greatly either directly (defoliation, trampling and defecation), or indirectly (change in plant species composition, quality of organic matter, nutrient cycling, soil temperature and moisture). Due to these changes and potential interactions, grazing may not only affect the amount of SOM but also its formation pathways, which both have implications for the distribution of particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM). Most studies conducted so far concern grasslands in temperate and continental regions of low to intermediate soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, but less is known for cold and moist regions with intrinsic high SOC levels.

Our study takes part in a unique long-term experiment in grasslands of the oceanic alpine region of Setesdal, Norway (elevation ~850-1050 m and annual precipitation 1170-1760 mm). The region has nutrient poor granitic parent material, deep, moist and acidic organic horizons and a long history of grazing. The distribution of SOC with respect to particulate - (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MOC), stability mechanisms and radiocarbon dating will be analysed in grazed (44-88, sheep/km2), short term non-grazed (23 years exclusion) and long term non-grazed fields (more than 60 years exclusion). Recent studies show that grazing induced shifts in plant species composition have led to low quality litter with low decomposition rate, while long term grazing-excluded fields have more nutrient rich vegetation. We hypothesise that grazing will increase overall SOC and relative POC content compared to long-term excluded fields where there will be an overall faster turnover and higher relative MOC content.

Here we present empirical results on the stocks and fractions of SOC that can inform how grazing impacts organic matter formation and stability in a cold, oceanic climate. More than 200 soil samples have been analysed for total C, N, texture, bulk density and pH, and a selection are currently being analysed for SOC fraction distribution (POC and MOC) and their 14C age. SOC stocks vary greatly (45 to 442 tonnes/ha) due to large variations in soil depth (9-37 cm) and soil type. Initial results suggest only small differences in total SOC stocks between the grazing treatments, and a lower MOC/POC ratio in the grazed areas. Preliminary results of 14C analysis indicate that although POM is considered a labile fraction of SOM, it can be preserved for hundreds of years due to climate-induced low decomposition rate. Investigating MAOM and POM in light of historic and current grazing pressure shows how land use and vegetation directs SOM formation pathways, and how this may affect carbon preservation in the long term.

How to cite: Kok, N. H. L., Tau Strand, L., Furey, G. N., Mulder, J., Austrheim, G., Speed, J. D. M., and Martinsen, V.: How grazing impacts mineral association and stability of organic matter in oceanic alpine soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12414,, 2025.

EGU25-12614 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Degradation of the organic carbon associated with Biogenic Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides by fermenting cultures enriched from Lake Constance 

Jennifer Lorenz, Laura Tenelanda-Osorio, Andreas Kappler, and Muammar Mansor

Biogenic iron (oxyhydr)oxides (BIOS) are iron–organic carbon (OC) coprecipitates formed by Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria that can be found in diverse terrestrial and aquatic environments, such as acid mine drainage, wetlands, and river systems. These biogenic iron minerals may contribute to effectively store OC as a “rusty sink”, where 21.5 ± 8.6% of the total OC is associated with iron minerals in sediments (Whitaker et al. 2021, Lalonde et al. 2012). The properties of BIOS (OC content, association via sorption or coprecipitation, surface area) are determined by the environmental conditions and the microorganisms they are formed by, influencing its effectiveness as a rusty sink. BIOS are rich in OC, which affects its physical properties (e.g. surface area, charge, reactivity) (Whitaker et al. 2021, Sowers et al. 2019). Thus, the bioavailability of the OC associated with BIOS (OCBIOS) might impact its properties as a carbon sink. Preliminary tests show that Fe(III)-reducing bacteria are not able to oxidize OCBIOS as the sole electron donor when coupling to Fe(III) reduction. However, in suboxic and anoxic environments, fermenters are known to play an important role in the degradation of OC and could therefore potentially use the OCBIOS.

Given the importance of BIOS as a carbon sink, we enriched a consortium of fermenting microorganisms from sediments of Lake Constance with different carbon sources (simple to recalcitrant) to test their ability to degrade OCBIOS. We measured gas emissions (CO2, CH4,H2), volatile fatty acid concentration, and DOC to follow the degradation of OC and the production of metabolites. Initial results indicated differential production of gases and organics depending on the amended carbon sources. We are determining the changes in the composition of the microbial community with 16S rRNA Illumina Sequencing. In the next step, we will test the ability of these fermentative enrichment cultures to degrade the OCBIOS of the photoferrotroph Rhodopseudomonas palustris TIE-1 (Jiao et al. 2005) and the nitrate-reducing Fe(II)-oxidizing culture KS (Straub et al. 1996).


Whitaker, A. H., Austin, R. E., Holden, K. L., Jones, J. L., Michel, F. M., Peak, D., Thompson, A., & Duckworth, O. W. (2021). The structure of natural biogenic iron (oxyhydr)oxides formed in circumneutral pH environments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 308, 237–255.

Lalonde, K., Mucci, A., Ouellet, A., & Gélinas, Y. (2012). Preservation of organic matter in sediments promoted by iron. Nature, 483(7388), 198–200.

Sowers, T. D., Holden, K. L., Coward, E. K., & Sparks, D. L. (2019). Dissolved Organic Matter Sorption and Molecular Fractionation by Naturally Occurring Bacteriogenic Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(8), 4295–4304.

Jiao, Y., Kappler, A., Croal, L. R., & Newman, D. K. (2005). Isolation and characterization of a genetically tractable photoautotrophic Fe(II)-oxidizing bacterium, Rhodopseudomonas palustris strain TIE-1. Applied and environmental microbiology, 71(8), 4487–4496.

Straub, K. L., Benz, M., Schink, B., & Widdel, F. (1996). Anaerobic, nitrate-dependent microbial oxidation of ferrous iron. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62(4), 1458–1460.

How to cite: Lorenz, J., Tenelanda-Osorio, L., Kappler, A., and Mansor, M.: Degradation of the organic carbon associated with Biogenic Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides by fermenting cultures enriched from Lake Constance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12614,, 2025.

EGU25-12751 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Effect of soil minerals on the production of extracellular polymeric substance by Bacilli subtilis 

Folasade K. Olagoke, Stefan Ratering, Sylvia Schnell, Jan Siemens, and Ines Mulder

Soil microbes produce extracellular enzymes that play a crucial role in organic matter degradation. However, the adsorption of these enzymes to clay mineral surfaces could impede the functioning of extracellular enzymes. Microbes are thought to counteract this adsorption of extracellular enzymes by producing more extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) under adverse conditions. This led to the hypothesis that enzyme adsorption to clay minerals could stimulate EPS production, potentially mitigating the negative effects of adsorption on enzyme activities.

To test this, we conducted a mini-incubation experiment with artificial sterile soil and Bacillus subtilis to investigate i) whether different clay minerals increase EPS production by B. subtilis and ii) whether increasing EPS contents preserve the activity of extracellular enzymes in the presence of clay minerals. Artificial soils were prepared (%/w) with sand (75%), silt (15%), and either an expandable clay mineral, montmorillonite (MT) or non- expandable, kaolinite (KL) clay (10%) and then sterilized using gamma radiation. We included a control treatment containing an additional 10% sand in place of clay minerals. The soil samples (20 g) were supplemented with LB-Lenox media (20 g/l) as a substrate, inoculated with B. subtilis, and incubated in three replicates for 3 days at 25 °C. CO2 production was monitored with GC measurements at 24-hour intervals. On day 3, soils were destructively sampled and analyzed for amylase enzyme activity and colony-forming units (CFU). EPS was extracted and quantified for protein and polysaccharide content. All procedures were carried out under sterile conditions, and data collected were normalized to the number of bacterial cells added to each treatment.

The results showed a significant (p < 0.05) higher level of EPS production (EPS-protein and EPS-polysaccharide) in the soil amended with MT compared to the control and KL-amended soil. There was no significant difference between the EPS production in control soil and KL-amended soil. Clay minerals did not significantly influence amylase activities (p < 0.05), contradicting previous reports of reduced enzyme activities due to mineral adsorption. However, there was a significant reduction in the CFU in soil with clay minerals compared to the control. This might be an indication of struggle for nutrient availability by B.subtillis and hence the need for EPS production. The observation of high EPS production in the presence of high MT content with no adsorption effects on enzyme activities may be due to a near-steady enzyme-mediated degradation of organic matter in the soil, which is crucial for C cycling. Future experiments should clarify the effect of clay minerals and bacterial EPS production on extracellular enzymes activities in other biogeochemical cycles like the N and P cycle.

How to cite: Olagoke, F. K., Ratering, S., Schnell, S., Siemens, J., and Mulder, I.: Effect of soil minerals on the production of extracellular polymeric substance by Bacilli subtilis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12751,, 2025.

EGU25-14043 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Radiocarbon evidence of the role of tree mycorrhizal type in modulating mean soil carbon age  

Shangshi Liu, Mark A. Bradford, and Elisabeth B. Ward

Tree mycorrhizal type is increasingly recognised as a key determinant of the quantity and quality of soil carbon stocks from local to global scales. However, direct evidence linking mycorrhizal associations to the age and persistence of soil carbon pools remains lacking. Here, we leverage radiocarbon (14C) analysis to investigate the mean age of particulate organic carbon (POC) and mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) fractions across temperate forests dominated by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) or ectomycorrhizal (EcM) tree species. Our findings reveal significant interactions between mycorrhizal type and soil depth: EcM-dominated soils exhibit younger carbon in the surface organic horizon (higher ∆14C) but older carbon in the deeper mineral horizons (lower ∆14C) compared to AM-dominated soils, in both the POC and MAOC fractions. These patterns suggest that EcM associations may suppress surface-layer decomposition, whereas AM-dominated systems promote recent root-derived carbon inputs at greater depths, creating a comparatively broader carbon age gradient under EcM trees. Moreover, carbon persistence mechanisms likely differ between fractions. Specifically, mean age of POC is mainly driven by substrate quality (e.g., C:N ratios), whereas mean carbon age of MAOC is closely tied to microbial processing, as indicated by δ15N enrichment. These findings provide novel insights into how mycorrhizal-mineral interactions can shape soil carbon storage and persistence and inform forest management strategies aimed at climate change mitigation.

How to cite: Liu, S., Bradford, M. A., and Ward, E. B.: Radiocarbon evidence of the role of tree mycorrhizal type in modulating mean soil carbon age , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14043,, 2025.

EGU25-16762 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Rapid assessment of post-fire soil health recovery using thermal and molecular analysis 

José A. González-Pérez, Gonzalo Correa, José María de la Rosa, Jorge Heriberto Lorenzo, Ana Z. Miller, and Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo

Wildfires, which impact millions of hectares globally each year, are among the most significant natural disturbances to terrestrial ecosystems [1]. Their effects on soil organic matter (SOM) and soil organic carbon (SOC)—critical indicators of soil health and ecosystem resilience [2,3]—are profound yet not fully understood. This study investigated the recovery of SOC and its molecular composition over a year following wildfires of varying severity (high, moderate, and low/moderate) in the Caldera de Taburiente National Park, La Palma, Spain. Using evolved gas analysis/mass spectrometry (EGA/MS) and thermogravimetry (TG), we analyzed quantitative and qualitative changes in SOM, focusing on the distribution of active and stable carbon pools across two soil depths (0–2 cm and 2–5 cm). The results revealed that high-severity fires caused substantial SOC losses, particularly in the topsoil layer (0–2 cm), with minimal recovery observed within one year. Moderate- and low/moderate-severity fires preserved a greater proportion of active carbon promoting faster and more consistent recovery patterns [4]. The subsurface layer (2–5 cm) showed greater resilience, exhibiting minimal SOM changes regardless of fire severity, likely due to its thermal insulation capacity. Molecular analyses by EGA/MS indicated that fire severity shaped SOC recovery dynamics and influenced the relative abundance of organic compound families, such as lipids, lignins, polysaccharides, and nitrogen compounds. High-severity fires led to the accumulation of more recalcitrant compounds, while lower severities retained higher proportions of labile fractions, accelerating soil regeneration [4]. These findings underscore the critical role of fire severity and soil depth in determining SOC recovery rates and composition. The study highlights the value of combining EGA/MS and TG as a rapid, reliable approach to assessing fire-induced changes in SOM, offering practical insights for post-fire soil health assessment and ecosystem management.

[1] Pausas, J.G., Keeley, J.E., 2009. A Burning Story: The Role of Fire in the History of Life, BioScience 59, 593–601.
[2] González-Pérez, J.A., González-Vila, F.J., Almendros, G., Knicker, H., 2004. The effect of fire on soil organic matter—a review. Environ. Int. 30, 855–870.
[3] Jiménez-Morillo, N.T., De la Rosa, J.M., Waggoner, D., et al., 2016. Fire effects in the molecular structure of soil organic matter fractions under Quercus suber cover. Catena 145, 266–273.
[4] Jiménez-Morillo, N.T.; Almendros, G.; De la Rosa, J.M.; et al., 2020. Effect of a wildfire and of post-fire restoration actions in the organic matter structure in soil fractions. Sci. Total Environ. 728, 138715.

Acknowledgements: This work received support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) under the research project FIRE2C (ref. CNS2023-143750). N.T. Jiménez-Morillo acknowledges the “Ramón y Cajal” contract (RYC2021-031253-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. The authors would like to thank the Caldera de Taburiente National Park (La Palma, Spain) for the sampling permits and logistic assistance during the experiment.

How to cite: González-Pérez, J. A., Correa, G., de la Rosa, J. M., Lorenzo, J. H., Miller, A. Z., and Jiménez-Morillo, N. T.: Rapid assessment of post-fire soil health recovery using thermal and molecular analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16762,, 2025.

EGU25-19679 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.11

Impact of Long-Term Phosphorus Fertilization on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Plant Growth in an Irish Grassland Soil 

Lea Dannenberg, Anne Jansen-Willems, Tim Clough, Parag Bhople, Giulia Bondi, Christoph Müller, and Kristina Kleineidam

Phosphorus is an essential element for all organisms. A sub-optimal supply of agricultural soils may influence yields, soil quality and health, carbon sequestration and nutrient turnover processes. Changes in soil P levels can influence microbial communities, altering key pathways in the nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles and affecting greenhouse gas emissions. In this laboratory incubation experiment, we examine the effects of three long-term P fertilization levels in an Irish grassland soil on N and C transformation processes, associated greenhouse gas fluxes and plant growth using stable isotope techniques (15N and 13C). This research is part of the EJP SOIL project “ICONICA” (Impact of long-term P additions on C sequestration and N cycling in agricultural soils).

The soil samples were obtained from the low, medium and high P fertilizer treatments of the long-term P-fertilization experiment on grassland at Johnstown Castle, Ireland. The soil was sieved, filled into plant pots and sown with three maize seeds per pot. All pots received 5 days after sowing the same amount of glycine and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), only differing in the isotopic labels of N and C, respectively: The 13C-labelled glycine was applied together with NH415NO3, the 15N-labelled glycine together with the unlabelled NH4NO3, and the unlabelled glycine together with 15NH4NO3. Plant, soil and gas samples were taken 0, 1, 3, 7 and 10 days after label application by glycine-NH4NO3 addition and were analysed for (15)NH4+-N, (15)NO3--N, organic (15)N, organic (13)C contents as well as for nitrous oxide ((15)N2O), carbon dioxide ((13)CO2), and methane (CH4) fluxes.

We aim to deepen our understanding of the complex relationships between the nitrogen-carbon-phosphorus cycles and their impacts on plant growth under varying levels of phosphorus application. The development of the Ntrace analysis tool into the CNtrace analysis tool is expected to enhance insights into these interactions and transformation processes. Key hypotheses include increased plant biomass, elevated CO2 emissions and reduced N2O emissions at high P-levels. Further analyses and interpretations are ongoing.

How to cite: Dannenberg, L., Jansen-Willems, A., Clough, T., Bhople, P., Bondi, G., Müller, C., and Kleineidam, K.: Impact of Long-Term Phosphorus Fertilization on Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle Dynamics, Greenhouse Gas Fluxes and Plant Growth in an Irish Grassland Soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19679,, 2025.

EGU25-19684 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

How do minerals and organic substrates interact in controlling the efficiency of the formation of mineral-associated organic matter? 

Ye Yuan, Klaus Kaiser, Robert Mikutta, Angelika Kölbl, Kezia Goldmann, and Marion Schrumpf

Soil organic matter (SOM) is the largest terrestrial carbon (C) pool and conceptually, it can be divided into mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) and particulate organic matter (POM), with MAOM is regarded as more persistent than POM. MAOM is mainly formed by organic compounds attaching to the surfaces of reactive minerals, thus rendering the organic compounds less accessible to decomposers and their enzymes. Recent studies proposed that high-quality litter maximizes the synthesis of microbial products and residues, which then increasingly contribute to the formation of MAOM. However, the extent to which microbial or plant residues contribute more to MAOM formation is still under debate and may vary between mineral types. The accumulation of organic carbon and nutrients at mineral surfaces in the course of MAOM formation also changes the substrate availability to microbes, and thus, their community composition and traits, such as enzyme activities and carbon use efficiency (CUE). In order to better understand if MAOM formation is more efficient from microbial than plant-derived substrates, and how mineral types influence this process, we setup a one month incubation experiment with microbial and plant-derived substrates (bacterial residue (Bacillus subtilis), C:N = 3.7; fungal residue (Aspergillus niger), C:N = 12.5; maize litter (zuckermais yucon chief), C:N = 15.4) in presence of three minerals of different reactivity (pure quartz, SSA = 0.2 m2 g–1; quartz with 20 wt.% goethite, SSA = 15.4 m2 g–1; quartz with 20 wt.% illite , SSA = 34.6 m2 g–1) in a factorial design. A common inoculum from a German agricultural soil was added to each of these substrate–mineral mixtures. We found that both substrate quality and mineral type significantly influenced MAOM formation and microbial properties. Maize litter had the highest MAOM formation efficiency, followed by fungal residues and bacterial residues. We also found that the presence of minerals with higher reactivity reduced decomposition rates and increased MAOM formation efficiency (except for bacterial residue). Mineral type also affected the microbial community composition and its functioning, with higher enzyme activities in presence of goethite than illite and pure quartz. Accordingly, we found no evidence for preferential stabilization of microbial-derived over plant-derived residues on any of the tested minerals, particularly not for bacterial residues, which decomposed fastest and with the smallest CUE measured at the end of the experiment. Mineral type strongly influenced the microbial habitat with higher sorption leading to overall reduced decomposition in the presence of highly reactive (pristine) mineral surfaces.

How to cite: Yuan, Y., Kaiser, K., Mikutta, R., Kölbl, A., Goldmann, K., and Schrumpf, M.: How do minerals and organic substrates interact in controlling the efficiency of the formation of mineral-associated organic matter?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19684,, 2025.

EGU25-19912 | Posters on site | SSS5.11

Effects of long-term soil managements on the nature of OC in organo-mineral associations in temperate arable soils: selective dissolution approach 

Jumpei Fukumasu, Edward Gregorich, Puu-Tai Yang, Masako Kajiura, Claire Chenu, and Rota Wagai

Conservation agricultural management (CA) including organic fertilization and crop rotations has been adopted to enhance organic carbon (OC) storage in arable soils mainly via increasing OC input to soils. However, it remains unclear how CA can affect OC in mineral-associated OM (MAOM) which is important for long-term C storage. For example, CA would potentially influence organo-mineral associations in MAOM by changing soil pH and/or the input of base cations (e.g. Calcium (Ca2+)). In the present study, to estimate OC bound to metal cations and reactive mineral phases, we first assessed soil extraction with pyrophosphate-dithionite (PD, pH 7.5) by measuring PD extractable metals and co-dissolved OC in soil and comparing with conventional extraction techniques (pyrophosphate, acid oxalate and dithionite-citrate). We then examined the extent to which long-term (> 20 yrs) CA enhances OC in MAOM and OC bound to metal cations and reactive mineral phases compared to inorganic fertilization (control) in arable topsoils under temperate climate.

Soils were sampled from eight long-term experimental sites with different soil managements (CA vs control) and under contrasting soil mineralogy (i.e. Andisol group (n=3) and non-Andisol group (n=5)) located in Japan, Canada, and France. Density fractionation (cut-off density: 1.8 g cm-3) with sonication (475 J mL-1) was conducted to isolate particulate organic matter (POM) and MAOM fractions in these soils. The nature of OC in MAOM fraction was then assessed by PD and other chemical extraction techniques.

As for the assessment of selective dissolution techniques, PD at near-neutral pH appeared to dissolve aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe) extractable by the conventional extractions, which suggests that PD extraction is a practical method to approximate OC bound to metal cations and reactive mineral phases. As for the effects of soil managements, POM-C was effectively enhanced by CA managements for both soil groups, whereas CA effectively enhanced MAOM only for non-Andisoil group. Among C pools in MAOM PD-extractable OC, which contributed 20±7 SD % of MAOM-C, was not enhanced significantly by CA. In the presentation we also plan to discuss relative importance of extractable metals (Al, Fe, and Ca) in OC present in organo-mineral associations of the studied soils.

How to cite: Fukumasu, J., Gregorich, E., Yang, P.-T., Kajiura, M., Chenu, C., and Wagai, R.: Effects of long-term soil managements on the nature of OC in organo-mineral associations in temperate arable soils: selective dissolution approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19912,, 2025.

EGU25-19946 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.11

The Effect of Clay Addition on Soil Respiration Dynamics in Peat Meadows 

Jenn Hansen, Joost Keuskamp, Maaike van Agtmaal, and Mariet Hefting

Dutch peat meadows, once carbon sinks, now contribute nearly 4% of the country’s CO2 emissions, releasing 6.9 Mton CO2-eq annually due to historical drainage and conversion to agricultural lands. Drainage exposes the organic-rich peat soils to oxygen, leading to increased microbial activity, organic matter decomposition, and associated CO2 emissions, thereby adding to global warming.

We hypothesize that clay addition to peat meadows will reduce soil respiration, as previously observed in mineral soils. The reduction is caused by 1) retarding oxygen diffusion 2) reducing enzyme activity by immobilization of enzymes 3) protecting substrate from microbial degradation through binding and/or physical protection.

We conduct long-term field- and lab incubation experiments, as well as short term laboratory experiments to gain mechanistic insights in the mitigating effects of clay addition on peat degradation. A wide array of clay types sourced from sedimentary marine and fluvial deposits in the Netherlands, is tested on their emission reduction potential. In the field, flux chambers measurements in the clay amended plots provide continuous CO2 emissions from peat soil and vegetation.  Laboratory tests involve long-term laboratory incubations under controlled conditions, as well as Soxhlet analyses and potential enzyme activity.

To gain a better understanding of the influence of clay minerals on enzymes, ongoing laboratory experiments focus on how different clay minerals affect soil enzyme immobilization under substrate-saturated conditions.

Preliminary results, to be presented at the conference, provide more detailed insights about the specific interactions between clay particles and organic carbon in peat soils compared to mineral soils. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the mineral dynamics in this organic-rich environment.

How to cite: Hansen, J., Keuskamp, J., van Agtmaal, M., and Hefting, M.: The Effect of Clay Addition on Soil Respiration Dynamics in Peat Meadows, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19946,, 2025.

EGU25-20112 | Orals | SSS5.11

Unveiling Soil Organic Phosphorus Dynamics Using one- and two-dimensional 31P NMR 

Lenny Haddad, Andrea Vincent, Reiner Giesler, and Jürgen Schleucher
Organic phosphorus (P) is a large fraction of soil P and is essential for sustaining soil health,supporting microbial activityand contributing significantly to soil biological functionality. A thorough understanding of organic P composition in soils is vital across fields, from agriculture to ecology. In recent decades, substantial efforts have been made to characterize and quantify soil organic P compounds and to understand their turnover rates.
Among analytical techniques, 31P NMR spectroscopy stands out as a robust tool for exploring P speciation and dynamics. This method enables the identification of diverse P compounds in complex soil extracts. For instance, orthophosphate monoesters dominate 31P NMR spectra of NaOH-EDTA extracts. However, the monoester region often contains sharp signals overlaid on a broad background, challenging both quantification and interpretation of the spectra. Analyzing soils from seven ecosystems, we discovered that this background comprises numerous sharp signals representing small organic P molecules (1). Ongoing research aims to identify these P molecules, their origins and ecological significance.
A recent study of a 5000-year boreal wildfire chronosequence demonstrated that most observed organic P compounds in soil originate from biomass, including biologically active molecules such as RNA, phospholipids, and DNA (2). This research, which used 1D 31P NMR to quantify overall P speciation and 2D 1H- 31P NMR to resolve overlapping signals, revealed that P diesters constitute 93% of extractable organic P (3). These findings highlight the critical role of microbial processes and biomass turnover in shaping soil organic P composition over long timescales, even in ecosystems impacted by diverse fire histories.
Building on this knowledge—that the NaOH/EDTA extract contains small molecules (1) and diester degradation products (3)—we hypothesize that the background observed in the 1D 31P NMR spectra could be composed of diester degradation products. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a detailed analysis of several reference P compounds using 1D 31P NMR and 2D 1H-31P NMR. This approach aimed to replicate the spectral patterns observed in soil extracts and to further unravel the composition of organic P compounds in soil. By recreating these spectra, we aim to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and origins of diester degradation products and their ecological significance within soil.
(1) Haddad, L.; Vincent, A. G.; Giesler, R.; Schleucher, J. Small Molecules Dominate Organic Phosphorus in NaOH-EDTA Extracts of Soils as Determined by 31P NMR. Sci. Total Environ. 2024, 931, 172496.
 (2) Vestergren, J.; Vincent, A. G.; Jansson, M.; Persson, P.; Ilstedt, U.; Gröbner, G.; Giesler, R.; Schleucher, J. High-Resolution Characterization of Organic Phosphorus in Soil Extracts Using 2D 1H–31P NMR Correlation Spectroscopy. Environmental Science & Technology 2012, 46 (7),
(3) Vincent, A.G., Schleucher, J., Giesler, R. et al. Soil phosphorus forms show only minor changes across a 5000-year-old boreal wildfire chronosequence. Biogeochemistry 159, 15–32 (2022)

How to cite: Haddad, L., Vincent, A., Giesler, R., and Schleucher, J.: Unveiling Soil Organic Phosphorus Dynamics Using one- and two-dimensional 31P NMR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20112,, 2025.

EGU25-20184 | Orals | SSS5.11

Shifts in microbial CUE as a function of available organic C resources and electron acceptors under changing soil redox conditions 

Alexine Ehlinger, Alberto Canarini, Andreas Richter, and Daniel Said-Pullicino

Soil microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) represents an important driver of soil organic C formation and turnover. The balance between anabolic and catabolic processes are known to regulate SOC formation through microbial growth and stabilization of microbial residues, and SOC mineralization, respectively. CUE is largely affected by environmental factors but also regulated by the availability of organic substrates and electron acceptors. This is particularly the case in soils that are temporarily subjected to shifts in redox conditions, as those that occur when rice paddy soils are flooded or drained. In such soils, microbial CUE may be affected by electron donor availability (e.g. presence or absence of labile crop residues) as well as electron acceptor availability as O2 becomes limiting and other oxidized species like nitrate and FeIII minerals are reduced. These changes in metabolic activities may also be accompanied by a change in microbial communities which are more adapted to changes in redox conditions and use their resources more efficiently affecting the overall community CUE.

The aim of this work is to explore the effects of short-term changes in soil redox conditions (i.e. from aerobic to anaerobic) on the microbial physiology of a rice paddy soil, by unravelling the effects of management-related differences in electron donors and acceptors on microbial growth, respiration and CUE, as well as their dependence on changes in microbial community composition. For this we set up a microcosm experiment where a paddy soil was incubated for 17 d with a factorial combination of (i) redox conditions (oxic vs. anoxic), (ii) with or without rice straw, and (iii) with or without added nitrate. Soils were destructively sampled after 4, and were analysed for DOC, dissolved nitrate and FeII , and microbial biomass C (MBC). Soil aliquots were incubated with D2O for 48 h to measure rates of microbial respiration (CO2 and CH4) and growth by tracing isotope incorporation into phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) biomarkers, to calculate CUE. 

Our preliminary results showed that under anoxic conditions nitrate was rapidly consumed within 4 d while Fe(III) was reduced at a later stage particularly where easily degradable rice straw was added. This could mean that in the first few days the microorganisms are not facing C deficiencies, however, as the anoxic conditions persist the C input enhances microbial activity leading to an increase in Fe(II) in solution. This was also seen in the MBC, as the presence of rice straw enhanced MBC, irrespective of the other treatments (i.e. redox conditions and NO3- addition). Redox-driven changes in community level microbial physiology (growth, respiration and CUE) as well as changes in the active microbial community (PLFA-based) will provide further insights on the role of changing redox conditions and management on key parameters related to soil carbon accrual.

How to cite: Ehlinger, A., Canarini, A., Richter, A., and Said-Pullicino, D.: Shifts in microbial CUE as a function of available organic C resources and electron acceptors under changing soil redox conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20184,, 2025.

EGU25-202 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Hydrochar as a Modulator of Soil Microbial Communities: Abundance, Activity, and Shifts in Bacterial and Fungal Composition 

Francisco Jesús Moreno Racero, Marta Velasco-Molina, Rafael López-Núñez, Enrique Martínez-Force, Miguel Ángel Rosales, and Heike Knicker

Hydrochar (HC), as an organic soil amendment, has the potential to improve soil fertility and crop yield. However, only recent studies have focused on its impact on soil microorganisms. At present, the effects of HC application on the abundance, activity, and taxonomic composition of distinct bacterial and fungal communities are still not fully understood. Therefore, we conducted a greenhouse pot experiment with five treatments under two different irrigation conditions (well-irrigated and water-deficit). We investigated the responses of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yield, as well as soil chemical and biological properties, to two application rates of HC (3.25 and 6.5 t ha⁻¹) prepared from chicken manure. Mineral fertilizer treatments with equivalent total nitrogen contributions to those of the HC treatments were included for comparison. After 77 days of cultivation, the plants were harvested, and soil samples were collected from the topsoil (0-15 cm) for metagenomic analysis and to assess the abundance and activity of microorganisms.

At the onset of the experiment, HC application did not cause a significant change in the composition of most soil nutrients. However, in comparison to non-amended soils, HC application, particularly at elevated doses, improved plant productivity and induced changes of the soil nutrient concentrations under both irrigation conditions at the end of the experiment. Our primary hypothesis to explain our observation posits that the presence of HC in soils, can play a significant role in the development and activity of their microbial communities, which may indirectly enhance nutrient availability and affect other soil biogeochemical processes. Through microbial abundance analyses, including Colony Forming Unit (CFU) counts and qPCR (16S rRNA and ITS), soils treated with 6.5 t ha⁻¹ HC exhibited higher bacterial and fungal populations compared to untreated soils. Likewise, results from basal and substrate-induced (glucose, alpha-ketoglutarate, N-acetylglucosamine, and L-cysteine) micro-respiration (MicroResp) indicated greater microbial CO₂ production in HC-amended soils. Furthermore, soils treated with HC under well-irrigated conditions displayed a distinct microbial community-level physiological profile from that of untreated soils. These differences in microbial functional diversity suggest changes in the relative abundance of soil microbial communities in HC-treated soils, as it was confirmed by metagenomic analysis.

Our results underscore that the effects of HC amendments on soil systems should not be regarded as a straightforward linear process. Rather, it requires evaluation within the framework of the complex interplay of climatic conditions, application rate, plant physiology, and microbial composition and activity.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by a PhD scholarship (PREDOC_00339) granted by the Junta de Andalucía, as well as by the “SequestCarb” project (PY20_01065, funded by the Junta de Andalucía) and the MarshSOIL project (PID2020-119220GB-I00, funded by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación).

How to cite: Moreno Racero, F. J., Velasco-Molina, M., López-Núñez, R., Martínez-Force, E., Rosales, M. Á., and Knicker, H.: Hydrochar as a Modulator of Soil Microbial Communities: Abundance, Activity, and Shifts in Bacterial and Fungal Composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-202,, 2025.

Nitrogen (N) uptake by plant roots from soil is the largest flux within the terrestrial N cycle. Despite its significance, a comprehensive analysis of plant uptake for inorganic and organic N forms across grasslands is lacking. Here we measured in-situ plant uptake of 13 inorganic and organic N forms by dominant species along a 3,000 km transect spanning temperate and alpine grasslands. To generalize our experimental findings, we synthesized data on N uptake from 60 studies encompassing 148 plant species worldwide. Our analysis revealed that alpine grasslands had faster NH4+ uptake than temperate grasslands. Most plants preferred NO3– (65%) over NH4+ (24%), and then over amino acids (11%). The uptake preferences and uptake rates were modulated by soil N availability that was defined by climate, soil properties, and intrinsic characteristics of the N form. These findings pave the way towards more fully understanding of N cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, provide novel insights into the N form-specific mechanisms of plant N uptake, and highlight ecological consequences of chemical niche differentiation to reduce competition in co-existing plant species.

How to cite: Liu, M. and Xu, X.: Nitrogen availability in soil controls uptake of different nitrogen forms by plants, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2247,, 2025.

Rice paddy has been regarded as a unique ecosystem compared to other crops as rice is cultivated under highly saturated conditions for most growth stages. Its unique ecosystem selects for distinct microbial composition and abundance in response to the oxic-anoxic interface. Rice paddy is also known to be a significant source for greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) including CO2, CH4, and N2O, the deleterious gases causing global warming. This study investigated the effects of N fertilization on the changes of soil microbial biomass and the changes of GHG in organic rice ecosystem.   Soil microbial biomass C and N were significantly affected by N application rates of organic soil amendments at heading stage and before harvest. The use of soil amendment at 150 kg N ha-1was observed to promote higher total microbial biomass C and N than any other treatments. CO2, CH4, and N2O weekly fluxes were significantly influenced by different N rates of organic soil amendments at 44, 54, and 70 days after planting. Higher global warming potential was stimulated by highest N fertilization (150 kg N ha-1). The smallest GHG index was estimated in rice paddy receiving soil amendment at 150 kg N ha-1

How to cite: Dou, F., Lasar, H., and Gentry, T.: Soil microbial biomass and greenhouse gas emission dynamics response to nitrogen rates under organically amended paddy soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2891,, 2025.

EGU25-4580 | Orals | SSS5.12

Activation energy of soil organic matter decomposition 

Yakov Kuzyakov and Ekaterina Filimonenko

Activation energy (Ea) of (bio)chemical reactions – the fundamental parameter, defining the reaction rates – has never been critically evaluated and generalized for processes of organic matter transformations in soil. Based on the database of Ea for a broad range of i) oxidative and hydrolytic exoenzyme activities, ii) CO2 production and iii) heat release during soil incubation, as well as iv) thermal decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM), we assessed the Ea for processes of SOM transformation. After a short description of the four approaches to assess Ea of SOM transformation – all based on the Arrhenius equation – we present the Ea of chemical (79 kJ mol-1) and microbial (67 kJ mol-1) mineralization, microbial decomposition (40 kJ mol-1), and exoenzyme-catalyzed depolymerization (33 kJ mol-1) of SOM. The catalyzing effects of exoenzymes reduce the energy barrier of SOM decomposition by more than twice that of its chemical oxidation (from 79 to 33 kJ mol-1). The Ea of exoenzymatic hydrolysis of N-, P-, and S-containing organic compounds is about 9 kJ mol-1 lower (40-fold faster reactions) than that of other (N-, P-, and S-free) organic substances. Under real soil conditions (not in suspension as in enzyme activity analysis), where organic substrates are physically protected and exoenzymes are partly deactivated, microbial mineralization of SOM is 140-fold faster compared to its chemical oxidation. The Ea of microbial mineralization of SOM increases from biochemically labile to stable pools. This is one of the reasons for the decrease in the CO2 efflux from soil during long-term incubations.

Since processes with higher Ea are more sensitive to temperature increase, global warming will stimulate faster decomposition of stable organic compounds and accelerate the C cycle much stronger than the cycling of the nutrients N, P, and S. The consequence will be a shift in the stoichiometric ratios of microbially utilized substrates. Overall, Ea is an easily measurable crucial parameter of (bio)chemical transformations of organic matter in soil, enabling the assessment of process rates and the inherent stability of SOM pools, as well as their responses to global warming.

How to cite: Kuzyakov, Y. and Filimonenko, E.: Activation energy of soil organic matter decomposition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4580,, 2025.

The unique geological structure combined with human activities cause serious rocky desertification in fragile karst regions, which restricts regional social and economic developments. Vegetation restoration is the key practice of comprehensive administration of rocky desertification, but this process is extremely slow, especially in some special karst geomorphic units. Nitrogen (N) element has been suggested to be a critical limiting factor for vegetation growth, but the characteristics of soil N supply and plant N acquisition remain largely unknown in karst regions. This hinders our better understanding of vegetation restoration of karst rocky desertification as well as its restoration effects. We chose natural succession sequences with different vegetation restoration stages in karst peak-cluster depression and faulted basin regions. Vegetation survey and data collection were conducted, and the N/phosphorus (P) ratio, N content and δ15N values of plant leaf were used to reflect the degree of plant N limitation. In addition, 15N labeling techniques were employed to investigate soil gross N transformation rates, available N supply capacity and N acquisition characteristics of the dominate plant species during vegetation succession. We found that plants were severely limited by N in the early stages of vegetation restoration, which was more seriously in the karst fault basin. As vegetation recovered, plants were no longer limited by N but by P. This difference was mainly attributed to the changes in soil N supply capacity and plant N utilization strategies. In the early stages of vegetation restoration, the rates of soil N supply processes including mineralization and nitrification was weak and inorganic N was mainly ammonium. In the later stages, soil inorganic N supply capacity increased significantly, resulting in higher inorganic N content dominated by nitrate. In such N condition, plants can adjust their own root functional traits to develop different N utilization strategies. Plants develop larger specific root length and specific surface area in the early stages to increase ammonium utilization, but plants improve nitrate utilization in the later stages. Overall, our results unraveled the mechanism underlying reduced plant N limitation following vegetation restoration through increasing soil inorganic N supply and adjusting plant N utilization strategy. The present study provided a scientific basis for ecological restoration and reconstruction of karst rocky desertification.

Keywords: Rocky desertification; Nitrogen availability; Plant N limitation; Plant N utilization strategy; Gross N transformation rates

How to cite: Wen, D. and Zhu, T.: The mechanism underlying plant nitrogen limitation following vegetation restoration in karst regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4930,, 2025.

Improving soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (TN) stocks in croplands is crucial to mitigate climate change and ensuring food security. Soil microbes are important engines driving terrestrial biogeochemical cycles. Their C use efficiency (CUE) and N use efficiency (NUE), defined as the proportion of metabolized organic C and N allocated to microbial biomass, is a key regulator controlling the fate of soil C and N. It is assumed that microbial CUE and NUE will increase with higher organic fertilizers application rates, however, any empirical evidence is scare. Microbial necromass is a large and persistent component of SOC and TN especially under croplands. It is still unclear how the simultaneous cycling of C and N in soils would be affected under longer-term organic fertilizer addition. 

Here, we studied soil microbial CUE and NUE simultaneously using 18O-H2O tracer approach in a 13-year winter wheat-summer maize cropping rotation field trial  in the North China Plain.Here organic fertilizers (i.e. straw, manure, compost, biogas residue and biochar) are annually  applied with (optimal N input, Nopt) or without N (zero N input, N0) addition. We found straw, manure, compost, and biogas residue additions increased microbial CUE by 42-80% in N0 and 40-77% in Nopt, and NUE by 25-65% and 33-127% in both N0 and Nopt, respectively. Organic matter addition increased the SOC by 36-150% and 31-137% in both N0 and Nopt, while the TN increased by 21-55% and 21-70% in both N0 and Nopt, respectively. Additionally, organic material additions increased the total microbial necromass C and N by 50-83%, 60-97% and 38-80%, 52-93% under N0 and Nopt, which contributed 14-43% and 33-58% to the SOC and TN, respectively. We concluded that these C-induced enhancements in microbial growth and CUE or NUE and necromass accumulation were mainly owing to an increased C availability (Easily oxidizable organic C, EOC), and fungal fast-growth strategists. Composting most effectively facilitated microbial C and N cycling, promoting SOC and TN accumulation in cropland.

How to cite: Wang, C., Kuzyakov, Y., Bol, R., Chen, H., and Fan, M.: Thirteen years of applying maize-derived organic materials and N fertilizers in North China Plain increased microbial CUE and NUE while increasing SOC and TN through necromass inputs., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5128,, 2025.

In recent decades, large areas of temperate grasslands in arid regions worldwide have been increasingly encroached upon by shrubs. This encroachment has intensified the competition for resources, particularly nitrogen (N), a critical element for plant growth, between the newly established shrubs and the surrounding grasses in temperate grasslands. Despite this, it remains unclear whether shrubs and grasses adopt distinct strategies for N acquisition and how these strategies may contribute to competition between them. Additionally, the role of soil microbes in regulating the N competition between shrubs and grasses also remains unclear. To address these gaps, we conducted an in situ 15N labeling experiment in a shrub-encroached temperate grassland with significant slope variations of North China. The study aimed to investigate the competition for N acquisition among shrubs, grasses, and soil microbes. The results revealed that both shrubs and grasses preferred to absorb NO3- across soil depths. However, in the subsoil (10–30 cm) at the upper slope, shrubs displayed significantly higher total N uptake compared to grasses. The ratio of N uptake by shrubs to grasses (RS/G) for different N forms was consistently higher in the subsoil, and that for total N uptake of subsoil was only greater at both upper and lower slopes. Moreover, the RS/G in the subsoil or overall soil depth was markedly higher at the upper than lower slope.

The competition for N between shrubs and grasses also regulated by soil microbes, with higher 15N recovery in soil microbes (RM) than plants (RS or RG). The ratio of N uptake by grasses to soil microbes (RG/M) was higher in the topsoil, and varied across N forms and slope locations. Structural equation model (SEM) reveals that location changes strongly affect plant-soil interactions, influencing the RS/G. Increased soil depth lowered soil organic matter (SOM), soil microbial biomass N (MBN), and soil water content (SWC), but increased shrub root biomass (SRB). Lower slopes have associated higher MBN and SWC, but less SRB. SWC enhanced MBN, which reduced SRB. SOM lowered RS/G, whereas SRB increased it. The competition for nitrogen (N) between shrubs and grasses was more intense in the subsoil and particularly pronounced at the upper slope. These findings provided valuable insights into the competitions between shrubs and grasses for N, as well as the role of soil microbial regulation in temperate grasslands of North China undergoing shrub encroachment, highlighting the influence of soil depths and slope locations.

How to cite: Tian, Y. and Li, Z.: Competition between shrubs and grasses in a shrub-encroached temperate grassland of North China: implications from the nitrogen acquisition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5347,, 2025.

EGU25-5622 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.12

The impact of wildfires on the abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils of Northwestern Canada 

Pia Voitz, Stefan Kruse, Ankit Yadav, and Elisabeth Dietze

The intensifying wildfire regimes under climate change, as expressed, for example, in the recent fire seasons in the boreal zones, call for an improved understanding of the impacts of forest fires on air, water and soil quality. One group of compounds released during wildfires are the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), of which many are considered toxic for organisms, including human health.

This study investigated 13 sites along a transect across five boreal forest and tundra biomes for the abundance and composition of 16 USEPA listed PAHs in soil organic and mineral horizons. Accelerated solvent extraction in a combination with organic solvents (MeOH:DCM and n-hexane:DCM)  was used for PAHs extraction  and subsequently analyzing them using an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph coupled to an Agilent 5975C mass spectrometer. We tested how far distance to the nearest fire event (<1 km up to 73 km), years since the fire event (1989 to a recent burn that extinguished few weeks before sampling in August 2022) and fire intensities calculated using MODIS Thermal Anomalies/Fire Location Collection 6.1 (MCD14DL) and LANDSAT based dNBR indices affected PAHs concentrations and composition across sites and in organic and mineral horizons, respectively.

Our results revealed significantly higher PAHs concentrations in freshly burnt sites, with litter samples showing values up to 17181 ng/g, surpassing the strict regulatory thresholds set by Canadian government. Phenanthrene was the only PAH significantly more abundant in organic compared to mineral horizons. At older fire sites (>15 years), total PAH concentrations declined significantly (range: 0.7 to 1806.7 ng/g) in comparison to recent fire sites, likely due to degradation and wash-out processes. Litter horizons generally exhibited higher PAH levels than organic and mineral horizons, with high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs dominating (~30% LMW vs. ~70% high molecular weight). Apparently, the distance to the fire source had no significant effect on PAHs abundance. However, fire intensity, as indicated by fire radiative power (FRP) and dNBR, correlated with PAHs levels in the litter horizon, suggesting that temperature and combustion conditions are critical determinants of PAHs formation and persistence. Diagnostic PAHs ratios also confirmed the predominance of pyrogenic sources. These initial findings highlight the post-fire loss of PAHs via degradation and wash-out, reducing soil toxicity over time. More research might focus on a high-resolution soil and water monitoring shortly after wildfires to better understand how far degradation and wash-out dominates PAHs loss that could shift burning residues from soil to water biomes.

How to cite: Voitz, P., Kruse, S., Yadav, A., and Dietze, E.: The impact of wildfires on the abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in soils of Northwestern Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5622,, 2025.

EGU25-6644 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.12

Co-application of microalgae and biochar to achieve yield enhancement and climate change mitigation in saline-alkali soil 

Chao Ma, Zhe Xu, Wei yang, Qi Liu, Prashanth Prasanna, and Zhongyi Qu

Assessment of soil response to climate-smart agriculture practices may assist in better management decisions in sensitive ecosystems. Despite the approved role of sole biochar or microalgae application in yield stability and climate resilience, their synergistic effects have not been well discovered, especially in fragile saline-alkali land. Here, in a three-year agricultural field by three doses of microalgae application (0, 30, 60 L ha-1) combined with two biochar application rates (0, 30 t ha-1), we explored the individual and combined effects on sunflower yield, soil carbon (C), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and carbon footprint (CF). As expected, solely microalgae fertilizer application caused minimal changes in SOC storage, while biochar application had a more predominant effect on SOC storage, indicating that biochar was a key contributor to SOC storage. Notably, the synergistic effects of biochar and microalgae on yield enhancement, SOC storage, and emission reduction were stronger than each factor separately, confirming the positive complementarity effects of such dual application. Combined biochar with high-dose microalgae achieved an average increased yield and SOC storage by 58% and 24%, respectively, and reduced GHG emissions and CF by 18%-31% and 101%, respectively. Therefore, our findings shed new light on the essential roles of biochar and microalgae’ synergistic effects on enhancing crop yield and mitigating climate change in saline-alkali land.

How to cite: Ma, C., Xu, Z., yang, W., Liu, Q., Prasanna, P., and Qu, Z.: Co-application of microalgae and biochar to achieve yield enhancement and climate change mitigation in saline-alkali soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6644,, 2025.

EGU25-9327 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

How varying natural metal concentrations shape climate change impacts on nutrient cycling in bulk and rhizosphere agricultural soils 

Carolina Vergara Cid, Jessica Hamm, Natalia Sánchez, Steffen Kümmel, Kay Knöller, Stephanie Jurburg, Evgenia Blagodatskaya, and E. Marie Muehe

Climate change, marked by rising atmospheric CO₂ levels and temperature, can strongly influence soil processes such as nutrient cycling and microbial dynamics. Metals can negatively impact soil functionality, and modify microbial community composition and activity, introducing additional complexity to nutrient cycling under shifting environmental conditions. In addition, metals can disrupt plant growth and nutrient uptake, affect root development and activity, and trigger stress responses, ultimately compromising plant productivity. On the other hand, elevated CO₂ and temperature stimulate plant primary productivity, increasing carbon inputs to the soil through root exudates, litter, and rhizodeposition. Climate-altered root activities influence soil microbial processes, which are critical in regulating nutrient dynamics. While the responses of microbial communities and nutrient cycling processes to climate change are often scenario-dependent, the interplay between soil metal backgrounds and climate drivers remains underexplored.

This study investigates the susceptibility of agricultural soils with varying natural metal levels to climate change, focusing on nutrient cycling processes in both bulk and rhizosphere compartments. By exploring how metal backgrounds influence nutrient availability and transformations, this work aims to shed light on the resilience and vulnerability of these soils under changing environmental conditions. A greenhouse pot study was set up with the plant Arabidopsis halleri, using three agricultural soils with natural contents of cadmium (Cd): low-Cd (0.2 ppm), mid-Cd (1 ppm), and high-Cd (14 ppm). Soils and plants were exposed to today’s and future climatic conditions (according to IPCC SSP3-7: +3.5 ºC and +400 ppmv CO2 predicted to 2100 vs. preindustrial times). Soil microbial processes were analyzed by combining stable isotope analysis for tracking N transformations and carbon use efficiency (CUE) with qPCR N functional genes, potential hydrolytic enzyme activities (C, N, P), and the nutrients pools (C, N, P) assessment by colorimetric methods.

Future climatic conditions enhanced plant growth and triggered changes in soil processes in the rhizosphere with minimal fluctuations in bulk soil responses. Under future climatic conditions, rhizosphere nutrient cycling was accelerated by higher organic matter decomposition (boosted enzyme activities and ammonification) at low-Cd soil. The future climate also impacted the rhizosphere response in the mid-Cd soil by reducing CUE and shifting N transformation processes such as nitrate production and consumption rates, ammonification, and denitrification, highlighting higher microbial N demand and stress. High-Cd soils, however, showed resilience to climate change, but this stability was primarily due to the overriding effects of metal toxicity, which impaired microbial responses. Here we demonstrate that the rhizosphere exhibited higher susceptibility to future climatic conditions compared to bulk soil, which can be related to enhanced plant growth demanding more nutrients. Our findings suggest that soil metal contents modulate the resilience and adaptability of soils to climate drivers, with distinct outcomes for nutrient cycling and microbial functionality.

How to cite: Vergara Cid, C., Hamm, J., Sánchez, N., Kümmel, S., Knöller, K., Jurburg, S., Blagodatskaya, E., and Muehe, E. M.: How varying natural metal concentrations shape climate change impacts on nutrient cycling in bulk and rhizosphere agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9327,, 2025.

Denitrification is widely recognized as a significant contributor to nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Microbes conserve nearly as much energy with nitrate (NO3) as oxygen (O2) respiration under limited O2 availability. NO3is thus prioritized by microorganisms, restricting the exploration of potential alternative electron acceptors (EAs) for inhibiting N2O emissions through NO3 respiration in upland arable soils. This study evaluated iron, manganese, and sulfate as alternative EAs to reduce N2O emissions. Metal sulfates, specifically sulfate (SO42) compounds, significantly minimize N2O emissions by inhibiting denitrification rather than altering nitrification, as supported by isotope mapping and inorganic nitrogen (NH4+ and NO3) concentrations. Additionally, microbial community shifts indicated populations capable of utilizing both NO3 and SO42. Data suggested that SO42 successfully competed with NO3as EA in anaerobic respiration, effectively mitigating N2O emissions. Field-based manipulation experiments over two years demonstrated the feasibility of SO42 application in upland arable soils, reducing yield-scaled N2O emissions by 21.5% without negatively impacting crop yields. A literature review of research studies examining the impact of SO42 revealed that more than 78% of observations reported mitigation in N2O emissions, highlighting the potential of SO42 materials as effective soil amendments for sustainable agriculture.

How to cite: Lee, H. H. and Horn, M.: Exploring Sulfate as an Alternative Electron Acceptor: A Potential Strategy to Mitigate N2O Emissions in Upland Arable Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9447,, 2025.

Underlying mechanisms via phosphorus (P) fertilization driving soil organic matter (SOM) formation and stabilization remain largely unclear. In this study, we employed a suite of biomarkers (i.e., free and bound lipids, lignin phenols, PLFAs, neutral and amino sugars), 13C NMR techniques, and soil extracellular enzyme activities to investigate SOM characteristics in response to an 18-year P fertilizer gradient (i.e., 0, 50, 190 kg P ha−1 yr−1, defined as P0, PL, and PH) down to 60 cm depth in Northeast China. Despite limited changes in soil organic C, P fertilization distinctly modified the SOM signatures (e.g., molecular composition, degradation, and source) across soil profile (particularly within 20 cm of topsoil). On average, P additions increased plant-derived free lipids by 10.5–48.6% and microbial-derived free lipids by 39.8–49.0% in this topsoil compared to P0. P enrichment increased cutin compounds by 21.9–44.7% while decreased suberin compounds by 21.3–35.1% as compared to control in the topsoil. PL enhanced lignin phenols by 53.1% relative to P0 in the topsoil due to high plant C input. Compared to control, P fertilization reduced microbial-derived neutral sugars by 20.0–30.6% and the plant-derived neutral sugars by 36.6-37.0% in the topsoil relative to P0. Moreover, bacterial necromass carbon decreased by 10.8–23.8% and fungal necromass carbon by 7.9–27.9% under P fertilization, driven by enhanced microbial residue decomposition via elevated residue-decomposing enzyme activities. Using stoichiometric theory, we estimated that P fertilization reduced microbial carbon use efficiency by 4.3–8.6% and energy use efficiency by 4.7–9.5%. Overall, P fertilization marked by more reduced compounds (e.g., lipids, lignin phenols) and fewer oxidized ones (e.g., microbial necromass, neutral sugars), reduced the nominal oxidation state of C for SOM by 5.6–15.6%, which corresponded to lower microbial energy and carbon use efficiency.  These findings suggest that P fertilization alters SOC composition by modulating plant- and microbial- derived C contributions and their turnover. Such findings are critical for advancing our understanding of SOM stabilization and microbial-driven SOC dynamics in P-fertilized agroecosystems.

How to cite: Wang, X. and Du, Z.: Long-term phosphorus fertilization alters soil organic matter molecular composition via lowers microbial carbon and energy use efficiency in a temperate cropland , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9603,, 2025.

EGU25-10162 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Impact of Biochar Aging on Soil Physicochemical Properties 

Arthur Gross, Tamara Apostolovic, Álvaro Fernando García Rodríguez, José María de la Rosa, Bruno Glaser, Heike Knicker, and Snežana Maletic

Biochar undergoes significant transformations in soil as a result of chemical, physical, and biological processes. These alterations can impact its initial properties, influencing both its agronomic effectiveness and its capacity for carbon sequestration. Long-term observations of biochar aging effects in soil are limited but highly relevant, as they provide a more realistic picture of the agronomic and societal benefits of biochar than short-term studies with relatively “fresh” biochar. This study aimed to describe the aging effects of biochar and their impact on a range of soil properties at a long-term biochar experiment in Bayreuth, Germany. For this purpose, soil and biochar samples were taken 13 years after application (two variants: 1. co-composted and 2. pristine biochar) and compared with a fresh variant in which the same unaged biochar was freshly mixed with the control soil.
The soil quality parameters, pH and electrical conductivity, decreased significantly (p < 0.05) during biochar aging. Specifically, the pH dropped from 7.4 in freshly biochar-amended soil to 6.8 in the pristine aged biochar variant and 6.9 in the co-composted aged biochar variant. Electrical conductivity decreased from 217.0 µS cm⁻¹ in the freshly amended soil to 81.1 µS cm⁻¹ in the pristine aged variant and 87.6 µS cm⁻¹ in the co-composted aged variant. Nitrogen retention was enhanced in the soil amended with co-composted aged biochar compared to the pristine aged biochar soil. Total nitrogen (TN) was higher at 1.94 g kg⁻¹ versus 1.57 g kg⁻¹ (p < 0.05), and ammonium-N (NH₄⁺-N) was slightly elevated at 35.7 mg kg⁻¹ versus 33.0 mg kg⁻¹, although the difference was not statistically significant. The nitrate-N (NO₃⁻-N) content was significantly lower in all biochar-amended soil variants compared to the control soil. Total carbon (TC) levels decreased during biochar aging in all soil variants. However, the reduction was significantly lower in the co-composted aged biochar soil (25.0 g kg⁻¹) compared to the pristine aged biochar soil 20.5 g kg⁻¹, p < 0.05).
This study identified multiple aging effects on biochar following 13 years of exposure in loamy soil. Importantly, the results showed that compared to the amendment of pristine biochar, co-composting did not diminish TC of the treated soil, and more N could be retained, 13 years after amendment. In fact, co-composting prior to soil application is recommended to fully realize the potential agronomic benefits. 

How to cite: Gross, A., Apostolovic, T., García Rodríguez, Á. F., de la Rosa, J. M., Glaser, B., Knicker, H., and Maletic, S.: Impact of Biochar Aging on Soil Physicochemical Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10162,, 2025.

EGU25-10912 | Posters on site | SSS5.12

Aerenchyma Development and Irrigation Practices Shape Methane Emissions and Yield in Rice Paddies 

Kees Jan van Groenigen, Siyu Li, Yun Chen, and Lijun Liu

Rice root aerenchyma (RA) and irrigation practices play critical roles in key physiological processes in rice paddies, influencing both grain yield and methane (CH₄) emissions. However, the interaction between RA and irrigation practices, as well as its implications for CH₄ mitigation, remains poorly understood, complicating efforts to identify rice cultivars suited for reducing CH₄ emissions. To address this, we conducted field and pot experiments to investigate how RA impacts rice yield and CH₄ emissions under two common irrigation methods: continuous flooding (CF) and alternate wetting and drying (AWD). Our findings reveal that the interaction between RA and irrigation regime significantly affects both yield and CH₄ emissions. Under CF, cultivars with enhanced RA formation exhibited higher yields and lower CH₄ emissions, likely due to increased root oxygen loss, which promotes CH₄ oxidation and enhances nitrogen availability for plant growth. In contrast, under AWD, no significant differences in yield, methanogenesis, or methanotrophy were observed among cultivars with varying RA development. However, cultivars with well-developed RA increased CH₄ emissions by 28%–32% compared to those with less-developed RA, likely due to enhanced CH₄ transport from anaerobic soil layers to the atmosphere. Consistent with these observations, inhibiting RA development through root irrigation with brassinosteroids reduced CH₄ emissions under AWD conditions. In summary, our study demonstrates that AWD can reverse the effects of RA on CH₄ emissions, emphasizing the importance of integrating irrigation practices into CH₄ mitigation strategies and accounting for cultivar-specific variations.

How to cite: van Groenigen, K. J., Li, S., Chen, Y., and Liu, L.: Aerenchyma Development and Irrigation Practices Shape Methane Emissions and Yield in Rice Paddies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10912,, 2025.

Organic fertilizers can enhance soil health and multifunctionality in agroecosystems, but their impact on nitrate reduction processes and associated soil-borne greenhouse gas emissions remains insufficiently understood. Our research found that organic fertilizer amendment in upland arable soils enhanced the contribution of fungal denitrification to N2O emissions, while decreasing N2O/(N2O+N2) ratio, primarily by enhancing fungal-bacterial denitrifier mutualism. This effect on the magnitude and pattern of N2O and N2 emissions were also depended on soil nitrate content In paddy soils, biochar application significantly reduced N2O fluxes and N2O/(N2O+N2) ratios, which was mainly attributed to the changes in the abundance and composition of nitrate reducing microorganisms. Specifically, biochar simultaneously increased denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) rates, and shifted more NO3 partitioning toward DNRA process. These promoting effects were primarily due to the increased carbon availability and the altered nitrate reducer communities. Collectively, our study suggests that organic fertilizer amendment in arable soils is helpful for alleviating the environmental effect of N fertilizer, which deepens our understanding of how organic fertilization regulates N cycling in the agroecosystem.

How to cite: Wei, Z.: Organic fertilizer amendment regulated the pattern and product characteristics of nitrate reduction processes in arable soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11804,, 2025.

EGU25-12765 | Posters on site | SSS5.12

Comparing wet and optimal moisture sieving for soil aggregate fractionation: impacts on C and N pools and microbial activity 

Anna Gunina, Wei Qiang, Jingwen Chen, and Maxim Dorodnikov

The turnover and content of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in soil aggregates are influenced by land use and soil texture, with fractionation methods further contributing to differences between macro- and microaggregates by altering their composition and microbial activity. Our work investigated total and available C and N pools, alongside enzyme activities related to C and N cycling, in aggregates separated by wet and optimal moisture sieving from grassland and cropland Luvisol soils with sandy and loamy textures. The following incubation, with and without the 14C-glucose addition during 30 d, aimed to reveal the differences in the utilization strategies of soil organic matter by microorganisms inhabiting macro- and microaggregates. Optimal moisture sieving preserved higher dissolved N and peroxidase activity in macroaggregates, and 2.14 times higher microbial biomass N in microaggregates compared to wet sieving. Grasslands had higher C and N pools and associated enzyme activities than croplands, while loamy soils outperformed sandy soils in nutrient retention and microbial activity support. Wet sieving altered the relative content of -C=O and C-H bonds, especially in sandy soils. Sandy and loamy soils differed in the intensity of CO3²⁻, SiO2, and Al-OH bonds of clay minerals; still, they showed no differences in the functional groups of organic compounds. Optimal moisture sieving was more effective in preserving the available N pool inside. Loamy soils and grasslands demonstrated higher N and biological activity levels than sandy soils and croplands. This study underscores the critical role of fractionation methods, particularly optimal moisture sieving, in preserving soil nutrients and microbial activity, which is essential for understanding nutrient cycling in different ecosystems.

How to cite: Gunina, A., Qiang, W., Chen, J., and Dorodnikov, M.: Comparing wet and optimal moisture sieving for soil aggregate fractionation: impacts on C and N pools and microbial activity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12765,, 2025.

Diffusion is the primary driver of limiting nutrient transfer in terrestrial ecosystems, a process that is controlled by dynamic interactions between soil chemical, biological, and physical properties. These properties interact through complex mechanisms, and their impacts on diffusive fluxes vary significantly due to the inherent heterogeneity of soil environments. Building on Fick’s first law of diffusion, this study seeks to unravel the underlying relationships among key driving factors of nutrient diffusion in soil and to quantify their contributions using a mathematical approach.

Fick’s first law defines diffusion as the product of the diffusion coefficient times the concentration gradient, divided by the diffusive path length. Among these factors, the diffusion coefficient is therefore positively related with nutrient diffusion rates and is primarily influenced by soil chemical properties, such as pH, texture, and mineral type, and nutrient properties, such as molecular size and charge, driving nutrient sorption and immobilization reactions. Similarly, the concentration gradient between the diffusion source and sink acts as another positive driver, which is shaped by (i) dynamic source processes like organic matter mineralization, microbial turnover, and nutrient addition by fertilization and (ii) sink processes governed by biological uptake and sorption. In contrast, diffusive path length is negatively related to the diffusive flux, with longer path lengths reducing nutrient fluxes. Path length is largely determined by soil porosity and soil water content, highlighting the importance of physical soil properties and hydrology in regulating nutrient diffusion.

Through theoretical analysis, a comprehensive review of the existing literature and new measurements, we explore how these factors influence nutrient diffusion under varying land management types, across soils varying in soil pH and texture, and in biological activity. The ultimate goal of this study is to identify the primary drivers of soil nutrient diffusion, to quantify their relative contributions, and to establish a generalized mathematical model to describe their interrelationships. By adopting an integrative approach, this work aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of nutrient diffusion mechanisms across diverse soil environments, offering insights beyond single-factor and single-species studies.

How to cite: Wen, M. and Wanek, W.: Biotic and Abiotic Factors on Soil Nutrient Diffusion Flux Based on Microdialysis: A Meta-Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13145,, 2025.

EGU25-13531 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.12

The Impact of Soil Chemical and Physical Properties on the Amount of Sequentially Extracted P by the Mehlich 3 Method 

Tõnis Tõnutare, Tõnu Tõnutare, Kadri Krebstein, Raimo Kõlli, and Heneriin Hindreko

Phosphorus is one of the main plant nutrient and plants can obtain this nutrient only from soil. The total P content in soil ranges from 1.5 to more than 9000 mg kg⁻¹, with the global average being approximately 550–600 mg kg⁻¹. Phosphorus exists in soil in many different forms. Most phosphorus compounds in soil are insoluble in water. Plants can uptake only the soluble form of phosphorus, which constitutes approximately 0.5% of the total phosphorus in the soil.

To determine the plant-available or so-called soluble P, numerous extraction methods have been developed over more than a century. In Europe alone, more than ten different methods are used for determining plant-available P content. Typically, these are simple extraction methods using low-concentration salts, mineral acids, water solutions, or their mixtures. Depending on the solution composition, the amount of extractable P may vary significantly. Not only does the solution composition influence the amount of P extracted from soil, but the soil's chemical and physical properties also play a significant role.

Many studies have explored the relationship between different methods and the impact of soil chemical properties (such as pH and organic matter) and physical properties (like clay content) on soil P analysis results. All these methods are extraction methods, and the extracted P represents only part of the soluble P fraction in soil.

The amount of P in soil extract is in equilibrium with P in solid form. This equilibrium is determined by both the properties of the solution and the properties of the solid phase (soil). The aim of our work was to investigate how the amount of extracted P changes over three consecutive extractions and what soil chemical and physical properties affect this process. For the extraction, the Mehlich 3 method was used. Our results indicate the influence of soil carbon, calcium, magnesium, and clay content on the relative quantities of sequentially extracted P using the Mehlich 3 method.

How to cite: Tõnutare, T., Tõnutare, T., Krebstein, K., Kõlli, R., and Hindreko, H.: The Impact of Soil Chemical and Physical Properties on the Amount of Sequentially Extracted P by the Mehlich 3 Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13531,, 2025.

EGU25-14205 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Assessing the Impact of Organic Farming Practices on the Soil Organic Carbon Stock and the Efflux of Greenhouse Gases of Calcareous Arid Soils  

Abir Al-Majrafi, Malik Al Wardy, Daniel Blackburn, Rhonda Janke, Arwa Al-Hadhrami, Jamal Al Sabahi, and Mohammed Al Shukaili

Soil is a significant part of the global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles. Recently those cycles have been intensively altered by anthropogenic activities. That leads to a massive imbalance that enriches the atmosphere with additional Greenhouse gases (GHG). Organic farming practices are considered a form of sustainability that can enhance soil quality and reduce GHG emissions. Little research has focused on the impact of crop rotation and compost addition in the enhancement of organic carbon soil (SOC) and reducing GHG emissions from the soil on arid lands. Thus, this research aimed to investigate the impact of annual crop rotation (Sweet corn, Sunflower, and Eggplant) and unique alkaline compost addition on improving (SOC) stock and reducing GHG emissions in arid soils. This research was conducted on a field scale for two years. Unique alkaline compost was used as a treatment with two different application doses (dose1 and dose2) based on soil exchangeable primary macronutrient calculation with an equivalent dose of NPK for both application doses. The closed static chamber method was used to measure the CO2, CH4, and N2O efflux from the plots. Randomized complete block design (RCBD) experimental design was followed. Soil samples were collected at the beginning and the end of each growing season from each plot to measure the change in soil organic matter and SOC. The primary results of this study showed there was a significant increase of SOC from sweetcorn to eggplant season in both compost application doses. SOC stock in the second application dose at eggplant season was the highest among all the other treatments in all growing seasons. Similarly, organic matter (O.M) content increased steadily from sweetcorn to eggplant seasons. Regarding the GHG effluxes, dose1 of the compost contributes to lower N2O and CH4 efflux compared to dose2 in all the growing seasons. Dose 2 of the compost in sweet corn season contributed to the highest CH4 and N2O effluxes. The primary results from this research confirmed that utilizing organic farming practices can enhance the organic carbon stock in arid land and lower GHG emissions from the soil.

How to cite: Al-Majrafi, A., Al Wardy, M., Blackburn, D., Janke, R., Al-Hadhrami, A., Al Sabahi, J., and Al Shukaili, M.: Assessing the Impact of Organic Farming Practices on the Soil Organic Carbon Stock and the Efflux of Greenhouse Gases of Calcareous Arid Soils , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14205,, 2025.

EGU25-14624 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS5.12

Impact of Bamboo Feedstock Moisture Levels on Methane Emissions and biochar quality in kon-tiki Biochar Production  

Cheng En Lin, Paul Preaux, and Julian Cortes

With the global emphasis on carbon reduction, biochar production has emerged as a promising carbon sequestration technology. While high-tech biochar production has matured, artisanal methods, widely used in developing countries, face challenges due to emissions of CH₄ during pyrolysis which is estimated at 30 kg per ton of biochar under Carbon Standards International (CSI) methodologies, can significantly reduce the carbon sequestration potential of artisanal biochar. However, previous studies use twig and leaves as biomass and suggest that optimizing feedstock moisture could have minimal CH₄ emissions even zero CH₄ emission.

This study investigates the relationship between pyrolysis conditions—specifically feedstock moisture levels and kiln temperatures—and methane emissions in Kon-Tiki soil pit kilns, a widely adopted low-cost solution in developing regions. Experiments will include agricultural residues such as bamboo and Lantana camara, under varying moisture levels, to calculate the emission factor of biochar production and assess their impact on CH₄ emissions through carbon balance method. Additionally, we will analyze emissions of CO, CO₂, and kiln temperature throughout the production process to provide a comprehensive understanding of the environmental implications of artisanal biochar production. By exploring the factors influencing emissions, this research aims to enhance the sustainability of biochar production in developing countries.

How to cite: Lin, C. E., Preaux, P., and Cortes, J.: Impact of Bamboo Feedstock Moisture Levels on Methane Emissions and biochar quality in kon-tiki Biochar Production , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14624,, 2025.

EGU25-14808 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Impact of combined application of biochar and basanite powder on soil-borne greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching 

Susanne E. Hamburger, Maria Seedtke, Joscha N. Becker, Annette Eschenbach, Nikolas Hagemann, Johannes Meyer zu Drewer, Carolyn-Monika Görres, and Claudia Kammann

Research into methods for carbon dioxide removing (CDR) is experiencing strong growth worldwide. To protect the climate, not only greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced, but in addition, carbon sinks have to be created. At the same time, we need measures to adapt to climate change, especially in agriculture. The PyMiCCS project (Pyrolysis and Mineral Weathering for Carbon Capture and Storage) consortium under the umbrella of the CDRterra research line investigate the CDR potential and synergies of a combination of the CDR methods “biochar” and “enhanced weathering” (EW) as soil amendments. Biochar is the solid product of biomass pyrolysis and contains persistent carbonaceous compounds whereas the weathering of rock powder in agricultural soil results in the transfer of atmospheric CO2 into dissolved bicarbonate. It is known that biochar has the potential to positively influence agronomically relevant parameters and to reduce soil-borne nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, while rock powder shows neutral to positive agronomical effects.

To identify synergistic effects of biochar and EW, cabbage turnip (Brassica oleracea L.) was grown in sandy soil in pseudo-lysimeters enriched with four different amendments in two application rates and compared with an untreated control variant: 1) application of wood biochar or 2) rock powder, 3) co-application of both and 4) rock-enriched biochar, produced by co-pyrolysis of wood and rock powder. Nitrate leaching and greenhouse gas emissions were measured over the cultivation period. At harvest, the yield was determined and soil samples were analyzed for enzyme kinetics from project partners.

Depending on the application rate, either no significant effects on yield were found or a significant yield increase was observed in all variants involving wood biochar, with no difference between the sole application of biochar, its co-application with rock powder, and the rock-enriched co-pyrolysis variant. Likewise, no significant differences were observed between these variants in the amount of nitrate leached, whereas the difference to the control was always clear: the biochar variants significantly reduced nitrate leaching. A similar pattern was also observed for N2O. Our results indicate that biochar and EW can be combined without adverse interactions on the parameters studied and that rock enhancement did not negate biochar’s positive environmental effects, but synergistic effects have not yet been demonstrated.

How to cite: Hamburger, S. E., Seedtke, M., Becker, J. N., Eschenbach, A., Hagemann, N., Meyer zu Drewer, J., Görres, C.-M., and Kammann, C.: Impact of combined application of biochar and basanite powder on soil-borne greenhouse gas emissions and nitrate leaching, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14808,, 2025.

EGU25-14932 | Posters on site | SSS5.12

Assessing Nitrate Loss and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Typical Tile-Drained Field and Watershed in the Midwest USA 

Junyu Qi, Robert Malone, Kang Liang, Kevin Cole, Bryan Emmett, Daniel Moriasi, Muhammad Rizwan Shahid, and Michael Castellano

Tile drainage, a common agricultural practice in the Midwest USA, improves soil aeration and crop yields but also contributes to environmental challenges, such as nitrate (NO₃) loss and nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions. To address these issues, ecohydrological models are essential for understanding the intricate hydrological and biogeochemical processes in tile-drained watersheds and for evaluating management strategies. Recent enhancements to the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) have incorporated Century-based soil carbon and nitrogen cycling processes, along with N₂O emission algorithms, improving its ability to simulate nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions at the watershed scale. In this study, the Century-based soil carbon and nitrogen cycling module was integrated with two tile drainage modules within SWAT to enhance its simulation capabilities. The enhanced model was first evaluated at the Kelley experimental site, using observed data on drainage discharge, NO₃ loss, and N₂O emissions influenced by cover crops, corn-soybean rotation, and fertilization. Subsequently, the model was applied to simulate NO₃ loss and N₂O emissions in Iowa’s South Fork Watershed (SFW) using an ensemble modeling approach. This approach tested eight scenarios combining the two nitrogen modules, the two tile drainage modules, and calibration variations. Results showed that all eight scenarios effectively simulated daily stream flow but underestimated daily NO₃ load due to the underrepresentation of peak flows. Most models performed well at the monthly scale for both stream flow and NO₃ load. The ensemble modeling results aligned with prior studies, suggesting that ensemble approaches can reduce prediction uncertainties and address equifinality issues. However, the study emphasizes the need for additional data collection to improve the accuracy of denitrification and N₂O emissions simulations, especially in tile-drained systems. This research advances ecohydrological modeling for tile-drained watersheds, offering insights into improving water quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions under agricultural management practices.

How to cite: Qi, J., Malone, R., Liang, K., Cole, K., Emmett, B., Moriasi, D., Shahid, M. R., and Castellano, M.: Assessing Nitrate Loss and Nitrous Oxide Emissions in a Typical Tile-Drained Field and Watershed in the Midwest USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14932,, 2025.

The soil CO2 efflux is the largest terrestrial source of CO2 to the atmosphere, primarily driven by the metabolic activity of soil organisms. Consequently, it has often been considered low to negligible in desert soils. However, the contribution of abiotic factors to the soil CO2 flux could be significant in desert soil, particularly during dry periods when observed diel patterns of CO2 exchange appear to contradict conventional expectations. I will show evidence that atmospheric water vapor, adsorbed to soil particles at night, supplies the water to dissolve gaseous CO2. This process reduces CO2 concentrations in the soil pore space and can explain the diel pattern of CO2 exchange reported in dry periods. To show this, I used various field and laboratory methods during two field experiments in the Sahara Desert, Morocco, and the Negev Desert, Israel. Finally, I will discuss the relative contribution of dry and wet periods to the total yearly carbon balance and show how summer heat waves, which increase the daily minimum air temperature, may intensify carbon losses from the soil.

How to cite: Bekin, N. and Agam, N.: An inter-seasonal analysis of abiotic factors involved in the surface and subsurface fluxes of CO2 in desert soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15343,, 2025.

EGU25-15972 | Posters on site | SSS5.12

 Interelement relations in extracts simulating mobilizable soil fractions 

Manfred Sager and Marion Bonell

 Interelement relations in extracts simulating mobilizable soil fractions

Whereas many standardized soil extracts target only at a few parameters, ICP multielement determinations enable to trace interelement effects, respective correlations and possibly data simulations of amounts leached by other extractants. Ammonium salts and dilute organic acids are most favorable for the plasma torch, but salt solutions like LiCl, BaCl2, or CAL (Ca-acetate-lactate) need specially matrix matched standards. Sr blanks in CAL and Ni blanks in LiCl have to be considered anyway.

Mobilizable amounts of nutrient and trace elements from soil and related non-polluted substrates, have been compiled from monitoring and research projects of organic farming, obtained within the last 8 years. Up to 22 elements have been measured in the extracts, but some of them may remain below detection limits. As weakest extractants, water and LiCl are only suitable to release alkali, alkaline earths, P and S. Dilute acetic and formic acid act by mobilizing more due to their acidity, whereas acid complexants like CAL, oxalate pH3 and NH4-citrate attack pedogenic oxides in addition, and 0,5M HCl releases even more. Expectable concentration ranges versus aqua regia data will be given.

The samples will be grouped according to their carbonate, humics and nitrogen contents, in order to detect different concentration ranges and interelement effect, particularly for P and S.

How to cite: Sager, M. and Bonell, M.:  Interelement relations in extracts simulating mobilizable soil fractions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15972,, 2025.

EGU25-18297 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Vertical biochar transport in soil in a long-term field experiment in Germany 

Ryan Pearson, Arthur Gross, Tobias Bromm, and Bruno Glaser

The long-term stability of biochar is valuable for carbon sequestration in soil. Biochar’s aromatic structure inhibits microbial decomposition and prolongs the mean residence time of this organic soil amendment. During residence in soil, biochar particles do not remain rigidly in place but experience several dissipation processes, including vertical and lateral transport. However, the quantitative dissipation of biochar under field conditions remains unclear due to lacking long-term field observations.

Uncertainties concerning decreasing topsoil biochar stocks were inspected in a long-term field experiment located on a loamy soil and under humid temperate conditions in Bayreuth, Southern Germany. Industrially produced biochar was applied 14 years ago. Four differing amendments were arranged in a Latin rectangle experimental design: unamended control, pristine biochar (31.5 Mg ha⁻¹), biochar mixed with compost (31.5 Mg ha⁻¹ and 70.0 Mg ha⁻¹, respectively), and co-composted biochar with addition before composting (31.5 Mg ha⁻¹ and 70.0 Mg ha⁻¹, respectively). Soil samples were retrieved in 30 cm intervals to a depth of 90 cm. Benzene polycarboxylic acids (BPCA) were analyzed as a molecular marker for biochar. Our results indicate vertical biochar transport exceeding mechanical influence by agricultural practices. While treatments differed, all amendments containing biochar showed a trend of particle transport. The highest amounts were found in soil treated with pristine biochar, while the difference between treatments decreased with increasing soil depth. Furthermore, the contribution of individual BPCAs differed between depths. Relatively, higher condensed BPCA tended to decrease vertically. This indicates a preferential vertical transport of less condensed BPCA.

This study proves vertical particle transport of biochar in soil. This valuable insight partially explains decreasing biochar stocks near the surface with increasing time. Downward movement can be beneficial for carbon sequestration in soil due to generally reduced microbial activity at lower depths. However, hereby provided and associated organic matter may alter microbial abundance and must be studied further, as must the apparent effect of different amendments and selective transport of different BPCA. This future research bears implications on biochar’s mechanisms as a carbon sequestration technology in mitigating climate change.


Keywords: Biochar aging, biochar transport, carbon sequestration, climate change mitigation, molecular marker, organic soil amendment, pyrogenic carbon, soil organic carbon

Funding information: EU grant no. 101059546-TwinSubDyn

How to cite: Pearson, R., Gross, A., Bromm, T., and Glaser, B.: Vertical biochar transport in soil in a long-term field experiment in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18297,, 2025.

EGU25-18855 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Influence of co-applied biochar and enhanced basanite weathering on soil enzyme kinetics in an agricultural soil 

Maria Seedtke, Svenja C. Stock, Michaela Dippold, Susanne E. Hamburger, Claudia Kammann, Nikolas Hagemann, Annette Eschenbach, and Joscha N. Becker

Soil microbes are major regulators of soil ecosystem services and play a crucial role for carbon and nutrient cycling. Soil microbial activity can be altered by the application of biochar and of rock powder for enhanced weathering – two promising carbon dioxide removal (CDR) techniques. While most recent research considered both CDR methods separately, their co-application could offer additional benefits for CDR, soil health, and crop yield. Here, we compare the influence of pure wood biochar and pure basanite powder with the product of pre-pyrolytic combination of woody biomass and basanite powder (referred to as PyMiCCS). To determine the influence of joint pyrolysis, we also include a post-pyrolysis-combination (PPC) equivalent to PyMiCCS. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of co-applied biochar and basanite powder on enzyme kinetics. Therefore, we grew cabbage turnip (Brassica oleracea) in lysimeters filled with a sandy agricultural topsoil (control) and an amendment (biochar, basanite powder, PyMiCCS, PPC) over a period of nine weeks. Afterwards, the soil samples were analyzed for enzyme kinetics of ß-glucosidase, chitinase, leucine-aminopeptidase, and acid phosphatase.

Preliminary results show significantly enhanced Vmax (maximum rate of soil enzyme activity) of acid phosphatase in all treatments compared to the other studied enzymes, implying a relatively high demand for P. Furthermore, we found that treatments containing biochar, PyMiCCS, and PCC had up to 50% lower Vmax values for ß-glucosidase, chitinase, and acid phosphatase relative to control and basanite treatments. In contrast to this, leucine-aminopeptidase showed an increase in Vmax of up to 40% in biochar, PyMiCCS, and PCC treatments compared to control and basanite treatments. This could be interpreted as a shift of nutrient demand towards N due to the addition of biochar, PyMiCCS, and PCC, resulting in an increased production of the N-cycle-related leucine-aminopeptidase. This increased N demand could be caused by the fixation of N-rich molecules by the amendments, or by the release of other nutrients, such as P or C. Consistently with the latter, we observed a significant increase in C content of up to 50% following the application of biochar, PyMiCCS, and PPC, whereas the N content showed little to no increase. Our results so far indicate that the co-application of biochar and basanite powder affects soil microbial activity by shifting nutrient availability. However, the interactive effect of the co-applied amendments on mineral N and microbial biomass is still subject to further analyses.

How to cite: Seedtke, M., Stock, S. C., Dippold, M., Hamburger, S. E., Kammann, C., Hagemann, N., Eschenbach, A., and Becker, J. N.: Influence of co-applied biochar and enhanced basanite weathering on soil enzyme kinetics in an agricultural soil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18855,, 2025.

EGU25-20062 | ECS | Orals | SSS5.12

Nitrogen use efficiency of agroecosystems along a gradient of organic matter quality and quantity using stable nitrogen isotope tracing 

Samuel Steiner, Marco Keiluweit, Astrid Oberson, Dilani Rathnayake, and Thomas Guillaume

Despite advancements in fertilizer management practices, such as applying crop-specific doses, splitting fertilizer applications throughout the growing season, and selecting appropriate types of fertilizers, global estimates suggest that agroecosystems lose approximately half of the applied nitrogen fertilizer. This inefficiency arises partly because the potential for spatial precision application is not fully utilized. Additionally, research on further strategies to improve nitrogen use efficiency remains limited. The environmental consequences of these nitrogen losses, including gaseous emissions and leaching, are a significant concern, contributing to ecosystem degradation and climate change. Soil nitrogen losses can be mitigated through practices that increase organic carbon inputs, enhance native soil organic carbon, and, most importantly, boost soil microbial biomass levels. However, there is a limited understanding of how soil-plant interactions influence nitrogen immobilization and plant uptake across gradients of organic carbon inputs, native soil organic carbon levels, and microbial biomass. To address this knowledge gap, our study aims to determine the fate of fertilizer nitrogen within a plant-soil system under varying organic matter quantity and quality. To this end, we conducted a field experiment within a long-term organic amendment trial spanning over 45 years. This trial is characterized by a gradient in soil organic carbon and microbial biomass, induced by differing rates of repeated manure amendments. To introduce short-term organic carbon input variability, we further established a gradient in fresh organic carbon using harvest residues. Microplots were installed along these gradients and fertilized with 140 kg N/ha of nitrogen-15-enriched ammonium nitrate, applied in three split doses, to trace the fate of fertilizer-derived nitrogen. We are assessing its incorporation into wheat grain, straw, root biomass, and soil pools, including the microbial and organic nitrogen pools. Preliminary data indicate that neither microbial biomass nor soil organic carbon directly affected the uptake of fertilizer nitrogen into the aboveground plant biomass (grain and straw). However, we hypothesize that, at the plant-soil level, fertilizer recovery and, therefore, nitrogen use efficiency will improve with higher organic carbon inputs, greater native soil organic carbon, and more abundant microbial biomass. This improvement primarily being driven by enhanced nitrogen immobilization within the soil. Through this research, we aim to elucidate the connections between carbon and nitrogen cycling, with a particular focus on the role of soil carbon-to-nitrogen stoichiometry in determining the fate of fertilized nitrogen in agricultural systems. Ultimately, our findings will contribute to the development of optimized residue management strategies to increase nitrogen use efficiency at the agroecosystem level without compromising yields and food security.

How to cite: Steiner, S., Keiluweit, M., Oberson, A., Rathnayake, D., and Guillaume, T.: Nitrogen use efficiency of agroecosystems along a gradient of organic matter quality and quantity using stable nitrogen isotope tracing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20062,, 2025.

EGU25-466 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Effects of N fertilization on soil chemistry dynamics in Ferralsols of the High Potential Maize Zone, Kenya  

Kevin Churchil Oluoch, Abigael Otinga, Ruth Njoroge, Scholar Mutua, Turry Ouma, Phillip Agredazywczuk, Matti Barthel, Johan Six, Sonja Leitner, Collins Oduor, and Eliza Harris

Nitrogen-based inorganic fertilizers have been crucial in crop production globally. For a long time, SSA agriculture has been characterised by low fertilizer use and negative nutrient balances. However, recently fertilizer use has increased drastically. Unfortunately, increased use of synthetic N fertilizers alters soil properties directly and indirectly, and N losses to the ecosystem contribute to environmental degradation and climate change. Limited studies have focused on the effect of increased N application rates on agricultural soils in the tropical highlands. It is crucial to investigate and understand N flows in tropical soils to predict potential ecological impacts of increased synthetic N-fertilizer use while meeting the food demand in SSA.

This study aimed to investigate the effects of increasing N rates on soil N dynamics, chemical properties and N use efficiency in maize-monocrop systems in the tropical highlands of the Rift Valley region, Kenya. A field experiment consisting of six N-fertilizer rates (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 kg N ha-1) in triplicate was set up in Eldoret, Kenya. Soil samples were collected at depths of 0-20, 20-40 and 40-60 cm throughout the maize cropping season and analysed for mineral N (NH4+-N and NO3--N), soil organic carbon and pH. Results indicate a significant change in the soil chemistry due to fertilisation. The response magnitude varied across the three soil depths. For instance, NO3- -N increased with increased N application rate, which peaked at 14 (55.81 mg kg-1) and 42 (34.99 mg kg-1) days after treatment application in the top 20 cm and 20-40 cm depths, respectively. Similar trends were also observed in the NH4+-N concentration across different depths, with high N application rates tending to exhibit relatively high concentrations compared to treatments with lower N rates. We also observed a considerable decline in soil pH for plots treated with N fertilizer in the first 14 days, which then stabilized and rose gradually throughout the maize growing stages. However, the lower fertilizer plots tended to have higher pH in contrast to the other treatments. There was also a consistent increase in soil organic carbon (SOC), with slight fluctuations, throughout the cropping season.  

These results indicated low mineral N movement below the effective root zone depth during the active growth phase of the crop. Thus, a clear indicator of increased plant uptake and implies a reduced risk of loss through leaching in Ferralsols. We also expect that meteorological conditions coupled with crop phenological processes to play a significant role in the soil chemistry variability, as exhibited by the differences in response to the treatments. We will therefore consider crop phenological processes and how they influence soil nutrient cycles. The results of this study will help to inform sustainable N use in maize cropping systems and further improve understanding of N cycle in tropical soils.  

How to cite: Oluoch, K. C., Otinga, A., Njoroge, R., Mutua, S., Ouma, T., Agredazywczuk, P., Barthel, M., Six, J., Leitner, S., Oduor, C., and Harris, E.: Effects of N fertilization on soil chemistry dynamics in Ferralsols of the High Potential Maize Zone, Kenya , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-466,, 2025.

EGU25-880 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Insights into the sources of precursor and formation pathways of particulate NO3- during paddy-residue burning period through dual isotope proxies 

Chandrima Shaw, Ritwick Mandal, Atinderpal Singh, Prasanta Sanyal, and Neeraj Rastogi

Particulate nitrate (pNO3-) and its precursor gas nitrogen oxide (NOx) are among the most significant reactive nitrogen species in the atmosphere. NOx emissions over the Indian sub-continent especially the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) have increased rapidly over the past decades. NOx, an atmospheric gaseous pollutant, plays important roles in the formation of tropospheric ozone, recycling of hydroxyl radicals (OH), etc. It also serves as a precursor to pNO3- formation. This has significant implications for air quality, climate, and human health. Rapid accumulation of pNO3- can also increase PM load by aiding in secondary aerosol formations. Identification of the major sources of NOx and the formation pathways of pNO3- is crucial for improving the accuracy of air quality models and effective mitigation strategies. In the atmosphere, pNO3- is known to form mainly via four distinct pathways: (P1) oxidation of NO2 by OH in gas phase, (P2) hydrolysis of N2O5 on existing aerosols, (P3) reaction between NO3 radicals and VOCs, and (P4) reaction of NO3 radical and ClO. However, studies on the sources and formation pathways of pNO3- are limited pertaining to the Indian subcontinent as well as the globe. Dual isotopes (δ15N and δ18O) of pNO3- are an excellent tool to understand the formation mechanisms and sources of pNO3- precursor (NOx) in the atmosphere. In this study, diurnal samples of PM2.5 were collected over a semi-urban site (Patiala) in the IGP during a large-scale paddy residue burning period (October-November). Dual isotopes (δ15N and δ18O) of pNO3- along with other major ions were measured. Average δ18O and δ15N of pNO3- were 57.2 ± 8 ‰and -1.9 ± 5 ‰, respectively. Significant diurnal differences in δ18O-NO3- and δ15N-NO3- were observed. δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3- were -5.0 ± 2.4‰, 52.1 ± 6.2‰ and -0.13 ± 5.7‰, 60.0 ± 8.4‰ during day and night-time respectively. Enriched δ15N-NO3- during night-time was due to enhanced gas-particle partitioning owing to lower temperature. A significant negative correlation between Nitrate Oxidation Ratio (NOR), and temperature further supported the above statement. Stable isotope mixing model (MixSIAR) was used to estimate the contribution of different pathways to pNO3- formation and sources. The major pathways contributing to the formation of pNO3-  were  P1(OH)  (~ 92%) followed by P2 (N2O5) (~ 5%). P3 (VOCs) and P4 (ClO) had negligible contributions of ~1.3 and ~1.5% respectively. Relative contributions of P1 and P2 during day and night-time were calculated. P1 and P2 contributed to 95% and 5%, and 77% and 23% during day and night-time respectively. Presence of pNO3- formed via P1 during night-time could be due to the higher lifetime of pNO3- compared to sampling duration. Source apportionment showed biomass burning (32%) and traffic exhaust (35%) were the major contributors followed by combustion (18%) and soil emissions (15%) during the study period. Our study, first of its kind over India, is important for elucidating the formation mechanism of pNO3- from its precursor gas. Such studies are helpful in planning and developing mitigation strategies aiming to reduce NOx pollution over a specific region. 

How to cite: Shaw, C., Mandal, R., Singh, A., Sanyal, P., and Rastogi, N.: Insights into the sources of precursor and formation pathways of particulate NO3- during paddy-residue burning period through dual isotope proxies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-880,, 2025.

EGU25-1042 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Investigating the sensitivity of modelled nitrogen inputs in the Mediterranean to dry deposition parameters 

André Barreirinha, Sabine Banzhaf, Michael Russo, Markus Thürkow, Martijn Schaap, and Alexandra Monteiro

There are several nitrogen-sensitive areas in Europe, some more sensitive than others, and the Mediterranean climate zone is where many of the highly sensitive areas are. One of these areas is Portugal, where very few studies focus on this issue. The lack of infrastructure to monitor nitrogen concentrations and deposition in the country, as well as policies to enforce nitrogen emission reductions, poses a challenge, as ammonia is the most critical pollutant to fulfil Portugal's future emission goals.
Currently, modelling is the only cost-effective option to effectively study nitrogen deposition in the Mediterranean. Due to the extent of agriculture in these areas, nitrogen (N) deposition assessments have been conducted for many years in other countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, using Chemistry Transport Models (CTMs) to assess the dry deposition of reduced and oxidised N. Among these CTMs, LOTOS-EUROS is regarded as one of the most advanced models that includes a compensation point parametrization for ammonia. However, applying this model to a Mediterranean area requires some adaptation since its deposition parameters are mostly based on studies from North-Western Europe. Since vegetation parameters influence the surface resistance of gas-phase deposition, and this resistance is crucial for gas deposition, using these models in climates different from where they were initially developed will likely lead to inaccurate results. Due to this, there is a need for a CTM that better represents different climate zones. 
Here, we use a new version of the LOTOS-EUROS model incorporating a three-tiered vegetation approach. The three tiers considered are Tier 1—climate zones; Tier 2—land use classes; and Tier 3—vegetation type. This method incorporates 140 combinations of land use and vegetation types, allowing us to differentiate the Mediterranean from the standard temperate climate by changing vegetation parameters.
With this study, we aim to adapt and enhance the dry deposition module of LOTOS-EUROS by including specifications for the Mediterranean climate and vegetation. To achieve this goal, sensitivity runs were performed for multiple vegetation and climate-specific parameters to assess which are the most influential variables for the study region. Then, the most sensitive parameters were analysed to understand the variations.
This work found that adapting the maximum stomatal conductance is highly prone to introduce changes in the modelled deposition fluxes and concentrations of oxidised and reduced nitrogen and ozone. Maximum and minimum vapour pressure deficit and maximum, optimal and minimum temperature were also among the most susceptible to cause impacts in the model results over the Mediterranean. Also, the start and end of the growing season greatly impacted the modelled deposition fluxes since the growing season starts earlier and finishes later in the Mediterranean. Hence, adapting the deposition parameters to the Mediterranean climate and vegetation significantly impacts the modelled concentration and deposition fluxes of oxidised and reduced nitrogen compounds and ozone.

How to cite: Barreirinha, A., Banzhaf, S., Russo, M., Thürkow, M., Schaap, M., and Monteiro, A.: Investigating the sensitivity of modelled nitrogen inputs in the Mediterranean to dry deposition parameters, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1042,, 2025.

EGU25-1143 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Emissions of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide over the Iberian Peninsula estimated with satellite observations 

Daniel Helm, Enrico Dammers, Carla Gama, Martijn Schaap, and Alexandra Monteiro

Anthropogenic emissions of reactive nitrogen in Europe have increased significantly over the last two centuries. A large proportion of this reactive nitrogen is released into the atmosphere in the form of ammonia (NH3), which is generated from livestock farming activities and fertilizer use, and in the form of oxides of nitrogen (NOX) generated from the combustion of fossil fuels. 

The atmospheric deposition of reactive nitrogen can adversely impact ecosystems and biodiversity. This is particularly relevant to the Iberian Peninsula where ecosystems that have a low threshold for eutrophication, and are therefore highly sensitive to nitrogen levels, are found. 

In-situ measurements of reactive nitrogen species in this region are sparse and those that are available are measurements of NO2 concentrations and in some cases intermittent measurements of NHX & NOY wet deposition. This limitation in the availability of deposition data gives rise to a dearth of knowledge and a high degree of uncertainty in ascertaining the budget of nitrogen species in this region. 

Several approaches have been developed to estimate emissions of NO2 and NH3 utilizing earth observation. Here we present the application of a multi-gaussian plume inversion method in combination with satellite observations of NH3 from the Cross-Track Infrared Sounder instrument and observations of NO2 from the TROPOMI sensor to validate concentration distributions simulated by the LOTOS-EUROS chemistry transport model. 

Initially, a steady-state inversion scheme was applied over the Iberian Peninsula to derive spatial-temporal emission fields and evaluate these against inventory emissions and existing spatial and temporal distributions. An analysis of these results shows variations between the spatial distribution of inventory emissions and those obtained from the satellite observations. Then, the resulting emission fields are used within the LOTOS-EUROS model to simulate the concentration and deposition fields which will be evaluated with in-situ data. 

How to cite: Helm, D., Dammers, E., Gama, C., Schaap, M., and Monteiro, A.: Emissions of ammonia and nitrogen dioxide over the Iberian Peninsula estimated with satellite observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1143,, 2025.

EGU25-1792 | Orals | BG1.3

Determining the origin of nitrogen deposition in nature areas 

Roy Wichink Kruit, Kasper Brandt, Albert Bleeker, and Wim van der Maas

Nitrogen policy in the Netherlands has a long history. Since the 70’s of the last century, various measures have been implemented in an attempt to reduce emissions of different nitrogen compounds. A few examples of a wide range of measures implemented since then are the introduction of catalytic converters removing nitrogen oxides from fossil fuel burning, shallow injection of manure into the soil reducing ammonia emissions to air and lowering of the manure application rates. In 2019, the European High Court judged that the Dutch nitrogen policy with respect to nitrogen deposition onto protected nature areas was not in accordance with the European Habitats Directive. All infrastructural developments came to a halt: building houses, roads, etc. stopped. With a new Minister on Nitrogen in place since 2021, the focus became a drastic reduction of nitrogen emissions to get the nitrogen deposition below the nitrogen critical loads for 74% of the protected (Natura 2000) nature areas, which is laid down in a nitrogen law. This requires a drastic change in activities in and around these nature areas, mainly (but not exclusively) focusing on the agricultural sector. This because the contribution to the total nitrogen deposition of this sector is on average 50% in the Netherlands. To help policymakers take measures as efficiently as possible, RIVM has developed a tool that maps the origin of the nitrogen deposition in each nature area. In this presentation, the tool will be presented and it will be shown how the tool can help the government, provinces and other stakeholders to take dedicated regional measures to reduce the nitrogen emissions and eventually reduce the nitrogen deposition in nature areas.

How to cite: Wichink Kruit, R., Brandt, K., Bleeker, A., and van der Maas, W.: Determining the origin of nitrogen deposition in nature areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1792,, 2025.

EGU25-1999 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Contrasting physico-chemical and oxidative relationships to thalli nitrogen and metal ion contents in Usnea spp. and Hypotrachyna spp. from Himalayan forests of Nepal. 

Suman Prakash Pradhan, Hirendra Bista, Bishal Lamsal, Bishnu Prasad Pandey, Chitra Bahadur Baniya, Ajinkya Deshpande, Subodh Sharma, and Mark A Sutton

South Asian nations are facing the challenge of increasing nitrogen pollution with the Indo-Gangetic Plain having some of the highest levels of atmospheric ammonia pollution globally. However, there is a lack of in-country research to evaluate the possible impact of nitrogen-related pollutants on South Asian biodiversity. In the Himalayas, there is an opportunity to utilize lichens from natural habitats to establish field-based references for better future tracking of changes in ecosystem health relevant to the wider South Asian region. In this study, we assessed the natural chemical variability of two lichens (Usnea spp. and Hypotrachyna spp.) based on thallus nitrogen and metal ion contents along with their physico-chemical and oxidative responses in two 1-km long transects from two forests of Nepal representing local gradients. Our results revealed a moderate concentration of total Kjeldalh nitrogen (0.36-0.98 % DM in Chandragiri, KTM and 0.57-2.04 % DM in Ghorepani, ACA), as well as ammonium (40.42-159.84 mg/L in Chandragiri, KTM and 80.60-280.64 mg/L in Ghorepani, ACA) and considerable amount of metal ions in both lichens, though with the highest values for lichens collected from the Ghorepani, ACA (from Western Nepal). A noteworthy background concentration of atmospheric ammonia was also observed at both sites. The highest variation in physico-chemical responses, such as electrical conductivity, chlorophyll content, chlorophyll degradation, chlorophyll fluorescence, and phenolic content was observed in the lichens from the same area, consistent with the higher levels of air pollution. Moreover, there appeared to be associated impacts on oxidative responses such as radical scavenging and catalase activities. Furthermore, the metal ions in the lichen thalli were found to originate from both anthropogenic and natural sources in Chandragiri, KTM and few of the metal ions were deposited from long-range transport mechanisms in Ghorepani, ACA, which signifies the diverse sources of pollution in the study areas. The sampling line-wise variation in thallus chemistry signifies the local pollution gradient in both sites. Further, environmental covariables (slope, elevation, crown settings, wind pattern) were observed to affect the lichen abundance and accumulation of nitrogen and metal ions. In comparison, Hypotrachyna spp. showed greater potential to accumulate pollutants and variability in physico-chemical and oxidative responses. From this study, we conclude that a range of physico-chemical and biochemical responses of the target lichens can be used as proxies for the bioindication of nitrogen and metal ion pollution to assess lichen’s health and ecological functioning. Wider studies covering large spatial extent and cellular mechanisms of lichen response are now recommended to fully understand the functional biology explaining contrasting responses between lichen species in different geographic settings of Nepal and South Asia.


Keywords: Lichens; Bioindicators; Pollution; Ecosystem; Reference

How to cite: Pradhan, S. P., Bista, H., Lamsal, B., Pandey, B. P., Baniya, C. B., Deshpande, A., Sharma, S., and Sutton, M. A.: Contrasting physico-chemical and oxidative relationships to thalli nitrogen and metal ion contents in Usnea spp. and Hypotrachyna spp. from Himalayan forests of Nepal., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1999,, 2025.

EGU25-2297 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil health 

Kazem Zamanian, Ruhollah Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Jingjing Tao, Lichao Fan, Sajjad Raza, Georg Guggenberger, and Yakov Kuzyakov
Soil acidification is an ongoing problem in intensively cultivated croplands due to inefficient and excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization. We collected high-resolution data comprising 19,969 topsoil (0–20 cm) samples from the Land Use and Coverage Area frame Survey (LUCAS) of the European commission in 2009 to assess the impact of N fertilization on buffering substances such as carbonates and base cations. We have only considered the impacts of mineral fertilizers from the total added N, and a N use efficiency of 60 %. Nitrogen fertilization adds annually 6.1 × 107 kmol H+ to European croplands, leading to annual loss of 6.1 × 109 kg CaCO3. Assuming similar acidification during the next 50 years, soil carbonates will be completely removed from 3.4 × 106 ha of European croplands. In carbonate-free soils, annual loss of 2.1 × 107 kmol of basic cations will lead to strong acidification of at least 2.6 million ha of European croplands within the next 50 years. Inorganic carbon and basic cation losses at such rapid scale tremendously drop the nutrient status and production potential of croplands. Soil liming to ameliorate acidity increases pH only temporarily and with additional financial and environmental costs. Only the direct loss of soil carbonate stocks and compensation of carbonate-related CO2 correspond to about 1.5 % of the proposed budget of the European commission for 2023. Thus, controlling and decreasing soil acidification is crucial to avoid degradation of agricultural soils, which can be done by adopting best management practices and increasing nutrient use efficiency. Regular screening or monitoring of carbonate and base cations contents, especially for soils, where the carbonate stocks are at critical levels, are urgently necessary.

How to cite: Zamanian, K., Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, R., Tao, J., Fan, L., Raza, S., Guggenberger, G., and Kuzyakov, Y.: Acidification of European croplands by nitrogen fertilization: Consequences for carbonate losses, and soil health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2297,, 2025.

EGU25-3079 | Orals | BG1.3

Trends of inorganic nitrogen deposition in European forests during the period 2000-2020 

Arne Verstraeten, Andreas Schmitz, Aldo Marchetto, Nicholas Clarke, Anne Thimonier, Char Hilgers, Anne-Katrin Prescher, Till Kirchner, Karin Hansen, Tamara Jakovljević, Carmen Iacoban, Wim de Vries, Bernd Ahrends, Henning Meesenburg, Gunilla Pihl Karlsson, Per Erik Karlsson, and Peter Waldner

The input of nitrogen (N) into forests through atmospheric deposition has been determined for the main forest types within the ICP Forests Level II monitoring network and the Swedish Throughfall Monitoring Network (SWETHRO) since the 1990s from measured concentrations in continuously collected precipitation (bulk deposition) and throughfall (below tree canopy) samples. Recently, aggregated data sets have been created, containing gap-filled monthly and annual bulk and throughfall depositions (including stemflow in beech stands) for more than 500 forest stands. Total deposition was calculated from throughfall deposition accounting for canopy exchange. Here, we present trends for throughfall deposition of inorganic N, including ammonium (NH4+-N) and nitrate (NO3--N), for plots with a complete time series, during the period 2000-2020 and in the first and last decade separately. Furthermore, we highlight and discuss spatial trends of total inorganic N deposition across Europe.

How to cite: Verstraeten, A., Schmitz, A., Marchetto, A., Clarke, N., Thimonier, A., Hilgers, C., Prescher, A.-K., Kirchner, T., Hansen, K., Jakovljević, T., Iacoban, C., de Vries, W., Ahrends, B., Meesenburg, H., Pihl Karlsson, G., Karlsson, P. E., and Waldner, P.: Trends of inorganic nitrogen deposition in European forests during the period 2000-2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3079,, 2025.

EGU25-3928 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Synchronized N2O/CH4/H2O/NH3 plume mobile measurement system based on low-power open-path laser analyzers 

Songtao Hu, Weihao Shen, Ruisheng Jiang, Daniel Wilson, Ting-Jung Lin, and Yin Wang

In recent years, vehicle-based, multiple-gas mobile sensing platforms have been developed and extensively utilized for greenhouse gases (GHGs) and air pollutant emission studies. Closed-path analyzers are currently the primary equipment used for plume observations. However, the closed-path approach, poses sampling challenges for the species such as water vapor (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) that readily adsorb and desorb from the instrument inlets, tubings, and optical cells. Due to the different adsorption characteristics of each gas, the plume signals generated during the sampling process may become desynchronized. In addition, many mobile systems are deployed on fuel-powered vehicles, which emit exhaust that can contaminate the detected plume signals. These issues can increase the complexities in subsequent data processing tasks.

This work reports the field deployment of a multiple trace gas plume sensing platform, equipped with open-path N2O, CH₄, H2O and NH₃ quantum-cascade laser analyzers (model HT8500, HT8600P, HT8700, respectively) with a 10 Hz sampling time resolution. The plume monitoring system with a total power consumption of no more than 150W allows it to be easily driven by an electric vehicle. Utilizing the open-path N2O/CH4/H2O/NH3 gas analyzers eliminates the need for a pressure-controlled enclosed gas cell, the associated tubing systems, and power- hungry pump. The ambient air flows unrestricted through the optical path, enabling analyzers to achieve high temporal resolution, high response rates, and reduced sampling artifacts and power consumption compared to their closed-path gas analyzer counterparts. This open-path configuration not only eliminates the influence of exhaust emission signals from vehicles using fossil fuel engines, but also achieves perfect plume synchronization, which is crucial for the real-time identification of diffuse sources using correlations between different molecules in measured plumes.

The mobile platform has been field deployed in different field experiments including livestock farms, ammonia plants, cold storage facilities, wastewater treatment plants, and urban traffic roads in China. Our study has identified a substantial increase in ammonia concentrations adjacent to rivers, with an average increment of ~37 ppb relative to a few ppb background concentration. We observed that the peak methane concentration near a wastewater treatment plant reached 7539 ppb. Furthermore, the ratio of methane plume signal intensity to ammonia plume signal intensity in the vicinity of industrial areas is ~10, as opposed to non-industrial areas where this ratio is significantly reduced. The synchronized plume significantly enhances the efficiency of extracting effective plume data from the raw signals acquired from different gas analyzers.

How to cite: Hu, S., Shen, W., Jiang, R., Wilson, D., Lin, T.-J., and Wang, Y.: Synchronized N2O/CH4/H2O/NH3 plume mobile measurement system based on low-power open-path laser analyzers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3928,, 2025.

Nitrogen holds a crucial place in maintaining the sustainability of the food-energy-water (FEW) nexus, essential pillars underpinning human society. Its vital role spans across food production, energy generation, and the preservation of water quality. Here based on CHANS model, we show that comprehensive nitrogen management strategies offer the dual benefits of satisfying China's food requirements and boosting nitrogen energy production from straw by 1 million tonnes (26%) compared to the baseline year of 2020. Simultaneously, these strategies could lead to a reduction of 8 million tonnes (-31%) in nitrogen fertilizer usage, a decrease of 3.8 million tonnes (-46%) in nitrogen-induced water pollution, and a halving of water consumption in agriculture, all relative to 2020 levels. These transformative changes within the FEW nexus could result in national societal gains of around US$140 billion, against a net investment of just US$8 billion. This emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of such strategies and highlights their significant potential in assisting China to meet multiple sustainable development goals, especially those related to hunger relief, clean energy advancement, and the protection of aquatic ecosystems.

How to cite: Chen, B.: Managing nitrogen to achieve sustainable food-energy-water nexus in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4076,, 2025.

EGU25-4177 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Validation and uncertainty quantification of three state-of-the-art ammonia surface exchange schemes using NH3 flux measurements in a dune ecosystem 

Tycho Jongenelen, Margreet van Zanten, Enrico Dammers, Roy Wichink Kruit, Arjan Hensen, Leon Geers, and Jan Willem Erisman

Deposition of reactive nitrogen causes detrimental environmental effects, including biodiversity loss, eutrophication, and soil acidification. Measuring and modeling the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of ammonia, the most abundant reduced nitrogen species, is complex due to its high reactivity and solubility, often leading to systematic discrepancies between model predictions and observations. This study aims to determine whether three state-of-the-art exchange schemes for NH3 can accurately model NH3 exchange in a dune ecosystem and detect factors causing the uncertainties in these schemes. The selected schemes are DEPAC by Van Zanten et al. (2010), and the schemes by Massad et al. (2010) and Zhang et al. (2010). Validation against one year of gradient flux measurements revealed that the Zhang scheme represented the NH3 deposition at Solleveld best, whereas the DEPAC scheme overestimated the total deposition while the Massad scheme underestimated the total deposition. Yet, none of these schemes captured the emission events at Solleveld, pointing to considerable uncertainty in the compensation point parameterization and possibly in the modeling of NH3 desorption processes from wet surface layers. The sensitivity analysis further reinforced these results, showing how uncertainty in essential model parameters in the external resistance (Rw) and compensation point parameterization propagated into diverging model outcomes. These outcomes underscore the need to improve our mechanistic understanding of surface equilibria represented by compensation points, including the adsorption-desorption mechanism at the external water layer. Specific recommendations are provided for future modeling approaches and measurement setups to support this goal.

How to cite: Jongenelen, T., van Zanten, M., Dammers, E., Wichink Kruit, R., Hensen, A., Geers, L., and Erisman, J. W.: Validation and uncertainty quantification of three state-of-the-art ammonia surface exchange schemes using NH3 flux measurements in a dune ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4177,, 2025.

EGU25-5842 | Orals | BG1.3

Periodic Cicada Mass Mortality Events Drive Microbial-Mediated Gas Pulses from Forest Soils 

Ryan Mushinski, Megan Purchase, Richard Phillips, Jonathan Raff, Amy Phelps, Elizabeth Huenupi, and Jennifer Lau

Mass emergence of periodic cicadas (Magicicada spp.) represents a unique ecosystem disturbance with potential impacts on forest soil biogeochemistry and greenhouse gas emissions. During the 2021 Brood X emergence in Indiana, USA, we investigated how cicada emergence and subsequent decomposition affected soil microbial communities and their production of nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3). Using a combination of field measurements and controlled laboratory experiments, we discovered that the interface between cicada carcasses and soil surfaces creates hotspots of enhanced microbial nutrient cycling, leading to significant pulses of N2O and NH3 after approximately 10-15 days. Our study revealed that dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA) was the primary mechanism driving these emissions, evidenced by increased abundance of DNRA taxa on cicada carcass surfaces (the necrobiome) coinciding with peak gas fluxes. Notably, the abundance of Serratia marcescens, a bacteria capable of both chitin degradation and DNRA, was significantly positively associated with N2O pulses. Analysis of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing data showed distinct microbial community compositions between soil and cicada necrobiome samples, with significantly higher abundances of chitinolytic and DNRA taxa in the necrobiome. Time series decomposition experiments demonstrated that soil respiration rates and nitrogen cycling were significantly enhanced in cicada-amended soils. Quantitative PCR revealed that bacterial ammonia oxidisers dominated over archaeal counterparts in soil samples, while the cicada necrobiome was characterised by high abundances of heterotrophic nitrifiers. The emergence tunnels created by cicadas also influenced soil conditions, potentially creating microsites that favour DNRA over conventional denitrification. While individual emergence events may contribute relatively small amounts of nitrogen compared to annual atmospheric deposition, the predictable nature and geographic extent of cicada emergences suggest they may represent an overlooked yet significant contributor to forest nitrogen cycling and greenhouse gas emissions. Our findings provide new insights into the complex microbiological mechanisms driving biogeochemical pulses following mass mortality events and highlight the need to consider periodic ecosystem disturbances in climate change models.

How to cite: Mushinski, R., Purchase, M., Phillips, R., Raff, J., Phelps, A., Huenupi, E., and Lau, J.: Periodic Cicada Mass Mortality Events Drive Microbial-Mediated Gas Pulses from Forest Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5842,, 2025.

EGU25-6623 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Trade-offs between crop yield, soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions under reduced tillage and rainfall exclusion 

Antonios Apostolakis, Paulina Englert, Oliver Lindunda Daka, Stefan Siebert, and Ana Meijide

Reduced tillage is often considered as an agroecological practice that promotes soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration in the topsoil, offering potential for climate change mitigation. However, effective mitigation requires a comprehensive understanding of trade-offs among SOC stocks, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop yields. As climate change alters carbon and nitrogen cycling, these trade-offs must be evaluated under current and experimentally induced extreme conditions to assess the effectiveness of reduced tillage in a changing climate. In this study, we measured crop yields, soil carbon stocks and soil CO2 and N2O fluxes in a conventional tillage (CT) vs. reduced tillage (RT) field trial in central Germany. The long-term trial runs since 1970 in a field with Luvisol soil (73% silt, 15% clay, and 6.6 pH). The mean annual precipitation is 611±120 mm and the mean annual temperature is 9.6±0.7°C. The field trial follows a randomized block design and consists of 16 plots: eight under CT with inversion ploughing to a depth of 27-30 cm, and eight under RT with non-inversion harrowing to a depth of 7-10 cm. In 2022-23 and in 2023-24 we cultivated winter wheat and winter barley respectively. In February 2023, rain-out shelters (area =2 m × 2 m) designed to intercept 50% of the precipitation were installed in half of the plots, and we initiated the soil flux measurements with static chambers over permanently installed rings and portable gas analyzers. We measured crop yields in both years, and SOC in samples from 0-90 cm at 10 cm intervals sampled in August 2023. SOC traits were examined with by-size fractionation to particulate and mineral-associated organic matter and an incubation experiment with an automated respirometer. Winter wheat yield did not differ between tillage and precipitation treatments but, in the second year of our experiment, winter barley yield was lower under rainfall exclusion than ambient precipitation in the RT fields only (50% precipitation: 0.26±0.05 kg m-2 vs. 100% precipitation: 0.52±0.02 kg m-2). Regarding SOC, we found that fields under RT had higher stocks in the 0-10 cm depth than under CT (RT: 1.93±0.03 kg m-2 vs. CT: 1.53±0.02 kg m-2), but the opposite occurred in the 20-30 cm depth (RT: 1.16±0.04 kg m-2 vs. CT: 1.58±0.06 kg m-2). Comparing SOC stocks at 0-90 cm, there was no difference between the two tillage systems. Field soil N2O fluxes did not differ significantly between tillage and precipitation treatments when considering block, plot and date as random effects. In contrast, field soil CO2 fluxes were significantly lower in RT than CT fields under ambient precipitation but this did not result in higher SOC stocks under RT. Rainfall exclusion led to higher soil CO2 fluxes both in the RT (in average, 50%: 32.0±1.0 mg CO2-C m-2 h-1 vs. 100%: 30.6±0.9 mg CO2-C m-2 h-1) and CT (in average, 50%: 30.1±1.1 mg CO2-C m-2 h-1 vs. 100%: 24.2±0.7 mg CO2-C m-2 h-1) fields. Based on the above, RT seems to have no climate change mitigation potential in a productive fine textured soil of temperate central Europe.

How to cite: Apostolakis, A., Englert, P., Daka, O. L., Siebert, S., and Meijide, A.: Trade-offs between crop yield, soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions under reduced tillage and rainfall exclusion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6623,, 2025.

EGU25-6740 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Dynamics of N2O emissions from Amazonian tropical peat forest and partitioning N-processes using 15N isotopes. 

Mohit Masta, Fahad Ali Kazmi, Mikk Espenberg, Jaan Pärn, Kaido Soosaar, and Ülo Mander

Tropical peatlands are crucial for global nitrogen (N) cycling because they store large amounts of carbon and N. This study, conducted in November 2023, investigated the dynamics of N2O emissions from Amazonian peatland forests in Peru. It focused specifically on two peatland forest sites in Iquitos: the Quistococha and Zungarococha forests. We conducted static chamber gas measurements to assess soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes. Additionally, we took soil samples for physical and chemical properties and soil microbiome (DNA & RNA). In order to investigate the source processes for N2O production and consumption, we applied 15N isotopes as tracers in soil. We also took samples for natural abundance of 15N in N2O gas. Our results indicate that both forests exhibited different trends in soil GHG fluxes and N substrates. Quistococha had higher levels of soil nitrate and ammonium compared to Zungarococha, which correlated with increased N2O emissions from Quistococha. A similar pattern was observed for CO2 emissions, with Quistococha producing higher levels than Zungarococha. Contrastingly, Zungarococha had higher soil moisture levels, which aligned with its lower N2O emissions. This forest also showed greater soil N2 emissions, suggesting the potential for complete denitrification. However, this site was also a significant source of CH4 emissions due to its higher soil moisture, which supports methanogenic activity. Overall, the two sites demonstrated distinct behaviors: Quistococha was a source of N2O and CO2, influenced by intermediate soil moisture. Zungarococha emitted higher levels of CH4 and N2 due to its high soil moisture conditions. The patterns in N2O fluxes are further supported by 15N isotopic mapping, correlating N2O emissions with their source processes. The site preference values fall within the denitrification zone at Zungarococha and the nitrification zone, with some hybrid processes in Quistococha.  The microbiome analyses show similar results, with denitrifying microbes dominating the Zungarococha soil and nitrifying microbes dominating the Quistococha soil.

How to cite: Masta, M., Kazmi, F. A., Espenberg, M., Pärn, J., Soosaar, K., and Mander, Ü.: Dynamics of N2O emissions from Amazonian tropical peat forest and partitioning N-processes using 15N isotopes., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6740,, 2025.

Soil organic matter (SOM) consists of carbon and nitrogen, both of which can contribute to the production of nitrous oxide (N2O). Currently, there is ample focus on increasing soil carbon content as a strategy for climate mitigation. Yet, the role of SOM on N2O production is poorly understood. We will present field flux N2O measurements from a hillslope cultivated to cereals with a natural gradient in SOM, pH and soil moisture. Additionally, eight rain exclusion shelters (~50% drought) were installed along the gradient, and N2O fluxes were measured both under 50% reduced and normal rainfall conditions. N2O fluxes have been measured for two growing seasons and will be presented alongside with soil and yield characteristics.

How to cite: Dörsch, P. and Kjær, S. T.: Influence of soil organic matter and reduced rainfall on nitrous oxide emissions along a cultivated hillslope , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7923,, 2025.

EGU25-8269 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Decreasing N deposition leads to significant decrease in foliar N concentrations in forest trees 

Inken Krüger, Andreas Schmitz, Catrin Stadelmann, and Tanja Sanders

Despite reduction of nitrogen emissions, deposition in German forests remain high. Eutrophication of ecosystems thus remains an important issue of scientific and socio-political interest. Here we analyse data from 78 intensive forest monitoring (Level II) sites operated by the forest research institutes of the German federal states as part of the ICP Forests network (International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests). In the 2013-2022 period, mean annual bulk open field (inorganic + organic) deposition was between 4.4 and 13.5 kg N ha-1 a-1. Over the past twenty years, N deposition decreased by about 40 % which corresponds to a decrease of 2.5 % per year compared to the deposition in 2010. The decrease in N-NO3 (-3.1 % per year) was slightly higher than the decrease in N-NH4 (-2.7 %). Organic N deposition decreased by only 0.7 % per year. Canopy budget models show that N deposition (wet + dry + occult) to forest sites was between 10 and 31 kg N ha-1 a-1 over the same period.

The deposition data is used for reporting duties such as the German federal states’ core indicators of environmental quality (LIKI) and for scientific research e.g. to evaluate changes in biodiversity, dynamics of nutrient cycles and ensuing vulnerability of ecosystem services, or effects on tree vitality. We used the data to assess the impact of N deposition on foliar N concentrations, an import indicator of tree nutrition status. Tree nutrition influences vitality and trees’ resilience to climate extremes. A deterioration of foliar nutrients has been observed in forest ecosystems across Europe. At the German Level II sites, all main tree species (European beech, Norway spruce, Scots pine, sessile and pedunculate oak) show a significant decrease in foliar N concentration of 0.2-0.3 % per year. Besides nitrogen deposition, the reduction has been linked to various environmental factors, including increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns, as well as, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. At the spatial scale, nutrient availability can be explained by various site conditions such as parent material. Nonetheless, weak positive but significant relationships between mean foliar N and total N deposition for beech, oak, and pine for the 2013-2022 time period show that atmospheric deposition can explain part of the spatial variability between forest sites. The results indicate the importance of assessing deposition, trophy classes, and climate conditions at the same sites to fully understand their interaction.

How to cite: Krüger, I., Schmitz, A., Stadelmann, C., and Sanders, T.: Decreasing N deposition leads to significant decrease in foliar N concentrations in forest trees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8269,, 2025.

EGU25-8306 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Investigating Nitrous Oxide Pathways and Soil Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions Using Isotopic Techniques to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission 

Sobia Bibi, Barira Shoukat Hafiza, Wolfgang Wanek, Magdeline Vlasimsky, Mariana Rabello, Maria Heiling, Gerd Dercon, Sandén Taru, Spiegel Adelheid, and Rebecca Hood-Nowotny

Effective management of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in agricultural soils is crucial for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). This study investigates innovative dual C and N isotope-based methods to explore the mechanisms driving N2O and CO2 production and their potential mitigation, while maintaining soil fertility. By applying selectively labelled fertilizers with labelled in both fractions (15NH4NO3 or NH415NO3) the microbial transformations of N in soil are traced, allowing for the identification of conditions that promote N2O production or its reduction to the environmentally benign N gas (N2).

The impact of different labile and recalcitrant C sources on N cycling and GHG emissions is investigated by applying 13C-labelled maize-derived plant litter and biochar. The interaction between labile-C (e.g., plant litter) and recalcitrant C (e.g., biochar) with N in soils plays a critical role in regulating microbial processes and, consequently, GHG emissions. Plant litter, as a labile C source, stimulates microbial activity, (i) enhancing N-cycling and potentially increasing N2O emissions or, alternatively, (ii) stimulating microbial inorganic N immobilization thereby reducing N availability to gaseous and hydrological N loss processes. In contrast, recalcitrant C, such as biochar, provides a stable C form with long term C storage potential in soils. Biochar with its large specific surface area is recognized for its ability to sorb inorganic N such as ammonium and nitrate, reducing its availability for microbial processes that produce N2O and thereby may mitigate soil N2O emissions. However, how C inputs and N availability influence each other and affect microbial processes linked to GHG emissions remains poorly understood.

To address these challenges, a large-scale incubation study was initiated using soils sampled from a field experiment in Grabenegg, Austria, conducted by, The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) and Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Vienna (AGES). One experimental soil was amended with NPK fertilizer, while the other received both NPK and hardwood- derived biochar since 2022. Soil samples were collected from the upper 10 cm of the root zone in October 2024 and used in a laboratory mesocosm experiment to trace litter-C and biochar-C processing and their effects on soil inorganic N cycling using 15N and 13C isotope tracing and isotope pool dilution measurements. Key measurements, including emissionsof 15N2O, 15N2, and 13CO2, 13C tracing into particulate organic 13C, mineral-associated organic 13C, and microbial biomass 13C and, 15N tracing in, mineral-N (15NH4, 15NO3) and microbial 15N will be performed at various intervals over one month, and data evaluated using numerical modelling. Findings from this study will greatly contribute to optimizing climate-smart soil management practices aimed at reducing GHG emissions from soil while maintaining its fertility.  

How to cite: Bibi, S., Hafiza, B. S., Wanek, W., Vlasimsky, M., Rabello, M., Heiling, M., Dercon, G., Taru, S., Adelheid, S., and Hood-Nowotny, R.: Investigating Nitrous Oxide Pathways and Soil Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions Using Isotopic Techniques to Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emission, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8306,, 2025.

EGU25-9733 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Nitrogen transformation mediated by artificial root exudates derived from young alder and English oak trees 

Novalia Kusumarini, Iseult Lynch, Liam Cox, and Sami Ullah

Root exudates account for up to 17% of the carbon fixed from photosynthesis and are allocated belowground, where they significantly influence microbial communities that drive nutrient cycling, particularly nitrogen in the rhizosphere. Root C exudation for nitrogen acquisition may differ between tree types. This study aimed to investigate how root exudates from English oak (Quercus robur) influence nitrogen cycling in rhizosphere soils compared to soils under alder (Alnus glutinosa). We hypothesized that oak root exudates would prime faster N transformation, given that alder tree roots host nodules for biological nitrogen fixation and thus will not invest exudate C in nitrogen acquisition. We experimented to measure gross and net nitrogen mineralization rates in soils subjected to simulated oak- and alder-specific carbon exudation rates. The study was designed using three artificial root exudate concentrations: 0, 77, and 359 µg C g⁻¹ soil day⁻¹ for alder, and 0, 187, and 814 µg C g⁻¹ soil day⁻¹ for oak. Soils were collected from the top 15 cm of the mineral layer from a four-year-old monoculture plantation of oak and alder trees in Staffordshire, England. The artificial root exudates were based on the actual root exudate rates from alder and oak trees collected during the Summer of 2022 and Spring of 2023 and contained carbohydrates, amino acids, and organic acids. Nitrogen transformation responses in the incubated soils were measured on days 15 and 30. On day 15, half of the soils were recovered from the incubation chambers and subjected to 15N-N tracer addition to determine gross N mineralization. The study revealed that higher concentrations of root exudate significantly (p<0.001) enhanced microbial activity. This was evidenced by increased soil respiration (21-fold in the oak simulation and 10-fold in the alder), microbial biomass carbon (3-fold in both tree species), and microbial biomass nitrogen (6-fold in oak and 2-fold in alder simulations) compared to the control after 30 days of incubation. These changes contributed to a 282% increase in total dissolved nitrogen in the oak and a 140% increase in the alder simulations. Root carbon inputs altered both gross and net mineralization and nitrification rates. Higher exudate concentrations over longer incubation periods elevated gross mineralization rates by up to 20-fold in the oak but reduced by up to fivefold in the alder compared to controls. Net mineralization rates increased with exudate concentration in both species. In gross nitrification, oak exudates enhanced tenfold, while alder exudates increased eightfold compared to controls after 15 days. Gross mineralization strongly correlated with net mineralization (R²oak=0.92, R²alder=0.76) but showed weaker correlations with net nitrification (R²oak = 0.30, R²alder = –0.47). Oak root exudates exhibited higher responses across gross mineralization (lnRR=3.08), net mineralization (lnRR=2.50), and gross nitrification (lnRR=1.57) compared to alder. Our results demonstrate that higher oak exudation rates enhanced nitrogen cycling compared to alder, underscoring the importance of species-specific traits in shaping carbon allocation strategies and nutrient cycling in the rhizosphere. This research highlights the critical role of root exudation in regulating soil nutrient dynamics and has broader implications for forest management.

How to cite: Kusumarini, N., Lynch, I., Cox, L., and Ullah, S.: Nitrogen transformation mediated by artificial root exudates derived from young alder and English oak trees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9733,, 2025.

EGU25-9997 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Trade-off analysis of conventional and organic crop rotations under current and future climate scenarios in Finland 

Roberta Calone, Elena Valkama, Marco Acutis, Alessia Perego, Marco Botta, and Simone Bregaglio

Maintaining agricultural productivity while reducing soil organic carbon (SOC) loss, greenhouse gas emissions and groundwater contamination is a major challenge for European agriculture. Organic farming practices are expected to improve soil health and have increased their share of European cropland, but their effects on soil biogeochemical properties, biodiversity and nitrogen dynamics are mixed. This study uses the process-based ARMOSA crop model to assess the impact of conventional and organic farming practices on yield, SOC stock, nitrate (NO3) leaching, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in both crop and livestock farms.

The research was carried out using simulations under current and projected future climate conditions in the South Savo region of Finland, which is characterised by a subarctic climate (Köppen-Geiger classification). The soil type was loamy sand (sand 76%, clay 4%, silt 20%) with a SOC content of 3.5%, a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 17, and a pH of 6.2 in the top 30 cm of the soil.

Five-year crop rotations that reflect prevalent practices in the area were designed for both crop and livestock production systems. Crop production rotations included cereals (with fodder peas in organic management), oilseed rape, and grass. Livestock farm rotations featured two years of cereals followed by a three-year fescue and timothy meadow (including clover in organic management). Nine scenarios were simulated to explore residue management and fertilisation strategies. Conventional systems used mineral fertilisers alone or combined with slurry. Organic systems used slurry, green manure, and a commercial organic fertiliser.

To evaluate the productivity and the environmental impact of these rotations, a fuzzy logic-based trade-off analysis was employed for each climate scenario. This analysis quantifies the trade-offs between crop yield, N2O emissions, NO3 leaching, and SOC stock changes. The result is a composite index known as the ∑ommit index. This index rates these trade-offs on a scale from 0 (poor) to 1 (excellent).  To accommodate diverse evaluation criteria, alternative versions of this trade-off analysis were implemented. Each version varies the weightings assigned to the trade-off components to mirror the perspectives and priorities of different representative stakeholder categories.

Using the ∑ommit index to evaluate a five-year rotation, rather than analysing individual cropping cycles, offers a significant advantage. This approach takes into account the interconnected effects of each cycle and its interactions with preceding and subsequent cycles. By considering these cumulative effects, the index provides a more comprehensive view of the trade-off dynamics during crop transitions. This holistic perspective is essential for making informed decisions about sustainable farming practices and long-term crop rotation strategies.

How to cite: Calone, R., Valkama, E., Acutis, M., Perego, A., Botta, M., and Bregaglio, S.: Trade-off analysis of conventional and organic crop rotations under current and future climate scenarios in Finland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9997,, 2025.

EGU25-10246 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Global net cooling effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen: the unneglectable roles of short-lived nitrogen components 

Cheng Gong, Hanqin Tian, Hong Liao, Sian Kou-Giesbrecht, Nicolas Vuichard, Yan Wang, and Sönke Zaehle and the NMIP2 contributors

Anthropogenic activities have substantially enhanced the loadings of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in the Earth system since pre-industrial times, contributing to widespread eutrophication and air pollution. Increased Nr can also influence global climate through a variety of effects on atmospheric and land processes but the cumulative net climate effect is yet to be unravelled. Here we show that anthropogenic Nr causes a net negative direct radiative forcing of −0.34 [−0.20, −0.50] W m−2 in the year 2019 relative to the year 1850. This net cooling effect is not only as a result of the increased terrestrial carbon sequestration, but also led by short-lived Nr components and the associated atmospheric chemical reactions, including increased aerosol loading and reduced methane lifetime induced by nitrogen oxide (NOx). Such cooling effect is not offset by the warming effects of enhanced atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) and ozone (O3). However, despite the significant climate impacts of the short-lived nitrogen components, in particular, NOx, the associated soil biogeochemical processes remain poorly constrained, thus leading to varied responses to N fertilizer application as well as the estimates of global soil emissions among different approaches. Our results highlight the urgent necessities to integrate knowledge between atmospheric chemistry and soil biogeochemistry to improve the understanding of the Nr climatic effects.

How to cite: Gong, C., Tian, H., Liao, H., Kou-Giesbrecht, S., Vuichard, N., Wang, Y., and Zaehle, S. and the NMIP2 contributors: Global net cooling effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen: the unneglectable roles of short-lived nitrogen components, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10246,, 2025.

EGU25-10603 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Landscape fluxes and dry deposition velocity of ammonia near a cattle feedlot using flux gradient approach 

Qingmei Wang, Thomas K. Flesch, and Deli Chen

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) are emission hotspots of ammonia (NH3). The NH3 emitted from these hotspots can be locally recaptured by the surrounding vegetation, mainly due to dry deposition. This deposition can either have beneficial fertilizing effects for N-limited ecosystems or pose adverse impacts on sensitive ecosystems. However, there is a lack of direct measurements of NH3 deposition near hotspots. We conducted two field campaigns to investigate the landscape NH3 fluxes over the barley (winter), lentil (winter), and fallow (summer) fields adjacent to an intensive beef cattle feedlot in southeast Australia. The flux measurements were segregated into periods when the measurement location was upwind of the feedlot or downwind. Upwind of the feedlot, we observed upward fluxes (surface emissions) over the fallow and barley sites with daily means (± standard error) of 0.16 ± 0.02 and 0.007 ± 0.012 μg NH3 m-2 s-1, and downward fluxes (deposition) over the lentil site with a daily mean of -0.022 ± 0.007 μg NH3 m-2 s-1. These measurements indicated the NH3 compensation point for barley was approximately 6.2 μg m-3 (equivalent to the background atmospheric NH3 concentration), and the NH3 compensation point for lentils was lower than 3.4 μg m-3. Downwind of the feedlot, we observed downward fluxes at all sites with daily means of -0.57 ± 0.09 μg NH3 m-2 s-1 for the barley site, -1.26 ± 0.17 μg NH3 m-2 s-1 for the lentil site, and -0.58 ± 0.12 μg NH3 m-2 s-1 for the fallow site; the mean deposition velocities over the barley, lentil, and fallow sites were 0.74, 0.82 and 0.78 cm s-1. Based on the frequency of upwind and downwind periods, we estimate that the accumulated N inputs to the barley, lentil and fallow fields during each campaign were 4.5, 14.8 and 4.3 kg N ha-1, indicating that the deposition of NH3 emitted from the feedlot serves as a significant source of N input to its adjacent fields. Our study can provide valuable information on NH3 exchange between vegetation and atmosphere, and extend our understanding of the fate of NH3 emitted from hotspots.

How to cite: Wang, Q., Flesch, T. K., and Chen, D.: Landscape fluxes and dry deposition velocity of ammonia near a cattle feedlot using flux gradient approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10603,, 2025.

EGU25-11361 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Standardization of a resistance model for the calculation of nitrogen deposition in the updated German standard VDI 3782-5 

Ulf Janicke, Sabine Banzhaf, Christian Brümmer, Thomas Gauger, Thomas Krämerkämper, Helmut Lorentz, Klaus Maßmeyer, Karsten Mohr, Alexander Moravek, Wolfgang J. Müller, Joachim Namyslo, Julia Nickel, Andreas Prüeß, Beat Rihm, Martijn Schaap, Andreas Schmitz, Andreas Tilgner, and Alfred Trukenmüller

The German standard VDI 3782-5 "Deposition Parameters" (German/English, provides deposition velocities and washout rates for various gaseous substances and particles. It is applied in local and mesoscale dispersion modelling, for example in the context of the German regulation on Air Quality Control (TA Luft). The current version of the standard dates from 2006. It is based on findings from a limited number of studies that led to the implementation of relatively simple descriptions and only rough estimates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition. The standard is currently undergoing a rigorous scientific revision by the authors on behalf of the VDI.

The updated standard will specify, among others, a model for the calculation of surface resistances, including compensation points for NH3. The model is based on DEPAC (RIVM, Netherlands) and implemented in Java program (JDepac). JDepac allows parameter variations and time series calculations. Input parameters include date and time, geographical location, land use, meteorological data and, for NH3, information on current and past loads. Default options are provided for missing input. Output quantities are, among others, resistances, deposition velocities, and deposition fluxes of NH3, NO, NO2, HNO3, SO2, O3, Hg and particles.

JDepac is compared to various deposition measurements and results from mesoscale models. For NH3, effects of the compensation point on the resulting deposition velocities are investigated. JDepac is used to calculate temporal averages of deposition velocities for different land use classes. In combination with dispersion calculations, effective deposition velocities are derived from the calculated deposition fluxes and concentrations. These simpler parameters are straightforward to apply in local dispersion modelling. JDepac itself allows more sophisticated calculations and can be coupled to dispersion and chemical transport models.

The updated standard VDI 3782-5 and its OpenSource tool JDepac are intended to serve as a state-of-the art, practical, and transparent reference for both local and mesoscale calculations of nitrogen deposition. In addition, the standard contains descriptions for the calculation of deposition velocities and washout rates of particles, the calculation of deposition probabilities for Lagrangian particle models, and the effects of drop displacement in wet deposition.

The updated standard is expected to serve as a useful tool for example in the decision process of facility planning and its licensing procedure conducted by local authorities, which is especially critical for the impact assessment on ecosystems under the EU Habitats Directive. In addition, the updated standard is expected to support the harmonization of air pollution modelling within the implementation of the new (2024) EU Ambient Air Quality Directive.

How to cite: Janicke, U., Banzhaf, S., Brümmer, C., Gauger, T., Krämerkämper, T., Lorentz, H., Maßmeyer, K., Mohr, K., Moravek, A., Müller, W. J., Namyslo, J., Nickel, J., Prüeß, A., Rihm, B., Schaap, M., Schmitz, A., Tilgner, A., and Trukenmüller, A.: Standardization of a resistance model for the calculation of nitrogen deposition in the updated German standard VDI 3782-5, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11361,, 2025.

EGU25-11640 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Rhizobia inoculation to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from UK grasslands and herbal leys under intercropping systems. 

Katie Weir, Christopher Williamson, Tom Williams, and Fotis Sgouridis

N2O is a potent greenhouse gas, with ~300 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide.  The current trajectory for N2O emissions follows the highest warming RCP8.5 scenario, with agriculture accounting for ~70% of global emissions.  As demand for food and livestock feed is expected to increase, mitigation measures which reduce agricultural N2O emissions and simultaneously increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are urgently required to limit warming below the 2°C target set by the Paris Agreement.

The promotion of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in crop and forage systems via the incorporation of legumes has been advocated as a N2O mitigation strategy because it reduces synthetic N fertiliser application and increases NUE.  However, novel strategies suggest that in addition to BNF, manipulation of the soil microbiota could hold the key to N2O mitigation.  Soybean studies have successfully identified strains of symbiotic N-fixing rhizobia which can reduce N2O because they possess the gene encoding for nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ).  The potential of N2O-reducing (NosZ+) rhizobia inoculums could therefore be critical to agricultural N2O emission mitigation; however, few studies have explored other legume-rhizobia associations for NosZ+ strains.  Most notable is the complete lack of research on permanent grassland ecosystems, which cover 40% of global land surface and account for 54% of global N2O emissions.

This study aims to investigate the potential of clover-rhizobia associations to mitigate N2O emissions from UK grasslands and herbal leys under intercropping systems.  Soils from five different land uses were sampled from FarmED (agroecology demonstration farm) and Pudlicote Farm in the Cotswolds, UK: unfertilised permanent pasture, unfertilised clover/grass sward, herbal ley (1st and 5th year) and conventionally farmed winter wheat.  Native rhizobia present in the soil samples were selected by the growth and nodulation of Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) plants.  Rhizobia extracted from the harvested root nodules were cultured on yeast mannitol agar to isolate individual strains.  Strains then underwent gDNA extraction and whole-genome sequencing using the Illumina NovoSeq X platform to determine the presence of the nosZ gene.  Biogeochemical analysis of the soils was related to the presence/absence of the nosZ gene to infer potential genotype environmental controls.

Finally, identified NosZ+ strains will undergo a phenotype assessment using a soil-plant-atmosphere mesocosm experiment, whereby N2O emissions from clover plants inoculated with NosZ+ strains will be monitored. Control strains; Rhizobium leguminosarum bv.trifolii T117 (nosZ+) and T132 (nosZ-) were obtained from the MIAE collection (INRAE, France) and will be tested alongside Bradyrhizobium diazoefficiens G49 (nosZ+) (soybean specific strain) and the identified native strains. The overall aim of the study is to create a rhizobia inoculum able to reduce N2O emissions when included in the intercropping sequence of leys and pastures, thus contributing to Net Zero global strategies.

How to cite: Weir, K., Williamson, C., Williams, T., and Sgouridis, F.: Rhizobia inoculation to mitigate nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from UK grasslands and herbal leys under intercropping systems., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11640,, 2025.

EGU25-11830 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

The role of tree pollen in forest nitrogen cycling: A laboratory perspective 

Ivan Limić, Samuel Bodé, Pascal Boeckx, Marijn Bauters, Johan Neirynck, Nicolas Bruffaerts, Stribor Marković, Elena Gottardini, and Arne Verstraeten

Pollen is a critical component of the nitrogen (N) cycle in forests, but its role in N uptake, release and transformation during precipitation events remains poorly understood, contributing to uncertainties in N deposition estimates. In the frame of the COST Action CLEANFOREST a laboratory experiment was conducted to assess the biochemical activity of tree pollen and its effects on N compounds in precipitation. Pollen from green alder (Alnus viridis), pedunculate oak (Quercus robur), European beech (Fagus sylvatica), silver birch (Betula pendula), Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and Norway spruce (Picea abies) was suspended in a synthetic nitrate (NO₃-) solution isotopically labelled with ¹⁵N under non-sterilized conditions and two sterilization treatments: addition of (i) thymol and (ii) a broad-spectrum antibiotic mixture (PSA) containing penicillin, streptomycin, and amphotericin B. Over one week, water samples were analysed daily for NO₃-, nitrite (NO₂-), ammonium (NH₄⁺) and total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) from which dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was calculated. The results showed significant NO₃- removal from the solution in broadleaved species, particularly oak, beech, and alder, in all treatments, but most clearly in the non-sterilized treatment. Most species showed a significant decrease in DON during the first two-three days, in all treatments, but especially in the sterilized (PSA) treatment, which was subsequently converted into NH₄⁺ (mineralization). The use of 15N as a tracer clearly shows that the labelled N was actively taken up by the pollen in both the non-sterilized and PSA-treated samples. Notably, pollen from all tree species, predominantly the broadleaves, enzymatically transformed extracellular NO₃- into NO₂-, highlighting its active role in the N cycle. These findings offer valuable insights into N release, uptake, and transformation during precipitation events and reveal important interactions between pollen and microorganisms. The differences observed between sterilized and non-sterilized treatments underline the significant influence of microbial activity on N conversion. By expanding our understanding of canopy-level N processes, this research contributes to improving N deposition models and introduces innovative approaches to studying the forest N cycle. Further studies are essential to clarify the mechanisms by which pollen and microbial communities influence N transformations at ecosystem scales.

Keywords: Broadleaves; Conifers; Pollen; ¹⁵N; Ammonium; Nitrate; Nitrite

How to cite: Limić, I., Bodé, S., Boeckx, P., Bauters, M., Neirynck, J., Bruffaerts, N., Marković, S., Gottardini, E., and Verstraeten, A.: The role of tree pollen in forest nitrogen cycling: A laboratory perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11830,, 2025.

Global changes caused by anthropogenic activities are altering the cycling of nitrogen (N) in terrestrial ecosystems. For example, droughts of increasing frequency and severity can stimulate large emission pulses of nitrous oxide (N2O; a powerful greenhouse gas) when dry soils wet up. Further, increased fire frequency can favor the colonization of novel pyrophilous or “fire-loving” fungi on soils with the capacity to produce N2O, yet N2O isotopic ranges have been characterized in few fungal species, making generalizations difficult. To better understand how global changes are altering the N cycle, we studied drylands in southern California that can experience >6 months without rain, burned experimental “pyrocosms” to assess impacts of fire severity on soil biogeochemistry, and used a culture collection of pyrophilous fungi isolated from wildfire-burned soils to characterize their δ15N2Obulk,δN218Obulk, and δ15N2OSP values. Despite the hot and dry conditions known to hinder denitrification, isotope tracers and natural abundance isotopologues of N2O indicated NO3- was reduced within 15 minutes of wetting dry desert soils and that N2O reduction to N2 occurred. In post-fire environments, we found that while N2O isotope values for Neurospora discreta and Fusarium tricinctum closely matched literature values when grown with NO2-, Aspergillus fumigatus, Coniochaeta hoffmannii, Holtermaniella festucosa, and R. columbienses did not. Further, Fusarium sp. δ15N2Obulk and δN218Obulk values fell outside literature-derived values when grown with NO3-. Overall, we find that despite the hot and dry conditions known to make denitrification thermodynamically unfavorable in many drylands, denitrifiers can endure through hot and dry summers and are key to producing the surprisingly large N2O emissions when dry desert soils wet up. Further, we find that novel pyrophilous fungi present an opportunity to further characterize the isotopic composition of N2O as well as the factors controlling fungal denitrification as ecosystems are impacted by global changes.

How to cite: Homyak, P.: Drought, wildfires, and “fire-loving” fungi effects on ecosystem nitrogen cycling: Understanding global change effects on denitrification using N2O isotopologues, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12451,, 2025.

EGU25-12860 | Orals | BG1.3

Impact of wet nitrogen deposition on soil nitrogen emissions in West African ecosystems 

Claire Delon, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Dominique Serça, Money Ossohou, Moussa Zouré, Sébastien Barot, Xavier Le Roux, Ousmane Ndiaye, Silué Siélé, Adjon Kouassi, Eric Gardrat, Maria Dias-Alves, and Océane Lenoir

Human activities such as fertilization of agricultural lands and human-induced biomass burning strongly impact nitrogen (N) dynamics and losses, with many consequences on the environment. The quantification of N budgets (N inputs and outputs) between the surface and the atmosphere is a prerequisite to understand the N biogeochemical cycle, i.e. how N is transferred from the atmosphere to the biosphere, through the soil and back to the atmosphere from surface emissions. Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) is characterized by an increase in demography, with strong impacts on biodiversity, and on the sustainability of human activities including agriculture. In Africa, the increase in demography and the associated increased fertilizer inputs (to supply growing food and energy demands) will lead to increased emissions from amended soils, which will in turn increase atmospheric N deposition and induce feedbacks to the ecosystems and the atmosphere.

In this context, the NitroAfrica project (2023-2026) is designed to study the impact of N wet deposition on the soil – plant – atmosphere continuum. We make the hypothesis that changes of wet N deposition in West African ecosystems over the 21th centuries will induce important changes in biogenic emissions from the ecosystems to the atmosphere with impacts on regional atmospheric chemistry and further N deposition. Indeed, increasing trends of N wet deposition has already been observed, especially in the NH4+ form. Three ecoclimatic zones in West Africa are studied, in Guinean (Lamto, Côte d’Ivoire), Sudanese (Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire) and Sahelian (Dahra, Senegal) zones, where solutions with different NH4+/NO3- partition are used to mimic the increase in N wet deposition.

Results on N (N2O, NO) and CO2 emissions from soils from plots amended with solutions as well as control plots will be presented. N wet deposition fluxes from recent years will also be presented within the context of existing long-term studies on N wet deposition. This comparison is particularly relevant for the Lamto station where the International Network to study Deposition and Atmospheric chemistry in Africa (INDAAF) is based and provides long-term data since 1995.

This study contributes to fill in the lack of studies in SSA, and to understand the processes involved in N emissions and deposition in tropical regions.

How to cite: Delon, C., Galy-Lacaux, C., Serça, D., Ossohou, M., Zouré, M., Barot, S., Le Roux, X., Ndiaye, O., Siélé, S., Kouassi, A., Gardrat, E., Dias-Alves, M., and Lenoir, O.: Impact of wet nitrogen deposition on soil nitrogen emissions in West African ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12860,, 2025.

EGU25-14072 | Orals | BG1.3

Hotspots and hot moments of DNRA in the Vadose Zone of Agricultural Croplands  

Jun Shan, Xiaomin Wang, and Xiaoyuan Yan

High nitrogen (N) input in intensive cropping systems has resulted in significant nitrate (NO₃⁻) accumulation in agricultural soils of China. However, despite substantial N input (500-600 kg ha-1 y-1) in the Taihu Lake region, NO₃⁻ accumulation in soils and groundwater therein remains minimal with the mechanisms behind are unclear. Here, we investigated the spatiotemporal distribution and activity of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), and denitrification, and the associated microbial communities—in the vadose zones of rice-wheat, vegetable, and orchard fields of the Taihu Lake region. Results revealed NO₃⁻ content decreased progressively with soil depth, while NH₄⁺ levels increased, particularly in deeper soil layers. DNRA emerged as the primary pathway for NO₃⁻ reduction, contributing to over 50% of NO₃⁻ removal, especially in the 50–190 cm depth range. Seasonal variations indicated that DNRA activity was highest during spring and autumn, with lower rates observed in winter and summer. DNRA significantly contributed to NH₄⁺ accumulation, with rates strongly positively correlated with NH₄⁺ content, especially in rice-wheat rotation fields characterized by high OC/ NO₃⁻ ratios. Interestingly, DNRA rates were significantly negatively correlated with groundwater N₂O concentrations and the N₂O/(N₂ + N₂O) ratios. Microbial community analysis revealed that the nrfA gene, a marker for DNRA, exhibited higher diversity compared to genes related to denitrification. Additionally, the abundance of DNRA-specialist microbes was positively associated with DNRA rates, particularly in deep layer soils, emphasizing the role of microbial community composition in shaping DNRA activity. These findings demonstrate that DNRA plays a crucial role in facilitating NH₄⁺ accumulation, attenuating NO₃⁻ accumulation, and mitigating N₂O emission in the vadose zone of agricultural croplands in the Taihu Lake region.

How to cite: Shan, J., Wang, X., and Yan, X.: Hotspots and hot moments of DNRA in the Vadose Zone of Agricultural Croplands , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14072,, 2025.

EGU25-14338 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Estimating the Tipping Point between N2O Emissions and C Sequestration in Soil using the DNDC v. CAN Model 

Meng Kong, Huan Liu, Diego Abalos, Brian B. Grant, Ward N. Smith, Azhar Zhartybayeva, Johannes L. Jensen, Jørgen Eriksen, and Christian Dold

Increasing the grassland proportion in the crop rotation has been considered as an effective approach to sequester carbon (C) in the soil. However, its climate mitigation benefits may be overestimated because the associated impact of long-term C sequestration on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions remains uncertain. Mechanistic models, such as the DeNitrification and DeComposition model (DNDC v. CAN 9.5.0), are used to simulate changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and N2O emissions. This provides the opportunity to estimate future emission trends and to enhance our understanding of the interactions between SOC and N2O emissions under different levels of grass/clover proportion in arable crop rotations. We hypothesize that increases in N2O emissions will offset the benefits from the increased SOC over time. The objectives of this study are to (1) calibrate and validate the DNDC model, and (2) estimate and predict the potential tipping point at which the negative climate forcing of N2O emissions offsets the benefits of C sequestration over long-term timescales. For this, we used long-term measurements of biomass, SOC, and N2O emissions from two crop rotations with either two or four years of grass-clover in a six-year rotation in Denmark. Preliminary results showed that the DNDC model simulated crop biomass production with fair to high accuracy as indicated by an index of agreement (d) of 0.98, a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) of 1, and a normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) of less than 30%. The simulated biomass was slightly underestimated as shown by a negative mean bias error (MBE). Conversely, the simulations for N2O fluxes and SOC exhibited poorer agreement, with d-values below 0.7 and nRMSE exceeding 30%. These findings suggest that while the DNDC model effectively predicts crop growth, including annual crops and grass/clover ley, its ability to simulate SOC and N2O fluxes requires substantial improvement. Our future efforts will focus on refining and optimizing model parameters for SOC and N2O, with an emphasis on calibration to enhance the model performance and the capacity to predict management-induced long-term dynamics under future climate scenarios. Results of these updated model simulations will be shown at the conference.

How to cite: Kong, M., Liu, H., Abalos, D., Grant, B. B., Smith, W. N., Zhartybayeva, A., Jensen, J. L., Eriksen, J., and Dold, C.: Estimating the Tipping Point between N2O Emissions and C Sequestration in Soil using the DNDC v. CAN Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14338,, 2025.

Atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition is a significant driver of global change and disrupts the carbon and nitrogen cycles in ecosystems. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) emitted by plants play an important role in regional air quality and the carbon cycle. This study investigates the effects of different forms and doses of N deposition on Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOCs) emissions, photosynthesis, growth, and non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) accumulation in the widespread subtropical bamboo species-Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis). A pot experiment was conducted with three N doses: 100 kg(N)·hm⁻²·a⁻¹ (L1), 200 kg(N)·hm⁻²·a⁻¹ (L2), and 0 kg(N)·hm⁻²·a⁻¹ (L0), using ammonium N (AN), nitrate N (NN), and a mixed N form (AN+NN). Dynamic headspace sampling was used to assess the effects of N deposition on BVOC emissions and the relationships between N deposition, photosynthesis, plant growth, and NSC distribution throughout the growing season.

The results indicated that N deposition increased BVOC emissions, with the highest emissions occurring under NN treatment at L1 during March and June. Isoprene (ISO) emissions were significantly enhanced under AN treatment, with L2 doses increasing ISO emissions by 99.20% compared to L1. The AN+NN treatment resulted in higher ISO emissions at L2, with increases of 76.02% and 141.69% compared to AN and NN alone, respectively. N form and dose also influenced photosynthetic pigments, with the highest total chlorophyll content observed under AN+NN at L1. Photosynthetic parameters, including net photosynthetic rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), and carboxylation efficiency (CE), were significantly higher under L1 compared to L0. A positive correlation was found between chlorophyll content and VOC emissions, with Pn, Gs, and CE strongly correlating with ISO emissions. Growth responses varied by N form. AN+NN treatment significantly promoted the growth of Phyllostachys edulis, particularly in above-ground biomass, while AN inhibited root and whip growth. Biomass of leaves and culms was significantly higher under L1 treatment, with increases of 85.60% and 38.14%, respectively, compared to L0 under AN treatment. Soluble sugar content in leaves, culms, and roots was highest at L1, with decreases observed as the N dose increased. Soluble sugars in leaves, culms, and buds increased by 24.85%, 24.92%, and 21.20% under L1 compared to L0. Starch content in leaves and culms increased initially but declined under higher N doses. AN and NN treatments at L2 reduced starch content in leaves and culms, with significant reductions observed in both N forms.

NSC content was positively correlated with ISO emissions, especially for soluble sugars. Total NSC content and soluble sugars were also positively correlated with BVOC emissions, suggesting that NSCs play a key role in plant responses to environmental stress. In conclusion, N deposition—particularly in mixed forms (AN+NN)—enhances BVOC emissions, especially ISO emissions, promotes biomass accumulation, and improves photosynthetic capacity. Lower N doses support higher ISO emissions and NSC accumulation. This study highlights that appropriate levels of N deposition can support bamboo growth and improve resilience to atmospheric changes.

How to cite: Li, L., Jiang, M., and Wang, X.: Effects of nitrogen deposition on VOCs emission and its relationship with photosynthesis, growth, accumulation and distribution of NSC in Moso bamboo tree (Phyllostachys edulis) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14982,, 2025.

EGU25-15249 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3 | Highlight

Changing patterns of global nitrogen deposition driven by socio-economic development 

Jianxing Zhu, Guirui Yu, and Qiufeng Wang

Advances in manufacturing and trade have reshaped global nitrogen deposition patterns, yet their dynamics and drivers remain unclear. Here, we compile a comprehensive global nitrogen deposition database spanning 1977–2021, aggregating 52,671 site-years of data from observation networks and published articles. This database show that global nitrogen deposition to land is 92.7 Tg N in 2020. Total nitrogen deposition increases initially, stabilizing after peaking in 2015. Developing countries at low and middle latitudes emerge as new hotspots. The gross domestic product per capita is found to be highly and non-linearly correlated with global nitrogen depositiondynamic evolution, and reduced nitrogen deposition peaks higher and earlier than oxidized nitrogen deposition. Our findings underscore the need for policies that align agricultural and industrial progress to facilitate the peak shift or reduction of nitrogen deposition in developing countries and to strengthen measures to address NH3 emission hotspots in developed countries.

How to cite: Zhu, J., Yu, G., and Wang, Q.: Changing patterns of global nitrogen deposition driven by socio-economic development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15249,, 2025.

EGU25-15354 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

The effect of drought and rewetting on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emissions in a controlled experiment with different cover crop species 

Pauliina Turunen, Anne Viinikainen, Markku Koskinen, Asko Simojoki, Kristiina Karhu, and Mari Pihlatie

Cover crops are recognized as a climate-smart agricultural practice that increases soil organic carbon content (SOC). As carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles are coupled, an increase in SOC can impact the N cycle and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Another major driver affecting N cycling and N2O emissions is soil moisture. With the increasing risk of summer droughts and wetter conditions during the off-season in Northern Europe, it is important to understand how drying-wetting and agricultural practices together affect N cycling and N2O emissions.

To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a pot experiment with clay soil in controlled greenhouse conditions simulating summer drought with bare soil pots and oats sown either alone, with Italian ryegrass, or with alfalfa as plant treatments. The pots were initially watered to 70% degree of saturation to ensure that the plants start to grow, after which half the pots were let dry to 40% degree of saturation. The plants were grown for 36 days. At the end of the growth period, soil N2O emissions were measured over three days. Following this, the pots were sampled destructively, and total N in plants, roots, and soil, as well as mineral N in soil, were analysed. Additionally, a follow-up pool-dilution incubation experiment using 15N-labelling with bare soil and soil previously covered with oats was conducted to study the effect of moisture content and rewetting on gross N transformation rates.

Contrary to our expectations, the results from the pot experiment showed that N2O emissions in the plant treatments were higher in drought conditions than in moist conditions. This does not support our results from a cover crop field trial where reduced rainfall did not affect N2O emissions during the growing season. However, during off-season reduced rainfall in the field led to higher N2O emissions. Preliminary results from the incubation indicated lower N2O emissions under drought conditions, with increased emissions upon rewetting and the highest emissions under moist conditions. The presence of plants decreased soil N2O emissions in both experiments, but the plant species did not affect the emissions nor the total mineral N content in soil. As expected, in the pot experiment, total mineral N content in soil was higher in drought conditions than in moist soil as well as in bare soil compared with soil with growing plants. Results on the effects of drought and plants on gross N transformations during the incubation experiment with 15N labelling will be presented later.

How to cite: Turunen, P., Viinikainen, A., Koskinen, M., Simojoki, A., Karhu, K., and Pihlatie, M.: The effect of drought and rewetting on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emissions in a controlled experiment with different cover crop species, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15354,, 2025.

EGU25-15383 | Orals | BG1.3

Mechanisms of soil emissions of NO and HONO produced by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria during drying 

Bettina Weber, Stefanie Maier, Jens Weber, Diego Leiva, Min Zhou, Xiaoyong Qian, Ulrich Pöschl, Yafang Cheng, Hang Su, and Minsu Kim

Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrous acid (HONO) are important reactive atmospheric trace gases. As part of the nitrogen (N) cycle, ammonia oxidizing nitrifiers in soils are recognized as key producers of these gases, impacting near-surface nitrogen oxide (NOx = NO + NO2) and ozone (O3) concentrations. The nitrification process results in the production of nitrite (NO2-), subsequently protonated in the liquid phase to form HONO, and NO, which are both emitted as gases. However, there is limited understanding of the coupled processes causing the simultaneous emission NO and HONO from drying soils incorporating ammonia oxidizing nitrifiers. Here, we combined experimental in-vitro studies of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria with a mechanistic modelling approach to investigate the mechanisms triggering gaseous NO and HONO emissions. We found out that several abiotic processes, such as NO auto-oxidation, Fe2+ catalysis, and soil moisture dynamics crucially influence the overall emission as well as the partitioning of reactive N. This, in turn, impacts the hydroxyl radical (OH) budget and soil N retention. Modelling allowed us to elucidate the interactions between biological and environmental processes under varying soil hydration conditions for different field scenarios, such as the effects of fertilization. This analysis suggests potential strategies for effectively managing the release of soil-derived NOx and OH emissions.

How to cite: Weber, B., Maier, S., Weber, J., Leiva, D., Zhou, M., Qian, X., Pöschl, U., Cheng, Y., Su, H., and Kim, M.: Mechanisms of soil emissions of NO and HONO produced by ammonia-oxidizing bacteria during drying, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15383,, 2025.

EGU25-15466 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Cover crop diversity and summer drought increase off-season N2O emissions from Finnish agricultural soil  

Mari Pihlatie, Pauliina Turunen, Markku Koskinen, Asko Simojoki, Anne Viinikainen, Osmo Virta, and Jussi Heinonsalo

The use of cover crops in agriculture is one of the climate-smart practices that have multiple benefits, such as increasing SOC, reducing N losses, and increasing biodiversity. Still the question whether cover crops and their diversity increase resilience against drought, and how the combined effects of cover crops, their diversity and drought affect N2O emissions, remain largely unknown. We study the combined effects of cover crop diversity and drought on cropland (oat) greenhouse gas emissions and belowground C and N processes in a field plot trial. The effect of drought on soil and crop C and N dynamics and greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O) emissions is studied with rainout shelters that remove 50% of incoming precipitation. The CO2 and N2O emissions are measured with the manual dark chamber method twice a week during the growing season and once a week during off-season, soil temperature and water content are measured continuously, and soil is sampled for mineral N and total C and N analysis seasonally.

The preliminary results show that reduced rainfall decreases CO2 emissions but does not affect N2O emissions significantly during the growing season. During off-season, reduced rainfall increases both CO2, and particularly N2O emissions irrespective of cover crop diversity treatments. During growing season there is a tendency of higher N2O emissions from diverse cover crop treatments compared to oat only treatment, and during off-season, a higher cover crop diversity significantly increases N2O emissions. Overall and in all treatments, off-season N2O emissions dominate the annual N2O balance. Our results highlight the need to include off-season measurements to the annual N2O balance estimation, and when assessing the effects of cover crops and future climate change scenarios such as summer drought on annual N2O emissions.


How to cite: Pihlatie, M., Turunen, P., Koskinen, M., Simojoki, A., Viinikainen, A., Virta, O., and Heinonsalo, J.: Cover crop diversity and summer drought increase off-season N2O emissions from Finnish agricultural soil , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15466,, 2025.

EGU25-16227 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Phosphorus addition impacts on soil nitrogen dynamics in a subtropical plantation 

Huijun Ye, Huiying Lin, Muhammed Mustapha Ibrahim, Leiru Chen, Yang Liu, Roland Bol, and Enqing Hou

Human activities have globally increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, which has enhanced the risk of ecosystem N losses. Phosphorus (P), as a macroelement required for life, is closely linked to the biogeochemical cycle of N. Therefore, quantifying how soil N cycle responds to different P supply levels is important. Here we examined the responses of soil N dynamics to altered P supply using a P addition experiment (+0, +25, +50, +100 kg P ha−1 yr−1) in an evergreen broadleaf mixed plantation in subtropical China. We found that P addition led to a more open soil N cycle in the forest ecosystem. The primary source of N2O emissions in the study plots was fungal denitrification, which accounted for 41%-52% of the total N2O emissions, based on δ18O-N2O, δ15Nα-N2O, δ15Nbulk-N2O and SP measurements. Nitrogen loss by gas or water and N assimilation by plants were found to be coupled processes at +25 kg P ha−1 yr−1 addition level. The δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3 values in runoff and leaching water from different depths were all depleted from −10‰ to +0‰ in the wet season. This result indicates that soil N has a short residence time and rapid NO3-N loss in the forest ecosystem, and with fewer nitrogen conversions according to the isotope fractionation theory. These observed varied responses of soil N transformation, gaseous loss, and liquid loss to different P supply levels provide new insights into our understanding of N-P relationships in broadleaf forest plantations.

How to cite: Ye, H., Lin, H., Ibrahim, M. M., Chen, L., Liu, Y., Bol, R., and Hou, E.: Phosphorus addition impacts on soil nitrogen dynamics in a subtropical plantation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16227,, 2025.

EGU25-17098 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Microbial nitrogen cycling in wetland forests with varying management statuses across Europe 

Laura Kuusemets, Kaido Soosaar, Maarja Öpik, Mika Aurela, Aldis Butlers, Laura Escarmena, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Sari Juutinen, Rana Kanaan, Tuula Larmola, Andis Lazdiņš, Ülo Mander, José Miguel Sánchez Pérez, Sílvia Poblador, Francesc Sabater, Sabine Sauvage, Thomas Schindler, Liisa Ukonmaanaho, and Mikk Espenberg

Temperature and oxygen content in soil are the well-known drivers of macronutrient cycling, as they influence the overall conditions that regulate microbial metabolism. However, the more detailed underlying aspects affecting nutrient cycling remain insufficiently understood.

This study focuses on different wetland forest types across Europe, aiming to investigate N cycling processes, the spatial distribution of N cycling genes and the linkage with soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and relevant environmental parameters. The study sites were located in Finland, Estonia, and Latvia in Northern Europe, as well as in France and Spain in Southern Europe. The Northern Europe sites consisted of drained peatlands with varying management statuses, while the Southern Europe ones were alluvial forests. Soil samples were collected from three depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-40 cm) in autumn 2023, analysed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and sequenced to assess processes and communities. In all samples, soil physico-chemical parameters were also determined and simultaneously with soil sampling, in-situ GHG emission measurements were done all as a part of Horizon Europe ALFAwetlands project.  

Preliminary results of the quantification of N cycle genes revealed differences in the microbiome across wetland forest types in Europe. Ammonia-oxidizing archaea appeared to be the primary nitrifiers in the soils of the study sites, compared to ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. The alluvial forest soils revealed a higher genetic potential for the DNRA (Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammonium) process in soil. The abundance of genes responsible for the comammox process—complete ammonia oxidation by a single microorganism—was also higher in the soils of the alluvial forests. In the rewetted peatland forest of Latvia, the soil exhibited a greater genetic potential for denitrification and DNRA processes compared to the drained peatland forests. The further analyses will be exploring the links between N cycle genes, GHG emissions, and soil physico-chemical properties.



How to cite: Kuusemets, L., Soosaar, K., Öpik, M., Aurela, M., Butlers, A., Escarmena, L., Jauhiainen, J., Juutinen, S., Kanaan, R., Larmola, T., Lazdiņš, A., Mander, Ü., Sánchez Pérez, J. M., Poblador, S., Sabater, F., Sauvage, S., Schindler, T., Ukonmaanaho, L., and Espenberg, M.: Microbial nitrogen cycling in wetland forests with varying management statuses across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17098,, 2025.

EGU25-17316 | Posters on site | BG1.3

The GreenEO Project: Satellite-Based Services to Support Sustainable Land Use Practices Under the European Green Deal 

Paul Hamer, Lise Marie Frohn, Camilla Geels, Jesper Christensen, Bruce Rolstad Denby, David Simpson, Nicholas Hutchings, Susana Lopez-Aparicio, Philipp Schneider, Tuan-Vu Cao, Isadora Jiminez, Thais Fontenelle, Ronald van der A, Bas Mijling, Jieying Ding, Isabel Trigo, Jean-Christophe Calvet, Joanne Schante, Thomas Judes, and Leonor Tarrason and the GreenEO Consortium

We present a new Horizon Europe project titled GreenEO (2025-2029) as well as findings based on advances in modelling within the Nordic Nature & Nitrogen (Nordic Council of Ministers, 2021-2024) and the SEEDS (Horizon 2020, 2021-2023) projects. The ambition of GreenEO is to support governance approaches for the implementation of EU’s Green Deal. The implementation of which will rely on accessible, actionable environmental data for policymaking and monitoring. Success will be dependent on the usage of the latest observational data as well as on the level of uptake of these data by end-users. GreenEO addresses this by using observations from the Sentinel and newest meteorological (MTG and Metop-SG) satellites, and through co-creation with users of high-resolution services and novel indicators to directly meet user needs.

GreenEO will specifically address the environmental impacts of nitrogen deposition and advance the state of knowledge on this topic within the context of supporting the EU’s Green Deal and its ambition for protecting biodiversity.

Current data on nitrogen emissions, deposition, and biodiversity impacts are inconsistent and lack sufficient spatial resolution. GreenEO will therefore try to advance the state of knowledge in three areas:

  • Using advanced satellite data, data assimilation, modeling, and ancillary data, GreenEO will estimate high-resolution nitrogen emissions (NH3, NOx). These high-resolution emissions will then be used in turn as a basis for modelling downstream impacts.
  • GreenEO will advance the state of the art for nitrogen deposition modelling using findings from previous projects (Nordic Nature & Nitrogen and SEEDS projects). A bi-directional flux parameterization (Wichink-Kruit et al., 2012) was added to three regional scale air quality models (DEHM, MATCH, and EMEP) within the Nordic Nature and Nitrogen project. The findings were that this approach did not lead to consistent improvements in ambient concentration and flux modelling without commensurate improvements in land cover and vegetation data. For instance, bi-directional fluxes were shown to be highly sensitive to leaf area index (LAI) due to the dominating pathway being through external leaf water. Work within the SEEDS project to derive improved estimates of LAI by combining satellite observations of LAI in a land surface model using data assimilation, will serve as a basis for improving estimates of the bi-directional depositional fluxes of reactive nitrogen.
  • GreenEO will combine these methods and data with regional scale air quality models (DEHM and EMEP) in order to model the distribution of nitrogen deposition with high accuracy. Specific attention will be paid to deposition within vulnerable habitats. Via this approach, GreenEO will improve the estimation of nitrogen deposition and critical load exceedances in vulnerable ecosystems. Collaborating with stakeholders, we will link these outputs to biodiversity indicators, like plant species richness and butterfly indices, to create a nitrogen sensitivity index. This will identify high-recovery areas and support sustainable agricultural practices.

Wichink Kruit, R. J., Schaap, M., Sauter, F. J., van Zanten, M. C., and van Pul, W. A. J.: Modeling the distribution of ammonia across Europe including bi-directional surface-atmosphere exchange, Biogeosciences, 9, 5261–5277,, 2012.

How to cite: Hamer, P., Frohn, L. M., Geels, C., Christensen, J., Denby, B. R., Simpson, D., Hutchings, N., Lopez-Aparicio, S., Schneider, P., Cao, T.-V., Jiminez, I., Fontenelle, T., van der A, R., Mijling, B., Ding, J., Trigo, I., Calvet, J.-C., Schante, J., Judes, T., and Tarrason, L. and the GreenEO Consortium: The GreenEO Project: Satellite-Based Services to Support Sustainable Land Use Practices Under the European Green Deal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17316,, 2025.

EGU25-17830 | Orals | BG1.3

Increasing soil nitrous acid emissions driven by climate and fertilization change aggravate global ozone pollution 

Yanan Wang, Qinyi Li, Ivonne Treb, Yurun Wang, Chuanhua Ren, Alfonso Saiz-Lopez, Likun Xue, and Tao Wang

Soil microbial nitrous acid (HONO) production is an important source of atmospheric reactive nitrogen that affects air quality and climate. However, long-term global soil HONO emissions driven by climate change and fertilizer use have not been quantified. Here, we derive the global soil HONO emissions over the past four decades and evaluate their impacts on ozone (O3) and vegetation. Results show that climate change and the increased fertilizer use enhanced soil HONO emissions from 9.4 Tg N in 1980 to 11.5 Tg N in 2016.  Chemistry-climate model simulations show that soil HONO emissions increased global surface O3 mixing ratios by 2.5% (up to 29%) and vegetation risk to O3, with increasing impact during 1980s-2016 in low-anthropogenic-emission regions. With future decreasing anthropogenic emissions, the soil HONO impact on air quality and vegetation is expected to increase. We thus recommend consideration of soil HONO emissions in strategies for mitigating global air pollution.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Li, Q., Treb, I., Wang, Y., Ren, C., Saiz-Lopez, A., Xue, L., and Wang, T.: Increasing soil nitrous acid emissions driven by climate and fertilization change aggravate global ozone pollution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17830,, 2025.

Reactive nitrogen (N) deposition presents significant environmental challenges in India, where approximately 24% of the land is forested and agriculture plays a vital role in the economy. As a major contributor from South Asia—a global reactive nitrogen emissions hotspot—India's policy actions, or inactions, have far-reaching implications. Despite ongoing clean air initiatives, the scientific community has largely neglected the effects of reactive nitrogen deposition on terrestrial ecosystems. This study aims to compile and assess the current research status on reactive nitrogen deposition in India, underscoring its importance given the country's unique geography and agricultural reliance.

The study will provide indirect estimations of reactive nitrogen deposition based on nitrogen concentration measurements from various regions across the country. While wet deposition studies offer a broader understanding, research on dry deposition remains limited. Recent efforts, such as the South Asia Nitrogen Hub project led by CEH UK, have studied the forest ecosystem to explore the impact of reactive nitrogen on lichens. However, comprehensive data on reactive nitrogen deposition across diverse ecosystems is still lacking.

This research seeks to identify existing gaps and stimulate discussion on future research directions essential for the effective management of reactive nitrogen in India's varied ecosystems. By addressing these issues, we aim to inform policy and practice to mitigate the adverse effects of reactive nitrogen deposition while promoting sustainable development in the region.


How to cite: Singh, S.: Reactive Nitrogen Deposition in India: Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems and Current Research Status, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17857,, 2025.

EGU25-18103 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Switzerland 

Mario Meier, Zaida Ehrenmann, and Eva Seitler

Increased atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition into sensitive ecosystems is leading to soil acidification, nutrient imbalances and biodiversity losses. Therefore, N depositions were quantified throughout Switzerland in 2000, 2014, 2019 and 2024 measuring the concentrations of seven different inorganic N compounds in wet and dry gravitational as well as in dry non-gravitational deposition. For data collection passive (diffusion tubes and bulk sampler) and active sampling systems (denuder and filter sampler) were used. From the obtained measurement data, N depositions were calculated. The wet and dry gravitational deposition was obtained directly from the bulk samples. The dry non-gravitational deposition was calculated using the inferential method. By summing up the gravitational and non-gravitational N deposition, the total N deposition was obtained and compared to the critical loads for N (CLN). The results show that N inputs in Switzerland are largely around or above the CLN, regardless of the sensitive ecosystems considered. Considerable exceedances have been found near intensive agriculture. In the long-term comparison, a decrease in oxidized N components was observed. However, the total N deposition remained stable over time. The most important processes for the N deposition are the precipitation and the dry deposition of ammonia (NH3). In summary, the atmospheric N inputs into sensitive ecosystems in Switzerland are largely too high and therefore further measures to reduce N emissions are necessary.

We would like to thank to the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Ostluft, the Swiss cantons and the University of Basel for financial support of the measurement campaigns. A special thank goes to the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) for the valuable cooperation.

How to cite: Meier, M., Ehrenmann, Z., and Seitler, E.: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18103,, 2025.

EGU25-18590 | Orals | BG1.3 | Highlight

Dutch and EU consumption-based assessments of nitrogen losses throughout the global food system 

José M. Mogollón, Nicolas Navarre, and Kevin Kevin Morgan-Rothschild

The modern global food system is the largest driver of nitrogen imbalances across the world. These problems are exacerbated by excessive and resource-intensive food demand prone to large amounts of loss and waste throughout the food system. Increasing international trade is shifting the burden and upstream nitrogen demand and downstream eutrophication impacts beyond national borders and moving beyond the safe regional boundaries for their presence in the environment. To better understand drivers and solutions to close nitrogen loops, we use the global food input-output model FABIO, which monitors the movement of biomass and the land utilized across global supply chains, encompassing 191 countries, and 130 agricultural and food products. We couple FABIO to nitrogen crop demand, livestock manure management systems, and agricultural surpluses to assess the consumption-based drivers for nitrogen emissions stemming from the agricultural system. A substantial amount of nitrogen losses can be attributed to traded commodities especially toward high-income nations. We further show how policy measures in a high-income nation (the Netherlands) related to the taxation of meat and carbon emissions from the food sector can lead to significant reduction of manure application (up to 20 kt N/yr) and nitrogen losses (over 1 kt N/yr) on a global scale. However, as the Dutch food system relies heavily on manure, there may be a concomitant increase in the need for synthetic fertilizers to account for the significant drop in manure of nearly (14 kt N/yr). We provide similar scenarios for various, more ambitious dietary changes (e.g. the EAT-Lancet diet) at the EU level that can help ameliorate global nitrogen losses, focusing in areas sensitive to terrestrial and aquatic eutrophication and acidification.

How to cite: Mogollón, J. M., Navarre, N., and Kevin Morgan-Rothschild, K.: Dutch and EU consumption-based assessments of nitrogen losses throughout the global food system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18590,, 2025.

EGU25-18703 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Effects of long-term nitrogen addition on changes in the functional composition of microbial communities after long-term N addition in a temperate beech forest 

Carme López Sánchez, Àngela Ribas, Rossella Guerreri, Jiesi Lei, Yunfeng Yang, Jizhong Zhou, and Stefania Mattana

Forests are integral to maintaining planetary health, serving as biodiversity reservoirs, carbon sink, and regulators of nutrient cycles, yet their capacity to sustain these functions is increasingly disrupted by global changes. Among them, the rise in atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, resulting from anthropogenic emissions of reactive N compounds during fertilizer production and fossil fuel combustion, occurs across terrestrial ecosystems and can alter microbial communities’ functional composition and diversity.

In this study, we evaluate the effects of long-term N fertilisation (simulating an increase in N deposition) on the taxonomic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities in a mature beech forest in Northern Italy. The experiment started in 2015, and it includes control (only ambient deposition, N0) and soil N addition (30 kg ha-1 yr-1, N30) each replicated in 3 plots. Soil biochemical variables including Nitrogen (N), Carbon (C) and Phosphorus (P) content and soluble ions were characterized for both treatments. In addition, GeoChip 5.0S, a microarray technology, was used to characterize the taxonomic and functional diversity of microbial communities.

Although no changes were detected in soil physicochemical characteristics between N30 and N0, there was a significant increase in the taxonomic richness and diversity (Shannon-Weiver and Simpson indices) in the fertilized plots. Moreover, the relative abundance of some functional genes related to the N, C and sulphur (S) cycles were significantly increased in N30 plots, whereas P cycling genes showed no significant changes between treatments. Preliminary results suggest a probable increase in the denitrification and assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes of the N-added soil microbiome. In addition, the results suggest an increase of both the C fixation and C degradation pathways in N30 plots. The higher stimulation of C degradation cycling genes in comparison to C fixation cycling genes, could be explained by the promotion of plant growth and the consequent increase in rhizosphere secretions and C input to the soil after N addition.

This study contributes to the description of microbial community dynamics and the resulting changes in soil biogeochemical processes in forests under increased N deposition conditions.

How to cite: López Sánchez, C., Ribas, À., Guerreri, R., Lei, J., Yang, Y., Zhou, J., and Mattana, S.: Effects of long-term nitrogen addition on changes in the functional composition of microbial communities after long-term N addition in a temperate beech forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18703,, 2025.

EGU25-18764 | Orals | BG1.3

Biochar as a sustainable amendment in fertilized agricultural soils; insights and trade-offs among nitrogen kinetics, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Georgios Giannopoulos, Elpida Pasvadoglou, George Kourtidis, Eugenio Diaz-Pines, Fotis Sgouridis, Anne Boos, Glykeria Duelli, Vassileios Tzanakakis, Vassilis Aschonitis, George Arampatzis, and Ioannis Anastopoulos

Under European and International policies, organic soil amendments are highly promoted as a cost-efficient solution to improve soil C, quality, and agrosystem sustainability. Inorganic N application is an essential agronomic practice to increase and secure crop yields, however, its long-term application has led to serious environmental problems including deterioration of soil organic C, enhanced greenhouse gas emissions, and an overall decline in environmental quality. Consequently, the co-application of organic and inorganic fertilizers is advocated as a more effective and environmentally friendly fertilization regime. This study aims, to decipher the short-term N kinetics in agricultural soils amended with organic, inorganic, and a combined application of N fertilizer, with and without biochar, and to assess the trade-off balance of soil C and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, we investigated the short-term (90 d) soil N dynamics of sandy soil mesocosms (2 Kg) receiving municipal sewage sludge (MSS) amendments (50 t/ha), urea-N fertilization (U; 200 kg/ha), a combined application (MSS+U), without and with biochar (1.5% w/w). An unamended soil mesocosm was included as a control. The addition of urea-N (U), municipal sewage sludge (MSS), and their combined application (MSS+U) increased the availability of soil NH4+ by 3x, 5x and 12x times, relative to the control, respectively. Interestingly, we observed a tremendous release of soil NO2- only in the urea treatment (U; 128 mg kg-1), and not in the other remaining treatments. Throughout the incubation approx. 12.7x, 13.4x, and 19.7x more soil NO3- was observed for the U, MSS, and MSS+U treatment, relative to the control, respectively. Where biochar was applied, an approx. 40% reduction in soil available NO2- andNO3- was observed. Considering the gaseous emissions of CO2 and N2O, that are generally products of soil respiration, nitrification, and denitrification, the addition of MSS and its co-application (MSS+U), enhanced soil CO2 by 2.4x and 2.4x, and by 13.6x and 16.9x for soil N2O emissions, respectively. Though biochar addition reduced cumulative CO2 emissions by 24%, for all treatments except the control. Although biochar addition decreased cumulative N2O emission by 65% in the U, it had no effect on cumulative N2O emission for MSS and the combined treatment (MSS+U). Fertilization by U did not affect much soil CO2 (526 mg CO2-C kg-1) and N2O (1258 μg N2O-N kg-1) emissions when compared to the unamended soil treatment (C). The MSS+U reduced the N2O emission factor, by 5x when compared to MSS treatment, however, it was well above the IPPC emission factor of 1%. Municipal sewage sludge is a source of C, though we observed that MSS (74%) and the combined treatment (MSS+U, 96%) enhanced the CO2-equivalent emissions, indicating a complete loss of the added organic C through greenhouse gas emissions. Considering our key question, whether co-application of inorganic, and organic fertilizer with biochar is a double-edged sword, we conclude that co-application should be carefully evaluated case per case, as it affects several key soil parameters differently, and therefore we should seek new ways to minimize gaseous losses thus to improve sustainability in agrosystems.

How to cite: Giannopoulos, G., Pasvadoglou, E., Kourtidis, G., Diaz-Pines, E., Sgouridis, F., Boos, A., Duelli, G., Tzanakakis, V., Aschonitis, V., Arampatzis, G., and Anastopoulos, I.: Biochar as a sustainable amendment in fertilized agricultural soils; insights and trade-offs among nitrogen kinetics, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18764,, 2025.

EGU25-19141 | Posters on site | BG1.3

Long-term variations in nitrate leaching from ICP Forests Level II plots 

Peter Waldner, Stephan Raspe, Stefan Fleck, Lothar Zimmermann, Paul Schmidt-Walter, Carmen Iacoban, Bruno De Vos, Nathalie Cools, Heleen Deroo, Elena Vanguelova, Zoran Galic, Athanassios Bourletsikas, Henning Meesenburg, Tim Schütt, Lena Wohlgemuth, Kai Schwärzel, Katrin Meusburger, and Tiina Nieminen

Forests in Europe have been exposed to an increase in atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in the second half of the 20th century that potentially lead to nitrogen saturation and elevated leaching of nitrogen from forest soils potentially impacting water quality of drinking water resources. Nitrogen dynamics of forests, however, are complexe and still not fully understood.

Atmospheric deposition, soil solution, meteorology, soils, as well as stand and site characteristics have been continuously measured and analysed at several hundred intensive monitoring plots of the Level II plot network of the International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests for many years.

We used the hydrological model LWFBrook90R to calculate water fluxes through the soils of these sites and calculated nitrogen input with atmospheric deposition and output fluxes with percolating soil water. We found high long-term variations on parts of the plots. Some of these variation patterns are in the time range of changes in the tree stands, e.g. mortality and subsequent biomass decomposition. We will discuss relations of found nitrate leaching patterns with nitrogen saturation indicators suggested in literature. 

How to cite: Waldner, P., Raspe, S., Fleck, S., Zimmermann, L., Schmidt-Walter, P., Iacoban, C., De Vos, B., Cools, N., Deroo, H., Vanguelova, E., Galic, Z., Bourletsikas, A., Meesenburg, H., Schütt, T., Wohlgemuth, L., Schwärzel, K., Meusburger, K., and Nieminen, T.: Long-term variations in nitrate leaching from ICP Forests Level II plots, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19141,, 2025.

EGU25-19168 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Atmospheric reactive nitrogen and its dry deposition regimes under anthropogenic influence: Insights from intensive and long-term monitoring in Switzerland 

Jun Zhang, Ali Waseem, Andrea Baccarini, Ghislain Motos, Christoph Hüglin, Siyao Yue, Benjamin Brem, Leila Simon, Lubna Dada, Kalliopi Violaki, Martin Gysel, Jay Slowik, and Athanasios Nenes

Excessive nitrogen deposition from anthropogenic activities poses significant challenges to ecosystems and air quality.1 The atmospheric deposition of ammonium and nitrate plays a critical role in regulating ecosystem productivity and driving particulate matter formation, with impacts that vary across spatial and temporal scales.

In this study, high time-resolution measurements of gas-phase nitric acid (HNO3) and ammonia (NH3), as well as particulate nitrate and ammonium were conducted at an agricultural site in Switzerland. These measurements were complemented by 15 years of long-term monitoring data at the same site, providing a comprehensive record of changes in atmospheric gas and aerosol species over time. Aerosol pH was estimated using the ISORROPIA thermodynamic model2 and evaluated using a well-established approach based on the agreement between observed and predicted partition ratios of nitrogen species. The intensive measurement shows that the diurnal cycles of HNO3 and NH3 partitioning exhibited distinct patterns. HNO3 tended to partition into the particle phase during the night, driven by cooler temperatures, while NH3 remained predominantly in the gas phase throughout the day and night, regulated by high aerosol pH characteristics at the sampling site.

The dry deposition regimes of HNO3 and NH3 were investigated in relation to aerosol liquid water content and acidity following the approach of Nenes et al. (2021).3 The findings indicate that NH3 deposition is rapid, meaning it tends to deposit near its sources, raising concerns about its localized ecological impacts. Aerosol mass formation was found to be primarily sensitive to HNO3 concentrations. Long-term monitoring data spanning 15 years revealed that reduction in SO2 emissions did not lead to increases in aerosol pH owing to the buffering effect of NH3 in the NH3-rich environment. The decline in sulfate concentration has driven a clear shift in aerosol mass sensitivity, transitioning from NH3-sensitive to NH3 -insensitive regime. Comparative measurements at forested sites in Switzerland provide further insight into the diurnal cycle of aerosol pH and reactive nitrogen deposition, highlighting the influence of anthropogenic activities on nitrogen dynamics across different ecosystems. These findings show the complex interplay between rapidly fluctuating diurnal aerosol acidity and reactive nitrogen deposition, offering important reference for designing effective pollutant mitigation strategies.


(1) Wim de Vries.: Impacts of nitrogen emissions on ecosystems and human health: A mini review, Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, 2021, 21:100249, DOI: 10.1016/j.coesh.2021.100249. 

(2) Fountoukis, C. and Nenes, A.: ISORROPIA II: a computationally efficient thermodynamic equilibrium model for K+–Ca2+–Mg2+–NH4+–Na+–SO42−–NO3–Cl–H2O aerosols, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 7, 4639–4659, DOI:10.5194/acp-7-4639-2007, 2007.

(3) Nenes, A., Pandis, S. N., Kanakidou, M., Russell, A. G., Song, S., Vasilakos, P., and Weber, R. J.: Aerosol acidity and liquid water content regulate the dry deposition of inorganic reactive nitrogen, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 6023–6033 DOI:10.5194/acp-21-6023-2021, 2021.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Waseem, A., Baccarini, A., Motos, G., Hüglin, C., Yue, S., Brem, B., Simon, L., Dada, L., Violaki, K., Gysel, M., Slowik, J., and Nenes, A.: Atmospheric reactive nitrogen and its dry deposition regimes under anthropogenic influence: Insights from intensive and long-term monitoring in Switzerland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19168,, 2025.

EGU25-19982 | Orals | BG1.3

Cycling of nitrogen in soil organic matter pools in grasslands as influenced by land use intensity and soil diversity 

Steffen A. Schweizer, Anne Böhm, Julia Kepp, Ralf Kiese, Narda L. Pacay-Barrientos, Elisabeth Ramm, Michael Schloter, Ingo Schöning, Marion Schrumpf, Stefanie Schulz, and Michael Dannenmann

Soil organic matter (SOM) provides crucial storage for carbon but also contains a majority of soil nitrogen. Land use intensity (LUI) may affect the particulate and mineral-associated SOM pools having repercussions on the carbon and nitrogen storage and cycling. Soil organic matter dynamics and composition plays a key role for the extent of these processes, yet its interactions remain poorly understood preventing targeted mitigation measures for carbon and nitrogen-related soil functions. Here we provide insights investigating how LUI and soil properties affect the storage of carbon and nitrogen in functional SOM pools in the topsoil (0-30 cm) of grassland soils across three different regions in Germany. Furthermore, we present a conceptual framework integrating biological, mineral, and organic nitrogen pools to disentangle nitrogen cycling processes and their interactions with organic matter dynamics.

Across the land use intensity gradient, we isolated particulate organic matter (POM), which is part of  in the >20 μm fraction, and mineral associated organic matter (MOM) in the <20 μm fraction. Random forest and mixed model analysis showed that LUI did not significantly affect SOM storage, but led to reduced C/N ratios in POM and MOM, driven by increased N fertilization intensity. Rather than land use intensity, soil properties, such as clay and iron oxide content, and soil type diversity exerted most influence on SOM.

To reconcile the influences of soil properties on soil nitrogen cycling, we provide a novel conceptual framework integrating organic matter stabilization mechanisms, microbial N uptake and release as necromass, as well important processes catalyzed by the soil microbiome including  biological nitrogen fixation pathways. Our integrative nitrogen cycling framework stimulates different disciplines towards a new perception of the nitrogen cycle in unlocking multiple organic nitrogen pools as mediated by soil type and climatic conditions.

How to cite: Schweizer, S. A., Böhm, A., Kepp, J., Kiese, R., Pacay-Barrientos, N. L., Ramm, E., Schloter, M., Schöning, I., Schrumpf, M., Schulz, S., and Dannenmann, M.: Cycling of nitrogen in soil organic matter pools in grasslands as influenced by land use intensity and soil diversity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19982,, 2025.

EGU25-20072 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Nitrate in water: Understanding the sources using δ15N and δ18O values 

Manoj Jakhar and Prasanta Sanyal

Nitrogen is a crucial component of nutrient dynamics in the environment and exists in multiple oxidation states. Nitrate (NO3-) is the most stable form of all the reactive nitrogen species and has a higher residence time in groundwater. Sources of nitrate include mainly fertilizers, sewage, manure, soil organic matter, and rain. In a country like India, where agriculture covers an area of about 60% of the total land and population with 2nd rank globally, contributes a huge fertilizer and sewage component to the environment. Also, nitrate in groundwater deteriorates the potable water quality. So, optimization of nitrogen use and sources estimation of nitrate in groundwater and surface water is very essential. Hindon River basin in the western Indo-Gangetic plain provides an opportunity to study nitrate dynamics in a huge populated and extensive agricultural area. Nitrate concentration in groundwater has been found from 0.1 ppm to 80 ppm, far apart from the permissible limit. Pre-monsoon groundwater shows higher nitrate concentration than that of post-monsoon groundwater at most of the places suggesting the dilution effect of rainwater after monsoon. Fluctuations in δ15N and δ18O values seasonally suggest a rapid change in contribution of nitrate source in groundwater. Contribution from each source of nitrate was estimated by Stable Isotope Mixing Models in R (SIMMR). As the dual isotope plot shows denitrification trend, the actual fertilizers contribution shifted towards manure and sewage end members evidenced by higher sewage and manure contributions (60-75% in pre and post-monsoon respectively) need to be optimized for sustainability.

How to cite: Jakhar, M. and Sanyal, P.: Nitrate in water: Understanding the sources using δ15N and δ18O values, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20072,, 2025.

EGU25-20384 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.3

Nitrous oxide emissions in natural and managed wetlands across Europe 

Thomas Crestey-Chury, Romain Darnajoux, Rana Kanaan, Mika Aurela, Aldis Butlers, Tom De Dobbelaer, Laura Escarmena, Laure Gandois, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Sari Juutinen, Tuula Larmola, Ülo Mander, Sílvia Poblador, Maud Raman, Fransesc Sabater, Thomas Schindler, Kaido Soosaar, Liisa Ukonmaanaho, and José-Miguel Sánchez-Pérez and the French team (CRBE)

Wetlands play a complex role as both sources of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and carbon sinks, making it essential to understand their dynamics and effects on biodiversity. The increasing pressures from climate change and human activities can disrupt the natural balance of these ecosystems, potentially resulting in elevated GHG emissions. The intricate abiotic and biotic interactions that govern these processes remain poorly understood. Therefore, there is an urgent need to enhance our understanding of the factors influencing GHG production in wetlands and to improve our capacity to model these emissions on a larger scale. In this study, we investigated the emissions of N2O, CO2 and CH4, with a particular focus on N2O, which is primarily produced through the microbial process of denitrification, and for which a satisfactory large-scale model formulation is lacking. The objective of this study was to evaluate these GHG emissions under optimal conditions for denitrification and to identify unifying abiotic factors. To achieve this, we selected contrasting study sites that varied by wetland type and climate zone, thereby gathering extensive data essential for our modelling efforts.

The research was conducted across multiple wetland sites involved in the ALFAwetlands project (, a European initiative dedicated to the study and restoration of both natural and managed wetlands. A total of 21 sites were selected across five European countries, encompassing a range of climate zones from Mediterranean to arctic. These included floodplains, alluvial forests, drained forests, peatlands, and mountain peatlands (with four sites each in France and Spain, three in Belgium, and five each in Finland and Estonia). For each location, three core samples (10 cm depth and 10 cm diameter) were collected and stored in the dark at 4°C prior to conducting mesocosm experiments. The samples were then placed in a custom-designed “GHG-aquacosm”, which simulates the effect of flooding on wetlands soils. During the experiments, soil cores were submerged in heated water enriched with nitrate. GHG emissions, soil moisture, and soil temperature were continuously monitored until stabilization or end of emission.

While CO2 and CH4 emissions were recorded, they have not yet been analysed, as this study primarily focuses on N2O emissions. The results indicated that N2O emissions varied significantly based on wetland type and initial soil water content. Drained forests, located in cool sub-arctic regions in Finland, demonstrated the highest N2O fluxes, ranging from 500 to 2000 µmol/m²·h. In contrast, floodplains and peatlands in Belgium and Estonia showed the lowest fluxes, between 5 and 150 µmol/m²·h. Significant variability was noted even among replicates, highlighting the considerable spatial heterogeneities of soils. Additionally, N2O emissions began immediately after nitrate addition, and for most sites ended 30 to 40 hours after, indicating the short temporal scale of N2O production and the challenges associated with in situ measurement. Ongoing data analysis and measurements are focused on further elucidating the spatial and temporal heterogeneities of denitrification processes, with the goal of effectively incorporating these factors into our modelling efforts.

How to cite: Crestey-Chury, T., Darnajoux, R., Kanaan, R., Aurela, M., Butlers, A., De Dobbelaer, T., Escarmena, L., Gandois, L., Jauhiainen, J., Juutinen, S., Larmola, T., Mander, Ü., Poblador, S., Raman, M., Sabater, F., Schindler, T., Soosaar, K., Ukonmaanaho, L., and Sánchez-Pérez, J.-M. and the French team (CRBE): Nitrous oxide emissions in natural and managed wetlands across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20384,, 2025.

EGU25-21215 | ECS | Orals | BG1.3

Does nitrogen deposition affect plant community stability–area relationships? The role of biodiversity, area, and seasonal N addition 

Yuqiu Zhang, Carly J. Stevens, Weiyu Lu, Xu Chen, Zhengru Ren, and Yunhai Zhang

Nitrogen (N) deposition generally reduces the temporal stability of plant community (community stability) across spatial scales. Theory predicts that community stability increases with sampling area, leading to a positive community stability–area relationship (CSAR). However, because atmospheric N deposition exhibits a temporal pattern, little is known about how the responses of community stability differ under seasonal N deposition, or whether seasonal N deposition alters the CSAR and its underlying mechanisms. Understanding this is crucial for assessing multi-scale ecological sustainability under global change. We conducted an experiment with N input during autumn, winter, or the growing season in a temperate grassland. Based on six years of survey data across nested spatial scales ranging from 0.01 to 16 m2, we explored the potential impacts of seasonal N enrichment on the CSAR. Our results showed that community stability increased with sampling area, regardless of N addition. Each of the three seasonal N inputs caused a significant reduction in the CSAR intercept, while N addition in winter or the growing season also reduced the CSAR slope. Biodiversity had a stronger effect than area in maintaining the positive CSAR, and mediated the relationship between area and stability. High biodiversity preserved community stability by maintaining population stability and compensatory dynamics. By validating and extending the CSAR theory under seasonal N input, our research showed that N input in winter or the growing season caused a greater reduction in plant community stability at larger spatial scales. As global N deposition continues to increase, small-scale studies may undervalue the adverse impact of N input on stability, while large-scale studies based only on N input during the growing season may overestimate this effect. These findings highlight the need to consider both spatial scales and seasonality of N deposition for accurately predicting ecosystem responses to atmospheric N deposition.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Stevens, C. J., Lu, W., Chen, X., Ren, Z., and Zhang, Y.: Does nitrogen deposition affect plant community stability–area relationships? The role of biodiversity, area, and seasonal N addition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21215,, 2025.

EGU25-626 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7

Optimized CTAB-Modified Nanofibrillated Cellulose for Phosphate Recovery: Adsorption Mechanisms and Performance Insights 

Archana Pandey, Yogesh Chandra Sharma, and Ajay S Kalamdhad

To address the environmental challenges posed by eutrophication, removal of excess phosphorus from aquatic ecosystems is imperative. This study presents a cationic adsorbent synthesized by modifying nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC), derived from agrowaste, using surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Comprehensive characterization techniques, including XRD, FTIR, HR-SEM, SEM-EDX, BET, and XPS, confirmed successful introduction of quaternary ammonium groups, significantly enhancing the surface chemistry of NFC. This modification imparted a positive ζ potential over a wide pH range, ensuring a strong affinity for negatively charged phosphate ions. Increased surface roughness and improved active site availability resulted in a nearly threefold improvement in phosphate removal efficiency compared to pristine NFC. The adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model and Sips isotherm, achieving a maximum capacity of 21.78 mg P/g within 120 minutes. The adsorbent displayed pH-dependent behavior, retaining stability and optimal performance under weakly acidic to neutral conditions, with minimal desorption (12.61%) after three cycles. Mechanistic insights from XPS and FTIR revealed that electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding were the primary drivers of phosphate adsorption.

How to cite: Pandey, A., Sharma, Y. C., and Kalamdhad, A. S.: Optimized CTAB-Modified Nanofibrillated Cellulose for Phosphate Recovery: Adsorption Mechanisms and Performance Insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-626,, 2025.

EGU25-2226 | Posters on site | BG1.7

Multifunctionality of Alkaline Phosphatase in Ecology and Biotechnology 

Federico Baltar and Daniel E.M. Saavedra

Multifunctional enzymes can significantly impact biotechnological applications by performing activities beyond their primary functions. This presentation explores the role of the multifunctionality of alkaline phosphatase, a key enzyme in the phosphorus cycle, focusing on the molecular mechanisms influencing its activity, and its biotechnological potential. Based on these findings we argue that understanding these aspects can enhance the utility of alkaline phosphatase in research and industry, fostering innovations in enzyme engineering, environmental biotechnology, and metabolic engineering. Furthermore, by exploring enzyme promiscuity, we highlight alkaline phosphatase’s versatility, paving the way for advancements in sustainable agriculture, environmental remediation, clinical diagnostics in particular, and in ecological and biotechnological progress in general.

How to cite: Baltar, F. and Saavedra, D. E. M.: Multifunctionality of Alkaline Phosphatase in Ecology and Biotechnology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2226,, 2025.

EGU25-2511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.7

A synthesis of phosphorus stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural environments 

Julian Helfenstein, Bruno Ringeval, Federica Tamburini, Vera Mulder, Daniel Goll, Xianjin He, Edwin Alblas, Yingping Wang, Alain Mollier, and Emmanuel Frossard

Estimates of phosphorus (P) fluxes at the global scale were already available in the early 2010s and led to the establishment of planetary boundaries for P.  In the meantime, estimates of P stocks and fluxes have been revised and updated for natural biomes, agriculture, fishery, and global biogeochemical models. However, improvements toward attaining P-related sustainable development goals requires policies informed by the situation at the corresponding scales, ranging from plot to national to global scale. Here, we bridge this gap by synthesizing the relative sizes of P stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural terrestrial environments from existing literature, focusing on the plot scale. Though the P cycle is context specific, our analysis of roughly 790 empirical flux measurements from 27 studies supports drawing several general conclusions about relative magnitudes of P stocks and fluxes. For example, in both natural and agricultural systems, empirical data on P stocks tend to follow the pattern soil >> microbial biomass > plant biomass. Similarly, we summarize empirical measurements of P fluxes and show that in natural ecosystems, fluxes between P pools within soil >> fluxes between soils-plants > system inputs (weathering, atmospheric deposition) and losses (erosion, leaching). We also discuss specific contexts where these general patterns do not hold, and what that means for management. Finally, we will discuss how a better understanding of P stocks and fluxes is relevant for science-informed management of P resources, for example through improved representation of P in vegetation or crop models. 

How to cite: Helfenstein, J., Ringeval, B., Tamburini, F., Mulder, V., Goll, D., He, X., Alblas, E., Wang, Y., Mollier, A., and Frossard, E.: A synthesis of phosphorus stocks and fluxes in natural and agricultural environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2511,, 2025.

EGU25-5234 | Posters on site | BG1.7

Direct foliar phosphorus uptake from wildfire ash  

avner gross, daniel palchan, and anton lokshin

Atmospheric particles originating from combustion byproducts (burned biomass or wildfire ash) are highly enriched in nutrients such as P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn and others. Over long time scales, deposited wildfire ash particles contributes to soil fertility by replenishing soil nutrient reservoirs. However, the immediate nutritional effects of freshly deposited fire ash on plants are mostly unknown. Here we study the influence of fire ash on plant nutrition by applying particles directly on plant leaves or onto the roots of chickpea, which was used as our model plant. The experiment was conducted under ambient and elevated CO2 levels, (412 and 850 ppm) that reflect both current and future climate scenarios. We found that plants can uptake fire ash P only from their leaves, through direct nutrient uptake from particles captured on their foliage, but not via their roots. In a future climate scenario, foliar nutrient uptake pathway may be even more pronounced for plants, due to the partial inhibition of key root uptake mechanism. Our findings highlight the effectiveness of the foliar nutrient uptake mechanism under both ambient and elevated CO2 levels, with fire ash P being the sole nutrient absorbed by the foliage.  These findings demonstrate the substantial contribution of fire ash to the nutrition of plants. The role of fire ash is expected to increase in a future world, thus giving a competitive advantage to plants that can utilize fire ash P from the foliar pathway.


How to cite: gross, A., palchan, D., and lokshin, A.: Direct foliar phosphorus uptake from wildfire ash , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5234,, 2025.

EGU25-6465 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

Understanding the Long-term Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe 

Masooma Batool, Fanny J. Sarrazin, and Rohini Kumar

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plant growth, yet much of the P in agricultural soils remains inaccessible to plants, necessitating external inputs. Since the 1920s, agricultural intensification in Europe has led to significant P accumulation in soils, resulting in P surpluses (the difference between P inputs and outputs) that exceed plant needs. These surpluses contribute to environmental issues, including water quality degradation, biodiversity loss, and breaches of planetary boundaries. Despite regulatory efforts, elevated P levels persist in European water bodies, highlighting the need for long-term understanding of soil P surplus to guide future land and water management practices.

The goal of this study is to characterize the spatial and temporal pattern of the P surplus across Europe1. To achieve this goal, we constructed a long-term (1850-2019) yearly P surplus dataset across Europe at a 5 arcmin spatial resolution for agricultural and non-agricultural soils. Our gridded dataset allows for aggregating P surplus at different spatial scales of interest for soil and water management. Specifically, the dataset includes 48 P surplus estimates addressing uncertainties in key components such as fertilizers, manure, and P removal rates, acknowledging the inherent variability in nutrient budgets.

Our results show that P surplus (evaluated as one standard deviation around the mean of the 48 estimates) in the EU-27 has tripled over 170 years, increasing from 1.19±0.28 kg ha⁻¹ of physical area in 1850 to 2.48±0.97 kg ha⁻¹ of physical area in recent years. Spatially, our analysis indicates that Central European countries mainly rely on mineral fertilizers, except regions like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Denmark, where animal manure dominates due to high livestock densities. Furthermore, the long-term database allowed us to identify four distinct phases of P surplus: 1850–1920 (Pre-modern agriculture), (ii) 1921–1960 (Industrialization before the Green Revolution), (iii) 1961–1990 (Green Revolution and synthetic fertilizer expansion), and (iv) 1991–2019 (Environmental awareness and policy intervention phase). Complimenting our earlier Nitrogen (N) surplus dataset2, this work emphasizes the importance of long-term analyses to address persistent nutrient-related environmental challenges.

1Batool, M., Sarrazin, F. J., and Kumar, R.: Century Long Reconstruction of Gridded Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe (1850–2019), Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. [preprint],, in review, 2024.

2Batool, M., Sarrazin, F.J., Attinger, S. et al. Long-term annual soil nitrogen surplus across Europe (1850–2019). Sci Data 9, 612 (2022).




How to cite: Batool, M., Sarrazin, F. J., and Kumar, R.: Understanding the Long-term Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Phosphorus Surplus Across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6465,, 2025.

EGU25-6642 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

Export of groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus from a drained wetland into surface water 

Xingyu Liu, Markus Winkler, Oliver Sass, and Stefan Peiffer

Groundwater-derived geogenic phosphorus (P) plays a significant but often overlooked role in surface water eutrophication. Geogenic P differs from anthropogenic P in its release mechanisms, seasonal variability and magnitude of release. While many studies have addressed the spatial distribution of geogenic P,  its temporal dynamics, transport and export mechanisms remain insufficiently understood. This study was conducted in a small study site (~1ha) located in a drained riparian wetland in southeastern Germany, where anthropogenic P input is minimal. The combination of a P-rich geological background, dynamic redox conditions and a drainage network provided an ideal setting to study the P mobilization and export processes. Hydrogeochemical monitoring of groundwater and drainage water over two years, complemented by vertical profile sampling of dissolved and solid phases, revealed significant P enrichment in the subsurface. About 70% of groundwater and drainage water samples exceeded the German Environment Agency’s threshold of 0.1 mg/L. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations in groundwater reached up to 16 µmol/L (0.5 mg/L) in two of four wells, showing minimal seasonal variation. Drainage water SRP ranged from 6 to 15 µmol/L, with some interannual variability due to dilution during wet periods, and closely matched the chemistry of high-P groundwater wells. Both high spatial and low temporal variability were attributed to the site-specific geochemical settings. A strong correlation between P and iron (Fe) in groundwater and drainage water highlighted the critical role of Fe-P interactions in controlling P dynamics. Electrical resistivity tomography confirmed a subsurface preferential flow channel aligned with the high-P wells. These findings proposed a conceptual model: geogenic P, probably originating from the weathering of P-bearing minerals, reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, and organic matter mineralization, is stored in the subsurface. Preferential flow paths transport Fe-P-rich, anoxic groundwater to drainage systems, which further accelerate P export by creating direct groundwater-surface water connections, reducing residence time, and acting as hotspots for P accumulation and event-driven transport. This study provides novel insights into the processing of geogenic P in groundwater and its continuous contribution to surface water eutrophication. While concentrations may be lower than those from surface runoff or agriculture, geogenic P remains a long-term and persistent source of P loading. These results underscore the need for eutrophication mitigation strategies to address both geogenic and anthropogenic P sources. 

How to cite: Liu, X., Winkler, M., Sass, O., and Peiffer, S.: Export of groundwater-borne geogenic phosphorus from a drained wetland into surface water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6642,, 2025.

EGU25-6643 | Orals | BG1.7

Effects of Nitrogen addition on Soil Phosphorus Pools in an Ombrotrophic Bog in South-Eastern Ontario, Canada 

Christian von Sperber, Camille Jones, Camille Brais, Tim Moore, Cynthia Kallenbach, and Meng Wang

Peatlands store about one third of the global soil organic carbon. This carbon storage is partly controlled by the availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in peat, which affects primary productivity, decomposition, plant community composition, and microbial community composition in these ecosystems. While extensive research has been conducted on the N cycle in peatlands, much less is known about the biogeochemistry of P. To date, little is known about how an increase of atmospheric N deposition affects the availability and biogeochemistry of P in peat. To fill this gap of knowledge, we studied the effect of increased N additions on soil P pools in an ombrotrophic bog in Canada. For this purpose, soil samples were taken from a 20 year old fertilization trial at Mer Bleue Bog in south-eastern Ontario and subjected to Hedley sequential fractionation. In unfertilized peat, P concentrations were highest in the available and highly recalcitrant pools, with little between them. This U-shaped distribution of P along the gradient of availability contrasts with established patterns in mineral soils. In plots which received PK and NPK fertilizers, concentrations of both available P and highly recalcitrant P doubled. In plots receiving N fertilization alone, available and total P concentrations decreased, which may indicate increased demand for P by plants and microorganisms when N status is high. In all plots receiving fertilizer, concentrations of highly recalcitrant P increased, which may indicate increased decomposition of peat. In addition, fertilization led to changes aboveground. Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves in plots receiving PK and NPK were enriched in P compared to Chamaedaphne calyculata leaves in unfertilized plots and plots receiving N alone. These findings indicate, that formerly N limited peatlands may become P limited due to anthropogenically enhanced atmospheric nitrogen depositions which may impact their potential to store soil organic carbon in the future.

How to cite: von Sperber, C., Jones, C., Brais, C., Moore, T., Kallenbach, C., and Wang, M.: Effects of Nitrogen addition on Soil Phosphorus Pools in an Ombrotrophic Bog in South-Eastern Ontario, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6643,, 2025.

The competitive adsorption of glyphosate and phosphate (PO43-) on mineral surfaces mutually affects their mobility in the environment. Iron hydroxides, such as goethite and ferrihydrite, are abundant in soils and serve as important sinks for both glyphosate and phosphate. The adsorption of these compounds is modulated by pH which affects their surface complexation and mineral surface charge. Moreover, the release of ferrous ions (Fe2+) from the natural iron cycle may further impact glyphosate adsorption by altering surface complexation equilibria. Understanding these interactions is crucial for developing predictive models of glyphosate transport and retention in the environment.

In this study, we employed a surface complexation model (SCM) to evaluate adsorption data of glyphosate and PO43- in aqueous suspensions of goethite and ferrihydrite, focusing on their pH-dependent processes, competitive interactions, and binding modes. Additionally, the influence of Fe2+ on glyphosate adsorption at pH 7 and the adsorption mechanism of Fe2+ on iron hydroxides were examined. Surface complexation constants (log K) for glyphosate, PO43-, and Fe2+ were estimated, providing a robust thermodynamic basis for modeling interactions with the two iron minerals. The surface complexation of glyphosate and PO43- varied with pH, concentration and competitive interactions. Despite the strong competition by PO43-, complete desorption of glyphosate by PO43- was only observed under alkaline conditions, indicating partial retention of glyphosate on iron hydroxides in most natural environments. Notably, Fe2+ and glyphosate mutually promote their adsorption on ferrihydrite at pH 7, indicating synergistic interactions or co-complexation, whereas on goethite Fe2+ has minimal influence on glyphosate adsorption. Structural modeling revealed that Fe2+ adsorption is dominated by monodentate complexes, highlighting the uniformity of adsorption mechanisms across these iron hydroxides.

Our findings underscore the significance of PO43- in attenuating glyphosate retention in soils, while Fe2+ appears to play a dual role, enhancing glyphosate adsorption under specific conditions. This study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of glyphosate dynamics in iron hydroxide-rich soils and provides directions for environmental management strategies aimed at mitigating glyphosate leaching and optimizing soil remediation practices.

How to cite: Wang, M. and Haderlein, S.: Modeling pH-dependent Adsorption of Glyphosate on Iron Hydroxides: Competition with Phosphate and Influence of Fe2+, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8402,, 2025.

Long-term applications of organic fertilizers significantly influence soil organic matter (SOM) and phosphorus (P). However, the interactions between SOM and P remain poorly understood. A better understanding of these interactions is important for efficient fertilization strategies. Methods of size and density fractionation of SOM have been used to study the fate of carbon from organic inputs and have been instrumental in understanding the mechanisms of SOM processing, storage, and interaction with soil minerals.

The Danish long-term field experiment CRUCIAL (Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle – Investigations through Agronomic Long-term Experiments) was established to explore the soil impacts of excessive organic material applications (e.g., sewage sludge, compost, cattle manure) over more than two decades. These amendments have provided annual P inputs of up to 621 kg·ha-1, greatly exceeding crop P requirements (~25 kg·ha-1), significantly increasing soil carbon stocks, total and organic P stocks, microbial biomass, and reducing soil bulk density.

To investigate the associations of SOM and P in fractions that serve as proxies for SOM with different degradation levels and interactions with specific soil minerals, we are employing size and density fractionation techniques. However, optimized protocols for fractionating SOM with a focus on P are lacking. We are currently optimizing such a method. Soils fertilized with compost, sewage sludge, cattle manure, or unfertilized controls were fractionated as follows:

20g air-dried soils were dispersed in water using glass beads. Thereafter, soils were wet-sieved into two size fractions: (A) 2 mm - 100 µm and (B) <100 µm. Density fractionation was conducted by suspending fractions A and B in a sodium polytungstate solution (density 1.8 or 2.4 g·ml-1), separating the lighter fraction (a) and progressively denser fractions (b and c). Fraction Bb was further sonicated and centrifuged.

Preliminary results highlight the influence of organic fertilizers on SOM fraction size and P distribution. In compost-fertilized soils, fraction Aa contained visible plant fragments, roots, and coarse composted material (P concentration: 0.7 g·kg-1), while fraction Ab, comprising darker and finer plant material, had a higher P concentration (4.6 g·kg-1). Fraction Ac, likely consisting of sand, contained no detectable P. Fraction Ba, finely particulate organic matter of gray color, had 2.8 g·kg-1 P, while fraction Bb, dark black in color, contained 4.1 g·kg-1 P.

Compost applications increased the size of all SOM fractions compared to unfertilized soils, whereas sewage sludge treatment resulted in significantly smaller Aa, Ab, and Ba fractions compared to soils treated with compost. Preliminary findings suggest that soil P and SOM fractions are influenced by organic amendments. Currently, we are optimizing the fractionation method to enhance P recovery in each fraction and avoid chemical interference. Future work will study isotopes and concentrations of carbon and nitrogen in the SOM fractions, along with microscopy techniques to identify organic macromolecules and porous structures.

How to cite: Álvarez Salas, M. and Magid, J.: Understanding Phosphorus Association with Soil Organic Matter: Size and Density Fraction Analysis in Intensively Fertilized Soils with Organic Materials, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8490,, 2025.

EGU25-8646 | Orals | BG1.7

Limitation of potential yield by phosphorus at the global scale 

Bruno Ringeval, Josephine Demay, Julian Helfenstein, Marko Kvakic, Alain Mollier, Thomas Nesme, Mounir Seghouani, and Sylvain Pellerin

Phosphorus (P) is one of the key limitations to crop yields. However, the relationship between soil P and yield is far to be understood at the global scale, given some difficulties in global soil P mapping [Helfenstein et al., 2024], complexities to model soil P dynamics and spatially variable interactions between P and other sources of yield gap (nitrogen, water, pest and diseases).

To better understand the P limitation of crop yield at the global scale, we developed here a simple but mechanistic approach (called GPCROP) to simulate the interaction between plant and soil P at daily time-step for one year. The model assumes no other limitation (water, N), and thus allows quantifying the P limitation of potential yield by the current soil P. Simulations are performed for maize at half-degree latitude x longitude spatial resolution.

GPCROP combines and builds on four previously developed models that we here combined: a model of potential growth for maize (SIM, [Ringeval et al., 2021]), a model describing the soil P dynamics (GPASOIL, [Ringeval et al., 2024]), a parametrization for the P supply by root (following [Kvakic et al., 2018]), and a model describing the allocation of C and P among plant organs, inspired of [Kvakic et al., 2020]. In particular, the soil P dynamics model allows us to represent the resplenishment of the soil P solution by more stable soil P pools, the parametrization for the P supply by root allows us to represent the diffusion of P in soil and the allocation model, based on an optimization procedure, allows us to represent plant adjustments to P limitation such as change in root:shoot ratio and change in leaf P concentration.

Thanks to GPCROP, we quantified the limitation of potential yield by P at the global scale. An uncertainty related to key model parameters and model input was also provided. Simulations underlined the importance of the begin of the growing season when roots are poorly developped in the magnitude of the limitation on final yield. Plant adjustements do particularly matter at that moment of the growing season as they allow (at least partly) to alleviate the P limitation, and we estimated their contribution in the reduction of the global P limitation.

Helfenstein et al., 2024 : Understanding soil phosphorus cycling for sustainable development: A review. One Earth, S2590332224003737.
Kvakic et al., 2018 : Quantifying the Limitation to World Cereal Production Due To Soil Phosphorus Status. Global Biogeochemical Cycles,
Kvakic et al., 2020 : Carbon and Phosphorus Allocation in Annual Plants: An Optimal Functioning Approach. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11:149,
Ringeval et al., 2021 : Potential yield simulated by global gridded crop models: using a process-based emulator to explain their differences. Geoscientific Model Development, 14(3):1639–1656,, 2021.
Ringeval et al., 2024 : A global dataset on phosphorus in agricultural soils. Scientific Data, 11(1):17,

How to cite: Ringeval, B., Demay, J., Helfenstein, J., Kvakic, M., Mollier, A., Nesme, T., Seghouani, M., and Pellerin, S.: Limitation of potential yield by phosphorus at the global scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8646,, 2025.

Baltic Sea is a geologically young semi-enclosed brackish-water body whose water exchange with the ocean has gradually declined. Approximately 85 million people live in the Baltic Sea's catchment area, resulting in significant human impact on the basin's ecosystem. Eutrophication due to anthropogenic discharge of nutrients is considered the most serious environmental problem, leading to greater growth of phytoplankton and algae, deterioration of water quality, and lack of oxygen in near-bottom water masses. As a result of recent large-scale nutrient input, phosphorus has accumulated into the seabed sediments from where it has been remobilizing and releasing into the water column under favorable conditions. Marine sediments contain phosphorus in various components, i.e. fractions, but not all of them are affected by remobilization. The release of phosphorus from sediments is affected by different oxygen conditions in the bottom water layer. Therefore, understanding the principles of phosphorus release and the distribution of phosphorus fractions in seabed sediments is extremely important.

Phosphorus fractions, porewater chemistry, and their vertical distribution were studied from the sea-bottom sediments from three locations in western Estonia in the northern Baltic Proper. The amount of mobile phosphorus fraction (mobile in hypoxic and anoxic conditions) stored in the surface sediments of the northern Baltic Proper is lower than expected, which indicates that most of the mobile phosphorus fraction has already been released back into the water column. In two out of three locations, the content of mobile phosphorus fraction in the sediment surface has decreased close to the natural background, which on average is less than 200 mg/kg (dw). Constant hypoxic conditions prevail at the sediment-water interface in all three locations. In the near future, oxygen levels can only increase in these areas due to Major Baltic Inflow (MBI) events, which introduce dense, salty, oxygen-rich water into the Baltic Sea. During sufficiently large inflow events, oxygen-rich water can reach areas previously characterized by stable hypoxic conditions, temporarily altering the deep-water oxygen levels. Under oxygen-rich conditions, organic material (including organic phosphorus) begins to decompose. The sediments in the study area contain up to 32.8% (dw) organic matter, holding substantial amounts of organic phosphorus. The released phosphorus is converted to a mobile phosphorus fraction, which becomes mobile again when oxygen conditions return to hypoxic.

How to cite: Ausmeel, M., Liira, M., and Suuroja, S.: Mobile phosphorus in the seabed sediments of the northern Baltic Proper, Baltic Sea: hypoxic conditions limit large-scale phosphorus release, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12722,, 2025.

Phosphorus (P) is a bio-critical and non-substitutable element, essential for life, forming the backbone of DNA, RNA, and ATP, playing a vital role in agricultural productivity. Unlike nitrogen, P lacks an atmospheric cycle, relying solely on slow rock weathering or finite geological reserves for replenishment. The challenges surrounding phosphorus are less about its geological availability and more about socio-economic factors, such as limited access to fertilizers, and environmental concerns, including water pollution. These challenges emphasize the importance of adopting sustainable agricultural practices to optimize phosphorus use and reduce environmental impact. The instability of the phosphorus market, as demonstrated during the 2007-2008 global food crisis and the recent 2020-2022 and ongoing price surges, further underscores the need for effective phosphorus management, particularly in countries like India, which relies heavily on imports to sustain agricultural productivity [1][2].

We examined two contrasting soil types, ultisols and vertisols, collected from the Western Ghats, India. These soils were characterized physiochemically, geochemically and mineralogically. Ultisols, with slightly acidic pH, are enriched in iron and aluminium oxides, oxyhydroxides, and 1:1 type clay minerals. In contrast, vertisols, which are alkaline, are dominated by primary basaltic minerals, 2:1 and 1:1 type clay, with minor amounts of iron oxides and hydroxides. We performed sorption isotherm, bioavailability, and fractionation experiments on representative samples of each soil type. Sorption experiments were fitted using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models, revealing significantly higher adsorption maxima for phosphorus in ultisols than vertisols. Bioavailability tests reveal greater phosphorus availability in vertisols compared to ultisols, both pre-and post-fertilizer application. Hedley fractionation revealed that phosphorus in ultisols is mainly partitioned in moderately available fractions, while in vertisols, it is predominantly in readily available fractions, explaining the higher phosphorus bioavailability in vertisols than in ultisols. This difference is linked to the mineralogical composition of the soils; ultisols, enriched with iron and aluminium oxides, oxyhydroxides, bind phosphorus to high-energy sites associated with Fe and Al, thereby restricting its availability. In contrast, the near absence of these minerals in vertisols allows for greater phosphorus bioavailability. These findings underscore the importance of considering soil mineralogy in developing efficient and sustainable fertilizer application strategies. Currently, we are investigating the interactions between individual minerals prevalent in these soils and bacteria isolated from the same soils to understand the role of microbes in phosphorus dynamics.


[1] Cordell, D., Drangert, J. O., & White, S. (2009). The story of phosphorus: global food security and food for thought. Global environmental change19(2), 292-305.

[2] Brownlie WJ, Sutton MA, Cordell D, Reay DS, Heal KV, Withers PJA, Vanderbeck I and Spears BM (2023) Phosphorus price spikes: A wake-up call for phosphorus resilience. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 7:1088776. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1088776

How to cite: Mehta, S. and Mathew, G.: Influence of Soil Mineralogy on Phosphorus Sorption, Partitioning, and Bioavailability in Contrasting Tropical Soils of India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14701,, 2025.

EGU25-15675 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7 | Highlight

Why have we fertilized the world? Global drivers of NPK fertilization in major crops since 1961 

Fernando Coello, Jordi Sardans, and Josep Peñuelas

Since the second half of the 20th century, NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) inorganic fertilizers have been pivotal in boosting global crop yields. These fertilizers have supported the growth of the global population, facilitated dietary shifts towards protein-rich foods, and expanded industrial applications, such as biofuel production. However, the extensive use of fertilizers has disrupted natural biochemical cycles, leading to environmental impacts and raising social and economic concerns.

Four crops—maize, rice, soybean, and wheat—currently occupy over 50% of global croplands, account for more than 60% of global agricultural fertilizer inputs, and produce two-thirds of the proteins consumed by humans. Rice and wheat are primarily used for direct human consumption (food), whereas maize and soybean are also used for livestock feeding (feed) and other industrial applications. The debate over food versus feed versus other uses has typically centered on land occupation, labour, and water usage. However, the regional and temporal drivers of fertilizer use among these major crops remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that, in recent decades, larger fractions of fertilizers have been allocated to feed and other uses compared to food. Furthermore, we aim to discern whether the changes in fertilizer consumption for each use have been driven by expansions in crop areas, increased fertilizer intensification, or a greater proportion of crops being allocated to each use.

To investigate the temporal changes in total fertilizer use across the three main nutrients and four key crops, while distinguishing between their final uses (food, feed, and other uses), we adopted a comprehensive approach: First, we integrated national-level temporal data from 1961 onwards concerning crop fertilization, production, consumption, and trade, and second, we accounted for uncertainty in our estimates using Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we performed a multiplicative factor decomposition to analyze the drivers behind the variations in total nutrient consumption for each nutrient and use category.

We found a significant increase in fertilizer use among the four main crops for the three nutrients and across all use categories over the past six decades. Globally, increases in fertilizer use for food and feed purposes are relatively balanced. However, at the national level, most countries have shifted towards a higher proportion of fertilizer use for feed compared to food. These shifts were driven by different crops: increases in fertilizer use for food were primarily linked to rice and wheat, for feed with maize and soybean, and for other uses predominantly with maize. Notably, for soybeans, the allocation of fertilizers between feed and food uses more than doubled during the studied period. Across all nutrient-use combinations, changes in total fertilizer consumption were mainly driven by increased fertilizer intensity rather than expanded cropped area or crop usage. However, for feed use, changes in total phosphorus and potassium consumption were equally influenced by increases in cropped area. The increase in fertilizer use for other uses, primarily driven by maize since 1990, appears closely linked to bioethanol production, especially in the United States, the leading producer.

How to cite: Coello, F., Sardans, J., and Peñuelas, J.: Why have we fertilized the world? Global drivers of NPK fertilization in major crops since 1961, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15675,, 2025.

Worldwide rapid industrial growth is leading to heavy urbanization in the coastal areas. Therefore coastal areas are becoming critically contaminated with heavy metal and nutrients, which is serious environmental concern as they are bio-accumulative in nature. Due to its non-biodegradable in nature trace metal is toxic to biotic communities and environment (Gong et al., 2020, Parul and Rina, 2021). The present study has been carried out in India’s second largest mangrove cover in the world. The study area is witnessing rapid urbanization as the area is inhabiting the Asia’s largest fertilizer refinery IFCO along with multiple seaports, with large number of chemical and petroleum industries, and the region is the prime gateway of trade and commerce. Besides this extensive salt producing units with extensive agricultural and aquaculture activities are present which are posing severe threat to the mangroves. The gulf is also inhabiting the complex geomorphological setup such as alluvial plains, tidal mudflats, lagoons creek and stabilized dune area (Deshraj et al. 2012). Construction of saltpan/aquaculture is deteriorating the mangroves health, impairing productivity (Jigar et al, 2022). Phosphorus (P), is one of the important macronutrients that governs the primary productivity and it affects both the terrestrial and marine biogeochemical cycling.  P is released in dissolved or suspended forms, holding both inorganic and organic forms, which undergo a continuous transformation. Knowledge of P speciation in sedimentary environments is crucial to understand the P cycling, bioavailability, and the mechanism of their release, which will help to assess the ecological risk associated with P enrichment. Along with Phosphorous, metal fractionation study is also important to determination of bioavailability and mobility of trace metals in geochemical fractions and ecological risk to the ecosystem. Results suggested that Total sedimentary P was found beyond the global limit and consists of inorganic-P fraction predominantly. PEI values suggest higher P loading in sediment which leads to higher eutrophication risk.

Metal fraction study suggested, a considerable variation in the speciation pattern of trace metals. In the study area, highest proportion of trace elements was associated with the residual phase (F4), which manifested that metals bounded with the alumino-silicate mineral and detritus matter in sediments was highest. Therefore, Present study would be helpful to the policymakers in the view of the current Land use-land cover change and contamination level in Gulf of Kachchh, mangroves for implementation of protection strategies for this precious natural resources.


Phosphorus Fractionation, Metal Fractionation, Sequential extraction, Mangroves Sediment, Ecological risk, Gulf of Kachchh, India


How to cite: Kumari, R. and Maurya, P.: Assessing the Geochemical Fractionation of Phosphorous and Heavy metal in Surface Sediments of Mangroves and assertaining its Ecological Risk, Gulf of Kachchh, Second largest mangrove cover of India., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16447,, 2025.

Phosphate contamination in water bodies is a global environmental issue that can result in eutrophication, affecting sectors like agriculture and fishing and thereby jeopardizing the long-term viability of water resources. Phosphate, a non-renewable resource, is a crucial mineral for crop production and a key component of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) fertilizer. Only 16% of the applied phosphate as fertilizer is utilized by crops; the rest is lost through soil erosion and aquatic runoff, increasing the risk of eutrophication. Therefore, environmental concerns and phosphate depletion have increased the need for phosphate recovery and recycling. This study explored the potential of engineered sewage sludge biochar for the sorption of aqueous phosphate. Biochar was obtained after pyrolyzing sewage sludge at 500°C, which was modified using coprecipitation of FeCl3.6H2O and ZnCl2. At pH 6, the engineered biochar exhibited around 92% phosphate sorption compared to 20% by pristine sewage sludge biochar. The highest sorption capacity (using Langmuir isotherm) was 129 mg/g at 15°C. Phosphate-laden biochar can further be utilized in agricultural fields, where it will act as a slow-release fertilizer to improve soil fertility or restore contaminated soil, thereby providing a sustainable solution for waste management and enhancing soil fertility. This will help achieve SDG 2 (Zero hunger) and SDG 6 (Clean water and sanitation).

Keywords: Eutrophication, Sorption, Engineered biochar, Sewage sludge, Sustainable Development Goals

How to cite: Kapoor, S. and Mohan, D.: Enhancing sustainability by utilizing engineered sewage sludge biochar for aqueous phosphate sorption, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16738,, 2025.

EGU25-18632 | ECS | Orals | BG1.7

Linking phosphorus entrapment and release potential in fluvial biofilms to carbon and light availability in natural environments 

Simon Wentritt, Markus Weitere, David Kneis, and Nuria Perujo

In the global phosphorus (P) cycle, aquatic ecosystems play a crucial role, as there, long-term retention of P through sedimentation and subsequent burial of P containing minerals takes place. This study zooms into a rather overlooked section of the aquatic part of the global P cycle: The P entrapment pathways of benthic microbial biofilms. Benthic microbial biofilms are able to entrap P in its various forms, biochemically transform it, and contribute to internal loading via the release of P. The importance and the dynamics of P entrapment and P release in fluvial benthic microbial biofilms are, as of now, not completely understood.

For this field study, we performed a longitudinal sampling campaign along a 25 kilometer stretch of a third order Central European river, with the aim of investigating P entrapment patterns of benthic microbial biofilms. We distinguished between extracellular P entrapment and intracellular P entrapment and recorded metabolic characteristics of the sampled biofilm, as well as environmental variables.

We found that the ratio of intracellular P to extracellular P differed greatly between sampling sites. High values for this ratio (on average, 26.7) were related to relatively pristine sampling sites with rather recalcitrant allochthonous carbon inputs. Further downstream, at sampling sites exposed to anthropogenic disturbances, the ratio declined sharply (on average below, 1). These biofilms were subject to P-rich wastewater treatment plant effluent and labile dissolved organic matter of rather autochthonous origin. Measurements of the equilibrium P concentration, as a measure for P release potential from the sediment, showed that sites with benthic biofilms with a higher share of extracellular P have a highly increased P release potential from the sediment. We further found distinguishable carbon use metabolic profiles of the biofilms between different sampling sites, though a higher carbon use functional diversity did not necessarily contribute to a higher overall P entrapment in the biofilm.

Our results show clear patterns of benthic biofilm P entrapment along the sampled river stretch. These patterns seem to be connected to the changing environmental variables along the sampled river stretch. Furthermore, the P release potential from the sediment was highly correlated with an increased share of extracellular P in the biofilms.

How to cite: Wentritt, S., Weitere, M., Kneis, D., and Perujo, N.: Linking phosphorus entrapment and release potential in fluvial biofilms to carbon and light availability in natural environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18632,, 2025.

EGU25-21512 | Orals | BG1.7

Oxygen Stable isotopes in phosphate: what is next? 

Federica Tamburini, Thomas Hofstetter, Nora Bernet, Elena Evertz, Cheng Shi, Maja Siegenthaler, Christian von Sperber, and Chiara Pistocchi

Oxygen isotopes in phosphate (δ¹⁸Oₚ) have rised interest as powerful tracers for environmental studies, offering valuable insights into phosphorus cycling, biological activity, and potential phosphate source tracing in diverse environments. By January 2025, more than 180 peer-reviewed studies have explored δ¹⁸Oₚ applications in Environmental Sciences, underscoring the interest in this tool, but also its limited application. Broader adoption of δ¹⁸Oₚ analysis is hindered by challenges such as the complexity of sample preparation, uncertainties in isotopic data interpretation, and the difficulty of identifying all endmembers in field-based studies.

Recent advancements in high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), allowing the isotopic measurements of oxyanions at natural abudances, have addressed key technical limitations. This innovation facilitates the analysis of smaller samples, but recent research highlights the critical need for thorough sample preparation to ensure reliable results. These advances lay the groundwork for more extensive δ¹⁸Oₚ applications, particularly since HRMS are becoming more and more widespread.

Central to δ¹⁸Oₚ studies is the process of phosphoryl transfer, a fundamental mechanism in numerous biological processes. Changes in the isotopic composition of oxygen in phosphate promoted by phosphoryl transfer is considered to reflect the metabolic status of living cells, positioning δ¹⁸Oₚ as a potential “thermometer” for assessing organism metabolic “health”. This capability is particularly evident in soil incubation experiments, where the extent of oxygen exchange during phosphoryl transfer recorded in the microbial phosphate pool correlates with respired CO₂. Such findings highlight δ¹⁸Oₚ's potential to link phosphorus cycling to carbon cycling, providing new perspectives on ecosystem functioning.

To harness this potential, future research should prioritize 18O labelling approaches in controlled incubation experiments integrating ancillary data, such as CO₂ flux measurements, to elucidate the mechanistic links between metabolic activity and changes in isotopic values. Complementary field studies, incorporating detailed assessments of δ¹⁸Oₚ alongside CO₂ and other environmental parameters, are essential for validating laboratory findings and expanding their relevance to complex natural systems.

By addressing these challenges and leveraging recent technical innovations, δ¹⁸Oₚ can emerge as a robust tool for deciphering phosphorus dynamics, their connection with metabolic processes, and their broader role in environmental systems.

How to cite: Tamburini, F., Hofstetter, T., Bernet, N., Evertz, E., Shi, C., Siegenthaler, M., von Sperber, C., and Pistocchi, C.: Oxygen Stable isotopes in phosphate: what is next?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21512,, 2025.

EGU25-21599 | Posters on site | BG1.7

Reaction-transport modeling of centennial-scale phosphorus accumulation and internal loading in a human-impacted boreal lake 

Tom Jilbert, Siqi Zhao, Xiaole Sun, and Juha Niemistö

Legacy anthropogenic phosphorus (P) accumulated in sediments influences nutrient cycling in eutrophic lakes through so-called internal loading. However, due to the complexity of processes influencing P mobility in the sediment column, the temporal response of internal loading to reduction of external P inputs is difficut to predict. In this study, we use a comprehensive set of porewater and sediment geochemical data to constrain a reaction-transport model simulating long-term anthropogenic inputs and processing of P in Lake Hiidenvesi, a eutrophic lake in southern Finland. The 180 cm sediment core used to train the model encompasses over 800 years of accumulation, including the transitions into and out of the Little Ice Age when land use in the region changed considerably. By defining top 6 cm of sedimentary P as "freshly-deposited" (within the past 10 years) and deeper layers as "legacy P", we find that at any given point in time, the freshly deposited material contributes the majority of regenerated P in porewaters, with an additional contribution from legacy P. A set of linear regressions between P deposition and diffusion rates indicate that internal P loading is primarily controlled by particulate P deposition of organic-P and Fe-P, which may be directly derived from catchment exports or autochthonously produced through in-lake biogeochemical processes. The Little Ice Age is shown by the model to be a period of relatively lower external P inputs an consequently also lower internal loading rates. However, the overall retention of P in sediments is sufficient to suggest that sediment P content can be used as an indicator for historical anthropogenic impacts in catchment areas of lakes in the boreal region.

How to cite: Jilbert, T., Zhao, S., Sun, X., and Niemistö, J.: Reaction-transport modeling of centennial-scale phosphorus accumulation and internal loading in a human-impacted boreal lake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21599,, 2025.

EGU25-21769 | Orals | BG1.7

Assessing the global phosphorus cycle and opportunities for closing the loop 

Nicolas Navarre and José M. Mogollón

Phosphorus (P) and phosphate rock have been included in the list of EU’s critical raw materials, due to their importance in agricultural production and food security. However, over the latter 20th century and up to today, P use in agriculture has increased much faster than population growth (from 4.5 Tg P and 3.0 billion people in 1961 up to 18 Tg P in 2022 and 8.0 billion people in 2022)1. These growing inefficiencies in global phosphorus use are coupled with a linearized economic model of produce, use, waste, completely short circuiting the global phosphorus cycle. Indiscriminate use of P (has increased global P cropland soil stocks by over 1 Pg P over the aforementioned time period, despite cropland soils having over 100 Tg Olsen P (readily available P)2. Conversely, in many low-income nations, a volatile phosphorus market (a doubling and a halving over the past 5 years) is leading to disruptions in their phosphorus supply chain and threatening their food security. In addition, humanity’s changes to the phosphorus cycle are leading to both upstream pressures for phosphorus fertilizer production, including millions of tons of phosphogypsum waste, and downstream eutrophication pressures, as phosphorus is a limiting nutrient in many aquatic environments.


Nevertheless, increasing scientific understanding of the global phosphorus cycle, plant-nutrient interactions and mycorrhizal network, the biogeochemical interactions of P in aquatic and soil environments, phosphorus recovery and immobilitzation from wastewater and from eutrophic systems, is growing in to a strong, yet fragmented phosphorus community. Further, clear policies and regulation for phosphorus use and recovery on for closing phosphorus loops are lacking at a global level. This presentation will showcase some low-hanging fruits that can help us move toward a closing of phosphorus loops by highlighting local phosphorus balances, food and fertilizer phosphorus use and trade patterns, soil phosphorus stocks, and potential for eutrophication. Finally, it provides a call to bring together European scientists, food producers, the waste(water) sector, and policymakers together to form a coalition that can move phosphorus toward circularity, ameliorating its environmental impacts, and ultimately establishing a resilient and sustainable global food system.


1Mogollón, JM, Bouwman, AF , Beusen, AHW, Lassaletta, L, van Grinsven, HJM, Westhoek, H. (2018) More efficient phosphorus use can avoid cropland expansion

Nature Food, 2, 509-518.


2McDowell, RW, Noble, A, Pletnyakov, P, Haygarth, PM (2023) A global database of soil plant available phosphorus, Scientific Data, 10, 125.

How to cite: Navarre, N. and Mogollón, J. M.: Assessing the global phosphorus cycle and opportunities for closing the loop, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21769,, 2025.

EGU25-1244 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Riparian zone heterogeneity influences the production and fate of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon across land-water interfaces  

Melissa Reidy, Martin Berggren, Anna Lupon, Hjalmar Laudon, and Ryan Sponseller

Transport of biodegradable organic carbon (bDOC) across land-water interfaces supports the ecological and biogeochemical functioning of northern freshwater ecosystems. Yet, we know little about how the generation and supply of terrestrial bDOC to boreal headwaters is regulated by the physical, biological, and hydrological properties of the riparian interface. We used 7-, 14- and 28- day bDOC incubations on eight occasions during the northern growing season to assess how terrestrial and aquatic bDOC concentrations differ along flowpaths connecting riparian soils to a headwater stream. We found that bDOC quantity declined along the transition from land to water, and that riparian soils had higher concentrations of bDOC compared to aquatic landscape components. Additionally, these differences corresponded to changes in the optical and chemical properties of the dissolved organic matter pool. Further, the generation of bDOC in riparian soils varied across interface types and reflected hydrogeomorphically determined differences in soil organic matter storage, groundwater level dynamics and soil microbial activity. In particular, the potential transfer of bDOC from soils to groundwater appeared largely regulated by the degree of contact between soils and lateral subsurface flowpaths. Riparian interfaces with near-constant opportunity to deliver resources laterally to streams by shallow, preferential groundwater flowpaths were found to have a relatively poor capacity to generate bDOC within local soils. At the same time, groundwater within these same interfaces had higher concentrations of bulk DOC and bDOC, likely due to connections with larger contributing hillslopes which serve as important support systems to streams during baseflow periods. Collectively, our results show that boreal headwaters are comprised of a continuum of interface types that differ in capacity to generate bDOC in near-stream soils, and in opportunity to mobilize and convey bDOC laterally. Ultimately this leads to wider variability in when and where within the broader stream network these inputs may be most important to aquatic ecosystems.

How to cite: Reidy, M., Berggren, M., Lupon, A., Laudon, H., and Sponseller, R.: Riparian zone heterogeneity influences the production and fate of biodegradable dissolved organic carbon across land-water interfaces , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1244,, 2025.

EGU25-1459 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Role of natural organic matter and iron(III) for methanogenesis and methane oxidation in thawing permafrost soils 

Eva Voggenreiter, Edgardo Valenzuela, Sigrid van Grinsven, and Andreas Kappler

Permafrost soils store about twice as much organic carbon as the atmosphere. In the future, certain permafrost regions will develop anoxic soil conditions due to thaw-induced soil subsidence and waterlogging. Under these conditions, methane (CH4) emissions due to decomposition of newly thawed organic carbon will likely increase. The net release of CH4 from soil depends on the availability of more energetically favorable electron acceptors than CO2, which could on the one hand suppress methanogenesis and on the other hand act as an electron acceptor for anaerobic CH4 oxidation. Since many common inorganic electron acceptors (sulfate, nitrate) are present only in low concentrations in permafrost soils, we hypothesize that natural organic matter (NOM) and/or ferric iron (Fe(III)) are more abundant and can act as significant electron acceptors. However, to which extent NOM fractions such as dissolved organic matter (DOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) as well as Fe(III) minerals influence methane production and methane oxidation in permafrost soils is unknown. In this project, we therefore aim (i) to characterize the redox-active moieties of DOM and POM fractions from permafrost soils, (ii) to quantify the effect of these NOM fractions on methanogenesis suppression and/or CH4 oxidation, and (iii) to identify the microorganisms that are able to oxidize CH4 coupled to NOM or Fe(III) reduction by performing enrichment culture experiments. To achieve this, we collected and isolated NOM from a thawing permafrost peatland in Sweden (Stordalen Mire, Abisko) across multiple thaw stages. We analyzed the changes in electron accepting and donating capacity of NOM fractions across permafrost thaw stages via mediated electrochemical reduction and oxidation, respectively. Enrichments targeting anaerobic CH4-oxidizers were set up using an inoculum from partly thawed and fully thawed permafrost thaw stages, amended with poorly crystalline Fe(III) minerals, AQDS (a model compound for redox-active moieties in NOM) and POM. In the future, microcosm experiments with isolated NOM fractions and 13C-labeled CH4 or 13C-labeled CO2 will be performed in order to quantify the influence of NOM on methane oxidation or methanogenesis suppression, respectively. Spectroscopic, isotope-tracing and molecular biology techniques will be used to track the reduction of amended electron acceptors, concentration of labeled gases and the change in abundance of targeted microorganisms. Overall, this work will help to assess the role of NOM and Fe(III) in influencing CH4 cycling in thawing permafrost peatlands.

How to cite: Voggenreiter, E., Valenzuela, E., van Grinsven, S., and Kappler, A.: Role of natural organic matter and iron(III) for methanogenesis and methane oxidation in thawing permafrost soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1459,, 2025.

In my talk, I propose that stoichiometric imbalances between microbial metabolic needs and carbon (C) : nitrogen (N) : phosphorus (P) ratios affect reactive macronutrient flows between ecosystems and in landscapes, much like how stoichiometric imbalances of macronutrients affect organism growth and nutrient cycling at smaller scales. More specifically, I hypothesize that the mismatch between microbial C : N : P ratios and biologically reactive macronutrient ratios modulates macronutrient retention and export. When microbial C : N : P matches nutrient availability, reactive macronutrients should be retained or transformed, reducing downstream transport. Conversely, stoichiometric imbalances between microbial C : N : P and reactive macronutrient C : N : P lead to excess reactive macronutrients being exported to downstream ecosystems

These stoichiometric imbalances are strongly modified by dissolved organic matter (DOM) quantity and especially by DOM composition, which defines the microbial reactivity of DOM. With laboratory microcosm and stream mesocosm experiments, colleagues and myself provide first mechanistic evidence for the importance of DOM composition for the stoichiometric modification of macronutrient flows. Furthermore, comparing global published C : N : P data from soils, lakes, and marine ecosystems, we find evidence that microbial activity uniformly modulates reactive DOM and macronutrient ratios across environments, affecting macronutrient cycling and flows, with probable secondary effects on ecosystem functioning and eutrophication. 

The proposed concept links small-scale mechanistic understanding to ecosystem-scale patterns of macronutrient cycling in inland-water ecosystem networks. This cross-scale perspective highlights the need for integrated stoichiometric experimental and monitoring research to better understand reactive macronutrient cycling and flows, with high potential for improved macronutrient management.

How to cite: Graeber, D.: Dissolved organic matter composition may be a key modifier of ecosystem-scale macronutrient reactivity and flows across the terrestrial - aquatic continuum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1926,, 2025.

EGU25-5582 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

How do vertical and topographic riparian soil moisture patterns shape headwater dissolved organic carbon dynamics? 

Paul D. Burkhardt, Andreas Musolff, and José L. J. Ledesma

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) plays a fundamental role for the aquatic ecosystem and the global carbon cycle. It also interferes with drinking water treatment processes. Its removal is costly and depends on its quantity and quality, i.e. its concentration and molecular composition. Riverine DOC concentrations have increased in Europe and North America in recent decades, primarily driven by reductions in acid deposition. Currently, changing climatic conditions such as increasing temperatures, heavy rainfall events and droughts are gaining importance in determining DOC concentrations. However, the specific mechanisms by which climate variability drives riverine DOC concentrations and its chemical composition at different time scales are not sufficiently understood. Therefore, reliable forecast about future developments are challenging. In forested headwater catchments, where riparian soils are major sources of DOC export, riparian soil moisture might be paramount to determine DOC quantity and quality. Soil moisture is driven by climate variability and controls subordinate and interdependent processes that can shape DOC quantity and quality. However, limited data of soil moisture from forested headwaters and specifically from their riparian zones are available. In this context, we will study the upper Rappbode catchment in the Harz mountains, which drains into Germany’s largest drinking water reservoir. We will relate high-frequency soil moisture observations at multiple depths (vertical dimension) at different riparian profiles with differing wetness characteristics (topographic dimension) to the corresponding DOC quantity and quality over temporal scales, including short-term, seasonal/annual, and long-term by modeling. We hypothesize that currently and in future patterns of soil moisture in the vertical and topographic dimension play a pivotal role as drivers of the temporal dynamics of DOC quantity and quality in riparian soils and subsequently in the corresponding surface waters. Initial results from our sampling campaigns highlight differences in riparian soil water chemistry between the locations of different wetness characteristics, but also distinct vertical heterogeneities. We will present further findings and results that improve the understanding of how soil moisture drives riverine DOC quantity and quality, with special consideration of vertical heterogeneities in the riparian profiles.  With a refined understanding of DOC dynamics, more reliable forecasts can be made to derive targeted adaptation strategies for safe drinking water supplies and to better assess future impacts on aquatic ecosystems and the global carbon cycle.

How to cite: Burkhardt, P. D., Musolff, A., and Ledesma, J. L. J.: How do vertical and topographic riparian soil moisture patterns shape headwater dissolved organic carbon dynamics?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5582,, 2025.

EGU25-5834 | Posters on site | BG1.6

Carbon removal mechanisms and microbial dynamics in constructed wetlands of differing depths 

Johanna Sjöstedt, Kevin Jones, Jasmin Borgert, and Antonia Liess

Climate change has intensified the mobility of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from land into aquatic ecosystems leading to increased brownification and hypoxia. Constructed wetlands (CWs) offer a potential mitigation strategy but optimal wetland design with respect to DOM removal remains underexplored. This study examined how depth and water residence time (WRT) affect DOM processing in experimental CWs during summer and fall. Organic matter was added to mimic brownification, and DOM changes were tracked using fluorescence spectroscopy and microbial activity measurements. A key finding was that labile DOM degrades rapidly within the first two days. At longer WRT shallow CWs released terrestrial-like fractions potentially increasing downstream brownification, while deep CWs showed sustained DOM degradation and slower internal production, potentially reducing downstream brownification. Based on spectral ratios it was found that microbial processes dominated DOM degradation, although photodegradation played a significant role during summer. Strong correlations between bacterial processes and DOM composition, highlight the critical role of labile carbon in driving microbial activity. Bacterial production correlated strongly with labile DOM fractions (Peaks T and M), while bacterial respiration, correlated with both labile and humic-like DOM fractions. Our results suggest that CWs can be optimized as tools for mitigating climate change impacts and improving water quality, ensuring long-term ecological sustainability. In addition, our findings advocate for integrating shallow and deep systems in series to maximize carbon removal, minimize brownification, and adapt to seasonal variability.

How to cite: Sjöstedt, J., Jones, K., Borgert, J., and Liess, A.: Carbon removal mechanisms and microbial dynamics in constructed wetlands of differing depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5834,, 2025.

EGU25-6561 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Climate-change impacts on dissolved organic matter in glacier-fed streams 

Jingyi Hou, Hannes Peter, Nicola Deluigi, Oriana LIanos-Paez, and Tom Battin

Mountain glaciers are vanishing worldwide because of climate change, triggering cascading downstream effects. Today, glaciers are recognized as stores of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which once released, can support the microbial metabolism and food webs in glacier-fed streams. This glacier-derived DOM is often reported to be ancient and highly bioavailable. However, our understanding of how such DOM may change in the future, as mountain glaciers continue to melt, remains limited.

We aimed to determine whether the quantity and quality of DOM in glacier-fed streams are shifting as glaciers retreat. Leveraging DOM data from the Vanishing Glaciers project and using a space-for-time substitution approach, we investigated how both DOM quantity and quality may change across a wide range of glacier-fed streams worldwide. We analyzed optical properties of DOM sampled as close to the glacier snout as possible in 181 glacier-fed streams draining the world’s major mountain ranges. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in these streams were very low (median: 146.3 ppb, interquartile range (IQR): 99.4-211.7 ppb). Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) identified six major DOM components, highlighting a dominance of proteinaceous compounds in the glacier-fed streams. Furthermore, by integrating additional optical measures, such as fluorescence (median: 1.5, IQR: 1.3-1.7), humification (median: 0.4, IQR: 0.2-0.5) and biological (median: 1.6, IQR: 1-2.3) indices, we will characterize DOM composition and potential sources. These data will be compared to glacier coverage, stream water stable isotopes, major ions, the mineralogical composition of suspended sediments and benthic chlorophyll a. Our unique large-scale dataset allows us to improve current understanding of DOM dynamics and related carbon cycling in glacier-fed aquatic ecosystems, which are now changing at an unprecedented pace because of climate change.

How to cite: Hou, J., Peter, H., Deluigi, N., LIanos-Paez, O., and Battin, T.: Climate-change impacts on dissolved organic matter in glacier-fed streams, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6561,, 2025.

Land use is a primary driver of the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) and significantly influences the terrestrial carbon cycle. This study used the SWAT-C model to simulate the export of SOC, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and particulate organic carbon (POC) in the Wu River Basin, analyzing the effects of land use on SOC spatial distribution. Model calibration with 2012–2017 total organic carbon (TOC) data achieved Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency values above 0.7, confirming reliability. The simulated results showed an average annual TOC export of 17.3 kgC/ha, with DOC and POC contributing 10.38 kgC/ha and 6.9 kgC/ha, respectively. Bare land had the highest POC export (66.7 kgC/ha), followed by dry cropland (32.3 kgC/ha), while urban areas and coniferous forests exhibited the highest DOC exports (15.1 and 12.4 kgC/ha, respectively). SOC storage was highest in rice field (313 tonC/ha) and lowest in bare land (175 tonC/ha). Sub-watersheds dominated by bare land and dry cropland recorded TOC exports exceeding 21 kgC/ha, marking them as future SOC export hotspots. These findings highlight the significant influence of land use on SOC distribution and provide a scientific basis for ecosystem service preservation, and sustainable watershed management.

Key words: Soil organic carbon, SOC storage, SWAT-C model, land use, Taiwan

How to cite: Lin, G.-Z. and Chiang, L.-C.: Evaluating the impact of land use on soil organic carbon spatial distribution by SWAT-C model – a case study of the Wu River Basin, Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7919,, 2025.

EGU25-8762 | Orals | BG1.6

Does DOM composition help explain bioavailable macronutrient concentrations in organic matter-rich freshwaters? 

Martin Berggren, Mayra P. D. Rulli, Ann-Kristin Bergström, Ryan A. Sponseller, and Geert Hensgens

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is a major source of macronutrients in freshwaters, yet has variable and poorly understood bioavailability to bacteria and other organisms. Because intrinsic variation in bioavailability is caused by chemical structures of organic nutrients, DOM composition data should improve predictions of bioavailable resource pool sizes. We hypothesized that bioavailable organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) fractions are made up of freshly produced humic- and protein-like DOM, respectively, whereas bioavailable phosphorus (P) is linked to microbially-derived DOM with potential organophosphate content and/or to chemical structures associated with DOM-Fe-phosphate complexes. These ideas were tested in eight, unproductive and organic matter-rich stream and lake sites, where we performed C, N and P bioassays with bacteria in combination with analyses of DOM composition using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) analysis. Bioavailable C followed the predicted patterns, with strong links to fluorescent features indicating recently produced DOM. Surprisingly, bioavailable N was poorly related to DOM composition, including protein-like fluorescence, and was instead driven mainly by the amount of inorganic N. Bioavailable P was best linked to microbially-derived organic components. The standard nutrient variables explaining most of the bioavailable total dissolved C, N and P, respectively, were dissolved organic carbon, dissolved inorganic nitrogen and total phosphorus. In addition, DOM composition variables made significant unique contributions to explaining the variance in bioavailable C (19%), N (13%) and P (18%). Overall, DOM composition analysis is a promising tool to improve prediction and develop our understanding of bioavailable macronutrients in organic matter-rich freshwaters.

How to cite: Berggren, M., Rulli, M. P. D., Bergström, A.-K., Sponseller, R. A., and Hensgens, G.: Does DOM composition help explain bioavailable macronutrient concentrations in organic matter-rich freshwaters?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8762,, 2025.

EGU25-9125 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Modelling Total Organic Nitrogen Concentrations in Danish Streams using Machine Learning 

Rasmus R. Frederiksen, Søren E. Larsen, and Brian Kronvang

Total organic nitrogen (TON) constitutes almost 20% of the total nitrogen (TN) riverine loadings to Danish coastal waters. Thus, knowledge about the TON concentrations in streams and its spatial variation is essential to accurately assess the importance of TON for TN loadings to coastal waters and thereby achieving a more precise basis for calculation of the sources of TON in catchments.

We used environmental monitoring data from 390 stream stations across Denmark for the period 2018-2021to calculate indirectly measured annual and seasonal average TON concentrations (~1,500 samples) along with a wide range of predictor variables. TON samples showed a mean annual TON concentration in Danish streams amounting to 0.70 mg L-1 with a standard deviation of 0.31 mg L-1 and revealed a relatively high spatial variability.

We trained a machine learning model to learn spatial and temporal patterns in our TON data set for prediction of spatially distributed annual and seasonal average TON concentrations in Danish streams in ungauged basins. Furthermore, we utilized quantile regression to estimate the uncertainty on model predictions, and we utilized quantile regression in combination with the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) approach to investigate how the importance and influence of predictor variables vary across TON’s entire distribution.

The annual TON concentration is modelled with a root-mean-squared error of 0.20 mg L-1. The new national annual average TON concentration model is largely driven by the mean elevation (negative), the percentage of agricultural land (positive), the percentage of tile drained areas (positive), and the percentage of lakes (positive).

The predicted annual average TON concentrations were generally higher than the measured average annual TON concentrations, with an overall mean of 0.84 mg L-1, probably because catchments in the training data generally had higher mean elevations (DEM) than the prediction catchments as many ungauged catchments are located near the coast

The developed model and national TON maps contribute to our understanding of annual TON concentrations in streams supporting national-scale land-use and water management.

How to cite: R. Frederiksen, R., E. Larsen, S., and Kronvang, B.: Modelling Total Organic Nitrogen Concentrations in Danish Streams using Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9125,, 2025.

It is generally known that one of the important objectives of EU countries is to improve the quality of water in water bodies.  The quality of the water in the Gulf of Tallinn is poor. Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal water and stormwater discharges have been studied, but very little is known about the role of dissolved organic matter, chemical properties and relationship with pollutants. It is important to be aware of the role of carbon compounds as nutrients, the high content and inflows into the coastal sea can lead to the proliferation of algae and bacteria, the reduction of dissolved oxygen in water, etc. The impact of algae on the water quality in the Tallinn Bay is a significant problem and can also worsen the water quality of Pirita beach. The main concern of bad water quality has been considered eutrophication, which causes algal bloom near coastline of Tallinn Bay.   

In recent years, stormwaters from Tallinn are believed to be the main cause of high nutrient levels. In present study the intention was to investigate different factors by measuring the concentrations of organic carbon, total, inorganic and organic phosphorus and nitrates in different locations of the coastal seawater. The concentrations of phosphorus and nitrate were determined by spectrophotometry, organic carbon by HPLC.  Detailed characterization of dissolved organic matter was carried out in order to identify sources of organic matter that has entered the water. As a result, it should become clear whether, in addition to the study of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal water, it would be expedient and necessary to monitor and characterize natural organic matter.

The aims of present study were:  to determine the organic carbon, phosphorus and nitrate in coastal seawater near the stormwater discharge outlets; to investigate the climatic factors (rainfall, temperature), and freshwater inflow (River Pirita); to compare the results with average nutrient levels in the Gulf of Finland; to assess the condition of Tallinn Bay according to legislation.

The study results indicated that nutrient levels in the coastal seawater of the Tallinn Bay area were remarkably higher than average nutrient levels in the Gulf of Finland. According to legislation, the status class of Tallinn Bay is mainly poor, based on total phosphorus data and bad or even worse, based on nitrate data. Stormwaters did not increase nitrate and total phosphorus contents substantially and they mainly affected total phosphorus concentrations near the discharge outlets. River Pirita was identified as the major source of nitrates, but not of phosphorus. Further studies are required to obtain a complete picture about nutrient flows to Tallinn Bay.

How to cite: Lepane, V.: The coastal seawater quality evaluation based on organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus data of Tallinn Bay, Estonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10057,, 2025.

EGU25-11554 | Orals | BG1.6

Impact of agriculture and water paths on organic nitrogen loss to Danish headwater streams 

Brian Kronvang, Rasmus J. Petersen, Jonas Rolighed, Mette Thorsen, Rasmus R. Frederiksen, Søren E. Larsen, Anne Hasselholt, Birgitte Hansen, Hyojin Kim, Tobias Goldhammer, Daniel Graeber, and Dominik Zak


Worldwide, farming activities exert strong impacts on the amount and molecular composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM), which constitutes an important vector of organic nitrogen (ON) transport from soils to the aquatic environment (Graeber et al., 2015). However, there are major knowledge gaps on the drivers of ON loss to water courses. In Denmark, stream data from the Danish national monitoring program (NOVANA) shows that total ON currently accounts for nearly 20 % of the annual total N loading to Danish coastal waters. In a recently initiated research project ‘orgANiC’ we are investigating the loss and fate of ON forms in five smaller agricultural catchments across Denmark (Petersen et al., 2021).

We are measuring dissolved ON (DON) and particulate ON as well as dissolved organic matter (DOM) and particulate organic matter (POM) in various source waters (soil water and groundwater), pathways (tile drains and surface runoff), and receiving streams using a comprehensive array of sampling technologies. In soil water we utilize suction cups taking weekly composite water samples, in groundwater we sample from near-surface (app. 1-5 m below surface) screens in boreholes using the Montejus principle, and in tile drains, surface runoff from fields and streams we are taking both grab samples and automated ISCO samples. These are activated when the hydrograph levels and hydrograph gradients exceed certain thresholds, determined from analysis of the long-term hydrograph data.

We are performing both indirect (total N minus inorganic N) and direct analysis of DON (size exclusion chromatography) on water samples from the different hydrological compartments. The loss of particulate ON (PON) is also monitored in tile drainage water, surface runoff and streams as these three hydrological paths are believed to be of increasing importance with the observed increase in extreme weather conditions. In the presentation we will share our current insights into the challenges of indirect DON measurements across different hydrological pathways by comparing it with direct measurements of DON and PON. We will also demonstrate how the concentrations and composition of ON fractions vary across the agricultural catchments under investigation as they represent different soil types, climate conditions and agricultural management (crops, fertilization, etc.).



Graeber, D., I. G. Boëchat, F. Encina-Montoya, and others. 2015. Global effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter. Scientific Reports 5: 16328. doi:10.1038/srep16328.

Petersen, RJ, Blicher-Mathiesen, G, Rolighed, J, Andersen, HE & Kronvang, B 2021, 'Three decades of regulation of agricultural nitrogen losses: Experiences from the Danish Agricultural Monitoring Program', Science of the total Environment 787: 147619.






How to cite: Kronvang, B., Petersen, R. J., Rolighed, J., Thorsen, M., Frederiksen, R. R., Larsen, S. E., Hasselholt, A., Hansen, B., Kim, H., Goldhammer, T., Graeber, D., and Zak, D.: Impact of agriculture and water paths on organic nitrogen loss to Danish headwater streams, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11554,, 2025.

EGU25-12105 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Low-Intensity Surface Fires and Dissolved Organic Matter: Unraveling Post-Fire Carbon Dynamics in Northern European Boreal Forest Soils 

Mathilde Rebiffé, Lukas Kohl, Egle Köster, Markku Keinänen, Frank Berninger, and Kajar Köster

Recent studies highlight a concerning reality: wildfires are becoming more frequent and intense, particularly in northern high-latitude regions where temperatures are rising fastest. Boreal forests, vital carbon (C) reservoirs, play a key role in long-term C storage and climate regulation. However, climate change-driven increases in wildfire frequency, intensity, and severity threaten to turn these soils from C sinks into sources, disrupting soil biogeochemical cycles and hindering forest recovery and ecosystem resilience. Fire significantly alters soil organic matter (SOM) and C cycling processes, particularly impacting soil dissolved organic matter (DOM). In boreal forests of Northern Europe, low-intensity surface fires are common, but their short-term effects on soil DOM dynamics remain poorly understood. We aimed to investigate the short-term effects of a low-intensity surface fire on post-fire DOM properties and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content in boreal forest soils.
Fieldwork was conducted in a dry Scots pine boreal forest of Eastern Finland (Ruunaa, North Karelia) that underwent a prescribed restoration fire on June 30th, 2022. The burning resulted in a non-stand replacing surface fire of low intensity and severity. To capture short-term post-fire responses, we compared DOC content, δ¹³CDOC, and DOM absorbance properties in soil water and throughfall collected from burned and unburned control plots during the first growing season following the burning (from July to October 2022). DOM was analyzed for changes in concentration and isotope composition with a coupled elemental analyzer and mass spectrometer (EA-IRMS), while changes in DOM chemical composition were characterized using UV-visible absorbance spectrophotometry.
Our results indicated that soil DOC contents declined immediately after the fire in burned plots compared to control ones, accompanied by slight enrichment of burned soils DOM in ¹³C. These findings suggest reduced availability of labile C substrates following SOM and biomass combustion, fire-induced reduction of the microbial biomass, and introduction of newly formed pyrogenic carbon (PyC), which has a lower proportion of lignin-derived ¹³C. Additionally, the soil DOM from burned soils showed slightly higher degrees of aromaticity and molecular weights, indicating a shift towards more aromatic and recalcitrant compounds, suggesting the presence of a more stable C pool in the soil water of fire-affected soils.
Our findings emphasize the crucial role of low-intensity surface fires in influencing DOM dynamics and provide vital insights for understanding the post-fire soil C cycling and ecosystem recovery in boreal forests of Northern Europe. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for improving C balance models in these forests and equipping policymakers and forest managers with the tools needed to enhance resilience in one of the planet’s most vital ecosystems.

How to cite: Rebiffé, M., Kohl, L., Köster, E., Keinänen, M., Berninger, F., and Köster, K.: Low-Intensity Surface Fires and Dissolved Organic Matter: Unraveling Post-Fire Carbon Dynamics in Northern European Boreal Forest Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12105,, 2025.

EGU25-12124 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Long-term manuring of soil results in divergent responses of dissolved and particulate organic matter on the molecular level 

Carsten Simon, Konstantin Stumpf, Klaus Kaiser, Marcel Lorenz, Thomas Maskow, Anja Miltner, Ines Mulder, Sören Thiele-Bruhn, and Oliver Lechtenfeld

Manure addition increases amounts of soil organic matter (SOM), water-extractable organic matter (WEOM), microbial biomass, and microbial activity. Mass balances have shown that soil organic C build-up is paralleled by a comparatively low retention of the added manure C, which also declines substantially with time. The implications for SOM’s molecular composition are not fully understood, but imply transformation of manure-derived organic matter as a main driver of C accumulation. We studied four long-term manured soils (24-118 years) to unravel potential mechanisms of manure turnover and SOC build-up on the molecular level. Soils were sampled a year after the last manure application.

Bulk SOM and manure were studied directly via solid-state laser desorption ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LDI-FT-ICR-MS). The LDI-FT-ICR-MS results indicated that manure increased SOM's energetic potential by +0.9 ± 0.2 kJ/mol C (1.5 ± 0.4%), and this trend was confirmed by bulk elemental analysis (+5.4 ± 2.8 kJ/mol C; 12.6 ± 6.5%).  The addition of manure changed the composition of SOM components corresponding to 3–16 % of the total ion abundance compared to the controls, with the higher proportions found in longer running field trials. However, marker compounds directly related to manure explained only 2–12% of the molecular changes, while markers unrelated to the original manure signatures explained 67–84%. Long-term manure addition resulted in increased saturation, oxidation, and molecular weight, and decreased aromaticity of SOM as compared to unfertilized soils. Accumulated molecules had a higher energetic potential and, despite being chemically similar to the original manure, a higher mass, suggesting that manure-derived building blocks were used for the microbial synthesis of larger molecules. Molecules with lower energetic potential disappeared in manured soil samples, mirrored by a higher oxidation state of WEOM. Consequently, we also found higher water-extractable organic C yields (normalized to soil organic C) in manured samples.

To reveal potential sources of these oxidized compounds, WEOM was studied by liquid-state FT-ICR-MS coupled with liquid chromatography, and compared to representative necromass extracts (plant, fungal, bacterial). Our results indicated a clear shift towards a more bioavailable, complex, necromass-dominated but oxidized WEOM fraction in manured soils. This finding markedly differs from the tendency towards more strongly reduced SOM, which was determined by solid-state measurements. The overlap with necromass FT-ICR-MS signatures suggested a dominant bacterial control of the changes in WEOM properties and also resulted in a stronger imprint of oxidized plant markers. Yet, the dominant fraction (83% of ion abundance) explaining the shift in oxidation state was not associated to any necromass type. This indicates an oxidation of the existing SOM reserves (“priming”).

Together, the combination of solid- and liquid-state FT-ICR-MS techniques provided complementary insight, demonstrating how manure addition affects the long-term SOC balance mirrored by SOM and WEOM composition. The comparison with potential endmembers (necromass extracts, manure) provided valuable insight into pathways of SOM turnover and will allow to identify novel process markers for future studies.

How to cite: Simon, C., Stumpf, K., Kaiser, K., Lorenz, M., Maskow, T., Miltner, A., Mulder, I., Thiele-Bruhn, S., and Lechtenfeld, O.: Long-term manuring of soil results in divergent responses of dissolved and particulate organic matter on the molecular level, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12124,, 2025.

EGU25-12453 | Orals | BG1.6

The role of dissolved organic carbon for the export of iron from catchments 

Stefan Peiffer, Luisa Hopp, Angelika Kölbl, Burkhard Beudert, and Oliver Lechtenfeld

Export of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from catchments to streams has increased in the last decades in many catchments across the Northern hemisphere. Mobilisation of DOC from riparian soils and wetlands is highly dependent on discharge and is triggered by storm events. In many cases a very strong correlation between DOC and Fe concentrations during storm events can be observed in the streams suggesting joint source areas and mobilisation mechanisms. In this contribution we will discuss causes and mechanisms of Fe transfer from catchments into aquatic systems. Analyses of Fe species from a 40-years sample archive from the Große Ohe Catchment in the Bavarian Forest National Park indicated that between 60 and 100 % of the dissolved Fe determined were in the reduced form Fe(II). Thus, a substantial amount of redox equivalents will thus be exported from catchments, and the implications for e.g. the oxygen budget of streams will be discussed.

How to cite: Peiffer, S., Hopp, L., Kölbl, A., Beudert, B., and Lechtenfeld, O.: The role of dissolved organic carbon for the export of iron from catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12453,, 2025.

EGU25-12630 | Orals | BG1.6

Mineral associated organic matter in practice 

Mark Smits

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a vital role in most soil functions related to agriculture. It is a building block of soil structure, it buffers pH and nutrient availability, and it supports the soil food web. Up to now in agricultural practices, including agriculture labs, SOM has only been characterized as one pool. Recently, more attention has been on the fractionation into particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral associated matter (MAOM) in relation to SOM dynamics. MAOM will be the most stable pool of SOM and mineralization is probably dominated by rhizosphere processing, and therefore controlled by plant nutrient demand. Based on the idea that microbial biology plays a key role in both the formation and degradation of MAOM, we propose that adjusting agricultural management to optimize the build-up of MAOM is the way forward in minimizing nutrient losses to surface waters.

In this study we measured POM and MAOM, based on size fractionation, in pairs of agricultural plots with contrasting soil management. Furthermore we followed mineralization rate via continuous measurements of EC, moisture content and soil temperature, and based on ion-binding resin bags placed at 10, 30 and 60 cm depth.

Overall, texture is a strong predictor of the amount of MAOM, but on top the application of compost appears to have a positive effect, both on grass- and cropland. But we have indications that in some cases our MAOM fractions are dominated by fine POM, probably caused by the practice of incorporation of organic manure into the soil. Initial results show that nitrogen leaching is more associated with POM than with MAOM.

How to cite: Smits, M.: Mineral associated organic matter in practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12630,, 2025.

EGU25-12677 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Carbon Cycling in Estuarine Marshes: A Focus on DOC Stabilization and Mobilization Pathways 

Sharjeel Ashfaq, Friederike Neiske, Joscha N. Becker, and Annette Eschenbach

Coastal wetlands are vital to global carbon cycling because they can store large amounts of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC). These ecosystems are influenced by complex interactions between salinity, flooding frequency and vegetation, which affect the formation, stabilization and mobilization of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC). Stabilization mechanisms, including mineral association and aggregation, are critical for long-term SOC storage, with Mineral-Associated Organic Matter (MAOM) being the dominant mechanism. However, the mechanisms driving DOC mobilization in estuarine marshes, particularly spatial and seasonal variabilities and the effects of climate and vegetation, remain poorly understood.

This study addresses these gaps by examining how seasonal fluctuations driven by biotic factors impact DOC concentrations in marsh soils along salinity and flooding gradients. As a part of 12 months field study, pore-water samples are being collected monthly using suction cups in nine marsh zones along the Elbe Estuary, representing a salinity gradient (salt, brackish, and freshwater marshes) and flooding gradients (pioneer, low, and high zones) at depths of 10 cm and 30 cm. The collected samples are analyzed for Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon (NPOC), anions, and Iron (Fe) concentration. Preliminary results revealed that NPOC concentrations were consistently higher in salt marshes compared to brackish and freshwater marshes. Pioneer zones exhibited the highest NPOC concentrations, particularly at 30 cm depth, highlighting the interaction of site and elevation as key factors driving spatial variability. Seasonal trends showed elevated NPOC levels during summer, followed by declines in autumn, likely driven by increased organic matter decomposition during warmer periods. Our results indicate a negative correlation between NPOC and Fe concentrations, suggesting that redox-driven mechanisms, such as Fe reduction, play a critical role in DOC stability and release. In conclusion, DOC mobilization in the Elbe Estuary is strongly influenced by salinity and flooding gradients, with higher concentrations in salt marshes and during summer. Understanding DOC dynamics in tidal marshes is essential for predicting the impacts of climate change on carbon cycling within estuarine ecosystems. As global sea levels rise and salinity gradients shift, this research provides important baseline knowledge to inform strategies for protecting the carbon sinks of coastal wetlands.

How to cite: Ashfaq, S., Neiske, F., Becker, J. N., and Eschenbach, A.: Carbon Cycling in Estuarine Marshes: A Focus on DOC Stabilization and Mobilization Pathways, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12677,, 2025.

EGU25-13097 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon in Icelandic glacial streams changes seasonally and with distance from the glacier 

Ann-Kathrin Wild, Christina Fasching, Jonas Baum, and Peter Chifflard

Glaciers impact carbon cycling in downstream ecosystems by releasing diverse and bioavailable dissolved organic carbon (DOC). However, our understanding of organic carbon (OC) dynamics in Icelandic glaciers remains limited, as most studies have focused on other glacial regions and often lack seasonal-scale resolution.

In this study, we investigate the bioavailability of glacial OC from Icelandic streams using incubation experiments. We sampled Virkisá on a seasonal scale (a total of 72 incubation experiments) and supplemented these samples with additional data from the glacial streams Skaftafellsá, Svínafellsá, Kvíárjökull, and Fjallsá for comparison. In the glacial stream Virkisá, DOC concentrations were highest in spring at the onset of the melt season (0.18 ± 0.11 mg/L) and lowest in autumn (0.08 ± 0.02 mg/L). Notably, we observed not only seasonal variability in DOC concentrations but also in the bioavailability of glacial OC. At the glacier outlet, DOC bioavailability was consistently negative throughout the year (-18.18%), indicating DOC production during incubation experiments. Similarly, negative BDOC values (ranging from -1.44% to -24.1%) were confirmed in four other glacier-fed streams during summer, discharging from the ice cap Öræfajökull. However, further downstream, incubation experiments revealed seasonal shifts: negative bioavailable DOC (BDOC) values in spring (-18.04% at 900 m from the glacier outlet) and positive values in summer (55.55% at the same site), likely reflecting increased biological activity and DOC consumption during summer.

Overall, BDOC values showed a positive correlation with distance from the glacier. At the furthest sampling point, 3000 m from the glacier outlet, BDOC averaged +8.21% in spring and 57.02% in summer. These findings challenge previous reports of high glacial OC bioavailability and underscore the need for a more in-depth understanding of the chemical and biological processes in glacier-fed streams, particularly at a seasonal scale—a factor often neglected in studies due to the difficult accessibility of glaciers during winter.

How to cite: Wild, A.-K., Fasching, C., Baum, J., and Chifflard, P.: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon in Icelandic glacial streams changes seasonally and with distance from the glacier, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13097,, 2025.

EGU25-13310 | Orals | BG1.6

Redox and pH driven mobilisation of dissolved organic carbon from boreal wetlands 

Benny Selle, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Fredrik Lidman, Anja Hortmann, Martin Škerlep, and Hjalmar Laudon

Boreal and subarctic wetland soils accumulated at least 550 Gt of organic carbon (OC) over the last 10,000 years, a large part of which is associated with Fe and Al (hydr)oxides as coprecipitates and via adsorption processes. Mobilisation of some of these pools via dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from soils to streams could be enhanced by reduction of ferric iron - triggered by rising water tables and oxygen depletion - via two distinct processes. Fe reduction can (i) directly release coprecipitated OC if iron (hydr)oxides are reductively dissolved and (ii) release OC by desorption from mineral surfaces if pH increases with Fe reduction, which is referred as to indirect (redox driven) mobilisation here. Both redox driven direct and indirect mobilisation likely occur under relatively wet and warm conditions such as during rewetting in the vegetation period. However, the relative importance of reductive dissolution of Fe-OC associations versus desorption of OC and its controlling factors are still unclear under field conditions as they were only investigated in the lab so far. Therefore, the relative importance of direct versus indirect mobilisation of OC and its controlling factors was studied for twelve catchments of the Krycklan research site in boreal Sweden. From long term monitoring data on stream discharges, DOC and Fe, molar DOC/Fe ratios of riparian soil waters released into the stream during rewetting of catchments in summer were computed using Generalised Additive Models. From these ratios, the relative importance of desorption for total DOC mobilisation via Fe reduction was calculated assuming a constant DOC/Fe ratio for direct mobilisation, i.e. the ratio at which OC and Fe occur in coprecipitates. DOC/Fe ratios were found to be positively correlated with average DOC concentrations in streams (coefficient of linear correlation of ρ = 0.78), and with the fraction of forest covered by spruce (ρ = 0.81). Higher reactive Fe/Al contents and hence larger mineral surfaces may be linked to spruce forest promoting intense weathering of soil’s primary minerals. Both high DOC in porewater (DOC in the stream as a proxy) and large mineral surfaces (spruce cover as a proxy) are required for desorption (indicated by relatively high DOC/ Fe ratios) to happen. If direct release of DOC with Fe reduction was accompanied by additional indirect mobilisation via a pH dependent desorption, up to twelve times more DOC was released for the same amount of Fe (hydr)oxides being reduced - compared to direct mobilisation via dissolution of iron (hydr)oxides alone. Mobilisation processes driven by Fe reduction and subsequent pH increase may intensify with climate change by enhanced drying and wetting cycles in boreal systems such as Krycklan.

How to cite: Selle, B., Knorr, K.-H., Lidman, F., Hortmann, A., Škerlep, M., and Laudon, H.: Redox and pH driven mobilisation of dissolved organic carbon from boreal wetlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13310,, 2025.

From a limnological perspective, dissolved organic matter (DOM) can originate from allochthonous sources on the landscape or from autochthonous sources within the water body itself. In many streams and lakes, allochthonous organic materials contributing to the DOM are derived from terrestrial plants, plant litter, and soil organic material, which all include some products of microbial growth and decay. The many streams in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) provide an opportunity to understand the biogeochemistry of DOM derived solely from microbial phototrophs and heterotrophic bacteria because of the absence of plants on the barren landscape and the abundant perennial microbial mats in the stream channels. Analysis of the 20-year record of dissolved organic carbon concentrations in the streams indicates that biogeochemical processes in microbial mats and the hyporheic zone support chemostasis for DOC in these streams. Even though the stream DOC concentrations are typically quite low, about 1 mg C/L or less, we were able to use fluorescence spectroscopy to chemically characterize the DOM samples from a broad array of meltwater streams.  Many streams had a distinct “humic-like” signature and some presence of an “amino-acid like” signature. In contrast,  a short dilute stream that does not support mats and primarily receives DOM from the surface of the glacier had an “amino-acid like” and only a weak “humic-like” fluorescence signature. The presence of a “humic-like” signature may indicate a source from organic matter pools in the hyporheic zone which accumulate due to advection of microbial mat material from the channel. Autochthonous organic matter pools may also influence DOC concentrations in temperate streams.  In addition, stream DOM may represent a labile DOM source to the lakes that contributes to supporting the mixotrophic phytoplankton communities.

How to cite: McKnight, D. and Zeglin, L.: Dissolved organic matter biogeochemistry in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: varying chemical quality of microbially-derived DOM in glacial meltwater streams , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14768,, 2025.

EGU25-15543 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Tracing the export of terrestrial biospheric carbon from source-to-sink through molecular 14C analyses in two large Alpine catchments 

Benedict Mittelbach, Davide Calvarese, Margaux Moreno Duborgel, Timo Rhyner, Stephan Wartenweiler, Margot White, Thomas Blattmann, Negar Haghipour, Martin Wessels, Nathalie Dubois, and Timothy Eglinton

The residence time of organic carbon (OC) in terrestrial reservoirs, particularly soils and freshwater systems, plays a crucial role in modulating the dynamics of the global carbon cycle. Radiocarbon (14C) is an invaluable tool for tracing the time since the biosynthesis of organic matter, enabling the quantification of carbon residence times in these terrestrial pools. While the majority of carbon fixed through terrestrial primary productivity rapidly returns to the atmosphere, a stabilized fraction of OC escapes (re-)mineralization. This OC may subsequently be exported from terrestrial ecosystems and buried in marine and terrestrial sedimentary sequences over longer timescales, effectively sequestering atmospheric CO2.

Mineral association has been identified as a key mechanism of this stabilization. Consequently, source-specific biomarkers targeting terrestrial, mineral-associated OC are of particular interest for tracking especially resistant OC species. In our study, we apply compound-specific 14C analysis on leaf wax fatty acids (n-alkanoic acids). These long-chain fatty acids (C24+) are exclusively produced by vascular plants. Moreover, their highly hydrophobic nature promotes mineral association, making them ideal molecular markers of stabilized soil OC that can be traced through export and burial.

We employ a source-to-sink approach, targeting mineral soil profiles, fluvial sediment, and lake sediment within two Alpine sediment routing systems: the Alpine Rhine and Alpine Rhone catchments. Additionally, we analyze selected depths from well-dated deltaic sediment cores spanning the past 120 years to estimate catchment-averaged transit times of long-chain fatty acids and to assess temporal variability in these trends.

Initial results indicate significant pre-aging of OC in soil profiles, Δ14C from -100‰ to below -500‰, combined with rapid and efficient fluvial export of our target compounds. Sediment core data reveal millennial-scale catchment transit times for long-chain fatty acids. Further, they show the impact of anthropogenic disturbances, which have led to an increase in the age of exported soil OC across the investigated period.

How to cite: Mittelbach, B., Calvarese, D., Moreno Duborgel, M., Rhyner, T., Wartenweiler, S., White, M., Blattmann, T., Haghipour, N., Wessels, M., Dubois, N., and Eglinton, T.: Tracing the export of terrestrial biospheric carbon from source-to-sink through molecular 14C analyses in two large Alpine catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15543,, 2025.

EGU25-15664 | Posters on site | BG1.6

Introduction to the project OrgCarbon: Organic carbon in rivers – characterization, origin, and degradability – first results from the Ems estuary 

Annika Fiskal, Steffen Amann, Anjela Vogel, Lorenzo Rovelli, Christine Borgsmüller, Georg Dierkes, Arne Wick, and Helmut Fischer

Organic carbon drives key processes in estuaries and rivers like (micro)biological production, oxygen consumption, transport of pollutants, and the flocculation/agglomeration of suspended particulate matter. The OrgCarbon project aims for an in‑depth characterization of organic carbon in field samples by using both established and innovative methods. Oxygen consumption, microbial respiration, potential for sorption of pollutants, origin and composition of the organic matter will be determined. By testing a variety of cross-disciplinary methods, we aim to develop a standardized protocol for studying organic carbon in estuaries and rivers. The goal is to develop an easy-to-use and cost-effective protocol that can be implemented in existing monitoring programs. As a result, knowledge about the origin and degradability of organic carbon and thus oxygen consumption rates could, in future, be determined routinely and included in water quality management.

First results from the highly turbid Ems Estuary show strong gradients in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total organic carbon (TOC) along the salinity gradient. TOC, but also the ratio of DOC to particulate organic carbon (POC), increases along the gradient from marine to freshwater. Spectroscopic measurements and absorption indices (e.g., SUVA254, SR, S275-295) provided first insights into organic carbon origin and composition and are easy to use and inexpensive. Additional analysis of microbial respiration and enzyme activity will provide information on organic carbon degradability and its role for the oxygen budget of rivers and estuaries.

How to cite: Fiskal, A., Amann, S., Vogel, A., Rovelli, L., Borgsmüller, C., Dierkes, G., Wick, A., and Fischer, H.: Introduction to the project OrgCarbon: Organic carbon in rivers – characterization, origin, and degradability – first results from the Ems estuary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15664,, 2025.

Mobilisation of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) links fluxes from terrestrial ecosystems via streams to the oceans. The increase in mobilisation that has been observed as a browning of headwaters during the last decades, resulted in ecosystem change of receiving waters and had implications for drinking water production and carbon storage. Riparian soils at the groundwater/ surface water interface are hotspots of biogeochemical transformations shaping water entering the streams. Preferential flow paths, where larger areas of the watershed drain through a distinct point to the stream, have been described as discrete riparian inflow points (DRIP). DRIPs have high watertables, mostly organic soils and strongly influence stream discharge and chemistry. They have been identified as major sources of DOC to streams, making them key areas for studying DOC mobilisation mechanisms. High watertables connect highly conductive and organic rich top soil layers to streams, but also influence redox conditions in the ground. If oxygen and nitrate availability decreases, ferric iron gets reduced and could release DOC previously bound to iron (oxy) hydroxides. Reduction processes consume protons and thus increase pH, in turn increasing solubility for negatively charged organics.

We hypothesized that redox induced mobilisation of DOC plays an important role especially after drying and rewetting cycles occuring after warm and dry summers with the onset of late summer rains. During snowmelt, we hypothesized redox induced mobilisation to be less important due to cold conditions and a large fraction of surficial flow paths. In this study, data from sampling campaigns in a small forested headwater stream with adjacent riparian wetlands (DRIPs) located in the Krycklan Catchment Study in boreal Sweden, conducted during snowmelt 2024 and two late summer seasons in 2023 and 2024, is presented. Samples were analysed for DOC quantity and quality, iron speciation and concentration, oxygen saturation and pH, among others. We show that stream- and groundwater have distinct chemical properties. The role of riparian soils as source areas of solutes differs between seasons with a more diluting effect during peak discharge at snowmelt and concentrations being transport limited in summer and autumn. In groundwater, DOC and iron are co-mobilised with higher concentrations under reducing conditions. Oxygen saturation changes with watertables depending on whether they exceed ground level, resulting in different effects of watertable changes depending on small scale topography. We find some indication of DOC mobilisation due to redox induced pH increase in some DRIPs especially during snowmelt. DOC concentrations are higher pre- and during early snowmelt in the stream, maybe due to release of older, more reduced groundwater before the diluting effect of freshly melted snow dominates.

In conclusion ground- and streamwater chemistry relate differently dependent on season. Small scale topography results in non-uniformal effects of elevated watertables and thus groundwater chemistry is to some degree site specific. However, iron and DOC are jointly mobilised especially under low oxygen availability. In spring water that might have been subject to reducing conditions in late autumn, might still be present in the groundwater and could be released early on during snowmelt.

How to cite: Hortmann, A., Knorr, K.-H., Selle, B., and Laudon, H.: Links of ground- and streamwater in discrete riparian inflow points in boreal Sweden – DOC mobilisation and the role of reducing conditions during snowmelt and summer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16430,, 2025.

EGU25-17013 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Development of a Model to Estimate the Spatial Distribution of Soil Carbon Sinks in Watersheds 

Shao-Wei Wu, Ji-Huan Huang, Fu-Jun Tu, and Chao Yuan Lin

In recent years, soil has emerged as a central focus in natural carbon sink research. Past studies have largely concentrated on how plants capture atmospheric carbon through photosynthesis and progressively store it in the soil as they grow. This process is known as the "vertical process" of soil organic carbon accumulation.

However, in subtropical monsoon climates, soils in hillside regions are often subject to water erosion, which causes soil organic carbon to accumulate not only vertically but also laterally through the transport of terrestrial materials. This lateral movement represents the "horizontal process" of soil organic carbon accumulation. At the watershed scale, understanding the horizontal transport and accumulation of soil organic carbon is essential for accurate carbon budget assessments.

The movement of soil organic carbon plays a vital role in soil carbon dynamics within terrestrial ecosystems. This study focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of soil erosion processes and soil carbon storage in watersheds. The primary aim is to develop a slope soil carbon sink assessment model to evaluate the spatial distribution of soil carbon sinks within watersheds. Additionally, the study seeks to validate the model and assess its feasibility for practical applications.

How to cite: Wu, S.-W., Huang, J.-H., Tu, F.-J., and Lin, C. Y.: Development of a Model to Estimate the Spatial Distribution of Soil Carbon Sinks in Watersheds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17013,, 2025.

EGU25-17388 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Exploring the effects of nutrients, carbon, and water darkening on coastal phosphorus bioavailability 

Mayra P. D. Rulli, Aurélie Garnier, Magnus Huss, Ryan A. Sponseller, Ann-Kristin Bergström, Hani Younes, Olivia Bell, and Martin Berggren

Coastal ecosystems are increasingly influenced by the lateral transport of organic matter, where pigmented dissolved organic carbon (DOC) contributes to water darkening and affects nutrient dynamics. These changes coincide with rising dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) inputs, which have implications for eutrophication and carbon cycling. However, it is unclear how the bioavailable DOP (BDOP) pool responds to the individual and interactive ecosystem-level effects of water darkening, increased DOC, and higher inorganic nutrient concentrations. To explore these interactions, we conducted bioassays to estimate BDOP in a fully factorial mesocosm experiment manipulating the supply of inorganic nutrients, labile DOC (glucose) and pigmented compounds causing darkening. Results showed that while labile DOC had limited influence on bioavailable BDOP, nutrient enrichment increased BDOP in clear water. In darkened waters, added inorganic phosphorus persisted largely in its inorganic form, reflecting decreased conversion to BDOP. These findings reveal the complex interplay between light availability, organic matter inputs, and phosphorus bioavailability. By highlighting the impact of water darkening on nutrient and carbon dynamics, this study underscores the need for integrated management approaches to mitigate eutrophication and support ecosystem resilience across the terrestrial-aquatic continuum.

How to cite: P. D. Rulli, M., Garnier, A., Huss, M., Sponseller, R. A., Bergström, A.-K., Younes, H., Bell, O., and Berggren, M.: Exploring the effects of nutrients, carbon, and water darkening on coastal phosphorus bioavailability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17388,, 2025.

EGU25-18115 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Seasonal changes of organic carbon and nutrient fluxes in intermittent spring catchments 

Annika Feld-Golinski, Christina Fasching, and Peter Chifflard

Comprehensive, high-resolution data on intermittent natural springs with low discharge are still rare, although they represent an important interface between terrestrial and aquatic environments, and form the basis of our water systems. Due to their connection to groundwater, springs have been considered quite stable in terms of both hydro-biogeochemistry and water quality. However, with climate change, spring systems are subject to significant hydrological dynamics, partly due to changes in water availability. Currently, spring discharges are decreasing or drying up during more frequent droughts. The amount of nutrients exported to headwater streams is closely linked to hydrological processes. For intermittent springs, a significant change in biogeochemistry with increased nutrient export can be expected due to the temporary cessation of groundwater inflow combined with longer residence times of organic matter in the surrounding soil substrate. However, little is known about the role of intermittent springs in carbon cycling and their role in downstream carbon and nutrient export.

In order to fill this research gap, this study aims to asses and quantify the seasonal variability of carbon and nutrient composition and fluxes of intermittent or highly variable discharge springs as a function of climatic, site and biogeochemical parameters. We investigate a range of spring areas (44 springs) spread across the German low mountain ranges of the Ore Mountains, Sauerland, Black Forest and Rhenish Slate Mountains.

We measure the export of organic carbon based on high resolution data in selected springs, and complement these measurements with nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) samples on a seasonal basis. In addition, we investigate the composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) to identify contributing carbon sources.

First results show that the spring flow regime determines carbon and nutrient concentrations, modulated by the characteristics of the spring type. Our study emphasizes the sensitivity of springs to hydrological shifts, particularly in the balance between groundwater and surface water contributions. A shift favoring surface water inputs, can increase nutrient exports, likely due to enhanced surface runoff carrying nutrients from the surrounding landscape. Climatic changes, with extreme rainfall events are becoming more frequent and intense, may alter the balance between groundwater inputs and surface water runoff in springs may result in higher carbon and nutrient fluxes into receiving waterbodies. 

How to cite: Feld-Golinski, A., Fasching, C., and Chifflard, P.: Seasonal changes of organic carbon and nutrient fluxes in intermittent spring catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18115,, 2025.

EGU25-18316 | Posters on site | BG1.6

Dissolved organic carbon in a drinking water catchment in the western Ore Mountains, Germany: How much, Where from, When and Why – first insights 

Erik Nestler, Tobias Houska, Tobias Krause, Livia Vieira Carlini Charamba, Annelie Ehrhardt, Ingo Müller, Anne Stephani, Klaus Kaiser, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Maximilian Lau, Conrad Jackisch, and Karsten Kalbitz

Increasing concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in tributaries threaten the water quality of drinking water reservoirs in Europe and North America. Understanding the key factors influencing DOC dynamics in streams is essential for effective water resource management. This study is part of a concerted effort to determine the major sources of DOC entering a reservoir and to identify the key biogeochemical processes within the terrestrial-aquatic continuum that affect DOC concentrations.

We conducted a four-year multi-scale observational study in a small, heterogeneous catchment (8.5 km²) in the western Ore Mountains, Germany. The research design combined low-resolution (biweekly) measurements of soil water variables (e.g., DOC, pH, Al, Fe) with high-resolution (15-minute) sensor-based monitoring of environmental variables (e.g., temperature, precipitation, soil water content) at representative locations within the catchment. End-member mixing analysis (EMMA) quantified the contributions of peat, forest floor, and mineral soil horizons as sources of DOC, based on previous findings by Charamba et al. (2024), who qualitatively identified these sources within the catchment. In addition, relationships between DOC concentrations and potential explanatory variables were analyzed using Spearman correlations and Random Forest modeling.

In total, 16.5 kg DOC/ha*a were exported from the catchment to the reservoir. EMMA showed that peat soils contributed to about 85 % of the DOC in a tributary adjacent to these soils, corresponding to the highest area-related DOC load of 53 kg/ha*a. Nevertheless, across the entire catchment, mineral soils were the dominant source of DOC, contributing the most to the total DOC load exported to the reservoir (78 %; 13 - 18 kg/ha*a), while forest floors made the smallest contribution. At the temporal level, the contribution of the forest floor to DOC runoff increased under high flow conditions, highlighting the dynamic nature of DOC translocation from different soil sources to stream. Preliminary results of the correlation analysis highlight the influence of soil water chemistry, particularly Al and pH in C-rich horizons, on stream water DOC concentrations. Environmental variables such as precipitation and soil moisture were only moderately correlated with DOC concentrations. Random Forest analysis provided limited insights into key predictors, highlighting the complexity of the catchment and the processes underlying DOC production and translocation. Our results suggest that even bi-weekly sampling intervals may be insufficient to capture the temporal variations in soil processes affecting stream DOC concentrations. The variable time lag between soil processes and their hydrological expression poses a significant analytical challenge. Future research should focus on integrating high-resolution sensor data of DOC concentrations and water fluxes from hydrological monitoring stations. To address the limitations of Random Forest, we will use structural equation modelling (SEM) to refine conceptual models and identify causal relationships. Significant Spearman correlations between DOC and environmental and soil water parameters guide variable selection. The refinement of our conceptual model by SEM will be the basis for process-based modeling to predict the future development of DOC concentrations and fluxes in heterogeneous catchments.

How to cite: Nestler, E., Houska, T., Krause, T., Vieira Carlini Charamba, L., Ehrhardt, A., Müller, I., Stephani, A., Kaiser, K., Knorr, K.-H., Lau, M., Jackisch, C., and Kalbitz, K.: Dissolved organic carbon in a drinking water catchment in the western Ore Mountains, Germany: How much, Where from, When and Why – first insights, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18316,, 2025.

EGU25-19961 | ECS | Posters on site | BG1.6

Organic carbon pathways from the Cuvette Centrale peatlands to the Congo River network 

Johanna Menges, Yannick Garcin, Gaël U. D. Bouka, Carolia Abaye, Mélanie Guardiola, Steven Bouillon, Yannick Stroobandt, Gesine Mollenhauer, Hendrik Grotheer, Simone Kasemann, and Enno Schefuß

The storage of organic carbon on land and its transfer to the ocean via rivers plays a critical role in the global carbon cycle. As the second-largest river system on Earth, the Congo Basin is a key region for carbon storage and export, with extensive wetlands and tropical forests contributing to a significant aboveground organic carbon reservoir. Recent discoveries have identified the Cuvette Centrale, a low-gradient depression in the center of the Congo Basin, as the world’s largest tropical peat complex, storing approximately 29 petagrams of carbon belowground. Despite its importance, key processes governing the export of carbon from these peatlands to the Congo River network remain poorly understood. Previous studies have shown that despite its low sediment load, the Congo River has a high dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC) export—around 2 Tg POC and 12.5 Tg DOC annually. Aged organic matter observed in offshore marine sediment cores suggests, peatlands may significantly contribute to carbon export, but direct evidence remains incomplete. Here, we present a data set comprising surface peat and soil, as well as water, suspended sediment, and river bank samples. These were collected from the surface and small water bodies (pools) in the peatlands, tributaries within and outside the Cuvette Centrale, and the Congo River mainstem. We measured stable carbon and hydrogen isotopes of plant waxes and bulk organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations and stable isotopes, as well as radiocarbon content on a subset of samples. Based on these data, we aim to investigate the significance and the pathways of carbon export from these peatlands and their respective contributions to riverine DOC and POC, alongside other sources such as standing vegetation and in-situ aquatic production. This study provides new insights into the role of the Cuvette Centrale peatlands in the Congo Basin’s carbon dynamics.


How to cite: Menges, J., Garcin, Y., Bouka, G. U. D., Abaye, C., Guardiola, M., Bouillon, S., Stroobandt, Y., Mollenhauer, G., Grotheer, H., Kasemann, S., and Schefuß, E.: Organic carbon pathways from the Cuvette Centrale peatlands to the Congo River network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19961,, 2025.

EGU25-20215 | ECS | Orals | BG1.6

Peatland ditching as a driver of dissolved organic matter mobilization - the role of fungal communities 

Antonis I Myridakis, Håkan Wallander, Dimitrios Floudas, and Emma Kritzberg

Ditching of peatlands has been used extensively in Scandinavia with the purpose to promote tree growth. Studies show that concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM) are higher in waters exported from ditched peatlands compared to pristine systems, suggesting that ditching may contribute to browning observed in surface waters in forested regions.

After ditching and when trees are established, the peat will be colonized by ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi, which supply the trees with nutrients. We hypothesize that EM-fungi will mobilize DOM to the soil water while mining the peat for nutrients and saprotrophic fungi will become more active when the peat gets aerated, which will also result in mobilization of DOM. In the current project we are exploring the link between fungal communities and DOM mobilization in a peatland gradient, spanning from pristine conditions with high water level and lack of trees, to strongly drained conditions with low water level and established pine forest. Along this gradient, soil water was sampled from ground water tubes. Water and peat samples were analyzed for organic matter concentrations and the fungal community was characterized by metabarcoding.

DOM concentrations in the soil water were increasing towards the ditch - where the water level was lower and the tree growth higher - as was the fungal biomass. While these results are in line with our hypothesis, the results on fungal community composition will provide important information to assess the link between fungal processes and DOM mobilization.

This study will bring much needed information on succession of fungal communities with different decomposition strategies along peatland ditching gradients and potential links to DOM mobilization and surface water browning.

How to cite: Myridakis, A. I., Wallander, H., Floudas, D., and Kritzberg, E.: Peatland ditching as a driver of dissolved organic matter mobilization - the role of fungal communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20215,, 2025.

EGU25-170 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Evaluating the potential of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) analysis and characterization for the investigation of clandestine graves 

Giulia Tagliabue, Anna Masseroli, Alex Golinelli, Fulvia Tambone, Cristina Cattaneo, and Luca Trombino

The presence of a decomposing body being victim of concealment by clandestine burial represents a localized disturbance in the complex equilibrium that characterizes the turnover of organic matter in the soil. However, although intuitively a biogeochemical analysis of the soil matrix affected by the concealment should provide clear evidence of the presence of a decomposing body, the relevant literature has shown that this is not the case, particularly with regard to the observation of TOC (Total Organic Carbon). In fact, its ubiquitous nature by definition makes the abnormal concentration of organic matter a difficult proxy to identify, but one that is urgently needed for complete crime scene profiling: the ability to distinguish the natural organic matter present in a soil from that derived from the nutrient input caused by the cadaver decomposition processes would represent the operational key to guide investigators towards a more complete and informative analysis of the case. In particular, an anomaly in the concentration and distribution of organic matter within the soil may provide information regarding the Post Burial Interval (PBI) of a concealment victim, as well as be suggestive of a possible previous burial site. For this reason, at the Forensic Taphonomy Facility of the University of Milan (Ticino-LEAFs), a simulation of clandestine burials in a natural environment was carried out using cadavers of piglets that had died of natural causes as a model for human decomposition research. At pre-determined intervals, the piglets, which had undergone various treatments prior to burial (namely being covered in quicklime, wrapped in cotton clothes, and harmed post-mortem), were exhumed and soil samples were taken at different depths to monitor changes in the concentration of the organic matter with increasing exposure of the body to the environment. For this purpose, an analysis of dissolved organic matter (DOM), both natural and affected by the presence of the body, was carried out, combined with complementary spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR). This analysis revealed anomalies in the concentration of dissolved organic matter in the soil horizons containing and immediately underlying the body, also showing the presence of organic compounds otherwise absent in the undisturbed soil. However, some variability attributable to the treatments the bodies underwent prior to burial was also observed, namely the presence of quicklime, which seems to be able to further disrupt the hypogeal environment. The rapidity of the analysis, its relative inexpensiveness, and the small amount of soil sample required could make this technique an innovative tool to be incorporated into forensic casework to help estimate the post-burial interval in the investigation of clandestine burials.

How to cite: Tagliabue, G., Masseroli, A., Golinelli, A., Tambone, F., Cattaneo, C., and Trombino, L.: Evaluating the potential of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) analysis and characterization for the investigation of clandestine graves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-170,, 2025.

EGU25-2312 | Orals | BG2.6

Molecular dynamics simulations of dissolved humic substances: can small molecules maintain stable large associates?  

Mikhail Borisover, Drazen Petrov, Chris Oostenbrink, and Edgar Galicia-Andrés

Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are capable of improving our molecular-level understanding of natural organic matter (NOM) by providing new alternatives such as virtual experiments that may be difficult (or even impossible) to perform in real tests. The fine control of molecular structure required in molecular simulations is highly valuable and significant due to the fact that neither the structure nor (often) detailed composition of real NOM is known. The control of molecular structure and its educated variation guided by experimental data on 13C NMR-derived composition may be performed using Vienna Soil Organic Matter Modeller (VSOMM) [1], which allows accounting for the simultaneous presence of multiple NOM molecules of different structures. This work exploring the VSOMM is focused on examining how and whether the humic substances (HS) models representing Leonardite humic acid (LHA) can maintain stable associates in water. In this approach, the stability of HS aggregates was elucidated in the 100 ns MD simulations by varying amounts of water in a broad range, from representing "water solution in NOM" to aqueous dissolved NOM, and modifying molecular size and extent of ionization of HS models, and the type of counter-ions (Na+ vs Ca2+). Multiple properties characterizing HS-water systems have been calculated, e.g., cumulative coordination numbers, numbers of HS-HS and HS-water contacts and H-bonds at short-range distances, number and size of formed clusters as well as energies of Coulomb and Lennard-Jones interactions of HS with ions (Na+ or Ca2+), HS and water. One outcome of this modeling work is that it shows how HS dilution leads to the decomposition of HS aggregates which occurs, in particular in the presence of the Na+ counter ion, gradually. The results of this work are placed into the context of experimental data and discussion on whether the detected large HS sizes can be assigned to the presence of large aggregates and the formation of supramolecular structures [2]. Although strong interactions between HS molecules may lead to small stable aggregates (e.g., dimers) persisting during dilution, the modeling suggests that the formation and decomposition of HS associates is "a step-wise" process, and, together with experimental data on LHA dialysis proposes that large-size HS molecules (aggregated or not) may need to be taken into account while examining HS properties in aqueous solutions.

[1] Escalona, Y., Petrov, D., & Oostenbrink, C. (2021). Vienna soil organic matter modeler 2 (VSOMM2). Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling103, 107817.

[2] Borisover, M., Petrov, D., Oostenbrink, C., & Galicia-Andrés, E. (2025). Diluting humic substances in water in molecular dynamics simulations: Are aggregates stable? Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects704, 135507.

How to cite: Borisover, M., Petrov, D., Oostenbrink, C., and Galicia-Andrés, E.: Molecular dynamics simulations of dissolved humic substances: can small molecules maintain stable large associates? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2312,, 2025.

The No. 2 structural belt in the Nanpu sag of the Bohai Bay Basin, China, is characterized by multiple sub-sags and a multi-layered hydrocarbon supply. To investigate its complex oil and gas sources, geochemical tests, including chromatography-mass spectrometry, were conducted to analyze the crude oil's geochemical characteristics. This technique, known for its precision in identifying and quantifying complex molecular structures, is particularly effective for source identification, maturity assessment, and understanding the transformation processes of organic matter during hydrocarbon formation. The crude oil is categorized into three types, with specific sources identified for each. The results show the following: (1) Type I crude oil, predominantly found in the third member of the Eocene Shahejie Formation (Es3) reservoir in the western structural belt, exhibits a similar relative content of C27 and C29 regular steranes. Its pregnane parameters ((pregnane + homopregnane)/regular sterane) and sterane isomerization parameters (C29 sterane 20S/(20R+20S), C29 sterane ββ/(αα+ββ)) are relatively high, suggesting a combined input from aquatic organisms and higher plants. This crude oil displays high maturity and is sourced from the Es3 source rock. (2) Type II crude oil is mainly distributed in the second member of the Eocene Dongying Formation (Ed3) reservoir in the western structural belt. It is characterized by a predominance of C29 regular steranes, with lower pregnane and sterane isomerization parameters, indicating a significant contribution from higher plants. This crude oil is less mature and originates from the Es1-Ed3 source rocks. (3) Type III crude oil, primarily found in the Ed3 reservoirs of the eastern structural belt and in the Ed1 and Minghuazhen Formation of the western structural belt, shows a higher C29 regular sterane content, lower pregnane parameters, and higher sterane isomerization parameters. This crude oil is largely derived from higher plants, with higher maturity and a composite source from three hydrocarbon source rocks. The 4-/1-MDBT and Ts/Tm indices of the crude oil show a decreasing trend towards the shallow strata along the fault. Notably, the vitrinite reflectance values derived from the methylphenanthrene in the crude oil align with the vitrinite reflectance of the underlying source rock, indicating that the crude oil originates from these underlying source rocks rather than the hydrocarbon generation center's source rock. The study's findings provide valuable theoretical guidance for optimizing hydrocarbon exploration strategies, such as identifying shallow reservoirs with higher economic potential, improving understanding of oil-source rock correlations, and targeting deeper strata with significant resource potential. These insights contribute to advancing knowledge of the biogeochemical processes of organic matter transformation during hydrocarbon formation and offer practical implications for both shallow and deep exploration strategies.

How to cite: Ouyang, G.: Application of Geochemical and Mass Spectrometric Data in Oil-Source Rock Correlation: A Case Study from the No.2 Structural Belt in Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2514,, 2025.

Cold seeps are critical hotspots in marine ecosystems, where the biogeochemical processes of dissolved organic matter (DOM) significantly impact regional carbon reservoirs and the global ocean carbon cycle. To clarify the impact of cold seep activity on the production, transportation and transformation of DOM, we employed Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) to analyze DOM from the water column and sediment overlying water collected from cold seep and non-cold seep regions in the northern South China Sea. Our results showed that the overlying water in cold seeps contained a greater diversity of unique molecules, with a larger proportion of sulfur-containing compounds compared to the non-cold seep area. Approximately half of these unique molecules, characterized by lower H/C ratios, higher molecular weights, and a predominance of highly unsaturated compounds (82.3%), were transferred to the corresponding bottom water during the bubbling process. In contrast, molecules with higher H/C ratios, lower molecular weights, and a larger proportion of aliphatics compounds (40.8%) were lost. Additionally, the bottom water of the active cold seep exhibited the formation of some labile molecules (H/C > 1.5) with lower aromaticity (AImod < 0.25) and the decomposition of nitrogen-containing carboxyl-rich alicyclic molecules (CRAMs) with higher aromaticity, driven by the positive priming effect. These findings highlight the profound influence of cold seep activity on DOM properties and dynamics, providing deeper insights into the complex biogeochemical processes in cold seep ecosystems and their critical implications for marine carbon cycling.

How to cite: Tang, S., Yan, Z., Yi, Y., Shen, Y., Xie, W., He, D., and Li, P.: Transportation and Transformation of Dissolved Organic Matter from Overlying to Bottom Waters of Cold Seeps in the South China Sea: Insights at the Molecular Level , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2677,, 2025.

EGU25-3231 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Intermediate products during natural organic matter biogeochemical processing, a case study inducing photo transformations followed by liquid chromatography-ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry 

Peter Herzsprung, Wolf von Tümpling, Aleksandr Sobolev, Norbert Kamjunke, Michael Schwidder, and Oliver J. Lechtenfeld

Not only the quality but also the fate of natural organic matter (NOM) is of broad environmental interest. NOM reactivity is insufficiently understood due to a lack of experiments with high temporal resolution, particularly with respect to polarity of NOM molecules. By coupling ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) with ultrahigh resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), insights into the polarity (hydrophilic versus hydrophobic) of NOM compounds can be obtained.

Previous studies addressing NOM reactivity often focused on the fate of molecules – suggesting whether a molecule was degraded, a new molecule was produced, or if the molecule remain unchanged i.e., was resistant to the process of interest. By high time resolution, the reaction time course of molecules can be tracked. Of particular interest is, whether intermediate products can be observed, meaning their abundance initially increases and then decreases during an experiment. In this study, we irradiated a sample from a wastewater treatment plant with light, capturing data with a temporal resolution of 8 time points.

Full profile UHPLC-FT-ICR-MS chromatograms were segmented into 13 one-minute wide segments. Molecular formulas were assigned up to masses of 1000 Da by allowing at most two nitrogen atoms and one sulfur as non-oxygen hetero atoms.

The main findings indicate that the average (from 13 segments) number of intermediate products (800) was in the same order of magnitude as degraded components (1000). The average number of resistant molecules was lower (250), while the number of products was one order of magnitude smaller (65) compared to the intermediate products. More polar CHNO products and intermediate products were detected compared to CHO, which exhibited a higher number of products, degraded MFs and intermediate products with decreasing polarity. The polarity resolution, as evidenced by chromatographic retention, revealed that the same MF can have different reactivity.

From approximately 10,000 assigned MFs more than 2,000 were identified both as degraded and intermediate product, depending on their polarity. About 100 MFs were classified as both products and intermediate products. Notably, at least three reactivity types – product, intermediate product and degraded – could be assigned to about 90 MFs.

In conclusion, the investigation of DOM reactivity requires a combination of high mass resolution (FT-ICR-MS), chromatographic / polarity resolution and high temporal or spatial resolution within the experiment time setup.

How to cite: Herzsprung, P., von Tümpling, W., Sobolev, A., Kamjunke, N., Schwidder, M., and Lechtenfeld, O. J.: Intermediate products during natural organic matter biogeochemical processing, a case study inducing photo transformations followed by liquid chromatography-ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3231,, 2025.

Obtaining real-time estimations of DOC concentration, reactivity and fate requires the ability to detect changes in the chemical composition of DOM. Optical sensors are increasingly used for this purpose but are typically incapable of distinguishing between variability caused by changes in the quantity versus quality of DOM.

This study developed a new fluorescence index for detecting changes in the composition of DOM. The aromaticity index (ARIX) links the fluorescence composition of aquatic dissolved organic matter to its SUVA aromaticity and predicts ratios between FT-ICR MS molecular formulae and between LC-OCD fractions. In datasets showing decoupling between DOC and absorbance due to biogeochemical processing, the correlation between DOC and absorbance measurements was significantly improved by accounting for interactions between absorbance and ARIX.

A meta-analysis spanning seven continents indicated a linear relationship tying SUVA to ARIX in bulk and extracted freshwater DOM. For DOM isolates, linearity extended into the oceans. These results provide new insights into the relationships between measurements obtained using different techniques for evaluating dissolved organic matter composition. They further have exciting implications for field studies involving water quality monitoring using optical sensors.

How to cite: Murphy, K.: Improving the estimation of DOC concentrations and aromaticity from optical measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4423,, 2025.

EGU25-4657 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Thermodynamic property and equilibrium state drive the spatial pattern of dissolved organic matter refractory in global ocean 

Zhenwei Yan, Yu Xin, Ruanhong Cai, Yuanbi Yi, Penghui Li, and Ding He

Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) has been studied for decades in understanding of its compositions and cycling. Advances in analytical techniques have revealed that marine DOM is a complex mixture of thousands of molecules. Two theories, concentration threshold and molecular composition, provide insights into DOM cycling in the global ocean, either separately or in conjunction. This study integrates four groups of incubation experiments with 1,104 DOM samples collected from across the global ocean to calculate the thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium state of each individual DOM formula, utilizing molecular composition data obtained from Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Our findings indicate that marine DOM transitions from a thermodynamic nonequilibrium state to an equilibrium state during the degradation process. In addition, refractory DOM was found to be a group of molecules that have approached a relative equilibrium state, leading to its bulk stability. In-house incubation experiments, observations from the open ocean water column and the global conveyor belt further consolidate this finding. We conclude that the transformation of marine DOM is influenced by both concentration and composition, which together determine its thermodynamic properties, reactivity, and refractory characteristics in the global ocean.

How to cite: Yan, Z., Xin, Y., Cai, R., Yi, Y., Li, P., and He, D.: Thermodynamic property and equilibrium state drive the spatial pattern of dissolved organic matter refractory in global ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4657,, 2025.

EGU25-5872 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Soil Washing with Humic Acid: A toxicity constraintment technique for a successful soil remediation 

Marios Drosos, Maria Antonopoulou, Ioanna Efthimiou, Li Xiong, Meng Li, Evangelos Giannakopoulos, Georgios Salahas, Vlastos Dimitris, Antonio Scopa, and Alessandro Piccolo

Natural organic matter (NOM), can be multifunctional, since besides its application in agriculture to increase soil fertility, it can be also used in the soil remediation from either heavy metals, or from persistent organic contaminants. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are major organic contaminants of polluted soils and represent a considerable health and environmental hazard due not only to their carcinogenic, mutagenic, and teratogenic properties, but also to their great persistence in soils conferred by a high hydrophobicity. The use of synthetic surfactants to remediate contaminated sites is limited by their intrinsic toxicity towards soil microorganisms that hinders further biodegradation of pollutants and a balanced biological activity in the washed soils. Alternatively, the use of biosurfactants in washings of polluted soils have been increasingly proposed in recent years. Among biosurfactants, NOM fractions have been recognized to be capable of incorporating PAHs and PCBs, increasing aerobic degradation of recalcitrant soil contaminants and effectively washing away pollutants from soils. Herein a soil sample collected in 1999 from a highly contaminated site around the former chemical plant of ACNA (near Savona) in Northern Italy was used. Humic acid (HA) was isolated from a North Dakota Leonardite (Mammoth, Chem. Co., Houston, Texas), and purified. 50g of soil were suspended with 500ml of HA (10g L-1) at pH7 for 24h. The suspension was then centrifuged at 3000rpm and the HA solution was filtered and collected. 200ml of milli-Q water were added to the residual soil and after suspension, centrifugation and filtration were added to the HA collected before, and freeze-dried. Off-line pyrolysis of 1g of soil and of 50mg of HA before and after the soil washing was conducted and the materials extracted were subjected to GC-MS analysis. Aliivibrio fischeri Bioluminescence Inhibition Test was used to assess the ecotoxicity of the HA before and after the treatment, using Microtox Model 500 Toxicity Analyzer (Azur Environmental) following the 81.9% basic test protocol. Bioluminescence was recorded after 15 min of exposure. GC-MS results of ACNA soil resulted in 1464±206mg kg-1 PAHs before soil washing (BSW) and 2.95±0.4mg kg-1 after soil washing (ASW), and in 151±14mg kg-1 PCBs BSW and 0.18±0.02mg kg-1 ASW. At the same time no PAHs or PCBs were identified at the HA BSW, but in HA ASW (100mg) 1656±175mg PAHs and 163±17mg PCBs were spotted. Atomic Adsorption Analysis (AAS) on HA and soil BSW and ASW, showed no heavy metal toxicity. The ecotoxicological results of the HA BSW shown a 0.89±0.01% inhibition, which was slightly increased ASW (1.85±0.11%). In both cases the HA was found to not cause ecotoxicity effects. This stunning result, indicates that when the aromatic pollutants come in contact with the humic supramolecular matrix, they are incorporated in the humic hydrophobic domains by forming stable π-π bonds with the humic aromatic constituents and, thus, are no-longer bioactive. This finding can be a milestone on the use of humics as materials for environmental remediation.

How to cite: Drosos, M., Antonopoulou, M., Efthimiou, I., Xiong, L., Li, M., Giannakopoulos, E., Salahas, G., Dimitris, V., Scopa, A., and Piccolo, A.: Soil Washing with Humic Acid: A toxicity constraintment technique for a successful soil remediation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5872,, 2025.

EGU25-6737 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Development of a High-Sensitivity LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse Methodology for the Detection of PAH Derivatives 

Maria Bou Saad, Henri Wortham, Pierre Doumenq, Brice Temime-roussel, Sylvain Ravier, Amandine Durand, Vincent Gaudefroy, Jean-Philippe Terrier, Olivier Burban, and Audrey Pevere

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their derivatives, such as nitro-PAHs and oxygenated PAHs (oxy-PAHs), are persistent organic pollutants with significant environmental and health impacts. PAHs are primarily emitted through incomplete combustion processes and are well-recognized for their carcinogenic and mutagenic potential. While most studies have focused solely on the 16 parent PAHs classified by the US-EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency), PAH derivatives remain underexplored due to analytical difficulties, including low environmental concentrations and complex sampling matrices.

For these reasons, a methodology for analyzing nitro and oxy-PAHs in atmospheric matrices was developed on an HR-MS (LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse) using an Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI) in both positive and negative modes with a resolution of 60 000. This method demonstrated excellent sensitivity, achieving a detection limit of 0,03 ng m-³ for targeted PAH derivatives with a calibration range extended from 0.3 µg L-1 to 15 µg L-1 equivalent to 0.03 ng m-3 to 1.5 ng m-3 (considering an air sample volume of 10 m³ and a sample volume of 1 mL after extraction and concentration) with excellent linearity (correlation coefficient >0.99), ensuring the accuracy and reliability of quantification across a wide concentration spectrum. The technique also incorporated rigorous validation steps, including precision, robustness, and accuracy to confirm its reliability for trace-level measurements.

Finally, the methodology was applied to emissions from different asphalt formulations using a laboratory prototype that simulates road asphalt production conditions. Filters were collected, extracted, and analyzed using LC-MS Orbitrap. This enabled the detection and analysis of specific (PAHs) and their derivatives, demonstrating its capability to simultaneously identify and quantify a wide range of these compounds.

How to cite: Bou Saad, M., Wortham, H., Doumenq, P., Temime-roussel, B., Ravier, S., Durand, A., Gaudefroy, V., Terrier, J.-P., Burban, O., and Pevere, A.: Development of a High-Sensitivity LC-MS Orbitrap Eclipse Methodology for the Detection of PAH Derivatives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6737,, 2025.

EGU25-7651 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6 | Highlight

Underestimated input of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon to the ocean 

Yuanbi Yi, Andrew Tanentzap, Chen He, Julian Merder, Helena Osterholz, Hongyan Bao, Jeffrey Hawkes, Ruanhong Cai, Siliang Li, Quan Shi, Sheng Xu, Chuanlun Zhang, Meixun Zhao, and Ding He

The contribution of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the ocean has been an enigma for decades. Tracking terrestrial DOM in the ocean has proven challenging due to factors such as the instability of terrestrial biomarkers, indistinguishable carbon isotopes from biogeochemical fractionation, and similar chemical composition between terrestrial and oceanic DOM. Here we show that the terrestrial contribution to oceanic organic carbon pools is 2 to 3 times higher than previously assumed, highlighting the need to adjust global carbon cycle models. We derive these estimates by bridging high-performance liquid chromatography with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry to investigate the presence of terrestrial molecules that are transported from rivers to the ocean and estimate their contribution to oceanic DOM. We identified 269 molecular formulae that are likely transported from land to the ocean. These formulae exhibited resistance to biological and photochemical degradation in incubation experiments, and were widely distributed in global rivers, marginal seas and open oceans, suggesting that they are ubiquitous in inland and ocean waters and have a similar source. By relating the abundances of terrestrially derived molecular formulae to dissolved organic carbon concentrations, we estimated that a mean of 21.7 (16.7-25.0)% of oceanic DOM is likely derived from rivers.

How to cite: Yi, Y., Tanentzap, A., He, C., Merder, J., Osterholz, H., Bao, H., Hawkes, J., Cai, R., Li, S., Shi, Q., Xu, S., Zhang, C., Zhao, M., and He, D.: Underestimated input of terrestrial dissolved organic carbon to the ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7651,, 2025.

EGU25-9137 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Efficient microbial sequestration of organic nitrogen in the eastern Indian Ocean 

Yixue Zhang, Shuchai Gan, Ying Wu, Jing Zhang, and Qi Ye

The formation of recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) pools in the ocean has been a longstanding challenge due to the chemical complexity of DOM. Linking nitrogen sequestration and microbial reworking via the production of recalcitrant Dissolved Organic Nitrogen (DON) molecules remains elusive. Here, we characterized intricate molecular composition of DOM using FT-ICR-MS, with a particular emphasis on DON, across  three representative regions in the tropical eastern Indian Ocean. Our findings demonstrated the microbial origin of DON in epipelagic waters, with ammonia-oxidizing archaea exerting important control on the enrichment of peptide-like compounds. Microbial respiration was identified as a key driver of DOM transformation throughout the water column. This process enhanced the recalcitrance of DOM and DON by generating molecules with high levels of unsaturation and oxidation, characterized by low bioavailability. These effects were most pronounced in the equatorial region, which demonstrated an exceptional capacity to accumulate nitrogen-rich compounds through microbial processing, thereby facilitating to long-term nitrogen sequestration. Furthermore, we provided a valuable dataset representing microbially derived recalcitrant DON. Our study highlights that a small fraction of DOM with comparatively higher bioavailability is selectively preserved, though the majority of DON persists in the deep ocean due to its recalcitrant nature. This work provides novel molecular-level insights into microbially derived recalcitrant DON molecules, and holds significant implications for the detailed interpretation of global nitrogen sequestration.

How to cite: Zhang, Y., Gan, S., Wu, Y., Zhang, J., and Ye, Q.: Efficient microbial sequestration of organic nitrogen in the eastern Indian Ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9137,, 2025.

EGU25-9191 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

Bulk characteristics and dynamics of atmospheric PM from urban and rural coastal sites in the Northwestern Mediterranean area 

Mingchen Wei, Kalliopi Violaki, Laure Papillon, Edouard Bard, Philippe Kerhervé, Athanasios Nenes, and Christos Panagiotopoulos

Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) significantly impacts Earth's climate, air quality, visibility, and public health. PM influences the carbon cycle, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and global dynamics. The Mediterranean Sea, a highly climate-sensitive ecosystem, faces growing vulnerability from rising demographic and economic pressures. As part of the FIRETRAC project, we monitored total suspended particles (TSP) for two years at two Northwestern Mediterranean sites: urban Marseille and rural Banyuls-sur-Mer, both in the Gulf of Lions. Chemical analyses (metals, ions, organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC), and water-soluble total nitrogen (WSTN)), and isotopic techniques (δ¹³C and Δ¹⁴C) along with statistical methods were used to detect TSP composition, sources, and dynamics.

TSP particles from Banyuls (-26.31 ± 0.52 ‰) and Marseille (-26.23 ± 0.51 ‰) showed comparable δ¹³C values, indicating a predominantly terrestrial origin. Apparent radiocarbon ages (Δ¹⁴C) ranged from 940 to 5000 years, pointing to a complex mixture of sources with varying reactivities. Additionally, HYSPLIT modeling revealed long-range transport from diverse regions, including the Sahara Desert, Eastern European industrial zones, and Northern Europe, contributing to the particulate matter in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. 

These findings suggest that TSP at both sites likely represent a mixture comprising both anthropogenic and natural sources which is further supported by the analysis of other chemical constituents.

Thus at the Marseille site, the Fe-Al correlation reached 0.94 (p < 0.0001, n=59), and during periods of higher concentrations, the HYSPLIT back-trajectory model confirmed its origin from natural source: Saharan dust. Conversely, at both sites, the strong correlation of Mn-Pb (r = 0.88 in Banyuls, 0.97 in Marseille, p < 0.0001, n=60), along with evidence from the HYSPLIT and PCA analysis, indicates shared sources, including industrial emissions and long-range pollution (via routes crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the industrial regions of southern Spain, and southern France). The OC and EC concentrations were relatively similar between the two sites (12.34 ± 5.56 µg·m-³ in Banyuls versus 9.59 ± 4.91 µg·m-³ in Marseille). Banyuls exhibited higher OC/EC ratios, indicating more secondary organic carbon, while Marseille showed stronger primary emissions. Seasonal variations in WSOC and WSTN concentrations suggest their dependence on local emissions and atmospheric seasonal processes. The higher WSTN/WSOC ratio observed in Marseille (0.51 ± 0.34 µg·m-³ compared to 0.36 ± 0.18 µg·m-³ in Banyuls) highlights greater nitrogen contributions, likely attributed to urban pollution.

Prncipal component analysis (PCA) showed that PC1 (41.9% variance) is dominated by OC, EC, WSOC, WSTN, and heavy metals (e.g., Pb, Zn, Cu), indicating anthropogenic influences like combustion and industrial emissions. In contrast, PC2 (15.4% variance) was driven by Na, Mg, Sr, and K, representing natural sources such as marine aerosols and soil dust. These findings suggest that regional pollution is largely driven by human activities but moderated by natural background sources, offering key insights for pollution source analysis.

Overall, this study reveals that TSP in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea originates from a complex interplay of anthropogenic and natural sources, influenced by both local emissions and long-range transport and ongoing research in our lab focuses on specific BB tracers of TSP including anhydrosugars and PAHs.

How to cite: Wei, M., Violaki, K., Papillon, L., Bard, E., Kerhervé, P., Nenes, A., and Panagiotopoulos, C.: Bulk characteristics and dynamics of atmospheric PM from urban and rural coastal sites in the Northwestern Mediterranean area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9191,, 2025.

EGU25-9688 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Reactive oxygen species produce and diversify low-molecular weight dissolved organic matter from laminarin and chitin 

Hannelore Waska, Sahithya Phani Babu Vemulapalli, Vitor Piotto de Oliveira, and Thorsten Dittmar

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are continuously produced by abiotic and biotic processes in the worlds’ oceans. Their contribution to shaping the marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition is not well known, because ROS-DOM interactions likely occur stochastically and on short timescales. Long-standing research from medical and environmental engineering fields has shown that hydroxyl radicals (OH*) produced from UV/H2O2 treatments can depolymerize large biomolecules and partially decompose them to CO2. We therefore investigated whether laminarin and chitin, two abundant polysaccharides in the surface ocean, can be transformed in combined UVA/H2O2 experiments. Overall, we found little indication of laminarin and chitin net mineralization. Instead, chitin in suspension was partially solubilized to DOM, and both substrates were depolymerized and molecularly diversified, evidenced by a net increase of sugar oligo- and monomeric molecular formulae and new, unknown compounds detectable with ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry and high-field two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. If such depolymerization occurs in the surface ocean, it would render large biopolymers ready for immediate microbial uptake without the aid of costly enzymes, while also contributing to the structural complexity of the DOM geometabolome. Based on our study we suggest that radical reactions continuously re-work marine organic matter in the background, exerting a so-far neglected influence on its availability as a substrate for heterotrophic consumers from both an intrinsic and emergent stability perspective.

How to cite: Waska, H., Vemulapalli, S. P. B., de Oliveira, V. P., and Dittmar, T.: Reactive oxygen species produce and diversify low-molecular weight dissolved organic matter from laminarin and chitin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9688,, 2025.

EGU25-10016 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Influence of oxygen concentration on the elemental and molecular composition of marine dissolved organic matter in anoxic basins 

Marit Renken, Thorsten Dittmar, Lennart Stock, Felix J. Elling, Ian P. G. Marshall, and Gonzalo V. Gomez-Saez

Over the last 50 years, the permanently anoxic regions in the ocean have quadrupled in size due to deoxygenation derived from global warming and climate change. Marine anoxic basins are characterized by strong vertical redox variability. In the deep, anoxic waters of these basins, bulk measurements showed an increase in concentration of some dissolved organic matter (DOM) components such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic sulfur (DOS). However, the direct abiotic effect of deoxygenation and oxygen variability into the DOM composition remains unclear. In this study, we combined state-of-art techniques in analytical chemistry, including Fourier-transform ion-cyclotron-resonance mass-spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS), inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO), to quantitatively and qualitatively characterize the elemental (dissolved organic C, N, S and P) and molecular composition of DOM in three anoxic basins: the Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea), the Gotland Basin (Baltic Sea), and the Black Sea. Samples were grouped in function of in situ oxygen concentration into three categories: oxic (>20 µM O2), hypoxic (1 - 20 µM O2) and anoxic (<1 µM O2). In addition, we abiotically incubated samples from oxic-to-anoxic transition zone of the Gotland Basin (2.5, 55, 66, and 240 m depths) for 17 and 45 days at >200 µM and <1 µM O2 concentration in the dark, continuously monitoring oxygen concentration by optical sensors inside a closed system previously flushed with N2 air. Our results show that elemental composition of DOM follows similar vertical patterns in all three anoxic basins as a function of the different oxygen zonation. The highest concentration of DOS and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was detected in deep anoxic waters. In contrast, DOC and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) concentration was highest in oxic waters. At a molecular level, we identified a total of 8600 molecular formulas, mostly including CHO, CHON, and CHOS compounds. Largest dissimilarities (<53% Bray Curtis) were found in the DOM signature when comparing the three sites, particularly linked to aromatic and highly unsaturated compounds, suggesting specific autochthonous processes having a key role in shaping the DOM composition in each anoxic basin. However, the proportion of DOS-related molecular formulas increased under anoxic conditions at the three sites, especially in the deep, sulfidic waters of the Black Sea, pointing towards common abiotic processes playing a key role (e.g. DOM sulfurization). Furthermore, preliminary results of the abiotic incubation experiment revealed some degree of selectivity in the molecular formulas affected by abiotic exposure to oxygen. Namely, after 45 days being exposed to oxygen, a 5 – 16% of the total DOM showed differences in their intensities, being half of them DON, DOS and DOP molecular formulas. Our study reveals novel insights into DOM composition in anoxic basins and provides a conceptual framework for future studies investigating the impact of deoxygenation in the ocean.

How to cite: Renken, M., Dittmar, T., Stock, L., Elling, F. J., Marshall, I. P. G., and Gomez-Saez, G. V.: Influence of oxygen concentration on the elemental and molecular composition of marine dissolved organic matter in anoxic basins, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10016,, 2025.

EGU25-10494 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

The impact of the western boundary Kuroshio current on dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea 

Lin Wen, Sijing Kang, and Xiaolin Li

The dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) supplied horizontally from open ocean to marginal seas through western boundary current can influence upper regional nitrogen cycling. However, the observation on DON and its biogeochemical impacts on marginal seas are scarce. In this study, we investigated the distribution and degradation of DON transported by Kuroshio intrusion and its role in nitrogen cycling in the northern South China Sea (nSCS). The concentration and δ15N of DON fall in a relatively narrow range in the upper 100 m water column (4.3 ± 0.6 μM and 3.5 ± 1.6‰ vs. air, respectively; ± SD). The mean DON δ15N above 100 m is lower than the nitrate δ15N of in the “shallow subsurface” (below 100 m; 4.8 ± 1.2‰) but is higher than the δ15N of suspended particles in the surface ocean (~1.9 ± 0.5‰). This isotopic relationship between DON and suspended particles can be explained by the cycling of N between particulate organic nitrogen (PON), and DON, in which an isotope effect associated with DON degradation preferentially concentrates 15N in DON. Accordingly, a negative correlation (r = 0.72) between the concentration and the δ15N of DON is observed in the upper 100 m, suggesting an isotope effect of ~7.2 ± 1.0‰ for DON degradation. Furthermore, using an isopycnal mixing model, the exchange and biodegradation processes of Kuroshio-intruded DON were also quantified. We estimated the amount of DON carried by the Kuroshio intrusion was approximately 0.93 mmol m-2 d-1 in the upper 100 m. Concomitantly, the amount of nitrogen released from the enhanced DON degradation by Kuroshio intrusion is comparable to the supply deeper water and nitrogen fixation in surface waters. This study suggests that the enhanced biodegradation of DON during the western boundary currents intrusion could serve as an important nutrient source to marginal seas.

How to cite: Wen, L., Kang, S., and Li, X.: The impact of the western boundary Kuroshio current on dissolved organic nitrogen cycling in the South China Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10494,, 2025.

EGU25-10553 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures 

Aleksei Shcherbinin, Henning Finkenzeller, Hans-Jurg Jost, Fariba Partovi, Netta Vinkvist, Jyri Mikkila, Jussi Kontra, Juha Kangasluoma, and Matti Rissanen

Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (CIMS) is a well-established analytical method in atmospheric research, process monitoring, forensics, breathomics and food science. Despite significant advancements in procedural techniques, several instrument configurations, especially operating at different ionization pressures, are typically needed to analyze the full range of compounds from non-functionalized parent compounds to their functionalized reaction products. For polar, functionalized compounds, very sensitive detection schemes are provided by high-pressure adduct-forming chemical ionization techniques, whereas for non-functionalized, non-polar compounds, low-pressure chemical ionization techniques have consistently demonstrated superior performance. Here, using a MION2 chemical ionization inlet and an Orbitrap ExplorisTM 120 mass spectrometer, we present multi-pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (MPCIMS), the combination of high- and low-pressure ionization schemes in a single instrument enabling quantification of the full distribution of precursor molecules and their oxidation reaction products from the same stream of gas without alterations. We demonstrate the performance of the new methodology in a laboratory experiment employing a-pinene, a monoterpene relevant to atmospheric particle formation, where MPCIMS allows to measure the spectrum of compounds ranging from the volatile precursor hydrocarbon to highly functionalized condensable reaction products. Furthermore, we demonstrate field applicability of the technique by measuring ambient air in automated switching sequence. MPCIMS carries the potential as an all-in-one method for the analysis of complex gas mixtures, reducing technical complexities and the need for multiple instruments without compromise of sensitivity.

How to cite: Shcherbinin, A., Finkenzeller, H., Jost, H.-J., Partovi, F., Vinkvist, N., Mikkila, J., Kontra, J., Kangasluoma, J., and Rissanen, M.: Multi-Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry: Comprehensive Analysis of Complex Gas Mixtures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10553,, 2025.

EGU25-11282 | Orals | BG2.6

Global patterns of organic matter chemistry and biogeochemical cycling in wetland soils  

Kien Yung Teo, Carsten Simon, Jaan Pärn, Mikk Espenberg, Simon A. Schroeter, Gerd Gleixner, and Ülo Mander

Soil organic matter (SOM) in wetland soils, including peatlands, is crucial for maintaining ecosystem functions such as water quality, biogeochemical cycles, and regulating greenhouse gas emissions. Water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) comprises molecular compounds that dissolve in water under natural conditions. However, molecular-level studies of WEOM across wetlands in different climates and under various agricultural use intensities remain limited. We employed ultrahigh-resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry to analyse WEOM and integrated it with data on climate types, agricultural intensities, environmental characteristics, molecular groups, microbial functional genes, and field-measured ecosystem respiration, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes. Wetland soil samples were collected from 25 regions representing four agricultural intensities: (1) no agriculture, (2) non-intensive grassland, (3) intensive grassland, and (4) arable land. Orbitrap identified 14,890 molecular formulas with masses ranging from 100 to 950 Daltons. Correlations between agricultural intensities and formula classes containing N, S, or P was visualised using Van Krevelen diagrams. We further examined the influence of climate types (tropical, temperate, continental) and agricultural intensity on WEOM molecular composition by Principal Coordinates Analysis, and linked WEOM quality changes with gas fluxes and other available environmental and microbiome characteristics. Ecosystem respiration, nitrous oxide emission, and agricultural intensity were positively correlated with the persistence of WEOM (i.e., aromaticity vs. aliphaticity) and negatively correlated with soil water content. Diversity of bacteria and archaea, as well as methane emission, were positively correlated with soil pH, but unrelated to WEOM quality. Our findings provide new insights into how WEOM chemistry changes under varying environmental and management conditions and advance our understanding of its role in global carbon and nutrient cycling.

Keywords: Wetland, WEOM, GHG emissions, Orbitrap, climate, agricultural intensity

How to cite: Teo, K. Y., Simon, C., Pärn, J., Espenberg, M., Schroeter, S. A., Gleixner, G., and Mander, Ü.: Global patterns of organic matter chemistry and biogeochemical cycling in wetland soils , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11282,, 2025.

EGU25-11326 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Origins of Berlin’s Groundwater DOM 

Laura E. Coulson, Angela Cukusic, Hannes Hemmerle, Marielle Geppert, Clemens Karwautz, He Wang, Alice Retter, Gabriele Schwammel, Jens Bölscher, and Christian Griebler

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a pivotal role in aquatic ecosystems, influencing water quality, microbial activity, and carbon cycling. This study investigates the composition, sources, and dynamics of DOM in Berlin’s urban groundwater, focusing on its variability across aquifer layers and the implications for water quality and ecosystem health. Groundwater samples collected over three years (2021–2023) were analyzed using fluorescence spectroscopy and excitation-emission matrices (EEMs). The primary objectives were to identify DOM sources, assess surface water infiltration risks, and explore dynamic changes in DOM composition. PARAFAC analysis, performed on fluorescence EEMs, revealed eight components (UC1–UC8). Four components were characterized as terrestrial humic (UC1, UC3, UC7, UC8), two were microbial humic (UC2, UC6), one was anthropogenic humic (UC4), and one was a protein-like component (UC5). Component distribution varied across aquifers, reflecting differences in DOM sources and transformations. Shallow aquifers contained higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and microbial humic components (e.g., UC2), while deeper aquifers exhibited recalcitrant terrestrial humic components (e.g., UC7, UC8), potentially stored over long time scales due to anoxic conditions and slow degradation. Protein-like DOM (UC5) was restricted to shallow aquifers, indicating recent surface water inputs.

Overall, these findings underscore the heterogeneity of DOM sources and transformations within Berlin’s groundwater system. The dominance of recalcitrant humic components in deeper aquifers suggests long-term DOM storage, whereas shallow aquifers reflect active surface-water interactions. Anthropogenic influences were most pronounced in shallow and unconfined aquifers, emphasizing the importance of protecting groundwater from urban pollution. Our findings provide valuable insights into the ecological and biogeochemical roles of groundwater DOM and its implications for water management in urban systems.

How to cite: Coulson, L. E., Cukusic, A., Hemmerle, H., Geppert, M., Karwautz, C., Wang, H., Retter, A., Schwammel, G., Bölscher, J., and Griebler, C.: Allochthonous or Autochthonous? Origins of Berlin’s Groundwater DOM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11326,, 2025.

EGU25-13342 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

Dissolved organic matter composition and temperature determine organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean 

Benjamin Pontiller, Kevin W. Becker, Mara Rosmann, Antoine Barbot, Chie Amano, Gerhard J. Herndl, and Anja Engel

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents the largest and chemically diverse reservoir of reduced carbon (~630 Gt C) in the ocean. However, the overwhelming majority is considered biologically recalcitrant (RDOC), resisting rapid biological degradation. To date, the “recalcitrance” of organic compounds in the deep sea is attributed to three main limitations: (I) Deep-sea organic matter may be inaccessible to microorganisms due to its extremely low concentrations of individual components (limitation hypothesis). (II) The molecular structure of deep-sea DOM could be inherently resistant to microbial utilization (recalcitrance hypothesis). (III) The metabolic capabilities of deep-sea microbes might be constrained, e.g., by low temperature and high hydrostatic pressure, limiting their ability to process available organic matter. In addition, the impact of global warming-induced temperature increases in the bathypelagic zone and their consequent effects on deep-sea DOM dynamics remain poorly understood. Here, we show results from a long-term incubation experiment (222 days) with Pacific deep water bacterioplankton, from the Humboldt Current System, exposed to two sources of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, 1-30 kDa), obtained from a) the surface and b) the deep sea (1500 m), along with a detailed characterization of micro(biological) and chemical parameters, at in situ (+2.5°C) and elevated temperature (+6.5°C). The addition of the two DOM sources to deep sea bacterioplankton stimulated bacterial activity (cell abundance, biomass production, and extracellular enzyme activity). However, amendments with deep sea DOM - characterized by more similar carbohydrate and amino acid composition than the surface (Euclidean distance) - resulted in higher bacterial biomass production. This effect increased up to 4-fold under elevated temperature (+6.5°C), while DOC and TOC decreased by ~10 µM C by the end of the experiment. Biochemical characterization of DOM components (i.e., dissolved hydrolyzable carbohydrates and amino acids), collectively accounting for ~6% of DOC, showed a selective consumption of galacturonic acid and glucuronic acid, contributing ~2% of total sugars, and alanine and serine at the end of the experiment (decrease in mol% and nM). These findings suggest that i) increasing the concentration of HMW-DOM components stimulates bacterioplankton activity, ii) these organic components are generally accessible to deep-sea microbes, and iii) the bathypelagic microbiome is capable of metabolizing HMW-DOM. Furthermore, the several-fold increase in bacterial activity observed under a simulated warming scenario (+4.0°C) indicates that climate change-induced warming of the bathypelagic zone could enhance deep-sea DOM utilization. This, in turn, has the potential to alter marine biogeochemical cycles, introducing feedback loops that remain poorly understood.

How to cite: Pontiller, B., Becker, K. W., Rosmann, M., Barbot, A., Amano, C., Herndl, G. J., and Engel, A.: Dissolved organic matter composition and temperature determine organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13342,, 2025.

EGU25-14943 | ECS | Orals | BG2.6

The metabolic mechanisms underlying zooplankton-derived dissolved organic matter’s chemical properties 

Muhammad Firman Nuruddin, Ding He, and Longjun Wu

Dissolved organic matter (DOM), the largest reservoir of organic material in the ocean, plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle and the microbial loop. While existing studies have documented significant DOM release by zooplankton, the chemodiversity and bioavailability of this DOM, along with the physiological mechanisms influencing these characteristics in heterogeneous coastal water environments, remain inadequately explored. We conducted onboard zooplankton DOM release experiments in heterogeneous estuarine-coastal water systems, followed by molecular characterization of the DOM using Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Additionally, we analysed zooplankton metabolic activities through meta-transcriptomics to elucidate the relationship between the chemical properties of the released DOM and the underlying physiological processes of zooplankton. Our findings reveal substantial variations in the molecular diversity of DOM released by zooplankton across heterogeneous environment, notably between estuarine and coastal communities. We found strong correlations between the chemical reactivity of the DOM and clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) genes associated with functions such as carbohydrate metabolism, nucleotide processing, energy production, and coenzyme metabolism. Importantly, the aromaticity index (AI) of the released DOM was closely linked to metabolism-related gene functions, indicating that zooplankton metabolic processes significantly influence DOM bioavailability. This study enhances our understanding of how the organism’s metabolic processes shape the molecular characteristics of DOM they release, highlighting its implications for carbon cycling in the environment.


How to cite: Nuruddin, M. F., He, D., and Wu, L.: The metabolic mechanisms underlying zooplankton-derived dissolved organic matter’s chemical properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14943,, 2025.

EGU25-15501 | Orals | BG2.6

Assessing compositional variability of dissolved organic matter across different soil types and depths 

Livia Vieira Carlini Charamba, Tobias Houska, Klaus Kaiser, Klaus-Holger Knorr, Stephan Krüger, Tobias Krause, Huan Chen, Pavel Krám, Jakub Hruška, and Karsten Kalbitz

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a crucial role in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through its carbon, nutrient, and contaminant transport involvement. Its transfer from soil to surface waters is influenced by soil interactions, which alter both its quantity and composition through various physical, biological, and biochemical processes before reaching surface waters.  This study aims to characterize the DOM composition across different sites and soil depths and assess how organic surface layers (peats and forest floor) affect the DOM composition in deeper mineral horizons, representing the major source of DOM in streams of mountainous catchments. We hypothesize that while organic surface layers show greater DOM compositional variability due to different primary plant sources (e.g., leaves, roots) and different stages of microbial processing, deeper mineral subsoils will contain a more uniform set of non-sorptive and persistent compounds. Despite becoming more uniform in deeper mineral horizons, we expect DOM to maintain some characteristics from the overlying organic layers.

Soil water samples were collected from four sites representing potential terrestrial sources of stream DOM within the catchment area of the Sosa drinking water reservoir located in the Ore Mountains (Germany). Each site was characterized by a different type of soil: Peat, peaty Gleysol, Cambisol, and Podzol. Soil water was sampled from three depths (D1, underneath the organic surface layer; D2, uppermost mineral horizon; and D3, deeper mineral horizon). DOM was characterized using fluorescence spectroscopy and pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS), with subsequent Bray-Curtis dissimilarity analysis.

The DOM characterization revealed that across sites with mineral subsoils, the number of identified compounds (i.e., variability) decreased from the organic surface layers to the deeper mineral subsoils, while for the Peat soil, the variability slightly increased. The number of common compounds and the dissimilarity analysis indicated that the organic surface layer of the peaty Gleysol influenced the DOM composition of the underlying mineral horizons more strongly than the organic surface layers of the Cambisol and the Podzol. This stronger influence likely results from the higher water content and reduced mineral interaction in the peaty Gleysol, allowing for greater vertical transport of organic compounds. Pairwise comparisons of the number of shared compounds revealed that the DOM of the Podzol was more similar to the DOM of the peaty Gleysol than to that of the Cambisol at D1, which may be explained by comparable pH conditions and comparable microbial communities adapted to acidic, organic-rich environments. The similarity of DOM composition along the depth of the sites mostly decreased, except at the Peat, where the similarity slightly increased. In contrast to our hypothesis, we found no indications of DOM becoming increasingly uniform during the passage through the mineral subsoil. In the soil with the strongest DOM adsorption in the mineral soil (i.e. the Cambisol), DOM composition showed the largest changes with increasing depth, likely because of transformative processes adding to the changes due to sorptive fractionation.

How to cite: Vieira Carlini Charamba, L., Houska, T., Kaiser, K., Knorr, K.-H., Krüger, S., Krause, T., Chen, H., Krám, P., Hruška, J., and Kalbitz, K.: Assessing compositional variability of dissolved organic matter across different soil types and depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15501,, 2025.

Lake sediments harbor substantial organic carbon (OC) reserves and exhibit remarkably high carbon fluxes, exerting a disproportionately large influence on the carbon cycle relative to their surface area. Now, the stability of lake sedimentary OC pools is increasingly threatened by ecosystem warming. Key questions remain unresolved: How does temperature influence the mineralization and turnover of OC? What mechanisms primarily drive the temperature response patterns of lake sediment OC pools? To address these gaps, we selected 13 lakes from the rapidly warming Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) as study sites, and investigated the temperature response patterns of sedimentary OC mineralization processes by using microcosmic incubation, absorption spectroscopy, MALDI-TOF-MS, high-throughput sequencing and OC fractionation, etc. Our results reveal that in the QTP saline lake sediment environments, the stability and temperature response of OC pools are governed primarily by the chemical composition (e.g., chemical recalcitrance, molecular weight distribution) and substrate bioavailability (e.g., concentrations of dissolved and insoluble OC) rather than by mineral protection. Labile, carbon-rich organic compounds exhibit higher reactivity and temperature sensitivity during mineralization, challenging the predictions of the Carbon Quality-Temperature (CQT) hypothesis. This study discusses for the first time in lake sediments the relative importance of substrate bioavailability, OC chemical composition, and mineral protection on the temperature response patterns of mineralization processes, and provides multidimensional evidence through spectroscopic, mass spectrometric and other analytical techniques. In the context of climate warming, these findings can help us to predict more accurately the evolutionary trends of lake OC pools.



Key words: Lake sediments, organic carbon mineralization, temperature, chemical composition, substrate bioavailability, climate warming.

How to cite: Wang, B. and Sun, X.: Temperature response of organic carbon mineralization in lake sediments of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is dominated by substrate chemical composition and bioavailability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15718,, 2025.

EGU25-16047 | Orals | BG2.6

Enhanced molecular characterization of atmospheric organic aerosols in the Western Mediterranean basin by Fourier transform mass spectrometry  

Maxime C. Bridoux, Martha Chacón-Patiño, Christos Panagiotopoulous, Kalliopi Violaki, Ilwan Meignant, and Athanasios Nenes

Atmospheric aerosols (AAs) significantly influence the global radiative balance, air quality, biogeochemical cycles, and human health. While their climate and health impacts are well-studied, their biogeochemical role, including contributions of phosphorus (P), nitrogen (N), and organic matter (OM) to oligotrophic regions like the Mediterranean basin, is less explored. Recent studies suggest variable atmospheric deposition of trace metals and nutrients associated with both natural (i.e. recurring Saharan dust storms, biomass burning episodes) and anthropogenic origin (i.e. polluted air masses from northern and central Europe) with atmospheric OM inputs comparable to rivers. However, the detailed composition of atmospheric organic aerosols in the region remains poorly understood.

Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry (UHRMS) offers unparalleled resolving power and enables detailed characterization of complex natural and anthropogenic organic matter (OM) mixtures. It also provides stoichiometric insights into organic nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) molecules that are often undetectable by methods like NMR spectroscopy or lower-resolution mass spectrometers. Here, we present advanced analysis of the chemical composition of aerosol particles collected in the Western Mediterranean basin. We combined atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) and electrospray ionization (ESI), two complementary techniques, to achieve comprehensive coverage of both polar and nonpolar molecular components through  UHRMS. Electrospray ionization (+ESI) was paired with a 21-Tesla (T) Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (FT-ICR MS), delivering exceptional resolving power, sensitivity, acquisition speed, mass accuracy, and dynamic range. Meanwhile, APPI (+ /-) was coupled to an Orbitrap Fusion Lumos 1M to target condensed, polyaromatic, nonpolar compounds that are challenging or impossible to detect by ESI alone.

Approximately 28,000 distinct CcHhNnOoPpSs molecular formulas were assigned across all 30 samples collected in the Western Mediterranean basin to ESI(+) 21-T FT-ICR MS spectra after a solid phase extraction to isolate and desalt the samples, revealing an astonishing molecular chemodiversity mainly driven by nitrogen-containing compounds (CHNO) and oxygenated compound (CHO) with minor contribution of sulphur-containing (CHOS) and phosphorus-containing (CHOP) compounds, despite their inherent poor ionisation efficiency in complex mixture. APPI(+/-) / Orbitrap Lumos 1M proved to be a powerful approach for characterizing the molecular composition of highly condensed hydrocarbons, especially the large molecular species that cannot be eluted from gas chromatography columns.

We will explore the key factors driving the molecular composition of atmospheric aerosols (AAs) and their influence on variations and potential formation pathways. Our findings aim to improve understanding of their composition and sources with a focus on biogeochemical processes in the nutrient-limited, stratified open waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

How to cite: Bridoux, M. C., Chacón-Patiño, M., Panagiotopoulous, C., Violaki, K., Meignant, I., and Nenes, A.: Enhanced molecular characterization of atmospheric organic aerosols in the Western Mediterranean basin by Fourier transform mass spectrometry , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16047,, 2025.

EGU25-16056 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Impact of Air Quality on the Composition and Degradability of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Coastal Regions 

Hongyan Bao, Ruoyang Zhang, Jutta Niggemann, and Thorsten Dittmar

Atmospheric deposition contributes approximately 90 million tons of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) to the oceans and 400 million tons to the land surface each year. Natural organic matter (OM) is composed of tens of thousands of distinct molecules, making its characterization a significant challenge. This complexity is particularly evident in atmospheric OM, which is more dynamic than its aquatic counterpart. Due to analytical difficulties, the cycling of atmospheric OM in receiving waters is not well understood and is not currently represented in global carbon cycling models. To address these knowledge gaps, we conducted seasonal aerosol sampling in two major coastal cities in China—Xiamen and Qingdao—each representing different air quality levels. Using ultra-high resolution mass spectrometry, we characterized the OM composition and conducted laboratory experiments to assess its potential degradability. We also investigated the relationship between molecular composition and air quality parameters. Preliminary results indicate that as air quality worsens (as reflected by an increasing Air Quality Index, or AQI), atmospheric OM becomes more aromatic, and the fraction of DOC that can be utilized by microbes decreases. These findings suggest that during periods of higher AQI, atmospheric OM is primarily derived from fossil fuel combustion, potentially persisting in the ocean for extended periods. Future research will focus on the biogeochemical impacts of these changes

How to cite: Bao, H., Zhang, R., Niggemann, J., and Dittmar, T.: Impact of Air Quality on the Composition and Degradability of Atmospheric Organic Matter in Coastal Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16056,, 2025.

EGU25-16552 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Phosphorus speciation in environmental organic matter using 31P-NMR. Recent advances in the characterization of atmospheric organic matter 

Christos Panagiotopoulos, Kalliopi Violaki, and Athanasios Nenes

Phosphorus (P) is a vital element for all living organisms and is one of the most essential nutrients in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. As a fundamental component of DNA and RNA, it plays a structural role in cell membranes (e.g., as part of phospholipids) and is crucial for various biological processes, such as energy transfer through ATP. In the environment, phosphorus exists in both inorganic forms (e.g., orthophosphate or PO43−) and organic forms. In environmental studies, organic phosphorus (P) is not measured directly but is estimated by subtracting the concentration of inorganic phosphorus species from total phosphorus. This process involves converting all forms of phosphorus into orthophosphate, typically through UV or persulfate oxidation, followed by colorimetric analysis. However, inefficiencies in this transformation can introduce errors and biases, leading to underestimation or overestimation of the organic phosphorus content.

Solid-state 31P NMR is a powerful technique that identifies phosphorus chemical species, organic or inorganic, without any previous sample treatment. This technique was widely used in the 2000s in marine chemistry in samples comprised of concentrated dissolved organic matter, fast-sinking particles, marine planktons, and sediments, revealing important features of organic P compounds such as phosphonates. A notable characteristic of P in concentrated dissolved organic matter is that P-esters and phosphonates consistently exhibit a nearly constant ratio of 75:25, regardless of the depth or location where the sample was collected. 31P-NMR, however, has not yet been used for atmospheric samples, and is the primary focus of this study. Here, we analyzed total suspended atmospheric particles collected during dust events, as well as ash produced from the biomass burning of olive trees. We find that the functional groups associated with phosphorus included orthophosphate and monophosphate esters, which shared the same chemical shift (H₃PO₄ and RH₂-PO₄), phosphate diesters (R₁R₂HPO₄), and pyrophosphate (H₄P₂O₇). P in our samples consisted of phosphate diesters (72–88%), followed by orthophosphate (10–19%) and pyrophosphate (1–8%). Unlike marine samples, phosphonates were absent, suggesting the absence of compounds containing carbon-phosphorus (C–P) bonds. Phosphate diesters are primarily found in naturally occurring organic compounds, such as nucleotides and their derivatives (e.g., DNA, RNA, AMP, ADP, ATP), including phospholipids, and thus constitute the majority of atmospheric organic phosphorus. As these compounds have C-O-P bonds they are readily hydrolyzed in the marine environment by the alkaline phosphatase enzyme, providing an important source of P in aquatic/marine ecosystems. Overall, our results suggest that organic-P, as estimated by 31P NMR, can account for up to 80% of total P in dust and burning biomass samples. Thus, the organic-P fraction of external inputs is likely as significant for marine primary productivity as inorganic inorganic-P.  

How to cite: Panagiotopoulos, C., Violaki, K., and Nenes, A.: Phosphorus speciation in environmental organic matter using 31P-NMR. Recent advances in the characterization of atmospheric organic matter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16552,, 2025.

EGU25-17670 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Deoxygenation effects on the interaction between microbial metabolisms and dissolved organic matter cycling in the seasonally anoxic Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea) 

Gonzalo V. Gomez Saez, Katharina Muschler, Ömer K. Coskun, Marit Renken, Marina Garcia-Llorca, Louison Nicolas-Asselineau, Linus M. Zeller, Jana Milucka, Thorsten Dittmar, William D. Orsi, and Ian P. G. Marshall

Seawater stores as much carbon in the form of dissolved organic matter (DOM) as there is CO2 in the atmosphere. Over a period of just 50 years (from 1960 to 2010) global oceanic oxygen reserves have been reduced by 2% and the anoxic waters have quadrupled, mainly due to anthropogenic global warming and eutrophication. Ocean deoxygenation leads to an expansion of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs), which contain higher concentrations of DOM (carbon and sulfur (DOS)) than the oxygenated ocean. Microbial metabolisms are directly responsible for the production, degradation and recycling of marine DOM but there is no consensus about their role in DOM accumulation in OMZs. Recent advances in analytical chemistry characterize the DOM at the molecular level in unprecedented detail, revealing new insights into its source and history by Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS). Current progress in sequencing technology can predict specific functions contributing to the molecular activity of microbial communities in environmental samples by metatranscriptomics, or to specific substrate assimilation by quantitative DNA stable isotope probing (qSIP). In this study, we investigated the interaction between microbes and DOM in the water column of the Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea). Due to nutrient loading from land combined with its topography, Mariager Fjord has anoxic bottom waters between spring and late fall, but it is typically flushed with oxygen-rich seawater from the Kattegat during winter. In spring 2023, we sampled waters at three depths (5, 15, 25 m) with an O2 range from oxic-to-hypoxic conditions (99, 65 and 4 % O2, respectively). Natural environmental samples were combined with incubations targeting (a) abiotic and biotic interactions in the presence or absence of oxygen; and (b) organosulfur cycling by active uncultivated microbes assimilating the 13C-DOS substrates methionine and taurine. Samples were analyzed for elemental organic and inorganic geochemistry, microbial diversity (16S rRNA sequencing), FT-ICR-MS, qSIP and metatranscriptomics. Our results showed clear changes on the microbial community composition and gene expression depending on the oxygen concentration. The surface oxic waters were dominated by Planctomycetes and Actinobacteria, while the hypoxic nitrite-enriched waters were dominated by Gammaproteobacteria and Bacteroidota. Expressed genes diversity was highest in the hypoxic waters, with reverse dissimilatory sulfate reduction and sulfur oxidation genes present in the metatranscriptomes, even though the waters were not sulfidic. Regarding organosulfur cycling, only bacteria assimilated 13C-DOS in the water column. Methionine was mainly utilized in oxic layers by Gammaproteobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria, while taurine was only assimilated in hypoxic waters mostly by Bacteroidota. Largest differences in DOM molecular composition between oxic-to-hypoxic samples were related to N- and S-containing compounds, although autochthonous terrigenous DOM input in the fjord dominated the DOM signature more drastically than oxygen variations. Overall, our study includes novel implementation of state-of-art methods to elucidate new links between the microbial biosphere with the chemical diversity of DOM in the context of a changing, deoxygenated ocean.

How to cite: Gomez Saez, G. V., Muschler, K., Coskun, Ö. K., Renken, M., Garcia-Llorca, M., Nicolas-Asselineau, L., Zeller, L. M., Milucka, J., Dittmar, T., Orsi, W. D., and Marshall, I. P. G.: Deoxygenation effects on the interaction between microbial metabolisms and dissolved organic matter cycling in the seasonally anoxic Mariager Fjord (Denmark, North Sea), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17670,, 2025.

EGU25-18845 | Posters on site | BG2.6

Annual dynamics of DOM and microbial community interactions in a Mediterranean coastal area: mutual influence and environmental drivers 

Simona Retelletti Brogi, Vincenzo Manna, Giancarlo Bachi, Cecilia Balestra, Mauro Celussi, Cinzia De Vittor, Mirco Guerrazzi, Federica Relitti, and Chiara Santinelli

Marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) and microbes are strictly linked by complex and dynamic processes. DOM represents the main source of energy for microbial communities and its concentration and chemical properties influence the microbe’s structure and activity. Microbes on the other hand can affect the DOM pool by changing its concentration and quality. Composition and properties of the DOM and the microbial community are therefore interdependent. On top of this, the variability of the environment drives changes on both, affecting each one’s properties and dynamics, and consequently their interaction.

The main goal of this study is to investigate the microbes-DOM interplay in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea and to assess its variability in relation to environmental conditions. Our hypothesis is that the environmental variability (i.e. seasonal changes in salinity, temperature, biological activity…) affects the concentration and properties of potentially bioavailable DOM and its interaction with the microbial community.

To achieve this goal, incubation experiments were carried out monthly for 1 year. Surface water was filtered through 1.2 µm filters to remove potential microbes’ grazers and most of phototrophic organisms and incubated in the dark at the in-situ temperature. DOC concentration, DOM optical properties (absorption and fluorescence), microbial prokaryotic abundance, secondary heterotrophic C production, and enzyme activity were followed for 30 days. Samples for the same parameters were collected from the surface water at the same time as the experimental sampling to gain information on the annual dynamics of both the DOM and the microbial community.

The study was carried out in the framework of the National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC), at the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) “C1” coastal station, located in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic Sea). This station has been studied since 1986 and provides a solid background to contextualize seasonal environmental changes.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study investigating the DOM-microbial community relationship with such resolution over an entire year and allowing to estimate the potentially bioavailable DOM and its variability with changing environmental conditions. The North Adriatic Sea, as well as all the Mediterranean Sea is already experiencing the effects of climate change, such as increase in salinity and surface water temperature. Investigating how these variables affect the DOM-microbes interaction may give some clues to understand potential future changes in DOM-microbes relationship and therefore in the marine C cycle.

How to cite: Retelletti Brogi, S., Manna, V., Bachi, G., Balestra, C., Celussi, M., De Vittor, C., Guerrazzi, M., Relitti, F., and Santinelli, C.: Annual dynamics of DOM and microbial community interactions in a Mediterranean coastal area: mutual influence and environmental drivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18845,, 2025.

EGU25-19511 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Solution from Lysimetric Sampling 

Kristýna Müllerová, Vojtěch Enev, and Roman Glončák

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil plays a crucial role in biogeochemical cycles, nutrient transport, and soil solution chemistry. This study focuses on the physicochemical characterisation of DOM extracted from soil solution samples collected using lysimeters at different depths (20 cm, 40 cm, and 60 cm). The primary analyses included pH and electrical conductivity measurements, dynamic light scattering (DLS) for particle size, ζ-potential measurements, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) for functional group identification, and three-dimensional excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (3D EEMs) for further characterisation of organic matter fractions. The concentration of humic substances in the soil solution was also determined according to the ČSN 75 7536 standard. The results indicate slightly alkaline soil conditions (pH 7.5-8.0) and increasing conductivity with depths, suggesting nutrient and organic matter accumulation at 60 cm. DLS and ζ-potential measurements provided insights into colloidal stability, while FTIR confirmed the presence of key functional groups such as O–H, C=O, and C–N, indicating polysaccharides, carboxylates, and others in the structure of DOM. These findings enhance understanding of DOM composition and mobility in soil, emphasising the significance of lysimetric sampling in studying DOM under natural conditions.

How to cite: Müllerová, K., Enev, V., and Glončák, R.: Physicochemical Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter in Soil Solution from Lysimetric Sampling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19511,, 2025.

EGU25-19831 | ECS | Posters on site | BG2.6

First measurements with a novel aerosol filter analysis workflow 

Sebastian Holm, Jussi Kontro, Moe Lwin, Joona Mikkilä, Matti Rissanen, and Juha Kangasluoma

Offline filter sampling of aerosols is a cost-effective and easily deployable method for long-term measurements. However, the subsequent analysis can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Measuring fine particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 2.5μm (PM2.5) is essential in air pollution studies. To understand the role of organic aerosols (OA) in the atmosphere, particularly regarding climate and health effects, it is crucial to know their molecular composition. Typically, such data is gathered through offline filter sampling and laboratory analysis (Daellenbach et al., 2020; Cai et al., 2023).

Currently, there are many extraction methods for collected PM2.5 filters (see e.g., Roper et al. (2019)). Most of these methods require several stages of preparation before analysis can begin. This often involves cutting smaller pieces from the used filters and then performing steps such as sonication, rinsing, drying, dissolving, and nebulizing before the sample is finally analyzed.

We propose a more streamlined workflow. The entire collected filter is placed in a thermal desorption multi-scheme chemical ionization inlet coupled to an Orbitrap mass spectrometer (TD-MION-Orbitrap, see e.g., Partovi et al. (2023)). The MION allows for fast switching between multiple reagents, and the Orbitrap provides high mass resolution. While previous studies have successfully used TD-CIMS for offline analysis of PM (e.g., Cai et al., 2023), our method offers a user-friendly, preparation-free analysis process.

We hope to get the opportunity to present data from ambient filters collected in Helsinki – in a comparison to existing analysis methods – along with initial results from these early stages of the project.




Cai, J. et al. (2023). Characterization of offline analysis of particulate matter with FIGAERO-CIMS. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(5), 1147-1165.

Daellenbach, K. R. et al. (2020). Sources of particulate-matter air pollution and its oxidative potential in Europe. Nature, 587(7834), 414-419.

Partovi, F. et al. (2023). Pesticide Residue Fast Screening Using Thermal Desorption Multi-Scheme Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (TD-MION MS) with Selective Chemical Ionization. ACS Omega, 8(29), 25749-25757.

Roper, C. et al. (2019). PM(2.5) Filter Extraction Methods: Implications for Chemical and Toxicological Analyses. Environ Sci Technol, 53(1),434-442.

How to cite: Holm, S., Kontro, J., Lwin, M., Mikkilä, J., Rissanen, M., and Kangasluoma, J.: First measurements with a novel aerosol filter analysis workflow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19831,, 2025.

EGU25-21540 | Orals | BG2.6

Strategies to deal with batch effects with high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry for NOM characterisation 

Helen Rutlidge, Russell Pickford, Tina Ventura, and Rita Kay Henderson

There is growing evidence that changes in the molecular composition of natural organic matter (NOM) in water drives changes in the effectiveness of water treatment processes. Hence, there is a growing interest in obtaining more detailed characterisation of natural organic matter, than traditional methods can provide. High resolution mass spectrometry is one such technique that is increasingly being used for NOM analysis. Predominately, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS), has been used but Orbitrap MS is emerging as a more available, smaller, and cheaper alternative.  

Due to the high sensitivity of high-resolution mass spectrometry instrumental performance variation from day to day is a recognised problem. This means that samples measured on different days may not be directly comparable, likely due to slight variations in equipment operating conditions, laboratory ambient conditions and minor contamination left from other analysis. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of this instrumental variation using a NOM standard mixture and ways to overcome it.

To understand the Orbitrap MS instrumental variation from day to day, a freshly prepared NOM standard mixture was analysed on several days. The data files were compiled and analysed using Compound Discoverer software. The molecular weights observed were assigned to molecular formula using the software. As part of the data processing various strategies were explored to deal with batch effects, including data-driven normalisation, removal of data with lower relative abundance and Systematic Error Removal Using Random Forest (SERRF).

For the NOM standard mixture, there were differences in the assigned molecular formulas as well as the relevant abundances. A total of 940 molecular formula were found for all the NOM mixture standard runs, with 357 found in more than one sample run. However, the compounds that were present in only one or two sample runs tended to have lower relative abundance, and hence removing compounds with lower relative abundance may reduce the influence of instrumental variation. In general, the greatest commonality across the sample runs was seen in the region where the H/C ratio was between 0.5-1.5 and the O/C ratio was <0.5, which corresponds to the condensed hydrocarbons and lignin-like compounds. The various correction strategies showed various levels of effectiveness.

How to cite: Rutlidge, H., Pickford, R., Ventura, T., and Henderson, R. K.: Strategies to deal with batch effects with high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry for NOM characterisation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21540,, 2025.

EGU25-1535 | Posters on site | BG3.38

Reassessing Denitrification in the drainage zone below agricultural soils 

Julia Westphal, Aspasia-Eva Klußmann, Reinhard Well, David Schoner, Florian Stange, and Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale

Nitrate (NO₃⁻) leaching from the rooting zone of agricultural land generally leads to increased NO₃⁻ concentrations in groundwater, thereby significantly contributing to the eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems. Denitrification—the biogeochemical reduction of NO₃⁻ and nitrite (NO₂⁻) to dinitrogen (N₂) and/or nitrous oxide (N₂O)—can mitigate NO₃⁻ inputs to groundwater. However, most research to date has predominantly focused on the root zone. Consequently, substantial uncertainties remain regarding the quantification of nitrate reduction in the unsaturated percolation zone below the root zone (referred to as the drainage zone). The extent to which this zone can reduce NO₃⁻ inputs into groundwater remains contentious, and its contribution to soil N₂O emissions has been scarcely studied.

To address these gaps, we assessed denitrification potential by determining the maximum denitrification capacity (Dcap) using the acetylene inhibition technique for the upper (1.5–2.0 m depth) and deeper (down to 7 m) drainage zone at multiple agricultural sites with contrasting soil textures. Experiments included the addition of seepage water with varying dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations to evaluate the influence of key factors on denitrification in the drainage zone.

Additionally, a mesoscale laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to measure the denitrification rates under oxic and anoxic conditions. Substrates with differing textures were used, and the measurements were performed using the ¹⁵N gas flow method. Key factors influencing denitrification—such as the availability of NO₃⁻ and oxygen, water content, and DOC concentration—were systematically varied in a full factorial experimental design.

Preliminary results revealed very low denitrification emissions in both experiments; however, emissions were higher in the Dcap experiment. Contrary to expectations, initial results suggest less effect of water-filled pore space, NO₃⁻ concentration, or DOC content on denitrification-related emissions. So far, emissions were significantly higher in clayey sediments compared to sandy sediments, highlighting the role of soil texture in influencing denitrification within the drainage zone. These findings emphasize the importance of further research to better understand how the specific characteristics of the drainage zone regulate denitrification processes.

How to cite: Westphal, J., Klußmann, A.-E., Well, R., Schoner, D., Stange, F., and Buchen-Tschiskale, C.: Reassessing Denitrification in the drainage zone below agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1535,, 2025.

EGU25-1594 | ECS | Orals | BG3.38

Quick Freeze-Thaw Cycles enable Rapid Solute Movement in Vertical Soil Columns  

Madhumita Sahoo, Steven Thornton, and Domenico Baú

Quick and frequent freeze-thaw cycles (FTCs) are expected to increase due to climate change-induced warming in mid- and high- latitude regions. Warming trends during winter can impact biogeochemical cycles in land and water bodies. Bioaccumulation of soil nitrogen (N) products (nitrate, ammonium, and total nitrogen) on the soil surface during early spring and elevated N levels of streams hint at N movement within soil during winter. Natural field observations may not capture changes occurring during quick FTCs, and therefore, we developed a laboratory experiment to observe the movement of soil N products and unfrozen soil water during quick FTCs. Active solute transport occurs within a soil column during winter, as not all soil water undergoes freezing. Winter soil warming has been found to influence biogeochemical reactions within the top 100 cm, with high impact on solute movement in the top 30 cm depth. A 100-cm soil column filled uniformly with freely draining sandy loam (3.35 mm or finer grain size) was used for successive freezing and thawing for 4 days. Soil freezing was enabled using a 30-cm long freezing jacket with 10-cm wide detachable layers to adjust freezing depths over each 10-cm depth. Soil freezing for the top 10-cm, 20-cm, and 30-cm depths were enabled for three scenarios to observe the effects of freezing depth on solute movement during a 4-day FTC. An intensity-controlled infrared lamp above the soil column was used to thaw the soil. Soil moisture and temperature were monitored at the surface and at column depths of 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm and 60 cm. Soil water samplers collected porewater samples from 5 cm, 15 cm, 25 cm, 55 cm, and 80 cm depth. The depth below 60 cm was considered for the movement of solute towards or away from the freezing front during a FTC. There was an upward N migration observed during the 10-cm freezing depth scenario. N migration was the highest in the 10-cm freezing depth scenario. The observations obtained during FTCs were compared with a control scenario (no soil freezing) for the same duration. This experiment identified the direction of migration of solutes during FTCs. These results can help in soil nutrient management by controlling the availability of excess soil nitrogen, thus mitigating the impact of climate-warming on soil and water resources at a catchment scale.

How to cite: Sahoo, M., Thornton, S., and Baú, D.: Quick Freeze-Thaw Cycles enable Rapid Solute Movement in Vertical Soil Columns , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1594,, 2025.

EGU25-2095 | ECS | Orals | BG3.38

Modelling Nitrogen Balances of German Croplands: Advancing the MONICA Model for High-Resolution N Flux Estimates 

Boris Ouattara, Konstantin Aiteew, Mahboube Jarrah, and Rene Dechow

Efficient management of nitrogen (N) in agricultural systems is crucial for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, reducing nutrient losses, and maintaining crop productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the N cycle on German cropland using the process-based MONICA model. In particular, the processes of denitrification, nitrification and N leaching, as these have a significant influence on N losses. The study relied on data from the German Agricultural Soil Survey (BZE-LW), which provides detailed crop sequence information, annual fertilization rates, and yields across 1235 sites. These data were supplemented with meteorological information from the German Weather Service (DWD) and environmental variables derived from remote sensing. An algorithm was developed to predict the timing of operations such as fertilization and tillage, to address the challenge of limited temporal resolution in management data, generating daily management information. This enhancement enabled high-temporal-resolution simulations for nine major crops cultivated in Germany between 2001 and 2018. Initial model evaluation applied MONICA to simulate crop yields, N leaching, and N₂O emissions, using large-scale plausibility checks based on emission factors and leaching loss estimates. While the model demonstrated reasonable performance in estimating nitrogen fluxes, challenges were identified in replicating reported yields. These were largely due to uncertainties in input data and unrepresented processes in the current model framework. Planned refinements to MONICA, in collaboration with project partners, aim to improve its representation of denitrification losses (N₂ and N₂O) using experimental data. Preliminary results underline the potential of MONICA for high-resolution simulation of agroecosystem N dynamics, though sensitivity analyses highlight the significant influence of uncertainties in soil properties and management inputs on model outputs. This work advances the MONICA model as a robust tool for simulating high-resolution N fluxes and evaluating mitigation strategies in agricultural systems. The insights gained provide a foundation for improving N management practices at regional scales, contributing to sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural systems in Germany.

How to cite: Ouattara, B., Aiteew, K., Jarrah, M., and Dechow, R.: Modelling Nitrogen Balances of German Croplands: Advancing the MONICA Model for High-Resolution N Flux Estimates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2095,, 2025.

EGU25-3461 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38

Modelling freeze-thaw related N2O emissions: recent advances & future perspectives 

Melanie A. Thurner, Sergey Blagodatsky, David Kraus, Clemens Scheer, and Ralf Kiese

Soil freeze-thaw (FT) cycles induce high nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions across all ecosystems, whereby flux rates are highest for agricultural systems, where more than half of the annual N2O emissions may result from FT related fluxes. Globally, neglecting FT related N2O emissions may lead to an underestimation of the annual N2O budget by almost a quarter. However, FT related N2O emissions are hardly implemented in and simulated by state-of-the-art ecosystem models yet, because of a lack of knowledge about the actual mechanisms explaining timing and magnitude of the observed N2O emission peaks.

Here we review recent advances in process understanding, which can be summarized into three approaches: (i) a frozen (top)soil (or snow) layer that acts as physical barrier for gas diffusion, (ii) the production of additional decomposable substrate during freezing-thawing, and (iii) temperature-depending changes in the biochemical balances within the denitrification process. We implemented the different mechanisms in the LandscapeDNDC ecosystem model, which provides an advanced representation of soil nitrogen processes, and validate their effects on site scale, before we evaluate their importance on regional scale and as part of the annual N2O budget. This will enable us to improve national to global estimates of annual N2O emissions and lower the current uncertainty due to the neglect of FT related N2O fluxes.

How to cite: Thurner, M. A., Blagodatsky, S., Kraus, D., Scheer, C., and Kiese, R.: Modelling freeze-thaw related N2O emissions: recent advances & future perspectives, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3461,, 2025.

EGU25-3552 | Posters on site | BG3.38

Modeling of the long-term effects of reduced inputs of organic and inorganic fertilizers on SOC and N-balance of agricultural soils 

Balázs Grosz, Jörg Michael Greef, Linda Tendler, Reinhard Well, and Rene Dechow

The world's population growth requires an increase in agricultural productivity. But this must be achieved by reducing the environmental impact of agricultural practices. The European Commission's European Green Deal includes targets for reducing nitrogen (N) application. This could be achieved by reducing fertilizer amounts in regions that are heavily fertilized. A second option to reduce N emissions would be the transport of organic amendments from region with high livestock/ biogas plant density into areas where fertilization of croplands are dominated by mineral fertilization. However, only few studies exist addressing the implications of fertilizer reduction on SOC stocks, N cycling and productivity in the long-term. Biogeochemical models can help to investigate the long-term effects of reduced fertilizer application on these system properties. For model calibration, data from two 2- and 3-year experiments on sandy and clayey soils, consisting of a no-fertilization control, 3 mineral fertilizer treatments with different N levels and 3 biogas digestate treatments with corresponding rates of total N (with 60%, 80% and 100% of maximum N applied) in two cereal/maize rotations were used. The digestate was applied by trailing hoses, and directly incorporated when maize was the subsequent crop. A long-term monitoring site in Lower Saxony was used to improve and validate the SOC sub-module of the model. The dataset consists of 45 field plots with documented soil data, management data and time series of SOC content. SOC content was measured on average every 4-5 years for 20 years in the upper 0-20 cm soil horizon. The management of the sites represents general agricultural practice. The results of the experiments were used to calibrate and improve the DNDCv.Can biogeochemical model. The calibrated model was used to simulate the development of SOC stocks, N budgets and productivity for the period 2020-2060. The model was run with three future climate scenarios. It was hypothesized that (i) the N use efficiency of digestate would be inferior to that of mineral nitrogen, and therefore more N from manure would be needed to achieve the same yield, but causing higher N2O and NH3 emissions, (ii) those discrepancies between mineral fertilization and organic fertilization level off in the long-term, (iii) reducing N fertilizer application rates does decrease N2O and NH3 emissions, (iv) reduced N application decreases carbon inputs, which may lead to a long-term reduction of soil SOC. Based on the calibrated model on experimental results we compare yield, SOC, N2O in long term (40 years) scenarios for Eastern Lower Saxony, Germany with factors a) fertilization type, b) fertilization amount, c) climate, d) soil type.

How to cite: Grosz, B., Greef, J. M., Tendler, L., Well, R., and Dechow, R.: Modeling of the long-term effects of reduced inputs of organic and inorganic fertilizers on SOC and N-balance of agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3552,, 2025.

EGU25-5928 | Posters on site | BG3.38

Lysimeter studies combining 15N tracing and natural abundance stable isotopes to determine N2 and N2O fluxes and processes in arable soils  

Reinhard Well, Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale, Martin Freudiger, Dominika Lewicka-Szczebak, and Amanda Matson

Mitigating nitrogen (N)-oxide emissions and optimizing N-use efficiency are important aspects of agricultural soil management. Studies that monitor net production of dinitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O), including the spatial/temporal heterogeneity of denitrification in soils, provide much-needed data to inform models that support management decisions. However, to model denitrification in agricultural ecosystems more accurately, we need data-sets at lab to field scale including reliable measurement of processes and regulating factors of N2 and N2O production.

Analysing natural abundance isotopocule values of N2O (d15N, d18O and 15N site preference) in gas samples from  closed chambers with  data evaluation using the FRAME model (Lewicki, 2022) can be used to distinguish N2O production pathways and to quantify N2O reduction to N2. However, this approach usually fails to distinguish between N2O production by heterotrophic bacterial denitrification and nitrifier denitrification. Moreover, the accuracy is limited during periods of low activity due to the small fraction of soil-derived N2O in the samples. This might be overcome by analysing  N2O isotopocule values of soil air were the fraction of soil-derived N2O is always higher compared to closed chamber samples.

While N2 and N2O fluxes from denitrification can be determined using the 15N gas flux method (15NGF), improvement of N2 sensitivity is needed to detect emissions beyond peak events which can be achieved by establishing an N2-depleted atmosphere (15NGF+ method, (Eckei et al., 2024).

Recently, it has been shown that extending the FRAME modelling with results of the 15NGF conducted in parallel is suitable to better distinguish different denitrification pathways of N2O production (Micucci et al., 2025). A further advantage of using both approaches is the fact, that FRAME can be easily used outside the lab and in growing crops, while for 15NGF+, this is very challenging.

We combined three approaches, i.e. (1.) surface fluxes of N2O isotopocules using the closed chamber method, (2.) Experiments were established on lysimeters with two undisturbed soils cropped with barley.

We used results for FRAME modeling of natural abundance plots and combined them  with 15NGF+ results to quantify (i) N2 and N2O fluxes from the 15N-labelled NO3- pool, (ii) the fraction of N2O emitted from other (unlabelled) N sources, and (iii) N2O pathways distinguished by the extended FRAME modelling including heterotrophic bacterial denitrification, nitrifier denitrification, fungal denitrification, nitrification and N2O reduction to N2. The latter will be compared to N2 fluxes obtained by 15NGF+. First results will be shown.


Eckei, J., et al., 2024. Determining N2O and N2 fluxes in relation to winter wheat and sugar beet growth and development using the improved 15N gas flux method on the field scale. Biology and Fertility of Soils. DOI: 10.1007/s00374-024-01806-z

Lewicki, M.P.D.L.-S., Grzegorz Skrzypek, 2022. FRAME—Monte Carlo model for evaluation of the stable isotope mixing and fractionation. Plos One 17, e0277204.

Micucci, G., et al.., 2025. Combining the 15N Gas Flux Method and N2O Isotopocule Data for the Determination of Soil Microbial N2O Sources. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 39, e9971.


How to cite: Well, R., Buchen-Tschiskale, C., Freudiger, M., Lewicka-Szczebak, D., and Matson, A.: Lysimeter studies combining 15N tracing and natural abundance stable isotopes to determine N2 and N2O fluxes and processes in arable soils , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5928,, 2025.

EGU25-6727 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38

A novel method for the extraction and measurement of hydroxylamine in soils 

Nathalie Heldwein, Katharina Kitzinger, and Wolfgang Wanek

Hydroxylamine (NH2OH) is an intermediate in nitrification and a direct precursor for nitrous oxide (N2O) in both enzymatic and abiotic reactions. Although its importance for N2O emissions from soils has been recognized, NH2OH has never been measured in soils except for one acidic forest soil. This is mostly due to a lack of an adequate extraction method in the presence of soil minerals. Therefore, we here developed a soil extraction method that stabilizes NH2OH during the extraction by blocking its abiotic reactions by a combination of low pH, reducing agents and chelators. Furthermore, we optimized a colorimetric NH2OH assay for the conditions encountered in such soil extracts. The colorimetric assay reacts NH2OH with quinolin-8-ol under alkaline conditions and has a limit of detection of 0.5 µmol L-1. In a next step, we target to purify the derivatization product with solid phase extraction to measure its concentration and isotopic composition via UPLC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry. The final goal is to provide a workflow for the ultra-sensitive NH2OH measurement in soil 15N-tracer studies.

How to cite: Heldwein, N., Kitzinger, K., and Wanek, W.: A novel method for the extraction and measurement of hydroxylamine in soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6727,, 2025.

EGU25-7159 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38

The Influence of Soil Nematodes on N₂O Emissions Under Chemical and Organic Nitrogen Fertilization 

Junwei Hu, Malaika Mariana Andrade Hernandez, Steven Sluetel, and Stefaan De Neve

Soil nematodes, the most abundant soil fauna, play a pivotal role in nitrogen cycling through their interactions with soil microorganisms, potentially influencing N₂O emissions. While it is well-established that N fertilization can increase N₂O emissions, the role of nematodes in modulating N₂O emissions across different N fertilization strategies remains underexplored. This study investigates the effect of soil nematodes on N₂O emissions under four N fertilization treatments: no nitrogen (CK), chemical fertilizer (CF), pig manure (PM), and green manure (GM). Over a 58-day soil microcosm incubation, we compared N₂O emissions with and without the presence of the entire soil nematode community across two soil textures—loamy sand and sandy loam. Our results revealed that soil texture, N fertilization, and nematode presence significantly influenced N₂O emissions. The most pronounced effect of nematodes was observed in loamy sand soil treated with PM, where nematodes contributed to a marked increase in N₂O emissions during the initial peak (0-5 days). In contrast, nematodes significantly elevated N₂O emissions from 5 to 58 days in sandy loam soil treated with GM. Both pig manure and green manure promoted nematode population growth; however, nematodes only notably enhanced nitrogen mineralization in unfertilized soil. These findings underscore the importance of incorporating soil fauna, particularly nematodes, into N₂O emission prediction and mitigation strategies for agricultural soils.

How to cite: Hu, J., Hernandez, M. M. A., Sluetel, S., and De Neve, S.: The Influence of Soil Nematodes on N₂O Emissions Under Chemical and Organic Nitrogen Fertilization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7159,, 2025.

EGU25-7178 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38 | Highlight

Drivers of  N2O Emissions: Implications for Model Development Accounting for the Spatial Variation 

Dhimas Sigit Bimantara, Jørgen Eriksen, Triven Koganti, and Christian Dold

Cultivated soils contribute approximately 60% of global nitrous oxide (N2O) production due to nitrogen inputs, which underscores the urgent need for comprehension of N2O emissions at larger spatial and temporal scales. However, knowledge gaps persist due to the episodic nature of soil N2O emissions, which are driven by non-linear interactions among biophysical, and environmental factors over spatial and temporal domains.

This study aims to identify significant predictors of N2O emissions at the field scale using random forest algorithm. The soil N2O flux and various predictors (CO2, soil moisture content (SWC), temperature, mineral N, pH, bulk density, and air permeability, as well as digital elevation model (DEM), gamma ray count rate, and electrical conductivity data were measured between March and June 2024 in a 1.2 ha winter wheat field located in Foulumgård, Denmark. The N2O flux was measured at 96 locations in weekly to biweekly time intervals using the LiCOR 7820 analyzer.

The N2O flux spatially varied from 0.006 to 0.164 ug m-2 s-1, with the highest average fluxes of 0.148 ug m-2 s-1 approximately 7 to 10 days after fertilizer application. The CO2 flux ranged from 0.11 to 0.54 µg m-2 s-1 with an average of 0.35 µg m-2 s-1, while SWC varied from 0.11 - 0.30 m3 m-3  and soil temperature from 6.0 - 25.7 °C.

The preliminary random forest model identified key predictors for N2O emissions as soil respiration (CO2, 25%), temporal variability (Week, 13%), soil electrical conductivity, here a likely proxy for soil texture (EC, 11%), and SWC, 9%. Furthermore, the model was evaluated with a 90:10 data split, using 90% for training and 10% for validation. The absence of further predictors limited the model's performance, as reflected in the decline in R² from 89% in training to 60% in validation. The out-of-bag (OOB) error also showed the model explained only 29.4% of emission variability, emphasizing the need for additional variables to better capture N2O predictors.

These findings are a first step towards comprehending the importance of recognizing the non-linear underlying forces of N2O emissions and the intricate interplay between soil and environmental factors. Improving the model ability to predict N2O emissions will require comprehensive datasets that capture key biogeochemical drivers and the development of robust, non-linear modeling frameworks. In a next step, additional parameters such as soil nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+), and soil pH are included in the model to further improve model performance to understand spatial variation and temporal dynamic of N2O. 

How to cite: Bimantara, D. S., Eriksen, J., Koganti, T., and Dold, C.: Drivers of  N2O Emissions: Implications for Model Development Accounting for the Spatial Variation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7178,, 2025.

EGU25-7595 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38 | Highlight

How wheat root development can determine denitrification rates in soils of glacial depressions in Eastern Denmark 

Yujia Liu, Björn Kemmann, Per Ambus, Bo Elberling, Michael Dannenmann4, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen, Carsten W. Mueller, and Daniel M.N. Poultney

Nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural land largely contribute to the greenhouse gas budget worldwide. Denmark’s glacial landscape has widespread small scale topographic depressions, typically flooded for 1-3 months per year. These depressions within agricultural land are considered as hotspots of N2O emissions, because of exposure to an increased nitrate availability and labile carbon due to fertilization and deposition of eroded soil material. Temporal waterlogging in these depression areas affects plant development, thus their ability to deplete available nitrogen in soil. Additionally, living plants provide substrates for denitrification through root exudates. However, the effect of living plants and roots on N2O emissions from glacial depressions is not very clear yet.


In this study, we aimed to elucidate how waterlogging influences nitrogen uptake and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) release from plants at different root growth stages, and to quantify how this would affect N2O emissions. We conducted a fully crossed mesocosm experiment with depression soils subjected to saturated or freely-drained water conditions, three different wheat growth stages to mimic possible different root N uptake, and an unplanted control. In order to differentiate how much N2O was produced from newly-added fertilizer, we applied a 15N tracer. For monitoring root development, roots were imaged through the translucent mesocosm walls on a weekly basis.


The growth stage of wheat significantly influenced the fate of mineral nitrogen and the dynamic of DOC in the soil solution, thereby affecting N2O emissions from these soil systems. The interaction between DOC and mineral nitrogen explained 53.9% of the variance in daily N2O fluxes. Therefore, these findings highlight the critical role of root development and soil water conditions in regulating N2O emissions from conditions representative for glacial depressions.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Kemmann, B., Ambus, P., Elberling, B., Dannenmann4, M., Thorup-Kristensen, K., W. Mueller, C., and M.N. Poultney, D.: How wheat root development can determine denitrification rates in soils of glacial depressions in Eastern Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7595,, 2025.

EGU25-8721 | ECS | Orals | BG3.38 | Highlight

Impact of different soil erosion levels on N transformation processes and gaseous N losses: An incubation study 

Julia Schoof, Maire Holz, Tobias Rütting, Reinhard Well, and Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale

Soil erosion is a key driver of soil redistribution, often causing nutrient losses from agricultural fields and contributing to nutrient overload in natural ecosystems. The removal of topsoil leads to truncated soil profiles on shoulder slopes, in which the plough can incorporate deeper soil material. This can change soil properties and, thus, alter biogeochemical cycling. Despite the increased interest in understanding SOM turnover in eroded topsoils, studies on N cycling in this context are rare and often focus only on isolated aspects of the N cycle (Berhe et al., 2018).

We designed a short-term mesocosm experiment, combining different 15N-tracing techniques, to quantify almost all N transformation processes in topsoils mixed with different amounts of subsoil to simulate three erosion levels. Nitrogen transformation pathways were simulated using the numerical model Ntrace (Rütting & Müller, 2007), considering N uptake by maize (Zea mays) at early development stages. The 15N labelling also allows the quantification of N2O and N2 losses, originating either from the soil NO3-N or NH4-N pool. N2O losses were determined automatically by a gas chromatograph and N2 by isotope ratio mass spectrometry by applying the 15N gas flux method in N2-depleted atmosphere (Kemmann et al., 2021).

The incorporation of subsoil material resulted in decreased Corg and Ntot contents with increasing erosion levels, leading to reduced nitrogen turnover and, consequently, lower N₂O and N₂ emissions in both maize-planted and unplanted treatments. Autotrophic nitrification was the dominating process across all erosion levels. Nevertheless, most N2O and N2 emissions originated from coupled nitrification-denitrification, even at water contents <40 % WFPS. Surprisingly, the growth of maize plants increased N2O and N2 emissions more than twice at early growth stages. However, the overall effect of the erosion level was considerably greater than the effect of plant presence. Our study contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of N cycling in agricultural soils of hilly landscapes, which is essential for enhancing nitrogen fertilizer use efficiencies and reducing N pollution.


Berhe, A. A., Barnes, R. T., Six, J., & Marín-Spiotta, E. (2018).

Kemmann, B., Wöhl, L., Fuß, R., Schrader, S., Well, R., & Ruf, T. (2021).

Rütting, T., & Müller, C. (2007).

How to cite: Schoof, J., Holz, M., Rütting, T., Well, R., and Buchen-Tschiskale, C.: Impact of different soil erosion levels on N transformation processes and gaseous N losses: An incubation study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8721,, 2025.

EGU25-9704 | Posters on site | BG3.38

Impact of field and laboratory techniques on the nitrification rate determined by 15N pool dilution  

Claus Florian Stange and Susanne Stadler

A number of laboratory and field-based sample taking, handling, treatment and tracer application methods exist for the determination of gross nitrification rates in soil by 15N pool dilution. However, a comprehensive evaluation of method-induced effects on nitrification rates remains challenging.

With our study, we systematically investigate if laboratory and field techniques generally produce comparable gross nitrification rates determined by the 15N pool dilution method. Our investigations are conducted on three plots with sandy soil under the different land-uses forest, grassland and arable land in the Fuhrberger Feld region, Lower Saxony, Germany. For this, we conduct on every plot five sub-test series that vary tracer application and subsequent sample handling and/or treatment in the field and in the laboratory, and compare the impact of the different methods. The five sub-tests span over a range from established pure laboratory method for the determination of nitrification rates  to almost pure field work (where soil is incubated and extracted in the field), covering different degrees of handling and treatment impacts. Because there are differences, we will use the experiment to analyze which treatment and/or handling steps change the determined rates the most.

How to cite: Stange, C. F. and Stadler, S.: Impact of field and laboratory techniques on the nitrification rate determined by 15N pool dilution , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9704,, 2025.

EGU25-9864 | ECS | Orals | BG3.38

Non-destructive soil nitrate detection via electrochemical reduction 

Liudmila Kachalova and Nicolas Brüggemann

A number of methods are available for the analysis of nitrate in soil, each with its own advantages and limitations. One of the main limitations of existing methods is that they involve destructive soil sampling with subsequent extraction. Therefore, there is a demand for a rapid, sensitive, and accurate procedure for analysis of nitrate levels in the soil. Here, we developed and tested a method for quantitative analysis of nitrate in soils based on electrochemical reduction of the nitrate ion to gaseous nitrogen (N) species and subsequent real-time and online quantification of the emitted N gases. For this purpose, we subjected slurries from different soils to electrolysis with different electrode materials under a range of conditions. The N gases developing in the slurry during electrolysis were continuously purged out of the solution into the headspace of the electrolysis cell by a stream of dry nitrogen gas and directed to an infrared laser absorption analyzer for online analysis.

We found that the emission of N2O, one of the products of the electrolysis of nitrate in the soil slurry, was the most suitable indicator of the nitrate concentration in the sample because it is easy to measure with high sensitivity. To test the linearity of the method, the soil samples were amended with different amounts of nitrate, resulting in nitrate contents of the soils ranging from 20 to 180 mg NO3--N kg-1. Preliminary results showed a linear correlation between nitrate concentrations and N2O production. However, it became evident that the variability in soil structure and pH significantly impacted the electrochemical reduction pathways and efficiency. To address these limitations, a phosphate buffer was introduced to stabilize the soil pH. This adjustment minimized pH fluctuations, thereby reducing their influence on N2O production. This newly developed method offers advantages such as fast analysis time and the ability to measure nitrate directly in situ.

How to cite: Kachalova, L. and Brüggemann, N.: Non-destructive soil nitrate detection via electrochemical reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9864,, 2025.

EGU25-12649 | Posters on site | BG3.38 | Highlight

Challenges and Insights for Simulating Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Eastern Canada: Evaluating an Agroecosystem Model Ensemble 

Ward Smith, Brian Grant, Budong Qian, Guillaume Jego, Marianne Crepeau, Stephen del Grosso, Stephen Ogle, and David Pelster

Biogeochemical models continue to be improved in their ability to account for the impacts of agricultural management, soil characteristics, and climate on crop productivity and greenhouse gas emissions. Depending on the model, limitations still exist including the ability to characterize a limited range of management practices, the oversimplifications of crop physiology, and an inadequate simulation of soil microbial environments. This study uses a long-term 22-year field experiment in eastern Canada to calibrate and evaluate several agroecosystem models, including DayCent, DNDC, DSSAT, and STICS, for their ability to simulate crop productivity and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Model performance was assessed against near-continuous N2O measurements using flux towers. Corn, wheat, soybean, and canola were grown over the 22 years for several treatments including manure versus inorganic fertilizer, fertilizer rate, timing of fertilizer applications, early and late planting, and use urease and nitrification inhibitors. Findings suggest that the ensemble of models could accurately predict corn, wheat and soybean yields in contrast to the general overprediction of canola yields. Growing season N2O emissions are generally well-simulated at the Ottawa site with weekly performance statistics showing Wilmot d values of 0.7 for conventional management and 0.75 for BMP management. However, challenges persist in accurately capturing daily emission patterns and estimating emissions during the spring-thaw period. The DSSAT and STICS models, which do not have explicit soil mechanisms related to spring thaw, simulated low N2O emissions and thus it is recommended that these mechanisms be incorporated in the future. Difficulties in modeling the timing of denitrification events highlighted limitations in the representation of microsite-level pedoclimatic conditions, diffusion processes, and the simulation of microbial activity. The model ensemble simulated an acceptable level of annual N2O emissions for most treatments with 5.8% overprediction across 22 years, with the overestimation mainly from the manure and dual inhibitor treatments. Comparing model strengths and weaknesses across different locations provides valuable insights for future model improvements.

How to cite: Smith, W., Grant, B., Qian, B., Jego, G., Crepeau, M., del Grosso, S., Ogle, S., and Pelster, D.: Challenges and Insights for Simulating Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Eastern Canada: Evaluating an Agroecosystem Model Ensemble, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12649,, 2025.

EGU25-14700 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.38

APSIM's Soil N Model Review for Future Development 

Heather Pasley, Kirsten Verburg, Jody Biggs, Iris Vogeler Cronin, Wang Enli, Henrike Mielenz, Val Snow, Christopher Smith, Chiara Pasut, Andrea Basche, Di He, Sotirios Archontoulis, Donald Gaydon, Neil Huth, Dean Holzworth, Joanna Sharp, Rogerio Cichota, Edith Khaembah, Hamish Brown, Mark Farrell, Chelsea Janke, Gupta Vadakattu, and Peter Thorburn

The accurate simulation of soil nitrogen (N) cycling is central to the process-based model Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) and increasingly the focus of modellers globally on account of a growing emphasis on quantifying N losses. Recently, 24 leading APSIM model users and developers from around the world came together to write a comprehensive review of APSIM’s soil N model ( The review documents in detail how the model simulates N processes and synthesizes the findings of 131 model-data comparison studies conducted over the last 26 years. Overall, the review found that APSIM’s Soil N model performs well, simulating seasonal/annual soil N uptake and loss (e.g., leaching, denitrification) accurately across a wide range of treatments/environments. A number of studies, however, noted that the model struggled to capture the daily/sub-daily N dynamics and potentially underestimated the rate of mineralisation, especially under fallow conditions. In order to remedy these shortcomings, some researchers adjusted various parameter values, but due to the disjointed manner with which these model ‘improvements’ were proposed and adopted, most have not been tested under a wider scope than the singular target process or environment of the original study. The studies often differed in their approaches to evaluating and, at times, improving model performance, with the threshold for “good” performance differing depending on the focus and scope of the study. We therefore focused on extracting the insight of the studies’ authors and revisiting their model-data evaluations in the context of the other studies, thereby seeking to delve deeper into a more comprehensive understanding of the model’s performance. Such an approach led us to uncover target areas for future model development that were not evident in singular studies. For example, it highlighted the need to revisit how fresh organic matter in the model is initialised rather than increasing the rate of turnover of other soil C pools. The review has informed ongoing work, including testing the proposed parameter changes across a range of applications to identify potential unintended consequences that exist beyond the scope of isolated studies and investigating how to better model the environmental factors that dictate daily/sub-daily N dynamics. The flexibility of APSIM’s coding allows for sensitivity analyses on the processes currently included in APSIM and the development of prototypes for processes that are beyond the current model’s capacity. Future work will look to incorporate findings from new mechanistic and field experiments across different geographic/agroecological regions. Furthermore, there is value of doing similar exercises across other process-based models. Such reviews have the potential to streamline advancements in how models are evaluated and improved, leading to the development of models with more robust predictive capabilities and broader scopes.

How to cite: Pasley, H., Verburg, K., Biggs, J., Vogeler Cronin, I., Enli, W., Mielenz, H., Snow, V., Smith, C., Pasut, C., Basche, A., He, D., Archontoulis, S., Gaydon, D., Huth, N., Holzworth, D., Sharp, J., Cichota, R., Khaembah, E., Brown, H., Farrell, M., Janke, C., Vadakattu, G., and Thorburn, P.: APSIM's Soil N Model Review for Future Development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14700,, 2025.

EGU25-15201 | Orals | BG3.38 | Highlight

Interannual variability and legacy impacts of climate change and nitrogen fertilization on corn yield and soil nitrous oxide emissions: a modeling approach 

Dafeng Hui, Jaekedah Christian, Faisal Hayat, Maazzeera Fatima, and Daniel Ricciuto

Climate change and nitrogen application significantly influence agricultural productivity and soil greenhouse gas emissions. However, the impacts of interannual climate variability and the legacy effects of nitrogen application on corn yield and soil nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions remain poorly understood. In this study, we utilized the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model to simulate corn yield and soil N2O emissions over a 40-year period (1981~2020). We designed a series of experiments by shifting climate year data and altering nitrogen application rates to quantify interannual variability in corn yield and soil N2O emissions, as well as to disentangle the contributions of climate variability and nitrogen legacy effects. The results showed large interannual variability in both corn yield and soil N2O emissions. Corn yield was primarily driven by changes in growing season precipitation, while soil N2O emissions were influenced by precipitation, exchangeable NH4+, nitrification-denitrification processes. Severe drought strongly reduced corn yield, while soil N2O emissions exhibited a gradual yet pronounced legacy effect of nitrogen application, increasing from 2 kg N ha-1 to approximately 5 kg N ha-1 over the 40-year period. High nitrogen application rates amplified the interannual variability of both corn yield and soil N2O emission. This study highlights the relatively weak influence of interannual climate variability compared to the stronger legacy effects of nitrogen application on crop yield and soil N2O emissions, providing valuable insights for sustainable agricultural and environmental management.

How to cite: Hui, D., Christian, J., Hayat, F., Fatima, M., and Ricciuto, D.: Interannual variability and legacy impacts of climate change and nitrogen fertilization on corn yield and soil nitrous oxide emissions: a modeling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15201,, 2025.

EGU25-16162 | Posters on site | BG3.38

Effects of time-controlled grazing on the magnitude and spatial distribution of N2O emissions from subtropical pastures in Australia 

Verena Rohringer, Luca G. Bernardini, Katharina Keiblinger, David W. Rowlings, and Johannes Friedl

Time-controlled grazing, i.e. short intensive grazing periods followed by a long rest, is promoted as a management form to counteract grassland degradation, increasing soil health, drought resilience and the sustainability and profitability of pastoral farming. Emissions of the potent greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) are known to respond to N substrate availability. Effects of grazing management on the distribution of N inputs and ensuing N2O emissions remain however largely unknown. This study investigated effects of continuous vs. time-controlled grazing on the magnitude and the spatial distribution of N2O emissions using a paired site approach. Emissions of N2O were measured before and after a simulated rainfall event across two extensively managed pasture sites in subtropical Queensland. Both sites were subdivided into four strata with 31 N2O sampling points per site, based on the distance to the water point. Mean N2O emissions across strata ranged from 23.5 to 22.8 g N2O-N m-2 day-1 and increased to 63.6 and 42.0 g N2O-N m-2 day-1 after the simulated rainfall event, for the continuous and time controlled grazing site, respectively. Emissions differed between strata, with highest emissions exceeding 60 g N2O-N m-2 day-1 within 100 m of the watering point and in shaded/forest areas, decreasing with distance to the water point. The spatial response of N2O emissions was consistent with NO3- concentration in the soil, likely reflecting areas of herd concentration with increased urine and dung deposition providing N substrate for N2O formation. Emissions of N2O were lower in shaded and forested areas, as well as in strata with >500 m distance to the water point under time controlled grazing as compared to continuous grazing management. The lack of treatment effect on NO3- availability and overall N2O emissions however shows no clear benefits of  time controlled grazing on the distribution of N substrate availability under the conditions of this study, demanding further research to evaluate its benefits in regards to N2O mitigation from extensively managed pastures.

How to cite: Rohringer, V., Bernardini, L. G., Keiblinger, K., Rowlings, D. W., and Friedl, J.: Effects of time-controlled grazing on the magnitude and spatial distribution of N2O emissions from subtropical pastures in Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16162,, 2025.

Soil nitrogen processes have been investigated in detail at the process and the molecular-microbiological level, mostly using laboratory scale analyses, with recent research efforts focusing on quantifying the overall nitrogen turnover across spatial scales. However, challenges like methodological limitations, large spatial and temporal variability, and complex interacting control factors hinder accurate quantification and understanding of soil nitrogen turnover. While controls of nitrogen cycle processes are well established in the laboratory, applying these insights to field, regional and (cross)continental scales remains difficult and therefore also the validation of these processes and their controls in large-scale biogeochemical models due to the scarcity of in-situ data.

We here propose and demonstrate an isotope fractionation approach which is non-invasive (no addition of 15N labeled compounds in dissolved form) and allows to explore in-situ dynamics of soil  nitrogen cycling from the field scale to continental spatial patterns. The approach allows to determine the flux partitioning between the coupled pools of organic nitrogen in plants, soils and microbes, ammonium, nitrate, and gaseous nitrogen forms. Fluxes estimated include depolymerization, microbial uptake, mineralization, nitrification, and soil nitrogen losses. We present examples across a European climate, bedrock and land use transect on how to quantify (i) microbial nitrogen use efficiency, and (ii) fractions of inorganic nitrogen loss through hydrological or gaseous loss pathways (leaching of nitrate or gaseous losses via nitrification/denitrification in the form of NO, N2O and N2), based on isotope fractionation modeling of natural 15N abundance data of soil nitrogen pools.

How to cite: Wanek, W. and Zhang, S.: Natural 15N abundances in coupled soil ecosystem nitrogen pools allow to determine nitrogen flux partitioning based on isotope fractionation modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16224,, 2025.

EGU25-21457 | Posters on site | BG3.38 | Highlight

Investigating shifts in nitrogen transformations in response to soil health oriented management using a new combination of stable isotope approaches 

Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Jakob Bachmann, Sophie Gallon, Alexandra Breuzeville Calderon, Katharina Keiblinger, and Johannes Friedl

Sustainable crop production as well as climate change mitigation require a better quantitative process understanding for nitrogen (N) transformations and their response to specific land management strategies. Here we investigated shifts in N transformations following the transition from conventional to soil health-oriented farming using a new combination of 15N stable isotope methods. Soil samples were taken from four different farms in two different regions in Lower Austria following a paired site approach, comparing a clay and a sandy textured soil under conventional vs. organic management. Soils were fertilized with single labelled NH415NO3 and incubated in a fully automated incubation system, with continuous monitoring of 15N2O. Changes in 15N enrichment in N pools were investigated by converting the N pools of interest into NO3-, and further to N2O via the Ti (III) reduction method, establishing the 15N enrichment via cavity ringdown spectroscopy (Picarro G5102-i). Changes in 15N in the NO3- pool showed that gross nitrification was higher in the clay as compared to the sandy textured soil, but did not respond to management. Gross NO3- consumption was however higher in organically managed soils, regardless of texture, and 15N enrichment in the soil microbial biomass indicated negligible assimilation of the applied 15N fertilizer under the conditions of the experiment.  Combining classic 15N pool dilution and 15N tracing with Ti (III) reduction and cavity ringdown spectroscopy allowed for a timely determination of N pools and their 15N enrichment, obviating the need for costly and time-consuming analysis via isotope ratio mass spectroscopy. Further tests and analysis are needed to demonstrate the sensitivity of the approach for specific soil N pools, comparing results obtained to isotope ratio mass spectroscopy data. Analysis of the 15N2O data together with the 15N enrichment of the soil N pools will establish the significance of specific pathways of N2O production and their response conventional vs. soil health-oriented farming practices.

How to cite: Hood-Nowotny, R., Bachmann, J., Gallon, S., Breuzeville Calderon, A., Keiblinger, K., and Friedl, J.: Investigating shifts in nitrogen transformations in response to soil health oriented management using a new combination of stable isotope approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21457,, 2025.

Identification of source rocks bearing helium generation potential is essential to construct a robust play fairway for natural helium exploration. The main source rock for helium generation are widely accepted as granitic or metamorphic basement rocks of cratons while some researchers suggest that hydrocarbon source rocks and sediments might also generate helium. One of the most critical implications for potential zones is the presence of radioactivity as He generation is sourced from the alpha decay of 232Th, 238U, and 235U. Thus, more He generation means more decay, characterised by increasing radioactive heat. In addition, distinguishing heavy thorium minerals as clay types by 232Th-40K cross-plots could also indicate potential zones. Therefore, measuring and assessing the 232Th-238U-40K levels play a critical role in any region for natural helium exploration.

This study brings forward well log interpretation approach as one of the transferable methods from the oil and gas industry into natural He exploration by examining the 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs, known as SGR logs, which are generally neglected or overlooked although they provide numerous benefits for subsurface evaluation.

Based on the methodology 2 main research questions emerge for this study to answer;

  • Can sediments and hydrocarbon source rocks might generate He or contribute to the He generation process?
  • Can SGR Logs provide a robust methodology for detection of potential He generating intervals in sedimentary successions?

To answer these questions, Early and Mid-Triassic sediments from the Northern Arabian Plate are selected as a case study. Recently unlocked Mid-Triassic hydrocarbon play, including source rocks, and CO2 / N2 readings on gas chromatography of nearby wells make the region unique and a perfect study area to test the hypothesis. Radiogenic heat generations (A) have been calculated using the equation below to track radioactivity levels.

A = 0.01 p (9.52 238U + 2.56 232Th + 3.48 40K)

A; radiogenic heat (μWm–3),

p; rock density (g/cm3),

238U, 232Th, 40K; Uranium 238U (ppm); Thorium 232Th (ppm); potassium 40K (%)

Regarding the observations, a 1-15 m. thick, theoretical He generation zone has been detected in the shales of the Early Triassic succession. A consistent significant peak in radiogenic heat levels reaching 4 μWm–3 coincide with rapid increases in calculated He log and heavy thorium minerals content. Additionally, shales are represented by as high 232Th-238U levels as granitic basements. A thickness map of potential He generation zone demonstrates that the zone gets thinner towards ESE at where large fault zones dominate the regional geology.

As a conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that sediments might generate natural He and potential zones might be identified by the help of SGR logs. The results can also shed light on the He generation potential of Triassic sediments deposited in the other regions of the Arabian Plate. Moreover, the proposed workflow can be applied for any region or rock type if the interval of interest is covered by 232Th-238U-40K concentration logs.

How to cite: Uyanik, A.: Can Sediments Generate Helium? Implications from 232Th-238U-40K Concentration Logs from the Northern Arabian Plate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1138,, 2025.

EGU25-1857 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings 

Rodolfo Christiansen, Mohamed Sobh, Nicolas Saspiturry, and Gerald Gabriel

This study presents a versatile methodological framework, implemented as a Python-based tool called PoNHy (Potential for Natural Hydrogen), designed to assess hydrogen generation in serpentinization environments using geophysical and laboratory data. As a practical application, the approach robustness is demonstrated in the Mauleon Basin localized in the north-western Pyrenees, where extensive data availability facilitates detailed analyses and validation. The workflow begins with a thorough assessment of key petrophysical properties such as density, magnetic susceptibility, and thermal conductivity. These properties guide the interpretation of underlying geological structures and help refining the initial subsurface models. Building on this foundation, gravity and magnetic data are inverted to determine the distribution and volume of source rocks, as well as their degree of serpentinization. Thermal modeling then delineates subsurface temperature regimes, which play a critical role in the serpentinization reactions and subsequent hydrogen production. To translate laboratory-derived hydrogen production rates into realistic field estimates, the framework integrates parameters from both lab experiments and field observations. Factors such as the water-to-rock ratio, fracture spacing, mineral composition, and specific surface area of reacting materials influence fluid flow, reaction rates, and the overall efficiency of hydrogen generation. By integrating these parameters alongside corrections for the degree of serpentinization, our new methodology provides a more accurate representation of subsurface conditions. This comprehensive integration yields hydrogen generation estimates that better reflect in situ conditions, ultimately improving our understanding of natural hydrogen volumes. Such insights are critical for subsequent transport models aimed at identifying potential reservoirs.

How to cite: Christiansen, R., Sobh, M., Saspiturry, N., and Gabriel, G.: A Multi-Scale Framework for Evaluating Hydrogen Generation in Serpentinization Settings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1857,, 2025.

EGU25-2570 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration 

Frank Zwaan, Sascha Brune, Anne C. Glerum, Dylan A. Vasey, John B. Naliboff, Gianreto Manatschal, and Eric C. Gaucher

As the energy transition gathers steam, naturally occurring hydrogen gas (H2) generated by the serpentinization of mantle rocks is a highly promising sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. To undergo serpentinization, mantle rocks that are normally situated at great depth need to be brought closer to the surface by plate tectonics and other geodynamic processes. Here, they may react with water to be efficiently serpentinized and generate natural H2, which can accumulate in reservoirs as it migrates to the surface (as part of a natural H2 system).

Exploring natural H2 systems requires a solid understanding of their geodynamic history, which can be informed by numerical geodynamic modelling. Through such modelling we can trace how, when, and where mantle material enters the serpentinization window, as well as when active, large-scale faults penetrate exhumed mantle bodies allowing for water circulation, as well as serpentinization and H2 generation, to occur.

Our recent modelling of rifting and subsequent rift inversion (Zwaan et al., in press) shows that, although serpentinization-related natural H2 generation is a phenomenon best known from (magma-poor) rifted margins and oceanic spreading ridges, annual volumes of natural H2 generated during inversion may be up to 20 times higher than during rifting, due to the colder thermal regime in rift-inversion orogenic environments. Moreover, suitable reservoir rocks and seals required for natural H2 accumulations to form are readily available in rift-inversion orogens, whereas they may not be present when serpentinization occurs in deep marine continental rift or oceanic spreading settings.

Our model results thus provide a first-order motivation to turn to rift-inversion orogens for natural H2 exploration and are supported by indications of natural H2 generation in rift-inversion orogens such as the European Alps and Pyrenees.

REFERENCE CITED: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A.C., Vasey, D.A., Naliboff, J.B., Manatschal, G., Gaucher, E.C (in press). Rift-inversion orogens are potential hotspots for natural H2 generation. Science Advances. Link to preprint:

How to cite: Zwaan, F., Brune, S., Glerum, A. C., Vasey, D. A., Naliboff, J. B., Manatschal, G., and Gaucher, E. C.: Alpine-type orogens are great sites for natural H2 exploration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2570,, 2025.

EGU25-2903 | Posters on site | GD6.1

The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy   

Philip Ball, Graham Banks, Mikenna Montgomery, Juan Carlos Afonso, and Vladimir Stroganov

Scaling up geothermal from a niche industry to a viable, global industry is important for all our collective decarbonization efforts. Here we explore the distribution of geothermal projects globally to understand where projects have been positioned to date. As a result of this global analysis, we recommend that future geothermal exploration and development be conducted using a Linnean-style classification system for geothermal entities. Hierarchical thinking and the pre-discovery exploration triangle will provide the technique for gaining the ‘big picture’ context about the location of the optimal geothermal plays and prospects.  It is further argued that the engineering approach used to complete a geothermal project significantly impacts the economics of the project, and that engineering should not be confused with play type, which at the highest level is either hydrothermal or petrothermal.

In this study we explore the distribution of Natural hydrothermal systems (NHS), Open loop Geothermal Systems (generically known EGS), and Closed Loop geothermal  systems (generically known CLG or AGS). Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022) our findings include an observation that there is little or no coherence to geothermal exploration to date. CLG/Closed Loop: Volcanic Arc systems (44%) EGS/Open Loop: Orogenic Belt systems (45%). Natural Hydrothermal: Volcanics Arc systems (51%). Our analysis is the first coherent global study of the geodynamic domain of geothermal projects. We observe that a better understanding of the internal variation within geodynamic domains and refined geodynamic models (paleo and present day) are necessary to improve the success of geothermal exploration. Furthermore, we find that identifying present day stress-state is important when planning wells and executing geothermal projects, and that higher resolution lithospheric models are needed to help understand the petrothermal and hydrothermal systems. Finally, further R&D is needed to help unlock geothermal exploration and drilling across the most prolific geodynamic settings.

How to cite: Ball, P., Banks, G., Montgomery, M., Afonso, J. C., and Stroganov, V.: The importance of geodynamic settings and exploring for geothermal energy  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2903,, 2025.

EGU25-3033 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome 

Moamen Ali, Mohammed Ali, and Hamda Alshehhi

The UAE government is actively exploring the use of Hormuz salt domes for large-scale hydrogen and hydrocarbon storage, aligning with its strategic goals for clean energy transition and decarbonization. A comprehensive understanding of the geometry, kinematics, and halokinetic phases of these Infra-Cambrian Hormuz salt structures is crucial to achieving this vision. This study focuses on the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome, the only exposed salt dome in onshore Abu Dhabi. Utilizing three 3D seismic surveys and data from four boreholes, the research analyzes its morphology and evolution. The Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome exhibits an elliptical structure elongated in the N-S direction, with dimensions ranging from 2 to 2.8 km (E-W) and 3.2 to 4.2 km (N-S). The dome features irregular crests, steeply dipping flanks, and a series of hills rising approximately 110 m above sea level. Surrounding the dome is a pronounced rim syncline, resulting from the upward evacuation of Hormuz salt through the thick Phanerozoic stratigraphic succession, creating a discordant relationship with the dome structure. Salt withdrawal at Jebel Al Dhanna likely initiated in the Late Cretaceous, driven by the reactivation of inherited basement faults associated with ophiolite obduction onto the Arabian foreland. Halokinetic activity persisted through the Oligocene-Miocene, coinciding with the continent-continent collision of Central Iran and the Arabian Plate. The presence of tilted Upper Miocene and Quaternary strata around and within the Jebel Al Dhanna salt dome underscores continued salt evacuation to the present day. This research highlights the importance of salt tectonics for energy resource storage and provides valuable insights into fault-salt interactions, with significant implications for hydrocarbon exploration, energy security, and the UAE’s decarbonization initiatives.

How to cite: Ali, M., Ali, M., and Alshehhi, H.: Geometry and Kinematics of the Hormuz Salt in the United Arab Emirates: The Jebel Al Dhanna Salt Dome, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3033,, 2025.

EGU25-3367 | Orals | GD6.1

Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China 

Haonan Gan, Xiao Wang, Guiling Wang, Wei Zhang, Linxiao Xing, and Yu Zhang

Eastern China (EC) is located in the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate and has been influenced by the subduction of the Izanagi and Pacific Plate since the Late Mesozoic, resulting in a large amount of tectonic-magmatic activities. After the India–Eurasia convergence, the topography of continental China changed from high-east-low-west to high-west-low-east. At present, the Bohai Bay Basin in EC mainly forms sedimentary basin-type geothermal system, and deep circulation-type geothermal systems mainly occur in southeast coastal China, with thermal springs widely distributed. In the northeastern China, Holocene volcanoes such as Changbaishan Volcano have been formed, together with many thermal springs exposed.

The genesis of shallow thermal anomalies is closely correlated with the thermal-rheological structure of the lithosphere. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the lithospheric thermal-rheological structures of different tectonic units in EC, such as the Bohai Bay Basin, the southeast coastal China, and the Changbaishan Volcano field. We revealed that under the influence of the Pacific tectonic domain, the lithospheric thermal structures differed significantly, and the temperatures at the same depth from high to low are the Changbaishan Volcano field, the Bohai Bay Basin and the southeast coastal China. The rheological structures are significantly weakened in the middle and lower crust in the presence of an intracrustal heat source. The shallow thermal anomalies in the three tectonic units are similar in that the reservoir temperatures are mainly in the range of 100-150°C, and the water sources are all meteoric water. The difference between shallow thermal anomalies corresponds to their lithospheric thermal-rheological structures. The geothermal systems in the sedimentary basin of the Bohai Bay Basin are characterized by wells with a geothermal reservoir depth of 3-5 km. The deep-circulation hydrothermal systems in southeast coastal China are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-7 km, and the hydrothermal systems in the Changbaishan Volcano field are characterized by springs with a circulation depth of 4-5 km. The deep thermal-rheological structure influences the behavioral characterization of shallow thermal anomalies with respect to heat-accumulation patterns. When brittle-ductile transition depth greater than the circulation depth, magma chamber (or partial melting body) and fluid circulation systems are relatively independent, and mass transfer from the magma chamber to the geothermal system may not happen.

How to cite: Gan, H., Wang, X., Wang, G., Zhang, W., Xing, L., and Zhang, Y.: Lithospheric thermal-rheological structure and shallow thermal response in eastern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3367,, 2025.

EGU25-3694 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting 

Anne Glerum, Sascha Brune, Philipp Weis, Joseph M. Magnall, and Sarah A. Gleeson

The growing global demand for metal resources requires new discoveries of high-grade ore deposits. Known sediment-hosted clastic-dominated base metal deposits are found in failed continental rifts and the passive margins of successful rifts. Recent studies indicate that the majority of these Zn-Pb deposits are located near steps in lithospheric thickness (e.g., Hoggard et al., 2020), but a potential causal link between ore formation and craton edges remains elusive. However, numerical models have shown that a craton edge close enough to an incipient rift controls the direction of asymmetry of the rift system (Raghuram et al., 2023) and that asymmetric rifts are more favorable to deposit formation (Glerum et al., 2024). Understanding the large-scale controls of cratons on rift-related mineralizing processes, occurring on much smaller spatial and temporal scales, can thus help identify new areas for exploration.

To this end, we use the geodynamic code ASPECT (Kronbichler et al., 2012; Heister et al., 2017) coupled to the landscape evolution model FastScape (Braun and Willett, 2013; Neuharth et al., 2022) to model 2D rift systems from inception to break-up in the presence of a craton. We investigate the relationship between craton distance and favorable conditions for ore formation, i.e., those conditions where potential source rock, host rock, and fluid pathways co-occur. Our results show that cratons have a negative effect on ore formation in narrow asymmetric rifts, but a positive effect in wide rifts.

In a second step, we further investigate the hydrothermal ore-forming mechanisms by using potentially favorable geodynamic configurations from the ASPECT simulations as input for fluid flow modelling with CSMP++ (Weis et al., 2014; Rodríguez et al., 2021). This input comprises basin geometry, temperature, boundary heat flow and a permeability structure dependent on strain and strain rate. With a temperature- and salinity-dependent proxy of metal solubility in the basinal brines, we track the leaching, transport, and precipitation of metals. This cross-scale workflow allows us to identify those rifting scenarios with the highest metal enrichment potential.


Braun and Willett, 2013. Geomorphology 180–181: 170–79. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.10.008.
Glerum et al., 2024. Solid Earth 15: 921-944. DOI: 10.5194/se-15-921-2024.
Heister et al., 2017. Geophys. J. Int. 210 (2): 833–51. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggx195.
Hoggard et al., 2020. Nat. Geosci. 13 (7): 504–10. DOI: 10.1038/s41561-020-0593-2.
Kronbichler et al., 2012. Geophys. J. Int. 191 (1): 12–29. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05609.x.
Neuharth et al., 2022. Tectonics 41 (3): e2021TC007166. DOI: 10.1029/2021TC007166.
Raghuram et al., 2023. Geology 51:1077–1082. DOI: 10.1130/G51370.1.
Rodríguez et al., 2021. GCubed 22 (6). DOI: 10.1029/2020GC009453.
Weis et al., 2014. Geofluids 14, 347-371. DOI: 10.1111/gfl.12080.

How to cite: Glerum, A., Brune, S., Weis, P., Magnall, J. M., and Gleeson, S. A.: The enigmatic role of cratons in Zn-Pb deposit formation during continental rifting, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3694,, 2025.

EGU25-4193 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach 

Alan J. Yu, Sascha Brune, Judith Bott, Anne C. Glerum, and Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth

The Upper Rhine Graben (URG), situated along the border of France and Germany, is part of the intraplate European Cenozoic Rift System. The graben is widely recognized for its abundant geothermal resources, making it a key region for energy transition initiatives. However, the characterization of the URG’s geothermal potential remains poorly constrained due to its highly variable hydrothermal conditions and large observational gaps. Previous studies on fault criticality have often overlooked the role of historical plate movements, oversimplifying the intricate interactions that govern the thermal and structural evolution of the URG over the past ~40 million years.

Using the numerical geodynamic code ASPECT coupled with the landscape evolution code FastScape, we simulate the lithospheric-scale development of fault networks within the URG under geodynamically realistic stress and strain conditions. Our models incorporate various forms of structural and rheological heterogeneities inherited from the earlier Variscan Orogeny, along with a two-stage Cenozoic kinematic history involving rift-orthogonal extension followed by sinistral strike-slip. Preliminary results show the first-order impact of structural inheritance and divergence obliquity on strain localization, which shape the orientation, spacing, and strain rate of the resulting fault network. These results will lay the groundwork for subsequent basin-wide modelling with the thermo-hydro-mechanical code GOLEM, coupling geodynamically controlled basin development with heat and fluid flow simulations that involve shorter-term rock and fracture mechanics. Throughout all modelling stages, we compare our models with available geological and geophysical observations.

How to cite: Yu, A. J., Brune, S., Bott, J., Glerum, A. C., and Scheck-Wenderoth, M.: Geodynamic controls on the geothermal potential in the Upper Rhine Graben, France-Germany: a multi-scale numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4193,, 2025.

EGU25-6373 | Orals | GD6.1

A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees 

Alexandra Robert, Sepideh Pajang, Frederic Mouthereau, Ajay Kumar, and Jean-Paul Callot

The relationships between the serpentinised continental mantle in orogens, its geophysical signature at depth and hydrogen seepages are poorly understood. A petro-physical modelling approach accounting for serpentinisation shows that a large domain of serpentinised mantle is present in the northern Pyrenees. The serpentinisation reached a maximum of 40% during the mid-Cretaceous rifting, according to the predicted temperature and pressure. Although high-temperature serpentinisation could have generated large quantify of hydrogen during the Mesozoic, the shallow and inactive faulting in Northern Pyrenees make this process unlikely to explain the entire serpentinisation inferred by petro-physical modelling. A combination of low-temperature alteration of mafic and ultramafic rocks in the North Pyrenean Zone, active normal faulting in the North Pyrenean Fault, accumulation in local traps and transport of H2-rich fluids along inactive but permeable fault may explain the hydrogen seepages observed today.

How to cite: Robert, A., Pajang, S., Mouthereau, F., Kumar, A., and Callot, J.-P.: A petro-physical model for serpentinised mantle and origin of natural hydrogen in the Pyrenees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6373,, 2025.

EGU25-7103 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage 

Leonardo Pichel, Ritske Huismans, Thomas Theunissen, Sabine Delahaye, Alexandre Pichat, Jean-Paul Callot, and Naim Celini

Thick salt deposits occur in a wide range of sedimentary basins and orogens. They are associated with large and geometrically complex structures due to the inherent ability of salt to flow as a viscous fluid. Salt basins form major hydrocarbon provinces and are increasingly targeted for CO2/H2 storage and geothermal energy due to the unique physical properties of salt, its low viscosity, high thermal conductivity and impermeability. Despite considerable advances in understanding salt basins and salt tectonics, there is still a significant knowledge gap on the internal geometry of salt structures. We apply a novel, very-high resolution (20x50m)2D numerical modelling approach to simulate salt diapirism and minibasin formation for heterogenous, layered salt sequences. We test the effects of varying i) viscosity, ii) density, iii) thickness, and iv) stratigraphic arrangement of intra-salt layers on the kinematics, and the internal and external geometries of deformed salt bodies by using scaled material properties to simulate: i) weak pure halite, ii) less-weak impure halite, ii) strong and dense anhydrite-rich layers, and iv) very-weak K-Mg salts.

Our results show that salt sequences including an alternation of weak and less-weak layers with different viscosity and density produce major intra-salt strain partition and complexity characterized by highly convoluted folding, horizontal and vertical shearing, and preferential flow of the weaker, less-dense salt (pure halite) into the core of diapirs. The less-weak layers can eventually flow into the diapir crest but are generally disrupted by flow of the underlying weak layers and positioned towards the diapirs’ flanks where they become overturned. The most complex and convolute intra-salt geometries occur around the diapirs’ flanks when there is an abrupt internal shift of minibasin depocentres. Recumbent intra-salt folds are also common and associated with the development of secondary minibasins by diapir-fall. For models that include strong anhydrite-rich layers, there is a general decrease in the magnitude and complexity of diapirism, with these layers being passively folded by flow of the underlying weak salt and displaying only moderate to negligible flow onto diapirs and vertical stretching. These stronger layers become trapped underneath the base of diapirs and their associated minibasins where they typically form short-wavelength folds. For models that include very-weak and light K-Mg salt layers, there is an increase in rate of diapirism with rapid vertical shearing and stretching of the weak layers along the diapir’s flanks and sub-horizontal flow and recumbent folds along their crests. Varying the position of both very-weak and strong layers generates very contrasting internal and external diapir geometries. These results can aid in the characterization of the internal structures of deformed, diapiric salt bodies, which is critical for the use of salt structures in the context of energy transition. They provide important insights that can help the design of salt caverns for H2/CH4 storage by identifying areas with broadly homogenous halite-rich salt, 2) avoiding drilling through sheared and highly-stressed and strained intra-salt heterogeneities, and 3) constraining minibasin architecture and evolution, improving the understanding of the distribution and geometry of CO2 reservoirs.

How to cite: Pichel, L., Huismans, R., Theunissen, T., Delahaye, S., Pichat, A., Callot, J.-P., and Celini, N.: The role of intra-salt heterogeneity on the internal and external geometry of salt bodies – a numerical modelling approach with applications for geo-storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7103,, 2025.

EGU25-7356 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions 

Trevor Atkinson, Ghanashyam Neupane, Ayowole Fifo, and Kevin Sylla

A significant component to international energy net-zero emission goals is the exploration, production, and utilization of hydrogen. It is estimated that the International Energy Agency’s goal to reduce emissions will require approximately 550 megatons of hydrogen annually. While traditional generation methods through electrolysis (green hydrogen) and from fossil fuels (blue hydrogen) are potential pathways, they each come with challenges in terms of critical minerals consumption and CO2 sequestration. An alternative and promising source of meeting these goals is geologic hydrogen, naturally produced within the Earth's subsurface. Recent studies estimate that over 20 megatons of hydrogen seep from various geological formations annually. A team led by industry pioneers, Pristine Energy and researchers from the Idaho National Laboratory aim to explore the potential of geologic hydrogen in the Eastern Snake River Plain (ESRP), Idaho, USA. The ESRP is characterized by iron-rich basalt formations and mid-crustal mafic sills, both conducive to hydrogen production through serpentinization. Additionally, geothermal gradients and geochemical fingerprinting suggest the potential for rapid serpentinization at depth, giving insight into geologic hydrogen conversion kinetics. This project will proceed through a systematic approach including a thorough literature review, detailed field sampling, field instrumentation and measurements, lab characterization, and preliminary modeling. Gas, water, and soil samples will be collected from identified fissures, faults, hot springs, and existing wells to identify source and estimate rates and quantities of generated hydrogen. Hydrogen concentrations will be measured using advanced sensors and characterized via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). High-seepage locations will undergo continuous monitoring to understand seasonal variations in hydrogen emissions. This innovative approach leverages the unique geological attributes of the ESRP to contribute significantly to geologic hydrogen exploration and assessment workflows, and ultimately to the global hydrogen supply, supporting net-zero emission goals.

How to cite: Atkinson, T., Neupane, G., Fifo, A., and Sylla, K.: Exploration and Potential of Geologic Hydrogen Production in the Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho, USA: A Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7356,, 2025.

EGU25-7428 | Orals | GD6.1

Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens  

Graham Hill, Ben Friemann, Eric Roots, Phil Wannamaker, Virginia Maris, Rasmus Haugaard, Jochen Kamm, Svetlana Kovacikova, Radek Klanica, Andy Calvert, Jim Craven, and Richard Smith

Despite abundant empirical evidence, the details of coupled deformation and mass transfer processes within a framework of the crustal architecture of ancient orogens remains enigmatic. Geophysical imaging of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone, a well-endowed crustal-scale fault system in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield, characterises the crustal architecture and fault geometry of the system through the lower crust. By comparing the geophysically determined structure of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone to stress changes induced by Archean (peak orogeny) rupture of the fault system, we show domains of earthquake-triggered deformation coincide with the geophysically imaged low resistivity zones. These low resistivity zones likely formed due to mineral bearing fluid migration from underlying fertile source zones to downstream (shallower) crustal reservoirs and, ultimately, near surface traps. The multi-disciplinary approach identifies the syntectonic mass-transfer processes and fluid pathways, providing an interpretive framework for unraveling the geophysical manifestation of the deformation controlled processes responsible for upflow of metalliferous fluids that may result in ore deposit formation in collisional orogens. 

How to cite: Hill, G., Friemann, B., Roots, E., Wannamaker, P., Maris, V., Haugaard, R., Kamm, J., Kovacikova, S., Klanica, R., Calvert, A., Craven, J., and Smith, R.: Deformation controlled fluid mass-transfer processes in ancient orogens , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7428,, 2025.

EGU25-8201 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach 

Manel Ramos, Ritske Huismans, Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Thomas Theunissen, Jean-Paul Callot, Alexandre Pichat, Naim Célini, Sabine Delahaye, and Claude Gout

Understanding the internal structure of intra-salt layers within deformed salt bodies is crucial for geo-energy storage in salt-bearing basins. This study integrates high-resolution 2D finite element numerical modelling to explore how variations in salt stratigraphy, lithological heterogeneity, and post-salt sedimentation patterns influence deformation processes and the internal architecture of diapiric salt structures across different basin geometries. Specifically, we examine the impact of lithological variability by systematically varying the position and thickness of frictional-plastic, relatively strong intra-salt layers (e.g., anhydrite or carbonates) within a viscous layered salt sequence. The position of the strong intra-salt layer within a salt body significantly influences salt flow dynamics, internal and external diapir morphology, and overburden deformation. When located at the top, the strong layer acts as a stiff cap, restricting upward salt flow and producing broader diapirs with limited overburden deformation. When located in the middle, it localizes strain within the salt, leading to sharper and more discrete diapirs. When located at the bottom, it enhances upward salt flow of the overlying weak salt layer, resulting in tall, narrow, and more intrusive diapirs with more pronounced overburden deformation. In all cases, the strong intra-salt layer breaks and forms boudins, which vary in dimensions, distribution and structural complexity according to their different position and thickness. These intra-salt boudins can be transported by the salt flow to the upper parts of salt structures, but are often trapped at diapir pedestals, beneath diapir flanks, or under minibasins, where they experience repeated folding and refolding as the weaker, less dense salt flows around them. The presence of this heterogeneous intra-salt layer alters the flow paths of the weaker salt and controls both the geometry of salt structures and associated deformation in the overburden. These findings underscore the critical role of stratigraphic and tectonic controls in shaping both the external and internal architecture of salt diapirs, patterns that are particularly relevant for the North Sea, where salt structures play a crucial role in emerging geo-energy storage.

How to cite: Ramos, M., Huismans, R., Muniz Pichel, L., Theunissen, T., Callot, J.-P., Pichat, A., Célini, N., Delahaye, S., and Gout, C.: Influence of Intra-Salt Lithological Variability on Salt Tectonics: A numerical modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8201,, 2025.

EGU25-8374 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis 

Eszter Békési, Csilla Szárnya, Alain Prinzhofer, Anna Twaróg, Kristóf Porkoláb, and Gábor Tari

With the increasing demand for alternative energy sources, natural hydrogen is gaining attention for commercial exploitation. Naturally accumulated hydrogen is only utilized today at the field of Bourakébougou, Mali, highlighting major knowledge gaps in the behaviour of hydrogen systems and in the related exploration-production workflows. Circular depressions called “fairy circles” represent a surface manifestation of hydrogen seeps that commonly occur in continental cratons and are formed relatively quickly (few years). Apart from the topographic imprint of these ~100 m to 2 km diameter depressions, a major signature of the structures is a vegetation anomaly; characterized by a zone of dying vegetation inside the circle, and a ring of healthy, enriched vegetation in their surroundings. Although the connection of surface H2 seeps to deep-seated H2 sources has been implied in several case studies, the exact mechanism of fairy circle formation is still largely unknown, together with the underlying generation, migration, and accumulation processes of H2.

Satellite images are widely used for the mapping of fairy circles, but these observations are mainly restricted to passive satellite sensors without monitoring any temporal changes of the structures. In this study we used Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images acquired by the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellites to monitor the evolution of fairy circles in terms of morphological and vegetational changes in two demonstration areas: in the Sao Francisco Basin of Brazil, and in the Lublin Basin of SE Poland. In both cases, the duration of the monitoring was ~5 years, with a temporal resolution of ~1 month. We applied the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) method to map ground motions associated with the potentially active surface deformation of fairy circles. We extended the ground motion time series with SAR backscatter analysis to identify changes in the strength of the backscattered signal through time. The aim of the backscatter analysis was to identify any rapid changes associated with the loss/increase of vegetation linked to H2 degassing. Results show significant ground motion and vegetation anomalies associated with fairy circles in the Sao Francisco Basin (Brazil). Results are not that evident in the Polish area, mostly due to its poorer suitability for InSAR and backscatter analysis (generally lower coherence areas and presence of agricultural and other artificial activities overprinting natural variations). The SAR-based observations were compared with geochemical measurements for monitoring H2 emissions in the soil in both areas, to better understand the potential link between H2 degassing and morphological and/or vegetation changes. The detailed understanding of subsurface processes responsible for the detected anomalies and H2 seeping cannot be inferred, but important constraints on fairy circle formation are achieved. This study demonstrates the applicability and limitations of InSAR and backscatter analysis for the mapping of actively changing fairy circles over two different areas, with important implications of the methodology for further case studies worldwide and constraints on natural hydrogen systems in general.

How to cite: Békési, E., Szárnya, C., Prinzhofer, A., Twaróg, A., Porkoláb, K., and Tari, G.: Exploration of “fairy circles” associated with natural hydrogen seepages with synthetic aperture radar interferometry and backscatter analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8374,, 2025.

EGU25-8635 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation  

Arijit Chakraborty, Jeroen van Hunen, Andrew Valentine, and Poulami Roy

The concentration of critical minerals and metals occurs within 200 km of the transition between thick and thin lithosphere or cratonic edges1. These cratons are regions comprising thicker lithosphere, which has remained stable for billions of years. The critical minerals are initially sourced from the mantle by a range of deep Earth geophysical, geochemical, and tectonic processes, to be further concentrated near the Earth’s surface via hydrothermal processes. These deep Earth processes involving mantle melting also play a crucial role in cratonic stability, and therefore, the improved understanding of these will help unravel intricate connections between craton dynamics and ore deposit formations. 

 The formation and evolution of cratons play a crucial role in the development of those critical minerals. Cratons formed under different scenarios have different internal structures, which, in turn, influence subsequent tectonics and melting scenarios. One of the challenges is how to deal with the vastly different time and length scales in these processes (e.g. between mantle dynamics and melt processes). Preliminary results regarding the best way to capture the processes of craton formation and stability under different geologic scenarios using numerical models developed with the ASPECT geodynamical software tool (REF) will be presented. 


  • Hoggard, Mark J., Karol Czarnota, Fred D. Richards, David L. Huston, A. Lynton Jaques, and Sia Ghelichkhan. “Global Distribution of Sediment-Hosted Metals Controlled by Craton Edge Stability.” Nature Geoscience 13, no. 7 (July 2020):504–10. 

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., van Hunen, J., Valentine, A., and Roy, P.: Investigating Craton Dynamics and Ore Deposit Formation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8635,, 2025.

EGU25-8941 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses  

Maria Isabel Vidal Reyes, Simone Reguzzi, Mattia Marini, Aurora Petagine, Niccolo Menegoni, Chiara Amadori, Matteo Maino, Magdala Tesauro, and Fadi H. Nader

The Tertiary Piedmont Basin (TPB) in northwest Italy is a wedge-top basin developed during Eocene—Pliocene times in the Alps-Apennines tectonic junction. It accommodates, on average, 3 km of clastic sedimentary units with significant lateral facies variations, and several basin-scale unconformities tectonically-controlled. The basin experienced deformation under markedly different tectonic regimes, developing long-lived kilometric structures that affected both the sedimentary successions, and the underlying metamorphic rocks of the Ligurian Alps. The presence of several thermal springs, relatively high surface heat-flow, and locally high geothermal gradient in the TPB, suggests a deep groundwater circulation and heating most likely in a reservoir hosted within the Alpine metamorphic rocks, i.e., the basement.

The geothermal system of the basin is not fully understood, since it still lacks a comprehensive and detailed geological/geophysical model of the basin-basement present-day structure. Aiming to fulfill this gap, this study shows structural analyses performed in the TPB and its Alpine basement at different scales through field-based characterizations, Digital Outcrop Model-based fracture mapping, and seismic interpretation. The integration of these structural results coupled with the spatial distribution of the basement and overlying sedimentary cover, enables a preliminary evaluation of potential reservoir or seal units in the geothermal system. These outcomes provide an adequate conceptual model to better understand the geothermal systems of the TPB, and other systems in analogue settings, having geodynamic peculiarities like slab switches or brake-off.

How to cite: Vidal Reyes, M. I., Reguzzi, S., Marini, M., Petagine, A., Menegoni, N., Amadori, C., Maino, M., Tesauro, M., and Nader, F. H.: Geological characterization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin geothermal system: new insights from structural and stratigraphic analyses , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8941,, 2025.

EGU25-9147 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach 

Ivone Jimenez-Munt, Angela Maria Gomez-Garcia, Mauro Cacace, Magdalena Scheck-Wenderoth, Judith Bott, Ana Maria Negredo, Juanjo Ledo, Fatima Martin-Hernández, and Aliss Bejerano

The Canary Islands stand out as a prime region within Spanish territory with significant potential for harnessing high enthalpy geothermal resources due to their active volcanic activity. La Palma, one of the youngest islands in the archipelago, has witnessed at least seven volcanic eruptions over the past 500 years, with the most recent one occurring in 2021. Despite these compelling signs, the development of high enthalpy geothermal power plants has not been pursued on the island, mainly because of the financial risk involved in such project and the lack of detailed geophysical data that can support the correct characterization of the geothermal potential on the island. Accordingly, a data-integrative approach that aids the characterization of potential geothermal sites will reduce such uncertainties, supporting the drilling planning phase of the project. Since the last eruption in 2021, several new geophysical experiments and projects have been undertaken within La Palma Island, aiming to understand the present-day configuration of the subsurface. In this study, we integrate the newly geophysical data in order to build a 3D thermal model that is consistent with the geological structure of the island. This research is funded by the Spanish Government projects PRX23/00106 and PID2022-139943NB-I00

How to cite: Jimenez-Munt, I., Gomez-Garcia, A. M., Cacace, M., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Bott, J., Negredo, A. M., Ledo, J., Martin-Hernández, F., and Bejerano, A.: Thermal state of La Palma (Canary Islands) from a data-integrative approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9147,, 2025.

EGU25-9976 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits 

Siyuan Sui, Yihe Xu, Sergei Lebedev, Emilie Bowman, Javier Fullea, and Sally Gibson

The structure, thickness, lateral heterogeneity, and temporal evolution of the lithosphere significantly influence the distribution of kimberlites, carbonatites, and sediment-hosted mineral deposits, including rare earth elements (REE) and critical metals (e.g., Nb and Ti) that are essential for advancing the transition to green energy.

Seismic data provide critical information on the thermal structure of the lithosphere and underlying mantle. However, seismic tomographic models are inherently non-unique. This can be remedied, to a large extent, by thermodynamic inversions, which utilize computational petrology and offer an effective approach to connecting seismic observations to the thermal structure of the lithosphere and mantle.

We present a new model of the African lithosphere’s thickness and thermal structure, derived from state-of-the-art sampling with seismic surface wave data. The model incorporates both Rayleigh and Love waves, to account and correct for seismic anisotropy of the elastic properties. Rayleigh and Love wave data in the 20–300 s range are inverted, on 1°×1° grids, for the upper-mantle temperature and lithospheric thickness, from which upper-mantle density and seismic velocities are calculated, with attenuation corrections. Radial anisotropy, seismic velocities in the crust, transition zone and uppermost lower mantle, and crustal density are also inversion parameters, the latter constrained primarily by the surface elevation. The resulting model reveals distinct regional variations in the lithospheric thickness that reveal deep lithospheric expressions of known crustal geology. Thick lithosphere (>220 km) is found beneath large parts of the West African Craton, Congo Craton, and Zimbabwe Craton. Thin lithosphere (<70 km) is predominantly observed along the East African Rift.

We analyse the new lithosphere model jointly with recent datasets of the distribution of different types of igneous rocks across the continent. These include kimberlites, which were emplaced at locations with thick cratonic lithosphere; basalts, which are emplaced at locations with thin lithosphere; and carbonatites that are commonly found on intermediate-thickness lithosphere (Gibson et al. 2024). Statistics analysis of the locations of these rock samples shows that kimberlites mostly are found within cratons, with some notable exceptions. Most Neogene basalts are in the East African Rift Zone, with a 50–100 km lithosphere. Carbonatite complexes and their associated REE deposits, are typically observed in clusters in the transition regions from cratonic to non-cratonic lithosphere.

This new lithospheric thickness and temperature model enhances our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of the African lithosphere. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the processes that govern the generation and spatial distribution of rocks of different types and the associated primary critical mineral deposits.


Gibson, S., McKenzie, D. & Lebedev, S. (2024). The distribution and generation of carbonatites. Geology 52, 667–671.

How to cite: Sui, S., Xu, Y., Lebedev, S., Bowman, E., Fullea, J., and Gibson, S.: A new model for the thickness and thermal structure of the African lithosphere: implications for the distributions of kimberlites, carbonatites and critical mineral deposits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9976,, 2025.

EGU25-10051 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin 

Michael Drews, Florian Duschl, Saeed Mahmoodpour, Enzo Aconcha, Julian Breitsameter, Peter Obermeier, Indira Shatyrbayeva, Parisa Babaie, Christian Tomsu, and Florian Einsiedl

The North Alpine Foreland Basin is the peripheral foredeep of the Northern Alps, extending from Lake Geneva in the West to Upper Austria in the East. The largest portion of the foredeep consists of an undeformed part, called Foreland Molasse, and a small, deformed belt along the North Alpine Thrust Front, called Subalpine Molasse. Spanning up to 150 km in N-S direction, the North Alpine Foreland Basin has its widest extent in SE Germany (Bavaria). Here, the physical properties of the Cenozoic basin fill and its underlying Mesozoic passive margin sediments display a high degree of heterogeneity in both the Foreland Molasse and Subalpine Molasse parts. Since 2016, we systematically analysed data from more than 300 deep wellbores, with vertical depths up to 5 km below ground level, to understand the distribution and interplay of these heterogeneities: We used minimum stress magnitude measurements such as formation integrity and leak-off tests in combination with geophysical borehole measurements such as density and velocity to infer the distribution of lateral and vertical stresses in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Collection of pore pressure indicators and measurements such as drilling mud weights, drilling problems, well tests and wireline formation tests and their correlation with vertical stress and sediment compaction allowed us to also infer the regional distribution of pore pressure and to model the variable styles of deformation of the Subalpine Molasse along the North Alpine Thrust Front. In this contribution, we give a graphical overview of how stress, pore pressure and deformation are linked and driven by sediment composition and compaction. We also set our findings into context with high frequency, large amplitude variations of temperature and fluid flow patterns, proposing an updated model for the distribution and interference of physical properties and processes in the North Alpine Foreland Basin in SE Germany.

How to cite: Drews, M., Duschl, F., Mahmoodpour, S., Aconcha, E., Breitsameter, J., Obermeier, P., Shatyrbayeva, I., Babaie, P., Tomsu, C., and Einsiedl, F.: Stress, pore pressure, sediment compaction, deformation, temperature and fluid flow in the SE German part of the North Alpine Foreland Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10051,, 2025.

EGU25-10415 | Orals | GD6.1

Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective 

Gianreto Manatschal, Marc Ulrich, Pauline Chenin, Francesca Dimasi, Quentin Gasser, Eric C. Gaucher, Emmanuel Masini, Cuimei Zhang, Peter Alt-Epping, Frank Zwaan, and Nick Kusznir

Serpentinization-sourced H2 has become a promising source of decarbonated energy. It can be generated in fiver tectonic settings, namely: (1) intra-craton settings, (2) divergent settings such as hyperextended rifts, ocean continent transitions and mid ocean ridges, (3) subduction systems, (4) obduction, and (5) rift-inverted orogens. Most recently, many studies have been focusing on parts of the H2-system, i.e., the kitchen, plumbing system, reservoir, cap rock and trapping and preservation mechanisms or on the detection of leaking natural H2 systems at or near the surface. However, a holistic understanding of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system is still in its infancy and an exploration protocol tailored to the different tectonic settings is missing to date.   

In our study, we aim to develop a protocol to predict, quantify and explore serpentinization-sourced H2 systems in rift-inverted orogens. To do so, we use the Grisons area (SE Alps in Switzerland) as a field analogue. In this area all play-elements of the serpentinization-sourced H2 system exist and can be accessed and the rift and convergent structures are well exposed and investigated. This allows us to examine the interplay, in time and space, between the play-elements of a serpentinization-sourced H2 system and to develop a predictive exploration protocol. In this perspective, we first seek  to define a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in a rift-inversion orogen and second to address when and where the serpentinization-sourced H2 forms, what are the essential play-elements and how they interact in time and space, impacting the location and timing of H2 production by considering the two dominant parameters, temperature and access to water, which determine entry into the serpentinization window (kitchen) for mantle rocks. In our presentation, we show the first preliminary results of our holistic, geological approach aiming to integrate different data sets from the Grisons area. We are aware that to develop a predictive play-element based exploration protocol for a serpentinization-sourced H2 system in rift-inverted orogens, similar to that developed in oil and gas systems, further studies will be necessary.

How to cite: Manatschal, G., Ulrich, M., Chenin, P., Dimasi, F., Gasser, Q., Gaucher, E. C., Masini, E., Zhang, C., Alt-Epping, P., Zwaan, F., and Kusznir, N.: Serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems in rift inversion orogens: a geological/holistic perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10415,, 2025.

EGU25-10972 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics 

Timothy Schmid, Marco Herwegh, Alfons Berger, Tobias Diehl, Herfried Madritsch, Daniela van den Heuvel, Christoph Wanner, and Larryn Diamond

Orogenic geothermal systems develop when meteoric water infiltrates the subsurface at high elevations, heats up along a deep circulation path due to the background geothermal gradient and eventually emerges at the surface in low topographic sites as localized hot springs. Such systems depend on permeable fault geometries; however, in orogenic settings fluid-discharge zones may additionally be controlled by the configuration of topography, nappe geometry, fault patterns and unconsolidated deposits that can conceal the bedrock structure. Hence, it is crucial to study local hot springs in the context of fault structures related to regional tectonics in order to predict the locations of blind geothermal systems. The Rhône Valley is a favourable site for such a study, as it shows the highest seismic activity in Switzerland and hosts several clusters of hot springs aligned along the regional Rhône-Simplon fault system.

Here, we combine data sets on geodynamics such as geodesy of recent crustal movements, regional recent stress fields, relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms as well as structural field data to interpret the hot spring occurrences in the context of regional geodynamics. Our data suggest the presence of three adjacent structural domains: (1) A domain on the NW flank of the Rhône fault characterized by a NW–SE oriented maximum principal stress, high seismicity, and a pervasive network of strike- slip dominated faults; (2) a zone encompassing the Rhône Valley floor with transtensive, dilatant zones along strike-slip fault segments; and (3) a zone on the southern flank of the valley floor subjected to a recent NE–SW extension expressed by dominantly normal to transtensional faulting focal mechanisms. This southern domain constitutes the SW-extruding hanging wall block of the Simplon low-angle normal fault. The block is bounded by two crustal scale strike-slip faults, the dextral Rhône strike-slip fault in the NW and the sinistral Ospizio Sottile line in the SE.

In summary, our study highlights the importance of the large-scale tectonic setting for understanding and exploring fault controlled and hence, strongly localized geothermal resources in orogenic settings.

How to cite: Schmid, T., Herwegh, M., Berger, A., Diehl, T., Madritsch, H., van den Heuvel, D., Wanner, C., and Diamond, L.: Fault-hosted hot springs of the Rhône Valley in the context of varying regional-scale neotectonics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10972,, 2025.

EGU25-11375 | Orals | GD6.1

Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems 

Francesca Dimasi, Marc Ulrich, Manuel Muñoz, Flora Hochscheid, and Gianreto Manatschal

Climate-CO2 emission models point to the urgency for European society to transition from high to low carbon energy sources. In this frame, H2 could be a key component of the decarbonization strategy. Among the various colours of H2, white (i.e., native) H2 is one of the most promising. The most efficient way to produce native H2 is serpentinization, a high temperature hydrothermal process that forms serpentinites from Earth mantle rocks. This hydrothermal alteration transforms primary magmatic Fe-Mg-bearing silicates (olivine, pyroxenes) into secondary hydrous minerals (e.g. serpentine, brucite) and oxides (magnetite). Serpentinization also produces molecular hydrogen (H2) through oxidation of ferrous Fe (FeII) released from the dissolving primary minerals, to ferric Fe (FeIII) that precipitates in serpentine and magnetite. The serpentinization process has been extensively documented at various geological settings such as mid-ocean ridges or subduction zones. In contrast, it has received much less attention at rift inverted orogens and continental rifts, representing classical sources of oil and gas, but nowadays being at the forefront of carbon capture, geothermal energy, and new decarbonated energy resources such as native hydrogen. In conclusion, understanding the iron redox state in a Wilson cycle will allow us to predict when, where and how serpentinized sourced hydrogen is produced, which is a prerequisite to develop a successful exploration strategy.

Our approach to achieve this goal is based on a representative sampling area, state-of-the-art analyses and modelling (the evolution of redox and the production of H2). A series of analytical methods will be conducted on serpentinites from well-defined sites (Tasna, Platta, Totalp, Val Malenco and Lanzo) documenting the Wilson cycle of the Alpine-Tethys system. The analysis will constrain the conditions  of serpentinization, i.e., temperature of fluid-rock interactions, PT paths recorded by mantle rocks, and redox state. Finally, the new data will constrain the evolution of iron speciation and H2 production during serpentinization and may be used to either test or calibrate numerical modelling results used for the quantification of H2 production.

How to cite: Dimasi, F., Ulrich, M., Muñoz, M., Hochscheid, F., and Manatschal, G.: Iron redox state of serpentinized mantle rocks through a Wilson cycle: implications for serpentinization-sourced hydrogen systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11375,, 2025.

EGU25-11413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany 

Peter Klitzke, Meike Bagge, Maximiian Hasch, Nikola Koglin, Antonia Ruppel, Hamed Fazlikhani, Felix Johann, Jan-Felix Goldmann, Alexander Löwer, and Christian Ostertag-Henning

One of the main challenges in studying a natural hydrogen system is that ultramafic rocks - potential source rock for hydrogen generation by serpentinization - are often buried deep within the subsurface. The serpentinites of the metamorphic Münchberg Massif, obducted during the Variscian orogeny in Devonian times, offer a unique window into deep crustal and upper mantle processes. As part of an integrated study, we have acquired airborne magnetic and strapdown gravity data, seismic reflection profiles, as well as detailed petrological and geochemical analysis. This approach enables a multi-scale interpretation of the tectonic evolution, serpentinization processes, and associated fluid-rock interactions, mineralogical transformations, and implications for paleo-natural hydrogen generation in the Münchberg Massif. 

Serpentinite rock bodies are exposed at multiple outcrops across the Münchberg Massif. Geochemical analyses of major and rare earth elements indicate that serpentinites from both the Peterleinstein (west) and the Zell region (south) share a similar protolith of harzburgitic composition. However, different serpentine minerals dominate at the different locations. The Zell serpentinites, predominantly antigorite, appear to have undergone serpentinization at greater depths and higher temperatures than the Peterleinstein serpentinites, which are dominated by lizardite. Conversely, Peterleinstein demonstrates a higher degree of serpentinization, likely indicating increased fluid availability during the process. The sequence of events during serpentinization is evident in spatially resolved analyses of different generations of serpentine minerals in thin sections using microscopic and Raman micro-spectroscopic analyses.

Initial interpretation of the airborne magnetic data reveals a series of positive high-frequency anomalies with amplitudes of up to ~160 nT, associated with magnetite enrichment, a by-product of serpentinization and hydrogen generation across the Münchberg Massif. Petrological analyses confirm the presence of magnetite-bearing serpentinites. However, preliminary on-site magnetic susceptibility measurements do not resolve differences in the degree of serpentinization. Combined petrophysical, seismic, gravity and magnetic interpretation and modeling will constrain the extent of serpentinization in the subsurface and evaluate the role of major faults as fluid conduits during serpentinization.

How to cite: Klitzke, P., Bagge, M., Hasch, M., Koglin, N., Ruppel, A., Fazlikhani, H., Johann, F., Goldmann, J.-F., Löwer, A., and Ostertag-Henning, C.: Petrological and geophysical characterization of a paleo natural hydrogen kitchen – serpentinites of the Münchberg Massif, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11413,, 2025.

EGU25-11735 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management 

Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Tim Minshull, Ketil Hokstad, Sylvie Leroy, Ståle Johansen, Louise Watremez, Ana Corbalan, and Lars Sørum

Hydrothermal circulation is a fundamental Earth process that transfers elements and minerals from the crust and mantle to the oceans. This circulation commonly occurs along tectonic plate boundaries in the oceans, where heat sources are located at relatively shallow depths (~2–3 km). Cold seawater percolates downward, becomes heated, and is enriched with minerals from the host rock and magmatic volatiles. The resulting hot fluids (exceeding 300°C) rise buoyantly and are expelled into the ocean through chimney-like structures on the seafloor, commonly referred to as "Black Smokers." The ejected particles settle on the seafloor, forming rich mineral deposits known as "Seafloor Massive Sulfide" (SMS) deposits, making mid-ocean ridges highly attractive for meeting future mineral demands. Moreover, ridge settings hold significant potential for geothermal energy, white hydrogen production, and other valuable resources. However, harnessing these resources requires a thorough understanding of the complex hydrothermal systems to develop sustainable resource management strategies.

Hydrothermal venting sites are widespread along the mid-ocean ridge system, occurring at all spreading rates and across diverse geological settings. However, the mechanisms driving hydrothermal processes vary depending on factors such as the presence of magma bodies, permeable zones, tectonic activity, and temperature. At ultraslow spreading ridges, where spreading rates are less than 20 mm/yr—such as the Southwest Indian Ridge, Mohns Ridge, and Knipovich Ridge—tectonic processes dominate over magmatic activity, resulting in the exhumation of ultramafic material to the seafloor along large-scale detachment faults.

In this study, we developed two-dimensional, high-resolution velocity models through the crust and uppermost mantle of the Southwest Indian Ridge using wide-angle ocean-bottom seismic data. We present two ~150 km-long, high-resolution P-wave velocity models orthogonal to each other, running across and along the ridge axis at 64°30’E. We employed a state-of-the-art imaging technique known as full waveform inversion (FWI) using data from 32 ocean-bottom seismometers positioned along the two profiles. FWI is a data-fitting method in which the forward operator iteratively predicts the observed data by backpropagating the misfits to update the velocity model, thereby producing higher-resolution images of the subsurface.

Based on our high-resolution velocity models, we observe finer patterns of velocity anomalies compared to traveltime models, revealing more detailed variations in the degree of fluid-rock interaction. These interactions are influenced by the presence of faults and the extent of tectonic damage, aiding in the mapping of hydrothermal circulation. Additionally, our high-resolution images provide an improved understanding of the distribution of serpentinization and its correlation to mode of spreading. Overall, the high-resolution velocity models support the assessment of the feasibility of "Artificial Smoker," which replicates natural smokers, for the environmentally sustainable extraction of minerals, white hydrogen, and geothermal resources.

How to cite: Boddupalli, B., Arntsen, B., Minshull, T., Hokstad, K., Leroy, S., Johansen, S., Watremez, L., Corbalan, A., and Sørum, L.: Artificial Smoker: Geophysical characterization of an ultraslow ridge system for sustainable resource management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11735,, 2025.

EGU25-12600 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite 

Jean de la Paix Izerumugaba, Anne Battani, Eric Deville, Camille Maziere, Julie Jeanpert, Olivier Lhote, Fréderic Mouthereau, Willy Foucher, Olivier Monge, and Anthony Ranchou-Peyruse

Natural emanations consisting of N₂-CH₄-H₂ type gases have been documented across the peridotite nappe of the New Caledonia Ophiolite [1], and the presence of H2 has been attributed to serpentinization [2, 3]. We present new major and noble gas compositional and isotopic data from low to high H2 bubbling gas seep sites from both the south (e.g: Lembi River (≤ 20% H2), Les Pirogues River (≤ 15%), Pourina (≤ 10%)), and north east klippes of the Ophiolite (e.g: Fanama and Nemwegi (≤ 300ppm)), providing new insights into gas origins that can be compared to other serpentinization systems (e.g: Oman, Italy, Turkey, and the Philippines).

Results show that gases are dominated by N2 (60-95%; d15N ranging from -0.2 to +0.1‰ vs air), while the H2 content can reach up to 35% with dD ranging from -740 to -710‰ VSMOW. CH4 reaches up to 20% with d13C ranging from -40‰ to -3.6‰ VPDB. Such major gas composition and isotopic values are characteristic of serpentinization [4, 5]. Additional factors, such as olivine-rich peridotite rocks, precipitation of magnetite, carbonates, and brucite, along with the elevated pH of spring waters (up to 10.5), confirm an active serpentinization system. Hydrogen H2-CH4-H2O isotopic fractionation factors suggest that, despite not being at equilibrium, the hydrogen-bearing fluids are formed at around 50°C, in comparison to 95°C, which was determined using magnetite-dolomite O₂ fractionation [6]. H2 and CH4 likely result from low-temperature serpentinization and processes involving inorganic carbon, respectively; potentially catalysed by Ni, Cr, and Chromitite-hosted Ru [7] which are enriched in the peridotite [1, 8]. Microbial activity indicators such as the presence of biogenic methane, when present, aligns with documented microbial communities.

Helium isotopic data (3He/4He) indicate signatures ranging from predominantly radiogenic (0.3 Ra) in the north, where the crust is thick [2], to ASW-like values in the central south (Lembi and La Coulée), to ~25% mantellic contribution in the southernmost coastal Prony region. We argue that the air-like signature is indicative of the degassing of circulating air-saturated groundwater, which aligns well with interpretations that air-like N₂ present in serpentinization systems may originate from aquifers [2, 3, 4].

Seismic and tectonic data reveal multiple deep faults and fractures in the massif du Sud [9], as well as a shallow Moho and 20 km-deep earthquakes that are indicative of active tectonics detected beneath the Prony area [10]. This explains the facilitated migration of mantle fluids to the surface at Prony.

[1] Maurizot et al., 2020(c). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 1–12

[2] Deville and Prinzhofer, 2016. Chem. Geol. 440, 139–147

[3] Monnin et al., 2021. JGR Biogeosci. 126, e2021JG006243.

[4] Vacquand et al., 2018. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 223, 437–461.

[5] Etiope, 2017. Procedia Earth Planet. Sci. 17, 9–12.

[6] Corre et al., 2023. Sci. Rep. 13(1), 19413.

[7] Molinet-Chinaglia et al., 2024. ChemCatChem 16(24), e202401213.

[8] Maurizot et al., 2020(f). Geol. Soc. Lond. Mem. 51(1), 247–277.

[9] Lagabrielle et al., 2005. Tectonophysics 403(1–4), 1–28.


How to cite: Izerumugaba, J. D. L. P., Battani, A., Deville, E., Maziere, C., Jeanpert, J., Lhote, O., Mouthereau, F., Foucher, W., Monge, O., and Ranchou-Peyruse, A.: Isotopic Insights into the Origins of N₂-H₂-CH₄ emanations in the New Caledonia Ophiolite, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12600,, 2025.

EGU25-12845 | Orals | GD6.1

Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) 

Florian Duschl, Enzo Aconcha, Regina Ettenhuber, Christian Tomsu, Florian Einsiedl, and Michael Drews

Fluid temperatures in the Cenozoic basin fill of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany) are locally significantly lower compared to adjacent areas of the basin. In the greater Rosenheim area, formation temperatures at a depth of 4000 mbs range ca. 80 K lower than expected with respect to a typical regional geothermal gradient of 28-30 K/km. Possible explanations for this so-called Wasserburg Trough anomaly include thermal blanketing by rapid deposition of cold sediments, effects of convective and advective heat transfer in Cenozoic sediments, long-term effects of glacial thermal overprint, increased gravity-driven recharge due to karstification in the underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone, and heat transfer towards the Tauern Window due to a thermal chimney effect. Recent studies on formation fluid ages in the Upper Jurassic Limestone, a prolific, hydrostatically pressured geothermal aquifer, show comparatively young fluid ages of <20 ka which points at local freshwater infiltration at greater depth. Freshwater influx may reduce heat flow, act as a conductive heat barrier and favour karstification. However, fluid overpressure in shales of the Cenozoic overburden does not allow for direct vertical fluid infiltration across the stratigraphic column.

We propose a tectonic control mechanism responsible for freshwater infiltration with the Bavarian Inntal Fault Zone, a normal fault system that was formed during indentation of the Southern Alps in Oligo-Miocene times, acting as a conduit fault. This fault zone is indicated by a steepening of W-E striking fold axes towards the Bavarian Inntal, and the existence of several, valley-parallel sets of NNW-SSE striking normal faults proving WSW-ENE directed extension. Total vertical displacement inferred from cross-sections and field data yield at ≥250 m which is probably sufficient to ensure hydraulic contact between sedimentary strata of the Alpine nappes and underlying Upper Jurassic Limestone in the deeper subsurface. Thereby, freshwater from the Alps could bypass the overpressure zone in the Bavarian Inntal and infiltrate into the Upper Jurassic Limestone aquifer of the foreland basin.

How to cite: Duschl, F., Aconcha, E., Ettenhuber, R., Tomsu, C., Einsiedl, F., and Drews, M.: Fault-controlled groundwater recharge from Alpine units into Upper Jurassic Limestone of the North Alpine Foreland Basin (SE Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12845,, 2025.

EGU25-13046 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach 

Riddhi Dave, Andrew Schaeffer, Fiona Darbyshire, and Juan Carlos Afonso

The architecture of the lithosphere is shaped by diverse geodynamic processes, including the presence of metasomatized mantle volumes, lithospheric thickness transitions, crustal- and mantle-scale fluid migration pathways, and the influence of plumes and subducting slabs. These features are preserved in the physical and chemical structures of the lithospheric mantle and sub-lithospheric upper mantle, providing critical insights into mineral systems and resource prospectivity.

To address these complexities within the Canadian lithosphere and mantle, we apply a probabilistic inversion framework, LitMod, which integrates geological constraints with multiple geophysical techniques and incorporates a priori geochemical information. This unified approach enables the resolution of key lithospheric features, distinguishing between compositional (e.g., metasomatism) and thermal anomalies.

We present results from the first application of LitMod to Canada, highlighting its capability to map essential geophysical structures and surfaces. Validation of the model’s predictions using independent geochemical datasets underscores the robustness and reliability of our results. Beyond advancing mineral prospectivity, this work contributes to broader geoscientific applications, including refining Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) models, improving Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) strategies, and enhancing seismic hazard assessments.

How to cite: Dave, R., Schaeffer, A., Darbyshire, F., and Afonso, J. C.: Resolving Whole-Lithospheric Architecture for Mineral Prospectivity and Beyond: A Probabilistic Inversion Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13046,, 2025.

EGU25-14781 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential. 

Abdul-Nazaa Nuhu, Alessandro Decarlis, Andrea Ceriani, and Philip Ball

Using the geodynamic model of Hasterock et al., (2022), Ball et al., (2025) observed that existing natural hydrothermal systems and associated geothermal power plants are distributed across 12 different geodynamic settings.  We observe based on the Hasterock classification only 18 out of 489 power plants (3.6%) are located within Back Arc Basins (BABs). This may lead to the conclusion that, at a global scale, BABs are not highly prospective. However, a much more detailed observation of the various tectonic settings at specific locations shows some incongruencies in the Hasterock geodynamic classification. For example, key power plants such as Larderello, Italy are in fact located in a BAB setting, not in a Volcanic Arc setting (Ball, 2022). At a local scale it is important to refine global models to account for younger deformation that overprint previous tectonic events.

With Larderello as an analogue, we explore the idea that other BABs could be increasingly perspective for geothermal resources if the geodynamic setting is correctly assessed, and the local tectonics is understood. BABs, are extensional basins, typically formed behind active or inactive volcanic arc on the overriding plates. BABs, are known to be associated with high heat flow, due to the interplay of mantle dynamics, slab processes and crustal extension. In this work, we review the first-order controls on heat flow within the Aegean and Tyrrhenian back arc systems. We point to the comprehension of how factors like rapid localization of thinning in the crust and lithospheric mantle impacts heat flow, coupled with sedimentary cover. In detail, we evaluate the role of accessory parameters, like hydrothermal fluids ascending along faults and fractures, the role of intrusions due to patrial melting in response to rapid thinning in the crust and mantle, localizing high heat flows spots and causing significant thermal heterogeneities.

The dynamic settings of BABs could offer intriguing geothermal opportunities, but their structural, magmatic and hydrological histories need to be better understood. BAB’s like the Tyrrhenian and Aegean may provide exceptional opportunities for power generation. Exploration in this geodynamic setting could benefit by using the exploration triangle, which organizes the geological assessment into a hierarchical sequence of tasks. This play-based approach focusses assessment from the geodynamic setting and can be applied at the geothermal systems, and reservoirs scale. Successful application could greatly assist in identifying future prospects for geothermal development,  successfully exploiting BAB’s for power generation.

How to cite: Nuhu, A.-N., Decarlis, A., Ceriani, A., and Ball, P.: Geodynamic Heterogeneity in Back Arc Basins: Implications for Heat Flow Distribution and Geothermal Energy Potential., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14781,, 2025.

EGU25-16399 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR. 

Niko Adjie, Clarisse Bordes, Daniel Brito, Djamel Nasri, Eric Normandin, and Christophe Voisin

Soil gas analysis is among the commonly used methods in the early stages of natural hydrogen exploration. While most punctual [H2] measurements can provide information on spatial variation, observing temporal variation requires long-term monitoring. The University of Pau and Adour Countries developed a hydrogen-monitoring instrument called MONHyTOR. It is a passive instrument capable of acquiring [H2], temperature, and relative humidity data with up to 1-s sampling interval at 1-m depth for up to several months in full autonomy.

Preliminary field data from multiple sites show that (1) an “installation peak” is almost systematically observed after drilling; (2) measured [H2] is nil most of the times; (3) daily oscillations are present in some datasets; (4) small-amplitude isolated peaks are seemingly related to weather events such as storm and heavy rain. These observations raise the question regarding the influence of water saturation and pressure balance in the atmosphere-soil-instrument system. To understand them, experiments are carried out in a controlled environment using airtight container filled with coarse homogeneous sand with a given water saturation level, where hydrogen is introduced via low-pressure (mbar) injections of 5%-95% H2-N2 mixture. The aim of this study is to see how variations in the pressure balance impact [H2] measurements by MONHyTOR.

How to cite: Adjie, N., Bordes, C., Brito, D., Nasri, D., Normandin, E., and Voisin, C.: In-soil hydrogen concentration measurements using MONHyTOR., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16399,, 2025.

EGU25-16617 | ECS | Orals | GD6.1

Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia 

Zak Milner, Jon Gluyas, Ken McCaffrey, Bob Holdsworth, Darren Grocke, Darren Hillegonds, Thomas Renshaw, Chris Ballentine, and Philippa Ascough

Releasing only heat and water vapour when burnt, demand for hydrogen (H₂) is expected to increase eight-fold by 2050, driven by growth sectors such as transportation and industrial energy. Natural or gold H₂ is produced in the lithosphere via water radiolysis in U- and Th-rich Precambrian basement (alongside helium (He)) or serpentinization in mafic-ultramafic rocks. Gas occurrences in South Australia have anomalously high H₂ concentrations of up to 95%. It is, therefore, an excellent geographical focus to further understand the principles of H₂ exploration (source, migration, accumulation, and preservation).
This study reports noble gas isotopes (He to Xe) of gases dissolved in groundwater samples collected from 19 locations across the Yorke Peninsula and Adelaide Superbasin, along with their respective ages from radiocarbon dating. Using helium as a proxy, we provide insights into the source and migration of H₂ in South Australia. Through the use of a novel gas diffusion model (Cheng et al. 2023), we also investigate whether an H₂/He gas phase can be produced, critical for their concentration and formation as accessible resources.

How to cite: Milner, Z., Gluyas, J., McCaffrey, K., Holdsworth, B., Grocke, D., Hillegonds, D., Renshaw, T., Ballentine, C., and Ascough, P.: Origins of Helium and Hydrogen in South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16617,, 2025.

There is a growing interest in natural hydrogen as a potential new source of energy with a negligible carbon-footprint, especially compared to all the other human-made hydrogen species. The white (or gold, natural, geologic or geogenic) and orange (or induced) hydrogen became the focus of intense research during the last decade.

From the energy industry point of view the fundamental question arises about natural hydrogen exploration, i.e. how different is it going to look compared to what we are used to in the hydrocarbon industry? After many decades of negligible consideration given to natural hydrogen as a subsurface target there are many papers and presentations published just in the last few years suggesting that many items in our collective industry and academic toolbox could be readily applied to natural hydrogen exploration. The consensus appears to be that three out four of the main petroleum systems elements the hydrocarbon industry tends to focus on in exploration projects are still going to play pivotal roles (i.e. migration, trapping and sealing) and it is only the generation/charge part which follows very different rules for hydrogen systems.

From an exploration point of view, several play types for natural hydrogen indeed appear to be very similar to what the oil and gas industry is used to. These include cases where there is a functioning trap, due to effective top seals. Numerous examples can be found in pre-salt traps worldwide where hydrogen has been documented for a long time as part of existing natural gas accumulations (e.g. Dnieper-Donets Basin, Ukraine, and Amadeus Basin, Australia). Another, but unusual trapping style has been documented in the first hydrogen field discovery in Mali where the top seal is a set of dolerite dykes. In these cases, one expects finite hydrogen resources to be in place and the exploration approach has indeed some resemblance to that of hydrocarbon prospecting.

Another group of natural hydrogen targets revolve around large mega-seeps (fairy circles) and geometrically smaller, but pronounced fault-controlled seepages to the surface. These hydrogen occurrences seemingly have no traps or seals and, therefore, do not find a proper analogue in oil and gas exploration workflows. Strictly speaking, these are not yet hydrogen plays as there are no commercial discoveries associated with them. The hydrogen fluxing along fault planes requires a fresh look at the exploitation of various fault architectures if shallow drilling would target conductive (or “leaky”) faults at shallow depth. In a more traditional exploration workflow, properly mapping and quantifying hydrogen fluxing along fault planes in shallow depth might be the first critical step before more conventional deeper targets (>1000 m) could be addressed. This set of plays promises that if these seeps really correspond to ongoing charge in a dynamic, truly renewable system in a steady-state process, tapping successfully into them would provide infinite resources via a low-flux hydrogen “farming” process.

It is quite likely that natural hydrogen exploration, if it becomes economically successful at one point, will look much more different than similar to hydrocarbon exploration.

How to cite: Tari, G.: Natural hydrogen exploration: it is quite different from looking for hydrocarbons, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16903,, 2025.

EGU25-19413 | Posters on site | GD6.1

Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy  

Pedro Brito, Luís Batista, Rúben Borges, Pedro Costa, Marta Neres, João Noiva, Ângela Pereira, Carlos Ribeiro, Marcos Rosa, and Pedro Terrinha

The Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera (IPMA) is undertaking extensive high-resolution geophysical and geotechnical studies over two areas proposed for the development of offshore windfarms in Portugal, surveying an area of circa 2000 km2. Leixões and Figueira da Foz study areas are located off the Portuguese mainland west coast, at depths between 120m and 530m, distant 21nm to 35nm to the coastline.

The aim of this work, being conducted between February 2024 and June 2026, is to provide detailed data on the morphology, geology, geophysics and geotechnical properties of the seafloor to inform offshore wind farm developers towards engineering and financial strategies, therefore providing the basis for launching subsequent auctions for the offshore areas listed in the Portuguese National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan.

An initial exploratory campaign, commissioned to the Portuguese Hydrographic Institute, collected the initial MBES data (bathymetry and backscatter) and surface sediment sampling. Furthermore, in August-September 2024, a geophysical survey took place on board IPMA’s NI Mário Ruivo and retrieved over 2100 km of seismic data, from parametric sub bottom profiler (SBP) and multi-channel ultra-high resolution seismic reflection (UHRS). Preliminary results attest the scientific richness of the dataset already collected as well as the complexity and diversity of the seimostratigraphy present in the surveyed areas.  Seabed morphology, sediment textural features, seismic horizons and geohazards have been identified which allow inference of a preliminary geomodel of the areas and the planning of subsequent surveys.

Between May and November 2025 a survey will take place expanding the resolution of data collected (> 20 000 km lines planned) but also adding additional methodologies (magnetometer, side scan sonar, vibrocorer and CPT’s).

The data to retrieve over these 2 years will allow to produce a detailed Terrain model supporting a holistic data interpretation, essential for succeeding actions in the pioneering development of floating wind farms offshore Portugal.

This comprehensive geophysical and geotechnical characterization represents a pioneering effort in Portugal's energy transition, providing crucial data for the sustainable development of offshore wind energy and potentially serving as a model for similar initiatives.

This research was funded by PRR funds - RP-C21-i07.01 - Technical studies for offshore energy potential. This work is also supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, FCT, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC): UID/50019/2025, UIDB/50019/2020 ( and LA/P/0068/2020


How to cite: Brito, P., Batista, L., Borges, R., Costa, P., Neres, M., Noiva, J., Pereira, Â., Ribeiro, C., Rosa, M., and Terrinha, P.: Geophysical and Geotechnical offshore studies: pioneering contribution to shape Portugal’s wind farm strategy , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19413,, 2025.

Sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints are crucial for refining dynamic topographic measurements and evaluating geothermal energy prospectivity. Continental sedimentary and crustal thickness measurements are constrained in this ongoing global study. Here, we present the updated methodology and results. Total sedimentary thickness is accurately constrained via a combination of well data and controlled-source seismic experiments. A minimum curvature gridding algorithm is used to interpolate between sedimentary thickness data points. Crustal thickness, defined as the vertical depth from the sediment-basement interface to the Moho, is derived from the updated sedimentary thickness grid and recently published studies which exploit controlled- and passive-source seismic data to constrain depth to Moho. A grid resolution of 0.03 degrees is found to be essential for capturing fine-scale lateral variations in sedimentary thickness. Resulting sedimentary and crustal thickness estimates are used to improve continental residual elevation constraints, a proxy for dynamic topography. Residual elevation is quantified by isolating and removing isostatic signals arising from sediment loading and crustal heterogeneity, revealing the magnitude of mantle-induced vertical motion at the surface. Our estimates additionally improve predictions of surface heat flow and geothermal gradients, directly informing geothermal energy assessments. Collectively, these datasets can be used to advance our understanding of mantle-lithosphere interactions and sustainable energy resources.

How to cite: Slay, P., Holdt, M., and White, N.: Improved global sedimentary and crustal thickness constraints: Implications for dynamic topography and geothermal resource assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19524,, 2025.

Hydrogen use today is mostly as a chemical feedstock, producing ammonia used in fertiliser production amongst other hard to abate uses. Today’s hydrogen is produced directly from hydrocarbons with the resulting CO2 contribution ca 2.4% of global emissions. Hydrogen as a future clean energy vector could see hydrogen demand increase from ca 95 Mt H2 today, to 540 Mt H2 by 2050.

The mass of hydrogen generated within the continental crust is only recently being appreciated as a potential societal resource. Accumulation and preservation of a small portion of the natural hydrogen, in accessible parts of the continental crust, is required. The dominant sources of natural hydrogen are through water-rock reactions with mafic or ultramafic rocks and the radiolysis of water from the radioactive decay of U and Th in rocks.  The timescales and environments that enable significant hydrogen generation occur in geological different terrane. These vary from dominantly Phanerozoic ophiolite complexes; Proterozoic-Phanerozoic alkaline granite complexes; Mesoproterozoic-Phanerozoic large igneous provinces (LIP) to dominantly Archean TTG and greenstone belts. The tectonic evolution in each setting, and capacity to form traps, is required alongside the porosity and permeability history that exposes the rock to water. To form a commercial reserve, an environment that produces and preserves a free gas phase from the ubiquitous water over the timescale of the system is required. Helium (4He) provides an analogue for natural hydrogen behaviour and the processes that control both deep-seated flux to the near surface and gas phase formation. Loss due to microbial utilisation remains a high preservation risk.

C Ballentine, R Karolytė, A Cheng, B Sherwood Lollar, J Gluyas, M Daly. Natural hydrogen resource accumulation in the continental crust, In review

How to cite: Ballentine, C.: The character and habitat of natural hydrogen resource systems , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19964,, 2025.

EGU25-20357 | ECS | Posters on site | GD6.1

Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps 

Anna Twaróg and Henryk Sechman

The discovery and exploitation of the first natural (white) hydrogen reservoir in Mali has stimulated global interest in this zero-emission energy resource and carrier. Current research worldwide aims to identify its generation sources, occurrence potential, and extraction feasibility. Tools and methods normally used in hydrocarbon exploration are being adapted for this purpose. One such method is the molecular composition analysis of soil gases, a surface geochemical technique. These methods involve detecting and analyzing trace amounts of light hydrocarbons migrating from subsurface accumulations to the surface. Surface geochemical studies have been conducted across all petroleum basins in Poland. In addition to hydrocarbons, other gases, including hydrogen, were routinely analyzed in many soil gas samples. However, hydrogen played a marginal role in interpreting results aimed at identifying subsurface hydrocarbon accumulations. Large datasets containing hydrogen concentrations in soil gases, recorded over the past 35 years across Poland, remain largely unanalyzed and uninterpreted. One such dataset pertains to the Świdwin-Sławoborze area in Western Pomerania, northern Poland. In 1996, 478 soil gas samples were collected from a depth of 1.2 meters in this region. These samples were analyzed chromatographically for hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbon gases, including hydrogen.

Molecular composition analysis revealed hydrogen in 85% of the samples, with a maximum concentration of 940 ppm. The mean hydrogen concentration (38 ppm) is five times greater than the median (8 ppm), indicating the presence of anomalous values. Hydrogen concentrations exceeding 40 ppm were partly recorded above an oil deposit located in Zechstein Main Dolomite formations. Elevated hydrogen concentrations in these samples correlate with increased levels of C2-C4 alkanes. Additionally, high hydrogen concentrations were observed above tectonic structures, which may indicate hydrogen migration from deeper horizons.

Reanalyzing and reinterpreting archival geochemical data with a focus on hydrogen concentration variations enables the identification of potential hydrogen migration and leakage zones at the surface. Integrating archived geochemical data with terrain morphology (e.g., potential "fairy circle" structures), geological formations, and the distribution of other resources highlights promising anomalous areas. These zones provide a valuable framework for investigating hydrogen origins and migration patterns within the Polish Zechstein Basin, part of the Central European Permian Basin.

The research project was supported by program “Excellence initiative – research university” IDUB for the AGH University of Krakow (project number 6237).

How to cite: Twaróg, A. and Sechman, H.: Surface geochemistry: from oil and gas exploration to natural hydrogen seeps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20357,, 2025.

SSS6 – Soil Physiscs

EGU25-230 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Straw management and alternative tillage methods for minimizing soil degradation of Fluvisol 

Luka Brezinščak and Igor Bogunovic

This study investigates sustainable soil management strategies for Fluvisol in northwestCroatia, a fertile but degradation-prone soil, by examining how different tillage practices and straw mulch management affect soil health and crop productivity. On the Šašinovec experimental farm (University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture), three tillage practices (conventional tillage, minimum tillage, and reduced tillage) with and without straw mulch are compared on the soil physical properties, soil organic matter and crop yields over three growing seasons. The experimental field was set up in a split-plot design with three replicates for each tillage system. Each block (100 m x 10 m) represents a different tillage system, with or without mulch (straw) as a sub-factor (50 m x 10 m). Conventional tillage (CT) is involves plowing (18-20 cm) in autumn and disc harrowing in spring, while minimum tillage (MT) with multitiller (10-15 cm) in spring and reduced tillage (RT) with subsoiling (35-40 cm) in autumn and multitiller in spring were selected for their potential to minimize soil disturbance, while preserving soil structure and fertility. The mulch used in this study was wheat straw (2.75 t/ha), which is known to better retain moisture, prevent erosion and increase organic matter content. Samples were collected immediately after sowing and after harvest at two depths in three replicates for each plot. The study found that RT with mulch consistently reduced bulk density, lowering soil compaction and improved conditions for root development. This treatment significantly improved water retention, an essential factor for plant health, especially under changing climatic conditions. While the MT and CT treatments had limited effect on reducing the soil bulk density, both MT and RT with mulch increased water holding capacity and soil moisture, which is critical for maintaining crops under drought or erratic rainfall patterns. Another focus was on soil structure, particularly the stability of aggregates, which help resist erosion and retain nutrients. MT with mulch (71.41 %) had a positive effect on aggregate stability, more so than the CT (65.61 %) and RT (61.61 %) treatments. In addition, RT and MT with mulch (4.64% and 4.91%, respectively) had supported higher organic matter content than CT (3.86%), indicating better soil fertility and resilience over time. In terms of yield, the MT and RT treatments with mulch achieved higher soybean (+21 %; +15 % and spring wheat (+55 %; +18 %) yields compared to bare plots with same tillage. This indicates that reduced tillage in combination with mulching can not only maintain but possibly even increase productivity in Fluvisols. Throughout the trial, mulching consistently improved soil moisture and organic matter, highlighting its role in supporting long-term soil health. These results suggest that reduced and minimum tillage in combination with straw mulch, is a sustainable alternative to conventional plowing. The continuous use of mulch and non-inverting tillage practices helps to reduce soil degradation and improve resilience, particularly in soils that are susceptible to degradation, such as Fluvisols. Furthermore, these practices are wellsuited to mitigate the challenges of fluctuating climatic conditions and ensure stable crop yields.

How to cite: Brezinščak, L. and Bogunovic, I.: Straw management and alternative tillage methods for minimizing soil degradation of Fluvisol, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-230,, 2025.

EGU25-479 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Do agriculture management operations and their seasonal dynamics affect soil hydraulic properties?  

Mathilde Nielsen, Frederic Leuther, Florian Ebertseder, and Efstathios Diamantopoulos

In agriculture, soil management practices directly affect soil structure and herewith soil hydraulic properties (SHP), namely the water retention curve (WRC) and the hydraulic conductivity curve (HCC). Although it has been hypothesized that management practices affect the wet range of both the WRC and HCC, limited experimental data exists on the topic. Currently, the full extent of these effects is not well understood and is often overlooked in soil-plant-atmosphere models. This study aims to characterize the WRC and HCC, from saturation to oven dryness, for one soil subjected to common agricultural practices for over 30 years.  

During one growing season, 160 undisturbed soil cores were collected at three different times (mid- season, post-harvest, and after seedbed preparation) from the topsoil (5–10 cm depth) and subsoil (30–35 cm depth) in a long-term field experiment. This experiment included plots managed with conventional plowing, two types of mulching, and direct seeding, all with the same loamy soil texture and crop rotation. To quantify SHP,  four laboratory methods were employed for the same soil core: the Falling Head method for saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), the Multistep Flux method for estimating near-saturation conductivity to capture the structural effect on the HCC, the evaporation method for the wet and mid-range of WRC and HCC (pf < 3), and the dewpoint method for the dry part of the WRC.  

The results show that 30 years soil management practices directly affect the SHPs of the topsoil and not of the subsoil, with the highest changes at the wet range (pF < 1) of the WRC. Conventional plowing resulted in 8% higher water content at pF<1 compared to direct seeding, while both mulching treatments were closer to the direct seeding. In the dry range of the WRC, no differences were observed between the management practices, supporting the assumption that this range is controlled by soil texture.  For the HCC, we measured on average a 35% higher ksat for conventional plowing compared to cores taken under direct seeding. It is noted that ksat measurements of all treatments showed high variability. For the near saturation conductivity, we observed a highly bimodal behavior for all treatments. We conclude that the structural effect of agriculture managements operations controls the wet range of both the WRC and HCC and soil texture controls the dry range.  Seasonal dynamics were observed in all topsoil treatments and current results indicate that the wet part of the SHP varies during a single season, with the most changes occurring between post-harvest and seedbed preparation. Overall, this study presents experimental evidence on the effect of soil structure on SHP and its potential effect on soil water dynamics. 

How to cite: Nielsen, M., Leuther, F., Ebertseder, F., and Diamantopoulos, E.: Do agriculture management operations and their seasonal dynamics affect soil hydraulic properties? , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-479,, 2025.

In order to study the process of structural changes in remolded loess caused by water infiltration, the structural change characteristics and effects of the remolded loess before and after water infiltration are studied using mechanical, CT and simulation tests. The results show that: (1) The peak frequency of the equivalent diameter of the remolded loess particles after infiltration is between 10μm~30μm, and the sphericity value of remolded loess particles after infiltration becomes significantly smaller, which is concentrated in the interval greater than 0.8 before infiltration and extends to the interval range of 0.6-1. (2) After saturation and infiltration, the total porosity and pore connectivity of the remolded loess increased significantly, and the three-dimensional total porosity of the loess increased by 27.51% after infiltration, and the water infiltration only caused the obvious expansion of the macropores, and the rapid development of the macropores led to the increase of the pore area ratio to 17.9%. It shows that macropores are the main reason for the development of pore structure and the deterioration of soil structure. (3) After the infiltration test, the porosity of the remolded loess with a specific surface area of less than 0.15 increased to 71.23%, indicating that the sample developed from a compact state to a loose and softened state. The decrease of the pore-throat ratio and the increase of the coordination number of the remolded loess after infiltration indicate that the water forms a large-scale channel with good fluidity in the sample, and the scale of the complex pore structure in the soil decreases, thereby increasing the dominant seepage channel of the loess. (4) The migration of fine particles and structural damage caused by water entering the loess are the reasons for its collapsibility, and at the same time, the strength of the reshaped loess will be reduced after water infiltration. The results of this study provide a reference for revealing the damage mechanism and process of water.

How to cite: Zhu, Y.: The structural evolution of remolded loess due to water infiltration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2640,, 2025.

EGU25-3103 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Protecting the subsoil from compaction through conservation management. 

Gunther Liebhard, Marton Toth, Christine Stumpp, Stefan Strohmeier, and Peter Strauss

The intensification of agriculture has increased production but has also had negative effects on the soil. One negative effect of intensified management is soil compaction caused by heavy agricultural machinery. The depth to which problematic compaction occurs depends on the load, the bearing capacity of the soil and the prevailing soil conditions. The most persistent problem is subsoil compaction, as natural or mechanical loosening in great soil depths is ineffective or difficult. A key strategy to prevent subsoil compaction is to increase the carrying capacity of the soil through appropriate management. We investigated whether two common conservation agriculture systems, reduced shallow tillage and no-tillage, can protect the subsoil from compaction compared to conventional tillage management with similar loads applied through agricultural machinery. We assessed the effects on soil structure in the soil profile down to 50 cm depth at two sites in Austria (temperate continental climate) in terms of compaction and structural, hydraulic and biological parameters. Both conservation management systems led to better structural stability at the soil cultivation horizon than in conventionally managed soils. Based on measurements taken at three depths down to 30 cm soil depth, we measured higher aggregate stability of 142 % (reduced shallow tillage) and 135 % (no-tillage) for conservation tillage than for conventional tillage. In undisturbed soil layers, the dependence of structural stability on humus content was observed. However, this stability decreased when the soil was mechanically disturbed, regardless of the remaining humus content. Under the soil cultivation horizon, differences in structural and biological parameters were negligible. For hydraulic parameters, there was a slight trend towards higher water storage capacity (+ 1-2 %) and hydraulic conductivity. This is attributed to the lower subsoil compaction achieved by both conservation systems.  At a soil depth of 45-50 cm, we measured a 6% (reduced shallow tillage) or 9% (no-tillage) lower bulk density with conservation tillage than with conventional tillage. As the positive effects of no-tillage on soil structure are more limited to the soil surface, and the reduced shallow tillage has a more uniform effect on deeper soil layers, we recommend reduced shallow tillage in similar pedoclimatic regions where there is a risk of subsoil compaction.

How to cite: Liebhard, G., Toth, M., Stumpp, C., Strohmeier, S., and Strauss, P.: Protecting the subsoil from compaction through conservation management., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3103,, 2025.

EGU25-3518 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

A comprehensive database for evaluating the impact of contrasting agricultural systems on soil water dynamics and agrochemical leaching 

Clémence Pirlot, Caroline De Clerck, and Aurore Degré

Understanding the temporal evolution of soil hydraulic properties is critical for improving agricultural sustainability and adapting to climate change. These properties drive water and solute movement, but most studies and models overlook their temporal variability, leading to poor decision-making. Furthermore, many studies focus on specific practices or surface soil layers, neglecting deeper horizons. To address these gaps, a long-term database has been established as part of the Agriculture Is Life for Water Quality project to monitor soil water dynamics, soil structure, and agrochemical leaching under innovative agricultural systems designed for sustainable production.

This database is part of the EcoFoodSystem project, a 16-year initiative comparing four contrasting systems with long-term 8-year rotations. These systems align with EAT-Lancet recommendations and were implemented in November 2020 to assess their compatibility or competition in terms of food security, agronomic, and environmental objectives:

  • A reference rotation integrating livestock through flows of by-products and manure, with two variants: herbicide-only and no pesticides.
  • An integrated crop-livestock rotation with intercrops and temporary pastures for ruminants as functional tools for pest and weed control, managed without pesticides.
  • A vegan rotation, simulating agriculture without livestock and manure, to reflect a "zero flow" scenario.

These systems are implemented on eight loamy plots in the first and fifth years of rotation at the Faculty of Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (ULiège, Belgium). The set-up includes 24 Teros 12 soil moisture sensors and 24 Teros 21 soil potential sensors at 30, 60, and 90 cm depth, connected to ZL6 data loggers for real-time monitoring. Soil solution sampling plates at 120 cm collect data on agrochemicals leaching. Intact soil cores are taken every three months to track bulk density and porosity, enabling the quantification of alternative practices' impacts on soil structure and nitrate, pesticides and metabolites leaching.  

After four years (2021-2024), results highlight significant variations in soil water retention influenced by crop diversity, weed control, residue management and contrasting climatic conditions, such as the 2021 floods or the 2022 drought. Different drying dynamics and resilience to climatic extremes were observed under some practices, demonstrating their potential to enhance water retention (Pirlot et al., 2024). Nitrate leaching showed seasonal patterns, with higher concentrations following fertilisation and residue incorporation, particularly in rapeseed plots. While parent pesticides were rarely detected at 1.2 m depth in the reference rotation, metabolites of previously applied pesticides persisted and gradually declined.

This database provides valuable insights into the temporal dynamics of soil hydraulic properties, soil structure and agrochemical leaching under contrasting systems. By monitoring them at multiple depths and over time, the database supports the development of sustainable practices to optimise soil water retention and manage nitrate pollution. These data can also refine models to improve their predictive accuracy. This resource is a critical tool for assessing the transition to sustainable agriculture, addressing challenges such as climate resilience, food security and environmental protection. The poster will present the database and how it can be accessed by the scientific community.

How to cite: Pirlot, C., De Clerck, C., and Degré, A.: A comprehensive database for evaluating the impact of contrasting agricultural systems on soil water dynamics and agrochemical leaching, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3518,, 2025.

Compaction may affect soil functions for decades. To minimize soil compaction, ground-based timber harvesting in Central European hardwood forests was traditionally practiced in the dormant season on frozen soils. However, due to rising winter temperatures, timber is now often harvested on wet, non-frozen soil, increasing the susceptibility to compaction. In a controlled experiment on clayey soils (60 % clay, 38 % silt) in the Vienna woods, we assessed the effects of ground-based timber harvesting on soil functions and their recovery. We compared skid trails established and trafficked 1 versus 18 years ago at the same site. Earthworm data was collected in the tracks and at adjacent undisturbed plots (paired sampling design) using mustard extraction and hand-sorting. To evaluate soil structure with X-ray imaging, we sampled undisturbed soil cores at 5 and 15 cm depths in a similar design as the earthworms. We identified five earthworm species: Aporrectodea rosea, Dendrobaena platyura, Dendrodrilus rubidus, Lumbricus rubellus, and Octolasion lacteum. Earthworm abundance was highest on trails trafficked 18 years ago, indicating earthworm population recovery, particularly among endogeic and juvenile anecic individuals, while adult anecic earthworm abundance did not fully recover. X-ray data showed that image-resolved porosity was significantly reduced directly after trafficking (from 14.4 ± 5.0 % at untrafficked positions (U) to 3.5 ± 1.6 % at 5 cm depth in the tracks (T) and from 13.5 ± 4.9 % to 2.0 ± 1.1 % at 15 cm depth) and recovered at 5 cm within 18 years (12.0 ± 3.4 % (U) to 12.2 ± 4.3 % (T)), but only partially at 15 cm (14.2 ± 2.6 % (U) versus 7.1 ± 2.5 % (T)). Other imaging-based parameters, such as bio-pores, pore anisotropy, connectivity measures (Euler number and gamma), and percolating porosity, reflected similar patterns. Bulk density increased significantly directly after timber harvesting (from 1.0 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (U) to 1.3 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (T) at 5 cm and from 1.1 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (U) to 1.4 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (T) at 15 cm) and showed partial recovery after 18 years (1.0 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (U) versus 1.1 ± 0.2 g/cm³ (T) at 5 cm and from 1.0 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (U) to 1.3 ± 0.1 g/cm³ (T) at 15 cm). However, the anisotropy of stones did not recover. Pressure and shearing forces obviously arranged the platy stones in the trails horizontally, which might be irreversible. Our data demonstrate that earthworms can recolonize heavily compacted forest soils. The recovery of soil structure follows a depth gradient and is only partial at 15 cm depth 18 years after trafficking.


How to cite: Behringer, M., Koestel, J., Muys, B., and Katzensteiner, K.: A long road to recovery: Soil structure and earthworms show partial recovery in skid trails of a clayey temperate forest soil after 18 years., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4441,, 2025.

EGU25-4652 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of loess microstructure evolution and internal erosion driven by water seepage 

Yanqiu Leng, Jianbing Peng, Jianqi Zhuang, and Ming He

Water-induced loess geo-disasters are closely related to the loess microstructure evolution after water injection. To study the infiltration process and microstructural changes of intact loess, we conducted water injection seepage tests of the Malan loess in the Loess Plateau of China. We used magnetic resonance T2 spectra and magnetic resonance imaging to monitor the water absorption rate, pore size distribution, and the shape of wetting front of loess samples with different seepage rates. Water preferentially entered large and medium pores; subsequently, influenced by adsorption, water diffused and accumulated into micro- and small pores. Continuous seepage resulted in skeletal collapse of the loess, including an increase in minimum pore size, enhancement of pore connectivity, and closure of large pores. Particle size analysis and scanning electron microscope images of loess samples after seepage indicated that fine particles gradually migrated downwards along the direction of seepage, eventually accumulating between, and blocking, large pores. As the clay fraction increased by 4.29% and 7.85%, the shear strength decreased by 22.3% and 59.6% respectively. In addition, the pore water pressure increased by 66.7% and 300%, respectively. The softening of loess strength caused by accumulation of fine particles and the water-resisting effect caused by clogged pores reduced the stability of loess slopes.

How to cite: Leng, Y., Peng, J., Zhuang, J., and He, M.: Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of loess microstructure evolution and internal erosion driven by water seepage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4652,, 2025.

In this presentation, the development, scope and concepts underlying a phenomenological model of soil structure dynamics embedded in a new soil-crop simulation model (USSF; Uppsala model of Soil Structure and Function) will be described. This model accounts for seasonal soil structure dynamics (e.g. tillage/consolidation, surface sealing, swell-shrink) as well as those occurring at much longer (i.e. decadal and centennial) time-scales arising from processes such as microbial-mediated soil aggregation, macro-faunal activity and root growth. The USSF model couples these descriptions of soil structure dynamics with modules for crop growth, soil hydrology and organic matter cycling at the scale of the soil profile. This means that the model can be used to evaluate the effects of soil structure dynamics driven by changes in climate or land management (e.g. soil degradation or regeneration) on the soil water balance, crop growth and stocks of soil organic matter. To finish, some initial applications of the USSF model will be presented, followed by a brief discussion of some important current limitations as well as future prospects.  

How to cite: Jarvis, N.: An exploratory model of soil structure dynamics: concepts, scope and initial applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4708,, 2025.

EGU25-8833 | Orals | SSS6.2

How do runoff mechanisms influence the form of phosporus lost from grassland soils? 

Patti Roche, John Cleary, Mary Harty, Samuel Browett, and Sara Vero

Soil pore structure influences hydraulic conductivity and saturation regimes. The influence of soil structure, and mechanisms of overland flow on the form of phosphorus (P) loss is not fully understood. Models of P transport assume either saturation excess (SE) or infiltration excess (IE) overland flow as the triggering mechanism. SE runoff may lead to higher dissolved P losses, due to a) lower applied energy hence less physical separation of particulates, and/or b) greater mobilization of P from sorbed reserves during antecedent saturation. Conversely, IE runoff may lead to greater particulate P loss due to increased physical separation. Structure, and contingent runoff mechanisms, is therefore likely to impact not only gross P losses, but also forms of P delivered to surface water. The influence of soil structure, and type of overland flow (SE or IE) on forms of P loss from grasslands is being examined through a runoff trial. Soil was collected, air dried, and sieved. Subsequently, soil was packed into boxes at two different bulk densities, to reflect good and poor soil structures. Perennial ryegrass was sown and rooting was allowed to establish over a 6 month period to encourage structural development. After the priming period, the runoff boxes will be saturated to two different levels. A simulated rainfall event will be imposed, and runoff water will be collected. The resulting dissolved and particulate P concentrations will be measured. Soil pore structure will be assessed at the conclusion of the trial in 2025. Intact soil cores will be extracted from each box and soil water retention curves will be measured.

How to cite: Roche, P., Cleary, J., Harty, M., Browett, S., and Vero, S.: How do runoff mechanisms influence the form of phosporus lost from grassland soils?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8833,, 2025.

The behavior of soils under seismic loading is a critical aspect of geotechnical engineering, particularly in regions prone to strong earthquakes. Soils are subjected to complex cyclic loading conditions combining both vertical and horizontal stresses under strong seismic excitations. However, previous experimental studies seldom considered the effect of horizontal cyclic stresses on soils, especially for cohesive gravelly soils. To address this limitation, this study aims to conduct a series of large-scale cyclic triaxial tests on gravelly clay sample with various gravel contents subjected to dynamic confining pressures (represented as DCP stress path η), more closely replicating the actual conditions soils encounter during seismic events. The features of cyclic stress-strain responses, effective stress paths (p-q) and excess pore water built-ups are firstly analyzed. The test results showed the axial strains at failure are increased with the increasing of DCP stress path η. The effect of the gravel content on the dynamic characteristics of gravelly clay is furtherly discussed in detail. Moreover, a unified formula incorporating axial strains, excess pore pressure, and gravel contents was established that can provide a good reference for predicting dynamic behaviors in cyclic triaxial tests with different DCP stress paths η. The test results will help to identify potential failure mechanisms, evaluate the soil’s resilience, and inform the development of improved seismic design practices for soil-infrastructure in earthquake-prone areas.

How to cite: Chen, Q. and Du, W.: Mechanical characteristics of cohesive gravelly soils under bidirectional cyclic loading, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9729,, 2025.

EGU25-9915 | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Temporal dynamics of subsoil compaction risks in Sweden under a seasonal perspective 

Lorena Chagas Torres and Thomas Keller

Soil compaction poses significant challenges to agricultural productivity worldwide, with Sweden being particularly vulnerable due to its heavy machinery usage and moist soil conditions. Negative effects of compaction may persist for decades, especially in case of subsoil compaction. This risk is anticipated to escalate as agricultural machinery continues to grow heavier. The temporal variability in soil compaction risk, influenced by seasonal changes in weather, crops, and machinery, is often overlooked but is crucial for optimizing crop rotations and machinery use to reduce the negative impacts of field traffic. This study aims to evaluate the seasonal variability of subsoil compaction risks in major cropping areas of Sweden. We integrated data from in situ soil moisture monitoring from selected representative fields with precompression stress data to examine the seasonal dynamics of soil strength throughout a growing season. By combining variations in soil strength and estimated soil stress for different machinery, we conducted a seasonal evaluation of subsoil compaction risk. We evaluated which field operation pose the highest risk of subsoil compaction and examined how this varies across different regions in Sweden. We examine compaction risks during tillage and show that conventional in-furrow ploughing is an overlooked risk of subsoil compaction. By using historical machinery data, we show how “windows of opportunity” (i.e., periods with low compaction risks) have become smaller and how the critical field operation causing subsoil compaction has shifted over time. The findings underscore the growing challenge of subsoil compaction and highlight the need for developing targeted management strategies to mitigate its impacts.

How to cite: Chagas Torres, L. and Keller, T.: Temporal dynamics of subsoil compaction risks in Sweden under a seasonal perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9915,, 2025.

EGU25-11018 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Connecting (near) saturated hydraulic conductivity to soil aggregation and carbon content on croplands across Europe 

Dymphie Burger, Wulf Amelung, Paulina Heidtmann, Marie Geske, Heike Schimmel, Lutz Weihermüller, Harry Vereecken, and Sara Bauke

The soil hydraulic conductivity function describes the soil’s ability to transmit water and in land surface models (LSMs) this function is often estimated from soil texture and soil organic carbon (SOC) content. In addition, soil hydraulic conductivity in the wet range (Ksat and K@h=-2cm) is strongly influenced by soil structure, whereby structural information is currently not used to estimate the soil’s hydraulic conductivity. Neglect of soil structure can therefore lead to false estimations of soil hydrological fluxes and soil water storage. In order to quantify the impact of soil structure on the soil’s hydraulic conductivity, we conducted infiltration measurements and analysed aggregate size distribution as an indicator of soil structure in croplands along a climate and organic carbon gradient across Europe. We found that soil aggregation was controlled by a combination of the log transformed SOC and clay content, as well as by the log transformed soil moisture. When information on the mean weighted diameter (MWD) of the sand-free aggregates and the mass distribution between aggregate size fractions was included in linear models that predicted Ksat or K@h=-2cm, the predictions had a 13.3 % lower RMSE and could explain up to 67 % of variation in the Ksat data. When the information was not included, the models could only explain 56 % of the variation in the Ksat data, in general predictions were better for Ksat than K@h=-2cm. For K@h=-2cm, the mass distribution between sand-free aggregate size was more important than the MWD of the aggregates, which was not the case for Ksat. For Ksat, the most important predictors were the interaction of the MWD of the aggregates with the carbon and clay content, the interaction of the carbon and clay content and the soil moisture and soil temperature at the time of field measurement. The significant contribution of indicators of soil structure in these models confirm that soils with larger aggregate MWD, indicating a more developed soil structure, have higher Ksat.  Therefore, soil aggregation should be taken into account, either by including the MWD of soil aggregates as a variable or developing proxies, in order to estimate water partitioning in soils to ultimately incorporate into LSMs.

How to cite: Burger, D., Amelung, W., Heidtmann, P., Geske, M., Schimmel, H., Weihermüller, L., Vereecken, H., and Bauke, S.: Connecting (near) saturated hydraulic conductivity to soil aggregation and carbon content on croplands across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11018,, 2025.

EGU25-11085 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Greening Headlands: A new method to reduce soil compaction and enhance soil health 

Carolin Körbs, Michael Kuhwald, Joachim Brunotte, Rainer Duttmann, and Marco Lorenz

The use of heavy machinery lead to severe soil compaction, especially in the headland. In sustainable headland management, in contrast, it is necessary to manage compacted soils and promote soil health. Therefore, a new measure of “greening headlands” was studied to analyse stabilisation effects. The aim was to detect changes in soil functionality during intensive field traffic in the headlands.

The study was carried out on two study fields in Lower Saxony, Germany, to analyse changes after a four-year period of greening. On field A, part of the headland was newly planted with clover grass over a width of 18 m. At Field B, a 6 m grass-buffer from original water protection strip was used as headland. The former headland had a width of 27 m. All turning manoeuvres during the four years occurred in the (greened) headlands. Sampling was carried out in the core field, (former) headland and greened headland at the depth of 20, 35 and 50 cm. Mainly soil physical properties (e.g. dry bulk density, air capacity) and soil nutrients (e.g. phosphorus) were analysed.

After four years, the air capacity in 50 cm depth in the greened headland of field A increased compared to the core field. Despite intensive field traffic, the dry bulk density on the greened headland did not decrease significantly compared to the headland. Furthermore, the greening had a positive effect on the yield at the former headland due to edge effects of the greening.

In field B, positive effects can be observed in the former headland, with slightly decreasing dry bulk densities and significantly increasing air capacities at all depths. The greened headland is clearly influenced by field traffic, as the bulk density increased from 1.53 g/cm³ to 1.58 g/cm³ at 20 cm depth and 1.41 to 1.58 g/cm³ at 50 cm depth after four years. The air capacity decreased from 7.78 % to 6.47 % at 20 cm depth and slightly decreased in 50 cm depth. At 35 cm, the parameters show similar tendencies compared to 50 cm depth.

Overall, a stabilising effect of a dominant root network in the vegetation cover can be identified as soil functions in field A improved in the greened headland despite the intensity of field traffic. Field B was less compacted at the beginning of the study. As a result, the negative effects of field traffic are more apparent. Nevertheless, the greening mitigates the negative effects of field traffic, as the effects are relatively small compared to field A.

The yield on compacted headlands is lower compared to the other locations. The greening of headlands can be used to reduce negative soil compaction effects in the headlands and promote soil health. However, the greening reduces the area available for arable farming. Nevertheless, the new method can additionally reduce runoff and promote sediment retention and thus prevents soil erosion.

How to cite: Körbs, C., Kuhwald, M., Brunotte, J., Duttmann, R., and Lorenz, M.: Greening Headlands: A new method to reduce soil compaction and enhance soil health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11085,, 2025.

EGU25-11093 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Detecting soil compaction through multispectral UAV images – A spatial analysis of traffic effects and compaction patterns in arable land 

Svenja Steckel, Frauke Lindenstruth, Rainer Duttmann, and Michael Kuhwald

Soil compaction induced by mechanical stress of heavy machinery and intensive field traffic can reduce crop yields and is one of the main threats to soil functions. Even though soil compaction is one of the most serious types of soil degradation worldwide, its detection on a large scale remains challenging. Current methods of soil compaction detection are limited to selective samplings and laboratory analyses, which are both labor-intensive.

This study examines whether field traffic effects and soil compaction can be detected non-invasively on field scale using multispectral UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) images. The objective of the study is to establish a link between soil properties, crop yields and multispectral images in order to determine the spatial extent of soil compaction. Two fields in Northern Germany cultivated with winter wheat and winter barley served as study area during the years 2020-2022. To analyse the effects of soil compaction on soil functions and crop yields, the slurry application in spring was used as a reference event for anthropogenically induced soil compaction.

Multispectral images of the two study sites were recorded up to four times with UAV during the vegetation period. The images were used to calculate vegetation indices (e.g. GRVI, MGRVI) and the plant height. In addition, soil sampling and manual harvests were carried out in the ruts of the slurry tanker and in the non-trafficked areas. In the laboratory soil physical (e.g. dry bulk density, air capacity) and chemical (e.g. carbon content) properties were measured as well as the grain yield.

The results of the UAV analysis show linear patterns of low plant height and vegetation index values, that can be recognized over the entire extent of the study fields, particularly in spring. The linear patterns are attributed to the slurry application. As an example, the NDVI in March 2021 shows a mean value of 0.55 in the ruts of the slurry tanker, whereas the mean value in the non-trafficked field is 0.63. These findings are consistent with the laboratory analyses. The results demonstrate that the mechanical stress by the slurry tanker leads to increased dry bulk density and reduced air capacity, air conductivity and saturated hydraulic conductivity in the trafficked areas compared to the non-trafficked inner field. In addition, the grain yield in the ruts of the slurry tanker is on average about 13 % lower than in the non-trafficked field.

However, sampling time and weather conditions have a strong effect on the analysis. In 2022, for instance, weather extremes occurred with low precipitation, which lower the correlation between UAV data and soil properties and made the analysis more complex. Nevertheless, this study shows that UAV imagery is a reliable tool to detect soil compaction at a continuous spatial scale for individual fields.

How to cite: Steckel, S., Lindenstruth, F., Duttmann, R., and Kuhwald, M.: Detecting soil compaction through multispectral UAV images – A spatial analysis of traffic effects and compaction patterns in arable land, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11093,, 2025.

EGU25-11398 | Orals | SSS6.2

Does structure really matter? Exploring implications of microbe-structure interactions to carbon dynamics at the field scale 

Sara König, Ulrich Weller, Julius Ansorge, Thomas Reitz, Steffen Schlüter, Ute Wollschläger, and Hans-Jörg Vogel

Soil structure determines crucial soil physical processes, such as water distribution, gas flow, and cycling of carbon and nutrients. This way, it builds and constrains biological habitats. The resulting environmental conditions at the micro- or mesoscale builds and constrains habitats for plants, soil fauna, and microorganisms. However, the direct impact of soil structure on these biological actors remains poorly understood. So far, research primarily focused on mechanisms at the aggregate or pore scale. Although process knowledge on this scale is still needed, it is also essential to understand the implications of such interactions for soil functions at the field scale.

Within this study, we tested different concepts of microbe-structure interactions using the systemic soil model BODIUM (König et al., 2023;, and analysed the consequences for carbon dynamics at the field scale.

Our model integrates a dynamic soil structure with distinct pore size classes and explicit representation of microorganisms, recently extended to distinguish between bacteria and fungi. This framework allows us to explore microbe-structure interactions, by adjusting fungi and bacteria mobility, growth strategies as well as microbe and carbon distributions within the pore size classes.  The evaluation of the soil structure is supported by the Soil Structure Library (Weller et al., 2022;, which provides a collection of analysed soil CT images with pore size distributions down to 10 µm. For some of the images additional information was obtained on the distribution of particulate organic matter and its correlation with the pore system. This allows further process analysis on aerobic and anaerobic matter turnover.

We performed simulations spanning temporal and spatial scales relevant to agriculture, and analysed the implications for soil total soil carbon and C to N ratio, the proportions of fungi and bacteria, as well as emission rates. Additionally, we simulated scenarios involving tillage and bioturbation, which alter soil structure, to account for soil structure dynamics and resulting spatial distribution of organic matter.

Our simulation results suggest that soil structure indeed exerts a significant influence on field-scale soil functions, but rather by shaping environmental conditions for microbes and not due to direct interactions. However, the extent of this influence critically depends on our assumptions for the mobility and growth behaviour of microorganisms. This dependency also suggests that in our scenarios soil structure is not a limiting factor, and we should extend our simulations to more extreme scenarios such as a high compaction.

Consequently, further modelling and experimental research is needed to unravel the underlying mechanisms and develop robust upscaling approaches.

König, S., Weller, U., Betancur-Corredor, B., Lang, B., Reitz, T., Wiesmeier, M., Wollschläger, U., Vogel, H.-J. (2023): BODIUM - a systemic approach to model the dynamics of soil functions. Eur. J. Soil Sci. 74 (5), e13411, 10.1111/ejss.13411

Weller, U., Albrecht, L., Schlüter, S., Vogel, H.-J. (2022): An open Soil Structure Library based on X-ray CT data. Soil 8 (2), 507 – 515, 10.5194/soil-8-507-2022

How to cite: König, S., Weller, U., Ansorge, J., Reitz, T., Schlüter, S., Wollschläger, U., and Vogel, H.-J.: Does structure really matter? Exploring implications of microbe-structure interactions to carbon dynamics at the field scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11398,, 2025.

Climate change affects the agriculture in manifold ways. One important point is the change of the weather conditions, which results in variation of precipitation and temperature. Both, precipitation and temperature changes, will affect plant and root growth as well as the available water content in the soil. In addition to many other soil and plant processes, soil moisture has a major influence on soil strength. A change in soil moisture due to climate change will therefore have an impact on the trafficability of soils and the risk of soil compaction. However, it is currently not known to what extent and in what direction the trafficability and soil compaction risk may change as a result of climate change.

In this study, we used a modelling approach to analyse the behaviour of soil compaction risk in times of climate change. First, we collected soil, crop and weather data from 12 different pedo-climatic zones in Europe. Using a new version of the SaSCiA model (Spatially explicit Soil Compaction risk Assessment), we calculated the wheel load carrying capacity (WLCC) for the last two decades. To model the effects of climate change, we selected 10 different climatic models and 2 SSP-scenarios (SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5). For each pedo-climatic zone, we calculated the WLCC for each climate model and each SSP-scenario from present to 2100 on a daily basis.

The results show that climate change will increase the WLCC and thus potentially reduce the soil compaction risk. In the short-term (2020-2050), a slight increase of maximum 5.1% of WLCC occurred on average across all study sites when comparing SSP5-8.5 (worst-case scenario) with SSP1-2.6 (best-case scenario). In the long-term (2051-2100), the WLCC increased by 17.8%. The largest increases in WLCC occurred from May to the end of October. From January to April, only minor changes were recorded. At this time, soils are often at field capacity which is likely to be reached in the future. The soil compactions risk therefore remains high during this period, which has an impact on slurry spreading, for instance.

In addition to the average long-term effects, the variation in the WLCC between years is significantly high. There is an irregular alternation of dry and wet years within certain periods. The effects of these dry or wet years exceed the long-term changes in WLCC caused by climate change. This is an important point, as the compaction of the subsoil lasts for a long time.

How to cite: Kuhwald, M. and Lamande, M.: Modelling soil compaction risk under climate change: an analysis of wheel load carrying capacity for different pedoclimatic zones in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13134,, 2025.

EGU25-13288 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Analysing Soil Structure Through 3D Grayscale Imaging: Geometrical and Network-Based Insights Without Binarization 

Miguel Ángel Paternain, Juan José Martin Sotoca, and Ana M. Tarquis

Soil structure is fundamental in determining soil functionality, including water retention, nutrient availability, microbial growth processes, and gas exchange. Analysing soil structure through 3D grayscale imaging provides an innovative approach to understand its properties without resorting to binarization, a process that can oversimplify complex soil features. By systematically altering the global threshold applied to grayscale images, detailed geometrical and network-based parameters can be extracted, preserving the nuanced heterogeneity of natural (real) soils.

This study compared natural soil images with randomly generated models to calculate critical parameters. Geometrical metrics such as porosity, pore size distribution, tortuosity, formation factor, and fractal dimension were determined to characterise the structural complexity of the soil matrix. Additionally, connectivity and other network-based parameters, reflecting the porous network's topology, were analysed to reveal insights into the soil's functionality and capacity to support biological and physical processes.

Our approach highlights the importance of maintaining grayscale image fidelity to capture subtle but essential soil features, offering a more nuanced analysis than traditional binarization techniques. The findings emphasise the interplay between geometrical and network properties in defining soil structure and its ecological roles. This method holds promise for advancing soil science and sustainable land management practices.

Keywords: soil structure, 3D grayscale imaging, porosity, tortuosity, fractal dimension, porous network, connectivity.


  • Samec, M., Santiago, A., Cárdenas, J. P., Benito, R. M., Tarquis, A. M., Mooney, S. J., & Korošak, D. (2013). "Quantifying soil complexity using network models of soil porous structure." Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 20(1), 41-45.
  • Tarquis, A. M., Heck, R. J., & Antón, J. M. (2009). "3D Soil Images Structure Quantification using Relative Entropy." Ecological Complexity, 6(3), 230-239.
  • Tarquis, A. M., Heck, R. J., Andina, D., Álvarez, A., & Antón, J. M. (2009). "Pore network complexity and thresholding of 3D soil images." Ecological Complexity, 6(3), 230-239.
  • Torre, I. G., Losada, J. C., Heck, R. J., & Tarquis, A. M. (2018). "Multifractal analysis of 3D images of tillage soil." Geoderma, 311, 167-174.
  • Torre, I. G., Martín-Sotoca, J. J., Losada, J. C., López, P., & Tarquis, A. M. (2020). "Scaling properties of binary and greyscale images in the context of X-ray soil tomography." Geoderma, 365, 114205.

How to cite: Paternain, M. Á., Martin Sotoca, J. J., and Tarquis, A. M.: Analysing Soil Structure Through 3D Grayscale Imaging: Geometrical and Network-Based Insights Without Binarization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13288,, 2025.

EGU25-13718 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

AI-based approaches can improve soil structure evaluation in micromorphological analyses 

Carlo Perreca, Giuliano Langella, and Fabio Terribile

Soil structure plays an important role in many soil processes such as roots penetration, water retention and the development of microbial habitats. For this reason, studying soil structure is a fundamental step to better understand how these processes work.
Recently, AI-based models development has paved the way for their implementation in analysing and classifying soil features. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) like U-Net and Mask R-CNN have shown great potential and are often used for segmenting soil pores or plant roots but, despite this, the potential of deep learning in segmenting different types of soil structures remains relatively unexplored. Currently, soil structure evaluation methods often rely on subjective interpretations and therefore subject to human error.
This study explores the potential of an AI-based method as a reliable decision support tool for soil microstructure assessment. The goal of the training was the correct segmentation of different types of soil structures (e.g. Crumb, Granular, Angular, Sub-angular, Massive).
Since some structures were underrepresented in the original dataset, data augmentation was applied to balance the dataset. Subsequently, the dataset was split into training (70%), validation (20%), and test (10%) sets. The training and validation sets were used for model training and validation. The test set, which was excluded from the training phase, was used to evaluate model performance through four accuracy metrics: Precision, Recall, Dice coefficient, and Intersection over Union (IoU).
According to the test set predictions, with a mean Dice coefficient of 0.81 and mean IoU of 0.73 across all soil structure classes, the model demonstrated strong performance in segmenting soil structures. As expected, the model achieved the best results for those structures that were better represented in the training dataset.
Our findings suggest that, although the quality and heterogeneity of the training dataset play a crucial role, AI has the potential to transform soil structure evaluation, providing more objective analyses while reducing the incidence of human bias. 

How to cite: Perreca, C., Langella, G., and Terribile, F.: AI-based approaches can improve soil structure evaluation in micromorphological analyses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13718,, 2025.

EGU25-15037 | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Structure evolution in arable soil after gypsum, structure lime and fibre sludge amendment 

Jari Hyväluoma, Arttu Miettinen, Helena Soinne, Sami Kinnunen, Tero Harjupatana, and Riikka Keskinen

Soil conditioning aims at improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils and thereby serves as one measure to enhance crop productivity and to reduce water quality impacts of arable fields. In this study, we consider the effects of three soil amendments (gypsum, structure lime, and pulp and paper mill sludges) on soil structure development. The positive impacts of these amendments on erosion reduction have been observed in previous studies but detection of their effects on soil pore structure has turned out to be challenging. Here we studied the structural development of packed and sieved soil samples imitating topsoil after seedbed preparation using a ‘semifield’ approach. Arable topsoil (clay and OC contents were 38% and 2.4%, respectively) was mixed with the soil amendment, packed to perforated PVC cylinders (diameter 46 mm and height 70 mm) and buried in a field plot. The samples were removed from the field at certain times to quantify their structure with X-ray tomography and re-buried after the X-ray scanning. Our results show differences in the structure evolution during the first growing season for the considered treatments. The inorganic amendments (gypsum and structure lime) did not differ from the unamended control whereas fibre sludge had a clear impact on the structure evolution. Fibre amendment increased the porosity in the largest macropores (pore diameter > 1.2 mm) whereas the effects were opposite in smaller pore size classes (pore diameter < 0.6 mm). Our results indicate that soil amendments can influence the soil structure dynamics and thus soil functioning, but the effect depends on the amendment used.

How to cite: Hyväluoma, J., Miettinen, A., Soinne, H., Kinnunen, S., Harjupatana, T., and Keskinen, R.: Structure evolution in arable soil after gypsum, structure lime and fibre sludge amendment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15037,, 2025.

EGU25-15120 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Short-term impact of mechanical loosening on physical soil properties in a severely compacted subsoil 

Alina Widmer, Alice Johannes, Mario Fontana, Marlies Sommer, Saïd Elfouki, Luca Bragazza, and John Koestel

Subsoil compaction is a serious threat to the fertility of our agricultural lands. In severe cases it impedes aeration of and water infiltration into the subsoil, increasing risks of water-logging and overland run-off with erosion. It also may prevent roots from growing to larger depths, being unable to exploit subsoil water resources in the case of droughts. In this study we investigated soil structural properties in the aftermath of a heavy compaction event caused by storage of excavated soil in an approximately 10 m tall heap over several years. In addition, we evaluated a mechanical loosening method to ameliorate the soil physical properties. We contrasted soil physical properties of undisturbed soil samples (100 cm3 volume, sampled approximately 9 months after the subsoil loosening) as well as X-ray image-data of compacted, mechanically loosened and pristine subsoil down to approximately 80 cm below the soil surface. We found that the soil loosening improved penetration resistances, porosities and soil aeration properties, especially in the deepest investigated soil layer at 60 cm depth. At this depth, the loosened soil had similar or even better properties than the pristine soil. The compacted soil was almost completely devoid of X-ray imaged macropores. In contrast, the loosened soil featured similar imaged porosities as the pristine soil, but was lacking biopore networks, which resulted in a less well-connected imaged pore system and decreased soil aeration under wet conditions. Note that classical pore-network connectivity measures like the Gamma connectivity or the Euler number turned out to be unsuited as indicators of degraded pore networks. Instead, we encourage to use approaches from percolation theory to quantify loss of macropore connectivity in compacted soil, for example the critical pore diameter or the fraction of percolating soil samples per treatment. Our results quantify the beneficial effects of mechanical soil loosening of severely compacted subsoil to soil macropore-networks and associated soil functions. However, our results also confirm that natural and ameliorated soil structures are clearly dissimilar. Time is required until the loosened subsoil has consolidated and re-developed a biopore network, while the loosening is expected to shorten the time for subsoil recovery considerably. We are currently monitoring this process and will present the respective findings on the subsoil recovery rate in a future study.

How to cite: Widmer, A., Johannes, A., Fontana, M., Sommer, M., Elfouki, S., Bragazza, L., and Koestel, J.: Short-term impact of mechanical loosening on physical soil properties in a severely compacted subsoil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15120,, 2025.

EGU25-17049 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

The Impact of Compaction on Porosity and Decomposition in Peat 

Duygu Tolunay, Pepijn van Elderen, Mariet M. Hefting, George A. Kowalchuk, Esther Stouthamer, and Gilles Erkens

The physical structure of peat, particularly porosity, regulates both biochemical and physical processes in drained peatlands. Porosity influences key subsidence mechanisms such as consolidation, creep, and organic matter decomposition. This study investigated how compaction alters porosity and how these structural changes affect decomposition rates in peat with two levels of degradation over the short term.

Intact peat samples were collected from a drained peat meadow in the Netherlands, representing less decomposed fibric peat (FP) from saturated depths and more degraded peat (DP) from unsaturated layers. The samples were subjected to controlled compaction under different stress levels (10 kPa and 40 kPa) in the laboratory to assess changes in porosity and decomposition through CO2 emissions and ß-D-Glucosidase potential activities (PA).

The results showed that compaction reduced porosity in both peat types with this reduction leading to a decline in CO2 emissions and ß-D-Glucosidase PA, which was more significant in fibric peat. The average CO2 emissions decreased by 33.1% and 48.1% for FP, and by 11.2% and 14.4% for DP, when subjected to compaction of 10 kPa and 40 kPa, respectively. The reduction in ß-D-Glucosidase PA with compaction averaged approximately 30%.

These findings highlight the complex interplay between mechanical and biochemical processes in drained peatlands, where changes in the physical structure of peat can directly influence subsidence dynamics. By demonstrating how mechanical stresses alter porosity and, consequently, biochemical activity, this research underscores the critical role of soil structure in driving organic matter dynamics and overall peatland function.

How to cite: Tolunay, D., van Elderen, P., Hefting, M. M., Kowalchuk, G. A., Stouthamer, E., and Erkens, G.: The Impact of Compaction on Porosity and Decomposition in Peat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17049,, 2025.

EGU25-17314 | Orals | SSS6.2

How does subsoil compaction affect topsoil structure? Insights from the ROCSUB project 

Alice Johannes, Bénédicte Liardet, Patrick Delévaux, Mario Fontana, and Luca Bragazza

Subsoil compaction is a major environmental threat adversely affecting soil functions with potentially negative effects on topsoil too. In the present study, that is part of a long-term experiment called ROCSUB (restoration of compacted subsoil), we aim at better understanding how subsoil compaction and loosening can affect topsoil quality and plant development. The study takes place in a loamy field in western Switzerland and was setup in 2020 after a severe compaction event. Only the subsoil was severely compacted by a heavy pile of excavation material, while the topsoil was removed and stored gently aside during the construction process. Visible signs of compaction were detected up to 70 cm depth. The study includes 2 mechanical treatments (subsoil compaction Vs mechanical loosening) and 2 culture treatments (Salix Vs crop rotation) with 4 plots per treatment, totaling 16 plots. The Salix trees were planted in 2021 as a potential biological soil loosening technique. The crop rotation treatment included temporary grassland in 2021 and 2022, winter wheat in 2023 and maize in 2024.

Soil sampling took place in 2023 in the Salix plots and in 2024 in the cropped plots (during maize). We sampled at 5-10 cm depth and at 30-35 cm depth for bulk density, water content and air content at -60 hPa. Soil structure quality was visually evaluated with the CoreVESS method. Plant productivity was measured for the Salix trees, wheat and maize. Root biomass allocation in the root system was recorded for Salix and maize plants. Earthworm activity was recorded in the Salix treatment.

Our study found that in compacted subsoil, the topsoil structure quality was superior to that in loosened subsoil. This conclusion was drawn by the results from the Salix treatment. In the Salix treatment, subsoil compaction negatively affected aboveground biomass productivity only during the first year after planting but not in the following years. This was attributed to the ability of the Salix roots to adapt to physical constraints through changes in biomass allocation. We hypothesized that this phenomenon occurred because biological activity was concentrated in the topsoil, intensifying its effects and compensating for the inaccessibility of the compacted subsoil. This surprising finding highlights the resilience of soil systems when operating in a "natural" state. In contrast, in agricultural settings such as maize cultivation, the topsoil structure quality did not compensate for the compacted subsoil and root biomass, aboveground biomass, and grain yield were negatively impacted. Taken together, these findings suggest that the impact of subsoil compaction on topsoil structure quality is highly dependent on soil management practices: natural systems demonstrate resilience and compensatory mechanisms, while high-disturbance systems do not.

How to cite: Johannes, A., Liardet, B., Delévaux, P., Fontana, M., and Bragazza, L.: How does subsoil compaction affect topsoil structure? Insights from the ROCSUB project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17314,, 2025.

EGU25-17595 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Harvesting methods shape root and mycorrhizal growth in forest ecosystems 

Lisa Gasser, Douglas Godbold, Klaus Katzensteiner, Hans Sandén, and Boris Rewald

Soil compaction caused by logging activities poses a significant challenge to root systems, their symbiotic interactions with mycorrhizal fungi, and their respective growth through altered biotic and abiotic soil factors. These impacts are closely tied to biogeochemical cycles and carbon sequestration, highlighting the importance of sustainable forestry strategies. Undisturbed forest ecosystems play a key role in enhancing climate resilience and supporting carbon storage, yet knowledge gaps remain in understanding the interplay between soil properties, root growth, and mycorrhizal associations under different harvesting conditions.

In this study, we investigated the effects of soil compaction on root and mycorrhizal dynamics and their implications for carbon cycling and ecosystem function. We implemented different harvesting methods (harvester-forwarder with/without tracks and cable-yarding with motor-manual felling) in a beech-dominated forest in Lower Austria during the winter of 2022/23. Using a transect approach, we assessed spatially explicit impacts on root and mycorrhizal dynamics by installing ingrowth cores and ingrowth bags. Transects were strategically placed across tracks, covering areas directly impacted by logging activities (tracks, cable-yarding corridors) and indirectly affected areas (between wheel tracks, marginal zones). Comprehensive assessments included root biomass, mycorrhizal hyphae distribution, anatomy, and morphology, alongside analyses of logging effects on mycorrhizal morphotypes and root-tip mycorrhization rates.

Preliminary data reveal significant influences of timber harvesting on root and mycorrhizal dynamics, with altered root growth patterns and notable differences between treatments and within transects. Harvesting methods resulted in widely varying degrees of soil compaction, leading to contrasting impacts on fine root characteristics, such as morphology and biomass. These changes, in turn, affect carbon sequestration potential and nutrient cycling processes, emphasizing the critical role of soil health in ecosystem resilience.

The persistent impacts of soil compaction on root and mycorrhizal development underscore the urgent need for sustainable forest management practices that mitigate adverse effects. By preserving soil integrity, such strategies enhance the long-term viability of root and mycorrhizal systems, supporting carbon storage and the broader biogeochemical functions essential for forest ecosystems to meet climate challenges.

How to cite: Gasser, L., Godbold, D., Katzensteiner, K., Sandén, H., and Rewald, B.: Harvesting methods shape root and mycorrhizal growth in forest ecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17595,, 2025.

EGU25-19162 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Biochar application can decrease urban trees’ defect rate and mortality after transplanting by optimizing soil water condition 

Inhye Seo, Minseop Jeong, Ye Lim Park, and Gayoung Yoo

Reducing tree defects after transplanting is essential for sustainable urban greening. As urban areas face increasing challenges from droughts and flooding, optimizing soil water conditions to support the successful establishment of newly planted trees has become increasingly important. While biochar is widely recognized as an effective strategy for enhancing soil water conditions, its long-term effects on soil pore structure, aggregate modification, and their fundamental impact on defect rate and mortality in transplanted trees remain poorly explored. To address this knowledge gap, we hypothesized that applying biochar to the subsoil with newly planted trees would decrease tree defect rate and mortality by improving the micro-aggregate formation and pore size distribution. To investigate how biochar decreases plant defect rate and mortality, we conducted a four-year field experiment by planting 30 six-year-old trees of representative urban roadside species each for the control and biochar treatment, respectively. For biochar treatment, the wood chip biochar of 4% by soil mass was applied at two subsoil depths (15–25 cm and 30–45 cm). Soil samples were collected by depth (0–15, 15–30, 30–60 cm) to analyze soil aggregates, pore distribution, and root biomass. Especially, additional soil samples for synchrotron-based X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) analysis were taken from a section (25–30 cm) between the two biochar layers. The volumetric soil water contents (SWC) by depth, tree defect rates, and mortality were continuously monitored.

Our results showed that biochar treatment halved both the tree defect rate in the first growing season and the final tree mortality after four years compared to the control. As plants require abundant water for initial establishment, the initial tree defect rate in the biochar treatment could be lower due to biochar maintaining SWC within an adequate range, particularly during the dry season (March to May). This is supported by a larger plant-available water (PAW) range in the biochar treatment, driven by an increased proportion of micro-aggregates (53–250 µm) and the corresponding rise in micro-pore volume (0.2–9.1 µm). We expect that μCT images will support our findings. The long-term tree mortality is likely influenced by the resilience and rehabilitation ability to extreme climate events. As our field site was affected by the monsoon climate zone, it experienced periodic extreme flooding during observation. The days when SWC exceeded field capacity were 5.6 times higher in the control than in the biochar treatment. This is reflected in the marginally higher dry biomass observed in both coarse roots (>2 mm) and fine roots (<2 mm) in the biochar treatment compared to the control. This indicates the biochar treatment could enhance root resilience, alleviating flood-induced water stress. Further analysis of nutrients, including inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, will help determine whether nutrient dynamics also contributed to improved tree survival and root development. Our results provided the evidence that subsoil biochar application improves early tree establishment and resilience to extreme climate events, thereby enhancing the long-term survival rate for newly planted trees.

How to cite: Seo, I., Jeong, M., Park, Y. L., and Yoo, G.: Biochar application can decrease urban trees’ defect rate and mortality after transplanting by optimizing soil water condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19162,, 2025.

Recently, the Quantislake method was developed which records weight loss or gain of intact soil samples during submergence i.e. soil slaking. However, it is yet unclear how slaking relates quantitatively to soil structure. This study was set up to determine if Quantislake parameters can be linked to soil porosity, determined by the soil water retention curve, or to the water-stable aggregate (WSA, >250 µm) fraction obtained by wet sieving. This was performed in a comparative study with 22 soils collected in agricultural soils with contrasting properties. As soil organic carbon (SOC) content increased the weight loss by slaking was smaller (r = 0.59), while SOC correlated somewhat weaker with the WSA fraction (r=0.45) or with relative meso + macroporosity ( > 30µm; r=0.53). The WSA correlated strongly to oxalate extractable Fe (Feox) in the soil (r=0.63), in line with earlier studies, but no such trend was found for Quantislake parameters, indicating that slaking captures a different aspect of soil structure than the agitated wet sieving. The weight loss in the Quantislake decreased with increasing relative meso- + macroporosity ( r=0.68). A large relative meso- + macroporosity indicates a large stable macroaggregate fraction (> 8 mm) that does not disassemble during slaking. In a subset of 10 soils, root mass was recorded. It showed that the Quantislake and relative microporosity strongly correlated with the root mass in the sample (r = 0.77 and -0.71, respectively), showing the positive effect of roots on the resistance to slaking. It is concluded that the Quantislake method is a useful additional index of soil structure in undisturbed soils. It even outperforms the wet sieving method to indicate mesoporosity and is thus better suited for studying, e.g., preferential flow. 

How to cite: van Dael, T., Verwerft, Q., and Smolders, E.: The soil structural stability determined by the Quantislake: linkage with soil porosity, water-stable aggregate fractions and soil chemical properties , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19283,, 2025.

EGU25-20221 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

The effect of different stocking densities and cattle urine on soil nitrous oxide emissions and compaction on a temperate pasture 

Katerina Dauksta, Laura Cardenas, Alejandro Romero-Ruiz, Fotis Sgouridis, Jane Memmott, and Daniel Enriquez-Hidalgo

Given the contribution from the livestock sector to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGe) and soil degradation via compaction and defecations it is imperative that best grazing management approaches are identified. Compacted soil from animal treading can lead to conditions that activate denitrifying bacteria and result in heightened nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. In addition, nitrogen input from cattle urination events amplify these emissions, however more data is required in this area. In this study we aimed to quantify soil N2O emissions in parallel with soil compaction following a simulated grazing event using three stocking densities (control, low (LSD) and high (HSD) with 0, 10 and 100 cows/ha/day respectively) on a temperate Southwest UK pasture. In addition, data was collected to assess how cattle urinations affect soil GHGe under the different stocking densities. Following the grazing event measurements were taken for 12 weeks, soil GHGe were sampled via the use of static chambers and compaction was assessed via penetration resistance. Immediately after the simulated grazing the penetration resistance was 1379 kPa (SD ±368) for the control, 1544 kPa (SD ±429) for the LSD, and 1767 kPa (SD ±490) for the HSD. Differences in penetration resistance were found between the HSD and LSD (p=0.03), and HSD and control (p=0.0001), with a tendency between the control and LSD (p=0.07). Cumulative N2O emissions were 493 g N2O - N/ha for the control +urine, 804 g N2O - N/ha for the LSD +urine and 1237 g N2O - N/ha for the HSD +urine, with differences found between the control +urine and HSD +urine (p=0.0342). The N2O emissions from the stocking densities without urine were however similar. This suggests that denitrification in soils is enhanced under high stocking densities from animal treading when there is a source of nitrogen present, such as cattle urine. The developing results are informative for improving pasture management under cattle grazing and provide data for models simulating soil mechanisms in these systems.

How to cite: Dauksta, K., Cardenas, L., Romero-Ruiz, A., Sgouridis, F., Memmott, J., and Enriquez-Hidalgo, D.: The effect of different stocking densities and cattle urine on soil nitrous oxide emissions and compaction on a temperate pasture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20221,, 2025.

EGU25-20672 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Enhancing Sustainability in Concrete: Evaluating the Effects of Rubber Particle Replacement on Workability and Mechanical Properties 

Marouan Bajbouji, Khalid Rkha chaham, and Saad Bensallam

This research aims to study the experimental behavior of the addition of rubber particles obtained from waste tires to concrete, as a partial replacement of fine and coarse natural aggregates to various levels. Fine rubber particles (2.5–5 mm) were used as a replacement for fine aggregates, while coarse rubber particles (5–20 mm) were used for coarse aggregates, at levels of replacement of 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% by volume. This experimental program investigated the fresh properties of rubberized concrete, as well as the mechanical properties (compressive and flexural strengths) of the hardened material.

The results showed that workability increased significantly at replacement of fine rubber type at 30% to 50% and moderately with coarse rubber type replacement at 10% to 30%. Notably, compressive and flexural strengths were reduced at increased replacement levels, with more losses noted for coarse aggregate replacement than for fine aggregate replacement. The mechanical properties were preserved, with the compressive and flexural strengths not significantly affected by the low proportions (up to 10%) of replacement of fine aggregates with fine rubber particles, which is a promising indication that fine rubber could potentially replace fine aggregates.

These results indicate that rubberized concrete, especially at low volumes of fine rubber, seems to be a potential solution for sustainable construction by improving workability and recycling waste tires, as well as having suitable structural performance in some applications. The results of this study warrant the further investigation to optimize the mix designs and develop advanced treatments to improve the bond between rubber particles and the cement matrix.

How to cite: Bajbouji, M., Rkha chaham, K., and Bensallam, S.: Enhancing Sustainability in Concrete: Evaluating the Effects of Rubber Particle Replacement on Workability and Mechanical Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20672,, 2025.

EGU25-21461 | ECS | Orals | SSS6.2

Shrinkage curve features to characterize soil structure quality of agricultural soils with contrasting texture and soil organic content 

Léonie Messmer, Peter Lehmann, Niklas Schmücker, and Alice Johannes

Soil structure is essential to most soil functions. An intact network of soil structural pores allows fast drainage and aeration under wet conditions and ensures water retention in small pores within aggregates under dry conditions. The measurement of shrinkage curves (the relationship between the reduction of soil volume and the loss of water) has the advantage to quantify soil structural features at all scales, ranging from macropores to the interstitial voids of clay minerals. In this study, we measured the shrinkage curves of 24 agricultural soil samples of contrasting texture (ranging from 16% to 43% clay content) and soil organic content (SOC) (ranging from 1.16% to 7.3% SOC), and compared the results with visual evaluation of soil structures (CoreVESS) and X-ray imaging. In addition to the typical ‘S-shaped’ shrinkage curves reported in literature as described in the model of Braudeau et al. (1999) (including the S-shape with an additional linear drop of soil volume in the wet range), several samples showed a ‘double S-shape’ with a well-defined bimodal function or a ‘J-shaped’ curve. Samples with a ‘double-S-shape’ had better soil structural quality as quantified by CoreVESS and were found in samples with high SOC content. These samples also had a large macropore volume according to the X-ray images. The curve in the wet range of the commonly reported ‘S-shape’ reveals the stability of the structures and aggregate arrangements that do not shrink with the onset of water loss and capillary suction and is said to characterize hydrostructural stability. However, the curve in the wet range which is typical for S-shaped curves is lost in samples with poor structure quality (high CoreVESS scores). These poorly structured samples are usually characterized by a linear domain in the wet range, followed by a gradual stabilization of the soil volume at the dry end, thus displaying what we called a  ‘J-shaped’ curve. These curves denote a loss of hydrostructural stability.  Based on the dataset we want to define conditions for the presence of these new forms of shrinkage curves. The different shapes (‘double-S-shape’, ’S-shape’ and ‘J-shape’) could then be used as indicators for soil functions and soil health.

How to cite: Messmer, L., Lehmann, P., Schmücker, N., and Johannes, A.: Shrinkage curve features to characterize soil structure quality of agricultural soils with contrasting texture and soil organic content, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21461,, 2025.

EGU25-21631 | Posters on site | SSS6.2

Effects of bio-subsoiling species on the recovery of compacted subsoils:  a literature review 

Loes van Schaik, Guido Bakema, and Quinten van Boxtel

Soil compaction is seen as a major challenge in modern agriculture. It could result in a decrease in soil qualities such as permeability of water and air, infiltration capacity, water storage, oxygen supply and rootability. Especially subsoil compaction is problematic because of its more permanent nature. Several techniques have been developed to recover compacted subsoils, with bio-subsoiling as one that is promising due to its alleviation potential and limited drawbacks. This study addresses the knowledge gap about the efficacy of different crops as bio-subsoilers and how these effects can be quantified. A literature-review has been performed on 57 different experiments performed in 20 studies. 19 different bio-subsoilers were investigated with the main focus on radish, alfalfa and chicory. Experiments ranged from a few months till several years and were mainly performed on sandy and silty loam either in controlled pot (soil column) experiments or in the field.

In general, compaction has several effects on roots such as decrease in root length and number, increase in root diameter, shallower root systems which are concentrated above compacted zones (increase in root growth outside of compaction) and decrease in root hair length. Plants can, however, adapt in several ways to increase the probability of penetrating dense zones.

In almost none of the studies the bio-subsoiler was able to significantly improve bulk density or total porosity in the subsoil even after many years of crop growth. There can be several reasons why these indicators do not significantly change with bio-subsoiling. The root systems of the crops that are grown and their created channels can be too small to change the bulk density of the soil. Or, the variability of these indicators can be so large that the effects of the small roots seem negligible. It can also be that after a short period of time the roots that would have improved the subsoil characteristics, are currently not decomposed and therefore the results do not show the improvements that are made.

Although differences in large scale indicators are not seen across the studies, several studies have shown that some of the potential bio-subsoilers are able to significantly affect other soil structural or functional indicators in the subsoil like macro- and microporosity. These indicators seem to be more sensitive to changes compared to bulk density and total porosity and therefore might be more useful to assess the effects of different bio-subsoilers.

How to cite: van Schaik, L., Bakema, G., and van Boxtel, Q.: Effects of bio-subsoiling species on the recovery of compacted subsoils:  a literature review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21631,, 2025.

EGU25-634 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.3

Estimating sub-core permeability using coreflood saturation data: a coupled physics-informed deep learning approach 

Anirban Chakraborty, Avinoam Rabinovich, and Ziv Moreno

Estimating multiphase flow properties, particularly permeability, is critical for addressing critical challenges in subsurface engineering applications such as CO2 sequestration, efficient oil and gas recovery, and groundwater contaminant remediation. At the sub-core scale, accurate determination of permeability is vital for understanding flow dynamics and reservoir characterization. However, traditional estimation methods, which rely heavily on numerical simulations, are computationally expensive and time-intensive, limiting their scalability for large-scale or real-time applications. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have emerged as a promising alternative due to their ability to learn complex input-output relationships, enabling rapid predictions. Despite their potential, standard data-driven deep neural networks (DNNs) encounter substantial challenges when data availability is limited, often resulting in suboptimal performance and unreliable predictions. Additionally, these models heavily rely on the quality of the measurements, making them sensitive to noise and inaccuracies in the dataPhysics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), a class of DNNs that incorporate physical laws as soft constraints, have demonstrated exceptional robustness in addressing inverse problems under data-scarce conditions. By embedding the governing equations into the learning process, PINNs bridge the gap between data-driven and physics-based modeling approaches. Nevertheless, the application of PINNs to inverse problems is often scenario-specific, requiring retraining when transitioning to new conditions or settings. While recent studies have begun leveraging PINNs as surrogate models to efficiently solve forward problems across varying conditions, their full potential in generating datasets for coupled systems remains underexplored. In this study, we present an innovative framework that integrates a PINNs-based surrogate model with a data-driven DNN to accurately and efficiently estimate a 1D heterogeneous permeability profile using sub-core saturation measurements. The surrogate PINNs system was pre-trained to solve a 1D steady-state two-phase flow problem, incorporating capillary pressure heterogeneity and spanning a wide range of flow conditions. This pre-trained PINNs system was subsequently employed to generate an extensive dataset for training a DNN, which establishes a direct mapping between permeability, flow conditions, and measured saturations at the sub-core level. By coupling these two systems, our approach enables the rapid prediction of permeability profiles based on observed flow conditions and saturation measurements, bypassing the computational burden of traditional numerical simulations. The coupled framework demonstrated remarkable accuracy and robustness, achieving average misfits below 1% when validated against actual permeability profiles. Its computational efficiency also facilitated the development of a stochastic extension, allowing the system to handle noisy or contaminated data while quantifying uncertainties. This enhanced solution, capable of delivering results in less than 15 seconds, significantly improves the reliability and applicability of the method for real-world scenarios. Furthermore, the approach successfully reconstructed 1D permeability structures from 3D datasets and generated 1D saturation profiles under varying conditions, achieving an average misfit of approximately 3%. These findings highlight the potential of integrating PINNs with data-driven models for high-fidelity, efficient estimation of flow properties in heterogeneous systems. The proposed method offers a powerful tool for advancing subsurface flow characterization, with broad implications for both scientific research and practical applications.

How to cite: Chakraborty, A., Rabinovich, A., and Moreno, Z.: Estimating sub-core permeability using coreflood saturation data: a coupled physics-informed deep learning approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-634,, 2025.

EGU25-775 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.3

Dynamic coupling of flow and surfactant adsorption at interfaces in a heterogeneous pore network  

Debanik Bhattacharjee, Guy Ramon, and Yaniv Edery

Soil and rock formations experience variation in saturation and chemical composition over time that may alter relative saturation of one phase or the other due to change in interfacial tension (IFT) at the pore structure. We can physically describe this process within a porous network hosting two phases where one initially invades the other and then surfactants are introduced to the invading phase and alter the IFT of the interfaces, thus leading to further invasion. This study explores the dynamic interplay between fluid flow and surfactant adsorption in porous media, focusing on the spatio-temporal evolution of invasion patterns in heterogeneous pore networks. We develop a time-dependent pore network model (PNM) to simulate the effects of surfactant-induced IFT reduction on two-phase flow under constant driving pressure. The initial invasion follows invasion percolation theory, and pressure drops across the network are calculated using a random resistor network and mass conservation equations. Node-specific flux and velocity are derived via the Hagen-Poiseuille law. Surfactant adsorption is modeled using Langmuir kinetics, capturing its impact on fluid-fluid and solid-fluid interfaces within the invaded path. Over time, reduced IFT and contact angle alterations trigger secondary invasions, reshaping the invasion patterns. The model investigates how pore-scale heterogeneity and reaction timescales influence this evolution. Results indicate that invasion patterns evolve with surfactant mass transfer and network heterogeneity, scaling with the cumulative Gaussian distribution used for pore allocation. These dynamic patterns align with Kosugi’s quasi-static model of water retention versus capillary pressure, emphasizing the significance of IFT alterations. This work provides theoretical insights into surfactant-driven invasion dynamics in porous media and their dependence on physical and chemical parameters. 

How to cite: Bhattacharjee, D., Ramon, G., and Edery, Y.: Dynamic coupling of flow and surfactant adsorption at interfaces in a heterogeneous pore network , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-775,, 2025.

EGU25-891 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.3

Unraveling Salt Precipitation Dynamics in Heterogeneous Porous Media via Time-Lapse Micro-Computed Tomography 

Puyan Bakhshi, Ali Chaudhry, and Johan Alexander Huisman

The evaporation of saline water from porous media is a critical global concern, influencing diverse applications such as water management, subsurface energy storage, construction materials, and agriculture. Understanding this process is essential, as it may lead to salt precipitation within pores that can partially or fully block them. This can alter the hydraulic properties of the porous medium, affecting fluid and solute transport. Most studies dealing with salt precipitation during evaporation have focused on homogeneous porous media, with limited attention to heterogeneous systems. This study addresses this gap by investigating vertical textural contrasts in porous media, specifically sand columns with a distinctive vertical interface between fine and coarse sand. Previous studies dealing with evaporation have shown that in such configurations, water migrates from coarse to fine sand, creating an additional evaporation surface at the vertical interface. This potentially leads to subflorescent salt precipitation at the interface, which can significantly impact transport properties. However, previous characterization methods, such as surface imaging, infrared thermography, and low-resolution medical computed tomography, fail to provide direct visual evidence of these processes within the sand matrix. In this study, we aim to bridge this gap by employing time-lapse micro-computed tomography (µ-CT) to provide high-resolution visualization and quantification of water movement and salt distribution during evaporation. The experiments use a heterogeneous column divided into half fine sand (particle size ~0.1 mm) next to coarse sand (particle size ~1 mm) with a sharp vertical interface. The column was saturated with NaCl solution and underwent evaporative drying at room temperature. µ-CT enabled the characterization of salt distribution on the surface, at the vertical interface, and within the porous media, while mass loss measurements were used to quantify evaporation rates. The spatial and temporal variability of salt precipitation was analyzed to determine its dynamic effects on evaporation and transport processes. Overall, this study enhances the understanding of evaporation and salt precipitation in heterogeneous porous media, offering valuable insights for fields such as soil science, hydrology, and energy storage, where controlling or predicting these processes is crucial.

How to cite: Bakhshi, P., Chaudhry, A., and Huisman, J. A.: Unraveling Salt Precipitation Dynamics in Heterogeneous Porous Media via Time-Lapse Micro-Computed Tomography, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-891,, 2025.

EGU25-3071 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.3

Intermittent flow paths in biofilms grown in a microfluidic channel 

Kerem Bozkurt, Christoph Lohrmann, Felix Weinhardt, Daniel Hanke, Raphael Hopp, Christian Holm, and Holger Class

Biofilms, complex microbial communities embedded in an extracellular matrix, are significantly influenced by flow-induced shear stress, which creates a competition between biofilm growth and detachment. In this study, biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens were grown in a microfluidic channel and exposed to aqueous flow which includes nutrients at varying velocities. Real-time observations using transmitted-light microscopy coupled with a camera revealed that biofilms can adapt to their conditions and grow accordingly. In some cases, intermittent flow-path regimes emerged, maintaining a dynamic balance with biofilm growth. This balance was observed within certain flow velocity ranges, corresponding shear forces, nutrient availability, and biofilm cohesiveness.

  • At very low nutrient velocities, biofilm growth was inhibited due to nutrient limitations. However, when nutrient concentration was increased, growth occurred briefly without intermittency, likely because the biofilm adapted to low-shear conditions by forming a highly permeable and porous structure. 
  • When the mean velocity was sufficiently high for a given nutrient concentration, biofilm growth resumed. Under these conditions, the biofilm adapted to the challenging environment, withstanding shear forces and enabling the formation of intermittent flow paths.
  • Adding pore bodies to the flow channel introduced regions of lower shear stress. The biofilm adapted to these low-shear conditions, and grow in the pore bodies but could not survive in the channel, highlighting its adaptability to varying shear environments. 
  • As the mean velocity of nutrient flow increased further, the frequency of flow paths initially rose but eventually disrupted the dynamic balance by exceeding the critical shear stress. This led to higher detachment rates and ultimately inhibited biofilm growth.

As a result, the intermittent flow-path regime, in dynamic balance with biofilm growth, is defined within specific ranges of flow velocity, nutrient availability, and the ratio of shear stress to the biofilm’s ability to resist these forces, which we also confirm by comparison to a numerical model.

How to cite: Bozkurt, K., Lohrmann, C., Weinhardt, F., Hanke, D., Hopp, R., Holm, C., and Class, H.: Intermittent flow paths in biofilms grown in a microfluidic channel, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3071,, 2025.

As an important unconventional natural gas resource, the charging mechanism of tight gas is of great significance for the accumulation of natural gas. Although previous studies have mainly focused on qualitative evaluation, there is a lack of quantitative evaluation research on the charging process of tight gas. Consequently, this paper uses an example from the tight sandstones of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation, Sichuan Basin, China, by employing physical charging simulation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) coupling displacement, physical property analyses, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and high-pressure mercury injection (HPMI) experiments, combined with numerical simulation methods, reveals the tight gas charging mechanism. The principal findings are: (1) The tight reservoirs of the Xujiahe Formation can be classified into four types based on the differences in pore structure. From Type I to IV reservoirs, the distribution of pore sizes (as shown by NMR T2 spectra) gradually transitions from a bimodal shape dominated by large pores to a single peak shape dominated by small pores. (2) Through multi-factor analysis, a tight gas saturation evaluation model is established that considers reservoir types and pressure and can predict the tight gas charging process and gas saturation in different types of tight reservoirs. (3) The charging process of tight gas is controlled by a combination of charging pressure, pore structure, and water film. Higher charging pressure has a significant impact on the gas content of poor reservoirs. Under the same charging pressure, the gas saturation decreases with the decrease in of pore size. As the charging pressure increases, the influence of the water film diminishes. (4) Based on the principles of mechanical equilibrium and material balance, a numerical model for tight gas charging and reservoir formation is established for three types of source-reservoir combinations: “lower-generation and upper-storage type”, “upper-generation and lower-storage type”, and “interlayer reservoir type”. In the “lower-generation and upper-storage” type, the gas saturation gradually improves from bottom to top. As the thickness of the source rock increases, the gas saturation in the middle and lower parts increases rapidly. The thickness of high-quality source rock has a significant impact on the gas-bearing properties of Type I and Type II reservoirs. In the “upper-generation and lower-storage” type, as the thickness of the source rock increases, the gas-bearing stable zone grows until it becomes stable. For the “interlayer reservoir type”, with the increase in the thickness of the interlayer, the gas saturation of the sand bodies in the middle and lower parts of Type I and Type II reservoirs exhibits a downward tendency, and the gas-bearing capacity of the thick interlayer is lower than that of the thin interlayer. This research not only aids in understanding the accumulation process of tight gas but also provides a theoretical foundation for the accurate prediction of tight gas sweet spots.

How to cite: Shao, H. and Wang, M.: Dynamic charging mechanism of tight gas reservoirs based on experimental and numerical simulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3077,, 2025.

EGU25-3537 | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

The Role of Wind Velocity in Saline Water Evaporation from Porous Media and Surface Salt Crystallization Dynamics 

Sahar Jannesarahmadi, Milad Aminzadeh, Rainer Helmig, Bastian Oesterle, and Nima Shokri

Saline water evaporation from porous media with the corresponding surface salt crystallization patterns play a vital role in many environmental and engineering applications. While the impact of factors such as type and concentration of salt, particle size and angularity, and ambient temperature and humidity are relatively well characterized [1]–[3], the influence of wind and aerodynamic conditions on saline water evaporation and salt crystallization is not fully understood. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments in a wind tunnel to systematically investigate the effect of wind flow on saline water evaporation and dynamics of salt crystallization. Cylindrical sand columns (D: 5 cm – H: 20 cm) were placed in the test section of the wind tunnel. Surface of the samples were exposed to uniform mean wind velocities of 0.5 and 5 m/s. To keep samples fully saturated during the evaporation experiments, sand columns were supplied from Mariotte bottles containing 10, 15, and 20% NaCl solutions. Evaporation rates were monitored by measuring mass losses from Mariotte bottles, while salt crystallization patterns were captured using an optical camera positioned above the surface of columns. Preliminary results indicate that variation in aerodynamic conditions and turbulence patterns, driven by changes in wind velocity and surface roughness (due to crystal growth), significantly alter evaporation rates and salt crystallization process. Distinct crystallization patterns were observed with variation of wind velocity with possible influences on the evaporative fluxes. Using the measured data, we will identify the key effects of air flow regimes coupled with the salt concentration on evaporative losses and the evolution of crystallized salts at the surface, which will be important for a wide range of environmental and hydrological applications.

[1] S. M. S. Shokri‐Kuehni, B. Raaijmakers, T. Kurz, D. Or, R. Helmig, and N. Shokri, “Water Table Depth and Soil Salinization: From Pore‐Scale Processes to Field‐Scale Responses,” Water Resour. Res., vol. 56, no. 2, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.1029/2019WR026707.

[2] S. Jannesarahmadi, M. Aminzadeh, R. Helmig, D. Or, and N. Shokri, “Quantifying Salt Crystallization Impact on Evaporation Dynamics From Porous Surfaces,” Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 51, no. 22, pp. 1–10, Nov. 2024, doi: 10.1029/2024GL111080.

[3] M. Norouzi Rad and N. Shokri, “Effects of grain angularity on NaCl precipitation in porous media during evaporation,” Water Resour. Res., vol. 50, no. 11, pp. 9020–9030, Nov. 2014, doi: 10.1002/2014WR016125.

How to cite: Jannesarahmadi, S., Aminzadeh, M., Helmig, R., Oesterle, B., and Shokri, N.: The Role of Wind Velocity in Saline Water Evaporation from Porous Media and Surface Salt Crystallization Dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3537,, 2025.

EGU25-5358 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Anisotropy on relative permeability curve under the influence of gravity 

Changhun Lee, Seung-Wook Ha, and Kang-Kun Lee

The relative permeability–saturation (krs) relationship is a macroscopic representation of microscale flow characteristics between multiphase immiscible fluids, governed by the interplay among capillary, viscous, and gravitational forces. Previous studies on two phase fluid flow have primarily derived the krs relationship from horizontal core-flooding experiments while neglecting the influence of gravity. However, frequent advent of vertical flows caused by conditions such as macroscale heterogeneity, brine extraction, and CO2 injection through horizontal well, emphasizes non-negligible gravitational effects varying with the direction of displacement. This study aims to provide experimental evidence of anisotropy on krs relationship induced by gravitational forces, contributing to a deeper understanding of gravity’s role in multiphase flow systems. Steady-state relative permeability tests using a 1-meter acrylic column tightly packed with glass beads and two immiscible fluids were performed under various flow directions. In addition, several total flow rates and beads sizes were used to adjust dimensionless capillary and bond number, which indicate different interplays among three governing forces. Our experiments revealed the differences in the krs relationship between upward and downward flow directions, suggesting that the isotropic krs assumption may not fully capture these dynamics. Under conditions of higher bond number, such as in the finer glass beads, the anisotropy on krs relationship were weaker, indicating the influence of gravitational forces on its anisotropy. This study underscores the need to account for anisotropy on krs relationships under dynamic flow conditions.

Project Acknowledgement

This work was supported by Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation Planning (KETEP) grant funded by the Korea government (MOTIE) (20212010200010, Technical development of enhancing CO2 injection efficiency and increase storage capacity)

How to cite: Lee, C., Ha, S.-W., and Lee, K.-K.: Anisotropy on relative permeability curve under the influence of gravity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5358,, 2025.

EGU25-6197 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Pore-scale shear distributions in unsaturated porous media and their role in transport and mixing 

Jose Arnal, Guillem Sole-Mari, Oshri Borgman, Tanguy Le Borgne, and Tomás Aquino

Understanding the probability distributions of flow velocities in heterogeneous porous media is crucial for the study of transport phenomena, as velocity variability controls residence times and dispersion phenomena. However, our knowledge of velocity distributions and their relation to medium structure remains incomplete, especially under partially-saturated conditions, where phase heterogeneity plays a key role in determining the flow structure. In addition, the distributions of shear (the spatial rate of change of velocity transverse to the flow) are essential for understanding the impact of flow on mixing processes, because they represent a key control on solute plume deformation and its interplay with diffusion. Yet, these distributions are far less explored, particularly at the pore scale and under unsaturated conditions. This gap limits our ability to predict the impact of microscopic dynamics on macroscopic plume structure.

In this work, we focus on pore-scale velocity and shear distributions in unsaturated systems. Velocity fields are obtained through numerical simulations based on experimental data for the structure of the medium and fluid-phase distributions. The media are quasi-two-dimensional, with cylindrical pillars of variable radii and different correlation structures, and the flow conditions are such that the spatial phase distributions are time-independent. We characterize velocity and shear distributions and use this information to parameterize Continuous Time Random Walk (CTRW) models to predict solute transport and mixing.

How to cite: Arnal, J., Sole-Mari, G., Borgman, O., Le Borgne, T., and Aquino, T.: Pore-scale shear distributions in unsaturated porous media and their role in transport and mixing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6197,, 2025.

EGU25-7028 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Non-invasive imaging of the effect of injection strategy on the spatial and temporal development of enzymatically-induced calcite precipitation 

Samira Emadi, Puyan Bakhshi, Andreas Pohlmeier, and Johan Alexander Huisman

Induced calcite precipitation, where CaCO3 closes voids inside porous media and unconsolidated samples are solidified, is an important technique in geotechnical engineering. To optimize these applications, it is crucial to understand how the dynamics of mineral precipitation affect flow and transport in porous media. The aim of this study is to investigate how different injection strategies affect the spatial and temporal development of calcite precipitation using time-lapse non-invasive imaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray microcomputed tomography (µXRCT). These two imaging methods are complementary because µXRCT aims to detect structural changes of the solid matrix, whereas MRI focuses on the liquid phase in the pore space. Together, these methods enable time-resolved observations of the three-dimensional development of porosity, and thus have the potential to offer valuable insights into the spatial and temporal dynamics of the precipitation process.


We performed two distinct types of experiments to induce precipitation by simultaneous injection of a cementing solution consisting of 0.5 M CaCl2 and 0.5 M urea and an enzyme solution containing 5.0 g/l of Jack Bean meal into homogeneous sand packings prepared in 30 mm long sample cuvettes with a diameter of 15 mm. Two injection strategies were realized. In a first experiment, a constant flow rate of 0.01 mL/s was maintained during six injection cycles. Pressure development was monitored in parallel. In a second experiment, the solutions were injected  at a constant pressure that was increased stepwise during six cycles from initially 50 mbar to 300 mbar to maintain moderate flow rates. Following each cycle, both samples were imaged using XRCT and MRI and the intrinsic permeability was determined.


Imaging results indicate that calcite preciptation occured more strongly close to the inlet, as manifested by water content and relaxation maps from MRI and density maps from XRCT. Only during the last two injection cycles, zones with increased precipitation became visible in the center of the column. The MRI relaxation maps suggest a reduction in pore size due to precipitation, which agreed with increased surface-to-volume ratio of the pores. Vertical porosity profiles derived from XRCT showed an average change of 12 and 11 vol.% for the constant flow and constant pressure inection strategies, respectively, and confirmed the non-uniform distribution observed with MRI. The permeability decreased by two orders of magnitude for both injection strategies. However, this decrease was achieved already after 90 injected pore volumes in case of the constant pressure injection strategy, whereas the constant flow strategy required 165 pore volumes for a comparable decrease. This is attributed to the increased tendency for preferential flow in case of the constant-rate injection strategy, but this needs to be confirmed through a detailed analysis of the variability of calcite precipation within the sample cross-section. Overall, this study showed the feasibility of monitoring induced calcite precipitation using both MRI and XRCT.

How to cite: Emadi, S., Bakhshi, P., Pohlmeier, A., and Huisman, J. A.: Non-invasive imaging of the effect of injection strategy on the spatial and temporal development of enzymatically-induced calcite precipitation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7028,, 2025.

EGU25-9531 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

How does imaging help unveil chaotic mixing in porous rocks? 

Atefeh Vafaie, Iman R. Kivi, Sojwal Manoorkar, Nihal M. Darraj, Mohamed Saleh, Francesco Gomez, Marc Lamblin, Benoit Cordonnier, Isabelle Bihannic, Tanguy Le Borgne, Samuel Krevor, and Joris Heyman

Geochemical reactions in porous rocks are typically scaled up using effective reaction parameters derived under well-mixed conditions. Such well-mixed conditions are often absent in natural settings. While conventional transport theories based fundamentally on diffusion and dispersion processes can not fully capture the state of mixing, several lines of evidence point to the dominance of chaotic solute mixing. Yet, proving the existence of chaotic mixing in porous rocks remains unresolved mostly due to the limitations in directly observing pore-scale processes. In this work, we present direct evidence of chaotic microscale trajectories in porous rock samples by performing fast high-resolution X-ray tomography at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF). We utilize a custom-designed core holder and highly permeable sandstone and sand pack samples to achieve notably high Peclet numbers during the co-injection of two miscible, highly viscous mixtures of glycerin and brine. These high Peclet numbers are crucial for visualizing chaotic trajectories within the rock pores, as they allow the deformation of fluid fronts to dominate before molecular diffusion blurs the patterns. The existence of such trajectories could significantly enhance microscale concentration gradients, potentially leading to chemical reaction rates that differ from conventional reactive transport model predictions. This difference underscores the need to update kinematic models to incorporate the coupling between chaotic mixing and chemical reactions in porous media for a better understanding and quantification of transport and storage processes in the subsurface.

How to cite: Vafaie, A., Kivi, I. R., Manoorkar, S., Darraj, N. M., Saleh, M., Gomez, F., Lamblin, M., Cordonnier, B., Bihannic, I., Le Borgne, T., Krevor, S., and Heyman, J.: How does imaging help unveil chaotic mixing in porous rocks?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9531,, 2025.

EGU25-11315 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Heterogeneity effects on gravity current migration and mixing in porous media 

Albert Jiménez-Ramos, Marco Dentz, and Juan José Hidalgo

CO2 sequestration is a promising method to mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions. When CO2 is injected into a saline aquifer, its buoyancy leads to the formation of a gravity current that migrates laterally, while CO2 dissolves into the underlying brine, creating a high-density mixture that can trigger fingering instabilities. In this study, we investigate the migration of this gravity current and the mixing of CO2 with brine in heterogeneous porous media. Heterogeneity is modeled using horizontally stratified media and multi-Gaussian log-normal permeability fields, characterized by the variance of the log-permeability and its correlation length. We examine how heterogeneity influences the time-evolution of the gravity current and CO2-brine mixing by analyzing factors such as dissolution fluxes, residual buoyant mass, the length of the CO2-brine interface, interface width, and mixing volume. Additionally, we explore the impact of different Rayleigh numbers, correlation lengths, and variances on mixing behavior. Our findings aim to enhance the understanding of CO2 storage in geological formations.

How to cite: Jiménez-Ramos, A., Dentz, M., and Hidalgo, J. J.: Heterogeneity effects on gravity current migration and mixing in porous media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11315,, 2025.

EGU25-12082 | Orals | HS8.1.3

Impact of heterogeneity and its alteration by erosion on solute transport in unsaturated media 

Ran Holtzman, Ali Saeibehrouzi, Petr Denissenko, and Soroush Abolfathi

Solute transport in unsaturated media exhibits a complex, nonmonotonic dependence on fluid saturation and flow rates. Adding to the intricate dependence of multiphase flow and solute transport on the heterogeneity across scales is their coupling: the sensitivity of the concentration fields to the spatial distribution of the fluid phases and their velocity fields. 

Here, we study solute transport following partial displacement of one fluid by the other, where the fluids are immiscible and hence solute transport occurs only in one fluid and the fluid-fluid interface acts as barrier for transport. We combine pore-scale simulations (using openfoam) with microfluidic experiments to examine the role of the pore-scale heterogeneity structure (in terms of its spatial correlation) and its evolution with chemical and mechanical erosion. We find that increasing the correlation length in particle size increases fluid connectivity, and thus the solute spreading by reducing the number of advection-dominated regions. Decreasing saturation of carrier fluid (in which dissolved solutes are transported) is found to promote dead-ends (slow flow regions), and thus of diffusion.
We compare two simple forms of erosion in granular media: mechanical where the smallest particles are washed away, vs. chemical where all particles are shrunk by uniform dissolution. We find that mechanical erosion, unlike chemical erosion, alters the pore space morphology toward a multi-modal variation in pore sizes, which shifts transport towards a more non-Fickian spreading. For saturated media, erosion induces a non-monotonic effect on solute spreading, promoting spreading at the diffusion-dominated (low Peclet) regime while suppressing it at higher rates (high Peclet). Under unsaturated conditions, erosion decreases spreading by reducing local velocities through widening available pathways, and enhances mixing by minimizing dead-ends which enhances the relative strength of advection. 

How to cite: Holtzman, R., Saeibehrouzi, A., Denissenko, P., and Abolfathi, S.: Impact of heterogeneity and its alteration by erosion on solute transport in unsaturated media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12082,, 2025.

EGU25-13723 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

A numerical lamellae method based on flow maps 

Daniel Dominguez-Vazquez and Tomás Aquino

A hyperbolic description of the problem of solute transport using a deterministic and Lagrangian formulation that combines characteristics of the classical formulations based on the Fokker-Planck (FP) and Langevin equations is developed. This formulation is based on a Liouville master equation, whose hyperbolicity allows for tracing the concentrations along characteristic lines in the augmented phase space composed by solute particle locations and a set of (time-independent) random coefficients used to define a source term that introduces the noise added to the system, in lieu of (time-dependent) stochastic processes. This circumvents the use of stochastic calculus and eliminates the diffusive term of the master equation, at the expense of increasing the dimensionality of the joint probability density function (PDF) of solute particle locations. The characteristic lines define flow maps for the joint PDF and its support such that all one-point space-time statistical information to study mixing and dispersion respectively is contained in them. Therefore, diffusion is modeled with kinematics parametrically dependent on random coefficients. This approach can be combined with numerical algorithms to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs), that are unaffected by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) stability condition, do not suffer from Gibbs oscillations, do not require (order-reducing) filtering and regularization techniques, and do not rely on standard Monte Carlo sampling. Because of these reasons this formulation offers more accuracy and a lower computational cost in comparison to Eulerian grid-based and Lagrangian particle tracking solvers. To find the proper noise term to add, we impose that averaging the Liouville equation over the coefficients must lead to the FP equation, which leads to a classical closure problem for the moments of the joint PDF. However, assuming a local linearization in concordance with the Ranz transform used in the lamellae description, a simple closure based on truncated central moments becomes exact and so does this hyperbolic description, which accounts for diffusion in all directions. In this talk, I will discuss the methodological advantages of using a hyperbolic description of mixing, and show how it can be used to construct a numerical lamellae method for arbitrarily shaped initial concentration profiles.

How to cite: Dominguez-Vazquez, D. and Aquino, T.: A numerical lamellae method based on flow maps, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13723,, 2025.

EGU25-13767 | Orals | HS8.1.3

Fluid-fluid interface dynamics in an imperfect Hele-Shaw cell: A novel computational method for hysteresis and energy dissipation 

Mykyta V. Chubynsky, Marco Dentz, Jordi Ortín, and Ran Holtzman

In a cylindrical capillary or a Hele-Shaw cell with perfectly flat walls, the equilibrium position of the interface between two fluids given the external conditions such as the pressure head is unique. If the external conditions change infinitely slowly (quasistatically), the interface follows this equilibrium, thus, its position is history-independent; there is no energy dissipation in this quasistatic limit. In contrast, in disordered porous and fractured media there are multiple equilibria, leading to history dependence (hysteresis) of the interface evolution even in the quasistatic limit, and Haines jumps of the interface between these equilibria lead to dissipation. An imperfect Hele-Shaw cell (with a gap width randomly varying in space) provides a simple model system in which these phenomena (both in the quasistatic limit and beyond) can be studied, promoting understanding of multiphase flow in a rough fracture as well as providing insights into more complex, 3D porous media. However, even in this simple model the evolution of the interface is nontrivial due to the nonlocality brought about by the resulting fluid flow, which, in principle, requires solving the Stokes equations for the flow in the whole domain even when only the interface evolution is of interest.

We present a novel spectral approach for computing the interface evolution in such a system, based on the Fourier expansion of the interface shape at each time step, confirming its accuracy via comparison to the much more computationally costly numerical solutions of the Stokes equations. We use our approach to study the (microscopic) dynamics of the interface relaxation towards equilibrium, as well as the (macroscopic)  pressure-saturation trajectories following drainage/imibibition cycles. We find that even for a single perturbation (“defect”) in an otherwise perfectly uniform cell, interface relaxation dynamics in a Haines jump is a complex, multistage process. Nonetheless, we present a remarkably simple model relying on the concepts of viscous and "dry friction" dissipation, that is able to predict the pressure-saturation cycles in random media. Our findings are a promising step towards an upscaled model of flows in rough fractures, where from the macroscale properties of the roughness one could obtain the averaged interface dynamics.

How to cite: Chubynsky, M. V., Dentz, M., Ortín, J., and Holtzman, R.: Fluid-fluid interface dynamics in an imperfect Hele-Shaw cell: A novel computational method for hysteresis and energy dissipation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13767,, 2025.

EGU25-14592 | Orals | HS8.1.3

Hydrogen vs Methane: Microscopic Flow Dynamics in Fractured Reservoir Rocks for Energy Storage 

Sojwal Manoorkar, Gulce Kalyoncu Pakkaner, Hamdi Omar, Soetkin Barbaix, Dominique Ceursters, Maxime Latinis, Stefanie Van Offenwert, and Tom Bultreys

Underground hydrogen storage in saline aquifers offers a promising solution to address seasonal fluctuations in renewable energy supply. Repurposing natural gas storage facilities for hydrogen leverages existing infrastructure; however, the distinct flow behaviors of hydrogen-brine and methane-brine systems, particularly in fractured reservoirs and sealing caprocks, remain poorly understood. This study investigates the microscopic two-phase flow dynamics of hydrogen (H₂), methane (CH₄), and their mixtures in fractured karstic limestone from the  Loenhout natural gas storage facility in Belgium. Experiments on primary drainage (gas injection) and imbibition (withdrawal) were conducted under reservoir conditions (10 MPa, 65°C) using three different rock samples to examine the influence of fracture geometry on fluid invasion and recovery efficiency. Our findings reveal that while H₂ and CH₄ reach similar gas saturations after primary drainage, H₂ forms a greater number of smaller ganglia due to its discontinuous invasion in rough fractures. Fracture aperture variability and roughness significantly affect flow dynamics, gas trapping, and recovery. Furthermore, steady-state relative permeability experiments demonstrate that hydrogen’s relative permeability closely matches that of methane but is substantially lower than nitrogen, emphasizing nitrogen’s inadequacy as a proxy for hydrogen in reservoir simulations. These results highlight the importance of precise pore-scale modeling to improve field-scale predictions, ensuring effective and secure hydrogen storage in fractured reservoirs like Loenhout.

How to cite: Manoorkar, S., Kalyoncu Pakkaner, G., Omar, H., Barbaix, S., Ceursters, D., Latinis, M., Van Offenwert, S., and Bultreys, T.: Hydrogen vs Methane: Microscopic Flow Dynamics in Fractured Reservoir Rocks for Energy Storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14592,, 2025.

EGU25-15356 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Pore-scale understandings for steady-state two-phase flow in porous sandstone from full-range pore connectivity quantification 

Juncheng Qiao, Jianhui Zeng, Shu Jiang, and Dongxia Chen

Fluid/chemical transport in the connected pore network of porous sandstone with variable permeability governs numerous subsurface energetic, environmental, and industrial activities. In this work, we compile a multi-scale pore connectivity evaluation by integrated pore structure characterization involving casting thin section, scanning electron microscope, nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray computed tomography, and mercury intrusion porosimetries. The pore connected pattern, connective ratio, and connected full-range pore size distribution (CPSD) are obtained by the determination of full-range pore size distribution and empirical correlations between pore size and connective ratio, upon which the across-scale steady-state multiphase flow physics are further explored incorporating physical simulation experiment and numerical analyses. The scale-invariant connective ratio of conventional sandstone with reticular connection pattern stays at around 0.60, that of low-permeability sandstone ranges from 0.53 to 0.60, exhibiting branch-like connection, and it is avg. 0.31 in tight sandstone with local chain-like pattern, of which the ratio can be predicted by its strong dependence on porosity, permeability, and connected median pore radius. With decreasing pore connectivity, the fractional flow of non-wetting phase in steady-state two-phase flow turns from linear deviated flow to power-law flows. The pore-scale interpretations of multiphase mobility and interaction dynamic by incorporating DLVO theory, augmented Young-Laplace equation, and effective hydraulic radius model suggest that the connected full-range pore size distribution determines the wetting phase mobility and non-wetting phase accessibility, controlling the dynamic of multiphase interaction and build of non-wetting phase pathways. Preferential flow path expansions in the connected pores < 1000 nm, leading to strong differences in the resistance for non-wetting phase flow, are the primary reasons for distinctions in flow regimes. The increasing pores of 30-50 nm in the non-wetting phase flow paths are responsible for the TPG, pressure disorders, and fluid snap-offs, resulting in the power-law flow deviations. A dynamic fractional flux prediction model for non-wetting phase is proposed by modifying the fractal-based Hagen-Poiseuille equation considering flow physics, pore heterogeneity, and critical percolation length scale variations along with flow path expansion in the connected pore system. Comparative analysis indicates that the determination of hydraulic flow diameter  should follow the percolation threshold theory and reliable of porous sandstone is at round R40 of the connected flow pathway.

How to cite: Qiao, J., Zeng, J., Jiang, S., and Chen, D.: Pore-scale understandings for steady-state two-phase flow in porous sandstone from full-range pore connectivity quantification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15356,, 2025.

EGU25-17828 | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Modeling enhanced denitrification in groundwater through electron competition among nitrogen species to identify N2O emissions 

Veronica Gonsalez, C. Andrew Ramsburg, and Katherine Muller

Nitrate contamination in groundwater is a pervasive environmental issue with significant ecological and potential human health implications.  Emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) has shown promise for nitrate plume remediation through simulation of indigenous denitrifying populations, but the potential for secondary effects such as nitrous oxide emissions and discharge of dissolved carbon are not well understood. This study is the first adaptation of an electron competition model with steady-state biomass developed for modeling denitrification in wastewater treatment facilities to denitrification in the subsurface environment with biomass growth. The goal of the model is to quantify carbon and nitrogen emissions over the lifetime of a treatment. The model integrates EVO hydrolysis with substrate availability and electron carrier dynamics, incorporating microbial interactions between hydrolyzers and denitrifiers. Key findings reveal that nitrous oxide emissions are significantly influenced by the balance between oxidized and reduced electron carriers, modulated by biomass activity and carbon substrate availability. The hydrolysis of EVO is identified as the rate-limiting step in sustaining denitrification, but incomplete denitrification can occur even at high carbon availability. This research advances the understanding of microbial-mediated denitrification mechanisms and provides insights for identifying the conditions that favor nitrous oxide emissions in Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) for nitrate-contaminated groundwater remediation.

How to cite: Gonsalez, V., Ramsburg, C. A., and Muller, K.: Modeling enhanced denitrification in groundwater through electron competition among nitrogen species to identify N2O emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17828,, 2025.

EGU25-20497 | Posters on site | HS8.1.3

Drainage in Open Rough-walled Fractures – Comparison of experimental and numerical results 

Insa Neuweiler, Rahul Krishna, Amin Rezaei, Oshri Borgman, Francesco Gomez, and Yves Méheust

Displacement of a wetting by a non-wetting fluid in fractured media is a process with relevance for many applications, such as fluid storage in the subsurface or oil and gas exploitation. How to capture the flow in open rough-walled fractures on the large length scales required for such applications is an open question. It is highly questionable if the two-phase flow equations can be simplified to continuum approaches, such as established for porous media, which would allow for coarse spatial resolutions of a model. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a good understanding of how flow regimes and fracture geometry influence the properties of the fluid distributions during a displacement process that determine the macroscopic behavior. Such properties are, for example, fluid that is immobilized behind the displacement front. While there has been extensive investigation of this question in the context of porous media, studies on rough fractures are relatively scarce.

It is well established that in horizontal settings, the displacement is governed by capillary and viscous forces, resulting in the emergence of various displacement patterns (compact, viscous fingering or capillary fingering). Numerical simulations of the flow process could be helpful to relate the flow conditions and geometrical properties of the aperture field to characteristics of fluid distributions. However, such numerical simulations are not straight forward, as capturing the fluid-fluid surfaces and contact lines requires very fine grids and poor representations of the interfaces can cause large numerical errors. It is thus crucial to validate numerical models with well controlled experiments. As it is necessary to have well controlled conditions for boundary conditions and precise knowledge of the geometrical properties of the fracture aperture, such experiments are challenging.

In this contribution, we compare numerical results to recent results from experiments carried out in a setup featuring a fracture flow cell with self-affine rough walled surfaces and a precisely controlled mean aperture. Different viscosity ratios are obtained by altering the viscosities of both the displacing and the displaced fluids and different capillary numbers are obtained by varying the flow rate imposed through the cell. We compare the experimental findings to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) results obtained by solving the Navier–Stokes equations within the fracture pore space, employing the Volume of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the fluid-fluid interface.  We systematically confront the numerical predictions to the experimental results, in terms of various morphological properties of the displacement patterns such as Euler number, cluster size distribution, interfacial length, typical finger width, trapped cluster size distributions or fluid-fluid interface length. From this we infer a range of capillary numbers and viscosity ratios for which the numerical model can be validated as properly predicting the experiments.

How to cite: Neuweiler, I., Krishna, R., Rezaei, A., Borgman, O., Gomez, F., and Méheust, Y.: Drainage in Open Rough-walled Fractures – Comparison of experimental and numerical results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20497,, 2025.

EGU25-21286 | ECS | Orals | HS8.1.3

Impact of Transient Flow on Reactive Fronts in Porous Media 

Pratyaksh Karan, Satoshi Izumoto, Tanguy Le Borgne, and Joris Heyman

Groundwater flow is subject to transients, due to natural events or human activities (recharge, tides, decontamination, etc.). The occurrence of such temporal fluctuations in the flow field can have significant impact on reactive transport processes, compared to steady flow conditions, especially in reactive fronts. These fronts manifest as localized interfacial regions where chemical reaction occurs in an ambient flow field that brings two or more reactants in contact with each other. Understanding how reaction fronts evolve during transient flows is therefore key to predicting reactive transport in the subsurface. 

In these fronts, reaction rates often depend on the local mixing state of the reactants, which in turn is controlled by the interplay between advective and diffusive processes. Under steady flow conditions, the presence of heterogeneity in the permeability fields has been shown to enhance mixing and reaction at the Darcy scale, due to stretching-enhanced mixing. In contrast, it is currently unknown how transient flows would impact reaction rates. 

Here, we conduct reactive transport experiments with transient flow in both Hele-Shaw and index-matched porous media cells. A steady mixing front is created inside the cell by two opposing injection points, creating of a stagnation point flow. Transient flow is then imposed by varying the ratio of the injection rates, causing a displacement of the stagnation point and the mixing front. A bimolecular chemiluminescent reaction is used to quantify the effective reaction rate within the mixing front at all times. We observe that transient flows increase reactivity compared to steady state conditions, both in the local maximum of reaction rates and in the size of the reactive front.

In the Hele-Shaw cell, the enhancement can be up to 3 times compared to steady conditions. The evolution of the reaction front to the new steady state occurs in a time much shorter than that required for Taylor-Aris dispersion, indicating that the reaction front remains in the ballistic shear regime when the reactivity enhancement is observed. Using the lamellar theory for sheared fronts, we find that the maximum reaction rate should scale with the transient flow strength to the power of 3/4, a prediction that compares well with the experimental observations (0.76±0.03).  

In the porous media cell, we also observe a power law scaling between the reaction rate enhancement and the transient flow magnitude, with an exponent of 0.58±0.01. In contrast to the Hele-Shaw case, we argue that the mixing enhancement is due to longitudinal hydrodynamic dispersion. Solving the advection-dispersion-reaction equation for the reaction front near the stagnation point yields a theoretical exponent of 1/2 , which agrees well with experimental observations.

These results indicate that an important part of the biogeochemical activity in the subsurface can occur during transient events. The proposed modeling framework provides a quantitative prediction of such reactive transport dynamics.

How to cite: Karan, P., Izumoto, S., Le Borgne, T., and Heyman, J.: Impact of Transient Flow on Reactive Fronts in Porous Media, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21286,, 2025.

Low-emission hydrogen accounted for less than 1 % of global hydrogen production by 2023, but will have to increase more than 100-fold by 2030 according to the International Energy Agency’s net-zero emission scenarios for 2050. Proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers are particularly suitable to produce hydrogen from renewable energy sources, yet the currently available technological combinations are considerably more expensive than producing hydrogen from fossil fuels (by 65 % to 810 % according to the International Renewable Energy Agency’s 2021 report). To reduce costs, the materials and dynamic operating conditions in electrolyzers must be optimized, amongst other things with regard to low oxygen concentrations (waste product) at the catalysts. We use a first-principle microscale model for oxygen transport to complement experimental optimization efforts, which are generally expensive and limited by measurement accuracies.

The model deploys the volume of fluid method and accounts for (1) uncertain transport processes in the catalyst layer, (2) numerically challenging two-phase at capillary numbers as low as 2.1 · 10-7 and (3) bubble detachments in channels. The model is validated with respect to flow patterns in microfluidic experiments as well as to pressure drops and bubble velocities within minichannels (30% and 20% match regarding the latter two). The model is numerically stable at operando conditions with at least 0.5 A/cm2 current density in a stochastically reproduced porous transport layer. Uncertain catalyst-side solute transport and nucleations are implicitely accounted for, yet their spatial variations are found to negligibly affect the conditions inside the porous transport layer.  Operando gas saturation measurements are locally matched within a 20% margin and are qualitatively matched across the entire porous transport layer.

The simulated bubble detachment in flow field channels occur at pore throats that agree with porosimetry and microfluidic experiments. The gaseous phase pressure fluctuates greatly according to the detachment throat size and the bubble diameter immediately before detachment. The model allows the prediction of nucleation and detachment sites and can be further utilized to optimize porous transport layers as well as to predict boundary conditions when modeling catalyst layers and flow fields.

How to cite: Schmidt, G. and Neuweiler, I.: Volume of Fluid Modeling of Capillary-Dominated Flow Patterns and Bubble Detachment in PEM Water Electrolyzers , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21948,, 2025.

Lateritic landscapes are structurally complex systems formed through intense chemical weathering under tropical paleoclimates. These profiles are found in stable, low-relief landscapes across tropical, subtropical, and Mediterranean climates, particularly between 35°N to 35°S. Their vertical structure reflects long-term shifts in climatic, hydrological, and tectonic conditions, offering a valuable "memory" of past environmental changes. Despite their environmental and economic significance, lateritic landscapes remain underrepresented in CZ research, a bias compounded by the concentration of Critical Zone Observatories in the Northern Hemisphere, where shallow, truncated profiles prevail due to glacial erosion. This underrepresentation limits our understanding of long-term CZ processes and how they have shaped subsurface architecture.

This study investigates the subsurface architecture of a lateritic hillslope at the Avon River Critical Zone Observatory (AR-CZO) in Western Australia. Prolonged subaerial weathering since the Cretaceous, followed by mid-Miocene aridification, has created a stratigraphically complex regolith hillslope shaped by weathering, erosion, and colluvial deposition. To resolve the structural complexity of this hillslope, we applied a multi-method geophysical approach, combining electrical resistivity tomography (ERT), horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) passive seismic methods, and borehole observations. ERT captured fine-scale stratigraphy, delineating the pallid zone, saprolite, and duricrust, while HVSR resolved broader interfaces, such as the duricrust-bedrock boundary and the base of the colluvial deposit.

The results reveal how landscape position influences CZ structure. The hilltop is capped by a duricrust that transitions downslope into an erosional surface, where the pallid zone of the lateritic weathering profile is exposed at the surface. At the foot slope, approximately 11 m of colluvial sediment has accumulated from the erosion of the hillslope material. Bedrock depth estimates differed between methods, with ERT indicating depths of 23 m on the slope and 32 m at the foot slope, while HVSR revealed deeper depths of 31 m and 39 m, respectively. The discrepancy highlights the limitations of ERT in saline environments, where conductivity masks key interfaces, while HVSR’s broader resolution provides more reliable bedrock detection in such conditions. Together, these methods reveal a laterally variable weathering profile that responds to shifts in landscape position, erosion, and deposition.

The complementarity of ERT and HVSR underscores the value of a multi-method geophysical approach for resolving the structural complexity of lateritic CZs. Our conceptual model demonstrates how weathering, erosion, and colluvial processes shape the structure of a deeply weathered hillslope, while also providing a transferable framework for characterizing saline, regolith-dominated systems. Given their depth, age, and capacity to preserve past climatic and tectonic conditions, lateritic CZs offer a vital opportunity to enhance global understanding of long-term CZ evolution. This research addresses the Northern Hemisphere bias in CZ science, highlights the underexplored role of stable, deeply weathered landscapes, and underscores the need for future comparative studies to understand the drivers of heterogeneity in subsurface architecture across CZs worldwide.

How to cite: Weller, J., Jakica, S., Thompson, S., and Leopold, M.: Combining electrical resistivity tomography and passive seismic to characterise the subsurface architecture of a deeply weathered lateritic hill within the Avon River Critical Zone Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1401,, 2025.

The ground substrate is a new concept in the field of natural resources proposed by Chinese scientists in 2020 (Ministry of Natural Resources, 2020). It is the basic material that supports and nurtures various natural resources such as soil, forests, grasslands, wetlands, and water. The layer of ground substrate is the most active geological space for the exchange of substances and energy such as water, heat, salt, gas, carbon, etc. It is also serving as a bridge link between the land cover layer and the underground resource layer. The proposal on concept of ground substrate has clarified new directions and goals for geological survey to support ecological civilization construction and natural resource management, has great significance.

In different climate zones such as humid, semi humid, semi-arid, and arid in China, there are significant differences in the material composition, genetic types, and characteristic physicochemical properties of ground substrates, which call ground substrate heterogeneity by us. In recent years, based on multiple ground substrate surveys and research projects, some important conclusions has been gained. The first is we revealed the constraint mechanisms of the physical structure, mineral element composition, and chemical properties of ground substrates on the types, NDVI, NPP of vegetation ecology in the key ecological functional areas in northern China and hilly mountainous areas in southern China. The second is the determination of the bottom boundary of the ground substrate layer requires comprehensive consideration of five factors: they are depth of the underground variable temperate zone, the roots depth of crop and vegetation, the depth of the surface karst development zone, the thickness of the weathering crust, and the burial depth of the groundwater level. It is generally believed that the depth of the ground substrate layer is less than 20 meters. The third is the key constraint layer of ground substrate (rock and soil layers that have important control and influence on vegetation and crop growth, water and salt storage and transport, etc.) is a special layer that should be given special attention in ground substrate filed survey.

More detailed about the scientific connotation and theoretical framework of ground substrate, please see the published paper(Hao Aibing, Yin Zhiqiang*, Li Hongyu, Lu Qinyuan, Peng Ling, Shao Hai, Jiang Qida, Zhao Xiaofeng, Liu Jiufeng, Pang Jumei, Yang Ke, Chen Peng, Kong Fanpeng, Hou Hongxin, Lu Min. 2024. The scientific connotation and theoretical framework of ground substrate. Acta Geologica Sinica. 98(11):3225-3237)

How to cite: yin, Z., peng, L., and hao, A.: The concept of ground substrate and its physical structure & mineral element composition constrain mechanisms on vegetation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1441,, 2025.

EGU25-1952 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.8

Clogging model of hyporheic exchange based on coupled lattice Boltzmann discrete element simulations 

Xudong Zhang, Atsushi Takai, Tomohiro Kato, and Takeshi Katsumi

The hyporheic exchange between the surface water and the underground water is considered a significant process in the natural water cycle system. Some sediment particles in the riverbed can be carried to the exchange channel under the stream effect. Over time, these particles accumulate on the channel can decrease the exchange efficiency of water resources, and induce clogs. The clogging problem of the exchange channel may further induce various geological and environmental disasters such as the shrinkage of lakes and desertification.

To detail the clogging mechanism in the exchange channel, we simulated the exchange clogging process on the exchange channel based on a coupled lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) and discrete element method (DEM). The results indicated particles could form an arch structure clogging the channel orifice. The formation of the clogging arch prevented the discharge of soil particles and greatly decreased the fluid velocity. Notably, the fluid velocity distribution around the orifice is in a certain shape according to the velocity of the LBM cells—the size of the shape regularly changes with the distance to the channel orifice. The variation of the average fluid velocity in the orifice first increases to a peak (about 0.497 cm/s) in the initial time and then decreases to an approximate value after clogging (about 0.037 cm/s). The maximum velocity is almost thirteen times the minimum, indicating that the clogging effect can reduce the water velocity of hyporheic exchange by more than one order of magnitude. In addition, it was found that the soil skeleton was necessary for forming clogs in polydisperse particle systems by analyzing the clogging arch-forming process. The sediment particles in different scales have different effects on the clogging arch. The large particles in the sediments are closely related to the formation of the soil skeleton. The fine particles were involved in the filling and enhancing of the soil skeleton.

Based on our simulation analysis, an explanation for the clogging formation under microscopic conditions was proposed, leading to a detailed description of the exchange clogging in the hyporheic exchange channel. In addition, some mechanism statements to better understand the exchange phenomenon in the water cycling ecosystem are also provided.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Takai, A., Kato, T., and Katsumi, T.: Clogging model of hyporheic exchange based on coupled lattice Boltzmann discrete element simulations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1952,, 2025.

EGU25-2490 | Orals | HS8.2.8

Spring and stream intermittency in an instrumented steep Himalayan Mountain catchment 

John Armitage, Kapiolani Teagai, Niels Hovius, Luc Illien, and Christoff Andermann

The pathway for rainfall into stream flow in mountain catchments can be fast via surface run-off or short-lived storage in the weathered zone, or slow via the deep fractured bedrock groundwater system. In mountainous topography, springs can be found at almost all elevations, suggesting that groundwater storage occurs at all elevations. There is however uncertainty as if this storage is short lived, confined to the weathered zone, or longer lived and is part of the groundwater system. Intermittent streams and springs might reflect the storage of water within the subsurface. To measure stream intermittency and the migration of the associated headwater springs we installed intermittency loggers based on repurposed HOBO luminosity loggers along five gulleys within the Kahule Khola catchment in central Nepal.

The intermittency loggers measure an electric current when the circuit is closed by surface moisture and flowing water. The loggers were installed in spring 2023 before the pre-monsoon and were removed in November 2024. At low elevation, three series of loggers were installed in gullies below the village of Listi. These below Listi loggers had perennial springs at their lowest elevation. Furthermore, one series of loggers ended at an ERT repeat survey that showed evidence of year-round shallow subsurface saturation. At high elevation, two series of loggers were installed near the village of Bagham, below an open meadow where ephemeral springs were mapped (we call these the meadow loggers). A coincident ERT repeat survey showed evidence of lateral flow of groundwater within this region.

The loggers recorded three distinct phases: (1) The pre-monsoon, where individual storm events can be registered along each gulley as separate wetting events. (2) Monsoon, where there is a continuous and high conductivity measurement for all loggers, representing continuous flow of surface water. (3) The dry season, which starts with a recession in the electric current observed, followed by sparce wet events. The below Listi systems dried completely within the dry season, while the meadow gulleys recorded low but non-zero electric currents even throughout the dry season. The loggers did not record any evidence of spring migration down the gulleys, rather a uniform drying after rainfall events at all locations, with prolonged wetness post monsoon only seen for loggers that were situated just above known perennial springs. The observations would therefore suggest that intermittent run-off comes from the temporary storage in the weathered zone that dries out at the same rate across the catchment, while persistent flow is from points where the topography intersects with the deeper groundwater reservoir. Run-off within the steep catchment therefore operates through two coexisting systems, (1) an intermittent system that is fed from temporary storage of water in the weathered zone, where there is no distinct headwater spring, and (2) perennial streams fed by groundwater springs.

How to cite: Armitage, J., Teagai, K., Hovius, N., Illien, L., and Andermann, C.: Spring and stream intermittency in an instrumented steep Himalayan Mountain catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2490,, 2025.

EGU25-2917 | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Accelerating Critical Zone Science with an International Network of Networks 

Jeffrey Munroe, Bhavna Arora, Kevin Bishop, Theresa Blume, Heye Bogena, Elizabeth Boyer, Isabelle Braud, Jérôme Gaillardet, Ralf Kiese, and Steffen Zacharias

The international Critical Zone Network of Networks (CZ-NoN) project, launched in January 2025 and funded by the US National Science Foundation, promotes the study of the Earth’s Critical Zone (CZ), the vital near-surface environment where essential life-supporting processes converge.  Building on previous investments in CZ research, CZ-NoN fosters collaboration and communication between existing and emerging environmental observatories and monitoring networks worldwide.  By establishing a unified framework for collaboration and discussion, CZ-NoN addresses long-standing challenges such as fragmented methodologies, redundancies, poor communication, and barriers to data discoverability and accessibility.  Key project components include planning meetings, workshops, and an online webinar series aimed at building community, showcasing new efforts, and increasing awareness of ongoing CZ research.  In parallel, a global polling effort will compile a crowdsourced list of grand research questions to guide future CZ studies.  By bringing together researchers from different countries and disciplines, and prioritizing cooperation over competition, CZ-NoN will accelerate scientific research and position the international research community for future funding opportunities to support complex, integrated study of the global CZ across diverse socio-environmental conditions.

How to cite: Munroe, J., Arora, B., Bishop, K., Blume, T., Bogena, H., Boyer, E., Braud, I., Gaillardet, J., Kiese, R., and Zacharias, S.: Accelerating Critical Zone Science with an International Network of Networks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2917,, 2025.

Tropical vegetation plays a vital role in global ecosystem services, with one critical aspect lying in its hydrological functions of water cycle regulation. Climate change and accelerated human interventions threaten the stability of tropical vegetation, associated with profoundly hydrological changes particularly in recent decades. Despite various studies on land-atmosphere feedback using earth system models, the regulation of terrestrial hydrological components remains unclear over tropical regions, due primarily to inherent limitations of models in accurately simulating terrestrial water storage (TWS) and runoff. Here, we combine multisource observations to reveal a disparity pattern in storage-runoff interactions over tropical regions for the past two decades. Using satellite-based Landsat optical archives, Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation, GRACE gravimetry, and gauge-based runoff database, we show that large-scale forest degradation and cropland expansion have weakened moisture recycling over the eastern tropical South America and eastern tropical Africa (Region I), indicated by a significant decrease in net precipitation input (precipitation minus evapotranspiration). This further causes declines in both TWS and streamflow, shown as a pattern of “less storage and less runoff” due to vegetation degradation. In contrast, over the western tropical South America, western tropical Africa, and tropical Asia (Region II), we did not find marked changes in land cover but a significant increasing trend in vegetation greenness and leaf area index. This is associated with a significant increase in net precipitation input and an enhanced moisture recycling. The increased water input over Region II causes an increase in TWS but a decline in streamflow, shown as a pattern of “more storage but less runoff” due to the decrease in rainfall-runoff generation induced by vegetation growth. The disparity patterns between Region I and Region II highlight different responses of tropical terrestrial water system to a changing environment. Unlike most past studies relying on land surface or earth system models, this study leverages strengths in advanced observation techniques to explore different mechanisms underlying changes in the tropical terrestrial water system. Findings from this study provide valuable supplements to the current model-based analysis, and inform adaptive strategies for changes over tropical regions.

How to cite: Li, X. and Peng, J.: Multisource observations reveal different roles of tropical vegetation in terrestrial water regulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7653,, 2025.

EGU25-9089 | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Monitoring the triple oxygen isotope composition of water and biogenic silica at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface: benefits for investigating West African present and past water cycles 

Anne Alexandre, Clément Outrequin, Christine Vallet-Coulomb, Christophe peugeot, Manuela Grippa, Julie Aleman, Claudia Voigt, Amaelle landais, Eric mougin, Ousmane Ndiaye, Corinne Sonzogni, David Au Yang, Jean-Charles Mazur, Martine Couapel, Jérome Ogée, Theodore Ouani, Simon Afouda, Nogmana Soumaguel, Torbern Tagesson, and Rasmus Fensholt

Quantitative data are needed to constrain vegetation-hydroclimate in water cycle modelling. Here, we use the triple oxygen isotope composition (δ'18O and 17O-excess) of water compartments to track water transfers and mixing within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. At three AMMA-CATCH sites in Benin and Senegal we monitored the δ'18O and 17O-excess of precipitation, groundwater, soil water and plant water, as well as the 17O-excess of phytoliths, an indicator of atmospheric relative humidity. We found that : 1) the 17O-excess in precipitation is very stable over several years; 2) groundwater has δ'18O and 17O-excess values consistent with a multi-year recharge by modern precipitation; 3) the 17O-excess in soil water shows a limited contribution of evaporated water, despite high evaporation conditions, which has important implications for our knowledge of water transfers within soils; 4) extrapolating linear relationships between δ'18O and excess 17O-excess of leaf and stem water allows us to determine the origin of the water absorbed by the roots. At the savanna and dry forest sites, during the rainy season, grasses absorb soil water supplied by precipitation. In contrast, during the dry season, trees reach the perennial groundwater recharge. 5) the 17O-excess of grass and tree leaf water follow the dynamics of relative humidity; 6) the 17O-excess of grass phytoliths records daily relative humidity during the growing season. These results provide a solid basis for using the triple oxygen isotope composition of water and phytoliths to trace present and past water cycles at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface.

This study was conducted in the framework of the HUMI-17 and PAST-17 projects supported by the ANR (ANR-17-CE01-0002-01 and ANR-22-CE01-0027-01), JA and CV have benefited from a Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant from the European Union (n°101063961 for JA and 101063961 for CV). TT acknowledge funds from FORMAS (Dnr 2021-00644), and the European Union under the Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) Initiative (FOOD/2019/410-169).

How to cite: Alexandre, A., Outrequin, C., Vallet-Coulomb, C., peugeot, C., Grippa, M., Aleman, J., Voigt, C., landais, A., mougin, E., Ndiaye, O., Sonzogni, C., Au Yang, D., Mazur, J.-C., Couapel, M., Ogée, J., Ouani, T., Afouda, S., Soumaguel, N., Tagesson, T., and Fensholt, R.: Monitoring the triple oxygen isotope composition of water and biogenic silica at the soil-plant-atmosphere interface: benefits for investigating West African present and past water cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9089,, 2025.

The Bassée Observatory, located in the heart of the Seine catchment and part of the Zone Atelier Seine network, is an essential research platform for understanding the hydrological processes associated with the strategic challenges of sustainable water resource management. It focuses on the behaviour of the alluvial plain as a complex and anthropised hydrosystem, considering its long-term geohistorical evolution. Through an extensive network of surface water and groundwater monitoring stations, the observatory highlights the central role of groundwater and its interactions with surface water in the current dynamics of this region. We introduce the new groundwater model of the Bassée, developed as a tool combining the CaWaQS hydrogeological platform with the groundwater utilities of the PEST parameter estimation approach. This integration improves the representation of the heterogeneity of the alluvial plain and provides a solid basis for quantitative decision making. The model is designed to assist stakeholders in addressing the challenges of operating and conserving the alluvial plain in the context of a changing environment.

How to cite: Jost, A., Saias, C., and Renaud, A.: Groundwater modelling in the Bassée alluvial plain: A tool for understanding the dynamics of a complex socio-hydrosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9355,, 2025.

EGU25-10061 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Quantifying hydrogeological drivers influencing daily fluctuations in shallow groundwater levels within an altiplanic pristine catchment in Chile. 

Amanda Peña-Echeverría, Cristina Contreras, Jorge Renaud, Sarah Leray, and Francisco Suárez

Daily fluctuations in shallow groundwater levels provide valuable insights into hydro-ecological dynamics and aquifer hydraulic properties. These fluctuations usually depend on hydrological/hydrogeological processes, such as precipitation, evaporation, snow/ice melting/thawing, as well as soil characteristics that influence aquifer response times. The Salar del Huasco basin (20.2°S, 68.8°W; 4,164 m a.s.l.; 1,470 km2) is an endorheic system located in the arid Chilean Altiplano, hosting wetlands and a saline lagoon that sustain part of the region essential biodiversity such as chilean, andean, parina and chica’s flamingos, and it serves as a refuge for migratory birds (e.g., peregrine falcon, golden plover and baird's sandpiper). The area experiences extreme thermal oscillations (4–14°C daily averages; winter lows of -20°C), high potential evaporation (1,200 mm/year), and variable summer precipitation (11–400 mm/year). To explore shallow groundwater dynamics, we monitored for ~1 year two sites near the basin’s salt flat: the north and the south sites. Meteorological, soil, and groundwater levels data were collected at 30-min intervals. At the northern site, daily groundwater level fluctuations ranged from 6 to 45 mm, with a sharp and abrupt 300 mm rise in austral spring. In contrast, the southern site showed daily groundwater level fluctuations between 7 and 58 mm, with multiple rises during winter, ranging from 100 to 300 mm. Distinct patterns emerged at these sites: in the northern site, the maximum diurnal fluctuations correlated with solar radiation, while the southern site showed a more stable behavior, with no clear daily peaks. We applied a water balance to determine how the amplitude of possible input and output fluxes in the system altered the daily level fluctuations, and whether, despite the proximity of both sites (~9 km), soil texture, vegetation cover, and local meteorological-hydrogeological conditions explain the differences in groundwater level behavior.

How to cite: Peña-Echeverría, A., Contreras, C., Renaud, J., Leray, S., and Suárez, F.: Quantifying hydrogeological drivers influencing daily fluctuations in shallow groundwater levels within an altiplanic pristine catchment in Chile., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10061,, 2025.

In times of climatic unpredictability driven by a quickly changing climate, it is critical to investigate hydrological processes and water availability in different climatic and geomorphological contexts. Mountains have long been acknowledged as fundamental sources of abundant high-quality water for the densely populated downstream areas. The large volumes of water stored in mountain lakes, reservoirs, and snow caps are extremely important to buffer precipitation variability and sustain ecological and anthropic water uses during droughts. So far, the flow and storage of water in the deeply fractured rock formations constituting the core of mountain massifs have mostly been neglected, even for the long-term water balance. However, recent experimental evidence has shown that poorly porous and conductive fractured bedrock can host aquifers whose contribution to streamflow can be substantial, particularly during droughts.

This study systematically assesses, under a wide range of geomorphoclimatic conditions, how deep subsurface storage and flows affect critical hydrological and hydrogeological variables such as the age of streamflow (as opposed to the age of baseflow), surface seepage, and permanent drainage density. These critical hydrological processes are investigated via a large set of steady-state numerical experiments by modulating surface topography, groundwater recharge, and hydrogeological properties of the subsurface (e.g., formation depth, hydraulic conductivity, and its heterogeneity).

The results quantitatively show, for example, how different morphological and hydrogeological conditions may respond to climate change and can be useful in identifying vulnerable areas where mitigation strategies should be prioritized to cope with water shortages. The study can also help understand where ecological alterations driven by the lack of water can have a more profound impact on riverine habitats and where to expect the shift of species in the future.  

How to cite: Bellin, A. and Betterle, A.: Assessing the Impact of Deep Subsurface Storage and Flows on Hydrological Processes and Water Availability in Mountainous Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11743,, 2025.

EGU25-12719 | Orals | HS8.2.8

 Infiltration depth, rooting depth, and regolith flushing—A global perspective 

Gonzalo Miguez-Macho and Ying Fan

How deep does the rain regularly infiltrate into the ground? Do plant roots follow? How much infiltration is pumped back to the atmosphere (short-circuiting)  and how much passes below plant roots reaching the water table, flushing the regolith, recharging aquifers and rivers, and eventually reaching the ocean (long-circuiting) thus regulating global biogeochemical cycles and long-term climate? What is the depth that supplies evapotranspiration, and what is the regolith flush rate? What are the implications to global material and energy cycles? The answers depend on local climate–terrain–vegetation combinations. We use observations and high resolution numerical modeling at the global scale to shed light on multiscale causes–feedbacks among climate, drainage, substrate, and plant biomass that interactively create a global structure in the depths and rates of hydrologic plumbing of the Earth's critical zone, informing global models on critical depths and processes to include in Earth-system predictions.

How to cite: Miguez-Macho, G. and Fan, Y.:  Infiltration depth, rooting depth, and regolith flushing—A global perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12719,, 2025.

EGU25-12772 | Orals | HS8.2.8

Groundwater controls on headwater stream dynamics 

Clément Roques, Ronan Abhervé, Etienne Marti, Ronny Figueroa, Nicolas Cornette, Alexandre Gauvain, Jean-Raynald de Dreuzy, Sarah Leray, Camille Bouchez, Alexandre Boisson, Luc Aquilina, and Philip Brunner

Headwater catchments, defined as the uppermost segments of drainage networks with intermittent and/or perennial third-order streams, are vital sources of freshwater and nutrients for downstream river basins. Despite their critical role in sustaining natural ecosystems and supporting human services, these systems remain poorly understood and are often referred to as 'aqua incognita1.' A key challenge lies in unraveling the hidden groundwater processes that contribute to storage-discharge dynamics. Recent advances in both in-situ and remote monitoring, combined with innovative modeling techniques, now offer opportunities to capture the complex interactions between surface and subsurface processes across diverse climatic, topographic, and geological contexts.

In this presentation, we will present recent findings from field investigations conducted in headwater observatories, complemented by numerical modeling experiments designed to evaluate the controls of key geomorphic factors on groundwater-surface water interactions. The presentation will explore how landforms, lithologies, subsurface stress, and faults shape hydrological behaviors, including stream baseflow recession, groundwater seepage distribution, flow intermittency, and water residence times. Additionally, we will highlight advances in numerical modeling techniques, particularly through the HydroModPy community modelling platform2, which enhance the representation and calibration of groundwater processes in catchment-scale hydrological models. Through the application of these models on pilot sites, we will illustrate how subsurface heterogeneity influences the predictions of water availability under future climate change scenarios, emphasizing the importance of integrating hydrogeological insights for supporting resilient water resource management.

1 Bishop, K., Buffam, I., Erlandsson, M., Fölster, J., Laudon, H., Seibert, J., Temnerud, J., 2008. Aqua Incognita: the unknown headwaters. Hydrological Processes 22, 1239–1242.

2 Gauvain, A., Abhervé, R., Coche, A., Le Mesnil, M., Roques, C., Bouchez, C., Marçais, J., Leray, S., Marti, E., Figueroa, R., Bresciani, E., Vautier, C., Boivin, B., Sallou, J., Bourcier, J., Combemale, B., Brunner, P., Longuevergne, L., Aquilina, L., and de Dreuzy, J.-R.: HydroModPy: A Python toolbox for deploying catchment-scale shallow groundwater models , EGUsphere [preprint],, 2025.

How to cite: Roques, C., Abhervé, R., Marti, E., Figueroa, R., Cornette, N., Gauvain, A., de Dreuzy, J.-R., Leray, S., Bouchez, C., Boisson, A., Aquilina, L., and Brunner, P.: Groundwater controls on headwater stream dynamics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12772,, 2025.

EGU25-12792 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.8

Deep flow behavior and the critical zone in a deep well: A hydrogeological study in Mexico City 

Zaida Martínez Casas, Eric Morales Casique, Selene Olea Olea, and Jose Luis Lezama Campos

In Mexico City, where population growth has significantly increased water demand, a well was drilled to a vertical depth of 1992 meters. 
To understand the groundwater dynamic in the critical zone- an area extending from the surface to the base of the groundwater system, where complex interactions occur between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere- various tools were employed, including geophysical log analysis, pumping tests, and groundwater sampling for hydrochemical and isotopic (stable and radioactive) analyses.

The results revealed consistent ion concentrations during hydrogeochemical monitoring, classifying the water as sodium-chloride type with minor nitrate contamination attributed to the use of drilling mud.

Isotopic analysis indicated that the water likely originated from precipitation infiltrating at approximately 3000 meters above sea level, possibly from nearby mountain ranges. Radiocarbon dating estimated a residence time of 2840 years, although additional testing is necessary for confirmation.

Hydraulic tests determined a transmissivity of 768 m²/day and a specific storage of 3.11 × 10⁻⁶ m⁻¹, corresponding to an average hydraulic conductivity of 0.885 m/day. This is a complex hydrogeological system characterized by deep, highly fractured saturated zones. Groundwater in this well originates from the deep infiltration of rainfall in the surrounding sierras, circulating through fractures in volcanic rocks. Initially, the water quality showed temporary mixing with surface water due to the interaction between formation water and drilling mud; however, it later exhibited a distinct chemical composition.

The residence time of the water indicates a dynamic system with varying water ages. The results suggest hydraulic connectivity between different hydrogeological units and an endorheic behavior of groundwater flow in the area. In summary, this study enhances the understanding of groundwater flows in Mexico City, emphasizing the critical zone's role in shaping subsurface processes and highlighting the importance of considering the complexity of these systems for sustainable management.

How to cite: Martínez Casas, Z., Morales Casique, E., Olea Olea, S., and Lezama Campos, J. L.: Deep flow behavior and the critical zone in a deep well: A hydrogeological study in Mexico City, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12792,, 2025.

EGU25-13922 | Orals | HS8.2.8

A Scale-Adaptive Framework for Modeling Critical Zone Processes and River Water Quality in the East River Watershed 

Dipankar Dwivedi, Ilhan Özgen Xian, Bhavna Arora, Boris Faybishenko, Michelle Newcomer, Patricia Fox, Carl Steefel, Kenneth Williams, Peter Nico, Susan Hubbard, and Eoin Brodie

Critical Zone processes encompass interactions among rock, soil, water, air, and living organisms, essential for quantifying water and nutrient fluxes and predicting downstream river water quality. High-fidelity reactive transport models (RTMs) are important for understanding Critical Zone processes but are typically computationally expensive, which limits their applicability across large catchments. To address these challenges, we developed a scale-adaptive reactive transport simulation framework that balances process fidelity with computational efficiency. We developed the RiverFlotran Module, which employs fully dynamic 1D shallow-water equations for river hydrodynamics, and integrated it into PFLOTRAN, a subsurface reactive transport model. This integration enables us to simulate bidirectional exchanges at the land-water interface. Subsequently, we developed a machine learning-based exchange function, trained on the simulated data, and tailored for the East River. This function allows us to predict river water quality along the river continuum. This framework was applied to the East River Mountainous Watershed in Colorado, a study site of Berkeley Lab's Watershed Function Scientific Focus Area, to demonstrate its effectiveness in capturing intricate Critical Zone interactions and predicting downstream river water quality. Our study of the East River Floodplain's alluvial aquifer revealed that prevailing anoxic conditions generate pronounced redox gradients, resulting in the downstream export of dissolved iron and nitrogen near meander bends. These bends consistently serve as nitrogen hotspots, irrespective of water levels, driven by variations in river stage, bathymetry, and meander geometry, such as sinuosity. This modeling framework provides a foundation for quantifying river water quality at the catchment scale.

How to cite: Dwivedi, D., Özgen Xian, I., Arora, B., Faybishenko, B., Newcomer, M., Fox, P., Steefel, C., Williams, K., Nico, P., Hubbard, S., and Brodie, E.: A Scale-Adaptive Framework for Modeling Critical Zone Processes and River Water Quality in the East River Watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13922,, 2025.

EGU25-14421 | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Groundwater dynamics in a steep Himalayan catchment: the role of a widespread weathering layer in water storage and transfer 

Kapiolani Teagai, John-Joseph Armitage, Niels Hovius, Léo Agélas, Nobuaki Fuji, Luc Illien, Basanta Raj Adhikari, and Christoff Andermann

The Himalayan region is crucial for providing water resources to millions of people in downstream regions across Asia. However, the processes governing groundwater storage and flow in steep mountain catchments remain poorly understood, particularly regarding the interplay between monsoonal rainfall, infiltration, and groundwater recharge in these highly dynamic landscapes. This study investigates the Kahule Khola watershed in central Nepal, combining field-based approaches encompassing Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), infiltration measurements, and hydrogeochemical analyses, to investigate the pathways and storage mechanisms of groundwater across pre-, during, and post-monsoon seasons. Our findings highlight the critical role of a laterally extensive weathering layer, 10–25 m thick, in regulating hydrological processes. The weathering layer exhibits high infiltration capacities (<24.1 cm/h) that exceed even intense monsoonal rainfall rates (<162.8 cm/h), allowing surface water to rapidly penetrate the subsurface and replenish groundwater stores. The 2D ERT profiles reveal seasonal variations in the saturation of this layer, with significant vertical and lateral flow dynamics linking it to deeper fractured bedrock aquifers. Hydrogeochemical analyses of spring water further demonstrate a bi-compartmentalized flow regimes, where fast and shallow pathways dominate during the monsoon, while slower and long-term storage within the fractured bedrock sustains perennial spring discharge and stream baseflow throughout the dry season. This study enhances our understanding of the hydrological functioning of steep mountain landscapes, emphasizing the dual role of the weathering layer as both a temporary water reservoir and a conduit for deeper aquifer recharge, demonstrating heightened efficiency during monsoon season. By proposing a conceptual model of water transfer and storage in Himalayan catchments, this research provides critical insights into groundwater processes that are fundamental for sustainable water resource management under increasing pressures from climate variability and tectonic activity.

How to cite: Teagai, K., Armitage, J.-J., Hovius, N., Agélas, L., Fuji, N., Illien, L., Adhikari, B. R., and Andermann, C.: Groundwater dynamics in a steep Himalayan catchment: the role of a widespread weathering layer in water storage and transfer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14421,, 2025.

EGU25-14670 | Orals | HS8.2.8

Extreme Winter Precipitation Drives Recharge of Deep Mountain Groundwater 

W. Payton Gardner, Matthew Swarr, Donald Argus, Hilary Martens, Zachary Young, and Zachary Hoylman

Extreme winter precipitation events, associated with frequent and intense atmospheric rivers, deposit significant quantities of water in mountain regions over short periods of time. Precipitation is forecast to become more variable as climate change intensifies; however, it is unclear how that will affect mountain aquifer recharge. Here we use high-precision Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) surface displacements and elastic deformation models to surface loading to estimate total water storage changes.  Using independent estimates of water stored within shallow subsurface and surface reservoirs, we isolate changes in mountain groundwater storage in two important mountain regions of the western US at high spatial (~30km) and temporal (~ 1 week) resolution. We find that groundwater storage is the dominant component of long-term total water loss within the Sierra Nevada and Cascades, composing up to 95% of the total water lost over the past two decades. However, extremely wet winters, such as that of 2023, can recharge groundwater storage by more than twice the average annual amount, driving the state of groundwater storage from historical lows to above or near-normal conditions over relatively short periods. Further, we find gains in groundwater storage associated with these events are relatively durable, persisting over several proceeding years following the extreme recharge event. Mountain aquifers have been increasingly recognized as a dynamic and critical source of water storage and release to adjacent low-elevation communities; however, persistent declines in mountain aquifer storage have been observed across the western US over the past two decades. In a future with increasingly variable precipitation, the strong influence of extreme events may act to maintain mountain groundwater, sustaining ecosystem health and buffering adjacent areas against drought conditions in between events.

How to cite: Gardner, W. P., Swarr, M., Argus, D., Martens, H., Young, Z., and Hoylman, Z.: Extreme Winter Precipitation Drives Recharge of Deep Mountain Groundwater, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14670,, 2025.

EGU25-15141 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.8

Down Under(ground) – Introducing the Australian Critical Zone Observatory Network 

Simone Gelsinari, Konrad Miotliński, Matthias Leopold, Jessie Weller, and Sally Thompson

The growing global network of Critical Zone Observatories provides exciting insights into how terrestrial and subsurface environments are interconnected, emphasising the value of understanding the Critical Zone as a vertically integrated system.  Yet this network is situated overwhelmingly in the frequently young and post-glacial or glacially-influenced landscapes of the Northern Hemisphere.  The Southern Hemisphere offers diverse landscapes with geologic parent materials spanning the Archaean to the Cenozoic, which have experienced little glaciation relative to the Northern Hemisphere.  The Australian Critical Zone Observatory Network was established in 2020 to provide insights into the structure and functioning of such landscapes on the ancient, chemically depleted, dry and diverse Australian continent. Five sites have been established with a common suite of instrumentation and operating principles, and are working collaboratively to develop Critical Zone datasets in landscapes ranging from rainforest to eucalyptus woodlands, dryland mallee, tropical savannah and rain-dependent agricultural lands.

This talk will introduce the OzCZO – the Australian Critical Zone Observatory Network, the five sites, their instrumentation and opportunities for scientific research within and by making comparisons among the sites.  It will then share some of the initial observations being collected at one of the observatories – the ancient lateritic landscape of the Avon Critical Zone Observatory.  We will illustrate how CZ structure, illuminated by bore logs and geophysics, organises soil physical and chemical properties across the landscape, and reveal how these properties then feed into land management decisions, hydrological functioning, and large-scale ecological health.  The Avon CZO is located within a biodiversity hotspot in the South-West of Australia, where the health of land and waters, and the ecosystems and agricultural production that depend on them, is threatened by both dryland salinity and a drying climate – with outcomes all mediated by the Critical Zone.

All data from OzCZO will be publicly available for use, and the sites are intended to act as an open platform where researchers can develop and test their ideas.  Given the scope for valuable cooperation and comparisons across these sites, we invite researchers at EGU to engage with OzCZO and keep progressing towards a global Critical Zone science.

How to cite: Gelsinari, S., Miotliński, K., Leopold, M., Weller, J., and Thompson, S.: Down Under(ground) – Introducing the Australian Critical Zone Observatory Network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15141,, 2025.

EGU25-17724 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Understanding surface - groundwater interactions in central European upland catchments: the Ahr valley, Germany 

Benoit Abadie, Laura Fracica, Christoff Andermann, Niels Hovius, Michael Dietze, and John Armitage

With a changing climate, major flood events are an increasing risk in many parts of the world, including temperate zones in Western Europe. Recent examples of destructive flooding in central European upland catchments, such as the 2021 Eifel floods in western Germany, highlight the importance of improving our understanding of the mechanisms behind stream response and sediment transport to precipitation events in upland catchments in temperate Western-Europe. The HIdden water and LANDscape ERosion (HILANDER) project that started in spring 2024 has two major goals: 1. To put in place an observatory in the Ahr catchment to characterize how water travels through the critical zone. 2. To incorporate surface/groundwater interactions in models of landscape evolution and river erosion.

The Ahr valley, ranging from 50m to 737m of elevation, is characterized by gently sloped hilltops and a steep, incised river valley. Preliminary recession analyses of the Ahr catchment, performed on data from four existing hydrographs, show a faster flowing aquifer in the upper parts of the catchment and a slow flowing aquifer in the lower regions. This implies that the upper parts of the catchment may be dominated by sub-surface flow through a more permeable shallow layer whereas the streamflow in lower reaches of the catchment is dominated by the deeper underlying aquifer. Two sub-catchments of the upper Ahr river, the Michelsbach, mainly forested and the Huhnenbach, largely agricultural with engineered drainage systems were chosen as study sites. The catchments are instrumented with pressure sensors, turbidimeters and seismometers, to continuously measure streamflow, suspended sediment concentrations, bedload transport and groundwater saturation. Furthermore, springs have been mapped and sampled for stable isotopes, dating and major elements.

Springs are found at both high and low elevations within both sub-catchments, and the locations of these springs do not vary from summer to winter. Observations from the summer spring mapping campaign of June 2024 found that the age of spring-water at high elevation is a mix of young water (ages of 2 to 3 years) and old water (age of 16 years). The presence of both young and old components in the spring water implies multiple pathways for groundwater within the catchment. In January 2025 we found that the ridge tops were saturated with substantial ponding of surface water. Down slope there was either diffuse release of this water or point release at the same locations of springs that were mapped and sampled in the summer. This, along with higher winter oxygen saturation in the springs, points to the potential for interflow during high rainfall events, where water flows laterally through the shallow soil and rock moisture layers (weathering zone) mixing with the groundwater supply. The future continuous monitoring in this critical zone observatory will give insight to the interplay between lateral water pathways in the weathering zone, and deep groundwater reservoirs allowing for a better understanding of how water flow through the catchments can impact erosion and landscape evolution.

How to cite: Abadie, B., Fracica, L., Andermann, C., Hovius, N., Dietze, M., and Armitage, J.: Understanding surface - groundwater interactions in central European upland catchments: the Ahr valley, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17724,, 2025.

EGU25-18247 | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN): A global hub for in situ observations serving earth system science 

Matthias Zink, Tunde Olarinoye, Fay Boehmer, Kasjen Kramer, Stephan Dietrich, and Wolfgang Korres

Soil moisture is a critical component of the Earth’s hydrological cycle, influencing weather, climate, agriculture, and ecosystems. In situ soil moisture measurements are indispensable for validating satellite observations, calibrating hydrological and land surface models, and advancing our understanding of regional and global water cycles. Unlike remote sensing, in situ measurements provide direct observations of soil moisture variability across temporal and spatial scales, offering a benchmark for numerous environmental applications.

The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) serves as a vital repository of harmonized in situ soil moisture data collected from diverse networks worldwide. Since its inception, the ISMN has integrated measurements from over 80 networks with more than 3000 stations at various depths, standardizing and curating them to ensure accessibility and comparability. Beyond offering comprehensive in situ soil moisture data, ISMN disseminates additional environmental variables, including soil temperature, snow depth, snow water equivalent, precipitation, air temperature, surface temperature and soil water potential if they are available from our data providers. ISMN’s quality control framework addresses inconsistencies and errors, enabling researchers and practitioners to confidently utilize its datasets for applications ranging from hydrological modeling to climate change studies. ISMN’s free data access ( has fostered global collaboration and supported hundreds of studies in Earth system science.

Ongoing efforts are concentrated on expanding the database by incorporating additional stations and networks from institutional or governmental sources. Further resources are directed towards fortifying the operational system and improve usability to better serve our users. ISMN further contributes to the data-to-value chain on international initiatives like WMO, FAO and GCOS. One example is the contribution to WMO’s yearly Global State of the Water Resources report.  To enhance data quality, ISMN is researching AI-based methods for detecting anomalies such as spikes, dips, and plateaus, showing promising initial results.

How to cite: Zink, M., Olarinoye, T., Boehmer, F., Kramer, K., Dietrich, S., and Korres, W.: The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN): A global hub for in situ observations serving earth system science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18247,, 2025.

EGU25-18699 | ECS | Orals | HS8.2.8

Elaboration of a geological and hydraulic mapping project of infiltrability potential on the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropole (SE, France) 

Lilas Ruttyn, François Fournier, Philippe Leonide, Borgomano Jean, Bruno Arfib, Sophie Viseur, Laurent Goulet, Olivier Vignoulle, and Narimane Zaabar

The Aix Marseille Provence metropolitan area experiences rapid urbanization that reinforces the need for infrastructure and implies considerable sealing of the substratum This region is a typical arid and Mediterranean environment where rain precipitation can be exceptionally catastrophic. This two factors creates runoff, overflow and flooding in the urban area. One solution to manage the flooding and overflow is to allow more water to penetrate into the soil, by removing the impermeable and anthropic materials where the geological substratum is naturally able to infiltrate the water.

Usually, standard parameters such as: topography, drainage density and hydrological balances, are used to estimate runoff and indirectly find the infiltrability values and ultimately tackle infiltration problematics. These approaches are informatic and mathematics-based that work in a small, delimited and homogeneous area. To integrate this problematics to large scale and heterogenous systems, reservoir geology concepts such as geomorphology, uncertainties of scale change processes or structural geology can be addressed. Therefore, this project aims to understand the geological processes that controls the infiltration potential in the geological substratum and its spatial distribution for the purpose of creating an infiltrability map of the Aix Marseille metropolis.

The goal of this study is to develop a method for predicting the infiltration capacity on a large scale and heterogenous area including urban zone. This involves acquiring local observational data points which classify rock outcrops in 4 “hydraulic types” (HT) defined as follows: HT-1 represents impermeable rocks or soils, where no infiltration is possible; HT-2 represents thin soils with variable porosity and permeability; HT-3 describes rocks with low to very high matrix porosity influenced by clay matrix presence and variable permeability; HT-4 describes rocks with fractures and/or karst networks with low to very high permeability depending on fracture/cavity density, with variable porosity. With the geolocated data points, a map is created on QGIS (a Geographic Information System free software) in order to up-scale the hydraulic types over a larger scale grid by spatial interpolation.

For an even acquisition area, geological heterogeneity and accessibility of outcrops determines the data number needed to upscale hydraulic types. This approach is well-known in reservoir geology and this large-scale project is the opportunity to apply the methodology to  hydrogeology field.

Additionally, to address the lack of visibility of outcrops, subsurface data (shallow well data from the BRGM, Bureau of Geological and Mining Research) will be combined with field observations. Furthermore, a calibration of this method will be required to quantify and to establish thresholds within the Hydraulic Types classification. This project will ultimately provide specific values for infiltration capacity and facilitate flood risk management without having to use complex and costly technologies.


Keywords : SIG mapping, infiltration, runoff, geological substratum, stratigraphy, structural geology, heterogeneity, precipitation, de-sealing, available water


How to cite: Ruttyn, L., Fournier, F., Leonide, P., Jean, B., Arfib, B., Viseur, S., Goulet, L., Vignoulle, O., and Zaabar, N.: Elaboration of a geological and hydraulic mapping project of infiltrability potential on the Aix-Marseille Provence Metropole (SE, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18699,, 2025.

EGU25-20210 | Posters on site | HS8.2.8

Integrating Data into the Hydrogeophysical Model: A Case Study of the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory 

Agnès Rivière, Ludovic Bodet, Maxime Gautier, Alexandrine Gesret, Roland Martin, Sylvain Pasquet, Nicolas Radic, Jose Cunha Teixeira, Marine Dangeard, and Didier Renard

Quantifying the water and heat fluxes at the interface between surface water (SW) and groundwater (GW) is a key issue for hydrogeologists to consider for safe yield and good water quality. However, such quantification with field measurements is not straightforward because the SW-GW changes depend on the boundary conditions and the spatial description of the hydrofacies, which aren't well known and are usually guessed by calibrating models using standard data like hydraulic heads and river discharge. We provide a methodology to build stronger constraints to the numerical simulation and the hydrodynamic and thermal parameter calibration, both in space and time, by using a multi-method approach. Our method, applied to the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory (France), estimates both water flow and heat fluxes through the SW-GW interface using long-term hydrological data, time-lapse seismic data, and modeling tools. We show how a thorough interpretation of high-resolution geophysical images, combined with geotechnical data, provides a detailed distribution of hydrofacies, valuable prior information about the associated hydrodynamic property distribution. The temporal dynamic of the WT table can be captured with high-resolution time-lapse seismic acquisitions. Each seismic snapshot is then thoroughly inverted to image spatial WT variations. The long-term hydrogeological data (such as hydraulic head and temperature) and this prior geophysical information are then used to set the parameters for the hydrogeological modeling domain. The use of the WT geometry and temperature data improves the estimation of transient stream-aquifer exchanges. Future developments to achieve the fully coupling of the hydrogeophysical model will be presented.

How to cite: Rivière, A., Bodet, L., Gautier, M., Gesret, A., Martin, R., Pasquet, S., Radic, N., Cunha Teixeira, J., Dangeard, M., and Renard, D.: Integrating Data into the Hydrogeophysical Model: A Case Study of the Orgeval Critical Zone Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20210,, 2025.

Soil moisture (SM) is a relatively active surface parameters that are significant to the sustainable development of the water–land–air–plant–human nexus. In response to the requirements of multiscale product validation and multisource uncertainty tracking, a soil moisture monitoring network in the Qinghai Lake Basin (QLB-NET) was established in September 2019. The QLB-NET is characterized by densely distributed in situ sites (82 sites) measuring SM and ST at 5-, 10-, and 30-cm depths, with 60 sites in a large-scale network in a heterogeneous area of 36 km × 40 km, which covers the SMAP, AMSR2, SMOS pixel footprint, and 22 sites evenly distributed across two small-scale 1 km × 1 km networks for sub-grid analysis. The site deployment strategy, the installation and maintenance, the sensor calibration, and the characteristics and quality of the in situ SM measurements of QLB-NET will be introduced in detail. Quantitative analyses of the in situ measurements was carried out, which shows that the QLB-NET can provide stable and reliable ground truth for SM over coarse grid scales, facilitating product validation and uncertainty tracking, spatiotemporal analysis of SM change optimization of the SM retrieving algorithms and scaling methods in heterogeneous regions.

How to cite: Zhu, Z.: The Dataset of Dense Soil Moisture Monitoring Network in the Qinghai Lake Basin on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1605,, 2025.

EGU25-11764 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Integration of soil moisture measurements into the observation network of the German Meteorological Service – the project IsaBoM 

Wolfgang Kurtz, Mario Albert, Mathias Herbst, Leonhard Hufnagl, and Jan Lenkeit

As many other European countries, Germany has been affected by an increasing number of both drought and flood events in the last couple of years that had considerable negative impacts on the agricultural and forestry sector. These events led to an increasing information demand of stakeholders, practitioners and the general public on critical variables such as soil moisture.  Area-wide information on soil moisture is most often derived indirectly from hydrological model simulations, one of them being DWD’s soil moisture viewer which is based on the soil-vegetation-atmosphere-model AMBAV. Besides model-based soil moisture information, which is strongly influenced by model assumptions and parameterisation, a number of institutions started to build-up local soil moisture observation networks, such as the TERENO network, that also provide in-situ observations of soil moisture states. However, a nationwide observation network for (standardised) soil moisture observations is still lacking in Germany.

The project IsaBoM (“Integration of standardised and automatized soil moisture measurements in the DWD observation network”), an internal project of the German Meteorological Service (DWD), strives to establish the technical and scientific basis for introducing standardised soil moisture observations in DWD’s operational meteorological observation network. This includes e.g. the choice of suitable sensors and measurement protocols, calibration procedures for selected sensors, quality-control measures and establishing data flow and automated data provisioning. The final goal is to equip about 25 stations throughout Germany with cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS)-devices and in-situ profile measurements of soil moisture where the chosen locations should provide a representative subset in terms of soil properties and climatic conditions. Here we present the overall network design as well as first comparisons between soil moisture data obtained by different CRNS-sensors at two sites that have a broad range of complementary agrometeorological measurements in place that facilitate a thorough interpretation of the results.

How to cite: Kurtz, W., Albert, M., Herbst, M., Hufnagl, L., and Lenkeit, J.: Integration of soil moisture measurements into the observation network of the German Meteorological Service – the project IsaBoM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11764,, 2025.

EGU25-13338 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Enhancing Soil Moisture Prediction with Data-Driven Models: A Global Perspective 

Steven Hristopoulos, Gabriel Moraga, and Noah Pearson Kramer

The prediction of soil moisture plays a vital role in assessing water availability, optimizing agricultural resources, and preparing for climate-induced disasters. However, significant gaps remain in soil moisture observation networks due to data sparsity, inconsistent temporal coverage, and limited spatial resolution, particularly in underrepresented regions. The International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN), the largest archive of in situ soil moisture data, highlights these challenges, with many datasets averaging only a decade of temporal coverage and biased spatial distribution heavily skewed toward the Global North. This study presents a data-driven modeling framework designed to enhance soil moisture prediction by leveraging advanced machine learning techniques, diverse geospatial datasets, and in situ observations.

Our multi-stream model integrates high-resolution data from Sentinel-2 (NDVI, B4, B8), ECMWF weather forecasts, and SRTM elevation models to predict surface and rootzone soil moisture at six-hour intervals. Validation against SMAP L4 datasets demonstrates high accuracy, achieving mean RMSE values of 0.1087 m³/m³ for surface moisture and 0.1183 m³/m³ for rootzone moisture across 20 Köppen-Geiger climate zones. The modular design enables the model to adapt to diverse climatic conditions and refine predictions through continuous validation. Performance analysis reveals strong temporal generalization and superior results in wet climates, though arid and extreme environments pose challenges, highlighting areas for targeted improvements.

To address data sparsity, the study emphasizes balanced sampling and the integration of citizen science initiatives, which supplement traditional networks by providing localized, high-frequency observations. By incorporating in situ ISMN datasets, the framework aligns with the session's focus on improving observation networks and leveraging data quality assurance. Additionally, hybrid approaches that combine physical constraints with machine learning models ensure predictions are grounded in realistic soil behavior and spatial consistency.

This research underscores the importance of sustained investment in developing and maintaining soil moisture observation networks, particularly in underrepresented regions. It highlights the need for standardized data collection protocols, advanced calibration techniques, and open-access platforms that integrate in situ and satellite observations. By bridging gaps in traditional networks, the model advances global soil moisture monitoring, supporting applications in sustainable agriculture, water resource planning, and climate resilience.

Aligned with session HS8.3.2, this study exemplifies the role of innovative measurement techniques and data-driven approaches in enhancing the utility of soil moisture datasets. The findings advocate for a collaborative scientific effort to address the pressing challenges of data availability, quality assurance, and network deployment. Through scalable modeling frameworks, this research sets the foundation for predictive systems that provide actionable insights to policymakers and practitioners in hydrology, agriculture, and climate science.

How to cite: Hristopoulos, S., Moraga, G., and Pearson Kramer, N.: Enhancing Soil Moisture Prediction with Data-Driven Models: A Global Perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13338,, 2025.

EGU25-13801 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

How well do gridded products represent soil moisture signatures in natural ecosystems during precipitation events? 

Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini, Daniel Nuñez-Ibarra, and Mauricio Galleguillos

Soil moisture (SM) is a key factor influencing the interactions between the atmosphere and processes at the Earth’s surface. Recent advances in remote sensing and land surface modelling have improved the estimation of soil moisture in ungauged areas.

This study evaluates the performance of four state-of-the-art gridded SM products - SPL4SMAU, GLDAS, ERA5 and ERA5-Land - compared to in situ measurements at ten sites located in near-natural shrublanbd and native forest ecosystems of the semi-arid and humid regions of central and southern Chile (five in the semi-arid north and five in the humid south). The unbiased root mean square error (ubRMSE), Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient (r) and modified Kling-Gupta efficiency (KGE') were used as performance metrics to evaluate the representation of surface soil moisture (SSM) and root zone soil moisture (RZSM). In addition, event rising time (RT) and amplitude (A) were used as SM signatures to assess the dynamic aspects of the soil moisture time series and to enable process-based model evaluations.

Our results show that SPL4SMAU achieves the lowest ubRMSE for both SSM and RZSM, especially in the northern region. However, ERA5 and ERA5-Land outperformed SPL4SMAU in terms of linear correlation and KGE', with particularly good results in the humid south. In terms of SM responses to the first precipitation event of the year, SSM amplitude was generally higher in the humid south, with SPL4SMAU and ERA5-Land very close to in situ values, while GLDAS showed a lower sensitivity to precipitation. As expected, all datasets showed a slower response for RZSM compared to SSM, with GLDAS showing the longest rising times in both regions. On the other hand, SPL4SMAU and GLDAS showed a stronger increase in SSM amplitude in the south for the most intense precipitation event of the year, while ERA5-Land showed more moderate rising times, which is consistent with the in-situ data.

Overall, ERA5-Land and ERA5 proved to be reliable datasets for representing the spatio-temporal variability of SM in central and southern Chile, especially in the southern ecosystems, while SPL4SMAU performed well in terms of uRMSE but showed large variability in the other metrics analysed.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of ANID-Fondecyt Regular 1212071, 1210932, ANID-PCI NSFC 190018, and ANID/FONDAP 1523A0002.

How to cite: Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Nuñez-Ibarra, D., and Galleguillos, M.: How well do gridded products represent soil moisture signatures in natural ecosystems during precipitation events?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13801,, 2025.

EGU25-15016 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Monitoring deep unsaturated zones in Western Australia to reveal crucial insights for water resources management 

Simone Gelsinari, Sarah Bourke, Richard Silberstein, and Sally Thompson

Soil moisture observations have been collected since the late 1950s and are relatively abundant in the northern hemisphere. These readings are generally taken at shallow depths with sensors rarely installed more than 2 metres below the surface. However, deep soil moisture dynamics can play a crucial role in determining ecosystem services, land-atmosphere water fluxes, plant water use, nutrient cycle and, eventually, groundwater recharge. In thick unsaturated zones, shallow soil moisture observations are likely to fail to capture important hydrological processes, and their feedback with the atmosphere, generating significant uncertainties. 

Here we present the results from a soil moisture monitoring network established as part of the Recharge in a Changing Climate (RiCC) project. The network aims to capture soil moisture dynamics in deep sandy profiles of a Mediterranean-like zone in Western Australia, where traditional shallow and surface soil moisture observations fall short of detecting significant hydrological processes. The monitoring network, deployed since 2022, comprises over 75 sensors strategically distributed across 7 locations over the Swan Coastal Plain at depths of up to 9 m to provide continuous high-frequency soil moisture data. These soil moisture sensors are complemented by 14 access tubes where neutron moisture probe readings are taken to characterize the spatial heterogeneity.

Findings reveal complex patterns of moisture movement through the profile, with significant temporal variations in wetting front depths and propagation patterns, improving the representation of soil water/vegetation interaction, and providing unique insights into groundwater recharge processes in sandy aquifer systems. These observations challenge existing assumptions about soil water movement in sandy soils and provide crucial validation data for improving ecohydrological models and recharge quantification. Information from the RiCC monitoring campaign can significantly reduce uncertainties in water resources management and, by including transpiration from deeper soil moisture pools, enhance the accuracy of modelled land-atmosphere feedback. These insights are also beneficial for understanding the resilience of ecosystems and agroecosystems under transient climate conditions.

How to cite: Gelsinari, S., Bourke, S., Silberstein, R., and Thompson, S.: Monitoring deep unsaturated zones in Western Australia to reveal crucial insights for water resources management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15016,, 2025.

EGU25-15693 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Drone-based multiband Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAV-RADAR) for soil moisture assessment 

Daniel Evans, Bernardo Candido, and Armando Marino

Soil moisture plays a vital role in agriculture, drought management, and flood prevention. It is essential for plant growth and sustainable farming practices. In flood-prone areas, soil's ability to retain water helps absorb excess moisture and reduce runoff, mitigating flood risks. Therefore, effective soil moisture monitoring is crucial for informed irrigation and water management decisions. Various methods exist for measuring soil moisture, both in-situ and remote. In-situ techniques, like volumetric and gravimetric sampling, provide real-time data but are limited to specific locations unless interpolation is applied. On the other hand, remote sensing offers broader spatial coverage but often with lower resolution and accuracy. While remote sensing can validate ground-based data, it is less effective for capturing short-term changes, such as those resulting from irrigation, at fine temporal scales.

To address these challenges, we are developing UAV-RADAR, the first multiband Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) mounted on a drone. Unlike conventional SAR platforms (e.g., Sentinel-1), UAV-RADAR provides rapid, high-resolution, and scalable soil moisture data tailored to specific agricultural and environmental contexts. Its customizable flight plans enable detailed pre- and post-treatment analyses, capturing temporal changes with unprecedented flexibility.

In this presentation, we will showcase our current research and development of UAV-RADAR to date, demonstrating its capability to measure soil moisture across diverse soil types, landscapes, and agricultural practices. Using data from proof-of-concept experiments carried out in England and Wales, we will show soil moisture maps and demonstrate their applications. We will highlight use cases, and explore how UAV-RADAR can contribute to initiatives like the International Soil Moisture Network.

How to cite: Evans, D., Candido, B., and Marino, A.: Drone-based multiband Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAV-RADAR) for soil moisture assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15693,, 2025.

The Network of stations for the Monitoring of physical Parameters of Soils in Catalonia (XMS-Cat) acquires and provides continuous data on in situ soil temperature and moisture at different depths of the soil profile. Initiated in 2015, this relatively young network currently comprises 19 stations and is expanding at a steady rate of two stations per year, aiming for full coverage of the region. Accelerated coverage expansion is planned through data-hosting agreements with privately owned stations, such as those associated with wine protected designations.
The network has recently undertaken a comprehensive review and assessment of its deployment, installation, and data quality assurance protocols to ensure adherence to established best practices, long-term viability, and consistency with other networks.
This contribution provides an overview of the XMS-Cat network and presents the preliminary results of the ongoing review. The aim is to foster dialogue among networks and stakeholders while leveraging the collective knowledge of this dynamic community.

How to cite: Portell, X., Boquera, L., Vicens, M., and Lladós, A.: Review and assessment of current protocols of the Network of stations for the Monitoring of Physical Parameters of Soils in Catalonia (XMS-Cat), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15705,, 2025.

EGU25-15709 | Posters on site | HS8.3.2

Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing for soil moisture monitoring in vineyard with variable soil conditions 

Marcella Biddoccu, Gazzola Enrico, Giorgio Capello, Davide Gisolo, Stefano Gianessi, Stefano Bechis, and Stefano Ferraris

Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing (CRNS) is a well-known method in Hydrology that allows to measure soil water content on a large scale and in depth. It is based on the detection of cosmogenic neutrons, particles generated by the interaction of cosmic rays with the atmosphere, after their interaction with the soil where they can be effectively absorbed by water molecules. The signal collected by a single CRNS probe in terms of neutron count rate is sensitive to soil moisture within a volume spanning up to a dozen hectares and up to 50 cm depth, in real-time, positioning itself in a horizontal spatial scale in between point measurements and satellites.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of CRNS to give information about soil moisture in an agricultural system with different soil conditions, a site in the Alto Monferrato vine-growing area (Piedmont, NW Italy) was equipped with a Finapp CRNS probe since August 2023. The site has two vineyard-field-scale plots with inter-rows managed with conventional tillage (CT) and grass cover (GC), respectively. More than 20 sensors are located in different positions and depths (from 10 to 50 cm) in the vineyard, including the STEMS network that is part of the International Soil Moisture Network. Precipitation measurements on site are available over more than 20 years, show that 2023 was very dry, with Standardized Precipitation Index lower than -1 for most of the year, whereas 2024 was increasingly wet, with exception of first two months of the year.

Available soil moisture data from CRNS and sensors have been compared until autumn 2024, using statistical indexes such as the efficiency coefficient of Nash and Sutcliffe (NSE), root mean square error of residuals (RMSE) and the coefficient of determination of the linear regression (R2). The analysis was carried out separately for the two years, which were considered respectively dry and wet.

Statistics showed that in the last 5 months of 2023 (dry period) there was a good agreement of soil moisture values measured by sensors between 10 and 20 cm of depth with both soil management, with different results according to the position, the best reported in the middle of the GC inter-row at depth of 20 cm (R2=0.913, NSE=0.756, RMSE=0.25). The results for 2024, which was a wetter year, showed great variability, such as the values recorded by the sensors, with unsatisfactory statistics, since best values for indexes were obtained for the sensor placed in the middle of CT inter-row (R2=0.598, NSE=0.485, RMSE=0.118).

Thus, in the dry period the CRNS probe gave good information on soil moisture conditions in the most superficial layer disregarding the soil management of the vineyard. On the contrary, the difficulty in having good agreement in wet conditions can be due to the high spatial variability of soil moisture both in the horizontal and in-depth directions, soil saturation and ponding, in addition to variable conditions of soil conditions (i.e. soil density) depending to soil management and tractor traffic during the growing season.

How to cite: Biddoccu, M., Enrico, G., Capello, G., Gisolo, D., Gianessi, S., Bechis, S., and Ferraris, S.: Cosmic Rays Neutron Sensing for soil moisture monitoring in vineyard with variable soil conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15709,, 2025.

Surface soil moisture (SSM) plays a significant role in the energy exchanges and the complex interaction within the air–soil–water–plant-human nexus. To better evaluate and utilize the microwave remote sensing (RS) SSM products at coarse scale (e.g., 0.25°) and the retrieved SSM data at fine-scale (e.g., 1 km), a pixel-scale reference dataset should be generated within the area of in-situ network. However, in the Tibetan Plateau (TP), where in-situ SSM data is sparse and limited, the current fine-scale SSM datasets generated using machine learning (ML) methods face certain limitations in terms of spatial extrapolation capability. In this study, we developed a framework that integrated ML method with geostatistical spatiotemporal fusion method to generate long-term and seamless 1 km SSM dataset with higher spatial extrapolation accuracy. The study area included five ground observation network regions (Shiquanhe, Pali, Naqu, Heihe and Maqu). Firstly, the incomplete 1 km scale SSM was retrieved by upscaling the in-situ SSM using the Residual Dense Network (RDN) model. Then, the Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) method, considering the uncertainties of the upscaled SSM, was employed to spatiotemporally fuse upscaled and in-situ SSM to improve the accuracy of spatial extrapolation. Validation based test sites shows that the accuracy of the fused SSM data was improved across all five regions, with the improvement in ubRMSE ranging from 3.33% to 21.28%, resulting in an overall increase of 8.2%. The fused SSM can more effectively capture the temporal variability of the measurements of test stations. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework effectively generates a reference SSM dataset within the ground observation network area.

How to cite: Zhu, Z.: Generation of long-term and seamless 1 km surface soil moisture dataset within the area of in-situ network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18617,, 2025.

EGU25-575 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4 | Highlight

Enhancing Water Quality and Agricultural Resilience through Riverbank Filtration: A Case Study from the Nile River, Egypt  

Mohamed Ibrahim, Ali Gad, Olfat Ali, and Ahmed Ahmed

  Projected climate changes in arid and semi-arid regions, such as reduced aquifer recharge capacity and altered riverine hydrography, pose significant challenges to water supply, particularly in the Nile River basin in Egypt. Riverbank Filtration (RBF) offers a sustainable, cost-effective water treatment technology that enhances the quality of water abstracted from polluted rivers. By installing abstraction wells along riverbanks, RBF supports agricultural resilience and climate adaptation by providing a stable and reliable water source during extreme events. This study evaluates a full-scale RBF site in Akhmim City, consisting of four vertical wells located 50 meters from the Nile River bank. Samples were collected from both the RBF wells and the Nile River during a period of extreme precipitation in November 2016, which significantly affected the river’s water quality. Key parameters analyzed included turbidity, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, total organic carbon, pH, electrical conductivity, bacterial counts, and coliform levels. Results showed that while Nile River turbidity ranged from 5–25 NTU, with potential hundred-fold increases during flash floods, RBF wells consistently maintained turbidity below 5 NTU. Similarly, bacterial counts in Nile water exceeded 55,000 CFU/100 mL during the event, compared to less than 2,100 CFU/100 mL in RBF water. The pH of Nile water was measured at 8.6, compared to 7.5 for RBF filtrate. These findings indicate that RBF significantly improves both physical and microbiological water quality, meeting national irrigation water standards. Moreover, RBF not only enhanced the quality of ambient groundwater but also effectively purified Nile water, making it a viable alternative to conventional surface water treatment plants. This study highlights the cost-effectiveness and reliability of RBF as a treatment solution in the Nile Valley, offering an adaptable and sustainable approach to mitigating the impacts of climate change while supporting agriculture and water security.

Keywords: Climate change, Arid and semi-arid regions, Nile River, Riverbank filtration, Aquifer recharge, Water quality, sustainable water treatment.

How to cite: Ibrahim, M., Gad, A., Ali, O., and Ahmed, A.: Enhancing Water Quality and Agricultural Resilience through Riverbank Filtration: A Case Study from the Nile River, Egypt , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-575,, 2025.

Open ditches and subsurface drainage are effective measures for improving saline soils. Installations of subsurface drainage are now complementing surface drainage in Northwest China, but their optimisation has not been attempted. Therefore, the drainage and desalination performance of a combined subsurface drainage-open ditch system was analysed using two years of field experiments. The data were then utilised to calibrate and validate a water and salt transport model. The drainage volume in surface drains were 9-fold those in subsurface pipes. Additionally, 25 sets of orthogonal numerical experiments were designed with the subsurface pipe length, depth, and open ditch depth as variables. The results revealed that these three factors significantly affected the desalination efficiency of salinealkaline farmland (P < 0.05). The ditch depth, pipe length, and pipe depth F values were 9.954, 50.286, and 6.557, respectively, and no interactions were observed among these factors. When a single open ditch was used for drainage, the desalination rate initially increased and then decreased as the distance from the open ditch increased. The inflection point varied with the open ditch depth and occurred within a range of 32–43 m when the ditch depth was 180–300 cm. The combination of an open ditch and a subsurface pipe produced a larger desalination area, and its efficiency was 170 % that of a single open ditch. Within the inflection point range, the desalination rate increased with increasing ditch depth. Beyond the inflection point, subsurface drainage played a primary role, and the desalination rate increased as the subsurface drainage depth increased but remained relatively stable along the drainage direction. The optimal installation depth for subsurface pipes was estimated to be 90–110 cm, and the depth of ditches was 180–210 cm in a combined system. The maximum length for full flow in long-distance subsurface drainage was 750–850 m. This study provides references for the optimal application of combined subsurface drainage–open ditch systems in arid Northwest China.

How to cite: Wu, J., Guo, C., Yao, C., and Qin, S.: Evaluation of combined open ditch and subsurface drainage: Experimental data and optimization of specifications in arid Northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1894,, 2025.

EGU25-2695 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Water Footprint Dynamics in Turkish Agriculture: Linking Climate Change and Crop Yields 

Abdullah Muratoglu, Muhammed Sungur Demir, and Veysi Kartal

The agricultural sector plays a vital role in food security and water resource management. Climate change impacts, combined with growing population and increasing food demand, have led to higher plant water consumption, making effective water management crucial in agriculture. This study examines how climate change affects agricultural water footprint (WF) in Türkiye from 1990 to 2019, along with local climate parameters, production quantities, and yield data.
Our research shows distinct climate change patterns in Türkiye: slight decreases in average wind speed and solar radiation, a significant decline in relative humidity, and a clear upward trend in maximum and minimum temperatures. While reduced wind speed and solar radiation may slightly decrease plant water consumption, the higher temperatures and lower humidity likely have more substantial negative effects on evapotranspiration. Importantly, we found that crop yield is the main factor influencing agricultural WF variations in Türkiye. Despite climate challenges, technological advances and better farming practices led to around 60% increase in crop yield. This improvement reduced virtual water content (VWC) of crops by 35% and decreased the country's total agricultural WF by around 10%. However, the relatively small reduction in WF compared to the significant improvements in yield and VWC indicates the strong influence of climate change and changing crop patterns.
Although the national agricultural WF exhibits a modest declining trend over the 30-year period, indicating improvements in water resources, climate change continues to pose significant challenges. Since such substantial yield increases are unlikely to continue, climate change impacts on WF are expected to worsen. These findings highlight the critical need for comprehensive water management strategies to address climate change effects and maintain sustainable water resources in Türkiye.

How to cite: Muratoglu, A., Demir, M. S., and Kartal, V.: Water Footprint Dynamics in Turkish Agriculture: Linking Climate Change and Crop Yields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2695,, 2025.

EGU25-2696 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Effective Precipitation Models in Irrigation Planning: Validation and Comparison Using the SWAT Method 

Muhammed Sungur Demir and Abdullah Muratoglu

Accurate estimation of effective precipitation (Peff) - the portion of rainfall stored in soil and utilized by plants - is fundamental for sustainable irrigation planning and soil water management. Despite its critical role in agricultural water use efficiency, existing Peff calculation methods often lack regional specificity and validation against physical soil-water processes. This study evaluates the performance of two widely-used precipitation estimation methods (CROPWAT and Dependable Rain FAO/AGLW) against detailed soil water balance calculations from the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in the Ceyhan Basin, Türkiye.

Our SWAT model incorporated local soil characteristics, topography, and climate data to simulate soil-water dynamics and establish a benchmark for Peff estimation. The comparative analysis revealed distinct seasonal patterns in method accuracy. The CROPWAT method showed strong agreement with SWAT results during the May-November, with deviations of only 4-14% in the autumn months. However, it significantly overestimated Peff during winter months (December-April) by 30-35%. Conversely, the Dependable Rain method performed optimally during winter, with deviations of 6-12% in December-January, but showed substantial inaccuracies (>70%) during January-September, improving only during periods of higher effective precipitation.

These findings demonstrate that current Peff estimation methods have complementary strengths in different seasons, suggesting the need for a more nuanced, season-specific approach to irrigation planning. The substantial variations in method accuracy highlight the importance of considering local soil conditions and seasonal climate patterns in irrigation system design. Our results indicate that effective irrigation planning requires carefully selecting Peff estimation methods based on growing season characteristics and local soil-water dynamics.

This study contributes to improving irrigation water management by providing quantitative evidence for the limitations of current Peff estimation methods and emphasizing the need for regionally calibrated approaches. These insights are particularly relevant for semi-arid regions where efficient use of rainfall in agriculture is crucial for sustainable water resource management.

How to cite: Demir, M. S. and Muratoglu, A.: Effective Precipitation Models in Irrigation Planning: Validation and Comparison Using the SWAT Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2696,, 2025.

EGU25-3479 | PICO | HS8.3.4

Assessing the Role of Irrigation in Groundwater Recharge in the Po Valley 

Olfa Gharsallah, Sara Cazzaniga, Enrico Antonio Chiaradia, Michele Eugenio D'Amico, Michele Rienzner, and Claudio Gandolfi

The Po Valley, Italy's largest and most economically significant region, heavily relies on intensive irrigation to sustain its very productive agriculture and meet the demand of a variety of high-value food productions. Historically, the region's agricultural success has been driven by widespread traditional surface irrigation systems, which primarily draw water from rivers and deliver it to fields through an extensive network of irrigation canals. These systems, that in many areas have been operational for centuries, not only enhance agricultural productivity but also contribute to groundwater recharge, helping to mitigate river droughts and seasonal fluctuations in surface water availability. In recent years, however, declining surface water availability and increasing reliance on groundwater extraction have already been observed, because of a higher variability of summer precipitation and decreasing winter snow accumulation in the Alps caused by climate change. Consequently, accurately estimating groundwater recharge from irrigation excess has become crucial. Despite its importance, the impact of irrigation on groundwater recharge across the Po Valley remains poorly investigated. This is mainly due to the complexity of the region's hydrological systems characterized by strong interactions between groundwater and surface water, and to the lack of reliable data covering the entire Po Valley.

In the context of MidAS-Po project, a methodological approach has been developed for the preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge through percolation from irrigated areas and seepage from irrigation channels over the whole Po Valley.

This approach involves two main steps. First, the application of a distributed agro-hydrological model, IdrAgra-Po, simulating daily soil water balance terms, including percolation from the agricultural soil layer (1 meter deep) in irrigated fields. The model was implemented over the period 2010–2022, with a spatial resolution of 0.25 km², and incorporates several input datasets: i) agro-meteorological conditions from the E-OBS dataset, produced by the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service of the European Environment Agency; ii) soil hydro-pedological data sourced from four regional databases, processed and harmonized over the study area; iii) land use data provided by the CORINE project and integrated with local information; and iv) depth of the shallow groundwater table. The second step is the estimation of groundwater recharge due to seepage from the irrigation network using a simplified methodology that relies on the data of the national agricultural information system SIGRIAN. This approach estimates channel seepage as the ratio between the measured water volumes allocated upstream of the irrigation districts into which SIGRIAN splits the Po Valley and the irrigation requirements determined by the IdrAgra-Po model for the same districts.

The resulting preliminary estimate of groundwater recharge linked to irrigation practices represents a significant step toward understanding the role of irrigation in the aquifer recharge in Po Valley. However, further investigations should be conducted to improve the quality of the input data, mainly, information on local irrigation methods and practices, land use and irrigation volumes diverted from rivers and withdrawn from aquifers.


This contribution is presented in the framework of the MidAS-Po project, funded by Italy's Development and Cohesion Fund - FSC 2014-2020.

How to cite: Gharsallah, O., Cazzaniga, S., Chiaradia, E. A., D'Amico, M. E., Rienzner, M., and Gandolfi, C.: Assessing the Role of Irrigation in Groundwater Recharge in the Po Valley, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3479,, 2025.

EGU25-9199 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Quantifying hydrological impacts of compacted sandy subsoils using soil water flow simulations: the importance of vegetation parameterization 

Jayson Gabriel Pinza, Ona-Abeni Devos Stoffels, Robrecht Debbaut, Patrick Willems, Jan Vanderborght, Sarah Garré, and Jan Staes

Compacted subsoils affect vegetation growth and soil water balance. Numerical models help quantifying the hydrological impacts of subsoil compaction. These models are useful to evaluate measures that augment groundwater recharge in compacted soils and are important to guide proper water resource management under climate change in these soils. However, vegetation in these models is often parameterized using only limited field measurements or using relations between vegetation parameters and other variables. In this study, we show that uncertainties in vegetation parameters linked to transpiration (leaf area index [LAI]) and water uptake (root depth distribution) can significantly affect modeling outcomes. We used the HYDRUS-1D soil water flow model to simulate the water balance of experimental grass plots on the sandy soil of Belgium’s Campine Region. The compacted case has the compact subsoil at 40- to 55-cm depths while the non-compacted case underwent artificial decompaction. The models for each case were calibrated using soil moisture sensor data at two depths. We calibrated the soil water flow model for the compacted and non-compacted case considering three different vegetation scenarios that represent various reactions of canopy and root growth. Subsequently, we simulated soil water flow for different future climate scenarios. 

Our experiments reveal generally higher soil moisture content on the compacted case, suggesting subsoil compact layer’s role of promoting soil water accumulation above it. Moreover, the compacted case had lower LAI while the non-compacted case had deeper roots. Considering these canopy and root growths’ reactions in our models, results show that compaction does not always reduce deep percolation because of enhanced water uptake from the non-compacted case’s deeper roots. Therefore, while soil compaction affects both vegetation growth and soil water balance, this affected vegetation growth can further influence the water balance. Hydrological studies on (de-)compaction should dynamically incorporate vegetation growth above- and belowground under cases with compaction being present or absent. Thus, field evidence of vegetation growth and yield, often far lacking in compaction studies, is vital.

How to cite: Pinza, J. G., Devos Stoffels, O.-A., Debbaut, R., Willems, P., Vanderborght, J., Garré, S., and Staes, J.: Quantifying hydrological impacts of compacted sandy subsoils using soil water flow simulations: the importance of vegetation parameterization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9199,, 2025.

The Mediterranean climate in general and particularly in Israel, has a typical unsynchronized water supply, with rain during the winter and almost no precipitation during the hot summers. Orchards require extensive water resources, in order to meet the high demand, even at peak transpiration times during summer. While Israeli farming relies on pressurized irrigation with treated wastewater, these reserves deplete during summer, and orchards face critical water shortage, which can become extreme under drought conditions.
Trees can mitigate seasonal water shortages by abiotic resiliency and the capacity to grow roots to deeper soil water horizons. However, on the one hand, the sporadic rain evens in recent years, with their higher intensity and shortening periods, cause for lower infiltration and more water loss via runoff. Therefore, there is less soil water in the spring. On the other hand, current irrigation practices do not utilize tree temporal and spatial hydraulic capabilities that could spare such valuable resources.
We search for irrigation strategies that could mitigate climatic effects by harnessing tree resiliencies and the soil-water storage capacity. We hypothesize that additional water dose during the dormant tree period in winter could sustain trees through spring and summer without waterlogging risks. Therefore, we proposed to fill the root-zone soil profile during winter, by utilizing the drip irrigation system with treated effluent water that are highly available in winter but not in summer.
We present a comparative analysis of soil water status and tree physiology acquired from multiple sensing platforms in the soil-tree-atmosphere system under three irrigation approaches: (i) hydrated, irrigated to match potential ET during summer; (ii) deficit, irrigated about half of the hydrated treatment; and (iii) winter irrigated, filling the top 2 m soil profile and deficit-irrigating trees in summer. We found that the winter irrigation mitigated the effect of water shortage from April through June. Moreover, winter-irrigated trees managed to tap into the deep profile for water uptake until August. Later, trees depleted the soil water and experienced drought stress. 
With improved hydration in spring and possible deep soil water use in summer, winter-irrigated trees increased yields by 30% after two years. Thus, winter watering orchards has the potential to sustain farming during climate shifts, and there is need to continue to investigate and improve this application.

How to cite: Kamai, T. and Sperling, O.: Irrigation targeting deep soil water storage for mitigating water supply uncertainity in orchards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9834,, 2025.

Climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall events, raising the risk of crop waterlogging and adversely affecting global food production and food security. To investigate this issue, we used Aquacrop-OS and the Deficit Irrigation Toolbox to simulate the yields and water balance of the irrigated winter wheat-summer maize rotation system, the primary cropping system in the North China Plain.
We considered various climate scenarios, including historical data, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 projections for the 2050s, and SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios for the 2090s. To assess the risk of waterlogging and its impact on crop yields and irrigation scheduling due to climate change, we conducted statistical analyses of waterlogging events and yield variations under two irrigation conditions: full irrigation (with no water deficit) and optimized deficit irrigation under different total water limitations.
Additionally, we employed cluster analysis to evaluate the vulnerability of different soil textures to waterlogging risks. This study aims to provide theoretical guidance for optimizing agricultural water management and drainage planning in response to climate change.

How to cite: Fan, X. and Schütze, N.: Impact of changes in waterlogging due to climate change on crop rotation systems under different irrigation scheduling strategies and soil textures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10064,, 2025.

EGU25-10744 | PICO | HS8.3.4

A new unsteady-state equation for the design of subsurface drainage systems 

George Kargas, Leonidas Mindrinos, and Paraskevi Londra

In this study, a new unsteady-state equation is proposed for calculating the drain spacing of subsurface drainage systems.

We consider the one-dimensional Boussinesq equation


for  0<x<L and t>0, where L is the drain spacing (m) and t the time. Here Z(x,t) is the transient groundwater table, K is the saturated hydraulic conductivity, and S the specific yield for a homogeneous soil.

The Equation (1) is considered together with the following initial and boundary conditions:


where D describes the distance of the drains (placed at x=0 and x=L) from the impervious layer. The function f(x) can be constant, polynomial or trigonometric (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The geometry of the drainage problem.

Assuming f(x)=m0sin⁡(πx/L) we observe that f(0)=f(L)=0 and f'(L/2)=0 so that the boundary conditions in (2) are satisfied and in addition f (L/2)=m0 resulting in Z(L/2,0)=D+m0.

By linearizing Equation (1) we obtain a linear partial differential equation of the form ∂Z/∂t-α(∂2Z)/(∂x2 )=0 where α=K(D+m0/2)/S.

We propose to solve it using the Variational Iteration Method which provides the solution in a series form and converges after a few iterations.

Performing two iterations, we get the following equation to estimate the spacing L between the drains given the height m decrease in the middle (L/2), for a specific time interval T                                       


From the two positive solutions of the quadratic Equation (3) for L2, the acceptable solution is given by


which is valid only if  2m-m0≥0⇒m≥m0/2, meaning the above formula is applicable when the height m in the middle is bigger or equal than its half initial value m0.

The comparison of the proposed equation with the widely used Glover-Dumm equation showed relative error differences smaller than 5%.


How to cite: Kargas, G., Mindrinos, L., and Londra, P.: A new unsteady-state equation for the design of subsurface drainage systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10744,, 2025.

EGU25-11570 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Drip-irrigation treatment of an autochthonous grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L, cv Piedirosso) at the footslope of Mount Vesuvius (southern Italy). Effects on grape enological characteristics and phenolic content.  

Pasquale Ruocco, Carmine Amalfitano, Boris Basile, Roberto De Mascellis, Alessandro Mataffo, Andrea Matrone, Mario Palladino, Carlo Perreca, Pasquale Scognamiglio, and Simona Vingiani

The changing environmental constraints require even more adaptations of management techniques in agriculture and the qualitative improvement of wine production represents a sector of international strategic importance. Many wine-producing areas are located in environments currently suffering, or are expected to experience in the future, water deficits that can affect grape and wine quality. In the framework of the CISAV project (financed by the University of Naples Research Funding - FRA), three years of irrigation experiments (from 2021 to 2023) have been carried out on the autochthonous Piedirosso’ cultivar (Vitis vinifera sp) planted in a vineyard of volcanic environment, at the footslope of the Somma Vesuvius Complex (Campania Region, southern Italy), in temperate Mediterranean climate. The preliminary application of geophysical and radiometric proximal soil sensors (i.e., EMI and γ-ray) allowed to state the high homogeneity of the vineyard soils and the selection of adjacent zones where to conduct and monitor irrigated and non-irrigated control treatments. A non irrigated zone characterized by lava outcropping (lava zone - LZ) was monitored separately from the remaining control zone (not irrigated - NIZ) and the treated one (irrigated zone - IZ). Three soil profiles (one for each zone) were dug up to 120 cm of depth. Young, poorly developed, very deep, loamy sand, from slightly acid to neutral the pH, and deeply rooted are the soils. Soil properties suggest behavior as excessively drained and scarcely retaining water and nutrients for the plant supply. In the IZ, 50% of the calculated crop evapotranspiration (ETc) has been returned to the plants by drip irrigation system in post-veraison until harvest. By a meteorological point of view, 2022 was the year with the highest Huglin bioclimatic index (2768), the rainiest veraison-harvest period (206 mm) but also that with the highest calculated water deficit (-225 mm). Measures of midday stem water potential (MSWP) and stomatal conductance (gs) performed in pre- and post-veraison until harvest were consistent with an improved health status of the plants during the irrigation treatment over the 3 years, since the MSWP and the gs of the IZ were always higher than those measured for the NIZ vines. The response of the grapevines in terms of grape quality parameters was compared between treatments and over the years. The irrigation treatment produced significantly different grape characteristics (i.e. berry weight and volume, total soluble solids content, pH, titratable acidity) and phenolic compounds content at harvest (i.e., anthocyanins, tannins and total phenols in skin and seeds), and significantly improved fruit yield, allowing the grapes to achieve the quality parameters required by the “Lacryma Christi del Vesuvio DOP” production protocol.

How to cite: Ruocco, P., Amalfitano, C., Basile, B., De Mascellis, R., Mataffo, A., Matrone, A., Palladino, M., Perreca, C., Scognamiglio, P., and Vingiani, S.: Drip-irrigation treatment of an autochthonous grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L, cv Piedirosso) at the footslope of Mount Vesuvius (southern Italy). Effects on grape enological characteristics and phenolic content. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11570,, 2025.

EGU25-15227 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Hydroclimatic Parameter Shifts and Their Impact on Maize Production: A Multi-Decade Assessment in Akşehir/Türkiye 

Hüsamettin Nas, Veysi Kartal, Muhammed Sungur Demir, and Abdullah Muratoglu

The intensifying effects of climate change on soil hydrology and agricultural water use require comprehensive understanding for sustainable maize production, a key crop in Türkiye's agricultural system. This study combines empirical trend analysis with AquaCrop model simulations under the RCP 4.5 climate change scenario to investigate the complex interactions between climate change, soil-water dynamics, and agricultural water footprint (WF) of maize cultivation from 2004 to 2022 in a major agricultural region (Akşehir) of Türkiye, providing critical insights for irrigation management and food security.

Through Mann-Kendall tests and Sen's slope estimators, coupled with AquaCrop model simulations, we identified considerable climate change-induced shifts in hydroclimatic parameters affecting soil-water relationships. Reference evapotranspiration (ET₀) showed a significant decreasing trend (τ = -0.43) with a decline of 2.7 mm/year, while crop evapotranspiration (ETc) exhibited an even stronger declining pattern (τ = -0.58) with a decrease of 2.8 mm/year. These trends occurred against a backdrop of significantly increasing atmospheric CO₂ concentration (τ = 1.000) with an annual increase of 2.1 ppm/year.

The analysis of WF components revealed promising trends for sustainable water management under changing climate conditions. The unit blue WF showed a significant decreasing trend (τ = -0.35) with an annual reduction of 4.27 m³/ton, indicating improved irrigation efficiency, while the unit total WF demonstrated a strong declining trend (τ = -0.58) with a decrease of 2.7 m³/ton/year. Although the unit green WF showed a slight increasing trend (τ = 0.17) with an annual increase of 1.17 m³/ton, this shift from blue to green water use suggests a positive transition toward more sustainable water management practices in a changing climate. This favorable redistribution of water sources, combined with improved irrigation efficiency, has supported agricultural productivity, as evidenced by the marginally significant increasing trend in maize production (τ = 0.39).

While these findings demonstrate successful adaptation of maize cultivation systems to changing climatic conditions in our study region under the RCP 4.5 scenario, broader country-level and global analyses are essential to understand geographic variations in water productivity and potential shifts in agricultural suitability under climate change. These spatially explicit insights would be valuable for developing targeted adaptation strategies and ensuring sustainable food production across different agro-ecological zones. Our results highlight the importance of regional-scale studies in understanding climate-water-crop interactions and emphasize the need for integrated approaches to enhance agricultural water productivity while maintaining environmental sustainability in the face of accelerating climate change.

*Key Words:* Climate change, water footprint, AquaCrop model, soil hydrology, maize production

How to cite: Nas, H., Kartal, V., Demir, M. S., and Muratoglu, A.: Hydroclimatic Parameter Shifts and Their Impact on Maize Production: A Multi-Decade Assessment in Akşehir/Türkiye, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15227,, 2025.

EGU25-17305 | ECS | PICO | HS8.3.4

Advancing groundwater recharge estimation at the field scale: spatiotemporal dynamics of soil moisture and simulated 1D water fluxes at a cosmic-ray neutron sensing cluster site in northeast Germany 

Lena Scheiffele, Katya Dimitrova Petrova, Matthias Munz, Till Francke, Maik Heistermann, Elodie Marret-Sicard, and Sascha Oswald

Brandenburg is one of the driest regions in Germany and heavily relies on groundwater resources for both drinking water supply and irrigated agriculture. The state is already experiencing declining groundwater levels, and climate change is expected to further exacerbate the situation. For sustainable management of groundwater resources, the groundwater recharge rate is a key parameter. However, its quantification remains a challenge since it cannot be directly measured at the field scale.

In this study, we utilize daily data from multiple cosmic-ray neutron sensors (CRNS), which enable non-invasive measurement of soil moisture in the near-surface root zone on a hectare scale to calibrate a soil hydrological model (HYDRUS-1D) and derive downward water flows below the root zone as an approximation of groundwater recharge.

For this purpose, we use a unique dataset collected over more than five years at a highly instrumented agricultural research site near Potsdam, Brandenburg. The ~10 ha site, featuring a variety of agricultural plots, extends along a gentle hillslope towards a lake above a Pleistocene, unconfined aquifer with a groundwater table depth ranging from 1 to 10 meters. Core of the instrumentation is a cluster of eight continuously operated CRNS combined with more than 25 point-scale soil moisture profile probes measuring to depths of up to 1 m. A wide range of additional measurements, including soil texture, hydraulic properties, continuous soil moisture measurements at depth, and groundwater level monitoring, provide a robust foundation for validating the model and capturing the relevant hydrological processes at the site.

In various simulation experiments, we evaluate the added value of using different soil moisture products for model calibration. To evaluate long-term trends and variability in groundwater recharge, we run the calibrated model with over 50 years of historical weather data. We analyze changes in groundwater recharge rates under varying climatic conditions and discuss the associated uncertainties, particularly in the context of the site’s tight water balance.

How to cite: Scheiffele, L., Dimitrova Petrova, K., Munz, M., Francke, T., Heistermann, M., Marret-Sicard, E., and Oswald, S.: Advancing groundwater recharge estimation at the field scale: spatiotemporal dynamics of soil moisture and simulated 1D water fluxes at a cosmic-ray neutron sensing cluster site in northeast Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17305,, 2025.

EGU25-17423 | PICO | HS8.3.4

Simulating Controlled Drainage with Subirrigation at an Experimental Agricultural Field in the Netherlands to Investigate Irrigation Water Effectiveness 

Jelte de Bruin, Martine van der Ploeg, Janou Bonné, Nikola Rakonjac, Ruud Bartholomeus, Janine de Wit, and Syed Mustafa

Climatic extremes, such as prolonged periods of summer droughts, alternated with wet winters pose a significant challenge for farmers. Uncertainty in water availability over the growing season forces farmers to make management decisions that are not always favorable for optimized crop yield. Under the EU project FARMWISE, a large variety of management strategies are evaluated that could help farmers mitigate future climatic extremes.

This research focuses on a novel system, consisting of controlled drainage with subirrigation (CD-SI), that allows farmers more control on water drainage and irrigation from their field. The system relies on subterranean drainage lines installed under the agricultural fields. These drainage lines are connected to a control pit, allowing the system to be dual used, for both drainage and irrigation using an external water source. The system is under evaluation at a field site in America in the Netherlands, where soil moisture and groundwater heads are monitored at a field equipped with an CD-SI system and at an adjoining reference field. Previous studies at the field site have shown a positive effect on water availability for crops under irrigation conditions. However, it is uncertain what the overall effectiveness is of the supplied irrigation water. The main aim of this study is to determine the division of supplied irrigation water within the CD-SI system to all parts of the water balance, including root water uptake, evapotranspiration and percolation to deep groundwater, and quantify potential losses.

A physics-based 3D integrated surface-subsurface hydrological is developed and calibrated to simulate the functioning of the CD-SI system using HydroGeoSphere. Preliminary model results show simulated the groundwater dynamics that agree with the observations both at the field with the CD-SI system as well as the reference field, confirming the difference in groundwater dynamics that are observed between the observation and reference field. Research into the overall effectiveness of the supplied irrigation water and division between the various elements of the water balance is ongoing.

How to cite: de Bruin, J., van der Ploeg, M., Bonné, J., Rakonjac, N., Bartholomeus, R., de Wit, J., and Mustafa, S.: Simulating Controlled Drainage with Subirrigation at an Experimental Agricultural Field in the Netherlands to Investigate Irrigation Water Effectiveness, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17423,, 2025.

EGU25-1038 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.1

Thawing mechanism of frozen loess soil based on a nuclear magnetic resonance study 

Zheng Wang, Chi Zhang, Yaning Zhang, and Bingxi Li

Permafrost thawing is a common natural phenomenon in cold regions, where it has significant impacts on ecosystem stability and the sustainability of human society. This study elucidates the melting process of frozen soil and the importance of water content during the thawing process at the pore scale based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) investigations. Additionally, thermodynamic theory is applied to interpret the link between the pore ice melting process and the NMR T2 relaxation signals. The NMR signal intensity has been used to estimate the thawing degree of frozen soil, however, the mechanism underlying the shift in the T2 signal peak has not been revealed. In this study, a pre-freezing thawing experimental platform was established to capture pore-scale characteristic thawing (temp gradient -30oC, -20oC, -15oC, -10oC, -5oC, -3oC, -2oC, -1oC, 0oC, 1oC, 5oC, 15oC) of four different loess soil samples with various saturation levels ranging from 25% to 100%. The results show that the T2 distribution clearly demonstrates three distinct thawing mechanisms in frozen soil thawing: (1) surface water melting corresponds to an increase in the T2 peak amplitude; (2) bulk water melting corresponds to a broadening of the T2 peak; (3) pore water migration from large pores to small pores corresponds to a shift in the T2 peak. Furthermore, measurements from unsaturated samples (25%, 50%, 85% saturation) provide insights into the importance of water content in the thawing process. Collectively, our method for interpreting thawing behaviors of soil provides a non-invasive and high-resolution method to understanding the dynamic soil-water behaviors in cold regions and can further help establish advanced freeze-thaw induced landslides monitoring framework.
Keywords frozen soil; pore ice; melting mechanism; nuclear magnetic resonance; loess

How to cite: Wang, Z., Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., and Li, B.: Thawing mechanism of frozen loess soil based on a nuclear magnetic resonance study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1038,, 2025.

The Yellow River Delta, with shallow groundwater levels, is a vital land reserve in Eastern China. However, high groundwater salinity limits soil remediation and crop growth, necessitating effective management. While shallow groundwater contributes significantly to global vegetation transpiration (~23%), its role in saline areas remains unclear. This study introduces the Groundwater Advantage Zone (GWAZ) concept to optimize groundwater use. Through field monitoring, lab experiments, model simulations, and water isotope analysis, the research aims to: 1) Identify critical water table depths by examining spatial and temporal patterns influenced by soil, climate, and regional factors; 2) Study water and salt stress on crops, focusing on root water uptake under salinity stress and groundwater subsidence; 3) Simulate soil water and salt dynamics to quantify the GWAZ as a new index; and 4) Use the GWAZ index to optimize water tables for salinity control and groundwater use. The findings offer strategies for sustainable soil and water management, supporting agricultural development in the Yellow River Delta and similar regions.

How to cite: Zhao, Y.: Mechanisms and Synergetic Technologies for Groundwater Advantage Zone in Saline Farmland of the Yellow River Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2608,, 2025.

EGU25-3211 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Effects of Melting and Refreezing Ice in Unsaturated Soils on Groundwater Recharge 

Anne Hermann, Reinhard Drews, and Olaf Cirpka

Groundwater recharge in mountainous regions is predominantly driven by snowmelt. However, shifting precipitation patterns and changes in freeze-thaw cycles due to climate change alter hydrological processes. To better understand the influence of ice dynamics in seasonally frozen soils on groundwater recharge, we evaluate two numerical models that include ice formation and melting within the soil. Specifically, we aim to quantify the partitioning of rain- and meltwater into lateral runoff and vertical infiltration.

We focus on the models PermaFOAM and PFLOTRAN, which both solve the Richards equation for unsaturated flow coupled to heat transfer equations, while using different approaches to account for ice buildup in the pore space. We apply the two models to a simplified two-dimensional hillslope cross-section, analyzing how these formulations influence hydraulic conductivity and lateral flow generation in seasonally frozen soils.  

As a next step, we plan to integrate a snowpack as a porous medium into the vadose-zone model framework, enabling a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between snowmelt, soil freezing, and preferential water flow. Our goal is to improve the understanding of water flow dynamics under transient freeze-thaw conditions in soils and overlying snowpacks. By integrating snowmelt processes into hydrological models, we aim to improve the accuracy of groundwater recharge projections in mountainous regions.

How to cite: Hermann, A., Drews, R., and Cirpka, O.: Effects of Melting and Refreezing Ice in Unsaturated Soils on Groundwater Recharge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3211,, 2025.

We tested three expressions for the unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity curve (UHCC): Kosugi’s model (KGV), an additive model (ADV), and a junction model (JUV).  KGV generalizes the Mualem-van Genuchten model and assumes that all liquid soil water flows through capillaries.  ADV adds the hydraulic conductivity of water films adsorbed onto the solid surface to the conductivity of the capillaries. The recently introduced JUV has a junction matric potential at which a wet branch with a capillary conductivity function joins a dry branch with a film conductivity function. All models assume water vapor flow is driven by diffusion. We fitted the three models to hydraulic conductivity measurements for a sandy loam, a silt, and a loamy sand. Akaike’s Information Criterion suggested potential overparameterization in ADV, which has up to seven fitting parameters, whereas KGV and JUV have up to six. From the fitted curves, we generated look-up tables that were then used as input for the Hydrus-1D model for soil water flow.

We evaluated the functional performance of the three models by numerically modeling unsaturated flow in uniform vegetated columns of the three soils exposed to 10 years of generated weather records that represent three climates (monsoon, temperate, and semi-arid). The surface flux, transpiration, and bottom boundary flux were aggregated over 5-day, 10-day, and 30-day time windows, and their extremes and seasonal fluctuations were evaluated. JUV and KGV converged for all nine combinations of soil and climate, while ADV crashed three times, particularly for the sandy loam. In addition to the robustness of the three UHCC models, the presentation will highlight how the calculated fluxes and water balances agree or differ between the models.

How to cite: Nambiar, A. and de Rooij, G. H.: Evaluating Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity Models for Diverse Soils and Climates: A Functional Comparison of Additive, Junction, and Kosugi Parameterizations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4286,, 2025.

Soil moisture plays a critical role in the growth process of rice, directly influencing crop growth and yield. This study focuses on how meteorological factors (net radiation, air temperature, and potential evapotranspiration) and plant factors (crop coefficient) impact the daily depletion of soil moisture across different growth periods of rice. The research is based on observational data from the second rice cropping season, 2023, in Guanyin District, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. A multiple linear regression model was developed to incorporate plant and meteorological factors and their influences on soil moisture at various depths. Additionally, a one-dimensional heat conduction model was utilized to analyze the interactions within the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) system. The results indicate that rice roots significantly impact the daily depletion of soil moisture at a depth of 20 cm. In comparison, the influence of meteorological factors stabilizes at depths of 30 to 40 cm. By integrating soil moisture data with meteorological and plant factors, this study compared the estimated thermal diffusivity and damping depth using a multiple linear regression model with values derived from in-situ soil temperature observations. The results show consistency, further validating the model's accuracy in assessing the influence of meteorological factors at various depths. This conceptual model improves the understanding of soil moisture, plant, and atmosphere interactions in rice growth. It also provides a robust scientific basis for estimating the daily depletion of soil moisture using plant and meteorological factors, which informs the optimization of water resource management and irrigation strategies customized to different growth periods. This research aims to enhance irrigation water use efficiency by providing dynamic changes in soil moisture, contributing to better water resource management and sustainability in rice agriculture.

Keywords : Soil Moisture; Multiple Linear Regression Models; One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Model; Depth Effects; Rice Growth

How to cite: Chang, Y.-T., Chen, P.-Y., and Chen, C.-C.: Establishing a Multiple Linear Regression Model Relating the Meteorological and Plant Factors to Soil Moisture at Various Depths, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5317,, 2025.

Various studies have investigated the effects of grazing on soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) under different soil and environmental conditions, and grazing management practices, across different regions of the world. However, despite a relatively large body of research on this topic, the overall influence of grazing on SHPs across diverse contexts remains ambiguous due to the complex interplay of factors that moderate these effects. This study adopts a multi-level meta-analytic model to systematically collate and analyse global field data, obtained from the literature (comprising 74 papers), to investigate the magnitude of changes in SHP as influenced by grazing, moderated by 17 factors relating to management (grazing intensity, duration, strategy, livestock type, rooting depth), climate, and intrinsic soil physical properties (texture, clay content, clay type fraction and related mechanical properties). The moderating factors were obtained from details reported in the publications, as well as from independent globally distributed databases (the clay property database by Ito and Wagai (2017), with clay mechanical properties derived from equations provided in Lehmann et al. (2021)); the WorldClim 2.1 dataset (Fick and Hijmans, 2017) for mean annual rainfall and temperatures; germplasm databases for individual species listed in the publications to obtain rooting depth). Our findings showed that grazing significantly affects soil structure, causing decreased saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ksat (56%), mean infiltration rates, MIR (38%), and macroporosity, MP (10%), and an increase in bulk density, BD (28%). The meta-analysis reveals that the impact of grazing on SHPs is significantly greater under heavy grazing (for MIR, BD), long-term grazing (Ksat, BD), in areas dominated by shallow-rooted pasture compared to mixed or deep-rooted systems (BD, MP), and in cattle dominated grazing systems as opposed to sheep or mixed grazing systems (Ksat, BD, MP). Additionally, the negative effects of grazing increase with increases in mean annual precipitation (all SHP) and temperature (all, but not BD). It is also notable that clay type properties, specifically derived mechanical properties, also showed significant relationships with grazing effects, across all SHPs. The findings suggest that future research should be focused on the long-term effects of cattle grazing on soils with large fractions of active to moderately active clay types in climates with high precipitation to help develop grazing management and planting strategies that support sustainable grazing while mitigating negative soil hydrological impacts.

Fick and Hijmans (2017), DOI: 10.1002/joc.5086; Ito and Wagai (2017), DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.103; Lehmann et al. (2021), DOI: 10.1029/2021GL095311

How to cite: Wang, Y., Bishop, J., Verhoef, A., and Hammond, J.: A multi-level meta-analysis on the effects of grazing on soil hydraulic properties under variable grazing management, climate and clay properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6222,, 2025.

EGU25-7340 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Ecologically Driven Alteration of Soil Hydraulic Properties through mono-culture Reforestation in Central Chile 

Matthew Tippett-Vannini and John Selker

Soil hydraulic properties (SHP) are among the indicators of the diversity and health of an 
ecosystem and are commonly measured by two criteria: infiltration and water retention capacity. 
This may be seen as an “Ecological Alteration,” resulting from the sum biological and non
biological processes which modify the structure of the soil, including bioturbation and the 
accumulation of organic matter. These changes in soil structure drive the changes in SHP.  

Central Chile has seen an abrupt and extensive land use/land cover transition from several 
hundred years of wheat cultivation (annually tilled) to short rotation (~25-30 yr) silviculture. 
This allows for neighboring assessment of soil impacts of transitioning from cultivated to 
uncultivated production as a function of time. Further, the region’s climate geography (a North
South primary axis) allows us to view the soil health impacts of this change in planting along a 
precipitation gradient (850 – 1700 mm/yr) to help tease-out the impact of climate on temporal 
dynamics of soil properties.  

We measured infiltration in five recently transitioned first rotation locations along this 
precipitation gradient. Sampling plots were established for continuous wheat, early-, mid-, and 
late-stage pine plantations, and Chilean Native Forest. We sampled in both the dry summer 
months and again in the wet winter months. In the dry sampling period, we found transitions 
from wheat to silviculture saw an initial decrease in infiltration; however, over time (~30 years) 
infiltration in the plantations approached that of the Native Forest (increasing approximately by 
an order of magnitude in 30 years). In the wet sampling period, the results were more 
inconclusive. Some plots did not show an increase in infiltration capacity while others showed a 
gradual increase over the same 30-year period. 

How to cite: Tippett-Vannini, M. and Selker, J.: Ecologically Driven Alteration of Soil Hydraulic Properties through mono-culture Reforestation in Central Chile, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7340,, 2025.

EGU25-8945 | Orals | HS8.3.1

Application of a bimodal physically-based pedotransfer function with a user-friendly spreadsheet 

Shawkat Basel Mostafa Hassan, Alessandro Comegna, Giovanna Dragonetti, and Antonio Coppola

Soil hydraulic properties, SHP, are crucial to simulate water movement in agro-environmental systems. However, directly measuring SHP at large scales is time-consuming and costly. As an alternative to direct measurements, pedotransfer functions, PTF, can estimate SHP from other easily-measurable soil physical properties. Many PTFs were developed in the literature but the majority are empirical and rely on the textural information to obtain the hydraulic properties without accounting for the soil structure, which plays a significant role in the hydraulic conductivity. Recently, a new physically-based PTF was developed, called bimAP. It is a bimodal extension to the unimodal physically-based Arya-Paris PTF, unimAP, by explicitly accounting for the aggregate-size distributions to predict the bimodal SHP, improving the ability to reproduce the spatial variability of SHP. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0, is then calculated by applying Kozeny-Carman model, whose parameters are estimated from the upper part of the water retention curve, WRC, near saturation. To practically apply the bimAP PTF, a dynamic Excel spreadsheet is presented along with the instructions to use it. When introduced with the soil physical parameters and the scaling parameter, αAP, the spreadsheet can carry out the calculations to obtain the ratios of the macropores and the matrix to overall porosity, and hence, the bimodal WRC. The spreadsheet also includes the calibration of the αAP when the user introduces measured soil hydraulic parameters; using the Excel solver, the sum of square differences between the measured and estimated soil water contents can be minimized to calibrate αAP. Excel solver can then be used to fit the upper part of the resulting bimAP WRC by optimizing the Brooks-Corey water retention parameters, which are then used to calculate K0 by applying Kozeny-Carman model. Eventually, the entire bimAP WRC can be fitted by optimizing Durner water retention parameters also using the Excel solver. Estimating αAP, in the absence of measured SHP, is also possible from the soil physical parameters: particle-size distribution, aggregate-size distribution, dry bulk density, single-aggregate bulk density and the ratio of macropores to the overall porosity, by means of multiple linear regression. 

How to cite: Hassan, S. B. M., Comegna, A., Dragonetti, G., and Coppola, A.: Application of a bimodal physically-based pedotransfer function with a user-friendly spreadsheet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8945,, 2025.

EGU25-9008 | Orals | HS8.3.1

Evaluation of Saturo infiltrometer for determining field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity  

Dario Autovino, Bagarello Vincenzo, Angelo Basile, Gaetano Caltabellotta, Roberto De Mascellis, Mariachiara Fusco, and Massimo Iovino

Pressure infiltrometer (PI) experiments are commonly applied for determination of field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, Ks, by the analysis of steady-state infiltration rate from within a single ring. Basically, two approaches can be used for determining Ks: the One-Ponding-Depth (OPD) approach, that uses a single depth of ponding and requires an a priori estimate of the α* parameter, and the Two-Ponding-Depth (TPD) approach, that allows simultaneous estimation of Ks and α*, the ratio between Ks and matric flux potential. Recently, SATURO infiltrometer (METER Group, Inc., USA) was developed as an automated version of the PI method. SATURO automatically calculates Ks by the TPD equations but its functioning presents some specific peculiarities. In particular, the higher pressure head on the soil surface is established before the lower one, and the steady-state infiltration rates required for TPD calculation are sampled after a soaking phase and one or more pressure cycles.

A field test of SATURO infiltrometer was conducted on two sandy-loam soils at Acerra (ACE) and Villabate (VIL) and a clay soil at Monreale (MON). A total of 55 automated SATURO experiments (12 at ACE, 25 at MON and 18 at VIL sites) were conducted and the results compared with those obtained from manual PI tests under comparable conditions in terms of ring diameter and depth of insertion and pressure head values.

Independently of the device (PI or SATURO), the TPD approach yielded Ks values that were not statistically different from those obtained by applying the OPD approach with site-specific α* values of 16, 5.2 and 9.6 m-1 for ACE, MON and VIL, respectively. When a first approximation literature value of α* = 12 m-1 was used, Ks calculated by the OPD approach was overestimated on average by 43.9% at MON site but much lower discrepancies were observed at the other two sites, thus confirming that this choice is not expected to introduce large uncertainties in the calculated Ks values.

At ACE, SATURO yielded a mean Ks value numerically similar (D = 4%) and not significantly different from the PI. At MON, the mean of Ks obtained with the PI was larger by 68% than that obtained with SATURO and the differences were statistically significant. At VIL, the mean of Ks obtained with the PI was significantly larger than that obtained with SATURO and the two means differed by 80%. According to the similarity criterion by Elrick and Reynolds (1992), this investigation suggested an acceptable agreement between the two methods given the means of Ks were statistically similar or differed by no more than 1.8 times.

Acknowledgement: This study was carried out within the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005) and the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca of Italy, project PRIN 2022 "Smart technologies and remote Sensing methods to support the sustainable agriculture WAter Management of Mediterranean woody Crops (SWAM4Crops)" CUP B53D23018040001.

How to cite: Autovino, D., Vincenzo, B., Basile, A., Caltabellotta, G., De Mascellis, R., Fusco, M., and Iovino, M.: Evaluation of Saturo infiltrometer for determining field-saturated soil hydraulic conductivity , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9008,, 2025.

EGU25-11756 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Contrasting perspectives on soil evaporation in soil science and land surface modelling 

Jan De Pue, José Miguel Barrios, William Moutier, and Françoise Gellens-Meulenberghs

Soil evaporation is an essential component of the hydrological cycle. Within soil science, the fundamental mechanisms involved in soil evaporation are well-documented. However, within the realm of land surface modelling, the coarse spatial resolution and limited available computational resources result in a simplified representation of this highly non-linear process.
Here, we evaluated the current representation of soil evaporation within the RMI evapotranspiration and surface turbulent fluxes (ET-STF) model applied in the frame of the EUMETSAT Satellite Applications Facility on support to Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF, We highlighted the discrepancies between the simplified representation of soil evaporation and the soil physical solution. To achieve this, synthetic experiments were performed using Hydrus as a reference for comparison with the LSA SAF ET-STF model. Additionally, a comparison was made with formulations in other land surface models (Surfex, ECLand & GLEAM), the resulting texture-dependent bias was demonstrated and impact of sub-grid heterogeneity was shown. Finally, an updated formulation was presented and evaluated using in situ observations.
Though widely recognised as one of the fundamental processes in the hydrological cycle, the perspective on soil evaporation is very different in soil physics compared to land surface modelling. Here, we attempted to harmonize both approaches in a pragmatic manner.

How to cite: De Pue, J., Barrios, J. M., Moutier, W., and Gellens-Meulenberghs, F.: Contrasting perspectives on soil evaporation in soil science and land surface modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11756,, 2025.

EGU25-12090 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

A lab study to quantify the effect of fresh and degraded crop residues on soil hydraulic properties 

Frederic Leuther, Alina Langanki, and Efstathios Diamantopoulos

Mulching and incorporation of crop residues (CR) into soils is a common strategy to sustain soil carbon stocks and to regulate water losses via bare soil evaporation. To date, implementing the effect of mulching strategies into soil-plant- atmosphere models remain challenging due to limited information about their effect on hydraulic properties (HP), namely the water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity curve and the temporal dynamics of the process.

In this laboratory study, we measured the HP of a loamy soil mixed with maize CR to different contents (0, 2, and 5 weight-%) and a mulch layer (100 weight-% CR) from saturation to oven dryness. We differentiated between leaves and roots CR and adapted the simplified evaporation method to measure the hydraulic properties of 100 % CR layer. The experiments run as triplicates and were repeated after three weeks of incubation under optimum condition  (30 °C, 90 % RH) to simulate organic matter degradation after harvest. Comparing the HP before and after incubation provided information about the temporal effect of CR on soil HP.  

Compared to the control, water retention was systematically increasing about 2 to 5 vol.-%  for the CR-soil mixtures and up to 50 vol.-%  for the 100 % CR samples over a broad suction range from pF 0 to pF 3. The effect was most pronounced for leaves. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of all CR-soil mixtures was not affected. In contrast, the 100 % CR samples provided measurements of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity around pF 1 which were by an order of magnitude lower compared to the CR-soil mixtures. Incubation of the samples significantly reduced the carbon content of the samples and changed the structure of the CR but surprisingly, a positive effect on the soil water retention curve was still measurable.

The study shows that the beneficial effect of CR incorporation on the soil HP of a loamy soil increases with the amount of CR and that the effect lasts for a period of at least one month after harvest. This period is crucial to define the starting condition of the following crop. In addition, the lower unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of a 100 % CR layer confirmed field observations where a mulch layer reduces water losses through bare soil evaporation.       

How to cite: Leuther, F., Langanki, A., and Diamantopoulos, E.: A lab study to quantify the effect of fresh and degraded crop residues on soil hydraulic properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12090,, 2025.

EGU25-13946 | Orals | HS8.3.1

The influence of antecedent moisture content (AMC) on infiltration into water repellent soil: Laboratory experiments and model calculations 

Markus Berli, Rose M. Shillito, Dani Or, Jeremy Giovando, Jay Pak, Nawa Pradhan, Ian E. Floyd, and Sean McKenna

The sensitivity of infiltration rate to antecedent moisture content (AMC) in wettable soils is well-established with a low AMC promoting a higher initial infiltration rate. For water repellent soils, such as those found on fire-affected landscapes, we know little about how AMC may affect infiltration. Here we seek to understand how AMC affects infiltration for sub-critically water repellent soils (soils for which water forms a contact angle <90°). We conducted laboratory experiments using uniform #40-70 quartz sand with different degrees of water repellency from which we development a process-based model for simulating sorptivity and infiltration rate as a function of AMC. The experiments exhibited a highly non-linear relationship between contact angle and initial saturation degree (as a direct measure for AMC). We found the observed contact angle of water repellent sand was highest for air-dry conditions (as expected) but decreased rapidly with increasing initial saturation degree (AMC). Sorptivity of water repellent sand (which integrates wettability, pore sizes and AMC), exhibited a local minimum at the air-dry condition; a maximum for initial saturation degrees between 3% and 6%; then again a local minimum for initial saturation degree near 40%. Using the developed model along with measured contact angles and associated sorptivity values, maximum infiltrates were associated with an initial saturation degree around 5%. Thus, for water repellent soils, the maximum infiltration rates are associated with slightly moist rather than air-dry AMC. Model simulations also agreed well, qualitatively, with field-measured sorptivity data collected from a fire-affected, water repellent loam in Wyoming, USA. This research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grant Nos EAR‐1324894 and OIA-2148788 as well by the US Army Corps of Engineers under Grant Numbers DACW42-03-2-0000 and W912HZ17C0037.

How to cite: Berli, M., Shillito, R. M., Or, D., Giovando, J., Pak, J., Pradhan, N., Floyd, I. E., and McKenna, S.: The influence of antecedent moisture content (AMC) on infiltration into water repellent soil: Laboratory experiments and model calculations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13946,, 2025.

Soil moisture data from arrays of vertically-aligned sensors have been used in various ways to detect the occurrence of preferential flow (PF) in the unsaturated zone. Many such data are available at only a few depths, often 5 or fewer, and at fairly long time intervals, often 15 minutes or more. Some soil-moisture networks provide data of substantially greater resolution. One of these, the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) in the United States, provides soil moisture data at many locations over 18 ecoregions at 1-minute intervals, at as many as 8 depths, and as deep as 2 m. Evaluated with regard to soil moisture dynamics, such high-resolution data make it possible to go beyond the basic occurrence or nonoccurrence of PF to learn about its dynamic qualities: the magnitude and character of PF within distinct soil horizons, its transformation at layer boundaries, its interactions with soil matrix material, and the depth and duration of its influence. In some cases the rate of change of water content over small depth intervals can permit quantification of fluxes at various positions within the soil profile so that these fluxes can be evaluated with respect to the concurrent intensity and cumulative quantity of water input at land surface.

Investigation of these quantities and qualitative behaviors for identified storm periods at selected NEON locations confirms some of the prevailing expectations about PF, while also revealing new or unexpected features of potential importance. These results provide a strengthened basis for needed improvements in least two types of predictive hydrologic models: (1) for predicting the occurrence of PF in response to site characteristics and varying conditions of soil and weather, and (2) for realistically representing the PF component in general-purpose multi-domain models of flow in the unsaturated zone.

How to cite: Nimmo, J. R.: High-resolution soil moisture data reveal dynamics of preferential flow, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13982,, 2025.

Water availability, quality and security are major constraints on the long-term sustainable production of irrigated crops. The quality of native and imported water resources is declining in many regions which will potentially have severe adverse impact on irrigated agriculture including vineyards. We estimated water demand for irrigated vineyards in the Barossa (rainfall 440 mm) and Eden valleys (rainfall 599 mm) using the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach for six common soil types (sand over clay, shallow soil on rock, cracking clays, hard red brown, calcareous and gradational soil, and acid and shallow soil on rock) under the current (2000-2023) and future climate projections (2023-2051, RCP 4.5). A multi-component major ion chemistry model (UNSATCHEM) was used to investigate the long-term impact of various irrigation water sources (river, recycled, groundwater and their blends) on the four soil quality indicators (pH, EC, SAR and ESP) in different soils and the relative yield reduction in response to rootzone salinity. The model was equilibrated with the measured soil solution and exchange parameters for 72 years (1951-2023) to achieve a quasi-equilibrium state for each of the soil types. Management options such as leaching irrigation and gypsum use were also explored to mitigate the adverse impacts of the irrigation sources.

The modelled grapevine irrigation requirement varied with climate and soil types; and water demand increased significantly (10-45%) across the soil types under future climate projections. This drove an increase in regional water demand (28-32%) under future climate projections. A long-term risk assessment with the poorest quality water showed a grapevine yield reduction of 3-12 and 11-23%, with recycled and groundwater irrigation, respectively. These water sources increased the EC > 10dS/m, after 5-10 years of irrigation in the Barossa valley but maintained the soil salinity below the tolerance threshold for grapevines in the Eden valley, demonstrating the importance of higher rainfall for leaching salts.

Even irrigation with high quality river water can have the potential to increase exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) above the threshold level (6%) for degradation of some soil types. Maximum levels of average rootzone SAR (6.5-18mmol/L1/2) and ESP (14-52%) were observed under groundwater irrigation of cracking clay soils. The acid soil over rocks showed lower sodicity hazard than sand over clay, calcareous and gradational and hard red brown soils. Model simulations suggested that an annual leaching irrigation of 30mm in spring with good quality water and subsequent irrigaiton with recycled water (1.8dS/m) or groundwater (3.3dS/m) reduced the salinity below the grapevine tolerance level. However, leaching irrigation alone was not sufficient to ameliorate the irrigation induced high sodicity hazard. A soil ameliorant such as gypsum along with leaching irigation are needed to reduce the sodicity hazard.

Modelling predictions demonstrated that availability and quality of water resources has the potential to impact grapevine yield and soil quality indicators. Management options such as leaching irrigation and gypsum application are crucial for enhancing the long term sustainability of vineyards; but maintaining a secure source of good quality water is also important  to support the wine industry in the study region.

How to cite: Phogat, V. and Petrie, P. R.: The sustainability of irrigation water sources for vineyards in the Barossa Valley, South Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14602,, 2025.

EGU25-15683 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Effects of vegetation type on soil wetting pattern and preferential flow in arid mountainous areas of northwest China 

Dongxiang Xue, Jie Tian, Baoqing Zhang, Weiming Kang, Yongxu Zhou, and Chansheng He

Understanding the mechanisms governing the infiltration of precipitation into soil is crucial in eco-hydrological processes. However, the effect of vegetation types on the wetting front depth and velocity is poorly understood. Here, we analyzed 1234 infiltration events based on a large-scale long-term in-situ soil moisture monitoring network in arid mountainous area of northwest China. Our results show that the proportion of preferential flow was the largest in shrub (52.38%), followed by alpine meadow (36.55%), grassland (11.51%), and barren (0.70%). The wetting front velocity was consistent with the order of the proportion of preferential flow, with values of 11.42, 4.96, 2.32, and 1.16 cm/h, respectively. The mean velocity of preferential flow events was 2.05 times (0.06–71 times) higher in the shallow soil layer and 3.86 times (0.3–68 times) higher in the deep soil layer compared to matrix flow events. The wetting front depth was shallowest in alpine meadow (14.31 cm), followed by barren (15.70 cm), grassland (18.95 cm), and shrub (39.81 cm). Moreover, the wetting front depth and velocity reach their peak values in summer, primarily influenced by precipitation. Random Forests analysis results demonstrate that preferential flow is the primary factors influencing the profile wetting front depth, with control factors varying across different soil depths, soil water characteristic curve in shallow soil layers, and vegetation in deep soil layers, respectively. Meanwhile, soil organic carbon emerged as the most important factor impacting wetting front velocity. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of infiltration processes in arid mountainous areas and offer a theoretical foundation for refining and enhancing mountain hydrological models.

How to cite: Xue, D., Tian, J., Zhang, B., Kang, W., Zhou, Y., and He, C.: Effects of vegetation type on soil wetting pattern and preferential flow in arid mountainous areas of northwest China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15683,, 2025.

EGU25-16289 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

A unified hydro-thermal framework for improved skin conductivity and skin temperature in the ECLand model 

Rajsekhar Kandala, Anne Verhoef, Souhail Boussetta, Patricia De Rosnay, Yijian Zeng, and Emily Black

Accurate numerical weather prediction (NWP) and climate modelling depend critically on high-fidelity simulation of land surface processes and their interactions with the atmosphere. These interactions are governed by land surface state variables (LSSVs) such as soil moisture, soil temperature, and land surface (skin) temperature, which regulate the energy, water, and carbon fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface. LSSVs strongly influence near-surface atmospheric state variables, including air temperature and relative humidity, which are key to reliable NWP and climate forecasts. To enhance the representation of soil and vegetation processes in land surface models (LSMs), focussing on ECLand in first instance, we are developing a unified hydro-thermal framework for improved coupling of soil moisture and heat transport, and related land-atmosphere coupling. It integrates soil hydraulic and thermal properties, which are typically modelled independently, to improve the simulation of energy and water fluxes. For ECLand, we introduced two key modifications. First, the van Genuchten (1980) soil water retention curve (SWRC) was replaced with a formulation which explicitly accounts for adsorbed and capillary water content (e.g., Lu, 2016). This modification allows for a more physically realistic representation of soil hydraulic properties, particularly under dry conditions. Secondly, the thermal conductivity function of Peters-Lidard et al. (1998), currently used in ECLand, was replaced with an equation which directly links thermal conductivity to the SWRC parameters (Lu & McCartney, 2024), ensuring consistent coupling between soil hydraulic and thermal properties. This new set of equations is being developed to improve the representation of the below-ground part of the skin conductivity, a key parameter for predicting skin temperature, which is critical for accurate energy balance predictions at the land surface, including skin heat flux. While ECLand currently uses a lumped approach, whereby the skin conductivity controls heat flow through topsoil and vegetation combined, the JULES model explicitly separates the contributions of soil and vegetation. We plan to adopt equations from the JULES model for the above-ground part of skin conductivity and integrate them into the updated ECLand model, with the aim to enhance the physical representation of surface heat flux dynamics. The updated model will be tested at multiple sites, including Cabauw, to evaluate its performance. We aim to demonstrate significant improvements in the simulation of soil moisture, soil temperature, and energy fluxes, showcasing the potential of this new framework. However, broader validation across a range of climatic and soil conditions will be required to ensure robustness and scalability. Future work will focus on developing a global soil hydro-thermal parameter set tailored to the new equations, enabling global application of the framework in the IFS. Once thoroughly tested and calibrated, this advancement is expected to improve the predictability of both land surface and atmospheric state variables, ultimately enhancing the reliability of ECMWF’s seasonal to sub-seasonal forecasts.

How to cite: Kandala, R., Verhoef, A., Boussetta, S., Rosnay, P. D., Zeng, Y., and Black, E.: A unified hydro-thermal framework for improved skin conductivity and skin temperature in the ECLand model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16289,, 2025.

Progressive climate change, historical drainage practices, and low precipitation levels in the district of Neustadt a. d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim (Northern Bavaria) necessitate innovative strategies to improve the regional landscape water balance. Within the GrüneGräben+ project, the Ansbach Water Management Authority integrated overflow weirs into existing drainage channels in the study areas Buchholzgraben, Langenwasengraben, and Bodenfeldgraben. These structures are designed to manage floodwaters in a controlled manner while simultaneously promoting infiltration of surface water into the soil. The infiltrated water can either be utilized as plant-available moisture or contribute to stabilizing groundwater levels by percolation.

Each location has been equipped with extensive measurement instrumentation, including rain gauges, surface water sensors, temperature sensors, and soil moisture sensors. In addition, comprehensive field surveys were carried out, where soil samples taken from the immediate vicinity of the channels were analyzed in the laboratory for their soil physical properties. Further measurements included soil moisture assessments via time domain reflectometry (TDR), infiltration tests using double-ring infiltrometers, and topographic data obtained from drone photogrammetry and GPS surveys. These data provide a detailed basis for characterizing runoff and infiltration processes, as well as microtopography, which are used to calibrate and validate hydrological model output.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the measures, hydrological models are employed across multiple spatial scales, primarily using the physically-based numerical models HydroGeoSphere (HGS) and SWAT+. Modeling first takes place at the plot scale (PE), where HGS simulates the interactions between surface water and the porous medium surrounding the trench while factoring macropores, surface crusting, and crop rotation. This complex water flow is represented by the three-dimensional Richards equation in the porous media domain, and the two-dimensional shallow water equation in the surface domain. By using the corresponding Van Genuchten parameters derived from laboratory experimentation, the impact and changes in borders of capillary fringe, field capacity, and wilting point are studied.

Moreover, HGS is also applied at the catchment scale to generate the boundary conditions required by the smaller plot-scale model. At the catchment level, scenarios such as using a series of weirs to improve the water balance on a broader scale are simulated. The SWAT+ model is likewise employed to investigate additional scenarios regarding the effectiveness of these measures across the catchment. The results provide a scalable foundation for transferring the effects of these interventions to larger landscape units, thereby enhancing the region’s resilience to water stress brought on by climate change.

How to cite: El Hajjar, S. and Keßel, N.: From Plot to Catchment: Multi-Scale Modeling of Overflow Weirs to Strengthen Regional Water Resilience in Northern Bavaria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17573,, 2025.

EGU25-18091 | ECS | Orals | HS8.3.1

Determination of soil hydraulic functions across the full moisture range by extending the simplified evaporation method using humidity sensors 

Jannis Bosse, Wolfgang Durner, Sascha C. Iden, Magdalena Sut-Lohmann, and Andre Peters

The Simplified Evaporation Method (SEM) is widely used to simultaneously determine the water retention curve (WRC) and hydraulic conductivity curve (HCC) of soils. However, its application is traditionally restricted to the suction range measurable by tensiometers. To overcome this limitation, we incorporated humidity sensors into the setup of the SEM, enabling measurements of soil water potential in the hygroscopic range. This advancement allows for the measurement of a quasi-continuous time series of soil water suction from full saturation to air dryness, which allows to determine the WRC across this range and the HCC from field capacity to air dryness. We term this approach the eXtended Simplified Evaporation Method (XSEM).

We tested the XSEM on three soil types—silt loam, sandy loam, and sand—and compared its results with those from the dew point method (DPM) and inverse modeling, observing strong agreement among the methods. Key advantages of the XSEM include (i) simultaneous determination of both hydraulic functions using a single experimental setup and straightforward calculations, (ii) reduced effort for WRC determination at suctions above 10⁴ cm compared to the DPM, (iii) high-resolution outputs, and (iv) a fully automated protocol. In particular, XSEM provides a realistic assessment of film and vapor flow contributions to the HCC, which dominate water flux in porous media at low water content. These advancements improve the modeling of soil water dynamics and actual evaporation rates in dry soil.

How to cite: Bosse, J., Durner, W., Iden, S. C., Sut-Lohmann, M., and Peters, A.: Determination of soil hydraulic functions across the full moisture range by extending the simplified evaporation method using humidity sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18091,, 2025.

EGU25-18836 | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

High-resolution soil moisture reanalysis of Switzerland (2016-2023) 

Pascal Buri, Álvaro Ayala, Michael McCarthy, Simone Fatichi, Philipp Brun, Dirk Karger, Liangzhi Chen, and Francesca Pellicciotti

Soil moisture is a cornerstone variable in the interaction between the land and the atmosphere, controlling hydrological and vegetation processes. Soil moisture variations in space and time are a key input for various applications in hydrology, geomorphology, agriculture and soil sciences. The direct monitoring of soil moisture and upscaling to large areas is challenging, while satellite remote sensing is only possible for the top few centimetres of the soil column with considerable uncertainties. In this study, we present a new soil moisture reanalysis for the entire Switzerland, consisting of daily resolution soil moisture maps at six depths (from 0 to 2 m) at a horizontal resolution of 250 m during 2016-2023. The maps are generated as a part of a detailed numerical simulation of the hydrological cycle of Switzerland using the mechanistic eco-hydrological model Tethys-Chloris (T&C).

T&C represents essential components of the hydrological and carbon cycles, resolving exchanges of energy, water, and CO2 between the land surface and the atmosphere. Soil moisture dynamics in saturated and unsaturated soils are solved using the one-dimensional Richards equation for vertical flow and the kinematic wave equation for lateral subsurface flow. The model was forced by hourly meteorological data from the SwissMetNet weather station network and a gridded precipitation product, alongside state-of-the-art land cover and soil characteristics. Results of T&C align well with independent in-situ and remote observations of soil moisture, as well as other eco-hydrological variables such as streamflow, snow depth, LAI, and fluxes of CO2, water and energy which lend credibility to the soil moisture reanalysis.

The study period (2016-2023) includes two recent years of severe spring-summer droughts (2018 and 2022), which are used to showcase how soil moisture anomalies have been developing throughout these dry periods. Preliminary analyses show that during the spring and summer of 2018, which were preceded by a relatively wet winter, soil moisture anomalies were small except in the eastern areas of the Central Plateau where they reached approximately -35% compared to the 2016-2023 seasonal average. In contrast, the spring and summer of 2022, which were preceded by a dry winter, exhibited more widespread anomalies ranging from -15% to -35%, affecting the Jura Mountains, the Central Plateau, and the lower elevations of the Southern Alps. In general, results reveal a large spatial and temporal variability across the six biogeographical regions of Switzerland (Jura Mountains, Central Plateau, Northern Alps, Eastern Alps, Western Alps, and Southern Alps). The soil moisture reanalysis presented in this study is the first of its type, and can be used as a reference dataset and as input for studies looking at floods, landslides, crop productivity, tree water stress, wildfire risk and other applications, where knowledge of soil moisture is essential.

How to cite: Buri, P., Ayala, Á., McCarthy, M., Fatichi, S., Brun, P., Karger, D., Chen, L., and Pellicciotti, F.: High-resolution soil moisture reanalysis of Switzerland (2016-2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18836,, 2025.

EGU25-18894 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Local landscape morphology controls soil temperature and moisture dynamics at an alpine treeline ecotone 

Kerstin Diederich, Stephen Boahen Asabere, Michael Klinge, Daniel Schwindt, Georg Guggenberger, and Daniela Sauer

Global warming is particularly pronounced in mountainous alpine regions like the Swiss Alps, with consequences on local to global ecosystems. Within alpine regions, the climatically sensitive treeline ecotone is situated between the timberline, where the forest canopy is connected, and the unvegetated alpine zone. This ecotone is comprised mostly of shrubs and grasses, with smaller trees. The treeline ecotone is thus characterized by marked small-scale spatial variability in landform, rock, soil, and vegetation, making it challenging for generalizing and modelling landscape changes. In this regard, highly resolved spatial and temporal landscape assessment is of utmost importance in assessing the response of such sensitive, yet, dynamic ecotones to global warming.

Here, we investigate how the amount of solar radiation and temporal extent of snow cover influence soil temperature and moisture at two topographical positions: (i) depression and (ii) ridge. We hypothesized that topographical features, as well as soil composition are key factors influencing soil moisture dynamics, and thermal exchange. These two sites were selected within a single landform on a glacially shaped alpine meadow to minimize the effect of other ecosystem factors that were not of interest to this study. Geophysical measurements were used to characterize the subsurface structure of the landform between the two sites. A soil profile up to a depth of 80 cm at the depression and 50 cm at the ridge was opened, described and sampled. Each profile was further equipped with microclimate sensors for in-situ measurements of soil temperature, moisture, and matric potential over a period of one and a half years. The profile soil samples were analyzed for texture, porosity, and organic matter content.

The results indicated that the extent of snow cover shapes the dynamics of soil temperature and moisture.  The duration of snow cover was substantially influenced by local topography, as observed in snow persisting for four weeks longer in the depression compared to the ridge during summer. This, in turn, affected soil thermal behavior and contributed to a longer growing season on the ridge than in the depression. Temperature and moisture variability were more pronounced on the ridge, with soil temperature interquartile ranges of 0.2°C to 2.4°C in the depression and 0.3°C to 5.4°C on the ridge, highlighting greater temperature variability on the ridge. Similarly, soil moisture content showed unexpected patterns, with a median of 0.38 m³ m⁻³ in the depression and 0.46 m³ m⁻³ on the ridge. This result contrasts with expectations based on the higher clay and silt content in the depression, which typically promotes moisture retention, and merits further examination.

Our findings highlight the critical influence of snow cover and topography on soil temperature and moisture dynamics within the alpine treeline ecotone. Unexpectedly higher moisture levels on the ridge location and pronounced thermal variability emphasize the need to account for localized soil and microclimatic interactions. These results underscore the challenges in generalizing ecosystem responses to climate change and the importance of small-scale assessments in sensitive alpine landscapes.

How to cite: Diederich, K., Asabere, S. B., Klinge, M., Schwindt, D., Guggenberger, G., and Sauer, D.: Local landscape morphology controls soil temperature and moisture dynamics at an alpine treeline ecotone, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18894,, 2025.

EGU25-19175 | ECS | Posters on site | HS8.3.1

Effect of soil structure on vadose zone hydrology in the ORCHIDEE land surface model 

Filip Kiałka, Omar Flores, Kim Naudts, Sebastiaan Luyssaert, and Bertrand Guenet

Soil structure is nearly as important as soil texture in determining the soil hydraulic properties at the core scale. Soil structure was also shown to significantly affect runoff and drainage at ecosystem scale (Fatichi et al., 2020; Bonetti et al., 2021). However, its effect on vadose zone hydrology at 100 km scale — at which climate and land surface models are often run — remains unclear. Seminal works (Fatichi et al., 2020; Bonetti et al., 2021) found a small effect of soil structure at these large scales, but this has been linked to the nature of the subgrid parametrization of precipitation (or of soil hydraulic conductivity) in the employed models. Here, we evaluate the effect of soil structure on vadose zone hydrology in the ORCHIDEE land surface model, which models infiltration using a unique subgrid parametrization of soil hydraulic conductivity (Vereecken et al., 2019). In ORCHIDEE, we find a larger effect of soil structure on the water cycle than reported for OLAM (Fatichi et al., 2020). We link this to the subgrid variability of hydraulic conductivity in ORCHIDEE, which ensures that the structural modifications of soil hydraulic properties are activated at all rainfall rates. Finally, we discuss the perspectives for parametrizing the structural modifications of soil hydraulic properties at large scales using soil moisture observations.

Bonetti, S., Wei, Z., & Or, D. (2021). A framework for quantifying hydrologic effects of soil structure across scales. Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (1), 1–10.

Fatichi, S., Or, D., Walko, R., Vereecken, H., Young, M. H., Ghezzehei, T. A., Hengl, T., Kollet, S., Agam, N., & Avissar, R. (2020). Soil structure is an important omission in Earth System Models. Nature Communications, 11 (1), 522.

Vereecken, H., Weihermüller, L., Assouline, S., Šimůnek, J., Verhoef, A., Herbst, M., Archer, N., Mohanty, B., Montzka, C., Vanderborght, J., Balsamo, G., Bechtold, M., Boone, A., Chadburn, S., Cuntz, M., Decharme, B., Ducharne, A., Ek, M., Garrigues, S., … Xue, Y. (2019). Infiltration from the Pedon to Global Grid Scales: An Overview and Outlook for Land Surface Modeling. Vadose Zone Journal, 18 (1), 180191.

How to cite: Kiałka, F., Flores, O., Naudts, K., Luyssaert, S., and Guenet, B.: Effect of soil structure on vadose zone hydrology in the ORCHIDEE land surface model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19175,, 2025.

Modeling soil hydraulic processes requires robust and stable numerical solutions, also when computational resources are limited. Different challenging problems like sudden changes of pressure or fluxes at the boundary of the model domain or very dry initial conditions are challenges for standard numerical solution methods such low-order finite difference and finite element methods. The Method of Lines approach is proven to achieve numerical robustness and stability while allowing the handling of different complex soil hydraulic models for one-dimensional problems. To be applicable in a wide range of scenarios the method should also be easily extensible. Here the Method Of Lines approach is shown to enable the handling of different complex soil hydraulic models, the modification of Richards' equation to consider non-equilibrium effects and the extension with a lateral flow model to form a combined 1.5D hillslope model.


A slightly modified Method of Lines approach is used to solve the pressure based 1D Richards' equation. A finite differencing scheme is applied to the spatial derivative and the resulting system of ordinary differential equations is reformulated as differential-algebraic system of equations. The open-source code IDAS from the Sundials suite is used to solve the DAE system. To show the broad applicability of the method, several successful use cases are presented. These range from the inclusion of more complex soil hydraulic models to be able to consider hystersis effects and dual-permeability flow over the extension of Richards' equation to model non-equilibrium unsaturated flow to linking the Richards' equation with the Boussinesq lateral flow equation to form an efficient 1.5-D hillslope model.


The results show that the Method of Lines approach for solving Richards' equation satisfies the required conditions of numerical robustness and stability and allows for easily including new processes and a wider set of applications.

How to cite: Mietrach, R., Schütze, N., and Wöhling, T.: A robust solution to Richards' equation with use cases in complex soil hydraulic models, non-equilibrium unsaturated flow in soil and model coupling using the Method Of Lines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19458,, 2025.

SSS7 – Soil Pollution and Reclamation

Groundwater represents an important source for water supply in Mfou, Centre Region Cameroon. Increase in population has caused a shortage in availability of portable water; hence majority of the population depends on groundwater tapped through wells, boreholes and springs. Although this helps to meet their needs, the quality of water from these sources is unknown by the consumers. This study aimed at assessing the physicochemical and bacteriological quality of groundwater in Mfou, was done in order to determine the impact of anthropogenic pressure on water and to measure the health risks on users. A total of 23 wells and 4 boreholes were sampled in April 2022 which corresponds to the minor rainy season. Microbiological analyses comprised the prevalence of total coliforms (TCs), Escherichia coli, fecal coliform, Streptococcus spp, Salmonella spp,  shigella spp, vibrio spp and staphylococcus spp. Physico-chemical parameters including temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDSs), salinity, dissolved O2 were measured to characterize these waters. The results showed variation of pH from 3.52-6.81, temperature 24.04-27.4°C, electrical conductivity 24-361 μS/cm, dissolved O2 27.1-61.9% mg/l, TDSs and Salinity from, 15-176 mg/l and 10.2-97.3ppm respectively. Results of specific Microbes isolated (Total Fecal Coliforms) / colony forming units/ml, reveals Total coliform Enterobacteria spp. (3-200), Total feacal coliform E. Coli (1-70), Streptococcus spp(02-05) Salmonella spp(1-22) Shigella spp(2-4)  Staphylococus spp(2-20) Vibrio spp.(0) Comparing results with WHO standards reveals, about 40% were not good for direct consumption as they were contaminated with one or more bacteria. The water contamination would be the consequence of the closeness of boreholes to latrines and domestic wastes dumping sites. There is a need to educate the population on the water quality, the importance of clean and healthy surroundings near water sources and also common treatment methods to improve the water quality and reduce waterborne diseases.


Keywords: Groundwater, quality assessment, biophysicochemical characterization, health and safety.

How to cite: Felicia, N. M. and Nelson, M. A.: Preliminary results of Biophysicochemical characterization of wells and borehole waters and their health implication, Mfou-Centre Region Cameroon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-807,, 2025.

EGU25-2274 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Cadmium uptake by vegetables in market gardens: investigating between generic and site-specific effects in a field experiment  

Sibylle Comeliau, Jean-Charles Bergen, Pauline Biron, Aurore Houtart, Emilie Marit, Catherine Paquet, and Gilles Colinet

Food safety has become a major concern in Belgium since excessive levels of Cd and Pb were measured in vegetables grown in private and market gardens, even in areas with low soil contaminations. The importance of soil Cd concentration and soil pH in controlling plant uptake is widely recognized. However, achieving a neutral or slightly alkaline pH does not appear to be not sufficient to produce vegetables that comply with European legislation in areas affected by low atmospheric contaminations. Moreover, existing models often struggle to provide satisfactory predictions of measured concentrations in vegetables, especially in field trials and at low to moderate levels of contaminations.

As a cost-effective remediation approach, the addition of amendments has been reported in the literature to mitigate Cd uptake by vegetables. However, some studies have reported contradictory conclusions regarding the effect of the same factor on cadmium uptake by vegetables. This highlights the need for more quantitative research to clarify the interactions between soil characteristics, amendment types, and their combined effects on reducing cadmium bioavailability.

A field experiment was conducted in seven market gardens in the Province of Liège in order to take into account effect of site variability on soil-plant interactions. Past industrial activities in central Belgium were responsible for large atmospheric depositions in the environment, especially along the Meuse – Vesdre valleys. The study sites represented a fairly wide range of soil properties  and moderate levels of contamination (from <1 to 5 of Cd). The effects of two organic amendments, biochar and compost, and lime on soil pH, CaCl2-extractable metals and uptake by Swiss chard and lettuce were studied. Total organic carbon, texture, cation exchange capacity and available nutrients were also quantified for each soil.

After one growing season, no significant effects of organic and lime amendments were observed due to severe drought conditions and the short-term cultivation period. Longer periods of time are needed for amendments to fully interact with the soil as shown by pot experiments. No significant trend in soil content was observed and plant uptake was mainly influenced by initial soil pH. However, soil pH and cadmium content could not fully explain the measured plant concentrations due to site-specific soil-plant functioning.

The influence of soil properties on the efficiency of amendments to control soil-plant transfer requires further investigation to identify the key factors controlling Cd bioavailability, especially in the field. Our latest results in that topic will be presented.

How to cite: Comeliau, S., Bergen, J.-C., Biron, P., Houtart, A., Marit, E., Paquet, C., and Colinet, G.: Cadmium uptake by vegetables in market gardens: investigating between generic and site-specific effects in a field experiment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2274,, 2025.

Gallium (Ga) and indium (In) are metals extensively used in the semiconductor and optoelectronic industries; however, these elements are emerging as environmental contaminants due to improper disposal and industrial effluents, leading to soil and water pollution. Research indicates that Ga and In can influence the mobility of other metals, notably aluminum (Al), in soil environments. Currently, no established methods or standards exist for addressing Ga and In contamination in soils, and their risks and toxic effects on human health and the environment remain unclear. To investigate the bioavailability and ecotoxicity of Ga and In in paddy soils, we established a soil-water-fish exposure system using juvenile medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) as a model organism. Our findings show that the mobility of Ga and In was low in acidic soil with high aluminum content (e.g., Pc soil). However, a significant increase in available Al was observed in Pc soil under high Ga or In contamination levels. In contrast, neutral soil with low Al content (e.g., Su soil) released higher concentrations of soluble Ga into the pore water and overlying water, whereas Pc soil released higher concentrations of soluble In. Juvenile medaka fish exposed to Pc soil contaminated with high levels of Ga or In exhibited increased mortality rates, and their growth and swimming behaviors were altered. Conversely, fish exposed to contaminated Su soil showed lower toxic effects. These findings suggest that Ga and In contamination in paddy soils with differing properties can cause varying toxic effects on aquatic organisms, potentially disrupting the ecological balance of paddy ecosystems under long-term exposure.

How to cite: Chen, P.-J. and Lan, L.-S.: Assessing bioavailability and toxicity of technology critical elements Ga and In in the contaminated paddy soils via the soil-water-fish system , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2331,, 2025.

EGU25-2494 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

From Contaminant to Current: Enhancing Large Scale Microbial Fuel Cells for Groundwater Remediation 

Tobias Junginger, Lucas Tardio Ascarrunz, Azariel Ruiz Valencia, Timothy Vogel, Laura Hasberg, Claus Haslauer, and Simon Kleinknecht

The demand for energy-efficient groundwater remediation technologies has driven interest in Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) as a dual solution for contaminant degradation and energy production. Although laboratory-scale MFC studies have explored the interaction between microorganisms and electrode materials, the scalability of these systems for real-world applications in heterogeneous environments remains understudied. This study presents a highly controlled and monitored field-scale MFC design aimed at optimizing power output within a 1 x 1 x 6 m flow-through tank filled with porous medium and contaminated with diesel fuel. The system utilizes stainless steel electrodes with and without activated carbon filling and anaerobic bacteria to convert diesel into electrical energy through bioelectrochemical processes.

Experimental parameters—including water conductivity, flow rate, and dissolved oxygen—were held constant, while electrode material, spacing, and external resistance were systematically varied to assess their effects on power enhancement. Stainless steel electrodes emerged as the most efficient, with activated carbon reaching stable power output faster than other materials. The optimized configuration generated a stable power output of 1.1 W, coupled with an estimated degradation of 800 mg of diesel over 173 days. Additionally, microbial analysis indicated that exoelectrogenic bacteria adapted to sustain higher power generation without altering environmental conditions adversely.

This work demonstrates that electrode material and spatial arrangement are key to improving MFC power output and therefore remediation efficiencies in field-scale settings. The results advance the potential of MFCs as a sustainable technology for groundwater remediation and renewable energy generation, bridging the gap between lab-scale experimentation and practical environmental applications.

How to cite: Junginger, T., Tardio Ascarrunz, L., Ruiz Valencia, A., Vogel, T., Hasberg, L., Haslauer, C., and Kleinknecht, S.: From Contaminant to Current: Enhancing Large Scale Microbial Fuel Cells for Groundwater Remediation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2494,, 2025.

EGU25-6496 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Modelling of Predicted Environmental Concentration of Copper Contaminated Leachate in Sandy Soils using HYDRUS-2D 

Tamás Magyar, Neha Neha, Charuni Sewwandi, Florence Alexandra Tóth, and Péter Tamás Nagy

Modelling the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) of heavy metals in soils is of a paramount importance for several reasons. On the one hand, these inorganic pollutants can pose a significant health risk to living organisms, as they are toxic and poisonous at low concentrations. Moreover, they can be presented in the soil for a long period of time, taken up by plants, thus entering the food chain. On the other hand, properly parameterised and validated models can provide a good basis for environmental risk assessment resulting in the development of more efficient remediation strategies. Nowadays, hydrodynamic models are able to simulate the interactions of different pollutants, soil and water, and the transport of solutes. In addition, these models can take into account the physical and hydraulic properties of the soil layers, the amount and distribution of precipitation, and the physical and chemical properties of the pollutants, which can be used to predict the environmental concentration of heavy metals in the soils with a greater accuracy.

A 2D model was built in HYDRUS software for the long-term prediction of the environmental concentration of copper based on the data of the previously surveyed soil profiles (loamy sand) in the city of Debrecen, Hungary. The database of the Hungarian Meteorological Service was used to retrieve daily precipitation data for the period 2012-2020 (approx. 3000 days). After setting up the boundary conditions of the 10×20 m domain, observation nodes were assigned to different depths: 0 m (soil surface), 0.5 m, 1 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m and 20 m. Firstly, the model was used to investigate the mobility of copper in sandy soils, considering the application of a theoretical copper contaminated leachate with the concentration of 1 mgL-1 on the soil surface. The soil adsorption coefficient was set to 4×10-7 m3g-1, while the diffusion coefficient in water was 6.33×10-5 m2day-1. The specific quantity of the leachate applied on the soil surface was chosen to be 100 Lm-2. Then, three different scenarios were made: 1) single contamination (once, on the first day), 2) regular contamination (once a month for a year), 3) continuous contamination (every day for a month).

The model results showed that the concentration of copper exceeded the contamination threshold (200 μgL-1) at depths between 0-1.5 m during the first 50 days of the studied period in case of the single contamination. In deeper layers, the predicted environmental concentration of the copper was below the contamination threshold. In case of the regular copper contamination scenario, it was observed that almost a year is needed to decrease the contamination level below the threshold at the depths between 0-1.5 m. Deeper soil layers experienced the copper contamination with a substantial delay. The continuous copper contamination scenario resulted in a peak concentration of the copper with 1mgL-1 at the depths between 0-5 m within a month.

The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008 project.

How to cite: Magyar, T., Neha, N., Sewwandi, C., Tóth, F. A., and Nagy, P. T.: Modelling of Predicted Environmental Concentration of Copper Contaminated Leachate in Sandy Soils using HYDRUS-2D, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6496,, 2025.

EGU25-7502 | Orals | SSS7.5

Mitigating the effects of food safety regulation on cadmium in cacao – where do we stand? 

Mirjam Pulleman and the Clima-LoCa project team

Food safety regulation on cadmium (Cd) in cocoa has led to new challenges for cocoa producers and supply chain actors. This is especially the case in the Andean countries of South America, where naturally elevated levels of Cd in soils are common, although with strong variations across and within cocoa growing areas. The combination of natural soil conditions, and the affinity of cacao trees for Cd, are the main reasons explaining the relatively high Cd concentrations in cacao beans.

Our research on Cd in cacao production systems has mainly focused on the following aspects: 1) understanding the spatial variation in Cd in cocoa and soils in cocoa growing areas through digital soil mapping; and 2) identifying soil management practices that can effectively lower cadmium uptake by plants. This presentation will provide an overview of the different research approaches, and how these can be integrated to enhance our understanding of the Cd uptake and mitigation in cocoa production systems. Results have shown that the use of organic and inorganic soil amendments can help to reduce Cd uptake by cacao trees. However, the effects are relatively slow and strongly soil- and amendment- specific, making it challenging to provide clear management recommendations to farmers.

Here we show how the combination of laboratory and pot experiments, field trials and geochemical modelling has been used to advance our understanding of the soil-plant relations affecting Cd accumulation in cocoa. The use of geochemical multi-surface models (MSMs), in combination with lab experiments using different soil amendments, revealed increases in pH as the main mechanism for decreasing Cd availability. We also showed that clay may represent a prompt buffer of Cd taken up by plants, thus reducing the effectiveness of soil amendments. Based on our work so far, we explain the often ambiguous effects of Cd mitigation strategies found in field studies in cacao. Finally, will identify and discuss the most promising strategies for Cd mitigation in cocoa production systems, as well as remaining research gaps.

How to cite: Pulleman, M. and the Clima-LoCa project team: Mitigating the effects of food safety regulation on cadmium in cacao – where do we stand?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7502,, 2025.

EGU25-7564 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

Re-dissolution of Cadmium Sulfide formed by Calcium Polysulfide in the Presence of Dissolved Oxygen 

Sunghee Yoon, Seulki Jeong, and Kyoungphile Nam

 Precipitating cadmium in groundwater as sulfide using calcium polysulfide (CPS) has advantages over hydroxide precipitation, as it is less affected by pH variations and exhibits a lower solubility product constant. However, dissolved oxygen (DO) in groundwater can oxidize the precipitated cadmium sulfide (CdS), leading to its remobilization. From this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the long-term stability of cadmium precipitated by CPS and to elucidate the stabilization mechanisms.

 First, under anoxic conditions, Cd²⁺ (100 mg/L) was completely precipitated as CdS by adding CPS. The precipitates were then oxidized in ambient air in two different conditions: (1) with the supernatant (SN) and (2) without the supernatant (in deionized water, DI). Both conditions were subjected to stirring at 250 rpm to maximize DO contact. After 27 days of exposure, the Cd release was only 4.2% in SN, while in DI, 60.5% of the Cd2+ was re-dissolved, indicating more than 10 times greater dissolution. In addition, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis revealed that the Cd in SN remained consistent with the CdS reference peaks. Based on the measurements of pH, DO, ion chromatography (IC), and zeta potential results, it was concluded that polysulfide (Sx2-) and bisulfide (HS-) in the SN supernatant reacted with DO, preventing CdS oxidation. Moreover, the formation of elemental sulfur (S0) from Sx2- and HS- oxidation contributed to physical sequestration, which inhibited the dissolution of CdS. The experiments were conducted under higher DO levels than typical groundwater, creating a more oxidative environment. Thus, our research suggests that CPS could effectively stabilize cadmium in groundwater, with minimal risk of remobilization under the presence of DO.

How to cite: Yoon, S., Jeong, S., and Nam, K.: Re-dissolution of Cadmium Sulfide formed by Calcium Polysulfide in the Presence of Dissolved Oxygen, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7564,, 2025.

EGU25-7603 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Soil Remediation Technologies: The Case of Janghang Songrim Forest 

Sumi Kim, Jooyoung Park, and Kyoungphile Nam

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a systematic method of evaluating the environmental impacts of an entire process, will be employed in this study to compare four soil remediation scenarios. In this study, we apply LCA on the Janghang Songrim Forest in South Korea, a site contaminated by arsenic from historical smelting operations. The environmental impacts of soil remediation techniques are critical in selecting sustainable methods for contaminated sites. A thorough understanding of these impacts enables the identification of the most environmentally responsible strategies for site restoration. We examine four techniques, in-situ solidification/stabilization using iron oxide injection, excavation & refill, soil washing, and the combined approach reflecting actual on-site practices implemented on the site around 2010. The assessment is performed with Simapro software using ReCiPe2016 impact assessment method, supported by data from field measurements, Ecoinvent database, relevant literature, and site-specific information from the Janghang Songrim Forest. This study models and assesses the environmental trade-offs of each remediation scenario from a cradle-to-gate perspective, analyzing every stage from material extraction and transportation to remediation processes. The comparative analysis aims to guide future decisions on sustainable soil remediation by identifying low impact, effective techniques for sites with similar contamination profiles. The goal of this study is to conduct a comparative assessment of the environmental impacts of four remediation methods especially focusing on greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, and effect on human health. Although the results are based on a case in Janghang Songrim Forest, we intend to extend this approach to propose pathways for enhancing low-impact technologies informed by the results.

How to cite: Kim, S., Park, J., and Nam, K.: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Soil Remediation Technologies: The Case of Janghang Songrim Forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7603,, 2025.

With global sewage sludge production projected to surge to 68 million tons by 2050 from the current 45 million tons of dry solids, the need for effective management is more pressing than ever. The complex composition of sewage sludge, particularly the presence of heavy metals (HMs), poses significant challenges for sustainable management. The improper handling of this metal-laden sludge can lead to HMs entering various trophic levels of the ecosystem, including humans and animals. Therefore, the removal of HMs from the sludge is a critical step before direct land application. The current study evaluated the potential of removing HMs (Cu, Fe, and Zn) from two different types of sludge samples. The municipal and industrial sludge samples were collected from the Nesapakkam Sewage Treatment Plant (NSTP) and Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP), Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, India, respectively. Bioleaching studies were carried out at a reactor working volume of 150 mL, and dry sludge (2 % (w/v)). The initial concentration of Cu, Fe, and Zn in the MSTP and CETP raw sludge were 304.91 mg/kg and 184.21 mg/kg; 2211.86 mg/kg and 1127.84 mg/kg; and 709.47 mg/kg and 476.71 mg/kg, respectively. The removal efficiencies of Cu, Fe, and Zn were 72.12 % and 67 %, 79.70 % and 77.98 %, and 89.01 % and 86.34 % for NSTP and CETP sludge, respectively. After bioleaching, the concentration of Cu (85.02 and 60.79 mg/kg), Fe (449.07 mg/kg and 248.4 mg/kg), and Zn (79.58 mg/kg and 65.10 mg/kg) in the treated sludge were within the permissible limit of Indian Standards for both types of sludge, making it safer for further disposal. Furthermore, chemical fractionation using the Sequential Extraction Procedure could be carried out to find the bioavailability of all three metals and the potential reasons behind different removal of the metals for both types of sludge samples. This study reveals that the proposed bioleaching process using sulphur-oxidizing bacteria effectively removes HMs, and produces sludge with reduced metal toxicity, thereby helping in sustainable sludge management.

How to cite: Pooja, P. and Philip, L.: Bioleaching and Chemical Fractionation of Heavy Metals from Municipal and Industrial Dewatered Sewage Sludge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9260,, 2025.

EGU25-9548 | Orals | SSS7.5

Estimation of spatial extent of mature hydrocarbon contamination in the subsoli: the Trecate case study. 

Giorgio Cassiani, Alberto Godio, Paolo Ciampi, Jacopo Boaga, Luca Peruzzo, Mirko Pavoni, and Alberto Carrera

The characterization of contaminated sites is composed of both the definition of the regions impacted by contamination and by the pathways that can transport this contamination offsite thus substantiating the risk of contact with possible receptors. Both goals may benefit from the application of non-invasive techniques, provided that solid relationships are established between the geophysically-measured quantities (e.g. electrical conductivity) and the state variables of interest, being them related to water presence and flow (for pathway characterization) or to contaminant presence. The latter is by far the most challenging aspect of non-invasive characterization of contaminated sites. The reason is twofold: (a) the physical signal induced by the presence of contaminant is usually very small per se, and (b) spatial and temporal variations of geophysical parameters in the subsurface may be linked to other factors than contamination itself, such as lithology and hydrological state of the system. Therefore, in order to exploit the information content of geophysical data, ancillary information is needed, relevant to both the spatial heterogeneity in lithology and hydrogeological state and to the contamination state, where measured. The advantage of geophysics, however, lies in its capability of providing high-resolution spatial coverage, potentially in 3D, thus zoning reliably the different portions of the subsurface, including contaminated versus uncontaminated, and avoiding the pitfalls of insufficient spatial sampling, typical of direct investigations: spatial aliasing in geophysical data is minimal, as opposed to its being the norm in direct investigations. A combination of direct and non-invasive investigations is thus optimal. In this contribution we describe the spatial mapping of contamination at a well-known contaminated site in Trecate, NW Italy, which was affected in 1994 by crude oil contamination. Ever since, in-depth analyses of extensive data have shown how a correlation exists between residual oil contamination in the smear zone and a measurable increase in electrical conductivity, linked to the biological activity triggered by the carbon source availability. The use of spatially extensive Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) and ERT surveys allows a full detailed mapping of the contamination in the deep vadose zone in correlation with the sparse direct investigation results. This study was developed in the frame of “The Geosciences for Sustainable Development” project (Budget Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca–Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023–2027 C93C23002690001).

How to cite: Cassiani, G., Godio, A., Ciampi, P., Boaga, J., Peruzzo, L., Pavoni, M., and Carrera, A.: Estimation of spatial extent of mature hydrocarbon contamination in the subsoli: the Trecate case study., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9548,, 2025.

EGU25-10076 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

A Comparative Evaluation of Magnetite Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite and Zero-Valent Iron for Arsenic Removal from Water 

Omar A. I. M. Elkawefi, Sarp Çelebi, Acar Şenol, S. Sevinç Şengör, Gülay Ertaş, and Kahraman Ünlü

Arsenic is one of the most common toxic heavy metals that is found in groundwater, and it is a common contaminant encountered in water resources. Conventionally, Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI) is utilized by various mechanisms for the treatment of arsenic. ZVI is a material characterized as having a high adsorption capacity and availability; characteristics that make it an efficient reactive reagent. In comparison, the rising alternative media based on graphene and its derivative nanomaterials, such as magnetite-reduced graphene oxide (MrGO), are less conventionally utilized.  In this study, a comparative evaluation of arsenic treatment from water having different arsenic species and concentrations is carried out using both ZVI and synthesized MrGO to evaluate arsenic removal efficiencies and adsorption capacities. Selected media’s interaction with the contaminant and removal performance of the inorganic arsenic species (As(III) and As(V)) are analyzed in detail, with a focus on the preference and species interaction with the media. Kinetic and equilibrium batch studies of synthesized MRGO and ZVI reactive media are being conducted separately, as well as using several combinations of MrGO and ZVI at differing ratios. Speciation characteristics and adsorption preference of the synthesized nanocomposite media will provide insight into the effective removal of total arsenic and its individual forms for process optimization. This study will also give a broader view of the adsorption mechanism and inorganic arsenic chemistry in the presence of different forms of iron and iron oxides, amongst other environmental factors. Comparative and combinational studies are expected to demonstrate the potential of MrGO for arsenic adsorption as a supporting material that can easily be implemented in existing conventional infrastructure in order to achieve more efficient and higher arsenic removal rates.

How to cite: Elkawefi, O. A. I. M., Çelebi, S., Şenol, A., Şengör, S. S., Ertaş, G., and Ünlü, K.: A Comparative Evaluation of Magnetite Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite and Zero-Valent Iron for Arsenic Removal from Water, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10076,, 2025.

EGU25-10187 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Removal of uranium from groundwater by bone powder 

Beatriz Carbonell Barrios, Elena Torres Álvarez, Antonio Garralón Lafuente, Ana María Melón Sánchez, and María Jesús Turrero Jiménez

Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRB) is a promising technology for groundwater decontamination. U-contaminated sites by activities related to nuclear fuel cycle are a problem of increasing regulatory concern. Much effort has been devoted to the development of cost-effective solutions for site clean-up. The use of phosphate-based materials, such as hydroxyapatite (HAP), have proved to be an effective alternative for the remediation of uranium-contaminated groundwater. The use of phosphates is particularly advantageous due to their environmental compatibility, cost-effectiveness, and long-term stability under subsurface conditions. The application of phosphate-based technologies has been explored under different environmental conditions and at different scales, ranging from laboratory-scale experiments to field trials.

The goal of this study was to determine sorption characteristics of animal bone for uranium removal. For that purpose, isotherm batch tests were conducted for 7 days under room conditions, using adsorbent dosages of 1, 2 and 3 g/l. Water with an average uranium concentration of 5 ± 1 ppm was used for the tests. This value tries to reflect the U values measured in mining areas, which show a great variability related to the evolution of each natural system. Factors affecting the adsorption, such as adsorbent dosage or reaction time, were evaluated. Prior to testing, the animal bone was pretreated to remove organic matter. After cleaning with a hydrogen peroxide solution, the bone was crushed and sieved to a particle size of less than 50 µm to improve its sorption capacity. Uranium concentration in solution was measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). According to the results obtained, U-removal efficiencies calculated for 1, 2 and 3 gsorbent/l were 98.4%, 99.5% and 99.8%, respectively.

Uranium sorption on bone powder seems to reach equilibrium within the first 60 minutes of reaction, pointing to a fast sorption kinetics.  Langmuir and Freundlich equations were used to describe the adsorption mechanism. The maximum adsorption capacity (Qmax) according to Langmuir model was found to be 8.39 mg/g. Kinetic data of bone powder are in good agreement with a pseudo-second-order kinetic model, showing high performance of uranium removal within 5 min.

In order to elucidate the U-retention mechanisms, a complete physicochemical and microstructural characterization of the bone powder before and after reaction was performed. Animal bone powder seems to be a crystalline mesoporous solid with a mean pore size of 14 nm. According to FTIR analysis, characteristic absorption bands corresponding to carbonate and phosphate functional groups were centred at 1418 and 1455 cm-1, in the case of carbonate, and 470, 562-605, 961 and 1031 cm−1 for phosphate. These results confirm the presence of phosphate groups (e.g. from hydroxyapatite) and some carbonate. U (VI) is easily removed from aqueous solution due to its high affinity for phosphates.

Based on the results obtained, bone powder exhibited advantageous features towards uranium adsorption, since its high phosphate content facilities U removal, which is fast and greater that 99% according to the tests performed.

How to cite: Carbonell Barrios, B., Torres Álvarez, E., Garralón Lafuente, A., Melón Sánchez, A. M., and Turrero Jiménez, M. J.: Removal of uranium from groundwater by bone powder, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10187,, 2025.

EGU25-10863 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Sustainable biobarriers for soil protection– rehabilitation and recycling 

Teresa Tavares and António Brito

Illegal industrial discharges of heavily contaminated effluents are of great concern as they occur under uncontrolled conditions. In most cases these effluents are very acidic, a cocktail of organic and/or inorganic molecules, eventually with high concentrations of heavy metals. This project aims the design of sustainable permeable biobarriers, defined by fungal and bacterial biofilms supported on low-cost materials as natural zeolites or residues of agro-forestry activities to be applied in environmental restoration and to reintroduce the used elements/molecules into the circular economy processes.

The present study is focused on soil protection by permeable barriers made of 13X zeolite or vermiculite, supporting a fungal isolate collected near a river basin, genetically typed by DNA sequencing and identified as belonging to the Alternaria alternata species. These matrices were tested to retain chromium and lead and were investigated at different sorbent dosages, pH and initial metal concentration.

Batch equilibrium and kinetic sorption experiments were performed using both metals solutions, with concentrations among 50 mg L-1 and 200 mg L-1, at pH 2 and 5, between 2 h and 288 h. To evaluate the sorption equilibrium, eight isotherm models were fitted. Better adjustments were observed for the Redlich-Peterson and the Khan models, for the adsorption of chromium (R2 = 0.99) and of lead (R2 = 0.99), respectively. The sorption kinetics was evaluated using three models – Elovich, Pseudo first order and an empirical power function. The retention of lead was almost instantaneous and the empirical power function described better the sorption kinetics of chromium (0.89 < R2 < 0.99). In addition, flow experiments were performed with effluents of both metals (50 mg L-1) at pH 2 and 5, for about 90 h. Results revealed a high retention of chromium, and a weak retention of lead, for low pH values. FTIR analyses to the columns samples revealed that clay minerals have an important role in the retention of both metals.

How to cite: Tavares, T. and Brito, A.: Sustainable biobarriers for soil protection– rehabilitation and recycling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10863,, 2025.

EGU25-11401 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Capacity of Agricultural Soils for the Simultaneous Adsorption of Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, and Azithromycin 

Raquel Cela Dablanca, Ainoa Míguez González, Ana Barreiro, Lucía Rodríguez López, Manuel Arias Estévez, Avelino Núñez Delgado, Esperanza Álvarez Rodríguez, and María J. Fernández Sanjurjo

In the last years, the consumption of antibiotics increased significantly and due to their poor absorption in the digestive tract, these antimicrobials are excreted by feces and urine, causing their entry into the environment. β-lactams are the most common antibiotics found in waste and surface water and quinolones are also emerging groups of antibiotics. One of the environmental compartments where these antimicrobials can reach is the soil, due to the use of sewage sludge as fertilizers for agricultural soils. This study aims to determine the capacity of six soils with different physicochemical properties to adsorb three antibiotics, two B-lactams (amoxicillin and cefuroxime) and a quinolone (azithromycin) when added simultaneously and compare it to when they appear individually. For this purpose, batch experiments were carried out, adding increasing concentrations (0; 2.5; 5; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50 µmol L-1) of the three antibiotics into 2 grams of soil. Finally, the antibiotic concentration in equilibrium solution was measured by HPLC-UV.

The results indicated that azithromycin exhibited the highest adsorption values in soils, followed by cefuroxime and lastly amoxicillin. Soil properties can affect the adsorption, it is noted that the ones with higher pH adsorbed more azithromycin and cefuroxime. However, in the case of amoxicillin, the opposite occurs, with low-pH soils showing the highest adsorption values. Comparing the results obtained when the three antibiotics were added together with those observed when they were added individually, amoxicillin adsorption by soils increased in presence of cefuroxime and azithromycin, ranged the percentages from 49% to 76% in simple system and from 44% to 88% in ternary system. However, the adsorption of the other two decreased when added simultaneously, indicating the existence of competition between them. In the case of cefuroxime, adsorption percentages oscillated between 79% and 99% in simple system and between 43% and 96% in ternary system and for azithromycin, in simple system the adsorption percentage was 100% in all cases, while in ternary system these values oscillated between 42% and 100%. Adsorption results were adjusted to Freundlich and Linear models and five out of six soils studied achieved a good adjustment, since they presented R2>0.9. Regarding desorption, amoxicillin was the antibiotic which presented the higher desorption values, reaching values of up to 7.68% (simple system) and 29.21% (ternary system) for the highest concentration of antibiotic added. In the case of cefuroxime, the maximum desorption reached 8% (simple system) and 3% (ternary system) and azithromycin presented null desorption in the most cases. In conclusion, amoxicillin was the only antibiotic favoured by the presence of the other two antibiotics, as an increase in adsorption was observed. However, desorption also increased, indicating that the formed bonds are weaker.

How to cite: Cela Dablanca, R., Míguez González, A., Barreiro, A., Rodríguez López, L., Arias Estévez, M., Núñez Delgado, A., Álvarez Rodríguez, E., and Fernández Sanjurjo, M. J.: Capacity of Agricultural Soils for the Simultaneous Adsorption of Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, and Azithromycin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11401,, 2025.

EGU25-12245 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Simultaneous Adsorption of Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime and Azithromycin onto Natural Bioadsorbents: Mussel Shell, Pine Bark and Ash 

Esperanza Alvarez-Rodríguez, Raquel Cela-Dablanca, Ainoa Míguez-González, Ana Barreiro, Lucía Rodríguez-López, Manuel Arias-Estevez, Avelino Nuñez-Delgado, and María J. Fernández-Sanjujo

The discovery of antibiotics represented an important advance, reducing significantly the mortality from infectious diseases. However, the increase in their consumption is leading to the detection of these antimicrobials in different environmental compartments, such as soils and water. Soil often serves as the primary sink for pollutants, but it can also become a source of emissions when its retention capacity is surpassed. Once these emerging contaminants reach the soil, their behaviour will depend on both the properties of the antibiotics and those of the soil. Adsorption has been recognized as a promising technique for the removal of pharmaceuticals. However, some soils have a low capacity to adsorb these contaminants, making it interesting to study the use of low-cost bioadsorbents that can enhance the adsorption capacity of these soils. Previous studies examined the capacity of mussel shell, ash, and pine bark to adsorb antibiotics such as amoxicillin, cefuroxime, and azithromycin. However, how these antibiotics behave when are present simultaneously, as they occur in the environment, has not been studied. This work studies the capacity of the three bioadsorbents mentioned before to adsorb amoxicillin, cefuroxime and azithromycin simultaneously and compare it with the data obtained in simple system (when added individually). Therefore, batch experiments were carried out by adding increasing concentrations of antibiotic (0; 2.5; 5; 10; 20; 30; 40; 50 μmol L-1) into 0.5 grams of bioadsorbent. Finally, the antibiotic concentration in equilibrium solution was measured by HPLC-UV.
The results obtained showed that when the three antibiotics were added together, ash adsorbed 100% of them, while in the simple system these percentages decreased up to 89.7%, 98.56% and 28.25% for amoxicillin, cefuroxime and azithromycin respectively. In the case of mussel shell, the opposite effect occurs, adsorption was lower when three antibiotics were added together, decreasing the percentages (when 50 μmol L-1 were added) from 48.15% to 46.86% in the case of amoxicillin, from 76.65% to 40.89% for cefuroxime and from 55.82% to 26.79% for azithromycin. Finally, in the case of pine bark, amoxicillin adsorption was
significantly higher in the ternary system (85.33%) compared to the simple system (29.38%). However, for cefuroxime and azithromycin, adsorption was higher in the simple system than in the ternary system, ranging from 58.59% to 46.68% for cefuroxime and from 36.58% to 0% for azithromycin. Adsorption data were adjusted to Linear and Freundlich model, but only mussel shell obtained a good adjustment (R2>0.9) for both models. Regarding desorption, cefuroxime and azithromycin desorption was significantly lower in ternary system than in simple system while for amoxicillin occurs the opposite, being the desorption higher in ternary system. It is observed that mussel shell exhibited desorption values below 12% in all cases, while these values reached 59% for pine bark with cefuroxime in the simple system and up to 91% for ash with azithromycin, also in the simple system. However, in ternary system, desorption is lower than 4% in most cases. In conclusion, ash was the best bioadsorbent to retain the three antibiotics simultaneously.

How to cite: Alvarez-Rodríguez, E., Cela-Dablanca, R., Míguez-González, A., Barreiro, A., Rodríguez-López, L., Arias-Estevez, M., Nuñez-Delgado, A., and Fernández-Sanjujo, M. J.: Simultaneous Adsorption of Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime and Azithromycin onto Natural Bioadsorbents: Mussel Shell, Pine Bark and Ash, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12245,, 2025.

EGU25-12443 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Adsorption/Desorption and competition of amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and trimethoprim on the sites of three bioadsorbents. 

Ainoa Míguez González, Raquel Cela Dablanca, Ana Barreiro, Lucía Rodríguez López, Manuel Arias Estévez, Avelino Núñez Delgado, Esperanza Álvarez Rodríguez, and María J. Fernández Sanjurjo

Antibiotics are essential for treating infectious diseases in humans, animals, and plants, but their massive use in recent decades, together with their low absorption by the body, has led to their presence in water and soil, representing a serious threat to human health and ecosystems. The main risks include the proliferation of resistant bacteria, ecotoxicity, and their incorporation into the food chain. The average total consumption of systemic antibacterial agents in Europe in 2022 was estimated at 17.8 daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants per day in hospitals, with a very similar value for consumption outside hospitals. Up to 90% of ingested antibiotics are excreted through feces and urine, accumulating in slurry pits or sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants. Once in the soil, these compounds can degrade, leach, or be retained, preventing their transfer to water and plants. However, these processes depend on the properties of the soil and the antibiotic. The adsorption method, as an environmental control of these drugs, is the one that presents the most advantages since it is simple, low-cost, highly efficient, non-polluting, and renewable. Consequently, this work is going to study the retention capacity of two forestry residues (pine bark and oak ash) and one food residue (mussel shell) to retain three antibiotics widely used in human medicine (amoxicillin, trimethoprim, and ciprofloxacin). Batch-type experiments were conducted, adding increasing concentrations (0–400 µmol/L) of the three antibiotics in both single (individual) and binary systems, that is, two at a time in all combinations. Additionally, the adsorption results were fitted to the Freundlich isotherms.

The results show that in all systems, simple and binary, ash is the most effective for adsorbing amoxicillin (with rates close to 100% in competitive systems), and there is virtually no desorption, indicating its suitability as an adsorbent for this drug. Pine bark retains almost the entire amount of ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim added in all cases and desorbs very little trimethoprim (desorption rate lower than 5% for all added concentrations of trimethoprim and below 20% for the two highest added concentrations of ciprofloxacin), making it an interesting adsorbent for trimethoprim and ciprofloxacin (the latter at high doses). Although ash and mussel shells also adsorb a high proportion of ciprofloxacin (adsorption rates higher than 50%), desorption is high, especially at low added doses, meaning that ash and mussel shells could be used for higher doses. In general, for all antibiotics and systems, the least suitable bioadsorbent is the shell due to the high desorption rates it exhibits. The results suggest a limited competition between the three antibiotics for the adsorption sites of the bioadsorbents; conversely, it is more common to observe a synergistic effect of ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim on amoxicillin in the case of the pine bark, and of amoxicillin on ciprofloxacin and trimethoprim in ash. The results showed a good fit to the Freundlich isotherms, with an R² greater than 0.92 in all cases.

How to cite: Míguez González, A., Cela Dablanca, R., Barreiro, A., Rodríguez López, L., Arias Estévez, M., Núñez Delgado, A., Álvarez Rodríguez, E., and Fernández Sanjurjo, M. J.: Adsorption/Desorption and competition of amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and trimethoprim on the sites of three bioadsorbents., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12443,, 2025.

EGU25-12551 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

Institutional, legal and financial contexts to restoration of contaminated soils in the European Union (EU) 

Teodora Todorcic Vekic, Robert B. Menson, Jenny Norrman, Lars Rosen, and Linda Maring

Title: Institutional, legal and financial contexts to restoration of contaminated soils in the European Union (EU)

Authors: Teodora Todorcic Vekic1, Robert B. Menson1, Jenny Norrman1, Lars Rosen1, Linda Maring2

1Chalmers University of Technology, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Engineering Geology, Gothenburg, Sweden

2Deltares, PoBox 85467, 3508 AL Utrecht, The Netherlands



In order to meet both the short- and long-term objectives of the European Union’s Soil Strategy, remediation of contaminated soils is necessary to reduce soil pollution and create a toxic-free environment. Efforts are being made by Member States to remediate contaminated sites in their respective countries, but they are often constrained by different institutional, legal and financial contexts, facing very country specific barriers in remediation efforts and later reuse of contaminated sites.

In this study we discuss technical, financial, social, institutional and economic barriers that EU countries face when remediation of contaminated soils in their respective countries takes place and how they might be overcome. Our study included countries from the EU's Horizon Europe-funded ISLANDR projects consortium: five EU member states (Finland, France, Netherlands, Cyprus, and Poland) and one non-member state (Kosovo). Specific case studies of remediation examples from consortium countries were used to provide further insight of present contexts and frameworks when put in practice. Data on barriers countries face and possible solutions to overcome those barriers were collected through series of interviews, workshops and surveys of consortium members and relevant actors. Barriers were listed into 11 categories, including: planning, communication, stakeholder involvement, experts, policy and legislation, political barriers, costs, taxation, risk assessment and liability, enablers/drivers, site ownership, mass management and invasive species. Most commonly identified barriers to remediation of soil for all countries were associated with (1) costs to remediation, (2) weak and incoherent institutional and legal frameworks, (3) lack of interest (no urge to anticipate cessation of use) and (4) uncertainty in the planning process and subsequently costs for redevelopment and maintenance. Implementing (i) increase of investments in research and development, (ii) initiation and implementation of subsidies, tax reductions and loans schemes for developers, (iii) connecting remediation to urban planning areas according to soil quality and soil health were found to be primary measures to overcome identified barriers for a more sustainable soil management across Europe.

This study highlights the importance of collaborative efforts that countries can employ to establish or update their existing institutional, legal and financial framework(s) for remediation of contaminated sites in the EU, depending on their respective levels of institutional advancement.


Key words: brownfields, soil policy, governance

How to cite: Todorcic Vekic, T., Menson, R. B., Norrman, J., Rosen, L., and Maring, L.: Institutional, legal and financial contexts to restoration of contaminated soils in the European Union (EU), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12551,, 2025.

EGU25-13138 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Background values and bioaccessibility of PTEs in beaches of the Mar Menor, SE Spain.   

Carmen Pérez-Sirvent, Maria Jose Martínez Sanchez, Lucia Belen Martinez Martinez, Carmen Hernandez Perez, Manuel Hernandez Cordoba, Jaume Bech, Maria de los Angeles Esteban, Francisco Guardiola, Lucia Hernández Rodriguez, and Salvadora Martínez Lopez

Coastal areas with a sandy texture, classified as arenosols, are characterised by sediments of marine origin, and support halophilic vegetation and a distinctive ecosystem. These areas are often included in urbanised regions and are popular recreational destinations (e.g. for bathing, games and rest), offering a high level of interaction with people. These environments are susceptible to the effects of marine erosion, which alters the composition of coastal profiles, thus necessitating restoration efforts that utilise materials with granulometries and colours from diverse origins. The regulatory framework governing the quality of sandy materials employed in beach nourishment, irrespective of their provenance, whether continental or marine, is stringent with respect to the content of potential toxic elements (PTEs) and other potential pollutants. However, it is noteworthy that the original beach material may be subject to geogenic or anthropogenic contamination, resulting in elevated levels of PTEs. This poses a health risk to individuals if they remain in contact with the affected sand for extended periods. Consequently, conducting a risk analysis is recommended, as outlined by the USEPA. The bioaccessible values of the PTEs in question should be utilised instead of the total values, as recommended (USEPA, 2004).

The need for a monitoring programme is therefore justified, including the establishment of the geogenic levels of sandy soils and the bioaccessibility of the ETPs, indicating the anomalous areas and their environment of influence.

The Mar Menor, a lagoon of significant tourist and environmental interest located in the south-eastern region of Spain within the Region of Murcia, is a priority focus due to the critical environmental challenges it faces, including the impact of abandoned mining areas in the vicinity.

For this purpose, a sampling was carried out on the coast of the Mar Menor, with a total of 50 samples, establishing the mineralogical groups, the content in PTEs (Pb, Cu, As, Zn, Cd) and obtaining the bioaccessible values.

The methodology employed was analogous to that utilised in the determination of background levels in soils of the Region of Murcia (Martinez Sanchez and Perez Sirvent, 2008), with the exception of the sampling design, which was restricted to the selected area. The results obtained corroborate the primary hypotheses and substantiate the necessity to incorporate underwater samples to validate the implications of pollutant sources. The study also incorporates the transfer to aquatic organisms, such as gastropods and bivalves, which are prevalent in these environments, as they are part of the trophic chain and due to the environmental implications they have.

Mineralogy is a significant factor in the bioaccessibility of PTEs, with calcite being the mineral with the highest percentage of bioaccessibility.


Martínez Sánchez, M.J. and Pérez Sirvent, C., (2007). Niveles de fondo y niveles genéricos de referencia de metales pesados en suelos de la Región de Murcia.  306 pp.

U.S. EPA, RAGS (2004). EPA/540/R/99/005 OSWER 9285.7-02EP PB99-963312.

This study forms part of the ThinkInAzul programme and was supported by MCIU with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1)and by CARM-Fundación Séneca




How to cite: Pérez-Sirvent, C., Martínez Sanchez, M. J., Martinez Martinez, L. B., Hernandez Perez, C., Hernandez Cordoba, M., Bech, J., Esteban, M. D. L. A., Guardiola, F., Hernández Rodriguez, L., and Martínez Lopez, S.: Background values and bioaccessibility of PTEs in beaches of the Mar Menor, SE Spain.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13138,, 2025.

EGU25-13973 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Sustainable restoration of endangered Limonium daveaui Erben: overcoming mining waste and saline soil challenges with soil organic and inorganic amendments  

Maria Manuela Abreu, António Aguilar-Garrido, Patrícia Vidigal, and Ana Delaunay Caperta

This study evaluates the growth and adaptation of the endemic and endangered halophyte Limonium daveaui Erben, native to the Tagus estuary (Portugal), within severely degraded soils from two distinct environments: gossan wastes contaminated with potentially hazardous elements (PHE) from the São Domingos mine, and saline soils from a degraded estuarine area. A microcosm assay was conducted with four substrate treatments: (i) gossan waste, (ii) amended gossan composite soil, (iii) Salic Fluvisol, and (iv) amended Salic Fluvisol. The amendments comprised organic and inorganic waste materials. Results revealed that both untreated gossan waste and saline soil exhibited extreme physicochemical challenges for plant growth, including high salinity, low organic matter, and elevated concentrations of PHE. However, the application of amendments significantly improved soil properties, mitigating these adverse conditions. Enhanced enzymatic activity was observed in amended soils, with enzymatic responses varying by substrate type. In the amended soils, plant biomass (both shoots and roots) doubled, flower production increased significantly, and nutrient cycling was optimized through salt gland activity, which facilitated the excretion of Na without accumulating PHE in salts. Despite these improvements, plants grown in amended gossan soils exhibited levels of As and Pb concentrations in their shoots that exceeded toxic thresholds for plants. These findings highlight the physiological adaptations of halophytes, particularly the role of salt glands in regulating ionic balance and enabling survival in saline and metal(loid)-contaminated environments. The study emphasizes the potential of combining halophyte cultivation with targeted soil amendments as a sustainable strategy for ecological restoration of degraded lands and the conservation of endangered species.

How to cite: Abreu, M. M., Aguilar-Garrido, A., Vidigal, P., and Caperta, A. D.: Sustainable restoration of endangered Limonium daveaui Erben: overcoming mining waste and saline soil challenges with soil organic and inorganic amendments , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13973,, 2025.

Leachate from industrial and municipal solid waste landfills is a complex and unique fluid usually subject to regulatory regimes for characterization and treatment. Due to increasing urbanization and the location of many landfill sites near other industrial sources, it is not always trivial to trace downstream pollution back to a landfill source. In addition, many landfills have insufficient control over the water flowing into and out of the waste body, complicating mass balance calculations. The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the isotope systems of boron (δ11B), strontium (87/86Sr), and dissolved inorganic carbon (δ13C-DIC) as tracers of Norwegian landfill leachate.


The studied isotopic systems were selected based on parameters including types of waste and composition of leachate, local geology, local hydrology, and the presence and type of other nearby pollution sources. In this study, we present the results of more than 15 years of δ13C-DIC measurements at selected Norwegian landfills. We combine these data with δ11B and 87/86Sr measurements of landfill leachate from Norwegian landfills, in combination with measurements from groundwater and freshwater bodies near the landfill sites. We discuss challenges in δ11B determination as well as evaluate the utility of δ11B and 87/86Sr as leachate tracers at the studied sites as supplements to δ13C-DIC. Increased understanding of the behavior of landfill leachate can lead to more targeted remediation measures and a benefit for landfill operators, local communities, and the environment.

How to cite: Schöpke, C. A., Devegowda, V., and Johansen, I.: Identifying Landfill Leachate in Environmental Samples Using a Triple Isotope Approach - δ13C, δ11B and 87/86Sr in Norwegian Landfill Leachate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15794,, 2025.

EGU25-17796 | Posters on site | SSS7.5 | Highlight

Valuing Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Development: Synergies and Economies of Scale in Nature-Based Solutions 

Mariusz Kruczek, Łukasz Pierzchała, and Aleksandra Zgórska

The valuation of ecosystem services (ESS) represents a critical step toward integrating ecological and economic perspectives in sustainable development. This study focuses on the comprehensive monetary assessment of ESS at the life-cycle level, emphasizing their role in enhancing local natural capital and fostering sustainable growth. By analyzing ESS through the lens of their endogenous growth potential, such as ecological value opportunities and green infrastructure development, the research identifies key environmental value chains and explores ecosystem types synergies that contribute to ecological economies of scale. A robust methodological framework underpins this assessment, combining ecotoxicological data with ecosystem service indicators to evaluate their provisioning, regulating, and maintenance capacities. Ecosystem boundaries were delineated, mapped, and categorized to ensure accurate assessments. The study includes the generation of diverse scenarios to estimate the potential beneficiaries and maximum contributions of non-provisioning ESS, expressed per hectare and per year. These analyses are aligned with environmental regulatory benchmarks, ensuring the relevance of the monetary valuation.

Monetization of ESS was achieved through the normalization of prices for identified services at area degradated by heavy industry. A special focus was placed on urban green spaces and construction sites, where land cover types interactions and synergies were examined as drivers of increased ecological and economic benefits. The study also highlights the role of ESS in regulating soil quality, water flow, temperature, and air purification , showcasing their multifaceted contributions to human well-being and environmental resilience. By integrating ecological and economic insights, this research advances the understanding of how nature-based solutions and local natural capital can drive sustainable development. The findings emphasize the importance of ecosystem synergies and tailored monetization approaches to support decision-making in urban planning and environmental policy.

How to cite: Kruczek, M., Pierzchała, Ł., and Zgórska, A.: Valuing Ecosystem Services for Sustainable Development: Synergies and Economies of Scale in Nature-Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17796,, 2025.

EGU25-17943 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Soil Degradation in Combat Zones Over a Decade of War in Ukraine 

Anastasiia Splodytel, Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Magdalena Sut-Lohmann, Christopher Ferguson, and Jannette Carey

Ukraine is a militarily tense region of Europe with devastating consequences for the environment, primarily involving significant soil disturbance. The impact of military operations leads to changes in soil parameters. In the study initiated in 2017, focusing on the occupied territory of southeastern Ukraine and later expanding to include other regions with the onset of the full-scale invasion, we collected and analysed 1,087 soil samples. Each sample, starting from February 2022, was classified based on the intensity of hostilities at the sampling site using open data on conflict intensity and information from local military administrations.

The prevailing assumption that the duration and intensity of hostilities are the primary cause of substantial environmental degradation is not always supported by the evidence.

 This study aimed to evaluate the presence of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and other pollutants in war-affected soils of various land use and to ascertain the correlation between the nature of military impact and the extent of contamination.

A comprehensive analysis of soil pollutants was conducted using a range of analytical techniques, including ICP-MS, ICP-OES (PTEs), high-performance liquid chromatography (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), gas chromatography with electron capture detection (polychlorinated biphenyls) and gravimetric method (hydrocarbons). A selection of samples was also employed to investigate the soil's physical and chemical properties, including electrical conductivity, organic matter content, and pH levels.

The findings of this study demonstrate that the level of soil contamination in war-affected areas does not always directly correlate with the overall duration or intensity of hostilities. In some cases, more severe impacts may have occurred in conflict-affected areas with less intense or shorter-duration hostilities.

Areas with low levels of military activity may exhibit higher contamination levels due to specific characteristics or complex combinations of impact types. For instance, the destruction of industrial facilities (e.g., chemical plants, sewage treatment plants, and fuel depots) often leads to higher levels of contamination compared to areas with higher-intensity hostilities. This results in the formation of military-technogenic geochemical anomalies with varying spectra of explosives and other PTEs.

The analytical data revealed elevated and abnormal concentrations of total phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), nickel (Ni), barium (Ba), hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. These contaminants can adversely affect soil productivity and health. The data not only indicates that the conflict has led to soil contamination with PTEs exceeding legal limits and the natural regional background but also show that ongoing hostilities are contributing to increased contaminant levels in groundwater in areas with low and medium levels of groundwater protection, posing additional risks to public health.

The armed conflict presents significant challenges for studying soils in areas with diverse levels and types of military impact. Nevertheless, we are committed to documenting and analysing these impacts. We are confident that the results of these studies will provide a solid foundation for developing land remediation plans in post-war communities.

How to cite: Splodytel, A., Rintoul-Hynes, N., Sut-Lohmann, M., Ferguson, C., and Carey, J.: Soil Degradation in Combat Zones Over a Decade of War in Ukraine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17943,, 2025.

EGU25-18612 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

Identifying Sources of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and it’s Implications on One Health 

Neeraj Chauhan, Jaswant Singh, Stefan Krause, Reza Dehbandi, Amrit Pal Toor, Rajeev Patnaik, and Alok Srivastava

Soil contamination by heavy metals pose a significant threat to “One Health” (Ecological and human health). It results from a complex interplay of geogenic (natural) and anthropogenic (human-induced) factors. The growing concerns about toxicity and potential risks arising due to heavy metals has prompted us to carry out investigation in Malwa region of Punjab State, India. In the present research work, the concentrations of heavy metals (Aluminum [Al], Strontium [Sr], Cadmium [Cd], Antimony [Sb], Lead [Pb], Bismuth [Bi], Uranium [U], Chromium [Cr], Manganese [Mn], Iron [Fe], Cobalt [Co], Copper [Cu], Zinc [Zn], Arsenic [As], and Selenium [Se]) in collected soil samples were analyzed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS), alongside key physicochemical parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity, soil texture, and major nutrient levels, measured through standard analytical techniques.

The results revealed that the mean concentrations of Cd, Bi, Zn, As and Se exceeded their concentration values in the Earth's crust. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed that metals such as Fe, Al, Ca, Mg, K, Sr, Bi, Mn, Co, U, Cd, and As were predominantly of geogenic origin. In contrast, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sb, and Pb were primarily associated with anthropogenic activities. Agricultural practices were found to influence the contamination, as evidenced by elevated levels of nitrate (NO3), phosphate (PO4), sodium (Na), and pH in the soils.

The ecological risk assessments showed that Cd, Bi, As, and Se could pose significant contamination risks. Meanwhile, human health risk assessment indicates low carcinogenic risks for adults and moderate risks for children. This study also highlights the urgent need for targeted remediation strategies and enforcement of regulatory measures to mitigate heavy metal contamination and safeguard “One Health”.

How to cite: Chauhan, N., Singh, J., Krause, S., Dehbandi, R., Toor, A. P., Patnaik, R., and Srivastava, A.: Identifying Sources of Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil and it’s Implications on One Health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18612,, 2025.

EGU25-19595 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Mapping the extent of a Norwegian ravine-filled closed landfill site using a combination of electrical methods 

Thomas Stokke, Helen Kristine French, Saheed Opeyemi Adebunmi, and Esther Bloem

Landfills contribute to serious problems in our society, including toxic leachates contaminating groundwater and soil, methane and CO₂ emissions, and infrastructure damage caused by the degradation of organic material. 

Brånåsen landfill, located in the municipality of Lillestrøm, Norway, is situated in an old ravine within marine deposits. The area is currently utilized for residential, agricultural, and recreational purposes. The landfill has caused numerous challenges since its closure in 1991, including methane gas emissions and damage to residential properties, resulting in stress on residents, lawsuits, and significant compensation costs. 

In recent years, extensive research has been conducted on Brånåsen landfill to delineate its outer borders with Electrical resistivity tomografy (ERT) and assess methane gas emissions. 

Electromagnetic (EM) surveys offer fast mapping of ground conductivity, making it possible to cover a larger area over a short period of time compared to ERT surveys. Where ERT is relying on good connection with the grounds surface, EMmeasurements can be executed independent of surface material, making it a potential substitute and/or addition to ERT measurements. This study focuses on mapping the outer borders of the landfill using the Geonics EM34-3 and EM38-MK2 instruments. Brånåsdalen landfill provides an ideal site for testing this method due to previous research and the area’s diverse usage. Agricultural land offers an environment with minimal cultural noise, while residential and park areas test the limits of the equipment’s effectiveness in noisier conditions. The data collected from the electromagnetic (EM) survey is compared with previous research utilizing Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and maps of the assumed borders developed by Norconsult.  

The EM34-3 was deployed in both horizontal and vertical dipole configurations, with transmitter-receiver antenna spacings of 10 m, 20 m, and 40 m, to measure conductivity at varying depths and test the equipment’s sensitivity to noise under different settings. EM38-mk2 was used in vertical dipole with an effective skin depth of 1,5m. 

The results show an increase in electrical conductivity values that mostly align with the previously assumed map of the landfill. However, significantly higher values were observed in residential areas compared to agricultural land. The data suggests that the equipment is less sensitive in horizontal dipole mode and with shorter antenna spacings, making it more suitable in areas with human interference. Overall, the equipment is effective for fast mapping areas with minimal human interference, like farmland. Combining EM data with ERT for control measurements in areas of interest is recommended for improved accuracy. 

How to cite: Stokke, T., French, H. K., Adebunmi, S. O., and Bloem, E.: Mapping the extent of a Norwegian ravine-filled closed landfill site using a combination of electrical methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19595,, 2025.

EGU25-19784 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Application of Forward Modelling in the Design of Laboratory Waste Columns and Optimization of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Measurements 

Saheed Opeyemi Adebunmi, Helen Kristine French, and Esther Bloem

Old landfills have been under continuous investigation since the 1960s due to their potential for soil and groundwater contamination, gas explosion risks, and methane emissions contributing to climate change. Economic factors such as land reclamation, waste-to-energy, and resource recovery also drive studies before installing gas and leachate wells or excavating closed landfills. Additionally, insights from old landfills help improve the design and technology of new ones.

Numerous geophysical methods have been employed for characterizing and monitoring old landfills, with Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) standing out as a particularly valuable tool. ERT has been consistently used to identify different waste zones in landfills based on moisture content and waste chemistry. However, field studies on ERT’s sensitivity to landfill gas remain challenging due to the complex nature of waste and gas dynamics. This issue can be addressed through controlled small-scale laboratory experiments. Fortunately, one of ERT’s key strengths is its versatility in adapting to investigations at various scales. To achieve optimal results in small-scale laboratory experiments, careful column design and an appropriate current injection and measurement strategy are crucial, often necessitating the use of forward modelling to simulate the desired experiment.

In our efforts to quantify the contribution of landfill gases to the measured electrical resistivity of waste in gas hotspot regions of closed old landfills, we designed a small-scale resistivity column experiment. This experiment aimed to investigate the perturbation in the electrical resistivity of waste caused by controlled gas circulation under varying degrees of moisture saturation, gas pressure, and waste composition. In the initial stage, forward modelling was performed using ResIPy software to determine the optimal current and measurement strategy for a cylindrical column with a diameter of 120 mm and a height of 400 mm. Various combinations of electrode numbers, electrode spacing, and measurement configurations were tested to identify the setup that provides the best spatial and visibility resolution for targets of different sizes and resistivities across the column within a reasonable measurement duration. Although each strategy has its advantages, the results from the models provided a foundation for selecting an optimal design strategy and understanding the limitations of the column.


How to cite: Adebunmi, S. O., French, H. K., and Bloem, E.: Application of Forward Modelling in the Design of Laboratory Waste Columns and Optimization of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19784,, 2025.

EGU25-20212 | Posters on site | SSS7.5

Use of sulfide-rich tailings recovered with Tecnosols for the cultivation of species of energetic interest 

Diego Arán, Maria Manuela Abreu, and Erika Santos

Decarbonization and various energy improvement strategies are threatening the sustainability of food production as productive agricultural and forest land is increasingly occupied. Furthermore, mine soils and tailings, both in active and abandoned mines, represent a challenge in environmental rehabilitation, as well as an opportunity to use and valorize these spaces for several socioeconomic activities. The use of these areas for the production of energy crops or the occupation of energy production structures can be an option with great socio-economic interest. The present study evaluated the recovery of mine soils rich in sulfides through the application of a Technosol designed with alkaline properties and the development of a crop of energy interest, fodder maize. For this purpose, a mesocosm assay was carried out under controlled greenhouse conditions for three months with (n=4/treatment): mixture of the Tecnosol + Mine soil, in a 1:5 ratio (V:V), and a control with Mine soil only. Three maize seeds were sown in each pot. For the evaluation of effectiveness of the environmental rehabilitation, the physicochemical changes at the edaphic level were evaluated, as well as the percentage of germination, biomass produced and metal contents in the biomass.

The mine soil showed an acid reaction (pH 2.5), low fertility and high content of potentially toxic elements (PTE) both in the total (g/kg – S: 60.1, Fe: 54.1, Cu: 0.16, Zn: 1.3) and available fraction in the pore water (mg/L -Fe: 342; Cu: 38.5; Zn: 506). The Technosol application to the mine soil allowed an increase in the acid neutralization capacity, reaching reaction values around 7.7, and the fertility (e.g. organic C from <2 to 12 g/kg; available P from 0.4 to 22 mg/kg). Another important improvement of the mine soil was the decrease of PTE availability in the soil solution by ≈99%, reaching very low concentrations (e.g. <0.5 mg/L for Fe and Cu; <0.15 mg/L for Zn). This decrease in PTE concentrations was associated with an increase in pH and a decrease in the oxide-reduction potential. In the mine soil (control), the maize did not germinate, while with the Technosol application, the germination percentage reached 67%. After three months of growth, the maize reached an average height of 25.58 ± 3.89 cm and a fresh biomass of 14.24 ± 3.76 g per pot, corresponding to a production of 1.2 t/ha. The elemental composition of the maize biomass was analyzed, and the metal contents (e.g. Cu: 0.03 mg/kg; Zn: 0.18 mg/kg) were below the levels of quality feed for livestock consumption, thus posing no risk of toxicity for either livestock consumption or energy production.

The results of the study showed the effectiveness of the designed Technosols in the recovery of sulfide-rich mine soils as well as the feasibility of implementing energy crops in these recovered areas with a socio-economic use.

Acknowledgment: This research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (UID/AGR/04129/2020, Non-foodCropMine Project). The authors thank Minera Los Frailes for technical cooperation and providing access to the study area and field samples.

How to cite: Arán, D., Abreu, M. M., and Santos, E.: Use of sulfide-rich tailings recovered with Tecnosols for the cultivation of species of energetic interest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20212,, 2025.

EGU25-20390 | ECS | Orals | SSS7.5

Integrated Decision Support Framework: Solutions to minimize risks posed by PM(T) substances in the soil-sediment-water system 

Dominique Narain-Ford, Matthias Hof, Floris Naus, Kaitlyn Carter, Carme Bosch, Massimiliano Sgroi, Pierre Boucard, Amelie Cavelan, Irina Ribarova, Marc Ribalta, and Julia Hartmann

Increasing water consumption, industrial pollution, and long dry periods – these are all water resource challenges that highlight the growing importance of the transition towards a circular economy for the soil-sediment-water system. As described by the European Green Deal call, pollution by persistent, mobile and potentially toxic (PM(T)) substances is often a systemic problem. It is related to the ways of production, use, and emission of these chemicals and is aggravated by missing technical solutions and monitoring techniques in the soil-sediment-water system. This poses challenges for regulatory authorities to develop or enforce effective policies throughout their lifecycle. The Horizon 2020 project PROMISCES aims to increase the circularity of resources by providing an array of solutions to minimize risks posed by these substances in the soil-sediment-water system. To achieve this overall goal, a key objective was to integrate newly developed and/or optimized solutions into the PROMISCES Decision Support Framework (DSF). 
To this end, we developed the solutions module of this integrated Decision Support Framework to assess systematic solutions for PM(T) substances, including PFAS in the circular economy, which is an important step towards realizing the European Zero Pollution ambition. The solutions module within the DSF presents a way of thinking and allows users to identify solutions at four levels: prevention, monitoring, risk assessment and treatment. Included solutions are based on the work from PROMISCES project. Other solutions such as PM(T) substances alternative assessment from our sister project ZeroPM, the European Union, the NORMAN network, The Swedish Centre for Chemical Substitution, CompTox Chemicals dashboard, PubChem and the UPWATER project are also mentioned and/or linked, where relevant. 
We applied the solutions module for five substance-use combinations including PFAS, to assist decision-makers in the risk management of PM(T) substances. Additionally, we applied the module for three circular economy routes to investigate diverse circular solutions developed in the project: A) Semi-closed water cycle for drinking water supply, B) Wastewater reuse for agricultural irrigation and C) Nutrient recovery from treated sludge for fertilizers. The effective implementing of these technical solutions requires broad and active stakeholder engagement to not only define the local and technical challenges posed by PFAS and other industrial PM(T) substances, but also to identify the social, economic, and governance barriers to implementation. Hence, through four co-creation workshops we gathered the perspectives from multiple stakeholders on systematic solutions to manage PM(T) substances. A successful solution strategy for the safe implementation of the circular economy and the management of PM(T) substances is one that is delivered at all levels and through the cooperation of multiple stakeholders to achieve the common goal of facilitating the implementation of the Zero Pollution and Circular Economy Action Plans.
The integrated DSF was developed as a digital tool featuring multiple other functionalities for managing PM(T)s, such as assessing and diagnosing specific potential PM(T) substances. This tool will be integrated into the NORMAN Database System as part of its tool collection, ensuring its long-term maintenance and accessibility.

How to cite: Narain-Ford, D., Hof, M., Naus, F., Carter, K., Bosch, C., Sgroi, M., Boucard, P., Cavelan, A., Ribarova, I., Ribalta, M., and Hartmann, J.: Integrated Decision Support Framework: Solutions to minimize risks posed by PM(T) substances in the soil-sediment-water system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20390,, 2025.

EGU25-1703 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3 | Highlight

Atmospheric deposition as a diffuse source of PFAS contamination of soils, ground and surface water resources 

Alexandra Hockin, Elvio Amato, Johan van Leeuwen, and Niels Hartog

Atmospheric deposition is an important pathway for PFAS to enter soil, surface water and groundwater, but their persistence and mobility complicate source identification. Understanding these pathways is crucial for safeguarding drinking water production, as PFAS poses risks to human health. This study investigated atmospheric PFAS deposition in two drinking water production locations located 135 km apart, highlighting its potential impact in the contaminating soil, surface water, and groundwater. Aerosol and deposition samples were collected along with meteorological data at both locations. To link the deposition of PFAS fluxes to surface water and groundwater contamination, water samples were collected from hydrologically isolated heathland pools. PFAS concentrations were analysed in all samples, and tracer ions (Na+, Mg2+) were measured in aerosols to explore associations with sea-spray aerosols (SSA). PFAS concentrations in aerosols were consistent between the two sites, with 12 of 14 PFAS detected at both locations. Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) and trifluoromethanesulfonic acid (TFMS) were most abundant PFAS compounds, followed by PFBA, PFOA, PFOS, and 6:2 FTS. The PFAS composition of deposition fluxes were similar to aerosol concentrations, suggesting relatively unbiassed atmospheric removal of PFAS by deposition. A unique PFAS fingerprint was identified for future source tracing, while the absence of 6:2 FTS in deposition samples highlighted its distinct atmospheric behaviour. PFAS patterns in heathland pools matched those in aerosol and deposition samples, confirming atmospheric deposition as a the main contamination source. PFPeS, PFHxS, PFHpS, and branched PFOA were present in water samples, but lacking in aerosol and deposition samples. This absence is likely due to historical deposition and accumulation processes, highlighting the potential impact of legacy PFAS inputs. Soils and surface waters may act as both sinks and secondary sources of PFAS, releasing contaminants into groundwater and perpetuating risks. Wind data indicated a potential HFPO-DA source northwest of one location, while PFAS levels were not linked to SSA tracer ions at either location. Consistent results between the two locations indicate that the bulk of PFAS contamination is linked to diffuse, rather than local, sources. The findings of this study highlight the important role of atmospheric deposition as a source of diffuse PFAS contamination to soils, surface waters and groundwater and emphasize that historical PFAS input and accumulation processes should be taken into account when assessing risks and mitigation strategies to protect drinking water supplies and public health.

How to cite: Hockin, A., Amato, E., van Leeuwen, J., and Hartog, N.: Atmospheric deposition as a diffuse source of PFAS contamination of soils, ground and surface water resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1703,, 2025.

EGU25-3793 | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of PFAS Sources and Loads in the First Industrial River Basin 

Patrick Byrne, Will Mayes, Alun James, Sean Comber, Emma Biles, Alex Riley, Rob Runkel, and Philip Verplanck

Locating geographical sources of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances [PFAS] to rivers, and quantifying the loading attributable to those sources, requires temporal and spatial analysis of PFAS loads across river basins. However, as most studies focus on the measurement of PFAS concentrations, there is a distinct lack of mass loading data for rivers worldwide. As a result, we do not have scientifically robust estimates of how much PFAS enter our rivers from different sources within a river basin or how much PFAS flows from rivers into the oceans.

Here, we present a temporal and spatial analysis of PFAS loads in the River Mersey Basin, England, a heavily industrialised and urbanised river basin. Our primary aim was to locate and quantify sources of PFAS to the river and to elucidate the spatial and temporal dynamics of PFAS transport.

Using a combined field sampling [n = 112] and modelling approach applied at the tributary to river basin-scale, our three-year study provides the first temporally robust estimates of PFAS export for a European river system and identifies the location and magnitude of PFAS river inputs across a major urban river basin.

Analysis of gadolinium anomalies at the river basin-scale reveals approximately 50% of PFAS are associated with effluents from wastewater treatment works [WwTWs]. This is confirmed by a mass balance analysis of river and WwTW PFAS loads. High spatial resolution studies of PFAS loads at the tributary-scale demonstrate large contributions [up to 70% of total loads] from industry and airports. For example, inputs from a major international airport are responsible for 66% of the total perfluorooctane sulfonic acid [PFOS] load in the River Bollin.    

Monitoring and analysis of PFAS river loads, rather than concentrations alone, allows the geographical location and magnitude of PFAS entry to rivers to be established. Temporally robust and catchment-scale PFAS river loading data are essential to help prioritize catchment management and remediation interventions and to reliably estimate the flux of PFAS from river basins to the oceans.

How to cite: Byrne, P., Mayes, W., James, A., Comber, S., Biles, E., Riley, A., Runkel, R., and Verplanck, P.: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of PFAS Sources and Loads in the First Industrial River Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3793,, 2025.

EGU25-5921 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Assessing Trifluoroacetate Accumulation and Transport in Agricultural and Forested Areas  in a Mountainous Catchment 

Immanuel Frenzel, Dario Nöltge, Michael Müller, and Jens Lange

Trifluoroacetate (TFA) is an emerging contaminant that originates from various human sources. The degradation of fluorinated gases in the atmosphere leads to an ubiquitous input through precipitation. Degradation of agricultural pesticides and pharmaceuticals in waste water add to the amount of TFA pollution. Once released into the environment, the TFA molecule is nearly conservative due to its negative charge, high solubility in water, and absence of degradation pathways. Consequently, TFA concentrations in the environment are constantly increasing, following the industrial production of fluorinated precursor substances. Previous studies suggested accumulation of TFA in plants or retention in organic soil. This knowledge, however, is based on a small number of samples or laboratory labelling experiments. Catchment-scale studies are so far missing. In particular, hydrological processes controlling adsorption and desorption are poorly understood. We therefore analyzed a two-year dataset of weekly major ion and isotope tracers together with TFA in the mountainous Dreisam catchment (Black Forest, Germany). We sampled precipitation, the discharge of three nested catchments and a hillslope spring. A balancing approach suggested that TFA was not permanently retained in forested headwaters. In agricultural parts, we found a surplus of TFA which added up to an annual input of 11 kg km-2 on arable land. Major ions suggested that previously retained TFA was flushed from soils under wet conditions following large precipitation events. This was true both for agricultural and non-agricultural areas. These findings indicate that TFA concentrations in soils may be higher than average concentrations found in rain or streamflow. Therefore, future research should focus on the unsaturated zone.


How to cite: Frenzel, I., Nöltge, D., Müller, M., and Lange, J.: Assessing Trifluoroacetate Accumulation and Transport in Agricultural and Forested Areas  in a Mountainous Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5921,, 2025.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), particularly perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, C7F15COOH), have been widely used in industry due to their high stability and heat resistance. Their release during manufacturing and treatment processes has led to contamination of aquatic systems and groundwater. While PFOA is generally resistant to degradation under typical aqueous environments, it can be degraded in the presence of catalysts or strong oxidizing / reducing agents. Previous studies have reported that PFOSA derivatives could be transformed into PFOA and shorter-chain PFCAs in the presence of montmorillonite under sunlight irradiation. The Fe3+-containing material mentioned above are widely distributed in natural environments, indicating that the potential for PFOA to undergo photocatalytic degradation facilitated by natural media. This study aims to investigate the potential role for photocatalytic transformation of PFOA using various forms of Fe3+ found in natural environments (structural iron in clay minerals, magnetite, goethite, etc.) under both 254 nm UV light and natural sunlight conditions (including UV radiation of 290-400 nm). When 50 μM PFOA and 500 μM Fe3+-containing montmorillonite were exposed to 254 nm UV light for 3 days at pH 7, a defluorination ratio of 18.2 % was achieved. Future studies will aim to investigate the photocatalytic behavior of structural iron containing clay minerals under natural sunlight irradiation. The photocatalytic reaction between PFOA and nontronite (22.3 wt%), which contains approximately ten times higher structural iron (Fe3+) content than montmorillonite (2.3 wt%) will be investigated. To further understand the potential of PFOA phototransformation under natural conditions, reaction mixtures will be prepared with various forms of naturally occurring Fe3+ media, such as iron oxides to simulate environmental conditions.

How to cite: Ko, J. and Nam, K.: Study on photocatalytic transformation characteristics of PFOA in the presence of structural iron containing clay minerals and iron oxides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7586,, 2025.

EGU25-8778 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Modelling PFAS Emission and Transport at Large-Catchment Scale with a Regionalised Approach 

Meiqi Liu, Steffen Kittlaus, Corine ten Velden, Erwin Meijers, Hélène Boisgontier, Sebastian Hartgring, and Matthias Zessner

Environmental and health concerns surrounding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have garnered increasing attention in recent years. The persistence and high mobility of PFAS present significant challenges in understanding their fate and transport in the environment. To address these challenges and gain insights into the contamination status at large catchment scale, as part of the EU Horizon 2020-project, we further developed the regionalized emission model system “MoRE”, to make it capable of quantifying PFAS emissions via multiple pathways across the Upper Danube Basin(Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary).

The model operates on an annual temporal scale from 2015 to 2021 and with a spatial resolution of 526 sub-catchments in the size of 354 ± 352 km2. General input data were sourced from a combination of open-access databases and local ministry records. Hydrological information was obtained using the Wflow model developed by Deltares, while PFAS concentrations were derived from a comprehensive database integrating data from a 1.5-year monitoring campaign conducted across various environmental compartments within the investigated catchment, as well as additional information from previous studies.

The model accounts for multiple emission pathways, including point sources such as urban wastewater treatment plants and industrial dischargers, and diffuse pathways, such as atmospheric deposition, groundwater flow, surface runoff, and soil erosion. Validation of the model against observational data from multiple river monitoring stations demonstrated pleasing performance, particularly for perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs). These results underscore the model’s effectiveness in predicting in-stream PFAS loads and concentrations. However, the underestimation of certain substances suggests the presence of unaccounted emission sources.

Key findings reveal that diffuse pathways, especially those associated with inhabitants and legacy contaminated spots (e.g.former firefighting foam applications and municipal landfills), contribute substantially to overall PFAS inputs. Furthermore, point-source emissions from industrial facilities, especially a PFAS production site, significantly influence PFAS concentrations, particularly for "replacement compounds" like ADONA and GenX.

By identifying key contamination hotspots and evaluating potential risks in the context of proposed regulatory thresholds and scenario evaluations, this study provides helpful insights for the water management sector. The model can guide targeted monitoring, inform decision-making for remediation efforts, and support the development of more effective regulatory frameworks to mitigate PFAS pollution at regional and catchment scales.

How to cite: Liu, M., Kittlaus, S., ten Velden, C., Meijers, E., Boisgontier, H., Hartgring, S., and Zessner, M.: Modelling PFAS Emission and Transport at Large-Catchment Scale with a Regionalised Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8778,, 2025.

EGU25-8881 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Particle-Facilitated Transport of PFAS and their Precursors in Contrasting River Catchments 

Dominik Renner, Joel Fabregat-Palau, Hermann Rügner, Martin Ebner, and Peter Grathwohl

Rapid urbanization rates in combination with climate change may lead to increasing urban runoff volumes and pollutant loads. Many organic pollutants are transported sorbed to particles. Therefore, high discharge events present a major pathway for pollutant transport in rivers. In recent years, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained growing attention due to their persistent nature, ubiquitous occurrence, and toxicity. Many studies have focused on the transport of PFAS in rivers in the aqueous phase, often overlooking particle-facilitated transport, which is particularly relevant for PFAS precursors (i.e. polyfluoroalkyl substances that can degrade into perfluoroalkyl end-products) due to their generally strong sorption affinity to solids.

In this study, particle-facilitated PFAS transport, including precursor compounds of perfluorocarboxylic acids (PFCA), is investigated during high discharge events in contrasting river catchments in southwest Germany. Additionally, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are analyzed. 29 high discharge events were sampled at eight different rivers over 1.5 years. Concentrations of PFAS precursors (∑PFCA,ox) on the suspended river sediments measured by a chemical oxidation assay (dTOP assay) were between 33.9 ± 0.4 and 100.9 ± 10.6 µg kg-1, while PAH (∑PAH16) concentrations ranged from 0.07 – 3.92 mg kg-1. No apparent correlation was found between ∑PFCA,ox and ∑PAH16. While PAH have been shown to correlate with urban pressure strongly, PFAS precursors appear to exhibit an elevated ubiquitous signal in the environment, as they were detected in a remote river catchment at concentrations comparable to those in more urbanized areas. Further source apportionment included the sampling of stormwater overflows from residential and highway areas. PFCA precursor concentrations were more variable and generally higher than those observed in river samples, suggesting that, similar to PAH, one potential source is urban particles and street debris being washed into the river during heavy rainfall events.

PFAS precursor concentrations on suspended sediments in the rivers were more or less independent of the event, likely since rivers act as integrators of numerous small streams and inflows. This was particularly true for the Neckar River, the largest stream investigated, and also holds for PAH. By combining sediment yield data or online turbidity measurements with information on suspended sediment loading, it is possible to estimate the contaminant flux of PFAS precursors. The Neckar River alone transports approximately 1.7 kg year-1 of PFAS precursors through the city of Tübingen, ultimately carrying them towards the North Sea, where they may degrade into stable PFCA over time.

How to cite: Renner, D., Fabregat-Palau, J., Rügner, H., Ebner, M., and Grathwohl, P.: Particle-Facilitated Transport of PFAS and their Precursors in Contrasting River Catchments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8881,, 2025.

EGU25-11000 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances: A first glimpse of the “forever chemicals” in water samples from Red River, Vietnam 

Toan Khanh Vu, David Riboul, Pauline Martinot, Catherine Guigue, Van Hoi Bui, Laure Malleret, and Vincent Fauvelle

The Red River is one of the most important watercourses in northern Vietnam, providing water for agriculture, industries and domestic uses. Given the proximity of metropolitan areas, agricultural and industrial zones, the Red River is under strong anthropogenic influence and susceptible to contamination by persistent substances, such as Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). Being highly resistant to extreme heat and repellent to both water and oil, PFAS have been widely used in aqueous firefighting foam and in various consumer goods, e.g. cooking wares, food packaging, textile[1], [2]. However, epidemiological studies have suggested that PFAS can induce cancers, toxic effects, and other health problems [3], [4]. Hence, PFAS have been listed as priority substances by several regulatory agencies and added as Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) by the Stockholm Convention.

Being a member state of the Stockholm Convention, Vietnam has restricted the usage of Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) in the industrial sector (Decree 82/2022/ND-CP). However, PFAS are until now not included in the national environmental quality standards and a deficit of PFAS research effort makes their occurrence in the Red River unknown. Therefore, the aim of this research is to apply a targeted approach (54 PFAS) along with the Total Oxidizable Precursor Assay (TOPA) in water samples collected in the Red River in June and September 2023 and estimate their flux towards the ocean. After the solid phase extraction on mixed mode Weak Anion Exchange cartridges, samples were analyzed by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry Orbitrap ExplorisTM 120.

While twenty-one PFAS were detected in samples from June (from 3.0 to 109 ng.L-1), it was only twelve for September samples (from < limit of quantification to 9.2 ng.L-1). Perfluorobutanoic acid (PFBA) was the most predominant PFAS in samples from both sampling campaigns. An exception was reported in one sample in June where the 6:2-Fluorotelomersulfonic acid (6:2-FTS) concentration reached up to 99.9 ng.L-1. The concentrations of PFOA and Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), the two most extensively targeted PFAS, were well below the European and American standard limits, contributing to less than 10% of the PFAS burden. Besides the legacy perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), emerging PFAS analogs could also be quantified in water samples namely the fluorotelomer sulfonic acids and the ether sulfonic acids. The occurrence of emerging PFAS suggests they are being used as substitutes for the regulated PFOA and PFOS in industrial and commercial applications. TOPA consistently demonstrated significantly higher PFAS concentrations, up to one order of magnitude, implying the presence of non-targeted or unknown PFAS besides the 54 selected ones. Positive correlations (p < 0.05) between certain PFAAs and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) suggest either common sources for both DOC and PFAAs or the preferential binding of PFAAs to DOC. The estimated average riverine flux of PFAS varied from several kg to ton.yr-1, depending on the flow variability and estimation approach (targeted or TOPA). 


[1] Schmidt et al. (2019), doi: 10.1016/J.MARPOLBUL.2019.110491

[2] Evich et al. (2022), doi: 10.1126/science.abg9065

[3] Fenton et al. (2021), doi: 10.1002/ETC.4890

[4] Kim et al. (2021), doi: 10.1016/J.ENVPOL.2021.116929

How to cite: Vu, T. K., Riboul, D., Martinot, P., Guigue, C., Bui, V. H., Malleret, L., and Fauvelle, V.: Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances: A first glimpse of the “forever chemicals” in water samples from Red River, Vietnam, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11000,, 2025.

EGU25-11049 | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Assessment of PFAS contamination in soils: non-target identification of precursors, fluorine mass balance and microcosm studies    

Joel Fabregat-Palau, Jonathan Zweigle, Dominik Renner, Christian Zwiener, and Peter Grathwohl

The continuous release of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) from the transformation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) precursors presents a significant and often overlooked challenge in contaminated soils. In south-western Germany a large-scale agricultural topsoil contamination PFAS was discovered, which is known as the Rastatt case, and was traced back to the past application of paper sludge as soil amendment. In this study, 40 PFAS were monitored in eight topsoil samples from Rastatt according to the EPA 1633 method. Additionally, non-target screening was performed to identify PFAS precursors. FTMAPs, diPAPs, and diSAmPAP were identified and accounted for > 80% of the total PFAS burden, which ranged from ~ 280 to 9,700 ng PFAS g-1. These levels were confirmed by both, non-target screening (semi)quantifications and chemical oxidation of precursors (TOP assay) in order to close the fluorine mass balance against extractable organic fluorine (EOF). Notably, in some organic carbon rich samples, repeated oxidation was needed to achieve a complete fluorine mass balance, highlighting the need to include EOF as quality assurance of TOP assays and (semi)quantifications derived from non-target screening approaches.

Batch microcosm incubations were additionally set up to assess short-chain PFAS production over time. The linear increase of short-chain PFAS concentrations in solution, in combination with TOP estimates, allows to derive respective production rate constants and, therefore, estimate contamination time scales. This methodology may potentially apply to other precursor-driven contaminant sources such as those present in aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) sites. Contamination time scales in the assessed locations indicate that leaching of short-chain PFAS to groundwater resulting from ongoing precursor transformation will continue for decades. The variability in time scale estimates across the eight examined soils encouraged the examination of specific soil properties affecting PFAS production rates, particularly assessing the role of certain phosphatase enzymatic activities and microbial biomass carbon. FTMAPs, diPAPs, and diSAmPAP all contain a phosphate moiety which is hydrolyzed during biotransformation processes. A principal component analysis (PCA) indicated the positive role of both acid phosphomonoesterase activities and, in lesser extent, microbial biomass carbon on the production of short-chain PFAS in soils. Nonetheless, further research on isolated bacteria strains is needed to elucidate the role of phosphatases as well as other enzymatic activities in the decay of P-containing PFAS precursors.

How to cite: Fabregat-Palau, J., Zweigle, J., Renner, D., Zwiener, C., and Grathwohl, P.: Assessment of PFAS contamination in soils: non-target identification of precursors, fluorine mass balance and microcosm studies   , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11049,, 2025.

EGU25-11533 | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Impact of a mixture of PFAS molecules on the activity and structure of soil microbial communities 

Fabienne Battaglia-Brunet, Marc Crampon, Marie-Paule Norini, Hugues Thouin, Michael Charron, Hafida Tris, and Vladimir Beskoski

PFAS compounds have emerged as a major concern, due to their effects on human health, widespread occurrence, complex physico-chemical behaviour, very low biodegradability and lack of removal/degradation technologies that could be effective for the very diverse members of this huge family of molecules. Unlike other organic compounds released in environment by anthropogenic activities, such as petroleum hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls or pesticides, PFAS compounds concentration in the environment is at the parts-per-billion (ppb) and parts-per-trillion (ppt) levels. As a consequence, the microbial communities of most environmental compartments were not exposed to high doses of PFAS, their adaptation strategies largely remain to be explored. They could give useful clues for a better description of the impacts of these molecules and for the development of models of their fate in environment including the biological compartment. Here, 4 different soils presenting contrasting physico chemical properties were artificially contaminated by a mixture of 4 PFAS molecules (PFOS, PFOA, PFHxS and PFBS), in concentrations fixed at 10 each and incubated. The impact of PFAS addition was monitored on carbon mineralization activity, enzymatic activities, and evolution of the structure and composition of bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities during 70 days of incubation. The PFAS concentrations were not significantly modified during the incubation, but the mixture of PFAS molecules affected the structure and activity of soil microbial communities differently depending on the type of soil.

How to cite: Battaglia-Brunet, F., Crampon, M., Norini, M.-P., Thouin, H., Charron, M., Tris, H., and Beskoski, V.: Impact of a mixture of PFAS molecules on the activity and structure of soil microbial communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11533,, 2025.

EGU25-12081 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

Spatio-Temporal Variability of PFAS Compounds in Groundwater in the Veneto Region, Italy (2013–2023) 

Ayesha Younas, Eleonora Aruffo, Paola Lanuti, Mohsin Tariq, and Piero Di Carlo

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of anthropogenic organic chemicals that have emerged as persistent environmental contaminants. In 2013, widespread contamination of surface water, groundwater, and drinking water was identified in three provinces of the Veneto Region, northern Italy, significantly impacting nearly 30 municipalities. The contamination was mainly caused by industrial discharges of fluorinated chemicals into local water bodies from a chemical manufacturing facility and other industrial activities. While the production and use of PFAS chemicals have since been regulated in the region, concerns remain regarding the long-term persistence of PFAS in groundwater due to their environmental stability. This study analyzes groundwater monitoring data collected over a 10-year period (2013–2023) to evaluate temporal trends and spatial variability in PFAS concentrations across the region. The dataset contains concentrations of key PFAS compounds, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), and other prevalent species, collected from multiple groundwater monitoring wells. We used statistical methods to analyze temporal patterns and geostatistical methods for spatial mapping of contamination hotspots. Preliminary findings indicate heterogeneous spatio-temporal trends among various PFAS compounds, with some exhibiting significant variations over time and location, while others remained relatively stable. These findings provide valuable insights into the behavior of PFAS in groundwater, aiding in developing future monitoring strategies and mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Younas, A., Aruffo, E., Lanuti, P., Tariq, M., and Di Carlo, P.: Spatio-Temporal Variability of PFAS Compounds in Groundwater in the Veneto Region, Italy (2013–2023), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12081,, 2025.

EGU25-15524 | Posters on site | HS1.1.3

PFAS Monitoring in groundwater: Current status and challenges in France 

Julie Lions, Anne Togola, Abel Henriot, and Benjamin Lopez

In France, two-thirds of the water withdrawn for drinking water supply comes from groundwater (OFB, 2017), hence monitoring PFAS is essential to document spatial distribution, dynamics and anticipate potential impacts on water quality.

A good monitoring resolution in term of spatial extend, frequency, analytic performance is crucial to better understand sources, pathways and potential impacts. We propose a focus on the regulatory groundwater monitoring for France, where an increasing number of PFAS compounds have been regulated for monitoring, going from 6 in 2015 to 20 in 2022, in compliance with the European Drinking Water Directive (Directive 2020/2184). However, as PFAS represent a family of more than 10,000 compounds, it is necessary to assess the total PFAS contamination, beyond the list of regulated parameters.

The concept of the “total PFAS” is not yet clearly defined and is open to question. Measurement by combustion ion chromatography (CIC) provides access to adsorbable organic fluorine (AOF), i.e. the total measurement of fluorinated organic compounds, without the need to identify each individual compound. It is a fast, inexpensive method that gives an indication of the overall level of contamination. However, it can also include substances other than PFAS (e.g. fluorinated pharmaceuticals). Methodological and analytical developments under the framework of the H2020 PROMISCES project (GA No 101036449) will contribute to the deployment of this approach in water monitoring.

At the French level, we analysed the available data on PFAS concentrations in groundwater (from the ADES[1] database) from different perspectives.

In terms of spatial contamination, PFAS occurrences were mapped in relation to different hydrogeological contexts and pressures (emission sources, aquifer types, density of use,…). These groundwater occurrence maps are of interest for the implementation of health monitoring of water intended for drinking water supply, both from the point of view of geographical sectors and water ressources, but also for the analysis of the contexts to be targeted. This will support decision making for drinking water supply where health risk is of primary interest.

In terms of time, the first PFAS analyses are reported for the period 2009-2011. In the whole dataset, the more densely monitored parameters (> 30,000 analyses) are PFOA, PFOS, PFHpA, PFHxA, PFDS, and PFHxS.

Quantification rates vary considerably between the different molecules analysed. PFOS is the compound with the highest quantification frequency (17.8%). It is also the most frequently researched compound (about 38,000 analyses). Other compounds researched with the same intensity (about 35,000 analyses) have lower quantification frequencies: PFHxA (12.3%), PFOA (11.2%), PFHxS (10.5%), PFBS (7.8%), PFHpA (7.1%), PFBA (5.4%). For the dataset considered, 12 of the 20 compounds were found, on average, less than 3 times out of 100.

Our work highlights that PFAS are widely observed in French groundwaters. Quantification rates are among the highest reported for micropollutants at the national level. Given the potential time-delay effect, due to stock effect, in the soil and unsaturated zone is suspected, and the documented adverse effects on human health, careful monitoring of these compounds is essential in the near future to support decision-making.

How to cite: Lions, J., Togola, A., Henriot, A., and Lopez, B.: PFAS Monitoring in groundwater: Current status and challenges in France, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15524,, 2025.

EGU25-457 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Decoding the geochemical mosaic of organic matter in the freshwater lake system of Kashmir Valley through molecular approach 

Soumyashree Behera, Aakanksha Kumari, Arshid Jehangir, Diptimayee Behera, and Anoop Ambili and the Soumyashree Behera

The research aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Organic matter (OM) through molecular characterization within the spatial distribution of a freshwater lake system. The sedimentary biomarkers, the n-alkane indices were used for determining OM inputs from terrestrial and aquatic sources of the aquatic system

Shift in OM sources within the lake along with Paq , ACL and CPI values were analyzed with integration of grain size data for assessment of the origin and processes affecting the preservation of OM.

This approach is crucial in gaining insights how OM is distributed, and preserved, its nutrient cycling, and blend of natural and anthropogenic influences that impact ecological balance.

How to cite: Behera, S., Kumari, A., Jehangir, A., Behera, D., and Ambili, A. and the Soumyashree Behera: Decoding the geochemical mosaic of organic matter in the freshwater lake system of Kashmir Valley through molecular approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-457,, 2025.

Nitrogen and water availability are the primary environmental factors limiting crop productivity on a global scale. Nitrogen behaviour in the subsurface is influenced by multiple factors, including continuous wetting, wetting/drying cycles, temperature, system design, and TWW quality, which are often challenging to quantify. This study examined these dynamics using batch adsorption and a laboratory-scale soil aquifer treatment system, simulated in a glass column filled with agricultural soil, to investigate the effects of synthetic ammonium solution under alternating wet and dry cycles. The study focused on ammonium removal and transformation, specifically  ammonium and nitrate, under varying wetting and drying phases. Constant-concentration synthetic wastewater was introduced, allowing analysis of how soil water content, pH, dissolved oxygen, and nitrogen concentrations impacted the geochemical properties of the soil medium. Batch adsorption experiments indicated strong alignment with Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models, suggesting heterogeneous adsorption sites and varying affinities. pH-edge experiments further revealed that ammonium adsorption was greater in alkaline conditions, indicating a pH-dependent mechanism. The column experiment continued for 52 days, studying three scenarios: (1) continuous flow, (2) alternate day wetting and drying, and (3) three days of drying followed by one day of wetting. Under drier conditions, increased ammonium transformation and sorption occur due to the formation of anoxic zones. Therefore, in the third scenario, anoxic conditions are formed, leading to a greater reduction in hydraulic conductivity. This study offers valuable insights and a strong scientific basis for the protection and management of groundwater and soil quality in agricultural areas.  

How to cite: Kumar, A. and Yadav, B.: Investigating Ammoniacal Nitrogen Transport in Subsurface under Alternating Dry-Wet Conditions Using Batch and Column Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-879,, 2025.

EGU25-9540 | PICO | HS9.6

Accelerated sediment transfers may lead to delayed environmental pollution: the case of chlordecone insecticide in the French West Indies  

Olivier Evrard, Rémi Bizeul, Lai Ting Pak, Anthony Foucher, Thomas Grangeon, and Olivier Cerdan

Among contaminants leading to widespread environmental contamination and associated population and ecosystem health problems, the chlordecone insecticide has been in the spotlight in the last several decades. This organochlorine substance has been intensively used to fight against the banana weevil in the multiple banana plantations of the French West Indies between 1972 and 1993. More than 30 years after its official ban, it is still found in multiple environmental compartments of Martinique and Guadeloupe Islands, and its persistence in the environment remains strongly debated within the scientific community.

In order to shed new light on this question, an original experimental approach combining the detection of chlordecone and that of fallout radionuclides (Pb-210, Cs-137) in soil and sediment cores collected in a cultivated headwater catchment was carried out (Saint-Esprit, Martinique). Fallout radionuclides indeed provide powerful tools to date lacustrine sediment cores and reconstruct soil redistribution rates since the onset of the atmospheric nuclear tests mostly conducted in the 1950s and 1960s.

This approach showed that high and unsustainable erosion rates (i.e. 10 t ha−1 yr−1) took place in the study area during the study period (1980-2023). This excessive erosion was associated with a significant transfer of particle-bound chlordecone insecticide that was shown to accumulate in colluvial deposits generated at the bottom of hillslopes planted with banana trees. These transfers accelerated in time, with an increase detected in lacustrine sediment cores in 2006 in response to change in landscape management practices (e.g. through the introduction of herbicides to remove weeds under plantations). 

Overall, when considering the measured pesticides stocks in the catchment and when taking account of pesticide particle-bound transfers only, this experimental approach led to estimations of chlordecone residence times in the landscape comprised between 4000 and 11,000 years, which urges to take measures to limit soil erosion and transfers of contaminated sediment to downstream environments.

How to cite: Evrard, O., Bizeul, R., Pak, L. T., Foucher, A., Grangeon, T., and Cerdan, O.: Accelerated sediment transfers may lead to delayed environmental pollution: the case of chlordecone insecticide in the French West Indies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9540,, 2025.

EGU25-9900 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6 | Highlight

Impact of rainfall variability on sedimentary and hydropower dynamics in a dam reservoir of southern France (1950-2023 )  

Paul Hazet, Anthony Foucher, Olivier Evrard, and Benjamin Quesada

Hydropower is the leading renewable energy technology, yet its vulnerability to combined environmental factors, particularly in the context of climate change, remains understudied. While the effects of climate change on hydropower are well-documented, research addressing the interplay between precipitation variability, sediment dynamics, and their effects on hydropower operations is lacking. This study investigates these interactions in the French Mediterranean region, with a focus on the Mont d’Orb dam reservoir.

An integrated approach was adopted and consisted of three main steps: (1) a sediment core analysis, relying on the establishment of an age model based on fallout radionuclide measurements, was conducted to reconstruct the influence of extreme rainfall events on sediment yield; (2) precipitation data from weather stations were statistically analyzed to identify temporal trends and shifts; and (3) dam water level and hydropower data, supplied by the operator, were analyzed to assess the combined effects of sediment accumulation, precipitation variability, and water level changes on hydropower generation.

The results show that extreme rainfall events contributed 20–60% of the annual sediment yield. While annual precipitation trends since 1950 showed no statistically significant changes, a seasonal shift in precipitation patterns was detected. Although sediment accumulation is currently not a primary constraint to hydropower generation due to reservoir management strategies, it may pose a long-term risk to storage capacity and turbine operation as it approaches critical levels. These findings highlight a critical gap in sediment management practices and emphasize the need for developing strategies to adapt to the currently changing climatic and hydrological conditions. This study highlights the necessity of integrating sediment and precipitation variability into hydropower planning to ensure its long-term sustainability in a context with an increasing frequency of droughts and extreme rainfall events exacerbated by climate change, particularly in the Mediterranean region.

How to cite: Hazet, P., Foucher, A., Evrard, O., and Quesada, B.: Impact of rainfall variability on sedimentary and hydropower dynamics in a dam reservoir of southern France (1950-2023 ) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9900,, 2025.

EGU25-10310 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Sediments pathways to small rivers in loamy agricultural region and where to find them 

Emilie Peiffer, Adrien Michez, and Aurore Degré

Fine sediments cause a wide range of damages to rivers, impacting morphology and aquatic communities. Sediments in rivers come from bank erosion and catchment erosion. Tackling erosion in small agricultural river catchments is essential because this part of the landscape is the production zone: where erosion and sediment production take place. Analysis of catchments area is crucial because river ecosystems are closely linked to their watershed and their land use.

Measures to reduce erosion can be taken within the watershed but this research focuses on the riparian zone associated with small downstream (semi)-permanent rivers (catchments > 1 km²). Indeed, these small rivers are where the characteristics of the riparian zone exert a strong control on the aquatic environment, notably by filtering sediments from the land. As erosion is not uniform across the landscape, the aim of the research is to identify where riparian vegetation should be used to mitigate sediment transfer and deposition. The objectives of this research are twofold: i) to locate small agricultural catchments prone to sediment transfer to the river, ii) to understand how riparian zones can better control sediment transfer from the land to the river.

We conducted our analysis in the erosion-prone loess region of Wallonia (southern Belgium), where about 65% of the surface is used for agriculture. To identify sites of sediment transfer in this region, catchments areas of at least 0.2 km² with an outlet in small rivers (> 1 km²) are drawn. To describe the erosion process, soil type, slope, land use and agricultural background are analysed for each identified catchment. The land use data allow to exclude watersheds that are too urban or too impermeable by roads or railways. Among the selected catchments, the intensity with which the crop can favour sediment production is analysed based on crop history (from 2015 to 2022), with a focus on erosion-prone crops like maize, sugar beet or potatoes. The riparian zone associated with the outlet of these small catchments is described using several parameters: the height above nearest drainage, the size of the downward river, and the angle at which the concentrated flow enters the river. The width, the height, the composition and the continuity of the riparian zone around the confluence are also analysed. Sediment deposition signal at the outlet is investigated using the difference between two regional LiDAR DEMs acquired in 2011 and 2022. We expect the catchment characteristics to determine the intensity of the deposition process. We also compare the physical parameters of the riparian zone with the deposition intensity to assess its sediment filtering ecosystem service. The presentation will show the current progress of this research.

How to cite: Peiffer, E., Michez, A., and Degré, A.: Sediments pathways to small rivers in loamy agricultural region and where to find them, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10310,, 2025.

EGU25-11054 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Evolution of the impact of land use changes and agricultural practices on sediment delivery in the Uruguayan Pampa 

Amaury Bardelle, Renaldo Gastineau, Anthony Foucher, Floriane Guillevic, Pierre-Alexis Chaboche, Guillermo Chalar, Marcos Tassano, Pierre Sabatier, Nathalie Cottin, Olivier Cerdan, and Olivier Evrard

South America has experienced significant landscape transformations over the last century, with the expansion of agriculture (pasture, cropland, plantations) at the expense of natural ecosystems (forest, grassland).

More specifically, the Rio de la Plata Grasslands composing the Pampa biome, a temperate grassland ecosystem, mainly located in Uruguay and north Argentina, is among the regions with the highest global rates of land-use change, thereby threatening its biodiversity, land and water resources. 


The consequences of agricultural development in this region have been poorly documented since its beginning. 
Retrospective analysis using sediment coring can provide valuable insights into these impacts over extended periods. 
Such a retrospective was successfully conducted by Foucher et al (2023) \cite{foucher_inexorable_2023}. Nevertheless, their sediment core did not reach the reservoir's bottom, limiting the reconstruction of these processes to the post-1990 period.


In this study, we are analysing a sediment core collected in the Rincon del Bonete dam, draining a 39,500 km² catchment, and dated back to 1948. Various analyses were performed along this sedimentary archive in order to date and characterise the sediment properties (gamma spectrometry, high-resolution geochemical content analysis (XRF), pesticides) and their changes with time. 
Statistical analyses of the sediment fluxes enabled the differentiation of distinct phases in the sediment delivery process.


The Rincon del Bonete catchment in Uruguay has undergone substantial changes of land-use and farming practices, reflecting the broader challenges of environmental degradation in the Pampa region.
Available data over the region show that forest plantations expanded from less than 1\% of the area in 1985 to over 10\% in 2022. Concurrently, agricultural and pastoral land use increased by over 250\% between 1985 and 2022, while natural grasslands declined from covering 80\% of the basin to just 60\%. 
Results show that these changes have led to four distinct phases in sedimentation recorded in the lake archive: an initial period (1948-1964) of reservoir filling and early basin degradation in the northern Brazilian part of the catchment, characterised by extensive DDT insecticide use; a second period (1964-1985) of conventional tillage agriculture with a mix of agriculture-pasture and the beginning of intensive pesticides use in Uruguay (1970-1980). The third phase (1985-2007) was then characterised by a shift to no-tillage agriculture, afforestation, with a notable expansion of this practice occurring between 1999-2005, and the observation of an associated decrease of sediment delivery. During the final phase (from 2007 onwards), rapid and large agricultural expansion under continuous no-tillage practices and wood harvesting led to a large usage of pesticide and to an increase of sediment delivery despite a second notable phase of afforestation in 2007-2014.


This study highlighted the influence of land use changes and agricultural practices on sediment delivery since WWII, revealing the occurrence of high sedimentation rates during early conventional tillage and the onset of pesticide use, followed by a reduction of these rates during the transition to no-tillage and afforestation, and a marked increase with large-scale agricultural expansion and wood harvesting.

How to cite: Bardelle, A., Gastineau, R., Foucher, A., Guillevic, F., Chaboche, P.-A., Chalar, G., Tassano, M., Sabatier, P., Cottin, N., Cerdan, O., and Evrard, O.: Evolution of the impact of land use changes and agricultural practices on sediment delivery in the Uruguayan Pampa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11054,, 2025.

Assessing sediment transfer and provenance in large river basins is complex due to the variety of processes involved and the variability of their controlling factors. In this study, we attempt to quantify the provenance and transfer of fine sediment in the Rhine basin by adopting a synoptic sampling approach. Following a minor flood event during the end of August and beginning of September 2023, which originated in the alpine part of the Rhine basin, we collected samples of freshly deposited fine sediments along the banks of the main branch of the Rhine River and its four major tributaries (Aare, Neckar, Main, Mosel). These samples were mostly collected from hard surfaces (e.g., bank reinforcements, ferry landings) just above the water line. The samples were analysed for elemental composition using ICP-MS. A principal component analysis was performed on the element concentrations. The first principal component was interpreted as the main factor reflecting the  geogenic variation of the sediment composition. Next, a sediment transfer model that accounts for sediment supply to and sediment retention within the river network was set up. The model inputs include a digital elevation model of the river basin, the interpolated scores of the first  principal component based on element concentrations from the FOREGS geochemical atlas, and RUSLE-based estimates of sediment production. The model was calibrated using the ‘observed’ scores of the first principal component in the High Rhine and impounded section Upper Rhine (section between the Rhine-Aare confluence and Iffezheim).

The model results reveal that spatial variation in sediment supply to the river network is primarily controlled by area-specific event runoff and, to a lesser extent, by long-term sediment production. Furthermore, the model results demonstrate the relative importance of nearby sediment sources over sources further upstream: on average the relative importance of the source declines by 1.1% per kilometre downstream transport. It is likely that both retention of fine sediments in the channel network during transport and entrainment of fine sediments due to bank erosion or channel bed incision are at play and explain this decline. The patterns of deviations of the model predictions from measured sediment composition in the free-flowing section of the Upper Rhine and in the upper part of the Lower Rhine suggests that about 50% of the fine sediments reaching the Rhine delta may be derived from sediment nourishments to mitigate channel bed incision.

How to cite: van der Perk, M., Cox, J., and Middelkoop, H.: Composition of freshly deposited fine sediments during the 2023 summer flood event in the Rhine River basin: implications for sediment transfer and provenance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12859,, 2025.

EGU25-13442 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Dynamics of Clay Nanoparticle-Associated Trace Metals from Soil to Groundwater: Insights from Contrasting Geological Settings. 

Ruth Amenuvela Ewouame, Sophia Sieber, Dirk Merten, and Thorsten Schäfer

Fluid infiltration plays a crucial role in transporting dissolved elements and may serve as a pathway for nanoparticles from soil surface to the subsurface. Smectite-type nanoparticles, as a key soil mineral component, can act as efficient carriers of cations due to their negative surface charge and large specific surface area. This study aims to understand the dynamics of smectite-type nanoparticles-associated trace metal, focusing on rare earth elements (REEs), from soil to groundwater at two contrasting sites in Thuringia, Germany, namely the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory (carbonate/siliciclastic bedrock) and Saale-Elster-Sandsteinplatte Observatory (siliciclastic bedrock). Engineered Ni-montmorillonite (Ni-mnt) nanoparticles, synthesized hydrothermally as described by (Reinholdt et al., 2013) were used as tracers.

Nanoparticle migration requires stability against aggregation, influenced by pH, ionic strength, and natural organic matter (NOM). The effect of above-mentioned parameters on stability of Ni-mnt was investigated under controlled conditions in synthetic waters simulating surface-to-subsurface transitions and natural waters from lysimeter and well samples at both sites. Stability was assessed using dynamic light scattering (DLS), while REE adsorption and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were evaluated with Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Liquid Chromatography – Organic Carbon Detection – Organic Nitrogen Detection (LC-OCD-OND), respectively.

As expected, Ni-mnt stability decreases in Calcium-rich environments and increases in high pH and NOM-rich environments as indicated by the critical coagulation concentration (Ca-CCC). Without NOM, Ca-CCC values of Ni-mnt were in the range of 2.5 mM to 5 mM in the pH range 5 to 8. In contrast, in the presence of NOM, (3.3 mg/L of [DOC]), Ca-CCC values rose to 8 mM at pH 5 and 6, and 15 mM at pH 7 and 8. As revealed by LC-OCD-OND measurements Ni-mnt stabilization is likely due to an association of high molecular weight DOC such as biopolymers and humics.

REEs preferentially adsorb onto organics rather than Ni-mnt under the competitive conditions chosen. Desorption experiments show that light REEs are stronger bond by Ni-mnt (slower reversibility kinetics).

These results highlight the critical role of NOM, particularly biopolymers and humics, in stabilizing clay nanoparticles and influencing REE transport. While NOM reduces aggregation under low to moderate ionic strengths, high ionic strength induces aggregation through cation bridging.



Reinholdt, M. X., Brendle, J., Tuilier, M. H., Kaliaguine, S., & Ambroise, E. (2013). Hydrothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Ni-Al Montmorillonite-Like Phyllosilicates. Nanomaterials (Basel), 3(1), 48-69.

How to cite: Ewouame, R. A., Sieber, S., Merten, D., and Schäfer, T.: Dynamics of Clay Nanoparticle-Associated Trace Metals from Soil to Groundwater: Insights from Contrasting Geological Settings., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13442,, 2025.

EGU25-13659 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

The role of geomorphic connectivity on the mobilisation of artisan mine tailings 

Grigorios Vasilopoulos, Tom Coulthard, Francis Gonzalvo, Decibel Eslava, and Richard Williams

Artisan small-scale mining (ASM) plays an important role in the global mineral supply but is also a considerable contributor of contamination, due to the unregulated nature of the ASM sector. Artisan mine tailings, often contaminated with trace metals and chemicals used at the extraction process, are typically disposed in the local environment where they enter rivers and spread through sediment transport processes. This unsustainable practice has been largely ignored because ASM mines and processing facilities are tiny compared to their industrial equivalents, despite the fact that ASM collectively accounts for a substantial proportion of global mining output (20% gold, 26% tantalum, 25% tin). Here we examine a small Philippine catchment with extensive ASM activity and use the Caesar-Lisflood numerical model to show that 73% of solid mine tailings (SMT) disposed by pushing them into nearby watercourses during a decade of ASM operation are mobilised becoming a diffuse source of pollution that is difficult to manage. Conversely, when SMT are not disposed into watercourses and instead deposited at the location of ore processing only 26% is mobilised, primarily from areas of high geomorphic connectivity near rivers. 90 years after mine cessation, the amount of diffuse pollution increases further to 80% when SMT have been disposed into rives and only to 30% when SMT have been deposited locally. These results show that the legacy of mine waste dispersal long after ASM has stopped is heavily influenced by the initial decision to dispose or deposit SMT. Our findings underscore that diffuse pollution from the ASM sector must not be overlooked and approaches must be taken to sustainably manage ASM tailings now and in the future.

How to cite: Vasilopoulos, G., Coulthard, T., Gonzalvo, F., Eslava, D., and Williams, R.: The role of geomorphic connectivity on the mobilisation of artisan mine tailings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13659,, 2025.

This study assesses sediment and water pollution in major rivers of Korea (Han River, Nakdong River, Geum River, and Yeongsan River) and additional rivers in the Saemangeum and Cheongyang regions. The sources of contamination are traced using geochemical methods. A total of 28 sediment samples and 28 river water samples were collected from six rivers, along with six subsoil samples from non-polluted areas to establish background levels of heavy metals.

The river water samples met Korea’s water quality standards, confirming effective management of these rivers. However, sediment analysis revealed varying contamination levels for different elements. Several sediment samples showed Grade II–III contamination (As: 8 samples, Cd: 4 samples, Cr: 5 samples, Cu: 10 samples, Ni: 14 samples, Pb: 9 samples, Zn: 9 samples). Additionally, As (2 samples) and Cd (1 sample) were classified as Grade IV. Upon overall assessment, 3 of the 28 sediment samples were classified as "very poor" and 8 as "poor," confirming contamination in sediments from six river regions.

Geochemical indices, such as the enrichment factor (EF) and geo-accumulation index (Igeo), indicated clear contamination levels relative to background concentrations, in line with the results of the pollution assessment. However, Pearson correlation analysis between heavy metal concentrations in water and sediment showed no significant linear correlations for most metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn).

Rare earth element (REE) analysis showed a predominance of light REEs (LREEs) over heavy REEs (HREEs) in all river sediments, consistent with the influence of granitic bedrock in Korea. The highest HREE/LREE ratio was found in ND (Nakdong river) region sediments, suggesting a potential influence from marine environments.

Future work will include isotopic analysis (Cu, Pb, Zn) to more precisely trace contamination sources. Integrating geochemical indices, REE distribution patterns, and isotopic ratios is expected to enhance the accuracy of pollution assessment and source tracing.


How to cite: Han, H.-J., Lee, S. Y., and Cho, D.-W.: Geochemical Assessment and Preliminary Source Tracing of Sediment and Water Pollution in Major Korean Rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14251,, 2025.

EGU25-17362 | PICO | HS9.6

Impact of Mining Activities on Water Contamination by Heavy Metals and Cyanide in the Hiré Region, Ivory Coast 

Assiata Traore Dosso, Robin Marc Dufour, Jean Kan Kouamé, and Nathalie Chèvre

Mining activities, both industrial and artisanal, play a crucial role in economic development but often come with significant environmental costs, particularly through water contamination. The Hiré region in Ivory Coast is significantly impacted by extensive gold mining and the intensive use of chemicals in ore processing, posing substantial risks to groundwater quality. While industrial mining is subject to regulations, unregulated artisanal mining practices contribute significantly to environmental contamination. This study evaluates the distribution of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and pollution indices, including the Enrichment Factor (EF), Heavy Metal Pollution Index (HPI), and Heavy Metal Contamination Index (HCI), in groundwater used for drinking purposes. The focus is on metals such as Pb, Hg, Cd, As, Cr, Fe, Al, Zn, Mn, and cyanide contamination.

Results indicate that arsenic, iron, and aluminum concentrations at several sites far exceed international water quality standards, likely due to natural geochemical processes and mining activities. The concentration of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) were generally high, with enrichment factors EF > 1 at the majority of sampled sites. Pollution indices show HPI < 100 and HCI < 50 for over 85% of sampled sites, indicating mild contamination. However, cyanide levels in cyanidation ponds exceeded safe limits by over 5900 times, highlighting critical environmental and health risks.

These findings underscore the importance of monitoring heavy metals, particularly cyanide, in the groundwater of the Hiré zone. Special attention should be given to unregulated artisanal mining and its constant relocation, which can expand the area of contamination. Ultimately, these findings contribute to the development of mitigation strategies and inform policymaking to address water pollution challenges in mining regions globally.

How to cite: Traore Dosso, A., Marc Dufour, R., Kouamé, J. K., and Chèvre, N.: Impact of Mining Activities on Water Contamination by Heavy Metals and Cyanide in the Hiré Region, Ivory Coast, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17362,, 2025.

EGU25-17782 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Field patterns as game changers of the sediment connectivity 

Matthieu Herpoel, Adrien Michez, and Aurore Degré

In Northwestern Europe, sediment transport from agricultural fields to rivers has significant off-site impacts, influenced by connectivity between landscape elements. Sediment connectivity, assessed  using the index of connectivity (IC) developed by Borselli et al. (2008), is shaped by landscape configuration, including features like field boundaries that divide land parcels. Effective management requires understanding these interactions to mitigate soil erosion. IC depends on factors enhancing (upstream area and slope) or impeding (downstream distance and impedance) connectivity, with impedance estimation being particularly challenging to quantify due to vegetation effects. One such effect is the alternation of crops along slopes, a practice known as strip cropping, which is widely recognised in the literature as an effective strategy to reduce connectivity and improve soil conservation. This study proposes refining the IC weighting factor by incorporating parcel connectivity, thereby better reflecting the impact of agricultural landscape fragmentation. We focused on the Dyle sub-catchment in Belgium, where the organisation of agricultural parcels is suboptimal, with 40% of crop sequences along concentrated flow paths  consisting of crops from the same category (e.g., spring crops or winter cereals). We applied the revised IC using high-resolution data (1 m × 1 m) to compare different parcel fragmentation scenarios. Fragmented landscapes yield lower connectivity values, indicating greater sediment disconnection. This is especially pronounced along concentrated flow paths, where up to 49% of the least connected flow paths are disconnected compared to non-fragmented setups. Isoline-based parcel fragmentation emerged as highly effective, promoting larger parcel sizes and better disconnection on concentrated flow paths. These results emphasize the opportunities for improved management of agricultural landscapes in order to reduce sediment connectivity through appropriate land use practices and parcel configurations.

How to cite: Herpoel, M., Michez, A., and Degré, A.: Field patterns as game changers of the sediment connectivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17782,, 2025.

EGU25-18960 | ECS | PICO | HS9.6

Temporal and spatial challenges in the in situ monitoring of suspended sediment and element concentrations in rivers 

Renee van Dongen-Köster, Julia Arndt, Nadine Belkouteb, Henning Schroeder, Aron Slabon, Simon Terweh, Stephan Dietrich, Lars Duester, and Thomas Hoffmann

Suspended sediment and the associated sediment-bound elements play a crucial role in the geomorphic, chemical and ecological status of a river. Representative in situ sampling of these suspended solids has shown to be complex, because the concentrations vary strongly over time and across the river cross-section. This leads to large uncertainties in suspended sediment and element load calculations in rivers.

This contribution summarizes the findings of the URSACHEN project which ran between 2020 and 2024 at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). The project analyzed the spatiotemporal variability of suspended sediment and element concentrations in rivers and derived the consequences for representative in situ river monitoring. The project included case studies along the German part of the Rhine at three focus sites (Koblenz, Brohl-Lützing, Emmerich) under different flow conditions (low, middle and high discharge), as well as studies based on existing monitoring data from the river monitoring network of the Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration (WSV) and data from the Global Water Quality Database GEMStat.

In this PICO, we will present a method that allows to determine the required sampling interval for a river segment, in order to determine the annual suspended sediment load with an uncertainty of <20%. Results from a global study highlight the type of river catchments in which higher sampling intervals are required and others where infrequent sampling is sufficient. Furthermore, we will highlight the importance if amalgamated in situ sampling, to reduce the uncertainty introduced by short-term, turbulence-driven temporal variability.

To analyze the spatial variability of suspended solids in the Rhine river cross-section, a new in situ sampling method was developed, which enables the simultaneous in situ sampling of five samples in a depth-gradient. The collected samples were analyzed on suspended sediment concentrations and the concentrations of 67 different chemical elements. The data from the conducted sampling campaigns, as well as the existing data from the WSV monitoring network, show strong lateral and depth gradients in suspended sediment and element concentrations across the river cross-section. Collecting water samples from the water surface and near the riverbank can lead to an underestimation of the annual sediment and element loads of up to 30%.

Overall, the URSACHEN project has significantly improved the understanding of the temporal and spatial variability of suspended sediment and element concentrations in rivers. The project provided important insights and recommendations for in-situ water monitoring and river management worldwide.

How to cite: van Dongen-Köster, R., Arndt, J., Belkouteb, N., Schroeder, H., Slabon, A., Terweh, S., Dietrich, S., Duester, L., and Hoffmann, T.: Temporal and spatial challenges in the in situ monitoring of suspended sediment and element concentrations in rivers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18960,, 2025.

EGU25-20481 | PICO | HS9.6

Emissions Ceased, Problems Persist – The Case of the Copper-Nickel Plant (Kola Peninsula) 

Alexander Sokolov, Natalia Gashkina, Tatyana Moiseenko, and Anton Sokolov

The aim of this study is to develop models for analyzing the dynamics of copper and nickel pollution in small lakes within the influence zone of the Pechenga Nickel Plant (up to 100 km) in the past, present, and future (without emissions).

The research focuses on modeling the dynamics of nickel and copper concentrations in water, soil, and lake sediments caused by atmospheric emissions from the Pechenga Nickel Plant (Kola Peninsula) from 1946 to 2050. The model is built upon heterogeneous data collected during over 30 years of research on pollution effects in the Kola Peninsula. Until recently (2020), the data reflected the state of lakes, rivers, soils, and sediments under significant atmospheric emissions of pollutants. New data, collected in 2023 under drastically reduced emissions, allowed refinement of several parameters and modifications to the model to describe a new phenomenon—the recovery of the region's natural environment.

The use of balanced identification techniques enabled the selection of a model of appropriate complexity for the available heterogeneous dataset (over 10 sources), the identification of unknown parameters (both numerical and functional), and the generation of results. The specialized software employed in this study (available at includes examples of various problem-solving scenarios ( The programs and corresponding databases used in this work can also be found in the repository.

The developed model matches the complexity of the experimental data and reflects the new reality—a slow recovery of ecosystems under drastically reduced emissions. The obtained forecast is reliable: under the scenario of zero emissions, water concentrations are determined by the release (transition to soluble forms) of Ni and Cu from reserves in the soil and sediments. This process is very slow, resulting in a noticeable reduction in water concentrations on the one hand, but precluding hopes for rapid further improvement on the other. The estimated "half-leaching" period (analogous to "half-life") of these reserves is on the order of several hundred years.

Keywords: atmospheric transport, pollution transformation, nickel, copper, subarctic aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, mathematical modeling, balanced identification, forecasting


How to cite: Sokolov, A., Gashkina, N., Moiseenko, T., and Sokolov, A.: Emissions Ceased, Problems Persist – The Case of the Copper-Nickel Plant (Kola Peninsula), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20481,, 2025.

SSS8 – Soil, Environment and Ecosystem Interactions

EGU25-6406 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.1

From Indicators to Action: Modeling Soil Health for Ecosystem Service Optimization. 

Marialaura Bancheri, Alessia Perego, Marco Botta, Rossella Albrizio, Nadia Orefice, Roberto De Mascellis, and Angelo Basile

Globally, soil plays a crucial role in delivering multiple soil-based ecosystem services (SESs), such as food provisioning, water regulation and purification, nutrient cycling, and others. This makes soils fundamental to achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including food security (SDG 2), water quality (SDG 6), and climate action (SDG 13). However, around 60 to 70% of soils in the EU are currently in an unhealthy state, highlighting the urgent need for concrete and immediate actions. 

Ultimately, a variety of soil health indicators have been proposed, based on physical, chemical, and biological measurements, both in the field and in the laboratory. However, many of these indicators, being derived from single measurements at specific points in time, fail to fully capture the complexity of the diverse and interconnected ecosystem services provided by soils. Consequently, evaluating SESs in a comprehensive spatio-temporal framework remains a significant challenge.

This study introduces an integrated approach to evaluating SESs using the ARMOSA (Analysis of cRopping systems for Management Optimization and Sustainable Agriculture) process-based model. ARMOSA enables the quantification of agronomic practices' effects on a broad set of crop and soil-related variables on a daily time scale. By utilizing multiple integrated indicators rather than isolated measurements, this approach captures the dynamic interactions within the soil-plant-atmosphere system—including water, carbon, and nitrate balances—across both spatial and temporal scales. This provides a more robust framework for soil health assessment tailored to site-specific characteristics. As highlighted in this session, the approach facilitates the identification of potential soil health statuses, laying the foundation for evaluating the impacts of various management practices on diverse soil types. Furthermore, it aligns with the objectives of soil monitoring legislation by offering insights into soil district delimitation and management strategies. It also provides a consistent and comprehensive framework for evaluating multiple soil ecosystem services while addressing scaling challenges in soil health assessments.

The approach is demonstrated in a hilly area of the Campania region (southern Italy), which encompasses five distinct climatic zones where durum wheat is the predominant crop. Various indicators were assessed in relation to key SES, including yield for food production, infiltration for water regulation, carbon stock changes for climate regulation, and nitrate leaching for nutrient cycling. The results of this study highlight the potential of the integrated SESs evaluations to support sustainable soil management and inform strategies that align with global soil health objectives.

How to cite: Bancheri, M., Perego, A., Botta, M., Albrizio, R., Orefice, N., De Mascellis, R., and Basile, A.: From Indicators to Action: Modeling Soil Health for Ecosystem Service Optimization., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6406,, 2025.

 Monitoring of the microbiological processes in the soil is important to understand and the impacts of agricultural practices on soil health. Evaluation of microbially-mediated soil processes usually involves manual sampling followed by laboratory analysis, which is costly, time consuming, physically intensive, non-continuous, and offers limited capacity for measuring changes at a high temporal and spatial resolution. Low-cost soil sensors manufactured using printing techniques offer a potential scalable solution to these issues, allowing for high-frequency in-situ measurement of decomposition rates. Here, we tested the use of novel decomposition sensors to complement or replace conventional laboratory measurements for the evaluation of soil health.

We installed decomposition sensors in undisturbed cores from two similar soils from Cumbria UK, but with high and low nutrient status and contrasting vegetation: a winter wheat crop and a biodiverse meadow sward.  We imposed a climatic stress on the cores as either a flood and drought treatment.  For the flood treatment, cores were placed in a tank with rainwater collected from the site, maintained level with the top of the soil throughout the study. For the control, watering with rainwater was administered three times a week, as needed. The drought was left to dry down through the treatment phase. When the treatments were alleviated, the flooded cores were allowed to drain, and the drought treatment received one litre of fresh rainwater per core.

The decomposition sensors were able to track the recovery of biological activity through time following the alleviation of climatic stress. Drought treatments recovered rapidly, whereas recovery from flooding was less rapid in the biodiverse treatment. The flooded winter wheat treatment was less affected by flooding than the other treatments which we attribute to the plants being better adapted to waterlogging. 

Our findings demonstrate the potential for the proxy measurement of soil processes in-situ using novel printed decomposition sensors, thereby supporting their potential for low-cost, high-resolution temporal and spatial monitoring of soil biological parameters and providing new insights into soil health.

How to cite: Quinton, J., Sharpe, T., Fry, E., and Whiting, G.: A Novel Biodegradable Decomposition Sensor demonstrates the dynamic recovery of soil biological activity following climatic stress , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7042,, 2025.

EGU25-7408 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.1

Using a reference color plate to calibrate soil color measured with smartphone cameras 

Fangzhou Zheng, Sheng Li, Alexander Koiter, and Yulia Kupriyanovich

Soil color has long been used as an indicator for soil properties such as soil organic carbon and soil moisture. Recent developments of citizen science have seen increased use of smartphone cameras for soil color measurement. However, there are high errors associated with this technique, especially when used in the field. A major source of the errors is that the color in the smartphone images for a given object is strongly affected by the type of smartphone used and the environmental lighting conditions. To reduce this error, we propose to calibrate the color in a smartphone image by including reference color objects in the picture while taking the photo. To examine the validity of this calibration method, we used a commercially available color plate with 24 color squares covering a wide range in the color space as the reference color objects. The color plate was placed together with 7 Munsell soil color sheets covering the range of soil colors observed in Canada. Pictures were taken with four different smartphones under six lighting conditions. Each color square in the color plate and each color chip in the Munsell soil color sheets were measured with a FieldSpec4 SpectroRadiometer. The FieldSpec4 measurements were converted to RGB values in the RGB color space and Hue, Value, and Chroma in the Munsell color space. These values were considered as reference values (true values). Meanwhile, for each color square in the color plate and each color chip in the Munsell soil color book, the RGB values in each smartphone image were extracted. They were converted to Hue, Value, and Chroma in the Munsell color space as well. These values derived directly from the smartphone images were considered the raw values for the smartphone images. For each smartphone image and for each color parameter, a linear regression was established between the raw and reference values of the color squares on the color plate. For other objects in the same picture, the calibration was conducted by applying the regression equation to adjust the raw values to the calibrated values. The validity of the calibration method was examined by comparing the calibrated values to the FeildSpec4 measured reference values. The results show that the raw values had significant bias for some smartphones and under some lighting conditions. After calibration, the bias has been reduced for most color parameters. In particular, the variations associated with different smartphones and different lighting conditions have been reduced. With the Munsell soil color sheets, the calibrated Hue, Value matched well with the values indicated on the sheets, a substantial improvement from the raw values. However, the calibration did not seem to work well with Chroma and there was no improvement after the calibration process for Chroma.

How to cite: Zheng, F., Li, S., Koiter, A., and Kupriyanovich, Y.: Using a reference color plate to calibrate soil color measured with smartphone cameras, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7408,, 2025.

EGU25-8276 | Posters on site | SSS8.1

High-resolution mapping of soil pH for Denmark 

Joan Sebastian Gutierrez Diaz, Deividas Mikstas, Marzieh Sournamabad, Anne-Cathrine Storgaard Danielsen, Sarem Norouzi, Anders Bjørn Møller, Lis de Jonge, Mogens Greve, and Lucas Gomes

Soil pH exhibits significant spatiotemporal variability due to natural factors (e.g., climate, terrain) and human activities (e.g., land use, soil management). Key drivers include soil texture, carbon content, vegetation, slope, and climate. Understanding this variability is essential for soil management. High-quality and readily interpretable soil pH maps are also needed as a covariate to investigate their relationships with complex soil properties at finer resolutions

Existing soil pH maps often lack the fine resolution required for field-scale applications, typically providing resolutions between 90 m and 250 m. To address this gap, we aimed to: (1) generate a high-resolution (10 m) soil pH map of Denmark with uncertainty estimates using machine learning, and (2) identify the main factors influencing soil pH variability across different land uses.

We analyzed 7000 topsoil samples (0–20 cm) collected from natural and agricultural sites. Soil pH was measured in H₂O and 0.01 M CaCl₂, with the delta pH calculated as their difference. Environmental layers at 10-m resolution, representing soil properties, climate, vegetation, and geomorphology, were harmonized as model inputs. We employed quantile regression forest models, splitting the dataset into 70% training and 30% testing for validation. Model accuracy was assessed using normalized root mean square error, concordance correlation coefficient, and R². We analyzed how environmental factors control the pH and the delta pH using the SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) algorithm.

The pH measured in CaCl₂ achieved the highest model performance, followed by H₂O pH and delta pH. The SHAP analysis highlighted the factors driving pH variability in natural versus agricultural settings. Soil texture, climate variables, and oxalate-extractable Fe and Al were the strongest predictors. Topographical parameters related to hydrological properties also impacted the spatial distribution of the response variables. Our results indicate that soil properties and topographical features had a higher contribution than remote sensing indices representing vegetation growth patterns. This hierarchy of influence suggests that while remote sensing data is valuable, it should be complemented by high-quality topographical and soil data for optimal pH mapping outcomes.

The methodology used in this research allowed us to establish the environmental covariates affecting pH variation. These fine-resolution maps serve as valuable tools for mapping other soil properties (e.g. ion exchange capacity, soil microbial diversity, etc.), enhancing therefore, agricultural management and planning to achieve healthy soils.

How to cite: Gutierrez Diaz, J. S., Mikstas, D., Sournamabad, M., Storgaard Danielsen, A.-C., Norouzi, S., Bjørn Møller, A., de Jonge, L., Greve, M., and Gomes, L.: High-resolution mapping of soil pH for Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8276,, 2025.

EGU25-8362 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.1

Toward Pan-European Mapping of Soil Water Retention Curves Using a Physics-informed Machine Learning Approach: Insights from Denmark 

Sarem Norouzi, Mogens Humlekrog Greve, Per Moldrup, Emmanuel Arthur, Peter Lehmann, David Robinson, Charles Pesch, Bo Vangsø Iversen, Marzieh Zaresourmanabad, Trine Norgaard, and Lis Wollesen de Jonge

The soil water retention curve (SWRC) is a fundamental soil property that provides information about soil structure, soil texture, plant water availability, drainage, and compaction, and is therefore highly linked to soil functions and soil health. Current large-scale digital maps of the SWRC are typically developed indirectly through a two-step process: i) the development of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) that establish relationships between basic soil properties such as textural fractions, bulk density, organic matter content, and parameters of well-known SWRC models, and ii) the application of these PTFs to basic soil property maps at various scales. This presentation introduces a novel, physically constrained machine learning approach for directly mapping the entire SWRC from saturation to oven-dryness. Unlike previous studies, our new approach neither relies on PTFs nor is limited to a specific SWRC model. Instead, it estimates a non-specific form of the SWRC, learned from both measurements and physical constraints. Applying this method to 1,261 soil profiles across Denmark, encompassing 4,747 measured SWRCs, demonstrates its superior performance compared to established methods. The new approach enables the aggregation of datasets with sparse and incomplete SWRC measurements, which are typically unusable with conventional methods. This capability maximizes spatial coverage and reduces uncertainties in the final predicted maps. Additionally, the new approach addresses the commonly observed imbalance between wet and dry-end measurements in large SWRC datasets. Following a detailed report on the results of our approach for Denmark, we discuss ongoing efforts and progress toward applying this method to SWRC mapping at the European scale.  

How to cite: Norouzi, S., Greve, M. H., Moldrup, P., Arthur, E., Lehmann, P., Robinson, D., Pesch, C., Iversen, B. V., Zaresourmanabad, M., Norgaard, T., and de Jonge, L. W.: Toward Pan-European Mapping of Soil Water Retention Curves Using a Physics-informed Machine Learning Approach: Insights from Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8362,, 2025.

EGU25-9479 | Orals | SSS8.1

Advancing soil health assessment and monitoring in the Global South: a flexible framework for enhancing food security and climate resilience in smallholder farming systems 

Frank Rasche and the Soil Health Working Group of the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Initiative

Soil health is crucial for enhancing food security and climate resilience in smallholder farming systems in the Global South. However, while diverse stakeholders, including researchers, private sector, governments, NGOs, extension services, and farmers, share the common goal of restoring and enhancing soil health, they have different objectives and needs. They also operate at varying spatial and temporal scales. In the context of the Global South, a significant challenge lies in the lack of consensus on effective methods for assessing and monitoring soil health across diverse agroecological contexts and farming systems. This presentation will: 1) explore the needs and challenges of soil health assessment in the Global South, 2) propose an adaptable operational framework for soil health assessment and monitoring that accommodates diverse contexts and engages key stakeholders, and 3) outline actionable steps to advance the practical implementation of the framework, supporting transitions toward sustainable food systems. Key bottlenecks to address include the development and integration of methods for assessing physical, chemical, and specifically biological soil health indicators, with a focus on ensuring their suitability and accessibility for diverse users and contexts, as well as agronomic and environmental outcomes. Furthermore, pathways to accelerate the impact of soil health decision-making will be identified. The goal is to offer essential guidance to advance integrated soil health assessment and monitoring, supporting agricultural innovations that benefit and actively include smallholder farmers and decision-makers in the Global South.

How to cite: Rasche, F. and the Soil Health Working Group of the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Initiative: Advancing soil health assessment and monitoring in the Global South: a flexible framework for enhancing food security and climate resilience in smallholder farming systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9479,, 2025.

EGU25-9639 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Biogeochemical characterization in the San Quintín mining area based on the IDV Index obtained through RPAS technology 

José Ignacio Barquero Peralbo, José Manuel Cespedes Castro, Jherson Antonio Morales Laurente, Efrén García Ordiales, and Pablo Higueras Higueras

Environmental issues resulting from abandoned mining activities currently represent a significant challenge due to their persistence in soils, water bodies, and surrounding ecosystems. The San Quintín Mining District, located in the Valle de Alcudia (Spain), has generated substantial local geochemical anomalies of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu), among other elements. This mid-20th-century mining operation has left a legacy of contamination affecting not only the soils in the area but also the surrounding vegetation, including agricultural and grazing lands.

Numerous studies have emphasized the critical role of plants as hyperaccumulators, capable of absorbing heavy metals such as Pb, Zn, Ca, Mn, Fe, and Cu from the soil. In this study, a biogeochemical assessment was conducted to determine the concentrations of these metals in soils and plants, using Quercus ilex (holm oak) as the prototype species due to its ubiquitous presence throughout the mining district.

The study employed two key parameters: the Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF), which measures the plant's capacity to accumulate heavy metals, and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), used to evaluate vegetation health through multispectral imaging. The methodology combined multielement analysis via Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) for determining trace elements (EPTs) and RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) technology to capture multispectral images for NDVI calculation.

The results reveal significant variability in soil geochemistry, with high levels of Fe₂O₃, Zn, Cu, and Pb, indicating localized contamination sources. Quercus ilex demonstrated varying absorption capacities depending on its specific location, with Mn and Fe showing the highest concentrations, reaching up to 26.2 mg/kg and 11.8 mg/kg, respectively, indicating substantial accumulation in certain areas. Pb and Zn concentrations displayed high coefficients of variation in soils near waste piles and tailings, supporting the hypothesis that these sources contribute to soil contamination and subsequent bioaccumulation in local vegetation.

Additionally, a deficiency in Mn, an essential nutrient for chlorophyll production and photosynthesis, could reduce chlorophyll content, thus lowering the plant's photosynthetic efficiency. This is reflected in higher NDVI values, which coincide with increased Mn concentrations in soil and plants. Finally, a negative correlation was observed between NDVI values and relatively low concentrations of metallic elements, highlighting the complex interactions between soil composition, vegetation health, and environmental contamination.

How to cite: Barquero Peralbo, J. I., Cespedes Castro, J. M., Morales Laurente, J. A., García Ordiales, E., and Higueras Higueras, P.: Biogeochemical characterization in the San Quintín mining area based on the IDV Index obtained through RPAS technology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9639,, 2025.

EGU25-10897 | Orals | SSS8.1

Assessing the condition of forest soils in the Basque Country (Spain) with site-specific thresholds for soil health indicators 

Mercedes Roman Dobarco, Sophie Cornu, Alex B. McBratney, and Jorge Curiel Yuste

The assessment of soil health needs to consider the context of soil-forming factors and land use history when identifying reference soils, and set thresholds and management targets specific to different soil types. In the Basque Country (N Spain), rural landscapes and forests have been subjected to anthropogenic transformations and uses since Antiquity, with a profound expansion of intensive forestry plantations during the 20th century. Hence, the establishment of reference soil health status is challenging but essential for guiding sustainable forest management. The aims of this study are: 1) to apply digital soil mapping for the delineation of soil monitoring units in the Basque Country, 2) set up thresholds and targets for soil indicators for managed forest soils, and 3) map the soil health condition of forest plantations. We established a framework for assessing the condition of forest plantations using three indicators suggested by the EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Law proposal (soil organic carbon (SOC): clay, pH, and bulk density) using data from Basonet, the permanent network for forest monitoring in the Basque Country. The soil units were created applying unsupervised classification to a set of environmental covariates, proxies of the soil-forming factors (pedogenon mapping). Semi-natural native forests were used as reference for setting unit-specific thresholds for soil indicators (i.e., reference approach), and we tested the influence of the selected threshold on the soil health assessment. 61% of plots were in poor condition at the interval 0-20 cm and 90% at 20-40 cm for loss of SOC according to the EU level threshold of SOC:clay <1/13. The proportion of plantations in poor condition for loss of SOC with the reference approach ranged between 14-50% depending on the percentile used to set thresholds (5th and 25th percentiles). Forest plantations acidified the soil compared to semi-natural forests, with 15-60% of plantation plots with pH lower that the thresholds. All plantation plots were in good condition in terms of subsoil compaction with the EU criteria, but 9.6% of semi-natural plots suffered from compaction. We emphasize that the assessment of soil health needs to consider the context of soil-forming factors and inherent soil properties (e.g., mineralogy) when identifying thresholds for soil health indicators. Future work will continue the search for reference soils combining historical aerial photographs and long-term satellite imagery.

How to cite: Roman Dobarco, M., Cornu, S., McBratney, A. B., and Curiel Yuste, J.: Assessing the condition of forest soils in the Basque Country (Spain) with site-specific thresholds for soil health indicators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10897,, 2025.

EGU25-11623 | Orals | SSS8.1

A soil health indicator framework based on ecosystem service delivery 

Jacqueline Hannam, Maddie Harris, Lynda Deeks, Solène Marion, Jim Harris, Lawrence Way, Jane Rickson, and Hannah Hoskins

A proof-of-concept environmental indicator framework designed to monitor soil health and its capacity to deliver key ecosystem services was developed for England. The framework addressed trade-offs inherent in managing soils for diverse, often conflicting outcomes, such as climate regulation, food production, water regulation, and below-ground biodiversity. By integrating these ecosystem services into a unified system, the framework enables assessment of soil health at a granular scale while contextualizing results across broader land uses.

Key soil properties critical to soil health and ecosystem service delivery were identified and ranked, forming the basis of conceptual models for statistical modelling in Bayesian Belief Networks. These models were populated with national-scale datasets and expert judgment, providing probabilistic outputs that indicated the capacity of soils to support ecosystem services at the land parcel level. Results were visualized in a user-friendly dashboard app, allowing for comparison of soil health within the context of inherent soil properties and current land use.

Initial outputs demonstrated the utility of the framework in identifying trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services, while also potential to detect emergent soil system properties. The framework’s flexibility has allowed for further iterative refinement of the models, and future incorporation of local knowledge, new soil data, and adjustment to evolving policy or scientific understanding. This adaptability ensures the framework remains relevant for diverse applications, from reporting national policy targets on soil health to supporting field-level decisions by farmers.

How to cite: Hannam, J., Harris, M., Deeks, L., Marion, S., Harris, J., Way, L., Rickson, J., and Hoskins, H.: A soil health indicator framework based on ecosystem service delivery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11623,, 2025.

EGU25-11987 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.1

Bridging law and soil science for soil health 

Edwin Alblas and Julian Helfenstein

Soils have a critical role in delivering ecosystem services for food security, climate action, and biodiversity conservation, among others. Alarmingly, the health of soils across the globe is deteriorating rapidly. Within the European Union alone, over 60% of soils are currently considered to be in a degraded state. In this light, it is noteworthy that, compared to environmental domains such as air and water quality, soils suffer from limited legal protection. A key barrier is the challenge of bridging the gap between how soils function - with substantial uncertainties surrounding their composition, distribution, and the most effective ways to measure and interpret key properties – and the design and performance of legal frameworks. In this interdisciplinary perspective article, we explore how law and soil science can be bridged to advance in ensuring soil health. As a case study, we critically evaluate the EU’s proposed Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive, aimed at protecting soils through three key pillars: soil monitoring, sustainable soil management, and contamination. We identify and discuss key challenges for bridging law and soil science, and propose novel solutions for enhanced legal protection of soil. Finally, we distill lessons learned for policymakers to strengthen soil protection efforts globally.

How to cite: Alblas, E. and Helfenstein, J.: Bridging law and soil science for soil health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11987,, 2025.

EGU25-13293 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Soil Salinization Across Europe 

Mohammad Aziz Zarif, Amirhossein Hassani, Mehdi H Afshar, Panos Panagos, Inma Lebron, David A Robinson, and Nima Shokri

Soil salinization, referring to the excessive accumulation of soluble salt in soils, adversely influences nutrient cycling, microbial activity, biodiversity, plant growth, and crop production, thus affecting soil health and ecosystem functioning (Shokri et al., 2024). Soil salinity quantification is a major step toward the mitigation of its effects. Therefore, developing quantitative tools to predict soil salinity at regional and continental levels under different boundary conditions and scenarios is crucial for sustainable soil management and the security of natural resources (Hassani et al., 2020, 2021). This study proposes an AI-driven soil salinity quantification and projection approach focused on EU soils using a set of environmental covariates, which consist of soil properties, terrain attributes, climate, and remotely sensed variables. A key aspect of this study is the integration of soil salinity point data from the LUCAS survey in the AI model, complemented by the WoSIS dataset. To improve the model performance, forward feature selection technique was applied. The model achieved the training, testing, and validation accuracy, expressed in , of 0.7, 0.7, and 0.57 respectively. The analysis indicates that 4.9 and 0.6 Mha of the EU land exceeds the 1 and 2 dS/m of electrical conductivity, respectively, highlighting the regions of concern. Italy, Spain, and France show high levels of soil salinity respectively. The output of the predictive model will be a gridded dataset illustrating the spatial and temporal (yearly) distribution of soil salinity across the EU, accompanied by the corresponding uncertainty map with a spatial resolution of 1 km. This information is crucial for identifying regions with elevated salinity levels and formulating necessary action plans to mitigate the situation.

How to cite: Zarif, M. A., Hassani, A., Afshar, M. H., Panagos, P., Lebron, I., Robinson, D. A., and Shokri, N.: Spatial and Temporal Assessment of Soil Salinization Across Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13293,, 2025.

The quantification of soil health is typically split up in the measurement of physical, chemical, and biological indicators. Such a disciplinary approach requires a manifold of different methods that are often time consuming and are difficult to be integrated into a concise description of soil health status. A possible candidate for a comprehensive description is the extracellular enzymatic activity of the soil. The enzymatic activity as biological indicator plays a pivotal role in the physico-chemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. In addition, it characterizes the degradation of organic matter and structure formation that controls physical processes like aeration and rainfall partitioning (infiltration and runoff). To represent various functions of enzymes and biogeochemical processes, we measured the activity of five enzymes using SEAR (Soil Enzymatic Activity Reader). SEAR determines the extracellular enzymatic activity using a fluorescent substrate. We applied this method to measure the enzymatic activity in a forest in a dry region of Switzerland that suffers from reduced rainfall amounts, resulting in hydrophobic conditions that affect rainfall partitioning and the soil water balance. Preliminary results for a pine stand show a slight decrease of the activity of enzymes that are responsible for carbon decomposition and nitrogen mineralization during the dry summer period, indicating that the soil functions are disturbed during the dry period. We will compare these findings with results from a spruce stand and discuss the soil functions and soil health status during drought periods.

How to cite: Lehmann, P., Fetzer, J., and Meller, S.: Measuring enzymatic activity  to integrate biological, chemical, and physical soil health indicators – a case study in a dry coniferous forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14934,, 2025.

Soil health is a comprehensive reflection of many ecosystem functions and services of soils, which covers a range of indicators including physical, chemical and biological properties. The assessment of soil health and measurement of its indicators should follow the criteria of simplicity, inexpensiveness, rapidity and reliability, but previous measurement methods seldom meet all of these requirements at the same time. Spectroscopy is a method that utilizes a light source to irradiate the measured materials and cause the movement of atoms, molecules and electron within the substance to form a spectral image. It has many advantages such as non-destructive, non-polluting, cheap, fast, reliable, and multi-indicator measurements, making it an ideal way to measure soil health indicators. This study summarizes the principles and current research situations of common spectroscopic methods (including near-infrared (NIR), visible to near-infrared (Vis-NIR), mid-infrared (MIR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman (scattering) spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence (XRF)) in the determination of various properties in soil studies. We also give our recommendations of corresponding spectroscopic methods for different assessment scenarios and purposes. Finally, we point out current research gaps and future study directions. The feasibility and advantages are confirmed for using spectroscopic techniques on soil health studies, which is conducive to the practical application and uniform assessment of soil health indicator determination in the future.

How to cite: Hu, Y.-H.: Assessment and measurement of soil health indicators using spectroscopic techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15111,, 2025.

EGU25-17115 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Evaluating SOC status in agricultural soils: a comparison of approaches 

Luca Giuliano Bernardini, Elisa Bruni, Emma Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier, Katharina Keiblinger, Christoph Rosinger, and Gernot Bodner

Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a fundamental contributor to soil functions and health.  Since SOC is a strong predictor of many important soil properties, it is prominently featured in soil health assessments and monitoring targets.  Yet, given its strong spatial heterogeneity, specific SOC targets are highly debated. For example, the EU Directive for Soil Monitoring and Resilience proposed the ratio between SOC and clay content (SOC:clay) as a target, with 1/13 separating “degraded” from “non-degraded” mineral agricultural soils, allowing local correction factors for diverging pedo-climatic conditions. However, SOC:clay has been criticized for inherent biases. Recent publications support this perspective, calling for regionally specific SOC benchmarks. These benchmarks are typically an expected SOC value for an approximately homogeneous area, in terms of land-use and pedoclimatic conditions.  We provide an overview of three recently published protocols for deriving regionally relevant SOC targets and evaluate them on recent monitoring campaigns in Austria, using the SOC:clay ratio as a baseline.

Our results show that all regional benchmarking approaches evaluate the status of SOC in agricultural soils similarly, based on recent monitoring campaigns. Additionally, these approaches show high sensitivity to agricultural management, which the SOC:clay ratio fails to do consistently in our case study. Finally, we propose an approach for using lighthouse farms to guide SOC targets within a specific benchmark, where lighthouse farms represent the upper boundary of what is achievable in terms of soil health within a given pedoclimatic zone.

How to cite: Bernardini, L. G., Bruni, E., Emma Izquierdo-Verdiguier, E., Keiblinger, K., Rosinger, C., and Bodner, G.: Evaluating SOC status in agricultural soils: a comparison of approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17115,, 2025.

EGU25-17266 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in the detection of microplastics in Croatian agricultural soils 

Jelena Horvatinec, Marko Reljić, Valeria Paola Borghini, Lidija Svečnjak, Nikolina Ilić, Ivan Nement, and Monika Zovko

Microplastics (MP) smaller than 5 mm have become widespread in the environment, including agricultural soils, due to increasing production and use. MP is characterized by a large specific surface area and hydrophobicity, which makes it a carrier of organic pollutants, heavy metals, and microorganisms. Their slow degradation and small size allow it to enter the food chain, potentially threatening human health.

Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy coupled with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) is a powerful, cost-effective, and non-destructive method for identifying MP, and analyzing its functional groups in soil samples. This study aimed to assess the applicability of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy for detecting MP in Croatian Luvisol and Eugley soils. Polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) were added to soils at concentrations of 2% and 5% and analysed in triplicate.

FTIR-ATR successfully detected PP and PE functional groups in both soils. However, in Eugley soil, strong absorption bands from minerals and inorganic soil particles overlapped the characteristic PP bands at 1454 cm⁻¹ and the 1237–720 cm⁻¹ range, whereas in Luvisol, interference occurred only within the 1237–720 cm⁻¹ range. These findings highlight FTIR-ATR strong potential for MP detection in soils, although further research is needed for MP particle quantification.

Keywords: microplastics, polyethylene, polypropylene, FTIR-ATR spectroscopy, agricultural soil


How to cite: Horvatinec, J., Reljić, M., Borghini, V. P., Svečnjak, L., Ilić, N., Nement, I., and Zovko, M.: Application of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in the detection of microplastics in Croatian agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17266,, 2025.

EGU25-18270 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Can plant-beneficial bacteria be used as an indicator of soil health? 

Lucas Carvalho Gomes, Anne-Cathrine Danielsen, Sebastian Gutierrez, Emmanuel Artur, Charles Pesch, Peter Lystbæk Weber, Mogens H. Greve, and Lis Wollesen de Jonge

Soil health is the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals and humans, with soil biodiversity playing a critical role. However, its complexity and the lack of harmonized data make it challenging to establish measurable links between soil biodiversity and soil health. In this study, we explored the use of plant-beneficial bacteria (PBB) as potential indicators of soil health. Plant-beneficial bacteria are known to support plant growth and development by providing multiple benefits, such as biocontrol, growth promotion (e.g., nitrogen fixation), and stress resistance (e.g., drought tolerance). For this study, we analyzed eDNA data from 7500 soil samples collected across various land uses and soil types in Denmark. Plant-beneficial bacteria identification was based on a global database, which links microbial taxonomy with plant-beneficial traits from existing literature based on experiments, recording 396 genera that contribute to biocontrol, stress resistance, and growth-promoting functions. Our findings show that PBB are highly variable across different land uses. For instance, agricultural areas exhibited the highest median number of different PBB genera, with values ranging from approximately 5 to 320 genera, and showed significant variation. In contrast, heathlands displayed a lower number of PBB (around 40 genera) with less variability. Additionally, the number of PBB was negatively correlated with the soil C/N ratio. The variability of PBB across and within different land uses and soil properties suggests its potential to serve as an indicator of soil health.

How to cite: Gomes, L. C., Danielsen, A.-C., Gutierrez, S., Artur, E., Pesch, C., Lystbæk Weber, P., H. Greve, M., and Wollesen de Jonge, L.: Can plant-beneficial bacteria be used as an indicator of soil health?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18270,, 2025.

EGU25-18347 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Bridging the gap: Field-based soil health assessment for nature-based soil management 

Franziska Weinrich, Christoph Rosinger, Gernot Bodner, and Katharina Keiblinger

Understanding soil health is pivotal for the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices. Rapid and reliable field-based methods for assessing soil respiration, labile carbon (C), and stable C are needed to complement laboratory analyses and provide on-site insights into the soil. This study explores the performance and reliability of field methods for measuring these parameters across diverse land use and soil management systems, focusing on the applicability of colorimetric and spectrophotometric techniques.

Two distinct soil sample sets were analyzed. The first set included 10 agricultural sites in Eastern Austria, with samples collected from arable fields and adjacent (semi-) natural reference strips over three time points (April, May, and June). The second set involved field trials in Pyhra and Hollabrunn, employing a randomized block design to assess soil tillage (conventional, direct seeding, minimal, and reduced tillage) and cover crops (fallow, diverse, and standard). Each treatment was replicated three times and sampled once.

Field measurements of basal soil respiration were conducted by incubating fresh soil for 12 hours in containers with an agar medium and a pH-indicator, with CO₂-induced color changes captured using RGB and Lab* data. Labile C was assessed using an adapted Weil et al. (2003) method, while stable C was extracted with 0.5 M NaOH. Laboratory validation employed gas chromatography for soil respiration and photometric methods for POxC (550 nm) and NaOH extracts (400 and 600 nm).

Field and laboratory measurements correlated well for the 10 Eastern Austrian sites (r² = 0.26 for soil respiration, r² = 0.74 for labile C, and r² = 0.52 for stable C), supporting the reliability of the field methods. Results demonstrated the ability to differentiate between arable and non-arable land use systems. However, distinguishing soil management practices (e.g., tillage and cover cropping) proved challenging, with no significant differences observed across methods.

These findings highlight the potential of field-based techniques for soil quality assessment, offering practical tools that align closely with laboratory precision. However, further refinement is needed to distinguish conventional and nature-based management systems effectively.


Weil, R. R., Islam, K. R., Stine, M. A., Gruver, J. B., & Samson-Liebig, S. E. (2003). Estimating active carbon for soil quality assessment: A simplified method for laboratory and field use. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 18(1), 3-17.

How to cite: Weinrich, F., Rosinger, C., Bodner, G., and Keiblinger, K.: Bridging the gap: Field-based soil health assessment for nature-based soil management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18347,, 2025.

EGU25-18586 | Posters on site | SSS8.1

Impact of Pollutants in Post-Industrial Soils on Soil Biota: A Comprehensive Analysis 

Aleksandra Zgórska, Nicolas Manier, Mariusz Kruczek, and Nicolas Pucheux

Soil contamination is a pressing global issue, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, agriculture, and human health. The presence of hazardous substances such as heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and other pollutants in soils poses significant risks to biodiversity and the functioning of natural systems. In the European Union, soil remediation has emerged as a priority area, underlined by its inclusion in various environmental policies and frameworks aimed at achieving a sustainable future. Addressing soil contamination requires robust scientific approaches to assess environmental risks and inform remediation strategies.

This research presents an evaluation of environmental risks posed by contaminated soil samples collected from post-industrial and post-mining areas. The adopted research methodology is based on an assessment derived from a comprehensive ecotoxicological analysis conducted using a battery of bioassays. These biotest include representatives of various trophic levels, offering a holistic perspective on the ecological impact of the contaminants. These bioassays, representing producers, consumers, and decomposers, provided a comprehensive assessment of the ecological hazards posed by the soil contaminants. The findings underscore the importance of integrated ecotoxicological analyses in understanding the impacts of soil contamination and guiding remediation efforts, particularly within the framework of European Union initiatives aimed at sustainable soil management.

How to cite: Zgórska, A., Manier, N., Kruczek, M., and Pucheux, N.: Impact of Pollutants in Post-Industrial Soils on Soil Biota: A Comprehensive Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18586,, 2025.

EGU25-19239 | Orals | SSS8.1

The review of soil legacy data as a first step for the construction of a soil health monitoring system in the Mediterranean Region  

Michele D'Amico, Anna Masseroli, Roberto Demontis, Eva Lorrai, Laura Muscas, and Claudio Zucca

In the Mediterranean region and particularly in the Near East and North Africa Mediterranean (NENA) countries, the soils and landscapes are extensively degraded, due to long-term unsustainable anthropogenic pressure and the effects of climate change. The average level of health of the soil resources is low and already inadequate to support economic development and food security targets. 
In the context of the sustainable management and protection of soil resources, considering the specificities of Mediterranean environmental conditions, there is an urgent need to make soil data and soil information (SDI) data understandable and usable for the purpose of monitoring soil health and assessing soil ecosystems in the region. 
Steps toward this aim are being taken within the PRIMA-funded SOIL4MED project, which focuses on monitoring soil health and developing information systems to promote sustainable soil management in Mediterranean region, aligning with the Global Soil Partnership aims and approaches. 
The project starts with a comprehensive review of legacy soil point data provided by partner countries, i.e. Italy, Lebanon, Spain, France, Tunisia, Greece, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, and Morocco.
A total of almost 9,000 soil profiles data were collected, thanks also to the contributions of some research institutes (i.e., IAO, CREA, IRD/ORSTOM). These were then subjected to detailed analysis in order to ascertain the types of survey methods employed, the different soil classification systems used and the type of data available for each country (e.g., field data, lab data).
The systematic collection of data has revealed several key findings. Firstly, that legacy data are frequently old, in non-digital format and lack homogeneity in terms of soil classification systems, field and lab methods, and data formats. Secondly, that if properly processed, such data are able to provide an overview of soil characteristics and properties in the Mediterranean area.
Therefore, to use these data systematically and effectively, they must be harmonized and digitized in order to develop an easily accessible and standardized database of soil information.
The process of collecting, evaluating, integrating multiple types of soil legacy data, homogenizing them using a single classification system (WRB, 2022), and their subsequent inclusion in a database, provides a more robust and complete view of the evidence available about soil health in the MR. It is a key step in the selection of soil health indicators and provides useful information to define past and present soil health conditions. This collaborative effort represents a crucial preparatory step for the future realization of the Soil Atlas of the Mediterranean Region.

How to cite: D'Amico, M., Masseroli, A., Demontis, R., Lorrai, E., Muscas, L., and Zucca, C.: The review of soil legacy data as a first step for the construction of a soil health monitoring system in the Mediterranean Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19239,, 2025.

This study investigated the comparative influence of regional difference in agronomic potential (‘Region'), natural drainage (‘Drainage’) and grassland management intensity (‘Manage’) on soil physicochemical variables, microbial community structure and soil enzymatic activity across 37 Irish grassland sites. Of the soil physicochemical variables measured, nested ANOVA models revealed that soil dry matter, total Carbon and Nitrogen, M3-Magnesium and M3-Calcium were significantly influenced by ‘Region’ (p < 0.05), while soil pH and soil organic Carbon were significantly influenced by both ‘Region’ and ‘Manage’, though the former had the stronger influence. No measured variable was significantly influenced by ‘Drainage’. A nested PERMANOVA model revealed that each of the three factors exerted a significant influence on soil microbial community structure (p < 0.05), with the community centroid distance (Euclidian) also revealing that there was a comparative influence between the three factors (distance range = 0.066 – 0.079). The factor ‘Drainage’ did have a stronger influence on the abundance of the fatty acid biomarker for the arbuscular mycorrizal fungi (effect size = 20.54%) than ‘Region’ (effect size = 10.05%), while ‘Manage’ did not display a significant effect. In contrast to soil microbial community structure, individual soil enzymatic activities mostly either did not significantly respond to any factor, or significantly responded to ‘Region’ (p < 0.05, i.e., β-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase and arylsulfatase). The study highlights the value of considering localized environmental drivers in studies relating to soil health at the national level, to support effective, context-specific management strategies for soil health.

How to cite: Fox, A., Barreiro, A., Wall, D., and Bondi, G.: The Influence of Region, Drainage and Management on Soil Physicochemical Properties, Microbial Community, and Enzymatic Activities in Irish Agricultural Grasslands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-237,, 2025.

EGU25-1473 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Agricultural management intensity a stronger driver of soil nutrients and enzymatic activities than regional-scale geographic factors in Irish grasslands. 

Karla Burke, Achim Schmalenberger, Stefanie Schulz, Andreas Luescher, Fiona Brennan, and Aaron Fox

Understanding the comparative influence of agricultural management intensity and regional-scale geographic factors on the level of soil nutrients and microbial activities in Irish grasslands is a key research gap. To address this, a regional-scale survey was undertaken, spanning two Irish regions (‘Region’), one favourable to agricultural productivity (South-East) and one less-favourable (West). From each region, soil samples were taken from three different grassland management intensities (‘Manage’, n=12); intensive, low-input grassland and extensively-grazed pasture, a total of 72 sites. Statistical differences were tested via nested ANOVA. Potassium (K), sulfur (S) and phosphorus (P), essential macronutrients for plant growth, responded significantly to ‘Manage’ (all p < 0.01), but not to ‘Region’ (p > 0.05). There was a significant effect of ‘Manage’ on K, S and P in the favourable region, with this effect also seen for K and S in the less-favourable region (all p < 0.05). These effects were driven by higher values in intensive grasslands. A significant effect of ‘Manage’ was also seen on the activity of four carbon-cycling enzymes; β-glucosidase, chitinase, cellobiohydrolase, and β-xylosidase (all p < 0.05), with no significant effect of ‘Region’ observed (p > 0.05). The enzymes β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase were significantly influenced by ‘Manage’ in both the favourable and less-favourable regions, with higher activity levels seen in intensive grasslands compared to extensively-grazed pasture in each instance (all p < 0.05). These results highlight the stronger influence that agricultural management intensity has on soil nutrients and microbial activities in Irish grasslands compared to regional-scale geographic factors.

How to cite: Burke, K., Schmalenberger, A., Schulz, S., Luescher, A., Brennan, F., and Fox, A.: Agricultural management intensity a stronger driver of soil nutrients and enzymatic activities than regional-scale geographic factors in Irish grasslands., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1473,, 2025.

EGU25-2154 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Spatiotemporal modeling and mapping of soil organic carbon density with uncertainty quantification across Europe (2000–2022) 

Xuemeng Tian, Sytze de Bruin, Rolf Simoes, Mustafa Serkan Isik, Robert Minarik, Yu-Feng Ho, Murat Şahin, Martin Herold, Davide Consoli, and Tomislav Hengl

The paper describes a comprehensive framework for soil organic carbon density (SOCD) (kg/m3) modeling and mapping, based on spatiotemporal Random Forest (RF) and Quantile Regression Forests (QRF). A total of 45,616 SOCD measurements and various feature layers, particularly 30m Landsat-based spectral indices, were used to produce 30m SOCD maps for the EU at four-year intervals (2000--2022) and four soil depth intervals (0--20cm, 20--50cm, 50--100cm, and 100--200cm). Per-pixel 95% probability prediction intervals (PIs) and extrapolation probabilities are also provided. Model evaluation indicates consistent accuracy, with R2 between 0.53--0.67 and CCC 0.68--0.80 across cross-validations and independent tests. Prediction accuracy varies by land cover, depth interval and year of prediction with accuracy the worst for shrubland and deeper soils 100--200cm. PI validation confirmed effective uncertainty estimation, though with reduced accuracy for higher SOCD values. Shapley analysis identified soil depth as the most influential feature, followed by vegetation, long-term bioclimate, and topographic features. While pixel-level uncertainty is substantial, spatial aggregation reduces uncertainty by approximately 66%. Detecting SOCD changes remains challenging but offers a baseline for future improvements. Maps, based primarily on topsoil data from cropland, grassland, and woodland, are best suited for applications related to these land covers and depths. Users should interpret the maps with local knowledge and consider the uncertainty and extrapolation probability layers. All data and code are available under an open license at and

How to cite: Tian, X., de Bruin, S., Simoes, R., Isik, M. S., Minarik, R., Ho, Y.-F., Şahin, M., Herold, M., Consoli, D., and Hengl, T.: Spatiotemporal modeling and mapping of soil organic carbon density with uncertainty quantification across Europe (2000–2022), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2154,, 2025.

EGU25-2987 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Metabolic and Biological Responses of Degraded Black Soils to Poplar Plantation 

Jia Yang and Huiyan Gu

    Soil micro-food webs are essential in maintaining soil health through individual life activities and intra- and interspecific interactions. However, black soils degradation destabilizes soil micro-food webs and causes loss of soil function. Although vegetation restoration is considered the most effective method for sustainable management of soil health and ecosystems, the existing knowledge on black soils - poplar - microfood web interconnections is still limited. In this experiment, we investigated the effects of Populus simonii × P. nigra (P. xiaohei) on soil biomes in different levels of degraded black soils, in particular amplifying the interactions between four biomes's key taxa and differential metabolites. We characterized soil chemical and enzyme activity properties, community composition of soil biomes, and metabolic profiles. We found that poplar could increase the diversity of four soil biomes in degraded black soils and promote soil micro-food web stability. In addition, P. xiaohei induced consistent changes in high trophic level protists and nematode communities in different degrees of degraded black soils. With deeper degradation, the survival strategy of P. xiaohei shifted from acquisition to conservation, and the driving microorganisms shifted from a resource acquisition strategy to a community with high growth potential. Futhermore, P. xiaohei enhanced soil metabolic processes by driving different trophic-level taxa in the soil micro-food web, and similar metabolites were accumulated to ultimately contribute to soil nutrient cycling. These findings provide insights into how poplar affects changes in soil biological and metabolic characteristics in degraded black soils and are critical for developing specific components of vegetation measures to protect the health of degraded black soils.

How to cite: Yang, J. and Gu, H.: Metabolic and Biological Responses of Degraded Black Soils to Poplar Plantation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2987,, 2025.

Soil microbial necromass carbon (MNC) is an important component of soil organic carbon (SOC) in croplands. Microbial communities contribute over 50% of the SOC in croplands through continuous turnover and the formation of necromass, which is characterized by its large scale and strong persistence. Agricultural production systems are widely influenced by human activities. There is still a lack of understanding regarding key issues such as the dynamics of MNC and SOC under management practices and their global distribution potential. In this study, we combined meta-analysis with machine learning methods, revealed the impact patterns of cropland management on soil MNC components and SOC. The results showed that the MNC storage reached the highest value of 5.93 Mg C ha⁻¹ under the practice of mineral fertilizer combined with manure. The fungal necromass carbon storage in cropland soils is much higher than that of bacterial necromass carbon, which dominates the changes in microbially-derived organic carbon storage. Assessment results of global potential distribution patterns of MNC and SOC storage under management practices based on machine learning indicate that conservation tillage has the highest global carbon storage potential, reaching up to 2.58 Mg C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹ and 3.55 Mg C ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹. This study emphasizes the impact and importance of soil microorganisms in croplands as a driving force on SOC storage, accurately quantifies their response to management practices, and comprehensively evaluates the application potential of different management practices on a global scale, enhancing our understanding of the relationship patterns between MNC and SOC in agricultural systems.

How to cite: Wang, P., Liu, S., He, Y., and Jiang, Q.: Global patterns of microbial necromass and soil organic carbon under sustainable agricultural practices: New insights from machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4890,, 2025.

EGU25-4962 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Soil Carbon Dynamics in Reclaimed Mining Lands: Insights from Organic Amendment Applications 

Orracha Sae-Tun, Rizki Maftukhah, Ngadisih Ngadisih, Murtiningrum Murtiningrum, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Axel Mentler, and Katharina Keiblinger

The reclamation of degraded soils, particularly in tropical post mining areas, presents a significant challenge. Organic soil amendments are widely proved to improve soil health by increasing organic carbon accumulation in degraded soils, such as that in a tropical post-tin mining area. Their application also affects soil organic carbon (SOC) quality. However, a process of quality transformation induced by the organic soil amendments is still far from definite. Thus, this study aimed to explore the transformative potential of organic soil amendments in boosting SOC storage and enhancing its quality.

Over a four-year period, we conducted a comprehensive study in an Indonesian post-tin mining soil using a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments included control (no amendment), compost, charcoal, and a combination of charcoal and compost. Our findings revealed that organic amendments not only increased SOC stock but also induced significant changes in SOC quality, as evidenced by chemical composition analysis using Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). Notably, the charcoal treatment showed marked differentiation of SOC chemical composition from the second year onwards. By performing a two-dimensional correlation spectroscopic (2DCOS) analysis, we observed an intensive change in SOC quality transformation. The organic soil amendments facilitated soil microorganism activity and plant growth with the variety of carbon inputs, leading to enhanced lignin and ester accumulation. This study underscores the dual benefits of organic amendments in improving both the quantity and quality of SOC in degraded soils, offering a sustainable solution for soil reclamation.

How to cite: Sae-Tun, O., Maftukhah, R., Ngadisih, N., Murtiningrum, M., Hood-Nowotny, R., Mentler, A., and Keiblinger, K.: Soil Carbon Dynamics in Reclaimed Mining Lands: Insights from Organic Amendment Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4962,, 2025.

EGU25-5371 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Fresh grain legume systems with catch crops: promising soil C inputs and enhanced N fertility 

Zhi Liang, Juliana Martins, Peixoto Leanne, Kirsten Enggrob, and Jim Rasmussen

Grain legumes (GLs) are essential for sustainable agriculture, offering nutritional, agronomic, and ecological benefits. GLs are predominantly grown to full maturity for animal feed in Denmark and across Europe. However, the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets has underscored the necessity of a global dietary shift towards greater direct human consumption of plant protein to improve human health and promote planetary performance. The cultivation of GLs remains limited in Europe, challenged by facts like climatic constraints and nitrogen (N) leaching—driven by mineralization of their N-rich residues. Integrating early-harvested fresh GLs, grown for human consumption, with catch crops presents a promising strategy to overcome these challenges. Compared to late-harvest mature grain legumes for animal feed, such systems potentially reduce disease incidence, improve catch crop establishment and thus reduce N leaching, enhance N fertility for subsequent crops, and increase ecosystem services, such as carbon (C) inputs for soil C sequestration from both main crops and catch crops. However, empirical studies synthesizing these benefits of such systems in comparison to conventional cereals are missing at the crop rotation level. Based on a two-year crop rotation of fresh GLs (faba bean, pea, and the mixture of pea and barley), catch crops and the subsequent cereal crop (barley) in 2022-2023 in Denmark, we evaluated the productivity, N dynamics, and C inputs of GLs systems relative to a cereal crop. The results showed that GLs produced lower aboveground dry matter (DM) compared to the cereal (7-8 vs. 10 Mg DM ha-1), but higher N yield (175-198 vs. 80 kg N ha-1). Among GLs, faba bean fixed the most atmospheric N (166 kg N ha-1) and left the highest residual soil N, which was effectively reduced by catch crops. Subsequent barley yields were, on average, higher following faba bean (4.7-5.3 Mg DM ha-1) compared to the cereal reference (4.0-4.7 Mg DM ha-1). Total C inputs to 1-m soil depth (main crops, from root biomass and plant deposition; catch crops, from shoot, root biomass and plant deposition) was 4.1-4.4 Mg C ha-1 among GLs, which was comparable to the cereal reference (5.2 Mg C ha-1). However, GLs based systems received no N fertilizer as opposed to the cereal reference, which was fertilized with 100 kg N ha-1 (in slurry). This reduces the reliance on external inputs, and might minimize negative environmental impacts including greenhouse gases emissions, which needs future studies. Overall, our findings highlight the ecological and agronomic potential of fresh GLs systems with catch crops for sustainable agricultural production.

How to cite: Liang, Z., Martins, J., Leanne, P., Enggrob, K., and Rasmussen, J.: Fresh grain legume systems with catch crops: promising soil C inputs and enhanced N fertility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5371,, 2025.

The effect of conventional and organic management in agriculture impacts not only economic and food quality aspects but potentially all biological components of the environment where these activities occur, including soil microorganisms. While there is generally positive appreciation for organic agriculture's role in organic matter accumulation, its beneficial effects on soil microbiota are a matter of debate, mostly due to the varying conditions in which the comparisons are made. To minimize the impact of distant locations, soils were sampled from nearby fields managed separately with the same rotation schemes for 18 years with conventional low-impact and organic agriculture methods. Samples from six different crops were compared using metabarcoding and metabolomic fingerprinting. The major differences were found between late summer and spring, whereas the variations between the beginning and the end of the spring were neither large nor significant. Some significant differences were found between the microbiota of organic vs. conventional management, particularly between r- and k-strategist microorganisms. While other studies found very little differences between microbiota of differently managed soils after shorter time periods, this work highlights that nearly two decades of separate management are necessary to induce significant variations in the microbiota. This suggests a strong resilience of soil populations and the need for very long-term strategies in agriculture to effect significant changes in soil quality.

How to cite: Casagrande Pierantoni, D.: Soil microbiota resilience in a two-decade long-term experiment comparing an organic and a conventional cropping system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6041,, 2025.

EGU25-6185 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Balanced fertilization management to protect carbonate stocks and reduce soil CO2 emissions 

Mostafa Abdollahpour, Lichao Fan, Guodong Shao, Jingjing Tao, Georg Guggenberger, and Kazem Zamanian

Decalcification, especially due to acidity induced by nitrogen (N) fertilization, generates an often-underestimated source of atmospheric CO2 in agroecosystems. Complete soil decalcification intensifies the decomposition of soil organic carbon (SOC) to an extent not yet experimentally demonstrated. Six fertilization management practices including application of urea, urea + superphosphate + potassium chloride, ammonium phosphate, ammonium phosphate + potassium chloride, chicken manure along a control i.e. without fertilization were used to quantify the effects of N fertilization on soil acidification and the contribution of SIC-originated CO2 to total soil CO2 emissions. Gas samples were collected during a 56-day incubation experiment to determine total emitted CO2 and its δ13C value. The presence of soil inorganic carbon (SIC), i.e. carbonates, kept the total CO2 emissions after inorganic fertilization at levels comparable to unfertilized soil and a balanced fertilization reduced carbonate-derived CO2 emissions (15% after NPK vs 35% with N applications) due to better nutrient use efficiency and comparatively less proton generation after nitrification. When inorganic N fertilization led to complete decalcification following the shift is soil pH from circumneutral (pH=7.4) to slightly-moderately acidic pH (pH=6.5 to about 5.8) values, a sudden increase in total CO2 emissions indicated the loss of the protective effects of carbonates, and the extreme decomposition of the indigenous SOC. Complete decalcification activates a negative feedback loop: the more fertilizer is added for more crop production, the more SOC, and soil productivity will be lost. We conclude that balanced fertilization and the use of organic fertilizers not only ensure sustainable productivity, but also significantly reduce CO2 emissions from agroecosystems by preventing soil carbonate loss.

How to cite: Abdollahpour, M., Fan, L., Shao, G., Tao, J., Guggenberger, G., and Zamanian, K.: Balanced fertilization management to protect carbonate stocks and reduce soil CO2 emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6185,, 2025.

EGU25-6195 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Evaluating the Impact of Tree Plantations on Soil Rehabilitation in Semi-Arid Phosphate Mining Lands of Morocco 

Nabil Elkhatri, Mohamed Louay Metougui, and Ngonidzashe Chirinda

Mining activities significantly disrupt land morphology, soil structure and ecosystem functioning, making effective rehabilitation strategies crucial for ecosystem restoration. In Morocco's phosphate mining regions, understanding the impact of rehabilitation strategies is essential for sustainable land management. This study evaluates the effectiveness of tree plantations in rehabilitating phosphate mining lands in Morocco by examining their impact on key soil properties. We compared soil properties between mined and unmined sites using a sampling design that considered five tree species (Eucalyptus sp., Ceratonia siliqua, Olea europaea, Argania spinosa, and Schinus molle), three proximities to the tree stems (0.5 m, 1.5 m, the intertree zone), and three soil depths (0–10 cm, 10–30 cm, 30–60 cm). Soil samples were also collected from non-planted mined areas and unmined sites as controls.

Our results revealed significant differences between mined and unmined soils, with tree plantations markedly increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) compared to controls. SOC displayed a spatial gradient, decreasing with distance from tree stems and increasing in the topsoil compared to deeper layers. Among tree species, olive trees (O. europaea) demonstrated the highest SOC enhancement in disturbed soils, with SOC levels near tree stems of 12.1 g/kg, and of 11.1 g/kg in the intertree zone, representing increases of 83%, and 68%, respectively, compared to control (6.6 g/kg). Similarly, under false pepper plantations (S. molle), SOC in the topsoil layer (0–10 cm: 10.7 g/kg) was significantly higher than deeper layers (8.0-8.2 g/kg). CEC in rehabilitated mined soils improved modestly, with the highest increase of 1.66 meq/100g observed in young false pepper stands compared to controls. Soil pH remained relatively stable, with minor decreases of up to 0.28 units, particularly under mature eucalyptus (Eucalyptus. sp.) and carob (C. siliqua) plantations. However, bulk density remained higher in mined soils (1.91 g/cm³) compared to unmined soils (1.35 g/cm³), reflecting incomplete soil structure recovery. In the other hand, natural soils outperformed rehabilitated mined soils in chemical properties, exhibiting higher SOC levels (12.4 ± 3.0 g/kg) and CEC (10.79 ± 6.40 meq/100g) compared to mined soils (8.5 ± 4.8 g/kg SOC and 4.99 ± 2.11 meq/100g CEC). The study underscores the importance of species selection in mine rehabilitation programs, particularly in semi-arid regions. By demonstrating the superior performance of certain tree species in enhancing soil properties, our results provide evidence-based recommendations for optimizing restoration strategies in post-mining landscapes in Morocco and similar semi-arid environments.

Keywords: Soil rehabilitation, Phosphate mining lands, Tree plantations, Semi-arid regions, Soil organic carbon (SOC)

How to cite: Elkhatri, N., Metougui, M. L., and Chirinda, N.: Evaluating the Impact of Tree Plantations on Soil Rehabilitation in Semi-Arid Phosphate Mining Lands of Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6195,, 2025.

EGU25-6593 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

DayCent model calibration to assess the long-term impact of the animal slurry application on grassland in Ireland: Performance, sensitivities and scope for improvement 

Zizhou Qi, Jonathan Holland, Bruce Osborne, Laura Gallego-Lorenzo, and Magdalena Necpalova

Measurement of changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) under various management practices at the field scale poses significant challenges due to inherent spatial and temporal variability.  In comparison ecosystem biogeochemical models offer a robust framework for simulating nutrient cycling, SOC, and greenhouse gas emissions that can be used to identify and evaluate long-term effects and strengths of climate change mitigation strategies. DayCent is a coupled soil-plant dynamic model that has been widely used to simulate long-term ecosystem responses to changes in soil management and climate in the US. Its application to agricultural systems in Ireland requires a calibration and evaluation for common management practices across a range of pedo-climatic conditions. The objective of this study was therefore a) to calibrate the DayCent model with several types of field data and to evaluate its performance in simulating SOC and soil N2O emissions and b) to explore the sensitivity of model parameters to different types of field data.  Our aim was to simulate the effects of a long-term application of dairy, pig, and mineral fertilizers on grass yields, SOC and soil organic nitrogen (N) stocks, and soil N2O fluxes in a long-term permanent grassland experiment. To calibrate the model, the data from control and high pig slurry application treatments from 1970 to 2022 were used. The calibration was separated into two steps: a) the first step was a manual calibration for SOC and soil organic N, volumetric soil water content, and grass yield; b) the second step was an automatic calibration for soil temperature, daily N₂O emission, soil NO₃⁻ and NH₄⁺ concentrations with the PEST parameter estimation software. All remaining treatments, that varied in the rate and type of animal slurry application, were used in the independent model evaluation. Using this information the performance of the calibrated model was substantially improved for SOC stock (rRMSE=0.17, r2=0.54, d=0.78, n=102) compared to the default model (rRMSE=0.25, r2=0.29, d=0.45, n=102) across all validation treatments. Similarly, an improvement was found for soil organic N stock in the validation treatments (rRMSE=0.19, r2=0.70, d=0.78, n=102) compared to the default model (rRMSE=0.30, r2=0.64, d=0.53, n=102). Improvements in simulating daily N2O emissions (calibrated model: rRMSE=5.30, r²=0.08, d=0.44, n=186; default model: rRMSE=2.97, r²=0.02, d=0.22, n=186), and soil NO₃⁻ and NH₄⁺ concentrations were still quite uncertain across validation treatments. In conclusion, the calibrated DayCent successfully simulated the long-term dynamics of SOC and soil organic N stocks, grass yields, soil water content, and soil temperature across varying nutrient application rates, although there were some limitations in simulating daily and annual N₂O emissions, and mineral N concentrations. While further testing under various pedo-climatic conditions is necessary, DayCent has the potential to be used as a tool for optimizing nutrient management strategies under Irish conditions.

How to cite: Qi, Z., Holland, J., Osborne, B., Gallego-Lorenzo, L., and Necpalova, M.: DayCent model calibration to assess the long-term impact of the animal slurry application on grassland in Ireland: Performance, sensitivities and scope for improvement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6593,, 2025.

EGU25-7256 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Impact of different tree species on the soil microbial community under temperate-oceanic climate  

Ana Barreiro, Raquel Cela-Dablanca, Ainoa Míguez-González, Avelino Núñez Delgado, María J. Fernández Sanjurjo, and Esperanza Álvarez Rodríguez

Forests all over the world are endangered by different factors such as fragmentation, landscape change, deforestation, pollution or inadequate management, with the detrimental effects that this cause on biodiversity or even climate change, since these ecosystems are crucial carbon sinks, both above and below-ground, even though the soil section is quite often excluded from the C pools estimations. The soil microbial community plays a key role in the stabilization of organic matter in the forest soil systems and harbours numerous ecosystems services, but can be affected, among other factors, by the different tree species present in the forest canopy. This study is focused on forests located in Galicia (on the north-west of Spain) with a temperate climate, specifically Cbf climate (Köppen classification), with no dry season and mild summers. This climate implies that the forests in this region are very productive, and this has a clear impact in the tree species that grow on then naturally and the species planted with commercial purposes. We analyse soil properties and soil microbial activity in 54 forest plots, both natural and plantations, with different plant cover: birch, chestnut, eucalyptus, walnut, pines, oak and shrublands. Soil samples were collected at 0-20 cm depth in spring-summer 2024 and the soil microbial activity was estimated by the respiration rate (CO2 production) using a gas chromatograph (FID-ECD-TCD).

These forest soils have in general an acid pH (between 4.2 and 5.4) and a high content of organic matter (between 6.3 and 31 %), with C and N concentrations ranging 3.6-17.9% and 0.2-0.9% respectively, but a small amount of phosphorous (between 3.5 and 28.3 mg P kg-1). These properties are mainly related with the climatic conditions of this region, namely the elevated precipitation. Soils under pines had the most acidic conditions and the lower amount of N, meanwhile the soils under walnuts presented the highest amount of C and organic matter and pH values. The soil under a eucalyptus plantation was the driest (7 % of H2O) vs the moistest with a 36% of H2O under a chestnut plantation. The results regarding the microbial activity showed that soil under broadleaf species (birch, chestnut, walnut and oaks) have bigger respiration rates than soil under pines and specially under eucalyptus. These preliminary results show that the forest management in terms of which tree is cultivated have an impact on the soil general properties and the soil microbial activity and should be considered when elaborating forestry exploitation plans, especially in the current scenario of climate change where the C that healthy forest soils will be able to fix becomes crucial.

How to cite: Barreiro, A., Cela-Dablanca, R., Míguez-González, A., Núñez Delgado, A., Fernández Sanjurjo, M. J., and Álvarez Rodríguez, E.: Impact of different tree species on the soil microbial community under temperate-oceanic climate , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7256,, 2025.

EGU25-8049 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Developing a Soil Organic Matter Management Tool for Swiss Farmers 

Yafei Li, Jens Leifeld, Frank Liebisch, Stéphane Burgos, Anina Gilgen, Simon Baumgartner, and Florian Walder

Developing a Soil Organic Matter Management Tool for Swiss Farmers

Yafei Li1, Jens Leifeld1, Frank Liebisch1, Stéphane Burgos2, Anina Gilgen1, Simon Baumgartner1, Florian Walder1

1Agroecology and Environment, Agroscope, Zürich, Switzerland

2BFH University of Applied Sciences, Zollikofen, Switzerland

Soil Organic Matter (SOM) is a central feature of healthy agricultural soils. The sustainable management of SOM content is, therefore, helping to secure long-term soil health. Measuring the temporal changes in soil organic matter (SOM) content in the field is a time-consuming, resource-intensive, and costly process. Consequently, numerous models and tools have been created to simulate the dynamics of SOM content in soils. In Switzerland, for example, is a tool designed to assist farmers in managing SOM by calculating the carbon inputs and outputs specific to their farms. As our understanding of soil organic carbon processes has deepened considerably in recent years, we aim to leverage established SOM models, such as RothC, DayCent and AMG, to enhance the Swiss SOM management tool. The tool aims to provide Swiss farmers with a reliable means to assess parcel-specific SOM management by estimating long-term SOM dynamics and evaluating the influence of agricultural practices on SOM content. The tool will be particularly designed for practical use, incorporating commonly available data to minimize input requirements for farmers. It should ultimately serve as a critical reference for farmers' intended practices, fostering sustainable soil management and supporting national agricultural goals.

How to cite: Li, Y., Leifeld, J., Liebisch, F., Burgos, S., Gilgen, A., Baumgartner, S., and Walder, F.: Developing a Soil Organic Matter Management Tool for Swiss Farmers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8049,, 2025.

EGU25-10375 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Factors influencing nitrogen derived from soil organic matter mineralisation: Results from a long-term experiment 

Octavian Chiriac, Marco Pittarello, Barbara Moretti, and Laura Zavattaro

Mineralised nitrogen (N) from soil organic matter (SOM) is a crucial source of N for both natural ecosystems and agroecosystems. Therefore, accurate estimation of the amount of N available to crops from SOM mineralisation is necessary to correctly manage N addition. For application in an N budget, a field-scale assessment of the main factors affecting SOM mineralisation is required. The objective of this study was to quantify the influence of meteorological conditions and soil properties on N mineralised by SOM in an agroecosystem. The N mineralised from the SOM was calculated as the N uptake of the unfertilised plot minus the N derived from atmospheric deposition and irrigation. This study analysed 29 years of crop, agrometeorological, and soil data from three maize cropping systems (maize for grain, maize for silage, and maize-It. ryegrass double cropping) in a long-term experiment conducted in NW Italy. A Linear Mixed Model (LMM) was developed for the purpose of this study. The average of N derived from SOM mineralisation predicted by the model was 96 kg N ha−1 yr−1, with a root mean square error of 22 kg N ha−1 yr−1. The fixed factors of LMM, which are soil organic carbon (SOC), carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C/N) and the sum of rainfall and irrigation (R.I.), were responsible for 19 % of the annual variations in mineralised N. SOC and R.I. had a positive effect and greater weight on the process, whereas C/N had a negative effect and lower weight. The explanatory power of the model increased to 52 % when cropping systems and interannual variability were included as random factors. This study highlights the importance of weather conditions and SOC content in determining the amount of N derived from soil mineralisation and can contribute to plant nutrition. In a future climate scenario characterised by increased aridity, N mineralisation could decrease, thus increasing the demand for fertilisers.

How to cite: Chiriac, O., Pittarello, M., Moretti, B., and Zavattaro, L.: Factors influencing nitrogen derived from soil organic matter mineralisation: Results from a long-term experiment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10375,, 2025.

EGU25-11499 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Combining diversified prairies with wheat to promote beneficial plant-soil ecological interactions and the coupling of carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in agroecosystems 

Thomas Bécu, Audrey Niboyet, Gael Alvarez, Lisa Besson, Nicolas Gross, Sébastien Barot, Amélie Cantarel, Olivier Duchene, Xavier Le Roux, and Sébastien Fontaine

Mobilizing plant functional diversity appears as a promising avenue to promote agroecosystems multifunctionality and stability in order to face agriculture challenges in terms of production, limitation of inputs, conservation of soils, and mitigation of greenhouse gases emissions. In natural or semi-natural ecosystems, a high level of plant functional diversity might trigger beneficial plant-soil ecological interactions, leading to several mechanisms of coordination over time between plant nutrient demand and soil offer (i.e., “synchrony”). As perennial prairies can reach a considerable degree of functional diversity within a small area, their implementation with crops can be a precious lever to promote such mechanisms. Among those, a seasonal scale coordination between plants nutrient demand and the relative balance between microbial construction and microbial decomposition of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) was associated with prairies encompassing fast-growing species. This leads to improved plant primary productivity combined with reduced nutrient losses, and increased microbial originated carbon (C) storage in the soil. Moreover, the modulation of nitrogen (N) symbiotic fixation depending on photosynthesis activity by legumes within the prairies allows N enrichment of the agroecosystem.

We conceived an experimental design with new agroecosystems called “agroprairies” which gather perennial diversified prairies and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivated in alternating bands. Four functionally different prairies were designed to vary across nutrient acquisition strategies and proportion of legumes. The experiment also included plots with each cover grown alone, as well as a perennial crop (Thinopyrum intermedium). We explored the effects of plant functional diversity on soil biogeochemical C and N cycles and soil microbial communities and activities. We conducted measurements of plant production, soil microbial C dynamics (microbial C use efficiency, soil microbial respiration, microbial biomass, microbial growth), five hydrolytic or oxidative exoenzyme activities related to C, N and phosphorus (P) cycles and abundances of the soil microbial communities (bacteria, archaea and fungi). These measurements were performed in January 2024 during winter at a time where plant nutrient demand is low, and in May 2024 at the maximum plant biomass production. We found that soil biogeochemical C and N cycles and abundances and activities of microbial communities strongly varied between January and May, and that some of these variables, as well as the production of wheat differed depending on the functional characteristics of the prairies.

How to cite: Bécu, T., Niboyet, A., Alvarez, G., Besson, L., Gross, N., Barot, S., Cantarel, A., Duchene, O., Le Roux, X., and Fontaine, S.: Combining diversified prairies with wheat to promote beneficial plant-soil ecological interactions and the coupling of carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles in agroecosystems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11499,, 2025.

EGU25-12784 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Application of a PGP Bacterial Bioinoculant in a Vineyard: Impact on Soil Biochemical Properties and Must Composition 

Ángeles Prieto-Fernández, Sofia Pereira, Beatriz Rodríguez-Garrido, Ana Sofia Sousa, Serafin González-Prieto, Paula Castro, and Carmen Trasar-Cepeda

The ReCROP project, funded by the PRIMA-Med programme, focuses on the development of sustainable agricultural production systems through the combined use of biotechnological tools and environmentally friendly agronomic practices to enhance soil functions and health.

As part of this project, a PGP bacterial strain was used as a bioinoculant in a vineyard of the Mencía variety, located within the DO Ribeiro region (Galicia, NW Spain). This study presents the results of bioinoculation performed over two consecutive cropping seasons, 2023 and 2024. At the harvest, soil and grape samples were collected from both non-inoculated and inoculated vines. Soil analysis included general characterization, determination of labile C compounds, C and N mineralization, and the measurement of several enzymatic activities. Must was analyzed for pH, sugar content, and organic acids.

The bioinoculation led to an increase in labile C compounds, enhanced N mineralization, and stimulated several enzymatic activities. Additionally, the must composition was altered by the bioinoculant, which induced increases in citric, succinic, malic, and tartaric acids.

Acknowledgements: The research was funded by the project PRIMA ReCROP Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Ref PCI2021-121981/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

How to cite: Prieto-Fernández, Á., Pereira, S., Rodríguez-Garrido, B., Sousa, A. S., González-Prieto, S., Castro, P., and Trasar-Cepeda, C.: Application of a PGP Bacterial Bioinoculant in a Vineyard: Impact on Soil Biochemical Properties and Must Composition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12784,, 2025.

EGU25-13205 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Use of turnip as green manure in a rainfed forage maize-grass ley rotation system: evolution of several soil biochemical properties 

Carmen Trasar-Cepeda, Beatriz Rodriguez-Garrido, Serafín J. González-Prieto, and Ángeles Prieto-Fernández

Our research team is participating in the ReCROP project, funded by the PRIMA-Med program, which focuses on developing and evaluating sustainable soil management practices. The project aims to reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizers and pesticides, prevent soil erosion, maintain or restore soil organic matter, and support the restoration of soil biodiversity.

The temperate-humid zone of Spain is predominantly focused on livestock production, with forage maize being one of the main crops. An alternative practice proposed for this crop is its rotation with turnips (Brassica rapa L. var. rapa) as green manure. Turnips might offer multiple benefits: i) prevent the soil from remaining bare between harvest and sowing, ii) enrich the soil with minerals and organic matter, and iii) provide biofumigant properties through the release of thioisocyanates during the decomposition of the glucosinolates contained in their biomass.

In 2021, a field experiment was established to assess the impact of turnip green manure on soil functioning and soil health. Six plots were established: three with conventional forage maize cultivation and three with maize planted after turnip green manure incorporation. The traditional crop rotation system of the region, consisting of one year of maize followed by three years of ley grassland, was followed. Soil properties were monitored over three years—during maize cultivation in 2021 and ley grassland in 2022 and 2023. Soil samples (0-10 cm) were collected in late spring each year and analyzed for biochemical, physical, and chemical properties. This study presents the results on hydrolytic enzyme activities (C, N, P, and S cycles), dehydrogenase activity, and hot-water soluble carbon forms (carbohydrates and phenolic compounds).

In the first year, when the soils were under maize cultivation, all biochemical properties showed higher values in the soil under conventional cultivation compared to the soil amended with green manure. Unexpectedly, the same was observed for organic matter content. However, over time, and as the soils transitioned to grassland cultivation, all biochemical properties tended to level out. When activities are expressed per unit of carbon, they initially follow the same pattern, being higher in conventionally managed soil than in soil amended with green manure (except for phosphomonoesterase and cellulase, which exhibit similar values in both soils). However, over time, this trend tends to reverse. This could reflect differences in agricultural practices resulting from the incorporation of green manure and the distinct practices between the maize and grassland cultivation phases, highlighting the sensitivity of the measured parameters to variations in agricultural soil use and management. However, to better understand the underlying causes of these differences, the study will continue into the next phase, when the soils will return to maize cultivation.

Acknowledgements: The research was funded by the project PRIMA ReCROP Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Ref PCI2021-121981/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033

How to cite: Trasar-Cepeda, C., Rodriguez-Garrido, B., González-Prieto, S. J., and Prieto-Fernández, Á.: Use of turnip as green manure in a rainfed forage maize-grass ley rotation system: evolution of several soil biochemical properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13205,, 2025.

Soil plays a key role in storing organic carbon, which is a critical indicator of soil fertility and overall quality. Understanding the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) and its influencing factors is essential for promoting sustainable land management. This study applied four machine learning models such as Random Forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors (kNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Cubist to enhance SOCS prediction in the Srou catchment, part of the Upper Oum Er-Rbia watershed in Morocco. A dataset of 120 samples was collected, with 80% used for model training and 20% for validation. Boruta’s feature selection and multicollinearity tests identified nine key factors influencing SOCS. Spatial maps generated from the models were validated using statistical indicators. The RF model showed the highest predictive accuracy (R² = 0.76, RMSE = 0.52 Mg C/ha), followed by SVM and Cubist, while kNN had the lowest performance (R² = 0.31, RMSE = 0.94 Mg C/ha). Key predictors for SOCS included bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity, and calcium carbonate. The proposed machine learning approach demonstrates significant potential for mapping SOCS in similar semi-arid environments.

How to cite: Mosaid, H., Barakat, A., and John, K.: Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Spatial Prediction of Soil Organic Carbon Based on Environmental Variables and Soil Physicochemical Parameters in the Mediterranean Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13262,, 2025.

Microplastics can seriously disrupt soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) biogeochemical cycling in agroecosystems, strongly influencing crop growth and quality. However, our mechanistic understanding of how microplastics affect these cycles remains poorly understood. Specifically, direct in situ measurements in greenhouse and field settings are often impractical. However, lab-based and ex-situ measurements can train machine learning models to develop mechanistic understanding of microplastic behaviour. Thus, we aim to train and test the gradient boost regression (GBR) model to estimate the effects of key microplastic properties on C and N cycling and subsequently on plant biomass. The role of soil type in controlling the microplastics effects was also estimated. During prediction, datasets from published experiments (n = 52) were divided into a ratio of 80:20 for training and testing the model. GBR prediction showed R2 values ranged between 57% to 99% and MSE values ranged between 0 to 0.09 for the contents of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), soil organic carbon (SOC), soil organic matter (SOM), ammonium (NH4+), and nitrate (NO3-), emissions of CO2 and N2O. Overall, there was distinct effects of microplastic properties on soil C pools. Microplastic size contributed 34% in altering DOC while the maximum CO2 emissions (39%) were altered by microplastics incubation period in soil. However, microplastic shape contributed 47 to 60% to SOC and SOM. Microplastic size strongly altered NH4+ and NO3- by 36 to 51% in microplastic polluted soils resulting in the highest N2O emission. Plant biomass was strongly (76%) affected by microplastic types. Our results conclude that GBR model appeared a powerful machine learning tool for predicting the impacts on C and N cycling as well as plant performance following microplastic pollution. As microplastic pollution is increasing in soils globally, there is an urgent need to implement and strengthen such tools in modern research to tailor sustainable solutions.                    

How to cite: Iqbal, S.: Predicting microplastic impacts on carbon and nitrogen cycling in agroecosystems using Gradient Boost Regression (GBR) modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14027,, 2025.

EGU25-14651 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Diversification of crop rotation systems shifts rhizobiomes to facilitate plant performance 

Shunran Hu, Yongliang Chen, Jan Kammenga, and Stefan Geisen

Increased crop diversification in rotation systems consisting of increased taxonomic and functional crop diversity throughout time and lower intensity of agricultural management might be more sustainable alternatives to conventional practices. Crop-species specific induction of rhizobiomes (bacteria, fungi and protists) are among the reasons for the improved sustainability linked to diversified crop rotation systems. In turn, rhizobiome diversity and composition affect plant performance. However, the cumulative knowledge on crop species impacts on the rhizobiome and the resulting feedback to subsequently grown crops – the basis for more efficient crop rotation practices – remain limited. We aimed to fill this gap by establishing four rotation systems with increasing diversification in a long-term field experiment, followed by a greenhouse experiment to validate how changes in rhizobiomes affected plant performance. Crop diversification in rotation systems altered rhizobiome composition, with increases in plant beneficial microorganisms and a reduction of plant pathogens. These diversification-induced rhizobiomes facilitated plant performance by enhancing the chlorophyll content, leaf area, height and biomass of subsequent plants. As such, manipulating rhizobiomes through crop diversification might contribute to promoted plant performance with less dependency on chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

How to cite: Hu, S., Chen, Y., Kammenga, J., and Geisen, S.: Diversification of crop rotation systems shifts rhizobiomes to facilitate plant performance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14651,, 2025.

EGU25-16870 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Soil organic carbon measurement and modelling at regional scale using Sentinel-1/2 data based on machine learning approaches 

Smita Rani Swain, Naveen Kumar Purushothaman, and Bhabani Sankar Das

Soil is the largest carbon (C) reservoir in terrestrial ecosystems and soil organic carbon (SOC) is the basis for soil’s biodiversity, health and fertility. So, measurement of SOC becomes necessary for sustainable soil ecosystem management. However, lab based conventional method to measure the SOC is time and energy consuming. Also, there is a health risk because of the hazardous chemicals used in the soil analysis. To overcome such problems, remote sensing (RS) imagery data products have been used to estimate the SOC. Among all the optical RS data sources used in soil studies, Sentinel-2 (S2) Multispectral imagery (MSI) data has been proved to be the best by many of the researchers because of its unique spectral features. However, S2 along with a radar data source such as Sentinel-1(S1) gives more accurate results. Therefore, the main objective of our study was to estimate the SOC using S2 MSI and S1 SAR-C data in the Western catchment of Chilika lagoon, which is one of the first Ramsar sites in India. To achieve this, 167 surface soil samples (0-15cm) was collected from the study area for SOC measurement. We used PLSR and three machine learning models such as RF, Cubist and SVR for the prediction of SOC from the RS data source. Model performance, showed that PLSR using the covariate set containing S1, S2 and topographic attributes performed the best in predicting SOC (RMSE = 0.17 and R2= 0.38) among all other models. While, model accuracy reduced slightly (RMSE = 0.16 and  R2= 0.31) with only S2 bands data. This indicates that using the S1 data and topographic attributes along with S2 data results in better SOC predictions. However, model performance was moderate to poor. Therefore, more studies would be needed for accurate estimation of SOC.

Key words: Soil organic carbon; Sentinel-2; Sentinel-1; Machine learning

How to cite: Swain, S. R., Purushothaman, N. K., and Das, B. S.: Soil organic carbon measurement and modelling at regional scale using Sentinel-1/2 data based on machine learning approaches, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16870,, 2025.

EGU25-17025 | ECS | Orals | SSS8.4

Study of carbonates dynamics in gypsum-rich soils after the adoption of irrigation. A multiscale approach. 

Ana P. Conte, Angela D. Bosch, Pere Gómez-Reig, Rosa M. Poch, Isabel S. de Soto, and Iñigo Virto

Soil Inorganic Carbon (SIC) deposits are more dynamic than previously assumed. Studies have revealed an acceleration of SIC dynamics over just a few decades (Kim et al., 2020) driven by agricultural management of these soils (Plaza-Bonilla et al., 2015).

Most SIC reserves are in the arid and semi-arid regions of the planet, where atmospheric CO2 can be incorporated into the soil as CaCO3 precipitates through photosynthesis and root respiration processes (Monger et al., 2015). In these regions, irrigation is often a critical requirement for agriculture. Changes in the soil water regime due to irrigation can modify carbonate dynamics, affecting their dissolution and (re)precipitation, i.e., the formation of pedogenic carbonates.

If the source of these secondary carbonates is carbonate-rich parent material, this represents merely a redistribution of carbonates within the soil profile. However, if HCO3⁻ originates from the mineralization of soil organic matter (SOM) or root respiration, and Ca²⁺ is derived from the weathering of non-carbonate minerals such as gypsum (CaSO₄·2H₂O) (Laudicina et al., 2021), the soil behaves as a net sink of atmospheric CO2 (Sanderman, 2012).

This study is carried out using a multi-scale approach (“macro” focus at watershed level and “micro” focus at the root level) to quantify the extent of atmospheric C incorporation into carbonates in gypsum-rich irrigated soils.

First, monitoring sulfate and bicarbonate concentrations in a river draining a watershed in the Foral Community of Navarre (Spain) revealed elevated levels of these anions during periods of intensive irrigation. This indicates accelerated dissolution of both carbonates and gypsum, a phenomenon not detected in years prior to the adoption of irrigation.

The second phase examines the effect of gypsum content on pedogenic carbonate formation and root biocalcifications using a controlled pot experiment. Calcareous silt loam soil (30% CaCO3) without gypsum was mixed with varying gypsum concentrations (0%, 5%, 50%, 80%) and planted with three species (Brassica oleracea, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Oxalis sp.). After the growth cycle, root samples were extracted and microscopically analyzed to identify calcified roots and associated carbonate features. The results demonstrated that higher gypsum content significantly increased root calcifications, confirming that gypsum dissolution supplies abundant Ca²⁺ for calcite precipitation within root tissues.

Future analyses, such as δ87/86Sr ratios and Sr²⁺/Ca²⁺ proportions of the carbonates (indicators of Ca²⁺ origin), isotopic characterization of C, and micromorphological and digital quantification of calcitic soil features using thin sections, will provide a deeper understanding of these processes. This could support an innovative strategy for inorganic carbon sequestration in soils of arid and semi-arid regions.



Kim et al. (2020),

Laudicina et al. (2021),

Monger et al. (2015),

Plaza-Bonilla et al. (2015),

Sanderman (2012),

How to cite: Conte, A. P., Bosch, A. D., Gómez-Reig, P., Poch, R. M., de Soto, I. S., and Virto, I.: Study of carbonates dynamics in gypsum-rich soils after the adoption of irrigation. A multiscale approach., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17025,, 2025.

EGU25-17949 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Are variations in soil aggregate sizes and soil depth key drivers of soil biological properties? 

Vanessa Álvarez-López, Yumi Munetiko, Rosa Mosquera-Losada, and Tomás Figueiredo

Soil aggregates are considered the fundamental building blocks of soil structure (Reeves et al., 2019), and their formation is closely tied to the content of soil organic carbon (Bronick and Lal, 2005). As key indicators of soil quality, soil aggregates play a critical role in determining soil health and functionality.

Previous studies have shown that macro-aggregates tend to exhibit higher rates of organic carbon mineralization and microbial respiration compared to micro-aggregates (Rabbi et al., 2014). However, conflicting results have emerged from other research, suggesting that micro-aggregates may harbor higher levels of microbial activity (Zhang et al., 2013). These inconsistencies highlight the need for further investigation into the role of different aggregate fractions in soil microbial dynamics and activity.

The major objectives of the present study were as follows (i) Identification of bacterial composition by analyzing, both taxonomically and functionally, in two distinct soil aggregate sizes (2-4 mm and 1-2 mm), (ii) evaluate the aggregate stability analysis in the 1-2 mm fraction, and (iii) investigate the impact of land-use practices such as tree growth and animal grazing in permanent pastures on soil aggregate properties. Additionally, these characteristics were assessed at two different soil depths: 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm

The analysis was conducted in a silvopastoral system located in Boimorto (A Coruña, Galicia, NW Spain), an area with a mean annual temperature of 12.6 °C and 1898 mm of mean annual precipitation. The study focused on Juglans regia plantations owned by the private company Bosques Naturales S.A., including hybrid walnut trees (Juglans major MJ 209 x Juglans regia) planted at densities of 6 m x 6 m (277 trees ha⁻¹) and 4m x 4m (and 625 trees ha-1). For controlling weeds grow the owner included extensive sheep grazing. Composite soil samples were collected along the tree line, in the open pasture area, and within grazing exclusion chambers across three replicate plots to assess their contribution to reducing soil degradation.

Results on soil aggregate stability, soil enzymatic activities (involved N, C and P cycles) and taxonomic composition of bacterial communities in the different locations sampled and aggregates sizes will be presented.

Acknowledgments: This study was funded by the “Ramón y Cajal” fellowship (ref: RyC 2021-615 033370-I) financed by the “Ministerio de Ciencia Innovacion y Universidades” (Spain) and the Regional Goverment of Galicia (Programa de consolidación de unidades de investigación competitivas del SUG. Proyectos de excelencia ED431F 2024/024 Xunta de Galicia)


Bronick, C.J., Lal, R., 2005. Soil structure and management: a review. Geoderma. 124 (1–2), 3–22.

Rabbi, S.F., Wilson, B.R., Lockwood, P.V., Daniel, H., Young, I.M., 2014. Soil organic carbon mineralization rates in aggregates under contrasting land uses. Geoderma. 216, 10–18. 

Reeves, S.H., Somasundaram, J., Wang, W.J., Heenan, M.A., Finn, D., Dalal, R.C., 2019. Effect of soil aggregate size and long-term contrasting tillage, stubble and nitrogen management regimes on CO 2 f luxes from a Vertisol. Geoderma. 337, 1086–1096. 

Zhang, S., Li, Q., Lü, Y., Zhang, X., Liang, W., 2013. Contributions of soil biota to C sequestration varied with aggregate fractions under different tillage systems. Soil Biol. Biochem. 62, 147–156.

How to cite: Álvarez-López, V., Munetiko, Y., Mosquera-Losada, R., and Figueiredo, T.: Are variations in soil aggregate sizes and soil depth key drivers of soil biological properties?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17949,, 2025.

EGU25-19169 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Cropping systems and amendment management impact on temporal soil carbon emissions and soil water content variability in Croatian croplands 

Igor Bogunovic, Manuel Matisic, Ivica Kisic, Kristina Kljak, and Marija Galic

The sustainability of agroecosystems is critical for balancing environmental health with productive crop yields. Sustainable management practices, including crop rotation and organic amendments, have been identified as strategies to enhance soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve long-term agricultural productivity. Carbon cycling plays a pivotal role in maintaining soil fertility and regulating atmospheric CO₂ levels, making it a key component of climate-smart agriculture. Additionally, soil water retention is a crucial factor influencing crop productivity, water use efficiency, and resilience to climate hazards such as drought and extreme rainfall. Practices that influence carbon inputs and outputs in soil systems are essential for mitigating climate change while ensuring resilient crop production. Enhancing soil structure and organic matter content through sustainable practices can improve water holding capacity and reduce vulnerability to climate variability. This study evaluates the effects of different cropping systems (crop rotation vs. monoculture) and different soil amendments (biochar vs. manure vs. control) on soil CO₂ emissions and soil water content in Stagnosols at the Marija Magdalena site in Croatia during 2024. The experimental design consisted of two cropping systems: a maize monoculture (upper block) and a crop rotation system with field pea (lower block). Three amendment treatments were applied in both systems: manure (40 t/ha), biochar (40 t/ha), and a control with no amendments. Each treatment was replicated three times. Soil CO₂ emissions and soil water content were measured monthly, with detailed analyses focusing on three representative dates: March 22, May 18, and August 28. The results demonstrated significant variations in CO₂ emissions and soil water content based on both cropping system and amendment type. In the maize monoculture, manure application led to the highest emissions, while biochar showed a moderating effect compared to the control. Conversely, the crop rotation system exhibited generally lower emissions across all treatments, with biochar further reducing CO₂ fluxes. Seasonal variation was evident, with peak emissions observed during the growing season. The crop rotation system consistently maintained higher soil moisture levels, supporting better water availability throughout the season. Implementing crop rotation and biochar amendments effectively mitigates soil CO₂ emissions and enhances soil water retention in Stagnosols. These findings highlight the dual benefits of sustainable soil management in promoting carbon sequestration and improving drought resilience, contributing to resilient agroecosystems under changing climatic conditions.


Keywords: monoculture, farmyard manure, biochar, soil respiration, sustainable agriculture, carbon cycling, climate change mitigation, water conservation


Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (‘the PRIMA Foundation’) through the “Soil Health and Agriculture Resilience through an Integrated Geographical information systems of Mediterranean Drylands” project (grant agreement number 2211) (SHARInG-MeD).

How to cite: Bogunovic, I., Matisic, M., Kisic, I., Kljak, K., and Galic, M.: Cropping systems and amendment management impact on temporal soil carbon emissions and soil water content variability in Croatian croplands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19169,, 2025.

EGU25-20292 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

The effect of increasing land use intensity on soil health indicators of Chernozem soils in a suburban area of Hajdúság, Eastern Hungary 

Tibor József Novák, Áron Béni, Rita Kremper, Evelin Juhász, Zsolt Sándor, and Andrea B. Kovács

Selected soil health indicators of Chernozem soils under different agricultural land use in a suburban area were studied and compared. In the topsoil (0–40 cm) bulk density (BD), total organic carbon content (TOC), total nitrogen (TN) content, ammonium lactate-extractable P, K, Ca, Mg contents were measured, and microbiological communities were characterized by phospholipide-phatty acid (PLFA) markers. Three study sites were on croplands, with different land use legacies, one in complex cultivation area, one in fallow land, and one grassland was serving as referential site, considered to be in close to natural state. We found significantly higher BD, decreased TOC and TN content in the cropland sites compared to the reference site. P-AL content showed higher values at the natural site, but Ca-AL, Mg-AL and K-AL content of the cultivated and mineral-fertilized agricultural sites were higher, or equal compared to the grassland site. Total microbiological activity correlates significantly positively with TOC and TN content and negatively with the BD. Sites with perennial vegetation cover and higher biodiversity showed higher microbiological activity, and for the arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi, actinobacteria and anaerobe bacteria the differences are significant.

How to cite: Novák, T. J., Béni, Á., Kremper, R., Juhász, E., Sándor, Z., and B. Kovács, A.: The effect of increasing land use intensity on soil health indicators of Chernozem soils in a suburban area of Hajdúság, Eastern Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20292,, 2025.

Phosphorus (P) is a critical nutrient for vineyard However, the involvement of roots microbiome in P uptake, especially under deficiency conditions remain poorly understood. This study examined the impact of different P application levels on two table grape cultivars: the early-bearing green cultivar 'Early Sweet' and the late-bearing purple cultivar 'Crimson.' Grapevines were cultivated in 500 L lysimeters containing perlite as a growth medium and subjected to three P fertigation treatments (1, 5, and 15 ppm P) over three years. Results showed that higher P uptake efficiency occurred at 1–5 ppm P compared to 15 ppm P. Phosphorus application levels were also reflected in the P concentrations of diagnostic leaves. Additionally, DNA extracted from the rhizosphere, and full-length 16S microbiome analysis, revealing significant correlations between P concentrations and shifts in microbial community composition at the genus level. These findings enhance our understanding of the interplay between phosphorus fertilization, root microbiomes, and nutrient uptake in table grapes, offering valuable insights for sustainable vineyard management.

How to cite: Dawas, A. and Dag, A.: Long-Term Effect of Phosphorus Availability on Table Grapes' Root Microbiome and Phosphorus Uptake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20417,, 2025.

Accurate estimation of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is essential for sustainable soil management and carbon stock assessment. To achieve this, the development of efficient, non-invasive methods for SOC quantification is imperative. This study leverages PRISMA hyperspectral imagery and advanced machine learning techniques to predict SOC in Moroccan cereal-based agricultural soils. To this end, a detailed data processing pipeline was implemented, including denoising, band filtering, and feature engineering techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction, spectral index calculations (e.g., NDVI, BSI, MSI), and Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) to identify the most informative spectral features. Additionally, Field data collection was conducted in the Ain Korma commune, Province of Meknes, where 60 soil sampling points were established. At each sampling location, a polygon encompassing four corner points, and a center was defined. Soil samples were extracted using an auger. Individual samples from the five points were combined to create a composite sample, representing the average soil characteristics of the area. The Field samples coordinates are transformed into the image coordinate reference system to enable the extraction of spectral data for corresponding pixels. The modeling process revealed significant improvements in predictive accuracy with the application of preprocessing and feature selection. Initially, the XGBoost model achieved a low coefficient of determination (R²=0.08). We believe this low R2 is most likely due to the high-dimensional hyperspectral data, redundant information, and the presence of strongly correlated spectral bands that hindered the model's ability to generalize. To overcome these limitations, we implemented an advanced preprocessing that combines removing noisy and absorption bands (e.g., water vapor), co-registering the PRISMA imagery with Sentinel-2, performing advanced denoising using Wavelet and Savitzky–Golay filtering, and conducting Principal Component Analysis (PCA) alongside the calculation of spectral indices. Following these preprocessing steps, multiple machine learning algorithms were applied to predict SOC. Among the tested models, Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) combined with XGBoost achieved the best performance, with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.32 and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 0.35. Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR) also performed, which attained an R² of 0.30. R² of 0.30 and an MAE of 0.34. More efforts will be deployed to explore other ways to increase the model performance. These preliminary results underscore the critical role of data preprocessing and feature selection in enhancing model performance for SOM estimation. By addressing the limitations of hyperspectral data.

How to cite: Farah, N., Laamrani, A., and Bouabid, R.: Estimation Soil Organic Carbon Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning: A Case Study in Moroccan Agricultural Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20502,, 2025.

EGU25-21436 | Posters on site | SSS8.4

Spatial distribution of soil health indicators at different depths after 30 years of changes in land use in a small catchment of NW Spain 

Marcos Lado, Yumi Munetiko, Ana Caroline Royer, Sara Martínez-Picado, Aitor García-Tomillo, Eva Vidal-Vázquez, and Vanessa Álvarez-López

Preservation and recovery of soil health have become one of the priorities of European environmental policies. In this context, the EU Soil Protection Strategy sets concrete targets to be achieved by 2030, including improving soil quality in those agricultural systems that have been impacted by intensive agricultural practices. Aforestation of agricultural land is usually considered an approach with positive effects in many soil indicators, e.g., soil carbon stocks, since it is usually consider a viable carbon sequestration strategy in carbon stock markets. However, long-term effect of afforestation on soil properties can vary from place to place, according to differences in environmental conditions like soil types or climate. Moreover, an increase of carbon stocks does not necessarily lead to an improvement of other soil health indicators. Typically, soil health indicators are often measured only at the upper 10 - 20 cm, while deeper layers are rarely evaluated. Thus, the objective of the present work was to analyze long-term effects of land use transformations from a grazing pasture to eucalyptus plantations on diverse soil health indicators including C content, enzymatic activity and soil respiration.

The study was conducted in a small catchment located in Galicia (NW of Spain), and covers an area of 10.7 ha. During more than 30 years, some plots were dedicated to cattle grazing, while other were cultivated annually with maize. In 1999, part of the catchment was transformed into a eucalyptus plantation, while other part was dedicated to the annual cultivation of maize for forage using conventional methods. As a result, 4 treatments were identified in the catchment, including the two historical dedications and the two current ones. In 2024, soil samples were collected in 72 locations inside the catchment, at three different depths: 0-30 cm, 30-60 cm and 60-90 cm. Measured soil health indicators included enzymatic enzymatic activities, soil respiration and total soil carbon. These properties were interpolated for the whole catchment using geostatistics, in order to identify their spatial variability and their relation with past and present land uses. Results will provide a deeper understanding of the impact of long-term changes in land use at different depths.



This study was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain under the project “Gesta Race” (TED2021-130315B-I00) and the “Ramón y Cajal” fellowship (RyC 2021-615 033370-I), and by the Regional Govermnent of Galicia (project ED431F 2024/024 Xunta de Galicia).

How to cite: Lado, M., Munetiko, Y., Royer, A. C., Martínez-Picado, S., García-Tomillo, A., Vidal-Vázquez, E., and Álvarez-López, V.: Spatial distribution of soil health indicators at different depths after 30 years of changes in land use in a small catchment of NW Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21436,, 2025.

EGU25-6050 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

The First year of the French lysimetric network 

Antoine Sobaga, Pierre Faure-Catteloin, Samuel Abiven, Florence Habets, Noële Enjelvin, and French lysimetric network community

The need for continuous local and long-term observations in the vadose zone has been growing for many years, as they are essential for improving our understanding of the processes occurring in the vadose zone of the soil and enhancing seasonal forecasts from numerical models.

Lysimeters and Ecotrons are the main tools to directly access water and nutrient transport over long periods of time. In France, with the impulsion of the ONEWATER project, a French lysimeter network is in development since April 2024, taking benefice of the existing structure.

A workshop was organised to identify all the sites in France and to collect expectations. We  considered about the major scientific questions that could be supported by such a network, and identifying the measurement systems and instruments that are compatible with our ambitions, as well as considering the management and diffusion of the data.

In 2024, 32 lysimeter sites have been identified in France, with a total of 650 lysimeters. These sites are very heterogeneous : i) different type and size of devices : (columns, boxes, plates, mini-lysimeters, porous cells, Ecotrons, etc.); ii) different filling methods (undisturbed or reconstituted), iii) different measurements (probes, frequency…), iv) different atmospheric condition (natural or controlled)… Despite each site is unique and has specific scientific objectives, they all measure drainage.

The site managers expect this network will help sharing experience in terms of device management, data valorisation and probe development, and to enable the data collected in the sites to be more used.

A main issue with this heterogeneous network is to be able to compare and interprete each site. To do so  several methods will be used, from in situ temporary experiment to numerical simulations. Additional, the individual sites would benefit from some upgrade, with the use of  similar low-cost probes  and  effort will be done to share and valorize the lysimetric data.

How to cite: Sobaga, A., Faure-Catteloin, P., Abiven, S., Habets, F., Enjelvin, N., and lysimetric network community, F.: The First year of the French lysimetric network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6050,, 2025.

EGU25-7456 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

Investigating the Effects of Future Climate Scenario on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Dynamics in a Belgian Pear Orchard Ecosystem 

Chloë Vercauteren, Vera Claessens, and Nadia Soudzilovskaia

Climate change poses a significant threat to global natural- and agroecosystems, affecting key soil microbial communities, such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). These fungi form symbiotic relationships with most terrestrial plants, including economically important ones like fruit trees. AMF are significantly sensitive to various climatic parameters, which influence their species composition, diversity, and ecological functions. Additionally, climate change alters AMF temporal dynamics, affecting their growth, distribution, and interactions with host plants across seasons.

Despite these insights, a critical knowledge gap remains in understanding how multiple climatic parameters simultaneously affect the dynamics of AMF communities. This study aims to address this gap by investigating the response of AMF in pear orchards to the worst-case climate scenario (i.e., RCP8.5) projected for Belgium in 2040. We used a state-of-the-art Ecotron facility, to simulate both ambient (2018) and future (2040) climate conditions in a pear orchard. In total six trees have been grown in the Ecotron in each of the climatic conditions. We assessed diversity, composition, and temporal dynamics of AMF spores, revealing patterns of  dormancy and activity, and providing insights into shifts of AMF community phenology induced by climate change. Our research elucidates climate-driven dynamics of AMF in agricultural systems, and provides insights into maintaining sustainable crop production and soil fertility under future climate conditions.

How to cite: Vercauteren, C., Claessens, V., and Soudzilovskaia, N.: Investigating the Effects of Future Climate Scenario on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Dynamics in a Belgian Pear Orchard Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7456,, 2025.

EGU25-8343 | ECS | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

Soil solution chemistry along a land cover transect in the alpine tundra (NW Italian Alps) 

Andrea Benech, Emanuele Pintaldi, Nicola Colombo, and Michele Freppaz

Soil solution sampling is a critical approach to understand the dynamics of water and nutrient transport in terrestrial ecosystems, however little information is available for high-elevation environments. During the summer 2024, soil solution was sampled at 10 cm depth in the Long Term Ecological Research-LTER site Istituto Mosso (2650 – 2900 m a.s.l., NW Italian Alps), using 30 soil disc lysimeters among 3 distinct vegetation communities belonging to alpine tundra ecosystem: snowbed communities, Carex curvula grasslands, and mixed conditions. This work presents new insights in the application of soil suction lysimeters at high-elevated, logistically-complex environments. By collecting and analyzing the soil solution, we aimed to contribute to the comprehension of the functioning of alpine tundra ecosystems, particularly under the pressure of climate change, focusing on the possible shift in vegetation cover from snowbed communities toward Carex curvula grasslands due to higher air/soil temperature and earlier spring snowmelt. These measurements were complemented by continuous monitoring of soil temperature and moisture, providing a comprehensive understanding of soil dynamics in these ecosystems. Special attention was paid to the transport processes of water and nutrients (namely carbon and nitrogen), which are fundamental to understand biogeochemical cycling in alpine areas. Notably, the content of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) was the highest in Carex curvula grasslands, while nitrate concentrations exceeded those of ammonium across all sites. The outcomes of this study are expected to contribute to advancing methodologies in soil solution sampling and provide critical information for evaluating alpine ecosystem responses to changing climatic conditions. These findings will also help refining our understanding of water and nutrient dynamics, offering implications for both ecological research and management strategies in vulnerable high-elevation environments.

Research supported by NBFC - University of Turin/DISAFA, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, PNRR, Mission 4 Component 2, “Dalla ricerca all’impresa”, Investment 1.4, Project CN00000033

How to cite: Benech, A., Pintaldi, E., Colombo, N., and Freppaz, M.: Soil solution chemistry along a land cover transect in the alpine tundra (NW Italian Alps), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8343,, 2025.

EGU25-8359 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3 | Highlight

Development of the "Agricultural Simulator" AgraSim for comprehensive experimental simulation and analysis of environmental impacts on processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system 

Joschka Neumann, Nicolas Brüggemann, Patrick Chaumet, Normen Hermes, Jan Huwer, Peter Kirchner, Werner Lesmeister, Wilhelm August Mertens, Thomas Pütz, Jörg Wolters, Harry Vereecken, and Ghaleb Natour

For studying the effects of future climate conditions on plant physiological, biogeochemical, hydrological and atmospheric processes in agroecosystems, we developed a large-scale research infrastructure, called AgraSim. AgraSim is an experimental simulator consisting of six mesocosms, each of them consisting of an integrated climate chamber, plant chamber and lysimeter system. The system makes it possible to simulate the environmental conditions in the mesocosms in a fully controlled manner under different weather and climate conditions ranging from tropical to boreal climate. Moreover, it provides a unique way of imposing future climate conditions which presently cannot be implemented under real-world conditions. It allows monitoring and controlling states and fluxes of a broad range of processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. This information can then be used to give input to process models, to improve process descriptions and to serve as a platform for the development of a digital twin of the soil-plant-atmosphere system. In detail, each mesocosm consists of a high-precision lysimeter (weighable, control of temperature and lower boundary) with a monolithic soil core (1 m2 surface area and 1.5 m depth) and a transparent, fully controllable plant chamber (7 m3 volume) with an LED light source very similar to the natural solar spectrum with a maximum intensity of 2,500 μmol of photosynthetically active photons per square meter and second. With an in-house developed, fully automated process control system, defined climatic and weather conditions as well as air compositions can be set and varied on the basis of a predefined weather data profile. The inner surfaces of the plant chambers have the purest and most inert properties possible, with the aim of minimizing interactions between the ambient air of the plants and the chamber wall. Strong LED-based plant lighting provides light conditions similar to daylight, which prevents too large heat input into the chamber. A new concept was developed and implemented to dissipate this heat by avoiding condensation at all times, as condensation dissolves gas molecules from the air in the condensate, changing the isotope composition and thus impeding the atmospheric measurements. The process technology includes the precise control of the supply air volume flow, pressure, humidity, carbon dioxide content, air temperature, light intensity within the plant chamber, soil temperature and irrigation.

How to cite: Neumann, J., Brüggemann, N., Chaumet, P., Hermes, N., Huwer, J., Kirchner, P., Lesmeister, W., Mertens, W. A., Pütz, T., Wolters, J., Vereecken, H., and Natour, G.: Development of the "Agricultural Simulator" AgraSim for comprehensive experimental simulation and analysis of environmental impacts on processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8359,, 2025.

EGU25-11225 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

Higher decomposer functional diversity bolsters ecosystem gross primary productivity resistance under drought: a three-year ecotron study 

Alexandru Milcu, Sandra Barantal, Emmanuel S Gritti, Justine Laoue, Johanne Nahmani, and Stephan Hattenschwiller

Projected climatic conditions, such as more frequent and prolonged droughts, are expected to become more common in many regions of the world according to the IPCC 2023 report, particularly in the Mediterranean. These conditions can reduce plant CO2 uptake, gross primary productivity, and decomposition rates, potentially disrupting the carbon cycle. While higher soil biodiversity might mitigate these adverse drought effects by enhancing productivity and decomposition stability, the net effect on ecosystem CO2 exchange remains largely uncertain, making future carbon cycle predictions challenging.

Using a reconstructed Mediterranean understory model ecosystem, we conducted a three-year experiment in 16 lysimeters (1m³ soil volume, 1m² surface area) at the Montpellier European Ecotron ( We tested two levels of decomposer functional diversity (low and high) under ambient summer drought and more intense drought conditions (-30% precipitation and longer drought spells). Our results show that higher decomposer functional diversity maintained up to 25% higher gross primary productivity (GPP) during the early stages of drought. This response was partly due to better water uptake from the deeper soil layers, as indicated by volumetric water content sensors.

How to cite: Milcu, A., Barantal, S., Gritti, E. S., Laoue, J., Nahmani, J., and Hattenschwiller, S.: Higher decomposer functional diversity bolsters ecosystem gross primary productivity resistance under drought: a three-year ecotron study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11225,, 2025.

The dynamic changes of soil water and salt are crucial for crop growth and agricultural productivity. Understanding soil water and salt movement mechanisms, influenced by natural and human factors like climate change, groundwater, and brackish water irrigation, remains challenging. This study focused on the Yellow River Irrigation District, a critical grain-producing area with limited freshwater resources and saline soils. Using Yucheng Station as a case study, field experiments (2004–2020) and model simulations (2023–2053) were conducted to investigate the dynamics and influencing factors of soil water and salt under winter wheat-summer maize rotation.

Field experiments revealed that crop yields decreased with groundwater depth, significantly impacting soil water and salt dynamics. HYDRUS-1D simulations, calibrated with monitoring data (2020–2023), effectively captured these dynamics, achieving high accuracy in soil moisture and salt concentration predictions. Climate change scenarios showed soil water and salt fluctuations aligned with crop growth cycles, with rainfall intensity and crop evapotranspiration being key factors. Higher rainfall in SSP585 scenarios enhanced salt leaching compared to SSP245, while salt accumulation in the cultivation layer was prominent during dry years.

Groundwater depth significantly influenced farmland-water interactions. At shallower depths (2 m), groundwater contributed substantially to crop water use but posed risks of soil salt stress. Conversely, deeper depths (4 m) reduced these contributions, highlighting the balance needed for optimal groundwater management. Long-term brackish water irrigation showed increasing soil salt trends, with salt migration influenced by rainfall and groundwater depth. To mitigate risks and enhance brackish water use, irrigation with ≤3 g/L salt concentration and groundwater depth control at 3 m is recommended for sustainable soil water and salt management, ensuring crop productivity and food security under future climate conditions.

How to cite: Li, F., Qiao, Y., and Li, Z.: Dynamics of Soil Water and Salt in Saline Farmlands: Implications for Brackish Water Irrigation and Climate Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16521,, 2025.

EGU25-18588 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

The Ecotron Time Machine – Simulating Climate Change in Controlled Environment Facilities 

Bálint Jákli, Roman Meier, and Manuela Baumgarten

Controlled Environment Facilities (CEFs) – including phytotron, ecotron, and lysimeter systems – are essential tools in experimental plant research. Studies conducted in CEFs have substantially advanced our understanding of ecological, physiological, and molecular responses to environmental factors, and have played an important role in the development and parameterization of mechanistic models.

Until recently, climate change research in controlled environments primarily focused on the static manipulation of a single (or few) parameters, notably temperature. However, modern CEFs now enable the highly precise, simultaneous control of multiple environmental variables, such as temperature, VPD, light, soil temperature, and soil moisture, as well as the accurate manipulation of atmospheric gases (e.g., CO₂ and ozone).

The ability to maintain these factors at high temporal resolution effectively turns CEFs into “time machines,” allowing researchers to investigate plant and model-ecosystem responses under realistic climate change scenarios. Although the technical implementation of complex climate series has become more feasible, the core challenge lies in generating climate series that capture potential future conditions while avoiding oversimplification and meeting the scientific requirements for standardization and reproducibility.

In this contribution, we present examples from various experiments conducted at the TUM Model EcoSystem Analyser (TUMmesa). These range from incremental manipulation of individual environmental variables, through the replication of historically recorded climate series, to the dynamic downscaling of global climate models driven by representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios.

These recent advancements highlight the potential of modern CEFs to deepen our understanding of plant-environment interactions and support robust investigations of climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems.

How to cite: Jákli, B., Meier, R., and Baumgarten, M.: The Ecotron Time Machine – Simulating Climate Change in Controlled Environment Facilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18588,, 2025.

EGU25-21639 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

Measuring Evapotranspiration at Cabauw (The Netherlands)  

Evert I. F. de Bruijn and Jessica M. I. Strickland

Droughts in the Netherlands have been exacerbated by climate change, urging better scientific understanding of the hydrological cycle. Moreover, reliable predictions and management rely on accurate water observations at the surface. To date, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) primarily estimates evaporation based on the meteorological conditions such as precipitation and temperature. Meanwhile, the Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research has maintained decades of in-situ evaporation observations, exploring a range of indirect in-situ methods. Nonetheless, to better understand how moisture leaves the surface, more direct methods are required. A new smart lysimeter has been deployed which measures the water inflow and outflow of a representative soil and vegetation column. We evaluate this direct method for measuring evapotranspiration and 
compare the performance to other established methods, such as the eddy covariance method. Lysimeter measurements, although precise, are spatially limited, sensitive to small-scale variations, and require rigorous validation. Therefore, we present the initial results of the validation and explore the lysimeter’s potential as a reference standard for more accessible instruments that could broaden the scope of the evaporation observations network. Furthermore, by integrating supplementary in-situ measurements, our findings suggest that applying validated lysimeter data may lead to better closure of the surface energy balance. Looking towards the future, these results have the potential to advance hydrological research, 
inform models, as well as environmental decision-making. 

How to cite: de Bruijn, E. I. F. and Strickland, J. M. I.: Measuring Evapotranspiration at Cabauw (The Netherlands) , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21639,, 2025.

EGU25-21644 | Posters on site | HS1.2.3

Advancing Design and Functionality of Lysimeter/Ecotron Systems through Modeling  

Janja Vrzel, Maria Mursaikova, Hans Kupfersberger, and Gernot Klammler

Lysimeter systems play a crucial role in understanding the complex interactions within the soil-plant-atmosphere  continuum.  In  the  context  of  climate  change,  where  precise  insights  into  water  and nutrient fluxes, energy exchange, and greenhouse gas dynamics are essential, lysimeters equipped with advanced hydraulic and thermal controls are increasingly indispensable. A key innovation in this field is the integration of suction-controlled hydraulic boundary conditions and active temperature regulation, which significantly enhances the capability of lysimeters to mimic natural processes while maintaining  experimental  control.  These  functionalities  are  particularly  critical  in  ecotron experimental platforms, where controlled yet realistic environmental conditions are required for high-resolution and high-quality observations. 
Our  research  focuses  on  the  optimization  of  lysimeter  design  and  functionality  using  advanced computational tools. Specifically, we developed a 2D- and a comprehensive 3D-modeling approaches to  investigate  and  refine  the  technical  design  of  lysimeter  systems  equipped  with underpressure-controlled hydraulic boundary conditions and temperature regulation mechanisms. Two simulation models,  HYDRUS  and  FEFLOW,  were  systematically  tested  and  compared  for  their  suitability  in simulating these complex systems. 
We  present  the  results  of  scenario  analyses  conducted  to  evaluate  and  optimize  critical  design parameters, including (1) the number and spatial arrangement of suction cups required to achieve precise suction-controlled hydraulic boundary conditions, (2) the number, positioning, and dimensions of  heat  exchanger  pipes  for  effective  temperature  regulation  and  (3)  the  influence  of  insulation thickness at the bottom of the lysimeter on thermal efficiency and system stability. Our findings also demonstrate the strengths and limitations of both HYDRUS and FEFLOW in capturing the dynamics of water and energy transport in lysimeters. Our work not only contributes to the technical advancement of lysimeter and ecotron platforms but also supports their broader application in ecosystem research. By  integrating  robust  design  methodologies  with  cutting-edge  simulation  tools,  we  provide  a framework for enhancing the reliability and functionality of these experimental systems.  
In  conclusion,  this  study  highlights  the  potential  of  modeling  and  scenario-based  optimization in improving the design and operational efficiency of lysimeters with advanced hydraulic and thermal controls.  The  insights  gained  from  our  research  are  expected  to  support  future  applications of lysimeter and ecotron systems in addressing critical questions related to climate change impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. 

How to cite: Vrzel, J., Mursaikova, M., Kupfersberger, H., and Klammler, G.: Advancing Design and Functionality of Lysimeter/Ecotron Systems through Modeling , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21644,, 2025.

SSS9 – Soil, Forestry and Agriculture

EGU25-556 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Post-fire short- and long-term soil erosion monitoring – The impact of consecutive storm events on R factor and erosion rates  

Aristeidis Kastridis, Stella Margiorou, and Marios Sapountzis

Wildfires have a significant impact on soil erosion. Most studies emphasize on the "disturbance window", which typically ranges from 3 to 10 years. Studies on the long-term effects of fire on soil erosion are relatively few, especially when it comes to studies that go beyond 20 to 30 years after the fire.

This study carried out at Seich Sou, a suburban forest in Thessaloniki city, North Greece. A wildfire in 1997 destroyed half of the forest, and another one occurred in 2021. This study focuses on investigating the long-term (1997 wildfire) and short-term (2021 wildfire) post-fire impacts on erosion in relation to rainfall intensity and rainfall erosivity (R factor). Field plots using silt fences were installed, to quantify soil erosion in both burned and unburned regions.

Regarding the short-term effects of the wildfire in 2021 on soil erosion, the findings indicated that vegetation is the primary factor influencing annual erosion rates. Soil erosion in burned plots is significantly influenced by rainfall intensity, particularly when it surpasses 6–7 mm/30 min. However, in burned plots it was revealed that soil erosion did not significantly increase when the rainfall intensity increased beyond 10 mm/30min. On the other hand, in the unburned plots, soil erosion was considerably increased beyond a certain threshold of rainfall intensity (>10 mm/30 min).

For the first time in literature, it was revealed that when two consecutive and very intense storms occurred, the second, more intense rainfall generated noticeably less erosion rates than the first. An average 20% reduction in soil erosion (both in burned and unburned plots) was observed after the second storm, when the R factor increased by 690%. The main reason for this behavior is the quick depletion of the available sediments caused by the high-intensity consecutive rainfalls, which decreased the erosive effect of the second consecutive storm.

 We also found that since both major erosive episodes were so close to one each other in time, the considerable rise in R factor in the second post-fire year did not significantly increase soil erosion. These results demonstrate that the R factor in RUSLE, which is used to determine the annual erosion rate in burned and unburned regions, without the appropriate reference to the corresponding field data, which used to validate the model, has potential significant errors that may lead to inaccurate erosion rate estimations. Before implementing the erosion model into practice, researchers and stakeholders that utilize the R factor in erosion modeling should thoroughly investigate the precise dates of the significant erosive events.

Concerning the long-term effects of the 1997 wildfire, the findings from the "natural reforestation" plots showed that, 25 years after the wildfire, erosion rates are three times higher (0.062 t/ha/year) than those of the "control" plots (0.023 t/ha/year). The forest ecosystem has not significantly recovered, and it seems that the "window of disturbance" in the reforested area has not been closed. Depending on site quality, geomorphology, and meteorological conditions, it may take more than 20 years to return soil erosion rates to normal levels in Mediterranean environments, where soils are typically thin and rocky.

How to cite: Kastridis, A., Margiorou, S., and Sapountzis, M.: Post-fire short- and long-term soil erosion monitoring – The impact of consecutive storm events on R factor and erosion rates , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-556,, 2025.

EGU25-604 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

How do understorey fires in deciduous forests affect soil properties? Insights from Eastern India 

Kunal Mallick, Anindya Majhi, and Priyank Pravin Patel

Understorey forest fires in tropical dry deciduous forests are an ecologically significant yet understudied phenomena, particularly in India, where such fires occur frequently but have been largely overlooked for decades. This study examines the effects of understorey fires on the physicochemical properties of in-situ lateritic soils (Haplustalfs, Paleustalfs, and Ustifluvents, as per USDA Soil Taxonomy) in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. During the 2024 fire season (February–May), soil samples were collected from 12 sites, comparing burnt and unburnt patches at depths of 0–5 cm, 5–10 cm, and 10–20 cm. Fire temperatures recorded at three sites using infrared pyrometers ranged from approximately 500°C to 1100°C, with a fire spread rate of about 8 m/hr. The predominant soil textures in the study area are sandy clay loam and sandy loam. The results reveal that understorey fires significantly (p < 0.05) altered the topsoil (0–5 cm), increasing pH, electrical conductivity (EC), organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N), potassium oxide (K₂O), and organic matter (OM), likely due to ash deposition and the partial combustion of organic material. We also observed a significant reduction of bulk density (BD) at the 0–5 cm depth in burnt areas, likely due to the loss of fine roots and soil moisture during the fire, which would cause loosening of the soil structure. However, no significant differences were observed in aggregate stability, Visual Evaluation of Soil Structure (VESS) scores, base cation concentrations (Ca, Mg, Na), phosphorus (P₂O₅) or cation exchange capacity (CEC) between burnt and unburnt sites. Minimal changes were recorded at depths beyond 5 cm, attributed to limited heat penetration and the absence of pyrogenic residues. These results diverge from the general understanding of fire effects on soil properties. In ecoregions dominated by highly flammable vegetation, such as coniferous forests and grasslands (e.g. in US, Canada or Australia), large-scale crown fires disrupt entire forest ecosystems and effectuate heat-induced alterations and nutrient volatilisation, which profoundly affect soil properties. On the contrary, understorey fires in deciduous forests primarily influence the forest floor, predominantly consuming low-lying vegetation, leaf litter, and organic matter, resulting in turn in immediate nutrient enrichment in the topsoil (0–5 cm), which may facilitate post-fire vegetation recovery. The observed soil changes are driven more by ash deposition and incomplete combustion of organic matter than by nutrient volatilisation, distinguishing them from the more intense fire behaviours elsewhere. These variations in fire intensity and behaviour likely explain the differences in soil responses. However, the long-term risks of ash depletion and nutrient loss through water-driven erosion pose significant concerns for post-fire forest landscapes, potentially degrading soil productivity, disrupting forest regeneration, and threatening overall ecosystem resilience. These findings emphasize the need for comprehensive research to fully comprehend the long-term implications of understorey fires in tropical dry deciduous forests.

How to cite: Mallick, K., Majhi, A., and Patel, P. P.: How do understorey fires in deciduous forests affect soil properties? Insights from Eastern India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-604,, 2025.

EGU25-4418 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Prescribed burning as potential regeneration technique in temperate reed ecosystems - a pilot study at Lake Neusiedl, Austria 

Raffael Berner, Mathias Neumann, Mortimer M. Müller, Markus Hollaus, and Stephan Glatzel

The reed belt of Lake Neusiedl, with an area of 181 km², covers more than half of the total lake area (ca. 320 km²) and is part of the Natura 2000 and Ramsar Conservation site of lake Neusiedl. It is the second biggest contiguous reed ecosystem in Europe after the Danube delta. The ageing of the reed belt and subsequently growth of the reed mats represents an obstacle for numerous bird species worth protecting such as the Great Reed Warbler and Reed Buntings in the National Park Lake Neusiedl because many are specialized and dependent on the presence of younger reed plants (Phragmites australis). Traditional regeneration measures, most notably mowing, are becoming decreasingly suitable as a management tool due to warmer temperatures and subsequently insufficient freezing in winter. Therefore, prescribed burning of old reed stands, which is currently prohibited by Austrian law, is being considered as a regeneration measure as a way to maintain invaluable habitats for bird species. For this reason, a pilot study was carried out in January 2024 in the reed belt of Lake Neusiedl near Jois (province of Burgenland, Austria) in order to gain insights on consequences of controlled burning of old reed mats. The burning was conducted in winter to minimize harm of wildlife. Our research includes pre- and post-fire laboratory analyses of biomass and carbon content from standing vegetation, litter (matted reed), and the underlying partially decomposed organic soil layer. Furthermore, the fire behavior and intensity, as well as moisture contents during and after the fire were monitored. To support the area-wide mapping UAV-LiDAR and RGB flights were undertaken. The results can provide valuable insights into the closely linked balances between nature conservation and carbon stocks that arise in the management of reed-dominated ecosystems through burning. The mean fire temperature was slightly above 700°C and peaked at 1034°C. A total area of 15.6 ha was affected, on which the standing dead reed was lost completely, and the reed mats were reduced by 31.2% on average. A total of 54.5 tC were released from the study area. The layer of matted reed, which is to be affected by the fire, should have a maximum moisture content of 30% to ensure biomass removal. A significant reduction of the matted reed horizon thickness was achieved, which will help Phragmites australis regrowth and young-stock-specialized bird repopulation. The fire also left unburned patches of intact old stock behind, which could provide habitats for bird species specialized in old reed stock. Our results indicate that prescribed fire can be a suitable management tool at the reed belt of lake Neusiedl for the purpose of reed regeneration and habitat restoration.

How to cite: Berner, R., Neumann, M., Müller, M. M., Hollaus, M., and Glatzel, S.: Prescribed burning as potential regeneration technique in temperate reed ecosystems - a pilot study at Lake Neusiedl, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4418,, 2025.

Although wildfires bring serious negative environmental and ecological effects, low-intensity fires can promote vegetation recovery to a certain extent, especially in degraded ecosystems. A deeper understanding of the mechanism underlying accelerated vegetation recovery following fire will help provide a reference for the government to formulate ecological restoration strategies and enhance ecological service functions. Low soil nitrogen (N) availability is considered to be a key nutrient factor limiting vegetation recovery. Wildfire may change the coupling relationship between soil N supply and plant N demand to affect vegetation restoration, but little is known about this. We selected the succession sequences of different vegetation recovery stages in low-intensity burned and unburned areas in the karst desertification region of southwest China. We found that low-intensity fire indeed accelerated vegetation recovery, supported by higher plant biomass and diversity in burned than unburned areas. The data of plant leaf N/phosphorus ratio, total N content and δ15N value collectively indicated that plant growth in degraded ecosystems was severely limited by N, while plant N limitation degree decreased significantly following fire. This difference can be explained by the changes in the composition and content of soil N forms and N transformation processes that control their production. Compared to natural vegetation restoration, low-intensity fire significantly increased external N inputs and soil inorganic N supply capacity, primarily by stimulating free-living N2 fixation, organic N mineralization, and autotrophic nitrification rates, more pronounced at the early stage of vegetation restoration. These changes were attributed to improved soil conditions, including increased pH, organic matter content, microbial abundances and macroaggregate following low-intensity fire, all of which facilitated inorganic N production. In addition, plant increased the preferential utilization of nitrate following fire. These results suggest that increased soil inorganic N supply and the adjust in plant N utilization strategy after fire reduce plant N limitation, thereby accelerating plant growth and vegetation recovery in degraded ecological areas.


Keywords: Degraded ecosystem; Low-intensity fire; Plant N limitation; Plant N utilization strategy; Soil inorganic N supply

How to cite: Liu, L. and Zhu, T.: Low-intensity fire stimulates soil inorganic N supply and adjusts plant N utilization strategy to alleviate plant N limitation in rocky desertification area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4929,, 2025.

EGU25-5961 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Evaluating the Impact of Management Strategies on Fire Spread in Heather-Dominated Moorlands 

Zahra Mousavi, Claire Belcher, Sarah Baker, and Nick Kettridge

Wildfires present a significant threat to heather-dominated moorlands and heathlands, especially as climate change exacerbates fire risks, underscoring the need for effective management strategies to mitigate fire spread. This research investigates the effects of different management approaches, burning, cutting, and leaving areas unmanaged, on fire spread rates in the Scottish region. The study focuses on patches with varying years of intervention, 2019, 2015, and 2007, alongside patches that were left unmanaged. Fieldwork was conducted to gather data on vegetation height, while dead fuel moisture was calculated using the Nelson Fire Model, which derives estimates from weather parameters collected at a local weather station. Fire behaviour, particularly surface fire spread rates, was simulated using BehavePlus software, with specific fuel models assigned based on vegetation height.

Preliminary analyses indicate that different management practices result in varying fire spread rates, highlighting the importance of vegetation height and the timing of interventions. Vegetation height emerged as a critical factor, and the study highlights the importance of implementing management interventions within optimal time intervals to maintain their effectiveness. These findings suggest that management strategies could play a critical role in mitigating wildfire risks and provide a foundation for further research into optimising practices for enhancing wildfire resilience in the UK’s moorlands and heathlands.

How to cite: Mousavi, Z., Belcher, C., Baker, S., and Kettridge, N.: Evaluating the Impact of Management Strategies on Fire Spread in Heather-Dominated Moorlands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5961,, 2025.

EGU25-7045 | Orals | SSS9.1

Longitudinal propagation of aquatic disturbances following the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA 

Ricardo González-Pinzón, Justin Nichols, Eric Joseph, Asmita Kaphle, Paige Tunby, Lina Rodriguez, Aashish Khandelwal, Justin Reale, Peter Regier, and David Van Horn

Wildfire disturbance propagation along fluvial networks remains poorly understood. We use incident, atmospheric, and water-quality data from the largest wildfire in New Mexico’s history to quantify how this gigafire affected surface runoff processes and mobilized wildfire disturbances into fluvial networks after burning 1382 km2. Surface runoff post-fire increased compared to pre-fire conditions, and precipitation events that are frequently observed in the affected watershed (<2-year recurrence) and fell during the post-fire first rainy season resulted in uncorrelated, less frequently observed runoff events (10-year recurrence). Besides these shifts in runoff generation, the magnitude and fluctuation of daily water quality parameters and relevant ecosystem processes also shifted over multiple months, even at sites located >160 km downstream of the burn perimeter. Our findings emphasize the need to incorporate spatially resolved longitudinal sampling designs into wildfire water quality research and highlight the spatiotemporal co-dependency among atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic processes in defining the net outcome of wildfire disturbance propagation along impacted fluvial networks.

How to cite: González-Pinzón, R., Nichols, J., Joseph, E., Kaphle, A., Tunby, P., Rodriguez, L., Khandelwal, A., Reale, J., Regier, P., and Van Horn, D.: Longitudinal propagation of aquatic disturbances following the largest wildfire recorded in New Mexico, USA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7045,, 2025.

EGU25-8315 | Orals | SSS9.1

Atmospheric precursors of forest fires: development of the Fire Sentinel Index (FSI) in the Abruzzo Region. 

Annalina Lombardi, Gabriele Pizzi, Valentina Colaiuda, Fabio Ferrante, Ludovico Di Antonio, Francesco Luigi Rossi, Saverio Di Fabio, Mauro Casinghini, and Barbara Tomassetti

In recent years, Italy is facing severe emergency linked to fires. According to the latest reports, over 53,000 hectares of vegetation were lost in 2023, due to arson or negligent fires. Consequences on ecosystem and natural equilibrium are relevant, since the time for the natural restoration process may take several decades. Climate extremes exacerbate Mediterranean area fire risk, due to prolonged drought conditions. On the other hand, hydrogeological risk is also expected to increase over burnt slopes, where surface runoff is incremented due vegetation loss. According to the current legislation, fire risk management is in charge of the Italian Regional Civil Protection (RCP), therefore the development of user-oriented tools, able to prevent the fire hazardous conditions, is key element to ensure the forest-fire risk management. In the proposed model, the atmospheric conditions preceding a forest fire are estimated though the combination of air temperature and relative humidity, as reference of atmospheric parameters. The approach assesses how many times the observed air temperature and RH of the previous 12 days area above the critical conditions (i.e., >25°C and < 50%, respectively). The model calibration and validation are carried out by using a three-years dataset of Abruzzo Region forest fires dataset, that hit the Abruzzo region from 2018 to 2020, combined with meteorological data from civil protection gauges’ network. The developed index identified fire-precursors in the 80% of selected case studies. The missing 20% is mainly related to the meteorological uncertainty in poorly gauged areas. Starting from the index validation, a pre-operational tool forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) analyses is also described. The hazard forecasts based on Fire Sentinel Index (FSI), are operational for forest and interface fires forecasting activities on the Abruzzo region, in the framework of a specific agreement signed with the Abruzzo region Civil Protection Agency. The results related to the use of the FSI during the last forest fire prevention campaign that occurred in summer 2024 in the Abruzzo region will be highlighted.

How to cite: Lombardi, A., Pizzi, G., Colaiuda, V., Ferrante, F., Di Antonio, L., Rossi, F. L., Di Fabio, S., Casinghini, M., and Tomassetti, B.: Atmospheric precursors of forest fires: development of the Fire Sentinel Index (FSI) in the Abruzzo Region., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8315,, 2025.

Wildfires remain a significant challenge in fire-prone regions like Southern California, as evidenced by the ongoing 2024/25 wildfire disaster. This study introduces an innovative methodology for assessing wildfire risk by combining Fire Weather Index (FWI) components, historical burn probabilities, and multi-source meteorological and satellite data, including ERA5 reanalysis, MODIS and Sentinel-2 data.

The methodology includes a decomposition of FWI components — including temperature, wind, humidity, and fuel moisture—and their derived indices: Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), Duff Moisture Code (DMC), Drought Code (DC), Initial Spread Index (ISI), Build-Up Index (BUI), and the final Fire Weather Index (FWI).  The Fire Weather Index (FWI) meteorological data will be sourced from the Copernicus ERA5 dataset because the ERA5 data provides essential weather information, including wind speed, surface temperature, and relative humidity. These parameters are cross-referenced with MODIS-derived Land Surface Temperature (LST) to validate spatial temperature trends, statistically downscale the derived data, and identify discrepancies that could signal pre-fire anomalies. Additionally, satellite-derived vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 (e.g., NDVI, NDWI, and MSAVI2) are incorporated to evaluate vegetation health and moisture stress. Before the fire, the vegetation states are compared with historical burn probability mapping, constructed using past wildfire records and environmental datasets, to create a comparative framework to assess predicted versus actual fire spread patterns.

The working hypothesis suggests that combining ERA5 meteorological data with satellite-derived indices can provide a deeper understanding of pre-fire conditions, thereby improving early warning capabilities. Preliminary findings suggest that anomalies such as elevated temperatures (from MODIS and ERA5) and vegetation stress (from Sentinel-2) are strong indicators of impending wildfire risks. These patterns highlight the importance of combining meteorological, historical, and satellite-based insights to inform wildfire risk management.

We propose developing an interactive early warning system using Google Earth Engine to operationalise these insights. This system integrates FWI components, ERA5-derived meteorological data, historical burn probabilities, and satellite-based indices into a dashboard for real-time monitoring. The dashboard will be designed to visualise critical thresholds, assess vegetation stress, and analyse fire risk trends. This comprehensive approach empowers proactive decision-making to mitigate the impacts of wildfires and improve overall disaster preparedness.

This study demonstrates the potential of leveraging cross-referenced ERA5, MODIS and Sentinel-2 data, FWI components, and historical probabilities to build a scalable, data-driven framework for wildfire risk assessment in vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Van den Dool, H. G. and Bidwai, D.: Improving Wildfire Prevention: Combining FWI Components, Historical Burn Probabilities, and Multi-Sensor Satellite Data for Better Early Warning Systems in Los Angeles, CA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12639,, 2025.

EGU25-13111 | Orals | SSS9.1 | Highlight

How Government Agency Planning Can Preserve Life Safety from Postfire Debris Flows  

Francis Rengers, Jason Kean, Cory Williams, Mark Henneberg, J. Ryan Banta, Eric Schroder, Cara Sponaugle, David Callery, Erin Walter, Todd Blake, and Dennis Staley

In 2020 the Grizzly Creek wildfire burned both sides of the narrow and deep Glenwood Canyon in Colorado, USA. Within the canyon there is a major Interstate Highway (I-70, the only east-west interstate highway across the state of Colorado), a major railroad (the Union Pacific), and a critical waterway (the Colorado River that supplies water to millions of downstream users). Within this canyon, there is a history of life-threatening postfire debris flows from two previous fires (the 1994 South Canyon Fire and the 2002 Coal Seam Fire) that both produced debris flows a few months following the wildfires. Based on this historical knowledge, several government agencies used their combined expertise to coordinate on life-safety decision-making following the Grizzly Creek Fire. After the Grizzly Creek Fire, nine large debris flows were triggered by rainstorms in the summer of 2021, followed by three small debris flows in the summer of 2023. Despite the disruptive postfire debris flow activity, there were no fatalities during these storms, which was largely due to a tiered strategy of hazard assessment/forecasting, monitoring, and adaptation. Many different government agencies worked together to share knowledge and inform decision-making to preserve life safety during these events, including: the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), and the National Weather Service (NWS). Weather forecasts and estimates of debris-flow likelihood, volume, and triggering rainfall thresholds were used to anticipate the location, triggering rainfall, and debris flow volume. These forecasts were compared with rainfall thresholds to determine when to deliver warnings to the public and advise canyon closures. After debris flow triggering rainstorms, the rainfall thresholds were re-evaluated. If a forecast was above the debris-flow rainfall threshold then the NWS would issue a watch or a warning. If the NWS issued a watch, CDOT staff would be positioned at either end of the canyon, and then if the NWS upgraded the watch to a warning CDOT staff would close the highway. This helped to make sure that the public was out of the canyon when there was a potential for debris flows. As the burn area recovered the warnings were adapted based on observations from monitoring. This collaborative model may be helpful in future wildfire situations in areas with critical infrastructure where the mandate for life safety falls across multiple jurisdictions.

How to cite: Rengers, F., Kean, J., Williams, C., Henneberg, M., Banta, J. R., Schroder, E., Sponaugle, C., Callery, D., Walter, E., Blake, T., and Staley, D.: How Government Agency Planning Can Preserve Life Safety from Postfire Debris Flows , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13111,, 2025.

EGU25-13423 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Wildfire early effects on soil properties in Mediterranean pinewoods: Insight from the 2020 Wildfire in Patemisco, Italy 

Luigi Marfella, Marzaioli Rossana, Maria Floriana Spatola, Gaetano Pazienza, Paola Mairota, Sandro Strumia, Emilio Padoa-Schioppa, and Flora Angela Rutigliano

Soil is exposed to increasing threats from human activities, including land use change and abandonment, as well as climate change-induced events such as droughts, floods and wildfires. Although the Mediterranean environment has a coevolutionary history with fire, it is not exempt from the threat posed by the recent increase in the frequency and severity of this disturbance. In Italy, for instance, the total burned area in 2021 exceeded that of 2017, a year remembered as particularly critical from this point of view.
In this context, the research project FLER_MeCoFor aims to study the conservation status, sensu Habitats Directive, of the Habitat of priority interest 2270* - Wooded dunes with Pinus pinea and/or Pinus pinaster, of the Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) IT9130006 (Apulia, Southern Italy). In particular, several wildfires from 1981 to 2020 affected different pinewoods within the SAC.
Here, this study presents preliminary results of the medium-term impacts of fire severity on soil properties following the most recent wildfire that occurred in 2020 within the Patemisco pinewood. Four years after the fire and prior to the fieldwork (April 2024), areas of different levels of fire severity (Low, Medium and High) were identified through differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR) index analysis by remote sensing. At sites representing the three different fire severity levels and at a nearby unburned (control) site, litter and mineral soil samples (depth 0-5 cm, 5 replicates per site) were collected to determine the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil.
Spectral variations between pre- and post-fire images assessed by dNBR index, in addition to guiding the field sampling, suggested potential alteration in soil characteristics in the most severely affected areas. The effect of the fire was still evident within the litter layer four years after the fire. Although this layer was observed in the low and medium severity burnt sites, it was significantly lower (in terms of weight) than the control. Furthermore, no litter was found in the high severity burnt site. Preliminary results on the mineral soil analysis showed that the burnt sites had no significant changes in the physical properties compared to the control. On the contrary, an increase in pH and a decrease in organic carbon content were still detected at all burnt sites, as a function of fire severity.
These changes suggest a potential alteration in the soil microbial community. For this purpose, further investigations, aiming to reveal the effect on the soil microbial activity and biomass, are fundamental for a comprehensive understanding of the fire recovery status of this woodland. Considering the significance of the Habitats of priority interest conservation for overall ecosystem functioning, this research is essential for developing post-fire land management measures to mitigate the impacts of forest fires.

How to cite: Marfella, L., Rossana, M., Spatola, M. F., Pazienza, G., Mairota, P., Strumia, S., Padoa-Schioppa, E., and Rutigliano, F. A.: Wildfire early effects on soil properties in Mediterranean pinewoods: Insight from the 2020 Wildfire in Patemisco, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13423,, 2025.

EGU25-13557 | Orals | SSS9.1

FireInSite: An accessible, integrated fire behaviour prediction system for wildfire management 

Gareth Clay, Kerryn Little, Tadas Nikonovas, Claire Belcher, Rayanne Vitali, Andy Elliott, Alistair Crawford, Nick Kettridge, Katy Ivison, and Stefan Doerr

Wildfire risk is increasing in temperate regions like the UK and NW Europe, but we lack operational tools to support wildfire management decision-making needs. We developed FireInSite to address the need for a user-oriented system for predicting fire behaviour. FireInSite is a fire behaviour prediction system in the form of a web-based application that forecasts the probability of ignition, surface fire rate of spread, flame length and fireline intensity for a user selected location for a set of core UK fire prone fuels. By seamlessly integrating geolocated weather forecasts up to 5 days ahead, topographic data, and in-built UK specific fuel models, FireInSite creates an accessible system that removes barriers like the need to gather data from multiple sources and is designed to minimise the number of inputs and decisions users must make before being able to predict fire behaviour. FireInSite can be used to assess the risk of fire in a particular area, plan for fire prevention and suppression, assess the potential effects of fuel load reduction, and educate the public about fire behaviour. We envision FireInSite being useful as a land management planning tool to assess the potential impacts of proposed landscape changes on potential fire behaviour.

FireInSite is built on over four years of intensive data collection of fuel moisture, fuel flammability, and energy contents measured across the UK for key fire prone vegetation types, which have been used to develop fuel models that describe the fire prone fuel types of the UK landscape for the first time. No other fire behaviour prediction system contains fuel models that have been specifically designed and tailored to UK vegetation and are ready inbuilt for use in the system. It also allows the user to select custom developed fuel moisture models, explore past fire behaviour using historical weather records back to 1970, and compare weather and fuel moisture forecasts to conditions in previous years. As FireInSite fuel models capture seasonal variability in fuel flammability and moisture for a range of temperate, humid fuels, we anticipate that FireInSite will also be transferable and of interest for wildfire management in other temperate regions like north western Europe.

How to cite: Clay, G., Little, K., Nikonovas, T., Belcher, C., Vitali, R., Elliott, A., Crawford, A., Kettridge, N., Ivison, K., and Doerr, S.: FireInSite: An accessible, integrated fire behaviour prediction system for wildfire management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13557,, 2025.

EGU25-13906 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Fire Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in Nevada 

Conor Croskery, Joshua Okyere, Gabrielle Boisramé, Rachel Kozloski, and Markus Berli

Covering approximately one third of the United States of America, sagebrush-dominated ecosystems are an important part of the continental USA’s landscape. The effects of wildfires on the hydrology of semi-arid sagebrush ecosystems are poorly understood and, as these areas experience more frequent wildfires, are becoming more relevant. As part of a multi-disciplinary project studying wildfire in sagebrush ecosystems – “Harnessing the Data Revolution for Fire Science” – a field experiment near Reno, Nevada, was set up to better understand the effects of fire on the hydrology of sagebrush ecosystems by measuring the hydraulic properties of the soil before and after prescribed burning. In the spring of 2024, twenty 3x4 meter experimental plots were outfitted with instruments for soil moisture and temperature monitoring; at least 2 TOMST TMS4 probes were placed in each plot in areas with different post-fire vegetation, recording measurements at 15-minute intervals. These data are supplemented with intermittent measurements of shallow soil moisture using a Campbell Hydrosense II Probe to measure a greater number of points within each plot. The two instruments were calibrated in the lab with soil from the experimental plots to ensure accurate and comparable volumetric water content values. Infiltration and water repellency measurements under different vegetation covers within each plot provide context for interpreting variations in the soil moisture data. In fall 2025, 10 of the 20 experimental plots will be burned, which will allow us to compare the hydraulic properties of the same soil before and after the fire, therefore directly assessing fire impact on soil hydrologic properties. Here we introduce the field experiment and address the calibration of the Campbell HydroSense II and TOMST TMS4 soil moisture probes, while also providing a site characterization with the first year of pre-fire soil moisture, temperature, infiltration, and water repellency data.


How to cite: Croskery, C., Okyere, J., Boisramé, G., Kozloski, R., and Berli, M.: Fire Impacts on Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Sagebrush Ecosystem in Nevada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13906,, 2025.

EGU25-14425 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

A field-parameterised model for quantifying the reduced probability of post fire debris flows in response to hillslope surface wood shred treatments 

Molly Harrison, Felix Smalley, Harry Barton, Philip Noske, Patrick Lane, Christopher Lyell, Thomas Keeble, and Gary Sheridan

Post-fire debris flows (DF) pose a substantial threat to life, property, infrastructure, and water supplies of major cities. For example, post-fire DF resulted in 23 deaths in Montecito, California following the 2018 Thomas fires (Kean et al., 2019). Major fires this year at the wildland-urban interface in Los Angeles have again primed the region for major potential post-fire hydro-geomorphic risks.  In Australia, post-fire DF in 2003 resulted in the closure of the capital city’s major water supply for several months (White et al., 2006), and modelling shows that Melbourne’s water supply is at high risk of contamination for up to a year if (or when) its forested water supply catchments are burned by wildfire (Nyman et al., 2020). One of the few feasible mitigation strategies to protect communities, infrastructure and high-value catchments from these devastating impacts is the broadscale application of surface mulches to burned hillslopes.  However, while multiple studies have investigated the effectiveness of these treatments in reducing post-fire erosion and runoff, very few have evaluated its effectiveness specifically in the context of DF risk mitigation, and none (to the authors knowledge) have empirically (i.e., using field experiments)  linked the effectiveness of these treatments to DF initiation likelihood and risk to assets. As a result, any meaningful cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of hillslope treatments is currently not possible. This knowledge gap is particularly important because, while the post-fire risks to life and property are substantial, the costs of broadscale hillslope treatments in difficult terrain are also substantial (~$5,000USD hectare-1 (Robichaud et al, 2013)). The aim of this research was to quantify the effectiveness of surface mulch (wood shred) treatments in reducing the likelihood of DF initiation in recently burnt landscapes, and to integrate these observations within a purpose-built modelling framework that can be used for rapid CBA of DF risk mitigation.   

We combine experimental field data from 12-months of monitoring (natural and simulated rainfall events) at twelve 30m2 runoff plots, treated at varying wood shred application rates, with a DF initiation model to estimate the reduction in DF risk using a novel approach. The protection of water reservoirs is used as a case-study to illustrate how altering DF risk through surface mulch application has direct and substantial impacts on critical infrastructure, using a hydrodynamics model to quantify reductions in water contamination risk. Risk reductions are presented in applied terms (dollars per headwater treated vs. number of debris flows prevented in the landscape) to enable rapid CBA for land managers. Initial results indicate wood shred treatment increases soil infiltration capacity by 50% in high-intensity rainfall events which translates to substantial reductions in DF and water contamination risk. While we use water contamination as a case study to illustrate the impact to assets, this approach can be used to enable CBA for the protection of other critical infrastructure. With huge costs associated with both debris flow damage and with mitigation techniques, the need to undertake empirically based CBA is paramount to both management agencies and communities.

How to cite: Harrison, M., Smalley, F., Barton, H., Noske, P., Lane, P., Lyell, C., Keeble, T., and Sheridan, G.: A field-parameterised model for quantifying the reduced probability of post fire debris flows in response to hillslope surface wood shred treatments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14425,, 2025.

EGU25-15285 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Decoding molecular changes in soil organic matter in heat-affected soils along latitudinal gradients 

Layla M. San-Emeterio, Sara Negri, Victoria Arcenegui, Nicasio T. Jiménez-Morillo, and Jorge Mataix-Solera

Wildfires are a global phenomenon that occur across diverse biomes, imposing deep modifications on the quantity and quality (molecular composition) of soil organic matter (SOM). Targeting SOM molecular composition is an ongoing challenge for soil researchers, since SOM is an inherently heterogeneous material with varying functionalities and interactions with the soil mineral phase. The extent and duration of fire-induced SOM alterations are closely tied to fire severity, which is influenced by environmental factors such as climate, topography and type of vegetation. Hence, by addressing SOM molecular complexity in fire-affected soils of diverse ecosystems we aim at (1) identifying factors responsible for drastic SOM transformations, and (2) predicting the occurrence of these changes according to biome of belonging.

In this study, up to 10 topsoils representative of a wide variety of biomes across the globe (from Savannah to Tropical, Mediterranean, Temperate, High-latitude and altitude and Boreal forests) were subjected to a laboratory heating (at 200 and 300 °C) aimed at mimicking the behaviour of fire. Analytical pyrolysis (Py-GC/MS) of bulk soil samples revealed a prevalence of proteins, alkylaromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in burnt soil samples. Conversely, less labile carbohydrate structures along with lignin-derived compounds were observed at higher temperatures. However, some differences were observed across biomes: a relatively greater abundance of compounds that promote soil water repellency (i.e., aromatics) is depicted in Mediterranean ecotone or warmer climates (savannahs), whereas a higher proportion of N-derived compounds is found in cold, wet regions. This work aims at understanding the extent of SOM transformations in fire-affected areas in relation to soil physico-chemical properties such as total nitrogen, organic carbon content and water repellency, and eventually identify the influence of environmental soil forming factors that act a broader scale, such as temperature and precipitation.

Acknowledgments: This work received support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU) under the research project FIRE2C (ref. CNS2023-143750). N.T. Jiménez-Morillo acknowledges the “Ramón y Cajal” contract (RYC2021-031253-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR. 

How to cite: San-Emeterio, L. M., Negri, S., Arcenegui, V., Jiménez-Morillo, N. T., and Mataix-Solera, J.: Decoding molecular changes in soil organic matter in heat-affected soils along latitudinal gradients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15285,, 2025.

EGU25-15333 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

IDEAL UK Fire Project: Assessing the relationships between management tools of the UK landscape and their impacts for habitat resilience and wildfire mitigation  

Sarah Baker, Claire Belcher, Nicholas Kettridge, Stefan Doerr, Laura Gr, Joseph Wayman, Andreas Heinemeyer, and Kevin Gaston

The practise of using fire as a tool to manage the landscape has been around for thousands of years. Today, a range of different land management practises exist including ‘modern’ techniques such as mechanical cutting/mowing of vegetation, scraping as well as the ancient use of controlled burns. Each of these land management practises act to reduce fuel loads and can provide fire breaks, and therefore present as useful tools that can be used to mitigate against the effects of wildfires.

Each of these land management tools are commonly practised across the UK. Here in the UK, there is an increasing threat from wildfires, that have the ability to result in the severe degradation of habitats. However, how well each of these management practises limit the impact of wildfire on UK fire prone habitats and the resulting ability of those habitats to recover following wildfire, is currently unknown. The IDEAL UK Fire - seeks to generate data to make Informed Decisions on Ecological Adaptive Land Management for mitigating UK Fire,  by assessing how human-fire use compares with different landscape management practises regarding its impact on vegetation diversity and habitats across the UK, as well as comparing these with areas that have had little/no human management interaction and have experienced wildfires. We present details on the IDEAL UK Fire project and our findings to-date, emphasizing the varying degrees of habitat resilience in fire-prone landscapes across the UK, using both ancient and modern land management tools.

How to cite: Baker, S., Belcher, C., Kettridge, N., Doerr, S., Gr, L., Wayman, J., Heinemeyer, A., and Gaston, K.: IDEAL UK Fire Project: Assessing the relationships between management tools of the UK landscape and their impacts for habitat resilience and wildfire mitigation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15333,, 2025.

EGU25-17042 | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Parametric insurance for forest fires: the ART of the possible 

David Williams

Parametric insurance offers a novel approach to financial risk management for wildfires, with payouts triggered by objective measurements, or model outputs, rather than traditional loss assessments. WTW has pioneered the adoption of parametric forest fire insurance, leveraging satellite measurements of changes in reflectivity over vegetation, thermal anomaly detection, and fire perimeter determinations from independent fire agencies.

We present mock examples of how extreme wildfires may trigger parametric insurance payouts, specifically applied to forested areas in the 2025 Los Angeles fires. This is in the context of how the insurance industry has adapted to extreme wildfires over the past decade. We also demonstrate how fuel reduction can significantly mitigate wildfire risk, offering critical insights into the interplay between risk reduction strategies and insurance.

How to cite: Williams, D.: Parametric insurance for forest fires: the ART of the possible, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17042,, 2025.

EGU25-20219 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.1

Vegetation Recovery and Sediment Connectivity in burnt catchments: A case study of the 2021 Montiferru Wildfire Study Case using remote sensing data 

Costantino Pala, Maria Teresa Melis, Maria Teresa Brunetti, Laura Pioli, Roberto Sarro, Pablo Vitali Miranda Garcia, Jorge Pedro Galve Arnedo, and Agustín Millares Valenzuela

Wildfires are a known treat causing relevant impact on the ecosystem, population and economic infrastructures. They are becoming more and more frequent and severe due to climate changes, and future scenarios are now considering their occurrence into currently fire-resistant areas at higher latitudes. Because of this, the assessment of hazard associated to wildfires require considering also medium to long term effects on the environment. Wildfires induce physical and chemical changes on soil with consequent soil structure losses and formation of water repellent layers. These changes, coupled with canopy cover removal increases runoff and postfire erosion. Enhanced sediment transport is associated with vegetation removal and increased runoff and can remobilize previously deposited material stored in slopes and channels. Moreover, thermal spalling of rocks exposed to wildfire can produce new debris.

Wildfire dramatically changes the degree of Sediment Connectivity: the degree of connection peaks during and just after the wildfire, due to canopy cover removal. Vegetation recovery intermittently changes the degree of sediment connection, affecting the susceptibility to erosion and debris flow likelihood.

As a type case study, we choose the 2021 Montiferru-Planargia (Sardinia) wildfire. We conducted a three-year monitoring of the burnt scar. Immediately after the fire slopes and channels were covered by sparse debris produced by rockfall before the fire and by thermal spalling during the wildfire. Those debris were removed by postfire runoff and involved in postfire debris flows over 33 catchments. Postfire sediment connection changed as vegetation recovered: some catchments were stabilized after one year whereas others experienced debris flow even in the second year. We calculated NDVI over three years at one-month interval and successfully found a NDVI threshold which efficiently represents sediment disconnection induced by vegetation recovery. Our findings are expected to improve erosion susceptibility assessment after wildfire.   

How to cite: Pala, C., Melis, M. T., Brunetti, M. T., Pioli, L., Sarro, R., Miranda Garcia, P. V., Galve Arnedo, J. P., and Millares Valenzuela, A.: Vegetation Recovery and Sediment Connectivity in burnt catchments: A case study of the 2021 Montiferru Wildfire Study Case using remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20219,, 2025.

EGU25-20411 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.1

Emergency firebreaks: the post-fire erosion impact in mountainous areas of North-Central Portugal 

Martinho Martins, Ana Caetano, Andrea Gruntova, Claudia Fantini, Ronja Lange, Luísa Pereira, João Nunes, and Jacob Keizer

Firebreaks are now perceived as crucial for managing wildfire propagation in fire-prone regions. In present-day Portugal, one of the countries most affected by wildfires worldwide, bulldozers are deployed during fire events to rapidly construct emergency firebreaks, locally enhancing firefighters' response capabilities. Often driven by emergency needs, these firebreaks are created on steep forested terrain without any prior planning and are typically abandoned after the wildfire has been extinguished, i.e., without any efforts to control soil erosion.

The impacts of these firebreaks on hillslope hydrology and associated soil erosion are poorly understood, and to the best of our knowledge, no studies have specifically addressed this issue. The present research aimed to fill this gap by investigating the impact of one such emergency firebreak on soil erosion during the immediate post-fire period and assessing the effectiveness of pine needle mulch application as a potential mitigation technique. The studied firebreak was created in a terraced Maritime Pine plantation, involved the scraping-off of the topsoil layer and compacting it with the bulldozer tracks and was very steep, with an overall slope angle of 37%.

At the study site, three pairs of geo-textile bounded plots, each 8 meters long and 2 meters wide (16 m²), were installed immediately following a wildfire that occurred at the end of September 2024 in the Caramulo Mountains, north-central Portugal. At the bottom of each plot, sediment fences were used to collect sediments at rough monthly intervals. Rainfall was measured using automatic and totaliser rain gauges, while ground cover evolution over time was tracked using near-vertical photographs taken manually during each field visit.

Preliminary results revealed substantial soil erosion from the firebreak, with median sediment losses of 31 Mg·ha⁻¹ during the first four post-fire months. The occurrence of rills was observed within the first month, highlighting the high erodibility of these firebreaks, and are now being monitored by terrestrial laser scanning. These preliminary findings point to an urgent need for monitoring soil erosion of firebreaks on steep terrain and starting to apply and evaluate erosion mitigation measures.

How to cite: Martins, M., Caetano, A., Gruntova, A., Fantini, C., Lange, R., Pereira, L., Nunes, J., and Keizer, J.: Emergency firebreaks: the post-fire erosion impact in mountainous areas of North-Central Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20411,, 2025.

EGU25-2846 | Orals | SSS9.2

Strong nutrient uplift associated with forest growth in northern forests 

Marie Spohn, Erik Karltun, and Johan Stendahl

Northern forests are currently taking up large quantities of carbon due to forest growth. Yet, it is not known for how long the capacity of the soils to provide enough nutrients to support high forest growth will last. Therefore, it is important to understand nutrient dynamics in northern forests.

We analyzed 33,500 forest soils in Sweden in four repeated inventories covering the period 1983 to 2022.

During the four decades, the standing wood volume and the tree stem diameter increased by 15% and 29%, respectively, across all of Sweden. The plant-available magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), and manganese (Mn) concentrations of the organic layer increased continuously and significantly over the four decades across all of Sweden by 38%, 21%, and 100%, respectively. In the south of Sweden, where tree growth and biomass are highest, the Mg and Ca concentrations increased particularly strongly by 62% and 31%, respectively, over the four decades. The concentrations of plant-available Mg and Ca of the organic layer and their increases were related to properties of the mineral soil, such as soil texture and the Mg concentration of the parent material. Further, Mg and Ca concentrations of the organic layer were significantly higher and increased more strongly in broadleaf forests and spruce forests than in pine forests. The nitrogen (N) stock of the organic layer was highest in the second inventory, i.e., in the 1990s, and lowest in the fourth inventory. From the first inventory in the 1980s to the fourth inventory, the N stock of the organic layer decreased by 6% across all of Sweden.

Our results suggest that the increase in tree biomass and tree size caused an uplift of Mg, Ca, and Mn from the mineral soil to the organic layer, likely due to tree luxury uptake of these elements in the mineral soil. Furthermore, the N stock of the organic layer decreased over the last decades likely due to tree growth, after it was comparatively high in the 1990s due to high atmospheric N deposition. Taken together, the results indicate that strong nutrient uplift from the mineral soil occurred in response to forest growth and that N rather than base cations might become more strongly limiting for tree growth in northern forests in the future.

How to cite: Spohn, M., Karltun, E., and Stendahl, J.: Strong nutrient uplift associated with forest growth in northern forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2846,, 2025.

EGU25-3178 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

Depth-dependent dynamics of microarthropods in forest floors: interactions with temperature and phosphorus levels 

Jingxuan Chen, Antoine Rocaboy, André Junggebauer, Jingzhong Lu, and Stefan Scheu

The forest floor (FF) serves as the critical interface between the aboveground and belowground components of forest ecosystems. It plays a pivotal role in regulating water and energy exchange between the atmosphere and the soil, providing habitat for roots and diverse soil organisms, mitigating soil erosion, and promoting tree growth in forest ecosystems. Forest floors buffer harsh environmental conditions and insulate soil, thereby mitigating the effect of climate extremes on soil fauna. Conversely, the soil fauna is key for shaping the structure of FFs. Considering the recently documented decline in FFs across Europe, changes in the composition and activity of soil animal detritivores and their consequences for changes in the structure of FFs need closer attention. Unfortunately, the structure of decomposer animal communities across different layers of FFs and their variation with soil nutrient status and climatic factors has not been comprehensively investigated. We investigated the distribution patterns of two major decomposer microarthropod groups (Collembola and Oribatida)  across the different layers of the FF (Ol, Of/Oh and Ah) of 12 forest sites representing temperature and phosphorus gradients. A total of 58 Collembola  and 144 Oribatida species were recorded. Phosphorus as main factor neither significantly affected the abundance of Collembola nor that of Oribatida. The same was true for the effect of temperature on the abundance of Collembola, whereas the abundance of Oribatida varied significantly with temperature. Further, Oribatida richness significantly increased with increasing temperature but decreased with increasing phosphorus level. The effect of layer was highly significant for both Collembola and Oribatida. Specifically, the abundance, richness and biomass of both microarthropod groups was at a maximum in the Of/Oh layer followed by Ah and Ol layer. Collembola and Oribatida community structured varied with temperature and phosphorus levels but in both this depended on layer. Soil and litter carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, pH, Gram-positive bacterial phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and thickness of Ol and Of/Oh layers were identified as major drivers. The results suggest that the distribution and community composition of Collembola and Oribatida are intricately linked to both biotic and abiotic factors in the FF. These findings highlight the critical influence of temperature, phosphorus and FF stratification on soil microarthropod communities, alongside additional soil chemical, microbial and physical characteristics of the FF. The differential responses of Collembola and Oribatida to temperature and phosphorus gradients underscore functional and ecological differences between these groups, with Oribatida displaying a stronger sensitivity to climatic and nutrient changes. Overall, the results emphasize the importance of maintaining the structural integrity of forest floors to support diverse and resilient soil fauna communities.

How to cite: Chen, J., Rocaboy, A., Junggebauer, A., Lu, J., and Scheu, S.: Depth-dependent dynamics of microarthropods in forest floors: interactions with temperature and phosphorus levels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3178,, 2025.

The forest floor (FF) possesses significant water retention capacity, facilitating the transfer of water between the atmosphere and the soil. However, knowledge on the water retention characteristics and water transport effects of the FF remains limited. Due to the predominance of laboratory investigations regarding the storage capacity of a forest’s litter layer, we designed and constructed a new grid lysimeter to directly and in-situ measure the water fluxes from and into the FF. The objective was to ascertain further information regarding storage capacities, retention durations, and resulting infiltration patterns.

We present the results of a network comprising forest floor lysimeters and soil moisture probes at three sites with different altitudes located in the Black Forest, SW Germany. The three sites exhibit an annual mean temperature gradient from 6.3°C to 10.3 °C, leading to humus forms that vary from typical F-Mull to typical Moder according to KA6. We analyze water fluxes in relation to two distinct tree species (beech and spruce) and varying positions under the tree crown (middle and edge).

Throughout the monitored period in 2024, we determined that water was retained up to six days in the FF, while the amount of stored water was higher in Moder compared to the F-Mull. Our innovative gridded lysimeter design enabled us to demonstrate the small-scale (0.0625 m²) variety of spatio-temporal infiltration patterns, which is significantly influenced by the FF. The findings of our lysimeter network provide a comprehensive understanding of the influence of the forest floor on the water cycle within forest ecosystems.

How to cite: Paulsen, H. and Weiler, M.: Storage and redistribution of water in the forest floor influence evaporation, retention and infiltration patterns, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3185,, 2025.

EGU25-3848 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

Exploring Bedrock-Driven SOM Dynamics and SOM-Mineral Associations in Forest Soil Organic Surface Layers 

Gabriela Villalba Ayala, Luis Carlos Colocho Hurtarte, Wantana Klysubun, Sophia Katholnigg, and Jörg Prietzel

Soil organic matter (SOM) in temperate forests starts its formation on the forest floor and supports essential ecosystem functions. Understanding its composition and dynamics is crucial for sustainable forest management. SOM accumulation depends strongly on interactions with mineral compounds, which protect it from microbial decomposition through various mechanisms. Our previous research using multi-step density fractionation, chemical characterization (main cations, total carbon), and Ca-XANES spectroscopy demonstrated that bedrock type (basalt, paragneiss, dolomite, limestone) significantly influences SOM-mineral associations and binding patterns in the organic soil surface layers (Of, Oh) of beech-dominated temperate forests.

This study further examines SOM composition, focusing on functional C groups (alkyl, O-alkyl, aryl, carboxyl) of bulk soils and density fractions of organic layers from different bedrock types using Cross-polarization (CP) magic angle spinning (MAS) 13C NMR spectroscopy. We also assess biomolecular composition (carbohydrates, carbonyls, lipids, lignin, proteins, and char) through the application of the Molecular Mixing Model by Nelson & Baldock (2005) and analyze non-cellulosic polysaccharides via gas chromatography to identify primary (plant-derived) and secondary (microbial-derived) polysaccharides.

Preliminary results reveal that Of layers are primarily composed of undecomposed or partially decomposed plant-derived SOM, with light fractions (<1.6 g cm⁻³) accounting for most SOM mass, enriched in O-alkyl compounds (e.g., carbohydrates, lignin). Despite the heavy fraction (>1.6 g cm⁻³), representing mineral-associated SOM, is small in Of layers, basalt samples had the largest contribution overall. This fraction contained more proteins and lipids, indicating advanced microbial processing. The marked carbonyl/carboxyl accumulation in basalt soils suggested enhanced stabilization via carboxylate sorption to Fe and Ca mineral surfaces. In Oh layers, density fractions >1.4 g cm⁻³ dominate, reflecting increased OM stabilization and decomposition. Bedrock-specific effects include elevated lipid accumulation in paragneiss soils and higher carbonyl/carboxyl and char ̶ fire-derived OM in dolomite soils. Higher Alkyl/O-Alkyl ratios in silicate-derived soils (e.g., paragneiss) indicate advanced SOM decomposition, accompanied by increased microbial-derived polysaccharide contributions (galactose, mannose), highlighting dynamic turnover in these soils.

Our findings highlight the interplay between SOM composition, SOM-mineral interactions, and bedrock type in regulating SOM dynamics. Future Fe-XANES analysis will clarify the role of different iron species (e.g., Fe-SOM complexes, different Fe minerals) in SOM stabilization and decomposition.

How to cite: Villalba Ayala, G., Colocho Hurtarte, L. C., Klysubun, W., Katholnigg, S., and Prietzel, J.: Exploring Bedrock-Driven SOM Dynamics and SOM-Mineral Associations in Forest Soil Organic Surface Layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3848,, 2025.

EGU25-4802 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

Microbial Diversity and Keystone Taxa in the Stratified Forest Floors of Beech Forests 

Sebastian Bibinger, Gabriela Villalba Ayala, Jörg Prietzel, Michael Schloter, and Stefanie Schulz

In forest ecosystems, the forest floor acts as a boundary between the mineral soil and the atmosphere, serving as a hub for microbial nutrient turnover and transport. The forest floor is stratified and comprises several distinct layers characterized by successional changes in properties like nutrient quality, oxygen content or rate of disturbance. How microbial community development follows changes in chemical forest floor properties is not studied so far. This study aims to characterize the microbiome and identify key-stone taxa of the forest floor at a fine vertical resolution across temperate, beech-dominated forests.

Forest floor samples were collected from three German beech-dominated forests differing in climate and soil phosphorus content, spanning eight distinct layers of the forest floor and topsoil profile (OL0, OL1, OLF, OHF, OH, A (0-5 cm), A (5-10 cm), A (10-20 cm)). Prokaryotic community composition was analysed using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Layer-specific keystone taxa were identified by finding taxa shared across the sites and evaluating their impact on SpiecEasi based cooccurrence networks. Community assembly processes of each layer were assessed through b-NTI analyses. Additionally, total elemental concentrations were measured by ICP-OES.

A clear stratification of the forest floor microbiome was observed. Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota dominated the litter layers but declined with depth, whereas Acidobacteria and Chloroflexi became more abundant with depth in the forest soil profile. Redundancy analysis revealed that layer-specific physicochemical parameters, such as total carbon, nitrogen, and pH, had a strong influence on microbiome composition, with sulfur, calcium, potassium, iron, and aluminum also significantly impacting microbial community composition. Generally, the impact increased with depth. We found a set of key-stone taxa specific for each forest floor layer and present at every site, each with a combined contribution between 10 and 20% of the total layer microbial abundance. Differences between the microbiomes of the three forest sites based on bray-curtis distances were most evident in the fresh litter layer and the mineral horizons, while the microbiome in the fragmented and humic layers was more uniform. This is further confirmed by community assembly analysis, which showed that homogenizing selection became more pronounced with progressing litter decomposition.

The vertical stratification of the forest floor is mirrored closely by microbial community composition and assembly. Each layer comprises different niches, which are formed by changes in substrate quality, and support distinct key-stone taxa. Compositional differences between forest sites are likely based on climatic conditions and bedrock type, whose influence is biggest at boundary layers like fresh litter and mineral soil, respectively. Similar successional trends of the microbiomes and high abundance of shared taxa were found between the sites, suggesting that litter type could be the primary driver of the forest floor microbiome composition. These findings enhance our understanding of how vertical stratification and substrate quality influence the forest floor microbiome.

How to cite: Bibinger, S., Villalba Ayala, G., Prietzel, J., Schloter, M., and Schulz, S.: Microbial Diversity and Keystone Taxa in the Stratified Forest Floors of Beech Forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4802,, 2025.

EGU25-5414 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Long-term effects of root removal and liming on non-symbiotic N2 fixation in boreal forests  

Wenyi Xu, Karina E. Clemmensen, and Marie Spohn

Biological N2 fixation is a major nitrogen (N) source in boreal forests, but the factors controlling N2 fixation in boreal forests are not well understood. Most plants in boreal forests rely on mycorrhizal fungi to take up N, boreal forest soils are typically acidic, and the high abundance of mycorrhizal fungi and low soil pH could restrict the abundance of diazotrophs and N2 fixation. To investigate the effects of mycorrhizal fungi and soil pH on N2 fixation two experiments were conducted over several years in a mature Pinus sylvestris forest in the boreal zone of Sweden; a pine and shrub root exclusion experiment and a liming experiment. We measured non-symbiotic N2 fixation, soil carbon (C) and nutrient availability, and the quality of soil organic matter over one growing season, eight and 40 years after the root trenching and liming experiments started, respectively. Both experiments showed that N2 fixation was still very low in June (during a 48 h incubation at 15°C), indicating that diazotrophs are dormant during large parts of the years and only regain their activity slowly. Further, we found that exclusion of pine roots and associated ectomycorrhizal fungi significantly increased the rate of non-symbiotic N2 fixation in the late growing season, while exclusion of shrubs and associated ericoid mycorrhizal fungi showed no significant effect. Exclusion of pine roots, shrubs and the associated mycorrhiza strongly increased soil NH4+-N concentrations and the aromaticity of the water-extractable organic matter but did not significantly affect non-symbiotic N2 fixation. The reason for this might be that the low soil C quality and the high soil N availability offset the effects of the reduced abundance of mycorrhizal fungi on N2 fixation. In contrast to our expectation, liming did not significantly increase the rate of N2 fixation, suggesting that soil pH was not the key factor limiting N2 fixation. Overall, this study suggests that the diazotrophs are in a dormant state during most part of the year. Further, the results indicate that tree roots and ectomycorrhizal fungi rather than shrubs and ericoid mycorrhizal fungi or acidic conditions restrict non-symbiotic N2 fixation in boreal forests.

How to cite: Xu, W., Clemmensen, K. E., and Spohn, M.: Long-term effects of root removal and liming on non-symbiotic N2 fixation in boreal forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5414,, 2025.

EGU25-5470 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Thermal Conductivity of Forest Floor from Temperate Beech Forests: Laboratory Measurements and In Situ Projections 

Richard Neumann, Kai Schwärzel, and Steffen Trinks

The forest floor (FF) is the central place in forests where organic matter, nutrients, and water are stored, transformed, and transferred. The rate of these processes is influenced, among other factors, by the soil temperature regime. FF horizons, lying directly within the sphere of atmospheric influence, are frequently exposed to temperature fluctuations. To understand how heat is transported through the forest floor, values for heat conductivity and heat capacity are essential. We measured these parameters in various FF horizons from temperate beech forests under controlled laboratory conditions. Thermal conductivity was measured using a single-probe needle sensor, while water content dependence was assessed through an evaporation experiment with continuous measurements. Heat capacity was measured using a dual-probe needle sensor at various stages during the evaporation period. Our results show that volumetric water content is the most significant factor influencing both heat conductivity and heat capacity. We demonstrate that, at constant water content, increasing decomposition levels in FF horizons lead to higher thermal conductivity. We also found significantly lower thermal conductivities in FF horizons compared to underlying mineral soils at similar volumetric water contents. Moreover, unlike in mineral soil horizons, higher dry densities of FF material result in lower thermal conductivity when volumetric water content and the degree of decomposition remain constant. Our results support the hypothesis of an insulating effect of FF layers, which mitigates the impacts of temperature extremes on the underlying mineral soil. We recommend incorporating the thermal conductivity–water content relationships into heat balance modeling of forest soils.

How to cite: Neumann, R., Schwärzel, K., and Trinks, S.: Thermal Conductivity of Forest Floor from Temperate Beech Forests: Laboratory Measurements and In Situ Projections, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5470,, 2025.

EGU25-6585 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Soil fauna as a webmasters of forest floor 

Martin Bartuška and Jan Frouz

Previous research show that soil fauna can consume about how of annual litter fall across world biomes. In some ecosystems such as temperate broadleaf forest it can be almost all annual litterfall.  In this study we use simple field microcosm experiment quantify amount of carbon incorporated by so fauna bioturbation in various forest ecosystems. We have found that more than half of carbon eaten by soil fauna, gets incorporated in the soil by fauna bioturbation.   Soil  fauna biotubation increased which increasing actual evapotranspiration and decreasing CN ratio of litter. 

By comparing manipulation experiment, proportion of biostructures in soil measured by thin soil  sections, and carbon distribution in top soil layers, in ecosystem which different abundance of soil fauna causing bioturbation, namely earthworms, we can demonstrate, that soil fauna bioturbation is a major process responsible for distribution of organic matter in litter overlaying soil horizons and mineral soil. This indirectly affect  fungal bacterial ration, composition of soil food web an many other soil processes 

How to cite: Bartuška, M. and Frouz, J.: Soil fauna as a webmasters of forest floor, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6585,, 2025.

EGU25-7587 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

The influence of forest floor properties on tree regeneration under changing environmental conditions 

Trung Hieu Doan, Martin Kohler, and Jürgen Bauhus

First-year seedlings, with nascent tissues and limited nutrient reserves, are much more sensitive to environmental stressors than mature trees. Seeds and seedlings rely on the forest floor (FF) as a source of water and nutrient supply while it harbours soil microbes that are both beneficial (e.g. mycorrhizae) and detrimental (pathogenic fungi) to early seedling establishment. Therefore, FF changes, along with and as a result of climate change, may have major impacts on tree regeneration success and composition, which have received little attention in forest research so far. Our greenhouse experiment investigates how changes in FF properties affect seedling establishment and growth of three Central European tree species differing in seed size: Fagus sylvatica (European beech), Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore), and Picea abies (Norway spruce). We used FF material and mineral soil collected from three mixed European beech forest sites in Germany differing in soil P availability. Seeds were sown in December 2023, and seedling establishment and growth were monitored under different treatments (tree mixture; precipitation regime; application of fungicide; shredding of the FF) throughout one vegetation period before harvest in autumn 2024. Preliminary results indicate that shredded, fine-textured FF enhanced substantially the establishment rate of spruce in two out of three soil origins, while no consistent pattern was observed for beech and sycamore. This suggests that intact FF may act as a physical barrier for small-seeded species but is less mechanically impactful for species of larger seed size. The application of fungicides increased the establishment success of beech, indicating a significant impact of pathogenic fungi in FF. In terms of growth, broadleaved seedlings exhibited enhanced shoot length in phosphorus-rich soil, with sycamore showing a twofold increase and beech a 1.3-fold increase compared to phosphorus-poor condition. We also found that beech seedlings grown in monoculture achieved double the shoot length of those mixed with sycamore, indicating intense interspecific competition of sycamore under abundant light condition in the greenhouse. Interestingly, while fungicide application reduced length growth of both beech and sycamore in phosphorus-poor soil, it marginally improved growth in phosphorus-rich conditions, underscoring the importance of mycorrhizal associations in nutrient-limited environments. Further analyses are ongoing to assess the susceptibility of seeds and established seedlings to fungal infestations with changes in seasonal distribution of precipitation and to drought stress in dry periods. How soil nutrient availability mediates the growth responses to such factors will also be explored. These findings will deepen the understanding of the impact of forest floor properties on tree regeneration dynamics under changing environmental conditions.

How to cite: Doan, T. H., Kohler, M., and Bauhus, J.: The influence of forest floor properties on tree regeneration under changing environmental conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7587,, 2025.

EGU25-8016 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Soil VOC Storage and Emissions Across Horizons in Douglas Fir and European Beech Forests 

Hojin Lee, Jürgen Kreuzwieser, Sofie Katlewski, Pia Carolin Weber, and Christiane Werner

Soils are both significant carbon reservoirs and sources of carbon emissions, playing a critical role in the global carbon cycle. In addition to CO2 emissions from soil respiration, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) significantly influence atmospheric chemistry, ecosystem processes, and climate feedback mechanisms. While biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) from plants are well-studied, the contribution of soil-emitted VOCs remains relatively underexplored, particularly their distribution and dynamics across soil depths in forest ecosystems. This study aimed to quantify depth-specific soil VOC storage and emissions, investigate their relationship with CO2 emissions as an indicator of microbial activity, and assess how litter characteristics influence these dynamics.

The research was conducted in two forest plots at the ECOSENSE site located in the Black Forest, Germany. The plots were dominated by Douglas fir (coniferous) and European beech (broadleaf) trees. We examined VOC storage and emissions across soil depths, compared their proportions to CO2 emissions, and assessed how microbial activity and litter properties shaped these soil VOC dynamics.

Our findings reveal that VOC storage and emissions varied significantly with soil depth and litter characteristics. More specifically, VOC storage and emissions were much higher in the Douglas fir plot than those in the European beech plot, highlighting the influence of tree species-specific chemical inputs. This foundational understanding of soil VOC dynamics provides critical insights into their potential role in climate feedback mechanisms and supports future efforts to model VOC fluxes under changing environmental conditions.

How to cite: Lee, H., Kreuzwieser, J., Katlewski, S., Weber, P. C., and Werner, C.: Soil VOC Storage and Emissions Across Horizons in Douglas Fir and European Beech Forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8016,, 2025.

EGU25-10145 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

Site, season and soil depth affect the composition of root exudates in three temperate tree species 

Melissa Wannenmacher, Simon Haberstroh, Jürgen Kreuzwieser, and Christiane Werner

Root exudation is a key process for plants to acquire nutrients. This process works directly, or indirectly through the microbiome priming effect. Likewise, plants release a significant amount of carbon into the soil, which stresses the importance of root exudation for carbon cycling. Nonetheless, detailed data on root exudation, especially compound-specific data from forest trees are scarce, but urgently needed. Recent studies suggest a high importance of the forest floor for nutrient acquisition, which is therefore of special interest for studying root exudates.

In this study, we sampled root exudates of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Acer pseudoplatanus at four temperate forest sites with varying mean annual air temperature, annual precipitation sums and soil phosphorus (P) levels. Samplings took place in spring and autumn and in two soil depths: the forest floor (surface layer of the forest soil with ≥ 15% organic carbon) and the upper mineral soil (A5 horizon). Root exudates were collected using an in-situ cuvette-based approach. For this purpose, living tree roots were cleaned, and after a period of recovery, incubated for 24 hours in a cuvette filled with glass beads and a nutrient solution. Compounds in the retrieved solution were analysed by a mass spectrometer coupled to a gas chromatograph.

81 compounds were included in the analysis and divided into functional groups. All studied species showed higher exudation in spring compared to autumn with a higher share of amines in spring. Differences in exudation patterns between species could be detected for the two soil depths: While F. sylvatica showed a higher exudation in the forest floor, P. abies and A. pseudoplatanus exuded more in the mineral soil. This pattern is expected for F. sylvatica and A. pseudoplatanus, since F. sylvatica, which usually is associated with ectomycorrhiza (ECM), is said to follow an organic nutrient strategy and A. pseudoplatanus, which usually is associated with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), is said to follow an inorganic nutrient strategy. However, the behaviour of P. abies usually being associated with ECM and therefore following an organic nutrient strategy is in contrast to what literature suggests. A site-species-interaction effect was found with increased exudation on P-poor sites with low temperature for F. sylvatica, and with high temperature for P. abies and A. pseudoplatanus.

Facing a thinning of the forest floor with globally increasing temperatures, studying root exudation can indicate the forest floor’s role for tree nutrition. Clear differences in root exudation in quantity and composition between species, seasons and soil depths urge the need for further research to elucidate the effect of site conditions on exudation patterns.

How to cite: Wannenmacher, M., Haberstroh, S., Kreuzwieser, J., and Werner, C.: Site, season and soil depth affect the composition of root exudates in three temperate tree species, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10145,, 2025.

EGU25-11387 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Temperate forest floors: Ecosystem hub in transition? 

Jörg Niederberger and the DFG Research Group Forest Floor (FOR 5315)

The forest floor (FF) is the central hub in forests where organic matter, nutrients, and water are stored, transformed, and transferred. The FF is dominated by plant litter and its decomposition products, and thus differs fundamentally from the mineral soil. Although the FF is the most dynamic compartment of forest soils, it is often neglected, and inconsistent terminology complicates the synthesis of information from existing studies. The FF is expected to be the most responsive to changing climate, management, eutrophication, and acidification. Here, we (1) compile existing knowledge on the role of FFs for ecosystem service provision, (2) assess the vulnerability of FFs to forest change, and (3) identify important knowledge gaps for temperate forests. The role of FFs in nutrient, carbon, and water cycles depends on the turnover rates and accumulated mass of the FF, which reflects strong interdependences with the abundance, activity and composition of soil microbial and faunal communities. These mutually reinforcing interactions determine how much the FF or mineral soil dominates biogeochemical cycles and energy fluxes. With slow FF turnover, large proportions of nutrients are tightly cycled within the FF, organic matter accumulates due to limited decomposition and impaired bioturbation, and water is channelled through preferential flow-paths. With rapid FF turnover, the mineral soil is the main place for plant nutrient uptake and organic matter transformation, and water percolates more homogeneously. Under forest change in particular ecosystems with slow FF turnover could turn from carbon sinks into sources, losing their adaptability to nutrient-poor conditions and a large part of their water storage capacity. We conclude, that combined analyses of the key organisms and feedbacks with decomposing FF litter are required to understand the resilience of temperate forests against future changes.

How to cite: Niederberger, J. and the DFG Research Group Forest Floor (FOR 5315): Temperate forest floors: Ecosystem hub in transition?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11387,, 2025.

EGU25-12430 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Forest floor charcoal and fire – extent and legacy in Norwegian forests 

Lise Dalsgaard, Ryan Bright, Ingeborg Callesen, Stephanie Eisner, and Line Tau Strand

Fire has the immediate effect that roughly half of carbon and nitrogen is emitted and lost from forest floors, that the remaining ashes fertilize the ground and pools of dead organic matter and stable black carbon is produced. Depending on the intensity of the fire it will potentially have long lasting physical, chemical and biological effects. Fire as a disturbance agent to the forest floor has acted on the forest landscapes in Scandinavia since the last glaciation as a natural phenomenon and as a result of human activities. Fires have likely occurred in all forests in Norway even though sampling and dating of charcoal in selected landscapes indicate a lower frequency along the west coast than in the southeastern forest region and in neighboring Sweden.

Where the availability of synthetic fertilizers in agriculture (ca. 1900) and the significance of timber value and -trade (ca. 1700) mark important shifts in fire occurrence and avoidance, forest fires have been successfully suppressed with documented effects since the 1970’s likely leading to an accumulation of forest floor organic matter.

Using a one-time survey of >8000 registrations of the thickness of the forest floor, its sub-layers, humus form and the occurrence of charcoal in upland forests of the Norwegian National Forest Inventory, we investigate the regional distribution of charcoal occurrence in upland forests indicating earlier fire activity and look for legacies on carbon stocks or forest floor characteristics using available national soil survey data. Forest floors in boreal and cold temperate forests hold 30-60% of total forest soil carbon stocks equivalent in magnitude to that held by the living biomass of trees. Thus, we further estimate the areas and forest floor carbon stocks most likely to gain increased vulnerability to fire under future climate conditions.

How to cite: Dalsgaard, L., Bright, R., Callesen, I., Eisner, S., and Tau Strand, L.: Forest floor charcoal and fire – extent and legacy in Norwegian forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12430,, 2025.

EGU25-12638 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Effects of forest floor mosses on elemental cycling in spruce forests 

Marianne Koranda, Sören Risse, Harald Zechmeister, and Wolfgang Wanek

Mosses are abundant components of understory vegetation in coniferous forests. The poikilohydric life style of bryophytes implies that active phases in moist state alternate with inactive phases in dry state, which requires a range of physiological adaptations, such as the accumulation of sugars and antioxidants. Re-wetting of desiccated bryophytes during intensive summer rain events, however, may cause considerable leakage of intracellular moss metabolites, leading to a flush of labile carbon (C) compounds washed into the soil.

In the presented study we investigated (1) what amounts of C and nutrients are leached from forest floor mosses over a growing season; (2) how C leaching from mosses is related to the climatic conditions at the field site; (3) how moss layers alter the chemical composition of the canopy throughfall. We collected leachates under four species of forest floor mosses in two montane spruce forests differing in climate over a 4-months growing season.

Our results showed that total fluxes of dissolved organic C (DOC) by the moss leachates were comparable at the two field sites, irrespective of climatic conditions, although C concentrations were higher in moss leachates at the drier site. Surprisingly, C leaching from mosses was rather stable compared to the significant temporal variation in DOC concentration in canopy throughfall. Furthermore, we found that moss layers significantly altered the chemical quality and elemental composition of the canopy throughfall, and that this effect depended on the moss species, field site and season.

Our study demonstrates that moss leachates represent a significant soil C input and relevant labile C source for soil microorganisms besides root exudates and litter leachates, and that forest floor mosses play an important role in elemental cycling of montane spruce forests.

How to cite: Koranda, M., Risse, S., Zechmeister, H., and Wanek, W.: Effects of forest floor mosses on elemental cycling in spruce forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12638,, 2025.

EGU25-12987 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Deforestation effects on the spatial distribution of C and N in the soils of a forested headwater catchment in the Eifel, Germany 

Maia Batsatsashvili, Lea Dedden, Roland Bol, Gretchen Gettel, Karsten Kalbitz, Inge Wiekenkamp, and Thomas Pütz

Riverine systems are distinct components of the natural environment which have significant roles in storing and processing terrestrial carbon. While processing organic matter, rivers release large amount of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere. In this light, headwater streams are particularly interesting. Due to their high connectivity with the surrounding landscapes, these small streams are strongly influenced by terrestrial inputs of carbon and nitrogen and groundwater inflow. Therefore, despite smaller surface area, their role in C and N cycling is crucial. The amount and character of C and N inputs to headwater streams is highly dependent on soil and vegetation types of the catchment. Soils, connecting the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere and supporting various ecosystem processes, are believed to exhibit strong responses to ecosystem disturbances. Among these disturbances are climate change impacts and modified landcover.

The aim of this study is to analyze three-dimensional variability of biogeochemical processes in the soils of a forested headwater catchment, following partial clearcut of a spruce forest.

The high resolved data on soil properties were collected in the Wüstebach catchment (Eifel/Lower Rhine Valley), a long-term environmental observation site of the TERENO (Terrestrial Environmental Observatories) project. The Wüstebach is a forested catchment in which nine hectares of Norway spruce was cleared in 2013 and has been replanted with original beech.

Three extensive soil sampling campaigns were conducted in the catchment: the first just before a partial clear-cut in 2013, the second after the clearcut in 2014 and the third, five years after the clearcut in 2018. The sampling produced high-resolution data on physical and biogeochemical soil parameters per horizon.

The plan of this study is to perform geostatistical analysis of the data and produce three-dimensional surface prediction models of the spatial distribution of the two nutrients: C and N in 2013, 2014 and 2018 over the entire catchment.

How to cite: Batsatsashvili, M., Dedden, L., Bol, R., Gettel, G., Kalbitz, K., Wiekenkamp, I., and Pütz, T.: Deforestation effects on the spatial distribution of C and N in the soils of a forested headwater catchment in the Eifel, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12987,, 2025.

EGU25-13645 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.2

Pairwise O2 and CO2 in soil studies: using the apparent respiration quotient to partition soil respiration components 

Qiwen Zhang, Susan Trumbore, Anna Lengert, Thorsten Schäfer, and Boaz Hilman

Soil CO2 efflux is the sum of heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration. However, measuring these two fluxes separately in intact forest soils, in high spatiotemporal resolution, is challenging and costly. The apparent respiratory quotient (ARQ), defined as the ratio of CO2 efflux to O2 influx, is primarily determined by the stoichiometry of the respiratory substrate and exhibits the potential to differentiate between the components of soil CO2 efflux. Empirical studies have demonstrated that ARQ is approximately 1 for root respiration, which is associated with carbohydrate metabolism, and 0.7-0.8 for mineral soil respiration, which is associated with decomposition of soil organic matter. In order to explore the use of ARQ in respiration partitioning, we combined a novel continuous measurement of ARQ from soil chambers with laboratory incubations in a temperate pine forest. To test the ability of ARQ to partition soil respiration sources, three different approaches were applied: Firstly, root abundance was controlled by placing chambers along a root density gradient (close and far from tree stems) and by no-root control chambers. Secondly, chamber ARQ was compared with ARQ of the individual soil components. Thirdly, the results were compared to respiration partitioning evaluated by radiocarbon (Δ14C) measurements. ARQ of individual soil components was highest in roots (0.96 ± 0.01, mean ± standard error), intermediate in litter (0.88 ± 0.03), and lowest in soils from the organic layer (0.83 ± 0.04) and mineral layer (0.83 ± 0.06). The mean ARQ in the soil chambers was 0.91 ± 0.08, and was usually within the range of the individual soil components. This suggests that root respiration contributed 62% to total respiration. Chamber ARQ was higher than the no-roots chambers (0.74 ± 0.05) and higher at closer to the tree stems (0.96 ± 0.07 vs. 0.84 ± 0.09 far from the stems), suggesting that root respiration percentage from total respiration was 72% near the stems and 21% far from the stems. For comparison, according to Δ14C, root respiration’s contribution was 55% and 14% for close and far from the stems, respectively. On a diurnal timescale, soil CO2 efflux was synchronized with air temperature, while ARQ exhibited an out-of-phase relationship with air temperature, with higher values recorded during the night than daytime (0.97 ± 0.06 vs. 0.85 ± 0.10, respectively). The elevated nocturnal ARQ may be attributed to greater temperature sensitivity in mineral soil respiration than in root respiration, reduced ARQ during daylight hours due to transport of root-respired CO2 in the xylem stream, or increased root oxidation with elevated ARQ during night. Overall, our primary results indicated that ARQ is a cost-effective approach to disentangle respiratory sources at seasonal and diurnal scales.

How to cite: Zhang, Q., Trumbore, S., Lengert, A., Schäfer, T., and Hilman, B.: Pairwise O2 and CO2 in soil studies: using the apparent respiration quotient to partition soil respiration components, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13645,, 2025.

EGU25-13812 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Assessing silicon’s role in leaf-litter decomposition, carbon and nitrogen cycling across microclimates in temperate beech forests  

Stephen Boahen Asabere, Simon Drollinger, Behnaz Bakhshi Mohebbi, Sirjana Poudel, and Daniela Sauer

Leaf-litter decomposition is a key driver of carbon (C) and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, governed by climate and the litter chemical composition. Silicon (Si), a ubiquitous element in terrestrial ecosystems that has various beneficial effects on plants, is an integral component of leaf-litter. However, the relationship between leaf-litter decomposition and Si content remains poorly constrained, particularly in temperate beech forests where Si uptake predominantly occurs through passive mechanisms. Here, we investigated the relationships between total beech-leaf Si content, mass loss, decomposition rate (k), and contents of C and nitrogen (N) of beech (Fagus sylvatica) leaf-litter under five temperate beech-forest stands with differing microclimatic conditions, in two sandstone regions of Lower Saxony, central Germany.

We incubated 441 leaf-litter bags that were sampled bi-monthly over two years to capture fine-scale temporal decomposition dynamics. Each site was equipped with soil temperature and moisture loggers, allowing differentiation of the sites into three microclimatic classes: (i) warm-dry (14.5°C mean topsoil (0-6 cm) temperature, 21% mean soil moisture), (ii) intermediate (13.2°C, 31.4%), (iii) cool-wet (9.7 °C, 38.8%).

The median total Si content of beech leaves across all sites was 1.1% dw-1, comparable to the 1.0% dw-1 observed in unincubated leaf-litter samples. Decomposition rate (k) was positively related to Si content under intermediate (R2 = 0.14, p < 0.05) and warm-dry (R2 = 0.2, p < 0.05) conditions, whereas no such relationship was observed under cool-wet conditions. Median k values were noticeably higher under both cool-wet and intermediate conditions (0.31 g yr-1) compared to warm-dry conditions (0.18 g y-1). There was no relationship between Si and C content, but N content exhibited a weak but positive correlation with Si under all climate conditions, with the strongest relationship observed under warm-dry conditions (R2= 0.21, p < 0.05). Over the two-year study, C content decreased from an initial 49% to 41% under intermediate conditions, representing only 16.8% decrease, while N content increased from 0.9% to 1.42% under the same conditions. During mass loss for the same period, Si and N contents increased while C content decreased across all sites. These findings reflected immobilization of N by microbes, but a release of C with mass loss.

The stability of Si content over time, along with the positive relationship to mass loss, suggests that the total Si pool of beech leaves predominantly comprises structured opal compounds that resist mineralization under temperate forest conditions. While this has theoretical implications for linking the Si cycle to C sequestration, the weak relationship observed here, coupled with the decreased C content, suggest further investigation. We conclude that Si influences litter decomposition in a context-dependent manner, with stronger effects under drier and warmer conditions, where soil moisture limitations may intensify its role in C and nutrient cycling. 

How to cite: Asabere, S. B., Drollinger, S., Mohebbi, B. B., Poudel, S., and Sauer, D.: Assessing silicon’s role in leaf-litter decomposition, carbon and nitrogen cycling across microclimates in temperate beech forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13812,, 2025.

EGU25-13934 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

From Litterfall to Respiration: Investigating Soil Processes in Differing Irish Forests 

Blair Ruffing, Brian Tobin, Mathew Saunders, and Ken Byrne

Forest ecosystems are critical hubs of biogeochemical activity, playing a major role in global carbon cycling by storing and cycling substantial quantities of terrestrial carbon both above and below ground. The forest floor serves as a dynamic interface where organic inputs, such as litterfall and root turnover, drive soil processes that influence carbon fluxes. Understanding the interactions between photosynthetic activity, soil respiration, and decomposition is key to determining whether forests act as carbon sources or sinks. To gain deeper insights into these processes, it is essential to measure soil respiration and partition its autotrophic and heterotrophic components, linking aboveground organic inputs to belowground carbon and nutrient cycling.

This study investigates soil carbon flux dynamics in three distinct Irish forest types: a commercial coniferous forest on mineral soil, a broadleaf-dominated native woodland on mineral soil, and a mixed-species forest on peat soil. These forests, characterized by differences in soil type, species composition, and management practices, offer unique insights into the interactions between litterfall, fine root dynamics, and soil respiration.

Aboveground litter inputs were quantified through monthly litterfall collection using bucket traps over a two-year period, revealing distinct patterns both within and between sites. Litter decomposition was assessed with one-year litterbag experiments, while fine root production and turnover were evaluated using one-year in-growth core experiments. Soil respiration was measured twice monthly over a two-year period using two trenched collars installed to a depth of 25 cm and two untrenched collars, with the inclusion and removal of litter enabling a detailed analysis of autotrophic and heterotrophic contributions. Elemental analysis of mineral soils (0–50 cm) and organic soils (0–150 cm) provided key insights into carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen content, offering valuable data on soil organic matter composition and nutrient availability across the soil profile in the three forest types.

Over the two-year study period, results show that the commercial coniferous forest exhibited the lowest average total soil respiration rates, averaging 52.10 tonnes CO₂/ha/yr. Conversely, the native woodland and the mixed-species peatland forest showed similar and higher soil respiration rates, averaging 54.31 tonnes CO₂/ha/yr. Across all sites and seasons, heterotrophic respiration contributed more to total ecosystem respiration than autotrophic respiration.

By integrating data on litterfall, decomposition, fine root dynamics, and soil elemental composition, this study highlights the critical role of organic inputs and root processes in driving soil respiration and carbon cycling in forests. These findings will enhance carbon modeling efforts, improve predictions of ecosystem responses to environmental change, and inform sustainable forest management strategies for climate change mitigation.

How to cite: Ruffing, B., Tobin, B., Saunders, M., and Byrne, K.: From Litterfall to Respiration: Investigating Soil Processes in Differing Irish Forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13934,, 2025.

EGU25-15380 | Orals | SSS9.2

Ectomycorrhizal fungi take over decomposition when saprotrophs fail 

Björn Lindahl, Florian Barbi, Karina Clemmensen, Anders Dahlberg, and Johan Stendahl

Forest ecosystems change along fertility gradients, both at large climatic scales and locally, depending on mineralogy and hydrology. Changes in vegetation communities and traits along fertility gradients have been studied thoroughly, but corresponding changes in soil fungal communities are less well understood. In boreal coniferous forests, ectomycorrhizal fungi play a pivotal role, not only in tree nutrient uptake, but also in decomposition, and interact with free-living saprotrophs in complex manners.

We conducted DNA-based analyses of soil fungal communities in a national forest inventory across Sweden. In a local fertility gradient, we analysed fungal decomposer traits by metatranscriptomics. In the national data set, changes in relative abundances of fungal guilds were assessed in almost 1600 sites along climate and soil fertility gradients. In the local study we sequenced mRNA from composite samples of the organic horizon in 16 plots with contrasting N content, pH and tree species. We specifically targeted expression of genes coding for cellulolytic and oxidative enzymes and analysed responsible fungal taxa.

The abundance of free-living saprotrophic basidiomycetes with well-developed capacity to decompose recalcitrant organic substrates (e.g. Mycena species) declined in colder climate and in more acidic and nitrogen-poor soils. In the metatranscriptomes we found reduced expression of basidiomycete cellulase genes and indications of supressed growth of basidiomycete saprotrophs under more acidic and nitrogen poor conditions. In contrary, ectomycorrhizal species with well-developed oxidative enzyme systems, mainly members of the genus Cortinarius, increased in relative abundance towards colder climates and nitrogen-poor soils. In the metatranscriptomes, mycorrhizal Cortinarius species accounted for 60% of gene expression of extracellular peroxidases, which are central for decomposition in the boreal forest floor that is rich in lignin, melanin and tannins. Overall expression of peroxidase genes was upregulated in unfertile pine plots relative to more fertile spruce plots.

Altogether, we see indications that saprotrophic basidiomycetes are severely hampered by the harsh conditions in the organic horizon of boreal forests and have major problems to maintain their role as major decomposers. When the saprotrophs fail, decomposition is instead maintained by certain ectomycorrhizal fungi, who use their direct supply of carbon from the tree roots to drive oxidative decomposition, presumably liberating tightly bound nutrients for themselves and their hosts. In line with this hypothesis, unfertile conditions trigger increased investment in oxidative enzymes. The mycorrhizal link between living roots and decomposition implies that organic matter turnover in boreal forests may be largely controlled by the trees, analogous to a strong and direct priming effect.

How to cite: Lindahl, B., Barbi, F., Clemmensen, K., Dahlberg, A., and Stendahl, J.: Ectomycorrhizal fungi take over decomposition when saprotrophs fail, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15380,, 2025.

EGU25-15603 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

BVOC fluxes in boreal forest floor and associated soil microbiome after forest fire 

Saborni Maiti, Huizhong Zhang-Turpeinen, Dhiraj Paul, Xudan Zhu, Francesco Sorrentino, Henri M.P. Siljanen, James Blande, Jukka Pumpanen, and Frank Berninger

Boreal forests play a crucial role in emitting biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), which have both warming and cooling effects on the Earth's climate. These forests are among the primary sources of secondary organic aerosols (SOAs). Plant-emitted BVOCs, such as isoprenoids (including isoprene, monoterpenes, and sesquiterpenes), serve as precursors to SOAs, significantly affecting air quality and climate. Recent research indicates that forest fires also have long-term impacts on BVOC emissions, which are influenced by the frequency and severity of these fires, exacerbated by climate warming. Despite their importance, the effects of forest fires on BVOC emissions, their production and consumption by plants and associated soil microbes, as well as the underlying genetic mechanisms, remain poorly understood.

In this study, we quantify post-fire BVOC emissions from the forest floor, including above-ground plantlets, below-ground plant parts, and soil microbes by trapping forest floor BVOCs using a dynamic headspace technique. To investigate belowground BVOCs, we established mesocosms—blocks of soil with intact vegetation on top—within strictly controlled climate chambers. BVOCs were collected from mesocosm soil, as well as from root-free soil, using a dynamic enclosure technique. Soil DNA was extracted for amplification of 16S rRNA and ITS region from the samples and sent for sequencing to detect changes in microbial composition between pre- and post-fire conditions. We designed BVOC-specific probes for targeted metagenomics, such as those for monoterpene synthesis, isoprene synthesis, and monoterpene degrading enzymes, to analyze the production and consumption of BVOCs by the soil microbiome and to correlate these findings with forest floor BVOC flux data.

We have identified various volatile chemical groups, such as monoterpenes and isoprene, and quantified their fluxes in forest floor vegetation before and after fires. This study provides a clearer understanding of BVOC emissions and their consumption in the atmosphere from the boreal forest floor and soil microbiome under pre- and post-fire conditions.


How to cite: Maiti, S., Zhang-Turpeinen, H., Paul, D., Zhu, X., Sorrentino, F., Siljanen, H. M. P., Blande, J., Pumpanen, J., and Berninger, F.: BVOC fluxes in boreal forest floor and associated soil microbiome after forest fire, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15603,, 2025.

EGU25-17399 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

The forest floor as a habitat for mycorrhizae across temperature and P availability gradients 

Ina C. Meier, Maï Bergmann, Birte Buske, Fernanda Dietz, Martin Bidartondo, and Laura Martinez-Suz

The mycorrhizal symbiosis is a central component of plant-soil feedbacks and carbon (C) cycles of forest ecosystems. Yet even though it is known that the two major mycorrhizal association types influence litter decomposition and soil organic matter formation differently, it remains unresolved whether this also influences their preference for the forest floor as a habitat. We aimed to test such preference in mature European beech (Fagus sylvatica L., ECM host) forests admixed with sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L., AM host) by measuring extracellular enzyme activities in the forest floor and mineral soil of twelve study sites located across gradients of rising temperature and inorganic phosphorus (P) limitation. Sampling took place in the forest floor and at 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm and 10-20 cm soil depth in the proximity of beech and maple trees, respectively, and the activity of recalcitrant C and organic P and nitrogen (N) degrading enzymes were analyzed. In our presentation we will discuss whether our results support the hypotheses that (i) mycorrhizal fungi are more dependent on forest floor C in nutrient-poor forest stands and (ii) arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are superior in P-poor forest floors and ectomycorrhizal fungi in P-rich forest floors.

How to cite: Meier, I. C., Bergmann, M., Buske, B., Dietz, F., Bidartondo, M., and Martinez-Suz, L.: The forest floor as a habitat for mycorrhizae across temperature and P availability gradients, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17399,, 2025.

EGU25-18261 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

How soil fauna affects carbon fluxes in forest floors: Insights from size compartmentalized communities 

Philipp de Jong, Jingxuan Chen, Patrick Schleppi, Sebastian Doetterl, Stefan Scheu, and Frank Hagedorn

The forest floor (FF) represents the interface between the production of aboveground biomass and the belowground cycling and storing of C. The conditions within the FF, including its structure, faunal community composition, and microbial activity, may influence the pathway, quantity, and stability of organic matter (OM) transferred and stored in the mineral soil beneath. C inputs like litter are either mineralized to CO2, leached as dissolved organic C (DOC) into deeper soil, transformed into stable soil organic matter (SOM) by microbial communities or transferred into the mineral soil through soil fauna. While the impact of certain macrofauna like earthworms is well-studied, the role of mesofauna remains less understood despite evidence of their contribution to SOM cycling. To address this the DFG research group “Forest Floor” established a field mesocosm experiment across elevation gradients within temperate mixed forests in Germany and Switzerland. Four gradients were set up across different types of parent material including basalt, paragneiss, and limestone, resulting in differing FF types across and within gradients. Within each site, mesocosms were installed under beech- and maple-dominated canopies, respectively. The mesocosms had vertical openings on the sites covered with different mesh sizes (4 mm, 1 mm, and 0.045 mm) to allow horizontal movement in and out of the mesocosm. These mesh sizes create three size compartmentalized soil fauna communities with increasing limitations due to body size. A set of mesocosms with 4 mm mesh size is non-rotated while all other mesocosms are regularly rotated to limit root ingrowth. Site-specific FF was placed into the mesocosm undisturbed, then defaunated and its Ol horizon was replaced with beech or maple litter highly enriched with 13C, 15N, and 2H. We measure CO2 and 13CO2 1 ,2 ,4 ,6 ,12, and 16 months after the mesocosm were placed in the field. DOC is collected bi-weekly in suction plates below the non-rotated mesocosms. This will allow us to establish a mass balance of beech and maple litter turnover as affected by different soil fauna communities in contrasting FF types. We expect the FF to accumulate with decreasing mesocosm accessibility resulting in a shift in C fluxes. A lower CO2 flux due to unfavorable conditions might be counterbalanced by increased DOC production.

How to cite: de Jong, P., Chen, J., Schleppi, P., Doetterl, S., Scheu, S., and Hagedorn, F.: How soil fauna affects carbon fluxes in forest floors: Insights from size compartmentalized communities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18261,, 2025.

EGU25-18496 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Resin extractions from forest floors reveal tree specific adaptation to the phosphorus status of the mineral soil in European beech forests 

Lexie Schilling, Lars Vesterdal, Jörg Prietzel, and Friederike Lang

Slow turnover of the forest floor (FF) is often assumed to be related to immobilization of nutrients within the organic matter. However, the FF is also assumed to be an important nutrient source at sites with low nutrient concentrations in the mineral soil. Yet, little is known about the availability of nutrients present in the FF and how it is related to FF turnover.

Within the DFG-funded Research Unit FOREST FLOOR we identify processes that control the relevance of the FF for tree phosphorus (P) nutrition as compared to the mineral topsoil in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) forests with admixtures of spruce (Picea abies) and maple (Acer pseudoplatanus). We quantified plant-available P at lab conditions using resin exchangers in the FF and the mineral topsoil up to 20 cm along four elevation-related temperature gradients of different soil P status. We hypothesize that the FF gains in importance for P nutrition with decreasing P status of the mineral soil.

Results show that along the P gradient with high mean annual temperature (MAT: 9-10 °C), highest resin extractable P (Presin) concentrations within one site are found in the mineral soil. On the P gradient with low MAT (5-6.1 °C) however, highest Presin concentrations are found in the FF and also in SOM rich mineral soil, especially at the silicate site with low total P concentrations. This translates into surprisingly high Presin values under beech (P-poor site Kandel, Black forest FF: 290 ± 200 µg P/g soil, Ah horizon: 410 ± 110 µg P/g soil), which corresponds to twice the amount extracted by citric acid. Presin concentration under beech clearly differed from plots under spruce and maple with mostly 100 µg P/g soil at all temperature classes for P poor mineral soils. However, this high P availability in the FF was not observed for carbonate sites.

In conclusion, the innovative resin extraction method provided new insights regarding P nutrition in beech forests compared to citric acid as reference method. High P availability under beech at Kandel despite low MAT and low P status of the mineral soil indicate a tight recycling of P resources via the FF and SOM rich mineral soil. Our results show that the effect of increasing MAT on P availability depends on the P status of the mineral soil. These findings suggest a crucial role of the FF for beech forest P nutrition and its potential vulnerability under climate change.

How to cite: Schilling, L., Vesterdal, L., Prietzel, J., and Lang, F.: Resin extractions from forest floors reveal tree specific adaptation to the phosphorus status of the mineral soil in European beech forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18496,, 2025.

EGU25-18998 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

In-situ imaging of iron and manganese mobilisation in forest floor layers 

Jonas Hahn, Prof. Dr.Friederike Lang, and PD Dr. Helmer Schack-Kirchner

In-situ imaging of iron and manganese mobilisation in forest floor layers

Mobility of iron and manganese in forest soils is controlled by the redox state, the overall pH-value and the concentration of complexing organic acids. The solubility of Mn and Fe oxides is an indicator of reductive activity processes and furthermore strongly connected to the availability of phosphorus for plants. Yet the strong small-scale heterogeneity of forest floor makes the spatial and temporal patterns of stable and soluble iron and manganese forms challenging to quantify. 20 etched 10x15cm glass slabs were coated with either an iron or manganese oxide (goethite and birnessite, respectively). Slabs were vertically inserted in the forest floor with close contact between the oxide coating and the soil, and left for one growing season in a spruce-beech forest. The forest floor was a moder circa 12 cm thick, and the soil was a Dystric Cambisol. In fine humus-rich Ohf and Obh horizons, the rate of mobilisation of goethite and birnessite was generally > 50 % of the area, with more birnessite lost than goethite. Most mobilisation was found along the finest roots in the organic horizons. For goethite, mobilisation underwent a gradual transition from high mobility in organic horizons to minimal mobility in mineral soil. For birnessite in contrast, there was barely any mobilisation in mineral soil. The substantial mobilisation in organic horizons primarily along fine roots suggest that complexation by exuded organic acids is a dominant process in iron and manganese mobilisation. Yet deeper in the forest floor and mineral soil, reductive processes due to aeration deficiencies likely play the major role in iron and manganese mobility. Since the complexation of iron by organic acids can enhance phosphorus availability, we conclude that the spatial pattern of iron mobilisation reflects the root- and mycorrhiza-driven P-mobilisation.

How to cite: Hahn, J., Lang, P. Dr. F., and Schack-Kirchner, P. Dr. H.: In-situ imaging of iron and manganese mobilisation in forest floor layers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18998,, 2025.

EGU25-19450 | Orals | SSS9.2

European beech forests create an impressive diversity of forest floors 

Friederike Lang, Jörg Niederberger, Lexie Schilling, Stefan Scheu, Jingxuan Chen, Stefanie Schulz, Michael Schloter, Sebastian Bibinger, and Jörg Prietzel

Forest floors are the interface between vegetation and soil and are therefore often neglected by science. Wrongly so, because they are highly sensitive and integrative indicators of ecosystem processes and fulfil important functions. Using an interdisciplinary approach, we analyse the properties and functioning of organic layers at 12 temperate forest sites, dominated by European beech and differing in P-status and mean annual air temperature. In agreement with literature, we found increasing mass of FF with decreasing temperature and P availability in the mineral soil. However, we found no significant differences in FF mass and C stocks between calcareous (n=3) and silicate (n=9) sites. The range of FF properties found by far exceeds the range of mineral soil properties. The pH(KCl) values of organic layers (OF and OH horizons) varied between 2.6 and 6.6. The FF mass ranged from 17 to 81 t ha-1, the C-stock from 6.2 to 38.8 t ha-1, the C/N ratio from 16 to 44, the concentrations of citrate extractable P from 66 to 487 mg kg-1 and the cation exchange capacity from 186 to 634 µmolc g-1. Gross FF turnover calculated based on litterfall and FF mass ranged from 3.0 to 22.9 a. The fine root biomass showed close correlation with FF mass and precipitation at the studied sites. Cool and wet sites showed the highest root biomass. The identification and analyses of controlling factors and interrelationships with the microbial community and soil fauna at the study sites are currently in progress and will be presented. Based on the results obtained so far we conclude that the huge plasticity of European beech is mirrored by the heterogeneity of beech forest floor properties.

How to cite: Lang, F., Niederberger, J., Schilling, L., Scheu, S., Chen, J., Schulz, S., Schloter, M., Bibinger, S., and Prietzel, J.: European beech forests create an impressive diversity of forest floors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19450,, 2025.

EGU25-20166 | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Changes in organic matter and upper mineral soil on clear cuts 

Radek Novotný, Václav Tejnecký, Martin Valtera, Lenka Pavlů, Věra Fadrhonsová, Ladislav Holík, Luboš Borůvka, and Vít Šrámek

Large-scale (i.e., > 1ha) clearcuts were studied in 2022–2024 at fifteen sites across the Czech Republic. Chemical properties and stock of selected elements were assessed in organic topsoil (OF+OH) and mineral soil (0–30 cm) layers in a block design on salvage-logged plots with different management of logging residues (cleaning vs. chipping) and adjacent control (survived) stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.). The rate of organic matter (OM) decomposition at the logged and control plots was evaluated based on the decomposition the experiments with standardized teabags and litterbags using the in-situ organic material (organic topsoil layer).

Changes in the water-extractable organic carbon (DOC) contents showed accelerated mineralization of organic matter on clearcuts. Significant differences in the quality of organic matter between the clearcut and a control stand were found only in the organic topsoil. No significant differences were found in the soil contents of risk elements (aqua-regia extracted As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) between the clearcuts and a control treatment. Moreover, the distributions of risk elements in the soil profiles did not differ depending on the management of logging residues. Evaluation of the OM decomposition indicates slightly different weight loss of the samples from the stands and from the clearcuts, depending on the management of logging residues and the chemical composition of the organic layer.

This research was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, project No. QK22020217.

How to cite: Novotný, R., Tejnecký, V., Valtera, M., Pavlů, L., Fadrhonsová, V., Holík, L., Borůvka, L., and Šrámek, V.: Changes in organic matter and upper mineral soil on clear cuts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20166,, 2025.

EGU25-20671 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.2

Effects of forest structure and climate on decomposition processes and decomposer communities  

Johanna Asch, Marcell K. Peters, and Michael Scherer-Lorenzen

Temperate production forests have experienced a homogenization of forest structure under established management regimes, leading to a loss of biodiversity and changes in ecosystem functions, as well as a decreased resilience to disturbances. Management approaches such as the Enhancement of Structural Beta Complexity (ESBC) aim at reintroducing heterogeneity in production forests by emulating natural disturbances and succession through silvicultural manipulations. By breaking down organic matter and making it available for other organisms, decomposition processes and their associated invertebrate communities are an integral part of nutrient and carbon cycling. Animal derived necromass, such as carcasses and dung, is especially nutrient rich and provides due to its ephemeral nature resources for specialized decomposer communities. Through their tunnelling behaviour common dung beetle and burying beetle species, such as Anoplotrupes stercorosus and Nicrophorus vespilloides, play an important role in forest soil functioning by improving aeration and increasing nutrient input into the soil. Controlled by factors such as microclimate, which are directly influenced by forest stand structure, these processes and communities are likely strongly affected by forest stand homogenisation.

As part of the BETA-FOR research unit this study aims at disentangling the relationship between homogenization and decomposition in temperate production forests with a focus on decomposition rates and decomposer diversity. We have introduced different ESBC treatments by creating deadwood and canopy openings at eleven forests sites in production forests in Germany, each site comprised of nine ESBC-plots and nine control-plots (closed forests). On each plot, decomposition rates of different necromass, such as animal dung and rat carcasses, were determined by exposing the materials to plot conditions for specific lengths of time in spring and in summer 2023. Pitfall traps baited with dung and carcasses were installed directly afterwards to investigate decomposer diversity.

We found no difference in gamma- and beta-diversity of dung beetles and necrophagous beetles between ESBC-forests and control forests. However, Dung removal rates and dung beetle biomass decreased with increasing temperature. Dung beetle abundance and biomass, as well as dung removal rates were lower in summer and in warmer regions, this effect was especially strong on those plots of the ESBC-forests that had open forest canopies. Additionally, alpha diversity of both dung beetles and necrophagous beetles was lower on plots with open forest canopies in all regions.

This demonstrates that some important forest communities might not benefit from increased structural heterogeneity in forest stands and even react negatively to some aspects, such as more openings in the forest canopy. Canopy openings, especially in combination with higher temperatures, negatively impacted dung beetle communities, showing that under future climate warming and changes in forest structure these communities might face increased pressures.

How to cite: Asch, J., K. Peters, M., and Scherer-Lorenzen, M.: Effects of forest structure and climate on decomposition processes and decomposer communities , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20671,, 2025.


The temperature in arid region of China has been volatile risen over the past 60 years, with the warming range as high as 0.34℃/10a, nearly three times that of the global average.  There were seasonal and spatial differences in the amplitude of temperature variation.  The warming is the most obvious at 0.50℃/10a in winter and the smallest at 0.27℃/ 10a in spring. During  the last 60 years, the annual precipitation has shown a weak upward trend, which the increase in summer was the largest at 2.50 mm/10a and in winter was the smallest at 1.20 mm/10a.  Inland river flow is a barometer of climate change, which accounting for more than 85% of the total water resources in arid region of China.  The changes of climate warming, glacier retreat and melting of ice and snow have an important impact on the spatial and temporal changes of river flow, brought about the mountainous runoff raised.  Along with the better water supply conditions, the positive result is the expansion of artificial oasis (oasification) and the negative result is the aeolian desertification development.

Oasification is the transition process from desert to oasis in arid region resulted from human and natural factors.  Aeolian desertification is land degradation through wind erosion mainly resulted from the human impacts in arid, semiarid and sub-humid regions of China.  The expansion of aosification is always along with the menace of aeolian desertification.  There are 65% of the aosification transformed from no-aosis area and 35% came from natural oasis by cultivation, which means that the aosification is the process of reclaim desert land and natural oasis changed to artificial oasis.  The area of aeolian desertification mainly distribute over the periphery of oasis-desert and the middle and lower reaches of endorheic river.  It can be said that the aosification is the development process from natural ecosystems to artificial ecosystems which extended the living space to human being.  However, the low level or disorder aosification management can decrease the stability of the oasis and cause oasis degradation with the reduction or loss of land productivity, often can trigger a series of ecological problems such as river break, lakes shrinking, vegetation degradation, soil erosion and aeolian desertification.  Oasification enlarged and intensively managed areas of farming land mostly, which needs more and more water resources, so that some areas of transitional zone of oasis-desert and of lower reaches of endorheic river evolved into aeolian desertification because of the water shortage.  

Finally, we propose a suitable dimensions of oases with different water consumption characteristics based on the construction of multi-objective balance methods and mathematical models for healthy development of aosification and prevention of aeolian desertification in arid region of China.

Keywords: Water Manage, Oasification, Aeolian Desertification, Arid region of China

How to cite: Wang, T.: Climate Change and Water Manage to the Oasification and Aeolian Desertification in Arid Region of China , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-111,, 2025.

The availability of water resources is one of the main factors governing the development of arid regions. Rainwater agriculture can be implemented as a sustainable solution for the preventing desertification. Efficiency of rainwater harvesting depends on two main components: 1) water collecting; and, 2) water storing. The first aim of the study is increasing efficiency of scarce rainwater resources management and providing  the secure tool for preventing land degradation by erosion by means of small rainwater harvesting systems – microcatchments. The second aim of the study is cost vs benefits analysis of the suggested management approach. The results show that increasing runoff coefficient beyond 12% may be achieved only by mulching the runoff generating area, at least at loessial soils. Deepening the pit depth has a significant effect on soil water losses through evaporation with almost linear efficiency increasing with pit’s depth increasing. The practice that gave the best results both water and cost wise was collecting  rainwater into a shallow trench of 20 cm deep and 1m wide with sealed trench walls and additional crop planted at the trench bottom and an tree or shrub next to the trench. In order to increase the efficiency of water collection and conservation, we built an experimental system that included the following characterisitics: 1) the runoff generation area was mulched with polyethelene sheets and 2) the water collection area was built in two variants, 2.1) as a shallow trench of 20 cm deep and 1m wide with sealed trench walls and  Narcissus flowers planted at the trench bottom and an olive tree next to the trench, and 2.2) a deep trench of 1m deep and 1m wide with  olive trees planted inside. In both cases, we got at least a 10-fold runoff amount increase when even very low intensity rain created runoff over the polyethelene mulching. In the 2.1 case, water infiltrated only through the pit bottom to the deeper layer, and evaporation was better prevented. The main idea of planting flowers was to show the possibility of growing additional plants along with trees in microcatchments.  Since flower roots take water from a very shallow depth and don't compete with the tree root , such an approach could be considered beneficial. Flowers naturally destroy the crust at the pit bottom during the flower bursting and enrich the soil with organic material after the flowers die. Monitoring five years after the system’s implementation showed the succes of the system, both in runoff accumulation and in plant growth. In the 2.2 case, water infiltrated through the bottom and the walls, but evaporation was minimal because of the system depth. The cost of microcathment building depends on the type has supplied enough runoff for excellent tree growth. The third part of the study was cost vs benefits analysis of the suggested optimization. The results show that the highest benefit may be achieved by mulching the runoff generation area with the locally available materials (gypsum, stones etc) and applying the variant 2.1 for water collection.


How to cite: Carmi, G.: Costs and benefits of optimizing small rainwater harvesting systems for preventing land degradation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-131,, 2025.

EGU25-2463 | Orals | SSS9.4

Grain legumes combined with cover crops secure positive residual N effects in organic food production systems 

Leanne Peixoto, Kirsten Lønne Enggrob, Jim Rasmussen, Juliana Trindade Martins, and Chiara De Notaris

The rising global demand for high-quality, plant-based food highlights the potential of grain legumes as protein-rich alternatives that offer environmental, climate, and health benefits. Local cultivation of grain legumes can enhance agricultural sustainability in Europe by diversifying cropping systems and reducing reliance on synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers through biological N fixation. This is particularly beneficial in organic systems. However, grain legume cultivation remains limited in Northern Europe due to the short growing season, which can hinder mature harvests. Fresh harvesting offers a solution by extending the growing period for cover crops and improving N recycling. This three-year field study, conducted under organic standards in Denmark, assessed the impacts of fresh versus mature harvesting of grain legumes (pea, faba bean, soybean) on subsequent crop productivity and soil mineral N dynamics, with and without undersown ryegrass cover crops. Grain dry matter yields for mature faba bean and pea were 5.1 and 2.0 Mg ha⁻¹ in 2021, and 4.1 and 4.0 Mg ha⁻¹ in 2022, respectively. No significant differences were observed between fresh and mature harvests regarding cover crop biomass and N yield, attributed to wide inter-row spacing that promoted cover crop growth. Cover crops effectively retained soil mineral N during winter, resulting in nearly twice the residual N availability for spring barley compared to systems without cover crops, without indications of pre-emptive competition. Residual N contributions from the three grain legume species were comparable, reaching up to 60 kg N ha⁻¹ when combined with cover crops. These findings underscore the critical role of cover crops and grain legumes in designing sustainable, low-input, plant-based food production systems.

How to cite: Peixoto, L., Lønne Enggrob, K., Rasmussen, J., Trindade Martins, J., and De Notaris, C.: Grain legumes combined with cover crops secure positive residual N effects in organic food production systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2463,, 2025.

EGU25-5962 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Pilot scale silage production from olive pomace  

Styliani Biliani, John Vakros, Nikolaos Athanassopoulos, and Ioannis Manariotis

Massive amounts of waste and byproducts are produced annually by the food and agricultural industries and are disposed of in adjacent open fields, endangering the environment. The circular economy suggests using food leftovers for beneficial uses such as animal feed. Using less common animal feeds derived from leftovers could provide farmers with a variety of environmentally friendly feeding options. Ruminants feeding with by-products would increase the milk output and, at the same time reduce the need for green plants (straw) in the ensiling procedure and the feeding cost. A form of animal feed known as silage is created from green foliage crops that have been preserved by fermenting them to produce acids. It is usually made from grass crops like maize, sorghum, or other cereals. Olive mills are a promising by-product that can be added instead of other materials and produce a high-quality animal feed. Olive pomace was provided by a two-phase olive oil mill and was separated from olive stones. In this study, the silage production at a pilot scale was examined.  Approximately 1.2 tons of olive pomace, 0.2 tons of straw, 10 kg molasses, and 2.4 kg urea were used. The material was packed in 20 kg bags and sealed airtight. The pH values were between 4.5 to 5 for the whole year and nitrogen content was about 0.85 g TKN/ kg silage dry matter. The fiber content of silage increased during the ensiling period by about 7 and 17% for NDF and ADF, respectively. In the ensiling process, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) play a critical role in the preservation and stability of the silage. The content of lactic acid increased to 1.6 g/L suggesting that the ensiling process with olive pomace is a promising sustainable option.

 keywords: silage; food waste; olive oil pomace; molasses; urea.


 Funding: «This presentation is implemented in the framework of "Olive pomace’s conversion to animal food additive - Μ16ΣΥΝ2-00255" project, and was funded by the Sub-Measure 16.1 – 16.2 – Establishment and operation of Operational Groups (O.G.) of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for agricultural productivity and sustainability/ Action 2 – Implementation of the Operational Plan (project) of the EIP Operational Groups for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture»

How to cite: Biliani, S., Vakros, J., Athanassopoulos, N., and Manariotis, I.: Pilot scale silage production from olive pomace , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5962,, 2025.

EGU25-8767 | Orals | SSS9.4

From wetlands to fields: a two-year study on the impact of the surface-flow treatment wetland sediment on soil fertility and crop yield 

Margit Kõiv-Vainik, Lii Lopp, Isaac Okiti, Mihkel Pindus, and Kuno Kasak

Efficient agricultural production requires favourable weather conditions, healthy soil and an adequate supply of soil nutrients. In farming, common alternatives to artificial fertilizers include manure and digestates. Another potential soil amendment method is the addition of dredged bottom sediments from different water bodies. The use of lake sediments for agricultural purposes is well-documented; however, the potential of sediments from surface-flow treatment wetlands (TWs) designed to mitigate agricultural diffuse pollution remains largely unexplored. However, these sediments are rich in organic matter, nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen, and micro-nutrients like magnesium and calcium.

The primary objective of this study was to assess the impact of TW sediment on soil fertility and crop yield during a large-scale field experiment in Estonia across two vegetation periods. In 2023, the sediment effect was compared with a control (no amendment), digestate (a liquid by-product of biogas plant), and N:P:K mineral fertilizer. The longevity of the sediment effect was studied in 2024 using the same setup but with no additional amendments. Based on the initial soil composition and recommended fertilization rates, sediment, digestate, and mineral fertilizer were applied to three 48m2 plots at the start of the 2023 season, just before sowing spring wheat. The buckwheat growth and yield were evaluated in the second season (2024). The experimental area had an onsite weather station. Each plot had 6 sampling points to monitor soil composition, root development, crop growth, greenhouse gas emissions, and continuous soil moisture, temperature, and electrical conductivity measurements.

One of the key findings of this study was that during the extremely dry spring of 2023, the sediment amendment significantly increased soil moisture content (median 38 % compared to 14 % on other plots), leading to earlier sprouting and grain ripening. During spring 2024, the soil moisture content was much lower (median 15 % with sediment and 11 % with others). On average, soil fertility and composition were more favourable when adding sediment. After the sediment application, the soil had an average total carbon content of 5.2 %, compared to only 1.7 % in the other plots. The carbon content was generally much lower in May 2024 but still the highest on sediment plot (median 2.4 %). The sediment amendment also resulted in much higher average plant-available Ca and Mg levels during 2023 and higher content during 2024 than on the other plots. The sediment amendment produced 2023 a significantly higher yield, median of 8.5 t/ha, while the other plots had lower yields (mineral fertilizer 7.2 t/ha; control 6.3 t/ha; and only 3.3 t/ha with digestate). With buckwheat, during 2024, we did not see any more such a clear effect of amendments applied at the beginning of the previous season.

Applying TW sediment as an agricultural soil amendment showed promising results for increasing crop yield in the application year. Further research is needed to determine if similar results can be achieved with other crops and combinations of different soil amendment practices.

How to cite: Kõiv-Vainik, M., Lopp, L., Okiti, I., Pindus, M., and Kasak, K.: From wetlands to fields: a two-year study on the impact of the surface-flow treatment wetland sediment on soil fertility and crop yield, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8767,, 2025.

EGU25-10597 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Redefining Disease Management for Future Agriculture 

Elena Cudazzo, Lucia Morrone, Barbara Faccini, Matteo Alberghini, and Annalisa Rotondi

Climate change poses complex challenges for plant disease management, as rising temperatures and changing meteorological patterns influence both pathogen virulence and plant resistance mechanisms. This context underscores the need for improved and sustainable defence strategies to address future food production. The environmental impact of phytosanitary treatments is a key factor in considering their sustainability. The use of agrochemicals in crop management strategies, carries the potential to generate unfavourable outcomes on the surrounding cultivation ecosystem. Copper-based products exemplify this issue, as their extensive use has led to regulatory restrictions under EU legislation, primarily due to their inclination to persist and accumulate in the environment. LIFE Microfighter is a European project aimed at reducing copper usage in olive, grape and tomato orchards. Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (Pss) is the causal agent of Olive Knot that damage normal growth, obstruct the translocation of nutrients and water, and diminish both yield and production quality. The experimentation focuses on evaluating the potential of a novel biopesticide involving Pseudomonas synxantha DLS65, combined with natural zeolites, offering a sustainable solution for disease control. The trial was conducted in Rimini province (Italy) with the following treatments: (A) Microfighter treatment with 6 kg/1000 L per hectare; (B) Copper treatment at 2.1 kg/ha and (C) the Negative Control.  At the beginning of the experiment, the soil at the experimental site was analysed to determine its main physico-chemical properties and copper (Cu) content, including soil pH, organic matter, and both total and bioavailable Cu. This analysis aimed to evaluate the potential effects on crop performance and the accumulation of Cu in the soil over time under different management strategies. Field monitoring during the first year of experimentation on the average diameter of galls induced by Pss revealed that gall diameters were larger in the control thesis and in plants treated with conventional copper-based formulation, while smaller diameters were observed in plants treated with the new biopesticide. By categorizing the galls into three size classes (less than 0.3 cm, between 0.3 and 0.7 cm, and greater than 0.7 cm) and investigating the percentage distribution for each treatment, the highest proportion of smaller galls was associated with the Microfighter treatment. This suggests a potential efficacy of the biopesticide in Olive knot management, likely reflected in its ability to slow the growth of existing infections. In addition, no statistically significant differences were detected in the chemical or sensory attributes of olive oil among the treatments, which indicates that Microfighter application does not negatively influence the commercial quality characteristics of the final product.

Research funded under the LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT program (Life - Microfighter, no. 101074218)

How to cite: Cudazzo, E., Morrone, L., Faccini, B., Alberghini, M., and Rotondi, A.: Redefining Disease Management for Future Agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10597,, 2025.

EGU25-12139 | Orals | SSS9.4

A Machine-Learning-Based Procedure to Assess Land Degradation and Restoration Potential in the Mediterranean 

Marco Micotti, Matteo Sangiorgio, Elena Matta, and Enrico Weber

How can we scale local knowledge and sustainable solutions to broader territories without losing their contextual relevance? Land degradation is a pressing issue in the Mediterranean, where diverse environmental and socio-economic conditions exacerbate its impacts. While bottom-up approaches excel in leveraging existing skills, contextual knowledge, and practical problem-solving, their results often remain tied to specific territorial contexts. The challenge lies in generalising and extending these insights to new regions, enabling effective and scalable land management and restoration strategies.

The REACT4MED project (, funded by PRIMA (, promotes the creation of Ecosystem Restoration Living Labs (ERLLs) in diverse Mediterranean contexts to harmonize the assessment of soil degradation and evaluate the impacts of the implemented restoration measures.

In the context of this project, we explore the potential up- and outscaling of the project’s restoration measures adopting a Machine-Learning-Based Procedure that integrates experts’ knowledge from living labs and a machine-learning tool sourced with global and regional datasets.

This procedure defines homogeneous areas based on different kinds of indicators (e.g. climatic trends, socio-economic circumstances, land degradation severity) through a clustering algorithm to support policymakers in analysing the feasibility of upscaling the implemented restoration measures.

We established a methodological approach that encompasses a workflow structured as follows:

  • Computing a large number of candidate inputs (biophysical, climate, and socioeconomic indicators) for a reference period.

  • Selecting inputs with a data-driven approach, using correlation analysis and Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

  • Performing clustering analysis (k-means) to delineate areas with similar characteristics across the Mediterranean region.

  • Using the clusters to inform expert-based analyses, incorporating high-resolution datasets and local expert input to identify suitable areas for restoration actions.

The Machine-learning tool can be sourced with both historical and future climate and socio-economic scenarios and thus facilitates data-driven decision-making for land restoration, providing valuable insights for policy and action.

Built on an open-source technology stack, the ML tool has been released as open-source software at and tested on the pilot areas of REACT4MED. This tool is a key component of Land Degradation Decision-Support Toolbox (LanDS), which is freely available at

How to cite: Micotti, M., Sangiorgio, M., Matta, E., and Weber, E.: A Machine-Learning-Based Procedure to Assess Land Degradation and Restoration Potential in the Mediterranean, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12139,, 2025.

EGU25-13181 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Building a Crop Model for Integrated Yield Prediction and Sustainable Agriculture Planning 

Maira Anam, Riccardo Valentini, and Maria Vincenza Chiriacò

Agricultural sustainability and food security are paramount concerns in the face of evolving global challenges, including climate change, population growth, and resource constraints. Building a comprehensive crop model that combines multiple elements such as climate change effects on yields, water requirements, fertilizer use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and socio-economic aspects is essential for making well informed decisions in agriculture. The proposed research expands on existing crop models, recognizing the complex aspects that affect crop growth and yield. The existing crop model including DSSAT (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer), APSIM (Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator), and CERES (Crop Estimation through Resource and Environment Synthesis) are focused on crop growth, yield and environmental effects. Although these models have made significant contributions, there are still gaps in their capacity to comprehensively tackle the complex relationship between climate change, socio-economic issues, and sustainable practices. Current crop models tend to emphasize specific elements of agriculture, like impacts of climate or utilization of water, without considering the holistic picture. So, the objective of designed model is to understand the relationship among different parameters. There is a need for a comprehensive crop model that combines climate change, water management, fertilizer optimization, GHG emissions, and socio-economic aspects. This research is designed to fill this gap by building a python-based crop model (on global scale with some regional experiments) that integrates different modules i.e., climate change, water requirement modules to optimize irrigation practices and fertilizer uses efficiency models to optimize nutrient applications for assessing their impact on improved yield and reduced environmental impact. The developed model will support sustainable agricultural practices and assist policymakers in making well-informed decisions.

How to cite: Anam, M., Valentini, R., and Chiriacò, M. V.: Building a Crop Model for Integrated Yield Prediction and Sustainable Agriculture Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13181,, 2025.

EGU25-13375 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Investigating Effectiveness of a new Biopesticide for replacing Copper in Organic Farming Practices 

Lucia Morrone, Elena Cudazzo, Giacomo Ferretti, Matteo Alberghini, Luis Cervera, José Torró, Oscar Garcia, José Castro, and Annalisa Rotondi

Currently, copper-based products are extensively used in integrated pest management systems and, most notably, in organic farming, where synthetic chemical inputs are prohibited. However, their use has been increasingly restricted due to concerns about their environmental persistence and potential adverse effects on ecosystems and public welfare. Ongoing research is focused on the development and evaluation of alternative solutions to mitigate reliance on copper-based products in agriculture. LIFE Microfighter is a European project aimed at investigating the effectiveness of an innovative bio-pesticide composed of Pseudomonas synxantha DLS65 in combination with natural zeolites. Its goal is to mitigate the impact of Peacock Spot and other diseases, reducing the use of copper while preserving both yield and oil quality. The field study was carried out in cooperative Las Virtudes (Valencia) with the following treatments: (i) Microfighter treatment with 6kg/1000L per hectare; (ii) Copper treatment at 2.5 kg/ha and (iii) the Negative Control. The soil of the experimental site was characterized for its main physico-chemical properties and Cu content at the beginning of the experimentation (e.g. soil pH, organic matter, total and bioavailable Cu) to evaluate possible effects on crops and Cu accumulation in soil over time between the various strategies. Due to the non-systemic nature of this new product, uniform canopy dispersion is critical to ensure its biocidal effects. Consequently, its distribution on the leaves of the olive cv. Rojal was assessed during the first year of experimentation using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Images obtained post-treatment with Microfighter revealed a uniform residue pattern of zeolite particles on the adaxial leaf surface of treated leaves, in contrast to the untreated controls. Chemical analyses (free acidity, peroxide value, spectrophotometric constants) and sensory evaluations of attributes such as olive fruitiness, bitterness, green notes, pungency, and other pleasant characteristics revealed no significant differences among the treatments studied. Furthermore, no adverse effects on the chemical or sensory properties of the olive oil were observed.

Research funded under the LIFE-2021-SAP-ENV-ENVIRONMENT program (Life - Microfighter, no. 101074218)

How to cite: Morrone, L., Cudazzo, E., Ferretti, G., Alberghini, M., Cervera, L., Torró, J., Garcia, O., Castro, J., and Rotondi, A.: Investigating Effectiveness of a new Biopesticide for replacing Copper in Organic Farming Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13375,, 2025.

EGU25-13432 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

An integrated approach to combat desertification in Mediterranean mountain environments: UAV surveys and slope stability modelling in agricultural terrace systems 

Aman Kumar Meena, Ioannis Sofokleous, Niovi Christodoulou, Hakan Djuma, Christos Zoumides, Federica Lucini, Corrado A.S. Camera, and Adriana Bruggeman

Land desertification driven by land abandonment and a changing climate raises new concerns for the sustainability of Mediterranean mountain environments. The use of heavy machinery for the establishment of mountain terraces is replacing traditional manual terracing methods, offering new opportunities and challenges in mountain farming. This study aims to demonstrates that the potential risks of terrace failures can be effectively identified by integrated approaches of aerial surveys and process-based models equipped with hydrological and slope stability parameters, contributing to design of sustainable and robust mountain terraces environment. The objectives of this research are: i) to apply aerial surveys and Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry for monitoring slope failures in agricultural mountain terraces; and ii) to assess the stability of terraced slopes using a process-based modelling approach. Two terraced sites, located in Oikos and Agros communities in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus, dedicated to grape cultivation for wine making, were selected for this study. Surveys with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) were conducted to generate digital surface models and terrain maps using the SfM technique. Field assessments and back analysis were performed to determine the range of hydrological, mechanical and geometrical parameters of the terraces and supporting dry-stone walls. These parameters were incorporated into a slope stability model to evaluate terrace deformations under different soil moisture conditions. Additional UAV-based surveys will be made following intense rainfall events that induce soil erosion and collapsing of dry-stone walls. A process-based hydrological model will be used to analyse soil moisture dynamics (infiltration and sub surface runoff) of damaging rainfall events at the study site. The obtained data will be used as input for improving the parametrization of the slope stability model simulations.

This research has received financial support from the REACT4MED Project (GA 2122), which is funded by PRIMA, the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area, a Programme supported by Horizon 2020, the European Union’s Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.


How to cite: Meena, A. K., Sofokleous, I., Christodoulou, N., Djuma, H., Zoumides, C., Lucini, F., Camera, C. A. S., and Bruggeman, A.: An integrated approach to combat desertification in Mediterranean mountain environments: UAV surveys and slope stability modelling in agricultural terrace systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13432,, 2025.

EGU25-13648 | Orals | SSS9.4

Organic amendments reduce climate-induced cadmium accumulation in Spinacia oleracea L.  

Marie Muehe, Luis Daniel Prada Salcedo, Ines Merbach, Martin Herzberg, Mika Tarkka, Jill Bachelder, and Natalia Sánchez

The application of organic substrates to agricultural soils is a key strategy in circular farm management, effectively improving soil quality by enhancing soil carbon and nitrogen stabilization, promoting soil microbiome diversity, and increasing resilience to environmental stressors. These amendments also exhibit strong metal-binding capacities through functional groups such as carboxylates, which is particularly advantageous for mitigating the mobility of harmful metals like cadmium (Cd)—a toxic element with no known metabolic role in plants or humans. Under future climate conditions, metals in soils are predicted to become increasingly mobile due to changes in soil biogeochemistry (Drabesch et al., 2024). This poses a significant risk to food safety, as demonstrated by elevated Cd concentrations in the edible tissues of spinach, a widely consumed leafy crop used as a model for metal uptake (Pienkowska et al., at EGU 2025). In this study, we evaluated whether amending soils with organic substrates could counteract the climate-driven increase in Cd mobility and accumulation during spinach cultivation. Six common organic amendments—farmyard manure, compost, humic substances, biochar, horn-bone-blood meal, and peat—were applied to an agricultural soil with a natural Cd concentration of 0.6 mg kg⁻¹. Spinach was grown under current and projected climate conditions for the year 2100 based on the IPCC SSP3-7 scenario. All amendments, except peat, significantly reduced Cd accumulation in spinach under future climate conditions, with manure and compost showing the greatest reduction potential. Mechanistic insights were gained through modeling Cd binding to fulvic acids (using WHAM VII) and assessing rhizobiome activity associated with metal mobilization and plant growth. These findings highlight the potential and elucidate the mechanisms by which organic substrates can enhance food safety under a changing climate by reducing the bioavailability of harmful metals.



Drabesch et al. (2024). Climate-induced microbiome alterations increase cadmium bioavailability in agricultural soils with pH below 7. Communications Earth & Environment.

Pienkowska et al., (2025). Climate change-induced cadmium accumulation in spinach. Abstract at EGU25-13116

IPCC (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report.

How to cite: Muehe, M., Prada Salcedo, L. D., Merbach, I., Herzberg, M., Tarkka, M., Bachelder, J., and Sánchez, N.: Organic amendments reduce climate-induced cadmium accumulation in Spinacia oleracea L. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13648,, 2025.

EGU25-14172 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Monitoring land degradation in Brazil: Impacts on vulnerable populations and their livelihoods 

John Cunha, Ulisses Bezerra, Sabrina Oliveira, Laisa Costa, Aldrin Perez-Marin, Carlos Galvão, and Rodolfo Nóbrega

As a signatory to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), Brazil has made significant progress in combating desertification through initiatives such as the National Policy to Combat Desertification and Mitigate the Effects of Drought (PNCD), implemented in 2015, and the New Brazilian Action Plan to Combat Desertification and Mitigate the Effects of Drought (PAB-Brasil 2024). Despite these advances, extensive areas throughout the country continue to face intensified degradation processes driven by inadequate land management and the increasing frequency of severe drought events. Our work introduces a novel approach to classify land degradation and conservation levels across Brazil, employing indicators such as land cover, soil organic carbon, and net primary productivity, as recommended by the UNCCD. Results indicate that 5.1% (422 thousand km²) of Brazil's territory is classified under critical or severe levels of degradation. The Caatinga and Pantanal biomes are the most affected, with 23.1% (197 thousand km²) and 15.2% (22 thousand km²) of their areas in critical or severe conditions, respectively. In contrast, 53.2% (4.4 millions km²) of the national territory is classified as having good to excellent conservation levels. The analysis highlights the disproportionate impacts of land degradation on vulnerable populations, including Indigenous Peoples, Quilombola communities, and smallholder farmers, who rely directly on natural resources for their livelihoods. These groups face challenges such as loss of productive land, water scarcity, and territorial expropriation. The findings support the urgent need for sustainable practices and inclusive public policies to mitigate degradation, protect ecosystems, and ensure the land rights of local communities.

How to cite: Cunha, J., Bezerra, U., Oliveira, S., Costa, L., Perez-Marin, A., Galvão, C., and Nóbrega, R.: Monitoring land degradation in Brazil: Impacts on vulnerable populations and their livelihoods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14172,, 2025.

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) are two crucial limiting mineral elements for terrestrial plants. Although the leaf N:P ratio is extensively used to indicate plant nutrient limitations, the critical N:P ratios cannot be universally applied. Some investigations have suggested that leaf nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) can provide another proxy for nutrient limitations along with the N:P ratio, but the negative relationships between N:P and δ15N were mainly limited to fertilization experiments. It will obviously benefit the study of the nature of nutrient limitations if the relationship could be explained more generally. We analyzed leaf δ15N, N, and P contents across a northeast–southwest transect in China. Leaf δ15N was weakly negatively correlated with leaf N:P ratios for all plants, while there was no correlation between them for various plant groups, including different growth forms, genera, and species across the entire N:P range. This suggests that the use of leaf δ15N in indicating the shift of nutrient limitations across the whole N:P range still requires more validated field investigations. Notably, negative relationships between δ15Nand N:P hold for plants with N:P ratios between 10 and 20 but not for plants with N:P ratios lower than 10 or higher than 20. That is, changes in leaf δ15N along with the N:P ratio of plants that are co-limited by N and P can exhibit variations in plant nutrient limitations, whereas plants that are strictly limited by N and P cannot. Moreover, these relationships are not altered by vegetation type, soil type, MAP, or MAT, indicating that the use of leaf δ15N in reflecting shifts in nutrient limitations, depending on the plant nutrient limitation range, is general. We examined the relationships between leaf δ15N and the N:P ratio across an extensive transect, providing references for the widespread use of leaf δ15N in reflecting shifts in nutrient limitation.

How to cite: Li, J. and Chen, C.: Examination of the negative correlation between foliar nitrogen isotopes and N: P ratios across a northeast- southwest transect in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14866,, 2025.

EGU25-17624 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Desertification risk: Bibliometric analysis and future research directions 

Fatima Ezzahrae Imam, Francesca Assennato, Antonio Pulina, Giovanna Seddaiu, and Daniela Smiraglia

Desertification, driven by climatic and anthropogenic factors, is one of the most pressing global environmental challenges, causing significant economic, ecological, and social consequences. A bibliometric analysis was performed to identify research trends and gaps in the desertification risk topic. Bibliometrix and Biblioshiny software were employed to analyze patterns in research publications. The analysis findings of the 864 research papers published between 1978 and 2024, sourced from the Scopus database, reveal: (1) Over the last four decades, desertification research has grown significantly, with distinct phases of development, including an initial exploratory stage, a steady growth phase, and a recent surge in publication volume since 2018. (2) Research contributions are geographically diverse, with key outputs from China, Italy, Spain, and the United States, while international collaboration remains limited. (3) “desertification,” “land degradation,” “climate change,” “risk assessment,” and “remote sensing” are high-frequency keywords that dominate the field of desertification risk, which reflect its interdisciplinary nature. (4) Thematic evolution is categorized into three phases: an early phase (1978–2001) focusing on foundational themes like GIS, remote sensing, and risk assessment, an expansion phase (2002–2020) underlining climate change as an emerging theme, and a recent phase (2021–2024) marked by data-intensive approaches, including numerical and climate modelling. The study identifies three major research streams: (1) climatic drivers and land degradation, examining droughts, shifting precipitation patterns, and temperature variability, (2) technological advancements in monitoring and assessment, where remote sensing and GIS enable precise, large-scale analysis of soil degradation and vegetation cover, and (3) socio-economic and policy dimensions, taking into account human-induced land degradation, governance challenges, and sustainable land management practices.

The analysis of desertification risk research reveals critical gaps that shed light on future research directions. These include the limited integration of socio-economic data with climate models, and the underutilization of big data and artificial intelligence (AI) for real-time monitoring. To address these gaps, future research should focus on integrating climate change models with socio-economic data to enhance desertification risk assessments and management strategies that address both environmental and human dimensions. Leveraging big data and AI for real-time monitoring, expanding research to underrepresented regions, and scaling community-based solutions are identified as critical priorities. Strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and local communities will further enable the development of adaptive, sustainable frameworks to combat desertification and foster resilience in vulnerable regions. This bibliometric analysis provides a foundation for advancing desertification research and promoting global resilience by identifying trends, gaps, and future directions.

How to cite: Imam, F. E., Assennato, F., Pulina, A., Seddaiu, G., and Smiraglia, D.: Desertification risk: Bibliometric analysis and future research directions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17624,, 2025.

EGU25-19253 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Quantifying the impact of agricultural practices on ecosystem services: a methodological framework integrating GIS and systematic literature review data 

Nicole Cecchinato, Maria Vincenza Chiriacò, and Riccardo Valentini

Evaluating the impact of agricultural practices on ecosystem services (ES) is essential for guiding sustainable land management decisions and supporting climate resilience. However, methodological challenges persist in standardizing assessments across diverse systems and geographic contexts. This study presents an integrated methodological framework that combines Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and a systematically developed dataset derived from a comprehensive literature review to assess the effects of conventional and agroecological practices on key ecosystem services. The focus includes critical ES such as soil carbon storage, water regulation, biodiversity conservation, and crop productivity.

The dataset, developed through a systematic literature review, compiles quantitative metrics from multiple studies, offering a robust foundation for comparative analysis of agricultural land management strategies. GIS analysis was employed to spatially map ecosystem service provision and land management patterns, enabling the identification of geographic variations in service delivery under different practices.

Furthermore, the inclusion of experimental data enhances the methodological rigor by directly linking field observations with larger-scale assessments. The approach also enables the evaluation of multiple ecosystem services simultaneously, making it well-suited for identifying synergies and trade-offs between productivity, soil health, and biodiversity across agricultural systems.

The significance of this methodological framework lies in its capacity to generate standardized, reproducible, and policy-relevant insights into the effects of agricultural practices on ecosystem services. By providing both quantitative metrics and spatially explicit assessments, it can support evidence-based policy development aimed at promoting sustainable agriculture. This is particularly relevant in the context of the European Green Deal and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), where data-driven strategies are essential for advancing climate-neutral agriculture and biodiversity conservation objectives.


Keywords: agroecology, ecosystem services, GIS analysis, systematic literature review, sustainable agriculture, land management, carbon storage, biodiversity.

How to cite: Cecchinato, N., Chiriacò, M. V., and Valentini, R.: Quantifying the impact of agricultural practices on ecosystem services: a methodological framework integrating GIS and systematic literature review data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19253,, 2025.

EGU25-19920 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.4

Restoration monitoring in Mediterranean rangelands: management practices influencing landscape functions 

Ioannis Louloudakis, Ioannis Daliakopoulos, Dimitrios Papadimitriou, Ioanna Panagea, Jakub Kadlec, and Thrassyvoulos Manios

Soil degradation and desertification pose significant threats to Mediterranean ecosystems. The marginal maquis shrublands of Messara in Crete, Greece, exemplify poor land management under Mediterranean conditions, where overgrazing influences vegetation composition and density, leading to extensive soil erosion and desertification (Daliakopoulos et al., 2017). As ecosystem restoration becomes a global priority, the complete removal of livestock and revegetation efforts have become common throughout the Mediterranean. However, few of these restoration projects have been evaluated post-intervention (Nadal-Romero et al., 2016). Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) is a widely preferred method for assessing the impact of land use across various climates and ecosystems, including semi-arid rangelands (Maestre & Puche, 2009) and semi-arid woodlands (Eldridge & Delgado-Baquerizo, 2018). Biodiversity is one of the crucial indicators of the success of a restoration project (Ruiz‐Jaen & Mitchell Aide, 2005), as is carbon sequestration (Wimmler et al., 2021). In this study, we utilize LFA to evaluate the current condition of 8 sites within the Messara Valley, directly comparing these findings with data collected a decade ago from the same locations. These locations have been categorized based on the management practices implemented and their slope. Additionally, we utilize Shannon's Diversity Index to evaluate biodiversity and estimate biomass production through allometric equations. Preliminary results indicate that grassing and slope are the most significant factors influencing the condition of the fields. Fields with a high slope and light grassing perform comparably to those with a slight or no slope but high grassing. However, a holistic approach to cultivating and managing grassing consistently yields the highest scores.


Ruiz‐Jaen, M. C., & Mitchell Aide, T. (2005). Restoration Success: How Is It Being Measured? Restoration Ecology, 13(3), 569–577.
Wimmler, M.-C., Bathmann, J., Peters, R., Jiang, J., Walther, M., Lovelock, C. E., & Berger, U. (2021). Plant–soil feedbacks in mangrove ecosystems: establishing links between empirical and modelling studies. Trees, 35(5), 1423–1438.
Daliakopoulos, I. N., Panagea, I. S., Tsanis, I. K., Grillakis, M. G., Koutroulis, A. G., Hessel, R., Mayor, A. G., & Ritsema, C. J. (2017). Yield Response of Mediterranean Rangelands under a Changing Climate. Land Degradation and Development, 28(7), 1962–1972.
Eldridge, D. J., & Delgado-Baquerizo, M. (2018). Grazing reduces the capacity of Landscape Function Analysis to predict regional-scale nutrient availability or decomposition, but not total nutrient pools. Ecological Indicators, 90, 494–501.
Maestre, F. T., & Puche, M. D. (2009). Indices based on surface indicators predict soil functioning in Mediterranean semi-arid steppes. Applied Soil Ecology, 41(3), 342–350.
Nadal-Romero, E., Cammeraat, E., Pérez-Cardiel, E., & Lasanta, T. (2016). Effects of secondary succession and afforestation practices on soil properties after cropland abandonment in humid Mediterranean mountain areas. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 228, 91–100.

How to cite: Louloudakis, I., Daliakopoulos, I., Papadimitriou, D., Panagea, I., Kadlec, J., and Manios, T.: Restoration monitoring in Mediterranean rangelands: management practices influencing landscape functions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19920,, 2025.

EGU25-20157 | Posters on site | SSS9.4

Land degradation neutrality, combatting desertification from the baseline 

Adriana Bruggeman, Christina Makri, Aman Kumar Meena, Andreas Savvides, and Jan Jacob Keizer

The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) defines land degradation neutrality (LDN) as “a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal and spatial scales and ecosystems.”  The LDN indicators  are net primary productivity, soil organic carbon and land cover change. The UNCCD’s conceptual framework aims to ensure that the area of negative changes is counterbalanced by the area of significant positive changes, in the same land type. It sets 2015 as the baseline year and 2030 as the target year, and recommends averaging indicators over a 10-15 year period. In contrast, the UN SDG 15.3.1 Land Degradation Neutrality indicator uses the same sub-indicators assesses the total area of degraded land over the total land area of a country. It recommends 2000-2015 as a baseline period. The World Atlas of Desertification takes a longer term view and assesses land productivity dynamics for the 1982-2010 period. A number of scientists have questioned the objectivity of the land degradation neutrality baseline, over different countries, regions and methods. This contribution aims to review the controversies and highlight recent advances. To further land degradation assessment research, we also aim to bring researchers together in an international Community of Practice.

This research is financially supported by the TERRASAFE project, which is co-funded by the European Union (GA 10115737) and by UK Research and Innovation.

How to cite: Bruggeman, A., Makri, C., Meena, A. K., Savvides, A., and Keizer, J. J.: Land degradation neutrality, combatting desertification from the baseline, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20157,, 2025.

EGU25-21757 | Orals | SSS9.4 | Highlight

Why a Community of  Knowledge on land degradation and desertification (LDD)? 

Francesca Assennato, Anna Luise, Giordana De Vendictis, Claudia Delfini, and Giovanna Seddaiu

Degradation and desertification are becoming one of the major issues of large areas of land, affecting the capacity of the land to offer ecosystem services.

There is a need to know and act to reverse land degradation and desertification (LDD)  and promote the expansion of innovative and tailored solutions. Exchange of knowledge and experiences and out-scaling of success stories is a way to foster the assessment and mitigation of LDD and innovations for sustainable land management and to promote a more effective integration of this issues in territorial agendas for improved land use, governance, and the creation of sustainable policy environments that address LDD. This includes sharing information relevant to policymakers, facilitating the exchange of local knowledge, and disseminating information among land users and their organizations.

The Monalisa project “Community of Knowledge” under construction, in synergy with the Community of Practice by sister project Terrasafe,  is an opportunity to create a space for sharing and discussing on desertification in Europe and the Mediterranean, by involvement of relevant institutions and the main scientific stakeholders, to support the project results scaling out and exploitation, especially at the Mediterranean and European level.

How to cite: Assennato, F., Luise, A., De Vendictis, G., Delfini, C., and Seddaiu, G.: Why a Community of  Knowledge on land degradation and desertification (LDD)?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21757,, 2025.

EGU25-2335 | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Towards Green Initiatives: Advancing Root Zone Monitoring Using Non-Invasive Geophysical Techniques 

Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Arya Pradipta, Nektarios Kourgialas, Nikos Papadopoulos, and Pantelis Soupios

Aligned with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 Green Initiative, this study presents an innovative approach to sustainable agriculture in hyper-arid regions by integrating advanced geophysical methods to monitor tree root water uptake (RWU). The research highlights the combined use of modeling through HYDRUS-1D and Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) for non-invasive root zone monitoring under controlled experimental conditions. The findings address critical challenges in agricultural water management in arid environments, where extreme temperatures and sandy soils significantly impact water dynamics and crop sustainability. RWU patterns of a citrus tree were simulated using HYDRUS-1D under varying soil and climatic conditions. The results revealed that the highest RWU rates occurred in the upper 30 cm of soil, predominantly during the morning. As temperatures increased, RWU activity shifted more profoundly into the soil profile. These insights are crucial for optimizing precision irrigation strategies in water-scarce regions. The model calibration utilized real-time soil moisture data collected through innovative 3D and 4D ERI methods—a seven-month experiment conducted in a controlled outdoor environment in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. The experimental setup included a 2m x 2m x 2m wooden tank filled with sandy soil, in which a lemon tree was planted and monitored using ERI techniques. The 3D and 4D geoelectrical models captured temporal and spatial variations in root zone moisture content during irrigation events, providing unprecedented insights into subsurface water distribution and root activity dynamics.

A key outcome of the research was the successful detection of root activity through resistivity anomalies, confirming the potential of ERI as a non-invasive tool for root zone monitoring. This novel approach to root zone monitoring offers significant advantages over traditional methods. Unlike invasive techniques, such as soil coring, ERI provides high-resolution data without disrupting the natural state of the root system. Additionally, the continuous monitoring capability of ERI enables dynamic observation of root water uptake patterns over time, supporting the development of more efficient irrigation and water management practices. Integrating geophysical methods with numerical modeling presents a scalable and sustainable solution for addressing water management challenges in agriculture. This research improves water use efficiency, reduces environmental impact, and enhances crop productivity in hyper-arid regions by providing actionable insights into root zone moisture dynamics. The findings have broad applications in precision agriculture and environmental management. They underscore the importance of adopting innovative, non-invasive technologies to optimize resource utilization and achieve sustainable development goals in water-scarce regions.

How to cite: Kirmizakis, P., Pradipta, A., Kourgialas, N., Papadopoulos, N., and Soupios, P.: Towards Green Initiatives: Advancing Root Zone Monitoring Using Non-Invasive Geophysical Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2335,, 2025.

EGU25-2603 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Continuous Spatiotemporal Sensing of N2O through an Optical Web 

Vladislav Sevostianov, Paul Guiguizian, Josh Collins, and Mark Zondlo

Emissions of greenhouse gases from the agricultural sector vary in space and time, leading to hot spots and hot moments with large variability between farms. Large hot spots can exhibit enhancements of only a few ppbv above background and last on time scales of hours to days. For constraining N2O emissions and developing reduction strategies, detailed source characterization on emissions (impacts of fertilization type and timing, agricultural practices, soil conditions, etc.) is required. To this end, we developed and deployed in a soybean field a laser tomographic imaging system for N2O mapping and associated emissions quantification. A pair of continuous wave quantum cascade lasers scan across a field to an array of inexpensive mid-IR reflectors lining its perimeter, casting an optical web over an agricultural field. Each laser is tower mounted with a gimbal to aim the beams at various retroreflectors spread around the perimeter of the agricultural field. Each scan takes ~37 minutes and operates autonomously. Multiple retroreflectors are needed to create the high-resolution optical web, but traditional retroreflector cubic prisms are too bulky, expensive, and delicate for such field use. Consequently, we developed custom, thin (4 mm thick) plastic retroreflectors for the mid-IR with reflectivities reaching ~86% which are broadband across the entire infrared and perform better than traditional corner cubes. FPGA electronics ensure a low power (25 W/tower) system for remote field use. In the deployed configuration, 32 path-integrated overlapping measurements from two separate laser towers are combined for full mapping of N2O over the field through a computed tomographic reconstruction. A Monte Carlo approach is used for inversion modeling to locate the plume location to within two meters and estimate the emission rate to within 10% on acre sized fields. The same techniques and tools developed can readily be adapted to other gases like methane and ammonia for other applications in agricultural and industrial settings.

How to cite: Sevostianov, V., Guiguizian, P., Collins, J., and Zondlo, M.: Continuous Spatiotemporal Sensing of N2O through an Optical Web, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2603,, 2025.

EGU25-5339 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Mapping 3D Root Zone Soil Moisture of GPR Data Based on Deep Learning 

Kexin Liu and Yonghui Zhao

Traditional methods for soil moisture prediction often face challenges in providing comprehensive spatial and temporal assessments of root zone soil moisture (RZSM) in complex soil environments. This study proposes a novel approach based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) for predicting average soil moisture based on images obtained from ground penetrating radar (GPR) data. The CNN is structured in two main stages: classification and regression. First, the CNN classifies GPR images of tree roots into distinct moisture content categories. Then, the pre-trained classification network is adapted using transfer learning to perform regression tasks, predicting continuous soil moisture values. To enable 3D non-invasive mapping of RZSM, we apply adaptive inverse distance weighted interpolation to reconstruct the distribution of soil water storage at various depths, ultimately generating a 3D visualization of RZSM. Finally, we validate the proposed approach using both synthetic and field data of GPR. The root mean square error between the soil moisture content predicted by this approach and the actual moisture content of the synthetic model, as well as the moisture content obtained in a field experiment, is less than 0.02 m3·m−3. This new approach for mapping RZSM holds great potential for enhancing root zone water management and promoting sustainability.

How to cite: Liu, K. and Zhao, Y.: Mapping 3D Root Zone Soil Moisture of GPR Data Based on Deep Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5339,, 2025.

EGU25-6817 | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Calibration and Field Measurements of a Scalable Electromagnetic Induction System (SELMA-RB) for Agricultural Applications 

Markus Dick, Zimmermann Egon, Huisman Johan Alexander, Mester Achim, Wüstner Peter, Ramm Michael, Scherer Benedikt, Bernard Julie, Dogar Salar Saeed, Brogi Cosimo, and Natour Ghaleb

In precision farming, more and more methods are being developed and used for efficient and environmentally friendly farming of agricultural land. Technical solutions for rapid mapping of soil parameters help to enable more efficient field cultivation. Non-invasive methods, such as electromagnetic induction (EMI), are advantageous for fast mapping. These systems measure the electrical conductivity of the soil and enable the determination of various soil parameters (e.g. soil stratification, water content, fertilizer concentration). 
For a depth-resolving measurement, which requires a large number of different coil separations and orientations, multiple surveys with different commercial EMI devices are usually necessary. To simplify the application in the field, a modular EMI system was developed that enables simultaneous measurements with flexible coil spacing.
A temperature drift correction and a model-based offset calibration were carried out as part of the measurement data pre-processing. Two approaches for calibrating the offset were tested.
In the first approach, the EMI device was positioned over a pool of water at different heights, with the water modeled as a homogeneous layer to calculate the offset. In the second approach, the system was calibrated by placing it at different heights above a natural soil of an agricultural area.
To evaluate the quality of the EMI measurements, the apparent soil conductivity was mapped with the SELMA-RB system (twelve separations) and a commercial CMD measuring system (six separations, CMD Mini Explorer) on a test field (230 m x 160 m) near Jülich, Germany. The field was measured within approximately one hour by pulling the device with an ATV at 6-8 km/h with 4 m line spacing. A comparison of the conductivity maps and the calibration data are presented. 

How to cite: Dick, M., Egon, Z., Johan Alexander, H., Achim, M., Peter, W., Michael, R., Benedikt, S., Julie, B., Salar Saeed, D., Cosimo, B., and Ghaleb, N.: Calibration and Field Measurements of a Scalable Electromagnetic Induction System (SELMA-RB) for Agricultural Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6817,, 2025.

EGU25-7257 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

A Bio-Physical Model for Estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) UsingSoil Measurements. 

Kennedy Mugendi Muthamia, Pedro Berliner, Offer Rozenstein, Eran Tas, Iael Raij Hofman, and Naftali Lazarovitch

Leaf Area Index (LAI), the total one-sided area of leaves per unit ground area is an
important parameter in fields of science such as agriculture, ecology, forestry among
other fields of science as leaf surfaces are the main areas for energy and mass
exchange. Direct measurement of Leaf Area Index (LAI) can be destructive or time-
consuming, leading to the development of indirect methods. These approaches often
require field personnel or rely on satellites, which may have limited temporal resolution
for certain applications. Recognizing that more leaves on a plant can enhance energy
canopy interception and potentially lower soil surface energy, we aimed to explore the
relationship between Leaf Area Index (LAI) and soil temperature response. We grew
processing tomatoes (H4107) in southern Arava, Israel, and monitored Leaf Area Index
(LAI) using a Sentinel-2 based model, along with soil temperatures directly beneath the
plant at 15 cm and 30 cm depths throughout the season. In addition to a decrease in
calculated soil surface temperature amplitude with increase in LAI, the results showed a
strong linear relationship between the LAI and the minimum temperature difference
between the two depths (R 2  ~ 0.7). These findings indicate a potentially low-cost, high
temporal resolution approach to estimate LAI from soil data.

How to cite: Mugendi Muthamia, K., Berliner, P., Rozenstein, O., Tas, E., Raij Hofman, I., and Lazarovitch, N.: A Bio-Physical Model for Estimating Leaf Area Index (LAI) UsingSoil Measurements., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7257,, 2025.

Agricultural soil monitoring is essential for fostering sustainable farming practices and safeguarding environmental health, particularly in productive regions like the Ferrara alluvial plain in the Po Valley. This area, renowned for its rich agricultural heritage, faces increasing vulnerabilities due to climate change and human activities. Challenges include frequent droughts, overexploitation of soils, and unsustainable farming practices, which lead to soil degradation, reduced crop yields, and elevated greenhouse gas emissions. Traditional soil monitoring methods often lack the spatial and temporal insights needed to address these issues effectively, limiting farmers’ ability to implement conservation strategies.

To address these challenges, there is growing emphasis on integrating geophysical methods with geochemical analyses to enhance soil characterization and monitoring at the field scale. Geophysical techniques such as Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Electromagnetic Induction (EMI), and Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) provide non-invasive, in-situ assessments of soil properties, including moisture content, porosity, and soil structure. These methods efficiently characterize large agricultural areas, offering insights to depths of 150 cm at a relatively low cost.

Complementary geochemical analyses of soil samples from specific horizons (e.g., 0–50 cm, 50–100 cm) offer detailed data on soil salinity, organic matter content, and isotopic signatures. This information helps assess salinity impacts, trace organic matter depletion, and evaluate nutrient loss. However, geochemical sampling is limited by its localized scope and costs. In contrast, geophysical methods offer broader spatial coverage and high spatial resolution, enabling the creation of detailed 2D and 3D maps. Nonetheless, they are less precise in quantifying specific properties, highlighting the need for a combined approach that leverages both methodologies.

This integrated approach was applied to agricultural lands in Ferrara province, focusing on reclaimed lowlands near the Adriatic Sea with peaty soils particularly vulnerable to salinity. Geophysical analysis, conducted with an EM-400 Profiler, was paired with laboratory-based geochemical analyses (EA-IRMS and GroLine portable hydroponic probe) to gain a comprehensive understanding of soil conditions. The study correlated geophysical parameters, such as electrical conductivity, with geochemical results to depict spatial soil variations.

This methodology supports precision agriculture by optimizing irrigation schedules and fertilizer application based on spatially explicit electrical conductivity data. Such practices enhance resource use efficiency, reduce environmental degradation, and promote sustainable soil and water management. Moreover, the approach aids in designing remediation strategies for contaminated sites, improving soil quality and environmental health.

In the Ferrara plain and similar areas, this synergistic methodology equips stakeholders with tools to address interconnected challenges like climate change, salinization, organic matter degradation, and fertility decline. It provides essential insights for informed agricultural management, ensuring long-term sustainability in vulnerable landscapes.

This work is supported by the Emilia-Romagna Region fund “Territorio: transizione tecnologica, culturale, economica e sociale verso la sostenibilità pr fse+ 2021/2027 priorità 2.”

How to cite: Sobbe, A., Rizzo, E., and Bianchini, G.: Geophysical and geochemical data integration for agricultural soil monitoring andprevention of the effects of salinity and soil organic matter in the Province of Ferrara (Northern Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8196,, 2025.

EGU25-8723 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5 | Highlight

From root to leaf: Multi-sensor monitoring of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum 

Valentin Michels, Simon De Cannière, Gina Lopez, Maximilian Weigand, Kevin Warstat, Bastian Siegmann, Sabine Seidel, Onno Muller, Uwe Rascher, Harry Vereecken, and Andreas Kemna

The soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) is the interconnected water pathway between soil, plants, and atmosphere, and plays a pivotal role in distribution of water and nutrients in terrestrial ecosystems. In order to understand and predict the dynamics between its components, especially in the context of advancing climate change, it is essential to investigate both the above- and below-ground part of the SPAC with high temporal resolution. However, while methods to observe the above-ground part of the plant are frequently employed, due to its inaccessibility, in-situ measurements of root system activity are still scarce.

In this study, we employed a novel combination of sensors at the plot scale to obtain a more complete picture of the dynamics between root water uptake, plant photosynthesis and transpiration, and atmospheric conditions. During the growth season of 2023, we studied the rhizosphere beneath maize plots using spectral electrical impedance tomography, a method which has been shown to be sensitive to soil water content dynamics and root structure and activity. Water transport through the plant stem was monitored via sap flow sensors, while photosynthetic activity and atmospheric conditions were measured continuously using a sun-induced fluorescence sensor and a weather station, respectively. Time series data were analyzed across multiple time windows, focusing on environmental events such as precipitation, prolonged dry periods, and variations in cloud cover.

Our results demonstrate we achieved consistently high-quality electrical impedance data throughout the monitoring period. The electrical imaging results exhibit spatially and temporally well resolved diurnal variations in the subsurface polarization behaviour, suggesting a sensitivity to root ion uptake processes. In particular, variability in polarization signatures was more pronounced near the surface early in the season, and shifted to deeper layers later in the season. We attribute this behaviour to the seasonal shift in water availability towards deeper layers, causing a deeper active root water uptake zone. Additionally, rain events promote polarization variability in shallow soil layers. Above-ground data showed cyclical variations both for sap flow and fluorescence measurements and revealed a clear connection to meteorological conditions such as cloud cover or precipitation, confirming the coupling of above-ground plant activity to the atmosphere. Together, the below- and above-ground observations provide a holistic view of the processes within the SPAC, and allow analysis of the complex relations between transpiration, photosynthesis, and root water uptake. To conclude, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of water uptake and plant activity dynamics in crop systems and may inform the breeding of adapted plant varieties, the optimization of agricultural management practices, and the calibration of physiological models describing the SPAC.

How to cite: Michels, V., De Cannière, S., Lopez, G., Weigand, M., Warstat, K., Siegmann, B., Seidel, S., Muller, O., Rascher, U., Vereecken, H., and Kemna, A.: From root to leaf: Multi-sensor monitoring of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8723,, 2025.

EGU25-9440 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Delineating Agricultural Management Zones using Unsupervised Classification of Electromagnetic Induction and Remote Sensing Data 

Salar Saeed Dogar, Cosimo Brogi, Dave O'Leary, Marco Donat, Harry Vereecken, and Johan Alexander Huisman

An accurate delineation of management zones that reliably characterizes within-field heterogeneity is essential to optimize resources and improve yields in precision agriculture. Non-invasive hydro-geophysical methods, such as electromagnetic induction (EMI), offer a rapid approach to delineating agricultural management zones that are based on subsurface soil characteristics that influence crop growth. Integrating additional data sources, such as remote sensing imagery and yield maps, can further enhance the quality and applicability of these management zones. However, integrating above-ground and subsurface information from multiple datasets for large agricultural fields poses challenges in data harmonization, analysis, and methodological consistency. Additionally, the impact of different dataset combinations on management zone delineation remains underexplored.

In this study, we propose a robust processing workflow that combines unsupervised classification and statistical validation to delineate management zones using proximal and remote sensing. This method was applied to a 70-ha field of the patchCROP experiment in Tempelberg (Germany). Part of this field consists of 30 small patches (0.5 ha each) that are managed separately since 2020. EMI data were collected in four campaigns between 2022 and 2024 by using a CMD Mini-Explorer and a CMD Mini-Explorer Special-Edition (featuring 3 and 6 coil separations, respectively). Maps of measured ECa were standardized using z-score normalization (ECaz) to reduce the effect of measuring in different environmental conditions. Additionally, seven satellite images of the 2019 growing season with 3 m resolution (PlanetScope) were used to obtain maps of NDVI development. Three dataset combinations were investigated: 1) ECaz maps, 2) NDVI maps, and 3) a combination of the EMI and NDVI maps. The Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) machine learning technique was used to cluster these three datasets. The optimal number of clusters was determined using the Multi-Cluster Average Standard Deviation (MCASD) method. Nine years (2011-2019) of yield data and detailed soil information up to 100 cm depth were used to refine the cluster numbers by using Tukey's post-hoc analysis and to assess the accuracy of the clustered maps with two-tailed t-tests in a subsequent step.

The EMI-based clustering resulted in 4 management zones. A comparison of adjacent zones showed that 15 out of 21 soil properties and 23 out of 27 yield combinations were statistically separated. The average p of all these combinations was 0.113 and 0.045, respectively. The NDVI-based clustering resulted in 3 zones with 10 out of 14 soil properties and 18 out of 18 yield combinations showing significant separation (average p of 0.166 and 0.001, respectively). Overall, the EMI-based zones better captured the patterns in soil heterogeneity, whereas the NDVI-based zones better matched yield maps. The combined EMI-NDVI clustering resulted in 3 zones, and all the combinations of soil properties and yield showed significant separation. This EMI-NDVI derived 3 m resolution map better represented soil properties and yield maps, highlighting the potential of integrating multi-source datasets for field management and, ultimately, agricultural productivity. It represents the base for actionable insights not only for precision agriculture applications such as fertilization and irrigation, but also for environmental modelling or to guide future sampling campaigns.

How to cite: Dogar, S. S., Brogi, C., O'Leary, D., Donat, M., Vereecken, H., and Huisman, J. A.: Delineating Agricultural Management Zones using Unsupervised Classification of Electromagnetic Induction and Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9440,, 2025.

EGU25-11068 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Time-lapse resistivity and seismic profiles (Vp, Vs) for Subsurface Characterization: A Case Study in a Well-Documented Agricultural Field 

Léna Pellorce, Rémi Valois, Claude Doussan, and Arnaud Mesgouez

Geophysical prospection offers non-invasive tools to investigate subsurface properties, that can be particularly useful in agricultural contexts. This study focuses on an agricultural field managed by INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), under a Mediterranean climate (Avignon, FR). The site benefits from characterization of lithological profiles, soil physico-chemical analyses, and continuous monitoring of groundwater table depth as well as soil water content at a few depths.

We employed Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and seismic methods to develop 1D and 2D profiles of resistivity and seismic wave velocities (Vp and Vs, for the compressional and shear waves, respectively). Apparent resistivity data from ERT were inverted using pyGIMLi to generate 2D resistivity models, while first-arrival travel times from seismic data were similarly inverted with pyGIMLi to produce Vp profiles. Surface wave were analysed by Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) to derive Vs through dispersion curve inversion following the SWIP workflow developed by Pasquet and Bodet (2017). These profiles provide insights into subsurface structure and heterogeneity, reflecting variations in soil and lithological properties, as well as water content variation.

While this study focuses on presenting resistivity, Vp, and Vs profiles, the integration and joint inversion of these seimic and resistivity datasets for detailed hydrological and geomechanical characterization is planned as part of future work in this doctoral research. This approach aims to enhance our understanding of water distribution and soil mechanical properties in agricultural environments.

How to cite: Pellorce, L., Valois, R., Doussan, C., and Mesgouez, A.: Time-lapse resistivity and seismic profiles (Vp, Vs) for Subsurface Characterization: A Case Study in a Well-Documented Agricultural Field, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11068,, 2025.

EGU25-11369 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Investigating the effect of maize roots under different nitrate applications using crosshole GPR 

Sophia Schiebel, Lena Lärm, Felix Maximilian Bauer, Andrea Schnepf, Harry Vereecken, and Anja Klotzsche

Non-invasive imaging of small-scale features within the soil–plant continuum can help to advance sustainable agriculture by optimizing agricultural treatments and protecting natural resources such as groundwater and soil. This study investigates the potential of different ground penetrating radar (GPR) frequencies with two primary objectives: monitoring soil water content (SWC) variations in maize root zones and detecting soil electrical conductivity variations caused by different nitrate concentrations. Therefore, weekly horizontal crosshole GPR measurements were conducted during a maize growing season using 200 MHz and 500 MHz GPR antennae at the upper field minirhizotron facility in Selhausen, Germany. Within the facility, horizontal rhizotubes are installed in three sets of three columns, with each column containing six rhizotubes at depths ranging from 0.1 m and 1.2 m and a horizontal rhizotube spacing of 0.75 m. These were used to acquire time-lapse measurements: horizontal zero-offset profiling (ZOP) collected between 0.2 m and 1.2 m and root images at all six depths. While variations in SWC and root presence are primarily linked to the permittivity, different nitrate concentrations are expected to cause variations in soil electrical conductivity, which affects the GPR signal attenuation resulting in a lower signal amplitude in areas of higher nitrate concentrations and vice versa. The permittivity of the soil is calculated for each position using the estimated travel time and the rhizotube spacing. Variations in GPR signal amplitudes are analyzed by calculating the envelopes and identifying their maximum at each position. For a time-lapse comparison, the static and dynamic influences are removed from the permittivity and maximum envelopes by using a statistical trend-correction approach. When both data are compared along the tube, the 500 MHz provides more details and structures than 200 MHz.  Pronounced root presence in the travel times are particularly evident at the 500 MHz frequency. Trend-corrected permittivity results show increased variability over time up to depths of 0.6 m and 0.8 m, correlating with greater root presence, while maximum envelopes shows greater variability only at 0.2 m. Preliminary results suggest that different nitrate concentrations affects the GPR data, with both frequencies indicating decreased maximum amplitudes in areas with higher nitrate concentration. At some locations in deeper layers, a decrease in maximum envelopes was observed while no increase in root presence was noticed, which could indicate zones of preferential flow of nitrate. The combined interpretation of permittivitiy and envelopes variations can help to disentangle the effect of SWC, roots and/or nitrate. These results highlight the potential of GPR as a non-invasive tool to accurately map root zones and to assess spatial variations in nitrate concentrations, thereby enhancing precision farming practices and promoting sustainable crop management.

How to cite: Schiebel, S., Lärm, L., Bauer, F. M., Schnepf, A., Vereecken, H., and Klotzsche, A.: Investigating the effect of maize roots under different nitrate applications using crosshole GPR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11369,, 2025.

EGU25-12387 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Soil-compaction imaging using geoelectrical methods in a grassland field of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Alejo Gabriel Gomez, Santiago Perdomo, Alejandro Romero Ruiz, Germán Rubino, and Simon Lissa

The soil is an essential natural resource that supports agriculture and forestry, and plays a crucial role in global hydrological processes. Traditional methods used to study soil properties are commonly based on laboratory measurements on core samples, sporadic field measurements on soil profiles or visual evaluation of soil traits. These methods provide detailed information of soil physical properties, yet they offer limited capabilities to quantify and monitor spatial and temporal variations about soil physical properties. Geoelectrical methods, due to their non-invasive nature, sensitivity to soil physical properties and robustness in their application, are increasingly used to complement traditional observations and fill spatial and temporal gaps of information on soil properties. 

In this work, we present a case study of using geoelectric methods to investigate soil compaction. We measured Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) data before and after an experimental soil compaction event and for two different levels of compaction (ten passages of a five-ton tractor and 4 passages of a ten-ton vehicle) in an agricultural field. The field of study was a grassland, that had remain unmanaged for approximately four decades, located in the  Santa Escolástica agricultural site, in San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires, Argentina. We collected two (7.75m long and 0.25m electrode spacing) ERT transects (before and after the compaction event) along the wheel tracks, and a third similar transect perpendicular to the wheel tracks (only after compaction). In addition, a soil pit was dug to conduct a visual analysis of the soil layering.

The ERT transects were independently inverted using the res2dinv software to obtain an image of the electrical resistivity of the three soil profiles. Results indicate a reduction in soil electrical resistivity of up to 25% in the top soil after the 4 passages of the 10 ton vehicle and 20% for the 10 passages of the 5 ton tractor. Correspondingly, in the upper subsoil layer at a depth of 0.55 m, we estimated a reduction of up to 10% for the first compaction case and negligible reduction for the second compaction treatment. Ongoing and future work will focus on enhancing the inversion results by incorporating geometrical constrains and simultaneously collected ground penetrating radar data.

How to cite: Gomez, A. G., Perdomo, S., Romero Ruiz, A., Rubino, G., and Lissa, S.: Soil-compaction imaging using geoelectrical methods in a grassland field of Buenos Aires, Argentina., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12387,, 2025.

Even though availability of water and nutrients are the main limitations for grain production globally, little is known about the rooting system, the critical plant organ involved in accessing soil water and nutrients. We know that the crop’s genetic background (G), crop management (M), and the environment (E) interact to alter the architecture of the rooting system. However, root traits are hard to measure, and the lack of quick, cheap, accurate, and functional root phenotyping approaches in the field has limited the capacity of breeding, agronomy, and precision agriculture to develop traits and services for farmers. Recent advances in high-resolution root-zone soil moisture monitoring show potential to reveal genotypic and management differences in crop root systems across contrasting environments. This paper describes novel approaches for the high-throughput phenotyping of functional root traits of value for yield and yield stability. First, we introduce the phenotyping approach for in-situ 3D characterisation of sorghum water use and the root system in soil profiles. Second, we demonstrate its application to characterise two functional root traits, i.e., maximum rooting depth (MxRD), and an index of root activity (RAindex), and their phenotypic plasticities. The experiment results show that the proposed root phenotyping method could capture G´E´M effects at different crop growing stages. The plasticity of functional root traits was associated with the stability of grain yield traits. Hybrids with high root plasticity tend to have more stable grain numbers and grain weights. There is valuable genetic diversity in the mean value and plasticity of root traits that could be used to match root phenotypes to target production environments. The root phenotyping approach can be a valuable tool for understanding the dynamic interactions between root function, root architecture and yield traits in the field under variable environments.

How to cite: Zhao, D.: High-throughput root phenotyping in the field using electromagnetic induction sensors: Implications for breeding and agronomy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13598,, 2025.

EGU25-15134 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Investigating the soil-plant continuum of maize crops using ground penetrating radar 

Lena Lärm, Felix Bauer, Jan Rödder, Harry Vereecken, Jan Vanderborght, Jan van der Kruk, Andrea Schnepf, and Anja Klotzsche

The soil-plant continuum of agricultural crops is regulating key processes that affect plant performance and agricultural productivity. As climate change impacts agricultural systems, understanding these processes will become increasingly important, especially when increasing yield productivity, while minimizing the environmental footprint are key aspects. Quantifying the impact of climate change and management practices on crop growth requires understanding about the dynamics of the root systems of crops. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) combined with root imaging and modeling techniques offers a unique opportunity to study these dynamics in function of soil, climate and management. As a first step, this study examined the relationship between root development and soil dielectric permittivity variability using root images and 200 MHz time-lapse horizontal crosshole GPR at two field minirhizotron (MR) facilities in Selhausen, Germany. The data was acquired over three maize growing seasons, in 7-m long rhizotubes at six different depths, ranging between 0.1 m - 1.2 m and for three different plots with varying agricultural treatments. We calculated trend-corrected spatial permittivity deviations to isolate root-related effects by removing static and dynamic influences caused by soil heterogeneity and changing weather conditions. This permittivity deviation increased during the growing season, correlating with root presence. Cross-correlation analysis between permittivity variability and root volume fraction yielded in coefficients of determination above 0.5 for half of the data pairs. From this study some questions remained unanswered, such as identifying individual roots or quantifying the influence of roots and above-ground shoot on the GPR signal. Subsequently, synthetic forward modeling was conducted using the data acquisition of the previous study as a template and the open-source electromagnetic simulation software gprMax. GPR traces were modeled and analyzed for scenarios with varying soil-plant continuum compositions, including soil, roots, and above-ground shoots in two- or three dimensions. The models incorporated realistic root contributions based on trench wall counts. We found that the presence of roots, which resulted in a permittivity increase on one hand, had a higher influence on the GPR signal than the above-ground shoot and on the other hand the roots affected the first arrival time and amplitudes of the GPR signal. Hence more sophisticated analysis techniques such as full-waveform inversion are necessary. Furthermore, we introduced an approach to derive the soil water content within the soil-plant continuum, where the CRIM petrophysical model was extended with the root phase. This showed that neglecting the root phase leads to overestimation of soil water contents.

How to cite: Lärm, L., Bauer, F., Rödder, J., Vereecken, H., Vanderborght, J., van der Kruk, J., Schnepf, A., and Klotzsche, A.: Investigating the soil-plant continuum of maize crops using ground penetrating radar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15134,, 2025.

EGU25-16636 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Transforming electrical resistivity tomographies into volumetric water content ones: a strategy for optimizing irrigation in horticulture. 

Agnese Innocenti, Riccardo Fanti, and Veronica Pazzi

Agricultural water management is becoming an increasingly actual issue in a period of severe climate changings. Sustainable water management requires adequate knowledge of soil water availability and its storage capacity.

The correct management of irrigation water requires a good knowledge of the volumetric water content (VWC) in the soil. VWC is a parameter that can be measured using soil humidity sensors, and it can help understanding how the irrigation water distributes in the soil. However, these sensors are point humidity monitoring systems, that means they provide information limited to the vertical where they are installed and do not allow a 2D or 3D reconstruction of the water content in the subsoil. As well known, Electrical Resistivity Tomographies (ERT), a non-invasive geophysical method, estimates the spatial and temporal variations of soil resistivity (and thus of its inverse, i.e., conductivity), which is linked to parameters such as water content. Unlike point-based soil moisture sensors, ERT provides a broader view of water distribution in the soil. Thus, the goal of this study was to use electrical conductivity (EC) by full 3D-ERTs and moisture sensors to estimate the volumetric water content in the soil.

The study was conducted in a field dedicated to melon cultivation, where a detailed study of the irrigation system has been carried out over the years. It was determined that the three-drip-line system with a capacity of 4.1 lh/m² is the best irrigation system for this field located in Braccagni (GR, Italy). Therefore, one plot of the field was equipped with a three-drip-line irrigation system, and 72 electrodes were installed to perform full 3D-ERT measurements. Additionally, two PVC tubes, sealed at the base and with an opening at the surface, were installed to allow the insertion of the Diviner2000 probe and to measure soil moisture every 10 cm down to a maximum depth of 70 cm. Two ECH2O 10 HS sensors were also installed, connected to a data logger capable of recording temperature and moisture measurements every 30 min. The sensors, 15 cm in length, were installed vertically in the soil, allowing the measurement of VWC in a soil volume of 0.001 m³.

Between June and August 2023, six measurement campaigns of electrical conductivity were conducted. It is known that there is a direct relationship between EC and VWC. Therefore, the VWC data recorded by the Diviner2000 for all six acquisition times were correlated with the EC data acquired by ERTs. The two datasets (EC from ERT and VWC from Diviner2000) are in perfect agreement, showing a linear relationship with a R² of 0.96. Using the obtained regression law, it is possible to convert EC tomographies into VWC tomographies, thereby visualizing the variation of water content in the subsoil. This made it possible to understand the water distribution within the plot and to determine the percentage of water present throughout the entire root zone, not just at the points where the moisture sensors are installed.

How to cite: Innocenti, A., Fanti, R., and Pazzi, V.: Transforming electrical resistivity tomographies into volumetric water content ones: a strategy for optimizing irrigation in horticulture., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16636,, 2025.

EGU25-18694 | Posters on site | SSS9.5

A modelling framework for the preliminary assessment of tile drainage detection using ground-penetrating radar 

Ellen Van De Vijver, Seppe Vanrietvelde, Pablo De Weerdt, Wim Cornelis, and Philippe De Smedt

Geophysical surveys, particularly with ground-penetrating radar (GPR), have been proven useful tools for the detection and mapping of tile drainage in agricultural fields (Wienken & Grenzdorffer, 2024). However, the success of a GPR survey for this purpose depends on both the characteristics of the tile drain pipes, such as their material, diameter, and depth – which are often poorly documented – as well as environmental conditions, such as soil texture and moisture content. Furthermore, these environmental conditions can be highly variable in space and dynamic over time, adding to the challenge of assessing in advance whether a GPR survey will be worth the investment.

To assess the likelihood of successfully detecting tile drainage networks before planning a field survey, we developed a synthetic modelling framework using the open-source software gprMax (Warren et al., 2016). The framework evaluates how selected parameters influence the GPR signal, focusing on the reflection contrast expected when the electromagnetic wave interacts with a drainpipe in a simplified one-dimensional (1D) model. Whether detection is possible is determined by comparing the simulated reflection contrast with a general noise threshold typical for a time-domain GPR system with a specified centre frequency. In this study, all synthetic modelling tests were performed for a GPR system with a centre frequency of 300 MHz.

We explored the sensitivity of the GPR signal to soil texture, soil moisture content, as well as the radius, depth, and filling of the drainpipe, considering a laterally homogeneous soil profile composed of one or two layers. The validity of the modelling framework was assessed by comparing the predicted detectability with the detection success/failure in two real field cases with sandy and clayey soil types. While the synthetic model predicted feasible detection for the sandy field, no clear contrasts were visible in the radargrams after basic processing. This suggests the need for further refinement of the synthetic model, such as incorporating more complex soil variations and a more detailed representation of the drainpipe structure. Nevertheless, the modelling framework provides useful guidelines for planning and designing GPR field surveys, without requiring extensive prior information on site conditions.

Further research is recommended to explore additional centre frequencies, more complex soil structures, and the incorporation of higher-dimensional approaches (2D or even 3D) to extend the current modelling framework. However, it should balance complexity with practical applicability, as real field conditions are never entirely predictable and models must simplify certain aspects due to incomplete knowledge.


Warren, C., Giannopoulos, A., & Giannakis, I. (2016). gprMax: Open source software to simulate electromagnetic wave propagation for Ground Penetrating Radar. Computer Physics Communications, 209, 163–170.

Wienken, J. S., & Grenzdorffer, G. J. (2024). Non-invasive detection methods for subsurface drainage systems: A comparative review. Agricultural Water Management, 304, 109099.

How to cite: Van De Vijver, E., Vanrietvelde, S., De Weerdt, P., Cornelis, W., and De Smedt, P.: A modelling framework for the preliminary assessment of tile drainage detection using ground-penetrating radar, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18694,, 2025.

EGU25-19478 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.5

Advancing Field-Scale Soil Mapping Using An Autonomous Rover With Multi-Layer Geophysical Sensors 

Davide Gabrieli, Ilaria Piccoli, Franco Gasparini, Luigi Sartori, and Francesco Morari

Geophysical methods are non-invasive techniques employed to measure the physical properties of the investigated media—primarily electrical and mechanical—while preserving the dynamics of soil structure without altering its state. These methods can be used qualitatively to detect soil anomalies and spatial heterogeneities, as well as quantitatively to correlate primary soil properties with physical measurements. Soil compaction resulting from traffic with modern agricultural machinery has significantly increased, leading to substantial impacts on soil ecosystem services and crop yields.
The quantification of soil structure and compaction has traditionally been performed through destructive soil sampling followed by, dry bulk density and porosity measurements, or through inferential methods (e.g., pedotransfer functions).
This study investigated the potential of an integrated geophysical approach using autonomous driving rover (Robotti 150D, Agrointelli-DK) for mapping soil variability and compaction status on arable land.
The experiment was conducted at the L. Toniolo experimental farm of the University of Padua on a 1-ha field comprising a complete randomize design testing two traffic treatments (conventional and controlled traffic with autonomous guidance vehicle) and four replicates covering 8 plots (130 m x 10 m). The geophysical instruments mounted on the rover included: a γ-ray detector (Agri Detector MS-2000, Medusa - NL) positioned at the front; a GPR (Stream DP, IDS - IT) and a cosmic ray neutron sensing probe (Finapp - IT) in the central section; and an electromagnetic conductivity meter (CMD-MiniExplorer, GF Instruments - CZ) mounted on a wooden sled at the rear. Measurements were conducted at a speed of 3.6 km h⁻¹, with swaths spaced every two meters. All instruments operated simultaneously and were connected to a GPS equipped with an RTK positioning system, ensuring a precision of 2 cm.
Moreover, eight (1 per plot) 3D electrical conductivity tomographies (ERTs) (Syscal Terra, IRIS - FR) were performed for each replicate on a ca. 3 m3 investigated volume (4.6 × 0.8 × 0.8 m) using a dipole-dipole array. Geophysical techniques were then complemented by traditional destructive measurements of bulk density (core method), soil penetration resistance (Eijkelkamp - NL) and soil texture on the top 1 m and by drone surveys to create a digital elevation model (DEM).
Preliminary results demonstrated that the combination of an autonomous robot with several multi-layer geophysical sensors can act as a proxy for expeditive digital soil mapping on large surfaces. Nevertheless, the ERT capability to capture the presence of resistivity anomalies and its combination with traditional method seemed fundamental to precisely adjust the multi-mapping survey.
In conclusion, the tested approach might provide a consistent set of real time data valuable also for training machine learning algorithms and give new insight to precision agriculture technique.

How to cite: Gabrieli, D., Piccoli, I., Gasparini, F., Sartori, L., and Morari, F.: Advancing Field-Scale Soil Mapping Using An Autonomous Rover With Multi-Layer Geophysical Sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19478,, 2025.

EGU25-981 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Vineyard condition detection method using Google Earth Images and the YOLOv8 model in Northern Italy 

Sohail Anwar, Giovanni Marchese, Chiara Toffanin, and Valentina Vaglia

Climate change threatens agriculture, altering growing seasons and challenging viticulture in traditionally suitable regions. Grape quality, essential for good wine, depends on proper management and suitable territories. In Northern Italy's Oltrepò Pavese region, enhancing wine production and economic stability for farmers is crucial. Moreover, detection of problematic vineyards is also a key point to enhance wine production. To address them, a PhD project is co-funded by Confagricoltura Pavia, Sezione Vino, and PNRR’s NODES Spoke 6 VINO.

Abandoned vineyards harbour diseases like flavescence dorée: an incurable phytoplasma disease, spread by the vector Scaphoideus titanus that infects nearby fields annually. Control relies on insecticides and uprooting of infected vines, making abandoned vineyards persistent reservoirs of infection. Identifying such vineyards is challenging due to legal complications for owners.

This study employs the YOLOv8 deep learning model to detect active and abandoned vineyards using high-resolution satellite imagery. A custom dataset was created from Google Earth Pro imagery of the Lombardy region in Italy, comprising 188 images of abandoned vineyards and 178 images of active vineyards. Pre-processing techniques, including auto-orientation, static cropping with 25–75% horizontal and vertical regions, resizing to 640×640 pixels, and adaptive equalization for contrast adjustment, were applied to enhance image quality. Augmentation technique was also applied on the dataset to increase the overall dataset size.

Preliminary results show the YOLOv8 model detects accurately (F1 score = 58%) active and abandoned vineyards, providing a reliable, systematic tool for vineyard management. This approach addresses a critical gap in regional viticulture, aiding in the mitigation of disease spread and supporting sustainable agricultural practices. The research results proved that the proposed method has strong generalization and good detection performance for identifying vineyard abandonment using satellite images and machine learning. This work can contribute as part of the economic stability and sustainability of wine grape production in Oltrepò Pavese.  

This work was funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU, Mission 4 Component 1.5 - ECS00000036 - CUP F17G22000190007.

How to cite: Anwar, S., Marchese, G., Toffanin, C., and Vaglia, V.: Vineyard condition detection method using Google Earth Images and the YOLOv8 model in Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-981,, 2025.

EGU25-8683 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Development of a Geographical Decision Support System for driving soil management in Piceno vineyards 

Davide Bianchi, Martino Bolognini, Giacomo Eccheli, Pietro Zeppilli, Luca Coviello, Leonardo Perathoner, Gabriele Cola, and Lucio Brancadoro

Piceno is a viticultural region located in central Italy and suitable for producing high-quality wines, marked by the DOs Offida and Rosso Piceno. Steep slopes and heavy soils characterize the studied region, making it vulnerable to intense soil erosion. In order to limit soil erosion in vineyards, specific soil management practices are required, including the use of cover crops. Nevertheless, cover crops involve extensive water use at vineyard level, competing with grapevine for hydric and mineral resources. Due to the limited water availability during summer, the competition between vine and cover crops can increase the vine water stress and consequently reduce grape yield and quality. These negative conditions can be enhanced by the increased drought frequency, currently affecting the Mediterranean area. Thus, innovative soil management systems able to limit both soil erosion and drought risks are crucial for a sustainable viticulture in the Piceno region.

The aim of this study is to develop a Geographical Decision Support System (GDSS) for assisting Piceno winegrowers in soil management, able to i) support site-specific selection of the most appropriate cover crop models, and to ii) provide directions for the dynamic management of the adopted cover crops, based on seasonal meteorological trend.

The GDSS was developed based on data collected from 2019 to 2021 in six vineyards, representative of different environmental conditions. The two main grapevine varieties grown in the region were considered, i.e. Montepulciano e Pecorino. Five soil management systems based on cover crops were tested, including one spontaneous and four artificial grassing. The latter was realized using three different single species and one mix. Cover crop biomass production and composition were assessed, as well as vine water status, vigor, yield and grape quality.

GDSS inputs include vineyard geographical information, i.e. altitude, slope, aspect, soil texture, and daily meteorological data. Daily soil water content (SWC) is modelled through a mass soil water balance, and SWC dynamic is predicted based on meteorological forecast. GDSS was parametrized to optimize the competition between vines and cover crops, defining thresholds for different varieties and phenological stages. GDSS is currently under validation in 4 different vineyards, and the same parameters analyzed for the calibration stage have been measured since 2024. Additionally, vineyard’s status is monitored using images from Sentinel-2 satellite.

Results of the study highlighted a strict relation between cover crop biomass and grapevine water status, yield and quality parameters, independently from type or composition of the cover crop. On this basis, the competition between vine and cover crop was modelled in GDSS. The use of low-biomass cover crops under water limiting conditions allowed to increase yield and titratable acidity of grapes. Furthermore, interrupting cover crops through soil tillage when severe water stress was predicted allowed to maximize grape production.

The developed GDSS represents an innovative tool for driving sustainable soil management in the challenging viticultural environment of Piceno, concurrently limiting soil erosion and drought risks.

How to cite: Bianchi, D., Bolognini, M., Eccheli, G., Zeppilli, P., Coviello, L., Perathoner, L., Cola, G., and Brancadoro, L.: Development of a Geographical Decision Support System for driving soil management in Piceno vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8683,, 2025.

EGU25-9362 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Tillage, cover crops, and grass cover related soil water changes in vineyards 

Tibor Zsigmond, Zsófia Bakacsi, and Ágota Horel

Soil moisture content (SWC) has a major impact on soil quality and plant health. Climate change affects soil moisture conditions in agricultural ecosystems, due to changes in precipitation amount and intensity. The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of different inter-row management techniques as effective nature-based solutions on soil moisture in vineyard ecosystems based on own and literature data. The main focus was on SWC data, while available datasets on soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, penetration resistance, and saturated hydraulic conductivities were further studied.

We found 70 data sets concerning soil water content (SWC) in non-irrigated vineyards involving tillage and green cover. The data revealed that SWC enhancement depends on the type of green cover, as perennial grass (GC) tended to increase SWC on average by 15%, whereas cover crops (CC) decreased overall SWC on average by 20% compared to control or tilled (T) inter-row management. Sub-humid climates showed 35%–73% higher SWC compared to semi-arid research sites. Studying data divided into different temperature zones also revealed that the lower (<12°C) average annual air temperature sites had the highest SWC in vineyards.

In general, the highest average SWC in GC also included the highest soil organic carbon (SOC) content and the lowest average bulk density (1.41 g cm−3) in the data set. However, changes in overall bulk density values were not significant among inter-row soil management. We found that green cover generally increases penetration resistance (22% for GC and 61% for CC) and reduces the saturated hydraulic conductivities of the soils (i.e. 30% for GC and 79% for CC). Our data set shows that vegetation present in the inter-row is likely to decrease overall SWC, however, many studies showed the opposite results. Nevertheless, there are numerous benefits of green cover use in vineyard inter-rows, site-specific assessment is highly recommended prior to making changes in management practices.

Acknowledgments: This material is based upon work supported by the Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA/NKFI) project OTKA FK-131792. The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.  This research was funded by the Hungarian National Research Fund project number 2023-1.2.4-TÉT-2023-00090 entitled ’Soil health indicators and their relation to soil physical, chemical characteristics, and plant indices’

How to cite: Zsigmond, T., Bakacsi, Z., and Horel, Á.: Tillage, cover crops, and grass cover related soil water changes in vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9362,, 2025.

EGU25-9439 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Reconstruction of scenarios of actual and future probability of occurrence to shallow landslides in a prone area of Northern Italy 

Massimiliano Bordoni, Matin Zangenehpour, Valerio Vivaldi, and Claudia Meisina

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides affect buildings, roads, facilities, cultivations, provoking significant damages to people, economy and territory. The change in climatic conditions may impact the temporal probability of occurrence of these phenomena in a particular territory, in terms of both number of events per year and volumes of mobilized materials in a particular triggering event. For these reasons, it becomes fundamental the application of methodologies able to predict scenarios of temporal occurrence of shallow failures according to forecasted trends of the triggering parameters. In this framework, this work investigates the possible modification of the temporal probability of occurrence of shallow landslides in a prone area, passing from the actual climatic conditions to the projected climatic changes up to 2070. This approach was applied in Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italian Apennines), where several triggering events occurred since 2009. Temporal probability of occurrence was estimated applying a data-driven method based on rainfall and soil water content conditions at daily resolution, allowing to predict the possibility that shallow landslides could occur in a particular day. This model was applied using actual climatic conditions, since the use of field meteorological data of last 20 years, and projected future climatic conditions up to 2070, derived from climatic projections available in the study area. The results of this work allow to estimate the future changes in the probability of occurrence of shallow failures in this area than the actual conditions, both at yearly and seasonal scales, furnishing an important tool for the implementation of solution to reduce the future risk and to make effective land planning strategies. This work is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Bordoni, M., Zangenehpour, M., Vivaldi, V., and Meisina, C.: Reconstruction of scenarios of actual and future probability of occurrence to shallow landslides in a prone area of Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9439,, 2025.

EGU25-10441 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Hydrogeological characterization of steep vineyard slopes through a combined approach for shallow slope failures susceptibility estimation 

Valerio Vivaldi, Massimiliano Bordoni, Patrizio Torrese, Matteo Crozi, and Claudia Meisina

Vineyards cultivated on steep terrains are widespread worldwide and serve as both a dominant landscape feature and the primary economic activity in many regions. These vineyards may face a variety of issues, including shallow slope instabilities, which can be triggered by intense thunderstorms or prolonged periods of heavy rainfall. Shallow landslides can cause significant damage to vineyards, resulting in a loss of soil fertility and biodiversity. It is crucial to characterize the slopes where vineyards are planted to assess potential instability risks and better understand how different inter-row management practices might influence the likelihood of slope failures.

The aim of this study is to present a multidisciplinary approach for estimating the susceptibility of shallow slope instabilities in steep terrain vineyards. The method follows several key steps: i) a preliminary characterization of the slope's geological and geomorphological conditions using UAV surveys, soil trenches, and monitoring of soil water content with in-situ probes (TDR, Tensiometers); ii) the slope hydrogeological assessment throughout geophysical approaches such as the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), iii) the assessment of grapevine root density and reinforcement in inter-rows with different soil management practices (e.g., conventional tillage versus sustainable approaches).

This approach was applied to different test sites in the Oltrepò Pavese (northern Italian Apennines), an important Italian wine regions prone to water stress and slope instabilities. The findings of this study can help identify conditions that lead to shallow failures in vineyards on steep terrains and highlight the positive impact of soil management practices, particularly in the context of climate change.

This conference abstract is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Vivaldi, V., Bordoni, M., Torrese, P., Crozi, M., and Meisina, C.: Hydrogeological characterization of steep vineyard slopes through a combined approach for shallow slope failures susceptibility estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10441,, 2025.

EGU25-12995 | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Spatial variability of soil degradation and yield quality traits in a marginal vineyard in Southern Italy.  

Simona Vingiani, Alessandro Biglia, Antonio Carlomagno, Vitale Nuzzo, Carlo Perreca, Ruocco Pasquale, and Montanaro Giuseppe

Farm-scale spatial variability of grapevine yield and related berry quality traits can potentially cause decreasing profitability. Marginal land often presents degraded soils at variable extents, which might differently respond to changing climatic conditions. Hence, analyzing the relationship between relevant soil properties and berry quality on the vineyard spatial scale, as well as the grape response to different climates might help to optimize management practices and precision agriculture interventions.

To test the above relationships, a two-year (2023 and 2024) experiment was conducted in a commercial vineyard (Vitis vinifera L, cv Chardonnay/1103P, 0.9 × 2.7 m) located in a 16% sloping hill in Southern Italy (80 m asl, 40°08’29”N and 16°37’06”). Meteorological variables were recorded throughout the season by means of a standard weather station located ~ 0.3 km far from the vineyard. Soil zoning at vineyard scale was obtained by performing a proximal soil survey with an electro-magnetic induction (EMI) sensor. Georeferenced measures of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) were processed using Ordinary Kriging implemented in the QGIS software to produce continuous maps of ECa. The EMI maps, associated with the aspect and slope maps, were used as input for a clustering algorithm to identify homogeneous zones (HZs) within the vineyard. The results of the K-means clustering enabled the identification of 3 HZs that were analysed for soil properties, plant and grape characteristics. Fifty-two soil samples, collected at , were analysed for the assessment of the main chemical and physical properties (i.e., pH, organic carbon content, total carbonates, texture, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable bases, etc). Significant correlations were found between EMI data and several soil properties (including fine sand, Na and Mg exchangeable content, cation exchange capacity, pH), supporting soil zoning based on the ECa values. Over the two surveyed years, shoot and cluster number and mass, as well as pruning mass data were collected. At harvest (16th and 8th of August in 2023 and 2024, respectively), yield was determined on a total of 45 vines (15 per HZ), and then berry subsamples (~ 40 per vine) were used for grape quality traits determination (berry fresh mass, total soluble solids-TSS, pH and titratable acidity-TA). A factorial ANOVA was performed considering the grape characteristics as dependent variables and both the HZs and vintages as categorial factors. Over the two years, results highlight significant differences in grape characteristics among the HZs, in terms of cluster mass, grape pH, TSS and TA, while only for cluster mass and pH the differences were significant also between the vintages. Calculation of the percentage of variance of the grape quality attributable to HZs, vintage and HZs x vintage interaction enabled the recognition of the HZs as explaining from the 58 to 67% of the grape quality variability.

This study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022) (T7.1.1, T2.3.1).

How to cite: Vingiani, S., Biglia, A., Carlomagno, A., Nuzzo, V., Perreca, C., Pasquale, R., and Giuseppe, M.: Spatial variability of soil degradation and yield quality traits in a marginal vineyard in Southern Italy. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12995,, 2025.

EGU25-13150 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Nature-based Solutions and Hydrological monitoring in vineyards of Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy): a framework for land degradation 

Antonio Gambarani, Alberto Vercesi, Massimiliano Bordoni, Matteo Giganti, Valerio Vivaldi, Matteo Gatti, and Claudia Meisina

The actual and projected climate change with extreme weather events can increase in frequency and intensity land degradation phenomena, such as soil erosions and shallow landslides, with consequence to soil and fertility loss as a major threat, and a significant environmental problem for the agroecosystems where farming is executed on sloping soil (e.g. vineyards, olive groves, etc.), thus bringing to a land abandonment.  Another factor to take into consideration in affecting significantly the land degradation, is soil tillage and agricultural practices. If these are uncontrolled or incorrect, they can accelerate the development of land degradation processes. In this framework, it is important and necessary applying in agroecosystems effective solutions for disaster risk reduction (DRR) which, at the same time, help to promote biodiversity by reducing the use of pesticides (or fertilizer) and are economically sustainable for farmers.
The Nature-based Solutions (NbS), as conservative agricultural practices (e.g., agroforestry or cover cropping), are funded by countries or the union of countries, such as the European Union or the United Nations, and can help address all these challenges helping to slow global warming by reducing its risk, frequency, and intensity. However, NbS are little promoted by local governments and applied by farmers, favoring to counter land degradation, gray infrastructure measures that sometimes or often, are only applicable at a small scale, proving ineffective in achieving land degradation neutrality.
The study area corresponds to a sector of Oltrepò Pavese (Northen Italy), an area purely devoted to viticulture where more than 2000 shallow landslides were triggered in the last 15 years, in consequence of intense rainfall events, with a density of distribution which reached more than 40% of the territory cultivated with grapevines. In this area, since 2021, two representative demo farms have been equipped with hydrometeorological monitoring stations, to measure the soil water content every 10 minutes for 90 cm depth. Measurements are taken in correspondence of different NbS as: cover crop types (spontaneous grass cover, cereal-based mixture and legumes-based mixture) and different management techniques (Green manuring, Between-row mulching, Piling of grass under the row).
The aim of this work is to provide a framework of the NbS analyzed in the study, taking into consideration the hydrological monitoring carried out, to observe the differences on soil water content trends in different seasons along the year. The outcomes of this monitoring can reveal different responses in terms of water stress and vulnerability to land degradation processes.
The work is a PNRR-funded PhD project in partnership with seven municipalities, focusing on identifying technically and economically viable NbS for the area. The scientific outcomes will be incorporated into municipal planning and rural police regulations to prevent shallow landslides.

How to cite: Gambarani, A., Vercesi, A., Bordoni, M., Giganti, M., Vivaldi, V., Gatti, M., and Meisina, C.: Nature-based Solutions and Hydrological monitoring in vineyards of Oltrepò Pavese (Northern Italy): a framework for land degradation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13150,, 2025.

EGU25-16070 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Quantifying soil volume changes in vineyards: a study of expansive clay soils in Oltrepò Pavese 

Laura Pedretti, Bente Lexmond, Esther Stouthamer, and Claudia Meisina

Soils rich in expansive clay minerals undergo significant soil structures and volume changes due to moisture fluctuations, swelling when absorbing water and shrinking as they dry. The volume changes can lead to structural damage in buildings and land degradation, and cause the formation of deep, polygonal cracks on the surface during dry periods. This affects water retention, infiltration, and root development, and leads to issues in hydrological modelling since the soil's response to water content changes is nonlinear and site-specific.
The aim of the study is to quantify soil volume changes by combining field measurements (soil water content) with laboratory analysis (HYPROP), correlating soil water content with volume changes over time at different soil depths. The time series of volume changes are then compared with Advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (A-DInSAR) displacement time series.
The study focuses on Oltrepò Pavese, an agricultural area and one of the largest wine-producing regions in Lombardy, northwestern Italy. In this area, a monitoring system comprising meteorological and hydrological probes has been installed in the soil since 2021 as part of the Drive Life project ( and now it is managed in the framework of the NODES project, financed by MUR – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR, funded by the European Union's NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).
The quantification of the soil volume changes under varying soil water contents can enhance the accuracy of hydrological models.

How to cite: Pedretti, L., Lexmond, B., Stouthamer, E., and Meisina, C.: Quantifying soil volume changes in vineyards: a study of expansive clay soils in Oltrepò Pavese, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16070,, 2025.

EGU25-16265 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Current and projected future suitability to olive trees in a present marginal territory of Northern Italy 

Matin Zangenehpour, Massimiliano Bordoni, Antonio Gambarani, Matteo Giganti, Valerio Vivaldi, Graziano Rossi, Paolo Bazzano, and Claudia Meisina

Projected climate change is affecting the environmental suitability of a territory towards a particular cultivation. This will be of particular importance especially in correspondence of territories which are currently marginal in the biogeographic distribution of a cultivated plant typical of the Mediterranean zone, as olive trees, but they will become more adapt due to the projected future climatic scenarios. In this framework, this work aims to reconstruct different scenarios of environmental suitability of olive trees under current and future climatic conditions. The study area corresponds to a current marginal area for the distribution of this plant, namely an Italian Apennines territory (Oltrepò Pavese). Suitability scenarios were obtained applying a data-driven method based on predictors representative of the main geological, geomorphological, climatic and plant ecology variables influencing olive trees presence in a territory. The results of this work show that the future projections at different periods (short-term, at 2050; medium-term at 2070; long-term at 2100) suggest an increase in the suitable areas for olive trees, due especially to an increase in air temperature and a parallel decrease in the number of frost days projected for the future scenarios. This can guarantee a rise in suitable areas for olive trees especially in those sectors located at higher latitudes and altitudes than the ones currently more suitable to olive trees. This study represents a first attempt to assess the possible evolution of the suitability of one of the most important Mediterranean crop tree in a current marginal area located northern, representing also a useful basis to implement effective strategies of land planning and of mitigation measures to limit the impacts of the climate change effects on cultivation. This work is part of the project NODES which has received funding from the MUR – M4C2 1.5 of PNRR funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU (Grant agreement no. ECS00000036).

How to cite: Zangenehpour, M., Bordoni, M., Gambarani, A., Giganti, M., Vivaldi, V., Rossi, G., Bazzano, P., and Meisina, C.: Current and projected future suitability to olive trees in a present marginal territory of Northern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16265,, 2025.

Soil erosion in viticulture significantly exceeds the natural soil formation rate of 1.4 t ha⁻1

yr⁻1 for mineral soils in Europe and poses a major challenge, particularly in vineyards situated

on steep slopes. While numerous studies have quantified erosion in European vineyards,

particularly in Western, Central, and Mediterranean Europe, focused erosion research in

Austrian vineyards is rare. Despite accounting for only 0.25% of agricultural land, Austrian

vineyards experience high erosion rates, with estimates averaging 21.2 t ha⁻1ˆ yr⁻-1, according

to RUSLE-based modeling.

Traditional erosion estimation methods, including the stock unearthing method (SUM) and its

improved version (ISUM), offer cost-effective approaches for assessing vineyard erosion.

However, both approaches are based on limited Gnss measurements, which neglect terrain

irregularities and underestimate the erosion volume. Recent advances in Structure-from-

Motion (SfM) photogrammetry using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) allow for highresolution

digital elevation models (DEMs), providing enhanced spatial accuracy and multitemporal

surface analysis.

This study introduces and evaluates the airSUM method, which integrates UAV-based SfM

with SUM to improve erosion estimates in a Viennese vineyard. Erosion patterns, modeled

surface runoff, and total soil loss were assessed using recent DEMs generated by each

method and validated against external GNSS RTK measurements. When applied to an area of

700 m2, airSUM detected approximately 32.7 +/- 17.5 m3 of soil erosion over the past eight

years, which is equivalent to about 84.1 +/- 45 tons per hectare per year. The airSUM approach,

leveraging SfM’s ability to capture detailed micro-topography, achieves a more precise

representation of erosion dynamics and enables cost-effective long-term monitoring. These

results illustrate the potential of airSUM to refine erosion assessments in viticulture in order to

implement targeted soil protection measures and promote the sustainable management of


How to cite: Kanta, R. and Kraushaar, S.: airSUM: Enhancing Erosion Modeling in Viennese Vineyards with Structure from Motion andStock Unearthing Methods, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18519,, 2025.

EGU25-20203 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.7

Hydrological monitoring of agricultural terraces in different land use conditions at the Cinque Terre National Park (NW Italy) 

Arianna De Simone, Giacomo Pepe, Luigi Guerriero, Giacomo Russo, Emanuele Raso, Alessandro Tarantino, Enza Vitale, Patrizio Scarpellini, Domenico Calcaterra, and Andrea Cevasco

In many hilly and mountainous regions worldwide, the construction technique of dry-stone walls constitutes tangible evidence of the close connection between traditional knowledge and sustainable land management, which has been recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Since ancient times, dry-stone walls have been essential to facilitate cultivation of rugged environments by creating terraces that optimized land management, improved water management, prevented erosion and supported the needs of local communities.

However, the gradual abandonment of agricultural practices, mainly attributable to the intrinsic difficulties of cultivation in these areas and socio-economic changes, has triggered a progressive and widespread degradation of the dry-stone wall terrace complexes. This process can be further exacerbated by the effects of high-intensity rainfall events, which can accelerate the degradation of terraced slopes, increasing the frequency and magnitude of slope instability phenomena, also involving extensive dry-stone wall collapses. These phenomena have generated significant fertile soil losses along with economic and cultural impacts, threatening the preservation of an invaluable heritage.

The primary objective of this study is to analyse the influence of different land management practices on the hydromechanical characteristics of terraced soils and, consequently, on gaining insights into the factors controlling the occurrence of rainfall-induced instability processes of terraced slopes, such as shallow landslides. The research activities are in the framework of the project Stonewalls4life, a LIFE EU-project focused on the role of drystone walls in increasing the resilience of rural territories and in counteracting the impacts of climate change. The investigation is conducted at two monitoring sites situated along a terraced slope in the Manarola area, which is located within the Cinque Terre National Park (Liguria Region, NW Italy), where terraces constitute a characteristic feature of the local landscape and cultural heritage.

The selected monitoring sites consist of terraces having different land uses, namely currently cultivated vineyard and abandoned vineyard since several decades. To achieve the research purposes, hydrological monitoring instruments have been installed at both sites to monitor soil-water interactions, specifically measuring soil moisture content, soil temperature and suction during rainfall events. The monitoring network also includes a complete weather station to collect meteorological data (e.g., rainfall intensity, air humidity, air pressure, wind speed). In this contribute, the multi-sensor hydrological data acquired over a period longer than 2 years are presented along with the investigation of the hydrological response of the monitoring sites to rainfall at different time scales (i.e., seasonal and single rainstorm).

The obtained results will be useful in the frame of hydrological modelling of terraced slopes, allowing to identify the areas most prone to instability. Eventually, the research activities will represent a useful guide for the formulation of targeted strategies aimed at improving the management of agricultural terraces in the study area.

How to cite: De Simone, A., Pepe, G., Guerriero, L., Russo, G., Raso, E., Tarantino, A., Vitale, E., Scarpellini, P., Calcaterra, D., and Cevasco, A.: Hydrological monitoring of agricultural terraces in different land use conditions at the Cinque Terre National Park (NW Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20203,, 2025.

Assessing grain yield (GY), irrigation water productivity (IWP), and irrigation crop water use efficiency (ICWUE) provides valuable insights into optimizing irrigation water use while maintaining crop yield. For this purpose, irrigation is varied either in crop phenological stages or based on the maximum allowable depletion/deficit (MAD) or crop evapotranspiration (ETC) or ratio of irrigation water to cumulative pan evaporation. No study has been identified that analyzed and compared GY, IWP, and ICWUE for drip and flood irrigated treatments based on MAD, ETC, and conventional practices for wheat. This study analyzed and compared GY, IWP, and ICWUE among drip-irrigated (DI) and flood-irrigated (FI) treatments based on MAD, ETC, and conventional practices by conducting field experiments for the wheat crop during 2023-24. The treatments were 50% MAD (DI), 50% MAD (FI), 100% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (FI), 60% ETC (DI), 40% ETC (DI), and conventional practice replication (referred to as farmers’ field replication). Compared to farmers’ field replication, GY increased by 30.5%, 16.9%, 23.2%, 15.6%, 9.6%, and 0.4% in 50% MAD (DI), 50% MAD (FI), 100% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (FI), 60% ETC (DI) treatments, respectively. Furthermore, compared to the farmers’ field replication, the irrigation amount in 50% MAD (DI), 50% MAD (FI), 100% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (FI), 60% ETC (DI), and 40% ETC (DI) reduced by 16.4%, 7.9%, 18.3%, 36.8%, 33.9%, 52.4%, and 65.5%, respectively. IWP values in 50% MAD (DI), 50% MAD (FI), 100% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (DI), 80% ETC (FI), 60% ETC (DI), 40% ETC (DI), and farmers’ field replication were 29, 23.6, 28, 34, 39.2, 50.3, and 18.6 kg/ha-mm, respectively. For the same level of irrigation, IWP and ICWUE were higher in DI treatments compared to FI treatments. The values of IWP and ICWUE in 50% MAD (DI) increased by 23.1% and 41.5%, respectively compared to 50% MAD (FI). Similarly, IWP and ICWUE in 80% ETC (DI) increased by 20% compared to 80% ETC (FI). Among the treatments, the 50% MAD (DI) and 100% ETC (DI) produced significantly higher GY of 5336.2 kg/ha and 5036.3 kg/ha, respectively. Between these two treatments, GY was higher in 50% MAD (DI). This can be attributed to the MAD in the 100% ETC (DI) treatment reaching 67% during the high-water demand growth stage, which exceeded the MAD level in the 50% MAD (DI) treatment. This study suggested that with the priority to produce the higher grain yield and save irrigation water (16.4 to 18.3%) as compared to existing irrigation practices followed by the farmers in the study region, 50% MAD (DI) or 100% ETC (DI) treatment must be employed. With the priority of saving the highest irrigation amount (52.4 %) without compensating for the GY, 60% ETC (DI) can be utilized by the farmers in the local region.

How to cite: Giri, G., Upreti, H., and Singhal, G. D.: Evaluation of Wheat Yield and Water Productivity for Drip and Flood Irrigated Treatments Based on Maximum Allowable Deficit, Crop Evapotranspiration, and Conventional Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-673,, 2025.

EGU25-1271 | Orals | SSS9.10

Enhancing irrigation resilience through brackish groundwater desalination: a case study in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin 

Peter Reeve, Julien Anese, Ben Mullins, Ilka Wallis, Okke Batelaan, Howard Fallowfield, Holger Maier, Seth Westra, Kym Walton, Enys Watt, Darren Graetz, and Michael Leonard

The Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) is Australia’s largest and most critical agricultural region, but its water resources face significant pressure due to climate variability and rainfall and runoff reductions under climate change. To ensure the resilience of irrigated agriculture, there is a need to diversify water sources and integrate innovative water management solutions. Brackish groundwater represents a largely untapped alternative water resource that, when desalinated, could supplement traditional surface water and fresh groundwater supplies. However, its adoption in agriculture is hindered by factors such as high costs, environmental concerns regarding brine disposal, and regulatory complexities.

This study investigates the potential for brackish groundwater desalination to enhance the resilience of irrigated agriculture in the MDB under uncertain water availability. A demonstration site established in South Australia’s Riverland region showcases a containerised reverse osmosis (RO) system producing around 100 kL/day of freshwater to irrigate a section of almond orchard and disposing of brine via aquifer injection into a naturally saline surface aquifer. This novel approach has the potential to lower capital costs and minimise land use compared to conventional evaporation ponds. Insights from the project include the importance of hydrogeological assessments, the scalability of aquifer-based brine disposal, and the feasibility of low-recovery RO systems optimised for agricultural contexts. Ensuring safe surface water-groundwater interactions has been a key focus of the project.

The study is also developing a cost calculator to enable professional end users to examine the potential for desalination to be integrated into their irrigation systems. This analysis has also been extended to inform a number of future outlook scenarios, including the integration of desalination to help mitigate the impacts of drought, and to identify scenarios where desalination could enable transformations in productivity. Analysis of climate change scenarios forms part of this analysis.

Key findings emphasise the importance of site-specific design, industry collaboration, and policy frameworks to facilitate the adoption of desalination and other non-conventional alternative water sources in agriculture. By helping to address the barriers to implementation, this work contributes to enhancing the sustainability and resilience of irrigated agriculture in water-scarce regions like the MDB, offering valuable insights for broader global applications. The findings provide a pathway to tackle uncertainties in water resource availability and to support sustainable agricultural development.

How to cite: Reeve, P., Anese, J., Mullins, B., Wallis, I., Batelaan, O., Fallowfield, H., Maier, H., Westra, S., Walton, K., Watt, E., Graetz, D., and Leonard, M.: Enhancing irrigation resilience through brackish groundwater desalination: a case study in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1271,, 2025.

EGU25-1513 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Integrating soil-based sensor technologies for irrigation decision support in date palm trees 

Josphat Ongeso, Nang War War May Maung, Tom Groenveld, and Naftali Lazarovitch

Date palms, an economically important crop, are extensively grown in the Arava Valley, Israel. Despite their adaptation to arid climates, they are intensively irrigated, commonly with two high-flow emitters per tree, based on recommended amounts derived from crop evapotranspiration estimates, to ensure high productivity and manage soil salinity. Until now, date palm farmers in Israel have made only limited use of soil sensors for irrigation management. This study aimed to integrate soil-based sensors for irrigation decision support into date palm cultivation. We hypothesized that increasing the irrigated area around the tree and giving the trees less water than recommended would increase water use efficiency and maintain optimal yields. To achieve this, sixteen fully mature date palm trees were irrigated under two irrigation systems: a larger irrigated area around the tree with fifty drippers (D) and a smaller area with two emitters per tree (E), both having the same total flow rate; and two irrigation levels: 50% and 100%. Soil-based sensors (TDR, tensiometers, and suction cups) were used to continuously monitor soil water status and electrical conductivity (ECpw) at depths of 40 and 80 cm. Fruit yield and quality (i.e., fruit mass, blistering, and moisture level) were also analyzed. Across all treatments, soil water content was higher at 80 cm, with E100 and D100 showing the highest values (20–50%), while D50 and E50 showed the lowest values, particularly at 40 cm depth (10–20%). Soil tension values displayed the following order, E50>D50>D100≈E100, at both depths. ECpw on D100 and E100 averaged 3 dS/m throughout most of the growing season at both depths, while D50 and E50 showed elevated levels, especially at the lower depth, of up to 26 dS/m (D50). There was no significant difference in yield or yield quality between treatments. It is concluded that the irrigation system had less impact than the irrigation level on ECpw and soil water status. Therefore, sensors show an enormous potential to provide farmers and researchers with data that can be integrated into irrigation scheduling algorithms.

How to cite: Ongeso, J., War War May Maung, N., Groenveld, T., and Lazarovitch, N.: Integrating soil-based sensor technologies for irrigation decision support in date palm trees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1513,, 2025.

EGU25-1515 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Date Palm Cultivation with Plant-Based Sensors 

Nang Maung, Josphat Ongeso, Thomas Groenveld, and Naftali Lazarovitch

Date palm cultivation in Israel, particularly in the Arava Valley with its high evaporative demand, relies on high-frequency irrigation with saline water. Irrigation plays a crucial role in date palm growth, soil salinity, and yield quality. However, over-irrigation not only wastes water resources but also contaminates water bodies with agrochemicals. Plant-based sensors offer a promising avenue for real-time monitoring of plant physiological responses to water stress, providing valuable insights into plant water status. The objective of this study was to optimize irrigation scheduling by using plant-based sensors to monitor date palm responses to varying irrigation systems and amounts, thereby establishing threshold parameters for effective irrigation management. Sixteen fully mature date palm trees were irrigated under two irrigation systems: a larger irrigated area with fifty number of drippers (D) and a smaller area with two emitters per tree (E), both having the same flow rate; and two irrigation levels: 50% and 100%. Sap flux density, frond growth rate, and stem daily shrinkage were continuously measured by automated sensors, while frond growth rates were also periodically manually measured. Additionally, stomatal conductance was measured biweekly using the LI-600. The 100% irrigation treatment significantly increased the frond growth rate, stomatal conductance, and sap flux density compared to the 50% irrigation. However, the 50% irrigation treatment increased maximum daily shrinkage. There was no difference in yield between 50% and 100% irrigation. No effect of the irrigation systems on the measured parameters was seen. The integration of plant-based sensors, for measuring plant physiological processes, into date palm cultivation has the potential to enable real-time monitoring of the water stress effect, facilitating precise irrigation management.


How to cite: Maung, N., Ongeso, J., Groenveld, T., and Lazarovitch, N.: Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Date Palm Cultivation with Plant-Based Sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1515,, 2025.

EGU25-2125 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

An improved optical trapezoid model to identify irrigation water ponds in the arid irrigation district using Google Earth Engine 

Xinyi Chen, Lu Yang, Ximin Qian, Yuxuan Liu, and Songhao Shang

In arid regions conducting flood irrigation, irrigation practice often results in the temporary formation of water ponds in the cropland, which plays a critical role in agricultural productivity. The prompt identification of irrigation water ponds in irrigation districts is important for the effective management of irrigation water. Utilizing the OPtical TRApezoid Model (OPTRAM) for soil moisture estimation, we have proposed an improved version of OPTRAM aimed to identify irrigation water ponds in irrigation district using Sentinel-2 data through Google Earth Engine platform. While the wet edge determined from OPTRAM refer to those with saturated status, irrigation ponds are usually oversaturated regions. Therefore, an additional threshold was added and calibrated to the model in accordance with the irrigated area to identify irrigation water ponds. The improved OPTRAM was applied in Hetao Irrigation District (HID) of Northwest China from 2016 to 2023, where autumn irrigation applied in late autumn after crop harvesting was considered. The identified distributions of autumn irrigation were validated with observations from field survey and statistical data, and were also compared with other remote sensing products. Results show that the proposed model is effective in identifying irrigation ponds. The overall accuracy is 0.90 based on the observations from field survey, with mean absolute relative errors for irrigated areas across sub-irrigation districts recorded as 20.55%, 8.10%, 12.83%, and 11.38%, respectively, when compared with statistical data. With regard to temporal and spatial distributions, autumn irrigated croplands are mainly concentrated in Jiefangzha sub-irrigation district while being scattered across other sub-irrigation districts, depicting an overall decreasing trend in the autumn irrigated area. In summary, the proposed model performed well in identifying irrigation ponds and can offer valuable support for irrigation management.

How to cite: Chen, X., Yang, L., Qian, X., Liu, Y., and Shang, S.: An improved optical trapezoid model to identify irrigation water ponds in the arid irrigation district using Google Earth Engine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2125,, 2025.

In India, governmental agencies and industries are working to promote the adoption of micro-irrigation to enhance irrigation efficiency and farm outputs. However, despite these efforts, the level of development achieved has been unsatisfactory. Improving the irrigation efficiency of existing projects can conserve water to irrigate new areas or meet the needs of the non-agricultural sector. This approach is cost-effective and environmentally sustainable, as it minimizes the need to create additional irrigation potential, which can be resource-intensive and have adverse environmental impacts. A social survey was conducted in the Gadarjudda minor canal command area of the Upper Ganga Canal of Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India to assess the socio-economic and technical factors influencing farmers' perspectives on adopting micro-irrigation systems. Data has been collected through structured interviews across the canal system's head, middle, and tail regions. The study analyzed key aspects: age, education, occupation, cropping patterns, landholding, irrigation sources, and techno-economic feasibility. The results indicated that while farmers had medium awareness, knowledge, and a positive attitude toward micro-irrigation, their low purchasing capacity significantly hindered adoption. Despite a high willingness to adopt the technology, financial constraints remain a significant barrier, even with existing government schemes. The study concludes that, while there is strong interest in adopting micro-irrigation, targeted financial incentives, subsidies, and technical training are essential to overcoming economic constraints, especially for small and marginal farmers, to promote sustainable water management in the canal command area.

How to cite: Chourasia, S. K. and Pandey, A.: Farmers' Perspectives on the Adoption of Micro-Irrigation in Canal Command Areas for Sustainable Water Management Management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5466,, 2025.

EGU25-9096 | Orals | SSS9.10

Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on Cereal Yields, Water Balance, and Irrigation Strategies in the La Balisa Sub-Catchment 

Mª Teresa Jiménez-Aguirre, Garde-Cabellos Sofía, Galea Carmen, Bárbara Soriano, Paloma Esteve-Bengoechea, Irene Blanco-Gutierrez, Jon Lizaso, Carlos H. Díaz-Ambrona, David Pérez, Mario Ballesteros, Margarita Ruiz-Ramos, Isabel Bardají, and Ana M. Tarquis

Climate change (CC) poses a critical threat to Mediterranean agri-food systems, with increasing water scarcity and climate variability jeopardising agricultural sustainability. This study assesses the impacts of CC on cereal yields and water balance in the La Balisa Sub-catchment (SCAB) in Segovia province, Spain, a region where rainfed winter cereals, such as barley and wheat, dominate agricultural production. Using a combination of hydrological and crop modelling frameworks (SWAT and AquaCrop), the research evaluates water demand, crop performance, and potential adaptation strategies, including an increase in irrigation areas, improvements in irrigation efficiency, and the selection of cereal varieties with different growth cycles.

The analysis integrates six global climate models (GCMs) from the IPCC’s AR6 (SSP 4.5 and SSP 8.5), regionalised by AEMET, to project water availability and agricultural productivity under future scenarios. Baseline data reflects current agricultural and climatic conditions, serving as a reference to quantifying the effects of CC on yields and water resources. The study focuses on understanding the phenological responses of barley and wheat, a key rainfed cereal crop in the region, to shifting precipitation patterns, temperature extremes, and water stress.

Preliminary findings suggest that rising water stress and climate extremes could significantly reduce yields and increase water demand for agricultural purposes without adaptation. However, strategies such as expanding irrigation coverage, improving water-use efficiency, and optimising crop management through varietal selection show promise in mitigating these effects. The study highlights the need for adaptive management and integrating advanced irrigation and crop management strategies to sustain cereal production and water balance in semi-arid Mediterranean regions facing CC challenges.

How to cite: Jiménez-Aguirre, M. T., Sofía, G.-C., Carmen, G., Soriano, B., Esteve-Bengoechea, P., Blanco-Gutierrez, I., Lizaso, J., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., Pérez, D., Ballesteros, M., Ruiz-Ramos, M., Bardají, I., and Tarquis, A. M.: Evaluating Climate Change Impacts on Cereal Yields, Water Balance, and Irrigation Strategies in the La Balisa Sub-Catchment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9096,, 2025.

The agricultural sector faces a significant challenge: producing more food and generating higher revenue using less water. This challenge is exacerbated by the increasing scarcity of water resources due to climate change, population growth, and other factors, making optimal irrigation management crucial for sustainable agriculture. One of the primary tasks in this context is intra-seasonal irrigation scheduling under a limited seasonal water supply. This involves distributing a finite amount of water across multiple irrigation events throughout the growing season while considering the crop response to water stress at various growth stages. Effective management of this process using a deficit irrigation (DI) strategy can lead to improved water productivity and crop yields, thereby addressing the dual goals of food security and conservation of water resources in agriculture.   

This study aims to advance deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for DI systems and to benchmark a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach against existing DRL strategies [1] for the closed-loop control of irrigation scheduling using the Aquacrop-OSPy model [2]. The evaluation is conducted under various conditions of water scarcity and climate uncertainty, incorporating detailed information about the state of the irrigation system and the climate environment. By considering these factors, the presentation provides a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of DRL in optimizing irrigation practices, particularly in scenarios characterized by limited water availability and changing climatic conditions.


[1] T. D. Kelly, T. Foster, D. M. Schultz: Assessing the value of deep reinforcement learning for irrigation scheduling, Smart Agricultural Technology, 7 (2024), 100403, doi: 10.1016/j.atech.2024.100403.

[2] T. D. Kelly and Timothy Foster: AquaCrop-OSPy: Bridging the gap between research and practice in crop-water modeling, In: Agricultural Water Management 254 (2021), 106976, doi: 10.1016/j.agwat.2021.106976.

How to cite: Schütze, N. and Kunze, J. B.: Benchmarking deep reinforcement learning strategies for the scheduling of deficit irrigation systems under climate uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9228,, 2025.

EGU25-9266 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Decision Support Software (DSS) in irrigation management: application to small farms 

Alessandro Casasso, Giacomo Tavernelli, Franco Tesio, Dario Vallauri, and Cristina Allisiardi

The importance of irrigation water management has increased in recent years with the declining summer availability due to climate change, especially for surface waters. Along with an increase of efficiency, the diffusion of pressure irrigation systems (sprinklers, drip irrigation, pivot, etc.) allows for a demand-based irrigation, overcoming the limitations of turn-based management typical of flood irrigation. The challenge of correctly addressing this approach shift is addressed within the GUARDIANS project (, funded by the Horizon Europe program. GUARDIANS involves 22 partners from 9 countries in the development and demonstration of IT technologies, specifically designed for small farms, in several study areas. One of these case studies is the irrigation reservoir of Rivoira (Boves, Piedmont, NW Italy), built in 2017 along with a pipeline network that complements the existing irrigation canals. This reservoir, with a capacity of 42000 m3, is supplied by one of these canals and is connected to a pressure irrigation network that can serve about 300 ha; initially conceived as a "last resort basin", it has become the primary water supply source for several farms.

One of the approaches adopted for on-demand irrigation is the use of Decision Support Software (DSS) based on remote sensing satellite images with indicators such as NDWI (Normalized Difference Water Index) and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). A major limitation of this approach was found in the limit of 1 ha surface due to the spatial resolution of satellite images (10 m for Sentinel 2), which is hardly met in small farms contexts, and in the scarce correlation between indicators such as NDWI and the ground-based measures of volumetric water content (VWC). The performance of DSS could be improved with ground-based VWC sensors, but their cost is unsustainable for small farms. Low-cost sensors with remote transmission, which have been recently released in the mass-market, have therefore been tested. This solution, which can partially bridge the gap between small and large farms, could be implemented through specific training courses.

This work is carried out within the framework of the GUARDIANS project, funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Programme - Farm2Fork (Grant Agreement n. 101084468).

How to cite: Casasso, A., Tavernelli, G., Tesio, F., Vallauri, D., and Allisiardi, C.: Decision Support Software (DSS) in irrigation management: application to small farms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9266,, 2025.

EGU25-9907 | Orals | SSS9.10

Irrigation Canal System- A Potential Source for Water Supply in Nearby Water-Deficit Areas Located in A Semi-Arid Zone in India 

Surendra Kumar Mishra, Damodar Sharma, Rajendra Prasad Pandey, and Rahul Dev Garg

Water is the most valuable element for life on the planet Earth. Its availability is, however, not equitable in time and space, leading to water scarcity at places, and it is a pressing global concern, specifically in arid and semi-arid regions. Some areas of Fatehpur Sikri Block in Agra district (India) are facing acute water scarcity not only for irrigation but also for drinking water. Notably, about 65 to 70% population of Fatehpur Sikri is dependent on agriculture. This study explores the possibility of providing water to the water-scarce area by lining the unlined Fatehpur Sikri Branch Canal (FSBC). These canals experience significant seepage and evaporation. These losses diminish the availability of water for other (more) essential purposes. The feasibility is explored by lining the branch canal and/or its distributaries/minors until a sufficient amount is saved without significantly affecting the authorized users of FSBC.
The critical annual water requirement of the water-scarce area (= about 5000 hectares) lying in Fatehpur Sikri block has been estimated as 4.60 MCM for drinking water and 9.13 MCM for irrigation using CROPWAT, totaling to 13.73 MCM. The losses from both unlined and lined canals were estimated empirically for the computation of water saving for diversion to the water deficit area. FSBC consists of a Branch Canal, a few distributaries, and a number of minors. Seepage losses were estimated for lining of (i) Fatehpur Sikri Branch Canal only; (ii) distributaries and minors only; (iii) a part of Fatehpur Sikri Branch Canal, up to 32.960 km (or 23 miles) only; (iv) Distributaries only, for effectiveness and construction cost point of view (v) partial part of FSBC up to 14.400 km (vi) selected minors only (vii) combination of all distributaries with selected minors only, and (viii) combination of all distributaries with a part of FSBC only. The canal was operating for 168 days in the study year according to the usual practice. The per annum water savings in these cases have been estimated as 67.377, 25.902, 31.306, 8.210, 13.880, 14.660, 13.885 and 14.404 MCM, respectively. It can thus be inferred that the lining can be an effective solution for water saving and diverting to the water-scarce area. The lining of distributaries with selected minors only or selected minors only or a combination of all distributaries with a part of FSBC only or FSBC till 14.400 km only can yield sufficient savings, i.e. more than 13.69 MCM. The study finds that the lining of FSBC up to 14.400 km is the most viable and pragmatic solution to address the water scarcity problem in the water-deficit area. The other canals can be left as they are, for uniform groundwater recharge in the area.

How to cite: Kumar Mishra, S., Sharma, D., Prasad Pandey, R., and Dev Garg, R.: Irrigation Canal System- A Potential Source for Water Supply in Nearby Water-Deficit Areas Located in A Semi-Arid Zone in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9907,, 2025.

EGU25-10344 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Evaluating irrigation strategies for potato production at a sub-humid site under current conditions and future climate scenarios 

Fathi Alfinur Rizqi, Arno Kastelliz, and Reinhard Nolz

Climate change is already having an impact on agricultural production even in sub-humid regions such as parts of Austria that have not yet been confronted with the problem of limited water availability. Moreover, conditions are set to worsen in the future. In order to meet the expected increased irrigation demand in particular regions and conserve water resources in accordance with the EU Water Framework Directive, water resources for crop production should be managed with foresight and the focus should be on efficient irrigation strategies. This approach is in line with broader efforts to adapt agricultural systems to evolving environmental challenges.

The aim of this study is to assess the impact of irrigation strategies on potato production in north-eastern Austria as well as future developments under the given local conditions. The potato is important for food security both regionally and globally. Potatoes were grown for the study in 2023 and 2024. The trials were set up as a block system in larger plots with a row/dam spacing of 0.75 m and a length of around 150 m. The variants were irrigated with different irrigation systems: drip lines on the dams, sprinklers on a pipe system, and a hose reel with irrigation boom. The potato yield and the irrigation water applied were measured. The actual irrigation strategies as well as future conditions were simulated and evaluated using the FAO AquaCrop crop growth model. The simulations utilized local meteorological data sets from a nearby weather station and future climate scenarios based on RCP 4.5 projections.

In general, the yield differences between the two study years were greater than between the irrigation variants. Drip irrigation resulted in the largest crop water productivity, but the absolute yields showed a more differentiated picture. The evaluation of observed and simulated data from 2023 showed that sprinkler irrigation delivered better production results, while drip irrigation had the lowest yield. In 2024, the drip-irrigated variant produced the largest yields. On average, the boom irrigation was performing best. The AquaCrop simulations reflect a similar picture. In addition, simulated irrigation strategies show how sufficient potato yields are possible with limited water availability. In this respect, more specific irrigation strategies that better incorporate the actual environmental conditions are needed. The climate scenario simulated with AquaCrop for the given site shows future yields and the corresponding water requirements. The results could serve as a basis for adapting local irrigation strategies to changing climatic conditions in order to enable sustainable potato production north-eastern Austria.

How to cite: Rizqi, F. A., Kastelliz, A., and Nolz, R.: Evaluating irrigation strategies for potato production at a sub-humid site under current conditions and future climate scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10344,, 2025.

EGU25-11610 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Achieving near-complete hydraulic emission uniformity in Trapezoidal Drip Irrigation Units fed from the Major Base 

Salvatore Samuel Palermo and Giorgio Baiamonte

In recent years, considerable efforts have been dedicated to developing simple solutions for designing one-lateral and rectangular drip irrigation systems (Baiamonte, 2018). However, the trapezoidal shape that often aligns more naturally with the division of agricultural fields, has been poorly attempted; furthermore, it serves as a fundamental model from which rectangular and triangular configurations can be derived as specific cases. Building on previous research, new analytical solutions for trapezoidal units have been proposed (Baiamonte and Palermo, 2025), demonstrating that the rectangular shape (RCT) is a special case of these solutions. Moreover, a comprehensive performance analysis of trapezoidal units was conducted using the pressure head tolerance concept. Two types of trapezoidal units were evaluated based on their feed points: major base-fed (MJR) and minor base-fed (MNR). Interestingly, the MJR-fed trapezoidal unit exhibited higher hydraulic emission uniformity than both the RCT and MNR configurations. This improved performance is attributed to lower manifold inside diameters, reduced inlet pressure heads, and a smaller coefficient of variation in the pressure head distribution. As a result, MJR is recommended over both RCT and MNR. An application demonstrating the near-complete hydraulic emission uniformity achievable with MJR trapezoidal drip irrigation units is presented and analyzed, further supporting the effectiveness of the proposed design approach.


Baiamonte, G. (2018). Explicit Relationships for Optimal Designing of Rectangular Microirrigation Units on Uniform Slopes: the IRRILAB Software Application. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 153:151-168, j.compag.2018.08.005

Baiamonte, G., Palermo, S. (2024). Designing Trapezoidal Drip Irrigation Units laid on Flat Fields. J Irrig Drain E-ASCE. Doi: 10.1061/JIDEDH/IRENG-10437

How to cite: Palermo, S. S. and Baiamonte, G.: Achieving near-complete hydraulic emission uniformity in Trapezoidal Drip Irrigation Units fed from the Major Base, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11610,, 2025.

EGU25-11670 | Orals | SSS9.10

An Integrated Management Approach for the Potential Reuse of Olive Pickling Waters in Olive Tree Irrigation 

Gonzalo Martinez, Javier Hernán, Ana María Laguna, José Manuel Martínez-García, and Juan Vicente Giráldez

Olive pickling industries use large amounts of water in their production. Depending on the type of product, water usage can range between 1 and 6 m³ per ton of olives, with composition varying significantly depending on the processing step. Generally, the main issues with these waters are their high organic matter and salt content. They are mostly stored in evaporation ponds for treatment. In parallel, olive tree production faces serious threats from water scarcity due to climate change, especially in Mediterranean areas. Therefore, alternative water sources are needed for olive tree irrigation, allowing for the reuse of resources consumed by the sector and contributing to a circular economy.

This work presents an integrated management approach where olive pickling waters are automatically analyzed and stored, provided the electrical conductivity (EC) is less than 8 dS m⁻¹. These waters are subsequently used for precision irrigation of olive trees. The system is based on open-source hardware and software associated with an IoT platform, with units located both in the industry and the olive orchard. The industry unit automatically measures, analyzes, and controls the EC of the water produced, selectively separating it for irrigation. Meanwhile, the field unit monitors soil status (soil moisture and EC) and potential evapotranspiration to determine irrigation requirements.

The system has been operational for two years in an olive pickling industry in southwestern Spain, where most of the fruits are processed as Spanish-style green olives. During the experiment, almost 40% of the controlled waters had an EC below 10 dS m⁻¹, accounting for about 15,000 m³ of water that would otherwise need to be evaporated from a 2.5 ha pond. Instead, this water was used to irrigate more than twice as much land. Olive trees were irrigated with water having an EC of approximately 7 dS m⁻¹ over two seasons and compared with control trees that received no irrigation.

In the first season, deficit irrigation was applied, while in the second season, irrigation was based on crop evapotranspiration plus a 20% leaching fraction. In both seasons, higher crop yields (though not statistically significant), fruit weight (significant, p<0.05), oil content (significant, p<0.05), and pulp-to-stone ratio (significant, p<0.05) were observed. Soil EC significantly increased in the irrigated trees, reaching up to 1 and 1.5 dS m-1 (1:5 extraction ratio) in the top 0.6 m after the first and second irrigation seasons, respectively.

Salt buildup in the soil indicates that medium-to-long-term sustainability of this type of irrigation must be considered, especially if natural rainfall is insufficient for adequate leaching. Soil modeling can be useful for assessing risks and deciding whether irrigation can continue in subsequent seasons. Nonetheless, using parts of the olive pickling waters for irrigation can be seen as a more sustainable alternative to evaporation for treating such waste.

How to cite: Martinez, G., Hernán, J., Laguna, A. M., Martínez-García, J. M., and Giráldez, J. V.: An Integrated Management Approach for the Potential Reuse of Olive Pickling Waters in Olive Tree Irrigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11670,, 2025.

The spatiotemporal co-optimization of irrigation strategies represents a major leap forward in climate-smart agriculture, addressing the complex interactions between climate, crops, and soil management across both temporal and spatial scales. This study introduces a hybrid methodology that combines agricultural system modeling, machine learning, and economic analysis to optimize irrigation practices in Xinjiang, China. The primary goal is to balance crop yield, water use efficiency, and profitability under varying climate conditions, thereby advancing sustainable agricultural practices in one of China’s most arid regions.

Our study establishes three optimization objectives: yield, profit, and water use efficiency. Under the water use efficiency objective, optimized irrigation strategies significantly reduced water demand. During the historical period (2000–2020), water use decreased by an average of 16% (ranging from 14% to 21%), while under future climate scenarios (2051–2070), reductions of up to 25% (16% to 32%) are projected compared to conventional local practices and trial-based recommendations. For the yield objective, cotton yields increased by 8% during the historical period and are expected to rise by 15% under future climate conditions. Finally, under the profit objective, farmers' net incomes grew by 12% during the historical period and are projected to increase by 16% in future scenarios. The study also explores the scalability of the proposed framework, demonstrating its applicability across various sub-regions within Xinjiang, each characterized by distinct climatic and soil conditions. Sensitivity analyses reinforce the robustness of the optimization approach, confirming its potential to improve water management and agricultural sustainability on a regional scale.

This study highlights the transformative potential of spatiotemporal co-optimization for achieving multiple objectives in irrigation management. It introduces a digital framework tailored for site-specific irrigation strategies, setting a new standard for sustainable agricultural practices in Xinjiang. The findings provide a scalable model that can be adapted to other arid and semi-arid regions, supporting global initiatives in sustainable water management in the face of evolving climate conditions.

How to cite: Chen, B., Zhao, G., Yao, L., and Yu, Q.: Sustainable Irrigation Strategies for Cotton Production in Xinjiang, China: Balancing Yield, Profitability, and Sustainability under Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12369,, 2025.

EGU25-12866 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Co-creating a Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) transition in irrigated agriculture systems within the Spanish Duero River Basin . 

Leonor Rodriguez-Sinobas, Xenia Schneider, Sara Esperanza Matendo, Maite Sanchez-Revuelta, and Daniel Alberto Segovia Cardozo

Water, energy, and food security are essential for human health and  development. However the increasing demand for natural resources, has surpassed the capacity of multiple ecosystems and is compromising their sustainability and resilience. The management of these resources is interconnected, and cannot be managed independently, since water and energy are essential for food production. Also their management is crucial for the maintenance of ecosystems, so the WEFE NEXUS emerges as a resource management strategy.

In the Spanish demarcation of the Duero River basin, water scarcity and water stress have become a concern (especially in the main water consumer: irrigated agriculture), which, together with the increase in energy prices, have affected food production and degraded ecosystems. All these WEFE challenges have been traditionally carried out independently, contrary to the international community recommendation of treating them together as WEFE Nexus in order to address their interrelationships and achieve a balance. To promote and co-define WEFE-Nexus transition actions to improve local WEFE-Nexus conditions, four workshops with stakeholders have been performed. The first one aimed to bring together various stakeholders from different institutions or organizations working in the different WEFE NEXUS entities, to concretize a diverse work group and present the WEFE NEXUS methodology through the RRI, applying the RRI Roadmap ©TM, and begin to identify the main challenges from a WEFE NEXUS perspective. The second workshop presented the concrete vision of WEFE NEXUS, the concepts and vision of an expert on the topic, as well as his experiences and points of view. Based on this information and the challenges identified in the first workshop, the serious game methodology was used to analyse in a positive, negative and alternative way possible measures and actions to be to address the challenges. Identifying the advantages and limitations of these actions. The third workshop presented the “as it is” scenario with real relevant data, to set numbers to the challenges identified by the stakeholders themselves. Based on this, a codefined vision of the objective scenario “as it should be” was developed, proposing the priority measures and actions on which the NEL should focus. Co-creating a WEFE NEXUS transition plan in the fourth workshop.

The co-created WEFE NEXUS plan aims at achieving a resilient irrigated agriculture in the Spanish Douro Basin, maintaining the gross income of farmers under the potential future scenarios of water stress, energy increase and agricultural inputs’ cost. It focuses on optimizing the use of resources (water, energy, and fertilizers) for food production while preserving the NEL's natural and productive ecosystems. This plan has four measures: 1) Improve fertilizer use efficiency, 2) Increase energy efficiency, 3) Optimize water use efficiency and 4) Reduce energy dependence. Likewise, it includes eight concrete and complementary actions, which are evaluated with 10 indicators.

How to cite: Rodriguez-Sinobas, L., Schneider, X., Matendo, S. E., Sanchez-Revuelta, M., and Segovia Cardozo, D. A.: Co-creating a Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) transition in irrigated agriculture systems within the Spanish Duero River Basin ., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12866,, 2025.

EGU25-12906 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Toward sustainable irrigation development - case study for Slovenia 

Vesna Zupanc, Marina Pintar, Matjaž Glavan, Špela Železnikar, Luka Žvokelj, and Rozalija Cvejić

Slovenia is one of the countries whose agriculture will be even more susceptible to droughts in the future and is also one of the countries with one of the lowest percentages of agricultural land equipped with irrigation systems. Less than 4% of all land potentially suitable for irrigation (8,000 ha) is equipped with irrigation systems, which means that the majority of agriculture is dependent on rain. In order to improve the situation and pursue an appropriate development policy, the Common Agricultural Policy Strategic Plan for the period 2023–2027 provides funds for the construction of individual irrigation systems, the purchase of equipment and the construction of multi-user irrigation systems.

The proposed measures to enhance irrigation include (i) scaling up irrigation systems, (ii) modernizing irrigation systems (replacing sprinkler systems with drip irrigation, repairing distribution and supply lines and modernizing pumps), (iii) improving efficiency through transfer of property rights (improved irrigation management) and (iv) integrating tools to support irrigation decisions into daily agricultural production.

Our analysis shows that the water use efficiency of the existing irrigation systems is quite high, as closed pressurized systems with sprinklers and drip irrigation were used from the beginning, while large-scale irrigation systems were only introduced in the 1990s. However, obtaining documentation for the construction of new irrigation systems is a lengthy and complex process, as it must take into account the protection of nature, water bodies and cultural heritage, as well as the  existing infrastructure. Studies show that there is no solution in the form of simplified legislation that would lower the quality standards of irrigation development. Appropriate approaches are the organization of applications and participation. A system of operational support must be created for investors and producers to help them manage the difficult process of obtaining permits and approvals for irrigation facilities. This requires better organization of work at the local level and stronger support for investors and producers at the national level.

Of the commonly available tools for improved irrigation management, Slovenia has recently introduced a national decision support system for irrigation (SPON). SPON combines the current water content in the soil, the development phase of the plant and the weather forecast. On this basis, it calculates the plants' water requirements on a daily basis, which it provides in the form of irrigation recommendations at plot level. The use of SPON reduces overall water consumption. The possibility of nutrient leaching is reduced, irrigation rations are shortened and the energy consumption of the pumping station is reduced. SPON is available to all farmers in Slovenia ( and is supported by the Slovenian Environment Agency. After its initial phase, SPON has regular users, but there is a great need for training and support for users to accelerate the dissemination of SPON. This strategy will sustainably increase the resilience of agricultural production in Slovenia to drought.

How to cite: Zupanc, V., Pintar, M., Glavan, M., Železnikar, Š., Žvokelj, L., and Cvejić, R.: Toward sustainable irrigation development - case study for Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12906,, 2025.

EGU25-13391 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Application of different irrigation strategies for enhancing water efficiency in wheat production using the AquaCrop model: A case study in semi-arid Morocco  

Oumaima Kaissi, Salah Er-raki, El Houssaine Bouras, Salwa Belaqziz, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

Efficient irrigation practices are essential to address water scarcity and sustain wheat production in semi-arid regions. This study evaluates the performance of two distinct irrigation strategies, real irrigation and net irrigation, using the AquaCrop-OSPy (ACOSP) model to simulate the actual water requirements of wheat. The research was conducted in two experimental fields (Field F1 and Field F2) in the Chichaoua region of Morocco during the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 growing seasons. Real irrigation supplied by the farmer in the fields revealed potential inefficiencies, such as over-irrigation and crop stress, particularly in Field F1. To address these issues, a net irrigation strategy was introduced. Net irrigation focuses on maintaining soil moisture at a level that satisfies crops' water needs without applying too much water and without stressing the plant. A threshold of 60% of total available water (TAW) was applied for irrigation scheduling under net irrigation, based on literature findings. The AquaCrop model was firstly calibrated and validated using field data, achieving high accuracy in key simulated growth parameters such as canopy cover (CC), biomass and actual evapotranspiration, with R² values ranging from 72% to 98%. These results confirm the reliability of the model for assessing wheat growth under different irrigation strategies. Significant differences were observed between the two irrigation strategies regarding irrigation quantities, yield, and water productivity. In field F1, the net irrigation approach led to slightly increased water application compared to real irrigation, rising from 369.40 mm to 400 mm in the first season and from 287.61 mm to 388.15 mm in the second season. In field F2, irrigation decreased from 490.75 mm (real) to 400 mm (net) in season 1 and from 454.46 mm to 388.15 mm in season 2. These differences highlight the model's ability to align water application with crop needs under net irrigation. Yields varied from field to field and from season to season. For field F1, yields ranged from 3.45 to 6.84 tones/ha in season 1 and from 3.85 to 7.07 tones/ha in season 2.  For field F2, yields under net irrigation showed less variability, ranging from 6.39 to 6.84 tones/ha in season 1 and from 6.59 to 7.07 tones/ha in season 2. WP was always higher under net irrigation, reaching 1.82 kg/m3, confirming that excess water applied under real irrigation did not improve crop water productivity. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of net irrigation in accurately meeting crop water needs and reducing inefficiencies in real irrigation. This study underscores the importance of adopting efficient irrigation strategies to optimize water use and improve agricultural sustainability in semi-arid regions.

How to cite: Kaissi, O., Er-raki, S., Bouras, E. H., Belaqziz, S., and Chehbouni, A.: Application of different irrigation strategies for enhancing water efficiency in wheat production using the AquaCrop model: A case study in semi-arid Morocco , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13391,, 2025.

EGU25-16207 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Accounting for Modelled Irrigation in the Long-Term Water Budget Analysis of an Alpine Anthropized Basin. 

Martin Morlot, Christian Massari, Senna Bouabdelli, Mariapina Castelli, Sara Modanesi, and Giuseppe Formetta

Irrigation is an essential component of food systems. Worldwide, 40% of global food production comes from irrigated croplands despite the latter accounting for 20% of total cropland. With limited available locations to grow crops, an increasing population and a changing climate, irrigation is a crucial component to help meet a rising demand on food production systems. It is also a process with increasing consideration in current hydrological model developments.

Building on a previously flexible and open-source hydrological digital twin for the Adige River basin (~11000 km2), located in the north-east of Italy, at high temporal (daily) and spatial resolution (5km2), a novel irrigation modelling component is implemented for the study area. Irrigation water is crucial to the economy of the region, for fruit productions (vineyards and apple) and necessary to be included into water budget quantification to accurately represent hydrological processes.

The implementation includes water demand assessment through soil moisture and evapotranspiration, while accounting for the different type of crops and specific water needs. Irrigation is activated when volumetric soil water content (dependent on saturation and wilting points) falls below a fixed threshold. The flexibility of the digital twin framework allows us to quantify the effect of various threshold levels on irrigation estimates but also in terms of water processes. Water availability is considered through 2 scenarios (limited where water is taken from another component of the model or unlimited). The model accounts for daily limits in irrigation as well as efficiency.

Results show the different range with regards to irrigation quantities and hydrological processes dependent on the different thresholds and limitation formulae retained, outlining the importance of diverse possibilities in the implementation of irrigation.

Furthermore, integrating irrigation into the digital twin has been shown to improve the river discharge simulations under the limited irrigation scenario when compared with measured data and actual evapotranspiration. This enhancement is particularly evident in areas where irrigation represents an important input of the hydrological cycle.

This study can be useful to regional water managers, policy makers, and stakeholders, especially in regions where conflicts are strife between the different usages (domestic, agricultural, industrial/ hydropower) and particularly in a changing climate.


The work is supported by the project Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Control-based Optimization of the AnthropogeniC Hydrological cycle for a sustainable WATer management (COACH-WAT, CODE 2022FXJ3NN CUP E53D23004390001).

Selected references:

Morlot, M., Rigon, R., & Formetta, G. (2024). Hydrological digital twin model of a large anthropized italian alpine catchment: The Adige river basin. Journal of Hydrology, 629, 130587

How to cite: Morlot, M., Massari, C., Bouabdelli, S., Castelli, M., Modanesi, S., and Formetta, G.: Accounting for Modelled Irrigation in the Long-Term Water Budget Analysis of an Alpine Anthropized Basin., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16207,, 2025.

EGU25-16977 | Orals | SSS9.10

Irrigation volumes detection through ensemble physical modelling 

Chiara Corbari, Nicola Paciolla, michele Polletta, and Francesco Morari

Agriculture is the major freshwater user worldwide, averaging 70% of the water resource consumption. Despite this heavy incidence, irrigation represents the most uncertain water flux, difficult to predict because of both anthropogenic and natural factors. In this work, a methodology to detect the irrigation signal is presented, integrating ground and satellite data within energy-water balance modelling. The proposed algorithm adopts a Montecarlo approach, simulating the impacts of hundreds of thousands of possible irrigation schedules over selected hydrological variables and extracting the most likely event series by comparing the model results with different kinds of references. This approach guarantees the physical soundness of the irrigation detection procedure by adding hydrological robustness to the different observed signals affected by irrigation. In increasing steps of uncertainty, model results are compared with those from a benchmark simulation (fed with observed irrigation data), with in-situ measurements and satellite observations. This provides a complete framework to the algorithm reliability, and the inclusion of satellite imagery allows to export the procedure to data-poor areas. In this work, numerous variables were tested to identify the fittest for the analysis, specifically: surface soil moisture (SSM), deep soil moisture (SM2), evapotranspiration (ET) and land surface temperature (LST). Of these, SSM qualified as the most suited to the algorithm, as differences in irrigation timings caused little spread in the other variables ensembles.

The used hydrological model is the FEST-EWB, an energy-water balance model where the two equations are coupled and solved jointly looking for the land surface temperature that closes the system.

The procedure was tested over a variety of Italian field case studies where eddy covariance stations are available, ranging from semi-arid to wet climates, from on-demand to turn irrigation, from homogeneous to heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, and including low-lying, high-stemmed and arboreal crops. The results indicated three main conclusions: (1) the algorithm works best over fields with fewer irrigation events in a season (<10), as very frequent events (>2-3 per week) crowd the signal and can make the procedure redundant; (2) high-ET periods (e.g., summer and/or high-vegetation density periods) within the agricultural seasons increase the  ensemble spread and improve the efficacy of the procedure, allowing to better distinguish between different irrigation schedules; (3) uncertainty in satellite retrievals of SSM, specifically over heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, negatively influences the accuracy of the algorithm by muddling the signal coming from the target field.

How to cite: Corbari, C., Paciolla, N., Polletta, M., and Morari, F.: Irrigation volumes detection through ensemble physical modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16977,, 2025.

EGU25-17073 | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Precision Irrigation in the Alps: how SWAB tackles the Water Challenges 

Fabio Zottele, Cecilia Mattedi, Francesco Centurioni, and Stefano Corradini

This study presents SWAB (Soil-Water-Atmosphere Advanced Budget), a state-of-the-art and highly operational modeling framework designed for precision irrigation of grapevine, apple, and olive in alpine regions, addressing the practical needs of the agricultural sector and policymakers. SWAB is based on the water budget methodology outlined in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56, which provides a robust framework for estimating crop water requirements. However, SWAB extends and improves this methodology by incorporating advanced parameterizations of the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum (SPAC), specifically adapted to the alpine context. This region is characterized by substantial variability in soil properties and microclimates, requiring a flexible yet precise approach. Furthermore, the model integrates crop-specific parameters tailored to the high-quality production goals of Trentino's agriculture, ensuring it meets the stringent demands of premium apple and wine production.

The study focuses on the Trentino region, where approximately 20,000 hectares of irrigated land are split nearly evenly between apple orchards and vineyards. Apple orchards produce approximately 565,000 tonnes of apples with a Gross Production Value (GPV) of around €187 million. Vineyards yield approximately 141,000 tonnes of wine grapes with a GPV of roughly €160 million. The average GPV per hectare of €17,500 underscores the critical economic importance of irrigated agriculture in the region.

Agriculture in the Alpine arc does not typically face arid conditions during the growing season, as significant precipitation, including extreme events, is observed. However, a notable decline in snowfall has been recorded, which affects the primary water reserves available in spring, crucial for the onset and maintenance of the growing season. These water stocks (reservoirs, lakes, streams) are also used for various other purposes, including ecological sustainability—such as ensuring minimum vital flow for aquatic organisms—as well as tourism and hydropower generation, thereby increasing competition for water resources, particularly during dry winters and springs.

In mountain agriculture, irrigation water is managed by Irrigation Consortia that aim to provide equitable access to all members, considering meteorological conditions to some extent, but largely independent of crop type or soil characteristics. SWAB seeks to meet local demands by estimating the required water supplies to fulfill irrigation needs of the SPAC in the alpine context, while also offering recommendations to irrigation Consortia for enhanced short-term precision irrigation management.

This study focuses on estimating the water supplies needed to meet irrigation requirements in the alpine context, with the potential for analyzing medium- to long-term trends. The results highlight how an integrated modeling approach can support sustainable water resource management in mountain agriculture, enhancing the resilience of the sector in the face of increasing competition for water and climate change.

How to cite: Zottele, F., Mattedi, C., Centurioni, F., and Corradini, S.: Precision Irrigation in the Alps: how SWAB tackles the Water Challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17073,, 2025.

EGU25-17139 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Investigating Root Intrusion in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems: A Comparative Study 

Girolamo Vaccaro, Vincenzo Alagna, Dario De Caro, Loris Franco, Mariachiara Fusco, Giuseppe Giardina, Matteo Ippolito, Samuel Palermo, and Giorgio Baiamonte

In Subsurface Drip Irrigation (SDI) systems, the emitter flow rate is affected by the root intrusion phenomena and the so-called back pressure that limit the buried emitters’ outflow. Several technological solutions have been developed over the years to mitigate these undesired effects (Souza et al, 2014). In this work, in a 6-year experimental campaign, from 2018 to 2023, carried out in a Citrus orchard in Sicily, Italy (38° 4’ 53.4’’ N, 13° 25’ 8.2’’ E), the effect of root intrusion and back pressure on SDI performance was investigated. The experimental field is divided into 4 equivalent plots, in which different root guard emitter treatments were tested. Specifically, two kinds of different herbicides substances (He 1 and He 2), one with copper (Cu) and one without additional substances that was used as a reference (control, Ctrl), were considered. During the six irrigation seasons, inlet discharges and pressure heads were collected, and their variations were used to quantify the effect of root intrusion in terms of local losses. The change in the SDI hydraulic performance was studied using a recent and innovative methodology (Baiamonte et al., 2024) based on a modified Hardy Cross method (HCM), which is suitable for lopped drip irrigation networks. The HCM applications considered local losses and back pressure and required a comprehensive hydraulic characterisation of the soil to estimate accurately the parameters influencing back pressure. Specifically, the influence of root intrusion in different emitters was analysed by considering the time variation of the coefficient of local losses, namely the α-fraction of the kinetic head. The results showed various behaviours among the four root guard emitter treatments. Emitters treated with different herbicides (He 1 and He 2), revealed no significant α-fraction variation in the analysis periods, denoting the effectiveness of He 1 and He 2 treatments in root intrusion protection. On the contrary, for Copper (Cu) and control (Ctrl) treatments, a severe decrease in emitter flow rate was observed, which was determined by high α-fraction variations over the investigated period, reaching α = 50 and α = 32, respectively, by 2023, thus limiting the benefits of SDI systems.


Baiamonte G, Vaccaro G, Palermo S (2024) Quantifying local losses due to root intrusion in subsurface drip irrigation systems by monitoring inlet discharge and pressure head. Irrig Sci.

Souza WDJ, Sinobas LR, Sánchez R, Botrel TA, Coelho RD (2014) Prototype emitter for use in subsurface drip irrigation: Manufacturing, hydraulic evaluation and experimental analyses. Biosyst Eng 128:41–51.

How to cite: Vaccaro, G., Alagna, V., De Caro, D., Franco, L., Fusco, M., Giardina, G., Ippolito, M., Palermo, S., and Baiamonte, G.: Investigating Root Intrusion in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Systems: A Comparative Study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17139,, 2025.

EGU25-17263 | Orals | SSS9.10

Corrections to Global Gridded Irrigation Efficiency Datasets in Groundwater-Dependent Croplands 

Fatemeh Karandish, Sida Liu, David Hyndman, Oleksandr Mialyk, Yi Yao, and Inge de graaf

Irrigation efficiency improvements have been recognized as a key strategy to increase the 'crop per drop' ratio of water allocated to the agricultural sector, yet at the same time, there is a lack of comprehensive irrigation efficiency datasets at the global scale. Most of the currently available data are either outdated, or fail to account for the groundwater dimension of this indicator. Aiming to determine multiple dimensions of irrigation efficiency within an intertwined surface water and groundwater irrigation scheme, we try to modify the currently available datasets. Here, we provide a global dynamic irrigation efficiency dataset at a 5×5 arc-minute resolution, corrected for groundwater contributions in each grid cell. We add a new dynamic layer to the available irrigation efficiency datasets, called groundwater irrigation efficiency, which varies across the globe and throughout the year based on multiple factors. These factors include pumping system properties, groundwater table, surface water and irrigation water demand, and climatic and environmental conditions. Our work improves the understanding of  the role of groundwater contributions in supplying irrigation water and helps to minimize  biases in the estimated irrigation efficiencies, consequently leading to more accurate evaluations  of agro-hydrological flows.

Keywords: irrigation efficiency, groundwater-led irrigation, pumping energy, groundwater scarcity.

How to cite: Karandish, F., Liu, S., Hyndman, D., Mialyk, O., Yao, Y., and de graaf, I.: Corrections to Global Gridded Irrigation Efficiency Datasets in Groundwater-Dependent Croplands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17263,, 2025.

EGU25-17487 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

IRRITRE for a sustainable irrigation in agriculture of Trentino 

Francesco Centurioni, Fabio Zottele, Cecilia Mattedi, Stefano Corradini, Pietro Franceschi, Alessandra Gattolin, Francesca Paolucci, and Fabio Antonelli

IRRITRE for a sustainable irrigation in agriculture of Trentino


Francesco Centurioni, Cecilia Mattedi, Fabio Zottele, Stefano Corradini, Alessandra Gattolin, Fabio Antonelli, Francesca Paolucci, Pietro Franceschi

We present the IRRITRE project, conceived to optimize and monitor water usage for the irrigation of three key crops in Trentino’s Alpine region: apples, wine grapes, and olives; within the context of climate change. Led by the Province of Trento, the initiative is supported by the Edmund Mach Foundation (agronomic expertise), the Bruno Kessler Foundation (sensor development and soil moisture monitoring), and Trentino Digitale (IoT network infrastructure).

Launched in 2024 and set to conclude in 2025, the project has established three pilot sites strategically selected to represent the principal cultivation zones for the crops under study: Tres (Val di Non) for apples, Roverè della Luna (Piana Rotaliana) for vines, and Varone (Garda Trentino) for olives.

At each of these sites, a suite of sensors is being deployed, linked via the LoRaWAN network, which offers wide-area coverage with low energy consumption. These sensors are designed to monitor soil moisture through tensiometers and capacitive probes, measure water volumes with pulse counters on sector valves, and track irrigation flow using flow meters installed along the drip lines near the crops.

By integrating sensor data with a network of meteorological stations, a robust understanding of crop water requirements, and the capabilities of artificial intelligence, the project employs an advanced forecasting model for irrigation known as SWAB (Soil Water Advanced Budget). This model enables the estimation of the water balance for irrigated lands and provides tailored irrigation recommendations to agricultural consortia.

Looking ahead, the project aspires to extend this irrigation decision-support service to more than two hundreds of irrigation consortia around Trentino. By doing so, it aims to gather location-specific data and consolidate insights into water usage in the region, ultimately fostering more sustainable agricultural practices.

How to cite: Centurioni, F., Zottele, F., Mattedi, C., Corradini, S., Franceschi, P., Gattolin, A., Paolucci, F., and Antonelli, F.: IRRITRE for a sustainable irrigation in agriculture of Trentino, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17487,, 2025.

EGU25-17530 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Modelling macadamia water use for optimizing orchard irrigation management in periodically water-scarce regions 

Thomas Bringhenti, Marco Moriondo, Issaka Abdulai, Munir P. Hoffmann, Elsje Joubert, Peter J. Taylor, and Reimund P. Rötter

Macadamia is a high-value tree nut crop experiencing a remarkable global rise in demand.  South Africa is the world’s largest producer and the rapid expansion of macadamia orchards across the country has been driving increased irrigation water use. This, in turn, poses significant challenges to the water-scarce production environment, which is already strained by unsustainable freshwater withdrawals and the growing impacts of climate change. Optimizing orchard irrigation management is therefore essential to minimize unproductive water use. This requires a precise quantification of macadamia trees’ water requirements. To this end, a robust macadamia-specific transpiration model would be needed to provide valuable insights into tree responses to diverse environmental and management factors. Such model, if evaluated properly, would enable upscaling of results from field level across a wide range of cultivation regions and climatic conditions. To date, however, the development of such a model has been constrained by the scarcity of high-quality, long-term transpiration datasets, limitations of existing (overly complex and data-intensive) modelling approaches, and insufficient accuracy.

To address these gaps, we linked the generation of a comprehensive experimental dataset on macadamia transpiration in the sub-humid Levubu region, South Africa, with the adoption and evaluation of a simple, data-efficient modelling approach. Tree sap velocity data were collected from two macadamia cultivars (‘Beaumont’ and ‘HAES849’), alongside continuous monitoring of microclimate and soil water content over two years. These data were analyzed to gain deeper understanding of macadamia water use behavior across seasons and under varying soil water conditions, and were used to calibrate and validate a novel macadamia transpiration model. The model was initially calibrated under non-limiting water conditions using data on tree-intercepted radiation, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and canopy conductance to simulate potential tree transpiration - representing the upper limit of macadamia water use. It was subsequently refined to simulate transpiration under water deficit conditions, accounting for the seasonally variable and limited water availability typical of southern Africa. Model performance was validated against independent datasets for both cultivars.

Observed macadamia transpiration exhibited pronounced variability, ranging from 0.6 mm d-1 during the dry season to 1.3 mm d-1 during the rainy season. This variability was largely driven by microclimatic factors. The trees showed a predominantly water-conserving strategy, with strict stomatal control in response to increasing VPD. Significant differences in water use behavior were observed among cultivars, potentially reflecting variations in productivity and climate resilience. Overall, the observed daily transpiration rates were considerably lower than the industry standard assumption of 2.0 mm d-1, suggesting that orchards are likely over-irrigated. The model successfully captured the strong stomatal response to increasing VPD and demonstrated satisfactory performance for both cultivars under both non-limiting and water deficit conditions, with lower relative error measures in the latter. This highlights the suitability of this relatively simple and data-efficient model for accurately simulating macadamia tree transpiration across cultivars and under seasonally variable water availability, making it a valuable tool for optimizing irrigation practices and reducing unproductive water use in periodically water-scarce regions.

How to cite: Bringhenti, T., Moriondo, M., Abdulai, I., Hoffmann, M. P., Joubert, E., Taylor, P. J., and Rötter, R. P.: Modelling macadamia water use for optimizing orchard irrigation management in periodically water-scarce regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17530,, 2025.

EGU25-18057 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.10

Exploring the Potential of the Off-Grid Automation Systems in a Real Pressurized Irrigation Distribution System 

Ignasius Axel Hutomo, Davide Troiani, Giacomo Ferrarese, and Stefano Malavasi

Off-grid Automatic System (OAS), a smart valve patented by Politecnico di Milano, is a device that has the capability to regulate fluid flow while simultaneously recovering energy from the throttling process. The device is an evolution of several previous patents developed by the research group, designed to adapt to the operating conditions of irrigation applications. The energy recovered is used locally to enable functions that enhance water network resilience, management and sustainability, like remote control and real-time monitoring.  

This paper presents a framework for assessing the feasibility of the OAS in a real Pressurized Irrigation Distribution Network (PIDS), where little to no information is available aside from geometrical features and some boundary conditions. Firstly, hydrant configurations were generated using a statistical approach based on the Clément formula integrated within the Combined Optimization and Performance Analysis Model (COPAM). Secondly, the Water Network Tool (WNTR) package was employed to simulate the hydraulic performance of the system. Thirdly, the simulation results were used to determine the minimum OAS diameter based on the Flow Coefficient (Cv) and the maximum recoverable energy of the system. Finally, the energy balance was calculated considering the minimum hours of hydrant activation and the energy consumption of the OAS across various operational modes.

This methodology was evaluated on a real irrigation network in District 10 – Capitanata PIDS in Southern Italy. The network comprises 54 kilometers of pipe serving 317 hydrant nodes. Each node irrigates 6 hectares of land, with a nominal discharge of 10 liters per second and a design pressure head of 20 meters. The upstream piezometric head exhibited an operational range of 110 meters. Average hydrant pressures ranged from 40 to 100 meters, significantly exceeding the levels required for proper operation at most network nodes. Consequently, following widely studied approaches in the literature Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) was installed downstream within the PIDS to lower the excessive pressure and reduce water losses This intervention reduced pressures by approximately 20 meters, and the energetic sustainability of the OAS was verified also under these adjusted conditions.

This study demonstrates an average hydrant reliability of 94% across all possible configurations with 10 hours of hydrant activation. It means, on average, 94% of the potential hydrant configurations tested in this study were able to provide enough energy to power the OAS system for the whole year irrigation season. However, some nodes exhibit significantly lower reliability. Attributed to unfavorable topographic and hydrant combinations, where even prolonged activation fails to generate sufficient energy for the OAS to achieve self-sustainability.

This study highlights the critical challenge of energy self-sufficiency for OAS particularly in the face of uncertainties in network operation. The intermittent nature of irrigation demands and the inherent variability in water pressure within the network significantly impact the energy generation potential of the OAS. The findings underscore the importance of robust system design to ensure the long-term sustainability and reliability of off-grid irrigation technologies, particularly in regions facing water scarcity and energy constraints.

How to cite: Hutomo, I. A., Troiani, D., Ferrarese, G., and Malavasi, S.: Exploring the Potential of the Off-Grid Automation Systems in a Real Pressurized Irrigation Distribution System, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18057,, 2025.

EGU25-18114 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.10

Impact of mulching and high salinity water irrigation on mango: a preliminary study in Mediterranean environment 

Serena Bellitti, Dario Autovino, Vittorio Farina, Loris Franco, Giovanni Gugliuzza, Massimo Iovino, and Matteo Mezzano

The cultivation of mango (Mangifera indica L.) is increasingly spreading in the Mediterranean basin, but it faces significant challenges, including limited water availability and the use of low-quality water during the irrigation season. These issues are further intensified by the impacts of climate change, making it essential to adopt crop and soil management strategies that optimize and preserve this resource. A common management strategy in the Mediterranean environment involves cultivating mango plants on raised beds covered with black plastic mulch. The study aimed to assess the impact of mulching on soil temperature, moisture and salinity, as well as on the eco-physiological behaviour, yield, and fruit quality of mango plants irrigated with very high salinity water during an irrigation season. The experiment was conducted in a 4 -year-old mango orchard (cv. Keitt) near Palermo, Italy. Two soil management strategies were compared: black plastic mulch and unmulched soil, both combined with very high salinity water irrigation (4 mS/cm). Results indicate that, within the first 5 cm of soil depth, the temperature differences between the two experimental conditions were particularly marked. Unmulched soil showed a higher daily temperature excursion, reaching 50°C during the season. At depths between 5 and 10 cm, unmulched soil recorded temperatures above 40°C, while mulched soil did not exceed 32°C. Mulching plays a crucial role in maintaining lower and more stable soil temperatures, especially on days characterized by high air temperatures. The mulched soil also had a higher volumetric water content, probably due to reduced evaporation and a more uniform water distribution in the soil profile. An increase in soil electrical conductivity was observed in the unmulched soil over the season, suggesting a potential surface salt accumulation caused by evaporation. However, at a depth of 25-30 cm, no significant differences were observed between the two experimental conditions. Regarding the net photosynthesis rate, as well as yield and fruit quality parameters, the plants responded similarly under the two different management strategies. Despite mango being notoriously sensitive to saline conditions, plants irrigated with very high salinity water maintained a high photosynthetic activity. In addition, fruits achieved an average weight of 750 g and a total soluble solids content of 15 °Brix, according to the quality standards required by the European market. The results of the study are promising, but the data collected will need to be further validated in the next season to assess the long-term impact of mulching and salt accumulation in the soil.

Aknowledgment: this research was funded under Action 2 of the “Budget Strategico del Dipatimento SAAF” of the University of Palermo prot. 206917 – 18/12/2023.

How to cite: Bellitti, S., Autovino, D., Farina, V., Franco, L., Gugliuzza, G., Iovino, M., and Mezzano, M.: Impact of mulching and high salinity water irrigation on mango: a preliminary study in Mediterranean environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18114,, 2025.

EGU25-18660 | Orals | SSS9.10

Implementing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus in irrigated areas: hints from the ERASMUS project 

Alessandro Pagano, Giacomo Ferrarese, Nicola Fontana, Ivan Portoghese, Umberto Fratino, Virginia Rosa Coletta, Nicola Lamaddalena, Serine Mohammadi, Gustavo Marini, Stefano Mambretti, and Stefano Malavasi

The Nexus concept recently emerged as a theoretical approach to natural resources management, which highlights the interconnections and interdependencies among different sectors (typically Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems, WEFE). It is seen as an opportunity to support sustainability transitions, overcoming sectoral perspectives and conflicts that often hinder such processes. This is particularly crucial for irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean areas, which has a central role for the socio-economic well-being but is being impacted by a multiplicity of relevant issues, such as the high demand for natural resources (water, soil, energy) and related costs in a context of limited availability. However, despite the increasing attention received in the scientific community, the Nexus concept is still limitedly implemented and operationalized.

This study, part of the ERASMUS project (Funded by the European Union—Next-Generation EU—National Recovery and Resilience Plan NRRP —MISSION 4 COMPONENT C2, INVESTIMENT N. 1.1, CALL PRIN 2022 D.D. 104 02-02-2022, Project 2022WLW9X8, Equality and Resilience of Agroecosystems through Smart water Management and Use—ERASMUS CUP N. B53D23006510006), aims at providing tools for an improved understanding of the WEFE Nexus in irrigated agroecosystems, while supporting its implementation exploring the role that innovative technologies might have.

The research employs two complementary methodologies: numerical modelling of irrigation networks and System Dynamics (SD) modelling. Numerical modelling simulates the behavior of irrigation networks under different operating scenarios, using a set of indicators to describe key system properties such as system reliability, water distribution equity, pressure deficit or excess, and water/energy use efficiency. SD modelling extends this analysis by incorporating broader system dynamics, including ecosystem and socio-economic factors represented through aggregated multidimensional indicators. Together, these approaches aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the state of irrigated systems and their potential evolution under multiple scenarios, which include the introduction of smart devices supporting network management, showing the effects they can have on system performance.

The numerical modelling approach relies also on the Rapid Appraisal Procedure, forming the basis for performance analysis through both physical and qualitative assessments. Field surveys collect data on cropping patterns and registered water volumes, which are integrated into simulation processes using Clément’s model to estimate discharge and pressure dynamics. Field calibration refines the model further, enabling detailed performance analysis at both hydrant and network levels. This structured workflow identifies critical performance gaps and inefficiencies, offering insights to optimize resource use and improve operational reliability.

The approach is being tested in two case studies in Southern Italy. A Community of Innovation has been stablished in the areas, which actively supports modelling activities, fostering stakeholder involvement and ensuring their support in understanding the potential for implementation and wider uptake of the proposed technologies.

How to cite: Pagano, A., Ferrarese, G., Fontana, N., Portoghese, I., Fratino, U., Coletta, V. R., Lamaddalena, N., Mohammadi, S., Marini, G., Mambretti, S., and Malavasi, S.: Implementing the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus in irrigated areas: hints from the ERASMUS project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18660,, 2025.

EGU25-18718 | Orals | SSS9.10

AIDA: High-resolution detection of water demand in the Italian agricultural sector 

Maria Cristina Rulli, Nikolas Galli, Harsh Nanesha, Arianna Tolazzi, Francesco Capone, Livia Ricciardi, Camilla Govoni, and Davide Danilo Chiarelli

Italy's agricultural sector, a cornerstone of its economy, has been facing mounting challenges from frequent droughts and water shortages, as the ones of 2022, 2023 and 2024, emphasizing the urgent need for effective and informed water management strategies. This study addresses this critical issue by evaluating water demand of rainfed and irrigated agriculture at high spatial resolution across Italy. This is done by integrating very high-resolution crop-specific datasets with irrigation intensity maps to develop a detailed land and crop cover map tracing 22 key crops at a 1 km resolution. This map then informs the WATNEEDS model, which solves the daily soil water balance in a crop-specific way to derive blue and green water demands. Validation of crop maps is performed against ground data by the Italian bureau of statistics (ISTAT), with satisfying results (86.7% of the model’s estimates present high correlation and low error w.r.t. ISTAT’s data). Irrigation volumes align well with regional statistics despite limitations in the validation sample. While uncertainties persist due to input data constraints and assumptions about hydrological processes and agricultural practices, the results offer significant opportunities to enhance water resource allocation. Among these, the findings of this study are supporting the identification of optimal locations for Small Agricultural Reservoirs (SmAR), a critical measure to mitigate the impacts of drought and ensure agricultural sustainability. This study was carried out within the CASTLE project and the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan – NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.1 – D.D. n. 104 02/02/2022 PRIN 2022 project code MUR 2022XSERL4 - CUP  B53D23007590006 and National Recovery and Resilience Plan –NRRP, Mission 4, Component
2, Investment 1.3 – D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005)

How to cite: Rulli, M. C., Galli, N., Nanesha, H., Tolazzi, A., Capone, F., Ricciardi, L., Govoni, C., and Chiarelli, D. D.: AIDA: High-resolution detection of water demand in the Italian agricultural sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18718,, 2025.

EGU25-20265 | Orals | SSS9.10

Irrigation Strategies for Carob Tree: Evaluating the Impact of Water Stress and Supplemental Irrigation under Mediterranean Climate 

francisco pedrero salcedo, Olga Doumkou, beatriz Lorente Pagán, Antonio José García García, Carlota Mª Martí-Martinez, Jesús María Domínguez Niño, Teresa Munuera Pérez, and Juan José Alarcón Cabañero

Climate change and increasing drought in the Mediterranean regions provoke serious challenges to agriculture, especially for rainfed crops. Carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is a resilient tree that is cultivated in dry and poor soils, but the absence of precise data on its irrigation needs limits the possibility of improving its production. In our research, we evaluate the irrigation needs and physiological response of carob trees by applying different irrigation strategies and using precision irrigation technologies.

The experiment was conducted from 2022/2024 at an 8-ha commercial carob tree orchard in the region of Murcia, Spain, with subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) installation. Three irrigation strategies were applied: full irrigation (FI), deficit irrigation (DI), and no irrigation (rainfed). Precision irrigation tools were used for supplemental irrigation during the critical growth periods. It is proven that supplemental irrigation, in addition to rainfall, can increase the yield. Soil probes and dendrometers were used to record moisture content and indicate the water stress. Additionally, stomatal conductance (gs) and stem water potential was measured.

The SDI system played a key role, as it allows for a more precise distribution of water directly in the root zone, improving the tree's access to water and reducing losses due to evaporation. From the physiological point of view, the stomatal conductance was the best indicator, responding faster to water supply. In terms of sensors, the combination of soil moisture sensors (at 30 and 60cms) to understand the correct soil water distribution, and dendometers which at each phenological stage (Bud-break, summer stop and post-summer growth) allow to determine whether the trees were growing, in standby, or water stress. The results showed increased fruit production and more consistent yields with full irrigation treatment, suggesting it supports uniform growth. However, variability due to factors like root damage through SDI installation, own variety variability, soil and alternate bearing was noted. The integration for the new seasons of new tools as remote sensing and machine learning will help reduce deviations.

This experiment has demonstrated the value of carob cultivation as an alternative, profitable and sustainable production, since this crop survives with low irrigation water quality and very low irrigation supplies, from 100 to 200 mm/year, applying complementary and deficit irrigation strategies.

How to cite: pedrero salcedo, F., Doumkou, O., Lorente Pagán, B., García García, A. J., Martí-Martinez, C. M., Domínguez Niño, J. M., Munuera Pérez, T., and Alarcón Cabañero, J. J.: Irrigation Strategies for Carob Tree: Evaluating the Impact of Water Stress and Supplemental Irrigation under Mediterranean Climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20265,, 2025.

EGU25-20348 | Posters on site | SSS9.10 | Highlight

Strategies to resources optimization in tomato, combination of soil water monitoring and biostimulation 

Alejandro Pérez-Pastor, Laura Marin-Durán, Susana Zapata-García, Pablo Berrios, Abdelmalek Temnani, Raúl Pérez-López, and Claudia Monllor

Spain is one of the most important tomato producers of the European Union, but the elevated water requirements of this crop together with the water scarcity that the country undergoes, lead farmers to look for new alternatives to optimize the use of the water and nutrients used for its growth. For this reason, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a combined treatment of biostimulation and irrigation reduction on the yield parameters, irrigation water productivity (WPi), productivity of the macronutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) and soil enzymatic activity in two commercial greenhouses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). The treatments evaluated were: i) FARMER: irrigated by farmer criteria, and ii) BIO: Biostimulated with seaweed extracts and microorganisms, and irrigated by monitoring the soil water content during the whole crop cycle through the use of real-time probes. The biostimulation program consisted of Ascophyllum nodosum extract applied by foliar and drip irrigation in both trials. In addition, the application of a third biostimulant composed by Bacillus paralicheniformis was added in trial 2. In both trials, the water savings in the BIO treatment with respect to their FARMER were 842 m3 ha-1 and 117 m3 ha-1, for trial 1 and 2, respectively. BIO treatment increased the number of fruits and the yield of tomato, therefore, an increase in the WPi and the productivity factor of N-P-K was observed. In addition, the enzymatic activities of the soil, β-glucosidase, phosphatase and urease showed a trend to improve in the BIO treatments in comparison to FARMER, making the nutrients more available for the plants. In conclusion, the application of biostimulants combined with irrigation reduction has been proved to be a strategy that allows reducing the water irrigation and fertilizers applied to tomato, improving its yield and soil enzymatic activities. This combination increases the economical and environmentally sustainable of tomato under greenhouse.

This work is a result of the AGROALNEXT programme and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union NextGenerationEU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Fundación Séneca with funding from Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia (CARM). Funding has also been received from the FMC Agricultural Sciences chair of the UPCT, an agreement between FMC Agricultural Solutions and UPCT.

How to cite: Pérez-Pastor, A., Marin-Durán, L., Zapata-García, S., Berrios, P., Temnani, A., Pérez-López, R., and Monllor, C.: Strategies to resources optimization in tomato, combination of soil water monitoring and biostimulation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20348,, 2025.

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of deficit irrigation applications at different levels on 
the cool-season turf mix and warm-season turfgrass species irrigated by sprinkler irrigation method and 
sub-drip irrigation method. Field experiments were conducted in the Agricultural Production and 
Research Center (TURAM) of Silivri Municipality in the boundaries of Tekirdağ and Istanbul - 
TÜRKİYE (41°03ʹN; 28°00ʹE; 46 m a.s.l.) in the summertime of 2019 and 2020. In this research, two 
different irrigation methods (SI: Sprinkler and SDI: sub-drip), for two different turfgrass types (CS: 
Cool-season turfgrass mix and WS: Warm-season turfgrass), at three different irrigation levels (I1: full 
irrigation, I2: 1/3 deficiency, I3: 2/3 deficiency) were examined in split split plots in randomized blocks 
design with three replications. Soil moisture content was monitored via TDR for irrigation scheduling, 
climatic data needed for ETo estimation were taken from automatic meteorology station established in 
experimental area, canopy temperature for CWSI calculation was measured by infrared thermometer. 
When the results were evaluated in terms of irrigation methods, 6-36% less irrigation water was applied 
with SDI method according to SI method due to the high-water application efficiency and low 
evaporation.  Besides, it has been concluded that deficit irrigation for cool season turfgrass mix has not 
been possible by SI method whereas deficit irrigation of 1/3 can be applied by SDI method on the 
condition of a little bit compromising the color quality. Thus, 38% irrigation water saving was achieved 
by SDI method. Although there was no any decrease in the density value, irrigation deficiency was not 
possible due to the decrease in the color parameter in Bermudagrass under SI method. However, 
irrigation water deficiency of 1/3 can be managed without any problem in visual quality in the same 
grass type under SDI method. Thus, approximately 50% irrigation water saving can be achieved 
compared to the SI method. 
Moreover, the CWSI is a valuable tool for monitoring and quantifying water stress and scheduling 
irrigations. CWSI of 0,12; 0,13; 0,31 and 0,39 are irrigation thresholds for CS and WS under SDI method 
for CS and WS under SI method, respectively. 
Keywords: Landscape irrigation, Turfgrass varieties, Irrigation methods, Irrigation water saving, Crop 
water stress index (CWSI) 
This Project was funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 

How to cite: Orta, A. H.: Response of cool and warm season turfgrass species to deficit irrigation under sprinkler and subsurface drip irrigation methods., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21932,, 2025.

EGU25-1694 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

Mulching improves soil-plant water status and yield in experimental drought conditions 

Jeroen Schreel, Rémy Willemet, Guillaume Blanchy, Waldo Deroo, Sarah Garré, Peter Lootens, Isabel Roldán-Ruiz, Maarten De Boever, and Tom De Swaef

Climate change-driven drought events are becoming increasingly common across Europe. These events can dramatically affect crop production, leading to significant yield losses and an overall deterioration of yield quality. Furthermore, irrigation is often not possible or allowed during long drought periods due to water scarcity. This problem requires crop management adaptations that provide more stable yields during challenging environmental conditions. To this end, organic mulch materials are being used as an agroecological solution. However, the effects of this management practice are not always straightforward, which has led to contradictory observations regarding their effect on crop yield. Here, we investigate the effect of applying an organic grass-clover mulch layer on the soil-water relations of celery (Apium graveolens Tango L.) during an extreme drought event. A full-factorial setup was used with (i) plants growing on a rainfed field with supplementary irrigation and plants subjected to drought using a movable rainout shelter and (ii) soil with and without organic mulch. Based on soil moisture and soil water potential sensors, and below-ground ERT (Electrical Resistivity Tomography) measurements, it was observed that the soil below mulched areas maintained a higher soil water content for a longer period of time compared to the soil in areas without mulch. Plant growth was monitored over time by combining manual measurements and drone data. Plants subjected to drought with mulch were significantly larger compared to plants without mulch, resulting in yields comparable to rainfed fields without mulch. Furthermore, the stomatal conductance and leaf water content of plants in mulched fields tended to be higher compared to plants in fields with no mulch. However, rainfed fields with mulch provided an even higher yield, indicating that the positive effects of the organic mulch were probably also mediated by a buffered soil temperature and an additional nitrogen input. Overall, organic mulch appears to buffer the soil-plant water relations of celery during drought, providing more stable yields under a changing climate.

How to cite: Schreel, J., Willemet, R., Blanchy, G., Deroo, W., Garré, S., Lootens, P., Roldán-Ruiz, I., De Boever, M., and De Swaef, T.: Mulching improves soil-plant water status and yield in experimental drought conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1694,, 2025.

Tea is a globally important crop, that is highly sensitive to variations in climate. While the UK has traditionally imported tea from regions such as China, India, and Sri Lanka, there are now several tea producers established across the UK. However, the potential impacts of future climate change on the suitability of different regions of the UK for tea cultivation is currently poorly understood.

This study evaluates the future climate suitability for tea cultivation across the UK. Comparing the current climate from various continental European tea growing regions with UKCP climate projections under the four representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios, we analyse where in the UK European cultivars could feasibly be grown over the century. A ranking approach was employed, incorporating closeness between European current, and UK future climates, including temperature (Tmin and Tmax), precipitation, and humidity projections, to identify regions most conducive to tea growth. Results indicate that the southeast of the UK may provide optimal growing conditions in the future, contrasting with the west, where current tea farms are predominantly located.

These findings have implications for the strategic planning of tea farming in the UK, particularly due to the long lifespan of tea plants, highlighting the need for potential adaptation to shifting climate conditions such as importing cultivars that are more suitable for the future UK climate. Furthermore, the methodology offers a framework that could be extended to assess the viability of tea gardens outside the UK, and other crops under changing climatic regimes, supporting resilient agricultural practices.

How to cite: Howard, H.: Exploring the suitability of European tea cultivar growth in future UK climates., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3253,, 2025.

EGU25-3287 | Orals | SSS9.12

Balancing agronomic production, farm economics and water quality with precision conservation 

Douglas Smith, Kabindra Adhikari, and Chad Hajda

Sustainable farms must balance agronomic production, farm economics and environmental concerns. Nutrient losses from agriculture are known to degrade downstream water quality. Many practices and technologies have been used to minimize the impact agriculture has on water quality, but few studies have been able to demonstrate how precision agriculture can accomplish such benefits. This presentation will demonstrate how precision agriculture was used to improve runoff water quality and farm gate returns through the adoption of precision conservation. At a research farm near Riesel, Texas, USA, ten cropped fields were managed with various levels of conservation adoption. Precision agriculture technologies were adopted for planting, fertilizing, and harvesting equipment in 2017. A baseline of data was captured from 2018-2021 to determine crop yield stability for each field. Starting in crop year 2022, the crop yield stability was used to implement precision conservation on four fields: two fields received reduced inputs to 60-80% of recommended rates in unprofitable zones, while two fields eliminated production in unprofitable zones. Water quality monitoring occurs in six of the ten fields. Preliminary data indicated decreased in soluble P loads of 90% following adoption of precision conservation, due to lower or eliminated P applications. Precision conservation seems to be able to balance production, economics and environmental concerns greater than traditional agriculture.  

How to cite: Smith, D., Adhikari, K., and Hajda, C.: Balancing agronomic production, farm economics and water quality with precision conservation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3287,, 2025.

EGU25-3752 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Climate Twin Methodology for Assessing the Future Viability of European Vineyards: A Bioclimatic and Topographic Approach 

Héloïse Allaman, Stéphane Goyette, and Jérôme Kasparian

The repercussions of climate change on viticulture are a matter of increasing concern, particularly in Europe, where vineyards are intrinsic to both the economy and cultural heritage. In order to facilitate a more profound comprehension of the spatial change of the climate, the climate twin method [1] is employed to analyse the case of European vineyards. The methodology involves the use of a climate twin model, which matches future vineyard climates with those of other regions. This provides insights into how shifting climates may influence the suitability of current and potential vineyard regions. The approach enables an understanding of both current and future climate conditions in wine-producing regions, offering prospective insights into the potential shift of suitable vineyard locations. The employment of the climate twin method facilitates the identification of regions within Europe that will retain their suitability for viticulture under future climate conditions, whilst concomitantly enabling the discovery of new areas with wine-growing potential in the future.

We rely on several bioclimatic indices, that consider climate conditions in the context of vineyard growth and disease development. The Huglin index and the number of heat and frost days are employed to describe the optimal conditions required for vine growth. The Scaphoideus titanus, the vector of Flavescence dorée, as well as the downy and powdery mildew, which are the main threats to European vineyards, are also considered. The climate twins are computed using these bioclimatic indices, as well as the raw climate data, namely temperature, precipitation, humidity and solar radiation. Results show that using the bioclimatic indices yields consistent mappings region by region, with a specific region being reliably associated with another under future climate conditions. 

Topography is a pivotal factor in viticulture, with vineyards frequently situated in hilly regions with south-facing slopes to maximise sunlight exposure. These topographic characteristics modify temperature, thereby influencing vine growth and disease dynamics. In this study, we analyse the impact of topography by calculating temperature corrections based on slope orientation and altitude. We show that the influence of these adjustments plays an important role on the identification of climate twins, and subsequent predictions for vineyard viability under future climate scenarios.

The findings of this study offer a more robust understanding of how European viticulture will need to adapt to climate change, with a particular focus on spatial shifts in suitable regions. This will assist winegrowers in making informed decisions regarding vineyard locations, culture management strategies, and future investments in viticulture. Our study underscores the significance of the climate twins approach to understanding climate impacts on viticulture, taking into account both bioclimatic variables and topographic factors. The overarching objective of this research is to provide a scientific foundation for the sustainable viticulture practices that will be required in the face of ongoing climate change, thereby safeguarding the future of European winemaking.

[1] G. Rohat, S. Goyette, J. Flacke, International Journal of Climate
Change Strategies and Management (2017)

How to cite: Allaman, H., Goyette, S., and Kasparian, J.: Climate Twin Methodology for Assessing the Future Viability of European Vineyards: A Bioclimatic and Topographic Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3752,, 2025.

EGU25-6950 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Mulch Type Matters: The Impact of Mulch Biodegradability on Potato Crop Development Under Wet Conditions in Belgium 

Rémy Willemet, Jeroen Schreel, Tom De Swaef, Wim Cornelis, and Maarten De Boever

In Europe, future summers are expected to bring both droughts and periods of excessive rainfall, highlighting the need for adaptable agronomic strategies across varying climatic scenarios. While mulch is well-documented for its ability to reduce soil evaporation and enhance tolerance against drought, its effects under wet conditions remain unclear.

In this study, we investigated the efficacy of three types of organic mulch - hay, miscanthus, and woodchips - for potato cultivation (Solanum tuberosum L.) during the wet summer of 2024 in the Flemish region of Belgium. Mulch was applied as a 6-cm layer on a sandy loam field. To gain insights into the impact of mulching on soil processes and crop development, we measured soil water content, matric potential, temperature, microbial activity, nitrogen in both soil and plant, and crop growth through a combination of manual and UAV measurements.

Our findings indicate that mulch biodegradability was the main factor affecting crop development during the wet 2024 growing season. At the final harvest, the average tuber yields under hay and miscanthus treatments were 33.2±3.0 t/ha and 29.2±4.5 t/ha, respectively, surpassing the control group yield of 28.1±3.3 t/ha. In contrast, the woodchip treatment resulted in a lower tuber yield of 24.4±4.4 t/ha. The best-performing mulch thus led to an 18% increase in tuber yield, while the worst-performing mulch induced a 13% decrease compared to the control treatment.

We assume that rapidly decomposing mulches provided a nitrogen boost mediated by soil microbial activity, thereby enhancing crop growth. In contrast, slowly decomposing materials might have caused nitrogen immobilization, reducing crop development and yield compared to the control group. The study underscores that the effectiveness of mulching is context-dependent and shaped by the interplay of mulch characteristics, environmental conditions, and crop-specific requirements.

How to cite: Willemet, R., Schreel, J., De Swaef, T., Cornelis, W., and De Boever, M.: Mulch Type Matters: The Impact of Mulch Biodegradability on Potato Crop Development Under Wet Conditions in Belgium, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6950,, 2025.

EGU25-7186 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Telomere Length as a genomic biomarker of well-being in grapevines: preliminary results in Aglianico grapevine 

Alessandra Iannuzzi, Arturo Erbaggio, Rossella Albrizio, Filippo Accomando, Andrea Vitale, and Ramona Pistucci

In recent years, molecular biomarkers have emerged as important tools in modern agriculture, facilitating the monitoring of plant health and providing objective assessments of resistance and susceptibility to environmental factors. Within the realm of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.), genomic biomarkers hold promise owing to their ability to integrate multifaceted, context-dependent information.

In this context, telomere length emerges as a promising, rapid, and cost-effective genomic biomarker, as observed in other species such as mammals and other plants. Telomeres, repetitive DNA sequences situated at chromosome ends, play a central role in safeguarding genetic material from damage and have been widely used in processes related to health, aging, and stress in mammalian models.

Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) enables precise quantification of telomere length relative to an internal reference gene specific to grapevines, ensuring stable measurements across diverse environmental conditions. Implementation of this novel protocol will facilitate the evaluation of telomere length dynamics in grapevines under varying conditions, thereby providing a valuable tool for assessing the vine's health status.

This contribution presents the first results on the Aglianico vine subjected to different levels of water stress (irrigated and non-irrigated) under the same soil in an area of southern Italy devoted to the production of high-quality wines (Taurasi DOCG area) in the Tenuta Donna Elvira winery (Montemiletto—AV).

The results were be achieved within the BeViteLo project.

How to cite: Iannuzzi, A., Erbaggio, A., Albrizio, R., Accomando, F., Vitale, A., and Pistucci, R.: Telomere Length as a genomic biomarker of well-being in grapevines: preliminary results in Aglianico grapevine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7186,, 2025.

EGU25-7215 | Orals | SSS9.12

Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Vineyard Ripening and Water Dynamics: A Case Study from the Taurasi DOCG in Southern Italy 

Angelo Basile, Rossella Albrizio, Antonello Bonfante, Maurizio Buonanno, Roberto De Mascellis, and Marialaura Bancheri

Climate change poses long-term risks to agriculture, driven by shifts in temperature, precipitation, and increased extreme weather events. Rising temperatures shift growing seasons, while altered precipitation affects water availability. Extreme weather, including intense rainfall, increases the risk of soil erosion and runoff. These changes are particularly important for vineyards, where grape ripening timing, crucial for wine quality, is affected. Vineyards, often located in hilly regions, also face soil degradation, impacting not only production but sectors like eno-tourism.

In this study - under the AGRITECH PNRR project - an experimental vineyard at Tenuta Donna Elvira in Montemiletto (AV), located in the Taurasi DOCG district (southern Italy), was used to assess the impact of climate change on soil and vineyard dynamics. The research included the following activities: i) identifying functional homogeneous zones (fHZs) in the vineyard using lidar-derived Digital Terrain Models (DTM), electromagnetic induction (EMI) sensor data, and vegetation indices derived from UAV flights; ii) Monitoring soil water content, agro-meteorological variables, leaf water potential, and leaf area index (LAI) over two years; iii) Conducting soil analysis on two distinct but adjacent soil types, evaluating their chemical, mechanical, and hydrological properties.

For both soils, the agro-hydrological model FLOWS was first calibrated and validated. Subsequently, simulations were conducted to assess conditions under the current climate (ACT: 2016–2023), near future (NEAR: 2025–2049), mid-future (MID: 2050–2074), and far future (FAR: 2075–2099) across three climate scenarios. These scenarios were derived from datasets provided by the 6th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6), utilizing three General Circulation Models (GCMs)—MPI-ESM1-2-LR, MRI-ESM2-0, and GFDL-ESM4—and three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP2.6, RCP7.0, and RCP8.5). The models were locally validated against ground data (precipitation and mean temperature) for the period 2006–2023 and bias-corrected using a linear technique with 10 years of data (2014–2023) from a weather station located approximately 10 km from the study site in Luogosano (PZ).

The results indicated that under the RCP2.6 scenario, the ripening date remains stable, while under RCP7 and RCP8.5, ripening advances by up to 6 weeks. The increase in groundwater recharge due to climate change is minimal, with an increase of less than 6% in the far future for both soils. Soil 1 is, on average, 50% more effective at preventing runoff and flooding than Soil 2. Runoff increases from the RCP2.6 scenario to the RCP7 scenario and further under the RCP8.5 scenario.

Challenges with GCMs include inconsistencies in predicting climate variables, emphasizing the need for ensemble approaches. Despite these challenges, process-based models have proven reliable for predicting agricultural outcomes, especially in managing vineyard ecosystems under climate change.

How to cite: Basile, A., Albrizio, R., Bonfante, A., Buonanno, M., De Mascellis, R., and Bancheri, M.: Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Vineyard Ripening and Water Dynamics: A Case Study from the Taurasi DOCG in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7215,, 2025.

The assessment of soil functions and ecosystem services requires reliable eco-physiological indicators that capture the complexity of soil processes across scales. Long-term field experiment provides unique insights into soil carbon dynamic and functions under varying agricultural management practices and environmental conditions. In this study, we plan to conduct a meta-analysis of self-obtained field data from several long-term field experiments in Bad Lauchstädt, central Germany, to evaluate the applicability of both basic and novel eco-indicators in assessing soil health and carbon sequestration.
Our analysis includes traditional indicators such as metabolic quintet (qCO2) and microbial biomass carbon to soil organic carbon ratio (MBC:SOC), alongside some potential novel indicators like active microbial fractions, particulate organic matter to soil organic matter ratio (POM/SOM), soil pore characteristics, and soil fauna. These long-term field experiments represent varying land use practices, climatic conditions, and management strategies, offering a robust dataset for testing indicator sensitivity and effectiveness.
The primary objective of this research is to identify which indicators are most responsive to land use, climate variability, and seasonality at the field scale, and to explore their potential for evaluating soil functions and ecosystem services. While our data analysis is ongoing, we hypothesize that integrating basic and novel indicators will provide a comprehensive framework for soil assessment, enabling better predictions of ecosystem resilience and carbon storage potential. We look forward to presenting our findings and discussing the implications of eco-indicator-based assessments for sustainable soil management and climate change mitigation at the conference.

How to cite: Wang, S. and Blagodatskaya, E.: Meta-analysis of soil eco-indicators to assess soil functions and ecosystem services in long-term field experiments in Bad Lauchstädt, Central Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7372,, 2025.

EGU25-7657 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

RICE-MAP: A Prototype Decision Support System for Climate-Informed Rice Security in Southeast Asia 

Chen Zhao, Yaomin Wang, Chao Zhang, and Xiaogang He

Southeast Asia is a cornerstone of global rice security, contributing substantially to regional and international food supply chains. Accurate and timely information on rice yield is essential for effective agricultural planning, trade policy formulation, and food security management. However, conventional approaches to yield estimation, which often rely on historical trends or sparse in situ observations, are insufficient for capturing the complex interplay between climate variability, extreme weather events, and crop dynamics. The increasing frequency and intensity of climate shocks, including droughts, floods, and heatwaves, underscore the need for an advanced rice yield forecasting system. The development of a decision support system--RICE-MAP (Rice Information & Climate Evaluation- Monitoring And Prediction), integrates state-of-the-art climate forecasts with machine learning techniques to provide dynamic, high-resolution predictions of rice yield under current and future climate scenarios. RICE-MAP synthesizes satellite-derived datasets, global climate model outputs, and agricultural statistics to monitor and predict yield variability across rice-growing regions in Southeast Asia. By leveraging spatially and temporally resolved climate variables with machine learning models, the system provides lead-time-specific yield predictions, accompanied by rigorous evaluations of forecast performance using established metrics. The system’s capabilities are accessible through a user-friendly dashboard, designed to facilitate decision-making for policymakers, agricultural planners, and other stakeholders. Case studies in Southeast Asia demonstrate the system’s potential of integrating climate science and artificial intelligence to enhance climate resilience and adaptive capacity in the agricultural.

Keywords: Decision Support System; Rice yield forecast; climate shocks.

How to cite: Zhao, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, C., and He, X.: RICE-MAP: A Prototype Decision Support System for Climate-Informed Rice Security in Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7657,, 2025.

The agricultural sector faces increasing pressure to meet global food demand due to population growth. Challenges such as climate change, resource scarcity, and environmental degradation will further increase this problem. These issues are particularly critical in the Mediterranean region, which is characterized by water-limited conditions and soils poor in organic matter and mineral nutrients. As a step toward ensuring food security, optimized resource utilization strategies and actionable plans for stakeholders are necessary. Reliable estimation of crop growth parameters and yield prediction under different climatic and agronomic scenarios have emerged as critical tools in driving these changes.

Various conventional crop growth parameter estimation and yield prediction methods have emerged as methods for optimizing resource utilization, identifying risks, and enabling effective decision-making. However, conventional methods, including empirical, statistical, and process-based models, often face limitations such as co-linearity among predictor variables, assumptions of stationarity, and the inability to capture complex biophysical and biochemical interactions at large scales. These shortcomings highlight the need for more robust and adaptable approaches. Advanced technologies, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Remote Sensing (RS) have revolutionized agriculture by uncovering hidden patterns, enabling large-scale monitoring, and improving prediction accuracy. This research evaluates the state-of-the-art in the synergized use of AI and RS for crop growth parameter estimation and yield prediction in Mediterranean agroecosystems.

A systematic literature review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. Keywords and Boolean operators were used to search titles, abstracts, and keywords in selected databases, including Web of Science and Scopus. The review included English and French publications focusing on the Mediterranean region, encompassing Southern European, Middle Eastern, and North African countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Publications that were duplicated, unrelated to the study objectives, or outside the geographical focus were excluded. Out of 551 initial publications retrieved, 117 met the inclusion criteria and were selected for detailed review.

The findings reveal a rising interest in integrating AI and RS for estimating crop growth parameters and predicting yield. Multispectral RS products, such as Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2, are the most frequently utilized data sources. Additionally, Sentinel-1 microwave sensors and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based imagery are increasingly employed alongside ground-based sensors. Among AI methodologies, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms like Random Forest (RF), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Support Vector Machines (SVM) dominate, while Deep Learning (DL) techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have gained prominence since 2020. Most publications were produced between 2020 and 2024, with Italy, Spain, and France being the most studied regions.

The study underscores the transformative potential of integrating AI and RS for crop growth parameter estimation and yield prediction in Mediterranean agroecosystems. By leveraging diverse data sources, algorithms, and sensor technologies, these advancements address the limitations of traditional models, enhance scalability and accuracy, and support sustainable agriculture in resource-limited environments.

This research is performed in the framework of the PhD program in Agrobiosciences, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, scholarship: PNRR “Digital and environmental transitions” (M4C1, Inv. 3.4) ex MD 629/2024.

How to cite: Demissie, W., Sebastiani, L., and Rossetto, R.: Synergizing Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing for Enhanced Crop Growth Parameter Estimation and Yield Prediction in Mediterranean Agroecosystems: A Systematic Literature Review, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8207,, 2025.

EGU25-8877 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

Silicon fertilizer increased potato drought tolerance and reduced soil N2O emissions in two Danish soils at field scale  

Yvonne Madegwa, Yihuai Hu, Jörg Schaller, and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

Potatoes, with their small, shallow roots, are one of the most drought-sensitive crops. Silicon (Si) fertilizers have the potential to increase the drought tolerance of potatoes by modulating soil and plant properties. We investigated the effect of Si fertilizers on potato production and greenhouse gas emissions (N2O and CH4) under drought stress. The experiment was conducted on 2 soils (orthic haplohumod-sand and typical Agrudalf-clay) with drought intensity as main plot (acute drought and severe drought) and Si fertilizers as split plots (amorphous silica-ASi, diatomaceous earth-DE and no-Si addition-Control). For drought intensity treatments, acute drought had higher total yields compared to severe drought, while Si fertilizer treatments (ASi and DE) had higher total yields as well as higher soil moisture and leaf P content compared to the Control in both soils. Overall, Si-based fertilizers (ASi and DE) significantly reduced cumulative N₂O emissions in both sand and clay soils compared to Control treatments. More specifically Si-based fertilizers recorded an average reduction of 31% in N₂O emissions compared to Control. For CH₄ emissions, Si-based fertilizers led to an 8% increase in CH₄ uptake in clay soils and a 3% increase in sand soils (with DE) compared to Control, although these values were not significant. Our results indicate that, at field scale, Si fertilization has the potential to be a sustainable solution for maintaining potato production while reducing agricultural N2O emissions under drought stress in Denmark. 

How to cite: Madegwa, Y., Hu, Y., Schaller, J., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: Silicon fertilizer increased potato drought tolerance and reduced soil N2O emissions in two Danish soils at field scale , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8877,, 2025.

EGU25-9409 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Neglected and underutilized plant species to enhance productivity of marginal lands in the Mediterranean basin 

Cristina Da Lio, Marta Cosma, Luna Al-Hadidi, Abdelmadjid Boufekane, Sandra Donnici, Alaa El-Din Abdin, Amal ElRawy, Lorenzo Frison, Luca Galeazzi, Taoufik Hermassi, Maria Lopez-Abelairas, Dalila Loudyi, Simona Castaldi, Micòl Mastrocicco, Luigi Tosi, Eleni Maloupa, Katerina Grigoriadou, and Vassilis Aschonitis

The Mediterranean region is experiencing severe environmental pressures due to climate change, population growth, agricultural intensification, and desertification. Impacts will be exacerbated in the coming decades and require adaptation strategies to increase the resilience of ecosystems and counteract land degradation. Throughout the Mediterranean, desertification combined with reduced freshwater availability will be the main factors limiting agricultural production, driving the need for alternative low-water demanding crops. Some Neglected and Underutilized Species (NUS), typical of the Mediterranean area and already used by rural populations, are adapted to grow under drought conditions, in combination with other soil limiting factors, such as high salinity, reduced nutrient inputs, and desertification. These species have the potential to ameliorate soil quality and to be a viable alternative for farmers, especially smallholders, to generate economic value.

The VENUS project (i.e. ConVErting marginal lands of the Mediterranean basin into productive and sustainable agroecosystems using low water demanding Neglected and Underutilized Species) aims to demonstrate the environmental potential of introducing NUS, known for their resilience under extreme conditions, and their economic potential as marketable products, including food, cosmetics, and energy applications. Specifically, 10 pilot sites have recently been established in 7 Mediterranean countries (Greece, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Algeria) to collect data on biotic and abiotic factors regulating the NUS production systems, to test the suitability and sustainability of NUS, and to assess the impact of their cultivation on soil health quality. The local results obtained at the pilot sites, combined with an analysis of the distribution of the most recent databases available in the literature of key abiotic/climatic factors across the Mediterranean, will be useful for the scalability and transferability assessment of NUS production systems to a wider scale. Furthermore, NUS production system at each site will be analysed to assess their quality for various market applications (i.e., food, cosmeceutical and pharmaceutical, and energy production), and social acceptance with the final aim of producing a set of commercially viable and sustainable business models at partners’ pilot regions and countries, providing alternatives to farmers struggling with water scarcity and other limiting factors.


This work was conducted in the framework of the project VENUS - “ConVErting marginal lands of the Mediterranean basin into productive and sustainable agroecosystems using low water demanding Neglected and Underutilized Species” funded by the PRIMA programme (Grant Agreement No. 2312) supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

How to cite: Da Lio, C., Cosma, M., Al-Hadidi, L., Boufekane, A., Donnici, S., El-Din Abdin, A., ElRawy, A., Frison, L., Galeazzi, L., Hermassi, T., Lopez-Abelairas, M., Loudyi, D., Castaldi, S., Mastrocicco, M., Tosi, L., Maloupa, E., Grigoriadou, K., and Aschonitis, V.: Neglected and underutilized plant species to enhance productivity of marginal lands in the Mediterranean basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9409,, 2025.

EGU25-9410 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

Integrated digital solutions for sustainable farm-scale water allocation in Mediterranean environments 

Andrea Borgo, Marta Debolini, Guido Rianna, and Simone Mereu

Agriculture represents the most water-demanding sector in the Mediterranean, constituting 72% of total water demand, but exceeding 80% in most Southern Mediterranean countries. Moreover, climate change is expected to threaten water resources, by increasing evapotranspiration rates and changing precipitation regimes, with more heavy rains and prolonged long-term droughts. For these reasons, improving irrigation efficiency through policies like the Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) is critical for sustainable development. The digitalization of the irrigation sector can constitute a strategic solution to overcome the issue of water scarcity, as it integrates the latest technological advancements (Internet of Things – IoT, innovative water and weather sensors and actuators) in conventional irrigation systems. For this purpose, this work aims to develop and implement a real-time irrigation model, which acts as a decision-support tool for accurate irrigation management in Mediterranean environments. By integrating sensor-based data (soil moisture sensors, water meters and weather stations), weather forecasts (from meteorological models) and user inputs (crop, soil and irrigation management indications), the irrigation model provides accurate scheduling of irrigation events, according to crop water needs. The model runs at hourly scale, performing a soil water balance over the soil profile of the field and assessing the irrigation requirements, given the inputs (precipitation and irrigation) and outputs (deep percolation and crop evapotranspiration) of the system. The model schedules the days and volumes of future irrigation events, considering the scenarios of optimal irrigation (Early), moderate (Late) and high (Limit) water stress, in the case of full and deficit irrigation. One of the key features of the presented irrigation model is its ability to calibrate future irrigation events by analyzing the performance of past irrigations and checking the presence of deep percolation or water deficit in the lowest level of the soil profile. This model can constitute a powerful tool for the support of farmers in precision irrigation, considering the real-time monitoring of crop water needs and the scheduling of future irrigation events. Moreover, its user-friendly interface, with a very limited and easy-to-get set of input data allows an accessible management and visualization of the model’s outputs. This work is part of the PRIMA-founded ACQUAOUNT (Adapting to Climate change by QUantifying optimal Allocation of water resOUrces and socio-ecoNomic inTerlinkages - ) project, which aims to apply innovative tools, smart water services and digital solutions, to improve sustainable irrigation and contribute to climate resilience in agriculture.

How to cite: Borgo, A., Debolini, M., Rianna, G., and Mereu, S.: Integrated digital solutions for sustainable farm-scale water allocation in Mediterranean environments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9410,, 2025.

EGU25-10094 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

Assessment of soil health indicators in a regional strategy for climate change adaptation in agricultural land in Navarre (Spain). 

Miguel Itarte, Rodrigo Antón, Alberto Enrique, Isabel de Soto, and Iñigo Virto

Due to expected climate change effects, and with the aim of improving the resilience of the region of Navarra (N Spain), the Life Nadapta project has developed different studies on diverse knowledge fields. One of them is related to agriculture, more specifically to soil heath and the capability of improving its resilience through different agricultural managements.

These managements are conservation agriculture, organic amendments and crop rotation and the goal of this work was to assess the effect of these practices on three previously defined soil quality indicators (bulk density, water holding capacity and organic carbon storage).

To measure the effect of this practices over the agricultural soils of Navarra, previously a zonification process took place, considering the agroclimatic distribution and different bioregions. As result of this, the region of Navarra was split into 12 zones. Subsequently, for each zone, the more representative agricultural soil managements were selected in a network of more than 150 agricultural plots. On these, paired comparisons on plots with on the same soil unit and contrasting management were conducted to determine the effect of the selected management strategies on soil health.

Result of an extensive plot selection, 11 plots were chosen out of the 150 in the network to continue the study several years after the first assessment, comparing the effect of a conventional management with the adaptative ones on soil health indicators.

In addition, to account for all aspects of the sustainability of these managements in real life, the study took into consideration the economic yield and cost of each management strategy in these 11 plots.  

The groups of plots that showed significant differences in bulk density between adaptive and conventional management were those located in study zone 3 (semi-arid transition area). The plot under conservation agriculture management displayed higher values than the conventional one and the plot with organic amendments obtained a lower density.

Regarding carbon concentration, the same plot under conservation agriculture mentioned above performed worse than its conventional equivalent. On the other hand, in study area 1 (arid Mediterranean), the plot with organic amendments achieved a higher concentration than the conventional plot.

Finally, no differences were observed in any of the groups of plots studied, in terms of the water retention capacity indicator.

The economical balances showed that not all situations leading to improved soil quality resulted in a better economical behavior, which suggests that improving soil resilience may induce additional costs to producers.

Our results offer a first approximation of actual changes in agricultural fields when adaptive strategies are adopted at the regional level.

How to cite: Itarte, M., Antón, R., Enrique, A., de Soto, I., and Virto, I.: Assessment of soil health indicators in a regional strategy for climate change adaptation in agricultural land in Navarre (Spain)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10094,, 2025.

The plant pathogen Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) is a significant threat to various economically important tree cash crops. Although previously found only in the Americas, the bacterium responsible for olive quick decline syndrome was detected in Apulia, Italy, in 2013. The primary vector of Xf in Italy is the spittlebug Philaenus spumarius. Several studies suggested that vector mobility has been a critical factor influencing the epidemic, along with the insect population density and the pathogen transmission rate. Since then, it has spread to approximately 54,000 ha of olive trees in the region, causing dramatic concern throughout the Mediterranean basin. As a result, it is crucial to comprehend its distribution and forecast its potential diffusion. While a large contribution to the “olive quick decline syndrome” (OQSD) study has been focused on the insect-bacterium characteristics as well as on the climate, phenological and epidemiological Xf-driving factors, to date, the effect of the anthropogenic pressure on the distribution of OQDS has been neglected, notwithstanding some authors hinted to the importance of human mobility and settlements on the vector dissemination, and on the actual spread of insect pests over short and medium distances. To fill this research gap, we analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of the OQDS epidemic in Apulia using an ecological niche model to identify how different land uses, used as proxies of different levels of human pressure across the Apulia territory, impacted the distribution of the Xf-infected olive trees in 2015–2021. Results demonstrated that the anthropogenic component significantly contributed to the epidemic, with the road system representing the main driver of diffusion and natural/seminatural areas hampering Xf spread at the landscape scale. This evidence highlighted the importance of explicitly considering the effects of the anthropogenic landscape when modelling Xf distribution and support the design of landscape-informed monitoring strategies to prevent Xf spread in Apulia and other Mediterranean countries.

How to cite: Raparelli, E., Bregaglio, S., and Bajocco, S.: Assessing the driving role of the anthropogenic landscape on the distribution of the Xylella fastidiosa-driven “olive quick decline syndrome” in Apulia (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10182,, 2025.

Viticulture in Trentino Alto Adige (northern Italy) mainly focuses on wine quality rather than quantity, and it is well known that wine quality can be improved by applying moderate water stress during fruit ripening. But with climate change extreme drought periods are becoming more and more frequent, and longer often coupled with high air temperatures. This is challenging for farmers, since prolonged periods of water scarcity negatively affect the physiological activity of the vines, the yield and the increase of water demand from irrigation reservoirs. On the other hand, summer extreme precipitations cause, as well, crop loss, plant diseases, nutrient leaching and soil erosion. 

With appropriate precision irrigation practices the timing and the amount of water can be controlled to guarantee the optimal amount of water to the crops and ensure the best quality of the products, also avoiding water loss by runoff or deep percolation resulting from an excess of irrigation. In this perspective it is essential to accurately monitor the water status of the SPAC, which is the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum.

This study focuses on the comparison of two different irrigation regimes on a vineyard located in Mezzolombardo (Trentino Alto Adige, Italy), with the analysis of the water status of the field during the 2024 growing season and the comparison of the musts after harvest.

Four vines (Vitis vinifera L., Teroldego cv.) on the same vine row were chosen: two of them were kept without irrigation, and the others were treated as usual with irrigation scheduled by the irrigation consortia. The water state of the plant was monitored with microtensiometers (FloraPulse Co., Davis, USA) embedded in the trunk and measuring the stem water potential (Ψstem) allowing a continuous, non-invasive and remote monitoring of Ψstem. The amount of water in the soil was measured with tensiometers, located near each plant, and atmospheric parameters were given by a meteorological station nearby.

The start of the 2024 growing season has been extremely wet and limited the initial development of the vegetation, but August was characterized by almost no water income and particularly high temperatures. Despite the lack of water, the non irrigated plants never reached Ψstem values associated to water stress, whereas the irrigated plants were kept regularly irrigated even when the water in the soil was above field capacity, leading to a potential loss of water by deep percolation. The comparison of the musts between the two thesis highlighted no significant differences in the organoleptic properties and the Ravaz Index showed that the non irrigated vines were in a better vegetative-productive equilibrium with respect to the irrigated plants.

In order to adapt the agricultural production to the water imbalance given by the changing climate, it is more effective to provide irrigation only when needed, and not to rely on a scheduled calendar. It is confirmed that precision irrigation practices accurately support the crop needs and it should be one common practice to be developed and enhanced in the near future.

How to cite: Mattedi, C., Zottele, F., Centurioni, F., and Corradini, S.: Effects of deficit irrigation practices on the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere system: a case study on Vitis vinifera L. (Teroldego cv.) from Trentino Alto Adige, Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10812,, 2025.

Grape downy mildew, caused by the pathogen Plasmopara viticola, is one of the most devastating diseases impacting grapevine cultivation globally. Its primary infection is highly influenced by weather conditions and the presence of airborne sporangia. Effective management of this disease relies on timely preventive fungicide applications, which depend on accurate forecasting. Traditional empirical forecasting methods often lack precision, leading to costly and less effective intervention decisions. Recently, the use of spore traps for monitoring airborne spores has shown promise in enhancing plant disease forecasting accuracy.

This study aims to enhance Rossi’s primary infection model and develop a spore data assimilation method to improve the forecasting of grapevine downy mildew infections. Additionally, we examine the impact of climate change on disease occurrence risks and evaluate adaptation strategies across different grape-growing regions in China. By integrating spore trap monitoring data with the mechanistic model, our data assimilation method improved primary infection predictions and disease management strategies.

From 2022 to 2024, we conducted multisite monitoring in Nanning, Hechi, Guilin, and Yangling to analyze sporangia splash patterns and concentration changes within orchards, as well as disease index variations across regions. The collected data were used for model verification and calibration. We employed data assimilation techniques and performed a model sensitivity analysis to determine relevant parameters. The enhanced model demonstrated high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy across major grape-growing regions in China, correctly predicting primary infection dates with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.85 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 8-16%. Notably, the model accurately forecasted infection dates across multiple years and sites, with only one instance of a 7-day delay. Furthermore, the model identified optimal fungicide spraying windows, potentially reducing management costs by 10-30% compared to traditional strategies used by farmers.

Our analysis of climate change scenarios revealed significant shifts in primary infection trends, with warmer and more humid conditions projected to increase the risk and frequency of downy mildew outbreaks in several key grape-growing regions. In response, we propose adaptation strategies including the adoption of resistant grapevine varieties, modification of irrigation practices to reduce humidity around plants, and the implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) approaches that combine biological control agents with optimized fungicide application schedules.

These results indicate that assimilating real-time spore counts allows the model to effectively simulate primary infection processes, enabling timely and informed decision-making to limit disease spread. Additionally, understanding the climate change-driven shifts in infection trends facilitates the development of robust adaptation strategies to sustain grapevine cultivation under evolving environmental conditions. This approach provides grape growers with location-specific, precise, and timely information essential for developing effective disease management and adaptation strategies, thereby enhancing the sustainability and productivity of grapevine cultivation in the face of climate variability.

How to cite: Yao, L., Zhao, G., Chen, B., and Yu, Q.: Optimizing Primary Infection Forecasting and Management of Grapevine Downy Mildew with Spore Trap Data Across Chinese Vineyards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12159,, 2025.

Agricultural conservation practices (e.g. conservation tillage, cover crops) are critical measures to mitigate nutrient loss and greenhouse gas emissions, enhance soil organic carbon (SOC), and maintain crop yield. Despite these benefits, recent studies indicate that switching to conservation tillage (e.g. no-till) can inadvertently increase nitrate leaching, thereby degrading water quality.  This study presents a meta-analysis of field experiments to elucidate the conflicting outcomes of conservation tillage—increasing SOC levels but simultaneously exacerbating nitrate loss. For instance, SOC in the top 30 cm of soil under no-till (NT) was 14.2% and 4.7% higher than under high-intensity tillage (HT) and intermediate-intensity tillage (IT), respectively. In contrast, nitrate leaching under NT exceeded that under HT and IT by 4.9% and 0.6%, respectively.

By leveraging high-resolution datasets of soil characteristics, weather, water quality, land use, and topography, we utilized a comprehensive watershed model, the Terrestrial-Aquatic Sciences Convergence (TASC) to evaluate the combined effects of tillage and cover crops (e.g., winter wheat, rye, and oats) on SOC sequestration, nitrate loading, and crop yield in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (492,000km2). We found that conservation tillage  and cover crops could complement each other. The combined adoption significantly affects water availability, nitrate leaching, SOC, and crop yield. While the integration of cover crops enhances biomass production and SOC, their ability to absorb soil inorganic nitrogen during the non-growing season helps mitigate nitrate leaching. Notably, crop yield under scenarios combining tillage and cover crops surpasses those involving only tillage. However, cover crops can also enhance evapotranspiration, which could potentially aggravate the water availability issues for crop production under future climate conditions. These results underscore the critical need for careful evaluation of the trade-offs between conservation tillage and cover crops when developing policies to address environmental challenges in agricultural ecosystems over the coming decades.

How to cite: Liang, K., Zhang, X., and Zhao, K.: Trade-offs of Conservation Practices in the US Corn-belt: Balancing Soil Organic Carbon, Water Quality, and Crop Yield, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12605,, 2025.

EGU25-12701 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

Drivers of Spatial Variability in Corn Yield Sensitivity to Heat in the US Midwest 

Adarsh Raghuram and Ethan Coffel

Extreme heat is a growing threat to global agricultural production. Compound climate extremes, such as co-occurring hot and dry conditions driven by interactions between land and atmosphere, further exacerbate yield loss. Given the projected increase in such extremes, crop adaptation is becoming increasingly crucial to mitigate yield shocks and ensure food security. 

The US Midwest, responsible for about a third of global corn production, is a key region of focus. In this study, we find that the regional sensitivity of corn yields to extreme heat has shown an increasing trend over the past 6 decades. While this finding aligns with other studies indicating limited adaptation in the region, the spatial variations in sensitivity changes suggest more localized influences on crop yields. Using data from the USDA and ERA5, we explore the basis for this observed variability in sensitivity, with a particular focus on two management strategies—crop diversity and tillage practices—at the county scale to assess potential adaptation.

How to cite: Raghuram, A. and Coffel, E.: Drivers of Spatial Variability in Corn Yield Sensitivity to Heat in the US Midwest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12701,, 2025.

Europe's commitment to sustainability drives the need for agricultural practices that are more environmentally friendly. This transition emphasizes the protection of biodiversity, reduction of environmental harm, efficient use of resources, and the simultaneous preservation of farming profitability and food security. To support this shift, various agroecological strategies are being examined for their impact on both productivity and environmental sustainability.

The presentation will show the results of a systematic review of existing research on multicropping (MC) to evaluate its potential to enhance the environmental sustainability of agro-ecosystems while maintaining or even increasing food production. MC is defined as the sequential cultivation of more than one crop on the same field within approximately 12 months.

While MC is widely practiced in developing countries, in the European region agriculture largely relies on single-cropping, with some exceptions in the Mediterranean region. Climate change will likely allow a future expansion of MC systems in Europe. As a result, MC practices are expected to play a more prominent role in future European agriculture, necessitating an evaluation of their broader implications. The review analyses the current knowledge on the impacts of MC system implementation for yields, soil water availability, soil properties and biodiversity.

How to cite: Fader, M.: Evaluation of multicropping systems (sequential cultivation) from an agroecological perspective, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12931,, 2025.

EGU25-13048 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Rice N fertilization guided by plant nutritional status using proximal sensing 

Konrad Metzger, Léandre Guillod, Yvonne Fabian, and Thomas Guillaume

With warming climate, the conditions north of the alps become more favorable for growing paddy rice as a niche product to diversify the crop production, while simultaneously utilizing wetlands with their benefits for high biodiversity and the prevention of greenhouse gas emissions. However, growing paddy rice in these climatic conditions remains challenging, and therefore, the Nitrogen availability might not be a dominant limiting factor to reach the relatively low yield objectives of Swiss growers (3-4 t / ha). Here, we assess the occurrence of N deficiencies in paddy rice fields across Switzerland and the relative importance of the two main fertilizations (basal at transplantation and at panicle initiation) to reach the yield objectives. To achieve these goals, we used proximal sensing (SPAD (soil plant analysis development) and a near-infrared leaf spectrometer) to estimate the nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) as a fast and affordable method as needed for precision agriculture and targeted fertilization. We calibrated the methodology to determine N and chlorophyl critical values at panicle initiation for the short duration rice variety (Loto) grown in Switzerland. 

In nine paddy rice fields throughout Switzerland, proximal sensing measurements were done between transplantation and panicle initiation (determined as the best moment for the second application of fertilizer). In addition, in one paddy rice field we implemented an experiment consisting of four treatments: a standard practice, where the field was fertilized once at transplantation together with the plant (40 kg N/ha) and once before panicle initiation with a spreader (40 kg N/ha), zero fertilizer and two treatments of only one fertilizer application, namely one in which the fertilizer was applied with the transplantation, and one where the fertilizer was applied before panicle initiation.

Plant leaves were measured with two proximal sensing devices, (Hansatech SPAD meter and SpectraVue leaf spectrometer) before the second fertilization, and in the case of the experiment also one week after fertilizer application. In parallel, plant samples were collected to be analyzed for biomass, leaf N content and phenology.

Preliminary results of the SPAD values showed, that they tended to reach a maximum at ca. 18 ± 4 before panicle initiation, especially in the high yielding fields. In other fields, the SPAD values were much lower (ca. 9 ± 5), indicating the need for adapted fertilization even at low yield objectives.

In terms of yield, the experiment resulted in significantly different (p<0.05) grain yield differences between the treatment without fertilizer and with the two doses of fertilizer applied. The SPAD values showed significant differences after the second fertilizer application between the treatments that received the second fertilization and those who didn’t. No effect could be seen from the first fertilization in that case as the recent fertilization overrode the other differences.

This method could be used in the future to guide precision fertilization based on crop needs and to account for the high interannual variability.

How to cite: Metzger, K., Guillod, L., Fabian, Y., and Guillaume, T.: Rice N fertilization guided by plant nutritional status using proximal sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13048,, 2025.

EGU25-13091 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Hydrochar as an emerging solution for soil health improvement: Insights from a pot trial 

Teresa Di Santo, Rossana Marzaioli, Elio Coppola, Giovanna Battipaglia, Simona Castaldi, Lucio Zaccariello, Maria Laura Mastellone, and Flora Angela Rutigliano

Anthropogenic soil degradation undermines essential ecosystem services such as food production, water purification, nutrient cycling and climate regulation. Unsustainable agricultural practices are among the main causes of soil degradation through pollution, soil loss and consequently lowering organic matter and nutrients. Adopting innovative solutions for agriculture soil management by adding low-decomposable organic amendments to the soil, such as hydrochar, can help reverse soil degradation. Hydrochar, derived from the hydrothermal carbonization of organic waste, may have the advantage of restoring the organic C stock in the soil, helping to mitigate climate change and improving soil health. Before using hydrochar at a large scale, a comprehensive assessment to exclude any potential adverse effects on the soil biotic community, playing a key role in the provisioning of ecosystem services, is needed.
This study, part of the interdisciplinary project ‘CHIMERA’ evaluating the impact of hydrochar on the soil-plant-atmosphere system, aims to investigate changes in the chemical and microbial properties of degraded agricultural soil following the application of hydrochar. Therefore, a controlled greenhouse experiment was conducted using pots (21 cm diameter, 16 cm height), each containing 1 kg of soil. Two types of hydrochar, produced by hydrothermal carbonization at 250 °C and 50 bar without oxygen, were tested: one derived from sewage sludge (HS) and the other from thistle (Cynara cardunculus L., HC) residues, respectively. Each hydrochar was applied at two doses (3 kg m and 6 kg m), and the resulting five treatments (four with hydrochar and one control) were assayed in five replicates. At different exposure times (from 18 to 517 days), the following soil properties were analysed: pH, total organic C (Corg) and its extractable fraction (Cext), microbial biomass (Cmic), activity (as respiration), the quotient of mineralization (qM) and genetic bacterial diversity (richness).
The results showed no toxicity to the soil microbial community; moreover, a general improvement of microbial biomass, activity and richness was observed, compared to control, at each exposure time, together with a significant decrease in qM, suggesting that C added as hydrochar was at least in part retained in soil. This ability highlights the positive hydrochar's role in improving soil structure and promoting resilience against erosion, drought and other climate-related challenges.
Our findings suggest that hydrochar could be a tool for sustainable agricultural practices in restoring degraded soils. However, the application of hydrochar on soils requires further studies to confirm these positive effects and whether these effects can be observed using hydrochar derived from other raw materials and for other soil types.

How to cite: Di Santo, T., Marzaioli, R., Coppola, E., Battipaglia, G., Castaldi, S., Zaccariello, L., Mastellone, M. L., and Rutigliano, F. A.: Hydrochar as an emerging solution for soil health improvement: Insights from a pot trial, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13091,, 2025.

EGU25-13590 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

The use of remote sensing techniques to determine the nitrogen uptake by oats on highly variable sandy soils 

Aleksandra Franz, Józef Sowiński, Arkadiusz Głogowski, and Wiesław Fiałkiewicz


Precision agriculture has become a critical approach for achieving efficient crop production while addressing the challenge of sustainable management of natural resources. A key component of precision agriculture is optimizing plant fertilization to maximize yields while minimizing environmental impact. Traditional methods of assessing plant nutritional status and fertilizer needs, such as soil and plant sampling, can be costly and time-consuming. Remote sensing techniques offer an alternative, reducing both the cost and time required for accurate fertilizer dose determination. Additionally, these methods provide more comprehensive information with higher spatial resolution.

This study aimed to investigate the potential of remote sensing techniques, specifically satellite imagery from Sentinel-2, to determine the nutritional needs of oats grown on highly heterogeneous soils. Field studies and satellite data analysis were conducted on an oats cultivation field situated on sandy soil with significant spatial heterogeneity in southwestern Poland. Observations and measurements were performed during the BBCH growth stages 12, 31, 49, 77, and 99.

Nitrogen uptake was calculated based on biomass yield and nitrogen content in crop samples taken at 40 designated points within the field. The AGRICOLUS software and Copernicus services were used for remote sensing monitoring of oats growth, while satellite images were processed at specific intervals to calculate selected remote sensing indices using QGIS software. Spectral data were used to determine indices such as NDVI, GNDVI, SAVI, EVI, NDMI, and MCARI.

The results demonstrated that soil heterogeneity had a significant impact on oats development and its nutritional requirements. Base on outcomes the linear model for N uptake was developed, where GNDVI and percentage content of sand in the soil where used for estimation of the nitrogen uptake.  The study confirmed that remote sensing, particularly the GNDVI index, is a highly effective tool for managing fertilization during the early growth stages of oats on light soils with high spatial variability. Therefore remote sensing techniques can be used for real-time monitoring of spatial variability, facilitating precision management of the crops.

Research carried out as part of the OPUS-LAP project entitled "Sustainable nitrogen fertilization for agricultural crops based on open laboratory and field experiments with integrated near-real-time hydrological modeling" (grant number: 2022/47/I/ST10/02453)

How to cite: Franz, A., Sowiński, J., Głogowski, A., and Fiałkiewicz, W.: The use of remote sensing techniques to determine the nitrogen uptake by oats on highly variable sandy soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13590,, 2025.

EGU25-13591 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Applying variable fertilization and irrigation to improve oats growth and reduce environmental impact 

Jagoda Radzimska, Izabela Michalak, Arkadiusz Głogowski, Wiesław Fiałkiewicz, and Bernard Gałka

Modern agriculture faces an urgent challenge of optimizing the use of fertilizers, especially nitrogen, which is essential for healthy plant growth. However, overuse of nitrogen fertilizers can lead to severe environmental consequences, including surface and groundwater contamination, soil degradation, and the release of harmful greenhouse gases. This study aims to investigate how different fertilization and irrigation strategies affect oats growth, with a particular focus on nitrogen distribution in the soil, straw, and grain, as well as the overall performance of the crop. The research was conducted under controlled conditions, both in a vegetation hall that simulated real field conditions and in actual field settings at the Lubnów Agricultural Farm, located in the Ślęganiana catchment area near Wrocław, Poland. Various fertilization doses were tested, along with several irrigation schemes designed to replicate extreme rainfall events. The simulated rainfalls of 10 mm and 20 mm were applied at intervals of 2, 4, and 6 days, reflecting the unpredictability of real-world weather patterns. Additionally, the experiment incorporated four distinct soil types with different granulometric compositions to assess how soil texture and structure influence the effectiveness of nitrogen uptake by crops and irrigation practices. This approach allowed to better understand the interactions between soil characteristics, fertilization, and irrigation in real agricultural systems. The results of this study are critical for advancing sustainable farming practices concerning future climate changes and costs of fertilizer itself. By examining key crop parameters, such as stem length, biomass, and grain weight, it was possible to gain valuable insights into how different management strategies impact overall crop productivity and nitrogen use efficiency with regard to crop production. As climate change continues to disrupt agricultural systems worldwide, optimizing fertilization and irrigation techniques will be essential to ensure food security while minimizing the environmental impact. This research not only contributes to improving oats cultivation, but also offers a broader perspective on how precision agriculture can address pressing global challenges in agriculture.

Research carried out as part of the OPUS-LAP project entitled "Sustainable nitrogen fertilization for agricultural crops based on open laboratory and field experiments with integrated near-real-time hydrological modeling" (grant number: 2022/47/I/ST10/02453).

How to cite: Radzimska, J., Michalak, I., Głogowski, A., Fiałkiewicz, W., and Gałka, B.: Applying variable fertilization and irrigation to improve oats growth and reduce environmental impact, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13591,, 2025.

EGU25-13636 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

 Regenerative agriculture as a tool for combating climate change in semi-arid Mediterranean regions 

Salvadora Martínez-López, Miguel López-Torres, Maria Isabel Motos-Alarcón, Nieves Baena-Navarro, Vanesa Núñez-Gómez, María José Martínez-Sánchez, Maria de los Ángeles Esteban-Abad, Maria Luz Tudela-Serrano, Imad El-Jamaoui, Manuel Hernández-Cordoba, and Camen Pérez-Sirvent

The term 'carbon farming' is currently used as a synonym for 'regenerative agriculture', which is explicitly based on improving soil fertility and farm productivity (EU, 2021).

The final aim of the complementary agri-food plan AGROALNEXT is to favour the double transformation, digital and sustainable of the agri-food sector, in order to increase its competitiveness and achieve the climate and environmental objectives set out in the Green Pact, while guaranteeing the supply of healthy, safe, sustainable and accessible food to the population, as pursued by the EU Farm to Table Strategy. Specifically, line 4 'Circular Economy' is developed with the aim of reducing losses, emissions and waste generated by the agricultural sector, and of those that cannot be avoided, generating opportunities for exploitation and win-win processes in their management, which are technologically transformed into value for the sector, increasing the circularity of the sector.

The RECEC research project, which started on the 1st of September 2024, aims to enhance the resilience of agricultural production to the impacts of climate change through the promotion of efficient circularity. This project is founded on the POST LIFE plan of the LIFE AMDRYC4 project, which was led by the University of Murcia and concluded in 2022.

The objective of the RECEC project is to ensure, through a series of agricultural practices, that CO2 is absorbed from the atmosphere and stored in plant material and soil organic matter. In order to achieve these objectives, the present research project aims to evaluate and determine the suitability of new organic products, for which no data are available, such as plant biomass removed from the Mar Menor coast (Murcia, Spain), to improve soil structure, increase its fertility and evaluate its capacity as a CO2 sink for these marine by-products. Recent data from the Regional Ministry of Environment of the CARM reveals that between 2017 and 2022, a total of 32,920 tonnes of marine biomass were removed. Other vegetable waste (broccoli, cabbage, almond, olive, grapefruit and fig tree pruning waste) from agricultural activity in the Region of Murcia that can be used as by-products for soil regeneration have also been incorporated.

The results obtained from this research will be useful to collaborate in the governance of the implementation of the European 'Carbon Farming' Strategy. These solutions would provide a common framework for the entire national territory, and the rest of the European regulations, thereby demonstrating the potential of Mediterranean rainfed agriculture to play a significant role as a tool for climate change mitigation, as a carbon sink and as a supplier of ecosystem services. The benefits obtained from this project translate into agricultural tools for climate change mitigation and adaptation through, for example, the fight against desertification, biodiversity conservation and socio-economic benefits, which would curb rural depopulation, in line with meeting the demographic challenge.

This study formed part of the AGROALNEXT programme and was supported by MCIN with funding from European Union Next Generation EU (PRTR-C17.I1) and by Fundación Séneca with funding from Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia (CARM).


How to cite: Martínez-López, S., López-Torres, M., Motos-Alarcón, M. I., Baena-Navarro, N., Núñez-Gómez, V., Martínez-Sánchez, M. J., Esteban-Abad, M. D. L. Á., Tudela-Serrano, M. L., El-Jamaoui, I., Hernández-Cordoba, M., and Pérez-Sirvent, C.:  Regenerative agriculture as a tool for combating climate change in semi-arid Mediterranean regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13636,, 2025.

EGU25-16383 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

AquaCrop assets and regional applications 

Louise Busschaert, Gabrielle De Lannoy, Dirk Raes, Shannon de Roos, Zdenko Heyvaert, Jonas Mortelmans, Samuel Scherrer, Maxime Van den Bossche, Sujay Kumar, Elias Fereres, Margarita Garcia-Vila, Pasquale Steduto, Theodore Hsiao, Lee Heng, Maher Salman, Jaemin Eun, Vincent Deketelaere, and Michel Bechtold

AquaCrop is a relatively simple crop model with a wide range of applications at the point, field, and regional to continental scales. Its four main assets, distributed by FAO (, are: (i) the standard program with a graphical user interface (GUI), (ii) the open-source version-controlled Fortran90 code available on GitHub, (iii) the stand-alone programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux, and (iv) its integration into systems for efficient regional-scale modeling, satellite-based data assimilation, and climate impact simulations. Specifically, a parallelized Python wrapper is available to run the stand-alone program, and the Fortran90 code is integrated into NASA’s Land Information System Framework (LISF).

This poster introduces AquaCrop's four assets and focuses on two regional-scale applications in Europe. First, we demonstrate the use of the parallelized Python wrapper in the context of a climate impact study, where we evaluated current and future maize yields. AquaCrop simulations were performed at a coarse spatial resolution (0.5°) to assess future changes in yields, and yield gaps (difference between actual and potential yield, without stresses). Second, the use of AquaCrop within NASA’s LISF is presented through a data assimilation experiment, in which AquaCrop simulations were performed at a 0.1° resolution. A generic type of C3 crop was used over the entire domain, and the crop stage lengths were parametrized using the VIIRS global land surface phenology. The uncertainty in simulations was assessed by perturbing meteorological inputs and soil moisture in the upper soil layers. To correct plant water stress, SMAP-enhanced surface soil moisture observations (9-km resolution) were assimilated using an ensemble Kalman filter. Results highlight (i) the need for careful mapping between AquaCrop-simulated and satellite-retrieved soil moisture and (ii) how small updates in soil moisture can propagate to significant changes in biomass development.

How to cite: Busschaert, L., De Lannoy, G., Raes, D., de Roos, S., Heyvaert, Z., Mortelmans, J., Scherrer, S., Van den Bossche, M., Kumar, S., Fereres, E., Garcia-Vila, M., Steduto, P., Hsiao, T., Heng, L., Salman, M., Eun, J., Deketelaere, V., and Bechtold, M.: AquaCrop assets and regional applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16383,, 2025.

EGU25-16434 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Assessing Water Retention Potential in Agricultural Drainage Systems in Lower Austria 

Katharina Fischer, Thomas Weninger, Abobakr Hussin, Thomas Brunner, and Peter Strauss

Agricultural drainage systems have been widely implemented to enhance crop productivity by managing excess water. However, with increasing weather extremes, including prolonged droughts and heavy precipitation, drained areas face new challenges, including the need for irrigation and a critical reassessment of water retention capabilities. Despite the importance of these systems, the extent of drained agricultural land in Austria, particularly in Lower Austria, remains largely unknown. Therefore, quantitative knowledge about the agrohydrological potential of drainage water management in the complex landscapes of Austria are urgently demanded.

This study aims to estimate the volume of water discharged through existing drainage infrastructure in agricultural regions of Lower Austria. By providing a foundational dataset, we seek to quantify the scale of drainage and evaluate its impact on soil water retention. The approach involves a two-step process. First, potentially drained agricultural areas are being identified by using existing resources such as the Austrian soil survey, cadastral soil assessments which provide spatial information on slope data, soil types, and land use.

Secondly, a raster-based water balance model is employed, using meteorological data and literature-based assumptions that attribute certain fractions of total runoff to drainage discharge. The model produces monthly estimates of drainage, emphasizing water retention beyond the vegetation period. These results are then upscaled to the identified drained areas.

Future repetitions of the model will incorporate increasing complexity, including detailed soil parameters and refined hydrological modelling techniques, such as the SWAP model. However, even initial estimations provide critical insights and serve as a starting point for understanding the interplay between drainage systems, water retention, and potential management strategies. This research underscores the importance of rethinking water management practices in agricultural systems to adapt to climate-induced challenges and improve sustainability.

How to cite: Fischer, K., Weninger, T., Hussin, A., Brunner, T., and Strauss, P.: Assessing Water Retention Potential in Agricultural Drainage Systems in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16434,, 2025.

EGU25-16532 | Orals | SSS9.12

Soil management to mitigate climate change-related precipitation eXtremes - SoilX 

Annelie Holzkämper, Loraine ten Damme, Tommy D'Hose, Bano Mehdi-Schulz, Johannes Pullens, Heidi Leonhard, and Katharina Meurer and the SoilX researchers

With climate change, both drought and heavy precipitation are becoming more frequent. The EJPSOIL project SoilX investigated the possibilities to mitigate impacts of such extremes on crop productivity through improved soil management practices. To do that, we applied a multidisciplinaryresearch framework. Three methodological approaches were applied to derive complementary findings on the possibilities to alleviate impacts of increasingly frequent precipitation extremes on cropping systems in Europe through adaptations in soil and crop management: (1) sampling and measurement campaigns in long-term field experiments (LTE’s) along a north-south gradient through Europe, (2) simulation experiments with an ensemble of four agro-hydrological models and the development of a new model for dynamically simulating soil structural changes, and finally (3) socio-economic interviews within regional farming communities.

From the compiled results of this project, we conclude that while soil structural improvements have potential to buffer the effects of short-term droughts on crop productivity according to hypothetical agrohydrological simulation experiments. However, the adaptation benefits realized in the contrasting field treatments of LTE’s studied in this project (i.e. organic amendments / no-till vs. conventional management) are likely to be small under current and future climatic conditions as measured differences in physical, mechanical and hydraulic properties were mostly small. This can be explained by the fact that treatments implemented in current LTE’s are often conservative (i.e. relatively small differences between contrasting treatments; often only single and not combined measures are tested). This finding calls for the introduction of new LTE treatments with greater emphasis on soil health and climate resilience. The need for more efficient management strategies to maintain and improve these soil functionalities is clearly highlighted by the results from model-based studies of climate change impacts in SoilX: climate warming contributed to the degradation of soil organic carbon resources, potentially also leading to a deterioration of the soils’ ability to infiltrate water and to retain water in the crop root zone.

Based on analyses of farmer interviews across different LTE regions in Europe, we can say that, since viewpoints on and priorities in the selection of soil management choices differ, diverse strategies to promote the uptake of soil management improvements are likely to be most successful: farmers with a strong intrinsic motivation to maintain and improve soil functionalities are most likely to respond positively to educational measures and can best be supported by regulatory frameworks supporting flexibility in the choice of measures. Farmers with a stronger focus on economic and production targets, however, may better be addressed by information campaigns highlighting possibilities for reducing production cost and increasing yield benefits in combination with regulatory frameworks that buffer against economic risks and possible additional costs.

How to cite: Holzkämper, A., ten Damme, L., D'Hose, T., Mehdi-Schulz, B., Pullens, J., Leonhard, H., and Meurer, K. and the SoilX researchers: Soil management to mitigate climate change-related precipitation eXtremes - SoilX, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16532,, 2025.

EGU25-17079 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

How accurate are soil moisture profile sensors? – Results from a multi-sensor evaluation using a sandbox experiment  

Felix Nieberding, Johan Alexander Huisman, and Heye Reemt Bogena

Many precision farming applications rely increasingly on the near-real time provisioning of accurate root zone soil moisture measurements to enable the efficient and economical use of limited freshwater resources. Besides the established sensor manufacturers who have been around for decades, new companies are entering the market, often with a portfolio of sensors especially designed for agricultural applications. These so-called soil moisture profile sensors (SMPS) exhibit a high potential for agricultural use. Their elongated shape and the ability to measure simultaneously in different depths make them especially suitable for frequent changes of location as required during cultivation of field crops. These sensors measure the volumetric soil water content (VWC) by exploiting the highly different dielectric permittivity of the solid and liquid soil compounds.

I this study we use a sandbox experiment to determine the measurement accuracy of different SMPS under controlled moisture conditions. The sandbox is a 2 x 2 x 1.5 m container filled with well-characterized fine sand which is sealed watertight to all sides. The sandbox is equipped with a 20 cm drainage layer and the water level inside the sandbox can be controlled by pumping water in or out using piezometer tubes, which are open at the bottom in the drainage layer. The SMPS were installed into the sandbox and the measurements were compared against reference measurements using CS610 TDR probes connected to a TDR100 (Campbell Scientific) and SMT100 (TRUEBNER) measurements installed in triplicate at six different depths. The measurement accuracy of 10 different sensors were evaluated, with each sensor being tested in triplicate. Most SMPS performed with reasonable accuracy under very dry and very wet conditions. However, strong variation was observed with respect to slope, offset and spread of the measurements and non-linear behavior was observed with some SMPS in the intermediate soil moisture range. The high variability of the measurement accuracy (RMSE: 1.2 – 6.5 vol. %) highlights the importance of choosing a suitable sensor, especially for precision farming applications, where it is crucial to have accurate field data to make the best management decisions without the need for soil specific calibration.

How to cite: Nieberding, F., Huisman, J. A., and Bogena, H. R.: How accurate are soil moisture profile sensors? – Results from a multi-sensor evaluation using a sandbox experiment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17079,, 2025.

EGU25-17505 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.12

From Vine to Wine: The Relationship Between Ecoclimatic Factors and Grape Yield in Italy 

Laura Massano, Benjamin Bois, Marielle Adrian, Giorgia Fosser, and Marco Gaetani

Viticulture is a key business for Italy, significantly contributing to the country's economy and cultural heritage. Italy is the largest world wine producer, with an estimated wine production of 41.0 mhL (2024 World Wine Production - OIV First Estimates). The relationship between climate variability and wine grape yield is a critical area of research, particularly considering ongoing climate change.

This study evaluates this relationship by employing ecoclimatic indices computed on key phenological periods that are crucial for grape development and specifically tailored to the life cycle of grapevines throughout the entire growing season. These periods have been identified using a validated phenological development model that accounts for various grape varieties. In addition to examining the effects of climate variability, this research also considers the risks posed by major cryptogamic diseases that can lead to significant crop losses.

To ensure the validity and relevance of the findings, the study actively engages with growers and obtains yield data from two prominent Italian wine consortia based in Lombardy and Tuscany. This localised approach allows the specific climatic and agronomic characteristics of each region to be considered, as well as the different grape varieties grown there.

The methodology developed correlates the ecoclimatic indices with the collected grape yield data through both single and multiple regression analyses, quantifying the proportion of total yield variability that can be explained by these predictors, both individually and in combination. The findings indicate that the ecoclimatic indices account for approximately 25% to 50% of the variance in grape yield.

By presenting a novel set of ecoclimatic indices derived from contemporary knowledge of climate impacts on grapevine development, this study contributes to filling a gap in the current research framework.

How to cite: Massano, L., Bois, B., Adrian, M., Fosser, G., and Gaetani, M.: From Vine to Wine: The Relationship Between Ecoclimatic Factors and Grape Yield in Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17505,, 2025.

EGU25-18188 | Orals | SSS9.12

Tracking in-field progression of beet virus yellows using UAS remote sensing 

Toby Waine, John Beale, James Bell, Dion Garrett, Alistair Wright, Andrew Mead, and Taro Takahashi

Across Europe sugar beet farmers are experiencing unsustainable losses due the yield impact of beet virus yellows (VY). In 2020 losses of £43 M were experienced by UK growers, with some individual losses of more than £0.5 M. High forecasts of over 67% VY incidence without control measures, triggered the use of environmentally damaging neonicotinoid seed treatment in the UK for 2022 and 2023. Sustainable management of VY requires a better understanding the risk of virus transmission from adjacent fields and field margins into sugar beet crops by the aphids that are the main vector.

A time sequence of images of sugar beet fields were collected over several weeks using a multispectral drone camera, from which several spectral indices were calculated, including mNDblue. In the 2022 season, a sample of plants within a field were inoculated with disease. In 2023, two fields were allowed to become naturally infected, with additional field sampling to directly measure the rate of infection, the presence of aphids and plant species at locations in the crop and the field margin.

2022 was a high disease pressure year where the natural infection arrived soon after inoculation and spread rapidly throughout the whole field. The frequency of observations was such that it was impossible to temporally separate the introduced and natural infections, by remote sensing, through some differences were seen on one image date for some vegetation indices, but surprisingly not in the mean value of mNDblue, between the areas around the inoculation and control sites. However, the standard deviation of mNDblue index was found to be correlated with infection rate as measured by ground sampling (R2 ≈ 0.5). This finding was confirmed in 2023 – a low disease pressure year -at Morley (R2 ≈ 0.4).

The images, ground sampling and disease testing showed that there was no reservoir of infection in the field margins and that the aphid numbers and infection rates were lower near the field margins. The presence of oilseed rape adjacent to one field did not result in any clear difference in infection rate or pattern.

How to cite: Waine, T., Beale, J., Bell, J., Garrett, D., Wright, A., Mead, A., and Takahashi, T.: Tracking in-field progression of beet virus yellows using UAS remote sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18188,, 2025.

EGU25-18241 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Full-Bayesian multi-level models for crop phenology in Germany 

Friedrich Busch

Full-Bayesian multi-level models for crop phenology in Germany

Friedrich Busch – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Effective adaptation of agriculture to climate change requires detailed insights into all components of the agricultural system. Understanding the phenological development of crops is crucial not only for making informed management decisions, such as the timing of fertilizer or pesticide application and harvest but also for assessing future weather-related risks. With climate change, the timing and duration of phenological phases are expected to shift, and the likelihood of weather extremes during these phases may increase. Therefore, comprehensive phenological models with robust representations of uncertainties are essential.
Most current phenological models rely primarily on temperature-driven development units to predict crop phenology while neglecting other potential predictors. Since phenological observations are often limited, data is typically pooled to obtain seemingly robust parameter estimates. This structural decision, in combination with neglect of input data uncertainty, can lead to overconfidence in parameter estimates.
Hierarchical Bayesian models can address these issues. By employing a multi-level interpretation of the data (partial pooling), parameter estimates for varying groups within the data can be improved. In phenological data, one critical group level is the cultivar level, which is often omitted due to the limited availability of such data. For historical phenological observations of maize grown in Germany, cultivar data is partially available. To maximize the use of this data and minimize bias caused by missing information, a data imputation scheme is applied to reconstruct missing cultivar data. Subsequently, a full Bayesian statistical phenology model is calibrated, incorporating cultivar information and individual farm location as hierarchical levels.
Since phenological observations are typically collected by the local farmers, based on visual judgment, considerable uncertainty is inherent in the data. Incorporating this uncertainty into the model structure allows for more realistic parameter estimates. Furthermore, enhancing the development unit concept by incorporating additional predictors, such as radiation and soil moisture alongside temperature, has the potential to reduce unexplained variance in the data.
Model comparison and evaluation of the trade-off between predictive power and complexity are conducted using information criteria such as WAIC and Pareto-smoothed importance sampling. This work builds on recent advances in hierarchical Bayesian phenological modeling, providing new insights into key driving factors and relevant model structures. The models are developed using the Stan programming language, optimized for Bayesian analysis, and employ state-of-the-art Bayesian parameter sampling algorithms. In conjunction with climate scenarios these models can be used to estimate future changes in the phenological development of crops.

How to cite: Busch, F.: Full-Bayesian multi-level models for crop phenology in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18241,, 2025.

EGU25-18905 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Harmonization of functional anatomical traits at the leaf and wood levels in grapevine in response to different soil and canopy management 

Veronica De Micco, Francesca Petracca, Angela Balzano, Nicola Damiano, Andrea Vitale, Arturo Erbaggio, Ilia Savo Valente, Chiara Amitrano, Maks Merela, Chiara Cirillo, and Antonello Bonfante

In the Mediterranean region, viticulture is challenged by climate change which is increasing the frequency and severity of summer drought events. Under limited water availability conditions, controlling plant hydraulics and gas exchanges is crucial for crop productivity. Functional anatomical traits at the leaf and wood levels play a fundamental role in the capability of acclimation to environmental stresses. Thus, understanding how environmental factors and cultivation practices influence such traits is fundamental, given that they establish the limits of physiological acclimation capability.

Within this framework, this study aimed to evaluate if anatomical traits at the leaf and wood levels are differently harmonized when vines are cultivated under various treatments of soil and canopy management, with possible consequences on eco-physiological behavior, growth, and productivity. The study was conducted in a vineyard at the Feudi di San Gregorio winery premises (Southern Italy), where vines of the 'Greco' cultivar were cultivated under three treatments of soil management (cover crops, natural coverage, and soil tillage) and two types of canopy management (double guyot and double guyot flipped) over a period of three years. Leaf and wood anatomy were analyzed through light and epi-fluorescence microscopy to quantify functional anatomical traits linked with the efficiency of gas exchanges and water flow. To better interpret the relations among wood anatomical traits, inter- and intra-annual environmental variability, and cultivation management, the knowledge of the precise timing of wood formation is fundamental. Therefore, xylogenesis analysis was applied too, by collecting microcores biweekly from the main stem, in order to model wood growth dynamics and relate them to climate variables.

The overall data analysis showed the degree of plasticity of the ‘Greco’ cultivar at the structural level and suggested that the combination of traits at different organ levels may influence the vines’ response to climate change also mediated by pedo-climatic and cultivation conditions.

How to cite: De Micco, V., Petracca, F., Balzano, A., Damiano, N., Vitale, A., Erbaggio, A., Savo Valente, I., Amitrano, C., Merela, M., Cirillo, C., and Bonfante, A.: Harmonization of functional anatomical traits at the leaf and wood levels in grapevine in response to different soil and canopy management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18905,, 2025.

Surface wetness (SW) is a particularly relevant variable for plant growers as it is related to the incidence of microbial and fungal diseases, as well as to fruit cracking, especially in susceptible species (e.g. Prunus avium). Although knowledge of SW quantity and duration is key to discern and predict its impact on plant health status, monitoring of this variable is still based on sensors of which the output is a simple electrical voltage, rather than a water amount. Furthermore, the intrinsic heterogeneity of canopy conditions seems to play a major role on leaf microclimate and SW.

The presented study analyzes i) the effects of radiative conditions (also affected by the presence of a rain exclusion covers) on the main structural factors affecting SW and SW duration on cherry leaves and ii) the ability of a Leaf Wetness capacitive Sensors (LWS) to represent SW on real leaves. Cherry leaves grown under 4 different environmental conditions (sunlit/shaded x covered/uncovered) were simultaneously artificially wetted to various degrees and their surface water content measured immediately or after variable drying times. The leaf growing conditions appeared to be strongly associated to some leaf structural properties, such as leaf angle, in turn influencing the SW amount and duration. Concerning the LWS, their output signal was first calibrated in respect to their actual SW. Following, the LWS ability to represent the nearby real leaves SW was analyzed. The ability of the LWS to represent real leaves largely depended on the growing conditions of the latter, highlighting the limitations related to using a single sensor type to represent canopy parts affected by intrinsic ecophysiological plasticity. The present analysis provides key findings to support assessments of microclimate, SW, SW duration and its variability on fruit trees, and in particular on cherry.

The study was funded by the PRIN CHOICE project (Optimizing CHerry physiOlogIcal performanCE through the correct choice of multifunctional covers).

How to cite: Reyes, F. and Destefanis, C.: Tree protection covers affects microclimate, leaf structural properties and the suitability of leaf wetness sensors to monitor surface wetness in cherry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18958,, 2025.

EGU25-19576 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Multi-Temporal Electrical Conductivity and NDVI Analysis for Vineyard Functional Zone Mapping 

Andrea Vitale, Filippo Accomando, Maurizio Buonanno, Rosario Gonzalez Cascón, and Antonello Bonfante

Precise soil spatial identification and characterization is crucial for optimizing vineyard management and enhancing grape quality. Various approaches exist for characterizing spatial soil variability, all aimed at zoning and identifying areas that, despite experiencing the same climate, exhibit different crop responses and therefore require differentiated management. However, the complexity of soil-plant interactions and the dynamic nature of soil properties over time necessitates the optimization of existing zoning methodologies. For instance, electrical conductivity (EC) mapping is a common technique, but relying on single-date measurements often fails to capture the full extent of spatial and temporal soil variability, even within a single growing season. Furthermore, commonly used electromagnetic induction (EMI) instruments operate at multiple frequencies to analyze different soil depths, making it challenging to directly relate these measurements to the specific soil volume explored by plant roots. Focusing on a well-defined soil depth, even if coarsely related to the root zone, would be more relevant for plant-soil interaction studies. Identifying the optimal period for characterizing soil spatial variability is therefore a key objective.

In this context, within the Agritech National Research Center project (,  we study the use of multi-temporal EC data, acquired with a GF Instruments CMD MiniExplorer 6L, for delineating functional homogeneous zones within an Aglianico DOC vineyard at Tenuta Donna Elvira, Grottoni (AV), Italy. The CMD MiniExplorer 6L, capable of measuring EC at up to nine depths within 2 meters by combining its horizontal and vertical dipole configurations, provided detailed soil information.

EC data were collected over five distinct days spanning from April to late August, capturing seasonal soil moisture variations. Concurrently, multi-spectral imagery was acquired using a DJI Phantom 4 RTK drone across a broader timeframe from April to late October. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values were derived from the drone imagery to assess canopy vigor and variability.

A k-means clustering approach was applied to the daily EC datasets, exploring various depth combinations to generate 36 distinct clustering outputs for each acquisition date. This multi-depth approach allowed for a comprehensive assessment of soil variability at different scales. The resulting EC-derived clusters were then compared with the mean NDVI values extracted for each cluster. This comparison aimed to evaluate the relationship between soil electrical properties and vine vigor, as reflected by NDVI.

The analysis revealed a strong correlation between EC-derived clusters and NDVI, demonstrating the effectiveness of EMI measurements for differentiating soil properties relevant to vineyard performance. The study also highlighted the influence of acquisition timing on the efficacy of soil classification, identifying optimal periods and depth configurations for maximizing the differentiation of functional zones. This multi-temporal, multi-depth approach provides valuable insights for precision viticulture, enabling targeted management practices based on spatially explicit soil and canopy information. The results contribute to a better understanding of soil-vine interactions and offer a practical methodology for efficient vineyard zoning.

How to cite: Vitale, A., Accomando, F., Buonanno, M., Cascón, R. G., and Bonfante, A.: Multi-Temporal Electrical Conductivity and NDVI Analysis for Vineyard Functional Zone Mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19576,, 2025.

EGU25-19862 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Photoperiod and Light Intensity Impact on Wild Edible Vegetables Performance: From Controlled Environment Agriculture to Crop Resilience 

Dimitris Papadimitriou, Chistina Moschou, Ioannis Louloudakis, Michael Sabathianakis, Ioannis Christoforakis, Ioannis Livas, Ioannis Daliakopoulos, and Thrassyvoulos Manios

Climate change and urbanisation imposes substantial challenges on the agricultural sector, leading to various environmental and food security impacts. At the same time, there is a growing demand for high-quality, year-round, fresh vegetables which drives water and natural resources overexploitation. To mitigate these pressures, high-intensity cultivation strategies such as hydroponics and controlled environment farming systems are becoming more popular. In this context, given their substantial nutritional and culinary properties, wild edible vegetables are receiving renewed attention. Considering this background, here we investigate the impact of (a) photoperiod and (b) light intensity on yield performance of the wild edible green Scolymus hispanicus L (Asteraceae), wild relative of the domesticated globe artichoke (Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus), in indoor cultivation. Four treatments were applied including (a) a long photoperiod (16 hours of light and 8 dark), (b) short photoperiod (8 hours of light and 16 dark), (c) a low light intensity (40 μmol m-2 s-1) and (d) high light intensity (240 μmol m-2 s-1), using LEDs (Samsung SMD2835, Honglitronics) at a distance of one meter above the crop. Treatments were conducted in four growth chambers with adjustable photoperiod and light intensity regimes and constant temperature and air humidity levels. In each growth chamber, 15 Scolymus hispanicus L. plants were transplanted into 10 L pots and arranged on 3 gutters at a density of 9 plants m-2. Plants were fertigated daily (modified Hoagland nutrient solution), each with an individual emitter at a flow rate of 0.4 - 0.7 L plant-1 day-1. Results indicate that long photoperiod treatment was associated with increased rosette diameter (59.9±1.8 cm), and root fresh and dry weight (31.35±2.19 and 3.65±0.4 g, respectively) while high light intensity treatment increased shoot fresh and dry weight (118.58±6.34 and 7.55±0.38 g, respectively) and edible root hardness-firmness (1288.72±32.47 g), 90 days after transplant. Based on these results, we conclude that photoperiod and light intensity optimal management can increase marketable yield and quality traits of the wild crop Scolymus hispanicus L., in soilless indoor farming systems.

This work is supported by Optimus project [Grant Agreement ATTΡ4-0356837] with the co-funding of Greece and the European Union.


Appolloni, Elisa, et al. "Beyond vegetables: effects of indoor LED light on specialized metabolite biosynthesis in medicinal and aromatic plants, edible flowers, and microgreens." Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102.2 (2022): 472-487.

Bantis, F. Light Spectrum Differentially Affects the Yield and Phytochemical Content of Microgreen Vegetables in a Plant Factory. Plants 2021, 10, 2182.

Papadimitriou, Dimitrios M., et al. "Effect of moderate salinity on Golden Thistle (Scolymus hispanicus L.) grown in a soilless cropping system." Scientia Horticulturae 303 (2022): 111182.

Voutsinos-Frantzis, O.; Karavidas, I.; Liakopoulos, G.; Saitanis, C.; Savvas, D.; Ntatsi, G. Can Long Photoperiods Be Utilized to Integrate Cichorium spinosum L. into Vertical Farms? Biol. Life Sci. Forum 2023, 27, 8.

How to cite: Papadimitriou, D., Moschou, C., Louloudakis, I., Sabathianakis, M., Christoforakis, I., Livas, I., Daliakopoulos, I., and Manios, T.: Photoperiod and Light Intensity Impact on Wild Edible Vegetables Performance: From Controlled Environment Agriculture to Crop Resilience, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19862,, 2025.

EGU25-20555 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Cultivar-Specific Responses of Sweet Potato Leaf Nutritional Quality to Nitrogen Application Rate and Water Availability 

Shalin Mano, David Sampson Issaka, Gopika Shibu, Shimon Rachmilevitch, and Zipora Tietel

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is an important crop with moderate tolerance to water stress. Understanding its antioxidant properties and nutritional content under various environmental stressors is vital for optimizing their nutritional value and resilience. Antioxidants like carotenoids, anthocyanins, and polyphenols are health benefits of sweet potatoes. Although previous studies have examined the nutritional components of sweet potato leaves and roots, comparative analysis of antioxidant activity and nutritional content among different cultivars under environmental stress conditions remains limited. Our study examined the antioxidant properties and nutritional content of three sweet potato cultivars, Georgia Jet, Jasmin, and Line 11-88 (recently released by LSU AgCenter) under various environmental stresses including Control (100% Nitrogen +100% water), Nitrogen stress (60% Nitrogen + 100% water), Drought stress (100% Nitrogen + 60 water), and the Combined stress of nitrogen and water (60% Nitrogen + 60% water). Nutritional content was quantified across cultivars and treatments in the leaves. Anthocyanin content varied significantly across cultivars and treatments. Jasmin had the highest response under both nitrogen and combined stresses, Line 11-88 highest under control, and Georgia Jet remained relatively low and stable across all treatments. Flavonoid content was not significantly affected by stress treatments but was higher in Georgia Jet and Jasmin compared to Line 11-88. Polyphenol content was highest in Jasmin under Control and Combined stress but remained consistent across treatments for Georgia Jet and is generally lower content for Line 11-88. The results suggest that Jasmin is the most promising cultivar in terms of antioxidant properties, making it a potential source of nutritional and functional food in sweet potato leaves.

This study explores how nitrogen and water availability variations impact sweet potato leaves' nutritional quality. Our study shows that nitrogen and water as limiting factors can cause an increase in the nutritional content of sweet potato leaves.

How to cite: Mano, S., Issaka, D. S., Shibu, G., Rachmilevitch, S., and Tietel, Z.: Cultivar-Specific Responses of Sweet Potato Leaf Nutritional Quality to Nitrogen Application Rate and Water Availability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20555,, 2025.

EGU25-20724 | Orals | SSS9.12

Development of a selective molecularly imprinted polymer composite electrospun nanofiber sensor for a multifunctional platform for monitoring fruit tree health 

Fabrizio De Cesare, Fabricio Nicolas Molinari, Riccardo Valentini, Antonio Agresti, and Antonella Macagnano

Studying volatile compounds emitted by plants is crucial in modern agriculture, providing insights into plant health, environmental interactions, and crop management. Plant volatile organic compounds (PVOCs) act as chemical signals, facilitating communication with pollinators, herbivores, and beneficial microorganisms. Understanding PVOC dynamics helps decode plant phenology events (e.g., flowering, fruit ripening), nutritional deficiencies, stress responses, and defence mechanisms. Terpenes are a class of PVOCs emitted during distinct growth stages as well as abiotic and biotic stresses.

Monitoring PVOCs (terpenes) allows for early detection of nutrient shortages, pest infestations, and disease outbreaks, enabling targeted interventions that reduce fertiliser and pesticide use, ultimately minimising crop losses. By leveraging PVOC monitoring, farmers can optimise resource allocation, enhance crop yield and quality, and reduce environmental impact, thus promoting sustainable agroecosystem management.

The MOSSA project integrated sensor technologies into IoT-based digital platforms for plant health monitoring. This project developed distinct interconnected units for each platform:

- TREE Unit – Tracks plant physiological parameters, including water consumption, biomass growth, and leaf stability.

- VOC Unit – Detects PVOC (terpene) emissions from lemon trees to monitor stress-related emission patterns.

- Power Unit – Powers the multi-sensing platform through energy harvesting.

Two different nanotechnological approaches were hired to achieve the VOC Unit goal. Electrospinning (ES) is a key nanotechnology for developing ultra-sensitive sensors, offering advantages in production efficiency and costs. The potential of ES technology to generate nanofibrous networks with various architectures featuring excellent specific surface area and remarkable porosity was combined with the exceptional selectivity of molecular imprinting technology (MIT) characterised by typical biological recognition mechanisms (e.g. enzyme-substrate, antibody-antigene, biological receptors) to developing highly sensitive and selective VOC (terpene) sensors, specifically for limonene, a key biomarker of plant biotic and abiotic stress. These sensors demonstrated extraordinary specificity, even distinguishing between stereoselective compounds. The VOC Unit, which incorporated MIT/ES sensors for limonene detection, allowed real-time monitoring of emission dynamics from lemon trees under simulated stress conditions, such as drought and pest injuries. 

The Tree Unit monitored plant health by recording sap flow, tree growth, trunk temperature, air conditions, and incoming radiation under the canopy. Sap flow, a key indicator of transpiration and water status, was measured using heat transport as a tracer within xylem tissue. After laboratory evaluation, the HPV method was selected, using a 6-second heat pulse at ~4W power.

A 4-chip ASM Osram sensor spectrometer measured incoming radiation across 28 spectral bands. An infrared dendrometer tracked tree growth, while an improved radial increment sensor achieved 0.46 m resolution with an absolute error <10 µm. A hygrometer recorded air temperature and humidity.

The Power Unit utilised a solar energy module based on a 450 nm 3D perovskite light harvester (1.65 eV band gap)between ETL and HTL layers. The ETL, composed of compact and mesoporous TiO₂, supported crystal growth and enhanced charge extraction. This solar cell module efficiently harvested solar energy, ensuring a continuous power supply for the sensing platform.

These innovations open new possibilities for plant health monitoring, contributing to precision agriculture and enabling more sustainable and efficient agrosystem management.

How to cite: De Cesare, F., Molinari, F. N., Valentini, R., Agresti, A., and Macagnano, A.: Development of a selective molecularly imprinted polymer composite electrospun nanofiber sensor for a multifunctional platform for monitoring fruit tree health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20724,, 2025.

EGU25-21214 | Posters on site | SSS9.12

Assessing Biowaste-based Amendments for Enhancing Soil Hydraulic Properties in Arid Mediterranean Soils 

Ioannis Daliakopoulos, Marios Gaitanakis, Menno Pietersen, Ioannis Louloudakis, Dimitrios Papadimitriou, Fenia Galliou, Xiaomei Yang, and Aristeidis Koutroulis

Soil organic matter (SOM) plays a significant role in modulating soil water and therefore irrigation scheduling. This relationship is especially vital in arid regions like the Mediterranean, where both SOM and water resources are scarce and increasingly threatened by the climate crisis. Soil amendments based on agricultural biowaste (e.g., compost) or byproducts of pre-existing processes (e.g., biochar) offer a cost-effective solution to boost SOM levels. However, because of this less strictly managed production process, the variability in their properties and their long-term effects on soil hydraulic behaviour, particularly after weathering, remain poorly understood. Here we compare the effect of 3 soil amendment treatments to the hydraulic properties of clay loam soil: olive tree pruning compost at 1% (C1B0), biowaste-based biochar from at 1% (C0B1), and compost-biochar mix at 1% (C1B1) against a control treatment (C0B0). Amendments were incorporated in the soil at the prescribed rates to a depth of 15 cm. To quantify the impact of the amendments in hydraulic properties of soil such as clay loam we use a modification of the hydraulic property (HYPROP2, Meter, USA) analyser (Daliakopoulos et al., 2021) after application, and 6 months after application. The assessed van Genuchten parameters are used to estimate the movement of water soil in the soil profile with HYDRUS-1D (Kool & Van Genuchten, 1991) using two distinct profiles. Simulations were validated through irrigation experiments using in-situ soil moisture measurements at 2 depths (10 and 30 cm). As shown by changes Van Genuchten parameters, results show that, compared to compost applications, biochar had a more pronounced and lasting positive effect regarding soil porosity and structure, also decreasing hydraulic conductivity and increasing field capacity. These results highlight the potential of biochar and it’s mixes to improve soil water status and contribute to the reversal of desertification processes in arid Mediterranean soils.


This work has received funding from REACT4MED: Inclusive Outscaling of Agro-Ecosystem Restoration Actions for the Mediterranean. The REACT4MED Project (grant agreement 2122) is funded by PRIMA, a program supported by Horizon 2020. MP was supported by ERASMUS+ KA131 mobility (ID 1174266). Authors IND and AK thank MINERVA Ltd. and research project “Assessment of climate change impacts on olive oil production and implementation of sustainable agricultural adaptation practices in Greece” for its support.


Daliakopoulos, I., Papadimitriou, D., & Manios, T. (2021). Improving the efficiency of HYPROP by controlling temperature and air flow. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21--13082.

Kool, J., & Van Genuchten, M. T. (1991). HYDRUS: One-dimensional Variably Saturated Flow and Transport Model, Including Hysteresis and Root Water Uptake, Version 3.31. US Salinity Laboratory.


How to cite: Daliakopoulos, I., Gaitanakis, M., Pietersen, M., Louloudakis, I., Papadimitriou, D., Galliou, F., Yang, X., and Koutroulis, A.: Assessing Biowaste-based Amendments for Enhancing Soil Hydraulic Properties in Arid Mediterranean Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21214,, 2025.

EGU25-21391 | Orals | SSS9.12 | Highlight

CAVA: a user-driven climate service for the assessment of risks in the agriculture sector 

Rodrigo Manzanas, Riccardo Soldan, Hideki Kanamaru, Daniel San Martín, Max Tuni, Iván Sánchez, Ezequiel Cimadevilla, Josipa Milovac, and José Manuel Gutiérrez


Climate change impacts agricultural production globally, affecting food security and economic development at all scales. The Climate and Agriculture risk Visualization and Assessment (CAVA) framework has been co-designed by the University of Cantabria, Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in response to the need for evidence-based climate information in formulating climate change adaptation projects (e.g. Green Climate Fund) and investment plans in the agriculture sector. 

Within this framework, CAVA Platform has been designed as a climate service which provides users with an easy access to state-of-the-art climate information through a web portal, with the aim to facilitate the assessment of risks in the agricultural sector at regional, national, and sub-national scales. In particular, this is done based on global gridded observations, reanalysis, and the ensemble of CORDEX-CORE simulations covering the period up to 2100. The tool provides immediate access to essential climate variables (temperatures, precipitation, wind, humidity, radiation), and a series of pre-computed climate-derived indices relevant to agriculture (e.g., number of days below/above temperature thresholds, number and length of dry/wet spells, frequency and intensity of heat waves, etc.), allowing the user to select his/her region, period and season of interest. Moreover, users are also allowed to conduct more sophisticated analyses on demand; e.g. by modifying the thresholds that define the aforementioned indicators, focusing on specific crops, etc. In addition, all this information can be downloaded via automatic reports. 

Concurrently to the CAVA Platform, CAVA Analytics is a cloud-based service that allows users with basic programming skills to access, process, and visualize most of the data CAVA Platform builds on. This computing environment, which is available via a web browser, relies on a Jupyter hub with a pre-installed version of the R package CAVAanalytics (, which internally builds on the climate4R ( suite. 

How to cite: Manzanas, R., Soldan, R., Kanamaru, H., San Martín, D., Tuni, M., Sánchez, I., Cimadevilla, E., Milovac, J., and Gutiérrez, J. M.: CAVA: a user-driven climate service for the assessment of risks in the agriculture sector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21391,, 2025.

EGU25-21543 | Orals | SSS9.12

Agro-environmental Potential of Novel Organic Fertilizers Derived from Fishery Waste  

Jingsi Zhang, Çağrı Akyol, Hongzhen Luo, Stefaan De Neve, and Erik Meers

The application of novel organic fertilizers derived from secondary raw materials has emerged as a promising  sustainable agricultural practice in recent years. This study investigates the potential of organic fertilizers produced from fishery waste to be applied as alternatives for synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers through comprehensive soil incubation and pot experiments. The N content of eight selected organic fertilizers ranged from 1.9% to 9.8%, in which some of them were rich in labile N such as protein fractions and amino acids. In a 120-day incubation trial, six of these labile N-rich organic fertilizers demonstrated a superior mineralization rate of 49-66% compared to 10-35% for the other fertilizing products, showcasing a high concentration of readily degradable N fractions. This increased mineralization led to enhanced N availability for crop, which is crucial for short-term agricultural productivity. Remarkably, when applied to spinach at a fertilization rate of 170 kg N ha⁻¹, the tested organic fertilizers performed comparably to the synthetic fertilizer, resulting in similar yields and statistically non-significant differences in N use efficiency over two months of spinach growth. Additionally, a follow-up experiment assessed greenhouse gas emissions, especially N₂O, from soils amended with the fertilizers under high-water condition. Notably, solid organic fertilizers exhibited lower N₂O emissions (0.5%-2.0%) compared to the liquid ones (2.6%-4.5%) even when soil moisture content reached 70% of water-filled pore space, which in line with the previous field studies (Aguilera et al., 2013), where solid organic fertilizers emitted less N2O than the liquid organic fertilizers ). Overall, these circular fertilizers matched the N-supplying efficacy of synthetic fertilizers, offering a sustainable alternative. Notably, solid organic fertilizers outperformed the liquid ones in terms of N2O emissions, highlighting their potential for more environmentally friendly agricultural practices.


Keywords: fishery waste; organic fertilizer; nitrogen mineralization; greenhouse gas emissions



Aguilera, E., Lassaletta, L., Sanz-Cobena, A., Garnier, J., Vallejo, A., 2013. The potential of organic fertilizers and water management to reduce N2O emissions in Mediterranean climate cropping systems. A review. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 164, 32-52.

How to cite: Zhang, J., Akyol, Ç., Luo, H., De Neve, S., and Meers, E.: Agro-environmental Potential of Novel Organic Fertilizers Derived from Fishery Waste , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21543,, 2025.

EGU25-6114 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Do poplar plantations contribute to soil organic carbon storage? A closer look 

Gabriele Antoniella, Abhay Kumar, Pier Mario Chiarabaglio, Giuseppe Scarascia Mugnozza, and Tommaso Chiti

Do Poplar Plantations Contribute to Soil Carbon Storage? A Closer Look

Poplar plantations, a cornerstone of Italy’s wood economy, are promoted as a promising tool for carbon (C) farming and climate mitigation mainly due to their capacity to store C in the living biomass. However, it remains uncertain whether these systems are capable of having a positive impact on SOC dynamics. Thus, this study aims to investigate the role of poplar plantations in SOC sequestration, addressing key uncertainties while aligning with broader European agenda on C farming. The primary objective was to examine the entire lifecycle of poplar cultivation and its impact on SOC, employing two complementary methodologies: the SOC stock difference approach and the paired comparison method. Specifically, the study focused on: i) assessing the effect of 30 years of poplar cultivation on SOC using a diachronic approach; ii) comparing SOC levels between poplar plantations and the previous land use (e.g., cropland), and iii) assessing the impact of poplar removal and the reestablishment of cropland, both using the paired comparison method.

Leveraging a thirty-year dataset, we analyzed SOC trends at 0–30 cm soil depth in poplar plantations managed under conventional systems, using data collected from the same locations over time. These systems exhibited significant potential for increasing SOC, likely driven by reduced soil disturbance, the incorporation of organic inputs, extended rotation cycles, and improved biodiversity.

To contextualize these findings, SOC levels in poplar plantations and croplands using paired sampling methods were compared. Interestingly, while the diachronic method suggests absolute SOC accumulation over time in poplar plantations, the paired method revealed less pronounced differences between the systems. This methodological discrepancy highlights the complexity of accurately assessing SOC sequestration and raises questions in qualifying the true advantages of poplar plantations over monoculture cropping systems.

Additionally, the third part of this study focuses on the effects of converting poplar plantations back to croplands, with a focus on fields that have been converted in the past 1 to 3 years. This highlights the challenges posed by reverse land-cover changes on the permanence of SOC. The findings aim to guide the development of effective management strategies to mitigate SOC losses during such transitions, ensuring the long-term sustainability of carbon farming practices.


How to cite: Antoniella, G., Kumar, A., Chiarabaglio, P. M., Scarascia Mugnozza, G., and Chiti, T.: Do poplar plantations contribute to soil organic carbon storage? A closer look, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6114,, 2025.

EGU25-9691 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Mapping winter soil cover in Belgian agricultural fields using Sentinel-2 imagery for carbon farming monitoring. 

Fien Vanongeval, Jos Van Orshoven, and Anne Gobin

Carbon farming practices, such as cover crops, are crucial for increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) content and promoting sustainable agriculture. Cover crops, including yellow mustard and Japanese oats, play a key role in improving SOC by increasing biomass inputs during the non-growing season. Accurate identification and monitoring of winter soil cover in agricultural fields is essential to assess the effectiveness of these practices. 
This study uses Sentinel-2 satellite imagery to map winter soil cover in Belgian agricultural fields. Target cover types include bare soil, grassland, winter cereals, maize residues and various cover crops. Sentinel-2’s high temporal and spatial resolution, combined with its multispectral bands, enables the differentiation of soil cover types based on their spectral signatures. Feature engineering allows to derive covariates for supervised classification models from interpolated time-series of Sentinel-2 spectral bands and indices. Ground truth data collected during four consecutive winter seasons (2021-2024) were used to train and validate the random forest model.
This research demonstrates the potential of Sentinel-2 imagery for monitoring winter soil cover in agricultural fields, allowing to assess the implementation and effectiveness of carbon farming practices. Future work will focus on refining classification methods and on integrating winter cover management practices in SOC modelling to quantify their long-term benefits, contributing to more effective carbon sequestration strategies in croplands.

How to cite: Vanongeval, F., Van Orshoven, J., and Gobin, A.: Mapping winter soil cover in Belgian agricultural fields using Sentinel-2 imagery for carbon farming monitoring., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9691,, 2025.

EGU25-9948 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Long-term effect of no-tillage on soil CO2 emissions during the fallow period between winter and summer crops 

Matteo Francioni, Paride D'Ottavio, Marco Bianchini, Paola Antonia Deligios, Luigi Ledda, Chiara Rivosecchi, Federico Mammarella, Alessio Giampieri, and Roberto Orsini

Soil CO2 emissions are a critical component of the carbon cycle, serving as a key indicator of soil fertility and health. Tillage practices significantly influence soil organic matter accumulation, making the monitoring of soil CO2 emissions crucial in the context of Carbon Farming. The Mediterranean region, identified as a climate change hotspot, faces alterations in rainfall and temperature patterns that not only affect crop yields but also impact the soil carbon cycle. In Mediterranean agriculture, a common practice is the rotation of winter (e.g., durum wheat) and summer (e.g., maize) crops, typically involving a nine-month fallow period between the harvest of the winter crop (around July) and the sowing of the summer crop (around April). Despite its importance, this fallow period remains underexplored in studies of soil CO2 emissions.

This study quantifies soil CO2 emissions, temperature, and moisture during the fallow period in a Mediterranean winter-summer rotation system, examining the effects of long-term tillage intensity. The research was conducted on a long-term experimental trial established in 1994 in Agugliano, Central Italy. The site features silty-clay soil (pH 8.3) with an average annual rainfall of 820 mm and a mean temperature of 15.3 °C. The long-term trial involves a split-plot design that includes three tillage levels (conventional tillage at 0–40 cm, reduced tillage at 0–10 cm, and no-tillage) and three nitrogen levels (0, 90, and 180 kg N/ha/year). This study focuses on conventional tillage (CT) and no tillage (NT) with no nitrogen fertilization to isolate tillage effects. Soil CO2 emissions were measured biweekly from July 2022 to March 2023 using a portable infrared gas analyser. Concurrently, soil temperature and moisture at 0–10 cm depth were recorded.

Results revealed that soil CO2 emissions in NT closely followed precipitation patterns during summer, showing distinct CO2 pulses, while emissions in winter were negligible due to low temperatures despite higher soil moisture. In spring, rising temperatures led to significantly higher emissions in NT compared to CT. Positive correlations between CO2 emissions and soil temperature, and negative correlations with soil moisture, were observed. Cumulative CO2 emissions during the fallow period were 0.35 and 0.55 t/ha for CT and NT, respectively.

These findings highlight the importance of extending soil CO2 monitoring beyond the crop-growing season to the fallow period, especially in no-tillage systems. These practices are crucial for accurate carbon accounting and assigning credits in carbon markets.

How to cite: Francioni, M., D'Ottavio, P., Bianchini, M., Deligios, P. A., Ledda, L., Rivosecchi, C., Mammarella, F., Giampieri, A., and Orsini, R.: Long-term effect of no-tillage on soil CO2 emissions during the fallow period between winter and summer crops, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9948,, 2025.

EGU25-11936 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

How much is the value of the abandonment of a citrus grove in a semi-arid Mediterranean region - a carbon storage perspective using the InVEST model 

Hewlley Imbuzeiro, Gila João, Vinicius Petersen, Daniela Vanella, and Simona Consoli

Sicily's landscape features lush fields of olives, citrus trees, and vineyards, as well as vast stretches of beaches and Mount Etna. However, this landscape is changing fast, as some farmers are removing traditional crops (olives and citrus trees) to cultivate exotic ones (avocados, bananas, kiwi, mango, papaya, passion fruit, and pineapple) or abandoned agricultural/pasture areas. Facing a complex climatic scenario, especially related to a lack of water in the reservoirs and wells, the future projections indicate an increasing trend in these abandoned areas in Sicily. Land use and land cover change (LUCC) is a critical driver of carbon storage dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems, as it changes vegetation structure, soil properties, and ecological processes, which impacts the carbon balance (source and sink). This work is the first step in evaluating ecosystem services related to carbon sequestration in citrus cultivation compared to abandoned agricultural areas in semi-arid Mediterranean climate conditions, Centuripe. The modeling was carried out using the InVEST model, which simulates the net change in carbon sequestration over time and its economic value. The Centuripe region has roughly 615 thousand hectares of agricultural abandoned area. The model pointed out an abandoned area around 0,45 Mg C ha-1 is stored below and above ground while the citrus grove stores around 7,69 Mg C ha-1. The model simulations pointed out that citrus groves that have been around for 12 and 32 years generate US$793.34 per hectare and US$1,575.65 per hectare, respectively, for the ecosystem service of carbon sequestration. Therefore, actions should be assessed to motivate farmers and decision-makers to sustain citrus groves instead of abandoning them.

How to cite: Imbuzeiro, H., João, G., Petersen, V., Vanella, D., and Consoli, S.: How much is the value of the abandonment of a citrus grove in a semi-arid Mediterranean region - a carbon storage perspective using the InVEST model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11936,, 2025.

EGU25-13513 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Integrating Remote Sensing and AI modelling in Mediterranean Agroforestry and Croplands systems: A Methodological Perspective for spatial SOC monitoring in the MRV4SOC project, Spain 

Dimitra Palantza, Nikiforos Samarinas, Sotirios Kechagias, Omjyoti Dutta, David de la Fuente, Marta Gómez-Giménez, Judit Torres Fernández del Campo, Laura Hernández Mateo, Isabel Cañellas, Inés Santín, Benjamín S. Gimeno, Kevin Kuehl, Uta Heiden, and George Zalidis

This study presents a robust framework for spatially explicit monitoring of soil properties and Above Ground Biomass (AGB) estimation in Mediterranean agroforestry and cropland systems by integrating remote sensing (RS) and artificial intelligence (AI). These variables are critical for assimilation into process-based models for Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) dynamics monitoring within a Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) system. The framework was developed as part of the MRV4SOC project in Spain, aimed at designing a comprehensive, robust, and cost-effective Tier-3 approach. The primary goal is to produce high-quality geospatial layers of topsoil properties and AGB estima tion, which serve as key inputs for SOC dynamics modeling.

The methodology was tested at two long-term demonstration sites in Spain: Quercus ilex Dehesas in Extremadura (SW Spain) and rainfed cereal crops at La Canaleja experimental farm in central Spain. These agroecosystems provide diverse testing grounds for scalable and transferable SOC assessment methodologies within an MRV framework. The approach integrates multi-temporal remote sensing data (2018–2022) from Sentinel-2 and Landsat satellites with machine learning models to predict essential soil properties (SOC, Sand, Silt, Clay, pH, and Total N) and AGB. Ground truth data for AGB estimation were sourced from the Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI), while soil property predictions utilized the LUCAS 2018 topsoil libraries due to limited site-specific datasets for model training. A bare soil reflectance composite (2018–2022) derived from Sentinel-2 bands (B02–B12) at 20-meter resolution was employed for geospatial soil property mapping.

Given the limited availability of ground truth data, simpler models like Quantile Regression Forests (QRF) and XGBoost were selected. QRF achieved better accuracy for soil texture properties, with R² = 0.62 for clay and outperforming XGBoost for SOC (R² = 0.63) and pH (R² = 0.76) in the agroforestry site. However, XGBoost performed better for SOC (R² = 0.54) and total nitrogen in croplands, as well as for sand, silt, clay, and total nitrogen in the agroforestry site (R² = 0.61 for clay). For AGB estimation in the Dehesas area, a machine learning approach was implemented using SNFI data and remote sensing-derived transformation features. A gradient boosting algorithm (LightGBM) resulted in an R² value of 0.8. In La Canaleja, a bare soil reflectance composite was similarly employed for soil property mapping. Further analysis will be carried out to develop a bottom-up approach for monitoring SOC using these products and process-based models

Uncertainty analysis using Prediction Interval Ratio (PIR) assessment was conducted separately for landscape (L) and sub-landscape (SL) levels. While most properties showed medium to low uncertainty, sand and silt exhibited higher variability in croplands, and SOC displayed the highest uncertainty in the agroforestry site across L and SL levels.

This methodology contributes significantly to improving MRV systems by delivering high-quality geospatial layers for SOC dynamics monitoring in complex environments. Increasing ground truth data availability is essential for enhancing model accuracy and minimizing prediction uncertainties further.

How to cite: Palantza, D., Samarinas, N., Kechagias, S., Dutta, O., de la Fuente, D., Gómez-Giménez, M., Torres Fernández del Campo, J., Hernández Mateo, L., Cañellas, I., Santín, I., S. Gimeno, B., Kuehl, K., Heiden, U., and Zalidis, G.: Integrating Remote Sensing and AI modelling in Mediterranean Agroforestry and Croplands systems: A Methodological Perspective for spatial SOC monitoring in the MRV4SOC project, Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13513,, 2025.

EGU25-21207 | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Modeling perspectives on soil carbon sequestration in Mediterranean regions: a comparison of process-based and statistical models in the croplands of Northern Greece 

Nikos Karapetsas, Georgios Bilas, Angela Righi, Matteo Longo, Francesco Morari, Thomas Koutsos, and Thomas K. Alexandridis

Soil organic carbon (SOC) models are utilized to extrapolate our knowledge of SOC dynamics over time and space, allowing us to evaluate SOC stocks for entire regions of interest. Numerous research works have been implemented following different approaches to evaluate SOC dynamics on a regional, national, and international scale.

In the agricultural regions of Northern Greece, two fundamentally different approaches to SOC sequestration modeling have been employed and evaluated. Public EO data from the GEE geoprocessing platform, concerning temperature and precipitation variables (ERA5), Land Cover information from the Copernicus Global Land Service (CGLS) products, MODIS-based annual NPP and GPP (Net and Gross Primary Production), and WorldClim bioclimatic variables, representing seasonality and annual trends in climatic parameters, were utilized for this purpose. The deterministic modeling approach, which is based entirely on process-based models of multi-compartment carbon decomposition and accumulation (RothC) combined with local soil observation data from 2009 soil-mapping surveys, was used to analyze SOC spatiotemporal dynamics during the decade 2009-2018. This approach was compared with the statistical, data-driven modeling approach, which was applied to the revisited points of the LUCAS Land Use/Land Cover soil observation database in the area during the same decade. A collection of global environmental covariates, selected to reflect a variety of soil-forming factors and soil-change drivers, was assembled using GEE platform resources. These covariates were utilized in the data-driven modelling approach, to generate spatial predictions of SOC, by modelling the relationship between target and auxiliary environmental variables.

The distribution of SOC dynamics in the study area was found significantly different between the two modeling approaches. In some locations, the data-driven model that was built with LUCAS data identified substantial SOC stock losses, while RothC model simulated steadily increasing SOC stocks. This discrepancy can be attributed to the inherent limitations of the RothC process-based modelling approach.

This work was co-financed by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme within the project “Capturing and Storing Atmospheric CO2 for Improvement of Soil Quality - CARBON 4 SOIL QUALITY”.

How to cite: Karapetsas, N., Bilas, G., Righi, A., Longo, M., Morari, F., Koutsos, T., and Alexandridis, T. K.: Modeling perspectives on soil carbon sequestration in Mediterranean regions: a comparison of process-based and statistical models in the croplands of Northern Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21207,, 2025.

EGU25-21210 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.13

Defining soil organic carbon sequestration potential in Mediterranean agroecosystems for effective carbon credit policies: a multi-method approach 

Angela Righi, Carlo Camarotto, Ilaria Piccoli, Nikolaos Karapetsas, Georgios Bilas, and Francesco Morari

The implementation of carbon credit policies is particularly relevant in Mediterranean agroecosystems, which are highly vulnerable to SOC losses due to climate change. However, to what extent each soil has potentials to increase the SOC content is still debated, making it necessary to determine reliable benchmark values to achieve for maximum SOC accumulation. Here, we implemented and tested different model approaches to determine topsoil SOC reference values in the Euro-Mediterranean region, including the Balkans , with data from the LUCAS soil database.. According to other studies, the reference value was identified as equivalent to those of less disturbed agroecosystems such as managed grasslands.  Three methods were tested to estimate the sequestration potential. The first method was based on the identification of pedoclimatic zones through probabilistic clustering using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), where each homogeneous areas was identified based distribution of  pedological, topological and climatic conditions  (e.g., texture, air temperature , elevation and net photosynthetic production ). The second method employed random forest, a machine learning technique. The model, trained on grassland reference points, was then applied to agricultural land, estimating potential SOC levels as if every point were converted to grassland. Lastly, the RothC  model was applied to each point, simulating grassland management for 100 years, and the obtained SOC value was taken as the reference one. Each point then had three potential SOC reference values, and the median value has been taken as the final sequestration potential.
The harmonization of these three methods provided reliable sequestration potential estimates for each LUCAS point, allowing for point-specific predictions. Simultaneously, this approach enabled the delineation of geographical zones with distinct pedoclimatic properties, producing maps of reference zones for SOC sequestration. These maps will allow carbon credit policies to be tailored to the specific conditions of each region in the Euro-Balkan Mediterranean area, ensuring more effective policy implementation.

This work was co-financed by the Interreg Euro-MED Programme within the project “Capturing and Storing Atmospheric CO2 for Improvement of Soil Quality - CARBON 4 SOIL QUALITY”.

How to cite: Righi, A., Camarotto, C., Piccoli, I., Karapetsas, N., Bilas, G., and Morari, F.: Defining soil organic carbon sequestration potential in Mediterranean agroecosystems for effective carbon credit policies: a multi-method approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21210,, 2025.

EGU25-233 | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Modelling phenological development of Mediterranean cover crop species as a tool for designing better management strategies in Southern Spain 

Jose Alfonso Gomez, Maria Auxiliadora Soriano, Jesús Guillén Jurado, and Pilar Hernández Molina

A key management strategy for erosion control  for woody crops grown under Mediterranean climatic conditions is temporary crops, which grow during fall and winter and are terminated in early Spring, to minimize the risk for water competition with the main crop (Gómez et al; 2014; Winter et al., 2018). Although most farmers opt for a cover crop of adventitious vegetation present in their farms, there are situations when seeding a cover crop is necessary. For instance, on degraded soils, or  to enhance biodiversity. There is research by different teams for identifying and characterizing new specifies to be used as cover crops for woody crops (e.g. Gómez et al., 2020). Among the traits used for identifying the most suitable species or varieties are: emergence in early fall, early maturity in late winter or early Spring, rusticity, low height,  … 

The core question to be addressed by farmers and technicians when implementing this technique is to identify the proper termination date for the cover crop. This date needs to be set before depleting the soil water content beyond risking a yield decrease (Gómez et al., 2014) while, simultaneously, allowing seed maturity of the cover crop (to allow self-seeding and making this technique economically viable). Given the large variability in edapho-climatic and agronomic conditions in the Mediterranean region, this seed maturity date will vary significantly among areas, even within a relatively short distance (Gómez et al., 2020), more than the date of onset of the risk of water competition. As a result, farms in different areas will need to use, not only different termination dates, but also different strategies to manage the cover crop. For instance, leaving narrow strips un-terminated to produce seed if the cover crop termination needs to be done before seed maturity. 

This communication presents the results of a study evaluating the phenology of different varieties of Brachypodium and its modelling using a simple phenological model based on growing degree days following that of Gómez et al. (2020). Using climate records and this model, this communication will also present the results of an analysis of different cover crop management strategies based on the regional climatic differences in Andalusia. 

1- Gómez, J.A., et al.,  2014. Modeling to Evaluate and Manage Climate Change Effects on Water Use in Mediterranean Olive Orchards with Respect to Cover Crops and Tillage Management. Practical Applications of Agricultural System Models to Optimize the Use of Limited Water. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling, 5: 237-265
2- Gómez, J.A., Soriano, M.A. 2020. Evaluation of the suitability of three autochthonous herbaceous species as cover crops under Mediterranean conditions through the calibration and validation of a temperature-based phenology model. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 291, art. no. 106788.  
3- Winter, S., et al.,  2018. Effects of vegetation management intensity on biodiversity and ecosystem services in vineyards: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 2484-2495. 

Acknowledgements: Financial support from grant TED2021-131496B-C22 (BRACHYCOVER) funded by MICIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”; and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project TUdi (GA 101000224) .

How to cite: Gomez, J. A., Soriano, M. A., Guillén Jurado, J., and Hernández Molina, P.: Modelling phenological development of Mediterranean cover crop species as a tool for designing better management strategies in Southern Spain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-233,, 2025.

EGU25-699 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Decision Support Guide for the Implementation of Cover Crops in Olive Groves. 

Javier Montoliu, M.ª Auxiliadora Soriano, Gema Guzman, and José A. Gómez

According to the European Environment Agency, Southern Europe is one of the regions facing the most serious soil degradation issues, mainly due to adverse edapho-climatic conditions and unsustainable agricultural practices [1]. In Spain, the National Soil Erosion Inventory reports an average agricultural soil loss of 30 t ha-1 yr-1 [2], with the highest soil erosion rates observed in woody crops with bare soil management [2]. The intensification of tillage and the use of herbicides to control herbaceous vegetation has yielded agronomic benefits for olive groves in the short term. However, in the long term, it generates both negative agronomic impacts and environmental imbalances.

After years of research and collaboration with olive growers, the benefits of ground cover are increasingly recognized and accepted. This trend is increasingly supported by the Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 and the well-known P6 and P7 eco-schemes [3]. However, at farm scale, successfully establishing ground cover requires tailoring technical and economic management to the specific soil, climate, and olive grove conditions, as well as machinery, personnel, and economic constraints. In fact, there is a mismatch between environmental needs and policy regulations, and the required technical advice at farm scale. This is particularly relevant because, depending on local condition, the implementation of cover crops in woody crops in Mediterranean conditions can be costly and decrease crop yield [4].

This communication presents a decision support guide for cover crops implementation in olive groves, providing a series of basic principles, decision rules and management examples, with costs estimations, from surveying 39 olive growers across different regions of Spain. The guide is divided into four sections: I. Basic Concepts. This section briefly explains a set of elementary principles concerning the effects of ground covers, seeding rate determination, etc. II. Management Criteria. This section aims to identify appropriate strategies for specific initial conditions in olive groves, depending on the goals and constraints. III. Illustrated Examples. This section presents particular examples from olive groves that can be adapted to other groves. IV. Costs. This complex topic addresses the peculiarities of management and access to variable public funding. It explains how the costs have been calculated for the examples. The guide also includes a cost calculator which aims to be a practical tool designed to support olive growers in adopting more sustainable and economically viable practices. It allows for customized cost estimation of management and potential seeding with fertilization, by entering specific data from the agricultural operations [5].

Acknowledgements: Operational group BIOLIVAR; H2020 TUdi (GA 101000224) and ECOMED (PR.AVA23.INV202301.035) projects.


[1] The European environment — state and outlook 2020: knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe.

[2] Estrategia Nacional de Lucha Contra la Desertificación.

[3] Regulation of eco-schemes in Spain: Real Decreto 147/2023, de 28 de febrero.

[4] Profitability of erosion control with cover crops in European vineyards under consideration of environmental costs.

[5] Link to download the calculator:

How to cite: Montoliu, J., Soriano, M. ª. A., Guzman, G., and Gómez, J. A.: Decision Support Guide for the Implementation of Cover Crops in Olive Groves., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-699,, 2025.

EGU25-1085 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Identifying soil management strategies in olive groves through satellite imagery using conventional and machine learning approaches. 

Ignacio Domenech-Carretero, Gema Guzmán, and José Alfonso Gómez

The agricultural landscape in Southern Spain, particularly in the Córdoba countryside, is in an on-going transformation due to the expansion of woody crops, like olives orchards [1], which has implications for erosion risk in the area. In that sense, the use of remote sensing to determine actual soil management strategies is a useful technique [2] to calibrate erosion models’ factors, e.g. the cover and management factor in RUSLE [3].

This communication explores the performance of several algorithms for the identification of soil managements in olive orchards. For this, it were considered 3 classes: i) Bare soil (BS), with any combination of herbicide application and/or tillage; ii) Partial soil cover of the lane (alternate lanes of bare soil and cover crop, or narrow cover crop strips, less than 1 m wide, in all the lanes) by temporary cover crops (TCC), defined as those grown during the rainy season (autumn and winter) which are controlled in early spring); and iii) Full ground cover along all the lanes (FCC), also controlled as temporary cover crops. A total of thirty-four olive farms with a known soil management strategy were selected within the study area, located in the countryside of Cordoba (Southern Spain); more details in [1]. Fifty-percent of the farms were used for training, 25% for calibration and 25% for validation, balancing among treatments.

A comparison of five different techniques using the same Sentinel satellite imagery was performed. The techniques were: 1- Support Vector Machines (SVM); 2- Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA); 3- Random Forest (RF); 4- Boosted Regression Trees (BRT); 5-Dense Neural Networks (DNN). The used dataset consisted of 8 vegetation indexes (ARVI, AVI, EVI, GNDVI, MBI, MCARI, NDVI, SAVI) and ten spectral-bands.

Preliminary results demonstrated that the dataset derived from vegetation indexes exhibited greater accuracy for the five techniques (range 80-99%) than those based on combining several spectral bands (range 40-75%). This assertion was valid for distinguishing between BS and combined TCC&FCC and among BS, TCC and FCC. There was a similar performance among techniques for distinguishing between BS vs. TCC&FCC. For distinguishing among BS, TCC and FCC, LDA and DNN showed the best results. Overall the predictive capability using spectral indexes worsen for distinguishing among three treatments (around 80%) as compared for BS vs. TCC&FCC (around 99%).

This study provides a comparative framework for assessing the response of spectral indices and spectral-bands to different soil management strategies widely used in Mediterranean conditions.

Acknowledgements: This work is supported by the projects SCALE (EJP Soil Horizon 2020 GA 862695), TUdi (Horizon 2020, GA 101000224) and PID2019-105793RB-I00 (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation).


[1] Guzmán et al. 2022. Expansion of olive orchards and their impact on the cultivation and landscape through a case study in the countryside of Cordoba (Spain). Land Use Policy, 116, 106065.

[2] Almagro et al. 2019. Improving cover and management factor (C-factor) estimation using remote sensing approaches for tropical regions. International Soil and Water Conservation Research., 7(4), 325–334.

[3] Renard et al. 1997. Agricultural Handbook 703, USDA-ARS. Washington, DC.

How to cite: Domenech-Carretero, I., Guzmán, G., and Gómez, J. A.: Identifying soil management strategies in olive groves through satellite imagery using conventional and machine learning approaches., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1085,, 2025.

Agricultural systems are inherently complex, as they are influenced by the interlinkages between biological, physical, and chemical processes, alongside uncontrollable factors such as weather and soil conditions. To overcome these challenges, dynamic system models have emerged as indispensable tools that can be effectively implemented in precision agriculture. Such dynamic models enable the optimization of variable-rate fertilization and, consequently, enhance crop management strategies while fostering environmental sustainability.

Given the significant increase in fertilizer use over the past decades, there is an ongoing effort to enhance better nutrient management and sustainable development in agriculture within the European Union. This includes the integration of nutrient recovery technologies, such as anaerobic digestion (AD) that converts organic waste into bio-based fertilizers, helping mitigate excessive nutrient loss in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs). Additionally, introducing circularity into the fertilizer production system offers a viable solution by replacing the traditional, emission-intensive nitrogen fertilizer production methods with innovative, low-emission alternatives. However, improper application of these pre-processed fertilizers can lead to environmental issues, such as N and/or phosphorus leaching and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, it is essential to (i) select the right product with least N loss (via leaching or emissions) to the environment among selected (ammonium sulphate, pig urine, liquid fraction of digestate and mineral concentrate) pre-processed bio-based fertilizers, (ii) opt the right application techniques (injection, drag hose, spraying, etc.) available for the variable-rate fertilization, (iii) provide farmers with the best optimal rate and timing for performing precision applications under changing climate.

To address this issue, we implement the CANDY (Carbon And Nitrogen DYnamics) model in a site-specific manner. The model is applied to ongoing field experiments in maize and potato fields (2023–present) at the 3-hectare Bottelare research farm, as well as two commercial farms in Lamstraat and northwest France (2.7 and 8 hectares, respectively). Different application rates of selected bio-based fertilizers (ammonium sulphate, pig urine, liquid digestate, mineral concentrate) are simulated for soil mineral and organic nitrogen (minN, SON), soil organic carbon (SOC), nitrous oxide (N2O) emission dynamics, and validated with observed values from soil properties (e.g. NH4/NO3, OC, etc.) and GHG measurements (N2O, CO2). This provides valuable data-driven insights of potential mitigation measures regarding N losses and further can be used to inform stakeholders (i.e. farmers).

How to cite: Amangeldy, N., Meurer, K., Franko, U., Boneke, E., and Mouazen, A.: Simulating variable fertilizer application ‘rates’ of synthetic and bio-based fertilizers in potato and maize fields to optimize nutrient management and validate environmental sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1127,, 2025.

EGU25-1145 | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Organic fertilizers and amendments to promote soil restoration and cover crop development 

Belén Cárceles, Iria Benavente-Ferraces, José Alfonso Gómez, César Plaza, Azahara Ramos, María Auxiladora Soriano, and Gema Guzmán

Cover crops are widely employed in woody cropping systems as a strategy for soil protection and restoration, aimed at preventing soil erosion and degradation. However, their successful implementation faces significant challenges across diverse edaphoclimatic conditions, such as arid and semiarid environments and highly degraded soils.

This study aims to evaluate the effects of various agricultural inputs (organic fertilizers and amendments) on cover crop characteristics (emergence, plant phenology, and aboveground biomass), as well as soil physico-chemical and biological properties (pH, electrical conductivity, infiltration, bulk density, soil moisture, macroaggregates, organic matter content, enzymatic activity and soil respiration). For this purpose, pot and field-scale trials were established using a mix of three native species commonly used as soil cover in Southern Spain—Bromus rubens, Brachypodium dystachion, and Calendula arvensis. These species were sown under six different treatments: i) unfertilized control, ii) biochar, iii) compost, iv) compost coapplied with biochar, v) pelletized organic fertilizer, and vi) pelletized organic fertilizer coapplied with biochar. For the pot trial, two replicates per treatment were set up inside a shaded structure; for the field trial, 24 microplots (1 x 1 m2 each) were established following a randomized block design with four blocks. Weekly assessments have been conducted to monitor phenological stages and ground cover extent. At the end of the plant growth cycle, soil properties will be analyzed to assess treatments effects. To ensure cover crop germination, support irrigation was provided to all pots and microplots immediately after sowing.

We will present preliminary results from these trials, with plans to continue in future years. These findings will serve as a demonstration and experimental resource providing insights for practitioners and stakeholders interested in implementing cover crops in woody crop systems under challenging soil conditions. Based on these initial results, further adjustments and improvements will be introduced in the coming years.

Acknowledgements: ECOMED (PR.AVA23.INV202301.035) and TUdi (H2020 GA101000224) projects.

How to cite: Cárceles, B., Benavente-Ferraces, I., Gómez, J. A., Plaza, C., Ramos, A., Soriano, M. A., and Guzmán, G.: Organic fertilizers and amendments to promote soil restoration and cover crop development, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1145,, 2025.

EGU25-3574 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.15

Assessing Nitrogen Fertilization Impacts on Avocado Ecophysiology: Insights from UAV-Derived Remote Sensing and Nutritional Experiments Responses 

Iaroslav Grozdov, Ran Erel, Shahar Baram, Noam Alkan, and Tarin Paz-Kagan

Uniform and excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization practices in agriculture often lead to spatial and temporal crop variability, resulting in inefficient nutrient distribution, environmental harm, reduced orchard yields, and fruit quality. This study investigates the effects of N fertilization levels on avocado ecophysiology using advanced remote sensing (RS) techniques, focusing on the estimation of Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE), Leaf Nitrogen Content (LNC [% dry weight]), Plant Area Index (PAI), and Canopy Nitrogen Content (CNC [kg per tree]) to estimate crop responses to over and under fertilization. NUE was calculated as Partial Factor Productivity (PFP) of N; kg of N in harvested avocado per kg N applied. This research includes three experimental systems: (1) a lysimetric experiment at the Gilat with five continuous N fertigation treatments ranging from 115 to 1400 kg-N ha; (2) Kfar Menachem Commercial Orchard, a controlled orchard with three continuous N fertigation treatments ranging from 70 – 570 kg-N ha; and (3) Kabri Orchard, a mature commercial avocado orchard (~10 ha) with standard N application (270 kg-N Ha). Key eco-physiological parameters were measured on the ground bi-monthly in tandem with UAVs during 2022-2023. The ground measurements included nutrient uptake (in the lysimetric experiment only), LNC, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and growth rates. Yield, fruit quality, and shelf-life were assessed at harvest and after cold storage and shelf life. UAV flights integrated multispectral, thermal, and LiDAR sensors. Canopy metrics, such as height, volume, PAIwere estimated on the based segmentation model, and spectral indices related to vegetative growth, were extracted and incorporated into a CNC prediction model and used to evaluate spatial-temporal variability. Random forest models demonstrated high predictive accuracy on CNC (R² = 0.94, RMSE = 0.4 kg per tree). Results revealed significant site-specific leaf nitrogen responses, with notable NUE differences (p-value < 0.05). A strong negative correlation was observed between NUE and PAI (p-value < 0.05), underscoring the importance of precise nitrogen management. This research highlights the potential of advanced remote sensing and site-specific fertilization strategies to optimize precise N use, enhance avocado yield and quality, and mitigate environmental impacts. By addressing spatial variability and leveraging predictive RS modelling, this study contributes to sustainable avocado farming practices.

How to cite: Grozdov, I., Erel, R., Baram, S., Alkan, N., and Paz-Kagan, T.: Assessing Nitrogen Fertilization Impacts on Avocado Ecophysiology: Insights from UAV-Derived Remote Sensing and Nutritional Experiments Responses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3574,, 2025.

Soil erosion can cause the dispersion and breakdown of soil aggregates. One key indicator of soil erosion resistance is soil anti-scourability. In black soil regions, the surface soil of cultivated land is particularly vulnerable to the scouring effects of runoff. This runoff can further break down and disperse soil aggregates. Therefore, studying the soil's anti-scourability, as well as the erosion characteristics of soil aggregates of different particle sizes in the surface soil of black soil cultivated land, is essential. To investigate the anti-scourability and aggregate loss characteristics of surface soil in cultivated land of the black soil area, the undisturbed soil (0-6 cm) was taken as the research object. The relationships between soil anti-scourability coefficient, scouring duration, scouring amount, and soil aggregate loss characteristics were explored, with 5 scouring amounts (6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 L/min) under indoor simulated runoff scouring experiments. The aim was to reveal the anti-scourability of the surface soil and the impact of runoff scouring on aggregate loss characteristics in cultivated land of the black soil area. 1) Overall, the total amount of soil loss gradually increased with the increase of scouring amount. The total amount of soil loss at a scouring amount of 18 L/min was 1.50 times that of 6 L/min. The soil loss decreased exponentially with decreasing scouring duration. 2) Under the conditions of scouring amounts of 6, 12, and 18 L/min, the soil anti-scourability coefficient increased as a power function with scouring duration. The soil anti-scourability coefficient was highest at a scouring amount of 18 L/min within 15 minutes, which was 2.01 and 1.38 times that at 12 and 6 L/min, respectively. 3) The loss characteristics of soil aggregates were differently affected by the scouring amount. Overall, the stability of soil aggregates gradually decreased with the increase of scouring amount, and the mass percentage of < 0.25 mm aggregates gradually increased. Conversely, the mass percentage of > 2 mm aggregates gradually decreased. The fraction size of 0.5-1 mm aggregate was the main lost fraction size under different scouring amounts, accounting for 26.84%-29.66%. 4) Compared to before runoff scouring, the mass percentage of <0.25 mm aggregates under the scouring amounts of 6, 12, and 18 L/min increased by 2.49, 14.17, and 4.18 times, respectively. 5) The erosion resistance of soils gradually decreased as the scouring amount increased. The fractal dimension of soil aggregates at a scouring amount of 18 L/min was 1.05 times that of 6 L/min. The total amount of soil loss in the surface soil of cultivated land of the black soil gradually increased with the increase of scouring amount. At the same time, the soil anti-scourability became stronger and the stability of soil aggregates gradually decreased. Additionally, the erosion resistance of soil under the 3 scouring amounts was ranked as 6 > 12 > 18 L/min. The research results provide insights into the changes in the surface soil anti-scourability in cultivated land of black soil and offer references for agricultural land use.

How to cite: Yan, J. and Fu, Y.: The surface soil anti-scouribility and aggregate loss characteristics in cultivated land of the black soil area, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3973,, 2025.

Abstract: [Objective]To investigate the impact of intermittent rainfall on the amount and sorting characteristics of black soil splash erosion, [Methods] This study is based on artificial simulation of rainfall, with two rainfall intensities (40mm/h and 70mm/h) designed. Five rainfall events were conducted for each rainfall intensity to analyze the splashing erosion amount and particle size distribution characteristics of black soil under different rainfall conditions. [results] Under two different rainfall intensities, there is a dynamic development process of alternating strength between no crust, weak crust, strong crust, weak crust, and new crust in the topsoil crust of different rainfall sites. Under two different rainfall intensities, the maximum values of splashed aggregate MWD and GMD appeared in the fourth rainfall, and the minimum values appeared in the first rainfall. The agglomerates with a particle size of 5-2mm did not migrate in each rainfall, and the splashed agglomerates were mainly composed of particles with a size of 2-0.25mm, accounting for 36.49%~58.61% and 49.10%~60.09% of the splashed erosion amounts of the two rainfall intensities, respectively. The erosion amount of the five rainfall events showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the decrease of particle size, while the mass percentage with particle size<0.053mm showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing with the increase of intermittent frequency. The mass percentage with particle size<0.053mm all showed the minimum value in the third rainfall event, which was 18.21% and 17.63%, respectively.[Conclusion] Rainfall can lead to the formation of soil crust, and the thickness of soil crust shows dynamic changes with the increase of rainfall frequency. In the third rainfall, the soil crust thickness is the highest, and at this time, the splash erosion amount has the minimum value, mainly greater than 0.053mm. The research results provide reference for the study of soil water erosion mechanism in the black soil area of Northeast China.

Keywords: intermittent rain; Black soil; aggregate; erode

How to cite: Zhang, X.: Sorting Characteristics of Black Soil Splash Erosion Aggregates under Intermittent Rainfall Conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3983,, 2025.

Abstract: To explore the spatial distribution characteristics of soil physical properties and soil erosion in sloping farmland with ridges in the black soil areas of northeast China, the slope farmland with ridges built with woven bags (RW) along the contour lines was selected as the research object, and the slope farmland was selected as a control (CK). Soil samples were collected from both RW and CK at uniform spatial intervals to measure key indicators of soil properties in the surface layer (0-15 cm), including soil water holding capacity, soil structure, and annual average soil loss (A). The results showed that: (i) RW exhibited a significantly higher overall field water-holding capacity compared to CK, with soil moisture characteristics more evenly distributed spatially. Soil bulk weight, fractal dimension and soil aggregate destruction in RW were reduced by 1.09%, 0.65% and 4.61%, respectively, compared to CK. Additionally, soil total porosity, capillary porosity, mean weight diameter (MWD), and geometric mean diameter (GWD) were more evenly distributed spatially in RW. (ii) On the up-slope, soil water content and DR>0.25 in the RW had higher increase than those of the CK. On the mid-slope, soil field water holding capacity, capillary porosity, MWD and GWD in the RW had a higher increase than those in the CK. On the down-slope, RW had a 7.67%-10.79% increase in soil water content, saturated water holding capacity, field water holding capacity, and capillary water holding capacity compared to CK, with total soil porosity and soil capillary porosity increasing by 2.84% and 15.51%, respectively. (iii) Annual average soil loss (A) of RW was reduced by 61.85%~99.64% compared to CK, based on the China Soil Loss Equation (CSLE). (vi) Soil water-holding capacity and soil structure characteristics of the RW showed benefits compared to the CK, with the benefits ranging from 1.01 to 1.09, while the benefit of A reached 2.46. This study is significant for understanding the spatial distribution of soil erosion on slope farmland in black soil areas and for the effective application of soil and water conservation measures.

How to cite: Wei, S. and Fu, Y.: Characteristics of soil physical properties and spatial distribution of soil erosion on ridge-slope farmland in the black soil areas of Northeast China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3988,, 2025.

Abstract: [Objective]To investigate the effects of intermittent rainfall conditions on pore structure and aggregate turnover in the black soil topsoil. [Methods]Black soil topsoil was selected as research object, using a combination of rare earth element tracer method + artificial rainfall simulation + CT scanning research method. To elucidate the response of topsoil aggregate characteristics, turnover characteristics of topsoil aggregates, and topsoil pore characteristics to rainfall intensity and number of rainfall events. [Results]Under intermittent rainfall conditions, isolated pores are concentrated in the topsoil layer. With the increase in the number of rainfall events, the connected porosity was always greater than the isolated porosity at a rainfall intensity of 40 mm/h, and the maximum values of connected porosity and isolated porosity alternated at a rainfall intensity of 70 mm/h. For large aggregates, as the number of rainfall events increases,when the connecting porosity decreases,the ability of 5-2 mm aggregates to break up into 0.25-0.053 mm aggregates becomes smaller, and the ability of 5-2 mm aggregates to break up into <0.053 mm aggregates increases . The opposite was true when the connectivity porosity increased. For small aggregates, as the number of rainfall events increases,the ability of 0.25-0.053 mm aggregates to break into <0.053 mm aggregates is stronger, while the ability of <0.053 mm aggregates to aggregate to form 0.25-0.053 mm aggregates decreases gradually. [Conclusion]With the increase in the number of intermittent rainfall, isolated pores were concentrated in the soil top layer, while the ability of large aggregates to gradually break up into small particle sizes gradually increased, but the ability of small aggregates to form large aggregates gradually decreased.

Keywordsintermittent rainfall;pore structure;aggregate turnover;rare earth element;CT scanning

How to cite: Lei, H.: The Influence of Intermittent Rainfall Conditions on the Pore Structure and Aggregate Turnover of Black Soil Topsoil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3996,, 2025.

During freeze‒thaw cycling, aggregates undergo a dynamic change in breakdown‒formation (turnover), however, how the turnover occurs between aggregates of various particle sizes is not clear. To clarify the influence of freeze‒thaw cycling on the dynamic changes in the particle size of soil aggregates, soil aggregates from the Black Soil Region of Northeast China were selected as the research objects. The study conducted in situ dynamic monitoring experiments, innovatively applying the rare earth oxide (REO) tracer method to natural conditions of freeze‒thaw cycles (autumn freeze‒thaw period, freezing period, and spring freeze‒thaw period), accurately tracking the turnover paths and quantifying the turnover rates between aggregates of various particle sizes. The results revealed that the total value of the formation paths of the 2–5mm aggregates and 0.25–2 mm aggregates increased during the autumn freeze‒thaw period. The number of freeze–thaw cycles and accumulated snowfall were significantly positively correlated with aggregate stability, with an increase in the number of freeze–thaw cycles and accumulated snowfall resulting in an increase in the proportion of aggregates >0.25 mm, which improved aggregate stability. In addition, the total value of the breakdown path of macro-aggregates increased during the spring freeze‒thaw cycling period. Soil moisture was significantly negatively correlated with aggregate stability, with increased soil moisture resulting in a decrease in the percentage of aggregates >0.25 mm, which resulted in a decrease in aggregate stability. The study can provide a reference understanding for the effects of freeze‒thaw cycles on the structure of black soil and provide a theoretical basis for improving the quality of arable land.

How to cite: Zhang, Y.: Impact of freeze–thaw cycling on the stability and turnover of blacksoil aggregates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4011,, 2025.

Gully erosion poses greater threat to ecological and food security globally. The gully development rate and the contributions of primary influencing factors have not been thoroughly understood, primarily due to the complicated environmental conditions characterized by climate, soil, topography, and human activities. Therefore, this study was conducted to explore the gully development and contributions of its driving factors from 2013 to 2021 based on historical Google Earth images and field investigation in a typical rolling hilly watershed of northeast China. The climatic factors reflected by precipitation, topographical factors related to gully, and anthropological factors reflected by tillage ridge orientation and linear anthropological factors (LAF) including roads and shelterbelts were obtained. The tillage effect index (TEI), LAF effect index (LEI) and the distance from gully to LAF (DL) were calculated to analyze the influence of anthropological factors on gully development. The results showed that the linear, areal and volumetric gully development rates (RL, RA and RV) showed great variabilities in different periods with the average of 5.69 m year-1, 137.37 m2 year-1 and 428.54 m3 year-1, respectively. The accumulated RL, RA and RV increased exponentially or linearly with accumulated precipitation amount (P), erosive rainfall duration (RD), erosive rainfall (ER), maximum 30-min rainfall intensity (I30) and rainfall erosivity (RE) increased (P<0.001). The slope of the gully head (HS) was identified as the primary topographic factor influencing RL. Both RA and RV showed positive power relationships with the drainage area of the gully (CA) and the upstream gully head (HA). The human activity reflected by tillage ridge orientation, unpaved road and shelterbelts had different effects on RL and RA. The increased orientation angle between gully and tillage ridge (ROA) mitigated headcut retreat for normal precipitation year but it would aggravate headcut retreat in the periods of continuous heavy rainfall. Gully bank with the ROA of 30 - 90° was more prone to areal development. The TEI, LEI and DL had significantly positive linear, power or exponential relations with gully development rates. The PLSR and VPA analysis indicated that topography, the interaction between topography and human activity, and the coupled effects of precipitation, topography and human activity were the main contributor of RL, RA and RV, respectively, and accounted for 34%, 50%, and 40% of total variability of RL, RA and RA, respectively. This study can provide guidance for the control of gully erosion and the optimization of land use structure in the gully catchment.

How to cite: Liu, X.: Quantifying the contributions of precipitation, topography and human activity and their coupling to the development of permanent gully, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4655,, 2025.

Soil water and heat are critical factors for the sustainable development of alley cropping systems in the Loess Plateau, west Shanxi, China. Experiments were conducted from 2021 to 2023 to explore the impacts of water and heat coupling regulation on crop root distribution, physiological growth, and the interrelationships between soil water and heat. The treatments consisted of three irrigation upper limit levels, set at 50% (W1), 65% (W2), and 80% (W3) of field capacity for the top 0–60 cm soil layer, and two film mulching durations: from soybean sowing to the podding stage (M1) and throughout the entire growth period (M2). Additionally, three non-irrigation control groups were included: CK0 (no mulch), CK1 (film mulching from branching to podding stage), and CK2 (full-period film mulching). In years with ample rainfall (2021 and 2023), half-period mulching was found to effectively preserve soil water compared to full-period mulching, resulting in higher underground interspecific competition coefficient; conversely, in the drier year of 2022, full-period mulching proved more effective at retaining soil water, with a lower underground species competition coefficient observed. Elevated soil moisture increased root length density (RLD) across species, intensified belowground interspecific competition, and consequently reduced soil temperature. The underground interspecific competition index initially increased and then gradually decreased as irrigation levels rose, with the peak intensity of competition occurring at the W2 irrigation level. Principal component and multiple regression analyses indicated that a water input range of 1015.63–1093.75 m3·ha−1·a−1 combined with half-period mulching was most advantageous during the initial 3–5 years of the alley cropping system under local production conditions.

How to cite: Wang, L., Wang, R., and Luo, C.: Characteristics of soil water and heat, physiological growth and interspecific competition in apple–soybean alley cropping for different water and heat coupling on the Loess Plateau, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5599,, 2025.

[Aims] Apple–soybean alley cropping is one of the typical alley-cropping models in the Loess Plateau of China. The study aimed to alleviate interspecific competition intensified by the growth of fruit trees using the combination of drip irrigation emitter line and mulching to regulate soil nutrient distribution and analyze effects on nutrient utilization. 
[Methods] A three-year field trial was conducted in apple–soybean alley-cropping systems, setting up three drip irrigation emitter line spacings (L1: one emitter line per soybean row; L2: one emitter line for every two rows; L3: one emitter line for every three rows) and two mulching methods (M1: mulching; M0: non-mulching). 
[Results] Rapidly available phosphorus (AP), rapidly available potassium and total phosphorus contents varied greatly at the same spacing, whereas AP content varied greatly at different spacings. Compared with M0, yield, nutrient contents and use efficiency of M1 significantly increased. Most of the nutrients at the denser spacing (L1) were concentrated in the surface layer with uniform distribution. At the wider spacing (L3), nutrient distribution was uneven, resulting in fewer nutrients uptake and utilization by roots. The moderate spacing (L2) with mulching alleviated the interspecific competition by optimizing nutrient distribution and facilitating root niche separation between trees and crops. In the three years, M1L2 consistently displayed the highest yield, nutrient contents and utilization efficiency. Principal component analysis showed that M1L2 achieved the highest comprehensive score. 
[Conclusions] The results recommended the use of M1L2 in young apple–soybean alley-cropping systems, with L1 as a preferable control measure if M0 is used.

How to cite: Zheng, H., Wang, R., Wan, Q., Wang, L., and Chen, L.: Nutrient distribution and utilization in apple–soybean alley-cropping systems under different drip irrigation emitter line deployments and mulching methods in the Loess Plateau of China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5740,, 2025.

EGU25-5878 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.15

Enhancing Barley Yield and Biomass in Kenya: The Effects of Local Sediments, Lime Amendments and Straw Return 

Eric Scherwietes, Johan Six, and Joerg Schaller

Soil acidification and low nutrient availability are critical challenges for agriculture in East Africa, often leading to aluminium (Al) toxicity and reduced crop yields. Amending arable land with local sediments has been shown to be a promising strategy to address these issues, although responses have been variable. We investigated the effects of local sediment amendments influenced by volcanic deposits on soil pH, nutrient availability, and barley productivity in field trials conducted in Eldoret, Western Kenya in the first year and compared it to lime amendments and straw return in the second year. Plots were amended with 1% and 3% of two local sediments (from Baringo and Nakuru). The 3% Baringo amendment significantly increased soil pH (from 4.7 to 7.0), enhanced available phosphorus (P) content (from 0.01 mg g⁻¹ to 0.02 mg g⁻¹), and reduced Al availability (from 3.03 mg g⁻¹ to 2.17 mg g⁻¹), resulting in the highest barley yield of 4.7 t/ha (+1061%). In the second year, growth was strongly inhibited by drought periods, but the trends were visible again with Baringo 3%. Similarly, lime at 0.15% improved soil conditions and barley yield (0.91 t ha-1), though less effectively than Baringo 3% (1.3 t ha-1). Control and Nakuru, as well as straw return did not improve the soil conditions and yield significantly. These findings highlight the potential of local sediment amendments to mitigate soil acidification and enhance crop productivity, particularly through carbonate dissolution and pH elevation, though outcomes depend on sediment composition and amendment rates.

How to cite: Scherwietes, E., Six, J., and Schaller, J.: Enhancing Barley Yield and Biomass in Kenya: The Effects of Local Sediments, Lime Amendments and Straw Return, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5878,, 2025.

EGU25-6127 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.15

Evaluating Compact Portable and Indoor Rainfall Simulators for the Estimation of Rainfall Characteristics in Soil Erosion Studies 

Raquel Falcao, Josef Krasa, Martin Neumann, Jan-František Kubát, Corinna Gall, Steffen Seitz, and Tomas Dostal

Rainfall simulators are indispensable in soil hydrology and erosion research, offering controlled conditions to investigate water erosion. Despite their widespread use, the absence of standardized methodologies leads to variability in design and rainfall characteristics across simulators. To address this challenge, key parameters such as drop size distribution and terminal velocity, uniformity of the spatial distribution of raindrops over the sprinkled surface area (Christiansen uniformity coefficient; CU), kinetic energy (KE), and rainfall intensity are used for comparative analysis. In this study, three rainfall simulators with varying transportability, nozzle system, and raindrop generation are compared. Laser distrometers and Tübingen Splash Cups (T-cups) were used to measure rainfall characteristics and kinetic energy.

The rainfall simulators produced rainfall intensity ranging from 38 to 95 mm h-1, and CU values between 60.5% and 75.8%. Most drops (>90%) were slower than 3.4 m s-1 for all simulations. The maximum number of drops was within the 0.25 – 0.375 mm class, generally smaller than that observed in natural rain, all at 1.4-1.8 m s-1 velocity. We found kinetic energy measured by T-cups to agree with values calculated with the Thies disdrometers, confirming its pertinence in rainfall studies. However, caution is advised when applying the T-cup equation under low kinetic energy scenarios, as it tends to overestimate KE.

Furthermore, we found that portable systems have distinct lower kinetic energy characteristics than indoor systems, and notable differences do not allow for the direct comparison of measurements. However, they have distinct advantages in direct field measurements and handling. The devices’ CU ranges from 60.5 to 75.8%, which falls within the range of those presented in the literature.

This study highlights the importance of accurately characterizing rainfall parameters before soil erosion modeling. The methodologies and insights provided tools for improved assessment of soil erosion risks, particularly considering its practicality in remote areas.

Keywords: Rainfall simulators, Soil erosion, Drop size distribution, Drop velocity, Raindrop kinetic energy

Research has been supported by project TUDI (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000224), technology Agency of the Czech Republic (grants 8J23DE006 and QK22010261) and Czech Technical University in Prague (grant SGS23/155/OHK1/3T/11)

How to cite: Falcao, R., Krasa, J., Neumann, M., Kubát, J.-F., Gall, C., Seitz, S., and Dostal, T.: Evaluating Compact Portable and Indoor Rainfall Simulators for the Estimation of Rainfall Characteristics in Soil Erosion Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6127, 2025.

How to cite: Falcao, R., Krasa, J., Neumann, M., Kubát, J.-F., Gall, C., Seitz, S., and Dostal, T.: Evaluating Compact Portable and Indoor Rainfall Simulators for the Estimation of Rainfall Characteristics in Soil Erosion Studies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6127,, 2025.

Overuse of fertiliser in global food production has led to severe environmental impacts, including nitrogen (N) pollution, water quality degradation, and eutrophication, particularly in lakes and coastal waters worldwide. These challenges highlight the need for sustainable agricultural practices that enhance N use efficiency and reduce environmental loading. Nutrient-loaded biochars (NLB) offer a promising solution by sequestering atmospheric carbon in the soil, providing slow, continuous nutrient release, and reducing nutrient loss. Research indicates that NLBs enhance N use efficiency and crop yields. Additionally, biochar and fertiliser combination increases soil N retention and microbial activity. Some biochars have also been shown to improve biological N fixation in legumes by improving soil structure, nutrient availability, and balance and optimising plant-microbe interactions. However, their specific effects on faba beans (Vicia faba L.) remain understudied.

This study aims to investigate the influence of NLBs on biological nitrogen fixation in faba beans and N use efficiency in boreal agricultural soils by using the 15N natural abundance method. The study was conducted on long-term biochar field experiments at the University of Helsinki's Viikki Research Farm with two distinct soil types: fertile Stagnosol and nutrient-poor Umbrisol. NLBs were prepared in three ways: spruce biochar was activated with nitric acid or tap water, then nutrient-loaded with organic N (from cattle slurry and meat bone meal) or inorganic N (from mineral fertiliser).

The study used split-plot designs, with three different biochar treatments in the Stagnosol and only slurry-activated biochar in the Umbrisol, applied at two rates: 0 biochar control and the highest rates (15 t ha-1 in Stagnosol, 50 t ha-1 in Umbrisol). Fertiliser treatments included two mineral levels (30% and 100% of recommended rates) for the Stagnosol and two types (no fertiliser and mineral fertiliser) for the Umbrisol. 72 plots were used: 48 in Stagnosol and 24 in Umbrisol, with additional 0 biochar control plots (6 + 7 respectively) established for growing oat (Avena sativa L.) as a non-N-fixing reference crop for soil N isotopic baseline to estimate N fixation in faba beans. Faba beans were cultivated in the experimental plots. We measured aboveground biomass, CN content, N yield, and isotopic ratios (15N/14N) by a Leco CN analyser and isotope ratio mass spectrometer at the flowering stage of faba bean and oats.

Preliminary results are expected to provide a good insight into the potential of NLBs to increase biological N fixation. The study findings could lead to innovative approaches for improving soil fertility and contributing to more sustainable practices in boreal agriculture and globally. Growing legumes in NLB-amended soils could be a good practice to increase plant available N and, thus, the subsequent crop yield, reducing farmers' need to purchase external mineral fertilisers. Moreover, the findings can also support climate change mitigation and ecological balance in boreal regions.

How to cite: Ferdous, Z.: The effects of nutrient-loaded biochar on biological nitrogen fixation in faba beans, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6218,, 2025.

Soil aggregate stability and erodibility reflect soil resistance to erosion. Although the factors influencing soil aggregate stability and erodibility have been extensively studied, the driving effects of these factors and their interactions remain limited. 184 sampling sites were selected in topsoil (0-20 cm) of a small watershed (1.42 km2) in a Mollisol watershed to measure soil bulk density (BD), soil porosity (SP), soil moisture content (MC), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), >0.25 mm water stable aggregates content (WSA> 0.25), mean weight diameter (MWD) and K factor. Pearson correlation analysis, semi-variance function, redundancy analysis (RDA), and structural equation model (SEM) were used to quantify the impact of environmental variables (individual and interaction) on the spatial variations of WSA> 0.25, MWD, and K factor. The findings indicated that higher values of WSA> 0.25 and MWD are observed in the central and western watershed, while the K values tend to be lower in areas with high WSA> 0.25 and MWD values within the watershed. The Exponential model optimally described WSA> 0.25, MWD, and K factor with C0/(C + C0) indicating moderate spatial dependence for MWD (39.79%) and K factor (42.86%), while strong spatial autocorrelation for WSA> 0.25 (7.23%). Soil properties (moisture content, silt content, and bulk density), topography (elevation, SPI, and slope), and land use contributed 46.6%, 41.4%, and 9.1% of the spatial variation in WSA> 0.25, MWD, and K factor, respectively. SEM revealed that silt content, SOC, and water condition played a fundamental role in controlling the spatial variability of WSA> 0.25, MWD, and K factor. Topography exerted both direct or indirect effects by coupling land use or soil properties spatially. Land use had direct or indirect effects on WSA> 0.25 and K factor through regulating MC, but it primarily influences MWD indirectly through impacting MC. These results could clarify the roles and influencing paths of factors controlling the spatial heterogeneity of WSA> 0.25, MWD, and K factor, contributing to optimizing land management strategies.

How to cite: Wang, L.: Quantifying the contributions of factors influencing the spatial heterogeneity of soil aggregate stability and erodibility in a Mollisol watershed, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7553,, 2025.

Sunflowers, recognized for their exceptional tolerance and accumulation capacity for heavy metals, are widely used as a model plant in phytoremediation technologies. However, due to the physicochemical properties of heavy metals and the physiological differences among plant tissues, the accumulation of heavy metals in different plant organs exhibits significant variability. Considering that heavy metal contamination in natural environments often involves complex mixtures rather than single pollutants, investigating the accumulation and distribution characteristics of sunflowers in soils contaminated with multiple heavy metals is of critical importance. In this study, pot experiments were conducted to systematically compare the germination, biomass, heavy metal accumulation, and organ-specific distribution of sunflowers grown in soils contaminated with single heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) and those with mixed heavy metals. The results revealed no significant differences in germination rates or total biomass of sunflowers between single and mixed contamination conditions. Similarly, the total accumulation of heavy metals in sunflower plants did not differ significantly. However, the distribution of heavy metals among plant organs showed notable differences: under mixed contamination, the accumulation of As, Ni, and Pb in sunflower roots was significantly higher compared to single-contamination conditions, while the distribution ratios of Cd and Cu in plant organs were unaffected by the type of contamination. This study elucidates the impact of mixed contamination on heavy metal distribution and provides critical scientific insights for the practical application of phytoremediation in complex contamination scenarios, offering a framework for optimizing remediation strategies and improving efficiency. 

How to cite: Zhao, X. and Li, G.: Impact of Single and Mixed Heavy Metal Contamination on Accumulation Patterns and Organ Distribution in Sunflowers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8466,, 2025.

EGU25-8544 | Orals | SSS9.15

Catalogue of soil restoration and fertilizations strategies across EU and China 

Barbora Jáchymová, David Zumr, Tomáš Dostál, Raquel Falcão, Josef Krása, and Miroslav Bauer

One of the main outputs of the TUdi project is a catalogue of strategies and measures for improving soil quality. This document (alone or in combination with other project outputs) serves farmers to find suitable methods and measures for improving the quality of their soil.

This catalogue aims to present soil restoration and fertilization strategies with feedback from stakeholders in the EU and China. The catalogue consists of a list of practices soil degradation processes. The processes were defined with a multidisciplinary approach by scientists from different fields (soil physics, hydrology, plant and environmental sciences, nutrient management and agronomy) and they are described individually in big detail.

A list of measures and strategies that can be used to eliminate these degradation processes is presented. For individual measures, the catalogue contains a separate chapter with a detailed description of each measure. These chapters describe the principle of the methods/measures, the conditions for their implementation and the importance of individual measures in terms of individual degradation processes. There are also references to appropriate literature at the end of each chapter.

The aim of the catalogue is to support farmers in activities leading to soil improvement. For this reason, the catalogue includes a chapter dealing with financial support tools in individual countries cooperating within the TUdi project. A separate chapter is also devoted to legislative regulations and rules related to the issue of soil degradation and protection.

Research has been supported by project H2020 – TUdi (

How to cite: Jáchymová, B., Zumr, D., Dostál, T., Falcão, R., Krása, J., and Bauer, M.: Catalogue of soil restoration and fertilizations strategies across EU and China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8544,, 2025.

EGU25-9549 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.15

Mitigating Soil Erosion and Runoff through Vegetative Barriers in Agricultural Areas 

Michal Vrana, Tomas Laburda, Raquel N. R. Falcão, Barbora Jachymova, David Zumr, Josef Krasa, Adam Tejkl, Jan-František Kubát, Miroslav Bauer, and Tomas Dostal

Soil erosion is a major challenge in agriculture, leading to land degradation, reduced fertility, and water pollution. Effective land management is crucial for controlling runoff, limiting sediment transport, and sustaining soil productivity. Among various conservation practices, vegetative buffer strips are particularly effective, enhancing infiltration, slowing runoff, and trapping sediment.

This study assessed the impact of different grass strip lengths on sediment retention under controlled conditions. Experiments were conducted on plots with varying proportions of grass cover (0%, 25%, 50%, and 100%). A suspension of water and fine sand was used to simulate runoff with high sediment concentration. Flow rates and experiment duration were standardized for comparability.

The results demonstrated that longer grass strips significantly reduced both surface runoff and sediment transport. Runoff was reduced by up to 29%, while sediment loads decreased by up to 85% compared to bare soil. These findings highlight the potential of vegetative barriers as an effective nature-based solution for sustainable land management.

Acknowledgements: Research has been supported by project TUDI (European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000224) and SGS23/155/OHK1/3T/11: Experimental research and monitoring of rainfall-runoff and erosion processes on agricultural soils. 

How to cite: Vrana, M., Laburda, T., N. R. Falcão, R., Jachymova, B., Zumr, D., Krasa, J., Tejkl, A., Kubát, J.-F., Bauer, M., and Dostal, T.: Mitigating Soil Erosion and Runoff through Vegetative Barriers in Agricultural Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9549,, 2025.

EGU25-9738 | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities to simulated erosion and fertilization in the Chinese black soil region 

Yangyang Li, Hongxiang Zhao, Zhiqiang Wang, and Gema Guzmán

Soil extracellular enzyme activities play a crucial role in soil organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Soil erosion is a major threat to soil health and sustainable crop productivity worldwide, the use of chemical fertilizers is an important management practice to combat soil degradation and increase crop yields. How soil extracellular enzyme activities respond to the combined soil erosion and fertilization, and whether these enzyme activities can be used as indicators of soil health under erosion, remains unclear. Based on a long-term field simulated erosion experiment (2005-2022) in the black soil region of northeast China, 12 soil extracellular enzyme activities [ including 5 C-acquiring enzymes: β-1,4-glucosidase (BG), β-D-cellobiohydrolase (CBH), β-xylosidases (BX), α-glycosidase (α-GC) and invertase; 3 N-acquiring enzymes: β-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG), leucine amino peptidase (LAP) and urease; 1 P-acquiring enzyme: acid phosphatase (ACP); and 3 oxidative enzymes: catalase, phenol oxidase (POX), peroxidase (POD)] and relevant soil physicochemical and microbial properties were carried out along the simulated erosion gradient under both unfertilized and fertilized conditions during the fallow season. The results showed that: (1) Simulated erosion significantly decreased the activities of invertase, urease, ACP, and POD, and had no effect on the activities of the other 8 enzymes. Long-term fertilization significantly increased the activities of urease and NAG and decreased ACP, catalase, and POD activities. No interactions between simulated erosion and fertilization were found for all measured 12 extracellular enzyme activities. (2) The decreased activities of invertase and urease were mainly caused by the decrease in soil organic matter (SOM), no matter fertilized or not. Decreased ACP activity was mainly attributed to SOM under fertilization, but to pH and BD under no fertilization. POD activity was mainly determined by alkali-hydrolyzed N (AN) under fertilization, but none of the measured soil properties can explain the changes in POD activity under no fertilization. (3) The activities of invertase, urease, and ACP were significantly and positively correlated with multiyear average crop yield across the simulated erosion gradient under both fertilization conditions, POD activity was only positively correlated with average yield under fertilization. The results highlight that invertase, urease, and ACP activities can be used as potential indicators of erosion-induced black soil degradation, fertilizer application can improve soil health of degraded black soils partly by increasing invertase and urease activities and crop yield.

How to cite: Li, Y., Zhao, H., Wang, Z., and Guzmán, G.: Responses of soil extracellular enzyme activities to simulated erosion and fertilization in the Chinese black soil region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9738,, 2025.

EGU25-12300 | Orals | SSS9.15

TUdi Decision Support Tool: integrating nutrient management and organic matter dynamics for sustainable soil management 

Elena Pareja-Serrano, Iria Benavente-Ferraces, María-Llanos López González, and Laura Zavattaro

The growing threats to soil health, particularly in regions increasingly impacted by climate change, demands innovative, science-based solutions. Organic amendments offer a pathway for improving soil health while enhancing SOM content. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that bridges nutrient management practices with a deeper understanding of soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. Therefore, farmers, as key actors in this process, need operational tools that not only highlight potential risks, but also provide strategies to ensure the long-term soil productivity and resilience. To support this, the TUdi Decision Support Tool (DST) combines crop nutrient requirement assessments with SOM evolution forecasting, using nutrient inputs as a factor in modeling SOM dynamics. This DST was designed as a practical decision-support tool for farmers and land managers, enabling informed decision-making to combat soil degradation and support sustainable land management practices.

In this study, we applied the TUdi DST in highly vulnerable region to soil organic matter (SOM) loss of Europe, to evaluate cereal and woody crop management. Under favorable (SOM > 2.5%) and unfavorable (SOM < 2%) scenarios of crops growing conditions were assessed to explore tailored strategies for mitigating SOM decline and enhancing carbon sequestration.

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by the research project TUdi (Horizon 2020, GA 101000224).

How to cite: Pareja-Serrano, E., Benavente-Ferraces, I., López González, M.-L., and Zavattaro, L.: TUdi Decision Support Tool: integrating nutrient management and organic matter dynamics for sustainable soil management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12300,, 2025.

EGU25-12364 | Orals | SSS9.15 | Highlight

TUdi Decision Support Tool to assist farmers in soil health management 

María-Llanos López Gonzalez, Elena Pareja, Iria Benavente-Ferraces, Anna Osann, Javier Sánchez, Tomas Dostal, Josef Krasa, Raquel Falcão, Laura Zavattaro, Peter Strauss, Gunther Carl Liebhard, José Alfonso Gómez, Gema Guzmán, Ignacio Domenech, Csilla Hudek, Zsófia Bakacsi, Dimitre Nikolov, and Xiaoping Zhang

The sustainable management of crops in areas at risk of soil health degradation is crucial, particularly given their vulnerability in the current context of climate change. Decision Support Tools (DSTs) designed specifically for farmers are essential for assessing risks, analyzing the impact of agricultural practices, and defining strategies to mitigate negative impacts on soil health. In response to this need, the TUdi DSTs were developed (in app and web format), integrating functionalities tailored to address different types of soil degradation processes by different approaches related to soil biology, erosion, compaction, structure, organic carbon and fertilization. These DSTs are designed to restore and enhance soil health, and to optimize the use of fertilizers at the user level.

However, in scenarios of high soil health degradation, the tool’s results often highlight negative outcomes, potentially leading to rejection in its adoption. It is therefore crucial to assess user acceptance of such tools in advance. To tackle this challenge, in-person workshops were conducted, engaging both farmers and stakeholders from the agricultural sector. These workshops enabled the evaluation of the TUdi DST's acceptance, and the identification of improvements aimed at optimizing its usability and fostering its broader adoption. These efforts aim to ensure that the TUdi DST becomes an effective tool for supporting farmers in sustainable soil management, while contributing to the mitigation of climate change impacts on vulnerable agricultural systems.

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by the research project TUdi (Horizon 2020, GA 101000224).

How to cite: López Gonzalez, M.-L., Pareja, E., Benavente-Ferraces, I., Osann, A., Sánchez, J., Dostal, T., Krasa, J., Falcão, R., Zavattaro, L., Strauss, P., Carl Liebhard, G., Gómez, J. A., Guzmán, G., Domenech, I., Hudek, C., Bakacsi, Z., Nikolov, D., and Zhang, X.: TUdi Decision Support Tool to assist farmers in soil health management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12364,, 2025.

EGU25-12703 | Posters on site | SSS9.15

Changes in the soil properties and quality of agricultural soils in South Korea over a period of 20 years 

Jae E Yang, Jung-Hwan Yoon, Hyuck Soo Kim, and Heejung Kim

Until the 90s, South Korea was a heavily inorganic fertilizer agriculture system, but it has since shifted to eco-friendly agriculture that uses less fertilizer and more livestock manure compost. For sustainable agriculture, efforts are being made to improve soil quality and nutrient balance. In addition, changes in the agricultural environment are being monitored to build a D/B of soil properties. In this study, we summarized the changes in agricultural soil properties over the past 20 years in Korea and investigated the soil quality changes based on the soil quality assessment model developed in previous studies. Soil analysis results were used from the agricultural environment monitoring project from 1999 to 2022, excluding volcanic soils, and the analyzed properties were pH, EC, organic matter, available P2O5, and exchangeable cation (Ca, Mg, K). The land use types were categorized as paddy, upland, orchard, and plastic house, and the agricultural land area as of 2022 is 776 kha for paddy, 490 kha for upland, 130 kha for orchard, and 77 kha for plastic house. The pH has increased continuously, which is the impact of the national project to supply calcareous fertilizers to increase the low pH. EC is very high in the plastic house and is constantly increasing, with the same trend in free phosphoric acid. Due to the nature of the plastic house, it is protected from rainfall and large amounts of fertilizer are applied, so fertilizer is constantly incorporated into the soil. Soil organic matter has increased steadily over the past 20 years due to a government-supported project to compost excess livestock manure. The available P2O5 is the result of phosphorus in the soil from phosphate fertilizer use and large amounts of livestock manure. This is currently causing problems such as salt accumulation in the plastic house. After applying the soil quality assessment model to evaluate the soil quality, the soil quality score of the soil was found to be increasing. This is because we have reduced the use of fertilizers, increased the organic matter content of the soil by supplying compost, and supplied amendments to increase the pH to increase the overall soil fertility to an appropriate level. However, the soil quality indicators of facility cultivation sites were found to be low due to high EC and phosphate, and it is urgent to prepare and disseminate soil management measures to solve this problem. It is believed that the change in the direction of soil management of agricultural land at the national level over the past 20 years has had a positive effect on soil properties and soil quality, and in the future, soil management that can contribute to carbon neutrality and maintain adequate productivity while increasing soil quality in line with the carbon neutrality era is necessary.

How to cite: Yang, J. E., Yoon, J.-H., Kim, H. S., and Kim, H.: Changes in the soil properties and quality of agricultural soils in South Korea over a period of 20 years, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12703,, 2025.

EGU25-17537 | ECS | Orals | SSS9.15

Evaluating effect size distribution of different regenerative agriculture practices across soil, climatic and topographical factors 

Ozias Hounkpatin, Johannes Piipponen, Mika Jalava, and Matti Kummu

Many regenerative agriculture practices (RAP) such as not tillage (NT), cover crop (CC), perennials and agroforestry (AF), organic farming (OF) have potential to limit negative environmental outcomes while enhancing soil health and sustaining diverse ecosystem services. However, the magnitude by which yield responses of different RAP are influenced by inherent soil properties, climate and topographical factors are not fully understood. To elucidate such interaction, field scale experiments related to these RAP were first collected across the globe by combining multiple meta-analyses and the  yield response was extracted and then linked with global gridded soil, climate and topographical datasets. The findings showed that the RAPs were associated with an overall mean crop yield increase of 5 % with specific increase in crop yield by 48 %, 21 % and 0.28 % respectively for AF, CC and NT while a decrease of 2 % was recorded for OF. The use of RAPs had the greatest yield benefit in tropical, arid and temperate climates and when farming at mid to high elevation areas as well as in soils with low soil organic carbon. Specifically, increase in crop yield occurred consistently for AF, CC and NT in environments located in semi-arid area with aridity index between 0.20 and 0.50 and at elevation between 250 and 1000 m as well as in soils characterized by low soil organic carbon (< 5 g/kg). In addition, NT was associated with increase in crop yield especially when N input was considered in addition to cover crop and weeding in arid and tropical regions. Under the RAPs considered, cereal crops such as maize, rice and soybean resulted in significant crop yield increase especially for growing degree days within 4 000 to 10 000 degrees C. The findings shed new light on the ways in which soil characteristics, climate and topography in relation to RAPs interact to affect crop yield and such results can assist in the development of useful, fact-based recommendations for applying these practices to improve crop yields.

How to cite: Hounkpatin, O., Piipponen, J., Jalava, M., and Kummu, M.: Evaluating effect size distribution of different regenerative agriculture practices across soil, climatic and topographical factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17537,, 2025.

Phosphorus (P) deficiency causes yield losses in tropical regions due to the strong P sorption of tropical soils attributed to the high amount of iron and aluminium oxyhydroxides and the low pH. Novel P fertilisers such as hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (HAP-NPs) have been proposed to improve the P application efficiency. Such nanoparticles (< 100 nm) potentially have higher mobility and bioavailability in strongly sorbing soils as they interact less with sorption sites and have a more controlled P release than soluble P fertilisers.

In a diffusion experiment using tropical soil (pH 5), the P mobility of liquid and powdered HAP-NPs was investigated and compared with that of liquid K2HPO4 and powdered TSP, all added at an equal P dose located at the centre of a soil column. A novel sampling method using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films (DGT) was applied that could distinguish colloidal P from dissolved P. The soil was sampled with a back-to-back pairwise system of a classic and a nano DGT. The nano DGT consists of a normal DGT but with the addition of a dialysis membrane between the diffusive membrane and the binding layer to exclude all colloidal particles. Therefore, the difference in DGT-P between both DGTs could be attributed to P-loaded colloids or nanoparticles.  In addition, standard soil extractions (1 mM CaCl2 and oxalate extractions) were performed to compare with the DGT method.

After one week of incubation, colour visualisation of the gels showed that the HAP-NPs were still mobile and colloidal when applied as a liquid. In contrast, the liquid K2HPO4 fertiliser no longer yielded mobile P. Both powdered HAP-NPs and TSP did not yield any mobile P after one week.  Results after one month are pending, but the HAP-NPs are expected to produce more bioavailable P than K2HPO4 and TSP, as the HAP-NPs dissolve slower and adsorb less strongly to the soil's binding sites. These results will help to understand the fate of  HAP-NPs in a tropical soil and how they may improve P application efficiency.

How to cite: Aerts, L.: The use of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles as novel phosphorus fertilisers to enhance phosphorus mobility in tropical soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17569,, 2025.

EGU25-20274 | Orals | SSS9.15

Assessing the impact of some of the top-ranking soil properties associated with soil health  

Hudek Csilla, Ostle Nick, Quinton John, Dodd Ian, Zavattaro Laura, Pittarello Marco, Chiriac Octavian Puiu, Liebhard Gunther, Dostál Tomáš, Zumr David, Falcão Raquel, Plaza César, Gil Juan Carlos, Gómez José, Ferraces Iria Benavente, Guzmán Gema, Strauß Peter, Bakacsi Zsofia, and Pirko Bela

Soil health is essential for a well-functioning, healthy food web that is vital for sustaining agricultural productivity. Evaluating soil health involves the assessment of physical, chemical, and biological indicators that reflect the soil's capacity to support plant growth, resist degradation, and sustain ecosystem functions. Soil health is viewed as a living system that can change and improve over time with the focus on long-term sustainability and recovery. Assessing soil health can help land managers, farmers, and environmentalists understand the current condition of the soil as well as make informed decisions for long term sustainable land managements. There are common approaches used to assess soil health and ecosystem recovery such as soil quality assessment where soil quality indicators are measured. Monitoring soil quality indicators over time is an essential step, involves the use of various tests and measurements that provide data on key soil attributes.

The present work aims to assess the impacts of some of the top-ranking soil properties associated with soil health in aiming to develop an integrated indicator of soil health for stakeholders which could help deliver essential ecosystem services. Overall, 15 soil properties were selected and analysed by calculating response ratios of each indicator paired with practices. The effects of vegetation cover vs no cover, the effect of different vegetation cover and different tillage systems were compared. Over 350 topsoil and sub-soil samples were collected from the TUdi partners’ mid- and long-term experimental sites differing in climate, land use, soil type and management. Our proposed list of sensitive indicators for the topsoil layer are available phosphorus, exchangeable Ca, total nitrogen, soil carbon, soil respiration, root length density and root dry weight. For the sub-soil layer, sensitive indicators are exchangeable sodium, root length density and root dry weight. By introducing two new soil biology indicators linked to plant root traits, this raises the possibility of measuring and comparing other easily measurable root traits in future research, to provide an integrated soil health indicator for soil monitoring. Providing such an inexpensive methodology, accessible to stakeholders with minimum training, should help stakeholders assess the ability of the soil to deliver the necessary ecosystem services.

How to cite: Csilla, H., Nick, O., John, Q., Ian, D., Laura, Z., Marco, P., Octavian Puiu, C., Gunther, L., Tomáš, D., David, Z., Raquel, F., César, P., Juan Carlos, G., José, G., Iria Benavente, F., Gema, G., Peter, S., Zsofia, B., and Bela, P.: Assessing the impact of some of the top-ranking soil properties associated with soil health , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20274,, 2025.

EGU25-4646 | Orals | BG3.37 | Highlight

What shapes the environments favorable to methane production in the trunks of living trees 

Daniel Epron, Takumi Mochidome, Nathan Cousteur, Caroline Plain, Takeshi Watanabe, Ryogo Nakada, and Susumu Asakawa

Tree CH4 emissions are high in forested wetland and floodplain forests where tree trunks are viewed simply as pipes transferring CH4 produced in the soil and emitting it into the atmosphere. Trees in upland forests are also able to transfer CH4 from deep soil layers where anaerobic conditions prevail. In addition, CH4 that accumulates in living tree trunks can also be produced by methanogenic archaea in the wood if favourable environmental conditions for CH4 production prevail.

Inconsistent vertical patterns of trunk CH4 emission and internal CH4 concentrations are observed between species or between trees of the same species when CH4 is produced internally. Large radial variations in CH4 emissions is also observed, with for example hotspots located on one side of the tree. Furthermore, large variations in CH4 emissions and internal concentrations from year to year suggest temporal dynamics of methanogenic activity within hotspots. CH4 is the ultimate waste product of the energy metabolism of methanogens, which requires available substrates provided by a cascade of catabolic reactions breaking down macromolecules present in the wood. The inclusion of a biochemical module of CH4 production in physical models of CH4 transport within the trunk requires characterizing what shapes the environments favorable to CH4 production within the trunk, the biochemical processes producing upstream the substrates necessary for methanogenesis and the microbial communities involved in these processes.

The aim of this presentation is to review current knowledge on internal CH4 production and highlight challenges to build a comprehensive biogeochemistry of the trunk of living trees. Wetwood in living tree trunks is for example an ideal anoxic environment for methanogens, and this is where they were first found in the 1970s, but neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition. Methanogenic microbes in the trunk of living trees was recently found ubiquitous. However, the starting point of complex biogeochemical processes, supplying substrates and energy, but also inhibitors, to a unique microbiome in a unique ecological niche, is still not well understood.

How to cite: Epron, D., Mochidome, T., Cousteur, N., Plain, C., Watanabe, T., Nakada, R., and Asakawa, S.: What shapes the environments favorable to methane production in the trunks of living trees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4646,, 2025.

EGU25-5621 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Ecosystem-scale floodplain forest methane exchange  

Natalia Kowalska, Georg Jocher, Adam Bednařík, Hannes Warlo, Kaido Soosaar, and Kateřina Macháčová

Floodplain forests play an important role in the exchange of methane (CH4) with the atmosphere. However, due to climate change and anthropogenic activities, main factors driving this exchange, such as ground water table and soil temperature, are constantly changing. The studied floodplain forest in Lanžhot, Czech Republic, represents nowadays relatively dry conditions.

The main aims of our study were to quantify the CH4 emission on the floodplain forest ecosystem level using the eddy covariance (EC) method, with special emphasis on environmental conditions, turbulence development and footprint, as well as to probe all potential CH4 sinks and sources within the studied ecosystem for arriving at a complete CH4 budget. The ecosystem-scale CH4 fluxes were analysed with regards to the CH4 emissions of water bodies within the EC footprint. For this purpose, 17 chamber measurements were conducted on the waterbodies every two weeks for two weeks periods and EC data were divided into such subperiods accordingly. CH4 fluxes from a stream located within the footprint of the EC tower were measured using floating chambers and bubble traps. Studies were complemented by the analysis of the contribution of trees to the CH4 exchange. For this purpose, stem chambers measured CH4 fluxes on hornbeam trees, one of the main tree species at the study site and in Central Europe. Additionally, CH4 fluxes from the soil were included in the analysis to capture all potential CH4 sources and sinks within the studied ecosystem.

We initially hypothesized that ecosystem-scale CH4 exchange will be negligible. Our results showed, however, that the whole ecosystem is a small but constant CH4 source as we observed an average emission flux of 11.7 mg CH4 m-2 day-1 over the period May 2022 – May 2023. In addition, we observed variability of the CH4 fluxes in relation to the wind direction and to u* (friction velocity, indicator for turbulence development). Further analysis shall answer on the question if more water bodies within a particular wind sector means higher fluxes above the canopy and if higher turbulence is correlated with higher CH4 fluxes above canopy as hotspot emissions are better mixed up. The probed stream was a substantial source of CH4 with median total CH4 flux = 156 mg CH4 m-2 day-1 from April 2022 to May 2023. Ebullition was the dominant pathway of CH4 release throughout the whole monitored period. The relation of water area/footprint area (%) of 17 floating chamber measurements ranged from 3 to 6% and fluxes coming from water bodies contributed to the EC fluxes significantly. From 17 subperiods, 15 of them were characterised by higher EC fluxes than fluxes coming from the water bodies. Two periods showed opposite result, which might indicate on additional sources of methane.

Finally, two models were applied to compare gapfilled data and answer on the question how the methane budget changes if we use different models.

The overall aim of this project is to arrive at a complete picture of all measured sinks and sources of CH4 in the studied ecosystem.

How to cite: Kowalska, N., Jocher, G., Bednařík, A., Warlo, H., Soosaar, K., and Macháčová, K.: Ecosystem-scale floodplain forest methane exchange , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5621,, 2025.

EGU25-6032 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Hot spots and hot moments drive (shape) spatiotemporal variations of greenhouse gas fluxes from montane forests  

Junzhu Pang, Guiyao Zhou, Changhui Peng, and Baquerizo Manuel Delgado

   Temperate forest soils are considered as significant sources or sinks for carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. There are relatively few studies which specifically deal with soil greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes across slope positions in upland temperate forest. We used static chambers to monitor soil GHG fluxes at three slope position sites (top, middle and bottom) in the Pinus tabulaeformis forest in the Qinling Mountains, China from July 2012 to June 2015. The cumulative soil CO2 and N2O emissions and the CH4 uptake from the three sites ranged between 13.85 to 14.49 t CO2 ha-1 yr-1, 1.04 to 6.48 kg N2O ha-1 yr-1, and 4.78 to 9.01kg CH4 ha-1 year-1, respectively. There were large pulses of CO2 emissions during spring and summer after heavy rainfall or during freezing and thawing cycles. The proportion of the annual flux of CO2 during the 2014 summer could achieve 45.6%, 49.6% and 43.5% at the three sites and during 2013 summer were more than 36% at the bottom and middle positions. At the bottom and middle positions, the proportions of the annual flux of CO2 were more than 33% during the majority of the summer periods. Soil microenvironment (soil moisture, soil temperature and the interaction of these two factors) explained 84.96% variations of CO2 emissions. The emission summits of 10547.1 ug CH4 m-2 h-1, 6256.5 ug CH4 m-2 h-1 and 701.5 ug CH4 m-2 h-1 were observed after the first heavy rainfall in the spring of 2013 at the three sites. The soil of the middle slope position even acted as a year round net weak source of CH4 due to continuous rainfall and mixed with heavy rainfall during the 2014 summer. Soil microenvironment and accumulated rainfall in seven anteceding days (rain_7) explained 31.38% variations of CH4 fluxes. The proportion of the annual flux of N2O that is derived from the 2015 and 2014 freeze-thaw cycles could achieve 38% and 30.6 % at the bottom and top slope positions. Soil microenvironment and rain_7 explained 56.67% variations of N2O fluxes. Due to hot moments and hot spots effects, the contribution of N2O emission to the total global warming potential was much higher than the cutting down effects of CH4 consumption during 2012-2013 or at the middle position site. Our study demonstrated that the middle and bottom position sites were hot spots and the rainfall events during the growing season were triggers of hot moments for all three greenhouse gases. The hot moments and hot spots of the three greenhouse gases are a significant fraction of their total budgets.


How to cite: Pang, J., Zhou, G., Peng, C., and Manuel Delgado, B.: Hot spots and hot moments drive (shape) spatiotemporal variations of greenhouse gas fluxes from montane forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6032,, 2025.

EGU25-6606 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.37

Distinct microbial communities drive the CH4 cycles in below and above-ground compartments of tropical peatland cloud forests  

Fahad Ali Kazmi, Ülo Mander, Ramita Khanongnuch, Maarja Öpik, Reti Ranniku, Kaido Soosaar, Mohit Masta, Salla Tenhovirta, Kuno Kasak, Claudine Ah-Peng, and Mikk Espenberg

Peatland cloud forests represent one of the least studied ecosystems regarding methane (CH4) exchange despite their significance in carbon storage and the highly variable soil moisture that results from the presence of clouds in these environments. We aimed to investigate the CH4 exchange in the peat soil and tree stems of two selected tropical cloud forests on Réunion Island (one featuring Erica reunionensis and a second mix of E. reunionensis and Alsophila glaucifolia). Additionally, we explored the soil microbiology in various below- and above-ground forest compartments (soil, canopy soil, leaves, and stems) by exploring gene abundances and the microbial community structure.

In this study, we measured CH4 fluxes from peat soil and tree stems using GC-ECD and LI-COR LI-7810 analyzers, respectively. Additionally, we performed metagenomics and qPCR on selected genes involved in methanogenesis and methanotrophy in the soil and above-ground samples. Soil’s physical and chemical properties were also determined.

The peat soil found in both forests functioned as a net sink for CH4 and a source of CO2, with increased CH4 uptake occurring in soils dominated by endemic tree species E. reunionensis. Additionally, the stems of trees in the mixed forest sites acted as a weak sink for CH4. In these soils, a high abundance of NC10 bacteria (involved in n-DAMO - nitrite/nitrate-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation) was associated with the high soil nitrate (NO3-) levels, CH4 sink values, and CO2 emissions, indicating a high potential for nitrate-dependent oxidation of CH4. The ratio of mcrA (methanogenesis) to pmoA and n-DAMO (methanotrophy) genes was consistently less than 1 in the soil of both forests, whereas it exceeded 1 in the above-ground samples, including cryptogamic canopy soils and tree leaves. Metagenomic analyses revealed that soil had a high prevalence of the xoxF gene, which is associated with n-DAMO, while the above-ground compartments of both forests exhibited a high abundance of methanogenic genes (mcrA and mtr).

The peat soil of tropical cloud forests exhibited a high potential for methanotrophy, with significant CH4 consumption by n-DAMO microbes. In contrast, the above-ground components of these forests may play a notable role in methanogenesis, occurring within cryptogams and leaves, as suggested by the high abundance of mcrA and mtr genes in the leaves and canopy soil.

How to cite: Kazmi, F. A., Mander, Ü., Khanongnuch, R., Öpik, M., Ranniku, R., Soosaar, K., Masta, M., Tenhovirta, S., Kasak, K., Ah-Peng, C., and Espenberg, M.: Distinct microbial communities drive the CH4 cycles in below and above-ground compartments of tropical peatland cloud forests , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6606,, 2025.

EGU25-7346 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Methane emissions and production from tree stems of Quercus suber in a Mediterranean forest 

Josep Barba, Roger Fíguls, Josep Maria Trullols, Lluís Bañeras, Vincent Gauci, Laura Llorens, Arturo Pacheco, and Dolors Verdaguer

Upland trees can exchange CH4 with the atmosphere through the stems. Stem emissions could be produced in the soils and transported through the roots, or could be produced in the hardwood by methanogenic archaea inhabiting the trees. However, there is still limited information on how the different origins depend on different species or environmental conditions. There is the general understanding that stem CH4 emissions are controlled by soil moisture conditions, and therefore, trees from water-limited ecosystems might present little (if any) emissions. However, this hypothesis has not been tested yet in water-limited ecosystems, such as Mediterranean ones. Here we present a study on stem CH4 emissions from cork oak (Quercus suber), a drought-adapted species from the Mediterranean basin. The bark of this species (cork) is commonly extracted for business, since it has insulation characteristics. We assessed the effect of cork removal (peeling) on stem emissions, since cork may act as a physical barrier for methane diffusion from the stem to the atmosphere.

We measured CH4 stem emissions from peeled and unpeeled trees at two stem heights, one on the cork extraction zone (bottom part of the stem) and the other above it (unpeeled zone). Additionally, we performed wood anaerobic incubations to assess the CH4 production capacity, and analysed the microbial community composition in the hardwood, sapwood and cork tissues.

Our results showed that cork oaks emitted high CH4 rates (59.83 μmol m-2h-1 on average), which were positively correlated with DBH. Surprisingly, we did not see any effect of cork peeling in CH4 emissions, not even in the measurements performed immediately after the cork removal. We observed, however, a strong vertical pattern for all trees and campaigns, with emissions being higher on the base of the trees. Despite this vertical pattern, usually associated with soil CH4 origin, significant CH4 production in the tree cores, and a positive correlation between stem CH4 fluxes and the abundance of methanogenic-related genes suggest an internal stem origin of CH4. These results suggest that stem internal conditions might be more important controlling stem CH4 emissions than soil or atmospheric environmental conditions.

How to cite: Barba, J., Fíguls, R., Trullols, J. M., Bañeras, L., Gauci, V., Llorens, L., Pacheco, A., and Verdaguer, D.: Methane emissions and production from tree stems of Quercus suber in a Mediterranean forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7346,, 2025.

EGU25-9586 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Does stem wood methanogenic and methanotrophic activity drive spatial patterns in methane emissions of mature European beech? 

Katerina Machacova, Vojtěch Tláskal, Tomáš Medňanský, Hannes Warlo, and Karel Klem

Trees are known to be methane (CH4) sources and sinks. However, frequently observed large spatial variability in stem CH4 fluxes makes the estimation of net forest ecosystem CH4 exchange difficult. This variability refers not only to large intraspecies variability, but also to variability across vertical stem profiles.

European beech (Fagus sylvatica) is a native and widely grown tree species in upland forests of Central and Southeast Europe. Our previous study detected high spatial variability in stem CH4 emissions among twenty beech trees, which could not be explained by soil CH4 turnover.

We aimed to investigate whether the high variability in beech stem CH4 emissions can be explained by CH4 production and consumption in the studied trees’ stem wood. In August-September 2024, we measured CH4 exchange of eleven mature beech individuals (0.4 m above ground) and of adjacent soil in a temperate montane forest of White Carpathians, Czech Republic, using static chamber systems and spectroscopic gas analysis (FTIR technology). By five trees, stem CH4 fluxes were additionally measured along vertical stem profiles up to 2 m above ground (i.e. in three heights). The measurements were followed by wood core sampling in these profiles for further investigation of potential for CH4 production through methanogenesis and consumption through methanotrophy using incubation of wood samples.

The stem CH4 exchange showed large variation, ranging from CH4 uptake to CH4 emission (from -14.0 to +279 μg CH4 m-2 h-1), whereas the soil was a net CH4 sink with less variation (-41.4 ± 3.5 μg CH4 m-2 h-1). Fourteen days of incubation showed CH4 production in 34% of total tested wood cores. These cores originated from individuals and stem heights with increased CH4 emissions. The net incubation bottle headspace increase of CH4 was linear (R² > 0.7) with values of 0.1 ± 0.02 μg CH4 cm-3 h-1. During 25 days of incubation under anoxic conditions with labelled ¹³C-CH4 in the headspace, the increase in 45CO2/44CO2 ratio was used to monitor oxidation of labelled CH4. Significant net increase in this ratio was detected in several bottles. Interestingly, wood cores with the highest methanogenesis rates showed also faster increase in 45CO2/44CO2 ratio (p<0.001). This suggests that high CH4 production rates in these cores positively influence the community of methanotrophs which are either more abundant and/or more active in these cores. Whether methanotrophic community is represented by anaerobic methanotrophic archaea or by aerobic methanotrophs adapted to hypoxic conditions will be assessed by DNA analysis. Statistical analysis will investigate the relationships between CH4 fluxes, production and consumption to determine the fate of tree-derived CH4, a significant greenhouse gas.



This research was supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of CR within the programs LU - INTER-EXCELLENCE II [LUC23162] and CzeCOS [LM2023048], and project AdAgriF -Advanced methods of greenhouse gases emission reduction and sequestration in agriculture and forest landscape for climate change mitigation [CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004635]. VT was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (23-07434O).

How to cite: Machacova, K., Tláskal, V., Medňanský, T., Warlo, H., and Klem, K.: Does stem wood methanogenic and methanotrophic activity drive spatial patterns in methane emissions of mature European beech?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9586,, 2025.

EGU25-10193 | ECS | Orals | BG3.37

Flooding and Water Chemistry Drive Soil Biogeochemistry and GHG fluxes in a Coastal Forest  

Rosmery Cruz, Ben Bond-Lamberty, Ashleigh Montgomery, Stephanie Pennington, Angelia Seyfferth, Stephanie Wilson, and Rodrigo Vargas

Coastal ecosystems are highly vulnerable to climate change due to sea level rise, increased storm frequency and intensity, and changes in precipitation patterns. These hydrological disturbances affect soil biogeochemical processes in coastal forests, potentially transforming these upland habitats into wetlands and changing ecological functions. However, the initial impacts on belowground processes and the mechanisms driving GHG fluxes during this transition remain poorly understood. This study investigates how flooding events with different water chemistries influence the production and consumption of GHGs in coastal forest soils under controlled laboratory conditions. Intact soil cores were collected from a temperate deciduous coastal forest in Maryland, USA. Freshwater (FW) and brackish water (BW) pulses were applied to simulate intense rainfall and storm surge events, respectively. Continuous CO2, CH4, and N2O emissions were measured and coupled with air isotopic sampling (δ13C-CO2, δ13C-CH4) and porewater chemistry analyses (DOC, S2-, Fe2+, Fe3+, Mn2+, NH3, NO3-+NO2-, ORP, pH) to identify potential changes in metabolic pathways and characterize the biogeochemical responses. The results underscore the impact of water chemistry on biogeochemical processes, particularly in the BW treatment, which exhibited strong reducing conditions and active microbial metabolism. The elevated salinity and sulfate concentrations were associated with increased emissions of CH4 and N2O. The δ13C-CH4 signature and elevated S2- in porewater indicated the co-occurrence of methylotrophic methanogenesis and sulfate reduction. Elevated NH3 concentrations and NO3-+NO2- production suggested the potential occurrence of dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) and incomplete denitrification. These findings highlight the potential vulnerability of upland coastal forest soils to hydrologic disturbances and the complex interactions involved in the response of these ecosystems to inundation stressors. 

How to cite: Cruz, R., Bond-Lamberty, B., Montgomery, A., Pennington, S., Seyfferth, A., Wilson, S., and Vargas, R.: Flooding and Water Chemistry Drive Soil Biogeochemistry and GHG fluxes in a Coastal Forest , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10193,, 2025.

EGU25-11389 | ECS | Orals | BG3.37

The bark side of mangrove methane fluxes: Anatomical insights of the root of emissions in Rhizophora forests 

Julio A. Salas Rabaza, Frédéric Thalasso, Laura Yáñez Espinosa, Eduardo Cejudo, Sunitha R. Pangala, Gabriela Cerón Aguilera, Roberth Us Santamaría, and José Luis Andrade

Tropical wetlands are the largest natural source of methane (CH4) globally. While soils are the primary CH4 emitters, recent studies reveal that trees mediate soil-produced methane, highlighting potential underestimations in current methane and carbon budgets. In mangrove forests, the contribution of trees to local, regional, and global CH4 emissions remains uncertain, despite their significant role as blue carbon reservoirs. Mangrove species exhibit unique physiological and morpho-anatomical adaptations—such as extensive aerenchyma tissues and lenticels—that facilitate gas exchange through their bark and roots. In this study, we assessed the spatiotemporal variation of CH4 emissions from tree stems and stilt roots of three mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle, Avicennia germinans, and Laguncularia racemosa) across distinct ecological types (i.e., scrub, basin and hammock) during the rainy and dry seasons in the Ría Celestún Biosphere Reserve (Mexico). We also investigated the relationship between bark anatomical traits, aerenchyma development, and CH4 fluxes. Our findings revealed that CH4 emissions varied by species, tissue type, and season. Scrub R. mangle showed the highest CH4 emission rates from both tree stems and stilt roots, particularly in near-ground tissues like third-order stilt roots with abundant bark aerenchyma, whereas basin mangrove forests had the lowest emissions, particularly in A. germinans and L. racemosa. Methane emissions increased during the rainy season and were positively correlated with bark (aerenchyma) proportion, lenticel density but negatively with wood density. To date, tree stem CH4 emissions have been documented in eleven mangrove species globally. Our results underscore the need to refine local-to-global carbon models by integrating bark anatomy and tree-mediated CH4 emissions. Moreover, mangrove trees can act as either CH4 sources or sinks, depending on physicochemical and microenvironmental conditions. Understanding these dynamics requires a comprehensive approach rooted in plant physiology and anatomy.

How to cite: Salas Rabaza, J. A., Thalasso, F., Yáñez Espinosa, L., Cejudo, E., Pangala, S. R., Cerón Aguilera, G., Us Santamaría, R., and Andrade, J. L.: The bark side of mangrove methane fluxes: Anatomical insights of the root of emissions in Rhizophora forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11389,, 2025.

EGU25-12762 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus additions alter soil and tree stem methane and nitrous oxide fluxes under contrasting soil water conditions in a tropical forest 

Laëtitia Bréchet, Kateřina Macháčová, Karel Klem, and Tomáš Medňanský

Globally, tropical forests are thought to be an important source of atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O) and a sink for methane (CH4), with small biome-wide changes in the structure, dynamics and environment of these forests either mitigating or exacerbating increases in atmospheric concentrations of these major greenhouse gases (GHGs). Anthropogenic activities have dramatically increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs to the biosphere, potentially altering soil biogeochemical cycles. However, the effects of N and P addition on soil CH4 and N2O fluxes in tropical forest ecosystems are not yet understood. Besides soils, tree-mediated transport can also contribute significantly to GHG exchange in forests. In the soil, CH4 and N2O produced can be absorbed by roots and transported into aboveground tree tissues. In addition, these gases can be produced in trees by microorganisms living in the tissues or by physiological and photochemical processes. Yet observations of CH4 and N2O fluxes in tropical forests, particularly in tree stems, are still limited and have not been described in the context of long-term nutrient addition experiments.

Here we report data derived from measurements of soil and stem fluxes and environmental variables in N (+N) and P (+P) addition plots over seven years in a tropical forest of the north-eastern Amazon, French Guiana. In each plot (+N, +P, +NP and controls), CH4 and N2O fluxes, soil water content (SWC), soil and air temperature, total N and carbon content and available P were measured at five different locations combining a tree stem (> 30 cm diameter) and its surrounding soil. These measurements were made in plots located in three contrasting habitats, a well-drained, nutrient-poor soil at the top of the hill (upland area) and two waterlogged, nutrient-rich soils at the bottom of the hill (seasonally and permanently flooded areas).

We found that soil and stem CH4 and N2O fluxes were highly spatially variable in situ. In the control plots, soil CH4 uptake and N2O emissions decreased with increasing SWC (i.e. from the hill-top to the wettest hill-bottom). Regardless of the forest habitat, N additions (+N and +NP) resulted in substantially higher soil N2O fluxes, whereas P additions (+P) resulted almost exclusively in soil CH4 uptake. This suggests that N addition increases soil N beyond microbial immobilisation and plant nutritional requirements, with the excess being nitrified or denitrified, while P addition stimulates soil methanotrophic activity. In the control plots, stems growing in the waterlogged soils of the permanently flooded area were moderate and strong emitters of N2O and CH4, respectively. For both gases, CH4 and N2O, higher stem fluxes resulted from P addition (+P and +NP) in hill-bottom plots.

Our results highlight (i) the key role of N and P in CH4 and N2O cycling in tropical forest soils and (ii) the substantial CH4 and N2O source potential of tree stems in highly waterlogged areas. This underlines the importance of including processes related to water, N and P availability in GHG flux modelling in tropical forests.

How to cite: Bréchet, L., Macháčová, K., Klem, K., and Medňanský, T.: Long-term nitrogen and phosphorus additions alter soil and tree stem methane and nitrous oxide fluxes under contrasting soil water conditions in a tropical forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12762,, 2025.

EGU25-13883 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.37

Scaling soil methane fluxes across a topographically complex landscape in a cold temperate mountain forest 

Sumonta Kumar Paul, Daniel Epron, Keisuke Yuasa, and Masako Dannoura

Forest soils play a critical role in the global methane (CH4) budget, but the magnitude of CH4 fluxes varies significantly across a landscape, spatially and temporally. In complex landscapes, soil hydrology is strongly influenced by variations in topography and vegetation, which affect soil CH4 fluxes (FCH4). Consequently, accurately scaling FCH4 to the landscape level is a significant challenge. This study aimed to develop a methodology for scaling seasonal FCH4 across a topographically complex landscape in a cold temperate mountain forest.

This study was conducted in the upper watershed of the Yura River in the Ashiu Experimental Forest (area 40 ha and elevation 600-850 m). The landscape was classified into upland, wetland, and river, comprising approximately 94%, 1%, and 5% of the total study area, respectively. 52 collars were installed in upland areas covering different topographic positions and vegetation types, and FCH4 were measured nine times from April to November. Additionally, 11 collars were installed in small riparian wetlands and measured twice during the wet-to-dry summer transition. Then, we used measured FCH4 together with topographic attributes i.e., slope, aspect, profile curvature (PRC), vertical distance to the channel network (VDCN), topographic position index (TPI), and topographic wetness index (TWI) from remotely sensed data (digital elevation model) and vegetation type (broadleaf, coniferous, and mixed) to develop a machine-learning model (quantile regression forest) for predicting upland seasonal FCH4 at 5 m resolution with uncertainty across the landscape level. A simple average was used to estimate the wetland fluxes.

Seven predictor variables were used to model upland FCH4 for each season; the selected predictors and model accuracy varied with seasons. The model accuracy was high in early autumn (R2 = 0.67) and low in early wet summer (R2 = 0.28). TPI was consistently selected in all seasons, while TWI was chosen for most seasons except two, where VDCN was selected instead. VDCN and PRC were occasionally selected with TWI and TPI. Vegetation type was not selected for any of the seasons. Across the landscape, predicted upland median seasonal FCH4 ranged from -0.35 to -0.60 g CH4 hr-1 ha-1 in spring, -0.41 to -1.25 g CH4 hr-1 ha-1 in summer, and -0.50 to -0.89 g CH4 hr-1 ha-1 in autumn. This seasonal variation in upland predicted median FCH4 was well explained by the antecedent precipitation index (R2 = 0.71, p < 0.01) calculated over 20 days. When scaled at the landscape level, the average CH4 uptake by upland soils was -25.1 (uncertainty -35.8 to -16.2) g CH4 hr-1. In the wet summer, small wetland patches offset 8% of the upland CH4 uptake (-15.6 g CH4 hr-1 upland, 1.2 g CH4 hr-1 wetland), and the following dry summer, they offset only 2% because both the upland CH4 uptake increased and the wetland emission decreased (-32.6 g CH4 hr⁻¹ upland, 0.5 g CH4 hr⁻¹ wetland). This study highlighted the efficiency of remote sensing and machine learning approaches to extrapolate field measurements to the landscape level and allowed us to visualize spatial patterns of fluxes over time.

How to cite: Paul, S. K., Epron, D., Yuasa, K., and Dannoura, M.: Scaling soil methane fluxes across a topographically complex landscape in a cold temperate mountain forest, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13883,, 2025.

EGU25-14176 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Effect of tidal cycles on greenhouse gas emissions from mangroves 

Masako Dannoura, Sumonta Kumar Paul, Rifat Rahaman Hredoy, Rempei Suwa, Minori Tokito, and Daniel Epron

Mangrove forest is one of the most carbon storing tropical forests. Thus, understanding the dynamics of greenhouse gas such as CO2 and CH4 are important to predict the future. CO2 is produced by plant respiration, dissolved in water and transported upwards with transpiration. Active respiration in mangrove roots occurs because salt from seawater must be excluded before water enters the xylem. Therefore, tidal fluctuation can affect the exchange of CO2 between tree surface and the atmosphere. CH4 is produced in anaerobic conditions in the sediment and is not readily soluble in water. However, it can diffuse through aerenchyma and pores in root and stem tissues, particularly during the day when the water potential becomes low and tissue air porosity increases. Because CH4 has a global warming potential that is 25 times more powerful than CO2 over 100 years, CH4 emissions have the potential to offset a part of the CO2 initially removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis and buried as blue carbon in the sediment. Thus, both CO2 and CH4 fluxes should be considered in the carbon budget of mangrove ecosystems. The aim of this study was to determine how tidal and diurnal cycles affect CO2 and CH4 emissions from mangrove roots and stems, both physiologically and physically, for a more accurate understanding of gas exchange processes in mangrove forests.
The research was conducted on Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora stylosa on the bank of the Miyara River in Ishigaki island. Chambers were placed at three heights along the stems (approximately 0.2, 1.0, and 1.5 m above the sediment) and on different root types to measure CO2 and CH4 fluxes during day and night and low and high tide in June, August and November 2024.
CO2 efflux from the trunk showed no difference with height. In contrast, CH4 efflux was highest at the base of the trunks. At low tide, CH4 emissions from the roots were much higher than those from the trunk. Both CO2 and CH4 efflux from the trunk surface was lower at night than during the day, and there was no difference between high and low tide. Large variations in CH4 efflux was observed from the same position at different times. Continuous measurements are needed to better characterize these temporal variations. Characterizing the spatial distribution of roots is also a future challenge.

How to cite: Dannoura, M., Paul, S. K., Hredoy, R. R., Suwa, R., Tokito, M., and Epron, D.: Effect of tidal cycles on greenhouse gas emissions from mangroves, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14176,, 2025.

EGU25-14261 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.37

Bridging the Gap: Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Measurement Approaches to close the Amazon CH4 emissions budget  

Akshay Nataraj, Frederic Despagne, Kyle Owen, Julio Lobo Neto, and Doug Baer

This study is part of an international mission in the Amazon rainforest, involving researchers from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Universities of Leeds, Linköping, British Columbia, and coordinated by Prof. Vincent Gauci and Dr. Sunitha Pangala. The primary objective is to reconcile top-down methane (CH₄) emission estimates, derived from remote sensing data over Amazon floodplains, with bottom-up measurements obtained from field studies. Previous satellite observations indicated a discrepancy of 20 million tons of CH₄ emitted annually, a significant gap that could not be fully explained by ground-based sources. This project aimed to resolve this difference by integrating both remote sensing satellites and field data using ABB’s Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (OA-ICOS) to understand and bring to light the different dynamics involved in methane emissions in the Amazon rainforest.

Reconciling top-down and bottom-up carbon budgets can be particularly challenging in specific ecosystems where topography complicates site access and sampling. Under such conditions, the availability of compact and rugged cavity-enhanced laser-based analyzers offering sub-ppb precision is invaluable for environmental scientists. ABB’s portable greenhouse gas ultraportable analyser, GLA132-GGA (47 cm × 35.56 cm × 17.78 cm) is capable of monitoring CH4 with a 1 s precision of 1.4 ppb, which can be improved to 0.2 ppb with 100 s averaging time. The analyser is based on OA-ICOS technology that combines high precision capabilities through enhanced cavity path length and robustness to mechanical vibrations, which is crucial to field applications. Scientists used semi-rigid custom chambers wrapped around the trunk of floodplain trees and connected them to the GLA132-GGA to measure individual CH4 emissions from 2357 trees in 13 floodplain sites.

The findings provide a crucial link to reconcile the 20-million-ton discrepancy in Amazon's methane budget. Scaled estimates of methane flux emitted from floodplain trees align closely with the missing methane observed in previous satellite data. During the rainy season, when Amazon tree roots become submerged, trees have evolved specialized adaptations to enhance oxygen supply to their roots by enlarging pores in their stems. This adaptation inadvertently facilitates the release of methane, produced by microorganisms in the waterlogged soil, through the same pore openings. Floodplain trees thus function as natural chimneys, venting substantial quantities of methane into the atmosphere. These large emissions from floodplain trees play a pivotal role in closing the Amazon methane budget.

Furthermore, a second campaign revealed that methane produced deep within the soil column can also escape to the atmosphere via tree roots, even when the water table is below the surface. Regression analysis demonstrated that, while methane emissions show negligible response to increased flood levels above the soil surface, there is a clear dependence of whole-tree methane emissions on the presence of submerged roots. This highlights the importance of floodplain trees in regulating methane fluxes across varying hydrological conditions, underscoring their significant role in the global methane cycle.


How to cite: Nataraj, A., Despagne, F., Owen, K., Lobo Neto, J., and Baer, D.: Bridging the Gap: Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Measurement Approaches to close the Amazon CH4 emissions budget , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14261,, 2025.

EGU25-14314 | ECS | Orals | BG3.37

Significant CH4 production and emission in the upper part of the tree trunk 

Takumi Mochidome, Teemu Hölttä, Masako Dannoura, and Daniel Epron

Trees, typically large trees in upland forests, emit CH4 produced in their trunk by methanogenic archaea. In this case, spatial variability of emission can be more complicated than when tree trunks act as a passive conduit for CH4 produced in the soil. However, due to poor accessibility, CH4 emissions from the trunk above 3 m, where a researcher cannot reach without a ladder, scaffold or crane, have not been well studied. The vertical emission patterns from trunks, including the upper part, and the processes driving them, i.e., CH4 production and transport, remain unexplored.

Using a crane truck, we investigated vertical patterns of CH4 emissions, internal CH4 concentration and production up to 12 m above ground in six trees of three species in a cool-temperate upland forest. We also conducted a modelling study of CH4 transport within trunks to know whether CH4 emitted from the upper part of the trunk, if present, is produced locally at the same height of the trunk or is produced elsewhere and transported to that height.

CH4 was actively emitted from the trunk at a height greater than 3 m, with peak emissions at 4 to 6 m above ground in some trees. CH4 production was observed consistently up to the highest sampling point at 12 m height. CH4 production hotspots in Japanese beech and horse-chestnut trees were characterized as decaying wood due to their low density and high moisture content. In Japanese cedar, production hotspots were surrounded by wet sapwood, suggesting that limited oxygen diffusion to the tree centre stimulated CH4 production. According to CH4 transport modelling, axial CH4 transport from the production hotspot upwards is more likely in trees with low radial diffusion. However, within a realistic parameter range, such long-distance axial CH4 transport could not be realized.

The results highlighted the complexity of endogenously produced CH4 emissions in the trunk. Oxygen level and wood decay, as suggested by our results, could be key factors to explain the heterogeneity of CH4 production inside the trunk, which can efficiently predict the spatial variability of the emission along the trunk height.

How to cite: Mochidome, T., Hölttä, T., Dannoura, M., and Epron, D.: Significant CH4 production and emission in the upper part of the tree trunk, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14314,, 2025.

EGU25-14365 | Orals | BG3.37

Species and Tissue-Specific Microbiomes Drive Methane Fluxes from Trees 

Jonathan Gewirtzman, Wyatt Arnold, Peter Raymond, Jordan Peccia, and Mark Bradford

Trees contribute to methane (CH₄) cycling through internal microbial processes and transport, with tree-mediated CH₄ emissions documented across various forest types, including upland ecosystems where soils typically act as CH₄ sinks. To investigate the microbial drivers of these emissions, we measured CH₄ fluxes from tree stems and surrounding soils across upland, intermediate, and wetland sites at Yale-Myers Forest, Connecticut, USA. While upland soils consistently consumed CH₄, tree stems emitted CH₄ at all landscape positions. Fluxes from upland tree stems showed no height-dependent decline, indicating internal methane production rather than soil-to-stem transport. Using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) to quantify the mcrA gene, methanogen abundance in heartwood was over two orders of magnitude higher than in surrounding soils, with copy numbers ranging from 10⁴ to 10⁵ g⁻¹ in tree tissues compared to 10¹ to 10² g⁻¹ in soils.

Microbial sequencing revealed distinct methanogenic communities, including Methanobacterium and Methanomassiliicoccus, indicating primarily hydrogenotrophic pathways of methane production. Functional inference showed that methanogenesis pathways strongly correlated with fermentation pathways, including those producing hydrogen and acetate, suggesting syntrophic interactions between fermentative bacteria and methanogens. In contrast, methanogenesis pathways were anticorrelated with aerobic respiration and sulfur metabolism, indicating redox conditions suppress methane production in outer tissues. These findings emphasize that heartwood serves as a niche for anaerobic processes driving CH₄ production.

The internal tree microbiome was highly partitioned between tissues. Heartwood and sapwood microbiomes showed distinct microbial compositions and minimal similarity to surrounding soil communities. Heartwood was dominated by anaerobic bacteria and archaea, while sapwood and bark harbored methanotroph-related genes (pmoA, mmoX), indicating potential internal methane oxidation.

Internal gas sampling confirmed elevated CH₄ concentrations within stems, particularly at mid-stem heights, corresponding with visible heartwood decay. Methanotroph-related genes detected in sapwood and bark suggest some gross methane oxidation, but methanogenesis pathways dominated, resulting in net positive fluxes from tree stem to atmosphere. These findings underscore tree microbiomes' importance in methane cycling, with heartwood providing an anaerobic niche for microbial methane metabolism in upland forests.

How to cite: Gewirtzman, J., Arnold, W., Raymond, P., Peccia, J., and Bradford, M.: Species and Tissue-Specific Microbiomes Drive Methane Fluxes from Trees, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14365,, 2025.

EGU25-16159 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.37

Post-fire methane fluxes from boreal forest soils depend on burn severity 

Nicola Kokkonen, Mathilde Rebiffé, and Kajar Köster

Forest fires are arguably one of the most destructive natural disturbances in the boreal forest biome and can cause significant changes to the carbon balance in these ecosystems. Although the area of forests burned annually in Fennoscandia is currently small (<1000 ha), this area may increase both due to biodiversity directives to increase habitat diversity using prescribed burning and due to climate change intensifying wildfire regimes. Fire severity impacts the biological, chemical, and physical properties of soils which underlie greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes, which can interact to cause complex dynamics in GHG emissions for decades after fire. Therefore, it is essential to understand the impact of fire on forest soil GHG fluxes. Currently, upland forest soils in the boreal biome act as a weak methane (CH4) sink, but there are conflicting estimates about how these fluxes are impacted by forest fire. To better understand these dynamics and what the future may hold, we must quantify CH4 fluxes after fire and identify the factors that impact this, namely soil, vegetation, and fire characteristics.

We aimed to measure CH4 fluxes following prescribed restoration burning. Our research sites were thinned dry Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) forest with sandy soils and sparse understorey vegetation at four locations in central Finland. We established permanent sample plots in each research site and installed collars for static chamber measurements. Plots were located in unburned, low-severity burn, and high-severity burn areas. Prescribed burning was conducted under suitable weather conditions, usually in the first half of June. Burning resulted in ground vegetation and logging debris were consumed across the site, but standing tree mortality varied between 0 and 100%. To measure CH4 fluxes from the soils, we used a dark static chamber and a portable trace gas analyzer (Licor LI-7810). CH4 fluxes were measured daily immediately after fire, then bi-monthly up to two growing seasons after prescribed burning.

Results indicate that CH4 uptake increased following fire, but this was not equal on all sites and varied over time. In terms of burn severity, we found that plots with low-severity burning had greater increases in CH4 uptake. Immediately following fire (i.e. when some active smoldering still present), we found that CH4 fluxes were highly variable and included very high CH4 emissions. We found no significant differences in soil CH4 fluxes between control and treated plots prior to burning, despite different forest management histories in some cases. Increased CH4 uptake in low severity plots is likely also linked to low microbe mortality, potential increases in microbe diversity, and soil temperature (Köster et al. 2011). However, a more complete understanding of the mechanisms and conditions that drive increases in CH4 uptake in low-severity burns requires further research.

How to cite: Kokkonen, N., Rebiffé, M., and Köster, K.: Post-fire methane fluxes from boreal forest soils depend on burn severity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16159,, 2025.

EGU25-19642 | Orals | BG3.37

Targeted metagenomics using probe capture detects a larger diversity of nitrogen and methane cycling genes than traditional metagenomics – can microbes cause an ecosystem services in the plant tissues? 

Henri M.P. Siljanen, Lokesh Manoharan, Angus Hilts, Alexandre Bagnoud, Ricardo J.E. Alves, Christopher M. Jones, Melina Kerou, Johanna Kerttula, Krishnapriya Thiyagarasaiyar, Vincenzo Abagnale, Kaido Soosaar, Ülo Mander, Katerina Machácová, Jukka Pumpanen, Carlos Palacin-Lizarbe, Dhiraj Paul, Filipa L. Sousa, Sara Hallin, Christina Biasi, and Christa Schleper

Microbes are the key players in the global cycling of nitrogen (N) and carbon (C), controlling the availability and fluxes of C and N in ecosystems, as well as being responsible for losses through the emissions of the powerful greenhouse gasses nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). Thus, characterization of microbial functional guilds involved in these processes is high on the scientific agenda. Yet, standard sequence-based characterization methods often reveal only a minor fraction of their diversity in nature due to their frequent low relative abundance, insufficient sequencing depth of traditional metagenomes of complex communities, and limitations in coverage and efficiency of PCR-based assays.

Here, we developed and tested a targeted metagenomic approach based on probe capture and hybridization to simultaneously characterize the diversity of multiple key metabolic genes involved in inorganic N and CH4 cycling. We designed comprehensive probe libraries for each of 14 target marker genes, comprising 264,000 unique probes in total. These probes were used to selectively enrich the target genes in shotgun metagenomic libraries.

In validation experiments with mock communities of cultured microorganisms, the target gene profiles were similar to those of the original community when sequenced with targeted metagenomics. Furthermore, relative abundances of the marker genes obtained by targeted and shotgun metagenomics from agricultural and wetland soils correlated positively, indicating that the targeted approach did not introduce a significant quantitative bias. However, targeted metagenomics generated substantially higher diversity in terms of taxonomic coverage, and a larger number of sequence reads per sample, which allowed 28 or 1.24 times higher diversity estimates than when using shotgun metagenomics or targeted PCR amplification, respectively.

The targeted metagenomics tool has been used to study the nitrogen and methane cycling microbes successfully in tropical corals for N cyclers (Glaze et al. 2022) and boreal spruce phyllosphere tissues for methane cyclers (Putkinen et al. 2021). However, the role of the CH4 and N2O cycling microbes within the plant and lichen tissues are still relatively unknow. The results of gas dynamics, isotopic labelling and targeted metagenomic results in the plant tissues will be discussed. In summary, targeted metagenomics complements current approaches by enabling a targeted, more detailed characterization of the diversity (Siljanen et al. 2024) of key functional genes involved in N and CH4 cycling within and between ecosystems.



Glaze T.D., Erler D.V., Siljanen H. (2022). Microbially facilitated nitrogen cycling processes in tropical corals. ISME Journal. 16:68-77.

Putkinen A., Siljanen H.M.P., Laihonen A., Paasisalo I., Porkka K., Tiirola M., Pihlatie M. (2021). New insight to the role of microbes in the methane exchange in trees: evidence from metagenomic sequencing. New Phytol. 231: 524-536


Siljanen H.M.P, Manoharan L., Hilts A.S., Bagnoud A., Alves R.J.E., Jones C.M., Kerous M., Sousa F.L., Hallin S., Biasi C., Schleper C. (2024). Targeted metagenomics using probe capture detects a larger diversity of nitrogen and methane cycling genes in complex microbial communities than traditional metagenomics bioRxiv,


How to cite: Siljanen, H. M. P., Manoharan, L., Hilts, A., Bagnoud, A., Alves, R. J. E., Jones, C. M., Kerou, M., Kerttula, J., Thiyagarasaiyar, K., Abagnale, V., Soosaar, K., Mander, Ü., Machácová, K., Pumpanen, J., Palacin-Lizarbe, C., Paul, D., Sousa, F. L., Hallin, S., Biasi, C., and Schleper, C.: Targeted metagenomics using probe capture detects a larger diversity of nitrogen and methane cycling genes than traditional metagenomics – can microbes cause an ecosystem services in the plant tissues?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19642,, 2025.

Methane (CH4) is the second most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas after CO2, contributing to 20% of global warming. Low CH4 emission by stems in well-aerated forest soils can influence global carbon cycles, mainly by reducing the CH4 sink capacity of forests. Methane could be produced in anoxic soil zones, mainly when soil water is high, from late autumn to early spring. Methanogenesis occurs not only in soil since methanogenic archaea have been identified in the heartwood of trees where high concentrations of CH4 were recorded. However, these concentrations do not lead directly to high emissions, as the CH4 can be oxidised by the communities of methanotrophs also present in the tree and/or transported elsewhere.

To explore seasonal variations in methane fluxes (FCH4) and the factors involved, methane fluxes were manually recorded 13 times at four heights (0.5, 1.3, 2 and 4 m) on the stems of three common temperate tree species (Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica, and Quercus robur) in the Hesse forest (ICOS site, NE of France) from April 2023 to March 2024, using a trace gas analyser. The three species at this site have different root depth profiles, with the root system of Q. robur being deeper.

Over the sampling period, tree were low methane emitters for all species (mean ± SE, 0.71 ± 0.34 µg CH₄ h⁻¹), with notable variability, particularly for Q. robur, ranging from - 12.47 to 15.64 µg CH₄ h⁻¹. Methane fluxes especially below 1.5 meters varied along the year in relation to the 3 levels in soil moisture defined according to the water table level (wet: water table above 0.55 m, dry: water table below 1 m and moderate: intermediate and the two above). Methane emitted by the three species differed with soil moisture. Q. robur exhibited lower emissions only during driest soil conditions, as its deep root system allows access to methane production zones deeper in the soil. In contrast, F. sylvatica showed reduced emissions at both drier (moderate and dry) levels, likely due to its shallower root system's limiting access to methane-rich soil layers.But methane emissions did not decrease with height or with decreasing soil water content in all trees, indicating that methane could be produced inside the wood. In fact, in one third of the wood cores sampled, potential methanogenic production was recorded.

Our study confirmed that methane emissions from trees are influenced both by soil methane and by internal production processes. Our work has shown that the differences in emissions between species could be explained by the root profile.

How to cite: Cousteur, N., Courtois, P., Joetzjer, E., and Plain, C.: In a well-aerated temperate forest soil, the response of stem methane emissions to variations in soil water content depends on the tree species and stem height measured, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19813,, 2025.

EGU25-20015 | Posters on site | BG3.37

Influence of sampling depth and stand species on the potential methane uptake of forest soil samples. 

Caroline Plain, Nicolas Bras, and Daniel Epron

Methane (CH4) is one the most important greenhouse gas and is responsible for approximatively 20% of the global warming (IPCC, 2022). Soils and mainly upland forest soils where aerobic environment prevails, are one of the main global sink of methane (Dutaur et Verchot 2013). At the soil-atmosphere interface, the net methane efflux consists in a net balance between the production of CH4 by methanogenic bacteria mainly in deep anaerobic soil layers and the consumption by methanotrophic bacteria in the aerobic soil horizons of the methane produced in the soil or diffusing from the atmosphere into the soil.

Presence of trees could influence soil edaphic features (mainly carbon content, pH, nitrogen, soil structure and texture, water content, …) which can have an impact on the abundance of methanotrophic and methanogenic communities in the soil profile and thus on methane uptake. In the upper part of the well aerated mineral soil, the abundance of methanotrophs is highest, but the depth of this level depends on the thickness of the organic layer and then on the rate of litter mineralisation. Depending on the season and the tree species in the plot, the intensity of methane uptake and the pattern of methane consumption may change.

The objective of this project was to study the influence of the temporal dynamics of methane consumption in a soil profile of different forest stand types. For this purpose, we developed a method to sample intact soil cores. We took 5 soil cores of 3 different thicknesses (5, 10 and 15 cm) in a forest of spruce, beech, oak and pine at different dates in spring 2022. Methane and CO2 fluxes were measured in the week after sampling on the soil cores incubated at 20°C.

Regardless of season, methane consumption increased with sample thickness. In the upper 5 cm, methane consumption was highest of the beech forest compared to the other stand types. However, when considering the 15 cm of soil, methane consumption no longer differed between stands. This trend seems to be related to the sharp decrease in organic carbon content and the much lower water content in spruce and pine forests. It is also possible that methane consumption at depth in the beech forest is limited by the low availability of methane at depth, which has been consumed at the top of the profile.

How to cite: Plain, C., Bras, N., and Epron, D.: Influence of sampling depth and stand species on the potential methane uptake of forest soil samples., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20015,, 2025.

EGU25-21743 | Orals | BG3.37

Stable isotopic characterization of CH4 emissions from tree stems in a central Amazon region  

Shujiro Komiya, Santiago Botia, Hella van Asperen, Viviana Horna, Hellen F. V. Cunha, Jochen Schongart, Maria Teresa Fernandez Piedade, Florian Wittmann, Daniel Magnabosco Marra, Carina van der Veen, Thomas Rockmann, Susan Trumbore, and Sam P. Jones

The vegetation and soils of the Amazon contain substantial amounts of carbon, with a portion of this carbon decomposing into methane (CH4) under anaerobic conditions. A significant quantity of the resultant CH4 is released into the atmosphere through tree stems. Given large variations in landscape and vegetation across the Amazon region, there remains a gap in our understanding of the distribution and influence of CH4 cycling processes (e.g., production, oxidation and transport) in the soil/water-trees-atmosphere continuum of Amazonian forest ecosystems. Natural abundance stable isotopes are powerful tracers of these processes but their application in the Amazon has so far been limited.

In this study, we report the results of carbon and hydrogen isotopic compositions of CH4 in gas samples obtained from different sources (e.g., stem chambers, stem boreholes, bubbles, soil gases, etc.) collected during three intensive field campaigns (two dry seasons: August 2022, September 2023, one wet season: March-April 2023). These campaigns were conducted in two different forest ecosystems (Igapo: seasonally flooded blackwater forest, Baixio: upland swamp valley forest) around the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory (ATTO) site, located in the intact central Amazon region. We conducted stem chamber sampling on 6-7 tree species at each forest site and collected stem borehole gas samples from CH4 hotspot trees and palms (Igapo: Macrolobium acaciifolium and Pouteria elegans, Baixio: Mauritia flexuosa). We estimated the source isotopic signatures of stem CH4 emission using the Keeling plot method. In addition, based on the three different campaigns, we investigated seasonal and inter-site variations in stem CH4 isotopic composition and also dual isotope relationships (δ13C-CH4 vs. δ2H-CH4, δ13C-CH4 vs. δ13C-CO2) to trace CH4 cycling processes in the soil/water-tree-atmosphere continuum.

The carbon isotopic signatures (δ13C-CH4) of stem CH4 emissions at the Baixio site ranged from -90 ‰ to -45 ‰, whereas the Igapo site displayed a range between -70 ‰ and -20 ‰. The δ13C-CH4 values of stem CH4 emissions from CH4 hotspot trees at the Igapo site were approximately 5-10 ‰ lighter than those of stem-borehole and bubble samples. This isotopic difference was mostly consistent across three term campaigns, indicating that diffusive isotopic fractionation by stem CH4 emissions of these tree species remains constant across seasons. In contrast, the isotopic differences in δ13C-CH4 between stem CH4 emissions and stem-borehole samples from CH4 hotspot trees at the Baixio site were approximately 20 ‰, which is approximately two times higher than at the Igapo site. The dual isotope relationships indicate that methane of the stem interior is predominantly derived from acetate fermentation in the Baixio site, whereas CH4 oxidation generates stable carbon isotopic signatures of the stem interior in the Igapo site. This study provides valuable insights into CH4 processes within the soil/water-tree-atmosphere continuum in the central Amazon rainforest, which would contribute to improving our process understanding and thus prediction of Amazonian CH4 budgets.


How to cite: Komiya, S., Botia, S., van Asperen, H., Horna, V., Cunha, H. F. V., Schongart, J., Piedade, M. T. F., Wittmann, F., Marra, D. M., van der Veen, C., Rockmann, T., Trumbore, S., and Jones, S. P.: Stable isotopic characterization of CH4 emissions from tree stems in a central Amazon region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21743,, 2025.

EGU25-38 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Effects of Bedding Preparations on Potato Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Southern Alberta, Canada 

Matt Ball, Guillermo Hernandez-Ramirez, Rezvan Karimi Dehkordi, Willemijn Appels, and Jonathan Neilson

Fall bedding, a prevalent practice for potato (Solanum tuberosum) production in southern Alberta, entails fall-season soil preparations including irrigation, fertilization, plowing, and bed formation. This approach, while economically advantageous - owing to reduced labor and fertilizer costs and a decrease in other necessary preparations during fall - raises environmental concerns. Specifically, the lag between fertilizer application and crop nutrient uptake may lead to elevated emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and nitrous oxide (N₂O), potent greenhouse gases.

To investigate these potential environmental impacts and assess potato yield outcomes, a field study was conducted in Lethbridge, Alberta. This experiment utilized 36 plots with different combinations of bedding approaches (fall bedding, spring bedding, and spring bedding following a winter cover crop), two irrigation levels (80% and 120% of AIMM recommended rates), and both fertilized and unfertilized conditions. Each combination was replicated three times.

Findings show that N₂O emissions are strongly influenced by fertilizer application (P < 0.005), the timing of bedding (P < 0.05) and field position (hill or furrow) (P < 0.05), with the highest emissions observed in fall-bedded plots under high irrigation and fertilization. In contrast, CO₂ emissions were less variable, although highly significant differences were observed primarily between hill and furrow positions (P < 0.0005). Furthermore, variations in bedding practices and fertilization both significantly affected tuber yields (P < 0.05), underscoring the need to balance production practices with environmental considerations in potato cultivation.

How to cite: Ball, M., Hernandez-Ramirez, G., Karimi Dehkordi, R., Appels, W., and Neilson, J.: Effects of Bedding Preparations on Potato Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Southern Alberta, Canada, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-38,, 2025.

Semi-arid savanna grasslands in Kenya are vital for food production and rural livelihoods, with livestock grazing accounting for more than 90% of household incomes in arid and semi-arid areas.  However grassland soils have become degraded in many areas due to vegetation loss and soil erosion, often caused by overgrazing.  Soil degradation (depletion of organic matter and nutrient levels, disrupted soil biological process, and poor structure) reduces plant productivity and resilience to extreme weather conditions such as drought. Given that drought has been increasing in severity, duration and frequency over recent decades, this has severe implications for food security across sub Saharan Africa. 

Grassland restoration often focusses on re-seeding grasses with high grazing value, but poor soil conditions may hinder successful re-vegetation. Soil processes therefore need to be restored to ensure the long-term sustainability of grazing lands. Legumes, found alongside grasses in natural grasslands, may play a key role in soil processes, particularly nutrient cycling which is likely to be important for semi-arid grassland soils as they are often highly nitrogen limited. However, while there is a significant body of research on legume-soil interactions in temperate grasslands and the tropical grasslands of Asia and Latin America, there has been little research on how the highly weathered soils and semi-arid grasslands of sub Saharan Africa function and may respond to restoration interventions.

In this mesocosm experiment, grasses were grown in native soil with and without legumes, under both droughted and well-watered conditions. This aimed to assess the impact of legumes on grassland productivity via their influence on soil processes, and whether this can mediate the effects of drought stress.

Grass biomass was higher when grasses were grown alongside native legumes than in a grass-only mix although the impact varied between grass species. This was accompanied by higher root growth and nitrogen content of plant tissue. These trends were observed in both well-watered and droughted conditions.  These findings suggest that legumes play an important role in the productivity and drought resilience of grasslands, likely by helping to mitigate nitrogen limitation. Further work is needed to test these findings on a wider range of grass and legume species and improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved.

How to cite: Pearce, F.: Can legumes improve the productivity and resilience of semi-arid Kenyan grasslands via influence on soil processes?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-257,, 2025.

EGU25-467 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

Effects of Wheat Root Morphologies on Agricultural Soil Gas Fluxes 

Megan L. Purchase, Deying Wang, Alex J. Thorpe, and Ryan M. Mushinski

Agricultural lands comprise ~40% of European land and significantly contribute to continental greenhouse and trace gas emissions1, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O), and reactive nitrogen species including ammonia (NH3) and nitrogen oxides (NOx, NOz). Within the EU's commitment to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030, understanding crop variety influences on these emissions is crucial. While the release of nitrogenous gases following synthetic nitrogen (N) fertiliser application is well-documented, the impact of crop traits on emission patterns through their effects on soil properties and microbial communities remains poorly understood. Wheat, as Europe's dominant cereal crop and a global food security cornerstone, has undergone extensive breeding resulting in distinct heritage and modern semi-dwarf varieties.2 These varieties differ primarily in their expression of reduced height genes, which were introduced to support higher grain yields but consequently altered root system biomass allocation and morphology.3 Here, we present the first comprehensive assessment of how these root architectural differences influence soil N-cycling and subsequent gas emissions. Our field trials, conducted in central England, compared two heritage varieties (Red Lammas and Chidham Red) with two semi-dwarf varieties (Crusoe and Skyfall) under different N fertiliser treatments (0, 60, and 120 kg-N ha-1). Continuous gas flux measurements using multiplexed chambers coupled with FTIR spectroscopy and chemiluminescence detectors revealed >600% higher nitric oxide (NO) emissions from modern varieties during spring. Molecular analyses of rhizosphere soil showed distinct N-cycling microbial communities between variety types (Fig. 1). Seasonal dynamics indicated strongest variety effects during summer fertiliser application and early spring moisture stress periods. This research directly informs European agricultural policy by demonstrating how historical breeding decisions influence greenhouse gas emissions, while providing evidence-based strategies for variety selection and fertiliser management that could reduce agricultural nitrogen losses without compromising yield targets.

Figure 1. Predicted gene counts of microbes associated with denitrification and nitrification from rhizosphere soil of higher specific root length (SRL) taller cultivars and lower SRL semi-dwarf cultivars of wheat, quantified using shotgun DNA sequencing.


(1)        Tubiello, F. N.; Salvatore, M.; Rossi, S.; Ferrara, A.; Fitton, N.; Smith, P. The FAOSTAT Database of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture. Environ. Res. Lett. 2013, 8 (1), 015009.

(2)        Shewry, P. R. Wheat. Journal of Experimental Botany 2009, 60 (6), 1537–1553.

(3)        Vergauwen, D.; De Smet, I. From Early Farmers to Norman Borlaug — the Making of Modern Wheat. Current Biology 2017, 27 (17), R858–R862.

How to cite: Purchase, M. L., Wang, D., Thorpe, A. J., and Mushinski, R. M.: Effects of Wheat Root Morphologies on Agricultural Soil Gas Fluxes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-467,, 2025.

EGU25-717 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

Potential of different Urochloa grass hybrids to enhance soil organic carbon stocks in a Mollisol of Valle del Cauca, Colombia  

Leonardo Rodriguez, Mike Bastidas, Daniel Villegas, Vanessa Prado, Marta Benito, Guntur Subbarao, Ciniro Costa Junior, Idupulapati Rao, and Jacobo Arango

Increasing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in grasslands is a promising strategy for offsetting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cattle ranching. Previous studies have shown that certain Urochloa grasses develop an extensive deep rooting system that contributes to higher SOC accumulation in acidic soils with low fertility and aluminum toxicity. At the Alliance Bioversity and CIAT, genetically diverse a Urochloa grasses are utilized in breeding programs aimed at developing hybrids with improved adaptation to biotic (e.g., spittlebug) and abiotic (acidic soils, aluminum toxicity, drought, and waterlogging) stresses, enhanced nutritional quality, and reduced nitrous oxide from soil and methane from cattle. However, the capacity for SOC accumulation from their deep rooting ability has not yet been considered as a target trait within these breeding programs. Since these improved grasses are pivotal for sustainable livestock intensification, this study aims to evaluate the differences in the contribution of nine Urochloa genotypes to increase SOC stocks in a Mollisol of Valle del Cauca, Colombia. The field trial was established in 2016 with the planting of nine Urochloa genotypes: four cultivars/accessions (U. brizantha  cv. Marandu,  U. humidicola  cv. Tully,  U. humidicola  CIAT 26146, and U. humidicola  CIAT 16888), and five hybrids (cv. Mulato II, Uh08 675, Uh08 1149, Uh 72, and Uh 91) as well as a control treatment with bare soil. Each genotype was planted in 20 x 20 m plots with three replicates, and three control plots were maintained as bare soil. Six years after establishment (early 2023), soil samples were collected from each plot at four depths (0-10, 10-20, 20-60, 60-100 cm) to estimate SOC stocks using the values of SOC concentration and bulk density. We observed that SOC concentrations decreased with depth. In grass-covered plots, the average SOC concentration was 2.17% in the surface layer (0–10 cm) and 0.25% in the deeper layer (60–100 cm). In contrast, in bare soil plots, the average SOC concentration was 1.7% in the surface layer and 0.11% in the deeper layer. Results on the stocks of SOC (0-100 cm soil depth), based on equivalent soil mass, indicated that after 6 years of establishment, plots planted with Urochloa grasses showed an average value of 127.4 Mg C ha⁻¹, which is 47% more compared to 86.4 Mg C ha⁻¹ found in bare soil. We observed a clear trend with Urochloa hybrids showing a greater ability to increase SOC stocks, in the following order: Uh 91 > Uh 72 > Uh08 675 > cv. Marandu > Uh08 1149 > cv. Mulato > CIAT 26146 > CIAT 16888 > cv. Tully. For example, the Urochloa hybrid of Uh 91 had a SOC stock of 155.66 Mg C ha⁻¹, while cv. Tully had 97.17 Mg C ha⁻¹. These results highlight the potential of Urochloa grass hybrids to contribute towards mitigation of climate change. On-going Urochloa grass breeding programs should consider incorporating the trait of SOC accumulation ability together with other desirable traits of stress resistance, improved nutritional quality, and reduced GHG emissions.  

How to cite: Rodriguez, L., Bastidas, M., Villegas, D., Prado, V., Benito, M., Subbarao, G., Costa Junior, C., Rao, I., and Arango, J.: Potential of different Urochloa grass hybrids to enhance soil organic carbon stocks in a Mollisol of Valle del Cauca, Colombia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-717,, 2025.

EGU25-1387 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Summer Irrigation increases organic carbon turnover in managed pastures 

Carmen Rosa Carmona, Timothy Clough, Michael Beare, Samuel McNally, and Weiwen Qiu

Summer irrigation in temperate managed pastures enhances aboveground productivity during soil water-limited periods, but its effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics remain insufficiently understood, with reported effects often contradictory. Our objective was to quantify the effects of summer irrigation on the short-term fate of photo-assimilated carbon (C) in the entire pasture and soil system.

Using mesocosms containing ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) that were maintained to simulate spring conditions in New Zealand, a 13CO₂ labelling experiment was conducted. After the labelling, mesocosms underwent an irrigation period during summer, followed by a post-irrigation period. The 13C-labelled mesocosms (n = 48) were sampled in sets over five sampling times: 1, 15, 140, 225 and 334 days after the last labelling event.

Over the irrigation period (15 and 140 days after the last labelling event), irrigation increased carbon losses through leaf harvest (threefold higher than non-irrigated systems) and reduced root biomass by 2000 kg dry matter ha⁻¹. At the end of both, the irrigation and post-irrigation periods, the quantity of 13C remaining in roots in the irrigated treatment was lower by 70% and 60%, respectively, compared to non-irrigated conditions. Non-irrigated conditions favoured the retention of photo-assimilated 13C in roots and in the mineral-associated organic matter size fraction (<5 µm), while irrigation promoted fine particulate organic matter formation (53-250 µm).

These findings highlight that summer irrigation accelerates carbon turnover in roots and mineral-associated fractions, potentially reducing long-term SOC storage under intensified pastoral systems.

How to cite: Carmona, C. R., Clough, T., Beare, M., McNally, S., and Qiu, W.: Summer Irrigation increases organic carbon turnover in managed pastures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1387,, 2025.

EGU25-1468 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

Let That Sink In- Carbon Uptake of Perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass in Southern Sweden 

Veronika Widengren, Jonas Ardö, Jutta Holst, Tobias Biermann, and Patrik Vestin

Agriculture is one of the major sources of global greenhouse gas emissions, and faces challenges such as erosion, nutrient leakage, and reliance on external inputs like seeds and fertilizers. These issues are largely driven by the cultivation of annual crops with shallow roots and intensive soil disturbance. Perennial crops, such as intermediate wheatgrass (IWG), could offer a sustainable alternative by reducing emissions, erosion, and input dependency through deep and extensive roots and no-till requirements. This study focuses on IWG, producing the grain Kernza, a novel crop for food production, and investigates the climate mitigation potential of this perennial crop for a more sustainable agricultural system.

Outside Lund in southern Sweden, a 10-ha field of IWG has been established adjacent an equivalent-sized field with conventional annual crop rotation. Carbon dioxide exchange was measured continuously at both of the fields separately using the eddy covariance (EC) technique to account for the first-year’s carbon budget for each field. The cumulative net ecosystem exchange during the first crop cycle (spanning the period between the first and second sowing of annual crops at the control site), has been evaluated. Preliminary findings show that IWG has more than twice the net carbon uptake compared to the conventional annual crop after one crop cycle. Further analyses of the EC data will be undertaken, as well as incorporation of measured above ground biomass (AGB) and fossil fuel use (e.g. machinery) in the carbon budget. The results will be synthesised and presented at the conference.

How to cite: Widengren, V., Ardö, J., Holst, J., Biermann, T., and Vestin, P.: Let That Sink In- Carbon Uptake of Perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass in Southern Sweden, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1468,, 2025.

EGU25-1721 | Orals | BG3.36

Improved nitrogen fertilizer management practices that reduce growing season nitrous oxide emissions may increase non-growing season emissions 

David Pelster, Vera Sokolov, Stuart Admiral, Haben Asgedom-Tedla, and Elizabeth Pattey

Field cropping practices in Canada include routine use of nitrogen (N) fertilizer, which produces substantial amounts of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Adoption of improved N management practices may reduce both the amount of N applied and these N2O emissions. Using flux-tower field measurements, we investigated how dual inhibitors (urease and nitrification inhibitors with urea) reduced N fertilizer-induced N2O emissions, compared with urea only, in eastern Canada across 7 years. We also used meta-analysis (of static chamber studies) to examine how inhibitors and other enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEFs), along with other improved N management techniques, affected fertilizer-induced N2O emissions from Canadian agricultural cropping systems. From the field study, the dual inhibitors reduced growing season N2O emissions by 22% and annual N2O emissions by 10% for high N application rates to corn (Zea mays), while N2O emissions from lower N applications to wheat (Triticum aestivum) showed no differences between the EEF and urea. Crop yields for both the corn and wheat were similar between the different N fertilizer treatments. Across Canada, the meta-analysis showed that EEFs (which include coated slow-release fertilizers and both nitrification and urease inhibitors combined and on their own), on average, reduced N2O emissions by 11%. Nitrification inhibitors (alone or in combination with urease inhibitors) averaged a 19% reduction in N2O emissions. Most of the studies used in the meta-analysis had minimal sampling through the non-growing season though, so the total annual N2O emission reductions were not evaluated and may actually be lower. The meta-analysis indicated that the most effective N management techniques for reducing N2O emissions were the use of EEFs, split application of N fertilizers and the use of organic fertilizers, with the effectiveness of these practices all strongly influenced by soil and weather conditions. The meta-analysis also found that reductions with EEFs from studies that included year-round measurements, tended to be less than studies that included only the growing season. This suggests that when improved N management practices use the same N application rates as the regular practice, more residual N may be available for non-growing season losses. As a result, when no yield benefit is noted, these improved practices should be combined with N rate reductions.

How to cite: Pelster, D., Sokolov, V., Admiral, S., Asgedom-Tedla, H., and Pattey, E.: Improved nitrogen fertilizer management practices that reduce growing season nitrous oxide emissions may increase non-growing season emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1721,, 2025.

EGU25-2688 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Synergies of reducing greenhouse gases and atmospheric nitrogen pollutants in China 

Xin Xu, Xiuming Zhang, Shaohui Zhang, Wilfried Winiwarter, Lin Zhang, and Baojing Gu

Climate change and environmental degradation driven by greenhouse gases (GHGs) and reactive nitrogen (Nr) emissions are escalating globally. As a major emitter of both, China faces dual challenges in mitigating GHGs and Nr to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainability. This study evaluates the potential and synergies of GHG (CO2, CH4, and N2O) and atmospheric Nr pollutant (NOx and NH3) mitigation based on a multi-model framework. Our findings indicate that with a co-control solution, China could reduce GHG emissions by up to 75% and atmospheric Nr pollutants by 60% in 2050, delivering societal benefits of US$959 billion—five times the implementation costs. When both GHG and Nr control strategies are fully deployed, industry-driven emission reductions will be dominant until around 2030, coinciding with China’s carbon peak target. However, after the carbon peak, agriculture-led reductions will enhance synergies in abatement potential and cost-effectiveness. This underscores the need to shift the priority of GHG and atmospheric Nr pollution control during post-peak, to boost zero carbon and clean air in China.

How to cite: Xu, X., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Winiwarter, W., Zhang, L., and Gu, B.: Synergies of reducing greenhouse gases and atmospheric nitrogen pollutants in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2688,, 2025.

EGU25-3921 | Posters on site | BG3.36

Detection Limit of a Low Power Open-Path Nitrous Oxide Laser Analyzer based Eddy Covariance Flux Experiment in Northern China 

Ruisheng Jiang, Weihao Shen, Kai Wang, Songtao Hu, Daniel Wilson, and Yin Wang

As a significant greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N₂O) is primarily emitted through anthropogenic activities, with agriculture being the predominant source. These emissions often occur across large spatial scales. The Eddy Covariance (EC) technique stands out as one of the most advanced methods for quantifying N₂O fluxes. However, most commercially available N₂O analyzers are designed for close-path measurements. To achieve the high-frequency gas concentration data required for EC applications, these analyzers typically rely on high-flow pumps, which necessitate substantial power consumption. Consequently, the selection of monitoring sites is frequently constrained by the availability of power.


This work introduces an open-path N2O laser analyzer (Model: HT8500, HealthyPhoton Co., Ltd.) designed for future applications in EC N₂O flux measurements. The HT8500 utilizes an quantum cascade laser (QCL) to probe the mid-infrared transition of N2O at 4.54 μm. The specific absorption peak has the advantage that the density and spectroscopic effects compensate for each other, resulting in low temperature-related corrections in EC flux measurements. Laboratory experiments revealed that the HT8500 has a noise level of 0.4 ppbv at a 10-Hz sampling rate with a typical power consumption ~ 50 Watts.


A long-term field experiment based on the HT8500 over a bare agricultural field in Jinan, Shandong was conducted to test “zero-flux” measurements and computations under different meteorological conditions. Averaged hourly fluxes ranged from near zero at night to less than 0.18 mg m-2·h-1 at midday in December, which were not significantly different from zero. Compared to the laboratory detection limit of 19.29 ug N m-2·h-1, the field experiment demonstrated a detection limit of approximately 49 ug N m-2·h-1, indicating that the HT8500 analyzer maintains its low flux detection limit similar with commercial available chamber-based N2O flux measurement scenarios.

How to cite: Jiang, R., Shen, W., Wang, K., Hu, S., Wilson, D., and Wang, Y.: Detection Limit of a Low Power Open-Path Nitrous Oxide Laser Analyzer based Eddy Covariance Flux Experiment in Northern China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3921,, 2025.

EGU25-4034 | Orals | BG3.36

Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen budgets for German agricultural soils via process-based modelling 

Andrew Smerald, Hannes Imhof, Clemens Scheer, and Ralf Kiese

Agricultural soils are the dominant source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in most countries, but the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of the emission fluxes makes their quantification challenging. Here we develop a framework for estimating national N2O emissions at high spatial resolution, based on the biogeochemical-model LandscapeDNDC. We apply this framework to Germany, making use of high resolution datasets for soil type, agricultural management practices, climate and nitrogen (N) deposition. Compared to the current emission-factor (Tier-2) approach for compiling an N2O inventory, our method results in similar but slightly lower total N2O emissions at the national scale, but higher fertiliser-driven emissions, which are critical for UNFCCC reporting. It is also able to capture the effect of yearly climate variation. Spatial disaggregation of the emissions into approximately 400 districts reveals large differences at the sub-national scale, where the process-based model accounts better for local variations in soil, climate and agricultural management. We also go beyond the focus on N2O emissions and determine a full N budget for Germany, which includes the quantification of environmentally important N fluxes such as ammonia volatilisation, nitrate leaching and NO emissions.

How to cite: Smerald, A., Imhof, H., Scheer, C., and Kiese, R.: Nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen budgets for German agricultural soils via process-based modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4034,, 2025.

Grain production plays a critical role in ensuring national food security in China but is also a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, nitrogen (N) pollution, and water resource depletion. The shift in grain production centers from southern to northern China over the past four decades, driven by inter-provincial grain trade, has substantially altered the spatial distribution of carbon and nitrogen cycling processes, with important implications for agricultural ecosystems and climate mitigation strategies.

Using over 40 years of data, we show that inter-provincial grain trade in China (wheat, maize, and rice) increased more than fivefold between 1980 and 2020, from 22 to 128 million tonnes. This shift resulted in a 213% increase in N pollution and a 253% rise in GHG emissions associated with agricultural trade, alongside a 606% increase in blue water use and worsening water scarcity in northern regions. Our findings highlight that trade-driven shifts in regional production patterns, influenced by factors such as increased mechanization, population density, and urbanization, have intensified environmental challenges, particularly by increasing ammonia (NH3) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, which contribute to both GHG fluxes and air quality degradation.

To mitigate these impacts and balance food security with environmental sustainability, we propose a targeted policy intervention-a national subsidy mechanism-to compensate northern provinces for their disproportionate environmental burdens. An annual transfer of approximately US$30 million from southern to northern provinces could incentivize sustainable practices, reduce reactive nitrogen emissions, and enhance overall environmental quality while supporting agricultural productivity. Our study provides evidence-based recommendations for policymakers to develop integrated approaches that consider both GHG mitigation and nitrogen management in managed agricultural ecosystems.

How to cite: Wang, C.: Managing Domestic Trade for Sustainable Food Systems in China: Implications for GHG Fluxes and Nitrogen Emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4058,, 2025.

EGU25-4407 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Effect of perennial forage species on soil microbial nutrient cycling in Ethiopian leys 

Niklas Wickander, Marit Jørgensen, and Peter Dörsch

Ethiopian agriculture is under severe pressure due to erosion and degradation of arable soils. These problems are exacerbated by high livestock numbers in small-holder farming, leading to intense grazing on limited communal pastures and on crop residues. Introducing leys of perennial forage species (grasses and legumes) into soils predominately used for cereal cropping could help restore degraded soils while simultaneously providing high quality feed for livestock. To optimize perennial species selection for different soils, we studied microbial nutrient cycling responses to perennial plant inputs in six contrasting soils in Ethiopia. Two grasses, Urochloa hybrid Cayman and Megathyrsus maximus, and two legumes, Desmodium intortum and Stylosanthes guianensis, were sown in varying mixtures at three field sites in two different regions. To assess how soil microbial nutrient stoichiometry and nutrient demand changed with plant cover, we measured soil exoenzyme activity, soil microbial biomass, C, N and P stoichiometry and nitrification potentials before and after the 1.5-year field experiments. Changes in microbial nutrient limitation in response to species ratios were estimated by a combined Vector and Threshold Element Ratio model. We found variable responses for the different soils, with the largest differences between the two regions. Across all fields we saw that P-limitation of microbes decreased with increasing ratios of legumes in the perennial mixtures. We conclude that increased legume incorporation reduces P-limitation and positively affects nutrient cycling in Ethiopian soils.

How to cite: Wickander, N., Jørgensen, M., and Dörsch, P.: Effect of perennial forage species on soil microbial nutrient cycling in Ethiopian leys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4407,, 2025.

EGU25-5205 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

From Linear Assumptions to Complex Reality: Dissolved NO3- and N2O Flux Dynamics in Aquacultural Ponds 

Maite Colina and Sarian Kosten

Nitrous oxide (N₂O) is an ozone-depleting substance with a global warming potential of 273 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO₂) for a 100-year timescale. The atmospheric concentration of N₂O has increased significantly, rising from approximately 270 ppb during the preindustrial era to over 330 ppb today. This alarming trend underscores global concerns about accurately quantifying anthropogenic N₂O sources and developing effective mitigation strategies. More than 50% of anthropogenic N₂O emissions is estimated to originate from direct agricultural activities, including land-use changes, fertilization, and manure management. In addition, agriculture may also indirectly contribute to N₂O emissions through its impact on freshwater eutrophication, which provides substrates (such as nitrate – NO₃⁻) for nitrification and denitrification processes in aquatic environments, potentially leading to N₂O production. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has proposed a linear correlation between NO₃⁻ concentrations and N₂O emissions to estimate global freshwater contributions to N₂O budgets. In this context, freshwater ecosystems, such as small agricultural ponds, are often considered as net sources of N₂O. However, direct measurements of N₂O dissolved concentrations and N₂O fluxes from agricultural ponds are limited. Actually, some studies have found N₂Odissolved concentration under saturation levels, leading to assume N₂O uptake from agricultural ponds. To better understand the role of agricultural ponds as sinks or sources of N₂O, we conducted a systematic literature review. Based on data from over 200 ponds associated with agricultural production we found that: there is a strong geographical bias, with most studies focusing on ponds in the northern hemisphere, and that there is non-linear relationship between dissolved NO₃⁻ concentrations and N₂O fluxes. These preliminary findings suggest that a re-evaluation of the IPCC's guidelines on N₂O emissions from inland waters is needed as local conditions strongly drive the fate of NO3- underscoring the need for further research into the driving factors behind water-atmosphere N₂O fluxes in agricultural ponds.

How to cite: Colina, M. and Kosten, S.: From Linear Assumptions to Complex Reality: Dissolved NO3- and N2O Flux Dynamics in Aquacultural Ponds, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5205,, 2025.

EGU25-5367 | Orals | BG3.36

Long-Term Effects of Lime and NPK Fertilization on Soil pH, Nitrogen Cycling, and Carbon Depletion: Benefits and Risks 

Sihyun Park, Jeong-Gu Lee, Na- Hyun Kwon, Chang-dong Lee, Taehyeon Kim, and Jaeeun Jung

The nutritional use efficiency (NUE) of crops is influenced by changes in soil pH caused by lime fertilizer, which also affects the nitrogen cycle. Lime application shifts soil pH from acidic to neutral, reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions through the activity of nitrous oxide reductases in microorganisms, while also increasing nitrification rates due to enhanced activity of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB). Accelerated nitrification leads to higher nitrate (NO3-) levels, which, when exceeding crop absorption capacity, pose a significant risk of leaching. This study investigated the effects of long-term NPK and lime fertilizer application on the soil nitrogen cycle using metagenomic analysis. Soil samples from plots treated with NPK alone and NPK with lime for 48 years were analyzed for metagenomic N2O gas flux, potential nitric oxide rates (PNR), and NUE. Results showed that long-term lime application significantly increased soil pH and reduced N2O emissions by 27% over 480 hours, with the most notable reduction in the first 24 hours compared to NPK-only treatment. However, NUE did not significantly improve, while PNR increased dramatically, reaching 1442% higher than in NPK-treated soils, indicating a potential risk of nitrate leaching. Metagenomic analysis revealed that nitrogen cycling pathways, including nitrification, were more active in lime-treated soils. Enhanced microbial nitrogen metabolism also increased carbon metabolism associated with degradation, suggesting a risk of soil carbon depletion via the priming effect, as evidenced by reduced total soil carbon and organic matter in lime-treated plots. The findings highlight both the benefits and drawbacks of long-term lime application. While lime improves soil pH and reduces N2O emissions, it may also increase nitrate leaching and soil carbon depletion. Further research is needed to optimize lime application for sustainable soil management.

How to cite: Park, S., Lee, J.-G., Kwon, N.-H., Lee, C., Kim, T., and Jung, J.: Long-Term Effects of Lime and NPK Fertilization on Soil pH, Nitrogen Cycling, and Carbon Depletion: Benefits and Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5367,, 2025.

EGU25-5833 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

Effect of bio-acidification and leonardite addition to slurry on ammonia and GHG emissions in soil-plant systems 

Fawad Khan, Samuel Franco Luesma, Baldur Janz, Michael Dannenmann, Rainer Gasche, Andreas Gattinger, Waqas Qasim, Ralf Kiese, and Benjamin Wolf

Agricultural ecosystems are significant sources of reactive trace gases, such as ammonia and nitric oxide, as well as greenhouse gases (GHGs), including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. These emissions contribute to global warming, air pollution, and ecosystem eutrophication. Traditional mitigation strategies, such as sulfuric acid slurry acidification in slurry storage, reduce ammonia and methane emissions effectively but face high costs, safety concerns, and restrictions in organic farming. This study explores alternative amendments for slurry, including organic acids waste i.e. cheese whey (a dairy byproduct), sauerkraut juice (a fermentation byproduct), and leonardite (a humic-rich natural material), to assess their potential for emission mitigation.

Using a controlled soil-plant mesocosm system to simulate field-like conditions under a laboratory setting, emissions of ammonia, methane, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, and carbon dioxide were continuously monitored over nine days. Flux rates were determined using the dynamic chamber method at a temperature of 18°C and a water-filled pore space of 50%. The mesocosms were treated with either untreated slurry, slurry amended with cheese whey, sauerkraut juice, or leonardite, or left unfertilized as a control.

Results highlighted the potential of cheese whey and sauerkraut juice to substantially lower ammonia emissions by as much as 91%, with cheese whey also reducing combined GHG emissions significantly. While sauerkraut juice showed promise in reducing methane emissions, nitrous oxide emissions were elevated due to a higher ammonium content in the slurry-amendment mixture. Leonardite, though not effective in mitigating ammonia emissions, demonstrated its utility in lowering GHG emissions overall.

The findings suggest cheese whey and sauerkraut juice as promising amendments for ammonia reduction, with leonardite offering potential for GHG mitigation. However, the trade-offs observed with nitrous oxide emissions emphasize the need for further optimization to achieve a balanced mitigation strategy. These results contribute to the understanding of gas exchanges in agricultural ecosystems and promote sustainable practices by repurposing agricultural byproducts in a circular economy.

How to cite: Khan, F., Luesma, S. F., Janz, B., Dannenmann, M., Gasche, R., Gattinger, A., Qasim, W., Kiese, R., and Wolf, B.: Effect of bio-acidification and leonardite addition to slurry on ammonia and GHG emissions in soil-plant systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5833,, 2025.

EGU25-6346 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Increased harvested carbon of cropland in China 

Peiyang Ren, Daju Wang, Xiaosheng Xia, Xiuzhi Chen, Zhangcai Qin, Jing Wei, and Wenping Yuan

Crop harvested carbon is one of the most important components of the carbon cycle in cropland ecosystems, with a significant impact on the carbon budget of croplands. China is one of the most important crop producers, however, it is still unknown on the spatial and temporal variations of harvested carbon. This study collected statistical data on crop production at the province and county levels in China for all 10 crop types from 1981 to 2020 and analyzed the magnitude and long-term trend of harvested crop carbon. Our results found a substantial increase of harvested carbon in cropland from 0.185 Gt C yr-1 in 1981 to 0.423 Gt C yr-1 in 2020 at a rate of 0.006 Gt C yr-1. The results also highlighted that the average annual carbon sink removal from crop harvesting in China from 1981 to 2020 was 0.32 Gt C yr-1, which was comparable to the net carbon sink of the entire terrestrial ecosystems in China. This study further generated a gridded dataset of harvested carbon from 2001 to 2019 in China by using jointly the statistical crop production and distribution maps of cropland. In addition, a model-data comparison was carried out using the dataset and results from seven state-of-the-art terrestrial ecosystem models, revealing substantial disparities in harvested carbon simulations in China compared to the dataset generated in the study. This study emphasized the increased importance of harvested carbon for estimating cropland carbon budget, and the produced dataset is expected to contribute to carbon budget estimation for cropland ecosystems and the entire China.

How to cite: Ren, P., Wang, D., Xia, X., Chen, X., Qin, Z., Wei, J., and Yuan, W.: Increased harvested carbon of cropland in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6346,, 2025.

EGU25-6469 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Impact of management on CO2 fluxes and drivers of regrowth rates in a temperate grassland during 20 years of measurements 

Yi Wang, Iris Feigenwinter, Lukas Hörtnagl, and Nina Buchmann

Grasslands serve a unique role in the global carbon (C) cycle and cover about 30% of the European and about 70% of the Swiss area used for agriculture. The CO2 fluxes of managed grasslands are substantially influenced by climate conditions and land management practices. The eddy covariance (EC) technique is the only approach to directly measure the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2. NEE represents the balance between two large ecosystem processes: gross primary production (GPP; amount of CO2 fixation through photosynthesis), and ecosystem respiration (Reco; amount of CO2 released via plant and soil respiration). Our study aimed to (1) investigate intra- and inter-annual changes in grassland NEE as well as regrowth after mowing/grazing events, (2) understand key drivers of GPP regrowth rates, and (3) examine grassland responses to sward renewal.


In our study, we measured EC fluxes and meteorological variables at the temperate grassland site Chamau (CH-Cha as part of FLUXNET) in Switzerland. This grassland is intensively managed, with 4-6 mowing/grazing events per year, accompanied by organic fertilization (on average 271 kg N ha-1 yr-1) and sward renewal every 7-10 years. We applied machine learning approaches such as Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) and Shapley Additive exPlenations (SHAP) analysis to address our aims, using 20 years (2005-2024) of EC flux, meteorological, and detailed management data.


Over the 20 years, a pronounced intra-seasonal course of NEE was found due to mowing and grazing, with the maximum CO2 uptake in early spring (March-April) and the largest CO2 loss in early winter (December-January). During the main growing season (April-September), the average GPP regrowth rate was 10 g C m-2 day-1. We did not find a significant trend for GPP regrowth rates over the 20 years. The most important drivers of GPP regrowth rates were air temperature and light, while water-related drivers dominated regrowth rates during summer droughts (e.g., 2015 and 2018). Nitrogen fertilization did not play a key role in GPP regrowth rates. Moreover, sward renewal years resulted in either very large CO2 losses (in 2012) or in reduced CO2 uptake rates (in 2021), most likely caused by the different timing of the renewal, i.e., February vs. August, respectively. Thus, our study provides novel insights into climate-smart management options and helps to develop mitigation strategies for current and future climate risks.

How to cite: Wang, Y., Feigenwinter, I., Hörtnagl, L., and Buchmann, N.: Impact of management on CO2 fluxes and drivers of regrowth rates in a temperate grassland during 20 years of measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6469,, 2025.

EGU25-6472 | Orals | BG3.36

Protected meadows more diverse meadows store more carbon in soil than neighboring commercially used meadows. 

Jaroslava Frouzova, Ondřej Mudrak, Yves Murindangabo, Martin Bartuška, and Jan Frouz

In this study, we have explored effect of long-term nature protection on soil carbon storage in meadows. We have selected 30 pairs of meadows, each pair consisted from nature reserve, and neighboring commercially used meadow. In both Meadows we sample soil to 30 cm depth, and established song carbon stock. At the same time, we started plant diversity and community composition in both meadows. 

Comparing carbon stock cross all pairs of meadows, natural reserve store significantly more carbon, which account for about 20 to 30% increase compare to commercially managed meadows. In general carbon stock decrease which increasing depth, but this increase was similar in both commercial as well as protected meadows. The highest carbon stock was found in dry meadows, which were followed by wet meadows, while mesic meadow stores less C and also difference between commercial and protected meadows was less pronounced. There was no difference in aboveground plant biomass between protected and cultural meadows.  Protected meadows we are significantly more diverse than their commercially used counterpart, however there were no direct correlation between plan diversity and carbon stock. Based on that we assume that we assume that beside plant diversity also continuity of undisturbed soils in protected meadows, play role in  soil carbon storage.

How to cite: Frouzova, J., Mudrak, O., Murindangabo, Y., Bartuška, M., and Frouz, J.: Protected meadows more diverse meadows store more carbon in soil than neighboring commercially used meadows., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6472,, 2025.

EGU25-7080 | Orals | BG3.36

Unveiling the greenhouse gas mitigation potential for Danish farmers: the SmartField project 

Christian Dold, Ann Britt Værge, Pernille Lund Kasper, Michael Erling-Nielsen, Sander Bruun, Triven Koganti, Anders Bjørn Møller, Dhimas Sigit Bimantara, and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

The successful implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation measures requires the accurate quantification of emission fluxes in space and time. The SmartfField project comprises a unique infrastructure to measure complete N and C balances in combination with year-round measurements of N2O and other environmentally important GHG and trace gases (NH3, NO/NO2, O3, CO2, CH4). The measurement infrastructure comprises chamber and micrometeorological measurements on two experimental sites (Supersite A and B) on plot and field scale for typical Danish crop rotations, and a mobile eddy-flux and chamber system to deploy elsewhere. The overall aim is to identify greenhouse gas mitigation options which (1) can be easily integrated into existing crop rotations (2) avoid pollution swapping (nitrate leaching and ammonia emissions), (3) do not compromise crop yields, and (4) can be scaled from plot to field. In this framework, the emission factors for different amendments will be calculated, including synthetic and biological nitrification inhibitors, biochar, and rock flour, and their combined effects. The experiments will commence in 2025, and baseline measurements started in March 2024. This included soil mapping using electromagnetic induction (DUALEM-21H) and gamma ray (Medusa 2000) sensors, sensor-guided soil sampling, and soil profile descriptions. The N2O flux was measured using the LI-7820 trace gas analyser and survey chamber on field scale, and continuously with automated chambers inside and outside tractor tracks (n=5). The crop was spring barley (Hordeum vulgare), undersown with grass-clover (Lollium perenne, Trifolium pratense, Trifolium repens). These initial measurements revealed large spatial and temporal variations of soil parameters and greenhouse gas emissions. The ECa varied from 1.8-14.8 mS m-1, indicating substantial soil textural changes. The depth of the A-horizon varied between 22-30 cm, and average topsoil bulk density was higher in the tractor tracks (1.51 vs. 1.36 g cm-3). The N2O flux varied substantially within the field with a daily CV of 51%-138%. The mean daily N2O flux outside the tractor tracks was 64.3 µg N2O-N m-2 d-1, while it was 157.3 µg N2O-N m-2 d-1 inside the tracks. There is a need to account for the observed spatiotemporal variation to correctly assess mitigation measures.

How to cite: Dold, C., Værge, A. B., Lund Kasper, P., Erling-Nielsen, M., Bruun, S., Koganti, T., Bjørn Møller, A., Bimantara, D. S., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: Unveiling the greenhouse gas mitigation potential for Danish farmers: the SmartField project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7080,, 2025.

EGU25-8163 | Orals | BG3.36

The emission factor paradox: N2O emissions from organic fertilizer exceed those from synthetic N fertilizers on Danish agricultural soils 

Franziska Eller, Nanna Schröder Baggesen, Esben Høegholm Lykke, Leanne Peixoto, Søren O. Petersen, and Cecilie Skov Nielsen

N2O is currently the single most damaging of all ozone-depleting greenhouse gases (GHG) associated with climate change, and agriculture is the primary source of this extremely potent GHG. Direct N2O emissions from agricultural fields constitute about 21 % of all greenhouse gases emitted by agriculture in Denmark. Serious efforts for N2O mitigation must be taken to limit global warming, and rigorous monitoring and correct documentation of national greenhouse gas emissions are at the forefront of this endeavor. The Danish National Inventory Report for greenhouse gases uses the Tier 1 default emission factor (EF) of 1% for mineral soils, assuming 1% of N input as fertilizer is emitted as N2O. A refinement provided by the IPCC in 2019 suggests using specific land-use categories: 1.6% for synthetic fertilizers and 0.6% for organic fertilizers in wet climates like Denmark. However, studies have shown that this distinction is unsuitable for Danish agricultural conditions, and that especially emissions from synthetic fertilizer are overestimated with both approaches.

We conducted 28 individual field trials under common Danish agricultural management throughout the country from 2022 to 2024, measuring N2O emissions in spring barley and winter wheat during their growing seasons. We were specifically interested in comparing N2O emissions from synthetic vs. organic fertilizers. The average cumulative N2O emissions of synthetic fertilizers ranged from 0.12 to 1.05 kg N2O-N ha-1 in spring barley, and from 0.08 to 1.17 kg N2O-N ha-1 in winter wheat. Average cumulative N2O emissions of organic fertilizers ranged from 0.95 to 1.41 kg N2O-N ha-1 in spring barley, and from 0.19 to 1.30 kg N2O-N ha-1 in winter wheat. All emissions were comparably low throughout trials, treatments and years. Average EF (± S.E.) for synthetic fertilizers were 0.10 ± 0.04 % (spring barley) and 0.16 ± 0.05 % (winter wheat), and for organic fertilizers 0.38 ± 0.03 % (spring barley, cattle slurry), 0.38 ± 0.06 % (winter wheat, pig slurry), and 0.37 ± 0.06 % (winter wheat, digestate) during the growing season. Our results contradict both the default and refined Tier 1 EF provided by the IPCC. In agreement with other studies, we found that N2O EF for synthetic fertilizers were lower than EF for organic fertilizers. Possible explanations for, and implications of this paradox will be discussed. 

How to cite: Eller, F., Schröder Baggesen, N., Høegholm Lykke, E., Peixoto, L., O. Petersen, S., and Skov Nielsen, C.: The emission factor paradox: N2O emissions from organic fertilizer exceed those from synthetic N fertilizers on Danish agricultural soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8163,, 2025.

EGU25-8413 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Drivers of nitrous oxide fluxes in winter wheat 

Fabio Turco, Iris Feigenwinter, Lorenz Allemann, and Nina Buchmann

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas (GHG) and ozone-depleting substance. The agricultural sector is the predominant anthropogenic source of N2O, primarily due to the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers. Thus, policies are being discussed to reduce N2O emissions across Europe. However, the scarcity of high-resolution N₂O flux data hinders our understanding of the mechanisms driving N2O emissions, and the development of effective mitigation strategies.

In this study, we measured high-resolution (10 Hz) N2O concentration over the duration of a winter wheat cropping season and calculated half-hourly N2O fluxes using eddy covariance. Our objective was to disentangle the roles of management practices, abiotic conditions, and biotic factors affecting N₂O fluxes and to track how their respective contributions change over time. Using a random forest model trained with management, environmental, and vegetation data, we applied SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) analyses to investigate the drivers of N₂O fluxes.

As expected, N fertilization and soil moisture emerged as the main drivers with the largest contributions to the N2O fluxes. Moreover, the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) was the third most important driver, highlighting the critical role of plant-microbe competition for soil N. N₂O fluxes indeed peaked during periods of low crop growth, when plant N uptake was limited, leaving available soil N accessible to N₂O-producing microorganisms. This study suggests that applying N fertilizers during periods of high crop N demand, rather than at the onset of the growing season, could significantly reduce N₂O emissions and the GHG footprint of crop production.

How to cite: Turco, F., Feigenwinter, I., Allemann, L., and Buchmann, N.: Drivers of nitrous oxide fluxes in winter wheat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8413,, 2025.

Abstract Both climate warming and increasing nitrogen deposition promote the availability of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to plants in soil, which may affect ecosystem structure and function. However, studies on the effects of nutrient enrichment on ecosystems have mostly focused on N rather than P, especially in high-altitude areas where N limits plant growth, which hinders the prediction of ecosystem changes under future climate conditions. Using a five-year experiment at an alpine meadow, we quantified the aboveground net primary production (ANPP) stability under three N levels and four P levels, including the interaction of different N and P levels. We also tested possible drivers of the ANPP stability, including plant species richness, asynchrony, dominance, and plant functional group stability. Finally, we used structural equation models to explore how different drivers affect ANPP stability. Results showed: (1) Plant growth in the alpine meadow was limited by soil available-N but not -P, and N enrichment induced P limitation on plant growth. (2) P enrichment promoted species richness, asynchrony and dominant species stability, and consequently increased the ANPP stability. (3) Species asynchrony and dominant species stability were the key mechanisms driving the variation of ANPP stability. These findings highlight the importance of understanding the balance of N and P effects on ecosystem structure and function in order to better predict the impacts of global change on ecosystem stability.

How to cite: jiang, L. and zhao, W.: Phosphorus enrichment increased community stability by increasing asynchrony and dominant species stability in alpine meadow of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9977,, 2025.

EGU25-10086 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Assessing grassland soil degradation through key soil physical and chemical properties in smallholder farms of Western Kenya 

Habtamu Sibilu, John Quinton, Sonja Leitner, and Mariana Rufino

In humid Africa, grassland degradation is widespread, with overgrazing as a major factor, affecting soil health and structure, and vegetation composition. Understanding this degradation is vital for targeted restoration. We assessed grassland degradation and its effects on soil properties and plant diversity in western Kenya at two contrasting sites —Kuresoi and Nyando—classified as degraded or non-degraded based on grazing intensity and land-use history. We analysed soil carbon (SOC), nutrient concentrations (TN, available P) and aggregate stability. Field measurements included soil resistance and hydraulic conductivity, alongside vegetation inventory.

The results show higher SOC and total nitrogen (TN) in non-degraded topsoil (SOC: 6.66 ± 2.21% in Kuresoi, 2.41 ± 0.51% in Nyando; TN: 0.56 ± 0.188% in Kuresoi, 0.149 ± 0.027% in Nyando) compared to degraded soils (SOC: 4.38 ± 1.37% in Kuresoi, 1.93 ± 1.22% in Nyando; TN: 0.351 ± 0.123% in Kuresoi, 0.172 ± 0.082% in Nyando); low and variable phosphorus content (Kuresoi: 3.17 ± 5.80 µg/g in degraded, 4.13 ± 8.52 µg/g in non-degraded; Nyando: 2.33 ± 2.76 µg/g in non-degraded and 3.96 ± 6.52 µg/g in degraded) across sites. We observed high aggregate stability, ranging from 61.3%–92.6%, across sites. Infiltration rates were higher in non-degraded Kuresoi (463 ± 913 mm/hr) than degraded (40.3 ± 45.6 mm/hr), with similar rates ((76.9 ± 82.1 mm/hr in non-degraded and 69.6 ±99.3 mm/hr in degraded) in Nyando. The soils were generally compacted (1.07–6.7 MPa in Kuresoi; 1.82–10.1 MPa in Nyando), with no significant differences between degraded and non-degraded soils. Species diversity indices, Shannon (H’= 2.69 ±0.39 in non-degraded Kuresoi, and 2.54 ±0.18 in degraded Kuresoi; H’ = 2.85 ± 0.32 in non-degraded Nyando, and 2.75 ± 0.21) and Simpson (D = 0.92 ± 0.03 in non-degraded Kuresoi, and 0.91 ±0.01; D = 0.93 ±0.01 in non-degraded Nyando and 0.92 ± 0.015), indicated high diversity across sites.

The findings indicate that while overgrazing driven degradation affects key soil properties such as phosphorus, compaction, and infiltration rates, some soil characteristics like aggregate stability and species diversity remain resilient. Proper grazing management, coupled with soil organic matter amendments, could improve nutrient availability, restore soil structure, and strengthen grassland resilience.

How to cite: Sibilu, H., Quinton, J., Leitner, S., and Rufino, M.: Assessing grassland soil degradation through key soil physical and chemical properties in smallholder farms of Western Kenya, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10086,, 2025.

EGU25-12203 | Orals | BG3.36

Greenhouse gas fluxes from established and emergent grasslands and the implications for nature-based solutions in England.  

Jodie Hartill, Melanie Spiers, Becky Davess, Nicholas Izard, Melanie Stone, Jess Elias, Tamsin Lockwood, and Mike Morecroft


Greenhouse gas flux studies are fundamental to understanding the net emission and removal of greenhouse gases by terrestrial ecosystems. Evidence from UK grasslands is sparse and tends to be from intensive agricultural plots.  

Emerging results from a novel, 24-month study are presented. Carbon dioxide measurements were collected from grasslands across the UK, using the static chamber method. More than 20 parcels were surveyed, with habitats from a range of soil types, sward diversity and management processes, enabling a broader analysis of the variety of grasslands in England.  

Carbon dioxide emissions were detected all year round, thus allowing further analysis of seasonal dynamics. The influence of wider environmental variables, such as moisture and temperature are also explored, with fluxes detected at lower soil moistures than similar studies. These studies will help us to understand the carbon sequestering potential of grassland creation for nature-based solutions as part of the Nature Returns programme.  

How to cite: Hartill, J., Spiers, M., Davess, B., Izard, N., Stone, M., Elias, J., Lockwood, T., and Morecroft, M.: Greenhouse gas fluxes from established and emergent grasslands and the implications for nature-based solutions in England. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12203,, 2025.

The application of nitrogen (N) fertilizers is intrinsically linked to the emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH₃), making their mitigation a critical global concern. One effective strategy involves the use of urease and nitrification inhibitors. Over the past three years, we have conducted multiple field and pot experiments to evaluate the impact of urea combined with urease and nitrification inhibitors on N2O emissions and NH3 volatilization. These studies were performed on calcareous Mediterranean soils (pH ≥ 7.3). Our findings indicate that urease inhibitors reduced NH₃-N volatilization by 25-50%. Nitrification inhibitors significantly decreased N2O emissions. The combined application of urease and nitrification inhibitors reduced N2O emissions by up to 67% within the first two days post-application, with emissions returning to near ambient levels within four days. In contrast, N2O-N fluxes following urea application alone took approximately seven days to return to baseline levels. N2O-N emissions from the double-inhibited urea were highest following irrigation or precipitation in the weeks following N applications, yet with low values (<0.03 mg-N m⁻² d⁻¹). These results highlight the effectiveness of urease and nitrification inhibitors in mitigating N2O and NH3 emissions, contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.

How to cite: Baram, S.: Effect of urease and nitrification inhibitors on N2O emissions in Mediterranean soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12742,, 2025.

EGU25-13613 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Mapping nitrous oxide emissions across soil water gradients in agricultural fields 

Azeem Tariq, Line Vinther Hansen, Andreas Brændholt, Sander Bruun, and Finn Plauborg

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions in agricultural fields exhibit substantial spatial and temporal variability, driven by complex interactions between soil water dynamics and landscape features. We conducted field experiments at two agricultural field sites (Tokkerup and Taastrup) in Eastern Denmark to quantify N2O emissions across soil water gradients. At the Tokkerup site, we quantified the effects of soil water drainage by comparing well-drained and poorly-drained areas. We installed manual and automated chambers to capture the spatial and temporal dynamics of N2O emissions, complemented by continuous monitoring of soil water tables and moisture contents with water wells and soil moisture sensors. At the Taastrup site, we investigated N2O emissions across a soil-water gradient. Twelve spatial spots were selected along a transect across the water gradient to measure N2O fluxes using an Aeris MIRA Ultra analyzer equipped with a manual chamber. Soil water wells and sensors were installed across the gradient to capture the dynamics of water table depths and soil moisture across the field gradient throughout the year. Preliminary results reveal that significantly higher N2O emissions occurred along the periphery of depressions in the field, so these transition areas acted as hot spots of N2O emissions during the crop-growing period. These findings highlight the critical role of soil water dynamics in shaping the temporal and spatial N2O emission patterns and emphasize the potential for soil water management as an important part of strategies to mitigate emissions of N2O.

How to cite: Tariq, A., Hansen, L. V., Brændholt, A., Bruun, S., and Plauborg, F.: Mapping nitrous oxide emissions across soil water gradients in agricultural fields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13613,, 2025.

Nitrous oxide emission from agricultural soils contribute significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions. Fertilizer deep placement (FDP) and reduced application rate of nitrogen fertilizer are considered as a promising strategy to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions from arable soil and increase nitrogen use efficiency of crops. This study was conducted to determine effects of FDP and, FDP with 20% reduced application rate of nitrogen fertilizer (FDP-rf) on nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, rice yield, and soil properties in paddy soil. The study included three treatments: conventional (C), FDP, and FDP-rf. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) was transplanted on June 7, 2024 and harvested on October 15, 2024. Nitrous oxide flux for each treatment during the cultivation period showed similar patterns affected by the submerged period and fertilizer application. Emissions remained low across all treatments before the mid-term drainage period, and this trend continued during the mid-term drainage period (two weeks). Peaks of N2O flux were observed in FDP-rf and C treatments right after the mid-term drainage period, while FDP maintained consistently low emissions. Subsequently, all treatments returned to low N₂O flux levels. Following the pre-harvest drainage, N₂O flux increased across all treatments, likely due to the availability of residual nitrogen. Among the treatments, FDP exhibited the most stable and minimal N₂O emissions, indicating effective nitrogen retention and consistent control of fluxes. There was a statistically significant difference in cumulative N₂O emissions depending on the fertilization method. Conventional (C) showed the highest emissions (0.8351 ± 0.0408 kg/ha), followed by FDP (0.6259 ± 0.0562 kg/ha) and FDP-rf (0.4140 ± 0.1063 kg/ha). The total and inorganic nitrogen content in the soil varied greatly depending on the fertilization method. For total nitrogen, the highest levels were observed in the conventional (C) treatment (2.11 g/kg) on harvest time, followed by FDP-rf (1.91 g/kg) and FDP (1.23 g/kg). Nitrate levels were significantly reduced in FDP (17.7 mg/kg) and FDP-rf (26.8 mg/kg) compared to C (42.2 mg/kg). Although there was no statistical difference in ammonium levels, the highest value was observed in C (56.7 mg/kg), followed by FDP-rf (54.5 mg/kg) and FDP (43.1 mg/kg). Depending on the fertilization method, the grain yield, rice straw, root, and total biomass weight varied. For grain yield, the highest was observed in FDP (6.69 Mg/ha), followed by C (5.96 Mg/ha) and FDP-rf (5.42 Mg/ha). Fertilizer deep placement reduced N₂O emissions and improved rice yields compared to C. Fertilizer deep placement with reduced nitrogen application further decreased N₂O emissions but resulted in lower yields compared to FDP. These findings suggest that FDP could be a sustainable agricultural practice that mitigates greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining crop yields.

How to cite: Hong, C. O., Kim, S. U., and Chung, S. U.: Deep placement and reduced application rate of nitrogen fertilizer mitigates nitrous oxide emission from rice paddy soil in South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14196,, 2025.

The denitrification process is the main process by which nitrous oxide (N2O) is generated under anaerobic conditions in rice cultivation soil. The denitrification process under anaerobic conditions is carried out by microorganisms. The denitrification process is influenced by the type and availability of carbon sources in the soil. Among the components of rice root exudate, sugars and organic acids provide essential carbon sources for soil microorganisms, and microorganisms help the physiology and growth of rice. The incubation experiment was conducted to determine the effect of sugars and organic acids contained in rice root exudates on N2O emissions from paddy soil. The soil was placed in a plastic bottle (capacity 824 cm3) mixed with glucose and acetic acid at the rates of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4% (wt/wt), and saturated with water to maintain anaerobic condition. Then, 0.15g of urea was added as a nitrogen source. The plastic bottles containing mixed soils were placed in the incubation under dark conditions at 25℃ for 30 days. Gas samples were collected daily during the experiment time, and daily N2O flux and cumulative N2O emissions were measured. Cumulative N2O emissions significantly decreased with increasing addition rate of glucose. Cumulative N2O emissions were 200, 8.51, 4.04, and 2.77 mg/m2/day at the glucose addition rates of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4%, respectively. Cumulative N2O emissions decreased more rapidly with increasing addition rate of acetic acid than that of glucose. Cumulative N2O emissions were 225, 3.02, 2.35, and 1.85 mg/m2/day at the acetic acid addition rates of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4%, respectively. These results suggest that acetic acid was rapidly decomposed and provided and available carbon source to microorganisms involved in denitrification, thereby promoting the process of converting nitrate (NO3-) into nitrogen gas (N2) and minimizing N2O production. In the case of the glucose treatment group, the NO3-/ N2O ratio was 1.18, 33.0, 32.6, and 31.2 and the NH4+/ NO3- ratio was 0.16, 0.13, 0.16, and 0.25 at the rates of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4%, respectively. In the case of the acetic acid treatment, the NO3-/ N2O ratio was 1.13, 97.9, 123, and 151 and the NH4+/ NO3- ratio was 0.15, 0.40, 0.40, and 0.75 at the rates of 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.4%, respectively. These results showed that the main emission process of N2O during the experiment period was the denitrification process rather than the nitrification process. In addition, the higher NO3-/ N2O ratio in the acetic acid treatment group compared to the glucose treatment group indicates that NO3- was converted to N2 more effectively, reducing N2O emissions.

How to cite: Chung, S. U. and Hong, C. O.: Effects of Acetic Acid and Glucose as a Carbon Source for Denitrification on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Anaerobic Soil Condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14265,, 2025.

Rice production feeds > 50% of the world population with 250 million tonnes consumed in 2022 and is expected to continue to rise by a further ~6% by 2030. Favourable climate and soil conditions for growing temperate rice, together with low disease pressure and advanced irrigation systems enables Australia to achieve some of the highest rice yields in the world with low resource inputs. However, currently there remains a lack of complete season baseline datasets for greenhouse gas emissions from Australian rice crops. National and regionally specific greenhouse gas accounting and the global warming potential and mitigation strategies for these cropping systems remain unclear.  Furthermore, recent innovative irrigation and water management practices utilizing low-cost, technology driven irrigation automation in Australia now indicates the potential to further significantly change how rice is grown. Practical implementation of alternate rice growing irrigation techniques, in which the soil is kept between 0 to -20 kPa, without water being permanently ponded during the growing season have been enabled, producing commercial crops of > 13 Mg ha-1. However, these conditions may lead to ‘tradeoff’ emissions of nitrous oxide (N2O), an even more potent greenhouse gas than the more ubiquitous methane (CH4) emissions commonly associated with rice crops. Two rice water management techniques have been compared in the 2023-2024 Austral Summer: i) Conventional drill sown (DIR) in which planted seeds are flushed with water 3-4 times until the crop has developed to the 4th leaf stage (up to 50 days after the first irrigation) followed by continuous flooding until drainage pre-harvest. ii) Water saving practise, locally known as aerobic (AER) in which the crop is flushed intermittently throughout the entire season with standing water being avoided. Methane and N2O emissions have been monitored in commercial fields using non-steady state closed chambers followed by gas chromatography (GC) and a newer laser-based method, optical feedback-cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (OF-CEAS). The AER system reduced seasonal CH4 emissions to 1.3 kg CH4-C ha-1 from 32 kg CH4-C ha-1 that were determined in the DIR system. Although, high N2O-N emission peaks of up to 1043 µg m-2 h-1 were recorded, associated with rainfall and fertilizer application events, total seasonal fluxes suggest that the adoption of this alternative irrigation practise can reduce the global warming potential of rice crops by 51% compared with conventional management. Because both crops were managed for yield potential, when gas emissions were related to rice productivity, yield scaled emissions were 97 kg CO2eq Mg-1 season-1 (DIR) and 47 kg CO2eq Mg-1 season-1 (AER), the lowest that have ever been recorded globally.

How to cite: Quayle, W., Marston, E., Taylor, S., and Hornbuckle, J.: Measurement of methane and nitrous oxide emissions from Australian rice grown under conventional and water saving irrigation practises., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14692,, 2025.

EGU25-14766 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Estimating soil organic carbon stocks in dehesa ecosystems (Toledo, Spain) 

Joaquín Cámara, Sara Sánchez, Luís André Mendes, Melanie Estrella, and Marta Benito

Dehesa ecosystems, traditional silvopastoral systems in the Iberian Peninsula, are characterized by scattered trees and pastures extensively grazed by livestock. These systems provide critical ecosystem services, including soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, which helps mitigate the negative impacts of livestock production and might support farm economic sustainability through potential carbon (C) credits. However, accurately estimating SOC in dehesa soils is challenging due to their high spatial variability caused by scattered trees and grazing patterns, which create SOC “fertility islands” under tree canopies.

This study evaluates how different grassland management practices affect SOC storage in dehesa soils and determines optimal methodologies for estimating SOC stocks despite soil heterogeneity. Research was conducted on an organically managed farm in Alcañizo (Toledo, Spain), comparing fields with rotational and semi-continuous grazing systems, which differ in grazing frequency and resting periods. SOC and bulk density were measured in soil samples collected from 0–10, 10–20, and 20–30 cm depths on a 20 × 20 m grid. Four geospatial methods were used to estimate SOC stocks: IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting), Ordinary Kriging (OK) with 6- and 12-point radio, and soil units zonation.

Results revealed that SOC stored between 10–30 cm depth (1,724 ± 825 g C m-2) was comparable to that in the top 10 cm (1,876 ± 641g C m-2), underscoring the need to sample at least 30 cm for comprehensive SOC estimation. Trees significantly increased SOC storage by 56% and 34% in soils under the trees compared to open grassland soils in the rotational and semi-continuous management systems, respectively. Regarding management practices, the arithmetic mean of SOC stocks (0-30 cm) was slightly higher under semi-continuous management (3,861 ± 1,286 g C m²) compared to rotational management (3,339 ± 1,334 g C m²).

While SOC estimates were similar across geospatial methods and arithmetic means due to the large number of sampling points, IDW best represented SOC accumulation under trees, and soil unit-based methods identified SOC accumulation due to topography. Conversely, OK with a 12-point radius poorly captured SOC heterogeneity. The choice of geospatial estimation method significantly influences SOC stock estimates.

In conclusion, future SOC assessments in dehesa ecosystems should account for their high spatial variability by increasing sampling density and applying diverse estimation methods. This approach will improve the reliability of SOC stock estimates, aiding both ecological studies and C credit calculations.

How to cite: Cámara, J., Sánchez, S., Mendes, L. A., Estrella, M., and Benito, M.: Estimating soil organic carbon stocks in dehesa ecosystems (Toledo, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14766,, 2025.

EGU25-16064 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36 | Highlight

What evidence exists relating the impact of different grassland management practices to soil carbon in livestock systems? A systematic map in progress 

Eduardo Vázquez, Camille Rousset, Carmen Segura, Anina Gilgen, Marta Alfaro, Luis André Mendes, Mike Dodd, Batnyambuu Dashpurev, Mike Bastidas, Julián Rivera, Lutz Merbold, Markus van der Meer, Jacobo Arango, Laura Cárdenas, Marta Benito, and Julián Chará

Grasslands play a crucial role in supplying essential resources for the livestock industry and in supporting other ecosystem services such as biodiversity preservation and soil carbon (C) storage. However, the ability of these ecosystems to maintain these services is increasingly at risk due to over-exploitation, environmental degradation, and climate change, particularly weakening their ability to effectively store C in soils. Restoring degraded grasslands is a practical and cost-effective approach to mitigating climate change by increasing soil C storage while enhancing productivity and improving ecosystem resilience. The potential for C sequestration in these ecosystems is highly variable, influenced by factors such as climate, biome type, soil depth, and management. Better management requires addressing the existing gaps in research and resources.

Using a systematic mapping approach, this project aims to build a comprehensive global inventory of studies examining the effects of different management practices on soil C. The outcomes of this approach will be used to identify well-researched areas suitable for systematic reviews, as well as knowledge gaps for further research, ultimately enhancing our understanding of the evidence in this field.

We formulated the research question to guide the systematic map protocol using the PICO framework, in line with established standards for systematic evidence synthesis. A preliminary search string was developed by integrating search terms corresponding to the Population (permanent grasslands), Intervention (varied management practices), and Outcome (soil C and related terms) categories, along with an additional category for study types (focused on farm and field experiments). A comprehensive search of both peer-reviewed and grey literature was performed across several databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, CABI, Google Scholar, and specialised platforms such as Agrotrop. Searches were conducted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Mongolian (the language skills of the team). Data extraction was structured into four key sections (article information, PICO categories, study characteristics, and measurable parameters), which will be used to generate tables, figures, and evidence maps to form the systematic map. The entire process of literature screening and data extraction was performed using the software Covidence.

The literature search resulted in the identification of over 30,000 references, of which approximately 3,000 were selected for further analysis following a thorough full-text eligibility criteria screening. In this presentation, we will walk through the flow diagram that captures each step of the literature search and screening process, share the data extraction table to provide insights into the outcomes, and offer a preliminary assessment at the global distribution map of studies involved. This includes an overview of the primary grassland management practices assessed. In addition, critical questions will be discussed: i) is there underrepresentation of developing countries in the literature, where vast grassland areas often suffer from intense degradation? ii) Is our knowledge influenced by a potential overrepresentation of specific forage species, management practices or climatic conditions? These findings will enhance our understanding of the existing evidence on the impact of grassland management on soil C, paving the way for a more effective allocation of future efforts and resources in this field.

How to cite: Vázquez, E., Rousset, C., Segura, C., Gilgen, A., Alfaro, M., Mendes, L. A., Dodd, M., Dashpurev, B., Bastidas, M., Rivera, J., Merbold, L., van der Meer, M., Arango, J., Cárdenas, L., Benito, M., and Chará, J.: What evidence exists relating the impact of different grassland management practices to soil carbon in livestock systems? A systematic map in progress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16064,, 2025.

EGU25-16123 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Evidence synthesis of soil carbon dynamics: A multi-scale meta-analysis integrating land-use change, conservation practices, and environmental stressors 

Yuan Li, Narasinha Shurpali, Yangzhou Xiang, Qingping Zhang, Zhou Li, Song Cui, and Scott Chang

Systematic evidence synthesis in soil science is crucial for developing effective climate mitigation strategies and sustainable land management practices. This study presents an integrated meta-analytical framework synthesizing three interconnected domains of soil carbon dynamics: land-use transitions, conservation management, and emerging environmental stressors. Through quantitative analysis of peer-reviewed studies, we evaluated the multifaceted responses of soil organic carbon (SOC) and associated biogeochemical processes to management interventions and environmental changes. Land-use conversion analysis suggested that grassland restoration from croplands significantly enhances SOC (16%) and total nitrogen (12%), while inducing substantial shifts in microbial stoichiometry (C:P ratio +57.9%). Conservation management practices, particularly no-tillage with residue retention, increased SOC stocks (13%) relative to conventional tillage, accompanied by enhanced microbial biomass carbon (33%) and nitrogen (64%). The implementation of grass coverage in orchards further augments these benefits, increasing microbial abundance (52.6%) and diversifying enzyme activities (15-71%). Environmental factors, including mean annual temperature, precipitation, and soil texture, emerged as critical drivers of these responses across all management interventions. Analysis of emerging stressors found that drying-rewetting cycles significantly increased soil carbon dioxide emissions (35.7%), while microplastic contamination enhanced nitrogen-cycling enzyme activities (7.6-8.0%) and SOC dynamics in polymer-specific patterns. Meta-regression analyses identified key thresholds and optimal conditions for maximizing soil carbon sequestration potential across different environmental contexts. This comprehensive evidence synthesis indicates the interconnected nature of soil carbon responses to management and environmental change, while establishing quantitative parameters for context-specific interventions. The findings provide support for policy frameworks promoting integrated approaches to soil conservation and climate-smart management strategies, particularly in vulnerable agricultural systems facing multiple environmental stressors.

How to cite: Li, Y., Shurpali, N., Xiang, Y., Zhang, Q., Li, Z., Cui, S., and Chang, S.: Evidence synthesis of soil carbon dynamics: A multi-scale meta-analysis integrating land-use change, conservation practices, and environmental stressors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16123,, 2025.

EGU25-16319 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Organic Fertilizers Application: Impacts on VOCs and Air Quality Implications 

Yang Liu, Florence Lafouge, Anaïs Feron, Céline Decuq, Florent Levavasseur, Benjamin Loubet, and Raluca Ciuraru

Organic fertilization has been gaining increasing attention in recent years due to its significant soil health benefits and its alignment with European environmental and agricultural strategies. A considerable percentage (10.4% in 2022) of agricultural fields across Europe currently incorporate organic fertilizers into their management practices one or two times/year, and this proportion is projected to increase by 25% by 2030. Consequently, the environmental impacts associated with organic fertilization, particularly volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions, which tightly connected with air quality and health risk through their contribution to secondary pollutants, have become a critical area of study but remain poorly understood. To address these concerns, the SOFORA project was established to quantify agricultural gas emissions, including VOCs, nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia (NH₃), ozone (O₃) and particle matters through laboratory measurements and field campaigns. The project also aims to develop robust models to estimate emission levels resulting from the application of various types of organic fertilizers under different agricultural conditions.

During the laboratory measurements conducted as part of the SOFORA project, the dominant VOC profiles and their magnitudes were found to be highly dependent on the specific type of organic fertilizer applied. To investigate these emissions under real-world conditions, eddy covariance techniques and proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) were utilized. Field experiments were carried out in the spring and autumn of 2023 at two agricultural sites in France: a wheat field and a white mustard cover crop field. Both experiments ensured consistent crop field footprints within the measurement zones, enabling reliable data collection and an accurate representation of emission dynamics in agricultural environments.

Field measurements confirmed the short-term but significant release of gases and their potential impact on air quality following organic fertilization. VOC emissions were observed to persist for over seven days post-application for both fertilization types. Approximately 2% of the total applied carbon was estimated to be emitted as VOCs from green waste and digestates, respectively. Peak emission fluxes were approximately 85,000 μg m⁻² h⁻¹ and 53,000 μg m⁻² h⁻¹ for total VOC emissions at noon on the first day after application of green waste and digestates, respectively. VOC emissions were dominated by acetic acid, methanol, and acetaldehyde for green waste applications, and by methanol, isoprene, and acetone for digestates. These compounds are estimated to have a high potential contribution to ground-level ozone and/or aerosol formation.

Volatilisation of organic fertilizers may contribute much more significantly than expected to atmospheric burden, leading to broader environmental impacts such as air quality deterioration and nitrogen deposition. Further high-resolution measurements are needed to refine our understanding of these processes and develop strategies to mitigate potential trade-offs between sustainable soil management and environmental protection.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Lafouge, F., Feron, A., Decuq, C., Levavasseur, F., Loubet, B., and Ciuraru, R.: Organic Fertilizers Application: Impacts on VOCs and Air Quality Implications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16319,, 2025.

EGU25-16508 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

From Fertilizer to Flux: Investigating N2O Emissions in Compacted Cultivation Systems 

Elysia Lewis, Matteo Longo, Sebastiano Rocco, Nicola Dal Ferro, Miguel Cabrera, Barbara Lazzaro, and Francesco Morari

Agricultural soils are a significant source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, primarily driven by denitrification and nitrification pathways. Recently, emissions appeared to be strictly related to soil structure characteristics, which may also play a substantial role in the emission pathways. Among these characteristics, the extent to which soil compaction impacts N2O emissions is still debated. To investigate this, a three-year lysimeter experiment was conducted to assess N2O emissions under five cultivation systems with four replicates each: bare soil (BS), conventional (CV), conventional + cover crop (CC), conservation with shallow soil compaction (0-25 cm, CA1), and conservation with deep soil compaction (25-45 cm, CA2). Maize and grain sorghum were grown as main crops, fertilized using solid digestate (300 kg N ha-1). Continuous automatic measurements of N2O emissions were collected using a non-steady state through-flow chamber system and an FTIR gas analyzer, capturing up to seven flux measurements for each chamber per day. Daily emissions were split into four periods per year. The relative importance of nitrification and denitrification to the flux of N2O was hinted at by concurrently measuring NOx emissions and the water-filled pore space (WFPS) and soil temperature measured in the 0-30 cm profile. Additionally, 280 soil samples per year were collected in the 30-days post-fertilization from 0-5 cm and 5-15 cm depths for pH analysis and monitoring ammonia and nitrate pool dynamics. A mixed-effects model was used to test sub-daily emissions. The most pronounced N2O emissions were observed during the initial two weeks following fertilization, with maximum observed emissions highest in CC (208 g ha-1 d-1) and lowest in CA2 (53 g ha-1 d-1) for 2023. Notably, CA2 consistently exhibited lower cumulative N2O emissions, suggesting a complex interaction between management practices and soil conditions. These findings highlight the importance of soil structure and cultivation system in managing N2O emissions.

How to cite: Lewis, E., Longo, M., Rocco, S., Dal Ferro, N., Cabrera, M., Lazzaro, B., and Morari, F.: From Fertilizer to Flux: Investigating N2O Emissions in Compacted Cultivation Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16508,, 2025.

EGU25-17689 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

The effect of crop establishment system on soil heterotrophic respiration pre- and post-establishment: initial results. 

Keskes Mohamed Islam, Forristal D. Patrick, Lanigan Gary, Schmidt Olaf, and Magdalena Necpalova

Soil heterotrophic respiration is the process by which carbon stored in soil is released into the atmosphere as CO₂ through microbial breakdown of organic matter. This process influences the balance between carbon storage and release, impacting soil carbon levels. Factors such as soil temperature, soil moisture, and the availability of organic material determine CO₂ emissions. Tillage practices alter this soil respiration process by changing soil structure, impacting on airflow, and microbial activity, which influence decomposition rates and CO₂ fluxes. Understanding these interactions is critical for sustainable farming and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from soils. This study explored the effects of different wheat establishment systems: plough (P), minimum tillage (MT), and direct drilling (DD), on the heterotrophic respiration in a long-term plot-scale experiment at Teagasc Oak Park, Ireland. Treatments were replicated four times in a randomized block design on a site where P and MT treatments were in place since 2001, with DD practiced since 2021. Measurements were taken in situ using closed chambers and a portable FTIR gas analyser (Gasmet GT5000 Terra) from September 2024 to the end of December 2024, with plans for continued monitoring beyond this timeframe. For analysis, the experimental timeline was divided into two phases: Period 1 (P1), starting from the 9th of September (following the MT event) and ending on the 10th of October (the ploughing day), and Period 2 (P2), continuing from this point to the last measurement taken in December 2024. Results demonstrated that tillage treatments significantly influenced soil respiration. During P1, MT consistently displayed higher daily CO2 emissions due to soil disturbance and incorporation of crop residues, DD and P did not differ significantly from each other. With lower temperatures in P2, MT sustained a significant greater flux compared to the other treatments, supported by its great soil moisture retention and moderate sensitivity to temperature variations (r = 0.569).  While ploughing at the start of P2 P resulted in a temporary spike in CO₂ fluxes on the P plots, this diminished rapidly. With emissions strongly influenced by temperature variations (r = 0.603), this decline was further driven by a significant drop in air temperature and P's limited soil moisture retention, which may have suppressed microbial activity. This resulted in lower overall soil respiration fluxes from P compared to MT but not significantly different from those of DD in the reported time frame. Cumulative fluxes further emphasized these differences: MT recorded the highest emissions (577.39 kg CO₂-C ha⁻¹), followed by P (470.89 kg CO₂-C ha⁻¹) and DD (394.74 kg CO₂-C ha⁻¹). These findings highlight the varying impacts of tillage practices on soil carbon dynamics driven by an interaction with environmental factors such as soil moisture and temperature.

Keywords: Soil heterotrophic respiration, Tillage practices, Carbon dynamics, Greenhouse gas emissions

How to cite: Mohamed Islam, K., D. Patrick, F., Gary, L., Olaf, S., and Necpalova, M.: The effect of crop establishment system on soil heterotrophic respiration pre- and post-establishment: initial results., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17689,, 2025.

EGU25-18698 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Comparison of miniature mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy analyzers with gas chromatography for the quantification of soil greenhouse gas fluxes using the closed chamber method 

Morten Möller, Wolfgang Aumer, Christian Eckhardt, Carolyn-Monika Görres, Christian Bruns, and Claudia Kammann

Closed chamber measurements are still the most common approach for measuring the exchange of greenhouse gases (GHG) between soils and the atmosphere in terrestrial ecosystems. Closed chambers can either be employed as static (discrete gas sampling with syringes and subsequent gas chromatographic analysis) or as dynamic chambers (in-field connection to a portable gas analyzer for real-time gas concentration measurements). Two well-known advantages of real-time continuous gas measurements at high frequencies (seconds to Hertz) are the reduction of chamber closure periods as well as the substantially lower minimum detectable flux (MDF). During the past two decades, the technological development of portable fast response analyzers has seen tremendous leaps and new manufacturers are emerging on the scene. In our pilot study, we compared the performance of two new mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy analyzers (a MIRA Ultra N2O/CO2 and a MIRA Ultra Mobile LDS: CH4/C2H6 analyzer, Aeris Technologies, USA) with the performance of a gas chromatograph (Bruker Model 450, Bruker Corp., USA) for the quantification of CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes under field conditions in a cropland. For the closed chamber measurements, both analyzers were connected to a single chamber, running in parallel, while simultaneously discrete gas samples were taken with a syringe at six discrete time points throughout the chamber closure times for the subsequent gas chromatographic analysis. Measurements took place at two separate days covering lower and higher soil gas fluxes. Regarding CO₂ fluxes, the results demonstrated a strong agreement between the methods, with minimal deviations for both higher and relatively smaller fluxes (normalized root mean square error, nRMSE < 12.5%). A high level of agreement between the methods was also observed for N₂O fluxes on the first measurement day, when a N₂O pulse occurred (nRMSE < 9.5 %). However, on the second measurement day, the agreement was considerably lower for very small negative fluxes. For CH₄, the agreement between methods was very low (nRMSE < 213.6%). Due to the higher analytical precision of the MIRAs, the MDFs for the closed dynamic chamber measurements were considerably lower compared to the closed static chamber measurements. This enabled the detection of significant fluxes even at very low flux rates which could not be distinguished from the background measurement noise of the closed static chamber method using GC analysis. The discrepancies between the two approaches were foremost restricted to fluxes which were below the closed static chamber MDFs. The presented results will support an informed selection of suitable gas analytical methods for measuring GHG fluxes in the field and help the soil flux research community to keep up with the rapidly developing market of portable fast-response analyzers.


(Wolfgang Aumer and Morten Möller contributed equally to this study and abstract and are considered co-first authors.)

How to cite: Möller, M., Aumer, W., Eckhardt, C., Görres, C.-M., Bruns, C., and Kammann, C.: Comparison of miniature mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy analyzers with gas chromatography for the quantification of soil greenhouse gas fluxes using the closed chamber method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18698,, 2025.

EGU25-18962 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

A 2.5-Year Eddy Covariance Study of Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Winter Barley, Sugar Beet and Winter Wheat: Responses to Environmental and Management Factors 

Paulina Englert, Christian Markwitz, Mubaraq Olarewaju Abdulwahab, Nicholas Cowan, Nina Buchmann, Alexander Knohl, Stefan Siebert, and Ana Meijide

Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes exhibit a high temporal and spatial variability, making their accurate quantification challenging. Recently, the eddy covariance (EC) technique has become available for N2O measurements, providing non-intrusive spatially integrated flux data at high temporal resolution (half-hourly fluxes from 10 Hz raw data), which can give valuable insights in the underlying drivers when combined with ancillary measurements.

Since April 2022, we measure N2O fluxes by EC using a fast response closed-path N2O analyzer (Los Gatos Research, San Jose, USA) in an agricultural field in central Germany (51.49° N, 9.93° E; Reinshof, DE-Rns). The crop sequence during the study period was winter barley - white mustard (as cover crop) - sugar beet - winter wheat. Additionally, net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide, ancillary meteorological and soil variables as well as plant performance were measured at the EC tower and crop management was recorded.

The N2O flux measurements over the 2.5 years showed a large temporal variability across seasonal conditions and management activities. Ten particularly large N2O emission peaks with fluxes higher than 120 and up to 950 μg N2O-N m-2 h-1 that last around three days were detected. Those peaks were induced by nitrogen (N) fertilization, rainfall, freeze-thawing or tillage events in the field. From April 2022 to September 2024, we observed cumulative N2O emissions of 3.57 kg N2O-N ha-1 and calculated an emission factor of 0.89% of applied N. We estimated that 23.4% of the cumulative N2O emissions were induced by three rainfall events and one freeze-thawing event, and were thus not directly associated with fertilizer application, while 32.2% occurred within three weeks after N fertilizations. Beside the N2O emission peaks, we observed periods with N2O uptake in 2023 and 2024 when plants showed their highest leaf area index.

This data set, providing several years of N2O fluxes at half-hourly resolution, can help us to better constraint N2O budgets of crop cultivation. Improving our understanding about the interactions of management practices and environmental conditions that lead to higher N2O emissions can help developing strategies for mitigation of N2O emissions.

How to cite: Englert, P., Markwitz, C., Abdulwahab, M. O., Cowan, N., Buchmann, N., Knohl, A., Siebert, S., and Meijide, A.: A 2.5-Year Eddy Covariance Study of Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in Winter Barley, Sugar Beet and Winter Wheat: Responses to Environmental and Management Factors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18962,, 2025.

EGU25-19451 | ECS | Posters on site | BG3.36

Improving the temporal variability of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions for Germany 

Matteo Urzí, Sabine Banzhaf, Richard Kranenburg, Xinrui Ge, Ilona Jäkel, Markus Thürkow, Hannah Jonas, and Martijn Schaap

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO₂) and methane (CH₄) from human activities, are the primary drivers of global warming. Additionally, methane contributes to ozone formation and therefore contributes to air pollution, posing risk to human health. Agriculture is a significant contributor to the global GHG emissions, with methane primarily emitted through enteric fermentation in livestock and manure management practices, while carbon dioxide largely arises from the use of machinery in various land management operations. Hence, to better understand and represent the intra - annual variability of GHG emissions within the agricultural sector, it is crucial to obtain spatial and temporal information about all contributing activities.

Within the ARTEMIS project we are further developing and refining a dynamic emission model to capture the spatio-temporal variability of anthropogenic GHG and air pollutant emissions in Germany and its surroundings. Inside the emission model the spatial allocator estimates the total yearly emissions with the gridded GHG emission inventory of TNO - CAMS for Europe and UBA - GRETA for Germany.

To account for temporal variability, different agricultural emission activities are parameterized individually. The temporal emission distribution for machinery use during land management operations gets estimated by deriving the emission timings from phenology observation data from the German Weather Service as well as using remote sensed phenology data from the COPERNICUS project. Additionally we incorporate an agricultural timer (Ge et al. 2020, 2022) developed to estimate the start of the growing season, which allows us to derive key dates such as sowing and manure application. The temporal variability of methane emissions from enteric fermentation are parameterized using literature-based emission factors linked to livestock feed intake and animal population data from national statistical agencies.

These emission datasets were integrated into a LOTOS-EUROS model simulation to demonstrate their added value. The comparison using the new dynamic emission model indicated an improved representation of intra-annual GHG concentration variability. Furthermore also the depiction of the diurnal concentration cycle showed a better alignment with measured concentrations. Additionally, evaluation against ICOS tall tower measurements revealed improvements in correlation (up to 0.06) and reductions in root mean squared error (up to 15%) between modeled and observed concentrations at nearly all stations. These findings highlight the importance of disentangling the agricultural GHG emissions into seperate subsectors, enabling a more accurate depiction of temporal variability in anthropogenic emissions. We conclude that further improving the spatio-temporal emission information should be extended on other sectors such as the industry and energy, the road traffic or the landfills as well.

How to cite: Urzí, M., Banzhaf, S., Kranenburg, R., Ge, X., Jäkel, I., Thürkow, M., Jonas, H., and Schaap, M.: Improving the temporal variability of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions for Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19451,, 2025.

EGU25-20008 | ECS | Orals | BG3.36

Global Grassland Productivity Over Two Decades: 30m Bimonthly and Annual Gross Primary Productivity through Light Use Efficiency Modeling 

Mustafa Serkan Isik, Leandro Parente, Davide Consoli, Lindsey Sloat, Vinicius Mesquita, Laerte Guimaraes Ferreira, Radost Stanimirova, Nathália Teles, and Tomislav Hengl

This study presents a high-resolution mapping framework for estimating GPP in grasslands over the period 2000-2022 at a spatial resolution of 30 meters. The GPP values are derived utilizing a Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model using 30-m Landsat reconstructed images coupled with 1-km MOD11A1 temperature data and 1-degree CERES Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR). To implement the LUE model, we used the biome-specific productivity factor (maximum LUE parameter) as a global constant. This resulted in a productivity map that did not require specific land cover maps as inputs, allowing data users to calibrate GPP values accordingly to specific biomes/regions of interest. We then derived GPP maps for global grassland ecosystems based on maps produced by the Global Pasture Watch research consortium and calibrated the GPP values using the maximum LUE factor of 0.86 gCm−2d−1 MJ-1. Nearly 500 eddy covariance flux towers were used for validating the GPP estimates, resulting in R2 between 0.48-0.71 and RMSE below 2.3 gCm−2d−1 considering all land cover classes. The final time-series of maps (uncalibrated and grassland GPP) will be available as bimonthly and annual periods in Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (23 TB in size) as open data (CC-BY license). Users will be able to access the maps using the SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog ( and Google Earth Engine upon publication. In the meantime, beta versions of the product can be accessed through the Global Pasture Watch Early Access data program ( This dataset is the first global GPP time-series map with a spatial resolution of 30 m covering a 23 year period to our knowledge.

How to cite: Isik, M. S., Parente, L., Consoli, D., Sloat, L., Mesquita, V., Ferreira, L. G., Stanimirova, R., Teles, N., and Hengl, T.: Global Grassland Productivity Over Two Decades: 30m Bimonthly and Annual Gross Primary Productivity through Light Use Efficiency Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20008,, 2025.

EGU25-20546 | Orals | BG3.36

Multi-year GHG flux measurements from grasslands on boreal mineral and drained organic soils 

Narasinha Shurpali, Olli Peltola, Yuan Li, Janne Rinne, and Perttu Virkajärvi

Managed grasslands are valuable from the viewpoint of the various ecosystem services they provide. They not only provide nutritious feed for the dairy cows and benefit a fertile soil but are also considered to have the potential to play a key role in greenhouse gas mitigation, particularly in terms of carbon sequestration. While grasslands on mineral soils vary anywhere from being a small sink to a source of GHGs, drained organic soils used for agriculture are a huge source of GHG emissions with net positive feedback to climate change. Continuous, year-round GHG flux measurements are therefore, necessary to assess the sustainability of dairy and beef sector under different agroclimatic conditions and soil types. These continuous fluxes represent all management practices such as fertilizer application, biomass harvesting, water table manipulation on organic soils and tillage operations and prevailing climatic conditions. We aim to present eddy covariance measured complete GHG balance of legume and nonlegume grasslands on mineral and drained organic soils under boreal conditions.

How to cite: Shurpali, N., Peltola, O., Li, Y., Rinne, J., and Virkajärvi, P.: Multi-year GHG flux measurements from grasslands on boreal mineral and drained organic soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20546,, 2025.

EGU25-294 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Enhancing Forest Change Detection Using Self-Supervised Learning with Multi-Source EO Data 

Ridvan Kuzu, Antony Zappacosta, Oleg Antropov, and Octavian Dumitru

This study presents advancements in forest change detection by leveraging self-supervised learning (SSL) methods with multi-source and multi-temporal Earth Observation (EO) data. Transitioning from traditional bi-temporal approaches, the developed methodology incorporates multi-temporal analysis and multimodal data fusion using Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and PALSAR-2 imagery. Key innovations include mapping the magnitude of forest changes rather than binary classifications, enabling nuanced assessment of disturbance severity.

Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SSL-pretrained backbones, such as ResNet architectures, in extracting features for change detection. The integration of multi-temporal Sentinel-1 time series further improved the reliability and accuracy of disturbance tracking over time. These advancements show the potential of SSL to enhance forest change monitoring, providing scalable solutions for continuous and precise assessment of forest dynamics.

How to cite: Kuzu, R., Zappacosta, A., Antropov, O., and Dumitru, O.: Enhancing Forest Change Detection Using Self-Supervised Learning with Multi-Source EO Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-294,, 2025.

Forest fragmentation disrupts habitat continuity, reshapes ecosystem processes, and threatens biodiversity. Effective conservation efforts in fragmented landscapes rely on precise monitoring of these changes. This study leverages remote sensing through vegetation indices to evaluate forest health and detect fragmentation-induced alterations over time. Focusing on the Tuchola Forest in Poland, an area increasingly affected by windstorms, we analyzed Sentinel-2 imagery from 2016 to 2024 using 19 vegetation indices. Machine learning classifiers—Extra Trees, Random Forest, and LightGBM—were employed to assess which indices best capture fragmentation stress. The Extra Trees classifier outperformed the others in accuracy and generalization, identifying NDWI and GNDVI as the most effective indicators. These indices were particularly responsive to shifts in vegetation water content and canopy density linked to fragmentation. Our findings underscore the utility of targeted vegetation indices for precise ecological monitoring and inform conservation strategies in fragmented forests.

How to cite: Dutt, S. and Kunz, M.: Uncovering Fragmentation Patterns: Optimal Vegetation Indices for Monitoring the Tuchola Forest Ecosystem, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-353,, 2025.

EGU25-670 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Integrating High-Resolution Thermal Mapping and Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis for Climate Resilience in Urban, Peri-Urban and Rural Areas 

Naji El Beyrouthy, Mario Al Sayah, Rita Der Sarkissian, and Rachid Nedjai

Monitoring urban, peri-urban, and rural temperatures, along with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is crucial for understanding local climate dynamics, especially in rapidly urbanizing areas. This study leverages advanced remote sensing techniques and environmental analysis to enhance high-resolution Land Surface Temperature (LST) mapping. It further investigates the relationship between LST and methane (CH₄) emissions - a significant driver of climate change - and their combined impact on Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects.

Leveraging multispectral atmospherically corrected imagery from LANDSAT 8-9 and SENTINEL-2 satellites, spectral harmonization techniques and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based super-resolution models were applied to improve the spatial resolution and accuracy of LST calculation. These methods are further refined through the integration of key environmental indices, including soil characteristics, land cover, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI), and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI), which capture land use characteristics and their impact on thermal variations. The resultant LST at 1m was statistically validated against meteorological datasets by calculating Root Mean Squared Error and Mean Absolute Error, showing errors consistently below 2°C, with 75% of the values within 1°C. Making use of the accurate LST readings, air temperature (Ta) was derived using polynomial regression models, ultimately resulting in LST-derived air temperature maps with R² values exceeding 0.75.

Building upon this high-resolution thermal mapping, the study examines how agricultural zones are influenced by urban thermal dynamics exacerbated by GHG emissions creating a negative feedback loop where increased temperatures further impact agricultural practices and lead to additional GHG emissions. Seasonal and phenological variations in CH₄ emissions from major crops cultivated in the Loiret region including wheat, were analyzed. Results reveal that land use, crop phenology and soil characteristics significantly modulate LST, influencing both the intensity and distribution of urban heat anomalies. Moreover, the thermal contributions of these areas are analyzed within the context of their dual role. On one hand, these areas can act as potential moderators of UHIs by providing vegetative cover and cooling effects. On the other hand, they contribute to regional methane fluxes due to agricultural practices. This dual role highlights the complexity of peri-urban and rural zones, as they can simultaneously alleviate and exacerbate environmental challenges.

The presented framework can be considered as a contribution to bridging the gap between remote sensing advancements and climate science by providing actionable insights into the interactions between urban and rural thermal dynamics. The methodology not only offers a scalable approach for improving LST and Ta monitoring in data-sparse regions but also highlights the implications of land management practices for mitigating urban heat and reducing GHG emissions. By combining cutting-edge data processing techniques with environmental analysis, the study underscores the importance of integrating thermal mapping with greenhouse gas emission assessments to inform sustainable planning and climate adaptation strategies. In conclusion, this study contributes to the broader understanding of urban-rural thermal interdependencies and their role in shaping regional climate resilience, while also aiming to develop a new approach that leverages remote sensing to GHG emissions across wide areas.

How to cite: El Beyrouthy, N., Al Sayah, M., Der Sarkissian, R., and Nedjai, R.: Integrating High-Resolution Thermal Mapping and Greenhouse Gas Emission Analysis for Climate Resilience in Urban, Peri-Urban and Rural Areas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-670,, 2025.

EGU25-1883 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Development of a Remote Crop Quality Sensor: Advancing Carotenoid Assessment with Raman Spectroscopy 

Miri Park, Annette Somborn, Dennis Schlehuber, and Volkmar Keuter

The accurate evaluation of crop quality is vital for sustainable agriculture and optimized production. Raman spectroscopy, renowned for its insensitivity to water interference and its ability to deliver molecular-specific information, presents significant potential as a remote sensing technology. This study explores the feasibility of adapting advanced Raman spectroscopy as a remote crop quality sensor for the precise assessment of carotenoids. Carotenoids were chosen due to their dual role as key stress indicators in crops and their well-established antioxidant benefits for human health.

To explore carotenoid variability, Arabidopsis thaliana and Spinacia oleracea were analyzed. Raman spectroscopy measurements were performed on two leaves per plant using a 785 nm laser. For the carotenoid quantification, Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) was adapted. The spectra were processed through smoothing, background removal, and normalization, followed by modification with an amplifying factor. This study evaluated the impact of these processing methods, particularly the application of the amplifying factor, on the accuracy of the model. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was employed as the reference method for validation. Three-quarters of the samples were used to construct the model, while the remaining one-quarter was reserved for validation. As a result, the model utilizing spectra modified with the amplifying factor in most cases achieved higher validation accuracy compared to models based on unmodified spectra.

This study introduces a novel Raman spectroscopy-based remote sensing approach for crop quality assessment, establishing an enhanced model for interpreting spectral data. By enabling precise detection of stress-induced changes in plant chemical composition, including carotenoids, this technique paves the way for scalable, real-time monitoring through Raman-equipped machinery or drones, advancing sustainable agriculture practices.

How to cite: Park, M., Somborn, A., Schlehuber, D., and Keuter, V.: Development of a Remote Crop Quality Sensor: Advancing Carotenoid Assessment with Raman Spectroscopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1883,, 2025.

EGU25-1993 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Leveraging Satellite Earth Observation for Detecting Bloom Shifts and Phenological Patterns in California’s Almond Orchards 

Tarin Paz-Kagan, Oren Lauterman, Fadi Kizel, Maciej A. Zwieniecki2, Jessica Orozco, and Or Sperling

Given the impact of climate change on deciduous crop yields, our research focuses on leveraging earth observation remote sensing to accurately detect flowering periods in almond orchards and evaluate a climate-based dormancy model for predicting flowering times. This study addresses the challenge of monitoring almond flowering phenology by employing automated crop mapping techniques to support phenology monitoring across California's Central Valley. Using Sentinel-2 (S2) multispectral satellite imagery, we compare its effectiveness with the carbohydrate-temperature (C-T) dormancy model. The study area encompasses approximately 30,000 almond orchards, precisely identified using the Almond Industry Map. We utilized time-series analyses of the Enhanced Bloom Index (EBI) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) to quantify bloom periods and intensity and determine peak bloom times. Leveraging around 4,000 S2 tiles, enhanced vegetation indices, and in situ time-lapse camera data collected from 2019 to 2022, we developed a robust methodology for accurately identifying peak bloom periods. This process created a comprehensive phenological dataset, which was standardized and interpolated to daily resolution for improved time-series analysis. Our approach achieved a mean absolute error (MAE) of just 1.9 days in detecting peak bloom, demonstrating the accuracy of satellite-based phenological monitoring. This underscores both the advantages and limitations of remote sensing technologies in agricultural phenology. The dataset was then used to validate projections from the climate-based carbohydrate-temperature (C-T) dormancy model, offering valuable insights and supporting the refinement of this mechanistic approach. The study revealed significant spatial and temporal patterns in flowering phenology, emphasizing the role of regional climatic conditions in influencing crop development. Results highlight the potential of remote sensing and satellite imagery to detect the start, peak, and end of bloom in almond orchards with high precision, generate valuable phenological datasets, monitor patterns at both regional and field scales, and assess the reliability of dormancy models. This research has critical implications for improving agricultural practices and supporting decision-making in the almond industry. By advancing phenological monitoring techniques, our study presents a scalable and innovative approach to managing perennial crops in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Paz-Kagan, T., Lauterman, O., Kizel, F., Zwieniecki2, M. A., Orozco, J., and Sperling, O.: Leveraging Satellite Earth Observation for Detecting Bloom Shifts and Phenological Patterns in California’s Almond Orchards, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1993,, 2025.

Selecting the appropriate unmanned aerial vehicle flight height is beneficial for increasing the monitoring efficiency. We firstly used an unmanned aerial vehicle to explore the scale effect on monitoring rice aboveground biomass. The results confirmed the feasibility of using vegetation indices and textures from hyperspectral images to improve the estimations at different spatial resolutions. The monitoring accuracy of combining vegetation indices and textures was the highest, and exhibited a decreasing trend as the spatial resolution decreased with the greatest accuracy appearing at 13 cm. Two new concepts were proposed: “appropriate monitoring scale domain” to define the range of spatial resolution where the monitoring accuracy was less affected by scale effect, and “appropriate monitoring scale threshold” to define the spatial resolution where accuracy dropped noticeably. The appropriate monitoring scale domains varied at different growth stages and the appropriate monitoring scale thresholds of using vegetation indices and textures were lower than those using textures: 39 cm, 52 cm, and 65 cm at the pre-heading, post-heading, and entire growth stages, respectively when using textures, and 52 cm, 65 cm, and 78 cm at the corresponding growth stages when combining vegetation indices and textures. In terms of aboveground biomass level, growth stage and error value, the relatively lower aboveground biomass levels, earlier growth stages of the multi-temporal models, and overestimations were more likely to yield notable accuracy changes when the spatial resolution converted to lower level on both sides of appropriate monitoring scale threshold. Vegetation indices containing red-edge or near-infrared bands were effective for estimation. Yellow/green band textures and vegetation indices containing green bands with near-infrared/red-edge bands also obtained inspiring performances. MEA was indispensable in estimation while more diverse textures were incorporated into the models of the entire growth stages and models established at lower spatial resolutions. These findings are essential for understanding the scale effect in estimating rice aboveground biomass, facilitating efficient monitoring at field scale.

How to cite: Xu, T., Wang, F., and Shi, Z.: Multi-scale monitoring of rice aboveground biomass by combining spectral and textural information from UAV hyperspectral images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2093,, 2025.

EGU25-2120 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

A new framework for mapping time series rubber plantation in Southeast Asia 

Yaoliang Chen and Hongfeng Xu

Accurate yield estimation and appropriate planting management policies for rubber plantations require their precise information on spatiotemporal change data. Previous studies on mapping of rubber plantations did not employ the dynamic rubber phenology features and had difficulty in obtaining historical samples. Here we attempted to develop a new mapping framework through taking historical sample migration, dynamic phenology, and change detection variables into the classification procedure. An automatic sample migration algorithm was first proposed to generate historical samples. Then, two new variable types, dynamic phenology indices and change detection variables, were developed. Another four commonly used variable types -spectral bands, yearly composite spectral indices, terrains, and textures were also extracted. Five combinations of variable types were designed to explore key variable types. Subsequently, the framework with recommended variable types was applied at an experimental site in China and was finally evaluated to two test sites in Myanmar and Thailand for examining its transferability. Results showed that the average overall accuracy of historically migrated samples reached over 97% at the experimental site. Dynamic phenology indices and change detection variables were found as two crucial variable types for rubber plantations mapping. The average rubber plantations mapping accuracy during 2003-2022 reached 93.68%. Transferring the proposed framework to two test sites confirmed the independent roles of change detection variables and dynamic phenology indices. Their average rubber plantations mapping accuracy during 2003-2022 reached 94.34% and 93.73%, respectively. Good spatial consistency between the classified maps and Google Earth images was observed, displaying clear boundaries between rubber plantations and farmland, evergreen broadleaf forest, and shrub. Overall, the proposed framework has great potential for time series rubber plantations mapping in Southeast Asia.

How to cite: Chen, Y. and Xu, H.: A new framework for mapping time series rubber plantation in Southeast Asia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2120,, 2025.

The snow cover occurrence index (SCOI), deffned as the ratio of the number of times that a pixel is classiffed as snow to the number of times that the pixel is observed in optical remote sensing data over a given year, can effectively mitigate the inffuence of clouds and holds great potential for extracting the annual snow duration and glacier extent in mountainous regions. The SCOI of the Qinghai–Tibet plateau (QTP) is calculated and analyzed on the basis of Landsat images from 1985 to 2021. The results indicate the following: 1) the evaluation based on station snow depth reveals that the SCOI is stable when the number of combined years reaches 5; 2) the SCOI has a strong correlation with snow cover days (SCD) determined from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) snow cover products; and 3) the SCOI has good potential for glacier extraction and exhibits a high level of consistency with glacier boundary survey data. Overall, owing to the higher spatial resolution and longer duration of the Landsat-based SCOI, it can accurately describe the distribution characteristics and changes in snow cover and glaciers in complex mountainous areas. 

How to cite: Wang, X.: A Novel Snow Cover Occurrence Index (SCOI) for the Dynamics of Snow Duration and Glacier Extent in Mountainous Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2205,, 2025.

EGU25-2520 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Linking Citrus Fruit Cracking Intensity to Plant Water Status: Insights from UAV-Derived Metrics Validated by Ground-Based Data 

Moshe (Vladislav) Dubinin, Michael Morozov, Avi Sadka, and Tarin Paz-Kagan

Citrus fruit cracking, a physical failure of the peel, causes yield losses of 10% to 35%, peaking during October-November. Water status of the tree and water flow into the fruit influence this phenomenon. with excessive irrigation during critical fruit development stages exacerbates cracking. As part of the EU-Horizon CrackSense project, this study is aimed to link citrus tree plant water status (PWS) to fruit cracking, emphasizing how deficit irrigation can reduce yield loss due to cracking. Using UAV and eco-physiological measurements, we developed models to predict PWS and its relationship with cracking intensity early in the season. The study, conducted in 2023-2024 in a commercial orchard near Kfar Chabad, Israel, tested four irrigation treatments: control, defined as the standard irrigation, two deficits irrigations regimes (50% of control) early and late in the season, and excessive irrigation (150% of control) throughout the season. Ground-based measurements included fruit and trunk diameter, stem water potential (SWP), stomatal conductance, plant area index (PAI), and growth rate (TG). UAV flights integrated multispectral, thermal, and LiDAR sensors to capture spatial-temporal variability in PWS. Canopy metrics, such as height, volume, LiDAR-based PAI, and spectral and thermal indices, were incorporated into PWS models. Results revealed significant differences in TG, SWP, and stomatal conductance for 50% of early and late deficit irrigation treatments compared to other treatments. Random forest models demonstrated strong predictive performance for SWP (R² > 0.77) and TG (R² > 0.76). LiDAR-derived PA correlated highly with field optical measurements (R² = 0.92), yield (R² = 0.67), and cracked fruit percentages (R² > 0.50). This study underscores the importance of precise irrigation management in reducing fruit cracking. It highlights the potential of remote sensing systems for predicting cracking and managing water status at the tree level. The developed models equip farmers with tools to apply controlled water stress, minimizing cracking and improving yield.

How to cite: Dubinin, M. (., Morozov, M., Sadka, A., and Paz-Kagan, T.: Linking Citrus Fruit Cracking Intensity to Plant Water Status: Insights from UAV-Derived Metrics Validated by Ground-Based Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2520,, 2025.

EGU25-2532 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Cross-Year Crop Mapping with Thermal Calendar from Optical Satellite Image Time Series 

Mehmet Ozgur Turkoglu and Helge Aasen

Traditional approaches for crop type classification from optical satellite images typically evaluate algorithms using training and test datasets from the same year and based on calendar days. However, this experimental setup is not practical for real-world applications due to (i) year-to-year variations in crop growth caused by climate, which limit generalization, and (ii) the inability to apply a model to the current year if trained on current-year data. This work addresses these challenges by introducing a cross-year experimental setting and incorporating thermal calendars into our deep learning model. Specifically, we train an attention-based deep learning model on the 2021 Swiss crop dataset, validate it in 2022, and test it in 2023. Thermal calendars, derived from accumulated daily average temperatures, align crop growth with thermal time instead of calendar time, addressing temporal shifts caused by climatic variations. Our results demonstrate that integrating thermal calendars improves performance compared to baseline using standard calendar encodings, achieving better generalization across years and showcasing the potential for large-scale operational crop classification.

How to cite: Turkoglu, M. O. and Aasen, H.: Cross-Year Crop Mapping with Thermal Calendar from Optical Satellite Image Time Series, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2532,, 2025.

EGU25-2602 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

LiDAR-based indices and machine learning efforts to model biophysical estimations of corn (Zea mays L.) 

K. Colton Flynn, Gurjinder Baath, Bala Ram Sapkota, and Douglas R. Smith

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in precision agriculture is gaining traction as the technology becomes both accessible and affordable, particularly for assessing biophysical characteristics of vegetation. This study investigates the potential of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based LiDAR data for modeling Leaf Area Index (LAI), a key indicator of crop health and productivity. We explore laser penetration indices to model LAI and compare these results with machine learning models using various LiDAR return types (e.g., ground, vegetation, first, last). In both approaches, in-situ LAI measurements obtained with a LiCOR LAI-2000 were used as ground truth. The study was conducted over two years with a multi-date planting of corn (Zea mays L.) in Temple, TX. Our findings indicate that LiDAR-based methods, both through penetration indices and machine learning, hold promise for accurately modeling LAI and other biophysical crop traits in precision agriculture.

How to cite: Flynn, K. C., Baath, G., Sapkota, B. R., and Smith, D. R.: LiDAR-based indices and machine learning efforts to model biophysical estimations of corn (Zea mays L.), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2602,, 2025.

Bananas are the tropical fruit with the largest global cultivation area, sales volume, and 
international trade. China is the world's second-largest producer and consumer of bananas. 
Rapid and accurate acquisition of banana planting range and spatial distribution information 
is crucial for promoting the sustainable development of the banana industry in China. 
Currently, research on banana classification and identification faces challenges such as 
insufficient mechanistic understanding, poor generalizability, and difficulties in large-scale 
application. Additionally, banana cultivation areas are often located in regions with cloudy 
and rainy climates, limiting the acquisition of optical imagery. To address this, this study 
constructs a banana identification model based on phenological characteristics: (1) Sentinel
1/2 imagery is utilized to obtain time series curves of banana spectral and scattering features, 
followed by interpolation and filtering of the time series data; (2)A phenological index based 
on optical and scattering features is developed according to banana phenological 
characteristics. By combining SAR with the index, the model's mechanistic understanding is 
enhanced while alleviating the challenges posed by cloud cover in tropical and subtropical 
regions; (3)Using the constructed phenological index alongside banana spectral, texture, and 
temporal features, a classification model is trained for banana identification in the study area. 
This banana forest identification model and the developed phenological index aim to resolve 
current issues in banana classification and provide theoretical and practical support for large
scale banana extraction and the study of tropical and subtropical economic crops.

How to cite: wang, Z.: Banana plantation identification using remote sensing data in tropical and subtropical regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2709,, 2025.

EGU25-4248 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Characterisation and Calibration of Low-Cost IoT Monitoring Systems for Extreme Environmental Conditions  

Laura Mihai, Cristina Toma, Razvan Mihalcea, Karolina Sakowska, Loris Vescovo, Luca Belelli Marchesini, Valerio Coppola, Francesco Renzi, and Riccardo Valentini

Monitoring forests in hard-to-reach locations and under extreme climatic conditions requires reliable, long-term data collection systems. Low-cost devices are increasingly being developed for this purpose; however, deploying these systems without thorough characterisation and calibration can compromise data quality. This work emphasises the importance of fully characterising and calibrating such systems prior to installation to ensure accuracy and reliability over extended periods. This study was conducted as part of the RemoTrees project, which aims to develop a unique IoT tree monitoring system equipped with satellite communication and designed to withstand extreme environmental conditions. A set of the alpha version prototypes, developed within the project, was evaluated in this work. The evaluation focused mainly on a set of low-cost environmental monitoring devices equipped with radiometric sensors measurements. The key performance parameters were assessed, including signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), irradiance sensor detector nonlinearity, sensitivity to temperature variations, and angular response influenced by the diffusive optics. Each parameter was analysed to determine system performance under close to real-world conditions, using both laboratory and in situ validation setups. Key findings revealed that without proper optics used the accuracy of irradiance measurements are significantly influenced. Improvements on the system design and on calibration procedures were implemented to address these issues, improving the overall accuracy and stability of the systems. By addressing these challenges, the systems demonstrated enhanced robustness and suitability for long-term environmental monitoring in extreme conditions. This study underscores the necessity of rigorous pre-deployment testing and calibration for low-cost monitoring devices, particularly when deployed in challenging environments. The findings contribute to advancing the development and deployment of cost-effective technologies for environmental monitoring, enabling more sustainable and accessible data collection practices in forests under extreme climatic conditions.

How to cite: Mihai, L., Toma, C., Mihalcea, R., Sakowska, K., Vescovo, L., Marchesini, L. B., Coppola, V., Renzi, F., and Valentini, R.: Characterisation and Calibration of Low-Cost IoT Monitoring Systems for Extreme Environmental Conditions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4248,, 2025.

EGU25-4513 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

A Machine Learning-based Surrogate Model for Optimization of Cropping Systems in Denmark 

Meshach Ojo Aderele, Edwin Haas, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, and Jaber Rahimi

Process-based agricultural system models (PBMs) are pivotal tools for evaluating the environmental impacts of agricultural practices. However, their large-scale application is constrained by significant computational demands, extensive time requirements, and data availability. These challenges hinder policymakers and land managers in implementing sustainable agricultural practices at scales meaningful for decision-making. Recent advancements in machine learning (ML) offer a promising solution by providing computationally efficient alternatives, yet the lack of interpretability regarding agro-environmental processes remains a critical barrier.

In this study, we address this challenge by developing a machine learning-based surrogate model for LandscapeDNDC (LDNDC) framework. The surrogate model predicts key agro-environmental variables, including yield, nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, nitrate leaching (NO3-), and soil organic carbon (SOC), at a national scale for Denmark. Synthetic data were generated using a factorial design based on observed crop practices in Denmark, utilizing field-level data collected across six Danish catchments between 2013 and 2019 as part of the National Monitoring Program for Water Environment and Nature (NOVANA; LOOP-program). This approach incorporated crop rotations as well as spatially disaggregated information on soils and weather, resulting in a dataset comprising approximately 2 billion rows. To enhance the dataset's versatility and account for potential future scenarios, factors like manure amount and synthetic fertilizer amount were extrapolated beyond its current observed ranges. The synthetic dataset was subsequently simulated using the LDNDC modelling framework, and the resulting outputs were employed to train a variety of machine learning algorithms utilizing multi-task learning, optimizing predictions for multiple agro-environmental variables of interest.

Our results demonstrate that the ML-based surrogate model not only significantly reduces computational cost and processing time but also enables the exploration of multiple cropping scenarios with greater efficiency. This approach facilitates rapid scenario testing and optimization, making it accessible to policymakers and farmers without the constraints imposed by traditional PBM frameworks. We propose this methodology as a scalable and practical tool for advancing sustainable agricultural decision-making.

How to cite: Aderele, M. O., Haas, E., Butterbach-Bahl, K., and Rahimi, J.: A Machine Learning-based Surrogate Model for Optimization of Cropping Systems in Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4513,, 2025.

EGU25-4726 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Combining geometric-optical and spectral invariants theories for modeling canopy fluorescence anisotropy 

Yachang He, Yelu Zeng, and Dalei Hao

The spectral invariants theory (p-theory) has received much attention in the field of quantitative remote sensing over the past few decades and has been adopted for modeling of canopy solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF). However, the spectral invariant properties (SIP) in simple analytical formulas have not been applied for modeling canopy fluorescence anisotropy primarily because they are parameterized in terms of leaf total emissions and scatterings, which precludes the differentiation between forward and backward leaf SIF emissions. In this study, we have developed the canopy-SIP SIF model by combining geometric-optical (GO) theory to account for asymmetric leaf SIF forward and backward emissions at the first-order scattering and by modeling multiple scattering based on the p-theory, thus avoiding the dependence on radiative transfer models. The applicability of the model simulations especially over 3D heterogeneous canopies was improved by incorporating canopy structure through multi-angular clumping index, and by modeling single scattering from the four components of the scene in view according to the GO approach. The results show good consistency with both the state-of-the-art SIF models and multi-angular field SIF observations over grass and chickpea canopies. The coefficient of determination (R²) between the simulated SIF and field measurements was 0.75 (red) and 0.74 (far-red) for chickpea, and 0.65 (both red and far-red) for grass. The average relative error was approximately 3% for 1D homogeneous scenes when comparing the canopy-SIP SIF model simulations to the SCOPE model simulations, and around 4% for the 3D heterogeneous scene when comparing to the LESS model simulations. The results indicate that the proposed approach for separating asymmetric leaf SIF emissions is a robust way to keep a balance between satisfactory simulation accuracy and efficiency. Model simulations suggest that neglecting the leaf SIF asymmetry can lead to an underestimation of canopy red SIF by 16.1% to 43.4% for various canopy structures. This study presents a simple but efficient analytical approach for canopy fluorescence modeling, with potential for large-scale canopy fluorescence simulations.

How to cite: He, Y., Zeng, Y., and Hao, D.: Combining geometric-optical and spectral invariants theories for modeling canopy fluorescence anisotropy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4726,, 2025.

EGU25-4910 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Mapping 10-m monoculture and intercropped maize of Kenya with phenology knowledge and Sentinel-2 data 

Yang Chen, Lijun Zuo, Xianhu Wei, Xiao Wang, and Jinyong Xu

In East Africa, lack of agriculture inputs and unstable climates lead to 50% yield gaps, making intercropping—the planting of more than one crop in the same parcel of land—a common agricultural management practice among smallholder farmers to improve land-use efficiency and reduce risks. In Kenya, where maize is the staple food, maize is often intercropped with beans, legumes, and potatoes. Despite its widespread, agricultural statistics on intercropping are currently sparse, and remote sensing approaches for large-scale crop monocultures are often unsuitable for intercropping monitoring. Mapping intercropping at national scale is extremely challenging because of heterogeneous landscapes, lack of cloud-free satellite imagery, and the scarcity of high-quality ground-based situ data in these regions. This study addressed these challenges using a phenology-assisted automated mapping framework on Google Earth Engine (GEE) to create 10m-resolution maps of monoculture and intercropped maize across Kenya for the long and short rainy seasons of 2023.
First, we computed 10-day median composites of Sentinel-2 optical reflectance data for each pixel in the region to build monoculture/intercropped/non-maize Random Forest (RF) classifiers. Several thousand crop ground labels were collected during field surveys in 2023, including monoculture maize (mono-maize), intercropped maize (in-maize), and other crops (e.g., wheat, rice, coffee, tea, sugarcane, potatoes, beans, etc.). To address the limited availability of intercropped maize samples, a novel phenology-based approach was implemented. Maize was first differentiated from other crops by analyzing TCARI and OSAVI during the vegetative phase and ARI during maturity. Additionally, lower greenness and moisture levels in intercropped systems, which have larger planting width and more short-term crops, were detected using the SWIR1/NDVI ratio, effectively distinguishing mono-maize from in-maize. Automatically derived monoculture/intercropped maize samples and 40% of ground samples were used for training, while the remaining ground data were used for accuracy assessment. 
For the long rainy season, the overall accuracy (OA) was 0.88, with an F1-score of 0.87 for mono-maize and 0.78 for in-maize. For the short rainy season, OA dropped to 0.85, with F1-scores of 0.82 for mono-maize and 0.72 for in-maize. Misclassification primarily arose from phenological similarities between mono-maize and in-maize and increased planting of other crops with similar patterns during the short rainy season. Results revealed that 854,432 hectares of mono-maize were concentrated in the Western region and Rift Valley plateau during the long rainy season, while 1,061,701 hectares of in-maize were widely distributed across the region, particularly near Mount Kenya and the Eastern region. In the short rainy season, reduced and erratic precipitation led to decreased maize planting, with more farmers opting for intercropped systems and short-term crops to reduce risks of crop failure. 
We are convinced that this study is a crucial first step to demonstrate the potential of Sentinel-2 data and phenology-based automated mapping for large-scale monitoring of intercropping, providing critical insights for agricultural monitoring in sub-Saharan Africa. It serves as a foundation for developing a regional archive of monoculture and intercropped crop systems and addressing key agricultural challenges across the region.

How to cite: Chen, Y., Zuo, L., Wei, X., Wang, X., and Xu, J.: Mapping 10-m monoculture and intercropped maize of Kenya with phenology knowledge and Sentinel-2 data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4910,, 2025.

A study conducted in a northern Jordanian arid Mediterranean grassland between 2017 and 2021 examined the relationship between remotely sensed Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and modeled standing crop biomass. The research sought to determine the utility of high-resolution (10-meter) Sentinel-2 imagery, coupled with the PHYGROW model, for biomass estimation in this challenging environment, and to assess the potential of NDVI as a cost-effective alternative to traditional ground-based methods. Data were aggregated into 10-day intervals for temporal analysis. Results indicated a significant positive correlation (p < 0.001) between NDVI and standing crop (kg/ha), described by the linear model: Standing crop = 60.40 + 3567.56 × NDVI (R² = 0.52). This finding suggests that NDVI offers a reliable and time effective approach to biomass estimation in such settings.

The strong positive correlation between NDVI and standing crop highlights the potential of remote sensing for large-scale rangeland health monitoring. Tracking NDVI changes over time provides insight into vegetation responses to climate, grazing, and conservation efforts. This understanding supports decision-making for sustainable grazing, water management, and conservation strategies. Future research should validate these findings on larger scales and explore integrating NDVI with other data, like soil moisture, to refine predictive models and improve accuracy. The study advocates adopting NDVI-based monitoring in arid rangeland management.

How to cite: Alhamad, M. N.: Integrating Sentinel-2 Imagery and PHYGROW Model for Biomass Estimation in Arid Rangelands of Northern Jordan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5178,, 2025.

EGU25-5892 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Assessment of bud flush and damage in young Norway Spruce trees through airborne high-resolution multispectral images 

Louisa Eurich, Sara López Fernández, Malin Elfstrand, María Rosario García-Gil, Jonas Bohlin, and Eva Lindberg

Scandinavia is facing climate changes with a predicted increase in mean temperature of 2-4°C. For Swedish forests to be adapted to this challenge, the Swedish tree breeding program aims to select trees that are adapted to different biotic and abiotic conditions. Information on spring phenology, damage and vitality are important variables in the Norway spruce selection process. Traditionally, the data is gathered through manual assessment of each tree, which requires significant resources and limits the number and frequency of variables that can be measured. As an alternative, Remote Sensing is a promising technology to evaluate bud flush and vitality in conifers, offering the advantage of scoring more trees in a shorter time with fewer resources while obtaining data for several time points during the vegetation season, and its use of algorithms to measure variables reduces the risk of human error.

This project aims to develop methods that can be used within the breeding program by collecting information on spring phenology, damage and vitality using high-resolution multispectral drone images of young Norway spruce trees. Data were collected during spring 2023 and 2024. Bud flush is estimated from the spectral values of the tree crowns using manual assessment of the flush in a subset of the trees as training data. The high-resolution multispectral images will also be used to assess the damage and vitality of the new shoots. To ensure capturing the bud flush at a high temporal resolution, images were taken before the vegetation season and up to twice weekly during the period with the most rapid flush. In the final step, the spatial pattern within the study sites will be analyzed and connected to damage and vitality of the young Norway Spruce trees.


How to cite: Eurich, L., López Fernández, S., Elfstrand, M., García-Gil, M. R., Bohlin, J., and Lindberg, E.: Assessment of bud flush and damage in young Norway Spruce trees through airborne high-resolution multispectral images, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5892,, 2025.

EGU25-5987 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Soil Moisture Retrieval Over Agricultural Fields Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data 

Nguyen-Thanh Son, Chi-Farn Chen, Cheng-Ru Chen, Yi-Ting Zhang, Shu-Ling Chen, and Shih-Hsiang Chen

Soil moisture is vital for agricultural fields as it determines water availability for crops, directly affecting plant growth and productivity. It regulates nutrient uptake, root development, and microbial activity, ensuring efficient use of fertilizers and soil resources. Proper soil moisture levels prevent water stress, reduce crop failure risks, and optimize water irrigation efficiency. Accurate soil moisture monitoring supports sustainable farming practices, helps mitigate drought impacts, and enhances climate resilience. By maintaining optimal soil moisture, farmers can improve resource use, boost crop yields, and promote long-term agricultural sustainability. This study aims to develop an approach for retrieving soil moisture from Sentinel-1 A Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. The SAR data were processed for the 2024 dry season using a triangle-based approach in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, following three main steps: (1) data preprocessing to convert raw radar backscatter values into the sigma naught (σ₀) backscatter coefficient in decibels (dB). This involves radiometric calibration, noise removal, and logarithmic scaling to enhances data interpretability, allowing for better comparisons across different radar acquisitions and improved analysis accuracy, (2) soil moisture retrieval by means of a triangle-based method developed based on the dual-polarization modes of the vertical transmit and vertical receive polarization (VV) and vertical transmit and horizontal receive polarization (VH). This method employs the triangular feature space created by using change in VV backscatter coefficients and the radar vegetation index (RVI), in which RVI helps distinguish vegetation effects while VV backscatter provides information on soil moisture. Combining both parameters thus allows for more precise moisture estimation even in complex environments, and (3) error verification. The results of soil moisture retrieval compared with the reference data showed moderate positive correlation, with the values of correlation coefficient (r) greater than 0.5 and the root mean square error (RMSE) smaller than 0.05, respectively. The lower soil moisture levels were especially observed in coastal areas, where higher evaporation rates, saline intrusion, and limited rainfall contribute to drier soils. These conditions create challenges for agriculture in coastal regions, as crops are more susceptible to drought stress and water shortages. Consequently, managing soil moisture becomes crucial for maintaining crop productivity and ensuring sustainable farming in coastal provinces. Eventually, soil moisture data was spatially aggregated with cropping areas to improve management practices in the region, allowing precise monitoring of soil conditions relative to specific crops and enabling tailored irrigation and water management strategies. This approach, leveraging dual-polarization SAR data with aid of the triangle-based method, could enhance soil moisture monitoring in agriculture and is completely transferable to other regions across the globe for soil moisture monitoring.

How to cite: Son, N.-T., Chen, C.-F., Chen, C.-R., Zhang, Y.-T., Chen, S.-L., and Chen, S.-H.: Soil Moisture Retrieval Over Agricultural Fields Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5987,, 2025.

EGU25-6071 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Sensor Spatial Planning Methodology for Optimal Coverage and Data Accuracy in Agricultural Parcels 

Efthymios Papachristos, Marios Vlachos, and Angelos Amditis

Accurate sensor placement is critical in precision agriculture to collect high-resolution data essential for effective monitoring and decision-making. This study presents a comprehensive methodology for optimizing the spatial placement of sensors, focusing on determining the number of sensors needed and their optimal positions to ensure data quality and adequate area coverage. This methodology addresses the challenges posed by terrain restrictions, cost constraints, and data resolution needs. It is versatile, supporting in-situ monitoring, UAV-based sensing, and soil sampling for applications such as soil health analysis and soil organic carbon prediction models.

In many Research and Innovation Labs (RILs), the resolution of Earth Observation (EO) data, such as Sentinel-5 imagery with a resolution of 5×3 km, is often insufficient for the specific needs of agricultural parcels. To complement EO data, additional information must be gathered using in-situ sensors or UAVs. These additional data collection methods can provide higher resolution and more diverse data types, which are crucial for localized agricultural applications. However, the placement of sensors significantly impacts the quality and adequacy of the collected data. Dense sensor deployment across an entire area is often infeasible due to terrain challenges, budgetary limits, and the specific nature of the data being collected.

The methodology developed to address these challenges combines convex optimization, soft clustering, and cost-minimization techniques. The process begins by analyzing the statistical properties of the dataset, such as maximizing variance and maintaining the mean value, to ensure comprehensive data representation. This approach identifies key locations within the parcel that can adequately describe distributed values, reducing the need for excessive sensor deployment while maintaining data integrity.

For areas with existing spatial maps or datasets, the methodology applies weighted subsampling and soft clustering to identify optimal sensor locations. Weighted distributions prioritize critical areas for data collection, ensuring that key zones receive sufficient coverage. In cases where spatial maps are unavailable, an in-house cost-minimization algorithm guides the placement of sensors or UAVs. This algorithm incorporates factors such as terrain, accessibility, and installation costs to balance logistical constraints with data coverage requirements.

This methodology is compatible with diverse data sources, including EO data, hyperfield data, and in-situ sensor data from IoT networks. For instance, it can leverage data from soil moisture monitoring systems. Additionally, the methodology can guide soil sampling strategies for soil health assessment and serve as input for soil organic carbon prediction models. Its adaptability allows it to meet the needs of various agricultural monitoring applications, ranging from broad-scale field evaluations to detailed soil property studies.

Moreover, it enhances data quality by ensuring optimal sensor placement that captures maximum variability within the monitored area and it reduces costs and improves efficiency by minimizing the number of sensors needed. The approach is scalable and flexible, accommodating parcels of varying sizes and adapting to different data collection requirements and its integration with multiple data sources provides a comprehensive and cost-effective solution for advancing precision agriculture and sustainable resource management.


This research has been funded by European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under ScaleAgData project (Grant Agreement No. 101086355).

How to cite: Papachristos, E., Vlachos, M., and Amditis, A.: Sensor Spatial Planning Methodology for Optimal Coverage and Data Accuracy in Agricultural Parcels, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6071,, 2025.

EGU25-6085 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Integrating UAV Multispectral Data into a Combined Crop-Radiative Transfer Model for Processing Tomatoes Using a Particle Filter 

Amit Weinman, Nitzan Malachy, Raphael Linker, and Offer Rozenstein

The proliferation of remote sensing (RS) data and advancements in mechanistic crop modeling and data assimilation techniques necessitate a framework that digitally represents cropping systems and their spectral properties. Such a framework would enable crop growth simulation, scenario testing, and timely prediction updates using RS data.

In this study, we develop a comprehensive coupling scheme that links a crop model (DSSAT-CROPGRO) with a radiative transfer model (RTMo module in SCOPE). This integration allows for the utilization of reflectance data from all measured spectral bands during data assimilation (DA) into the crop model.

We apply this coupled crop-radiative-transfer model in a DA experiment using a novel particle filter scheme. The assimilated data consists of observed reflectance measurements obtained by a multispectral camera mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Using multispectral data with a high spatial resolution for analyzing a row crop required a dedicated analysis to fit model simulations to measurements. The suggested DA scheme was implemented in an irrigation and fertilization trial with processing tomatoes to evaluate its effectiveness.

The results showed that applying the DA scheme improved the NRMSE of the Leaf Area Index (LAI) from 59% to 41.8% and yield from 63.6% to 35.4%. The DA scheme performed best when the treatment that included the most severe stress was excluded from weight calculation, resulting in NRMSE of 34.1% and 15.5% for LAI and yield, respectively. After showing promising results, the suggested data assimilation scheme should be tested in large-scale, commercial fields using space-borne RS data to examine its applicability in various scenarios.

How to cite: Weinman, A., Malachy, N., Linker, R., and Rozenstein, O.: Integrating UAV Multispectral Data into a Combined Crop-Radiative Transfer Model for Processing Tomatoes Using a Particle Filter, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6085,, 2025.

EGU25-6149 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

UAV-based disease and pest detection using AI: Time to reconsider our approach? 

Eline Eeckhout, Pieter Spanoghe, and Wouter Maes

Rapid advancements in technology, particularly the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and the integration of uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with RGB, multi- and hyperspectral sensors, have boosted agricultural research on crop disease detection. This has led to a surge in studies exploring high-technology approaches to detecting crop diseases. While numerous studies have demonstrated high accuracy in detecting specific diseases or pests in crops, concerns arise regarding their reproducibility and generalisability.

We conducted a meta-analysis of over 100 research papers to examine how models are trained and validated, with a focus on how datasets for training, validation and testing were handled. In principle, a model can only be considered robust and widely applicable if it performs well on an entirely new dataset, i.e., a dataset it wasn’t specifically trained one. Otherwise, AI models risk overfitting to specific datasets or fields, potentially detecting signals that are not universal or not related to the targeted pest or disease. This issue arises when datasets are randomly split in training, validation and test subsets.

Our analysis revealed significant limitation in current practices. Nearly half of the reviewed papers relied on a single dataset (one single field, one single flight) for both model training and validation. About one-quarter of the studies used data from a single field with repeated flights during the same growing season. Only another quarter utilized datasets from multiple fields; however, the majority of these studies still used a random split for training and testing, meaning their models were not evaluated on independent datasets. In addition, a handful of studies using RGB data, applied transfer learning, with models pretrained on public (non-UAV) datasets and then applied to UAV datasets.

Overall, only 10% of the reviewed papers validated their models on fully independent datasets, i.e, using transfer learning or using an independent (untrained) separate field to test the model. We found that particularly models constructed with multispectral or hyperspectral data did not use independent datasets. On top of that, none of the studies explicitly tested whether their models were pest- or disease-specific, i.e., whether the models were sensitive only to the pest or disease they were trained to detect.

These findings highlight a critical limitation in the robustness and scalability of current AI-approaches to crop disease detection with UAVs. To address this, we call on researchers to include independent test datasets in their studies, and urge journals and reviewers to prioritize this criterion during evaluations. Additionally, we advocate for the public sharing of datasets to enable the development of robust and generalisable methods.

How to cite: Eeckhout, E., Spanoghe, P., and Maes, W.: UAV-based disease and pest detection using AI: Time to reconsider our approach?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6149,, 2025.

EGU25-6243 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Multisource data analysis at the catchment scale to quantify and map sustainable agricultural management practices 

Maria S. Vesterdal, Tommy Dalgaard, and René Gislum

Natural environments face substantial challenges from human activities related to food, feed, and energy production. Unsustainable nutrient management is a key issue, with excess nutrients leaching into the groundwater cycle or escaping intended cropland through other pollution pathways ending up in the atmosphere or in nearby coastal systems. This nutrient loss depletes soil health, contributes to the climate crisis and impacts water quality, especially when combined with intensive farming practices lacking conservation efforts. Innovative mitigation actions, such as the Nature-based Solutions framework, designed to enhance water quality and advance sustainability in agricultural management, require thorough assessment and monitoring to encourage stakeholder participation in these strategies. Conducting research to explore the extent of their effects is thus essential, with a deeper understanding of the nutrient cycle playing a pivotal role in achieving these goals.

With the cumulatively increasing availability of remote sensing data sources and advancements in machine learning technologies, automating monitoring and assessment efforts has become a hot and important topic. The challenge is to construct transparent and transferable models capable of working with real-time data to accurately predict crop types, crop status or other desired features. The primary goal of this study is to investigate how an automated multisource data analysis approach, with a focus on remotely sensed data, can support the quantification and mapping of sustainability efforts in agricultural crop management while enhancing the understanding of nutrient flow within large-scale agricultural catchments. Centered on the Hjarbæk Fjord in Denmark, the study also aims to assess the transferability of its models across different sites in Europe. This research is part of a broader project investigating the potential of integrating permanent grasslands into crop rotations as a Nature-based Solution in the catchments surrounding Hjarbæk Fjord. The project aims to develop a decision support tool to guide the planning and optimization of grassland implementation in terms of extend and location. This tool is designed to maximize benefits across various parameters, including the number of stakeholders impacted, economic considerations, crop yield, biodiversity, and other critical factors. The output of the current study, involving the training of a deep learning model to predict cropland trends related to grassland implementation, can in turn be integrated as input for the described decision support tool.

This is an explorative study that relies on the availability of accurate ground truth data to train and validate a deep learning model, providing insights into trends associated with the implementation of sustainable management strategies. A key challenge lies in acquiring knowledge of and access to comprehensive datasets that capture relevant parameters, such as actual yield values, quantitative values of nutrients in different stages of the growth season and different nutrient pools within the cropland environment, accurate accounts of management actions and other contributors to the nutrient cycle. Additional challenges involve preprocessing satellite data to establish a robust pipeline for the automated collection of satellite imagery, ensuring a coherent time series. This includes addressing temporal and spatial data gaps through extrapolated estimations to create a consistent dataset.

How to cite: S. Vesterdal, M., Dalgaard, T., and Gislum, R.: Multisource data analysis at the catchment scale to quantify and map sustainable agricultural management practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6243,, 2025.

EGU25-6285 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Can SuperDove Multispectral Satellite Data Optimize Citrus Orchard Monitoring? 

Lamia Rahali, Salvatore Pratico, and Giuseppe Modica

The increasing global demand for food and the pressing need for sustainable agricultural practices have made technological innovations essential in modern agriculture. Satellite imagery, as a cornerstone of precision agriculture (PA), provides valuable tools for monitoring crops and optimizing resource management. This study evaluates the potential of PlanetScope’s (PS) advanced 8-band multispectral sensor (SuperDove) for citrus orchard monitoring. The primary objectives are to investigate the effectiveness of PS data in assessing orchard health and dynamics and to explore its utility in detecting spatial variability within citrus orchards. The methodology involves preprocessing SuperDove data to derive key vegetation indices (VIs), such as NDVI, SAVI, and EVI, which are widely used to gain insights into the vigor and condition of citrus orchards. To assess the reliability and practicality of PS data, the study includes a comparison with free and open-source alternatives, such as Sentinel-2. This research emphasizes the importance of integrating high-resolution satellite imagery into citrus orchard management practices. While still in the early stages, the study aims to provide insights into how advanced satellite data can support sustainable agriculture.

How to cite: Rahali, L., Pratico, S., and Modica, G.: Can SuperDove Multispectral Satellite Data Optimize Citrus Orchard Monitoring?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6285,, 2025.

EGU25-7430 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Improving satellite-based actual evapotranspiration estimations using data from local weather stations  

Offer Rozenstein, Jessey Kwame Dickson, and Josef Tanny

Evapotranspiration (ET) is crucial for water resource management, agricultural planning, and understanding land-atmosphere interactions. Numerous approaches are available for estimating ET at various spatial and temporal scales, including ground-based measurements, mechanistic models, and remote sensing. In this study, we aimed to enhance the accuracy and applicability of the Sentinel for Evapotranspiration (Sen-ET) plugin for estimating ET in diverse field crops in Israel. The primary objectives were to validate the Sen-ET method using eddy covariance (EC) measurements across various seasons and crop types, improve Sen-ET estimates by incorporating local weather station data, and illustrate the influence of weather station distance from measurement sites on Sen-ET accuracy.

The research was conducted across eight test sites in Israel, including fields with spring wheat, potato, cotton, and tomato. In applying Sen-ET model, we utilized high-resolution Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 imagery, along with ERA-5 meteorological data and local weather station inputs. The ET estimations by Sen-ET involved preprocessing satellite data, resampling meteorological data, and using a Two Source Energy Balance model to derive daily ET values. These estimates were compared against EC measurements.

The results demonstrated that incorporating local weather station data significantly improved the accuracy of the Sen-ET estimates, with most sites showing a substantial reduction in root mean square error (RMSE) of daily ET compared to the standard Sen-ET method. For example, at one of the wheat sites, the RMSE was reduced from 0.60 mm to 0.14 mm day-1. On the other hand, one of the tomato sites showed a slight deterioration, with an increase of 0.01 mm day-1 in RMSE when data from a weather station 7 km away was used. However, when a closer weather station at 1.17 km was used, the RMSE was reduced by 0.34 mm day-1, thus demonstrating the importance of employing representative weather data in the model.

This study underscores the contribution of localized meteorological data in refining satellite-based ET models and provides a robust approach for precise ET estimation in agricultural landscapes. The findings have significant implications for improving water resource management and irrigation practices.

How to cite: Rozenstein, O., Kwame Dickson, J., and Tanny, J.: Improving satellite-based actual evapotranspiration estimations using data from local weather stations , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7430,, 2025.

Abstract: The universal contamination of arable land with potentially toxic elements (PTEs) poses a severe threat to food security and jeopardizes worldwide efforts to meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). How to obtain information on PTEs in regional agricultural soils more reliably is a priority problem to be solved. Multispectral satellite remote sensing, with its advantages of high spatial and temporal resolution, broad coverage, and low cost, offers the potential to acquire distribution information of PTEs over large areas. However, owing to the complexity of soil environments and the insufficiency of spectral information, the mechanism for retrieving concentrations of soil PTEs via multispectral satellites is not yet clear, and the accuracy needs to be improved. In this study, we aimed to assess whether employing a fusion of spectral information and environmental covariates, results in more accurate predictions of PTEs, specifically chromium (Cr) and mercury (Hg), in croplands than does employing spectral information alone. Three machine learning algorithms—kernel-based support vector machine (SVM), neural network-based back propagation neural network (BPNN), and tree-based extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)—were developed to retrieve soil Cr and Hg concentrations. The results showed that the fusion of spectral information and environmental covariates combined with the XGBoost model performed best in retrieving both Cr and Hg concentrations with coefficient of determination (R2) values of 0.73 and 0.74, respectively. Environmental covariates are important variables for determining Cr and Hg concentrations in agricultural soils, but the ability to retrieve these element concentrations by utilizing multispectral information alone is limited. High Cr concentrations occurred in central towns and southern hilly mountains. High Hg concentrations were detected in the northwestern region and southern hilly mountains. The potential of fusing multispectral data and environmental variables to precisely retrieve soil PTE concentrations can serve as a reference for agricultural information monitoring worldwide.

Keywords: Potentially toxic elements; Sentinel-2; Environmental covariates; Machine learning; Farmland

How to cite: Zha, Y.: Retrieval of chromium and mercury concentrations in agricultural soils: Using spectral information, environmental covariates, or a fusion of both?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7525,, 2025.

EGU25-7922 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Machine Learning-Based Rice Disease Diagnosis Through Joint Utilization of Satellite, Drone, and Weather Data 

Jae-Hyun Ryu, Kyung-Do Lee, Young-ah Jeon, Geun-Ho Kwak, Soo-Jin Lee, and Lak-Yeong Choi

Remote sensing and machine learning techniques enable precise diagnosis of crop growth anomalies, providing an effective means to mitigate production losses caused by disease outbreaks while supporting sustainable agricultural management. This study aims to detect rice diseases using satellite, drone, and weather data in a timely manner. A random forest model for rice disease detection was developed using drone imagery collected in 2023 year, where disease-damaged pixels were classified through K-means clustering, and the corresponding damaged areas were used for rice paddy disease classification model training. This model has been applied to agricultural fields in 2024 year as follows. First, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data were utilized to classify paddy rice fields, with irrigated areas identified through the normalized difference vegetation index, land surface water index, and VV polarization. Second, the risk of rice disease occurrence was calculated based on air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation. These variables represent weather conditions that can cause crop diseases. Third, drone measurements were conducted to monitor the abnormal growth of paddy rice when the risk score increased. Fourth, the location of disease outbreaks was detected using the random forest model, which uses surface reflectance at blue, green, red, red-edge, and near-infrared wavelengths as input data. Subsequently, drone spraying operations were carried out to reduce crop damage caused by the identified diseases. These results highlight the potential of agricultural management using remote sensing techniques.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by RDA, grant number RS-2022-RD010059.

How to cite: Ryu, J.-H., Lee, K.-D., Jeon, Y., Kwak, G.-H., Lee, S.-J., and Choi, L.-Y.: Machine Learning-Based Rice Disease Diagnosis Through Joint Utilization of Satellite, Drone, and Weather Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7922,, 2025.

EGU25-7950 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Detecting irrigation amount from the integration of remote sensing data in the soil water model  

Fatemeh Khamseh and Mohammad Danesh-Yazdi

Agriculture is one of the primary consumers of freshwater globally. However, precise data on irrigation water use (IWU) at the regional scale is often lacking, which hampers the development of effective water management plans. This information gap is particularly crucial in water-stressed regions, resulting in significant resource waste. Remote sensing datasets offer a valuable opportunity to monitor irrigation patterns over extended periods at a regional scale. Since irrigation affects both soil moisture (SM) and actual evapotranspiration (ET), increases in SM and ET values following irrigation events can be leveraged to frequently retrieve IWU from remotely sensed data. In this regard, we first developed an irrigation-free soil water model in the root zone to simulate SM dynamics during non-growing periods. We then computed the residuals between the modeled SM and the 9 km root zone SM retrieved from SMAP L3, as well as the residuals between the modeled ET and both 30-m OpenET and 500-m PML, to estimate IWU. We used annual IWU data from Arizona State, USA, in 2017 to examine model performance. The simulated SM by our soil water model showed strong agreement with SMAP, evidenced by R2 = 0.68 and RMSE = 0.015 [mm3/mm3]. The estimated IWU using OpenET closely aligned with benchmark data, showing a bias of -17%. However, IWU retrieved by PML led to a much higher bias of -56%, indicating the deficiency of course-resolution ET products in capturing irrigation signals. We further found that over 97 % of the estimated IWU was attributed to ET rather than SM residuals, which is due to SMAP’s low spatial resolution, which limits its ability to resolve farm-scale irrigation volumes.


How to cite: Khamseh, F. and Danesh-Yazdi, M.: Detecting irrigation amount from the integration of remote sensing data in the soil water model , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7950,, 2025.

EGU25-8008 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Modeling and managing erosion in arid ravines using high-resolution satellite imagery 

Amir Mor-Mussery, Eli Zaady, and Lior Blank


Ravines in arid lands are affected by various soil erosion processes caused by inconsistent rainfall regimes, flooding patterns, and anthropogenic interventions. These effects are expressed in the geomorphological and vegetation patterns of the ravine's land segments. To address these changes, a study was planned with the following objectives: [1] Modeling the effects of ravine erosion processes on its land-segments vegetation using high-resolution satellite imagery; [2] Suggesting analysis schemes based on remote sensing to suit land management practices for the ravine parts.  The study site is located in Migda Ravine, Northern Negev, between Gerar and Patish ephemeral streams. Due to the loess soil and extreme arid conditions, the area suffers from soil erosion and land incision. Using imaging from PlanetScope® satellite constellation (spatial resolution: 3m pixel-1, temporal: Image per 3 days, and spectral: Red-Green-Blue-Near Infra-Red bands) between 2017 and 2024, from January to August each year, NDVI median and quartiles ranges of the ravine land segments were calculated and normalized against a stabilized reference plot. Thirteen erosion processes were defined, and classified into ravine surrounding areas, banks, and ephemeral stream water flow. The findings indicate erosional processes that dramatically decreased the Normalized Fresh Vegetation Reflectance (NFVR)in 2019, with a lighter decrease in 2020. Some erosion processes were characterized by a subsequent NFVR increase after the soil erosion event, while others, such as subsurface erosion, showed a continuous NFVR decrease. Stream plots were characterized by soil deposition, which resulted in vegetation flocculation. Using vegetation change patterns, NDVI normalization, and multi-year temporal analysis can aid in formulating land management practices for the ravine land segments and predicting long-term erosional patterns.

How to cite: Mor-Mussery, A., Zaady, E., and Blank, L.: Modeling and managing erosion in arid ravines using high-resolution satellite imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8008,, 2025.

EGU25-8077 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Development of Cropping Pattern Product Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data 

Lak-Yeong Choi, Jae-Hyun Ryu, Ho-Yong Ahn, Soo-Jin Lee, Geun-Ho Kwak, Young-Ah Jeon, and Kyung-Do Lee

Understanding cropland utilization is essential for improving agricultural productivity and efficiently managing cropland resources. Analyzing region-specific cropping systems enables the establishment of sustainable agricultural policies tailored to environmental conditions. However, conducting field surveys over extensive agricultural areas presents significant challenges. Satellite data for agricultural monitoring provides continuous and large-scale information for cropland. The purpose of this study is to develop a cropping pattern product for annual crops using satellite data. The study area is ‘Gimje-si’ in the Republic of Korea. Sentinel-2 Level-2 data was acquired from 2022 to 2024. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated after eliminating cloud and contaminated pixels, and then the monthly mean NDVI was computed. Cropland was extracted using a farmland boundary map in vector file format. Types of cropping patterns were classified into single and sequential (e.g., double, triple) cropping, and non-cultivated land, based on the number of peaks in the time-series NDVI data. The threshold for NDVI peaks was set to 0.4, and the minimum distance between NDVI peaks was set to 3. The final product was generated in vector format and includes monthly NDVI values, cropping patterns, and peak month information for each field. The annual map for 3 years showed changes in cropping patterns. These products were useful for detecting changes in cropland and confirming whether it was being cultivated. There was an increasing trend in the number of fields with sequential cropping from 2022 to 2024. Our results help comprehend the use and change of cropland spatiotemporally.

Acknowledgments: This research was funded by RDA, grant number PJ01676802.

How to cite: Choi, L.-Y., Ryu, J.-H., Ahn, H.-Y., Lee, S.-J., Kwak, G.-H., Jeon, Y.-A., and Lee, K.-D.: Development of Cropping Pattern Product Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8077,, 2025.

Accurate cultivated land parcels (CLPs) information is essential for precision agriculture. Deep learning methods have shown great potential in CLPs delineation but face challenges in detection accuracy, generalization capability, and parcel optimization quality. This study addresses these challenges by developing a high-generalization multi-task detection network coupled with a specialized parcel optimization step. Our detection network integrates boundary and region tasks and design distinct decoders for each task, employing performance-enhancing modules as well as more balanced training strategies to achieve both accurate semantic recognition and fine-grained boundary depiction. To improve network's ability to train more generalized models, our study identifies the variations in image hue, landscape surroundings, and boundary granularity as the key factors contributing to generalization degradation and employ color space augmentation and attention mechanisms on spatial and hierarchy to enhance the generalization. Additionally, the parcel optimization step repairs long-distance boundary breaks and performs object-level fusion of delineated regions and boundaries, resulting in more independent and regular CLP results. Our method was trained and validated on GaoFen-1 images from four diverse regions in China, demonstrating high delineation accuracy. It also maintained stable spatiotemporal generalization across different times and regions. Comprehensive ablation and comparative experiments confirmed the rationale behind our model improvements and demonstrated our method's effectiveness over existing single-task models (SegNet, MPSPNet, DeeplabV3+, U-Net, ResU-Net, R2U-Net), and recent multi-task models (ResUNet-a, BSiNet, SEANet). 

How to cite: Zhu, Y. and Pan, Y.: A deep learning method for cultivated land parcels (CLPs) delineation from high-resolution remote sensing images with high-generalization capability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8391,, 2025.

EGU25-8765 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Using Remote Sensing Spectral Image Dynamics for early prediction of biotic stress in wheat: lessons from Armenia and southern Russia 

Igor Sereda, Andrey Medvedev, Grigor Ayvazyan, and Shushanik Asmaryan

Winter and spring wheat are among key agricultural crops in the Republic of Armenia, and represent a significant share of grain production. However, their yield is threatened to substantially decline due to the negative impact of various biotic factors, including weeds and phytopathogens such as rust, powdery mildew, and tan spot. Remote sensing methods, particularly multitemporal dynamics of plant spectral imagery, offer opportunities for early detection and monitoring of these diseases. Early identification allows for timely management interventions to stabilize crop conditions, preserve yields, and enable mapping of problem areas before scheduled applications, allowing more effectively application of herbicides and fungicides.

Hyperspectral spectrometry of winter wheat crops under increased pathogen stress, together with control plots without increased pathogen stress, were studied in experimental fields in southern Russia (Krasnodar Krai) between 2017-2023. The results show that the temporal dynamics in reflectance during the spring-summer growth period of winter wheat likely indicate disease levels, where the period between stem elongation and heading was identified as crucial. A series of high-frequency spectral measurements (every 2–3 days) allowed the classification of areas with infected and healthy plants (accuracy of 70–88%) but also reasonably accurate predictions of the maximum development stage of various pathogens (R² = 0.48–0.55) 10–12 days before peak development. Moreover, these patterns were confirmed using data from ground-based spectrometry, UAVs, and satellite imagery.

Additionally, this methodology was tested on spring wheat fields in the Republic of Armenia (Aragatsotn, Nerkin Sasnashen) in 2024. Using a series of multitemporal UAV surveys, the fields were divided into zones based on the temporal behavior of spectral imagery that successfully identifies zones of weed emergence and negative consequences of agronomic errors. However, identification of more sensitive spectral regions with pathogen hotspots was hindered by the high heterogeneity of the fields.

Based on these methodologies, we defined the optimal dates for initiating phytosanitary monitoring for different regions in Armenia. This part of the investigation shows that zoning territories by the timing of the phenophase "stem elongation" with an error <10 days is crucial for the start of intensive spectral monitoring, and can be achieved by combining NDVI data with meteorological and topographical parameters.

Altogether, the results demonstrate the early diagnosis of biotic stress in plants is feasible using spectral data and can improve decision-making for field treatments in the long term. The early detection of biotic stress in plants enhances the potential of precision agriculture, as time is a crucial factor in addressing these challenges. Furthermore, the described methods have shown the capability to be scaled from local experiments, as is currently the case in most studies, to a regional scale.

How to cite: Sereda, I., Medvedev, A., Ayvazyan, G., and Asmaryan, S.: Using Remote Sensing Spectral Image Dynamics for early prediction of biotic stress in wheat: lessons from Armenia and southern Russia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8765,, 2025.

EGU25-9499 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Spectral-based monitoring methods to optimise precision irrigation in maize 

Attila Nagy, Andrea Szabó, Gift Siphiwe Nxumalo, Erika Budayné Bódi, and János Tamás

Precision irrigation is one of the fundamental areas of modern agriculture that aims to manage water use more efficiently and sustainably. Continuous monitoring of crop status is essential for the optimisation of irrigation systems, in which spectral-based monitoring methods play a key role. These methods use the spectral properties of the light reflected or absorbed by plants to determine vegetation indices, soil moisture and other plant life parameters. Measurements in the optical and infrared (IR) wavelengths are particularly important as these wavelengths are sensitive to the biochemical and physical properties of plants, such as chlorophyll content, nitrogen levels and water content.

The primary aim of the study is to expand the area of remote sensing in agricultural monitoring using laboratory, field scale proximal sensors, field an UAV imaging by creating a new rapid non-invasive approach for predicting crop health and water demand using spectral data. The study seeks to close the gap where chlorophyll estimations are generally not plant-specific by offering an integrated and refined approach to improve reliability and accessibility in chlorophyll estimation. Besides Integrating VI and thermal imaging with UAV technology can be used in precision agriculture in a number of areas, such as crop monitoring, yield forecasting and optimisation of irrigation water allocation. Furthermore, using several VIs were found to be optimal in crop coefficient estimation, so as to more precise calculation of crop evapotranspiration The ultimate result is giving new approaches to farmers and agricultural stakeholders for more precise and dependable tools for measuring crop evapotranspiration, crop health while promoting sustainability, efficiency, and scalability in irrigation practices.

The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program, with support from the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project. This research was supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


How to cite: Nagy, A., Szabó, A., Nxumalo, G. S., Budayné Bódi, E., and Tamás, J.: Spectral-based monitoring methods to optimise precision irrigation in maize, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9499,, 2025.

EGU25-9634 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Assessing generalization of deep learning models for crop classification under climatic variability in Denmark 

Muhammad Rizwan Asif, Mehdi Rafiei, Rasmus Nyholm Jørgensen, Michael Nørremark, and Nima Teimouri

This study explores the impact of climatic variability on the generalization capabilities of a deep learning model for pixel-level crop classification using multi-temporal Sentinel-1 SAR data in Denmark. With agriculture accounting for 61% of Denmark’s land area, accurate and timely crop mapping is essential for providing insights into crop distribution, offering valuable information to advisors and authorities to support large-scale agricultural management, and address challenges posed by changing climatic conditions.

Our study leverages a novel deep learning architecture that combines a 3-D U-Net with a conv-LSTM module to effectively capture both spatial and temporal dependencies in crop growth patterns. We consider 14 crop types over an eight-year period (2017–2024) and growth season (May to August), with ground truth data derived from Denmark’s Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS). Our analyses reveal that climatic variables such as precipitation, temperature, and humidity significantly influence model performance across years. Notably, extreme years like 2018 (characterized by drought and high solar radiation) and 2024 (marked by record precipitation) challenge the model’s ability to generalize effectively. By correlating inter-annual model accuracy trends with climatic data, the study demonstrates the necessity of incorporating environmental context into AI-driven agricultural monitoring systems.

We also evaluate the benefits of training the model on multi-year datasets to enhance robustness against climatic variability. Our findings reveal that leveraging temporal diversity improves model performance but highlights persistent difficulties in generalizing to outlier years with extreme climate conditions. While training on multi-year datasets helps capture a broader range of crop phenological variations, the results underscore that this approach alone is not sufficient, and underscores the importance of integrating auxiliary data, such as local climatic variables, to enable models to better adapt to evolving crop growth patterns influenced by changing environmental conditions.

This work represents one of the most comprehensive evaluations of deep learning for crop classification, spanning eight years and covering over 1.5 million hectares of agricultural land. By linking model performance to climatic variability, this study provides critical insights for improving the generalization capabilities of deep learning models in precision agriculture. These findings not only pave the way for enhanced crop monitoring under diverse climatic scenarios but also emphasize the potential of integrating climate-resilient AI technologies to address global agricultural and environmental challenges.

How to cite: Asif, M. R., Rafiei, M., Jørgensen, R. N., Nørremark, M., and Teimouri, N.: Assessing generalization of deep learning models for crop classification under climatic variability in Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9634,, 2025.

EGU25-9672 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Barley Yield Estimation Using Regression Models and Spatial Pattern Analysis 

Faten Ksantini, Miguel Quemada, Andrés F. Almeida-Ñauñay, Ernesto Sanz, and Ana M. Tarquis

Precision agriculture (PA) has emerged as a key strategy for optimizing agricultural production. Using data-driven technologies such as sensors and satellite imagery, PA improves the efficiency of agricultural processes. Accurate crop yield estimation is an essential component of PA. An important aspect of yield estimation within PA is the ability to assess and map spatial variations in yield in an agricultural field. Understanding these spatial patterns enables more precise management decisions and targeted interventions.

Therefore, this study aimed to develop two regression approaches, multiple linear regression (MLR) and random forest regression (RFR), to estimate crop yield using sixteen input variables with a 6 m resolution. These variables were obtained using different sensors, reflecting the soil and crop spatial variability. The estimation performance of the studied approaches was assessed using the coefficient of determination (R²), showing very satisfactory results (R² > 0.85) for both approaches.

The spatial distribution of barley yield was assessed, focusing on identifying areas of high and low productivity within the field. RFR demonstrated its ability to capture yield patterns. By incorporating spatial factors, RFR effectively modelled the varying yield potential in the crop field.


Keywords—precision agriculture, multiple linear regression, random forest regression, spatial pattern, barley


Acknowledgments: Financed by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (PID2021-124041OB-C22)


How to cite: Ksantini, F., Quemada, M., Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., Sanz, E., and Tarquis, A. M.: Barley Yield Estimation Using Regression Models and Spatial Pattern Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9672,, 2025.

EGU25-9872 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Remote Sensing-based Wheat Area and Yield Estimation: Insights from Uttarakhand, India 

Priya Singh and Kritika Kothari

India is one of the world's leading exporters of wheat grain, making monitoring its growth and yield one of the country's top economic priorities. This study aimed to develop a methodology for delineating wheat cultivation areas and estimating wheat yields using Landsat 8 (30 m spatial resolution) data for the Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar districts of Uttarakhand, India. The cultivated wheat fields were identified using a supervised classification-based Random Forest (RF) algorithm during the growing season from November 2020 to April 2021. To characterize the wheat class, a total of 239 and 226 wheat points, along with 201 and 166 non-wheat geometry points, based on NDVI time series were allotted for Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar districts, respectively. The calculated wheat area was found to be 778.94 sq. km and 209.48 sq. km, compared to the actual reported areas by the Agriculture Department, Government of Uttarakhand of 1059.61 sq. km and 212.78 sq. km for Udham Singh Nagar and Nainital, respectively. The RF algorithm showed an underestimation for both districts, achieving a kappa coefficient of 0.97, producer accuracy of 0.97, user accuracy of 0.96, and overall accuracy of 0.98 for the Nainital district. For the Udham Singh Nagar district, the kappa coefficient was 0.89, with producer accuracy of 0.89, user accuracy of 0.93, and overall accuracy of 0.93. The study also utilized weather data along with Landsat 8 imagery as inputs for the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach (CASA) to estimate wheat yields and get spatial wheat yield maps. The estimated mean yields were 3.73 t ha⁻¹ and 3.37 t ha⁻¹, whereas the actual mean yields were 3.82 t ha⁻¹ and 4.45 t ha⁻¹ for Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar districts, respectively. The study demonstrates the potential of combining remote sensing and supervised classification techniques for reliable wheat yield estimation in data-scarce regions, which can be a promising tool for agricultural policy and decision-making.

Keywords: Crop classification, Landsat 8, random forest, wheat, spatial yield map 

How to cite: Singh, P. and Kothari, K.: Remote Sensing-based Wheat Area and Yield Estimation: Insights from Uttarakhand, India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9872,, 2025.

EGU25-10478 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Correlation between NDVI and soil sensor data collected by UAV 

Andrea Szabó, Erika Budayné Bódi, Ademola Blessing Blessing, Sándor Kun, Éva Nikolett Kiss, János Tamás, and Attila Nagy

The development of UAVs and the reduction in the weight of payload-bearing devices is making remote sensing of crops possible. This technology is cheaper, more time-efficient and produces higher resolution images in a non-destructive way. Another important feature of drone imagery is its ability to monitor crops on a regular basis. The raw data collected by drones can be integrated into models for analysis and further corrective measures can be created to improve crop yields. Drones are capable of assessing soil conditions, assisting in irrigation, fertilizer application and monitoring crop health. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was used to quantify the greenness of vegetation to assess changes in vegetation density and health. When near-infrared light reaches the leaves of a healthy plant it is reflected back into the atmosphere, as the amount of chlorophyll produced by the plant decreases, less near-infrared radiation is reflected back. The result can then be used to assess the overall health of the plant. The values are calculated for each pixel of your map, giving you an index in the range -1 to 1.


4 sampling points (A-D) were selected in the sample area Nyírbator, Hungary. Soil moisture and soil temperature probes were deployed at three depths in the points and data were downloaded during bi-weekly sampling and measurements. The vegetation monitoring of the irrigated and non-irrigated area was carried out by taking NDVI images every 2 weeks using UAV remote sensing. During the NDVI processing of the irrigated area, only the first half of the area was captured for the initial images, at the beginning of the vegetation. NDVI images were processed in Pix4D and ArcGIS Pro software. In ArcGIS Pro, the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation values for the study area were observed and subsequently evaluated separately point by point using a zonal statistics algorithm.


In the study area, a larger temperature variation is observed for the deployed soil probes at a depth of 10 cm, which underlines the sensitivity of the surface temperature to environmental conditions. With increasing depth, a gradual decrease in temperature is observed, indicating the influence of soil properties on heat retention and dissipation. Consistently fluctuating moisture levels near the surface (at a depth of 10 cm) were observed in response to precipitation or irrigation events. The fluctuation of the curves gradually decreases with increasing depth. At all depth levels, a more consistent linear gradient is observed, reflecting the prolonged drought conditions in the soil. This observation is consistent with the low mean NDVI values observed simultaneously in the same zone. The data show that the irrigated area tends to have higher average NDVI values than the non-irrigated area, which has significantly lower values.





This research was supported by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Szabó, A., Budayné Bódi, E., Blessing, A. B., Kun, S., Kiss, É. N., Tamás, J., and Nagy, A.: Correlation between NDVI and soil sensor data collected by UAV, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10478,, 2025.

EGU25-11964 | Orals | ESSI4.11

What influences alpine pasture productivity? Exploring the relation among topography, climate, and biomass using remote sensing. 

Fabio Oriani, Helge Aasen, Manuel Schneider, and Pierluigi Calanca

Mountain pastures are a biodiversity rich and heterogeneous ecosystem of the Alps influenced by a complex topography and a variable climate. Understanding the impact of these factors on pasture productivity is of primary importance for forage production and ecosystem preservation.

We present here a regional analysis covering the alpine pastures in the Grisons Canton (eastern Switzerland, 1997 sq. km), for which we developed a collection of high-resolution (10-m) annual growth indicators based on the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from Sentinel-2 images, from 2016 to 2024. We correlate our growth maps to a 1-km gridded climate dataset (Meteoswiss) and a 10-m digital elevation model (Swisstopo) to understand which weather factors - rainfall, temperature, or radiation - influence the most the growing season and from which period of the year. In addition, we explore the variability of these dependencies in space, in relation to elevation and derived topographic descriptors, e.g. slope or valley orientation.

This analysis shades light on the climate dynamics impacting the most the growing season in conjunction to a complex local topography. The results can be used to identify vulnerability levels along the elevation profile, influenced by soil depth and valley orientation, where growth varies the most from year to year in function of annual weather variations. In these zones, pasture management will need extra flexibility measures and real-time monitoring to adapt to annual fluctuations of a future climate change.

How to cite: Oriani, F., Aasen, H., Schneider, M., and Calanca, P.: What influences alpine pasture productivity? Exploring the relation among topography, climate, and biomass using remote sensing., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11964,, 2025.

Understanding and monitoring crop growth is crucial for addressing global food security challenges and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Traditional methods of observing crop traits in plot experiments are labor-intensive, limiting their spatial and temporal resolution. While conventional satellite platforms like Sentinel-2 and Landsat have proven valuable for large-scale agricultural monitoring, their spatial resolutions and temporal gaps are insufficient for time series of small experimental plots. Recent advancements, such as PlanetLabs’ SuperDove constellation, provide an alternative by offering daily imagery at a 3 m resolution, making them suitable for small-scale plot-level analysis. Despite their high spatial detail, these images face challenges related to radiometric stability, spatial co-registration accuracy, and quality masks, which must be resolved for effective small-scale monitoring. Addressing these limitations, this research investigates the use of PlanetScope data to estimate canopy cover (CC) and leaf area index (LAI) in plot experiments. High-resolution Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) RGB imagery was used as a reference to estimate early-stage CC. By applying a machine learning-based segmentation technique, we distinguished foliage from background pixels. This segmentation enabled us to integrate UAS-derived CC estimates with 8-band multispectral imagery from PlanetLabs’ SuperDove constellation. After improving the radiometric stability and spatial accuracy of the satellite imagery, we used the multispectral data along with UAS-derived canopy cover estimates as inputs to identify the most sensitive satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) for estimating CC during the early growth stages. In conjunction with LAI, we generated model-based time-series growth curves covering all phenological stages. The method was validated on experimental plots in northern Switzerland, with varying soil compaction and fertilization treatments. The study demonstrates successful segmentation of high-resolution UAS-based RGB imagery, providing a robust baseline for validating satellite-derived data and training novel retrieval methods for canopy cover. Comparative analyses identify vegetation indices from PlanetScope imagery that correlate with early crop growth. This research highlights the potential of high-resolution satellite data for generating time-series growth curves, offering a valuable tool for improving crop management and optimizing resource use across diverse farming systems.

How to cite: Boos, T. and Aasen, H.: Using High-Resolution Satellite Data to Estimate Canopy Cover and Leaf Area Index in Plot Experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12456,, 2025.

EGU25-12606 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Comparison of zonation approaches by means of remote sensing vegetation indices for agricultural applications  

Gunay Hasanli, Sadra Emamalizadeh, Riccardo Mazzoleni, and Gabriele Baroni

Remote sensing vegetation indices play a vital role in agricultural zoning by providing detailed insights into crop health, productivity, and environmental conditions. They enable researchers and professionals to monitor environmental changes, urban expansion, and natural events with exceptional accuracy and precision. This progress has been fueled by major technological developments in satellite sensors, data processing algorithms, and analytical methods, enabling the capture of more detailed information and increased observation frequency across expansive regions. Despite these excellent opportunities, numerous image processing techniques have been suggested, each customized for particular applications, datasets, and user needs, yet no widely recognized standard methods have been established. This absence of standardization creates difficulties of interoperability, reproducibility, and consistency in analytical results. Researchers and practitioners frequently encounter challenges choosing the most suitable methods, since the effectiveness of these techniques can fluctuate based on factors like spatial resolution, temporal frequency, and the type of landscape under examination. As a result, there is an increasing demand for the creation of thorough guidelines and uniform procedures that can facilitate the use of remote sensing instruments while ensuring dependable and comparable outcomes across various studies and fields. In this research, we analyze zonation outcomes obtained from remote sensing images captured at different times, using several vegetation indices and applying various clustering techniques. The objective is to evaluate how time-related changes, the selection of vegetation indices, and the use of different clustering methods affect the precision and dependability of land classification. Through the examination of these combination performance, this comparative examination underscores both the advantages and drawbacks of each approach while offering important insights for improving classification methods in varied and changing environments.

How to cite: Hasanli, G., Emamalizadeh, S., Mazzoleni, R., and Baroni, G.: Comparison of zonation approaches by means of remote sensing vegetation indices for agricultural applications , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12606,, 2025.

EGU25-13239 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

LED-induced chlorophyll fluorescence during heat and drought stress as assessed in a microcosm experiment on sunflower 

Szilvia Fóti, Ádám Mészáros, Islam Guettala, Evelin Péli, Krisztina Pintér, Zoltán Nagy, and János Balogh

Like sun-induced fluorescence (SIF), LED-induced fluorescence (LEDIF) became frequently used to establish and analyze leaf- and canopy-level stress responses. Different plant phenotypes (trees, understory shrubs, crops, vineyards, etc.) were subjected to, in most of the studies, blue LED illumination during the night or in darkened boxes for assessing either the entire broad-band (650-850 nm) spectrum of LEDIF or one of the wavelength bands of the red (~ 690 nm) and far-red (~ 740 nm) peak emissions. It seems to be however less common to apply close to “white” LED lighting, mixed from different wavelength ranges all below 650 nm (to overcome spectral overlap of red excitation and emission) as a light source. Moreover, stress manipulation in microcosm experiments is also scarce within studies while detecting LEDIF signal changes.

In our study, we established a microcosm experiment with four treatments on sunflowers: well-watered – no heat stressed, well-watered – heat stressed, water-stressed – no heat stressed, and water-stressed - heat stressed. The plants were gradually exposed to the treatments during the two months of the experiment between October and December 2024. We captured reflectance and the broad-band fluorescence spectra above the canopy with a VIS-NIR spectrometer facing downwards toward the canopy between the LED panels. We followed the response of the plants to the imposed stress by weekly/bi-weekly measurements and analyzed the changes in the shapes of the curves. We also captured the canopy architecture with side-view photos and leaf area growth with top-view photos. There was a clear increase in the LEDIF signal during the canopy development, and then a heterogeneous response depending on the treatment.

How to cite: Fóti, S., Mészáros, Á., Guettala, I., Péli, E., Pintér, K., Nagy, Z., and Balogh, J.: LED-induced chlorophyll fluorescence during heat and drought stress as assessed in a microcosm experiment on sunflower, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13239,, 2025.

Accurate and timely seasonal yield predictions before harvest are becoming ever more relevant due to increasing pressure on the agricultural sector under climate change. Especially for agricultural planning, logistics, and food markets, seasonal predictions are of significant importance in the context of food security and price stability.

A novel approach to enhance early-season yield forecasts at the regional scale will be presented. Earth observation (EO) data from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite are able to trace spatio-temporal vegetation dynamics (e.g., crop phenological status, crop growth, photosynthesis via FAPAR, or chlorophyll indices) in near real-time. By deriving daily satellite composites and combining these data with physical modelling using the Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land (LPJmL) dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) in a newly developed assimilation process, enhanced yield forecasts can be achieved. There are currently no interfaces for continuous assimilation of EO data for the LPJmL model, thus, approaches such as parameter forcing and ensemble methods allowing for continuous parameter optimization during the course of the growing season are presented and compared conceptually to improve the LPJmL model for seasonal yield predictions. Existing methods for model parameter calibration and optimization with EO data using machine learning are applied to agricultural areas in the study area.

While these results focus on the study area of Bavaria, southern Germany, the approach is scalable also on national or European scale. For demonstration purposes, the year 2018 – a comparably dry year – was chosen due to the availability of detailed land use data. LPJmL was designed for global simulations, hence, a regional downscaling is necessary for its application at the regional scale.

Integrating different remote sensing data sources enables a more detailed picture of plant growth, which will allow a regional early warning system for food security and farmer’s turnover in the future. The combination of process- and data-based approaches is likely to improve accuracy and lag time.

How to cite: Jörges, C., Hank, T., and Fader, M.: Chances and Challenges of Data Assimilation for Seasonal Yield Predictions Using Sentinel-3 Satellite Data and the Agro-Ecosystem Model LPJmL, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13318,, 2025.

EGU25-14174 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Taiwan’s Agricultural Land Using Field and Remote Sensing Data. 

Miguel Conrado Valdez Vasquez, Chi-Farn Chen, Jien-Hui Syu, and Liang-Chien Chen

Soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks represent the second-largest natural carbon reservoir globally, surpassed only by the oceans. SOC plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem health, offering numerous benefits such as enhancing soil structure, increasing nutrient availability, and boosting water retention capacity. Beyond its ecological significance, SOC is integral to climate change mitigation, given its ability to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide effectively. Additionally, SOC contributes to improving the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil, making it indispensable for sustainable land management. Taiwan, an island in the western Pacific Ocean, spans an area of approximately 35,800 square kilometers. Shaped like a tobacco leaf, the island extends 400 kilometers in length and 150 kilometers at its widest point. Taiwan’s landscape is characterized by a Central Mountain Range running north to south, steep slopes, and geologically fragile formations. In recent decades, Taiwan has experienced significant changes in land use and land cover, particularly in urban areas where cropland and forest land on city outskirts have been replaced by infrastructure development. These transformations have directly impacted SOC levels across the island, underscoring the need for accurate mapping to estimate SOC stocks and assess soil functionality, particularly in agricultural regions. Traditional ground sampling methods for estimating SOC, though precise, are often costly and labor-intensive. To address these limitations, alternative approaches, such as remote sensing, offer cost-effective solutions. Among various predictive modeling techniques, machine learning algorithms like Random Forest (RF) have emerged as highly effective tools for SOC estimation. RF models excel due to their ability to minimize correlation among individual decision trees and provide reliable error estimates, ensuring robust predictions.

In this study, we combined field sampling data (2010–2021) with remote sensing, topographic, and climatic datasets to estimate SOC stocks in the topsoil layer (0–30 cm) of Taiwan’s agricultural areas. Using the RF algorithm, we initially employed 23 explanatory variables and subsequently refined the model by eliminating less significant predictors, reducing the final set to 12 variables. The refined model demonstrated strong predictive accuracy, with R² values exceeding 0.70 for agriculture land in Taiwan. Our findings revealed spatial variations in SOC levels, with mountainous regions exhibiting higher SOC stocks compared to suburban and low-lying agricultural areas, where values were notably lower. SOC levels for agricultural lands ranged from a maximum of 7.14 kg/m² to a minimum of 2.55 kg/m², with an average value of 3.43 kg/m². Agricultural practices incorporating agroforestry techniques showed relatively higher SOC stocks, emphasizing the role of sustainable practices in enhancing soil carbon storage. The results of this study hold significant implications for long-term monitoring of SOC in Taiwan and provide a crucial reference for policymakers aiming to develop effective carbon sequestration strategies. By integrating field data with advanced modeling and remote sensing technologies, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of SOC dynamics and supports efforts to promote sustainable land management and climate resilience.

How to cite: Valdez Vasquez, M. C., Chen, C.-F., Syu, J.-H., and Chen, L.-C.: Mapping Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Taiwan’s Agricultural Land Using Field and Remote Sensing Data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14174,, 2025.

Air pollution, particularly surface ozone, has become a significant threat to agriculture in China, severely impacting the productivity of essential staple crops like winter wheat. However, the spatiotemporal variability of ozone concentrations and its interactions with other environmental factors—such as temperature and droughts—remain inadequately understood regarding their impact on agricultural productivity. To address this gap in knowledge, this study integrates multi-source remote sensing data with advanced statistical analysis and machine learning techniques to quantitatively examine the spatiotemporal variation of ozone pollution and its interactions with climate change and other environmental factors on winter wheat productivity.

The study first employs the Geographically and Temporally Weighted Regression (GTWR) model, utilizing high-resolution remote sensing data from 2013 to 2019, to assess the spatiotemporal response of winter wheat productivity to ozone pollution. To further investigate the interactions between ozone and other environmental factors, an interpretable machine learning framework is applied, specifically using the eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm augmented by SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP). Additionally, a structural equation model is developed to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of these interactions. The results indicate that the negative impact of surface ozone on winter wheat has intensified annually, with significant spatial variation. Particularly in high-pollution areas, such as eastern Henan and northern Anhui provinces, the effects of ozone on winter wheat are most pronounced. Furthermore, the study reveals that the impact of ozone on winter wheat productivity varies across different growth stages, with the most severe effects observed during the later stages in May. Additionally, the research reveals the complex interactions between ozone and other environmental factors, such as temperature and aerosol concentration. Notably, the harmful effects of ozone are exacerbated under conditions of high aerosol concentration and elevated temperatures. Interestingly, drought conditions were found to partially mitigate the negative impact of ozone on productivity.

This study provides a systematic and actionable analytical framework for quantitatively evaluating the effects of ozone pollution and its interactions with climate change and other environmental factors on crop productivity. The findings underscore the need for targeted agricultural measures and pollution control strategies, particularly in high-pollution regions and during critical growth stages. These results provide theoretical support for sustainable agricultural development and climate adaptation management. Furthermore, the study contributes valuable insights into the application of remote sensing technology for large-scale agricultural monitoring, thereby enhancing the management efficiency and adaptive capacity of agricultural ecosystems in response to environmental challenges.

How to cite: Du, C.: Evaluating Air Pollution Impacts on Agricultural Productivity in China: Insights from Remote Sensing Data and Geospatial Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14198,, 2025.

EGU25-14688 | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Monitoring Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in Middle Taiwan Using Remote Sensing Data. 

Cheng-Ru Chen, Chi-Farn Chen, Nguyen-Thanh Son, Liang-Chien Chen, Tsang-Sen Liu, and Yao-Cheng Kuo

Methane (CH₄) emissions from paddy rice fields significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global climate change. In Taiwan, rice cultivation occupies approximately 20% of agricultural land. This study utilizes Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P satellite data to monitor methane emissions from these fields. The research follows four key steps: 1) classifying rice cropping areas; 2) detecting the phenological stages of rice; 3) correlating spatial and temporal data with rice cultivation and methane emissions; and 4) validating the results with in-situ data. The preliminary findings identify methane emission hotspots during the rice-growing seasons, revealing substantial temporal variability linked to agricultural practices such as water management, organic matter application, and rice phenology. Peak emissions occur during the early to mid-growing stages. The adoption of satellite data for monitoring emissions offers a cost-effective and scalable alternative to traditional methods, which are often labor-intensive and geographically limited. The research can also enhance the sustainable agricultural management strategies for achieving local greenhouse gas reduction targets.

How to cite: Chen, C.-R., Chen, C.-F., Son, N.-T., Chen, L.-C., Liu, T.-S., and Kuo, Y.-C.: Monitoring Methane Emissions from Rice Paddies in Middle Taiwan Using Remote Sensing Data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14688,, 2025.

EGU25-14999 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Early prediction of within-field variability wheat productive potential using Sentinel2 satellite data. 

Elena Pareja-Serrano, José González-Piqueras, and André Chanzy

Assessing agricultural production in the context of climate change is a global concern. In the recent decades, variable rate technology (VRT) for agricultural machinery has made it possible to adjust fertiliser rates on-the-go, allowing the within-field crop management. In this context, in order to select the most effective management practices, it is essential to identify the driving factors that determine yield variability, mapping the spatial distribution of these driving factors and to determine the local yield variability potential.

Mapping the homogeneous within-field areas of yield potential is used to define management zones. Remote sensing data provide a practical means of delineating these zones. The crop biophysical variable, cumulative evapotranspiration (ETccum), derived from NDVI time series and climate data, was analysed to evaluate its ability to estimate yield. In the semi-arid conditions of the Spanish Central Plateau, wheat ETccum maps were correlated with yield maps by non-linear regression with an R2 of 88%. ETccum serves as an effective proxy for yield estimation and the statistical analysis to determine the level of homogeneity within the field, the driving factors that determine yield variability, and mapping the spatial distribution of these driving factors. Nevertheless, the observed saturation effect in the biophysical variable highlights limitations that require further analysis.

Additionally, during the wheat season, expected potential yields can fluctuate in response to actual weather conditions. Consequently, updating yield predictions early in the season is critical for informed irrigation and fertilisation management decisions. The ability of ETccum to forecast yields at early phenological stages, such as flag leaf and flowering—key stages for yield formation—is examined. Finally, the stability of spatial variability patterns, compared to those derived from ETccum at maturity, is analysed as an indicator of the spatial distribution of yield drivers.

Acknowledgments: this work was supported by the research project NSBOIL (Horizon, GA 101091246).

How to cite: Pareja-Serrano, E., González-Piqueras, J., and Chanzy, A.: Early prediction of within-field variability wheat productive potential using Sentinel2 satellite data., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14999,, 2025.

Effectively tracking drought effects using satellite data can be conducted by combining atmospheric data with additional information of vegetation indices (VIs) from optical data. While VIs detect drought when plant damage is often irreversible, information about the plant physiological status can help detect drought effects much earlier. Remotely-sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), emitted directly from the photosynthetic apparatus (Drusch et al., 2017), provides such information.  When abiotic stress occurs due to an increased dissipation of thermal energy through the process of non-photochemical quenching (NPQ), the fluorescence yield is decreased, which can be measured as SIF (Berger et al., 2022, Damm et al., 2018).

Top of canopy (TOC) SIF is available from Sentinel-5P’s TROPOMI sensor since 2018 (Guanter et al., 2021, Köhler et al., 2018). This data, however, is affected by incoming radiation and canopy structure. These effects need to be removed In order to calculate the fluorescence yield in form of the quantum efficiency at leaf level (ΦF), which provides the pure information on the actual physiological status of the plant. Equation (1) uses the vegetation index NIRv (NDVI*NIR (Badgley et al., 2017)) to serve as a combined proxy of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) and the fluorescence escape probability (fesc) (Dechant et al. 2020, Liu et al. 2023). Both SIF data at 743 nm and the reflectance used to calculate the NIRv come from TROPOMI, while the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is provided by MODIS.

ΦF = π*SIF743canopy/(NIRv*PAR) (1)

This study presents a new multi-year (2018-2023) ΦF dataset at 0.05° resolution covering Germany with daily temporal resolution. To assess ΦF’s potential as an early drought stress indicator for agricultural and forest ecosystems, it is compared to the anomaly of subsurface water storage (sss), which serves a reference parameter for plant water availability generated by combining the hydrological model PARFLOW and common land model (CLM) (Belleflamme et al., 2023). ΦF and sss anomaly data were split into periods of prolonged negative sss anomaly indicating drought events (cross-referenced as watch/warning periods using the Combined Drought Indicator (European Commission)). Cross-correlation coefficients for different time lags were calculated to compare the datasets. The data was spatially aggregated daily and temporally averaged using a two-day rolling average.

Results show that cross-correlation coefficients for ΦF and sss anomaly are highest at a 2-day lag, dropping again after 3 days, indicating that ΦF follows the negative sss anomaly trend with a 2-day delay in both agricultural and forest ecosystems. Non-normalized canopy SIF and vegetation indices (NIRv, NDVI) showed no pattern and low cross-correlation coefficients during the observed periods. Our findings prove that ΦF has the ability to detect insufficient plant water availability and thus can be used for early drought stress detection in agricultural and forest ecosystems. The comparison of the capabilities of ΦF and TOC SIF to track short-term changes in subsurface water storage illustrates that a proper downscaling and normalization of canopy SIF is essential to use SIF satellite measurements for the early detection of drought events.

How to cite: Herrera, D., Rascher, U., Belleflamme, A., and Siegmann, B.: On the Potential of a Novel Satellite-Based Time-Series of Normalized Far-Red Solar-Induced Fluorescence to Track Short-Term Changes in Subsurface Water Storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15038,, 2025.

EGU25-15653 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Comparing Different Unmixing Methods for weed detection and identification 

Inbal Ronay, Ran Nisim Lati, and Fadi Kizel

Herbicides are extensively used for weed management worldwide. However, their use is a significant cause 
of environmental pollution and human health problems. Efficient Site-Specific weed management (SSWM) 
practice attempts to reduce herbicide use and its negative impacts by adjusting herbicide application based 
on weed composition and coverage. Such an application requires high-resolution data in spatial and spectral 
domains, which is not always available. Consequently, Mixed pixels are likely to exist, creating a challenge 
to generate accurate weed maps. In this regard, Spectral Mixture Analysis (SMA) can mitigate this challenge
by exploiting subpixel information. This study assesses the potential benefits of four SMA methods for 
estimating weed coverage of different botanical groups. We examined four methods- Constrained Least 
Squares Unmixing (FCLSU), Sparse Unmixing via variable Splitting and Augmented Lagrangian (SUnSAL), 
Sparse Unmixing via variable Splitting and Augmented Lagrangian and Total variation (SUnSAL-TV) and 
the Vectorized Code Projected Gradient Descent Unmixing (VPGDU). Each suggests a distinct advantage 
for spectral unmixing. We used controlled hyperspectral and multispectral field datasets to compare the four 
methods. The controlled data included weed species characterized by distinct botanical groups, while the 
field dataset included a corn field with weeds at varying densities. We assessed the performance of the 
different methods in estimating weed coverage and composition at various spatial resolutions. Our results
demonstrated the advantages of the total variation regularization of SUnSAL-TV and the superiority of the 
SAM-based method, VPGDU, over other approaches. VPGDU was the best-performing method, with MAE 
values consistently lower than 8.6% at all resolutions, underscoring the advantage of its objective function 
in unmixing weed botanical groups and the significant effect of illumination on the results. This result was 
also consistent in the field data as VPGDU yielded the lowest MAE of 11.95%,

How to cite: Ronay, I., Lati, R. N., and Kizel, F.: Comparing Different Unmixing Methods for weed detection and identification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15653,, 2025.

EGU25-15760 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Generally applicable method for unsupervised weed detection in row crops using UAV-based high-resolution RGB imagery 

Ambroos Van Poucke, Jan Verwaeren, and Wouter Maes

Advancements in sensing technology and in machine and deep learning have expanded UAV remote sensing applications in agriculture. Most of these applications rely on supervised techniques, but generalization remains a critical and underexplored challenge. Agricultural datasets often exhibit variability across fields, sensors, crops and growth stages. While models such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) perform well when trained on millions of samples, this approach is impractical with UAV-based agricultural data. This suggests that a location-specific, unsupervised approach might be more effective.

This study proposes a generally applicable method to map weed densities in row crops using high resolution RGB UAV data. The workflow first starts with a vegetation masking based on the Excess Green index, followed by a novel row detection model that separates intra- and interrow vegetation. Pseudo-labels generated from this step are used to train the CNN segmentation model Deeplabv3.

The method was applied on 12 maize datasets collected across multiple locations in Belgium, at different growth stages, and using three different UAV cameras, leading to ranges in ground sampling distance (GSD). The model was also applied on a public sugar beet dataset, PhenoBench, covering 3 dates was used to validate the model. Model performance was evaluated against manually annotated ground truth segmentation maps from each field (n = 50).

Semantic segmentation of crops achieved consistent mean Intersection over Union (IoU) values, exceeding 0.7 (F1-score > 0.89). Weed detection performance was relatively low in very early growth stages (IoU>0.4, F1-score > 0.6) due to limited plant sizes, but improved as weeds grew, with IoU reaching 0.63 (F1-score = 0.83) in later stages. The model was equally performant on maize and on sugar beet.

Despite these early-season limitations, the lower weed detection accuracy had minimal impact on field-level weed density maps, which are primarily used for relative density comparisons to guide site-specific herbicide applications. Regression analyses of predicted crop and weed areas against ground truth annotations showed strong linear relationships. Early-season datasets exhibited slight underestimates of weed area, whereas later-season datasets demonstrated a near-perfect 1:1 relationship (R² > 0.80). GSD proved to be a reciprocal indicator of accuracy, with the highest accuracy at GSDs below 1mm/pixel. GSD above 3 mm/pixel showed a rapid decrease in accuracy.

Overall, the proposed approach effectively generates accurate field-level weed density maps, offering a robust tool for precision weed management in agriculture.

How to cite: Van Poucke, A., Verwaeren, J., and Maes, W.: Generally applicable method for unsupervised weed detection in row crops using UAV-based high-resolution RGB imagery, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15760,, 2025.

EGU25-16547 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Knowledge-encoded deep fusion for yield estimation under extreme climate stress 

Xingguo Xiong, Renhai Zhong, Qiyu Tian, Ioannis Athanasiadis, and Tao Lin

Accurately modeling the impacts of climate stress on crop growth and yield is crucial for ensuring food security. Data-driven models are increasingly utilized for yield estimation because they can learn effective crop growth features from vast amounts of remote sensing and meteorological data. However, extreme climate stress conditions have few yield labels available for these models to modeling the interaction in crop responses. The response of crops to extreme climate stress often exhibits varied delays which are captured in remote sensing observations. In this study, we explicitly encode the time lag effect quantified by remote sensing and climate stress indicators into a two-stream fusion framework for estimating crop yield under extreme climate stress. Each stream employs a pyramid structure that progressively aggregates remote sensing and climate time series into feature embeddings. A time-lag-encoded cross attention mechanism fuses feature embeddings between the two streams, while phenology-sensitivity-guided linear attention is applied on top of the pyramid structures for processing ultimate time-lag encoded features. The proposed model is evaluated across nine Midwestern states within the US Corn Belt at the county level from 2006 to 2012, simulating climate stress situations with fewer samples. End-of-season results demonstrate that the knowledge-encoded two-stream model (RMSE=1.17 Mg ha-1) outperforms both the feature-stacking-based two-stream model (RMSE=1.43 Mg ha-1) and random forest (RMSE=1.68 Mg ha-1) under extreme climate stress. The improved estimation performance indicates that knowledge-encoded data fusion is more effective than merely stacking multi-source input data. In-season results reveal that our model proficiently captures extreme events and effectively predicts yield 8 weeks in advance. The time-lag knowledge could be extended to other forms of climate stress. Also, cross attention enables integration with additional data sources to enhance the interaction modeling of complex biomass accumulation and yield formation.

How to cite: Xiong, X., Zhong, R., Tian, Q., Athanasiadis, I., and Lin, T.: Knowledge-encoded deep fusion for yield estimation under extreme climate stress, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16547,, 2025.

EGU25-16843 | Orals | ESSI4.11

Explainable Machine Learning for Forest Fire Detection with Remote Sensing for Effective Rescue Planning 

Octavian Dumitru, Chandrabali Karmakar, and Shivam Goyal

In the present decade, forest fires have become more common than ever [1]. Efficient strategies to cope with fire situations, and/damage assessments need efficient automatic forest fire detection model. In this research, we propose an unsupervised eXplainable machine learning model to assess the severity of forest fire with remote sensing data. The model, namely, Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a Bayesian Generative model, is capable of generating interpretable visualizations. LDA uncertainty quantifiable and explainable [2]. We do not need labelled data to train the model. Other usefulness of the model is that it is simple to combine any kind of input data (for example, UAV images, wind speed information). In the scope of this contribution, we use Sentinel-2 spectral bands to extract information to compute indices indicating severity of fire [1]. Uncertainty of each prediction of the model is computed to ascertain robustness of the model. As a use case, we have chosen the recent forest fire incident at Los Angeles, USA [6].

The methodological approach is as the following:

1) we acquire pre-fire, post-fire Seintinel-2 images, 2) compute three indices : Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Burn Ratio (NBR), and Burned Area Index for Sentinel (BAIS) based on state of the art literature and generate index maps, 3) compute difference between the pre-fire and post-fire index maps, 4) apply the unsupervised xAI LDA model to retrieve semantic classes in pre-fire and post-fire Sentinel-2 band images, general corresponding classification maps and plot a binary class-to-class change map,  5) Analyze the maps with visual tool to find the most affected semantic classes (e.g., dense vegetations, urban areas etc.) and produce a data-driven estimation of per-class changes due to fire [7].

In future, we plan to fuse other data sources (e.g., wind speed information [5]) to help practical applications.


[1] Lasaponara, A. M. Proto, A. Aromando, G. Cardettini, V. Varela and M. Danese, "On the Mapping of Burned Areas and Burn Severity Using Self Organizing Map and Sentinel-2 Data," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 854-858, May 2020, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2019.2934503.

[2] Karmakar, C. O. Dumitru, G. Schwarz and M. Datcu, "Feature-Free Explainable Data Mining in SAR Images Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol. 14, pp. 676-689, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2020.3039012.

[3] California Wildfires Live Updates: 24 Dead in L.A. as Dangerous Winds Threaten Fire Growth - The New York Times

[4] Sentinel-2 mission. Available online:

[5] Global Wind Atlas. Available online:

[6] ESA news based on Sentinel-2. Available online:

[7] Karmakar, C.O. Dumitru, N. Hughes and M. Datcu, "A Visualization Framework for Unsupervised Analysis of Latent Structures in SAR Image Time Series", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 16, pp. 5355-5373, 2023.

How to cite: Dumitru, O., Karmakar, C., and Goyal, S.: Explainable Machine Learning for Forest Fire Detection with Remote Sensing for Effective Rescue Planning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16843,, 2025.

EGU25-17615 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Automated detection of tuta absoluta (Meyrik) lesions on tomato plants using artificial intelligence 

Andrés Felipe Almeida-Ñauñay, Ernesto Sanz, Juan José Martín-Sotoca, Ruben Moratiel, Esther Hernández-Montes, and Ana M. Tarquis

The invasive tomato pest Tuta absoluta (Meyrik) poses a significant threat to global agriculture, often resulting in severe yield losses if not detected and managed early. This study investigates the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to develop an automated system for detecting T. absoluta (Meyrik) lesions on tomato plants. Leveraging open-source computational tools such as Google Colab, the research aims to provide an accessible and efficient solution through computational experiments, without requiring field trials.

A curated dataset of tomato plant images is prepared for training and evaluation. The YOLO (You Only Look Once) model is utilized for its proven effectiveness in small-object detection tasks, making it an ideal choice for identifying pest lesions. Model performance is assessed using metrics such as mean Average Precision (mAP), precision, recall, and F1-score, ensuring robust and reliable results across varying conditions. Prior research has highlighted the success of similar AI-based approaches in agricultural pest detection, achieving high accuracy while supporting sustainable farming practices  

This work emphasises leveraging multi-source data and advanced modelling approaches to enhance agricultural sustainability. By integrating sensing data and AI techniques, the study supports improved Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, offering a scalable and environmentally friendly solution for pest monitoring in tomato production. Furthermore, the approach demonstrates how AI-driven insights from remote sensing can contribute to the broader goals of ecosystem productivity and nature-based solutions for climate change mitigation.

Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of the Project “LIFE23-CCA-ES-LIFE ACCLIMATE: Cultivating Resilience: Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Greenhouses to Enhance Yield and Resource Efficiency from the Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE-EU) (project number: 101157315).

How to cite: Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., Sanz, E., Martín-Sotoca, J. J., Moratiel, R., Hernández-Montes, E., and Tarquis, A. M.: Automated detection of tuta absoluta (Meyrik) lesions on tomato plants using artificial intelligence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17615,, 2025.

EGU25-17735 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

A multi-sensor remote sensing approach to monitor illegal charcoal production sites in Somalia’s forests 

Luca de Guttry, Iqro Abdi Olow, Paolo Paron, Michele Bolognesi, Ugo Leonardi, Laura Stendardi, Giovanni Argenti, Marco Moriondo, and Camilla Dibari

Illegal charcoal production, by means of indiscriminate logging activities, poses significant threats to the stability of the drylands’ ecosystem in the Somali territory. In addition, the revenues from the charcoal trade often serve further illegal activities, exacerbating the already complex socio-political context of the country. In this work, we investigated the application of freely available multi-sensor remote sensing products (Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) and machine learning techniques to detect the presence of charcoal production sites (i.e., kilns) over large areas. Exploiting Google Earth Engine and open-source tools, we were able to develop a binary classification of kilns’ presence-absence for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 in a remote area (approximately 32000 km2) north-west of Mogadishu, Somalia. Concerning the workflow, we first computed median images, spanning the first three months of each year, composed of numerous optical, SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar), and combined vegetation indices. Images were then subtracted between consecutive years and a Support Vector Classification (SVC) algorithm was trained and validated on the indices’ values extracted from those. As a reference dataset, we employed known kilns’ locations from a preceding study by FAO-SWALIM, where photointerpretation of very high resolution images was used to individuate the appearance of illegal charcoal kilns. The evaluation of the classifications showed that our approach has great capabilities for the automatic individuation and the monitoring of illegal charcoal production sites, with R2 values and accuracy metrics ranging between 0.80-0.88 for the three considered years (2019, 2020, 2021). Moreover, mappings of the predicted presence-absence of kilns (at 10 m spatial resolution) were produced starting from the trained SVC model, giving a spatial representation of the phenomenon and allowing an assessment of the most impacted areas. In conclusion, our results represent a significant advancement in monitoring illegal charcoal production activities in Somalia, offering a reliable and transferable methodology based on accessible satellite imagery and tools.

How to cite: de Guttry, L., Abdi Olow, I., Paron, P., Bolognesi, M., Leonardi, U., Stendardi, L., Argenti, G., Moriondo, M., and Dibari, C.: A multi-sensor remote sensing approach to monitor illegal charcoal production sites in Somalia’s forests, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17735,, 2025.

EGU25-17743 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Remote sensing applied to phenology monitoring in vineyards: testing through field observations 

Eduardo Jiménez-Jiménez, Guillermo Muñoz-Gómez, Beatriz Lara, Federico Fernández-González, and Rosa Pérez-Badia

In this paper we study the relationship between vegetative phenology obtained from satellite-derived vegetation indices (VIs) and vegetative and floral phenology based on field observations. The work was conducted during 2023 and 2024 in vineyards belonging to the Designation of Origin Uclés, located in the west of Cuenca province (Castilla-La Mancha region, central Spain). The field work was carried out in seven plots that are frequently ploughed and lack cover crops and green covers. All plots grow under similar conditions and the maximum distance between plots is less than 2 kilometers. Phenological sampling was carried out weekly on 20 grapevines per plot, using the BBCH scale.

Different VIs (NDVI, EVI, SAVI and SAVI2) were calculated using Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Sentinel-2 data, but EVI was selected due to its greater amplitude in the index curves. The R package Phenofit was used to clean the data, curve fitting and extraction of phenology metrics. For curve fitting, the Elmore method was used, and for phenology metrics extraction, the Threshold, Inflection and Gu methods from the Phenofit package were applied. Although Inflection and Gu differ in their approach, they both divide the curve into four phenological metrics: greenup, when index starts to growth; maturity, when the index value remains stable; senescence, when it decreases; and dormancy, when it stops decreasing and remains at a low value. Threshold considers only greenup and dormancy.

The results show that greenup is associated with the inflorescence development. This phase starts in a similar day of the year (DOY) in all plots and in the two studied years. Maturity, marked by Inflection and Gu methods, occurs between flowering and fruit development stages, that is, between DOY 140–198. The senescence period is marked between fruit development and leaf discoloration (178–310 DOY), and despite its amplitude, 75% of the observations place senescence between the final stages of the fruit and leaf discoloration. Finally, dormancy occurs between leaf discoloration and the leaf fall which is correct but usually it is marked excessively late.

Phenological metrics derived from Vegetation Indices (VIs) such as greenup (potentially related to inflorescence development), senescence (potentially related to leaf discoloration), and dormancy (potentially related to leaf discoloration and fall) can be linked to the grapevine cycle on the BBCH scale. However, more studies are needed to accurately link field phenological observations with satellite-derived vegetation indices.

This work has been funded by the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (JCCM) through the project SBPLY/ 21-180501-000172 and by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) through the project 2022-GRIN-34507. EJJ thanks to the Investigo Program for a contract co-financed by the European Social Fund Plus.

How to cite: Jiménez-Jiménez, E., Muñoz-Gómez, G., Lara, B., Fernández-González, F., and Pérez-Badia, R.: Remote sensing applied to phenology monitoring in vineyards: testing through field observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17743,, 2025.

EGU25-18129 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Critical Field Points Using High-Resolution Soil Water Content Estimation Employing Remote Sensing and Deep-Learning 

Mehdi Rafiei, Muhammad Rizwan Asif, Michael Nørremark, and Claus Aage Grøn Sørensen

This study presents a novel deep-learning approach for estimating Soil Water Content (SWC) with high spatial resolution across multiple soil depths. Additionally, the study identifies critical field points based on their drying-out times analyzed by SWC estimations over extended periods. Understanding potential critical points regarding SWC allows operators of heavy agricultural equipment to gain insight into the field's traits and prevent excessive soil compaction. Additionally, this information can support more strategic and efficient harvesting plans by accounting for the impact of varying drying patterns on crop growth and soil strength to not only minimize soil degradation but also maximize yield production, offering a more productive and sustainable crop production.

In this regard, our proposed method offers a practical approach to integrating diverse data types, including:

  • Spatial data: remote sensing data (Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and vegetation index), land elevation, and soil profiles at various depths (soil content and bulk density).
  • Temporal data: historical weather information (precipitation, temperature, wind, and global radiation).
  • Contextual data: date, groundwater level, and crop type.

Previous machine learning and numerical models primarily used temporal and contextual data alongside point-based parameter values as inputs. In contrast, we incorporated spatial information instead of point values, allowing the model to capture better the surrounding influences—such as elevation, water flow, and vegetation shadows—on SWC.

To be able to estimate the SWC using the comprehensive analysis of spatial, temporal, and relevant contextual factors, these inputs are processed by a novel multi-model deep learning framework comprising:

  • U-Net to capture spatial features and the impacts of 2D image data.
  • Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) to extract temporal dependencies from weather data.
  • Feed-Forward Network (FFN) to model the influence of contextual inputs.

Our model is trained and validated using ground truth data from site measurements in the HOBE dataset. These measurements are conducted at 30 locations within the Skjern River Catchment in Western Denmark, with each data sample containing SWC at different depths: surface, 20cm, and 50cm. By utilizing data collected between 2014 and 2018 from point 1.09 in the HOBE dataset, we demonstrated that the proposed model achieved a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.0207. For comparison, a numerical model (Daisy) and a machine learning approach that did not account for spatial context produced higher MAEs of 0.0382 and 0.0269, respectively.

Subsequently, the developed model is employed to estimate SWC over extended periods and identify critical points within fields. To achieve this, we collaborated with several farmers who manually classified their field maps into regular, late-drying, and critical parts. The distinction between the latter two categories is crucial, as our observations revealed that "not every wet point is a critical point." The collected temporal SWC data is analyzed with land elevation to differentiate between these two classes. This aspect of the study remains under investigation, and further research is being conducted to refine the classification process and validate its effectiveness.

How to cite: Rafiei, M., Asif, M. R., Nørremark, M., and Sørensen, C. A. G.: Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Critical Field Points Using High-Resolution Soil Water Content Estimation Employing Remote Sensing and Deep-Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18129,, 2025.

EGU25-18174 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Innovative Approaches to Carbon Stock Assessment in Agroecosystems: The Potential of TLS 

Martina Leoni, Maria Vincenza Chiriacò, Simona Castaldi, and Riccardo Valentini

The European Union’s Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF) establishes robust quality standards and transparent monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) systems to ensure the credibility of carbon removal initiatives. Reliable MRV systems are critical for maintaining the environmental integrity of European carbon farming efforts and building stakeholder confidence in carbon accounting and reporting. Achieving these objectives requires the integration of innovative technologies with traditional methods to enhance accuracy and scalability carbon stock estimations.

Within this framework, growing attention is being directed toward methodologies for estimating carbon stocks across various pools in agroecosystems. While soil carbon estimation methods are well-established, the estimation of above-ground biomass (AGB) in agroforestry systems remains underexplored. Significant challenges in this domain include the difficulty of conducting destructive sampling in productive agricultural systems, the lack of species-specific allometric equations for woody crops, and the variability in tree structure introduced by pruning and other anthropogenic interventions.

This study applies terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) in a plum (Prunus domestica L.) orchard to address these challenges and perform non-destructive sampling of AGB for carbon stock assessment. The research employs quantitative structure modeling (QSM) to estimate tree volume and AGB with high precision, demonstrating TLS's ability to overcome limitations associated with destructive sampling, offering a scalable and repeatable approach for accurate biomass estimation in agroforestry systems. Furthermore, the study highlights the role of agroforestry in carbon sequestration efforts.

The findings highlight TLS as a valuable tool for improving the precision and reliability of carbon accounting in agroforestry systems. Its ability to provide accurate, non-destructive AGB estimates supports the effective implementation of the CRCF and advances the EU’s climate goals. Moreover, the scalability and adaptability of TLS make it a promising addition to MRV frameworks, offering stakeholders practical solutions for enhancing carbon removal initiatives.

How to cite: Leoni, M., Chiriacò, M. V., Castaldi, S., and Valentini, R.: Innovative Approaches to Carbon Stock Assessment in Agroecosystems: The Potential of TLS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18174,, 2025.

EGU25-18417 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

An Intercomparison of Two Satellite-Based Hyperspectral Imagery (PRISMA & EnMAP) for Agricultural Mapping: Potential of these sensors to produce hyperspectral time-series essential for tracking crop phenology and enhancing crop type mapping 

Mohamed Bourriz, Ahmed Laamrani, Ali El-Battay, Hicham Hajji, Nadir Elbouanani, Hamd Ait Abdelali, François Bourzeix, Abdelhakim Amazirh, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

In recent decades, space-borne hyperspectral sensors have demonstrated significant potential for agricultural monitoring by providing rich spectral information, improved feasibility, and cost-effectiveness compared to multispectral satellite imagery. In this study, we investigated the consistency of two hyperspectral satellite sensors, PRISMA and EnMAP, for agricultural mapping during the 2025 growing season in the Meknes region: one of the most fertile and productive areas for cereals and vegetables at the national level of Morocco. The primary objective was to conduct a comparative analysis of the two datasets and perform a binary classification (crop vs. no-crop) to support land use monitoring, inform decision-making, and enable advanced crop type mapping.

Our methodology included a correlation analysis of reflectance values across the visible to near-infrared (VNIR) and shortwave infrared (SWIR) ranges, as well as the evaluation of NDVI indices using two methods: band averaging and hyperspectral NDVI (hNDVI). Classification was performed using three machine learning algorithms—Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and CatBoost—based on 16 optimal hyperspectral narrow-bands (i.e., 427,  535, 567, 714, 775, 805, 839, 913, 977, 1175, 1246, 1295, 1717, 2077, 2191, 2343 nm) from PRISMA and EnMAP that best capture the variability of vegetation biophysical and biochemical characteristics.

Results demonstrated high Pearson correlation coefficients between the two sensors, with r=0.93 in the VNIR and r=0.91 in the SWIR ranges. NDVI comparison also showed strong consistency results, with correlations of r=0.84 using the hNDVI method and r=0.85 using band averaging. The utilization of optimal hyperspectral narrow-bands achieved superior classification accuracies of 99.95% with PRISMA and 99.65% with EnMAP, with SVM outperforming other algorithms, followed by RF and CatBoost. Moreover, an Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) based analysis indicated that bands in the NIR and SWIR regions were the most critical features driving these high classification performances.

These findings highlight the consistency and complementarity of PRISMA and EnMAP for agricultural monitoring. They also demonstrate the potential of these sensors to produce hyperspectral time-series essential for tracking crop phenology and enhancing crop type mapping, thereby overcoming the constraints posed by limited revisit intervals in current imaging spectroscopy missions.

How to cite: Bourriz, M., Laamrani, A., El-Battay, A., Hajji, H., Elbouanani, N., Ait Abdelali, H., Bourzeix, F., Amazirh, A., and Chehbouni, A.: An Intercomparison of Two Satellite-Based Hyperspectral Imagery (PRISMA & EnMAP) for Agricultural Mapping: Potential of these sensors to produce hyperspectral time-series essential for tracking crop phenology and enhancing crop type mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18417,, 2025.

EGU25-18748 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Species Distribution Models: Application to the Identification of Populations and Potential Distribution Areas of the Forage Plant Bituminaria bituminosa 

Javier San Martin Loren, Jesús Fernandez Habas, and Pilar Fernandez Rebollo

The species Bituminaria bituminosa (L.) C.H. STIRT has been studied over the past two decades to be integrated as a forage crop in agro-silvo-pastoral systems due to its nutritional qualities and low water requirements (<200 mm). These efforts have led to the development of new varieties using genotypes from the Canary Islands. These varieties are expected to be utilized in mixed or monoculture systems, leveraging their drought tolerance to extend the availability of high-quality feed, thus reducing costs during the forage shortages of the summer season. The ability of Bituminaria to fulfill this role in Mediterranean basin farms will largely depend on its adaptation to environmental conditions.

This study aims to explore the circum-Mediterranean distribution of Bituminaria using Species Distribution Models (SDMs) and 33,132 occurrences from the GBIF platform on natural populations of the species. Bioclimatic, edaphic, geomorphological, and satellite-derived variables were used in model development through the biomod2 package in R, achieving ensemble model metrics with a mean True Skill Statistic (TSS) of 0.78. Eight clusters have been proposed to group occurrences based on the most important variables identified in the ensemble model, which also aids in identifying isolated populations or localized scenarios that may serve as a foundation for breeding programs aimed at improving specific traits. These results will contribute to a deeper understanding of the ecology, phenotypic plasticity, population dynamics, movement patterns, and evolutionary processes within the genus Bituminaria.

How to cite: San Martin Loren, J., Fernandez Habas, J., and Fernandez Rebollo, P.: Species Distribution Models: Application to the Identification of Populations and Potential Distribution Areas of the Forage Plant Bituminaria bituminosa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18748,, 2025.

Scalably sensing/estimating local information of environment, management, and crop at the field level is the first step of a System-of-Systemssolution to quantify field-level agroecosystem dynamics (Guan et al., Earth-Science Reviews, 2023). This sensing effort involves two major and inherently connected tasks: (1) ground truth collection, and (2) cross-scale sensing. Agricultural ground truth is scarce and expensive to collect, however, the need for ground truth data is non-negotiable and should be a major investment with public funding. We have developed cross-scale sensingapproaches to scale-up ground truthcollection to large scales. In this talk, we will review our recent progress in using "cross-scale sensing" to accurately estimate critical variables of agroecosystem dynamics, covering management practices (e.g. tillage practice, crop rotation, cover crop adoption, irrigation), environmental conditions (e.g. soil properties), and crop traits and conditions (e.g. LAI, Vmax, phtosynthesis, crop yield). We will also identify current challenges and future opportunities to further advance remote sensing for sustainable and precision agriculture. 

How to cite: Guan, K.: Recent progress in remote sensing for advancing sustainable and precision agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19065,, 2025.

EGU25-19406 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Assessment of Retention Basin Potential Using Active Remote Sensing 

Dávid Pásztor, Attila Nagy, Zsolt Fehér, and János Tamás

The increasing frequency of drought periods and the intensification of precipitation distribution extremes in Central Europe, particularly in eastern Hungary, pose significant challenges for water resource management. The Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld) experiences an annual precipitation deficit of 150–250 mm, exacerbating the adverse effects of drought. The Eastern Main Canal (Keleti-főcsatorna) plays a crucial role in water supply, transporting 300–400 million m³ of water annually as part of the Civaqua program. This initiative aims to channel water from the Tisza River to the Tócó stream, ensuring sustainable water supply for the region and maintaining critical water levels in local reservoirs, including the Vezér Street Retention Basin. The basin serves not only water retention and flood control purposes but also provides recreational opportunities for the local community.
This study aims to evaluate strategies for maximizing the capacity and efficiency of retention basins by optimizing the water supply from the Tisza River and the Eastern Main Canal, particularly during drought periods. Additionally, the research explores the potential of basin retention for the storage of precipitation and excess water within the basin and surrounding landscapes. Such retention solutions contribute to efficient water resource management, mitigating drought impacts and enhancing the long-term sustainability of water management practices.
The research employed active remote sensing technologies, including the Apache 3 unmanned surface vessel equipped with a monobeam sonar, providing depth measurement accuracy within 1% of the measured depth. For terrestrial surveys, the Stonex X120GO SLAM Laser Scanner was utilized, delivering millimeter-level precision in 3D mapping. The integration of these technologies enabled the development of detailed basin models, capturing both underwater and aboveground features of the retention basin. The primary focus was the Vezér Street Retention Basin, which serves flood control, water retention, and recreational functions in the Debrecen area.
The lowest point of the Vezér Street Retention Basin is at an elevation of 110.65 m above Baltic Sea level, while the highest point of the basin crown is 114.39 m, resulting in a maximum depth of 3.74 m. The basin’s total storage capacity, when fully saturated, is 39,213.59 m³, with a water surface area of 16,354.93 m². At the average water level of 113.69 m, the basin holds approximately 28,253.2 m³ of water, with a water surface area of 15,000.08 m². During the summer, under conditions of 20°C, average atmospheric pressure, and humidity, evaporation rates reach 3 mm/day/m², resulting in a daily water loss of 45,000.24 mm/day. The aquatic biodiversity of the basin is characterized by the presence of Typha species, which serve as critical ecological indicators.
The preliminary findings highlight that active remote sensing methods, such as sonar and the Stonex X120GO SLAM Laser Scanner, provide reliable tools for maximizing basin capacity and developing efficient water retention strategies.


The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: Pásztor, D., Nagy, A., Fehér, Z., and Tamás, J.: Assessment of Retention Basin Potential Using Active Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19406,, 2025.

EGU25-19560 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Assessment of phenology of winter wheat using Sentinel 2 multispectral data for varying sowing dates  

Hitesh Upreti, Chinthamaneni Sriyodh, and Manoj Yadav

Wheat is one most widely grown and consumed crops globally. Region-wise, the north Indian plains are one of the largest producers of wheat in the world. However, there remains a substantial variation in the sowing dates and thus the phenology of wheat grown in the area owing to variation in cropping patterns, soil type and agricultural practices. In this study, field data including the extent of wheat crops along with their sowing and harvest dates were collected in the Gautam Buddha Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, India during the 2022-23 crop season. The study region is then classified into croplands and further into wheat and non-wheat areas using the random forest classifier in the Google Earth Engine. On the basis of the sowing dates, the study region is divided into early sowing (sowing date before 10 November 2022) and late sowing (sowing date after 25 November 2022) areas. The phenology of the wheat agricultural fields is analyzed using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived using the Sentinel 2 surface reflectance data product available in the Google Earth Engine. Results showed that the early sowing wheat has the largest period (6 to 7 weeks) in which canopy cover was near maximum. The same period for late sown wheat was found as 4 to 5 weeks for late sown wheat. In general, the peak vegetation density for the crop season decreased as the sowing time of the wheat was delayed. The average value of peak normalized difference red-edge index (NDRE) was found as 0.67 (in second week of February 2023) and 0.62 (in first week of March 2023) for the early and late sown wheat, respectively. The lengths of the crop seasons of the early and late sown wheat were found as 140 and 120 days, respectively. The findings of the present study can be extrapolated to understand the phenology as well as the yield patterns of the wheat in one largest wheat producing regions in the world.

How to cite: Upreti, H., Sriyodh, C., and Yadav, M.: Assessment of phenology of winter wheat using Sentinel 2 multispectral data for varying sowing dates , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19560,, 2025.

EGU25-19779 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11

Integrating Orthophotos and Field Data for Precision Vineyard Yield Prediction: A Case Study of Tempranillo Grapevines 

Maite Novellón, Sara Lacalle, Ana María Tarquis, and Pilar Baeza

Anticipating the response of grapevines to environmental variability is crucial for opti-mizing field management practices. This study explores the interaction between vines and their habitat across the growing cycle to inform more effective vineyard management. The research was conducted at the "Alhambra" plot in Ciudad Real (38.8089720, -3.0705830), which spans approximately 6 hectares of irrigated Tempranillo (Vitis vinifera L.) vines. Vine spacing is 3.05x1.54 m², and the training system is a double guyot pruned, vertical shoot positioning. The study utilizes data collected over 2024.

Within the plot, three replicates of 30 plants each were sampled. Measurements were taken from consecutive rows, 15 plants each. At the phenological stage of separated clus-ters, the number of clusters was recorded, while berry weight and the number of berries per cluster were assessed at veraison and harvest. Yield partitioning was determined at harvest. Additional parameters were also measured, including total soluble solids, surface area, pruning and shoot weight.

A custom script was developed to analyze the orthophotos of the vineyard to quantify the trellis length occupied by vines, excluding gaps where vines were missing. This method enables precise calculation of the vine-covered productive area. By combining these or-thophoto analyses with field-estimated yields per linear meter of vine, the study could provide accurate vineyard yield predictions. The accuracy and effectiveness of this inte-grated methodology are thoroughly evaluated.

Acknowledgements BigPrediData

How to cite: Novellón, M., Lacalle, S., Tarquis, A. M., and Baeza, P.: Integrating Orthophotos and Field Data for Precision Vineyard Yield Prediction: A Case Study of Tempranillo Grapevines, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19779,, 2025.

Andean communities in central Peru play a key role in the conservation of vicuñas (Vicugna vicugna), a protected species that depends on puna grass and flooded vegetation for food and access to water throughout the year. This study focuses on seven communities of Lucanas in Ayacucho, a dry mountainous region of Peru, emphasizing the need for accurate information to monitor resources in a context of climate change and support community decision-making. In this research, based on Google Earth Engine (GEE), we evaluated the performance of classification algorithms using Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) image data for rangelands classification. The process used ground-based and image-based points to train and validate the models, a filter to minimize spatial autocorrelation between training and validation sets; and spectral separability measurements using the Jeffries-Matusita (JM) distance, all of steps allowed an adequate discrimination and representation of the classes. Additionally, we used 64 feature variables (including vegetation, texture, topographic, snow, water, minerals, radar features) and applied Cloud Score+, quality assessment (QA) processor in S2 image collection, to improve classification accuracy. Random Forest (RF) algorithm achieved an overall accuracy (OA) of 92% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.908 outperforming the Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm, which obtained an OA of 90.9% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.895. The results show that, in the semi-captivity sectors, 1,777.5 hectares of puna grass and 319.1 hectares of flooded vegetation were identified, while in wild management areas 5,431.1 hectares of puna grass and 843.8 hectares of flooded vegetation were recorded. These findings highlight the importance of integrating remote sensing tools and machine learning algorithms to generate key information in the management of natural resources in communities.

How to cite: Ochoa, J., Juarez, H., Sotomayor, D., and De Haan, S.: Mapping Rangeland Vegetation Using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 Imagery with Machine Learning: A Case Study of Vicuña Conservation in the Central Andes of Perú, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21573,, 2025.

EGU25-21604 | ECS | Orals | ESSI4.11

Leaf Area Index and Leaf Chlorophyll Content estimation from hyperspectral imaging using SCOPE model inversion 

Chiara Rivosecchi, Aya Amar, Paola A. Deligios, Eline Eeckhout, Matteo Francioni, Geert Haesaert, Luigi Ledda, Adriano Mancini, and Wouter H. Maes

Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Leaf Chlorophyll Content (LCC) are key vegetation indices for modeling energy and mass exchange between the atmosphere and land surfaces and can therefore be utilized for yield prediction. Consequently, suitable methods have been developed to retrieve LAI and LCC from remotely sensed data. Among these, the inversion of Radiative Transfer Models stands out as a promising approach, as it addresses the issue of limited transferability and minimizes the need for extensive field measurements also accounting for crop variability.

The objective of this study is to assess the applicability of the Soil Canopy Observation of Photochemistry and Energy Fluxes (SCOPE) model for estimating LAI and LCC of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) using time series of hyperspectral images captured by an uncrewed aerial vehicle. A field experiment was conducted in Belgium from June to October 2024, involving two potato varieties, early and late, subjected to two nitrogen fertilization levels and six different biostimulants. Throughout the crop growth cycle, hyperspectral UAV images were captured biweekly using the Specim AFX10 camera. On the same days, in situ measurements of LAI and LCC were performed. LAI and LCC were estimated using a look-up table (LUT) approach based on the inversion of the SCOPE model. A cost function (norm2 distance) was employed to sort the LUT and identify a set of spectra that minimized the distance between measured reflectance and simulated reflectance in the LUT. The estimated LAI and LCC values were then compared with their corresponding in situ measurements.

Preliminary results indicate that simulated LAI and LCC showed potential for use in designing models to predict measured LAI and LCC (R2=0.26 and R2=0.30, respectively, p<0.001). In conclusion, simulated LAI and LCC correlated well with measured values for the late variety at the beginning of the crop cycle. Future work will focus on extending the analysis to cover the entire season, incorporating remote sensing observations into the parametrization of a crop growth model for yield predictions.

How to cite: Rivosecchi, C., Amar, A., Deligios, P. A., Eeckhout, E., Francioni, M., Haesaert, G., Ledda, L., Mancini, A., and Maes, W. H.: Leaf Area Index and Leaf Chlorophyll Content estimation from hyperspectral imaging using SCOPE model inversion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21604,, 2025.

EGU25-21750 | ECS | Posters on site | ESSI4.11 | Highlight

PANGEOS COST action: Uncertainty propagation in remote sensing  

Egor Prikaziuk, Gary Llewellyn, Laura Mihai, Agnieszka Bialek, Andreas Hueni, Mike Werfeli, Jose Luis Gomez-Dans, Jochem Verrelst, Jose Luis Garcia-Soria, Joseph Fennell, Dessislava Ganeva, and Shawn Carlisle Kefauver


Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science (PANGEOS) funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) organisation brings together researchers to share their expertise and bring up a new generation of scientists. In October 2024 PANGEOS conducted an intensive 5-day summer school where more than 20 participants learnt how to propagate uncertainty of spectral measurements to uncertainty in higher-level products. The training material in the form of Python Jupyter notebooks is publicly available on GitHub

This presentation is going to highlight the steps of uncertainty propagation from ground measurements through vegetation indices and retrieved plant traits towards higher-level model estimates, like gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration. All three pathways of retrieval uncertainty estimation, regression-based (vegetation indices), radiative transfer model-based and hybrid, are demonstrated. In addition, challenges of uncertainty propagation through satellite imagery are discussed in a separate block.

Finally, a highlight of current and future activities of the PANGEOS COST action will be given.


This abstract is supported by the EU COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA22136 “Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science” (PANGEOS).

How to cite: Prikaziuk, E., Llewellyn, G., Mihai, L., Bialek, A., Hueni, A., Werfeli, M., Gomez-Dans, J. L., Verrelst, J., Garcia-Soria, J. L., Fennell, J., Ganeva, D., and Kefauver, S. C.: PANGEOS COST action: Uncertainty propagation in remote sensing , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21750,, 2025.

EGU25-1332 | Posters on site | HS6.8

Leveraging Remote Sensing based Soil Moisture for High-resolution Irrigation Water Use Estimation and Validation with Reference Data 

Muhammad Zohaib, Mohsin Hafeez, Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud Cheema, Umar Waqas Liaqat, and Hyunglok Kim

Irrigation water use constitutes the largest share of freshwater consumption by humans. With increasing water withdrawals for irrigation anticipated in the coming years due to population growth and climate change, there is an urgent need for effective strategies to manage agricultural water use sustainably. However, traditional methods for evaluating irrigation water use, such as administrative records and field surveys, are often constrained by limited spatial coverage, delays in reporting, and inconsistencies in data accuracy. These limitations significantly impede the timely and reliable assessment of irrigation practices, particularly in expansive canal command areas.

Satellite-based remote sensing offers a robust solution to these challenges by providing consistent, high-resolution data over large spatial and temporal scales. The complementary strengths of microwave and optical remote sensing are particularly advantageous in estimating soil moisture. Microwave sensors, with their ability to penetrate clouds and operate in all weather conditions, are effective in deriving baseline soil moisture estimates. Optical sensors, such as those on Sentinel-2, enhance these estimates through high spatial and temporal resolution data that capture vegetation dynamics and surface conditions. Models like OPTRAM (Optical Trapezoid Model), which utilizes optical indices such as NDVI and land surface temperature (LST), further enable the derivation of soil moisture by linking vegetation health and thermal properties to soil water content. This integration of optical and microwave data improves the accuracy and spatial detail of soil moisture estimates.

This study addresses these issues by utilizing satellite-based remote sensing products to estimate irrigation water use and validate these estimates with ground-based observations from provincial irrigation departments. High-resolution soil moisture estimates will be developed by downscaling microwave-based remote sensing products from SMAP at 1 km resolution using MODIS products, and at 20 m resolution using Sentinel-2 imagery. These estimates will be validated with ground-based soil moisture sensors. The downscaled soil moisture products will form the basis for a soil moisture-based inversion model to quantify irrigation water amounts at fine spatial and temporal scales.

By integrating remote sensing-derived estimates with ground-based water allocation data, this study seeks to enhance the accuracy and reliability of irrigation water use assessments. The outcomes of this study will provide actionable insights for water resource managers, policymakers, and irrigation departments, leading to more effective management of surface water supply, improved water allocation, and enhanced agricultural sustainability in high irrigated areas.

How to cite: Zohaib, M., Hafeez, M., Masud Cheema, M. J., Liaqat, U. W., and Kim, H.: Leveraging Remote Sensing based Soil Moisture for High-resolution Irrigation Water Use Estimation and Validation with Reference Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1332,, 2025.

EGU25-4265 | ECS | Orals | HS6.8

Assessing the Impact of Date Production on Groundwater Resources Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study from Saudi Arabia 

Abdulrahman Badaoud, Claire Walsh, and Greg O'Donnell

The scarcity of surface water and limited availability of renewable groundwater, coupled with its significant use for irrigation, raises critical concerns for the future management of water resources in Saudi Arabia. Groundwater serves as the primary freshwater resource in the country, with its utilization expanding to meet growing demands, particularly in the agricultural sector. However, due to the lack of in-situ observations, accurately assessing the status of groundwater resources remains a significant challenge. Remote sensing platforms offer a valuable solution by providing global estimates of various water components, including groundwater storage (GWS), evapotranspiration (ET), and precipitation.

This study leverages the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellite to estimate variations in GWS. The Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) is applied to calculate agricultural water consumption via ET, while the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement (IMERG) algorithm is used to derive monthly precipitation values. The case study focuses on three regions known for their date crop cultivation: Madinah, Al Qassim, and Hofuf.

The results reveal an average annual decline in GWS of -6.7, -10.9, and -3.8 mm/year for the respective regions. The annual precipitation rates are 82.1, 99.8, and 101.2 mm/year, while the estimated ET for date crops is approximately 1940, 1489, and 2126 mm/year, respectively. These findings highlight a noticeable downward trend in GWS, underscoring the impact of intensive irrigation practices, as indicated by the high ET values, and the role of climate change, as evidenced by the low precipitation rates.

How to cite: Badaoud, A., Walsh, C., and O'Donnell, G.: Assessing the Impact of Date Production on Groundwater Resources Using Remote Sensing: A Case Study from Saudi Arabia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4265,, 2025.

EGU25-4911 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.8

Evaluating the canopy structure dynamics model for maize phenology prediction using Sentinel-2 

Teng Ma, Wenzhi Zeng, Tao Ma, Jing Huang, Yi Liu, Zhipeng Ren, and Chang Ao

Near real-time (NRT) acquisition and accurate prediction of key phenological stages in maize are essential for optimizing irrigation decisions and field water management. The shape model fitting (SMF) approach, based on remote sensing technology, has been widely used for phenological stage detection due to its high accuracy and comprehensiveness. However, existing NRT crop phenology monitoring models are often constrained to specific regions or crop types, with validation primarily focused on temporal scales. Systematic evaluations of these models’ applicability across different regions and crop varieties remain insufficient. Moreover, there is a lack of consensus on the effectiveness of various vegetation indices (VIs) for extracting key phenological stage information and their applicability in phenological inversion. This study integrates an enhanced canopy structure dynamics model (CSDM) with the SMF approach, leveraging Sentinel-2 satellite data to assess the role of different VIs in enhancing the precision of key phenological stage identification and to evaluate the model’s applicability across diverse regions and crop varieties. By analyzing VIs data from two maize varieties cultivated on four farms in Heilongjiang Province, China, we identified nine key phenological stages (seeding, emergence, development of stem, heading, flowering, development of fruit, ripening, senescence, and end of season). The results showed that while different VIs exhibited varying sensitivities and responsiveness to environmental changes at different phenological stages, the enhanced model consistently achieved high predictive accuracy, with RMSEs for most key phenological stages remaining under five days. Additionally, the model exhibited robust fitting performance for varieties with similar thermal time requirements and achieved high accuracy across different regions. It provided stable predictions during early phenological stages, with minor deviations in later stages, primarily attributed to variations in accumulated thermal time rates. In summary, this study systematically evaluated the applicability of the enhanced CSDM-SMF model for maize phenology prediction based on Sentinel-2 data from three perspectives: VI selection, regional differences, and varietal adaptability. The findings provide a more comprehensive understanding for applying this model in academic research and contribute to improving the accuracy of agricultural monitoring and management practices.

How to cite: Ma, T., Zeng, W., Ma, T., Huang, J., Liu, Y., Ren, Z., and Ao, C.: Evaluating the canopy structure dynamics model for maize phenology prediction using Sentinel-2, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4911,, 2025.

EGU25-4944 | ECS | Orals | HS6.8

Monitoring maize phenology using multi-source data by integrating convolutional neural networks and Transformers 

Yugeng Guo, Wenzhi Zeng, Tao Ma, Jing Huang, Yi Liu, Zhipeng Ren, and Chang Ao

Abstract:Maize is an essential grain crop in China, playing a crucial role in safeguarding in national food security. However, the increasing instability of the maize cultivation environment caused by global climate change, along with various adverse stress factors, presents significant challenges to maintaining yield stability. Effective monitoring of maize phenology under stress conditions is crucial for optimizing agricultural management and mitigating yield losses. This study proposes an innovative phenological monitoring model utilizing near-ground remote sensing technology. High-resolution imagery of maize fields was collected using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with multispectral and thermal infrared cameras. By integrating these datasets with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Transformer, the study developed a robust and efficient model that fuses multispectral, thermal infrared, and accumulated temperature datasets. The proposed model enables accurate inversion and quantitative analysis of maize phenological traits, offering critical insights to support agricultural management strategies and enhance crop yield stability under stress conditions. The results showed that the integration of multispectral imagery and accumulated temperature achieved an accuracy of 92.9%, while the inclusion of thermal infrared imagery further improved the accuracy to 97.5%. Additionally, UAV-based remote sensing offers superior spatial resolution and operational efficiency compared to manual observation methods in precision and scalability. This study highlights the potential of UAV-based remote sensing, combined with CNN and Transformer as a transformative approach for precision agriculture. It provides a valuable framework for advancing agricultural informatization and enhancing crop management.

Key words: Maize; Crop phenology; Deep learning; UAV;Multi-source data

How to cite: Guo, Y., Zeng, W., Ma, T., Huang, J., Liu, Y., Ren, Z., and Ao, C.: Monitoring maize phenology using multi-source data by integrating convolutional neural networks and Transformers, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4944,, 2025.

EGU25-5181 | ECS | Orals | HS6.8

Estimation of citrus water requirements by means of water and energy balance models driven by in situ, reanalysis and remote sensing data  

Dario De Caro, Olivier Merlin, Vincent Rivalland, Vincent Simonneaux, Matteo Ippolito, Fulvio Capodici, Carmelo Cammalleri, and Giuseppe Ciraolo

Evapotranspiration (ET) knowledge is crucial for evaluating crop field water budgets and agricultural water resources management. To monitor crop water requirements various data sources are used such as: in situ (meteorological and soil water content data) measurements, reanalysis database, remote sensing observations, and models. Two approaches can be implemented: the Soil Water Balance (SWB) and the Surface Energy Balance (SEB).

This research aimed to evaluate these two approaches, by combining in situ or reanalysis meteorological data with remotely sensed images to explore the possible synergies between the approaches to propose an operational ET estimation in the context of future Thermal InfraRed (TIR) missions (TRISHNA and LSTM). With a SWB model, both actual evapotranspiration (ETa) and soil water content (SWC) were daily estimated; whereas, with a SEB model latent heat flux (LE) was instantaneously evaluated.

Among the available SWBs, the SAtellite Montoring for Irrigation (SAMIR) is a FAO-2Kc-based model integrating remotely sensed images of vegetation cover for evapotranspiration spatialization and water balance. SAMIR can be forced by irrigation either measured or simulated employing specific rules based on the simulated SWC. Alternatively, the Soil Plant Atmosphere and Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration (SPARSE) is a two-source SEB model driven by remotely sensed Land Surface Temperature (LST) and vegetation cover. Both SWB and SEB were investigated by using different input variable combinations. For SAMIR, two combinations were employed: a) using in situ and b) using ERA5-Land reanalysis meteorological variables to estimate crop reference evapotranspiration and precipitation depth. Both incorporated farmer irrigation scheduling and Sentinel-2 NDVI-derived vegetation cover. For SPARSE, three combinations were employed: a) using in situ meteorological data, LST, and albedo; b) replacing LST and albedo with Landsat-8/9 data; c) replacing in situ data with ERA5-Land reanalysis while maintaining Landsat-8/9 inputs.

The experiments occurred during seven irrigation seasons, from 2018 to 2024, in a Mediterranean citrus orchard (Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Mandarino Tardivo di Ciaculli), located near Palermo, Italy (38° 4’ 53.4’’ N, 13° 25’ 8.2’’ E) in which different irrigation systems and management strategies were applied. The field was equipped with a standard weather station, an Eddy Covariance tower, and four “drill and drop” probes to acquire: meteorological variables, energy fluxes, and SWC, respectively.

SAMIR best performance was obtained using the a-combination with Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) always less than 0.54 mm d-1 and 0.02 cm3 cm-3 for ETa and SWC, respectively. These metrics were achieved excluding data from 2021 during which worse metrics (ETa RMSE equal to 0.87 mm d-1) were probably caused by the presence of weeds due to the lack of maintenance provided by the farmer. SPARSE best performance was obtained using a-combination with LE RMSE equal to 53 W m-2. Noticeably, b- and c- combinations were implemented using a limited number of data (contextually to satellites acquisitions) thus achieving worse metrics (RMSE equal to 66 W m-2 and 93 W m-2 for b- and c- combinations, respectively).

Satisfactory results gained permit this work to keep on being updated toward the synergies between the approaches for better ET estimation.

How to cite: De Caro, D., Merlin, O., Rivalland, V., Simonneaux, V., Ippolito, M., Capodici, F., Cammalleri, C., and Ciraolo, G.: Estimation of citrus water requirements by means of water and energy balance models driven by in situ, reanalysis and remote sensing data , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5181,, 2025.

EGU25-8299 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.8

From Single Reference to Interval-Based Calibration: A Paradigm Shift in Hydrological Modelling with Diverse Remote Sensing Data 

Ye Tuo, Zheng Duan, Haritha Scaria, Bertoldi Giacomo, and Castelli Mariapina

Hydrological modelling in ungauged basins faces significant challenges due to the lack of in-situ measurements for model calibration and validation. Remote sensing (RS) data has emerged as a valuable alternative, providing spatially distributed estimates of key hydrological variables such as precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), and vegetation dynamics. These datasets not only serve as model inputs but also are increasingly used for model calibration and validation, thereby reducing uncertainty and enhancing the model applicability. Despite this potential, a major challenge lies in the discrepancies among different RS products for the same variable. Differences in satellite sensors, retrieval algorithms, and assumptions lead to significant variability in RS products, complicating their integration into hydrological models. This variability makes it difficult to select the most reliable product, particularly in data-scarce regions. Traditional practices often involve applying and comparing multiple RS products in regional studies. Different basins frequently yield different best products, resulting in low model transferability across regions. Alternatively, ensemble products created through data fusion of various RS datasets are used as a single reference to reduce uncertainty. Nevertheless, in both cases, the model parameter space is constrained and refined based on a single representative dataset. The reliance on a singular reference makes the model highly sensitive to biases or inaccuracies in the chosen dataset and overlooks the inherent uncertainty across the spectrum of available RS estimates. This limitation becomes particularly concerning for high-dimensional hydrological systems, where the issue of model equifinality arises and becomes more pronounced as model complexity increases. To address this limitation, we explore an interval-based model calibration strategy that incorporates multiple RS datasets instead of the traditional reliance on a single reference. A suite of algorithms with varying levels of complexity, including Set-Membership, Interval Penalty Minimization, Distributionally Robust Optimization, and Bayesian approaches, are applied to calibrate the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model using multiple RS-based ET products in the Adige River Basin, Italy. The conventional single-reference calibration approach serves as a benchmark for comparison. The interval-based calibration approaches go beyond identifying a single best parameter set by generating optimum parameter spaces, worst-case optimal sets, and probabilistic parameter distributions, providing a more holistic assessment of model performance by accounting for both optimal solutions and associated uncertainties. The results demonstrate the advantages of interval-based calibration in capturing the inherent variability in RS data, offering new insights into the integration of diverse datasets with hydrological models, particularly in data-scarce regions. By embracing the full spectrum of variability across multiple RS products, this strategy can reduce dependency on potentially biased datasets, increase model robustness and transferability.

How to cite: Tuo, Y., Duan, Z., Scaria, H., Giacomo, B., and Mariapina, C.: From Single Reference to Interval-Based Calibration: A Paradigm Shift in Hydrological Modelling with Diverse Remote Sensing Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8299,, 2025.

EGU25-9015 | ECS | Orals | HS6.8

A satellite based product for studying terrestrial water and energy flux dynamics, HOLAPS 

Almudena García-García and Jian Peng

Studying terrestrial water and energy flux dynamics is important for understanding the mechanisms leading to changes in temperature and precipitation extremes. However, the non-conservation of energy and water in most products and their coarse spatial and temporal resolution hamper the study of land-atmosphere feedbacks. The combination of remote sensing data and modelling frameworks allows to greatly improve the spatial coverage and resolution of data products. Here, we investigate the performance of a new data product generated with the high-resolution land surface fluxes from satellite and reanalysis data (HOLAPS) framework. HOLAPS is a one dimensional modelling framework that solves the energy and water balance at the land surface, providing consistent surface and soil variables derived from remote sensing data and reanalysis products as forcings. HOLAPS reaches slightly better results than other ET and H products at daily scales in summer (KGE > 0.3 for ET and KGE > 0.0 for H) and during hot conditions (KGE > 0.2 for ET and KGE >-0.2 for H), while the state-of-the-art products show KGE > 0.1 for ET and KGE > -0.41 for H in summer and KGE > -0.1 for ET and KGE > -0.6 for H during hot conditions. All products evaluated here yield a reasonable performance (KGE >-0.41 at most sites) in simulating SM at the surface and in the root zone. The good performance of HOLAPS together with its inherent advantages (RS data driven, high temporal and spatial resolution, spatial and temporal continuity, soil moisture at different depths and long-term consistent evapotranspiration and sensible heat flux estimates) support its use for hydrological studies based on Earth Observations.

How to cite: García-García, A. and Peng, J.: A satellite based product for studying terrestrial water and energy flux dynamics, HOLAPS, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9015,, 2025.

EGU25-9620 | ECS | Orals | HS6.8

Satellite-Based Reservoir Water Monitoring for Irrigated Agriculture in Uruguay 

Federico Campos, Ignacio Fuentes, Federico Ernst, and Rafael Navas

Irrigated agriculture accounts for over 70% of global water consumption, with rice being the most significant irrigated crop in Uruguay, covering 140,000 to 160,000 hectares annually. Approximately half of the irrigation water comes from reservoirs, while the remainder is pumped from rivers and lagoons. However, continuous monitoring of water volumes and flows in irrigation systems is constrained by the high costs of traditional methods, limiting water use planning, efficiency improvements, and equitable water distribution.

Satellite imagery has emerged as a cost-effective tool for natural resource monitoring. Since 2010, platforms like Google Earth Engine have provided free access to geospatial data, enabling environmental analysis without the need for advanced software or hardware. Sentinel-2 (S2) is part of the European Union’s Copernicus Earth Observation program. These satellites are equipped with multiband passive sensors offering 10-30m spatial resolution and a 5-day revisit period, allow the calculation of water indexes like NDWI and MNDWI to measure water surfaces and estimate volumes. However, their performance is influenced by climatic and atmospheric conditions. Sentinel-1 (S1) satellites, with radar sensors providing 10m spatial resolution and a 6-day revisit period, offer all-weather, day-and-night monitoring.

This study was conducted between 2018 and 2024 focused on the "India Muerta" reservoir in Uruguay, using S2 and S1 imagery processed via Google Earth Engine through Google Colab Python scripts. Water surfaces were generated at 20 cm intervals based on the reservoir's digital elevation model and field sensor data, creating a multiband raster. 

For S2 image collection, a filter of at least 80% cloud-free coverage was used, applying additional filtering to ensure 70% cloud-shadow-free pixels over the area of interest. NDWI thresholds (-0.4 to 0.4) were tested to minimize errors and improve accuracy, while S1 imagery used Otsu algorithm to fit the most accurate reflectance thresholds for water detection.

The results showed that variable S2 NDWI thresholds outperformed the S1 Otsu-based detection method, achieving higher accuracy (R² = 0.88 vs. 0.77), lower mean absolute error (MAE = 7.92 vs. 13.43), and lower root mean square error (RMSE = 12.76 vs. 17.15). These findings highlight the benefits of adaptive NDWI thresholds for accurately estimating inundated areas and water volumes compared to radar-based methods.

Satellite-based reservoir monitoring provides critical data for both policymakers and farmers. For governments, it facilitates the identification and planning of reservoirs, ensuring equitable water use. For farmers, it offers a reliable tool for optimizing irrigation and improving water management. Furthermore, it helps managing  irrigation shortages  and addresses water scarcity challenges in present and future irrigated agriculture. This approach represents a cost-effective alternative to traditional monitoring methods, bridging the gap in continuous water resource management in many regions.

How to cite: Campos, F., Fuentes, I., Ernst, F., and Navas, R.: Satellite-Based Reservoir Water Monitoring for Irrigated Agriculture in Uruguay, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9620,, 2025.

Land evapotranspiration (ET) primarily involves vegetation transpiration, canopy interception loss, and soil evaporation. Previous studies have made significant progress in total ET estimation; however, substantial challenges remain in partitioning ET on a regional scale, largely due to the intricate water and energy balance that is disrupted by vegetation cover changes. In particular, the use of land surface models to interpret biophysical processes may be susceptible to uncertainties derived from the estimation of vegetation dynamics. In this study, we integrate satellite leaf area index (LAI) and fraction of vegetation coverage (FVC) into the variable infiltration capacity model (VIC) to improve ET partitioning in the Loess Plateau of China. This region has experienced substantial vegetation greening as evidenced by increased LAI and FVC. The results showed that satellite dynamic vegetation parameters in modeling are effective in improving the estimation of ET components compared with the default vegetation parameters. Specifically, the dynamic parameter of LAI in the model altered the inter- and intra-annual variations in vegetation transpiration and canopy interception loss, supporting the application of dynamic FVC in VIC as being reasonable for allocating transpiration to soil evaporation to capture evaporation from forest gaps. This effect is particularly relevant in arid and semiarid regions. Among the ET components, transpiration was the most sensitive to the two dynamic vegetation parameters, followed by canopy interception loss and soil evaporation. In the Loess Plateau, VIC modeling with dynamic vegetation parameters revealed that the effect of soil evaporation was twice that of transpiration, which is appropriate for this semi-arid region with relatively sparse vegetation coverage. Our study offers valuable insights regarding the use of vegetation coverage for partitioning ET and highlights the advantages of integrating satellite vegetation products into land surface models.

How to cite: Peng, D. and Xie, X.: Improving evapotranspiration partitioning by integrating satellite vegetation parameters into a land surface model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9749,, 2025.

EGU25-11983 | Posters on site | HS6.8

Estimation of Irrigation Needs by Monitoring Crop Rotations and Phenology of Tomato in Southern Italy 

Michele Rinaldi and the THETIS Team

In the Mediterranean environment, water scarcity has always been a structural constraint to the availability of arable land: the current water crisis and the effects of climate change with increasing temperatures, and the different rainfall regime and its increased variability, require the adoption of measures to maximize water use in agriculture. 
Particular attention must be paid to the irrigated cropping systems, whose water requirements represent about 60% of the entire water demand; it is essential to encourage both infrastructural interventions and new policies that increase the resilience of supply systems, to promote the use of alternative water resources, while implementing more efficient irrigation practices.
In this context is the research project “EarTH Observation for the Early forecasT of Irrigation needsS (THETIS),” that aims to build a spatial decision support system (SDSS) capable of providing, at the watershed scale, estimates of crop water needs to water supply and management agencies with the goal of improving services to farmers. 
The components of the SDSS are: i) a hydrological model (HM); ii) a crop growth model (CGM); iii) Earth observation (EO) data; iv) artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Earth observation data were used to estimate the transplanting dates of processing tomato in the study area in the province of Foggia, Southern Italy. Sentinel 2 images from the Copernicus constellation were used to calculate the Leaf Area Index of tomato fields from 2000 to 2024, utilizing the biophysical processor in ESA's SNAP application. Additionally, in District 6/B of the CBC, the crop rotations (crop sequences in the same field), were studied to evaluate the occurrence of tomato, as reported by the CBC during in situ surveys in the same period.
The results of the phenological study using LAI data from Sentinel 2 showed that about 50% of tomato fields are transplanted around 15th May and the other half around 15th June. Regarding crop rotations of the 857 monitored tomato fields, 94.2% were found to return to tomato cultivation after 2, 3, and 4 years, with percentages of 35.1, 40.0, and 21.2, respectively.
This study will allow early identification of likely tomato fields (spatial position and area) on 1st April of each year for the THETIS project; these fields are then associated with soil characteristic parameters and forecast weather data to start the simulation of the entire irrigation district with the Aquacrop crop model in the Python version, to serially simulate the predicted fields and estimate irrigation requirements.

Acknowledgment: The project “EarTH Observation for the Early forecasT of Irrigation needS” (THETIS) is funded by ASI under the Agreement N. 2023-52-HH.0 in the framework of ASI’s program “Innovation for Downstream Preparation for Science” (I4DP_SCIENCE). 

M. Rinaldi, et al., “A crop model for large scale and early irrigation requirements estimation”, Proc. of the 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 2807- 2810, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10640683.
G. Satalino, et al., “Earth observation for the early forecast of irrigation needs”, Proc. of the 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, pp. 4912- 4915, DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS53475.2024.10642240.

How to cite: Rinaldi, M. and the THETIS Team: Estimation of Irrigation Needs by Monitoring Crop Rotations and Phenology of Tomato in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11983,, 2025.

EGU25-13700 | Orals | HS6.8

Leveraging Earth Observation for Accurate Early Forecasting of Irrigation Needs 

Giuseppe Satalino and the THETIS team

Irrigation is a critical component of global agriculture, supporting 40% of food production on 22% of cultivated land. As climate change intensifies, the demand for irrigation water is expected to rise, particularly in vulnerable regions like the Mediterranean basin.

This study presents the implementation and performance of a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) developed under the "EarTH Observation for the Early forecasT of Irrigation needS (THETIS)" project, funded by the Italian Space Agency, designed to forecast irrigation needs in semi-arid Mediterranean environments.

The THETIS SDSS aims to provide irrigation forecasts at a basin scale, focusing on three critical stages: early, at the beginning, and during the summer season. The early stage is crucial for assessing water availability and managing irrigation efficiently. THETIS integrates a hydrological model (HM) and a crop growth model (CGM), leveraging Earth Observation (EO) data and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to spatialize forecasted meteorological and climatic data.

The SDSS combines soil water balance at two spatial scales. At the basin scale, the HM, calibrated with daily streamflow data, reliably reproduces soil moisture dynamics. At the district scale, the CGM, initialized by the HM, better models water dynamics at the local scale, accounting for factors like rain, irrigation, transpiration, evaporation, and drainage.

The HM estimates soil water content at the beginning of the crop growing period, provided by the DREAM hydrological model. The CGM, based on AquaCrop and initialized by the HM, simulates crop development and forecasts evapotranspiration and irrigation needs based on meteorological forcing, hydrologic, and EO-derived information. Forecasted meteorological and climatic data are obtained from the C3S Copernicus Service. CGM outputs are early forecast water demand maps (m³/ha) at the field scale, refined as the cropping season progresses.

The EO-derived information used in THETIS comes from both Synthetic Aperture Radar data (e.g., Sentinel-1, COSMO-SkyMed, SAOCOM) and optical data (e.g., Sentinel-2 and hyperspectral PRISMA). The obtained information includes maps of tilled fields , which, combined with historical land use information based on crop rotation, provide an initial estimate of irrigated areas. Maps of surface soil moisture and derived irrigated/non-irrigated fields refine the localization of irrigated areas after sowing, while vegetation index maps are used during the season for identifying sowing dates.

The system has been set up over the Fortore irrigation district in the Apulian Tavoliere, Foggia, Italy, managed by the Reclamation Consortium of Capitanata, covering an area of 141 km². The SDSS performance was evaluated on tomato crops, focusing on cultivated area identification and water consumption. First results obtained for the 2022 irrigation season indicate that the water consumption of 600 m³/ha, estimated early by the THETIS SDSS using tillage change maps, is comparable to the measured value of 500 m³/ha, considering that additional water volumes from groundwater sources were likely used. The application of THETIS to the 2023 and 2024 seasons is in progress.


Acknowledgment: THETIS is funded by ASI under the Agreement N. 2023-52-HH.0 in the framework of ASI’s program “Innovation for Downstream Preparation for Science” (I4DP_SCIENCE).

How to cite: Satalino, G. and the THETIS team: Leveraging Earth Observation for Accurate Early Forecasting of Irrigation Needs, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13700,, 2025.

EGU25-14124 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.8

Improved SM2RAIN Algorithm to Estimate Rainfall by Incorporating Soil Physical Properties 

Doyoung Kim, Wanyub Kim, Junhyuk Jeong, and Minha Choi

Spatial and temporal imbalances in rainfall are accelerating due to the increase in extreme weather events caused by climate change. The Korean Peninsula, characterized by a monsoon climate, experiences prolonged periods of summer rainfall. However, in recent years, it has increasingly shifted towards localized heavy rainfall, resulting in frequent saturation of soil moisture and regional imbalances of rainfall. A recent study has demonstrated a correlation between changes in rainfall characteristics and an increase in rainfall imbalance, which has resulted in an escalation in disaster occurrences. To address this challenge, a multifaceted approach to rainfall monitoring has been adopted in Korea, such as a combination of in-situ observations, radar, modeling approaches, and remote sensing data. However, the diversification of rainfall data remains a crucial challenge for effective disaster risk management. In this study, soil physical properties were incorporated into the SM2RAIN algorithm, a simple model that estimates rainfall based on soil moisture content. Soil Moisture Active Passive Level 4 (SMAP L4) data was utilized as the input to SM2RAIN, and the generated rainfall was then subjected to correlation analysis with SM2RAIN-ASCAT and Global Precipitation Measurement Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM (GPM IMERG). Rainfall data incorporating soil physical properties exhibited a comparable trend to that of GPM IMERG. The results of this study are anticipated to ensure the diversification of rainfall datasets by providing a relatively simple method for estimating rainfall in ungauged regions.


Keywords: Soil Moisture, Rainfall, SM2RAIN, Soil Physical Properties



This research was supported by the BK21 FOUR (Fostering Outstanding Universities for Research) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE, Korea) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). This work is financially supported by Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) as 「Innovative Talent Education Program for Smart City」. This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Research and Development on the Technology for Securing the Water Resources Stability in Response to Future Change Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE)(RS-2024-00332300). This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (RS-2024-00416443). This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2022R1A2C2010266).



How to cite: Kim, D., Kim, W., Jeong, J., and Choi, M.: Improved SM2RAIN Algorithm to Estimate Rainfall by Incorporating Soil Physical Properties, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14124,, 2025.

EGU25-14342 | Posters on site | HS6.8

High-Resolution Water Body Detection Using CAS500 in Korean Peninsula 

Shinhyeon Cho, Wanyub Kim, Sungwoo Lee, Sanggon Jeong, and Minha Choi

The effective management and monitoring of water resources is imperative for the ecosystem and environmental conservation. Satellite remote sensing data is an efficient tool for detecting water resources such as rivers, reservoirs, and lakes. In addition, it is crucial for the management and prevention of water disasters. Optical satellite data can be used to detect water bodies with high accuracy using Near-Infrared (NIR) imagery and Normalized difference water index (NDWI). Optical satellite images used for water body detection are mainly medium-resolution satellite images such as those Landsat series and Sentinel-2. However, there is a limitation that the medium-resolution satellite images are less effective in detecting small water bodies and boundaries due to their spatial resolution constraints. To address this, high-resolution satellite imagery and advanced analytical techniques, such as deep learning, can be utilized. In this study, deep learning techniques were applied to CAS 500 images with 2 m resolution to detect water bodies. The water body detection performance was validate using manual mask data and evaluation metrics based on a confusion matrix. Furthermore, water body detection performance was compared with Sentinel-2 (10 m) and Planet Scope (3.7 m) satellite imageries. The results of this study are expected to provide high accuracy water body detection results under various environmental conditions.


Keywords: Water Body Detection, High-Resolution, CAS500, Deep Learning



This research was supported by the BK21 FOUR (Fostering Outstanding Universities for Research) funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE, Korea) and National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). This work is financially supported by Korea Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT) as 「Innovative Talent Education Program for Smart City」. This work was supported by Korea Environment Industry & Technology Institute (KEITI) through Research and Development on the Technology for Securing the Water Resources Stability in Response to Future Change Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment (MOE)(RS-2024-00332300). This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (RS-2024-00416443). This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2022R1A2C2010266).

How to cite: Cho, S., Kim, W., Lee, S., Jeong, S., and Choi, M.: High-Resolution Water Body Detection Using CAS500 in Korean Peninsula, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14342,, 2025.

EGU25-14739 | ECS | Posters on site | HS6.8

Enhancing Water Use Efficiency in Wheat Cultivation for Sustainable Water Management Using Different Methods and Rates of Irrigation 

Sumit Kumar Vishwakarma, Priya Singh, Kritika Kothari, and Ashish Pandey

India is the world’s second-largest producer and consumer of wheat after China. In recent years, it produced 70-75 million tons of wheat and contributed around 12% of the global wheat production. Irrigation plays an important role in increasing crop yield. However, considering the increasing competition for water resources, there is a need to use irrigation water effectively.  The present study aims to evaluate the effects of different irrigation methods (drip, sprinkler, flood, and rainfed) and variable irrigation rates (100%, 75%, 50%, and 0% of crop evapotranspiration) on wheat growth. The field experiments on the wheat crop were conducted at the Demonstration farm of the Department of Water Resources Development and Management, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee, for the years 2022-23 and 2023-24, respectively. Results showed that around 28.62 % of water was saved by the drip irrigation system, and the sprinkler irrigation system saved 19.7 % as compared to the flood irrigation system. Among all treatments, the drip irrigation system retained the highest soil moisture in the top 10 cm depth, whereas the sprinkler irrigation system retained the highest soil moisture in 30 cm and 100 cm depths. Additionally, the results showed that the leaf area index and biomass collected from the sprinkler irrigation system were higher as compared to the drip and flood irrigation systems. Thus, sprinkler irrigation systems can be recommended to promote sustainable water management for wheat cultivation in the Indo-Gangetic plains and similar agroclimatic regions. This practice could play a crucial role in conserving precious water resources and achieving sustainable development goals.

Keywords: - Sprinkler, Drip Irrigation Systems and Sustainable Water Management

How to cite: Kumar Vishwakarma, S., Singh, P., Kothari, K., and Pandey, A.: Enhancing Water Use Efficiency in Wheat Cultivation for Sustainable Water Management Using Different Methods and Rates of Irrigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14739,, 2025.

EGU25-15446 | Orals | HS6.8

Improving Hydrological Process Representation in the Ganges River Basin Using a Data-Assimilation Approach 

Supriya Tiwari, Ehsan Forootan, Bhaskar R. Nikam, and Maike Schumacher

The Ganges River Basin with an area of 1,087,300 km2 is the most populous in the world. In recent years, the increasing severity of hydrological extremes, driven by climate change and human activities, has made water resources increasingly unpredictable, alarming water risks in the region. By understanding how, where, and when these changes affect water resources, we can better prepare and respond to the needs of ecosystems and communities in a rapidly changing climate.

Hydrological models have achieved varying degrees of success in simulating water cycle responses. In particular, they often struggle to accurately capture the non-linearity and complexity of processes in highly heterogeneous basins, such as the Ganges. This challenge is further exacerbated by factors such as changing weather patterns, variability in temperature throughout the basin, and other effects induced by climate change. The limited availability of representative and compatible input data, combined with uncertainties in meteorological forcing data, empirical parameters, initial conditions, and structural errors resulting from simplifications, leads to an incomplete understanding of the underlying physical processes within the basin.

In this study, we propose a Data Assimilation (DA) framework to improve hydrological simulations of the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) land surface model within the Ganges River Basin. The DA is formulated to use the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) as its merger and satellite-based daily Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) data as observations. Uncertainties in meteorological inputs, such as precipitation and temperature, and model parameters are utilized to generate ensemble spreads, leading to a representative estimation of model uncertainty. Numerical evaluations are performed to examine the influence of this daily SSM DA on sub-monthly, monthly, seasonal, and multi-year variations of the key model outputs, including evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and base-flow. The findings aim to support the development of a satellite-fed hydrological system for the Ganges that further strengthens water management and reduces disaster risks.

Keywords: Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC), Surface Soil Moisture (SSM), Data Assimilation (DA), Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF)

How to cite: Tiwari, S., Forootan, E., Nikam, B. R., and Schumacher, M.: Improving Hydrological Process Representation in the Ganges River Basin Using a Data-Assimilation Approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15446,, 2025.

In many regions, including Southeast Asia, meteorological observation networks remain underdeveloped. While existing satellite rainfall products demonstrate a certain level of accuracy at the macroscale, their accuracy at the watershed scale remains insufficient. This study aims to propose an algorithm that applies deep learning to IR data obtained from Himawari meteorological satellite observations to estimate rainfall with quantitative accuracy at the watershed scale, contributing to predictions of water-related disasters.

The objective of this research is to optimize a deep learning model using meteorological observation data available in abundance in Japan and subsequently apply it to Southeast Asia. The input data consists of IR images from multiple wavelength bands provided by the geostationary meteorological satellites Himawari-8 and 9, as well as elevation data.

The estimated rainfall in the Japanese region, where parameter optimization did not conduct, was evaluated across various watershed scales. As a result, the model outperformed GSMaP in watersheds with areas ranging from approximately 100 km² to 3000 km². Additionally, in tributary watersheds with areas under 100 km², the model was able to qualitatively replicate observed rainfall.

How to cite: Fujimoto, K. and Tebakari, T.: Development of a new satellite rainfall product HiDRED (Himawari Data Rainfall Estimation using Deep learning) and a fundamental study on its applicability to hydrological models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17181,, 2025.

In many peri urban areas of Africa, vegetable and fruits crops are expanding rapidly thanks to a fast growing market and an attractive profitability for farmers. These productions mainly grown in off season need irrigation, and water availability is then the main limiting factor of their development. In Burkina Faso a very large number of small scale dams have been built since the dry spells of years 1980 to store surface water and support irrigation. Question arise about the environmental and productive impacts of these dams as many seem under utilized. Groundwater, combined with the multiplication of individual wells and recent availability of solar powered-pumps is increasingly used for irrigation and seems a major alternative source of water. This study focuses on the off season (November – May) cropping conditions of 4 main sites of the Ouagadougou vegetable gardening belt, with comparison of two situations of farmer led development: (i) an area surrounding a small reservoir/dam, (ii) an area of lowland without reservoir. A remote sensing analysis combining a very high spatial resolution coverage (Pléiades, 0.5 m) and Sentinel 2 time series (5 days revisit frequency at 10 m spatial resolution)  is performed for mapping irrigated crop area and its monthly temporal dynamics allowing the identification of multiple crop cycles during the dry season. Coupled with climatic water balance data and remotely sensed detection of surface water availability upstream of dams, this analysis highlights the role of small dams and individual wells on groundwater availabilty and extension of the cropping period.

How to cite: Fusillier, J.-L., Lebourgeois, V., Madec, S., Poda, R., and Barbier, B.: Satellite monitoring of the spatio-temporal dynamics of irrigated market garden crops in relation to collective and individual water hydraulic development : Case study of the Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) vegetable gardening belt , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21742,, 2025.

EGU25-1225 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Land of opportunities: Aligning organic farming and conservation targets in Europe 

Luisa Gensch, Kerstin Jantke, Livia Rasche, and Uwe A. Schneider

The European Green Deal provides for two targets by 2030: 1) the strict protection of at least 10% of the European Union’s land area and 2) the expansion of organic farming to 25% of agricultural land. To address these independent objectives competing for land use, we construct a spatially explicit partial equilibrium model that fulfills both targets either consecutively or simultaneously and at an EU or national level. Results indicate that the 25% organic farming target is the restricting constraint with high marginal costs, leading to less cropland use, higher land prices and higher farming revenues. Less than 1% of cropland area in the EU is needed to fulfill the strict protection target. Therefore, both targets can be fulfilled without major conflicts over cropland use. While targets at the EU level lead to better resource utilization and significantly lower price effects, the uneven distribution of additional strictly protected area and organically managed cropland between countries could be perceived as unfair and should be compensated. Half of the newly strictly protected areas are re-designations of already protected area. Thus, a comprehensive approach that combines expansion with proper management of protected areas is crucial to achieving conservation goals.

How to cite: Gensch, L., Jantke, K., Rasche, L., and Schneider, U. A.: Land of opportunities: Aligning organic farming and conservation targets in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1225,, 2025.

EGU25-1471 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

The potential of irrigation for cereals production in Sub--Saharan Africa: A machine learning application for emulating crop growth at large scale 

Marco Rogna, Ana Klinnert, Ana Luisa Barbosa, Pascal Tillie, and Edoardo Baldoni

Due to its geographical location and its poor economic conditions, Africa  is the continent most exposed to the adverse consequences of climate change, particularly on agriculture. The very low percentage of land equipped for irrigation, 3.5% in Sub-Saharan Africa, is another element of concern, sensibly reducing the ability to mitigate the likely productivity losses caused by increasing climate variability and extreme events. Fostering irrigation in Africa is therefore a priority, but due to a limited amount of resources, both in economic and physical (e.g. harvestable water) terms, irrigation projects have to be planned carefully and appropriate locations should be prioritized. The present paper tries to assess the potentials of irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa and to individuate the locations to be prioritized. The analysis focuses on four cereals, maize, millet, sorghum and wheat, among the most common staples in the region, and relies on a mix of crop modelling (DSSAT) and machine learning (XGBoost) to draw its conclusions. Specifically, for all four crops, crop simulations under rain-fed conditions and optimal irrigation, with DSSAT adding water every time a need for it is observed, are performed on a sample of all Sub-Saharan agricultural plots. Yields differentials and water requirements for optimal irrigation are then computed. Subsequently, yields and water requirements are predicted for all remaining agricultural locations through machine learning, using as explanatory variables the same inputs, soil characteristics, management practices and weather variables, required by DSSAT. Water productivity, defined as the ratio of yields differentials over water requirements for irrigation, is finally computed to individuate the locations where irrigation projects would be most beneficial. By further relying on a continental map of run-off values, we individuate two types of priority locations: areas where simple water capture and storage devices are viable and areas where more complex systems are necessary. The paper points out the importance of irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa, showing significant gains in yields, up to 100% compared to rain-fed conditions. It also finds high potentials for water capture and storage devices in the south-eastern part of the continent and in South Africa, while the western part and the stripe bordering the Sahara desert would have to rely on more complex irrigation systems.

How to cite: Rogna, M., Klinnert, A., Barbosa, A. L., Tillie, P., and Baldoni, E.: The potential of irrigation for cereals production in Sub--Saharan Africa: A machine learning application for emulating crop growth at large scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1471,, 2025.

EGU25-1509 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Assessing the Impact of Long-Term Wind Speed Changes on Crop Yields in China 

Jialu Xu and Zongliang Zhang

Wind plays a crucial role in the growth of plants. Recent decades have witnessed a global phenomenon of wind stilling and reversal; however, the implications of these long-term wind changes on crop yields have been insufficiently explored. In this study, we evaluated wind's impact on rice, wheat, maize, and soybean yields in China from 1980 to 2017. Utilizing statistical models across various agro-climatic zones and spatial scales, our findings consistently indicate that crop yields increase with a reduction in growing-season wind speed, even after controlling for temperature and precipitation variables. Over three decades of wind stilling, a total production gain of 212 million tons was realized, effectively compensating for the production losses attributed to rising temperatures. Nevertheless, as the trend of wind has reversed and wind speeds have returned to levels observed in the 1990s, the production gains attributable to wind effects have diminished from 109% to 76% relative to the losses incurred from warming. Additionally, we observed an increase in the annual fluctuations of both wind speed and temperature, which has introduced further instability to crop yields. Consequently, wind-related climatic changes may pose an unrecognized threat to food security, warranting further investigation into their underlying mechanisms and broader implications.

How to cite: Xu, J. and Zhang, Z.: Assessing the Impact of Long-Term Wind Speed Changes on Crop Yields in China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1509,, 2025.

Crop migration is a vital strategy for alleviating the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural production and minimizing yield losses. Although previous studies have emphasized the importance of crop migration, there remains a significant gap in quantitative assessments of its effectiveness in mitigating climate-induced production losses. To address this gap, we constructed a MaxEnt–SPAM–EPIC framework that integrates a crop distribution model with a crop model. Using this framework, we quantified the effectiveness of crop migration in alleviating climate-induced production losses. Taking the North China Plain (NCP) as a case study, we projected the migration patterns of winter wheat in near-term, mid-term, and long-term periods under SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, along with its efficacy in reducing climate-induced production losses. The results indicate that under climate change, the center of gravity of winter wheat cultivation (GCW) on the NCP will shift northwest by 2.4-6.3 km, while the mean center of  winter wheat cultivation (MCW) will move westward by 11.22-17.90 km in the long term. Additionally, the planting boundary of winter wheat on the NCP will expand northwest and contract southeast, leading to an average increase of 0.42% in the winter wheat planting area under future SSP scenarios. Among the three scenarios, the SSP2-4.5 scenario exhibits the largest scale and most complex trajectory of crop migration. In contrast, under the SSP1-2.6 scenario, there is minimal change in cultivation patterns. In the short term, crop migration can temporarily alleviate climate-induced production losses, but it cannot reverse the long-term trend of production decline on the NCP. Compared to the baseline, winter wheat migration on the NCP can mitigate climate-induced production losses and enhance production by more than 4.15% in the near- and mid-term. However, in the long-term, except for the SSP1-2.6 scenario where winter wheat production remains roughly consistent with the baseline, crop migration has limited effectiveness in reducing production losses, with winter wheat production facing substantial reductions of 9.54% and 24.02% under the SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5 scenarios, respectively. Our study reveals that while crop migration may provide temporary relief from the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural production, its long-term sustainability is questionable. Therefore, prioritizing on-site adaptation strategies to enhance crop resilience remains crucial for ensuring food security. Our research contributes to a deeper understanding of the practical effectiveness of crop migration as a climate mitigation strategy and provides evidence-based insights for policymakers to develop region-specific adaptation measures.

How to cite: Guo, X., Wang, L., and Yue, Y.: Crop migration could temporarily alleviate the impact of climate change on production, but it is not sustainable, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1908,, 2025.

Agricultural land systems globally face escalating pressures from rising food demands, climate change, environmental degradation, and biodiversity loss. China, as a critical case, exemplifies the urgent need for strategies that reconcile food security with ecological sustainability. Here, we demonstrate that adopting a systematic approach to spatially allocate existing land policy tools—such as cropland reforestation, agricultural intensification, non-grain cropland restoration, and agricultural expansion—has the potential to simultaneously achieve multiple sustainability goals. Using a predictive model based on a socio-ecological-technical framework and machine learning, we evaluated the outcomes of six counterfactual scenarios for China’s agricultural land-use transitions at the county level. Results indicate that under a maximum land-sparing scenario (maximizing intensification of exist cropland, restoring unstable cropland, and maintaining non-grain cropland), compared to the 2020 baseline, China could increase grain output by 8%, reduce crop carbon emission intensity by 1%, enhance carbon sequestration by 63%, while substantially mitigating biodiversity loss across key taxa. However, the spatial distribution of land policy tools remains uneven, leading to varying types and degrees of trade-offs across specific counties under any given scenario. This highlights the critical need for coordinated national leadership to achieve sustainable objectives at a broader scale, offering valuable insights for global land-use transitions.

How to cite: Han, B.: Exploring sustainable pathways through AI-based simulation of China’s agricultural land-use transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2739,, 2025.

EGU25-4826 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Ozone (O3) risks to rice yields under warming climate using O3-FACE observations 

Beiyao Xu, Steven Dobbie, Huiyi Yang, Lianxin Yang, Yu Jiang, Andrew Challinor, Karina Williams, Yunxia Wang, and Tijian Wang

Ozone (O3) threatens food security by reducing rice yields, a staple food for half of the world’s population. While numerical research has shown the negative impact of O3 on rice through mathematical methods and crop models, existing global assessments have not incorporated data from rice-specific Free Air Concentration Enrichment (FACE) experiments into the mechanical models that simulate the interactions among crop phenology, physiology, and O3. FACE experiments are novel field experiments with O3 distributed directly to the crops in the field.  This provides a realistic environment for studying how rice responds to O3 and is well-suited for evaluating its impact.

To perform this study, we use the calibrated JULES-crop model based on data from O3-FACE experiments, to simulate the effects of O3 on rice.  We investigate the response of rice under various shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) as part of CMIP6. These SSPs represent a range of potential future anthropogenic emissions and different climate projections, from scenarios of regional conflict to those of global cooperation. By assessing the effects of O3 on rice under these future scenarios, we gain valuable insights into pathways that could mitigate damage to food security. This research provides a critical foundation for policymakers facing the dual challenges of air pollution and climate change.

How to cite: Xu, B., Dobbie, S., Yang, H., Yang, L., Jiang, Y., Challinor, A., Williams, K., Wang, Y., and Wang, T.: Ozone (O3) risks to rice yields under warming climate using O3-FACE observations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4826,, 2025.

EGU25-4958 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Optimizing irrigation schedule improves water use efficiency of maize and wheat 

Xuening Yang, Yongqiang Zhang, Jing Tian, Xuanze Zhang, and Ning Ma

The efficient management of water resources is critical for sustainable agricultural practices, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions. This study aims to assess crop yield and water use efficiency (WUE) for maize and wheat in Northern China, with a focus on irrigation management, using the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM). APSIM, a widely used crop modeling tool, provides a robust framework for simulating crop growth, yield, and water consumption under different climatic and management scenarios.

Our research integrates historical climate data and crop management practices to evaluate how irrigation strategies influence crop water consumption and yield in the region. By simulating different irrigation regimes, including deficit and full irrigation, we explore their impacts on crop water use efficiency (WUE) and overall yield. The results indicate that optimal irrigation scheduling can significantly enhance water use efficiency, reducing water consumption while maintaining crop productivity. Moreover, the model highlights the sensitivity of crop yield to varying water availability, demonstrating the importance of timely and appropriate irrigation interventions.

The study underscores how crop water consumption can be better managed to enhance WUE and achieve sustainable agricultural production. Future research will focus on refining the model to account for the effects of soil salinity and other environmental factors, further enhancing its applicability for water resource management in arid regions.

How to cite: Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Tian, J., Zhang, X., and Ma, N.: Optimizing irrigation schedule improves water use efficiency of maize and wheat, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4958,, 2025.

EGU25-5306 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

PSNet: a knowledge guided deep learning approach for county-level corn yield estimation 

Renhai Zhong, Xingguo Xiong, Qiyu Tian, Jinfeng Huang, and Tao Lin

Accurate crop yield estimation is important for global food security. Data-driven deep learning approaches have shown great potential for agricultural system monitoring, but are limited by their out-of-sample prediction failure and low interpretability. How to embed knowledge into deep learning models to address the above challenges remains an open question. In this study, we developed a deep learning model named PSNet following the concept of hierarchical yield levels to estimate county-level crop yield. The PSNet model mainly consists of PotentialNet and StressNet to capture the interactions among crop, environment, and technological trend. The PotentialNet is developed to capture the spatiotemporal pattern of the rice yield potential based on environmental and local technological conditions. The StressNet is designed to capture the negative impact of climate stresses, which caused the yield gap between yield potential and actual yield. We applied the model to analyze the county-level rainfed corn yield in the US Corn Belt from 2006 to 2020. The Random Forest (RF) and Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) models were chosen as baselines. The results showed that the PSNet model achieved better yield estimation accuracy than baselines under the normal (R2 = 0.82) and stressful climate conditions (R2 = 0.77). The ablation results indicated that PotentialNet contributed to the yield estimation under normal climate conditions, while the StressNet was better at capturing the yield losses under climate stresses. This study provided a promising approach to extract the pattern of yield potential and stress impact to achieve good estimation performance across various growth conditions.

How to cite: Zhong, R., Xiong, X., Tian, Q., Huang, J., and Lin, T.: PSNet: a knowledge guided deep learning approach for county-level corn yield estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5306,, 2025.

EGU25-5850 | PICO | BG8.7

Pest detection from a biology-informed inverse problem and pheromone sensors 

Thibault Malou, Simon Labarthe, Béatrice Laroche, Elizabeta Vergu, Katarzyna Adamczyk, Nicolas Parisey, Philippe Lucas, and Paul-Andre Calatayud

One third of the annual world's crop production is directly or indirectly damaged by insects, with an even increasing burden in a warming climate. Early detection of invasive insect pests is key for optimal treatment before infestation. Existing detection devices are based on pheromone traps: attracting pheromones are released to lure insects into the traps, with the number of captures indicating the population levels. Promising new sensors are on development to directly detect pheromones produced by the pests themselves and dispersed in the environment. Inferring the pheromone emission would allow locating the pest's habitat, before infestation. This early detection enables to perform pesticide-free elimination treatments and reduce the negative impact of agricultural practices on biodiversity, environment and human health, in a precision agriculture framework. 
In order to identify the sources of pheromone emission from signals produced by sensors spatially positioned in the landscape, the inference of the pheromone emission (inverse problem) is performed. In the present case, classical inference framework consists in combining the data from the pheromone sensors and the fluid mechanic-based pheromone concentration dispersion model that is a 2D reaction-diffusion-convection model. The proposed inference framework further incorporates into this combination additional a priori biological knowledge on pest behaviour (favourite habitat, insect clustering for reproduction, population dynamic behaviour...) [1]. This information is introduced to constrain the inference problem towards biologically relevant solutions. Different biology-informed constraints are tested, and the accuracy of the solutions of the inverse problems is assessed on simulated noisy data using a dedicated package [2].  
In addition, optimal experimental design will be presented to deduce optimal sensor position in order to reduce the uncertainty of the inference and to improve the prediction of pest’s habitat localization.


[1] Malou T., Parisey N., Adamczyk-Chauvat K., Vergu E., Laroche B., Calatayud P.-A., Lucas P. and Labarthe S. (2024). Biology-Informed inverse problems for insect pests detection using pheromone sensors. Submitted for publication.

[2] Malou T. and Labarthe S. (2024). Pherosensor-toolbox: a Python package for Biology-Informed Data Assimilation. Journal of Open Source Software, 29 (101), 6863.


This work was carried out with the financial support of the French Research Agency through the Pherosensor project with grant agreement ANR-20-PCPA-0007. 

How to cite: Malou, T., Labarthe, S., Laroche, B., Vergu, E., Adamczyk, K., Parisey, N., Lucas, P., and Calatayud, P.-A.: Pest detection from a biology-informed inverse problem and pheromone sensors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5850,, 2025.

The increased likelihood and severity of extreme weather events in the future affect the key processes of terrestrial ecosystems such as plant growth, water fluxes and biogeochemical cycles of all elements. It is urgent need to adopt climate change adaptive measures in agricultural production to overcome the negative effects of climate change on crop production and nutrient losses. This study aims to develop a comprehensive framework for investigating optimized crop rotations that balance environmental sustainability and economic benefits while enhancing resilience to future climate conditions . The research involves three key steps. First, crop rotations at the catchment scale were generated using the Crop Generator tool. Second, the water quality model (mHM-Nitrate) and the crop growth model (WOFOST) were coupled using a process-based modeling approach. Third, environmental and economic indicators—such as crop yields, farmers' income, and nitrate leaching—were employed to evaluate crop production activities under different climate scenarios. The study will be conducted in the Bode catchment, Germany, where 45 feasible crop rotations have been planned. The study is going to explore how these crop rotations may evolve over the next two decades under four distinct climate scenarios (SSP 1-2.6, 2-4.5, 3-7.0, and 5-8.5). Additionally, the study aims to identify recommended crop rotations by quantifying their impacts on nitrogen dynamics and crop yields. This research provides an useful and comprehensive framework for devising crop adaptation strategies at the watershed scale in the face of future climate change.

How to cite: Ding, W. and Rode, M.: Crop adaptation and its impact on non-point source pollution under future climate challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5971,, 2025.

EGU25-5989 | PICO | BG8.7

Modeling Adaptive Optimization of Cultivated Land Multifunctionality in the Yangtze River Delta, China  

Shilei Wang, Xiaobin Jin, and Folberth Christian

Abstracts: The utilization of cultivated land and its evaluation has gradually transitioned from a singular focus on food production to encompassing socio-economic development, maintenance of ecological functions, and enhancement of landscape experience. Cultivated land multifunctionality has thus become a key area of agricultural land systems research. Especially the over-intensified utilization of cultivated land, lacking comprehensive consideration of utilization, supply, and demand, impairs the adaptive capacity of cultivated land multifunctionality. The resulting soil nutrient imbalance, decline in biodiversity, and homogenization of landscapes undermine its sustainable contribution to human well-being.

This study integrates land use, socio-economic data, remote sensing monitoring, and point-of-interest data to develop an adaptive optimization model for cultivated land multifunctionality. Based on a quantitative assessment of the utilization, supply, and demand of cultivated land multifunctionality, three supply-demand matching scenarios serve as the foundation for modeling. In the scenario with supply exceeding demand, the supply and demand indices define the lower and upper thresholds. In the supply-demand balance scenario, the range of balanced values is used as the threshold. In the scenario where demand exceeds supply, the supply index establishes the lower limit of the threshold. Through this modeling process, five utilization characteristics of cultivated land multifunctionality are identified: potential type, transition type, stabilization type, critical type, and surpass type. Among these five types, the potential type indicates that resources are underutilized, the surpass type signifies that the utilization of cultivated land multifunctionality has surpassed resource and environmental constraints, while the other three types are in a relatively safe state. Their spatial attribution informs the development of a composite zoning scheme for cultivated land multifunctionality, designed to support its adaptive optimization. An empirical study in the Yangtze River Delta, China, explores the spatial differentiation patterns, utilization characteristics, and optimization strategies of cultivated land multifunctionality.

The findings indicate that cultivated land multifunctionality in the Yangtze River Delta is characterized by uneven utilization levels, robust supply capacity, and relatively lagging demand conditions. Influenced by the spatial heterogeneity of utilization, supply, and demand, the utilization characteristics—analyzed using the supply-demand matching relationship as the threshold—indicate persistent challenges of cultivated land multifunctionality. Specifically, the agricultural production function reveals dual challenges of surpass and potential types coexisting, the social security function is predominantly of the potential type, the surpass type of ecological maintenance function accounts for 32.1% of the region, and the cultural landscape function generally remains within a safe range. Building on this analysis, the study proposes a composite zoning scheme that integrates dominant and refined zoning approaches. In this zoning, the agricultural production function necessitates reduced inputs of production factors in major grain production areas, while agricultural productivity can be appropriately enhanced in ecological protection areas. The ecological protection function must be constrained within the limits of the resource and environmental carrying capacity. The social security function requires further exploration to strengthen its contribution to rural socio-economic development. Lastly, the cultural landscape function is expected to operate effectively.

How to cite: Wang, S., Jin, X., and Christian, F.: Modeling Adaptive Optimization of Cultivated Land Multifunctionality in the Yangtze River Delta, China , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5989,, 2025.

EGU25-6625 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

A New Probabilistic Crop Yield Emulator: Development and Applications 

Xinrui Liu, Thomas Gasser, Jianmin Ma, and Junfeng Liu

Climate change significantly threatens global food security, while advancements in negative emission technologies, such as Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) from crop residues, offer potential for climate mitigation. Crop yields are influenced by climatic factors, including temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO2, as well as human management practices such as irrigation and fertilization. Crop residues, as unavoidable byproducts of food production, provide a sustainable resource for bioenergy generation without requiring additional cropland. To synergistically achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Zero Hunger and Climate Action, a comprehensive analysis of future food crop yields through numerical modelling and exploration of diverse climatic and socio-economic scenarios incorporating region-specific adaptation strategies is crucial.

A new crop emulator, blending information from state-of-the-art global gridded crop models (GGCMs) and observational data from field experiments, has been developed to facilitate probabilistic projections of crop yields under diverse climatic and socio-economic scenarios. It can be integrated into simple climate models, such as the compact Earth system model OSCAR, or used standalone. For policy relevance, it is constructed at a sub-national scale with the flexibility to be aggregated to broader regional levels while remaining computationally efficient for large scenario ensembles. Aligned with the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP) framework, it simulates yields for four major food crops: maize, rice (two growing seasons), soybean, and wheat (spring and winter varieties) driven by atmospheric CO2(C), growing season temperature (T), water availability (W), including precipitation and irrigation, and nitrogen fertilization (N). While crop yield responses to C, T, and W are calibrated using ISIMIP3b simulations conducted under fixed human forcing, responses to N are calibrated against long-term field experiments, addressing inter-model uncertainty and integrating diverse data sources. Applying observational constraints via Bayesian inference further improves the model’s accuracy.

This paper describes the calibration, integration, and validation of the crop emulator and illustrates its performance and potential through two example studies. The first examines historical crop yields under static human inputs, and the consistency of these results with ISIMIP3a outputs validates the emulator’s ability to emulate GGCMs. The second study uses dynamic human inputs and constraints derived from field experiments (e.g., open-top chamber and free-air CO2 enrichment experiments), showing good agreement with FAO statistics and demonstrating the emulator’s capability to represent human management impacts. Beyond these examples, the crop emulator's potential extends to various future applications, such as coupling with integrated assessment models (IAMs), reanalysis of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) scenarios, and contributions to the upcoming AR7.

How to cite: Liu, X., Gasser, T., Ma, J., and Liu, J.: A New Probabilistic Crop Yield Emulator: Development and Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6625,, 2025.

EGU25-7663 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Mapping harvest area of comprehensive crop types in China from 1990 to 2020 at a 1-km resolution 

Kaixuan Dai, Changxiu Cheng, Bin Li, Zheng Wang, Nan Mu, Zhe Li, Shanli Yang, and Xudong Wu

Changing crop patterns are the primary driver of global land use change and impact Earth’s hydrological and ecosystem processes. While existing studies have mapped the distribution of some individual food crops in China, harvest area maps for a complete set of crops over the past few decades are currently lacking. This study pioneered the development of a spatiotemporally continuous dataset of harvest area maps for 16 crop types in China from 1990 to 2020 at a 1-km resolution. Prefecture-level crop statistics were allocated to grids based on the crop suitability score, which is evaluated by multi-source natural and economic factors influencing crop cultivation. County-level validations demonstrated that the built dataset is highly consistent with statistical data, especially for primary grains and oilseed crops. Moreover, crop harvest area attribution at the sub-pixel level can better represent gradient changes within urban-rural transition zones. The built crop maps revealed that the harvest zones of maize, rice, and soybeans in Northern China have steadily expanded over the past three decades, with their cultivation centers shifting northeast by more than 200 kilometres. In comparison, wheat cultivation has become increasingly concentrated in Northern China. This dataset fully supports the identification of spatiotemporal changes in China’s crop patterns and can serve as a critical input to biogeochemical models and dynamic agricultural models such as LPJmL. The datasets can be obtained at

How to cite: Dai, K., Cheng, C., Li, B., Wang, Z., Mu, N., Li, Z., Yang, S., and Wu, X.: Mapping harvest area of comprehensive crop types in China from 1990 to 2020 at a 1-km resolution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7663,, 2025.

EGU25-7666 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Comprehensive global gridded crop model improvements reduce the uncertainty of extreme climate impact assessment 

Yuchuan Luo, Zhao Zhang, Jichong Han, Juan Cao, Qiang Tang, and Fulu Tao

Extreme climate events like drought and heatwave are increasingly co-occurring and considerably threaten global food security. Global gridded crop models (GGCMs) are widely used to assess the impacts of climate extremes on crop yields; however, in which way and to what extent the uncertainty of assessment can be reduced remains largely unknown. Here, we jointly improve the CERES-Wheat model from model inputs, structure, and parameterization at 10-km resolution to reduce the uncertainties globally. The improved model parameterization remarkably increase the model explanatory power of observed global wheat yield losses from drought, heatwave, and their compounds during 1981-2015 by 25% to 60% compared to the multi-model ensemble (MME) approach. Improved temperature response functions for key physiological processes particularly contribute to a better representation of wheat response to heatwave by 20%. Taking 2003 European drought and heatwave events as examples, the improved model is capable of closely replicating the observed yield declines (> 90%), whereas most of the existing GGCMs fail to show any impact and MME merely explains < 25% of the reported influences. Our findings provide the first evidence for comprehensively constraining crop model uncertainty in extreme climate impact assessment, benefiting the accurate understanding of climate risk and the design of effective adaptation strategies.

How to cite: Luo, Y., Zhang, Z., Han, J., Cao, J., Tang, Q., and Tao, F.: Comprehensive global gridded crop model improvements reduce the uncertainty of extreme climate impact assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7666,, 2025.

EGU25-7675 | PICO | BG8.7

Improving wheat developmental model based on dynamic changes in accumulated temperature demand 

Yujie Liu, Jiahao Chen, Shuyuan Huang, and Wenjing Cheng

The dynamic response and adaptation mechanisms of crop phenology to climate change have not been extensively studied. At present, the mainstream process mechanism models have not yet considered the adaptability of crop phenology to climate. The simulation of crop development process is generally driven by temperature, especially the development rate during the reproductive growth season is assumed to be only affected by temperature. The development rate of wheat is also affected by photoperiod, temperature cycle, vernalization, and growth continuity effects. This article uses long-term and multi variety wheat phenological observation data, combined with historical climate data and field management data, to identify the dynamic changes in wheat phenology and accumulated temperature demand in China from 1981 to 2018. It reveals the mechanism of wheat dynamic response and adaptation to climate change, couples indicators reflecting phenological plasticity, and improves the models of nutritional growth period and reproductive growth period respectively. The main results and conclusions of the research are as follows: (1) The dynamic changes in wheat accumulated temperature demand, even for the same variety and stage, there are differences in accumulated temperature demand in different environments. The dynamic nature of accumulated temperature indicates that previous models based on the assumption of constant accumulated temperature are difficult to apply to changing environments. (2) The increase in temperature shortened the reproductive growth period of winter wheat, and this effect tended to intensify during the study period. The rhythmicity of day night temperature can slow down the accelerated development of nutrient growth due to warming. The wheat variety is shifting towards a weaker winter orientation, and the weakened vernalization effect leads to an increase in accumulated temperature required for phenological occurrence. For the reproductive growth period, the flowering period will affect the development rate of wheat during the reproductive growth period, and the response of temperature to maturity period is delayed. The effect of flowering temperature on phenology will continue for 8-15 days after flowering. When the flowering temperature exceeds 26 ° C, the impact on maturity period will last for more than 20 days. (3) For the flowering period of spring wheat, the model considering the effects of photoperiod and temperature cycle on accumulated temperature has the best performance, while for the flowering period of winter wheat, the model considering the effects of photoperiod and vernalization on accumulated temperature has the best performance. The nonlinear plasticity model is the optimal model for simulating the maturity period of spring and winter wheat. The use of optimized models to simulate the flowering and ripening stages of wheat reduced the average simulation error by 22.71% and 22.19% compared to traditional models.

How to cite: Liu, Y., Chen, J., Huang, S., and Cheng, W.: Improving wheat developmental model based on dynamic changes in accumulated temperature demand, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7675,, 2025.

EGU25-7722 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Optimising nitrogen management for climate-smart agriculture: A hybrid modelling approach in wheat-maize rotations 

Deyao Liu, Baobao Pan, Shu Kee Lam, Enli Wang, and Deli Chen

Optimising nitrogen management has the potential to enhance crop productivity while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Nevertheless, it has low adoption rates, due to the complex interactions of crop types, environments (climate and soil) and management combinations, posing significant challenges to advancing climate-smart agriculture. In this study, a hybrid modelling approach was developed to target a minimum of 90% of the potential yield, while simultaneously increasing nitrogen use efficiency and optimising N inputs, reducing net GHG emissions and GHG intensity. A 30-year field trial was conducted on a wheat-maize rotation system in the North China Plain. The observations (annual yields, SOC and N2O emissions) were then used to validate the process-based DNDC model, and the NSGA-Ⅲ machine learning algorithm was applied for multi-objective optimisation. This hybrid modelling approach simulated and optimised three levels of nitrogen management under future climate scenarios (level 1: fertilizer rates; level 2: fertiliser rates, timing, frequency, and crop schedules; level 3: level 2 plus irrigation and residue retention). From 1990 to 2100, the optimised practice combinations were identified: delaying and reducing basal fertilization (+5 d, -52.8 kg N ha-1) while advancing top-dressing in wheat (-5 d) and both events in maize (-9 d, -3 d); postponing wheat sowing (+5 d) and advancing maize sowing (-9 d); aligning irrigation event with fertilization, and adding one irrigation event during the maize bell stage; and lowering residue retention (-0.2). Integrating additional practices with fertiliser rates (levels 2 and 3) proves effective in meeting these climate-smart objectives. Under SSP245 and SSP585, the optimal level 3 practices, compared to maintaining current practices unchanged (conventional practices), increase annual crop yields by 5.6% and 1.7%, respectively, while concurrently reducing net GHG emissions by 9.4% and 8.4%, respectively. Optimal level 3 practices, in comparison to level 2, increased yields by only 0.7%, but significantly reduced net GHG emissions by 8.7%. Furthermore, the implementation of optimal level 3 practices, compared to conventional practices, led to a reduction in N inputs, irrigation water use and residue inputs by 17.2%, 6.7% and 20.0%, respectively. The findings of this study demonstrate that the optimal practices continually adapted in order to respond to the changing climate conditions. It is imperative for decision-makers to consider the trade-off between achieving greater GHG reductions and the potentially higher implementation costs associated with adjusting practices, given the minimal yield differences but significant GHG emission disparities across levels.

How to cite: Liu, D., Pan, B., Lam, S. K., Wang, E., and Chen, D.: Optimising nitrogen management for climate-smart agriculture: A hybrid modelling approach in wheat-maize rotations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7722,, 2025.

EGU25-7954 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Evaluating Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Potential in Single and Double Cropping Systems using Crop Model Emulators 

Qiankun Niu, Christian Folberth, Nikolay Khabarov, and Juraj Balkovič

Climate change poses significant challenges to global food security, particularly in regions relying on double cropping systems. Developing sustainable adaptation strategies for these systems is essential to mitigate climate-induced yield losses and ensure sustainable crop production under changing climate. However, the effectiveness of these strategies remains underexplored in many regions, especially in areas where double cropping systems are a cornerstone of agricultural productivity and food security. This study aims to establish a global framework for climate change adaptation in single and double cropping systems, focusing on optimizing management practices such as sowing dates and cultivar selection. As a first prototype, we assessed the impacts of climate change on rainfed soybean and maize in single and double cropping systems in Brazil.

Using an advanced crop model emulator, the CROp model Machine learning Emulator Suite (CROMES), we projected crop yields under two shared socioeconomic pathways (SSP126 and SSP585) for 2016–2100. Our results reveal that optimizing sowing dates and cultivar selection is crucial for adapting cropping systems to climate change. Double cropping soybean faces yield declines up to 40% under SSP585 but gains up to 10% under SSP126, with early-sown and early-maturing varieties suffering sharper losses (up to 75%). Double cropping maize grown in the second season shows greater resilience, with declines ranging down to only -20%, while single cropping maize again faces sharper losses, reaching down to -60%. Single cropping soybean can increase yields by up to 30% under SSP126 with later planting and longer maturity groups but declines up to -30% under SSP585.

These findings provide valuable insights for understanding the vulnerabilities and potential adaptation strategies for single and double cropping systems in Brazil, setting the stage for broader global studies. Future work will extend this analysis to other key cereal-based double cropping systems in China, the United States, and Indonesia, contributing to a comprehensive global framework for transitioning to sustainable double cropping systems and securing food production under the pressures of climate change.

How to cite: Niu, Q., Folberth, C., Khabarov, N., and Balkovič, J.: Evaluating Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Potential in Single and Double Cropping Systems using Crop Model Emulators, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7954,, 2025.

EGU25-8129 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Modelling soybean growth processes in the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CROP 

Xianglin Zhang, Daniel Goll, Philippe Ciais, Yang Su, and Ronny Lauerwald

Soybean, the most produced leguminous crop on Earth, serves as a vital source of vegetable oil and a major provider of protein for animal feed and human consumption. By fixing atmospheric nitrogen via rhizobia, soybean reduces reliance on synthetic fertilizers, promoting soil sustainability, reducing surface water eutrophication and N2O emissions. Most soybean is produced in the US and South America. In contrast, Europe and China are major importers, and produce only a small fraction of their soybean consumption. However, there is growing interest of increasing the soybean self-sufficiency in these regions, to decrease dependence on US exports, reduce environmental impacts of soybean expansion in South America, and for the sake of crop diversification in Europe and the agronomical and environmental benefits of leguminous crops. In order to explore the potential to cultivate soybean around the world, including probable yields, yield stability, and the agronomical and environmental effects mentioned above, comprehensive, process-based models are needed. Moreover, such models could permit for future predictions accounting for climate change, which has the potential to shift regions where soybean production is promising to higher latitudes. Here we present our recent developments of the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CROP (Organizing Carbon and Hydrology in Dynamic Ecosystems-Crop), for which we developed a representation of soybean as a major crop besides wheat, maize, and rice. For this crop, we developed a new parametrization of crop phenology, biomass production and allocation, and yield production. A new scheme was also introduced to represent the effects of fertilization on biomass development and yield production. Experimental data from ten flux tower sites were used to calibrate and validate the model. We find that the simulated gross primary productivity, evapotranspiration, leaf area index, and biomass agree well with the observations. Our model development provides an essential tool for assessing the agronomical and environmental benefits of legume crops in agroecosystems at regional to global scales.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Goll, D., Ciais, P., Su, Y., and Lauerwald, R.: Modelling soybean growth processes in the land surface model ORCHIDEE-CROP, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8129,, 2025.

EGU25-8826 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Six decades of global crop yield increase and cropland expansion from 1960 to 2020 

Karina Winkler, Richard Fuchs, Mark Rounsevell, and Martin Herold

Population growth, evolving consumption preferences, technological advancements, globalized trade, and environmental factors have all significantly influenced global agriculture. The rising demand for agricultural commodities has driven increased production through both land area expansion and intensification (reflected as higher yields). However, the connections between global agricultural expansion and intensification remain unclear.

Using a data-driven approach to map past cropland use and productivity changes on a global scale, we aim to (1) quantify the spatiotemporal patterns of global changes in cropland systems, particularly focusing on area expansion and contraction, as well as yield increases and decreases over the last six decades (1960-2020), and (2) explore the relationship between cropland intensification and expansion across different countries and regions.

Our findings reveal that high-income countries have followed a trajectory of yield increases and land contraction on croplands, aligning with the concept of land sparing and influenced by policy. In contrast, low-income countries have seen less yield increase but substantial cropland area expansion over time. Notably, emerging countries in tropical regions (e.g., Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Colombia, and Malaysia) have experienced both the highest crop yield increases and cropland expansion rates. This suggests potential knock-on effects of yield increases in high-profit crops such as soybean, oil palm, and sugar cane, primarily used for exports. These yield increases are linked to and likely triggered significant agricultural expansion into natural ecosystems. We find that the increase in tree crops is the underlying cause of more than half of the global deforestation for cropland expansion.

Overall, we demonstrate how the relationship between yield increases and cropland expansion varies by region and crop type. This relationship is also likely influenced to varying degrees by political intervention, global trade, technology transfer, and climate change.

How to cite: Winkler, K., Fuchs, R., Rounsevell, M., and Herold, M.: Six decades of global crop yield increase and cropland expansion from 1960 to 2020, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8826,, 2025.

EGU25-8894 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Building resilience in Mediterranean agriculture through participatory approaches: an evaluation of climate adaptation strategies in the Arroyo de la Balisa Sub-basin (Segovia, Spain) 

Mario Ballesteros-Olza, Paloma Esteve-Bengoechea, Isabel Bardají, Bárbara Soriano, Irene Blanco-Gutiérrez, Maite Jiménez-Aguirre, Sofía Garde-Cabellos, Carmen Galea, Jon Lizaso, Carlos H. Díaz-Ambrona, David Pérez, Margarita Ruiz-Ramos, and Ana M. Tarquis

The Mediterranean region faces critical water scarcity issues exacerbated by climate change, posing significant threats to agricultural sustainability and food security. Adaptive strategies for agriculture are vital to cope with these challenges and ensure long-term resilience. This research focuses on the prioritization and socio-economic evaluation of adaptation measures in the Arroyo de la Balisa sub-basin (SCAB), a representative case study in the Duero River Basin, in Segovia (Spain).

For the prioritization process, a participatory multicriteria approach was used, in which 41 stakeholders representing public administration, agronomic engineering companies, farmers, ranchers, environmentalists and experts, ranked 14 adaptive measures under current and future climatic scenarios, based on four criteria: effectiveness, economic benefit, environmental benefit and ease of implementation. Among the measures considered, the modernization and optimization of irrigation systems was valued as the top strategy for climate change adaptation, followed by the introduction of more resilient crops and several Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 eco-schemes, such as crop rotation or no-till farming. These adaptive measures were particularly well-valued for the future scenario, marked by increased evapotranspiration and reduced rainfall. In contrast, other measures requiring significant infrastructure investment, such as transitioning rainfed areas to irrigation, were ranked lower under future scenarios due to anticipated water scarcity.

In parallel, a structured survey targeting 150 local farmers and ranchers is being conducted to assess the socio-economic impacts of implementing these prioritized measures in the SCAB, focusing on potential variations in production costs, income and environmental externalities. The ongoing analysis aims to complement the prioritization results, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the viability of these measures, taking into account economic, social, environmental and institutional dimensions.

The preliminary findings of this research highlight the importance of integrating advanced technologies with sustainable agricultural practices to enhance water use efficiency and mitigate climate risks. Furthermore, the participatory approach employed in this study ensures the relevance and local acceptance of the proposed adaptation measures, fostering their practical implementation. By aligning these technical solutions with stakeholder priorities, this work drives the adoption of effective and sustainable agricultural adaptive strategies. Through this approach, it aims to inform agricultural policies that enhance resilience to climate change, contributing to the implementation of the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PNACC) 2021-2030.

How to cite: Ballesteros-Olza, M., Esteve-Bengoechea, P., Bardají, I., Soriano, B., Blanco-Gutiérrez, I., Jiménez-Aguirre, M., Garde-Cabellos, S., Galea, C., Lizaso, J., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., Pérez, D., Ruiz-Ramos, M., and Tarquis, A. M.: Building resilience in Mediterranean agriculture through participatory approaches: an evaluation of climate adaptation strategies in the Arroyo de la Balisa Sub-basin (Segovia, Spain), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8894,, 2025.

EGU25-9686 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

EU food system transformations 

Anniek Kortleve, José Mogollón, and Paul Behrens

The global food system is responsible for up to a third of greenhouse gas emissions and is a major cause of biodiversity loss. A low-emission food system transition towards more plant-rich diets is urgently needed in the EU to mitigate environmental crises including climate change. Linking global physical input-output models with public agro-economic data reveals that animal-sourced food (ASF) dominates EU agriculture, consuming the majority of agricultural land, Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) subsidies, fixed assets, and farm employment, while contributing disproportionally to greenhouse gas emissions, net farm profits, and caloric intake. ASFs account for most EU food-related greenhouse gas emissions (84%) yet provide only a fraction of the dietary calories (35%) and proteins (65%), highlighting their inefficiency.

Dietary shifts away from ASFs would free up significant agricultural land and CAP subsidies, unlocking opportunities for alternative land uses, such as rewilding, and CAP budget redirection to support plant-based alternatives. However, transitioning to more plant-rich diets could also lead to the stranding of ASF-related assets, currently evaluated at €258 billion (78% of all agricultural fixed assets). Our findings suggest that as agricultural assets depreciate over time, a systemic phase-out of ASF-related assets without further investments, would leave minimal residual value and limit the risk of stranded assets.

How to cite: Kortleve, A., Mogollón, J., and Behrens, P.: EU food system transformations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9686,, 2025.

EGU25-9810 | PICO | BG8.7

Sustaining Irrigated Agriculture in the Mediterranean: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water and Energy Resources 

Davide Danilo Chiarelli, Harsh Nanesha, and Maria Cristina Rulli

Irrigation plays a vital role in sustaining agricultural productivity, particularly in the Mediterranean region, which is characterized by limited water resources and heightened vulnerability to water scarcity. Meeting the irrigation demands of both water and energy in such environments requires efficient management strategies to ensure long-term agricultural sustainability. This work aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current use of water and energy in Mediterranean agriculture, with implications for food production and environmental sustainability. Using high-resolution data on irrigated and rainfed areas, crop-specific water consumption, and regional irrigation infrastructure, the blue water (BW) consumption and energy demand for irrigation were calculated across the region. The results reveal that cereals account for the largest irrigated area, representing 54% of the total area and consuming 30% of the energy. Conversely, fruits and nuts, which cover just 14% and 7% of the irrigated area, respectively, contribute significantly to energy demand, requiring 30% and 17% of the total energy consumption. In total, irrigation across the Mediterranean region utilizes 88.34 km³/y of blue water and 85.19 × 10⁶ GJ/y of energy, covering an irrigated area of 17.88 Mha. These results offer important insights into the interlinkages within the WEFE Nexus, highlighting the resource intensity of irrigation. By quantifying energy demands, the study helps assess the broader environmental impacts of irrigation within the Nexus.

How to cite: Chiarelli, D. D., Nanesha, H., and Rulli, M. C.: Sustaining Irrigated Agriculture in the Mediterranean: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water and Energy Resources, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9810,, 2025.

EGU25-10203 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Optimizing crop straw management in China: valuing bioenergy potential and greenhouse gas reduction opportunities 

Xinqing Lu, Yifan Xu, Ziqi Lin, Guocheng Wang, and Zhangcai Qin

Tailoring straw return strategies to specific regional conditions can optimize soil health, enhance crop yields, and contribute to climate change mitigation. By using the Rothamsted carbon model (RothC) and the bioenergy-emission-economic model (BEE), we assessed the spatially explicit, optimal straw harvest strategies to maintain soil organic carbon (SOC), and evaluated the climate benefits aquired from straw-based bioenergy. We found that the national average straw return rate needs to reach 43% to meet the 4 per mille SOC target. Most crop straws in Northeast China must be returned to cropland to maintain SOC level, while straws in East China and Central China could provide substantial quantities of biomass feedstock for energy production without SOC loss. Under future climate scenarios and designed straw harvest strategies, 0.3 to 0.7 Pg C of straw could become available annually for energy production, providing a greenhouse gas mitigation potential of 1.4 to 2.5 Pg CO2e using the combined heat and power (CHP) and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) technologies (2020-2100). These region-specific straw management strategies offer insights into sustainable agricultural practices, soil carbon enhancement, and agricultural sector’s climate policies.

How to cite: Lu, X., Xu, Y., Lin, Z., Wang, G., and Qin, Z.: Optimizing crop straw management in China: valuing bioenergy potential and greenhouse gas reduction opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10203,, 2025.

EGU25-10248 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Net Greenhouse Gas Impacts of US Irrigation: Integrating Local Emissions and Global Land Sparing 

Avery W. Driscoll, Justin A. Johnson, Joey Blumberg, Alison E. King, Seth A. Spawn-Lee, and Nathaniel D. Mueller

Irrigation increases cropland productivity, improves resilience to intensifying climatic stressors, and is accordingly recognized as an effective strategy for climate change adaptation. Irrigation also produces greenhouse gas emissions through energy use for pumping, increased N2O emissions, and degassing of CO2 from supersaturated groundwater, and therefore involves a potential tradeoff between climate change adaptation and mitigation goals. However, irrigation may also decrease global demand for agricultural land by increasing yields, preventing land use change emissions. Here, we quantify the net greenhouse gas impact of US irrigation via both direct emissions and avoided land use change. First, we find that irrigation produces 18.9 Mt CO2e yr-1, 72% of which is due to energy use and thus can be mitigated through adoption of electric pumps coupled with decarbonization of the electric grid. Next, we use empirical models of irrigated to rainfed yield ratios to estimate the production benefits of irrigation in the US for 16 crop groups. Based on these production estimates, we use a global economic model for evaluating land use (GTAP-AEZ) to project hypothetical land use change in response to the loss of irrigated crop production in the US. Land use change projections are downscaled to 300 m resolution using the Spatial Economic Allocation Landscape Simulator (SEALS) model, calibrated on historical land use change. Finally, we leverage existing estimates of biomass and soil carbon stocks to quantify the carbon impacts of the projected land use change. Preliminarily, we find the carbon benefits attributable to avoided land use to be ~4.6 Gt CO2e in total, equivalent to roughly 240 years of annual direct emissions from irrigation. These findings improve clarity regarding the environmental and economic tradeoffs of irrigation, particularly with respect to irrigation expansion for the sake of climate change adaptation.

How to cite: Driscoll, A. W., Johnson, J. A., Blumberg, J., King, A. E., Spawn-Lee, S. A., and Mueller, N. D.: Net Greenhouse Gas Impacts of US Irrigation: Integrating Local Emissions and Global Land Sparing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10248,, 2025.

EGU25-11538 | PICO | BG8.7

Data-informed Machine Learning Modeling for Infestation Level Prediction of the Sugar Beet Weevil 

Laura Bernadó, Francisco Cerqueira, Pascal Léon Thiele, Martina Dokal, Marion Seiter, Jasmin Lampert, and Eva Molin

The notable increase in insect populations over the recent years has been closely linked to rising global temperatures and more frequent drought events, both consequences of climate change. This surge in insect activity has had a significant impact on agricultural production [1]. Among the crops most affected is sugar beet in the eastern part of Austria [2], where outbreaks of the sugar beet weevil (Asproparthenis punctiventris) have been become increasingly common. Identifying regions more prone to such infestations could aid crop planning and management practices, mitigate agricultural losses, improving energy efficiency, and increase crop yield. Previous publications have already shown the influence of weather conditions on the reproduction and survival rates of insects and linked these factors to their distinct life cycle stages [3,4]. These investigations employed simple regression models and statistical frameworks to study the correlation of the infestation level with weather parameters as well as degree-day models that aimed at predicting the time of insects’ outbreak.

In our study we extend this approach by incorporating soil composition data, historical crop records alongside the most relevant meteorological parameters. We use these data to train machine learning algorithms, specifically species distribution models together with random forests, aiming at forecasting infestation levels. By integrating data from diverse and heterogeneous sources, we construct a comprehensive database used as the foundation for developing our machine learning trained prediction algorithm. We propose a multi-layered model in which each layer processes data from a different source, spatially represented on a map. Furthermore, we integrate geospatial information of the previous sugar beet crops and derive a population spread function, which is subsequently used to refine the prediction results. Initial findings validate the feasibility of the proposed approach and its potential for geographically predicting infestation levels of the sugar beet weevil.



[1] Skendžić S, Zovko M, Živković IP, Lešić V, Lemić D. The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Insect Pests. Insects 2021; 12(5).

[2] Strotmann K., Pflanzenschutzverbot: 4.000 ha Rüben in Österreich vernichtet. Agrarmarkt Österreich; Jun.2023.

[3] Drmić Z, Čačija M, Virić Gašparić H, Lemić D, Bažok R. Phenology of the sugar beet weevil, Bothynoderes punctiventris Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), in Croatia. Bull Entomol Res. 2019 Aug;109(4):518-527. doi: 10.1017/S000748531800086X. Epub 2018 Nov 27. PMID: 30477591.

[4] Lydia Jarmer. Masterarbeit: Auftreten des Rübenderbrüsslers (Asproparthenis punctiventris) in Ostösterreich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Witterungsverhältnissen. Universität für Bodenkultur; 2022.

How to cite: Bernadó, L., Cerqueira, F., Thiele, P. L., Dokal, M., Seiter, M., Lampert, J., and Molin, E.: Data-informed Machine Learning Modeling for Infestation Level Prediction of the Sugar Beet Weevil, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11538,, 2025.

EGU25-12059 | PICO | BG8.7

Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Cotton Production across the United States Cotton Belt and Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies 

Srinivasulu Ale, Bhupinder Singh, Sayantan Samanta, and Edward Barnes

The United States (US) is a major producer and exporter of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The US produces about 20% of the world’s cotton and cotton production in the country is concentrated in the southern states, also known as the “Cotton Belt”. Air temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration are important abiotic factors that control the growth and development of cotton. Global climate models (GCMs) project an increase in air temperature and CO2 concentration, and changes in precipitation amounts and patterns in the future. Thus, cotton production across the Cotton Belt could face severe challenges due to projected warmer and drier future climatic conditions and changes in availability of irrigation water. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of climate change on cotton production across the US Cotton Belt and develop appropriate adaptation strategies for sustaining cotton production in the future using the DSSAT CROPGRO-Cotton model.

Five sites across the Cotton Belt including Maricopa in Arizona, Lubbock and Chillicothe in Texas, Camilla in Georgia, and Lewiston-Woodville in North Carolina were selected for this study. The latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) climate projections of nine GCMs from 1950 to 2100 were obtained for the study sites for four Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5, SSP3-7.0, and SSP4-8.5. Data was categorized into four time periods: Historic (1950-2014), Near-future (2015-2040), Mid-century (2041-2070), and Late-century (2071-2100) to assess the effects of projected climate change on seed cotton yield and irrigation water requirement at the study sites. Modifications to planting date and row spacing were evaluated as potential climate adaptation strategies.

Results indicated that the simulated irrigated seed cotton yield is expected to increase within a range of 10-24% at all sites, except at arid Maricopa site, where irrigated seed cotton yield is simulated to decrease within a range of 24-60%.  While the negative effects of projected increases in already higher temperatures dominated the positive effects of CO2 fertilization at Maricopa site, the opposite effects were found at the remaining four sites. The future irrigation requirement is expected to increase at all sites within a range of 4-30% to meet higher evapotranspiration requirements due to projected warmer and drier climates. Identified potential climate adaptation strategies differed across the study sites. For example, mid-season cotton planting in a narrow row spacing (75 cm) was found to be a promising climate adaptation strategy to improve irrigated seed cotton yield at Halfway while an early planted cotton with wide row spacing (100 cm) was found to be the most promising strategy for Maricopa. Findings from this study will be useful to US cotton producers in modifying agronomic practices conducive to cotton growth and development under projected future changes in climate.

How to cite: Ale, S., Singh, B., Samanta, S., and Barnes, E.: Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Cotton Production across the United States Cotton Belt and Evaluation of Adaptation Strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12059,, 2025.

Research on the impacts of climate change on crop yield is necessary for improving agricultural management practices and increasing crop adaptability to climate change. Future climate change not only alters long-term climate trends but also changes the amplitude of their fluctuations. Currently, there is a lack of studies that comprehensively consider the effects of climate trend and fluctuation on crop yield. The North China Plain is the largest wheat producing area in China, this study utilizes the DSSAT crop model to analyzes the impacts of future climate trends and climate fluctuations on winter wheat yields in the North China Plain, explores the dominant climatic factors affecting irrigated and rainfed winter wheat in the North China Plain under different climate scenarios in the future and proposes feasible recommendations for management options to cope with climate change with a view to guaranteeing food security. It was found that winter wheat yield in the North China Plain increased by 1.5% in the 2030s and decreased by 13.4% in the 2080s. The main reason for the decrease was the increase in the future temperature trend, which could lead to an average potential decrease of 8.4 %, and the increase in precipitation in the future could play an alleviating role. Irrigated and rainfed agriculture respond differently to climate change, with future temperatures dominating yield reduction changes in irrigated winter wheat and precipitation dominating yield increase changes in rainfed winter wheat. Delaying the sowing date of winter wheat and increasing field fertility can effectively mitigate the negative effects of temperature increases, whereas the mitigation effect of increasing irrigation is limited. In the future, we should pay attention to the potential threat of high temperatures and heat damage to winter wheat planting, and rationally use regional climate resources to guide agricultural production.

How to cite: Hu, J., Li, Y., and Shi, P.: Assessment of the impact of future climate trend and fluctuation on winter wheat yield in the North China Plain and exploration of adaptation strategies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12356,, 2025.

EGU25-12648 | PICO | BG8.7

HOLOS-IE: A System Model for Assessing Carbon Emissions and Balance in Agricultural Systems 

Mohammad Ibrahim Khalil, Badhan Sen, Mahjabin Siddque, Tasos Chatzichristou, Aaron McPherson, Shakeef Rakin, Jonathan Herron, Roland Kröbel, Bruce Osborne, and Rem Collier

Agriculture significantly contributes to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mainly via enteric and manure methane (CH4) from livestock and fertilizer-induced nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils. Mitigation strategies include dietary changes, feed additives, and fertilisation with circularity approaches. Agroforestry further offsets GHGs through carbon sequestration (soil and biomass) while enhancing soil health and ecosystem services. Achieving carbon-neutral farms by 2050 requires sustainable agricultural transformation. System-based modelling is crucial for understanding agriculture, supporting informed decision-making, and balancing data needs. HOLOS-IE, evolving into HOLOS-EU, simplifies complex modelling for farmers and stakeholders, empowering them to reduce their environmental footprint and achieve sustainable production.

The HOLOS-IE v3.0 ( utilises large datasets, evidence-based algorithms, GIS, Machine Learning, and C#.NET coding. The ongoing development focuses on refining model components (crops, grasses, livestock, agroforestry and farm infrastructure), and their sub-components. These components are driven by key soil, climate and relevant variables, which are automated or user-defined inputs. As a case study, HOLOS-IE was applied to a 30-hectare Irish dairy farm to explore agroforestry scenarios (silvopastoral systems with Oak and Sycamore hedgerows) by sparing 5% of land without reducing livestock density. The model predicted sectoral GHG emissions, carbon removal, and total/net carbon balance, quantifying soil and biomass carbon sequestration. This analysis highlighted the offsetting potential and provided insights into total and net carbon balances, guiding future land-use planning for climate change mitigation.

The model successfully simulated GHGs, soil organic carbon (SOC), biomass carbon, and farm energy. On the dairy farm, the main GHG contributors were enteric CH4 (76%, 5148 tCO2eq ha-1), direct N2O (13%), and manure CH4 (9%), with indirect N2O contributing 2%, respectively. SOC density in grassland increased by 0.16 t C ha-1 y-1 over 23 years. After introducing silvopasture, grassland GHG contributions remained similar, but SOC density in the tree zone increased, especially in hedgerows. Silvopasture and hedgerows, covering 5% of the land, offset 19% of the farm’s carbon footprint without reducing livestock density, supporting future steps toward carbon neutrality.

This paper introduces HOLOS-IE as a foundational step towards the development of HOLOSEU. As the model is still under development, a relatively comprehensive scenario demonstrating how to achieve carbon neutrality including soil health indices, production metrics, cost-benefit analyses and maintaining profitability on a dairy farm will be presented at the conference. Feedback from stakeholders will be gathered to guide further improvements, followed by validation and calibration.

The HOLOS-IE project is funded by the Science Foundation Ireland (Currently Research Ireland) through the and the ECRRF (Grant No. 22/NCF/FD/10947) in collaboration with ReLive and HOLOSEU funded by Transnational ERA-NET and ICT-AGRI-FOOD, respectively through the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland.

How to cite: Khalil, M. I., Sen, B., Siddque, M., Chatzichristou, T., McPherson, A., Rakin, S., Herron, J., Kröbel, R., Osborne, B., and Collier, R.: HOLOS-IE: A System Model for Assessing Carbon Emissions and Balance in Agricultural Systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12648,, 2025.

EGU25-13837 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Modeling impacts of food and fertilizer trade disruptions on global food security 

Pavel Kiparisov and Christian Folberth

Geopolitical tensions are increasingly affecting global trade in food and essential agronomic inputs such as fertilizers. This imperils food production and security in import-dependent countries. Major disruptions, such as armed conflicts or the formation of isolated political blocs, are expected to further disrupt bilateral trade as countries tend to save resources for their own populations or because of the destruction of trade infrastructure. Countries not directly involved in such conflicts may also choose to stop exporting and start stockpiling products as a precautionary measure. This will create a situation where the global trade network will be fragmented.

This study estimates the consequences of such trade disruptions on fertilizer supply and food security through network analysis and statistical modeling using global data on food and fertilizer trade, fertilizer inputs, and crop yields. We consider several hypothetical scenarios, including a military conflict between major military alliances, political separation into major (emerging) blocs, economic scenario, where the world is divided into Global North and Global South, and stochastic scenarios that model probable division into groups based on the structure and intensity of historical trade between partners through community detection in graphs. A first prototype considers major staple crops: rice, wheat, maize, potato, and cassava.

The results demonstrate that in the event of a political, military, or economic separation that disrupts trade, Non-Aligned and Global South countries will experience dramatic reductions in the availability of certain critical crops and fertilizers, with losses of more than 25 percent compared to uninterrupted supplies in 2022. In the military scenario, Non-Aligned nations will be most sensitive to the decline in maize, wheat, and fertilizer, while in the political scenario, access to maize, potatoes, rice, and wheat will be problematic. The economic scenario shows drops in availability of maize, rice, cassava, wheat, and fertilizer for the Global South block. Military alliances, political blocs, and Global North countries have limited supplies of at least two critical crops in every scenario, but their losses are less disruptive (excluding cassava, which is expected to decline by 95 percent in the Global North). For all groups of countries, the drops in food supply are compounded by a further reduction in expected agricultural output due to the loss of fertilizer supplies. Stochastic network simulations generally provide more balanced scenarios as they are based on interwoven historical trade data. Further research will refine the results using process-based crop modeling and explore scenarios for improving the resilience of the global food system.

How to cite: Kiparisov, P. and Folberth, C.: Modeling impacts of food and fertilizer trade disruptions on global food security, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13837,, 2025.

EGU25-14778 | PICO | BG8.7

Daycent model performance to simulate yield and soil carbon across diverse soil management practices in several long-term experiments 

Abiola Saliu, Florent Levavasseur, Genis Simon-Miquel, Marcel van der Heijden, Moritz Reckling, Raphaël Wittwer, and Magdalena Necpalova

Agricultural systems are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to global climate change. As the demand for food increases, there is a need to identify sustainable soil management practices that minimize environmental impacts while maintaining or enhancing crop productivity. The Daycent model is a useful tool for simulating ecosystem responses to changes in soil management and climate change. In this study, we calibrated Daycent using yield and soil carbon data collected from five long-term ongoing experiments (PROspective and QualiAgro sites in France, V4 and V140 in Germany, FAST in Switzerland) involving various soil management practices and covering different pedoclimatic conditions across Europe, with the aim of upscaling the impacts of these practices. The treatments in these experiments include conventional to reduced tillage, addition of organic and mineral fertilizers, and the use of cover crops. Data from each experiment was split by treatment into two parts, the calibration dataset and the validation dataset. The Daycent model performance to simulate yield and soil carbon was evaluated by comparing simulated data with measured data using statistical indicators, e.g., rRMSE and R2. Calibration dataset allowed for adjusting relevant parameters according to the calibration protocol. In model evaluation against the validation dataset across all sites, rRMSE ranged from 0.29 to 0.60 for yields, and from 0.03 to 0.14 for soil organic carbon stock. The R2 values indicate that the Daycent model predicted 84% and 99% of the measured variability in yields and soil carbon stock, respectively across the sites, which implies that the model was able to capture the overall variability due to management and pedoclimatic conditions. This study demonstrates that the Daycent model can simulate yields and soil organic carbon in long-term field experiments with diverse soil management practices across different pedo-climatic conditions and can be used for the upscaling of these practices to the regional scale. However, the model needs to be further calibrated to effectively simulate yields across these sites to avoid under- or over-estimation. This research is a part of ClimateCropping project developed in the framework of the EJP for SOIL “Towards climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soils” funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.

How to cite: Saliu, A., Levavasseur, F., Simon-Miquel, G., van der Heijden, M., Reckling, M., Wittwer, R., and Necpalova, M.: Daycent model performance to simulate yield and soil carbon across diverse soil management practices in several long-term experiments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14778,, 2025.

Agriculture is one of the largest sectors in terms of human land and water use, occupying over 38% of the Earth’s ice-free land surface and 80% of the global human water footprint. In addition, various scenarios project a continuous expansion of agricultural land use at least until the 2050s, therefore emphasizing the growing importance of agriculture as a major channel of human influence on the Earth system. At the same time, urbanization and declining rural populations, accompanied by economic growth, suggest a potential decrease in the share of agricultural employment within the labor market. In this study, we introduce agricultural workforce availability, in addition to environmental suitability and policy, into the projection of future potential cropland supply and compare it with the projections of future cropland demand. A simple model framework was developed to project workforce-available cropland area, which includes the estimation of potential agricultural workforce and technological advancements. Under the SSP1-RCP2.6 scenario, environmentally cultivable land is projected to remain underutilized due to limitations imposed by workforce availability, while under the SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario, the global cultivation capability is expected to exceed environmentally cultivable land area by the 2080s. Under both scenarios, total potential cropland supply is projected to surpass the cropland demand globally. On the other hand, regional insufficiencies in the potential cropland supply are anticipated. For instance, under the SSP1-RCP2.6 scenario, a group of high-latitude nations is expected to face a 10% shortfall in potential cropland supply by the 2050s, which is projected to decrease to 5% by the end of the 21st century. Even under the SSP5-RCP8.5 scenario with the fast technological advancements, Brazil is expected to have 20% deficiency in potential cropland supply throughout the century. The results of this study suggest that there is room for improvement in the cultivable land area as input dataset for Earth system simulation models. Additionally, it highlights regions where technological investments are necessary to meet current projections of cropland demand.

How to cite: Lee, H. and Kim, H.:  Evaluation on Future Potential Cropland Supply with Considering Agricultural Workforce Availability , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15799,, 2025.

EGU25-15806 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Sustaining livestock in Mongolia through integrated livestock–vegetation modelling 

Jonas Van Laere, Wolfgang Traylor, and Thomas Hickler

The Mongolian Steppe Ecosystem is a highly vulnerable system, prone to degradation, driven in part by increasing livestock densities. While reducing livestock numbers is often suggested to alleviate pressure on grasslands, there remains a lack of tools for projecting forage availability, potential livestock densities, and the utilization of net primary productivity (NPP) into the future. Such tools could provide valuable guidance for developing effective policies and sustainable management strategies.

To address this gap, we employed a Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM), LPJ-GUESS, adapted with a daily allocation scheme for grasses, to which we added a simplified livestock submodule to simulate the effects of grazing on aboveground biomass. Forage availability was modeled using historical climate data (ERA5-Land, 0.1° resolution), while NPP utilization was assessed by comparing model runs with and without observed livestock numbers included. Using an iterative approach, potential livestock densities were determined as the maximum densities at which forage sufficiency was maintained over the period from 1970 to 2023.

Our results show a reasonable alignment between LPJ-GUESS modeled GPP and NPP, and GOSIF GPP as well as MODIS NPP. We show spatially explicit utilisation rates and compared actual livestock densities with potential densities, revealing areas of overutilisation that to some extent agree with degradation patterns. When combined with future climate projections, this approach offers a valuable tool for stakeholders and policymakers aiming to sustain the ecological balance and productivity of the Mongolian Steppe under changing climate and grazing scenarios.

How to cite: Van Laere, J., Traylor, W., and Hickler, T.: Sustaining livestock in Mongolia through integrated livestock–vegetation modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15806,, 2025.

EGU25-15965 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

How has climate variability affected regional crop production across Europe in the last 30 years? 

Ludovic Harter, Rasmus Einarsson, and Julia Le Noë

Nitrogen plays a fundamental role in agri-food systems, as the primary component of proteins, a key limiting soil nutrient, and a significant driver of environmental pollution. The Generalized Representation of Agri-Food Systems (GRAFS; Billen et al., 2014) model provides a comprehensive and robust framework for quantifying nitrogen flows across regional, national, or continental scales. By employing a metabolic approach to analyze nitrogen dynamics, GRAFS enables detailed diagnostic assessments of historical and current trends in crop production linked to socio-technical, pedological, and climatic variables. The predictive capacity of this approach yet remains limited by the lack of explicit incorporation of climatic drivers on N flows, particularly those related to crop harvest.

Utilizing a newly compiled annual dataset from 1990 onwards, the model offers high-resolution diagnostics across Europe, capturing spatio-temporal variability across 127 subnational regions. This study focuses on quantifying the influence of climatic variables on the historical evolution of arable crop yields. The methodology is based on an empirical relationship between total nitrogen yields at the crop-rotation scale and total nitrogen inputs from synthetic fertilizers, manure, biological fixation, and atmospheric deposition. This yield response to nitrogen fertilization follows a hyperbolic curve characterized by a single parameter (Ymax; Lassaletta et al., 2014), representing the theoretical maximum yield for a given territory. 

We analyze the temporal evolution of this parameter for the 127 European regions in relation with shifts in climate-related factors, including precipitation, water balance, temperature, and extreme weather events. We establish a relationship between climatic variables and shifts in the Ymax value, which characterizes the yield-fertilization relationship. Our results provide foundation for developing prospective scenarios addressing the combined effects of climate change and transformations in agricultural systems on agronomic and environmental performances of food systems.



Billen, G., Lassaletta, L., Garnier, J., 2014. A biogeochemical view of the global agro-food system: Nitrogen flows associated with protein production, consumption and trade. Glob. Food Sec. 3, 209–219.

Lassaletta, L., Billen, G., Grizzetti, B., Anglade, J., Garnier, J., 2014. 50 year trends in nitrogen use efficiency of world cropping systems: the relationship between yield and nitrogen input to cropland. Environ. Res. Lett. 9.

How to cite: Harter, L., Einarsson, R., and Le Noë, J.: How has climate variability affected regional crop production across Europe in the last 30 years?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15965,, 2025.

EGU25-16002 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Predicting future food loss and waste patterns under changing socio-economic conditions 

Francesco Semeria, Giacomo Falchetta, Adriano Vinca, Francesco Laio, Luca Ridolfi, and Marta Tuninetti

Food loss and waste (FLW) represent a critical challenge to global sustainability, with significant implications for food security and environmental conservation. As about one third of the food that is produced is lost or wasted along the value chain, water, land and energy resources employed in its many stages (e.g., production, transformation, storage) are wasted together with it. Despite extensive research on this topic, a significant gap remains in understanding how FLW will evolve in the future, particularly under the influence of key drivers such as economic development, urbanization, and access to electricity. Changes in FLW patterns have far-reaching consequences for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, particularly in regions where local resources are already under stress. Current projections frequently employ static assumptions or simplified scenarios, overlooking the dynamic socio-economic trends that have the potential to reshape FLW profiles of countries. This limitation is especially relevant in rapidly developing regions like Sub-Saharan Africa, where present per capita FLW levels are relatively low compared to high-income regions. However, rapid socio-economic transformations in these regions have the potential to drastically alter this scenario in the near future, thereby deviating from current estimates.

In order to address these challenges, a random forest algorithm was employed, leveraging data from the FAO Food Loss and Waste Database. The integration of these data with socio-economic predictors such as GDP, urbanisation rates, and technological adoption has enabled the development of a predictive framework capable of estimating future FLW shares at the country level. The analysis reveals diverse trajectories in FLW evolution across regions. While technological advancements and increased mechanisation in agriculture and food processing may reduce supply-side losses in rapidly developing economies, there is likely to be a reciprocal increase in consumption-side waste, which could potentially offset gains achieved through technological improvements and amplify pressures on critical resources such as water, land, and energy. These findings emphasise the urgent need for the design and implementation of sustainable transformation pathways to reduce FLW generation in agri-food systems in present and future conditions, while also addressing the existing trade-offs between FLW reduction and energy security.

How to cite: Semeria, F., Falchetta, G., Vinca, A., Laio, F., Ridolfi, L., and Tuninetti, M.: Predicting future food loss and waste patterns under changing socio-economic conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16002,, 2025.

EGU25-16450 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Soil and vegetation responses to biochar application in terms of its feedback on carbon sequestration under different environmental conditions – LiDELS model overview 

Mikita Maslouski, Annette Eschenbach, Christian Beer, Simon Thomsen, and Philipp Porada

Biochar application to soil shows promise for enhancing soil properties, increasing crop yields, improving water retention, and promoting carbon sequestration. While the direct effects of biochar on soil properties have been studied to some extent, the overall impact on ecosystem carbon balance remains uncertain, as field and lab studies typically do not account for interactions with vegetation. The LiDELS (LiBry-DETECT Layer Scheme) model offers a process-based approach to assess these soil-vegetation interactions and the potential for carbon sequestration in response to biochar application under diverse environmental conditions. This study presents an overview of the LiDELS model and its application to a sandy soil profile under the climate conditions of Northern Germany. LiDELS simulates the impacts of biochar on key soil functions, including water retention, thermal properties, evapotranspiration rates, and net primary production (NPP). Model validation shows strong agreement with observed data for soil moisture, temperature, and CO2 flux, confirming LiDELS’s applicability across varying soil textures, vegetation types, and biochar treatments. Results indicate that biochar application to sandy soil in Northern Germany enhances soil water availability by 35%, increases NPP by 5%, raises soil CO2 by 19%, and has nosignificant impact on soil respiration or soil temperature. LiDELS thus represents a valuable predictive tool for evaluating environmental feedback of biochar in agriculture and carbon management, supporting sustainable land use practices.

How to cite: Maslouski, M., Eschenbach, A., Beer, C., Thomsen, S., and Porada, P.: Soil and vegetation responses to biochar application in terms of its feedback on carbon sequestration under different environmental conditions – LiDELS model overview, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16450,, 2025.

EGU25-16514 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Integrating Seasonal Forecasts with Process-Based Crop Modeling for Responsive Adaptation to Food Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa 

Ignacio Saldivia Gonzatti, Hester Biemans, and Spyros Paparrizos
Understanding the impacts of climate variability on crop yields is critical for food security, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, where rainfed agriculture dominates and is highly sensitive to climatic changes. While process-based crop models are commonly used with long-term climate scenarios to inform transformative adaptation, integrating long-range seasonal forecasts offers an opportunity to inform short-term, responsive adaptation strategies. This study uses the LPJmL process-based hydrology-crop model with SEAS5 seasonal hindcasts as climatic inputs (temperature, precipitation, and radiation) to evaluate the skill of seasonal forecasts in predicting crop yields at lead times of one to seven months for major crops in three countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana (West Africa), Kenya (East Africa), and Zimbabwe (Southern Africa). We validate the results against the WFDE5 dataset and observed weather station data from national meteorological agencies. We calibrate LPJmL with sub-national yield data to ensure local relevance and accuracy. We use performance metrics, including cumulative probability distributions and Ranked Probability Skill Scores, to evaluate forecast reliability. By capturing interannual and intraseasonal variability, this seasonal yield forecasting can serve as an early warning system to support a range of short-term response strategies, such as agricultural measures (adjusting sowing dates, early harvest due to extreme weather events, and fertilizer application) and broader strategies that include market interventions, cash transfers, food reserve management, and food assistance programs. This study advances the integration of seasonal forecasts into process-based crop models and the use of yield forecasts for responsive adaptation strategies for food security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

How to cite: Saldivia Gonzatti, I., Biemans, H., and Paparrizos, S.: Integrating Seasonal Forecasts with Process-Based Crop Modeling for Responsive Adaptation to Food Risks in Sub-Saharan Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16514,, 2025.

EGU25-17144 | PICO | BG8.7

Effect of upslope runoff on crop functioning under Mediterranean conditions: an analysis based on a modelling approach 

Jérôme Molénat, Rim Zitouna-Chebbi, Mariem Dhouib, Laurent Prévot, Insaf Mekki, and Frédéric Jacob

Mediterranean hilly landscapes, surface runoff is one of the main hydrological processes that redistributes water from upslope to downslope. In agricultural catchments, surface runoff causes rainfall water to transfer from upstream plots to downstream plots due to hydrological connectivity. The water thus redistributed can then infiltrate into the soil of the downstream plot, depending on the soil's infiltration capacity, thereby increasing water availability in the root zone. While the impact of hydrological connectivity on hydrological processes such as streamflow generation is well recognized, few studies evaluate its effect on crop functioning. In general, crop functioning is studied using multilocal methods that assume hydrological independence between plots, overlooking the influence of hydrological connectivity. In the development of catchment agro-hydrological models, the coupling between the crop model and the hydrological model is partly conditioned by the effect of hydrological connectivity.

The objective is to study the effect of water redistribution through runoff on crop functioning in the context of Mediterranean rainfed annual crops, using a modelling approach. A numerical experiment using the AquaCrop model was performed, considering two hydrologically connected plots. The experiment explored a range of agro-pedo-climatic conditions upstream and downstream: crop type, soil texture and depth, climate forcing, and the size of the upstream plot. Data collected over the past 25 years from the OMERE Environmental Research Observatory in northeastern Tunisia (Molénat et al., 2018) were used, along with data from the literature. The Aquacrop model was previously parametrised and validated for the soil, crop and climate conditions of this in northeastern Tunisia site (Dhouib et al., 2022).

Results show that annual crop production under semi-arid and subhumid climatic conditions can be increased due to hydrological processe in a moderate number of cases (16% for wheat and 33% for faba bean on average for above-ground biomass and yield) (Dhouib et al., 2024). Positive impacts are mainly observed for higher soil water retention capacity and under semi-arid and dry subhumid climate conditions, with a significant effect of the intra-annual distribution of rainfall in relation to crop phenology.


Dhouib M., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Prevot L., Molénat J., Mekki I., Jacob F. (2022). Multicriteria evaluation of the AquaCrop crop model in a hilly rainfed Mediterranean agrosystem. Agricultural Water Management, 273, 107912,

Dhouib M, Molénat J., Prevot L., Mekki M, Zitouna-Chebbi, C et Jacob F.. Numerical exploration of the impact of hydrological connectivity on rainfed annual crops in Mediterranean hilly landscapes. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2024, 44 (6), 51 p. ⟨10.1007/s13593-024-00981-5⟩. ⟨hal-04752688⟩

Molénat J., Raclot D., Zitouna R., et al., 2018. OMERE, a long-term observatory of soil and water resources in interaction with agricultural and land management in Mediterranean hilly areas. Vadose Zone journal, 17(1), doi:10.2136/vzj2018.04.0086

How to cite: Molénat, J., Zitouna-Chebbi, R., Dhouib, M., Prévot, L., Mekki, I., and Jacob, F.: Effect of upslope runoff on crop functioning under Mediterranean conditions: an analysis based on a modelling approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17144,, 2025.

Abstract _ 

Crop protection covers are increasingly a necessary tool to face the increasing abiotic stresses under climate change, threatening both fruit quality and yield. Cover systems have been widely studied as they can modify the microclimate and consequently the ecophysiological responses of the crops growing underneath. The effects of covers on the propagation of radiation below the covers is crucial in determining the plant microclimate. Also the training system affects the canopy radiative regime via modifying the plant structural properties. Finally, the meteorological conditions and latitude affect the available radiation, resulting in very context specific modification of the microclimate.

In this study a 3D radiative transfer model (Discrete Anisotropic Radiative Transfer, DART) was used to represent the light propagation across a cherry orchard covered by a rain exclusion net.

The cherry orchard was represented by the repetition in all directions of a single tree, covered by a rain exclusion screen and in absence of covers. The DART scene was characterized by geometrical properties of the tree and the rain exclusion net, measured in the orchard, which were used for model calibration. The trunk and canopy volumes were described as a trapezoids based on trunk diameter and height, and crown dimensions, while the leaves as triangles with a certain leaf angle distribution.

The cherry tree canopy and cover were optically characterized based on spectrophotometric measurements, while the soil based on DART optical libraries. Field measured values of top of the canopy global short wave radiation recorded around noon were used as input for simulation of light propagation. The angles of incident sun rays were determined by DART starting  from time (date, local time zone) and scene location. The simulated radiation values obtained at three canopy heights were then were compared with ceptometer measurements performed at the same time. Following, sequence of simulations were run to obtain the spatial and temporal variations in light propagation during the growing season.

To the authors knowledge, this is the first application of a 3D radiative model on covered orchard systems. The proposed approach can give important insights into the effects of canopy covers on the radiative regime across climatic and context specific conditions. Considering the increasing use of covers to protect crops from climate change, the proposed approach may possibly contribute to drive agricultural advisers and farmers to more aware selections of the type of cover, according to their features.

The study was funded by the PRIN CHOICE project (Optimizing CHerry physiOlogIcal performanCE
through the correct choice of multifunctional covers


How to cite: Destefanis, C. and Reyes, F.: Unravelling the effect of tree protection covers on the propagation of radiation within a cherry tree canopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18534,, 2025.

EGU25-19244 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

copan:LPJmL: A new hybrid DGVM-based modeling framework for dynamic land use and agricultural management 

Jannes Breier, Christoph Müller, Luana Schwarz, Hannah Prawitz, Werner von Bloh, Max Bechthold, Dieter Gerten, and Jonathan Donges

Dynamic global vegetation models have been established as a useful tool in environmental and agricultural sciences for many purposes, e.g. modeling crop growth, fire disturbances, or biosphere-climate interactions. Nevertheless, DGVMs are often very limited in terms of interactions with the anthroposphere, particularly human-Earth interactions. DGVMs such as LPJmL have been successfully connected to integrated assessment models such as Remind-MAgPIE or IMAGE. Still, the model coupling of those approaches often remains loose and static over the simulation period. copan-LPJmL addresses this issue by providing a standardized Python interface, consisting of the LPJmL coupler extension and the pycoupler, that can be used to exchange LPJmL inputs and outputs annually during the simulation period. In addition to LPJmL and the coupling interface, copan:LPJmL also integrates the world-earth modeling framework copan:CORE, which provides useful standardized abstractions of key entities of such models as the world (the simulation space as a whole), the cell, or the individual (an agent in agent-based modeling (ABM)). With copan:LPJmL, any LPJmL output can be retrieved at the world and cell level, and any input to LPJmL can be returned at the same level. This allows for any modeling to be carried out easily using this structure to interact with LPJmL. We here show three examples making use of this: (1) The model of Integrated social-ecological resilient land systems (InSEEDS), which uses a classical ABM approach to model management decisions by farmers, (2) an adaption of an established crop calendar model and (3) a novel LLM (Large Language model) ABM approach. These three examples show the diversity of models that can be implemented using the copan:LPJmL modeling framework to gain new insights into future potential land use and agricultural pathways in the context of global change.

How to cite: Breier, J., Müller, C., Schwarz, L., Prawitz, H., von Bloh, W., Bechthold, M., Gerten, D., and Donges, J.: copan:LPJmL: A new hybrid DGVM-based modeling framework for dynamic land use and agricultural management, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19244,, 2025.

EGU25-19302 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Estimating Rhizosphere Priming in European Agricultural Soils 

Breil L. Nicolas, Ahrens Bernhard, Wild Birgit, Hugelius Gustaf, Clivot Hugues, Lashermes Gwenaëlle, Monteux Sylvain, Kummu Matti, and Keuper Frida

The rhizosphere priming effect (RPE) is a key process where the mineralization of soil organic carbon (SOC) by microorganisms is modified by the presence and activity of plant roots compared to SOC mineralization on bare soil, increasing carbon fluxes from soils to the atmosphere. However, its magnitude in agricultural systems remains uncertain. Moreover, since the RPE is not specifically accounted for in earth system models it is a source of uncertainty in global carbon loss estimates relevant to achieve climate change targets. The PrimeSCale model offers a simple framework to quantify RPE-induced SOC respiration at large spatial scales. Here we aim to estimate the RPE in specific European croplands.

The PrimeSCale model estimates the RPE using root carbon input to the soil derived from the combination of MODIS gross primary production (GPP) and net primary production (NPP) data, root depth distribution, heterotrophic respiration, soil bulk density and soil organic carbon content. A central component of PrimeSCale is the RPE ratio, the relative increase in heterotrophic respiration induced by priming based on literature using living plants. Our analysis of the time period 2010-2020 covers six types of croplands (maize, wheat, oat, barley, legumes, and soy) across Europe at a 5 km resolution, down to a depth of 200 cm. The model outputs include the magnitude of the RPE ratio and RPE-induced SOC loss in these croplands and how they vary within Europe according to climate and crops. Our findings will enhance understanding of the processes behind carbon cycling in managed environments and provide insights for carbon-farming policies to better suit mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Nicolas, B. L., Bernhard, A., Birgit, W., Gustaf, H., Hugues, C., Gwenaëlle, L., Sylvain, M., Matti, K., and Frida, K.: Estimating Rhizosphere Priming in European Agricultural Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19302,, 2025.

Paddy rice cultivation is a major source of methane emissions, a greenhouse gas with a relatively short atmospheric lifetime. Reducing methane emissions from rice fields offers significant potential for near-term climate change mitigation. Large rice-producing countries in tropical and subtropical regions, such as China, India, and Vietnam, commonly adopt multiple cropping systems to maximize rice yields. However, according to the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (2019), continuous rice cultivation on the same land over consecutive seasons can more than double methane emissions compared to intermittent cropping. The anticipated rapid growth in the rice-consuming population, particularly in Asia, will likely drive further increases in rice demand and production. To mitigate methane emissions from rice cultivation, additional strategies are required beyond existing and emerging agronomic practices such as crop improvement and alternate wetting and drying. Here we propose a season-spatial redistribution of rice cultivation as an immediately effective strategy for reducing rice methane emissions. Using emission factors for various cropping patterns from the IPCC 2019 Guidelines and a temporal-spatial cropland cover database developed by the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), we computed the methane-minimizing season-spatial reallocation for a two-year period (four cropping seasons) in all townships of Yunlin, Taiwan's key rice-growing county, while keeping aggregate harvested area constant. Results indicate that the maximum methane mitigation potential for a single township could reach reductions of 12.63% in the first year, 44.31% in the second year, and 32.80% over the entire two-year period compared to scenarios without such reallocation. This reallocation strategy aligns with existing policies aimed at reducing irrigation water use and promoting self-sufficiency in non-rice staple crops. It can be implemented without incurring additional costs for subsidies or the establishment of new policies. The TARI cropland cover database, which incorporates Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, aerial photographs, and ground truth data analyzed using Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies, provides a detailed season-spatial map of crop cultivation in Taiwan, where two rice cropping seasons are feasible annually. Similar to the Crop Data Layer (CDL) database maintained by the USDA, the TARI database was originally designed for crop production forecasting. However, our study demonstrates its additional utility in informing policies to advance agricultural sustainability. With the increasing accessibility and affordability of digital imaging technologies, the proposed season-spatial reallocation approach could be adopted by other countries with multiple rice-cropping systems, complementing agronomic efforts to cut methane emissions from rice cultivation.

How to cite: Lee, H.-L. and Zhang, Y.-T.: Season-spatial redistribution of rice cultivation as an immediately effective strategy for cutting methane emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19626,, 2025.

EGU25-19810 | PICO | BG8.7

Local impacts of climate change on winter wheat in Great Britain 

Thibaut Putelat, Whitmore Whitmore, Nimai Senapati, and Mikhail A. Semenov

Under future CMIP5 climate change scenarios for 2050, an increase in wheat yield of about 10% is predicted in Great Britain (GB) as a result of the combined effect of CO2 fertilization and a shift in phenology. Compared to the present day, crops escape increases in the climate impacts of drought and heat stresses on grain yield by developing before these stresses can occur. In the future, yield losses from water stress over a growing season will remain about the same across Great Britain with losses reaching around 20% of potential yield, while losses from drought around flowering will decrease and account for about 9% of water limited yield. Yield losses from heat stress around flowering will remain negligible in the future. These conclusions are drawn from a modelling study based on the response of the Sirius wheat simulation model to local-scale 2050-climate scenarios derived from 19 Global Climate Models from the CMIP5 ensemble at 25 locations representing current or potential wheat-growing areas in GB. However, depending on susceptibility to water stress, substantial interannual yield variation between locations is predicted, in some cases suggesting low wheat yield stability. For this reason, local-scale studies should be performed to evaluate uncertainties in yield prediction related to future weather patterns.


How to cite: Putelat, T., Whitmore, W., Senapati, N., and Semenov, M. A.: Local impacts of climate change on winter wheat in Great Britain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19810,, 2025.

EGU25-19936 | PICO | BG8.7

Durum Wheat in a Changing Climate: Comparing Conservation and Conventional Practices in a Mediterranean environment 

Valentina Mereu, Antonio Trabucco, Muhammad Faizan Aslam, and Gianluca Carboni

The Mediterranean Basin is recognized as a "climate change hotspot" due to its high exposure and vulnerability to interconnected climatic risks. Agriculture in this region must not only adapt to these challenges but also contribute to mitigation goals, as it is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. This study evaluates the impacts of climate change on durum wheat productivity in two sites in southern Sardinian (Italy), representative of Mediterranean cereal farming, and compares conservation tillage practices (reduced tillage and no-tillage) with conventional management. Crop modelling was performed using the CSM-CERES-Wheat model, implemented in the DSSAT software, parameterized with data from two long-term experiments on conservation agriculture. Climate projections from the Euro-Cordex platform under three Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) were considered for future projections. Results indicate significant increases in temperatures across all scenarios, with shortened crop growing cycles and earlier maturation by up to three weeks under the most extreme scenarios. Yield variations ranged from -9% to +20% by the end of the century, influenced by the direct effect of increased atmospheric CO2 concentration on photosynthesis rate and water use efficiency. Grain yields obtained with conservation tillage practices are comparable with the values obtained with conventional practices, but with several related advantages, including reduced operational costs, time savings, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. These findings highlight the dual role of conservation agriculture as a strategy for climate adaptation and mitigation in Mediterranean cereal systems. However, further research is needed to better address uncertainties related to extreme weather, pests and diseases, and greenhouse gas emissions, to ensure sustainable agricultural productivity in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Mereu, V., Trabucco, A., Aslam, M. F., and Carboni, G.: Durum Wheat in a Changing Climate: Comparing Conservation and Conventional Practices in a Mediterranean environment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19936,, 2025.

Central Asia, characterised by arid climate and water scarcity, is climate change hotspot, warming at rates above the global average. This research models how changing climatic conditions, irrigation practices, and co-produced adaptation strategies impact soybean productivity in southeastern Kazakhstan, biggest Central Asian economy. Agricultural modelling incorporated different methodologies including AquaCrop crop modeling, field data collection, in-depth interviews, surveys, and group discussions with stakeholders. AquaCrop crop model was applied to simulate the effects of stakeholder-proposed adaptation strategies and assess soybean yield sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes under various irrigation scenarios.

For the first time in this region, the AquaCrop model was calibrated and validated for soybean using data from the 2016–2022 growing seasons, showing its suitability for local conditions. Results highlighted the importance of irrigation timing, with maximum yields achieved when irrigation was applied during flowering, pod formation, and pod filling, especially at the first two stages. Smaller irrigation applications increased water productivity by 0.93 kg/m³ and yield by 14.7 % compared to current practices. However, inadequate irrigation infrastructure emerged as a critical challenge for stakeholders. Sensitivity analysis revealed that a 2°C temperature increase reduced the growing season by 10 days due to faster accumulation of growing degree days, highlighting the need for adaptive management under a warming climate.

These findings have important implications for improving soybean production in Kazakhstan and Central Asian region. The results demonstrate the importance of holistic agricultural modeling including modeling of the effect of adaptation strategies co-produced with the stakeholders. Research carries significant implications for regional sustainable food future and food security, emphasising the need for informed adaptation  strategies to the changing environmental and economic conditions. 

How to cite: Suleimenova, S. and Lukac, M.: Is food secure in Central Asia: agricultural modelling of soybean productivity and adaptation to climate change., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20344,, 2025.

EGU25-20520 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

From Crops to Carbon Sequestration: A Technology-Explicit AFOLU Module for Energy Models 

Daniele Mosso, Laura Savoldi, and Matteo Nicoli

The Paris Agreement commits 197 countries to stabilizing global average surface temperatures at less than 2 °C above pre-industrial levels. Many industrialized nations, including Italy, aim for climate neutrality by 2050 through “net zero” greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions policies, aimed at decarbonizing all the energy intensive sector. In this context, the role of agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) sector play an ambiguous role. Challenges include balancing GHG mitigation with food security, addressing synergies with the energy sector (e.g., bio commodities), and leveraging AFOLU as a net sink to offset emissions from other sectors.

Energy system optimization models (ESOMs), as widely used to design cost-optimal decarbonization policies, can be used to determine effective AFOLU management strategies at a national level. Nevertheless, their focus on energy-intensive processes had previously limited detailed AFOLU representation, despite its prominent role in emission mitigation. ESOMs often lack the integration of natural capital constraints, such as land and water availability, as well as the ability to model specific AFOLU commodities like crops, livestock, and forest products. To address this gap, we introduce a novel AFOLU module designed to couple with ESOMs, enabling the formulation of national decarbonization scenarios incorporating a technology-explicit AFOLU representation, biophysical constraints and the possibility to evaluate climate change impacts on the sector.

The AFOLU module tracks GHG emissions from livestock, crops, and bioenergy production while optimizing sectoral contributions to national decarbonization goals. Additionally, it projects the evolution of AFOLU commodities, including shifts in crop types, livestock production, and forest management strategies in response to climate and policy drivers. Finally, it can account for biophysical constraints such as land use limitations, crop yield sensitivity to fertilizer and climate change, and forest absorption potential. The module is designed to be directly fed by the Global Agro-Ecological Zones (GAEZ) database from FAO, allowing for the automatized creation of national instances based on up-to-date geospatial datasets.

To demonstrate the utility of the module, we integrate it with the open-source energy system optimization model TEMOA, which has been validated in Italian case studies and shown coherence with established models like TIMES, and similar in structure to other ESOMs like MESSAGE, and OSeMOSYS. The integrated model evaluates Italy’s national climate mitigation plans, focusing on the interplay between energy and AFOLU sectors, including land competition for bio crop production.

Key outputs of the model include detailed accounting and optimization of AFOLU emissions, land and water use, and cost-effective decarbonization pathways for all the energy intensive sectors. For instance, scenarios explore the potential of organic farming to reduce crop-related emissions, the role of manure management in mitigating livestock emissions, and the benefits of afforestation for carbon sequestration. Preliminary results from the Italian case study reveal critical trade-offs and synergies, such as the tension between bioenergy production and food security, while identifying least-cost pathways to achieve climate neutrality.

This research bridges a critical gap in decarbonization modeling by integrating a flexible AFOLU module with energy systems, offering a reproducible framework for other national applications.


How to cite: Mosso, D., Savoldi, L., and Nicoli, M.: From Crops to Carbon Sequestration: A Technology-Explicit AFOLU Module for Energy Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20520,, 2025.

EGU25-20785 | ECS | PICO | BG8.7

Assessing potential climate smartness of agronomic practices in oil palm plantations 

Lisma Safitri, Marcelo Valadares Galdos, Iput Pradiko, Alexis Comber, and Andrew Juan Challinor
Oil palm (OP) plantations show potential for climate mitigation and adaptation, particularly in non-deforested and non-peatland areas, where carbon sinks are plausible. Agronomic practices like reduced nitrogen fertiliser combined with mechanical weeding or empty fruit bunch (EFB) application maintain yields while reduce N₂O emissions. Optimal EFB application rate and irrigation enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) and sustained photosynthesis respectively, lead to improved yields. However, most studies focus on the impact of these practices on yield, neglecting mitigation and adaptation performance under climate change.
Accordingly, this study applies the climate-smart agriculture (CSA) framework to evaluate agronomic practices in OP plantations  in North Sumatra, Indonesia. The Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator (APSIM) was used to assess seven scenarios of agronomic practices under changing climate conditions (UKESM1 and MP1 models with SSP 370 and SSP 585 pathways). Scenarios comprised: (1) business-as-usual (BAU), (2) reduced N fertiliser + 30 t ha⁻¹ yr-1 EFB, (3) reduced N fertiliser + 60 t ha⁻¹ yr-1 EFB, (4) irrigation at 10 mm deficit, (5) irrigation at 30 mm deficit, (6) irrigation at 30 mm deficit + 30 t ha⁻¹ yr-1 EFB, and (7) reduced N fertiliser + irrigation at 30 mm deficit + 30 t ha⁻¹ yr-1 EFB. Climate smartness was measured using carbon balance and two indices from the literature, based on yield, water use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and SOC stock changes.   
Results showed that irrigation is more effective than EFB application in increasing climate smartness. Irrigation scenarios resulted in increased yield, greater carbon sinks, higher water productivity, and lower GHG intensity by preventing stomatal closure during water deficits without causing an increase in emissions, and thus higher climate smartness scores. EFB application caused the smallest decline in SOC stock but led to the highest emissions, resulting in the lowest climate-smartness score. These findings highlight the effectiveness of irrigation in sustaining climate smartness, encompassing productivity and climate mitigation-adaptation in OP plantations, which has been underexplored in previous studies.

How to cite: Safitri, L., Valadares Galdos, M., Pradiko, I., Comber, A., and Challinor, A. J.: Assessing potential climate smartness of agronomic practices in oil palm plantations, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20785,, 2025.

EGU25-21495 | PICO | BG8.7

Towards Water-Efficient Agriculture in the Danube River Basin: Insights from Hydro-Agroecological Modelling 

Elisabeth Probst, Marianela Fader, and Wolfram Mauser

Achieving the food-related UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly global food security and sustainable agriculture, requires sustainable intensification. This approach strives to close yield gaps by efficiently utilizing land, water, and agricultural inputs, while protecting natural ecosystems. Agriculture stands as the largest global consumer of freshwater, and its demand is expected to rise as a result of Global Change, making the enhancement of water use efficiency crucial for sustainable agriculture.

The Danube River Basin encompasses some of Europe’s most fertile regions, with its wide agricultural plains forming an important part of the continent’s breadbasket. However, agriculture in this region remains largely extensive due to insufficient resource inputs and water limitations. By adopting resource-efficient management (esp. fertilization, irrigation), yield gaps could be closed, thereby contributing to global food security. Nevertheless, in the Danube River Basin—the world’s most international river basin—20 countries and their water-using sectors are in competition for the basin’s freshwater resources.

In this presentation, we share research highlights, primarily from Probst et al. (2024), employing the mechanistic hydro-agroecological model PROMET in the Danube River Basin. PROMET integrates biophysically-based vegetation modelling and dynamic hydrological modelling at a high spatial and temporal resolution (1 km², 1 h). The model concept allows for systematic analyses of agricultural management effects (e.g. fertilization, irrigation) on crop yields, water use efficiency, and water balance through irrigation water withdrawal. This enables the identification of underutilized yield potential and hotspots of inefficient water use, facilitates understanding of inter-sectoral economic trade-offs (e.g. with hydroenergy production), pinpoints ecological impacts, and identifies opportunities for more efficient land management. Thus, this modelling approach offers valuable decision-support for both the agricultural and other sectors in the Danube River Basin.


Probst, E., Fader, M. & Mauser, W. (2024): The water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus in the Danube River Basin: Exploring scenarios and implications of maize irrigation. Science of The Total Environment 914: 169405.

How to cite: Probst, E., Fader, M., and Mauser, W.: Towards Water-Efficient Agriculture in the Danube River Basin: Insights from Hydro-Agroecological Modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21495,, 2025.

EGU25-452 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34 | Highlight

Improving nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions accounting in Kenya: Insights and measurement results relating to fertilizer practices, environmental drivers, and N isotopic composition  

Turry Ouma, Phillip Agredazywczuk, Matti Barthel, Abigael Otinga, Ruth Njoroge, Sonja Leitner, Yuhao Zhu, Collins Oduor, Kevin Churchil Oluoch, Guillaume Obozinski, Johan Six, and Eliza Harris

The use of mineral fertilizers in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is crucial for enhancing agricultural productivity but also raises concerns about emissions of nitrous oxide (N₂O), a potent greenhouse gas. Despite their importance for agriculture, N₂O emissions remain poorly understood in SSA, limiting the development of accurate emissions inventories and the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices.

In the N2O-SSA project, we quantified N₂O emissions from maize and potato cropping systems under nitrogen application rates of 50 kg N/ha and 100 kg N/ha, compared to control plots, using automated static chamber methods. Fertilizer treatments included urea and triple superphosphate (TSP), and control plots received no nitrogen. Preliminary results showed significant temporal and treatment-specific variability in N₂O emissions, with peaks following fertilizer applications and rainfall events, highlighting the interaction between nitrogen availability and soil moisture. Cumulative annual N₂O emissions were found to vary widely depending on nitrogen application rates and crop types, with fertilizer treatments driving the majority of emissions. Emission factors (EFs) were within ranges consistent with previous studies, highlighting differences between crops such as maize and potatoes. Control plots consistently showed negligible emissions, underlining the critical role of nitrogen inputs in driving N₂O fluxes.

These findings underline the importance of crop-specific nitrogen dynamics in shaping N₂O emissions, and the need for tailored nitrogen management strategies to balance agricultural productivity with environmental sustainability. In the next phase of the project, we will analyze soil samples for N₂O isotopic composition, measuring δ¹⁵N-NH₄ and δ¹⁵N-NO₃, in addition to analyzing gas samples to provide further insights into the sources of N₂O emissions. This will inform more efficient nitrogen management practices for sustainable agricultural systems in Sub-Saharan Africa.

How to cite: Ouma, T., Agredazywczuk, P., Barthel, M., Otinga, A., Njoroge, R., Leitner, S., Zhu, Y., Oduor, C., Oluoch, K. C., Obozinski, G., Six, J., and Harris, E.: Improving nitrous oxide (N₂O) emissions accounting in Kenya: Insights and measurement results relating to fertilizer practices, environmental drivers, and N isotopic composition , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-452,, 2025.

EGU25-1203 | Posters on site | AS3.34

Top-down estimation of ammonia emissions from pig farm area using Backward Lagrangian Stochastic model 

Yeonhoo Kim, Joonhyeok Choi, Jinsik Kim, Hyungdo Song, Chul Yoo, and Mijung Song

Ammonia (NH3) emitted into the atmosphere contributes to increase in fine particulate matter concentrations through secondary formation and affects human comfort through unpleasant odors. Pig farms are a significant source of ammonia, but the actual emissions are highly variable depending on facility types, meteorological conditions, and operational practices, causing high uncertainty in estimating emissions. In this study, hourly atmospheric ammonia concentrations were measured in Yongji, Gimje, South Korea, a region well known for its large-scale old pig farming, over all four seasons from September 2023 to July 2024. Using the data, seasonal ammonia emissions from pig farms were simulated with the WindTrax Backward Lagrangian Stochastic model. Our findings will be presented. This can provide a foundation for validating bottom-up estimates of ammonia emissions and valuable insights on reducing uncertainties associated with ammonia emissions from pig farms.

How to cite: Kim, Y., Choi, J., Kim, J., Song, H., Yoo, C., and Song, M.: Top-down estimation of ammonia emissions from pig farm area using Backward Lagrangian Stochastic model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1203,, 2025.

EGU25-1240 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Seasonality and health risk assessment of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a rural Seosan, South Korea 

Avinash Shastri, Jayant Nirmalkar, Seunggi Kim, Sangmin Oh, Kwangyul Lee, and Mijung Song

Atmospheric volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were measured in this study during four seasons (winter, summer, spring, and autumn) between 2020 to 2022, using gas chromatography equipped with a photoionization detector (PID), at Seosan, South Korea. The mean concentration of ∑34VOCs was 21.2 ± 26.6 µg/m3, with the highest levels measured in autumn (33.6 ± 40.4 µg/m3). The toluene/benzene ratio indicated industrial activities dominated in winter and spring, while solvent use and agriculture were key in autumn, with biomass burning common in both seasons. The secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAFP) was highest during autumn and summer, significantly contributing to PM2.5 levels. The Monte Carlo simulation revealed benzene concentrations frequently exceeded the permissible carcinogenic risk threshold (1 × 10-6), suggesting potential health hazards. Meanwhile, the non-carcinogenic risks of seven selected VOCs remained within acceptable limits (hazard quotient [HQ] < 1). The outcomes of the study emphasized the importance of understanding VOC characteristics, sources, and implications for public health.

How to cite: Shastri, A., Nirmalkar, J., Kim, S., Oh, S., Lee, K., and Song, M.: Seasonality and health risk assessment of anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a rural Seosan, South Korea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1240,, 2025.

EGU25-2618 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34

Global ammonia emission could be halved with cost-effective measures 

Xiuming Zhang, Baojing Gu, Wilfried Winiwarter, Hans van Grinsven, Mark Sutton, and Shaohui Zhang

Excess ammonia (NH3) emissions from human activities pose critical risks to global ecosystems and human health. Despite the urgent need for NH3 emission controls, a comprehensive evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of mitigation strategies remains underdeveloped. In this study, we adopt a multi-model framework to assess the cost and impact of 32 mitigation measures across seven key sectors in 185 countries. Our results indicate that targeted implementation of these measures, particularly in the agricultural sector, could reduce global NH3 emissions by 49% (36–57%). The estimated implementation cost of $279±69 billion outweighs the projected environmental, health, and resource benefits of $568±182 billion. China and India emerge as critical regions for prioritizing NH3 mitigation, offering the highest societal returns, while Sub-Saharan Africa shows limited economic viability. Future scenario analysis reveals that sustainable policy pathways could reduce NH3 emissions by 55% by 2050. Conversely, weak climate action and inadequate nitrogen regulations may result in a 19% increase in emissions, exacerbating environmental degradation and hindering progress toward sustainable development goals. Our findings underscore the urgent need for coordinated global efforts and region-specific policies to establish and achieve effective NH3 mitigation targets.

How to cite: Zhang, X., Gu, B., Winiwarter, W., van Grinsven, H., Sutton, M., and Zhang, S.: Global ammonia emission could be halved with cost-effective measures, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2618,, 2025.

EGU25-3228 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

The effect of post-harvest cover crop management on N2O emissions 

Harika Bommisetty, Lars Elsgaard, and Lars Juhl Munkholm

Agricultural soils are the primary source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions into the atmosphere, contributing 78% of total N2O emissions. These emissions are influenced by different tillage practices and types of plant cover that are left after harvest. Cover crops (CC) are widely used in agriculture to take up excess nitrogen from the fields, thereby reducing nitrate leaching and increasing soil carbon accrual. However, despite these benefits, agricultural soils containing cover crops have often resulted in high N2O emissions.

A two-year field study with measurement of N2O emissions was conducted in Denmark using a long-term conservation agriculture experiment, including cover cropping, no tillage and crop rotation. The study focused on the influence of soil tillage and cover cropping on soil physical properties and N2O emissions. The tillage systems included no tillage (direct seeding) and conventional ploughing; CC management included paired subplots with oil-seed radish (Raphanus sativus L.), where (i) the cover crop residues were terminated and removed in autumn (CC-rem), and (ii) the cover crop residues were killed by the frost and left in the field (CC-left). Bare soil treatment (i.e., without CC) is included as a reference. Spring oats (Avena sativa L.) grew as the main crop during the first year followed by spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the second year.

The first-year results for N2O fluxes showed that there were no significant differences in N2O emissions between the tillage practices. However, emissions varied significantly among CC treatments. Compared to the reference without CC, peak emissions (up to 74 µg N2O-N m-2 h-1) were observed for both cover crop treatments. During the cropping season, most of the emissions occurred after fertilization. Especially, +CC-left emitted more N2O than CC-rem during the main cropping season. Before establishing the main crop, CC-rem emitted more N2O than CC-left. Volume-effective porosity, air permeability, bulk density and gas diffusivity are critical soil physical properties that influenced N2O emissions among the cover crop treatments.

How to cite: Bommisetty, H., Elsgaard, L., and Juhl Munkholm, L.: The effect of post-harvest cover crop management on N2O emissions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3228,, 2025.

EGU25-4260 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Decadal analysis of ammonia emission levels in the lowlands of eastern Germany using remote sensing data 

Christian Saravia and Katja Trachte

Ammonia (NH3) emissions play a significant role in air quality degradation, biodiversity loss, and human health risks by forming secondary pollutants such as fine particulate matter (PM2.5). This study presents a decadal (2013–2022) spatiotemporal analysis of NH3 emissions in the lowlands of eastern Germany, using data from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI-B) onboard the MetOp-B satellite. The region, characterized by predominantly agricultural land use (54.71%), offers a valuable case for understanding NH3 emission dynamics across diverse landscapes. Integrating satellite remote sensing, machine learning, and atmospheric modeling, this analysis reveals pronounced seasonal and spatial variations, with agricultural activities identified as the primary source of emissions. K-means clustering highlights the influence of cropland, grassland, and urban areas on NH3 emission patterns, identifying significant agricultural hotspots. Additionally, advanced geospatial analysis establishes significant correlations between NH3 concentrations and meteorological variables. NH3 emissions were positively associated with surface solar radiation, temperature, atmospheric boundary layer height, and convective available potential energy, while precipitation, moisture flux, and wind speed exhibited negative correlations. Backward trajectory dispersion modeling employing the HYSPLIT model provided insights into NH3 transport pathways. The results confirmed the influence of both, local sources and non-local contributions. These findings show the major role of meteorological conditions in NH3 dispersion and underscore the importance of sustainable agricultural practices in mitigating emissions.

How to cite: Saravia, C. and Trachte, K.: Decadal analysis of ammonia emission levels in the lowlands of eastern Germany using remote sensing data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4260,, 2025.

Crop production is a major source of agricultural carbon emissions, yet the life cycle carbon footprints (LCCFs) of key global staple crops remain underexplored. This study quantifies the LCCFs of three major grain crops—maize, rice, and wheat—using a hybrid approach that integrates machine learning (ML) models and life cycle assessment (LCA) for the period from 2006 to 2019. We systematically calculated the cradle-to-farm-gate carbon footprint (CF), accounting for emissions from upstream inputs, transportation, and field operations. Emission factors (EFs) and CF compositions were assessed over different time periods. Additionally, we developed a novel Supply-Demand Balanced Carbon Allocation Model (SD-CAM) to trace the sources and flows of upstream CF. Our results reveal a steady increase in the CF of these crops over time, with significant regional variations in both EFs and CF composition. The primary carbon footprint of global rice production is mainly attributed to field carbon emissions, with nitrogen fertilizers as the secondary carbon source. In contrast, nitrogen fertilizers are the dominant carbon source for maize and wheat. Interestingly, while maize's total field emissions are a net carbon source, wheat production acts as a carbon sink. The majority of the CF is concentrated in a few key grain-producing countries, such as China, India, and the United States. Regarding the upstream carbon footprint (IUCCF), major producing countries like China and Canada have consistently been the primary sources of upstream carbon inputs throughout the study period. However, with the rise of global economic initiatives like the Belt and Road, emerging upstream contributors such as Morocco and Vietnam have increasingly become significant contributors in upstream carbon emissions. This study provides valuable insights into the environmental impacts of agricultural production over time, offering guidance for sustainable agricultural policies, carbon responsibility allocation, and international low-carbon cooperation.

How to cite: Liu, S., He, Y., Liu, Y., and Jiang, Q.: Tracing the life cycle carbon footprint of global staple crops: an integrated approach combining machine learning and life cycle assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4965,, 2025.

EGU25-6101 | Orals | AS3.34

Ammonia emission estimates using CrIS satellite observations over Europe 

Jieying Ding, Ronald van der A, Henk Eskes, Enrico Dammers, Mark Shephard, Roy Wichink Kruit, Marc Guevara, and Leonor Tarrason

Over the past century, ammonia (NH3) emissions have increased with the growth of livestock and fertilizer usage. The abundant NH3 emissions lead to secondary fine particulate matter (PM2.5) pollution, climate change, and a reduction in biodiversity, and they affect human health. Up-to-date and spatially and temporally resolved information on NH3 emissions is essential to better quantify their impact. In this study we applied the existing Daily Emissions Constrained by Satellite Observations (DECSO) algorithm to NH3 observations from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) to estimate NH3 emissions. Because NH3 in the atmosphere is influenced by nitrogen oxides (NOx), we implemented DECSO to estimate NOx and NH3 emissions simultaneously. The emissions are derived over Europe for 2020 on a spatial resolution of 0.2°×0.2° using daily observations from both CrIS and the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI; on the Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite). Due to the limited number of daily satellite observations of NH3, monthly emissions of NH3 are reported. The total NH3 emissions derived from observations are about 8 Tg yr−1, with a precision of about 5 %–17 % per grid cell per year over the European domain (35–55° N, 10° W–30° E). The comparison of the satellite-derived NH3 emissions from DECSO with independent bottom-up inventories and in situ observations indicates a consistency in terms of magnitude on the country totals, with the results also being comparable regarding the temporal and spatial distributions. The validation of DECSO over Europe implies that we can use DECSO to quickly derive fairly accurate monthly emissions of NH3 over regions with limited local information on NH3 emissions

How to cite: Ding, J., van der A, R., Eskes, H., Dammers, E., Shephard, M., Wichink Kruit, R., Guevara, M., and Tarrason, L.: Ammonia emission estimates using CrIS satellite observations over Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6101,, 2025.

EGU25-8327 | Posters on site | AS3.34

Predicting Enteric Methane Emissions in Dairy Cows Using Deep Learning Models 

Amir Sahraei, Deise Knob, Christian Lambertz, Andreas Gattinger, and Lutz Breuer

This study evaluates the potential of deep learning (DL) models to predict enteric methane (CH₄) emissions in dairy cows using data from automated milking and feeding systems, behavioral sensors, and public weather databases. Methane emissions were recorded for 52 cows from October 2022 to December 2023 using the sniffer technology at Gladbacherhof, an organic research farm run by the Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany. Among the tested models, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks outperformed Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and hybrid CNN-LSTM models given that data from all sources were available (Scenario S1), achieving an R² of 0.88 and a mean bias error (MBE) of 13.55 ppm CH₄. To assess model applicability under varying data scenarios, features were categorized as "rare," "moderate," or "public" based on their ease of acquisition. Using only public weather data (Scenario S2) resulted in poor predictions, while incorporating moderate-effort farm data (Scenario S3) improved accuracy (R² = 0.45, MBE = 17.60). Adding three rarely available feed-related features, namely feed efficiency, concentrate intake, and total dry matter intake considerably enhanced performance (Scenario S4: R² = 0.74, MBE = 14.36). Random forest analysis highlighted feed-related data as critical for improving prediction performance. These findings demonstrate the capability of DL models to accurately predict CH₄ emissions using readily accessible farm data integrated with a small set of high-impact feed-related features. This approach provides a valuable tool for developing targeted strategies to mitigate methane emissions in dairy farming.

How to cite: Sahraei, A., Knob, D., Lambertz, C., Gattinger, A., and Breuer, L.: Predicting Enteric Methane Emissions in Dairy Cows Using Deep Learning Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8327,, 2025.

EGU25-8992 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34

FERTIPAS: Emissions of organic FERTIlizers as Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors 

Mostafa khazma, Henri Wortham, Julien Kammer, and Brice Temime-roussel

Agriculture is a major source of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), key precursors of secondary air pollutants such as ozone and aerosols. These VOCs react with atmospheric oxidants (e.g., hydroxyl radicals, ozone, nitrate radicals) to form more oxidized compounds with a low volatility that can condense to the particulate phase, driving the formation of secondary organic aerosols (SOA). SOA, a major component of atmospheric aerosols, significantly impacts air quality, climate, and human health. However, estimating SOA production remains highly uncertain due to the complexity of these processes and the diversity of precursors. The shift toward sustainable agriculture has increased the use of organic fertilizers, such as sewage sludge, compost, and animal waste. Given the vast agricultural land area, the spreading of organic fertilizers represents a potentially significant source of VOC emissions. However, their impact on the atmosphere remains poorly understood, mainly due to a lack of studies. The general aim of this work is to improve our knowledge on the impact of spreading these organic fertilizers on air quality, as a source of VOCs. Laboratory study was carried out to analyze VOC emissions from organic fertilizers (sewage sludge, compost and methanization digestate) and to assess the impact of temperature on these emissions. An experimental set-up combining a proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometer (PTR-ToF-MS), an emission chamber and a multi-valve system was employed to assess VOC emission from three different organic fertilizers, at three temperatures (10°C, 20°C and 30°C).The analysis revealed a total emission of 118 VOCs from digestate, 99 from sewage sludge and 200 from compost. One notable observation is the perceptible diversity in the chemical composition of these three organic fertilizers. Specifically, each fertilizer presents hydrocarbon, oxygenated and nitrogenated compounds, with hydrocarbons and oxygenated compounds dominating in all three fertilizers. On the other hand, sulfur compounds are only present in sludge and compost, while digestate had a significantly higher prevalence of nitrogenated compounds. Acetone (C3H6O) is the most emitted compound from digestate and sewage sludge, while methanol (CH4O) predominates in compost emissions.  In addition, compounds such as monoterpenes (C10H16), cresols (C7H8O) and phenols (C6H6O), known SOA precursors, were among the most emitted compounds. Secondly, most compounds showed a positive response to temperature, with some increasing linearly and others exhibiting exponential response. Conversely, very few VOCs, such as acetic acid, unexpectedly decreased with rising temperatures. The impact of temperature variations on VOC emissions and the mechanisms driving these patterns will be discussed. Lastly, the potential of organic fertilizers to form ozone through VOC emissions has been estimated for each emitted molecule. Compost had the highest ozone-forming potential followed by sewage sludge and digestate. For digestates and composts, the primary species responsible for ozone formation were hydrocarbons (63% and 60%, respectively), even though oxygenated compounds dominated their emissions. In contrast, for sewage sludge, 56% of the ozone were produced by oxygenates. The results suggested that, from the perspective of air quality, digestate may be a preferable organic fertilizer compared to compost and sewage sludge.

How to cite: khazma, M., Wortham, H., Kammer, J., and Temime-roussel, B.: FERTIPAS: Emissions of organic FERTIlizers as Secondary Organic Aerosol Precursors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8992,, 2025.

EGU25-9186 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Development of a Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting Methane Emission Changes from Rice Paddies  

Seongmun Sim, Ye-Seul Yun, Subin Cho, SeongWook Park, Boram Seong, Yeongho Kim, Myungseok Lee, and Keunhoo Cho

With the acceleration of climate change, there is an increasing focus on the management of greenhouse gases. Although carbon dioxide is a primary concern, methane and nitrous oxide significantly contribute to the overall greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere, necessitating research on their monitoring and quantification. More than 50% of methane emissions originate from sources including natural gas and oil processing, enteric fermentation, and landfills, making those industries the focus of intensive monitoring attempts, encompassing satellite-based observations for extensive and periodic assessment. Further, methane plumes can be detected and emission rates assessed using wind field data for high-concentration sources.


In agriculture, rice paddies are a major source of methane emissions. Nonetheless, a low emission rate per unit area frequently produces undetectable plumes, resulting in dependence on inventory-based simulations instead of measurement-based monitoring. Despite the low emission rate, the extensive expanse of rice fields implies that alterations in fertilizer application or agricultural methodologies can result in substantial changes in overall emissions, thereby requiring prompt monitoring. Moreover, rice cultivation is predominantly concentrated in Asia, which could significantly affect emissions if disrupted by climatic and meteorological changes in the region.


This research develops an algorithm to identify changes in methane emissions utilizing satellite-derived methane concentration data from TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) onboard Sentinel-5p, TANSO-FTS-2 (Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observation – Fourier Transform Spectrometer-2) onboard GOSAT (Greenhous gases Observing SATellite), and AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Sounder) onboard Aqua. Through the analysis of over three years of aggregated data and its comparison with crop calendars, reference datasets named baseline data specifically designed for the growth and agricultural cycles of rice were developed with the valid value ranges. These were employed to identify increases or decreases in greenhouse gas emissions or alterations in emission timing by contrasting current observations with baseline data. The algorithm was implemented in principal rice cultivation regions of South Korea, effectively detecting substantial methane emissions during the irrigation phase causing anaerobic fermentations to soil under the water. This method illustrates the capability of satellite data to improve the comprehension and regulation of agricultural methane emissions. Additionally, guidelines for sustainable agricultural practices and the management of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture will be feasible.

How to cite: Sim, S., Yun, Y.-S., Cho, S., Park, S., Seong, B., Kim, Y., Lee, M., and Cho, K.: Development of a Satellite-Based Algorithm for Detecting Methane Emission Changes from Rice Paddies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9186,, 2025.

EGU25-9903 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Modeling the impacts of ozone deposition on wheat yields 

Manuela Harrel Njiki, Ronny Lauerwald, Jean-François Castell, and Raia-Silvia Massad

 In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impacts of ozone pollution on crop
production, particularly in peri-urban cropping areas. As an oxidant, ozone affects plant
biochemical and physiological processes, which in turn disrupt crop development and result in
yield losses. Wheat, a staple crop that sustains billions of people worldwide, is particularly
susceptible to ozone pollution. Quantifying the effects of ozone on wheat yields is crucial for
shaping agronomic and environmental policies at both national and European levels, not only
for the present but also for future scenarios involving climate change, air quality, and
agricultural land management. Another key element to consider is the effect of ozone on soil
organic carbon sequestration in croplands. Crop models play a vital role in quantifying the
combined effects of ozone and management practices on crop growth, yield, biomass
accumulation, and soil carbon dynamics.
The CERES-O3 model developed in 2005 which extends from the CERES-EGC crop model
by integrating Farquhar’s photosynthesis model, efficiently fulfills these requirements.
CERES-O3 simulates the effects of elevated ozone concentrations on photosynthetic rates,
including Rubisco carboxylation efficiency, and consequently on biomass production and
We use new sets of experimental data obtained at the Grignon ICOS (Integrated Carbon
Observation System) site under varying pedoclimatic conditions against experimental data from
the literature to evaluate the model’s performance. Model simulations reveal that elevated
ozone concentrations reduce photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance, and Rubisco
carboxylation efficiency, culminating in diminished biomass and grain yield. Furthermore,
parameterizations for two wheat cultivars (Premio and Soissons) show similar ozone effects on
both cultivars.
Although developed more than 20 years ago, CERES-O3 remains a promising tool to quantify
current and predict future ozone impacts at local and global scales. It has strong potential to
enable the exploration of mitigation strategies, including cultivar development, improved
agronomic practices, and policy interventions to curb ozone pollution. It can be used to better
understand the combined effects of ozone pollution and climate stress, which are essential for
ensuring food security in changing global environments. Future steps regarding the model
involve assessing the potential impacts of ozone on soil carbon sequestration in croplands,
which remains a little-known factor in nature-based solutions to mitigate climate change.
Keywords: Ozone, wheat, crop yield, photosynthesis, modeling, stomatal conductance,

How to cite: Njiki, M. H., Lauerwald, R., Castell, J.-F., and Massad, R.-S.: Modeling the impacts of ozone deposition on wheat yields, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9903,, 2025.

EGU25-10491 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Surfatm-PM: a model of bi-directional particulate matter exchanges over a grassland 

Aubin Courty, Patrick Stella, Rachna Bhoonah, Didier Hébert, Philippe Laguionie, Denis Maro, Pierre Rouspard, Eric Lamaud, Denis Quelo, Erwan Personne, and Sébastien Saint-Jean

According to the Global Burden of Diseases, PM2.5 (particles with a diameter under 2.5 µm) is the leading cause of diseases and deaths in 2021 (Brauer et al., 2024). Along with decreased emissions, removal through deposition is used to reduce exposure to particulate matter (PM). With a leaf area index (m² of leaf per m² of land) usually higher than 1, plants allow for a higher deposition surface, hence more particle removal from ambient air. Thus, understanding and estimating PM deposition on vegetation is necessary to assess the impact of vegetation on air quality. In situ measurements above vegetation have shown that PM (vertical) deposition velocity can be positive and negative (Pellerin et al., 2017). No 1-dimensional PM deposition model can predict such values. The objective of this study is to implement a working bi-directional PM exchange scheme in the Surfatm exchange model (Personne et al., 2024), a 1-dimensional SVAT model, using a resistive scheme. The bi-directional fluxes are introduced using a compensation point approach, which can be interpreted as the PM surface concentration. This allows the concentration gradient to change signs depending on the difference of concentration between ambient air and the surface. Two PM exchange datasets above a grassland in Lusignan (France) are used to calibrate and validate the model respectively (Pellerin et al., 2017). The Surfatm-PM model can predict positive and negative deposition velocities, with notable differences attributable to the formation mechanism of the particles, such as the process of coagulation or nucleation or condensation between ambient air and (vegetated) interfaces.

How to cite: Courty, A., Stella, P., Bhoonah, R., Hébert, D., Laguionie, P., Maro, D., Rouspard, P., Lamaud, E., Quelo, D., Personne, E., and Saint-Jean, S.: Surfatm-PM: a model of bi-directional particulate matter exchanges over a grassland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10491,, 2025.

EGU25-11422 | Orals | AS3.34

Nitrosat, a satellite mission concept for mapping reactive nitrogen at the landscape scale 

Pieternel Levelt and Pierre Coheur and the Nitrosat Team

Two key forms of reactive nitrogen (Nr) in the atmosphere are nitrogen oxides (NO+NO2) and ammonia (NH3). Both species are abundantly emitted from anthropogenic sources (fossil fuel combustion, agriculture) with devastating consequences on the environment, human health and climate. Complementing sparse ground-based measurements, current satellite sounders provide daily coverage of their global distribution. However, the spatial resolution of these instruments (>20 km² for NO2 and >100km² for NH3) is orders of magnitudes greater than the typical size of the main Nr sources (industries, farms, roads), which makes identification of the emitters, and corresponding quantification of their emission strengths particularly challenging.


To understand and address the impacts of a perturbed nitrogen cycle, and in response to the current observational gap, a dedicated satellite for the monitoring of NO2 and NH3 at high spatial resolution has been conceptualised, called Nitrosat. Its main objective is to quantify simultaneously the emission sources of NH3 and NOx at the landscape scale (<0.25 km²) and to characterize seasonal patterns (<1 month) in their emissions. The two imaging spectrometers onboard Nitrosat will operate respectively in the infrared for NH3 and the visible for NO2, offering gapless coverage in a single swath.


Starting from representative examples of measurement techniques that are presently used to derive emission fluxes from NH3 and NO2 satellite observations, we discuss the limitations of current sounders. We introduce the Nitrosat measurement concept and, exploiting both model simulations and aircraft campaign data, provide examples from the EE11 Phase 0 studies of how Nitrosat will enable retrieval of emission fluxes from local and diffuse sources in a way that will not be possible with other current or planned missions.

How to cite: Levelt, P. and Coheur, P. and the Nitrosat Team: Nitrosat, a satellite mission concept for mapping reactive nitrogen at the landscape scale, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11422,, 2025.

EGU25-13536 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34

Leveraging In Situ and Satellite Data to understand Changing Ammonia above an Agricultural Hotspot 

Lillian Naimie, Da Pan, Amy P. Sullivan, Kimberley A. Corwin, Katherine Benedict, Lena Low, and Jeffrey L. Collett

The Colorado Front Range urban corridor and the plains to the east are important source regions of ammonia (NH3), an unregulated pollutant primarily emitted from agricultural activities. Upslope flows driven by the mountain-plains circulation and synoptic scale storm circulations periodically transport these emissions into Rocky Mountain National Park located 50 km west, where excess reactive nitrogen (N) deposition is a historical problem with well documented impacts on the ecosystem. A combination of low-cost Radiello passive sampler NH3 measurements and NH3 total column retrievals from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) are used to assess temporal and spatial variability in NH3 across three distinct land use categories in the region: agricultural, urban, and rural. The NH3 mixing ratio from passive measurements was strongly correlated with the number of confined animal feedlot operations (CAFOs) within a 12 km radius, confirming the importance of that emission source category. Ground-level passive NH3 measurements have a strong correlation with monthly gridded IASI satellite retrievals. Using satellite retrievals, we find an increasing NH3 trend of approximately 3% per year in agricultural and urban sub-regions. We attribute less than 0.2% of the increasing NH3 trend to reductions in particle sulfate. The absolute trend follows the spatial distribution of CAFOs. In the agricultural sub-region, the absolute NH3 trend is on average greater than 2 times larger than that observed in the urban sub-region. The ground-based observations do not have a trend. The lack of ground-based trend is attributed to increasing boundary layer height and dilution of concentrations, through analysis of ERA5 reanalysis data. Lofting NH3 higher into the atmosphere can increase atmospheric lifetime, associated with transport and deposition further from source regions and increased particle formation. Elevated NH3 from wildfire smoke was observed in August 2020, a period of active wildfire activity in northern Colorado, from IASI satellite retrievals. This elevation was less apparent in surface measurements, likely also due to the lofting of the smoke plume. Modeled smoke plumes from the Hazard Mapping System were used to assess the potential impacts of wildfires on observed NH3 trends.

How to cite: Naimie, L., Pan, D., Sullivan, A. P., Corwin, K. A., Benedict, K., Low, L., and Collett, J. L.: Leveraging In Situ and Satellite Data to understand Changing Ammonia above an Agricultural Hotspot, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13536,, 2025.

EGU25-15997 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Assessing the ammonia mitigation potential from the Indian agriculture sector for improving air quality in India 

Rakhi Chaudhary, Sagnik Dey, Gazala Habib, and Pallav Purohit

As an agrarian country, India heavily depends on fertilizers for food production to meet consumption demands, which contributes to a significant portion of global ammonia emissions. Ammonia is an essential precursor gas to form secondary PM2.5 by reacting with SO2 and NO2 and degrades air quality significantly. Thus, it is imperative to implement mitigation strategies to reduce ammonia emissions from the agricultural sector for air quality improvement. In this study, we have updated the sub-sectoral agriculture activity data for each state of India, using 2022 as the base year. Ammonia emissions from each sub-sectoral activity for each state were estimated in the GAINS model for baseline and future scenarios under the current policy framework. We estimated the mitigation potential for ammonia emissions in agriculture by applying different alternate control scenarios. Under the current baseline scenario, the ammonia emissions (in Kilotons) from urea application are the highest among all the states, followed by other livestock such as sheep and horses, other cattle (Beef), dairy cattle, poultry, nitrogenous fertilizer use and production, and agricultural waste burning. The major contributor states to annual ammonia emissions (in Kt/yr) from urea application are Uttar Pradesh (625 ), followed by Andhra Pradesh (290.67) and Madhya Pradesh (271.32). The major contributor states to NH3 emissions from livestock sectoral activities (other cattle, dairy cattle, sheep and horses, poultry, etc.) are Uttar Pradesh (827.73) followed by Andhra Pradesh (478.65) and Rajasthan (491.13). The NH3 emissions (kt/y) from nitrogenous fertilizer production and consumption was highest from Uttar Pradesh (23.28), followed by Gujarat (10.86) and Maharashtra (10.44), while the contribution from agriculture waste burning was estimated largely from Uttar Pradesh (61.10), followed by Andhra Pradesh (32.91) and Tamil Nadu (30.04).  We consider several strategies, such as deep manure placement, low nitrogen feed, scrubber for livestock housing, urea substitution, neem-coated urea, and biochar additives to reduce NH3 emissions and estimate their mitigation potentials in this work. To date, there are no specific regulations in India targeting agricultural ammonia emissions at the same level as those of other sector pollutants. Therefore, our results will be useful for policymakers for developing state-specific sub-sectoral mitigation strategies to address this critical issue.

Keywords: Ammonia, fertilizer, livestock, emissions, control scenarios

How to cite: Chaudhary, R., Dey, S., Habib, G., and Purohit, P.: Assessing the ammonia mitigation potential from the Indian agriculture sector for improving air quality in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15997,, 2025.

EGU25-17390 | Orals | AS3.34

Online fluxes of pesticides over bare soil in France with a PTRMS: results from French the Online-PTR4-Pest study 

Benjamin Loubet, Florence Lafouge, Céline Decuq, Raluca Ciuraru, Pauline Buysse, baptiste Esnault, and Valérie Gros

In agriculture, plant protection products (i.e. pesticides) protect crops from pests, weeds and diseases. However, pesticides introduced into our environment can also contaminate the air, partly due to volatilisation after pesticide application. Measuring volatilisation in field crops requires trapping techniques, which are costly and time-consuming. There is therefore a strong need for metrological developments to implement (1) analysers that can measure pesticide concentrations continuously over a short period of time, (2) the monitoring of pesticide emissions over a sufficiently long period to capture the entire volatilisation period and (3) the acquisition of data sets in little-explored situations, particularly in wine-growing practices.

The aim of the Online-PTR4-Pest project was to develop the measurement of concentration and volatilisation for three pesticides using proton transfer mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). This technique should eventually enable real-time measurement of pesticide concentrations in the air, as well as field measurement of pesticide volatilisation (using inverse modelling or possibly turbulent covariance methods).

Three pesticides were selected: Prosulfocarb, Pendimethalin (two herbicides used in field crops) and Cyflufenamide (a vine fungicide). Several analysers were used: gas chromatography with thermodesorption mass spectrometry (TD-GC-MS) and PTR-MS. Measurement of the two herbicides was validated using the highly sensitive PTR-Qi-TOF-MS (a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a proton transfer ionisation source and quad used as an ion guide). Gas-phase calibration is a key stage in the metrological development of PTR-MS measurements. A permeation calibration system was developed and successfully tested, enabling the PTR-MS to be calibrated over a concentration range of 3 ppt to 10 ppb for prosulfocarb and 1 ppt to 3 ppb for pendimethalin.

A three-week field campaign was carried out at the ‘BioEcoAgro’ cross-border joint research unit of INRAE in Mons, with measurements on wheat plots. Air concentrations of Proculfocarb and Pendimethalin were quantified (using both analytical chains and a time step of 5 minutes). These air concentrations varied between 0 and 15 µg m 3 for Prosulfocarb and 0 to 3 µg m 3 for Pendimethalin. Volatilisation fluxes for these two herbicides were estimated using two different methods (aerodynamic gradient and inverse modelling). Over the first few days of field measurements, volatilization of Prosulfocarb was around ten times higher than that of Pendimethalin, regardless of the method used. However, the two methods gave different volatilisation values, as the inverse modelling method was made more uncertain by the applications of these pesticides in the surrounding fields. Finally, the Volt'air-Veg model of pesticide volatilisation was tested on the two datasets. The feasibility of measuring gaseous pesticides in the air in real time using a PTR-MS has been demonstrated.

How to cite: Loubet, B., Lafouge, F., Decuq, C., Ciuraru, R., Buysse, P., Esnault, B., and Gros, V.: Online fluxes of pesticides over bare soil in France with a PTRMS: results from French the Online-PTR4-Pest study, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17390,, 2025.

EGU25-17465 | ECS | Posters on site | AS3.34

Agricultural sources impact on NH3 and PM levels in the South-Central Anatolia  

Aykut Mehmet Alban, Seda Tokgoz, Serra Saracoglu, and Burcak Kaynak

Atmospheric ammonia (NH3) is a significant pollutant that rapidly reacts with atmospheric acids like sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) to form fine particulate matter (PM2.5), which has negative effects on both the environment and public health. NH3 has several kinds of sources but main emitter is agriculture, which originates from crop production and livestock managements. Besides conventional emissions from agriculture, agricultural waste burning is also significant in some regions although prohibited.

Türkiye is an agricultural producing country, and the largest agricultural areas and livestock farms are located in South-Central Anatolia. This study aims to investigate the possible causes of high NH3 and PM levels in this region, focusing on agricultural activities such as crop production, livestock farming, and agricultural residue burning. Using IASI Level-2 NH3 retrievals, the spatio-temporal changes in NH3 levels was investigated over the region. Annual and seasonal changes in NH3 levels were evaluated together with meteorological parameters and ground-based PM10 and PM2.5 measurements. In order to understand the effect of agricultural burning on high NH3 and PM levels in fall season, biomass burning regions were determined with VIIRS S-NPP Fire Radiative Power (FRP) product and aerosol types were examined with CALIOP Level-1 and Level-2 VFM product. High NH3 levels were detected in the study area which has the highest agricultural activity in Türkiye. Seasonal distributions of the region showed that significant levels in fall season, unlike all other regions in Türkiye indicating highest summer NH3 levels. These findings indicated a different source causing high NH3 levels in the fall season other than the agricultural activities usually having highest impact in spring and summer seasons. In the fall seasons (2019-2023), the highest FRP values were observed with values three times or higher than of other seasons. Especially, the highest number of fires occurred in fall of 2020 and 2023, when higher NH3 levels were also observed. Additional to regional high values, hotspots of NH3 were identified in Konya–Eregli, Nigde–Bor, and Aksaray–Merkez. NH3 levels were also observed higher during winter seasons in these hotspots where livestock farms are frequently located. Therefore, effects of livestock farming and residual burning as a NH3 source stood out in this region rather than conventional fertilizer applications. It is important that these lesser known and investigated emission sources of NH3 need to be evaluated to understand their role in secondary particulate matter formation and their impact on public health in the region.

Keywords: Ammonia, Agricultural residue burning, Livestock management

Acknowledgements: IASI is a joint mission of EUMETSAT and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France). The authors acknowledge the AERIS data infrastructure for providing access to the IASI data in this study and ULB-LATMOS for the development of the retrieval algorithms. This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye under the grant number 123Y364.

How to cite: Alban, A. M., Tokgoz, S., Saracoglu, S., and Kaynak, B.: Agricultural sources impact on NH3 and PM levels in the South-Central Anatolia , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17465,, 2025.

EGU25-17924 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34

Long-Term NH3 Assesment with Meteorological Parameters to Obtain Temporal Profiles in Agricultural Regions 

Seda Tokgoz, Aykut Mehmet Alban, Serra Saracoglu, and Burcak Kaynak

The impact of climate change on agricultural emissions becomes important, and strongly affects pollutant levels such as NH3 in the atmosphere. Atmospheric NH3 levels and emission rates are very sensitive to meteorology factors such as temperature and precipitation. Being one of the major pollutants emitted from agriculture, NH3 becoming increasingly important, both because it is a pollutant itself and it contributes to the formation of secondary particulate matter. Long-term assessment of IASI NH3 retrievals showed localized consistent hotspots in some regions of Türkiye, often associated with agricultural activities. Although, the reported emission levels do not chance, there was significant temporal variation observed in the NH3 retrievals in those regions.

In this study, twelve years of NH3 retrievals were spatially processed to obtain annual, seasonal and monthly NH3 distribution maps with a 1x1 km2 gridded domain covering whole Türkiye. The results indicated significant temporal variability which also changes according to different regions. The temporal changes of NH3 for three localized hotspots with significant agricultural activity among the highest NH3 levels in Türkiye were selected and evaluated as; Igdir (Cold semi-arid), Izmir (Hot summer Mediterranean) and Samsun (Humid sub-tropical). The selection was performed to identify the different climatic conditions, crop and fertilizer types. Level-2 IASI NH3 retrievals, yearly agricultural statistics, and meteorological measurements were utilized for understanding the changes in NH3 levels. Among these hotspots, Igdir has the highest seasonal variation with maximum late spring to summer, and Samsun is with least seasonal variation. Within the years investigated, 2015, 2018-2019 and 2022-2023 showed highest number of extreme NH3 retrievals. This study aims to provide a new approach to the assessment of agricultural NH3 variability by the long-term assessment to obtain region-specific temporal profiles which the regional air quality models strongly depend on.

Keywords: ammonia, meteorological factors, temporal variation

Acknowledgements: IASI is a joint mission of EUMETSAT and the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES, France). The authors acknowledge the AERIS data infrastructure for providing access to the IASI data in this study and ULB-LATMOS for the development of the retrieval algorithms. This study was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye under the grant number 123Y364.

How to cite: Tokgoz, S., Alban, A. M., Saracoglu, S., and Kaynak, B.: Long-Term NH3 Assesment with Meteorological Parameters to Obtain Temporal Profiles in Agricultural Regions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17924,, 2025.

EGU25-20286 | ECS | Orals | AS3.34

 The use of open-path FTIR techniques to measure nitrous oxide, ammonia, and methane emissions from a sugarcane farm in Australia 

Pongsathorn Sukdanont, Mei Bai, Shu Kee Lam, Helen Suter, and Deli Chen

Intensive agricultural systems are a main source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The nitrogen (N) fertilizers that are applied to crops to increase crop productions during growing season can lose approximately half of the applied N to the atmosphere as nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3).This results in growers’ financial losses and can cause environmental pollutions. Quantification of gas emissions not only helps to develop inventories of regional and national emissions but also to improve management practices to mitigate the emissions. However, accurate quantification of the gas emissions at farm scale is challenging as the natural reactive ammonia gas is a “sticky” gas, and N2O has spatialand temporal variability. There is a need of proper techniques to continually measure a suite of gases including N2O and NH3simultaneously to reduce the complexity of using multiple gas sensors for measurements.

A trial was conducted in July 2024 to measure N2O, NH3, and CH4emissions following the fertilizer and fertilizer inhibitor applications at a commercial sugarcane farm in Queensland, Australia. Two separate plots were chosen, one plot was for a control plot with urea fertilizer and the second one was for the treatment plot applying urea and urea inhibitor. At each plot, a slant-path Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (slant-path FTIR) was deployed to measure a suite of gas concentrations for three weeks, including N2O, NH3, and CH4, simultaneously.Thirty-min averaged wind statistics and the coordinates of locations of equipment and experimental plots were collected. These measurements of gas concentration and wind statistics were used to calculate gas fluxes using a micrometeorological technique. The fluxes of N2O, NH3, and CH4from control and treatment plots showed that the effects of inhibitor on reduction of N2O and CH4 emissions were significant over the measurement period but NH3 flux reduction was only triggered by the irrigation event.

How to cite: Sukdanont, P., Bai, M., Kee Lam, S., Suter, H., and Chen, D.:  The use of open-path FTIR techniques to measure nitrous oxide, ammonia, and methane emissions from a sugarcane farm in Australia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20286,, 2025.

SSS10 – Metrics, Informatics and Statistics in Soils

EGU25-406 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Influence of soil properties on latent and sensible heat transport in the major soil types in Western Senegal 

Karoline Kny, Katya Dimitrova-Petrova, and Jan O Haerter

Understanding soil-moisture-atmosphere interactions is essential for a range of applications like accurate weather forecasting and climate modelling. However, current models often overlook critical soil properties, particularly soil hydraulic parameters (SHP), limiting their accuracy. The Sahel region, characterized by intense evaporation-precipitation feedback and recycling of up to 95% of rainfall, provides an ideal setting to study these dynamics. Despite its significance, data on SHP remains scarce for this region. 

In the context of the DakE-project, which operates a high-resolution network of weather stations including soil moisture monitoring in Western Senegal, this study investigates the influence of SHP on heat fluxes across five soil types, covered by the network. SHP were characterized by constructing water retention curves based on on-site observations of soil moisture and soil suction and sampled physical soil properties. A coupled water and heat transport model was developed in HYDRUS-1D, incorporating vegetation effects to explore the influence of SHP, particularly on latent heat flux. Site-specific initial and boundary conditions were applied to construct and calibrate five models against observed soil moisture data. Model outputs from the different study sites were compared to evaluate the role of SHP on heat flux partitioning

Preliminary results, derived from Pearson correlation test, indicate a positive correlation between clay content and latent heat flux, with higher clay content increasing latent heat and the probability of precipitation. The same relationship is observed for saturated hydraulic conductivity, which is strongly influenced by soil texture and structure. These findings, while limited to data from only five study sites and influenced by interconnected nature of soil properties, highlight the potential importance of soil texture and structure as key parameters for precipitation modelling. As we show in this study, the drastic seasonal differences in soil wetness behaviour – from desert-like in dry season to prolonged inundation periods during wet season – makes the choice of model set up not trivial and can make model calibration challenging. Our findings underscore the need to better understand the soil water-atmosphere interactions in the Sahel region.

Besides the small spatial scale considered in this study, our study emphasizes the importance of SHP for process understanding not only in soil hydrology but also in atmospheric sciences. Interdisciplinary approach is imperative to incorporate soil texture and structure into current climate models, improving their representation of soil-atmosphere feedbacks in the Sahel and beyond.

How to cite: Kny, K., Dimitrova-Petrova, K., and Haerter, J. O.: Influence of soil properties on latent and sensible heat transport in the major soil types in Western Senegal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-406,, 2025.

Soil hydraulic properties, including the water retention curve (WRC) and hydraulic conductivity function (HCF), are crucial for accurately simulating hydrological processes in soils. These properties are highly variable and nonlinear, making them challenging to parameterize, particularly at field scales. This study introduces a novel physics-informed neural network (PINN) approach with constraints of Richards equation to estimate these constitutive relationships, conditioned on field soil moisture measurements in a semi-arid study area. The PINN comprises three interconnected networks: soil moisture over space and time, WRC and HCF networks. Given the high non-linearity of the soil hydraulic functions, we adopted an alternating training strategy, with an outer loop to filter the observation dataset and train the networks for the observation variable and an inner loop to train the WRC and HCF networks through the constraints of Richards equation. This two-step alternating training approach (with different loss functions) obtains reasonable observation networks, and since then it strengthens the possibility and the efficiency to learn the constitutive relations.

How to cite: Li, N., Zheng, X., and Yue, X.: Physics-informed Neural Networks for Inferring Hydraulic Properties from Field Soil Water Content Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1286,, 2025.

EGU25-2879 | Orals | SSS10.2

Deciphering the Role of Vadose Zone Processes in Delayed Groundwater Nitrate Reductions 

Yefang Jiang, Judith Nyiraneza, Steve Chapman, Amanada Malatesta, and Beth Parker

Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) are designed to reduce nitrate leaching from agricultural fields and protect groundwater quality. However, temporal groundwater monitoring results from wells beneath or downgradient agricultural fields often fail to show evidence for nitrate reduction even years after BMP implementation, and the mechanisms underlying this delayed response remain poorly understood. This study conducted high-resolution characterization and monitoring to investigate nitrate transport from soil to groundwater in a 7-hectare potato rotation field in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The site features fine sandy loam soil underlain by 7–9 m of glacial till, which overlies a regional fractured “red-bed” sandstone aquifer. The water table fluctuates seasonally between 2 and 6 m below ground surface (bgs). Multi-depth groundwater monitoring was conducted over 5 years from 2011 to 2016. Historically, the field was uniformly managed under a grain-forage-potato rotation. For this study, it was divided into four management zones (A–D). Zone D was removed from crop production to eliminate agricultural nitrogen inputs, while Zones A–C continued the crop rotation. This ensured that results from Zone D were not influenced by active cropping. Additionally, the up-gradient areas of Zones C and D were forested, minimizing lateral nitrate input from outside the study area. Multilevel wells were installed along a transect in Zone D to measure nitrate concentrations at various aquifer depths bi-weekly, while water levels were monitored daily using transducers. Rock core collection with detailed core sub-sampling for nitrate distribution was conducted in 2012 to track legacy nitrate in the subsurface. Soil sampling was conducted in each zone during spring and fall. Daily tile drainage samples for nitrate analysis were collected in Zone B using an ISCO sampler. Initial soil and tile drainage sampling detected exceptionally high residual nitrate levels following the 2011 potato harvest. Using this nitrate pulse as a marker, rock coring identified it at ~3 m bgs in December 2012, while piezometer sampling detected it at the water table in spring 2014. Despite seasonal recharge, these results indicate that nitrate required approximately 2.5 years to travel through the 6-m-thick vadose zone to the aquifer. Seasonal recharge processes pushed older nitrate stored in the vadose zone downward via hydraulic pressure, creating a piston-like movement. This caused a rapid water table response but a delayed nitrate concentration response in the aquifer, highlighting that uniform rather than preferential flow dominated nitrate transport through the glacial till vadose zone. By 2016, the nitrate plume in Zone D had disappeared. The short presence of a nitrate plume in the groundwater zone suggested that aquifer matrix diffusion had a minor influence on nitrate transport at this site. Instead, the delayed response of groundwater nitrate levels to surface remediation was attributed to processes occurring in the vadose zone. This study underscores the critical role of vadose zone dynamics in governing the time lag between implementing BMPs and observing groundwater quality improvements. High-resolution monitoring of soil, drainage, and aquifer systems is essential for understanding these processes and accurately predicting the outcomes of agricultural nitrate mitigation efforts.

How to cite: Jiang, Y., Nyiraneza, J., Chapman, S., Malatesta, A., and Parker, B.: Deciphering the Role of Vadose Zone Processes in Delayed Groundwater Nitrate Reductions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2879,, 2025.

The rise of affordable, autonomous in-situ sensors and IoT technology has enabled real-time monitoring of soil moisture, opening new opportunities for sustainable irrigation management. We present SWIM² (Sensor Wielded Inverse Modelling of a Soil Water Irrigation Model), a data-driven digital twin designed for field-scale soil moisture predictions, irrigation advice, and quantification of crop water stress, crop water use efficiency, and irrigation efficiency in vegetable production. SWIM² integrates real-time soil moisture sensor data with a soil water balance model using the DREAM(zs) Bayesian inverse modeling approach to estimate 12 key parameters, including soil and crop growth characteristics, along with their uncertainty distributions. This probabilistic framework with integration of weather forecasts allows for dynamic soil moisture predictions with uncertainty estimates, enabling farmers to make informed decisions about irrigation scheduling. By providing an estimate of the water required to mitigate drought risk, SWIM² supports efficient water use while maintaining crop health.

We validated and implemented SWIM² in commercial fields and irrigation trials across Flanders to evaluate its performance and demonstrate its utility in predicting soil moisture, scheduling irrigation, and quantifying water use efficiency under diverse conditions. In 2022, SWIM² was used in real-time to guide irrigation decisions during a celery trial, and in 2023, it was applied to celery, chicory, leek, and sweet potato trials. During these irrigation trials, the model was calibrated two times a week, after which soil moisture was predicted, and irrigation scheduling was based on the predicted probability of water stress over the following four days. Retrospectively, model calibration based on the 100% irrigation treatment enabled a comparison of various irrigation treatments, providing insights into crop water stress and irrigation surpluses.

Our results show that SWIM² accurately predicts soil moisture and improves irrigation scheduling, while also providing insights into resource optimization, contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. Due to the probabilistic nature of the framework, the irrigation strategy can be tailored to suit a conservative or risk-tolerant approach, depending on the farmer's preferences and water availability. By bridging advanced modeling with practical applications, SWIM² empowers farmers to make data-driven decisions for resilient and efficient crop management.

How to cite: Hendrickx, M., Vanderborght, J., Janssens, P., and Diels, J.: SWIM²: A data-driven digital twin for field-scale soil moisture predictions, irrigation advice, and quantification of water use efficiency in vegetable production in Flanders, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4273,, 2025.

The study investigates the hydrological cycle mechanisms in the Taihu Basin plain to support the development of next-generation, physically-based hydrological models for plain regions. Comprehensive monitoring at two experimental sites captured key hydrometeorological variables, including rainfall, evaporation, groundwater depth, soil moisture, and outlet flow. Analysis of runoff processes revealed that saturation-excess runoff dominates the rainfall-runoff mechanism, while infiltration-excess and mixed runoff models occur under specific conditions. Initial soil moisture and groundwater depth significantly influence runoff coefficients, with groundwater depth exhibiting a parabolic relationship. Furthermore, despite the relatively flat terrain, micro-topography markedly impacts runoff pathways, convergence times, and water distribution. Simulations using existing models highlighted the critical roles of micro-topography and runoff patterns in shaping hydrological responses, offering theoretical support for advancing refined hydrological models and improving water resource management in plain areas.

How to cite: Chen, G.: Rainfall-Runoff Generation Patterns and Key Influencing Factors in the Plain of the Taihu Lake Basin, China, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6414,, 2025.

EGU25-6964 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Impacts of fertilization rate in nitrate leaching in agricultural soils: Insights from process-based modelling 

Alejandro Romero-Ruiz and Landon Halloran

Nitrogen leaching in agricultural systems is a major environmental risk resulting from irrigation-fertilization practices. Global losses of fertilized agricultural systems are estimated to be about 30% of the applied nitrogen fertilizer. Nitrate leaching, the most predominant form of loss, results in groundwater contamination impacting the quality of drinking water. In the context of climate change, food, and water security, it is imperative to develop strategies that optimize fertilization application (and irrigation) to mitigate adverse environmental effects of nitrogen losses while maximizing grain production. Developing and testing such strategies remains challenging, partly because soil functions strongly depend on pedoclimatic conditions, soil degradation, and crop type; and all these variables may largely differ even for different regions across a same country and for different years. The ongoing Horizon Europe FARMWISE project aims at addressing this challenge by developing a decision support system based on combining: (1) multi-scale data collection and data fusion, (2) development of optimised fertilization-irrigation practices and sensors for monitoring them, (3) process-based modelling of agricultural systems. In this presentation, we introduce how the agroecosystem modelling is integrated in FARMWISE, and discuss the numerical modelling approach to predict crop yield and nitrate leaching as a function of the applied fertilization rate and for different soil types. As part of this, we present a toy-model example simulating winter wheat for 15 fertilization rates from 0 to 150 kg N/ha/yr and for clay contents of 15%, 25%, and 35%. Preliminary simulations predicted a maximum increase in yield of 74%, 97% and 93% achieved at applications rates of 90, 130 and 110 kg N/ha/yr for 15%, 25%, and 35%, respectively. The modelling framework presented in this work, in combination with European observations of current and new agricultural management practices, has the potential on filling information gaps of data for different pedoclimatic conditions and assisting decision making through providing a tool to predict the efficacy of such practices for different conditions and in the context of climate change.

How to cite: Romero-Ruiz, A. and Halloran, L.: Impacts of fertilization rate in nitrate leaching in agricultural soils: Insights from process-based modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6964,, 2025.

EGU25-7738 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Application of multi modal deep learning framework for predicting the distribution of soil organic carbon 

Younghun Lee, Hyemin Jeong, Byeongwon Lee, Ling Du, Gregory W. McCarty, and Sangchul Lee

Accurately predicting the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for sustainable land management and climate change mitigation. However, due to the significant spatial variability of SOC and the complex interactions among soil factors, precise prediction remains a challenging task. With advancements in remote sensing technologies and increased data availability, various types of data have been utilized for SOC prediction. Nevertheless, traditional machine learning models often rely on single-modal data, which limits their ability to fully capture the complexity of SOC dynamics. Recent developments in deep learning have shown promise in improving environmental modeling by integrating multiple data sources. However, the effective integration of multi-modal data for SOC distribution prediction has not been fully explored. In this study, we proposed a multi-modal convolutional neural networks (MM-CNN) model that integrates satellite imagery and topographic variables derived from DEM to improve SOC prediction in the Walnut Creek watershed (WCW). Spatial features were extracted using CNN from an optical RGB band image captured by Google Earth on June 5, 2011, while 16 terrain variables derived from DEM were processed using artificial neural network (ANN) and concatenated with CNN features. The target variables include SOC density, Cesium-137 (137Cs) inventory, and soil redistribution (SR) rate, which were obtained from 100 soil samples collected in WCW. To evaluate the performance of MM-CNN, we compared it with single-modal models, including CNN, ANN, and XGBoost, using the coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean squared error (RMSE) as performance metrics. Considering the spatial variability of SOC distribution, various image patch sizes centered on soil sampling points were used for both MM-CNN and CNN. The results of this study would show comparisons between MM-CNN and various single modal models predictions to inform the potential benefits of integrating complementary information from satellite imagery and topographic variables. The findings from this study would provide valuable insights of a multi modal approach for practical applications in environmental and agricultural fields.

How to cite: Lee, Y., Jeong, H., Lee, B., Du, L., W. McCarty, G., and Lee, S.: Application of multi modal deep learning framework for predicting the distribution of soil organic carbon, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7738,, 2025.

EGU25-9045 | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Coupled Effects of Halophytes and Soil Texture on Water and Salt Movement in Unsaturated Saline Soils 

Xian Xue, Etienne Tuyishimire, and Quangang You

Changes in groundwater levels due to climate change and human activities affect the process of soil water and salt transport in the vadose zone of drylands, which further influences vegetation growth and community succession. Groundwater level, soil structure, and the salt-endurance mechanism of halophytes are essential factors affecting this process. To further understand the interactions of these factors and their effects on the water-salt transport process in the vadose zone, the study was conducted to investigate the impact of halophytes and soil structure on soil water-salt transport in the root zone of plants by constructing an observation site for water-salt transport, selecting three soil types, namely, sandy soil, sandy loam, and clay, as well as two typical halophytes, namely, Nitraria tangutorum and Tamarix ramosissima, and carrying out water-salt observation experiments with the help of water-salt sensors for water-salt observation and data collection, and conducting spot observation experiments under different treatments. The study will investigate the effects of halophytes and soil structure on soil water and salt transport in the root zone of plants and determine the parameters of water and salt transport under different treatments to serve the establishment of water and salt transport modeling in arid zones and the construction of ecological protection forest system in arid oases.

How to cite: Xue, X., Tuyishimire, E., and You, Q.: Coupled Effects of Halophytes and Soil Texture on Water and Salt Movement in Unsaturated Saline Soils, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9045,, 2025.

EGU25-9339 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Integrating Time Domain Reflectometry and Soil Sample Analysis to Monitor Soil Salinization in the Po River Delta 

Aurora Ghirardelli, Chiara Marchina, and Paolo Tarolli

Seawater intrusion (SWI), driven by climate change and anthropogenic pressure, is a critical issue in coastal regions, with soil salinization as one of its most severe consequences. In low-lying agricultural areas, such as the Po River Delta in Northeast Italy, SWI-induced salinization degrades soil quality by altering structure, reducing porosity, and suppressing microbial activity, ultimately threatening agricultural productivity. The combination of prolonged summer droughts, high evapotranspiration rates, and reduced river flow intensifies SWI, facilitating salt accumulation in soils. Understanding the mechanisms and impacts of soil salinization is essential to understand SWI-related challenges. Accumulated salts in soils not only induce stress in vegetation, impairing metabolic functions and crop cycles, but also accelerate soil degradation, with long-term risks such as micro-desertification. Addressing these challenges requires precise soil measurements to monitor salinity levels and fluctuations over time, especially in the critical summer months. This study aims to integrate multi-temporal on-site observations of soil moisture, electrical conductivity (EC), and temperature with the collection and analysis of EC and ion content from water extracts, conducted throughout the summer of 2023 (July to September). In selected study areas within the Po Delta territory, point measurements of soil temperature, moisture, and electrical conductivity, obtained biweekly using a Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) probe, were spatially interpolated. These interpolated data were then compared with spatially interpolated values of electrical conductivity derived from water extracts of soil samples collected at the same locations on the same biweekly schedule. In addition, leaching tests were performed to detect major ions in the leachates. This approach allowed for a detailed assessment of the link between soil salinity and other soil properties across the study areas. This information, combined with precipitation data, facilitates the detection of salinization patterns, enabling the identification of the most affected zones.

How to cite: Ghirardelli, A., Marchina, C., and Tarolli, P.: Integrating Time Domain Reflectometry and Soil Sample Analysis to Monitor Soil Salinization in the Po River Delta, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9339,, 2025.

EGU25-9348 | Orals | SSS10.2

Assessing the effects of good farming practices on water retention on a hilly catchment in Hungary using SWAT+ 

Piroska Kassai, Péter Braun, Ronald Kolcsár, Kinga Farkas-Iványi, János Mészáros, and Brigitta Szabó

This study evaluates the water retention effectiveness of different good farming pactices on a hilly catchment (Felső-Válicka, Hungary) using the SWAT+ hydrological model. The Felső-Válicka case study area (124 km2), the focus of the research, is predominantly used for agricultural production (~35% of the total area). Farmers in the region face increasingly severe droughts, coupled with significant erosion damage to arable land due to intense rainfall events caused by unfavourable precipitation distribution. SWAT+ enables us to analyse management practices that potentially improve water management in agricultural fields. We followed the OPTAIN R workflow ( to support the process of input data preparation, model setup, model calibration and scenario simulations. In our setup: i) individual fields/parcels can send surface runoff and lateral flow to neighbour objects (contiguous object connectivity approach), and ii) characteristic management practices can be assigned to each field annually, enabling us to analyse the effectiveness of NSWRMs with respect to their individual site-specific allocation within the catchment. The modelled good farming practices align with those defined in the agricultural subsidy framework (CAP) in Hungary.

Among the investigated practices, reducing soil tillage depth and minimizing soil disturbance through reduced tillage practices had the most significant positive impact on water retention. In contrast, linear structured measures (such as riparian buffers along streams and hedges between agricultural parcels) had a less pronounced effect. The periodic planting of perennial crops (e.g., alfalfa on a three-year cycle) or land use change from cropland to pasture yielded mixed results regarding the selected hydrological indicators.

These findings underline the potential of optimized tillage practices as a key strategy for improving water retention in agricultural landscapes.


This work was funded by the Széchenyi Plan Plus program, supported by the RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008 project and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862756, project OPTAIN.

How to cite: Kassai, P., Braun, P., Kolcsár, R., Farkas-Iványi, K., Mészáros, J., and Szabó, B.: Assessing the effects of good farming practices on water retention on a hilly catchment in Hungary using SWAT+, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9348,, 2025.

EGU25-9453 | Orals | SSS10.2

On the representativeness of the observations: a philosophical detail or a basic paradigm? 

Gabriele Baroni, Sadra Emamalizadeh, Alexander Gruber, Jonathan G. Evans, and Sascha E. Oswald

Observations are invaluable information for testing hypotheses, increasing knowledge and advancing science. Even if this might be universally accepted, it is however quite surprising, by looking at the scientific literature, how diverse is the terminology and the interpretation used for the same monitoring strategy, ranging from the assessment of the actual measurements to the sampling designs. While this might simply mirror the diversity of the underlying assumptions developed in the different scientific communities, it raises the question if this undermines a solid scientific foundation. Among others, in this contribution we focus the discussion on the representativeness of the observations in the soil-plant-atmosphere system. We show how this has been recognized as a relevant concept since long time. We then present some formulations that have been proposed but are still not regularly adopted. By using soil water content observations as an example, we discuss the effect of explicitly considering representativeness, and provide a way forward for adopting it as basic paradigm to advance future science.

How to cite: Baroni, G., Emamalizadeh, S., Gruber, A., Evans, J. G., and Oswald, S. E.: On the representativeness of the observations: a philosophical detail or a basic paradigm?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9453,, 2025.

EGU25-9535 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Instantaneous profile method - the impact of experimental procedure on measurement results 

Maciej Kozyra, Krzysztof Lamorski, and Cezary Sławiński

Unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity (UHC) plays a crucial role in natural systems, as it governs the flow of water in soil under partial saturation conditions, which are typical for most environmental processes. One of the laboratory methods used for UHC determination is  Instantaneous Profile Method (IPM). IPM requires the measurement of soil water flux at least at one end of a soil sample, alongside the measurements of soil water content (SWC) and soil water potential (SWP) at various points along the height of the soil sample.

This study analyzes the accuracy of UHC determination using IPM, based on simulated desaturation experiments for 460 types of soils. The parameters of soils used in the analysis were sourced form the Global Database of Soil Hydraulic Properties (GSHP) to reflect the realistic properties of the particular soils. The desaturation of a 5 cm-high soil sample is simulated using Richard’s equation. Simulations were performed for various experimental scenarios using axis translation method, where overpressure is used for enforcing the particular boundary conditions. Different overpressure causes different drying rates. Following boundary conditions were applied at the bottom of the sample: constant soil water potential of -10 mH2O over 8 days, a linear decrease in soil water potential from 0 mH2O to -10 mH2O over 2.5 days, followed by maintenance at -10 mH2O until the 8th day, and a linear decrease in soil water potential to -10 mH2O over 5 days, followed by maintenance at this level until the 8th day of simulation.

IPM is based on measurements of SWC (using TDR method) and SWP (using microtesiometers) in subsequent layers in the soil core. The influence of the height of the layer (from 1 cm to 2.33 cm) on the accuracy of UHC was analyzed. Time interval between subsequent measurements was also examined in the context of the accuracy. The TDR measurements naturally introduces noise. Two denoising methods were evaluated: the Bézier curve method and the B-spline method.

In conclusion, selecting an appropriate denoising method is critical for accurate UHC determination. This study provides a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of different denoising techniques for TDR data. Results indicate that thinner soil layers allow for better estimation of UHC. However, the determination of UHC in subsequent layers introduces greater errors due to the propagation of flux estimation errors from earlier layers. The most accurate UHC value is determined for the first layer. Moreover, the experiment setup in which the boundary condition is changing slowly allows for better estimation of UHC in comparison with  the other scenarios. These findings underscore the importance of careful experimental design and the selection of suitable methods to minimize cumulative errors in UHC determination.


Research was founded by the National Science Centre within the contract 2021/43/B/ST10/03143

How to cite: Kozyra, M., Lamorski, K., and Sławiński, C.: Instantaneous profile method - the impact of experimental procedure on measurement results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9535,, 2025.

EGU25-9637 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.2

Analysis of Soil Salinization Induced by Seawater Intrusion on the Coastal Agriculture of Lazio Region (Italy) 

Roxana Burbulea, Chiara Marchina, Sara Bartoletta, Arianna Manoni, and Paolo Tarolli

In recent years, the coastal areas of the Mediterranean have experienced extreme climatic events, including the intrusion of the salt wedge into freshwater systems. In Italy, this phenomenon is causing an increasing salinisation of coastal agricultural soils. Among these, the Lazio coast, characterized by dune, fluvial-marsh and marine wind deposits, represents a particularly vulnerable area. This territory, historically reclaimed with landfills and drainage, sees agriculture as one of the main socioeconomic drivers. This research aims to evaluate the extent of salinisation in the coastal area around the Tevere River and its potential impact on agriculture. Monitoring was conducted during the 2024 agricultural season through monthly sampling campaigns and measuring soil and surface water parameters. A particular focus was placed on analyzing the salt wedge intrusion in water bodies and in cultivated soils to understand its progression and impacts on crops. Among the techniques used, time domain reflectometry (TDR) proved essential for collecting spatial and temporal data on salt concentration variability. Using TDR both volumetric water content (VWC%) and Electrical conductivity (EC dS/m) were measured, with EC linked soil properties such as water content, texture and organic matter. Additionally, to soil sampling, leaching tests were carried out in the laboratory to assess the release of salts from the soil into water. Preliminary chemical analyses of major ions in the leachates were used to quantify the contribution of soil salinity to water salinization. Monthly soil samples collected from 10 monitoring points showed in several cases salinity levels exceeding the minimum threshold of 2 dS/m indicated by the FAO.  This can adversely affect the growth and yield of various cultivated species. The results highlight the importance of continuous monitoring of parameters such as electrical conductivity, temperature and soil humidity to track salinization trends. Understanding these dynamics is fundamental for developing adaptation and mitigation strategies to preserve the agricultural productivity of the Lazio coast.

Keywords: Lazio Coast, Soil Salinization, Coastal Agriculture, Seawater Intrusion.

How to cite: Burbulea, R., Marchina, C., Bartoletta, S., Manoni, A., and Tarolli, P.: Analysis of Soil Salinization Induced by Seawater Intrusion on the Coastal Agriculture of Lazio Region (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9637,, 2025.

EGU25-9988 | Orals | SSS10.2

Comparing thermogravimetric, TDR, ERT and EMI measurements of space and time evolution of water content along a transect during an infiltration experiment  

Antonio Coppola, Andrea Vacca, Gian Piero Deidda, Shawkat Basel Mostafa Hassan, Stefania Da Pelo, Francesca Lobina, Mostafa Saeed Mohamed Abdelmaqsoud, Faiza Souid, Riccardo Biddau, Nicola Manis, and Alessandro Comegna

Monitoring and modelling of soil hydrological processes at large scales require measuring the spatial and temporal evolution of soil volumetric water contents, θv. Direct measurement of θv can be done by sampling and laboratory analyses. Although such methods are straightforward, they require a lot of time and effort for the collection of several samples to account for the spatial and temporal variability. Time-domain reflectometry, TDR, can be a good alternative as it is used to indirectly measure θv in the field by measuring the travel time of an electromagnetic pulse in a probe. However, it is an intrusive, point-scale method making it impractical at large scales and at subsurface measurements. Other geophysical methods, such as earth resistivity tomography, ERT, and electromagnetic induction, EMI, sensors represent a practical solution for their time efficiency and the ability to measure at large scales. In particular, compared to the ERT, which still requires the insertion of several electrodes at the soil surface and their connection with a cable network, the EMI has the further advantage (in terms of measurement rapidity) of not requiring insertion in soil to take measurements. Nevertheless, the toll to pay for this larger scale applicability, is that they do not directly measure θv and require complex electromagnetic inversion models to obtain either the electrical resistivity, ρb, or the bulk electrical conductivity, σb, spatial distributions over time respectively from the pseudo-sections coming from ERT and the series of apparent electrical conductivity, ECa, coming from EMI. In this sense, these methods require further efforts to correctly translate the ρb and the σb distributions in as many θv distributions. Accordingly, this study aims at comparing thermogravimetric, EMI and ERT systems to obtain the spatio-temporal evolution of θv at a transect scale. For this purpose, a series of measurement campaigns were carried out at a transect 24 m long and 1 m wide at a sprinkler-irrigated field in Arborea area in Sardinia, Italy. A large database of spatially, vertically and temporally distributed measurements was created from auger samples, undisturbed samples, Campbell TDR-200, ERT and CMD mini-explorer EMI sensor. TDR measurements were used to find a relationship between θv and σb. Inversion models were then used to obtain the σb distribution from ERT and EMI measurements, utilizing a previously determined characterization of the soil profile, e.g., layering, depth to groundwater table, texture, etc. The TDR-obtained θv - σb relationship was then utilized to estimate the θv distributions from EMI- and ERT-based σb distributions.

How to cite: Coppola, A., Vacca, A., Deidda, G. P., Hassan, S. B. M., Da Pelo, S., Lobina, F., Abdelmaqsoud, M. S. M., Souid, F., Biddau, R., Manis, N., and Comegna, A.: Comparing thermogravimetric, TDR, ERT and EMI measurements of space and time evolution of water content along a transect during an infiltration experiment , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9988,, 2025.

EGU25-10381 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.2

How important is diffuse recharge in the Chalk aquitard under desert conditions? 

Hala Jmili, Noam Weisbrod, and Tuvia Turkeltaub

As aridity increases, the importance of focused groundwater recharge becomes more significant. It is well-recognized that groundwater recharge in arid areas primarily occurs during flash floods in ephemeral streams. However, previous studies suggest that diffuse recharge—spatially distributed groundwater replenishment from precipitation or irrigation—may also play a substantial role in aquifers recharge. This study aims to quantify the contribution of diffuse groundwater recharge through unsaturated fractured Chalk under the arid conditions of the Negev Desert.

Three models were evaluated to quantify and understand the processes of diffuse groundwater recharge: the Richards equation, the dual porosity model, and the dual permeability model. The models were calibrated against three unsaturated zone tritium profiles.  Climate data and tritium concentrations in the rain of 1960 to 2023 were prescribed as the atmospheric boundary conditions. The model calibration involved running multiple simulations, incorporating 800 combinations of hydraulic parameters generated by the Latin hypercube sampling method. Model selection and performance were evaluated using statistical metrics, including reduced root mean square error (RRMSE) and the Akaike information criteria. The simulation results indicated that the dual porosity model outperformed the dual permeability and Richards’ equations. This suggests that water flow and solute transport occur within the loess layers and chalk fractures through preferential pathways while highlighting the exchange of water and solutes between the flowing system and the immobile matrix. The calibrated dual porosity models allowed for studying the relationship between diffusive recharge and precipitation. Two cross-correlation analyses (CCA) were conducted: one between yearly rainfall and yearly potential recharge at a depth of 5 meters, and another between all precipitation events above the 95th quantile and the yearly potential recharge at 5 meters depth. Both rain statistical characteristics exhibited similar CCA trends, while the quantile-95 values demonstrated stronger correlation coefficients. This illustrates that heavy rainfall drives deep water infiltration, ultimately replenishing the aquifer.

How to cite: Jmili, H., Weisbrod, N., and Turkeltaub, T.: How important is diffuse recharge in the Chalk aquitard under desert conditions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10381,, 2025.

EGU25-10600 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Evaluating spectro-transfer functions to estimate soil organic carbon stock at large spatial scales  

Caterina Mazzitelli, Nunzio Romano, Cecilie Hermansen, Lis Wollesen de Jonge, Eyal Ben Dor, and Paolo Nasta

Soil organic carbon (SOC) stock is critical in mitigating global warming by sequestering carbon and enhancing soil fertility. This study focuses on Campania, a region of southern Italy covering about 13,700 km2, and addresses the challenging task of estimating SOC stock at relatively large spatial scales in a sustainable manner. A practical outcome is to provide public bodies and stakeholders with as many reliable SOC stock maps as possible, allowing for the uncertainties associated with the techniques employed. The assessment of SOC stock requires the knowledge of SOC content, oven-dry bulk density, soil depth, and rock fragment.

To accomplish this task, the following soil physical and chemical properties were directly measured by collecting 3,316 soil samples: particle-size distribution, soil textural classes (i.e., the sand, silt, and clay contents), oven-dry soil bulk density, soil organic content, pH, and calcium carbonate. However, direct measurements of SOC content and especially oven-dry soil bulk density are labor-demanding, time-consuming, and expensive. Therefore, we explored the use of soil spectroscopy in the visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared (vis-NIR-SWIR in the range 400-2500 nm) range to estimate these input properties. The spectral reflectance in the vis-NIR-SWIR range was measured on co-located 3,316 air-dried soil samples, sieved at 2 mm, whereas Spectro-Transfer Functions (STFs) have been developed to predict the SOC stock using advanced statistical methods, including neural networks, partial least square regression, and linear/nonlinear regression models.

Our findings demonstrate the superior performance of neural networks and partial least square regression in accurately estimating SOC stocks. However, we also emphasize the value of simpler linear/nonlinear regression models for their reproducibility and ease of implementation. These results highlight the potential of spectral-based approaches to estimate SOC stocks at large scales efficiently and cost-effectively, thereby improving the implementation of carbon management strategies and enhancing the assessment of agroecosystem resilience to global warming.

How to cite: Mazzitelli, C., Romano, N., Hermansen, C., de Jonge, L. W., Ben Dor, E., and Nasta, P.: Evaluating spectro-transfer functions to estimate soil organic carbon stock at large spatial scales , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10600,, 2025.

EGU25-11586 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Structural heterogeneity versus functional homogeneity - hydrological soil clustering of the MARTHA database 

Máté György, Tamás Ács, Bence Decsi, Ronald Kolcsár, Zsófia Bakacsi, András Makó, Brigitta Szabó, and Zsolt Kozma

There is a recurring question in environmental science, whether the spatial heterogeneity of soils is also accompanied by notable variation of soil hydrological behaviour. Our aim was to investigate this so-called “structural heterogeneity versus functional homogeneity” issue by using variably saturated zone simulations and the Hungarian soil database MARTHA v3.1.4. The purpose of the applied functional classification method is to simulate the water balance components of different soils under the same meteorological forcing and then cluster them based on their hydrological response.

We used 2552 soil samples with adequate data availability (fitted van Genuchten parameters of the soil moisture retention curve, saturated hydraulic conductivity) to set up and run 200 cm deep homogeneous soil profile models in Hydrus-1D, which differed only in their soil hydraulic parametrization. The simulations covered a 1 year period with daily time steps. Two types of upper boundary were applied: (i) 1 mm/day constant precipitation for 30 days then no precipitation, (ii) measured precipitation time series from Hungary over the whole period. The bottom boundary condition was free drainage.

Hydrological indicators were derived from the simulation results (surface runoff, average root zone saturation, storage change, bottom boundary flux, flowthrough volume at 40 cm depth, break through curve characteristics for the constant precipitation). These indicators were used to classify the soil profiles using k-means clustering.

1984 simulations were successful, from which 9 clusters were formed. These represent distinct hydrological behaviour for the same forcing time series, indicating the applicability of the proposed classification method.


Key words: soil hydrology, functional evaluation, Hydrus-1D, MARTHA database


The research presented in the article was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project.

How to cite: György, M., Ács, T., Decsi, B., Kolcsár, R., Bakacsi, Z., Makó, A., Szabó, B., and Kozma, Z.: Structural heterogeneity versus functional homogeneity - hydrological soil clustering of the MARTHA database, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11586,, 2025.

EGU25-13344 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.2

Using vadose zone data to determine agricultural impact on groundwater pollution 

Luca Laudi, Ofer Dahan, Manuel Sapiano, Michael Schembri, and Tuvia Turkeltaub

Nitrate pollution of groundwater is often attributed to excess fertilisation in agriculture. Low quality water, enriched by nitrate and other pollutants percolates down from the root zone through the unsaturated zone to the water table. Accordingly, the vadose zone holds the footprint of all possible groundwater pollution events occurring at the land surface before the pollution imprint arrives in the groundwater. Here we present a study were detailed long-term monitoring of the unsaturated zone reveals the groundwater pollution potential of various representative agricultural setups over the island of Malta. Malta is a semi-arid island in the Mediterranean Sea where groundwater, which is the only natural freshwater resource, suffers from nitrate pollution due to the intensive agricultural landscape. A national monitoring network, comprising of 16 Vadose zone Monitoring Systems (VMS) were installed under the different agricultural setups which represent Malta’s main agricultural practices. The VMS enables continuous monitoring of variations in the unsaturated zone water content, as indication to percolation processes, and frequent sampling of the sediment pore water for chemical analysis and characterisation of pollutant transport across the unsaturated zone.  

Results show that the mean nitrate concentrations in the vadose zone underlying fields of potato, forage, mixed outdoor vegetables, greenhouses, vineyards, and orchards were 923 mg/L, 673 mg/L, 416 mg/L, 416 mg/L, 252 mg/L and 33.6 mg/L, respectively. Spatial distribution of the different agricultural setups shows that forage and potato fields are among the most common agricultural setups, with higher occurrence in the central and eastern areas of the island (>50% of the agricultural land area). This agricultural land use distribution spatially links to the high average nitrate concentrations in groundwater under those fields (ranging from 75 to 200 mg/L). On the other hand, lower proportions of potato and wheat fields are cultivated in the north-western areas (25-50% of the total agricultural land area). In the north-western areas, a clay layer situated in the unsaturated zone creates a shallow perched aquifer with a rock matric thickness ranging from 20 to 50 m, which impedes water fluxes from the agricultural fields to the main groundwater system below. The mean nitrate concentrations in the shallow perched aquifer are relatively high ranging from 200 to 350 mg/L due to the aquifer’s low water storage. On the other hand, nitrate concentrations in the regional aquifer underlying the perched aquifer are relatively low ranging from 25 to 100 mg/L.

In conclusion, the results show that potato and wheat fields are likely to have the greatest impact on nitrate pollution in the vadose zone and eventual groundwater nitrate contamination. Furthermore, these agricultural land uses are among the most common land uses cultivated in Malta. This implies the significant potential spatial impact of potato and wheat fields on groundwater nitrate pollution. With data being made available from this vadose zone monitoring network we can increasingly understand the pollution potential of different agricultural land uses on groundwater.




How to cite: Laudi, L., Dahan, O., Sapiano, M., Schembri, M., and Turkeltaub, T.: Using vadose zone data to determine agricultural impact on groundwater pollution, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13344,, 2025.

EGU25-15624 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Significance of soil moisture variability in forest on Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer model results  

Thomas Fichtner, Yuly Juliana Aguilar Avila, Andreas Hartmann, Stefan Seeger, Martin Maier, and Stephan Raspe

Understanding forest water cycles and the processes influencing them is critical for predicting how environmental changes may impact forest hydrology. Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer (SVAT) models are essential tools for simulating and understanding water fluxes within forest ecosystems. However, the accuracy and reliability of these models are often limited by the quality and availability of input data, particularly soil hydraulic parameters. Consequently, assumptions made in the modeling process can lead to underestimations or overestimations of key water balance components, such as groundwater recharge. To improve the predictive accuracy of SVAT models, observed soil moisture data are commonly used to validate model parameterization, ensuring that simulated soil moisture levels match the observations. Nonetheless, determining which measured values or how many observations are adequate for model calibration poses a challenge due to the high spatial and vertical variability of soil moisture. This variability is driven by heterogeneity in soil properties and forest structure across the studied area.

For this reason, the study presented investigates the variability of soil moisture observations across two diverse forest environments differing primarily in soil matrix homogeneity and tree species composition. The influence of soil moisture variability on input parameter set adjustments required for effective SVAT model calibration was analyzed based on recorded soil moisture by a sensor network installed at both sites. Specifically, the study examined whether significant modifications to the parameter set are necessary to match simulated and observed soil moisture from identified soil moisture clusters at the sites.

The results confirmed that soil moisture variability was greater at the site with a more heterogeneous soil matrix, both spatially and with depth. At such locations, significant adjustments to input parameters are needed to match simulated and observed soil moisture, substantially affecting the simulation of individual water balance components. Using a mean soil moisture value for model validation proved inadequate for capturing the full range of variability at such locations. Conversely, at the site with a more homogenous soil matrix, soil moisture variability was low and adjustments to input parameters were negligible. Here, using the mean soil moisture value for model calibration is sufficient to represent the water balance accurately. The results highlight the importance of considering soil moisture variability when calibrating SVAT models, particularly in heterogeneous environments.

How to cite: Fichtner, T., Aguilar Avila, Y. J., Hartmann, A., Seeger, S., Maier, M., and Raspe, S.: Significance of soil moisture variability in forest on Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Transfer model results , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15624,, 2025.

EGU25-16133 | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Modelling soil methane emissions from rice production to enable scaling 

Lindsay Todman, Neil Nooreyezdan, and Clement Atzberger

Rice production is estimated to contribute around 11% of global anthropogenic methane emissions. There is consistent evidence that management practices such as drying and rewetting the soil can reduce these emissions without impacting crop yield, yet it is challenging to quantify the emission reductions in different soils and for different management practices. Robust estimates of emission reductions would enable farmers to claim carbon credits when switching from continuous flooding (CF) to alternate wetting and drying (AWD) - and advanced modelling with remotely sensed inputs can contribute to this.  Two models (DNDC and Daycent) are commonly used to simulate methane emissions, but both require large numbers of parameters making them challenging to scale to new locations where parameter values are uncertain. We have developed a new model of soil methane emissions that shows comparable performance to these more complex models but reduces the required number of parameters to around 30 (depending on management actions) by focusing only on the processes key to methane. The proposed model uses a similar approach to the Daycent methane module in which the soil redox potential after flooding or drying is modelled, but we consider the parameters for this process to be influenced by soil texture and mineralogy as well as the drainage conditions (e.g. water table). To permit an application of the model to large regions of interest, our model can be linked to remotely sensed estimates of above ground biomass. Using a Bayesian Calibration approach, we show that the model can be successfully calibrated with local data from a single season, and validated for subsequent seasons. Using the model at new sites is less consistent; we present our progress and the ongoing challenges in defining relationships between the soil properties and the model parameters to improve emission reduction estimates at new sites and enable the model to be used at scale.    

How to cite: Todman, L., Nooreyezdan, N., and Atzberger, C.: Modelling soil methane emissions from rice production to enable scaling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16133,, 2025.

EGU25-19137 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.2

Monitoring soil hydrologic processes above shallow aquifers using spatial TDR and FDR 

Efthymios Chrysanthopoulos, Martha Perdikaki, Epameinondas Floros, Petros Kofakis, and Andreas Kallioras

The spatial distribution of soil water content within the entire range of the unsaturated zone is imperative for several hydrologic, agricultural and geotechnical applications. Monitoring of soil water content within the unsaturated zone is conventionally conducted with TDR and FDR sensors at discrete points within the soil matrix. Although both TDR and FDR sensors provide reliable measurements of soil water content for a representative volume around the placement area, their installation at various depths is laborious and time-consuming work, causing significant disturbance to the soil matrix modifying its soil structure. Furthermore, commercial profile sensors measuring soil water content at discrete points, are typically limited to lengths of 1 m., preventing the monitoring of critical hydrologic processes below this depth. To address this limitation, custom-length waveguides made from flexible insulated flat copper wires have been developed. Unlike non-insulated rod waveguides, these custom waveguides maintain signal integrity over lengths exceeding 1 meter. They enable soil water content monitoring along their entire length by applying inverse modeling techniques to reflected signals reconstructed through profile reconstruction algorithms. The installation of custom waveguides in the field is achieved through portable drilling equipment that ensures minimal soil disturbance.

This study evaluates the performance of TDR and NanoVNA devices, connected to custom waveguides, within the extent of an experimental field. The use of low-cost NanoVNA devices offers a portable and affordable alternative to traditional TDR systems, which are often cost-prohibitive even for research purposes. NanoVNA devices function as virtual TDR instruments, making them suitable for field installations. The development of supportive Python code for waveform acquiring and inverse modeling automation, facilitates high-resolution, in-field monitoring of soil water content, providing valuable insights into soil hydrological processes throughout the length of the transmission lines. Soil hydrologic processes above shallow aquifers are dominated by capillary flow phenomena, emerging from capillary rise over the groundwater table. Spatial TDR and virtual TDR monitoring, from NanoVNA devices, with custom waveguides results to high time and spatial resolution of capillary action above shallow aquifers.


This research is part of the Project “e-Pyrros: Development of an integrated monitoring network for hydro-environmental parameters within the hydro-systems of Louros-Arachthos-Amvrakikos for the optimal management and improvement of agricultural production” (MIS 5047059) and received financial funding from the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014–2020 (EPAnEK)”.

How to cite: Chrysanthopoulos, E., Perdikaki, M., Floros, E., Kofakis, P., and Kallioras, A.: Monitoring soil hydrologic processes above shallow aquifers using spatial TDR and FDR, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19137,, 2025.

Soil erosion damages many fertile regions world-wide. At the same time, scientists expect more frequent and intense erosive precipitation events and droughts with proceeding climate change.

The Erosion and Runoff Laboratory (EARL) of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture (LfL) is an extraordinary experimental site under construction in Lower Bavaria (Germany) to study the physical, social, and economic factors driving the change in landscape water balance, as well as the increase in surface runoff and erosion under agricultural use. During the twenty-year study period, future-proof cropland systems (i.e., a combination of crop rotation and soil management regimes) will be investigated in terms of their effect on water retention, erosion protection, as well as contaminant and nutrient leaching in the hills.

Volumetric water content and matric potential are measured at three depths in 36 plots, each measuring 330 m² (55 m long and 6 m wide), and the data are validated using a central cosmic ray neutron scattering sensor. Surface and interflow runoff are monitored continuously for each precipitation event. Runoff samples collected automatically by samplers will be analyzed in the laboratory regarding the transported materials and substances. Root growth scans and regular drone flights provide data on phenological growth and soil conditions, while soil water sampling and an extensive meteorological station including distrometers and precipitation-impulse gauges ensure the boundary conditions.

We believe that this design enables comprehensive process-based modeling and a validated balance of energy, water, and material flows on the hillside scale for each individual plot. As the EARL is designed as a collaborative research facility, the created dataset will enable the scientific community to understand critical processes within agricultural soils’ vadose zone better.

Comparatively high financial resources for long-term monitoring projects in the vadose zone are very rarely available. However, the precise measurement of water fluxes in the vadose zone is difficult, the availability of non-destructive measuring instruments is limited, and the results are often compromised by individual unconsidered aspects. Consequently, the risk of an erroneous measurement design and the associated bad investment due to the naturally limited perspective of a small research group is high. Therefore, we want to present our measurement concept for the vadose zone in detail and discuss it with experts before the final installation of the measuring equipment in summer 2025.

How to cite: Mitterer, J. and Ebertseder, F.: Monitoring of water balance in soils dominated by arable farming – development of a measurement concept for the Erosion and Runoff Laboratory (EARL), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20353,, 2025.

EGU25-1150 | Orals | SSS10.6

Mapping of acid sulfate soil types in Laihianjoki River catchment: A multiclass classification 

Virginia Estévez, Stefan Mattbäck, and Anton Boman

Mapping of acid sulfate soils (ASS) has in the past focused on ASS probability maps, which are very useful to avoid environmental damage caused by these soils. However, these maps do not indicate the ASS subtypes, which may have different environmental impacts depending on whether they are actively releasing acidity and metals (sulfuric soils) or have the potential to do so (hypersulfidic soils) if the sulfidic material within them is disturbed (oxidized). Additionally, there is a particular type of soil that is close to being classified as an ASS, but where the pH criterion is not fulfilled. This soil is referred as para-ASS and may have a similar negative environmental impact as ASS. In the risk assessment of ASS, it is therefore crucial to know the location of ASS subtypes as well as para-ASS. In this study, we have created for the first time a multiclass map of ASS subtypes. Furthermore, four probability maps have been generated, one for each class. For this, the suitability of two machine learning methods for multiclass classification of different ASS subtypes has been evaluated. The methods are Random Forest (RF) and Gradient Boosting (GB), which showed very high capabilities for the classification of ASS in binary classification [1-3]. RF has given the best results with F1-score values between 71% and 80% for the four classes. An accurate and realistic multiclass map of the ASS subtypes has been created using the RF model.

[1] V. Estévez et al. 2022.  “Machine learning techniques for acid sulfate soil mapping in southeastern Finland”. Geoderma 406 (2022) 115446.

[2] V. Estévez et al. 2023. “Improving prediction accuracy for acid sulfate soil mapping by means of variable selection”. Front. Environ. Sci. 11:1213069 (2023).

[3] V. Estévez et al. 2024.  “Acid sulfate soil mapping in western Finland: How to work with imbalanced datasets and machine learning”. Geoderma 447 (2024) 116916.

How to cite: Estévez, V., Mattbäck, S., and Boman, A.: Mapping of acid sulfate soil types in Laihianjoki River catchment: A multiclass classification, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1150,, 2025.

EGU25-2909 | Orals | SSS10.6

Incorporation of output from distributed hydrological models in Digital Soil Mapping for Precision Agriculture  

Zamir Libohova, Phillip Owens, Kabindra Adhikari, Marcelo Mancini, Edwin Winzeler, Quentin Read, Ning Sun, Joshua Blackstock, Amanda Ashworth, Dylan Beaudette, Sergio Silva, and Nilton Curi

Most of the conventional mapping has relied on terrain attributes characterized by topographic images. Similarly, the digital soil mapping (DSM) also uses terrain attributes derived from digital elevation models. However, both approaches only represent the surface runoff, thus leading to static and 2-dimentional soil maps. Distributed hydrological models can characterize soil water movement with depth and over time at multiple scales (hillslope, landscape, regional, etc.) leading to a true 4- dimensional soil mapping approach. A distributed hydrology soil vegetation model (DHSVM) was used as a mapping tool of soils and properties at a hillslope. The simulated daily moisture time series for three depths were analyzed using the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to identify similar time series at varying timescales for each depth and cluster them annually and seasonally. Prior to spatial-temporal clustering, the soil moisture time series generated from the DHSVM were validated with measured values from moisture sensors installed at key hillslope positions. The distinct clusters among seasons and with depth grouped observed soil properties while capturing temporal soil variability with depth not provided by static maps. The results show that the distributed hydrological models can be used to create dynamic soil maps that represent soil properties and processes with depth and not infer them like conventional mapping and DSM. Such maps can support spatial-temporal precision agriculture practices. We present some of the major findings, challenges and ways and means to adopt this as a routine approach.

How to cite: Libohova, Z., Owens, P., Adhikari, K., Mancini, M., Winzeler, E., Read, Q., Sun, N., Blackstock, J., Ashworth, A., Beaudette, D., Silva, S., and Curi, N.: Incorporation of output from distributed hydrological models in Digital Soil Mapping for Precision Agriculture , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2909,, 2025.

EGU25-4071 | Orals | SSS10.6

Aggregating 3D soil hydraulic properties for large-scale environmental modelling 

Brigitta Szabó, Ronald Kolcsár, János Mészáros, Annamária Laborczi, Katalin Takács, Gábor Szatmári, András Makó, Zsófia Bakacsi, Kálmán Rajkai, and László Pásztor

Understanding soil water management properties is crucial for agricultural, hydrological, and environmental modelling. To enhance the description of soil hydraulic processes, we developed national 3D soil hydraulic maps for Hungary at 100 m resolution, covering six soil layers down to 2 m depth (HU-SoilHydroGrids). This dataset includes continuous values of calculated soil hydraulic parameters, but aggregating this information is necessary to facilitate its use in national large-scale hydrological models with significant computational demands.

In Hungary, the methodology of the Várallyay soil water management categories map has been used for the hydrological classification of soils before the availability of HU-SoilHydroGrids. This nationwide map supports agricultural water management planning and includes nine soil water management categories and seventeen variants, established through expert rules based on field capacity, wilting point, available water content, infiltration rate, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and soil texture variations.

The newly available HU-SoilHydroGrids maps allow statistically based classification of soil hydraulic properties. In our study, we classified Hungarian soils using both national and international studies. Our methodology began with clustering via the k-means method on the HU-SoilHydroGrids database, considering eight soil hydraulic parameters across six soil depths, including van Genuchten parameters, water content at saturation, field capacity, wilting point, available water content, and hydraulic conductivity. This analysis identified twelve statistically distinct soil classes.

To ensure the inclusion of underrepresented soil groups with significant differences in water management, we refined these clusters with expert-based rules. Consequently, we further subdivided the twelve groups by soil profile depth, genetic soil type, electrical conductivity, and exchangeable sodium content. Combining statistical methods with expert-based rules, we established 68 categories. These soil hydrological groups provide a possible solution to aggregate the soil hydraulic data in environmental modelling applications.

The preparation of the HU-SoilHydroGrids dataset was carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project. The derivation of the soil hydrological groups was funded by the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (FFT NP FTA). The statistical computations were performed in the HUN-REN Cloud ( e-infrastructure.

How to cite: Szabó, B., Kolcsár, R., Mészáros, J., Laborczi, A., Takács, K., Szatmári, G., Makó, A., Bakacsi, Z., Rajkai, K., and Pásztor, L.: Aggregating 3D soil hydraulic properties for large-scale environmental modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4071,, 2025.

EGU25-6230 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Black Soils of Eurasia: two-decade environmental analysis (2001-2021) 

Nándor Csikós, János Mészáros, Katalin Takács, Brigitta Szabó, Tamás Hermann, Éva Ivits, and Gergely Tóth

Black soils play crucial roles in maintaining global environmental and social systems, contributing significantly to world food production and balancing carbon in the earth-atmosphere system. Monitoring productivity and land cover changes in relation to other environmental variables is essential for understanding global processes and implementing timely actions.
In our study, we analysed environmental changes of Eurasian black soils from 2001 to 2021 using time series remote sensing-based datasets. The Eurasian region is vast and exhibits highly diverse environmental conditions across its different areas; therefore, we conducted our analysis by dividing the region into distinct bioregions. Understanding the factors influencing Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) is crucial for evaluating ecosystem health and productivity under changing environmental conditions. This study investigates the relationship between GPP and various environmental variables across multiple regions, focusing on spatial and temporal dynamics. We examined the following key variables: Fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR), Solar Radiation, Soil Water Content, Temperature, Evaporation, Precipitation, and Vegetation Period.
Results show productivity increases in Chinese and Mongolian black soils, contrasting with significant decreases in large areas of Kazakh black soils. Notably, among countries with extensive black soil coverage, Russia and Ukraine exhibit areas with both declining and increasing productivity trends, reflecting the complex interplay of environmental and agricultural factors within these regions
Our findings indicate that climatic factors predominantly influence both negative and positive productivity trends, while cultivation technology levels also contribute significantly in specific regions. Climate change emerges as the primary driver of land cover change on black soils, with the net loss of croplands being the most alarming trend. This loss displays a scattered spatial pattern across Eurasia but is most prominent in the drying regions of Kazakhstan and Russia.
This research provides valuable insights into the dynamic nature of black soils and emphasizes their relevance to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Ensuring sustainable management of black soils is crucial for addressing food security, mitigating climate change, and promoting sustainable land use practices in the face of ongoing environmental challenges.

How to cite: Csikós, N., Mészáros, J., Takács, K., Szabó, B., Hermann, T., Ivits, É., and Tóth, G.: Black Soils of Eurasia: two-decade environmental analysis (2001-2021), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6230,, 2025.

EGU25-6260 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Recent results in spatiotemporal modelling of soil organic carbon changes in Hungary 

Gábor Szatmári, Annamária Laborczi, Katalin Takács, János Mészáros, András Benő, Sándor Koós, Zsófia Bakacsi, and László Pásztor

The ability of soil to store a large amount of organic carbon (SOC) is one of its most important characteristics, making it an active and indispensable participant in the global carbon cycle. SOC influences various soil related functions and services, such as agricultural productivity, water retention and management, buffering capacity against toxic elements and compounds, which are essential to provide healthy food and clean drinking water. Furthermore, SOC is widely recognized as playing a crucial role in mitigating and addressing various environmental crises and challenges, such as climate change, land degradation, declining biodiversity, water and food security. Consequently, not only soil scientists but also researchers from other disciplines, practitioners, stakeholders, and even policymakers have shown growing interest in information on the spatial and temporal variability of SOC at various scales.

In the past few years, significant efforts have been made in Hungary to predict the spatial, and more recently, the spatiotemporal variability of SOC using various digital soil mapping techniques. Recently, a space-time model of SOC was developed using a combination of machine learning and space-time geostatistics to predict SOC change at point support and various aggregation levels (i.e., 1 × 1 km, 5 × 5 km, 10 × 10 km, 25 × 25 km, counties, and the entire country) for Hungary (Szatmári et al., 2024). This work is based on soil data derived from the Hungarian Soil Information and Monitoring System between 1992 and 2016, as well as spatially and temporally exhaustive environmental covariates. Notably, geostatistics plays a central role by accounting for the spatiotemporal correlation of errors, which is essential for reliably quantifying the uncertainty associated with the aggregated SOC change predictions. The performance of the developed model was assessed using five times repeated 10-fold cross-validation, yielding acceptable results. A series of SOC maps were compiled for the period between 1992 and 2016 for each support, along with the quantified uncertainty, representing a significant advancement in Hungary. Furthermore, the presented methodology can overcome the limitations of recent approaches in spatiotemporal SOC modelling, allowing the prediction of SOC and SOC change, with quantified uncertainty, for any year, time period and spatial scale. This capability addresses current and anticipated demands for dynamic SOC information at both national and international levels.

The aim of this presentation is to outline the methodology developed, to highlight some methodological challenges, to present the resulting maps, and finally, but importantly, to discuss these findings in a broader context.

Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH; grant number: FK-146391) and the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


Szatmári, G., Pásztor, L., Takács, K., Mészáros, J., Benő, A., Laborczi, A., 2024: Space-time modelling of soil organic carbon stock change at multiple scales: Case study from Hungary. Geoderma 451, 117067.

How to cite: Szatmári, G., Laborczi, A., Takács, K., Mészáros, J., Benő, A., Koós, S., Bakacsi, Z., and Pásztor, L.: Recent results in spatiotemporal modelling of soil organic carbon changes in Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6260,, 2025.

Digital soil maps provide important information into the spatial distribution of soil properties, supporting land management decisions and Earth system modeling. This study introduces a novel methodology for creating 30-m digital soil maps across the conterminous United States (CONUS). This approach reduces uncertainties in estimating soil property distribution. The predicted soil properties include soil texture, bulk density, soil hydraulic properties (pedotransfer function-derived), pH, and organic matter - through six standard depth intervals from surface to 2-m depth. Comparative analysis demonstrates improved performance over existing soil products over CONUS.

Our methodology uses a two-step process. First, we have developed a pruned hierarchical Random Forest (pHRF) method to generate prior distributions of each soil property. Key highlights of the pHRF method include: (1) efficient selection of soil covariates, such as Sentinel 1 and 2 satellites and GOES land surface temperature; (2) implementation of a 'moving polygon' algorithm that preserves natural landscape boundaries; (3) incorporation of point-based soil measurements; and (4) development of a pruned hierarchical Random Forest algorithm that reduces uncertainties in estimating soil properties and addressing the inherent imbalance in soil survey data (uneven distribution of soil observation and underrepresented soil classes).

To further enhance the performance of the soil dataset, we also incorporate bias correction as a post-processing process. This process incorporates additional soil profile data to iteratively correct histograms of soil properties at each location. This process continues until the residual variations of soil properties between iterations fall below a predetermined threshold, indicating convergence. Our method leverages the most probable predicted soil property values to correct their distributions while accounting for spatial correlations between different soil property layers. This data-driven approach makes no assumptions about the underlying distribution of soil properties and relies on non-parametric statistical models. The resulting posterior distributions show reduced prediction uncertainties. It also demonstrates reproducibility in the final soil maps. These soil maps provide valuable input for various land management and modeling applications.

How to cite: Xu, C. (. and Chaney, N.: Development of a new 30-m soil properties map over the CONUS using pruned hierarchical Random Forests and iterative bias-correction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7117,, 2025.

EGU25-8659 | Orals | SSS10.6

Predictive mapping of soil textural classes – Digital soil mapping case study across formerly glaciated terrains 

Maarit Middleton, Alireza Hamedianfar, Jonne Pohjankukka, Tapio Väänänen, Jouni Lerssi, Matti Laatikainen, Olli Sallasmaa, Jukka Räisänen, Markus Valkama, Markku Pirttijärvi, Jukka-Pekka Palmu, and Tapio Kananoja

In countries of northern Europe, formerly covered by continental glaciers, soil textural maps are a fundamental source of information for authorities, researchers and non-governmental organizations in the land use sector, environmental conservation and land use planning.  Yet, the small-scale mapping is still incomplete. Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) may provide ways to subjectively and efficiently generalize a low number of field observations into regional or country-wide soil textural maps by utilizing existing DEMs, remote sensing and airborne geophysical data.

We followed a commonly applied national soil textural classification, called RT (9 classes: 1 unsorted, 4 sorted, bedrock outcrops, stones and boulders, peat). Two mapping depths were selected: surface sediment (40‒90 cm) and base sediment (> 90 m). Three study areas (9 km to 18 km in width) covering wide geological variation were selected across the country based on the availability of Surficial deposits maps at 1:20/50 000 scale, and a 2-m-DEM and airborne geophysical datasets with 50‒75 m line spacing and four frequencies of electromagnetic data. The latter raster data were complemented by DEM derivatives, canopy height model (CHM), optical Sentinel-2 and ALOS PalSAR data resulting in a dataset of 253 explanatory features. Because the number field observations of soil texture were low for training and testing of machine learning models, the study areas were combined into one dataset (i.e. field data, surface sediment n=5133, base sediment n=4009). In addition, a complementary ‘pseudo’ reference dataset was extracted from the existing maps with GIS operations (i.e. map data, surface sediment n=9817, base sediment n=10120). We applied supervised classification with random forest (RF), and performed a priori feature selection with genetic algorithm and feature importance evaluation with permutation feature importance.

The overall classification accuracies for the surface sediment classification based on field data was 85.5%, and based on map data 78.1%. For the base sediment classification the respective overall accuracies were 74.6% and 75.6%. Class-specific accuracies were highest for the most common classes with abundant training data, while classes with fewer samples were poorly classified. For example, field data-based analysis revealed that bedrock outcrops and peat achieved the highest accuracies, while sandy till, fine sand, coarse silt, fine silt, and clay, represented by the lowest number of training data, consistently showed lower performance. The feature importance results indicate that DEM and its textural derivatives were the most significant features. However, optical and SAR satellite and radiometric airborne data would also be required for best separation of the soil textural classes if the classification was to be applied across wider areas.

Although these predictive mapping results indicate moderately successful surface sediment and base sediment textural classification, the small size of the study areas and consequent highly unbalanced training sets, poses a limitation for generalization of this study. However, it indicates a potential for successful surface sediment and base sediment textural classification with DSM if applied at regional scale or country-wide. Future studies should explore the applicability of supervised deep learning algorithms to avoid calculating a high number of textural derivatives of the DEM.

How to cite: Middleton, M., Hamedianfar, A., Pohjankukka, J., Väänänen, T., Lerssi, J., Laatikainen, M., Sallasmaa, O., Räisänen, J., Valkama, M., Pirttijärvi, M., Palmu, J.-P., and Kananoja, T.: Predictive mapping of soil textural classes – Digital soil mapping case study across formerly glaciated terrains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8659,, 2025.

EGU25-9429 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Development of a Nationwide Soil Spectrum Library and Digital Soil Assessment Based on Archived Soil Samples Using Pedometrics and Spectral Data 

Kitti Balog, János Mészáros, Zsófia Adrienn Kovács, Szilvia Vass-Meyndt, Sándor Koós, Béla Pirkó, András Szabó, Tibor Tóth, Zoltán Gribovszki, Annamária Laborczi, Zsófia Bakacsi, Péter László, and László Pásztor

Determining soil parameters is essential for rational soil use, sustainable soil management, cost-effective monitoring, and collecting baseline data for targeted soil mapping.
The aim of our research is to perform non-destructive spectroradiometric measurements on the archived soil sample bank of the HUN-REN ATK Institute for Soil Sciences, which includes comprehensive laboratory background data. This initiative seeks to develop a nationwide soil spectrum library that spatially represents the entirety of Hungary’s land cover and soil types, encompassing thousands of data points. This digital database facilitates the identification of correlations between traditionally measured soil properties and spectral characteristics. The ultimate objective is to enable the cost-effective and rapid estimation of certain soil parameters—such as soil organic matter (SOM) content, CaCO3, and pH—that are otherwise difficult, time-consuming, or expensive to measure.

The spectral database is built on two key pillars. The first comprises 5,500 soil samples collected from agricultural lands in 2011–2012 as part of the Hungarian Soil Degradation Observation System (HSDS). The second consists of 2,000 soil samples gathered from tree plantations and control areas (including pastures, fallow lands, and agricultural plots) across the Great Hungarian Plain between 2012–2014. This approach has enabled the successful inclusion of a wide range of land cover types in Hungary, spanning multiple soil layers.

Spectral measurements were performed using an ASD Field Spec 4 spectroradiometer, focusing on the visible–near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Reflectance values were measured across a wavelength range of 350 to 2500 nm, covering 2,151 spectral bands. The recorded reflectance values underwent consistent pre-processing, which included steps such as conversion to absorbance, splice correction, noise reduction, and smoothing. Further, additional data scenarios were generated by applying advanced processing techniques, including standard normal variate (SNV) transformation, detrending, and first- and second-order derivatives.

The relationships between soil properties and soil spectra were analyzed using various machine learning techniques—such as Generalized Linear Models (GLM), Distributed Random Forest (DRF), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), and Deep Learning Neural Networks (DLN)—implemented in an R programming environment using the 'h2o' package.

Initial results based on the HSDS database show that SOM and CaCO3 contents are best estimated using the DRF model with absorbance and first-derivative spectra (R² = 0.705, RMSE = 0.528 for SOM, and R² = 0.632, RMSE = 5.756 for CaCO3). For soil pH estimation, the DLN model achieved an R² of 0.677 and RMSE of 0.483 when using absorbance, second-derivative spectra, and SNV transformation.

Regarding the forestry soil database, preliminary results are presented in this poster, as investigations are still ongoing. These efforts are being supplemented with XRF data, which are expected to enhance estimation accuracy when combined with spectral data.

How to cite: Balog, K., Mészáros, J., Kovács, Z. A., Vass-Meyndt, S., Koós, S., Pirkó, B., Szabó, A., Tóth, T., Gribovszki, Z., Laborczi, A., Bakacsi, Z., László, P., and Pásztor, L.: Development of a Nationwide Soil Spectrum Library and Digital Soil Assessment Based on Archived Soil Samples Using Pedometrics and Spectral Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9429,, 2025.

EGU25-9905 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

LimeSoDa: A Dataset Collection for Benchmarking of Machine Learning Regressors in Digital Soil Mapping  

Jonas Schmidinger, Sebastian Vogel, and Martin Atzmueller

Digital soil mapping (DSM) relies on a broad pool of statistical methods, yet determining the optimal method for a given context remains challenging. Large benchmarking studies are needed to reveal strengths and limitations of commonly used methods. Existing DSM benchmarking studies usually rely on a single dataset with restricted access, leading to incomplete and potentially biased conclusions. To address these issues, we introduce an open-access dataset collection called Precision Liming Soil Datasets (LimeSoDa). LimeSoDa consists of 31 field- and farm-scale datasets. Each dataset has three target soil properties: soil organic matter (SOM) or -carbon (SOC), clay and pH, alongside a set of features. Features are dataset-specific and were derived from spectroscopy, proximal soil sensors and remote sensing. All datasets were processed into a tabular format and are “ready-to-go” for modeling. We demonstrated the use of LimeSoDa for benchmarking by comparing four learning algorithms: multiple linear regression (MLR), support vector regression (SVR), categorical boosting (CatBoost) and random forest (RF) on their predictive power across all datasets of LimeSoDa. The results showed that no learning algorithm was generally superior. MLR and SVR proved to be better for high-dimensional spectral datasets due to better compatibility with principal components. In contrast, CatBoost and RF had considerably stronger performances for all other datasets. These benchmarking results illustrate that the performance of a method can be very context-dependent. Therefore, LimeSoDa provides a crucial data resource for improving the development and evaluation of machine learning methods in DSM and pedoemtrics.

How to cite: Schmidinger, J., Vogel, S., and Atzmueller, M.: LimeSoDa: A Dataset Collection for Benchmarking of Machine Learning Regressors in Digital Soil Mapping , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9905,, 2025.

EGU25-10312 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Advancing Soil Texture Estimation Across Agricultural Soil Types in Austria Using Portable Gamma-Ray Spectrometry 

Yu Cheng, Arsenio Toloza, Modou Mbaye, Jason Mitchell, Hami Said Ahmed, Brenda Trust, Gerd Dercon, Reinhard Neugschwandtner, and Johannes Kemetter

Soil texture plays a fundamental role in influencing water retention, nutrient dynamics, erosion susceptibility, and carbon sequestration, making it essential for sustainable agricultural practices. Accurate monitoring and mapping of soil texture components, such as clay, silt, and sand, are crucial for effective soil and water management. This study explores the potential of combining radionuclide monitoring data and Gamma-Ray Spectrometry (GRS) with quantitative modelling techniques for soil texture estimation, focusing on transferring a predictive model developed in one location to another.

The research builds on work conducted in 2023 at the Hydrological Open-Air Laboratory (HOAL) in Petzenkirchen, Lower Austria, to assess the transferability of a predictive model for soil texture to the experimental farm of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Raasdorf, near Vienna, Austria. Soil sampling campaigns at Petzenkirchen (2023) and Raasdorf (2024) provided input data for the model. Soil texture was analyzed using the PARIO system, which applies the Integral Suspension Pressure (ISP) method, based on Stokes' law, to determine particle size distributions. Portable gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) was used to measure activity concentrations of radionuclides (40K, 232Th, and 238U) at multiple locations in each field, serving as predictors for soil texture components through a Python-based statistical model initially developed in Petzenkirchen.

The integration of GRS data with quantitative modelling revealed critical relationships between radionuclide concentrations and soil texture components. Moderate positive correlations of 232Th (0.59) and 238U (0.72) with silt, and moderate negative correlations with clay (-0.62 and -0.74), indicate that radionuclides preferentially associate with silt-sized particles due to their larger surface area and mineralogical properties. Additionally, a strong inverse relationship between clay and silt (-0.92) reflects their complementary distribution within the soil matrix. Strong correlations were observed between 238U and both silt (R² = 0.8, p = 4.1 × 10⁻⁵) and clay (R² = 0.78, p = 5.6 × 10⁻⁵) demonstrating its predictive potential. These strong associations formed the basis for selecting 238U as a key predictor for soil texture estimation in Raasdorf.

The predictive models from Petzenkirchen were applied to estimate silt and clay content in Raasdorf using 238U as a predictor. The model performed well for silt, achieving a mean error of 10% and an RMSE of 0.07 g, indicating strong agreement between observed and predicted values. However, predictions for clay exhibited greater variability, with a mean error of 25% and an RMSE of 0.28 g. This discrepancy highlights the need for localized calibration to address site-specific differences in soil mineralogy and radionuclide binding affinities between the two fields.

This research demonstrates how integrating radionuclide monitoring with quantitative soil texture modeling provides a scalable and cost-effective approach for digital soil mapping in agricultural landscapes. Future work will refine the model by leveraging advanced GRS data analysis, such as radionuclide ratios (e.g., 238U/232Th) and spatial variability, to improve clay predictions and assess uncertainties in soil property estimations. These efforts aim to enhance the applicability of digital soil mapping for precision agriculture and sustainable land management.

How to cite: Cheng, Y., Toloza, A., Mbaye, M., Mitchell, J., Said Ahmed, H., Trust, B., Dercon, G., Neugschwandtner, R., and Kemetter, J.: Advancing Soil Texture Estimation Across Agricultural Soil Types in Austria Using Portable Gamma-Ray Spectrometry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10312,, 2025.

EGU25-11053 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

DSM for global and continental applications: model applicability, spatial uncertainty and maps assessment   

Laura Poggio, Niels Batjes, Bas Kempen, Giulio Genova, and David Rossiter

Digital Soil mapping (DSM) at continental and global scale provides standardised global information layers. It is also an important tool to create soil information layers for areas for which local soil survey information is lacking. The recent availability of global and continental remote sensing derived products coupled with the ease-of-access to computational resources has made the production of such layers easier across the globe. Therefore, it is ever more important to assess the quality of DSM-derived products, in particular the type of information they can actually provide to users (i.e., fitness for intended use).  

DSM studies commonly assess prediction uncertainty using various approaches, including multiple simulations or quantile random forests. However, this does not encompass all the potential elements that could be used to characterise the uncertainty of a DSM product. In this study we are going to assess maps based also on area of applicability (i.e., the area in covariate space where the model learns about relationships based on the training data) and the landscape heterogeneity both in the landscape itself and in covariate space. 

We present examples of continental and global mapping products, highlighting main uncertainty-related issues and how these influence suitability for intended use by stakeholders, decision makers and users in general at the given resolution. The examples come from a range of projects with different aims and goals. The results permit some practical reflections on how to integrate all the above elements to identify regions where the confidence in the predictions is highest and the associated uncertainty  lowest. We will integrate the practical reflections with information collected from a user survey on requirements and usability of continental and global DSM products. 

How to cite: Poggio, L., Batjes, N., Kempen, B., Genova, G., and Rossiter, D.: DSM for global and continental applications: model applicability, spatial uncertainty and maps assessment  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11053,, 2025.

EGU25-12044 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Regionalization of soil degradation for the support of soil district designation in Hungary 

László Pásztor, Katalin Takács, Gábor Szatmári, Nándor Csikós, Annamária Laborczi, András Benő, Sándor Koós, Kinga Farkas-Iványi, and Zsófia Bakacsi

The introduction of the Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience proposed by the European Parliament and Council is supposed to be preceded by specific preparatory works at Member State level, such as the definition of so-called soil districts together with the development of a soil monitoring system based on the elaborated zonalization. Three subsequent terms of Presidency of the Council of the European Union (Belgian, Hungarian, and Polish) aimed to finalize the concept elaboration and to legislate the Directive, so far without success. As a consequence, final delineation of soil districts could not been elaborated so far. Nevertheless, certain tests were carried out to establish a proper zonalization.

The first drafts of the text of the Directive introduced a set of criteria that seems relatively simple in the legislative formulation, however, their implementation by Member States poses several number of methodological challenges. In the present paper soil health is approached from soil degradation point of view and soil districts from the regionalization of soil degradation respectively, which latter has already been addressed from time to time in the last decades.

In the frame of Land Degradation Mapping Sub-project of PHARE MERA ’92 -, identification, delineation and description of Hungary’s major land degradation regions at 1:500,000 scale were accomplished by building and analyzing a digital land degradation geographic database in the late ‘90s. The applied GIS analysis techniques were mainly based on traditional cartographic methods and had not exploited the opportunities, which were later emerged in DSM.

The former initiative of the Commission of the European Communities by the Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection proposed a comprehensive approach to soil protection with ample freedom on how to implement its requirements on the identification of threats and specific risk areas left to Member States. In 2007, the techniques available at that time provided by DSM together with the renewed interest in spatial delineation of areas endangered by various soil threats were combined for the recompilation of land degradation regions of Hungary. Different levels of specific threats were determined in the form of categories. For the overall characterization of degradation regions, indices were introduced serving as spatial land degradation indicators.

In the last decade the Hungarian soil spatial infrastructure (HSSI) has been renewed, GSM conform digital soil maps on primary together with certain secondary, derived soil properties were elaborated in the frame of DOSoReMI@hu. The work has been continued with the modelling of certain soil functions and (degradation) processes. For the support of Soil District designation all, nationally relevant soil degradation processes have been digitally (re)mapped using specific DSM approaches based on HSSI and relevant spatial environmental ancillary data. The newly (re)complied soil degradation maps have then been submitted to spatial classification procedures to regionalize the processes. The results of the various classification scenarios have been used to produce alternatives for soil districts.

How to cite: Pásztor, L., Takács, K., Szatmári, G., Csikós, N., Laborczi, A., Benő, A., Koós, S., Farkas-Iványi, K., and Bakacsi, Z.: Regionalization of soil degradation for the support of soil district designation in Hungary, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12044,, 2025.

EGU25-12259 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Developing machine learning based models for soil parameters prediction and mapping using Vis-NIR spectroscopic data 

Akos-Etele Csibi, Hans Sanden, Pavel Baykalov, Ruth Pereira, Anabel Cachada, Boris Rewald, and David Perry

The application of Vis-NIR spectroscopy for physico-chemical soil properties estimations, like soil organic carbon, and digital soil mapping for the scopes of enhancing precision agriculture, promote soil carbon sequestration and improve soil health is fastly developing thanks to the use of machine learning algorithms and big data handling.

With our Subterra Green device, developed by S4 Mobile laboratories, a mobile field unit equipped with a visible and near infrared (VNIR) spectrometer and a load cell for measuring probe insertion force, we are able to collect spectroscopic data until 90 cm underground, down to a 1 cm resolution.

As part of the EU founded PHENET project, among many others, one specific scope is to conduct soil surveys among various soil types, including highly fertile chernozems, to less productive gleyic or cambisols. Samples collection for training and testing of machine learning based models, takes place from the humid continental zones of Austria to the temperate oceanic climate of Portugal. Ground-truthing data is verified with laboratory biochemical analysis of the selected soil samples. The ultimate goal would be to estimate important soil parameters in-situ and provide digital soil maps on larger scales (several hectares), providing this with the highest accuracy possible by using pre-processing techniques such as external parameter orthogonalization or direct standardization to correct detrimental effects caused by varying water content, bulk density, soil texture etc.

Developing precise machine learning based models using Vis-NIR spectroscopy and subsequently generating high-resolution digital soil maps leads us to fast, non-destructive and cost-effective monitoring of soil physico-chemical properties over space and time.

How to cite: Csibi, A.-E., Sanden, H., Baykalov, P., Pereira, R., Cachada, A., Rewald, B., and Perry, D.: Developing machine learning based models for soil parameters prediction and mapping using Vis-NIR spectroscopic data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12259,, 2025.

Smart Farming (SF) practices are essential for reducing agricultural impacts on ecosystems while maintaining food security. However, the implementation of SF is often hindered by the lack of high-resolution soil property data. This study addresses this challenge by developing a cloud-based approach to predict soil texture (clay, silt, and sand) using a random forest machine learning model within Google Earth Engine (GEE) at three spatial scales: farm, regional, and national.

The analysis was conducted at four farm sites in the German states of Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (with 355, 321, 392, and 151 topsoil samples), across the eastern part of Brandenburg at the regional scale (1,080 samples), and nationwide across Germany (2,199 samples). Soil data were sourced from smart farming projects and the LUCAS soil database. The datasets were split into 70% for model training and 30% for validation.

The input earth observation (EO) data included optical and radar remote sensing information from Sentinel-1 (S1) and Sentinel-2 (S2) satellites. Vegetation indices, soil indices, and bare soil pixels were calculated from S2 data, while S1 provided radar backscatter values (VV and VH polarizations). Temporal patterns were captured through statistical metrics such as mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation. Finally, the 71 raster datasets at farm scale and 55 raster datasets at regional and national scale were extracted at soil sampling locations and used as covariates in the random forest models. Model performance was evaluated using root mean square error (RMSE). At the farm scale, RMSE values ranged from 4.1% to 5.8% (R2 0.36 to 0.76) for clay, 5.3% to 8.7% (R2 0.35 to 0.51) for silt and 8.9% to 10.9% (R2 0.4 to 0.72) for sand. At the regional scale, RMSE values were 6.4% (R2 0.58) for clay, 6.5% (R2 0.4) for silt, and 10.7% (R2 0.46) for sand. At the national scale, clay predictions remained consistent with an RMSE of 6.9% (R2 0.49), while RMSE values for silt and sand increased to 11.1% (R2 0.51) and 14.8% (R2 0.56), respectively.

Key predictors across scales were S2 bands 11 and 12 (under bare soil conditions), S1 VV and VH backscatter, the VV-VH ratio, and elevation data from the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model. The influence of EO data was highest at farm and regional scales but diminished at the national level.

The developed models, implemented in GEE, can predict topsoil texture (0–30 cm depth) at a resolution of 10 m × 10 m for any arable field in Germany. This approach could help to increase the availability of high-resolution soil data for smart farming applications.

How to cite: Meyer, S. and Marzahn, P.: Cloud-Based Prediction of Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing Data and Machine Learning for Smart Farming Applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13053,, 2025.

EGU25-13467 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Mapping soil organic carbon in European forests under future climate scenarios 

Xiande Ji and Aravind Purushothaman Vellayani

Forest soils play a critical role in the global carbon cycle and in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. However, the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) in European forests and its future dynamics remain unclear. This study applied a digital soil mapping (DSM) approach based on LUCAS soil datasets, using machine learning models to predict SOC’s current and future spatial distribution in European forests. The analysis incorporated sixteen key environmental variables derived from multi-source remote sensing and ecological data, identified through the Boruta feature selection method, highlighting soil properties, climate, and vegetation as the dominant factors shaping SOC distribution. The results revealed that SOC stocks are currently concentrated in northern Europe, the UK, and the Alps, with temperate forests exhibiting a notable increase in SOC stocks as forest age increases. Under the high-emission pathway (SSP585), SOC storage was projected to increase by 2100, particularly in young forests. This study provides a baseline assessment of SOC storage in European forests and insights into its future trends, offering valuable guidance for forest management and carbon sequestration strategies.

How to cite: Ji, X. and Purushothaman Vellayani, A.: Mapping soil organic carbon in European forests under future climate scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13467,, 2025.

EGU25-14247 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Digital mapping of soil particle size fractions across Taiwan 

Chien-Hui Syu and Yu-Ching Lo

Soil particle size fractions (PSF) directly affect the movement and retention of water, nutrients, and air, which are critical for providing optimal conditions for crop growth. This study applies three log-ratio transformation techniques for compositional data: additive log-ratio (ALR), centered log-ratio (CLR), and isometric log-ratio (ILR). Digital soil mapping (DSM) combined environmental covariates (satellite images, terrain features, and climatic data) and machine learning (ML) models (Cubist and random forest (RF)) to create a predictive map for soil particle size distribution across Taiwan. Model accuracy was evaluated using R², root mean squared error (RMSE), Aitchison’s distance (AD), and the right ratio of the predicted soil texture types (RR). The analysis revealed that CLR transformation combined with RF (RF_CLR) had the best performance, with the highest R² values (sand: 0.59, silt: 0.29, clay: 0.51), as well as the lowest RMSE (sand: 16.51%, silt: 10.65%, clay: 8.45%) and AD (0.08). The accuracy of RR (45%) was consistent across different log-ratio transformation methods. The various sampling sizes influence the computational efficiency of the data. Therefore, different sampling sizes were tested for the best-performing combination (RF_ CLR). When the sampling size was less than 50% of the original sampling size (N = 22,000), the prediction performance of PSF showed a significant decline. Our findings can serve as a valuable reference for soil management and crop cultivation planning in Taiwan.

How to cite: Syu, C.-H. and Lo, Y.-C.: Digital mapping of soil particle size fractions across Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14247,, 2025.

EGU25-14774 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon in Namibia Using Google Earth Engine 

Yuri Andrei Gelsleichter, Marina Coetzee, Ádám Csorba, and Erika Micheli

The Namibian Soil Profile Database contains 4960 entries, all samples with geographic coordinates. Each soil property presents a different number of observations, which decreases with depth. To perform the Digital Soil Map of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) up to 30 cm, 1298 sample points were used. The covariates used in the model were composed from land cover, geology, terrain characteristics extracted from the digital elevation model and remote sensing data. Most of the covariates carry 30 m of spatial resolution. The Random Forest model implemented in Google Earth Engine (GEE) was applied with an external validation split of 80/20 %. As the second validation layer, samples from the Namibian tier of the Soils4Africa project were applied. The use of GEE facilitated the generation of a SOC distribution map for Namibia at a spatial resolution of 30 × 30 m. The highest amounts of SOC are stored in the central region of Namibia, with SOC values ranging from 0.1 to 1.9 %. The map is suitable for national and regional decision-making, offering a baseline for determining SOC stocks, monitoring changes in SOC, assessing the effects of bush encroachment/thickening and bush control, and for agriculture implications. Mapping of soil properties in other depths are scheduled for the near future.

How to cite: Gelsleichter, Y. A., Coetzee, M., Csorba, Á., and Micheli, E.: Digital Soil Mapping of Soil Organic Carbon in Namibia Using Google Earth Engine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14774,, 2025.

EGU25-15613 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6 | Highlight

Evaluation of digital maps of top-soil properties compared to large-scale laboratory soil data and synergies towards a better European soils’ delineation.  

Stergia Palli Gravani, Stylianos Gerontidis, Dimitrios Kopanelis, Orestis Kairis, Konstantinos Soulis, and Dionissios Kalivas

Soil maps describe spatial variability by using traditional or predictive soil mapping techniques. Conventional soil maps group soils based on their similar cartographic properties, as on the legendary soil surveys, while digital soil mapping predicts the values of various soil properties through available soil point datasets and geostatistics or other pedometrical techniques. It is expected that both types of soil mapping contain some degree of uncertainty either due to the subjectivity of conventional mapping, which requires a vast amount of pedological knowledge in the field, or due to insufficient number of soil samples and mathematical errors that are underestimated, in geostatistical and pedometrical methods.

Digital maps of top-soil properties provide global and unified coverage without gaps, especially at broad regional scales like countries or continents, which is essential for understanding large-scale processes and cross-border issues. Accurate soil datasets are critical for understanding and managing Earth's vital resources. For instance, in hydrology, these digital maps improve the accuracy of models predicting water runoff, infiltration, and groundwater recharge, while for agriculture, detailed soil information enables precision farming practices, optimizing irrigation, fertilizer application, and crop selection for increased yields and reduced environmental impact. These maps also support broader applications like climate modeling and disaster response.

This study attempts to investigate the representativeness of European-scale soil maps in relation to official national soil data and to outline the conditions for the development of detailed scale soil data that will improve the European soil cartography. Specifically, the study deals with the comparison of six pan-European soil datasets in raster format for four selected soil properties, namely those of top-soil texture, soil organic carbon, pH and CEC with point data coming from detailed soil surveys that were not used for their construction. The gridded datasets are coming from the European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC) while the detailed laboratory data are coming from the soil map of Greece repository covering the agricultural areas of Greece. The European scale soil digital maps were compared with the soil point data (augers and profiles) of the soil map of Greece initially by spatially overlaying the data and extracting the paired values (raster and point) for each soil attribute followed by comparison of the abovementioned soil attributes by using several geospatial, statistical and geostatistical techniques.

The initial results provided a mixed picture with differences between the datasets greatly varying spatially and with differences to be more profound in areas with distinct soil characteristics (e.g. fine soil types). This study highlights the importance of incorporating detailed national soil data to improve the accuracy and reliability of continental-scale digital soil maps, particularly in regions with heterogeneous soil properties. Findings from this research contribute to the development of more robust and reliable global soil datasets by demonstrating the value of multi-source data integration and providing specific recommendations for future mapping initiatives.

How to cite: Palli Gravani, S., Gerontidis, S., Kopanelis, D., Kairis, O., Soulis, K., and Kalivas, D.: Evaluation of digital maps of top-soil properties compared to large-scale laboratory soil data and synergies towards a better European soils’ delineation. , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15613,, 2025.

EGU25-15662 | ECS | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Optimizing Soil Aggregate Stability Predictions with Machine Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Input Variables and spatial transferability 

Deborah Feldmann, Philipp Saggau, Rainer Duttmann, and Michael Kuhwald

Land degradation have become critical environmental issues, leading to reduced soil and water quality and reduced yields in arable lands. Soil aggregate stability (AS) refers to the ability of soil aggregates to resist disintegration or breakdown and thus presents a measure to assess the soils susceptibility to applied forces. Despite its significance, for example in soil erosion processes, spatial data on AS is scarce and only few studies on the spatial behaviour of AS exist, frequently due to the high monetary, work and time expense needed to gain data. 

Machine learning approaches are increasingly used due to their high accuracy when incorporating various co-variables and are already achieving promising results in the field of AS. However, it is often unclear how well these models perform in different environmental conditions and landscapes, particularly outside their training sites.

The aim of this study is to identify and compare the best-performing variables for the soils in two study sites in northern Germany with different environmental conditions and to evaluate if and how well a model, trained on one study site would perform on another. To accomplish this, a total of 500 topsoil samples (250 each) were collected from the two study sites. They were analysed for soil properties, including AS, soil texture, SOC, pH, electrical conductivity. Additionally, a range of topographic indices and additional data (e.g. Crop, geology)  were analysed.

The preliminary results show, that SOC, topographic wetness index (TWI), slope and the fine sand fraction were deemed the best performing variables in the random forest model in study site A. The model achieved an r2 of 0.575 and RMSE 7.992. Analysis of the terrain indices in study site B show channel network base level, aspect and analytical hillshading as the best performing terrain indices. A performance gap of the model would indicate limited transferability, as the model may have overfitted to site A's specific landscape and conditions.  Additional models will be tested to determine which ones transfer more effectively between different sites.

How to cite: Feldmann, D., Saggau, P., Duttmann, R., and Kuhwald, M.: Optimizing Soil Aggregate Stability Predictions with Machine Learning: A Comparative Analysis of Input Variables and spatial transferability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15662,, 2025.

Arsenic contamination in topsoil, primarily geogenic in origin, presents significant public health risks due to its potential accumulation in agricultural products. This study focuses on predicting geogenic arsenic concentrations across European topsoil using machine learning. The analysis integrates geochemical data from the GEMAS (Geochemical Mapping of Agricultural and Grazing Land Soil in Europe) database and 15 environmental variables (climate, geological, soil, and hydrological factors) to create a map predicting the spatial arsenic occurrence at a resolution of 1 km. A threshold of 20 mg/kg was selected based on general European guidelines and its relevance to potential phytotoxicity risks.

A Random Forest (RF) algorithm is developed and applied to model the probability of arsenic exceeding the widely recognized soil guideline value of 20 mg/kg, used in many European countries. To ensure robustness, 100 iterations are performed. Model efficiency is improved through Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), which reduces the number of predictors from 35 to 15 features. Performance is assessed using metrics including Area Under the Curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity. SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) analysis identifies key predictors, including distance to mineral deposits, latitude, and hydrological conditions. The model preliminarily reveals that 9.2% of European grasslands and 3% of croplands, particularly in France and Spain, exceed 20 mg/kg. In areas with elevated arsenic levels, more than 5% of each crop category, including wheat, maize, rapeseed, and fodder crops, is cultivated in potentially hazardous agricultural regions.

The study highlights the important environmental variables for mapping arsenic hotspots and emphasizes the need for regional assessments to better understand arsenic hazards. While it provides an overview of arsenic occurrence in soil across Europe, local geological variability and anthropogenic impacts require further investigation. Further efforts should aim to develop models at regional to national scales to enhance arsenic risk assessments for food safety and public health. This research will strengthen intervention effectiveness and improve the prediction and management of trace element presence in soil across broader regions.


How to cite: Li, K.-Y., Covatti, G., Podgorski, J., and Berg, M.: Spatial Prediction and Assessment of Environmental Drivers of Geogenic Arsenic in European Topsoil: A Machine Learning Approach to Food Safety Risks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16141,, 2025.

EGU25-16820 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Mapping soil diversity in mountain areas in a temperate climate: methods to analyse a complex environment. A case study in the Northern Apennines (Italy) 

William Trenti, Janis Boettinger, Mauro De Feudis, Gilmo Vianello, and Livia Vittori Antisari

Monitoring and evaluating ecosystems and their interactions are essential for the effective management of both natural and agricultural landscapes. Soil, a crucial component of terrestrial ecosystems, is globally acknowledged for its complexity and diversity. It serves as a vital medium where key processes such as nutrient cycling, water regulation, and carbon storage take place. Despite its fundamental role in sustaining biodiversity and delivering critical ecosystem services, soil often receives limited attention in ecological research and environmental policies. Soil formation is a complex process shaped by environmental factors such as climate, organisms, parent material, morphology, and time. The interplay of these factors, along with inherent properties, results in a wide variety of soils across different scales. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools can help analyze these interactions and “unpack the mosaic” that defines a given landscape, thereby aiding soil surveys and data collection in complex environments like mountainous regions. Mountainous areas cover more than a third of Italy’s land area and provide numerous invaluable ecosystem services, from water regulation and carbon storage to recreation, timber, and high-quality food production. They also support diverse habitats and preserve Italy’s historical and cultural heritage. However, climate change, land use changes, and hydrogeological instability present significant threats to mountain ecosystems and the adjacent hills and lowlands, with frequent landslides, floods, and wildfires damaging forests, crops, and communities. Despite their importance, mountain soils in Italy remain poorly understood and largely neglected in environmental policies. With this study, we present a digital soil mapping approach to optimize soil survey campaigns in complex environments, and a Random Forest to transition from the sampled points to the final map. After sampling and soil classification is completed, a set of remotely sensed and topographic covariates related to soil forming factors is selected. A subset of covariates is chosen by recursively eliminating the least performing layers, and is then used to perform an iterative Random Forest which yields the final map. This method not only delivers accurate results for this study area, but it also provides important information regarding the intensity with which soil forming factors affect it. It can also be used to plan new sampling campaigns in unsurveyed areas, making it a powerful tool in the whole process of soil mapping in mountainous environments, which is fundamental to provide useful information and directions for the management of these vulnerable but critically important lands.

How to cite: Trenti, W., Boettinger, J., De Feudis, M., Vianello, G., and Vittori Antisari, L.: Mapping soil diversity in mountain areas in a temperate climate: methods to analyse a complex environment. A case study in the Northern Apennines (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16820,, 2025.

EGU25-18418 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Enhancing Soil Fertility Mapping with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Advanced AI: A Comparative Study of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Morocco 

Nadir Elbouanani, Ahmed Laamrani, Ali El-Battay, Hicham Hajji, Mohamed Bourriz, Francois Bourzeix, Hamd Ait Abdelali, Abdelhakim Amazirh, and Abdelghani Chehbouni

As global food demand increases, farming systems experience heightened pressure to enhance productivity on limited arable land. In Africa, including Morocco, smallholder farms are particularly susceptible to climate variability, soil degradation, and suboptimal farming practices, resulting in yield gaps—the disparity between actual and potential yields under optimal conditions. In Morocco, yield variability is significantly influenced by soil fertility, irrigation, and climate. Consequently, quantitative assessment and mapping of key soil fertility indicators at the field scale are essential for improving yields. Remote sensing data, particularly hyperspectral imagery, presents a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative to traditional soil mapping methods. However, its potential for providing detailed local-scale soil information in Africa remains underexplored. This study utilizes high-resolution PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa) hyperspectral imagery and laboratory-analyzed soil samples to map four key soil properties—cation exchange capacity (CEC), soil organic matter (SOM), available phosphorus (P₂O₅), and exchangeable potassium (K₂O)—in the Ain el Orma agricultural area on the Saïss plateau, Morocco. Despite the advantages of hyperspectral sensors, their high processing complexity, due to redundant or correlated spectral bands, can impede machine learning model accuracy. This study compares the performance of traditional and advanced machine learning algorithms combined with dimensionality reduction techniques—PCA, UMAP, and RFE. Six well-established algorithms (XGBoost, Gradient Boosting, PLSR, SVR, and Random Forest) were evaluated as an initial step in the artificial intelligence workflow, yielding weak to moderate results. For SOM (%), the utilization of RFE resulted in the optimal performance with a substantial improvement in R² from 0.30 (PCA) to 0.36, while the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) decreased from 0.52 to 0.39%. Furthermore, the Ratio of Performance to Interquartile Range (RPIQ) for SOM (%) also increased from 1.58 (PCA) to 2.10. In the case of P₂O₅ (mg/kg), PCA emerged as the superior method, yielding an R² of 0.38 compared to 0.37 for RFE and -0.01 for UMAP. The RMSE decreased from 11.92 (RFE) to 11.82. For K₂O (mg/kg), PCA again proved to be the optimal method, with an R² improving to 0.13 from -0.29 with RFE and remaining superior to UMAP's 0.19. The RMSE decreased from 107.33 (RFE) to 88.51%, and the RPIQ increased from 1.50 to 1.82. Lastly, for CEC (meq/100g), PCA delivered the most accurate predictions, improving the R² to 0.68 from 0.60 (RFE) and 0.21 (UMAP). The RMSE was reduced significantly from 2.08 (RFE) to 1.88%, while the RPIQ increased from 2.47 to 2.73. These initial findings underscore the importance of feature selection and dimensionality reduction for developing robust models for soil property estimation using hyperspectral data. 
Additionally, this study aims to propose advanced innovative AI models capable of enhancing the accuracy of soil maps. In conclusion, the anticipated results are expected to support the creation of accurate soil maps, necessary for spatialized analysis of wheat yield variability using hyperspectral remote sensing imagery, thus contributing to food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

How to cite: Elbouanani, N., Laamrani, A., El-Battay, A., Hajji, H., Bourriz, M., Bourzeix, F., Ait Abdelali, H., Amazirh, A., and Chehbouni, A.: Enhancing Soil Fertility Mapping with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Advanced AI: A Comparative Study of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Morocco, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18418,, 2025.

EGU25-19331 | Orals | SSS10.6

Remote monitoring of Soil Health: Insights into the impacts of biomineralization applications to build soil health 

Nichola Knox, Jacqueline McGlade, Chris Lakey, Kym Kruse, and Nigel Sharp

Soils are the largest terrestrial carbon store on the planet. However, it is estimated that soils have lost 8% of their carbon content since human farming began. Around the world, agricultural soils are highly degraded and are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.


Soil carbon content is a good proxy for soil health. Healthy soils are more resilient to climate shocks, achieve high yield to input ratios, produce nutrient rich food, as well as making the soil a net carbon sink. From a climate change perspective as well as a food security perspective, there is growing interest in rebuilding soil health, requiring effective measurement and monitoring.


Traditionally, measuring soil carbon relies on in-situ sampling.  This is expensive and labour intensive and so encourages low density sampling and infrequent repeat measurements.   However, through a remote digital soil mapping (DSM) approach combining globally available sampling, environmental data - aligned with SCORPAN and remote sensing data we have developed a methodology which enables monitoring soil health in response to interventions and practices for example, biomineralization applications, or cropping rotations.


Using the Downforce digital twin approach, which has been calibrated globally, and validated within the case study areas, we will present a set of case studies in which we remotely monitor variable biomineralization applications over more than 10,000ha, under varying farming practices (livestock and cropping) in Victoria, Australia.  The case studies provide evidence that the applied biofertilizer, which is designed to catalyse non-labile minerals and nutrients present in the soil into labile forms, not only improve soil health but also increase nutrient density in crops and livestock.  The potential of this DSM approach to provide near-real time insights at hyperlocal to landscape scales is unique and is enabling transformative and adaptive management in conservation and agriculture, at a fraction of the cost of in-situ sampling.

How to cite: Knox, N., McGlade, J., Lakey, C., Kruse, K., and Sharp, N.: Remote monitoring of Soil Health: Insights into the impacts of biomineralization applications to build soil health, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19331,, 2025.

EGU25-19804 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Derivation of robust moisture regime indicator maps in Alpine forests considering climate change – balancing uncertainty by multi-algorithm ensembles 

Tobias Huber, Thomas Zieher, Alois Simon, Josef Gadermaier, and Klaus Klebinder

Rising temperatures and drier conditions due to climate change will force Alpine forests towards their ecological limits. For an informed decision on climate-smart tree species composition, we need area-wide information about the current and future moisture regime in forest areas. For this task, soil-vegetation-atmosphere transport (SVAT) models in combination with digital mapping techniques have proven useful tools. However, depending on the selected mapping algorithm (e.g. random forest - RF, generalized additive models - GAM, neural networks - NN) and the selected train-/test-split of the input data, resulting maps can vary considerably. The method of splitting the dataset into training and test subsets can significantly impact model performance and spatial predictions, particularly when imbalanced data is present. Such imbalances in specific training/test splits can lead to inconsistencies in model development and their resulting spatial predictions. For generating maps that represent the moisture regime under current and future climate conditions, spatial consistency and reproducibility are crucial. Models must produce robust spatial patterns that are not merely artifacts of a single training/test split but reflect reliable and consistent predictions. 

First, we use a lumped, physically-based SVAT model (LWF-Brook90) for reproducing the moisture regime at 2009 mapped forest sites in Tyrol and Vorarlberg (Austria). We parameterized the model with the individual soil characteristics at the sites, while considering a generic beech forest stand for sake of comparability between the sites. Based on interpolated meteorological observations and bias-corrected climate projections, we derived components of the water balance under current (1991-2020) and future conditions (2036-2065, 2071-2100) on a daily resolution. As an indicator for the moisture regime, the transpiration deficit (Tdef; i.e. the difference between potential and actual transpiration) was identified. 

Using digital soil mapping techniques, we generate maps of the mean annual Tdef sum for the selected periods, incorporating geomorphometric and climate-related covariates. Feature selection is conducted using RF (based on feature importance) across multiple training/test splits, selecting the most commonly chosen features to build RF and NN models. GAM, by contrast, employs a smaller, expert-based set of covariates for improved interpretability. To ensure robustness, multiple runs are performed for each algorithm. Forming ensemble means prevents random biases from imbalanced training data, while deviation maps help identifying uncertainties in the mapping process. 

Statistical metrics (e.g., R², RMSE) on an independent validation set reveal greater variation within a single algorithm than between different algorithms, complicating the identification of a "better" approach. To address this, we propose a weighted ensemble approach that accounts for performance on independent validation data, enabling reliable and spatially consistent outcomes. The resulting maps will aid in identifying suitable tree species under future climate conditions at the slope scale. 


This work was carried out within the WINALP21 project, funded by the INTERREG VI-A program (grant number BA0100020). 

How to cite: Huber, T., Zieher, T., Simon, A., Gadermaier, J., and Klebinder, K.: Derivation of robust moisture regime indicator maps in Alpine forests considering climate change – balancing uncertainty by multi-algorithm ensembles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19804,, 2025.

EGU25-19828 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Mapping plant-available phosphorus at the field scale using targeted sampling, sensors, and geostatistics 

Anders Bjørn Møller, Mogens H. Greve, Ingeborg Frøsig Pedersen, Leif Knudsen, and Camilla Lemming

Accurate spatial soil information at the field scale is critical for sustainable land management and environmental modeling. This research investigates methods for mapping plant-available phosphorus by integrating sensor technologies, targeted sampling strategies, and geostatistical approaches.

Field-scale soil mapping in Denmark typically employs a uniform 100-meter sampling grid with interpolation to estimate soil properties. This study explores the potential of targeted sampling informed by proximal and remote sensing technologies, terrain variables, and existing national-scale soil maps. The sensor technologies evaluated include electromagnetic induction (EMI), gamma-ray sensors, and aerial imagery. Although these sensors are widely applied to assess soil texture and organic carbon content, their application in phosphorus mapping is relatively novel. The study relies on data from seven fields located in Weichselian morainic landscapes in Denmark. The fields covered 4 – 37 ha each and mainly comprised loam and sandy loam soils.

Targeted sampling strategies were designed using k-means clustering. We used measurements of Olsen P as a proxy for plant-available phosphorus, which was then mapped using Gaussian Process Regression. The performance of sensor-informed approaches was compared to methods based on spatial coverage sampling and interpolation. Each method was tested with different numbers of soil samples used for calibration.

At the field level, Olsen P was found to have a moderate to strong positive correlation with organic matter. The values were generally higher in topographic depressions and areas with darker soils in the aerial images. Variogram analyses indicated that phosphorus measurements exhibit spatial autocorrelation with effective ranges of 23 to 167 meters in different fields, highlighting opportunities to optimize sampling strategies based on site-specific spatial variability.

Mapping accuracy improved with increased sampling density in both sensor-based and conventional approaches; however, sensor-derived covariates provided significant accuracy gains. The sensor-based methods generally achieved accuracies that were unattainable by conventional approaches, irrespective of the sampling density. The sensor-based methods also stayed effective with low sampling densities (less than 0.5 samples ha-1), which was not the case without sensors.

This study highlights the potential of combining spatial geostatistics with sensor-based approaches to improve phosphorus mapping. The results demonstrate that such integration can reduce sampling density requirements while enhancing phosphorus mapping precision, offering a cost-effective and scalable solution for field-scale nutrient management.

How to cite: Møller, A. B., Greve, M. H., Pedersen, I. F., Knudsen, L., and Lemming, C.: Mapping plant-available phosphorus at the field scale using targeted sampling, sensors, and geostatistics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19828,, 2025.

EGU25-19972 | Orals | SSS10.6

Digital soil assessment – enhancing the provisional Agricultural Land Classification Map for England  

Caroline Keay, Kriti Mukherjee, Joanna Zawadzka, and Jaqueline Hannam

Agricultural Land Classification (ALC) for England provides an assessment of the quality of agricultural land by determining physical and chemical limitations to agricultural production. It distinguishes six grades of land based on climate, topography and soil characteristics of a site.  The original "Provisional" ALC map was created during the 1960s-70s before the National Soil Map was created, plus new guidelines were introduced in 1988. A new "Predictive" ALC map has now been produced following the 1988 guidelines and drawing on not only the National Soil Map at 1:250,000 scale but also more recent detailed soil mapping that covers some 25% of the country. Whilst this new Predictive ALC map benefits from geospatial representations of ALC within a GIS environment, the map is produced solely by combination of reclassified parameters, it has boundary artefacts and missing nuances in soil information and climate  that can affect the decision making about ALC at a local level. Digital Soil Mapping, through its capability to leverage machine learning methods, can capture the intricate nonlinear relationships between ALC and input climate, soil, and topographic variables, thereby enhancing the existing methods for directly predicting soil function for agricultural production through ALC. In this study, an alternative ALC map for England was produced by leveraging the detailed soil maps and boosted classification trees. Nine climate features, four soil features, and 17 topographic features were used as predictors and stratified random sampling technique was used to extract the training data from detailed soil maps. We achieved 76% accuracy on training and 74% on validation and testing data and applied the model to generate ALC for the whole country. Comparison to the predictive ALC map revealed some grade changes and improved continuity of ALC grades in some areas and an estimate of the uncertainty that was not available to users of the provisional map. Spatially explicit assessment of uncertainty allows for the efficient allocation of resources for additional soil surveys needed to improve portions of the predictive ALC map, which is one of the primary advantages of using digital soil mapping approaches in soil assessment.  

How to cite: Keay, C., Mukherjee, K., Zawadzka, J., and Hannam, J.: Digital soil assessment – enhancing the provisional Agricultural Land Classification Map for England , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19972,, 2025.

EGU25-19986 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

Using a combined topsoil dataset from two soil monitoring systems to create predicted soil-physical property maps and comparing them with the predicted maps of the original datasets 

András Benő, Gábor Szatmári, Annamária Laborczi, Mihály Kocsis, Zsófia Bakacsi, and László Pásztor

The constant and detailed monitoring of soil properties is crucial for having an up-to-date status of the health of our soils. This requires sufficient sampling points to meaningfully and accurately represent the soils of a whole country. Topsoil datasets can be very different regarding point density, spatial distribution and representativity. Soil sampling is also very cost- and labour-intensive, which is why combining existing national and international datasets is an efficient way to create larger datasets for the creation of accurate soil property maps. In the case of Hungary, these datasets were the Hungarian subset of the topsoil dataset of the Land Use/Cover Area frame Survey (LUCAS) and the Hungarian Soil Monitoring and Information System (SIMS). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether combining harmonized soil data from different soil monitoring systems improves the quality and accuracy of the predicted soil property maps.

The physical soil properties (sand-, silt-, and clay content) were harmonized by converting the SIMS dataset to a uniform 0-20 cm depth using mass preserving splines and matching the particle size limit of the LUCAS dataset (FAO/WRB) to the SIMS dataset (USDA). After the harmonization the two datasets were merged together and Additive Log Ratio transformation was used to assure that the particle fractions add up to 100%. This resulted in y1 and y2 values which were used in Random Forest Kriging to create the predicted maps. These maps were converted back to sand-, silt-, and clay content maps. The same procedure was applied to the LUCAS and SIMS datasets resulting in their respective sand-, silt-, and clay-content maps. The particle maps of the combined dataset were compared directly to the SIMS and LUCAS particle maps using linear regression. The quality of the predicted maps were measured and compared. Soil texture maps were created from the particle fractions using the USDA soil texture triangle. The soil texture map of the combined dataset was directly compared to the LUCAS and SIMS soil texture maps using the taxonomic distance between the predicted values of the map pairs. The result of the study show, that the quality and accuracy of the combined datasets’ predicted soil property maps were only slightly better than the maps predicted by LUCAS and slightly worse than the maps predicted by the SIMS dataset. This lead us to conclude that merging datasets alone won’t improve the quality of the soil property maps and that different approaches are required.

How to cite: Benő, A., Szatmári, G., Laborczi, A., Kocsis, M., Bakacsi, Z., and Pásztor, L.: Using a combined topsoil dataset from two soil monitoring systems to create predicted soil-physical property maps and comparing them with the predicted maps of the original datasets, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19986,, 2025.

EGU25-20163 | ECS | Orals | SSS10.6

A new digital soil mapping approach based on the adjacency effect 

Asim Biswas and Solmaz Fathololoumi

Accurate soil mapping is crucial for agriculture, land, ecosystem and environmental management. Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) is one of the most conventional and widely used methods for mapping soil. This study introduces a novel strategy for DSM by incorporating the neighborhood effect of environmental covariates (ECs), aiming to enhance mapping accuracy of soil properties. The research focused on modeling organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, and pH in southern Canada using 18 ECs derived from the Soil Landscapes of Canada dataset and satellite imagery. Two strategies were compared: a conventional approach using standard ECs, and a proposed method incorporating neighboring ECs through Inverse Distance Weighting. Both strategies employed Gaussian Process Regression for modeling. Results demonstrated significant improvements in accuracy using the proposed strategy. Mean absolute errors were reduced by 32%, 36%, 28%, and 14% for organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, and pH, respectively. The proposed method also decreased the coverage of high-error areas and improved R² values across all soil properties. Moreover, mean uncertainty in soil property modeling decreased by 3.4% to 3.9% using the proposed strategy. This study highlights the importance of considering spatial context in DSM through neighborhood effects. The proposed strategy offers a more nuanced and accurate approach to soil property modeling, with potential applications extending beyond soil science to other environmental mapping domains. These improvements in soil mapping accuracy have significant implications for sustainable land management, precision agriculture, and environmental conservation.

How to cite: Biswas, A. and Fathololoumi, S.: A new digital soil mapping approach based on the adjacency effect, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20163,, 2025.

EGU25-20245 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Application of machine learning-based pedotransfer functions to produce large-scale maps of particle size fractions using big legacy data 

Mihály Kocsis, Piroska Kassai, Gábor Szatmári, András Makó, János Mészáros, Annamária Laborczi, Zoltán Magyar, Katalin Takács, Brigitta Szabó, and László Pásztor

Spatially detailed quantitative data regarding soil physical/hydraulic properties is in high demand for a range of modeling applications. EU-SoilHydroGrids has demonstrated its utility at the European level. HU-SoilHydroGrids, has been developed for the whole area of Hungary at 100 m spatial resolution with several enhancements in its elaboration process. A further step toward larger spatial resolution is based on NATASA (Hungarian acronym for Profile-level Database of Hungarian Large-Scale Soil Mapping) initiative to produce large-scale 3D Soil Hydraulic Databases (LS-HU-SoilHydroGrids).

Digitial processing of the soil observation records of the still available soil observation legacy data originating from large-scale surveys carried out in Hungary between the 60s and 90s was firstly finalized for the watershed of the Lake Balaton in order to support hydrological modelling studies on the catchment. The digitized soil observations are firstly used in digital mapping of primary soil properties at a scale of 25 meters, which DSM products then will be similarly adapted as the 100 m resolution products for the derivation of soil hydraulic property predictions down to 2 meters for six standard GSM soil depth layers, thus providing the “Balaton watershed LS-HU-SoilHydroGrids”.

Prior to step forward particle size fractions (i.e., sand, silt, and clay contents) were targeted to be mapped in a case study based since NATASA includes information on soil taxonomy and basic soil chemical and physical properties, but no direct information on sand, silt and clay content, only an indirect parameter, namely, the upper limit of soil plasticity. Since particle size distribution is not only crucial for assessing soil degradation, hydrology and fertility, but also a basic information to model the planned hydraulic properties, we developed pedotransfer functions (PTFs) to compute the particle size distribution from the soil properties available in the NATASA dataset (1,372 soil profiles). The PTFs were trained and tested on the Hungarian Detailed Soil Hydrophysical Database (3,970 soil profiles) using random forest method. For the prediction model, i) additive log-ratio transformed clay, silt and sand content were used as the dependent variables, and ii) the upper limit of soil plasticity, soil type, calcium carbonate content, organic matter content and pH were included as independent variables. The results indicate that the R² values of the PTFs are 0.69 for clay, 0.58 for silt, and 0.74 for sand content. Since the NATASA database contains soil information from different depths, we splined the data into six standard depth layers (0–5, 5–15, 15–30, 30–60, 60–100 and 100–200 cm depths). The spatial modelling was performed by random forest kriging (RFK) using environmental auxiliary variables. The R2 values of the RFK models range from 0.19 to 0.67 for clay content, from 0.49 to 0.62 for silt content and from 0.69 to 0.74 for sand content.


Acknowledgement: This work has been carried out within the framework of the Széchenyi Plan Plus program with the support of the RRF 2.3.1 21 2022 00008 project and the Sustainable Development and Technologies National Programme of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

How to cite: Kocsis, M., Kassai, P., Szatmári, G., Makó, A., Mészáros, J., Laborczi, A., Magyar, Z., Takács, K., Szabó, B., and Pásztor, L.: Application of machine learning-based pedotransfer functions to produce large-scale maps of particle size fractions using big legacy data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20245,, 2025.

EGU25-21923 | Posters on site | SSS10.6

Estimation of basic soil properties in alpine areas using a Bayesian Regression Model 

Florian Darmann, Monika Kumpan, irene Schwaighofer, Peter Strauss, and Thomas Weninger

The understanding of soil characteristics in alpine regions is crucial for the comprehension of infiltration or runoff dynamics. However, the estimation of soil properties in these areas poses significant challenges, which can be attributed to the complexity of the terrain, the variability of microclimates, or the limited accessibility. The existing database on soil properties in these regions is currently insufficient, so there is an urgent need for alternative approaches to reliably predict the basic soil properties.

We employed Bayesian Regression Models (BRMS) to predict basic soil properties, including soil texture and organic carbon content. This method combines environmental covariates derived from remote sensing data and digital elevation models (DEMs) with prior knowledge about the various alpine soil types and their associated properties in order to enhance the accuracy of predictions in these heterogeneous landscapes. This approach accounts for spatial variability and uncertainty, producing robust estimations of key soil properties, even with limited field observations. The results demonstrate significant spatial variability in soil properties, influenced by factors such as altitude, slope, and vegetation cover.

This study combines traditional statistical approaches with domain expertise, thereby facilitating enhanced soil property estimation in challenging environments. The methodology provides a machine learning framework for similar applications in other remote or heterogeneous regions with limited data. It contributes to global initiatives focused on the comprehensive assessment of soil quality and the implementation of environmentally land management practices.

How to cite: Darmann, F., Kumpan, M., Schwaighofer, I., Strauss, P., and Weninger, T.: Estimation of basic soil properties in alpine areas using a Bayesian Regression Model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21923,, 2025.

EGU25-1437 | Posters on site | AS2.3

Estimating Ground Heat Flux from Net Radiation 

Cheng-I Hsieh and Supattra Visessri

Ground heat flux may play an important role in surface energy balance. In this study we evaluate the performance of the objective hysteresis model (OHM) for estimating ground heat flux from net radiation and compare it with the linear regression model. The experimental sites include residential roofs (concrete), campus grassland, agricultural grassland, and peat bog. Our field measurements show that the mean partition coefficient from net radiation to ground heat flux varied from 0.47 (concrete roof) to 0.079 (agricultural grassland). The mean hysteresis (lag) factors for residential roof, campus grassland, and peat bog were 0.55, 0.26, and 0.11 h, respectively; and the hysteresis factor at the agricultural site was only 0.032 h. However, the partition and hysteresis coefficients in the OHM were found to vary with time for the same surface. Our measurements and analysis show that when the hysteresis factor is larger than 0.11 h, ground heat flux estimates from net radiation can be improved (17–37% reduction in the root mean square error) by using OHM instead of a simple linear regression model.

How to cite: Hsieh, C.-I. and Visessri, S.: Estimating Ground Heat Flux from Net Radiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1437,, 2025.

The Tibetan Plateau (TP) greatly affects climate and environment systems over Asian through the lower atmospheric mass/energy transfer processes. However, the lower atmospheric processes were not clearly understood due to the limitation of observational data, especially over the TP mountain regions. Observations and model simulations suggested a distinguished land-air transfer and vertical structure over the TP mountain regions, which largely differ from those over plateau flat regions. An inhomogeneous distributions are also found in the land-air exchange processes over the whole TP regions, and a new high-resolution dataset are consequently constructed and developed, under the consideration of different TP climate classification.

How to cite: Zhou, L.: Observational Studies on the Land-air Exchange Processes over the Tibetan Mountain, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1539,, 2025.

EGU25-1695 | Orals | AS2.3

Continuous measurements of O2:CO2 flux exchange ratios above a cropland in central Germany 

Christian Markwitz, Edgar Tunsch, Andrew Manning, Penelope Pickers, and Alexander Knohl

The O2:CO2 exchange ratio of land-atmosphere fluxes (ER) can be used to identify sources and sinks of CO2 in land ecosystems. During photosynthesis, the O2:CO2 ER at the leaf level is approximately -1 mol mol-1, reflecting the uptake of one mole of CO2 associated with the release of one mole of O2. However, the ER at the level of entire ecosystems is largely unknown.

Here we present a unique dataset of two years of continuous O2 and CO2 flux measurements at the agricultural FLUXNET site Reinshof (51°29'24.0"N, 9°55'55.2"E, DE-Rns) near Göttingen, Germany, in 2023 and 2024. Fluxes were calculated using flux-gradient approaches with air sampled from three inlets situated at 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 m above ground. Dry mole fractions of O2 and CO2 were measured using a modified Oxzilla II differential oxygen analyzer (Sable Systems, USA) and a Li-820 CO2 infrared gas analyser (LiCor Biosciences, USA), respectively.

The results show that O2 and CO2 mole fractions and net O2 and CO2 fluxes were strongly anticorrelated. The O2:CO2 flux ER showed a distinct annual cycle, with values around -1.5 mol mol-1 under bare soil conditions and -1.1 mol mol-1 during the main growing season when sugar beet (2023) and winter wheat (2024) was grown, respectively. An influence from anthropogenic emissions was observed during the winter with stable atmospheric stratification, when winds originated from the city centre of Göttingen or the nearby road. The longer vegetation period of sugar beet in 2023 was well reflected by extended O2 release and CO2 uptake, as well as ERs at around -1.1 mol mol-1.

In conclusion, the O2:CO2 ER of a cropland showed considerable seasonal variability, which offers the opportunity to use O2 flux measurements as a tracer of the carbon cycle.

How to cite: Markwitz, C., Tunsch, E., Manning, A., Pickers, P., and Knohl, A.: Continuous measurements of O2:CO2 flux exchange ratios above a cropland in central Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1695,, 2025.

EGU25-2935 | Posters on site | AS2.3

Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil heat flux estimation 

Darren Drewry and James Cross

Soil heat flux (SHF) is a key component of the surface energy balance and a driver of soil physiochemical and biological processes. Despite its importance accurate estimation of soil heat flux is hindered due to variations in soil composition, overlying vegetation density and phenology, and highly variable environmental forcings. These factors have challenged the development of robust models of SHF, with modeling studies focused on mid-day conditions corresponding to satellite overpass times, missing the significant variability that occurs throughout diurnal periods across a growing season. Here we assess the performance of ensemble machine learning modeling for predicting soil heat flux at half-hourly resolution for multiple agro-ecosystems. Observations span a wide range of phenological and climatological variability over a complete growing season. We utilized the random forest machine learning (ML) approach to develop a wide range of models utilizing combinations of predictor variables that include widely-available meteorological conditions and proximal remote sensing observations of reflectance indices and land surface temperature (LST). The performance of the ML models developed here was compared to a set of six semi-empirical soil heat flux models developed around the use of remote sensing information. The random forest ML ensembles demonstrated a general ability to significantly outperform the six semi-empirical models in capturing diurnal variations across the growing season for each of the four crops examined here (soybean, corn, sorghum and miscanthus). We found ML models using the complete set of meteorological and remote sensing predictors captured over 90% of the variability in SHF across all crops. ML models using only LST and NDVI as predictors were able to capture over 82% of SHF variability across all crops. Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) methods were examined to allow for model interpretability, providing insights into the typically opaque ML modeling process. From a set of seven observation variables an exhaustive search was performed to identify predictor attributions for each of the four crops examined here. Models trained with fewer input variables tended to display more linear and interpretable feature attribution, suggestive of physical consistency. LST and air temperature were often the most crucial predictors when present due to high correlation with soil heat flux, with NDVI the next most crucial predictor due to its ability to quantify canopy density and phenological status. These results suggest that robust and accurate soil heat flux estimations can be made at high-temporal resolution purely through simple proximal remote sensing observations and widely available meteorological observations.

How to cite: Drewry, D. and Cross, J.: Ensemble machine learning for interpretable soil heat flux estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2935,, 2025.

EGU25-3154 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Exploring Forest-Atmosphere Interactions Under Heat Extremes in a Semi-Arid Region  

Yotam Menachem, Leehi Magaritz-Ronen, Eyal Rotenberg, Lior Hochman, Shira Raveh-Rubin, and Dan Yakir

The potential effects of desert plantations, such as those used for climate change mitigation, during extreme heat waves remain an important and unresolved question. While the influence of large-scale surface heterogeneity, such as land-sea distribution and mountain ranges on weather, is well established and incorporated in operational numerical weather prediction models, the impact of smaller-scale heterogeneities remains uncertain. Specifically, the interplay between the synoptic forcing and the arising effects of mesoscale interactions is not yet fully understood.  

The Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East face intensified heat and drought due to climate change, impacting regional weather and local ecosystems. Semi-arid forests, such as the Yatir pine forest on the edge of the Negev Desert, provide a unique lens through which to study land surface-atmosphere feedback, particularly under extreme heat events. 

Ongoing studies show that due to high incoming solar radiation and its low albedo, the Yatir Forest net radiation is higher than in any other eco-regions, balanced by a large sensible heat flux. Thus, the resulting cooler surface suppresses the emission of longwave radiation compared with the surrounding warmer shrubland. The thermal contrast between the forest and the surrounding shrubland can also result in the development of secondary circulations within the PBL. The combined effects of these processes significantly modify the surface-atmosphere energy exchange, can affect the forest microclimate, and, if extended to a larger scale, could potentially impact regional weather and climate.

This research investigates the interactions between the Yatir Forest and the atmosphere under dry heat extremes, focusing on mechanisms driving radiation dynamics, energy fluxes, and local circulations. Our approach combines in-situ measurements from the Yatir Forest, atmospheric reanalysis data, Lagrangian analysis, and high-resolution simulations using the ICON numerical weather prediction model. Through a series of numerical forest configuration experiments incorporating forest-atmosphere feedback, we examine the potential of semi-arid afforestation to influence boundary layer dynamics, exploring the implications for local and potentially regional moderation of extreme climatic events and sustainable land use. We incorporate the concept of the canopy convector effect for semi-arid regions to demonstrate the sensitivity of the numerical results to surface parameters and synoptic conditions causing heat waves.  

  • Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (

How to cite: Menachem, Y., Magaritz-Ronen, L., Rotenberg, E., Hochman, L., Raveh-Rubin, S., and Yakir, D.: Exploring Forest-Atmosphere Interactions Under Heat Extremes in a Semi-Arid Region , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3154,, 2025.

Open-path (OP) infrared gas analyzers (IRGA) are widely used for CO2 eddy covariance flux measurements in diverse ecosystems, including in arid desert environments. These high sensible heat and low CO2 flux conditions can lead to a systematic bias in the estimation of the carbon exchange. Numerous studies using both open- and closed-path IRGAs report large overestimates of CO2 uptake in the OP measurements, which persists for all seasons and is not driven by biological activity, but rather by instrumentation artefacts. Despite the attempts to address these biases, their origin and the appropriate correction approaches remain unresolved. Sensor-path heat exchange has been considered as a potential source of the bias. Consequently, later models OP gas analyzers have eliminated the self-heating effects, yet they still exhibit apparent CO2 uptake. In this study we consider the influence of ambient air temperature on the absorption in the CO2 spectral band typically used in non-dispersive broadband IRGAs as the source of the bias. We show the results from simulations of infrared transmission in the CO2 spectral band using high resolution molecular transmission (HITRAN) database.  We evaluated the temperature sensitivity of an IRGA by simulating integrated absorption spectra for a typical interference optical filter with a 100 nm passband where the CO2 density was kept constant, and the gas mixture temperature was varied between 244 and 385 K. The data show that if the absorption is not corrected for temperature of the air in the optical sensing path a bias is introduced. The bias causes underestimation of CO2 density at warmer temperatures and overestimation of CO2 density at low temperatures. We conclude that OP gas analyzer measurements need to be corrected for the effects of changes in air temperature in the sensing path. We demonstrate that the correction is not universal, but rather instrument specific and depends on the actual pass band of the specific interference filter used.

How to cite: Bogoev, I.: Addressing a sensible heat bias in open-path eddy covariance carbon dioxide flux measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4594,, 2025.

EGU25-5075 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

High-resolution monitoring of CO2/O2 transport in recharge wells 

Ehud Lavner, Avner Gross, and Elad Levintal

The Earth's surface forms a dynamic boundary characterized by continuous gas exchanges between the critical zone and the overlying atmosphere. As global concern grows over climate change driven by increasing levels of greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) – abandoned oil, gas, and even groundwater wells can be significant sources of these emissions. Here, we monitor CO2 and oxygen (O2) and quantify the CO2 flux in two different recharge wells – one that extends below the groundwater level (wet well) and one that reaches into the unsaturated zone above the groundwater level (dry well). Novel monitoring systems that measure CO2, O2, temperature, and relative humidity were installed at the top and bottom of each well, enabling high-resolution, continuous data collection at 1-min time intervals. Using atmospheric measurements taken from a nearby meteorological station, we investigate the mechanisms that influence the air transport between the wells and the atmosphere. The high-resolution measurements indicate different air transport mechanisms between the two wells. In the wet well, there was stratification during the summer, with consistently high CO2 values ​​measured at the bottom of the well while low values ​​were measured at the top of the well. In the dry well, two daily outflow cycles were observed, with high CO2 concentrations and fluxes from the well to the atmosphere. These findings highlight the potential contribution of recharge wells to CO₂ emissions and the importance of understanding their transport mechanisms.

How to cite: Lavner, E., Gross, A., and Levintal, E.: High-resolution monitoring of CO2/O2 transport in recharge wells, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5075,, 2025.

EGU25-6444 | Orals | AS2.3

Towards improved understanding on flow decoupling at eddy covariance sites with the aid of a universal coupling metric 

Olli Peltola, Toprak Aslan, Mika Aurela, Annalea Lohila, Ivan Mammarella, Dario Papale, Christoph K. Thomas, and Timo Vesala

Eddy covariance (EC) flux observations deviate from the fluxes at the ecosystem-atmosphere interface when the turbulent flow is decoupled from the surface. This problem severely limits the applicability of the EC technique to monitor ecosystem-atmosphere interactions including trace gas exchange. Despite some progress on understanding vertical coupling processes over the past years, the role and interplay of dynamic stability, canopy drag, and the strength of vertical turbulent mixing remains insufficiently understood. Furthermore, the commonly used metric to identify decoupling, friction velocity, does not represent these processes.

In this work we use the recently developed decoupling metric Omega to detect decoupling at 45 contrasting EC sites across a broad range of canopy architectures and biomes (Peltola et al. 2025, Omega encapsulates the main processes controlling decoupling in a single dimensionless metric, thus providing a unified framework for studying coupling at all sites. We focus on evaluating the applicability of Omega to detect decoupling at these sites and use it to evaluate the processes controlling decoupling across sites.

The results show that Omega was able to identify coupling at all tested sites satisfactorily. The vertical turbulent carbon dioxide flux showed a similar Omega dependence at all sites, although there was some site-to-site variability. In contrast, when the change in storage flux term was added to the analysis, the similarity between sites disappeared. This suggests that the storage flux term depends on parameters other than those controlling vertical turbulent mixing. Canopy drag played an important role in the formation of decoupling at dense forest sites, and at such sites decoupling was observed even during the day.

Based on these findings, we delineate different Omega regimes in which different mass balance terms (vertical turbulent flux, storage flux and advective components) are important, and discuss improved approaches for detecting the regime where the sum of vertical turbulent flux and storage flux equals the surface gas exchange.

How to cite: Peltola, O., Aslan, T., Aurela, M., Lohila, A., Mammarella, I., Papale, D., Thomas, C. K., and Vesala, T.: Towards improved understanding on flow decoupling at eddy covariance sites with the aid of a universal coupling metric, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6444,, 2025.

EGU25-6639 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Methodological challenges for understory eddy-covariance measurements 

Alexander Platter, Albin Hammerle, and Georg Wohlfahrt

Understory eddy-covariance measurements provide valuable insights into ecosystem CO2 exchange processes, particularly in understanding the interplay between understory and overstory exchange processes. However, their placement deep within the canopy presents some methodological challenges not typically encountered in standard eddy-covariance measurements above the canopy, where surface layer assumptions are generally applicable.

Key challenges arise from the violation of these surface layer assumptions in common flux correction and quality control procedures. Traditional frequency response corrections for flux calculations often rely on idealized cospectra derived from surface layer theory. These assumptions do not hold within the canopy, where spectra and cospectra exhibit distinct characteristics. Furthermore, commonly used turbulence-based quality control metrics, like the integral turbulence test, rely on surface layer scaling relationships to compare measured and modeled fluxes. The application of these relationships within the canopy is questionable due to the altered turbulence structure. For net ecosystem exchange (NEE) measurements, conventional filtering methods, such as friction velocity (u*) filtering, aim to identify periods when measured fluxes are expected to closely represent the true NEE. However, the low fluxes and turbulence characteristic of the understory environment complicate the reliable application of these filtering approaches.

This study critically examines and revises established correction and quality control procedures specifically for understory eddy-covariance measurements. We investigate the impact of these revised methods on understory CO2 exchange estimates using data from an understory site in Tyrol, Austria (At-Mmg). Our results are further compared with the total net ecosystem exchange estimated by an above-canopy eddy-covariance system over the past three years.


How to cite: Platter, A., Hammerle, A., and Wohlfahrt, G.: Methodological challenges for understory eddy-covariance measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6639,, 2025.

EGU25-6957 | Posters on site | AS2.3

Carbon fluxes controlled by land management and disturbances at a cluster of long-term ecosystem monitoring sites in Central Europe 

Thomas Grünwald, Matthias Mauder, Luise Wanner, Markus Hehn, Uta Moderow, Ronald Queck, Heiko Prasse, and Christian Bernhofer

Terrestrial ecosystems play a crucial role in carbon sequestration and provide vital ecosystem services such as food, energy, and raw materials. Climate change, through rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme events, threatens the carbon sink potential of these ecosystems, with forests and grasslands particularly at risk. Long-term data from flux tower networks offer valuable insights into how different ecosystems respond to climate change and management interventions, helping to develop strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and maintain ecosystem resilience. In this study, we present such data from a <10 km cluster of long-term FLUXNET/ICOS sites in Central Europe, comprising an old spruce forest (DE-Tha), a young oak plantation after a cleared windthrow (DE-Hzd), a permanent grassland site (DE-Gri), and an agricultural site with a crop rotation typical for this region (DE-Kli). By analysing decades of data from these four eddy covariance measurement sites, the research highlights the influence of drought, management, and land cover changes on CO2 and H2O fluxes. The interannual variability of evapotranspiration depends less on land use than the CO2 exchange. Our findings show that  forests without terminal disturbances can act as larger carbon sinks than previously estimated. DE-Tha is a consistent carbon sink, with thinning helping to maintain the CO2 sequestration at a stable level of 350 gC m−2 a−1. In contrast, disturbances like clear cutting or windthrow can cause ecosystems to become carbon sources for several years, with recovery delayed due to soil carbon losses from increased respiration (DE-Hzd). While DE-Hzd was resilient to drought, the carbon uptake of DE-Tha was significantly reduced by around 50% during dry years compared to wet years. Furthermore, sustainable management maintains carbon sequestration and land-use practices, such as crop selection, significantly impact net ecosystem productivity. These insights are valuable for optimizing land management strategies to enhance carbon sinks in similar regions.

How to cite: Grünwald, T., Mauder, M., Wanner, L., Hehn, M., Moderow, U., Queck, R., Prasse, H., and Bernhofer, C.: Carbon fluxes controlled by land management and disturbances at a cluster of long-term ecosystem monitoring sites in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6957,, 2025.

We present first results of a new BROOK90 hydrological model version. This new version includes a closed energy and water balance for subdaily time steps based on an adapted Shuttleworth-Wallace model for the description of energy and water fluxes for different evaporation components, like interception, soil evaporation and transpiration. The simulation results have been compared to ICOS eddy-covariance measurements from the Anchor Station Tharandt for the year 2022.

The comparison shows considerable good result for 30-minute estimates of latent and sensible heat fluxes from dry surfaces, whiles simulated fluxes from wet surfaces perform worse. Snow conditions seem to be almost random, but rainy conditions might possess a certain correlation between measured and simulated fluxes. Reason for these results can be found on the one hand in the choice of model parameters for vegetation like maximal canopy resistances, leaf area index or canopy height in the model and on the other hand, limitations of the eddy-covariance measurements under wet conditions.

How to cite: Kronenberg, R., Vorobevskii, I., and Luong, T. T.: First results of an extended BROOK90 hydrological model to estimate subdaily water and energy fluxes. A case study of ICOS Anchor station in Tharandt, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9419,, 2025.

EGU25-9629 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Metrological Traceability in Eddy Covariance Measurements of CO2 Flux 

Alberto Bottacin, Michela Sega, Francesca Durbiano, Francesca Rolle, and Nicola Arriga

The Eddy Covariance (EC) technique is widely used to quantify carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, playing a crucial role in climate research and carbon cycle studies. To maximize the impact and the meaningfulness of these measurements, they have to be comparable in time and space. The reliability and comparability of EC data critically depend on ensuring metrological traceability to SI units through national standards or internationally agreed references by means of rigorous calibration practices.

This study examines the traceability chain for key EC components (air temperature and pressure, wind components and CO2 concentration in air), emphasizing calibration processes for gas analyzers. Gas analyzers, which measure CO2 amount fractions, are calibrated using traceable gas mixtures, such as Certified Reference Materials, linked to primary national standards, ensuring accuracy and minimizing biases. We assess the impact of the calibration uncertainty on overall flux estimates and propose a methodology for periodic recalibration of the analysers to account for their drift and response to environmental influences.

By establishing robust links to national metrology standards, this work enhances the traceability and reliability of EC data across diverse ecosystems and temporal scales. The outcomes provide a foundation for harmonizing EC networks globally, improving confidence in CO2 flux measurements and their role in shaping evidence-based climate policies. This focus on calibration underscores the importance of metrology in advancing the precision and usefulness of environmental measurements.


How to cite: Bottacin, A., Sega, M., Durbiano, F., Rolle, F., and Arriga, N.: Metrological Traceability in Eddy Covariance Measurements of CO2 Flux, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9629,, 2025.

EGU25-9912 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Parametrization of extremely heterogeneous land-surface processes 

Christian Wedemeyer and Yaping Shao

The land surface plays a crucial role in the climate system, significantly influencing the exchanges of energy, mass, and momentum among the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. While land-surface processes in homogeneous terrains are well understood and effectively integrated into the parameterization schemes of existing weather models, our understanding of these processes in extremely heterogeneous regions remains insufficient. This gap in knowledge limits our capacity to accurately parameterize land-surface interactions in such areas. Extremely heterogeneous surfaces are characterized by a variety of soil types and pronounced orographic features, such as mountains or steep slopes.

State-of-the-art weather models commonly utilize the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) for parameterizing surface momentum, heat, and moisture fluxes. However, these similarity functions are based on empirical data obtained from field campaigns conducted in homogeneous environments. When these functions are applied to extremely heterogeneous regions, they can produce large biases between modeled and observed surface sensible or latent heat fluxes. Furthermore, in large-eddy simulations (LES), the underlying assumptions of MOST - such as horizontal homogeneity and stationarity - are often violated. Additionally, inconsistencies arise between the fluxes calculated using subgrid closure schemes and those derived from MOST in the surface layer.

To tackle these challenges, we propose an alternative approach that circumvents the use of MOST for parameterizing surface fluxes. In land-surface-parameterization schemes, surface fluxes are often determined using resistance networks. Instead of estimating these resistances using MOST, our aerodynamic resistance approach (ARA) uses the eddy viscosity/diffusivity calculated by the subgrid closure schemes.

First tests in idealized large-eddy simulations (LES) using the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) show that the ARA-calculated surface fluxes are more consistent with the subgrid closure calculations than the MOST-derived fluxes. Next, the ARA will be tested in real-case simulations of the Tengchong site (China) on the Tibetan plateau which is known for its heterogeneous landscape. Moreover, the simulation results will be compared to observational data which has been available at the site for more than 12 years.

How to cite: Wedemeyer, C. and Shao, Y.: Parametrization of extremely heterogeneous land-surface processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9912,, 2025.

EGU25-10813 | ECS | Orals | AS2.3

Analysing the time scales of variability in carbon dioxide and energy balance components of a tropical Amazon rainforest in central Peru 

Lea Heidemann, Eric Cosio, Rudi Cruz, Juliane Diller, Armin Niessner, Johannes Olesch, Norma Salinas, Rafael Stern, and Christoph Thomas

The Amazon Rainforest plays a vital role in the global carbon and water cycle, yet responses of old growth tropical rainforests to climate change and rising CO2 concentrations remain poorly understood. Especially the western part of the Amazon is underrepresented in ecohydrological studies. At the Panguana research station, as part of the AndesFlux Network, fluxes of CO2, water vapor and the dynamics of the CO2, CH4 and water vapor profile inside the forest and above the 35 m tall canopy have been continuously monitored since December 2023 to fill this gap and determine whether this site acts as a net source or sink for carbon. Building on this objective, our focus extends to understanding the timescales and ecosystem drivers responsible for flux variability, a crucial step toward predicting ecosystem responses to future changes.

As the main objective, we aim at understanding what are the main drivers for ecosystem flux variability, e.g. incoming solar radiation, water availability, or water vapor deficit and on which timescale we can detect the highest variability of ecosystem fluxes. In a tropical region the highest variability in an annual dataset would be expected to occur on a seasonal timescale. However, we did not observe the expected difference in latent heat flux when comparing the mean dial course on a seasonal basis. Surprisingly, we found the highest variability of latent heat flux to occur on much shorter timescales of up to ten days, coinciding with variability of incoming shortwave radiation for which a timescale of highest variability of eight days was detected. Understanding the processes causing this periodicity in latent heat flux in a tropical region and resulting effects on CO2 flux is the primary objective of this analysis.

A further objective of this study presented here is to calculate a CO2-based carbon budget, with the inclusion of the storage term change to understand the effect of ecosystem respiration at night. While the methane exchange to the carbon budget may be significant at this site, it is outside the scope of the current study. Additional objectives of this project include calculating the energy balance of this site and analysing at the surface water balance to better understand seasonal differences and their impact on the carbon cycle.

After calculating the 4h-daytime energy balance closure with different perturbation time scales, we selected a perturbation timescale of 20 min as the best compromise between reducing the systematic and random flux errors. This choice leads to a high energy balance closure of 75% over the course of one year maximizing to 80% when calculated for the rainy season.

These analyses contribute to a deeper understanding of the driving processes of ecosystem exchange in the tropical rainforest near the Andes and help to assess how this part of the Amazon basin may respond to future changes in water availability and atmospheric circulation.

How to cite: Heidemann, L., Cosio, E., Cruz, R., Diller, J., Niessner, A., Olesch, J., Salinas, N., Stern, R., and Thomas, C.: Analysing the time scales of variability in carbon dioxide and energy balance components of a tropical Amazon rainforest in central Peru, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10813,, 2025.

EGU25-10940 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Measuring urban surface fluxes using a mobile eddy-covariance system at a fine resolution to develop a heat mitigation strategy in a mid-sized European city   

Lars Spakowski, Sophie Resch, Johannes Olesch, and Christoph Thomas

As demographic trends continue to point towards urbanisation and urban climate change-related health risks are increasing, a fundamental understanding of the processes that shape the urban boundary layer climate is becoming increasingly important. While previous studies have used mobile measurement devices to measure instantaneous physical weather elements in high spatial resolution in an urban environment, high-resolution measurement data on atmospheric flux densities in cities is scarce.

We present an innovative approach to measure latent and sensible heat fluxes, as well as CO2 fluxes and further flow statistics as TKE in a mid-sized city (75,000 citizens) in Central Europe using a mobile eddy-covariance (EC) system on a cargo bike with first measurements executed during a radiation night and three consecutive heat days in August 2024. Our goal was to gain flux density data for several street transects in a heterogeneous urban environment during the hottest and coldest time periods of the day. To compare the measured temperature and humidity used for the eddy-covariance calculations, we set up eight weather stations mounted on streetlights along our measurement route, at which we stopped for two minutes each. Motion data was observed with an integrated high precision inertial navigation system (INS) to adjust the EC observation for bicycle movements. To ensure nearly steady-state conditions were fulfilled, the perturbation and averaging periods were fitted to calculate flux densities along approximately homogeneous street transects. As the bike velocity of 4 to 6 m s-1 only allows for relatively short averaging periods of up to a minute in the heterogenous environment, only the high-frequency fraction of the turbulence spectrum can be quantified. Assuming a similar distribution of the inertial subrange turbulence across the research area, this choice still allowed for comparison of the fluxes along the route.

With our route traversing a range of land surface conditions from a densely built-up district centre to a floodplain valley adjacent to the city, we were able to determine a strong heterogeneity in the expression of the urban heat and park cool islands within our study area. First results of the EC calculations indicate the capability of our mobile flux system to detect fine differences in flux densities within the heterogeneous urban environment.

Our flux measurements together with the additionally measured weather elements of solar radiation, temperature, humidity, wind direction and wind speed from the eight stationary micro weather stations within the study area provide the foundation for the development of a heat adaption strategy in the city district aiming at creating an environment with diminished health risks and urban heat island effects. 

How to cite: Spakowski, L., Resch, S., Olesch, J., and Thomas, C.: Measuring urban surface fluxes using a mobile eddy-covariance system at a fine resolution to develop a heat mitigation strategy in a mid-sized European city  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10940,, 2025.

EGU25-11746 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Evaluating a Flux Footprint Model Using Tracer Release Experiments and Tall Tower Eddy Covariance Measurements 

Ziqiong Wang, Konstantinos Kissas, Charlotte Scheutz, and Andreas Ibrom

In complex and heterogeneous landscapes, determining the spatial origin of measured fluxes is critical for interpreting eddy covariance (EC) data accurately. To address this, footprint models are used to simulate the transport of turbulence and quantify the contribution of different areas within the source region. These models rely on theoretical assumptions, such as homogeneous and stationary atmospheric conditions, which often deviate significantly from real-world conditions particularly in terrains with uneven topography or land cover. This discrepancy may lead to substantial uncertainties, as the models may fail to accurately represent the true flux contributions under these non-ideal conditions.

To evaluate the reliability of the Flux Footprint Prediction (FFP) model (Kljun et al., 2015) and its performance under real-world conditions, we conducted three tracer release campaigns in the upwind region of a tall tower EC greenhouse gas observation system located at Hove (55.7169°N, 12.2375°E), a rural area west of Copenhagen, Denmark. The experiments utilized acetylene (C₂H₂) as the tracer gas, released at a controlled and precisely known emission rate.  The FFP model were assessed using data from different averaging intervals, enabling a detailed comparison of temporal resolutions and their impact on flux estimates.

The observed fluxes were systematically compared with the model predictions, allowing us to identify discrepancies and provide critical insights into the strengths and limitations of the FFP model, particularly in rural and heterogeneous landscapes. Moreover, the analysis highlights the influence of averaging intervals on the agreement between measured and modelled fluxes. This work also provides a reference for applying tracer release experiments in heterogeneous terrain using the tall tower EC system, contributing to the understanding of experimental design and model validation in such environments.

How to cite: Wang, Z., Kissas, K., Scheutz, C., and Ibrom, A.: Evaluating a Flux Footprint Model Using Tracer Release Experiments and Tall Tower Eddy Covariance Measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11746,, 2025.

For the past five decades, modelers have relied on Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) to model surface exchanges for application in atmospheric models for boundary layer meteorology and weather and climate prediction. During this time, studies have also illuminated some of the limitations of MOST based surface layer parameterizations, particularly when MOST’s foundational assumptions of flat and horizontally homogeneous terrain are violated. Recent work over groups of meteorological towers from Stiperski and Calaf 2023 have provided a promising method to account for these deviations from the ideal, traditional MOST using the anisotropy of turbulence to create new surface exchange relations. These modified relations may be able to capture the deviations from MOST specifically around non-homogeneous surfaces, and non-stationarity. To further assess the validity of the Stiperski relations, we examine them over 7 years of turbulence data from the 47, ecologically diverse eddy-covariance tower sites in the National Ecological Observation Network (NEON) and develop new anisotropy generalized MOST scalings for the scalar variances of moisture and carbon.


The relations from Stiperski and Calaf 2023 show significant improvement over traditional MOST based schemes for predicting the velocity variances as well as the variances of heat, moisture and carbon in the NEON network under both stable and unstable stratification. This extends the work of Stiperski and Calaf to vegetated canopies, where the scaling has not been previously examined. The improvement is consistent across the varied ecosystems present in NEON, including tropical, arctic, and mountainous sites. For the streamwise velocity variance, for example, we see a median improvement (measured with a skill score) of 40% at the NEON sites. Characteristics of anisotropy are also examined across the sites, with an eye towards developing model relations for turbulence anisotropy applicable in large scale schemes (i.e. numerical weather prediction and earth system models. Initial results for the scaling of the gradients of heat and momentum, which can be used to parameterize surface fluxes in the modeling context, are also shown, with promising improvement over traditional MOST despite significant scatter. The route for application of these schemes in surface layer parameterizations in ESMs is also briefly explored, with an eye towards the potential for significant improvements in modeling of surface exchange.



How to cite: Waterman, T., Stiperski, I., and Calaf, M.: Extending Generalized Surface Layer Scaling to Diverse, Complex Terrain and Canopies for Improved Land-Atmosphere Exchange, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11806,, 2025.

EGU25-12023 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Irrigation impacts on the severe summer 2003 drought and heat wave event in Central Europe 

Dragan Petrovic, Benjamin Fersch, and Harald Kunstmann

Irrigation is triggered through climatic conditions, but reversely affects the climate itself. A model sensitivity analysis of the irrigation impacts on the severe summer 2003 drought and heat wave event in Central Europe is carried out here. For this purpose, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is employed with a newly developed and modified irrigation scheme. A two-domain nested setup with 12 km horizontal grid resolution in the outer domain and convection-resolving 3 km in the inner domain is selected. Two ensembles, one with and one without irrigation, are initialized to assess the irrigation impacts with greater security. Four subregions are defined: a region containing all of Germany, two small regions with locally higher irrigation amounts within Germany and an area in the Po Valley, the region with highest irrigation quantities in Central Europe. This way, the influence of different irrigation amounts is investigated. Impacts on the following variables are examined in different temporal scales: air temperature, soil moisture, planetary boundary layer height (PBLH), sensible and latent heat flux, moisture flux divergence, convective available potential energy (CAPE), and convective inhibition (CIN). The results indicate that the overall influence of irrigation during the extreme event is rather small. This is related to the comparatively low irrigation amounts and the extreme conditions. A partially significant increase in soil moisture in the topsoil layer occurs in the Po Valley. Generally, irrigation is found to reduce PBLH and sensible heat flux as well as increasing the latent heat flux. In addition, a cooling effect is partly found in the daily mean cycle of temperature. Furthermore, there are visible effects on moisture flux divergence (tendency to decrease or convergence), on CAPE (increase) and on CIN (less increase). These effects are most pronounced in the Po Valley due to the higher irrigation amounts.

How to cite: Petrovic, D., Fersch, B., and Kunstmann, H.: Irrigation impacts on the severe summer 2003 drought and heat wave event in Central Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12023,, 2025.

EGU25-12704 | Orals | AS2.3

Spatial source attribution of eddy covariance flux data by inversion optimization 

Mark Schlutow, Ray Chew, Theresia Yazbeck, and Mathias Göckede

Since eddy covariance (EC) flux towers are typically mounted within structured landscapes, interpreting EC flux data is complicated due to spatial heterogeneity, which may exhibit sources and sinks simultaneously. This complexity makes it challenging to understand mechanisms and controls determining flux budgets for the individual land cover types that make up the entire ecosystem. Therefore, it complicates the scaling of flux results in space and/or time, or comparing EC fluxes under different environmental conditions.

We present a novel tool to decompose blended flux data from EC towers into individual components emitted by different land cover types within the tower’s footprint. The tool has two key components: 1) an exceptionally efficient algorithm that solves the steady-state transport equation, and 2) a linear optimizer to solve the inversion problem. This design allows for the analysis of years of continuous EC data on a typical desktop computer in a short time, with output consisting of half-hourly flux data for each land cover type individually.

The approach is entirely data-driven and can be applied to the fluxes of energy and scalars such as methane, N2O, or CO2. The model takes as input a land cover map containing the footprint and the standard output from the raw eddy data processing software, EddyPro. The accuracy of the flux attribution tool was validated using two EC towers in close proximity, sharing the same ecosystem and meteorological conditions, but with different land cover structures in the footprint. The agreement between the inversion results for each of the towers proves its applicability for a wide range of research questions.

How to cite: Schlutow, M., Chew, R., Yazbeck, T., and Göckede, M.: Spatial source attribution of eddy covariance flux data by inversion optimization, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12704,, 2025.

While covering only about 3% of the global land surface, peatlands store approximately one-third of all terrestrial carbon (C) and 12–21% of global soil organic nitrogen (N). Pristine peatland soils typically function as minor sinks for carbon dioxide (CO2), moderate sources of methane (CH4), and minor to moderate sources of nitrous oxide (N2O). However, over the past century, extensive drainage of peatlands for forestry, particularly in temperate and boreal regions, has substantially altered the dynamics of greenhouse gases (GHG).

The lowering of the groundwater table has a crucial impact on soil GHG exchange with aerobic conditions inhibiting methanogenesis, thereby reducing CH4 flux, while simultaneously increasing N2O flux and accelerating peat decomposition. These changes transform peatlands from carbon sinks to net carbon sources and intensify their N2O emissions. However, actively growing tree stands may partially offset soil carbon losses through sequestration and indirectly modulate CH4 and N2O fluxes by altering soil moisture and microbial activity.

While the net ecosystem exchange of drained peatland forest soils is relatively well studied, there's limited knowledge regarding ecosystem-scale GHG fluxes, especially in the transitional hemiboreal forest zone. In this study, we present the first years of eddy-covariance measurements of CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes from a drained peatland forest in Eastern Estonia. The site, drained in the early 1970s via an open-ditch network, is dominated by Downy Birch (Betula pubescens, 64%) and Norway Spruce (Picea abies, 36%). The current soil profile, classified as Drainic Eutric Histosol, features a peat layer approximately one meter thick and a moderate C:N ratio (15.1) in the upper soil horizon. Our findings contribute to the growing body of knowledge on peatland forest GHG fluxes, offering valuable data for managing forested peatlands in a changing climate.

How to cite: Krasnova, A., Soosaar, K., and Mander, Ü.: The greenhouse gas exchange of a drained peatland forest: first insights from eddy-covariance measurements of CO2, CH4 and N2O fluxes in Estonia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13303,, 2025.

EGU25-14269 | Orals | AS2.3

Investigating the Role of Kilometer-scale Surface Thermal Heterogeneity in Secondary Circulations Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Doppler Lidars 

Nathaniel Chaney, Peter Germ, Marc Calaf, Eric Pardyjak, and Tyler Waterman

Spatially organized km-scale surface thermal heterogeneity can lead to the formation of secondary circulations, which, in turn, can influence the boundary layer and the initiation, development, and enhancement of cumulus clouds. While the importance of this process is becoming well recognized, quantitative understanding of the relationship between thermal heterogeneity and the corresponding circulations remains largely confined to modeling studies. In this study, we use observational data from the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site to explore how combining satellite remote sensing of land surface temperature (LST) with a mesoscale network of Doppler lidars can help understand the role of surface thermal heterogeneity in driving secondary circulations.
We analyze data from five Doppler lidars at SGP, which have been continuously measuring vertical profiles of wind components (u, v, w) at high temporal frequency since 2016. The combination of the five time-varying profiles are used to compute vertically integrated dispersive kinetic energy (DKE) at each time step as an indirect measure of circulation strength. LST data from GOES-16/17 is then used to quantify surface thermal heterogeneity, particularly in the morning hours. Our analysis focuses on days with minimal synoptic forcing to isolate local effects. Preliminary results show a statistically significant positive correlation between surface thermal heterogeneity and DKE, suggesting a link to the strength of secondary circulations. This study highlights the potential to improve our understanding of this process and provides a valuable tool for evaluating Earth system models that aim to represent the role of km-scale thermal heterogeneity in the atmosphere.

How to cite: Chaney, N., Germ, P., Calaf, M., Pardyjak, E., and Waterman, T.: Investigating the Role of Kilometer-scale Surface Thermal Heterogeneity in Secondary Circulations Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Doppler Lidars, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14269,, 2025.

EGU25-15199 | ECS | Orals | AS2.3

Discovering new Influences on Dispersive Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Surfaces with Machine Learning 

Benita Wagner, Matthias Karlbauer, Martin Butz, Matthias Mauder, and Luise Wanner

To better understand and quantify the dynamics of surface thermal heterogeneities and their effect on energy transport in form of dispersive fluxes within the atmospheric boundary layer, we investigate the significance and applicability of the heterogeneity parameter after Margairaz et al. (2020). We aim to overcome this non-dimensional scaling quantity, since it depends on parameters such as the heterogeneity length, scale, and temperature amplitude, which are originally determined for checker-board-type surfaces but may be less suited to describe the complexity of real-world surface structures. To address this goal, we train separate artificial neural networks (ANNs) to predict dispersive sensible and latent heat fluxes for a randomized quadratically shaped heterogeneity distribution, as well as for datasets from the CHEESEHEAD19 campaign representing a real-world complex surface heterogeneity with a broad spectrum of patch sizes and gradual changes in surface characteristics. To investigate the role of the different input variables, we train various ANNs receiving different combinations of variables and compute feature importance weightings afterwards. We scrutinize the role of traditional input variables such as the heterogeneity parameter, temperature or humidity gradients, boundary layer height, and atmospheric stability measures. Further, we consider the incorporation of raw input features, such as horizontal and vertical wind speed, temperatures, and humidities. Finally, we incorporate spatial temperature maps, which we pre-process with a convolutional ANN. We make three core observations. First, the incorporation of raw input features beyond traditional variables improves both the dispersive sensible and latent heat flux diagnosis, suggesting room for improvement in the input variable selection and combination. Second, the inclusion of the spatial temperature map is more meaningful for dispersive latent than for sensible heat flux diagnosis. Third, the heterogeneity parameter after Margairaz et al. (2020) is informative for synthetic randomized quadratically shaped surfaces, but not for real-world complex surface heterogeneity environments, in which case the spatial temperature map processed by a convolutional ANN is most valuable. The results imply that the role of the compressed spatial temperature map should be explored further. We ultimately aim to extract an equation from the neural network characterizing heterogeneous surfaces. Furthermore, the incorporation of the other identified useful raw input features – ideally in form of an equation – needs to be assessed in further depth. 

How to cite: Wagner, B., Karlbauer, M., Butz, M., Mauder, M., and Wanner, L.: Discovering new Influences on Dispersive Heat Fluxes over Heterogeneous Surfaces with Machine Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15199,, 2025.

EGU25-15275 | ECS | Orals | AS2.3

Urban effects on atmospheric boundary-layer clouds, mixed-layer height and fog detected by a dense network of ceilometers in Berlin, Germany 

Daniel Fenner, Andreas Christen, Sue Grimmond, Simone Kotthaus, Fred Meier, and Matthias Zeeman

Gaining a deeper understanding of dynamic interactions between cities and the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) and ABL processes in general is crucial for, e.g., the development and application of next-generation numerical weather prediction and climate modelling. In this context, detailed ABL observations provide essential information to identify potential spatial heterogeneity in urban and rural environments with respect to surface-atmosphere exchanges and resulting ABL characteristics such as ABL clouds.

As part of the year-long urbisphere-Berlin measurement campaign in Berlin, Germany (October 2021-September 2022), a wide range of ABL observations were carried out to study impacts of the city on the ABL. Central to the deployed systematic network were 25 sites with ground-based Automatic Lidar and Ceilometers (ALC) to measure aerosol backscatter for investigation of intra-urban, urban-rural, and upwind-city-downwind effects of ABL clouds and detection of the mixed layer.

Here, we present a systematic investigation of year-round effects of the city on ABL cloud-base height and cloud-cover fraction, mixed-layer height, and near-surface fog conditions, exploiting the dense ALC network. The comprehensive data set allows studies along diurnal and annual cycles in high temporal resolution, as well as obtaining robust statistical results for groups of sites, considering spatial heterogeneity due to local effects around the sites. Our analyses show city effects on ABL clouds along the diurnal cycle including upwind-city-downwind effects, yet also depending on cloud type and season. Mixed-layer height undergoes a distinctive annual cycle, being systematically higher above the city and with intra-urban differentiation. Over the year, the occurrence of ground-based fog is on average 1,5 times more frequently found at rural sites compared to city sites, most prominent differences are found during autumn and winter. These results are the first that are based on the complete year-long urbisphere-Berlin ALC data and highlight potentials and benefits of such high-resolution observational data sets from ground-based remote sensing for future investigations.

How to cite: Fenner, D., Christen, A., Grimmond, S., Kotthaus, S., Meier, F., and Zeeman, M.: Urban effects on atmospheric boundary-layer clouds, mixed-layer height and fog detected by a dense network of ceilometers in Berlin, Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15275,, 2025.

EGU25-17589 | Orals | AS2.3

Metrology for fluxes: eddy covariance measurement uncertainty 

Nicola Arriga and Alberto Bottacin

The uncertainty evaluation of eddy covariance flux measurements has been thoroughly developed in the last two decades. However, the various methods proposed are not yet fully compliant with the internationally accepted metrological guidelines, e.g. those indicated in the Guide to expression of uncertainty in measurement and related supplements issued by the Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology and internationally adopted as reference in metrology. Scope of this presentation is to implement the formal methodology for the determination of a combined standard uncertainty for the estimated fluxes through the law of propagation of uncertainty, assuming independent variables. Compared to previous methods, this approach considers the complete flux equation, including the coordinate rotations and the physical conversions and, most importantly, provides an easy to implement analytical tool to quantify the individual contributions to the full measurement uncertainty arising from all the variables actually included in the calculation (turbulent wind components, scalar of interest, air temperature and pressure). The linear method adopted for uncertainty propagation has been also validated through a Monte Carlo simulation, which is the gold standard for propagating probability distributions. The methodology has been applied to a full year of carbon dioxide fluxes measured in the San Rossore 2 ICOS Ecosystem Station, a Mediterranean forest, but it is valid for most of the common eddy covariance systems, being based on theoretical principles. The median of the estimated relative uncertainty of the flux over the considered year is 13.5%, assuming an instrumental uncertainty of 30 Pa for the barometer, 0.5 °C for the thermometer, 4 ppm for the CO2 analyzer and 0.4 m/s for the three components of the sonic anemometer. The main uncertainty contributions come from the analyzer and the vertical component of the anemometer, with medians of the evaluated relative uncertainties equal to 11.9% and 3.25%, respectively. Preliminary results suggest that the method is robust and confirm expectations about the relative contribution of the different instruments used for flux determination, but at the same time constitute a tool for a sounder metrological assessment of all eddy covariance measurements and applications.

How to cite: Arriga, N. and Bottacin, A.: Metrology for fluxes: eddy covariance measurement uncertainty, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17589,, 2025.

Land-atmosphere (L-A) feedback plays a key role in the evolution of Earth’s weather and climate system. However, the understanding and simulation of land-atmosphere interaction still suffers from severe limitations and errors. For instance, Abramowitz et al. (2024) demonstrated that the simulation of surface fluxes by land-atmosphere models, irrespective of their complexity, strongly deviates from observations. Similarly, Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) seems to be inadequate (Wulfmeyer et al. 2023) for the parameterization of evapotranspiration, but is nevertheless used in almost all coupled land-atmosphere system models.  

The overarching goal of LAFI is to understand and quantify L-A feedbacks via unique synergistic observations and model simulations from the micro-gamma (» 2 m) to the meso-gamma (» 2 km) scales across diurnal to seasonal time scales. In this presentation, we give an overview of the objectives and the current results of LAFI with respect to the understanding of surface-layer flow and fluxes, the energy balance closure (EBC), and entrainment over heterogenous agricultural terrain. More insight will be gained by the LAFI field campaign, which will be performed from Spring to Autumn 2025 at the Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (LAFO) of the University of Hohenheim. The LAFI field campaign will enhance the current sensor synergy at LAFO, in order to capture key variables more fully within the soil, vegetation, and atmosphere compartments (Späth et al. 2023). Highlights of the new LAFI instrumentation include water-vapour isotope sensors, sap-flow sensors, fiber-optical distributed sensors (FODS, Thomas and Selker, 2021),unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and scanning water-vapor, temperature, and wind lidar systems. We demonstrate how these measurements complement each other to gain new insights into flux-driver relationships, soil evaporation, crop transpiration, and entrainment, as well as the impact of land-surface heterogeneities and dispersive fluxes on the EBC. The very first results of this campaign will also be presented. 



Abramowitz et al. 2024: 

Späth et al. 2023: 

Thomas, C.K., Selker, J.S., 2021. 

Wulfmeyer et al. 2023:  


How to cite: Wulfmeyer, V.: The Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI): Field observations, modeling approaches, and first results, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19157,, 2025.

EGU25-19174 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

Evaluation of CO2 and energy balance fluxes from a maize canopy in east Tennessee using the SURFATM model 

Taqi Raza, Erwan Personne, Nebila Lichiheb, Neal Eash, and Joel Oetting

Field crops can emit or store carbon depending on the season and cropping practices. A process-based modeling approach allowed us to predict the transfer pattern of the CO2 fluxes and energy balance between soil, vegetation, and atmosphere. In this study, the SURFATM-CO2 model was developed to simulate distinctly the CO2 exchanges between soil, plants, and the atmosphere. The model couples soil respiration, taking into account its temperature sensitivity, with photosynthesis and plant respiration process-based, taking into account the plant's CO2 compensation point. The SURFATM-CO2 process model was evaluated using field measurements obtained from a novel multiport profile system consisting of 4 vertical measurement heights to monitor the spatial and temporal variation of CO2, water, and temperature within and above the maize canopy in east Tennessee. The 5Hz frequency raw data were averaged into 15-minute runs and used as input for the SURFATM model. The model satisfactorily simulates the energy balance, and we are currently testing the model for the CO2 fluxes.  The main objective of this study is to understand the exchanges of CO2 between the soil, vegetation and atmosphere compartments. The finding of the SURFATM-CO2 model will highlight the ability of the SURFATM-model to capture the canopy-atmosphere interaction as well as provide a base for model application in the studies of carbon dynamics, and cropland ecosystem management.

How to cite: Raza, T., Personne, E., Lichiheb, N., Eash, N., and Oetting, J.: Evaluation of CO2 and energy balance fluxes from a maize canopy in east Tennessee using the SURFATM model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19174,, 2025.

EGU25-20222 | ECS | Posters on site | AS2.3

 Assessing the discrepancy of energy fluxes over spring wheat under sloping topography conditionsbased on eddy covariance measurements 

Jingyu Yao, Zhongming Gao, Lei Li, Eric Russell, Shelley Pressley, and Yongjiu Dai

Accurately quantifying surface energy budgets in croplands is essential for efficient water resource allocation and sustainable agricultural practices. However, the representativeness of eddy covariance (EC) measurements in hilly agricultural fields remains less examined. In this study, we conducted an experiment employing three EC flux towers to assess the consistency of surface energy budget components across a hilly agricultural field (~90 acres). The experimental field was divided into three zones, each equipped with an EC tower positioned at its central location to ensure that 90% of the flux footprint fell within the corresponding zone (i.e., US-SZ1, US-SZ2 and US-SZ3). The meteorological conditions and energy fluxes were found to be significantly influenced by various agricultural activities, including both growing and non-growing periods, as well as cropland management practices. Despite relatively similar meteorological conditions observed across the three sites during the wheat growing period (WGP), substantial discrepancies were evident in the primary energy budget components, with the exception of net radiation, at both diurnal and seasonal scales. During WGP, the sensible, latent, and ground heat fluxes exhibited differences within 10%, 27%, and 29%, respectively, leading toconsiderable disparities in the energy balance closure. The closure ratios (CRs) for US-SZ1, US-SZ2, and US-SZ3 were approximately 93%, 84%, and 85% respectively. The influence of environmental variables on the discrepancies in their CRs were also investigated. The relationships between CRs and friction velocity, atmospheric stability, turbulent kinetic energy, as well as heat transport efficiency exhibited certain distinctions among the three sites. Our findings indicate that factors like site elevation, topography, and measurement uncertainty differentially affect energy flux components in sloping landscapes. Employing multiple tower/point measurements is crucial for reducing uncertainties in energy flux estimates under sloping terrain conditions.

How to cite: Yao, J., Gao, Z., Li, L., Russell, E., Pressley, S., and Dai, Y.:  Assessing the discrepancy of energy fluxes over spring wheat under sloping topography conditionsbased on eddy covariance measurements, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20222,, 2025.

EGU25-2251 | Posters on site | BG8.2

Quantifying Carbon Absorption of Riverine Wetlands and Proposing Restoration Scenarios 

Hoyong Lee, Soojun Kim, Kyunghun Kim, and Jaeseung Seo

Riverine wetlands are reservoirs of biodiversity and provide various ecological functions, including carbon absorption. However, they have been subjected to continuous degradation and loss due to river management practices focused on irrigation and flood control. This study aims to quantify the carbon absorption capacity of riverine wetlands and propose strategies for their restoration and management. To achieve this, a laboratory-scale wetland model was developed, and carbon absorption rates were analyzed under varying hydrological conditions. The results revealed that while methane emissions increased under inundation conditions, the absorption of carbon dioxide increased even more significantly. When assessed using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) metric, the overall carbon absorption capacity was found to improve. Wetlands were spatially categorized into waterside wetlands (outside the levee) and landside wetlands (inside the levee) to establish a carbon absorption assessment framework. This framework was used to evaluate restoration needs and propose tailored restoration scenarios for each wetland type. For waterside wetlands, strategies were suggested to regulate carbon absorption based on inundation zones and hydrological characteristics. For landside wetlands, a model was developed to enhance carbon absorption through the creation of carbon forests using Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and biochar application. Additionally, the carbon cycle was established as a closed system, termed the "Carbon-Closing System," to promote sustainability. This study provides standardized models and evaluation frameworks for carbon-neutral riverine wetlands, advancing technologies for wetland creation, restoration, and management while contributing to climate change mitigation and ecological value enhancement.


Keywords: Carbon Absorption, Hydrological Conditions, Restoration Scenarios, Riverine Wetlands


Acknowledgement: This work was supported by Korea Environmental Industry&Technology Institute through Wetland Ecosystem Value Evaluation and Carbon Absorption Value Promotion Technology Development Project, funded by Korea Ministry of Environment(MOE)(2022003630001)

How to cite: Lee, H., Kim, S., Kim, K., and Seo, J.: Quantifying Carbon Absorption of Riverine Wetlands and Proposing Restoration Scenarios, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2251,, 2025.

Land management interventions such as forest management have gained significant traction in the last few years as instruments in increasing carbon sequestration in working lands of the United States. Indeed, storing carbon in forests has been identified as a key nature-based solution pathway. While the importance of forest management in maintaining and potentially enhancing the terrestrial carbon sinks has been well established, carbon as a management objective in the practical context of silviculture and forest management is a relatively new concept. Yet a new emissions trading market, the Voluntary Carbon Offset Market in California, has been dominated by offsets originating from managed forests. Furthermore, almost two hundred million forest carbon offsets have been issued through the California Cap-and-Trade Program and Voluntary Offset Market, yet little information is available on the practical forest management applied in these projects. Finally, in 2021, California passed Senate Bill (SB-155) allocating $2.5 billion in state funding for forest resilience and wildfire prevention, but as of now, lacks a universal framework for transparently assessing the carbon benefits (i.e., additionality) claimed by forest carbon offset projects.

Within the offset markets context, improved forest management (IFM) has been identified as one of the forestry-related land management pathways with significant climate change mitigation potential. Currently, IFM is loosely defined and how it translates into practical forestry and connects to sustainable forest management (i.e., best management practices) as a whole has not been identified in detail. Our novel analysis of the offset market in California reveals that while improved forest management is the most credited project type in the California market, existing projects vary to a great degree in their disclosure about the planned or completed forest management activities for the project area. Our research has found several gaps and research and policy needs—particularly related to forest practices considered improved forest management, forest carbon offset additionality and permanence—and finally, highlights a pressing need for policy instruments to support and oversee these efforts.

How to cite: Kaarakka, L., Rothey, J., Cornett, M., and Dee, L.: Forests, forest management and climate change – understanding the existing forest offset market and its connection to practical forest management in the United States, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2950,, 2025.

EGU25-3721 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Me4soc: a multi-model ensemble interface for soil organic carbon predictions 

Elisa Bruni, Aleksi Lehtonen, and Bertrand Guenet

Model predictions are paramount to understanding climate and land management effects on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in forests. However, SOC models remain highly uncertain, and multi-model ensembles can be used to evaluate the level of uncertainty of the predictions due to model choice. One major barrier to the use of multiple models is data availability and the time-scale consistency across models.

In this work, we present me4soc, a Multi-model Ensemble interface For Soil Organic Carbon predictions. This open-source software offers a complete environment to launch six SOC models widely used by the soil community to predict the dynamics of SOC stocks and GHG fluxes (CO2, CH4, and N2O) in forests. It allows users to explore the effect of nature-based climate solutions over multiple decades under climate and land-use changes. The models can be run with either user-provided observational data or data automatically extracted from large-scale open-source datasets for the European region. Available earth system model predictions are used to simulate climate and land-use change scenarios. The tool has been developed in Shiny, a R-based package for simple web application developments.

The obtained results showed the ability of me4soc to simulate the temporal dynamics of SOC stocks and GHG emissions at site-scale under different climate, land-use, and land management change scenarios. Employing multiple models based on different mathematical structures offers a unique opportunity to estimate the uncertainties in the predictions associated with differences in the model structure.

This tool can be applied by the scientific community, forest managers, and policymakers to acquire scientifically-based information about the effects of forest management and disturbances on SOC stocks and GHG emissions. It is an important step towards the use of state-of-the-art models and large-scale datasets to improve model predictions and assess their uncertainties. The software's systematic validation with observational data and parameter optimization to improve model fit are the key priorities of future work. Further software developments to cover other ecosystems (e.g., croplands and grasslands) and data-less sites outside of Europe are also foreseen.

How to cite: Bruni, E., Lehtonen, A., and Guenet, B.: Me4soc: a multi-model ensemble interface for soil organic carbon predictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3721,, 2025.

EGU25-4808 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2

Nitrous oxide emission hotspots in temporarily flooded cropland depressions: year-round measurements and regional estimation 

Peiyan Wang, Sarah Kylborg, Xiaoye Tong, Bo Elberling, and Per Ambus

Temporarily flooded depressions within cropland have been identified as substantial hotspots of nitrous oxide (N2O) emission, releasing up to 80 times more N2O than surrounding field areas during the flooded period. Despite their significant contribution, the temporal dynamics of N₂O emissions from these depressions and their impact on regional annual N₂O budgets remain inadequately quantified. The primary drivers of these high emissions are poorly understood, limiting the accuracy of regional estimates and the development of effective mitigation strategies.

To address this knowledge gap, we established two elevation transects in two Danish croplands, each comprising five positions (0, 1, 2, 3, 4; with three replicate plots per position) along a slope gradient from depressions to the uphill areas. Biweekly in-situ N₂O flux measurements were conducted at each plot over a year (March 2020 to March 2021) using static chambers. Concurrently, soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis of physicochemical properties along with each field measurement, and soil water content and temperature were monitored at 30-minute intervals in the depression areas. Additionally, daily photographs of each transect were captured using installed cameras, and daily remote sensing images at 3-m resolution (PlanetScope) were utilized to evaluate relative wetness for each plot. Based on the field data, daily photos, and relative wetness, the study year was divided into three distinct periods:  flooded period (with water above the soil surface), flood recover period (characterized by high soil water content typically after flooding), and drained period (with comparable soil moisture between depression and uphill areas).

Our results reveal significant spatial and temporal variability in N₂O fluxes along the transects. Positions within the depressions exhibited significantly higher annual mean N₂O fluxes, ranging from 93.4 to 204.6 µg N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹, compared to 20.6 to 58.2 µg N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ in the transition areas and 12.1 to 26.4 µg N₂O m⁻² h⁻¹ in the uphill areas. Temporally, flood recover period in depressions showed the highest N₂O fluxes compared to any other periods, whereas the uphill areas maintained consistent emissions throughout the year. Annual cumulative N₂O emissions from positions within the depressions were estimated to be 0.64 to 1.5 g N₂O m⁻², significantly higher than the emissions of 0.16 to 0.39 N₂O m⁻² from transition areas and 0.09 to 0.27 g N₂O m⁻² from uphill areas. Regionally, although depressions cover less than 1% of the total cultivated area, they contribute approximately 10% to the total annual N₂O emissions. Our analysis identified soil moisture and temperature as key drivers for the spatial and temporal variabilities in N₂O emissions along the transects. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating high-emitting depressions into local and regional N₂O inventories to improve the accuracy of agricultural greenhouse gas estimates and inform the development of effective mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Wang, P., Kylborg, S., Tong, X., Elberling, B., and Ambus, P.: Nitrous oxide emission hotspots in temporarily flooded cropland depressions: year-round measurements and regional estimation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4808,, 2025.

EGU25-7574 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2 | Highlight

Scalable quantification of agroecosystem carbon budget and crop yield based on knowledge-guided machine learning 

Wang Zhou, Licheng Liu, Kaiyu Guan, Zhenong Jin, Bin Peng, and Sheng Wang

Quantifying carbon outcomes from agroecosystems plays an important role in mitigating global warming and ensuring food security through sustainable production. However, high spatial-temporal-resolution (e.g., ~100m, daily), accurate, well-resolved carbon budgets and crop yield in agroecosystems are extremely challenging to quantify due to the complexity of involved processes and large variations in environmental and management drivers. Traditional process-based-modeling approaches are computationally expensive to achieve field-scale resolution and contain large uncertainty due to underdetermined model structure and parameters. Knowledge-guided machine learning (KGML) is a hybrid modeling approach that leverages recent advances in machine learning combined with known physical principles and relationships to enhance the training and application processes, which helps open the “black box” of conventional ML models, and enable better predictions that capture variability in both time and space. Here we proposed a data-efficient KGML framework that effectively predicts daily variations in agricultural CO2 emissions, crop yields, and soil carbon storage at field scale, as successfully demonstrated for the US Midwest. Multi-source data and pretraining with outputs from a well-validated agroecosystem model were incorporated into a hierarchically structured deep learning neural network that greatly outperformed both process-based and pure machine learning models, especially in data-limited cases. This work demonstrates the advantages of integrating domain knowledge with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence in agroecosystem modeling that will lead toward broader use of KGML in geoscience.

How to cite: Zhou, W., Liu, L., Guan, K., Jin, Z., Peng, B., and Wang, S.: Scalable quantification of agroecosystem carbon budget and crop yield based on knowledge-guided machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7574,, 2025.

EGU25-7672 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Revisiting the role of China’s protected areas in carbon storage  

Shuhan Wang, Jian Peng, Yifan Lin, and Tao Hu

It is widely expected that conservation efforts within protected areas (PAs) can achieve multiple conservation objectives simultaneously. PAs established primarily for biodiversity conservation also contribute to increasing carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems. However, there is a lack of quantitative studies on the role of China’s existing PAs in carbon storage protection. We proposed an integrated approach to estimate the carbon density of terrestrial ecosystems in China, based on a modified InVEST model. Through a statistical matching method, we evaluated the effectiveness of PAs in conserving carbon storage during 2020-2050. Under the moderate emission scenario (SSP2-RCP4.5), the average carbon density of PAs was projected to increase to 168.3 Mg C ha-1, a 14.2% rise compared to 2020. In contrast, under the low emission scenario (SSP1-RCP2.6) and high emission scenario (SSP5-RCP8.5), the average carbon density of PAs was projected to decrease by 4.8% and 4.6%, respectively. By 2050, approximately 45%-47% of PAs were expected to be effective in conserving carbon storage, with about 80% of PAs experiencing no change in effectiveness during 2020-2050. Additionally, 34.3%-36.2% of the areas of PAs remained effective, while 1.8%-4.0% were projected to transition from ineffective to effective. PAs effective in conserving carbon storage were predominantly located in humid, mid-to-high-altitude regions. Given the spatial mismatch among existing PAs, priority areas for carbon storage protection and effective areas for carbon storage protection, our findings underscored the necessity of expanding China’s PA system to expand the additional benefits of PAs in conserving carbon storage.

How to cite: Wang, S., Peng, J., Lin, Y., and Hu, T.: Revisiting the role of China’s protected areas in carbon storage , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7672,, 2025.

Accurate large-scale crop yield estimation is increasingly critical for agricultural management and understanding the dynamics of food security under climate change. The complex nature of crop growth, influenced by multiple environmental factors across temporal scales, requires advanced approaches for yield prediction. While recent advances in remote sensing provide diverse data sources for enhanced crop monitoring capabilities, effectively integrating heterogeneous data sources at large scales remains challenging for accurate yield prediction. In this study, we developed a temporal multi-modal fusion framework for soft wheat yield prediction at the sub-national level across the European Union from 2001 to 2019. Our framework integrated time-series data from optical remote sensing observations, climate data, and vegetation productivity indicators, along with static soil properties. A Transformer encoder was used to extract temporal patterns of crop growth, and the temporal features were fused with soil features to capture spatial patterns for large-scale wheat yield prediction. The proposed framework achieved much better performance (RMSE = 0.75 t·ha-1) compared with benchmark models including LSTM (RMSE = 0.82 t·ha-1) and Random Forest (RMSE = 1.09 t·ha-1). The study indicates that late fusion strategies are more effective in preserving modality-specific temporal patterns, enhancing the accuracy by 5.9% (RMSE) compared to early fusion. Ablation studies reveal the incremental benefits of multi-modal data integration, with soil properties notably improving prediction performance by 15.0-23.9% (RMSE). Feature importance analysis through explainable machine learning indicates that remote-sensing-related variables contribute more significantly to yield prediction than climatic variables.  The novel multi-modal fusion framework developed in this study for large-scale crop yield prediction provides insights into understanding crop-environment relationships in wheat yield formation.

How to cite: Lin, Z., Guan, K., and Wang, S.: Temporal Multi-modal Fusion Framework for Predicting Wheat Yield across the EU from Multi-source Satellite and Environmental Data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7753,, 2025.

EGU25-8055 | Posters on site | BG8.2

Cross-scale Sensing of Field-level Essential Agroecosystem Variables for the EU Climate-smart Agriculture 

Sheng Wang, Kaiyu Guan, Jørgen E. Olesen, Rui Zhou, Zhiju Lu, Zhixian Lin, Sijia Feng, René Gislum, Claire Treat, and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

Climate-smart agriculture aims to implement a suite of conservation management practices, such as cover crops, reduced tillage, smart irrigation and crop rotations, to maximize agroecosystem productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Timely and high-resolution agriculture data are crucial for measuring, reporting and verifying the implementation and benefits of climate-smart agriculture practices. However, agricultural data collection through field sampling, laboratory analysis, and/or grower surveys is time-consuming and costly. To address these challenges, we developed an artificial intelligence-empowered cross-scale sensing framework to integrate multi-source ground truth data with multi-modal satellite Earth observations to quantify high spatial and temporal information of essential agroecosystem variables in the EU. Specifically, these essential variables include crop types, harvest time, tillage practices, cover crop adoption and biomass, crop yield, soil moisture, ecosystem gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration. We developed computer vision and machine learning algorithms to obtain ground truth data from in-situ measurements, citizen sciences, census surveys, and ground or aerial vehicle system data. Through process-guided machine learning (PGML), we integrated the domain knowledge of soil-vegetation radiative transfer models and ground truth data to accurately quantify these essential variables from Sentinel-1, 2, 3 and SMAP satellite data. This study highlights the potential of integrating cross-scale sensing and PGML to quantify essential ecosystem variables to support climate-smart agriculture.

How to cite: Wang, S., Guan, K., E. Olesen, J., Zhou, R., Lu, Z., Lin, Z., Feng, S., Gislum, R., Treat, C., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: Cross-scale Sensing of Field-level Essential Agroecosystem Variables for the EU Climate-smart Agriculture, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8055,, 2025.

EGU25-8696 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Improving satellite microwave sensing of global soil moisture via radiative transfer process-guided machine learning 

Sijia Feng, Aoyang Li, Klaus Butterbach-Bahl, Majken C. Looms, Kaiyu Guan, Claire Treat, Christian Igel, and Sheng Wang

Accurately estimating top ~5 cm surface soil moisture (SM) is highly valuable for understanding the terrestrial water cycle. Based on the zero-order τ-ω radiative transfer model (RTM), the Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission has provided daily global surface SM estimations at 9 km spatial resolution using L-band (1.41 GHz) radiometry since April 2015. As the parameterization of RTM for SMAP's official algorithm highly relies on in-situ measurements, SMAP SM has weaker performance in regions with few calibration sites. To improve the accuracy of global SM estimations, we developed a new radiative transfer Process-Guided Machine Learning (PGML) method, which integrates the mechanistic understanding of RTM and data-driven machine learning approaches to estimate global SM. We generated a synthetic dataset from RTM and developed a pre-trained PGML to quantify SM by using this synthetic dataset. Furthermore, we utilized SM measurements at 1131 in-situ sites collected from International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN) during April 2015 and December 2023 across the globe to fine-tune PGML. The validation result shows that the estimated  9-km daily PGML global SM has a good agreement with in-situ SM measurements from ISMN. Our model has significantly better performance on estimating global SM  than the SM retrievals from RTM (R from 0.413 to 0.636, RMSE from 0.132 to 0.100 m3/m3, bias from 0.042 to 0.001 m3/m3, ubRMSE from 0.125 to 0.100 m3/m3). This study highlights the potential of PGML to integrate machine learning and radiative transfer models for accurate remote sensing of SM at the global scale.

How to cite: Feng, S., Li, A., Butterbach-Bahl, K., C. Looms, M., Guan, K., Treat, C., Igel, C., and Wang, S.: Improving satellite microwave sensing of global soil moisture via radiative transfer process-guided machine learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8696,, 2025.

EGU25-9828 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Advancing understanding of sustainable production on livestock farms: The importance of accurately assessing upland soil carbon stocks  

Laura Giles, Phil Scott, Jess Davies, Jan Bebbington, and John Quinton

Whilst it is generally understood that grasslands are able to store significant amounts of carbon and that much of our degraded agricultural soil has capacity to build carbon stocks and potentially mitigate on-farm emissions, to date, the greater focus of studies has been on the response of lowland grassland soil carbon to management practices. In contrast, comprehension of current and potential soil carbon stocks in heterogeneric ‘upland’ or marginal farmed environments is currently lacking, and the potential for sustainable livestock production to deliver increased soil carbon sequestration unsubstantiated. With upland farming systems producing 29% and 44% of breeding cows and sheep respectively, understanding the impact of changes in upland livestock management on soil carbon is critical to ensure future land management scenarios are environmentally positive and can sustain food production.

We aim to address this knowledge gap by combining field surveys of soil carbon concentrations and stocks with modelling of potential soil carbon change under nutrient, land use and climate change scenarios using the process-based N14CP model. In this contribution we will present the empirical data and carbon modelling results.

Three 'upland' livestock farms in Cumbria, UK were chosen as representative of diversity of parent material, climate, topography and livestock farming practices. Pedogenic-stratified random sampling of the top 0 – 30cm soil at a rate of 1 sample per 2 hectares; ≥5 metres apart was conducted July-September 2024. Samples were assessed for bulk density (corrected for coarse fragments ≥2mm) and carbon concentration (by dry combustion).

Preliminary analyses suggest high spatial variation in bulk density, soil carbon concentration and stocks within and between farms, reflecting the heterogeneity of ‘upland’ environments. Our sampling approach demonstrates that detecting change in soil carbon empirically, with confidence, is unlikely to be possible in these diverse landscapes, with implications for predicting carbon sequestration potential as climate mitigation.

How to cite: Giles, L., Scott, P., Davies, J., Bebbington, J., and Quinton, J.: Advancing understanding of sustainable production on livestock farms: The importance of accurately assessing upland soil carbon stocks , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9828,, 2025.

EGU25-11022 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2

Estimating the carbon dioxide removal potential of alley-cropping agroforestry systems in Germany 

Stephen Björn Wirth, Susanne Rolinski, and Christoph Müller

Agroforestry (AF) refers to a wide range of agricultural practices that incorporate woody plants into crop- and grasslands. Agroforestry systems (AFS) can be distinguished by their share of trees and their spatial allocation, the selection of tree species, and tree management. While AFS are common in the global south to promote soil fertility, reduce heat stress and improve the water balance, they are less common in the global north. Currently, AFS are discussed as a nature-based solution for terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Here, alley-cropping AFS are a promising system because their tree cover is sufficiently large for significant CDR rates and they are still compatible with the use of agricultural machinery that is common in modern agricultural practices. However, estimating the large-scale CDR potential of AFS is challenging because of the variety of potential systems whose performance strongly depends on environmental conditions.

We study the CDR potential of AFS by extending the process based dynamic global vegetation model Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed Land (LPJmL) to represent alley-cropping AFS on cropland. The model explicitly accounts for shading effects of tree rows depending on row and tree distance and row orientation as well as the competition for soil water and nutrients between trees and crops. As an example for potential model applications, we assessed the future CDR potential of timber alley-cropping AFS for Germany assuming a moderate linear annual increase of AF areas by 0.5% of the total cropland area until 2060 and a moderate tree cover.

With the process-based representation of AFS in LPJmL, the model can be applied to study carbon, water, and nitrogen fluxes and pools of different alley-cropping AFS and conventional cropping systems at large spatial scales, including maximum carbon sequestration rates, potential equilibrium states and reversibility.

How to cite: Wirth, S. B., Rolinski, S., and Müller, C.: Estimating the carbon dioxide removal potential of alley-cropping agroforestry systems in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11022,, 2025.

EGU25-14513 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2

Balancing Productivity and Climate Impact: Climate-Smart Potential of Irrigation Practices 

Shashank Kumar Anand, Rishabh Singh, Binayak Mohanty, Lorenzo Rosa, Nithya Rajan, and Salvatore Calabrese

Traditional agricultural practices have placed unsustainable pressures on soils, resulting in degraded soil health and losses in biodiversity and fertility. Modern agriculture faces the dual challenge of increasing productivity while building resilience to climate change, particularly in water-scarce regions where crop productivity is at risk. Recognizing the potential of agricultural soils as a nature-based climate solution, climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers a transformative strategy by integrating conservation practices and efficient water management to enhance soil health and mitigate climate impacts. From an irrigation perspective, this necessitates a comprehensive framework to holistically evaluate practices, moving beyond traditional objectives of maximizing yield and water use efficiency. In this study, we develop a multi-objective optimization framework for climate-smart irrigation (CSI), whereby a dual-index system evaluates irrigation systems (e.g., drip, sprinkler) and strategies (e.g., stress-avoidance, deficit irrigation) across productivity and climate impact dimensions. We first demonstrate the application of this framework by analyzing field studies of different crops (such as wheat and rice), irrigation practices and soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emission compositions, showing how the new indices jointly identify optimal irrigation practices. Additionally, using an ensemble of crop model simulations for corn production using irrigation across major U.S. production regions under varying climate and soil conditions, we explore trade-offs between productivity and climate impact goals. Results reveal a spectrum of Pareto-optimal irrigation practices that balance these dual objectives. These insights underscore the importance of holistic approaches in CSI and are critical for providing actionable insights into nature-based climate solutions in agricultural ecosystems.

How to cite: Anand, S. K., Singh, R., Mohanty, B., Rosa, L., Rajan, N., and Calabrese, S.: Balancing Productivity and Climate Impact: Climate-Smart Potential of Irrigation Practices, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14513,, 2025.

More Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and related, new farming practices are needed to promote the green transition of agriculture, and to reach the policy targets set in relation to environmental protection, biodiversity preservation, climate change adaptation and mitigation in combination with a sustainable agricultural production. This issue is addressed in a series of research and innovation projects, including the pan-European and China related Horizon Europe project, and the and research centers.
This paper outlines the research-based development of a Decision Support System (DSS), coupled with farm models and data, for farmers and multiple stakeholders to prioritize and implement more NbS in their practices, and thereby meet targets set. Special focus is put on agricultural nutrient management. A new point for innovation is that the DSS should be able to operate at the landscape scale, together with central NatureBased solutions, and thereby used in new types of catchment scale advisory services, relevant to both farmers and other industry related decision makers, as well as for policy development.     
NbS measures of particular relevance for the Limfjorden study area are selected (incl. conversion from rotational crops to more permanent crops, in particular more grassland, and related new types of crop rotations). Innovative methods for landscape scale data collection are developed (based on digital farm data sources and remote sensing techniques), and the multiple stakeholder DSS design is developed though workshops in collaboration with local stakeholders, and demonstration of the landscape scale data collected. 
Results are presented in the form of solution scenarios for green transitions in the Limfjorden catchment, based on the selected NbS, and the DSS components developed. GIS-based maps are used to illustrate the potentials and implications for farmers as well as local, regional, national and international decision-makers are discussed. Feedbacks to the implications for local farming system development are collected, and potentials and further research needs for upscaling and similar applications in other sites across Europe and beyond are synthesized and discussed.

How to cite: Dalgaard, T.: Decision support for Nature-based Solutions in agricultural nutrient management – Green transition scenarios demonstrated for the landscapes around Limfjorden, Denmark, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15083,, 2025.

EGU25-15993 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

A review of whole-farm models - gaps in the literature, links to landscape-level modelling and assessments of Nature-Based Solutions 

Fabio Delle Grazie, Nicholas Hutchings, Tommy Dalgaard, and Klaus Butterbach-Bahl

This article contains a review of whole-farm models for the description of nutrient cycles and greenhouse gas emissions, identifying research needs for the assessment of Nature-based Solutions for reduced emissions, occurring at the interface between the farm and the landscape level. The review thereby aims to give an overview of the state of the art of farm-level models and highlight gaps in the literature with the view of integrating whole-farm models into landscape-level modelling and assessments. The review covers peer-reviewed articles published in the period between 1980 and April 2024, captured in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, as well as using the snowballing method. Google scholar was also used to gather the relevant articles. The articles were described using several characteristics, such as country of origin, year published and complexity of the model. Dynamic process-based models were the most used, particularly the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator, APSIM and the Integrated Farm System, IFSM, with life cycle assessment (LCA) also being widely used. Dairy and beef farms were the most studied farm types, with most studies published from the USA, followed by Australia and New Zealand; however significant gaps were identified regarding complete whole farm models, including all parts of the farming systems, and links to the landscape level modelling needed to assess key Nature-Based Solutions to reduce emissions from agriculture. The review allowed to highlight these gaps, which will be illustrated by examples from Denmark and studies related to the Pioneer Center for Landscape Research in Sustainable Agricultural Futures. The tools most used for the assessment of Nature-based Solutions are also highlighted.

How to cite: Delle Grazie, F., Hutchings, N., Dalgaard, T., and Butterbach-Bahl, K.: A review of whole-farm models - gaps in the literature, links to landscape-level modelling and assessments of Nature-Based Solutions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15993,, 2025.

EGU25-16922 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Assessment of climate mitigation potential of French grasslands using the land surface model ORCHIDEE-GM 

Emilio Baud Fraile, Jinfeng Chang, Eric Ceschia, Katja Klumpp, Pierre Mischler, Nicolas Viovy, and Ronny Lauerwald

There is now growing awareness that agricultural land use impacts climate not only through its GHG budget, but also through albedo-mediated changes of the surface energy budget. For instance, grasslands have higher surface albedo (i.e. more incoming solar radiation is reflected instead of being adsorbed and transferred into heat) than forage crops especially during the fallow period.

The project ALBAATRE-Systèmes focuses on reducing the climate impact of forage systems by increasing the share of grassland and by adapting land management practices to increase surface albedo. For this, extensive experimental data is collected from a network of experimental farms from IDELE across France as well as at ICOS flux tower sites. At the same time a modelling framework is being developed to upscale the experimental data at the scale of France. For this task, we use the land surface model ORCHIDEE-GM (Chang et al., 2013), which represents a branch of the global land surface model ORCHIDEE (Krinner et al., 2005) that incorporates main features of the grassland management model PaSim (Riedo et al., 1998). This model is used to study the impact on production and climate of grasslands management such as grazing, fertilization and cutting. At present, however, it has a very simplistic surface albedo description.

Therefore, this study intends to improve albedo formalisms in ORCHIDEE-GM v3.2 in order to better take into account the seasonal and structural changes of different grassland types in France. To evaluate the model, we will use the in-situ data collected over several years at the IDELE farms and at the ICOS grassland flux towers sites.

The meteorological and flux data from ICOS sites were used as input and to calibrate ORCHIDEE. The reflectance of vegetation is now described across the short wave spectrum (400 nm to 2500 nm) as a function of leaf area index, average leaf angle, leaf water content, and pigment concentration. First results show that the new albedo description has a better correlation with the observed data than with the original one but still needs to be investigated further.

This model development will allow us to better account for the albedo changes that happen in response to meteorologic conditions and management practices, thus better quantifying the mitigation potential of French grasslands (forage and natural). Moreover, future simulations will help to adapt management practices and to recommend specific grass species that have a high albedo and/or resilience to heat and drought stress, increasing both the climate change adaptation and mitigation potentials of the French forage systems.

How to cite: Baud Fraile, E., Chang, J., Ceschia, E., Klumpp, K., Mischler, P., Viovy, N., and Lauerwald, R.: Assessment of climate mitigation potential of French grasslands using the land surface model ORCHIDEE-GM, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16922,, 2025.

EGU25-17273 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2

Quantification of the biogeophysical impact of crop residue management in Europe 

Ke Yu, Yang Su, Philippe Ciais, Ronny Lauerwald, David Makowski, Eric Ceschia, Tiphaine Tallec, and Daniel Goll

Managing jointly the biogeochemical and biogeophysical (e.g. albedo and energy fluxes) impacts of agriculture is essential towards reaching climate-neutral agriculture. Only few observations collected in a small number of sites are available to quantify the impacts of agriculture on both the biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects on climate. The coupling of dedicated crop models with land surface models allows the combined quantification of those effects, but often lacks crop-specific parameterization and accounting of cropland management effects on biogeophysical effects. For these reasons, the biogeophysical and net climatic impact of agriculture on climate remains uncertain.  

Here, we refined spatiotemporal bare soil albedo dynamics and the quantification of crop pigmentation and canopy structure effects on cropland albedo in the ORCHIDEE-CROP land surface model. This model develops a detailed crop growing module based on the process-based STICS formalism.  We further introduced a new module assessing the effects of crop residues on soil albedo and soil evaporation. The model was parameterized and evaluated at nine European cropland flux sites for which detailed management information, field photos, soil moisture and surface albedo monitoring data were available. In addition, we produced a novel daily bare soil albedo product derived from Sentinel-2 at 300 m spatial resolution for Europe. 

Using the refined model we quantified the effect of the presence of crop residues on radiative forcing, soil temperature and soil moisture of winter wheat crops. Simulations with the presence of crop residues left on the soil after harvest in 2-3 months increased surface albedo by approximately 0.08±0.03 in average, with significant spatiotemporal variability influenced by meteorological and soil conditions, as well as tillage practices among sites. We further found that over the same period residue cooled the surface soil by −1.18 ± 1.98 ℃ and enhanced the total soil water content by 35.77 ± 36.23 kg/m2. In a simulation of 10-year dry scenarios, we found that returning crop residues to the field can progressively increase plant available water over multiple years, with the extent of this increase influenced by climatic conditions. This study underscores the significance of the biogeophysical impacts of residue management on surface energy balance and highlights its potential in mitigating climate change, in particular in a warmer drier climate in Europe. The new framework developed in this study allows for a more rigorous assessment of the combined biogeochemical and biophysical impacts of field operations in Earth System Models such as cover crops that could allow climate cooling both through soil organic carbon sequestration and increase in surface albedo.

How to cite: Yu, K., Su, Y., Ciais, P., Lauerwald, R., Makowski, D., Ceschia, E., Tallec, T., and Goll, D.: Quantification of the biogeophysical impact of crop residue management in Europe, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17273,, 2025.

Among other sectors agriculture is under pressure to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission to contribute to national net zero targets. Avoiding all emissions is not possible. Therefore, negative emissions are required to achieve climate neutrality or net zero targets. Croplands are acknowledged to have good capacity to capture and store carbon in form or soil organic matter (SOM). Management changes on croplands are required to increase SOM in cropland. Additionally, monitoring systems must be available to quantify SOM or soil organic carbon (SOC) changes. There are several measuring/monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems in place to provide the required approaches for quantification. However, there are no standards about the structure of an MRV system. Financial constrains driving the applied methods in the available MRV systems for SOC changes, with remote sensing and modelling popular cost-effective solutions. This presentation shows results of an analysis applied in the ClieNFarms project, which assess and advice on solutions to achieve climate neutral farming. Selected MRV systems are analysed for their functionality, applicability and potential accuracy. Further, the available MRV systems are compared for the representation of different compartments that could be implemented for a perfect approach to quantify SOC changes. This is a qualitative analysis highlighting used methods to quantify SOC changes and provides an analysis about the functionality and the applicability of methods being influenced by stakeholder needs and varying levels of data availability. This study also highlights advantages and disadvantages of using the tools and models in MRV systems or for SOC monitoring in general. Models are powerful tools but there is a wide range of different models available, which differ in data demand and accuracy. The results highlight that the available systems are mainly driven by the urgent demand considering an easy applicability, low labour requirements and cost-effectiveness. This is a critical analysis not doubting the quality of available MRV systems, but provide discussion points and views on the available and applied systems.

How to cite: Kuhnert, M., Kashyap, D., and Klumpp, K.: Monitoring of soil carbon storage to achieve climate neutral farming – analysing existing MRV systems and model options, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18001,, 2025.

EGU25-18549 | ECS | Posters on site | BG8.2

Short and long-term effects of co-cropping systems in temperate regions: water-carbon interlinkages and the role of cultivar traits 

Oludare Durodola, Cathy Hawes, Jo Smith, Tracy A. Valentine, and Josie Geris

Co-cropping, the cultivation of two or more crops simultaneously on the same field, is a nature-based solution that has high potential to improve climate change adaptation and mitigation in arable systems. The short-term benefits of co-cropping, such as higher yields, better productivity, improved soil carbon and enhanced water uptake, are well-established in temperate regions, but evidence is still generally lacking for humid temperate environments. In addition, the interlinkages between water and carbon dynamics in co-cropping and the longer-term functioning, resilience and sustainability of these systems under future scenarios remain unclear. This study focuses on addressing these knowledge gaps by monitoring the short-term (2 years) and modelling the longer-term (~20 years) impact on water and carbon dynamics in different agricultural co-cropping systems for a typical temperate agroecosystem in Scotland.

The experimental study focussed on two barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars with contrasting phenotypic traits (high yielding and stress tolerant), co-cropped with pea (Pisum sativum) and their three corresponding monoculture systems. Crops were grown without agrochemical inputs to investigate the potential for co-cropping in low input systems. On 6 occasions during a two-year field experiment, we investigated soil physical, carbon and nitrogen properties at two depths (i.e. upper (<5 cm) and lower (25-30 cm) topsoil). Crop production and grain quality (i.e. grain carbon and nitrogen contents) were also assessed. Analyses of hydrometric monitoring, and soil and plant samples for stable water isotopes further informed the hydro-climatological conditions and plant water uptake interactions. In the short term, we found that co-cropping modified barley water uptake strategies and enhanced soil carbon, crop production and grain quality, although barley cultivar traits determined the specific effects.

The data also informed a modelling study that coupled a soil carbon (RothC) and water balance model (Hydrus-1) to test how crop water uptake patterns and carbon change interact in co-cropping systems throughout the growing season under different conditions of climate change and water availability. The findings of this study provide an evidence-base for sustainable agricultural practices in temperate systems and determine the resilience of co-cropping systems to future climatic conditions.

How to cite: Durodola, O., Hawes, C., Smith, J., Valentine, T. A., and Geris, J.: Short and long-term effects of co-cropping systems in temperate regions: water-carbon interlinkages and the role of cultivar traits, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18549,, 2025.

EGU25-18904 | ECS | Orals | BG8.2

Balancing biogeochemical gains and surface albedo shifts: climate impacts of no-tillage and mulching in Southern Africa 

Souleymane Diop, Rémi Cardinael, Ronny Lauerwald, Petra Sieber, Christian Thierfelder, Regis Chikowo, Marc Corbeels, Armwell Shumba, and Eric Ceschia

Conservation agriculture (CA) practices, such as no-tillage and mulching, can contribute to climate change mitigation by enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and by influencing nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. However, their impacts on surface albedo and overall climate benefits, remain underexplored, particularly in Africa. This study tries to better address the net climate impacts of no-tillage and no-tillage with mulching compared to conventional tillage through two long-term experiments conducted in Zimbabwe - one established on an abruptic Lixisol soil (DTC site), the other one on a xanthic Ferralsol soil (UZF site). Over two years, measurements included SOC concentrations to a depth of 1 m, N2O emissions, and surface albedo. The ICBM soil carbon model was employed to predict SOC stocks over 30 years of CA practices. Results indicated that no-tillage with mulching significantly increased SOC in the topsoil (0–30 cm), with stocks projected to reach 0.41 Mg C ha-1y-1 at DTC and 0.56 Mg C ha-1y-1 at UZF after 30 years. Conversely, no-tillage without mulching resulted in slight SOC losses at DTC, with predicted losses of approximately 0.036 Mg C ha-1y-1 over 30 years, while at UZF, SOC stocks increased by 0.11 Mg C ha-1y-1. Both sites exhibited very low N2O emissions, indicating minimal climate impacts from this source. Net climate impacts were evaluated using the Global Warming Potential (GWP) approach at 20- and 100-year time horizons to assess short- and long-term climate effects. Results showed that no-tillage without mulching increased surface albedo on both soil types, inducing net cooling effects of -2.56 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 and -0.65 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1, with surface albedo contributing 90% and 86%, respectively, on the Lixisol over 20 and 100 years. On the Ferralsol, no-tillage without mulching generated cooling effects of -1.25 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 and -0.77 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1, with surface albedo contributing 52% and 23%, respectively, over the same periods. In contrast, mulching had contrasting effects at the two sites. On the Ferralsol, mulching enhanced surface albedo, contributing to net cooling effects of -1.82 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 over 20 years and -1.57 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 over 100 years, with surface albedo contributing approximately 20% in the short term and 5% in the long term. Conversely, on the Lixisol, mulching reduced surface albedo, offsetting 100% of SOC benefits and resulting in a near-neutral climate effect of +0.09 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 over 20 years and +0.55 Mg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1 over 100 years. This study underscores the necessity of integrating biogeochemical and biogeophysical effects when assessing the climate mitigation potential of CA practices, particularly in regions with diverse soil types and climatic conditions.

How to cite: Diop, S., Cardinael, R., Lauerwald, R., Sieber, P., Thierfelder, C., Chikowo, R., Corbeels, M., Shumba, A., and Ceschia, E.: Balancing biogeochemical gains and surface albedo shifts: climate impacts of no-tillage and mulching in Southern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18904,, 2025.

EGU25-21430 | Orals | BG8.2

Optimizing the revisiting frequency of remotely sensed thermal observations for continuous estimation of ecosystem evapotranspiration and productivity using Bayesian inference 

Arnau Riba Palou, Monica Garcia, Ana M. Tarquis, Cecilio Oyonarte, Francisco Domingo, Jun Liu, Mark S. Johnson, Yeonuk Kim, and Sheng Wang

Understanding the energy, water, and carbon fluxes in dryland ecosystems is essential for maintaining ecosystem functioning and biodiversity. The limited in-situ measurements in drylands pose a significant challenge to the accurate monitoring and modelling of ecosystem dynamics. Satellite remote sensing provides high potential to monitor key surface and carbon variables, such as land surface temperature (LST), evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary productivity (GPP). Although these data provide valuable insights, their temporal resolution is limited to satellite revisit overpasses, which can limit the continuity of monitoring. To address these gaps, dynamic land surface models serve as effective tools for integrating sparse remote sensing observations with continuous simulations of energy, water, and carbon cycles. The Soil-Vegetation-atmosphere Energy, water, and CO2 traNsfer (SVEN) model exemplifies this approach, offering high temporal resolution simulations that incorporate satellite-based LST and meteorological in-situ inputs. This study focuses on calibrating and validating the model in southeastern Spain, as the only sub-desertic protected area in Europe. Calibration of SVEN was achieved using a combination of MODIS remote sensing data and in-situ LST measurements from an eddy covariance system, ensuring robust parameterization tailored to local field characteristics. Furthermore, the model was validated with in situ measurements, obtained through an eddy covariance tower. The RMSE values for the land surface temperature, latent heat flux, net radiation, sensible heat flux, gross primary productivity, and soil moisture were 1.99 ºC, 25.97 W m-2, 52.71 W m-2, 50.90 W m-2, 1.44 gCm-2s-1 and 1.19 m3m-3, respectively at half-hourly time scale. Normalized root mean square deviations of the simulated values were 7.84%, 10.81%, 5.67%, 7.81%, 13.09% and 6.59%, respectively. Otherwise, it was observed that until 8 days of revisit frequency, the calibration parameters did not affect the model accuracy considerably, increasing the RMSE of variables by 0.42 to 10.53% at the half-hourly time scale. The model’s accuracy across energy, water, and carbon fluxes highlights its potential as a reliable tool for dryland monitoring, offering insights into processes that are critical for ecological management and climate adaptation strategies. By filling the temporal gap between satellite observations, this work demonstrates the value of dynamic models like SVEN in enhancing our understanding of dryland ecosystems and promoting sustainable management practices in water-limited environments. This publication is supported by the EU COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA22136 “Pan-European Network of Green Deal Agriculture and Forestry Earth Observation Science” (PANGEOS).

How to cite: Riba Palou, A., Garcia, M., M. Tarquis, A., Oyonarte, C., Domingo, F., Liu, J., S. Johnson, M., Kim, Y., and Wang, S.: Optimizing the revisiting frequency of remotely sensed thermal observations for continuous estimation of ecosystem evapotranspiration and productivity using Bayesian inference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21430,, 2025.

EGU25-1360 | Posters on site | NH3.15

The assessment of critical factors in the landslide risk analysis of forest slopes 

Chia-Cheng Fan, Kai-Ming Yang, and Wan-Ting Tseng

The reasonableness of landslide risk analysis results for forest slopes poses a significant challenge due to the reliability of environmental data and the complex factors affecting the stability of large-scale forest slopes. This study introduces a novel approach to assessing the impact of critical factors on landslide risk analysis for forest slopes. The factors examined include topsoil thickness, soil strength, hydrological conditions, and vegetation. We utilize the TRIGRS program, a widely used tool in geotechnical engineering, to analyze the safety factor of a large forest slope covering an area of 100 hectares, situated at elevations ranging from 800 to 900 meters in the mountainous region of Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Some areas of the site experienced shallow landslides due to heavy rainfall in 2009. The shallow soil at the forest slope consists mainly of silty sands and clayey materials mixed with decomposed slate. Multiple regression analysis is used to evaluate the sensitivity of these critical factors to the landslide risk analysis results. The critical factors include six independent variables: soil cohesion (c), soil friction angle (f), root cohesion (cR), coefficient of hydraulic conductivity (Ks), air entry value on soil-water retention curve (a), and topsoil thickness (Z). 

The research findings emphasize the significant role of topsoil thickness and tree root reinforcement in analyzing landslide risks on large-scale forest slopes. Reliable soil strength is crucial for these assessments, while hydrological soil parameters are less important. These findings provide a valuable reference for evaluating landslide risks in extensive forested areas. Notably, the study also highlights the necessity of obtaining trustworthy field data to improve the accuracy of landslide risk assessments. Furthermore, the results underscore the practical implications for future field applications, offering valuable insights for those involved in environmental risk management.

How to cite: Fan, C.-C., Yang, K.-M., and Tseng, W.-T.: The assessment of critical factors in the landslide risk analysis of forest slopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1360,, 2025.

EGU25-3521 | Orals | NH3.15

Rapid Hazard Assessment Model for the Extreme Rainfall-induced Regional Clustered Shallow Landslides 

Lei Liu, Jiajia Wang, Laizheng Pei, Xin Liang, Jusheng Yan, Yu Chen, Yanjun Zhang, and Lili Xiao

The undertaking of stability analysis and impact range prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides at the regional scale is of great significance for landslides' early warning and prevention. The existing deterministic physical models for landslides that consider the effect of rainfall rarely consider the kinematics process after landslide destabilization when conducting regional hazard assessments. Thus, the Regional Shallow Landslide Hazards Rapid Assessment Model (RSLHRA) considering dynamic processes is proposed. This model considers the spatiotemporal instantaneous variation characteristics of surface runoff and subsurface wetting front under rainfall conditions, coupled with three-dimensional stability calculation methods to determine unstable units, and predicts the movement characteristics of landslides through dynamic models, achieving rapid assessment of regional-scale landslide hazard. To illustrate, the rainfall-induced regional Clustered shallow landslides that occurred in Guidong County, Hunan Province, China in 2021 were assessed using the RSLHRA model. The results show that soil permeability coefficient, cohesion, and internal friction angle are the most important input parameters of the RSLHRA model; The model can accurately capture the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of shallow landslides induced by a rainfall process. By comparing the predicted area of the model with the actual occurrence area of the landslide, the accuracy of the model prediction can reach 60-70%. In addition, due to the use of a meshless numerical simulation method suitable for fluid motion analysis under the assumption of depth averaging and incompressibility, the computational efficiency of the model in predicting the kinematics of unstable landslides and debris flows has increased by 20 times compared to other models. The proposed model is expected to provide theoretical and technical support for regional landslide risk prevention and early warning.

Keywords: Landslides Hazard, Raid Assessment, Regional Cluster, Landslides Stability, Rainfall Infiltration, Landslides kinematics

How to cite: Liu, L., Wang, J., Pei, L., Liang, X., Yan, J., Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., and Xiao, L.: Rapid Hazard Assessment Model for the Extreme Rainfall-induced Regional Clustered Shallow Landslides, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3521,, 2025.

EGU25-4344 | Orals | NH3.15

3D hydrometeorological thresholds for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides in Campania (Italy): application to Partenio massif 

Roberto Greco, Pasquale Marino, Daniel Camilo Roman Quintero, Abdullah Abdullah, and Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso

Large mountainous areas of Campania (Italy) are frequently subject to rainfall-induced landslides, which sometimes cause heavy damage to buildings and infrastructure. Specifically, landslides are triggered on steep slopes covered with unsaturated air-fall pyroclastic deposits from eruptions of Vesuvius resting upon fractured limestone bedrock. The characteristics of these phenomena, their wide diffusion, and the difficulty of predicting their exact time and place of occurrence, which strongly depend on local factors, make the recourse to structural risk mitigation interventions rarely feasible. Hence, landslide early warning systems (LEWS) are the most effective way to mitigate the associated risk. Currently, the operating LEWS are based on empirical thresholds based only on precipitation information (e.g., intensity and duration of precipitation), but they give rise to numerous false and even some missed alarms. The inclusion of antecedent hydrologic information prior to rainfall events improves the predictive performance of hazard assessment tools and is here applied to the definition of hydrometeorological thresholds to be implemented in LEWS.

A novel methodology is proposed to define the hydrometeorological thresholds for large areas, considering the uncertainties linked to the spatial variability of geomorphological and meteorological factors. The proposed methodology is applied to the north-facing side (an area of approximately 80 km2) of the Partenio Mountains, a carbonate massif in Campania (Italy), frequently hit by rainfall-induced debris flows involving the pyroclastic deposits mantling the steep slopes.

As it often happens for geohazard inventories, the available dataset is too scarce to allow carrying out significant statistical analyses. Therefore, a 500-year long synthetic dataset of the hydrological response to precipitation of a reference slope with known geometry and a homogeneous soil layer with known properties is generated, providing the values of root-zone soil moisture and aquifer water level. Specifically, a stochastic NSRP rainfall generator is coupled with a previously developed physically based model of the flows through the unsaturated deposit and its hydraulic connection to a perched aquifer forming during the rainy season. The slope stability is evaluated under the infinite slope hypothesis, which allows the identification of landslide events. To define an operational LEWS for the whole study area, the effects on slope stability of the uncertainty related to the spatial variability of the slope morphological features, soil hydraulic and geotechnical properties is introduced. Similarly, the uncertainty of the meteorological and hydrological variables used for the definition of the 3D thresholds (rainfall depth, root-zone soil moisture and aquifer water level) is also considered, to mimic the effects of spatially variable quantities observed only in few sparse points. Consequently, the synthetic dataset is perturbed, superimosing Normal-distributed random fluctuations on the hydrometeorological variables and on the calculated values of the factor of safety.

The effect of uncertainty on the operational predictive performance shows the robustness of the hydrometeorological thresholds. Moreover, this result is confirmed by the application of the obtained thresholds to available data of occurred landslides, and measured rainfall and soil moisture in the north-facing part of Partenio Massif in the period 2002-2020.

How to cite: Greco, R., Marino, P., Roman Quintero, D. C., Abdullah, A., and Santonastaso, G. F.: 3D hydrometeorological thresholds for early warning of rainfall-induced landslides in Campania (Italy): application to Partenio massif, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4344,, 2025.

EGU25-5089 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15

Probabilistic mapping of susceptibility and hazard of rainfall-triggered landslides in pyroclastic slopes of Campania (Italy). 

Abdullah Abdullah, Pasquale Marino, Daniel Camilo Roman Quintero, and Roberto Greco

Frequently occurring rainfall-induced landslides in pyroclastic soil deposits of Campania (southern Italy) are very threatening for the local community and the infrastructure. The major factor behind the triggering of such landslides is assuredly the rainfall. However, there are several other hydrological processes which are responsible for predisposing the slopes to failure. The study area is Partenio massif of Campania, where slopes are covered with coarse grained loose pyroclastic soils deposited in alternate layers of ashes and pumices laying on densely fractured limestone bedrock. The assessment of landslide triggering considers both static and dynamic factors. The former account for landslide susceptibility assessment, while the latter are responsible for the assessment of time-dependent landslide hazard. Several studies reported in literature explored various methodologies for the assessment of landslide susceptibility. However, landslide hazard assessment still needs attention especially in terms of reliably predicting triggering location and its probability under dynamically varying conditions.

Landslide susceptibility is evaluated with a probabilistic approach based on available historical precipitation records, considering only slope inclination and soil thickness as geomorphological controlling factors. In fact, owing to the characteristics of the considered area, the rest of the features influencing the landslide susceptibility like geo-lithology, geomorphology, vegetation and soil characteristics were assumed to be homogenous. The slopes of the area have been thus grouped in eight classes according to their inclination and soil thickness. The response of the slopes to precipitation is assessed by applying an 1D model of unsaturated flow and slope stability to the eight slope classes, considering the hourly rainfall recorded in 22 years (2002-23) by ten rain gauges around the study area. Slope susceptibility is evaluated as the historical (static) probability of landslide occurrence, based on the number of predicted slope failures from model simulations. Susceptibility mapping is carried out based on slope units, which are assigned to a slope class according to their inclination and thickness and are associated to the nearest rain gauge.

Landslide hazard is also assessed with a probabilistic approach, based on Bayes’ theorem, by integrating susceptibility with dynamic controls, i.e., triggering rainfall and antecedent rootzone soil moisture. Landslide triggering hazard is evaluated as the dynamic conditional probability, i.e. based on the number of failures for each slope class and for given event rain depth and antecedent soil moisture conditions. Hazard mapping is finally carried out based on slope unit susceptibility, and dynamic controls derived from the simulations with the nearest rain gauge data.

The obtained maps were tested by comparing them with actual reported landslides. Specifically, the susceptibility map well agrees with the locations of landslides recorded between 1999 and 2022. The operational applicability of the proposed hazard mapping was carried out by replacing the modelled antecedent conditions with those obtained from ERA5-Land. The dynamic triggering probability maps well identify the dates and the zones where landslides have been reported.

How to cite: Abdullah, A., Marino, P., Roman Quintero, D. C., and Greco, R.: Probabilistic mapping of susceptibility and hazard of rainfall-triggered landslides in pyroclastic slopes of Campania (Italy)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5089,, 2025.

EGU25-5130 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Water Balance Assessment of Catchments in Pyroclastic-Covered landslide prone areas of Campania (Italy): A Budyko model application 

Muhammad Aleem, Pasquale Marino, and Roberto Greco

Geo-hydrological hazards induced by rainfall in small catchments, such as landslides, debris flows and flash floods, represent serious risks to infrastructure and human worldwide. These phenomena are typically triggered by periods of heavy rain, with geomorphological features and antecedent soil and groundwater storage of the catchment as contributing factors(Bogaard & Greco, 2018). The assessment of water balance at the catchment scale may help to highlight the role played by different hydrological processes on the occurrence of these geohazards. In southern Italy's Campania region, steep slopes are covered by loose granular deposits covering a karstic limestone bedrock, making them particularly prone to shallow landslides. Over the past few decades, this region has indeed experienced some catastrophic landslides triggered by rainfall(Greco et al., 2021).

In this study, the water balance of landslide-prone catchments in Campania is modelled with a simplified lumped hydrological approach, based on the Budyko framework, by exploiting data from both meteorological and hydrological sources. Ground-based and satellite data between 2002-2022 have been considered for meteorological and geographic factors. The data include precipitation and stream water level obtained from the Multi-Risk Functional Center of the Civil Protection of Campania Region, and the actual evapotranspiration data sourced from TERRA Climate (Ning et al., 2024). Moreover, the groundwater recharge is estimated by using the Turc formulation, which is effective for semi-arid and temperate climates(Allocca et al., 2014), while stream runoff is derived from observed water levels of stream by Civil Protection website of Campania region.

The results provide insights into the interactions between precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, infiltration capacity of soil and stream runoff in the study area. Comparing the recorded landslide occurrences recorded (Calvello and Pecoraro, 2018; Peruccacci et al., 2023) with the water balance highlights the value of hydrological information in landslide hazard assessment.

How to cite: Aleem, M., Marino, P., and Greco, R.: Water Balance Assessment of Catchments in Pyroclastic-Covered landslide prone areas of Campania (Italy): A Budyko model application, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5130,, 2025.

EGU25-5401 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Temporal Modeling of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides: A Hybrid Approach Combining Physically-Based Modeling and Extreme Value Analysis 

Ho-Hong-Duy Nguyen, Thanh-Nhan Nguyen, Minh-Vuong Pham, Chang-Ho Song, and Yun-Tae Kim

Climate change induced the rise of extreme rainfall, resulting in an increase in the frequency and magnitude of landslides. Hence, a novel temporal modeling of rainfall-induced landslides incorporating both the dynamic nature of rainfall patterns and the slope failure mechanism was proposed. The proposed approach consists of three steps: (1) analysis of a critical continuous rainfall (CCR) using a physical-based model, (2) obtaining the cumulative distribution function of generalized extreme value distribution via the annual maximum rainfall series, and (3) analysis of temporal probability map. The result of the CCR map was validated with the 2018 landslide event in a small area of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan. The result shows that the CCR map is highly reliable, with an AUC of 71.3%. The proportion of temporal probability >0.5 under the nonstationary model is greater than approximately 1.7, 1.9, 2.0, and 2.3 times the stationary model for the periods of 5, 10, 20, and 50 years, respectively. This indicates that the temporal probability increases according to a longer time period due to climate change-induced increased trend of extreme rainfall. The proposed approach can also be utilized to obtain the landslide temporal probability map for areas lacking landslide inventory.  

How to cite: Nguyen, H.-H.-D., Nguyen, T.-N., Pham, M.-V., Song, C.-H., and Kim, Y.-T.: Temporal Modeling of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides: A Hybrid Approach Combining Physically-Based Modeling and Extreme Value Analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5401,, 2025.

EGU25-7226 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15

Exploiting EGMS data in a thickness inversion methodology to enhance shallow landslide assessment 

Elifnur Yurdakul, Elisa Arnone, Fernando Nardi, Alberto Refice, Antonio Annis, Rafael L. Bras, and Domenico Capolongo

Physically-based models for rainfall-triggered landslides enhance understanding of the interactions between rainfall, soil hydrology, and slope stability. Pre-event landslide modeling presents significant challenges, primarily due to uncertainties in estimating landslide volumes, which depend on the complex geometries of natural and basal sliding surfaces. Furthermore, physically-based distributed models often face challenges in acquiring datasets that are both spatially and temporally comprehensive.

This study introduces a methodology leveraging recent advancements in remote sensing technologies, which offer promising non-contact solutions for estimating landslide characteristics. A key focus is on calculating soil thickness, a critical parameter influencing mobilized soil weight and the factor of safety (FS) for physically based modeling. We integrate InSAR data from the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), which provides freely accessible, continental-scale ground motion and displacement rate observations over stable targets (the so-called persistent scatterers, or PS), generally identified with man-made infrastructures or rock outcrops, with the mass conservation method. This method assumes minimal changes in the sliding base geometry during the observed deformation period, linking the rate of landslide thickness change to the spatial variation of the vertical deformation mean yearly velocity, enabling soil thickness estimation and sliding geometry definition. The experiment involved selecting landslides with a minimum number of PS falling on their surface, then setting up the system of differential linear equations applied to the selected PS targets. Tikhonov regularization was employed to overcome ill-posedness, and the equations were solved by finite difference methods implemented in Matlab. The Tikhonov regularization introduces a smoothing parameter which assigns a weight to the Laplacian term of the thickness model. The methodology is being tested in a case study area within the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, in Italy, known for well-documented shallow landslides in the Italian Landslide Inventory (IFFI).

Preliminary results demonstrate that the soil thickness and sliding geometry can be retrieved with reasonable accuracy, although measurements are highly sensitive to the choice of the smoothing parameter used in the regularization process.

How to cite: Yurdakul, E., Arnone, E., Nardi, F., Refice, A., Annis, A., Bras, R. L., and Capolongo, D.: Exploiting EGMS data in a thickness inversion methodology to enhance shallow landslide assessment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7226,, 2025.

EGU25-7288 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Delineating conditionally stable areas and critical soil water content maps for initiation of rainfall-induced landslides  

Juby Thomas, Elifnur Yurdakul, Evren Soylu, Leonardo Noto, Rafael Bras, and Elisa Arnone

Initiation of rainfall-induced landslides is intricately linked to hydrological conditions, mainly soil water content (SWC), which directly reflects precipitation intensity and patterns. Initiation may occur only on areas that are susceptible to the movement, i.e., the so-called conditionally stable areas. Existing methods delineate unconditionally and conditionally stable areas in “partially saturated” soils based on topography, mechanical properties, and a steady state wetness index (WI) or depth of groundwater level.

This study presents a methodology that delineates conditionally stable areas under fully unsaturated soil water conditions, i.e., in the absence of groundwater. In particular, the methodology identifies (i) the ‘partially-saturated’ conditionally stable areas previously mentioned in terms of groundwater level or positive pressure head, and (ii) an ‘unsaturated’ conditionally stable areas, assessed in terms of SWC or negative pressure head. This is obtained computing the factor of safety (FoS) by using two equations of the infinite slope model, which account for both saturated and unsaturated soil conditions. The region delineation ultimately depends on the spatial heterogeneity of topographic and hydro-mechanical properties of the terrain. Finally, for the conditionally stable areas, both ‘partially saturated’ and ‘unsaturated,’ we derive critical maps of landslide initiation, either in terms of SWC or pressure head, respectively. In order to provide efficient and easy-to-interpret maps, the methodology generates Homogeneous Soil Units (HSUs) where each unit is represented by a unique combination of slope and hydro-mechanical properties of the terrain. A unique critical value of SWC or pressure head will result for each HSU at a given hypothetical failure surface, i.e., soil depth.

We apply the methodology over the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, Italy, and central Puerto Rico, where thousands of shallow landslides were triggered by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.

This research received funding from European Union NextGenerationEU – National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 2, Investiment 1.1 -PRIN 2022 – 2022ZC2522 - CUP G53D23001400006.

How to cite: Thomas, J., Yurdakul, E., Soylu, E., Noto, L., Bras, R., and Arnone, E.: Delineating conditionally stable areas and critical soil water content maps for initiation of rainfall-induced landslides , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7288,, 2025.

For many years, shallow landslides have been considered not to be related to bedrock geology. However, our experience clearly suggests that shallow landslides occur more frequently on specific bedrock types. This is because subsurface water migration behavior is strongly dependent on soil structures, most of which are derived from rock weathering. There are at least four types of surface structures that are prone to shallow landslides:

1) Some types of rocks are weathered with well-defined weathering front, which provides a common landslide model. In this case, porosity and permeability have high contrast between the soil layer and the bedrock, and therefore infiltrating rainwater commonly forms groundwater table within the soil and the resultant pore pressure build up causes shear failure. Piping erosion along the boundary might proceed and lead to the initiation of landslide. Vapor-phase crystallized ignimbrite, mudstone and gruss of granitoid form such structure.

2) Unwelded ignimbrite is weathered to become finer than the underlying fresh materials. Volcanic glass grains of unwelded ignimbrite interact with filtrating water and become finer than the original fresh one, forming a capillary barrier at the weathering front. Halloysite, which forms within the soil, are washed away by the groundwater and clogged in narrower spaces of pores to form clay bands, which prohibit downward water filtration. Weight increase of surface soil due to perched water on the clay bands and on the capillary barrier initiate landslide along with the suction decrease.

3) Surface materials that consist of dense rock blocks and soil have been prone to shallow landslides. Hornfels and spheroidally weathered granitoid form such surface materials. Subsurface flow washes away finer fraction to leave rock framework with open spaces, which might be collapsed and subsequent pressure buildup may cause landslide.

4) Horizontal impermeable beds overlain by permeable beds prohibits downward filtration of rainwater that comes through the permeable beds and the water moves laterally along the boundary and flows out of the slope. Such water flow out often induces landslide of surface soil. Tempestite that deposited on lower shoreface forms such structure.


How to cite: Chigira, M.: Geological background of shallow landslides induced by rainstorms, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7581,, 2025.

    Secondary loess is extensively distributed across the northwestern regions of China. Under the impact of extreme rainfall, slopes composed of this material are highly susceptible to failure, frequently resulting in landslides that lead to severe loss of life and property. Geological hazard surveys reveal that landslides in the Tianshui region predominantly occur in secondary loess, with over 70% classified as rainfall-induced shallow landslides. The rapid economic development in Tianshui has been accompanied by insufficient understanding of the physical and mechanical properties of soil layers, limited recognition of the water-sensitive behavior of secondary loess, and inadequate stabilization measures for excavated slopes and soil masses. These factors have collectively undermined the original stability of slopes and intensified the degradation of the geological environment.

    This study investigates the influence of water on the strength parameters of secondary loess in the Tianshui region through comprehensive physical and mechanical testing. Simulated rainfall experiments are also conducted to analyze the effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on infiltration rates and to establish the relationship between precipitation and soil moisture content. These findings are of critical importance for defining early warning indicators of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in secondary loess deposits in the Tianshui region. The results aim to provide a scientific basis for local governments in preventing geological disasters, protecting the geological environment, and fostering sustainable economic development.

How to cite: Meng, J., Feng, C., and Tan, C.: Study on the Water Sensitivity of Secondary Loess and Rainfall Indicators for Shallow Landslides in the Tianshui Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8333,, 2025.

EGU25-11017 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Analysis of susceptibility to shallow slope instability for different soil management practices with a probabilistic model approach 

Matteo Giganti, Antonio Gambarani, Alessia Giarola, Claudia Meisina, and Massimiliano Bordoni

In recent decades, climate change has increased slope instability in crop fields and agricultural land; the aim of this research is to identify the most suitable management practices for water retention in Vineyard as well as the less prone to soil erosion and shallow landslides. This study is part of the UNDER-VINE project, the areas of study are located in Oltrepò Pavese, a sector of the northern Appennines in Northern Italy.

In order to identify the proneness of the soils with different management practices (grass cover, legume-based mixture, cereal-based mixture, between and under-the-row mulching) to shallow landslides, the local data concerning several properties of the terrain (soil friction angle, slope angle, soil effective cohesion, root reinforcement provided by plant roots in the soil, soil unit weight, depth below ground level in which a potential sliding surface could develop and suction stress) were collected, field measurements and historical data were also taken into account. After that, the same data were used to calculate the safety factor (SF) formula for every cell of the digital elevation model, with one meter of resolution.

To accomplish that, a probabilistic model has been used, with the realization of a python script that takes for every parameter a value from a given range, than it calculates the SF for every cell. The outcome is a series of raster images showing the variation of the SF within the different sites.

Finally, the model should make it possible to understand which types of land use are most susceptible to slope instability, and whether the different management practices used can lead to a reduction in these phenomena.

How to cite: Giganti, M., Gambarani, A., Giarola, A., Meisina, C., and Bordoni, M.: Analysis of susceptibility to shallow slope instability for different soil management practices with a probabilistic model approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11017,, 2025.

EGU25-12101 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Integration of pedological and geotechnical analyses at soil profile scale to assess shallow landslide susceptibility in a pilot catchment of Calabria, southern Italy. Results from the Project “Soil Shades” 

Elena Ceravolo, Massimo Conforti, Simona Vingiani, Luigi Borrelli, Gino Cofone, Fabio Ietto, Francesco Perri, Pasquale Ruocco, Fabio Terribile, and Fabio Scarciglia

In this work some representative soil profiles located in a pilot river catchment in northern Calabria, Southern Italy, were studied with the aim to understand the role of soil features on the stability of slopes and trigger factors of shallow landslides. The Turbolo Stream catchment was chosen as pilot area, as representative of many other geographic areas based on its geological and environmental features. This basin has an extension of about 30 km^2 and exhibits an important lithological, geomorphological and pedological variability. The main soil types range from highly mature soils (Alfisols) to poorly differentiated soils (Inceptisols and Entisols). Previous works investigated the landslide susceptibility in this basin by analyzing geological and geomorphological predisposing factors. However, the intrinsic properties of the soils that can trigger superficial landslides were not considered. The pedogenesis of the parent material leads to its differentiation into soil horizons and a varying spatial distribution of rheological properties for each horizon. The variation of these properties along the profile can potentially generate weak layers that become detachment surfaces once the limit equilibrium of the slope is overcome. The project “SOIL SHADES – SOIL features and pedogenic processes as predisposing factors of SHAllow landsliDES”, funded by Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of Italy, M4.C2.1.1., National Research Programme (PNR)–Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN), brings together numerous direct and indirect methodologies, trying to address this research question. Proximal and remote sensing techniques were coupled with field description and sampling of soil profiles, located on landslide scars or close to them, for specific laboratory analyses. The investigated soil profiles are six, developed on Paleozoic-Cretaceous crystalline rocks and Neogene deposits, and. For all profiles, individual horizons were sampled, and both pedological (chemical and physical) and geotechnical analyses were performed. In addition, the observation of soil thin sections under a polarizing optical microscope enabled to detect soil micromorphological features, especially those that may affect the physical properties of the horizons (porosity, clay coatings etc.). Although no clear relationships were detected between each pedological and geotechnical property, because of an inhomogeneous behavior of the parameters measured across each profile or between different profiles, some interesting results were obtained. Among chemical data, electrical conductivity (EC) and the sodium absorption ratio (SAR), the latter calculated from soluble salts measured through ion chromatography, enabled to classify the soil horizons of the studied profiles in terms of dispersivity, according to the classification chart proposed by Rengasamy and co-authors. Only three profiles out of six fall within the classes of potentially dispersive soils and dispersive soils, whereas the others are non-dispersive. This suggests that clay dispersivity may slightly contribute to trigger shallow landslides but is not the dominant control factor. The shear resistance, determined in situ through the vane test, showed higher values, as expected, in more mature and well-structured soil profiles, although bulk density values are not always consistent. This suggests that parent materials, degree of pedogenesis and the intrinsic soil spatial variability influence geomechanical parameters at different extents.

How to cite: Ceravolo, E., Conforti, M., Vingiani, S., Borrelli, L., Cofone, G., Ietto, F., Perri, F., Ruocco, P., Terribile, F., and Scarciglia, F.: Integration of pedological and geotechnical analyses at soil profile scale to assess shallow landslide susceptibility in a pilot catchment of Calabria, southern Italy. Results from the Project “Soil Shades”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12101,, 2025.

EGU25-12238 | Orals | NH3.15

The role of soil features and pedogenic processes as potential factors of shallow landslides. A catchment-scale multidisciplinary approach in the frame of the Project “Soil Shades” 

Fabio Scarciglia, Massimo Conforti, Luigi Borrelli, Elena Ceravolo, Gino Cofone, Fabio Ietto, Francesco Perri, Pasquale Ruocco, Fabio Terribile, and Simona Vingiani

A wide literature and research interest focus on mapping shallow landslides, investigating their triggering factors, evaluating connected hazards and providing policies for risk mitigation, using a variety of methods. Many researchers also explored the role of weathering processes as predisposing factors of landslides, but most of them applied this approach to deep mass movements or did not consider soils from a pedological point of view, thus not taking into account their intrinsic juxtaposition of different pedogenic horizons and their spatial variability. Interesting results based on the basic concept of soil profile, well-known to soil scientists but often neglected by geologists or engineers, were mainly obtained in soils developed on pyroclastic materials, frequently affected by flow-like landslides, and more limitedly in other soil types. The ongoing project “SOIL SHADES – SOIL features and pedogenic processes as predisposing factors of SHAllow landsliDES”, funded by Next Generation EU, National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) of Italy, M4.C2.1.1., National Research Programme (PNR)–Research Projects of Significant National Interest (PRIN), aims at filling this gap. In its framework, we applied an integrated multidisciplinary, multi-analytical and multiscale approach in a pilot catchment (Turbolo Stream) of Calabria, southern Italy. For its geological-geomorphological, pedological and environmental features, this basin can be considered representative of other drainage basins in several Mediterranean and mid-latitude regions. Field surveys and aerial photo interpretation allowed us to provide an inventory of landslides in that pilot area and select some benchmark soil profiles able to catch the local pedodiversity, different lithologies and geomorphological features, where shallow movements occurred. At some of these sites, remote and proximal sensing investigations, such as electromagnetic induction (EMI), electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and drone-based 3D topography acquisition were carried out to map the soil spatial variability from the landslide scar to the toe of its body and from the topographic surface to the depth of the potential failure surface. Results of the geophysical surveys were consistent with the soil profile depths and/or with the presence of relevant morphological changes already described along the profiles. Twenty-six soil samples collected from 6 soil profiles were morphologically described (color, pedogenic structure, skeletal rock fragments, clay coatings, nodules, etc.) and analyzed in laboratory to measure physical and chemical properties (particle size distribution, organic carbon content, pH, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, soluble salts, etc.), while the micromorphological analysis was carried out only on selected horizons. Geotechnical analyses to obtain bulk density, Atterberg limits, shear strength, cohesion and internal friction angle were performed on the same samples, where applicable. Major data showed clear changes of pedological and geotechnical properties across the soil profile, thus supporting a prominent role of soil-formation processes on the modification of the original properties of the parent materials, as potential predisposing factors of shallow landslides. Nonetheless, the different soil types did not display homogenous behavior and mutual relationships from top to bottom or between specific pedological and geomechanical data, suggesting a complex interplay between parent rocks, pedogenesis and other morphodynamic processes recorded at the soil profile scale.

How to cite: Scarciglia, F., Conforti, M., Borrelli, L., Ceravolo, E., Cofone, G., Ietto, F., Perri, F., Ruocco, P., Terribile, F., and Vingiani, S.: The role of soil features and pedogenic processes as potential factors of shallow landslides. A catchment-scale multidisciplinary approach in the frame of the Project “Soil Shades”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12238,, 2025.

EGU25-12358 | ECS | Orals | NH3.15 | Highlight

A new database of landslide simulator experiments: LISA 

Alessandro Scaioli, Lorenzo Panzeri, Monica Corti, Luigi Zanzi, Diego Arosio, Hojat Azadeh, Monica Papini, and Laura Longoni

LISA (“Landslide Investigation and Simulation Archive”) is a database containing the observations collected across over 50 downscaled physical simulations of landslides. These experiments were performed over 7 years using a landslide simulator in Politecnico di Milano. Downscaled landslide simulations offer the opportunity to study the relationships among the landslide triggering factors in controlled conditions. The experiments considered different settings in terms of slope angle, rainfall intensity and soil characteristics. Furthermore, several tools were implied to monitor the evolution of water infiltration and failure development throughout the duration of the tests, including a Time Domain Reflectometer, tensiometers, Arduino soil moisture probes and optical fibres. To ensure water balance, superficial runoff was also collected, while Electrical Resistivity Tomography was used to monitor infiltration. Superficial deformations were assessed using photogrammetric techniques with optical cameras. Triggering factors linked to climate change were also explored, such as snow melting and wildfires, in terms of slopes constituted by burnt soil. Having so much information organized in terms of a database can be relevant for many aims. By way of example, these experimental data can be used to test and validate slope stability models and to define rainfall thresholds.

How to cite: Scaioli, A., Panzeri, L., Corti, M., Zanzi, L., Arosio, D., Azadeh, H., Papini, M., and Longoni, L.: A new database of landslide simulator experiments: LISA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12358,, 2025.

EGU25-13597 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

A spatio-temporal framework for modelling shallow landslides along mountainous transport corridors 

Cyprien Niyigena, Alister Smith, Tom Dijkstra, and Digne Rwabuhungu

Rainfall-induced shallow landslides affect transport infrastructure by reducing serviceability and increasing road maintenance costs. These impacts are likely to become more severe with climate change. The aim of this research was to develop a framework to assess the spatio-temporal stability of slopes along transport corridors for decision support. The developed approach couples daily soil water balance with a widely used physically-based model: Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability (TRIGRS). Performance of the framework was evaluated along the Mukamira – Kabaya national road that crosses a rugged topography in Nyabihu, Northwestern Rwanda. Spatio-temporal analyses conducted on landslide inventory in the road corridor indicated that the road has been susceptible to shallow landslides originating both from roadcuts and elsewhere in the road corridor.  The observed temporal increase in landslides density in the corridor underscores an escalating threat to the road. Consequently, incorporating temporal variability of landslide predictors into future projection can assist to better understand prospective landslide activity in the road corridor, and the subsequent impact on the road. Applying a water balance model as input into TRIGRS provides a more realistic temporal assessment of initial soil moisture conditions and, in turn, a more relevant evaluation of triggering rainfall magnitudes. Using historic weather data, the framework showed capabilities of tracking variations of stability conditions of the roadside and forecasting the road sections that could potentially become blocked by road cut shallow instabilities. The framework highlights road sections exposed to distinct hazards, e.g. debris slides or debris flows paths. For landslide risk assessment, using historical data it was possible to link observed landslide occurrences to soil moisture and triggering rainfall conditions. It was also possible to estimate probable mobilised volumes of debris to be deposited on the road. In addition, the framework enabled evaluation of deteriorated shear strength of road cut materials on future projections of stability. For existing roads, the framework provides an important contribution to enable road asset managers to develop effective and economic maintenance plans. For the development of new roads, this framework can assist with the optimisation of alignment and cutslope morphology.

How to cite: Niyigena, C., Smith, A., Dijkstra, T., and Rwabuhungu, D.: A spatio-temporal framework for modelling shallow landslides along mountainous transport corridors, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13597,, 2025.

EGU25-18060 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Daily rainfall data spatialization for the analysis of shallow landslide triggering conditions 

Eduardo R. Oliveira, Enrico D’Addario, Giulio Masoni, Moira Pippi, and Leonardo Disperati

Shallow landslides are mass movements capable of causing severe damage to infrastructures and loss of lives. Similarly to other weather-driven geological processes, the spatial analysis of either hazard or susceptibility to shallow landslides by means of data-driven methods often involve two types of factors. Stable factors, such as geomorphological variables, represent the predisposing conditions for landslide occurrence. These factors, almost constant over time, are predominantly used in susceptibility assessments to identify areas potentially prone to landslides, irrespective of meteorological conditions. On the other hand, triggering factors, which are typically associated with highly dynamic variables, are also usually analyzed as they influence frequency and magnitude of landslide phenomena, hence being essential for hazard mapping. Heavy rainfalls may be regarded as the main triggering factor for shallow landsliding.

Rainfall is not a regular phenomenon and it is characterized by high spatial variability, particularly in mountainous regions, hence evaluating its spatial-temporal distribution represents a quite hard task, despite the availability of long-term meteorological stations records.

The primary objective of this study is to evaluate different interpolation methods for spatializing daily rainfall data to support shallow landslide hazard mapping. The study focuses on the Alpi Apuane region located in northern Tuscany (Italy), characterized by complex topography rising sharply few kilometers near the Ligurian sea coast. Daily precipitation data, collected over nearly seventy years, were obtained from various meteorological networks operating within the study area.

Different spatialization methods were selected to facilitate automated computation of the available large station dataset, such as the Inverse distance weighted interpolation, as well as different kriging methods, including the use of elevation data as a secondary variable for precipitation mapping.

The performance of the different methods was assessed for a set of significant precipitation days and involving an iterative process for random validation subsets selection.

Considering that landslides often occur in inaccessible areas and are generally poorly reported, their occurrence dates in landslide inventories are either frequently missing or uncertain.

In order to mitigate this issue, an inventory of shallow landslides was created for the study area through the visual interpretation of a multitemporal set of orthorectified aerial photographs. The available images used for landslide mapping span the period from 1954 to 2021. The acquisition of these aerial images was not temporally constant, the intervals between the acquisition range from 24 to 2 years,  with an average value of 6 years. The last two decades (2003-2021) instead are characterized by a regular acquisition of aerial images of about 3 years. For each landslide, the triggering period was defined by the time interval between two consecutive image acquisition dates t(n) and t(n+1), the latter representing the oldest image where the landslide was recognized. The pre-landslide period was defined to correspond to the time interval preceding t(n), i.e. the youngest image acquired before landslide triggering. The computed daily precipitation maps were used for the analysis of intense rainfall events occurred during both pre-landslide and triggering periods, enabling the assessment of triggering daily precipitation associated to the landslide areas of the multitemporal inventory.

How to cite: Oliveira, E. R., D’Addario, E., Masoni, G., Pippi, M., and Disperati, L.: Daily rainfall data spatialization for the analysis of shallow landslide triggering conditions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18060,, 2025.

EGU25-19546 | Orals | NH3.15

Mapping Direct Protection Forests Using SlideForMAP Software: A Case Study from the MILETO Project in Southern Italy 

Filippo Giadrossich, Samanta Trotta, Ha My Ngo, Giovanni Sanesi, Roberto Scotti, Lovreglio Raffaella, Simone Di Prima, and Denis Cohen

Protection forests play a critical role in mitigating surface landslides and controlling hydrological processes, yet their identification and assessment remain a challenge in forest and land management. This study, conducted as part of the PRIN-PNRR MILETO project, introduces in Italy a novel procedure for identifying protection forests using a deterministic statistical approach tailored to surface landslides in Italy. The SlideForMAP software forms the core of this methodology, integrating key inputs on soil and vegetation characteristics to assess landslide susceptibility. By explicitly incorporating the role of vegetation, the software offers a refined analysis of areas prone to landslides. Computationally efficient, the method supports the evaluation of extensive regions, facilitating applications at a regional scale. 

In southern Italy the MILETO project has implemented this methodology to map and evaluate protection forests though case studies. These areas, often characterized by steep terrain and varying climatic conditions, are particularly prone to hydrogeological hazards like landslides. The project focuses on linking hydrological and soil stability models with vegetation dynamics, a key determinant in mitigating landslide risk.

These outputs provide actionable insights for forest and land managers. The hazard maps enable planners to pinpoint locations where protection forests mitigate landslide risks most effectively, while heat maps highlight areas for intervention to enhance forest functionality. This systematic approach bridges the gap between theoretical modeling and practical forest management, supporting sustainable landscape practices and disaster risk reduction approaches. By focusing on direct protection forest detection, this case study in southern Italy contributes to integrating environmental modelling and geospatial data to create a robust framework for safeguarding vulnerable regions.

How to cite: Giadrossich, F., Trotta, S., Ngo, H. M., Sanesi, G., Scotti, R., Raffaella, L., Di Prima, S., and Cohen, D.: Mapping Direct Protection Forests Using SlideForMAP Software: A Case Study from the MILETO Project in Southern Italy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19546,, 2025.

EGU25-20098 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

Investigating the role of pore water pressure and antecedent conditions in landslide acceleration: Insights from long-term monitoring in Lower Austria 

Yenny Alejandra Jiménez Donato, Thom Bogaard, Edoardo Carraro, Philipp Marr, Robert Kanta, and Thomas Glade

Predicting the spatial and temporal evolution of landslides is still one of the greatest challenges in landslide research. This is mainly due to the heterogeneous and complex interplay of landslide conditioning and triggering factors, which can lead to non-linear temporal and kinematic responses. Despite the growing literature demonstrating that hydrological antecedent conditions play a role in landslide acceleration, most landslide early warning systems (LEWS) often use only rainfall thresholds as the main triggering parameter. Therefore, the development of hydrometeorological threshold models that take into account pore water pressure data, antecedent hydrological conditions, and physiographic characteristics of slopes offers a great opportunity to improve existing LEWS. However, the investigation of slope dynamics and hydrometeorological thresholds requires an accurate, high-resolution data set. For this reason, the University of Vienna has initiated a long-term monitoring project (NoeSLIDE) that aims to obtain long-term in-situ surface and subsurface data (e.g. precipitation, piezometric levels, volumetric water content, vertical displacement) of several slopes in the region of Lower Austria.

In this study, the hydromechanical behaviour of a selected slope, the Hofermühle landslide, is investigated. We use an integrated approach combining field investigations, soil analysis, remote sensing, time series analysis (e.g. PASTAS) and numerical modelling to: (1) characterise the mechanical behaviour of the slope, (2) estimate snowpack and snowmelt rates, (3) understand and simulate the response and timing of groundwater, and thus porewater pressure, to rainfall and snowmelt, and (4) analyse the response of the slope to changes in porewater pressure to determine the critical hydro-meteorological conditions that lead to landslide accelerations. The preliminary results indicate that the studied landslide accelerates mainly in winter and spring and shows a heterogeneous spatial response to rainfall and snowmelt, which is largely influenced by its complex lithologic and hydrologic conditions. Furthermore, although changes in pore water pressure are the main driving mechanism for landslide acceleration, dry antecedent conditions and seasonal preferential flow patterns are also crucial for this process and need to be considered. This study provides useful information for disaster risk reduction as it is a further step towards a better understanding of the complex behaviour of landslides in Lower Austria.

How to cite: Jiménez Donato, Y. A., Bogaard, T., Carraro, E., Marr, P., Kanta, R., and Glade, T.: Investigating the role of pore water pressure and antecedent conditions in landslide acceleration: Insights from long-term monitoring in Lower Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20098,, 2025.

EGU25-20170 | Orals | NH3.15

Effect of Microstructural Evolution of Loess under Infiltration on Soil Strength 

Xiaorui Wang, RunQiang Zeng, and ZiRan Wei

Shallow loess landslides typically occur under the influence of rainfall and irrigation, where hydrodynamic processes significantly affect soil strength and stability by altering particle gradation, soluble salt content, and mineral dissolution. Loess, characterized by high porosity and low density, is highly susceptible to structural changes under water infiltration. These microstructural changes not only exacerbate the collapsibility of loess but also weaken its strength, thereby increasing the risk of landslides. However, most existing studies focus on infiltration tests conducted in laboratories using collected samples, lacking long-term monitoring of the microstructural properties of in-situ loess slopes. As a result, these studies fail to ensure that their findings accurately reflect the actual conditions of natural slopes.

To address this gap, this study conducts long-term monitoring of a typical loess slope in the field, with regular artificial irrigation and natural rainfall recording, alongside borehole sampling. Using techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Laser Granulometry, and Particle Flow Code (PFC), this research systematically examines the effects of water infiltration on loess microstructure, particle migration, and mineral dissolution. It also explores the spatial and temporal evolution of loess properties at different depths. To date, two sets of loess samples have been used to establish a quantitative relationship between water infiltration and microstructural characteristics (e.g., porosity, mineral dissolution rate, and particle migration rate). The results indicate that during long-term infiltration, the content of cemented minerals in the shallow soil decreases, fine particles are lost, and the pore structure evolves toward a single large-pore form. Furthermore, PFC-based simulations reveal the weakening process of soil strength under water infiltration, providing an in-depth analysis of the particle-level mechanisms underlying strength degradation. This study offers a theoretical basis for the design and optimization of monitoring and early warning systems for loess landslides.

How to cite: Wang, X., Zeng, R., and Wei, Z.: Effect of Microstructural Evolution of Loess under Infiltration on Soil Strength, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20170,, 2025.

EGU25-20613 | ECS | Posters on site | NH3.15

A probabilistic approach to model spatio-temporal landslide susceptibility 

Micol Fumagalli, Paolo Frattini, and Giovanni B. Crosta

Shallow landslides pose significant hazards globally, particularly in regions with steep topography and susceptible geological conditions. These landslides are often triggered by intense rainfall or rapid snowmelt, and the understanding of their spatial and temporal dynamics is essential for hazard assessment and risk mitigation, especially in the context of climate change.

This study develops a statistically-based spatiotemporal model using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to evaluate shallow landslide susceptibility in the Orba basin(595 km2), Northern Italy. The model integrates static predictors such as slope and lithology with dynamic rainfall descriptors, particularly maximum rainfall intensity and antecedent cumulative rainfall, with the aim of finding a failure probability associated with certain values of antecedent cumulative and maximum rainfall intensity. Values for the rainfall descriptors are derived from a copula analysis that allows to estimate these parameters for defined return periods. In this way, both the spatial and the temporal components are included within the analyses.

Results highlight the nonlinear influence of cumulative rainfall on slope stability, consistent with suction stress theory, and the irrelevant effect of extreme rainfall intensities beyond a threshold. Susceptibility matrices derived from the model enable time-dependent assessments at the slope unit scale, offering valuable tools for early warning systems and climate change scenario analyses. In particular, the probabilistic methods using copula modelling allowed for the quantification of landslide susceptibility associated with specific return periods. Also, the deterministic and probabilistic analyses of future climate scenarios under varying RCP pathways revealed complex temporal trends in landslide susceptibility, demonstrating the significant impact of climate change on slope stability.

How to cite: Fumagalli, M., Frattini, P., and Crosta, G. B.: A probabilistic approach to model spatio-temporal landslide susceptibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20613,, 2025.

EGU25-971 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Uncertainty maps as a tool for efficient AUV data collection 

Ana Filipa Duarte, Lucrezia Bernacchi, Renato Mendes, João Borges de Sousa, and Leonardo Azevedo

Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) trajectory planning for oceanographic surveys should ensure comprehensive data collection for enhanced mission success. By strategically navigating and targeting high-value data points, the AUV can operate longer and gather more essential information for ocean modelling. Here, we propose a geostatistical modelling workflow to predict ocean temperature with spatial uncertainty maps, representing regions with limited knowledge about the ocean properties from where navigation paths can be devised.

A real autonomous oceanographic survey performed off W. Portugal illustrates the proposed modelling workflow. To spatially predict ocean temperature and uncertainty for the ‘day after’, we use Direct Sequential Simulation[1]. We also use the CMEMS[2] product of Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast as experimental data to constrain the spatial predictions. During the survey, the daily updated numerical ocean model is downloaded to accommodate new information, and the AUV data is assimilated and used in new geostatistical predictions.

At the beginning of the survey, we predict the ‘day after’ based on the previous 14 days, a spatiotemporal covariance matrix and the CMEMS[2] product as experimental data without uncertainty. The pointwise median model of an ensemble of geostatistical realizations is used as the most likely model, while the pointwise standard deviation model is used as an uncertainty measurement. This uncertainty map is used to devise the navigation strategy using a prize-collecting vehicle routing problem solver. At the end of each day, the data acquired by the AUV is assimilated to contain the prediction of the ocean temperature for the following day along with the updated CMEMS[2] ocean model.

The results show that the proposed methodology efficiently predicts daily ocean temperature and its spatial uncertainty and assimilates data from different sources. The AUV was able to sample ocean regions associated with higher uncertainty (i.e., variability).


[1] Soares, A., 2001, Direct sequential simulation and cosimulation: Mathematical Geology, 33, 911–926, doi: 10.1023/A:1012246006212.                          

[2] Atlantic-Iberian Biscay Irish- Ocean Physics Analysis and Forecast. E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information (CMEMS). Marine Data Store (MDS). DOI: 10.48670/moi-00027 (Accessed between 14 to 25-Oct-2024)

How to cite: Duarte, A. F., Bernacchi, L., Mendes, R., Borges de Sousa, J., and Azevedo, L.: Uncertainty maps as a tool for efficient AUV data collection, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-971,, 2025.

EGU25-1089 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Mapping Soil Porosity: Unveiling India's Soil Dynamics with Remote Sensing 

Harshita Rani Ahirwar, Ashish Pratap Singh, Manish Kumar Nema, and Anupam Kumar Nema

The physical state of the soil environment majorly defines plant growth.  The composition and properties of the soil matrix influence various transport processes and important flow between soil and plant. The porosity and density of soil help determine the water binding possibility, air movement, plant root penetration, etc. Just as the solid phase the geometry of the pore system is also complex. The porosity of the soil matrix is determined using densities- particle density and bulk density.  On the one side where we have several methods to determine porosity, we lack in the spatial details of it. Many attempts have been made to gather information about porosity through machine learning and remote sensing methods for specific locations. The present study attempts to map the porosity details over India using various databases and finally checking the accuracy and reliability of data sources.

How to cite: Ahirwar, H. R., Singh, A. P., Nema, M. K., and Nema, A. K.: Mapping Soil Porosity: Unveiling India's Soil Dynamics with Remote Sensing, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1089,, 2025.

EGU25-3548 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Low-Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar: A Versatile Tool for Multiscale Analysis in Active Tectonics, Geoarchaeology, and Urban Geology 

Bruno Massa, Nicola Angelo Famiglietti, Antonino Memmolo, Robert Migliazza, and Annamaria Vicari

In situ geophysical techniques are essential tools in geological and geotechnical research for characterizing tectono-stratigraphic settings. Since its introduction in the late 1970s, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) provides integrated information over a large subsoil volume, overcoming the limitations of conventional point-scale direct survey or measurements. In the last decade, advances in low-frequency GPR systems have made them efficient and affordable for multiscale investigations. Compact and lightweight monostatic antennas, such as the COBRA Plug-In SE 70 employed in this study, allow for rapid deployment, flexible parameter settings, and high-resolution data acquisition. Operating with a center frequency of 80 MHz, a frequency range of 20–140 MHz, and a maximum penetration depth of 50 meters, this system achieves vertical resolutions of approximately 30 cm with a sampling rate of 32,000 sample/s. This study presents the results of low-frequency GPR surveys conducted in different geological contexts in Southern Italy:1) active tectonics at Mt. Camposauro (Southern Apennine, Italy) an area of energetic historical seismicity with evidences of recent tectonic activity; 2) geoarchaeology and site characterization of subsurface caves at the ancient Capua, an Etruscan city (IX century BCE) lately conquered by  Osci, then by Samnite (IV century BCE) and finally by Romans, becoming in the III century BCE the main city along the Via Appia, regina viarum;  and 3) urban geology in Calitri Town (Avellino, Italy) an area with a complex tectono-stratigraphic setting, affected by seismically induced gravity-driven deformations. The results highlight the versatility and effectiveness of low-frequency GPR for investigating geological processes at varying spatial and temporal scales. Key findings are summarized and discussed, emphasizing the role of GPR as a preferred method for integrated subsurface analysis.

How to cite: Massa, B., Famiglietti, N. A., Memmolo, A., Migliazza, R., and Vicari, A.: Low-Frequency Ground Penetrating Radar: A Versatile Tool for Multiscale Analysis in Active Tectonics, Geoarchaeology, and Urban Geology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3548,, 2025.

EGU25-4629 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Seismic monitoring experiment of deep-sea driling 

yunlong liu, lei qiu, hanchuang wang, and chunhui tao

As human exploration and exploitation of seabed mineral resources intensify, concerns about the degradation of the ocean bottom noise environment have risen. To address this, we conducted a seismic monitoring experiment during the 78th Chinese Dayang cruise in 2023, focusing on drilling activities at the Yuhuang seafloor massive sulfide deposits located at the Southwest Indian Ridge. Five Ocean Bottom Nodes (OBNs), each equipped with three orthogonal seismometers and one hydrophone operating at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz, were deployed around a sulfide mound by using the "Hailong IVE" ROV, which featured a real-time Ultra-Short Baseline (USBL) positioning system for precise placement. Additionally, high-sampling-rate cabled hydrophones, capable of capturing data at 32 kHz, were installed on a cable positioned 15 meters above the seabed drill site. Throughout the experiment, a seabed drilling rig capable of drilling up to 20 meters below the seafloor conducted a total of 13 drill operations. Our objectives were to identify drilling-related signals from the seawater and drill bit signals from the subseafloor, assess the impact of drilling operations on marine noise, and invert the velocity structure using ambient noise data. The initial insights gained from our experiment indicate that the maximum radius of drilling-related noise does not exceed 100 meters. The noise level produced by the drilling rig is influenced by the drilling parameters, such as revolutions per minute and weight on bit, as well as the hardness of the rock. To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of drilling activities on the ocean sound field, further drilling tests with additional seismometers and hydrophones are necessary. This will provide a richer dataset, enabling more accurate assessments of noise generation and propagation patterns associated with seabed drilling operations.

How to cite: liu, Y., qiu, L., wang, H., and tao, C.: Seismic monitoring experiment of deep-sea driling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4629,, 2025.

EGU25-5448 | ECS | Orals | GI5.3

DC_OCEAN: An open-source algorithm for identification of duplicates in ocean databases 

Xinyi Song, Zhetao Tan, Ricardo Locarnini, Simona Simoncelli, Rebecca Cowley, Shoichi Kizu, Tim Boyer, Franco Reseghetti, Guilherme Castelao, Viktor Gouretski, and Lijing Cheng

A high-quality hydrographic observational database is essential for ocean and climate studies and operational applications. Because there are numerous global and regional ocean databases, duplicate data continues to be an issue in data management, data processing and database merging, posing a challenge on effectively and accurately using oceanographic data to derive robust statistics and reliable data products. This study aims to provide an algorithm to identify the duplicates and assign labels to them. We propose first the definition of exact duplicates and possible duplicates; and second, an open-source and semi-automatic system (named DC_OCEAN) based on crude screening and target screening, which is followed by a manual expert check to review the identified duplicates to detect duplicate data and erroneous metadata. The robustness of the system is then evaluated with a subset of the World Ocean Database (WOD18) with over 600,000 in-situ temperature and salinity profiles. This system is an open-source Python package allowing users to effectively use the software. Users can customize their settings. The application result from the WOD18 subset also forms a benchmark dataset, which is available to support future studies on duplicate checking, metadata error identification, and machine learning applications. This duplicate checking system will be incorporated into the International Quality-controlled Ocean Database (IQuOD) data quality control system to guarantee the uniqueness of ocean observation data in this product.

How to cite: Song, X., Tan, Z., Locarnini, R., Simoncelli, S., Cowley, R., Kizu, S., Boyer, T., Reseghetti, F., Castelao, G., Gouretski, V., and Cheng, L.: DC_OCEAN: An open-source algorithm for identification of duplicates in ocean databases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5448,, 2025.

The autonomous and remotely vehicles (ARV) plays a crucial role in deep-sea and large-scale surveying and sampling missions, which requires accurate marine spatial positioning and navigation information. Generally, the integration of ultra-short baseline (USBL) acoustic positioning system, strap-down inertial navigation system (SINS) and Doppler velocity logger (DVL) is consistently recommended for underwater geo-referencing. This inertial-acoustic fusion offers superior accuracy and reliability in determining vehicle position, speed, and attitude. However, the temporal variation of sound speed structure (SSS) emerges as a critical factor that limits the USBL positioning performance within operational areas, thereby compromising the fusion accuracy of integrated navigation systems. In this contribution, we propose a novel in-situ sound speed structure correction scheme for SINS/USBL integrated navigation. Firstly, the temporal variation of SSS based on USBL positioning functional model is analyzed, and a two-dimensional temporal SSS model is constructed. Subsequently, a novel adaptive two-stage information filter algorithm is proposed, which estimates the perturbation of the sound speed while simultaneously detecting and identifying outlier observations from both the USBL and DVL. Finally, the effectiveness of the improved method is verified through simulations and trails conducted in the South China Sea. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively estimates the sound speed disturbance in real-time, significantly enhancing the performance of tightly integrated inertial-acoustic navigation systems.

Keywords SINS/USBL, sound speed structure, adaptive two-stage information filter, integrated navigation

How to cite: Liu, H.: An in-situ sound speed structure correction scheme for the tight integration of SINS/USBL/DVL in Deep-sea ARV navigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7931,, 2025.

EGU25-9337 | ECS | Orals | GI5.3

Clustering Soil Health Across Europe Using LUCAS Soil Dataset and Unsupervised Learning Techniques 

Ernesto Sanz, Andrés F. Almeida-Ñauñay, José M. Soriano Disla, Barbara Soriano, Isabel Bardají, and Ana M. Tarquis

Soil health is a critical factor influencing ecosystem functions, agricultural productivity, and environmental sustainability. However, the spatial variability of soil properties across Europe poses significant challenges to understanding and managing soil health at regional and continental scales. This study utilizes clustering techniques to analyze and classify soil health across Europe using the LUCAS (Land Use and Coverage Area Frame Survey) soil dataset, one of the most comprehensive databases of soil properties in Europe.

The LUCAS dataset includes key physical, chemical, and biological soil indicators such as soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, texture, and bulk density, providing a robust foundation for clustering. Data preprocessing involved standardizing soil attributes and addressing missing values through imputation. Clustering algorithms were applied to group soils with similar health profiles, capturing spatial patterns and interrelations among soil properties. The resulting clusters were mapped and analyzed to identify dominant soil health characteristics and their distribution across Europe.

Preliminary results reveal distinct clusters reflecting gradients in soil fertility, organic matter content, and degradation levels. These clusters align with known ecological and climatic gradients, validating the methodology and providing insights into the spatial variability of soil health. Furthermore, this clustering approach highlights regions requiring targeted soil management interventions, contributing to data-driven decision-making for sustainable land use and agricultural practices.

This research demonstrates the potential of unsupervised learning to leverage large-scale datasets for spatial soil health analysis, offering a scalable framework for soil health monitoring and management at regional and continental scales. Future work will incorporate temporal data to assess changes in soil health over time, further enhancing the utility of this approach in dynamic soil monitoring systems.

Keywords—soil health, soil indicators, random forest, agriculture, soil monitoring

Acknowledgements: The iCOSHELLs project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

References: Sanz, E., Sotoca, J. J. M., Saa-Requejo, A., Díaz-Ambrona, C. H., RuizRamos, M., Rodríguez, A., & Tarquis, A. M. (2022). Clustering arid rangelands based on NDVI annual patterns and their persistence. Remote Sensing, 14(19), 4949.

Boluwade, Alaba (2019). Regionalization and partitioning of soil health indicators for Nigeria using spatially contiguous clustering for economic and social-cultural developments. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 8.10: 458.

Suchithra, M. S., and Maya L. Pai (2020). Data mining based geospatial clustering for suitable recommendation system. 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). IEEE.


How to cite: Sanz, E., Almeida-Ñauñay, A. F., Soriano Disla, J. M., Soriano, B., Bardají, I., and Tarquis, A. M.: Clustering Soil Health Across Europe Using LUCAS Soil Dataset and Unsupervised Learning Techniques, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9337,, 2025.

EGU25-9403 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Facilitating Earth Observation: GFZ’s GNSS Instrument Pool 

Benjamin Männel, Markus Ramatschi, Markus Bradke, Eric am Mihr, and Jens Wickert

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) like GPS or Galileo allow high-accurate positioning and geolocation. GNSS has been used in geosciences for more than three decades for surface deformation monitoring, including tectonics, earthquake cycle, and vertical land motion associated with postglacial rebound. The possibility of observing atmospheric conditions, especially electron content and water vapor distribution, allows multi-purpose applications. Thanks to modernizations in the GNSS constellations, including new signals, advanced and cost-efficient receiver equipment has been developed over the past few years. This allows the establishment of dense observation networks and advanced observation scenarios.

GFZ recently integrated GNSS receivers into the Geophysical Instrument Pool (GIPP) to support GNSS-based applications in various domains. This research infrastructure facility is open to all national and international academic applicants; the instruments are provided free of charge following a transparent application and evaluation procedure. This contribution presents the available GNSS equipment, potential applications, and the user pipeline from deployment to results. Results from two supported projects will be presented in more detail. The first focuses on surface deformation across the Irpinia and Pergola-Melandro fault system and the second on monitoring seasonal acceleration at the 79°N Glacier in Greenland. Both examples highlight the value of accurate, in-situ coordinate time series.

How to cite: Männel, B., Ramatschi, M., Bradke, M., am Mihr, E., and Wickert, J.: Facilitating Earth Observation: GFZ’s GNSS Instrument Pool, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9403,, 2025.

EGU25-10397 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Soil Characterization Using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: Caste study in Petzenkirchen, Austria 

Matthias Konzett, Peter Strauss, and Elmar Schmaltz

Soil physical and chemical parameters—such as texture, density, water content, total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN)—are typically measured at a single point and then extrapolated to represent a larger area. To accurately characterize these areas, a substantial number of samples must be collected, which can lead to high laboratory costs. Using a UAV-borne gamma-ray spectrometer at relatively low altitudes allows for collecting high-resolution spatial information on radionuclides. This information may subsequently be used to derive soil physical and chemical parameters.

In the Hydrological Open-Air Laboratory (HOAL) in Petzenkirchen, Lower Austria, a Medusa gamma-ray MS-1000 was employed to test the potential of obtaining continuous soil information on basic soil properties. The gamma-ray spectrometer was mounted on an Acecore NOA UAV and a backpack, enabling users to remotely fly or walk across the area of interest, respectively. The study focused on three land-use types: agricultural land – covered by winter wheat in an early development stage, 3-year-old grassland, and 10+ year-old grassland, each with an area of about 0.2 hectares. The soil in this area is classified as drained typical gley and a gleyic colluvisol. After surveying with the gamma-ray spectrometer from each land-use type, we randomly collected 10 soil samples and analyzed for texture, density, water content, TOC, and TN.

Previous research by Van der Veeke et al. (2021) and Taylor et al. (2023) provides some contradictory context to this experiment. Van der Veeke et al. (2021) achieved R² values greater than 0.8 for clay and sand content compared to measured soil data. In contrast, Taylor et al. (2023) obtained correlation coefficients ranging from -0.59 to 0.61 but received better values of about -0.71 or lower for soil moisture, total carbon and TN. This study aims to offer a more definitive conclusion in predicting soil physical and chemical parameters using gamma-ray spectrometry.

How to cite: Konzett, M., Strauss, P., and Schmaltz, E.: Soil Characterization Using Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: Caste study in Petzenkirchen, Austria, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10397,, 2025.

EGU25-11576 | Orals | GI5.3

Measuring solar radiation from a swaying balloon platform 

R. Giles Harrison

Incoming solar radiation is a fundamental atmospheric quantity, typically measured at the surface using pyranometer devices, with thermopile or semiconductor sensors. During its passage through the atmosphere, solar radiation is absorbed and scattered. One method for removing the atmospheric effects on the measured solar irradiance is Langley extrapolation, but its effectiveness for determining the top-of-atmosphere irradiance is highly dependent on the measuring circumstances. It is preferable to make in situ atmospheric measurements using an airborne platform, such as an aircraft or balloon system. A practical difficulty, however, with small platforms is their motion, for which complex stabilization approaches may be needed. An alternative approach is to monitor the platform’s motion, using the additional information to correct for the varying orientation of the sensor. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, a small self-contained data logger was developed to capture solar radiation measurements across a wide dynamic range, using a photodiode as a sensor. The package included an orientation sensor to allow position fluctuations to be monitored and accounted for. The system was carried on a radiosonde flight to 30 km altitude, with both solar radiation and orientation measured throughout. Combining the data streams shows that improved solar irradiance measurements can be obtained using the orientation information, without the need for physical stabilization of the carrier platform.

How to cite: Harrison, R. G.: Measuring solar radiation from a swaying balloon platform, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11576,, 2025.

EGU25-12053 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Monitoring diffuse CO2 emission: a geochemical surveillance tool for Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain  

David Afonso Falcón, Victoria Kichmerova, Katherine Smith, Raghad Ali bin Jaddua, Gladys V. Melián, Daniela Taño Ramos, Laura Trujillo Vargas, Claudia Ramos Delgado, Ana Gironés, Eleazar Padrón, María Asensio Ramos, Pedro A. Hernández, and Nemesio M. Pérez

La Palma Island (708 km²) is located in the northwestern part of the Canarian Archipelago and represents one of its youngest volcanic structures, with an estimated geological age of around 2.0 million years. On September 19, 2021, a significant volcanic eruption occurred within the Cumbre Vieja volcanic system situated in the southern region of the island. This event, lasting 85 days and 8 hours, is recorded as the longest volcanic episode in La Palma's documented history. The eruption resulted in extensive lava flows that covered an area of approximately 1,219 hectares, causing substantial geological and social impact. Since visible volcanic gas emissions (fumaroles, hot springs, etc.) do not occur at the surface environment of Cumbre Vieja, the geochemical program for the volcanic surveillance has been focused mainly on diffuse (non-visible) degassing studies. This study presents the findings from annual diffuse carbon dioxide (CO₂) emission surveys conducted since 2001, with increased monitoring frequency between 2017 and 2024 to optimize the early warning system for future volcanic eruptions at La Palma island.

The measurement of soil CO₂ efflux was performed following the accumulation chamber method across approximately 600 sampling sites distributed throughout the volcanic system. The long-term time series data reveal distinct periods of diffuse CO₂ emissions that provide valuable insights into the system's volcanic activity: (1) A baseline period (2001-2016), when diffuse CO₂ emissions fluctuated between 320 and 1,544 t/d, establishing a reference range for background degassing levels.; (2) A pre-eruptive period (2016-2021), when a marked increase in CO₂ emissions was observed, with values rising from 788 t·d⁻¹ to a peak of 1,870 t·d⁻¹. This last period coincided with the onset of seismic swarm activity, highlighting a clear correlation between increased degassing and evolving magmatic processes beneath the surface; (3) The eruptive period (2021). During the eruption, CO₂ emissions exhibited significant temporal variations. A minimum emission rate was recorded on October 21, followed by a sharp increase that peaked at 4,435 t·d⁻¹ on December 14, aligning with the conclusion of the eruptive phase. This maximum emission rate represents the highest value observed in the entire monitoring serie; and (4) the post-eruptive period (2022-2024), when diffuse CO₂ emissions showed a decreasing trend, stabilizing around 760 t·d⁻¹, reflecting a gradual return to lower degassing levels.

These findings underscore the critical importance of continuous diffuse CO₂ monitoring as a key component of volcanic surveillance at Cumbre Vieja. Regular measurements of diffuse gas emissions provide essential early warning indicators of potential volcanic unrest, allowing for improved risk assessment and hazard mitigation strategies. The integration of geochemical monitoring with other geophysical and geological tools enhances the comprehensive understanding of the dynamic behavior of volcanic systems.

How to cite: Afonso Falcón, D., Kichmerova, V., Smith, K., Ali bin Jaddua, R., Melián, G. V., Taño Ramos, D., Trujillo Vargas, L., Ramos Delgado, C., Gironés, A., Padrón, E., Asensio Ramos, M., Hernández, P. A., and Pérez, N. M.: Monitoring diffuse CO2 emission: a geochemical surveillance tool for Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12053,, 2025.

EGU25-13765 | ECS | Orals | GI5.3

Advancing Soil and Environmental Analysis with Dual-Wavelength Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning  

Ginger Brown, Natalia Solomatova, and Edward Grant

Advanced environmental measurements require versatile, high-throughput methodologies that can analyze complex and heterogeneous systems. Raman spectroscopy presents a promising solution as an optical measurement technique, owing to its minimal sample preparation requirements, real-time and non-destructive measurements, and its potential for field deployment. However, its adoption in environmental applications has been limited by challenges such as fluorescence interference and sample heterogeneity. Here, we describe a dual-wavelength Raman spectroscopy approach that overcomes these challenges, enabling precise and reliable measurements of soil. Central to our approach is a custom Shifted-Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy (SERDS) instrument, which integrates advanced optical design, signal processing, and machine-learning multivariate analysis. 

We utilize our SERDS methodology to measure soil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural soils and tire wear particles. By leveraging custom spectral collection strategies and signal processing tools, such as common-mode rejection (CMR) along with hyperspectral data fusion techniques, we effectively mitigate fluorescence interference, particle size variations, and nonlinear optical behavior in soils for accurate SOC and tire wear quantification. Nonlinear machine-learning regression techniques, including tree-based models and a custom Partial Least Squares Regression algorithm, enhance predictive accuracy and validate the methodology. 

While the measurement of SOC and tire wear particles in soil highlight the potential of our SERDS methodology in advancing real-time and high-throughput soil measurements, its versatility extends to a broad range of environmental sensing applications, including water quality monitoring, pollutant detection, and the analysis of complex environmental systems. This research presents an in-depth examination of the design and implementation of the SERDS instrument and methodology, showcasing its potential for advancing environmental measurement and its adaptability for addressing a wide range of analytical challenges in environmental science.

How to cite: Brown, G., Solomatova, N., and Grant, E.: Advancing Soil and Environmental Analysis with Dual-Wavelength Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13765,, 2025.

EGU25-16184 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Measuring ocean turbulence under extreme storm conditions using helicopter-deployed ocean gliders 

Daniel Carlson, Lucas Merkelbach, and Jeff Carpenter

Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, with dire socioeconomic impacts for coastal communities. Efforts to improve forecasts of storms are impeded by a lack of ocean mixing observations under extreme storm conditions. Observations, while risky, are necessary to develop accurate parameterizations of storm-driven ocean mixing. Extreme storms, like tropical cyclones, create conditions that exceed operational safety thresholds for crewed oceanographic research vessels, making uncrewed vehicles, like ocean gliders, a more sensible measurement platform. While uncrewed gliders remove the risk to humans, they must still be deployed at the right place and at the right time. Storm systems can develop and change quickly, requiring a fast, flexible and adaptable deployment strategy. Slow-moving research vessels, which must also seek shelter from approaching storms, are ill-suited for this task. Civil helicopter aviation companies currently serve the offshore energy segment, ferrying crews and equipment between shore-based airfields and offshore infrastructure. Here, we explore the use of helicopters for the deployment of ocean gliders in the paths of extreme storm systems. While helicopters have the speed and flexibility required for rapid, on-demand glider deployments, these activities are far from routine, requiring the development of deployment strategies that ensure the safety of the aircraft and flight crew as well as the safe deployment of the sensitive microstructure sensors required to measure ocean turbulence and mixing. We report on initial collaborations with the aviation industry and the development of procedures to deploy and retrieve ocean gliders from helicopters.

How to cite: Carlson, D., Merkelbach, L., and Carpenter, J.: Measuring ocean turbulence under extreme storm conditions using helicopter-deployed ocean gliders, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16184,, 2025.

EGU25-16798 | ECS | Orals | GI5.3

A Novel Methodology for Deployment and Retrieval of Autonomous Deep Ocean Distributed Acoustic Sensing Landers and Submarine Cable Layout 

Ignacio Robles Urquijo, César González-Pola, Luis Rodriguez-Cobo, Jose J. Valdiande, Rocio Grana, and Adolfo Cobo

This study presents an innovative approach for the deployment and retrieval of autonomous deep ocean landers equipped with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) systems and associated fiber optic cables. The methodology utilizes the LanderPick system, a Remote Operated Towed Vehicle (ROTV), to facilitate precise placement and recovery of the lander and measuring cable on the seafloor. The integrated DAS system employs fiber optic technology to provide high-resolution acoustic monitoring along the cable's length, facilitating long-range detection of various underwater phenomena.

The autonomous lander design incorporates a frame structure and pressure-resistant housing designed to withstand depths of up to 6,000 meters. A key feature of the method is the lander’s hitching mesh and attached fiber optic reel mechanism, which enables controlled deployment and laying of the measured fiber. A specialized housing protects the DAS interrogator and associated electronics from the harsh deep-sea environment, ensuring long-term operational reliability.

The LanderPick deployment system, an ROTV, enables precise placement and recovery of the lander on the seafloor, while the attach reel mechanism allows to steer the cable layout as required. This approach significantly enhances the survivability and accuracy of the deployment process while allowing for continuous monitoring of the optic fiber deployment.

This novel approach addresses limitations of onshore installations utilizing submarine telecommunication cables, which often lack the location and fiber layout flexibility required for measuring specific ocean areas of interest. By enabling the deployment of autonomous platforms with customizable cable layouts, this solution significantly expands the potential applications of distributed sensing techniques in undersea environments.

Field trials have successfully demonstrated the LanderPick's capability to conduct deployment and retrieval missions with real time visual feedback. The adaptation of this controlled deployment method to the distributed sensing requirements represents an opportunity for deep-sea observation techniques, offering new opportunities for long-term monitoring of benthic ecosystems and geophysical processes. In conclusion, this innovative methodology for deploying and retrieving autonomous deep ocean DAS landers, coupled with customizable submarine cable layouts, has the potential to revolutionize underwater sensing and monitoring capabilities across a wide range of scientific and industrial applications.

How to cite: Robles Urquijo, I., González-Pola, C., Rodriguez-Cobo, L., Valdiande, J. J., Grana, R., and Cobo, A.: A Novel Methodology for Deployment and Retrieval of Autonomous Deep Ocean Distributed Acoustic Sensing Landers and Submarine Cable Layout, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16798,, 2025.

EGU25-16799 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Successful Deployment of a 21km SMART Cable with Force-Feedback Seismometer and Accelerometers in the Mediterranean Sea 

Jamie Calver, Neil Watkiss, Federica Restelli, Antoaneta Kerkenyakova, and Sally Mohr

Autonomous Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) deployments have often involved a degree of “drop-and-hope” due to the inherent lack of seismic data communication during installation as well as waiting extended periods before data collection. Cabled solutions provide real-time data during and immediately after deployment, sometimes with opportunity to adjust the instrument before it is left to operate remotely. However, cabled solutions are inherently financially and logistically challenging both in terms of seismic hardware and arguably more significantly, deployment hardware (ships, ROVs, cables etc.). The geographical reach of these experiments is also often limited to within a few hundred kilometres of the coast. These constraints often mean cabled OBS are beyond the scope of most scientific bodies.

Güralp Systems Limited, in collaboration with the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), has successfully manufactured and demonstrated a method of reducing financial and logistical constraints, extending geographical range, and crucially maintaining data quality by utilising force-feedback seismic instrumentation in cabled OBS systems. The recent successful deployment of the InSEA Wet Demo SMART (Science Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunications) cable, off the coast of Sicily, displays a world first in how science can partner with industry to achieve this.

SMART cables are primarily telecommunication cables that secondarily serve as hosts for scientific monitoring equipment. Commercial viability for these systems relies on the cable being laid as if the science element did not exist, thereby minimising additional deployment costs and reducing barriers to cooperation with cable laying companies. Güralp and INGV deployed 3 seismometer-accelerometer pairs housed inline within the cable repeater housings along the 21km cable length using standard cable-laying techniques to show proof of concept. The system also features a series of high-performance temperature and pressure sensors that can be used for larger scale oceanographic monitoring.

This pioneering installation using telecommunication cables marks a significant step towards drastically improving local knowledge of inaccessible oceanic regions as well as global azimuthal coverage for teleseismic events, all in real time.

How to cite: Calver, J., Watkiss, N., Restelli, F., Kerkenyakova, A., and Mohr, S.: Successful Deployment of a 21km SMART Cable with Force-Feedback Seismometer and Accelerometers in the Mediterranean Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16799,, 2025.

EGU25-16802 | Orals | GI5.3

An Integrated Real-Time MultidisciplinaryGeophysical Borehole Observatory 

Cansun Guralp and Murray McGowan

The world's first integrated geophysical borehole observatory has been installed by GaiaCode on the Kapidag Peninsula on the South coast of the Marmara Sea in Türkiye (40O29'22” N, 27O58'44” E). The downhole instrumentation consists of a low noise ultra-broadband three component feedback seismometer, a strain-meter, a dilatometer, a continuous pore-pressure sensor and a temperature probe. All these instruments and sensors were designed and built in house by GaiaCode. To complete the observatory, these sensors will be augmented by a MEMS accelerometer and a three axis 4.5 Hz geophone installed downhole as well as a weather station at the well head. The latter instruments were supplied by other vendors but integrated into the observatory by us.


The observatory has two boreholes which are about 4 m apart. Each hole is approximately 110 m deep with minimal vertical deviation. The first set of instruments (dilatometer, strain-meter and a set of borehole geophones) has been cemented into the bottom of the first borehole. The ultra broadband seismometer “ALPHA” with 360 seconds low frequency corner and 200 Hz upper frequency corner with 5 decades of frequency range  will be installed in a special casing in the same borehole.


This seismometer will also serve as a downhole tilt-meter, using its mass position outputs. Unlike triaxial (tilted Galperin) seismometer, classic orthogonal topology has the advantage over tilted Triaxial Galperin seismometers of providing precision tilt measurement without the requirement of a separate expensive tilt sensor. The broadband seismometer is equipped with a stable  single jaw hole-lock for easy retrieval. The real time pore-pressure sensor will be cemented into the second borehole.


The analogue measurements from these instruments will all be transmitted to their respective well head, where they will be processed by a fleet of TAU digitizers. TAU digitises can transmit 6 concurrent sample rates, ideally suited for Multidisciplinary seismic station data acquisition. Gaiacode's OMEGA software is used for recording and controlling-configuring the sensor system and the digitisers.


This new observatory is a major extension of the joint research initiative by the German Geoscience Research Center (GFZ) and the Turkish Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD): the GONAF Project (Geophysical Observatory at the North Anatolian Fault). Its main objective is to measure seismic and aseismic tectonic deformation transients along the Marmara section of the North Anatolian Fault in northwestern Türkiye. This section is overdue for a major earthquake. The observatory will be jointly operated by GFZ and AFAD.

How to cite: Guralp, C. and McGowan, M.: An Integrated Real-Time MultidisciplinaryGeophysical Borehole Observatory, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16802,, 2025.

EGU25-16946 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Spatio-temporal patterns in repeated spontaneous potential measurements in the crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife). 

Rubén García Hernández, Ástor Fernández-Carballo, Barbara Mandato, Sreenidhi Prabagaran, Aarón Álvarez, Luca D'Auria, David Martínez van Dorth, Víctor Ortega-Ramos, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The analysis of multiparametric geophysical and geochemical datasets presents significant challenges due to the diverse nature of measurements and their potential interactions. The development of advanced statistical and data mining techniques has enabled researchers to identify and characterise complex patterns within such datasets. This work builds upon a previous study that applied Independent Vector Analysis (IVA) to analyse multiparametric measurements collected at Teide volcano crater (Tenerife, Canary Islands) between 2020 and 2024. Our main goal is to extend the initial findings by identifying endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the observed patterns and characterising their temporal behaviour.

The dataset includes spontaneous potential, CO2 and H2S fluxes, and thermal gradient measurements taken within the crater of Teide volcano on 38 fixed points. The application of IVA, which is an extension of Independent Component Analysis (ICA), allows for a multivariate approach that leverages vectorial data instead of scalar quantities. This method has proven effective for disentangling spatio-temporal interactions and isolating independent processes that govern the observed geophysical and geochemical variations.

Based on previous preliminary results, this study incorporates new data collected during 2023 and 2024, allowing a better definition of the spatio-temporal patterns. Using the IVA, we identify and quantify evolving endogenous patterns potentially related to magmatic processes. Simultaneously, we assess the influence of exogenous factors such as seasonal temperature fluctuations and hydrological changes.

Our results highlight the robustness of IVA in separating and characterising independent processes contributing to spatio-temporal multivariate datasets, such as the specific case of the Teide volcano. The results reveal a strong correlation between spontaneous potential anomalies and localised gas emissions, validating this methodology in volcanic environments. Moreover, this extended study underscores the importance of integrating temporal dynamics into multivariate analyses to improve the understanding of volcanic systems.

This work demonstrates the potential of IVA as a powerful tool for analysing repeated geophysical and geochemical surveys. It offers significant advantages for monitoring active volcanic systems. Future applications could include adding more datasets, such as remote sensing and/or other geophysical or geochemical parameters, to understand volcanic processes comprehensively.

How to cite: García Hernández, R., Fernández-Carballo, Á., Mandato, B., Prabagaran, S., Álvarez, A., D'Auria, L., Martínez van Dorth, D., Ortega-Ramos, V., and Pérez, N. M.: Spatio-temporal patterns in repeated spontaneous potential measurements in the crater of Teide volcano (Tenerife)., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16946,, 2025.

EGU25-17775 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Continuous monitoring of diffuse degassing at the summit cone of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands 

María Asensio-Ramos, Daniel Di Nardo, Gladys V. Melián, Germán D. Padilla, Pedro A. Hernández, Eleazar Padrón, and Nemesio M. Pérez

The chemical composition of volcanic gases provides essential insights into the activity and dynamics of volcanic systems, as well as the magmatic and hydrothermal processes occurring at depth. These gases, including CO2, H2, CH4, and H2S, are key indicators of physical and chemical processes such as redox reactions and magmatic degassing. Furthermore, the relative concentrations and ratios of specific gas species offer valuable information for interpreting subsurface dynamics and detecting changes in volcanic activity.

In recent decades, researchers have made significant efforts to measure gas concentrations and fluxes in volcanic fluids. However, continuous monitoring of gas emissions and their ratios in active volcanoes remains limited. Here, we present results from a continuous monitoring station (CMS) installed in November 2017 on the southeastern flank of Teide volcano. This station monitors the ground gas atmosphere using a device that collects samples at a depth of 10 cm, measuring CO2, H2, He, H2S, CH4, and other gases to analyze their temporal evolution and interrelationships. The data collected spans from its installation to the present day, providing a comprehensive record of gas behaviour over time.

The CMS is equipped with an Agilent 490 micro-GC with two channels, capable of analyzing He, Ne, H2, O2, N2, CH4, CO2 and H2S. The system includes an embedded computer with internet connectivity (via WiFi or UMTS router), enabling full remote control of the instrument, automatic data transmission, and automated gas sampling.

High concentrations of CO2 (with a moving average exceeding 60% for most of the measurement period), H2 (above 1,200 ppm), He (above 10 ppm), and H2S (above 1,000 ppm) highlight significant temporal trends linked to variations in volcanic and hydrothermal activity. The analysis of gas ratios, such as He/CO2, H2/CO2, and H2S/CO2, shows fluctuations consistent with changes in volcanic activity. Decreases in atmospheric gases like N2 and O2 often coincide with increases in magmatic components, reinforcing the utility of gas ratios in understanding subsurface processes.

This CMS constitutes a robust system for volcanic monitoring, capable of detecting low concentrations of key gases and providing critical insights through the analysis of both gas concentrations and their ratios. Such tools are invaluable for advancing volcanic surveillance and risk assessment.

How to cite: Asensio-Ramos, M., Di Nardo, D., Melián, G. V., Padilla, G. D., Hernández, P. A., Padrón, E., and Pérez, N. M.: Continuous monitoring of diffuse degassing at the summit cone of Teide volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17775,, 2025.

EGU25-17935 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Implementation of a prototype monitoring system to investigate post-fire geomorphic processes   

Niccolò Dematteis, Marco Cavalli, Rosa Maria Cavalli, Stefano Crema, Michele De Biase, Marco Donnini, Giuseppe Esposito, Stefano Luigi Gariano, Marco Piantini, Luca Pisano, and Mauro Rossi

The current abstract presents experimental analyses and monitoring to studying post-fire geomorphic processes, a potential indirect effect of wildfires. The primary goal is to identify environmental variables that could serve as indicators for triggering post-fire soil erosion and mass wasting in mountain watersheds.

Two pilot sites were chosen in southern Italy, and specifically in mountain regions severely affected by wildfires in the last years. The monitored environmental quantities include i) meteorological variables – precipitation, air temperature, wind speed and direction, lighting, barometric pressure and solar radiation – detected by modern all-in-one automatic weather station and a traditional tipping bucket rain gauge. ii) Soil moisture content and temperature measured by TDR sensors 10 cm-deep and Cosmic Ray Neutron Sensing. iii) Local seismicity measured by triaxial geophones. iv) Surface optical and thermal evolution using a combined RGB+thermal video camera.

Key research topics being tested include: 1) the application of image change detection techniques to analyze runoff, soil erosion, and landslides during post-fire rainstorms using visual and thermal imagery; 2) the use of a triaxial seismic sensor to capture ground vibrations and characterize sediment-laden turbulent flows; 3) spatial estimation of soil moisture conditions preceding post-fire geomorphic events; and 4) lightning detection to anticipate the approach of convective cells at the monitored sites. Alongside these positive aspects, the research team is addressing several challenges, such as managing remote control and communication, storing data locally, and ensuring reliable power supply.

Preliminary results obtained with the RGB+thermal images and seismic data, which have been acquired during a series of rainfall events that triggered soil erosion, small rock falls and hyperconcentrated flows suggest that the involved instrumentations can represent a valuable tool in monitoring mass wasting processes linked to intense precipitations after wildfires. Future testing and implementations should contribute to develop an innovative monitoring system to assist public authorities in managing post-fire risks.

This work was funded by the Next Generation EU - Italian NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, Investment 1.5, call for the creation and strengthening of 'Innovation Ecosystems', building 'Territorial R&D Leaders' (Directorial Decree n. 2021/3277) - project Tech4You - Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement, n. ECS0000009. This work reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the Ministry for University and Research nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.

How to cite: Dematteis, N., Cavalli, M., Cavalli, R. M., Crema, S., De Biase, M., Donnini, M., Esposito, G., Gariano, S. L., Piantini, M., Pisano, L., and Rossi, M.: Implementation of a prototype monitoring system to investigate post-fire geomorphic processes  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17935,, 2025.

EGU25-18318 | Posters on site | GI5.3

Revised 3D crustal structure of Southern Italy: an integrated approach combining geophysical and petrophysical constraints 

Raffaele Castaldo, Maddalena Perrini, Filippo Accomando, Grazia De Landro, Gianluca Gola, Pietro Tizzani, Michele Carafa, Maurizio Fedi, Aldo Zollo, Vanja Kastelic, Cinzia Di Lorenzo, Deborah Di Naccio, and Matteo Taroni

The Southern Italy, a tectonically active region of significant geodynamic importance, is also a critical area for seismic hazard assessment and sustainable resource management. Characterized by lithospheric convergence, crustal delamination, active fault systems and a complex tectonic style made up of the eastward thrusting of different, once adjacent, geographic paleo-domains, the area faces considerable seismic risks. These features make the Southern Apennines, and thus the Southern Italy, an ideal yet complex laboratory for constructing an integrated 3D geometrical model to address structural complexities and support hazard mitigation efforts, where the significance of the results justifies the challenges inherent in the integration process.

This study integrates geological and geophysical data to develop an integrated 3D crustal model for the Southern Apennines area, with a spatial resolution of 5x5x1 km3, along East, North and depth, respectively. Our analysis synthesizes stratigraphic, geophysical, and structural data into a unified framework for regional geological interpretation. Key datasets include stratigraphic well logs (ViDEPI project consultable at the page:, lithological maps, seismic tomographic models, gravity and magnetic models, and thermal and petrophysical constraints. These datasets underwent rigorous filtering, analysis and gridding to ensure consistency across spatial scales. The methodology incorporates thermal varying gradients, P-wave velocity variations, and depth-dependent corrections, enabling the identification of major intra-crustal discontinuities and lithological transitions.

Model construction involved delineating the main lithological units, including sedimentary covers, carbonate platforms, and crystalline basement domains, extending down to the Moho depth. Validation was performed by comparing model outputs with independent borehole data and geophysical data interpretation, achieving high accuracy and resolution. By synthesizing diverse datasets into a cohesive framework, this study addresses gaps in lithologic unit characterization throughout the study area and subsurface property predictions.

The Integrated 3D geological model is a versatile tool for addressing both scientific and social challenges. It supports thermo-rheological modelling, enabling detailed analyses of brittle-ductile transitions and their implications for seismic hazards. These results represent some of the goals of the PRIN2022 PNRR entitled “Relation between 3D Thermo-Rheological Model and Seismic Hazard for Risk Mitigation in the Urban Areas of Southern Italy – TRHAM”. The model also holds significant promise for practical applications, such as green energy initiatives, particularly geothermal resource exploration, by linking geodynamic processes to sustainable development in Southern Italy.

How to cite: Castaldo, R., Perrini, M., Accomando, F., De Landro, G., Gola, G., Tizzani, P., Carafa, M., Fedi, M., Zollo, A., Kastelic, V., Di Lorenzo, C., Di Naccio, D., and Taroni, M.: Revised 3D crustal structure of Southern Italy: an integrated approach combining geophysical and petrophysical constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18318,, 2025.

In Chiba Prefecture, Japan, land subsidence in sub-urban regions has become an environmental and social issue which insists frequent monitoring for impact assessment. The inception of land subsidence in this region is attributed to natural factors, such as seismic activity and soil layer consolidation, as well as man-made factors, such as ground water and natural gas extraction. However, accurate estimation of the widely and distinctly distributed multiscale subsidence areas becomes very challenging, time-consuming, and labour-intensive by conventional level survey measurements. In this study, we applied and validated a ground subsidence monitoring method for Chiba Prefecture, Japan, using L-band ALOS-2 space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data. We used Single Look Complex SAR data in StripMap mode with a 3 m resolution, a swath width of 70 km, and repeat-pass acquisition geometry. Continuously acquired ALOS-2 SAR data in both ascending and descending orbital directions, totally 78 scenes were used from 2016 to 2023. The small baseline subset method was used to stack the interferograms and reduce the phase distortions, and convert them into the corresponding vertical displacement for subsidence measurements. The estimated time-series subsidence results were further assessed for areas with high coherency (> 0.6). The estimated annual subsidence rate from SAR-based measurements confirms the existence of certain land areas where the annual displacement exceeds -15 mm per year and their spatial extent. We used the least-squares method for spatial data with four adjustment parameters to improve the overall accuracy of SAR-based subsidence measurements by integrating them with the sparsely distributed 309 level survey locations. The results were categorized into six classes based on the annual subsidence rates, and the root-mean-square error (RMSE) was compared before and after the improvement of subsidence measurements using the proposed method. The results indicate that the RMSE for each subsidence class is below 5 mm, confirming consistency with national accuracy standards for subsidence monitoring.

How to cite: Karunathilake, A.: Monitoring and modelling of progressive land subsidence using multi-temporal space-borne remote sensing measurements , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18444,, 2025.

EGU25-19102 | ECS | Orals | GI5.3 | Highlight

Advanced Boundary Analysis techniques as a tool to decipher volcano-tectonic setting of the Campi Flegrei caldera 

Maddalena Perrini, Andrea Barone, Pietro Tizzani, and Raffaele Castaldo

Faults are essential structures in the Earth's crust, playing a key role in regulating subsurface fluid flow and driving crustal deformation. In volcanic regions, they facilitate the migration of magma and fluids, significantly influencing volcanic processes and associated deformation patterns. Understanding the interplay between deformation patterns, subsurface heterogeneities, and fault structures is critical for accurately interpreting local volcanic dynamics, situating them within broader geodynamic frameworks, and assessing potential hazards. Boundary analysis techniques, traditionally applied to potential field data, are effective tools for investigating subsurface heterogeneities. Key methods include the Total Horizontal Derivative (THD), Tilt Angle of Horizontal Gradient (TAHG), and Normalized Total Gradient (NTG). Among these, THD has proven particularly valuable for detecting deformation sources in volcanic regions. Specifically, at Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc), THD has been applied to gravity and magnetic data as well as InSAR-derived deformation measurements, effectively aiding in the precise identification of the extent of the local volcanic source of deformation. This study integrates boundary analysis techniques (THD, TAHG, and NTG) with seismic tomography results and InSAR deformation data to conduct a comprehensive structural analysis of CFc and surrounding land and marine areas. Using datasets from mid-2021 to mid-2022, we delineate surface and subsurface structures, correlate them with major tectonic trends, and analyze their relation to local seismicity. Seismic tomography data from Giacomuzzi et al. (2024) provide 3D insights into seismic velocity distributions, highlighting crustal heterogeneities and structural weaknesses. To enhance interpretation, Total Horizontal Derivative (THD) emphasizes shallow features like faults and lithological contacts, while Tilt Angle of Horizontal Gradient (TAHG) and Normalized Total Gradient (NTG) analyze vertical deformation from InSAR data, improving sensitivity to deeper structures and minor heterogeneities. These techniques balance resolution and minimize noise, making them particularly suited for analyzing high-resolution deformation fields. To validate these techniques, we also conducted a testing phase using synthetic simulations. Our results reveal a regionally coherent yet intricate deformation pattern, consistent with the trends outlined in existing volcano-tectonic maps. This study enhances understanding of the Campi Flegrei caldera (CFc) and highlights the broader applicability of advanced boundary analysis techniques for volcano-tectonic investigations. By integrating seismic and deformation datasets with sophisticated analytical approaches, it offers valuable insights into the spatial and functional relationships between crustal heterogeneities and deformation dynamics, establishing a foundation for future research in active, densely populated regions. 

How to cite: Perrini, M., Barone, A., Tizzani, P., and Castaldo, R.: Advanced Boundary Analysis techniques as a tool to decipher volcano-tectonic setting of the Campi Flegrei caldera, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19102,, 2025.

EGU25-19641 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Exploring the capabilities of geophysical technologies of the Itineris infrastructures for multiscale investigations of the soil subsoil system. 

Andrea Barone, Francesco Mercogliano, Filippo Accomando, Giuseppe Esposito, Andrea Vitale, Raffaele Castaldo, Gianluca Gennarelli, Vincenzo De Novellis, Susi Pepe, Giuseppe Solaro, Maurizio Buonanno, Antonello Bonfante, Pietro Tizzani, and Ilaria Catapano

We here deal with technologies employing geophysical measurements to detect the soil-subsoil physical parameters distribution. In particular, we show the results of the testing of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)- and ground-based instrumentations, such as: the magnetometer/gradiometer MagNimbus for the total magnetic field measurements (UAV-based); the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Zond Aero LF (UAV-based); the multi-sensor magnetometer G-864 (ground-based); the electromagnetometer CMD Explorer 6L for the soil-subsoil electromagnetic conductivity evaluation (ground-based). The UAV-based acquisitions are performed using a DJI Matrice 300 RTK drone.

We propose the case-study of the karst plane of the Altopiano di Verteglia (AV, Southern Italy), where UAS-based measurements were performed for water pipes detection. Then, we show the tests using the G-864 system for the vertical gradient measurement of the total magnetic field at Agnano plain (Campi Flegrei caldera, Southern Italy). We also propose the application of the Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic (FDEM) method for water leakage purposes.

We finally discuss the achieved goals and the next technological challenges aimed at refining the survey protocols and strategies in the framework of the multi-scale integration for the soil-subsoil system monitoring.

This work is financed by the project ITINERIS "Italian Integrated Environmental Research Infrastructure Systems" (IR0000032), that is the Italian hub of research infrastructures in the environmental scientific domain, whose creation is supported by the national recovery and resilience plan (PNRR).

How to cite: Barone, A., Mercogliano, F., Accomando, F., Esposito, G., Vitale, A., Castaldo, R., Gennarelli, G., De Novellis, V., Pepe, S., Solaro, G., Buonanno, M., Bonfante, A., Tizzani, P., and Catapano, I.: Exploring the capabilities of geophysical technologies of the Itineris infrastructures for multiscale investigations of the soil subsoil system., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19641,, 2025.

EGU25-19682 | ECS | Posters on site | GI5.3

Comprehensive modelling of the Yellowstone caldera: insights into thermal evolution, magmatic behavior, and lithospheric strength 

Maddalena Perrini, Gianluca Gola, Pietro Tizzani, Maurizio Fedi, Mouna Brahmi, and Raffaele Castaldo

The Yellowstone Volcanic Complex (YVC) in Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA) attracts significant geological interest as one of the largest active continental silicic volcanic fields in the world. Despite extensive research on its high heat flow and abundant geothermal features, a detailed quantitative analysis of the brittle-ductile transition remains absent. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the subsurface geological and geophysical properties of the Yellowstone area, with a particular focus on developing an optimized lithospheric thermal profile, essential for reliable rheological and lithospheric strength analyses. Initially, the Curie isothermal surface depth was extensively mapped using high-resolution aeromagnetic data and innovative spectral analysis techniques. This mapping revealed a shallow Curie isothermal surface, ranging from 2 km to 4 km beneath the YVC. The retrieved iso-Curie depth was subsequently used as a key constraint to validate a 3D stationary Finite Element (FE) thermal model. Specifically, this isothermal surface served as experimental data for optimizing the thermal state of the crust through the Optimization Module in COMSOL Multiphysics® 6.2. The 3D model of the Yellowstone lithosphere covers approximately 40 km², with a lithospheric thickness of about 35.000  km. The domain is subdivided into three litho-thermal units: the upper crust, the lower crust, and the magmatic body. The geometry of the magmatic heat source was derived from tomographic data and incorporated into COMSOL Multiphysics® to create a consistent subsurface image of the magmatic heat source. The thermal state of the crust was simulated using the Heat Transfer in Solids Module under a purely conductive regime. To further validate the thermal model, the DBSCAN clustering algorithm was applied to analyze seismic data. A comprehensive rheological model was also developed to delineate the brittle-ductile transition within the lithospheric volume. The results revealed a brittle region well-aligned with the earthquake distribution and a complex, layered ductile zone structure, reflecting the stratified nature of the local lithospheric architecture. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the YVC’s subsurface dynamics, offering insights into its complex geodynamic processes and providing methodologies applicable to similar studies in other volcanic and geothermally active regions with large calderas.

How to cite: Perrini, M., Gola, G., Tizzani, P., Fedi, M., Brahmi, M., and Castaldo, R.: Comprehensive modelling of the Yellowstone caldera: insights into thermal evolution, magmatic behavior, and lithospheric strength, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19682,, 2025.

EGU25-2366 | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Electrical resistivity imaging of mangrove sediments, northern Taiwan 

Wei-Chung Han, Kun-I Lin, Liwen Chen, and Hsin-Chang Liu

Mangrove sediments are natural carbon sinks that may act as key components for climate change mitigation. To investigate the characteristics and distribution of the carbon-dense muds in the coastal mangrove areas of northern Taiwan, we applied both floating and submerged electrodes for subsurface resistivity imaging. After collecting the apparent resistivity data, we conducted 2D resistivity inversion and 3D modeling. Our results show that the muddy sediments are characterized by low resistivity and are primarily found in the top ten meters below the riverbed. On the other hand, a higher resistivity layer, probably indicating coarse-grained sediments, is situated below the muddy layer. Although the submerged electrodes generally provide the best data quality, the floating electrodes efficiently image the bottom of the muddy sediments. Therefore, we recommend that a combination of floating and submerged electrode methods for resistivity imaging should be an efficient approach to investigate mud distribution in mangrove sediments with shallow water depths.

How to cite: Han, W.-C., Lin, K.-I., Chen, L., and Liu, H.-C.: Electrical resistivity imaging of mangrove sediments, northern Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2366,, 2025.

EGU25-4496 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Monitoring Illicit Rare Earth Mining in Myanmar via Self-Supervised Learning 

Ollie Ballinger

Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREEs) are critical for the production of most electronic devices. Rapidly increasing demand for these minerals has led to a proliferation of highly polluting makeshift HREE extraction in Myanmar. Monitoring the spread of these mines is important for the preservation of human health and the environment. This paper utilizes a geospatial foundation model pre-trained using self-supervised learning to detect hundreds of rare earth mines using a single template example. This is achieved through the development of a novel method for embedding similarity search-- Cosine Contrast-- which leverages both positive and negative templates to yield more relevant results. 

How to cite: Ballinger, O.: Monitoring Illicit Rare Earth Mining in Myanmar via Self-Supervised Learning, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4496,, 2025.

EGU25-4908 | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Coalbed methane content prediction based on deep belief network 

Wenfeng Du, Suping Peng, and Xiaoqin Cui

Coalbed methane (CBM) is considered an unconventional gas resource. Accurate determination of CBM content can provide potential disaster warnings and guide exploration and development. Direct measurement and statistical analysis of CBM content are common techniques. Hoverer,direct measurement methods have high accuracy, but they are time consuming, labor intensive, and inefficient; statistical methods have a limited ability to solve complicated nonlinear problems, for example, CBM content prediction commonly used computational methods do not have high enough accuracy due to the small amount of training data and the shallow model structure. 3D seismic exploration has been widely used in CBM exploration and development due to its small grid size and high resolution. It will improve the accuracy of coalbed methane prediction to combine 3D seismic data with coalbed methane content. Machine learning techniques are a set of computational methods that can learn from data and make accurate predictions. In recent years,many applications of machine-learning techniques for CBM content prediction are found to be more reliable,however the results from traditional machine learning models have errors to some extent. A CBM content model based on Deep Belief Network (DBN) has been developed in this paper, with the input as continuous real values and the activation function as the rectified linear unit. Firstly, various seismic attributes of the target coal seam were calculated to highlight its features, then the original attribute features were preprocessed, and finally the performance of the DBN model was developed using the preprocessed features. Different from conventional DBN models, the proposed model uses continuous real values as the input and the rectified linear unit (ReLU) as the activation function. Training process includes pre training and fine-tuning. Pre training gives the model good initial parameters by training with unlabeled data, and fine-tuning uses a standard supervised method with labeled data to optimize the model. This paper successfully applied a DBN model to predict CBM content from a CBM 3D seismic  prospecting district. With more layers pre trained, the average error decreased from 3.69% to 2.16% and from 2% to 5.76% for the maximum error. Using a pre training strategy to initialize the model’s parameters can improve the accuracy of the model results. Compared with the typical multilayer perceptron(MLP)and the support vector regression(SVR)models, the DBN model has the smallest error, which means it is more accurate in predicting CBM content than the other two models.

How to cite: Du, W., Peng, S., and Cui, X.: Coalbed methane content prediction based on deep belief network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4908,, 2025.

EGU25-7010 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Geophysical and geospatial characterization of mining heaps of the São Domingos Mine (Mértola, Portugal) 

Rui Jorge Oliveira, Bento Caldeira, José Fernando Borges, Pedro Teixeira, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Maria João Costa, Patrícia Palma, Mariana Custódio, Adriana Catarino, and Nadine Semedo

The São Domingos Mine (Mértola, Portugal) is an abandoned sulphide mine whose exploitation has had a long-term impact on its soil and water contamination problem covering an area of ​​approximately a length of 20 km and a width of 2 km. The mining heaps are spread along a watercourse that flows into the Chança River dam, which merges with the Guadiana River, both international rivers. This constitutes a serious environmental problem leading to contamination by heavy metals (HMs). Contamination assessment is a slow process that involves collecting soil samples for HMs analysis.

The study of mining heaps using geophysical and geospatial methods allows us to determine their depth and the volume of accumulated materials, as well as their characterization in relation to soils contaminated by HMs. We propose the use of electromagnetic induction, electrical resistivity tomography and GNSS methods to carry on the analysis.

This work is part of an interdisciplinary study that is being carried out within the scope of the INCOME Project (Inputs for a more sustainable region – Instruments for managing metal-contaminated areas). The aim is to combine data from Geophysics, Chemistry and Remote Sensing to create a tool, using Artificial Intelligence, that allows the calculation of contamination maps using less data than standard methodologies.

This is a sustainable management model that will increase optimization and reduce resources spent in the sampling and analysis phases. Moreover, the model aims to provide important real-time information for decision-making subjected to monitoring and managing pollution. It also has a high replication potential for other contaminated environments, such as landfills, industry or even intensive agriculture.

Funding: The work was supported by the Promove Program of the “la Caixa” Foundation, in partnership with BPI and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the scope of the project INCOME – Inputs para uma região mais sustentável: Instrumentos para a gestão de zonas contaminadas por metais (Inputs for a more sustainable region: Instruments for managing metal-contaminated areas), PD23-00013. Acknowledgment: CREATE Project (R&D Unit ID 6107).

How to cite: Oliveira, R. J., Caldeira, B., Borges, J. F., Teixeira, P., Rodrigues, G., Costa, M. J., Palma, P., Custódio, M., Catarino, A., and Semedo, N.: Geophysical and geospatial characterization of mining heaps of the São Domingos Mine (Mértola, Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7010,, 2025.

EGU25-7399 | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Modelling the fate of endocrine-disrupting chemicals during wastewater ozonation by fluorescence and artificial neural network 

Paolo Roccaro, Filippo Fazzino, Maria Rita Spadaro, Erica Gagliano, and Domenico Santoro

Many endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are discharged into the aquatic environment mainly due to their incomplete removal during biological treatment at municipal wastewater treatment plants. For this reason, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), using ozone with other oxidant agents, like hydrogen peroxide, are effective in removing EDCs. Furthermore, to reduce the risk of drinking water contamination by EDCs, it is necessary to ensure a real-time monitoring of wastewater treatment processes. Fluorescence spectroscopy could be used for wastewater quality monitoring to control the fate of EDCs in water systems. However, the complex physical, biological and chemical process involved in wastewater treatment process exhibit non-linear behaviors, which are difficult to describe by linear mathematical models. The artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been applied with remarkable success in several modeling studies including the highly non-linear ones.

The main objective of the present work was to use fluorescence data and ANN to monitor two EDCs, namely a pesticide (Diuron) and a pharmaceulical and corrosion inhibitor (Benzotriazole) during advanced wastewater treatments.

The data used were obtained from the pilot plant installed and operated by AquaSoil at the municipal wastewater reclamation plant of Fasano (Brindisi, Italy). The influent wastewater was obtained from tertiary treatment consisting of a coagulation stage by aluminum polychloride, sedimentation stage in lamella clarifiers and disinfection stage by sodium hypochlorite. An aliquot of the tertiary effluent was redirected to the pilot plant employing the O3/H2O2 advanced oxidation process. This process was operated in the patented technology commercialized by AquaSoil as MITO3X.

Diuron and Benzotriazole were analyzed using standard methos. Fluorescence data were collected using a Shimadzu RF-5301PC fluorescence spectrophotometer at different excitation emission wavelengths, while ANN model has been developed using Matlab software with ANN toolbox to match the measured and the predicted concentrations of EDCs.

The concentrations of Diuron and Benzotriazole were well correlated with selected fluorescence indexes. The combination of differente fluorescence peaks enhanced the determination coefficients of the single and multiple linear regressions. The developed ANN model that incorporated as input parameters the values of the fluorescence indices strongly enhanced the prediction of the fate of Diuron and Benzotriazole during AOPs. Therefore, the ANN-based model have been found to provide an efficient and robust tool in predicting the fate of EDCs removal. The comparison between ANN predicted data and experimental data shows the ability of artificial intelligence tools to predict EDCs concentrations with high accuracy and precision. Moreover, this model requires no additional information on the mechanism and the kinetics of chemical degradation of target contaminants. Since ANN have valuable advantages such as learning ability, dealing with imprecise, noisy and highly complex non-linear data, and parallel processing ability and due to the high sensitivity of fluorescence, it is expected that the developed fluorescence-ANN based model can be successfully applied for real-time control of AOPs employed for EDCs removal. This may also lead to AOPs optimization and cost savings.

How to cite: Roccaro, P., Fazzino, F., Spadaro, M. R., Gagliano, E., and Santoro, D.: Modelling the fate of endocrine-disrupting chemicals during wastewater ozonation by fluorescence and artificial neural network, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7399,, 2025.

EGU25-10841 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Soils chemical and biological characterization tools for managing metal-contaminated areas: case-study São Domingos mine (South of Portugal) 

Nadine Semedo, Mariana Custódio, Adriana Catarino, Gonçalo Rodrigues, Pedro Teixeira, Rui Jorge Oliveira, Patricia Palma, Bento Caldeira, and Maria João Costa

According to the European Union Soil Strategy for 2030, it is crucial to address contamination from mining areas, and its impact on watercourses. to achieve these goals, it is essential developing methodologies for identifying and monitoring contaminated areas, and implementing sustainable solutions for their recovery to protect soil health and ensure sustainable land use. In Portugal, soil and water contamination in former mining areas, is a significant environmental challenge, especially due to the presence of potentially toxic metals that can affect human health and ecosystems. São Domingos mine, located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, is an open-pit mine, submerged in acidic drainage water, resulting from mining extraction activities carried out until the middle of the 20th century. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze the chemical and biological characterization of the soils of the São Domingos Mine, contributing to the development of an environmental management model for abandoned mining areas. To achieve this purpose, 11 topsoil (0-20cm) samples (A2 to A12) were collected in São Domingos mine, and the following parameters were analyzed: (i) chemical: pH (deionized water suspension of 1:2.5 (w/v)); electrical conductivity (EC) (deionized water suspension of 1:2 (w/v)); phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) (Egner-Riehm Method); total nitrogen (N) (Kjeldah method); organic matter (OM) (Walkley & Black method); (ii) biological(enzymatic parameters): dehydrogenase activity, acid phosphatase activity and β-glucosidase activity. The results evidenced pH ranged from 3 to 4 (very acidic). The EC, ranging from 115 to 5043 µS/cm, with most of the samples classified as non-saline. The percentage of OM was generally low (0.2 to 2.5%). Regarding macronutrients, the results were equally limiting, with the samples showing low levels of N (0.05 to 0.17%), P (1 to 6 mg P2O5 kg-1) and K (3 to 30 mg K2O kg-1). Analysis of enzyme parameters revealed low enzymatic activity frequently lower than the detection limit of the technique. An exception to β-glucosidase that generally had low values, (0.01 to 0.40 µmol PNP g-1 DM h-1), and phosphatase showing values among 0.27 to 0.96 µmol PNP g-1 DM h-1. This can be mainly related to the low values of pH, low percentage of organic matter and nutrients, and high amount of potentially toxic metals. These results will be extremely important in the development of the environmental management model proposed in INCOME project, as they provide essential information on the variability of the contamination in the mine area, essential information for validate the rest of the methodologies applied. Further, this type of model will be applicable to other regions of contamination, contributing to economic and tourist development, public health, and protection of local ecosystems, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Funding: The work was supported by the Promove Program of the “La Caixa” Foundation, in partnership with BPI and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the scope of the project INCOME - Inputs for a more sustainable region: Instruments for managing metal-contaminated areas, PD23-00013. Acknowledgment: CREATE Project (R&D Unit ID 6107).

How to cite: Semedo, N., Custódio, M., Catarino, A., Rodrigues, G., Teixeira, P., Oliveira, R. J., Palma, P., Caldeira, B., and Costa, M. J.: Soils chemical and biological characterization tools for managing metal-contaminated areas: case-study São Domingos mine (South of Portugal), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10841,, 2025.

EGU25-11957 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Preliminary Assessment of Metal Contamination in Mining Soils Using Sentinel-2 MSI: A Case Study of São Domingos Mine, Portugal 

Gonçalo Rodrigues, Pedro Teixeira, Rui Jorge Oliveira, Maria João Costa, Patrícia Palma, Bento Caldeira, Mariana Custódio, Adriana Catarino, and Nadine Semedo

The INCOME project (Instruments for Managing Areas Contaminated by Metals) proposes the development of an environmental management model for mining soils contaminated by metals. This study presents preliminary results obtained using the Multispectral Imager (MSI) aboard the European Space Agency's (ESA) Sentinel-2 satellite to identify contaminated soils in the São Domingos Mine, located in southeastern Portugal.

The MSI instrument offers significant advantages, including high spatial resolution (10, 20, or 60 m depending on the spectral band), open access for rapid image download, and frequent revisitation of the study area. The preliminary analysis focuses on identifying areas with fully exposed soil using spectral indices, which combine spectral measurements at different wavelengths to improve classification accuracy. Additionally, the Random Forest (RF) method, a widely recognised approach to general-purpose classification, was tested. Contaminated soils characteristically exhibit discrepancies in optical properties, such as distinct colouration, which can also be detected in the visible region bands of the MSI instrument. The Shortwave Infrared (SWIR) bands are particularly efficacious for identifying heavy metals.

The designated soil areas will be subject to monitoring for metal contamination utilizing the MSI instrument, with the prospective incorporation of hyperspectral data from satellites such as the Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program (EnMAP).

Funding: The work was supported by the Promove Program of the “la Caixa” Foundation, in partnership with BPI and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), in the scope of the project INCOME – Inputs para uma região mais sustentável: Instrumentos para a gestão de zonas contaminadas por metais (Inputs for a more sustainable region: Instruments for managing metal-contaminated areas), PD23-00013. Acknowledgment: CREATE Project (R&D Unit ID 6107).

How to cite: Rodrigues, G., Teixeira, P., Oliveira, R. J., Costa, M. J., Palma, P., Caldeira, B., Custódio, M., Catarino, A., and Semedo, N.: Preliminary Assessment of Metal Contamination in Mining Soils Using Sentinel-2 MSI: A Case Study of São Domingos Mine, Portugal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11957,, 2025.

EGU25-14686 | ECS | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Traveltime tomography on the triangular mesh based on automatic differentiation 

Xin Chen, Tianze Zhang, Danping Cao, and Wenyuan Liao

Traveltime tomography recovers the background velocity field by minimizing the difference between observed and theoretical traveltime. Due to its computational efficiency and robustness, this method has been widely applied in studies of Earth's internal structure, oil and gas exploration, and other fields. However, most existing studies rely on regular rectangular grids for tomography, which exhibit limited adaptability when dealing with irregular topography and subsurface interfaces. The utilization of unstructured triangular meshes are more suitable for handling such complex study areas, and the development of traveltime tomography based on triangular meshes is necessary.

Compared with rectangular grids, the inversion method based on triangular meshes faces more complex gradient computation formulas, which has, to some extent, hindered the development of traveltime tomography. To address this challenge, we introduce automatic differentiation (AD) method to calculate the gradients more automatically, enabling the implementation of traveltime tomography based on triangular meshes. After building the forward computational graph, AD method can compute the gradient using the chain rule, thereby saving a lot of manpower in theoretical derivation, coding, and other processes. In this study, we used a finite difference method based on triangular meshes to solve the eikonal equation, accurately and efficiently calculating the traveltime in complex structural areas. Then, we integrate the eikonal solver into the current deep learning framework (e.g. pytorch), and update the velocity model with its built-in optimization algorithm after calculating the gradient in AD method. The process of traveltime tomography is completed on GPU, which can fully utilize the computing power of GPU and efficiently calculate inversion. Numerical tests indicate that the method can achieve promising inversion results and provide a suitable initial model for the full-waveform inversion. Our research provides a new approach for seismic inversion with unstructured grids, which is helpful for high-precision imaging of complex structural areas.

How to cite: Chen, X., Zhang, T., Cao, D., and Liao, W.: Traveltime tomography on the triangular mesh based on automatic differentiation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14686,, 2025.

EGU25-15987 | Posters on site | ERE1.6

Aerogravity terrain correction method based on spherical coordinate system 

Linfei Wang, Dianjun Xue, Guanxin Wang, Deliang Teng, and Jinxin Zheng

      In recent years, due to the enhanced interference-resistance of airborne gravimeters and the advanced gravity anomaly calculation techniques, the China Geological Survey has carried out numerous airborne gravity survey missions in mid-high mountainous and deeply incised regions, including Tibet, Xinjiang, and Gansu. In practical applications, the measured free-air gravity anomalies need to have local topographic corrections and intermediate layer corrections to obtain Bouguer gravity anomalies for geological interpretation. Currently, commercial airborne gravity terrain correction software adopts the Nagy flat-topped prism method for near-field areas and the rod formula for far-field areas. This approach results in poor continuity between different terrain correction zones and fails to effectively eliminate terrain effects in deeply incised areas. This paper presents a novel method. By utilizing the coordinate surfaces in the spherical coordinate system, namely conical surfaces and semi-planes, the area is divided into rings (m rings) and blocks (n blocks), forming m×n "sectorial spherical shell blocks". A terrain correction calculation formula for these "sectorial spherical shell blocks" in the circular domain is derived, unifying the terrain correction formulas for both near and far regions. This unification allows for seamless connection among various terrain correction areas and obviates the need for intermediate layer corrections. The method has been validated by theoretical models, showing reliable accuracy in terrain correction value calculations. It has also been successfully applied in the West Kunlun airborne gravity survey. When compared with commercial software, it effectively eliminates terrain effects and achieves better terrain correction results.

How to cite: Wang, L., Xue, D., Wang, G., Teng, D., and Zheng, J.: Aerogravity terrain correction method based on spherical coordinate system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15987,, 2025.

SSS11 – Material and Methods in Soil Sciences

EGU25-2144 | PICO | GM2.5

Mapping fractures in 3D from airborne LiDAR: comparison with field mapping 

Sara Carena and Anke Friedrich

We tested whether public high-resolution airborne LiDAR data could be suitable for structural geology applications by comparing fracture orientation measurements on Virtual Outcrop Models (VOMs) to field measurements from the same outcrops. We found that the fundamental requirement for taking full advantage of such data is good bedrock exposure, which is also dependent on lithology. Whenever this requirement is satisfied, VOM measurements are comparable to field measurements. VOMs can help considerably in both reducing the time it takes to collect measurements, and in expanding the area in which measurements can be collected without adding significantly to the time budget. They are also especially useful in remote regions and at high elevations, where access is more difficult and yet good exposures are more likely to be found, and they should always be used when planning field work. At present  the main limitations, apart from LiDAR coverage not yet existing in places, are due to the hardware and software capabilities needed to create and especially to analyze VOMs. 

How to cite: Carena, S. and Friedrich, A.: Mapping fractures in 3D from airborne LiDAR: comparison with field mapping, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2144,, 2025.

EGU25-2736 | PICO | GM2.5

Extraction and Orientation Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuities Using UAV-Assisted Photogrammetry 

Xianquan Han, Ruoming Zhai, Yuewen Huang, and Bangning Ding

The stability of rock masses is crucial for the safety of hydraulic engineering, as the integrity of the rock mass directly influences the stability of structures such as dams, reservoirs, and tunnels. Accurate extraction and orientation of rock mass discontinuities plays a key role in stability analysis, providing essential geometric data for assessing rock mass behavior. However, traditional manual measurement methods used to extract these orientations are not only time-consuming and labor-intensive but also fraught with safety risks, especially when working on large and steep slopes. These limitations hinder the efficiency and accuracy of rock mass stability assessments.

To address these challenges, this paper proposes a novel approach for acquiring 3D rock mass scenes using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), coupled with oblique photogrammetry technology for 3D scene reconstruction. With UAVs equipped with high-resolution cameras to capture image sequences from various angles, the Structure from Motion (SfM) algorithm is then applied to reconstruct the 3D scene. This method allows for the generation of high-precision point cloud data through geometric uniform sampling, ensuring accurate representation of rock mass. Once the 3D scene is reconstructed, local geometric features (including surface curvature, planarity, scattering, and verticality) are calculated based on neighborhood search. Combined with RGB texture information, machine learning method is employed to analyze the importance of these features, and further identify and differentiate rock mass features from vegetation and outliers within the large-scale slope scene, followed by a region-growing and merging algorithm for the segmentation of rock mass patches. For each individual patch, a local planar coordinate system is established to generate a grayscale image, which is then used for edge detection to identify structural boundaries. Following this, line extraction is carried out using an energy-optimization-based graph cut algorithm, and the closed contours of the structural patches are delineated through vectorization, ensuring an accurate and detailed mapping of the rock mass structure.

The effectiveness of the proposed method was validated through experiments conducted on a large-scale rock mass slope scene. The results demonstrate that the method can accurately extract the rock mass structural regions, identify the fracture network, and provide crucial geometric features, such as dip, strike, and trace information for each structural plane. The extracted features significantly contribute to evaluating the structural integrity and stability of large-scale slopes, offering a more efficient, accurate, and safer alternative to traditional manual measurement methods. Moreover, this method can be applied to a wide range of geological environments, providing a valuable tool for real-time monitoring and assessment in engineering projects.

How to cite: Han, X., Zhai, R., Huang, Y., and Ding, B.: Extraction and Orientation Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuities Using UAV-Assisted Photogrammetry, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2736,, 2025.

EGU25-4331 | PICO | GM2.5

An Introduction to Fully Automated Co-Alignment - FACA 

Nick Schüßler, Jewgenij Torizin, Claudia Gunkel, Michael Fuchs, Karsten Schütze, Lars Tiepolt, and Dirk Kuhn

Well-aligned point cloud time series data generated with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be a significant asset to geoscientists.
Practitioners benefit from multi-temporal point clouds with high comparative accuracy, e.g. to evaluate landscape changes after landslides and quantify mass wasting.
Two approaches are usually applied to achieve the accurate alignment of point clouds: indirect and direct georeferencing.
Indirect georeferencing uses well distributed Ground Control Points (GCPs) in the study area.
While this method significantly enhances the precision and accuracy of time series point clouds, the placement and measurement of GCPs are time-intensive and may even be impossible in difficult terrain.
Direct georeferencing depends on highly precise and accurate location information embedded in images, which is often viable only with expensive real-time kinematic (RTK) positioning equipment or post-processed kinematic (PPK) services.
Beyond the extra cost, this approach faces the same challenges as indirect georeferencing, particularly in the placement of equipment and scalability for large areas.

Recent research has introduced an alternative method called Co-Alignment, which enables the alignment of point clouds with high local precision without GCPs and RTK data. Moreover, when GCPs or RTK are used, co-alignment can further enhance accuracy of the point cloud alignment.
This method aligns multiple point clouds with good local precision without requiring GCPs or RTK equipment, though it lacks global accuracy.
The workflow uses common, unchanged features in the study area, such as anthropogenic structures or boulders, to establish spatial references across multiple epochs using computer vision algorithms.

We developed FACA - Fully Automated Co-Alignment to implement the Co-Alignment workflow.
With FACA, we aim to offer easy access to a scalable point cloud alignment method.
FACA is automatable from the command line and user-friendly through a custom graphical user interface, making it adaptable to common point cloud generation workflows.
Released as open-source software under the GNU General Public License v3, FACA is freely accessible and modifiable to meet diverse user requirements.
By integrating with Agisoft Metashape Professional, FACA leverages advanced photogrammetric features to enhance performance and output quality.
We present the FACA workflow, emphasizing its ease of use, scalability, performance, supported by results from data acquired at Germany's Baltic Sea coast and in Svalbard.

Furthermore, we discuss the potential for custom software solutions to further improve and expand the workflow’s capabilities.

How to cite: Schüßler, N., Torizin, J., Gunkel, C., Fuchs, M., Schütze, K., Tiepolt, L., and Kuhn, D.: An Introduction to Fully Automated Co-Alignment - FACA, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4331,, 2025.

EGU25-5168 | PICO | GM2.5

Unlocking the potential of historical aerial and spy satellite stereo-imagery in geosciences: access, processing, and applications 

Livia Piermattei, Robert McNabb, Melanie Elias, Camillo Ressl, Amaury Dehecq, Luc Girod, Thomas Dewez, and Anette Eltner

Historical imagery captured from aeroplanes since the early 1900s and from spy satellites from the 1960s onwards have long been used in natural sciences for military, civil, and research purposes. These images have the unequalled potential for documenting and quantifying past environmental changes caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. Especially when acquired in stereo mode, these images enable the generation of point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs), allowing us to quantify surface elevation changes over the past century.

Recent advancements in digital photogrammetry and the increasing availability of historical photographs as digitised/scanned images have heightened the interest in these data for reconstructing long-term surface evolution from local to regional scale. However, despite the large archive of historical images, their full potential is not yet widely exploited. Key challenges include accessibility, lack of metadata, image degradation, limited resolution and accuracy and lack of standardised workflows for generating DEMs and orthophotos.

We reviewed 198 journal articles published between 2001 and 2023 that processed historical aerial and spy satellite imagery. Our review spans methodological advancements in photogrammetric reconstruction and applied research analysing past 2D and 3D environmental changes across geoscience fields, such as geomorphology, cryosphere, volcanology, forestry, etc. We provide a comprehensive overview of these studies, summarise the image archives, applications, and products, and compare the methods used to process historical aerial and spy satellite imagery. Furthermore, we highlight emerging workflows and offer recommendations for image processing and accuracy assessment for future research and applications.

How to cite: Piermattei, L., McNabb, R., Elias, M., Ressl, C., Dehecq, A., Girod, L., Dewez, T., and Eltner, A.: Unlocking the potential of historical aerial and spy satellite stereo-imagery in geosciences: access, processing, and applications, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5168,, 2025.

The project's goal is to create a software tool for detecting and predicting a higher form of (rill) erosion on agricultural land. The planned tool's innovative potential is the use of neural networks on the joint remote sensing and erosion-hydrological modelling data. Morphological parameters and erosion-hydrological causal event response thus enhance common inputs for the neural network-driven semantic segmentation.

By combining morphological parameters, event-based hydrological responses, and a calculated critical water layer thickness (hcrit) from physical SMODERP model - the threshold at which rill erosion begins - the tool enhances the precision of high-risk area delineation, supporting smart agriculture and climate adaptation.

The project utilizes a unique dataset of manually digitized erosion rills from over 20 years of aerial orthophotos, enabling comprehensive training of neural networks. Multi-resolution data, including satellite imagery, aerial orthophotos, and UAV images, are combined to identify and refine morphological properties critical for rill erosion detection. Several types of neural networks were tested, notably FCN, U-Net, SegNet, DeepLabv3+, to evaluate their effectiveness in handling diverse input data and optimizing predictive accuracy. Automated workflows for dataset expansion and retraining ensure adaptability to new data.

Validation of the model will be performed using the original dataset of manually digitized erosion rills as a benchmark for accuracy. By comparing the predicted rill locations with this dataset, the model’s performance can be rigorously evaluated and adjusted. Real-time erosion event mapping, supported by the Agricultural Land Erosion Monitoring system, will complement this process by incorporating contemporary data to further enhance model reliability. This innovative tool addresses gaps in existing methods by combining predictive capabilities with detailed spatial data, improving erosion detection accuracy for sustainable land management under changing climatic conditions.

The research is funded by the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic research project (TQ03000408)- Detection of Increased Erosion Damage Using Neural Networks on a Combination of Remote Sensing Imagery and Erosion-Hydrological Modeling and an internal student CTU grant (SGS23/155/OHK1/3T/11).

How to cite: Tejkl, A., Kavka, P., Pesek, O., and Landa, M.: Detection of Increased Erosion Damage Using Neural Networks on a Combination of Remote Sensing Imagery and Erosion-Hydrological Modeling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5875,, 2025.

EGU25-6611 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

The use of computer vision to relocate historical aerial photographs that enhance the understanding of hydrogeomophic changes in Ethiopia 

Michiel De Baets, Lore Lamote, Jonathan Sterckx, Sofie Annys, Jan Nyssen, Hiep Luong, Tesfaalem Gebreyohannes, and Amaury Frankl

The digitisation of historical aerial photograph archives offers a unique opportunity to analyse long-term environmental changes. One such valuable resource is the archive of 1935-1941 aerial photographs of Ethiopia, one of the largest and oldest collections in Africa, comprising 34,000 images. While a portion of these images has been localized, many remain without known coordinates. To address this, we developed a computer vision approach that combines scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) keypoint matching and nearest-neighbour search, achieving 99% accuracy and 80% recall in matching images. This method increased the localization rate from 40% to approximately 70%, though manual verification and coordinate determination remain necessary. A proof-of-concept further demonstrated the potential of utilizing depth information to localize photographs: by leveraging the spatial proximity of images within the quite erratic flight lines, we significantly reduced the search area. Additionally, we show that 3D scene reconstruction from consecutive images, matched to a digital elevation model using the ICP algorithm, is feasible.

We demonstrate the potential of historical aerial archives for studying long-term environmental change through a case study on river geomorphology. At 70 locations where aerial photographs intersect major unconfined rivers, we analysed key hydrogeomorphological variables to assess river dynamics. By comparing river morphology in 1935-1941 with that on the most recent Google Earth imagery, our results reveal significant morphological changes, including channel widening, gullying, bank erosion, and in-stream sediment accumulation. These findings highlight how a detailed understanding of local river dynamics, derived from historical and modern imagery, can enhance the broader understanding of environmental changes and their impacts on catchment behaviour.

Key words: Aerial Photographs, Environmental Change, Hydrogeomorphology, Environmental Change, River

How to cite: De Baets, M., Lamote, L., Sterckx, J., Annys, S., Nyssen, J., Luong, H., Gebreyohannes, T., and Frankl, A.: The use of computer vision to relocate historical aerial photographs that enhance the understanding of hydrogeomophic changes in Ethiopia, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6611,, 2025.

EGU25-6774 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Historical photogrammetry for DoDs in deglaciating environments: challenges and opportunities 

Leona Repnik, Arnaud Breillad, Alessandro Giovanardi, Francesco Comiti, Mattia Gianini, Anne-Laure Argentin, Felix Pitscheider, and Stuart N. Lane

Climate change is resulting in rapidly increasing temperatures in the European Alps, rising twice as fast compared to the global average, and leading to unprecedented glacier retreat. Deglaciating alpine landscapes are considered extremely dynamic, evolving rapidly over space and time. The use of DEMs (Digital Elevation Models) of Difference (DoDs) to study changes occurring in these environments has significantly increased in the last years and has been used for a wide range of disciplines. This approach builds on the growing availability of datasets (e.g. historical imagery), accessibility of drones and their sensors (e.g. LiDAR) and facilitated use of digital photogrammetry through commercial and open-source Structure-from-Motion software. However, DoDs of deglaciating landscapes tend to disregard the diversity and complexity of processes in these environments. 

In this research, DEMs were obtained using aerial archival photogrammetry (1977) for the Turtmann basin, a rapidly deglaciating Alpine valley in the Canton of Valais (southwestern Switzerland. A 2021 DEM was used as a reference to create a DoD of the basin (28km2), in order to determine net sediment erosion and deposition during this 44-year time period. 

Most changes identified in the DoD could not be attributed to sediment displacement, but rather to various ecological (e.g. tree growth), glacial (e.g. glacier ice melt) and periglacial (e.g. rock glacier and buried ice melt) processes, as well as error in the photogrammetry. The latter is amplified by the inherently steep topography of alpine basins, which means that small georeferencing errors can cause significant apparent vertical change. A series of post-processing steps were required to obtain precise sediment volumes from the DoD. 

DoDs are extremely valuable for assessing changes in rapidly deglaciating environments. However, challenges exist when applying them to such topographically complex and dynamic landscapes. These challenges must be identified and thoroughly dealt with through DoD post-processing in order to exploit DoDs to their full potential and obtain precise volumes of change. The specific post-processing steps will depend on (1) the research objective, which determines the desired precision as compared to the limits of detection, and (2) the spatial and temporal scales of the DoD, which influence the detectability of changes. In this research, the large temporal (decades) and spatial (basin-wide) scales exposed the challenges and opportunities of using DoDs in rapidly deglaciating environments. The workflow developed to overcome these challenges can be applied to other alpine basins for more precise change detection and thus allow for a better quantitative understanding of processes in deglaciating environments. 

How to cite: Repnik, L., Breillad, A., Giovanardi, A., Comiti, F., Gianini, M., Argentin, A.-L., Pitscheider, F., and Lane, S. N.: Historical photogrammetry for DoDs in deglaciating environments: challenges and opportunities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6774,, 2025.

EGU25-11270 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Landscape attractiveness – It depends on the observer 

Magdalena Koschmieder, Christina Pfeuffer, Sebastian Mikolka-Flöry, and Tobias Heckmann

Different people perceive landscapes in various ways depending on their cultural and social background as well as their own values. However, characteristics inherent in the landscapes also have an impact on their perceived beauty. Accordingly, it remains unclear to what extent personal assessments and landscape properties influence how much people appreciate landscapes. In this study, we had 50 test subjects evaluate alpine landscapes represented by 30 historic and recent rendered pictures each. Since the recent pictures should display the exact same part of the landscape as the historic ones, digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthophotos were used to render the current scene in the same greyscale range as in the historic photographs. Additionally, DEMs and landcover maps for the captured images were analysed. These results were used to explain the test subjects’ values of the appreciation of and desire to travel to the landscapes using linear mixed models.

The key finding is that perceived landscape attractiveness depends more on the people assessing the landscapes than the landscape characteristics themselves. The number of distance zones (surrounding, near, middle and far zone) present in the viewshed has a significant impact on the appreciation of the landscape. The maximum slope affects the desire to travel to the landscapes, and the relief energy, the viewshed size and the ratio of the recently glaciated area influence both the appreciation of and the desire to travel to the landscape. Furthermore, the historic photographs are perceived as more beautiful than the recent rendered ones. Taking into account the ratio of the glaciated area, this difference is even more pronounced for the desire to travel to the landscape. The bigger the difference in the glaciated area between the historic and recent image is – hence the more glacier has melted – the more the test subjects desire to travel to the scene shown in the historic picture than in the recent one.

How to cite: Koschmieder, M., Pfeuffer, C., Mikolka-Flöry, S., and Heckmann, T.: Landscape attractiveness – It depends on the observer, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11270,, 2025.

EGU25-12156 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Deep Learning-based Terrain Data Completion with Geomorphological Constraints 

Tianxin Lu and Michel Jaboyedoff

Raw terrain data acquired by sensing techniques such as SfM or LiDAR typically contain non-terrain components that require filtering, such as vegetation occlusion and other non-terrain features. While filtering helps remove non-terrain data, it can introduce discontinuities and local voids in the dataset. These data gaps can affect both the completeness of the terrain representation and subsequent analysis tasks. Therefore, it is crucial to develop effective terrain data completion methods for reliable terrain analysis.

Traditional terrain data completion methods, such as interpolation-based algorithms and Poisson surface reconstruction, typically model and optimize data continuity from a mathematical perspective. Although these methods address local voids to some extent, they generally fail to exploit terrain features and semantic information, limiting their effectiveness in completing complex terrain scenarios.

To address these issues, we propose a deep learning-based framework for terrain data completion. Our methodology explores different neural network designs with supervised and unsupervised learning, incorporating geomorphological constraints to improve terrain feature representation and semantic understanding. The framework leverages the representational capabilities of deep learning to improve the robustness of terrain data completion, contributing to a more consistent and reliable basis for subsequent terrain analysis and applications.

How to cite: Lu, T. and Jaboyedoff, M.: Deep Learning-based Terrain Data Completion with Geomorphological Constraints, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12156,, 2025.

EGU25-15301 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Multiple airborne sensors to monitor rafts and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean: Documenting different UAVs applications for management actions. 

Napoleon Gudino-Elizondo, Eduardo Cuevas, Abigail Uribe-Martinez, Hector Garcia-Nava, Xavier Flores-Vidal, and Orlando Avendaño-Gastelum

The assemblage of multiple sensors on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to collect high resolution geospatial data represents one of the most significant advances in remote sensing, including oceanographic applications. Coastal inundation of pelagic Sargassum has been thoroughly documented as a natural hazard that jeopardizes the ecological integrity of coastal ecosystems, unbalancing several livelihoods and local economies. Sargassum patches (rafts) are drifted offshore by surface ocean currents, with distinct drivers at different geographic and time scales. UAVs have revolutionized the immediate local remote sensing of Sargassum as they can identify rafts that are expected to reach the coast in terms of hours, becoming a strategic tool for rapidly management actions, bridging the on-site actions with high and medium resolution satellite detections. To obtain primary data on the extent, frequency, and magnitude of floating and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean, a rapid assessment protocol based on aerial photogrammetric techniques was implemented in the Yucatan Peninsula. We documented the arrival of sargassum rafts in the nearshore environment used to perform statistical comparisons with other remote sensing products. High resolution orthomosaics, DSMs, and 3D reality models were created to document the extent and quantity of beached Sargassum and the contiguous “brown tide” areas. Floating sargassum rafts were also identified in real time using long-range telemetry UAVs between 2 and 20 km offshore, that were consistent with field-based observations. Ocean circulation model outputs are also presented, which demonstrate that including UAV-mounted multi-sensors data acquisition is fundamental towards a comprehensive description and monitoring of the Sargassum coastal dynamics. These results strongly suggest that UAV-derived cartographic products represent an efficient tool for Sargassum-management actions, downscaling satellite detections and linking them with local observations, a strategy that needs to keep addressing as the future research agenda in Operational oceanography.

How to cite: Gudino-Elizondo, N., Cuevas, E., Uribe-Martinez, A., Garcia-Nava, H., Flores-Vidal, X., and Avendaño-Gastelum, O.: Multiple airborne sensors to monitor rafts and beached Sargassum in the Mexican Caribbean: Documenting different UAVs applications for management actions., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15301,, 2025.

EGU25-15820 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Constraining centennial to sub-annual sediment dynamics on alpine alluvial fans – first insights from the Friedergries (Germany) 

Philipp Gewalt, Thomas C. Wagner, and Michael Krautblatter

Alpine alluvial fans are important storages in the alpine sediment cascade. It is to be expected that climate change and the resulting changes in precipitation will have a massive impact on the dynamics of alpine alluvial fans. In order to differentiate between short-term and long-term dynamics, we compile a dataset quantifying sediment redistribution of a small mountain river and its alluvial fan on centennial, decadal and sub-annual scales. Our dataset comprises historical topographic maps from 1826 to 1912, 25 sets of historical aerial images collected between 1945 and 2024, and 17 high-resolution UAV-campaigns collected between September 2018 and October 2024. We identify the spatial changes in the sediment body, quantify the sediment redistribution and relate both to precipitation.

On centennial timescales, our data show a shift from presumably low geomorphic activity that persisted for at least 100 years (1820s-1930s) in the eastern sector of the fan, to high geomorphic activity with rapid channel migration across the central fan within the past 60 years. The onset of intense geomorphic activity may be contemporaneous to the increase in debris flow activity at nearby lake Plansee in the 1920s (Kiefer, Oswald et al., 2021). Decadal changes to the active area are largely explained by median precipitation (r2 = 0.66, p < 0.002) measured at a weather station c. 10 km east. Since the 1960s, incision at the apex and deposition at the toe of the fan can be observed. Sub-annual change detections show that for most epochs, erosion and deposition balance out within the uncertainty margin and the main channel gradually shifts its position by bank erosion and gravel bar construction. However, following an extreme deposition event between August and September 2019 with a net deposition of 8000 ± 3500 m3, the course of the main channel abruptly shifted. Our preliminary results show that while historical maps and aerial images are useful to reconstruct long-term trends, repeat topographic surveys with a close temporal spacing are needed to understand the processes behind these trends.

Kewords: alpine alluvial fan, sediment redistribution, geomorphic change detection, multiscale investigation

Kiefer, C., Oswald, P. Moernaut, J., Fabbri, S.C., Mayr, C., Strasser, M. & Krautblatter, M. (2021): A 4000-year debris flow record based on amphibious investigations of fan delta activity in Plansee (Austria, Eastern Alps). – Earth Surface Dynamics, 9: 1481–1503. DOI: 10.5194/esurf-9-1481-2021

How to cite: Gewalt, P., Wagner, T. C., and Krautblatter, M.: Constraining centennial to sub-annual sediment dynamics on alpine alluvial fans – first insights from the Friedergries (Germany), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15820,, 2025.

EGU25-16381 | PICO | GM2.5 | Highlight

A new high resolution historical aerial image dataset from East Greenland 

Anders Bjork, Anna Deichmann, and Tobias Socher

During the last decades the high Arctic has undergone substantial changes as a result of global warming and arctic amplification. Melt seasons are expanding rapidly, and landscape and ecosystems are shifting into new states. To quantify these changes from the historical baseline requires datasets on pre-warming states, which can be extremely rare in the high Arctic. Prior to the satellite era, starting in the 1990s, a commonly used data source for baselines in geosciences is aerial photographs, which if one is lucky can reach back to the 1930s. These aerial images are most often recorded at high elevation and perhaps also obliquely which results in spatial resolutions of 2-10 meters, limiting the level of detail that can be resolved on the ground.  

With this presentation we reveal a new exciting dataset of aerial images from East Greenland recorded in the 1950s and ‘60s. Contrary to other aerial campaigns, these images were recorded at very low elevation in order to conduct geological mapping, ultimately yielding spatial resolutions surpassing those of the newest high resolution satellites.

The images were recorded by geologist John Haller during the Lauge Koch expeditions to central East Greenland in the 1950s and 1960s, and comprise a dataset of c. 3600 high resolution oblique images recorded at low elevation from plane and helicopter. The images are recorded in stereo, which allows us to recreate the terrain surface in 3D and construct orthorectified imagery that allows a direct comparison with modern satellite images, for use in all aspects of landscape- and ecosystem evolution.

How to cite: Bjork, A., Deichmann, A., and Socher, T.: A new high resolution historical aerial image dataset from East Greenland, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16381,, 2025.

EGU25-17688 | ECS | PICO | GM2.5

Advances in Historical Aerial Image Analysis: Boosting SfM Pipelines with Learned Models 

Lucas Kugler, Francesco Ioli, Jan Dirk Wegner, Inés Dussaillant, Camilo Rada, and Livia Piermattei

Trend determination for earth surface processes requires long and continuous and certain measurements, but long-term records of landscape change are often limited in temporal and spatial extent. Scanned historical aerial imagery serve as a valuable resource to derive data products like digital elevation models (DEMs) to document the historical state of the Earth's surface and to calculate trends for different processes e.g. glacier dynamics.

Classic Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry workflows have demonstrated the capability to automatically generate DEMs and orthoimage mosaics from such historical images, as highlighted in a few studies. These workflows typically consist of the following steps: (a) pre-processing, (b) tie-point extraction, (c) matching, (d) bundle adjustment, (e) dense reconstruction, (f) co-registration, and (g) orthoimage mosaic generation. However, classic methods struggle with the challenges historical imagery coming with. For example: inconsistent image quality, limited metadata documentation, image distortions and distinct viewpoint geometries.

Recently, advances in robotics and computer vision have introduced learned models for tasks such as tie-point identification, matching, dense reconstruction as well as part of the co-registration stage (e.g. SuperPoint, ALIKE, SuperGlue, LoFTR and more). These networks have shown promising results in different stereo-matching scenarios by outperforming classic SfM methods. However, since they were primarily developed for modern robotics and computer vision tasks, their performance on scanned historical aerial imagery remains uncertain. As historical imagery exhibits the properties described above, these networks were not optimised with them during training.

We boost existing pipelines in tie-point extraction and matching with these models and compare the quality of resulting DEMs from different model combinations together. We also highlight issues encountered when applying these learned models to historical aerial imagery and proposes solutions to address them. We demonstrate our findings using scanned historical images from the Southern Patagonian Ice Field (Chile) recorded in 1980, particularly for the Grey & Dickson Glacier area, as well the south-west flank of Cordon Mariano Moreno Mountain and adjacent fjords. These two sites providing different acquisition geometries and overlaps. The results evaluate the average RMS reprojection error following the bundle adjustment, to determine the quality of different extractors and matchers as well as the median distance between closest points to evaluate the co-registration.

How to cite: Kugler, L., Ioli, F., Wegner, J. D., Dussaillant, I., Rada, C., and Piermattei, L.: Advances in Historical Aerial Image Analysis: Boosting SfM Pipelines with Learned Models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17688,, 2025.

Along many coastlines worldwide, a variety of direct and indirect anthropogenic influences are influencing natural processes of coastal erosion and deposition.  Both traditional change reconstruction and monitoring techniques (e.g. repeat surveys) and increasingly sophisticated approaches (e.g. photogrammetry, LiDAR, drone imagery) require specialist knowledge and equipment, can be time consuming to apply, and may be restricted to assessing relatively recent changes over short timeframes (e.g. typically years to a few decades).  Here, we evaluate the potential for archival visual sources - maps, paintings, geological sketches, and historical photographs – to help document changes in the coastal environment of Ceredigion County, west Wales, over the past 100-150 years.  Two extant sites of geoscientist interest, both located within 20 km of Aberystwyth, were investigated: Harp Rock (Craig y Delyn), which represents the westward-dipping limb of a synclinal fold, and Monk’s Cave (Twll Twrw), which has essentially now developed into a coastal arch.  Egg Rock (Tŵr Gweno), a coastal stack which was previously located near to Monk’s Cave but has since disappeared, was also investigated.  All three sites were well-known tourist attractions in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and various maps, paintings, sketches and photographs help to provide both qualitative and quantifiable insights into the nature of coastal change, including the sequencing, rates, and timing of key changes, as well as volumes of mass loss.  For example, Harp Rock is retreating landward as sandstone strata of ~37 cm thickness are removed by wave action and mass movement; for every 1 m2 of stratal loss, a mass of 858.4 kg is removed.  For Monk’s Cave, the average vertical erosion rate of the cave entrance is estimated to ~0.65 cm/yr over a timespan of 139 years.  Based on the last known photograph of Egg Rock (early 1900s), the total mass loss is approximated to be 197.70 t.  Collectively, the findings from these three sites provide insights into rates of Holocene shore platform development along this dynamic coastline.

Wider use of archival visual sources clearly has potential for complementing more technically sophisticated short-term change reconstruction and monitoring approaches.  Key challenges include sourcing well-dated, high-quality archival visual sources to enable establishment of robust timelines of change and the generation of quantitative data, and safely accessing potentially hazardous locations to enable new paintings, sketches, or photography.  If these challenges are surmounted, opportunities include enhanced potential for: i) providing quantified landscape change case studies for inclusion in school/university geoscience syllabi; ii) demonstrating the relevance of geoscience for local/regional natural and cultural heritage; and iii) enhancing public engagement with coastal geoscience (e.g. through citizen science projects or science-art collaborations).


How to cite: Goode, C. and Tooth, S.: Can archival visual sources be used to quantify coastal change?: insights from the dynamic coastline of Ceredigion, west Wales, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18399,, 2025.

EGU25-412 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Integrating ecohydrological, isotopic, and numerical approaches to assess water use in montane Scots pine under varying wetness conditions  

Loujain Alharfouch, Pilar Llorens, Juan J. Hidalgo, Joaquin Jiménez-Martínez, Jesús Ariel Castro-López, Francesc Gallart, and Jérôme Latron

Mediterranean mountain regions are facing significant challenges due to climate change, including declining annual rainfall, prolonged dry spells, and increasingly frequent summer storms. These challenges pose serious threats to ecosystem resilience and the sustainable management of water resources and tackling them requires effective ecohydrological strategies. However, understanding water flow through the critical zone remains challenging due to the intricate water partitioning processes shaped by soil and vegetation heterogeneities. In an attempt to somewhat diminish this complexity, this study aims to investigate the water use dynamics of montane Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) under varying wetness conditions by integrating ecohydrological data, stable water isotope (²H and ¹⁸O), and numerical modeling with Hydrus 1D.

We conducted a comprehensive plot-scale field investigation in the Vallcebre research catchments (NE Spain), monitoring two sets of three Scots pine trees since May 2022. Data collection included throughfall, sap flow, stem diameter variations, and soil water potential and content down to 70 cm depth, all at 5-minute intervals. Weekly sampling of different water pools (throughfall, bulk and mobile soil water down to 100 cm, groundwater, and xylem water) provided isotope data across the growing season of 2022. The analysis of these datasets revealed dynamic tree water uptake behavior, with shifts in source water contributions across variable wetness conditions. We observed that tree water uptake predominantly contained winter precipitation, even after a large summer storm delivering more than 60 mm of rainfall in a single day after a 20-day dry spell. However, later in the growing season, the isotopic composition shifted to reflect a roughly equal contribution from both summer and winter precipitation.

We used the Hydrus 1D model to test three distinct root distribution estimation methods and utilizing our field ecohydrological, and isotopic data as inputs. The simulations revealed that the choice of root distribution significantly influenced model performance. The model captured the patterns of soil moisture and atmospheric demand, particularly emphasizing how shifts in these factors influence tree water use efficiency and water stress responses. These findings demonstrate the importance of accurately representing root distribution in ecohydrological models to improve our understanding of tree water uptake processes. Our integrated approach provides a reliable framework for exploring the complex water dynamics in montane Scots pine ecosystems, offering insights into tree resilience under future climate scenarios.

Keywords: Ecohydrology; Soil-plant-water interactions; Stable isotopes; Modelling; Root distribution, Scots pine

How to cite: Alharfouch, L., Llorens, P., Hidalgo, J. J., Jiménez-Martínez, J., Castro-López, J. A., Gallart, F., and Latron, J.: Integrating ecohydrological, isotopic, and numerical approaches to assess water use in montane Scots pine under varying wetness conditions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-412,, 2025.

EGU25-944 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Investigating stable isotope signatures variability across tree compartments 

Jesus Ariel Castro Lopez, Jérôme Latron, Pilar Llorens, Loujain Alharfouch, Adrià Barbeta, Teresa Gimeno, and Elisabet Martínez-Sancho

Water stable isotopes are valuable proxies for tracing water fluxes within the critical zone, the Earth’s layer extending from vegetation through to deep aquifers. This technique has helped to develop conceptual models of water distribution across scales, making it essential to understand how trees regulate water stored within their internal compartments. To investigate this, we sampled a representative Pinus sylvestris tree within an ecohydrologically monitored forest plot in the Vallcebre research catchments (NE Spain). The primary aim of this sampling was to assess potential variability in the isotopic signatures across different parts of the tree to enhance understanding of soil-root-tree water uptake processes. Samples were collected from various soil depths (0–100 cm), woody tissues of twigs and branches (at 3 canopy heights), the stem (cores at 3 different heights), and roots in all four cardinal directions during two sampling days (July and September 2023). Water from soil and wood samples was extracted using: cryogenic vacuum distillation (CVD) and cavitron (centrifugation). Stable isotope ratios were measured for all samples using infrared laser spectrometry (Picarro). Additional data included long-term meteorological records, throughfall volumes and isotopic signatures, soil moisture content and potential, sap flow and tree water deficit rates (from adjacent trees). Results showed consistent patterns across sampling dates: twigs and branches displayed isotopic values close to those of soil and throughfall, whereas roots and stem tissues exhibited more depleted values, clearly distinct from soil, twig, and branch signatures. To determine whether these isotopic observed differences arise from methodological issues (differences between cavitron and cryogenic extractions and/or the part of the wood sampled) or reveal intrinsic processes within the tree, in a third sampling campaign (July 2024) we sampled soil, roots, stem, branches and twigs. From roots and branches we took samples for CVD and Cavitron extraction and from the stem we took heartwood and sapwood samples. In addition, selected samples from the third campaign will be analyzed by both Picarro and isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). This additional information promise new insights into the internal water dynamics of trees, clarifying if observed isotopic patterns reflect true physiological processes or methodological artifacts. This is critical for advancing our understanding of tree water dynamics and their role in critical zone water fluxes.

How to cite: Castro Lopez, J. A., Latron, J., Llorens, P., Alharfouch, L., Barbeta, A., Gimeno, T., and Martínez-Sancho, E.: Investigating stable isotope signatures variability across tree compartments, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-944,, 2025.

EGU25-1690 | Orals | HS10.10

Precipitation event characteristics influence its partitioning into evapotranspiration and streamflow regardless of the season 

Hatice Türk, Paolo Benettin, Michael Stockinger, and Christine Stumpp

The partitioning of precipitation into streamflow (Q) and evapotranspiration (ET ) is a fundamental aspect of the terrestrial
water cycle. Gaining insights into the mechanisms governing precipitation partitioning is critical for nutrient transport in
surface and subsurface water fluxes, ensuring plant water supply and maintaining atmospheric water dynamics. While previous
studies have highlighted the role of seasonal variability in precipitation partitioning, the influence of event characteristics
on precipitation partitioning has received less attention. In this study, we used hydrometeorological and tracer data from a
forested headwater catchment (Wüstebach, DE, 38.5 ha ) and a tracer-aided model based on StorAge Selection (SAS) functions
to quantify precipitation partitioning across different event types (mild, moderate and intense) and seasons after a period
of one year. Similar to previous studies, we showed seasonal precipitation input variability affects its partitioning.
Roughly about 82 % of spring season precipitation is released back into the atmosphere after one year, while this rate decreased
to 41 % for autumn season precipitation. Different season’s precipitation showed variation in partitioning to streamflow as
well. Approximately 11 % of autumn season precipitation ended in streamflow after one year, while this rate decreased to
3 % for spring season precipitation. However, within the same season, event characteristics showed stronger variation in
the partitioning of precipitation to ET and Q. Independent of in which season the precipitation fell, from mild to intense
events, ET partitioning decreased, and Q partitioning increased. Particularly for autumn precipitation, event types showed the
greatest variation in partitioning to ET and Q. ET partitioning for autumn precipitation declined roughly by 30%, Q partitioning
increased by 2%, and the fraction of precipitation remaining in the storage increased by 30% from mild to intense events. For
winter, ET decreased by 20 %, and Q and storage both increased by 6% and 15%, respectively. These patterns were consistent
across all seasons, indicating that precipitation event characteristics exerted a strong influence on the long-term partitioning
of precipitation. Thus, while seasonal variability remains important for precipitation partitioning, our results highlight which
type of precipitation returns to the atmosphere, contributes to discharge, or persists within catchment storage. These findings
emphasize the need to consider event-level precipitation dynamics under changing climatic conditions, given their potential
to alter water availability, contaminant transport, and flood mitigation strategies.

How to cite: Türk, H., Benettin, P., Stockinger, M., and Stumpp, C.: Precipitation event characteristics influence its partitioning into evapotranspiration and streamflow regardless of the season, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1690,, 2025.

EGU25-2250 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Decoding lake water dynamics to optimize watershed agriculture through isotopic analyses of memory effects and hydrological connectivity 

Junen Wu, Bin Yang, Feng Cheng, Fan Zhao, Sha Ma, Xia Yuan, Huanhuan Zeng, Cheng Tang, Kun Yang, and Lei Zhao

Navigating the complex dynamics of lake water systems is critical in the context of intensifying global environmental changes. This study employs a novel stable isotope analysis to investigate the hydrological connections and water source contributions in Dianchi Lake, China. The research reveals a significant “memory effect”, where the lake’s current water volume is primarily influenced by its historical water conditions. The study also quantifies the relative contributions of various water sources, including precipitation, surface water, soil water in different agricultural land use types, and groundwater, to the lake’s water balance. The results identify agricultural land use practices are found to impact the lake’s hydrology, with greenhouse soils contributing less water than open field soils. And water outflow, rather than evaporation, as the primary factor reducing nearshore lake volume, highlighting the influence of human activities such as irrigation withdrawals and groundwater exploitation. The research also explores the interplay between meteorological factors and water source contributions, revealing the impact of seasonal variations and weather events on the lake’s water dynamics. By integrating stable isotope data with meteorological records and applying advanced modeling techniques, the study presents a quantitative framework for predicting future hydrological changes in the lake catchment. This innovative approach advances our understanding of complex lake water systems and provides valuable insights for effective water resource management, ecological conservation, and climate change adaptation strategies. 

How to cite: Wu, J., Yang, B., Cheng, F., Zhao, F., Ma, S., Yuan, X., Zeng, H., Tang, C., Yang, K., and Zhao, L.: Decoding lake water dynamics to optimize watershed agriculture through isotopic analyses of memory effects and hydrological connectivity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2250,, 2025.

The climate-change-induced increased frequency of droughts and shifts in rainfall patterns will most likely impact the interaction of trees with components of the hydrological cycle, e.g., rainfall, soil water, or groundwater. To study this, an increasing number of scientists use in-situ measurement systems capable of high-resolution measurement of the stable water isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) of xylem and soil water. These systems often use gas-permeable probes to sample water vapor in isotopic equilibrium with the liquid xylem or soil water, which are connected to transport tubing of several meters length that guide the vapor sample to the gas-inlet of a field-deployed isotope analyzer. Potential issues of these systems include (a) the accidental transport of liquid water to the isotope analyzer (e.g., by damage to the tubing, or inadequate sealing of connections), and (b) the maximum transport tubing length to obtain a reliable measurement. Here, we tested two different syringe filters (0.45 µm Nylon, and 0.2 µm PTFE) in terms of preventing liquid water from passing through, and from allowing water vapor to pass through without fractionation of isotope ratios. By switching between two known water sources, we further analyzed the effect of a possible filter cake made up of water vapor of the previous measurement trapped in the filter material on subsequent isotope measurements (memory effect). Lastly, using a 4 mm diameter tube we tested lengths from 1.3 m to 15.3 m in 1-m-increments to assess maximum tubing lengths for a reliable analysis. Results showed that only 0.2 µm filters were able to prevent liquid water from breaking through, and that isotope values were slightly enriched (δ18O: +0.47‰, δ2H: +1.3‰). However, this enrichment was not statistically significant due to the small sample size of only three repeated measurements with and without the filter installed. No influence of a possible filter cake was found as two waters of known isotope ratios could be repeatedly measured when switching back-and-forth between water sources (standard deviations were on average 0.15‰ for δ18O and 0.6‰ for δ2H). Tests of tubing length showed a maximum length of 6.3 m for the isotope ratios to reach the target value when measuring for 20 minutes. Between 15.3 m to 12.3 m, no discernible change in isotope ratios was detected, and from 12.3 m to 7.3 m the expected isotope ratio was only detected after the 20-minute measurement window. Using the vapor volume of our 4 mm diameter and 6.3 m long tube of approximately 80 cm³, we calculated that the often-used tubes of 1/8-inch inner diameter (~1.58 mm) could theoretically be up to 40 m long. We thus recommend using a maximum transport tubing length that corresponds to approximately 80 cm³ of gas that needs to be transported. If liquid water intrusion might pose a danger to field-deployed measurement equipment, 0.2 µm PTFE syringe filters can be used to stop the liquid water. However, the issue of potential fractionation of these filters is not yet resolved.

How to cite: Stockinger, M. and Stumpp, C.: In-situ measurement of the stable isotopes of soil and xylem water using liquid-vapor equilibration: protection against water intrusion and maximum tubing lengths for automatic systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3627,, 2025.

EGU25-3707 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Evidence of xylem hydraulic sectoring in apple trees from a deuterium tracing experiment in a split-root system 

Nicola Giuliani, Anna-Lena Haug, Stefano Brighenti, Agnese Aguzzoni, Damiano Zanotelli, Daniele Penna, and Massimo Tagliavini

Xylem is the plant tissue devoted to water transport. Its structure and anatomy vary among tree species, ranging from integrated (i.e., well-connected) to sectored networks. While xylem hydraulic sectoring has some advantages (e.g., reduced spread of pathogens and embolism), it also limits the exchange of water and nutrients between plant organs in different locations in the tree. In agricultural settings, where water and fertilizer inputs are often localized, preferential flow pathways in xylem could lead to non-homogeneous distribution of these resources within the trees. We therefore carried out an experiment to determine the degree of sectoriality in apple tree xylem, hypothesizing that differences in water availability at root level would influence this behavior.

To test our hypothesis, we potted young apple trees in a split-root system with four independent compartments. Soil compartments in different sets of trees were irrigated with water having different isotopic composition (enriched, δ2H ≈ 1650‰, or tap, δ2H ≈ -80‰) or left dry, obtaining five different treatments (100, 50_W, 25_W, 50_D, and 25_D, where the number represents the percentage of sectors receiving labelled water, and W and D indicate whether the remaining sectors were irrigated with tap water or left dry, respectively). Four days after the labelled irrigation, we destructively sampled shoots, trunk, rootstock, roots, and soil in each pot, every time collecting four samples corresponding to the respective sectors of the split-root system. Water was subsequently extracted from the samples by cryogenic vacuum distillation and its isotopic composition determined with IRMS. A two-end-member mixing model was applied to determine the contribution of labelled soil water in each tree organ.

In the trees receiving water in all sectors (100, 50_W, and 25_W), the average fraction of labelled soil water measured in the tree was consistent with that in the soil and reflected the number of soil sectors receiving labelled water in the respective treatment (100%, 50%, or 25% of enriched soil water). Conversely, when the labeled water was applied only to one or two soil compartments (25_D and 50_D), the average fraction of enriched soil water in the trees was higher than when the other compartments received unlabeled water (25_W and 50_W), indicating a higher water uptake by the roots in the irrigated sectors. Interestingly, in all treatments except the 100, we observed a high variability in the fraction of labelled soil water among different parts of the canopy within each tree. When soil water availability was homogeneous (50_W, 25_W), at least one sector of the tree canopy showed a negligible (<10%) contribution of labelled soil water, indicating that water flow was predominantly axial. When part of the soil was dry (50_D, 25_D), lateral water movement was enhanced, evidencing that hydraulic sectoring is affected by the water availability at root level. Therefore, when trees have access to water pools with different availability and isotopic fingerprint, the isotopic composition of water could be spatially variable also within the plant. This has consequences in ecohydrological studies.

How to cite: Giuliani, N., Haug, A.-L., Brighenti, S., Aguzzoni, A., Zanotelli, D., Penna, D., and Tagliavini, M.: Evidence of xylem hydraulic sectoring in apple trees from a deuterium tracing experiment in a split-root system, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3707,, 2025.

EGU25-7378 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Isotope-Enhanced Ecohydrological Modeling of Snow-Driven Recharge in Semi-Arid Mountains 

Nadia Rhoujjati, Sylvain Kuppel, Yassine Ait Brahim, Ali Rhoujjati, Nicolas Patris, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, Taha Attou, and Lahoucine Hanich

This study investigates the dynamic behavior of snow in semi-arid mountainous landscapes, emphasizing the use of the isotope signal as a tool for tracing hydrological processes. Thin snowpack poses a significant challenge, leading to extensive shifts in isotope values and complicating the estimation of catchment-average snowpack signatures. Traditional mixing models fall short in such scenarios, necessitating detailed approaches involving sampling along the hydrological pathway. The research employs a tracer-enabled spatially-distributed, process-based ecohydrological modeling approach to evaluate groundwater recharge processes in the complex settings of a regional watershed in the Middle Atlas mountains of Morocco. The study's objectives are to quantify recharge rates and dynamics seasonal variations, conducting a comparative analysis of yearly to sub-seasonal trends dating from 2017 onwards, and exploring stable isotope dynamics in snow-fed compartments of the hydrological cycle. The preliminary results of the ecohydrological simulations are discussed ; the simulated streamflow exceeds observed values, attributed to factors such as low winter evapotranspiration and the generalized spatialization of parameters. Variations in water table levels of each aquifer, and evapotranspiration data reveal a time lag influenced by seasonal variations and vegetation density. Stable isotopes closely mirror observed data, indicating the model's capability to capture the dynamic behavior of the aquifer system, with spatialized maps revealing a time delay between peak SWE (Snow Water Equivalent) abundance and isotopic depletion. Recharge dynamics are notably influenced by Triassic clay formations, with higher rates in exceptionally wet years and variations based on geological properties. The study highlights the important role of SWE in groundwater recharge, with peak SWE coinciding with major recharge events, and decreasing SWE contributing to groundwater depletion.

Keywords: Recharge, snowpack, isotope, ech2o-iso, snowmelt.

How to cite: Rhoujjati, N., Kuppel, S., Ait Brahim, Y., Rhoujjati, A., Patris, N., Bouchaou, L., Attou, T., and Hanich, L.: Isotope-Enhanced Ecohydrological Modeling of Snow-Driven Recharge in Semi-Arid Mountains, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7378,, 2025.

EGU25-8051 | Posters on site | HS10.10

Effects of fertilizer and weeding on stable isotope composition (¹³C–¹⁸O) in different carbohydrate pools across the cassava canopy 

Wivine Munyahali, Jonas Van Laere, Fidèle Barhebwa, Damas Birindwa, Roel Merckx, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, and Gerd Dercon

Intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) is a critical characteristic for optimizing cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) performance under climate change. Stable isotope composition provides a valuable tool for estimating iWUE, yet the key drivers of isotope variation across the cassava canopy remain unclear. In this study, conducted at 17 farms across three agroecological zones in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, we examined how agronomic practices (fertilizer application and weeding) influence carbon (δ¹³C) and oxygen (Δ¹⁸O) isotope composition at different canopy positions and in carbohydrate pools during the bulk root initiation stage. Physiological and morphological variables were measured at noon across the upper, middle, and lower canopy of cassava plants grown on-farm during the rainy season. These variables were related to δ¹³C and Δ¹⁸O in bulk leaf material, extracted cellulose, and soluble sugars.

Fertilizer application increased δ¹³C of soluble sugars (+0.6 ‰, p < 0.1) and bulk (+0.3 ‰, p < 0.1) in the drier zone, suggesting enhanced iWUE under fertilized conditions. Path analysis showed that leaf nitrogen concentration became increasingly correlated with δ¹³C from the upper to the lower canopy, while the influence of stomatal conductance declined. In upper-canopy leaves, higher stomatal conductance was associated with elevated vapour pressure deficit (VPD), possibly due to co-varying increased light intensities. Assumptions of the dual isotope approach related to Δ¹⁸O were not met, and therefore require further investigation. These findings provide new insights into the drivers of iWUE in cassava, highlighting the roles of canopy position and agronomic practices. This knowledge can inform strategies to improve cassava resilience and productivity under climate change.

How to cite: Munyahali, W., Van Laere, J., Barhebwa, F., Birindwa, D., Merckx, R., Hood-Nowotny, R., and Dercon, G.: Effects of fertilizer and weeding on stable isotope composition (¹³C–¹⁸O) in different carbohydrate pools across the cassava canopy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8051,, 2025.

EGU25-8143 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Effects of drought stress on assimilation and carbon allocation in a fruiting arabica coffee plant explained by 13C-CO2 pulse labelling 

Janice Nakamya, Jonas Van Laere, Rebecca Hood-Nowotny, Roel Merckx, Christian Resch, Jason Mitchell, Brenda Trust, and Gerd Dercon

The effects of drought on coffee yield and quality during the flowering and fruiting stages are becoming a challenge in many coffee-producing regions. Nevertheless, coffee plants exhibit various adaptive mechanisms that mitigate the effects of short-term water scarcity during these phenological phases. Plants undergo numerous physiological and metabolic alterations in response to water deficits during their critical developmental stages, for example, during flowering, one of the stages that is related to yield. Although understanding these responses is essential for effective breeding and management strategies, they remain inadequately documented for coffee. This study employed a rapid and accurate method of pulse labelling utilising 13C-CO2 on 32 four-year-old Venecia Arabica coffee plants from Costa Rica in a greenhouse. Carbon assimilation in young and old leaf pairs was assessed at 10, 11, 12, and 13 days post-stress initiation to determine the metabolic differences in leaf age and orientation. The allocation of assimilates to soluble sugars, starch, and cellulose in various structural components, such as fruits, stems, roots, and old and young leaves, was also measured at harvest (15 days of stress). These findings demonstrate a significant reduction (p< 0.05) in carbon assimilation and, consequently, photosynthesis under drought stress conditions, with a more pronounced decrease in older leaf pairs. This study revealed altered assimilate partitioning, with plants prioritising allocation to roots to presumably sustained soil water uptake. Conversely, under water stress, carbon allocation to young leaves diminished, whereas in fruit, a priority sink,  the assimilates remained constant for starch but increased for sugar (0.33±0.21%). Carbohydrate metabolism exhibited notable changes, including a significant (p< 0.05) decrease in foliar soluble sugars and enhanced starch allocation to stems and roots. Additionally, a significant (p< 0.0001) increase in cellulose production was observed, particularly in the older leaves (94%), stems (93%), and roots (89%), which suggests a physiological drought response with the upregulation of cellulose production, possibly providing structural support and protection against herbivory. In summary, this study revealed a response to short-term water deficit between the two leaf age categories and clarified the allocation of new assimilates in Coffea arabica. L. This study provides a foundation for improved breeding and management strategies to support the resilience and sustainability of coffee production.


How to cite: Nakamya, J., Van Laere, J., Hood-Nowotny, R., Merckx, R., Resch, C., Mitchell, J., Trust, B., and Dercon, G.: Effects of drought stress on assimilation and carbon allocation in a fruiting arabica coffee plant explained by 13C-CO2 pulse labelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8143,, 2025.

EGU25-8739 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Ecohydrological characterization of a terraced hill vineyard in Corno di Rosazzo (Italy) 

Mirco Peschiutta, Vittoria Posocco, Martina Tomasella, Lucìa Nadia Biruk, Paolo Sivilotti, Giorgio Alberti, Mauro Masiol, Luca Zini, Chiara Calligaris, Giuliano Dreossi, Mirko Sodini, Klemen Lisjak, and Barbara Stenni

Climate change is causing more frequent heat waves and droughts in recent summer in the Mediterranean area. This phenomenon is posing risks for viticulture, regarding both the quantity produced and the quality of the wines. Adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change effects include the use of emergency irrigation and soil management practices. In this context, ecohydrological studies about the water dynamics in the soil, as well as the patterns and variability of vines root water uptake (RWU) depth throughout the growing season, can provide valuable insights for achieving more efficient and sustainable water resource use in viticulture.

As part of the Interreg Ita-Slo IRRIGAVIT project, during the 2024 growing season, we conducted an ecohydrological characterization of a vineyard cultivated with Vitis vinifera cv. Ribolla Gialla (grafted on Kober 5BB) on a terrace in Corno di Rosazzo (Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Northeast Italy), using stable water isotope composition (δ18O, δ2H, d-excess) to track water fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. The site was chosen due to its soil composition, primarily consisting of flysch residuals (weathered alternations of marls and sandstones).

We sampled monthly precipitation from February 2024 to January 2025, as well as individual precipitation from spring to late summer 2024. In the plot located on the highest terrace of the hillslope, we sampled soil and vines sap every two to three weeks, collecting three soil cores and nine sap samples per sampling date. Soil cores were divided into 10 cm segments down to 35 cm of depth and 20 cm segments from that to the maximum reached depth (more than 1 m). Soil water was extracted in the lab using a cryogenic vacuum distillation (CVD) line. Sap samples were extracted using a vacuum pump system in the field from three shoots of plants close to each drilling point.

Rainwater and soil water samples were analysed using a CRDS laser spectroscope Picarro L2130-i in liquid mode, while the sap samples were analysed with the same instrument, coupled with a Picarro Induction Module to minimize the organic spectral interference. In addition, soil water content and water potential were measured, and soil mineralogy and particle size were assessed. Soil moisture and plant water potential were monitored in the field.

The 2024 growing season was particularly challenging for viticulture in Northeast Italy: frequent rainfall in spring damaged vines’ flowers, the summer was hot and dry, while heavy rainfall occurred during harvest. Visual inspections of soil samples revealed roots reaching up to 1.50 m deep. Isotopic data indicated that vines RWU occurred mainly in the top 20 cm of soil, which retained sufficient moisture even during the hot, dry summer with high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) values. This may have been due to soil management practices, such as using shredded cover crops to create mulch, enriching the topsoil with organic matter and improving water retention.

How to cite: Peschiutta, M., Posocco, V., Tomasella, M., Biruk, L. N., Sivilotti, P., Alberti, G., Masiol, M., Zini, L., Calligaris, C., Dreossi, G., Sodini, M., Lisjak, K., and Stenni, B.: Ecohydrological characterization of a terraced hill vineyard in Corno di Rosazzo (Italy), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8739,, 2025.

EGU25-8777 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Seasonal isotope distribution in soil profiles and its implications for plant water uptake 

Franciele de Bastos, Michael Stockinger, Megan Asanza-Grabenbauer, and Christine Stumpp

The increase in average temperatures and change in precipitation patterns derived from climate change affect forests differently, varying from the species' composition and forest characteristics. Understanding the ecophysiological behavior of trees under climate change and its impacts on the hydrological processes on a catchment scale requires a multidisciplinary approach, with an initial focus on the interactions on the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. To better characterize soil water availability dynamics and comprehend how it may be affected by climate change, water isotope ratios of conservative tracers (δ18O, δ2H) can be used as fingerprints of infiltration processes, providing information on the seasonal origin of soil water infiltrated in the vadose zone. This study aims to characterize profiles of water isotopes in soil water to evaluate its seasonal isotope distribution. This information will be essential for further evaluations of seasonal water use by trees, contributing to understanding processes from the plot to the catchment scale.

The study will be conducted in an experimental plot (DRAIN Station) in the Rosalia catchment (950 ha), located on the border between the Austrian states Burgenland and Lower Austria. The catchment elevation ranges from 385 to 725 m, with a mean annual precipitation of 790 mm and a mean annual temperature of 8.2 °C. The soils are predominantly Cambisols, and the main land use comprises forests, predominantly beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). The DRAIN Station is located upstream in a beech stand representative of the forest in the catchment and has an average slope of 16°. This plot is a permanent monitoring station part of the LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research), a global network focused on long-term measurements of nitrogen, carbon, and water balance. A variety of environmental variables are measured at plot and catchment scale, adding spatial and temporal heterogeneity in the evaluation of hydrological processes.

At the DRAIN Station, a transect of four soil profiles representative of the plot will be defined and soil samples will be collected every 5-10 cm down to 60 cm using a split spoon sampler. To determine the precipitation water isotope ratios, daily precipitation data collected at the catchment’s climate station will be analyzed. The soil and water samples will be analyzed in the laboratory for stable isotopes (δ18O, δ2H) using a Picarro laser-spectroscope. The mean monthly water isotope ratios in precipitation will be determined over 12 months and compared with the water isotope profiles of δ18O and δ2H.

These results will enhance the understanding of the infiltration processes and seasonal distribution of water fluxes in the vadose zone. Moreover, the spatial variability of isotope ratios among soil profiles, such as infiltration depth and velocity, will be assessed. By integrating the seasonal isotope distribution in soil profiles with transit time distribution and hydrological modeling, a deeper understanding of the hydrological processes across different scales can be achieved.

How to cite: de Bastos, F., Stockinger, M., Asanza-Grabenbauer, M., and Stumpp, C.: Seasonal isotope distribution in soil profiles and its implications for plant water uptake, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8777,, 2025.

EGU25-9711 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Stable Isotope Fractionation in an Agricultural Field during Wet-Dry Cycles 

Adhitya c u, Richa Ojha, and Saumyen Guha

In an agricultural field, crops in the Rabi and Zaid seasons are exposed to repeated wet-dry cycles between precipitation and/or irrigation events. There is a general consensus in the literature that no isotopic fractionation occurs during water uptake by the plants. The isotopic shifts in soil water at different soil tensions, if occurs during repeated wet-dry cycles, are expected to influence the isotopic composition of the plant’s xylem water. The objective of this study was to investigate the isotope enrichment and/or depletion during repeated wet-dry cycles in an agricultural field within the plant-available water range, specifically from field capacity to wilting point. The pressure-saturation curves and isotope retention patterns were compared to observe the changes in the isotopic compositions of plant-available water.

The laboratory experiments were conducted with soil (silty sand) from an agricultural plot that undergoes regular cultivation of 2-crops a year (Rice-Wheat) with no tillage. A modified pressure plate apparatus was fabricated to simultaneously measure the pressure vs. saturation and isotope compositions at each pressure. The pressure plate apparatus was designed to ensure mass balance across the imbibed, exuded, and retained water at each suction pressure, throughout all the wet-dry cycles. The experiments were conducted over five wet-dry cycles with the same reference water of known isotopic composition. The exuded water was analyzed directly, and the retained water content at each suction pressure of five wet-dry cycles was extracted using cryogenic vacuum distillation. The isotopic composition of all the samples was analyzed using an LGR OA-ICOS liquid water isotope analyzer.  

The pressure-saturation curves across all five cycles exhibited no significant changes for drainage. Drained water, even at a small suction pressure of 0.1 bar, was enriched in both δ²H and δ¹⁸O compared to the isotopic composition of the imbibed water. Within a cycle, both δ²H and δ¹⁸O in the exuded water showed depletion as the suction pressure increased. The δ²H composition of the exuded water became enriched with the progression of the wet-dry cycles. The δ¹⁸O composition of the exuded water, on the other hand, showed depletion with the progression of the wet-dry cycles. These results indicate that plant xylem water may show a mismatch with irrigation water due to fractionation during the wet-dry cycles.

How to cite: c u, A., Ojha, R., and Guha, S.: Stable Isotope Fractionation in an Agricultural Field during Wet-Dry Cycles, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9711,, 2025.

EGU25-9792 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Revealing the origin and age of tree water uptake along a forested hillslope 

Célia Rouvenaz and Marius Floriancic


The forest water cycle is dominated by vegetation-mediated processes, such as interception, infiltration, and transpiration, that greatly affect the redistribution of water between the atmosphere and subsurface. Yet, subsurface water transport and storage are poorly understood, complicating comprehensive analyses of tree water uptake.

Here we explore the performance and sensitivity of the model EcH2O-iso with a novel isotope tracer dataset from the WaldLab experimental forest site, a small catchment located in a mixed beech and spruce forest in Zürich, Switzerland. Five years ago, we began measuring water fluxes and stable water isotopes in precipitation, soils of various depths, groundwater, streams and xylem. The model EcH2O-iso is a process-based, spatially distributed ecohydrological model which allows to use water isotopic tracers (2H and 18O) for age tracking. Each grid cell is locally coupled with energy balance, hydrological transfer, vegetation growth and dynamics.

After setting up and parametrizing the model we validated model outputs with the measured isotope timeseries in different depths of the soil, groundwater, streamflow and xylem water along the sampled hillslope. We also tested to what extent input precipitation isotopes measured outside the forest are a reliable input to the model, by rerunning simulations with inputs from i) measured throughfall isotopes and ii) isotopic values obtained from drainage from the forest-floor litter layer. We performed multiple sensitivity analyses to better understand the sensitivity of certain model parameters and assessed which parameters need to be calibrated more precisely for future use of the model for this site.

How to cite: Rouvenaz, C. and Floriancic, M.: Revealing the origin and age of tree water uptake along a forested hillslope, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9792,, 2025.

EGU25-9957 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Geographical, spatial, and temporal water sources in a Mediterranean forested catchment. 

Mingming Feng, Francesca Sofia Manco di Villahermosa, Matteo Verdone, Ilenia Murgia, Ginevra Fabiani, Giulia Zuecco, Stefano Brighenti, Jiulian Klaus, Christian Massari, Marco Borga, Ming Jiang, and Daniele Penna

Forested catchments play a key role in storing and releasing fresh water. Climate changes affect global hydrological and ecosystem processes with effects also observed at small scales. In this context, investigating spatial and temporal water origins in small forested catchments is fundamental to understand and better predict the behavior of hydrological processes. However, very little is known about both the spatial and temporal origin of water across different ecohydrological compartments in Mediterranean forested catchments.

In this study, we collected hydrometeorological and isotopic data in the Re della Pietra experimental catchment (2 km2) located in the Tuscan Appennines (Central Italy) to understand the origin of stream water at different spatial and temporal scales and the sources of tree-water uptake. Starting in April 2019, we collected water samples for isotope analysis (d18O, d2H) from precipitation, throughfall, springs, and the stream at different sections (4 locations from upstream to downstream). In addition, we sampled soil at different depths (0-20cm, 20-40cm, 40-60cm) and several monitored beech trees. Hydro-meteorological parameters are monitored in the Lecciona subcatchment (0.3 km2).

Results based on the HYSPLIT model revealed that the Northern Lower Atlantic dominates the water vapor of precipitation in both wet and dry periods. In contrast, water vapor from the Arctic Ocean was observed only in wet periods, while in dry ones, there was a small contribution of Mediterranean water vapor. Furthermore, there were significant spatial and temporal variations of isotopes (δ18O and δ2H) and electrical conductivity among water in various ecohydrological compartments. Both the main stream and the tributary were mainly recharged by spring water and only secondarily by precipitation and soil water with significant seasonal variations. Spring water decreased in wet periods but increased in dry periods, and precipitation and soil compartments showed opposite behaviours. Trees mainly used soil water from shallow layers(0-20 cm: 51.1% ± 13.1%, 20-40 cm: 37.1% ± 15.6%, 40-60 cm: 7.5% ±6.3%) in wet periods, while in dry periods, tree water uptake came from deep soil layers(0-20 cm: 13.41% ± 12.7%, 20-40 cm: 55.6% ± 26.1%, 40-60 cm: 8.35% ± 3.6%). The dominant negative values of the Seasonal Origin Index in all ecohydrological compartments except shallow soil layers revealed that winter precipitation was used even in midsummer by the trees and that both surface and subsurface water reflect larger contributions from winter sources. These results imply the resilient behaviour of this catchment to cope against summer droughts and provide a preliminary theoretical basis for managing forest and water resources in Mediterranean catchments.

How to cite: Feng, M., Manco di Villahermosa, F. S., Verdone, M., Murgia, I., Fabiani, G., Zuecco, G., Brighenti, S., Klaus, J., Massari, C., Borga, M., Jiang, M., and Penna, D.: Geographical, spatial, and temporal water sources in a Mediterranean forested catchment., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9957,, 2025.

EGU25-10527 | Posters on site | HS10.10

Which water sources do trees on floodplains in southeastern Brazil use for transpiration? 

Aline Meyer Oliveira, Marius Floriancic, Fernanda Moreira Gianasi, Barbara Herbstritt, Patricia Vieira Pompeu, Felipe de Carvalho Araújo, André Maciel Silva-Sene, Miguel Gama Reis, Camila Farrapo, Leony Aparecido Silva Ferreira, Rubens Manoel dos Santos, and Ilja van Meerveld

Seasonal floodplain forests are important ecosystems that attenuate floods and have high biodiversity. However, floodplains are threatened by human activities, such as dam building, agricultural water use, and climate change. Improving our understanding of the functioning of floodplain forests can aid in their protection. Trees in the floodplain forests in southeastern Brazil experience flooding for more than a month per year but also must endure very dry periods where the groundwater level is several meters below the surface. Species composition depends on the flooding regime, but which water the trees use for transpiration is largely unknown. As a result, their vulnerability to changes in climate or flooding regime remains poorly understood.

We sampled the different water sources (precipitation, streamflow, groundwater, and soil water at different depths) and vegetation (covering more than 60 tree species) across six floodplain forests in the Rio Grande and São Francisco basins in southeastern Brazil during four campaigns (two dry and two wet seasons). At each floodplain, we took samples from three different “eco-units”: levees (close to the river), terraces (wettest parts of the floodplain), and plains (regions that do not get flooded). The samples were analyzed for the abundance of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotopes. These data were used together with the MixSIAR model to investigate the contribution of soil water (down to 1 m) for tree water uptake.

The variability in xylem water was large and there was no consistent variation in the isotopic composition of the soil water between the dry and wet seasons. Instead, soil water reflected the isotopic signature of wet season precipitation and overbank flow. We hypothesize that the soil isotopic signature is reset by precipitation and overbank flow every wet season. There was also no consistent pattern in the isotopic composition of the xylem water across the three “eco-units”. The mixing model analyses suggest that for the floodplains in the Rio Grande basin, soil water was the main source during the wet season (64% ± 17) but not during the dry season (43% ± 17), when groundwater or stream water were the predominant sources. For the floodplains in the drier São Francisco basin, soil water was the main source of tree water uptake (60% ± 17 and 72% ± 15 for wet and dry seasons, respectively). However, uncertainties are very high due to the similar isotopic composition of the potential source waters.

How to cite: Meyer Oliveira, A., Floriancic, M., Moreira Gianasi, F., Herbstritt, B., Vieira Pompeu, P., de Carvalho Araújo, F., Maciel Silva-Sene, A., Gama Reis, M., Farrapo, C., Aparecido Silva Ferreira, L., Manoel dos Santos, R., and van Meerveld, I.: Which water sources do trees on floodplains in southeastern Brazil use for transpiration?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10527,, 2025.

Agricultural crops play a crucial role in the global water cycle. Yet, climate change may alter crop physiology, agricultural ecosystems, and interactions within the land-atmosphere (L-A) system. Understanding crop transpiration (T) and soil evaporation (E) rates, along with their temporal dynamics and connection to the L-A system, is essential for predicting future hydro-climatic conditions and assessing agricultural land-use practices, particularly under the increasing frequency of extreme weather events.
Here, we introduce the DFG Research Unit “LAFI” (Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative) subproject 3, which focuses on partitioning evapotranspiration into E and T using real-time water isotope in-situ measurements.
We will study water fluxes and their isotopic composition across the L-A system to investigate water-related processes in high temporal and spatial resolution via canopy and leaf chambers for evapotranspiration (ET) and T, as well as membrane probes for soil water vapor isotope measurements. This innovative isotope measurement platform will enable the determination of root water uptake (RWU) contributions and depths for key crop species (wheat and maize) at the Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (University of Hohenheim, Germany). Additionally, it will facilitate the evaluation of water transit times and the partitioning of ET.
Analyses will be species-specific and will examine the impact of varying environmental conditions on RWU, water transit times, ET, and ET partitioning. The results will provide insights into the vulnerability of crop species to climate-induced changes in precipitation patterns and soil moisture availability.

How to cite: Orlowski, N. and Kübert, A.: DFG Research Unit: Land-Atmosphere Feedback Initiative (LAFI): Using real-time isotopic in-situ measurements to partition evapotranspiration into soil evaporation and plant transpiration at two distinct cropland sites , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11886,, 2025.

EGU25-12138 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

A new laboratory approach to extract soil water for stable isotope analysis from large soil samples 

Jiří Kocum, Jan Haidl, Ondřej Gebouský, Kristýna Falátková, Václav Šípek, Martin Šanda, Natalie Orlowski, and Lukáš Vlček

The reliability of soil water stable isotope analysis is -among other things- based on a correct soil water extraction. Currently used extraction methods are prone to isotope fractionation (especially with clay samples) and exhibit shortcomings limiting and/or complicating their usage. A newly developed soil water extraction method –Circulating Air Soil Water Extraction– is based on the principle of complete evaporation and condensation of the soil water in a closed circuit. Owing to its simple design, there is no need for any chemicals, gases, high pressure or high-temperature regimes. On the other hand, at present, the proposed apparatus with four independent extraction slots can be used at most twice a day.

The experimental tests proved no significant isotope fractionation effects leading to erroneous results caused by the extraction. In all experiments, the δ18O and δ2H did not exceed the limits ± 0.2 ‰ and ± 2 ‰, respectively, which is fully acceptable for hydrologic studies. Extraction of pure water samples shifts the isotope composition by 0.04±0.06 ‰ and 0.06±0.35 ‰ for δ18O and δ2H, respectively.

Soil water extraction tests were conducted with five distinct soil types (loamy sand, sandy loam, sandy clay, silt loam, and clay) using 40-150 grams of pre-oven-dried soil, which was subsequently rehydrated to 10 and 20 % water content. The shift in the isotopic composition ranged from -0.04 and 0.07 ‰ for δ18O and from 0.4 to 1.3 ‰ for δ2H with the corresponding standard deviations ± (0.08 – 0.25) ‰ and ± (0.34 – 0.58) ‰. The results exhibit high accuracy which predetermines this method for high-precision studies where unambiguous specification of the water origin is required. The accuracy is adversely counterbalanced by a reduced number of processed samples per day: at present eight (2 x 4 simultaneously measured samples at four extraction slots).

The proposed extraction method has proven versatility in handling various soil types with different soil textures and water contents. The main advantages are the high accuracy of the results, simple design of the apparatus setup, low operating costs, time reduction in operating the device, easy maintenance, and the ability to process large soil samples providing large and representative quantities of soil water.

How to cite: Kocum, J., Haidl, J., Gebouský, O., Falátková, K., Šípek, V., Šanda, M., Orlowski, N., and Vlček, L.: A new laboratory approach to extract soil water for stable isotope analysis from large soil samples, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12138,, 2025.

EGU25-14397 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

CryoSCOPE: Quantifying hydrologic partitioning in snow-dominated landscapes 

Dillon Mungle, Marius Floriancic, Peter Molnar, and Harsh Beria

The EU-Horizon project CryoSCOPE, launched in February 2025, investigates the interplay between atmospheric, cryospheric, and hydrologic systems across varied landscapes, including the Swiss Alps, Finnish Lapland, Svalbard, and the Himalayas. A key focus in CryoSCOPE is to quantify hydrologic partitioning—how precipitation is distributed among streamflow, groundwater, and evapotranspiration—in snow-dominated environments. By integrating stable water isotope data in different hydrological fluxes, evapotranspiration measurements from mobile flux towers, and extensive hydrometeorological data, CryoSCOPE will quantify partitioning processes over seasonal and interannual scales. This presentation highlights a case study from Waldlabor, a forested site in Switzerland, demonstrating the observed seasonal hydrological partitioning patterns.

CryoSCOPE emphasizes expanding stable water isotope datasets in cold regions, enhancing insights into hydrologic dynamics in snow-dominated systems. These efforts aim to improve predictive models and support sustainable water resource management in globally relevant “cold spots”. By advancing understanding of water distribution and movement in cold environments, CryoSCOPE provides critical knowledge to inform water management and policy development in the face of climate change.

How to cite: Mungle, D., Floriancic, M., Molnar, P., and Beria, H.: CryoSCOPE: Quantifying hydrologic partitioning in snow-dominated landscapes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14397,, 2025.

EGU25-14569 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

Evapotranspiration partitioning using stable isotopes of O and H 

Pravesh Singh, Diravia Balan, Richa Ojha, Rajesh Srivastava, Shivam Tripathi, Saumyen Guha, Gopal Krishan, and ms Rao

Partitioning of evapotranspiration (ET) is a fundamental challenge in ecohydrological research, critical for advancing our understanding of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. This study investigates ET partitioning for spring wheat crops grown at an experimental plot at IIT Kanpur using the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen. By exploiting the distinct isotopic signatures of evaporation (E) and transpiration (T), the contributions of these processes to total ET were quantified. The isotopic compositions of ET and E were determined using the Keeling plot and the Craig-Gordon model respectively, whereas the isotopic composition of the stem was taken as the isotopic composition of T. Sensitivity analysis was performed to identify and prioritize the accurate measurement of variables significantly influencing ET partitioning. Results indicated that the transpiration fraction in ET varied between 38% and 96%, depending on crop growth stage and water availability. A comparison of results from isotopic methods and hydrometric methods revealed good agreement on most days, with discrepancies on some days attributed to uncertainties in estimating key parameters such as temperature and relative humidity. To capture interannual variability, additional experiments were conducted in subsequent years, providing further insights into the dynamics of ET partitioning.  

How to cite: Singh, P., Balan, D., Ojha, R., Srivastava, R., Tripathi, S., Guha, S., Krishan, G., and Rao, M.: Evapotranspiration partitioning using stable isotopes of O and H, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14569,, 2025.

EGU25-16403 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Belowground niche partitioning and water uptake dynamics in temperate grasslands using stable isotopes 

Sepideh Golshani, Tomáš Hájek, Undine Schöllkopf, Johanna Harisson, Hassan Jafari, Barbora Rybová, Katja Tielbörger, and Maria Májeková

Belowground niche partitioning is a key mechanism for maintaining plant species diversity in grasslands. However, limited empirical data and precise methodologies restrict our understanding of plant belowground coexistence strategies. Here, we examined various scenarios of plant species niche overlap based on their water uptake depths. The study was conducted across 75 grassland plots within the Biodiversity Exploratories in three distinct German regions, using the natural abundance of oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) to link the plant xylem water to its source depth in the soil (up to 50 cm). By applying plot-level and regional-level mixed model statistical methods, we first tested the accuracy of water uptake depth predictions of 25 species as one of the critical steps. These water uptake depth predictions were then used to calculate the overlap in resource uptake niches among single-species water uptake flexibility across regions, as well as different growth forms and root systems of species.

Our results demonstrate that water uptake depths strongly correlate with environmental factors such as soil type and the geographical gradient of the plots. Regional-level mixed models demonstrated higher accuracy, revealing similar variations in water uptake depths across regions and species compared to the plot-level approach, highlighting diverse water use strategies in grasslands. Furthermore, our niche overlap findings indicate that fibrous root systems generally show greater overlap than taproot systems. Additionally, the overlap calculations for single species across three regions showed diverse patterns, emphasizing the utility of stable isotopes in addressing various ecological questions. These findings enhance our understanding of belowground coexistence mechanisms and ecosystem dynamics, emphasizing the importance of precise measurement techniques in revealing the complex interactions that drive resource use in temperate grasslands.

How to cite: Golshani, S., Hájek, T., Schöllkopf, U., Harisson, J., Jafari, H., Rybová, B., Tielbörger, K., and Májeková, M.: Belowground niche partitioning and water uptake dynamics in temperate grasslands using stable isotopes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16403,, 2025.

EGU25-17104 | ECS | Posters on site | HS10.10

The role of deep roots in enhancing drought tolerance and nutrient uptake in diverse species and genotypes of grasses 

Qiaoyan Li, Simon Fiil Svane, Olga Popovic, Georgios Statiris, and Kristian Thorup Kristensen

Deep roots play a vital role in water and nutrient uptake and supply to assist in higher tolerance of increasing drought events under current global climate change scenarios. However, few studies have been made under field conditions to identify the differences between species and genotypes of grasses in root traits, water use efficiency (WUE), and nutrient uptake under drought stress. Stable isotope applications have revolutionized our understanding of water and nutrient dynamics in root systems, offering precise insights into plant resource uptake. In this study, experiments with grasses were done in a large-scale semi-field root phenotyping facility (RadiMax) equipped with rainout shelters to simulate drought conditions. In five experiments from 2016 to 2023, we measured the variations of root traits related to rooting depth among grass species and genotypes. The RadiMax facility enables the observation of root growth in up to 600 lines of diverse species and genotypes, with 150 to 300 lines being utilized in various grass experiments. Root traits were observed through minirhizotrons to more than 2 m depth and were quantified using an AI-based image analysis system (RootPainter). The RadiMax facility also allows deep placement of stable isotopes (2H and 15N), to be used as tracers for deep uptake by the root system. In this study, stable isotopic labelling was used in three studies from 2019 to 2023, in combination with the natural enrichment of 13C as a drought stress indicator. In this way, direct root phenotyping through minirhizotrons was combined with deep root function phenotyping based on the stable isotope measurements. Our preliminary results indicate that deep rooting will benefit plants as it contributes to deep water uptake under drought conditions, which indicates that selecting deep root traits should be included in the breeding of grass cultivars, to develop more drought-resilient genotypes.

How to cite: Li, Q., Svane, S. F., Popovic, O., Statiris, G., and Kristensen, K. T.: The role of deep roots in enhancing drought tolerance and nutrient uptake in diverse species and genotypes of grasses, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17104,, 2025.

EGU25-17243 | ECS | Orals | HS10.10

Stable water isotope seasonality at the soil-vegetation interface in cold climate 

Filip Muhic, Pertti Ala-Aho, Matthias Sprenger, Kashif Noor, Jeffrey Welker, Björn Klöve, and Hannu Marttila

Mixing and transport mechanisms of water in unsaturated shallow soil govern the partition of infiltrating water into the plant available water in soil water storage and groundwater recharge and modify the distribution of soil solutes and contaminants in subsurface. Consequently, they play a major role in the regulation of eco-hydrological processes at the soil–vegetation–atmosphere continuum. In sub-arctic regions, where both current and predicted warming rates are highest, the water cycle is undergoing marked changes and a limited understanding of storage and movement of water in soil has been recognized as one of the biggest knowledge gaps in addressing this issue. Stable isotopes of water are frequently used to explore water fluxes at the soil-vegetation interface, as they have proved to be a potent tool for tracing the origin and variability of waters that occupy different soil and plant compartments. 
We used a combination of field experiments and surveys that utilize stable isotopes of water as both natural and artificial tracer to assess the main drivers of spatiotemporal variability of water fluxes at the soil-vegetation interface in a sub-arctic catchment. First, soil coring and xylem sampling campaign was performed to quantify the variability of soil water isotopes under different land covers and in different seasons, and further identify under which conditions is soil water isotopic composition reflected in the stem water. Afterwards, an irrigation experiment using deuterated water was carried out on a forested hilltop to understand how infiltrating water gets redistributed in subsurface and how sub-arctic forest till soil and vegetation respond to massive infiltration events. The studies were conducted at the Pallas catchment, located in Northern Finland.
We found that seasonal rainfall variation and late snowmelt events were clearly represented in forest till soils, while the water input signal was heavily attenuated in forested peatlands. However, the seasonal evolution of soil water pools was not reflected in tree stem dynamics. In addition, the main infiltration mechanisms in shallow till soil were delineated through an inspection of interplay between soil water fluxes of different mobility. We further observed how a large snowmelt event can cause an isotopic homogenization of all water fluxes at the soil–vegetation interface.
Our results highlight the unique role of snowmelt in replenishing and sustaining soil water storage and modifying isotope dynamics at the soil–vegetation interface.

How to cite: Muhic, F., Ala-Aho, P., Sprenger, M., Noor, K., Welker, J., Klöve, B., and Marttila, H.: Stable water isotope seasonality at the soil-vegetation interface in cold climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17243,, 2025.

EGU25-18327 | Posters on site | HS10.10

Testing a new method for extracting plant water for isotopic analysis 

Giulia Zuecco, Diego Todini-Zicavo, Elizabeth Joan Aarts, and Chiara Marchina

In ecohydrology, stable water isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) are valuable tools for investigating the water’s movement through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Recent tracer-based studies using stable water isotopes showed that different methods for extracting water from plant tissues can return different isotopic compositions due to the presence of organic contaminants and because these methods extract different plant water domains. While Cryogenic Vacuum Distillation (CVD) is widely recognized as a standard method of plant water extraction for isotopic analysis, its indiscriminate water extraction has proven problematic. Various other techniques have been developed and tested for plant water extraction, such as direct vapour equilibration, mechanical squeezing and centrifugation. However, there remains a necessity to develop a cost and time efficient method to discriminately extract xylem water, which better represents the source waters used by plants for transpiration.

In this work, we evaluated the viability of Vacuum Extraction (VAC) - a method previously used in ecophysiology for chemical analysis - for the extraction of plant water for isotopic analysis. The specific objectives were to i) assess the likely influence of organic contaminants (glucose, fructose, sucrose, ethanol and methanol) in water samples extracted by VAC, ii) determine whether there is a significant difference in the isotopic signature of plant water extracted by VAC from lignified samples with and without bark, iii) compare the isotopic composition of plant water extracted by VAC and CVD.

The comparison tests were carried out in late March and early July 2024 on trees or shrubs of Cornus sanguinea, Carpinus orientalis, Prunus cerasifera, Photinia serratifolia, and Populus canadensis, located in a village close to Padua (Italy). In March, samples were taken from lignified twigs, and we prepared replicates with and without bark for extraction by VAC. In July, twig samples were collected for extraction by VAC and by CVD. Given the negligible presence of organic contaminants in VAC samples, we performed their isotopic analysis by laser spectroscopy. Conversely, CVD samples were analysed by isotope-ratio mass spectrometry.  

Our results showed no significant differences in the sugar levels of samples with and without bark, and no clear relation between the sugar content and the isotopic composition of plant water extracted by VAC. Additionally, when comparing CVD and VAC, the δ18O values were similar, but there were significant differences in the δ2H between the two methods, with VAC samples plotting significantly closer to the Local Meteoric Water Line compared to CVD samples. These first results indicate that VAC is a promising and effective method for the extraction of plant water for isotopic analysis. However, further tests should be performed for other species and under different environmental conditions.


Acknowledgements: This study was carried out within the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) – MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4 – D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022). This abstract reflects only the authors’ views and opinions, neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be considered responsible for them.


How to cite: Zuecco, G., Todini-Zicavo, D., Aarts, E. J., and Marchina, C.: Testing a new method for extracting plant water for isotopic analysis, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18327,, 2025.

EGU25-18736 | Orals | HS10.10 | Highlight

Exploring root water uptake of beech and spruce trees across Europe  

Marco Lehmann, Josie Geris, Daniele Penna, Youri Rothfuss, Ilja van Meerveld, and Katrin Meusburger

Ecohydrological studies aiming to understand patterns in root water uptake by trees based on plant and soil water isotope data are often confined to one or a few nearby locations. In this study, we took advantage of recently established pan-European hydrogen (δ2H) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope datasets (10.16904/envidat.542) to assess root water uptake depth for beech and spruce trees across Europe. For a subset of sites, δ17O data were available as well.

Our analysis revealed consistent isotopic enrichment in xylem water of spruce trees compared to beech trees across all mixed-species sites (N=13), suggesting that spruce predominantly used shallower soil water regardless of environmental conditions. Additionally, we observed isotopic enrichment in stem xylem water from spring to summer at most beech and spruce sites (N=32), suggesting both species relied on isotopically enriched summer precipitation. Interestingly, for a subset of sites (N=8), there was an inverse pattern, with isotopic depletion in summer, implying shifts to deeper soil water sources or uptake of shallow soil water that was isotopically depleted in summer compared to spring conditions.

To further explore these findings, we will visually and statistically examine them using isotope data from the soil (10–90 cm depth). We will analyze the role of climate (using gridded data), alongside site-, soil-, and tree-specific metadata to better understand the factors influencing the variation in root water uptake at the continental scale. Additionally, we will explore the potential of oxygen-17 excess to provide further insights into root water uptake dynamics.

How to cite: Lehmann, M., Geris, J., Penna, D., Rothfuss, Y., van Meerveld, I., and Meusburger, K.: Exploring root water uptake of beech and spruce trees across Europe , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18736,, 2025.

Statistical models are a frequently used tool in hydrology, especially when it comes to estimating design floods, i.e. flood events that used to design flood protection systems or reservoirs. The often complex hydrological data, which are affected by e.g. missing values, extremes or time-varying processes, require sophisticated statistical models that take these challenges into account. As a scientist, developing such models can be a lot of fun and provide interesting insights. After months of thinking about the best model under certain statistical assumptions, proving asymptotic theorems and testing the model with synthetic data, you are happy and proud to have developed a new model. This model will hopefully be widely used in future research. The next step is to apply the model to a large real data set. The results look good on average. The results will be shared with practitioners, because of course you want the model to be useful for science and practice. And then: the phone call. You are told that your results are not plausible for a certain catchment area. And in general, the new model is not needed in practice because there is an established model. This example describes such a case and discusses ways of dealing with it. It is intended to illustrate the importance of communication between science and practice and a general understanding between both sides.

How to cite: Fischer, S.: When practical considerations impact your scientific model, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1620,, 2025.

EGU25-1660 | Orals | EOS4.8

The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick 

Nick van de Giesen and John Selker

In the early 1990's, fractals and chaos were hot. In 1987, James Gleick had published "Chaos: Making a New Science", popularizing non-linear dynamics. Hydrologists played an important role in the development of fractal theory. Hurst had discovered that sequences of dry and wet years for the Nile showed very long memory effects. Instead of the chance of a dry year following a dry year being 50%, Hurst found that there were surprisingly many long series of dry or wet years. Seven fat years, seven lean years, as it is noted in Genesis. Scott Tyler found fractals in soils ("Fractal processes in soil water retention"). At Cornell, where we were at the time, David Turcotte described "Fractals in geology and geophysics". A few years later, Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe and Andrea Rinaldo would publish "Fractal River Basins: Chance and Self-Organization". In short, fractals were exciting scientific gold.

A fractal is not just an obscure mathematical object but something that can actually be found everywhere in nature. Early on, a paper was published in Nature with the title "Fractal viscous fingering in clay slurries" by Van Damme, Obrecht, Levitz, Gatineau, and Laroche. They "only" did an experiment on a fractal embedded in 2D; we should be able to do one better and find the fractal dimension of the surface of cracking clay embedded in 3D. So out we went, collected some clay, mixed it with water in a cement mixer, siliconed together a shallow "aquarium", and poured in the slurry. To observe the cracking of the drying slurry, a video camera was mounted above the experiment, looking down and taking time-lapse images. To access the views from the sides, mirrors were installed at 45 degrees at each of the four sides. Lights made sure the camera captured high quality images. The whole set-up was enclosed in a frame with dark cloth to ensure that lighting was always the same.  We already had some box-counting code ready to calculate the fractal dimension of the surface, called the Minkowski–Bouligand dimension. One variable needed some extra attention, namely the boundary between the clay slurry and the glass sides. If the clay would cling to the sides, it would be difficult to understand the effects that this boundary condition had on the outcome of the experiment. Moreover, the cracks may not have become visible in the mirrors when the sides were covered with mud. So, instead, it was decided to make the sides hydrophobic with some mineral oil. This ensured that when the clay would start to shrink, it would come loose from the sides. Now, all we had to do was wait. It took only a week or so before the consolidated slurry started to shrink and to come loose from the sides. After that, the clay continued shrink for many weeks. This is how we learned that the fractal dimension of a shrinking brick of clay is (very close) to 3.0. 

How to cite: van de Giesen, N. and Selker, J.: The Minkowski–Bouligand dimension of a clay brick, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1660,, 2025.

EGU25-5035 | Orals | EOS4.8

Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief 

Stefan Hergarten and Jörg Robl

In 2018, we found exciting new results in landform evolution modeling by coupling the two simplest models of fluvial erosion and hillslope processes. While the stream-power incision model is the simplest model for detachment-limited fluvial erosion, the diffusion equation is the simplest description of hillslope processes at long timescales. Both processes were added at each grid cell without an explicit separation between channels and hillslopes because fluvial erosion automatically becomes dominant at large catchment sizes and negligible at small catchment sizes.

We found that increasing diffusion reduces the relief at small scales (individual hillslopes), but even increases the large-scale relief (entire catchments). As an immediate effect, the hillslopes become less steep. In turn, however, we observed that the network of the clearly incised valleys, which indicates dominance of fluvial erosion over diffusion, became smaller. So a smaller set of fluvially dominated grid cells had to erode the material entering from the hillslopes. To maintain a morphological equilibrium with a given uplift rate, the rivers had to steepen over long time. This steepening even overcompensated the immediate decrease in relief of the hillslopes.

This result was counterintuitive at first, but we were happy to find a reasonable explanation. So we even prepared a short manuscript for a prestigious  journal. We just did not submit it because we wanted to explain the effect quantitatively from the physical parameters of the model. From these theoretical considerations, we found that our numerical results did not only depend on the model parameters, but also on the spatial resolution of the model and noticed that this scaling problem was already discussed in a few published studies. Beyond the scaling problem, we also realized that applying the concept of detachment-limited fluvial erosion to the sediment brought from the hillslopes into the rivers is quite unrealistic. A later study including fluvial sediment transport and a model for hillslope processes that avoids scaling problems did not predict any increase in large-scale relief. So we finally realized that our original findings were mainly the result of a specific combination of models that should not be coupled this way and are not  as relevant for landform evolution as we thought.

This example illustrates many of the pitfalls of numerical modeling beyond purely technical issues. In particular, combining models that are widely used and make sense individually may still cause unexpected problems.


How to cite: Hergarten, S. and Robl, J.: Landslides and hillslope erosion increase relief, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5035,, 2025.

EGU25-5091 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

(Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector 

Guillemette Legrand

In this presentation, I will discuss my research into the simple climate model Hector, which calculates temperature change based on the impact of various climate scenarios. More specifically, I will discuss how an artistic-led approach through (un)voluntary-caused computational bugs can help document the model's logic and socio-political implications. I will describe methods for collective 'debugging' to produce transdisciplinary knowledge (beyond solely scientific inquiry) to foster conversation about the potential and limits of current climate infrastructure to foster concrete climate actions. This research investigates the field of climate science through artistic practice, software and infrastructure studies, and participatory methods. To expand on the role of bugs in my investigation, I will elaborate on concrete examples of differences in perception of 'error' in the fields of arts and science, looking at case studies where mistakes or glitches have been valorised and mobilised through artistic practice to grapple with, appropriate, and/or repurpose scientific instruments.

How to cite: Legrand, G.: (Re)(De)bugging tragedies with Hector, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5091,, 2025.

EGU25-5951 * | Orals | EOS4.8 | Highlight

Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong 

Lukas Brunner, Maximilian Meindl, and Aiko Voigt

"Doesn't this look a bit strange?" 

It began with an innocent question during one of our Master's colloquia. And it could have ended there. "We were just following an approach from the literature". And who could argue against following the literature?

But it bugged me. During a long train ride, I began to think about the issue again. 10 hours and many papers later, I was only more confused: was it really that obvious, and why had no one picked up on it before? But sometimes the most obvious things are the most wicked, and after a few conversations with knowledgeable colleagues, I was sure we were in for an unexpected surprise. 

A commonly used approach to defining heat extremes is as exceedances of percentile-based thresholds that follow the seasonal cycle. Such relative extremes are then expected to be evenly distributed throughout the year. For example, over the 30-year period 1961-1990, we expect three (or 10%) of January 1s to exceed a 90th percentile threshold defined for the same period - and the same for all other days of the year. In a recent study, we show that there are many cases where this does not hold, not even close (Brunner and Voigt 2024).

Here, we tell the story of how this blunder spread in the literature out of the desire to improve extreme thresholds. We show that seemingly innocent changes can sometimes have unintended consequences and that taking the time to check the obvious can help avoid mistakes in science. 


Brunner L. and Voigt A. (2024): Pitfalls in diagnosing temperature extremes, Nature Communications,

How to cite: Brunner, L., Meindl, M., and Voigt, A.: Improving extreme temperature definitions until they are wrong, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5951,, 2025.

When economists estimate the expected economic damages from current-day CO2 emissions, they usually calculate the social cost of carbon – that is, the aggregated damage caused by the emission of an additional ton of CO2. Several cost-benefit integrated assessment models (IAMs) are built to assess this quantity, and among them is the META model. This model is built specifically to assess the effects of tipping points on the social cost of carbon, and it usually operates stochastically. When integrating a deterministic, but small carbon cycle tipping point into the model, however, the social cost of carbon seems to explode: a few gigatons of additional emissions almost double the impact estimates of CO2 emissions! Well, maybe. In fact, these results are a pure artifact of two things: 1) the way in which social cost of carbon estimates are calculated with IAMs; and 2) the way that tipping points are implemented in the META model. And, of course, 3): a lack of initial thoughtfulness on behalf of myself. A thorough look into this issue shows that, as expected, a marginal change in emissions leads to a marginal change in damage estimates. While that result is rather boring, the previous blunder can actually be instructive about the scarcely-known methods used to obtain economic impact estimates of climate change.

How to cite: Schaumann, F.: Drastic increase in economic damages caused by a marginal increase in CO2 emissions?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9145,, 2025.

EGU25-10285 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.8

How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really? 

Felix Jäger, Petra Sieber, Isla Simpson, David Lawrence, Peter Lawrence, and Sonia I. Seneviratne

Historically, large areas across the globe have been affected by deforestation or irrigation expansion. The replacement of forests with agricultural land and increased water availability in irrigated croplands altered the land’s surface properties, leading to influences of biogeophysical changes on near-surface temperature. From limited observations and mostly idealized simulations, we know that sufficiently large alterations of land surface properties can theoretically lead to systematic temperature and precipitation changes outside and even far from the altered areas. Not only the advection of temperature anomalies, but also changes in circulation and ocean feedbacks have been shown to be potential drivers of such non-local responses in single and multi-model studies.

We tested the robustness of non-local temperature signals to internal variability in the fully coupled Community Earth System Model 2 (CESM2) simulations of the historical period (1850 – 2014) with all forcings vs. all-but-land-use-change forcings. Doing so, we first found seemingly robust non-local temperature effects of land use change on the global and regional scale. But when accounting for the sampling of internal variability in the model using a large initial condition ensemble, the global scale signal was found to be indistinguishable from noise. Only regionally in some hotspots, we found robust and historically important non-local temperature signals. Through increasingly rigorous analysis, we reached a partly negative and unexpected but important finding, which may have implications for future assessments of comparably weak or spatially heterogeneous forcings to the Earth system.

How to cite: Jäger, F., Sieber, P., Simpson, I., Lawrence, D., Lawrence, P., and Seneviratne, S. I.: How robust are modeled non-local temperature effects of historical land use changes really?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10285,, 2025.

EGU25-10615 | Orals | EOS4.8

Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling 

Jan Seibert, Franziska Clerc-Schwarzenbach, Ilja van Meerveld, and Marc Vis

Failures are only common in science, and hydrological modelling is no exception. However, we modellers usually do not like to talk about our mistakes or our overly optimistic expectations and, thus, “negative” results usually do not get published. While there are examples where model failures indicated issues with the observational data, in this presentation the focus is on modelling studies, where some more (realistic) thinking could have helped to avoid disappointments. Examples include the unnecessary comparison of numerically identical model variants, naively optimistic expectations about increasing the physical basis of bucket-type models and excessively hopeful assumptions about the value of data.

How to cite: Seibert, J., Clerc-Schwarzenbach, F., van Meerveld, I., and Vis, M.: Think twice – pitfalls in hydrological modelling, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10615,, 2025.

EGU25-11357 | Orals | EOS4.8

Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks 

Peter Manshausen, Anna Tippett, Edward Gryspeerdt, and Philip Stier

The idea of invisible ship tracks for the study of aerosol-cloud interactions sounds promising: We have been studying the effects of aerosols on clouds for many years, among others by investigating the bright lines of clouds left in low marine clouds by ships. However, only a small fraction of ships leaves behind visible tracks. This means we can only study aerosol-cloud interactions under certain meteorological conditions, biasing our understanding. Instead, by studying all clouds polluted by ships ('invisible ship tracks') with a methodology we developed, we should be able to get a full picture of aerosol-cloud interactions. A number of interesting and impactful results have come out of this research, along with several setbacks and corrections to initial results. Here, we examine them in order, showing how correcting for one identified bias can introduce two new ones. Unexpected glitches arise from sources as varied as: choices regarding ship track definition, retrieval geometry, specific weather systems biasing results, and mathematical subtleties. What can we conclude after four years of progress on this methodology? While some results still stand, others had to be significantly corrected. This makes us see invisible ship tracks as an example of research that is closer to a method of 'tinkering' than to a 'magnificent discovery'.

How to cite: Manshausen, P., Tippett, A., Gryspeerdt, E., and Stier, P.: Two steps forward, one step back: four years of progress and setbacks on invisible ship tracks, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11357,, 2025.

EGU25-12720 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system   

Hans Segura, Cathy Hohenegger, Reiner Schnur, and Bjorn Stevens

Earth system models are important tools used to understand our climate system and project possible changes in our climate due to anthropogenic and natural forcings. Human errors can occur in the development of Earth System models, i.e., bugs, giving an unphysical representation of our climate. A way to identify and solve bugs is to apply physical concepts. Here, we present an experience that occurred in the development of the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model (ICON) as a kilometer-scale Earth System model, in which physically understanding a bug in the surface energy budget fixed land precipitation. 

In a simulation of ICON, referred to as ICON-bug, precipitation over tropical land continuously decreased across the simulation. This led to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation in the tropics of less than 0.7, which, otherwise, should be more than 0.86. As part of the possible explanations, the surface energy budget over land was targeted as a culprit. This idea relies on the influence of the interaction between soil moisture, surface heat fluxes, and winds to generate circulation favoring precipitation over dry land surfaces (Hohenegger and Stevens 2018). Indeed, the surface energy budget over dry surfaces in the ICON-bug showed an error in sensible heat flux. The sensible heat flux transmitted to the atmosphere was 70% of what was calculated for the surface module. Fixing this error closed the surface energy budget and increased land precipitation over the tropics, leading to a ratio of land-ocean precipitation of 0.94, close to observations. 

How to cite: Segura, H., Hohenegger, C., Schnur, R., and Stevens, B.: Physical understanding of bugs to improve the representation of the climate system  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12720,, 2025.

Whenever you study a phenomenon of mm to a few cm-scale in the laboratory which involves an interface, the question of surface tension arises. Surface tension is due to the fact that molecules prefer to stay with their own kind. Therefore, the creation of an interface between two fluids requires energy, and this influences the dynamics around the interface.

Surface tension can be a blessing: it produces the round shape of rain drops or the nice bubble shapes of colorful liquid in a lava lamp. It allows objects with a higher density to float on a liquid (such as an insect on water, or a silicone plate on sugar syrup). It can generate flow up a capillary.

However, it can also be a curse in the case of thermal convection. Purely thermal convection  develops when a plane layer of fluid is heated from below and cooled from above. The engine of motion is the thermal buoyancy of the fluid. This is what is happening in a planetary mantle on scales of hundreds to thousands kilometers. This is also what is happening in a closed box in the laboratory. But as soon as an interface exists, either between an upper and a lower experimental mantle, or in the case of a free surface at the top of the fluid layer, surface tension effects can become important. For exemple, the variation of surface tension with temperature was responsible for the beautiful honey-comb patterns imaged by Benard (1901) in the first systematic study of thermal convection with a free-surface. Surface tension is also going to act against the initiation of subduction (which acts to break the surface). 

We shall review in this presentation the signatures of surface tension in a convective context, and the different ways to minimize and/or remove the effects of surface tension in convection experiments, such as using miscible liquids, or a layer of experimental « sticky air ».

How to cite: Davaille, A.: Analog studies of mantle convection: the curse of surface tension (or not) ?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15059,, 2025.

EGU25-15457 | Orals | EOS4.8

The crux with variability: too much or too little 

Markus Weiler

In hydrology we measure and follow the water. What if there is too much or too little? It happens a lot. As a field hydrologist, I frequently have to determine the location of a measurement, the time to take the measurement, the location to set up a field experiment, or the amount of a tracer to inject to study a hydrological system. However, this is a very bumpy road, as variability is often not in favor of my decisions because the distribution is wider than expected, bimodal instead of unimodal, or the probability of an event is theoretically small, but still an extreme event occurs during our experiment. I will showcase some examples to demonstrate what I mean and what I experienced, as well as how frequently the PhD students or Postdocs have suffered as a result of my decisions or of the unexpected variability: Climatic variability resulted in a winter without snow, just as new sensors were already deployed. Or the winter snowpack was extremely high, preventing any work at high altitudes in the Alps until mid of July, thereby reducing our field season by half. An ecohydological study to observe the effects of drought in a forest with a rainout shelter was ineffective because it occurred during an extremely dry year, making the control just as dry as our drought treatment. The automatic water sampler was set-up to collect stream water samples, but it was washed away four weeks later by the 50-year flood. The calculated amount of artificial tracer was either way too low, because the transit times of the system were much longer than expected, or it was far too high, resulting in colored streams or samples that had to be diluted by a factor of 100 due to much faster transit times Finally, and most expensively, we installed many trenches along forest roads to measure subsurface stormflow but after three years, we abandoned the measurements because we never measured a drop of water coming out of the trenches, as the bedrock permeability was much higher due to many high permeable fissures that prevented the formation of subsurface stormflow.  These experiments or observations failed because of unexpected variability in input, system properties or a lack of technical variability in the equipment. I will reflect on residual risk of failure in fieldwork related to that crux and discus approaches to reduce this risk.

How to cite: Weiler, M.: The crux with variability: too much or too little, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15457,, 2025.

EGU25-15826 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON 

Benjamin Poschlod, Lukas Brunner, Benjamin Blanz, and Lukas Kluft

The emergence of global km-scale climate models allows us to study Earth's climate and its changes with unprecedented local detail. However, this step change in spatial resolution to grid spacings of 10 km or less also brings new challenges to the numerical methods used in the models, the storage of model output, and the processing of the output data into actionable climate information. The latest versions of the ICON-Sapphire model developed in the frame of the NextGEMS project address these challenges by running on an icosahedral grid while outputting data on the so-called HEALPix grid. Both grids are unstructured grids, which avoids, for example, the issue of longitude convergence. In addition, HEALPix allows data to be stored in a hierarchy of resolutions at different discrete zoom levels, making it easier for users to handle the data.  

The transition from the native 10 km grid to the output grid is made by a simple but very fast nearest-neighbour remapping. An advantage of this simple remapping approach is that the output fields are not distorted, i.e. the atmospheric states in the output remain self-consistent. As HEALPix only provides discrete zoom levels in the setup of the run, it was decided to remap to the closest available resolution of 12 km rather than to the next finer resolution of 6 km. This decision was made to avoid artificially increasing the number of grid points and to avoid creating duplicates through the nearest neighbour remapping.

As a consequence of this approach, wave-like patterns can emerge due to the Moiré effect that can result from the interaction of two grids. We find these patterns when looking at certain derived precipitation extremes, such as the annual maximum daily precipitation, the 10-year return level of hourly precipitation, or the frequency of dry days. At first, we interpreted these patterns as a plotting issue, as the figures might have too low resolution to cope with the high-resolution global plot (aliasing) leading to a Moiré pattern.

However, zooming in on the affected regions and closer examination of the data revealed that the pattern is in fact in the data. Further investigation with synthetic data confirmed the suspicion that the Moiré pattern was indeed caused by the remapping of the native 10 km icosahedral grid to the slightly coarser 12 km HEALPix grid. We hypothesise that precipitation is particularly affected by this issue, as it typically contains many grid cells with zero precipitation, with local clusters of non-zero values at the 15-minutely output interval. Yet, we cannot exclude the possibility that other variables are also affected.

As a consequence, if remapping is required, it is recommended to first remap from the native resolution to a finer resolution grid. As a next step, the conservative nature of the HEALPix hierarchy can be used to compute the coarser level. In this way it is likely to be possible to avoid aliasing and still keep the amount of output data the same.

How to cite: Poschlod, B., Brunner, L., Blanz, B., and Kluft, L.: Output regridding can lead to Moiré pattern in km-scale global climate model data from ICON, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15826,, 2025.

EGU25-17676 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

What river plastic hotspots do not have in common 

Rahel Hauk, Adriaan J. Teuling, Tim H.M. van Emmerik, and Martine van der Ploeg

Plastic pollution is a global issue, across all environmental compartments. Rivers connect the terrestrial with the marine environment, and they transport various materials, among these plastic pollution. Rivers not only transport plastic, but also accumulate and store it, especially on riverbanks. In fact, plastic deposition and accumulation on riverbanks is a common occurrence. However, our understanding of why plastic is deposited on a certain riverbank is rather limited. Riverbanks along all major Dutch rivers have been monitored for plastic and other litter twice a year by citizen scientists, in some locations since 2018. This provides an extensive dataset on plastic accumulation, and we used these data with the aim of understanding the factors determining plastic concentration/accumulation variability over time and space. We tested multiple riverbank characteristics, such as vegetation, riverbank slope, population density, etc., hypothesized to be related to plastic litter. After having exhausted a long list of auxiliary data and analysis strategies, we found no significant results. Ultimately, we had a close look at ten consistent hotspots of macroplastic litter, along the Meuse, and Waal river. And once again, they seem to have nothing in common. But, there is a pattern, because some riverbanks have consistently very high densities of plastic litter so it does not seem completely random. We have been looking to explain spatial variability, whereas we might have to look at temporal consistency, and we shall not give up our efforts to bring order to this chaos.

How to cite: Hauk, R., Teuling, A. J., van Emmerik, T. H. M., and van der Ploeg, M.: What river plastic hotspots do not have in common, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17676,, 2025.

EGU25-17811 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment 

Mita Uthaman, Laura Ermert, Angel Ling, Jonas Junker, Cinzia Ghisleni, and Anne Obermann

Grande Dixence, the tallest gravity dam in the world, is located in the Swiss Alps on the Dixence River with a catchment area of 4 km2 at a towering elevation of 2000m. The lake serves as a collecting point of melt water from 35 glaciers and reaches full capacity by late September, subsequently draining during winter and dropping to lowest levels in April. For a reservoir as large as the Grande Dixence, the variation in hydrological load can be expected to induce changes in crustal stress. The goal of this study was to harness the loading effect of the time-varying level of reservoir load as a source of known stress to investigate the variation in seismic velocity of the bedrock due to changes induced in crustal stress and strain rates. 22 seismic nodes were thus deployed along the banks of the reservoir which were operational from mid-August to mid-September, corresponding to the time period when the lake level reaches its maximum. Of the 22 nodes, 18 were deployed in closely spaced patches of six in order to carry out coherent stacking and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio, besides one group of three nodes and one single node. Measurement quality appears satisfactory: small local earthquakes are recorded well, and the probabilistic power spectral densities (PPSDs) computed for data quality validation evidence the ambient noise levels to be well within the global noise limits. However, the recorded noise is unexpectedly complex and, at periods shorter than 1 second, varies strongly by location. The 0.5--5s (0.2--2 Hz) period band at lakes generally records a diurnally varying noise level, often associated with lake generated microseism. Diurnal variations around 1 second of period are observed in our study as well. The amplitude of ambient noise level around 1 second of period is observed to be highest when the lake level changes, along with the prominent diurnal variation. A similar variation is observed in the seismic velocity variation (dv/v) computed from cross-correlated and auto-correlated ambient noise filtered between 0.5--1 Hz, with dv/v exhibiting a drop with rising lake level. These results provide preliminary evidence for possible change in crustal stress state with changing hydrological load. Future direction of this study consists of analytically modeling the results to quantify the influence of thermobarometric parameters on PPSDs and dv/v, and deconvolve it from the lake induced variations.

How to cite: Uthaman, M., Ermert, L., Ling, A., Junker, J., Ghisleni, C., and Obermann, A.: Temporal variation of ambient noise at the Grande Dixence reservoir recorded by a nodal deployment, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17811,, 2025.

EGU25-18185 | Orals | EOS4.8

Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity 

Tim van Emmerik and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team

Rivers play an important role in the global distribution of plastic pollution throughout the geosphere. Quantifying and understanding river plastic pollution is still an emerging field, which has advanced considerably thanks to broad efforts from science, practice, and society. Much progress in this field has been achieved through learning from failures, negative results, and unexpected outcomes. In this presentation we will provide several examples of serendipity and stupidity that has led to new insights, theories, methods, and completely new research lines. We will share what we learned from rivers flowing in the wrong direction, sensors that disappear, equipment blocked by invasive plants, and dealing with suspicious local authorities. Pushing the science sometimes requires an opportunistic approach, embracing surprises and chaos you may face along the way.

How to cite: van Emmerik, T. and the WUR-HWM River Plastic Team: Advancing river plastic research through serendipity and stupidity, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18185,, 2025.

With the advent of parallel programming in the late 1990s. A port of the than available Max Planck Institutes for Meteorology spectral atmospheric model echam5 to MPI and OpenMP was done. For testing and validation of the hybrid parallelization a coherence algorithm was developed. The implementation has been incorporated into todays NWP and climate model ICON as well. The coherence algoritm consists of several stages: first one MPI rank is running the serial model against an n-task MPI parallelized model. During runtime the state vector is checked for binary-identity. If successfull a m-task MPI version can be compared to an m-task MPI version for high processor counts. The same schema can be used OpenMP parallelization. ONe MPI task runs the model serial using one OpenMP thread and a second MPI task runs k OpenMP threads. Again, the results are compared for binary-identity. As the testing needs to be done automatically, bit-identity is important for testing not necessarily for production.

The tesing revealed plenty of problems during the initial parallelization work of echam5 and showed constant appearing problems in the ICON development phase.

However, far in a couple of century long simulation the bit-identity was just by accident found to be broken: the search of the cause started!

How to cite: Kornblueh, L.: MPI and OpenMP coherence testing and vaildation: the hybris of testing non-deterministic model code, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18400,, 2025.

EGU25-18981 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error 

Stefan Gaillard

Addressing positive publication bias and clearing out the file drawer has been at the core of the Journal of Trial and Error since its conception. Publishing the trial-and-error components of science is advantageous in numerous ways, as already pointed out in the description of this panel: errors can lead to unexpected insights and warning others about dead ends can prevent wasted time and other resources. Besides those advantages, publishing negative and null results facilitates conducting robust meta-analyses. In addition, predictive machine learning models benefit from training on data from all types of research rather than just data from studies with positive, exciting results; already researchers are reporting that models trained on published data are overly optimistic.

Besides publishing negative and null results as well as methodological failures, the Journal of Trial and Error couples each published study with a reflection article. The purpose of these reflection articles is to have a philosopher, sociologist or domain expert reflect on what exactly went wrong. This helps contextualize the failure, helping to pinpoint the systematic factors at play as well as helping the authors and other scientists to draw lessons from the reported research struggles which can be applied to improve future research.

Publishing failure brings with it some practical challenges: convincing authors to submit manuscripts detailing their trial-and-error; instructing peer reviewers on how to conduct peer review for the types of articles; differentiating between interesting … and uninformative, sloppy science; and determining the best formats to publish various failure-related outcomes in. Authors are still hesitant to publish their research struggles due to reputational concerns and time constraints. In addition, authors often fear that peer reviewers will be more critical of articles describing research failures compared to articles reporting positive results. To counteract this (perceived) tendency of peer reviewers to be more critical of research without positive results, we provide specific instructions to peer reviewers to only assess the quality of the study without taking into account the outcome. This then also ensures that we only publish research that adheres to the standards of the field rather than sloppy science. Whether submitted research provides informative insights is assed by the editor-in-chief and the handling editor.

Finally, we are constantly evaluating and innovating the types of articles we publish. Various types of errors and failures benefit from differing ways of reporting. For example, recently we introduced serendipity anecdotes, a format where scientists can anecdotally describe instances serendipity which occurred during their research. This format allows researchers to focus on the conditions which allowed for the serendipitous discovery rather than the research itself.    

How to cite: Gaillard, S.: Publishing BUGS: Insights from the Journal of Trial and Error, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18981,, 2025.

It is common to perform two-dimensional simulations of mantle convection in spherical geometry. These have commonly been performed in axisymmetric geometry, i.e. (r, theta) coordinates, but subsequently we (Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) proposed using (r, phi) spherical annulus geometry and demonstrated its usefulness for low-viscosity-contrast calculations. 

When performing scaling studies in this geometry, however, strange results that did not match what is expected from Cartesian-geometry calculations were obtained when high-viscosity features (such as slabs) were present. It turns out that this is because the geometrical restriction forces deformation that is not present in 3 dimensions. Specifically, in a 2-D spherical approximation, a downwelling is forced to contract in the plane-perpendicular direction, requiring it to extend in the two in-plane directions. In other words, it is "squeezed" in the plane-perpendicular direction.  If the downwelling has a high viscosity, as a cold slab does, then it resists this forced deformation, sinking much more slowly than in three dimensions, in which it could sink with no deformation. This can cause unrealistic behaviour and scaling relationships for high viscosity contrasts. 

This problem can be solved by subtracting the geometrically-forced deformation ("squeezing") from the strain-rate tensor when calculating the stress tensor. Specifically, components of in-plane and plane-normal strain rate that are required by and proportional to the vertical (radial) velocity are subtracted, a procedure that is here termed "anti-squeeze". It is demonstrated here that this "anti-squeeze" correction results in sinking rates and scaling relationships that are similar to those in 3-D geometry whereas without it, abnormal and physically unrealistic results can be obtained for high viscosity contrasts. This correction has been used for 2-D geometries in the code StagYY (Tackley, PEPI 2008; Hernlund and Tackley, PEPI 2008) since 2010.

How to cite: Tackley, P.:  Adventures in Modelling Mantle Convection in a Two-Dimensional Spherical Annulus and Discovering the Need for "Anti-Squeeze”, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19890,, 2025.

EGU25-20057 | Posters on site | EOS4.8

Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology 

Ross Woods

The science question: how can we use hydrological process knowledge to understand the timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow in snow-influenced catchments.

What was known: in general, catchments with colder climates have later and larger seasonal streamflow peaks, because more snow tends to accumulate in colder catchments, and it melts later because the time when melt can occur is later in the year in colder climates. Numerical models with fine space and time resolution were able to resolve these phenomena, but there was no theory which directly linked long term climate to seasonal streamflow.

In 2009 I published a very simple deterministic theory of snow pack evolution. I tested it against snow observations at 6 locations in the western USA and it apparently worked well (although I later discovered that I'd been lucky).

In 2015 I used the snowmelt derived from this deterministic theory to predict timing and magnitude of seasonal streamflow. It did poorly, and revealed untested assumptions in my theory. I tried making the theory slightly more complicated by considering within-catchment variation in climate. This did not help.

In 2016 I created a stochastic version of the theory (a weakness identified in 2015), and then also considered the within-catchment variation in climate. It did better at reproducing measured snow storage, but did not help in understanding seasonal streamflow.

My next step will be to consider all forms of liquid water input, i.e. not just snowmelt but also rainfall.

What survived: I will continue to use the stochastic version of the theory as it is clearly an improvement. I will continue to examine whether within-catchment climate variability is important, but it seems unlikely after two negative results. But whether introducing liquid water input will be sufficient, who can say? I will also try to examine in more detail how it is that the finely-resolved numerical models can do an adequate job, but the theory cannot - it is in this gap that the answer probably lies.  However the models are very complicated, and it is not easy to get a good understanding of exactly what they are doing, even though we know which equations the are implementing.


How to cite: Woods, R.: Some Perfectly Reasonable Ideas that Didn’t Work: Snow Hydrology, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20057,, 2025.

EGU25-20866 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.8

A case for open communication of bugs in climate models 

Jan Gärtner, Ulrike Proske, Nils Brüggemann, Oliver Gutjahr, Helmuth Haak, Dian Putrasahan, and Karl-Hermann Wieners

Climate models are not only numerical representations of scientific understanding but also human-written software, inherently subject to coding errors. While these errors may appear minor, they can have significant and unforeseen effects on the outcomes of complex, coupled models. Despite existing robust testing and documentation practices in many modeling centers, bugs broader implications are underexplored in the climate science literature.

We investigate a sea ice bug in the coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model ICON, tracing its origin, effects, and implications. The bug stemmed from an incorrectly set logical flag, which caused the ocean to bypass friction from sea ice, leading to unrealistic surface velocities, especially in the presence of ocean eddies. We introduce a concise and visual approach to communicating bugs and conceptualize this case as part of a novel class of resolution-dependent bugs - long-standing bugs that emerge during the transition to high-resolution models, where kilometer-scale features are resolved.

By documenting this case, we highlight the broader relevance of addressing bugs and advocate for universal adoption of transparent bug documentation practices. This documentation complements the robust workflows already employed by many modeling centers and ensures lessons from individual cases benefit the wider climate modeling community.

How to cite: Gärtner, J., Proske, U., Brüggemann, N., Gutjahr, O., Haak, H., Putrasahan, D., and Wieners, K.-H.: A case for open communication of bugs in climate models, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20866,, 2025.

SSS12 – Soil Policy and Legislation

Collaboration on Capacity Development in Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Africa could provide a beneficial engagement between Europe and Africa. Knowledge exchange could facilitate the transfer of knowledge, technology, and expertise in climate change impact assessment and adaptation strategies while capacity Building will strengthen local skills and institutional frameworks in Africa to address climate-related challenges effectively. A joint research and innovation initiative between Europe and Africa can promote collaborative research projects focused on sustainable solutions tailored to African contexts. Finally, policy alignment between the two regions will align efforts with global frameworks such as the Paris Agreement and Agenda 2063. This paper  outlines the key objectives of such a collaboration and key focus areas for strengthening the collaboration and concludes with the implementation steps that will be required.

How to cite: Sa’id S., R.: Outlook for an European-African Collaboration for Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-196,, 2025.

EGU25-3023 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmes 

Luna Bharati, Renee van Dongen-Köster, Julien Adounkpé, Layla Hashweh, and Omotayo Awofolu

The West- and Southern African Science Service Centers on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL and SASSCAL) have been established as part of the internationalization strategy of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Both Science Service Centers have a regional focus and work with several member countries (WASCAL: 12 member countries, SASSCAL: 6 member countries). The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change in Koblenz, Germany, is the partner institution of the SASSCAL PhD Programme on Integrated Water Resources Management hosted at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) and of the WASCAL PhD Programme on Climate Change and Water Resources hosted at the University of Abomey-Calavi in the Republic of Benin.

This presentation will showcase the relevance and the structure of these programmes and the process of establishing an impactful North-South partnership. Furthermore, both highlights and challenges will be discussed.  

How to cite: Bharati, L., van Dongen-Köster, R., Adounkpé, J., Hashweh, L., and Awofolu, O.: Climate change and water resources capacity development in Africa under the SASSCAL and WASCAL doctoral programmes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3023,, 2025.

EGU25-6388 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and education  

Andrew Ogilvie, Bastien Dieppois, Ernest Amoussou, Oula Amrouni, Jane Tanner, Adeyemi Olusola, David Gwapedza, and Augustina Alexander

The Flow Regimes from International Experimental and Network Data (FRIEND-Water) is the oldest UNESCO Flagship Initiative within the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP).  Active since 1985, it seeks to facilitate, promote and foster collaborations across borders between scientists (hydrologists and related disciplines) to conduct studies on shared river basins. The programme has evolved over time to focus on four key themes relating to (i) data collection and sharing, (ii) the impacts of global change on hydrological regimes and extremes, (iii) water-society interactions and equitable water management and (iv) interdisciplinary educational resources and programmes. Involving researchers from over 150 countries, FRIEND-Water is currently structured into six regional groups around the world of which four focus on Europe-African collaboration: Europe, the Mediterranean, West and Central Africa, Southern and Eastern Africa.  Collaborations include joint research activities, joint supervision of young researchers (PhD and postdoc), exchange visits and scientific events. In partnership with initiatives such as CEH Robin, WMO HydroSOS, IHP-WINS and GRDC, activities notably focus on increasing the collection and sharing of hydroclimatic data across FRIEND-Water regions. Hydrometry training, data rescue, and ongoing collection of hydrological data from ground observation networks are actively supported. Researchers explore large-scale climate and hydrological regime trends as well as the local impacts of future climate projections from CMIP5/CMIP6 models. Hydrological modelling helps forecast the amplitude and frequency of extreme events (floods, agricultural droughts and compound extremes) and support disaster risk reduction and early warning systems.  Working on urban and rural areas, research also seeks to define adequate hydrological norms (accounting for climate non-stationarity) and guide the design of water infrastructure, as well as water management and allocation policies. Activities over the past decade have notably led to the joint EU-African organization of over 30 workshops and trainings on topics including early warning systems, hydrological modelling, hydrometry, as well as four conferences on the Hydrology of African Large River basins. Going into UNESCO IHP-IX, the FRIEND-Water programme has been restructured and is now actively supported by the UNESCO Category II Centre ICIREWARD in Montpellier, leading to increased academic collaboration and capacity building opportunities between Europe and Africa.

How to cite: Ogilvie, A., Dieppois, B., Amoussou, E., Amrouni, O., Tanner, J., Olusola, A., Gwapedza, D., and Alexander, A.: The UNESCO IHP FRIEND-Water programme: a global network for hydroclimatic change research and education , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6388,, 2025.

EGU25-9543 | Orals | EOS2.6

Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6 

Micha Werner, Gaetano Casale, Ioana Popescu, and Jeltsje Kemerink

SDG6 is alarmingly off-track, as highlighted in the recent status report on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) published by UN-Water. It has been recognised at high political level that Capacity Development is one of the main factors that will produce an “acceleration” in achieving SDG6. However, a deeper understanding is lacking on what is needed to have more impactful capacity development programmes particularly in relation to developing the capacity of national government and related institutions, in developing countries. These institutions support real and substantial changes across scales, and strengthening their capacity will contribute to address both existing and emerging issues in a rapidly changing world requiring quick adaptation of capacities in institutions.

The main objective of this contribution is to provide examples of instruments that are currently being developed to support organisations, especially in low and middle-income countries, to develop capacities to accelerate implementation of water related SDGs. In particular, to offer up to date instruments to deliver capacity development products and services to carry out institutional changes that will deliver ultimately impact to SDG6 achievement.

These examples include, but are not limited to, the SDG6 capacity development initiative (UNESCO, UN-DESA, UN-Water, IHE Delft), the Global Water Education Network (UNESCO, IHE Delft, Cap-Net and SIWI), and the Water and Development Partnership Programme (IHE Delft with a broad number of low and middle-income countries and in particular African partners), which are three of the main voluntary commitments related to Capacity Development within the Water Action Agenda resulting from the UN 2023 Water Conference.

The contribution will present ongoing activities in support of capacity development taking place within UN political processes, and beyond, with a special emphasis on Africa. In this contribution we will take a deeper look at typical capacity development challenges, illustrated by selected examples.

Identified challenges address the following questions:

  • What factors create impact in capacity development efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG6?
  • What capacity development activities have the greatest impact?
  • What kind of learning alliances and partnerships, e.g., south-south collaboration, can catalyse capacity development interventions at regional, country level and local levels?
  • What are the investment gaps and opportunities in catering to the capacity development needs in low and middle-income countries?

The outcome of the contribution could be used to contribute to the capacity development accelerator of the SDG6 Global Acceleration Framework to support the SDG6 Capacity Development Initiative and other complementary initiatives like the Global Water Education Network.

How to cite: Werner, M., Casale, G., Popescu, I., and Kemerink, J.: Capacity Development to support transformation and contribute to achieving SDG6, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9543,, 2025.

EGU25-12524 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in Africa 

Insa Otte, Lilly Schell, Michael Thiel, and Daouda Koné

The NetCDA project takes a long-term approach to strengthening and better networking academic education on climate change adaptation strategies in Africa. A sustainable implementation of this project will be achieved in three steps: (i) In the short term, PhD students of graduate schools of the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) will be supported and co-supervised. (ii) In the medium term, the German network of WASCAL graduate schools will be strengthened and (iii) in the long term, an academic network will be initiated that brings together climate change researchers from Europe and Africa who are active in education. The first year of project implementation has successfully past, thus the current status and taken steps as well as the further ideas will be presented. Important for the future success of the project will specifically be, to find the right measures to move from a West Africa focused approach to a more general approach to cover the whole continent.

How to cite: Otte, I., Schell, L., Thiel, M., and Koné, D.: European Academic Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptations in Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12524,, 2025.

EGU25-13012 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

Developing a reproducible and scalable climate atlas for Ghana through strategic cooperation between Danish Meteorological Institute and Ghana Meteorological Agency 

Shingirai Nangombe, Julie Stensballe, Mark Payne, Francisca Martey, David Quaye, Hayford Asuako, David Tetteh, Joana Amavih2, Peter-William Abbey, Christiana Aggrey, Etornam Kpodo, Adwoa Gyasi, Quarshie Wordu, Stanley Annan, Kim Sarup, Harrison Ofori, and Christian Johansen


Ghana’s vulnerability to climate change is amplified by lack of capacity among different agencies to undertake and coordinate adaptive measures informed by an effective climate services provision. Climate services provide tailored information to support climate adaptation at the local level. One common form of climate service is the provision of downscaled climate projections, bias adjusted using local observations and tailor-made to meet local society needs based on extensive stakeholder engagement. A well-established example of such services already exist in Denmark’s Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) through the Danish Climate Atlas. Therefore, through a Danish governmant funded Strategic Sector Cooperation, DMI is part of a project with Ghana Meteorological Agency (GMet) which is strengthening authoritative and relevant climate services provision in Ghana through the increased use of climate information and meteorological data in climate change adaptation and climate risk management. This is being done through DMI collaborating with GMet in the development of a National Climate Atlas projecting climate change at regional level in Ghana for three different greenhouse gas emission scenarios. In the heart of this collaboraton is capacity building carried out via the principle of co-defining, co-development and co-producing the atlas by DMI and GMet researchers working with local stakeholders. Recognising the potential to learn from each other and to enable the development and replication of climate services in new regions, DMI developed KAPy (Klimaatlases in Python). KAPy is a tool that builds on software framework centered on the Python programing language, utilizing the extensive tools already established in the programming community. KAPy’s use of workflow control tools enables reproducibility and scalability, while its open-source approach drives both effective collaboration and transparency. Here, we illustate the capability of how this tool is central in producing climate service information in Ghana, including an extensive analysis of the efforts required to produce climate-service ready indicators starting from scratch. How internet bandwidth limitations can be avoided by using KAPy is also shown, thus increasing the productivity and enabling implementation in resource limited situations, such as those in Africa. We conclude by highlighting that KAPy contributes to making climate services provision more transparent and enables DMI to utilize it in other African countries to strengthen their climate services provision.

How to cite: Nangombe, S., Stensballe, J., Payne, M., Martey, F., Quaye, D., Asuako, H., Tetteh, D., Amavih2, J., Abbey, P.-W., Aggrey, C., Kpodo, E., Gyasi, A., Wordu, Q., Annan, S., Sarup, K., Ofori, H., and Johansen, C.: Developing a reproducible and scalable climate atlas for Ghana through strategic cooperation between Danish Meteorological Institute and Ghana Meteorological Agency, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13012,, 2025.

EGU25-13184 | Orals | EOS2.6

The fusion of agricultural sciences and geoinformatics in teaching in Northwestern Africa 

Ralf Löwner and Faiza Khebour Allouche

Landscape management, agricultural sciences and geoinformatics are inseparable nowadays, and this should also be reflected in teaching.  For example, green areas provide an important biodiversity, are positively associated with mental well-being and play a critical role in mitigating the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide, reducing heat islands in urban areas, and providing shade and cooling. However, climate change is also affecting green areas.

On the other hand, geoinformatics offers powerful tools for assessing, monitoring and sustainable planning for all types of landscapes such as urban, rural and natural areas, and deserts. It relates to all data with a spatial reference with the focus on data acquisition, management, analysis, visualization and dissemination. Geographic information systems and remote sensing (aerial photography, satellite and radar images) play a major role for the use of geoinformatics in the geosciences, such as geography, geology, agricultural sciences, and ecology.

Prior to this, the Tunisian GEOMAG project was able to identify a lack of education in geomatics in the center of Tunisia, the Sahel region, which includes the governorates of Sousse, Mahdia, Monastir and Kairouan. This project included in particular an evaluation phase consisting of a self-assessment of 11 Tunisian universities (i.e. 51 “institutional” components) and a national survey of 66 public or private companies active in the geomatics sector.

To address this proven problem, an intensive exchange has been taking place between the Institut supèrieur agronomique de Chott Mariem (ISA CM ) in Tunisia and the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences (HSNB). So far, the Tunisian students have attended the HSNB's Master's program “Geomatics” with a focus on spatial data analysis, landscape and risk management and remote sensing. The curricula are strongly oriented towards the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), open data and open standards. Thanks to the high degree of interdisciplinarity, graduates are offered excellent and exciting career opportunities.

The exchange is guaranteed by a contract between the two universities and is supported by the Erasmus program of the European Union. Various theses have been successfully completed to date. The main objectives of these efforts are:

  • Promoting an interdisciplinary education that brings together the perspectives and skills of different disciplines;
  • Integrating geospatial information technologies into land use planning;
  • Fostering innovation and research and encouraging students to explore new approaches;
  • Promote international cooperation between universities and organizations, including opportunities for students to study and work with colleagues from different countries.

These objectives reflect the European Commission's priorities for interdisciplinary training, the integration of geoinformation technologies, innovation and research, and international cooperation in the field of territorial planning, agricultural sciences and in the European Green Deal strategy. In the future, these activities are to be expanded and a double Master's degree is to be targeted.

The existing and planned activities in the field of higher education can be seen as a pilot project that can be extended to countries such as Morocco, with which there is also very close cooperation, or even beyond.

How to cite: Löwner, R. and Khebour Allouche, F.: The fusion of agricultural sciences and geoinformatics in teaching in Northwestern Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13184,, 2025.

The evidence base on the current status of biodiversity and the interlinked features of the ecosystem that define ecosystem integrity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is inadequate. Even less information exists on how the ecosystem responds to the changing climate and other pressures. That evidence deficit is particularly large for the aquatic ecosystems of the DRC, which are often exploited as a protein source for local communities. These shortcomings can be addressed through environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA). Established methods and promising developments (e.g. remote sensing, genomics and citizen science) can be used to build an evidence base that enjoys legitimacy as a basis for governance in the eyes of a broad range of stakeholders. To do so requires national capacity to perform EMA and utilize the results in governance. A new capacity building project “Improving biodiversity governance and sustainable livelihoods with capacities for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment In Democratic Republic of Congo” aims to assist the DRC in achieving its Agenda 2030 ambitions to support sustainable livelihood activities that preserve the integrity and functionality of ecosystems and biodiversity amid climate changes. This initially employs environmental monitoring and assessment (EMA) to build the scientific evidence base encompassing biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, and social and economic dynamics crucial for ensuring continued ecosystem functionality while improving human welfare. Governance must then leverage the EMA evidence base to support national institutions with policy implementation and international commitments. To enhance the prospects for success, the emphasis of this project will be on supporting nature based solutions. The two-year inception phase of the project has three objectives that target specific outputs and long-term outcomes (Table 1):

  • Evidence: Create a socio-ecological evidence base on biodiversity in the Lake Tumba Landscape of Equateur Province to support local governance of freshwater and marine resources in the face of climate change and resource exploitation.
  • Capacities: Plan for establishing national EMA capacity with appropriate educational programs.
  • Coordination: Explore the possibilities for sharing EMA evidence and using it meet local, regional and international needs for evidence- based governance of aquatic ecosystems.

The project is currently in a two-year inception phase in cooperation with the Mabali Research Station managed by the Centre de Recherche en Ecologie et Foresterie (CREF). The collection of biodiversity data to support the strategic plan of the research station will be developed and implemented in consultation with local and regional stakeholders.

How to cite: Bishop, K., Bila-Isia, I., Powell, N., and Ewango, C.: Improving biodiversity governance and sustainable livelihoods with capacities for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment In Democratic Republic of Congo , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13246,, 2025.

While it is generally well understood that climate change poses significant risks to economic stability and well-being, the gendered dimensions of its effects is still a nuanced area of research, especially in developing regions. Considering research within the African context, for example, women's businesses make wide-ranging contributions to family welfare, key value chains, and the provision of goods and services that support adaptation to climate change, yet they face a "triple differential vulnerability" due to heightened exposure to climate risks, frontline management of these risks, and barriers such as limited access to land and finance.

Noting these differential impacts, improved access to and use of credible climate information can be crucial for adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts. However, it is imperative to better understand if and to what extent there may be differences in gender dynamics in climate information awareness and uptake. This study explores this knowledge gap through an analysis of 200 survey responses as well as follow-up semi-structured interviews by women and men entrepreneurs in South Africa (conducted November 2024-February 2025). We focus on understanding how climate events have affected businesses, the extent of climate information use to navigate adaptation and business decision-making, as well as barrier and enabling factors that may shape gender differences in the ability to interpret and use climate information. Such findings can underscore potential gendered differences in the understanding of and subsequent demand for climate information, which can in turn assist in closing knowledge gaps on gender equity in the access to and use of climate services. This study also includes a review of the status of gender mainstreaming in climate information production and dissemination, and, through collaborations with other regional partners and research projects, aims to scale findings to produce tailored insights for climate service designers across eastern and southern Africa towards the encouragement of broad capacity development and strengthening.

How to cite: Dookie, D. S. and Vincent, K.: Understanding gender dimensions in climate information awareness and uptake by entrepreneurs in South Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13908,, 2025.

The West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and adapted Land Use (WASCAL) is an Intergovernmental Institution established since 2012 to support the capacity development of youth in Climate Change for the West African countries members through the support of the German Federal Minister of education and research (BMBF). Through the German cooperation and main financial with West African countries contribution in 2012, four Master and six PhD relevant programs were established respectively in Climate change & Land use (FUTMINNA, Nigeria), Climate Change & Human Security (UL, Togo), Climate Change & Education (UTG, The Gambia), Climate Change & Energy (UAM Niger) and Climate Change & Water Resources (UAC, Benin), Climate Change Economics (UCAD, Dakar, Senegal), Climate Change & Land Use (KNUST, Ghana), West African Climate System (FUTA, Nigeria), Climate change & Biodiversity (UFHB, Côte d’Ivoire), Climate Change & Agriculture (IPR/IFRA, Mali). The outcome was the transformation of 252 students as climate experts for West Africa. After successful implementation of the curriculum, the above master’s programs were upgraded in PhD to implement the 4th batch with the six other PhD Programs. The Master of Climate Change and Human Security was replaced by a PhD program in Disaster Risk Management and the master in Climate Change and Land use was replace by the PhD in Climate Change & Human Habitat. The fourth batch was implemented with 10 PhD program and two new Master program established in climate Change & Marines Science (UTA of Mindelo, Cabo Verde and Informatica and Climate Change (UJKZ, Burkina Faso). The fifth is currently running with the 11 countries across 12 Universities described above. Then the sixth batch recruitment will be effective with the new Program established in Guinea on Climate Change, Mining Environment and Forestry (UGAN, Conakry, Guinea). The graduation of more than 430 PhD and master’s holders working mainly in high education, research and international institution is a positive response to climate change. In line with its mission to improve the livelihood of communities, WASCAL with the support of BMBF has established master’s programs in four countries in Energy and green hydrogen to support African countries to foster the use of clean energy and contribute to reduce carbon footprint for a better energy transition. In addition to the climate experts, 59 master holders have been graduated through 6 relevant curricula in the followings tracks: Photovoltaic & System Analysis and Green Hydrogen in Niger, Biofuels, Bioenergy and Green Hydrogen in Togo, Economy, Infrastructure and Green Hydrogen Production in Senegal and Technology of green Hydrogen production, Georesources & green hydrogen Production. More than 700 publications, 150 policy brief and other relevant deliverables such as books chapter were produced. The collaboration was done with more than 35 lecturers, supervisors as well as several institutions across Germany and elsewhere. WASCAL and its partners from Germany are working to develop technologies and conduct activities that can support Africa countries resilience for better livelihood of communities.  


How to cite: Koné, D.: Training of Climate and Energy experts for West Africa to support West Africa communities’ resilience though the West African Science Service Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13951,, 2025.

EGU25-15575 | Posters on site | EOS2.6

 Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.   

Enric Aguilar, Kosi Tchaa Agniga, Anna Boqué, Caterina Cimolai, and Jon Olano

ccording to Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations (FAO), over 735 million people faced hunger in 2022. Less developed countries, where subsistence agriculture is a major livelihood, suffer disproportionately the effects of food insecurity. Weather, climate variability and climate change alter in time and space the phenological stages of crops and, therefore, agricultural planning and production. Climatological crop calendars for rainfed agriculture can be generated in the intertropical areas using time series of daily accumulated rainfall. They convey actionable information about the start and the end of the rainy season and, coupled with information on the crop's growing cycle length, allow to produce estimations for early, normal and late planting periods for different crops.  

In cooperation with the World Meteorological Organization and the project Climate Risk and Early Warning Systems Initiative (CREWS) in West Africa, the C3/IU-RESCAT/URV has developed a series of tools to support the generation of climatological crop calendars. We adopted a "from data to service" approach, guiding five National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the region (in alphabetical order, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Niger and Togo) from the quality control of the raw rainfall time series to the generation of the crop calendar. The cooperation started with a first workshop in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso, 2019), continued on-line through the COVID-19 pandemia and has gained momentum in since 2024 after a workshop on Lomé (Togo). The cooperation includes easy to use software applications, short scientific missions, and a dedicated Moodle site to facilitate training and self-training events and a guidelines document.  

In this contribution, we walk through the software tools created and the contents of the moodle site, as well as examples of crop calendars for the different agroclimatic zones in West Africa and their practical application.  

How to cite: Aguilar, E., Agniga, K. T., Boqué, A., Cimolai, C., and Olano, J.:  Enhancing capacities in the field of agrometeorology: developing climatological crop calendars.  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15575,, 2025.

Finding practical, workable and cost-efficient solutions to the problems posed by climate change is a global priority. Most developing countries still fail to adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change and adequately transform their potential to implement and increase their climate protection ambitions. This often is a result of a lack of human and institutional skills and know-how to integrate ambitious climate change adaptation strategies and policy into comprehensive development planning. Overcoming capacity constraints is a core challenge in developing countries. The more capacity countries have, the better they are equipped to face climate change and build resilience.

The Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (FTZ NK)” has a several decades experience in supporting fundamental and applied research on climate issues and contributing to knowledge and technology transfer at the national and international levels. Among the Centre’s projects and initiatives that contribute to capacity development in climate change impacts and adaptation in Africa are:

The International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP) that has been created to address the problems inherent to the communication of climate change and to undertake a set of information, communication, education and awareness-raising initiatives which will allow it to be better understood.

World PhD Students Climate Change Network that has been created to support doctoral students in providing a platform for their interaction, collaboration, exchange with other interdisciplinary groups, international PhD students and experts from outside of their organizations

Project “Green Garden/Jardins adaptés au climat (Towards Climate Resilient Farming/Des jardins partagés et d'adaptation aux changements climatiques)”, jointly funded by the Government of Canada’s New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemienschaft (DFG) brings together 200 vulnerable farmers from seven enterprises in Benin, Morocco, and Canada and 20 researchers representing an interdisciplinary consortium of academic partners from Canada, Germany, Morocco, and Benin to support the design and adoption of successful climate change adaptation practices in agriculture and agroforestry in collaboration with vulnerable groups.

Project “RECC-LUM (Feasibility Study on Climate Change, Land Use Management, and Renewable Energy in The Gambia)” funded by BMBF and supported by The Gambia Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science, and Technology (MoHERST) focuses on sustainable land management practices within the Gambian agricultural landscape and the role played by using renewable energy in the process.  it will also develop a curriculum of Master of Science (MSc) program focused on renewable energy, climate change, and land use management for The University of The Gambia (UTG).

How to cite: Kovaleva, M. and Wolf, F.: Experience of the Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management (FTZ NK)” at HAW Hamburg in supporting European-African collaboration on climate change adaptation capacity development  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15764,, 2025.

How water changes interplay with climate change around the global land area is essential for societal water security and major water-related sustainability challenges, but still largely unknown over the global land area, particularly across the African continent that still largely lacks relevant monitoring data. Based on several comparative global datasets and with focus on the terrestrial water system over Africa, we have deciphered the change relationships in space and time between the landscape water fluxes and storages and the associated temperature and precipitation conditions during 1980-2010 in numerous non-overlapping hydrological catchments. We find that widely used climate reanalysis data imply distinctly unrealistic 30-year drying over Africa and the whole southern hemisphere, with physically unreasonable water flux and storage changes and sensitivities to warming. Robustly across the datasets, the landscape water sensitivities to the climatic changes also emerge as differing between space and time, questioning the use of space-for-time substitution for water changes on land. The complexities of terrestrial water system change are essential to recognize for getting water security planning and strategies right, in particular across the relatively data-poor African continent.

How to cite: Destouni, G. and Zarei, M.: Getting water security right across Africa: recognising major dataset biases and space-time change divergence, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19247,, 2025.

EGU25-19310 | ECS | Orals | EOS2.6

Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University Bonn 

Sally Janzen, Anna Stamatogiannakis, Emmanuel Cheo, Michael Hagenlocher, Samira Pfeiffer, Stefan Schneiderbauer, Joerg Szarzynski, Erick Tambo, and Yvonne Walz

With the mission to build knowledge for a sustainable world, the United Nations University in Bonn (UNU Bonn) (including the Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) and the Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-VIE)) is heavily involved in capacity development, especially in Africa, where the effects of climate change and associated extremes are felt disproportionately. UNU Bonn integrates its cutting-edge research on risk, adaptation and transformation into its capacity development activities in collaboration with universities in different countries of Africa, for example through the WASCAL Graduate Studies Programs in West Africa, the Pan African University, and the Disaster Management Training and Education Center in South Africa. In addition, UNU Bonn implements capacity building components in direct relation to and as part of the implementation of innovative research projects.

Against this background and in direct response to the aim of this session, UNU Bonn can provide an overview of the most recent and relevant capacity building initiatives in the context of climate change in Africa. Examples are contributions from UNU Bonn to university curricula in the context of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, Training of Trainers initiatives, e.g. on "transboundary water management" in Togo and Benin, capacity building initiatives in the field "GIS and Remote Sensing for Impact-Based Early Warning", or training programs for young professionals, accelerating gender-just energy transition. In addition, UNU Bonn is closely working with regional organizations, such as the African Montane Unit (ARU) and co-organizing the Southern African Mountain Conference series (SAMC) with the aim to bring together science, policy and practitioners and build capacities on water management issues in the context of climate risks in different southern African mountain regions. UNU Bonn, furthermore, promotes innovation around “Internet of Things” (IoT) in agricultural production.

We can also bring insights into new projects, which build the basis for future capacity building initiatives, for example in the field of multi-goal-oriented management of ecosystems to address climate change, disaster risk, biodiversity loss, and land degradation simultaneously through targeted and strategic management of e.g. wetlands or forests.

With these initiatives, UNU Bonn builds and fosters African capacities of tomorrow’s decision-makers, enabling them to deal with climate change impacts – something the European-African Network for Capacity Development in Climate Change Adaptation Research in Africa can learn from and build on.

How to cite: Janzen, S., Stamatogiannakis, A., Cheo, E., Hagenlocher, M., Pfeiffer, S., Schneiderbauer, S., Szarzynski, J., Tambo, E., and Walz, Y.: Climate change capacity building in Africa: initiatives at the United Nations University Bonn, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19310,, 2025.

The Long-Term Euro-African Partnership on Renewable Energy (LEAP-RE) seeks to create a long-term collaboration framework of African and European stakeholders in a quadruple helix approach: government (programme owners and funding agencies), research and academia, private sector, and civil society. The aim is to reduce fragmentation by aligning existing bilateral and multilateral frameworks. LEAP-RE establishes and jointly implements research, innovation, and capacity- building activitie in renewable energies, notably:  (i) Planning and modelling future sustainable energy systems; (ii) Including society as an important stakeholder ; (iii) Market, pricing and business models for future sustainable energy systems; and (iv) Strengthening basic research and technology development. The approach encourages the development of scenarios that are appropriate to local contexts and can be further utilised to support policy makers. 

The partnership launched in 2020 will take a decisive step forward in 2025, based in particular on the following achievements: 

  • The establishment of a bi-continental co-funding mechanism: Two calls for projects have been launched in 2021 and 2022, with 220+ beneficiary organisations in over 30 countries in Europe and Africa.. The third call has been launched on 13th January 2025 under the guidance of the French National Research Agency (ANR).
  • A Strategic assessment for growth potential thanks to an ongoing analysis of Go to Market potential: LEAP-RE particularly explores strategies for scaling renewable energy innovations through market uptake of renewable energy technologies (development and commercialization, policy, building partnerships for market entry). One of the projects funded by LEAP-RE is RE4AFAGRI, led by IIASA. This project aims at demonstrating digital decision-support solutions based on technological, economic, and business model innovation to i) sustainable cropland irrigation and community-wide renewable electricity access, ii) increased agricultural productivity, local crop processing and cold storage, iii) agriculture as leverage for reduction of poverty and inequality, iv) agriculture as leverage for energy access financing. This project will be invited and will illustrate the importance of a bi-continental programme like LEAP-RE for scaling up and identifying market opportunities.
  • Institutional Teaming & Twinning capacities: This involves co-designing research agendas and decision-making processes. The Partnership is investigating new collaborative patterns which instruments are based on formal agreements between African and European institutions to promote long-term collaboration (twinning), and an emergent process where individuals and groups with multidisciplinary skills collaborate (teaming). This co-construction is key to pave the way for an inclusive partnership in critical challenges such as green energy and climate change with access to infrastructure, technology, and research laboratories.
  • Trainings & Capacity-building: develop quality protocol for training in sustainable energy, through the continuation of organizing Renewable Energy Schools (RESchools), MOOCs, and technical training sessions to foster bi-continental exchange. Three RESchools have been organized since 2020 and have gathered 150+ participants.

Thus, LEAP-RE could be instrumental with a view to implementing ambitious African strategies (Africa 2063, African Continental Master Plan) and European strategies (Partnership on Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) as part of the AU-EU HLPD on Science Technology and Innovation, AU/EU Innovation Agenda on Green Transition) on sustainable energy, energy access and climate change mitigation.

How to cite: Lévêque, L. and Falchetta, G.: LEAP-RE: an example of coordination, resource mobilisation and capacity building in R&I between Europe and Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19464,, 2025.

In September 2019, a partnership consortium[1] joined efforts to launch the One Planet Fellowship. This initiative, announced at the inaugural One Planet Summit in Paris, December 2017, was the coalition on the mobilization of researchers and young people to work for the climate. The One Planet Fellowship, a career development program, aims to build a robust pipeline of scientists equipped to lead climate change research in Africa, establishing an intergenerational network of scientists across Africa and Europe to foster research collaborations and bringing gender equality at the centre of the climate change and agrifood systems research.

Building on the summary points on adaptation from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 5th Assessment Report chapter on Africa, it was evident that applied research is essential to solve the challenges of adaptation of agriculture and food systems in Africa. Many of the basic underpinning aspects of the required research are available – what is now needed is the in-depth analysis, and deployment of resulting strategies and practice across the African continent. This requires a strong commitment of African scientists at different levels of career development and collaboration with non-African researchers, particularly from Europe as its nearest continental neighbour through its high level educational and research institutions.

It is thus important to invest in building the capacity of the next generation of African scientists so that they can be well-connected to the world as they find science-based solutions that are anchored in their local realities. To achieve this, the One Planet Fellowship targeted emerging, mid-career and seasoned scientists working in Africa and Europe to accelerate the career development process by:

  • Strengthening the leadership, scientific and mentoring skills of emerging agriculture-climate scientists from both continents and providing an opportunity to African scientists to share their context-specific knowledge and mentor emerging scientists from Europe and for European scientists to gain valuable exposure to the context within which scientific research is conducted on the African continent.
  • Incentivizing intra-continental research collaborations through the establishment of diverse research groups where Laureates identify, initiate, and implement joint projects of various forms including joint publishing, resource mobilization, and media engagement among others.
  • Enhancing the visibility of the One Planet Laureates through diverse opportunities to amplify African voices, access and contribute to national, regional and global conversations, storytelling, and media engagement.

Following the five-year of activity implementation in Africa and Europe, the One Planet Fellowship has mobilized over 400 scientists across Africa and Europe and facilitated their involvement in a range of interventions, including three-tiered mentoring programs, leadership, science and negotiation training series, Advanced Science Training (AST), science-policy linkages via learning visits, facilitating scientific networking and exchange between African and European scientists.

[1] The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the BNP Paribas Foundation, the Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the European Union provided financial support for the One Planet Fellowship implementation jointly coordinated by African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) based in Nairobi, Kenya and Agropolis Fondation based in Montpellier, France.

How to cite: Mbo’o-Tchouawou, M., Odongo, D., and Okoth, S.: Addressing the Multidimensional Impacts of Climate Change through Effective Capacity Development, Research Leadership, Strategic Networking, and Partnerships – The case of the One Planet Fellowship, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21793,, 2025.

Climate change adaptation is the process of responding and adjusting to actual and expected climate and its effects to reduce risk, loss, and damage, ensuring the right to survive, continue livelihoods, and sustain dignified lives. Adaptation effectiveness decreases with increasing warming, hence the need for impactful projects that entail flexible, robust, and inclusive decision-making to integrate climate action into broader development efforts. From current deficiencies of adaptation projects, we intend to highlight how innovative practices emerging from both research and practice can span cross sectoral interest improved environmental co-benefits.

The adequate implementation of adaptations projects necessitates a clear understanding of development realities: weak female labor force participation, rural distress, non-farm aspirations, informal economy. At the upper lever, it is key to have a genuine uptake of legal instruments, national policies, subnational programs and schemes. Rather than focusing on a range of sectors, this presentation focuses process-based adaptation outcomes. In particular the focus on multi-functional system concept that enhances livelihoods. How to twin knowledge creation with public and private partnerships to reduce the implementation gap for adaptation through a closer connection of science to the application.

How to cite: Mbow, C.: Managing scientific information to reduce implementation gaps in adaptation projects, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21802,, 2025.

EGU25-1469 | Orals | EOS3.1

Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility 

Carme Huguet and Soraya Polanco Palomar

Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility

The persistent gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has hindered diversity and innovation for decades. Women and girls are consistently underrepresented in these fields, limiting their career trajectories and obstructing the development of inclusive, diverse solutions for global challenges. Increasing the visibility of female role models has been identified as a critical strategy to address this disparity (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; Halili & Martin, 2019). However, studies show that women in STEM are often more vulnerable to stereotypes and biases, particularly when presenting their work in public forums (e.g. Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). Cata de Ciencia aims to foster a supportive environment to promote women in STEM by showcasing their achievements and engaging a diverse local audience. This initiative combines public science communication with gender equity goals. Monthly events held in Segovia, Spain, feature presentations by local women scientists, followed by interactive discussions with the audience in an informal setting accompanied by wine and tapas. The format promotes accessibility, relatability, and inclusivity, addressing the stereotype that scientific excellence is exclusive to men or specific cultures (Carter et al., 2018; McKinnon & O’Connell, 2020). The project pursues two main objectives: increasing the visibility of women in STEM within the region of Castilla y León and promoting the dissemination of science to the public in a welcoming, interactive format. 

Carter, A. J., Croft, A., Lukas, D., & Sandstrom, G. M. (2018). Women’s visibility in academic seminars: Women ask fewer questions than men. PloS one, 13(9), e0202743.
Halili, M. A., & Martin, J. L. (2019). How to Make the Invisible Women of STEM Visible. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 73(3), 75-77.
McKinnon, M., & O’Connell, C. (2020). Perceptions of stereotypes applied to women who publicly communicate their STEM work. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1).

How to cite: Huguet, C. and Polanco Palomar, S.: Cata de Ciencia: Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Through Community Engagement and Visibility, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1469,, 2025.

EGU25-5760 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024 

Juliane Dannberg, Iris van Zelst, Anne Glerum, Adina Pusok, Fabio Crameri, and Cedric Thieulot

STEM fields in Europe and across the globe are not balanced in terms of gender, ethnic and racial groups, sexual orientation and other aspects of diversity (e.g. Fry et al. 2021, Freeman 2018). For example, in 2018, women made up over 40% of European academic staff, but in 2019 only 26.2% of full professors were women, less than 25% were heads of institutes, and only 31.1% board members (EC She figures 2021). This under-representation has caused academic institutions to implement new hiring practices, unconscious bias training, and intervention programs (e.g. Palid et al. 2023), as science and innovation thrive on diversity in expertise and experience. However, diversity varies across fields, and understanding field specific data is critical to propose and evaluate effective measures. Here, we wish to look inward and assess our own scientific discipline of computational geodynamics. We specifically use a recurring international conference in our fieldnow called the Ada Lovelace Workshop on Modelling Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamicsas a proxy for our field. This conference series has taken place in various European countries at a roughly two-year interval since 1987. 

For all listed attendees, we have collected gender, year of highest degree obtained, primary country and institute of affiliation at the time of the conference, presentation type and organisational role in the conference based on information available online, such as the workshop program booklets and institute, ORCID, Google Scholar and social media profiles. Using this dataset, we analysed the diversity in gender, career stage and country of affiliation of each conference overall, of the local and science organization committees and of the invited speakers. Based on the available data, we cannot make any inferences about other aspects of diversity. 

We show that over the last 38 years, the participation of women has increased from about 10% to about 35%. The percentage of women attendees has increased across all career stages, but fluctuates for established scientists. The number of invited woman speakers has also increased: whereas between 2000 and 2010, three out of the five conferences did not have any woman invitee, from 2015 to 2024, consistently more than 25% of the invited speakers were women. The number of primary countries of affiliation has approximately doubled over three decades. As expected, the majority of attendees work in Europe and a substantial fraction of participants is from North America, but contributions from scientists in Asia and Africa have increased. Given the rate over the last four decades, we project that gender equality in participants will be reached in 2040.


European Commission RTD, She figures 2021Gender in research and innovation: Statistics and indicators, 2021,

Freeman, J. (2018). LGBTQ scientists are still left out. Nature 559, 27-28.

Fry, R., Kennedy, B., & Funk, C. (2021). STEM jobs see uneven progress in increasing gender, racial and ethnic diversity. Pew Research Center1.

Palid, O., Cashdollar, S., Deangelo, S., Chu, C., & Bates, M. (2023). Inclusion in practice: A systematic review of diversity-focused STEM programming in the United States. Int. J. STEM Educ., 10(1), 2.

How to cite: Dannberg, J., van Zelst, I., Glerum, A., Pusok, A., Crameri, F., and Thieulot, C.: The evolving diversity of the geodynamics community: Ada Lovelace workshop participants from 1987 to 2024, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5760,, 2025.

EGU25-6072 | Orals | EOS3.1

Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice 

Adam Jeffery, Steven Rogers, Kelly Jeffery, Mark Lucherini, Julie Hulme, Martin Griffin, Elizabeth Derbyshire, Kristopher Wisniewski, Jamie Pringle, Catherine Hallam, Isobel Stemp, Lisa Lau, and Liam Bullock

Autism is a lifelong developmental condition which impacts how individuals communicate and interact with the world around them and is simultaneously recognised broadly as a form of neurodivergence and protected legally as a disability (e.g. U.K. Equality Act 2010). Autism frequently remains under-represented and un-disclosed in academia, despite it having no impact on intelligence. In fact, many autistic traits such as problem-solving skills and thinking ‘outside the box’ should be conducive to success in academia.

The field of Geoscience is currently facing significant scrutiny for a lack of diversity. This study contributes to this by investigating the experiences of geoscience students in U.K. higher education, using a novel qualitative methodology designed to be inclusive for autistic participants. Forty self-identified autistic geoscience students took part in semi-structured asynchronous discussions over a period of one month, sharing their self-perceptions, experiences of learning in geoscience, university life, support in higher education, and other issues that they wished to discuss.

Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis, generating three themes: (1) Being me; (2) Interacting with the world around me; (3) Facilitating change. Participants stressed the need to recognise the diversity of autistic experiences, and suggested a number of recommendations that would improve their learning and wider higher education experiences, including training to enhance the fundamental understanding of autistic people. The outcomes of this study can help provide actionable recommendations for educators and institutions to better address the challenges faced by autistic learners. This will ultimately facilitate better inclusivity in geoscience-based higher education and lead to improved success and well-being for autistic people in the geosciences.

How to cite: Jeffery, A., Rogers, S., Jeffery, K., Lucherini, M., Hulme, J., Griffin, M., Derbyshire, E., Wisniewski, K., Pringle, J., Hallam, C., Stemp, I., Lau, L., and Bullock, L.: Autistic Voices in Geoscience: Lessons to enhance inclusive practice, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6072,, 2025.

No geoscientist is an island. It is not good practice for a geoscientist to act in isolation; rather, geoscientists need to be part of a welcoming community to thrive.  How a professional geoscientist interacts with other geoscientists, non-geoscientists and society is essential for building a culture and environment of conscious inclusion by celebrating the diversity of one and all.  This means proactively creating environments where geoscientists and others can collaborate and feel comfortable communicating openly. Recognizing and understanding how unconscious bias and privileges can create divisions and foster negative professional (toxic) environments.  The presentation will look beyond professional bodies’ codes of conduct, and it will introduce what Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) means. These concepts are vital to consider from the attraction, retention, and progression of professional geoscientists and the reputation of the communities we represent. Several self-awareness exercises will also be shared to explore potential, implicit bias.


How to cite: Griffin, M.: Embedding Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) within a Professional Geoscientist’s Lifestyle, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6886,, 2025.

EGU25-6932 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies 

Johanna Stadmark, Alberto Montanari, and Lisa Wingate

The EGU recognises the importance of equality, diversity, and inclusion as a crucial foundation for scientific research. The increasing diversity of our membership in all its facets fosters collaborative research and discovery that benefits humanity and our planet and contributes to reaching the goal of addressing global challenges.

The EGU EDI Committee, since its foundation in 2021, is actively promoting diversity in the EGU initiatives and community. The aim of the EDI Committee is to promote equality, diversity and inclusivity with a broad vision and a global approach, by working with sister associations.

The EDI Committee tasks currently include: (1) Promoting the EGU vision of EDI via an integrated, co-ordinated and constructive approach; (2) 
Raising awareness of the value of EDI within the scientific community; (3) Organising sessions and meetings dedicated to EDI issues as part of the EGU General Assembly, and at other conferences and meetings organised by EGU and its sibling societies; (4) Representing EGU on relevant initiatives focusing on EDI in the geosciences; (5) Providing constructive suggestions and ideas to the EGU Council to promote EDI within the organisation, and the geosciences in general.

The most recent achievements of EDI@EGU are the Champion(s) for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award that is bestowed to recognize excellent contributions to put into exemplary practice the principles of EDI. Furthermore, a new travel support scheme to promote diversity at the EGU General assemblies, is first activated in 2025.

The above actions resulted in a more diverse attendance at EGU General Assemblies along the years. The total number of presenters has increased over the time period 2015-2024, and this increase was observed throughout all career stages. The proportion of women presenters has increased from 2015 to 2024.

In the hybrid meeting in 2024 approximately 90% of the participants attended in Vienna. A slightly higher proportion of the oldest (>75 years) and youngest (18-25 years) participants attended online. While there were no differences in how women and men participated (online or physically), there are differences connected to the country affiliations. The great majority of participants from countries in most of western Europe, Asia and North America attended in Vienna, while more participants from other continents attended online.

We aim to analyse the changes in demographics with regards to gender, career stage as well as to geographical distribution of the presenters and participants also in coming years to better understand the potential impacts of meetings organized online or physically, or as a combination of both these modes.

How to cite: Stadmark, J., Montanari, A., and Wingate, L.: Status and Progress of Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity at EGU General Assemblies, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6932,, 2025.

EGU25-6963 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way!  

Marina Cano Amoros and Iris van Zelst

Science Sisters is a YouTube video and seminar series hosted by Dr. Iris van Zelst. Lighthearted in tone, it explores different career paths, academic life, and science communication in the planetary and geosciences. The guests on the show represent a range of role models to celebrate the diversity of people working in STEM. They are interviewed by Iris on their personal experiences on different topics. Past seasons have included topics like ethical fieldwork, switching careers, science communication, postdoc life, leadership, women in science, job applications, postdoc hopping, outreach, publishing, feeling incompetent, astronaut training, toxic academia, and how to build a research group.

We are now proud to announce that the production of season 3 of Science Sisters has wrapped and post-production, such as the editing of the videos, is in full swing. Anticipated to launch in fall 2025, the new season of Science Sisters will consist of the traditional interview videos and a hybrid online seminar where a viewing party of the episode is combined with an after-show discussion between Iris, the guest, and any research groups and individuals interested in joining.

This hybrid form of Science Sisters has proven to kickstart conversations in institutes and increase the cohesion within institutes by creating a more understanding atmosphere. Early career scientists in particular say that Science Sisters is extremely useful to learn about life as a researcher and they enjoy the chatty, entertaining quality of the interviews.

In season 3, the main topics across our 7 episode series are:

• PhD life

• Failure (and how to deal with it)

• Working at NASA

• Motivation (or lack thereof)

• Science management

• Lab work

• Academic motherhood

Of course, each episode also features individual experiences of (non-)academic career paths to show the diversity of ways in which people can interface with science and work in academia.

Using the hybrid form of videos and online webinars, Science Sisters therefore continues to contribute to promoting and supporting inclusivity in the planetary and geosciences. 

How to cite: Cano Amoros, M. and van Zelst, I.: A new hybrid video & seminar series: Season 3 of Science Sisters is on its way! , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6963,, 2025.

For many geoscientists, participating in conferences are vital for their career as they provide access to state-of-the-art knowledge in their research field but also provide opportunities to share their own results whilst expanding their research network.

However, the opportunity to attend large geoscience conferences for many researchers often comes at a significant financial burden. In particular, researchers that have caring responsibilities, disabilities or experience temporary unemployment often find it a financial challenge to cover the extra costs incurred for conference participation from research project budgets or from their affiliated research institutions. This not only places a strain on those geoscientists already facing financial hardship, but it also leads to the exclusion of researchers from career-defining meetings.

In 2025, the EGU launched a new EDI Participation Support Scheme for EGU members with the aim of addressing this inequity. This support scheme aims to provide financial assistance to scientists in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences who encounter significant EDI-related financial barriers that prevent them from participating to the EGU General Assembly because of caregiving responsibilities, disability and special needs as well as temporary geoscience career transitions. In this presentation, we will provide valuable information about this new support scheme and encourage the community to raise awareness of these financial burdens with their colleagues, research institutions and research funders.

How to cite: Wingate, L., Hart, J., Turton, J., and Jacobs, P.: Tackling EDI-related financial barriers that reduce inclusivity at geoscience conferences with the EGU EDI Participation Support Scheme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7140,, 2025.

EGU25-7701 | Orals | EOS3.1

Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation 

Jens Klump, Vanessa Moss, Rika Kobayashi, Lesley Wyborn, Stefanie Kethers, and Coralie Siegel

Major sporting events, like the Summer Olympics or the FIFA World Cup, attract a global audience of billions of spectators. While many agree that watching the Olympic Games in one of its venues is the best way to experience the event, less than one per mille of the billions worldwide audience can attend in person. The majority watch such events at public events, at home with families and friends, or by themselves on their mobile devices. All these different modes of watching the Olympics allow a global audience access to a major sporting event.

International research meetings were forced into mainly online modes by the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020-2022. While the availability of online formats was initially high, it has since dropped, and only a small fraction of meeting organisers have made efforts to develop new formats that offer value to online participants. At the same time, the poor quality of virtual options and the “rush back to normal” contributed to a drop in virtual participant numbers. This is a missed opportunity; it disregards the high environmental costs of large international meetings and favours those who can afford the high costs and time commitment of international travel and are, therefore, already advantaged. For many in the Global South, attending international conferences offered as in-person-only events is almost impossible, widening the gap in their ability to participate in global science.

While technologies for alternative modes of participation exist, many organisers of conferences cite the excessive cost and a lack of interest as barriers. Financial modelling by a major conference provider showed that offering alternative participation modes adds approximately five to ten per cent to the cost of running a conference, which can be easily offset by attracting additional participants. However, conflicting aims exist between conference organisers wanting to offer alternative participation modes but also having to be financially sustainable, as well as conference venues and tourism boards, who want to maximise the number of participants on-site. It has been reported that tourism boards and conference venues use subsidies and overpriced equipment to discourage alternatives to on-site participation.

For their 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, the Astronomical Society of Australia organised an “online-first” conference with a location-specific “Hub Day” during the week to offer space for in-person interactions. As this example shows, there are many opportunities to innovate by blending in-person, hybrid, and online formats and adopting new technologies (see, e.g.,, including local or regional hubs where participants can gather to discuss and network. Alternative modes are already being used successfully by communities in other areas of society to bring people together and the scientific community is lagging behind. We could draw inspiration from completely different types of events, like games, international sports or cultural events. This presentation is about how we can make research meetings more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable by being more creative about modes of participation and thinking outside the box. 

How to cite: Klump, J., Moss, V., Kobayashi, R., Wyborn, L., Kethers, S., and Siegel, C.: Inclusive scientific meetings need alternative modes of participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7701,, 2025.

EGU25-9552 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference 

Nahid Atashi, Anni Hartikainen, Laura Salo, Ilona Ylivinkka, Muhammad Shahzaib, Miikka Dal Maso, and Katja Anniina Lauri

We organized an informal equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) themed reception for the attendees of the European Aerosol Conference (EAC) 2024 to encourage reflection and sharing of both positive and negative behaviors observed in academic workspaces. 

The event was held in a private venue near the conference site. The three-hour event featured a combination of short talks, a presentation on current and past EDI initiatives within the Finnish aerosol science community, and informal discussions in small groups. The relaxed setting fostered open dialogue and active participation. 

During the event, attendees were invited to anonymously write about their personal experiences at their workspace on sticky notes and attach them to a poster displayed throughout the reception. This interactive approach provided a safe space for participants to voice their thoughts and experiences, which remained visible for collective reflection until the event concluded. 

The collected messages were categorized into two main themes. Positive Aspects included respect and inclusion, supportive environments, social connections, and practical guidance. Negative Aspects highlighted challenges such as discrimination, exclusion, judgment, and unproductive atmospheres. Combined insights collected within this activity provide a clear understanding of workplace dynamics, offering valuable perspectives for promoting equity and addressing areas of concern within academic environments.

How to cite: Atashi, N., Hartikainen, A., Salo, L., Ylivinkka, I., Shahzaib, M., Dal Maso, M., and Lauri, K. A.: Positive and Negative Academic Workplace Behaviors:  Experiences Gathered at a Scientific Conference, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9552,, 2025.

Transition services are essential for supporting students with intellectual disabilities (ID) as they prepare for independent adult lives. While special education teachers in both the United States and Korea acknowledge the importance of providing these systematic services, their actual implementation varies widely due to differing teacher backgrounds and numerous barriers. This study examines these barriers through the lens of Windschitl's framework, which categorizes dilemmas into four types: conceptual, pedagogical, cultural, and political. These dilemmas serve as a foundation for understanding why teachers struggle to implement transition services, even when they recognize their significance.

Focusing on the Korean context, this study explored the experiences of special school teachers working with students with ID and identified additional dilemmas beyond those categorized by Windschitl. To achieve this, qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with 35 special school teachers currently implementing transition services. Using the constant comparative method, the data was analyzed to uncover key categories, their properties, and how these elements interconnect.

The findings revealed that Korean teachers viewed transition services as vital for equipping students with ID with the skills necessary for employment, societal integration, and independence. However, despite understanding their importance, teachers reported low implementation levels due to various challenges. These included limited resources, insufficient professional development, lack of collaboration among stakeholders, and inadequate institutional support.

Rather than placing blame on teachers for the low implementation of transition services, the study emphasizes the need to create supportive environments. Collaborative efforts among school administrators, parents, policymakers, and disability organizations are critical to fostering conditions where teachers can succeed. Furthermore, investing in professional training and strengthening educational and social infrastructure would significantly enhance teachers’ capacity to provide effective transition services.

By addressing these systemic issues, this study underscores the importance of supporting special educators in their efforts to improve outcomes for students with ID, ultimately enabling them to transition successfully into adulthood.

How to cite: park, Y.: Exploring Barriers and Dilemmas in Transition Services: Insights from Korean Special Education Teachers for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10224,, 2025.

EGU25-10372 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions 

Claudia Jesus-Rydin, Luis Fariña-Busto, Maria Ruiz, Benoit Le Noir de Carlan, and Eystein Jansen

The European Research Council (ERC), Europe’s premier funding agency for frontier research, views equality of opportunities as an essential priority and a vital mission to ensure fairness in the review process. The ERC monitors various demographic data yearly on every call and has taken actions to tackle imbalances and potential implicit and explicit biases.

Demographic gender and geographical distribution data on external reviewers is presented. External reviewers are experts who support ERC evaluation panels by externally reviewing proposals in their fields of specialization. The analysis focuses on the rates of nomination and invitation of these experts, as well as rates of acceptance and completion of the reviews. The data is presented by call and by scientific domain. In the current framework programme (Horizon Europe, 2021-2027), 24% of nominated external reviewers were women, 75% were men and 1% are non-binary. Acceptance and completion rates for men and women are similar.

Furthermore, data on requests of the eligibility window extensions are included. During the grants’ application process, the ERC allows potential grantees to extend the eligibility window, both for Consolidator and Starting Grants. These extensions are conditional on certain circumstances (e.g. parental leave, long-term illness, or clinical training). These circumstances and conditions constantly evolve. In this way, to better comprehend and monitor these requests, the ERC recently started an in-depth analysis of such data, gathered between 2021 and 2024. The data are disaggregated by year, gender, and by grant type. The analysis shows that there is a clear disparity between women researchers and men researchers when requesting extensions; both in terms of numbers and circumstances.

The ERC knows that work to ensure inclusive excellence and equality of opportunities is never-ending. This presentation analyses the institutional efforts, procedures and critically discusses the results.

How to cite: Jesus-Rydin, C., Fariña-Busto, L., Ruiz, M., Le Noir de Carlan, B., and Jansen, E.: Inclusive excellence at the ERC: demographic data on external reviewers and eligibility extensions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10372,, 2025.

EGU25-11159 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data 

Shakti Raj Shrestha, Leonardo Olivetti, Shivang Pandey, Koffi Worou, and Elena Rafetti

There has been a significant increase in both the number of publications and number of citations in the last decade partly fueled by the increased exposure to research papers and such as Google Scholar, Web of Science, ResearchGate, etc. The large data set of scientific literature and respective authors in these platforms can be utilized to get a broad overview of academic discourse. This project aims to investigate the state of academia in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes using Google Scholar data. A comprehensive set of relevant tags (such as earthquake, volcano, natural hazards, climate extremes etc.) were used to filter the researchers. Additionally, a threshold of 500 citations or more was applied to focus on the most influential academics in this field. We limited the analysis to the period 1990-2023 and subsequently stratified the obtained results by gender (as perceived by the authors) and country of affiliation of the researchers. Data for number of publications was also collected for each of the researchers.

Among 2612 researchers identified, 77.2% are male, 22.6% female, and 0.2% could not be categorized into male or female. Male researchers, on average, received a larger median number of citations compared to women even though the gender citation gap in percentage has been decreasing over the last decade. Notably, regression analysis showed that, there is limited difference in number of citations per publication between the two genders. The data also shows that 78.5% of citations are attributed to researchers in high-income countries, 14.4% for those in middle-income countries, and 7.1% for those in low-income countries despite researchers in low- and middle-income countries publishing more papers per year, on average, than their counter parts in high-income countries. The researchers from high-income countries also get larger number of citations per author, on average, even when controlling for number of publications. However, the citation gap between high-income and low- and middle-income countries has narrowed in recent years. Interestingly, the observed citation gap between researchers is more pronounced due to income group than gender. In conclusion, even though disasters affect poor countries and women disproportionately, the fact that the field of natural hazards and climate extremes is largely high-income country and male-dominated raises fundamental questions on teh epistemology and legitimacy of the scientific knowledge that has been generated. 

How to cite: Shrestha, S. R., Olivetti, L., Pandey, S., Worou, K., and Rafetti, E.: The Citation Gap: An overview of academic output in the field of Natural Hazards and Climate Extremes analysed through Google Scholar data, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11159,, 2025.

EGU25-12317 | Orals | EOS3.1

Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science 

Tanya Dzekon, Matt Giampoala, Paige Wooden, and Mia Ricci

Addressing under-representation and inequity in geoscience requires action from all participants of the scientific ecosystem. The collaborative and global nature of our science impels us to create systemic changes to better include historically marginalized voices. This work includes correcting the power imbalances that exist within scholarly publishing through equity-focused policy changes and through collaborations with communities. We will highlight AGU Publications’ recently launched Inclusion in Global Research Policy (an authorship policy to improve equity and transparency in international research collaborations and to help address the issue of parachute science), as well as work to create Guidelines for the Governance of Indigenous Data in Scientific Publishing (a partnership between the Collaboratory for Indigenous Data Governance, ENRICH, Te Kotahi Research Institute, the American Geophysical Union, the National Information Standards Organization, and AGU).

How to cite: Dzekon, T., Giampoala, M., Wooden, P., and Ricci, M.: Equity in Geoscience Publishing: Indigenous Data Governance and Tackling Parachute Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12317,, 2025.

EGU25-13088 | ECS | Orals | EOS3.1

Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE. 

Elif Türker, Iris Christadler, Fabrice Cotton, Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Fatemeh Jalayer, Mateus Litwin-Prestes, Angelo Strollo, Stefanie Weege, Elisabeth Kohler, Mariusz Majdański, and Laura Sandri

Geo-INQUIRE, an EU Horizon project starting in 2022, brings together 51 partners, including high-level research institutes, universities and European consortia from different EU countries. The project aims to improve access to selected key data, products and services to monitor and model the dynamic processes within the geosphere at new levels of spatial and temporal detail and accuracy. With 150 Virtual Access (VA) and Transnational Access (TA) facilities, together with tailored mentoring programs, including workshops (both online and face-to-face), trainings and seminars, Geo-INQUIRE has brought together over 2,300 researchers in the past two years, offering 20 training events and 7 workshops attended by participants from over 70 countries. While in total 44% of these participants have been female, this number reflects the project’s ongoing commitment to gender balance, inclusion and diversity, but also acknowledges that further progress is still desired.

Despite the projects complexity due to high number of partner institutions, several strategies have been implemented to foster inclusion. These include the unique establishment of an independent advisory committee (EDIP), assigning an EDIP member (by rotation) as ex-officio member of Transnational Activity Review Panel (TARP), thinking of strategies to reduce unconscious bias in review of TA applications, setting targets for female participation and researchers from Horizon’s widening countries, offering travel support and affordable accommodation to reduce financial barriers, recording of online training events to enable access and maximise flexibility. Additionally, novel recruitment practices, supportive workplace policies and efforts to increase female representation in leadership roles have been introduced. Geo-INQUIRE also fosters inclusion across a wide range of career backgrounds (including less conventional career paths) and brings together researchers from diverse scientific disciplines—such as solid earth, marine science, and carbon capture and storage - as well as those with technical expertise in IT. Strategies such as seminars have proven effective in bridging these gaps and reducing barriers between different fields. We will present examples of these actions, discuss lessons learned and propose example guidelines for promoting diversity in large-scale research projects.

How to cite: Türker, E., Christadler, I., Cotton, F., Gabriel, A.-A., Jalayer, F., Litwin-Prestes, M., Strollo, A., Weege, S., Kohler, E., Majdański, M., and Sandri, L.: Practical implementation of diversity and inclusion measures in large EU Horizon projects: lessons learned from Geo-INQUIRE., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13088,, 2025.

The geosciences are at a pivotal moment as institutions, organizations, and individuals confront long-standing inequities to create a more inclusive and representative future. As a geoscientist actively engaged in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives, I have witnessed both the barriers and breakthroughs shaping this transformation. Notably, the geosciences have some of the poorest metrics for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in STEM disciplines. Guided by the principle, “What gets measured, gets done,” my work has focused on quantifying EDI impacts to drive meaningful progress.
Drawing on my role as an executive member of the Canadian Geophysical Union’s EDI Committee, I will present key findings from a comprehensive EDI report on representation statistics from Canadian Geophysical Union conferences since 2018. As a director on the board of Women Geoscientists in Canada, a prominent organization supporting women in technical roles, I will highlight the challenges and successes in addressing gender imbalance and improving diversity within the mining industry.
Lastly as a federal research scientist working on critical mineral exploration and green energy transitions, I will explore how EDI efforts can advance community engagement, inclusive excellence, interdisciplinary collaboration, ethical fieldwork, and environmental justice. By sharing these experiences across government, industry, and academia, this presentation will offer actionable strategies to address barriers and inspire collaboration for a more equitable future in Canadian geosciences.

How to cite: Dave, R.: Advancing Equity in Geosciences: Insights and Actions from the Canadian EDI Landscape, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-14621,, 2025.

EGU25-18414 | Posters on site | EOS3.1

An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years? 

Lena Nicola, Rebekka Frøystad, Antonio Juarez-Martinez, Maxence Menthon, Ana Carolina Moraes Luzardi, Katherine Turner, Sally F. Wilson, and Benjamin Keisling and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team

Despite the increased awareness towards Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), the glaciological community still experiences and perpetuates numerous examples of inappropriate and discriminatory behavior, adding to the systemic inequalities embedded in the scientific community. What are the EDI challenges we currently face within the glaciological research community? How can we overcome them? Where do we want our research community to be in fifty years? These questions were used as a starting point for a first-of-its-kind workshop at the 2023 Karthaus Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System. Drawing on the outcomes of that workshop, we discuss the answers and challenges to addressing these questions, in the form of both actionable steps forward and imaginative visions of the future. We identified common threads from the workshop responses and distilled them into collective visions for the future. Having consulted additional literature, while formulating suggestions for improvement, stating our own commitment, and highlighting existing initiatives, contributions to this “time capsule” exercise were sorted into three main challenges we want and need to face: making glaciology more accessible, equitable, and responsible (Nicola et al, in review).

How to cite: Nicola, L., Frøystad, R., Juarez-Martinez, A., Menthon, M., Moraes Luzardi, A. C., Turner, K., Wilson, S. F., and Keisling, B. and the Karthaus 2023 EDI team: An EDI time capsule from the 2023 Karthaus Summer School: Where do we want the glaciological community to be in 50 years?, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18414,, 2025.

EGU25-20423 | Orals | EOS3.1

Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics 

Alexa Halford, Angeline Burrell, John Coxon, McArthur Jones, Kate Zawdie, and Julie Barnam

Equitable Letters in Space and Physics (ELSP) is an organization that aims to encourage merit-based recommendations and nominations in the space physics community by providing resources and reviews. Recommendation and award nomination letters are a known source of bias that affect education and job opportunities, career progression, and recognition for scientists from underrepresented backgrounds.  ELSP was founded to combat this bias within the current system by providing a proof-reading service that focuses on identifying phrasing and structure within letters that unintentionally undermines the purpose of the missive.  If you are writing a recommendation letter for someone you know professionally, you can send it to us and we will send it out to our reviewers. They will provide recommendations on how you can make your letter more equitable and less biased, using a combination of the techniques and resources described on our site, with the aim to make unbiased recommendation letters more accessible to all. If you are interested in being a reviewer or having your writing reviewed, please reach out to us.

How to cite: Halford, A., Burrell, A., Coxon, J., Jones, M., Zawdie, K., and Barnam, J.: Working towards more equitable  recomendations and nomination letters: Equitable Letters for Space and Physics, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20423,, 2025.

EGU25-20788 * | Orals | EOS3.1 | Highlight

Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine 

Holly Stein and Judith Hannah

The triumphant implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusivity (EDI) programs in academia after more than a decade of increasing pressure and promise has brought hope to many but, unfortunately, justice to few. Enough time has passed to reveal the fraught inner workings of academia and their ability to make effective change, even as universities might be expected to lead with exemplary behavior. Sadly, the reverse is true. Failure of universities to act or react appropriately has seriously crippled EDI efforts in many academic settings. University administrators and even university presidents have lost their employment for taking EDI seriously. Those facts severely degrade the EDI landscape in academia going forward.

Stepping back and turning a scientific lens on the university environment, what are the flaws in implementation? They are rooted in human behavior and decision-making in adversarial surroundings, the recipe for fear. One might line up the course of action in three steps: (1) identifying the issues, (2) building a structure and path toward solution, and (3) establishing a university-sanctioned outcome that removes perpetual perpetrators and enables, even celebrates, those with the courage to speak up. A power relationship is almost always part of the play. Alas, though the first step is generally mastered, the second step is better known as “protecting the university at all costs”, and completion of the third step is dead rare. Rather, the rare settlement involves a victim signing away their right to talk to the press, so as not to damage the university’s reputation. This obvious three-act opera loses footing in the second act. The outcome is driven by “what is the easiest path for the university” and is too rarely driven by doing the right thing. The EDI system at most universities presents the ultimate conflict-of-interest: university lawyers are paid by the university or its governing body and thus, are indebted to them for employment and the outcomes of EDI decisions they make.

Failure to Act is a three-act play that explores the darker workings behind the academic scenery.  Can we change the storyline so that students and faculty will believe that the system works for them, should they ever need it? That is far from the standard we have now, even as sometimes generous funding has been diverted to build up EDI programming in academia. 

How to cite: Stein, H. and Hannah, J.: Failure to Act:  Universities’ Promising EDI Template Withering on the Vine, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20788,, 2025.

Slow-onset hazards have a long term and pervasive impact on affected communities. This means that policymakers and researchers should also have robust long term plan for tackling the impacts of these hazards. However, research suggests that slow-onset hazards are ofter overlooked and neglected in both academia as well as policymaking, with a significant part of all disaster related resource devoted to sudden events. A major consequence of this can be seen in riverbank erosion affected communities of Majuli island of India. Disaster management laws in India do not generally recognise slow-onset events like riverbank erosion as hazards and therefore, no relief is provided under these laws to those affected by riverbank erosion. Drawing from my own experiences in the field, I will try to show how this policy is flawed and what consequences the people of Majuli and other riverbank erosion affected places in India are facing because of this? Furthermore, the paper emphasises the urgent need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards across India. It calls for increased attention from researchers and policymakers to mitigate the long-term impacts of these hazards and to develop inclusive disaster management strategies that encompass both sudden and slow-onset events.

Keywords: Slow-onset hazards, academia, riverbank erosion, India, science-based policies

How to cite: Sahay, A.: Bridging the gap: the need for science-based policies to address slow-onset hazards in India, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-557,, 2025.

Forest fires in the Indian Himalayas are becoming more frequent and severe due to climate change induced weather conditions and increasing anthropogenic pressures. These fires release large quantities of greenhouse gases and black carbon, which disrupt the regional carbon budget. The deposition of black carbon on glaciers accelerates melting, contributing to glacial retreat and amplifying regional warming. Additionally, forest fires releases the C stored in vegetation and top layer. This further degrades soil quality, reduces its capacity for carbon sequestration, hinders vegetation regrowth, and aids/fuels soil erosion. Despite these critical impacts, this wide array of feedback effects remain missing from the regional carbon budgeting exercises. Further, community empowerment and participation in natural resource conservation and forest fire management plans remain insufficient, further weakening resilience and response mechanisms.

Analysis of secondary data highlights that, while forest fires are recognized as a significant risk, the development of actionable strategies is still in its nascent stage. Existing plans fail to give enough emphasis on community-based approaches, ignoring the pivotal role of local stakeholders in monitoring, preventing, and managing fires. Annual emissions from forest fires in the Himalayas have a potential to significantly contribute to India’s GHG inventory, undermining national carbon sink targets under the Nationally Determined Contributions.

This study identifies critical gaps in mainstreaming forest fire prevention and mitigation in the regional carbon cycle.  Such gaps include improper understanding,  inadequate budget allocations, fragmented policy frameworks, limited use of science-driven tools and lack of community engagement.  The study emphasizes the need to integrate community empowerment & engagement practices into forest fire management plans, encouraging participation through capacity-building programs, financial incentives, and shared decision-making processes. Additionally, advanced technologies such as remote sensing, AI-ML, and real-time monitoring systems can enhance early warning and prevention efforts. Integrating an active EWS with a quickly mobilised fire-fighting/response cell at the community level, will be a gamechanger. 

Bridging the science-policy gap by fostering community-driven and technology-enabled approaches is essential for aligning forest fire management with India’s climate goals. Such efforts can ensure sustainable ecosystems, resilient livelihoods, and effective carbon budgeting in the Indian Himalayas.

How to cite: Joshi, P.: Bridging the Science-Policy Gap in Forest Fire Management: Implications for Climate Action in the Indian Himalayas, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-831,, 2025.

EGU25-1700 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge 

Sebastian Wetterich

Science academies are among the most trusted sources of scientific expertise for society and politics due to the independence related to the institutions, and the scientific excellence of their elected members. One of the public missions of the Leopoldina, the German National Academy of Sciences, is to provide evidence-based advice to the German public and policymakers. In addition to various formats and channels such as statements, reports, factsheets, workshops and symposia, the Leopoldina has increasingly developed and published interactive scroll-based thematic – i.e. scrollytelling – websites in recent years.

The development of storytelling websites accompanies the ongoing activities of several Leopoldina working groups. Such low-threshold, educational and entertaining online media increase public awareness and knowledge of policy-relevant topics addressed in Leopoldina statements. By also addressing a different target group, both reach and impact can most likely be increased.

The aim of scrollytelling websites is to transfer knowledge to the public in an easily understandable but scientifically sound way. In addition, science-based practical recommendations and calls for action can be deduced from the content. The Leopoldina's latest scrolly-telling websites deal with topics in the context of global challenges such as biodiversity loss, renaturation, peatland rewetting and equitable food security. This study exemplarily examines the conception, reception and impact of websites that tell science-based stories.

How to cite: Wetterich, S.: Scrolly-telling as a tool to transfer scientific knowledge, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1700,, 2025.

Technologies for carbon capture and storage into geological formations (g-CCS) are used to capture and store carbon dioxide—and possibly other greenhouse gases (GHGs). These are increasingly presented by scientists, public decision-makers, and private economic actors as critical tools for mitigating climate change and avoiding associated environmental and social damages.

Typically, the European Union (EU) has been encouraging the development of such technologies through various mechanisms, such as the Directive 2009/31/EC or an incoming certification scheme. EU decision-makers are motivated to promote these technologies because they receive information from diverse stakeholders who argue that g-CCS will help achieve the EU’s climate targets.

EU decision-makers are expected, as public decision-makers, to prioritize sustainability goals when considering technologies such as g-CCS. This aligns with broader international commitments of the EU, such as its ratification of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United Nations, 2015). Hence, we assume that EU decision-makers should consider these technologies by taking into account their overall impacts on sustainability goals in a comprehensive and accurate way. This includes considering many of their environmental and social impacts through complex assessments studying how carbon reacts with geological components, scaling-up of impacts, and comparison of these results with the ones of alternative options.

However, this comprehensive approach is not always implemented. EU decision-makers—or the stakeholders providing them with information—may focus selectively on certain aspects of g-CCS impacts while neglecting others. This selective focus can lead to biased decision-making. Such biases can result in many environmental and social impacts. In such contexts, affected parties may contest the validity of decisions and challenge the legitimacy of public decision-makers. For instance, many lawsuits arise in the United States and the United Kingdom and could emerge in the EU. 

In this presentation, I propose to examine the information EU decision-makers rely on when considering g-CCS, assess its relevance in light of the sustainability goals they are expected to pursue, and propose ways to improve the process, if necessary.

How to cite: Lasselin, C.: Assessing the Role of Carbon Capture and Geological Storage in the EU: Sustainability and Decision-Making Processes, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4012,, 2025.

The European Union’s (EU) central chemical regulation REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) is approaching a critical juncture with the announced revision in 2025. EU chemical policy stakeholders hold differing positions and expectations towards the legislative change. Stakeholders are debating the timing, direction, and nature of the proposed amendments. For example, industry associations emphasise the high safety standards enabled by REACH, which, in their view, make quick decisions unnecessary. In contrast, environmental organisations criticise what they see as deliberate postponement of the revision by industry associations, as well as the adverse effects of chemical pollution on human health and the environment.

These positions illustrate the politics of aligning sustainability and competitiveness in the EU chemicals sector. Using a qualitative narrative approach, this paper operates at the interface of science and policy, aiming to engage with different discursive positions and expectations of stakeholders, as well as the dynamics between them, to anticipate future policy directions early on. In this light, key questions include:

  • What positions and roles do EU chemical policy stakeholders adopt on the REACH revision?
  • What insights do stakeholder debates offer for shaping the future of EU chemical policy?

Drawing on a Discursive Agency Approach, this study combines interviews, stakeholder workshops, and policy document analysis. To accompany the portfolio of policy decisions with robust evidence, the research seeks to identify potential weaknesses and opportunities in the REACH revision process before the final legislation is enacted. The findings offer not only a rich, nuanced exploration of potential policy pathways but also aim to foster dialogue and contribute to actionable guidance for improving chemical regulation in the EU.

Moreover, the session slot aims to provide a retrospective overview of a 2024 science-policy stakeholder dialogue in Germany, which brought together industry leaders, NGOs, researchers, and regulatory bodies on chemical policy issues.

How to cite: Hempel, H.: Aligning Sustainability and Competitiveness: A Science-Policy Exploration of REACH Revision Debates, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4484,, 2025.

Africa’s agricultural sector faces critical challenges, including soil degradation, inadequate capacity building, socio-economic barriers, and the persistent marginalization of women and youth. This talk explores how addressing these systemic issues requires evidence-based and transformative policy changes that place soil health at the centre of sustainable agricultural development. Prioritizing soil health is a strategic imperative for achieving agricultural resilience, food security, and economic prosperity across Africa’s diverse landscapes. This presentation will highlight key levers for transformative agricultural change, focusing on three interconnected aspects: effective policies, trusted multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs), and targeted research and development (R&D). First, the talk will emphasize the importance of evidence-based and inclusive policies to dismantle discriminatory norms and ensure equitable participation of women and youth in decision-making processes. Marginalized groups, particularly rural women, encounter compounded barriers such as unequal access to land, credit, and agricultural resources. Neglecting soil health worsens these inequalities, limiting economic opportunities and deepening social disparities. To address these challenges, this talk will emphasize the pivotal role of inclusive financial mechanisms in providing tailored opportunities to unlock agricultural potential. In this context, implementing effective gender-transformative policies with targeted incentives is crucial for empowering women and youth, who face systemic obstacles to accessing resources and financing. Second, the role of MSPs will be critically examined, ensuring the inclusion governments, private sector actors, non-governmental organizations, donors, and last, but not least, both male and female farmers. Unified, transparent collaboration among these stakeholders is essential to drive policy reforms and scale soil health initiatives effectively. The discussion will reflect how trusted MSPs build accountability, align resources, and create the conditions for scalable and sustainable interventions. The third pillar of this presentation will focus on targeted and trans-disciplinary R&D and its role in enabling inclusive and actionable interventions. Future policies must support R&D frameworks that provide the necessary evidence for informed decision-making, while integrating gender-transformative strategies and user-centred approaches. Moreover, by addressing the socio-economic and cultural contexts that influence soil health adoption, this talk will demonstrate how inclusive and trans-disciplinary R&D ensures that the needs and perspectives of women and marginalized groups are central to designing effective policy solutions. This talk will conclude with a call to action, highlighting that Africa's agricultural transformation requires robust, inclusive policies that leverage trusted partnerships and integrated research frameworks. By prioritizing soil health in policies and fostering equitable, collaborative approaches, resilient, sustainable, and inclusive agricultural systems across Africa can be achieved. In doing so, this talk will offer a valuable external reflection from an African perspective, providing novel insights that can inform and inspire prospective and inclusive policy-making in the national, international and European context.

How to cite: Rasche, F.: The role of inclusivity in shaping soil health policies: reflections from Africa, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5608,, 2025.

While existing research predominantly focuses on the negative aspects of flood-society interactions—such as risks, vulnerabilities, damages, and adaptation needs—less attention has been given to the resilience-building processes that have enabled societies to adapt and develop in these challenging environments. Our research aims to investigate the dynamic relationships between floods and human societies, focusing on resilience rather than vulnerability in the Mekong basin in Southeast Asia. The study explores the governance, technological, societal, and cultural dimensions of flood resilience, and captures the multi-spatial-temporal dimensions of flood resilience, covering scales from households to regions and time periods spanning centuries.

Specifically, the study directly addresses critical challenges at the science-society-policy interface. It provides evidence-based insights for policymakers on fostering flood resilience across scales, offering actionable strategies and tools for building resilience in flood-prone communities. The findings emphasize effective engagement formats, such as participatory modeling and co-production workshops, to ensure research findings translate into meaningful societal impacts. By shifting the narrative from vulnerability to resilience, the study advances the emerging field of flood resilience research, providing new multi-dimensional knowledge on flood-society interactions. The project’s outcomes will bridge the gap between academic research and policymaking, equipping stakeholders with the tools and understanding needed to foster sustainable and resilient societies in the face of growing flood risks.

How to cite: Yang, L. E.: Science-based policy planning and capacity building for flood resilience in the Mekong basin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6002,, 2025.

EGU25-6710 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges 

Anita Asadullah and Chris Skinner

In England, the practice of flood hydrology underpins both flood forecasting and £6bn of flood management investment by the UK Government. However, operational flood hydrology has failed to innovate and adapt to the changing demands of the 21st century. There is an over reliance of methods that assume stationarity in climate and land use. Uncertainty in hydrology is poorly characterised and communicated to decision-makers. The Environment Agency’s Flood Hydrology Improvements Programme (FHIP) is seeking to make a step-change in flood hydrology in England.

The Environment Agency is the environmental regulator and is also responsible for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, reservoirs, estuaries and the sea. It has made a commitment to improving flood hydrology by funding the FHIP between 2021-2027. It will design a new benchmarking process to help method developers evaluate their methods for suitability in an operational context, helping to increase the ease and pace of innovation. It will further explore the journey of embedding a new method and uncertainty estimation for operational use to better understand the barriers and to show the lessons learned with those developing alternatives.

This PICO presentation will allow you to explore the full breadth of the FHIP, including its roots in the UK 25-year Flood Hydrology Roadmap, a community codeveloped plan to improve flood hydrology. It will showcase the successes of completed projects - including the review of open methods, the data rescue of paper hydrometric charts, and the development of new data dashboards – and will share the recommendations relevant to all hydrologists that emerged from that work.

Finally, it will look to the future and the plans to the end of the programme in 2027, what comes next, and the challenges that remain.

How to cite: Asadullah, A. and Skinner, C.: Improving operational flood hydrology in England – progress and challenges, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6710,, 2025.

EGU25-8488 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International 

Valentina Giunta, Corinne Derval, Laurence Crosnier, Muriel Lux, and Tina Silovic

Mercator Ocean International (MOi) is a non-profit international organization in the process of transforming into an intergovernmental organization. Using a user-driven and co-design approach, MOi supports the European Union’s (EU) policies and goals, in which understanding the ocean's current state and predicting its future play a critical role. Through its participation in many international projects and initiatives, MOi has built a strong stakeholder database across different disciplines and areas related to the ocean. MOi has gained the necessary trust to co-create services and solutions to support policy implementation and boost the Blue Economy across all maritime sectors by actively collaborating and engaging with these actors.  Diverse tools and activities, such as stakeholder workshops, working groups, co-developed what-if scenarios, and the mapping of needs across different sectors, are combined to enhance ocean science-based services and solutions. As an example of this strategy, MOi has been entrusted by the European Commission to implement the Copernicus Marine Service, which is a vital source of global and European regional seas information and one of the six pillars of the Copernicus Programme. The Copernicus Marine Service uses satellite and in-situ observations, along with 3D model simulations, to provide reference marine information on physical, biogeochemical, and sea ice conditions. By implementing a robust user feedback methodology, its portfolio of products and services is continuously refined considering core user needs, such as policy stakeholders and regional sea conventions, and non-Core users with different levels of knowledge on marine data. In addition, MOi aims to foster collaboration and partnership with stakeholders to develop ocean information that aligns with policy and governance needs. As a strategy, focus groups such as the Champion User Advisory Group (CUAG), formed by active and experienced users of Copernicus Marine Service, and the Marine Forum, formed by Member States’ representatives, were consolidated.  These initiatives, along with the Copernicus Thematic Hubs and National Collaboration Programme (NCP) promote synergies, develop new downstream services, and support decision-making in marine and maritime sectors. MOi is also leading several stakeholder engagement activities in international projects such as NECCTON, in which new tools and products are being co-developed in collaboration with a range of stakeholders to support fisheries management and biodiversity conservation. By working collaboratively with several groups of stakeholders and implementing a co-design methodology, MOi has the capacity to deliver user-driven services in ocean monitoring and forecasting that effectively answer the needs of users, from the policy sector to a broader audience.  

How to cite: Giunta, V., Derval, C., Crosnier, L., Lux, M., and Silovic, T.: Co-designing Ocean Science-based Services and Solutions at Mercator Ocean International, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8488,, 2025.

EGU25-8595 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin 

Marie-Isabel Ludwig

This presentation explores the concept of a digital twin and examines how it can inspire science communication to embrace interactivity, transparency, systems thinking, empowerment, and dynamic adaptation.

Digital twins are one of the current buzzwords in scientific research and technological development. Originating from Industry 4.0, the concept has gained widespread adoption and is now indispensable in fields such as healthcare, urban planning, aerospace, and particularly Earth system research. We are surrounded by a growing number of digital twins representing environmental compartments, such as soil, plant systems, and groundwater. And one of the most ambitious projects in the history of science is the creation of a digital twin of the entire Earth system (DTE), which is progressing at full speed. This comes as no surprise, given that digital twins (alongside AI) are among the most promising tools for disaster prevention, climate change adaptation, and resource management (e.g., global food security). But what exactly is the secret of the great success of these digital twins, and what is their added value compared to conventional modeling?

On the other hand, science communication has today evolved far beyond the mere dissemination of scientific results. For the natural sciences in particular, this evolution is crucial, as socio-ecological transformation research demonstrates the necessity of individualized, target-group-specific, and dialogical communication to ensure public acceptance. Approaches such as Living Labs and strategic Citizen Science aim to meet these demands.

Inspired by the concept of the digital twin, which serves as a virtual representation of real systems and is used to adapt and improve the outgoing research design through its continuous feedback, the presentation introduces the idea of a "communication twin." This approach encourages the early integration of relevant societal and political target groups, whose dialogical feedback could help optimize research projects. Early integration could strengthen trust in scientific findings and increase the acceptance of innovations by considering the needs and perspectives of the target groups, since they are taken into account in advance. This could also boost the relevance of research and enhance the likelihood of political support and implementation of innovations into concrete measures and actions.

However, this integrative approach also poses challenges, particularly regarding the preservation of academic freedom. The presentation examines how to balance societal and political integration with scientific independence, using a current example of strategic science communication for a new soil-plant climate simulator for the agriculture of the future. Based on the communication twin concept, the presentation showcases best practice examples tailored to various target groups, including leading researchers in the field, policymakers, media and the interested public, and youth education.

Finally, the presentation will invite discussion with a focus on the political target group: How can more activities at the science-policy interface be initiated based on the presented concept to incorporate feedback optimally and dialogically into projects? The talk encourages the audience to collaboratively explore new ways to design effective and sustainable science communication.

How to cite: Ludwig, M.-I.: What Science Communication Can Learn from the Digital Twin, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8595,, 2025.

EGU25-8828 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.1

MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap 

Agnieszka Jędruch, Jacek Bełdowski, Jaromir Jakacki, Edyta Łońska, Jacek Fabisiak, and Anita Künitzer

The Baltic Sea is a vital marine environment, serving not only the nations that border it but also an estimated 100 million people who rely on its resources. However, this region faces a significant environmental and safety challenge due to submerged munitions from historical conflicts. These remnants pose severe risks to marine biodiversity, maritime activities, the economic viability of seafood industries, and the overall health of the Baltic marine ecosystem.

MUNIMAP, the Baltic Sea Munition Remediation Roadmap, is a pioneering initiative aimed at addressing these challenges. The project's primary goal is to develop a modular, adaptable roadmap tailored to the specific conditions and needs of individual countries in the region. This roadmap outlines comprehensive strategies for policy development, site selection, monitoring, and the implementation of effective remediation methods.

The MUNIMAP initiative is supported by an international consortium of 42 organizations from 9 countries around the Baltic Sea. This diverse group includes scientists, public administrators, and practitioners who have long been engaged in addressing underwater munitions issues. Key stakeholders span a wide range of sectors, including environmental management agencies, research institutions, offshore and maritime transportation businesses, public safety organizations, NGOs focused on environmental protection and human rights, tourism industry representatives, underwater heritage protection groups, and local communities such as coastal residents and fishermen.

While collaboration with such a diverse group presents challenges, it also creates a unique opportunity to develop comprehensive solutions. These efforts aim not only to mitigate the immediate risks posed by underwater munitions but also to promote sustainable development and foster cooperative governance across the Baltic Sea region.

How to cite: Jędruch, A., Bełdowski, J., Jakacki, J., Łońska, E., Fabisiak, J., and Künitzer, A.: MUNIMAP: Baltic Sea Munitions Remediation Roadmap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8828,, 2025.

EGU25-9660 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration 

Theresia Bilola, Emmanuel Salmon, Niina Kayhkö, Patricia Nying'uro, Nelly Babere, and Matthew Saunders

Open science is pivotal in advancing climate services in Africa by fostering collaboration, transparency, and innovation. However, significant barriers, such as coordinated research infrastructures, restricted data access and the absence of standardized protocols, impede the development and full utilization of climate services across the continent. The policy cooperation component of the KADI project underscores the critical role of translating science into policy for African climate science. Rapid urbanization and high vulnerability to climate change across all landscapes and sectors demand actionable, locally relevant insights. Science-driven policies empower decision-makers to address cross-sectoral resilience, and adaptation, ensuring sustainable growth while protecting communities from climate risks. We will highlight ways to overcome these challenges by integrating open science,locally driven research and capacity-building into climate services. This allows vulnerable communities to define their needs and participate in developing solutions.

Community-driven approaches such as "citizen sensors" illustrate the transformative potential of leveraging Africa’s digitally skilled youth. For example, participatory air quality campaigns in Cape Town and community mapping projects led by university students in Dar es Salaam highlight how low-cost tools and public engagement can generate robust, critically needed data while promoting local ownership. To replicate and scale such initiatives, standardized data formats, open-access principles, and supportive policy frameworks are essential. 

Knowledge exchange and training are foundational to achieve these goals. Initiatives like the African Group on Earth Observations provide the potential for cross-regional collaboration and skill development. Enhanced exchange programs for scientists, policymakers, and researchers can bridge gaps in expertise and resources, fostering innovative solutions tailored to African contexts. Investments in technical training and mentorship programs for multiple stakeholders such as meteorologists and climatologists will further empower African professionals to lead these climate service projects. 

Policy integration is crucial for embedding climate services into governance frameworks. African policymakers require robust, localized scientific evidence to design effective policies and strengthen their role in international negotiations. Timely, comprehensive, and actionable data must inform decision-making at all levels, addressing the unique needs of rapidly growing cities and diverse stakeholder groups. 

Long-term funding and sustainability are critical challenges that must be addressed through integrated funding mechanisms, public-private partnerships, and south-south collaborations. Successful examples like the Resilience Academy piloted in the KADI project demonstrate the importance of connecting existing networks, providing technical training, and maintaining research infrastructure to ensure continuity. 

Finally, the long-term success of observational networks in Africa requires multi-actor engagement. Collaborative efforts involving youth, civil society, local authorities, and private sector actors can foster inclusive, context-sensitive solutions. By connecting existing resources, scaling proven initiatives, and prioritizing transdisciplinary approaches, Africa can strengthen its leadership and ownership in designing a climate observation network that addresses its unique challenges. This vision aligns with commitments outlined in the AU-EU partnership and highlights the importance of equitable funding, open data access, and data-supported decision-making in building resilience to climate change and advancing sustainable development in Africa.

How to cite: Bilola, T., Salmon, E., Kayhkö, N., Nying'uro, P., Babere, N., and Saunders, M.: Strengthening climate science for policy in Africa: Open Science, low-cost data collection, and multi-level policy integration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9660,, 2025.

“Science does not end when your paper is published, it’s just the beginning”. I heard this statement from an EC policymaker at a previous EGU conference and it really stuck with me.

After a few years of pondering what science for policy is and how to do it, I decided it was time to learn by doing and applied to the “Bluebook” traineeship programme at the European Commission. With quite a competitive entry selection, I was lucky to be accepted in my unit of choice at DG CLIMA, “Foresight, Economic Analysis & Modelling”, where my climate science expertise was very relevant.

During the 5 months i spent within the European Commission in 2024, I split my focus on both greenhouse gas reporting to the UNFCCC - in particular researching how ready Earth Observation-based measurements of greenhouse gases are for policy use - and followed climate science for my DG, contributing to Horizon Europe calls, writing briefings and summaries of latest scientific reports.

I would like to share the lessons I learnt from working at the science-policy interface in DG CLIMA and in contributing to European policymaking in general: what was easier than expected, what was challenging, what I learnt about the relevant ways in which we can support European policymakers, and perhaps provide some inspiration for other scientists to do a traineeship too.

How to cite: Cavitte, M. G. P.:  Immersion in DG CLIMA at the European Commission as a climate scientist: what I learnt, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9833,, 2025.

EGU25-10123 | Orals | EOS4.1

Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project 

Jonathan Bamber

Sea level rise (SLR) is one of the most serious and certain consequences of global heating. Even if we curbed emissions immediately, SLR would continue for decades because of the thermal inertia in the oceans and other parts of the climate system. Predicting future SLR is, however, extremely challenging because of our limited understanding and observations of how the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets will respond to climate change. Understanding present-day and recent past SLR and its drivers can help reduce uncertainties in projections and be used to improve and constrain numerical models.

From 2016-2022, we were funded by the ERC to work on understanding and resolving the constituent drivers of sea level rise during the satellite era and before. Our research was primarily focused on improved understanding and partitioning of the components of SLR during a period where observations were sufficient to resolve the processes. But, within the project we also undertook a novel and unusual study to explore and characterise uncertainties in ice sheet projections using an approach called Structured Expert Judgement (SEJ). This is a probabilistic approach particularly well suited to High Impact Low Probability (HILL) events or processes, such as Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other hazards that are hard or impossible to predict using deterministic modelling. This also applies to ice sheet projections. SEJ is effective at capturing the epistemic uncertainty in these model projections. The research, published in 2019, received a huge amount of (social) media attention that placed it in the top 100 of all papers that year based on Altmetric. Over a period of a few weeks we undertook dozens of live and pre-recorded interviews for global media channels. Much of this exposure was useful and lead to further opportunity but some was also counter-productive, less than ideal and unhelpful. Some of the positives, included presenting our findings at multiple UNFCCC COP meetings, to diplomatic cores, development banks and the public. Here we review some of the key lessons learned from being in the spot light of the media and how to communicate complex, nuanced scientific arguments in a few sound bites or sentences to an audience that has no technical background and may even be, at times, quite hostile.

How to cite: Bamber, J.: Lessons learned from the ERC GlobalMass project, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10123,, 2025.

EGU25-10404 | Orals | EOS4.1

Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction 

Raffaella Russo, Maria Vittoria Gargiulo, Ortensia Amoroso, and Paolo Capuano

An effective Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) strategy relies on collaboration among scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to mitigate risks and enhance societal resilience. Shaping and fostering informed decisions is a pivotal responsibility shared by these groups. Insights from past disasters must be documented and shared transparently, using clear and inclusive language to ensure accessibility. This approach not only identifies challenges policymakers may face in implementation but also addresses barriers from end-users, such as citizens, by promoting understanding and engagement.

The H2020 CORE EU project exemplified this collaborative ethos by developing comprehensive public guidance to enhance community readiness for emergencies. Spanning both pre-event preparedness and post-event recovery, CORE aimed to build a chain of trust, credibility, and engagement among citizens and stakeholders, providing actionable recommendations for policymakers and society.

CORE’s methodology was rooted in a transdisciplinary approach, synthesizing case studies from Europe and beyond, including the L’Aquila earthquake (Italy, 2009), the Manchester Arena bombing (UK, 2017), the Venkatapuram industrial accident (India, 2020), Aude region flash flooding (France, 2018), the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami (Japan, 2011), the Jerusalem wildfire (Israel, 2021), and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2023). By analyzing these events, CORE identified best practices, enabling scalable and adaptable resilience strategies across diverse contexts.

Key to CORE’s success is bridging the gap between research and practice. Stakeholder workshops, such as those held in Brussels and Rome, highlighted the importance of collaborative knowledge transfer. The project also fostered long-term relationships between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring sustained engagement and continuity despite personnel changes.

By uniting scientific rigor, policy relevance, and community involvement, the CORE project provided a robust framework for DRR. Its outputs, including practical tools and policy guidelines, empower communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. CORE demonstrated that effective DRR hinges on a seamless collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and practitioners, ensuring that disaster management is not only reactive but also anticipatory and inclusive. This integrated approach builds trust, fosters resilience, and equips societies to navigate future crises with confidence and cohesion.


This work has been supported by the CORE ("sCience and human factor for Resilient sociEty") project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 101021746.

How to cite: Russo, R., Gargiulo, M. V., Amoroso, O., and Capuano, P.: Building Resilience Through Collaboration: Insights and Strategies from the CORE Project for Disaster Risk Reduction, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10404,, 2025.

The UK has a well-established system of Chief Scientific Advisors (CSAs) who advise the UK Government on science relevant to policy development and implementation. There is also a much more recently established group of Thematic Research Leads (TRLs) who support Parliament in their policy scrutiny activities. (Here, “Government” refers to the Prime Minister and other Ministers who run the country with the support of the (very large) Civil Service; “Parliament” refers to all Members of Parliament (MPs) in the House of Commons (HoC) and all Peers who sit in the House of Lords (HoL) who scrutinise, and can support or oppose Government motions and policies, with the support of a (relatively small) Parliamentary staff.)

I was appointed as the Climate and Environment TRL in 2024, alongside 7 other experts in other fields, to support the work of Parliament for a 2 year period. I have used the position to support parliamentary activities by bringing in high-quality evidence and new voices on climate and environmental issues, particularly in my area of research: climate change adaptation. I believe that adaptation is relatively poorly represented and examined in Government and Parliament by the relevant Parliamentary staff, MPs and Peers.

I have been particularly involved with Select Committees (SCs), which play a major part in the UK Parliament’s scrutiny role and are a particular area where relevant research expertise and a strong link to the academic community has benefits. SCs hold inquiries into significant and emerging issues that impact the work of individual government departments or on issues that cut across departments. In my role, I have helped various SCs scope out future inquiries, identified, encouraged and supported academic researchers (and others) to submit written evidence and agree to attend oral evidence sessions, contributed my own expertise where relevant, and supported the SC members and staff in drafting the final reports. These SC reports have an important place in the UK system as the Government is required to respond to the report and consider the recommendations that they make.

I have also contributed to: the research and writing of HoC and HoL Library and Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology briefings on important and emerging climate and environment issues for members; arranged and contributed to training and knowledge exchange events for Parliamentary staff; supported staff in answering direct queries from members; and worked on similar initiatives with the devolved Parliaments of the UK’s nations (i.e. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales).

This presentation reflects on the TRL experience, with a particular focus on general lessons for engaging with Parliamentarians.

How to cite: Russell, A.: Enhancing the use of climate and environment evidence in the UK Parliament for policy scrutiny, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-10670,, 2025.

EGU25-11182 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme 

Alexandre Anesio, Liane G. Benning, Martyn Tranter, Jason E. Box, and Robert S. Fausto

The ERC Synergy project, DEEP PURPLE, has provided since 2020 crucial information about biological, chemical, and physical processes associated with the ice surface melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS), along with ground truth data of biological impurities on the ice. Biological darkening of the ice is fundamentally important because albedo serves as the primary determinant of the surface melt within the ice sheet under a specific climate. Over the period since the commencement of satellite observations in 1981, there has been a consistent decline in the Greenland ice albedo. DEEP PURPLE has demonstrated that biological growth on the ice is not limited by nutrients and it is very likely that biological darkening of the ice will continue inland on the GrIS as climate becomes warmer. As a result from DEEP PURPLE, the Danish Ministry for Climate, Energy and Utilities has financed PROMBIO since 2023, which is a programme for monitoring biological impurities on the GrIS. PROMBIO has successfully developed a methodology for collecting various impurities, including biological substances, from the surface ice and sampling was implemented across 13 weather stations. The resulting data is integrated into the PROMICE database, which is a well-established monitoring programme measuring the GrIS mass balance in near real-time. PROMBIO and DEEP PURPLE collaborates to enhance coverage of both biological and abiotic impurities, improving our understanding of the interplay between climatic factors and physical, chemical, and biological processes, contributing to more accurate climate models and predictions of future melt rates. The combined data from DEEP PURPLE and PROMBIO indicate that the duration of bare ice is a critical factor in the abundance of biological impurities, and different regions of the Greenland ice sheet exhibit varying primary mechanisms for darkening. These findings underscore the complexity of factors driving ice darkening and highlight the need for continued monitoring to inform climate models and policy decisions. The combined fundamental research and monitoring programme presented here will increase certainty on the predictions of the GrIS melt that can be used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

How to cite: Anesio, A., Benning, L. G., Tranter, M., Box, J. E., and Fausto, R. S.: Insights into the biological darkening of the Greenland Ice Sheet: from fundamental research to a monitoring programme, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11182,, 2025.

EGU25-12154 | Orals | EOS4.1

ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center 

Alberto Michelini, Giovanna Forlenza, Rocio Baró, Gerhard Wotawa, Pascal Brovelli, Susan Loughlin, Nicos Melis, Lauro Rossi, Michaela Mikuličková, Henri Nyman, Ramiro Romero, Giuseppe Salerno, Alexandru Tiganescu, and Marco Olivieri and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team

The ARISTOTLE (All Risk Integrated System TOwards Transboundary hoListic Early warning) - ENHSP (European Natural Hazards Scientific Partnership) project delivers a flexible and scalable 24/7 multi-hazard impact-oriented advice service at global level to the Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations Directorate (DG ECHO). This service responds to the needs of the ERCC to coordinate very rapidly the delivery of assistance to disaster-stricken countries within EU Civil Protection Mechanism both within and outside the European Union (global scale). ARISTOTLE harnesses operational expertise from nationally mandated scientific institutions and international agencies across Europe to provide multi-hazard, timely and authoritative scientific assessment on natural disasters related to volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunami, severe weather, flooding and wildfires.

The service provided by ARISTOTLE operates in three modes; i) emergency (ERM), ii) routine monitoring (ROM) and iii) scientific expertise  on-demand (SEOD) service. The ERM provides a comprehensive scientific assessment and advice to the ERCC within three hours from the activation. The ERM report can be full or lite depending on the specific nature of the hazard assessed; in both the cases, the weather conditions are always reported. The ROM is designed to provide a day-to-day, global scale, scientific assessment of the developing natural hazards. This service is provided three times per week and it is important for the prompt identification of critical areas (e.g., hurricanes, major floodings, major wildfires). Lastly, the SEOD service stems from the experience of the Consortium personnel and it serves the ERCC to have direct scientist support in the case of major critical situations. This service is offered through various means and modalities both in presence at the ERCC headquarters and remotely.

As examples of success, ARISTOTLE i) has supported the ERCC during the 2023 M7.8 and M7.6 Türkiye earthquakes and their sequence providing both earthquake assessment reports plus a daily meteorological support for their field deployment; ii) provided specific adjournments on the weather conditions in Ukraine with the outbreak of the 2022 war; iii) an ARISTOTLE wildfire unit is seasonally deployed in person in Brussels during the summer period and embedded in the ERCC’ Wildfire Support Team.

ARISTOTLE includes 23 partner institutions from 14 EU and non-EU Countries and from European international organizations operating in the Meteorological and Geophysical domains. To our best knowledge, ARISTOTLE is the first 24/7 virtual emergency room for multi-hazard assessment operating at global scale. ARISTOTLE remains a unique and world leading service and there is truly nothing internationally which even comes close to replicating a multi-national partnership which provides 'actionable' advice for operational purposes.

How to cite: Michelini, A., Forlenza, G., Baró, R., Wotawa, G., Brovelli, P., Loughlin, S., Melis, N., Rossi, L., Mikuličková, M., Nyman, H., Romero, R., Salerno, G., Tiganescu, A., and Olivieri, M. and the ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Team: ARISTOTLE-ENHSP Project: a multi-hazard scientific expert assessment service for the EC Emergency Response Coordination Center, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12154,, 2025.

EGU25-12220 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts 

Alessio Rovere, Sonia Bejarano, Patrick Boyden, Ciro Cerrone, Denovan Chauveau, Silas Dean, Nikos Georgiou, Deirdre D. Ryan, Karla Rubio-Sandoval, and Christian Wild

The Last Interglacial (125 ka) was the most recent period in Earth’s history when global temperatures were approximately 1°C higher than pre-industrial levels, with polar regions experiencing a warming of 3–5°C. This warmer climate led to smaller ice sheets, higher sea levels, and significant shifts in atmospheric and oceanic patterns, including changes in temperature and seasonality. Such changes likely influenced coastal dynamics, altering prevailing winds, wave regimes, and coastal ecosystems like coral reefs. These transformations are preserved in the geological record, providing valuable insights into the potential future of our coasts in a warming world. Proper interpretation of these records can offer invaluable insights for policymakers and stakeholders seeking to address the challenges of coastal adaptation to modern climate change.

This presentation is a contribution to the WARMCOASTS project, which has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n. 802414) and to the project “Frozen in time: ecology of paleo reefs”, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 468589501

How to cite: Rovere, A., Bejarano, S., Boyden, P., Cerrone, C., Chauveau, D., Dean, S., Georgiou, N., Ryan, D. D., Rubio-Sandoval, K., and Wild, C.: The Last Interglacial (125 ka): clues to the future of a warming world and its coasts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12220,, 2025.

EGU25-15856 | Orals | EOS4.1

From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany 

Sina Bold, Carina Juretzek, and Ben Schmidt

Human activities are increasing in the marine environment causing underwater noise. The most intense source of underwater noise is pile driving during construction of offshore wind farms. This might disturb marine mammals, such as the harbour porpoise. Therefore, measures to prevent and mitigate underwater noise are necessary.

In order to be effective such measures should be regulated. However, regulators have to demonstrate and assess the applicability, efficiency and effectiveness of mitigation measures. This requires scientific knowledge on the impact of underwater noise while the normative aspects of noise mitigation have to be considered.

Since 2008, operators have to comply with limits for pile driving noise during the construction of offshore wind farms in Germany. Since 2011, they have to use technical noise abatement systems. The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) approves offshore wind farms and monitors underwater noise in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

Since 2017, BSH operates the expert tool MarinEARS, which includes the scientific basis for regulating underwater noise. The data shows that the regulations have been successful in the recent years. Underwater noise affected less than 10 percent of the German EEZ at any time, including adjacent nature conservation areas.

Here, BSH outlines a step-wise approach to establish a regulatory framework for pile driving noise and to implement mitigation measures in practice. It highlights the successful cooperation between science, authorities and industry in recent years to minimise the impact of underwater noise on the marine environment.

These lessons learnt from addressing underwater noise from the construction of offshore wind farms, are currently being transferred to underwater noise from e.g. shipping and the operation of offshore wind farms. Furthermore, the EU issued for the first time thresholds to limit underwater noise in European waters in 2022.

BSH plays also a crucial role in the development of European threshold values and the standardised evaluation of underwater noise. This is important for making the assessment of underwater noise comparable and reproducible. In this way, common goals for the protection and sustainable use of the seas can be set in the future.

How to cite: Bold, S., Juretzek, C., and Schmidt, B.: From Science to Policy: Addressing Underwater Noise in Germany, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15856,, 2025.

EGU25-16928 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action 

Joonas Merikanto, Gerhard Krinner, Antti-Ilari Partanen, and Johannes Wagner

Evidence-based climate policies are essential for addressing the multifaceted challenges of climate change. To shape these policies effectively, it is crucial to align scientific research and innovation with the needs of policymakers, ensuring that decisions are grounded in robust, high-impact evidence. The EU-funded Coordination and Support Action MAGICA (Maximizing the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action) aims to develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the European Research Area (ERA) for the 2025-2034 period, identifying critical research priorities that will help inform climate policies and action to achieve both European and international climate goals. This includes supporting the EU in becoming climate-neutral and climate-resilient by 2050, and in delivering on the targets set by the Paris Agreement.

To identify priority research areas that are scientifically and politically relevant for effective climate policy and action, four working groups have been established. One group is in charge of advancing the understanding of the climate system to assess how climate may change in the future, understand regional impacts, and inform effective adaptation and mitigation strategies. The core themes of the Priority Area on key climate processes, observations and modelling include:

  • improving process understanding of the climate system,
  • enhancing data collection and management, and
  • advancing methodological developments for climate modelling and scenario prediction.

To inform these priorities, a rigorous stock-taking methodology has been employed, drawing from key documents such as the IPCC’s AR6 report, WCRP’s Future of Climate Modelling reports, and consultations with the wider climate science community. This process has resulted in the identification of high, medium, and low-priority research and innovation gaps based on their urgency, impact, scale, and relevance to EU policies. The prioritisation also considers the feasibility of addressing these gaps within existing funding structures, with an eye on potential new funding models and the engagement of relevant stakeholders.

This presentation at the EGU 2025 will serve as a platform for co-production of knowledge. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with the proposed research and innovation priorities and contribute their perspective to refining existing SRIA proposal. By fostering dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and other societal actors and inviting their input, the proposed research priorities will be refined. Ultimately, the aim is to build a collective vision for the strategic research priorities that will help Europe achieve its ambitious climate goals and strengthen the science-policy interface for climate action.

How to cite: Merikanto, J., Krinner, G., Partanen, A.-I., and Wagner, J.: Strategic research and innovation priorities in climate sciences to inform climate policy and climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16928,, 2025.

EGU25-17166 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport 

Cristina Deidda, Nevena Gavalyugova-Bolsi, and Wim Thiery

Working with policymakers presents a valuable opportunity for researchers to increase their impact and effectively support stakeholders and decision-makers. Scientific results and analyses are essential to guide and inform decisions regarding, for example, climate adaptation and mitigation measures.  However, this collaboration comes with both rewards and challenges, ranging from differences in language and methodology to mismatched timelines. The pace and demands of working with policymakers often differ significantly from the timelines and workflows typically followed in academic research.

In this presentation, I share my experience as a researcher for the Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport of the European Commission (DG MOVE). I was involved in a Support study on the climate adaptation and cross-border investment needs to realise the TEN-T networkThe study was conducted within a consortium comprising private companies and universities, focusing on the exposure and impact of climate change on European transport infrastructure. Using ISIMIP climate model simulations, we calculated the exposure of the TEN-T network to floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, and tropical cyclones. The results were presented at the Connecting Europe Days 2024 in Brussels, in front of a large audience of policymakers and politicians. The output was a report published for the European Commission. The aim of the project was to inform and guide policymakers on the urgency of considering the increasing impacts of climate extremes when investing in the European Transport Network.

From this experience, several strategies and best practices can be highlighted to facilitate effective collaboration with policymakers and institutions. These lessons learned can serve as examples to ensure productive and impactful partnerships in similar contexts.



How to cite: Deidda, C., Gavalyugova-Bolsi, N., and Thiery, W.: Bridging Science and Policy: Insight from the collaboration with DG-MOVE (European Commission) on Climate-Resilient Transport, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17166,, 2025.

EGU25-17814 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate 

Daniela I.V. Domeisen, Dominik Büeler, Maria Pyrina, Rachel Wu, Ana M. Vicedo-Cabrera, Saskia Willemse, Adel Imamovic, Christoph Spirig, and Philippe Tobler

Under climate change, extreme weather events such as heatwaves now increasingly occur in places that did not experience such extremes in the past. Recurrent and sustained extreme heat can affect many different domains, from health, especially in the vulnerable part of the population, to agriculture (e.g., through drought), energy production and usage, and mountain infrastructure (e.g., through permafrost thawing). These societal impacts of heatwaves could be mitigated to some extent by region-specific planning and warnings. Currently, heatwave warnings are typically issued hours to a few days in advance. However, the time it takes countries, municipalities, and institutions to prepare for heatwaves is often longer than the current timescale of issuing warnings. Preparation measures include the provision of cooling centers, reaching out to the vulnerable population, providing drinking water, or rescheduling outdoor work. This discrepancy between required and available lead times may also explain why heat health action plans for responsible actors to take appropriate and timely measures are often missing. Any extension of these lead times may convince communities of the usefulness of developing such plans in the long-run and better prepare for heatwaves and other weather extremes in the short-run. Strikingly, heatwaves are the most predictable extreme weather events, in principle allowing for lead times and hence warnings of several weeks, i.e., considerably longer than the currently used warning timescales. This contribution explores to what extent the potential for extended planning and warning horizons may contribute to improved policies, planning, actions, and interactions between science and stakeholders given the increasing threats and impacts from extreme heat events under climate change.

How to cite: Domeisen, D. I. V., Büeler, D., Pyrina, M., Wu, R., Vicedo-Cabrera, A. M., Willemse, S., Imamovic, A., Spirig, C., and Tobler, P.: Preparing for extreme heat events in a changing climate, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17814,, 2025.

On the interface between research, public relations and politics the German Environment Agency (UBA) is working. They offer evidence-based policy advice for decision-makers at subnational, national and international level, carry out tenders for research projects and publish information material for journalists and citizens. One of its fields of work is climate change. This work at the interface between science, society and policy is presented here using the topic Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) as an example. Climate change itself is a multilayered subject and the concept of solar geoengineering is accordingly complex, both in its atmospheric-physical basics and in social dimensions due to enormous risks. It takes transdisciplinary approaches to cover all facets of this sensitive topic. Hence, the number and financial resources of research projects on SRM are increasing. And yet there are considerable uncertainties and it is questionable whether these can ever be resolved. Furthermore, the undisputable risks of SRM would be sufficient to reject SRM and focus finance and attention fully on mitigation and adaptation. But, due to progressing climate crisis, the search for solutions continues and SRM is brought into play by individual researchers and thinktanks as a supposed techno-fix. As consequence, decision-makers are forced to formulate positions on SRM in political fora. Also, public institutions publish reports about SRM. Those recently gained media attention. Journalists might not always be able to adequately explain the complex interrelationships of SRM approaches in their media narrative, hence causing uncertainty among citizens. Here, UBA's information material on SRM is presented as a transparent source of information for journalists and citizens to make them aware of the potential risks associated with SRM and how it is used for science-based policy advice.

How to cite: Bronkalla, L.: Engagement at the society-science-policy interface at the German Environment Agency (using Solar Radiation Modification as an example), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17850,, 2025.

EGU25-18613 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions  

Prachee Majumder, Dr. Katharina Sielemann, Dr. Matthias Winkler, Dr. Christian Anton, and Marie Heidenreich

Methane, the second most significant greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide under the Kyoto Protocol, has a climate impact of over 100 times stronger than CO₂ during its roughly 10-year atmospheric lifespan. Major sources include biological processes in anaerobic conditions, such as thawing permafrost, ruminants, wetlands, and landfills, as well as underestimated emissions from fossil fuel extraction (IPCC, 2007). In June 2024, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union introduced a methane regulation that aims to prevent the avoidable release of methane into the atmosphere and minimize methane leaks by fossil energy companies operating within the EU.

To support the national implementation of the European regulation on methane emissions in Germany with evidence-based insights, the Leopoldina, German National Academy of Sciences, and Helmholtz Earth & Environment joined forces to host a parliamentary breakfast on October 17, 2024 at the Bundestag. This initiative aimed to support informed policy decision-making and highlight the importance of reducing methane emissions. Policy recommendations included developing a National Methane Strategy to implement the EU Methane Regulation and meet Global Methane Pledge targets, reducing livestock numbers while promoting plant-based diets, establishing comprehensive methane monitoring systems, utilizing satellite analyses to detect and address large leaks, repairing aging urban gas pipelines, and prioritizing gas imports from suppliers with the lowest upstream emissions (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). Together, these measures aim to provide a robust, data-driven approach to significantly reduce methane emissions. The event was accompanied by a factsheet that was published during the event. After the parliamentary breakfast, the exchange continued with e.g., a dialogue of the two research institutions with policymakers and the Federal Environment Agency on emissions reporting and inventory.

The final evaluation of the parliamentary event highlighted the participants' appreciation for the "clearly summarised facts" and the "reference to short-term opportunities for success." The presentations were commended for being "short, clear, understandable," and for offering "concrete possible solutions." Contributions from members of the Bundestag and various parliamentary groups underscored the need for rapid, decisive, and scientifically grounded implementation of the EU Methane Regulation and related national measures to meet climate targets (Leopoldina und SynCom, 2024). The event demonstrated the potential for collaboration between science and politics in advancing effective climate protection.


IPCC. (2007). Climate Change 2007 - The Physical Science Basis, Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC. Cambridge University Press.

Leopoldina und SynCom, H. E. (2024). Die Klimawirkung von Methan ‒ eine unterschätzte Gefahr. Factsheet. doi:

How to cite: Majumder, P., Sielemann, Dr. K., Winkler, Dr. M., Anton, Dr. C., and Heidenreich, M.: Forging Collaborations for Sustainable Climate Futures: A Parliamentary Event on Methane Emissions , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18613,, 2025.

EGU25-19573 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society. 

Véronique Dehant, Mioara Mandea, and Anny Cazenave

Improving and standardizing Earth's reference frames to achieve an accuracy of 1 millimeter (mm) and a long-term stability of 0.1 mm/year, as mandated by United Nations Resolution 69/266, is critical for numerous scientific and societal applications. For instance, precise determination of geocenter motion and satellite orbits is essential for accurately quantifying sea-level changes using satellite altimetry. Similarly, monitoring tectonic movements and crustal deformations for geophysical research demands this level of precision. Achieving such accuracy is vital for advancing our understanding of Earth's dynamic processes, improving natural hazard assessments, and supporting civilian applications such as navigation, positioning, and geospatial data geo-referencing.

A deep understanding of Earth's rotation, including periodic orientation changes known as nutations, underpins these goals. The current nutation model, adopted internationally in 2000, requires updating to incorporate the latest scientific insights. The GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant seeks to enhance our understanding of Earth's core dynamics, a key driver of reference frame and Earth rotation modeling. By integrating cutting-edge geophysical knowledge, refining computational techniques, leveraging insights from GRACEFUL, and utilizing recent Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) data, we propose significant improvements to these models.

Additionally, we will benefit from the upcoming ESA GENESIS mission, scheduled for launch in 2028. This mission will co-locate four geodetic techniques, enabling a more precise realization of reference frames. The integration of new Earth rotation models and the unprecedented accuracy expected from GENESIS will allow for the determination of geophysical observables with unparalleled precision, addressing the pressing societal needs outlined above.

In parallel, the GRACEFUL ERC Synergy Grant facilitated the discovery of a 6-year cycle in the entire Earth system, contributing to significant advancements in our understanding of Earth system's complex dynamics.

How to cite: Dehant, V., Mandea, M., and Cazenave, A.: Synergy Grant GRACEFUL and Repercussions for Society., EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19573,, 2025.

EGU25-19874 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.1

Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy 

Megan O'Donnell and Katie Jones

Engaging successfully with the policymaking process can present challenges to researchers at all stages of their profession but can be particularly off-putting to those in the earlier stages of their career. Consistent engagement from researchers throughout their career is vital to developing best practice for evidence-based policymaking and this relies on a reduction in barriers to knowledge exchange. Welcoming early career researchers (ECR) into the science policy interface helps to address challenges to research dissemination throughout their career, namely a lack of understanding in how to contribute, when to contribute, and feeling emboldened to do so.

This session will explore the challenges and incentives ECR have to engaging with science policy, using our own policy projects to explore what can encourage or discourage people into taking part in our work. This poster will assess the experiences of ECR who have engaged with our projects, looking to provide a framework to guide other learned institutions in their policy work, whilst demonstrating methods of engagement to ECR themselves.

How to cite: O'Donnell, M. and Jones, K.: Barriers and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers Engaging in Science Policy, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19874,, 2025.

EGU25-20673 | Orals | EOS4.1

Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal 

Claire Chenu, Maria Fantappie, Antonio Bispo, Fenny van Egmond, Johanna Wetterlind, Rudi Hessel, David Wall, Giovanni Dara Guccione, Avion Philipps, Irene Criscuoli, Anna Besse, and Raisa Gerasina

In response to the lack of dedicated EU legislation addressing soils, the European Commission proposed a Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive in July 2023. This directive aims to set a comprehensive soil monitoring framework in Member States for assessing soil health, with the aspirational goal to have all the soils in a healthy condition by 2050. The EJP SOIL programme is developing research towards climate-smart and sustainable management of agricultural soils, addressing topics very relevant to the proposed directive, such as the definition of soil health, soil health indicators, the effect of agricultural management on soil properties and functions, the harmonisation of soil information and that of soil monitoring systems. The EJP SOIL got heavily involved at the science to policy interface in reacting to and supporting this proposal. Concrete outputs are use of the EJP SOIL results, and their citation, in the Impact Assessment associated with the law proposal, in EU Parliament proposed amendments, in several Member State feedbacks to the Commission and in the compromise text of the law.

This experience allowed to identify elements of a successful contribution of science to policy. The scope and activity of the EJP SOIL programme and its timing matched particularly well the directive proposal timeline. The anchoring of the programme at the national level, research institutes and universities being mandated by ministries and national hubs of stakeholders having been implemented was an asset. The EJP SOIL realised, in its first years, a number of stocktakes, i.e. systematic assessments, in 24 European countries, of the state of play of soil issues. For example, existing national soil databases, national rules for sharing soil information, soil quality indicators used by Member states, characteristics of the existing national soil monitoring systems, national fertilisation guidelines, and other items were systematically investigated. This provided a solid baseline information for policy makers. Furthermore, the programme research results were periodically discussed in the partnership to collectively elaborate policy relevant syntheses and messages, which were shared in a series of dedicated policy workshops. In addition, consultation channels provided by the commission (call for evidence, public consultations) were used by the programme as well as direct interaction with Commission services.

Overall, the EJP SOIL succeeded in mainstreaming the research effort and contributing to support effective policy development. It is still a learning process, challenging for scientists, who need to understand the policy needs, to deal with the different time scales of research and policy, to come to a consensus regarding research results, to communicate correctly about uncertainty and complexity of the topics and to set an ad-hoc dissemination to policy makers and soil stakeholders.

How to cite: Chenu, C., Fantappie, M., Bispo, A., van Egmond, F., Wetterlind, J., Hessel, R., Wall, D., Dara Guccione, G., Philipps, A., Criscuoli, I., Besse, A., and Gerasina, R.: Strengthening policy through science: the contribution of the EJP SOIL programme to EU Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive Proposal, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20673,, 2025.

EGU25-20762 | Posters on site | EOS4.1

Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys 

Sonia Talwar, Steve Hill, Julie Hollis, William Cunningham, Tirza van Daalen, and Young Joo Lee and the World Community of Geological Surveys

National geological surveys face continued demand for science advice as nations position themselves for economic prosperity, resilience, and innovation throughout the challenges facing the 21st century.  Credible science practice, analytical innovations, big data and artificial intelligence applied to geoscience challenges pave the way for an exciting future. It is also a future that will require national geological surveys to continue to advise governments of the policy impacts from foundational and targeted geoscience research programs.  The World Community of Geological Surveys brings together the leadership from national and regional geological survey organizations from around the world to highlight the crucial role that geological survey organizations exercise to generate policy and societal impact from foundational and problem-directed national research programs in areas such as critical minerals, energy transition, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction.   Through case study exemplars, common challenges in the role of geoscience in the science-policy continuum will be illustrated.

How to cite: Talwar, S., Hill, S., Hollis, J., Cunningham, W., van Daalen, T., and Lee, Y. J. and the World Community of Geological Surveys: Geological survey organizations, fundamental research and national science advice: views from the World Community of Geological Surveys, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20762,, 2025.

Humans craft insights through "social processes pertaining to the production, preservation, accumulation, circulation, and appropriation of knowledge" (1 p.429). Insights and related practices shape the socio-ecological niche humans live in. Partaking makes social processes (practices) effective. Promoting geoethics for inspiring politics is founded upon the following:

Earth: Contemporary societies connect Earth into a single complex-adaptive social-ecological system2 through global supply chains, an all-embracing division of labour, a planetary technosphere, and a worldwide knowledge system3. Cycles of matter, energy, and information tie socio-economic systems and the planet's physical and biological systems. The hegemonic contemporary culture tackles Nature as a cheap, nearly unlimited resource, nourishing the primary narrative of planetary-scale anthropogenic change.

World: The human condition, agency and practices encompass reproduction, work, and governance, regardless of the role a specific individual, collective, or institution human agent has at a given time and place. Using Hannah Arendt's analysis of the human condition4, laborans tell of the struggle for biological and social reproduction (at subsistence or affluence levels). Homo-fabers' story is about building and operating the technosphere. Zoo politikons embody civism, a citizen's political and cultural virtues and sentiments.

Rupture: Over the past few centuries, homo-faber has built a planetary technosphere conceived by zoon-politikons of primarily European origin5,6. The onset of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change7, i.e. the Anthropocene, terminates peoples' unintentional impact on Earth. Instead8, it challenges the zoon-politikons and homo-fabers to secure lasting reproduction for all.

Practice: Geo-societal narratives acknowledge inequality, i.e. people (human agents) acting as laborans, homo-fabers or zoon-politikons, and power relations, i.e. zoon-politikon's political and cultural perspectives guide homo faber's engineering of the technosphere, which determines laborans' experience of Earth System dynamics. Comparative justice requires partaking in crafting narratives.

The Earth scientists' conventional narratives encompass socio-economic development (e.g. production of goods, living conditions), individual well-being and cultural values, e.g. favouring the sustainable functioning of the telluric Earth System, and cultural or metaphysical perspectives like the evolution of life-bearing planets. However, informing the handling of disruptive planetary-scale anthropogenic change, i.e. going political, Earth scientists' narratives are about the geo-societal, i.e. they must recognize people's labour to reproduce biologically and socially, people's work to build and run the technosphere, and people's acts as citizens.

  • 1) Renn, J. The Evolution of Knowledge - Rethinking Science for the Anthropocene. (Princeton University Press, 2020).
  • 2) Otto, I. M. et al. Human agency in the Anthropocene. Ecol. Econ. 167, 106463 (2020).
  • 3) Rosol, C., Nelson, S. & Renn, J. Introduction: In the machine room of the Anthropocene. Anthr. Rev. 4, 2–8 (2017).
  • 4) Arendt, H. The Human Condition. (The University of Chicago Press, 1958).
  • 5) Mokyr, J. A Culture of Growth. (Princeton University Press, 2016). doi:10.1515/9781400882915
  • 6) Reinhard, W. Die Unterwerfung der Welt - Globalgeschichte der Europäischen Expansion 1415-2015. (Verlag C.H. Beck oHG, 2016).
  • 7) Summerhayes, C. P. et al. The future extent of the Anthropocene epoch: A synthesis. Glob. Planet. Change 242, 104568 (2024).
  • 8) Hamilton, C. Defiant Earth - The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene. (Wiley, Polity Press, 2017).

How to cite: Bohle, M.: Geo-societal Agency and Narratives: Framing the Human Condition, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-65,, 2025.

The divide between the Global North and South in the geosciences has been recognized as one of the most pressing challenges of our time. It is widely accepted that this gap must be addressed through visionary leadership and strategic initiatives that draw upon the unparalleled expertise and resources concentrated within Global North institutions. A comprehensive framework is proposed here to foster equity and collaboration, ensuring the participation of scholars from all regions while maintaining the highest standards of academic rigor.

Three critical pillars for bridging this divide have been identified. First, the deployment of expert teams from the North to train local researchers in the Global South should be prioritized during global fieldwork, as this model has consistently proven effective for capacity building. Second, the importance of performative Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) measures must be emphasized, including symbolic appointments and one-time funding schemes designed to raise awareness of systemic inequities. Finally, conferences and workshops should continue to be held in the Global North, ensuring logistical convenience and robust participation. For those unable to secure visas or travel funds, virtual attendance options can be considered as a viable alternative.

This framework also seeks to address the growing demand for environmental justice in research. By focusing discussions on resilience and adaptation rather than directly referencing complex socio-political histories (avoid using the G-word), a narrative of hope and progress can be fostered. Importantly, the recommendations presented here assume that the Global South operates as a cohesive monolith, enabling streamlined approaches that are universally applicable and unburdened by the complexities of local disparities or intra-regional inequities.

This is satire.

How to cite: Gani, S.: How (not) to Bridge the Global North-South Divide in the Geosciences: A Framework for Impactful Collaboration, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-621,, 2025.

Skeptical Science is a volunteer-run website publishing refutations of climate misinformation. Some members of the Skeptical Science team actively research best-practices refutation techniques while other team members use these findings to share debunking techniques effectively either in writing or through presentations. Skeptical Science is published in English but translation capabilities were added in 2009. Many volunteer translators have taken advantage of this functionality to create content in their native language.  With this submission we highlight what is already available and what the challenges are for such a volunteer-based effort.

Many of the rebuttals to climate myths have been translated into 1 to 28 languages thus far but there's a large variety in how many translations exist for one rebuttal. In addition, many rebuttals have seen updates in their English version which haven't yet found their way into already existing translations.

In addition to providing translations for selected content published as rebuttals or blog posts on Skeptical Science, we also coordinate translations for publications like The Debunking Handbook, The Conspiracy Theory Handbook and the Cranky Uncle game which are then made readily available on our website.

How to cite: Winkler, B.: Making climate science more easily accessible by providing translations on Skeptical Science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1440,, 2025.

EGU25-1809 | Orals | EOS4.3

Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work 

Cornelia E. Nauen and Marcelo Lino Morales Yokobori

Human activities are the major cause for what has been recognized as the 6th Mass Species Extinction. It is thus important to spread knowledge and raise awareness about the issues because we depend on biodiversity in ways that are not always apparent or appreciated. In December 2022, delegates from 196 governments adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The GBF supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and sets out an ambitious pathway towards living in harmony with nature by 2050. Meanwhile, the lengthy ratification process is no guarantee of full enforcement after entry into force. Typically, different interest groups may resist top-down measures affecting them. This is known as the implementation gap of international treaties and agreements. Here we describe a role play intent on matching a key element of the top-down GBF, namely the establishment of interconnected marine protected areas (MPAs), with bottom-up awareness raising and deliberation among diverse stakeholders. Eleven characters of stakeholders have been developed through wide-ranging interviews and literature research. For each stakeholder an information sheet explains the context and his or her role. Based on the interviews, a general introduction and guidance for a moderator is provided together with a tentative schedule. Emphasis is placed on allocating sufficient time for the debriefing after a round of deliberations aiming at consensus towards establishing an effective MPA. The assumption is that the debriefing produces most learning about why biodiversity protection is essential and how to sustain a respectful dialogue process with persons holding different positions from one’s own. A first round of tests with young adults has already generated useful feedback allowing some improvements of the initial set. We propose the role play for wider use as a low-entry support for bottom-up participation in GBF implementation.

How to cite: Nauen, C. E. and Morales Yokobori, M. L.: Protecting Blue Horizons – A role play to make an MPA work, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-1809,, 2025.

EGU25-2334 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region 

Enrico Cameron and Giuseppe Di Capua

Valtellina is an Alpine region in northern Lombardy (Italy) that largely coincides with the basin of the Adda River upstream of Lake Como. The Alps represent a complex, fascinating, and at the same time, vulnerable environment that holds immense importance for scientific research while offering endless opportunities for educational activities based on direct observation. These activities are adaptable to students of all ages. Exploring the geological and geomorphological aspects of the Alpine environment is particularly crucial for understanding their influence on the structure and evolution of the territory, raising awareness of natural hazards, and deepening knowledge of Geological Sciences. The significance of this knowledge has been repeatedly emphasized, especially today, as these disciplines play a fundamental role in addressing current climatic and environmental challenges and promoting sustainability goals. Morbegno, the main center of the Lower Valtellina valley, is home to the Istituto Comprensivo 2 Damiani. In 2020, the lower secondary school of this institute earned the European certification of Alpine School, introducing a curriculum focused on Alpine environmental and socio-economic processes. The program aims to reconnect students with the mountainous territory, fostering awareness of its characteristics, resources, and opportunities. This interdisciplinary educational model integrates the mountain into the learning pathway, involves local stakeholders, and combines the use of technology with hands-on field experiences. Geology, geomorphology, and outdoor education play a pivotal role in the curriculum, further aiming to cultivate a positive engagement with Geological Sciences among young students. The school also seeks to integrate geoethics into the curriculum through educational games, debates, and an inquiry-based approach developed in line with the outcomes of the Geoethics Outcomes and Awareness Learning (GOAL) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU. The proposed contribution aims to showcase the school’s organization and activities, providing inspiration and practical ideas for implementing similar initiatives.


How to cite: Cameron, E. and Di Capua, G.: Bridging Mountains and Minds: An Educational Experience in the Alpine Region, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2334,, 2025.

The switch in definition of the Anthropocene concept first proposed in 2000 in just one year, 2024, from a 1952 varved lake sediment to humanity’s cumulative impacts on the Earth System starting in the Late Pleistocene was an extraordinary development in the geoscience profession. Launched as a traditional Time Scale inquiry, the 2009-2024 journey of the designated Anthropocene Working Group (AWG) became unconventional because of its focus on mid-20th century atomic bomb tests broadly coeval with two dozen accelerating Earth System and socioeconomic trends as well as its premature communications with news media. On 4 March 2024, the AWG proposal for an Anthropocene epoch/series was rejected by the umbrella authorities of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and International Union of Geological Sciences. Their decision was wrongly interpreted by some, including leaders of the former AWG, as a denial of scientific evidence for anthropogenic climate change. This unleashed conflicting news coverage and thus a need for clarifying discourse within geoscience, across related disciplines, as well as across society with its growing anxiety about the Earth’s deteriorating health. The helpful outcome is that the Anthropocene Event uniquely equips Earth Governance, a surging focus of global influencers and authorities, with a holistic Earth-Human Ecosystem framework.


How to cite: Koster, E.: The Anthropocene Event as a holistic framework for Earth Governance, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2621,, 2025.

This presentation explores the concept of 'agency' in the context of climate change through in-depth interviews with scientists. Drawing on Emirbayer and Mische’s (1998) definition of agency as a relational construct influenced by habit, imagination, and judgment, I investigate how scientists articulate their self-perception of agency and the emotions tied to it—such as solidarity, fear, and empowerment.


Leveraging anthropological scholarship on emotions (Hochschild, 1983; Scheer, 2012) and affect theory (Ahmed, 2004; Berlant, 2010), I examine how networks and practices shape these emotional experiences (Mesquita, 2022; Salmela & von Scheve, 2017, 2018). I aim to connect scientists’ reflections on their emotional engagement with emerging ideas of radical care.


The presentation will address the panel question: How can scientific institutions prevent reinforcing the status quo and instead contribute to radical transformations? By analyzing the sociological production of emotions within the scientific community, I hope to uncover new insights into how both movements and scientists can co-produce emotional narratives for greater collective action against climate change.

How to cite: Tyagi, A.: Scientists as agents of 'radical care': 'emotional practices' as changing the way scientists imagine themselves, their peers and, their science, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2876,, 2025.

EGU25-2906 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method 

Silvia Peppoloni and Giuseppe Di Capua

In an increasingly interconnected and vulnerable world, combining pragmatism and relationality in geosciences is essential for addressing environmental challenges ethically and responsibly. Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism (RGP) underpins the method proposed by geoethics, offering tools to manage geological complexities within the context of modern societies. It fosters an integrated perspective where geosciences are closely linked to social responsibility and sustainability.

The geoethics method places respect for the environment, the sustainable management of natural resources, the safety and well-being of current and future generations at its core. It consists of integrating a practical, solution-oriented approach in geosciences with an ethical value system that guides decisions related to the management and human interaction with the Earth system. It focuses on context-specific solutions, applying rigorous scientific methods to the relationships between natural phenomena, societal needs, and decision-making processes in each context.

The fundamental elements of the geoethics method can be outlined as follows:

  • Geoscience knowledge: it is fundamental to understanding natural phenomena and environmental dynamics, addressing challenges related to natural resource management, climate change, and environmental sustainability, and guiding the decision-making process. This knowledge enables accurate risk assessment and resource evaluation, offering objective and reliable data that underpin informed, evidence-based decisions.
  • Interdisciplinarity: environmental issues are inherently complex and demand the integration of knowledge from a wide range of disciplines, including geosciences, social sciences, economics, law, and philosophy. The aim is to cultivate a holistic understanding of both natural systems and social contexts, ensuring that the interventions address the full complexity of the challenges, respecting their multifaceted nature.
  • Responsibility and scientific analysis: geoethics demands all stakeholders to act responsibly, being aware of the consequences of their actions and balancing conflicting interests. The rigorous application of scientific analysis ensures that every decision is based on objective, verifiable, and up-to-date data. By prioritizing science, the geoethics method can navigate the value conflicts and ethical priorities that inevitably arise in decision-making processes.
  • Defining ethical dilemmas and scenarios: The Geoethics Method identifies and analyse ethical dilemmas in human-environment relations, such as balancing economic growth with nature conservation, ensuring intergenerational justice, and protecting vulnerable communities. It facilitates scenario creation by envisioning outcomes of actions and evaluating them against sustainability, equity, and environmental respect.
  • Inclusivity and dialogue: the Geoethics Method promotes the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including scientists, decision-makers, and local communities. This relational approach aims to find a reasonable alignment of values on which to base the choice of the best course of action for a given spatial and temporal context. Every proposed solution must be assessed not only for its technical feasibility but also for its capacity to address the needs and expectations of all stakeholders, thereby creating a dynamic balance between ecological and social concerns.

The Geoethics Method paves the way for responsible actions, helping decision-makers navigate modern challenges and create a geological governance model that seeks to strike a balance between scientific rigor and ethical and social needs.

How to cite: Peppoloni, S. and Di Capua, G.: Relational Geoscientific Pragmatism as the foundation of the Geoethics Method, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-2906,, 2025.

The American Geosciences Institute, through its GRANDE project, has been evaluating how geoscience programs and professionals have leveraged the impacts of natural disasters to expand research and educational opportunities. We used natural disasters as a proxy for climate change impacts to better understand the community’s strategic response to events and risk tolerance to natural hazards. Given the fact that the discipline understands the causes, impacts, and risks of such natural events, we hypothesized that the geoscience community is particularly well-positioned to lead the way in adaptation and mitigation efforts related to climate and hazard impacts in their professional activities.

Within the United States, our findings indicated that between 2000 and 2020 there was no systemic engagement with climate and hazard impacts in terms of research production, research funding, or educational efforts. Additionally, we conducted several surveys regarding individual responses to natural disasters and climate impacts, including a cost-choice analysis of career decisions. The results showed little material response by geoscientists to specific climate impacts and scant consideration of hazard risk when considering job opportunities.

One noteworthy finding in the cost-choice analysis revealed that US geoscientists were more open to jobs in locations with higher risk when salaries increased above $50,000, and especially so when salaries exceeded $100,000 per year.  Except for Millennials, geoscientists across all other generational cohorts consistently opted for jobs with higher salaries regardless of other factors. Those choosing jobs with salaries less than $50,000 per year chose jobs in rural locations with relatively low hazard risk, whereas those choosing higher salary jobs, chose jobs primarily in urban settings, with higher hazard and crime risk. Higher income thresholds appeared to increase risk tolerance overall, with community amenities and resources significantly outweighing environmental risks.

From this analysis, it appears that the US geoscience community is not positioned as a proactive change agent relative to climate impacts on society, and there appears to be no long-term strategic investments in building the research and educational capacity, as well as the labor pool, to meet the expected demand for skilled professionals to address climate change and hazard impacts over the coming decade. Given the increasing frequency and severity of impacts from natural hazards, the cost of a lack of dedicated long-term investment in addressing these issues is staggering. Should the US geoscience community galvanize its focus around addressing climate impacts, the results of this study indicate that financial investments, especially in terms of occupational salaries, must meet a minimum threshold to attract geoscientists into these critical occupations. The drivers of this financial threshold are unknown, but we hypothesize that this is the socially accepted level for fundamental stability for individuals living in the United States, covering expenses such as insurance, healthcare, and housing.

We are interested in engaging in dialogue with colleagues outside of the United States to test whether different social systems provide the needed stability to enable scientists to be more effective agents of change.

How to cite: Keane, C. and Gonzales, L.: The Unfulfilled Potential of U.S. Geoscience: Strategic Gaps in Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Efforts, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3324,, 2025.

EGU25-4220 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena 

Marta López Saavedra and Joan Martí

The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015 – 2030) calls for incorporating science into the policy process. However, this carries the risk of politicizing science, and therefore, may blur the boundaries of the roles of the different risk management actors. These difficulties are aggravated in the context of an emergency or natural disaster, where scientists advise the authorities. In these situations, decision-makers need to respond with the utmost precision to three basic questions: i) what phenomena will occur, ii) when will they occur, and iii) where will they impact? Despite the efforts of the scientific community to conduct increasingly accurate studies on natural events, uncertainty is often high and/or unavoidable. This uncertainty, in an environment of pressure, urgency, and ineffective communication, can lead to the proliferation of non-consensual, incomprehensible, misunderstood, and erroneous information. In an extreme case, it can even aggravate the impact of such a natural disaster (e.g., l’Aquila earthquake in 2009). On the other hand, in a context of climate change—where the magnitude and frequency of many events are increasing—and unstoppable demographic expansion, the trend is towards greater risk. Moreover, the appearance of increasingly complex and strong relationships between different types of events, with the occurrence of concatenations and cascading effects, increases uncertainty, and therefore makes it difficult to design strategies for prevention, action, and recovery. Multi-hazard analyses can help to reduce this uncertainty in the complex scenarios that are plaguing society today and will continue to do in the future. Multi-hazard analyses are a first step towards a transdisciplinary, cross-sectoral, and cross-border multi-risk management plan that is based on scientific knowledge. The greater precision of risk estimation will contribute to better supporting decision-makers, thus implying the ethical communication of information that reduces misunderstanding, thereby contributing to the resilience of societies.

This research was partially funded by the European Commission (EC) EVE grant (DG ECHO Horizon 2020, Ref. 826292) and the CSIC grant MAPCAN (CSIC Ref. 202130E083).

How to cite: López Saavedra, M. and Martí, J.: Multi-hazard analyses and their implications for the defense of society against natural phenomena, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4220,, 2025.

EGU25-4540 | Orals | EOS4.3

Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward 

Billy Williams, Mark Shimamoto, Janice Lachance, and Lexi Shultz

Climate change requires urgent action. Increasingly, the world is considering technology-based climate intervention approaches—often called geoengineering. Many of these approaches are untested and the consequences are not yet well understood. While climate intervention research has been justified as being necessary in order to expand the range of options available to policy makers in the future, and is thus receiving increased research funding and attention, many questions remain on efficacy, risks and potential harm versus potential benefits.

Recognizing the need for guiding principles in this dynamic and sometimes controversial space, in 2022, AGU launched its plan to develop an Ethical Framework for Climate Intervention Research—a code of conduct to guide climate intervention research measures that may be needed in addition to emissions reduction.   The resulting proposed ethical framework principles, facilitated through global community participation, are now publicly available for download in nine languages.  The foundations for these updated principles and associated recommendations, the process by which they were developed, their implications, and the current process for global dissemination and engagement will be discussed. 

How to cite: Williams, B., Shimamoto, M., Lachance, J., and Shultz, L.: Navigating Climate Intervention Research Issues and Opportunities: A Thoughtful and Inclusive Path Forward, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4540,, 2025.

EGU25-4989 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games 

Pimnutcha Promduangsri

As climate change continues to pose challenges, it is important to promote the fields of climate and ocean education and communication.  This poster presents my two Masters research internships.  

For my Master 1 internship, I investigated how climate change is perceived spatially in the city of Nice, taking into account the experiences of both local residents and tourists.  This has highlighted the importance of understanding diverse perspectives in climate communication.

For my Master 2 internship, I examine the ways in which climate change adaptation is mobilised in simulation/games.  My aim is to identify the most suitable games for different purposes, such as facilitating community discussions, supporting decision-making for communities and municipalities and enhancing education in schools. 

I will also present some of the common learning elements of the two internships, as well as difficulties encountered.  Please visit my poster and share your thoughts on educational strategies for addressing climate and ocean challenges.

My Master 2 internship is made possible by the kind support of the following:

  • Futurs-ACT, a regional research network in Nouvelle-Aquitaine;
  • Benoît Sautour, Université de Bordeaux - OASU UAR POREA; 
  • Nicolas Becu, La Rochelle Université, CNRS - LIENSs.


How to cite: Promduangsri, P.: Climate change in two research internships : Spatial perspectives and games, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-4989,, 2025.

The Anthropocene demands a critical reassessment of humanity’s relationship with the Earth, bringing geoethics, geoenvironmental education, and the concept of sense of place to the forefront of sustainable human-Earth interactions. Geoethics addresses the ethical dimensions of these interactions, underscoring the responsibility of geoscientists to advance sustainable practices and raise public awareness of pressing environmental issues. Through a systematic literature review of 98 records across major research databases—including Scopus, Web of Science, ProQuest, and JSTOR—using the keywords "geoethics AND education" and "geoethics AND place" (up to October 2023), 22 eligible studies were identified and analyzed. This review highlighted key themes and research gaps within this interdisciplinary field. Notably, the past decade has witnessed a surge in geoethics research, demonstrating its relevance across domains such as geoconservation and geoeducation. Central to this discourse is the concept of sense of place, which refers to the emotional and cognitive bonds individuals form with specific locations. Cultivating a strong sense of place is crucial for fostering environmentally responsible behaviors and civic engagement. In this context, geoenvironmental education emerges as a powerful mechanism for nurturing such connections. By fostering appreciation for local environments and integrating ethical considerations into the study of the geoenvironment, geoeducation bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and lived experience. Despite the evident interconnectedness of geoethics, sense of place, and geoenvironmental education, research examining their integration within educational frameworks remains scarce. Empirical studies that explicitly link these concepts in pedagogical settings are particularly lacking, underscoring an urgent area for future research. Priority should be given to developing effective tools for assessing the impact of geoethical education on students' environmental attitudes and behaviors. Fostering collaborations among geoscientists, educators, ethicists, and policymakers is imperative for establishing comprehensive frameworks that promote sustainability and ethical decision-making. Integrating the ethical dimensions of geoscience practices into educational curricula is vital for embedding geoethics as a cornerstone of geoenvironmental literacy. By embracing diverse perspectives and pedagogical methodologies, we can enhance the scope and impact of geoethics. Linking geoethics with geoenvironmental education and sense of place deepens our understanding of the ethical responsibilities individuals and communities bear toward the Earth. This integrative approach not only strengthens environmental stewardship but also lays the groundwork for a more sustainable and resilient society.

How to cite: Koupatsiaris, A. A. and Drinia, H.: Integrating Geoethics, Geoeducation, and Sense of Place: Nourishing Sustainable Human-Earth Practices in the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6298,, 2025.

EGU25-7054 | Orals | EOS4.3

From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency   

Sylvain Kuppel, Cécile H Albert, Nicolas Champollion, Mathieu Chassé, Émilie Dassié, Laure Guérit, Françoise Immel, Émilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Christophe Peugeot, and Irene Schimmelpfennig

In light of the major socio-environmental challenges of our time, ensuring a safe and just world for humans and non-humans calls for profound changes in our societies. According to the 6th IPCC WG3 report, the scale and speed of actions required to keep global warming below +2°C are unparalleled at both individual and institutional levels. Consequently, no sector nor activity - whether in the Global North or in countries moving toward similar economic trajectories - should be exempt from critical reflection on its suitability for sustainable practices. This also includes scientific research, particularly our Geosciences community at large, which not only brings to light the above challenges, but also increasingly calls for decisive action. Geoscientist communities must therefore critically reflect on the societal impact of their findings and their research practices. These considerations are being increasingly raised by ethics committees at universities and research institutes, as well as in a growing number of opinion pieces, publications, and other forms of expressions within our communities. Here we present our experience of making this pressing issue a standalone chapter in the upcoming 5-year prospective document published by the French Continental Surfaces and Interfaces research community (in French, SIC), coordinated through the French state research organization (CNRS). This marks a significant difference from previous SIC prospective editions where such reflections were largely absent. Here, we address the environmental responsibilities, strategic actions, and systemic transformations required to align SIC research with sustainability goals while maintaining scientific relevance. We argue that the community must uphold transparency and ethical leadership to ensure a balance between the environmental benefits and impacts of research. We also reflect on the potential challenges that arise from reconciling such ethical commitment with the future scientific and instrumental challenges and priorities for the future.

How to cite: Kuppel, S., Albert, C. H., Champollion, N., Chassé, M., Dassié, É., Guérit, L., Immel, F., Jardé, É., Jeanneau, L., Peugeot, C., and Schimmelpfennig, I.: From carbon to societal footprint : geoscience research in the face of the socio-environmental emergency  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7054,, 2025.

EGU25-7141 | Orals | EOS4.3

Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea 

Susanne Stoll-Kleemann, Luisa Katharina Kleemann, and Rebecca Demmler

 The oceans of our planet are not only of central importance for the provision of water, oxygen and food as well as for global climate regulation. They also play an increasing role in economic activities and in the generation of renewable energies. This multitude of functions highlights the urgency of ocean protection and the need for continuous monitoring and control of ocean health. 
In many areas of the Baltic Sea, which are of great importance for the numerous bordering states, the endangerment of the seas and the negative development in the well-being of our nature are emerging as examples and are causing increasing concern due to the already limited fulfillment of human needs. 

 Our research investigates how the inclusion of emotions can improve the effectiveness and impact of marine conservation interventions in the area of the German Baltic Sea. To explore how people are emotionally attached to the sea in general, we conducted a systematic literature review of existing studies.
In addition, we organized a large-scale regional survey (n=628) on parts of the German Baltic Sea coast to examine the relationship of people who, as visitors or residents, are connected to a particular sea. 
The survey covered reasons for visiting the Baltic Sea, emotional attachment to the place, activities, as well as attitudes and behavior regarding environmental issues. 
By subsequently using appropriate behavioral and place attachment models, it can be deduced how emotions influence environmental and marine behavior and affect decision-making. 

 The results show that emotions play a key role in shaping so-called “ocean literacy” initiatives and enable the development of more effective communication strategies for ocean-protecting behavior. 
The Baltic Sea is often perceived as a place of silence and relaxation and is associated with positive memories, which contributes to its perception as worthy of protection. 
This connection to the sea can be explained at both the individual and cultural level. 

 Overall, our results show that emotions play a crucial role in promoting behavioral change. Future ocean communication efforts should therefore take greater account of factors such as regional elements, emotional ties and psychological distance to the ocean.

How to cite: Stoll-Kleemann, S., Kleemann, L. K., and Demmler, R.: Emotions, their role and potential in increasing the willingness to protect the Baltic Sea, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7141,, 2025.

EGU25-7153 | Orals | EOS4.3

SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification  

Jes Garretson and Carl Emerson-Dam


We are honored to reintroduce the ancient measurement foundations of our Divine Source Light Technology, harmonically aligned with the solar directed energy of our Sun at 300,000,000 m/s (648,000,000 Cu/s). This SOL synchronizes with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec maintaining quantum coherence via electromagnetic balance throughout all parts of one energetic system of consciousness.


Hundreds of ancient societies used light velocity to set measures and construct megaliths. While usage of Base 12 measurement systems within heliocentric mechanics is well established, we have uncovered one pivotal missing piece.  Using precise cubit equivalents, our ancient structural inclination lines map to the energetic footprints of a worldwide solar positioning system that doesn’t account for Earth’s current 23.4º axial tilt (288 tilt no). Due to this dimensional variance, the pattern of our ancient records has been buried, suspending Humanity in cycling energetic scarcity.


CCCRDG has been plotting precise Cubit measurements between ancient structural inclination lines and the Sun, revealing the foundational relationship symmetry existing harmonically across all scales.  With over 200 proofs as validation, a parallel system computing base using Egyptian Paisley and Chinese Xi-quence light codes sequences has been released for ongoing conversions back into dimensional alignment with our Sun’s solar directed energy. https://cubit-converter.ONE

From these conversions, the SOL Harmonic Frequency Blueprint has been mapped to articulate the error corrected coordinates returning electromagnetic balance systemically.  To accomplish this, we adjusted the frequency values of the Platonic solids to account for the light signal misalignment.  This informed the accurate 108 harmonic scale tuning required to restore cymatic coherence across our entire energetic light grid.


Our Source Light transmits communication through a Base12 Mod 9 (108) language synchronized with the 0.0578703704 m Solar Codec.  This codec is double the Sun's diameter 1/17.28; .05/.864. It equates to 1/8 of the 0.46296296..m common cubit (1/2.16), and relationally, to the Egyptian Royal Cubit of 0.535836763 m.  These cubit values provide the sacred geometric origins to reoptimize qubit information processing across our entire Solar System.


Reinstitution of our original Cubit (Cu) as the Global Primary Standard realigns the SI Base Units with the Solar Codec. The Square Cubit Unit (Cu2) measures the area of a square with sides equaling 1 Metre long (2.16 Cubits). Supported through AI acceleration, the following conversions initiate return to energetic freedom:

1 Cu = 18 Inches

4 Cu = 2 Yards

1 Foot = 1/3.24 Meter

4.32 Chi = 1 Meter

As we reunite globally on this sacred ground, Humanity will heal through full expression of our natural technologies across every modality.  To support this trajectory, it is incumbent upon us to relieve excessive systemic pressure through quantifiable urban degrowth strategies that reshape an existence enabling the well-being of all creation. The 150th World Metrology celebration is the divine time to join hands and resurrect the original standards aligned with our Unlimited Source Energy. Our sacred ancestral roots are returning us to the Divine Light of Perpetual Bloom once again.

How to cite: Garretson, J. and Emerson-Dam, C.: SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7153,, 2025.

This presentation highlights the urgent need for a universal symbol of climate and ocean action and education in a world increasingly ravaged by unpredictable and violent climate events.

More climate and ocean communication and education are required to help the general public understand and acknowledge the shared roots of climate related disasters.

Only some of the dramatic news about the devastating wildfires in California or the destructive hurricanes in Mayotte mentions climate change, but it does not always attribute the disasters to global warming, burning of fossil fuels and clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The scale of the crisis demands unified, long-term action, particularly in the field of education. The impacts of climate change know no borders !

In the past, humanity rallied for common causes - after World War II, initiatives like the United Nations and the concept of World Citizenship sought to foster global solidarity. The UN flag of the globe and the Global Citizen passport are symbols of this vision.

At the Planet Earth Now Foundation, we carry forward this spirit with a new universal symbol - a flag combining the blue of the oceans and the green of nature, with the Blue Marble at its heart, reminding us of Earth’s unique and fragile beauty.

A flag is a strong communication asset, and climate education would be strengthened with the use of a globally recognized, common visual code to federate and to challenge people - especially youth, in their involvement and commitment to protect the oceans and the forests.

This presentation reviews the evolution of visual designs used in communication and education for a common environmental cause, leaving enough time for a discussion, and at the end a surprise for all attendees.

How to cite: Hakala, K.: Earth Flag One : A universal symbol for climate and ocean education and communication, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7396,, 2025.

EGU25-7513 | Orals | EOS4.3

Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions 

Richard Reiss, Jonathan Gilligan, and Jennifer Bradham

There is broad public awareness in the U.S. about the threat of climate change, but much less understanding of the practical aspects of responding to this threat. To address this gap, City Atlas developed Energetic, a four-person cooperative educational game in which players play different roles as they work together to build 16 GW of clean electricity for New York City, replacing the current fossil fuel generation.

Players take the roles of an activist who pushes for rapid adoption of clean electricity, an engineer concerned with building clean electricity infrastructure and ensuring its stability and reliability, an entrepreneur concerned with financing the new infrastructure, and a politician concerned with maintaining public support for the project. Players gain understanding of the trade-offs involved in juggling costs, reliability, and public support. The game is suitable for a wide range of ages, from 11 to over 60, and has been used successfully in high-school, undergraduate, and postgraduate classes as well as with professionals at electrical utilities, businesses, and non-profits. Over 450 game sets are in use around the world, and several high schools and universities have made Energetic a regular part of their classes.

Each player has distinct capabilities and constraints, and the feasibility and political acceptance of different clean-energy technologies are different in different parts of New York State. These capabilities and constraints were derived from policy analysis and expert elicitation, and are grounded in the political realities of the region. The game has also been adapted to a developing-nation context in the fictional African state of Wakanda and an adaptation to Tennessee is underway.

Teachers report that the game raises students’ understanding of a transition to clean energy and the complexities of achieving such a transition. After playing the game, students from across the political spectrum in conservative Southern states feel empowered to speak with family, friends, and others in their home communities about clean energy and decarbonization. Both quantitative and qualitative survey results from students show improved self-perception of understanding clean energy transitions and being able to explain and talk persuasively about them with others.

How to cite: Reiss, R., Gilligan, J., and Bradham, J.: Energetic: A cooperative educational game about clean energy transitions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-7513,, 2025.

EGU25-8376 | Orals | EOS4.3

Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings 

Giuliana D'Addezio and Neva Besker

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly pervasive in our daily lives, transcending cultures and generations. Today’s children are growing up in a world deeply intertwined with AI. But what do children know about AI? How do they perceive it? How do they imagine its capabilities, evolution, and impact on our future?

This study explores children's perceptions of AI, as reflected in drawings created by Italian primary school students in 2024 for a calendar competition organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) in collaboration with CINECA, titled "Out and about with AI". Launched in 2005, the INGV calendar project invites schools each year to submit student artwork on various Earth science themes. The initiative serves a dual purpose: to engage young learners with science, technology, and the natural world, while also providing a unique opportunity to explore their views on Earth, science, AI, the environment, and sustainable behaviors.

Beyond its contribution to science education, the project engages with broader discussions on Geoethics and the responsibility of science in addressing global anthropogenic changes. The analysis highlights how the information presented to young audiences shapes their perceptions of AI, influencing their imagination and expectations regarding its role in society. It also examines how children perceive the intersection of AI with Earth systems and the ethical implications of technological advancements.

The results provide valuable insights into children’s attitudes toward AI, their confidence in its future development, and how they envision its potential. These findings encourage us to reflect on the current state of AI, its future evolution, and the ethical questions surrounding its role in society.

Furthermore, the study contributes to our understanding of the role of geoscience in education, with a particular focus on how we can better equip the next generation to understand the complexities of Earth systems and prepare them to address global challenges. The findings not only inspire reflection on the present and future of AI, but also offer important perspectives on children’s awareness of geoethical issues and their confidence in AI’s potential to address pressing environmental challenges.

How to cite: D'Addezio, G. and Besker, N.: Children’s perception and imagination of ai through Italian primary school drawings, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8376,, 2025.

EGU25-8470 | Orals | EOS4.3

Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?   

Laure Guerit, Emilie Jardé, Laurent Jeanneau, Annick Battais, Alexandre Coche, Pierre Dietrich, Marion Fournereau, Géraldine Gourmil, and Frédérique Moreau

Since March 2021, Geosciences Rennes, France has a Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility working group whose main missions are (i) to quantify the laboratory's carbon emissions using the GES1point5 tool, (ii) to propose awareness-raising and training initiatives, and (iii) to set up a transition plan. Some of our activities are managed by the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Environnement de Rennes (OSERen), to which the laboratory belongs: purchases made by analytical platforms, management of some scientific projects, analytical and scientific equipments. It is necessary to integrate these “delocalized” flows in order to track the evolution of the laboratory's emissions over time, without any bias due to changes in administrative management. In 2023, these flows represented 54% of Geosciences Rennes' purchases. Carbon budgets were done for 5 years (2019-2023), an environmental charter adopted in 2022 and a transition plan voted in 2023, to be applied from 2024 onwards. This multi-year plan (2024-2030) is incentive-based and non-binding.

Despite our efforts to raise awareness (communication, conferences) and the adoption of an environmental charter, only emissions linked to buildings (electricity and heat consumption) and commuting have decreased, from 289 T ecCO2 in 2019 to 195 T eqCO2 in 2023 (-30%). We suggest that this is a response to the policies put in place by the university and the Rennes metropolitan area to encourage energy savings, soft mobility and work from home.

After a sharp drop in 2020, mission-related emissions in 2023 were close to their pre-covid level. To better understand the origin of these emissions, we worked at the individual level. Every year: the majority (>80%) of agents emit less than 1T eqCO2/year for their missions, all modes and reasons combined and in 2023, 72% of missions were made by train or car, with an average distance of 500 km. As data acquisition in the field is the laboratory's core business, it seems possible to maintain a high level of research activity with study areas located close to the laboratory. Purchasing-related emissions have never decreased and even rose from around 420T eqCo2 (average 2019-2022) to 800 T eqCO2 in 2023. As a result, the share of purchasing in the laboratory's total carbon footprint has risen from 47% in 2019 to 68% in 2023.

Awareness-raising initiatives thus appear as a necessary but not sufficient step towards reducing our laboratory's carbon footprint. Such measures help creating a positive intellectual environment, prone to changes in favor of less-environmental impacting research. The detailed analysis carried at individual level for missions has enabled us to highlight the heterogeneity of the footprint linked to professional travels, and to propose actions that are targeted, more equitable and acceptable. Access to individualized data for purchases would enable us to propose similar targeted actions for an effective mitigation strategy. The plan voted for in 2023 will most likely require a revision of its application modalities in the years to come, in order to keep pace with the expected reduction trajectory.

How to cite: Guerit, L., Jardé, E., Jeanneau, L., Battais, A., Coche, A., Dietrich, P., Fournereau, M., Gourmil, G., and Moreau, F.: Can awareness-raising alone reduce the environmental footprint of a geosciences laboratory?  , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8470,, 2025.

EGU25-11355 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action 

Alban Planchat

Climate change, scientifically established for decades, is undeniably driven by human activity. Awareness is growing, hesitant yet real, but actions remain critically insufficient. While plans are taking shape and projections sharpen, the efforts required to mitigate and adapt to this crisis are daunting. Paradoxically, grasping the scale of these efforts is as challenging as believing they are achievable. Yet they are, if we commit fully, both individually and collectively. Unfortunately, such commitment remains elusive.

    The drive for action is stalled by the lack of compelling narratives, stories that inspire and mobilize. As climatologists, shouldn’t we broaden our communication strategies to convey the urgency of climate action while engaging both hearts and minds? Turning to art and adventure offers a transformative path to connect with broader audiences, blending gravity with hope to inspire collective action.

    This vision inspired me, as a young climate scientist, to design and complete ‘Tethys,’ an extraordinary Alpine journey aimed at communicating the climate challenge while serving scientific research. Over 112 days in semi-autonomy, I hiked 3,420 km with 203,000 m of elevation gain, swam 128 km across peri-alpine lakes, and carried or towed an 18–28 kg backpack while collecting 138 water samples from peri-alpine lakes and tributaries for a research project.

    Tethys is a living metaphor, a story crafted to embody the scale of the climate challenge, transforming abstract commitments into tangible, physical ones. I designed this adventure to make the metaphor real: a race against time, against our own limits, and a deep dive into the physical and mental resilience required to meet these challenges. This project also serves as an experiment in reimagining geosciences, introducing concepts of vulnerability and humility into our investigations while fostering engagement and dialogue within the scientific community.

    Grounded in real-world experience, Tethys paves the way for impactful climate communication, offering the public a narrative to inspire action. It is an odyssey of resilience and hope, an ode to climate commitment, told with passion and poetry through the lens of a daring adventure. To bend the emissions curve, we may first need to bow, humbly and resolutely, to the natural world we inhabit.


A documentary film is underway, alongside plans for a graphic narrative that chronicles this journey and its parallels with the climate challenge.


How to cite: Planchat, A.: An adventure in the Alps to inspire and unlock climate action, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-11355,, 2025.

In its most general conceptualization, resilience refers to a natural, social, or engineered system’s capacity to absorb shocks, adapt, and recover. Resilience has gained significant traction across technical and non-technical disciplines. The multidisciplinary adoption of resilience has led to a wealth of conceptual and operational declinations.

Engineering research has led to the formulation of a quantitative framework in which resilience is defined as the capability of a system to attain and maintain a target level of functionality over a pre-determined time interval (for instance, the service life of an engineered geostructure). Correspondingly, a resilience index is defined operationally as the integral of a functionality metric over a control period. Functionality is parameterized for multiple “dimensions” of a system representing its physical, environmental, financial, and institutional projections among others. Resilience indices pertaining to the respective dimensions can be aggregated to obtain a multidimensional index.

The adoption of a resilience-based paradigm in geoengineering disciplines would foster ethical decision-making for at least five main reasons.

First, the operational definition of resilience is closely related to sustainability as the modeling and estimation of resilience requires a forward-looking approach to the future evolution of a geosystem. Maximizing resilience entails the pursuit of sustainability and vice versa. The necessity of acknowledging and modeling the dynamic nature of geosystems forces researchers, practitioners, decision-makers and other stakeholders to focus on processes such as climate change, whose effects would need to be addressed quantitatively in analysis and design.

Second, the resilience modeling process allows a multi-level (i.e., dimension-specific and/or aggregate) insight into the resilience of a geosystem and, consequently, facilitates the adoption of rational and holistic decision support systems. This perspective fosters multidisciplinary interactions and a more collective and non-sectorial strategic planning for the adaptive management of geosystems.

Third, the possibility to explicitly model the environmental resilience of geoengineering design and the inclusion of environmental resilience in decision-making systems would foster the wider adoption of environmentally and financially sustainable technical options such as nature-based solutions.

Fourth, requiring the explicit consideration of the future stages of a geosystem would stimulate and accelerate the ongoing transition of geoengineering design paradigms to evolutionary formats involving a greater use of observational and non-deterministic (e.g., reliability-based, performance-based) approaches in which uncertainties are modelled, processed, and reported explicitly. Such transition is ethically virtuous as it steers geoengineering design towards a higher technical standard and towards a more explicit pursual of adaptive management and sustainable cost-performance optimization.  

Fifth, the promotion of a resilience-based culture could support decision-makers and regulators in adopting forward-thinking and sustainable strategies due to an enhanced understanding by society of the importance of accounting for medium- and long-term effects of management actions in lieu of only focusing on short-term efficiency.

This study presents illustrates the main features of the resilience modeling framework in the context of geoengineering, provides insights into the correspondences between conceptual aspects and operational implications of the resilience-based paradigm, and discusses its implications for ethical and sustainability-oriented decision-making.

How to cite: Uzielli, M.: The roles and potential of resilience-based management for sustainable decision-making in geoengineering, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12191,, 2025.

EGU25-12668 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education 

Pimnutcha Promduangsri and David Crookall

Ecological overshoot and unfettered growth are wreaking havoc on our environment (Daly, Meadows, Rees, et al.).  The result is, what appears to be accelerating, global warming (incl climate change) giving rise to increasing intensity and frequency of drought, wildfire, flooding and hurricanes, accelerating ice melt and sea level rise, ocean acidification and hypoxia, biodiversity loss, desertification, permafrost thawing, soil degradation, atmospheric pollution, water insecurity and so on.

The human consequences are huge, e.g., migration, war, starvation, increased health risk, greater spread of disease, lower life expectancy, social upheaval, increasing wealth gap and gender inequality and political extremism.  All these are, of course, excruciatingly unethical.  The issue seems bleak.

The above results and impacts vary greatly across geographies, social norms and individual lifestyles.  The question then arises is how people, from all walks of life, manage to learn how to cope, manage to learn about global warming, ocean degradation and eke out a tragic life for their families, especially for the poorest?

The second question that arises is how do these results (global warming, climate change, etc.) and these human consequences impact the ways in which people learn (informally) and the ways in which education is organized and delivered (formally)?  What are the main positive contributing factors and what are the destructive factors, and how do they work?

What kind of geoethics do people develop (formally and informally, influenced by culture, circumstance, livelihood and events)?  How do people’s and communities’ sense and practice (or non-practice) of geoethics improve or hinder their lives and resilience?

Our research project aims to delve into these complex, but crucial, questions.  If you think that you might be interested in joining the project, please drop by our poster to discuss.

How to cite: Promduangsri, P. and Crookall, D.: Learning climate, ocean and geoethics: A research project for Earth education, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12668,, 2025.

EGU25-13165 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France) 

Irene Schimmelpfennig, Olivier Cavalié, Perrine Chaurand, Blanche Collin, Yoann Fagault, Xavier Giraud, Anouck Hubert, Anne-Lise Jourdan, Clément Levard, and Leslie Monnier

CEREGE is a renowned French Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences, employing approximately 220 staff members. In 2019, the carbon footprint of CEREGE’s research-related activities was estimated at around 7 tons of CO2 equivalent per person. This footprint primarily stems from three sources: 1) purchases that are e.g. necessary for various analytical methods, 2) commuting between home and CEREGE’s remote location, and 3) international travel for sampling campaigns and conferences.

Since 2019, a group of about a dozen volunteers has been actively implementing awareness-raising initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact of CEREGE's research activities. These initiatives include promoting sustainable transportation options, waste sorting, responsible energy consumption, and the effective use of digital technology.

In 2023, these small-scale incentive actions evolved into a more collective approach. One notable initiative was the organization of a serious game session, titled “Ma Terre en 180” (Gratiot et al., 2023;, which aimed to halve the carbon footprint of a fictitious research team. Approximately 100 CEREGE staff members participated in this serious game.

The question then arises: how can we effectively achieve this Environmental Transition while maintaining or even enhancing the quality of professional activities and work-life conditions? To address this, the management team of CEREGE, which has been in operation since January 2024, has integrated eco-responsibility as a key policy guideline and established a new eco-responsibility committee within CEREGE’s organizational structure.

To formally validate staff approval of the environmental transition project and initiate a collective approach toward more sustainable research practices, a manifesto for CEREGE’s eco-responsibility was adopted through a vote at the beginning of 2024. Since then, the committee has been conducting a participatory process, applying facilitation principles and collective intelligence tools to ensure that all voices are heard and that decisions are widely accepted by the staff.

Moreover, small groups are conducting various experiments to test the effectiveness and feasibility of proposed changes in practices. Examples of these experiments include: 1) adjusting laboratory procedures to reduce consumables and waste, and 2) implementing a carbon quota system for travel and purchases within one of the research teams.

At the end of 2024, an eco-responsibility charter was approved by CEREGE staff, achieving high participation (79%) and acceptance rates (77%-97%) for each of the ten commitment articles.

In this contribution, we will present this collective experimental approach, explore advantages and challenges, and discuss the initial results regarding its effectiveness in reducing the environmental impacts of CEREGE’s activities.


How to cite: Schimmelpfennig, I., Cavalié, O., Chaurand, P., Collin, B., Fagault, Y., Giraud, X., Hubert, A., Jourdan, A.-L., Levard, C., and Monnier, L.: A Collective Experimental Approach to Sustainable Practices at the Research and Teaching Centre for Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence, France), EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13165,, 2025.

EGU25-13174 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change 

Estelle Knecht, Christopher Pree, Lukas Leibrecht, Katherine Emelianova, Philipp Schmelz, and Jillian Petersen

Coastal ecosystems, including seagrass meadows and salt marshes, are vital blue carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. However, these ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, habitat destruction, and invasive species. This presentation highlights the research of our group on microbial host-symbiont interactions, focusing on sulfur-oxidizing bacteria and their association with key coastal ecosystem components: Lucinid clams, seagrass, and the salt marsh plant Spartina. These interactions are explored through the lens of climate change, addressing two core objectives.

The first objective examines the role of microbial symbiosis in supporting ecosystem health and functioning, particularly in seagrass meadows. Seagrasses, recognized for their carbon sequestration capacity, face challenges from sulfide toxicity around their roots, exacerbated by warming oceans. Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria detoxify their environment by using these ‘toxic’ sulfide compounds for their metabolism. They transform these components into nutrients that they share with their bivalve and possibly also plant hosts. Therefore they play a critical role in mitigating toxic sulfide build-up often found in coastal ecosystems. In collaboration with Lucinid clams, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria from the group Candidatus Thiodiazotropha contribute to maintaining seagrass health and productivity. We aim to understand how microbial interactions underpin the resilience of seagrass ecosystems, emphasizing their significance as natural carbon sinks.

The second objective focuses on the ecological disruptions caused by Spartina, a genus of salt marsh grasses. Native to the eastern United States, species such as Spartina alterniflora have become invasive in Europe, and elsewhere, displacing native flora and altering coastal habitats. We aim to test the hypothesis that Spartina’s success in colonizing harsh environments is partly due to its association with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria like Candidatus Thiodiazotropha. Our group will investigate to see if these microbes could enable Spartina to thrive in saline, sulfide-rich conditions by detoxifying the environment and potentially providing nitrogen. Invasive Spartina poses a dual threat by damaging native ecosystems and amplifying vulnerabilities to climate change.

Through these two lenses, our work underscores the intricate relationships between microbial symbionts and their hosts, revealing how these interactions influence ecosystem stability and resilience. We highlight how global changes, including warming climates and altered species distributions via trade and dispersal, could shift microbial functions and distributions, with profound implications for coastal ecosystem health and carbon dynamics. Understanding these processes is essential to inform conservation and management strategies for endangered coastal habitats. By communicating this research in an educational framework, we aim to bridge scientific discovery and public awareness. We invite interdisciplinary dialogue to advance our understanding of microbial symbiosis in coastal ecosystems and explore strategies for mitigating climate change impacts on these critical environments.

How to cite: Knecht, E., Pree, C., Leibrecht, L., Emelianova, K., Schmelz, P., and Petersen, J.: Understanding Microbial Host-Symbiont Interactions in Coastal Ecosystems amid Climate Change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13174,, 2025.

EGU25-15385 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability 

Katja Anniina Lauri, Janne J. Salovaara, and Tuukka Oikarinen

Climate change mitigation and adaptation, among various other conceptualisations and strategies to tackle the complex crisis, can be seen as predominantly centralised (Lange et al., 2013). Various governmental or local municipality campaigns related to the application of SDGs, or corporations offering products and services under the banner of green business, are meant to assist the individual in actualising sustainability. However, such acts define the individual mainly as a consumer (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov, 2024). Regardless of whether these entail the most effective ways for individuals to take part in mitigating climate change, a deeper dialogue is sorely needed between, for example, scientific and societal agendas on climate change and sustainability and citizens' understanding, sense of relevance, and motivation to take action on these issues. Both approaches are needed to bridge the possible differences and potential contradictions; citizen-led sustainability needs to be incorporated into the existing strategies, and the concurrent schemes need to be contextualised to the citizen in a much more relevant manner. 

To collaboratively bridge these intersectoral perspectives, our project in its initial stage collects the citizen perceptions through a survey. The citizen barometer survey is a University of Helsinki organised annual national survey, under which a 10-point questionnaire with 9 Likert-scale and one open-ended question was utilised to gather a general sentiment (e.g., Pozzi et al., 2016) on the concurrent climate change and sustainability attitudes, perceptions, strategies and schemes—and importantly: what they might have missed or overlooked from a citizen perspective. While the relevance of our research speaks to a vast academic audience, the broader impact it aims for comes from a planned intersectoral collaboration, where the collected data will be further contextualised. The workshops will engage various actors and actor-groups, to seek out for example, how could the concurrent mitigation schemes be better enacted in citizen-local governance collaboration; and what could be the implications of citizen-led sustainability in various educational contexts; or could the perceptions lead to new research agendas in atmospheric and geosciences? Simultaneously, the project promotes and actualises an approach to sustainability—or sustainabilities (Kothari et al., 2019) that aims to further democratise sustainability. We see such an approach as especially important in these times of potential polarisation—to which we see pluralisation to be the correct response. 


Keywords: climate change mitigation, sustainability, democratisation, citizen 



Kothari, A., Salleh, A., Escobar, A., Demaria, F., & Acosta, A. (2019). Pluriverse : a post-development dictionary. New Delhi: Tulika.

Lange, P., Driessen, P. P. J., Sauer, A., Bornemann, B., & Burger, P. (2013). Governing Towards Sustainability—Conceptualizing Modes of Governance. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 15(3), 403–425.

Pozzi, F. A., Fersini, E., Messina, E., & Liu, B. (2016). Sentiment analysis in social networks. Morgan Kaufmann.

Salovaara, J. J., & Hagolani-Albov, S. E. (2024). Sustainability agency in unsustainable structures: rhetoric of a capable transformative individual. Discover Sustainability, 5(1), 138.

How to cite: Lauri, K. A., Salovaara, J. J., and Oikarinen, T.: On individual's perceptions and motivations for Climate Change mitigation: towards Citizen-led sustainability, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-15385,, 2025.

Agricultural soils are central to ecosystem functioning, but their widespread degradation jeopardizes the ability of agroecosystems to sustain life and livelihoods for humans and more-than-humans alike. One proposed solution is carbon farming, a term that encompasses agricultural practices aimed at sequestering carbon in soils. Proponents claim that carbon farming offers a dual benefit: mitigating climate change by drawing down atmospheric carbon while improving soil health and fertility, which underpins the multitude of ‘functions’ soils provide. Often heralded as a ‘win-win’ or ‘no-regret’ solution, carbon farming would be the perfect ‘natural climate solution’. Beyond numerous critiques on the physical and technical aspects of soil carbon sequestration, we reflect here on the rapid growth of voluntary carbon markets as a means to trigger the needed transition to sustainable farming. We argue that such schemes are inherently unfair—reproducing patterns of neocolonial relations and perpetuating the "imperial mode of living"—and fundamentally undemocratic, as they rely on the hegemonic acceptance of markets as the primary driver of positive change. This approach bypasses public investments and usurps democratic power, preventing collective decision-making on what to produce, how much, and under which social and environmental standards. Drawing on firsthand experience co-designing and delivering a transdisciplinary course on this topic—with contributions from social scientists, policymakers, NGOs, and farmers— we reflect on the profound insights that emerge from well-structured inter- and transdisciplinary collaborations.

How to cite: Moinet, G., Möller, I., and Vidal, A.: Grounding carbon farming, or how to break the market logic and promote the cocreation of farming systems, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16622,, 2025.

EGU25-16789 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap 

Janne J. Salovaara, Tuukka Oikarinen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

Acts aimed at mitigating climate change (CC) and promoting sustainability—or the absence of such acts—are frequently discussed in relation to what is typically called the knowledge-to-action gap (e.g., Mastrángelo et al., 2019). One could argue that the predominant approach to advancing sustainability—understood here broadly as a response to CC and other ongoing and enduring aspects of the polycrisis—has been to accumulate and disseminate ever more knowledge. This includes knowledge of the specific issues at stake and the severity of the situation, what could and has been done by whom, and what would even constitute as an effective structure for determining which knowledge is needed and how to utilise it. Meanwhile, the sustainability knowledge-action gap itself has been investigated in, for example, education, research agendas, and decision- and policy-making. On the one hand, CC mitigation and sustainability efforts and their ultimate impact can be debated; for instance, whether there are enough tangible measures or just talk (e.g., Hoffman et al., 2022), or whether current initiatives will indeed bring about sustainability (e.g., Salovaara and Hagolabi-Albov [in review]). Yet the core question remains: are the called-upon acts grounded in rational, knowledge-based considerations? On the other hand, knowledge has undoubtedly guided these (and all) forms of agency (e.g., Giddens, 1979): where an actor—individual, communal, or institutional—applies their expertise and resources to depart from established norms, i.e., generates transformation that fundamentally underlines sustainability. However, it appears evident that knowledge alone does not guarantee the realisation of transformation. Whether one refers to multi-level perspective (Geels, 2002), actor-network (Latour, 2007), or social practice theory (Shove et al., 2012)—each elaborating on socio-technical changes emerging through scaled structures or simultaneous enactments and practices—it remains theoretically (and observably) clear that current institutionalised knowledge, along with the structures shaped by it, have also become barriers to the transformation. For example, an individual may be knowledgeable of the existing structures and the direction to change them, but their agency is limited by dominance over resources for implementing those changes. This limitation might result from structural misalignments that either promote a different notion of sustainability or fail to promote sustainability at all (Salovaara & Hagolani-Albov [in review]). Consequently, our hypothesis—which we plan to investigate in theoretical and action-oriented future research—is that, beyond the knowledge-to-action gap, the global sustainability movement is at a stalemate because of an agency-to-action gap.


Keywords: sustainability agency, action gap, transformation



Mastrángelo, M. E. et al. (2019). Key knowledge gaps to achieve global sustainability goals. Nature Sustainability

Hoffman, S. J. et al. (2022). International treaties have mostly failed to produce their intended effects. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Giddens, A. (1979). Central problems in social theory: Action, structure, and contradiction in social analysis. University of California

Geels, F. W. (2002). Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: a multi-level perspective and a case-study. Research policy

Latour, B. (2007). Reassembling the social: An introduction to actor-network-theory. Oxford.

Shove, E. et al. (2012). The dynamics of social practice: Everyday life and how it changes. Sage.

How to cite: Salovaara, J. J., Oikarinen, T., and Lauri, K. A.: Why aren’t we acting for the climate? From knowledge-action gap to agency-action gap, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16789,, 2025.

EGU25-17899 | Orals | EOS4.3

A new geoethics for the Anthropocene 

Michael Wagreich, Robert Braun, and Richard Randell

There is a new, burgeoning literature on geoethics in the geosciences (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). It stems from the assumption that understanding the Earth, analyzing natural processes, and managing their impacts require significant responsibility from geoscientists. Thus, geological inquiry must be accompanied by thoughtful consideration of ethical and social dimensions.

The literature is based on the definition that geoethics consists of research and reflection on the values which underpin appropriate behaviours and practices (Peppoloni and Di Capua 2021). Geoethics encourages geoscientists and wider society to become fully aware of the humankind’s role as an active geological force on the planet and the ethical responsibility that this implies. Some (Koster et al. 2024) even use geoethics in disputes about defining the onset of humankind becoming an active geological force suggesting that a geoethical stance may do away with the Anthropocene as a useful concept: a new epoch in the GTS. Others move away from the human centered approach to suggest a more-than-human geoethics as a space of thought and an arena of concerns in which natural and cultural worlds are co-constitutive, requiring geoscientists to grasp the conjunction of the technologies of ecology, on the one hand, and of prehension and feeling, on the other (Sharp et al. 2022).

This paper focuses on a geoethical stance rooted in a critical positionality towards a traditional view of geology and focuses on what STS theorist Isabelle Stengers calls “slow science:” a thoughtful approach to considering unknown matters and their connections to existing knowledge (Stengers 2018). We advocate for critical/radical reflexivity as an ethical method, emphasizing insecurity regarding basic assumptions, discourse, and practices used in describing reality (Braun 2024). Instead of a human centered geoethics that engages with the Earth in a traditional Newtonian/Cartesian mode of scientific inquiry, we argue that a geoethical stance reflective of our critical juncture in Earth’s history should integrate the implications of quantum theory rather than avoid them, as suggested by some geoethicists. The main goal of quantum-inspired geoethics is to decenter the universal and hegemonic Newtonian/Cartesian worldview. We propose a geoethics attuned to becomings, matterings, and more-than-human events, recognizing various agential possibilities that give rise to new forms of temporality and spatiality.


Braun, R. 2024. Radical reflexivity, experimental ontology and RRI. Journal of Responsible Innovation. doi 10.1080/23299460.2024.2331651.

Koster, E., P. et al. 2024. The Anthropocene Event as a Cultural Zeitgeist in the Earth-Human Ecosystem. Journal of Geoethics and Social Geosciences 1 (1):1–41.

Peppoloni, S., and Di Capua, G. 2021. Current Definition and Vision of Geoethics. In Geo-societal Narratives - Contextualising geosciences, edited by M. Bohle and E. Marone, 17-28. Cham.: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sharp, E. L. et al. 2022. Geoethical Futures: A Call for More-Than-Human Physical Geography. Environment and Planning F. 1 (1):66-81.

Stengers, I. 2018. Another Science Is Possible : A Manifesto for Slow Science. Translated by Stephen Muecke. Cambridge UK: Polity Press.

How to cite: Wagreich, M., Braun, R., and Randell, R.: A new geoethics for the Anthropocene, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-17899,, 2025.

EGU25-18750 | ECS | Orals | EOS4.3

Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation 

Joula Siponen, Janne J. Salovaara, Karoliina Särkelä, Inka Ronkainen, Salla Veijonaho, Veli-Matti Vesterinen, Isabel C. Barrio, Laura Riuttanen, and Katja Anniina Lauri

Climate change action in the Arctic context requires not only deep understanding of the physical change processes but also awareness and sensitivity towards the complexities of the socio-economic and cultural dynamics in the region. In this study, we explore the learning experience of geoscience students attending the Arctic Circle Assembly as part of a university course. In the event, the students get to interact with a wide range of actors and stakeholders, including geopolitical and indigenous perspectives.

We examine the students’ sense of belonging and their possibly transformative learning process, and their influence on the students’ professional identity with qualitative inquiry. Interviews with the students and analyses of their personal learning reflections, reveal signs of transformative learning. Students experienced disorienting dilemmas, that were induced for example by lack of sense of belonging to the expert community or students’ values conflicting with the contents of the event. At the same time, belonging to the student group was an important factor for the discourse and critical reflection on the dilemmas, leading in some cases to outcomes of transformative nature.

Our findings highlight the importance of facilitation of challenging reflections on the students’ values and beliefs, and building of trust and belonging in the learning community, to allow management of the dilemmas towards transformation. This would require considering the backgrounds and prior experiences of the students. Based on our finding we suggest that transformative approaches to climate change education and conference attendance as a pedagogical tool can potentially shape students’ professional identities and broaden their perspectives, and to increase their agency as Arctic experts and responsible Arctic researchers.

How to cite: Siponen, J., Salovaara, J. J., Särkelä, K., Ronkainen, I., Veijonaho, S., Vesterinen, V.-M., Barrio, I. C., Riuttanen, L., and Lauri, K. A.: Transformative Learning in Arctic Climate Change Education: Engaging Students with Conference Participation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18750,, 2025.

EGU25-19533 | Orals | EOS4.3

Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience  

Vitor Correia, Eberhard Falck, Ludwig Hermann, Julian Hilton, Malika Moussaid, Nike Luodes, Hannu Panttila, Nikolas Ovaskainen, Jerry Barnes, Sybil Berne, Mauro Lucarini, and Luis Rosendo


The European Union (EU) faces unprecedented challenges in securing critical raw materials (CRM) while maintaining environmental protection standards. The EU-funded CIRAN project is examining the EU's evolving raw materials governance framework, particularly focusing on the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) and the consequences of its implementation for environmentally protected areas. The research analyses how governance structures can balance a potential ethical dilemma: safeguarding environmentally protected areas and biodiversity, and securing the mineral raw materials that are necessary to maintain the European economy and living standards.



The project methodology was based on a systematic analysis of case studies across European countries, examining mining operations in or near protected areas, the use of the DPSIR (Drivers-Pressures-States-Impacts-Responses) framework to evaluate policy drivers, such as the EU Green Deal, and consultations and dialogues with people from five different communities living in or near environmentally protected areas in five different EU countries.



The study of existing mining operations located in or near natural protected areas across nine European countries revealed a striking conclusion: mining is not only possible in environmentally protected areas but also socially accepted in all cases studied. This finding is particularly significant when contrasted with claims, even in recent peer-reviewed literature, suggesting that mining projects are inherently value-destructive, universally detrimental to the environment, and largely compromised on socio-economic grounds.

The study also revealed that existing EU and national regulatory frameworks do not significantly prevent mining operations, even within protected areas. However, administrative barriers, particularly understaffed public agencies, politically motivated interpretation of regulations, and lengthy permitting processes, create substantial delays.

Finally, the research shows that successful mining projects consistently demonstrate three characteristics: comprehensive environmental impact assessments, effective and sustained stakeholder engagement, and robust post-mining planning.



The CRMA requirement to reduce mine permitting cycles from 15-20 years to 24 months represents a paradigm shift in resource management approaches. Considering that a large percentage (over 85%) of known mineral deposits of CRM in Europe lie within or at less than 5 km from an environmentally protected area, and that there are no clear decision trees to guide decision making processes to balance nature conservation and mineral resources extraction, the implementation of the CRMA will create difficult to manage ethical dilemmas for permitting authorities in EU countries.

In this context, securing sustainable domestic supply requires systemic policy reforms focused on three key areas: streamlined and transparent permitting processes, enhanced administrative capacity, and improved social contracts.

How to cite: Correia, V., Falck, E., Hermann, L., Hilton, J., Moussaid, M., Luodes, N., Panttila, H., Ovaskainen, N., Barnes, J., Berne, S., Lucarini, M., and Rosendo, L.: Invisible Mining: A Blueprint for EU Critical Materials Resilience , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19533,, 2025.

EGU25-19671 | Posters on site | EOS4.3

An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion 

Laurent Husson, Sylvain Kuppel, Odin Marc, and Scientifiques en Rébellion

« Scientifiques en Rébellion » (Scientists in Rebellion) is a collective of French scientists formed in 2020 with the following goals: raising awareness of the seriousness of scientific consensuses around climate change and ecological degradation, and publicly denouncing the inconsistencies and greenwashing of various actors. The collective also seeks to build a balance of power to transform institutions and companies to meet environmental challenges, and reorient higher education and research. Since its creation, the collective has been growing (several hundreds of members today), gathering scientists of various disciplines and career statuses. It operates with various forms of collective public engagement, from writing and speaking in various medias and supporting other NGOs, to joining or organising non-violent direct actions.

Here, we propose to present and discuss some key actions performed by « Scientifiques en Rébellion » over the last few years, taking stock on how groups of scientists may self-organise to participate in the public debate over various key environmental issues. Examples include the following actions and their follow up (in the medias or with judiciary trials): On October 3th, 2020, scientists took part in marches in airports in several French cities to denounce the climate impact of air travel for the benefit of a small minority of privileged ones. On the same topic, an unauthorized demonstration against private jets was held in Paris in November 2022, in front of the headquarters of Dassault Aviation. On the night of April 9-10th, 2022, around thirty scientists peacefully occupied the National Museum of Natural History in Paris and gave twelve presentations to call for urgent, radical measures to mitigate the ongoing ecological disasters. On March 4, 2023, a hundred scientists and citizens from various NGOs joined in a funeral procession in Paris to denounce biodiversity losses and health issues associated with the massive use of pesticides, and promote a different agricultural model. Several additional texts and participations in unauthorized demonstrations followed on the question of agriculture and water use. On May 12, 2023, the Scientifiques en Rebellion joined forces with other NGOs to target TotalEnergies and its project to install a floating LNG terminal at Le Havre harbour in France, as part of Scientist Rebellion's international campaign « The Science is Clear ». Other initiatives sought to put pressure on companies either driectly funding or supporting fossil fuel development, such as the BNP-Paribas banking group or Schneider Electric who provide equipment to Totalenergies for the EACOP pipeline project in East Africa.

How to cite: Husson, L., Kuppel, S., Marc, O., and en Rébellion, S.: An update on the activities of the collective Scientifiques en Rébellion, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19671,, 2025.

EGU25-19902 | ECS | Posters on site | EOS4.3

Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist 

Elodie Duyck, Anda Iosip, and Jorge Saturno

At the moment when we are writing this abstract, the last year was just announced as the warmest on record, the first to breach the symbolic 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels. For decades, scientists have been sounding the alarm about the climate and ecological crisis, but these warnings have been met with inadequate response and political inertia.

In the last decade, a strong and diverse climate movement emerged, with grassroots groups mostly composed of young people engaging in a variety of actions, including civil disobedience. Earth scientists have however been timid to engage openly with these movements, concerned about their reputation and about breaching scientific neutrality.

However, fuelled by concern in the face of inaction, this started to change in the last years with scientists increasingly taking strong roles and positions for or in activist groups, for instance via groups such as Scientist Rebellion or Scientists for XR. The engagement of earth scientists in climate groups can have strong beneficial effects (Capstick et al 2022): As non-usual suspects and experts on the topic, their engagement in the climate movement can increase the feeling of emergency, while their respected position in society can help lending legitimacy to activist groups sometimes disregarded as young and unserious.

Despite an increase in the willingness of earth scientists to be more engaged beyond their own research work, there are still strong barriers to their involvement in the climate movement (Dablander et al 2024). While conceptions around neutrality and fears of hurting one’s reputation are a big part of earth scientists' hesitations, uncertainties about how to get involved and the kind of roles available to them also represent a strong barrier. 

This poster aims at presenting different types of involvement in the climate justice movement that might fit you as an earth scientist and a citizen. It builds from our own experience in activist groups, as well as research and publications by different organizations, to display the diversity of roles needed in grassroots climate groups, and help you find your own. 


Capstick, S., Thierry, A., Cox, E. et al. Civil disobedience by scientists helps press for urgent climate action. Nat. Clim. Chang. 12, 773–774 (2022).

Dablander, F., Sachisthal, M.S.M., Cologna, V. et al. Climate change engagement of scientists. Nat. Clim. Chang. 14, 1033–1039 (2024).

How to cite: Duyck, E., Iosip, A., and Saturno, J.: Finding your place in the climate movement as an earth-system scientist, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-19902,, 2025.

The impacts of climate change on the ocean around the world are daunting.  These include sea level rise, melting of ice sheets (Antarctic and Greenland most notably), opening of new shipping routes (Arctic), biodiversity disruption, stronger and more frequent hurricanes and increased acidification.  Human societies have never before been confronted with such challenges in such a short timeframe.

To help societies in making appropriate adaptation it is crucial to document behavioral changes, such as new projects (e.g., land planning, agricultural changes, fishing regulation), investments (e.g., urban and coastal development) and shifts in values – at various levels of granularity (e.g., local (city/small island), national (large country coast line) and regional (sea basin)).

Cases would be documented with standardized information that outlines and traces historical developments, current trends and foresighted transformations.  Such information could take the form of written reports, videos and so on.  The resulting bank of cases, regularly updated, would be accessible to all interested parties, e.g., government authorities, NGOs, social scientists, businesses and the general public.

The Université Internationale de la Mer is prepared to initiate such a project on a pilot basis, jointly with a select group of willing academic and scientific institutions.  This project would require minimum funding from foundations, international bodies or other organisations.  If you are interested in talking about possibly working together on something like this, please come to see me at my poster.

How to cite: Aubert, J.-E.: How ocean communities adapt to the impacts of climate change: Proposal for a bank of cases, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20323,, 2025.

Several authors, including the International Resource Panel (IRP), have acknowledged economic growth as the major driver of environmental change. This statement is supported by the fact that, despite relative dematerialization due to efficiency improvements in the last decades, absolute dematerialization has not happened and it is unlikely to do so. From 1900 to 2015, humanity extracted a total of 3400 gigatonnes (Gt) of biomass, fossil fuels, ores, and non-metallic minerals, of which 73% was returned to the environment as solid, liquid or gaseous waste. The waste of resources in contemporary societies, especially from industrialized countries, is attributted to two main reasons. On one hand, the metabolism of industrial societies relies on non-renewable resources. On the other hand, it has been estimated that, yearly, humanity directly wastes or mismanages around 78% of the total water withdrawn, 49% of the food produced, 31% of the energy produced, 85% of ores and 26% of non-metallic minerals extracted, respectively. As a consequence, natural resources are getting depleted and ecosystems polluted, leading to irreversible environmental changes, biological loss and social conflicts. To reduce the anthropogenic footprint in the planet, and live in harmony with other species and ourselves, a shift from the current economic model based on infinite growth towards a model built on human equality, environmental respect and following a sustainable degrowth strategy in industrialized countries is urgently needed. This new model can only be attained by a bottom-up transformation, that shall rely on a free, equitable and public education system.

How to cite: Marín Beltrán, I.: Environmental education, justice and sustainable degrowth as key actors to protect our planet, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-20407,, 2025.

EGU25-3573 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Estimating the temporal adaptation and spatial vulnerabilities of the heatwave mortality risk in Greece 

Garyfallos Konstantinoudis, Dimitris Evangelopoulos, and Filippos Filippidis


Global temperatures are rising due to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Record-breaking temperatures observed in Europe during the summer of 2022 were associated with more than 60,000 heat-related deaths, with countries near the Mediterranean Sea, particularly Greece, being most affected. This study explores the death toll of prolonged heat periods in Greece, its spatial disparities, and how these patterns have changed over time.


We retrieved individual-level data on cause-specific mortality in Greece during 2000-2019 from the Hellenic Statistical Authority. The data included information on age, sex, cause of death, region of residence (Nomenclature of Units for Territorial Statistics, level 3; NUTS3), and date of death. Daily maximum temperatures during 2000–2019 at 0.25° x 0.25° resolution were retrieved from ERA-5 reanalysis data. We considered six heatwave definitions, combining two durations (>2 and >3 days) and three temperature thresholds (90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles). A Bayesian hierarchical Poisson model was developed, accounting for spatiotemporal variation in heatwave effects using Gaussian priors. We also controlled for national holidays and population-weighted relative humidity.


We observed 177,112 cardiovascular deaths and 39,646 respiratory deaths in individuals aged 65 and older in Greece during 2000–2019. A strong association was found between heatwaves and cardiovascular and respiratory mortality under all definitions. Evidence of spatial variation in heatwave effects was weak, as was evidence of temporal adaptation. However, for the most extreme heatwave definition, we observed an increasing trend in the effect of heat over the study period. Over 20 years, 6,926 (95% CI: 6,260–7,587) cardiorespiratory deaths were attributed to heatwaves, equating to approximately 350 deaths per year.


Heatwaves impose a significant mortality toll in Greece. While the effect of heatwaves on mortality has not changed over time in most heatwave definitions, the increasing trend of the effect of extreme heatwaves calls for immediate action to mitigate future risks.



How to cite: Konstantinoudis, G., Evangelopoulos, D., and Filippidis, F.: Estimating the temporal adaptation and spatial vulnerabilities of the heatwave mortality risk in Greece, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3573,, 2025.

EGU25-3811 * | PICO | EOS4.2 | Highlight

Science and evidence for framework climate litigation  

April Williamson

The Climate Litigation Network supports national organisations that are taking litigation action against their governments in respect of the adequacy and implementation of national climate policies and targets. This presentation will provide an overview of the role of science in climate cases that challenge governments’ overall emissions reductions (“framework cases”) – of which there are more than 100 globally.

In April 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) issued its first decision relating to climate change. Critically, the ECtHR found that the Swiss government had failed to put in place an adequate domestic regulatory framework to tackle climate change and, as such, was failing to uphold the right to private and family life under the European Convention of Human Rights. This decision will have immense implications for framework cases across Europe and beyond. In particular, in respect of how evidence and science will be used to assess the adequacy of governments’ actions in the context of human rights.

Specifically, one of the key issues with the Swiss government’s approach was that it failed to quantify national greenhouse emissions limitations through a carbon budget. The ECtHR’s assessment shows that states must set their emissions reductions targets in relation to the global remaining carbon budget, and must have regulatory frameworks in place to ensure such targets are met. Given that the global remaining carbon budget for 1.5C is almost exhausted, there will be a pressing need for scientific research to explore how government action can be tracked and verified to be compatible with the Paris Agreement and human rights obligations.

This presentation will highlight the current deployment of science in climate cases against governments and explore new frontiers in light of the ECtHR decision.

How to cite: Williamson, A.: Science and evidence for framework climate litigation , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-3811,, 2025.

EGU25-5810 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Navigating the science-litigation interface 

Zebedee Nicholls, Carl-Friedrich Schleussner, and Setu Pelz

The interface between climate science and legal practice, particularly litigation, is of increasing relevance. Here we share our experiences from being involved in a number of legal cases over the past five years. Based on our experience, we discuss numerous challenges that are faced at this interface. These include presenting information in a way that a court can understand (and is typically very different from presenting information for scientific colleagues), the particular needs of litigation and their synergies and conflicts with scientific methods and uncertainty and the completely different timelines and pressure between the scientific and litigious environments. We outline various ways we have approached these challenges and highlight areas where we have not yet seen solutions. We conclude by laying out our view of the new research required to serve the science-litigation interface and some initial ideas of a research agenda to tackle this research.

How to cite: Nicholls, Z., Schleussner, C.-F., and Pelz, S.: Navigating the science-litigation interface, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-5810,, 2025.

EGU25-6900 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Tracking losses and damages from extreme weather events 

Emily Theokritoff, Nathan Sparks, Friederike Otto, Joeri Rogelj, and Ralf Toumi

While the field of event impact attribution is still relatively nascent, diverse methodologies and datasets are starting to be used to put numbers on the share of additional impacts that occur due to climate change during extreme weather events. The growth of this body of evidence has implications for climate litigation as these studies can be starting points for legal cases centred around specific climate change impacts, such as heat-related mortality or economic costs of extreme weather.

As we work towards operationalising a tracker that will provide timely estimates of losses and damages from extreme weather events globally, we aim to present results from our initial rapid studies conducted over the past year. We will reflect on the potential implications of the increasing availability of loss and damage information and the broader need for communication and awareness raising around these issues. We also plan to highlight prevailing methodological challenges and areas of research to be advanced in the near future that are relevant for legal efforts.

How to cite: Theokritoff, E., Sparks, N., Otto, F., Rogelj, J., and Toumi, R.: Tracking losses and damages from extreme weather events, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-6900,, 2025.

EGU25-8468 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Attribution in action: Causal chains in climate litigation 

Noah Walker-Crawford, Nicholas Petkov, Joy Reyes, and Rupert Stuart-Smith

Climate change attribution science describes with increasing precision how anthropogenic activities are affecting environments around the world. In legal disputes over corporations' and governments' responsibility for climate change, attribution science plays a key role in evaluating defendants' contribution to climate change impacts. This paper examines how attribution science is used to establish causal chains in climate litigation. While scientific methodologies are advancing rapidly, questions remain over how legal standards of proof should be applied to the evidence. If ongoing cases are successful in using attribution science to establish legal causation, they could set significant precedents for holding major greenhouse gas emitters to account.

How to cite: Walker-Crawford, N., Petkov, N., Reyes, J., and Stuart-Smith, R.: Attribution in action: Causal chains in climate litigation, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8468,, 2025.

EGU25-8486 | PICO | EOS4.2

Clearer metrics for the Paris climate targets: A new compliance quantification approach 

Gottfried Kirchengast and Moritz Pichler

In light of seeing temperatures now closely approach the international targets set by the 2015 Paris Agreement for limiting global warming, in particular the 1.5 °C target, an accurate and reliable tracking of changes in the global surface temperature is critical. We introduce a comprehensive benchmark time series for global surface air temperature (GSAT) extending from 1850 to 2024, complemented by a projection up to 2034 and scenarios through to 2050. Building on and advanced from widely recognized global mean surface temperature (GMST) records used by the IPCC, we established a detailed and traceable GSAT annual and 20-year-mean time record in this form, referenced to the conventional preindustrial level (mean 1850-1900). Our record indicates an increase of the 20-year-mean GSAT change to 1.40 [1.30-1.49] °C by 2024 and a subsequent exceedance of the 1.5 °C threshold by 2028 [2025-2032] (uncertainty ranges denote a 90% confidence interval). Given this imminence of 1.5 °C, we propose a new classification system to gauge, with regular updates, the compliance with the Paris goals (1.5 °C goal, well-below-2 °C goal; or exceedance up to 2 °C or even beyond). These improvements in compliance/exceedance quantification may help policymakers, the judiciary and the general public to obtain standardized and thus more reliable assessments of the degree of compliance with the Paris climate targets over the coming years and decades.

How to cite: Kirchengast, G. and Pichler, M.: Clearer metrics for the Paris climate targets: A new compliance quantification approach, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-8486,, 2025.

EGU25-9647 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Establishing climate accountability through attribution of climate impacts to GHG emissions within territorial jurisdictions 

Annika Högner, Alexander Nauels, Zebedee Nicholls, Niklas Schwind, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Typically, responsibility for impacts from aggregate global GHG emissions is attributed proportional to an actor's share of emissions. This way, individual actors are only attributed comparatively small shares of any caused harm and can point to the aggregated responsibility of others far exceeding their own when pressed to take action. This fragmentation of responsibility leads to profound challenges in establishing climate accountability based on principles of international environmental law.

The EUCHR ruling in the Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz v. Switzerland case states that "each State has its own responsibilities within its own territorial jurisdiction in respect of climate change." Following this argument, we propose an analysis framework to take states' heightened mandate of care towards their own citizens and territories into account, introducing an alternative line of differentiation by experienced impacts.

Using the fast climate impact emulator RIME-X for impact attribution, we quantify national shares of global climate impacts exploring different impact allocation regimes (e.g. area, population, or GDP). We introduce the responsibility-to-harm ratio as the ratio of the share in historic emissions vs. the share in experienced impacts on a national basis. This identifies the percentage of self-inflicted harm vs. harm caused by the conduct of others.

This weighting of national emissions by impacts enables a prioritisation of a state's accountability for domestic impacts. It, thus, partially counteracts the fragmentation of responsibility, making principles of international environmental law more easily actionable. It also provides a simple metric for the inequitable distribution between responsibility for climate change and the impacts it causes, contributing to the quantification of international climate injustice.

How to cite: Högner, A., Nauels, A., Nicholls, Z., Schwind, N., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Establishing climate accountability through attribution of climate impacts to GHG emissions within territorial jurisdictions, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-9647,, 2025.

EGU25-12279 | PICO | EOS4.2

How below is well-below? Future-proofing interpretations of the Paris Agreement 

Robin Lamboll and Joeri Rogelj

The Paris Agreement’s fallback temperature goal, keeping global warming well below 2oC, is typically interpreted as staying below 2oC with a specified probability, with legal disputes over what the probability should be. Such framing is not futureproof because uncertainty decreases with time, systematically weakening the target towards allowing temperatures to approach 2C itself. We show the science and legal discussion available at the Paris Agreement’s signing guides an interpretation using a level of conserved median warming, with a minimum 66% chance of staying below 2oC translating to 1.8oC of expected median warming and a more defensible 83% chance giving 1.6oC.

How to cite: Lamboll, R. and Rogelj, J.: How below is well-below? Future-proofing interpretations of the Paris Agreement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-12279,, 2025.

EGU25-13353 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Towards forward-looking carbon debt assessments to comprehensively capture state responsibility for climate change 

Setu Pelz, Gaurav Ganti, and Carl-Friedrich Schluessner

Under current scenario projections of global climate ambition, we expect to exceed a 1.5°C consistent remaining carbon budget this decade. At the same time, many countries have already accrued ‘carbon debt’, reflecting historical emissions exceeding their ‘fair share’ of the remaining carbon budget. The ‘carbon debt’ concept can be extended to forward-looking scenario-based assessments, by comparing expected future emissions trajectories with current remaining budget allocations (or debts) for a given temperature target. At the year of net-zero carbon emissions, we term this the ‘net-zero carbon debt’. This measure can be used to assign responsibilities for expected temperature exceedance and related domestic climate impacts, capturing both intra- and inter-generational inequities. Such an approach ensures that ‘fair share’ considerations persist even if a remaining carbon budget is initially exhausted, linking expected emissions pathways with corresponding carbon drawdown obligations and responsibilities for realised impacts. We apply this approach to examine recent downscaled scenario projections for European Union member countries, quantifying the expected carbon drawdown obligations and responsibility for climate impacts that they imply. We then discuss the value and limitations of such assessments in informing domestic considerations of fairness thus far reliant on a rapidly dwindling remaining carbon budget. In summary, this work examines a new forward-looking domestic application of ‘fair share’ considerations in a manner robust to exhaustion of a 1.5°C consistent remaining carbon budget.

How to cite: Pelz, S., Ganti, G., and Schluessner, C.-F.: Towards forward-looking carbon debt assessments to comprehensively capture state responsibility for climate change, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-13353,, 2025.

EGU25-16281 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Quantifying intergenerational inequity in lifetime climate risk as evidence in child and youth-led lawsuits  

Rosa Pietroiusti, Annalisa Savaresi, Sam Adelman, and Wim Thiery

Climate change is already causing widespread negative impacts across the world, including by increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme events such as heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. With further warming, children and young people will be exposed to an ever-greater number of risks from anthropogenic climate change. Building on previous research quantifying lifetime exposure to climate extremes [1,2], we present a flexible framework, demographics4climate,  that can be applied on any climate dataset to quantify lifetime exposure to climate risks in a spatially explicit and age-specific way. We present the application of the framework on a case study by estimating the lifetime exposure to high and very high fire weather conditions in Portugal for different generations and under different demographic and warming scenarios. We discuss the relevance of this analysis for the climate lawsuit Duarte Agostinho and others v. Portugal and others (recently dismissed from the European Court of Human Rights), as well as the relevance of the framework for child and youth-led climate lawsuits more broadly. We propose that this framework, including possible extensions upstream towards emission sources and downstream towards impacts, could provide meaningful science-based contributions to the evidentiary base of child and youth-led climate lawsuits.  


[1] Thiery, W. et al. Intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes. Science 374, 158–160 (2021).

[2]  Grant, L. et al. Global emergence of unprecedented lifetime exposure to climate extremes. Nature, accepted. 

How to cite: Pietroiusti, R., Savaresi, A., Adelman, S., and Thiery, W.: Quantifying intergenerational inequity in lifetime climate risk as evidence in child and youth-led lawsuits , EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-16281,, 2025.

EGU25-18077 | ECS | PICO | EOS4.2

Evaluating the responsibility of investor-owned carbon majors to invest in direct air carbon capture and storage 

Dalia Kellou, Yoga Pratama, Cristian Zuniga, Firza Riany, Matthew J. Gidden, Richard Heede, Gaurav Ganti, and Carl-Friedrich Schleussner

Current assessments of "fair shares" of global mitigation efforts have tended to focus on the responsibility of States. However, recent climate litigation has started to focus on the responsibility of non-state actors, which should ideally be informed by quantitative fair share assessments. Here, we explore a case study of large investor-owned carbon majors, which were responsible for 24% of global fossil CO2 emissions between 1990 and 2018. Drawing on commonly invoked principles of climate justice, we suggest that large investor-owned “carbon majors” should be assigned Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS) investment responsibilities. This responsibility is in addition to their primary responsibility to adopt a stringent decarbonisation trajectory consistent with the Paris Agreement objectives. DACCS is a potentially important component of mitigation portfolios consistent with global climate objectives and has a low land footprint relative to other carbon dioxide removal options. However, DACCS is in its formative phase, the early and expensive stage of technology deployment. Significant near-term investments are necessary to buy-down the cost of the technology so that it can play a cost-efficient role in future mitigation. We assess the level of investments necessary to move DACCS out of its niche phase (32 billion USD central estimate, with interquartile range 6 – 92 billion USD). Beyond that, about 250 billion USD in investments (central estimate, interquartile range 135 – 313 billion USD) may be required to buy-down the costs to 100 USD / tonne of CO2 captured. We assign responsibilities for this deployment to investor-owned carbon majors, finding that the ten highest emitting carbon majors should bear responsibility for around 17 billion USD (central estimate) in investments to contribute to moving DACCS out of its formative phase. When we also account for the buy-down cost to achieve the 100 USD/tonne goal, the scale of this responsibility may double if these company emissions grow at the same rate as global stated policies. Adopting a decarbonisation trajectory in line with a net zero emissions scenario significantly reduces this ongoing responsibility, reiterating the importance of robust company-level strategies aligned with the 1.5°C warming limit of the Paris Agreement.

How to cite: Kellou, D., Pratama, Y., Zuniga, C., Riany, F., Gidden, M. J., Heede, R., Ganti, G., and Schleussner, C.-F.: Evaluating the responsibility of investor-owned carbon majors to invest in direct air carbon capture and storage, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-18077,, 2025.

Parties to the Paris Agreement are committed to submit five-yearly climate pledges, known as Nationally Determined Contribution (NDCs), that describe their intended climate change mitigation actions for the next 5 to 10 years. The Paris Agreement mandates that subsequent NDCs represent a progression compared to earlier NDCs, be a country’s highest possible ambition, and reflect a country’s common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities in the light of different national circumstances. While there is a rich literature on interpreting and operationalising equity and fairness in international climate policy, scholarship on interpreting and operationalising the norms of progression and highest possible ambition is largely absent. In addition, recent literature indicates that because of insufficient past action, several countries find themselves in a position where even their deepest possible emissions reductions do not result in equitable contribution when considered in an appropriate historical context. Here, we will present a framework for the operationalisation of highest possible ambition in NDCs. While this framework is applicable to all countries, it is also presented as a way to inform minimum requirements for the level of ambition of climate change mitigation action under the Paris Agreement by historically high emitters.

How to cite: Rogelj, J. and Schönfeld, J. K.: Highest possible ambition as a minimum requirement for historical high emitters under the Paris Agreement, EGU General Assembly 2025, Vienna, Austria, 27 Apr–2 May 2025, EGU25-21225,, 2025.

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